GO#AT^S'S: ART BOOKS -^9^ S'^mi FRANZ HALS LONDON ^ GLASGOW,, OOWAHS 8 Qk^y, From the Library of Frank Simpson Telephone No. 1117, MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. BUY AND 5ELL HIGH-CLASS OLD AND MODERN PICTURES. Pictures Cleaned and Restored by a special method invented by Mr. Trevelyan. It is the only safe, permanent and satisfactory method of Cleaning and Restoring Pictures. The Work can be done at Owners' Homes if Desired. Where to get Cowans's Art Books Abroad. Frarce.— Frederic Gittler, 2 Rue Bonaparte, Paris. Belg'ium. — Spineux & Cm, 62 Montagne de la Cour, Brussels. Holland. — Kirrerger & Kesper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. A. Abrahams, The Hague. Italy.— Rosenberg iiab!e if Disapproved. SmaM Items seat on *pftzo. to sattsfswtory applicants. sm Ev©r-chang:ing^ Pieces of Old ChCns amt Pottery always on hanst. PccmMSSEVR 1 The . . . Connoisseur tuaii on off du6iecf« THE SLrtic!«s are *?ritt«n fey ackaowledgtsd expert*, and are iUmtrated by naiqcc photographs and drawings of iia< portant examples aod coUectieas from every part of the worki. Tb« high stsuidard of eaoelknce by wkick the magazme hats been distingoisbed duzrag the titre« years of its publieatticn » fuMy naiatainedi mad wbea h^ad it forias a staodard work of refer^ice. If you have never pttrchased a copy, (to so, and yoa wSi be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at aay rate, ic the production ef a re&iiy artistic, and at the same time, tkoroagkiy iastmctive md i&tcrestinf pablicatio&. ■ Po«r riewB pea tmk Univsb Kii 17g. Peter ra«H r«a AanoAaa Publishe'i : « Carmeiits House, E.C. A4wftlsl£S|5 & Editorial Office* j 95 Tempic Chambers, E.C CHEAT DONTinE^TAl SyOGESSES No. l. KARL . . . HEINRICH The Original of the Play OLD HEIDELBERG Which has been acted with such very great success by Mr. George Alexander. By W. MEYER-FORSTER. WITH 12 ILLUSTRATIONS. THE ONLY TRANSLATION. Cloth, 3/6 Net. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow, Gowans^s Colour Prints ^^^ITH the object of encouraging really high- class artistic decoration of the home, Messrs. Gowans & Gray have commenced the issue of a series of coloured pictures by leading artists, painted specially for themselves, in neat brown paper frames, ready to hang on the ivail, at the quite unpre- cedented price of One Shilling each. THE FIRST NUMBER IS "MY POOR DOG TRAY/ By CHARLES PEARS, and in it the artist has been eminently successful in rendering the pathetic line from Thomas Campbell's well-known poem, "Nor refused my last crumb to his pitiful face." Particulars of future prints will be announced in due course. They can be had through any book- seller or printseller, or direct from the publishers for 1/4, post free. A limited edition on large paper of One hundred signed and numbered Artist's proofs has been pulled. These can be had at the price of One Guinea each. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., 58 Cadogan St., Glasgow. Gowans^s Nursery Pictures '^HE publishers believe that the complete noveltj of a series of four coloured pictures by Mr. Stewart Orr, which they have just published will ensure their immediate success. No similar series is in existence, and the attractive appearance of the prints will delight every child who is presented with them. They are supplied in neat brown paper frames, ready to hang up, at Sixpence each, net, Postage, threepence extra. THE FOUR SUBJECTS ARE: OLD MOTHER GOOSE HUMPTY-DUMPTY TOM THE PIPER'S SON THREE BLIND MICE The pictures are to be had through any bookseller, printseller, or stationer, or direct from the publishers, GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., 58 Cadogan St., Glasgow Just Published. