Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/operativemechaniOOnich 1 ^' > ■V. V. Vi ■••Jl ■' ) V, V ;s \ V' - . . ' ,r,d ! / . 5 ' r -PAM 33'JiAJJ ILVai^SS, r,.nm AJJJ.J. , ,>.J >erfW,//y /h,r/r,/ OPERATIVE MECHANIC, % AND BRITISH machinist; BEING A ^practical ©i^jjlag OF THE MANUFACTORIES AND MECHANICAL ARTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. By JOHN NICHOLSON, Esu. CIVIL ENGINEER. LONDON : PRINTED FOR KNIGHT AND LACEY, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND WESTLEY AND TYRRELL, DUBLIN. Printed by D. Sidney, and Co, Northumbei land-street, Strand. THE GETTY C£»v{TER LIBRARY GEORGE BIRKBECK, Esq. M.D. PRESTDBNT OF THE LONDON MECHANICS* INSTITUTION, (§*C. Sir, In an age like the present, when the rich and the powerful identify their interests with the welfare of the poor and uninformed, when the wise and the good com- bine in furthering the diffusion of sound principles and useful knowledge among those who constitute the most important, though hitherto the most neglected, portion of the community, there is not one who can view the future in the past but must anticipate with such data before him, a change as brilliant in its effects, as it is honour- able to those who are engaged in promoting it. The advanced state of science, and the comprehen- sive views of a just and liberal philosophy, animate those who for many years have compared theory with practice to come forward in the hope of being able to offer something in aid of the common cause. iv DEDICATION. Such feelings. Sir, have encouraged me to publish the following pages, which, as an earnest of their future suc- cess, I am permitted to dedicate to yourself. A Work of this kind, combining in the most condensed form the acknowledged principles and recent improve- ments in Mechanical Science, and professing to be adapted in every possible way to the use of the Me- chanic and Machinist, could not well find a Patron more congenial to its Spirit than one, who, during a long series of years, has laboured with no common devotion in promoting their benefit. I am, Sir, Your most obedient, and much obliged humble Servant, JOHN NICHOLSON. PREFACE. The discoveries of Watt and Arkwright, which yielded atonce such immense national as well as individual prosperity, must ever be regarded as forming a new era in the arts of life and the domestic policy of nations. The riches, extraordinary as unprecedented, inexhaus- tible as unexpected, thus acquired by a skilful system of mechanical arrangement for the reduction of labour, gave the impetus which has led to the numerous dis- coveries, inventions, and improvements, in every de- partment of our manufactures, and raised them to their present state of perfection. With respect to our primary and most elaborate pieces of mechanism, however intricate and incomprehensible they may appear to the inexperienced, they are in the eye of the practical man mere elegant modifications and combinations of a few simple principles. These princi- ples, after some necessary observations on the Forces acting on Matter, on Friction, and the Centre of Gravity, are fully elucidated in the account of The Mechani- cal Powers.” These are followed by what is indispensably necessary to the proper construction of Mill-work, viz, a descrip- tion of Bevel and Spur Geer, the longitudinal connex- tion of Shafts, termed Coupling, the most approved VI PREFACE. method of Disengaging and re-engaging machinery, and of the Equalization of Motion, with some general Practical Observations, given under the article “ Mill Geering.” The reader who attentively peruses these articles will be in possession of the primary points of Mill* work ; we have, therefore, next introduced to his notice, under Animal Strength, Water, Wind, and Steam, the best modes of applying the Moving Powers ; and to them is annexed a short, though concise, account of Brown's V acuum or Pneumatic Engine, which may, with improvements, be made most effective for loco- motion and other light purposes. As the reduction of wheat into flour forms so essential a part of domestic (economy, and as the force which gives a rotatory motion to the upper mill-stone is almost invariably imparted either by wind or water, we have thought it no deviation from scientific arrangement, to introduce at the end of these two articles a description of a Flour-mill ; as, by that means, the reader will be enabled to form a tolerably correct notion of the man- ner of imparting motion from the water-wheel, or leader, to the other parts of machinery. And while upon this subject we have, with a view to make the Work gene- rally useful, described the hand and foot methods of grinding corn, that those who live not in the vicinity of a mill, or who do not choose to submit to the impositions said to be practised by many millers, may, at a compa- ratively trifling expense, have the work performed at home. A knowledge of the strength of materials being PREFACE. Vll at all times important in the construction of Mill- work, more particularly in those parts which have to sus- tain the greatest force, or put the whole of the other parts of the machinery in motion, we have, next to the Moving Powers, inserted a letter from Mr. Rennie, jun. to Dr. Young, describing a series of very satisfactory experi- ments made on this subject. A description of Hydraulic Engines next follows > and these are succeeded by certain Simple Machines acting as accessories to our manufactures. So that, by the time the reader has advanced thus far, he will have be- come so thoroughly intimate with machinery, as easily to comprehend and appreciate the several excellencies of our Staple Manufactures, which are next unfolded to his view. The whole was intended to be concluded with an ex- amination of those arts termed Manual, in a Treatise on the Art of Building; except, indeed, with the addition of an Appendix, containing a short and concise treatise on Practical Geometry and Mensuration, with a Collection of approved Receipts, and a Glos- sary ; but the interest which has lately been excited re- specting Railways and Locomotive Engines has led to the extension of the Work, about thirty pages, witli an article on those constructions. Although there are several very excellent treatises on Mechanics and Mill-work now extant, yet, presuming on an arrangement widely different to that of others, by which the least erudite and most inexperienced may ac- quire something more than a mere Superficial Knowledge of Machinery, the Author trusts that the following pages will meet with a favourable reception. Vlll PREFACE. In the course of his labours he has derived mate- rial assistance from many of his scientific friends, to whom he thus publicly expresses his acknowledgments ; and more particularly to that Gentleman to whom the volume is dedicated. In a Work of such a nature it is generally understood that extracts are justified, as the description of many things not new are requisite, and the language could not in general be improved. In such cases, however, the authority has, in general, been acknowledged, and in a way calculated to advance the honour and interest of every improver and discoverer. The volume in its design and execution is offered as a companion to the workshop, consequently abstract and theoretical principles have been allowed to mingle no further than has been indispensably necessary to the perfect illustration of the use and application of the object described. The Work has, therefore, no simi- larity to the Mathematical Illustrations of Wood, Gre- gory, or Emerson, each of which, and more particu- larly that of Dr. Olinthus Gregory, deserves to be spoken of with great respect. A Book comprehensive and practical, embracing the whole subject as living and contemporaneous, and as connected with private profit and public glory, instruc- tive to individuals and illustrative of the genius of the age in its best direction, has been the object of the Author, and he hopes he has not laboured in vain. London, March , 1825. CONTENTS. OWERS ON MATTER. Of the Action of Forces Friction .... the Centre of Gravity. MECHANICAL The Lever Wheel and Axle Pulley . Inclined Plane Wedge . Screw Simple Combinations of the Mechanical Powers. MILL GEERING, Definition of Terms To describe the Cycloid and Epicycloid On Teeth of Wheels, Spur Geer Bevel Geer Couplings. Square couplings with double bearings Clutches or Glands Boring IMill-Clutchcs . Self-easing Coupling . Bolton and Watt's Coupling Link Hook's Universal Joint ' Double Universal Joint Disengaging and Re-engaging Machinery Sliding Pulley Fast and Loose Pulley Bayonet .... I^ever Tightening Roller Friction Clutch Friction Cone Self-disengaging Coupling . On Equalizing the IMotion of Machinery Steam-Engine Governor Water-Wheel Governor Wind-Mill Governor Tachometer, by Donkin General Observations Page. G 15 7 10 11 T2 13 ih. IG 20 21 23 28 30 31 ib. ib. 32 ib. ib. 32 33 ib. ib. 31 ib. ib. 35 ib. ib. 36 37 38 39 13 X CONTENTS ANIMAL STRENGTH. Page. Immediate Force of Men, without deducting fot Friction . . 52 Performance of Men by Machines 54 Force of Horses ih. W ork of Mules 55 Extraordinary Feats of Strength . 56 How extraordinary Feats may be performed by Men of ordinary Strength. 01 WATER. Water-Mills 64 Undershot- Wheels 65 Smeaton’s Experiments on ib. by Lambert 72 Overshot Wheels 75 by Burns 76 Smeaton’s Experiments on .... 79 by Burns, without a Shaft . . . .84 Chain of Buckets 85 Breast-Wlieels . . 87 in which the water runs over the Shuttle . . 89 Lloyd and Ostell’s ih. with two Shuttles 90 Barker’s Mill 92 Tide-Mills 94 Wheel-race and Water-course 104 Mill-Courses 105 Water-courses and Dams 107 Penstock 109 Pentrough by Smeaton 110 Nouaille Ill Method of laying on Water in Yorkshire 112 Sluice Governor 113 Rules for constructing Undershot Wheels, by Ferguson . . .114 Brewster . .119 Treatises on Mill-Work 120 WIND. Vertical Windmills 122 Post Mill ^ ib. Smock Mill ........ 123 Smeaton’s Experiments on, ..... 125 CONTENTS. Vertical Windmill. Modelling" of Sails XI Page. . 128 Clothing- and unclothing- Sails while in motion . 130 Baines’s Sails .... . . 132 Equalizing the motion of Sails . . 133 Avith eight quadrangular Sails . . 135 Horizontal Windmill . 139 STEAM. Steam-Engine 9 . 164 by Savary .... . 166 Newcomen . 168 Watt .... . 170 Hornblowcr . 182 Woolf . . . -. . 191 Bell-Crank Engine . 205 Vibratory Engine . 206 Rotatory Engine . ib. High-Pressure Engine . 207 Lean’s Reports . 209 General Observations . 212 Brown’s vacuum, or pnuematic engine. . 216 FLOUR-MILLS. Flour-Mills . 142 Mill-Stones .... . 144 FenAvick’s Tables . 148 Family Mill . 158 Hand-Mill . 160 Foot-Mill . 161 Kneading-Mill * . 162 Rennie on the strength of materials . 218 HYDRAULIC ENGINES. The Tympanum . . , . . 228 De la Faye’s Wheel . 229 The Noria . 230 The Persian Wheel . lb. Paternoster Work . 231 Hiero's Fountain . lb. Darwin’s Engine ...... . 232 Hungarian Machine . 233 BosAvell’s improvement of ditto. . 235 Xii CONTENTS. The Spiral Pump at Zurich . Page. . 237 Desagulief s Drawer and Bucket . . . 242 Sarjeant’s Machine . . 213 Dearborn’s Pump-Engine . . 244 Archimedes’ Screw . . 246 Pressure Engine .... . ib. Treatises on Hydraulic Engines . . 249 Pumps. The Common Pump . . 250 Pump with little Friction . . . 255 Pumps. Sucking-Pump, by Taylor . . 256 Todd’s improvement of the Common Pump Lifting-Pump . ib. . 257 Forcing-Pump . . 258 Ctesebes’ Pump . . . 259 Stevens’ Pump. . . ib. Tyror’s Pump . . 261 Franklin’s Pump . . 262 Brunton’s Force Pump . • . 253 Smeaton’s three Barrel ditto . . 265 Chain Pump . 9 . 267 by Coles . . ib. Leslie’s method of working Ship’s Pumps . 269 Hand-Purnp by Martin . . . . ib. Jekyl . . 270 Clarke’s mode of applying manual force to pumps . 273 Pump-Pistons, by Bonnard . . . 274 Belidor . . 276 Fire-Engine, byNewsham . . 277 Rowntree . . 281 SIMPLE MACHINES ACTING AS iVCCESSORS TO MANU- FACTURES. Jacks for Lifting Weights .... Cranes . 283 Presses. Cider-Press , . . 291 Screw-Press, for paper-mill . . ib. Peek’s Press , , . 292 Bramah’s Hydrostatic Press » • . ib. Bank-note Press , , . 305 Printing-press, by Earl Stanhope . 294/ De Haine . 298 CONTENTS xiii Page. Presses. Printing press by Ruthven * . . . . 298 Bacon and Donkin .... 301 Pile-Engines, by Vauloue 309 Bunce 310 Boring Machine 311 File Cutting Machine 314 Ramsden’s Dividing Machine 315 Lathes and Turning Apparatus by Maudesley .... 323 Smart 263 MANUFACTURE OF METALS. Iron 328 Steel 340 Wire ........... 344 Lead 356 MANUFACTURE OF FIBROUS MATERIALS. Paper 365 Cotton 378 Wool 388 Silk 392 Flax 400 Weaving 410 Hemp and Rope - 4ig SUNDRY MANUFACTURES. Saw-Mills - 441 Bark-Mill - 445 Oil-Mill 447 Colour-Mill - 454 Indigo-Mill - 455 Pottery - -- -- 456 HOROLOGY. Clocks - 486 with three Wheels and two Pinions, by Dr. Franklin - - 490 J. Ferguson - - ib. for exhibiting the apparent daily motions of the Sun and Moon, and state of the Tides, &c. - - - - 492 Striking part of an eight day Clock - - - . _ 496 description of curious Clocks 497 Watch 500 Table of Trains - . 504 XIV CONTENTS. Pa 2 ;e. Chronometer - 507 Escapements - *. - - 515 Recoiling-, or Crown-wheel 510 by (himining - - - - - - - -517 for Watch - -- -- -- - 518 by Prior - -- -- -- - 519 by Reid - - - - - - - - 520 by De la Foils ------- 523 Pendulums - 524< Mercurial, by Graliam ------ 525 Gridiron, by Harrison ------ 523 Lever, by Ellicott - - - - - - - ib. Tubular, by Troughton ------ 527 by Reid --------- 27/. by Ward - -- -- -- -- 528 Sympathy of the Pendulums of Clocks. - ib. RUILDING. Prefatory Observations - -- -- -- - 529 IMortar - -- -- -- -- 530 Brick-making - -- -- -- - 532 Masonry - -- -- -- -- -- 536 Bricklaying - -- -- -- -- - 547 Carpentry - -- -- -- -- - 5 qq Joinery - -- -- -- -- -- 581 Plastering - C 03 Slating 621 Plumbing - 628 Painting - -- -- -- -- - 639 Glazing - -- -- -- -- -- 635 Rail-Roads and Locomotive Engines. ------ 643 APPENDIX. Geometry - -- -- -- -- - 673 Mensuration - -- -- -- -- - 688 Useful Receipts - 707 Glossary - -- -- -- -- - 772 ( XV ) DESCRIPTION OF THE FRONTISPIECE. This Plate represents a front view of a Steam-Engine con- nected with a Sugar-Mill, as constructed by Messrs. Taylor and Martineau, who liave kindly permitted our draftsman to make a drawing of it. This Engine, being only twelve times larger than the drawing, is, from its compactness and simplicity of con- struction, peculiarly applicable to most of the manufactures round the metropolis, where power of a moderate amount is in general required. It works horizontally, at from 30 to 401bs. pressure per square inch, without condenser, having metallic pistons and slide-valves, and only requires eight screw-bolts to fasten it to oak sleepers, or frame-work of moderate scant- ling. A is a crank connected with the piston-rod, which, as it works in the cylinder horizontally, cannot be seen. B is the cylinder, into which steam is admitted from the boiler, by means of the pipe C C C. The amount of steam flowing- into the cylinder is regulated by the throttle valve at D, which is opened and shut at proper intervals by the rod E E E. F F is the governor, or regulator, consisting of two heavy balls, with the sliding collar a, suspended from the top of a vertical spindle d b. at the axis c. This spindle is connected with the main shaft, by a strap passing over the sheeves or pullies, G G G, which cause it to revolve ; and as its speed varies with that of the main shaft, the governors F F, ac- cording as its speed increases or decreases, have a tendency either to fly from, or approach to, the spindle. This rise or depression of the go- vernor affects the rod E E E, to which it is connected, and regulates the quantity of steam flowing from the boiler into the cylinder. H is a piece to connect the top part of the piston-rod with the rod I, so that by the motion of the crank the rod I is also moved, which rod moves the slide valves in the cylinder K. By the action of these valves, steam is alternately admitted on the opposite sides of the piston ; and as the engine does not condense its steam, there are two pipes, placed one at each end of the cylinder, to carry it off. One of these pipes is seen at N. When the piston has been driven by the force of the steam to the other extremity of the cylinder, the steam, by the action of the slide valves, is shut off from this end, and allowed to flow into the ( XVI ) opposite end of the cylinder ; the orifice of the pipe N being- at the same time opened, the steam at this end is, by the returning- action of tlic piston, driven through the pipe N, and conveyed away under ground, leaving this end of the cylinder ready for a fresh supply. The power generated by this simple arrangement is made to effect the required purpose by means of the shafting 0 0 0. On this shafting, at a little distance from the engine, is an eccentric, L, to raise the rod ]M, to pump water into the boiler when required : and at nearly the further end of the shafting is another eccentric, W, which imparts motion to the rod V, for the purpose which we shall hereafter describe. The rotatory motion which the crank has received from the engine is imparted to the shafting, to the eccentric L, the coupling-box d, the fly-wheel P, the eccentric W, and the pinion Q, which plays in the large cog-wheel, R, on the shaft S, and thence is imparted to the rollers of a sugar-mill, which rollers are moved at equal speeds by the pinions U U. In this, and most other Sugar-mills, there are three rollers, two at the bottom, and one lying between the other two at the top. Through these rollers sugar canes are passed, and the compressed juice falls into a receiver, from whence it is pumped, by the movement of the rod V, into a copper, or other receiver. At that part of the shafting marked e c, sufficient space is left to allow of play when the canes are passed through the rollers, otherwise the shafting would be very apt to snap and be destroyed. THii OPERATIVE MECHANIC AND MACHINIST. OF THE ACTION OF FORCES. Aiu i. which, if acting upon i q y> newly created force maiiitain.it in a state of rest. ,neh an act upon a body . g ^nder’ whose action that extent, as to overcome the ^tte exists, the result body, in common with all ^“r m will be motion created force exceeded the exact Pijortmn ' previously acting upon it in the amount ot forces ^ ^ ^ pound opposite^direction. „r,mnd, the amount of motion weight three feet fiom |>ouno, created by that action * thJ force of gravity or weight ,ewly ciTated which acted on the ma^ ; . motion could not the force of gravity, ^ f gravity had not existed, have been created; and If the ,,ould be it is again manifest tha ynt of the whole of the force exactly m F°P“vtion exactly equalled, he had applied. Again, it 1 ' . .ion motion could not and did not exceed the force of at rest. '‘7hL .nt?”’re>.. n»tot.iil«4 b, the c«»ir»y,»=tlon •( the f<^vm equilibiimn - h gravitation, main- or more '’“^les are by the rest: thus, if a bar of tamed in a state of q ? centre C, it will balance, iron, A B, tig. 1, J “u^tity of matter in C A is “ T'^'laUo thafin C B and the amount of the gravitating exactly that in ^^^tter that is in each force proportional to tl q J ^ ^ equilibrious. ^ / 2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC In the common operations of mechanics, the former state of equilibrium frequently occurs ; the latter rarely, and never with any permanent duration; by the term equilibrium, therefore, in general, is understood, the position first cited. Upon duly considering that matter, when between forces acting in opposite directions, is in a state of equilibrious quiescence, it will be manifest, that motion cannot be obtained without destroying the equilibrium. It must not therefore be supposed, that the forces of gravitation or adhesive attraction can produce motion, as has been erroneously urged by some, but rather that all the mo- tion these powers are capable of producing was primarily exerted to bring matter into that state of equilibrium in which we find it. Wherever that equilibrium is disturbed by extraneous causes, the resultant motion, attainable by such disturbance of the general equilibrium, has long since been known, and applied to useful purposes. We may with propriety, therefore, deduce from these considerations, the perfect fallacy of that most ruinous and speculative notion of a perpetually moving force. Many who have wasted their time in attempts to attain that object, have either supposed that the force of gravitation could obtain motion, or that motion once obtained could of itself increase its force ; which was about as rational as to suppose that any substance could of itself increase its own bulk. The powers with which nature has supplied us, have, as far as we are aware of, been already applied ; and should there be others existing of which we are ignorant, or which we have not reduced to our command, the search for, and developement of such objects, are praiseworthy and valuable: but let us with confidence hope, that the labours of ingenuity will no longer be drawn aside from the paths of prolific study, by this destructive phantasy. Returning from this digression, when a body is operated upon by a force, and acquires motion, that motion, taking into account the amount of space through which the body passes in a given time, is called the velocity of the body ; and according as the extent of distance increases or decreases in a greater or less period of time, the velocity is said to increase or decrease. If a force acting upon any body, and causing motion, shall continue to act upon it in the same direction, so as to continue to increase that motion, the body, under such circumstances, is said to attain accelerated velocity. And MiEC’^[iA:^]i'r A'L 'P o\yy.'K]KS PL.l. From 1 to L7. y, whose distance from is such, that when the semi- diameter of a staff of the trundle is subtracted from it, the remainder will be equal to half the intended thickness of the tooth of the wheel. Set off per- pendicularly to the epicycloid inwards, the semi-diameter of one of the staves at so many points that you will be able to trace through the points thus set off, a line parallel to the epicycloid which line will be the face of the tooth of the wheel, being less than the tooth formed by the epicy- cloid by the semi-diameter of a staff of the trundle, indeed the diminution must be rather more, as the width g g must be made sufficient for the staves to clear them- selves, as the whole of the epicycloidal line must act upon their surface. Fig. 41. To describe the teeth of a wheel for a trundle, by means of circular arcs, let us suppose A B to be the line of centres, C D the pitch line of the wheel, E F the pitch line ci the trundle, and the centre of the staff’ G to be in the line of centres A B ; then by placing one foot of the compasses in the centre of the staff G, we can describe the arc m n, which is the form of the face of a tooth sufficiently near that of an epicycloid for common purposes. Fig. 42. To find the form for the teeth of a wheel and the leaves of a pinion which are to act together, we must set off on the pitch lines the points m n a, and p q r, &c., according to the proper thickness of and distance between the teeth and leaver, and from these points draw radii, to serve as the AND MACHINIST. 25 flanks of the teeth. The spaces must be of sufhcient depth to allow for the action of the curved part of the teeth and leaves. Then with the generating circle 1, whose diameter is equal to the proportional radius of the pinion, describe upon the extremities of the sides of each tooth, and upon the circum- ference of the proportional circle of the wheel as a base, the epicycloids a Z>, 5 n; and with the generating circle 2, describe upon the proportional circle of the pinion as a base, the epi- cycloid q I), which will give the required form of the teeth and leaves. For if the projecting epicycloid a h push against the ra- dius /r of the proportional pinion, the wheel and pinion will move with equal velocity ; and a similar effect will be produced by the epicycloid p D being pushed by the radius o m of the wheel towards the line of centres. Fig. 43. When one wheel is to conduct another, it is not necessary that the wheel to be conducted should have teeth of an epicycloidal form ; and were the teeth not- subject to w'ear by friction, there would be no occasion to extend the teeth of the conducted wheel beyond the pitch line ; but such being the case, it becomes necessary to form the teeth of the conducted wheel in the manner represented in the figure by the dotted lines. Mr. Buchanan, in his Essay on the Teeth of Wheels,’ ' objects to this mode of forming the teeth of the conducted wheel, and recommends that a trundle or wheel with cylin- drical staves should be adopted, as it will be less acted upon in approaching the line of centres, and consequently have less friction than a pinion or wheel, the sides of whose teeth tend to the centre. This will appear,” says he, by fig. 44, which repre- sents a staff, «, of a trundle, and a leaf, h, of a pinion, turning round on the same centre A, and a tooth adapted to each, turning on a common centre B. The thickness of each of the teeth, and the proportional circle of both wheels, are the same, and the proportional circles of the pinions are also equal, and teeth are each made of the greatest length which the intersection of the curves will admit, which turns out con- siderably greater in the tooth adapted to the staff. The shaded parts represent the tooth adapted to, and acting upon, the staff ; and the dotted lines represent the tooth adapted to, and acting upon, the leaf. The teeth, in both cases, are re- presented as just at the point where they would cease to move the leaves or staves uniformly; and it appears the staff 26 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC is conducted considerably further beyond the line of centres than the leaf ; hence the staff will be less acted upon in approaching the line of centres.” As the trundle in common use is very weak and imperfect, Mr. Buchanan conceived, that a wheel might be made, which would combine the advantages of both the pinion and trun- dle, and accordingly had some wheels made, which appeared to answer every expectation. These wheels,” says he, were made of cast iron. They were each cast of one solid mass. Fig. 46, No. 1, repre- sents the edge view, and No. 2, a section of one of them; whereby is shown the manner in which the teeth are sup- ported, like the staves of a trundle at each end, and like the leaves of a pinion at the roots, but so very thin there, as to’ run no risk of having the common fault of pinions, just now noticed. They were difficult to mould : but were they to come more into use, I have no doubt ingenious workmen would soon get over this obstacle.” * “I mentioned,” he continues, ‘‘ in cases Avhere the pinion had few teeth, that in the conducted, whether wheel or pinion, staves should be pre- ferred; but it is obvious, that the method just described, of making a small trundle of cast iron, would not apply to a wheel of a great number of staves. Nor is it in that case so necessary, as the greater the number of teeth are, the longer they will be in losing their proper figure. In such cases, therefore, staves, strictly speaking, should not be used, but teeth made so as to produce the same effect — -that is, having their acting parts of the figure of a staff. What is meant will be better understood by inspecting fig. 46, where the lines show the alteration necessary on the tooth A, in order to make it produce the effect of a staff ; which staff is repre- sented by the faint dots. The dotted lines on d represent the alteration requisite to adapt it to the staff, it being neces- sary, as formerly proved, to have it a different epicycloid from what is required to adapt it to a tooth whose acting part is a straight line, tending to the centre of its proportional circle.” ‘‘ Teeth,” says Mr.Tredgold, in the second edition of Mr. Buchanan’s work, seem to be very well adapted for va- ^ By casting separate plates with indents to fix the teeth, and bolting them together, the pinion might be made sufficiently strong : such a method indeed is used frequently in crane-work, where it has the important advan- tage of preventing the wheels getting out of geer. N. B. This note is by Mr. Tredgold, editor of the second edition of Bu- chanan’s “ Practical Essays on Mill- work.” MJGLIL (^EJElipi^G From 40 to JJ. Pl.-t. f AND MACHINIST. 27 rioiis purposes, when formed on the principle recommended in the preceding article. I therefore will endeavour to show a simple method of describing such teeth. ‘‘ It must be observed, that the teeth to resemble staves are to be always on the conducted wheel or pinion ; thus afford- ing the peculiar advantage of the wheel and trundle in either increasing or diminishing velocity. Fig. 38=^. Let the teeth be divided as usual on the pitch lines, EE, F F 3 and on the conducted wheel C describe cir- cles, as though there were to be staves. Conceive the centre of one of these staff teeth to be in the line of centres at A, and draw the line A B joining the centres of the staff teeth. Then the radius A Z>, from the centre A, will describe the curved side h c oi the tooth of the conductor, and the curved part ba oi the conducted wheel. And since this radius is equal to the pitch diminished by half the diameter of the cir- cle of the staff teeth, and the centres will always be in the pitch lines of the wheels, all the other teeth may be easily described."' The editor then enters into some calculations, which the limits of our work will not permit us to pursue, we therefore refer our readers to the work itself, which embraces much useful information. Fig. 47. When a pinion is required to have but a slow motion, an internal pinion, which has less friction than the external one, may, in many cases, be adopted with advantage. To illustrate this, let A, fig. 48, be the proportional circle or pitch line of a wheel, B that of an external pinion, and C that of an internal pinion, all at contact at the point a : now, if motion be communicated to the wheels, so that they move uniformly, it will be seen, that when the point a has arrived at bed, each of the wheels having travelled over an equal distance from the line of centres D, the space from btoc is much less than that from c to d, and consequently had the wheels moved by means of teeth, the tooth of the internal pinion C would have slid over a smaller part of a tooth of the wheel A, than a tooth of the external pinion B, wdiich proves it would have had le^s velocity and less friction. Fig. 49 represents a rack and pinion, recommended by Mr. Tredgold. A B the pitch line of the rack, B C the pitch line of the pinion, and the form of the tooth C D is the involute of a circle ; but when the rack impels the pinion, the curved face of each of the teeth of the rack should be a portion of a cycloid, (as A, a, fig. 37,) and the leaves of the pinion straight lines radiating from the centre 38 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC of the pillion ; the diameter of the generating circle for describing the cycloidal teeth should be half the proportional diameter of the pinion. See Buchanan" s Practical Essays on Mill-work, Tredgold’s edition. Bevel geer. — We have already stated^ that when the axes of wheels are angular to each other^ they are called bevel geei% in order to distinguish them from spur geer, whose axes are parallel •, it therefore now remains for us to describe in what manner the teeth of bevel geer differ from the teeth of spur geer. Bevel geer is represented by the two cones at fig. 50, where A B and B C are the axes, and D E and £ F their proportional diameters or pitch lines. If these two cones are placed in close contact, and motion is communicated to the one, that motion will, as is already stated, be communicated to the other, and the motion of both, as w^e have shown, when speaking of spur geer, will be equal. The epicycloid for forming the teeth of bevel geer, is generated by one cone rolling upon the surface of another, while their summits coincide : for example, if a cone C, fig. 51, having a point a, move upon the surface of the cone D, the point a will, in its revolutions, describe the line A E F, A being the place from where it starts, E its greatest height, and F its lowest depth ; therefore a curved line drawn from A to E, and continued from E to F, gives what is called a sj^lierical epicycloid ; and the base of the cone C is the generating circle of the spherical epicycloid. The method of using the spherical epicycloid for forming the teeth of bevel geer is, in every respect, similar to the method of using the exterior and interior epicycloid for forming the teeth of spur geer, consequently it wall be needless to repeat it. Fig. 52. To construct bevel geer we must calculate the proportional diameters or pitch lines of the wheel and pinion that are to act upon each other, and then draw their axes AB and B C. Draw parallel to the axis AB of the wheel the line D E, and the line F D parallel to the axis of the pinion, and from the point D, where these tw'o lines intersect, draw the line D G perpendicular to A B, and D H perpendicular to B C, and make 1 G equal to D I, and K H equal to D K 5 then D G gives, what is called the principal diameter, or diameter of the pitch line of the %vheel, and D FI that of the pinion. Froceed to draw the teeth of the w'heel, by fixing onq AND MACHINIST. 29 foot of the compasses in the point at A, and^ having ex- tended the other foot to the distance sweep the small arc G then set off the length of the tooth from G to /;, draw the line h c, tending to a, and sweep the arc c e, con- centric to h a. Set off from G to / part of the required length of the toothy from the principal diameter to the root ; and draw the line f g tending to A, which gives the root of the tooth. Parallel to fg, draw ae, and cifge will represent a section of the solid ring of the wheel. In an excellent article on mill-work^ in Dr. Rees’s Cyclo- pedia^ the author states^ that the manner of setting out the teeth of cog-wheels, in such a form that they shall act in the most equable manner upon each other, and with the least friction, has been a subject of much investigation among mathematicians and theoretic mechanics ; but the practice and observation of the mill-wrights have produced a method of forming cog-wheels, which answers nearly, if not fully, as well in practice, as the geometrical curves which theory has pointed out to be the most proper. This they have effected by making the teeth of the modern wheels ex- tremely small and numerous. In this case, the time of action in each pair of teeth is so small, that the form of them be- comes comparatively of slight importance ; and the practical methods of the mill-wrights (using arcs of circles for the curves) approximates so nearly to the truth, that the dif- ference is of no consequence : and this method is the best, because it so easily gives the means of forming all the cogs exactly alike, and precisely the same distance asunder, which, by the application of any other curve than the circle, is not so easy. The method, which is extremely simple, is explained in lig. 53. The wheel being made, and the cogs fixed in much larger than they are intended to be, a circle, a «, is described round the face of the rough cogs upon its pitch diameter, that is, the geometrical diameter, or acting line of the cogs ; so that when the two wheels are at work together, the pitch circles, a a, of the two are in contact. Another circle, b b, is described within the pitch circle for the bottom of the teeth, and a third, dd, without it, for the extremities. After these preparations, the pitch circle is accurately di- vided into the number which the wheel is intended to have ; a pair of compasses are then opened out to the extent of one and a quarter of these divisions, and with this radius arcs are struck on each side of every division, from the pitch line a, to the outer circle d d. Thus the point of the compasses being set in the division e, the curve f g, on one side of the 30 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC cog, and no on one side of the other, are described ; then the point of the compasses being set on the adjacent divi- sion k, the curve I m is described. This completes the curved portion of the cogs c, and this being done all round completes every tooth ; the remaining portion of the cog within the circle a, is bounded by two straight lines drawn from the points g and m towards the centre ; this being done to the cogs all round, the wheel is set out, and the cogs, being dressed or cut down to the lines, will be formed ready for work, every cog being of the same breadth ; and the space between every one and its neighbour is exactly equal to the breadth, provided the compasses are opened to the extent of one division and a quarter as first described.’^ COUPLINGS. Coupling boxes are used to connect the shafts of wheels ; they are either round or square, and with single or double bearings. The square coupling with double bearings, is represented in fig. 54, where B, between the bridges C D, is a square shaft with the coupling box resting upon it, ready to be thrust, when occasion requires it, upon the shaft A, which is out of geer, and to which it can be fastened by means of a pin, as shown at F, where the shafts are in geer. The round coupling, represented in fig. 55, is, when fastened on the shafts, engaged by two bolts A B, and C, which pass through the box at right angles to each other, and one of them through each of the shafts. As it is almost impracticable to form the axes of two shafts with such accuracy that they shall present one truly straight line ; and as the shafts will, though made never so accurate, wear unequally, both these couplings have been found to be somewhat disadvantageous in mill- work. The square coupling with one bearing, is decidedly superior to either of the above-mentioned, as it possesses, to a certain degree, the property of being flexible in all directions. In conveying motion through a great length of shafts, where there is but little lateral pressure, it can be used to great advan- tage ; but where there is much lateral pressure the sockets are found to wear away and get loose, which occasions a hobbling and inaccurate motion. A longitudinal section of this coupling is represented in fig. 56, where A is the square of one shaft, B the square of the other, C C the coupling box, and D D two pins, one of which passes through each square of the shafts, in order to support the square B in a line with the square A. Sometimes the square B is held in a line with the square A by means of a round projection F, from the centri IVCI’I.IL n.:> . I 'roiii / h' (>!> . Fi)j. .7./ . Fiff. Hi ^ . -^1 ^ -iij; flii ”i-f y V ^in //V/.. 77 . Z^I T 0 ( — II' 1 rn l_L ^L[ I E d Fiq.oH. W k H 1 J'/q Fitj.S4. Fuf. 69 . r r c F 1 !' I 3 — i j , I D / ' 4 i i I I _ . 1 1 i , i ' ! j ; i 1 ' j G ~G 35* Fig. 66 . B i\ D ti \j J -Hi ! 'i/4 AND MACHINIST. 31 of the square A, entering into a round hole in the centre of the square B. Clutches or glands may be used with much advantage as a coupling for double bearings. Fig. 5J represents a coup- ling of this kind ; it consists of two crosses, A A and B B, < one fixed to each shaft ; B B has its ends bended forward, and lays hold of A A, which turns that shaft round.^ In boring-mills two kinds of clutches are used. The one for the smaller kinds of work is represented in fig. 58. A B is a round plate of cast iron fixed firmly on the shaft C ; D E a lever fixed to the shaft H by the bolt F, and capable of being moved in the direction of the plate A B, so that it can lay hold of the projections G G GG, which will admit the boring shaft H to be thrown in and out of geer at pleasure. The second kind of boring-mill clutch, or the one that is used to bore the largest cylinders, is represented in fig. 59. The only difference between this clutch and the one just described, consists in having the lever D E to turn on a bolt at F in a cast iron plate IKE, instead of hanging from the shaft H. Three spare sets of ears, which are cast on the plate, to be used in case of those in action breaking, support the lever near the point of pressure, and take the stress entirely off the bolt F. When an engine is started, it frequently happens that the crank is on the wrong side of the axis of the fly-wheel, so that both that and the shaft make one or two, and, if the attend- ant is negligent, several, revolutions in the wrong direction. To prevent the mischief that would accrue from such an oc- currence, a coupling, as is represented in fig. 60, is intro- duced. A and B are two vertical shafts, maintained in the same line by a small circular pin, which passes from the shaft B into a cavity on the shaft A, which cavity is large enough to admit the pin to lay in it without communicating motion to the shaft A. The shaft B, which is connected with the moving power, has a coupling piece with prominences or teeth, perpendicular on the one side, and inclined on the other, fixed on its upper end. The coupling or catch box C, which is capable, of sliding freely up and down the square part of the shaft A, has a correspondent set of teeth ; by which it is evident, that when the shaft B turns the right way, the perpendicular sides of the teeth of the respective coupling pieces will act together, and carry round the upper * For a method of constructing glands we must refer our readers to Buchanan’s Essays on Mill-work. 32 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC shaft A ; but when B turns in a contrary direction^ the in- clined sides of the teeth of the catch-box will slide over the inclined sides of the teeth of the piece on the shaft B. and cause the catch-box C to move up and down without com- municating motion to the shaft A. o Fig. 61 represents the coupling link used by Messrs. Boul- ton and Watt in their portable steam-engines. A, a strong iron pin^ projecting from one of the arms of the fly-wheel B ; D a crank connected with the shaft C ; and E a link to couple the pin A and the crank D together, so that motion may be communicated to the shaft C. Hook’s universal joints are sometimes used to communi- cate motion obliquely instead of conical wheels. Fig. 62 represents a single universal joint, which may be employed where the angle does not exceed forty degrees, and when the shafts are to move with equal velocity. The shafts A and B, being both connected with a cross, move on the rounds at the points C E and D F, and thus, if the shaft A is turned round, the shaft B will likewise turn with a similar motion in its respective position. The double universal joint, fig. 63, conveys motion in different directions when the angle is between 50 and 90 degrees. It is at liberty to move on the points G, H, I, K, connected with the shaft B ; also on the points L, M, N, I, connected with the shaft A : thus the two shafts are so con- nected, that the one cannot turn without causing the other to turn likewise. These joints may be constructed by a cross of iron, or with four pins fastened at right angles upon the circumference of a hoop or of a solid ball ; they are of great use in cotton mills, where the tumbling shafts are continued to a great distance from the moving power j for by applying a universal joint, the shafts maybe cut into convenient lengths, and so be enabled to overcome a greater resistance. OF DISENGAGING AND REENGAGING MACHINERY. A KNOWLEDGE of the best methods of disengaging and re- engaging machinery, or, as the workmen call it, throwing in and out of geer, is found to be highly necessary in most manu» factories ; and yet it frequently happens that the workmen are either very ignorant of, or very inattentive to, this important subject. Matter possesses a certain property termed inertia^ which has a tendency to maintain it in the state in which it actually is; that is to say, if a body is set in motion, this property has a tendency to maintain it for ever in that state, and certainly AND MACHINIST. 33 would, were it not gradually overcome by friction, or suddenly stopped by some stronger power ; the same may be said of a body in a state of rest, as this property would ever maintain it in that state, were not some stronger force applied to set it in motion. Such being the case, it frequently occurs, when powerful machinery is moving with some velocity, and another part, which is out of geer, is suddenly connected with it, or thrown in geer, that the shock proceeding from inertia snaps the teeth of the wheels, or causes destruction to some other part of the machinery. To obviate this as much as possible, such means should be resorted to, as have been found in practice to answer best. The risk of breaking the teeth may be considerably lessened by first setting the wheel, that is to be thrown in geer, in motion by the hand. The methods that have been adopted for throwing ma- chinery in and out of geer are various ; some of the principal of which we shall now proceed to notice. Fig. 64 represents the sliding pulley. P a pulley, having a hollow cylindrical bush made so that it can revolve easily upon the axle and slide backward and forward upon it ; B a part of the bush projecting on one side of the pulley, having a groove sufficiently large to admit the lever L to lay in it without impeding its motion ; C G a cross or gland fixed firm to the axle; and I, one or more teeth, projecting from the pulley on the side opposite to the bush. When the axle AD is required to be put in motion, the lever L must be moved towards the cross or gland C G, so that the teeth upon the pulley may catch hold of and carry it round with it. The fast and loose pulley is represented in fig. 65. B is a pulley firmly fixed on the axle A, and C a pulley with a bush, so that it can revolve upon the axle A without communicating motion to it. This contrivance is remarkable for its beauti- ful simplicity, as the axle A can be thrown in and out of geer at pleasure, without the least shock, by simply passing a strap from the one pulley to the other. The bayonet, in its construction, somewhat resembles the sliding pulley. It is shown in fig. 66. A is a pulley or binder, connected with the moving machinery by means of a strap, and revolving upon the horizontal shaft B C, which is out of geer ; D E is a pulley or wheel, made of either metal or wood, fixed firmly to the horizontal shaft, and having two holes to allow the legs of the bayonet to pass through ; F G is the bayonet, having a bush, and capable of being moved D 34 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC backward and forward upon the horizontal shaft by pushing the handle H H 5 so that when the shaft B C is required to be put in motion, the attendant has only to push the bayonet into the pulley D E, which will immediately carry it round. Fig. 67 represents one of the simplest ways of disengaging and reengaging wheels. A B, the bridge of the wheel, j| No. 1, acts as a lever, having its fulcrum at A ; the other end of the bridge B is capable of being lifted by the key » K K. When the wheel. No. 2, is required to be thrown out of geer, the key K K is pressed downwards, and the end of the bridge B rests upon the extreme end of the key, as shown by the dotted lines. The tightening roller is represented in fig. 68 . A and B are two pullies, the one to receive, and the other to transmit, 1 motion, by means of the strap C : D is the tightening roller, 1 fastened to a movable arm E, and connected with a lever G F. When the moving pulley (suppose A) is required to ' give motion to the other pulley B, the lever G F must be pushed downwards, which will tighten the strap by placing the tightening roller in the position represented by the dotted ^ lines, and cause the pulley A to carry the pulley B round i with it. - The friction clutch, represented in fig. 69, is used to dis- engage and reengage machinery, when the velocity of the moving parts is very great. A is a pulley, having a bush, and revolving freely on the shaft S S : B is another pulley, having a similar bush, and also capable of revolving on the shaft : C C is a dish-spring, secured in its place by the pin p p, and forcing the pulley B against the collar D, which is fixed permanently to the shaft. When motion is required to be communicated to the shaft S S, the pulley A is moved towards the pulley B, and the teeth projecting from the side of the pulley A, clasps those of the pulley B, and carries it round with it ; and the friction of the pulley B against the collar D, gradually overcomes the inertia, and carries the shaft and connecting machinery also round. The friction clutch, represented in fig. 70, is a very excellent contrivance, as it prevents all those injurious shocks which the machinery is apt to receive upon being thrown into geer. C C is a cross fixed firm on the moving shaft A ; and E is a pulley or drum fixed firm on the shaft to be moved, B. When the shaft B is required to be moved, the clutch or bayonet K is made to pass through the arms of the cross C C, AND MACHINIST. S5 and clasp the screw-hoop 1 1, which is by that means carried round with the shaft A, and the friction caused by the screw- hoop 1 1, turning upon the drum or pulley E, causes the drum and the shaft B, to which it is attached, to turn likeadse. The friction cone is very similar in its effects to the fric- tion clutch. On the moving shaft A, fig. 71? is fixed a cone C ; and on the shaft B is another cone D, made to fit in the cone C. The cone D is movable on a square part of the shaft B, and may, by a lever, be moved in and out of geer. When the cone I) is moved forward, the cone C receives motion by its internal surface. In fig. 72 is represented the self-disengaging coupling. Two shafts, A and B, have each of them a cast iron wheel, with four oblique wrought iron teeth ; but the wheel on the shaft B is movable, on A it is fixed. When the coupling is en- gaged, the teeth of 'the wheel C lay hold of the teeth of the wheel D, and carry it, and the shaft A, round with the shaft B. E F G is a bent lever, having its fidcrum at F, which, during the ordinary stress on B, keeps forward the bayonet C, by the weight of the part F G ; but when a more than usual stress comes on the shaft B, the pressure on the oblique teeth forces the bayonet back, and disengages the coupling, and the lever is held by a catch until the coupling is re- engaged by the hand of the workman. ON EQUALIZING THE MOTION OF MACHINERY. The regulation of the velocity of a mill is a matter of very great importance to preserve an uniformity of motion, either when the force of the first mover is fluctuating, or when the resistance or work of the mill varies in its degree : either or both of these causes will occasion the mill to accelerate or diminish its velocity; and in many instances it will have a very injurious effect upon the operations of the mill. Thus, in a mill for spinning cotton, wool, flax, &c., driven by a water-wheel, are a multiplicity of movements, many of which are occasionally disengaged, in different parts of the mill, for various purposes. This tends to diminish the resistance to the first mover, and the whole mill accelerates. Or, on the other hand, the head of water, which drives the wheel, may be liable to rise and fall suddenly, from many causes, which great and rapid rivers are subject to, and cause similar irregularities in the speed of the wheel. For such cases judicious mechanics have adopted contrivances, or regulators, which counteract all these causes of irregularity ; and a large mill, so regulated, will move like a clock, with regard to its regularity of velocity. These D 2 36 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC regulators are usually called called goveriiors, and are made on different principles. Those most generally used are called flying-balls^ operating by the centrifugal force of two heavy balls, which are connected and revolve with a vertical axis. Fig. 189^ steam-engine, is the simplest form of this ingenious apparatus : A A is the vertical axis, which is constantly revolv- ing by the machinery; at a a two arms or pendulums, ab, a b, are jointed, and carry at their extremities a heavy metal ball each, as b, b; from the pendulum two chains or iron rods, d r/, proceed, and suspend a collar c, which slides freely up and down the axis, and has a groove formed all round it, in which the end of a forked lever, D, is received; and thus the rising and the falling of the collar e, produces a corresponding motion of the end of the lever D; but the collar is always at liberty to turn round with the axis freely within the fork, at the extremity of the lever. The operation of the governor is this : when the vertical axis is put in motion, the centri- fugal force of the balls Z», Z>, causes them to recede from the centre; and as this is done both together, they cause the collar c, and the end of the lever, to rise up ; the balls fly out to a certain height, and there they continue as long as the axis preserves the same velocity ; as it is the property of a pendulous ball, like Z», to make a greater effort to return to the perpendicular, in proportion as it is removed farther from it, in consequence of the suspending rod being more inclined, and bearing less of its weight. The weight of the balls to return to the axis may be considered as a constantly increasing quantity; while the quantity of the centrifugal force, causing them to recede from the axis, depends exactly upon the velocity given them. But this velocity increases as they open out, independently of any increased velocity of the axis, in consequence of their describing a larger circle. The com- bination of these oppositely acting forces causes the governor to be a most sensible and delicate regulator. Thus : suppose the balls hanging perpendicular put the axis in motion with a certain velocity, the centrifugal force will cause the balls to fly out; and this increasing their velocity, (by putting them farther from the centre, and causing them to revolve in a larger circle,) gives them a greater centrifugal force, which would carry them still farther from the centre, but for the counteracting force, viz, the weight of the balls tending to return. This is, as before stated, an increasing quantity, and consequently these opposite forces come to a point where they balance each other; that is, the balls fly out till their weight to return balances the centrifugal force. But if the PI. 6. From 70 to 78 . 71 ^aU k .^toMiy si-se^ Strand. AND MACHINIST. 37 slightest alteration takes place in the velocity of the axis, the equilibrium is destroyed by the increase or diminution cf the centrifugal force, and the balls alter their distance from the centre accordingly, and, by elevating or depressing the end of the lever, operate upon some part of the mill to rectify the cause of the irregularity. In a steam-engine, the lever acts upon a vane or door situated in the passage of the steam from the boiler to the cylinder ; and if the mill loses in velo- city, from an increase of resistance, the balls fall together a little, and the consequent fall of the lever opens the door or throttle- valve a little wider, and gives a stronger supply of steam to restore the mill to its original velocity. On the other hand, if the mill accelerates, the balls open out and then close the vane, so as to moderate the supply of steam. A water-wheel is not so easily regulated by the governor, because the shuttle of a large wheel requires a much greater force to raise or lower it, when the water is pressing against it, than the lever O, can at any time possess^ it therefore becomes requisite to introduce some additional machinery, which has sufficient power to move the shuttle, and this is thrown in or out of action by the flying balls. The simplest contrivance, and that which we believe was the regulator first used for a water-wheel, was erected at a cotton-mill at Belper, in Derbyshire, belonging to Mr. Strutt. A square well, or large cistern, was situated close by the water-wheel ; it had a pipe leading from the mill-dam into it, to admit water; and another pipe from it to the mill-tail, to take the water away: both were closed at pleasure by cocks or sluices. Within the well was a large floating chest, very nearly filling up the space : it of course rose and fell with the water in the cistern, and liad a communication by rack and wheel-work with the machinery for drawing the shuttle, so that the rise and fall of the floating chest elevated and depressed the shuttle of the wheel. The lever of the governor was con- nected with the cocks in the two pipes in such a manner, that when the mill was going at its intended velocity, both of the cocks were shut; but if the water-wheel went too slowly, the falling of the bails and descent of their lever D, opened the cock in the pipe of supply, and, by letting water into the well, raised the float, and, with it, the shuttle, to let more water upon the wheel, till it acquired such a velocity that the balls began to open out again, and thus shut the cock : on the other hand, if the mill went too fast, the balls opened the pipe of exit from the well, and then the sinking of the float closed the shuttle till the true velocity was restored. 38 THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC Since this first application of the regulator to the water- wheel, the manner of its operation has been greatly varied; and as the same mechanism is applicable to any kind of mill-work, we shall give a slight sketch of it. Suppose A, fig. 74, an axis, receiving its motion from the mill by wheel- work; it is provided with a pair of governors, ab, a b, con- structed like those before described ; and at the lower part of the spindle is a bevelled wheel, R, turning two others, B and C, situated upon one spindle, D, which goes away, and communicates motion to the racks of the shuttle; the wheels, B and C, are neither of them fixed to the spindle D, but both slip round freely upon it, turning in contrary directions, as they receive motion from the opposite sides of the wheel R. A locking clutch, c?, is fitted upon the spindle between these two wheels, B, C, and can, by moving it one way or the other, be made to lock either one of the wheels to the spindle D, at the same time that it leaves the other disengaged. The locking-box is moved by means of a lever, shown in fig. 73, the arm m having a fork to embrace a groove in the box ; the lever is fixed on a vertical axis w, which has at the upper end two other levers, o, p; these lay one at each side of the vertical axis A, but at different heights, as is evident from the figure. The collar c, which is raised up when the balls fly out, is fitted upon a square part of the spindle A, and is formed like a snail or camm, which will act upon either of the levers, o or according to the height at which it hangs upon its spindle. Now when the mill is going with its true velocity, this camm e is at such a height that it is beneath one lever, o, and above the other, p, so as to inter- fere with neither; consequently the locking-box, c?, remains detached : but on any alteration in the velocity of the mill and the axis A, the balls open or shut, as before explained, and the camm, c, either rises or falls, and then it presses against one of the levers, o or jo, and by pushing it away from the axis, it moves the lever m, and the locking-box up to one of the wheels, B or C, which it locks to the axis D, and turns it round in the direction of that wheeFs motion, by which it either raises or depresses the v/ater-wheeFs shuttle, as is required. This apparatus may, it is plain, be applied to any other kind of mill-work. Governors or flying-balls are very frequently used in the wind-mills employed for grinding flour : the variable force of this first mover renders some such regulator necessary, to increase the resistance, by allowing a greater feed of corn, when the mill moves too quickly, and thus in some degree AND MACHINIST. 39 counteracting the irregularity. If the mill moves too slowly, the balls tend to diminish the feed, and at the same time they raise the upper stone, to set them at a greater distance asunder, that they may require less power to drive them, and consequently suffer the mill, as nearly as it can, to retain its full velocity, though the motive force is greatly diminished. This application of the governor was, we believe, first made by the ingenious captain Hooper of Margate, who invented the horizontal wind-mill. It is a very great advantage, and no wind-mill should be without them. Many wind-mills are provided with flying-balls, which, by very ingenious me^ chanism, clothe and unclothe the sails just in proportion to the strength of the wind. In many mills it is of consequence to be able to detect small variations in the velocity, and to ascertain the quantity of them; for the governor only corrects the irregularities, without showing any scale of them. In cases where this is required, it may be done by a very ingenious instrument, invented by Mr. Bryan Donkin, of Fort-place, Bermondsey, He received a gold medal from the Society of Arts, Manu- factures, and Commerce, in 1810, for this instrument, which he calls a tachometer. A front view of Mr, Donkin^ s tachometer^ or instru- ment for indicating the velocity of Machinery^ is represented in fig. 70 , and a side view in fig. 77* X Y Z, fig. 70, is the vertical section of a wooden cup, made of box, which is drawn in elevation at X, fig. 77 * The whiter parts of the section, in fig. 76, represent what is solid, and the dark parts what is hollow. This cup is filled with mercury up to the level L L, fig. 76. Into the mercury is immersed the lower part of the upright glass tube A B, which is filled with coloured spirits of wine, and open at both ends, so that some of the mercury in the cup enters at the lower orifice, and when every thing is at rest, supports a long, column of spirits, as represented in the figure. The bottom of the cup is fastened by a screw to a short vertical spindle D, so that when the spindle is whirled round, the cup (whose figure is a solid of revolution) revolves at the same time round its axis, which coincides with that of the spindle. In consequence of this rotation, the mercury in the cup acquires a centrifugal force, by which its particles are thrown outwards, and that with the greater intensity, according as they are more distant from the axis, and according as the angular velocity is greater. Hence, on account of its fluidity, the mercury rises higher and higher as it recedes from the 40 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC axis, and consequently sinks in the middle of the cup ; this elevation at the sides and consequent depression in the middle increasing always with the velocity of rotation. Now the mercury in the tube, though it does not revolve with the cup, cannot continue higher than the mercury immediately surrounding it, nor indeed so high, on account of the super- incumbent column of spirits. Thus the mercury in the tube will sink, and consequently the spirits also ; but as that part of the tul3e which is within the cup is much wider than the part above it, the depression of the spirits will be much greater than that of the mercury, being in the same propor- tion in which the square of the larger diameter exceeds the square of the smaller. Let us now suppose, that by means of a cord passing round a small pulley F, and the wheel G or H, or in any other convenient way, the spindle D is connected with the machine whose velocity is to be ascertained. In forming this con- nection, we must be careful to arrange matters so, that when the machine is moving at its quickest rate, the angular velocity of the cup shall not be so great as to depress the spirits below C into the wider part of the tube. We are also, as in the figure, to have a scale of inches and tenths applied to A C, the upper and narrower part of the tube, the numeration being carried downwards from zero, which is to be placed at the point to which the column of spirits rises when the cup is at rest. Then the instrument will be adjusted, if we mark on the scale the point to which the column of spirits is depressed, when the machine is moving with the velocity required. But, as in many cases, and particularly in steam-engines, there is a continued oscillation of velocity, in those cases we have to note the two points between which the column oscillates during the most advantageous movement of the machine. Here it is proper to observe, that the height of the column of spirits will vary with the temperature, when other cir- cumstances are the same. On this account the scale ought to be movable, so that, by slipping it upwards or downwards, the zero may be placed at the point to which the column reaches when the cup is at rest ; and thus the instrument may be adjusted to the particular temperature with the utmost facility, and with sufficient precision. The essential parts of the tachometer have now been mentioned, as well as the method of adjustment 5 but certain circumstances remain tQ be staled, AND MACHINIST. 41 The form of the cup is adapted to render a smaller quantity of mercury sufficient, than what must have been employed either with a cylindrical or hemispherical vessel. In every case two precautions are necessary to be observed : — first, that when the cup is revolving with its greatest velocity, the mercury in the middle shall not sink so low as to allow any of the spirits in the tube to escape from the lower orifice, and that the mercury, when most distant from the axis, shall not be thrown out of the cup. Secondly, that when the cup is at rest, the mercury shall rise so high above the lower end of the tube, that it may support a column of spirits of the proper length. Now in order that the quantity of mercury, consistent with these conditions, may be reduced to its minimum, it is necessary — first, that if M M, fig. 7^, is the level of the mercury at the axis, when the cup is revolving with tlie greatest velocity, the upper part M M X Y of the cup should be of such a form as to have the sides covered only with a thin film of the fluid ; and, secondly, that for the purpose of raising the small quantity of mercury to the level L L, which may support a proper height of spirits when the cup is at rest; the cavity of the cup should be in a great measure occupied by the block K K, having a cylindrical perforation in the middle of it for the immersion of the tube, and leaving sufficient room within and around it for the mercury to move freely both along the sides of the tube and of the vessel. The block K K is preserved in its proper position in the cup or vessel X Y Z, by means of three narrow projecting slips or ribs placed at equal distances round it, and is kept from rising or floating upon the mercury by two or three small iron or steel pins inserted into the under side of the cover, near the aperture through which the tube passes. It would be extremely difficult, however, nor is it by any means important, to give to the cup the exact form which would reduce the quantity of mercury to its minimum ; but we shall have a sufficient approximation, which may be exe- cuted with great precision, if the part of the cup above M M is made a parabolic nonoid, the vertex of the generating para- bola being at that point of the axis to which the mercury sinks at its lowest depression, and the dimensions of the parabola being determined in the following manner. Let V G, fig. 78, represent the axis of the cup, and V the point to which Ihe mercury sinks at its lowest depression ; at any point G above V, draw G H perpendicular to V G ; let n be 42 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the number of revolutions which the cup is to perform in at its quickest motion ; let v be the number of inches which a body would describe uniformly in 1", with the velo- city acquired in falling from rest, through a height = to V G V, and make G H = . Then, the parabola to be 6 n determined is that which has v for its vertex, V G for its axis, and G H for its ordinate at G. The cup has a lid to prevent the mercury from being thrown out of it, an event which would take place with a very moderate velocity of rotation, unless the sides were raised to an inconvenient height ; but the lid, by obstructing the elevation at the sides of the cup, will diminish the depression in the middle, and consequently the depression of spirits in the tube ; on this account a cavity is formed in the block immediately above the level L/L, where the mercury stands when the cup is at rest ; and thus a receptacle is given to the fluid, which would otherwise disturb the centrifugal force and impair the sensi- bility of the instrument. It will ])e observed, that the lower orifice of the tube is turned upwards. By this means, after the tube has been filled with spirits by suction, and its upper orifice stopped with the finger, it may easily be conveyed to the cup and immersed in the quicksilver without any danger of the spirits escaping ; a circumstance which otherwise it would be ex- tremely difficult to prevent, since no part of the tube can be made capillary, consistently with that free passage to the fluids, which is essentially necessary to the operation of the instrument. We have next to attend to the method of putting the tachometer in motion whenever we wish to examine the velo- city of the machine. The pulley F, which is continually w’hirling during the motion of the machine, has no connec- tion whatever with the cup, so long as the lever Q R is left to itself. But when this lever is raised, the hollow cone T, which is attached to the pulley and whirls along with it, is also raised, and embracing a solid cone on the spindle of the cup, communicates the rotation by friction. When our ob- servation is made, we have only to allow the lever to drop by its own weight, and the two cones will be disengaged, and the cup remain at rest. The lever Q R is connected by a vertical rod to another lever S, having, at the extremity S a valve, which, when the lever Q R is raised, and the tachometer is in motion, is lifted up from the top of the tube, so as to admit the external AND MACHINIST. 43 air upon the depression of the spirits ; on the other hand, when the lever Q R falls, and the cup is at rest, the valve at S closes the tube, and prevents the spirits from being wasted by evaporation. It is lastly to be remarked, that both the sensibility and the range of the instrument may be infinitely increased ; for, on tlie one hand, by enlarging the proportion between the diameters of the wide and narrow parts of the tube, we enlarge in a much higher proportion the extent of scale cor- responding to any given variation of velocity ; and on the other hand, by deepening the cup so as to admit when it is at rest a greater height of mercury above the lower end of the tube, we lengthen the column of spirits which the mer- cury can support, and consequently enlarge the velocity, which, with any given sensibility of the instrument, is re- quisite to depress the spirits to the bottom of the scale. Hence the tachometer is capable of being employed in very delicate philosophical experiments, more especially as a scale might be applied to it, indicating equal increments of velocity. But in the present account it is merely intended to state how it may be adapted to detect in machinery every deviation from the most advantageous movement. General Observations . — In setting out the geering of a mill, it should be the object of the engineer to place the heaviest machinery nearest the moving power, as, in trans- mitting motion to a great distance, not only the weight of shafting is to be taken into consideration, but the friction which exists in all the different bearings, and which is greatly increased by a small obstacle placed beyond those bearings. Care likewise should be taken to make as few bearings as possible, still keeping in view that the shafts must not be allowed to swag. Rules might be given for the distances of the bearings of the shafting, if the shafting had only to move itself, but having to carry various sized pullies, both their weight and the weight of the machinery they turn must be taken into consideration, which compel us to forego the at- tempt 3 it is, however, necessary to state, that it is better to have a bearing too many than to allow a shaft to bend, as it cannot then run true in its steps or journals. In forming couplings, great care should be taken to make them fit, so that the coupled shaft may move as though of the same piece with the driving shaft : nor can simplicity be too strongly recommended, that the coupled shaft may, in .case of an accident, be instantaneously disengaged, for the 44 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC loss of time arising from any accident is of serious im- portance to the manufacturer. Couplings should be placed near the bearings, as there is there the least swag, and the shaft is of course the weakest at the couplings. The same observation is applicable to the disposing of wheels and pullies. Pullies have been sometimes formed in two halves for putting upon the shaft without taking the shaft down, but their adoption is by no means general, as there is some difficulty in fixing them true whilst the shaft is in its place. Straps to drive geering should be avoided whenever wheels can be substituted, as they are very liable to stretch and break, and do not transmit regular motion. In fixing the wheels and pullies upon a shaft, which is mostly done b)^ driving wedges in the bush of the wheel or pulley, called staking them on, great pains should be taken to have them true, which can only be done by driving the wedges regu- larly on each side to the same degree of tightness. It most generally happens when one wedge is over-driven, the work- men, rather than take the trouble to alter it, will let it re- main ; but this is of more importance than is generally imagined, for if a wheel is not true, it cannot work in the pitch line, all round, and where it is out it will shake, or have, what is called, hack-lash, which, happening always in the same place, will wear the ".vhecls irregularly. If a pulley is not true, it will communicate irregular motion by its strap, and likewise cause an irregular stress upon the shaft on which it works, much to the detriment of the bearing. Chains have been beneficially introduced as substitutes for straps in driving heavy geer. Shafts should be circular, as they are less likely to catch any thing, and have a much neater appearance. The same may be said of couplings. The wheels of the geering should be always enclosed in a casing of wood, called boxing o//, to prevent any thing failing in between them, or accidents occurring to the people who maybe working near them. The wheels should be furnished with brushes resting upon their faces, to distribute the'grease equally and to keep it between the teeth : and on starting a new pair of wheels, a little emery may be put on with the gi*ease, to bring them to a smooth face. The following general observations on the construction of Machines, and on the regulating of their motions, appear to be highly worthy of the Mill-wrighCs attention ; we have, therefore, extracted them from jJr. Robison’s article AND MACHINIST. 45 on Machinery^ inserted in the Supplement to the Encydo pcjcdia Britannica. When heavy stampers are to be raised, in order to drop on the matters to be pounded, the wipers by which they are lifted should be made of such a form, that the stamper may be used by a uniform pressure, or with a motion almost perfectly uniform. If this is not attended to, and the wiper is only a pin sticking out from the axis, the stamper is forced into motion at once. This occasions violent jolts to the machines, and great strains on its moving parts and their points of support ; whereas, when they are gradually lifted, the inequality of desultory motion is never felt at the impelled point of the machine. We have seen pistons moved by means of a double rack on the piston rod. A half wheel takes hold of one rack, and raises it to the required height. The moment the half wdieel has quit- ted that side of the rack, it lays hold of the other side, and forces the piston down again. This is proposed as a great improvement ; connecting the unequable motion of the piston moved in the common w^ay by a crank. But it is far inferior to the crank motion. It occasions such abrupt changes of motion, that the machine is shaken by jolts. Indeed, if the movement were actually executed, the machine would be shaken to pieces, if the parts did not give w^ay by bending and yielding. Accordingly, we have ahvays observed that this motion soon failed, and was changed for one that was more smooth. A judicious engineer will avoid all such sudden changes of motion, especially in any ponderous part of a machine. When several stampers, pistons, or other reciprocal movers, are to be raised and depressed, common sense teaches us to distribute their times of action in a uniform manner, so that the machine may always be equally loaded with work. When tins is done, and the observations in the preceding paragraph attended to, the machine may be made to move almost as smoothly as if there ^vere no reciprocations in it. Nothing shows the ingenuity more than the artful yet simple and effectual contrivances for obviating those difficulties that unavoidably arise from the very nature of the w^ork that must be performed by the machine, and of the power employed. There is also great room for ingenuity and good choice in the management of the moving power, when it is such as cannot immediately produce the kind of motion required for effecting the purpose. We mentioned the conversion of the 46 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC continued rotation of an axis into the reciprocating motion of a piston^ and the improvement which was thought to have been made on the common and obvious contrivance of a crank, by substituting a double rack on the piston-rod, and the inconvenience arising from the jolts occasioned by this change. We have seen a great forge, where the engineer, in order to avoid the same inconvenience arising from the abrupt motion given to the great sledge hammer of seven hundred weight, resisting with a five-fold momentum, formed the wipers into spirals, which communicated motion to the hammer almost without any jolt whatever; but the result was, that the hammer rose no higher than it had been raised in contact with the wiper, and then fell on the iron bloom with very little effect. The cause of its inefficiency was not guessed at; but it was removed, and wipers of the common form were put in place of the spirals. In this operation, the rapid motion of the hammer is absolutely, necessary. It is not enough to lift it up ; it must be tossed up, so as to fly higher than the wiper lifts it, and to strike with great force the strong oaken spring which is placed in its way. It compresses this spring, and is reflected by it with a considerable velocity, so as to hit the iron as if it had fallen from a great height. Had it been allowed to fly to that height, it would have fallen upon the iron with somewhat more force, (because no oaken spring is perfectly elastic,) but this would have re- quired more than twice the time. In employing a power which of necessity reciprocates, td drive machinery which requires a continuous motion (as in applying the steam-engine to a cotton or grist mill,) there also occur great difficulties. The necessity of reciprocation in the first mover wastes much power ; because the instru- ment which communicates such an enormous force must be extremely strong, and be well supported. The impelling power is wasted in imparting, and afterwards destroying, a vast quantity of motion in the working beam. The skilful engineer will attend to this, and do his utmost to procure the necessary strength of this first mover, without making it a vast load of inert matter. He will also remark, that all the strains on it, and on its supports, are changing their direc- tions in every stroke. This requires particular attention to the manner of supporting it. If we observe the steam- engines which have been long erected, we see that they have uniformly shaken the building to pieces. This has been owing to the ignorance or inattention of the engineer in this particular. They are much more judiciously erected now. AND MACHINIST. 47 experience having taught the most ignorant that no building can withstand their desultory and opposite jolts, and that the great movements must be supported by a frarne-w'ork independent of the building of masonry wdiich contains it.* The engineer will also remark, that when a single-stroke steam-engine is made to turn a mill, all the communications of motion change the direction of their pressure twice every stroke. During the working stroke of the beam, one side of the teeth of the intervening wheels is pressing the machinery forward; but during the returning stroke, the machinery, already in motion, is dragging the beam, and the wheels are acting with the other side of the teeth. This occasions a rattling at every change, and makes it proper to fashion both sides of the teeth with the same care. It will frequently conduce to the good performance of an engine, to make the action of the resisting work unequable, accommodated to the inequalities of the impelling powder. This will produce a more uniform motion in machines in which the momentum of inertia is inconsiderable. There are some beautiful specimens of this kind of adjustment in the mechanism of animal bodies. It is very customary to add what is called a fly to ma- chines. This is a heavy disk or hoop, or other mass of matter balanced on its axis, and so connected with the machinery as to turn briskly round wdth it. This may be done with the view of rendering the motion of the whole more regular, notwithstanding unavoidable inequalities of the accelerating forces, or of the resistances occasioned by the work. It becomes a regulator. Suppose the resistance ex- tremely unequal, and the impelling power perfectly constant ; as when a bucket-wheel is employed to one pump. When the piston has ended its working stroke, and while it is going down the barrel, the powder of the wheel being scarcelj^ op- posed, it accelerates the wdiole machine, and the piston arrives at the bottom of the barrel with a considerable velo- city. But in the rising again, the wheel is opposed by the column of water now pressing on the piston. This imme- diately retards the wheel ; and when the piston has reached * The gudgeons of a water-wheel should never rest on the wall of the building. It shakes it; and if set up soon after the building has been erected, it prevents the mortar from taking firm bond ; perhaps by shatter- ing the calcareous crystals as they form. When the engineer is obliged to rest the gudgeons in this way, they should be supported by a block of oak laid a little hollow. This softens all tremors, like springs of a wheel carriage. This practice would be very serviceable in many other parts of the con- struction. 48 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC tiie top of the barrel, all the acceleration is undone, and is to begin again. The motion of such a machine is very hob- bling : but the superplus of accelerating force at the begin- ning of a returning stroke will not make such a change in the motion of the machine if we connect the fly with it. For the accelerating momentum is a determinate quantity. There- fore, if the radius of the fly be great, this momentum will be attained by communicating a small angular motion to the ma- chine. The momentum of the fly is as the square of its radius ; therefore it resists acceleration in this proportion ; and although the overplus of power generates the same momen- tum of rotation in the whole machine as before, it makes but a small addition to its velocity. If the diameter of the fly be doubled, the augmentation of rotation wdll be reduced to one-fourth. Thus, by giving rapid motion to a small quan- tity of matter, the great acceleration during the returning stroke of the piston is prevented. This acceleration conti- nues, however, during the whole of the returning stroke, and at the end of it the machine has acquired its greatest velo- city. Now the working stroke begins, and the overplus of power is at an end. The machine accelerates no more ; but if the power is just in equilibrio with the resistance, it keeps the velocity which it has acquired, and is still more accele- rated during the next returning stroke. But now, at the be- ginning of the subsequent working stroke, there is an over plus of resistance, and a retardation begins, and continues during the whole rise of the piston ; but it is inconsiderable in comparison of what it would have been without the fly ; for the fly, retaining its acquired momentum, drags forward the rest of the machine, aiding the impelling power of the wheel. It does this by all the commumcations taking into each other in the opposite direction. The teeth of the interven- ing wheels are heard to drop from their former contact on one side, to a contact on the other. By considering this pro- cess with attention, we easily perceive that, in a few strokes, the overplus of power during the returning stroke comes to be so adjusted to the deficiency during the working stroke, that the accelerations and retardations exactly destroy each other, and every succeeding stroke is made with the same velocity, and an equal number of strokes is made in every succeeding minute. Thus the machine acquires a general uniformity with periodical inequalities. It is plain, that by suf- ficiently enlarging either the diameter or the weight of the fly> the irregularity of the motion may be rendered as small as we AND MACHINIST. 49 please. It is much better to enlarge the diameter. This preserves the friction more moderate, and the pivot wears less. For these reasons a fly is in general a considerable im- provement in machinery, by equalizing many exertions that are naturally very irregular. Thus, a man working at a com- mon windlass exerts a very irregular pressure on the winch. In one of his positions, in each turn he can exert a force of near 70 lbs. without fatigue, but in another he cannot exert above 25 lbs 3 nor must he be loaded with much above this in general. But if a large fly be connected properly with the windlass, he will act with equal ease and speed against 30 lbs. This regulating power of the fly is without bounds, and may be used to render uniform a motion produced by the most desultory and irregular power. It is thus that the most regular motion is given to mills that are driven by a single- stroke steam-engine, wdiere, for two, or even three seconds, there is no force pressing round the mill. The communica- tion is made through a massive fly of very great diameter, whirling with great rapidity. As soon as the impulse ceases, the fly, continuing its motion, urges round the whole ma- chinery with almost unabated speed. At this instant all the teeth, and all the joints, between the fly and the first mover, are heard to catch in the opposite direction. If any permanent change should happen in the impelling power, or in the resistance, the fly makes no obstacle to its producing its full effect on the machine; and it will be observed to accelerate or letard uniformly, till a new general speed is acquired exactly corresponding with this new pouer and resistance. Many machines include, in their construction, movements which are equivalent with this intentional regulator. A flour mill, for example, cannot be better regulated than by its mill-stone ; but in the Albion Mills, a heavy fly was added with great propriety ; for if the mills had been regulated by their mill-stones only, then, at every change of stroke in the steam-engine, the whole train of communications between the beam, which is the first mover, and the regulating mill- stone, which is the very last mover, would take in the oppo-. site direction. Although each drop in the teeth and joints be but a trifle, the whole, added together, would make a con- siderable jolt. This is avoided by a regulator immediately adjoining the beam. This continually presses the working machinery in one direction. So judiciously were the move- ments of that noble machine contrived, and so nicely were a 5Q THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC they executed, that not the least noise was heard, nor the slightest tremor felt in the building. Mr. Valoue’s beautiful pile engiiie, employed at Westmin- ster bridge, is another remarkable instance of the regulating power of a fly. When the ram is dropped^ and its follower disengaged immediately after it, the horses would instantly tumble down, because the load, against which they had been straining hard, is at once taken oft’ ; but the gin is connected with a very large fly, wftiich checks any remarkable accelera- tion, allowing the horses to lean on it during tiie descent of the load ; after w^hich their draught recommences immedi- ately. The spindles, cards, and bobbins, of a cotton mill, are also a sort of flies. Indeed^ all bulky machines of the rotative kind tend to preserve their motion with some degree of steadiness, and their great momentum of inertia is as use- ful in this respect as it is prejudicial to the acceleration or any reciprocation when w^anted. There is another kind of regulating fly, consisting of wings whirled briskly round, till the resistance of the air prevents any great acceleration, "i bis is a very bad one for a ivorking machine, for it produces its effect by really wastmg a part of the moving powers. Frequently it employs a very great and unknow^n part of it,. and robs tlie proprietor of much work. It should never be introduced into any machine employed in manufactures. Some rare cases occur where a very dift’erent regulator is required : where a certain determined velocity is found ne- cessary. In this case the machine is furnished, at its ex- treme mover, with a conical pendulum, consisting of two heavy balls hanging by rods, which move in very nice and steady joints at the top of a vertical axis. It is well known,, that wdien this axis turns round, with an angular velocity suited to the length of those pendulums, the time of a revolu- tion is determined. Thus, if the length of each pendulum be 394- inches, the axis will make a revolution in two seconds very nearly. If we attempt to force it more swdftly round, the balls will recede a little from the axis, but it employs as long time for a revolution as before ; and w^e cannot make it turn swifter, unless the impelling power be increased beyond all probability ; in which case the pendulum will fly out from the centre till the rods are horizontal, after which every increase of powder will accelerate the machine very sensibly. Watt and Boulton have applied this contrivance with great inge- nuity to their steam-engines, when they are employed for driving machinery for manufactures which have a very change- able resistance, and where a certain speed cannot be much and machinist. 51 departed from without great inconvenience. They have con- nected this recess of the balls from the axis (which gives im- mediate indication of an increase of power or a diminution of resistance) with the cock which admits the steam to the working cylinder. The balls, flying out, cause the cock to close a little, and diminish the supply of steam. The impel- ling power diminishes the next moment, and the balls again approach the axis, and the rotation goes on as before, although there may have occurred a very great excess or deficiency of power. A. fly is sometimes employed for a very different puqiose from that of a regulator of motion — it is employed as a col- lector of poiuer. Suppose all resistance removed from the working point of a machine furnished with a very large or heavy fly immediately connected with the working point. When a small force is applied to the impelled point of this machine, motion will begin in the machine and the fly begin to turn. Continue to press, uniformly, and the machine will accelerate. This may be continued till the fly has acquired a very rapid motion. If at this moment a resisting body be applied to the working point, it will be acted on with very great force ; for the fly has now accumulated in its circum- ference a very great momentum. If a body were exposed immediately to the action of this circumference, it would be violently struck. Much more will it be so, if the body be exposed to the action of the 'working point, which, perhaps, makes one turn while tlie fly makes a hundred. It will exert a hundred times more force there (very nearly) than at its own circumference. All the motion which has been accu- mulated on the fly during the whole progress of its accumu- lation, is exerted in an instant at the working point, multiplied by the momentum depending on the proportion of the parts of the machine. It is thus that the coining press performs its office; nay, it is thus that the blacksmith forges a bar of iron. Swinging the great sledge hammer round his head, and urging it with force the whole way, this accumulated motion is at once extinguished by impact on the iron. It is thus also we drive a nail, &c. This accumulating power of a fly has occasioned many to imagine that a fly really adds power or mechanical force to an engine; and, not under- standing on what its efficacy depends, they often place the fly in a situation where it only adds a useless burden to the machine. It should always be made to move with rapidity. If intended for a mere regulator, it should be near the first mover ; and if it be intended to accumulate force in the 52 TMK OPERATIVE MKCPIANIC working point, it should not !>e far separated from it. In a certain sense, a fly may be said to add power to a machine, because by accumulating into the exertion of one moment the exertions of many, we can sometimes overcome an obstacle that we never could have balanced by the same machine, unaided by the fly. And it is this accumulation of force M^hich gives such an appearance of power to some of our first movers. ANIMAL STRENGTH. Animal strength has been very differently estimated by different authors ; but this is not to be wondered at when we consider the many difficulties that ever must attend any attempt to subject it to an estimate. Physical causes must sensibly affect the extent and duration of animal exertion, either in man or beast ; and the only way of coming to any thing like an accurate result, is to compare the experiments of the different philosophers who have attended to the sub- ject. This has been already done by Dr. Young, in the second volume of his Philosophi/, whose valuable tables we here present to our readers. Comparative table of mechanical forces. In order to compare the different estimates of the force of moving powers, it will be convenient to take a unit which may be considered as the mean effect of the labour of an active man, working to the greatest possible advantage, and v'ithout impediment. This will be found, on a moderate estimation^ sufficient to raise lOpounds, 10 feet in a second, for ten hours in a day; or to raise a 100 pounds, which is the weight of twelve wine gallons of water, one foot in a second, or 36,000 feet in a day ; or 3,600,000 pounds, or 432,000 gallons, one foot in a day. This we may call a force of one continued 36,000'' Immediate force of men, without deduction for friction. A mnn, weigliing 133 pounds, Fr. ascended 62 feet, Fr, by steps, in 34", but was completely exhausted.— Aiuontons A sawyer made 200 strokes of 18 inches, Fr. each, in 145", with a force of 25 pounds, Fr. He could not have gune on above three minutes. — Amontons. A man can raise 60 pounds, Fr. one foot, Fr. in 1", for eight hours a day. — Bernouilii A man of ordinary strength can turn a winch with a force of 30 pounds, and with a velocity of 3$ feet in 1", for 10 hours a day. — Desaguliers Force. Conti- nuance. Day’s work. 00^ W' 6 145 69 ,552 1,05 lOh 1,05 AND MACHINIST. ^3 , T\vo men working at a wimUass with handles at right angles, can raise 70 pounds more easily than one can raise 30. — Desaguliers A man can exert a force of 40 pounds for a whole day, with the assistance of a fly, when the motion is pretty quick, at about four or five feet in 1".- -Desaguliers, Lect. iv. But from the annotation it appears to be doubtful whether the force is 40 pounds or 20 For a short time a man may exert a force of 80 pounds wdth a fly, “ when the motion is pretty quick." — Desa- guliers A man going i:p stairs ascends 14 metres in I'. — Cou- lomb A man going up stairs for a day raises 205 chiliogrammes to the height of a chilioinctre. — Coulomb With a spade a man does ^ as much as in ascending stairs. — Coulomb . . With a winch a man does f as much as in ascending stairs. — Coulomb A man carrying wmod up stairs raises, together with his own weight, 109 chiliogrammes to one chiliometre. — Coulomb A man weighing 150 pounds, Fr. can ascend by stairs three feet, Fr. in 1" for 15" or 20".— Coulomb For half an hour, 100 pounds, Fr. may be raised one foot, Fr. in 1". — Coulomb According to Mr. Buchanan’s comparison, the force exerted in turning a winch being made equal to the unit, the force in pumping will be In ringing In rowing Allowing the accuracy of Euler’s formula, confirmed by Schulze, supposing a man’s action to be a maximum when he w’alks miles an hour, we have 7^ for his greatest velocity, ,04f7f— r)" for the force exerted with any other velocity, and ,0160(7^ — for the action in each case; thus, when the velocity is one mile an hour, the action is When two miles When three When four And when five Force. Cunti- nuance. Daj’s work. 1,22 1,22 ,2 ,2 ,3 1" 1,1 8;2 1' ,4i2 'XV 1 ,258 ,219 5,22 20" 1,152 30' ,61 1,36 1,43 ,676 ,964 ,972 ,784 >5 And the force in a state of rest becomes 2^, or about 70 pounds ; with a velocity of two miles, 36 pounds ; with three, 24 pounds; and with four, 15. It is obvious that in the extreme cases this formula is in- accurate, but for moderate velocities it is probably a tolerable approximation. Coulomb makes the maximum of effect when a man, weighing JO chiliogrammes, carries a w’eight of 53 up stairs, but this appears to be too great a load ; he considers 145 chiliogrammes as the greatest ^^eight that can be raised. He observes that in Martinique, where the thermometer is seldom below 68°, the labour of Europeans is reduced to one 54 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Harriot asserts tliat his pump, with a horizontal motion, enables a man to do one-third more work than the common pump with a vertical motion. Porters carry from 200 to 300 pounds at the rate of three miles an hour ; chairmen walk four miles an hour with a load ,of 150 pounds each; and it is said that in Turkey there are porters who, by stooping forward, carry from 700 to 900 pounds placed very low on their backs. The most advantageous weight for a man of common strength to carry horizontally, is 1 1 1 pounds ; or if he returns unladen, 135. With wheel-barrows, men will do half as much more work as with hods. — Coulomb. Performance of men by machines. A man raised by a rope and pulley 25 pounds, Fr. 220 feet, Fr. in 145''. — Amontons A man can raise, by a good common pump, a hogshead of water 10 feet high in a minute, for a whole day.— DesaguUers. By the mercurial pump, or any other good pump, a man may raise a hogshead 18 or 20 feet in a minute, for om or two minutes In a pile engine, 55^ pounds, Fr. were raised one'foot Fr. in 1" for five hours a day, by a rope drawn horizon- tally. — Coulomb Robison says, that a feeble old man raised seven cubic feet of water, 11§ feet in 1', for eight or ten hours a day, by walking backwards and forwards on a lever. — Eiic. Br. A young man weighing 135 pounds, and carrying 30, raised 9^ cubic feet, 11^ feet high, for 10 hours a day, without fatigue. — Robison Wynner’s machine enables a man to raise a hogshead 20 feet in a minute.— Y Force of horses. Two horses, attached to a plough on moderate ground, exerted each a force of 150, Fr. — Amontons. We may suppose that they went a little more than two miles an iiour, for eight hours A horse draws with the greatest advantage when the line of direction is level with his bteast ; and he can draw with a force of 200 pounds, 2§ miles an hour, for eight hours in the day With a force of 240 only six hours. On a carriage, in- deed, where friction alone is to be overcome, a middling horse will draw 1000 pounds. — DesaguUers The mean draught of four horses was 36 myriogrammes each, or 794 pounds. — Regnier. This must have been mo- mentary. Supposing the velocity two feet in a second, the action would have been By means of pumps a horse can raise 250 hogsheads of water, 10 feet high, in an hour. — Smeaton’s Reports .... Force. Conti- nuance. Day ’3 1 work. ,436 145 " ,875 ,875 1,61 J/ ,64 5 ^ ,82 ,837 9 >* ,753 1,106 lOh 1,106 1,75 1 ' 5,4 8 ^ 4,32 7,33 8 b 5,87 8,8 6 b 5,28 ' 15,88 1" 3,64 1 " AND MACHINIST. 55 A horse can in general draw no more up a steep hill than three men can carry ; that is, from 450 to 750 pounds j but a strong horse can draw 2000 pounds up a steep hill, which is but short. Tlie worst way of applying the force of a horse, is to make him carry or draw up hill ; for if the hill be steep, three men will do more than a horse, each man climbing up faster with a hurdeii of 100 pounds weight, than a horse that is loaded with 300 pounds : a difference which is owing to the position of the parts of the human body being better adapted to climb than those of a horse. On the other hand, the best way of applying the force of a horse, is an horizontal direction, wherein a man can exert least force; thus a man, weighing 140 pounds, and drawing a boat along, by means of a rope coming over his shoulders, cannot draw above 2J pounds, or exert above one-seventh part of the force of a horse employed to the same purpose. The very best and most effectual posture in a man is tliat of rowing ; wherein he not only acts with more muscles at once for overcoming the resistance than in any other position, but as he pulls backwards, the weight of his body assists by way of lever. — Desaguliers. The diameter of a walk for a horse-mill ought to be at least 25 or 30 feet. — Desaguliers. Some horses have carried 650 or /OO pounds, seven or eight miles, without resting, as their ordinary work ; and a horse at Stourbridge carried eleven hundred weight of iron, or 1232 pounds, for eight miles. — Desaguliers, Experimental Philosophy, vol. i. Work of mules. Force. Cazancl s.ays, that a mule works in the West Indies two hours out of about 18, with a force of about 150 pounds, walking three feet in a second. — Dr. Young’s Philosophy 4,5 These examples exhibit the great advantages which may be gained by directing the exertion of animals in a proper course, their effects being plainly reducible to the operations of mechanical powers. To describe the various modes of applying animal strength, as a first mover of mechanical en- gines, would greatly exceed our limits ; we shall therefore merely state, that the most common machine for receiving the force of animals is the horse-walk, w hich affords tiie means of applying the action of that animal to create rotative motion. The horse-walk is formed of an horizontal lever or arm, attached to an upright spindle. The lever should not be less Cr>nti- Day’s nuance, woik. 40' 1,2 66 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC than twelve feet^ as the labour of the animal is greatly in- creased by a small curve^ which causes an unequal resistance upon his two shoulders. The machine should be so regulated that the horse may not be required to deviate from his usual pace of two miles and a half, with a burthen, an hour. The gives, in which the horse works, should not be immovably fixed to the arms, but hung by a swivel joint, so that he may place himself in the most comfortable position. The work should be supplied to the machinery as regularly as possible. Having, in the preceding account, stated the mean results of human exertion when applied to regular and uniform labour, we shall in the next place proceed to notice some extraordinary feats of strength, as well as some that had the appearance of being such, but which were, in realit}', the mere effects of contrivance and skill, and which might have been performed by almost any men who were possessed of that knowledge of their construction as would enable them similarly to exert their strength to the best advantage. M. de la Hire, in an Examination of the Force of Men ^ (vide Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1699,) says. There are men whose spirits flow so abundantly into their muscles, that they exert three or four times more strengtli than others do ; and this seems to be the natural reason of the surprising strength that we see in some men who carry and raise weights which two or three ordinary men can hardly sustain, though these men be sometimes but of a moderate stature, and rather appear weak than strong. There was a man in this country a little while ago, who would carry a very large anvil, and of whom was reported several wonderful feats of strength. But I saw another at Venice, who was but a lad, and did not seem able to carry above forty or fifty pounds, with all possible advantages; yet this young fellow, standing upon a table, raised from the earth, and sustained off the ground, an ass, by means of a broad girth, which, going under the creature’s belly, w^as hung upon two hooks that were fastened to a plat of small cords coming down in tresses from the hair on each side of the lad’s head, which were in no great quantity. And all this great force depended only upon the muscles of the shoulders and those of the loins: for he stooped at first whilst the hooks w'ere fastened to the girth, and then raised himself, and lifted up the ass from the ground, bearing with his hands upon his knees. He raised also in the same manner other weights that seemed heavier, and used to say he did with AND MACHINIST. Diore ease, because the ass kicked and struggled when first lifted from the gTound.” Dr, Desaguliers, in some annotations upon De la Hire’s paper, says, What he attributes here to the muscles of the loins, -were really performed by the extensors of the legs ; for the young man’s stooping with his hands upon his knees was not with his body forwards and his knees stiff, but his body upright and his knees bent, so as to bring the two cords with which he lifted to be in the same plane with his ancles and the heads of his thigh-bones ; by which means the line of direction of the man and the whole weight came between the strongest part of his two feet, which are the supports : then as he extended his legs he raised himself, without changing the line of direction. That this must have been the manner I am pretty well assured of, by not only observing those that perform such feats, but having often tried it myself. As for the muscles of the loins, they are incapable of that strain, being above six times weaker than the extensors of the legs ; at least 1 found them so in myself. “About the year IJIG, having the honour of showing a great many experiments to his late majesty King George I., his majesty was desirous to know wdiether there were any fallacy in those feats of strength that had been shown half a year before by a man, who seemed by his make to be no stronger than other men : upon this I had a frame of wood made to stand in, (and to rest my hands upon,) and with a girdle and chain lifted an iron cylinder, made use of to roll the garden, sustaining it easily when once it was up. Some noblemen and gentlemen who were present -tried the ex- periment afterwards, and lifted the roller; some with more ease, and some with more difficulty, than I had done. This roller weighed 1,900 pounds, as the gardener told us. Afterwards I tried to lift 300 pounds with my hands, (viz., two pails with 150 pounds of quicksilver in each,) which I did indeed raise from the ground, but strained my back so as to feel it three or four days ; which shows that, in the «ame person, the muscles of the loins (which exerted their force in this last experiment) are more than six times weaker than the extensors of the legs ; for I felt no incon- veniency from raising the iron roller.” During the time that Dr. Desaguliers was occupied in printing the second volume of his Philosophy, a man of great natural strength exhibited himself in London, of whom the doctor gives the following account. 