A [No. 3, 1770]
Englijb and French Writers,
(Chiefly Modern.)
Whlck will be Sold by Auction
At Effex-Houfef in Effex^^treel, in the Strand,
On Monday January the 2 2d, 1769,
And the Three following Evenings.,
To begin precifely at Six o’clock,
Y# ht viewed Friday the igth, and to the Time of Sale,
Catalogoci may be had at EJJex Houfe in EJJex-Street,
in the Strand
Conditions of Sale as ufual.
Terms of Sales by Auction
SAMUEL PATERSON, o( Effex Houfi^
in EJfex Street in the Strand^ London.
STATES/ Freehold, Copyhold and Leafehold; REVERrioNS
Perpetuities, Advowsons, Annuities, Company-
Shares, &c. worth from lool.. to good, at Five per Cent. From
^ooi.. to io_ol. at Two and a Half per Cent. Frorti loool. upward#
at One and a Half per Cent. Printed Particulars, Advertifement^
and all other Expences attending the faid Sales included.
Stocks in Trade, viz.Woolen, Linen, Mercery, Haberdalhery
and Millinery Goods, Hardware#, Bankrupts Effefts, &c. Wines,
Rum, Brandy, Tobacco, Drugs, Hemp, Flax, Cordage, White and
Tarred Yarn, Raw Silk, Cotton, Indigo, Iron, and Importatrons of
all Kinds; Prize Goods, &c.. worth from lool. to 500I. at Five per
Cent. From 500I. to loool. at Four per Cent. From loool. ta-
3000I. at Two and a Half per Cent. From' 3000I. upwards, at One
and a Half per Cent.
Stocks in Kuss andr Y,viz, Corn, Hay, Hops, Cattle, Timber,
Utenlils in Hufbandry, Arts and Commerce as above.
Houshold Furniture and moveables of all Kinds, worth
from looI. to 500I. at Seven and a Half per Gent. From 500I, up-
wards at Five per Cent,
Plate and Jewels, from lool. to loojil. at Two and a Half per
Cent. From i o 00 i. upwards at One and a Half per Cent.
Pictures, ScuLPxuRSi', Bronzes, Goins and Medals,
•Chinw and Curiosities of ail Sorts, from rool. to 500I. at Se-
ven and a Half per Cent. From <;ool. upwards at Five per Cent.
Natural Rar ities, viz. FoiTils, Shells, &c. at Ten per Cent.
Books, Manuscripts, Prints, &c. at ditto..