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. SCOTLAND Picturesque and Traditional. By GEORGE EYRE-TODD. With 56 Illustrations from recent PJiotographs. A most interesting and deliglitful account of the history and legends connected with the most romantic spots in Scotland. Every page recalls memories and traditions that have a lasting place in every true Scotsman's heart; Crown 8vo. 361 pp., 3/6 Net. Post Free, 3/10. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., Glasgow & London Gowans's irt Books 'T^HIS Series, published at a very low price and containing Sixty beautifully'printed reproductions of the best pictures of the great masters, is intended to give the lover of art a general idea of the style and characteristics of the most famous painters of the world. READY. Mo. 1.— THE MASTERPIECES OF ROSENS, Ho. 2.~THE S^ASTERPiECES OF VAN DYCK. Ho. 3 — THE R/SASTERP8ECES OF REMBRANDT. Ho. 4e— THE MASTERPIECES OF RAPHAEL. no. 5.— THE MASTERPIECIS OF REYNOLDS. Ho, 6i-THi ^MASTERPIECES OF TE^iERS. UO. MASTERPIECES OF THE EARLY FLEMSS.4 PAINTERS* No. 8.-THE MASTERPIECES OF TITIANi Uq. 9.— the MASTERPIECES OF FRANZ HALS. Others in Preparation Prices: Parchment Cover, 6d. Net. Cloth, 1s. Ni Leather, "Zs. Net. Postage 1 d. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 35 Leicester Square, London, "W.C, 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow. GowANs's Art Books, No. 9 The Masterpieces of Franz Hals CAHSON & NiCOL, PRINTERS. GLASGOW. POKTRAIT OF HiMSELF PoRTKAir DK l'ArTISTE {Spencer Collection) {Cointe Spencer, Althorp) Selbstbildnis {Altho'p, Graf spencer) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, THE MASTERPIECES OF FRANZ HALS THE ELDER Sixty re/' rod net ions of photographs from the original paitiiings by F. Hanfsiaengl, affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1906 I ^HE PiiblisJurs he^ to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness with which he has per- 7nitted tJieni to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of Art zvill no doubt wish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures tha7i those given in this little book, which are neces- sarily very st/iall. The Publishers beg to refer such readers to pages 6^ et seq., for particulars. 6 Portrait of Hi.msklf Portrait de l'Artiste {MuseiDii, HaarleDi) {Must'e, Ilarleiii) Selbstbilunis {Haarlem, Muxeuiii^ F. Hanfstaengl, Fkoto. ir. ^ a: ^ z ? w S if, ^ < OS ^ - ^ ^ :< 5 K I S H Q O < 5 o w b. ^ o 9 lO a: ^ O Q sr. S i s (Si «5 o S I Q Hi _ o Admiral ue Ruyier L'Amiral de Ruyter (Earl Spencer, Althorp) {Cointe Spencer, Althorp) Admiral de Ruyter (^Althorp, Graf Spencer) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. B Albkrt van Nierop Alcekt van Nierop {Musetan, Haarlem) {Musee, Harlevi) Albert van Nierop { H aarlem , Museimi) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 19 Cornelia van der Meer, Cornelia van der Mee Wife of the pkeceuing Ei'ouse du Pr^:c6dent {Museiuit, Haarlejii) {Musee, Harlem) Cornelia van der Meer, Gemahlin Albert van Nierops {Haarle»i, Museum) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 20 WiLLEM VAN HUYTHUYSEN {^Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) WlI.LEM VAN HUVTHUVSEN (Galerie Liechtenstein, Vienne) WlLLEM VAN HuVTHUVSEN {IVien, Liechtenstein Galerie) F. Han/stae/igl, Photo. WiLLEM VAN HeYTHUYSEN WiLLEM VAN HeYTHUYSKN {Royal Museum, Brussels) {Ahisee royal, Bruxelles) Willem van Heythuvsen {Brussel, Kgi. Museum) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. Peter v. d. Mersch Peter v. d. Mersch {Earl of Northbrook, Londott) {Comte de Northbrook, Londrcs) Peter v. d. Meksch {London, Graf von Northbrook) F. Haii/siaengl, Photo. .23 Prof. Jean Hoornebeek Prof. Jkan Hooknebeek (^Royal Museum, Brussels) {Musee royal, Bruxelles) Professor Jean Hoornebeek {Briissel, Kgl. Musctmi) F. Haii/siaemil, Photo. 