58 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC ‘‘ Thomas Popham, born in London, and now about thirty- one years of age, five feet ten inches high, Avith muscles very hard and prominent, was brought up a carpenter, which trade he practised till within these six or seven years that he has showed feats of strength; but he is entirely ignorant of any art to make his strength more surprising. Nay, sometimes he does things which become more difficult by his disadvan- tageous situation ; attempting, and often doing, what he hears other strong men have done, without making use of the same advantages. ‘‘About six years ago he pulled against a horse, sitting upon the ground with his feet against Uvo stumps driven into the ground, but without the advantages which might have been attained by placing himself in a proper situation ; the horse, however, was not able to move him, and he thought he was in the right posture for drawing against a horse ; but when, in the same posture, he attempted to draw' against two horses, he was pulled out of his place by being lifted up, and had one of his knees struck against the stumps, which shattered it so, that, even to this day, the 'patella^ or knee-pan, is so loose, that the ligaments of it seem either to be broken or quite relaxed, which has taken aAvay most of the strength of Slat leg.’’ Dr. Desaguliers then relates the exploits which he saw him perform. “ 1. By the strength of his fingers, (only rubbed in coal ashes to prevent them from slipping,) he rolled up a very strong and large pewter dish. “ 2. He broke seven or eight short and strong pieces of tobacco-pipe with the force of his middle finger, having laid them on the first and third finger. “ 3. Having thrust in under his garter the bowl of a strong tobacco-pipe, his legs being bent, he broke it to pieces by the tendons of his hams, without altering the bending of his knee. “ 4. He broke such another bowl between his first and second finger, by pressing his fingers together sideways. “ 5. He lifted a table six feet long, which had half a hundred weight hanging at the end of it, with his teeth, and held it in an horizontal position for a considerable time. It is true, the feet of the table rested against his knees; but, as the length of the table was much greater than its height, that performance required a great strength to be exerted by the muscles of his loins, those of his neck, the masseter and tem^ poraly (muscles of the jaws,) besides a good set of teeth. AND MACHINIST 59 6. He took an iron kitchen poker, about a yard long, and three inches in circumference, and, holding it in his right hand, he struck upon his bare left arm, between the elbow and the wrist, till he bent the poker nearly to a right angle. 7* He took such another poker, and holding the ends of it in his hands, and the middle against the back of his neck, he brought both ends of it together before him ; and, what was yet more difficult, he pulled it almost straight again : because . the muscles which separate the arms horizontally from each other are not so strong as those that bring them together. 8. He broke a rope of about two inches in circumference, which was in part wound about a cylinder of four inches diameter, having fastened the other end of it to straps that went over his shoulders. But he exerted more force to do this than any other of his feats, from his awkwardness in going about it; for the rope yielded and stretched as he stood upon the cylinder, so that when the extensors of the legs and thighs had done their office in bringing his legs and thighs straight, he was forced to raise his heels from their bearings, and use other muscles that are weaker. But if the rope had been so fixed that the rope to be broken had been short, it would have been broken with four times less difficulty. 9. I have seen him lift a rolling stone of about 800 pounds with his hands only, standing in a frame above it, and taking hold of a chain that was fastened to it. By this, I reckon, he may be almost as strong again as those who are generally reckoned the strongest men, they generally lifting no more than 400 pounds in that manner. The weakest men who are in health, and not too fat, lift about 125 pounds, having about half the strength of the strongest. N. B. This sort of comparison is chiefly in relation to the muscles of the loins; because in doing this, one must stoop forwards a little. We must also add the w^eight of the body to the weight lifted. So that if the weakest man’s body weighs 150 pounds, that, added to 125 pounds, makes the whole weight lifted by him to be 275 pounds. Then, if the strongest man’s body weighs also 150 pounds, the whole weight lifted by him will be about 550 pounds, that is 400 pounds and the 150 pounds which his body weighs. Top* ham weighs about 200 pounds, which, added to the 800 pounds that he lifts, makes 1000 pounds. But he ought to lift 900 pounds besides the weight of his body, to be as strong again as a man of 150 pounds weight w'ho can lift 400 pounds. “ About thirty years ago, one Joyce^ a Kentish man, famous C') THE CTERATIVE MECHANIC for his great strength, showed several feats in London and the country, which so much surprised the spectators, that he was ])y most people called the second Sampson, But though tiie postures which he had learnt to put his body into, and found out by practice, without any mechanical theory, were such as would make a man of common strength do such feats as would appear surprising to every one who did not know the advantage of those positions of the body, yet nobody then attempted to draw against horses, or raise great weights, or to do any thing in imitation of him ; because, as he was very strong in the arms, and grasped those that tried his strength tnat way so hard that they were obliged immediately to desire him to desist, his other feats (wherein his manner of acting was chiefly owing to the mechanical advantage gained by the position of his body,) were entirely attributed to his extraordinary strength. But when he had been gone out of England, or had ceased to show his performances, for eight or ten years, men of ordinary strength had found out the way of making such advantage of the same postures as Joyce had put himself into, as to pass for men of more than common strength, by draw- ing against horses, breaking ropes, lifting vast weights, &c., though they could in none of the postures really perform so much as Joyce, yet they did enough to amaze and amuse, and get a deal of money, so that every two or three years we had a new second Sampson. About fifteen years ago a German of middle size, and but ordinary strength, showed himself at the lUue Posts, in the Haymarket, and, by the contrivances above-mentioned, passed for a man of uncommon strength, and gained considerable sums of money by the daily concourse of spectators. After having seen him once, I guessed at his manner of imposing upon the multitude; and being resolved to be fully satisfied in th3 matter, I took four very curious persons with me to see him again, viz., the Lord Marquis of Tullibardin, Dr. Alexander Smart, Dr Pringle, and a mechanical workman who used to assist me in my courses of experiments. We placed our- selves in such manner round the operator, as to be able to observe nicely all that he did; and found it so practicable, that we performed several of his feats that evening by our- selves, and afterwards I did the most of the rest, as 1 had a frame to sit in to draw, and another to stand in and lift weights, together with a proper girdle and hooks. I likewise showed some of the experiments before the Royal Society; and ever since, at my experimental lectures, I explain the AND MACHf^sfST. 6f reason of such performances, and take any person of ordinary strength that has a mind to try, who can easily do all that the German above-mentioned used to do, without any danger or extraordinary straining, by making use of my apparatus for that purpose. In order to explain how great feats may be performed by men of no extraordinary strength, I have in fig. 79^ drawn the lower part of a skeleton, containing so many of the bones of the human body as are concerned in these operations, making the figure pretty large, to show the better how the girdle is to be applied. “ The bones marked I Sx\PH I,* which compose the cavity called the pelvis, contain a bony circle or double arch of such strength, that it would require an immense force to break them by an external pressure directed towards the centre of the circle, or the middle of the pelvis. It is also to be observed, that those parts of this bony circumference, which receive the heads of the thigh-bone above, at, and below A, called the ischium or coxendix, are the strongest of all, so that a very great force may push the heads of the thigh-bones upwards, or, which is the same thing, the upper parts of the coxendix downwards, or towards each other in a lateral direction from A to A, without doing any hurt to the human body. Now if the girdle above described be put round the body in the manner represented in the figure, and be drawn dowui- wards at G, by a great weight W, it wull press on the os sacrum behind, and the ilium; then it will, by its pressure on TT, the great trochanters of the thigh-bones, draw the round heads the faster into their sockets, so as to make them less liable to slip out and strain the ligament by a push directed upwards. So that the semicircular part of the girdle, T C S C T, presses together the bony arch denoted by the same letters, which, according to the nature of arches, is the stronger for that pressure. The abutments of the arch cannot come nearer together by reason of the resistance of the strong bones A P A, neither can they fly outwards, because the girdle keeps them together. Then the thighs and legs T D B are two strong columns, capable of sustaining 4000 or 5000 These bones are thns distinguished by anatomists : S, the os sacrum ; 1 1, the ilium; A A, the os ischium; whose strongest part has on each sido an hemispherical concave, in which the round head of the thigh-bone is received and turns round, being held by a strong ligament in its middle ; those parts of the bone that join together before, betwixt A A and above P, are called the os pubis, or ossa pubis. 62 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC pounds at least, provided they stand quite upright. The muscles here are put to no strain, being no farther concerned than to balance each other; that is, the antagonist muscles, extensors, and flexors, only keep the bones in their place, which makes them resist like one entire bone formed into an arch. This shows how easily the man, fig. 80, may sustain a cannon of 2000 or 3000 pounds weight. The same solution will also serve for the resistance of the man, fig. 81, whom five men, nay ten men, or two horses, cannot puli out of his situation when he sits so as to have his legs and thighs in the horizontal line P F, or in a line inclining downwards towards A, for then, though there is a difterence in the sitting- posture from the standing posture before described, yet by reason of the mobility of the heads of the thigh-bones in the acetabula or cavities of the coxendix, the arch is the same and as strong as before, its abutments being equally sup- ported by the legs and thighs. It is only the bending of the back-bone above the girdle to bring up the body which makes the difference of position in the man, though not sensibly in the resisting parts. In breaking a rope the muscles must act in extending the legs; and that we may the better explain that action, we must consider a man breaking the rope, as represented in fig. 82. Suppose a rope fastened to a post at P, or any other fixed point, is brought through an iron eye L, to the hook of the girdle H, of the man H I, and so fixed to it by a loop, or otherwise, as to be quite tight, whilst the man’s knees are so bended as to want about an inch of having his legs and thighs quite upright. Then if the man on a sudden stretches his legs and sets himself upright, he will with ease break the very same rope which held two horses exerting their whole strength when they drew against him ; such as a cart rope, or a rope of near three quarters of an inch diameter, which may be broken by a man of middling strength, by the action of the ten muscles * that extend the legs, five belonging to each leg. * The four muscles tliat extend eacli leg are described by anatomists thus : — 1. The rectus, arising from the anterior inferior spine of the os ilium, and inserted, through the medium of the patella, into the anterior tuberosity of the tibia. 2. The oruralis, situated beneath the former, and arising from the front surface of the os femoris for a considerable extent, and inserted into the upper edge of the patella, and also, through the medium of that bone, into the anterior tuberosity of the tibia. 3. The vastus externus, arising from the root of the trochanter major, and outer side of the os femoris, and in- serted into the outer edge of the patella, and again, through its medium, into the anterior tuberosity of the tibia. 4. The vastus internus, which arises from AND MACHINIST. G3 In brcaldng the rope one thing is to be observed, which will much facilitate the performance ; and that is, to place the iron eye L, through which the rope goes, in such a situation, that a plane going through its ring shall be parallel, or nearly parallel to the two parts of the rope; because then the rope will in a manner be jammed in it, and not slipping through it, the whole force of the man’s action will be exerted on that part of the rope which is in the eye, M^hich will make it break more easily than if more parts of the rope were acted upon. So that the eye, though made round and smooth, may be said in some measure to cut the rope. And it is after this manner that one may break a whip-cord, nay, a small jack- line, with one’s hand, without hurting it; only by bringing one part of the rope to cut the other ; that is, placing it so round one’s left hand, that, by a sudden jerk, the whole force exerted shall act upon one point of the rope. See fig. 83, where the cord to be broken at the point L in the left hand, is marked according to its course, by the letters R T S L M N O P Q, folding once about the right hand, then going under the thumb into the middle of the left hand ; w^here crossing under another part, it is brought back under the thumb again to M, then round the back of the hand to N, so through the loop at L to O, and three times round the little finger at P and Q; which last is only that the loop N O may not give way. Before the hands are jerked from one another, the left hand must be shut, but the thumb must be' held loose, lest pressing against the fore finger it should hinder the part T L of the rope from carrying the force fully to the point L ; but the little finger and that next to it must be held hard, to keep the loop N O firm in its place. There are several cases, wherein it would be of singular use to apply the force of one or more men, by means of the girdle or hook and chain, in the manner above-mentioned ; as for example, wdien the resistance is very great, but the bodies that resist are to be removed but a little way: if we lift very heavy goods a small height, to remove any thing from under them ; if we would draw a bolt or staple, and find we cannot do it even with an iron crow, the hand pulling it upwards at the end ; then the hook of the girdle being applied at the end of the crow, the force exerted by stretching the legs would be tenfold of what the hands were able to do, without more help at the same place. “ There may also be many occasions on board a ship. I will the root of the trochanter minor, and inner surface of the os femoris, and inserted into the inner edge of tlie patella, and likewise, through its medium, into the anterior tuberosity of tire tibia with the former rauscles. 04 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC instance but one. Let F G, fig. 84, be the tackle for raising or lowering the main -top -mast, part of which is represented by m 1, the block G is fixed below, and as the block F comes down, it pulls along with it the top rope F B C, 7n 1 running over the block B, fixed at A, and round the block C in the heel of the top-mast, so as to draw up the lower end m 1 of the said main-top-mast, which, when hoisted up to its due height, is made fast by the iron pin or fid I, which is thrust through it, and then its own weight and the hole D of the cap will keep it in its place. We will suppose that the force required thus to raise the mast must be that of six men pulling upon deck at the fall of the tackle, that is, at the running rope F G K at K on the other side of the main-mast L /. Now in order to let down this mast on the sudden, as in case of hard weather, it is necessary the tackle and power must be made use of, though it be but to lift it a very little way, that a man may be able to get out the fid 1, before the said mast can be let down and slip to N on the side of the main-mast. I say, that if the hands are so employed other- wise, that instead of six men there be only one man at the rope K; if he has a strong girdle to which he fastens it, or makes a bow in the rope itself, to fix it round the lower part of his back, &c., he may exert much more force in the direc- tion GK than the sLx men in the common way of pulling; and if he draws to him, sitting on the ground, and pushing his feet against the first firm obstacle that he finds, as against O P, only two inches of the rope G K, he will raise up the main-top-mast the third part of an inch, which will be sufii- cient for the iron fid I to be drawui out.’' Desaguliers’ Philosophy, vol. i. VVATER- MILLS. Water-mill is the name by w hich all mills are designated that receive their motion from the impulse of the water. As each of these mills wdll come under their respective heads, w'e shall, in the present article, confine ourselves to a minute description of the difterent kinds of water-wheels, by whose axis the force wdth wdiich they have been impressed may be transmitted to move any species of machinery, however simple or complex. But, notwithstanding the extensive signification of the term water-mill when applied to the different branches of manufacture carried on therein, we have another, and still more simple division, arising from the peculiar construction of the w'ater-wLeel, termed the undershot-mill, the overshot- AND MACHINIST. 65 mill, and the breast-mill. There is also another called the mill \vith horizontal wheels ; but as this i^ very disadvantageous in point of practical utility, we shall forbear to describe it. The under shot-w heel is used only in streams, and is acted upon by the water striking the float-boards at the lower circumference of the wheel. In the over shot-wheel the water is poured over the top of the wheel, and is received in buckets fonned all round the w'heel for that purpose. And in the hreast-ivheel the water falls down upon the wheel at right angles to the float-boards, or buckets placed round the circumference of the wheel to receive it. UNDERSHOT-WHEELS. Mr. John Smeaton has made mimerous experiments upon tlie different kinds of w’ater- wheels, the results of which were laid before the Royal Society. The time that has elapsed since the period when they w ere first given to the world, has been sufficient to prove their fallacy, if any had existed ; and the high estimation in which they still continue to be held by mathematicians and mechanics, is certain evidence of their value and importance. Mr. Smeaton prefaces a minute description of the machines and models used by him for his experiments, wdth an observ- ation, that what he has to communicate on the subject was originally deduced from experiments, wffiich he looks upon as the best means of obtaining the outlines in mechanical inquiry. “ But in such cases,” says he, it is very necessary to distinguish the circumstances in which a model differs from a machine in large ; otherwise a model is more apt to lead us from the truth than towards it : and, indeed, though the utmost circumspection be used in this way, the best structure of machines cannot be fully ascertained but by making trials wnth them, when made of their proper size. It was for this reason, though the models and experiments referred to were made in the years 1752 and 1753, that I have deferred offering them to the Society until I had an opportunity of putting the deductions made therefrom in real practice, in a variety of cases, and for various purposes, so as to be able to assure the Society that I have found them to answer.'" Mr. Smeaton then remarks, that the v/oxd. power y as used in practical mechanics, signifies the exertion of strength, gra- vitation, impulse, or pressure, so as to produce motion; and by means of strength, gravitation, impulse, or pressure, com- pounded w ith motion, to be capable of producing an eflect ,■ 66 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC and that no effect is properly mechanical, but what requires such a kind of power to produce it. Having described the models and machines used for making his experiments, he observes that with regard to power, it is most properly measured by the raising of a w^eight, the relative height to which it can be raised in a given time being the actual extent; or, in other words, if the weight raised be multiplied by the height to which it can be raised in a given time, the product is the measure of the power raising it; and, consequently, all those powers are equal, whose products, made by such multiplication, are the same ; for if a power can raise twdce the weight to the same height, or the same weight to twice the height, in the same time that another power can, the first power is double the second ; but if the power can only raise half the w'eight to double the height, or double the weight to half the height, in the same time that another can, those two powers are equal. This, however, must be understood to be only in cases of slow and equable motion, where there is no acceleration or retardation. In comparing the effects produced by water-wheels with the powers producing them, or, in other words, to know what part of the original power is necessarily lost in the application, we must previously know how much of the power is spent in overcoming the friction of the machinery and the resistance of the air; also, what is the real velocity of the water at the instant that it strikes the wheel, and the real quantity of water expended in a given time. From the velocity of the water at the instant that it strikes the wheel, the height of head productive of such velocity can be deduced, from acknowledged and experimented prin- ciples of hydrostatics: so that. by multiplying the quantity or weight of water really expended in a given time, by the height of a head so obtained, which must be considered as the height from which that weight of water had descended in such given time, we shall have a product equal to the original power of the water, and clear of all uncertainty that would arise from the friction of the water, in passing small apertures, and from all doubts arising from the different measure of spouting waters, assigned by different writers. On the other hand, if the sum of the weights raised by the action of this water, and of the weight required to overcome the friction and resistance of the machine, be multiplied by the height to which the weight can be raised in the time given, the product will be equal to the effect of that power; and the proportion of the two products will be in proportion of AND MACHINIST. 07 the poiver to the effect : so that by loading the wheel with different weights successively, we shall be able to determine at what particular load, and velocity of the wheel, the effect is a maximum. The experiments made by Mr. Smeaton may thus be reduced. The circumference of the wheel, 75 inches, mul- tiplied by 86 turns, gives 6450 inches for the velocity of the water in a minute; of which will be the velocity in a second, equal to 107.5 inches, or 8.96 feet, which is due to a head of 15 inches; and this w^e call the virtual or effective head. The area of the head being 105.8 inches, this mul- tiplied by the weight of water of the cubic inch, equal to the decimal 579 of the ounce avoirdupois, gives 61 .26 ounces for the weight of as much water as is contained in the head, upon one inch in depth, xV of which is 3.83 pounds; this multiplied by the depth 21 inches, gives 80.43 pounds for the value of 12 strokes ; and by proportion, 39^ (the number made in a minute) will give 264.7 pounds, the weight of water expended in a minute. Now as 264.7 pounds of water may be considered as having descended through a space of 15 inches in a minute, the product of these two numbers 3970 will express potver of the water to produce mechanical effects; which were as follows : The velocity of the wheel at the maximum, as appears above, was 30 turns a minute ; which multiplied by nine inches, the circumference of the cylinder, makes 270 inches ; but as the scale was hung by a pulley and double line, the weight was only raised half of this, viz. 135 inches. lb. oz. The weight in the scale at the maximum . . 8 — The weight of the scale and pulley — 10 The counterweight, scale, and pulley .... — 12 Sum of the resistance . . 9 6 Or pounds . . 9.375 Now as 9.375 pounds is raised 135 inches, these two numbers being multiplied together, the product is 1266, which ex- presses the effect produced at a maximum ; so that the pro- portion of the power to the effect is as 3970 : 1266, or as 10 : 3.18. But though this is the greatest single effect producible from the power mentioned, b^y the impulse of the water upon f2 THE OPEttATIVE MECHANIC 68 an undershot- wheel ; yet, as the whole power of the water is not exhausted by it, this will not be the true ratio between the poiver of the water, and the sum of all the effects pro- ducible therefrom ; for, as the water must necessarily leave the wheel with a velocity equal to the wheeFs circumference, it is plain some part of the power of the water must remain after quitting the wheel. The velocity of the wheel at the maximum is 30 turns a minute; and consequently its circumference moves at the rate of 3.123 feet a second, which answers to a head of 1.82 inches; this being multiplied by the expense of water in a minute, viz. 264.7 pounds produces 481 for the power remainmg in the water after it has passed the wheel : this being therefore deducted from the original power 3.9J0, leaves 3.489, which is that part of the power spent in pro- ducing the effect 1266; and, consequently, the part of the power spent in producing the effect, is to the greatest effect that it produces as 3489 : 1266 : : lO : 3.62, or as 11 to 4. The velocity of the water striking the wheel has been determined to be equal to 86 circumferences of the wheel per minute, and the velocity of the wheel at the maximum to be 30 ; the velocity of the water will therefore be to that of the wheel as 86 to 30, or as 10 to 3.5, or as 20 to 7» The load at the maximum has been sh»wn to be equal to nine pounds six ounces, and the wheel t;eased moving with 12 pounds in the scale ; to which if the weight of the scale be added, viz. 10 ounces, the proportion will be nearly as 3 to 4 between the load at the maximum and that by which the wheel is stopped. It is somewhat remarkable, that though the velocity of the wheel in relation to the water turns out greater than 4- of the velocity of the water, yet the impulse of the water in the case of a maximum is more than double of what is assigned by theory ; that is, instead of 4 of the column, it is nearly equal to the whole column. It must be remembered, therefore, that, in the present case, the wheel was not placed in an open river, where the natural current, after it has communicated its impulse to the float, has room on all sides to escape, as the theory supposes; but in a conduit or race, to which the float is adapted, the water cannot otherwise escape than by moving along with the wheel. It is observable, that a wheel working in this manner, so soon as the water meets the float, receives a sudden check, and rises up against the float, like a wave against 69 AND MACHINIST. a fixed object; insomuch, that when a sheet of water is not a quarter of an inch thick before it meets the float, yet this ‘ sheet will act upon the whole surface of a float whose height is three inches ; and, consequently, were the float no higher than the thickness of the sheet of water, as the theory also supposes, a great part of the force would have been lost by the water dashing over the float. Mr. Smeaton next proceeds to give tables of the velocities of wheels with different heights of water ; and from the whole deduces the following conclusions. Maxim 1 . That the virtual or effective head of water, and consequently its effluent velocity, being the same, the me- chanical effect produced by a wheel actuated by this water will be nearly in proportion to the quantity of water expended. Note , — The virtual or effective head of any water which is moving with a certain velocity, is that height from which a heavy body must fall, in order to acquire the same velocity. The height of the virtual head, therefore, may be easily determined from the velocity of the water; for the heights are as the square of the velocities, and the velocities, conse- quently, as the square roots of the heights. Mr. Smeaton observed the velocity of the effluent water in all his experi- ments, and thence calculated the virtual head : he states, that the virtual head bears no proportion to the real head or depth of water; but that when either the aperture is greater, or when the velocity of the water issuing therefrom less, they approach nearer to a coincidence ; and consequently, in the large openings of mills or sluices, where great quantities of water are discharged from moderate heads, the actual head of water, and the virtual head, as determined by theory from the velocity, will nearly agree. For example of the application of his first maxim. Suppose a mill driven by a fall of water whose virtual head is five feet, and which discharged 550 cubic feet of water per minute, and that it is capable of grinding four bushels of wheat in an hour. Now another mill, having the same virtual head, but which discharges 1100 cubic feet of water per minute, will grind eight bushels of corn in ail hour. Maxim 2. That the expense of water being the same, the effect produced by an undershot^wheel will be nearly in pro- portion to the height of the virtual or effective head. This is proved in the preceding example. Maxim 3. That the quantity of water expended being the same, the effect will be nearly as the square of the velocity of the water; that is, if a mill driven by a certain quantity of 70 the operative mechanic water^ moving with the velocity of 18 feet per second, is capable of grinding four bushels of corn in an hour, another mill, driven by the same quantity of water, but moving with the velocity of 22 J feet per second, will grind nearly seven bushels of corn in an hour; because the square of 18 is 324, and the square of 22 J is 506 J. Now, say, as 324 is to 4 bushels, so is 506 J to 6^ bushels; that is as 4 to 6^. Maxim 4. The aperture through which the water issues being the same, the effect will be nearly as the cube of the velocity of the water issuing; that is, if a mill driven by water rushing through a certain aperture with the velocity of 18 feet per second will grind four bushels of corn in an hour, another mill, driven by water moving through the same aperture, but with the velocity of 22^ feet per second, will grind 51 bushels ; for the cube of 18 is 5832, and the cube of 22J is 11390|; then as 5832 is to 4, so is 11390| to 7i- Maxim 5. The proportions between the power of the water expended, and the effect produced by the wheel, were 3 to 1. Upon comparing several experiments, Mr. Smea- ton fixed the proportions between them for large works; that is, it the weight of the water which is expended in any given time be multiplied by the height of the fall, and if the weight raised be also multiplied by the height through which it is raised, the first of these two products will be three times that of the second. Maxim 6. The best general proportions of velocities be- tween the water and the floats of the wheels will be that of 5 to 2; for instance, if the water when it strikes the wheel moves with a velocity of 18 feet per second, the wheel must be so loaded that its float-boards will move with a velocity of 7-2 feet per second, and the wheel will then derive the greatest power from the water, because as 5 to 18, so is 2 to 7*2. Maxim 7. There is no certain ratio between the load that the wheel will carry when producing its maximum of effect, and the load that will totally stop it; but it approaches nearest to the ratio of 4 to 3, whenever the power ex- erted by the wheel is greatest, whether it arise from an increase of the velocity, or from an increased quantity of water; and this proportion seems to be the most applicable to large works. But when we know the effect which a wheel ought to produce, and the velocity it ought to move with whilst producing that effect, the exact knowledge of the greatest load it will bear is of very little consequence in practice. AND MACHINIST. Maxim 8. The load that the wheel ought to have, in order to work to the most advantage, can be always assigned thus : ascertain the power of the whole body of water, by multiply- ing the weight of the water expended in a minute by the height of the fall ; take one-third of the product, and it gives the effect of power which the wheel ought to produce : to find the load, we must divide this product by the velocity which the wheel should have, and that, as We have before settled, should be two-fifths of the velocity with which the water moves when it strikes the wheel. In the application of these principles the first thing to be done in a situation where an undershot-wheel is intended to be fixed, is to consider whether the water can rim off clear from the wheel, ^ so as to have no back-water to impede its motion; and whether the fall which can be obtained by constructing a proper dam to pen up the water, and sluice for it to pass through, will cause it to strike the float-boards of the wheel with sufficient velocity to impel them forcibly forwards; and also, whether the quantity of the supply will be sufficient to keep a wheel at work for a certain number of hours each day. When we have ascertained the height of the fall of water, that is the height of the surface above the centre of the opening of the sluice, we must find what will be the con- tinual velocity of the water issuing from such opening. In SQiue cases, we have the velocity of the water given when it issues from the opening of the sluice, and we then require to know what height of column will pro- duce that velocity. These two things we may find by a single rule, and an easy arithmetical operation, which is as follows : 1st. The perpendicular height of the fall of water being given in feet and decimals of feet, the velocity that the water will acquire per second, expressed in feet and decimals, may be, found by the following rule : Multiply the constant number 64.2882 by the given height, and the square root of the product is the velocity required. ILxample 1. If the height is two feet, the velocity will be found 11.34 feet per second. Example 2. If the height is 16.0913 feet, the velocity will be 32.1826 feet per second. Example 3. If the height is 60 feet, the velocity will be 56.68 feet per second. Note . — The velocities thus obtained will be only the thco- THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 72 retie velocity ; that is, the velocity any body would acquire by falling through such height in vacuo; the velocity in reality will be less, generally six or seven tenths. The uniform velocity of a fluid being given, expressed in feet and decimals of feet per second, the height of the column or fall to produce such a velocity may be found by the following rule : Multiply the given velocity into itself, and divide the product by 64.2882 ; the quotient will be the height required, expressed in feet and decimals. J^xample I . If the velocity given is three feet per second, the height will be 0.139 of a foot. Example 2. If the velocity given is 32.1826 feet per second, the height will be found 16.0913 feet. Example 3. Let the velocity be 100 feet per second, the height will be 155.694 feet. The knowledge of the foregoing particulars is absolutely necessary for constructing an undershot water-wheel; but the most advantageous method of setting it to work, and to find out the utmost it could perform, would be very difficult, if we were not furnished with the maximum which Mr. Smeaton settled, by showing, that an undershot water-wheel will act to the greatest advantage when the velocity of its float-boards is equal to two-fifths of four-tenth parts of that of the water which gives it motion. Lambert’s water-wheel. In 1819, Mr. Lambert, of Prince’s-street, Leicester-square, obtained a patent for an improvement in the water-wheel, which he thus describes; “ My improved water-wheel, as shown in figs. 85, 86, and 87, represents the paddles standing in a vertical position to the surface of the water through which they are to pass, and in whatever situation or direction the wheel either rests or moves, the paddles preserve the same vertical position. The great advantage derived from the paddles of a water- wheel entering and quitting the water through which such wheel revolves in a perpendicular direction, has long been admitted to be a most important and desirable measure in that class of water-wheels known and called by engineers undershot- wheels, either for water-mills or for navigable pur poses. The benefit of working the paddles of such wheels in a vertical position is not only the superior hold and pressure which the water takes on the paddles or floats of such wheels. hiii the very little back-water which they create on leaving AND MACHINIST. 73 it. The principle of this improvement is to make the lower paddles recede from the centre of the axle and to the arms to which they are attached, while the upper paddies proceed I to the centre of the axle in equal distances as the others t recede; and in the rotation of the wheel, every paddle passes 1 through the various evolutions and positions to which every h revolution of the wheel subjects each paddle. The lower I paddles describe a greater radius of a circle than the upper L paddles, and thereby travel at an increased velocity, or rather they pass at their extreme points through a greater space in the same period of time ; this effect renders the lower half of ^ the wheel heavier than the upper, by the eccentric position of the paddles, and the flat ring of iron to which they are attached, and it also increases the speed of any navigable I body through the water to which such wheels are applied. Figs. 85, 86, and SJ, are views of my improved wheel with one paddle, as in fig. 85, at its greatest depth in the water; I B, B, B, B, is one of the iron arm frames to which one end of the paddles C, C, C, C, C, C, are attached by the joint-pins D, D, D, D, D, D, to the arm frames B, B, B, B. EE is the flat iron ring or eccentric circle, to which the other ends of the paddles are attached by similar joint-pins F,F, F, F, F, F. G G, are the iron guard or guide-rollers, a section of one of which is shown at fig. 88, which may either revolve on fixed axles, or these rollers may be fixed on revolving axles, which- ever is most convenient. The object of these rollers is, to keep the iron circle E E in its proper situation, which is an equal distant position from the centre of the wheel- shaft in a longitudinal direction, and eccentric in a vertical position to the shaft A. These rollers must be placed apart from each other, a distance exactly equal to the diameter of the iron circle EE, consequently the rollers GG must be placed in a line through the centre of the circle EE and which will allow this circle to rub and give motion to the rollers G G, at the speed it revolves. The circle E E, forms an eccentric course, while it rubs on every part of its periphery against the rollers G G. This circle E E may be formed with teeth like the rim of a cog-wheel, and in that case the rollers G G may either one or both of them be formed into spur pinions to fit the teeth of the circle E E, which would be a quick and simple mode for my improved water-wheel to work machinery. I sometimes use two flat, hardened steel springs, as shown in fig. 89, instead of the rollers G G, to keep the circle E E in its proper place ; and in certain situations they will be found 74 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC to answer very well. Great care must be taken to make the joint pin-holes in the iron frames B, B, B, B, exactly an equal distance apart from each other; and it must also be observed in piercing or drilling the joint pin-holes in the circle EE^ that they correspond with the holes made in the arm frames B, B^ B^ B. It will be always advisable to drill both the arm frames, B, B, B, B, and the circle E E, together, that the joint pin-holes in all three may correspond exactly with each other, and particularly from the centre of each. The joint pin-holes, in the paddle-plates or floats, should also be made to correspond with each other; and it is the distance of the holes from D to F in the paddles C C, as shown at fig. 90, which determine the eccentricity of the course of the iron ring E E ; and it is by connecting these paddles at D to the arm frames E, B, B, B, and at F to the ring E E, which in the rotation of the whole by the axle A, and by keeping the circle E E in its proper situation as before described, either by the rollers G G, or when the springs H H are substituted for the rollers, that the paddles always preserve a vertical position to the surface of the water, and which cause the upper paddles to approach, whilst the lower paddles recede from the centre of the axle A. Fig. 86 represents a view of the wheel combined with all the paddles connected to both frames of the wheel, with the iron ring or circle E E placed in the middle of the frames and between the sides of the paddles, with the joint-pins in their proper places, with the two lower paddles at their most extended distance from the centre of axle A, whilst the two upper paddles are brought to their nearest situation to that axle; the joint-pins must either have nuts and screws, or other proper fastenings, to keep them in their several places, or split keys, the latter of which I decidedly prefer. The axle A must be properly placed and secured in the iron frames B, B, B, B, in any of the ordinary modes which an experienced and skilful workman w'ill adopt. The number of sets of'paddles or floats for any one wheel must be determined according to the magnitude and duty of such wheel; it is the general construction and combination as described, which constitute my improved wheel, and not the number of the paddles or floats, or their magnitude. I should, however, never recommend less than six sets of paddles or floats to be combined in any wheel made on the plan of my improved wheel, although I am aware it would act with a less number, but not so advantageously. The same letters in figs. 85, 86, and 87? represent the same WATJEJR WMJEIEJLS From 85 to 93 ♦ 8.y 86 n.8 Fedt-iStockL^ se 35^SiranJ AND MACHINIST. 75 parts in either of these figures, and as far as any of the similar parts are shown in figs. 88 , 89, and 90, the letters and characters also distinguish them. THE OVERSHOT-WHEEL, This 'wheel consists of a frame of open buckets, placed round the rim of a* vertical wheel, to receive the water from a spout placed over it, so that the buckets on the one side shall be always loaded, while those on the opposite side are empty. The loaded side will of course descend, and the wheel in its revolution will bring the empty buckets under the spout, to be in their turn filled with water. The principal thing to be attended to in the construction of this wheel is to have the buckets of such a form as will retain the water along the greatest circumference of the wheel : and as this is a thing not easily to be accomplished, numerous contrivances have been resorted to by mill-wrights to determine the best possible form. Fig. 91 is the outline of a wheel having 40 buckets. The ring of board contained between the concentric circles Q D S and PA R, making the ends of the buckets, is called the shrouding, and Q P the depth of shrouding. The inner circle P A R is called the sole of the wheel, and usually consists of boards nailed to strong wooden rings of compass timber of considerable scantling, firmly united with the arms or radii. The partitions, which determine the form of the buckets, consist of three different planes or boards, A B, B C, CD, which are variously named by different artists. We have heard them called the start or shoulder, the arm, and the wrest : (probably for wrist, on account of a resemblance of the whole line to the human arm:) B is also called the elbow. Fig. 92 represents a small portion of the same bucketing on a larger scale, that the proportion of the parts may be more distinctly seen. AG the sole of one bucket is made about ^ more than the depth G H of the shrouding. The start ^ A B is 4 of A I. The plane B C is so inclined to A B that it would pass through H 3 but it is made to terminate in C, in^ such a manner that F C is l^ths of G H or A I. Then C D is so placed that H D is about ^th of I H. By this construction it follows that the area F A B C is very nearly equal to D AB C; so that the water which will fill the space F A B C will all be contained in the bucket when it shall come into such a position that A D is a hori- zontal line; and the line AB will then make an angle of THE OrERATlVE MECHANIC 70 35° with the vertical, or the bucket will be 35° from the perpendicular, passing through the axis of motion. If the bucket descend so much lower that one half of the water runs out, the line A B will make an angle of 25° or 24° nearly with the vertical. Therefore the wheel, filled to the degree now mentioned, will begin to lose water at about -^th of the diameter from the bottom, and half of the vjater will be discharged from the lowest bucket, about -rVth of the diame- ter further down. Had a greater proportion of the buckets been filled with water when they were under the spout, the discharge would have begun at a greater height from the bottom, and we should lose a greater portion of the whole fall of water. The loss by the present construction is less than Tuth, (supposing the water to be delivered into the wheel at the very top,) and may be estimated at about i^Tth; for the loss is the versed sine of the angle which the radius of the bucket make with the vertical. The versed sine of 35® is nearly i^th of the radius, being 0.18085, or Thrth of the dia- meter. It is evident, that if only ^ of this water were supplied to each bucket as it passes the spout, it would have been retained for 10° more of a revolution, and the loss of fall W’ould have only been about -rTth. These observations serve to show in general, that an advantage is gained by having the buckets so capacious that the quantity of water which each can receive as it passes the spout may not nearly fill it. This may be accomplished by making them of a sufficient length, that is, by making the wheel sufficiently broad between the two shroudings. Mr. Robert Burns, of Cartside, in Renfrewshire, has made what appeared to be a very considerable improvement in the construction of the bucket. The principle of this improve- ment consisted in dividing the bucket by a partition of such a height, that the inner and outer portions of the bucket on each side were nearly of equal capacity. See fig. 93. The bucket consisted of a start A B, an arm B C, and a wrest C D, concentric with the rim, and was divided by the partition LM, concentric with the sole and rim. If these buckets be filled one-third, they will retain the whole of the water at 18®, and the half at 11°, from the bottom. These advantages how- ever were found to be counterbalanced by disadvantages ; and Mr. Burns did never, we believe, put the construction in practice. The velocity of an overshot- wheel is a matter of very great nicety; and authors, both speculative and practical, have arrived at very different conclusions respecting it. M. Be^ AND MACHINIST. // lidol very strangely maintains, that there is a certain velocity related to that obtainable by the whole fall, which will procure to an overshot-wheel the greatest performance. Desaguliers, Smeaton, Lambert, De Parcieux, and others, maintain, that there is no such relation, and that the perform- ance of an overshot-wheel will be the greater, as it moves more slowly by an increase of its load of work. Belidor again states, that the active power of water lying in a bucket- w'heel of any diameter is equal to the impulse of the same water on the floats of an undershot-wheel, when the water issues from a sluice in the bottom of the dam. The other writers whom we have named assert, that the energy of an undershot- wheel is but one half of that of an overshot, actuated by the same quantity of water falling from the same height. The most generally received opinion is, that the overshot- wheel does the more work, as it moves slower 3 and the following is the reasoning adduced to prove it. Suppose that a wheel has 30 buckets, and that six cubic feet of water are delivered in a second on the top of the wheel, and dis- charged, without any loss by the way, at a certain height from the bottom of the wheel. Let this be the case, whatever is the rate of the wheel’s motion, the buckets being of a sufficient capacity to hold all the water which falls into them. Suppose this w’heel employed to raise a weight of any kind, water for instance, in a chain of 30 buckets, to the same altitude and with the same velocity. Suppose, further, that when the load on the rising side of the machine is one half of that on the wheel, the wheel makes four revolutions in a minute, or one turn in 15 seconds. During this time 90 cubic feet of water will have flowed into the 30 buckets, and each have received three cubic feet. In that case each of the rising buckets contains IJ feet; and 45 cubic feet are deli- vered into the upper cistern during one turn of the w^heel, and 180 cubic feet in one minute. Now, suppose the machine so loaded, by making the rising buckets more capacious, that it makes only two turns in a minute, or one turn in 30 seconds; then each descending bucket must contain six cubic feet of water. If each bucket on the rising side contained three cubic feet, the motion of the machme would be the same as before. This is a point none will controvert. When two pounds are suspended to one end of a string which passes over a pulley, and one pound to the other end, the velocity of descent of the two pounds will be the same with that of a four pound weight, which is employed in the same manner to draw up two pounds. Our THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 78 machine would therefore continue to make four turns in a minute, and woidd deliver 90 cubic feet during each turn, and 360 in a minute. But, by supposition, it is making only two turns in a minute ; which must proceed from a greater load than three cubic feet of rising water in each rising bucket. The machine must, therefore, be raising more than 90 feet of water during one turn of the wheel, and more than 180 in a minute. Thus it appears that if the machine is turning twice as slow as before, there is more than twice the former quantity in the rising buckets ; and more will be raised in a minute Dy the same expenditure of power. In like manner, if the machine go three times as slow, there must be more than three times the former quantity in the rising buckets, and more work will be done. But further we may assert, that the more we retard the machine to a certain practical extent, by loading it with more work of a similar kind, the greater will be its performance ; and the truth of the assertion may be thus demonstrated. Let us call the first quantity of water in the rising bucket, Q ; the water raised by four turns in a minute will be 4 x 30 X Q = 120 Q. The quantity in this bucket, when the ma- chine goes twice as slow, has been shown to be greater than 2Q; call it 2 Q + x; the water raised by two turns in a minute will then be 2 x 30 x (2 Q + ^) = 120 + 60 x. Suppose next, the machine to go four times as slow, making but one turn in a minute ; the rising bucket must now contain more than twice the quantity 2 Q + a’, or more than 4 Q 4- 2 call it4Q + 2x + y. The work done by one turn in a minute will now be 30 x (4Q -h 2x + y) =120 Q + 60 ^ + 30 ?/. By such an induction of the work accom- plished, with any rates of motion we choose, it is evident that the performance of the machine increases with every diminution of its velocity tliat is produced by the mere addi- tion of a similar load of work, or that it does the more work the slower it goes. This, however, is abstracting from the effects of the friction upon the gudgeons of the wheel, a cause of resistance which increases with the load, though not in the same ratio. We have also supposed the machine to be in its state of ])ermanent uniform motion. If we consider it only in the beginning of its motion, the residt is still more in favour of slow motion : for, at the first action of the moving power, the inertia of the machine itself consumes part of it, and it acquires its permanent velocity by degrees, during which the resist- AND MACHINI.ST. 79 ances arising from the work^ friction^ &c., increase, till they exactly balance the pressure of the water ; and after this the machine no longer accelerates. Now, the greater the power and the resistance arising from the work are, in proportion to the inertia of the machine, the sooner, it is obvious, will it arrive at its state of permanent velocity. The preceding discussion only demonstrates in general the advantage of slow motion j but does not point out in any degree the relation between the rate of motion and the work performed, nor even the principles on which it depends. But this is not necessary for the improvement of practical me- chanics. It is, however, manifest, that there is not, in the nature of things, a maximum of performance attached to any particular rate of motion which should, on that account, be preferred. All, therefore, that we have to do, is to load the machine, and thus to diminish its speed, unless other pli3^sical circumstances throw obstacles in the way : for there are such obstacles, as in all machines there are certain inequalities of action that are unavoidable. In the action of a Avheel and pinion, though made with the utmost judgment and care, there are such inequalities. These increase by the changes of form occasioned by the wearing of the machine ; and much greater irregularities arise from the subsultory motions of cranks, stampers, and other parts which move unequally or reciprocally. A machine may be so loaded as just to be in equilibrio with its work, in the favourable position of its parts : and when this changes into one less favourable, the machine may stop, or, at all events, hobble and work un- equally. The rubbing parts thus bear long on each other, with enormous pressures, cut deep into each other, and increase friction : therefore such slow motions should be avoided. A little more velocity enables the machine to over- come those increased resistances by its inertia, or the great quantity of motion inherent in it. Great machines possess this advantage in a superior degree, and, consequently, will work steadily with a smaller velocity. Mr. Smeaton, in his Experimental Inquiry, previous to examining into the power and application of water, when acting by its gravity on over shot-wheels, says, In reasoning without experiment, one might be led to imagine, that how- ever different the mode of application is, yet that whenever the same quantity of water descends through the same per- pendicular space, that the natural effective power would be equal, supposing the machinery free from friction, equally calculated to receive the full effect of the power, and to make 80 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the most of it: for if we suppose the height of a column of water to be 30 inches, and resting upon a base or aperture one inch square, every cubic inch of water that departs there-- from will acquire the same velocity or momentum, from the uniform pressure of 30 inches above it, that one cubic inch let fall from the top will acquire in falling down to the level of the aperture : one would therefore suppose, that a cubic inch of water, let fall through a space of 30 inches, and there impinging upon another body, would be capable of producing an equal effect by collision, as if the same cubic inch had descended through the same space with a slower motion, and produced its effects gradually. But however conclusive this reasoning may seem, it will appear, in the course of the following deductions, that the effect of the gravity of descend- ing bodies is very different from the effect of stroke of such as are non-elastic, though generated by an equal mechanical power.^’ When Mr. Smeaton had finished his experiments on under- shot mills, he reduced the number of floats on the wheel, which were originally 24, to 12; which caused a diminution in the effect, on account of a greater quantity of water escaping between the floats and the floor : but a circular sweep being adapted thereto, of such a length, that one float entered the curve before the preceding one quitted it, the effect came so near that of the former, as not to give any hopes of advanc- ing it by increasing the number of floats beyond 24 in this^ particular wheel. In these experiments the head was six inches, and the lieight of the wheel 24 inches, so that the whole descent was 30 inches : the quantity of water expended in a minute was 96^ pounds, which, multiplied by 30 inches, gives the power = 2900. After making the proper calculations, the effect was computed at 1914; the ratio therefore of Xhe power and effect will be as 2900 : 1914, or as 10 : 6.6, or as 3 to 2 nearly^ But if we compute the power from the height of the wheel only, we shall have 96f pounds, multiplied by 24 inches = 2320 for the power, and this will be to the effect as 2320 : 1914, or as 10 : 82, or as 5 to 4 nearly. From another set of experiments the following conclusions were deduced: 1. The effective power of the water must be reckoned upon the whole descent, because it must be raised that height in order to produce the same effect a second time The ratios between the powers so estimated, and the effects at the maximum, differ nearly from that of 10 to to that AND MACHINIST, 81 of 10 to 5.2, that is nearly from 4.3 to 4.2. In those expe- riments where the heads of water and quantities expended are least, the proportion is nearly as 4 to 3 ; but where the heads and quantities are greatest, it approaches nearer to that of 4 to 2 ; and by a medium of the whole, the ratio is that of 3 to 2 nearly. Hence it appears, that the effect of overshot-wheels is nearly double to that of the undershot, and, by consequence, that non- elastic bodies, when acting by their impulse or collision, comniunicate only a part of their original power, the remainder being spent in changing their figure in consequence of the stroke. The ultimate conclusion is, that the effects, as well as the powers, are as the quantities of water and perpendicular heights multiplied together respectively. 2. By increasing the head from 3 to 11 inches, that is, the whole descent from 27 inches to 35, or in the ratio of 7 to 9 nearly, the effect is advanced no more than in the ratio of 8.1 to 8.4, that is, as 7 to 7*26; and consequently the increase of effect is not one- seventh of the increase of perpendicular height. Hence it follows, that the higher the wheel is in proportion to the whole descent, the greater will be the effect ; because it depends less upon the impulse of the head, and more upon the gravity of the water in the buckets : and if we consider how obliquely the water issuing from the head must strike the buckets, we shall not be at a loss to account for the little advantage that arises from the impulse thereof, and shall immediately see of how little con- sequence this impulse is to the effect of an overshot- wheel. This, however, like other things, is subject to limitation, for it is desirable that the water should have somewhat greater velocity than the circumference of the wheel, in coming thereon ; otherwise the wheel will not only be retarded by the buckets striking the water, but a portion of the power will be lost by the water dashing over the buckets. 3. To determine the velocity which the circumference of the wheel ought to have in order to produce the greatest effect, Mr. Smeaton observes, that the slower a body descends, the greater will be the portion of tht action of gravity appli- cable to the producing a mechanical effect, and, in consequence, the greater wdll be the effect. If a stream of water falls into the bucket of an overshot-wheel, it is there retained till the wheel by moving round discharges it, and consequently the slower the wheel moves, the more water each bucket will receive : so that what is lost in speed, is gained by the pressure of a greater quantity of water acting in the buckets G 82 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC at once. From the experiments, however, it appeared, that when the wheel made about 20 turns in a minute, the effect was near upon the greatest. When it made 30 turns, the effect was diminished about V^^th part; and that when it made 40, it was diminished about J ; when it made less than 18j, its motion was irregular; and when it was loaded so as not to admit its making 18 turns, the wheel was overpowered by its load. It is an advantage in practice, that the velocity of the wheel should not be diminished further than will pro- cure some solid advantage in point of power, because ccEteris paribus, as the motion is slower, the buckets must be made larger, and the wheel being more loaded with water, the stress upon every part of the work will be increased in pro- portion. The best velocity for practice, therefore, will be such, as when the wheel made 30 turns in a minute, that is, _^ wdien the velocity of the circumference is a little more thaiiB three feet in a second. Experience confirms that this velo^* city of three feet in a second is applicable to the highest— overshot- wheels, as well as the lowest ; and all other parts ofjji the work being properly adapted thereto, wall produce very"*^ nearly the greatest effect possible ; it is also determined by , experience, that high wheels may deviate further from this rule, before they will lose their power, by a given aliquot^; part of the whole, than low ones can be admitted to do;jf For a wheel of 24 feet high may move at the rate of six feet? per second without losing any part of its power; and, on^ the other hand, the author had seen a wheel of 33 feet high' . that moved very steadily and well, with a velocity but little; exceeding two feet. The reason of the superior velocity of the 24 feet wheel seems to have been owing to the small* proportion that the head, requisite to give the water the proper velocity of the wheel, bears to the whole height. 4. The maximum load for an overshot-wheel, is that which^ reduces the circumferences of the wheel to its proper velocity;' ^ which will be known by dividing the effect it ought to pro- duce in a given time, by the space intended to be described' jj by the circumference of the wheel in the same time; the^ j quotient will be the resistance overcome at the circumference^ | of the wheel, and is equal to the load required, the friction^ 1 and resistance of the machinery included. * j 5. The greatest velocity of which the circumference of an'^ I overshot- wheel is capable, depends jointly upon the diameter ' j of the height of the wheel, and the velocity of falling bodies ; ' j for it is plain that the velocity of the circumference can' j never be greater than to describe a semi-circumference . AND MACHINIST. 83 while a body let fall from the top of the wheel will descend through its diameter; nor even quite so great^ as a body descending through the same perpendicular space cannot perform the same in so small a time when passing through a semi-circle as would be done in a perpendicular line. Thus, if a wheel is 16 feet one inch in diameter, a body will fall through it in one second: this wheel therefore can never arrive at a velocity equal to the making one turn in two seconds; but, in reality, an overshot-wheel can never come near this velocity ; for when it acquires a certain speed, the greatest part of the water is prevented from entering the buckets, and the rest, at a certain point of its descent, is thrown out again by the centrifugal force. As these circum- stances depend chiefly upon the form of the buckets, the utmost velocity of overshot-wheels caminot be generally determined; and, indeed, it is the less necessary in practice, as it is in this circumstance incapable of producing any mechanical effect. 6. The greatest load an overshot-wheel will overcome, considered abstractedly, is unlimited or infinite; for as the buckets may be of any given capacity, the more the wheel is loaded, the slow^er it turns, but the slower it turns, the more will the buckets be filled with water; and, consequently, though the diameter of the wheel and quantity of water expended are both limited, yet no resistance can be assigned, which it is not able to overcome ; but in practice we ahvays meet with something that prevents our getting into infinitesi- mals. For when we really go to work to build a wheel, the buckets must necessarily be of some given capacity, and consequently such a resistance will stop the wheel, as it is equal to the effort of all the buckets in one semi-circum- ference filled with water. The structure of the buckets being given, the quantity of this efibrt may be assigned, but is not of much consequence in practice, as in this case also the wheel loses its power ; for though here is the exertion of gravity upon a given quantity of water, yet being pre- vented by a counterbalance from moving, is capable of producing no mechanical effect, according to our definition. But, in reality, an overshot-wheel generally ceases to be useful before it is loaded to that pitch; for when it meets with such a resistance as to diminish its velocity to a certain degree, its motion becomes irregular ; yet this never happens till the velocity of the circumference is less than two feet per second, where the resistance is equable. g2 84 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The reader having now become acquainted with the valu- able course of experiments made by Mr. Smeaton^ we shall next offer to his notice a few remarks upon the best mode of delivering water upon an overshot-wheel. In wheels of this construction^ it has been^ and still is, the common practice, to allow the water to flow into the buckets at the highest point of the wheel ; but this system is deci- dedly bad ) for the centre of gravity of the upper bucket is direct over the axle of the wheel, and, consequently, any water poured into that bucket will, instead of creating a rota- tory motion, cause a greater pressure upon the pivots of the axle. The greatest advantage would be obtained by causing the water to fall upon the wheel, at an angle of 42J or 45 degrees, as then the power of the wheel will be aug- mented by the increased leverage. In constructing wheels upon this principle, however, great care must be taken to allow a sufficiency of room in buckets for the escape of air, otherwise the wheel will not act. The same observation is also applicable to breast- wheels ; for we were once present, and witnessed an instance of this kind, at the first starting of a breast-wheel, in which the millwright, in order to ob- tain the greatest possible effect, had made the back-boards to fit so tight that no water or air could escape ; the conse- quence of which was, the necessity of reducing the whole of the back-boards, to allow air enough to escape for the water to act freely upon the floats. burn’s overshot-wheel without a shaft. This ingenious machine was invented and erected by the late Mr. Burns, whose mechanical ingenuity we have already had occasion to admire. It is represented in two different sections, in figs. 95 and 96, and forms a large hollow cylinder by its buckets and sole, without having any shaft or axle-tree. This wheel is 12^ feet diameter, and seven feet broad over all, and has 28 buckets. The gudgeon is 6 inches diameter, by 9 inches long. The flaunch is 1 J inch thick at the ex- treme points. The arms are of redwood fir, 6 inches square; one piece making two arms in length, where they cross one another at the wheel’s centre, 1 J inch of the wood remaining in each, connecting the two opposite arms as one piece. The wheels was made by first fitting the gudgeon into a large piece of hard wood, with the flaunch parallel to the horizon, and in that position the arms and rings were trained and AND MACHINIST. 85 bound fast to it. All the grooves for starts or raisers^ and buckets, were cut out before it was remov ed ; first one piece was bolted to the flaunch at a a, and so of the others, leaving the distant openings for the cross bars that reach between each arm and its opposite arm. These bars, or pieces, were only 4 inches square, and were of good beech wood, turned round in the body. They were 10 inches square at each end, in which was fitted a strong nut for a bolt, 1 j inch thick, to go through Z>, and connect the two sides together. After the arms were trained and fixed right upon the gijd- geons, the innermost ring was completed ; the tenons were trained on the arms first, and the rings 4^ inches thick and 8 inches deep, put on by keys driven into the mortice. The remaining tenons were then reduced from 1| to 1 inch thick, and the outermost ring, only 3 inches thick by 6 inches deep, was firmly wedged thereon, and bound fast at the other ends by three strong wooden pins, as at C C ; to the lower ring, the outside of the uppermost and undermost rings are flush, all the addi- tional thickness of the lower ring projecting inside the buckets.' Some difficulty was found in laying the water properly into the buckets of this wheel, owing to the narrowness of the mouths of the buckets, by the high start or raiser, which was remedied by adopting the following plan. 4'he openings in the bottom of the troughing should be of iron, and so distant from each other that the water from them is thrown into two separate buckets. The iron curved parts should also be movable, to adjust the openings to the quantity of water necessary for the wheel. Unless the head of water is 12 or 14 inches above these openings, it will be difficult to give it the proper direction into the buckets, especially if the openings are pretty wide for them; for then it deviates the more do'wn from the line of direction, and tends to retard the wheel, by striking on the outside of the bucket. The openings from which the buckets are filled, ought to oe 10 inches less in length than the buckets, f. c. five inches at each side, otherwise the water is apt to jerk over on each side of the wheel, as the edges of the bucket pass by. The mode of making and finishing the wheel at Cartside requires very little workmanship, compared to the usual method 5 and any good joiner will do it as well as a mill- wright. The joiner finished Cartside wheel in six or seven weeks. The construction will be better understood from the following reference to the figures. Fig. 95 represents three distinct transverse views. The part marked A supposes a part of the shrouding in section, showing 86 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the pins ; the part marked B is a section of the wheel through any part of the buckets^ and showing three of the ties, 1 , 2 , 3 , in section. Part D shows the manner in which the exterior ends of the wheel are finished, also the gudgeons, flaunch, &c. Fig. 96 is a longitudinal section of the wheel through one of the arms, showing the projection of the shrouding, the manner in which the arms of the wheel are connected together, and like- wise the manner in which the ties are connected to the gudgeon. CHAIN OF BUCKETS. This is applicable in many situations where there is a considerable fall of water. This sketch was taken from one in Scotland used to give motion to a thrashing mill: the fig. 97 is so obvious as to need little explanation. The buckets t 5 D, G, H, &c. must be connected by several chains to avoid the danger of breaking, and united into an endless chain, which is extended over two wheels A and B, the upper one being the axis which is to communicate motion to the mill- work ; E is the spout to supply the water. The principal advantage of this plan is, that no water is lost by running out of the buckets before they arrive at the lowest part, as is the case with the wdieel. Another is, that the buckets being suspended over the wheel A of small diameter, it may be made to revolve more quickly than a wheel of large diameter, and without increasing the velocity of the descending buckets beyond what is proper for them. This saves wheel-work when the machine is to be employed, as in a thrashing machine, to produce a rapid motion. On the other hand, the friction of the chain in folding over the wheel at the top, and seizing its cogs, will be very considerable; these cogs must enter the spaces in the open links between the buckets, to prevent the chain slipping upon the upper wheel. We think this machine might be much improved by contriving it so that the chain would pass through the centre of gravity of each bucket, whereas in the present form, the weight of each bucket tends to give the chain an extra bend. The chain^pump reversed^ has been proposed as a substitute for a water-wheel when the fall is very great, and we think it would answer the purpose with some chance of success. It would have an advantage over the chain-pump when em- ployed for raising water, in the facility of applying cup leathers to the pistons on the chain, in the same way as other pumps, which leathers expand themselves to the inside of the barrel, and are kept perfectly tight by the pressure of the water. In the chain-pump such leathers cannot be & Stockl^ frojid mk AND MACHINIST. 87 employed, because the edges of the leather cups would turn down and stop the motion, when the cups were drawn upwards into the barrel. It is the defective mode of leather- ing the pistons of the chain-pump which occasions its great friction. In the motion of a machine of this kind, the pistons would descend into the barrel, and might therefore be lea- thered with cups like other pumps, so as to be quite tight without immoderate friction. This machine was proposed by a Mr. Cooper in 1784, who obtained a patent for it, and Dr. Robison has again proposed it with recommendation, BREAST-WHEELS. The breast-wheel partakes of the nature both of an over- shot and an undershot: it is driven partly by impulse, but chiefly by the weight of water. The lower part of the wheel is surrounded by a curved wall or sweep of masonry, which is made concentric with the wheel, and the float- boards of the wheel are exactly adapted to the masonry, so as to pass as near as possible thereto without touching it; and the side walls are in like manner adapted to the end of the float -boards or sides of the wheel, the intention being to let the least possible quantity of water pass without causing the float-boards to move before it. In fig. 98, the water is poured upon the top of the wheel over the breasting at I, the efflux from the mill-dam K being regulated by the sluice or shuttle M, which is placed in the direction of a tangent to the wheel, and is provided with the rack R, and pinion P, by which it can be drawn up so as to make any required degree of opening, and admit more or less water to flow on the wheel. The water first strikes on the float, and urges it by its impulse ; but when the floats descend into the sweep, they form as it were close buckets, each of which will contain a given quantity of water, and the water cannot escape from these buckets except the wheel moves, at least this is the intention, and the wheel is fitted as close as it can be to the race with that view. Each of the portions of v/ater contained in these spaces bears partly upon the wall of the sweep, and partly upon the floats of the wheel ; and its pressure upon the floats, if not exceeded by the resistance, will cause the wheel to move; hence the action upon all the floats which are within the sweep of the breasting is by the weight of the water alone ; but the water is made to impinge upon the first float-board with some velocity, because the surface of the water in the dam K is raised considerably above the orifice bei;eath the shuttle where the water issues. 88 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The Upper part of the fall at I is rounded off to a segment of a circle, called the crown of the fall, and the water runs over it. The lower edge of the shuttle when put down is made to lit this curve, so as to make a tight joint; and in consequence, when the shuttle is drawn up, the water will run between its lower edge and the crown in a sheet or stream which strikes upon the first float that presents itself, nearly in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the float- board, or of a tangent to the wheel. The float-boards of the wheel are directed to the centre, but there are other boards placed obliquely which extend from one float-board to the rim of the wheel, and nearly fill the space between one float- board and the next. These are called rising-boards, and the use of them is to prevent the water flowing over the float- board into the interior of the wheel; but the edges of these boards are not continued so far as to join to the back of the next float, because that would make all the boards of the wheel close, and prevent the free escape of the air when the water entered into the space between the floats. As the water strikes with some force, the rising-boards are very necessary to prevent the water from dashing over the float-boards into the interior of the wheel. This is the form of breast-wheel employed by Mr. Smeaton in the great number of mills which he constructed ; but although he speaks of the impulse of the water striking the wheel, he always endeavoured to make the top of the breast- ing, or crown of the fall, as high as possible ; so as to attain the greatest fall and the least of the impulsive action. All rivers and streams of water are subject to variation in height from floods or dry seasons, and in some this is very consider- able: it was therefore necessary to make the crown I of the fall, at such a height as that, in the lowest state of the Avater R, it Avould run over the crown in a sheet of three or four inches in thickness, and work the wheel. When the water rose higher in the mill-dam, it would then have a pressure to M force it through, and in that case would strike the wheel solM as to impel it by the velocity. Mr. §meaton was well aware that the power communicated by this impulse was very small. In some cases, where the « water was very subject to variation, he used a false or mov- A able crown, that is, a piece of wood which fitted to the crown * I, and raised the surface thereof a foot or piore, so as to obtain tlie greatest fall when the water stood at a mean height ; but I when the water sunk too low to run over this movable I crown, it‘ could be drawn up to admit the water beneath it, j AND MACHINIST. 89 This effect has since been produced in a more perfect manner by making the crown of the fall a movable shuttle, to rise and fall according to the height of the water in the mill-dam, by which means the inconvenience before-mentioned is avoided. IMPROVED BREAST-WHEEL, IN WHICH THE WATER RUNS OVER THE SHUTTLE. FiG.llOis a section of one of this kind. A is the water which is made to flow upon the float-board B, and urges the wheel by its weight only, the water being prevented from escaping or flowing off the float-boards by the breast or sweep D D, and the side-walls which enclose the floats of the wheel. The upper part of the breast D D is made by a cast-iron plate, curved to the proper sweep to line with the stone-work. On the back of the cast-iron plate the moving shuttle e is applied 3 it fits close to the cast-iron so as to prevent the water from leaking between them, and the water runs over its upper edge. F is an iron groove or channel let into the masonry of the side-walls, and in these, the ends of the sliding shuttle are received ; / is an iron rack, which is applied at the back of the shuttle, and ascends above the water-line where the pinion g is applied to it to raise or lower the shuttle. The axis of the pinion is supported in a frame of wood II, Z> H is a toothed sector and balance-weight, which bears the shuttle upwards, or it might otherwise fall down by its own weight, and put the mill in motion when not intended. G is a strong planking, which is fixed across between the two side- walls, and retains the water when it rises very high, as in time of floods ; but in common times the water rises only a few inches above the lower edge of the planking. When the shuttle is drawn up to touch this lower edge, the water cannot escape; but when the shuttle is lowered down, it opens a space e through which the water flows upon the float-boards of the wheel. Fig. Ill is a section of the most improved form for a breast- wheel, taken from the Royal Armoury Mills at Enfield Lock, erected by Messrs. Lloyd and Ostel. The general description of this, is like the former, but it is constructed in a better manner, and unites strength with durability. The breast of masonry is surmounted by a cast-iron plate A, feet high, which is let into the masonry of the side- walls at each end, and the lower part is formed with a flanch, by which it is bolted to the stone breast at top, v This plate is made straight at the back for the shuttle B to lie against, ^pd it slides up and down. The ends of the gate are guided 90 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC by iron groove pieces or channels which are let into the stone-work of the side walls, and being made wedge-like, they fix the ends of the cast-iron breast fast in its place. Tlie grooves are not upright, but inclined to the perpendicular so much, that the plane of the gate is at right angles to a radius of the wheel drawn through the point where the water falls upon the wheel. D is a strong plank of wood, extended between the iron grooves just over the shuttle. When the shuttle is drawn up it comes in contact with the lower side of this piece of wood, and stops the water; but the piece D is fixed at such a height, that the water will run clear beneath it, unless its surface rises above its mean height. The float-boards of the wheel do not point to the centre of the wheel, but are so much inclined thereto that they are exactly horizontal at the point where the water first flows upon them. In this way, the gravity of the water has its full effect upon the wheel, and the boards rise up out of the tail- water in a much better position, than if they pointed to the centre of the wheel; this is more particularly observable when the wheel is flooded by tail-water penned up in the lower part of the race, so that it cannot run freely away from the wheel. The dimensions of this wheel are as follows; diameter 18 feet to the points of the floats, and 14 feet wide; the float-boards are 40 in number, each 16 inches wide, and each rising-board 11 inches wide. The wheel is formed of four cast-iron circles or wheels, each 14 feet 8 inches diameter, placed at equal distances upon the central axis, which is 14 feet 8 inches long between the necks or bearings, and 9 inches square; the bearing-necks are 9J inches diameter. The wheel is calculated to make four revo- lutioiis per minute, which gives near feet per second for the velocity with which the float-boards move. The fall of water is six feet, and the power of the wheel, when the shuttle is drawn down one foot perpendicular, equal to 28-horse power. BREAST-WHEEL WITH TWO SHUTTLES. In this wheel the piece of wood marked D in the last figure, is fitted into the groove of the shuttle, and is provided with racks and pinions to slide up and down, independently of the lower shuttle. This enables the lower shuttle to rise aifd fall, according to the height of the water, so that the water shall always run over the top of it, in the proper quantity to work the mill with its required velocity, whilst the upper shuttle is only used to stop the mill by shutting it down upon the AND MACHINIST. 91 lower shuttle, and preventing the water from running over it. This plan is used when the mill is to be regulated by a governor, or machine to govern its velocity ; in that case the governor is made to operate upon the lower shuttle, and wdll raise it up, or lower it down, according as the mill takes too much or too little water, and this regulates the supply ; but the upper shuttle is used to stop the mill, and by this means the adjustment of the lower shuttle is not destroyed, but when set to work again, it will move with its required velocity. Fig. 101 is a section of one of the water-wheels at the cotton-mills of Messrs. Strutt, at Helper, in Derby- shire. The width of this wheel is very great, and to render the shuttles A B firm, a strong grating of cast-iron is fixed on the top of the breast K, and the shuttles are applied at the back of the grating E, so as to slide up and down against it, the strain occasioned by the pressure of the water being borne by the grating. The lower shuttle is moved by means of long screws, a, which have bevelled wheels, b, at the upper ends, to turn them, by a connection of wheel-work with the wheel- work of the mill. The upper shuttle. A, is drawn up or down by racks and pinions, c, which are turned by a winch, or handle. The bars of the grating E are placed one above the other, like shelves, but are not horizontal; they are inclined, so that the upper sur- faces of all the bars form tangents to an imaginary circle of one-third the diameter of the wheel described round the centre thereof. These bars are not above half an inch thick, and the spaces between them are 2^ inches. The bars are of a considerable breadth, the object of them being to lead the water, with a proper slope from the top of the lower shuttle B, to flow upon the floats of the wheel. This disposition allow^s the shuttles to be placed at such a distance from the wheel as to admit very strong upright bars of cast-iron to be placed between the wheel and the shuttles, for the shuttles to bear against, and prevent them from bending towards the wheel, as the great weight of water would otherwise occasion them to do. These upright bars are very firmly fixed to the stone-work of the breast at their lower ends, and the upper ends are fastened to a large timber, D, which is sup- ported at its ends in the side walls, and has a truss-framing a*pplied to the back of it, like the framing of a roof, to prevent it from bending towards the wheel. The upright bars are placed at distances of five feet asunder, so as to support the shuttles in two places in the middle of their length, as u eli as at both ends ; and large rollers are applied m the shuttle. 92 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC where it bears against these bars, to diminish the friction, which would otherwise be very great. These precautions will not appear unnecessary when the size of the work is known. The wheel is 21i feet in dia- meter, and 15 feet broad; the fall of water is 14 feet, when it is at a mean height; the upper shuttle is feet high, and 15 feet long; the lower shuttle is five feet high, and the same length, so that it contains 7^ square feet of surface exposed to the pressure of the water; now taking the centre of pressure at two-thirds of the depth, or 3^ feet, we find the pressure equal to that depth of water acting on the whole surface; that is, the weight of 3->- cubic feet of water = 208 pounds, bears on every square foot of surface, which is equal to 15,^0 pounds, or near seven tons, on the lower shuttle only ; but if we take the two shuttles together, the surface is 112 square feet, and the mean pressure 312 pounds upon each, or 16 tons in the whole. The wheel has 40 float- boards pointing to the centre. The wheel is made of cast-iron. There are two wheels of the dimensions above stated, which are placed in a line with each other, and are only separated by a wall which supports the bearings ; for they work toge- ther as one wheel, and the separation is only to obviate the difficulty of making one wheel of such great breadth as 30 feet, though this is not impossible, for there is a wheel in the same works 40 feet in breadth, but it is of wood and not iron, and is framed in a particular manner, — ^Dr. Rees’s Cyclopcedia, DR. barker’s mill. Dr. Desaguliers appears to have been the first who pub- lished an account of this machine. He ascribes the invention to Dr. Barker, in the following words : Sir George Savill says, he had a mill in Lincolnshire to grind corn, which took up so much water to work it, that it sunk his ponds visibly, for which reason he could not have constant work ; but now, by Dr. Barker’s improvement, the waste water only from Sir George’s ponds keeps it constantly to work.” Dr. Barker’s mill is shown in fig. 102, where CD is a vertical axis, moving on a pivot at D, and carrying the upper millstone m, after passing through an opening in the fixed millstone C. Upon this axis is fixed a vertical tube T T, communicating with a horizontal tube A B, at the extremities of which. A, B, are two apertures in opposite directions. When water from the millcourse M N is introduced into the tube TT, it flows out of the apertures A, B, and, by the reaction or counterpressure of the issuing water, the arm AB, AND MACHINIST. 93 and consequently the whole machine, is put in motion. The bridgetree a b is elevated or depressed by turning the nut c at the end of the lever c b. In order to understand how this motion is produced, let us suppose both the aper- tures shut, and the tube T T filled with water up to T. The apertures A, B, which are shut up, will be pressed outwards by a force equal to the weight of a column of water whose height is TT, and whose area is the area of the apertures. Every part of the tube AB sustains a similar pressure; but as these pressures are balanced by equal and opposite pressures, the arm A B is at rest. By opening the aperture at A, however, the pressure at that place is removed, and consequently the arm is carried round by a pressure equal to that of a column T T, acting upon an area equal to that of the aperture A. The same thing happens on the arm T B ; and these two pressures drive the arm A B round in the same direction. This machine may evidently be applied to drive any kind of machinery, by fixing a wheel upon the vertical axis C D. In the preceding form of Barker’s mill, the length of the axis C D must always exceed the height of the fall N D, and therefore when the fall is very high, the difficulty of erecting such a machine would be great. In order to remove this difficulty, M. Mathon de la Cour proposes to introduce the water from the millcourse into the horizontal arms A, B, which are fixed to an upright spindle C T, but without any tube T T. The water will obviously issue from the apertures A, B, in the same manner as if it had been introduce-d at the top of a tube TT as high as the fall. Hence the spindle C D may be made as short as we please. The practical difficulty which attends this form of the machine, is to give the arms A, B, a motion round the mouth of the feeding pipe, which enters the arm at D, without any great friction, or any considerable loss of water. This form of the mill is shown in fig. 103, where F is the reservoir, K the millstones, K D the vertical axis, F E C the feeding pipe, the mouth of which enters the horizontal arm at C. In a machine of this kind which M. Mathon de la Cour saw at Bourg Argental, A B was 92 inches, and its diameter three inches ; the dia- meter of each orifice was 14- inch, F G was 21 feet ; the internal diameter of D was two inches, and it was fitted into C by grinding. This machine made 115 turns in a minute when it was unloaded, and emitted water by one hole only. The machine, when empty, weighed 80 pounds, and it was half supported by the upward pressure of the water. 94 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC This improvement^ which was first given by M. Mathon ile la Cour, in the Journal de Physique^ 177^^ appeared twenty years afterwards in the American Philosophical Transactions^ as the invention of a Mr. Ramsey; and Mr. Waring, who in- serted the account, contrary to every other philosopher, makes the effect of the machine only equal to that of a good under- shot wheel, moved with the same quantity of water falling through the same height. Dr. Gregory, in his Mechanics, vol. ii. has given this paper with some corrections, and recommends it as the best theory. The following rules, deduced from his calculus, may be of use to those who wish to make experiments on the effect of this interesting machine. 1 . Make each arm of the horizontal rotatory tube or arm of any convenient length, from the centre of motion to the centre of the apertures, but not less than one-third (one- ninth, according to Mr. Gregory) of the perpendicular height of the water’s surface above their centres. 2. Multiply the length of the arm in feet by .6136, and take the square root of the product for the proper time of a revolution in seconds, and adapt the other parts of the ma- chinery to this velocity; or if the required time of a revolution be given, multiply the square of this time by 1.629 for the proportional length of the arm in feet. 3. Multiply together the breadth, depth, and velocity per second, of the race, and divide the last product by 18.47 times (14.27, according to Mr. Gregory) the square root of the height, for the area of either aperture. 4. Multiply the area of either aperture by the height of the fall of water, and the product by 414 pounds (55. 77^, according to Mr. Gregory) for the moving force, estimated at the centres of the apertures in pounds avoirdupois. 5. The power and velocity at the aperture may be easily reduced to any part of the machinery by the simplest me- chanical rules. TIDE-MILLS. Tide-mills, as their name imports, are such as employ for their first mover the flowing and ebbing tide, either in the sea or a river. Mills of this kind have not often, we believe, been erected in England, though several of our rivers, and particularly the Thames, the Humber, and the Severn, in which the tide rises co a great height, furnish a very powerful mover to drive any kind of machinery, and would allow of tide-mills JFLio. 103 105 t'roni 102 t/)J03 102 H --S. AND MACHINIST. 95 being very advantageously constructed upon their banks. The erection of such mills is not to be recommended uni- versally, as they are attended with a considerable original expense ; beside that, some of their parts will require frequent repairs : but in some places, where coal is very dear, they may, on the whole, be found less expensive than steam- engines to perform the same work, and may, on that account, be preferred even to them. We have not been able to ascertain who was the first contriver of a tide-mill in this country, nor at what time one was first erected. The French have not been so negligent respecting the origin of this important invention, as to let it drop into obscurity ; but have taken care to inform us that such mills were used in France early in the last century. Belidor mentions the name of the inventor, at the same time that he states some peculiar advantages of this species of machine. L’on en attribue,” says he, la premiere invention a un nomm^ Perse, maitre charpentier de Dun- kerque, que merite assurement beaucoup d’eloge, n’y ayant point de gloire plus digne d’un bon citoyen, que cede de produire quelqu’invention utile a la societe. En effet, combien n’y a-t’-il point de choses essentielles a la vie, dont on ne connolt le prix que quand on en est prive : les moulins en general sont dans ce cas-la. On doit s 9 avoir bon gre a ceux qui nous ont mis en etat d’en construire partout : par exemple, a Calais, comme il n’y serpente point de rivieres, on n’y a point fait jusqu’ici de moulins a eau, et ceux qui vont par le vent chomant une partie de I’annee, il y a des terns ou cette ville se trouve sans farine, et j’ai vu la gamison en 1730, oblige de faire venir du pain de Saint-Omer, au lieu qu’en se servant du flux et reflux de la mer, on pour- rait construire autant de moulins a eau que Ton voudroit ; il y a d’autres villes dans le voisinage de la mer sujettes au m^me inconvenient, parcecju’apparemment elles ignorent le moyen d’y rem^dier.” Mills to be worked by the rising and falling of the tide, admit of great variety in the essential parts of their con- struction ; but this' variety may perhaps be reduced to four general heads, according to the manner of action of tlie water-wheel. 1. The water-wheel may turn one way when the tide rises, and the contrary when it falls. 2. The water- wheel may be made to turn always in one direction. 3. The water-wheel may fall and rise as the tide ebbs and flows. 4. The axle of the water-wheel may be so fixed as that it shall neither rise nor fall, though the rotatory motion THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 96 shall be given to the wheel, while at one time it is only;^ ! partly, at another completely, immersed in the fluid. In the ^ i mills we have examined, says Dr. Gregory, the first and third of < j these idivisions have been usually exemplified in one machine ; ~ and the second and fourth may readily be united in another : we shall, therefore, speak of them under two divisions on y. 1. When the water-wheel rises and falls, and turns one^B way with the rising tide, and the contrary when it ebbs. In^H order to explain the nature of this species of tide-mills, we^K shall describe one which has lately been erected on the^B right bank of the Thames, at East- Greenwich, under the^ direction of Mr. John Lloyd, an ingenious engineer of*' Brewer *s-green, Westminster. This mill is intended to grind com, and works eight pair S of stones. The side of the mill-house parallel to the course^B of the river, measures 40 feet within ; and as the whole of thi&^B may be opened to the river by sluice-gates, which are carried down to the low water- mark in the river, there is a 40 feet ^ waterway to the mill : through the waterway the water X presses during the rising tide into a large reservoir, which S occupies about four acres of land ; and beyond this reservoir ^ is a smaller one, in which water is kept, for the purpose of being let out occasionally at low water to cleanse the whole t works from mud and sediment, which would otherwise, in J| time, clog the machinery. ® The water-wheel has its axle in a position parallel to the side of the river, that is, parallel to the sluice-gates which Jj; admit water from the river ; the length of this wheel is 26 | feet, its diameter 11 feet, and its number of float-boards 32. i: These boards do not each run on in one plane from one end ® of the wheel to the other, but the whole length of the wheel is jH divided into four equal portions, and the parts of the float-boards, ^B belonging to each of these portions, fall gradually one lower than another, each by one-fourth of the distance from one board ^B to another, measuring on the circumference of the wheel. This contrivance, which will be better understood by refer- a ring to fig, 104, is intended to equalize the action of water A upon the wheel, and prevent its moving by jerks. The wheel, B with its incumbent apparatus, weighs about 20 tons, the whole of which is raised by the impulse of the flowing tide, when ^B admitted through the sluice-gates. It is placed in the middle .^B of the waterway, leaving a passage on each side of about six 9 feet, for the water to flow into the reservoir, besides that which, 9 in its motion, turns the wheel round. Soon after the tide has ,9 risen to the highest, (which at this mill is often 20 feet above, | AND MACHINIST. 97 the low water-mark,) the water is permitted to run back again from the reservoir into the river, and by this means it gives a rotatory motion to the water-wheel, in a contrary direction to that with which it moved when impelled by the rising tide : the contrivance by which the wheel is raised and depressed, and that by which the whole interior motions of the mill are preserved in the same direction, although that in which the water-wheel moves is changed, are so truly inge- nious as to deserve a distinct description, illustrated by diagrams. Let, then, AB (fig 105) be a section of the water-wheel, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. its floats ; C D the first cog- wheel upon the same axis as the water-wheel ; the vertical shaft F E carries the two equal wallower-wheels E and F, which are so situated on the shaft that one or other of them may, as occasion requires, be brought to be driven by the first wheel C ID ; and thus the first wheel acting upon F and E at points diametrically opposite, will, although its own motion is reversed, communicate the rotatory motion to the vertical shaft always in the same direction. In the figure the wheel E is shown in geer, while F is clear of the cog- wheel CD; and at the turn of the tide the wheel F is let into geer, and E is thrown out ; this is effected by the lever G, whose fulcrum is at H, the other end being suspended by the rack K, which has hold of the pinion L on the same axle as the wheel M ; into this wheel plays the pinion N, the winch O, on the other end of whose axle, furnishes sufificient advantage to enable a man to elevate or depress the wallower- w^heels, as reqilfred. The centre of the lever may be shown more clearly by fig. 104, where «Z> is a section of the lever, which is com- posed of two strong bars of iron, as « Z> ; there are two steel studs or pins which w^ork in the grooves of the grooved wheel I, this w^heel being fixed on the four rods surrounding the shaft, of which three only can be shown in the figures, as cde; the ends of these are screwed fast by bolts to the sockets of the wallower-wheels, and they are nicely fitted on the vertical shaft, so as to slide with little friction ; thus the wallowers may be raised or lowered upon the upright shaft, while the gudgeon, on which it turns, retains the same position. When the top wallower is in geer, it rests on a shoulder that prevents it from going too far down ; and wLen the bottom one is in geer, there is a bolt that goes through the top wheel socket and shaft which takes the weight from the lever G, at the same time that it prevents much friction on H THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the stuas or pins of the lever v*^hich works in the grooved wheel I. When the tide is flowing, after the mill has stopped a suf- ficient time to gain a moderate head of water, the fluid is suffered to enter and fall upon the wheel at the sluice Q, (fig. 105,) and the tail water to run out at the sluice R. The hydrostatic pressure of the head of water acting against the bottom of the wheel -frame S, and at the same time act- ing between the folding-gates T W, which are thus converted into very large hydrostatic bellows, buoys up the wheel and frame, (though weighing, as before observed, nearly 20 tons,) and makes them gradually to rise higher and higher, so that the wheel is never, as the workmen express it, drowned in the flowing water ; nor can the water escape under the wheel- frame, being prevented by the folding-gates, which pass from one end to the other of the wheel. In this way the wheel and frame are buoyed up by a head of four feet ; and the mill works with a head of 5 or 5.^ feet. 1 When the tide is ebbing, and the water from the reservoir running back again into the river, it might, perhaps, be ex- pected that in consequence of the gradual subsiding of the water, the water-wheel should as gradually lower ; but lest any of the water confined between the wheel-frame at S, and the folding-gates T W, should prevent this, there are strong rackworks of cast-iron, by which the wheel-frame can be either suspended at any altitude, or gradually let down so as to give the water returning from the reservoir an advantageous head upon the wheel ; then the sluice R is shut, and V opened as well as X, the water entering at X to act upon the wheel, and flowing out at R. The upper surface of the wheel-frame is quadrangular, and at each angle is a strong cast-iron bar, which slides up and down in a proper groove, that admits of the vertical motion, but prevents all sucli lateral deviation as might be occasioned by the impulsion of the stream. At each end of the water-wheel there is a vertical shaft, with wallowers and a first cog-wheel, as F E, and C D ; and each of these vertical shafts turns a large horizontal wheel at a suitable distance above the wallowers, while each horizontal wheel drives four equal pinions placed at equal or quadrantal distances on its periphery, each pinion having a vertical spindle, on the upper part of which the upper millstone of its respective pair is fixed. Other wheels, driven by one or other of these pinions, giving motion to the bolting and dressing machines, and different suboi*dinate parts of the mill. AND MACHINIST. 