■C* S.' P. AVERY’S ENTIRE COLLECTION OF WIIJ. BE AT AUCTION , ©upx&ag Veiling, ®eg 4f|, 1875, SOM SEVILLE <0ALLEE¥, 82 Fifth Avenue. CL. A & LIBRARY NO. 4 4 & M.KNOEDLER&GO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC. New York CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF Mr. Saml. P. AVERY'S BY FOREIGN ARTISTS (EX CL US IV EL Y ), NOW OIST EXHIBITION, 3DA.-ST -/VINT ID ZEVEINTIlsrO, AT THE SOMERVILLE GALLERY, No. 82 Fifth Avenue, WHERE THEY WILL BE S o Ij i> at A iictI 0 Tuesday Evening, m ay 4th, 1875- R. SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofentirOOsome SAMUEL P. AVERY, in anticipation of certain changes in his business, and intending hereafter to devote himself to the importa¬ tion and sale of Works of Art of the highest class only, has determined to make a Public Exhibition and Sale of his entire collection of exclusively foreign paintings. They number nearly One Hundred, and include good examples of the French. Belgian, German, Spanish, and Italian Schools. He will not attempt to praise these works, they will be judged upon their merits. But it may not be improper to state that every Painting is his property, nothing has been added from outside sources, they were either painted expressly to his order, or selected by him in Europe; they have never been in other hands, neither have they been offered at auction or ever exposed for sale except in his private rooms. Many of them are the latest works of the Artists, and therefore they are to the public essentially a new collection. In consideration of the precarious chances, at this time, of an Auction honestly conducted, Mr. Avery reserves to himself the right to put a reservation upon a few important works, or to withdraw them at the sale, should no bid be made approximating to their first cost. But the greater part will be put up in good faith, without any reserve, with a full reliance upon the appreciation and support of a generous public. ALL PURCnASES WILL BE DELIVERED IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE. Charity. BOUGUEREAU (WILLIAM ADOLPHE), Born November 30, 1825, at La Rochelle, France. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855, ’57. Legion of Honor, 1859. Medal at the Universal Ex¬ hibition of 1867. This Picture was painted expressly to the order of Mr. S, P. Aveuy, and was exhibited in the last Salon of Paris, No. 232. Kindly loaned for the present exhibition, by the owner, Mr. Samuel Hawk. 13 . Brittany Peasant Girl. BRETON (JULES), Born at Courrieres, France. Pupil of Devigne and Drol¬ ling. Medals, 1855, ’57, ’59. Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal at the Universal Exhibition of 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor. 1867. And Grand Medal of Honor at the Salon of 1872. Exhibited at the Salon of 1870, No. 376. (This Painting will only be offered at private sale.) SALE, f TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 4th, At Half-past Seven o’clock. 1 SCHOOL (M.), Of Vienna. Persian Objects. 9 MARTINETTI (A.), Of Hume. The Serenade. 3 SCHELFOUT (ANDREAS), Of Holland, deceased. Arnheim on the Rhine. 4 BURGERS (HENRI J.), Of Holland. Pupil of the Academy at Amsterdam. The Fountain. Ar FLICK (AUGUSTE-EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. Luxembourg Gardens. 6 FRERE (CIIARLES-TIIEODORE), Of Paris. Pu])il of Cogniet and Roqueplan. Medals, 1848. ’65. The Desert— E vening Prayer. 6 a y -y y ~ Near Teheran, Egypt. 7 IIUBNER (JULIUS), deceased, Of Dusseldorf. Pupil of his Father. i/ The New Shoes. s MULREADY (D. E.), Of London. Sharing a Crust. 9 EE YEN (EUGENE), Of Paris. Pupil of Delaroclie. Medal, 1866. / / Contemplation. 10 DETAILLE (EDOUARD), Of Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals, 1869, ’70, ’72_ Legion of Honor, ’73. Lin-' French Cavalry Soldier. 11 FORTUNY (MARIANO), deceased, Of Spain. Landscape. (Water color.) 