N. B. is to be remeviberedy that in the Sales of the above Goods y,
Ailvetijements, printed Catalogues^ and all other Expences attending the Jaid-
l^les, are iy '■Juded in the Con.mijsion^ fane in the Articles c^Books, Manu-
feripts Prints, in which the extraordinary Time and Trouble in taking
Catalogues mufi be made a feparate Charge : and wherever a double Portion
Latini Sertfwnist C. M. Exempt, skgans,
L. B. ap, Elz. 1657
32 Stay Philofop’nia Pocma . — Rom,
33 Low t-b de Sacra Poefi PlebrsEor. Oxon, 1763
34 SeledisB e profanis Scriptoribus Kill. Par. 1734 — and 2
35 hloratius in Ufum Delph. DubI, >737
36 Dunfter’s Horace Lat, and Eng. — 17 39
37 Francis’s Horace, 4 V. —
38 Oeuvres d’Horace, par Sanadon, 8 to.
39 Poeiies d’HoraCc, par Batteux, 2 to.
40 Hurd’s Horace, z V
41 Dayidfon’s Horace and \ irgil, 4 V.
42 Virgilius Lat. Si Germ. — —
43 Dryden’s Virgil, 3 V.
44 Trapp’s Vi/gij, 3 V. — •
45 Warton’s Vjjgil, 4 V. 8 VO. — ^
46 Martyn’5 Virgil; 2 V.
4'] Brady’s Virgil, i, 17 16 — Eachard’s
Jm / t , 1733
Par. 1760
Cambr, 1757
Halls f 1748
' >737
48 Tercntius,Z>« 5 /. 1745 — Ovidii Metajnorph.^/. Plantm.
Antv. 1561
49 Comedies de Terence, par Dacier, 3 to. Amft. 1724
50 Garth’s Ovid’s Metaraorph. Czitij 2 V. in i.
DubL 1727
51 Dryden’s Juvcnal'and Perfius, 1726— Schomberg’s Life
of M'tEcenaS, 1766
52 Lucretius Lac. and Eng. 0177/6 Du Guernier’s
2V,^ ^ — -7— 1743
53 Ciceronis Orationes feledte, in Uf, Delph. Land, 1739
54 Cicero.’s Letters, by Melmoth, 3 V. 1753
55 Plioii Epife. SiPanegyr. a Maittaire
56 Pliny’s'^Lettert, by Melmcth, 2 V. > 7^3
^7 — by Lord Orrery, 2 V. 1793
58 Tacitus Eineili; 2 to. r hip/. 1752
59 Gordon’s Tacitus, 5 V, — 1733
60 Veil. Paterculus — L/^.AimL i66|^
C'l Honreri Opera Gr. ^ Lat, per Clarke. 4 tom.
— Lond.i'j^o
' ^2. — llias Gr. Sc Lat. z to, ib. 1722
63 Oeuvres
C 5 1
63 Oeuvres d’Hotncre, par Dacier, alecks Jig, de Picart,
6 to. — Amft. 1731
64 Qavis Homerica per Patrick, hond, 1741 — Luciani
Dialog! Gr. & Lat. per Leedes, 1736
65 Anacreon Gr. & Lat^ per Barnes hond. 1734
66 Sophocles Gj*. & Lat. 2 to. Glnfg. 1745
67 Oppian’s Halieutics, by Jones 0 ; ^ ■ '■ 1730—175,8
281 Inditotions Politiques, par le Baron dc Blelfeld, 4 to.
« ' — — * "..""i. ■ - r " " * ■ Par. 1762
t%Z Dcs Corps Politiques et 4« lewra Gpuvernemene, 2 to.
■ ■■■ — — lyont 1764
883 Pitto, 2 to.
*84 Donatq, I’Homme d^Eftat. 3 to. 176*7
^85 Mably* le Drpit public de Ji’EurQpe, 2 to. Amfi.\'y(Ji
#86 Pequet, PKfprit des Maximes Politiques, 2 to.
— ~ 1757
887 L’Ideedu Prince et de fon Miniftre Iranc. 1763
a88 Hift. Poiitique du Siccle, a to, ^ Lovd. 1755
8^9 Anton. De Vera^ parfait AmbalTadeur. 2 to,
290 Principer
< < 3 )
Igo't'iintipej PoIitiquM ■■ ■ • " ■ Pur.ilitf
*91 Eougcant, Hift. do TraW dc Weftplialie, 6 to#
— ^ 1^51
492 Mabfy, Printip« deg Kegociations# Amfu 17^7—*
Champigny; Soppl. aa Mtnidere de Mr. Pitt,' Lcrfi*
29^3 D'Argcnfon, Coiiilidcratiofns frfr la Governement de U
France — Jmft 1764
294 La RichcfTe de I’Etat, &Ci
295 Arrets et Reglchiens fur leTarif de 1 664 2to.Ptfr.i75#
496 Tlieorieet Pratiqnede rimpot, i to. A-vign, * 7^3t
497 Code de la Police, P/tr. 1761 Police fur les MendU
ans, 1764
49^ Beaufobrc, Introdofl; a TEtade" de*^ la Politique dei
Finances, 2 W « ■ ' Amfi, 1^6%
499 Recberches fur les Finances de France, 6 to.
— 44 ^ 1758
300 Recucil dei Teftamcnts Poliriquet, 4 to# Amfu 1749
301 Tefiament Politique du Card rDe Richelieu, 2 to.
— ^ Far, 1764
j02 dll Card. Alberoni> Lauf. 1753
Tell:. Polit. du Due De Belle-lde, Amfi, 1 762
303 Flemens de PHift. de France i -— ^ Par, I758
304 Henault, Abrege ClirohoK de de France
~ — P4»r.i756
305 ' '■ ■ - ■^2- W*
306 Brunet, Abrege Chronoi. desGr^ds Fiefs 1759
307 Sibert, Variations de la Monarqhie Francoife, 4 to.
3b3 Anecdotes de France, 4 to. — «•
309 Memoirs of Philip De Coiriiines, z V,
310 AtitbalTades de Meflrs^ DeNoailles, 5 to.
|i I L’Eftoilei Journal de Henri III. 3 to.