99 Although the vertical shaft at each end of the water-wheel rises and falls with that wheel, yet the large horizontal wheel turning with such shaft does not likewise rise and fall, but remains always in the same horizontal plane, and in contact with the four pinions it drives. The contrivance for this purpose is very simple, but very efficacious ; each great horizontal wheel has a nave, which runs upon friction-rollers, and has a square aperture passing through it vertically, just large enough to allow the shaft P to slide freely up and down in it, but not to turn round without communicating its rotatory motion to the wheel ; thus the weight of the wheel causes it to press upon the friction-rollers, and retain the same hori- zontal planes, and the action of the angles of the vertical shaft upon the corresponding parts of the square orifice in the nave causes it to partake of the rotatory motion, such motion being always in one direction, in consequence of the con- trivance by which one or other of the wallowers E F is brought into contact with the opposite points of the first cog- wheel C D. Several of the subordinate parts of this mill are admir- ably constructed 5 but we can only notice here the means by which the direction of the motion in the dressing and bolt- ing machines may be varied at pleasure. On a vertical shaft are fixed^ at the distance of about 15 or 18 inches, two equal cog-wheels, and another toothed-wheel, attached to a horizontal axle, is made so as to be movable up and down by a screw, and thus brought into contact with either the upper or lower of the two cog-wheels on the vertical shaft ; thus, it is manifest, the motion is reversed with great faci- lity by changing the position of the horizontal axle so that the wheel upon it may be driven by the two cog-wheels alternately. A wheel and pinion working at the other end of the horizontal axle will communicate the motion to the dressing machines. Mr. W. Dryden, Mr. Lloyd’s foreman, employed in the erection of this mill, suggests that a nearly similar mode may be advantageously adopted in working dressing ma- chines in wind-mills ; three wheels, all of different diameters, may be employed, two of them, as A and C, turning upon a vertical shaft, and the third, B, upon an inclined one. In fig. 106, the wheels A and B are shown in geer, while C is out ; and if A be struck out by some such contrivance as is adopted with regard to the first cog-wheel and wallowers, (fig. 104 and 105,) C would come in contact with B, while, A would be free, and so communicate a motion to B the reverse H 2 100 THE OPJERATIVTS MECHANIC way. By this contrivance it would be easy^ when the winds are strong and give a rapid motion to the vertical axle, to bring C to drive B, the wheel on the axle of the dressing- machines ; and on the contrary, when the wind is slack, and the consequent motion of the machinery slow, let C be thrown out of geer, and the wheel B driven by the larger wheel A, as shown in the figure. We should have been glad to see adopted in this well- constructed mill, a contrivance, recommended and pursued by the American mill-wrights, for raising the ground corn to the cooling-boxes or beaches from which it is to be con- veyed into the bolting-machine. In this mill, as in all we have seen, the corn is put into bags at the troughs below the mill-stones, and thence raised to the top of the mill-house by a rope folding upon barrels turned by some of the interior machinery of the mill. In the American method, a large screw is placed horizontally in the trough which receives the flour from the mill- stones. The thread or spiral line of the screw is composed of pieces of wood about two inches broad and three long, fixed into a wooden cylinder seven or eight feet in length, which forms the axis of the screw. When the screw is turned round this axis, it forces the meal from one end of the trough to the other, where it falls into another trough, from which it is raised to the top of the mill- house by means of elevators, a piece of machinery similar to the chain-pump. These elevators consist of a chain of buckets, or concave vessels, like large tea-cups, fixed at proper distances upon a leathern band, which goes round two wheels, one of which is placed at the top of the mill-house, and the other at the bottom, in the meal-trough. When the wheels ,are put in motion, the band revolves, and the buckets, dip- ping into the meal-trough, convey the flour to the upper story, where they discharge their contents. The band of buckets is enclosed in two square boxes, in order to keep them clean, ? and preserve them from injury. We shall now proceed, tMj 2. To tide-mills, in which the axle of the water-wheelW neither rises nor falls, and in which that wheel is made always™ to revolve in the same direction. A water-wheel of this kind must, manifestly, at the time of high-tide, be almost, if not entirely, immersed in the fluid ; and to construct a wheel to work under such circumstances is, obviously, a matter which requires no small skill and ingenuity. The first person who devised a wheel which might be turned by the tide, when completely immersed in it, were AND MACHINIST. 101 I Messrs. Gosset and De la Deuille. Their wheel is described by Belidor in nearly the following terms. Suppose G H (fig. 107 ) to denote the surface of the water at high-tide^ the hne L M the surface at low- water, and that the current fol- lows the direction of the arrow N ; the problem is to construct I the wheel so that it may always turn upon its axis I K. The figure just referred to is a profile of an assemblage of I carpentry, which must be repeated several times along the arbor, according to the length which it is proposed to give to the float-boards ; and the planks or plates which compose these floats, must be hung to the other parts of the frame by as many joints as are necessary, to enable them to sustain the impulse of the water without bending. The sole pecu- liarity of this wheel consists in hanging upon the transverse beams in the frame-work, by hinges, the planks which are to compose the float-boards ; so that they may present them- selves in face, as D, D, D, when they are at the bottom of the wheel, to receive the full stroke of the stream ; and, on the contrary^, they present only their edges, as A, A, A, when they are brought towards the summit of the wdieel ; hence, the water having a far greater effect upon the lower than the upper parts of the wheel, compels it to revolve in the order of the letters ; instead of which, if the float-boards were fixed as in the usual way, the impulse of the fluid upon the wheel would be nearly the same in all its parts, and it would remain immovable. We see, at once, that the boards D, D, D, having moved towards M, then begin to float, as at E, E, E, and more still I at F, F, F, but that it is not till they arrive at A, A, A, that they attain the horizontal position ; after that, having arrived at B, B, B, they begin to drop towards the beams to which they are hooked, and as soon as they have passed the level of the axle I K, the stream commences its full action upon them, which it attains completely between C, C, C, and E, E, E, and this, whether the surface of the w^ater be at G H or at L M ; for even in the latter case it is manifest that the float-boards are entirely immersed when in the vertical position P Q. Belidor says, he was present at the first trial of such a wheel at Paris, and that it was attended with all the success that could be desired. A water-wheel has been lately invented by Mr. Dryden, which will work when nearly immersed in the water of a flowing tide. Fig. 108 is an elevation of this wheel, its upper parts being supposed to stand a foot or two higher than the tide ever rises ; the axis of this wheel remains always in one 102 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC place, and the wheel will work at high-water when the head is at B, and the tail- water at the dotted line A ; it will also perform nearly the same work when the head is at C, and the tail- water level with the bottom of the wheel. The floats are all set at one and the same angle, with the respective radii of the wheel, as may be seen in the figure, and are made so as to have an opening of at least an inch between each float and the drum-boarding of the wheel. This opening is intended to prevent the wheel from being impeded by the tail- water; for as the bucket rises out of the water, there can be no vacuum formed in it, there being a full supply of air, in consequence of which the water leaves the wheel de- liberately. The case is different with regard to wheels made in the common way ; for if such are open wheels, the floats are made in such a manner as to throw the tail-watei if they are immersed any depth in it ; or, if they are close, the w'heel wants proper vent for the air to prevent the formation of a vacuum in the rising bucket, or what is called by the miller sucking up the tail-water.” At D is planking made cir- cular to fit the wheel pretty close for rather more than the space of two floats, so as to confine the water nearly close to the wheel. E, F, G, H, are sluices which are all connected together by the iron bar I, • and lifted with the assistance of the wheel, two pinions, and a winch, the first pinion working into the rack K ; these sluices are merely for stopping the wheel when occasion requires, although one might be suffi- cient to supply the wheel. The rings of this wheel may be made either of cast-iron or of wood ; the floats may be iron plates rivetted together. The flanches on the arms of the wheel, exhibited in the sketch, are intended to facilitate the fixing of the first cog-wheels ; the ring of the wheel may be fixed to the flanches at the extremity of the arms, and the large flanch made fast to the axle will receive the middle part of the wheel. Fig. 109 is a plan of the house in which either of the two latter wheels may be fixed, showing in what manner the water may be conveyed always on one side of the wheel by the assistance of the four gates A, B, C, and D. When the mill is working from the river, A and B are open, the arrows point out the way the water runs from the river to the basin ; and the dotted lines on the contrary the course from the basin to the river, when A, B, are shut, and C, D, opened. These gates are made to turn on an axle, which is about six inches from the middle of the gate, and on the top of the axle is a half- wheel ; by some crane- work connected to it, the gate AND MACHINIST. 103 can be opened or bhiit at pleasure ; when a head of water presses against the gates they will open great part of the way of themselves, by only letting the catches that keep them shut be lifted out of their place. X, Y, are two knees of cast-iron, to support the posts that the gates are fixed to. The walls of the building are represented at a, Z», c, and d. The reader will now be able to form an estimate of the comparative value and ingenuity of the two kinds of tide- mills here described. The simplicity of construction of the wheels of Gosset, De la Deuille, and Dryden, recommend them strongly ; but we entertain some doubts of their being completely successful in practice : had the curious wheel, with the folding-gates, &c. fig. 104 and 106, been placed with its axle perpendicular, instead of parallel, to the course of the river, the water might then have always been admitted to act upon the same side of it, and the hydrostatic pressure would have operated as completely in lowering it continually during the time of ebb, as in raising it continually during the rising of the tide ; thus, as appears to us, would the labour of a man be saved, who, according to the present construc- tion, must attend the water-wheel; and all the additional apparatus now requisite to shift the spur-wheels, would at the same time be saved, and a consequent diminution of original expense. Dr. Gregory's Mechanics, vol. ii. In selecting a site for the erection of a mill, the engineer must be careful not to make choice of a spot that is liable to be flooded. When the water in the mill-tail will not run off freely, but stands pent up in the wheel-race, so that the wheel must work or row in it, the wheel is said to be tailed, or to be in back-w^ater or tail-water ; wdiich greatly impedes the velocity of the wheel, and, if the flood be great, com- pletely stops it. Every mill that is well and properly constructed, will clear itself of a considerable depth of tail- water, provided there is, at the time, an increase in the height of the water in the mill-dam or head, and an unlimited quantity of water to draw upon the wheel. Common breast-mills will bear two feet of tail-water, when there is an increase of head, and plenty of water to be drawn upon the wheel, without prejudice to their performance ; and mills that are well constructed, with slow moving wheels, will bear three and even four feet aud up- wards of tail-water. Mr. Smeaton mentions having ?ten an instance of six feet ; and it is a common thing in leve coun- tries, where tail-water is most annoying, to lay the wheel from six to twelve inches below the water's level ?f the 104 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC pond below, in order to increase the fall of water 5 and, if judiciously applied, is attended with good effect, as it in- creases the diameter of the wheel, and though it must always work in that depth of tail- water, it will perform full as well, because the water ought to run off from the bottom of the wheel, in the same direction as the wheel turns. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WHEEL-RACE WATER-COURSE. AND The wheel-race should always be built in a substantial manner with masonry, and if the stones are set in Roman cement, it will be much better than common mortar. The earth, behind the masonry, should be very solid, and if it is not naturally so, it should be hard rammed and puddled, to prevent percolation of the water. This applies more parti- cularly to breast-wheels, in which the water of the dam or reservoir is usually immediately behind the wall or breast in which the wheel works, a sloping apron of earth being laid from the wall in the dam to prevent the water leaking. The wall of the breast should have pile planking driven beneath, to prevent the water from getting beneath, because that might blow up the foundation of the race. The stones of the race are hewn to a mould, and laid in their places with great care ; but afterwards, when the side walls are finished, and the axis of the wheel placed in its bearings, a gauge is attached to it and swept round the curve, and by this the breast is dressed smooth, and hewn to an exact arch of a circle ; the side w^alls, in like manner, are hewn flat and true at the place where the float-boards are to work. It is usual to make the space be-- tween the side walls two inches narrower at each side, in the circular part where the float acts, than in the other parts. In some old mills the breast is made of wood planking, but this method has so little durability that it cannot be recommended. In modern mills, the breast is lined with a cast-iron plate, but we do not approve of this, because it is next to impossible to prevent some small leakage of water through the masonry | and this water, being confined behind the iron breast, cannot escape, but its hydrostatic pressure to force up the iron is enormous ; and if the water can ever insinuate itself behind the whole surface of the plate, rarely fails to break it, if notj to blow it up altogether. This is best guarded against by making deep ribs projecting from the back of the plate, and bedding them with great care in the masonry; these notj only strengthen the plate, but also cut off the communication' AND MACHINIST. 105 of the water, so that it cannot act upon larger surfaces at once, than the strength and weight of the plate can resist. Stone is undoubtedly the best materials for a breasting. In overshot-wheels the loss of water, by running out of the buckets as they approach the bottom of the wheel, may be considerably diminished by accurately forming a sweep or casing round the lower portion of the wheel, so as to prevent the immediate escape of the water, and causing it to act in the manner of a breast-wheel. While this improvement remains in good condition, and the wheel. works truly, it produces a very sensible effect; but it is frequently objected to, because a stick or a stone falling into the wheel would be liable to tear off part of its shrouding, and damage the buckets ; and again, a hard frost frequently binds all fast, and totally prevents the possibility of working during its continuance ; but we do not think the latter a great objection, for the water is not more liable to freeze there than in the buckets, or in the shuttle, and may be prevented by the same means, viz. by keeping the wheel always in motion, a very small stream of water left running all night will be sufficient. Mr. Smeaton always used such sweeps, and with very good effect ; it is certainly preferable to any intricate work in tiie form of the buckets. Mill-courses. — i\s it is of the highest importance to have the height of the fall as great as possible, the bottom of the canal or dam which conducts the water from the river should have a very small declivity ; for the height of the water-fall will diminish in proportion as the declivity of the canal is increased ; on this account, it will be sufficient to make A B, fig. 100, slope about one inch in 200 yards, taking care to make the declivity about half an inch for the first 48 yards, in order that the water may have a velocity sufficient to pre- vent it from flowing back into the river. The inclination of the fall, represented by the angle G C R, should be 25° 50' ; or C R, the radius, should be to G R, the tangent of this angle, as 100 to 48, or as 25 to 12 ; and since the surface of the water S Z> is bent from a h into a c, before it is pre- cipitated down the fall, it will be necessary to incurvate the upper part B C D of the course into B D, that the water at the bottom may move parallel to the water at the top of the stream. For this purpose, take the points B, D, about 12 inches distant from C, and raise the perpendiculars B E, D E ; the point of intersection E will be the centre, from which the arch B D is to be described ; the radius being about lOi^ inches. 106 THE OPERATIVE MECKAMC Now, ill order that the w^ater may act more advantageously upon the float-boards of the wheel W W, it must assume a horizontal direction H K, with the same velocity which it would have acquired when it came to the point G : but, in falling from C to G, the water will dash upon the horizontal part H G, and thus lose a great part of its velocity ; it will be proper, therefore, to make it move along F H, an arch of a circle, to which D F and K H are tangents in the points F and H. For this purpose, make GF and G H each equal to three feet, and raise the perpendiculars HI, FI, which will intersect one another in the points I, distant about four feet nine inches and -rVths from the points F and H, and the centre of the arch F II will be determined. The distance H K, through which the water runs before it acts upon the wheel, should not be less than two or three feet, in order that the different portions of the fluid may have obtained a hori- zontal direction ; and if H K be much larger, the velocity of the stream would be diminished by its friction on the bottom of the course. That no water may escape between the bot- tom of the course K H and the extremities of the float- boards, K L should be about three inches, and the extremity o of the float-board o, should be beneath the line H K X, suflicient room being left between o and M for the play of the wheel, or K L M may be formed into the arch of a circle K M, concentric with the wheel. The line L M V, called by M. Fabre the course of impulsion, (le coursier d’impulsion,) should be prolonged, so as to support the water as long as it if: can act upon the float-boards, and should be about nine « inches distant from O P, a horizontal line passing through O, the lowest point of the fall ; for if O L were much less than^ nine inches, the water, having spent the greater part of its^^ force in impelling the float-boards, would accumulate below^j the wheel and retard its motion. For the same reason, an-jH other course, which is called by M. Fabre the course of dis-^B charge, (le coursier de decharge,) should be connected with^H L M V by the curve V N, to preserve the remaining velocitylH of the water, which would otherwise be destroyed by falling.^; I perpendicular from V to N. The course of discharge is re-||^ presented by V Z, sloping from the point O. It should be*i' ^ about 16 yards long, having an inch of declivity in every twoS [ yards. The canal, w^hich reconducts the water from the.f, ^ course of discharge to the river, should slope about four ‘ inches in the first 200 yards, three inches in the second 200 .. j yards, decreasing gradually till it terminates in the river. Butjf J if the river, to wdiich the water is conveyed, should, whep' ^ AND MACHINIST. 107 swollen by the rains, force the water back upon the wheel, the canal must have a greater declivity, in order to prevent this from taking place. Hence it will be evident, that very accurate level- ling is necessary for the proper formation of the mill-course. ON SETTING OUT WATER-COURSES AND DAMS. The most ancient mills were undershot-wheels placed in the current of an open river, the building containing the mill being set upon piles in the river. It would soon be observed that the power of the mill would be greatly increased if all the water of the river was concentrated to the wheel, by making an obstruction across the river which penned up the water to a required height; and also to form a pool or reservoir of water. A sluice or shuttle would then become necessary to regulate the admission of water to the wheel, and other sluices would be necessary to allow the water to escape in times of floods ; for though in ordinary times the water would run over the top of the obstruction or dam, yet a very great body of water running over might carry away the whole work, by washing away the earth at the foot of the dam, and then overturning it into the excavation. This is an accident which frequently happens to milk so situated; and the dangei is so obvious, that most water-mills are now removed to the side of the river, and a channel is dug from the river to the mill to supply it with water, and another to return the water from the mill to the river. The difference of level between these two channels is the fail of water to work the mill, and this is kept up by means of a wear or dam entirely across the river, but the water can run freely over this dam in case of floods, without at all affecting the mill, because the entrance to the channel of supply is regulated by sluices and side walls. The dam should be erected across the river at a broad part, where it will pen up the water so as to form a large pond or reservoir, which is called the mill-pond or dam-head. This reservoir is useful to gather the water which comes down the river in the night, and reserve it for the next day’s consumption : or for such mills as do not work incessantly, but which require more water, when they do work, than the ordinary stream of the river can supply in the same time. The larger the surface of the pond is, the more efficient it will be, but depth will not compensate for the want of surface, because, as the surface sinks, when the water is drawn off^ the fall on descent of the water, and consequently the power of the water, diminishes. The dam for a large river should be constructed with the 108 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC utmost solidity; wood framing is very commonly used, but masonry is preferable. Great care must be taken, by driving pile planking under the dam, to intercept all .leakage of the water beneath the ground under the dam, as that loosens the earth, and destroys the foundation imperceptibly, when a violent flood may overthrow the whole. It is a common practice to place the dam obliquely across the river, with a view of obtaining a greater length of wall for the water to run over, and consequently prevent its rising to so great a height, in order to give vent to the water of a flood. But this is very objectionable, because the current of water constantly running over the dam, always acts upon the shore or bank of the river at one point, and will in time wear it away, if not prevented by expensive works. This difficulty is obviated by making the dam in two lengths which meet in an angle >, the vertex pointing up the stream. In this way the currents of water, coming from the two opposite parts of the dam, strike together, and spend their force upon each other, without injuring any part. A still better form is a segment of a circle, which has the additional advantage of strength, 5|j because if the abutments at the banks of the river are ^ j firm, the whole dam becomes like the arch of a bridge laidJ? ' down horizontally. This was the form generally used bv'^ ' Mr. Smeaton. The foot of the dam -where the water runs down should be a regular slope with a curve, so as to lead the water down regularly; and this part should be evenly paved with stone, or planked, to prevent the -s^^ater from tearing it up when it moves with a great velocity. » When the fall is considerable, it may be divided into more than one dam ; and if the lower dam is made to pen the water ^ upon the foot of the higher dam, then the water running over the higher dam, will strike into the water, and lose its force. There is nothing can so soon exhaust the force of rapid currents of water as to fall into other water, because its mechanical force is expended in changing the figure of the water ; but when it fails upon stone or wood, its force is not taken away, but only reflected to some other part of the channel, and may be made to act upon such a great extent of surface as to do no very striking injury at any one time ; but ] by degrees it wears away the banks, and requires constants]^, repairs : for. it is demonstrable that, as much of the force of the water as is not carried away by the rapid motion with ^ which it flows, after passing the dam, must be expended^ either in changing the figure of the water, or in washing ‘ AND MACHINIST. 109 away the banks, or in the friction of the water running over the bottom. The cotton- works of Messrs. Strutt, at Belper, in Derby- shire, are on a large scale, and the most complete we have evei'* seen, in their dams and water-works. The mills are turned by the water of the river Derwent, which is very subject to floods. The great wear is a semicircle, built of very substantial masonry, and provided with a pool of water below it, into which the water falls. On one side of the wear are three sluices, each 20 feet wide, which are drawn up in floods, and allow the water to pass sideways into the same pool ; and on the opposite side is another such sluice, 22 feet wide. The water is retained in the lower pool by some obstruction which it experiences in running beneath the arches of a bridge; but the principal fall of the water is broken by falling into the water of the pool, beneath the great semicircular wear. The water which is drawn off from the mill-dam above the wear, passes through three sluices, 20 feet wide each, and is then distributed by different channels to the mills, which are situated at the side of the river, and quite secure from all floods. There are six large water-wheels; one of them, which is 40 feet in breadth, we have mentioned, from the ingenuity of its construction ; and another, which is made in two breadths of 15 feet each, we have also described. They are all breast-wheels. The iron-works of Messrs. Walker, at Rotherham, in Yorkshire, are very good specimens of water-works; as also the Carron- works in Scotland. — Dr. Rees's Cyclopcedia and Dr.- Brewster's Ferguson, PENSTOCK, The following is a description of a pentrough and stock for equalizing the water falling on water-wheels, by Mr. Quayle. To ensure a regular supply of w^ater on the wheel, and to obviate the inconveniencies arising from the usual mode of delivering it from the bottom of the pentrough, this method is devised of regulating the quantity delivered by a float, and taking the whole of the water from the surface. Section of the pentrough. Fig. 99. A, the entrance of the water; B, the float, having a circular aperture in the centre, in which is suspended C, a cylinder, running down in the case E below the bottom of the pentrough. This is made water- tight at the bottom of the pentrough at F, by a leather collai* placed between two plates, and screwed down to the bottom. The cylinder is secured to the float so as to follow its rise 110 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC and fall ; and the water is admitted into it through the opening in its sides, and there, passing through the box or case E, rises and issues at G on the wheel. By this means, a uniform quantity of water is obtained at G ; which quantity can be increased oi diminished by the assistance of a small rack and pinion attached to the cylinder, which will raise or depress the cylinder above or under the water line of the float; and, by raising it up to the top, it stops the water entirely, and answers the purpose of the common shuttle. This pinion is turned by the handle H, similar to a winch- handle; and is secured from running down by a ratchet- wheel at the opposite end of the pinion axis. K and L are two upright rods to preserve the perpendicular rise and sinking of the float, running through the float, and secured at the top by brackets from the sides. M, a board let down across the pentrough nearly to the bottom, to prevent the horizontal impulse of the water from disturbing the float. Fig. 99*. A transverse section, showing the mode of fixing the rack and pinion, and their supports on the float. The rack is inserted into a piece of metal running across the cylinder near the top. That the water may pass more freely when nearly exhausted, the bottom of the cylinder is not a plane, but is cut away so as to leave two feet, as at C, fig. 99. The float is also kept from lying on the pentrough bottom by four small feet ; so that the water gets under it regularly from the first. Fig. 99**;, An enlarged view of the cylinder, showing the rack and ratchet-wheel, with the clink, and one of the openings on the side of the cylinder ; the winch or handle being on the opposite side, and the pinion, by which the rack is raised, enclosed in a box between them. MR. SMEATON^S PENTROUGH. Fig. 93*. G represents the pentrough through which the water flows, and F F strong cross-beams on which it is sup- ported ; the wheel is situated very close beneath the bottom of the trough, as the figure shows. E E are two arms of the wheel, which are put together, as shown in fig. 110. B D is the wooden rim of the wheel; the narrow circle beyond this is the section of the sole planking, and on the outside of this the bucket-boards are fixed as the figure shows ; one of the bottom- boards, b, of the trough at the end is inclined, and an opening is left between that end and the other boards of the bottom, to let the water pass through ; this opening is closed by a sliding AND MACHINIST. HI shuttle, c, which is fitted to the bottom of the trough, and can be moved backwards and forwards by a rod d, and lever e, which is fixed into a strong axis f; this axis has a long lever on the end, which, being moved by the miller, draws the shuttle along the bottom of the trough, and increases or diminishes the aperture through which the water issues. The extreme edge of the shuttle is cut inclined, to make it correspond with the inclined part h, and by this means it opens a parallel passage for the water to run through, and this causes the w’ater to be delivered in a regular and even sheet; and to contribute to this the edges of the aperture where the water quits it are rendered sharp by iron plates; the shuttle is made tight where it lies upon the bottom of the trough, by leather, so as to avoid any leakage -when the shuttle is closed. When the wheel is of considerable breadth, the weight of the water might bend down the middle of the trough until it touched the wheel; to prevent this, a strong beam, O, is placed across the trough, and the trough is suspended from this by iron bolts which pass through grooves in the shuttle, so that they do not interfere with the motion of the shuttle. Mr, Nouaille took out a patent, in October, 1812, for a new method of laying water upon an overshot-W’heel, (see fig. 94,) which he thus describes : — In my new method of applying water to water-wheels, I cause it to commence its action upon a point of the wheel’s circumference, which is about 53 degrees distant from the vertex, or the highest point thereof, instead of applying it at the top of the wheel, as hereto- fore commonh practised for overshot- w^heels. By these means 1 can have the advantages of a large wheel in situations where the fall would only allow of a smaller, if the water was applied at the top ; thus, if there be a perpendicular of 1 2 feet, I cause a wheel of 15 feet diameter to be made, and of course the water must be made to act upon it at a height of 12 feet, which is three feet perpendicular below the top of the wheel, and at about 53 degrees from the top, measured round its circumference as above stated. I make the pentrough which brings the water to the wheel of such a form that it delivers the water from the bottom of it through the floor, and is directed at such an angle as to fall into the buckets nearly in the direction of the wheel’s motion, which will be at an angle of 75 degrees with the horizon ; the shuttle or gate slides upon the floor of the trough, so as to cover the aperture, and determine the quardity of water to be let out upon the wheel. 112 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The exact manner of carrying this principle into effect is particularly explained by the annexed draft, which is a vertical section of a water-wheel on my improved plan. In this the dotted line A A, fig. 116, represents the level of the water at its full head, and B the level of the tail- water ; therefore A B is the extreme fall, A C is the depth of the water in the pentrough. Now, instead of the common practice of making a wheel of the diameter equal to B C, 1 make the wheel D E F G one-fourth larger than B C, then the water will be delivered upon it at the point E. The floor C of the pen- trough C H Lj does not come up to meet the end H thereof, but leaves a small space through which the water issues in the direction of the dotted line 1 1, to the buckets of the wheel. The breadth of this space is determined by the shuttle K, which lays flat upon the floor of the pentrough, and slides over the aperture. It is regulated by means of a lever N, acted upon by a screw, rack, or other adjustment, at M, and the water is thus delivered in a very thin and regular sheet into the buckets."’ Fig. 117 represents a method of laying on water which has for several years been in common use in Yorkshire and the north of England. In this the water is hot applied quite at the top of the wheel, but nearly in the same position as the last described; but the advantages of this wheel over all others is, that the water can be delivered at a greater or less height, according to the height at which the water stands in the trough ; but in all the preceding methods, if the water is subject to variations of height, as all rivers are, then the wheel must be diminished, so that in the lowest state of the water it will stand a sufficient depth above the orifice in the bottom of the trough to issue with a velocity rather greater than the motion of the wheel. In this case, when the water rises to its usual height, or above it, the increase of fall thus obtained is very little advantage to the wheel ; the improved wheel can at all times take the utmost fall of the water, even when its height varies from three to four feet. A A is the pentrough made of cast-iron; the end of it is formed by a grating of broad flat iron bars, which are inclined in the proper position to direct the water through them into the buckets of the wheel. The spaces between the bars are shut up by a large sheet of leather, which is made fast to the bottom of the iron trough at a, and is applied against the bars ; and the pressure of the water keeps it in close contact with the bars, so as to prevent any leakage. This is the real shuttle, and to open it so as to give the required stream 'Wbi:ekls Fiom 109 to I'll n.ii. \ yotU'Jh Jtr/md AND MACHINIST. 113 of water to the wheels the upper edge of the leather is wrapped round a smaller roller^ h ; the pivots at the ends of this roller are received in the lower ends of tw’o racks, which are made to slide up and doum by the action of two pinions fixed upon a common axis which extends across the trough ; this axis being turned, raises up or lowers down the roller, and the leather shuttle winds upon it as it descends, or unwinds from it as it ascends, so as to open more of the spaces between the bars, or close them, as it is required. In order to make the roller take up the leather, and always draw it tight, a strap of leather is wound round the extreme ends of the rgllers, beyond the part w'here the leather shuttle rolls upon it. These straps are carried above water and applied on wheels, which Mind them up with a very considerable tension, by the action of a band and weight wrapped on the circum- ference of a wheel, which is on the end of the axis of those wheels. The water runs over the upper side of the roller, and flows through the spaces between the grating into the buckets of the wheel; the descent of the water passing through the bars, and afterwards in falling before it strikes the bottom of the bucket, is found fully sufficient to produce the neces- sary velocity of the water, for a fall cd four inches produces a velocity of more than four feet per second. We recommend this as the best method of applying the water, as we see in all other forms that a much greater portion of the fall is given up in order to make the water flow into the wheel; not that any such depth as is commonlv given is at all necessaiy, but the aperture in the trough must be placed so low that the water will run through it in the very low’est states of the water, otherwise the wheel must stop at such times. — Dr. Rees’s Cyclopcedia. Reper- tory of Arts, 1813. SLUICE GOVERNOR FOR REGULATING THE INTRODUCTION OF WATER UPON WATER-WHEELS OF ALL KINDS. The ingenious Mr. Burns actually constructed for the Cartside Cotton Mills, the sluice governor, represented at figs. 118, 119, 120, and 121, which was considered of such advantage as to produce a saving of more than lOOf.per annum. The motion of the w^ater- wheel is communicated bv a belt or rope going round the pulley I to the axis E F* which carries the balls G H, fig. 118. This motion is conveyed to the upright shaft T, by the wheels and pinions Q, R, S, T, and the v heel N at the bottom of the shaft drives the wheels 1 114 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC P, figs. 119 and 120, in opposite directions. When the velocity of the wheel is such as is required, the wheels O, P move loosely about the axis, and carry the motion no farther. But when the velocity of the wheel is too great, the balls G, H, separated by the increase of centrifugal force, raise the box a upon the shaft E F. An iron cross h c, see fig. 121, is fitted into the box «. This cross works in the four prongs of the fork eb c, fig. 1 19, at the end of the lever dqfe, which moves horizontally round / as its centre of motion. When the box a is stationary, which is when the wheel has its proper velocity, the iron cross works within two of the prongs so as not to affect the lever afc, but to allow the clutch q q, fixed at the end of the lever, to be disengaged from the wheels. When the cross be rises, it strikes in turning round the prong 3, see fig. 121, which drives aside the lever efa, and throws the clutch q into the arms of the wheel P, figs. 119, 120. This causes it to drive round the shaft DC in one direction. When the iron cross b c, on the contrary, is depressed by any diminution in the velocity of the wheel, it strikes in turning round the prong 4, which pushes aside the lever efd, and throws the clutch q into the wheel O. This causes the wheel O to drive the sWt in an opposite direction to that in which it was driven by P. Now the shaft D C, which is thus put in motion, drives, by means of the pinion C and wheel B, the inclined shaft B W, which, by an endless screw, X, working in the toothed quadrant Z, elevates or depresses the sluice K L, and admits a greater or a less quantity of water, according to the motion given to the shaft by the wheel P or O. This change in the aperture is produced very gradually, as the train of wheel- work is made so as to reduce the motion at the sluice. The centre in which the sluice turns should be one-third of its height from the bottom, in order that the pressure of the water on the part above the centre may balance the pressure on the part below the centre. MR. FERGUSOT^’s RULES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERSHOT WATER-MILLS. When the float-boards of the water-wheel move with a third part of the velocity of the water that acts upon them, ■ the water has the greatest power to turn the mill : and when ' the mill-stone makes about 60 revolutions in a minute, it is^^ ; found to do its work the best. For, when it makes but i about 40 or 50 it grinds too slowly, and when it makes more ! than 70 , it heats the meal too much, and cuts the bran so ? AND MACHINIST. 115 small, that a great part thereof mixes with the meal, and cannot be separated from it by sifting or boiilting. Conse- quently, the utmost perfection of mill-work lies in making the train so, as that the mill-stone shall make about 60 turns in a minute when the water-wheel moves with a third part of the velocity of the water. To have it so, observe the following rules : 1. Measure the perpendicular height of the fall of water, in feet, above the middle of the aperture, where it is let out to act by impulse against the float-boards on the lowest side of the undershot-wheel. 2. Multiply this constant number 64.2882, by the height of the fall in feet, and extract the square root of the product, which shall be the velocity of the water at the bottom of the fall, or the number of feet the water moves per second. 3. Divide the velocity of the water by 3, and the quotient shall be the velocity of the floats of the wheel, in feet, per second. 4. Divide the circumference of the wheel in feet, by the velocity of its floats, and the quotient will be the number of seconds in one turn or revolution of the great water-wheel on whose axis the cog-wheel that turns the trundle is fixed. 5. Divide 60 by the number of seconds in a turn of the water-wheel, or cog-wheel, and the quotient will be the number of turns of either of these wheels in a minute. 6. By this number of turns divide 60, (the number of turns the mill-stone ought to have in a minute,) and the quotient will be the number of turns the mill-stone ought to have for one turn of the water or cog wheel. Then, 7. As the required number of turns of the mill-stone in a minute is to the number of turns of the cog-wheel in a minute, so must the number of cogs in the wheel be to the number of staves in the trundle on the axis of the mill- stone, in the nearest whole number that can be found. By these rules the following table is calculated ; in which the diameter of the water-wheel is supposed to be 18 feet, (and conse- quently its circumference 56|- feet,) and the distance of the mill-stone to be five feet. • IIG THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Perpendicular height of the fall of water in feet. Velocity of the water, in feet, per second. Velocity of the wheel, in feet, per second. Number of turns of the wheel in a minute. Required number of turns of the rnill-stones for each turn of the Avheel. Nearest number of cogs and staves for that purpose. Number of turns of the mill-stone for one turn 1 of the wheel by these i cogs and staves. | Number of turns of the mill-stone in a minute by these cogs and staves. 1 8-02 2*67 2-63 21*20 Coes. Staves. 127 6 21*17 59*91 2 11*40 3*72 4-00 15-00 105 7 15-00 60-00 3 13-89 4*63 4-91 12-22 98 8 12-25 60-14 4 16*04 5*35 5*67 10-58 95 9 10-56 59-87 5 17-93 5*98 6*34 9*46 85 9 9*44 59-84 6 19-64 6*55 6*94 8-64 78 9 8*66 60-10 7 21-21 7-07 7-50 8-00 72 9 8*00 6000 8 22-68 7-56 8-02 7-48 67 9 7-44 59-67 9 24*05 8-02 8 51 7-05 70 10 7-00 59-57 10 25*35 8-45 8-97 6*69 67 10 6-70 6009 11 26*59 8*86 9-40 6*38 64 10 6-40 60*16 12 27-77 9*26 9*82 6*11 61 10 6*10 69*90 13 28-91 9*64 10-22 5*87 59 10 5*90 60-18 14 30-00 1000 10-60 5-66 56 10 5-60 59*36 15 31*05 1035 10-99 5*46 55 10 5*40 50*48 lo- 32-07 10-69 11*34 5-29 53 10 5*30 60*10 , ir 33-06 11*02 11-70 5-13 51 10 5*10 59*67 . 18 34-12 11*34 12-02 4*90 50 10 5-00 60*10 19 34*95 11-65 12-37 4-85 49 10 4-80 60-61 20 35*86 11-92 12-68 4*73 47 10 4-70 .59-59 : 1 2 1 3 4 5 e 7 B J Fjxample , — Suppose an undershot-mill is to be built where ' J the perpendicular height of the fall of water is nine feet ; it is required to find how many cogs must be in the wheel, and h how many staves in the trundle, to make the mill-stone go E about 60 times round in a minute, while water-wheel floats move with a third part of the velocity with which the water spouts against them from the aperture at the bottom ofai i the fall. Find 9 (the height of the fall) in the first column of the table ; then against that number, in the sixth column, is 7^ for the number of cogs in the wheel, and 10 for the number of staves in the trundle ; and by these numbers we find in AND MACHINIST. U7 the eighth column that the mill- stone will make 59 turns in a minute, which is within half a turn of 60, and near enough for the purpose ; as it is not absolutely requisite that there should be just 60 without any fraction : and throughout the whole table the number of turns is not quite one more or less than 60. The diameter of the wheel being 18 feet, and the fall of water nine feet, the second column shows the velocity of the water at the bottom of the fall to be 24 t feet per second ; the third column the velocity of the float-boards of the wheel to be 8 t^it feet per second ; the fourth column shows that the wheel will make 8-rW turns in a minute ; and the sixth column shows that for the ^nill- stone to make exactly 60 turns in a minute, it ought to make 7 tw (or seven turns and one-twentieth part of a turn) for one tu>rn of the wheel. Dr. Brewster, in the valuable Appendix which he has annexed to his edition of Mr. Ferguson’s works, shows, that the principles upon which the above table is calculated, are erroneous, owing to the author having, with Desagulier and Maclaurin, embraced M. Parent’s theory, which Mr. Smeaton, by repeated experiments, proved to be incorrect. The constant number used by Mr. Ferguson for finding the velocity of the water from the height of the fall, 64.2882, appears to be also wrong. For, from some recent experi- ments made by Mr. Whitehurst on pendulums, it is found, that a heavy body falls 16.087 feet in a second of time : consequently the constant number should be 64.348. Dr. Brewster then states, that in Mr. Ferguson’s table, the velocity of the mill-stone is too small ; and Mr. Imison, in correcting this mistake, has made the velocity too great. From this circumstance, the Mill-wrights’ Table, as hitherto published, is fundamentally erroneous, and is more calculated to mislead than to direct the practical mechanic. Proceed- ing, therefore, upon the practical deductions of Smeaton, as confirmed by theory, and employing a more correct constant number, and a more suitable velocity for the mill- stone, we may construct a new Mill-wrights’ Table by the following rules : 1 . Find the perpendicular height of the fall of water in feet above the bottom of the mill-course, at K, (fig. 100,) and having diminished this number by one-half of the natural depth of the water at K, call that the height of the fall. 2. Since bodies acquire a velocity of 32* 174 feet in a second, by falling through 16'087 feet, and since the velocities 118 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC of falling bodies are as the square roots of the heiglits through which they fall, the square root of 16‘087 will be to the square roots of the height of the fall, as 32’ 174 to a fourth number, which will be the velocity of the water. '^Therefore the velocity of the water may be always found by multiply- ing 32*174 by the square root of the height of the fall, and ^ dividing that product by the square root of 16*087. C)r it may be found more easily by multiplying the height of the fall by the constant number 64*348, and extracting the square root of the product, which, abstracting the effects of friction, will be the velocity of the water required. 3. Take one-half of the velocity of the water, and it will be the velocity which must be given to the float-boards, or the number of feet they must move through in a second, in order that the greatest effect may be produced. 4. Divide the circumference of the wheel by the velocity of its float-boards per second, and the quotient will be the number of seconds in which the wheel revolves. 5. Divide 60 by this last number, and the quotient will be the number of revolutions which the wheel performs in a minute. Or the number of revolutions performed by the wheel in a minute, may be found by multiplying the velocity of the float-boards by 60, and dividing the product by the circumference of the wheel, which in the jiresent case is 47*12. 6. Divide 90 (the number of revolutions which a mill-stone five feet diameter should perform in a minute) by the number of revolutions made by the wheel in a minute, and the ([uotient will be the number of turns which the mill-stone ought to make for one revolution of the wheel. 7. Then, as the number of revolutions of the wheel in a minute is to the number of the revolutions of the mill-stones in a minute, so must the number of staves in the trundle be to the number of teeth in the wheel, in the nearest whole numbers that can be found. 8. Multiply the number of revolutions performed by the wheel in a minute, by the number of revolutions made by the mill-stone for one of the wheel, and the product will be the number of revolutions performed by the mill-stone in a minute. In this manner the following table has been calculated for a water- wheel 15 feet in diameter, which is a good medium si/e, the mill-stone being five feet in diameter, and revolving 90 times in a minute. AND MACHINIST. 119 DR. BREWSTER’S MILL-WRIGHTS’ TABLE. In which the velocity of the wheel is three- sevenths of the velocity of the water, and the ^ects of friction on the velocity of' the stream reduced to computation. Height of the fall of water. Velocity of the watei per second, friction being considered. Velocity of the wheel per second, being 3- 7ths that of the water. Revolutions of the wheel per minute, its diame- ter being 1 5 feet. Revolutions for mill- stone, for one of the wheel. Teeth in the wheel, and staves in the trundles. Revolutions of the mill- stones per minute by these staves and teeth. 100 parts Feet, of a foot. 100 parts 100 parts 100 parts 100 parts Feet. Feet, of a foot. Rev, of a rev. Rev. of a rev. Teeth. Staves. Rev. of a rev. 1 7*62 3-27 4-16 21-63 130 6 89-98 2 10-77 4-62 5-88 15-31 92 6 90-02 3 13-20 566 7-20 12-5Q 100 8 90-00 4 15-24 6-53 8-32 10-81 97 9 89-94 5 1704 7-30 9-28 9-70 97 10 90-02 6 18-67 8-00 10-19 8-83 97 11 89-98 7 20-15 8-64 1099 8-19 90 11 90-01 8 21-56 9-24 11-76 7-65 84 11 89-96 9 22-86 9-80 12-47 7-22 72 10 90-03 10 24-10 10-33 13-15 6-84 82 12 89-95 11 25-27 10-83 1379 6-53 85 13 90-05 12 26-40 11-31 14-40 6-25 72 12 90-00 13 27-47 11-77 14-99 6-00 72 12 89-94 14 28-51 12-22 15-56 5-78 75 13 89-94 15 29 52 12-65 16-13 5-58 67 12 9001 16 3048 13-06 16-63 5-41 65 12 89-97 17 31-42 13-46 17*14 5-25 63 12 89-99 18 32-33 13-86 17-65 5-10 61 12 90-01 19 33-22 14-24 18-13 4-96 64 13 89-92 20 34-17 14-64 18-64 4-83 58 12 89-84 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 120 TllJi Ol'KRATIVK MECHANIC TREATISES ON MILL -WORK. Kiinsliche abriss Allcrhand, Wasser, Wind-ross, und Hand-muhlcn, &c., von Jacob, de Strada a Rosberg, 1617. Georg. Christoph Luerncr Machina toreutica nov'a ; oder bcschreibung dcr neu erfundenen Drehmuhlen, 1661. T.hcatrum Machinaruiu Novum ; das ist, neu vermehrter Schauplatz der Mecbanischen Kiinste, handelt von Allerhand, Wasser, Wind, Ross, Gevvicht und Hand-muhlen, von Geo. And. Bocklern, 1661. Contenta discursus Mechanic!, concernentis Descriptionem Optimae formea Velorum liorizontalium pro usu Molaruin, nec non fundamentum inclinatorum Velorum in Navibus, habita coram Societate Regia, a R. H. translata ex Collectionibus Philosophicis M. Dec. num. 3, pa. 61, 1681. Dissertatio Historica de Molis, quam prseside Joh. Phil. Treuer defend. Jo. Tob. Miihlberger Ratisbonens Jenae, 1695. Martin Marten’s Wiskundige beschouwinge der Wind of Wadermoolens, vergeleken met die van den heer Johann Lulofs Amsterdam 1700. Vollstilndige Miihlen-baukunst, von Leonhard Christoph. .Sturm, 1718: Jacob Leopold’s Theatrum Machinarum Molinarum, folio, 1724, 1725. Remarques sur les Aubes ou Palettes des Moulins, et autres Machines mues par le Courant des Rivieres, par M. Pitot, Mem. Acad. Roy. Paris, 1729. Joh. van Zyl Theatrum Machinarum Universale of Groot Algemeen, Moolen- bock, &c., Amsterdam, 1734. Jo. Cai'al. Totens Disser. de Machinis Molaribus optime construendis, Lugd. Batav. 1734. Kurze, aber Deutliche anweisung zur construction der Wind und Wasscr- muhlen, von Gottfr. Kinderliug, 1735 Desagulier’s Experimental Philosophy, 2 vols. 4to. 1735, 1744. Architecture Hydraulique, par M. Belidor, 4 vols. 4to. 1737 — 1753. Mr. W. Anderson, F. R. S. Description of a Water-wheel for Mills. Phil. Trans, vol. 44, 1746. Leonh. Euleri, De Constructione aptissima Molarum alatarum disp. Nor. Com. Acad. Petrop. tom. 4, 1752. M^moire dans lequel on d^montre que I’Eau d’une Chute, destin(?e a faire mouvoir quelque Moulin ou autre Machine, pent toujours produire beaucoup plus d’effet en agissant par son poids qu’en agissant par son choc, ct que le roues a pots qui tournent vite, relativement aux chutes et aux d^penses d’eau, par M. de Pareieux, Acad. Roy. Paris, 1754. Jo. Alberti Euleri Enodatio Questionis : quo modo vis Aquae aluisve fluidi cum maximo lucro ad Molas circumagendas, aliavc opera perficienda impendi possit, praemio a Societate Regia. Sci. Getting. 1754. An experimental Inquiry concerning the Natural Powers of Wind and Water to turn Mills and other Machines depending on Circular Motion, by Mr. J. Snieaton, F. R. S. Phil. Trans. 1759. This, and Mr. Smeaton’s other papers are republished with his Reports, 1313, in 4to. M^moire dans lequel on prouve que les Aubes de Roues mues par les courans de grandes Rivieres feroient beaucoup plus d’etfet si elles ^toient inclin(^es aux I'ayons, qu’elles ne font 4tant appliqu^es contre les rayons monies, comme elles sont aux Moulins pendans et aux Moulins sur Bateaux qui sont sur les Rivieres de Seine, de Marne, de Loire, &c. par M. de Pareieux. Mem. Acad. Roy. Paris, 1759. Joh. Albert Euler’s Abhandlung von der bewegung ebeD<>r Flaehen, wen sie vom Winde Getrieben Werden, 1765. Schauplatz des Mechanischen Miihlenbaues, Darinnen von Verschiedenen lIand,Trett, Ross, Gewicht, Wasser, und Wind-muhlen Gehandelt Wird, durch Johan Georg. Scopp. J. C. iter Theil, 1766. Theatrum Machinarum Molarium, oder schauplatz dcr Miihlenbaukunst, £iL der Neunte theil von des sel hrn Jac. Leopolds, Theatro Machinarum, vop Joh. Mathias Beyern, 1767, 1788, 1802. AND MACHINIST. 121 A Memoir concerning the most advantageous Construction of Water-wheels, &c. by Mr. Mallet of Geneva, Phil, Trans. 1767. Momoire sur les Roues Hydrauliques, par M. le Chevalier de Borda, Mem, Acad. Roy. Paris, 1767. Kurzer unterricht, allerley arten von Wind und Wasser-miihlen auf di vortheilhafteste weise zu erbauen, nebst einigen gedanker iiber die verbessening des rkderwerks, an den Miihlen, von Joh. Konig, 1767. G. G. Bischolf’s Beytriige zur Mathesis der Miihlen, 1767. Determination gen^rale de I’EfFet des Roues mues par le Choc de PEau, par M. I’Abbe Bossui, Mem. Acad. Roy. Paris, 1769. Andreas Kaovenhofer, Deutliche abhandlung von den rildern der Wasser- miihlen, und von dem einrandigeu werke der Schneidemiihlen, 1770. Manuel du Meunier et du Charpentier des Moullns, redige parEdm.Bcquillet, 177.5. Remarques sur les Moulins et autres Machines, ou PEau tombe en dessus de la Roue, par M. Lambert, Experiences et Remarques sur les Moulins que PEau meut par en bas dans line Direction horizontale, par M. Lambert, Remarques sur les Moulins et autres Machines, dont les Roues prenant PEau a line certaine Hauteur, par M. Lambert. (The three last articles are inserted in Mem. Acad. Roy. Berlin, 1775. Ausfiihrliche erkliiruag der Vorschlage fiir die Liingere dauer de Muhlen- werk, nebst ahnlichen gegenstander, in ein gesprilch verfasset, von Johann Christian Fullmann Muhlenmeister, 1780. Tratado de los Granos y Modo de Molelos con Economic de la Conservation de Astos y de las Haidnas; escr. en Fr. par M. Bcguillet y extract, y trad, al Cast, conalgun Notas y un Supplem. por Ph. Marescaulchi, Madrid, 1786. Suite de PArchitecture Hydraulique, par M. Fabre, 1786. M^moires sur les Moyens de perfectionner les Moulins, et la Mouture tconomique, par C. Bucquet, 1786. Manuel ou Vocabulaire des Moulins a Pot, a Amst., 1786. Die Nothigsten Kenntnisse zur Anlegung, Beurtheilung, und Berechnung der Wasser-miihlen, and zwar der Mahl, Oehl, und Siige-Muhlen, siir Anfanger und Liebhaber der Miihlenbaukunst, von Joh. Christ. Huth, 1787. ^\n Essay proving Iron far superior to Stone of any kind for breaking and grinding of Corn, &c. by W. Walton, 1788. Miihlenpraktik, oder unterrjcht in dem Mahlen der Brodfriichte, fiir Polizey- bcainte, Gaverksleute und Hauswirthe, von L. Ph. Hahn, 1790. The Young Miil-wright and Miller’s Guide, by Oliver Evans, Philadelphia, 1790. Manuel du Meunier, et du Constructeur des Moulins a Eau et a Grains, par C. Bucquet, 1791. Praktische anweisung zura Miihlen bau, von Lr. Clausen, 1792. Beschreibung zweir Machinen zur Reinigung des Korns, von Lr. Clausen, 1792. Instructions sur PUsage des Moulins a Bras, invent6s et perfectionn^s par les Citoyens Duraud, P^re et Fils, M^chaniciens, 1793. Theoretisch-praktische abhandlung iiber die Besserung der Miihlrader, von dem Vertasser der Zweckmilssigen, Luftreiniger, &c, 1795. ATreatise ou Mills, in four parts, by John Banks, 1795. Flandbuck der Maschinenlehre, sur prakiker und akademische lehrer, von Karl Christian Lanpdorf, 1797, 1799. On the Power ol Machines; including Barker’s Mill, Westgarth’s Engine, Cooper’s Mill, Horizontal Water-wheel, Ac. by John Banks, 1803. The Experienced Mill-wright, by Andrew Gray, Miil-wrigbt, 1804. The i ransactions of the Society of Arts and Manufactures ; several of the volumes of which contain improvements in Mill-work. See also the Repertory of Arts, first series 16 vols. and second series 31 vols» Hachetto, Traitb Eldmentaire des Machines, 4to. Paris, 1811, Buchanan’s Essay on Mill-work, 1811, 8vo. 122 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC WINDMILLS. The windmill derives its name from the motion it receives from the impulse of the wind. The date of its invention is not precisely knowTi, though authors generally concur in believing it to have taken place at no very distant period of time. Some state it to have been first used in France in the sixth century: others, on the contrary, assert, that at the time of the crusades it was introduced into Europe from the east, where scarcity of water gave the impetus that led to its discovery. Windmills are of two kinds, horizontal and vertical, THE VERTICAL WINDMILL Consists of a strong shaft, or axis, inclining a little upwards from the horizon, with four long yards, or arms, fixed to the highest end, perpendicular to the shaft, and crossing each other at right angles. Into these arms are mortised several small cross-bars, and to them are fastened two, three, or four, long bars, running in a direction parallel with the length of the arms; so that the bars intersect each other, and form a kind of lattice work, on which a cloth is spread to receive the action of wind. These are called the sails, and are in the shape of a trapezium, usually about nine yards long and two wide. As the direction of the wind is very uncertain, and perpetually changing, it becomes necessary to have some contrivance for bringing the wdndshaft and sails into a position proper for receiving its impression. To effect this, two methods are in general use : the one called the post-mill ; the other the smock-mill. post-mills. In the post-mill it is accomplished by driving perpendicularly into the earth the trunk of a strong tree, that is held securely upright by several oblique braces, which extend from a platform on the ground to the middle of the tree, leaving 10 or 12 feet of the upper part free from the braces. The part thus left free from obstruction is rounded, and made to pass through a circular collar, formed in the flooring of the lower chamber, and to enter into a socket fixed into the flooring of the upper chamber, and to one of the strongest cross-beams, which must sustain the whole weight of the mill-house, so that, by means of a pivot, or gudgeon, fastened on that part of the post which enters into the socket, the whole machine can turn about horizontally to face the wjnd. A strong AND MACHINIST, 123 framing, united .by joints to the back part of the mill-house, descends in a sloping direction till it touches the ground; the bottom of it is very heavy, and is fastened by cords to some short posts that are driven in a circle, at regular intervals round the mill, to prevent the mill from turning about at every sudden squall. This framing is furnished with steps to serve as a ladder of ascent or descent. At the bottom of it a rope is fastened, and carried thence in an inclined position to the top of the mill, where, by a lever or tackle of pullies, it can be shortened so as to raise the framing from the ground, and then by pushing against it, in the manner of a lever, the whole mill may be turned in any required direction, To obtain more force, a small capstan is often provided to draw a rope fixed to the end of the ladder : this capstan is movable, and can be fastened at pleasure to anyone of the posts. The internal mechanism of a post-mill is exhibited in fig. 123. WXY the upper chamber; X YZ the lower one; AB the shaft, or axis, with the cog-wheel G, moving round in order of the letters that describe the sails CDEF, giving motion to the lantern H, and its spindle IK; LM is a bridge to support the said spindle ; and N and O P are beams to sustain the bridge. The top mill-stone Q is the only one that moves, and is fixed on the spindle I K by a piece of iron, called the rynd, let in at the lower part of the stone ; the lower mill-stone R, is somewhat larger than the other. The corn is put into the hopper S, and runs from thence along the spout T ; the spindle I K, being square, shakes in its revolutions the spout T, and causes the corn to fall through the hole V between the stones, where it is ground ; the flour then passes through the tunnel a h, and is finally deposited in the chest c ; c? e is a string going round the pin d, and serving to draw the spout T nearer to, or farther from, the spindle I K, that the corn may be made to run out either faster or slower, according to the velocity of the wind ; fg and h i are levers, whose centres of motion are f and m; i Z re p is a cord going about the pins I and re to wind up and raise the stone Q. By bearing down the end rh, g is raised, which raises the perpendicular N O, the perpendicular raises the cross-beam O P, the cross- beam the bridge L M and the spindle 1 K, together with the upper mill- stone Q, so that the stones can be set at any required distance apart. The com is drawn up to the top of the mill by means of a rope rolled about the .axis A B ; qr is a ladder for ascending to the higher part of the mill. A girt or gripe of pliable w’ood is fixed at one end s, and at the other tied to the lever tv, movable about at w, which being pressed down stops the motion of the mill at pleasure. When the wind is great, the sails are only in part, or on one side covered, and sometimes only one-half of two , opposite sails. The same shaft can have another cog-wheel fixed to the end B, with trundle and mill-stones similar to those already described: by which means the shaft can turn two pair of stones at once ; and when one pair only is wanted to grind, the lantern H and spindle I K are taken out from the other. SMOCK-MILL. The other method of bringing the windshaft and sails into A position proper for receiving the impression of the wind is, 124 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC by what is called the smock-mill. This mill is more expen sive in the construction^ and more decidedly advantageous, as it can be made of any required dimensions. It is built in the form of a round turret, having at the top of it a wooden ring with a groove in it, furnished with a number of brass truckles, kept equi-distant from each other by their centre pins being fixed into a circular hoop. Into this groove the framing of the upper or movable part of the mill, which is called the head, or cap, enters, and a very slight power is alone sufficient to turn it about that the sails may receive the action of the wind. The head or cap is very ingeniously contrived to turn itself about whenever the wind changes, by a small pair of sails, or fans, fixed up in a frame that projects from the back part of the head. Fig. 124, a the fans, having on its axis a pinion of 10 leaves b, which gives motion to a cog-wheel of 60 teeth c, its axis d, and a pinion of 12 teeth at the lower end e, turning a bevelled wheel of 72 teeth/, a vertical iron shaft g, having a pinion of 11 teeth h, that works in a circle of 120 cogs. Therefore, whenever the wind changes, it acts obliquely upon the vanes of the fan, and turns it round, which, giving an impulse to the connecting machinery, brings the main shaft of the sails slowly about to face the direction of the wind, llie method of this operation is as follows : the fans, having received the action of the wind, turn round, and the pinion h of 10 leaves, that is upon its axis, gives motion to the cog-wheel of 60 teeth c, fixed on an inclined axis which has at the lower end the pinion of 12 leaves e, acting upon the bevelled wheel of 72 teeth/, fixed on a vertical iron axis, and giving motion to the pinion of 1 1 teeth A, that works in the circle of 120 cogs. A B two of the sails (the other two being endwise cannot be seen) fixed on an iron shaft or axis C D, by screwing them to an iron cross formed at one end of it. Upon this shaft is the cog-wheel E, that acts upon the lantern F, fixed on a strong vertical shaft extending from the top to the bottom of the mill, and having on the lower end the large wheel i i, giving motion to the two opposite pinions k k, which turn the spindles and the mill-stones G H. A wheel is fixed on the main axis at I, to give action to the pinion on the horizontal roller »n, which has a rope wrapped about it to wind up the sacks of corn. The same wheel I turns another horizontal axis that has several wheels to receive endless ropes for turning the bolting and dressing machines. On the middle part of the vertical shaft K L is the wheel 1, which turns the roller w. to draw up the sacks of corn from the lower part of the mill, which is used as a storehouse ; being divided into as many compartments as the miller may require. To the mill-stone spindle is attached a pair of regulating balls, to regulate the velocity of the mill. For the manner of applying this regulator see rig. 125, Za spindle, on which is fixed the pinion k, playing into the large wheel that is attached to the vertical shaft ; the lower end of the spindle enters into a square formed on the top of the mill-stone axis at m ,* imme- diately beneath the pinion two iron rods are jointed, bending downwards, having a heavy iron ball o o fastened to the end of each ; to these rods are attached two links at pp, to suspend a collar capable of sliding freely up and down upon the spindle 1; this collar is embraced by a fork, formed on a steelyard, lying horizontal, and suspended by the fulcrum q ; r is an iron i'od fixed at the extreme cud of the steelyard, and having at the bottom an Jmana AND MACHINIST. 125 iron hook to connect it with the lever s, whose fulcrum is t ; this, by means of an iron rod, suspends one end of the bridge on which the lower pivot of the mill-stone rests, the other end bearing on a fulcrum, or centre. Whenever the mill acquires velocity, the iron balls, by their centrifugal force, will fly out, and elevate the collar, which, acting upon the connecting parts, will let the upper mill-Mone down nearer to the lower one, and the resistance or friction thus caused will counteract the increased velocity of the wind. On the contrary, if the wind decreases, the balls will fall towards each other, and let down the sliding collar, which will raise the top mill-stone, and by increasing the distance between it and the lower one cause the mill to acquire greater velocity. For this purpose a weight v is hung upon the steelyard, sufficient to raise the stone whenever the descent of the collar will permit it so to do. Several notches are cut into the steelyard for different positions of the fulcrum q and rod r, to regulate more effectually the motion of the machinery. For instance, if the wind should blow stronger, and the mill go slower, contrary to the effect expected, it shows that the regulation is too strong : to remedy this, the leverage of the balls must be increased by reducing the distance between the fulcrum q and the rod r,by shifting either of them into different notches. On the other hand, if the velocity of the mill should increase with the velocity of the wind, it shows that the regulation is not strong enough, and that the fulcrum q and the rod r must be set a greater distance apart. Sometimes it happens that the whole limits of the notches on the steelyard is insuffi- cient to effectuate the desired object ; in such case, the acting length of the lever s s must be increased or diminished by removing the fulcrum i to a greater or less distance from the suspended rod v. ' In fig. 126 is shown the construction of the horizontal shaft or axis that • bears the sails. It is an octagonal iron shaft, having two cylindrical necks, c and d, where it rests upon its bearings. At the end it has a kind of box which has two mortises, e and /, through it in perpendicular directions, to receive the sails. At the back of one of these mortises, and the front of the other, a projecting arm is left in the casting to receive screw bolts for holding the sails secure in the mortises. The sails are braced to each arm by a rope stay, proceeding from the end of a pole, fixed at the end of the cast-iron axis. Each sail is formed of a sail cloth, spread upon a kind of lattice work, similar to that described under the head of Post-mill. The plane of this frame is inclined to the plane of the sail’s motion, at such an angle, that the wind blowing in the direction of the axis acts upon the sails as inclined planes, and turns them about with a power proportionate to the size of the sails and the force of the wind. The cog-wheel is fixed on the axis by bolting its arms against the stanch marked C. The mill-stones are the same as those described under the head of Flour-mill. Parent, Euler, and other geometricians have written much upon the nature and construction of windmills; but as we consider the experiments and researches made by our own countryman Smeaton to be far superior in point of practical utility, we shall content ourselves with giving his opinion as to the shape, magnitude, and position of the sails. By Mr. Smeaton’ s experiments it appears, that when the sails were set at the angle of 55 degrees with the axis, proposed as the best by M. Parent and others, they were the most disadvantageous of any that were tried by him. !2G THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC On increasing the angle of the sails with the axis from J2 to 7^ degrees, an augmentation of power was produced in the ratio of 31 to 45, and this proves to be the angle most commonly in use when the surfaces of the sails are planes. If nothing more were requisite than to make the mill acquire motion from a state of rest, or to prevent it from passing into rest from a state of motion, the position recom- mended by M. Parent would be the best; but if the sails are intended, with given directions, to jiroduce the greatest effect possible in a given time, we must reject M. Parent’s position; and, if use be made of planes, confine our angle within the limits of 72 and Jb degrees with the axis. The variation of a degree or two in the angle makes very little difference in the effect, when the angle is near upon the best. Mr. Smeaton made several experiments upon a large scale, and found the following angles to answer as well as any^ The radius is supposed to be divided into six parts, and one- sixth, reckoning from the centre, is called one, the extremity being denoted six. No. Angle with the axis. Angle with the plane of the motion. 1 - - - - - - 72'^ - 18 2 - - - - - - 71 - ----- 19 3 - - - - - - 72 - ----- 18 middle 4 _ _ - - - - 74 - 16 5 - - - - - - 77f - m 6 - - - - - - 83 - ----- 7 extremity. Having thus obtained the best position of the sails, or manner of weathering, as it is called by the workmen^ Mr. Smeaton next proceeded to try what advantage could be made by an addition of surface upon the same radius. The result was, that a broader sail requires a greater angle ; and that when the sail is broader at the extremity than near the centre, this shape is more advantageous than that of a parallelogram. The figure and proportion of the enlarged sails he found to answer best upon a large scale, where the extreme bar is one-third of the radius, or whip, and is divided by the whip in the proportion of 3 to 5. The triangular, or leading sail, is covered with board, from the point downwards, one-third of its height, the rest with cloth as usual. The angles mentioned in the preceding article are found to be the best for the enlarged sails also ; for in practice it is found, that the sails had better have too little than too much wind. Many persons have imagined that the more sail the greater the advantage, and have therefore proposed to fill up the whole area, and by making each sail a sector of an ellipsis. AND MACHTN’TST. 127 according to M. Parent, to Intercept the whole cylinder of wind, and thereby to produce the greatest effect possible : but from our author’s experiments it appears, that when the surface of all the sails together exceeded seven-eighths of the circular area containing them, the effect was rather diminished than augmented; and consequently, he concludes, that when the whole cylinder of wind is intercepted, it does not then produce the greatest effect for want of proper interstices to escape. “ It is certainly desirable,’^ says Mr. Smeaton, that the sails of windmills should be as short as possible, but at the same time it is equally desirable the quantity of cloth should be the least that may be, to avoid damage by sudden squalls of wind. The best structure, therefore, for large mills, is that where the quantity of cloth is the greatest in a given circle that can be : on this condition, that the effect holds out in proportion to the quantity of cloth; for otherwise the effect can be augmented in a given degree by a lesser increase of cloth upon a larger radius, than would be required if the cloth were increased upon the same radius.” The ratios between the velocities of windmill sails unloaded, and when loaded to their maximum, turned out different in different experiments, but the most general ratio of the whole w’as as 3 to 2. In general, however, it appeared, w^here the power was greater, whether by an enlargement of surface, or a greater velocity of the wind, that the second term of the ratio was less. The ratio between the greatest load that the sails wdll bear without stopping, or what is nearly the same thing, between the least load that will stop the sails, and the load at the maximum, were confined between that of 10 to 8, and of 10 to 9; and at a medium about 10 to 8.3, or of 6 to 5; though it appeared on the whole, that where the angle of the sails or quantity of cloth was greatest, the second term of the ratio was less. The following maxims have been deduced by Mr. Smeaton from his experiments : Maxim 1. The velocity of the windmill sails, whether unloaded or loaded, so as to produce a maximum, is nearly as the velocity of the wind, their shape and motion being the same, Maxim 2. The load at the maximum is nearly, but somewhat less than, as the square of the velocity of the wind, the shape and position of the sails being the same. Maxim 3. The effects of the same sails at a ma3.imum are iiea.Tly, but somewhat less than, as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. Maxim 4. The load of the same sails at the maximum is nearly as the squares, and their effects as the cubes of their number of turns in a given time. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC i2B Maxim 5. When the sails are loaded so as to produce a maximum at a I given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increases the load containing j| the same: first, the increase of effect, when the increase of the velocity of * the wind is smaller, will be nearly as the squares of those velocities ; secondly, when the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 to 27^; but thirdly, when the velocities compared are more than double of that where the given load produces a maximum, the effects increase nearly in a simple ratio of the velocity of the wind. Maxim 6. If sails are of a similar figure and position, the number of turns in a given time will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the sail. Maxim 7. The load at a maximum that sails of a similar figure and ■ position will overcome, at a given distance from the centre of motion, will be as the cube of the radius. Maxim 8. The effect of sails of similar figure and position are as the square of the radius. Maxim 9. The velocity of the extremity of Dutch sails, as well as of the enlarged sails, in all their usual positions when unloaded, or even loaded to a maximum, are considerably quicker than the velocity of the wind. Mr. Ferguson remarks, that it is almost incredible to think with what velocity the tips of the sails move when acted upon by a moderate wind. He several times counted the number of revolutions made by the sails in 10 or 15 minutes ; and, from the length of the arms from tip to tip, has computed, that if an hoop of the same size were to run upon plain ground with equal velocity, it would go upwards of 30 miles in an hour. RULES FOR MODELLING THE SAILS OF WINDMILLS. Fig. 127 is a fi'ont view of one of the four sails of a windmill. The letters of reference will serve to explain the terms made use of in the following description : 1. The length of the arm, or whip A A, reckoned from the centre of the great shaft B to the outermost bar 19, governs all the rest. 2. The breadth of the face of the whip A, next the centre, is one-thirtieth of the length of the whip, its thickness at the same end is three-fourths of the breadth, and the back-side is made parallel to the face for half the length of the whip, or to the tenth bar ; the small end of the whip is square, and at its end is one-sixtieth of the length of the whip, or half the breadth at the great- end. 3. From the centre of the shaft B to the nearest bar 1 of the lattice, is one-seventh of the whip ; the remaining space of six-sevenths of the whip is equally divided into 19 spaces, so as to make 19 bars ; one-ninth of one of these spaces is equal to the mortises for the bars, the tenons of which are made square where they enter and go through the whip, and conse- quently the mortises must be square also. 4. To prepare the whip for mortising, strike a gage-score at about three- fourths of an inch from the face on each side, and the gage-score, on the leading side 4, 5, will give the face of all the bars on that side ; but on the other side, the faces of all the bars will fall deeper than the gage-score, according to a certain rule. To find the space to be set off for this purpose for each bar, construct a scale in the following manner; 5. Extend the compasses to any distance at pleasure, so that six times AND MACHINIST. 129 that extent may be greater than the breadth of the whip at the seventh bar ; set those six spaces off upon a straight line for a base, at the end of which raise a perpendicular ; set off three spaces upon the perpendicular, and divide the two spaces that are farthest from the base line into six equal parts each, so that this quantity of two spaces may be equally divided into 12 spaces, marked out by 1 3 points ; from each of these points draw a line to the opposite end of the base, as so many rays to a centre, and the scale is finished. 6. To apply this scale to any given case, set off the breadth of the whip at the last bar, (that is, the bar at the extremity of the sail,) from the centre of the scale along the base towards the perpendicular; and at this point raise a perpendicular to cut the ray nearest to the base ; also set off the breadth of the whip at the seventh bar in the same manner, and at this point erect another perpendicular to cut the thirteenth radius. From the intersection of the perpendicular (drawn upon the breadth of the last bar) with the first of the thirteen radii, to the intersection of the other perpendi- cular with the thirteenth radius, draw an oblique line cutting all the rest, and the distances of each of these last-mentioned points of intersection from the base line is the space which the face of each bar is distant from the gage- line on the driving side. 7. These distances give a difference set off for each bar till the seventh, which same must be set off for all the rest to the first. 8. These mortises must be square to the leading side of the whip. 9. When the mortises are cut, let the face of the whip be sloped off so as to agree with the face of the bars in every part. 10. Two-fifths of the whip are the length of the last or longest bar. 11. Five-eighths of the longest bar must be on the driving side of the whip, and three-eighths on the leading side, each being reckoned from tlie middle of the whip. 12. The proportion of the mortises already given determines the size of the bars at the mortises, but their thickness must be diminished each way, so as to be only one-half at the ends ; but the face must be kept of equal breadth all the way. 13. The leading side goes no farther than the fourth bar, and there only projects one-third of the projection of the last bar. 14. All the bars on the driving side are made hollowing in the arch of a circle, which begins to spring one-third of the length of the bars on the driving side from the whip ; and the sweep is such, that if a straight line be applied to the face of the bar from the wmip to the end, the face of the bar should leave the straight line about the breadth of the bar. 15. There ought to be three uplongs, as 3,2, 10, to the driving, and two to the leading side, as 5, 4, to strengthen the lattice. Dr. Rees's Cyclopedia. Mr. Richard Hall Gower, a gentleman in the sea-service of the East India Company, has made some judicious experiments with a view of determining the proper angles of weather which ought to be given to the vanes of a vertical windmill : his general conclusion is, that each vane should be a spiral, gene- rated by the circular motion of a radius, and of a line moving at right angles to the plane of a circular motion. Tlie con- struction he deduces from his inquiries is simple, being this : The length, breadth, and angle of weather at the extremity of a vane being given ; to determine the angles of weather at different distances from the centre, K 130 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Let A B, fig. 129, be the length of the Tane; BC its breadth; and BCD the angle of the weather at the extremity of the vane, equal to 20 degrees. With the length of the vane A B, and breadth B C, construct t }'*3 isosceles triangle ABC: from the point 13 draw B D perpendicular to C B, then B D is the proper depth of the vane. Divide the line A B into any number of parts, (five for instance,) at those divisions draw the lines 1 E, 2 F, 3 G, and 4 H, parallel to the line B C ; also, from the points of division 1,2, 3, and 4, draw the lines 1 I, 2 K, 3 L, and 4 M, perpendicular to 1 E, 2 F, 3 G, &c. all of them equal in length to B D. Join E I, F K, G L, and HM; then the angles l EI, 2FK, 3 G L, and H M, are the angles of weather at those divisions of the vane ; and if the triangles be conceived to stand perpendicular to the plane of the paper, the angles I, K, L, M, and D, becoming the vertical angles, the hypothenuse of these triangles Will, as before suggested, give a perfect idea of the weathering of the vane as it recedes from the centre. METHOD OF CLOTHING AND UNCLOTHING THE SAILS WHILE IN MOTION. Ma. John Bywater, of Nottingham, took out a patent in 1804, for a method of clothing and unclothing the sails of windmills while in motion, by which the mill may be clothed cither in whole or in part, in an easy and expeditious manner, by a few revolutions of the sails, whether they be going fast or slow, leaving the surface smooth, even, and regular in ])readth from top to bottom; and in like manner the cloth, or any part of it, may be rolled or folded up to the whip at pleasure, by simple and durable machinery. Fig. 130, Nos. 1, 2, 3, are front views of the sails as unclothed, half- clothed, and clothed. Fig. 131, a ring of iron, or other material, about 4 inches wide, and | of an inch thick, whose diameter must be sufficient to embrace the shaft-head, to which it must be well secured by the stays a a. Fig. 132, a bevelled wheel, without arras, made of iron, stayed on the edge of the ring so as to turn easily. ^ Fig. 133, a spur wheel of iron, without arms, made to turn easily on four pins fixed into four ears bbbb, 'm the back of the ring ; which pins ara turned up at their ends to keep it steady. Fig. 134 is one of the four spindles of iron, or other material, with a spur nut a, and a bevelled nut b ; this spindle passes through fig. 131 at c a cc, and the nut a works into the spur-wheel as seen in fig. 135, aaaa. The four bevelled nuts (fig. 134) work into the bevelled wheels at the end of four cylinders iiii fig. 130, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and so turn them ; and two of these spindles must be shorter than the others when the stocks are net flush. These cylinders are made of wood of about 3 inches diameter, and are to be placed at the outside of the leading edge of each sail, round which the cloth is rolled (one edge being fastened on for that purpose) when the sail is unclothed. A gudgeon from the end of each cylinder runs into an iron fastened to the shaft-head, and is kept in its place by a nut screwed to its end. The other end has a gudgeon b, which turns in the eye of the cross iron h, at the points of the whips ; ffff four cylinders, similar to i i i i, placed on the inside the whips ; one behind each sail to clothe the sails, by means of ropes o o oo, &c. fastened to them-and the edge of the cloth. At the end of each of these four cylinders a nut or wheel is From 130 to 139 II.J3. 134 >rldey Sti\md AND MACHINIST. 131 fixed, eeee^ to work into the bevelled wheel; fig. 133, whose teeth decline from the centre in proportion as these work from it, which declination must be reversed when the sails turn in the contrary way, and gudgeons to run into irons either projecting from the ring or fastened to the shaft-head like the other cylinders. The gudgeons g keep these cylinders steady in the cross iron h at the point of the whips, and stays of any shape or number will keep them from springing. Now, suppose the mill fully clothed, as at 3, all the parts of the machinery revolve with it undisturbed until a lever, fig. 136, which is fastened to the braces or fencing, by the centre pin a, fig. 1 37, on which it turns, and whose end h is weighted to hang down towards the breast of the mill, is brought into an horizontal direction by pulling a string attached to the end a within-side the mill, which end b stops the stud h, projecting from the inner surface or back-front of the spur-wheel, fig. 135; conse- quently the four spur-ntlts a, at the end of the spindle, fig. 134, and seen at aaaa, fig. 135, roll round the spur-wheel, and the bevelled nuts b at the other end of the spindle work into the bevelled wheels of the outside cylinders at 1, 2, 3, in a straight direction behind them, and so turning the cylinders roll the cloth on them till it is rolled up to the whip. The lever is then driven sideways (its spring c returning it again) from the stud in the back face of the spur-wheel by the following contrivance : A screw, 5, fig. 138, is cut on the gudgeon of any one of the cylinders behind the sail, and a piece of iron, c, is tapped to fit it. The end of this iron runs into a slot in the iron d, made fast to the shaft-head, to prevent the iron c from turning with the cylinder, but allows it to slide up and down so as to press on that on the iron a, which has the eye in it, and raises the end a just high enough to drive the lever aside when the cloth is all rolled up, the thread of the screw adjusting it to what number of revolutions you choose to employ for that purpose. The point-end of the iron a, is that part of it which pushes aside and passes the lever, fig. 136, and moves on its centre c, and must be carried under the spur-wheel so as to act behind it for that purpose. By letting go the string the miller may at any time leave the cloth on the sail where he chooses, likewise the sails may be clothed, or any part thereof, by a lever, similar to a, stopping the stud a, on the edge of the bevelled wheel, fig. 132, and driven off in a manner similar to the spur-wheel. Fig. 139 is a stay of wood, fixed to the stock or whip at n n n n, 1, 2, 3, to prevent the cylinders from springing too much. In the inside there is left room enough for the cloth to be rolled upon the cylinder through its lips in the eye of this stay. In order to keep the strings, which go over the edge of the shrouds oo o o, &c. tight in all weathers, a cord, passing over a spring of any sort or shape, placed under the sail, is fastened to and wound about the upper ends of the cylinders, in a direction contrary to the strings and cloth. To prevent the strings frorn being driven downwards by the centrifugal force, a ring or two are left on to run along the rods in the old manner asp. Nos. 2, 3. The width of the cloth, diameter of the cylinders, and number of revolutions you choose to employ to roll up your cloth, must determine the size of the wheels* In order to fold the cloth instead of rolling it, one end of it must be fastened to the whip and lines passed across the outside of it through loops fastened to its edge, and consequently over the edge of the shrouds, and connected with the cylinder or 132 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC roller, of any shape, placed under the sail, or elsewhere, the other ends of the lines must be connected with the said cylinder or roller; and when the cloth is drawn up in folds towards the whip, so much of these lines will be rolled on the cylinder one way, and off from it the other, as will be sufficient to let out the cloth again when the same cylinder, turning the contrary w'ay, draws the cloth on the sail; By this mode the patentee gets rid of fom* cylinders, with their appendages, the work being in other respects the same as in rolling the cloths ; but since folding gives a surface much inferior in many respects to rolling, and induces incon- veniences and accidents from which the rolled surface is free, he advises the rolling, rather than for a small saving to endure the inconveniences of folding. If a sudden gust of wind should arise in the absence of the miller, so as to drive the mill faster than a given velocity, a pair of centrifugal balls, like the governor of a steam engine, may be so placed as to adjust the lever so that it may immediately unclothe itself. Baines’s vertical windmill sails. Mr. Robert Raines Baines, of Myton, Kingston upon Hull, secured to himself in June 1815, by patent, an improve- ment in the construction of vertical windmill sails. Fig. 140 represents six sails; the stocks or arms marked A are the same as used for common vertical windmills ; the sails marked B are made of canvass, and fastened to the front sides of the said stocks or arms along the edges marked a, a, and to the rods or bars marked D, at or near the point marked h, and are also extended by the rods or bars marked E, which are inserted into or fixed to the backs thereof, and by rods or bars marked m, which are inserted into or fastened to the edges of thje said sails; each sail is also connected by a bar or rod marked F, as hereinafter described, with the next following sail. Tlie shafts or rods marked C are fastened to the stocks or arms marked A, at or near d, d, by loops or otherwise, so as to allow them to move as hinges do. Tlie bars or rods marked D are each of them connected with the shafts or rods marked C by a joint, which will allow the said bars or rods marked D to move from the wind independent of the shafts or rods marked C, in case it should blow against the back sides of the said sails, but will not allow the said bars or rods marked D to move from the wind independent of the said shafts or rods marked C, when the wind blows against the front sides of the said sails. The bars or rods marked F connect the corners marked e of each sail with the corner of the next following sail at or near the point marked b, leading behind such following sail, and which bars or rods are fastened by hooks, or other proper means, at or near their points, bent to such an angle that if the wind should blow against the back sides of the said sails and force them forward, the said bars or rods will be unhooked and set at liberty A rim or circle marked G is fixed by screws or otherwise upon the said stocks or arms marked A, for the purpose of supporting the fulcra or props marked H. At I is represented the head or end of a rod or bar wliich passes through AND MACHINIST. 133 the centre of the axletree of the mill, and to which weight may be applied, in the manner well known to mill-wrighls, to regulate the said sails towards or from the wind. The bars or cranks marked K are fixed to the shafts or rods marked C, at such an angle, and in such a manner as will, when and as they are acted upon by the levers or bars marked L, either suffer the said bars or rods marked D and the sails to recede from the wind until the said sails present only their edges to it, or will force the said bars or rods marked D towards the wind, until they present to it their breadth. The levers or bars marked L are connected at one of their ends with the head of the aforesaid rod marked and at the other ends with the bars or cranks marked K, and form levers resting or acting upon the fulcra or props marked H, and are governed or regulated in their action by the said rod, the head of which is shown at I. The said rods, bars, cranks, loops, and rim, may be made of iron, or other suitable material or materials, and connected at their proper places by joints or otherwise, (so as to fix them or allow their action,) by modes well known to raill-wrights. cubitt’s method op equalizing the motion of the sails OF WINDMILLS. Mr. William Cubitt^ of North Walsham, Norfolk, en- gineer, took out a patent for this invention in May 1807, which the specification thus describes : My invention consists in applying to windmills an appa- ratus or contrivance which shall cause the vanes, constructed or formed in a new and peculiar manner, to regulate them- selves, so as to preserve an uniform velocity under those circumstances in which the wind would otherwise irregularly impel them, as is the case with the sails or vanes of mills of the present construction. I accomplish this object by forming the vanes (for the sake of lightness) with fewer cross bars or shrouds than in the common method, and filling up the remaining open space with small flat surfaces, formed either of boards or sheet iron painted, or any other fit substance, (though I prefer and recommend them to be made of a framing of wood, covered over with canvass.) I hang or suspend the same on their ends by gudgeons, pivots, centres, or any other convenient method, so as to open and shut like valves, (for w^hich reason I shall hereafter so call them,) preferring always to have the centre of motion as near the upper longi- tudinal edge of the valve as possible, as shown in the drawing, h b, fig. 141, which exhibits a valve detached. I apply these valves to vanes of the present construction, by suspending them to the cross bars or shrouds of the vane by their longi- tudinal edges, fastened thereto by joints or otherwise, as may be preferred. These vanes, constructed of valves as above .described, and which are represented in the drawing, fig. 142, present a greater or less surface to the wind, according as it acts with more or less force on them ; and if the wiiid be very 134 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC strong or high, the valves, by its impulse, V’ould turn their edges to it, and their surfaces parallel to the direction of the wind^ the vanes would consequently remain stationary, or at least have but little motion; but to obviate this circum- stance taking place, I apply an apparatus which shall cause the valves always to present their flat surfaces to the wind, or such portion of their surfaces as may be desirable. The apparatus which I have usually applied is exhibited in the drawings, figs. 143 and 144, which last figure shows two modes of performing this object; though it must be evident that various other means may be applied to produce the same effect on the valves, and I therefore do not mean to confine myself to those precise modes of effecting it, but consider it unnecessary here to detail others, as the examples exhibited in the drawings fully ascertain the sort of apparatus requisite. Fig. 142 represents a set of vanes, in which A A show the valves turned to the wind, and their surfaces all exposed at right angles with the direction of the wind ; B B exhibit the vanes as close reefed, or the valves with their edges to the wind, so that it can have no effect upon them except on their edges, which must be trifling. In the drawing, the vanes are exhibited as having the whip down the middle, with valves on both sides ; but it is evident that the vanes may be constructed with the whip placed in the usual way, and have valves on one side only, which is the method I usually adopt in applying them to vanes of the present form. “Fig. 143 represents a side view of the apparatus for regulating the valves; and fig. 144 is a section of the same, exhibiting two methods of performing this operation. A represents the shaft, which is bored through its centre to admit an iron rod B to pass freely through it ; one end of this rod is made to turn in a box C, which is fastened to a toothed rack D, wh 9 se teeth take into those of a pinion E, upon the axis of which is a sheave F, with a groove on its circumference to receive a rope G, to which is hung a weight, shown at H, fig. 143, and which must be sufficient to regulate the force of the wind upon the valves, though no precise quantity of weight can be herein specified, as the same must be adjusted by experiment, or by the quantity of work to be performed by the mill. On the top of the rack D is a roller I, which serves to keep the rack and pinion in the proper depth of geer. The end of the rod B, which turns in the box C, has a knob or onion on it, by which it can be moved endwise while it is turning in the box C. In the other end of the rod is fixed a boss or plate of iron K, with a gudgeon projecting from each side, on which are the bridles or leaders LL, which permit the levers M M to describe a curve with their ends while the iron rod B moves in a straight line. N N are two studs or props fixed to the stock O of the sail ; on the ends of which props the levers M M move, and communicate their motion to the racks P P, the teeth of which take into the pinions Q Q, on the axis of which, (according to one method herein exhibited, fig. 145,) is fixed a strong iron stud R, which is attached to a rack or slider S. Iron studs or levers are fixed at one end in this slider S by a pin or gudgeon, and at the other made fast to the valves a, which move on gudgeons as before described. The other method of regulating the valves is shown at AND MACHINIST. 135 fig. 14G, where, instead of the studs or levers, the valves may be moved by having pinions fixed to them, and working with teeth in a rack or slider, as at T. V V are rollers to keep the racks P in their geer. I’he operation of this apparatus will be clearly comprehended by imagining that if the hook 4, on the rope G, be pulled down to 5, the sheave F with the pinion £ will turn at the same time, putting in motion the rack D with the rod B, which will bring the levers M M into the position represented by the dotted lines : the racks P will have turned the pinions Q till the sliders S and T, with the studs or levers, or racks, (according to whichever method may be used,) bring the valves into the position of the dotted lines, in which position they are represented as having all their surfaces to the wind ; therefore, if a sufficient weight be hung to the hook 4, the weight will descend to 5, and keep the valves in the situation of the dotted lines ; and supposing the wind to blow upon them with too much force ill this state, they will turn on their gudgeons, and raise the weights, so that the superfluous wind will pass through or between them, without exerting an irregular force upon the vanes, so as to produce an unequal velocity.'" MILL WITH EIGHT QUADRANGULAR SAILS. This mill, which is the invention of Mr. James Verrier, is represented in fig. 14J. AAA are the three p.rincipal posts, 27 feet inches long, 22 inches broad at their lower extremities, 18 inches at their upper, and 17 inches thick. The column B is 12 feet 2^ inches long, 19 inches in diameter at its lower extremity, and 16 inches at its upper: it is fixed in the centre of the mill, passes through the first floor E, having its upper extremity secured by the bars G G. E E E are the girders of the first floor, one of which only is seen, being eight feet three inches long, 1 1 inches broad, and nine thick ; they are mortised into the posts AAA and the column B, and are about eight feet three inches distance from the ground floor. D D,D are three posts, six feet four inches long, nine inches broad, and six inches thick : they are mortised into the girders E F of the first and second floor, at the distance of two feet four inches from the posts A, &c. F F F are the girders of the second floor, six feet long, 1 1 inches broad, and nine thick : they are mortised into the posts A, &c., and rest upon the upper extremities of the posts D, &c. Tire three bars GGG are 3 feet 1§ inches long, seven inches broad, and three thick : they are mortised into the posts D and the upper end of the column B, four feet three inches above the floor. P is one of the beams which support the extremities of the bray-trees or brayers ; its length is two feet four inches, its breadth eight inches, and its thickness six inches. I is one of the bray-trees into which the extremity of one of the bridge-trees K is mortised. Each bray-tree is 4 feet 9§ inches long, 9i inches broad, and seven thick, and each bridge-tree is four feet six inches long, nine inches broad, and seven thick; being furnished with a piece of brass on its upper surface to receive the under pivot of the mill-stones. LL are two iron screw-bolts, which raise or depress the 136 THE OPBRATIVB MECHANIC extremities of the bray-trees. M M M are the three mill-stones, and N N N the iron spindles or arbors on “which the turning mill-stones are fixed. D is one of three wheels or trundles which are fixed on the upper ends of the spindles NNN: they are 16 inches in diameter, and each is furnished with 14 staves; /is one of the carriage-rails on which the upper f )ivot of the spindle turns, and is four feet two inches long, seven inches )road, and four thick. It turns on an iron bolt at one end, and the other end slides in a bracket fixed to one of the joints, and forms a mortise in which a wedge is driven to set the rail and trundle in or out of work : t is the horizontal spur-wheel that impels the trundles ; it is five feet six inches in diameter, is fixed to the perpendicular shaft T, and is furnished with 42 teeth. The perpendicular shaft T is nine feet one inch long, and 14 inches in diameter, having an iron spindle at each of its extremities; the under spindle turns in a brass block fixed into the higher end of the column B ; and the upper spindle moves in a brass plate inserted into the lower surface of the carriage-rail C. The spur-wheel r is fixed on the upper end of the shaft T, and is turned by the crown-wheel v on the wind shaft c ; it is three feet two inches in diameter, and is furnished with 15 cogs. The carriage-rail C, which is fixed on the sliding kerb Z, is 1 7 feet 2 inches long, one foot broad, and nine inches thick. Y Y Q is the fixed kerb, 17 feet 3 inches diameter, 14 inches broad, and 10 thick, and is mortised into the posts A A A, and fastened with screw-bolts. The sliding kerb Z is of the same diameter and breadth as the fixed kerb, but its thickness is only 7f inches; it revolves on 12 friction rollers fixed on the upper surface of the kerb Y Y Q, and has four iron half-staples, Y, Y, &c., fastened on its outer edge, whose perpendicular arms are 10 inches long, two inches broad, and one inch thick, and embrace the outer edge of the fixed kerb, to prevent the sliding one from being blown off. Tlie capsills XV are 13 feet 9 inches long, 14 inches broad, and 1 foot thick : they are fixed at each end with strong iron screw bolts to the sliding kerb, and to the carriage-rail C. On the right hand of tv is seen the extremity of a cross-rail, which is fixed into the capsills XV by strong iron bolts; AND MACHINIST. 