8 12 MEQUILLET (GUSTAVE), Of Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. Meissonier’s Studio. _ (Water color.) From Salon of 1874. No. 2,367. 13 KOEK-KOEK (BAEEND-COBNELIUS), Of Amsterdam, deceased. Pupil of his Father. Medals, 1840, ’43. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of Nether!and, and Leopold of Belgium. Wood Scene— Military Camp. (Water color.) 14 Of Paris. ZIEM (FELIX), s. Medals, 1851, ’52, '55. Legion of Honor, 1857. — Twilight —Venice. (Water color.) • 15 < )f Paris DETAILLE (EDOUARD), Pupil of Meissonier. Medals, 1869, ’70, ’72. Legion of Honor, ’73. French Hussar. (Water color.) ALBOY-REBOUET (ALFRED), Of Paris. Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome. The Falconer. GARCIA Y. RAMOS. Of Rome. The Art Critic —Costume, Louis XV. BAADER (LOUIS-MARIE), Of Paris. Pupil of Yvon. Medals, 1866, ’74. The Fountain. INNOCENTI (G.), Of Rome. “A Drop for the General.” LEGLAIRE (VICTOR), Of Paris. Pupil of M. L. Leclaire. Corner of a Studio. 10 21 HERBSTHOFFER (CHARLES), Ot Vienna. j The Armorer of Nuremberg. 22 WILHELMA (H.), Of Dusseldorf. The Favorite Doll. 23 BERNE-BELLECOUR (ETIENNE), Of Paris. Pupil of Picot and Barrias. Medals, 1869, ’72.. On the Ramparts — Siege of Paris. 24 DELORT (CHARLES-EDWARD), Of Paris. Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome. Y The Bric-a-Brac Shop. 25 MULREADY (D. E.), Of London. Without a Home. GAEAY (MANUEL DE), Pupil of Ei vera and the Ecoles des Beaux-Arts of Madrid and Paris. Dictating the Letter. 27 LE YEN DECREE (PAUL-JOSEPH), Of Paris. Pupil of Gerome. The Greek Poet. 28 CASTEES (EDOUAED), Of Paris. Pupil of Zamaeois. Medals, 1872, ’74. Let us ask the Priest. 29 JOUEDAN (ADOLPHE), Of Paris. Pupil of Jalabert. Medals, 1864, ’66, ’69. A Wood Nymph. 30 ESCOSUEA (IGNACE DE LEON Y.), Of Spain. Pupil of Gerome. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Study— Court Yard. 26 Of Paris. /6J 12 * / 30a Study— River B ank. 31 CASANOVA (A.), Of Rome. On the Balcony. 32 WORMS (JULES), Of Paris. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, 1867, ’68, ? 69. A Carlist. 32 a < y u — Spanish Lady. 33 GLAIZE (PIER RE-PA UL-LEON), Of Paris. Pupil of his Father and Gerome. Medals, 1864 , ’66, ’68. The New Robe. w 13 34 DIAZ DE LA PENA (NAECISSE), Of Paris. Medals, 1844,’46, 48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Study of Flowers. 35 MAETINETTI (A.), Of Eorne. Afraid of the Mouse. 36 BOUCHEEYILLE (ADEIEN DE), Of Paris. Pupil of Barrias. Child with Fruit. 37 YIEY (PAUL), Of Paris. Pupil of Picot. Lady in a Garden — Chateau de Blois. 38 JIMENEZ (J. M.), Of Borne. Servant’s Hall — Palace in Grenada. 39 ZIEM (FELIX), Of Paris. Medals, 1851, ’52, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1857. Public Garden — Venice. 40 cs FABRI (A. E.), Of Rome. Pupil of Fortuny. The Arab Lover’s Vow. 41 DELORT (CIIARLES-EDWARD), Of Paris. Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome. “For Charity’s Sake”— Scene from Gil Bias. 41a LESREL (ADOLPHE-ALEXANDRE), Z-Z /y & Of Paris. Pupil of Gerome. The Archer — Louis XIII. Costume. 15 42 GrLAIZE (PIERRE-PAUL-LEON), Of Paris. Pupil of his Father and Gerome. Medals, 1864, ’66, ’68. Cabinet of Antiques. 43 BOUCHERVILLE (ADRIEN DE), Of Paris. Pupil of Barrias. Captivity. 43a Liberty. 44 MADRAZO (RICARDO), Of Paris. The Merry Thought. 45 MUNIER (EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Devotion. 16 46 LECOMTE DE JSTOUY (JELES), Of Paris. Pupil of Gerome, Signol and Gleyre. Medals,, ' (V 1 * 1866, ’69, E2. , l' v - * The Opium Smoker— Cairo. 4 1 >/<$ JACOYACCI (F.), Of Rome. The Toilette —Room in the Borghese Palace. 48 EGESQEIZA (R.), Of Paris. Pupil of Madrazo. Gossiping. 49 LAGYE (VICTOR), Of Antwerp. Pupil of Baron Leys. A Bohemian Girl. 50 WAGNER (JELES), Of Dusseldorf. Pupil of Ivnaus. The Fete Day. From Vienna Exhibition. 1873, No. 231, Belgian section. 