24 Jacob Piet. Olycan Jacob Piet. Olycan {Royal Gallery, The Hague) {Musce royal, La Haye) Jakob Piet. Olycan {Haag, Kgl. Ga'erie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 25 Aletta Hanemans, Ai.etta Hanemans, Wife of the preceding Epouse du rK^;cM:DENT (^Royal Gallery^ The Hague) {Musce royal, La Haye) Aletta Hanemans, Gemahlin Jakob Piet. Oi.ycans {Haag, Kg I. Galcrie) F. Hatt/stacngl^ Photo. Tyman Oosdorp TyMAN Oosdorp {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) Tyman Oosdorp {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Han/siaengl, Photo. 27 23 HiLLE BOBBE, THE WiTCH HiLLE BoBBE, LA SoRClfe OF Haarlem de Harlem {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) HlLLE BOBBE, DIE HeXE VON HaARLEM {Berlin, Kg I. Galcrie) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Portrait of a Nobleman Portrait d'un Gkntilhomme Buckingham Palace, London) {Palais Buckingham, Londres) EiN Edelmann {London , Buckinghatn-Palast) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme {The Hermitage^ St. Petersburg) (V Ennitage, Saint-Petersbourg) Mannliches Bii.dnis {Petersburg, Ei eiiiitage) F. Han/staciigi, Photo. Young Man Portrait d'un jeune Homme, WITH THE Broad-krimmed LA Tete couverte d'un Chapeau Hat a larges Bords {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) Junger Mann mit Schlapphut {Cassel, Kgi. Galerie) F. H anjstaengl. Photo. Portrait of a Nobleman Portrait d'un Gentilhomme {Duke o/ Devonshb-e, London) {Due de Devonshire, Londres) BiLDNIS EINES EdELMANNES {London, Herzos: von Devonshire) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 33 Portrait of a Young Man Portrait d'un jeune Homme iXhe Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {L' E?->niiage, Saint- Peter sbourg) BiLDNIS EINES JUNGEN MaNNES (^Petersburg, Eremitage) F. Hanfsiaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Man Portrait u'Homme {^Roynl Rhiscnm, ADisterdaiit) {Musee 7oyal, Afusterdam) BkUSI-BILD FINF.S IMannes {Aniste/dau/, A't;/. iMuseuiii) J'\ Han/staengl, Pholo, 36 Portrait of an Admiral Portrait d'un Amiral {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {V Ervntage, Saint- Petersbourg) BiLDNIS EINES ADMIRALS {^Petersburg, Ereinitai;e) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 37 Portrait of a Nobleman Portrait d'un Gentii.homme {Royal Gallery, Berlin^ {Musee royal, Berlin) BiLDNIS EINES EdELMANNES {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Lauy Portrait de Femme {Royal Museum, A/nsterdain) {Musee royal, Amsterdam) Weibliches Bildn'is {Amsterdam, Kgl. Muscuvi) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 39 Portrait of a Gentleman Portrait d'un Gentilhomme (Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) BiLDNIS EINES PaTRIZIERS {Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Young Man Portrait d'un jeune Homme {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (^Musie royal, Berlin) BlLDNlS EINES JUNGEN MaNNES (^Berlin, Kg;L Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 42 Portrait of a Gentlewoman Portrait d'une Dame {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) BiLDNIS EINER PATRIZIERIN (Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 43 Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait d'une jeune Dame {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {3'Iusee royal, Berli/i) BiLDNis einer jungen Fkau {Berlin, Kg I. Galerie) F. Hajijstaengl, Photo. 