169 overcoming the pressure oi ihe atmosphere again raise it to its original position ; and q being again closed, and e opened, the performance of a similar operation will be effected. The advantage sought in the construction of this sort of engine was obtained, namely, that of not being required to use steam of greater pressure than the atmosphere, which was the case in Savary’s engine, when the height the water was to be raised by the pipe f fig. 169, exceeded more than about 32 feet. In Newcomen’s engine, the weight o o balances the piston c, and the exertion of the steam is never required to be more than about 14 pounds to the superficial inch; w^hilst the introduction of the beam affords a movement applicable to the working of pumps, by which water can be raised to any required height. The cocks q and e were opened by the hand of an attendant until a boy of the name of Potter, who was intrusted with the management of them, to save himself the labour and attention which they required, ingeniously contrived to attach a piece of string to the levers of the cocks, and to the beam L L, in such a manner, as to procure by its movement their being opened and shut at the proper periods. It was this gave the idea for the construction of that part of the present engine called hand-geer. The next person who made any considerable improvement in the steam-engine was Mr. Henry Beighton, of Newcastle, who invented the part called the plug-tree, for opening and shutting the valves, which we shall describe in a more advanced part of the work : he also adopted a force-pump, to supply the deficiency of water in the boiler caused by the expenditure in the production of steam. This engine, called Beighton’ s fire-engine^ was much used for nearly half a century \ and the attention of engineers was directed more towards the economizing of fuel, than the further improve- ment of the engine. At length, however, it began to be' perceived, that the attainment of a rotatory motion would open an extensive field for the application of its powers to various mechanical purposes ; and, accordingly, we find the attention of engineers most actively engaged in endeavouring to effect so desirable an object, which was eventually accomplished by Mr. Matthew Washbrough, of Bristol, who, in the year 177^, obtained a patent for the application of the crank. Though this is by far the best application that has been yet applied, as is evident from its now almost universal adoption, it was for some time superseded by the sun and planet wheels intro- duced by Messrs. Boulton and Watt. The sun and planet wheels are represented in fig. 171. A represents the end of the beam, to which is affixed, by a movable centre at F, the rod B, called the connecting rod, upon the lower end of which is immovably fixed the wheel C ; D is a cog-wheel, fixed upon the axis of the fly-wheel G G G G, and capable of revolving with it. When the beam A passes downwards, the wheel C changes from its position at C to C\ and I's cogs, acting upon those of the wheel D, cause that, and the fly-whes! to wliirh THE '>PERATIVE MECHANIC 170 it is attached, to perform that portion of a revolution round its axis. The wheel C, from the manner in which it is suspended, tends always to press against (3 in its downward and upward motions. When C is in the position of C^, the wheel D, from the velocity it has acquired by its connection with tlic fly-vdieel, causes it to pass under the centre of D, and the beam begin- ning immediately to ascend, operates by C on the other side of D, giving it another portion of impulse towards a continuous motion whilst passing from to and when it arrives at C® it will be impelled over the centre- D D by the velocity wliich its own action had given the fly-wheel. The crank and fly-wheel invented by Mr. Matthew Washbrough is shown in fig. 172. A and B represent the same parts as in fig. 171, but the lower end of B is, in this case, attached to the crank C at c^, and is capable of revolving round the centre E; the other end of the crank is attached to the fly-wheel D D D D, so that both that and the fly-wheel are capable of revolving round the centre E. When the beam A is depressed, it com- municates motion to the crank and fly-wheel to which it is attached, and when it arrives at H, the velocity of the fly-wheel causes it to pass under the centre E, and the beam beginning immediately to ascend, again com- municates motion to the fly-wheel. The length of the connecting rod B should be such that when the beam A is in an horizontal position, the crank will likewise be the same; and when the crank is in the position as at G, its length, together with the length of the crank, such as to permit the other end of the beam. A, to descend until the piston which is attached to it is at the bottom of the cylinder; and the length of these and the cylinder such, that when the crank is in the position H, the piston shall be at the top of the cylinder. This method not only affords a rotative motion, but determines the length of the stroke which the piston may be required to perform, to an exactness that is of great importance ; for prior to its introduction, the forcible striking of the piston against the top and bottom of the cylinder, which was attended with injurious effects, was' |j an occurrence by no means unfrequent, and which the sun and planet wheels were in no way calculated to remedy. Watt, a native of Glasgow, having his attention ac- cidentally directed to the construction of the steam-engine, discovered that water, when confined in a close vessel, and^ heated considerably beyond the boiling temperature, w’ould,'! when the steam was permitted to escape, cool rapidly down to the boiling point, which suggested an idea, that the I amount of steam issuing from any vessel was simply in pro- | portion to the amount of heat applied, and that the economiz- “ ing of fuel could only be obtained by the economizing of steam. Mr. Watt also noticed the great change which took place in tlie temperature of the cylinder when the cold water was injected to condense the steam; and concluded, that as the coldness of the cylinder would remain after the necessary con- ANL> mac Hi NIST. 17 * :lensation had been effected, a wasteful condensation of the lewly introduced steam must take place. By experiment he blind, that the quantity of steam thus wasted was no less than hrice the contents of the cylinder, or three times the quan- ;ity which was required for producing the effect sought. The nodes to which he had recourse to remedy this defect were irst, the substitution of a wooden cylinder, which, upon repeated trials, he was compelled to abandon, on account of .he roughness produced by wet and the changes of temper- iture ; secondly, the enclosing of the cylinder with w’ood, and filling the intermediate space with powdered charcoal ; which ifterwards was superseded by the introduction of an extra cylinder, that enclosed the working cylinder, and permitted 5 team to flow round it, which maintained it at a regular tem- perature. The outer cylinder is termed a jacket, and is now ised with advantage. In the year 1J63, Mr. Watt made the grand improvement )f effecting the condensation in a separate vessel, communi- :ating only by a pipe to the cylinder, termed the condenser. la fig. 178, A is the lower part of the cylinder; B the condenser ; C the duction pipe, or pipe of communication between the cylinder and condenser, apable of being opened or closed by the cock c ; and DD a chamber of cold 7ater, in which the condenser B is immersed. ^\^len the cock c is pened, the steam, by its elastic force, rushes into B, where it is condensed ; nd the space it has left in the cylinder allows a new supply of steam to be enerated, which, by the opening of the cock c, also passes into B, and is imilarly condensed. The condensing of the steam necessarily accumulates /ater in B, and reduces the eapacity of the condenser; to remedy which, Ir. Wat-t introduced a small pump, worked by the engine, to withdraw the xtra water, as also the air, which in some degree hindered the perfectness f the vacuum : he named it the air-pump. He also found it expedient to ermit a small stream of water to run from the chamber DD, by means of a ock, which could regulate the supply according to the temperature of the /ater in D, or the required rapidity of the condensation. The cistern in /hich the condenser is placed is called the cold-water cistern ; it is con- nually being supplied with fresh water from a pump connected with a .-ell or pit, and the overplus is discharged by a spout into a dram. The ,ot water drawn from the condenser by the air-pump is delivered into nother cistern, termed the hot-ivater cistern. These parts are represented in fig. 174, where their distribution is such as 'i exhibit them conveniently without taking into view their construction in ny particular engine, as their form and relative position is of no import- nce, and is arbitrarily varied as the different builders think fit, or as con- eniency or circumstances may in many cases require. A is the cylinder ; )the condenser; C the air-pump; EE the cold-water cistern; F the cold- '■ater pump for supplying the same ; SS the steam pipe from the boiler ; 1 the eduction pipe from the cylinder to the condenser ; OO the hot-water istern ; N the injection cock for allowing a small stream of water to flow ato B ; P the hot -water pump, which forces a sufficiency of water from the ot-water cistern through the pipe ij- to keep up the supply in the boiler THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 172 t tt t are pump rods, fixed to the beam and worked by its motion ; 5 * is a suction pipe ; and m the foot-valve. The pipe I and the valve V, opening upwards, are for the purpose of permitting the steam to pass through to expel the atmosphere from the condenser, called a blow-valve, and then by its own condensation to leave a vacuum on the starting of the engine. A communication is made from the condenser by a pipe to the upper part of a tube standing in a basin of mercury. The amount of mercury in the tube will indicate the perfectness of the vacuum in the condenser, by ex- hibiting the height at which it is supported by the pressure of the atmosphere. If the vacuum is perfect, the mercury will stand from 28 to 31 inches. The only difference between the working of this engine and those already described is, that the pipe HH, instead of being an injection pipe for the admission of cold water to the cylin- der, merely leads off the steam to the condenser B, therefore, when condensation is to be effected, the cock h is opened to admit the steam from the cylinder into B, there to become condensed, whilst the continued action of the pump C main- tains a vacuum in B, by drawing off the condensed water and the air. The cold-water pump F keeps up an abundant supply in the cistern E E, and the superplus is discharged at W ; thus maintaining a depression of temperature sufficient to procure condensation in B. Such was the importance of this alteration in the mode of construction^ that one half the quantity of fuel consumed by an engine of the former construction was saved. Still, how- ever, the engine was not complete ; the piston was required to have water kept upon its upper surface to keep it air-tight, and as this, in the descent, cooled the cylinder considerably, it was, as is evident from what has been already stated, when speaking of the former mode of injecting cold water, pro- ductive of a loss, to which Mr. Watt turned his serious attention, and eventually succeeded in remedying the evil. The next construction of the engine is what is now called the single acting engine, and as the improvement con- sisted merely in the c} liiider, a diagram of that will be sufficient to make it clearly understood. Finding, as has been stated, the disadvantages attending the open-ended cylinder, Mr, Watt conceived the idea of closing the top of the cylinder, and of causing tlie piston-rod to work through a close collar stuffed with hemp and grease ; and instead of making use of water to procure tlie piston working air-tight, of using oil or fat as a substitute 5 and instead of causing it to descend by the pressure of the atmosphere, of employing steam of an ex- pansive force equal to that pressure. In reference to fig. 175, A is the cylinder; B the piston; CC the stuffing- bpx filled with hemp moistened with tallow, having its cap screwed firmly AND MACHINIST. 1 73 down by two screws, so as to form a steam-tight joint round the piston-rod. The piston-rod being turned true and polished, is capable of working up and down through the steam-tight joint. D is the steam pipe leading from the boiler; K the eduction pipe leading to the condenser; H and I are two valves upon the rod L, which passes through stuffing-boxes, or steam-tight joints, at m n. While raising and lowering the rod L, the valves H and I open or close their respective apertures D and K. ^ is a valve which affords, when open, a communication between the top and bottom of the cylinder through the pipe P E, and from thence through O, Its spindle, which is hollow, works in a steam-tight collar at N, and has the rod L passing through it, likewise steam-tight, in such a manner, that the rod L, with its valves, may be moved independent of the valve g, or the valve g independ- ent of the rod L. If the valves are placed as represented, I and H open, and g shut, and the steam be permitted to come from the boiler through D, it will pass through II, and enter the top of the cylinder at P, depressing the piston B by its elastic force, whilst the lower part of the cylinder is open through O and K to the condenser. When the piston is depressed to B^, the rod L must be moved downwards, and the valves II and I closed, and tlie valve g opened, that the steam, by its elastic force, may pass through P E and the valve g, and act equally upon the lower as well as the upper surface of the piston ; the piston, therefore, being in an unbiassed state, as regards the pressure, will again be raised to its original situation by the counterpoise weights acting at the other end of the beam, and the steam will pass from above to below the piston. When it has arrived at that place, the valves may be again put in their first position, as represented in the drawing, when that at I, being open, affords a communication through O K for the steam, which now occupies the cylinder below the piston, to pass to the condenser, whilst fresh steam forces through D upon the upper surface 3f the piston tantamount to the pressure of the atmosphere, and produces an effect fully equal to that obtained from an atmospheric engine. In the engine just described, the beam was drawn down by the pressure of the steam upon the top of the piston, and when the steam had passed into the condenser, was raised by counterpoise weights placed at its further end ; by which it is manifest, that the action of an engine of this construction must be somewhat irregular, for whilst the piston is descend- ing the steam must act upon it to an amount capable of raising the counterpoise weights, and of likewise doing the work put upon it ; but when the piston is rising, the actual fall of the counterpoise weights is the only amount of power which the engine is supplying, and from which is to be deducted the friction and weight of the piston. Such engines, therefore, when a continuous and equable force is required, are not so advantageous as those where the rising and depressing of the piston are alike performed by the same means and the same extent of force. This desirable end was accomplished by Mr. Watt in the construction of the double-acting engine,* which we shall next notice, in contradistinction to the one that last claimed our attention, and which is now seldom used for any other purpose than that of pumping water Tin: Ol’ERATIVF. MECHANiri 174 The double-acting engine is formed in such a manner that whilst tlie steam is pressing on one side of the piston, the cylinder on the other side is ahvays open to the condenser, so that a vacuum exists on the opposite side to that on which the pressure is exerted. This effect is produced by several modes of distributing various pipes, or valves, or cocks. The simplest in its construction is the four-way cock. Fig. 176. A is the cylinder ; B the piston; C the pipe communicating with the boiler; / m a communication with the condenser; I K and H g communicate to the top and bottom of the cylinder ; C and D are two dif- ferent passages through the plug of a cock, (the plug of the cock is shaded for distinction,) capable of being turned by means of its handle m'. When the cock is as now represented, the steam from C passes through D along II, and g to beneath the piston, whilst there will be a direct communication w'ith the condenser from above the piston through K I C* F M. When the cock is turned in the position as represented in fig. 177, both these com- munications will be inverted by the different dispositions of their openings. The opening e in the plug will then afford a communication from the steam pipe C to I, leading to the upper part of the cylinder; and the opening D will permit a communication from H, leading from the lower part of the cylinder to M, the eduction pipe, leading to the condenser; thus perfecting by its motion the different changes of communication, so that the steam is always made to act on the one side of the piston, whilst the vacuum is effected on the other. The effect on the piston in ascending or descending is equal, and the power is much more regular and convenient for application to rotative motion. Ill the single and the double engine the pressure of the atmosphere is not used ; but the direct force of the steam which, in the old engines, went to expel the atmosphere, and then by its own condensation to leave a vacuum, is first re- sorted to, and its condensation leaves a vacuum to assist the action of the next supply. Consequently the single-acting engine has not gained more power than the atmospheric engine in proportion to the steam used, otherwise than by what is saved through keeping the cylinder warm ; and the double-acting engine is only a mode of using the steam in a more continuous and unbroken manner, taking just twice the (piantity of steam, and exerting twice the power of the single- acting engine. Other modes for attaining this change of communication, so as to produce the double action, are adopted as circum- stances may demand. The one last described, called the four- way cock, was found not to answer in large engines, in- asmuch as plugs of sufficient dimensions to afford steam- way enough caused so much friction in their collars, that it was an expenditure of considerable power to turn them ; the method, therefore, most usually adopted in engines of large STEAM EPfG.l[NE 1 / From 174 to 18Z * 6 j iSi n.zo □ D 182 * O jK II AND MACHINIST. 175 dimensions is, a system of valves, opened and shut at tlie proper periods by levers. The internal arrangement of such a system is shown at fig. 173, where C is a pipe leading from the boiler for the conveyance of steam ; and D K a pipe leading to L the condenser ; o p, m n, are two boxes, each divided in- ternally into three compartments, in which are the valves efgh, capable of opening upwards. From the centre compartment in each of the boxes above and below there is a communication, at a and h, with the top and bottom of the cylinder. The steam is conveyed along the pipe C into the upper chamber of the upper box, and by means of the pipe i passes through it and proceeds to the upper chamber of the lower box, and the pipe K D affords a communication from each of the lower chambers to the con- denser L. If the valve h be opened, there will be a communication from the lower part of the cylinder through the aperture 6 and pipe K into the condenser L; and if, at the same instant, the valve e be opened, the steam will be ad- mitted through C into the centre chamber of the upper box, and through the aperture a into the upper part of the cylinder ; consequently the steam will be admitted to the upper part ot the cylinder while the lower part has communication with the condenser, and the piston be forced downwards. If these valves be closed, and the valves g f opened, the steam will have access through C h the valve and aperture b, to the lower part of the cylinder, whilst there will be a communication from the top of the cylinder through the aperture a, the valve f, and the pipe K D, to the condenser, so that the piston will then be forced upwards. This mode of effecting the changes of communication, though by no means so simple as that of the four-way cock, has an advantage over it that gives it a decided preference. For as the movements of the valves are inde- pendent of each other, the shutting off of the steam, and of the communication with the condenser, can, if desired, be effected at different periods, so that the steam may be allowed to act upon the piston only during one half of the stroke, which was discovered by Mr. Watt to effect a saving in steam. Besides this advantage, which can, if required, be effected in other engines by simple contrivances, the valve geer is superior from its lightness, when compared to slides or cocks, adapted to large engines. In small engines, these advantages, not being of so much importance, are more than counterbalanced by the simplicity obtained by other modes. The first that we shall notice was invented by Mr. Murray, of Leeds, and is represented in fig. 179, where a section of this apparatus, termed the slide valve, is shown. A is the steam pipe from the boiler ; B B B R a close chamber, in which the interior chamber, C C, is capable of sliding upwards and downwards by means of a rod, D D, which passes through a steam-tight box at E. G G is a passage from the chamber B B B B to the upper part of the cylinder ; HH to the lower part of the cylinder ; and 1 1 to the condenser. Now when the chamber C C is placed as is represented, it is plain, that the steam has access to the top of the cylinder, and that a l/fi THK OPERATIVE MBCIIAXIC commun:c:itioii exists l)y II II aiul 1 I to tlie condenser. By moving C C up wards, tlic communication would be reversed, tliat is, G(t from tlie top of the cylinder would communicate by I I to the condenser, and li H admit steam" into the lower part of the cylinder. By the movement of CC up- wards and downwards, the alternating etfect is produced. Messrs. Boulton and Watt introduced another very neat and useful inode of distributing the steam in small engines, deno- minated D valves, on account of the shape they present when seen in atop view. Fig. 130. A Band C D represent the two D valves capable of moving upwards and downwards by means of the spindle E. Their faces at A and C are made to fit steam-tight upon the inside of the box, and the back part at B and D, as shown at D’, is semicircular, to admit of its being packed with hemp in the same manner as the piston. G and II are communications to tlie top and bottom of the cylinder ; I is the steam way in the boiler, which, in some engines, comes from the jacket of the cylinder; and K is the educ- tion pipe, which carries the steam to the condenser. Now^ if the rod E be moved upwards until the lower surface of A B is above the aperture II, the lower surface of C D will be above the aperture G, consequently the steam from I will pass into the cylinder at H, and the steam from the cylinder will pass through G and N K into the condenser. Again, if the upper surface, A B, be below H, C D will be below G, and the steam will pass through the aperture O, down a pipe behind M K, through P, and, by means of G, will have access to the bottom of the cylinder, whilst a communication will be effected by M K and through H, from the top of tlie cylinder with the condenser. The rod E passes through steam-tight joints,^ at top and bottom, into boxes. Fig. 181 represents another manner of forming valves upon this principle, in which a flat surface is introduced at the back, and the packing is effected by having the faces, backs, and sides of the valves made of brass, and fitted to plates of the same material, which can be screwed against the valves as they w'ear. The slides or moving parts are shadowed. The ■po- sition in w'hich they now are will admit the steam to pass from I through II, and the condensation to be effected by passing from G through N to K ; but if the slides be moved downwards until the aperture C is opposite G, the upper slide wdll be below H, and the steam will pass through P into tlio cylinder by means of G, and exhaustion will take place from II through I\I to K, Fig. 182 is a combination of what are called concentric valves. Their distribution is exactly similar to those already explained. The spindles CC of the lower valves, in both the top and bottom boxes, pass through the spindles of the upper valves, which are pipes. Tliis mode of constructing the valves was invented by Mr. Murray. They are capable of being moved in many ways ; but the one most generally adopted is represented in the figure, where the rods d e, attached to the cross-levers that move on the centres G G G G, act upon the valves. Thus the rod c, by moving down- wards, will raise the solid or the lower spindle valve of the lower box, which opens to the condenser, and the hollow spindle the upper valve of the upper box, which admits steam to the top of the cylinder, while the rod d acts upon the other two, and changes the course of the steam and exhaustion, as before shown. Conceiving that we have sufficiently explained the several modes of guiding the immediate power of steam, we shall in AND MACHINIST. 177 the next place proceed to examine into the construction of the piston. A section of the piston most commonly used in condensing engines is ex- hibited in fig. 183. The lower face of the piston is fixed to the rod rfrf, and the upper face is capable of being raised up upon the rod d. Hemp moistened with tallow, called packing, is introduced round the interstice at C E, which, when the upper plate D D is screwed down by the screw at E E, is forced outwards against the sides of the cylinder, so as to render it perfectly steam-tight. As it wears by the friction against the cylinder more must be forced out by tightening the screws; and when entirely worn, the plate d d must be raised and the piston fresh packed. This construction of the piston answers perfectly for condensing engines ; but in high-pressure engines the hemp is destroyed so rapidly by the heat and friction, that pistons formed entirely of metal have been introduced with advantage. Tlie top view of one kind of metallic piston is represented at fig. 184. A A A A is a ring of brass divided into four equal disconnected portions, resting upon the plate B B, which is affixed to the piston-rod d d, as seen in fig. 185 ; the portions of the ring are forced outwards against the sides of the cylinder by springs of any convenient form pressing from the piston-rod D. A^, in fig. 185, represents a side view of a similar ring, similarly divided. Its portions are placed upon the ring last described, so that the divisions fall upon the centres of the other four pieces, and are forced against the sides of the cylinder in like manner by springs, and the plate C C is placed over the whole. The upper and lower sides of the plate and rings are all carefully ground, so as to fit steam-tight. This form of piston, though it has, in some cases, been used for a considerable time with advan- tage, is, upon the whole, defective, as the rings near the interstices between the segments, must open and allow the steam to gain access to the interior where the springs lie, and from thence, through similar interstices, to the other side of the piston. A metallic piston of a better construction is shown at fig. 1 86, consisting of six pieces of brass of the forms represented in the figure, by ABC D E F. ABC are circular, and are made to fit the inside of the cylinder, against which they are forced by the wedge pieces D E F, which have springs behind them. When ABC wear so as to divide at the angles, the wedge pieces protrude themselves against the cylinder, keeping the space always filled. These pistons have, in some cases, been used for many years without requiring alteration. Having now duly considered the construction of the cylin- der, or seat of motion, and the means of distributing the operative power so as to produce a reverting rectilinear action, we shall next proceed to' exhibit the manner in which this action is transferred, so as to maintain its continuance. The movement of a four-way cock may be accomplished by a plug-tree, which is a perpendicular rod attached to the beam of the engine as repre- sented in fig. 187. OP are two studs or pins placed at such a distance from each other, that the upper one, O, shall force the handle N to the situation of W, just as the piston shall have reached the lower part of the cylinder, and the pin P is so placed that it shall carry the handle to its original situation at the time when the piston is again to change its direc- N IJS the operative mechanic tion. But the plug-tree is now seldom used in engines that have a rotative motion; and where there is no rotative motion, the engines are mostly single action, and arc applied only to the purpose of pumping, in which the power is only required to be exerted whilst the piston is descending. In engines for turning mill-work, where a rotatory motion exists, the action is given to the spindle valves, sliding valves, or whatever apparatus is used for the same object, by means of a rod working from the axis of the fly-wheel by an eccentric motion. In fig. 188, the small circle is supposed to be a section of the fly-wheel sliaft, and B a circular piece on the shaft, round which the clips, or semi- circular pieces, CC, are fastened, so that B can turn on them, therefore when the revolving of the shaft A carries B to the situation of the dotted circle B*, it is plain that it will have forced the rod in an horizontal direc- tion the distance from the centre of A to Bh and when in the course of its revolution it shall liave brought B to the situation B‘^, it will have moved it a similar distance in a contrary direction, consequently the total amount of the horizontal motion thus communicated to the rod DEE will be the amount of tlie distance from B^ to B^. The horizontal is converted into a perpen- dicular motion by the crank h g i raising and lowering the rod K, upon wliich the slide box or D valves is fixed. Tlie method for moving the rods of concentric valves is represented in fig. 182*. E is the rod from the eccentric motion, which, by its backward and forward motion, moves the ends //of a T piece, fastened on the centre G, and causes them to move alternately upwards and downwards, opening and shutting each pair of valves as before described. Fig. 190 represents a mode, applicable to large engines, of moving either U valves or slides from an eccentric. A B is an iron plate, capable of vibrating upon its centre H ; F is a rod from the eccentric, moving the weight C upon a roller over the surface of A B. The latch pieces D move upon t\\ o pins, and are prevented falling forwards by the stops M N. The rod of the valves, shown at 7076 piston in its descent. J At the bottom, the power will be Because the air beneath the piston is reduced to one-half of its pressure, or 500, w'hich, deducted from 1000, leaves 500. Sum of the powers of ) the small piston . / 500 1461 At the bottom. 1500 Sum of the "I combined >8538 powers J THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 188 Upon tlic action of this engine Dr. Rees, in his C 5 ^clop 8 edia, presents us with the following remarks and comparative statement between it-and Mr. Watt’s principle of expansion. Now let us consider how Mr. Watt’s principle of expan- , sion would operate in the same circumstance ; that is, in a cylinder of 14,14 inches diameter; which is to be supplied with air of 10 pounds pressure per circular inch, until it has completed one- half of its descent, and leaving the remainder of the descent to be accomplished by the expansion of the air already contained in the upper half of the cylinder. lbs At the beginning, the power of descent will be 2000 At one-fourth, the power will still be 2000 At one-half, the power will be 2000 At three-fourths of the descent, the power will be diminished to . 1333J Because the air must occupy one-fourth of the length of the cylinder, in addition to that half of the cylinder which it occupied before the expansion began; therefore the space is one and a half times the former, or as 3 to 2, and the pressure will be two-thirds of 2000. At the bottom, the pressure will be 1000 Because the air is expanded to occupy twice the space it filled before. 8333| The sum total is veiy nearly the same as the former, but both are greater than they should be, from the imperfect manner in which we have been obliged to make our calcula- tion, so as to express it in common arithmetic, without liavlng recourse to fluxions, which is the only method of treating quantities that are constantly increasing or decreasing by any given law. 41ie source of the inaccuracy is easily explained : at first wc set with the pressure at 2000 pounds in Mr. Hornblower’s engine, and did not take into the account that it decreases at all, until the piston has descended to one-fourth, but reasoned as though it diminished all at once at that place ; whereas it began to diminish from the very first starting. Here then we have taken a small quantity too much. In the same manner, our process takes no notice of the diminution which happens between one-fourth and one-half of the descent, or between the other points at which we have chosen to examine it ; the result is, as if the diminution took place suddenly at each of those points. The remedy for this would have been to have taken the account at a greater number of places, as it is by fluxions alone that we can take an infinite number, so as to obtain a true result. Now in the AND MACHINIST. 189 second calculation of Mr. Watt’s expansion-engine, we have taken a still less number of steps for the consideration of the expansion, because, although there are four steps in the process, two of them are before the expansion begins. This is the reason of the apparent difference ; for in reality there is none in the sum total of the varying pov/ers exerted through the whole stroke, as will appear to any person who will take the trouble to read Professor Robison’s investiga- tion. But if we consider the difference of the manner in which the whole power is expended during the stroke, we shall see great reason to prefer Mr. Hornblower’s method, from the much greater uniformity of the action ; it begins at 2000, and ends at 1500, whilst Mr. Watt’s begins at 2000, and ends at 1000 ; hence the necessity of those ingenious contrivances for equalizing the action in Mr. Watt’s patent of 1782. Mr. Hornblower’s is not uniform, but approaches uniformity more nearly, so that he could have carried the effect of the expansive principle much farther, in employing stronger steam, than we believe he ever proposed to do. We have been thus full upon this subject, because the gaining more powder by the expansion of air or steam acting- in double cylinders, has been a favourite idea with many, and there are no less than five different patents for it, but several of these have been upon mistaken notions; neither Mr. Watt’s nor Mr. Hornblower’s can have any advantage from shutting off the air, or from a double cylinder, when air is used to press the piston ; nor could they derive any advan- tage from the expansion of steam in their engines, if the pressure of it was inversely as the space it occupies. The advantage of the expansive principle arises wholly from a peculiar property of steam, by which, when suffered to expand itself to fill a greater space, it decreases in pressure or elastic force by a certain law, which is not fully laid down ; that is, the relation between its expansive force and the space which it occupies is not clearly decided : but Mr. Woolf has found that, by applying these properties in their fullest extent to the double-cylinder engine, he can make most important improvements in the effects which can be obtained from any given quantity of fuel. Steam is a fluid so different from air, as to have no one property in commou with it, except elasticity. This elasticity is wholly derived from the quantity of heat which it contains, and its force increases and diminishes w ith the quantity of heat ; but by what law it increases or diminishes we are uncertain, because we have no measure of the actual quantity of heat which is 190 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC contained in steam of any given elastic force. All we know with certainty is what is stated in our table of expansion, viz. that water, being converted into steam, and confined in a close vessel, when heated until the thermometer indicates a certain temperature, will have a certain pressure or elastic force. But here we must observe, that the thermometer indicates only the intensity of the heat, without affording a direct measure of its quantity. When steam is suffered to expand itself into any given space, the quantity of rarefied water which will be found to be contained in any given bulk of steam, in its expanded state, must be undoubtedly propor- tioned to the quantity of water contained in the same bulk of the steam, before the expansion took place, in the inverse ratio of the space wdiich it originally occupied, and that space which it fills v/hen expanded ; but we cannot say that this is the case with heat ; and it is the quantity of heat alone which determines the elastic force. We believe that, in practice, Mr. Hornblower was not able to obtain any greater effect from the application of the, expansive action in two cylinders, than Mr. Watt did in one cylinder. In 1791 — 2, he erected an engine in Cornwall at Tin-Croft mine, of which the large cylinder was 27 inches diameter, and worked with a stroke of eight feet long, and the small cylinder 21 inches diameter, working with a six feet stroke. The only account we have been able to obtain of the performance of this engine, is from a pamphlet pub- lished by Thomas Wilson, an agent of Messrs. Boulton and Watt, professedly with a view to prevent the introduction of Mr. Hornblower’ s engines into that country, in which he makes it appear, that it raised only 14,222,120 pounds of water one foot high with each bushel of coals. In Mr. Hornblower’s own account of his engine, in Gre- gory’s Mechanics^ he informs us, That an engine w^as erected in the vicinity of Bath, some years since, on this principle, and under very disadvantageous circumstances, the engine had its cylinders 19 inches and 24 inches dia- meter, with lengths of stroke in each suitable to the occasion: viz. six feet and eight feet respectively. The condensing apparatus was very bad, through a fear of infringement on Mr. Watt’s patent, and the greatest degree of vacuum which could be obtained, was no more than 27 inches of mercuiy. The engine worked four lifts of pumps to the depths of 576 feet, 4500 pounds, 14 strokes in a minute, six feet each, with a cylinder six feet long, and 19 inches diameter, with a great deal of inertia and friction in the rods and buckets 5 AND MACHINIST. 191 some of the latter of which were not more than 3| inches diameter: and this it did^ under ail these disadvantageous circumstances, with JO pounds of coal (light coal) per hour.’^ To reduce this to the standard of one foot high, we must put the load 4500 pounds x 6 feet stroke = 27,000 pounds which the engine raised one foot high at every stroke; 27,000 pounds x 14 strokes per minute = 378,000 pounds raised one foot high each minute ; 378,000 pounds x 60 = 22,680,000 pounds raised one foot high per hour, or with 70 pounds of coals. As the coals are stated to be light, we will take them at only 84 pounds per bushel, instead of 88 pounds, as Mr. Srneaton did, and say as 70 pounds : 22,680,800 pounds : : 84 pounds : 27,216,000 pounds of water raised one foot high with a bushel of coals, wliich is a very good performance, but not greater than Mr. Watt's. In this engine, Mr. Hornblower says that two remarkable circumstances jiresented themselves to show the advantages of this application of the principle : the one was, that the man who attended the engine would sometimes detach the smaller cylinder from the beam, and work only with the large one, and then the boiler would scarcely raise steam enough to keep the engine going ; but no sooner was the small cylinder-rod attached to the beam, than the engine resumed its wonted activity, and the steam would blow up the safety-valve. The next circumstance is, that when the detent, which kept the exhausting valve shut, happened to miss its action, the piston would be checked, as it were, not being permitted to rise through the whole of the returning stroke ; and it would, as by an intuitive nature, come down again and again, until the detent performed its office, which is a practical argument for the power of the engine at the ter- mination of its stroke. Several engines have been constructed upon the princi- ples of admitting a further expansion of the steam in a second cylinder. The one, however, which has been most effectually tried by comparison, is that which goes by the name of Woolf’s engine. An account of which we transcribe, toge- ther with other improvements in the minor parts, which from their’ ingenuity are worthy of notice. In 1804, Mr. Arthur Woolf had a patent for improvements in steam-engines. The specification of his invention states, that he has ascertained by actual experiment, and reduced to practice, the following particulars respecting the expansibility of steam. That, in practice, it is found that steam, acting with the expansive force of four pounds pressure per square inch against a safety-valve exposed to the atmosphere, is capable of expanding itself to four limes the volume it then THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 192 occupies, and still to be equal to the pressure of the atmo-* sphere : that, in like manner, steam of the force of five pounds the square inch, can expand itself to five times its volume j and that masses or quantities of steam of the like expansive force of six, seven, eight, nine, or ten pounds pressure per square inch, can expand to six, seven, eight, nine, or ten times their volume, and still be respectively equal to the atmosphere, or capable of producing a sufficient action against the piston of a steam-engine, to cause the same to rise in the atmospheric engine of Newcomen with a counter- poise, or to be carried into the vacuous part of the cylinder of the improved engine, first brought into effect by Mr. Watt : that this ratio is progressive, and nearly, if not entirely, uni- form ; so that steam pressing with the expansive force of 20, 30, 40, or 50 pounds the square inch against a common safety-valve, will expand itself to 20, 30, 40, or 50 times its volume ; and that, generally, as to all the intermediate or higher degrees of elastic force, the number of times which steam of any temperature and force can expand itself, is nearly the same as the number of pounds it is able to sustain on a square inch exposed to the common atmospheric counter- pressure ; provided always, that the space, place, or vessel, in which it is allowed to expand itself, be kept at the same tem- perature as that of the steam, before it is allowed room to expand. Respecting the different degrees of temperature required to bring steam to, and maintain it at, different expansive forces above the weight of the atmosphere, Mr. Woolf states, that he has found by actual experiment, setting out from the boiling point of water, or 212® of Fahrenheit, at which degree steam of water is only equal to the pressure of the atmo- sphere ; that, in order to give an increased elastic force equal to five pounds on each square inch, the temperature must be raised to about 227 i®, when it will have acquired a power to expand itself to five times its volume, and still be equal to the atmosphere, and capable of being applied as such in the work- ing of steam-engines according to his invention. Various other pressures, temperatures, and expansive forces of steam, are shown in the following table. AND MACiHNIST, 193 Woolf ’s T Me of the relative pressures per square inch ; the temperature and expansibility of steam at different degrees of heat above the boiling point of water ^ begin- ning with the temperature of steam of an elastic force equal to Jive pounds per square inch, and extending to steam able to sustain forty pounds on the square inch. Pounds per Square Inch. Degrees of Heat. Steam of an elastic force predominat- ing over the pressure of the atmo- sphere upon a safety-valve 5 227f^ C 5 6 230J 6 7 2321 7 8 235J and at these 8 9 requires to be 237^ respective de- 9 J 10 maintained by 2394 grees of heat. 10 ^ L5 ^a temperature^ 2504 "steam can ex- 15 20 equal to about 2594 pand itself to 20 25 267 about 25 30 273 30 35 278 35 40 W J 282 40 times its vo- lume, and con- tinue equal in elasticity to the pressure of the atmo- sphere. And so ill like manner, by small additions of temperature, an expansive power may be given to steam to enable it to expand to 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, or more times its volume, without any limitation but what is imposed by the frangible nature of every material of which boilers and other parts of steam-engines can be made. Prudence dictates that the expansive force should never be carried to the utmost which the materials can bear, but rather be kept considerably within that limit. Having thus explained the nature of his discovery, Mr. Woolf proceeds to give a description of his improvements grounded thereon. If the engine is constructed originally with the intention of adopting these improvements, it ought to have two steam cylinders of different dimensions, and proportioned to each other, according to the temperature or the expansive force determined to be communicated to the steam made use of in working the engine 5 for the smaller steam-vessel or cylinder must be a guide for the larger. For example ; if steam of forty pounds the square inch is fixed on, then the smaller cylinder should be at least one-fortieth part the contents of the larger one. Each cylinder should be furnished with a piston, and the smaller cylinder should have a communica- tion, both at its top and bottom, (top and bottom being here employed merely as relative terms, for the cylinders may be worked in a horizontal, or any other required position, as well as vertical,) with the boiler which supplies the steam j and the o m THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC communications, by means of cocks or valves of any construc- tion adapted to the use, are to be alternately opened and shut during the working of the engine. The top of the small cylin- der should have a communication with the bottom of the larger cylinder, and the bottom of the smaller one with the top of the larger, with proper means to open and shut them alter- nately by cocks, valves, or any other well-known contrivance. And both the top and bottom of the larger cylinder should, while the engine is at work, communicate alternately with a condensing vessel, into which a jet of water is admitted to hasten the condensation ; or the condensing vessel may be cooled by any other means calculated to produce that effect. This arrangement being made, when the engine is set to work, steam of a high temperature is admitted from the boiler to act by its elastic force on one side of the smaller piston, while the steam which had last moved it has a com- munication with the larger steam-vessel or cylinder, where it follows the larger piston, now moving towards that end of its cylinder which is open to the condensing vessel. Let both pistons end their stroke at one time ; and let us now suppose them both at the top of their respective cylinders, ready to descend ; then the steam of forty pounds the square inch, entering above the smaller piston, wdll carry it downwards; while the steam below it, instead of being allowed to escape into the atmosphere, or applied to any other purpose, will pass into the larger cylinder above its piston, which will make its downward stroke at the same time that the piston of the smaller cylinder is doing the same thing ; and while this goes on, the steam which last filled the larger cylinder in the upward stroke of the engine will be passing into the con- denser, to be condensed during the downward stroke. When the pistons in the smaller and larger cylinder have thus been made to descend to the bottom of their respective cylinders, then the steam from the boiler is to be shut off from the top, and admitted to the bottom of the smaller cylinder. The communication between the bottom of the smaller and the top of the larger cylinder is also to be cut off ; and the communi- cation is to be opened between the top of the smaller and the bottom of the larger cylinder. The communication between the bottom of the larger cylinder and the condenser is to be cut off, and the steam which, in the downward stroke of the engine, filled the upper part of the larger cylinder, suffered to flow off to the condenser. The engine will then make its upward stroke from the pressure of the steam in the top of the small cylinder acting beneath the piston of the great cylinder, AND MACHINIST, 195 and so on alternately, admitting the steam to the different sides of the smaller piston, while the steam last admitted into the smaller cylinder passes alternately to the different sides of the larger piston in the larger cylinders : the top and bot- tom of which are at the same time made to communicate alternately with the condenser. In an engine working in the manner just described, while the steam is admitted on one side of the piston into the smaller cylinder, the steam on the other side has room made for its admission into the larger cylinder, on one side of its piston, by the condensation taking place on the other side of the large piston which is open to the condenser ; and that waste of steam which takes place in engines worked only by the expansive force of steam, from steam passing the piston, is prevented ; for all steam that passes the piston in the smaller cylinder is received into the larger. In such an engine, where it may be more convenient for any particular purpose, the arrangement may be altered, and the top of the smaller made to communicate with the top of the larger cylinder; in which case the only difference will be, that when the piston in the smaller cylinder descends, that in the larger will ascend, and vice versa; which, on some occasions, may be more convenient than to have the two pistons moving in the same direction. This engine is exactly the same in its action as Mr. Horn- blower’s, which we have before described. The novelty con- sists in the application of steam of a high pressure thereto, and in proportioning the capacities of the two cylinders to the expansibility of the steam, according to his table. But Mr. W. goes on to state, that effectual means must be used to keep up the requisite temperature in all parts of the ap- paratus into which the steam is admitted, and in which it is not intended to be condensed ; and here it may be proper to state, that instead of the usual means of accomplishing this, by en- closing them in the boiler, or in a steam-case communicating with the boiler, a separate fire may with advantage be made under the steam-case containing the cylinders, which in that event will become a second boiler, and must be furnished with a safety-valve, to regulate the temperature. By means of the last-mentioned arrangement, the steam from thes mailer cylinder, or steam measurer, may be admitted into the larger cylinder, when kept at a higher temperature than the steam in the smaller cylinder, by which its power to expand itself may be increased ; and, on the contrary, by keeping the larger cylinder at a lower temperature than the smaller, its o2 TIIK OPLRATIVK MKChANIC 19G expansibility will be lessened, which, on particular occasions, and for particular purposes, may be desirable. In every case care must be taken that the boiler, or case in which the cylin- der is enclosed, the steam -pipes, and generally all the parts exposed to the action of the expansive force of the steam, shall have a strength proportioned to the high pressure to which they are to be exposed. It is not advisable that the proportion of the capacity of the smaller cylinder, or steam-measurer, to the capacity of the larger or working cylinder, should in any case be smaller than the proportion of the expansion of the steam which is to be used in it, as we have stated, yet, in the making of it larger, considerable latitude may be allowed; for example, with steam of forty pounds the square inch, a small cylinder, or measurer, of one-twentieth, or even larger, instead of one of fortieth the capacity of the larger or working cylinder, and so with steam of any given strength. And in many cases, it may be advisable that this should be the case, because of the difficulty of preventing some waste of steam, or partial condensation, which might lessen the rate of working, if not allowed for in the size of the small cylinder or steam- measurer. In all cases when the engine is ready for working, whatever may be the proportion that has been adopted, or intended to be worked with, it should have its power tried by altering the load on the valve that ascertains the force of the steam, in order that the strength of steam best adapted for the engine may be ascertained, for it may turn out to be advantageous, that the steam should be employed in particular engines of an elastic force somewhat over or under what was first intended. Mr. Woolf also states, that Mr. Watt’s engines may be improved by the application of his discovery in making the boiler, and the steam-case in which the working cylinder is enclosed, much stronger than usual, and by altering the structure and dimensions of the valves for admitting steam from the boiler into the cylinder in such a manner that the steam may be admitted very gradually by a progressive enlargement , of the aperture, so as at first to wiredraw the steam and afterwards to admit it more freely. The reason this precaution is this, that steam of such elastic force as Mr VVoolf proposes to employ, if admitted suddenly into the cylinder, would strike the piston with a force as would en- danger the safety and durability of the engine. The aperture allowed for admitting steam into the cylinder, or cylinders. AND MACHINIST. 197 should be regulated by the following consideration. If the intention is that the engine should work wholly, or almost wholly, by condensation, the steam, in passing into the cylin- der, should be forced to wiredraw itself only so much that the piston may perform the whole, or a great part of the stroke, by the time that the intended quantity of steam has been ad- mitted into the cylinder. For example, when steam of forty pounds on the square inch is used, such a quantity of it must be allowed to enter as shall be equal to one-fortieth of the capacity of the cylinder, and so in proportion when steam of any other force is employed ; and when the requisite quantity has been admitted, the steam is to be shut off till the proper moment for admitting a fresh quantity. But if it is intended that advantage shall also be taken of the elastic force of the steam acting on one side of the piston, while condensation goes on on the other side, then the steam must be admitted more freely, but still with caution at first, for the reason already mentioned. This latter is the same thing as Mr. Watt’s expansion engine ; but with the addition of gradually diminishing the aperture of the steam-valve as the piston descends, instead of stopping it altogether at a certain portion of the descent, by which means the action of the engine is rendered more uni- form. We think that, by regulating the descent of the valve by an accurate movement, a very good effect may be pro- duced in this manner, without the complication of two cylin- ders or other parts ; the only objection is, that if at any time the valve should be fully opened by accident, the pressure might suddenly become so great, from the strong steam act- ing upon the full surface of the piston, as to break the engine to pieces. In 1805, Mr. Woolf took out a second patent for further improvements, in which he proposes, as before, to apply fire to the cylinder itself, to heat the steam after it is thrown into the working cylinder ; and this was to be done by a fire being placed beneath the case containing the cylinder : the space between the case and the cylinder was to be filled with oil, wax, fusible metal, or mercury. He also proposes a method of preventing the passage of any of the steam from that side of the piston which is acted upon by the steam, to the other side, which is open to the condenser. In those steam-engines which act as double engines, he effects this by employing, upon or about the piston, a column of mercury or fluid metal, in an altitude equal to the pressure of the btcam. The efficacy of this arrangement will, he says^ THE OPERATIVE MECHAKIC 1H8 appear obvious, from attending to what takes place in the working such a piston. When the piston is ascending, that is, when the steam is admitted below it, the space on its upper side being open to the condenser, the steam, endea* vouring to pass up by the side of the piston, is met, and effectually prevented by the column of metal, equal or su- perior to it in pressure, and during the down stroke, no steam can possibly pass without first forcing all the metal through. Ill working what is called a single engine, a less consider- able altitude of metal is required, because the steam always acts on the upper side of the piston ; and in this case, oil, or wax, or fat of animals, or similar substances, in sufficient quantities, will answer the purpose. But care must be taken, either in the double or single engine, when working with this piston, that the outlet which conveys the steam to the con- denser shall be so situated, and of such a size, that the steam may pass freely, without forcing before it, or carrying with it, any of the metal or other substance employed that may have passed by the piston ; and at the same time providing another exit for the metal, or other substance collected at the bottom of the cylinder, to convey the same into a reservoir kept at a proper heat, whence it is to be returned to the upper side of the piston by a small pump, worked by the engine, or by some other contrivance. In order that the fluid metal used with the piston may not be oxydated^ some oil or other fluid substance is always to be kept on its surface, to prevent its coming in contact with the steam ; and to prevent the neces- sity of employing a large quantity of fluid metal, although the piston must be as thick as the depth of the column re- ijiiired, the diameter need be only a little less than the steam- vessel or working cylinder, excepting where the packing, or other fitting, is necessary to be applied ; so that, in fact, the column of fluid metal forms only a thin body round the piston. We have seen an engine of an eight-horse power of this kind at work, with a fluid metal on the pistons : it effectually prevented the leakage. But as it required to have the cylin- ders twice as long as usual, in order to have sufficient room for the long or thick pistons which it required, and as these pistons must be of considerable weight, the method is not at all applicable in practice ; and, indeed, the increase of the bulk <)1 llie moving parts is such as to counterbalance the advan- tage, which is confined to the saving of steam by leakage ; foi I Ik ii’ictioii must be greater than in another engine, AND MACHINIST. 199 because the piston must be packed as tight as usual, to be able to sustain a column of fluid metal, which must be more than equal in pres>sure to that of the steam ; and when the steam presses upon the piston, the pressure of the fluid metal to leak by the piston must be double that of the steam : also the friction of so great a surface of fluid metal pressing against the inside of the cylinder is very great. In 1810, Mr. Woolf had a third patent, the object of which is to prevent the waste of steam from leakage by the piston. For this purpose, he does not allow the steam to come to the piston at all, but causes it to act in a different vessel, and transmits the action thereof to the piston by oil or fluid metal : thus, at the side of the cylinder, he places a separate vessel, communicating with the lower part of the cylinder by a large pipe or passage from the bottom of each ; then steam, being admitted into this vessel, will press upon the surface of the oil or fluid metal contained in it, and force the same to pass out of that vessel into the cylinder, where it will act beneath the piston to press the same up- wards, a vacuum being at the same time made in the upper part of the cylinder to give effect to the pressure. The steam is then made to press upon the upper surface of the piston, which is always covered with a quantity of the fluid ; and at the same time a vacuum is made in the separate vessel, so as to relieve the surface thereof from all pressure ; in consequence the piston is made to descend. It is evident that the piston must be packed so tight as to suffer none of the fluid to pass by it ; but this is easy, in comparison with the difficulty of making a packing sufficiently tight to resist the passage of steam, particularly when it is so rare as the ex- panded steam which Mr. Woolf sometimes uses in his engine. The separate vessel of which we have spoken, is in some cases to be the jacket or space which surrounds the cylinder, which is then to be open at bottom. This contrivance is ingenious, but we think the necessity of an additional cylinder is an objection which will prevent its adoption in large engines ; and for small engines the advantages are not so great. Since his first patent, Mr. Woolf has erected several small engines, which performed well, and with an evident economy of fuel. But these engines being employed to turn mills, of which the operations do not afford so exact an estimate of the power as the operation of pumping water, Mr. Woolfs engines did not come to a direct and indisputable comparison with those on Mr. Watt’s principle, until 1815, when tw’o IHK OPERATIVE MECHANIC 200 lari^e engines were set to work in Cornwall, at Wheal Vor and Wheal Abraham mines, for pumping water ; and these have since been regularly reported in Messrs. T. and J, l^ean’s reports, and of which one of the objects was to ascer- tain the comparative merit of the double and single cylinder engines. Tlie report for May, 1815, states the average performance of these two engines at 49,980,882 lbs. lifted one foot high for each bushel of coals ; and since that time they have done more than 50,000,000 lbs. Tlie engine at Wheal Vor has a great cylinder of 53 inches diameter, and nine-feet stroke; and the small cylinder is about one-fifth of the contents of the great one. The engine works six pumps, which, at every stroke, raise a loa.d of water of 37,982 lbs. weight 7^ feet high, which is the length of the stroke in the pumps. This makes a pressure of 14,1 lbs. per square inch on die surface of the great piston, and it makes 7,6 strokes per minute. With respect to its consumption of coals, it raised, in March, 1816, 48,432,702lbs. one foot high with each bushel; April, 1816, 44,000,000 lbs. ; May, 1816, 49,500,000 lbs. ; and in June, 1816, 43,000,000 lbs. J’rom the same reports we learn, that the engine at Wheal Abraham mine has a great cylinder of 45 inches diameter, working with a seven-feet stroke, at the rate of 8,4 strokes per luiirute under a load of 24,050 lbs., which it l aises seven feet at each stroke. Its performance during the above four months was 50,000,000 lbs. ; 50,908,000 lbs. ; in May, 56,917,312 lbs., which, we believe, is the greatest performance ever made by a steam-engine ; and in June, 51,500,000 lbs. We must observe, that the variation in the performance of different steam-engines, which are constructed upon the same principle, and working under the same advantages, is the same as would be found in the produce of the labour of so many different horses, or other animals, when compared with their consumptive food; for the effects of different steam-engines will vary as much from small differences ill the proportions of their parts, as the strength of animals from the vigour of their constitution ; and, again, there will be as great differences in the performance of the same engine, when in bad or good order, from all the parts being tight and well oiled, so as to move with little friction, as there is in the labour of an animal, from his being in good or bad health, or excessively fatigued ; but in all cases, there will be a maximum which cannot be exceeded, and an average which we ought always expect to attain. Fig. 198 is a sketch to show the arrangement of the valves and cylinders of these two engines ; A is the large cylinder, and B the little cylinder, each enclosed in its steam-case. Tlie steam is admitted from the boiler into the steam-case of the large cylinder A, by a communication at C ; and there is u communication between this steam-case and that of tlie small cylinder; so that all the steam for the supply of the engine passes through both of the sicam-cascs, wliich therefore become part of the communication between die b'‘jler ait'l the litllc cylinder, into which the steam is first admitted, D AND MACHINIST 201 furtiishos a communication for carrying back to the boiler any water which may be produced by condensation in the steam-case, before the engine is heated to the proper temperature. E is the pipe from the steam-case to supply the engine ; it has a regulating valve. F is the valve-box of the small cylinder, the spindle of the one valve working through that of the other ; and the passage for the steam from the case into the small cylinder is situated between the two valves. G is the valve that opens the communi- cation between the bottom of the small cylinder B and the top of the large cylinder A, when the piston thereof is to be pressed down. II is the valve that returns the steam from above to below the large piston, when the piston is to ascend. And I is the exhaustion-valve, to carry off the steam to the condenser. When the engine makes its down-stroke, the upper valve at F is opened, and admits the steam from the case to press upon the small piston, the valve G being opened at the same time, which suffers the steam to pass from the under side of the small to the upper side of the large piston ; and the valve I is opened to make a passage from beneath the great piston to the condenser. These three upper valves, F, G, I, open at the same instant of time. When both pistons arrive at the bottom of their respective cylinders, these three valves are shut altogether, and the lower steam-valve at F is opened, to return the steam from above to below the small piston, the valve H doing the same to the large cylinder, and both pistons return in equilibrio by the counter-weight ; but the upper valve at F can be shut off at any part of the stroke, according to the load of the engine. Those who are conversant with steam-engines will per- ceive, from the passing of the steam, as above described, from the upper to the lower side of each of the pistons respectively, that the engines at Wheal Vor, and at Wheal Abraham, are at present working with a single stroke. Were these engines working double, the steam would, on the down-stroke, be made to pass, the same as before described, from the under side of the small to the upper side of the large piston, steam from the boiler in the mean time coming in upon the small piston, and the under side of the large piston being open to the condenser; but on the up-stroke, the action would be different from what we have described, for the steam would pass from the top of the small cylinder to beneath the large piston, while steam would be admitted from the boiler under the small piston, the top of the large cylinder being open to the condenser. The boilers which Mr, Woolf employs in his engines are different from those of other engines which work with steam of a low pressure, the water being contained in small cylin- drical tubes of cast-iron, which are filled with water, and exposed to the flame nearly in an hoi/izontal position. Mr. Woolf has a patent for this boiler, which the specifica- tion states to consist of iwo or more cylindrical vessels, properly connected together, and so disposed, as to constitute a strong and fit receptacle for the water intended to be con- 202 THE Of'KRATIVE MECHANIC verted into steam of a temperature and under a pressure uncommonly high, and also to present an extensive portion of convex surface to the current of flame and heated air from a fire; likewise of other large cylindrical receptacles placed above the former cylinders, and properly connected with them, for the purpose of containing some water and the steam. These cylindrical vessels are set in a furnace so adapted to them, as to cause the greater part of the surface of each of them, or as much of the surface as may be convenient, to receive the direct action of the fire, or heated air or flame. Figs. 199 and 200 represent one of these boilers in its most simple form. It consists of eight tubes marked a, made of cast-iron, or any other fit metal, which are each connected with the larger cylinder A, placed above them, as is shown in the side view, fig. 200, in which the same letters refer to the same parts as in fig. 199. In fig. 200 is also shown the manner in which the fire is made to act. The fuel rests on the grate-bars at B, and the flame and heated air, being reverberated from the part above the two first smaller cylinders, go under the third, over the fourth, under the fifth, over the sixth, under the seventh, and partly over and partly under the eighth small cylindric tube, all which tubes are full of water. The direc- tion of the flame, until it reaches the last-mentioned tube, is shown by the dotted curved lines and arrows. When it has reached that end of the furnace, it is carried by the flue, O, to the other side of a wall, built beneath the main cylinder A, in the direction of its length, and the flame then returns under the opposite end of the seventh smaller cylinder over the sixth, under the fifth, over the fourth, under the third, over the second, and partly over and partly under the first, when it passes into the chimney. The wall before-mentioned, which divides the furnace longitudinally, answers the double purpose of lengthening the course which the flame and heated air have to traverse, giving off heat to the boiler in the passage, and also of securing the flanges, or other joinings, employed to unite the smaller tubes to the main cylinder, from being injured by the fire. The ends of the small cylindric tubes rest on the brickwork which forms the sides of the furnace, and one end of each of them is furnished with a cover, secured in its place by screws and a flanch, but which can be taken off at pleasure, to allow the tubes to be cleared, from time to time, from any incrustation or sediment wnich may be deposited in them. To any convenient part of the main cylinder A, a tube is affixed, to convey the steam to the steam-engine. In v^^orking with such boilers, the water carried off by evaporation is replaced by water forced in by the usual means for a high pressure boiler, that is, a forcing-pump ; and the steam generated is carried to the place intended by means of pipes con- nected with the upper part of the cylinder A. In the specification, means are pointed out for applying this plan to the boilers of steam-engines already in use, by ranging a row of cylinders beneath the present boiler, and connecting them with each other, and with the boiler. Directions are also given for constructing boilers compc-sed of cylinders disposed vertically. Jn every case the tubes composing the boiler should be so combined and arranged, and the furnace so constructed, as to make the fire and flame act aiouiid and over the tubes, so as to embrace the largest possible quanliiy >jf tlieir s.iiTace. It must be obvious to any one, that the tubes may be AND MACHINIST. 203 made of any kind of metal ; but cast-iron is the most convenient. The size of the tubes may be varied ; but in every case, care should be taken not to make the diameter too great ; for it must be remembered, that the larger the diameter of any single tube is in such a boiler, tlie stronger it must be made in proportion, to enable it to bear the same expansive force of steam as the smaller cylinders. It is not essential, however, to the invention, that the tubes should be of different sizes ; but the upper cylinders, espe- cially the one which is called the steam cylinder, should be larger than the lower ones, it being the reservoir, as it were, into which the lower ones send the steam, to be thence conveyed away by the steam-pipe. The following general directions are given respecting the quantity of water to be kept in a boiler of this construction ; viz. it ought always to fill, not only the whole of the lower tubes, but also the great steam cylinder A, to about half its diameter, that is, as high as the fire is allowed to reach ; and in no case should it be allowed to get so low, as not to keep the vertical necks, or branches, which join the smaller cylinders to the great cylinder, full of water, for the fire is only beneficially employed w'hen applied, through the medium of the interposed metal, to water, to convert it into steam ; that is, the purpose of the boiler would in some measure be defeatedt if any of the parts of the tubes which are exposed to the direct action of the fire, should present a surface of steam in their interior, instead of water, to receive the transmitted heat. This must, more or less, be the case, whenever the lower tubes, and even a part of the upper, are not kept filled with the water. Respecting the furnace for this kind of boiler^ it should always be so built as to give a long and waving course to the flame and heated air, forcing them the more effectually to strike against the sides of the tubes which compose the boiler, and so to give out the greatest possible portion of their heat before they reach the chimney. Unless this be attended to, there will be a much greater waste of fuel than necessary, and the heat communicated to the contents of the boiler will be less from a given quantity of fuel. When very high temperatures are not to be employed, the kind of boiler just described is found to answer very well ; but where the utmost force of the fire is desirable for pro- ducing the most elastic steam, the parts are combined in a manner somewhat different, though the principle is the same. In the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xvii. p. 40, is a descrip- tion and drawing of a boiler of this kind, two of which were erected, in 1803, at Messrs. Meux's brewery. In every case Mr. Woolf uses two safety-valves, at least, in his apparatus, to prevent accidents ; a precaution which cannot be too strongly enforced, as it may happen, when but one is employed, that by some accident it may get locked, and the engine and people about it be exposed to the danger of an explosion. In those engines of Mr. Woolf’s which we have seen, he employs boilers like the one described, viz. with two small tubes beneath, which are full of water, and exposed to the 204 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC immediate action of the flame, communicating by perpen- dicular necks or branches with the large cylinder above, which has water in the lower part, and steam in the upper. The only difference from wdiat we have above described is, that the lower and upper tubes are placed in the same direc- tion, instead of being at right angles to each other ; and the flame proceeds in the direction of their length, instead of crossing them ; the lower or water tubes are rather inclined upwards. The metal of these tubes is made very thick, with a view to strength and durability. The idea of making boilers for raising strong steam by a number of small tubes, which can be made stronger than one large vessel, is not original with Mr. Woolf, Mr. Blakey, of whom we have before spoken, having proposed it in a small tract which he published in French, at the Hague, in 1776. But his tubes were to be placed over each other, in an inclined direction, and the water, being admitted at the upper end, ran down within the heated inclined tubes, and became converted into steam. Woolf's regulating steam-valve . — Besides the common safety-valves. Sir. Woolf has also introduced a valve of a new construction into the steam-pipe itself, to regulate the quan- tity that shall pass from the boiler. In fact, it is a self-acting steam-regulator, and extremely ingenious. A (fig. 201) is a part of the great or steam cylinder of one of Mr. Woolf’' boilers ; B B, the neck or outlet for the steam, surmounted by a steam-bo? C, which is joined to the neck B B, by the flanges a, a. The top or covei of the steam-box C, marked with the letter D, is well secured in its place, and has a hole through it for the rod of the valve to pass ; and the interioi of the hole is formed to a box to hold a stuffing, and make the rod work up and down steam-tight, the stuffing being kept in its place by means of a collar, screwed down in the usual way, as shown in the figure. By means of a pin 6, and tlie two vertical pieces c, e, the sliding-valve rod is made fast to wz, which is a close cover to the hollow cylinder n n. The cover m fits steam-tight into the conical seat, at the upper end of a collar o o, which is made fast to tlie flange a a, and descends into the neck of the boiler, forming a barrel, in which the cylinder fits close. The cylinder n n is open at bottom, having a free communication with the steam in the boiler A ; and it has three vertical slits cut through the sides, one of which, S, is shown irr the plate. The sum of the area of all these slits or openings is equal to the area of the opening of the seat or collar o o, in which the cylinder n n works. When the steam acquires a sufficient degree of elastic force to raise the valve, (that is, the cylinder n n, with its cover m, and the rod R,) together with whatever weight the rod may be loaded, then the openings S, rising above the steam-tight collar or seat o o, allow the steam to pass into the steam-box C, and to flow off to the engine through the pipe N. But the quantity of steam that passes is proportioned to the elastic force it has acquired, and the weight with which the valve is loaded ; because the rise of the openings, S, above the collar o o, will be in that proportion. AND MACHINIST. 205 This valve may be loaded by applying weights in any of the usual methods ; but Mr. Woolf prefers the one shown in the drawing, in which the upper part of the rod R is joined, by means of a chain, to a quadrant of a circle Q, for the pur- pose of carrying a pendulum weight Z, that admits of being moved nearer to or farther from the centre of the quadrant, according as the pressure of the valve is wished to be increased or diminished. As the valve rises, the weight moves upwards in the arc n w, giving a continually increased resistance to the farther rising of the valve, propor- tioned to the horizontal distance of the weight from the centre of Q, of which the weight attains a continual increase by its rise in the arc, accord- ing to the horizontal distances measured on the line Q p, pressing through the centre of the weight by perpendiculars from the horizontal line. Tims, if the weight Z presses down the valve m with a force equal to 20 pounds on the square inch of the aperture in o o, in its present position, when it rises to the position at i, it will press with a force equal to 30 pounds, and at p, with a force equal to 40 pounds on the square inch ; so that the rod Z may be made to serve at the same time as an index to the p'erson who attends the fire, nothing more being necessary for this purpose than to graduate the arc, described by the end of the rod Q Z, by experi- mental trials. In the side of the steam-box C there is an opening, N, to allow the steam to pass from it by a pipe to the steam-engine. It is plain that the adjustment of the positive pressure on this valve can be determined by sliding the weight Z of the pendulum to a greater or less distance from the centre of motion. Again, to adjust the rate of the increasing forces, so as to correspond with the increasing force of the steam, the radius of the quadrant, Q, must be apportioned to the diameter of the valve and the opening of the slits, S, so that the ascent of the weight, Z, in its quadrant will be correspondent to the varying pressure. This adjustment must be made as nearly as it can be done before the valve is fixed; and to bring it afterwards to an exact regulation, the chain is attached to the rod, R, by a nut and screw ; by means of which, any part of the arc can be used that is found most correspondent with the varying pressure, because the rate at which the resistance of the lever increases is more rapid when the pendulum is near to the perpendicular, than when it approaches the horizontal position. The same effect may be produced, by making the slits in the side of the cylinder narrower at the lower part of the cylinder, instead of being parallel. BELL-CRANK ENGINE. Messrs. Boulton and Watt, soon after the expiration of their patent for effecting condensation in a separate vessel, introduced a form of engine, called the bell- crank engine, of which we shall represent so much as is necessary to exhibit the alteration in the mode of construction. Fig. 202 is a side view of the engine. A B C is the bell-crank, there being another exactly similar part on the other side, moving upon a fixed centre, C ; the end A D is joined to a cross-piece which works the piston- 20G THE OPERATIV^E MECHANIC rod in the cylinder. E serves for the air-pump, and G for the cold-water pump, and the hot-water pump may be woiKed upon the same bar. The connecting rod from B to II is supposed to be attached to the crank of the fly-wheel at H. Engines of this description are mostly constructed with slide or D valves, which are worked by the beam A C. This form of engine does not possess any particular advantages otherwise than those arising from compactness, which are not of sufficient weight to counter- balance the increased friction. It was, in some few instances, at the commencement of steam navigation, applied to boats, but it was found to answer not so well as the double-beam engine. VIBRATING ENGINE. With a view to do away with the beam of the engine^ and to communicate the motion direct from the piston-rod to the fly-wheel crank, a form of engine has been constructed, which, in engines of small dimensions, where the piston-rod can be made of sufficient strength compared with the weight of the cylinder that is to vibrate, have answered tolerably well. We have seen one of about one-horse power, which had been at work four years. Fig. 203. A is the cylinder, B the piston-rod, C the crank, D the fly- wheel, E a stand supporting the cylinder pivot F, which has a similar one on the opposite side. One of these pivots is formed like the key of a four- way cock, having a communication to the top and bottom of the cylinder. By the movement of the piston, the cylinder is caused to vibrate, to turn the crank and fly-wheel, and the steam passes alternately to the top and bottom of the cylinder, by tlie two-way axes on which the cylinder vibrates. When engines of this construction are formed of any considerable size, there is a danger of bending the piston- rod, and in vibrating, the weight of the cylinder loosens its fitting in the stuffing collar of the cylinder-cap. ROTATORY ENGIN*:. All steam-engines as yet noticed, have their action pro- duced by the movement of a piston in a cylinder, and act by what is called a reciprocating motion. In engines of this description, a very considerable degree of power is ex- pended in arresting the motion of the different working parts, and putting them into action in a direct contrary course : this has claimed much attention from engineers, and many attempts have been made to construct an engine in which the action of the steam should operate in a continuous manner, without bringing the parts to a state of rest. The most obvious mode of attaining this object, is the producing a rotatory motion. One of the most simple engines on this construction is represented in fig. 204, where two sections are shown, the one at right angles to the revolving shaft, the other parallel to it, the same letters in both denoting the same parts. U U U U is a circular steam-case, with the STEAM EPTOIKJE ri.z3 AND MACHINIST. 207 two ends enclosed ty the circular plates V VVV, through which the shaft R passes. To R is attached by four arms, S SSS, the ring PP, in which the fans or flat pieces, A and B, are fixed on hinges formed steam-tight, but » capable of being shut in upon the ring, as A, or opening and closing the steam-course O O O O, as B. To each of these four pieces is attached a tail or tripping piece, C and D, which, during their revolution, touch the stud E, and raises their respective fans into the steam-way, as shown by the dotted fan at A^, just after it has passed the steam aperture, I. The passage to the condenser is represented at N ; G is a camb-piece attached to the outer case, and fitting in a steam-tight manner upon P P P P, serving to close the fans as they come round. The steam entering at I presses upon G and A^, which is supposed to have been just raised to that position, and forces it round, together with the ring P P P P, and the centre shaft R, until it pass^ the aperture through which the steam issues to the condenser, prior to which the other fan, B, passes the steam-w^ay, and obtains a position to receive the action of the steam, and continue the motion. The steam- way, O O O O, may be considered to be a cylinder bent round, and the fans, as they obtrude themselves, act the part of a piston, receiving the impulse of the steam always on the one side, and effecting the con- densation always on the other. It being requisite that the steam-way should have some teimination, the obstacle, G, is indispensable, and the movement of the fans upon hinges, or some other mode, to pass such obstacle, is unavoidable ; and therefore, from being thus compelled to move the piece acting as a piston continually to and from its fittings, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain those fittings steam-tight. This, together with the steam-way not being capable of receiving the cylindrical form, are inconveniences of great moment. It has been found, therefore, that in maintaining engines of this construction in a working condition, great difficulties arise, which hitherto have not been surmounted; and as at present these engines exist to no useful end, we shall refrain from describing them further. HIGH-PRESSURE ENGINES. If water be urged greatly by fire, steam of greater pres- sure is obtained; and it has been long known, that the extent of the pressure increases in a greater ratio than the expenditure of heat, which has been an inducement to many to attempt to use steam at excessive pressures. The pres- sures generally allowed in high-pressure engines, is not more than 30, 40, and seldom exceeds 50 pounds to the inch. In engines where the pressure is so great, the weight of the atmosphere is not taken into account, and the mode of effecting the motion of the piston is, by allowing one end of the cylinder to be open to the air, whilst the steam acts on the opposite side of the piston. By this mode of operation, all the parts appertaining to the promotion of condensation, are dispensed with, and, consequently, the expense of making those parts, the friction caused by their operations, and the attention which was necessary to their well-being, is entirely saved. This gives to the engine a peculiar degree of sim- plicity, but it is unfortunately attended with some danger. 208 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Steam was applied in this mode so early as the year 1724, and is described by Leupold, in his Theatrum Machinarum Hydraulicarum^ vol. ii. p. 93. The engine thus described, is formed with two cylinders, having pistons fitted and attached to two separate beams, whose other ends are con- nected with two force-pumps. Between the two cylinders is a four- way cock, and as the pistons are weighed and brought down to the bottom of each cylinder, it is evident that by means of this cock, the steam can be let on alternately to the bottom of each cylinder, whilst, at the same time, the oppo- site cylinder to that in which the steam is admitted has a communication with the atmosphere. Thus, by turning the cocks, the two pistons are alternately raised by the steam, and permitted to descend by the loading of weights attached to their other end. This simple construction of high pressure may be placed on a par with Newcomen's condensing engine. Mr. Watt presents to our notice this mode of using the direct action of steam, in the latter part of his specification, in 1769 ; but the most common application of high-pressure steam, of late years, is used in a form of engine invented by Mr. Trevitheck, for the purpose of applying this power to locomotion. He obtained a patent for it, in union with Mr. Vivian, in the year 1802. This engine, from its compact- ness, is peculiarly applicable to this purpose, as it requires no condensing water, which would be an insurmountable bar to its introduction. Fig. 205 presents a section of this form of engine. A B is the boiler, A' a safety-valve, C D the cylinder, E the four-way cock, G the passage from the boiler, H the passage to the chimney, for the exit of the steam. E is a four-way cock, F the passage to the top, and K the passage to the bot- tom of the cylinder. M the piston, N the piston-rod, O the connecting rod, joined to the cranks of the fly-wheel. The beam R is worked by the con- necting rod, which has the rod of a small force-pump S attached to it, acting on the other side of the boiler, and forcing water along Q U into the boiler by I. The fire-place is behind the chimney, as seen in the view, and is surrounded on all sides by the boiler. Fig. 206 is a section of the cylinder at right angles to the section at fig. 205. The four-way cock is moved by means of a lever on its axis, which is struck by a tapit upon a rod from the cross-piece Ca. It must be understood that there is another connecting rod and crank on the farther side of the engine, and that the beam connects them. This engine, we conceive, requires little elucidation. The four-way cock permits the steam to pass alternately to the top and bottom of the cylinder by the passages F and K, and affords it egress by G‘ ; and the cold water coming to supply the boiler, surrounding it on all sides, imbibes its heat, by AND MACHINIST. 209 which means the boiler is fed with water of a much higher temperature, and the steam is condensed in H , by which a more rapid exit is obtained for it. This kind of engine was expressly intended for working carriages. A locomotive engine was made by Mr. Treve- theck, in South Wales, in 1804, and was tried upon the rail- roads at Merthyr Tydvall. It drew after it as many carriages as carried ten tons of bar iron for a distance of nine miles, without any further supply of water than that contained in the boiler at setting out, travelling at the rate of five miles per hour. Since that period they have been tried in many places upon rail-roads, but their introduction had not become general until 1811, when Mr. Blenkinsop, proprietor of the Middleton Coal-works, which supply the town of Leeds, adopted them for conveying the coals on his rail-road. Mr. Blenkinsop, when he adopted the locomotive engine, took up the common rails on one side of the whole length of the road, and replaced them with rails which had cogs on their upper surface. These cogs are cast at the same time with the rails, and are hollow beneath, to be as light as is con - sistent with strength and durability. The pitch of the cogs is six inches, so that each rail of three feet in length has only six cogs. A wheel which is fixed on an axis which would be that of the fly-wheel at one side of the carriage, works in the teeth of these ^rails ; the whole machine is thus caused to advance along the railway. Many fruitiest attempts have been made to produce an engine capable of moving carriages upon common roads; but before this can be effected, the numerous parts of the engine must be made more compact, and its weight considerably reduced. Observations on the work, of steam-engine^ iit Cornwall, from August 1811 to May 1816, inclusive, by Messrs. Lean, Messrs. Thomas and John Lean were appointed to the general superintendence ; and the different proprietors, as also the regular engineers of the respective mines, engaged to give them every facility and assistance in their power. Their first Monthly Report was for August, 1811, and included eight engines, which had in that month consumed 23,661 bushels of coals, and lifted 126,126,000 pounds of water one foot high, with one hushel of coals for each engine, being an average duty of 15,760,000 pounds lifted one foot high with each bushel of coals. In the months of September and October the engines reported were nine, and in November p 210 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC and December twelve 3 and it now evidently appeared that the regular publication of Messrs. Leans’ very useful tables had already been attended by some improvements in the con- dition of the engines 3 for the average duty for December, 1811, extracted from these tables, appears to have been 17 , 075,000 pounds. In January, 1812, the number of engines reported was four- teen, and by the end of that year they were increased to nine- teen 3 and the average duty performed by all the engines in. the last-mentioned month had advanced to 18,200,000 pounds. In 1813, the number of engines included in the Monthly Reports continued to increase, till in December they were 29, and the average work 20,162,000. During some of the months of 1814, the engines reported were 32, and the average duty performed during December was 19,784,000 pounds lifted one foot high with each bushel of coals. The table which is subjoined is an abstract from Messrs. Leans’ Reports, and has been formed by first counting how many engines are reported, as in January 1815, 32 engines 3 then adding up the column containing the quantity of coals consumed by all the engines during the month, and putting down the amount, 110,824 3 in like manner adding up the column of pounds lifted by each engine one foot high by one bushel of coals, the amount of which was 637,320,990 ; and lastly, dividing the latter quantity by 32, the number of engines at work, to obtain the average duty performed, viz. 19,916,250 pounds. TABLE. Number of Engines re- ported. Bushels of coals con- sumed by all the engines. Bushels of coals upon which the report is founded. Pounds of water lifted one foot high by the coals so reported. Average of pounds lifted one foot high with each bushel of coals 1811. August 8 23,661 8 126,126,000 15,760,000 September 9 25,237 9 125,164,000 13,900,000 October 9 24,487 0 121,910,000 13,540,000 November 12 30,998 12 189,340,000 15,770,000 December 12 39,545 12 204,907,000 17,075,000 1812. January 14 50,089 14 237,661,409 16,972,000 February 15 54,349 15 260,514,000 1 7,900,000 March 16 59,140 16 274,222,000 17,138,000 April i — 16 62,384- 16 276,233,000 17,260,000 AND MACHINIST. 211 Table continued. Number of Engines re- ported. Bushels of coals con- sumed by all the engines. Bushels of coals upon which the report is founded. Pounds of water lifted one foot high by the «'oals so reported. Average of : pounds lifted one foot high with each bushel of coals 1812. May 16 51,903 16 273,546,000 1 7,096,000 June 17 50,410 17 288,076,000 16,940,000 July 17 51,574 17 300,441,000 17,677,000 August 17 44,256 17 314,753,000 18,510,000 September 18 46,536 18 348,396,000 19,355,000 October 18 53,941 18 321,900,000 17,883,000 November 21 57,176 21 381,460,000 18,160,000 December 19 55,784 19 341,803,000 18,200,000 1813. January 19 60,400 19 363,906,000 19,153,000 February 22 58,044 22 438,737,000 1 9,940,000 March 23 73,862 23 440,642,000 19,157,000 April 23 61,739 23 431,032,000 18,700,000 May 24 58,890 24 463,346,000 19,300,000 June 24 53,110 24 470,157,000 19,590,000 July 23 56,709 23 443,462,000 19,281,000 August 21 50,110 21 416,898,000 19,852,000 September 22 58,008 22 427,148,000 19,415,000 October 26 74,796 26 488,671,000 18,795,000 November 28 77,1 35 28 537,958,000 19,212,000 December 29 86,273 29 584,721,000 20,162,000 1814. January 28 91,753 28 .550,751,000 19,670,000 February 26 78,986 26 536,677,000 20,641,000 March 28 109,904 23 565,406,000 20,193,000 April 29 91,607 29 576,617,000 20,325,000 May 28 79,437 28 569,319,000 20,305,000 June 30 75,343 30 626,669,000 20,888,000 July 27 85,224 27 573,208,000 21,229,000 August 26 70,443 26 545,019,000 20,960,000 September 27 78,167 27 560,608,000 20,763,000 October 32 75,080 32 630,704,000 19,709,000 November 32 82,000 32 637,322,000 19,916,000 December 29 84,669 29 573,744,006 19,784,276 1815. January 32 110,824 32 637,320,990 19,916,250 February 33 101,667 33 710,271,250 21,523,370 March 34 117,342 34 706,071,990 20,766,820 April 35 105,701 35 695,212,340 19,863,210 May 34 107,530 34 669,299,140 20,479,350 From the foregoing table it appears that the average duty of the engines reported, exclusive of WoolFs patent engine, is at this time about 20 millions. We have purposely omitted Woolfs patent engine, because one of tlie ends intended to be gained by the Monthly Report r 2 212 THE OI’ERATIVE MECHANIC of work actually done by the engines employed in the mineSy particularly in pumping, was to know the comparative merit of Woolf’s engine with two cylinders when contrasted with the steam-engines in common use. One of Mr. Woolf’s engines has been lately erected at Wheal Vor mine, of 53 inches diameter in the great cylinder, (the smaller cylinder being about one-fifth of the contents of the great one,) and nine feet stroke. According to Messrs. Leans’ Report for May, the duty performed by the engine alluded to, was 49,980,882 pounds lifted one foot with every bushel of coals consumed ; and by letter we are informed (for the printed Report has not yet reached us) that the duty performed by Woolf’s engine in the month of June was 50,333,000. Thus it appears that the average duty of the patent engine for the months of May and June was fifty millions, while the aggregate average duty of the other engines is only twenty millions. From this it is evident that Mr. Woolf’s improve- ments on the steam-engine will be productive of much benefit to the mining interests of the kingdom. On some of the large mines, when this engine shall have come into general use, which it must do sooner or later, the saving in fuel only will add to the yearly dividends among the proprietors several thousand pounds sterling. Nor is this all ; the expense that will thus be saved will prevent numbers of mines from stopping work ; and will be the means of setting many again to work which have ceased on account of the expense neces- sary to keep them free from water. By Messrs. Leans^ Report for January, (1816,) the average work of 33 engines was 20,694,630 pounds of water lifted one foot high for each bushel of coals consumed. WoolPs engine at Wheal Vor during the same month lifted 47,900,333 pounds, and his engine at Wheal Abraham 47,622,040 pounds one foot high with each bushel of coals. By the Report for February, the average work of 34 engines was 20,667,398 pounds lifted one foot with each bushel of coals. WoolPs engine at Wheal Vor lifted 45,493,303 ; and the one at Wheal Abraham 45,896,382 pounds one foot high with each bushel. Having examined into the construction of the several kinds of engines in general use, we shall forbear to mention the steps of every speculatist who has attempted improvements in this machine, and which have for years filled our pe- riodical publications with plans, possessing more or less ingenuity. Calculations with respect to the power of steam are of great importance ; but practical people are well aware that they cannot be attended with accuracy. We have already shown tlMit the mnount of actual force expended in steam-pressures. AND MACHINIST. 213 can be ascertained with great accuracy, by gauges and safety- valves ; but the resulting disposable power is not so easily discovered, as the friction of the various parts vary greatly according to the state which they are in. The state of the condensation, in condensing engines, gives a more or less perfect vacuum, which will vary notwithstanding the utmost vigilance. It has been generally set down, among engineers, that nearly one half of the power of steam must be deducted from the disposable force ; therefore, suppose an engine of 24 inch piston, the area of which will be 452 square inches, has a perfect vacuum, as exhibited by the barometer of tlie condenser, and the weight of the atmosphere, denoted by the weather-barometer, be about fourteen pounds, and the steam- gauge on the boiler stands at about two inches, which is an indication of two pounds pressure, we may estimate that there is 17 lbs. per square inch pressing upon the piston ; therefore 17 X 452 = 7684 lbs. on the piston, half of which being deducted for allowance of friction, leaves a disposable force of 3842 lbs. moving through the distance at the same rate in which the piston moves ; wliich force being divided by Messrs, Bolton and Watt’s estimate of a horse-power, will give the nominal power of such engine. In high-pressure engines, where the steam is not condensed, what is indicated by the steam-gauge of the boiler only, must be estimated as the power acting upon the piston. That the increments of power take place in a quicker ratio than those of the temperature, has been long known ; and an ingenious mechanic of the present day has attempted to use steam at very high pressures. Without entering into a description of the obstacles he met with, we will briefly ob- serve, that the requisite strength of the parts to withstand the pressure, conjoined to the excessive heat, present ob- stacles not easily to be overcome. The reciprocating motion in steam-engines is a loss of power which cannot be denied. For the momentum of the beam and other parts passing in one direction have suddenly to be arrested and moved in the opposite direction, which produces a loss of power. Rotatory action has been sought, therefore, with propriety, but has not yet been obtained with advantage. Messrs. Boulton and Watt, in the introduction of the steam-engine into many works where the power of horses was used, were obliged to take into consideration the number of horses used for any particular purpose, in order to ascer- tain the amount of force wanted. Upon the conclusion of a 214 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC lulincrous set of experiments they decided, that a horse, working eight hours a day, was capable of raising 33,000 lbs. one foot high, in a minute. Therefore, by dividing the num- ber of pounds an engine can lift one foot high in a minute, it vrill give the amount of horses’ power to which that engine is equal. An entire view of an engine of the construction termed portable, is repre- sented at fig. 207. A is the cylinder, B the air-pump, C the cola-water pump, D the hot-waler pump, E the beam, F the connecting rod, G the fiy-wheel, H the eccentric shaft, and I the governor. It would occupy many volumes to describe the various forms of construction of engines which have, since the knowledge of the power of steam, been contrived ; and the information such descriptions would convey would be, comparatively speaking, of very little value, as the majority of them have arisen from men ignorant of the principles of the action of the machine, and whose productions should be classed as futile alterations. In attempting any improvements, the principles of action should first be taken into consideration. In condensing engines the movement is effected by the alternate increase and decrease of temperature, the perfection of both of which js of great importance. The primary point to be aimed at, therefore, is the maintaining of high temperature whilst the steam is forcing, and reducing it suddenly when the conden- sation is to be effected. This was taken into consideration in the construction of Newcomen’s engine, and' was most effectually attained by Mr. Watt. The other parts of the engine may be examined v/ith a view of improvement, by considering their weight and friction, and by the substituting of a rotatory instead of a reciprocating motion. Simplicity of construction cannot be too strongly recom- mended in all mechanical combinations ; for there are many contrivances which would certainly be deserving of the name of improvements, were they not inapplicable on account of their intricacy. Attempts havefrequently been made to avoid the use of the air-pump, which takes up a considerable portion of the power of an engine. A water barometer, adapted to the condenser, has been sometimes adopted ; and a fall of water has been made to pass over the upper edges and down the orifice of a tube, forcing the air before it. The upper end of this tube com- municates with the eduction pipe, and is said to support a vacuum of considerable rarity. Exposing the steam which is to be condensed to an increased surface by passing it along \ \ W'' T’XEraLAT.'[(r EF'I^IJsrjg PL 25 lu q . 20 8 Nedr i Stodhy -88 Ixf slipped with with 1863 lbs. filed flat, and crushed 1 X # i X 4 ditto, . 149.5 ditto ,, ditto ...... ditto ixi ditto ditto ...... 2363 2005 1407 1743 1594 1439 /ipril 23, 1817. Experiments on cubes of | of an inch taken from the block. 9773.5 10114 Castings, horizontal. Specific gravity 7-113. Vertical castings. Specific gravity 7 '07 4.. bottom of vertical bar \i>^i 11136-75^ ) fxf l:|rx | full size. Scale broke with 10294 ; tried L again 10561 9596 9917 9020 10432 10720 10605 8699 12665 10950 11088 9844 llOOS THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 222 Averages. ^ lbs. avoifdup0)8e> A prism, having a logarithmic curve for its limits, resembling a column ; it was ^ of an inch diameter by one inch long, broke with 6954 April 28i/[. Trials on prisms of different lengths. 9982-0 If horizontal ditto ditto, bad trial, 9006 lbs. vertical ditto f x| ixf ^ X § April 2dth. Horizontal castings. or one inch long, 9455 9374 9938 10027 9006 8845 8362 6430 6321 ix i ix| T X I ixf Vertical castings. a small defect in the specimen or one inch. 9328 8385 7896 7018 6430 Experiments on different ynetals. f x:|^ cast copper, crumbled with 7318 f fine yellow brass reduced with 3213- J with .... 10304 ^xi wrought copper ^.... 3427's^ 6440 ^X:J cast tin tV**** 552'^ 966 f x|^ cast lead f 483 The anomaly between the three fii'st experiments on f cubes, and the two second of a ditferent length, can only be accounted for, on the difficulty of re- ducing such small specimens to an equality. The experiments on ^ inch prisms of different lengths give no ratio. The experiments on f inch cubes, taking an average of the three first in each, give a proportion between them and the three on f cubes, as 1 : 6*096 in the block castings as 1 : 7-352 in the horizontal ditto as 1 : 8 035 in the vertical ditto. In several cases the proportion is as the cubes. The vertical cube castings are stronger than the horizontal cube castings. The prisms usually assumed a curve similar to a curve of the third order, previous to breaking. The experiments on the different metals give no satis- factory results. The difficulty consists in assigning a , value to the different degrees of diminution. When com- pressed beyond a certain thickness^ the resistance becomes enormous. Experiments on the suspension of bars. The lever was used as in the former case, but the metals Avere held by nippers. They were made of wrought-iron, and their ends adapted to receive the bars, which, by being tapered at both extremities, and increasing in diameter from the actual section, (if I may so express it,) and the jaws of the nippers being confined by a hoop, confined both. 'J'he bars, which Avere six inches long, and i square, Avere thus fairly and firmly grasped. and machinist. 223 No. 45 f incli, cast iron bar, horizontal 46 i do. do. vertical 47 I: do. cast steel previously tilted 48 f do. blister steel, reduced per hammer .... 49 f do. shear steel, do. do 50 ^ do. Swedish iron, do. do 51 j do. English iron, do. do 52 f do. hard gmi'metal, mean of two trials .... 53 f do. wrought copper, reduced per hammer . . 54 j do. cast copper 55 f do. fine yellow brass 56 f do. cast tin 57 ^ do. cast lead April 30. 1817. }l“}il»3'5 los. 8391 8322 7977 4504 3492 2273 2J12 1192 1123 296 114 Remarks on the last experiments. The ratio of the repulsion of the horizontal cast cubes to the cohesion of horizontal cast bars, is 8*65 : 1. The ratio of the vertical cast cubes to the cohesion of the vertical cast bars, is as 9*14 ; 1. The average of the bars, compared with the cube. No. 16, is as 10‘611 : 1. The other metals decrease in strength, from cast steel to cast lead. The stretching of all the wrought bars indicated heat. The fracture of the cast bars was attended with very little diminution of section, scarcely sensible. The experiment made by M. Prony (which asserts, that by making a slight incision with the file, the resistance is diminished one half) was tried on a J inch bar of English iron ; the result was 2920 lbs., not a sixth part less. This single experiment, however, does not sufficieiitly dis- prove the authority of that able philosopher, for an incision is but a vague term. The incision I made might be about the fortieth part of an inch. Experiments on the twist of i inch bars. To effect the operation of twisting oflF a bar, another apparatus was prepared: it consisted of a wrought-iron lever two feet long, ha^iing an arched head about l-6th of a circle, of four feet diameter, of which the lever represented the radius ; the centre round which it moved had a square hole made to receive the end of the bar to be twisted. The lever was balanced as before, and a scale hung on the arched head ; the other end of the bar being fixed in a square hole in a piece of iron, and that again in a vice. The undermentioned weights represent the quantity of weight put into the scale. May 30, 1817. On twists close to the bearing, cast horizontal. No. ^ lbs, oz. 58 I: in bars, twisted as under with 10 14 in the scale, 59 ^ do. bad casting 8 4 60 i do. 10 11 Average 9 1 5 Cast vertical. 61 i 10 8 62 i 10 13 63 I 10 11 Average 10 Id 224 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC On different metals. No. 64 Cast steel 65 Shear steel 66 Blister steel 67 English iron, wrought 68 Swedish iron, wrought 69 Hard gun-inetal 70 Fine yellow brass. 71 Copper, cast 72 Tin 73 Lead lbs. oz. 17 9 in the scale. 17 1 16 11 10 2 9 8 5 0 4 11 4 5 1 7 1 0 No. 74 f 75 i 76 i On twists of different lengths. Horizontal. Weight in scale. by ^ long 7 3 by ^ do 8 1 by 1 inch do 8 8 Vertica’. No. Weight in scale. 77 f by do 10 1 78 i by I do 8 9 79 i by 1 inch do 8 5 Horizontal twists at 6 from the bearing. 