Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofmonsichri A -—- ty - _ CATALOGUE MONSIEUR EUGENE PIOT’S ^ CELEBRATED COLLECTION OF KNOWN AS ONE OF THE BEST OF THE KIND, COMPRISING „ A large number of Examples of the highest quality by PISANO, SPERANDIO, PASTI, AND OTHERS; ALSO FINE EARLY GERMAN MEDALS, &e., &c.: WHICH Will be 3olb bij Auction, bij Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT Illffi 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MAY 8, 1882, And following day, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square , /S'. IF. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, MAY 8, 1882, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. All bronze unless otherwise described. References to Armand ‘Les Medailleurs It aliens' Francesco, Senior, 7th Duke of Carrara, dated 1350, Bust (nude) to right —a shell 1 ■ //, '2 Francesco, Junior, 8th Duke of Carrara (1390-1406), drape I 'Bust to left, rev. the family arms Ham. 2f in. i Ham. 2f in. 0 /0 tr~/i 3 Leonello, Marquis of Este, a great patron of art and letters (1441-1450), on his marriage, by Pisano. Bust to left, rev. Cupid presenting a scroll of music to a lion 1 Armand, p. 2, n. 4 Viam. 3f in. / 4 Another, also by Pisano, Bust to right, rev. Triple-faced head of /? a genius between ornaments Armand, p. 2, n. 7. Ham. 2§ in. 5 Another, by Pisano, Bust of Leonello to left, rev. two nude male figures supporting two baskets of flowers 1 Armand, p. 2, n. 9 Ham. 2 % in. b 2 4 *7 /T- 31 <7 A? £ 32 7 t&e- 29. Borso d’Este, Duke of Ferrara and Modena, great administrator, and patron of arts and letters (1450-1471), by Petrecini of Florence, bor.dux, highly ornamented Bust to left wearing a jPJf / cap with a jewel at the side, rev. plain— extra rare , and of great merit 1 Not in Armand Octagonal , 3^ in. by 2^ in. /£$ //T 30 Nicolaus Schliefer, celebrated German musician, living in Italy in 1457, by Giovanni Boldu, Bust to left, rev. Orpheus holding a lyre— of fine art 1 Armand, p. 22, n. 6 Diam. 3 \ in. Constant Sforza, Lord of Pesaro (1468-1483), by Giov. Franc, f Enzola, Bust to left, rev. the Fortress of Pesaro —very fine 1 Armand, p. 26, n. 7 Diam. 3£ in. Cristoforo Mauro, Doge of Venice (1462-1471), by “ant,” Bust to left, rev. Venice seated, holding a sword and buckler, between two lions 1 Armand, p. 28, var. Diam. If in. Am 33 Mahomet II., Sultan (1443-1481), by Gentile Bellini, Bust of the Sultan to left, rev. gentilis . bellinus . venetus, &c., the crowns of the three kingdoms of Constantinople, Trebizonde, and Ico- nium— extra fine 1 Armand, p. 29, n. 1 Diam. 3f in. Nicolo Palmieri, Bishop of Orta, famous philosopher and theo¬ logian (1455-1467), by Andrea Guaccialotti, nude Bust to left, rev. nude figure (Time) on a pedestal, with hour-glass, &c. 1 Armand, p. 30, n. 1 Diam. 2£ in. Nicholas V. (Tommaso Parentucelli), Pope (1447-1455), by Guaccialotti, Bust to left, rev. the Pope seated in the stern of a boat inscribed Eclesia (symbolical of the Bomish Church), and guiding it by the rudder 1 Armand, p. 30, n. 2 Diam. 3 in. 34 A?. fco /<, 35 Dr. Friedlaender, in his important work, says that lie only knows one origiual bronze specimen of this extra rare medal, in the St. Mark Museum of Venice. 8 «T 36 Pius II. (Enea Silvio Piccolomini), Pope, famous author and politician (1458-1464), by Guaccialotti , Bust to left, rev. ^ Pelican and young ones— extra fine 1 K Armand, p. 30, n. 4 Diam. 2f in. /ry 37 Sixtus IY. (Francisco d’Albescola della Bovere) Pope, son of a peasant of Savona (1471-1484), by Guaccialotti , Bust to left /^ 7 with tiara, rev. Constancy standing 1 Armand, p. 31, n. 6 Diam. 2| in. 38 Another, by same artist , Bust (bareheaded) to left, rev. the Ponte Sisto at Rome fff* ' Not in Armand Diam. If in. 39 Alfonso, Duke of Calabria (afterwards Alfonso II., king of Aragon and the Two Sicilies, 1494-95), 1481, by Guaccialotti, Bust nearly full-faced, in high relief, with his monogram and coronet on the cuirass, rev. the Duke’s triumphal entry into Naples— a splendid specimen Armand, p. 31, n. 7 Diam. 2f in. 40 Nicolo Marcello, Doge of Venice (1473-1474), by “C.T.F”, Bust to left, rev. plain Armand, p. 34, n. 1 Diam. 3f in. 41 Giovanni Mocenigo, Doge of Venice (1477-1485), by “ C.T.F”, Bust to left, rev. plain ,W. Not in Armand Diam. 3f in. 42 Filippo de’ Medici, Archbishop of Pisa (1461 1474), by Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Legend and Bust within a wreath, rev. the Last Judgment Armand, p. 35, n. 2 Diam. 2\ in. 43 Paul II. (Pietro Barbo), Pope (1464-1471), by Vellano, Bust to f> left, rev. the Barbi family arms— uncommon in so fine a state 1 Armand, p. 37, n. 1 Diam. If in. ^Z 44 Giovanni II. (Bentivoglio), Lord of Bologna (1462-1506), by Sperandio, Bust to left, rev. Bentivoglio in full armour, on horse- V back, to left Armand, p. 43, n. 8 Diam. 3£ in V i / *9 . 