312 ■ IV, 4 to.
.313 Lettres ’do Card. D’OlTat, 5 to.
314 De Bury, Hift. de Henri IV, 4to
ji$ :Aiiilntfla^s de Mr. De fa Boderie, 5 to.
316 Merooiresdu Due de Sully, 8 to.
317 The Duice of Sully’i Memoirs, 6 V.
318 Memoires du Marq. De Feuquieres, 3 to
Card de Rec2, 4 to.
de Guy joli, 3to. —
~ Mr. De^t. Itilaite; 4 to,
■ D« Torcy, 3 to..
Am/t 1765
Par, 1763
i6. 1744
Uaye, 174I
Am/t, 173 ^
Par, 1766
Par. 176}
Am/t. 1751
Gen, 1751,
Amft, 1 7^
Hayti I73f
5^3 Memoires deMr.De Tdrcy^ 3 to. Amftj, 175^
J24 — - — Louis XIV, par I’Abbe de Choify
Xitrec. 1727
g2c Lettres pour I’Hift. militaire de Louis XIV. 8 to.
— —
1,26 & Mem. du C^mte D’Ellradcs, 9 to.
Land, 1743
327 Negociaticns du Comte D’Avaux,. 6 to. en 3.
Par. 1754
528 Menr. de I’Abbe de Morrtgon, 7 to. hauf 1752
329 Arrets des Parlemens de France, 1763 — 64, 2 to.
330 Memoirs of the Marchiouefs of Parnpadour, 2 V,
331 Sfecle Litcraire de I ouis XV’'. 2 to. Amft.
332 Tableau de. la Viile de Paris Par. 1^6^
333 Voyage Pittorefque de Paris ib. 1757
334 Defeription de la Viile de Lyon hyon, 1761
.335 Keate’s Account of Geneva _ 1761
336 Sfanyan’s Account of Switzerland • 17^^4 .
337 Saint-Marc, Abrege Chronol. de PHift. d’ltatic, 4 to.
. F<2r, 1763
338 Mernoires fur Pltalie, to. 2, 3, Loud, *7^4
339 Amelot,. Hid. du Gouvernement de Venlfe, 2 to.
— Anift. 169.5
340 Vertot, Hid. des Ghe^aliers de Malthe, 7 to.
' * Par. 1761
341 Hift. of the Houfe of Ede, 1681 — Mom. cf the Duke
of Riperda, 1740
342 De Vayrac, Etat de I’Efpagne, 3 to. Amp. 1719
343 Aiinales d’Efpagne et de Portugal, par D. Juan Al-
varez, 8 to. ib. 1741
344 Abrege Chronol. de i'Hift. d’ETpagne et de Portug^,
2' to. — - Par. 1765
345 V^ertot, Revolutions de Portugal, Hayey 1755 Hift.
du detronement d'Alfonfe V’^L Roy de Portugal,. 2
to. Par. 1742
346 Abrege Chronol. de I’Hift. d’AIlemagne ib. l'’5'4
347 Prefent State of Germany, 2 V’'. 1738
348 Life of Fred. Will. I. King of Pruftia, 1756 — Life oT
Count Bruhl
349 Hift. of the Houfe. of Brunfwick-Lunenbu^gjL.
350 Bancks’s Hift. of the Floule of Auflria
- 35 1 Panckoucke, Abrege Chronol, de I’Kift. de FJandre
afZ li\iinP.P 5 Pai^V'ia:i^lu/ti'afa 1742
’’ Janic-on,,
( 15 )