80 by 6 inches long 10 9 81 ^ by do. do 9 4 82 by do. do.. . * 9 7 No. 83 ^ 84 ^ 85 i Twists of ^ inch square bars, cast horizontally. qrs. Ibs.oz. close to the bearing 3 9 12 end of the bar hard. do. 2 18 0 middle of the bar. at 10 inches from bearing, lever in the \ middle j 1 24 0 On tivists of different materials. These experiments were made close to the bearing, and the weights were accumulated in the scale until the substances were wrenched asunder. No. Weight in scale. No. Weight in scale. 86 Cast steel 19 9 91 Hard gun-metal . 0 87 Shear steel 17 1 92 Fine yellow brass. , 11 88 Blister steel 11 93 Copper 5 89 English iron. No. 1 .... 10 2 94 Tin 7 90 Swedish iron 8 95 Lead 0 Remarks. Here the strength of the vertical bars still predominates. The average of the two taken conjointly, and compared with a similar case of i inch bars, gives the ratio as the cubes, as was anticipated. In the horizontal castings of different lengths, the balance is in favour of the increased lengths ; but in the vertical cast- ings, it is the reverse. In neither is there any apparent ratio. In the horizontal castings at six inches from the bearing, there is a visible increase, but not so great as when close to the bearing. June 4, 1817. Miscellaneous experiments on the crush of one cubic inch. No. lbs. avoirdiipoise. 96 Elm 1284 97 American pine 1606 98 White deal 1928 99 English oak, mean of two trials 3860 100 Ditto, of 5 inches long, slipped with 2572 AND MACHINIST- 225 )fc avoirdi.poiip. 101 English oak, of four indies long, slipped with 5147* 102 A prism of Portland stone 2 inches long 805 103 Ditto, statuary marble 3216 104 Craig Leith 8688 In the following experiments on stones, the pressure was communicated through a kind of pyramid, the base of which rested on the hide leather, and that on the stone. t The lever pressed upon the apex of the pyramid. Cubet. of one and a half inch. No. Spec. grav. ll>s. avoir. 105 Chalk 1127 106 Brick of a pale red colour 2 085 1265 107 Roe-stone, Gloucestershire 1449 108 Red brick, mean of two trials 2’168 1817 109 Yellow face baked Hammersmith paviors, 3 times 2254 110 Burnt do. mean of two trials 324.3 1 1 1 Stourbridge or fire brick 3864 112 Derby grit, a red friable sand-stone 2 316 7070 113 Ditto, from another quarry 2-428 9776 114 Killaly white freestone, not stratified 2*423 10264 115 Portland 2-428 10284 116 Craig Leith, white freestone 2*452 12346 June 5, 6, and 7, 1817. 117 Yorkshire paving with the strata 2*507 1285o 118 Ditto, do. against the strata 2*507 12836 119 White statuary marble not veined 2*760 13632 120 Bramley Fall sandstone, near Leeds, with strata 2*506 13632 121 Ditto, against the strata 2*506 13632 122 Cornish granite 2*662 14302 123 Dundee sandstone or brescia, two kinds 2 530 14918 124 A two -inch cube of Portland 2*423 14918 125 Craig Leith with the strata 2*452 15560 126 Devonshire red marble, variegated 16712 127 Compact limestone 2*584 17354 128 Peterhead granite hard close grained 18636 129 Black compact limestone, Limerick 2*598 '19924 130 Purbeck 2*599 20610 131 Black Brabant marble 2*697 20742 132 Very hard freestone 2.528 21254 133 White Italian veined marble 2*726 21783 134 Aberdeen granite, blue kind 2*625 24556 N. B. The specific gravities w*ere taken with a delicate balance, made by Creighton of Glasgow, all with the exception of two specimens, which were b) accident omitted. Remarks. In observing the results presented by the preceding table, it will be seen that little dependence can be placed on the * The experiments on woods are considerably below those of other writers ; and it appears singular that the four-inch specimen should be stronger than the shorter length. According to Rondelet’s experiments, to crush a cubic inch of oak it required from 5000 to 6000 lbs. avoirdupoise of fir - from 6000 to 7000 lbs. In the former the pieces Avere composed one-third of their length ; in the^latter one-half of their length (Rondelet’s L'Art de Btdir, tom. iv. p. 67.) Mr. Rennie has not stated the diminution of length. t It certainly would have been preferable to have placed a hard and rigid substance next the stone, in order to secure equality of pressure. Q 226 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC specific gravities of stones, so far as regards their repulsive powers, although the increase is certainly in favour of their specific gravities. But there would appear to l)e some unde- fined law in the connection of bodies, with which the specific gravity has little to do. Thus, statuary marble has a specific gravity above Aberdeen granite, yet a repulsive power not much above half the latter. Again, hardness is not altogether a characteristic of strength, inasmuch as the limestones, which yield readily to the scratch, have nevertheless a repulsive power approaching to granite itself. It is a curious fact in the rupture of amorphous stones, that ]>yramids are formed, having for their base the upper side of the cube next the lever, the action of which displaces the sides of the cubes, precisely as if a wedge had operated lietween them. I have preserved a number of the specimens, the sides of which, if continued, might cut the cubes in the direction of their diagonals. Experiments made on the transverse strain of cast bars, the ends loose, June ^th, I 8 I 7 .* Weight of the dist. of bearings, lbs. bars, lbs. oz. ft. in. avoir. 135 Bar of 1 inch square 12 6 3 0 897 136 /Do. of 1 inch do 9 8 2 8 1086 137 t Half the above bar 1 4 2.520 138 / Bar of 1 inch square, through the diagonal 2 8 2 8 851 139 ( Half the above bar 1 4 1587 140 /Bar of 2 inches deep, by f inch thick 9 5 2 8 2185 141 i Half the above bar 1 4 4508 * A bar of cast-iron, from a Welsh foundry, which did not yield easily to the file, was laid upon supports exactly three feet apart ; the bar was an inch square, and when 308 pounds were put into a scale suspended from the middle, of its length, the deflexion was found to be 3-16ths of an inch ; whence the height of the modulus of elasticity is 6,386,688 feet. The experiment was made by Mr. R. Ebbels, at Garnons, near Hereford. A joist of cast-iron, nine inches deep, resembling in form the letter I, was laid upon supports 19 feet apart, first on its edge, when the deflexion from its own weight was 3-40ths of an inch. It was then laid flatwise, and the deflexion from its own weight was 3J inches. The castings were from Messrs. Dowsons’ foundry, Edgware-road. The iron yielded easily to the file. The height of the modulus of elastifcity according to the experiment on the joist flatwise is 5,100,000 feet, -on the edge is 5,700,000 feet. The deflexion being very small when the joist was on its edge, perhaps it was not measured with the necessary degree of accuracy, as a very small error would cause the difference in the result. The following tablet contains the value of the modulus for cast-iron, according to the experiments above stated. Height of modulus in feet. Cast-iron (Welsh) 6,386,688 Cast-iron 3,500,000 Cast-iron, grey French 5,095,480 Cast-iron, soft do 4,247,000 Cast-iron 5,700,000 Experimentalists. Ebbels. Banks. Rondelet. Rondelet. By my trial. AND MACHINIST, 227 bars,” 142 fBar 3 inches deep, bv|- inch thick 9 143 XHalfthebar 144 Bar 4 inches, by | inch thick . . . . 145 Equilateral triangles with the angle up and down. 146 r Edge or angle up 9 147 J angle down. ^ 148 S Half the first bar 149 (_Half the second bar 150 A feather-edged or bar was cast whose dimensions were 151 f 2 inches deep by 2 wide 10 0 152 t Half of ditto N. B. All these bars contained the same area, though differently distributed as to their forms. 1 of thadis. of bearings. lb». lbs. oz. ft. in. avoir. 9 15 2 8 3588 .... 1 4 6854 9 7 r. 8 3979 9 11 2 8 1437 9 7 2 8 840 .... 1 4 3059 IS were 4 1656 edge up 2 8 3105 Experiments made on the bar of 4 inches deep by f inch thick, by giving it different forms, the bearings at 2 feet 8 inches, as before. ^ No. ^ lbs. lbs. * 153 Bar formed into a semi-ellipse, weighed 7 4000 154 Ditto, parabolic on its lower edge 3860 Ditto, of 4 inches deep by ^ inch thick 3979 Experiments on the transverse strain of bars, one end made fast, the weight being suspended at the other, at 2 feet 8 inches from the bearing. 155 An inch square bar bore 280 156 A bar 2 inches deep by J an inch thick 539 157 An inch bar, the ends made fast 1 173 The paradoxical experiment of Emerson was tried, which states that by cutting off a portion of an equilateral triangle (see page 114 of Emerson’s Mechanics) the bar is stronger than before, that is, a part stronger than the whole. The ends were loose at two feet eight inches apart as before. The edge from which the part was intercepted Avas lowermost, the weight was applied on the base aboA'e, it broke with 1129 pounds, whereas in the other case it bore only 840 pounds. Remarks on the transverse strain. Banks makes his bar from the cupola, Avhen placed on bearings three feet asunder , and the ends loose, to bear 864 lbs. Now all my bars were cast from the cupola, the difference was therefore 33 lbs. I adapted a space of two feet eight inches asunder, as being more convenient for my apparatus. The strength of the different bars, all cases being the same, approaches nearly to the theory, Avhich makes the comparative values as the breadths multiplied into the squares of the depths. Tlie halves of the bars were tried, merely to keep up the analogy. The bar of four inches deep, how- ever, falls short of theor)"^ by 365 pounds. It is evident e cannot extend the system of deepening the bar much further, nor does the theory exactly maintain in the case of the equilateral triangle by 243 lbs. Tlie diagonal position of the square bar, is actually worse than when laid on its side, contrary to many assertions. The same quantity of metal in the feather-edged bar was not so strong as in the four-inch bar. The semi-elliptical bar, exceeded the four-inch bar, although taken out of it. The parabolic bar came near it. The bar made fast at both ends, I suspect must have yielded, although the ends were made fast by iron straps. The experiments from Emerson, on solids of different forms, might be made ; but the time and trouble these experiments have already cost, have compelled me to relinquish further pursuits for the present. If, however, in the absence of better, they are worthy of the indul- gence of the Royal Society, it will not only be a consolation to me that my 228 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC labours merit their attention, but a further inducement to prosccut' the investigation of useful facts, which, even in the present advanced state of knowledge, will yet admit of addition. The science of construction is yet in its infancy, and cer- tainly requires many additions. The first experiments on the strength of materials appear to have been made before the Royal Society ; and there can be no doubt that a favour- able reception will be given to any others that will tend to elucidate a subject which is likely to form one of the prin- cipal branches of an engineer’s education ; as he must either proceed on the principle of science, or be directed by a feeling of fitness, which is to be acquired only by devoting a lifetime to the practice of his art. HYDRAULIC ENGINES, This term is applicable to all machines driven by the force of water ; consequently we have, under the article Water- mills,” already treated of the most extensive branch of these machines. Those which have now to claim our attention, are such as could not with propriety be introduced under that head, and which are, upon the whole, of too much im- portance, both with respect to the conve}^ance of water, and as accessions to mechanical combinations, to be entirely omitted. 1. Of all the hydraulic machines invented by the ancients, though Archimedes’ screw is the most curious, the tympanum raises the greatest quantity of water at once. It consists of a great hollow wheel, composed of several planks joined together, and well calked and pitched, forming, as its name imports, a kind of barrel or drum, and having an horizontal axle on which it turns. The interior is divided by eight partitions into as many equal spaces or cells, each of which has an orifice of about half a foot in the rim of the drum or wheel, shaped so as to facilitate the admission of the water : there are, moreover, eight hollow channels running contiguous to each other and parallel to the axle of the wheel, each corresponding to one of the eight large cells, through which the water passes from the cells just mentioned, and after running along the channels to a convenient d'.stance escapes through orifices into a reservoir placed just beneath the axle of the wheel. Thus the water is elevated through a vertical space equal to the radius of the hollow wheel. When the tympanum is used to raise water from a running stream, it is moved by means of float-boards impelled by the stre.rm; but when employed to raise stagnant water, it receives motion from a foot-wheel placed on the same shaft, which is, as we have alread v described under the article “ Foot-mill,’' turned by men walking inVide. The chief defect of this machine is, that it raises the water AND MACHINIST. 229 in the most disadvantageous situation possible : ^ov the load being found always towards the extremity of a radius of the wheel, the arm of the effective lever which answers to it, increases through the whole quadrant the water describes in passing from the bottom of the wheel to the altitude of its centre ; so that the power must act in like manner as if it were applied at a winch-handle, and, consequently, cannot act uniformly. 2. M, de la Faye, to remedy this defect^ devised a ma- chine which may here be described, together with the process of reasoning that led to it. When we develope the circumference of a circle, a curve is described (i. e. the involute) of which all the radii are so many tangents to the circle, and are likewise all respectively perpendicular to the several points of the curve described, which has for its greatest radius a line equal to the periphery of the circle evolved. The truth of which is shown by geometri- cians when treating of the genesis of evolute and involute curves. Hence, having an axle whose circumference a little exceeds the height which the water is proposed to be elevated, let the circumference of the axle be evolved, and make a curved canal whose curvature shall coincide throughout exactly with that of the involute just formed : if the further extremity of this canal be made to enter the water that is to be elevated, and the other extremity abut upon the shaft which is turned ; then in the course of the rotation the water will rise in a vertical direction, tangential to the shaft, and perpendicular to the canal in whatever position it may be. Thus the action of the weight answering always to the extremity of a horizontal radius will be as though it acted upon the invariable arm of a lever, and the power which raises the w'eight will be always the same : and if the radius of the wheel, of which this hollow canal serves as a bent spoke, is equal to the height that the water is to be raised, and consequently equal to the circumference of the axle or shaft, the power will be to the load of water reciprocally as the radius of a circle to its circumference, or directly as 1 to nearly. In M. de la Faye's opinion, the machine ought to be composed of four of these canals : but it has often been constructed with eight, as represented in fig. 210. The wheel being turned by the impulsion of the stream upon the float-boards, the orifices F, E, D, C, &c. of the curvilinear canals, dip one after another into the water which runs into them ; and as the wheel revolves the fluid rises in the canals, /, e, d, c, &c. and runs out in a stream P froin the holes at O ; it is received into the trough Q, and conveyed from thence by pipes. By this construction the weight to be raised offers always the same resistance, and that the least possible, while the power is applied in the most advantageous manner the cir- cumstances will admit of : these conditions both fulfilled at the same time furnish the most desirable perfection in a machine. Further, this machine raises the water by the shortest way, namely, the perpendicular, or vertical ; in this respect being preferable to Archimedes’ screw, where the water is carried up an inclined path : and besides this, each curved channel in this wheel empties all the water it receives in every revolution, while the screw of Archimedes delivers only a small portion of the fluid it is charged with, being 230 THK OPERATIVK MECHANIC often loaded with twenty times as much water as is discharged in one rotation ; and thus requiring an enormous increase of labour when a large quantity is intended to be raised by it. The nature and advantages of this wheel evince very forci- bly how far the speculations of geometers are from being so unfruitful in useful applications, is often insinuated by practical men. 3. The wheel just described would, we think, be the most perfect of any that could be employed for raising water, had it not the disadvantage attending the tympanum, which is, that it can only raise water to the height of its semidiameter. As in many cases water is to be raised higher than the radius of any wheel can well be made for practice, we shall next describe a machine called the Noria, common in Spain, which raises water nearly through a diameter. Tliis Noria consists of a vertical wheel of 20 feet diameter, on the circumference of which are fixed a number of little boxes or square buckets, for the purpose of raising the water out of the well, communicating with the canal below, and to empty it in a reservoir above, placed by the side of the wheel. The buckets have a lateral orifice, to receive and to dis- charge the water. The axis of this wheel is embraced by four small beams, crossing each other at right angles, tapering at the extremities, and forming eight little arms. This wheel is near the centre of the horse-walk, contiguous to the vertical axis, into the top of which the horse- beam is fixed ; but near the bottom it is embraced by four little beams, forming eight arms similar to those above described, on the axis of the water-wheel. As the mule which they use goes round, these horizontal arms, supplying the place of cogs, take hold, each in succession, of those arms which are fixed on the axis of the water-wheel, and keep it in rotation. This machine, than which nothing can be cheaper, throws up a great quantity of water; yet undoubtedly it has two defects : the first is, that part of the water runs out of the buckets and falls back into the well after it has been raised nearly to the level of the reservoir : the second is, that a considerable proportion of tlie water to be discharged is raised higher than the reservoir, and falls into it only at the moment when the bucket is at the highest point of the circle, and ready to descend. These inconveniences are both remedied by the contrivance mentioned in the next paragraph. 4. The Persian wheel is a name given to a machine for raising water, which may be turned by means of a stream A B acting upon the wheel C D E according to the order of the letters ; (fig, 210.) Tlie buckets «, «, a, &c. instead of being firmly fastened, are hung upon the wheel by strong pins, 6, 6, 6, 6, &c. fixed in the side of the rim ; which must be made as high as the water is intended to be raised above the level of that part of the stream in which the wheel is placed. As the wheel turns, the PI. 2 e. Hie hmfjth of the Lcverisiwt sho^Mi O /—IT BeP Phitc r\S7 Plan of Lev^r :LrYiD;RAi' i.:[r s From 20.9 to 213 AN1> MACHINIST. 231 buckets on the right hand go down into the water, where they are filled, and return up full on the left hand, till they come to the top at K ; where they strike against the end n of the fixed trough M, by which they are overset, and so empty the water into the trough ; from whence it is to be conveyed in pipes to any place it is intended for : and as each bucket gets over the trough, it falls into a perpendicular position again, and so goes down empty till it comes to the water at A, where it is filled as before. On each bucket is a spring, r, which going over the top or crown of the bar m (fixed to the trough M) raises the bottom of the bucket above the level of its mouth, and so causes it to empty all its water into the trough. To determine the due relation of the power and the weight so that this wheel may be capable of prod ucing the greatest effect, the following may be taken as a good approximation. After having fixed the diameter of the wheel, which must be something greater than the altitude to which the water is to be raised ; fix also upon an even number of buckets to be hung at equal distances round the periphery of the wheel, and mark the position of their centres of motion in such a manner that they will stand in corres- ponding positions in every quarter of the circle : conceive vertical lines drawn through the centre of motion of each bucket in the rising part of the wheel; they will intersect the horizontal diameter of the wheel in points at which, if tire buckets were hung, they would furnish the same resistance to the moving force as they do when hanging at their respective places on the rim of the wheel. Thus, supposing there were 18 equidistant buckets; then while eight hung on each side a vertical diameter of the wheel there would be eight on the other side, and two would coincide with that diameter : in this case the resistance arising from all the full buckets would be the same as if one bucket hung oji the prolongation of the horizontal diameter at the distance of 2 sin. 20° I- 2 sin. 40° + 2 sin. 60° + 2 sin. 80°, these being the sines to the common radius of the wheel. To know the quantity of water that each bucket should contain, take f of the absolute force of the stream, that is, ^ of the weight of the prism of water whose base is the surface of one of the float-boards, and whose height is that through which water must fall to acquire the velocity of the stream ; so have we the power that should be in equilibrio with the weight of water in the buckets of the rising semicircle. Then say, as the sum of the sines mentioned above is to radius, so is the power just found to a fourth term, the half of which will be the weight of water that ought to be contained in one bucket. Lastly, as the velocity of the wheel will be to that of the stream nearly as 1 to 2|-, the quantity of revolutions it makes in any determinate time becomes known, and, by consequence, the quantity of water the wheel will raise in the same time ; since we know the capacity of each bucket, and the number of them emptied in every revolution of the wheel. 5. Another contrivance for raising water similar to the chain-pump^ which is described in another part of the work, is an endless rope with stuffed cushions hung upon it, which, by means of two wheels or drums, are caused to rise in succession in the same barrel, and to cai*ry water with them. From the resemblance of this apparatus to a string of beads, it is usually called paternoster-work. But in this, as well as the chain-pump, the magnitude of the friction is a formidable practical objection. 0. Jets and fountains are not now considered as conducive 232 THii OPERATIVE MECHANIC to picturesque beauty ; nor can they be reckoned of much utility, except perhaps in hot climates; we have not there- fore described any in this work. But in the fountain of Hiero of Syracuse, a principle is introduced which has been found of great utility in larger works ; for the head of water is actually lower than the orifice, but the pressure is communi- cated by the intervention of a column of air : the construction of this fountain is as follows : It consists of two vessels K L M N (fig. 212) and O P Q R, which are close on all sides. A tube A B, having a funnel at the top, passes through the uppermost vessel without communicating with it, being soldered into its top and bottom. It also passes through the top of the under vessel, where it is likewise soldered, and reaches almost to its bottom. This tube is open at both ends. There is another open tube S T, which is soldered into the top of the under vessel and the bottom of the upper vessel, and reaches almost to its top. These two tubes serve also to support the upper vessel. A third tube G F is soldered into the top of the upper vessel, and reaches almost to its bottom. This tube is open at both ends, but the orifice G is very small. Now suppose the uppermost vessel filled with water to the height E N, E e being its surface a little below T. Stop the orifice G with the finger, and pour in water at A. This will descend through A B, and compress the air in OPQR into less room. Suppose the water in the under vessel to have acquired the surface C c, the air which formerly occupied the whole of the spaces OPQR and K L e E will now be con- tained in the spaces o P c C and K L e E ; and its elasticity will be in equilibrio with the weight of the column of water, whose base is the surface E, e, and whose height is A c. As this pressure is exerted in every part of the air, it will be exerted on the surface E e of the water of the upper vessel ; and if the pipe F G were continued upwards, the water would be supported in it to a height e H above E e, equal to A c. Therefore, if the finger be now taken from off the orifice G, the fluid will spout up through it to the same height as if it had fallen through a tube whose altitude is e H. So long as there is any water in the vessel KLN M there vidll be a discharge through the orifice : therefore the play of the fountain will con- tinue whilst the water contained in the upper vessel, having spouted out, falls down through the pipe A B : the height of the water measured from the basin V A W to the surface of the water in the lower vessel OPQR is always equal to the height measured from the top of the jet to the surface of the water in the vessel K LMN. Now, since the surface Ee is always falling, and the water in the lower vessel always rising, the height of the jet must coniinually decrease, till it is shorter by the depth of K L M N, which is empty, added to the depth of O P Q R, which is always filling ; and when the jet is fallen so low, it immediately ceases to play. 7. A machine designed to raise water to a great height for the irrigation of land, in such situations as have the advantage of a small fall, is described in Dr. Darwin^s Phytologia: as it depends on the principle of Hiero’s fountain, it may pro^ perly be inserted here. I'lg. 211 , a, b, is the stream of water. b, c, c, represents the water-fall, supposed to be 10 feet. AND MACHINIST. 233 rf, 6f are two leaden or iron vessels, containing a certain quantity of water, which may be computed to be about four gallons each. h, i, k, ly are leaden vessels, each holding about two quarts. o, py two cocks, each of which passes through two pipes, opening the one and closing the other. q, r, is a water-balance, that moves on its centre s, and by which the two cocks o and p are alternately turned. t, u, and w, cc, are two air-pipes of lead, both internally inch in diameter. y, z; y, z ; y, z ; are water-pipes, each being one inch in diameter. The pipe b,e, c, is always full from the stream a, b : the small cisterns gy iy I, and the large one d, are supposed to have been previously filled with water. The fluid may then be admitted by turning the cock o, through the pipe c, e, into the large cistern e. This water will press the air confined in the cistern e up the air-pipe w, x, and will force the fluid out of the cisterns g, i, I, into those marked h, k, and C. — At the same time, by opening B, the water and condensed air, which previously existed in the large cistern d, and in the smaller ones marked /, h, k, will be discharged at B. After a short time, the water-balance, q, r, s, will turn the cocks, and exclude the water, while it opens the opposite ones : the cisterns/, h, k, are emptied in their turns by the condensed air from the cistern d, as the water progressively enters the latter from the pipe b, c. 8. A very ingenious application of the same principle has been made in the celebrated Hungarian machine^ at Chemnitz. The best account we have been able to obtain of this is the following : In fig. 213, A represents the source of water elevated 136 feet above the mouth of the pit. From this there runs down a pipe D of four inches diameter, which enters the top of a copper cylinder B, feet high, 5 feet dia- meter, and 2 inches thick, and reaches to within 4 inches of the bottom : it has a cock at I. This cylinder has a cock at Q, and a very large one at N. From its top proceeds a pipe V E C, two inches in diameter, which goes 96 feet down the pit, and is inserted into the top of another brass cylinder C, which is 6^ feet high, four feet diameter, and two inches thick : the latter contain- ing about 83 cubic feet,' which is nearly one half of the capacity of the former, viz. 170 cubic feet. There is another pipe F O of four inches dia- meter, which rises from within four inches of the bottom of this lower cylinder, is soldered into its top, and rises to the trough Z which carries off the water from the mouth of the pit. This lower cylinder communicates at the bottom with the water O, which collects in the drains of the mines. A large cock P serves to exclude or admit this water : another cock M at the top of this cylinder communicates with the external air. Now, suppose the cock I shut, and all the rest open ; the upper cylinder will contain air, and the lower cylinder will be filled with water, because it is sunk so deep that its top is below the usual surface of the mine-waters. Shut the cocks Q, N, M, P, and open the cock I. The water of the source A must run in by the orifice J, and rise in the upper cylinder, compressing the air above it and along the pipe V E C, and thus acting on the surface of the water in the lower cylinder. It will therefore cause it to rise gradually in the pipe O F, where it will always be of such a height that its weight balances the elasticity of the compressed air. Suppose no issue given to the air from the upper cylinder, it would be compressed into one-fifth of its bulk by the column of 136 feet high; for a column of 34 feet nearly 234 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC balances the ordinary elasticity of the 'air. Therefore, when there is an issue given to it through the pipe VEC, it will drive the compressed air along this pipe, and it will expel w'ater from the lower cylinder. When the upper (cylinder is full of water, there will be 34 cubic feet of water expelled from the lower cylinder. If the pipe O P had been more than 136 feet long, the water would have risen 136 feet, being then in equilibrio with the water in the feeding pipe D by the intervention of the elastic air ; but no more water w'ould have been expelled from the lower cylinder than what fills this pipe. But the pipe being only 96 feet high, the water will be thrown out at Z with a considerable velocity. If it were not for the great obstructions which water and air must meet wdth in their passage along pipes, it would issue at Z with a velocity of more than 50 feet per second. It issues however much more slowly, and at last the upper cylinder is full of water, and the water would enter the pipe V E and enter the lower cylinder, and, without displacing the air in it, would rise through the discharging pipe O P, and run off to waste. To prevent this there hangs in the pipe V E a cork ball or double cone, by a brass wire which is guided by holes in two cross pieces in that pipe. When the upper cylinder is filled with w^ater, this cork plugs up the orifice V, and no water is wasted; the influx at J now stops. Ikit the lower cylinder contains com- pressed air, which would balance water in a discharging pipe 1 36 feet high, whereas O P is only 96. Therefore the water will continue to flow at Z till the air has so far expanded as to balance only 96 feet of water, that is, till it occupies one-half of its ordinary bulk, that is, one-fourth of the capacity of the upper cylinder, or 42 ^ cubic feet. Therefore 42§ cubic feet will be expelled, and the efflux at Z will cease ; and the lower cylinder is about one-half full of water. When the attending workman observes this, he shuts the cock I. He might have done this before, had he known when the orifice V was stopped ; but no loss ensues from the delay. At the same time the attendant opens the cock N the w^ater issues with great violence, being pressed by the condensed air from the lower cylinder. It therefore issues with the sum of its own weight and of this compression. These gradually decrease together, by the efflux of the water and the expan- sion of the air; but this efflux stops before all the water has flowed out; for there is 42 ^ feet of the low^er cylinder occupied by air. This quantity of water remains, therefore, in the upper cylinder nearly : the workman knows this, because the discharged water is received first of all into a vessel con- taining three-fourths of the capacity of the upper cylinder. Whenever this is filled, the attendant opens the cock P by a long rod which goes down the shaft ; this allows the water of the mine to fill the lower cylinder, and the air to get into the upper cylinder, which permits the remaining water to run out of it. Thus every thing is brought into its first condition ; and when the attendant sees no more water come out at N, he shuts the cocks N and M, and opens the cock I, and the operation is repeated. There is a very surprising appearance in the working of this engine. When the efflux at Z has stopped, if the cock Q be opened, the water and air rush out together with prodigious violence, and the drops of water are changed into hail or lumps of ice. It is a sight usually shown to strangers, who are desired to hold their hats to receive the blasts of air : the ice comes out with such violence as frequently to pierce the liat like a pistol bullet, This rapid congelation is a remarkable instance of the general fact, that air by suddenly expanding generates cold, its capacity for heat being increased. Tlic above account of the procedure in working this engine shows that the efflux both at Z and N becomes very slow near the end. It is found convenient theiefore not to wait for the complete discharges, but to turn AND MACHINIST. 235 the cocks when about 30 cubic feet of water have been discharged at Z ; more work is done in this way. A gentleman of great accuracy and know- ledge of these subjects took the trouble of noticing particularly the per- formance of the machine. He observed that each stroke, as it may be called, took up about three minutes and one-eighth ; and that 32 cubic feet of water were discharged at Z, and 66 were expended at N. Tire expense therefore is 66 feet of water falling 136 feet, and the performance is 32 raised 96, and they are in the proportion of 66 x 136 to 32 x 96, or of 1 to 0,3422, or nearly as 3 to 1. This is superior to the performance of the most perfect undershot mill, even when all friction and irregular obstructions are neglected ; and is not much inferior to any overshot pump-mill that has yet been erected. When we reflect on the great obstructions which water meets with in its passage through long pipes, we may be assured, that, by doubling the size of the feeder and discharger, the performance of the machine will be greatly improved ; we do not hesitate to say, that it would be increased one-third : it is true that it will expend more water ; but this will not be nearly in the same proportion, for most of the deficiency of the machine arises from the needless velocity of tire first efflux at Z. The discharging pipe ought to be 110 feet high, and not give sensibly less water. Then it must be considered how inferior in original expense this simple machine must be to a mill of any kind which would raise 10 cubic feet 96 feet high in a minute; and how small the repairs on it need be, when compared with a mill. And, lastly, let it be noticed, that such a machine can be used where no mill whatever can be put in motion. A small stream of water, which would not move any kind of wheel, will here raise one-third of its own quantity to the same heigiit, working as fast as it is supplied. For these reasons, the Hungarian machine eminently deserres the attention of mathematicians and engineers, to bring it to its utmost perfection, and into general use. There are situations where this kind of machine may be very useful. Thus, where the tide rises 17 feet, it may be used for compressing air to seven-eighths of its bulk ; and a pipe leading from a very large vessel inverted in it may be used for raising the water from a vessel of one-eighth of its capacity 1/ feet high ; or if this vessel has only one-tenth of the capacity of the large one set in the tide-wa}^, two pipes may be led from it, one into the small vessel, and the other into an equal vessel 16 feet higher, which receives the water from the first. Thus one-sixteenth of the water may be raised 34 feet, and a smaller quantity to a still greater height ; and this with a kind of power that can hardly be applied any other way. Machines of this kind are described by Schottus, bturmius, Leupold, and other old writers ; and they should not be forgotten, because opportunities may olfer of making them highly beneficial. 9. Mr. John Wliitley Boswell has devised an apparatus which when attached to such a machine as that at Chemnitz will enable it to work itself without attendance. The THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 236 description of this will be presented to the reader in Mr Bos- well’s own words. Fig. 213. A is the reservoir, or upper level of water. B, a chamber made of sufficient strength to bear the internal pressure of a column of water the height of A above it, multiplied by its own base. C, a chamber of the same strength as B, but of a smaller size ; it is placed at the bottom of the pit from which the water is to be raised, and under the level of the water. These chambers would be stronger with the same materials, if of a globular or cylindrical form ; but the square shape is used in the drawing merely for the facility of representing the position of the parts. D, a pipe from the reservoir A which passes through the top of B and ends near its bottom, to convey water from A to B. E, a pipe from the top of B to the top of C, to convey air from B to C. F, a pipe from the bottom of C to the level of the ground at the top of the pit, to carry off the water from the pit. G, a pipe from the bottom of B to carry off the water from it. H, a vessel to contain the water used in working the cocks; it is only placed on the top of B to save the construction of a stand on purpose for it. I, a cock, or movable valve, (worked by the lever there represented,) in the large pipe D. K, a stop-cock in the small pipe which conveys water from D to H. Its use is to make the engine work faster or slower, by letting water more or less quick into II ; or to stop it altogether from working when required. L, a movable valve, or cock in the small pipe L K. The lever which works it is connected by a strong wire with the lever which works I, and is balanced by a weight at its opposite extremity, sufficient to open both these cocks and shut N, when not prevented by a counter weight, N, a cock in the pipe G to open and shut it as wanted. O, a self-moving valve in the pipe F, wdrich permits the water to pass upwards, but prevents its return. P, a self-moving valve at the bottom of C, which permits the water to pass into C, but prevents any from passing out of it; it is furnished with a grating, to prevent dirt getting in. R, a vessel suspended from the levers of I and L, capable of containing a weight of water sufficient to shut them. S, a vessel suspended from the lever of N : it must contain water enough by its weight to open N : it is connected by a chain to 11, to keep it down as long as N is open.- T, a syphon passing from the bottom of H, near its upper edge, and down again to the mouth of R. V, a self-moving valve of a sufficient levity to rise, when the water in B comes up to it, and close the pipe E ; into which no water would else pass from B. A ball-cock, such as used in common water cisterns, would do here. X, a syphon from the bottom of R rising within an inch of its top, and passing down again to the mouth of S. Y, a small pipe at the bottom of S ; this may have a stop-cock to regulate it, whicli, when stopped, will also stop the engine. The mode of this engine’s working is as follows : suppose the vessels V, II, R, and S empty of water, and the cocks K and Y open, and the vessel C full of water. The weight on. the lever of L will then open the cocks L and I, on which the water from A will flow into B and li. As AND MACHINIST. 237 ihe water rises in B, it will force the air through E into C, which strongly pressing on the water in C, will force it up through the pipe F, till the water in B rises to the level of V and closes it, at which time H will be full of water, (the quantity flowing in being so regulated by the cock K,) and the water will flow from it through the syphon T into the vessel R, which as it fills shuts the cock I and L, and prevents any more water coming into B and H. When R is full, the water flows through its syphon X, which fills S, and by it opens N, which empties B of water, and keeps N open as long as there is any water in H. When H is empty, B will be so too, (being so regulated by the cock K,) on which, in a moment or two, R and S will also be empty, which will cause the cocks I and L to open, and all things will be again in the state first supposed, for a repetition of the operations described. To stop the engine, the cocks at K and Y should be shut, while S is full of water. To set it working, they should be open; and this is all the attendance it will require. As no one but an engineer should attempt to construct such an engine as this, it was useless to represent the manner of connecting the pipes by flaches or otherwise, or the proper methods of fastening and closing thp parts, which are all well known to such as have made this art their study. In No. 5, of the New Series of Nicholson's Journal, Mr. Boswell has made some further improvements in the applica- tion of the Hungarian machine. 10. The spiral pump is a very curious hydraulic engine, which operates on nearly the same principle as the Hungarian machine. The first engine of this kind, of which we have seen any account, was invented and erected by H. Andreas Wirtz, a tinplate-worker of Zurich, at a dye-house in Limmat, in the vicinity of that city. It consists of a hollow cylinder, like a very large grindstone, turning on a horizontal axis, and partly plunged in a cistern of water. The axis is hollow at one end, and communicates with a vertical pipe. This cylin- der or drum is formed into a spiral canal, by a plate coiled up within it like the main spring of a watch in its box; only tlie spires at a distance from each other, so as to form a conduit for the water of uniform width. This spiral partition is w’ell joined to the two ends of the cylinder, and no water escapes between them. T’he outermost turn of the spiral begins to widen about three-fourths of a circumference from the end, and this gradual enlargement eontinues nearly a semicircle, this part being called the horn : it then widens suddenly, forming a scoop or shovel. The cylinder is so supported that this shovel may, in the course of a rotation, dip several inehes into the water. As the cylinder turns upon its axis, the scoop dips and takes up a certain quantity of water before it emerges again. This quantity is sufficient to fill the horn ; and this again is nearly equal in capacity to the outermost uniform spiral round. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 238 After tlie scoop is einergedj the water passes along the spiral by the, motion of it round the axis, and drives the air before it into the rising pipe, where it escapes. In the mean time, air comes into the mouth of the scoop ; and w^hen the scoop again dips into the water, it again takes in some of that fluid. Thus there becomes a part filled with water, and a part filled with air. Continuing this motion, a second round of water will be received, and another of air. The water in any turn of the spiral will have its two ends on a level; and the air between the successive columns of water will be in its natural state ; for since the passage into the rising pipe or main is open, there is nothing to force the water and air into any other position. But since the spires gradually diminish in their length, it- is plain that the column of water will gradually occupy more and more of the circumference of each. At last it will occupy a complete turn of some spire that is near the centre ; and when sent further in by the continuance of the motion, some of it M^ill run back over the top of the succeeding spire. Thus it will run over into the right-hand side of the third spire, and consequently will push the water of this spire backwai*ds, and raise its other end, so that it will likewise run over backwards before the next rotation be completed. At length this change of dis- position will reach the outermost spire, and some water will run over into the horn and scoop, and finally into the cistern. But as soon as water gets into the rising pipe, and rises a little into it, it stops the escape of the air when the next scoop of w^ater is taken in. Hence there are then two columns of water acting against each other by hydrostatic pressure, and the intervening column of air: they must compress the air between them, and the water and air columns will now be unequal : this will have a general tendency to keep the whole water back, and cause it to be higher on the left or rising side of each spire than on the right or descending side ; the excess of height being just such as produces the com- pression of the air between that and the preceding column of water. This will go on increasing as the water mounts in the rising pipe ; for the air next to the rising pipe is com- pressed at its inner eud with the weight of the whole column in the main: and it must be as much compressed at its outer end, w'hich must be done by the water column without it; and this column exerts this pressure partly by reason that its outer end is higher than its inner end, and partly by the transmission of the pressure on its outer end by air, which is similarly compressed from without. Thus it will A^D MACHINIST. 239 liappen that each column of water being higher at its outer than at its inner end, compresses the air on the water column beyond or within it, which transmits this pressure to the air beyond ?V, adding to it the pressure arising from its own want of level at the ends. Consequently, the greatest compression, viz. that of the air next the main, is produced by the sum of all the transmitted pressures ; and these are the sum of all the differences between the elevations of the inner ends of the water columns above their outer ends : and the height to wdiich the neater will rise in the main will be just equal to this sum. Suppose the left-hand spaces of each spire to be filled with water, and the right-hand spaces filled with air, as is shown, in regard to one spire, in fig. 214. There is a certain gradation of compression which will keep things in this position : for the spaces manifestly decrease in arithmetical progression ; and so do the hydrostatic heights and pressures ; if, therefore, the air be dense in the same progression all will be in hydrostatical equili- brium. Now this may obviously be produced by the mere motion of the machine ; for since the density and compression in each air column is supposed inversely as the magnitude of the column, the quantity of air is the same in all ; therefore the column first taken in will pass gradually inwards, and the increasing compression will cause it to occupy precisely the whole right-hand of every spire. The gradual diminution of the water columns will be produced, during the motion, by the water running over backwards at the top from spire to spire, and ultimately coming out by the scoop. Since the hydrostatic height of each water column is now the greatest possible, vix. the diameter of the spire, it is evident that this dis- position of the air and water will raise the w^ater to the greatest height. This disposition may be obtained thus : let C B be a vertical radius of the wheel, C being the centre, and B the highest point [the figure may easily be drawn] upon C B, take C L to C B, as the density of the external air to its density in the last column next the rising pipe or main ; that is, make C L to C B as 34 feet (the height of the column of water w hich balances the pressure of the atmosphere) to the sura of 34 feet, and the height of the rising pipe : then divide B L into such a number of turns that the sum of their equal diameters shall be equal to the height of the main; lastly, bring a pipe straight from L to the centre C. Such is the construction of the spiral pump, as originally invented by Wirtz : it certainly indicates very considerable mechanical knowledge and sagacity. But when the main is very high this construction will require either an enormous diameter of the drum, or many turns of a very narrow pipe. In such cases it will be much better to make the spiral in the form of a cork- screw, than of this flat form like a watch-spring. The pipe Vvhich forms the spiral may be wrapped round the frustnim of a cone, whose greatest diameter is to the least (which is next to the rising pipe) in the proportion just assigned to C B and C L. By this construction the water will so stand in every round as to have its upper and lower surfaces tangents to the top and bottom of the spiral, and the water columns will occupy the whole ascending side of the machine wdiile the air occupies the descending side. This form is far preferable to the flat form : it will allow us to employ many turns of a large pipe, and therefore produce a great elevation of a large quantity of water. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 240 Tiie same thing will be still better accomplished by wrapping the pipe on a cylinder, and making it gradually tapering to the end, in such a manner that the contents of each spire may be the same as when it is wrapped round the cone. It will raise the water to a greater height (though certainly with an increase of the impelling power) by the same number of spires, because the vertical or pressing height of each column is greater. In the preceding description of this machine, that construction has been chosen which made its principle and manner of working most evident, namely, that which contained the same material quantity of air in each turn of the spiral, more and more compressed as it approaches to the rising pipe. But this is not the best construction : for we see that in order to raise water to the height of a column of 34 feet, the air in the last spire is com- pressed into half its space ; and the quantity of water delivered into the main at each turn is but half what was received into the first spire, the rest flowing back from spire to spire, and being discharged at the spout. But the construction may be such that the quantity of water in each spire may be the same that was received into the first ; by which means a greater quantity (double in the instance now given) will be delivered into the main, and raised to the same altitude by very nearly the same force. This may be done by another proportion of the capacity of the spires; either by a change of their calibre, or of the diameters of the solid on which they are folded. Suppose the bore to be uniform throughout, the diameters must so vary that the constant column of water and the column of air, com- pressed to the proper degree, may occupy the whole circumference. Let A be the column of water which balances the pressure, and H the height to which the water is to be raised. Let A be to A + H as 1 to m. Then it is plain that m will represent the density of the air in the last spire, if its natural density be 1, because it is pressed by the column A + H \vhile the common air is pressed by A. Let 1 represent the constant water column, and consequently it will be nearly equal to the air column in the first spire : then the whole circumference of the last spire must be 1 + — , in order to ^ m hold the water 1 , and to compress the air into the space — or , xhe circumference of the first spire is 1 + 1 or 2 ; and if D and d be the dia- meters of the first and last spires, we have 2:1 + — : :T) : d. or 2 m : m m ’ + 1 : : D ; d If, therefore, a pipe of uniform bore be wrapped round a conic frustrum, of which D and d are the end diameters, the spirals will be very nearly such as will answer the purpose'. It will not be quite exact, for the intermediate spirals will be rather too large : the conoidal frustrum should in strictness be formed by the revolution of a logarithmic curve. With such a spiral the full quantity of water which was confined in the first spire will find room in the last, and will be sent into the main at every rotation. This is a very great advantage, especially when the water is to be much raised. The saving of power by this change of construction is always proportional to the greatest compression of the air. The chief difficulty in any of these forms is in determining the form and position of the horn and the scoop ; yet on this the performance of the machine greatly depends. The following instructions will render this tolerably easy. Let A B E O (fig. 214) represent the first or outermost spire, of which the axis is C. Suppose the machine immerged up to the axis in the water whose surface is V V' : it has been seen that it is most effective when the surfaces K B and O w of the water columns are distant from each M1T]D)]IL^FX,1C lYotn Z14 to ZZO NecU & Swckl^ sc 3SZ 3irmi2 AND MACHINIST. 241 Other the whole diameter B O of the spire. Let therefore tlie pipe be first conceived of eqiral calibre to the very mouth E e, which we suppose to be just about to dip into the water : the surface O n is kept there in opposition to the pressure of the water column B AO, by the compressed air contained in the quadrant O E, and in the quadrant which lies behind E B : and this compression is supported by the columns behind, between this spire and the rising pipe. But the air in the outermost quadrant E B is in its natural state, because it as yet communicates with the external air. When, how- ever, the mouth E e has come round to A, it will not have the water- standing in it in the same manner, leaving the half space B E O filled with compressed air; for it took in and confined only what filled the quadrant B E. It is obvious, therefore, that the quadrant B E must be so shaped as to take in and confine a much greater quantity of air ; so that when it has come to A, the space BED may contain air sufficiently dense to sup- port the column A O. But this is not enough : for when the wide mouth now at A a' rises up to the top, the surface of the water in it rises also, because the part A O o a' is more capacious than the part of uniform bore O E e 0 that succeeds it, and that cannot contain all the w^ater which it previously held. Since then the water in the spire rises above A, it wall press the water back from O n to some other position m n', and the pressing height of the water column will be diminished by this rising on the other side of O. Hence it will appear that the horn must begin to widen, not from B, but from A, and must occupy the whole semicircle ABE; while its capacity must be to the capacity of the opposite side of uniform bore as the sum of B O and the height of a column of water which balances the atmosphere to the height of that column : for then the air which filled it when of the common density will fill the uniform side B E O, when com- pressed so as to balance the vertical column B O. But even this is not sufficient: for it has not taken w'ater enough. When it dipped into the cistern at E it carried air down with it, and the pressure of the water in the cistern caused that fluid to rise into it a little way; and some water must have come over at B fi-om the other side, which was drawing narrow^er. When, therefore, the horn is in the position EGA it is not full of water: consequently, when it comes into the situation O A B it cannot be full, nor can it balance the air on the opposite side. Hence some will come out at O, and rise up through the water. The horn must therefore extend at least from O to B, or occupy half the circumference ; and it must contain at least twice as much water as would fill the side BEG. Nay, if it be much larger, there may be no disadvantage ; because the surplus of air which it takes in at E will be discharged as the end E of the horn rises from O to B, and it will leave the precise quantity that is wanted. The overplus water will be discharged as the horn comes round to dip again into the cistern. We must also secure the proper quantity of water. When the machine is so much immersed as to be up to its axis in water, the capacity which thus secures the proper quantity of air will also take in the proper quantity of water. But it may be erected so as that the spirals shall not even reach the water : and in this ease it will answer the purpose if a scoop or shovel be joined to the horn, and so formed as to take in at least as much water as will fill the horn. This is all that is wanted in the beginning of the motion along the spiral, and more than is necessary when the water has advanced to the succeeding spire ; but the overplus is discharged in the way just mentioned. The scoop, it should be observed, must be very open on the side next the axis, that it may not confine the air as it enters the water ; for this would hinder it from receiving enough of that fluid. R 242 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 11. Desaguiiers describes^ in the second volume of his Experimental Philosophy, a very simple contrivance to raise water, which is this : to one end of a rope is fixed a large bucket, having a valve at its bottom, opening upwards ; to the other end is fastened a square frame, and the cord is made to pass over two pulleys, each of about 15 inches diameter, (and fixed in a horizontal plane,) in such a manner that as the bucket descends the frame ascends with equal velocity, and vice versa. The frame is made to run freely upon four vertical iron guide-rods passing through holes at its four corners ; and when the bucket is filling with water at the well, the frame stands at the horizontal plane to which the water is to be raised ; when the bucket is full, a man steps upon the frame ; (his weight, together with that of the frame, exceeding the weight of the vessel and its contained water ;) this gives an ascending motion to the bucket, and causes the valve in its bottom to close. When the bucket is raised to the proper height, a hook fixed there catches into a hasp at the side of the bucket, turns it over, and causes it to empty its water into a trough which conveys it where it is required : at this time the man and the descending-frame have arrived at a platform which prevents their further descent, where the man remains till he finds the bucket above is empty; when he steps from the frame, and runs up a flight of stairs to the place from which he descended : the bucket, in the mean while, being somewhat heavier than the frame, descends to the water, and raises the frame to its original position. Thustlie work is continued, the man being at rest during his descent, and labouring in the ascent. Desaguiiers employed in this kind of work a “ tavern draiver,'^ who weighed 160 lbs., whom he desired to go up and down forty steps of 6§ inches each (in all about 22 feet) at the same rate he would go up and down all day. He went up and down twice in a minute ; so that, allowing the bucket with a quarter of a hogshead in it to weigh 140 lbs., he ia able to raise it up through 22 feet twice in a minute : this Desaguiiers estimates as equivalent to a whole hogshead raised 11 feet in a minute, and rather exceeds what he has assigned as a maximum of human exertion. This machine is in many cases not only the most simple, but the host that can be devised ; yet it is one that, without due precautions, is likely to be a very bad one. The frame on which the man steps must be brought up to its place again by a preponderancy in the machine when unloaded ; it should arrive precisely at the same time with the man ; but it may arrive sooner or later. If sooner, it is of no use, and wastes power in raising a counterpoise which is needlessly heavy, or in fact less water is elevated than the man is able to elevate; if later there is a loss of time. Hence the per- fection of this truly simple machine requires the judicious combination of two maximums, each of which varies in a ratio compounded of two other ratios. It will not be difficult, however, to adjust the proportions of the AND MACHINIST. 243 weight of the bucket and that of the frame: for if B denote the weight of the bucket, F that of the frame, and (p the force necessary to overcome the friction and the inertia of the pulleys, g denoting 32^ feet, t the time occupied in walking up the steps, and « the space ascended or descended, then must B and F be sO adjusted as to satisfy the following equation, viz. ry 0 s = -I o- #9 B + F + (l> 2 ^ If there be a spring affording but a small quantity of water, or having but a small fall, it is possible by the loss of some of the water to raise the rest to supply a gentleman's seat, or any place where it is wanted ; but in a less quantity than what runs waste, if the place to which the water is to be raised is higher than the spring or reservoir from which the water falls. Schottus -long ago contrived an engine for this purpose: but the first who put such a thing in execution was Gironimo Finugio, at Rome, in 1616 ; and the first in this country was George Gerves, a carpenter, who, in the year 1725, erected an engine called the Multiplying-wheel Bucket-engine, at the seat of Sir John Chester, at Chichley, in Buckinghamshire. This engine was much approved by Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Desaguliers, and Mr. Beighton, and was certainly very ingenious. The water from a spring- descended in a large bucket hanging by a cord from an axle, while a smaller quantity was raised from the same place by a cord hanging from a wheel on the same axle : a fly and other regulating apparatus were added, to make the engine work itself, which it did for many years without being out of order. As a whole, however, the contrivance is complex ; and we are not aware that any other engines of the same kind have been erected. A description, with a plate, may be seen in Desaguliers' second volume. 12. Mr. H. Sarjeant, of Whitehaven, contrived a very cheap engine for raising water, for which the Society for the En- couragement of Arts awarded him a silver medal in the year 1801. A sketch of this simple invention is given in fig. 215. This engine was erected at Irton-hall, which is situated on an ascent of 60 or 61 feet perpendicular height : at the foot of this elevation, about 140 yards distant from the offices, there runs a small stream of water ; and, in order to procure a constant supply of that necessary fluid, the object was to raise such stream to the house for culinary or domestic uses. With this view, a dam was formed at a short distance above the current, so as to cause a fall of about four feet : the water was then conducted through a wooden trough, into which a piece of leaden pipe, two inches in diameter, was inserted, and part of which is delineated at A, Tire stream of this pipe is directed in such a manner as to run into the bucket B, when the latter is elevated ; but, as soon as it begins to descend, the stream passes over it, and flows progressively to supply the wooden trough or well, at the foot of which stands the forcing-pump C, being three inches in diameter. D is an iron cylinder attached to the pump-rod, which passes through it: such cylinder is filled with lead, and weighs about 240 pounds. This power works the pump, and forces the water to ascend to the house through a pipe one inch in diameter, and which is 420 feet in length. At E is fixed a cord, which, when the bucket approaches to within four or five inches of its lowest projection, extends, and opens a valve in the bottom of the vessel through which the water is discharged. An engine in a great degree similar to this was erected some years ago R 2 244 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC by the late James SpedJing, Esq. for a lead mine near Keswick, with the addition of a smaller bucket which emptied itself into the larger near the beginning of its descent, without which addition it was found that the beam only acquired a libratory motion, without making a full and effective stroke. To answer this purpose in a more simple way, Mr. Sarjeant constructed the small engine in such manner as to finish its stroke (speaking of the bucket end) when the beam comes into a horizontal position, or a little below it. By this means the lever is virtually lengthened in its descent in the proportion of the radius to the cosine, of about thirty degrees, or as seven to six nearly, and consequently its power is increased in an equal proportion. It is evident that the opening of the valve might have been effected, per- haps better, by a projecting pin at the bottom; but Mr. S. chose to give an exact description of the engine as it stands. It has now been some years in use, and completely answers the purpose intended. The only artificers employed, except the plumber, were a country black- smith and carpenter ; and the whole cost, exclusive of the pump and pipes, did not amount to 51. In a letter, dated Whitehaven, April 28, 1801, Mr. Sarjeant observes, that the pump requires about 1 8 gallons of water in the bucket to raise the counter-weight, and make a fresh stroke in the pump ; but it makes three strokes in a minute, and gives about a half-gallon into the cistern at each stroke. He adds, “ I speak of what it did in the driest part of last summer; when it supplied a large family, together with work-people, &c. with water for all purposes, in a situation where none was to be had before, except some bad water from a common pump, which has been since removed. But the above supply being more than sufficient, the machine is occasionally stopped to prevent wear, which is done by merely casting off the string of the bucket-valve. 13. Mr. Benjamin Dearborn has contrived an hydraulic engine which may be conveniently added to a common pump, and thereby renders it useful in further elevating tvatcr, and particularly in extinguishing fires : the following description of his apparatus is extracted from the Memoirs of the Ama' lean Academy, Fig. 216. A, B, C, D, represents a pump, the form of which is similar to that of the pumps commonly employed on sliip-board. E, the spout. F, a stopper. D, d, a plank-cap, that is fitted to the pump, and provided with leather on its lower surface, being secured by the screws a, b : in the centre is a hole, through which the spear of the pump passes, and round which a leather collar is made, as represented at the letter c. gy a nut for the screw b. fy a square piece of wood that is nailed across one end of the plank- cap, through both which the screw a is introduced : a hole is made through such piece and the cap that communicates with the bore of the pump. G, G, a wooden tube, which may be of any requisite length, and consist of any number of joints ; it is made sqirare at the lower extremity, and per- forated for the reception of the cock ; the upper end being made with a nke shoulder. AND MACHINIST. 245 €, a wooden cock that opens or shuts the communication between the pump and the tube, being furnished on the opposite side with a handle and with a lock, in case it should be found necessary. h, h, are two ferules, the object of which is to prevent the tube from splitting. H, H, braces, each of which ought to be crossed over another, as nearly at right angles as possible. 2 , iy are irons in form of a staple, which surround the tube, and pass through the braces.; their ends being perforated with holes for fore-locks. K, L, M, N, is a head made of five pieces of wood ; k, I, m, n, a square piece, in the lower part of which is a hole for the reception of the extremity of the tube, and which piece rests on the shoulder o, p ; totlie lower end of this fiead is nailed a piece of leather, with a hole in its centre, similar to that made in the wood. Another piece of leather of the same form is placed on the top of the tube, and between both is a circle of thin plate- brass ; the two pieces of leather and the brass being pressed between the lower end of the head and the shoulder of the tube. Their edges are deli- neated at 0 , p. K, N, and L, M, are the edges of two pieces of plank, of a similar width with the head, to which they are closely nailed, each being provided with a tenon, that passes through a mortice in the end of the piece O, P : both tenons have holes for a fore-lock at q. O, P, a piece of plank of the same width as the sides ; the centre of which is perforated, in order that the tube may pass through ; and in each end of which is a mortice for the reception of the tenons. N, M, a cap. r, r, are two pieces nailed to the side of the tube ; the lower extremity of each is provided with a truck, with a view to lessen the Iriction of the head in its horizontal revolution. qy qy represent fore-locks, the design of which is to fasten down the head, and prevent the water from escaping at the joint o, p. Q, R, is a wooden conductor : the extremity marked with the letter Q being solid, while the opposite end, 11, is bored with a small auger. s, a bolt that passes through the conductor and head, and being secured on the back with a fore-lock or nut : this bolt is rounded near the head, and square in the middle. ty Uy Wy Xy Teprcsents a piece of iron or brass, designed to prevent the head •of the bolt from wearing into the v/ood. S, S, are ropes for the direction of the conductor. Fig. 217 represents the head without such conductor. a, hy Cy dy is a thick brass plate, the centre of which is perforated, so as to admit a passage to impurities, that might otherwise obstruct the conductor : for which purpose a piece of leather is nailed under it to the head. The square hole in the centre is adapted to the size of the bolt, which it prevents from turning. Tlie conductor has a hollow cut round the bolt on the inside, of the same size as the circle of holes in the brass ; round such cavity is nailed, on the face of the conductor, a piece of leather, that plays on the margin of the brass plate when the conductor is in motion. In the conclusion of his memoir, Mr. Dearborn observes, that he has raised a tube of 30 feet on his pump; and, though the severity of the season had prevented him from completing it, so that one person only could work at the brake, yet he is enabled to throw water on a contiguous building, the nearest part of which is 37 feet from the pump, and between 30 and 40 ,/eet in height. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 246 14. Archimedes' Screw, or the Spiral Pump, or, as it is called in Germany, the Water-snail, is a machine for the raising of water, first invented by Archimedes. Its structure and use will be understood by the following description of it. Fig. 218. A, B, C, D, is a wheel, which is turned round, according to tlie order of the letters, by the fall of water E F, which need not be more than three feet. The axle G of the wheel is elevated so as to make an angle of about 44®, or between 45® and 60®, with the horizon : and on the top of that axle is a wheel H, which turns such another wheel I of the same number of teeth ; the axle K of this last wheel being parallel to the axle G of the two former wheels. The axle G is cut into a double-threaded screw, fig. 219, exactly resembling the screw on the axis of the fly of a common jack, which must be what is called a right-handed screw, like the wood screws, if the first wheel turns in the direction A B C D ; but it must be a left-handed screw, if the stream turns the wheel the contrary way ; and the screw on the axle G must be cut in a contrary way to that on the axle K, because these axles turn in contrary directions. These screws must be covered close over with boards, like those of a cylindrical cask ; and then they will be spiral tubes. Or they may be made of tubes of stiff leather, and wrapped round the axles in shallow grooves cut therein, as fig. 220. The lower end of the axle G turns constantly in the stream that turiis the wheel, and the lower ends of the spiral tubes are open unto the water. So that, as the wheel and axle are turned round, the water rises in the spiral tubes, and runs out at Q, through the holes M N, as they come about below the axle. These holes, of which there may be any num- ber, as four or six, in a broad close ring on the top of the axle, into which ring the water is delivered from the upper open ends of the screw tubes, and falls into the open box N. The lower end of the axle K turns on a gudgeon, in the water N ; and the spiral tubes in that axle take up the water from N, and deliver it into another such a box under the top of K ; on which there may be such another wheel as I, to turn a third axle by such a wheel upon it. And in this manner water may be raised to any given height,where there is a stream sufficient for that purpose to act on the broad float-boards of the first wheel. 15. Another kind of engine, called the Pressure Engine, several of which have been lately erected in different parts of the country, is used for raising water by the pressure and descent of a column enclosed in a pipe. The principle was first adopted in France, in some machinery erected about 1731 , and is described by Belidor, in his Arch, Hydraul, lib. iv. ch. 1. But the engine we are now going to describe is the invention of Mr. Trevitheck, who probably was not aware that one of a similar nature had been before attempted. It was erected about thirty years ago at the Druid Copper-mine, in the parish of Illogan, near Truro. A section of it is given in Fig. 221 . A B represent a pipe six inches in diameter, through which water descends from the head to the place of its delivery to run off by an adit at S, through a fall of 34 fathoms in the whole ; that is to say, in a close pipe down the felopc of a hill 200 fathoms long, with 26 fathoms fall, then perpendicularly AND MACHINIST. 247 six fathoms till it arrives at B, and thence through the engine from B to S tvro fathoms. At the turn B the water enters into a chamber C, the lower part of which terminates in two brass cylinders, four inches in dianrieter ; in which two plugs or pistons of lead, D and E, are capable of moving up and down by their piston-rods, which pass through a close packing above, and are attached to the extremities of a chain leading over and properly attached to the wheel Q, so that it cannot slip. The leaden pipes D and E are cast in their places, and have no packing whatever. They move very easily ; and if at any time they should become loose, they may be spread out by a few blows with a proper instrument, without taking them out of their place. On the sides of the two brass cylinders in which D and E move, there are square holes communicating towards F and G, which is a horizontal trunk or square pipe, four inches wide and three inches deep. All the other pipes G, G, and R, are six inches in diameter, except the principal cylinder wherein the piston H moves ; and this cylinder is ten inches in diameter, and admits a nine-foot stroke, though it is here delineated as if the stroke were only a three-foot. The piston-rod works through a stuffing-box above, and is attached to M N, which is the pit-rod, or a perpendicular piece divided into two, so as to allow its alternate motion up and down, and leave a space between, without touching the fixed apparatus or great cylinder. The pit-rod is prolonged down into the mine, where it is employed to work the pumps ; or if the engine were applied to mill-work, or any other use, this rod would form the communication of the first mover. K L is a tumbler, or turabling-bob, capable of being moved on the gud- geon V, from its present position to another, in which the weight L shall hang over the same inclination on the opposite side of the perpendicular, and consequently the end K will then be as much elevated as it is now depressed. The pipe R S has its lower end immersed in a cistern, by which means it delivers its water without the possibility of the external air introducing itself ; so that it constitutes a torrieellian column, or water barometer, and renders the whole column from A to S efiectual : as we shall see in our view of the operation. Let us suppose the lower bar K V of the tumbler to be horizontal, and the rod P O so situated, as that the plugs or leaden pistons D and E shall lie opposite to each other, and stop the water-ways G and F. In this state of the engine, though each of these pistons is pressed by a force equivalent to more than 1000 pounds, they will remain motionless, because these actions being contrary to each other, they are constantly in equilibrio. The great piston H being here shown as at the bottom of its cylinder, the tum- bler is to be thrown by hand into the position here delineated. Its action upon O P, and consequently upon the wheel Q, draws up the plug D, and depresses E, so that the water-way G becomes open from A B, and that of F to tlie pipe R : the water consequently descends from A to C ; thence to G G G, until it acts beneath the piston H. Tliis pressure raises the piston, and if there be any water above the piston, it causes it to rise and pass through F into R. During the rise of the piston (which carries the pit-rod M N along with it) a sliding block of wood I, fixed to this rod, is brought into contact with the tail K of the tumbler, and raises it to the horizontal position, beyond which it oversets by the acquired motion of the wheel L. The mere rise of the piston, if there v^^ere no additional motion in the tumbler, would only bring the two plugs D and E to the position of rest, namely, to close G and F, and then the engine would stop ; but the fall of the tumbler carries tire plug D downwards quite clear of the hole F, and 248 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the other plug E upwards, quite clear of the hole G. These motions require no consumption of power, because the plugs are in equilibrio, as was just observed. In this new situation the column A B no longer communicates with G, but acts through F upon the.upper part of the piston H, and depresses it ; while the contents of the great cylinder beneath that piston are driven out through G G G, and pass through the opening at E into R. It may be observed, that the column which acts against the piston is assisted by the pressure of the atmosphere, rendered active by the column of water hanging in R, to which that assisting pressure is equivalent, as has already been noticed. When the piston has descended through a certain length, the slide or block at T, upon the pit-rod, applies against the tail K of the tumbler, which it depresses, and again “Oversets ; producing once more the position of ihe plugs D E, here delineated, and the consequent ascent of the great piston H, as before described. The ascent produces its former effect on the tumbler and plugs ; and in this manner it is evident that the alterations will go on without limit, or until the manager shall think fit to place the tumbler and plugs D E in the positions of rest ; namely, so as to stop the passages F and G. The length of the stroke may be varied by altering the positions of the pieces T and I, which will shorten the stroke the nearer they are together ; as in that case they will sooner alternate upon the tail K. As the sudden stoppage of the descent of the column A B, at the instant when the two plugs were both in the water-way, might jar and shake the apparatus, those plugs are made half an inch shorter than, the depth of the side holes ; so that in that case the water can escape directly through both the small cylinders to R. This gives a moment of time for the generation of the contrary motion in the piston and the water in G G G, and greatly deadens the concussion which might else be produced. Some former attempts to make pressure- engines upon the principle of the steam-engine have failed ; because water, not being elastic, could not be made to carry the piston onwards a little, so as completely to shut one set of valves and open another. In the present judicious construction, the tumbler performs the office of the expansive force of steam at the end of the stroke. Mr. Boswell suggests, as a considerable improvement, that the action of this engine should be made elastic by the addi- tion of an air-chamber, on the same principle as that used in fire-engines ; this, he thinks, might be best effected by making the piston hollow, with a small orifice in the bottom, and of a larger size, to serve for this purpose, as the spring of the air would then act both on the upward and downward pressure of the water. There are many other ingenious hydraulic engines of great utility, which the limits of our work will not permit us to describe ; in order, therefore, to supply the deficiency, we shall add a catalbgue of the most important writings on this kind of engine. JPUMS From 2ntoZ24- Flzs 222 222 &StoJdar s^c36zSfrond. AND MACHINIST. 249 Descriptio Machinse Hydraulicae curiosae constructse Joh. Geor. Faudieri. Venet. 1607. Nouvelle Invention de lever I’Eau plus haul que la Source, avec quelque Machines Mouvantes par le Moyen de FEau, &c. par Isaac de Caus, 1657. Josephi Gregorii a Monte Sacr. Principia Physico-mechanica diversarum Machinarum sen Instrumentorum Pneunriatices ac Hydraulices. Venet. 1664. Nouvelle Machine Hydraulique, par Francini. Journ. des S^av. 1669. [An account of this machine is likewise given in the Architecture Hy- draulique of Belidor, tom. 2. and in the 2d vol. of Desaguliers’ Experi- mental Philosophy: in both which performances many other hydraulic machines are described.] An Undertaking for raising Water, by Sir Samuel Moreland. Phil. Trans. 1674, No. 102. An Hydraulic Engine, by Phil. Trans. 1675, No. 128. A cheap Pump, by Mr. Conyers. Phil. Trans. 1677, No. 136. M. de Ilautefeuille, Reflexions sur quelques Machines a Clever les Eaux, avec sa Description d’une nouvelle Pompe, sans Frottement et sans Piston, &c. 1682. Elevation des Eaux par toute sorte de Machines, r^duite a la mesure, au poids, a la balance, par le moyen d’un nouveau piston et corps de pompe, et d’un nouveau mouvement cyclo-elliptique, et rejetant I’usage de toute sorte de manivelles ordinaires, par le Chevalier Morland. 1685. A new Way of raising Water, enigmatically proposed, by Dr. Papin. Phil. Trans. 1685, No. 173. The solutions by Dr. Vincent and Mr. R. A. in No. 177. M. du Torax, . Nouvelles Machines pour ^puiser I’Eau des Fondations, / qui, quoique trhs simples, font un effet surprenant. 1695. Journ. des Spav. 1695, p. 293. An Engine for raising Water by the help of Fire, by Mr. Tho. Savery. Phil. Trans. 1699, No. 253. D. Papin, Nouvelle Manihre pour lever I’Eau par la Force du Feu : a Cassel. 1707. M^moire pour la Construction d’une Pompe qui fournit continuellement de I’Eau dans le Reservoir, par M. de la Hire, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1716. Description d’une Machine pour elever des Eaux, par M. de la Faye, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1717. Joh. Jac. Bruckmann’s und Joh. Heinr. Weber’s Elementar-maschine, Oder universal-mittel bey alien wasser-hebungen. Cassel. 1 720. Jacob Leopold, Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum. 1724, 1725. Joh. Frid. Weidleri Tractatus, de Machinis Hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi, &c. 1727. Vide Act. erudit. Lips. 1728. A Description of the Water-works at London-bridge, by H. Beighton, F.R.S. Phil. Trans. 1731, No. 417. An Account of a new Engine for raising Water, in which horses or other animals draw without any loss of power (which has never yet been prac- tised ;) and how the strokes of the piston may be made of any length, to prevent the loss of water by the too frequent opening of valves, &c. by Walter Churchman. Phil. Trans. 1734. Sur I’Eflet d’une Machine Hydraulique propos^e par M. Segner, par M. Leon. Euler, Mem. Acad. Sci. Berlin. 1750. ^ Application de la Machine Hydraulique de M. Segner k toutes sortes d’ouvrages, et de ses avantages sur les autres Machines Hydrauliques, par M. Leon. Euler, Mem. Acad. Sci. Berlin. 1751. [M. Segner’s machine is no other than the simple yet truly ingenious THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 250 contrivance known by tlie name of Barker’s miH, which had been described in the 2d volume of Desaguliers' Philosophy, some years before the German professor made any pretensions to the honour of the invention. The theory of it is likewise treated by John Bernoulli at the end of his Hydraulics.] Recherches sur une nouvelle manihre d clever de I’Eau proposee par M. de Mour, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Berlin. 1751. Discussion particulibre de diverses manibres d’elever de I’Eau par le moyen des Pompes, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Ber. 1752. Maximes pour arranger le plus avantageusement les Machines destinees a blever de VEau par le moyen des Pompes, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Ber. 1752. Reflexions sur les Machines Hydrauliques, par M. le Chevalier D^Arcy, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1754. Memoire sur les Pompes, par M. le Chevalier de Borda, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1768. Dan. Bernoulli Expositio Theoretica singularis Machinae Hydraulicae. Figuri helvetiorum, exstmctse. Nov. Com. Acad. Petrop. 1772. Abhandlungen von der Wasserschraube, von D. Scherffer, Priester. Wien. 1774. Recherches sur les Moyens d’executer sous I’Eau toutes sortes de Travaux Hydrauliques, sans employer aucun Epuisement, par M. Coulumb. 1 779. Saemund Magnussen Holm, Efterretning om skye Pumpen. Kiobenhavn. 1779. Moyen d'augmenter la Vitesse dans le Mouvement de la Vis d’Archimbde sur son Axe, tire des Memoir es Manuscrits de M. Pingeron, sur les Arts utiles et agreables. Journ. d’Agric. Juin, 1780. The Theory of the Syphon, plainly and methodically illustrated. 1781. (Richardson.) Memoria sopra la nuova Tromba Funiculare Umiliata, dal Can. Carlo Castelli. Milano. 1782. Dissertation de M. de Parcieux, sur le moyen d’elever I’Eau par la rota- tion d\me corde verticale sans fin. Amsterdam et Paris, 1792. Theorie der Wirzischen Spiral Pumpe, erlautert von Heinr. Nicander. Schwed. Abhandl. 1783. Jac. Bernoulli, Essai sur une nouvelle Machine Hydraulique propre a blever de I’Eau, et qu’on peut nommer Machine Pitotienne. Nov. Act. Acad. Petrop. 1786. K. Ch. Langsdorf’s Berechnungen fiber die Vortheilhaeftere Benutzung Angelegter Fammelteiche zur Betriebung der Maschinen. Act. Acad. Elect. Mogunt. 1784, 1785. Nicander’s Theorie der Spiral Pumpe. 1789. Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique, par M. Prony. 1790, 1796. A short Account of the Invention, Theory, and Practice of Fire Machinery; or. Introduction to the Art of making Machines vulgarly called Steam- ihigines, in order to extract water from mines, convey it to towns, and jets- d’eaux in gardens ; to procure water-falls for fulling, hammering, stamping, rolling, and cornr-mills; by W. Blakey. 1793. PUMPS. 1 . The construction of pumps is usually explained by glass models, in which the action both of the pistons and valves may be seen. In order to understand the structure and operation of the common pump, let the model D C B L, fig. 222, be placed upright in the vessel of water K, the water being deep enough to rise at least as high as from A to L. The and machinist. 251 valve a on the movable bucket. G, and the valve b on the fixed box H, (which box quite fills the bore of the pipe or barrel at H,) will each lie close by its own weight, upon the hole in the bucket and box, until the engine begins to w'ork. The valves are made of brass, and covered underneath with leather, for closing the hole more exactly; and the bucket G is raised and depressed alternately by the handle E and rod D d, the bucket being supposed at B before the working begins. Take hold of the handle E, and thereby draw up the bucket from B to C, which will make room for the air in the pump all the way below the bucket to dilate itself, by which its spring is weakened, and then its force is not equivalent to the weight or pressure of the outward air upon the water in the vessel K ; and therefore, at the first stroke, the outward air will press up the water through the notched foot A, into the lower pipe, as far as e : this will condense the rarefied air in the pipe between e and C to the same state as it was in before ; and then, as its spring within the pipe is equal to the force or pressure of the outward air, the water will rise no higher by the first stroke ; and the valve b, which was raised a little by the dilatation of the air in the pipe, will fall, and stop the hole in the box H ; and the surface of the water will stand at e. Then depress the piston or bucket from C to B, and as the air in the part B cannot get back again through the valve it will (as the bucket descends) raise the valve a, and so make its way through the upper part of the barrel d into the open air. But, upon raising the bucket G a second time, the air between it and the water, in the lower pipe at e, will be again left at liberty to fill a larger space ; and so its spring being again weakened, the pressure of the outward air on the water in the vessel K will force more water up into the lower pipe from e to f; and when the bucket is at its greatest height C, the lower valve b will fall, and stop the hole in the box H as before. At the next stroke of the bucket or piston, the water will rise through the box H towards B, and then the valve b, which was raised by it, will fall when the bucket G is at its greatest height. Upon depressing the bucket again, the water cannot be pushed back through the valve b, which keeps close upon the hole whilst the piston descends. And upon raising the piston again, the outward pressure of the air will force the water up through H, where it will raise the valve, and follow the bucket to C. Upon the next depression of the bucket G, it will go down into the water in the barrel B ; and as the water cannot be driven back through the now close valve Z>, it will raise the valve a as the bucket descends, and will be lifted up by the bucket when it is next raised. And now, the whole space below the bucket being full, the water above it cannot sink when it is depressed ; but upon its depression, the valve a will rise to let the bucket go down ; and when it is quite down, the valve a will fall by its own weight, and stop the hole in the bucket. When the bucket is next raised, all the water above it will be lifted up, and begin to r un off by the pipe F. And thus, by raising and depressing the bucket alternately, there is still more water raised by it ; which getting above the pipe F, into the wide top I, will supply the pipe, and make it run with a continued stream. So, at every time the bucket is raised, the valve b rises, and the valve a falls; and at every time the bucket is depressed, the valve b falls, and the valve a rises. As it is the pressure of the air or atmosphere which causes the water to rise, and follow the piston or bucket G as it is drawn up ; and since a column of water 32 feet high is of equal weight with as thick a column of the atmosphere, from the earth to the very top of the air; therefore the perpendicular height the piston or bucket from the surface of the water in the well must always 2o2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC be less than 32 feet ; otherwise the water will never get above the bucket. Hut when the height is less, the pressure of the atmosphere will be greater than the weight of the water in the pump, and will therefore raise it above the bucket ; and when the water has once got above the bucket, it may be lifted to any height, if the rod D be made long enough, and a sufficient degree of strength be employed, to raise it with the weight of the water above the bucket without ever lengthening the stroke. The force required to work a pump will be as the height to which the water is raised, and as the square of the diameter of the pump-bore in that part where the piston works. So that if two pumps be made of equal heights, and one of them be twice as wide in the bore as the other, the widest will raise four times as much water as the narrowest, and will require therefore four times as much strength to work it. The wideness or narrowness of the pump in any other part besides that in which the piston works, does not make the pump either more or less difficult to work, except what differ- ence may arise from the friction of the water in the bore, which is always greater in a narrow bore than in a wide one, because of the great velocity of the water. The pump-rod is never raised directly by such a handle as E at the top, but by means of a lever, whose longer arm (at the end of which the power is applied) generally exceeds the length of the shorter arm five or six times, and by that means gives five or six times as much advantage to the power. Upon these principles, it will be easy to find the dimensions of a pump that shall work with a given force, and draw water from any given depth. The quantity of water raised by each stroke of the pump- handle is just as much as fills that part of the bore in which the piston works, be the size of the rest of the bore ab(»ve and below the piston what it will. The pressure of the atmo- sphere will raise the water 32 feet in a pipe exhausted of air ; but it is advisable never to have the piston more than 20 or 24 feet above the level of the surface of the water in which the lower end of the pump is placed ; and the power required to w'ork the pump will be the same, whether the piston goes down to lie on a level with the surface of the well, or whether it works 30 feet above that surface, because the w^eight of the column of air that the piston lifts is equal to the weight or pressure of the column of water raised by the pressure of the air to the piston. And although the pressure of the air on the surface of the well will not raise or force up the water in the pump-bore more than 32 feet, yet when the piston goes 4own into the column so raised, the water gets above it, and AND MACHINIST. 253 may then be raised to any height whatever above the piston, according to the quantity of power applied to the handle of the pump for that purpose. Pumps ought to be made so (says Mr. Ferguson) as to work with equal ease in raising the water to any given height above' the surface of the well. And this may be done by duly jjro- portioning the diameter of the bore (in that part where the piston works) to the height the water is to be raised, as that the column of water may be no heavier in a long j)ump than in a short one, or indeed equally heavy in all pumps from the shortest to the longest, on a supposition that the diameter of the bore is the same size from top to bottom ; and whatever size the bore be, above or below that part in which the piston works, the power required to work the pump will be just the same as if the bore was of the same size throughout. In order that a man of common strength may raise water by pumps with the same ease, to any height not less than 10 feet, or more than 100 feet, above the surface of the well, Mr. Ferguson has calculated the annexed table, in which the diameter of the bore is duly proportioned to the height ; and in these calculations he supposes the pump-handle to be a lever increasing the power five times. Heigiit of the Diameter of the Water discharged i pump, in feet, bore. a minute, above tlie surface of the well. 100 parts of Inches, an inch. in wine measure. Gallons. Tints. 10 6 •93 81 6 15 5 •6G 54 4 20 4 •90 40* 7 25 4 •38 32 6 30 4 •00 27 2 35 3 •70 23 3 40 3 •46 20 3 45 3 •27 18 1 50 3 •10 16 3 55 2 •95 14 7 60 2 •84 13 5 65 2 •72 12 4 70 2 •62 11 5 75 2 •53 10 7 80 2 •45 10 2 85 2 •38 9 5 90 2 •31 19 1 95 2 •25 8 5 100 2 •19 8 1 In the first column look for the number of feet the water is to be raised ; then, in the second column, you have the dia- meter of that part of the bore in which the piston or bucket works ; and in the third column, the quantity of water which 254 THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC a man of ordinary strength can raise in a minute by the pump to the given height. The quantity of water contained in a pipe of either of those heights in the table, supposing the diameter of the bore to be the same from top to bottom, is 4523*2 cubic inches, or 19*58 gallons in wine-measure, as near as the hundredth part of an inch in the diameter of the bore can make it. Mr. Ferguson has calculated the following table, by which the quantity and weight of water in a cylindrical bore of any given diameter and perpendicular height may be very readily found. Diameter of the cylindrical bore 1 inch. Feet liigh. Quantity of water, in cubic inches. Weight of water, in troy ounces. In avoirdupoise ounces. 1 9*4247781 4*9712340 5*4541539 2 18*8495562 9-9424680 10*9083078 3 28*2743343 14*9137020 16*3624617 4 37*6991124 19*8849360 21*8166156 5 47*1238905 24*8561700 27*2707695 6 56*5486686 29*8274040 32*7249234 7 65*9734467 34*7986380 38*1790773 8 75*3982248 39*7698720 43*6332312 9 84*8230029 44*7411060 49*0873851 For tens of feet high, remove the decimal points one place towards the right hand ; for hundreds of feet, two places ; for thousands, three places ; and so on. Then multiply each sum by the square of the diameter of the given bore, and the products will be the answer. Example : Qu. What is the quantity and weight of water in an upright pipe 85 feet high, and 10 inches in diameter of bore ? The square of 10 is 100. Feet high. Cubic inches. Troy ounces. Avoirdupoise ounces. 80 753* 982248 397* 698720 436* 332312 5 47*1238905 24*8561700 27*2707695 85 801*1061385 422*5548900 463*6030815 Multiply by , 100 100 100 Answer . . . , 80110*6138500 42255*4890000 46360* 308150 Which number (80110'61) of cubic inches being divided by 231, the number of cubic inches in a wine gallon, gives 342*6 for the number of gallons in the pipe ; and 42255*489 troy ounces being divided by 12, gives 3521 *29 for the weight of the water in troy pounds ; and, lastly, 46360*3 avoirdupoise ounces being divided by 16, gives 2897*5 for the weight in avoirdupoise pounds. AND MACHINIST. 255 The power required to work a pump^ or any other hydraulic engine, must not only be equal to the whole column of water in the pump-bore, but as much superior to it as will overcome all the friction of the working parts of the engine. 2. In Dr. Gregory’s Mechanics ^ vol. ii. is the following description of a pump, with little friction, which may be con- structed in a variety of ways by any common carpenter, without the assistance of the pump-maker, or plumber, and which will be very effective for raising a great quantity of water to small heights, as in draining marshes, marie pits, quarries, &c., or even for the service of a house. ABCD, fig. 223, is a square trunk of carpenter’s work open at both ends, and having a little cistern and spout at top. Near the bottom there is a partition made of board, perforated with a hole E, and covered with a dock, ////represent a long cylindrical bag made of leather or of double canvass, with a fold of thin leather, such as sheep skin, between the canvass bags. This is firmly nailed to the board E with soft leather between. The upper end of this bag is fixed on a round board having a hole and valve F. This board may be turned in the lathe with a groove round its edge, and the bag fastened to it by a cord bound tight round it. The fork of the piston-rod F G is firmly fixed into this board ; the bag is kept distended by a number of wooden hoops or rings of strong wire,//,//,// &c. put into it at a few inches distance from each other. It will be proper to connect these hoops, before putting them in, by three or four cords from top to bottom, which will keep them at their proper distances. Tims will the bag have the form of a barber’s bellow's pow'der-puff. The distance between the hoops should be about twice the breadth of the rim of the wooden ring to which the upper valve and piston-rod are fixed. Now let this trunk be immersed in the water. It is evident that if the bag be stretched from the compressed form which its own weight w’ill give it by drawing up the piston-rod, its capacity will be enlarged, the valve F will be shut by its own w'eight, the air in the bag will be rarefied, and the atmosphere will press the water into the bag. When the rod is thrust down again, this water will come out by the valve F, and fill part of the trunk. A repetition of the operation will have a similar eftect ; the trunk will be filled, and the water will at last be discharged by the spout. Here is a pump almost divested of friction, and perfectly light. For the leather between the folds of canvass renders the bag impervious both to air and water. And the canvass has very considerable strength. We know', from experience, that a bag of six inches diameter, made of sail-cloth No. 3, with a sheep-skin between, wdll bear a column of 15 feet of W'ater, and six hours work per day for a month without failure, and that the pump is considerably superior in eftect to a common pump of the same dimensions. We must only observe, that the length of the bag must be three times the intended length of the stroke ; so that when the piston-rod is in its highest position, the angles or ridges of the bag may be pretty acute. If the bag be more stretched than this. 256 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the force which must be exerted by the labourer becomes much greater tlian the weight of the column of water which he is raising. If the pump be laid aslope^ which is very usual in these occasional and hasty drawings, it is necessary to make a guide for the piston-rod within the trunk, that the bag may play up and down without rubbing on the sides, which would quickly wear it out. The experienced reader will see that this pump is very like that of Gosset and De la Deuille, described by Belidor, vol. ii. p. 120, and most writers on hydraulics. It would be still more like it, if the bag were on the under side of the partition E, and a valve placed further down the trunk. But we think that our form is greatly preferable in point of strength. When in the other situation, the column of water lifted by the piston tends to hurst the bag, and this with a great force, as the intelligent reader well knows. But in the form recommended here, the bag is compressed^ and the strain on each part may be made much less than that which tends to burst a bag of six inches diameter. The nearer the rings are placed to each other the smaller will the strain be. The same bag-piston may be employed for a forcing-pump, by placing it below the partition, and inverting the valve ; aiid it will then be equally strong, because the resistance in this case too will act by compression. 3. An ingenious variation in the construction of the sucking- pump, is that with two piston-rods, in the same barrel, in- vented by Mr. Walter Taylor, of Southampton. A vertical section of this pump is given in fig. 224. The piston-rods have racks at their upper parts working on the opposite sides of a pinion, and kept to their proper positions by friction-rollers. The valves used in this pump are of three kinds, as shown at a, b, and r. The former is a spheric segment which slides up and down on the piston- rod, and is brought down by its own weight; the second, b, is called the pendulum-valve ; and the third, c, is a globe which is raised by the rising water, and falls again by its own weight. Each of these valves will dis- engage itself from chips, sand, gravel, &c. brought up by the water. In this kind of pump the pistons may either be put in motion by a handle in the usual way, or a rope may pass round the wheel rf e in a proper groove, the two ends of which, after crossing at the lower part of the wheel, may be pulled by one man or more on each side. A pump of this kind, with seven inch bore, heaves a ton 24 feet high in a minute, with ten men, five only working at a time on each side. Another improvement of the common pump has been made by Mr. Todd, of Hull. This invention in some particulars bears a resemblance to the ordinary one, but he has con- trived to double its powers by the following means : AND MACHINIST* 25/ Having prepared the piston-cylinder, which may be 12 feet high, he cuts from the bottom of it about three feet ; at the end of the great cylinder he places an atmospheric-valve, and to the top of the small cylinder a serving-valve. In the bottom of the small cylinder, which contains the serving- valve, is inserted an oblong elliptical curved tube, of equal caliber w ith the principal cylinder, and the other end is again inserted in the top of the great cylinder. This tube is divided in the same manner as the first cylinder, with atmospheric and serving valves, exactly parallel with the valves of the first cylinder. The pump, thus having double valves, pro- duces double effects, which effects maybe still further increased by extending the dimensions. The cylinder is screwed for service on a male tube screw^y which projects from the side of a reservoir or water cistern, and is worked by hand. The piston-plunger is worked by a toothed segment- wheel, similar to the principle of the one used in working the chain- pumps of ships belonging to the royal navy ; and the wheel receives its motion from a hand-winch, which is considerably accelerated by a fly-w^heel of variable dimensions, at the opposite end. This pump, in addition to its increased powers, possesses another very great and prominent advantage. By screwing to it the long leather tube and fire-pipe of the common engine, it is in a few minutes converted into an effective fire-engine^ Hence, whoever possesses one may be said to have a con- venient domestic apparatus against fire. Three men can work it, one to turn the winch, another to direct the fire- pipe, and a third to supply the water. 