44 Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme {^Imperial Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie imperiale, Vienne)' BlLDNIS EINE.S MaNNES (IFien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F. t] anjstaengl^ Photo. Portrait of a Young Man Portrait d'un jeune (with Beard) Homme {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Musee royal, Berlin) BlLDNlS EINES JUNGEN MaNNES (mIT KnEBELBART) (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 46 Nurse with Child Une Bonne avec un Enfant (Jioyal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal ^ Berliri) Amme MIT Kind (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hati/staengl, Photo. c 47 Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme (^National Galle^-y, London) {Galen'e tiationale, Lond?-es) BlLDNIS EINES MaNNES {London, Nationalgalerie\ F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 48 Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Hommb (35 TO 40 years old) dk 35 a 40 Ans {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) Brusteild eines Mannes C35— 40 Jahre alt) (Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. Han/stae>igl, Photo. 49 Portrait of a Man Portrait d' Homme {Royal Gallery, Dresden) ' {Galerie royale, Dresde) Mannliches Bildnis (Halbfigur nach rechts) {Dresden, K^^l. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. D so A Dutch Nobleman Portrait d'un Gentilhomme 07-ation Gallery, Edinburgh) hollandais {Galerie vtunicipale, Edimbourg) EiN hollandischer Edelmann (^Edinburgh, Stddt. Galerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo, Portrait of a Woman Portrait de Femme {Royal Museum, Autsterdauz) {Musee royal, Amsterdam) Brustbild einer Frau {Atnsferdatn, Ks,l. flfuseuin) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 53 514 Portrait of a Woman Portrait de Femme {National Gallery, Londoti) {Galerie nationale, Londres) Frauenbildnis {London, Nationals^alerie) F. Haiifstaengl, Photo. 55 Portrait of a Man (Himself?) Portrait d'Homme (L'Artiste?) {The Hermitage, St Petersbursf) {L' Enititage, Saint-Petersbourg) Mannliches Bildnis (? Selbstbildnis) (^Petersburg, Eremitaoe) F. Haii/stae/tgl, Photo. 56 The laughing Cavalier Le Chevalier riant {IVallace Collection, London) {Collection Wallace, Londr Der lachende Kavalier {London, Saminlung Wallace) F. Hanfsiaeiigl, Photo. 57 Boys Playing and Singing Gar^ons jouants et chantants {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) Die musizierenden Knaben {Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. HanJstaeHk^l, Photo. 58 Study ok a Female Head Etude d'une T^te de Femme {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) Lachendks Kind (Studienkopf) (Cassel, K'i;l. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 59 Boy Singing Gak^on chantant {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) SiNGENDER KnABE (^Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 66 6i The jovial Toper {Royal Gallery, Cassel) Un Homme joyeux (jGalerie royale, Cassel) Der lustige Zecher {Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Phoio. 62 Head of a Boy Tete de Garcon {Corporation Gallery, Glasgow) {Galerie miinicipale, Glasgoiv) KoPF eines Knaben (Profil) {Glasgoiio, Stddt. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. .„ ■ . 63 Head of a Boy Tete de Gakcon (de Face) {Corporation Gallery, Glasgow) {Galerie uitinicipale, Glasgow) KOPF EINES KnABEN (eN FACE) {Glasgo7v, Stddt. