>^/ c— '»> HI 1 June 4 I IP H GUV IB II 8? LofeT .4 CATALOGV E OF A SMALL BUT VERY VALUABLE AND WELL-CHOSEN COLLECTION OF PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN, _. REMBRANDT, A. OSTADE, SCHALKEN, TENIERS, COMPRISING THE WORKS OF C. DU JARDIN, JAN MIEL, W. VANDERVELDE, BACKHUYSEN, WOUVERMANS, HONDEKOETER, CANALETTI, BEGA, AND OTHER EMINENT MASTERS: WHICH mm tie ^oltr *g atsctfon, BY MR. ROBINS, AT MR. STANLEY'S ROOMS, No. 22, OLD BOND STREET, On FRIDAY, the 4th of JUNE, 1819, AT TWO O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had of Mr. Robins, Warwick Street, Golden Square. Printed by J. Brettell, Rupert Street, Haymarket, London. II AO<7/C_rMl P6 CONDITIONS OF SALE. First. . THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute shall arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, and resold. Second. No Person to advance less than Is. — above One Guinea, 2s. 6d. — Five Guineas, 5s. Ten Guineas, 10s. 6d. — Twenty Guineas, £. 1 Is. and above One Hundred Guineas, £.5 5s. Third. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and, (if required) to pay down immediately into the hands of Mr. Robins, a Deposit of of. 25 per Cent; in part of Payment of the Purchase-Money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be put up again and resold. Fourth. The Lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all Faults and Errors »f Description, at the Purchaser's Expense, within One Day after the Sale. Fifth. . As this Auction is made on Condition of Prompt Payment, the Remainder of the Purchase- Money to be absolutely Paid on or before the Delivery. Sixth. . Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in- part of Payment shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be resold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Resale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. A CATALOGUE, FRIDAY, the 4th of JUNE, 1819. Lf ~ f - - - - 1 A. PAIR of Proof Prints, by Earlom, after Van Huysum, in rich carved Frames, with Plate Glass. ^ /5 ~~- Greuze 2 A pair of Pastoral Subjects, painted with great Feeling and Delicacy. M —■ '*' £> Morland - - - - 3 A Landscape and Figures. yY - y ~ Bourguignone - - 4 A Battle Piece, yf^ {/^r*-^^ \// .. // <- P ether ----- 5 Mount Vesuvius by Moon-light. A very superior Picture by this admired English Master. yVy^c^a \/ r *-//' 6 Boaden 6 A Lady with a Basket of Fruit. \J2>6 ,. 2- - Canaletti - ... 7 A View in Venice. ,2>1> ,. JL ^ Ditto ----- 8 The Companion. //,. / ,. / Raffaelle ( Bou rguignone // ..0 .i\ C Ditto - - ^^ « f$~~~ Hondekoeter J ,. /j .. o Cui/p £ J> & ~ Fytt - /Z .//-» Stephanoff - ^^ U0s-& Jan Miel - ^ / <3 Schalken jr.. U - T ""*<™ 9 The Madona della Segiola, a fine Copy. - 10 A Battle Piece. - 11 The Companion. - 12 Geese and Ducks, in a Landscape. Nothing less than a faithful Representation of Nature can render these subjects of interest and value ; in this walk of Art, this Master stands unrivalled; nothing can exceed the truth of nature, and of the beauty of Colour of this Picture. &*&*&& - 13 A Portrait of a Youth. An interesting Picture, full of force, and finely coloured. - 14 Poultry, in a Landscape, with a Battle between a Cock and Turkey. - 15 A Musical Pafty. iX*« Js%-^ - 1 6 A Fruit Stall. Powerful in effect, rich and har- monious in Colour. - 17 Dead Game, and Small Birds, in a Landscape. Finished in a most surprising manner, with all the delicacy and truth of nature. The Works of this Master are very rare. ,.r*J£i& Landscape and Figures. A beautiful Cabinet Gem _ of this delightful Artist, full of sweetness and silvery effect. Dead Game, in a Landscape. */Z>^-^£€ cLe Roi de Lean Court 23 A Savoyard Girl at her Devotions. If the true object of Art is the faithful representation of Nature, and a judicious choice a criterion of taste and feeling, then must we present this Artist the Palm of Merit for this Performance, which possesses in a superior degree, every excel- lence which delight the eye and touch the heart. JL< 24 A Group or Flowers, with numerous Insects and Butterflies. It is impossible for individual Nature to be more faithfully represented, or P? ,,^—^i. Mignon '■ ^f '/V 6 - L. Backhuysen fo »/£~. Rembrandt more exquisitely finished. , fa^ y.a^A^r 2i? A Fresh Breeze, with numerous Vessels. Painted in his finest manner. 26 A Portrait, an Old Lady. Painted in the most masterly manner, and with all the consummate skill of this Meteor in Art. This Picture is remarkable for the inimitable handling of his free and powerful Pencil. fa*- J^^^f*^ i. <^-«y " 43 .« /o „ A. Ostade 27 tf/- /* Schalken y - 28 *32/& ., 4 - Wouvermans 29 Mz .. 4r+ D. Tenters- - - - 30 /?7- '/&yr-1^. ^S~/ 1 . /£~~~ W. Vandervelde 31 A-/Sy~2 % 6 Interior, with Boors Drinking. This Picture is of the highest quality of the Master, in its beautiful effect, harmony, purity of Colour, and delicacy of Pencil, dp^^^r An Interior, by Candle-light. However excellent an Artist may be, his Works are not all equally so ; every Painter has at times his favourite subject, on which he puts forth his whole strength and rises far above his usual productions; this Picture is an evident and conspicuous proof of this opinion, it is as exquisite in its finishing as G. Dow,and universally acknowledged as the chef-d'oeuvre of the Master. A View on the Sea Shore. The last Picture painted by this great Master ; from what- ever source such an assertion arose,— it pos- sesses the consummation of all the great talents of this Painter. /J0^J-£^& The Bonnet Rouge, from the Calonne Collection. This beautiful Picture is so well known, that any comment would be superfluous. A Calm, with Vessels laving at Anchor. A truly matchless Picture, so sweet and silvery in its Tones of Colour, so perfect in perspective, and precious in its finish, that it may truly be called a Gem of the first Water. ^f,, /& •■ Rembrandt A Lady with her Fan. Painted in 1641, when the Artist was 35 Years of Age, and in the full bloom of all his magic powers of Art, which in J( this Picture is carried to its acme; it possesses all his rich, sparkling, and golden glow of Colour, with the most comprehensive display of the Chiaro Scuro that his Pencil ever produced, and has been unanimously acknowledged the finest of his productions, and the ne plus ultra of Art. FINIS. Printed by J. Breilell, Rupert Str(et } llaymarkvt, Jjondon. B m ■i is