4. The Forcing-pum]} is represented in fig. 225^ It raises water through the box H, not in the same manner as the sucking or lifting pump does, when the plunger or piston g is lifted up by the rod Drf; but this plunger or forcer has no hole through it, to let the water in the barrel B C get above it, when it is depressed to B ;• and the valve b (which rose by the ascent of the water through the box H when the plunger g was drawn up) falls down and stops the hole in H the moment that the plunger is raised to its greatest height. Therefore as the water between the plunger g and the box H can neither get through the plunger upon its descent, nor back again into the lower part of the pump L e, but has a free passage by the cavity around H into the pipe M M, which opens into the air-vessel K K at P, the water is forced through the pipe M M by the descent of the plunger, and driven into the air-vessel, and in running up through the pipe at P, it opens the valve a, which shuts at the moment the plunger begins to be raised, because the action of the water against the under side of the valve then ceases. The water being thus forced into the air-vessel KK, by repeated strokes s THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 2B8 ot the plunger, gets above the lower end of die pipe G H I, and then begins to condense the air in the vessel K K. For as tlie pipe G II is fixed' air-tight into the vessel below F, and the air has no way to get out of the vessel out through the mouth of the pipe at I, and cannot get out when the mouth I is covered with water, and is more and more condensed as the water rises upon the pipe, the air then begins to act forcibly by its spring against the surface of the water at H ; and this action drives the water up through the pipe I H G F,from whence it spouts in a jet S to a great height, and is supplied by alternately raising and depressing the plunger which constantly forces the water that it raises through the valve H, along the pipe M M, into the air-vessel K K. The higher the surface of the water II is raised in the air-vessel, the less space will the air be condensed into, which before filled that vessel; and therefore the force of its spring will be so much the stronger upon the water, and will drive it with the greater force through the pipe at F ; and as the spring of the air continues whilst the plunger 5- is rising, the stream or jet S will be uniform as long as the action of the plunger continues; and when the valve b opens to let the water follow the plunger upward, the valve a shuts, to hinder the water, which is forced into the air-vessel, from running back by the pipe M M into the barrel of the pump. If there was no air-vessel to this engine, the pipe GHI would be joined to the pipe M M N at P: and then the jet S would stop every time the plunger is raised, and run only when the plunger is depressed. Mr. Newsham's Water-engine^ for extinguishing fire, (see Fire-engine,) consists of two forcing-pumps, which alternatelv drive water into a close vessel of air; and by forcing the water into that vessel, the air in it is thereby condensed, and compresses the water so strongly, that it rushes out with great impetuosity and force through a pipe that comes down into it; and makes a continued uniform stream, by the con* densation of the air upon its surface in the vessel. By means of forcing-pumps, water may be raised to anv height above the level of a river or spring; and machines may be contrived to work these pumps, either by a running stream, a fall of water, by horses, or by steam. The rod of the bucket in a sucking-pump is sometimes made to work through a collar of oiled leathers and brass plates, connected with the barrel of the pump by screws, and kept moist by water contained in a vessel at the top : it prevents the water issuing from the top of the pump, and therefore by a pipe it will raise to any height. This is called in the North a jaekhead. 5. llie Lifting-pump differs from the sucking-pump only in the disposition of its valves, and the form of its piston frame. This pump is represented in fig. 226. A U is a barrel fixed i-n a frame I K L M, which is immovable, with its lower parts communicating with the water. G E Q H O is a frame with two strong iron rods, movable through holes in the upper and lower parts of the pumps I K and I. M ; in the bottom of this frame jPiTiYrps From 225 to 2S1 toliliu AND MACHINIST. 259 G Q H, is fixed an inverted piston B D, with its bucket and valve upon the top at D. Upon the top of the barrel there goes off a part F R, either fixed to the barrel, or movable by a ball and socket ; but in either case water and air tight. In this part, at C, is a fixed valve opening upw’ards. It is evident that when the piston frame is thrust down into the water, the piston D descends, and the water below will rush up through the valve D, and get above the piston ; and that, when the frame is lifted up, the piston will force the water through the valve C up into the cistern P, there to run off by the spout. The piston of this pump plays below the surface of the water. Mr. Martin. has described a mercurial pump, which works by quicksilver, invented by Mr. Hoskins, and perfected by Mr. Desaguliers ; and another pump of the lifting sort, invented by Messrs. Gosset and De la Deuille, and set up in the king of France’s garden at Paris, the piston of which works without friction. — Phil. Brit. vol. ii. p. 57, &c. ed. 3. 6. Ctesibius's 2 mmp, the first of all the kinds, acts both by suction and pulsion. Its structure and action are as follows : A brass cylinder A B C D, fig. 227, furnished with a valve in L, is placed in the water. In this is fitted an embolus M K, made of green wood, which will not swell in the water, and adjusted to the aperture of the cylinder with a covering of leather, but without any valve. In H is fitted on another tube N H, with a valve that opens upwards in I. Now the embolus MK being raised, the water opens the valve in L, and rises into the cavity of the cylinder; and when the same embolus is again depressed, the valve I is opened, and the water driven up through the tube H N. This is the pump used among the ancients, and that from which both the others are deduced. Sir S. Morland has endeavoured to increase its force by lessening the friction, w’hich he has done to good effect, insomuch as to make it work without almost any friction at all. 7. In 1813, the Society for the Encouragement of Arts conferred a silver medal on Mr. John Stevens, for an im- provement in the construction of the forcing-pump, by which he is enabled, at a comparatively trifling expense, to raise w’ater from a well 66 feet below the surface of the ground. The whole expense of the pump and apparatus was 25/. The lower part of the pump-tree is four inches in the bore. The lower part of the rod which passes through the stuffing- box is made of brass ; the elbow and upper pump-trees are of a two-inch bore, and may be easily made of any kind of wood. It may also be made to act as an engine to extin- guish fires, by the addition of an air-tight vessel and pipe to the upper part. In the drawing is introduced a cap and screw, in preference to screwing it to the nozle of the pump, as it is stronger and more to be depended upon; and wffien the water is to be raised a great height, a screw is also recommended to be s2 26 a THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC made to fit tJie nozle, that every thing may be always ready for immediate use. The work of this pump is not liable to be injured by frost ; and when the well is of considerable depth a brass or metal barrel for the piston to work in should be adopted. Fig. 228 is a section of a well, in which a pump of this kind is fixed j A A represents the surface of the ground, and B B the brickwork of the well, in which the water stands at the level C, and is, by the pump, to be raised ta the surface A A. D is the lever or handle of the pump, which has the rod a jointed to it, and descending to the pump ; the rod is made of wood, in several lengths^ which are united by joints of iron, in the manner shown at fig. 229 ; the wooden rods, a a, being capped with iron forks 6, which include the ends of them and are nvetted fast; the ends of the forks are joined together to connect the several lengths. E is the working barrel, or chamber, of the pump, in which the bucket works ; this part is formed of a tree, bored through and having a projecting branch e, wliich is fikewise bored obliquely to the barrel, and forms the forcing pipe ; in the bottom of the barrel the suction-valve is situated, being at the top of the suction part of the pump, which is bored with a smaller auger than the working chamber, which is also lined with a brass tube, where the bucket works. The top of the barrel is covered by a metal lid, ,g, (see figs. 230 and 231,) which has a stufting-box in the centre to receive the metal cylindrical part of the pump-rod h ; to the lower extremity of this the bucket a is fixed. The metal lid consists of a ring, which is screwed to tl'.e wooden barrel by five screw-bolts, passing through as many ears, pro jecting from the circumference of the ring; they have eyes below to hook upon pins, which are fixed in the wood, but project sufficiently for these bolts to hold, and are formed into screws above, so as to hold the ring firmly down, by means of nuts screwed upon them. Tlie movable lid of the pump, w'hicli has the stuffing-box formed in the centre of it, is screwed to the ring by five screws, and these can be taken out to remeve the lid, and draw up the bucket, when it requires to be leathered. F is the forcing pipe, formed of as many pieces of wooden pipes as are re(|uired to make up the length; they are united together by making the upper ends conical, to enter a similar cavity made in the lower end of the next pipe ; the lowest piece fits upon the extremity of the projecting branch e, and a valve is proposed to be put in the pipe at this joint, to prevent the return of the water, and bear part of the weight of the column from the lowest valve at f; the upper end of the pipe has a spout i, at which the water is delivered. M is a second spout, fixed into the pipe lower than the former ; it has a screw by which it can be united to a hole, or leather pipe, to convey the water to a distance, or by means of a jet, or branch-pipe, to throw it in the manner of a tire-engine; in this case the upper spout i must be stopped up, by a screw-plug or cap ; and there is a copper air-tight vessel II, situated at the top of the pipe F, to equalize the pulsative motion of the water as thrown by the pump. K is a bracket fixed to the pipe F, and projecting over the centre of the ymmp, where it has a hole to receive the pump rod h, and guide it steadily m its motion up and down, that it may not wear the stuffing-box away on. one side. As the wooden tubes of which the forcing-pump F is composed may be made from waste or crooked timber, it makes a great difference AND MACHJNIST. 2Gl between the low price of such, and that of the stiaignt trees necessary for common pumps. A wooden plug may be chained to the pump, betwixt the spouts or nozles M and so as be ready to stop that which is not wanted in use. Mr. Stephens is of opinion, that it is better to place the valve / above the level of the water in the well. 8. Mr. William Tyror, of Liverpool, took out a patent in March, 1819, for certain improvements in the construction of pumps, and in the machinery for working the same. This improvement consists in having four bmss chambers, marked P P P, fig. 232, joined together by means of breech-pieces with screw’s, and soldered across the joints ; these breech-pieces, marked Q, Q, being cast of brass, or any other suitable metal. When these are complete, P P, fig. 233, is placed upon the breech-piece Qq, fig. 234, and both of them are fixed to or under a box or frame suitable for the purpose. This box or frame, fig. 238, is furnished with eight brass grooves, •O OO, fastened to the sides with screws; and a crank, or four cranks in one, that is, one crank out of each side of the same piece of square iron or any other suitable metal, one up, one down, one in front, and one in back. To one end of the crank, or cranks, is fixed two tooth and pinion wheels, a sufficient distance apart to allow two wheels of the same diameter and thickness to stand between them, so that the cranks may go round without moving the other wheels, marked C and E. The wheels D and F are made fast on the cranks A, A, by means of a screw or pin, and the wheels C and E, being fixed close together, slide to and fro upon the square end of the axle U, by means of the guide or sliding geer V, which is fixed in a groove turned out of the nave of the wheel C, by means of a clip and two screws which fasten it underneath, and rests in the notches fixed at the other end of the box or frame, for the end of the guide or geer to rest. The notches are three in number on each side of the box or frame W. The one farthest from the wheel has the guide V, drawn back, with the wheel E upon the small wheel F. By moving the guide into the middle notch, the w'heels C and E are kept between the wheels D and F ; and the notch nearest the w’heels guides the wheel C on the large .wheel D, so that the power is much greater when forcing or drawing water from a great depth. When the wheels C and E are placed in the space between the lower wheels, the handle is moved from the upper axle U, and placed upon the end of the crank A A, and the pump is w’orked without the assistance of the W’heels as occasion may require. The machinery is furnished with four key-bow rods, marked B B B, for the purpose of fixing to them the spear boxes or plunging rods, by means of a joint and pin and bolt, the key-bow being filed square across in the inside, so as to give the roller-step a fair bearing. Fig. 235 represents the rolling-step, which is formed of two pieces of brass, the one half round, of a thickness according to the strength or size of the machinery ; and the other round, like a wheel or sheave in form, and of the same thickness as the other half. This round sheave or wheel is cut half through the middle edgeways, and the piece is then cut off, and a dovetail is cut down the width in proportion to the crank. Tlie other half is then fitted into the place from whence the larger piece has been cut, and both of them are held together by means of two screws ; and the sheave or wheel is then in the form of its appearance before it was cut. A hole is now drilled 262 Till*: OPERATIVE MECHANIC through tlie centre, and it is fixed upon the before mentioned crank or cranks. Y, in fig. 236, represents the larger half of this step; and X, fig. 237, represents the smaller half, with the dove-tailed standing upon it, which fills up the vacancy or room that is made in the large half for fixing it upon the crank. The ends of each key-bow is set in the grooves, 0 0 0 , fig. 238, and the key- bow rods, B B B B, work through holes in the bottom of the box, for which purpose an iron-plate or base is formed with four holes, SS S, fig. 239, and is fixed at the bottom of the box or frame with screw's. The rods, by being fitted into the holes in this plate, keep the stroke of the. pump per- pendicular, while the step rolls backwards and forwards in the key-bow, as they are forced up and down by the cranks moving or turning alternately round. When this machinery is applied over a forcing-pump, or placed over a fire-engine, it causes a greater quantity of v/ater to be discharged from the cistern or engine, and as it is very powerful, it is highly necessary that it should have a cock of a superior size, to let more water pass through in the same time than ordinary ; for this purpose Mr. Tyror makes the barrel, or that part of the cock where the key or stop goes in on one side, so that there is but one stop to the plug or key, the stop, resting in that part that overhangs the side, admits of room for a full sized water-way to be com- pletely through it, without causing the water to have any bubble or curl as it passes through the plug. Reference to the figures : Tig. 240 represents a side view of the cock. ' Fig. 241, a top view of the same. Fig. 242, the plug, with the water-way cut out. Fig. 243 represents the crank, with the tooth and pinion wheels, and the rolling steps. Fig. 244, the upper axle, with the improved plan of the sliding geer. Fig. 245, the spear box and rod in the form of the fastening at the top of the key-bow rod, when applied for shipping. Fig. 246, a front view of the pump standing upon a ship’s deck. 9. Mr. Richard Franklin has been rewarded by the Society of Arts for effecting certain improvements in the lifting and forcing pump, by which water can be conveyed into a cistern at the top of the house, to supply all the dressing-rooms, water-closets, &c. A section of this pump is given in fig. 247. AA are two pistons ; on the upper face of each is a double valve, vvv v; the upper piston-rod passes through the stuffing-box B, and the lower through the stuffing-box C. S is the suction-pipe, and D the discharging- pipe. Fig. 248 is an external view of the pump ; e ee the lever or handle; F the fulcrum, on which the handle moves ; G G is the pump-cylinder; w w the wheels which revolve between the standards x oc xx, and which conduct the piston-rods parallel to the cylinder ; ejt? the conducting-rod, which con- veys the n:otion of the handle to the lower piston; eo the conducting-rod, which gives motion to the upper piston. It is evident, when the handle or lever is lifted, that the upper piston is pressed down, and the lower piston is at the same time elevated, with its valves shut, w'hich forces the water through the upper piston and the discharging-pipe at the same operation. If p OYiF nr o'.iR j From 232 to 2 ^6 PI. 20. j 2W P42 238 ^erle SeStfichl^ se 3S 2 Stra^t^ AND MACHINIST. 263 And when the handle is pn^ssed down, the upper piston rises w ith its valves closed, and the water in its ascension is forced throvigh Ihe discharging- pipe ; at the same time the lower piston descends, by which action its valves are opened, and introduces a supply of water equal to the contents of the cylinder, minus the capacity of both pistons. The peculiar advantages of this pump with double pistons are, that with a six-inch stroke it discharges a quantity of water equal to twelve inches of the cylinder : and so, in this proportion, by always doubling the quantity of the stroke, whatever it may be ; and thus furnishing a product just equal to two common pumps of the same stroke and capacity of cylinder, and certainly with less than a pro- portionable friction and expense. 10. The pumps^?X are usually employed for araining mmes have many iiiconveiiiencies, the principal of which we shall here proceed to describe. 1st. As it is necessary for the pumps, whilst sinking, to keep the water veiy low in the pit, the engine frequently goes too fast, in consequence of the pump drawing up air, and carries up by the violence of the current small pieces of stone, coal, or other substances, and lodges them above the bucket upon the valves, which must considerably retard the working of the pump, and wear the leather. 2dly. When the engine is set to work, (after having been stopped whilst working upon air, and consequently a quantity of air remaining in the pump- barrel, with the small stones, &c. deposited on the valves of the bucket,) it often happens that the compressure of the air by the descent of the bucket, is not sufficient to overcome the weight of the bucket-valves so loaded with rubbish, and the column of water in the stand-pipes ; the pump is thereby prevented from catching its water. The usual remedy for this is to draw the bucket out of the working-barrel, until a quantity of water has escaped by its sides to displace the air ; this evil often arises from the unnecessary magnitude of the space between the bucket and the clack. 3dly. The pumps being suspended in the pit by capstan ropes, for the pur- pose of readily lowering as the pit is sunk, the stretching of the ropes (especially when sinking in soft strata) occasions much trouble, by suffering the pumps to rest on the bottom and choke ; but the most serious evil is, that the miners, in shifting the pump from one place to another, that they may dig in all parts of the pit, throw' them very far out of the perpendicular, thereby causing immense frictipn and wearing in all parts, besides endan- gering the whole apparatus, by breaking the bolts and stays, and straining the joints of the pipes. These iiiconvemencies have been obviated by Mr. William Brunton, of Butterley Iron-works, in Derbyshire, who, to avoid the pump drawing air, has introduced a side pipe, con- necting the parts of the working-barrel which are above and below the bucket, which pipe has a stop-valve, that the miners can regulate wdth the greatest ease, so as to keep the engine to its full stroke without drawing air, by letting , or to the middle bar, as in figs. 270 and 271. In this position the w-ater supplied by the sucking-piece enters at D, and proceeds directly through 280 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the cock W to the 'alve under the two pistons ; and there is now no cora- municdtion from the barrel with the cavity of the cistern. In tig. 276, we have the position of a cock when the handle X Y is turned one quarter of a revolution towards the eye from the last-mentioned situa- tion, in which case there is no communication from the barrels with the outer extremity of the sucking-piece, but the water poured into the fore and hind trough, and passing from thence into the cavity of the cistern, enters the cock sideways at W, and turning at right angles through the cock towards E, proceeds to the barrels of the pumps. Fig. 277*^ represents the cock W when the handle is placed diametrically opposite to its last situa- tion, in which case there is no communication from the under side of the barrels with the cavity of the cistern or the outward end of the sucking-piece ; but this situation affords a communication from the cavity of the cistern with the outside of the engine, and the water left in the cavity of the cistern may by this means be employed when the engine has done working. These engines are made of five or six different sizes. The principles on which this engine acts, so as to produce a continued stream, are obvious : the water being driven into the air-vessel, as in the operation of common sucking and forcing pumps, will compress the air contained in it, and proportionably increase its spring, since the force of the air’s spring will be always inversely as the space which it possesses 3 therefore when the air-vessel is half filled with water, the spring of the included air, which in’ its original state counterbalanced the pressure of the atmosphere, being now compressed into half the space, will be equal to twice the pressure of the atmosphere; and by its action on the subjacent water will cause it to rise through the conduit- pipe, and play a jet of 32 or 33 feet high, abating the effect of friction. When the air-vessel is two-thirds full of water, the space which the air occupies is only one-third of its first space ; therefore its spring being three times as great as that of the common air, will project the water with twice the force of the atmosphere, or to the height of 64 or 66 feet. In the same manner when the air-vessel is three-fourths full of water the air will be compressed into one-fourth of its original space, and cause the water to ascend in air with the force of three atmospheres, or to the height of 96 or 99 feet, &c. as in the following table ; Height of the water. I Height Proportion Height of the of the to which the compressed air. air’.s spring. water will rife. i h 2 33 feet. 3 66 i 4 99 1 5 5 132 f 6 165 T 7 198 8 231 9 264 V5 10 297 AND MACHINIST. 281 2. The fire-engine by Rowntree is a double force-pump, of a peculiar construction, similar in its action to the beer- engine, but as it is on a much larger scale, its constructions are of course varied. In this engine, figs. 278 and 279 are two elevations at right angles to each other, of the external part of the engine, mounted on four W'heels. Figs. 280 and 281 are two sections perpendicular to each other of the body of the engine or pump ; figs. 282 and 283 are parts of the engine. The same letters are used as far as they apply in all the figures ; A A A figs. 280 and 281, is a cast-iron cylinder truly bored, 10 inches diameter and 15 long, and having a flanch at each end whereon to screw two covers, with stuffing-boxes a a, in their centres, through which the spindle, B B, of the engine passes, and being tight packed with hemp round the collar, makes a tight joint; the piston D is affixed to the spindle within the cylinder, and fits it tight all round by means of leathers; at E, fig. 281, a partition, called a saddle, is fixed in the cylinder, and fits against the back of the spindle tight by a leather. We have now a cylinder, divided by the saddle E and piston into two parts, whose capacity can be increased and diminished by moving the piston, with proper passages and valves to bring and convey the water ; this will form a pump. These passages are cast in one piece with the cylinder ; one, d, for bringing the water, is square, and extends about one-third round the cylinder ; it connects at bottom with a pipe e ; at its two upper ends it opens into two large chambers f g, extending near the whole length of the cylinder, and closed by covers, h h, screwed on ; ik are square openings (shown by dotted squares in fig. 280) in the cylinder communicating with the chambers ; I m in f g are two valves closing the ends of the curved passage rf, and preventing any water returning down the passage d ; no are two passages from the top of the cylinder to convey away the water ; they come out in the top of the cylinder, which, together with the top of the chambers f g^ form a flat surface, and are covered by two valves, p q, to retain the water which has passed through them. A chamber, K, is screwed over these valves, and has the air-vessel k, figs. 278 and 279, screwed into its top ; from each side of the chamber a pipe, wwj proceeds, to which a hose is screwed, as shown in fig. 280. Levers, are fixed to the spindle at each end, as shown in fig. 279, and carry the handles H H, by which men work the engine. When the piston moves, as shown by the arrow in fig. 281, it produces a vacuum in the chamber and that part of the cylinder contiguous to it, the water in the pipe e then opens the valve m, and fills the cylinder. The same motion forces the water contained in the other part of the cylinder through the valve into the chamber K, and thence to the hose though the pipe w ; the piston being turned the other way reverses the operation with respect to the valves, though it continues the same in itself. The pipe e is screwed by a flanch to an upright pipe P, fig. 282, con- nected with another square iron pipe, fastened along the bottom of the chest of the engine; a curved brass tube, G, comes from this pipe through the end of the chest, and is cut into a screw to fit on the suction-hose when it can be used ; at other times a close cap is screwed on, and another brass cap at H, within the chest, is screwed upwards on its socket, to open several small holes in it, and allow the water to enter into the pipe ; in this case the engine-chest must be kept full of water by buckets. The valves aie made of brass and turn upon hinges. Tlie principal advantage of Ahe engine is the facility with which it is cleared from any sand, gravel. 282 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC or otlier obstructions, wliich a fire-engine will always gather when at work. The chambers being so large, allow sufficient room to lodge a greater quantity of dirt than is likely to be accumulated in the use of the engine at any one fire, and if any of it accidentally falls into the cylinder, it is gently lifted out again into the chambers, by the piston, without being any obstruc- tion to its motion ; to clear the engine from the dirt, two circular plates of five inches diameter, are unscrewed from the lids k k, of the chambers f and when cleaned are screwed on again; these screw-covers fit perfectly tight without leather, and can be taken out, the engine cleared, and enclosed again in a very short time, even when the engine is in use, if found necessary. The two upper valves p 7, and chamber K, can also be cleaned with equal ease, by screwing out the air-vessel kky fig. 278, which opens an ^erture of five inches, and fits air-tight, without leather, when closed. Ine valve may be repaired through the same openings. The use of the air-vessel, k k, figs. 278 and 279, is to equalize the jet from the engine during the short interm ittance of motion at the return of the piston-stroke ; this it does by the elasticity of the compressed air within it, which forces the water out continually, though not supplied quite regularly from the engine. The engine from which the drawing was taken, was con- structed for the Sun Fire Insurance Company, in London, and from some experiments made by their agent, Mr. Samuel Hubert, appears to answer every purpose. JACKS. The jacks wdiich we purpose here to describe are simple machines used for raising heavy weights. Fig. 341 represents the common or simple hand jack ; a block of wood about two feet six inches long, 10 inches broad, and six inches wide, is per- forated with a square hole or mortise through it lengthwise for the recep- tion of an iron rack B. This rack is formed with a double claw or horn at its upper end. A small pinion C is made to engage in the teeth of the rack. The axis of the pinion is supported in iron plates bolted to each side of the block, and one end of the axis projects through the side plate, with a square to receive a winch or handle, which, being turned round, the pinion ele- vates the rack B in the mortise, and raises the claw or horns up to the load to which it is applied. To prevent the weight of the load running the pinion back, the handle is detained by a hook or link a, fastened to the outside of the block. When a greater power is required than the simple rack and pinion are capable of exerting, a combination of wheel-work is used, as shown in the same figure, where A A is the block of wood, which in this case is made sufficiently wide to contain the cog-wheel F, fixed to the pinion C, which acts in the teeth of the rack B. G is a second pinion of four leaves, work- ing in the wheel F ; and the axis of this pinion projects through the side of the block for the winch H to be fixed on it. The block A A is made in two halves, and the recess for the wheel F, and the pinion G, is cut out in one of the halves ; the other, being laid fiat against it, supports the front pivots , TMTE ® JFmE FI. 36 . AND MACHINIST. 283 of the wheel and pinions. The two halves are bound together by strong iron hoops b b, driven over the outside. The rack has a claw N, at its lower end, projecting out sideways through an opening or slit cut through in the front half of the block. This claw can be introduced beneath a stone which lies nearly flat upon the ground, and which consequently could not be acted upon by the claw on the top of the rack. To prevent the rack descending when it has a load upon it, the small click a drops into its teeth, but clears it in going up ; when it is not required to detain the rack, this click can be turned out of the way sideways. Fig. 342 is a screw jack. The block of wood A A is perforated nearly its whole length with a hole sufficiently large to allow the screw B to move up and down without touching. The screw passes through a nut n, fixed into the top of the block A ; and if the screw is turned round, it must rise up through the nut, and elevate the claw F. This claw is fitted on the top of the screw with a round collai, which allows the screw to turn round without turning the claw ; and the claw N, which projects through a groove or opening made in the side of the block, is fitted to the screw with a smaller collar. The bottom of the block has four short points to prevent the machine slip- ping when used upon hard ground. To give motion to the screw, the lower half of it is formed into a square, and a worm-wheel C is fitted upon the square. The teeth of this wheel are engaged by a worm on the axis of the winch H, and plates of iron, a b, are bolted on each side of the block, near the middle of its height, to carry the ends of the axis of the winch and of the worm which is concealed by the worm-wheel C. When the winch is turned round, it causes the wheel C to revolve by the action of the worm in its teeth ; and as the wheel is fitted on the square part of the screw, it compels it to turn v/ith it, but at the same time allows the screw to move up and down. Jacks have been also constructed upon the hydrostatic principle discovered by Pascal, and which has been applied to practice by the late Mr. Bramah, in this and various other useful machines. CRANES. Cranes are certain simple machines in which either the wheel and axle, or wheel and pinion, are introduced, to effect the raising of heavy loads, such as the loading or unloading of shipping at the quays or wharfs, or the raising or lowering goods to and from chambers or warehouses. Various modes have been adopted to turn the wheel, or that part of the machine which is applied to the same pur- pose, by introducing long staves into the axle, by which it acquires the name of a capstan, or windlass ; or by a rope passing over the wheel, and putting it and the axle in motion by friction. Other methods have been adopted, such as form- ing the wheel hollow, and causing it to revolve by means of labourers inside of it, walking up its sides, which consequently descends beneath their weight ; or by forming it into a plat- form, lying in a slanting direction, and the labourers pushing 284 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC against a fixed arm, which forces the platform or wheel roiind under their feet. Most of the cranes constructed with the wheel and axle occupy too ^uch space, which is of importance, and conse- quently, where cranes are in general use, have been super- seded by the wheel and pinion, which is of a more compact and convenient construction. The wheel and pinion is generally accompanied with a ratchet-wheel and pall, or some other me- thod of locking the handle, so that should the labourer desist from his exertion, the load may not return to the place whence it has been raised. The frame-work, or that part of the crane which does not immediately operate to raise the load, is divided into three part,s, the post, the jib, and the stay. The post is the upright piece, almost universally made to turn on a centre ; the jib is the arm extending from the upper part of the post, and in some cases is horizontal, but more frequently at an angle to the horizon ; and the stay is that piece which supports the jib, reaching from the lower part of the post to nearly the extremity of the jib. The most simple form of the crane is that commonly used in stone and timber wharfs for unloading vessels, for which purpose it is well adapted, its power being very great. It has a frame consisting of a strong beam supported hori- zontally at 10 or 12 feet from the ground, on the top of several vertical posts very firmly fixed in the ground, and securely braced with stays in every direction. At the ex- tremity of the horizontal beam the upper part of the jib is supported, the lower pivot resting on a post in the ground. The jib, or gibbet, as it is called, from a resemblance to that machine, is a triangular frame of wood, one side being per- pendicular, and supported on pivots at the top and bottom, so that the whole moves round on these as a vertical axis of motion. Near the upper end of the perpendicular post, a beam proceeds, forming the upper side of a triangle, while the third side is a brace, extended from the foot of the per- pendicular, to support the upper piece. From the extremity of the latter, the burden is suspended by a rope passing over a pulley ; the other end of the rope is coiled round a vertical roller, or capstan, turning on pivots, one supported by the horizontal beam first mentioned, and the other on a post in the ground. The capstan is turned round by means of long horizontal levers fixed to it, at which a great number of men may be employed to push them round, or in some cases they are drawn by horses. As the levers admit of a very great AND MACHINIST, 285 length in proportion to the diameter of the windlass on which the rope coils, the power of this simple crane is very con- siderable, and may be doubled by a pair of blocks or pullies at the jib. When the burden is raised to a sufficient height, by turning the capstan, the jib, being swung round on its pivots, will convey the load into a cart or waggon placed on shore by the side of the crane. Another kind of crane, which is equally common with the above, but used for lighter burdens, has tlie same jibs, as indeed most cranes have ; but the windlass, or barrel for the rope, is placed horizontally, and has a large vertical wheel fixed upon it. This is made of two wheels fixed on an axis at a distance apart, and united by boards, so as to form a large hollow cylinder or drum. Several men get into this wheel, and by constantly walking upwards on the inside, give it a tendency to revolve, and wind up the rope on the barrel. It is surprising, that so imperfect, this should have been so universally adopted as it was, till within these few years. Even when the wheel is sixteen feet in diameter, the labourers within cannot walk so far up it, from the perpen- dicular, as to have any effective leverage to turn it round ; though they are always exposed to danger, and frequently meet with most shocking and fatal accidents, from slipping down in the wheel, or from being overpowered by the load ; in this case, the wheel runs back with an accelerating velocity, and the people are thrown about it in a most dreadful manner. From these defects of the common construction, skilful me- chanicians have devised cranes that are not only more safe, but more powerful in their operation, than the common walking-crane. Some of the best of these will be described in the present article. Mr. Padmore, many years ago, contrived to prevent the danger attending the use of the construction last described, by putting a ring of cogs all round the outside of the great wheel, and applying a trundle provided with winches to turn it. By this addition, the power was increased in proportion to the number of cogs in the wheel to the number of staves in the trundle ; and in order to prevent the wheel from run- ning back by the force of the weight, should the man within it slip, or leave off walking, he added a ratchet-wheel to the end of the trundle. Tv/o winches being fixed to the ends of the axis of the trundle, gave the people attending the crane the means of assisting the man in the -wheel, when the load rendered it necessary. On the axis of the trundle is likewise fixed a wooden wheel provided with a brake or gripe, which 286 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC could be forcibly pressed on the circumference of the wheel by a lever, to cause such a friction as would prevent the weight from descending too rapidly. By this means, heavy goods may be raised or let down at pleasure, without any danger of injuring the men in the crane. This contrivance is ingenious ; but the rapid motion of the circumference of the large walking wheels, in most cases, rendered it inapplicable, unless a smaller cog-wheel was fixed upon the same axis with the walking-wheel. A crane to be turned by winches, was contrived by the late Mr. Ferguson, which has three trundles, with different numbers of staves. Any one of these may be applied to the cogs of a liorizontal wheel, mounted on an upright axle, round which is coiled the rope for drawing the weight. This wheel has 96 cogs ; the largest trundle 24 staves, the next 12, and the smallest six ; so that the largest revolves four times for one revolution of the wheel, the next eight, and the smallest sixteen. The winch is occasionally fixed on the axis of either of these trundles for turning it, and is applied to one or the other, according as the weight to be raised is smaller or larger. There is also a fourth trundle acting in the teeth of the great wheel, and on its axis is a brake and ratchet- wheel. While the load is drawing up, the teeth of the ratchet-wheel slip round below a catch which falls into them, and prevents the crane from turning backward, thus detaining the weight in any part of its ascent, if the man who works at the winch should accidentally quit his hold, or wish to rest himself before the weight is completely raised. Making a due allowance for friction, a man may raise, by such a crane, from three to twelve times as much in weight as would balance his effort at the winch, viz. from 90 to 360 lbs., taking the average labour. Many other constructions of wheel-work are in common use for cranes. When they are turned by a winch, it is proper to apply a fly-wheel to the axis of it, both to equalize the efforts of the labourer who turns it, and in case he acci- dentally lets go the handle, to prevent the load from running down so quickly as to endanger any thing. It is convenient to have several different powers to a crane of this kind, to adapt it for the different burdens to be raised ; this is best done by employing a train of several wheels, each turned by a pinion smaller than itself. Thus, suppose the barrel on which the rope or chain winds to be 12 inches in diameter, and has a cog-wheel of 96 teeth fixed on the end of it ; this is turned by a pinion of 12 leaves; on the same axis with AND MACHINIST. 287 this is a wheel of 3*2 teeth, moved by a pinion of eight, actuated on a third axis, which should carry the fly-wheel. A winch of one foot radius can be applied to any of these three axes in the crane, and will give three different powers. Thus, if it is applied to the gudgeon of the barrel, it will double the power of the balance, because the winch describes a circle which is twice as large as the barrel on which the chain winds ; if the winch is fixed on the end of the axis which carries the pinion of 12, and the wheel of 32, it will give the labourer a purchase of 16 times ; and lastly, when the winch is applied to the pinion of eight, his efforts will be multiplied 64 times. This simple mechanism is ren- dered very complete by fixing a fly-wheel upon the axis of the pinion of eight, to prevent all accidents ; for which pur- pose it is more effective than a ratchet-wheel, and requires no attention. The spindles of all the pinions are made capable of sliding endwise, for the purpose of disengaging the wheels from each other at pleasure, that when the wheels are not employed, there may be no unnecessary friction in turning them round. The gibbet of a crane is a very principal member, as we have before explained ; but in its common construction, it has some defects. The rope by which the burden is raised, passes exactly over the gudgeon of the vertical beam of the jib, and is confined between two small vertical rollers, in order that it may always lead fair wdth the pulley or sheave at the extremity of the jib. According to this construction, when- ever the jib turns round its axis, the rope is bent so as to form an angle more or less acute, which causes a great in- crease of friction, and produces a continual effort to bring the arm of the jib into a parallel position to the inner part of the ropes. These inconveniences may appear to be trifling, but, in actual practice, they are of no small importance ; for they necessarily require a much greater degree of power in raising goods, and the application of a constant force to keep the jib in the position that may be requisite ; while the par- tial stress which is exerted on only a few strands of the rope, whilst bent into an acute angle, destroys it in a very short time. A simple construction of the jib, invented by Mr. Bramah, obviates all these defects, and at the same time possesses the very desirable property of permitting the jib, of what is termed a wharf or landing crane, to revolve wholly round its axis, and to land goods at any point of the circle described by the arm of the jib. 288 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The simplest form of this contrivance is shown in fig. 343, in which A A represents (the jib of a warehouse-crane projecting from a wall. It has, as usual, a pulley at the extremity, from which the goods are suspended. The improvement consists in placing a pulley at S, to conduct the rope down through the axis of motion of the jib, the collars or rings a a, on which it swings, being perforated for the purpose. The rope afterwards passes unaer a pulley 6, which conducts it into the house to the crane or machine by which the weight is elevated. The pulley b may be placed between the collars a a, and then there will be no necessity for a perforation of the lower pivot of the jib. When the jib is required to describe a complete circle, instead of the two brackets at a a, fixed to the wall, a cast-iron pillar is used to support the jib, the collars a a fitting upon it; the pillar is hollow, to admit the rope through it, and is firmly fixed in a vertical position, by a plate cast on the lower end of it, and screwed down on the timber of the wharf. Beneath these beams, there is another pulley in place of 6, to con- duct the rope to the crane. Fig. 344 represents a crane mounted on four trucks, to be capable of removal from place to place. It was employed on Ramsgate-pier, for lifting stones used in the building, and is extremely well adapted for such a situ- ation, as it requires no fixture, and will lake up a weight of four tons with four men, which is sufficient power for such purposes. It was designed and executed by Mr. Peter Kier, by order of the trustees for the management of the harbour at Ramsgate. Its base consists of a cast-iron frame marked A B, nine feet seven inches square, and two tons weight, supported on four cast-iron wheels b 6, one pair of which is fixed on a common axle, which moves round on a centre fixed to one side of the frame. This axle has an arm projecting across beneath the frame to the opposite side, where a rack, or segment of a wheel, is fixed on it, as shown at c, engaging a pinion r, shown before the rack, on the top of whose axis a winch is applied at d. Now, by turning this pinion, it twists the wheels round upon the centre, to steer the crane when moving from place to place. A vertical cast-iron shaft marked D F, weighing 23 cwt., is erected on the centre of the iron frame, and is supported by oak braces E E, stepped into boxes cast out of the iron frame A B, at its angles, so as to form a very strong perpendicular column, round which axis the whole crane traverses. The weight of the framing and wheel-work is supported by a steel pivot, or gudgeon, on the top of the shaft F, and is guided by a collar embracing the shaft at I. The framing of the jib, or movable part of the crane, consists of a long beam G H, bearing the pulley G at the extremity, resting on the pivot of the upright pillar in the middle, and the other end supporting the frame for the wheel-work L M N ; into this beam are framed two uprights Q Q, suspending the plat- form I K, on which men \^^ho work the crane stand. It is braced by a diagonal stay J P, and a cross piece R, to prevent its bending. Mr. Bramah's ingenious hydrostatic principle of gaining a great power is applicable in several ways to the raising of heavy weights, and has been frequently employed in powerful cranes. In these the power is not obtained by wheel-work, pullies, or any other ordinary mechanical powers, but on the principle of the experiment called the hydrostatic paradox, which has been known for ages ; but the application of its powers to useful purposes is due to Mr. Bramah. The simplest form is, for a machine to raise a heavy weight JA€:K§ &C. (C .RASHES From 341 to 3 to Fl.46. 9 - AND MACHINIST. to a small height. A metallic cylinder, sufficiently strong, and bored truly cylindrical within, has a solid piston fitted into it, which is made perfectly water-tight, by leather pack- ing round its edge, or other means used in hydraulic engines. The bottom of the cylinder must be made sufficiently strong with the other parts of the surface, to resist the greatest strain which can ever be applied to it. In the bottom of the cylinder is inserted the end of the small tube, the aperture of which communicates with the inside of the cylinder, and introduces water or fluids into it ; the other end of the pipe communicates with a small forcing-pump, by which the water can be injected into the cylinder beneath its piston ; the pump has of course valves to prevent the return of the water. Now, suppose the diameter of the cylinder to be six inches, and the diameter of the piston of the small pump, or injector, only one-quarter of an inch ; the proportions between the two surfaces or ends of the said pistons will be as the squares of their diameters, which are as 1 to 24 ; therefore the areas will be as 1 to 6/6 ; and supposing the intermediate space between them to be filled with water, or any other dense and incompressible fluid, any force applied to the small piston will operate on the other in the above proportion of 1 to 576 . Suppose the small piston, or injector, to be forced down, when in the act of forcing or injecting, with a weight of 20 cwt., which can easily be done by means of a long lever, the piston of the great cylinder would then be moved up with a force equal to 1 ton multiplied by 576. Fig. 343 represents a crane constructed upon the hydro- statical principle, that is, by the injection of water from a small pump into a large cylinder, which is fitted with a piston, having a rack attached to it for the purpose of turning a pinion upon the axis of a large drum- wheel or barrel, round which the rope is coiled, and from thence passes to the jib. Tlie figure A A represents the jib, made of iron, and supported upon two brackets a a, projecting from the wall of the warehouse in which the crane is supposed to be erected. The rope passes over the pulley S, and down through holes in the brackets a a, then turns under the pulley b, and comes to the lower side of the great drum-wheel B. Tire pinion C is fixed on the same axis with this, and its gudgeons turn in small iron frames d, bolted down to the floor of the warehouse. The pinion C is actuated by the teeth of the rack D, and a small roller, whose pivot is shown at e, presses against the back of the rack, to keep its teeth up to the pinion. The rack is attached to the piston D of the cylinder L, in which the power for working the crane is obtained. The piston passes through a tight collar of leather on the top of the cylinder at E, which does not admit of any leakage by the side of it, and therefore if any water is forced into the cylinder it must protrude the piston from it. The cylinder is supported in a wooden frame F F, and has a small copper U 290 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC pipe g proceeding from the lower end of it, communicating with a small forcing-pump at h ; this stands in an iron cistern H, which contains tlie water, and sustains the standard i i, for the centre of the handle G, with which the pump is worked by one or two men. The upper extremity of the standard i i guides the piston-rod of the pump, to confine it to a vertical motion ; Z is a weight for counterbalancing the handle G of the pump. From what we have said before, the operation of this machine is evident; the power of the cylinder D is in proportion to its size compared with the size of the pump ; but as it only acts through short limits, the pinion and drum B are necessary to raise the weight a sufficient height. The operation of lowering goods by this crane is extremely simple, as it is only necessary to open a cock at wi, which suffers the water to escape from the cylinder into the cistern H, and the weight descends, but under the most perfect command of the person who regulates the opening of the cock ; for by diminishing the aperture, he can increase the resistance at pleasure, or stop it altogether. Fig. 345 is a side elevation of a crane. The post is immovable, and is fixed on an iron frame, with arms extending in the form of a cross, the extremities of which are bolted down by strong screws to large blocks of stone sufficiently heavy to more than counterpoise the weight to be raised by the crane. In the top of the post is fixed a wrought-iron pivot, by which the weight is supported, and a strong cast-iron cap bears on the pivot, and has attached to it two iron frames, one on each side, that receive the pres- sure from the stay, as well as support the pull of the jib, which is formed of two bars of wrought-iron ; the lateral pressure is borne by the bottom of the post, round which two friction-rollers turn to facilitate its motion. This crane will carry five tons with safety. 4.ND MACHINIST. 291 PRESSES. The press is a machine in most extensive use in the mechanic arts. It is usually made of wood, or iron, and serves to squeeze or compress any body very close. Screw-presses generally consist of six members, or pieces ; viz. two flat smooth tables of wood or metal, between which the substance to be pressed is placed ; two screws, or worms, fastened to the lower plank, and passing through two holes in the upper ; and two nuts, in form of an S, serving to drive the upper plank, which is movable, against the lower which is stable and without motion. Presses used for expressing liquors, are of various kinds ; some, in most respects, the same as the common presses, excepting that the under plank is perforated with a great number of holes, to let the juice run through into a tub or receiver underneath. 1. An improved cider-press, turned by a windlass, is shown in fig. 284. A A is the base or foundation with its supporting parts ; B B the cheeks or sisters ; D D the cross-piece at top, through which the screw passes, and which consequently contains the female screw ; E the screw with its appendages ; F F the bridge or cross-piece which acts on the pommage j G G is the wide plank or vat on which the pulp rests in the hair bags, in which the mode of the liquor’s passing off is seen. This kind of press may be advantageously employed for packing cloth, paper, and other goods ; as also in paper-mills, for flattening and rendering paper solid ; and in the manufacture of woollen cloth, for glazing and setting a linish upon the article in its last stage. 2. Two elevations of a very good screw-press for a paper- mill are given in figs. 285 and 286. A A is the bed, formed of an immense beam of oak ; and each of the cheeks, B, consists of a long iron bar b b, fig. 286, the ends of which are welded together, so that it forms a long sink, one end of which receives the end of the bed A, and the other the end of a massive cast-iron bar D, through which the screw E is received, and its nut fixed fast therein. The open spaces of the long links or cheeks, 6, h, are filled up by rails of wood C, which support the weight of parts of the press when it is not in action, but these bear nothing when the press has any articles under pressure in it ; these articles are laid at H, on the bed, and the follower, G, is pressed upon them by the screw, when it is turned by a long lever put through the holes in the screw-head F. The screws employed for paper-presses are generally formed with such coarse threads, and so rapid a spiral, that the elasticity of the paper is suffi- cient to force it to run back. To these a ratchet-wheel, a, is fixed, and a click e, fig. 287, is applied to its teeth ; to prevent its return, the click is supported on a bar b rf, which moves on a centre at B, but the other end is retained by a catch or lever /^. When the press is to be relieved, the u 2 292 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC end /, of the catch, is driven back ; this relieves the bar d b, and the click no longer detaining the ratchet-wheel, the screw runs back. 'S. A very ingenious and useful 2 )acking-press has been invented by Mr. John Peek. It is represented in fig. 288. A A, the frame of the press ; B B, the large screws, which, in this press, contrary to those in common use, is fix«d and immovable ; C, a circular iron bar, extending beyond the sides of the press, and having thereon two worms, or endless screws E E, which work in two toothed wheels fixed to the nuts, and, by turning the winch D, drive the nuts and bed up and down the screws as may be found necessary ; F, a stage, suspended from the bed, and on which the men stand who work the press ; such a stage may, if found necessary, be fixed at the other end of the bar, as shown by the square shoulder G. The bed of this press must be formed of two pieces of strong wood, which are held together by screws and nuts, passed through them^ as shown at 4 A A k. The great utility of this press consists in its' being capable of packing two sets of bales at once ; thus answering the purpose of two presses, with more expedition. 4. The hydrostatic or water-press, or as it is sometimes called Bramah's Press, has, for a great number of purposes, superseded the use of the screw-press, over which it possesses great advantages, in all cases where a strong pressure is required. It is one among the many useful inventions of the late Mr. Joseph Bramah, of Piccadilly; and is ingeniously contrived for applying the quaqua versum pressure of fluids as a powerful agent in many kinds of machinery. These contrivances consist in the application of water, or other dense fluids, to various engines, so as, in some instances, to cause them to act with immense force ; in others, to com- municate the motion and powers of one part of a machine to some other part of the same machine ; and, lastly, to com- municate the motion and force of one machine to another, where their local situations preclude the application of all other methods of connection. Tbe first and most material part of this invention will be clearly under- stood by an inspection of fig. 289, where A is a cylinder of iron, or other materials, sufficiently strong, and bored perfectly smooth and cylindrical ; into which is fitted the piston B, which must be made perfectly water-tight, by leather or other materials, as used in pump-making. The bottom of the cylinder must also be made sufficiently strong with the other part of the surface, to be capable of resisting the greatest force or strain that may at any time be required. In the bottom of the cylinder is inserted the end of the tube C ; the aperture of which communicates with the inside of the cylinder, under the piston B, where it is shut with the small valve D, the same as the suction-pipe of a common pump. The other end of the tube C communicates with the smaH forcing-pump or injector E, by means of which water or other dense fluids can be forced or injected into the cylinder A, under the piston B. Now, suppose the diameter of the cylinder A be 1 2 inches, and the diameter of the piston of the small pump or injector E only one quarter of an inch, the proportion between the two surfaces or ends of the said piston will be as 1 to 2304 ; and supposing the intermediate Jfe^ tc SiscM^, SCJS‘ Strimd. . AND MACHINIST. 293 space between them to be filled with water or other dense fluid capable of sufficient resistance, the force of one piston will act on the other just in the above proportion, viz. as 1 is to 2304. Suppose the small piston in the injector to be forced down when in the act of pumping or injecting water into the cylinder A, with the power of 20 cwt. which could easily be done by the lever H ; the piston B would then be tnoved up with a force equal to 20 cwt. multiplied by 2304. Thus is constructed a hydro-mechanical engine, whereby a weight amounting to 2304 tons can be raised by a simple lever, through equal space, in much less time than could be done by any apparatus con- structed on the known principles of mechanics; and it may be proper to observe, that the effect of all other mechanical combinations is coun- teracted by an accumulated complication of parts, which renders them incapabl-e >of being usefully extended beyond a certain degree ; but in machines acted upon or constructed on this principle every difficulty of this kind is obviated, and their power subject to no finite restraint. To prove this, it will be only necessary to remark, that the force of any machine acting upon this principle can be increased ad infinitum, either by extending the proportion between the diameter of the cylinder A, or by applying greater power to the lever H. Fig. 290 represents the section of an engine, by which very wonderful effects may be produced instantaneously by means of compressed air. A A is a cylinder with the piston B fitting air-tight, in the same manner as described in fig. 289. C is a globular vessel made of copper, iron, or other strong materials, capable of resisting immense force, similar to those of air-guns ; D is a strong tube of small bore, in which is the stop-cock E. One of the ends of this tube communicates with the cylinder under the piston B, and the other with the globe C. Now, suppose the cylinder A to be the same diameter as that in fig. 289, and the tube D equal to one quarter of an inch diameter, which is the same as the injector, fig. 289; then, suppose that air is injected into the globe C (by the common method) till it presses against the cock E with a force equal to 20 cwt. which can easily be done ; the consequence will be, that when the cock E is opened, the piston B will be moved in the cylinder A A with a power or force equal •to 2304 tons ; and it is obvious, as in the case fig. 289, that any other unlimited degree of force may be acquired by machines or engines thus constructed. Fig. 291 is a section, merely to show how the power and motion of one ma- chine may, by means of fluids, be transferred or communicated to another, let their distance and local situation be what they may. A and B are two small tubes, smooth and cylindrical, in the inside of each of which is a piston, made water and air tight, as in figs. 288 and 289. C C is a tube conveyed under ground, or otherwise, from the bottom of one cylinder to the other, to form a communication between them, notwithstanding their dis- tance be never so great, this tube being filled with water or other fluid, until it touch the bottom of the piston ; then, by depressing the piston A, the piston B will be raised. The same effect will be produced vice versa : thus bells may be rung, v/heels turned, or other machinery put invisibly jn motion, by a power being applied to either. Fig. 292 is a section, showing another instance of communicating the action and force of one machine to another ; and how water may be raised cut of wells of any depth, and at any distance from the place where the operating power is applied. A is a cylinder of any required dimensions, in which is the working piston B, as in the foregoing examples ; into the bottom of this cylinder is inserted the tube C, which may be of less bore 4h?.n the cylinder A, This tube is continued, in any required direction^ 204 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC down to the pump cylinder D, supposed to be fixed in the deep well E B, and forms a junction therewith above the piston E ; which piston has a rod G, working through the stuffing-box, as is usual in the common pump. To this rod G is connected, over a pulley or otherwise, a weight II, sufficient to overbalance the weight of water in the tube C, and to raise the piston F, iwhen the piston B is lifted ; thus, suppose the piston B is drawn up by its rod, there will be a vacuum made in the pump cylinder D, below the piston F ; the vacuum will be filled with water through the suction pipe, by the pressure of the atmosphere, as in all pumps fixed in air. The return of the piston B, by being pressed downwards in the cylinder A, will make a stroke of the piston in the pump cylinder D, which may be repeated in the usual way by the motion of the piston B, and the action of the water in the tube C. The rod G of the piston F, and the weight H, are not necessary in wells of a depth where the atmosphere will overbalance the water in the suction of the pump cylinder D, and that in the tube C. The small tube and cock in the cistern I, are for the purpose of charging the tube C. By these means it is obvious that the most commodious machines, of prodigious power, and susceptible of the greatest strength, may readily be formed. If the same multiplication of power be attempted by toothed wheels, pinions, and racks, it is scarcely possible to give strength enough to the teeth of the racks, and the machine becomes very cumbersome and of great expense. But Mr. Bramah’s machine may be made to possess great strength in very small compass. It only requires very accurate execution. Mr. Bramah, however, was greatly mistaken when he published it as the discovery of a new mechanic power. The principle on which it depends has been well known for nearly two centuries ; and it is matter of surprise that it has never before been applied to any useful practical purpose. 5. The Stanhope printing-press is delineated in figs. 293 and 294, being elevations, and fig. 295, a plan. A A is a massive frame of cast-iron formed in one piece ; this is the body of the press, in the upper part of which a nut is fixed for the reception of the screw 6, and its point operates upon the upper end of a slider rf, which is fitted into a dove-tail groove formed between two vertical bars e c, ,of the frame. The slider has the platen D D firmly attached to the lower end of it ; and being accurately fitted between the guides e e, the platen must rise and fall parallel to itself when the screw b is turned. The weight of the platen and the slider are counterbalanced by a heavy weight E, behind the press, which is suspended from the lever F, and this acts upon the slider to lift it up, and keep it always bearing against the point of the screw. At G are two projecting pieces, cast all in one with the main frame, to support the carriage when the pull is made ; to these the rails H are screwed, and placed truly horizontal, for the carriage I to run upon them, when it is carried under the press to receive the impression, or drawn out to remove the printed sheet. The carriage is moved by the rounce or handle K, with a spit and leather girts very similar to the wooden press. Upon the spit or axle, a wheel, L, is fixed, and round this leather belts are passed, one extending to the back of the carriage to draw it in, and two others, which pass round the wheel in an opposite direction, to draw it cut. AND MACHINIST. 295 By this means, when the handle is turned one way it draws out the car- riage, and by reversing the motion it is carried in. There is likewise a check strap /, from the wheel down to the wooden base M, of the frames, and this limits the motion of the wheel, and consequently the excursion of the carriage. The principal improvement of Earl Stanhope’s press con- sists in the manner of giving motion to the screw, b, of it, which is not done simply by a bar or lever attached to the screw, but by a second lever e, g; the screw, b, has a short lever, g, fixed upon the upper end of it^ and this communi- cates by an iron bar, or link. A, to another lever, of rather shorter radius, which is fixed upon the upper end of the second spindle I, and to this the bar or handle, A, is fixed. Now when the workman pulls this handle, he turns round the spindle Z, and by the connection of the rod, A, the screw, A, turns with it, and causes the platen to descend and produce the pressure. But it is not simply this alone, for the power of the lever. A, is transmitted to the screw, in a ratio propor- tioned to the effect required at the different parts of the pull ; thus at first, when the pressman takes the bar K, it lies in a direction parallel to the frame, or across the press, and the short lever i (being nearly iierpendicular thereto) is also nearly at right angles to the connecting rod A ; but the lever, g, of the screw, makes a considerable angle with the rod, which therefore acts upon a shorter radius to turn the screw ; because the real power exerted by any action upon a lever, is not to be considered as acting with the full length of the lever between its centres, but with the distance in a perpen- dicular drawn line, in which the action is applied to the centre of the lever. Therefore when the pressman first takes the handle K, the lever i acts with its full length upon a shorter length of leverage, g^ on the screw, which will con- sequently be turned more rapidly than if the bar itself was attached to it ; but on continuing the pull, the situation of the levers change, that of the screw, g, continually increasing its acting length, because it comes nearer to a perpendicular with the connecting rod, and at the same time the lever diminishing its acting length, because, by the obliquity of the lever, the rod. A, approaches the centre, and the perpen- dicular distance diminishes ; the bar or handle also comes to a more favourable position for the man to pull, because he draws nearly at right angles to its lengths All these causes combined have the best effect in producing an immense pressure, without loss of time ; because in the first instance the lever acts with an increased motion upon the screw, and brings the platen down very quickly upon the 296 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC paper, but by that time the levers have assumed such a position as to exert a more powerful action upon each other, and this action continues to increase as the bar is drawn forwards, until the lever, ^, and the connecting rod are brought nearly into a straight line, and then the power is immensely great, and capable of producing any requisite pressure which the parts of the press will sustain without yielding. The handle is sometimes made to come to rest against a stop, which prevents it moving further, and there- fore regulates the degree of pressure given upon the work : but to give the means of increasing or diminishing this pressure, for different kinds of work, the stop is made mov- able to a small extent. A better plan is adopted by some makers of the Stanhope press, viz. to have a screw adjust- ment at the end of the connecting rod A, by which it can be shortened ; it is done by fitting the centre pin which unites it to the lever g, in a bearing piece, which slides in a groove formed in the rod, and is regulated by the screw. This shortening of the connecting rod produces a greater or less descent of the platen, when the handle is brought to the stop. The carriage of the press is represented with wheels, m m, beneath, to take .off the friction of moving upon the ribs H. These wheels are shown at fig. 296, which is a section of the screw and the platen, with the carriage beneath it ; and fig. 297 is a plan answering to it. Fig. 298 is a figure of a carriage inverted to show the wheels ; then axles n are fitted to springs jo, and these are adjustable by means of screws r, so that the carriage will be borne up to any required height. This is so regulated, that when the car- riage is run into the press, its lower surface shall bear lightly upon the solid cheeks G, which are part of the body of the press, and these support it when the pressure is applied, the same as the winter of the old press ; but the wheels by their springs act to bear up great part of the carriage with the types upon it, and diminish the friction, yet do not destroy the contact of the carriage upon the ribs, because this would not give the carriage that solidity of bearing which is requisite for resisting the pull. This is only at the time when the carriage is run into the press ; because as it runs out, the ribs on which the wheels run rise higher, and therefore the wheels support the whole weight. The manner in which the wheels run in rebates or recesses in the edges of the ribs, is shown at fig. 294. Tlie carriage is made of cast-iron, in the form of a box, with several cross partitions, which are all cast in one piece, and thougk njade of thin metal, are exceedingly strong ; the upper surface is made truly flat, by turning it in a lathe. The same of the platen, which is likewise a shallow box ; the slider d has a plate formed on the lower end of it, which is fixed by four screws upon the top of the platen, and thug they are united. At the four angles of the carriage, pieces of iron, r, fig. 297, are screwed on, to form bearings for the quoins or wedges which are driven in to fasten the form of types upon it in the true position for printing. The tympan P, fig. 293, is attached to the carriage by hinges, with an iron bracket or stop jto catch it when it is thrown back ; the frisket, R, is joined to the tympan. STAI^MOFIE JPFIIYTII^(C^ JPmiESS,&e. I'rorn 293 to 299. :ei-3e. * 299 yetle ie Stcck2c^ Str-:tnd,. ■Mss AND MACHINIST. 297 and when opened out, rests against a frame suspended from the ceiling. The iron frame, A, of the press is screwed down upon the wooden base M, by bolts, which pass through feet, s, projecting from the lower parts of the iron frame. Another wooden beam is fixed into the former at right angles, so as to form a cross, which lies upon the floor. The ribs H, for the carriage to run upon, are supported from the wooden base by an iron bracket T. The advantages of the iron presses in working are very considerable, both in saving labour and time. The first arises from the beautiful contrivance of the levers, the power of the press being almost incalculable at the moment of producing the impression ; and this is not attended with a correspondent loss of time, as is the case in all other mechanical powers, because the power is only exerted at the moment of pres- sure, being before adapted to bring down the platen as quickly as possible. This great power of the press admits of a saving of time, by printing the whole sheet of paper at one pull, the platen being made sufficiently large for that pur- pose ; whereas, in the press formerly used, the platen is only half of the size of the sheet. In the Stanhope press, the whole surface is printed at once, with far less power upon the handle than the old press, when printing but half the surface. This arises not only from the levers, but from the iron framing of the press, which will not admit of any yield- ing, as the wood always yields, and indeed is intended to do, the head being often packed up with elastic substances, such as pasteboard, or even cork. In this case much power is lost, for in an elastic press the pressure is gained by screwing or straining the parts up to a certain degree of tension, and the effort to return, produces the pressure. Now, in this case, the handle will make a considerable effort to return, which, though it is in reality giving back to the workman a portion of the power he exerted on the press, is only an additional labour, as it obliges him to bear the strain a longer time than he otherwise would. The iron presses have very little elasticity, and those wl»o use them find it advantageous to diminish the thickness of the blankets in the tympan to one very thin piece of fine cloth ; the lever has then very little tendency to return, and the pull is easy in the extreme, requiring very little more force to remove it at the latter than at the first part; indeed, the iron press is so different from the other press, that when an experienced press- man first tries it, he cannot feel any of that reaction which he has been accustomed to, and will not believe, till he sees the sheet, that he has produced any impression at all ; and for many days after he begins to work at an iron press, he by habit throws back all the weight of his body in such a maimer as to 298 THE OFERATIVK MECHANIC bring the handle up to its stop with a concussion that shakes his arm very much, and in consequence most pressmen, after a few hours^ work, feel inclined to give up the iron press ; but when they have once acquired a new habit of standing more upright, and applying only as much force as it requires, the labour of the pull becomes less than that of running the car- riage in and out ; and men who are accustomed to the iron presses only, would be scarcely able to go through the work of the old press. Mr. De la Haine has a patent for a Stanhope press, which answers extremely well ; the only material alteration is, that he has substituted a spiral or curved inclined plane in place of the screw, which is fixed to the head of the press ; and a cross-arm properly formed, and fixed on the upper end of the spindle, which, standing in place of the screw, acts against the fixed inclined plane. The action is very nearly the same as the screw, except that the surfaces admit of being made of hardened steel, and thus diminish the friction very much. The inventor of this for the common press was Mr. Roworth ; but Mr. De la Haine has combined it with the levers and iron frame of the Stanhope press. A common press, of great simplicity, and possessing the same advantage in point of power as Lord Stanhope gains by the compound levers, has been produced by Mr. Medhurst, of Denmark-street, Soho. 6. In November 1813, Mr. John Ruthven, of Edinburgh, took out a patent for an improvement in the printing-press, which differs from those heretofore used in the following particulars : First, The types, plates, blocks, or other surfaces from which the impression is to be taken, instead of being situated upon a running carriage, as was formerly the practice, are placed upon a stationary platform or tablet, which is provided with the usual apparatus known to printers by the names of tympan and frisket, with points, &c. to receive the sheet of paper and convey it to its proper situation on the types after they had been inked. Secondly, The machinery by which the power for the pressure is produced, is situated immediately beneath this platform or tablet ; and the platen or surface which is op- posed to the face of the types, to press the sheet of paper against them, can be brought over the types, and connected at two opposite sides or ends with the machinery beneath the tablet ; by this machinery it is so forcibly pressed or drawn down upon the paper, which lays upon the types, as to give AND MACHINIST. 299 the impression ; which being thus made, the platen can lie disunited from the machinery, and removed from oif the types by the foot^ or otherwise, to take out the paper, and introduce a fresh sheet. Thirdly, The said machinery for producing the pressure is a combination of levers, actuated by a crank, or short lever, turned by a winch, or handle, to which the pressman applies by his hand ; or the pressure may be produced by the tread of the foot. Fig. 299 is a horizontal plane ; fig. 300, a vertical section taken through the middle ; and fig. 301, an end view 3 the same letters of reference being used in each. A A represent the tablet or surface upon which the types, &c. are laid, its surface truly flat, and may be made of wood, stone, or metal, or any other substance used for the carriage of printing-presses. This tablet is mounted upon a frame of wood or metal, consisting of legs B B, and cross braces C C, or any other kind of support may be used which will firmly sustain the tablet at a proper height from the ground. The tablet has a tympan, 8 and 0, joined to it at the end, 9, in the usual manner, and open into the position of the dotted lines 1 0, to take off or put on the sheet of paper, which is confined by the frisket, 11, in the usual manner ; the dotted lines, 12, represent the gallows or support for the tympan and frisket when opened. For fastening the types upon the tablet, or what the printers call making register, quoins or w^edges may be introduced at the angles, in the usual manner; but a preferable method is to have screws 13, 13, fitted through pieces which are made fast to the sides of the tablet, and between the points of these screws the chase, or frame of types, is held steady upon the tablet, and may be adjusted. Beneath the tablet are the levers marked D E, D E, their fulcrums, or fixed centre-pins, being at D, and they act upon double hooks or clutches, F F. When the ends E are depressed by means of the third lever I G, situated beneath and common to both, the connection being made with the link a, the fulcrum of the lever is at G ; and H is a third point to which the power to actuate it is applied by a connecting rod K, the opposite end of which is joined to a crank or short lever L M, situated upon an axis or spindle L, which extends to the front of the machine, and has a winch or handle N, fig. 299, upon it, for the pressman to turn it by. The platen of the press is shown at O O ; it may be made of wood or iron, as usual, but must be exactly true on the low'er surface, which applies to the face of the types b b, upon the tablet A A. On the top of the platen is a strong metal bar P, which may be either cast in one piece with it, or united to it by screws at r r ,• at its extremities it has bolts d d, fixed to it by screws or otherwise ; and at their lower ends they must have heads which are exactly fitted to the clutches or double hooks F F, before de- scribed. By means of these the platen is connected with the lever D E, D E, so that a pressure may be produced when the handle N is turned in the direction shown by the arrow in fig. 300. This, by turning the lever M about upon its centre L, pushes the rod K, which acting upon the point H of the lever G H I, moves it upon its centre G, and depresses the point I, which being connected with the extremities E of the levers D E, by the link fl, they are made to partake of its motion, and draw down the platen 300 THE OPEilATIVE MECHANIC upon the types by the clutches F F, and hooks dd. By returning the winch N to its original position, the pressure is relieved, and the platen may be removed from the types thus ; — At the end of the bar P, two springs, e e, figs. 299 and 301, are fixed; and in the ends of these rollers or wheels, marked/, are fitted to revolve freely upon their centre-pins. These wheels, having grooves in their edges, run upon sharp angles, formed upon the upper edge of the two rails R R, which are extended across the frame of the press,and project sufficiently behind, as in figs. 299 and 301, being supported by brackets g, of fig. 301, if necessary. Upon these bars and wheels (or sliders may be used instead of wheels) the platen will run freely, to remove it backwards and forwards off the types, but when brought over them the bolts d d will enter the clutches F F, ready to receive the action of the levers, and give the pressure upon the tympan. The springs e are so adjusted, that when the platen runs backwards or forwards upon the rails R, the under surface of it will be sufficiently raised above the tympan to run clear of it; but when the hooks dd and F P’ are united, and the pressure given by turning the handle N, these springs yield, though they have sufficient strength to raise up the platen clear of the tympan, the instant the pressure is relieved. To draw the platen forward over the types, a handle h is fixed upon it, for the pressman to take hold by ; but it may be brought by the foot, in the following manner : the two foremost wheels, f f, have links, k k, jointed to their centre-pins, to connect them with the upper ends of the two long levers m m, which are fixed to one common axis n, fig. 300, extending across the whole machine, near the ground ; upon the axis a short lever o, fig. 301, is fixed, and a rod q unites it to the end of the bent lever r the arm i of which is made broad, to serve as a paddle for the foot; by depressing this, the arm r draws the short lever o, and the long lever m m causes the platen to advance truly parallel, and come up to the clutches F F. To make all the work compact, the centres D D of the great levers, and of the lower lever G, as well as the pivots L of the winch N, are all sup- ported in one frame composed of two metal cheeks S S, which are situated beneath the table, and united thereto by screws, or otherwise, as shown by the dotted line in the plan, fig. 299. The power of the press will depend upon the proportion of the different levers, and the relation between the space described by the motion of the handle N, and the descent of the platen O ; but it should be observed, that the power of this press increases as the handle descends to the horizontal position shown in fig. 300 ; first, because the handle is then in the most favourable position to receive the workman’s body ; secondly, the lever L M comes to a position which gives it a great power to force the rod K, viz. as is shown by the dotted line L 2, for when the lever and rod come to one straight line, its power to force the rod K may be considered as infinitely great ; thirdly, the lever G H is in the most favourable position, marked G 2, to receive the action of the rod K, viz. perpendicular to it; fourthly, the lever G I is in a position to have greater power on the links a and the levers D E, than when it is in a horizontal position. All these sources combined have the best effect in saving time, and at the same time producing immense pressure ; for when the pressure first takes hold of the handle N, it acts but with little advantage with respect to power on the levers, and therefore brings the platen down very quickly upon the tympans, with little loss of time or motion, till they have assumed positions in which they exert more powerful action upon each other, as above stated ; and this action continues to increase until the lever L M and rod K come nearly into a line, when the power is immensely great, and cax>able of producing any required pressure, JRUT.KiyOT^S TJKJlTlTOir JPiEI':SS /r'/vm ,mto3t>2y J^L3 7. Jl^v92ff Sc Str^and- AND MACHINIST. 301 t^hich the parts of the press will withstand without yielding. The handle N is made to come to a stop, or rest, which prevents its moving farther than the position of the dotted lines, and therefore regulates the degree of pressure given upon the work. But to give the means of increasing or diminishing the pressure at pleasure for different kinds of work, the centre hole of the pin H is made in a piece, which is fitted in a groove in the rod K; therefore by sliding it in the groove, it has the same effect as lengthening the rod, which produces a greater descent of the platen when the handle is brought to a stop ; a screw, s, is fitted into the end of the groove, to screw the packing tight in the groove, and prevent it getting loose in working. Another method of producing the same effect is to adjust the nuts which are fitted on the screws at the top of the bolts dd ; or it may be done by loosening the screws at r, and fitting packing between the fitting of the platen and the bar P ; the same may be done to adjust the platen parallel, if it prints more at one part than another. Springs may be applied to take off all shake or loosenesses in the joints ; it may be done in different ways : a strong spring may be fixed beneath the tablet, and act upon the clutch F, to lift it up, and keep the joint tight ; or one small spring may be fixed on the lever D E, (as shown on the opposite side,) to lift the clutch F, and another being fixed to the lever beneath, and resting at the end upon a pin in the frame, will lift up the lever and link c, to keep them all tight for working. If it be thought objectionable for the rod K to push endways on the levers, it may be contrived to draw or pull, by placing the lever M above the spindle L, instead of beneath it, and also reversing the form of the lever G H I ; the points G and H to remain as they are, but the point I to be on the opposite side of the centre, viz. above it ; and with this alteration the drawing of the rod K will produce the pressure, instead of pushing it, as in the figure. Fig. 302 shows another arrangement of the lever for a press. In this figure the same letters are used to denote the same parts, thus : A is the tablet, D E the levers, F the clutches, O the platen, P the cross-bar ; the ends E of the levers are connected by a link a, with a third lever T W, w'hose centre or fulcrum is at V ; the powder is applied to the long end by a chain t, which is conducted over a pulley or roller v, and wound upon a wheel w, which is fixed upon the axle of the handle to work the press. To give greater power, the wheel may be formed like a spiral, instead of circular, that the chain may lay upon a shorter radius when the pressure is produced. 7. Within these few years, numerous and great improve- ments have been made in printing-presses ; but the best that we have seen is the invention of Messrs. Bacon and Donkin, who exhibited it before the university of Cambridge, by whom it is now employed in the printing of bibles and prayer-books, Jlessrs. Bacon and Donkin^s press consists in adapting the types to be fitted upon, and form the surface of a prismatic roller, such as a square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, or other figure, and mounting this in a frame, with the means of turn- ing it round upon its centres ; a second roller is applied in such a manner, that its surface will keep in contact with the surface of the types, which are inked, and the machine being put in motion, the paper which is to be printed is passed through and receives the impression. The types are inked 302 TKie OPERATIVE MECHANIC by a cylinder which is applied to revolve with its surface in contact with them. By this invention, the advantages of types between rollers are obtained, although the types are imposed upon plain surfaces. Fig. 303 contains a perspective view of a machine, the prism A of which is square in its section, and has the ordinary types or letter-press applied upon its four sides, and firmly attached to it. The pivots at the end of the axis of this prism are supported in the frame B B, and it is caused to revolve by a connection of wheel- work D E and F G, from the winch and fly-wheel at H, The types upon its surface are caused to print upon the paper by means of a second roller I i, called the platen, placed immediately beneath the former, and its surface being formed to a particular curvature, produced by four segments of cylinders, its circumference, when it turns round, will always apply to the surface of the types, and thus a sheet of paper being introduced between them, will receive the impression. The ink is applied to the types by means of a cylinder K K, placed above the prism ; it is composed of a soft elastic substance ; and that its surface may always apply to the types, its spindle is fitted in pieces L L, which moving upon an axis n, permit the cylinder to rise and fall, to accommodate itself to the motion of the types. The ink-cylinder receives its ink from a second cylinder M M, which is called the distributing-roller, also composed of a soft substance, and is sup- plied with ink by a third ink-roller N N, which is made of metal, and extremely true. The ink is lodged in quantity against this roller upon a steel plate O O, the edge of which being placed at a very small distance from the circumference, permits the roller, as it revolves, to carry down a very thin film of ink upon its surface, and this being taken ofl’ by the distributing-roller, is applied to the surface of the inking-cylinder, which, as before mentioned, inks the types. The sheet of paper is introduced, as shown in the figure, by placing it upon a blanket, which is extended upon a feeding-board P P, and drawn into the machine at a proper time, by having a small ruler, 2, fixed to it. The ends of this are taken forward by two studs b, attached to endless chains, which are extended from the wheels 05 necessary that the wheels D and E should be placed upon their axis, in such a position that their curvature will cor- respond with the curvature of the prism and platen. For this purpose the universal-joint R is fitted upon the axis I, of the wheel, with a round part, that it may turn on it. A piece of metal, r, is fixed fast upon the spindle /, and has a hole in it for the reception of a tooth 5 , which is screwed fast upon the universal -joint ; then two screws being tapped through the sides of the piece r, press upon the end of a’, and by forcing it either way, will adjust the wheel with respect to the platen till they exactly correspond ; another similar adjustment may be applied to the upper axis. The manner of forming the ink and distributing rollers with an elastic substance is worthy of particular notice. Leather stuffed in the manner of a cushion was first used, but did not succeed, because it became indented with the types ; but after many trials, a composition of glue, mixed with treacle, was found to answer perfectly. The roller is made of a copper tube, covered with canvass, and placed in a mould, which is a cylindrical metal tube, accurately bored, and oiled withinside ; the melted composition is then poured out into the space of the mould, and when cold, the whole is drawn out of it, with the glue adhering to the copper tube, and forming an accurate cylinder without any further trouble. The composition will not hai’den niaterially by the exposure to air, nor does it dissolve by the oil contained in the ink. This machine is well adapted to print from stereotype plates, which the universities have adopted for their bibles and prayer- books. Bramah’s bank-note press. 8. It w'as formerly the custom in the Bank of England to fill up the number and dates of their notes in writing, till the year 1809, w'hen the machine invented by Mr. Bramah was adopted for this purpose. By this contrivance, the nmnbers and dates were inserted not only in a more uniform and elegant manner, but the labour was diminished to less than one-sixth of what it was before. The copper-plates from which the words of the notes are printed, are double; that is, they tlirow off two notes at a time upon one long piece of paper. This piece of paper, containing two notes, is then put into the machine, which prints upon them the number and dates in such a manner, that the types change to the succeeding number, and that the whole operation is performed without any attention on the X 306 THE OPERATIVE M^ECHANIC part of the clerk. If one of the notes, for example, is N° 1,- N® 1, and the other on the same paper N® 201 , N° 201, when these are printed the machine alters itself to N® 2, N® 2, and N® 202, N® 202 ; and in printing these, the types again change to N® 3, N® 3, and N® 203, N® 203. The date and the word London are cast in stereotype, and each machine is furnished wicli one of these for every day in the year, and they of course are changed every day. The Bank of England has upwards of forty of these ma- chines, the greater part of which are in constant use. It was formerly considered sufficient labour for each clerk to fill up the number twice repeated, and date twice repeated, 400 notes per day ; but since the introduction of the machine, one clerk has printed 1,300 double notes, which are equal to 2,600 single ones ; for though in the machine the double notes do not require more labour than single ones, yet to fill up the blanks by writing would occupy twice the time. The mechanism by which this is effected is extremely ingenious, and the principle is not limited to the numbering of notes, but is equally applicable to the purpose of printing any series of numbers which require continual alteration. We have represented one of these machines, which is not, how- ever, precisely the same as those in use, being only a single one, and adapted for printing one note at once ; but we have only to suppose it extended to twice the length, and furnished with a double set of types, in order to fit it for printing two notes at the same time. In fig. 305, a perspective view of this machine will be found, and a section of its parts at fig. 304, in both of which the same letters of reference are employed. A solid piece of mahogany, A A, forms the base of the ma- chine, and to this two iron plates, B B, are screwed, forming the sides of a box, the front of which is removed in fig. 305, to exhibit the interior, and the back is concealed between the mechanism. Across this box an axis, D, is placed, having its pivots fixed into sockets which are fastened in the sides of the frame, as is evident from' the figure. This axis carries the tympan E, which gives the pressure to print off the note attached to it by screws ; and a lever, F, is also fixed to the axis, by which the operator forces down the tympan. The movable types, in which the principal novelty of the inven- tion consists, are fitted into a series of brass circles, mounted upon an axis G, extending across the centre of the frame. These circles are sufficiently pointed out in the perspective view, by the numerals on the types fixed in them ; they are ten in number, arranged in two lots of five each. Each circle (shown more plainly at I, fig. 304) is divided into eleven parts, and at each a rectangular notch is cut, to receive the types 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 and a blank type. Five of the circles, thus prepared, being placed side by side, upon a fixed axis, G, on which they revolve freely, are sufficient for printing any number less than 100,000 ; because, as the circles can be turned about On their axis independent of each other. AND MACHINIST. 307 it is obvious that any combination of the above figures may be produced, by bringing them to the highest point of the circle, which is the situation in which they are to be placed when an impression is to be taken. This will he more easily understood, if we consider that the brass plate which covers the circles is put on its place, as represented in fig. 304, at a. This brass plate has two apertures through it, to receive the two series of types which project up a little above its surface when at the highest. In fig 305, this plate is removed to exhibit the interior mechanism. The circles are made to revolve by means of wheels, H, upon an axis called the back axis, parallel to the axis of the circles. Tire end of it is seen at I, fig. 305, projecting through the frame, and it carries three of the wheels H, two of which are at the same distance apart as the two series of figure circles to which they apply ; the third wheel is placed at an intermediate distance between the other tw^o, and is acted upon by a catch or pallet 5, fig. 304, attached to the axis of the tympan, by means of a joint, in such a manner that it will strike against the highest tooth of the wheel H, and turn it round one tooth. When the handle is lifted up rather beyond the perpendicular, a stop a, fig. 305, upon the axis, meeting a projection a, fig. 304, on the cover of the box, prevents it from moving farther; but when the handle is returned down the position of the fig. 304, the pallet, though it again meets the tooth of the wheel, gives way upon its joint, and passes by without moving the wheel. In this manner it will be seen, that every time the handle is pressed down to take an impression, in raising it up again to place a fresh paper upon the tympan, the pallet moves the wheels II one tooth, and as the teeth of these wheels engage the teeth of the figure circles, a similar motion is communicated to them, bringing a fresh number beneath the tympan, ready for printing. It is to be observed, that the wheels H are of such a thickness, as to en- gage only one of the five type circles at once, and their distance from each other is such, that they take the same circle in the one series as they do in the other. Now, by moving the back axis a small quantity endwise, it is obvious that the wheel H can be brought to act upon any of the five circles, or be placed in such a position as to be clear of them all. It is for this pur- pose that the head I, fig. 305, comes through the frame of the machine; for by means of this the axis can be moved on end, and by proper marks upon it, it may be set to any of the five circles. In these positions it is con- fined by a semicircular clip, which enters grooves turned round on the axis, and deprives it of longitudinal motion, unless when the clip is raised. This can be done by a nut coming through the back of the frame at K, fig. 304. It has a short lever on the inside of it, which, when the nut is turned round, raises up the clip, and releases the axis while it is set to the required circle, and the clip being let fall into the proper groove, confines it from any farther motion. In order that all the circles may stop at the exact point, when the figure is at the highest, and consequently when the surface of the figure will be horizontal, an angular notch is made on the inside of the figure circles, in the intermediate spaces betw'een each figure ; and at the lowest points of the circle c, fig. 304, a movable pin is fitted into the fixed axis, with a spring, which gives it a continual pressure downwards. The end of the pin is formed spherical, and well polished, so that when the circle is turned round it is forced into its hole in the axis ; but when another notch in the circle presents itself, the pin presses out into it, and retains the circle with a moderate force in its proper position, until the raising of the tympan, as before described, overcomes the resistance of the pin, and turns the circle round. By this contrivance the types always arrange themselves into a 308 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Straight line, after being turned round, without which the impression would have a very disagreeable and irregular appearance. The tympan E, fig. 304, is composed of two parts ; a solid brass plate, against which a few folds of cloth are placed and secured by the second part, which is a brass traine covered with parchment, and attached to the former by four screws, two of which appear at//, in fig. 305. The bra;ss plate of the tympan is fastened to the leaf L, fig. 304, project- ing from the axis by means of six screws. Two of these, only one of which, A, can be seen in the figure, tend to throw the tympan from* the leaf ; while the other four, which are arranged one on each side as the two former, draw the tympan in and leaf together. By means of these screws thus act- ing in opposition, the tympan can be adjusted so as to fall exactly parallel upon the type, and communicate an equal pressure to all parts of the paper, which is held against the tympan by means of a frisket of parchment stretched on a frame which surrounds the tympan, and is movable on joints at k k, fig. 305. The frisket is cut through as is represented by the shaded parts in fig. 305, in order to expose the paper where it is to receive the impression of the figures, and the No. before the figures, and also the ira- pression of the date, year, and place. The type for these are formed in stereotype, and fastened dowm upon the surface of the brass cover a, the piece containing the day and month being changed every day. In order to find the proper position which the paper should occupy upon the tympan, two fine pins are fixed to project from it, and are received into holes made in the brass cover; two dots are printed upon the note from the copper- plates, and the pins being put through at these dots, ensure the figures, &c. corning on their proper places. The manner of using the machine is as follows t suppose the back axis put so far on end as to be detached from all the circles ; the figure circles arranged by hand, so that the blanks are all uppermost ; and the proper stereotypes put in for the date. The back axis is then first set, so that its wheels II may take the first five circles tow^ards the right hand, and by moving the handle down almost to touch the type, and returning it up again, the pallet moves the wheels H, and turns the two right-hand circles, bringing up figure 1. The clerk now inks the type with a printer’s ball, opens the frisket sheet L, fig. 305, on its hinges, and places the note (already printed on the copper-plate press) against the tympan, the proper place being determined by the two pins, and the dots printed on the note, as before mentioned. He now shuts up the frisket sheet, in order to con- fine the paper and keep it clean, except in the places where it is to be printed ; then by pressing down the handle F, the impression is given ; and on lifting it up again it moves the circles and brings up figure 2. The note is now removed, a fresh one put in, and so on, the figure always changing every time. During this operation tlie twm right-hand circles act as units, and advance one each time ; when 9 are printed in this manner and 0 comes up, the handle is moved twice successively wuthout printing, which brings up a blank and then a 1. Tlie back axis is moved, to act upon the second circle upon the liglit hand, which now becomes the units, the first circle representing tens ; by moving the handle «, without printing, figure 1 in the second circle comes up, making 11, the next time 12, and so on to 19. The first circle is now put forwards by hand, bringing up 2 and 0, on the second 20, then moving the handle to pass the blank, produces 21, 22, &c. to 30, when the first circle is again advanced, bringing up 4 ; in this manner the business proceeds to 99. The back axis is now shifted to the third circle, which be- comes units, the second tens,, and the third hundreds; the 0 and blank ot' I. J5ANK KO TE jPKESS From u04 tu 305 Pl.39 304- 3 05 k 2Tedc & Stodd^ se SSt JtnvU. AND MACHINIST. 309 'which are advanced to bring up 1, 0 is brought up in the second ; and the machine itself brings up 0 in the third ; after printing this it changes to 101. The process now continues through the successive hundreds in the same manner as before till 999. The back axis is now shifted to the fourth circle, and the three first must be advanced by hand when they require it. At 9999 the back axis is shifted to the fifth circle, and it will serve to 999,999, beyond which it is not required to print. PILE-ENGINE. The pile-engine is a machine by which piles are driven into the ground for the foundation of the piers of bridges, and various other structures. The method of driving a pile consists in drawing up a very heavy weight, called a ram or hammer, and by disengaging it from the machinery by which it was raised, letting it fall, by the force of gravity, upon the head of the pile. In the most simple machines the weight is drawn up by men pulling a cord over a fixed pulley, and when it has attained a sufficient height allowing the cord to slip from their hands, which per- mits the weight to descend with considerable force. The two best pile-engines that we have seen are those invented by Mr. Vauloue and Mr. S. Bunce. Mr. Vauloue’s pile-engine may be thus described. A, fig. 306, is a great upright shaft or axle, on which are the great wheel B, and the drum C, turned by horses joined to the bars S S. The wheel B turns the trundle X, on the top of whose axis is the fly O, which serves to regulate the motion, as well as to act against the horses, and to keep them from falling, when the heavy ram Q is discharged to drive the pile P down into the mud in the bottom of the river. The drum C is loose upon the shaft A, but is locked to the wheel, B, by the bolt Y. On this drum the great rope, II H, is wound ; one end of the rope being fixed to the drum, and the other to the follower G, to which it is conveyed by the pulleys I and K. In the fol- lower G is contained the tongs F, that take hold of the ram Q, by the staple R, for drawing it up. D is a spiral or fusee fixed to the drum, on which is wound the small rope, T, that goes over the pulley U, under the pulley V, and is fastened to the top of the frame at 7. To the pulley block V is hung the counterpoise W, which hinders the follower G from ac- celerating as it goes down to take hold of the ram ; for, as the follower tends to acquire velocity in its descent, the line T winds downwards upon the fusee upon a larger and larger radius, by which means the counterpoise, W, acts stronger and stronger against it; and so allows it to come down with only a moderate and uniform velocity. The bolt Y locks the drum to the great wheel, being pushed upward by the small lever 2, which goes through a mortise in the shaft A, turns upon a pin in the bar 3, fixed to the great wheel B, and has a w^eight 4, v/hich always tends to push up the bolt Y, through the wheel into the drum. Lis the great lever turning on the axis »i, and resting on the forcing bar 5, 5, which goes through a hollow in the shaft A, and bears up the little lever 2. By die horses going round, the great rope H is wound about the drum Cy THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 310 and the ram Q is drawn up by the tongs F, in the follower G, until the tongs come between the inclined planes E, which, by shutting the tongs at the top, opens it at the foot, and discharges the rara, which falls down be- tiyeen the guides b b, upon the pile P, and drives it by a few strokes as far into the mud as it will go, after which the top part is sawed off close to the mud by an engine for that purpose. Immediately after the ram is discharged, the piece 6, upon the follower G, takes hold of the ropes a a, which raises the end of the lever L, and causes its end, N, to descend and press down the forcing bar 5, upon the little lever 2, which, by pulling down the bolt Y, unlocks the drum C from the great wheel B, and then the follower being at liberty comes down by its own weight to the ram, and the lower ends of the tongs slip over the staple R, and the weight of their heads causes them to fall outward and shut upon it. Then the weight 4 pushes up the bolt Y into the drum, which locks it to the great wheel, and so the ram is drawn up as before. As the follower comes down, it causes the drum to turn backward, and unwinds the rope from it, whilst the horses, great wheel, trundle, and fly, go on with an uninterrupted motion ; and as the drum is turning backward, the counterpoise, W, is drawn up, and its rope T, wound upon the spiral fusee D. There are several holes in the under side of the drum, and the bolt Y, always takes the first of them that it finds, when the drum stops by the falling of the follower upon the ram ; until which stoppage the bolt has not time to slip into any of the holes. The peculiar advantages of this engine are, that the weight called the ram, or hammer, may be raised with the least force ; that when it is raised to a proper height, it readily disengages itself and falls with the utmost freedom ; that the forceps or tongs are lowered down speedily, and instantly of themselves again lay hold of the ram and lift it up. This engine was placed upon a barge on the water, and so was easily conveyed to any place desired. The ram was a ton weight ; and the guides b b, by which it was let fall were 30 feet high. Figs. 307 and 308 represent a side and front section of Sunce’s pile-engine. The chief parts are A, fig. 307, which are two endless ropes or chains, (Connected by cross pieces of iron, B, (fig, 308,) corresponding with two cross grooves diametrically opposite in the wheel C, (fig. 307,) into which they are received, and by which means the rope or chain A is carried round. F, II, K, is a side view of a strong wooden frame movable on the axis H. D is awheel, over which the chain passes and turns within at the top of the frame. It moves occasionally from F to G, upon the centre H, and is kept in the position F, by the weight I, fixed to the end K. In fig. 309, L is the iron ram, which is connected with the cross pieces by the hook m. N is a cylindrical piece of wood suspended at the hook at O, which by sliding freely up the bar that connects the hook to the ram, always brings the hook upright upon the chain when at the bottom of the machine, in the position of G P : see fig. 307. When the man at S turns the usual crane- work, the ram being connected to the chain and passing between the guides, is drawn up in a perpendicular direction, and when it is near the top of the machine, the projecting bar Q, ry Jf rrie & sc 3jZ Sti-aji J AND MACHINIST. 