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 64 The Fool {Royal Museum, Ajnsterdam') Der Narr {Ajnsterdam, Kgl. Museum) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Le Fou {Musee royal, Amsterdam) 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs of FRANZ HALS'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Fran% Hanfstaengl, l6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS— F=: Folio (io"x 8") Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R=:Royal (i5"x 12") - - 6/- Ir^Imperial (21" X 16") - - ,, 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" X 20^") - ,, 30/- E = Extra (34i"x 26") - - ,, 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In orderiitg- it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as -well as the Size. ''A ^ Title. Gallkry. Ko. Size. ii Portrait of the Artist and his second "Wife, .... Amsterdam 3 F R I F;ics F The Fool, The Jolly Toper, .... 4 F R I F 5 F H I F Portrait of a Womau, . St F R I F Portrait of a Man, 255 J'' R F Portrait of a Woman, - 261 F R F The Civic Guards under the Cap- taincy of Reyuier Real, 1637 ( Picture by Hals and P. Codde) V I A Young Fisherman from Haar- Antwerp V I A Dutch Gentleman, - • . Y I Hille Bobbe, the Witch of Haar- Berlin 7 F R I F A Boy Singing, .... F R I F Portrait of a Young Woman, 18 K R F The Nurse and Child, - 25 F R I F Portrait of a Young Man, - 27 F R F Portrait of Tymau Oosdorp, 116 F R F Portrait of a Nobleman, 47S F F 66 Permanent Prints, 1/ TiTLS. Gallery. No. Size. Portrait of a Young Man (with Chiti Beard), - . - - Berlin 480 F F Portrait of the Preacher Johannes If V F at 5/ La Chanson Joyeuse, - . - V I WlUem van Heythuysen, - Brussels 172 F R P Jean Hooruebeck, Profetsor at Ley.len, - ... ,1 Budappsih 173 F R F Portrait of a Man, 1078 F R Portrait of a Patrician Lady, C-ss.-l >8 F R I F Portrait of a Patrician, ,, 29 F R I P The Jolly Tipper, .... ., 30 F R I F The Yonng Man with the Slouch Hat, „ 31 F R I F Boys playing Music, 57 F R I F Portrait of a Mau about Thirty Years Old (Bust), • ,, 6* FR F Bust Portrait of a Man (35-40 YeirsOld), ... - ,, 74 F R F Portrait of a Man (Half-figure to the Right) .... Dresden 422 F F Portrait of a Man (Half figure to the Lef ), .... 423 F F Hille Bobbe and the Smoker, V R I A Dutch Nobleuiau, Edinburgh 1 1 F R j\ Dutch Lddy, .... 12 F R Portrait of a Dutchman, Frankfort (S.at-d^l) V I Portrait of the Wife of the V I Portrait of a Dutch I-ady, - ,, Glasgow V I Head of a Boy (Full Face), - 60 F Head of a Boy (Profile), 61 F Portrait of Jacob Piet Olycan. - Hague 80 F R I P Aletta Hmemaus, Wife of the 81 F R F The Guardians of the Haarlem Infirmary (Qentlemei'),- Haarlem 1 F R I Facs P The Guardians of the Haarlem Infirmary (Ladiesi, ,, 2 F R I Facs F Banquet of the Officers of the Archers' Guild of St. Geoi ge, ,, 3 F R I Facs P Bancpiet of the Officers of the Archers' Guild of St. George, 4 F R I Facs P Gathering of the Officers of tlie Archers' Guild of St, Adri;ui, 5 F R I Facs F Cornelia van der Meer, Wife of /Vll)ert van Nierop, 6 F R I Facs F Albert van Nierop, ,, 7 F R I Facs F Officers of the Archers' Guild of St. George, .... 8 F R I Facs P Banquet of the Archers' Guild of St. Adrian, .... The Guardians of the Infirmar/ 9 F R I Facs F of St. Elizabeth, - ,, 10 FBI Facs F PortrJA^t of HiiBself - . - 13 F R F Portrait of a Man, London, N.G. 34 FRI F Portrait of a Woman, - 165 F R I K The Laughing Cavi'lier, „ Wailace-Coll. 5 F R I R F Large Family Group. • Municn 47 F R I Kacs F Bust Portrait of Ileu6 Desciirtes, Paris (Louvre) V F at 5/ I 67 'A ^ Title. Gallery. No. Size. s s 3 La Boneniisiiue, - - - - Pans (Louvre) :f, ^' r. Portrait of a Woman, - p ;i,t 5/ I Nicolas van Berestyn, - . . " V F at 5/ I Portrait of tbe Wife of Nicolas vau Bereatyn, ... V F at 5/ I Portrait of tbe Berestyn Family of Haarlem, .... F at 5/ F Portrait of a Man (Himself? ) St. Petersburg 13S F R F Portrait of a Young Man, 134 F 11 F Portrait of a Man, 1S5 PR F P'^'j'trait of au Admiral, • Portrait of an Armourer, • V I Portrait of a Man, Vieuca 37 R F PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Portrait of a Man holding a Rose, Arnold & Tripp V F Porti ait of a W ^,m!