l 55 Janicon* Etat de la RepubU des Proylnces-Unies, atd,
Tiaye, 1 755--Poeket Maps of the United Provinces,
Amfu ^ ^
354 Lacombe, Abrege Chronol. de I'Hi C de^Ncid, to.
■ '■ ih , 1765
355 Lettres fur le Dannemarc. 2 to. #«. 1764
356 Roger's State of Denmark 176^
357 Mallet, Hift. de Dannemarc, 6 to, Gea, ij 6 j
358 Lord' MolefwortVs and Bp Robinfon's Accounts. of
Denmark and Sweden, 1738
359 Hill, de Guftave-Adolplie, 4 to.
360 Adlerfeld, Hill. Militaire de Cha. XII, to. z, 3, 4.
361 Forme da Governeiiient de Suede, Copsnh*
Military Slate of Siveden
262 — — — ilf , 1756
Lettres de Fabrice, 1761
363 Connor’s Hift. of Poland, 2 V, 1698-- Haureyille'a
Account of Poland, 1698
364 Hift. de Jean Sobieiki, Roi de Pologne, t
365 Perry’s State of Ruflia -■ ■ ■ 1716
366 Strahlenberg, Defeription de PEmpire Ruffiea, z
Par» 1757 — Lettres Mofeovites, /4.1736
SaimnlungRufficher Ge/chichttf <^ tQ, 17^4
Third Evening’s Sale, fVedriefday, Jarfuar^ 24.
OCTAVO & Infra.
Acquet Elementa Geometrias per Whiflon,
Cant. 1722 — Wells’s Aftronomy, 1718
369 Keill’s Aftronomical Leiffures 1760
370 Helfliam’s Leftures in Nat. Philofophy 1743
371 Compleat Syftera of Navigation DubL \*tkQ
372 Roberifon of Mathematics Inftrumenti *75^7
373 Oeuvres de Maupertuis, 4 to. lyortyl^^
374 Biliftein, le Vegece Francois Amft, 1762
375 Bonnet, Contempl^ion de la Nature, t to. ih. 1 764
376 Helvetlus,
if 6 Helvetius, I’^^fpnt, 2 To. cn tt
2('77 Hamilton's philofophical EfFays •*-
378 Hoyle’s Gaim^s, (omphu
^79 iew of the internal Policy of Gr* Britain 1764
386 Htidfon’s Intrcdufti to Trade and Bufinefs* 176^ — -
Thomas’s Britifh Negotiator
3$i Watfon’s Tables of Intefeft and Exchanges, 2 V.
. — ^ ^ Buhl, 1758
Flachat, Obfervatldhs fur le Commerce et furies Arts,
2 To. Lyon 1766— Bilan de I'Angletcrre, 1762
385 Cnild of Trade
384 King’s Britilh Merchant, 3 V. ■ - ■ ■ 1748
585 Confidcrations on the Sugar Trade — 1763
>^6 Another Copy
387 Petty’s political Arithmetic, 1 699-^Bailon on Trade
and a public Spirit, I'jib
jgg — — — <1 699 ^ Paterfbn's State
' of the Union and ef the Yrade and public Revenues
1717 .
389 Gompleat Gonnting- Honfe Companion 1 763
290 The General Shop-Book — , 1753
391 Poftlethwayt’s Commercial Intereft of G^r. Britain, iVa
— — — - . 1757
^92 ITAvenant’s Pistes cm Tradti the pvhlit Revenuet, &C. 7
V. — - 1698—1704
>293 Duteks, Recherches fur lei Decouvertes des Modernes
— — Par.ij66
' 294 The Farmer’s Letters to the People of England, 1768^
39$ Hart’s Eflays on Hufbandry ■ 1764
296 Stiliingflett’s Tratls on Nat. HiUr Hafbandi^, &c.
■ '■■■■ •■ ' . ■ • * 176*
297 L' Agriculture reduite a fes Principes Par, 1762
398 Difeourfes read to the Academy of Belles Lettres,i74f
399 Hift. de PArt chez les Ancient, t T.
400 Da Vinci’s Treatife of Painting I'jzt
4jOI Webb of the Beauties of Painting - 1760
402 Bardon, Traite de.Peinture et de Sculpture, a T,
. ' ' ■- — .