9 45 fe>z 2 — /3 J: 46 £~- 47 Z/5L. Floriano Dolfi, humanist, professor of jurisprudence in Pisa (1464-^7^/- 1506), by Sperandio, Bust to left, rev. Janus seated, with his feet on a lion 1 Armand, p. 45, n. 18 Diam. in. Guido Pepoli, councillor of Giovanni II., Bentivoglio (1449-1505), by Sperandio, Bust to left, rev. two men playing at chess 1 Armand, p. 48, n. 34 Diam. 3J in A gem of art, and one of those extremely rare specimens entirely chased by the great artist himself, who evidently also gilded the medallion. Mahomet II. Sultan (1443-1481), by Costanzo, Bust to left, rev. the Sultan on horseback to left 1 N Armand, p. 53, n. 1 Diam. 4 m. / // This powerfully executed medallion is of extreme rarity, and cannot be surpassed for condition. 4 & 49 ./ ^7 50 7 J J 51 6 2 - - 52 53 Giovanni II. (Bentivoglio) Lord of Bologna (1462-1509), by Franceso Francia, Bust to right, rev. inscription in six lines— gilt Armand, p. 60, n. 1 Diam, 1| in. Nicolo Micheli, Venetian orator and philosopher, in 1493, am¬ bassador to Charles VIII. of France, and in 1499 procurator of St. Mark, by Fra Antonia da Brescia, Bust to left, rev. Bust of his wife to left * 1 Armand, p. 63, n. 1 Diam. 2f in. Gianfrancesco di Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua (1407-1444).^/^ .y by G. F. Buberto, Bust to left, rev. Cavalry combat 1 ^ Armand, p. 63 Diam. 2 in. Lucretia Borgia, wife of Alfonso I. of Este, Duke of Ferrara (1502-1520), by Filippino Lippi, Bust to left, rev. Cupid tied J, to a tree— bell metal 1 Armand, p. 65 Diam. 2| in. Gentile Bellini, famous Venetian painter and engraver (1426- 1507), by Camelio, Bust to left, rev. Apollo and Dragon Armand, p. 65, n. 1, var. Diam. in. Vittore Camelio, Venetian sculptor and medallist (1484-1523), (7. done by himself in 1508, Bust to right, rev. a sacrifice 1 ' " ' * Armand, p. 66, n. 3 Diam. If in. t 10 so 54 55 7 £ 56 Domenico Grimani, Cardinal (1493-1523), by Camelio, Bust to left, rev. Theology and Philosophy w / Armand, p. 66 n. 7 Diam. 2f inf^^^J Sixtus IV. (Franc. d’Albescola della Rovere), Pope (1471-1484), by Camelio, Bust in tiara to left, rev. the Pope giving an audience 1 Armand, p. 67, n. 8 Diam. 2 in. //^ Giuliano de’ Medici (the Great), born 1478, by Camelio, Bust to left, rev. Virtue and Fortune 1 Not in Armand Diam. 2 in. /to Another, by G. Cavino, Bust to left, rev. Boma seated on arms, with Victory, at sides C—P (Cavinus Patavinus)— gilt on rev. 1 Not in Armand Diaim 1| in. Julius II. (della Piovere), Pope (1503-1513), by AmbrogioFoppa^ called Caradosso, Bust to right, rev. frontage of the Church of St. Peter at Rome 1 Armand, p. 68 , n. 2 Diam. 21 in. * 59 Francesco Sforza, Duke op Milan (1450-1465), by Caradosso (?)// Bust to left, rev. the Duke on horseback under a canopy receiving homage from his subjects 1 Not in Armand Diam. If in. Thomas Moro of Venice, Prefect of Verona, 1527, - Pomedello, Bust to right, rev. back view of a Phoenix 'y <£ 60 r 2 61 62 r fb 63 Armand, p. 75, n. 7 Diam. 2 in. Unknown Female, by G. M. Pomedello, Bust to left, rev. Man kneeling, carrying on his head a basket of flowers and fruit, behind C him, Cupid on a globe inscribed a.s.o u//j. Armand, p. 75, n. 8 Diam. 2f in. Jacoba Corrigia, by Pomedello, Bust to left with hair in net, behind, a lily and sprig of oak, rev. Cupid bound to a tree 1 Armand, p. 75, n. 9 Diam. 2f in. * Magdalena of Mantua, by Filippino Lippi (?), 1504, .Bust to right, rev. a draped figure running after a female figure, also draped, holding an hour-glass, &c. 1 Not in Armand Diam. 1§ in. 7 /; frJ 11 ?/.