^n - V I Pi rt ait of a Man holding a Book, Bourgeuius V F at 5/ P rtrait of a Man, V F at 5/ Portrait of a Nobleman, Buckingham Palace 30 FR I Portrait of a Lady, Devonshire 9J >' R Portrait of a Nobleman, 100 FEE P( rtrait of a Man, Duraiid Ruel V F at 6/ Portrait of a WiJiran, - V F at 5/ Portrait of a Man in a large f It hat, with his hand on his hip. V I Portrait of a Man about Foity Years Old, Gumprecht V F at 5/ Detix Rieurs, Knaus V F at 5/ Willem van Heythuyuen, Liechtenstein 64 F R I Facs E Peter v, d. Mersch. Northluook 45 > R Portrait of Nicolas Tulp, Six Collection V I Portrait of Hi ms If, - Spencer 29 F R I Admiral de Ruyter, 50 F R P rtrait of a Woman, • Van der Hoop V I A Family Group, - • Warde F R I Humorous Masterpieces gACH volume contains Sixty of the very best Drawings o! the Masters of Humorous lilus' tration READY No. i.-PICTURES BY JOHN LEECH FIRST SERIES No. 2.-PICTURES BY GAVARNI No. 3.-PICTURES BY JOHN LEECH SECOND SERIES No* 4*-PICTURES BY ROBERT SEYMOUR Others in [^reparation PRICE 6d. Net Each Vouumb (Post Free 7o.) GOWANS & GRAY. Ltd., London and Glasgow Gowans^s Nature Books nPHE object of these little books is to stimulate a love for nature and a desire to study it. The first volumes of the series have been extremely successful, and the publishers hope to make the others equally interesting and beautiful. Ready. No. x.-WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Sixty Photo- graphs from life, by Chas. Kirk, of British Birds and their Nests. No. 2.-WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs from Nature, by Cameron Todd. No. 3.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Second Series. By Cameron Todd. No. 4.— BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs from life, by A. Forrester. No. 5.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Second Series, by Charles Kirk. No. 6.— FRESHWATER FISHES. Sixty Photographs from life, by Stanley C. Johnson, B.A., and Walford B. Johnson. No. 7.— TOADSTOOLS AT HOME, Sixty Photographs of Fungi, by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. In Preparation. No. 8.-OUR TREES & HOW TO KNOW THEM. By Charles Kirk. ABOUT JUNE, 1906. No. g.-WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Third Series. By Cameron Todd. ABOUT JUNE. 1906- No. lo.-POND AND STREAM LIFE. By Stanley C. Johnson, B.A., and Walford B. Johnson. ABOUT JULY, 1906. No. II.— REPTILE LIFE. By the same. ABOUT AUGUST, 1906. No. 12.— SEA-SHORE LIFE. By the same. ABOUT SEPTEtViBER, 19G6. Others in Contemplation. Price : Parchment Cover, 6d. Net. each Volume. Postage, 1o. each. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow Uniform with our "Pocket Anthologies." The Hundred Best Poems (Lyricai) In the Latin Language. Selected by J. W. MAC KAIL, M.A., LL.D., Trufulafor of Homey' s * Odyssey,' VirgiTs * Georgics^ tU. Author cf ^ Latin Literature. The Publishers consider themselves very fortunate in having secured Dr. Mackail as compiler of this little selection. In a prettily got up volume of handy size will be found the very flower of Latin lyrical poetry. A delight- ful pocket companion for the classical scholar, the book will also be found of the greatest value to teachers for awakening in the student a real love for the best poetry. Prscesi Paper, 6d. Net. Cloth, 1t. Nbt. Leather, 28. Net. Postage, Id. Glasgow I GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd. fcondoni BRIMLEY JOHNSON & INCE, Ltd.