OA.T^IL.OG-TJIE OF THE in? Ap r Zb LaCU Remaining Works AND ARTISTIC ACCESSORIES OF THAT EMINENT WATER-COLOUR PAINTER EDWARD KILLINGWORTH JOHNSON, DECEASED, Late Member of the Royal Water-Colour Society, late of Sible Hidingham, Essex; AND DRAWINGS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, DECEASED; AND -A- FIrw OLD ZDZR^AATIIINrG-S, FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES: MIjirij brill be ^olb b£ ^.urltott bi) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, ax xm&m sekae books, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S. IF. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - ]. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and ’ authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson, and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, themoney deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, APRIL -20, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Remaining Works of the late E. K. JOHNSON\ R. W.S. BOOKS. 1 Stubbs (G.) Anatomy of the Horse, plates 1853 2 La Fago, Dcseins, Etchings 1G89 3 Newcastle (Due De), Methode et Invention nouvclle do dresser les Chevaux, plates , large paper, several plates wanting Londres, 1737 DRAWINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE. 4 Essex Folk 5 Writing; and Head of a Girl G Barbara 7 The Pet Dove 8 Cattle Under Trees, drc. 9 An Old Garden Study for a picture B 2 4 DRAWINGS IN PEN AND INK. r. - /(> . - /A - - cf. - /£. - - /- /-2_. _ /A- - (: 10 Sunday Morning 11 Keeley, the Actor— from life 12 Counting the Chickens 13 The Dead Bird 14 Listening to the Nightingale 15 Waiting 16 A Tiresome Dog 17 Burning Letters ; &c. 18 A Girl on a Bridge; and Going to Bed 19 Brighton Scenes— four in one frame 20 Filling his Pipe ; &c. 21 The Village Oracle; and A Passing Shower 23 A Gentleman Seated 24 Essex Scenes— three in one frame ,&>£fUfu4. 2 PENCIL DRAWINGS. /C- *■1 J J. I 25 An Old Pensioner 26 Bird’s-Eye View of Edinburgh For the Illustrated London News 27 Fifteen Sketch Books 28 A Folio, containing twenty-four sketches 29 A Ditto, twenty sketches 30 A Ditto, forty-six sketches 31 A Ditto, forty-four sketches 32 A Ditto, twenty-two sketches 33 A Ditto, sixty-onc sketches <*- 3 ^ A- - /■- iT - JL- 6 y - JL' /p 7 - - y. - //. - y. - -£• 6 3 . - /•“ A Ditto, forty-four sketches A Ditto, forty-seven sketches A Ditto, forty-seven sketches A Ditto, forty-five sketches A Ditto, forty-nine sketches A Ditto, fifty-two sketches A Ditto, fifty-one sketches A Ditto, forty-four sketches A Ditto, forty-four sketches A Ditto, of tracings A Book, containing 107 drawings A Ditto, with 136 drawings WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. The Garden Seat On the Sands Warm Tints; A Cottage Window; and Before Harvest Pegwell Bat A Man’s Head ; and Head of a Lady Tea Garden, Pegwell Bay Portrait of the Artist The Beach near Hastings Study for a Picture Lilies A Roundhead; and An Arab Woman On the River Colne, Essex The Stage Waits; and A Roundhead i Off Hastings Langham Sketches Neapolitan Donkey 6 - — Jr. ~ J. - f- " J~. - /- - 2 . • £ J- - Jr. _ JS- - 6 . - 4- Jr . [62 In the Grindelwald; and A Sketch by the Aitist at the ago of fourteen 2 63 A Waterfall ; &c. ^64 An Essex Garden ; &c. j65 Two Views of the Jungfrau (66 The Valley of Lanterbrunnen ; &c. 67 Near Ramsgate ; and A Garden Path 68 The Foot of the Jungfrau; and Mont Blanc 69 Haystacks ; and A Landsoare | 70 Down the Thames; and A River Sketch (71 A Cottage Garden (72 A Cherry Tree | 73 A Midsummer’s Night 74 A Flower Garden — a sketch for a picture 75 Poppies 76 A Boulogne Fisherwoman { 77 Sunset on the Alps 78 A Chalet, Bernese Alps 79 Near Hastings 80 A Cottage in Essex 81 Study of a Female Figure j 82 Sunflowers \ 83 Louis XIII. Figures 84 Flowers J 85 A Study 86 The Birds’ Nest 87 At the Bath 88 Twylight / 89 A Highlander l 90 Playfellows 7 €3 . /o . — 91 f92 1.93 3. 3' _ "94 95 /• /o. f96 1 97 • f98 '99 /?. ioo 101 { 102 /Jr. 103 / /J~. 104 ?' / 7- Q 105 3. /o- 106 7. __ 107 ^ • p- 108 /• ATT - 109 3. /3 ■ - 110 L - ( ln (112 A A 0 . “ 113 A P* /©- — 114 t. /o . - 115 — . . - 116 /• b • - 117 r*. /i~. - 118 My Lady Head of a Lady Found Stealing A Trooper Memories A Lady, in green dress: A night study A Fanatic An Italian Peasant Boy : A night study In the Garden A Sister of Mercy A Country Girl A FlSnERMAN A Girl Feeding a Pony Rushes — The Time of Roses Summer Unexpected Visitors Shipping, 1877 Happy News, 1879 Good Bye Listening to the Nightingale —sketch A Young Lady —unfinished study Dieppe, from Hotel Victoria The Village Oracle, 1887 Oriental Poppies Waiting for the Coach, 1875 The Foster Mother Out of the Shower, 187G -6t^AiLw . 8 £!—•/(>. — /• jL ~ PICTURES. 119 Spring 120 Sunset 121 Hardfinin Castle 122 The Artist’s Garden DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. /- / o - - DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS- L. BACKHUYSEN. 123 A Sea Piece, with boats and shipping at anchor -framed. / Cooce ^- / o . - L. CARRACCI. 124 St, Francis Receiving the Infant Christ / Coocue ^- Jl . -. — F. GALLI (Detto Bibiena). 125 Interior of a Palace Jl . Jr. _ G. POUSSIN. 126 A Classical Landscape, with figures /0-- W. VAN DE VELDE. 127 Boats in a Breeze ; and A Landscape, by Teniers JL . - — CELLINI. 128 Perseus, with the gorgon’s head —pen and inlc » 9 UNKNOWN. tS9 The Plague of Florence —sepia n & ■ 4- CORREGGIO. 130 Eooe Homo Drawing in red and blach chalk DRAWINGS From the Beckford Collection. /.- BASSANO. 131 The Adoration of the Shepherds BAROCCIO. 132 Mart Washing the Feet of Christ V DOMENICHINO. f 133 The Beheading of St. John REMBRANDT. 134 Interior, with figures —in colours UNKNOWN. \JL35 Cupid SCANLAN. /l36 A Peasant Woman; and Danby’s School- -a sketch /3y 7 - /■ /. 10 f/ jC £/• /. ~ PICTURES. W. VAN DE VELDE. 137 A Calm UNKNOWN. 138 St. John —on copper s: /. 4r. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, deceased. ENGRAVINGS. 139 The Early Ploughman, after S. Palmer /Ceu*Ki- ict; a j i t ■ X' 'JEoiUilE loo A red velvet cavalier costume, trimmed with silver lace ; and a small dove-grey ditto 166 A striped brocade George II. lady’s dress 167 Another, similar, with flowers on a buff ground CfL&xjHlIIaMSv 7U &&rvfar?T, •%3s?is£