// 64 /£ /f> 65 ^ 66 z z- £- Jr 67 Another, by same artist , Bust to right, rev. Swan holding Cupid’s bow and quiver 1/Af^cr . Not in Armand Diam. 1^ in Andrea Gritti, Doge of Venice, a distinguished general (1523- 1539), by Giovanni Zacehi, Bust to right, rev. Nude female holding cornucopia and rudder, standing on a globe, surrounded' by a triple-headed dragon 1 Armand, p. 83, n. 2 Diam. 2£ in. Pietro Bacci, called Aretino, a celebrated satirical critic, sur- named “ II flagello de’ Sovrani,” and intimate friend of Titian the painter (1492-1557), by A. V. (Agostino Veneziano), Bust to right, rev. Aretino seated on dais, &c. 1 Armand, p. 83, n. 1 Diam, 2 | in. Clement VII. (Giulio de’ Medici), Pope (1523-1534), by Giovanni Bernardi, Bust to right, rev. Joseph appearing to his brethren — a gem 1 Mo Armand, p. 87, n. 4 Diam. 14 in. A /o 68 Ippolito II. of Este, Cardinal, and patron of Tasso (1538-1572), by Domenico di Polo, Bust to right, rev. a youth seated, fastening a collar around a vixen’s neck 1 Armand, p. 88 , n. 1 Diam. 2 in. Antonio Mula, Duke of Crete (1536-1538), by A. Spinelli, Bust to left, rev. Mula and another Venetian senator hand in hand 1 Armand, p. 89, n. 1 Diam. If in. A J. >59 ,1 70 Andrea Gritti, Doge (1523-1539), by Spinelli, Bust to left, rev. Church of St. Francisco 1 Diam. 14 in. 71 J2- Armand, p. 90, n. 4. Adoration of Maria, rev. inscription {not in Armand); Venice seated, rev. Saviour blessing Doge, &c.; St. Jerome in the desert, all by // Spinelli 3 ' Armand, pp. 89, 90 nos., 2, 6 Diam. I f in. //. // 72 Pietro Bembo, Cardinal, poet and historian (1539-1547), by Benvenuto Cellini, Bust to right, rev. a Pegasus 1 * ^ Armand, p. 97, n. 1 Diam. 2£ in. 12 /S~- f. /. t- /o *.3 - / / 2_ 4T c^}. < 73 Clement VII., Pope (1523-1534), by Cellini, Bust to left, rev. . Peace burning implements of war 1 Armand, p. 99, n. 12 Pm li m. / '74 Another, by same artist, Bust to right in high relief, rev. Christ bound to a pillar in the temple 1 Armand, p. 101, n. 2 Z Ham. 2f in. 75 Paul III. (Alessandro Farnese), Pope (1534-1550), by Alessandro Cesati, termed “ U Grechetto,” Bust to right, rev. Ganymede tA# watering the Farnese lilies— gilt 1 Armand, p. 103, n. 4 Diam. If in. 7 6 Another, in bronze, same type 1 77 Ludovico Ariosto, celebrated poet (1474-1533), by Pastorino, Bust to left, rev. Bees driven from their hive bv fire 1 /C Armand , p. 106, n. 3 Diam. li if 78 Cornelio Bentivoglio (1536-1585), by Pastorino, Bust in armour to right— a gilt shell \ Armand, p. 107, n. 7 Diam. 2f in. 79 Anibal Bentivoglio, h. 1537, by Pastorino, Bust to right— a shell 1 Armand, p. 107, n. 8. Diam. 2f in. 80 Tiberio Crispi, Cardinal (1544-1566), by Pastorino, Bust to left, rev. Time in a triga drawn by a horse, lion, and bull 1 Armand, p. 108, n. 18 Diam. If in. 81 Ippolito II. d’Este, Cardinal (1538-1572), by Pastorino, Bust to right, rev. plain q ’ A Armand, p. 109, n. 20 Diam. 1§ in della Bovere, wife of Alfonso d’Este, Marquis of Mon- ^ tecchio (1549-1563), by Pastorino, Bust to left, rev. plain 1 Armand, p. 109, n. 22 Diam. 2J in. 83 Charles of Lorraine, Cardinal (1547-1574), by Pastorino, Bust to right— a fine gilt shell, with portrait artistically cut out 1 Armand, p. 113, n. 47 Diam. 2* in. 84 Camilla Martelli, mistress and afterwards second wife of the 7 ■ S - — ———tuici vvciitio seuuuu wne oi tne / 1 Grand Duke Cosimo de’ Medici (1569-1590), by Pastorino, Bust i • i i i • I to right, rev. plain Armand, p. 113, n. 49 1 . Diam. If in. 13 h==^=- 86 Sr 3 4 ^2 //_. * 4^- 90 -2 5 " // Gracia Nasi, at the age of eighteen, by Pastorino, Jewish legend, and Bust to left —a shell 1 Armand, p. 114, n. 53 Diam. 2f in. Pompeo Pendalia, b. 1487, by Pastorino, Bust to right at the age of seventy-three— a shell i J%u. Armand, p. 114, n. 56 Diam. 2f in. Hieronima Sacrata, 1555, by Pastorino, Bust to right— a pretty shell, yilt Armand, p. 116, n. 68 Diam. 2f in. Hieronimo Spanocchi, by Pastorino, Bust to right, rev. plain 1 Armand, p. 116, n. 74 Diam. If in>-r Maria Martelli, wife of Balthazar Suares, m. 1570, by Pastorino, Bust to left, rev. plain Armand, p. 117, n. 75 Diam. If in. Francesco Yisdomini, theologer (1509-1573), by Pastorino, Bust to right, rev. plain 1 Armand, p. 118, n. 83 Diam. 2f in. Sir 91 Maria Aragonia, by Pastorino, Bust to right, with crown behind, rev. plain 1 Not in Armand Diam. If in. / / 92 fUs t£- / £> Andrea Doria, the famous admiral and Liberator of Genoa (1466- 1550), by Leone Leoni, Bust to right, rev. Bust of Leoni to , (7^ right 1 Armand, p. 120, n. 6 Diam. If in. Another, by same artist, Bust as before, rev. Galley Not in Armand Diam. If in. Charles V., Emperor of Germany (1519-1558), by Leone Leoni , Bust to right, rev. Salus sacrificing 'A Armand, p. 119, n. 2 Diam. 2 in Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal Granvelle, famous politician (1561-1581), by Leone Leoni, rev. the ship of iEneas in a storm r/rAAL Armand, p. 121, n. 6 S S' Diam. 2f in. 14 ^2-.