51 VAN MARCKE (EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1861, ’69, AO. Legion of Honor, ’72. Cattle and Figures. 52 ACHENBAOH (OSWALD), Of Dusseldorf. Medals, 1859, ’61, 63. Legion of Honor, ./ 3 >: 18C3 - Bay of Naples— Near Baie. 53 VALERIO (THEODORE), Of Paris. Pupil of Charlet. Legion of Honor, 1861. Montenegrin Gypsies. 54 GENTZ (W.) Of Berlin. Travelers visiting the Temple of Abou-Simboul, on the Nile. 54a CLAIRIN (JULES GEORGES), Of Paris. Pupil of Picot and Pils. Prize of Rome. Feeding Peacocks— Moorish Scene. 18 55 CASTIGLIONE (JOSEPH), Of Paris. The Terra.Ce—Haddon Hall, England. GOUPIL (JULES), Of Paris. Medals, 1873, ’74. A Young Citizen of the First Re¬ public —(The Dauphin.) Salon of 1873, No. 663. 57 ROELOFS (WILLEM), Of Brussels. Gold Medal from Brussels Salon. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, and Officer of Or (? ^ the Conronne de Chene. Spring Flood— Cattle. 58 GEROME (JEAN-LEON), Of Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1847, ’48, ’55. Member of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor at the Universal Exhibition of 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Pro¬ fessor in the School of the Beaux-Arts. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. /\ - " The Lion and the Vulture. 56 JsS& & 19 59 ,( YOLTZ (F.), Of Munich. Cattle Fording a Stream, 60 SCHELFOUT (ANDREAS), /* js~-~ Of Holland, deceased. Dutch Coast Scene. 60a BOTIGIITON (GEO. H.), Of London. z' The Penitent. 61 MUNIER (EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Girl with Grapes. 62 GOUPIL (JFLES), Of Paris. Medals, 1873, ’74. The Letter. 20 63 PAULSEN (FRITZ), Of Berlin. The Listener. 64 KOEK-KOEK (BAREND-CORNELIUS), Of Amsterdam, deceased. Pupil of his Father. Medals, 1840, ’43. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of Netherland, and Leopold of Belgium. Landscape and Cattle. 65 WILLEMS (FLORENT), Of Paris. Medals, 1844, ’46, ’55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1864. O 7 Smelling the Flower. 66 ESCOSURA (1GNACE DE LEON Y.), 01 Spain. Pupil of Gerome. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. The Morning Call. / x S Sr 21 67 SAINTIN (JULES-EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Drolling, Picot and Leboucher. Medals, 1866, ’70. Fresh Flowers. 68 BONNAT (LEON), Of Paris. Pupil of E. de Madrazo and L. Cogniet. Medals, 1861, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1869. 3 ^^ Italian Woman. 69 TROYON (CONSTANT), Of Paris, deceased. Pupil of Riocreux. Medals, 1838,. ’40, ’46, ’48, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Landscape. JACOYACCI (F.), Of Rome. The Secretary. ME I (PAOLI), Of Rome. Italian Lady. 22 72 PROTAIS (PAUL-ALEXANDRE), Of Paris. Pupil of Desmoulins. Medals, 186-3, ’64, ’65, Legion of Honor, 1865. Military Camp. 73 l? DETTI (C.), Of Rome. The Lover’s Surprise. 74 COL (DAVID), Of Antwerp. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. The Gouty Friends. 75 LECOMTE DU NOUY (JULES), Of Paris. Pupil of Gerome and Gleyre. Medals, 1866, ’69, ’72. Artist Sketching— Harbor of Venice. 76 HEEBSTHOEFER (CHARLES), Of Vienna. Defense of a Flemish Town. BOUCHERYILLE (ADRIEN DE), Of Paris. Pupil of Barrias. The Confidantes. DOYEN (OUST A YE), Of Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Feeding Pigeons. MAD RAZO (RICARDO), Of Paris. Spanish Girl. PORTIELJE (L.), Of Antwerp. Moorish Girl. CLAIRIN (JULES-GEORGES), Paris. Pupil of Picot and Pi Is. Prize of Rome-. Woman of Tangiers. 24 82 FRERE (OHARLES-THEODORE), Of Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and Rouqueplan. 1848, ’65. In Cairo— Copt Quarter. Medals, 83 TIRATELLI (A.), Of Rome. On the Island of Capri. 84 LEYENDECKER (PAUL-JOSEPH), Of Paris. Pupil of Gerome. The Guard Room. ■ 85 EGUSQUIZA (R.), Of Paris. Pupil of Madrazo. The Studio. 86 MUNIER (EMILE), Of Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Modesty. c