311 of the hook, strikes against a cross piece of wood at R, fig. 307, and con- sequently discharges the ram ; while the weight I of the movable frame instantly draws the upper wheels into the position shown at F, and keeps the chain free of the ram in its descent. The hook, while descending, is prevented from catching the chain by the wooden piece R ; for that piece being specifically lighter than the iron w'eight below, and moving with a less degree of velocity, cannot come into contact with the iron till it is at the bottom and the ram stops. It then falls, and again connects the hook with the chain, which draws up the ram as before. In this machine, as well as Vauloue’s, the motion of the fii'st wheel is interrupted, so that very little time is lost in the operation; with a .slight alteration it might be made to work with horses. It has the advantage over Vauloue’s en- gine in point of simplicity ; it may be originally constructed at less expense, and is not so liable to be deranged. Both, however, are ingenious performances, and part of their con- struction might be advantageously introduced into other machines. The boring machine is employed for boring wooden pipes for the conveyance of water, and for boring out the metalline cylinders used in hydraubcs, and in pneumatic engines. The old and common method of boring, is to have a horizontal axis turned round by a mill, at the end of which a borer is fixed, and the cylinder is fastened down upon a carriage, sliding in a direction parallel to its axis, and drawn forwards to the borer by the descent of a weight. The ob- jection to this method is, that any deviation from a rectilineal motion in the carriage, will be transferred to the cylinder, and cause it to be crooked ; and that the weight of the borer and its axis acting on the lower side only of tlie cylinder, causes it to cut away more at that part, and render the metal of the cylinder of unequal thickness. This evil, however, was, in some measure, obviated by a contrivance of Mr. John Smeaton, which was a steel-yard mounted upon a mova- ble wheel carriage, running within the cylinder. By suspend- ing the weight of the cutter and boring-bar from it, the machine was much improved, though still very imperfect. A boring machine, for metal cylinders, which is not liable to any of these sources of error, is constructed in the manner shown. Fig. 314 is a perspective view of the machine in the action of boring out a cylinder for a steam-engine, the other figures .explain the construction of its parts, and BORING MACHINE. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 312 are drawn to a scale. In fig. 314, A A denote two oak ground sills, which are firmly bolted down, parallel to each other, upon sleepers let into . Ihe ground. At each end of these a vertical iron frame, B B, is erected, to support the gudgeons at the end of a long cylindrical axis, D D, which is turned round by the mill. The cylinder L L, which is to be bored, is fixed immovable over tlie bar, and exactly concentric with it, A piece of cast- iron KK, X-L, (figs. 310, 312, and 313,)’ called a cutter-head, slides upon .the axis, and has fixed into it the knives or steelings / //, which perform the boring. This cutter-head is moved along the bar by machinery, to be hereafter described ; by means of which it is drawn or forced through the cylinder, at the same time that it turns round with the axis D. The steel cutters will necessarily cut away any protuberant metal which projects within the cylinder, in the circle which they describe by their motion, but cannot possibly take any more. The cylinder is held down upon an adjustable framing, which is ready adapted to receive a cylinder of any size within certain limits. Pieces of iron, E E, are bolted down to the ground sills, having grooves through them to receive bolts, which fasten down two horizontal pieces of cast-iron I' F, at right angles to them. These horizontal pieces support four movable upright standards GG, which include the diameter of the cylinder L L, which is supported upon blocks, b b, below, and held fast by iron bands a a, drawn by screws in the top of the standards G G. The cylinder is adjusted, to be concentric with the axis D D, and held firmly in its place by means of wedges driven under the blocks and the standards. To explain the mechanism by which the cutters are advanced, we must refer to figs. 311, 312, and 313, by the inspection of which it will be seen that the axis D D is, in fact, a tube of cast-iron, hollow throughout. Jt is divided by a longitudinal aperture cc, fig. 310, on each side. At the ends of it is left a complete tube, to keep the two valves together. The eutter-head K K, L L, consists of two parts ; of a tube K fitted upon the axis D with the greatest accuracy, and of a cast-iron ring L L, fixed upon K K by four wedges. On its circumference are eight notches, to receive ihe cutters or steelings //, which are held in and adjusted by wedges. The slider K is kept from slipping round with the axis, by means of two short iron bars e e, which are put through to the axis, and received into notches cut in the ends of the sliders K K. These bars have holes in the middle of them to permit a bolt at the end of the toothed rack L to pass through. A key is put through the end of the bolt, which, at the same time, prevents the rack being drawn back, and holds the cross bars e e in their places. The rack is moved by the teeth of a pinion N, and is kept to its place by the roller O ; the axis of the pinion and roller being .supported in a framing attached to the standard B B, as shown in a per- spective view of the machine in fig. 314. The pinion is turned round by a lever, put upon the square end of the axis, and loaded with the weight P, that it may have a constant tendency to draw the cutter through the cylinder. This lever is capable of being put on the square end of the gxis either way, so as to force the rack back into the cylinder jf neces- .sary. In some boring machines, another contrivance, superior perhaps to what we have now described, is employed to draw the cutter through the rylinder. It consists of four small wheels, one of which is fixed at the right-hand extremity, D, of the bar D D, fig. 314- Another pinion is fastened on the extremity of an axis, analogous to the rack M, having at its other extremity a small screw, which works in a female screw, fixed to the cutter K K at #, fig. 310. Below the second pdnion is another, con- Frorrc <3/0 to 314. ri.4i AND MACHINIST. 313 taining the same number of teeth, and fixed on a horizontal axis pa- rallel to D D. At the other end of this axis is a fourth pinion, which is drawn by the first pinion at the end of the hollow axis D D. The first pinion has twenty-six teeth, the fourth thirty, and the second and third may have any number, provided they are equal. As the axis D revolves, the first pinion fixed on its extremity draws the fourth, which by means of the third, fixed on the same axis with it, gives motion to the second. The second pinion being fixed to an axis within D D, unscrews the screw at its other extremity, and of course makes the cutter advance along the cylinder. This screw has eight threads in an inch, and sixty turns of the axis are requiied to cut one inch. To introduce a cylinder into its place in the machine, it is necessary to remove the upper braces, 1 1, of the bearings upon the standards B B ; and by supporting the axis upon blocks placed under the middle of it, the standard, with the pinion N, and roller frame, is removed by taking up the nuts which fasten it to the ground sills A A, the rack M being supposed previously withdrawn. A cutter-block L, of a proper size to bore out the intended cylinder, is now placed upon the slider K, fig. 313, and wedged fast. The cutter-head is then moved to the farther end of the axis, and the cylinder lifted into its place. The standard B is returned, and the whole machine brought to the state of fig. 314, the cylinder being, by estimation, adjudged concentric with the axis D. Two bars of iron are now wedged into the c c in the axis, and applied to the ends of the cylinder; while the axis is turned round they act as compasses to prove the concentricity of the cylinder. Small iron wedges are drawn round its cylinder to adjust it with the utmost accuracy; and in this state the cylinder is ready for boring. The next operation is felling the cutters, which are fastened into the block L by wedges, and adjusted by turn- ing the axis round, to ascertain that they all describe the same circle. The boring now commences by putting the mill and axis in motion, and the machine requires no atten- tion, except that the weight P is lifted up as often as it descends by the motion of the cutters or steelings. When the cutters are drawn down through the cylinder, they are set to a circle a small quantity larger, and returned through the cylinder a second time. For common work these operations are sufficient ; but the best cylinders are bored many times, in order to bring them to a proper cylindrical surface. The last operation is turning the flanch n of the cylinder per- fectly flat, by wedging a proper cutter into the head. This is of great importance to ensure that the lid will fit perpen- dicular to the axis of the cylinder. The cylinder is now finished and removed. The accuracy of this machine depends on the boring bar, D D, being turned upon its ovm gudgeons ; and if it is turned to the same diameter throughout, it will certainly be per- fectly straight. While the axis is in the operation of turn - ing, a piece of hard wood should be fitted into the grooves of the cylinder. The slider K is first bored out, and 314 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC afterwards ground upon the axis with emer}" to fit as true as possible. The elevation of a mill proper for moving two of these machines, is represented in fig. 310. The pinion 30 is supposed to be on the axis of a water-wheel, and turns the two wheels 60, 60, which have projecting axes, with a cross-cut similar to the head of a screw, as is shown in the figure. The ends of the boring axes have similar notches, and by- putting keys in between them, the motion may be commu- nicated or discontinued at pleasure, by the removal of the key. FILE-CUTTING MACHINE. There have been various contrivances for this purpose; but the best we are acquainted with is described in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society y and is as follows : AAA A, fig. 315, is a bench of seasoned oak, the face of which is planed very smooth. B B B B the feet of the bench, which should be substantial. C C C C the carriage on which the files are laid, which moves along the face of the bench AAA A, parallel to its sides, and carries the files gradually under the edge of the cutter or chisel H H, while the teeth are cut: this carriage is made to move by a contri- vance somewhat similar to that which carries the log against the saw of a saw-mill, as will be more particularly described. D D D are three iron rods inserted into the ends of the carriage C C C C, and passing through the holes in the studs E E E, which are screwed firmly against the ends of the bench A A A A, for directing the course of the carriage C C C C, pa- rallel to the sides of the bench. F F two upright pillars, mortised firmly into the bench AAA A, nearly equidistant from each end of it, near the edge, and directly opposite to each other. G the lever or arm which carries the cutter H H, (fixed by the screw I,) and works on the centres of two screws K K, which are fixed into the two pillars F F, in a direction right across the bench A A A A. By tightening or loosening these screws, the arm which carries the chisel may be made to work more or less steadily. L is the regulating screw, by means of which the files may be made coarser or finer ; this screw works in a stud M, which is screwed firmly upon the top of the stud F ; the lower end of the screw L bears against the upper part of the arm G, and limits the height to which it can rise. N is a steel spring, one end of which is screwed to the other pillar F, and the other end presses against the pillar O, which is fixed upon the arm G ; by its pressure it forces the said arm upwards until it meets with the regulating screw L. P is an arm with a claw at one end marked 6, the other end is fixed by a joint into the end of the stud or pillar O, and, by the motion of the arm G, is made to move the ratch-wheel Q. This ratch-wheel is fixed upon an axis, which carries a small trundle-head or pinion R, on the opposite end ; this takes into a piece S S, which is indented with teeth, and screwed firmly against one side of the carriag'e C C C C ; by means of this piece motion is communicated to the carriage. F is a clamp for fastening one end of the file ZZ in the place or bed on which it is to be cut. V is another AND MACHINIST. 315 clamp or dog at the opposite end, which works by a joint W, firnily fixed into the carriage C C C C. Y is a bridge, likewise screwed into the car- riage, through which the screw X passes, and presses with its lower end against the upper side of the damp V ; under which clamp the other end of the file Z Z is placed, and held firmly in its situation while it is cutting by the pressure of the said clamp V. 7 7 7 7 is a bed of lead, which is let into a cavity formed in the body of the carriage, something broader and longer than the largest size files ; the upper face of this bed of lead is formed variously, so as to fit the different kinds of files which may be re- quired. At the figures 2 2 are two catches, which take into the teeth of the ratch-wheel Q, to prevent a recoil of its motion ; 3 3 is a bridge to support one end, 4, of the axis of the ratch-wheel Q ; 5 a stud to support the other end of the axis of that wheel. When the file or files are laid in their place, the machine must be regu- lated to cut them of the due degree of fineness, by means of the regulating screw L ; which, by screwing farther through the arm M, wall make the files finer, and, vice versa, by unscrewing it a little, will make them coarser; for the arm G w'ill, by that means, have liberty to rise the higher, which will occasion the arm P, with the claws, to move further along the periphery of the ratch-wheel, and consequently communicate a more extensive motion to the carriage C C C C, and make the files coarser. When the machine is thus adjusted, a blind man may cut a file with more exactness than can be done in the usual method by the keenest sight j for by striking with a hammer on the head of the cutter or chisel H H, all the movements are set at work ; and by repeating the stroke with the ham- mer, the files on one side will at length be cut ; then they must be turned, and the operation repeated for cutting on the other side. It is needless to enlarge much on the utility or extent of this machine; for, on an examination, it will appear to persons of but indifferent mechanical skill, that it may be made to work by water as well as by hand, to cut coarse or fine, large or small, files, or any number at a time ; but it may be more particularly useful for cutting very fine small files for watchmakers ; as they may be executed by this machine with the greatest equality and nicety imagin- able. As to the materials and dimensions of the several parts of this machine, they are left to the judgment and skill of the artist who may have occasion to make one ; only ob- serving, that the whole should be capable of bearing a good deal of violence. RAMSDEN^S DIVIDING MACHINE. This valuable instrument is the invention of Mr. Jesse Ramsden, to whom the Commissioners of Longitude gave the sum of 615 /., upon his entering into an engagement to instruct a certain number of persons, not exceeding ten, in 316 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the method of making and using this machine, in the space of two years, say, from the 28th October, 177*^? to 28th Oc- tober, 1777 ; also binding himself to divide all sectants and octants by the same engine, at the rate of three shillings for each octant, and six shillings for each brass sectant, with Nonius’s divisions to half minutes, for as long time as the Commissioners should think proper to let the engine remain in his possession. Of this sum 300/. were given to Mr. Rams- den, as a reward for the usefulness of his invention; and 315/. for his giving up the property of it to the Commissioners. The following is the description of the engine given by Mr. Ramsden, upon oath : This engine consists of a large wheel of bell-metal, sup- ported on a mahogany stand, having three legs, which are strongly connected together by braces, so as to make it per- fectly steady. On each leg of the stand is placed a conical friction-pulley, whereon the dividing wheel rests ; to prevent the wheel from sliding off the friction-pullies, the bell-metal centre under it turns in a socket on the top of the stand. The circumference of the wheel is ratched or cut (by a method which will be described hereafter) into 2160 teeth, in which an endless screw acts. Six revolutions of the screw will move the wheel a space equal to one degree. Now a circle of brass being fixed on the screw-arbor, having its circumference divided into sixty parts, each divi- sion will, consequently, answer to a motion of the wheel of ten seconds, six of them will be equal to a minute, &c. Several different arbors of tempered steel are truly ground into the socket in the centre of the wdieel. The upper parts of the arbors, that stand upon the plane, are turned of various sizes, to suit the centres of different pieces of work to be divided. When any instrument is to be divided, the centre of it is very exactly fitted on one of these arbors ; and the instru- ment is fixed down to the plane of the dividing wheel, by means of screws, which fit into holes made in the radii of the w’heel for that purpose. The instrument being thus fitted on the plane of the wheel, the frame which carries the dividing point is connected at one end by finger-screw^s, with the frame which carries the endless-screw; while the other end embraces that part of the steel arbor which stands above the instrument to be divided, by an angular notch in a piece of hardened steel ; by this means both ends of the frame are kept perfectly steady and free from any shake. AT^U MACHINIST. 317 The frrane carrying the dividing-point or tracer, is made to slide on the frame which carries the endless-screw to any distance from the centre of the wheel, as the radius of the instrument to be divided may require, and may be there fastened by^ tightening two clumps 5 and the dividing-point or tracer, being connected with the clumps by the double- jointed frame, admits a free and easy motion towards or from the centre for cutting the divisions, without any lateral shake. From what has been said, it appears that an instrument thus fitted on the dividing-wheel, may be moved to any angle by the screw and divided circle on its arbor ; and that this angle may^ be marked on the limb of the instrument with the greatest exactness by the dividing-point or tracer, which can only move in a direct line tending to the centre, and is alto- gether freed from those inconveniences that attend cutting by means of a straight edge. This method of drawing lines 'will also prevent any error that might arise from an expan- sion or contraction of the metal during tfie time of dividing. The screw- frame is fixed on the top of a conical pillar, which turns freely round its axis, and also moves freely towards or from the centre of the w'heel, so that the screw- frame may be entirely guided by the frame wdiich connects it with the centre: by this means any eccentricity of the wheel and the arbor would not produce any error in the dividing ; and by a particular contrivance, (which will be described hereafter,) the screw when pressed against the teeth of the 'wheel always moves parallel to itself ^ so that a line joining the centre of the arbor and the tracer continued will always make equal angles with the screw. Fig. 316 represents a perspective view of the engine. Fig. 317 is a plan of which fig. 318 represents a section on the line IIA. The large wheel A is 45 inches in diameter, and has 10 radii, each being supported by edge-bars, as represented in fig. 318. These bats and radii are connected by a circular ring B, 24 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep ; and, for greater strength, the whole is cast in one piece in bell-metal. As the whole weight of the wheel A rests on its ring B, the edge-bars are deepest where they join it ; and from thence their depth diminishes, both towards the centre and circumference, as represented in fig. 318 The surface of the wheel A was worked very even and fiat, and its cir- cumference turned true. The ring C, of fine brass, was fitted very exactly on the circumference of the wheel ; and was fastened thereon witli screws, which, after being screwed as tight as possible, were well rivetted. The face of a large chuck being turned very true and flat in the lathe, the flat- tened surface A, fig. 318, of the wheel, was fastened against it with hold- fasts ; and the two surfaces and circumference of the ring C, a hole through the centre and the plane part round 6, and the lower edge of the ring B, were turned at the same time. D is a piece of hard bell-metal, having a hole, which receives the steel 318 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC arbor «/, made very straight and true. This bell-metal was turned very true on an arbor ; and the face, which rests on a wheel at 6, was turned very flat, so that the steel arbor d might stand perpendicular to the plane of the wheel; this bell-metal was fastened to the wheel by six steel screws, A brass socket Z is fastened on the centre of the mahogany stand, and receives the lower part of the bell-metal piece D, being made to touch the bell-metal in a narrow part near the mouth, to prevent any obliquity of the wheel from bending the arbor ; good fitting is by no means necessary here ; since any shake in this socket will produce no bad effect, as will appear hereafter when we describe the cutting-fi-ame. The wheel was then put on its stand, the lower edge of the ring B, figs. 316, 317, and 318, resting on the circumference of three conical friction pulleys W, to facilitate its motion round its centre. The axis of one of these pulleys is in a line joining the centre of the wheel and the middle of the endless-screw, and the other two placed so as to be at equal distances from each other. Fig. 316 is a block of wood strongly fastened to one of the legs of the stand ; the piece g is screwed to the upper side of the block, and has half- holes, in which the transverse axis A, fig. 319, turns; the half-holes are kept together by the screws i. The lower extremity of the conical pillar P, figs. 316 and 319, terminates in a cylindrical steel pin k, fig. 319, which passes through and turns in the transverse axis /^, and is confined by a check and screw. To the upper end of the conical pillar is fastened the frame G, fig. 319, in which the endless-screw turns; the pivots of the screw are formed in the manner of two frustrums of cones joined by a cylinder, as represented at X, • fig. 320. These pivots are confined between half-holes, which press only on the conical parts, and do not touch the cylindric parts ; the half-holes are kept together by screws a, which may be tightened at any time, to prevent the screw from shaking in the frame. On the screw-arbor is a small wheel of brass K, figs. 316, 317, 319, and 320, having its outside edge divided into 60 parts, and numbered at every sixth division with 1, 2, &c. to 10. The motion of this wheel is shown by the index figs. 319 and 320, on the screw-frame G. H, fig. 316, represents a part of the stand, having a parallel slit in the direction towards the centre of the wheel, large enough to receive the upper part of the conical brass pillar P, which carries the screw' and its frame ; and as the resistance, when the wheel is moved by the endless-screw, is against the side of the slit H which is towards the left hand, that side of the slit is faced with brass, and the pillar is pressed against it by a steel spring on the opposite side ; by this means the pillar is strongly supported laterally, and yet the screws may be easily pressed from or against the circumference of the wheel, and the pillar will turn freely on its axis to take any direction given it by the frame L. At each corner of the piece I, fig. 319, are screw's «, of tempered steel, having polished conical points ; two of them turn in conical holes in the screw-frame near o, and the points of the other tw'o screws turn in the boles in the piece Q; the screws p are of steel, which being tightened, prevent the conical pointed screws from unturning when the frame is moved. L, figs. 316, 317, and 321, is a brass frame, which serves to connect the endless-screw, its frame, &c. with the centre of the wheel ; each arm of this frame is terminated by a steel screw, that may be passed through any of the holes g, in the piece Q, fig. 319, as the thickness of the work to be divided on the wheel may require, and are fastened by the finger-nuts figs. 316 and 317. AND MACHINIST. 319 At the end of this frame is a flat piece of tempered steel h, fig. 321^ wherein is an angular notch ; when the endless-screw is pressed against the teeth of the circumference of the wheel, which may be done by turning the finger-screw S, figs. 316 and 317, to press against the spring t, this notch embraces and presses against the steel arbor d. This end of the frame may be raised or depressed by moving the prismatic slide fig. 317, whicli may be fixed at any height by the four steel screws o, figs. 316, 317, and 321. The bottom of this slide has a notch K, figs. 316 and 321, whose plane is parallel to the endless-screw, and by the point of the arbor : ' : ,r ' V - ' ■"•' feg -•' -l.- -4. %“'*?••.'??•••■•' Ate'jf'-. '■' ' •■' ' '■■■■'' " ■ ri^'-r'Lr:; .ft ^ • ' ^ ' >■ ^ . .{ii 4 . Ji AND MACHINIST, 335 brought out of the furnace and placed under a tilt-hammer, or passed through the rolls, or rollers, which consolidates it, and forces out more of the impure parts. A considerable doss in weight is sustained in this process, not only from the iron losing its impurities, but also from the surface of the bloom or bar oxydizing and falling off in scales whilst being worked. The loss which is thus sustained in weight is generally estimated at one-sixth or one-seventh of the whole. A section and elevation of the puddling furnace is represented in fig. 350. A is the door for the admission of metal, having a small square hole A, for the introduction of the rake and other tools used by the furnaceman. B is the chimney ; C the ash-pit ; and D the grate. At E is a circular cavity, where the prepared ■ metal is laid, and the flame passes over it up the chimney B. The heat of the furnace is so intense that without having the door for a guard, and the small hole h for the introduction of the imple- ments, the furnaceman could not approach it ; nor indeed can he as it is without suffering great inconvenience. The hole is also of use for him to look into the furnace to observe how the work is going on. At first the light is too intense to be borne, but by practice the eye at length becomes accustomed to it, and is able perfectly to distinguish the different masses as they lay in the furnace. The iron having undergone this process is taken to the shears and cut into lengths of about one or two feet, and in order to impart closeness and solidity is piled into pieces of seven or eight together, and heated in another furnace, very similar to the one just described. There is no occasion this time to remove them about, for the iron having lost its carbon is infusible. When it is of a sufficient heat, which the furnaceman from practice can easily tell by his eye, it is again brought to either the hammer or the rollers, and is worked into a bar. This is called No. 2 iron. Again, further to improve the quality, it is cut up, piled, and worked over again; and is then called No. 3, or best iron. The more the iron is worked the purer it becomes, and the grain becomes more closely united ; but of course it becomes more expensive. Two kinds of hammer, moved by machinery, are used in iron-works. Tne one called the forge-hammer is represented in fig. 353. The first mover gives motion to the shaft A A, by means of a cog-wheel acting upon the pinion B. The shaft is regulated by a fly-wheel C, and has at the further end a number of cogs, \^icb by passing under the shaft, or helve, D, lift the hammer E. F is a strong horizontal beam, inserted in the post G, and loaded with heavy pieces of metal, at H, to prevent it receiving motion from the hammer. Another large beam of wood, made of either oak, or ash, but most frequently the latter, is inserted in the posts IK. The hammer in its ascent strikes against this beam, called the rabbit, wKich by its elasticity reacts upon the hammer, and causes it to descend with greater velocity than would be produced by gravity alone. The construction of a tilt-hammer differs from that of the THK OPER\TlVI2 MEC HANIC f<-)ri»;e, by being poised on a centre of motion, about the middle^ or two-thirds of the length of the lielve from the hecid, and from receiving its motion from cogs acting upon the tail of the helve, in some few cases the ash spring is placed over the head of the hammer similarly to that above described ; but, in general, the tail of the helve is made to strike against a fixed floor, and the hammer from the force it has received continuing to rise after the tail strikes the floor, the halve bends, and hy its elasticity causes the hammer to descend ^vith greater force upon the anvil. The tilt-hammer is represented in fig. 354. It is taken from a tilt-mill made at the Carron iron-works in Scotland, after designs of the celebrated Mr. Smeaton. It is adapted for forging iron into bars. The description 13 extracted from Dr. Rees’s Cyclopcedia. Having described the manner in which the tilt-hammer is connected with the first-mover, (drawings of which may be seen in the work,) the author proceeds to explain the figure above referred to ; e the iron head of the hammer, f its centre of motion, and d the tail or extreme end, upon which the cogs of the wheel act, and which is plated with iron on the upper side, to prevent it from wearing. P is the anvil-block, which must be placed on a very firm foundation, to resist the incessant shocks to which it is subjected: the centre,/, or axis of the hammer, is supported in a cast-iron frame gh^ called the hirst. When the cogs of the wheel strike the tail of the hammer suddenly down, and raise the head, the lower side of the tail of the hammer strikes upon a support n, which acts to stop the ascent of the head of the hammer e, when it arrives at the desired height ; but as the hammer is thrown up with a considerable velocity as well as force, the effort of the head to continue its motion, after the tail strikes the stop n, aqts to bend the helve L of the hammer, and the elasticity of the helve recoils the hammer down upon the anvil with a redoubled force and velocity to that which it would acquire from the action of gravity alone. To obtain this action of recoil, the hirst g h must be held down as firmly as possible ; and for this purpose, four strong iron bolts are carried down from the four angles of the bottom plate h, and made fast to the solid basis of stone R R, upon which the whole rests ; upon this basis are placed four layers of timber, ikhn, which are laid one upon another, and the timbers of each layer are laid cross-ways over the others. Each layer consists of several pieces laid side by side, and they are slightly treenailed together, to form a platform. Each platform is rather less than that upon which it rests, so as to form a pillar of solid timber; on the top of which the hirst-frame, g h, is placed, and firmly held down by the four bolts, which descend through all the platforms, and have secure fastenings in the solid masonry beneath. The stop n is supported by a similar pillar, but smaller, and composed of three layers : the upper piece n, which is seen cross-v.mys, is about three feet long, and the under side is hollowed, so that the piece bears only upon the two ends, leaving a vacancy beneath it, which occasions it to bend or spring every time the tail d of the hammer strikes upon it, and this aids the recoiling action very much. Tlie axis on which the hammer moves is formed by a ring of cast-iron, through which the helve of the hammer is put, and held fast by wedging round it. The ring has a projecting trunnion on each side, ending in an 356 I ‘ IfliON ^ 5TEJEJL MAI^I^iPArTlITiRB From 353 to 356 354 355 2Teele is SfockUy sr 35i Strand AND MACHINIST, 337 obtuse conical point, which is received in a socket firmly fixed in the hirst- frame g h, by screws and wedges, one of which is seen at r. These two sockets are thus capable of adjustment, so as to make the hammer face fall flat upon the anvil. In the Carron iron-works, three hammers are worked from the same shaft. In such case it is necessary to have the three wheels ihat com- municate motion to their respective hammers of different sizes and numbers of cogs to produce that velocity in each hammer which is best adapted for the work it is to perform ; thus the wheel for the hammer, which is repre- sented in fig. 352, has eight cogs, and therefore produces eight blows of the hammer for each revolution of the fly-wheel; the wheel for the middle hammer has 12 cogs; and the wheel for the smaller hammer 16; the latter will therefore make two strokes for every one of the great hammers. In fixing the three wheels upon the great shaft, care is taken that they shall produce the blows of the different hammers in regular succession, and equalize as much as possible the force which the water-wheel must exert. Tire wheels are fixed on the shaft by means of a wedging of hard wood, driven in all round; the wood being capable of yielding a little to the shocks occasioned by the cogs meeting the tails of the hammers, renders the concussions less violent. The following are the principal dimensions : The head of the great hammer weighs cwt. and it is intended to make 150 blows per minute ; it is lifted 17 inches from the anvil at every blow. The middle hammer is 2 cwt. and makes 225 blows per minute ; it is lifted 14 inches each time. The small hammer weighs 1^ cwt* and makes 300 blows per minute ; it is lifted only 12 inches. To produce these velocities, the great axis upon which the cog-wheels are fixed must make 18| turns per minute; and the pinion upon this axis being in proportion with the cog-wheel upon the shaft of the water-wheel as 1 is to 3, the water-wheel must make 6^ revolutions per minute ; the water-wheel being 18 feet diameter, its circumference will be 18 x 3 . 1416 = 56 . 54, or 56i feet; this multiplied by 6*25 is about 353 feet motion per minute, or divided by 60 = 5*9 feet motion per second for the circum- ference of the water-wheel. The tilt-mills employed in the manufacture of steel, do not have the great hammer, but the largest they use is about the size of the middle one, and is adapted for welding faggots of steel to make sheer steel : the other two hammers are about the size of the smallest just described, and are made to work much quicker, viz. from 350 to 400 blows per minute. This is very easily accomplished by making the pinion upon the fly-wheel shaft in proportion to the cog- wheel that acts upon it, and is fixed to the water-wheel, as 1 is to 4. This highly raluable metal, having undergone these pro- cesses, is now sold, and is used by smiths for an innumerable variety of purposes. Indeed^ when we reflect upon the many thousands of men, women, and children, who are daily em- ployed in the manufacture and w'orking of this metal ; when z 338 THli OPIiRATIVE MECHANIC we consider the immense number of families of miners, melters, refiners, smiths, and other handicraftsmen, who, in ail the civilized parts of the world, look up to this particular branch of manufacture for their maintenance and support ; when we consider, that the once obscure and inconsiderable village of Merthyr T}"dvil, though wild, barren, and sterile, and too poor to produce even the common necessaries of life, lias been peopled in the teeth of every obstacle, and, within the space of seventy years, has, through the manufacture of this metal, become by far the largest and most populous town in Wales; we cannot but rejoice that this metal is one of the staple manufactures of Great Britain. When this metal has become too much worn to answer longer the purpose for which the Smith designed it, it is sold to the ^dealers in marine stores,’ who assort it into three parcels; one called coach-tyre^ consisting of the old tyre of coach and other wheels ; another bushel iron, being remnants of old hoops, and different pieces of iron of similar nature ; and another scrap or nut-iron, consisting of old nails, screws, nuts, and pieces of that description. These are sold to the manufacturer to be remanufactured. The process of remanufacturing is as follows : Two pieces of iron, each forming three sides of a square, are fixed to a wooden bench, about 10 or 12 inches apart. In the space between these two pieces are placed two rods of iron, about three-eighths of an inch square, one rod being placed close to each of the pieces. On these rods are laid pieces of old hoop, previously straightened, and cut to the proper lengths of 12 or 14 inches, according to the intended length of the faggot. The ends of the hoop rest upon the bottom of each of the pieces of iron first described, and similar pieces of hoop are ranged upon each side, while the interior is filled with bushel or scrap iron. The top is then covered with hoop, and the whole pressed tightly down, and bound, by bringing the ends of the three-eighths rod together, and screwing them round. This is termed a faggot, being about 12 or 14 inches long, and six inches square. The faggot is then carried to a furnace not much unlike the puddling furnace, and w’hen sufficiently heated is brought out, and passed through the rollers, and made into what are called- These blooms are generally about two feet long, by three or four inches wdde, and two thick. The blooms are again exposed to the heat in the furnace, and when at a proper temperature are taken cut and passed through the rollers, either those represented in fig. 351, or AND MACHINIST. ' 339 those in fig. 352, accordingly as they are to be made into hoops, or bars. The hoop-rollers are represented in fig. 351 ; the bar-rollers in fig. 352. Tables of the average weight of bars, squares, and bolts, 10 feet in length. BARS. Inches. c. qr lb. Inches. c. qr, , lb. Inches. C. qr, , lb. 6 X 3 T 1 1 15 3|- X 3 T — 3 12 2J X — 1 23 5 ■S' 1 0 13 -5* — 2 24 4 — 1 10 i- — 3 19 4 — 2 8 3 ■F — 1 1 X 3 T 1 1 1 3 ■S' — 1 20 2‘- X i — 2 2 4 1 0 6 3^ X 3 •5' — 3 5 s F — 1 18 4 — 3 10 5 •S' — 2 18 tV — 1 14 5 X 3 1 0 13 4 — 2 4 4 — 1 9 5 ■S' — 3 23 3 •S' 1 16 3 F — 1 0 4 ; 3 2 3J X 3 T — 2 27 2x4- — 1 24 4| X 3 1 0 10 S — 2 14 5 F — 1 15 5 •S' — 3 19 4 ■ — 1 27 tV — 1 11 4 — 2 25 3 •ff — 1 14 4 — 1 6 X 3 ■g- — 2 5 3 X 3 T — 2 22 3 F — 0 26 3 T 1 0 4 4 — 2 8 1-g- X -|- — 1 20 .4 — 3 13 4 — 1 23 F — 1 12 ■r — 21 3 •F — 1 10 9 r*T — 1 9 3 s — 2 11 2| X 3 T — 2 14 4 — 1 5 X T — 3 25 5 F — 2 2 3 •ff — 0 24 & — 3 7 — 1 20 If X f — 1 17 4 — 2 17 3 ■S' — 1 7 5 F — 1 10 3 ■g- — 2 0 2i X •T — 2 8 9 TF — 1 5 4 X 3 — 3 19 s ■F — 1 25 — 1 2 4 — 3 1 4 — 1 15 3 F — 0 23 4 — 2 12 • 3 "S’ — 1 4 1^" X -r — 1 11 3 ■S' — 1 24 X 3 — , 2 5 s F — 1 3 9 tf — 1 0 z2 340 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC SQUARES. 1 BOLTS. Inches. C. qr .lb. Inches. C. qr . lb. 3 2 3 0 3 2 0 18 2 2 3 1 2| 1 3 22 0 1 8 1 24 1 3 6 2i 2 0 11 21- 1 2 17 1 3 18 24 1 1 23 24 I 2 24 24 1 1 11 2^- 1 2 5 24 1 0 24 2^ 1 1 14 j 24 1 0 9 2 1 0 25 ! 2 — 3 24 14 1 0 8 14 — 3 9 14 — 3 21 14 — 2 26 14 — 3 2 14 — 2 16 14 , > — 2 21 14 — 2 3 u — 2 11 14 — 1 24 14 — 1 25 14 — 1 14 I 4 — 1 15 14 — 1 5 1 — • 1 6 1 — 0 27 7 — 0 26 7 ■Hr — 0 20 3 T — 0 19 3 T — 0 15 s K — 0 13 5 TT — 0 10 4 — 0 8 4 — 0 17 STEEL MANUFACTURE. When iron has lost all its carbon, and has become malle- able, it can be reimpregnated with carbon, to a certain extent^ without materially injuring its malleable properties. The compound of iron and carbon thus produced is called steel. To reimpregnate the iron with carbon, it must be put into a close vessel, called a cementing pot, and stratified with powdered charcoal. The pots are made with a peculiar kind of stone, termed firestone, which is found abundantly in the neighbourhood of vSheffield. It possesses the properties of not being liable to crack by the heat, or of entering into fusion. These pots in the interior dimensions are from 10 to 15 feet long, and from 24 to 30 inches square. Each bar of iron is com- pletely covered with powdered charcoal, and the last stratum oi it is usually made much thicker than the rest, and kept AND MACHINIST. 341 close with a mixture of sand and clay, to prevent the charcoal from entering into combustion with the outer air. Two of these pots only are contained in a furnace at a time, and fire is gradually employed till the heat is little short of what would be required to fuse the steel. A vertical section, and horizontal plan, of t’ne converting furnace is shown in figs. 355 and 356. In both figures the same letters denote the same parts. C C is the external cone, built in a substantial manner of stone or brick- work. Its height from the ground to its vertex, in order to procure a good draught of air, should not be less than 40 or 50 feet; and to procure a still stronger heat a cylindric chimney of several feet in length is most generally fixed on the top of the cone. The lower part of the cone, which may be made of any dimensions, is built either square or octangular. The sides are earned up until they meet the cone, giving the furnace the appearance of a cone cut to a square or octangular prism at its base, and exhibiting the parabola where every side intersects the cone. Inside the conical building is a smaller furnace, called the vanity built of fire-brick or stone, which will withstand the action of the most intense heat. D D, in the section, is the dome of the vault, and E E are its upright sides, the space between which, and the wall of the external build- ing, is filled with sand and rubbish. A B represent the two pots that contain the iron to be converted into steel. The space between them is about one foot m width, and the fire-grate is directly beneath it. The pots are supported by a number of detached courses of fire-brick, as shown at e e, in fig. 355, which leave spaces between them, called flues, to conduct the flame under the pots ; in the same manner, the sides of the pots are supported from the vertical walls of the vault, and from each other, by a few detached stones, represented by /, placed so that they may intercept as little as possible of the heat from the contents of the pots. The adjacent sides of the pot are supported from one another by small piers of stone- work, which are also perforated to give passage to the flame. The bottoms of the pots are built of a double course of brick-work, about six inches thick ; the sides nearest together are built of a single course of stone, about five inches in thickness ; and the other parts of the pot are single courses about three inches, the sides not requiring so much strength, because they have less heat and pressure to resist The vault has ten flues, or short chimneys, F F, rising from it, two on each side, to carry off the smoke ink) the great cone, shown in fig. 356, communicating with each side, and two at each end. In the front of the furnace an aperture is made through the external building, and another corresponding in the wall of the vault ; these openings form the door, at which a man enters the vault to put in or take out the iron ; but when the furnace is lighted, these doors are closed by fire-bricks luted with fire-clay. Each pot has also small openings in its end, through which the ends of two or three of the bars are left projecting in such a manner, that by only removing one loose brick from the external building, the bars can be drawn out without disturbing the process, to examine the progress of the conver- sion from time to time ; these are called the tap-holes ; they should be placed in the centre of the pots, that a fair and equable judgment may be formed from their result of the rest of its contents. « b, in the elevation, is the fire-grate, formed of bars laid over the ash- pit T, which must have a free communication with the open air, that it may convey a current of fresh air to supply the combustion. The ash-pit 342 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC should also have steps down to it, that the attendant to the furnace may get down to examine by the light, whether the fire upon the whole length of the grate be equally fierce ; and if any part appear dull, he uses a long iron hook to thrust up between the bars, and open a passage for the air. The fire-place is open at both ends, and has no doors. The fire-grate is laid nearly on a level with the floor of the warehouse, before the furnace, and the fireman always keeps a heap of coals piled up before the apertures at its ends, so as to close the opening. This forms a very simple and effective door; and when the furnace requires a fresh supply of fuel, a portion of the heap of coals is shoved in by a sort of hoe, and the heap renewed, to stop any air from entering into the furnace, except that which has passed upwards through the ignited fuel, and by that means contributed to the combustion. The fire-stone& composing all those parts of the furnace which are exposed to the action of the heat, are first hewn nearly to size, and finished by grinding two surfaces together, so that they make very perfect and close joints ; when laid together, they are cemented wdth well-tempered fire-clay, mixed up thin wdth water. The fire-clay which answers best for this purpose, is that brought from Stourbridge, in Staffordshire, and is the same of which the celebrated Stour- bridge crucibles are composed; but very good fire-clay for the pur}X)se is procured from Birkin-lane, near Chesterfield. V^^hen the furnace has been once burnt, this clay becomes equally hard with the stone, and is less liable to fly or vitrify in an intense heat than any other known cement. The flame arising from the ignited fuel upon the grate passes upwards between the pots, and strikes the dome of the vault, from whence it is reverberated down upon the pots, and ultimately escapes through the flues or chimneys of the vault. By this means every part of the pot is exposed to the same degree of heat, which is of great importance. In order to ascertain when the cementation is perfect, one or two of the bars, having their ends, as before described, projecting from the pots, are taken out of the furnace, and examined. The blisters upon the surface of the steel, caused by the carbonic oxyd,* is, in general, adopted as a criterion to judge if the metal be sufficiently converted ; but this is found frequently to be fallacious, and well it may, for the size of the blisters depend more upon the degree of heat to wliich the bar has been exposed, than to any other cause. The time usually required for the conversion of iron into steel is about seven days and nights ; and a similar number * Carbonic oxyd is the union of the two gases which arise from the small portions of carbon and oxyd of iron, of which the iron w'as possessed, au4 which IS dissipated by the heat of the furnace during this long process AND MACHINIST. 343 of days and nights is aliowed for the gradual cooling of the furnace. The steel when taken from the converting furnace is found on its surface to be covered with blisters; and on being broken is found to be full of cavities within, for this reason it is called blistered steel. To make it sound and tenacious, it is put into a furnace, and moderately heated, and is then exposed to the action of the tilt-hammer, which we have already described. This is called slteer-steeL The steel is made of different degrees of hardness, by giving it more or less carbon, according to the different degrees and duration of the heat applied. The steel used in the manufacture of coach-springs contain the smallest portion of carbon ; a somewhat greater quantity is used in the different branches of cutlery, and in the make of agricultural implements ; and the greatest dose of all is required for files, which cannot be too hard, provided the steel be sufficiently malleable to be worked. Cast-steel, which is entirely free from the defects of blistered steel, and is, in some degree, preferable to sheer- steel, is made, by placing small portions of the bars of blistered steel into a crucible, capable of containing about 30 pounds weight. These crucibles are made of Stourbridge clay, mixed with a small portion of powdered charcoal, which makes them much less liable to crack in the heating or cooling. They are furnished with covers, which are more fusible than the body of the vessel, and, on that account, soon enter into a state of partial vitrification; by which means they become closely luted at the time the steel is at a temperature suffi- ciently high to be destroyed by the oxygen of the atmosphere. The fuel employed for melting steel should consist of the hardest cokes, which will give a great heat for a longer con- tinuance than the soft cokes. When the metal is fused it is taken from the furnace, and poured into iron-moulds, which form it into ingots of an octagonal shape, about SO inches long. These ingots, like the bars of blistered and sheer steel, are again heated, and drawn into bars by the operation of the tilt-mill. By means of this machinery the ingots of cast- steel can be drawn into bars one-third of an inch square ; and by the hands it can be drawn into rods of a much smaller size. manufacture of steel has been greatly improved within 344 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC a short period^ and it can now be fused with so small a por- tion of carbon, as will admit of its being welded either wdth iron or another piece of steel. The most singular property belonging to steel is that of its hardening by being heated red-hot, and suddenly cooled; and the hotter the steel be made, and the colder the fluid into which it is plunged, the harder will be the steel. Water is generally employed for this purpose; and spring water is considered to be the best. File-makers state, that the salt which is inevitable in their hardening water, makes the steel harder, and they sometimes put sulphuric acid into it for the same purpose. In hardening steel in thin plates, such as saws, particularly when of cast-steel, quenching in water would cause them to crack, and make them so hard as not to be useful. They have, in consequence, recourse to some substance which is not so good a conductor of heat. Oil, with tallow and bees’ wax, and resin dissolved in it, is generally employed for these articles. If the steel be heated red-hot, it mostly returns to its original state. This, however, is sometimes not the case with thin plates of cast-steel. In giving various degrees of heat from the hard state, it becomes more soft and less elastic. In the year 1789, Mr. David Hartley took out a patent for a method of tempering steel by the aid of a pyrometer, or thermometer, applied near to the surface of the article, and at the same time recommended the use of heated oil, in which (he says) many dozens of razors or other tools might be tempered at once with the utmost facility, and the various degrees of heat necessary for different purposes might speedily be determined by experiment. (See Nicholson’s Journal, vol. i. quarto.) An improvement of this principle has been since suggested by Mr. Parkes, by providing a bath of oil or of some kind of fusible metal for the tempering of every species of edged tool, which contrivance would, in his opinion, give to this operation a greater degree of certainty, than has ever been experienced by those who have conducted such manufactories, WIRE MANUFACTURE. Wire is made of various ductile metals; but as the manu- facture of the whole is very similar, we shall confine our- selves principally to a description of the manufacture of iron wire, which is by far the most extensive article of commerce. AND MACHINIST. 345 The process of wire-drawing consists in drawing a piece of metal through a hole in a steel plate^ which forms it into a regular and even thread, of great length, according to the quantity of metal supplied. The first part of the process in the manufacture of iron wire is, to subject the iron to the action of a tilt-hammer till it be reduced to a size that will admit of its being drawn through the plate. The tilt-hammer used is similar to that which we have described in the article Iron Works.” It weighs about 100 pounds, and makes 130 strokes per minute. A smaller tilt-hammer, weighing about 50 pounds, and making 20 strokes per minute, is also used for the wire- work. To prepare the iron for the draw-plate, the workman heats six or eight inches of the end of a large bar, and works it under the small tilt-hammer until it is drawn out into a small and regular round rod, of about six feet in length. Before it has time to cool another workman straightens it, and cuts off with a hammer upon an anvil the rod thus formed, and puts the remainder of the bar into the forge to be again healed. In manufacturing common wire, the bars may be advan- tageously run through a pair of rollers, instead of exposing them to the action of the tilt-mill ; but as the iron in rolling does not acquire so much tenacity as in the hammering, this process should not be attempted in the manufacture of the best wire. The rod being thus prepared by one of these methods, is next drawn through a hole in the draw’-plate, either by a strong machine with a chain, or else by a lever-machine. The machines used in the process of wire-drawing are, first. The common draw-bench, which consists of a stroijg plank of wood fixed on legs, like a stool or bench. It is represented in fig. 357. A is an axis, fixed in a horizontal position, so that it can be easily turned round by means of the four levers B B, fixed like radii on the end of the axis, C is a strong strap or chain, capable of being wound about tlie axis or roller, and connected by means of a link with the pincers D. E is a draw- plate, perforated with holes of different sizes, lodged against two stiong iron pins a a, which are fixed in the bench, and left standing up perpendicularly, so that the plate can rest against them. The wire is passed through the ance the roller or windlass is not employed, but tlie pincers are at- tached to a lever, which alternately draws them backwards and forwards by the power of the water-wheel. The pincers are so constructed, that they open and release themselves from the wire when they move towards the draw-plate ; but when drawn from the draw-plate close and bite the wire with a force that will draw it tl) rough the plate. A machine of this kind is represented in fig. 359. A B is a wooden lever, which moves round an iron bolt or pin p, as a centre of motion ; C is an iron link, connected with the upright part of the lever A B, and having its lower end formed like a ring to seize the ends of tlie pincers. The pincers are supported upon an inclined plate of iron ?, which has a groove to receive the head of the pincers, to direct tlrem in their motion to and from the draw-plate. The end B of the lever is depressed by cogs, affixed to the axis of the water- wheel, which draws the wire througli the plate ; but when the cogs quit the end of the lever, it is returned to its former position, by means of a rope fastened to the end of B, and to a strong wooden pole, fixed to the top of the roof of the building, which acts as a spring. As the lever returns to its place, the pincers, by their own weight, slide down the inclined plane, and in their descent open sufficiently to allow the wire to slide through them, without extricating itself from their jaws ; and on the next descent of the lever, they close upon tlie wire, and draw another portion through the plate. Three of these machines^ of different sizes, are, in general, employed in a wire-mill ; the largest draw's two inches of the wire at each stroke, and makes about forty-eight strokes per minute; the next four inches ; and the third five inches. This last makes about sixty-four strokes per minute. This mode of drawing wire is very simple, but defective ; for much time is lost in the returning of the pincers ; they some- times fail to take hold; and wdierever they bite they make deep marks upon the wire, which are not more than two inches apart in the great wire, and five inches in the smaller. Fine wore is always made from the large wire, by reducing it and lengthening it out by repeated drawings. The large wire is usually manufactured at the wire-mills in the country, and sometimes is reduced to small wire at the same establish- ments, but those w'ho have occasion to use much wire usually purchase the large sort, and reduce it themselves. A liaiul macliine, represented in fig. 360, is used for this purpose. A is a roller or cylinder, turning upon a vertical pin, fixed in the bench B; C a ^WCB:E MiOTHFArTimE from 357 to 362 362 FI. 49. Keele oses. It is brought from Messrs. Mouchel for making knitting-needles in the English fashion, shoemakers" needles, and other similar articles ; it may be also used for needles of all sizes, and even for cards for wool-combing ; but as this steel is much more expensive than the iron- wire, it is very seldom used for the latter purpose. The method of preparing the draw-plates is described by Messrs. Mouchel, and is different from that before described. For making wire for cards, two sorts of drawing-plates are used, large and small ones ; the first, for the sort of wire that we have been describing, is drawn with the pincers, as fig. 359, and with the bobbin or roller, which is a cylinder, adapted to the axis turned by the water-mill, and is used in preference, to avoid the marks made on the wire by the pincers ; the small drawing-plates are used for such wire as may be drawn by hand. The steel xvhich they employ fo#%hese drawing-plates should never vary in quality, except that the smallest pieces are made of the finest steel. Several pieces of iron are disposed in the furnace in the form of a box without a lid, their weight being according to the use for which they are intended to be made. The workman fills each of these boxes with cast-steel, and having covered it over with a luting of clay, it is exposed to a fierce fire until the steel be melted. Ilis art consists in seizing the proper moment to withdraw the plate from the fire ; he raises the luting, and blows on it through a tube, in order to drive off all heterogeneous parts, and then amalgamates it with the iron by light blows ; after it is cool, he replaces it at the fire, where the fusion again takes place, but to a less degree than before; he afterwards AND MACHINIST. 355 works the steel with light blows of the hammer, to purify and solder it with tlie iron. This operation is repeated from seven to ten times, according to its quality, which renders it more or less difficult to manage. During this process, a crust forms on the steel, which is detached from it the fifth time of its exposure to the fire, because this crust is composed of an oxydated steel of an inferior quality. It sometimes liappens that two, and even three, of these crusts are formed of about two millimetres, or one-sixteenth of an inch, in thickness, which must also be removed. After all these different fusions, the plate is beaten by a hammer wetted with water, and the proper length, breadth, and thickness, are given to it. When thus prepared, the plates are heated again, in order to be pierced with holes by punches of a conical form ; the operation is repeated five or six times, and the punches used each time are progressively smaller. It is of importance that the plate never be heated beyond a cherry-red, because if it receives a higher degree of heat, the steel undergoes an unfavourable change. The plates, when finished, present a very hard material, which neverthe- less will yield to the strokes of the punches and hammer, which they require when the holes become too much enlarged by the frequent passing of the wire through them. When the plates have been repaired several times, they acquire a degree of hardness which renders it necessary to anneal them, especially when they pass from one size to another ; sometimes they do not acquire the proper quality until they have been annealed several times. Notwithstanding all the precautions which are taken in preparing the plates, the steel still varies a little in hardness, and according to this variation they should be employed for drawing either steel or iron wire ; and if the workman who proves them finds that they are too soft for either the steel or iron, they are put aside, to be used by the brass- wire drawers. A plate that is best adapted for drawing of steel-wire is often unfit for the iron ; for the long pieces of this latter metal will become smaller at the extremity than at the begin- ning, because the wire, as it is drawn through the plate, is insensibly heated, and the adhering parts are swelled, conse- quently pressed and reduced in size towards the latter end^ The plates that are fit for brass are often too soft for iron, and the effect resulting is the reverse of that produced by a plate that is too hard. The smallest plates which Messrs. Mouchel use are at the least two centimetres, or eight-tenths of an inch, in thickness, so that the holes can be made sufficiently deep ; for when they are of a less thickness, they will seize the wire too sud-^ denly, and injure it. 2 A 2 356 THli OPERATIVE MHCIIANiC This inconvenience is much felt in manufactories where they continue to use the plates for too long a time^ as they become exceedingly thin after frequent repairs. One of Messrs. Mouchel’s large plates reduces i,400 kilogrammes (3,080 lbs. avoirdupois) from the largest size of wire to N° 6, which is of the thickness of a knitting-needle ; 400 kilo- grammes (880 lbs.) of this number are afterwards reduced in one single small plate to N® 24, which is carding-wire ; and to finish them,- they are passed through twelve times suc- cessively. Wires are frequently drawn so fine as to be wrought along wdth other threads of silk, wool, or hemp ; and thus they become a considerable article in the manufactures-. Dr. Wollaston, in 1813, communicated to the Royal Society the result of his experiments in drawing wire, liaving re- quired some fine wire for telescopes, and remembering that Muschenbrock mentioned wire 500 feet of which w^eighed only a single grain, he determined to try the experiment, although no method of making such fine wire had ever yet been published. With this view, he took a rod of silver, drilled a hole through it only one-tenth its diameter, filled this hole with goldj and succeeded in drawing it into wire till it did not exceed the three or four thousandth part of an inch, and could have thus drawn it to the greatest fineness percep- tible by the senses. Drilling the silver he found very trou- blesome, and determined to try to draw' platina-wire, as that metal w'ould bear the silver to be cast round it. In this he succeeded with greater ease, drew the platina to any fineness, and plunged the silver in heated nitric-acid, which dissolved it, and left the gold or platina wire perfect. LEAD MANUFACTURE. Lead ore is found in most parts of the world.- In Britain the principal lead-mines are situated in Cornwall, Devonshire, and Somersetshire ; in Derbyshire, Durham, Lancashire, Cumberland, and W estmoreland ; in Shropshire, Flintshire, Denbighshire, Merionethshire, and Montgomeryshire ; at the lead-hills in Scotland, on the borders of Dumfrieshire and Lanarkshire, in Ayrshire, and at Strontian in Argyleshire. The smelting of the ore is performed by either a blast- furnace, called an ore-hearthj or a reverberatory-furnace. In the former method, the ore and fuel are mixed top’ether. AND MACHINIST. 357 and exposed to the action of the blast, which quickly fuses the metal, and causes it to fall into the lower part of the hearth, where it is protected from the oxygen of the blast by the scoria that floats upon its surface. When the fluid lead is tapped, or drawn off, a sufficient quantity of it is left in the furnace to float the liquid scoria ; but v/hen the whole of the lead is to be drawn off, the blast is stopped, and some lime is thrown into the furnace to con- crete the scoria, while the lead is run out. In smelting by the reverberatory-furnace, which is uu- doubtedly the best in places where there is an ample supply of coal, the fire is made at one end, and the flame passes over the hearth, and enters into an oblique chimney, which ter- minates in a perpendicular one, called a stack, of considerable height. The length of the hearth, from the place where the lire enters to the chimney, is about eleven feet, two of which constitute the throat of the furnace ; the remainder forms a concave surface, four and a half feet wide at the throat of the furnace, seven feet four inches at the distance of two feet from the throat, seven feet two inches in the middle of the hearth, five feet eleven inches at two feet distance from the chimney, and two feet ten inches where the flame enters the chimney at two apertures, each ten inches square ; the throat of the furnace is two feet long, four feet wide, and six inches deep ; the length of the fire-place four feet, equal to the width of the throat ; its width two feet, and depth three feet, from the grate up to the throat of the furnace; the section of the oblique chimney is sixteen inches square, and of the perpen- dicular twenty inches, supposing a straight horizontal line drawn from the lower plane of the throat of the chimney to the opposite side of the furnace ; the lower part of the con- cave hearth, which is in the middle of this cavity, is nineteen inches below this line, the roof of the furnace being seventeen inches above the same line ; the rest of the hearth is conform- ably concave. The furnace on one side has three openings, about ten inches square, at equal distances from each other, and pro- vided with iron doors, which can be removed as occasion may require. Besides these apertures, which are for the purpose of raking and stirring the ore, &c. and consequently, upon a level with the horizontal line above alluded to, there are two others of smaller dimensions, the one to tap the liquid lead, the other the scoria. The ore is introduced by a vessel pi the shape of a hopper placed in the roof of the furnace. The ores of lead, similarly to those of iron and most other 358 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC metals, are combined with various kinds of earthy matter, which require them to be well pounded before they are intro- duced into the reverberatory or smelting furnace. The pound- ing is sometimes performed by women using hammers, and sometimes the ores are pounded or crushed by causing them to pass through iron rollers loaded with great weights. After the ores have been pounded or crushed, the earthy matter is separated by washing. The powder to be washed is put into a riddle or sieve, and placed in a large tub full of water ; when, by a certain mo- tion, the lighter or earthy parts are separated and thrown over the edge of the riddle, while the metal, which, as we have before stated, is always considerably heavier than its accompanying ingredients, is retained. There are some im- j)urities, however, which cannot be sejjarated by this process, consisting principally of blmd, or black-jack, called mock ore, and pyrites, or sulphuret of iron, named Brazil, In the process of smelting, the ore is spread upon the con- cave hearth, so that the flame may act upon it, and release the sulphur. When the sulphur has escaped, the lead com- bines with oxygen, and the oxyd of lead, thus formed, com- bines with and reduces the earthy matter to a liquid, which floats upon the surface of the metal, and for the remainder of the operation, protects it from the action of the oxygen. The temperature of the furnace is now considerably raised, to separate as quickly as possible the lead from the liquid scoria ; after which a ccmsiderable portion of the scoria is tapped off, leaving only so much behind as is necessary to protect the metal from the action of the oxygen. The fire is now slackened, and a quantity of slack, or refuse pit-coal, thrown into the furnace, which serves to diminish the heat, and to concrete the melted scoria ; though this last part of the process is not well done unless powdered lime be also added. The scoria being now hardened, is broken to pieces by a rake, and thrust to the opposite side of the furnace, where it is taken out through the apertures already mentioned. The lead is now tapped, in a manner similar to that de- scribed in the manufacture of iron, and is allowed to run into a large iron pan, from whence it is laded into moulds to cast into pigs. When the ores abound with blind, or black-jack, or sulphate of iron, it becomes necessary to add the fluat of lime, as a flux. The scoria is still found to contain some lead, independent of that in the state of oxyd, and chemically combined with it, and is consequently exposed to the heat of another furnace, AND MACHINIST. 35D being a species of biast, and called a slag-hearUi, which fuses the scoria, and causes the metal to penetrate through it, and fall into a cavity, where it is protected from the agency of the blast, and from whence it is taken and cast into pigs. As all lead ores contain more or less of silver, we shall extract from Dr. Rees’s Cyclopaedia the method by which the silver, by the oxydation of the lead, is extracted. shallow vessel, or cupel, is filled with prepared fern-ashes well rammed down, and a concavity cut out for the reception of the lead, with an opening on one side for the mouth of the bellows, through which the air is forcibly driven during the process. The French smelters cover the surface of the ashes with hay, and arrange symmetrically the pieces of lead upon it. When the fire is lighted, and the lead is in a state of fusion from the reverberation of the flame, the blast from the bellows is made to play forcibly on the surface, and in a short time a crust of yellow oxyd of lead, or litharge, is formed, and driven to the side of the cupel opposite to the mouth of the bellows, where a shallow side or aperture is made for it to pass over ; another crust of litharge is formed and driven off*, and this is repeated in succession till nearly all the lead has been converted into litharge and driven off. The operation continues about forty hours, when the complete separation of the lead is indicated by a brilliant lustre on the convex surface of the melted mass in the cupel, which is occasioned by the removal of the last crust of litharge that covered the silver. The French introduce water through a tube into the cupel, to cool the silver rapidly, and prevent its spirting out, which it does when the refrigeration is gradual, owing probably to its tendency to crystallize. In England the silver is left to cool in the cupel, and some inconvenience is caused by the spirting, which might be avoided by the former mode. The silver thus extracted is not sufficiently pure ; it is again refined in a reverberatory-furnace, being placed in a cupel lined with bone ashes, and exposed to greater heat ; the lead which has escaped oxydation by the first process, is converted into litharge, and absorbed by the ashes of the cupel. The last portions of litharge in the first process are again refined for silver, of which it contains a part which was driven off with it. The litharge is converted into lead again by heating it with charcoal ; part is sometimes sold for pigment, or converted into red-lead. The loss of lead by this process differs considerably, according to the quality of the lead. 360 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The litharge commonly obtained from three tons of lead amounts to 58 hundred weight ; but when it is again reduced to a metallic state^ it seldom contains more than 52 hundred weight of lead, the loss on three tons being eight hundred weight. The Dutch are said to extract the silver from the same quantity of lead with only the loss of six hundred weight.^’ Having explained the process by which pig-lead is ex- tracted from the ores, it now remains for us to show the methods by which pig-lead is manufactured into sheet-lead, or into the tubes called lead-pipes. In the manufacture of sheet-lead, the ingots or pigs are put into a large caldron or furnace built with free- stone and earth. Near this furnace is the table or mould on which the sheet is to be cast ; it is made of large pieces of wood, well jointed, and bound at the ends with bars of iron, and has a ledge or border of wood, about two or three inches thick, and one or two high, called the sharps. The tables are usually about three or four feet wide, and from eighteen to twenty feet long. The table is covered with very fine sand, which is prepared for the casting by moistening it with clear water, working it together with a stick, beating it flat with a mallet, and smoothing it with a piece of brass or wood. A long narrow piece of wood, with notches cut in each end so as to fit the ledges, is placed over the table, and is so arranged, that the space between it and the sand shall be proportionate to the intended thickness of the plate. The workman gradually slides the strike from one end of the table to the other, by which means he obtains a sheet of the requisite, and in all parts of equal, thickness. At the top of the table is a large triangular iron peel or shovel, with its fore part bearing upon the edge of the table, and the hinder part on a tressel, somewhat lower than the table ; the design of which is, to prevent the liquid metal running off at the fore side, where there is no ledge. The metal being sufficiently fused, is taken out of the furnace or caldron with a large iron ladle, and is put into the peel, where it is cleansed of its impurities by using another large iron ladle pierced like a scummer. The handle of the peel is now raised, which causes the liquid metal to run into the mould, while the workman, with the strike, regulates the thickness. When the sheet is of the required thickness, the handle of the peel is lowered, and the sheet is allowed to cooL When set, the edges on both sides are planished iu order to render them smooth and straight. AND MACHINIST, 361 The method above described is only used in casting large sheets of lead ; in casting sheets of smaller dimensions, the table or mould, which is placed in an inclined position, is, in lieu of sand, covered with a piece of woollen stuff, nailed down at both ends, and over that is placed a very fine linen cloth. In this process great attention must be paid to the heat of the liquid metal, and a piece of paper is used as a test ; if the paper take fire, the lead is too hot, and W'ould de- stroy the linen ; if it be not shrunk and scorched, it is not hot enough. When the sheets are required to be very thin, it is neces- sary to make the peel and strike of one piece. It is a kind of wooden box without a bottom, being closed only on three sides j the back of it is about seven or eight inches high, and tlie two sides, like two acute angles, diminish to the top j the width of the middle makes that of the strike, which again makes that of the sheet to be cast. The strike is so placed, that the highest part is towards the lower, and the two sloping sides towards the upper end of the table. The top part of the table, where the metal is poured in, is covered with a pasteboard, which serves as a bottom to the case, and prevents the linen from being burnt while the metal is pouring in. The strike or peel being filled with lead, according to the intended size of the sheet, two men, one at each side, seize hold of it, and with greater or less velocity, as the sheet is to be more or less thick, force it down the inclined table ; for the thickness of the sheet always depends upon the velocity with which the strike slides down the table. The sheet-lead, after casting, is frequently reduced by rollers. As this particular department is so intimately connected with the business of a plumber, we shall not be considered as departing from the subject by inserting the following tables, from Hutton's Mensuration, Plumber’s work is commonly estimated by the pound or hundred weight ; but the weight may be discovered by the measure of it, in the manner below stated. Sheet-lead used in roofing, guttering, &c. is commonly between seven and twelve pounds weight to the square foot ; but the following table shows by inspection the particular weight of a square foot for each of several thicknesses. 362 THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC Thickness. Pounds to a square foot. Thickness. Pounds to a square foot. •10 5-899 •15 8-848 •11 6-489 •16 9-438 1 TJ 6-554 1 TT 9-831 •12 7-078 •17 10-028 1 ¥ 7-373 •18 10-618 •13 7-668 •19 11-207 •14 8-258 •2=* 11-797 1 T 8-427 .21 12-387 In this table the thickness is set down in tenths and hun- dredths, &c. of an inch ; and the annexed corresponding numbers are the weights in avoirdupois pounds and thou- sandth parts of a pound. So the weight of a square foot of or of an inch thick is 5 pounds and of a pound ; and the weight of a square' foot to one-ninth of an inch thickness is 6 pounds and -iWo- of a pound. Lead pipe of an inch bore is commonly 13 or 14 pounds to the yard in length. Examples : 1. How much weighs the lead which is 39 feet 6 inches long, and 3 feet 3 inches broad, at 8§ lbs. to the square foot ? Duodecimals. Decimals. 39- 6 39-5 3- 3 H 118- 6 118-5 9-10-6 9*875 128- 4-6 128-375 — 1024 1027-000 64 64-1875 ()1 7 1091*1875 Answer. 1091^®^ibs. 2. What cost the covering and guttering of a roof with lead, at 1 8 j. per cwt. ; the length of the roof being 43 feet, and the breadth or girth over it 32 feet, the guttering 57 feet long, and 2 feet wide ; the former 9,831 lbs. and the latter 7,373 lbs. to the square foot? — Answer, 115?. 9«. l^c? It is now time to direct our attention to the manufacture of lead pipes, which are universally employed for small water-pipes, from the facility of bending them in any direc- tion, and soldering their joints. Lead pipes are sometimes cast in an iron mould, made in two halves, forming, when put together, a hollow cylidner, of the size of the intended pipe ; in this cylinder, or mould, is put an iron rod or core, extending from the top to the AND MACHINIST. 363 bottom, and leaving all round a space between it and the cylinder of the intended thickness of the pipe. The lead is poured in at a spout, formed by two corresponding notches cut in each half of the mould ; and a similar hole is made at another place for the escape of air. The mould is fastened down upon a bench, upon which, at one end, and in a line with its centre, is a rack, moved by toothed-wheels and pinions. When the pipe is cast, a hook at the end of the rack is put into an eye at the end of the iron core, which, by the action of the cog-wheels and pinions, is drawn so far out, that about two inches of it only remain in the end of the pipe ; the two halves of the mould, which fasten together by wedges or screws, are now separated from the pipes, and are fastened upon the iron core, and the two inches of lead pipe attached to it; melted lead is again poured into the mould, which, uniting with the end of the first piece, forms the pipe of con- siderable length ; and the operation is repeated till it be of the length required. Another and a much better method is, to cast the lead in an iron mould upon a cylindrical iron pipe, of a size proportioned to the bore of the pipe to be made, and leaving a space be- tween the core and the mould three or four times the thick- ness of the intended pipe, and in short lengths, w'hich are afterwards drawn through holes in pieces of steel, similar to the process of wire-drawing, till the pipe is reduced to the required thickness. Another method is that for which the celebrated iron- manufacturer, Mr. John Wilkinson, of Brosely, took out a patent in 1790, and which, since the expiration of his patent, has been successfully practised by many other manufacturers. This method consists in casting a circular piece of lead, about eighteen inches long, with a core or hole longitudinally through its centre. This piece is of considerably larger diameter than that of the pipe intended to be made. The core or hole at one extremity suddenly decreases, so as to form on the internal surface of the piece of lead a stop or shoulder, against which a polished iron triblet or mandrel, which has been passed thus far along the core, rests. This triblet or mandrel is of somewhat greater length than the length required of the pipe to be manufactured, which, generally speaking, is from seven to nine feet. An iron screw, having a loop at the opposite end, is then passed down the other end of the core, and is screwed into that part of the mandrel which rests against the shoulder. In this state 364 THB OPERATIVE MECHANIC the mandrel, with the circular piece of lead fixed fast on it, is taken to the drawing-table. The drawing-table in the principle of its operation resem- bles the block described in the Wire Manufacture in every respect, though it is far more powerful. The table generally used is about thirty feet long, by two feet wide ; having at one end a powerful cylinder with a chain attached to it. This cylinder receives motion from a steam-engine, or other first mover, and can be thrown in and out of geer by an adapt- ation of any one of the appropriate modes described under the article Mill-geering.’" About two-thirds the length cf the bench from the cylinder, or roller, are two pins or stops to hold a steel plate, which has a gradation of conical holes. Through the largest of these holes, which is somewhat less than the diameter of the circular piece of lead, the loop that is screwed on to the end of the mandrel is passed, and attached to a hook at the extremity of the chain, which chain is affixed to the cylinder or roller. The cylinder being now thrown into geer, the piece of lead is drawn through the hole in the steel plate, which diminishes it in diameter, and increases it in length ; and this operation is carried successively through the series of gradually decreasing holes in the draw-plate, until the pipe is reduced to the required diameter. The cylinder is now struck out of geer^ and the mandrel liberated from the chain, which is immediately attached to the other end of it. The steel draw-plate being now removed, the stops against which it rested allow the mandrel to pass be- tween them, but detain the lead pipe, which, consequently, by striking the cylinder into geer, allows the mandrel to be extricated from it. A small portion of pipe being cut off at both ends, the pipe is considered finished. Through the whole of the operation, great care is taken to keep the mandrel and steel plate well oiled. As no acid can pass through lead pipe without becoming more or less affected by its deleterious qualities, it is neces- sary in cases where acids are used, to have pipes made of iron, or of lead lined with tin. To line lead pipe with tin, the lead pipe must be cast in a vertical mould, which has a core of somewhat larger diameter than the intended-bore of the pipe passing down its centre. When the pipe is cast, and the metal is set, this mandrel is drawn out of the mould, and another of smaller diameter is substituted. About as much coarse resin as will lay on a shilling is now thrown into the space between the pipe and the core or mandrel just passed down the mould. This resin by the heat of the lead AND MACHINIST. 365 13 melted, and runs to the bottom of the mould. The melted tin being now poured in, the resin will float on its surface, and, consequently, as the tin rises, anoint the tin in every part, and act as a flux, and unite the two vessels. As soon as the tin is set, the last-mentioned mandrel is drawn out, and the external mould being removed, the lead now lined with tin is, when quite cold, ready to be submitted to the process of drawing. Various other equally simple processes are adapted to this purpose. PAPER MANUFACTURE. Paper, that highly valuable substance, which enables us to communicate our thoughts to persons situate at the most distant quarters of the civilized globe, is manufactured from rags, by the aid of machinery. It was formerly necessary to assort with great care the rags which were intended to be manufactured into paper ; and none but the whitest and best, and which, consequently, were the most expensive, could be made into paper of the finest quality ; but since the introduction of chlorine (which was discovered by Scheele) into our bleaching establishments, the necessity of this assortment has been greatly obviated ; as it was soon conceived that that chemical agency, which was capable of bleaching linen, was also applicable to the whitening of the rag during the process of paper-making. At that period of the process, when the rag is coining into a state of pulp, chlorate of lime, which was first manufactured by Mr. Tennant, of Glasgow, is introduced into the vat; and, by its chemical action on the fibre, whitens or bleaches the whole mass ; thus enabling the manufacturer to produce a whiter and much finer quality of paper from rags of a se- condary quality, than he had heretofore done from rags of the most expensive description. It must, however, be ad- mitted that, as in all bleaching processes where the fibre is more or less deteriorated by the action of chlorine, the paper manufactured and whitened by this agent is not so strong as that formerly produced ; as may be observed in some thick and beautifully white papers frequently offered to the public THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 366 at aBtonisliing low prices, which are manufactured from coloured and inferior rags, with a superabundance of the chlorate of lime introduced in the process of the manufacture. By this, therefore, it is evident that the chlorate of lime, when used too abundantly, will rot or destroy the fibre of the whole ; but when judiciously applied, it produces a paper of superior colour, and of adequate strength for all practical purposes. The paper-mill consists of a water-wheel, or other first mover, connected with a combination of toothed and other wheels, so arranged as to cause the cylinder in the washer, and the one in the beating engine, which will be hereafter described, to make from 120 to 150 revolutions per minute. On the same shaft, and of the same size as the water-wheel, is a toothed or cogged wheel, which plays in a pinion ; the spindle of this pinion is furnished with a crank, which, by means of a connecting rod, gives a reciprocating motion to a lever, for the purpose of working tw'o pumps, which raise a constant stream of water from the mill-dam. This stream of water is kept running through the rags in the washing- engine, to carry away the dirt separated from them by the operation. The structure of an engine is more minutely explained by figs. 371, 3J2, 373, 374, &c. ; fig. 371 being a section through the length of the engines, and fig. 372 a horizontal plan. The large vat or cistern, A A, is of an oblong figure on the outside, the angles being cut off ; but the inside, which is lined with lead, has straight sides and circular ends. It is divided by a partition, B B, also covered with lead. The cylinder C is fixed fast upon the spindle D, which extends across the engine, and is put in motion, as before described, by the pinion E, placed on the extremity of it. The cylinder is made of wood, and furnished with a number of teeth, or cutters, fixed fast on its circumference, parallel to the axis, and projecting about an inch, as is shown on a larger scale at fig. 375. Immediately beneath the cylinder, a block of wood, H, is placed, and provided with similar cutters to those of the cylinder, which, when they revolve, pass very near the teeth of the block, but do not touch ; the dis- tance between them being capable of regulation, by elevating or depressing the bearings on which the necks D,D, of the spindle are supported. These bearings are made on two levers, F, F, which have tenons at their ends, fitted into upright mortises, made in short beams, G, G, bolted to the sides of the engine. (See also fig. 373.) The levers, F, F, are movable at one end of each, the other ends being fitted to rise and fall on bolts, in the beams G, as centres- The front one of these levers, or that nearest to the cylinder C, is capable of being elevated or depressed, by turning the handle of the screw b, which, as shown in fig. 373, acts in a nut a, fixed to the tenon of F, and comes up through the top of the beam G, upon which the head of the screw TAFER MAI^rFACTURE 11.50.51 &5Z From 371 to 3 75 yeelf & Stcddey sc J5 X Strf the machinery which can increase their effects 2 B I HE OPERATIVE MECHANiC 370 A very large and capital paper-mill^ at Maidstone^ in Kent^ which is the principal seat of the paper trade in England^ is worked by steam-engines, and is found to answer very well. The machinery and building of a paper-mill should be well made, and firmly put togetheiv otherw^e its great velocity and power produces a tremor, which in time shakes every thing to pieces. The noise and vibration of a washing- engine is tremendous ; for when it revolves 120 times per minute, and has forty teeth, each of which passes by twelve or fourteen teeth in the block at every revolution, it will make near 60,000 cuts per minute, and each of them sufficiently loud to produce the most hon’ible growling sound which can Be conceivedo The beater revolving quicker, having si.7£ty teeth, and twenty or twenty-four cutters in the block, will make 180,000 cut» per minute, v/hich is so rapid, as to produce a coarse, musical note or humming, which may be heard at a great distance from the mill. This great number of cuts will account for an engine being able, in the course of four or five hours’ workings to reduce a quantity of rags lo those exceedingly minute filaments, of which paper is composed. Mr. John Dickenson took out a patent in 1809, for C^ertaiyit improvements on his former patent machinery for cutting and planing paper, as also for certain machinery for the manu- facture of paper by a new method. His description of it is as follows: Tlie first part of the inverrtion, consisting in certain improvenients in the'" patent machinery for cutting and planing paper, is described in the annexed drawings ; wherein fig. 376 represents a sectional elevation, fig. 377 a plan, and fig. 378 a transverse section. Every part in the elevation, fig. 376, is on a line with the same part in the plan, fig. 377, and the same parts are represented by the same letters in all the three figures ; a is a reel, covered with paper; b a swinging roller, to draw the end of the paper a little back after it has been cut ; c a bar, having a groove in its upper surface, into which the circular cutter d runs. The bar c is movable up to a certain' height, and connected with two arms, x x, by means of which it may he moved downwards ; the springs e e will elevate it again when the pressure is removed from the arms xx ; f is a sliding frame, having a pair of tongs attached to the front of it, and marked g. The board on which the paper is laid is marked h ; and on the side next the tongs is furnished with thin teeth, ii. The frame which carries the tongs, slides in groove.s in the frame of the machine, and is moved backwards and forwards by tlie rod j, which in draiving the tongs from the reel of paper closes them ; and; in forcing them back again towards the reel of paper, opens them. On each side of the frame /is fixed a small roller, which act upon the arms xxy so that the frame in being forced tow^ards the reel of paper presses the arm.s down, and consequently moves the bar c down out of the way of the tongs?, ■wdiichat that period are open. Tlie end of the paper is at that time lying <;ven with the extremity of the teeth i and the jaws of thf^ tongs closing PAF'K >1^ MAF’r.'l^YXiT I'M Troin 376 to 380 8c 384 to 386 n.53. n i 4 i ^ i-i I i r AND MACHINIST. 3/i jTnmed lately that the rod j is put in motion to draw the frame back, seize the paper in every interval between the teeth, and draw it along with them . When they have carried it out the length that the sheet of paper is wanted, the bar c having been raised up to its place by the springs ee, the circular Cutter is thrown across, and as the edge descends into the groove about the sixteenth part of an inch, the paper which is lying upon it is cut through, and the ends fall down upon the heap below the tongs; being then forced back, and at the same time opened by the rody, the other end of the sheet is released, also the swinging roller b then falls dowm upon the board /^, and draws back tlie end of the paper even wdth the line fofmed by the end of the teetk, ready for being seized again by the tongs. The rods j, by which the frame carrying the tongs is moved backwards and forwards, has a hook A’, which can be fixed at any part of the rod by a screw ; and the ciinck being furnished with pins m m, at two opposite points on its surface, these catch the hooks, and draw the rod, and consequently the frame, with the tongs outwards. When the ciinck has made half a revolution the hook is stopped by the bar «, and the rod and frame remain stationary while the paper is cut. When the pin has got clear of the hook, the rod and frame are immediately drawn hack by aw'eight acting over a pulley, which is connected wdth the rod by the cord o. Tire circular knife is fixed in a sort of waggon, having four rollers p p, by means of w^hich it runs along llie beams q q. The knife is kept moving at tlie rate of about five hundred turns per minute, by means of a band passing round the stnall rigger r, and the pulleys s Sy which is kept in motion by any convenient power. The waggoir may be thrown across at the proper period by the following method, or any other more convenient. A cord is attached to the waggon, acting over a pulley with a weight at the end, sufficient to draw it across one way with a quick motion : for drawing it across the other way a cord is attached to the waggon, which is carried over a pulley, and fastened to the weight A, in fig. 379, which is much heavier than the weight before mentioned. The endless band B passes round the rigger D, which is kept in constant uniform motion, according to the rate at which the paper is cut. The band also passes round the rigger C, which has a click that stops it going round ; consequently as the tigger goes on, it keeps winding up the w^eight A, and the spare band is engrossed by the smaller weight E, so that when the click that confines the rigger D is removed, the weight A descends and draw's it round a complete revolution, when it is again caught by the click, at the same time the weight A draws the waggon across, and it is caught on that side the frame and confined by a click ; when the next sheet is to be cut the waggon is released, and the weight attached to it on the other side draws it across again, the heavier weight A being by that time drawn up high enough to allow of its going all across ; the two clicks may be contrived according to any common Well-known mechanical method, and the motion that releases them can be communicated with the most advantage from the click e ; the pins m m can be fixed in holes i f, at a greater or lesa distance from the centre, according to the size the paper is intended to be Cut, and the hook on the red j must be shifted accordingly. A regular motion may be given to the click by any convenient power, and at such a rate as it is required to cut the paper. The remainder of the drawings is for the purpose of explaining the remaining part of the invention, consisting of certain machines or machinery for the manufacture of paper, by a new method. For this purpose, a cylinder is constructed so as to possess the following requisites : in the first place it must be hollow and open at the ends ; secondly, the surface of the periphery must be like a sieve, with apertures communicating with the 2b2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 372 internal part large enough to permit the passage of water, but calculated idr intercept fibres of rag ; thirdly, it must be so contrived that the surface will not yield from its perfectly cylindrical form, notwithstanding a very consider- able degree of pressure upon it ; fourthly, it must be furnished with broad flat rings for the purpose of covering part of its surface ; at the ends there may be several pairs of these rings of different widths, in order to vary the proportion of the surface which is left uncovered, provided the same cylinder is extended for making different sized papers ; fifthly, it must be hung upon an axis in a horizorrtal position, and firmly fixed in bearings, so that it may be turned by any convenient power ; sixthly, the numerous small apertures on the external surface must open into a less number of large ones, communicating with the internal surface, with solid interstices between them; seventhly, it ought not to be made of wood because it would be liable to warp, nor of iron because it would rust, and injure the paper ; brass or any other strong metal w^ould be found most convenient. To construct a cylinder possessing the requisites above-mentioned, of v/hich the dimensions must be according to the size and thickness of tlie paper it is intended for making, the patentee takes a brass cylinder, perfectly smooth inside and outside, excepting a small portion at each end which is left plain, and turns the outside so as to resemble a screw, the threads of wdiich are about a quarter of an inch apart, and the twenty -fifth part of an inch in depth, vv^ith a round edge. He then drills holes between the threads, which are cut in a taper form, the diameter at top being the width of the interval between the threads, and at the bottom reduced to one half that' size ; the space on the outer surface of the cylinder, left between these holes on each side, is equal to the breadth of the thread ; notches are cut in the threads for the purpose of letting in cross wires, the diameter of which is equal to that of the threads, so that w'hen they are laid into the notches and soldered, or otherwise fastened down, the surface of the cylinder will resem- ble network, with openings of an oblong shape, and having the surfaces of all the interstices plane with each other, and wound to an equal curve. It is then covered with an endless web of woven wire, which is drawn tight over it. The ends of the cylinder are cut down, or rabbeted, so that a ring may be m.ade to slide on each end ; and the ends of the wire are fastened to this ring by means of small plates, which are put over the wire, and screwed down upon the rings by means of screws which pass through tlie wire. These rings are also furnished with other screws for the purpose of extend- mg them out from the cylinder, and the wire being fastened to them it is by that means stretched and drawn tight down upon the surface of tlie cylinder. In the annexed drawing, fig. 380, a to b represents a transverse section- of a segment of the cylinder C C C, being the holes; ddd, the cross wire; eece, the thread of the screw, which is shaded. Fig. 381- is a plan of a portion of the external surface of the cylinder, Vherein A to B shows it without the cross wires, or the external wove wire ; C C C are the Jioles, e ee the thread of the screw with the notches cut, a a a, for the reception of the cross wires ; B to C shows it with the cross wires let in, d d d, which are soldered or otherwise fastened at their ends into the ends of the cylinder. C to D shows it with the woven wire laid over it, through which the surface of the cylinder is seen underneath. Fig. 382 is a section of a part of the cylinder at one end, where the holes are marked ccc, the cross wires ddd, the threads eee ; the external wove wire/, is represented by a red line, it is carried under the plates g, and fastened, by means of a number of screws, h, down upon the ring i, which is shaded, and after it is fixed in that manner at each end of the cylinder. AND MACHINIST. 37s tiie ring i may be extended from the cylinder by means of the larger screws R, and the wire thereby strained down tight upon the surface of the cylinder; this. part of the mechanism is also represented in the plan, fig. 381, where the different parts are marked in the same manner, except that the woven wire is drawn in black. Fig. 383 is a representation of a connected w eb of laid wire, which may be laid over the cylinder exactly in the same manner as the wove wire, observing that the laid wires should be parallel with the axis, and the tying wires eee at right angles with it, observing that the laid wires must be very fine, placed very near together, and drawn as tight as possible at the ends. The reason of laying the cross wires ddd diagonally, is prin- cipally in order that they may not be parallel with the laid wires, in wdiich case they would impede the passage of the water ; for this reason they ought to lay at an angle as near 45 degrees as may be convenient ; but if the cylinder is intended only for the manufacture of wove papers, the cross wires may be parallel with the axis, the holes ranged in rows also parallel with the axis, and the threads of the screw converted into small beads. - There are other modes of constructing a cylinder possessing the necessary requisites, but the patentee thought it expedient only to describe that which he considers easiest of construction, most durable, and most effica- cious in use. He also proposes connecting the rings mentioned as the fourth requisite, as being necessary for covering part of the surface of the cylinder, completed as above at the ends with arms, so as to form caps that may be fixed on to the end of the cylinder, and each being furnished with an axis, it can then be fixed in bearings for the purpose of being turned by any convenient power. Fig. 384 is an outline section, representing it in that situation, with a vessel -fixed against it, which is called aback ; the sides or cheeks ofwhich are curved, fo as to correspond with the rings or surface of the caps ; and the bottom, at the point s, is made to close in upon the surface of the cylinder, so that the vessel on all sides fits the cylinder in such manner, that, if fixed against it, and filled with any fluid, the fluid would have no means whatever of escaping, except by running through the surface of the cylinder, and out at the ends : the exact shape of this vessel is not material. He next takes a triangular trough, or receiver, closed up at the ends, and made so that the i.pper edges fit the inside of the cylinder, and of such a depth that the bottom may be about level wdth the centre of the cylinder, so that this 1 eing fixed, and the cylinder turned round, every part of the upper edge may rub against the inside of the cylinder, which we have before said must be perfectly smooth. In fig. 380 a section is shown of this trough, which has an orifice at one end, at the bottom, marked jn. It may be observed, that at the points n it comes in contact with the internal surface of the cylinder. Fig. 335 is an outline vertical section, wherein the trough is represented fixed in the inside of the cylinder, and coloured blue, with the orifice ?n and pipe communicating with it «. It is to be observed, that this trough is firmly fixed by means of a plummer block 0 0 , which has the top coupling screwed down fast, and the trough is supported at the other end by means of a cylindrical pin, which works in a hole in the cap a. The other cap d, instead of an axis, has a hole in the middle, fitted to the outside of the pipe n, so that it forms a bearing for that side of the cylinder. The axis of the cap «, at the other end of the cylinder, is supported in a bearing, arid has upon it a cog-wheel p ; by means of which motion may be com- municated to the cylinder, and as it turns round it rubs against the upper edge of the trough, which will remain fixed, and receive any fluid that THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 374 passes tlu'ou<;h the upper part of the surface of the cylinder, and carry it off tlirough the oriftce m in the same section. The cylinder is coloured yellow, the caps red, and the parts which answers to the rings are shaded, hhg. 386 is a front view of one of the caps. Fig, 387 is a sectional elevation of the machinery, in a state of prepara- tion for the manufacture of paper. Fig. 388 is a plan of the same. Each part in the elevation, fig, 387, is on a line with the same part in the plan, fig. 388 ; and every part is marked with the same letter in both. A is a circular stuff-chest; into which the stuff is admitted from the engine. B is an agitator, consisting of a number of arms, connected with the spindle C, which passes up through a tube D, in the centre of the chest, and this being turned by the bevelled cog-wheel E, keeps the stuff in motion in the chest, and also, by means of the two riggers F F', gives motion to another small agitator, in the smaller vessel G, wliich is for the purpose of receiving the stuff from the first chest, and it is conveyed through the pipe FI, the aperture of which is enlarged or contracted by means of a conical valve, which is acted upon by some apparatus I, on the principle of a ball-cock, so that as the vessel fills wdth stuff it gradually closes the orifice ; by this means the stuff in the smaller vessel G may be kept at a uniform height, and the head being uniformly the same, the discharge through the pipe J at the bottom will be always equal. The large chest A may be of any shape or dimensions, and agitated in any convenient manner ; the smaller chest G ought to be circular, and about 18 inches diameter, and the same depth. The use of it is to cause an uniform discharge, which would not take place if the stuff were to pass from the large chest without any intermediate vessel, because its passage through the pipe would be more or less rapid, according to the height of the head, which would be continually varying in proportion to the consumption or accumulation of stuff. In the pipe J there is a cock K, by means of which the quantity of stuff that is permitted to pass may be regulated with the greatest degree of nicety ; and when it is once ascertained what proportion of stuff is required, no variation in the supply can take place. The best sort of cock or valve for the purpose will be such a one as leaves an open- ing for the stufi‘, which is nearly round or square, because if it were narrow the stuff might lodge. The pipe J descends into the pipe K, through which there is a constant and rapid flow of water, and it carries awa.y the supply of pulp from the pipe J, and they pass together into the vessel L, in which there are two agitators M M, kept in pretty quick motion by means of the riggers N N. In this vessel and in the pipe K the water and stuff become intimately mixed, and formed into pulp, ofaproper consistency for working; but it is to be olaserved, that in making paper by this method about four times as much water should be introduced into the pulp as is made use of in the ordinary modes of paper-making. From the vessel L the pulp flows through the pipes O O into the vessel P, which has been before described in fig. 384, and called a back. Q Q are waste pipes, for adjusting the height of the head, or, in other words, the level of the pulp. In the back R is the hollow cylinder, described in figs. 