- /$ 06 ~ 'a X L f a Y /s? So y L> f !)6 Martin de Hanna, by Leone Leoni, Bust to right, rev. Female praying in a standing position 1 $ Not in Armand Liam. 2f in/ 97 Ferdinando di Gonzaga, Prince op Guastalla, by Leone Leoni, Bust to left in armour— a shell ^ Armand, p. 20, n. 8 Liam. 2| in. *** 98 Isabella of Portugal, wife of Charles V. of Germany (1526- (2 1556), by Leone Leoni, three-quarter-faced Bust to Mt—/C4 / shell ' i Armand, p. 119, n. 3 Liam. 2f in. 99 Isabella de Challant, wife of Gioy. Fed. Madruzzo, by P. P. Galeotti, called Romano, Bust to left, in hat, rev. a Tree on a p2 rock, resisting wind and waves 1 Armand, p. 126, n. 15 Liam. If in. 100 Meli-Lupi (Cassandra Marinoni, wife of Deiphobe II.), d. 1573, by Galeotti, highly ornamented Bust to right, rev. Octostyle Temple /1 Armand, p. 126, n. 18 Liam. 2£ t C This and the following medal by Galleotti are of extraordinary art , and in the finest condition. 101 Vincentius Golettus, by Galeotti, Bust in silken doublet to right, / with medal and chain around neck, rev. Proteus and Dolphin Not in Armand Liam. 2f in. 102 Paul Arrigoni, by Galeotti, Bust to right, rev. Equity seated l/* Not in Armand Liam 103 Francesco Tavern a, nearly full-faced Bust—a shell Not in Armand Liam. 2f in. 104 Ippolita di Gonzaga, wife of Antonio Carrafa (1554-1563), by Jacopo da Trezzo, Bust to left, rev. Aurora in car drawn by a Pegasus 2 Armand, p. 129, w. 1 Liam. 2£ in. 105 Charles V., Emperor of Germany (1519-1558), by Trezzo Laureated Bust to right, rev. Aurora in car as before 1 / / 1 y Not in Armand. Liam. 2| in. - 0<3 15 106 107 /** 8 /r 109 /y* / / Philip II., King of Spain (1556-1598), by Trezzo, Bust to right, // rev. two hands holding a yoke over the globe 1 / > K Fv 4 Armand, p. 130, n. 3 Biam. If in. Mary I., Queen of England (1553-1558), by Trezzo, Bust to left, rev. Queen as Peace, seated, burning the implements of war 1 Armand , p. 130, n. 4 Biam. 2f in. Ippolita di Gonzaga, at the age of fifteen, by Trezzo, Bust to left, rev. draped female, and various implements of the arts and sciences # 1 Not in Armand. Biam. 2f in. Pierluigi Earnese, Duke op Parma and Piacenza (1545-1547), by Fed. Bonzagna, called Parmigiano, Bust to right, rev. the Citadel of Parma 1 Armand, p. 133, n. 5 Biam. If in. /ff A 110 Ottavio Farnese, Doke of Parma (1547-1586), by Bonzagna , Bust to left, rev. Apollo and Marsyas 1 Armand, p. 133, n. 7 Biam. If in. Alessandro Farnese, Cardinal (1534-1589), by Bonzagna, Bust to left, rev. the Church of Gesu at Borne 1 Not in Armand Biam. If in. Julius II. (Giuliano della Bovere), Pope (1503-1513), Bust to S' left, rev. the Castle of St. Angelo —silver 1 Biam. 1 f inv Paul III. (Alessandro Farnese), Pope (1534-1550 , Bust to right, rev. St. Peter’s Church— Biam. If in .; Another, rev. View of Borne, same size ; Another, Bust to left, rev. inscription— Biam.-N << 3 //a fc 4 111 /- ^ # / r y yC> 112 113 If in. ./ 5 ". 114 Another, in silver, Bust to right, rev. Security seated to right 1 115 / / \ 16 Biam. If in. Paul III., rev. tusculo. rest, a view— Biam. If in.; Another, gilt, rev. a Building —same size; Julius III. (1550-1555), rev. Hilaritas standing— Biam. If in. 3 Paul IV. (1555-1559), by Bonzagna, rev. Bust of Christ— Biam. 1 in.; Another, gilt, by same artist, rev. Bust of Pius V.— Biam. If in.; Pius IV. (1559-1556), rev. inscription in wreath— Biam. If in. 9 /A 16 fr> 7 L fcr^bXYl Pius IV ., rev. Plan of fortress— Diam. 1£ in.; Another, rev. ^ Temple— Diam. 1^ in.; Pius Y. (1565-1572), by Bonzagng rev. the Battle of Lepanto— gilt — Diam. 1J in .; Another, rev. Bust of Christ— Diam. If in. 4 18 Gregory XIII., introducer of the Gregorian Calendar (1572-1585), by Bonzagna, rev. the Pope opening the sacred door— silver — Diam. If in.; Another, copper-gilt, by same artist, sacred door . closed, same size /a ' 119 Gregory XIII., gilt, by L. Parmigiano, exterior of a church— Diam. If in .; Another, by same, rev. Christ preaching— Diam. If in.; Another, by same, rev. ram’s head —same size 3 120 Clement XI. (Albani), Pope (1700-1721), by C. Dubut, Bust to right, rev. Altar . X Diam. 5f in. 121 Clement XI., by Eamerani, rev. St. Luke painting the Holy Yirgin in accordance with his vision (Academical prize medal)- gilt — Diam. 2§ in.; Benedict XHI.'