403 Da Bois, Defeript. des Tableaux dn Palais Royal
_ ib. 1737
404 Catalogue des Peintures dans les 4 Cabinet de I’ElcC'-
teur Palatine, Manh, f 756— Hebert, Almanack des
Beaux- Arts, Van 1764
4P5 Algarotti'-s Eflay on Painting i _ *7^
4^6 The EngHfli Connoiffeur, ^ V. - — 176^
407 Moirit’r
( *7 )
40^ Morris's Leflurei op Architeflnre
408 Wood’s Orders of Columns ^
*09 Oakley’s Every Man a complete Builder
410 Morris’s Deiigns in Architecture
41 1 Wrighte’s Grotcfquc Architecture
412 Overton’s Dcfigns for Temples
4 1 1 Chey ne on Regimen, 1 7 5 3— Ditto On Health and kmg
Life, 1725
414 Tidot, Avik au Peuple «'■ "" P^f, 17^
415 Le Begne, Confervateur de la Sante ib.
416 Cornaxo of a temperate Life, ItaL 17^
417 Goulard’s Treatife on Lead ^ 7^9
418 Arnaud of Diiordersof the Bladder and Urethra,! 7]^
- —•Kufpini's Treatife on the Teeth, 1768
419 Brookes’s Natural Hiftory, 6 V.
42A Dictiunnaire d’Hill. uatureile, par De Bomare, 5 To^
^ * 7^4
deSante, 2 T0. tL i^jSz
de Chixurgie, 2 To. _ — * 176^
43 »
des Beaux- Arts, par Laecnnbe^ U. 1751
des Auteurs Francois Ytvans, Btrh 1757
• de !a Langue Francolfe
des Mots Francois, 2 To. Par. 1765
Hidoriqae, par l’Advocat, 2 T.
des Portraits Hidoriques^, 3 T. P^k 1768
-d'Anccdotcs, 2 To. w- 176^
•Hiftdriqiie, Litteraire 4 t Critique, 6 To,
• Genealog. Hcraldiqoc, &c. 3 To.
^ Par. 1757
m HZZ" - ■ " dvffc /x ^ttpp/,
439 Caufes celebits^ 25 To, — —
434 Select Try als at the Old Bailey, 4 V. — 1754
435 Cafes of Impotcncy and Divorce, 3 V. in 1. 1737
436 Le Droit publiquc Germanique, 2 T. Amjt, 1749
437 ! ■ de I’Europe, par Mably, 2 To.
- ih. 1761
Camhr, 17^4
' 173?
Lonti, 1758
— 1716
Oa/, 1761
438 Rudierfortli’s Lectures on Qrptius, 2 V.
439 C$lkfli(in of Treaties ^ 4 Y.
440 Code Frederic, 3 To, ■ ■ »
441 Klopman Jus eligendi ■ - '■ "j" * - '
442 Hale’s Hid. and Analyils of the Law
444 Bla^kilone's ApalyGp
445 ^iackSone’s Liw Trails, 2 V.
446 Laws of Eledion —
44^ the Admiralty, 2 V.
448 Fielding’s Extrads of Penal Laws — ^
449 Law Quibbles, 1736 — Worral’s Law-Catalogue, 1768
Oat/. 1762
,450 Les Termes de la Ley
451 Sidney on Government, 2-V.
45:2 The North Briton, 2 V.
453 Papers and Letters in the Cafe of Mr,
Edinb. 1750
PariSy 1767
.454 Howell’s Letters — — J754
455 Ray's Proverbs *— — 1768
Lord Shaftefbury’s Charadleriftics^ 3 V, tSmo 1749
4^ Brown’s ElTays on the Charafterillics — 1751
458 Eftimate, 2 V* 1757 — ^Dutoon Civif Liberty,
■459 Aaron Hill’s Works, 4 V. -p- — 17^4
460 Fenelon’s Telemachus, Fr. Sc Eng. by DesMaizeaux,
2 V. —
2 V. — —
461 Memoirs of Ninon de PEnclos*
462 Marmontel’s BeHfarius — ■ —
463 Letters between Henry. and Frances, 4 V,
464 The Woman of Honor, 3 V» —
465 Indiana Danby, 2 V. — —
466 Hift. of Lady Julia Mandeville, V. i. —
467 The Counteisof Delwyn, 2 V. — ■
468 The Vicar of Wakefield, 2 V. —
469 Lady Louifa Stroud, 2 V, — ^
470 Sophia, 2 •—
471 'I he Triumvirate, 2 V. — - —
472 The Reverie, 2 V. — —
473 Adventures of an Atom, '2 V.
474 Memoirs of the Bedford Coffee-Houfe — ^
475 h— -—e-. of Mifs Maria Brown, 2 V.