(Orsini), 1724-1730, by same artist, and of the same type, but silver-gilt — Diam. 2§ in. 2 122 Leonora Camb, by Alfonso Buspagiari, Bust to right, on a pedestal, with left breast exposed —a shell Armand, p. 141, n. 5 Diam. 2f in. 123 Isabella Mariana Carcass, by Buspagiari, Bust to left _ a leaden shell, artist's proof Not in Armand Diam. 2f in. 124 Unknown Lady, at the age of eighteen, by Buspagiari, artistically draped Bust of this beautiful lady to the right—a leaden shell, aS*° beautiful artist's proof 1 Not in Armand Diam. 2f in. 125 Camilla Kugeri, by Buspagiari, draped Bust to right, on a pedestal —leaden shell, also an artist's proof 1 Armand, p. 140, n. 8 Diam. 2f in. 126 Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy (1553-1580), by Bus- \r> pagiari, Bust to left —a shell 1 Armand p. 141, n. 8 Diam. 3 in. 17 / // 127 Philip II., King of Spain (1556-1098), by Giov. Paolo Poggini, Bust to left, rev. India presenting the Globe to Spain — gilt ^ Armand, p. 146, n. 8 Diam. If in. /. 128 Another, by same artist, Bust to left, rev. Bust of his wife Isabella to right— Armand, p. 147, n. 10— Diam. If in. ; Alessandro Farnese, Cardinal, by Milon, Bust to right, rev. a Church 2 Armand, p. 144, n. 3 Diam. If in. Maria of Austria, wife of Maximilian II., Emperor of Germany, /' (1548-1603), by Ant. Abondio, Bust to left —a shell Armand, p. 150, n. 4 Diam. *1% jm. Cosimo I. de’ Medici, Duke of Florence (1537-1574), by Dorn rj Poggini, Bust to right, rev. victor . vincitur, two figures at an altar in front of a palace l ^ Armand, p. 158, n. 3 Diam. If in. Another, by same artist, Publics, &c., a street in Florence— Diam. 1-9 /o, 130 31 /> 132 If in. ; Another Integer, &c., Apollo, same size A. -133 134 If in. /a Francesco Marie de’ Medici, Prince of Florence (afterwards Grand Duke of Tuscany), 1564, by D. Poggini, Bust to right, rev. Female standing between two recumbent figures 1 Armand, p. 159, n. 4 Diam. If m. Jr Another, rev. hetruria . pacata, draped Female standing between a lion and wolf and twins 1 Armand, p. 158, n. 3, var. Diam. If in. Two others, rev. Thuscorum, &c., a harbour, varieties— Diam. Jr> End of First Dai/s Sale. c Second Day's Sale. - On TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1882, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. _135 Cornelius A. Muerop, Cardinal Archbishop op Utrecht 1 (1558), by Stephen of Holland, Bust to left, rev. Arms of the Cardinalate D Diam. 3 in. ' 136 Georg, Count of Egmont, Bishop op Utrecht (1534-1559), by Stephen of Holland, Bust to right, rev. two hands issuing from a cloud distributing money ^ Diam. 2 | in. y ~ '■137 William, Earl op Pembroke, KG., statesman and soldier (1551- 1570), by Stephen of Holland, "Bast to right, rev. draco, hic, &c., allegorical female figure, and temple— silver—a piece broken off the edge, but the portrait intact 1 B. M. Guide, 7-31 Diam. If in. 138 Ercole d’Este, Duke op Ferrara (1471-1505), Bust to left, wearing cap, with plain reverse 1 Oval, 21 by If in. This fine plaque is of similar style to that we catalogued in the “ Bale ” Sale (lot 21G3), but in our opinion it is even of still greater merit. f - 139 Lorenzo de’ Medici, the “Magnificent” (1469-1494), by Niccolo Florentine, Bust to left, rev. Florence seated under a palm-tree, holding three lilies 1 Armand, p. 59, n. 4 ^ Diam. 3f in. 19 fS 7 140 Alessandro di Gino Yechietti, Bust to right, rev. Fortune on Dolphin, &c. \A Diam. 3 in. g 141 Borghest or Siena, a famous jurist, Bust to left, rev. Pallis with Ms is 1 /f i hi"* Sz /o Diam. 2\ in. 142 Girolamo di Santo Geminiano, Apostle, living in Rome in 1477, Bust to left, rev. Pegasus / Diam. 2 in. 113 Marsilio Ficino, philosopher, and President of the Platonist Academy (1433-1499), Bust to left, rev. Platone across the & field Diam. 2| in. 144 Ercole I. d’Este, Duke of Ferrara (1471-1505), Bust to left, rev. Minerva B. M. Guide, 22-46 Diam. 2 in. 145 Cristoforo Cuegnan, Bust to left, with two ivy leaves below, SO" - - rev. meo.pectore, &c., stag couchant, with escutcheon around // neck, in exergue, S.M.K. 1 //^ Diam. 2 in. This is a gem of the finest Florentine art. //? s/T ^46 Cosimo I. de’ Medici, the Great (1389-1469), by Nicolo Fiorentino, ^ Bust to left, rev. Florence seated to left— -in the finest possible/^ ,^ y condition , perhaps the lest in existence 1 Diam. 3| in 147 Gonsalvo of Cordova, the famous general (1443-1515), his escutcheon supported by Hercules and lanus, rev. scene battle - % r Diam. 4 in. 2(7 ^148 Magtr. Anthonius, Bust to right, with the truncation inscribed /* 0 Candid, rev. Escutcheon 1 Diam. If in. j, ^149 Luigi Risado, Bust to left, rev. Bust of a lady 1 S' 7 / ^ T '' "* ’ ^ r Diam. 1^ in. Z ' 1 c 2 20 150 Pietro Balanzano, Bust to left, in high relief, vjev. a human skull 1 Diam. 2| in. r 151 Giovanni Ghaddi, Bust to left in very high relief — a shell 1 y/. / ,,, 3?. V, • y/rt Uiam. oi in. 152 Girolamo Savonarola, Prior of St. Mark’s, Florence, burnt for heresy in 1498, by Giov. delle Corniole, Bust to left, rev. a hand issuing from a cloud holding a dagger over the city of Florence -9 at B. M. Guide , 29-61 Diam. 2§ in. r /y 153 Lorenzo de’ Medici, the “ Magnificent,” by Ant. Pollaiuolo (1449- 1494), Bust to right, rev. ob . cives . servatos, Mars and three recumbent figures ^ B. M. Guide, 16-34 Diam. in. 154 Augustus Yates, astronomer and poet to Frederic III., Emperor of Germany, Bust to left, rev. the muse Urania 1 Diam. 1£ in. 7 155 Giuliano della Kovere, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia (afterwards Pope Julius II. (1503-13), Bust to right, rev. Bust to right of// his nephew Clemente della Rovere, Bishop of Maude Diam. 2§ in. y — 156 Roberto Brijonet, Archbishop of Reims and Primate of France /- (1493-1497), Bust to right, rev. inscription in five lines J-4L. Diam. 2| in. 4 157 Galeotto Marzio, great poet and savant, chosen by Mathias Corvinus (lot 20) as tutor to his son, d. 1477, Bust to left,^/ rev. a book-shelf 1 6 Diam. 3^ in. 158 Girolamo Saomiani, Venetian general, on his relief of (Esopo in - 1515, Bust to left, rev. Victory crowning a male figure seated on arms and holding a fortress 1 Diam. 2 in. ^ 159 Francesco Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (1540-1550), Bust to left, rev. Duke and three figures 1 Diam. 1| i\ 21 /x /y 160 Clara di Gonzaga, Countess of Montpensier, &c., Bust to ri<; —a shell 1 ?.4? A* A, /> 22 & - 168 Leo X. (Giovanni de’ Medici), Pope (1513-1522), the youngest Cardinal ever appointed, having been born in 1475, and created Cardinal in 1488, Bust in high relief to left, rev. his arms ^ x> B. M. Guide, 74-274 Diam. 24 in. / 170 Pietro Aretino, “ II flagello de’ Sovrani,” famous satirist (1492- / / (/y 1557), by Agostino Veneziano, Bust to left, rev. angel crowning . Truth, &c. Diam. 2| in. &G76 Bernardino de’ Kossi, Bust to right, rev. Virtue in a car drawn by an eagle and dragon y D iam. 21 in. , ' 177 Batista Spaniolo, poet, theologer, and orator (Federigo Gonzaga placed his statue alongside that of Virgil), 1448-1516, Bust to left, rev. Eagle, seraphim, and swan 1 DiamAA in. 23 7 & bn 8 Johanna of Austria, daughter of Charles V., Bust (three-quarter) "7/, / to left, rev. Ceres seated to left 1 7-7 179 fS /& 180 Diam. 2f in. Giovanni Batista Confalonieri, noted physician at the beginning of the 16th century, Bust of Giovanni to left at the age of ^ seventy-three, rev. Bust of his brother Girolamo to right 1 / ) / v/^ 4 Diam. 2 1 in. Francesco Cornelio Musso, a famous orator, termed the “ Isocrates of Italy,” also Bishop of Bitonto (1511-1574), Bust to right, rev. Swan with expanded wings walking on the water /' B. M. Guide, 55-171 1 — ' Diam. 2 5 - in. 181 Ferdinand, Emperor of Germany (1558-1564), Bust to right, rev. the Danube Diam. 2f in. / / 182 Another, with similar bust as Emperor elect —a shell / 3 /Z - 183 / 1 // , Diam. 2| in. /S*// 6 184 Sun’s rays ap- z /' lidst, VOX DE 4 185 J-s- ' 186 Gian Battista Salvatorini, famous poet and jurist, who flourished about 1550, Bust to right, rev. the nine Muses, a plated medal 1 Diam. 2 ] in. Giovanni Moroni, Cardinal, some time President of the Council of Trento (1509-1580), Bust to left, rev. the Sun’ pearing through storm clouds, and in the midst, ccelo 1 Diam. 2 in. Leo XI. (Alexandro de’ Medici), Pope, 1605, died seven days after his election to the Pontificate, Bust to left, rev. a Lion asleep, without legends, an unfinished medallion, perhaps the first proof 1 Diam. 2£ in. Giovanni Bressani, celebrated poet, at the age of seventy, Bust to /L, left, rev. Knout and laurel branch \s ^ _p Diam 2£ in. 24 // - 187 Girolamo Cardano, a great scholar, learned in astronomy, history, mathematics, physics, and literature (1501-1576), Bust to left, rev. a procession of Bacchanals, and in the exergue ONEIPON ^ 1 JB. M. Guide, 55—174 Diam. 2f in. £ 188 Mattia Ugoni, Bishop of Famagosta, known as an extremely just prelate, d. 1516, Bust to left, rev. Scales within a wreath of laurel and palm j&o 1 Diam. 2J in. 189 Geladdin Kohabar, an oriental prince, Bust to left, with halo / / around turban, rev. plain Oval, 2 in. by If in. 190 Barbarossa II. (Khair-ed-din), Sultan of Algiers (1518-1546), Bust to right, rev. Arabic inscription //& Diam. 14 in. /191 Gian Battista Orsini, Bust to right, rev. Unicorn in front of a y 7 tree, on which is an escutcheon, at the side, a fountain Diam. If in. ^ 192 Gianello della Torre, famous horologist and mechanician, termed by Charles V. “ 11 principe degli artifici,” Bust to right, rev. Fountain in shape of a female figure, from which various persons of both sexes are filling drinking vessels B. M. Guide, 42-101. Diam. 34 in. —193 Luigi Mocenigo, Doge of Venice (1570-1577), Bust to left rev. Venice seated to left with sword, &c.