( 19 )
^ u A R r 0.
47^5 Robertfon’s Hill, of the Emperor Clia. V. 3 V. 17691
477 Claj*ke’s Letters on the Spanith Nation *7^3
478 Daviia, Hiji. dc!fe Cuerre cinjili di Aranda Ven. 1654
479 Robert's Maps of KulTia, u^^on Canvas ^ folded for the
Pocket Paris, 17^0
480 Rivauiella, Marmora Taurinenfia Jaur, 1743
4?i Antiquiteg Romaines, ou Mem, dii Com.e de B.
liaye, 1750 '
482 fchiriidt, Recueil d’Antiquites trouvees a Avenches;
a Culm, &c, en Suiflc — — Bern. I'jbo
483 Gvvynn’s London and WeftminAer improved 1766
484 Tradson the Bills of Mortality, Folitical Arithmeticj
&c. 1759
485 Poll of the Livery of London 1768
486 Memorials, &c. in the Douglas Caufe. 4 V. 1767*69
487 Robbins’s Abridgment of the Irilh Statutes Dubl, 1736
488 Statutes of Ireland abridged; by Bullingbrooke and
Belcher, 2 V. — Dubl. 1754-56
489 Grotius, par Barbeyrac, 2 to. Leid. 1759
.490 Pufendorf, par Barbeyrac, 2 to. — ib. 1739
491 Vattel, le Droit des Gens 1758
492 Oeuvres dc Patru, 2 to. Par. 1732
493 Chriftiani V. Leges Danka Haun. 1710
494 Wicquefort; PAmbalTadeur et fes Fon£lions, 2 to.
— Col. 1715
495 Memoire pour ct centre Mr. Bigot, 2 to. Par, 1763
4^6 .. ■ >. — du Sieur Martel dans I’Affiaire du Canada
497 Lettres ct Mem. du Chev. D’Eon Lbnd, 1764
498 Interets des Nations de I Kuropc, 2 to. Leid. i'jb(j
499 Letfre fur la Poefie etla P/inture, Fr.ScEn.Mf.Petenb. 1768
500 La Merope di MafFei, Ital. Fr. e Ingl. con Annota%iom
Ven. 174J
501 Fergufon's Aftronojtny -
502 Beccaria, dell Elettrictfmo
503 Mifcellanea Phiiofophica-Math. Societatis privatoc
Taurinenf. — ib, 1760
50 Oldenburgh's Tables of Exchanges — 1756
505 Crunden’s Architefture ' 1767
506 Common Prayer, nvith Fjgifersy gilt on the Leaves, 175 3
507 Andther Copy
508 Ditto
' t 20 3
509 Salmon’s Abridgment of the State Trials
5 10 Coke upon Littleton . — —
Wood's Inftirute, ’^a'Edit.
. , 'Edit, - ■ ■ ■■ ■
5 ^*
of the Civil Law
- -173Q
4 mft- 1729
Covvel’s Law Diftionary
Leonard’s Reports, Part 4. - — -
516 De la Mare, i’raite la police, 2 to.
517 Digges’s Com pleat Ambaffador — — —
51S Wicquefort's Lmbsilador, by Digby
5 1 9 London Gazette from 16^6 to 169O, 8
1 20 Charters of the Colonics, 1691— -Account of Moniei
V ilfucd out of the Exchequer for fecret Service, Pen-
fions, ScC. 1721 to \yz^ incli{f. — — 1769
521 Brookes’s Succeffion of the Nobility from the Con-
quefi to »622
522 Melvile’s Mcmoircs « *6^3
Geographical Didlionary, 2 V. — — 1760
sn _ ^
524 Hakluyt’s Voyages, B. L*
525 Harris’s Voyages, 2 V
526 Knolles’s.Hiil. of the Turks
htpr. by Bifhop, 1 589
174 «
— : lbo3
527 Marfigli, Etat militairc dc PEtnpire Ottoman^g
Uaye, 1732
J28 Spence's Polymctii 1755
529 Hooker’s Works — itjSz
Fourth Evening’s Sale, Thiirfday, yaniimy 2
0 cr jv 0 htm.