— silver L Diam. If in. J 194 Augustino Barbadigo, Doge (1486-1501), by Camelio, Bust to left, rev. inscription— Arm. p . 67 n. 10— Diam. 14 in .: • 1 rO/> Another, rev. Venice seated— Diam. 1^ in. yyy^2 I9o Antonio Grimani, Doge (1521-1523), rev. Justice and Peace clasping hands— Diam. \\ in.; Leonardo Loredano, Doge (1501 1521) ,rev. a Tree in centre of military trophies— Diam. /£& 2 If in. '>r s2, / £ / s 196 Marino Grimani, Doge (1595-1605), Bust to right, rev. Lion of St. Mark — Diam. If in.; Morosina Morosini, wife of th above, 1597, Bust of the Dogess to left, rev. inscription— Diam. If in. 2 197 Giovanni Luigi Toscano, famous jurist and advocate, two varieties, with Bust to left, rev. Escutcheon and Minerva 2 0 * Diam. If in. z z Sr-? s' 198 Ascanio Colonna, Duke oe Tagliacozzo, famous soldier and savant, flourished at the middle of 16th century, Bust to right, rev. Yenus standing between two trophies 1 Diam. If in. 199 Cristoforo Maddruccio, Cardinal, and Prince of Trento (1512- y* , 1587), Bust to right, rev. Arms of the Cardinalate 1 ) Diam. If in. y / _ _200 Daniel de Hanna, of a Flemish mercantile family, and a great patron of art, d. 1582, Bust to right, rev. Nude female turning / l y the Wheel of Fortune Diam. If in. / B. M. Guide, 75-285 S 0 ^01 Another, Bust to right, rev. Ahundantia, and voei 202 Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma, famous general (1545- Diam. If in. 1592), Bust to left, rev. a Horse prancing under two wings and a coronet, &c.— a fine leaden medal B. M. Guide, 72-267 a. Diam. If in. ( 203 Giulio Campo, painter of Cremona, Bust to left. rev. ATPOnO^, / Amphora, and wreath 1 Diam. If in. "204 Jacopo Sanazzario, called “ Azio Sincero,” celebrated poet (1458- y *- 1530), Bust to left, rev. the Nativity (an allusion to one of his best poems) 1 Diam. If in. / // 205 Cosimo de’ Medici, Duke of Florence (1537-1574), Bust to right, yWyfj ° ) rev. Capricornus i A/ Diam. If in. 26 206 207 /ST 208 /a h 209 /trfi JO 2 ill 212 Scipione de’ Monti, Marquis of Corigliano, distinguished warrior and linguist (about 1580), Bust to right, rev. inscription in centre of seven wreaths 1 Diam. 2 in. Nicolo Todini, Governor of the Castle of St. Angelo, Bust to right, with D. P. (Domenico Poggini), on truncation, rev. Castle of St. Angelo B. M. Guide, 75-284 Diam. If in- Elisabetta (de Motearto), Marquesa, Bust to left, rev. Knight on Pegasus leaping a crater, on her death in 1616 1 Diam. 1| in. Charles IV., Duke of Lorraine and Bar (1675-1690), Bust to right —a shell ^ fp \ Diam. 2f in. Joseph I., Emperor of Germany (1705-1711), youthful Bust to right, as King of Hungary, m;. plain ^1 Diam. 2| in. Francesco Morosini, one of the greatest of the Venetian generals (afterwards Doge, 1688-1694), by Gormano , Bust to left—a shell / i / Diam. 2 in. 4 rancesco Maria (Cardinal Brancatius) (1680), by Gormano, 1 Bust to right —a shell Diam. 3^ in. 213 £ 214 '7 X/. 215 Unknown Male, Bust to right, rev. plain, without legends 1 Diam. 31 in. ° Charles VIII., King of France (1483-1498), Bust to left, rev. Samson and lion , 7 i Louis XII., King of France (1498—1515), and Anne of Brittany, on their marriage in 1499, Bust of the king to right surrounded by fleurs-de-lis, rev. Bust of his queen to left in centre of lis and ermine tails 1 Diam. 4^ in. r> 27 %o 216 3* /3 217 (2T8 // / 219 'fa ✓ /tfy/ 220 221 Filiberto II. (the Fair), Duke of Saxony, and Margaret of Austria (1480-1504), Busts facing, rev. gloria in altissimis, &c., matrimonial escutcheon —the finest specimen we have^^ seen 1 B. M. Guide, 27—53 Diam. 4 in. Francis I., King of France (1515-1547), Bust to left. rev. Salamander on a vase under a crown 1 Diam. 2 in. Henry II. of France (1547-1559), Bust to right, rev. inscrip¬ tion 1 Diam. 2f in. Henry IV. of France (1589-1610), Bust to right, rev. his nuptials with Maria de Medici 1 Diam. 2 f in. Another, rev. Peace sacrificing Diam. If in. G. d’Estouteville, Cardinal Archbishop of Rouen (1403- 1483), Bust to right, rev. Arms of the Cardinalate 1 ^ Diam. If in. 1 i-7 /cf . 222 Pierre Briconet, famous French general (1503), Bust to right, rev. plain ~\prr Diam. 2f in. Pierre Jeannin, statesman, and President of the Parliament at Dijon (1540-1622), by G. Dupre, Bust to right —a fine shell /') ,2 223 3 J 224 /o /o 225 30 / ) , Diam. 7 4 in. Abraham Oertel, geographer to Phillip II. of Spain (1527-^> y 1598), Bust to right, rev. Greek inscription and snake amongst books 1 Diam. If in. Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden (1611-1632), Bust to , / right, rev. Justice holding sword and scales over people 1 1 £. 8 - 242 ^4^ Z^ 243 2 * - 2 - 244 245 Unknown German Prince, Bust to left in papal stola! between the crossed keys of St. Peter and the Saracen scimitar, above, on a scroll, p . fortis . sustancia (in allusion to the staunch support , given to Christianity against the infidel), rev. plain —gilt 1 //^_x3u Diam. 2f in. Casimir, Margrave of Brandenburg (1481-1527), and his wife Susanna of Bavaria, their Busts to right, rev. Escutcheon— very rare , and a fine piece of German art y* Diam. If in. Ulrich Starck, 1527, Bust to right, rev. Family arms 1 Diam. If iy/tr ? # ^ This and the following medal are perfect gems of art- Jacob Heller of Udenhaim, 1529, Bust to right, rev. Escutcheon and inscription 1 /} r > Diam. If in. Albert Durer, the great painter, 1528, Bust to right, rev. inscription 1 0 Diam. If in. Raimund Fugger, the great banker, Bust to right, rev. Family arms r /\- r ^ Diam. If in. Hermann, Mair, and Dr. Ribisch, friends of Fugger, attached to / his household, 1531, their busts to right, rev. their arms 1 ^ Diam. If in. Hans Kraft, Senior, 1533, Bust to right, rev. his arms 1 Diam. If in. Sigismund I., King of Poland, (1506-1548), Bust to right, rev. Escutcheon— extra rare 1 Diam. 1 f in. 30 / 246 247 ^ 248 249 i s/n 250 Philip Melanchton, the great reformer, (1497-1560) by Hagenauer, Bust to left, rev. inscription —a piece broken off the edge Diam. If in. Ulrich Zwingli, the celebrated Swiss reformer, Bust to left, jjev. Inscription, unusually fine Diam. If in. Erasmus of Rotterdam (1531), Bust of the great reformer to left, ^ rev. a terminus —silver Diam. If in. Gerwich Blarer, Abbot of Weingarten (1527), at the age of . . thirty-one, Bust to right, rev. Escutcheon —silver gilt Diam. If in. Another, 1529, at the age of thirty-four, Bust to right, rev. Escutcheon —a gem 1 7 ' 7 251 Diam. If in. 252 253 7 254 Another, 1567, at the age of seventy-four, full-faced Bust in very high relief, rev. his Escutcheon —silver gilt 1 /fr> Diam. 1 f in. Veit. Conrad Schwartz, one of the family of the famous Augsburg artists, 1572, Bust to right, rev. Rose-tree issuing from a cuirass between his escutcheon and crest —silver 1 Diam. If in. Johann Kleberger, of Niirnberg, Bust to left, rev. Trophy of arms ~ UaA - Diam. If in. Giovanni Giorgio di Sarto, at the age of thirty-nine, by Antonio Abondio, Bust in ruff to right —a beautiful silver shell of minute work 1/yo Diam. If in. 255 Guido Rangoni, Lord of Spilamberto, a famous general and author (1485—1539), by Niccolo Cavallerino, Bust to right, 77 // rev. Victory crowing Europa on bull to right, kc.—silver ^*7 Armand, p. 81, n. 3 Diam. If in. Michael Angelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Bust of the celebrated S, painter to right, rev. plain 1 ^ Oval , If by If in. 256 31 r 57 '1- j t ‘ / 2 . Wladislaus IV., King of Poland (1632-1648), commemorating his victories over the Russians, Turks, and Swedes, obv. the Battle-field of Smolensk, rev. the Turkish and Swedish am- jf bassadors soliciting peace - r ft Diam. 34 in. 258 ./ , / Mythological medal, Venus caressing Cupid, rev. the same goddess administering punishment 1 Diam. 1^ in. 259 260 261 £ x 2^ 262 g. 263 264 Medal of Hercules; and a wooden frame containing three moderryy/ medallions 4 / * Silver Goins .—Nicolaus Trono, Doge (1471-1473), Testoon, hare Bust to left, rev. Lion of St. Mark 1 Ercole I., Duke of Ferrara (1471-1505), Testoon, bare Bust to left „ rev. Equestrian statue Gulielmo II., Marquis of Montferrat (1498-1518), Testoon, Bust to left, rev. Escutcheon 1 ^ Alfonso I., Duke of Ferrara (1505-1534) Testoon , cuirassed Bust to>^ left, rev. Warrior seated to left holding lion’s head, &c. 1 Charles V., Emperor of Germany (1519-1558), Testoon for Milan, Bust laureated to right, rev. Pietas seated to left 1 FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street & Charing Cross.