530 jT^Pe^fator, Tatler, and Guardian, 14V, i8mo. 1747
531 Rambler, 4 V, — — — •— 1756
53» k 3 Hume’s ElTays, 5 y. i 7>7
533 Goldfmith’s Rffays ^ — 1766
534 Burke on the Sublime tnd Beaut ful 1761
5 3^5 Webb of the Bcaufics of Painting and Poetry, 2 V,
/ — 1762
^ 53^ Baker’s
( 21 )
Baker’s Playhoufc Didlioniry, t V, —
Ij-; Mor{\'»gne’£ Fflays, 5 V.
538 Kabejais’s Works, 4 V. (wants V, i.) —
539 Snioikt's Don Quixote, 4 V, — —
5:^0 Ralegh*.'. Woiks, 2 V. ■ ■ ■ —
541 /I'empic's Works, 4 V. —
542 Lord Bolingoroke’s Works* ii V. — —
543 Swift's Works, 22 V. 8 VO.
545 CUiih^. B V.
Fielding’s Worjks, 8 V. Bvo
Sir Charles Grandifoii, 7 V. —
Sterne’s SentiKentai Joarney, 2 V. L
J4.8 Spenfers Works, b V, iSmo — p—
549 Warton’s Obfervations on Spenfer, 2 V,
550 hhakcfpearc’s Works, by Johnron, ^ V. —
55 1 ■“ illullrated, by Mrs. Lennox, 3 V,
552 Pope’s Works and Tranllation of Horner, if V.
5J3 Kuffhead's l ife of Pop*
554 The Foundling Hofpital for Wit —
5f5 Foote’s dramatic Pieces ■ " .
556 Dodfley’s Collcftion of Poems, 5 V. (wants V. 3)
■ ■ ■ . 175*
par Saint- M.i re, 5 To. Par 1747
a. 1757
1 74*
557 Oeuvres de Boileauj
■ — La Fonfaine, ST.
Samt Evremond, 12 To. — —
4^0 ■ — Saint-Real, 8 To. —
561 —— — — Houdar Dela Motte, 11 To.
56a » — Fontenclle, 1 1 To. —
da Roi de Prufle, 8 To. --
^>64 dc], J. Roufleau, 15 To.
— Voltaire, 38 To.
566 Biographical Di&ionary, 12 V, — •
567 Guthrie’s Hift. of the World, 12 V. — —
568 Modern Univerfal Hiftory, 44 V.
569 Kent’s Grammar of Heraldry —
570 Dugdalo’s antient Ufage of bearing Arms
571 Salmon’s Englilh Peerage —
572 Millan’s Peerage of England —
573 Collins’s Peerage of England, 7 V.
574 The Pocket Herald, 2 V. — ^
575 Fxtinft Peerage -
5476 Bolton’s extinfl Peerage
577 TheEnglifh Baronetage, 5 V. ■'
578 Peerage of Scotland — —
.... M Iceland
— *75f
Par, 1757
ib, 1754
ih, 1759
Paris 1^6^
— 1767
IT 59’— 66
Oi(f, 168 a
*75 S
— 1768
’ 1768
C 22 ]
580 Kimber’i Peerage of Ireland — 176I
5S1 Petty's political Anatomy of Ireland •— 1691
582 Hillory and Antiquities of Dublin — 176^
^83 London and its Environb, 6 V, — 1761
584 Foie’s Defcription of Windfor Caflle 1 76 j
585 Burr's Hift of Tunbridge-Wells 1766
586 Lclang’s Itinerary, with Rofs of Warwick, 10 To.
— — — Oxon , 1744
587 Seven Cconty Maps uj>on Canvas, doubled for the ?Qt;ket
588 Lloyd’s Sl£te«Worthies, by Whitworth, 2 V. 1766
589 Life and Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh, 1 677 — ^Memoirs
of Lord Bolingbroke, I 5 2
590 Cfropbcll’ii Lives of the Admirals, 4 V. 1761
591 Hume’s Hift. of England, d V. — - 1763
592 Smollett's Hift, of England andContin. 12 V, 1758-6^
593 Lord Bolingbroke’i Remarks on the Hift. of England,
— ,,, — ^ *747
594 Geography of England - i
595 England’s Gazetteer, 3 V, — — — —
^96 Th