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, and 385, and the cylinder being in motion in tlie direction described in the drawing, the water is constantly flowing through the surface of it from the point S to the point T, that is to say, through every part which is covered by the pulp, and, as the water passes througli, tiie fibres of rag are left on the surface, so that they are generally accumulating on any given part of the surface of the cylinder during tlie whole of its passage from the point S to the point T ; and w hen it emerges from the pulp at the point T, the quantity requisite for the composition of a sheet of paper is collected, r.'KK From SSI to 383 &• 3S7 to 392 381 390 AND MACHINIST, s.nd tills takes place in endless successkin as iong as the motion is continued, and an unifoirn supply of pulp is kept up. It has been before tftated, that when the surface of the cylinder emerges from the pulp at the point T, the quantity of fibre requisite for the composition of a sheet of paj:>er is collected; but at that period so much v'atcr is con- tained among them, that it is necessary' to 79 and on that account is much avoided. An objection has been started to the applying of this power, under a supposition, that the animal by changing his speed would injure the cotton ; it is almost superfluous to add that many simple contrivances may be adapted to equalize the motion, and prevent these dreaded effects. When the cotton has undergone either of these processes, it is packed, and exported to the European markets. When it arrives in this country, it is again submitted to the action of machinery for the further separation of the extra- neous matter, unless it is to be spun into coarse yam, when the preceding process is considered sufficient. The first machine that we shall describe as used in this country for the fur- ther clearing of the particles is called a picker, and is represented in fig. 393. A and B are two rollers, having an endless-cloth, C D, stretched over them. This cloth is called the feeding-cloth, and its upper surface is, by the revolu- tion of the rollers, always carried towards D. E and F are two fluted rollers, which nearly touch each other, and revolve, so that their touching surfaces pass towards G H. G H I K are cylinders, covered on their outer surfaces with long blunt pins, making about 250 revolutions, in the direction of the letters, per minute. L L is a grating of wires for the seeds to fall through, when the cotton carried by the feeding-cloth is delivered by the small rollers upon the face of G H. By the rapid revolution of G H, the cotton is thrown against the top O P, and is carried forwa,rd and delivered upon the cylinder I K, which in like manner carries it rapidly round, draws it over the grating, and delivers it back upon the lower face of G II, which after having drawn it over the remainder of the grating, and divested it of the remainder of the seeds and particles of dust, deposits it in the box R R. This machine is liable to injure the staple of the cotton, and is therefore superseded by another called a hatter, represented in fig. 401. In this ma- chine, the feeding-cloth upon the rollers A and B carries forward the cotton to the rollers c and cl, w'hich deliver it upon the curved rack or grating d e, while a scotcher, g h, revolving rapidly upon its axis, strikes the cotton with its two edges g and h, and divides it ; at the same time a draught of air, created by the revolution of the fan I, blows the cotton forward over the grating K K, divests it of the superfluous parts, and ultimately deposits it in a box at the end. The cotton is now considered in a state fit for the operation of spinning; which is differently performed according to the purposes to which the yarn is to be applied. The different sorts of spinning may be classed under the respective heads of Jenny, mule, and water spinning. Mule-spmning, which is by far the most perfect process, and by which the finest }^arn is produced, shall first have our attention. In this process, when the finest yarn is to be produced, the cotton, instead of being submitted to the operation of either of the machines before described, is cleansed entirely by the hand. The mode of effecting this is, by spreading the cotton THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 380 upon a strong netting of cords stretched on a frame, and beat- ing it with osier wands till divested of its impurities. It then undergoes the elementary operations of carding, drawing, stretching and plying, and twisting ; the whole of which are essential in the manufacture of mule yarn. Carding is performed by two kinds of engines, one of which, called the breaker, operates upon the cotton preparatory to its being submitted to the operation of the other, called the finisher. A card is a kind of brush, formed by making wires into the form of staples, as represented in fig. 394. Tire two legs of the staples are placed through holes in a flexible piece of leather, and present to the side view a form similar to that shown in the figure, where A B is the leather, and C D the wires forced through it. Cards are formed in two ways ; the one called sheet-card, is made about four inches wide, and 18 inches long, or of a length corresponding with the width of the main cylinder, which they have to cover ; the other, called fillet-card, is made in one continuous band or fillet, and is used for covering the doffer cylinder. The teeth of the fillet-card are placed pointing in the direction of the length of the fillet, and completely cover the cylinder to which they are applied ; whereas in sheet-cards a space is left between every sheet, as may be seen on the main cylinder, fig. 395. Fig. 395 represents a sectional view of the immediate working parts of a breaker carding-engine. A is the main cylinder, covered with sheet-cards ; B the doffer cylinder, covered with fillet-card ; C C C are the tops ; e is the feeding-cloth supplied with cotton, which has been previously weighed, moving forward over the roller,/, by means of the roller apd delivering the cotton between the feeding-rollers H H, which carry it to the main cy- linder. The main cylinder revolves rapidly in the direction of the dart, and carries the cotton upward between itself and the tops, which are covered with sheet-cards, about inches to 2 inches wide, so that they may, as nearly as possible, follow the curve of the main cylinder. I is the lapping- cylinder, having a wooden roller laying upon its upper surface ; and K is the doffer or taker-off, having affixed to it the steel comb called the doffing-plate. The doffing-plate may be seen more at large in fig. 396, which represents a front view of the doffer cylinder on a larger scale. On inspecting tins figure, it will be seen, that the doffing-plate L L, whose lower edge is formed like a comb, is fastened across the whole of the doffer cylinder, arid is supported by the two uprights m m, fastened on two cranks on the shaft 71-. The upper parts of these uprights, m m, are fastened to corresponding cranks at n n, so that the doffing-plate, by the revolution of the shaft, is made to move downwards while in contact with the doffer cylinder, and up- wards while away from it. The cotton is taken in by the feeding rollers, and is carried up by the main cylinder and passed between it and the tops or flats, whose teeth lie in an opposite direction to those of the main cylinder, and by whose united action the cotton is combed, divided, and cleansed, and its fibres placed in a direction nxore parallel to each other. The main cylinder, by its revolving motion, is soon covered with cotton, and is divested of it by the doffer cylinder, which is placed so as nearly to touch it, and which moves at a much slower speed, in the direction of the dart. The effect of this engine would therefore be to distribute the cotton equally over (COTT QN MAHITFAC TURM Front 393to3f)8 3SS , ' FI 35 i js 1 \ AND MACHINIST. 381 the main cylinder, the top cards, and the doffer cylinder 5 but the doffing-plate, bj^the action already described, is continually clearing the doffer cylinder ; whose points are consequently left bare to receive a fresh supply from the main cylinder. The doffing-plate continually strips the doffer cylinder of the carded cotton, which it delivers upon the lapping cylinder in one continuous web of about 18 inches wide, which is the usual width of the engines for fine work. When the top cards are covered with cotton, an attendant is appointed to take them off and to divest them of the cotton by means of a card nailed on a board, which he carries in his hand for that purpose. The quantity of work delivered to the engine is ruled by the speed of the cylinders and quality of the cotton. When it has passed through the engine, and is wound upon the lapping cylinder, (which is so adjusted as to contain about 20 laps,) the attendant lifts up the roller F, makes a division in the circular web, and takes it off the roller. In this operation we are presented with the first act of ply- ing or doubling, which is introduced in the process of spin- ning in order to obtain equality in the strength and thickness of the yarn. The cotton is in this state called a lap, and is immediately taken to a finisher-engine, which, in general, is disposed back to front, immediately after the breaker-engine, as may be seen in fig. 397. The construction of the finisher-engine is exactly similar to that of the breaker-engine, except that instead of having a lapping cylinder, the cotton, when it leaves the doffer, is drawn through a mouth-piece, 11, formed like the end of a trumpet, by means of the rollers ^ and t, and is delivered into the can W. The rollers s and t may be seen in section in this figure, and in a front view in fig. 396. Pre- viously, however, to leaving this process, we shall make a few remarks, as it is, with much propriety, considered the very foundation of all good spinning. The breaker-engine for spinning fine cotton is generally covered with cards of a fineness that will admit 225 teeth, or 450 points, in a square inch ; and the finisher 2J5, or 550. But spinners are much divided on this subject, and in some mills the same work is performed with cards one- fifth coarser than it is in others. The top cards are in general one-tenth coarser, and those of the doffer cylinder one-tenth finer, than those on the main cylinder : and in some manufactories, at the back part of the engines, where the cotton first arrives, coarser top cards have been introduced, with a view of divesting the cotton of the largest particles of extraneous matter, and in some instances have been again laid aside as superfluous. Cards must he set easy in the leather, which should be thin and strong. The card-engine is driven by a strap passing THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC from a drum over a fast and loose pulley, fixed on the shaft of the main cylinder. The fast and loose pulley is represented in fig. 65 ; and its utility has been explained in the article Mill-geering. To return to the manufacture, the cotton, which is now in the can from the card-engines, in the form of a sliver, is next submitted to the process of drawing, represented in hg. 398. In this })rocess three or four card-ends are brought in tin cans, and passed between the rollers A B and C D, which revolve with different velocities ; that is, the rollers C and D revol'vc much quicker than A and B, and the top rollers A and C are made to press upon B and D by means of the v/eight e. Now, supposing four slivers be placed together, and passed throtigh the rollers A B and C D, and that C D revolve so much quicker than A B, that the sliver will become four times its original length, the cotton will, by such elongation, be reduced in thickness three- fourths, that is, to the same thickness of a single sliver when first brought to the rollers. By this process the fibres of the cotton are laid more parallel to each other, in the direction of the length of the sliver, and tlie operation is repeated, by plying the slivers which have passed the rollers, and passing them through a similar set. The sliver, when thus plied and reduced, is drawn through the mouth-piece G, by the rollers E and F, and delivered into another can. After the cotton has been plied and drawn as many times as the spinner, from the quality of the cotton, rmd the intended quality of the j^arn, considers necessary, it is carried to the Toving-frame. The roving-frame^ which is much used in mills vdiere mule-spinning is carried on, is represented in fig. 402, and is termed the can roving-frame. A B, two rollers, moving at a slower speed than C D ; A and C are pressed upon the rollers B and D by the weight E, as may be seen in a front view, fig. 402, and section, fig. 403. The cans (fig. 402) are represented, the one shut, and the other open ; the latter opens by means of hinges, after raising the ring g. The cans are capable of revolving upon their spindles h h, and are supported in an upright position by the collars i i, aud have at their upper extremities funnel-shaped pieces, k k. If ttvo slivers of cotton are brought from the drawing-frame, and passed between the rollers A B and C D, the processes of plying and drawing will again take place ; and the rollers C D will feed the end thus formed into the can through the mouth-piece at k, which, by revolving rapidly upon its axis, will impart to the end, or sliver, a slight degree of twist. When the can is filled, the rollers are thrown out of geer, and the motion ceases ; the can is then opened, and the cotton, or as it is now called, the roving, i& taken out and wound upon a bobbin, and in that state is carried to a machine called a stretcher. Some objections exist against this species of roving ; firsts from the necessity of taking the roving out of the can for the purpose of windiug it upon a bobbin, during which it is liable to sustain much damage from the fibres being in a very slight state of adhesion ; and secondly^ from the roving receiving its tvdst solely from the revolution of the can in which it rests, and by which the twist is not equally diffused over the whole length of the roving. The first objection was attempted U> 404 R.56 V- C (0 T T OK 3HAKCT A (C TJ7MIE 402 I AND MACHINIST. 38:J be obviated, by placing the can in a frame, and drawing the roving out through the mouth-piece at which it entered ; and a remedy for the second was somewhat unsuccessfully at- tempted by Mr. Arkwright^ who tried to introduce a pair of rollers upon the top of the roving-can, to seize hold and feed the roving into the can as fast as it was received from the drawing-rollers. This, undoubtedly, would have perfectly equalized the twist throughout > but the machinery necessary to produce the double rotatory motion was found to be incon- venient, and the plan was in consequence abandoned. A roving-frame of a different construction^ which obviates the preceding objections, and which, in consequence, has received more general adoption, is represented in fig. 404 ; it is called the bobbin and filer roving-frame. The rollers for stretching are similar to those before described ; and the plied and drawn roving is represented as coming from the rollers at A, whence it passes through an eye at C, over the top of the spindle D, and down one of the legs of the flier B B, which is for that purpose formed tubular. By the revolution of the spindle D, generated by a strap acting upon the pulley F, the fliers are carried swiftly round, and twist and deliver the thread upon the bobbin E, wbicli is moved upwards upon the spindle by raising the board G G, upon which it rests, descending again as the board descends. The roving is, by this means, slightly twisted and wound upon a bobbin, in a fit stale to be immediately carried to the stretching-frame, which, being very similar in its construction to the mule, we consider it necessary only to give a side view of one of the spindles of a mule, shown in fig. 405. A is the place where the bobbin from the roving-frame (not shown in this figure) would have been situate ; and c c c are three pairs of rollers, revolving at different speeds, for the further drawing of the roving. The roving, when it has been thus drawn, is brought to the spindle B, which is formed of polished steel, ground slightly tapering to the end, which is a round blunt point. The spindle receives its motion at the pulley D, by means of a band passing round a drum in the box E E E ; which drum has bands passing in the same manner to several other spindles. When the motion com- mences, the carriage E E E passes backwards to the position shown by the dotted lines, and carries with it the spindles to the position B^ ; during which the spindle revolves rapidly on its axis, and gives a certain degree of twist to the roving, which already has undergone a reduction in diameter by passing through the rollers C C C. The extent to which the frame re- cedes is about three yards, and when the spindles have given the requisite degree of twist to the yarn, it returns to its former place ; while the at- tendant, by moving the bar II upon its axis, presses the yarn downwards, by means of a piece of wire K, which causes it to be wound upon the spin- dles, so as to form a figure that may be represented by two cones, one having a more acute angle than the other, placed base to base, as shown at A, B, and Bh This form is termed a cop, and the act of so distributing the yarn, by the movement of II K, the building of the cop. It may here be observed, that although this is called the stretching-frame, the yarn is not stretched, but merely under- goes a further process of drawing and spinning, and that the stretching is not performed till in the next operation, which is performed upon the mule^ and termed spinning. 384 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The yarn, delivered from the stretching-frame in the form of a cop, is taken to the mule, which is, though much lighter, both in the form and action of the parts, very similar to the stretching-frame. The spindles also are of a smaller size, and are situated nearer to each other. The mule sjnnning-frame differs from that of the stretching- frame insomuch as the act of stretching is added to the other operations ; for when the frame E E E has receded a certain distance, generally about one yard, the rollers C C C cease to move, and the frame still continuing to recede, stretches the yarn. During this process, the spindles on the frame E E E move considerably quicker, in order to save time. The stretching is performed with a view to elongate and reduce those places in the yarn which have a greater diameter, and are less twisted than the other parts, so that the size and twist of the yarn may be more uniform throughout. When the cops are full, they are taken from the moving spindles, and placed on stationary parts of other mules, as at A, and the yarn is again submitted to the same process, until it is reduced and spun to the proper fineness, both as respects the diameter and the twist ; during the whole of which process, the yarn can be continually joined, so that the cops, which are in separate pieces, can be added to each other in parts, or otherwise, as the continual elongation of the yarn in the course of the different operations of each mule may require. The pieces are joined by children, called piecers, who are in attendance on each mule, to join any yam that maybe broken in the act of stretching or twisting. The drums, which drive the spindles in those parts of the mule that recede, receive their motions from bands com- municating with the moving power ; but the advancement and recession of the carriage, for the purposes of receiving and stretching the yarn, as before described, is performed by means of a wheel moved by hand-labour. A spinner is enabled by experience to judge of and regulate both these operations, as also the building of the cop, which is a matter of very great nicety ; for if the cop is not well built, the yarn will not run off even when it is to be used. The number of spin- dles on a mule amount frequently to 300. The yarn produced l)y mule-spinning, being by far the most perfect, is employed in the fabrication of the finest articles, such as lace and hosiery ; and when it is twisted in two, four, or six plies, is used for sewing-thread. Jenny -spinning is of earlier date, and a much less perfect process than mule-spinning; consequently it is but little And machinist. 3a5 Used, except in the manufacture of yam for coarse goods. In this spinning, the cotton, after having been cleansed by some of the processes already described, is, preparatory to being exposed to the action of the jenny, immersed in a solution of soap and Avater, to divest it of the glutinous matter generally found on the surface of this and other vegetable fibres ; it is then, after the soap and water has been pressed from it, put into a warm stove, and when dry, is considered to be in a fit state to be exposed to the operation of the cardiiig-engine. The carding-engine used in jenny-spinning is different in its construction to the one before described ; for in mule and water spinning there is a breaker and a finisher engine ; but the engine used in this process is called the double-engine ; the first part, or breaker, is in the same frame with the second part, or finisher, and the doffer from the first part delivers the cotton upon the main cylinder of the second part, wliich, in like manner, delivers it upon the second dofier. The second defter, instead of being covered v/ith fillet-cards, as the doffer of the single engines, is covered with sheet-cards, like the main cylinder, but being of smaller dimensions, has generally only twelve cards upon it 5 therefore the web of cotton combed from such doffer by the doffing-plate is not in one continuous piece, but in several pieces or portions, equal to the quantity attached to each sheet-card upon the doffing- C 5 dinder. As the several small portions are delivered by the comb, they fall into the concave part of a smooth arc that is equal to one-third of a circle. In this arc a cylinder of smooth mahogany slowly revolves in such direction that the lower Surface in the arc passes from the engine. This cylinder has small cavities or flutes on its surface, in a parallel direction to its axis ; the angles on the projections between the flutes are taken off, so that the several portions of web which fall from the doffer into the arc are seized by the flutes, and car- ried forward on the concave face of the arc, and formed into a sliver, about half an inch in diameter, and of a length cor- responding with the breadth of the carding-engines, wdiich is about from 24 to 34 inches. The portions thus rolled are called rows, rolls, or rowans. ' In this state, the cotton may be considered in the same relative state of progress as a card-end in mule or water spinning ; but it is evident that this mode of spinning is very deficient for the purposes of fine yarn, insomuch as in the rowans the fibres of the cotton are laid across the longitudinal direction in which they are to be spun, so that the advantage derived in the other process of carding, from the fibres being 380 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC placed in a direction parallel to the intended length of the yarn^ is entirely lost. In this process^ also, the advantage of plying, which we have noticed as taking place on the lapping cylinder, is omitted. When the rowans are perfected by the mahogany cylindery they are taken up by children, and placed upon the feeding- cloth of a machine called the billy, or roving-billy, the operation of which is called roving or slubbing ; but the latter expression is now but seldom used, except in the manufacture of woollen. This machine is in its construction and action very similar to the mule, as is the feeding-cloth to that de- scribed in the machine called the picker and batter. The feeding-cloth lays in a slanting position, and the rowans are placed upon it so that they can pass lengthv/ise in the direction of its action, and be delivered over the upper roller between two pieces of board which possess a capability of clasping and again relieving them. The rowans are then attached to revolving spindles,, which have an advancing and receding motion similar to the mule or drawing-frame. By this revolution and recession the spindles perform the operation of spinning and stretching ; and at such intervals as the spindles are stretching and twisting, the feeding-cloth stops, and the clasps seize hold of the roving, and detain it till sufficiently spun and twisted, when it relieves it in order to allow a fur- ther portion of the rowan to be fed. The roving having by this means received a certain degree of twist, is built on a spindle in the form of a cop, as in mule-spinning, and is then taken to the machine called the jenny. The operation of i\i& jenny is nearly the same as the roving- billy ; the only material difference is, that the cops of roving to be spun are fixed upon a moving carriage, which has clasps to hold the roving while in the act of being stretched and spun into yarn. Having now concluded the process of jenny-spinning, it will be seen, that drawing and plying, the two essential requi- sites for producing fine yarn, by placing the fibres parallel to the length of the twist, are wanting, and that fine yarn, in consequence, cannot be produced ; but the fibres in this pro- cess being placed in a direction more across the length of the twist, give to the yarn a rich fulness which renders it prefer- able for the weft of heavy goods, for which it is esteemed. TF ater-spinning differs both from the mule and jenny spin- ning ; but the carding and drawing machines are the same as those used in the process of mule-spinning. When the cotton has passed through the carding and drawing machines^ it is AND MACHINIST. 387 carried to the spinning-frame, which is upon a different prin- ciple to the mule, and, indeed, is more closely allied to the bobbin and flier roving-frame. One of these spindles is represented in fig. 406. A, the bobbin, brought from the roving-frame ; B C and E guides for the yarn to pass through ; G G Ci three pairs of rollers to perform the office of drawing ; and H a flier, formed solid, and having at the end of one arm a small twist like a cork- screw, through which the yarn passes. By the revolution of the flier the yarn receives the requisite degree of twist, and is wound upon the bobbin, whioh, by the movement of the seat I I, on which it rests, has an upward and downward motion, in order that the yarn may be received upon it regu^ larly. The guide C has a slow reciprocating motion in the direction of the axes of the rollers G G G, by which the roving is moved over the surfaces of the rollers, so that the parts wear uniformly. In water twist-spinning, the operation of stretching is not introduced. The motion is transmitted from the first mover to the drawing and roving frames by means of bevel- wheels, placed on the end of the frame. These wheels communicate motion to the rollers, which have spur-wheels upon their shafts, adapted to give motion to each other by intermediate wheels, which give to the lower rollers motion in the proper direction. The spindles receive their motion from bands communicating with the drum K, represented by the dotted lines. This construction of a water spinning-frame is called a throstle^ and the difference which characterises it from that properly called the water-frame is, that the cylinder K runs through the whole length of the frame, and gives motion to all the spindles at once ; whereas in the water-frame the spindles are moved by an upright pulley, communicating motion to only one set of six spindles, which is an advantage, as the motion of one set can be stopped without stopping the motion of the whole. But as the water-frame is far more expensive than the other, it is a matter of doubt which ought to be preferred. The several sorts of yarn have each their peculiar destina- tion. The yarn from mule and jenny spinning is taken from the frame in the form of a cop ; that from water-twist is wound upon a bobbin. The yarn from water-frames possesses much regularity and strength, and is mostly used for the warps of heavy goods, such as fustians and strong calicoes. If the yarn has to be packed for the market, it is reeled upon a frame consisting of six horizontal bars supported on an axis parallel to each other. T^is frame k represented in section, in fig. 407; A A A A A A the horizontal bars ; B the axis ; and C the bobbin from the water-frame. The dotted lines represent the direction of the twist. These reels are of a suffix eieiit breadth to wind off about 50 cops, or bobbins, at the same time. 2c2 388 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC When the reel has made 80 revolutions^ a small bell that is connected with the machinery rings, and warns the attendant to stop the motion of the reel. The portion thus wound is called a lay, and seven of these lays wound upon the same reel constitute a hank, which is taken from the reel by causing one of the horizontal bars, supplied with a hinge, to fall inwards. The circumference of the reel is a yard and a half ; consequently the hank measures 840 yards. The size of the twist is expressed by stating how many hanks go to the pound weight : thus, the yarn called N® 100 is that whicli takes 100 hanks of 840 yards each to weigh an avoirdupois pound. Yarn can be spun upon mules as fine as 200 hanks to the pound ; but in water-twist and jenny-spinning it seldom exceeds 60 or /O. The plan of the buildings in which the cotton-spinning machinery is placed, is generally in the form of a parallel- ogram, of a length proportionate to the extent of the manu- facture carried on therein, and about thirty feet wide. In the best constructed mills, the carding and other preparatory machines are placed on the lowest floor; the mules and stretching frames on the next ; and so on progressively as the machines improve the fineness of the yarn. The mules, jennies, and water-frames are placed with their line of spin- dles across the building ; and the card-engines have the axes of their cylinders parallel to the long wall of the building. Four or six rows, breakers and finishers, are placed alter- nately. , The steam-engine, or first mover, is placed at one end of the building, and the motion is communicated by a horizontal shaft running the whole length of the building, which trans- mits the motion to vertical shafts with bevel-wheels, which wheels transmit the motion to horizontal shafts in the upper floors. WOOL MANUFACTURE. This well-knowm staple is in the process of the manufac- ture divided into two distinct classes, long wool, or worsted spinning ; and sliori ivool, or the sjnnning of woollen yarn, ON WORSTED SPINNING. Having by means of machinery accomplished the forma- tion of a thread of cotton, the application of the principle to AND MACHINIST. 389 other fibres would naturally follow ,* and although some diffi- culty might be expected to occur in adapting the rollers to different staples, yet this was soon overcome. The methods of forming threads from long wool and from flax, by the hand, were very different, yet each was spun from the middle, not from the end, of the respective fibre. In hand-spinning, the pluck, that is, the portion plucked from the sliver or combed wool, was placed across the fingers of the left hand and from the thick part of it, the fibres were drawn, and twisted, as the hand was withdrawn from the end of the spindle, to which it had been previously attached. The revolution of the wheel, effected by the right hand, conveyed by a band to the whirl, or pulley on the spindle, produced the requisite twist to give firmness to the thread ; and by a very gentle motion of the same wheel, the thread being brought nearly perpendicular to the spindle, -it was wound upon the spindle to form the cop. From this it w^as trans- ferred to the reel, and became a hank, of a definite length, but varying in weight with the thickness of the thread. In this state it was transferred to the manufacturer to be con- verted into the different fabrics of slialloon, calimanco, bombasin, &c. A few years after the introduction of cotton machinery, an obscure individual of the name of Hargraves, previously unknown as a mechanic, w^ho had been long employed by Messrs. William Birkbeck and Co. at Settle, in Yorkshire, in the management of a branch of the worsted manufactory, attempted to spin long w'ool by means of rollers. He con- structed working models of the necessary preparing machinery, and of a spinning-frame, by the assistance of persons accus- tomed to the construction of cotton machinery, and succeeded so completely, as soon to induce his employers to build a large mill for its application. By degrees his plans became known to the trade, and many large manufactories have subsequently been erected for this purpose. Contrary to the earlier anticipations on this subject, it has been found, that mill -spun yarn answers better for the coarse as well as the finer fabrics, than that produced by the hand, which it has entirely superseded. The first process after the wool of the fleece has been properly sorted, as it is termed, and washed, is combing. This is either done by the hand or by machinery, invented for that purpose some years since by the ingenious Dr. Cart- wright. The object of each mode is to arrange the fibres as much as possible parallel to each other, which, as they have 390 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC a somewhat tortuous form, and are of considerable length, requires them to be frequently drawn from each other by the exertion of the strength of the wool-comber or the machine. In this state they form a bundle of fibres about six feet ia length, called a sliver, and this being laid upon the stretch • ing or drawing frame, constitutes the commencement of the preparing process. The wool passes through several pairs of rollers of which the first and last are of course the essential ones, the intermediate moving with equal velocities, and consequently serving merely to conduct the skein : this is received in cylindrical cans ; and three such skeins being passed through another drawing-frame, and stretched in their progress, become fitted for roving, the last step in the pre- paratory processes. Allowing for the difference in distance of rollers and weights, which on account of the length and adhesiveness of the fibres of wool, are both necessarily greater than with cotton, the description of the bobbin roving machine already introduced, will be sufficiently explanatory. Spinning, the concluding process, is effected by means of two pairs of rollers moving with unequal velocities, and inter- mediate auxiliaries. The loosely twisted thread from the roving bobbin, E, fig. 408, is slowly carried forwards by the holding rollers A, a, and supported as it proceeds by the two pairs, C, c, and D, d. It is then drawn between the rollers B, 6, and having been thus brought to a proper thickness, is twisted by the flier L, fixed on the top of the spindle, through which at K it passes : it is then taken up by the bobbin M, which moves round with the spindle its axis, although not equally quick. The ultimate thickness or size of the thread is determined by the difference of velocity in the holding and drawing pairs of rollers ; that is of A, a, and B, b, which in their operation evidently imitate a pair of hands. The celerity of the three pairs of rollers nearest to the back of the frame is equal ; consequently no stretching takes place amongst them. The upper rollers of the first and last pair are pressed down upon the lower, by weights, F, G, much heavier than H, I, which are supported by the axes of C, D ; these being only required steadily to carry forward the skein, and prevent the remote ends of the fibres of the wool from starting, whilst B, h, are pulling their other extremities. The front rollers belonging to or^e division, or box, as it is commonly termed, are represented in fig. 409, where the drum, which moves the spindles, and by a bevelled pinion at the top of its axis conveys motion to the rollers, is also shown. The pinion on the right extremity of the roller, acting upon a train of wheels properly adjusted, imparts the required relative motion, in succession, to the rollers beyond. SHORT WOOL. Short wool is wrought into the finest cloths for personal wear, and is spun in a manner similar to cotton, as described in jenny- spinning. < I AND MACHINIST, 391 The first stage of the manufacture consists in submitting it to the action of chamber-ley and frequent rinsings in clean water, which bring it to the state fit for the operation of carding. The carding-engine for fine short wool is con- structed with one main cylinder, having, in lieu of the top cards used in jenny-spinning, numerous small rollers, lying and rolling upon its upper surface ; it is used in place of a breaker-engine, and is called a scribbler. The wool is deli- vered from a main cylinder to a doffer, and, being combed or doffed, is carried to another engine, called the carder^ which perfects the carding, and delivers it off, by means of grooved mahogany rollers, in a row or rowan, as in jenny- spinning. If the wool is of a coarse description, such as is formed into yarn for the manufacture of coarse cloths or woollen cords, more carding is required. The scribbler-engine has three distinct parts or cylinders in one frame. The first part consists of the first main cylin- der with its top rollers, and is called the breast ; this delivers the wool to the second main cylinder, which, with its top rollers, is- called the first part ; this delivers it to a small intervening cylinder, called the Tween doffer, which carries it to the third main cylinder, which, with its top rollers, is called the second part ; from hence it goes to the last doffer cylinder, from which it is combed by a doffing-plate, and finally carried by hand to a carding-engine. The carding-engine consists of similar parts to the scrib- bler-engine, except that it has no breast cylinder, and is covered with finer cards : its last doffer delivers the wool to a mahogany grooved roller, which forms it into rowans for the process of spinning. The act of continuous carding, as described in mule-spin- ning in the cotton manufacture, is said to have been effected in some mills, but the advantages arising from it are not so great as to procure it general introduction. ' The rows or rowans are taken to a roving-billy, which we have already noticed in jenny-spinning, and is spun and stretched by hand as there described. In this, however, the act of plying and drawing is not introduced, as fineness of yarn is not the object sought. The engines used in carding wool are generally larger than those used for cotton, being frequently six feet wide ; during the operation of carding, the wool is copiously sprinkled with rape oil. 392 THE OPERATIVE MPX'HANIC SILK MANUFACTURE. Silk is a very fine and delicate thread, the produce of a small insect, called homhyxy or the silk- worm ; which is not less curious on account of the changes it undergoes in its existence, than valuable for the beautiful fibre which it spins. The egg, requiring not the care of parental incubation, is by the solar heat brought into existence, and the bomb3^x or silk-worm thus produced lives upon the leaves of the mul- berry-tree until it has arrived at maturity, when, spinning itself up in a small bag, about the size of a pigeon’s egg, it is changed into an aurelia. In this state it continues till about the fifteenth day when it is changed into a butterfl}", and, if not prevented, eats its way through the silken prison, to expand its newly acquired wings in the sun. The ball or cocoon, which the ingenious little insect has been at so much pains to spin, to secure itself from its enemies and the eftects of the weather, is the substance we call silk ; and many who have examined it with attention are of opinion that it will extend to the distance of six English miles. In order to secure the silk foi the purposes of the manufac- turer, it becomes necessary to destroy the insect so soon as the cocoon is completed, which is on or about the tenth da}% The cocoon is of various colours ; but the most predominant are flesh colour, orange, and yellow. The whole of them, how- ever, are lost in the process of scouring and dying, and there- fore it is not necessary to wind them on separate reels. The balls, preparatory to being wound oft' into skeins or banks, are immersed in hot water, which dissolves a natural gum, by which the fibres are united together, so that a single thread taken from the reel will be found to be composed of numerous small fibres or threads in the state produced by the worm. The silk is imported into this country thus wound off into skeins, and in order to undergo the processes of the manu- facturer is wound upon bobbins ; and each thread being, as we before have stated, composed of several fibres, receives a pertain degree of twist, that the constituent parts may be united more firmly together than they can possibly be by the gum alone. When the^" have been subjected to thus much of the manufacture, they are wound upon fresh bobbins, and two or three threads twisted together, to form a strong thread for AND MACHINIST. 393 tiie weaver^ who warps and finally weaves the silk into various beautiful and useful articles, by a process very similar to that used in the weaving of cotton and linen. In Piedmont, vihere very excellent silk is produced, the manufacture is carried on by aid of the silk reel represented in fig. 424. The balls or cocoons are thrown into hot water contained in a copper basin or boiler. A, about 18 inches in length, and six deep, set in brick-work, so as to admit of a small charcoal fire beneath it. B B is a wood frame sustain- ing several parts of the reel ; D is the reel upon which the silk is wound ; C is a guide which directs the thread upon it; and E E the wheel-work which gives motion to the guide. The reel D is merely a wooden spindle, having four arms mortised into it to support the four battens or rails on which the silk is wound. Upon the end of the wooden spindle of the reel, and within the frame B, is a wheel of 22 teeth, which gives motion to another wheel C, fixed upon the end of the inclined axis E F, and having twice the number of teeth ; at the end of this inclined axis is another wheel G, of 22 teeth, playing in a horizontal cog-wheel with 35 teeth. This wheel turns upon a pivot fixed in the frame, and has a pin fixed in it at a distance from the centre, to form an eccentric pin or crank, and give a backward and forward motion to the slight wooden rail or layer C, which guides the threads upon the reel; for this pur- pose, the threads are passed through wire loops or eyes, C, fixed into the layer, andtlie end thereof opposite the wheel and crank F is supported in a mortise or an opening made in the frame B, so that the revolution of the crank wall cause the layer to move, and carry the threads alternately towards the right or left. Tiiere is likewdse an iron bar H, fixed over the boiler at H, and pierced with two holes, through which the threads pass to guide them. In the operation of reeling, it is well known, that if the thread be wound separately it will be totally unfit for the pur- poses of the manufacturer; consequently the ends of the threads of several balls or cocoons are joined and wound to- gether, and when any one of them breaks or comes to an end, its place is supplied by a new one, and thus by continually keeping up the same number the united threads may be wound to any required length. The reeling is conducted by a woman, who, when the balls or cocoons have remained a sufficient time in the hot-water contained in the boiler A, to soften the gum, takes a whisk of birch or rice-straw, about six inches long, cut stumpy like a worn-out broom, and brushes the cocoons with it, which causes the loose tlireads to adhere to it ; these she disengages from the whisk, and by drawing them through her fingers cleans them from the loose silk, which always surrounds the cocoon, till they come off clean, which operation is called la hattue. When the silk has been perfectly cleansed, she passes four or more of the threads, if she intends to wind fine silk, through each of the holes in the thin iron bar H, and afterwards twists the two compound threads, consisting of four cocoons each, about 20, or 25 times round each other, that the four THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 394 ends in each thread may the better join together by crossing each other^ and that the thread of the silk may be round which otherwise would be flat. The threads when thus twisted together are passed through the eyes of the loops, C, of the layer, and thence are conducted and made fast to one of the rails of the reel. As it is of con- sequence in the production of good silk, that the thread should have lost part of its heat and gumminess before it touches the bars of the reel, the Piedmontese are by law obliged to have 38 French inches between the guides, C, and the centre of the reel ; and the layer must also, under a penalty, be moved by cog-wheels instead of an endless-cord, which, if suffered to grow slack, will cause the layer to stop and not lay the threads distinctly, and that part of the skein will be glued together, whereas the cog-wheel cannot fail : when the skeins are quite dry, the reel is removed from the frame, and by the folding of two of its arms, by means of hinges, the skeins are taken off, and with some of the refuse silk are tied into hanks. Although from the foregoing description the operation must appear very simple, it is a matter of very great nicety to wind an even thread, and the difficulty of keeping the thread always even is so great that, except when using a thread of two cocoons, they do not say a silk of three, four, or six cocoons ; but a silk of three or four, four or five, five or six cocoons. In a coarser silk it cannot be calculated even so nearly as to four cocoons, and consequently they say, from 12 to 15, from 15 to 20, and so on. It is also necessary that the water in the boiler be kept at a certain temperature ; for if the water is too hot, the thread is dead and has no body ; if too cold, the ends of the threads do not join well, and form a harsh silk. The threads them- selves indicate when the water is not at the proper degree of temperature, by frequent breaking when it is too hot ; anc} coming off entangled, and in a woolly state, when too cold. In the process of winding the woman has always a bowl of cold water by her, into which she occasionally dips her fingers, and frequently sprinkles it upon the iron bar H, that the threads may not be burnt by the heat of the basin ; it also serves to lessen the temperature of the water in the boiler when approaching the boiling point. All kinds of silk which are simply drawn from the cocoons by the process of reeling are called raw silk, and is denomi- nated coarse or fine according to the number of fibres of which the thread is composed. In preparing the raw silk for AND MACHINIST. 395 dying the thread is slightly twisted, in order to enable it to bear the action of the hot liquor without the fibres separating or furring up. The silk-yarn employed by the weaveis for the woof or weft of the stuffs which they fabricate, is composed of two or more threads of the raw silk, slightly twisted by the aid of machinery ; and the thread employed by the stocking- weaver is of the same quality, but composed of a greater number of threads, according to the thickness required. Organzine silk consists in combining together two or more threads of silk, each of which has in the first instance been twisted by itself, and afterwards the whole are twisted toge- ther. This operation, with the exception of the elongation of the cotton, closely resembles roving in the Cotton Manu- facture. The process consists of six different operations. 1 . The silk is wound from the skein upon bobbins in the winding-machines. 2. It is then sorted into different quali- ties. 3. It is spun or twisted on a mill in the single thread, the twist being in the direction of from right to left, and more or less tight, as the purposes to which the silk is to be applied may require. 4. Two or more threads thus spun are doubled or drawn together through the fingers of a woman, who at the same time cleans them, by taking out the slubs which may have been left in the silk by the negligence of the foreign reeler. 5. It is then thrown by a mill, that is, two or more threads are twisted together, either slack or hard, as the manufacturer may require ; but the twist is in an opposite direction to the first twist, and it is wound at the same time in skeins upon a reel. 6. The skeins are sorted according to their different degrees of fineness, and then the process is complete. The first operation w'hich the raw silk undergoes is winding, that is, drawing it off from the skeins in which it is imported, and winding it upon wooden bobbins, in which state it can go to the other machines. Each of the skeins is extended upon a slight reel called a swift ; it is composed of four small rods, fixed into an axis, and small bands of string are stretched between the arms to receive the skein, but at the same time the bands admit of sliding to a greater or less distance from the centre, so as to increase the effective diameter of the reel, according to the size of the skein, because the skeins, which comes from dif- ferent counti’ies, vary in size, being generally an exact yard, or other similar measure, of the country where the silks are produced. The swifts are supported upon wire pivots, upon which tliey turn freely when the silk is drawn off from them ; 396 T}1E Ol’ERATIVE MECHANIC but ill order to cause the thread to draw with a gentle force, a looped piece of string or vvire is hung upon the axis within- side the reel, and a small leaden weight is attached to it, to procure friction. The bobbins which draw off the threads are received in the upper part of the frame, and are turned by- means of a wheel beneath each, the bobbin having a small roller upon the end of it, which bears by its weight upon the circumference of the wheel, and the bobbin is thereby put in motion to draw off the silk from the swift. A small light rod of ivood, called a layer, which has a wire eye fixed into it, is placed at a little distance from, and opposite to, each bobbin, so as to conduct the thread thereupon 5 and as the layer moves constantly backwards and forwards, the thread is regularly spread upon the length of the bobbin. The motion of the layer is produced by a crank fixed upon the end of a cross- spindle, which is turned by means of a pair of bevelled wheels from the end of the horizontal axle, upon which the wheels for turning all the bobbins are fixed. These winding-machines are usually double, to contain a row of bobbins and swifts at the back as well as in front. Two of these double frames are put in motion by cog-wheels from a vertical shaft, which ascends from the lower apart- ments of the mill, where the twisting-machines are placed. The winding-machines require a constant attendance of children to mend the ends of threads -wdiich are broken ; or when they are exhausted, they replace them by putting new skeins upon the swifts. When the bobbins are filled, they are taken away, by only lifting them up out of their frame ; and fresh ones are put in their places. A patent has been lately taken out by l^iessrs. Gent and Clarke, for a new construction of the swifts for winding- machines : they are made with six single arms, instead of four double ones ; and the arms are small flat tubes made to con- tain the stems of wire forks, which receive the skein, instead of the bands of string in the common swifts. These forks admit of drawing out from the tubes until the swift be suffi- ciently enlarged to extend It ; but as they extend the skein at six points instead of four, as in the common ones, the motion is more regular. Instead of the weight v/hich causes the friction, a spring is used to press upon the end pivot of the axis, and make the requisite resistance. The twisting of the silk is always performed by a spindle and bobbin, with a flyer, but the construction of the machine is frequently varied. The limits of our plate do not admit a representation of the great machines, or throwsting-mills, S II. K MANVYJ^ C T r ]R!B FL.69.li; 00. I AND MACHINIST. 397 ^ at theii‘ full extent ; but the principle is the same as %, 426, which we have extracted from Dr. Rees’s Cyclopaedia, varying^ the description a little, to agree with the present improved state of the manufacture. In fig. 426, we have given a drawing of a small machine, which is similar in the parts which act upon the silk ; and indeed many mills employ such machines constructed on a large scale. The one in our plate contains only thirteen spindles, and is intended to be turned by hand, a method which is too expensive for this country, but is common in the south of France, where many aitisans purchase their silk in the raw state, and employ their wives or children to prepare it by these machines, which they call ovules, because the spindles, b b, are arranged in an oval frame, G II. B is the laandle by which the motion is giv^en ; it is fixed on the end of a spindle 11, which carries a wheel D, to give motion to a pinion upon the upper end of a vertical axle E ; this, at the lower end, has a drum or wheel F, to receive an endless strap or band, a a, which encompasses the frame G, and gives motion to all the spindles at once. The spindles b b are placed perpendicularly in the frame G H, their points resting in small holes in pieces of metal, which are let into the oval plank G ; and the spindle's are also received in collars affixed to an oval frame II, which is supported from the plank G, by blocks of wood ; rinnd a are small rollers supported in the frame G H, in a similar manner to the spindles ; their use ij to confine the strap «, to press against the rollers of the spindles with sufficient force to keep them all in motion. The thread is taken up, as fast as it is twisted, by a reel K, which is turned by a wheel h, and a pinion i, upon the end of the principal spindle R. The threads are guided by passing through wire eyes, fixed in an oval frame L, which is supported in the frame of the machine, by a single bar or rail 1 1, and this has a regular traversing motion backwards and forwards, by means of a crank or eccentric pin R, fixed in a small cog-wheel, which is turned by a pinion upon the vertical axis E ; the opposite end of the rail I is supported upon a roller, to make it move easily. By this means the guiders are in constant motion, and lay the threads regularly upon the reel K, when it turns round, and gathers up the silk upon it as shown in the figure. One of the spindles is shown at r without a bobbin, but all the others are represented as being mounted and in action. A bobbin, e, is fitted upon each spindle, by the hole through it being adapted to the conical form of the spindle, but in such manner that the bobbin is at liberty to turn freely round upon the spindle ; a piece of hard wood is stuck fast upon each spindle, just above the bobbin, and has a small pin entering into a hole in the top of the spindle, so as to oblige it to revolve with the spindle, this piece of wood has the wire-flyer, b, fixed to it ; the flyer is formed into eyes at the two extremities ; one is turned down, so as to stand opposite to the middle of the bobbin e ; and the other arm, b, is bent upwards, so that the eye is exactly over the centre of the spindle, and at a height of some inches above the top of the spindle. The thread from the bobbin, e, is passed through both the eyes of this wire, and must evidently receive a twist v/hen the spindle is turned ; and at the same time, by drawing up the thread through the upper eye, b, of the flyer, it will turn the bobbin round,, and unwind therefrom. The rate at which the thread is drawn off from the bobbin, compared with the number of revolutions which the flyers make in the same time, determine the twist to be more or less hard. This circum- stance is regulated by the proportion of the wheel h to the pinion i, from I THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 398 ■wliicn it receives motion ; and these can be changed when it is required to spin different kinds of silk. The operation of the machine is very simple. The bobbins filled with silk in the winding-machine, fig. 425, are put loose upon the spindles at and the flyers are stuck fast upon the top of the spindles ; the threads are conducted through the eyes of the flyers b, and of the layers L, and are then made fast to the reel K, upon which it will be seen that there are double the number of skeins to that of the spindles represented, because one half of the number of spindles is on the opposite side of the frame, so that they are hidden. With this preparation the machine is put in motion, and continues to spin the threads by the motion of the flyers, and to draw them off gradually from the bobbins, until the skeins upon the reel are made up to the requisite lengths. This is sometimes known by a train of wheel-work at u op, consisting of a pinion, «, fixed upon the principal spindle R, turning a wheel, o, which has a pinion fixed to it, and turning a larger ivheel p ; this has another wheel upon its spindle, with a pin fixed in it,- and at every revolution raises a hammer and strikes upon a bell, s, to inform the attendant that the skeins are made up to a proper length. In the silk-mills they employ two different machines, one for the first operation on organzine, and the other for the second operation. Thus, after the silk is twisted it must be wound on fresh bobbins, with two or three threads together, preparatory to twisting them into one thread. In the original machines at Derby this was done by women, who, with hand-wheels, wound the threads from two or three of the large bobbins upon which the silk is gathered instead of the reels, and assembled them two or three together upon anotlier bobbin^ of a proper size to be returned to the twisting-mill. In 1800, Mr. John Sharrar Ward, of Bruton, obtained a patent for a new method of doubling silk, worsted, cotton, or flax, which we intend to describe here ) for though various modes are adopted for this purpose, one will be sufficient to give an idea of the whole. Whatever number of threads may be required to be doubled together, they may by means of this invention be doubled to the greatest certainty ; for if at any time any one of the threads, or union of threads, to be so doubled, should break, it will immediately stop the other thread or threads until the broken thread shall be repieced, which secures a constant double thread, or union of threads ; and the manner in w^hich the same is to be performed will, we trust, be clearly understood by the subjoined description. Tig. 429. A is a roller carrying round the bobbin B, which draws the threads C C from the bobbins D D ; consequently the balls E E, and the thread-wires F F, move round on the pins G G. H H are two wood or iron standards, at the tops of which are hung two regulating thread-wires, 1 1. \V hen either of the threads C C break, the thread-wire through which it passes falls down, and the tail part K rises up to a level with the ball E, and stops the other thread-wire from going round, and consequently the thread and machinist^ 399 that passes through it, arid prevents the bobbin B from taking it up ; but tlie roller A continues its motion. L L are guide-wires for the threads to pass over ; M is a slide, moved by a short wheel or crank, to lay the threads level on the bobbins. Fig. 430 is another doubling-machine, the form varied, but the principle the same as fig. 429. A is a roller, whereon lies a smaller one, marked B, the axis of which goes through the bobbin; C is a slide, for the same pur- pose as M, in fig. 429 ; D D two bobbins, with spindles through them, on each of which is fixed a wheel EE; F F are two thread-wires hung at G G. When either of the threads break, the wires drop between the teeth of the wheel, and stop the other thread, the bobbin and roller B stopping at the same time ; but the roller A continues moving, as A in fig. 429. The bobbins being thus filled with double or triple threads, are carried back to the throwsting-machine, and are there spun or twisted together in a manner similar to that before described. At this period, the silk is a marketable article,, and is passed from hand to hand. Tlie silk being now spun, is put into a boiler filled with hot water, into which is put a small quantity of soap, in order ta divest the silk of its gum. In the earlier processes, the gum was necessary for the purposes of the manufacture, for the silk, had it been divested of it, would have assumed a fine downy appearance similar to that of cotton, and must have' undergone similar operations before it could have been formed into a thread; this, indeed, is necessary for that portion of waste silk which is drawn from the cocoons in the first operation of reeling ; also for those cocoons which have been reserved for breed, or which is made in the operations of twisting just mentioned, through which the moth or butterfly has eaten a hole, and rendered them impracticable to be wound off into silk. The silk is now taken to the warping-mill, w'hich, being a precursor to the act of weaving, will be noticed under that head. At this present moment several improvements are in pro- gress for winding and throwing silk upon a new principle ; indeed, the silk manufacture now may be compared with what the cotton manufacture was about thirty years ago. There appears to be taking place in every department the same great and rapid improvements ; and it is much the opinion of practical men, that the machinery now in use will, in the course of a very few years, be entirely superseded, and that this branch of our manufactures will ultimately be almost, if not quite, as great a source of national prosperity as the cotton manufacture. The art of throwing silk was first introduced into this country by Mr. John Lombe, who, with considerable inge- nuity, and at the risk of his life, took a plan of one of these 40t> THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC complicated macliines in the king of Sardinia’s dominion';? from which, on his return, he, in conjunction with Mr, Thomas Lombe, established a similar set of mills at Derby, Parliament granted them a patent for fourteen years; and, on being petitioned at the end of that term for a renewal, granted them 14,000/. instead, on condition that they should allow a perfect model to be made, and placed in the Tower for public inspection. . — — FLAX MANUFACTURE. Flax undergoes various processes before it can be worked into cloth or other articles ; these processes are very diifcrent, and require different sorts of implements and machinery, in order to their being properly performed. Flax, for the pur- pose of being formed into cambric, fine lawn, thread, and lace, is dressed in rather a different manner to that which is em- ployed for other purposes ; it is not scotched so thoroughly as common flax, which from the scotch proceeds to the heckle, and from that to the spinner ; whereas this fine flax, after a rough scotching, is scraped and cleansed with a blunt knife upon the workman’s knee, covered with his leather apron ; from the knife it proceeds to the spinner, who, with a brush, made for the purpose, straightens and dresses each parcel before she begins to spin it. In the Sivedish Transactions for the year 1747^ ^ method is given for preparing flax in such a manner as to resemble cotton in whiteness and softness, as well as in coherence ; for this purpose, a little sea- water is directed to be put into an iron pot, or an untinned copper kettle, and a mixture of equal parts of birch-ashes and'quick-iime strewed upon it, a small bundle of flax is to be then opened and spread upon the surface, and covered with more of the mixture, and the stratification continued till the vessel is sufficiently filled. The whole is then to be boiled with sea-water for ten hours, fresh quantities of water being occasionally supplied in pro- portion to the evaporation, that the flaxy matter may never become dry. The boiled flax is to be immediately washed in the sea, by a little at a time, in a basket, with a smooth stick at first, while hot ; and when grown cold enough to be borne by the hands, it must be well rubbed, washed with soap, laid to bleach, and turned and watered every day for some time. Repetitions of the washing with soap expedite the bleaching ; after which, the flax is to be beat, and again well washed ; when dry, it is to be worked and carded in the same manner AND MACHINIST. 401 as common cotton, and pressed between two boards for forty- eight hours. It is now fully prepared and fit for use. It loses in this process neaidy one-half its weight, which, how- ever, is abundantly compensated by the improvement made in its quality, and its fitness for the finest purposes. The Jiax-hrake is a hand instrument, or machine, which was originally, and for many ages, chiefly employed in breaking and separating the boon or core from the flax, which is the cuticle or bark of the plant. In performing this business, the flax being held in the left hand, across the three under teeth, or swords of the brake, shown at A, figs. 432 and 433, the upper teeth or swords B, fig. 432, and 6, fig. 433, are then with the right hand quickly and often forced dow n upon the flax, which is artfully shifted and turned with the left hand, in order that it may be fully and completely broken in its whole length. The flax foot-brake is an implement, or machine, of the brake kind, invented in Scotland, by which flax is broken and scotched wdth much greater expedition than by the hand instrument just described, and in a more gentle and safe manner than by the flax-mill. By this contrivance, the boon or stem is well broken, and the sloping stroke given as with the scotcher, while the machine is moved by the foot. The treadle is of con- siderable length, on which account it is put in motion with great facility, and assisted in it by means of a fly. Tlie scotchers are fixed upon the rim of a fly-wheel. But though these machines may be highly useful where mills turned by water cannot be established, they are probably much inferior in point of expedition, and the economy of labour. A brake of this kind is represented in different views, in figs. 434 and 435, in which is shown, by A, the three under brake-teeth, or swords, seventeen inches long, three inches deep, one inch and a quarter thick at the back, and a quarter of an inch at the fore-part or edge. B the edges, two inches and three-quarters asunder at the end next the guide B, and two inches asunder at the other end. C displays the two upper teeth, about an inch shorter than the under teeth; and D represents the brake-mallet, about thirty-three pounds English weight. F is a compound foot-treadle, which is eight feet four inches between the fulcra F, raised at F eight inches above the ground, or rather five inches higher than the lance of the workman ; E is two feet four inches between the fulcra G, and is raised at G eighteen inches above the ground ; that is, fifteen inches higher than the lance of the workman. H the sword, or upright timber rod, which turns the wheel by the treadle- crank. I the treadle-crank, cf seven inches and a half radius. K the fly-wheel, four feet and a half diameter, above sixty pounds English weight. As here represented, it is beat or cast iron ; but it may also be made of timber. L brass cods or bushes. m M the lifting-crank ; M is fixed firm upon the axle of the fly, while the crank about eight inches radius, plays freely round the axle. In position first, M begins to take round the crank (which by the lever R pulls up the mallet) ; when it oomes to position second, the mallet is again at liberty, and by its weight pulls up the drank (faster than the fixed pieces move) into position third. It may be observed that the treadle-crank is ad^’anced about one-eighth part of the circle before the lifting-crank. 2 D 402 TIIK OPERATIVE MECHANIC « a small pulley, which turns easily round on the end of the crank, and to which a rope is fixed. O a piece of timber which prevents the roller from falling in upon the axle, but which should not rub against the rope in its coming down. P shows where the rope passes between two friction-rollers, which are so placed that it comes down three or four inches, or half the radius of the lifting-crank on the side of the plummet-line, crossing the centre .of the wheel ; that is, to the side on which the crank turns when it pulls dowai’ the rope. Q a pillar, which serves only to support the guard for the rope O, and the friction-rollers at P. P. the lever. t; '' S the lever-pillar. T part of the mallet-frame. U two pillars which guide the brake-mallet. V an iron spring which receives the leap of the mallet, and throws it the quicker down. W the pillars which support the fly. X U the pillars which bear the brake-teeth and mallet. Y Y the spur and cross that support the pillars. Z Z the bottom frame-piece. a the broad stool upon which the workman stands, three inches above the ground. The lifting crank and pulley are shown separately, in different views, at M m n, and m u. The brake-teeth are made of good beech or plane-tree ; the brake-mallet of plane-tree, ash, elm, birch, or oak ; and the sword, or upright timber-rod, between the treadle and the treadle-crank, of beech, ash, or oak. The fly- wheel, if timber, should be made of oak, ash, beech, elm, or plane-tree. All the other parts of timber worth mentioning may be made of fir-Vv^ood. At fig, 436 is shown the ground plan of the whole. This brake may at any time be converted to a beater of flax and hemp, by removing the brake-teeth, and putting in their place flat boards. In the upper of these boards may be driven 32 nails, the heads about three-quarters of an inch long, and the points of the heads about a quarter of an inch in diameter ; the points of the nail-heads may be placed one inch clear asunder, and at equal distances, as in this way any of the nails may most easily be drawn out in repairing the mallet. An iron hoop put about the mallet wdll prevent its bursting with the driving in of the nails. In the time of beating, the narrow end of the mallet is placed towards the workman, and where there is much w^ork in that way, the mallet and fly may be made heavier, and then two or more workmen can work together upon the foot-treadles, which may also he made equally long. The flax-hackle is an instrument or tool constructed for the purpose of hackling or straightening the fibres of the flax, which is seen at figs. 437 and 438. It has many teeth, fixed in a square flat piece of wood, as seen at A and B. Wlicn used, it is firmly fixed to a bench before the workman, who strikes the flax upon the teeth of the liackle, and draws it quickly Ft. 61. From .13? to 439 43F • SlpJify AND MACHINIST. 403 through the teetli. To persons unacquainted with this kind of work, this may seem a very simple operation ; but in fact it requires as much practice to acquire the method of hackling well, and without wasting the flax, as any other operation in the whole manufacture of linen. The workmen use finer, or coarser and wider-teethed hackles, according to the quality of the flax ; generally putting the flax through two hackles, a coarser one at first, and then a finer one in finishing it. The Jiax rippling-comb is an instrument or tool which is formed by letting six, seven, or more long square teeth nearly upright, in a long narrow piece of plank, so that their different angles shall come nearly to touch each other. By drawing the flax through between these teeth, the balls or'pods in which the seed is contained are forced off. It is seen at A and B, fig. 439. If the flax is to be regarded more than the seed, it should, after polling, be allowed to lie some hours upon the ground to dry a little, and so gain some fiiTnness, to prevent the skin or harl, which is the flax, from rubbing off in the rippling ; an operation which ought by no means to be neglected, as the balls, if put into the water along with the flax, breed vermin, and other- wise spoil the water ; the balls also prove very inconvenient in the grassing and breaking. In Lincolnshire and Ireland they think that rippling hurts the flax; and therefore, in place of it, they strike the balls against a stone. The handfuls for rippling should not be great, as that endangers the lint in the rippling-comb. After rippling, the flax-raiser will perceive that he is able to assort each size and quality of the flax by itself more exactly than he could before have done it. The hand and foot methods of breaking and scotching the flax are, however, too tedious in their operation to give satis- faction to the manufacturers, in the present advanced state of mechanical science ; consequently mills have been con- structed, by which these preparatory operations are much facilitated. Flax-mills are constructed in great variety ; but one of the best with which w'e are acquainted is described in Gray's Experienced Millwright^ in nearly the following terms : — Fig. 440 is the plan. A A, the water-wheel ; C C, the shaft or axle upon which it is fixed ; B B, a wheel fastened upon the same shaft, containing 102 teeth, to drive the pinion D, having 25 teeth, which is fixed upon the middle bruising-roller ; E, a pinion in which are 10 teeth, turned by the wheel B, which is fastened upon the under end of the perpendicular shaft that carries the scotchers; MM, the large frame that supports one end of the shaft C, and the perpendicular axle; NN are frames in which the rollers turn that break or bruise the rough flax ; I A . and L, the machine and handle to raise the sluice when the water is to be let on the wheel A A, to turn it round ; G G, doors in the side walls of the mill-house ; I K, windows to lighten the house ; H H, stairs leading up to the loft. Fig. 441 is the elevation. A A, the water-wheel upon its shaft C C, on which shaft the wheel B B is also fixed; this latter wheel containing 102 teeth, to turn the wheel E, having 25 teeth, which is fastened upon the middle bruising-rollei. F F is a vertical shaft, upon the lower end of which is fixed a pinion having 10 teeth, which is driven by the wheel B. riiere are two arms that pass through the shaft F ; and upon these arms are fustetifidi with screwed iron bolts, the scotches that clear the refuse off the 2 D 2 404 THIS OPERATIVE MECHANIC flax. D D, the frames vrhicii support one end of tlie axle C, the vertical shaft, and the break ing-roliers ; L is a weight suspended by a rope, the other end of which is fastened to a bearer, as is seen in fig. 442 ; S S, a lever, the short arm of which is attached to the frame tliat the gudgeons of the upper roller turn in ; and by pushing down the long arm, the upper roller is, when necessary, so raised as to be clear of the middle one. N N, the end walls of the mill-house ; R R, the couples or frame of the roof ; H, a door in the side wall ; I K, windows. Fig. 442 is a section. A A, the great water-wheel fixed upon its sliaft, and containing 40 aws, or float-boards, to receive the water which com- municates motion to the whole machinery. B B, a wheel fastened upon the same axle, having, as before mentioned, 102 cogs, to drive the wheel C, of 25 teeth, which is fixed upon the middle roller, No. 1. The thick part of this roller is fluted, or rather has teeth all round its circumference ; these teeth are of an angular form, being broad at their base, and thinner towards their outward extremities, which are a little rounded, to prevent them from cutting the flax as it passes through betwixt the rollers. The other two rollers. Nos. 2 and 3, have teeth in them of the same form and size as those in the middle roller, whose teeth, by taking into those of these two rollers, turns them both round. The rough flax is made up into small parcels, which being introduced betwixt the middle and upper rollers, pass round the middle one; and this either having rollers placed on its off-side, or being enclosed by a curved board that turns the flax out betwixt the middle and under rollers, when it is again put in betw'ixt the middle and upper one, round the same course, until it be sufficiently broken or softened, and prepared for the scotching-machine. The bearer in which the gudgeon of the roller No. 1 turns, is fixed in the frame at C ; and the gudgeons of the rollers Nos. 2 and 3 turn in sliders that move up or down in grooves in the frames S S. The under roller is kept up to the middle one by the weights D D, suspended by two ropes going over tw'o sheeves in the frames S' S ; their other ends being fastened to a transverse bearer below the sliders in which the gudgeons of the roller No. 3 turn. The weights D D must be considerably heavier than the under roller and sliders, in order that its teeth may be pressed in betwixt the teeth of No. 1, to bruise the flax when passing between the rollers. The whole weight of the roller No. 2 presses on the flax which passes between it and No. 1. There is also a box fixed on the upper edge of its two sliders to contain a parcel of stones, or lumps of any heavy metal, so that more or less weight can be added to the roller, as is found necessary. O O is the large frame that supports one end of the shaft which carries the two wheels A B, and vertical axle F F ; on the lower end of which is fixed the pinion turned by the wheel B, and having 10 teeth. In the axle F are arms upon which the scotches are fastened with screwed bolts, as seen at G G, fig. 441. These scotches are enclosed in the cylin- drical box E E, having in its curved surface holes or porches at which the handful of flax are held in, that they may be cleaned by the revolving SGotchers. H H, the fall or course of the w'ater ; 1 1, the sluice, machine, and handle for raising the sluice to let the wmter on the great wheel. The gudgeons of the axles should all turn in cods or bushes of brass. K K, the side walls of the mill-house ; G G, doors ; L L, windows. Having’ proceeded thus far, the reader will have become acquainted with the various modes of preparing flax for the operation of spinning, which operation, from the copious manner in which we have treated of it under the article Cotton Manufacture, requires but little elucidation. ]t’]LAX MIM. From 440 to 4 43 Fl.Sz SuteAl^ ^^4 Stt'nnd. AND MACHINIST. 405 About the 5 ^ear 1787? Messrs. Kendrew and Porthoiise, xyf Darlington, obtained a patent for spinning a flaxen tliread hy means of machinery ; prior to that time, we believe, the rock and wheel, variously modified, occasionally for superior spin- ners to form two threads at once, were universally employed. In Ireland especially, even at the present day, this method is much practised. The flax, rendered straight and smooth by hackling, is wrapped loosely round the rock, from which it is gradually drawn by the left hand, whilst the thumb and fore-finger of the right, moistened with w^ater, are employed in adjusting the fibres, and directing the thread. A bobbin and flyer, placed upon a horizontal spindle, serve to give the twist, and to take up the finished thread ; their motion is derived from a wheel, impelled by the foot through a treadle and crank, by means of an endless-band passing round a pulley of much smaller diameter, which is fixed upon tlie spindle. The straightness aud smoothness of the fibres of flax, so different from the corrugation and adhesiveness of cotton and w’ool, with their extraordinary length, seemed to demand an arrangement in machine-spinning very different from what has been already delineated. In the patent alluded to, the hackled flax was extended upon a hori- zontal frame, at fig. 410% to be carried betw een the rollers B b, and after- wards to pass along with the cylinder C, (revolving with a velocity equal to that of any point of the circumference of B,) under several successive rollers, until it arrived at the drawing-rollers D d ; the twdst and removal of the thread then taking place by the flyer and bobbin, as before described. The rollers E, F, G, H, I, if of equal weights, will, on account of their re- spective positions, press with unequal force ; the one resting upon the vertex of the cylinder being evidently the most efficacious, and with the surface beneath acting probably the part of a pair of holding-rollers to fibres of tlie length of nearly one-fourth of the circumference ; whilst for fibres which are longer or shorter, the other rollers, according to their place, will answer the .same purpose. In this, how ever, there i? no new principle ; and although modified, it amounts merely to the.operation of holding and drawing rollers. From some impediments thrown in the way of the Scotch flax-spinners by the patentees before mentioned, they began, we believe, iu no long time, to place their rollers in a stra.ight line, at distances suitable to the length of the fibres. Of the excellence of this arrangement a working model made for the A.ndersonian Institution in Glasgow, in the year 1803, afforded sufficient evidence. We shall now proceed to give a description of a patent, obtained, in the year 1806, by Messrs. Clarke and Bugby, for effecting certain improvements in a machine, intended to be worked by hand-labour, for the spinning of hemp, flax, tow, and wool. Fig. 445 represents an cfolique view of the front of a frame containing ten spindles, (W frames may contain an indefinite number of spindles.) A, 406 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the spindle or a bow passing through the whole frame, having ten bosses of brass or cast-iron thereon, each about four inches diameter, each boss supply- ing one spindle ; B, a pinion of twelve leaves upon the end of the spindle A, connected with the wheel C, of eighty teeth, fixed upon the end of a small iron spindle F, covered with wood and extending through the whole frame ; D, a slack or intermediate pinion of any size at discretion, connected with another similar pinion, the latter connected with a wheel of 120 teeth, which is fixed upon an iron spindle G, of about inch diameter, and extending through the whole frame ; but the wheels BCD and E may be varied in their numbers, to increase or diminish the draught of the sub- stance operated upon, as may best suit its quality or the ideas of the workman. The pinion B is so contrived as to slip olf the end of the spindle A, to make room for a smaller or larger one ; by means whereof a larger or shorter thread may be spun from the same sized rovings ; aa a a a aa a a a repre- sent ten roved slivers of hemp, flax, tow, or wool, passing between the iron spindle G and rollers in pairs pressed against them by springs or weights ; these springs or weights must be of sufficient force to hold back the slivers or rovings so securely, that they may only pass on with the movement of the spindle ; these pairs of pressing rollers are placed behind the spindle. The use of the small iron spindle F, covered with wood, and left rather larger than the spindle G, is, with pressure of the small wood roller, made up in pairs h bbb 6, and so contrived that each pair may roll upon two slivers, to bring them down straight, and preserve the twist which they receive in the roving-machine till the slivers leave them. The bosses on the spindle A have likewise wooden rollers in pairs pressed against them by springs or weights, between which the drawn, lengthened, or extended slivers pass to the spindle, the rollers having each a tin conductor ccccccccccj to bring the material under operation as centrically as possible between the wood rollers and the bosses; but all the above-mentioned parts of the machine is so similar to the common upright frames for spinning flax, that a person conversant with them will not be at a loss to make it all. H is a wheel of wood four feet in diameter, having its rim about two inches thick, with a groove in its periphery for a small cord or band. In its centre is a rule or stock of wood through which the spindle I passes, and extends into its frame about one-fourth of its length. To enable the person that turns the winch to reach all the spindles at work, with the hand that is not engaged in turning, to remove any obstacle that may arise to the spindles, the arbor or spindle of the wheel I has its bearing on the sides of the frame that contains it, marked L L L L ; this frame, with the wheel H, the arbor I, and the winch K, is similar to that part of a machine called a mule-jenny, used for spinning cotton ; this frame is supported in a horizontal position at the outer end by two legs marked M M, and a screw pin which passes through K, the front upright, a A, fig. 444, and made tight with the thumb- screw a i the screw passes through a groove or mortise at the end of the wheel frame, to enable the workman to adjust the wheels N and O, as it will be found necessary to change the wheel N, to make such alteration in the twist as the size of the yarn may require, or as the workman may think proper. P and Q are bevel wheels of equal size, the former fixed upon the rule or stock of the wheel H, and connected with Q upon the spindle R, taking round with it the wheel N, which is connected with the wheel O. Upon the embossed spindle or arbor A,aaaaaaaaaa, are spindles standing on a carriage with four wheels, similar to the carriages used in mule-jennies for spinning cotton, having at each of them, dddddddddddd, a convex seat of wood of any convenient size, not less than the bottom of the bobbins or quills eeeeeeeeee; these bobbins or quills are about six 3fcfU i: stfchlty. J-ajJl,Serw!ti AND MACHINIST, 407 inches long and inch diameter at the bottom, and three-quarters of an inch diameter at the top ; but the sizes must be varied according to the size of the yarn. Perhaps four or five variations will be sufficient to spin yarn for tarpaulins or sail-cloth, up to fine yarn fit for good dowlas and fine stockings. T a pulley, over which a band, from S, runs and returns, to draw out the carriage upon the four wheels described ; W, the cylinder which drives the spindles. Fig. 444 exhibits a side view. A, the wheel mentioned above in fig. 445, and there marked H ; B, the winch by which it is turned by hand ; C C C C, the frame wherein it works ; D and E are blocks of wood on each side of the said frame to raise the wheel, so that the winch may be clear of the ■ i.:-' >• ' < ’ • V •-.' "^JT V ', .*V '•' ■ ■ ' " ■- ‘t '1*4. '■ #’5. - ■.*' . 'R P •■■ -n-' :f . •i ' ' '. '■ Ki‘^: ■'• ' '''iK : ■ , . fW' . !iV ^ \ * ■* , -iy" ’ • s ->. \ .* jC ■ V - • n . A” f=. J - A i '^1 ■R ■ W • /. ■•‘>^ . .'%-'.-*o«#» • ■ •■, -i v4 -"^ Ff (/, 4 '^4 . ■ tw PI. 67k6$. SPIHNIWG . AND MACHINIST. 425 li, wherever ii occurs, shows the endless rope which drives both machines, and IV the rollers or pullies suspended from the beams L over head, which guide and carry it. The same characters, in all the above figures, wherever they may be used, denote the same part. F shows the framing of the machines. a and b two grooved sheeves, fastened upon the two upright shafts c and d, (as best seen in fig. 471,) driven contrary ways by means of the endless rope. The manner in which the rope goes round, and grasps the sheeves, and occasions their contrary motion, is best seen in fig. 470. In fig. 471, e and / are two spur-wheels, fixed upon the shafts c and rf, with a view to equalize their motion. The twisting motions for each set of spindles are driven by their respec- tive shafts, which, at the same time, drive all the travelling motions. But the twisting motions for one end only are driven at a time; for while the shaft that is nearest to the end from which the spinners are spinning, is driving the twisting motions of that set of spindles, together with all the travelling motions, the shaft nearest to the other end is not driving any, though both shafts are then revolving. g and h in the travelling motions are two pinions, upon loose rounds, alternately driving the wheel i, which is fast upon the short upright shaft A, and shown only in fig. 471. On the lower end of this shaft is the bevel- wheel I, driving, by means of another bevel-wheel, m, the cross shaft w, upon one end of which are fastened the sheeves 1,2, 3, and upon the other the sheeves 4, 5, 6, seen best in fig. 469. These sheeves are of different sizes, and one only at each end of the shaft is in use at a time ; o and p are the two axles of the truck-wheels, having the sheeves 7, 8, 9, fastened upon o, and upon/) the sheeves 10, 11, 12. The four truck- wheels 5^ are also fast- ened upon the shafts 0 and p, and motion is given to them by two belts ; one driven from any one of the sheeves 1, 2, 3, and the other from any one of the sheeves 4, 5, 6, each belt running upon its corresponding sheeve on the axles of the truck-wheel. The turning round of these axles impels, according to the motion given to them, the machine forward ; which motion can, by the sheeves being of different sizes, be regulated as occasion may require. On the lower end of the shafts c and d of the twisting motions are the sheeves r and s, on loose rounds, each in its turn carried about by catch- boxes, (as shall be hereafter explained,) and driving the upright rollers or cylinders G and H, by means of belts going round the sheeves t and u, fast- ened on the axles of the rollers. These hollers give motion to the twisting spindles by separate bands or belts passing round a whirl on each spindle ; in each machine are placed twenty-four spindles, twelve at each end, or six at each corner of each end, the positions of which are seen in figs. 469 and 470. In either of these figures, one spindle at each of the four corners only appears, the other five being ranged in a direct line underneath ; but the manner in which they range is seen in fig. 471. In fig. 471, twelve, or one half of the number of spindles, appear on the nearest side; six, or half a set, at each end ; the other half appear similarly situated on the opposite side. These two sets are alternately employed, the one in spinning, and the other in holding and following the yarns that are winding up ; z fig. 471, are ratchet-wheels and catches, placed on the axles of the rollers G and H, to keep the yarns from untwisting when winding up. Figs. 469 and 470 best show the carriers, projecting from the frame in which the twisting spindles run ; the form and use of them, and of the 426 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC whirls and spindles, are so obvious, that it is not necessary to point them out in any of the figures by a distinguishing character of reference ; and, for the same reason, none of the bands or belts are marked. Having so far described the different motions and appurtenances of the spinning-machine, we shall now proceed more particularly to explain the manner in which they operate. By an inspection of fig. 471, it will be seen, that the catch of the catch- box 13 is in contact with the catch of the pinion h, and the catch of the catch-box 14 with the catch of the sheeves I, and that the catches of the boxes 1 5 and 1 6 are not in contact with the corresponding pinion g and sheeve r. 17 and 18 are two separate levers, one at each end of the machine, alternately used for striking into geer the catches above mentioned ; the lever 17 serving for the two boxes 13 and 14, and the lever 18 for the two boxes 15 and 16. 19 and 20 act as swingers or levers from the joints 21 and 22, having claw ends to grasp the catch-boxes 13 and 14 ; and being coupled with the main lever 17, by means of the connecting rod 23, move them either up or down. When in geer they are held firm by the sneck 24 ; but on running against a fixture at one end of the spinning-ground, are pulled back, which causes all the motions of the machine to stop. The machine, however, may at any time be stopped, as occasion may require, by pulling back the sneck by hand. The two main levers 17 and 18 are so weighted at the handle end, that when disengaged from their snecks the catch-boxes always fly out of geer. The machine is put in motion by raising the main lever into the sneck by hand. All the machinery on each side of the wheel i, at each end of the machine, is precisely alike ; the description therefore given of one end may answer for the other. The twisting motions at each end are never in geer at the same time ; for those at one end are engaged in spinning one set of threads, while those at the other, whose spindles retain and follow up the other set of threads (last spun) to the winding-machine, remain at rest. All the four catch-boxes, 13, 14, 15, and 1 6, constantly go round with the shafts c and d, by means of feathers in the shafts acting in grooves in the boxes. When the catch-box 14 is in contact with the sheeve s, it gives motion to the set of twisting-spindles belonging to the roller H, at the same time its accompanying catch-box 13, by being in contact with the pinion h, gives a retiring or travelling movement to the whole machine, which is effected by the wheel i communicating motion to the four truck-wheels, by the means which have been before described. The wheel i is common to both pinions, being turned one way by one pinion, when the machine is retiring from the top of the ground, and the contrary way by the other when it is retiring from the bottom of the ground ; consequently, the cross shaft Ji, which derives its motion from the wheel 2 , turns at the same time both the truck-wheel axles, one way when retiring from the top, and the contrary way wlien retiring from the bottom; the shaft n being common to both truck -wheel axles. Fig. 472 is the plan of a winding-machine, placed at the top of the spin- ning-ground, containing twelve reels, corresponding with the number of spindles in each spinning-machine. Fig. 473 is a plan of a similar winding-machine, placed at the bottom ot the ground, containing the same number of reels. Both these winding- machines are mounted' so high above the ground as to allow the yarn wind- ing on them to pass over head, that the spinners may have room to move underneath. In the engraving they are placed rather nearer the spinning- niachines than they ought to be, from want of room in the plate. When all AND MACHINIST. 427 the spindles of the two spinning-machines are employed, one half in spin- ning and the other half in following up the yarns to the winding-machine, as has already been described, all the reels of both winding-machines are of course at the same time fully employed in winding up. Fig. 474, at one end of the ground, shows a side view of the reels, placed on their spindles, a description of which is unnecessary, as the movements and construction of such machines are well known and understood. In the figure they are represented as only winding one yarn on each reel, in ord-er to expilain the improved or patent method of rope-making ; but more than one yarn may be wound on any one of these, or any other kind of reel, that may be used in my method of spinning, for the convenience of the common method of rope-making, or for other purposes. It is neither convenient, nor necessary, that the endless rope should cease motion, when the spinning- machines have arrived and struck themselves out of geer at the top and bot- tom of the ground ; consequently we will suppose, that the endless rope is in motion, and all the other parts of the machinery at rest, excepting the two shafts cand d, and their respective catch-boxes. The catch-boxes of each shaft ill both machines are in the position of 15 and 16, as seen in fig. 471. Each spinner in the two opposite companies having now attached the hemp to the spindles, nothing remains to be done but to raise by hand the lever 1 7, fig. 471, (which in the engraving appears to be already done,) and the corres- ponding lever in the opposite machine ; which will cause the spinning and winding to proceed in the manner already described. When the machines stop, each spinner splices his thread, and throws it on the nearest guide x, to keep it out of the way, and to conduct it to the wind- ing-machine. The grooved sheeves a and b, on the top of tlie shafts c and d, to which the endless rope gives the first motion, may be changed when re- quired for sheeves of a larger or smaller diameter, for the pui’pose of dimi- nishing or increasing all the motions in a proportionate degree. For the same purpose the wheel or sheeve, which gives motion to the endless rope, may also have grooves of different diameters. The sheeves that may be changed for increasing or diminishing the twisting motions, are the four sheeves t r for one end of the machine, and v s for the other, as seen in fig. 471 . In order to obtain more or less travelling motion, the belts may be made to run either on the sheeves 1 and 9, and 6 and 10, or on 2 and 8 and 5 and 11, or on 3 and 7 and 4 and 12, as seen in fig. 469. Fig. 475 (within which are .figs. 476, 477, 478, and 479) represents an end view of a rope-ground building, set down as eighteen feet wide inside. It is merely divided into portions, to show some different modes of diversi- fying spinning-machines upon this principle, the different situations in which they may work, and the proportion of room they may occupy according to the number of spindles. Figs. 478 and 479 show end views of two forms of spinning-machines, different from each other, and from the one already described; but all upon the same principle. The machine in fig. 478 is represented as moving on a railway M M, underneath the beam L, having spindles both above and be- low. The parts shown in the figure are as follows : N N two of the truck- wheels. O P the endless rope sheeves. Q one of the rollers for turning the spindles. R a sheeve on the end of the roller, answering the same purpose as t and v in fig. 471 . W part of a sheeve on the truck-wheel axle, answer- ing the same purpose as one of those on the axles o and p in figs. 469 and 470. The carriers, the whirls, the spindles, and their bands, in this machine are the same as in the spinning-machine already described ; and their situa- tions are so obvious, as not to require particular characters of reference. Such part of the figure as consists of framing will be obvious. One side of the railway is fixed to the post K ; the other side is fixed and rests iqiou THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 42B the iron fixture S, hanging from the beam L, which also serves tlie same purpose for the adjoining railway. X one of the guide pullies for tlie end- less rope. T a rail, (which may occasionally be removed,) laid across, and answering the purpose of both railways, from post V to K, having upright pins at proper distances, for the purpose of bearing and keeping separate the yarns of the lower spindles. The hooks fixed to the under side of the beam L are to answer the same purpose for the yarns of the upper spindles. In order to lay the yarns upon these hooks, a separate guide upon each spindle is fixed upright in a slender rail, fastened to, and projecting two or three feet from, and parallel with, each end of the machine. The shape of these guides is the same as the hooks in the beam, with this exception, that each one has an eye at the point, to convey the yarns in a slanting direction from the spindles, and to lay them upon their respective hooks in the beam when spinning, and also to lift them off when winding up. The manner in which the guides pass between the hooks may be seen in fig. 477, where a represents the projecting rail; the guides, two only of which are marked ; it must here be understood, that the spindles are not opposite the eyes of their respective guides, but exactly opposite the upright part of them, and on a level with the eyes. There are many other ways by which the hooking up of the yarns may be effected, but the method just described is conceived to be the most simple. The space between the post V and the iron fixture S, is the room to be occupied by the other spinning-machine. The spinning-machine, fig. 479, is represented as moving on a railway, laid upon the beam L. It will be seen that this machine is nothing more than the lower part of the one last described, having no spindles on the upper part. The guide pins are in this method driven into the beam. The empty space to the right of this machine is the room to be occupied by its fellow. Tlie letters of reference used in fig. 10, and its appurtenances, apply to the same parts whenever they are used in fig. 479, and its appurtenances. Though these machines (the end views of which are shown in figs. 478 and 479) are different from each other in form and arrangement of machinery, and also from the form and arrangement of the one shown in figs. 469, 470, and 471, yet the same principle of the travelling and twisting motions is appli- cable to all, and therefore it is unnecessary to enter into further explanations respecting them. Fig. 480 shows the method of giving the after-twist. As the apparatus for this purpose is to be applied to each of the endless rope shafts in each machine, a description of the apparatus as belonging to one of them may be sufficient. This figure is a side view of the apparatus, and is represented as applied to the shafts/, in fig. 471 ; the same characters of reference there used being retained in the present figure, where they denote the same parts. The apparatus for the after-twist is merely an addition, which on the lower part of the figure consists of a catch on the under side of the sheeve s, a cor- responding catch and catch-box 25, carried round by the shaft, and the lever or swinger 26 to act on the catch-box. The rod 23 is lengthened, to connect this swinger with the other two. On the upper part of the figure is the remainder of the apparatus, consisting of a catch on the upper side of the catch-box 13 ; the worm on a loose round on the shaft 27, with a catch on the under side, to operate with its corresponding catch on the catch-box 13 ; the screw-wheel 28 to act in the worm ; the arm 29, on a loose round on the axis of the screw-wheel, confined near the circumference of the wheel by the staple 30, but having play the width of the staple, the end of the arm farthest from the axis being intended to act on, and press down, the swinger 19; and the spring 31, fixed on the v/heel, which presses against the back of the arm. Tlie v/hole of the macliinery in the figure is represented out of the gccr, AND MACHINIST. 429 and is in the position as when ready to set off from one end of the spinning- ground, to follow the yarns to the winding-machine. In that position it continues until it has arrived at the winding-machine, and the yarns are disengaged from the spindles when the main lever 17 is lifted up by hand into the catch 24, for the purpose of putting the spinning and travelling mo- tions into geer, as formerly described. By the raising up of this lever tlie swinger 19 is pulled down, and the arm 29 is thus disengaged, which hav- ing play within the staple, swings forward by its own weight, clear of the swinger, which is hollowed or bent at that place for the purpose. The ob- ject of this is, that the arm may not be in the way of the swinger 19 the next time it goes into geer with the worm. When the machine has returned to the other end of the ground, and the yarns consequently are spun to their full length, the catch 24, on which the main lever rests, is thrown back by the machine going against a fixture in the ground, as has been before mentioned, and the lever (being sufficiently weighted at the handle end) drops down, by which means the travelling motion is stopped. The twist- ing motion would also be stopped, were it not, (as will be seen from the figure) that though the catch-box 14 is throwm out of geer with the sheeve s on the upper side, the catch-box 25 will be at the same instant, and by tlie same movement, thrown into geer with it on the under side, so that the twisting motion continues. The under side of the catch-box 13, being thrown out of geer with the pinion k, (which stops the travelling motion) the upper side of it will be at the same instant, and by the same movement, thrown into geer with the worm 27, which consequentiy gives motion to the screw-wheel 28 ; the arm 29 (which it will be recollected is then hanging down) is also carried round with the wheel ; and when it comes in contact, having nearly made one revolution with the swinger 19, it forces it down, and by this means puts the catch-box 25, as well as its own, out of geer, and causes the whole of the machinery to stop. The use of the spring 31, press- ing against the back of the arm, is to cause it to force, as soon as the catches 13 and 25 are out of geer, the swinger 19 a little further down, wdiich it will then be enabled to do, inconsequence of the resistance against it being de- creased ; the object of this is to prevent any jarring of the catches when in that situation. The spring is prevented forcing too far by a stop. Anotlier method of forcing the swinger thus much further down may be adopted, by fixing a pin or fang to project from the framing of the machine, so as the end of the spring above mentioned may come in contact with it a little be- fore the time when the arm begins to force down the .^winger, in order that the arm may be relieved from the pressure of tlie spring until the arm has forced the swinger down nearly to the point of sending the catches out of geer, at which time the end of the spring, having got free of the pin, comes with a sudden blow against the back of the arm, and thus sends down the catches clear of those with which they were in geer ; the spring in this case also is prevented from forcing too far by means of a stop. The time the screw- wheel is in going round is the time allowed for the after-twist : but should one wheel not allow sufficient time for the purpose the motion may be farther decreased, by any usual and well-known means, and change wheels may be applied to suit the different kinds of yarn. In tempering the strands of all kinds of cordage, whether shroud, hawser, or cable-laid, it is well known that from various causes an inequality of tension between the different strands intended for the same rope takes place, and is most commonly apparent during or after the operation of hardening, some of the strands becoming too slack, others too tight, and 430 illE OPERATIVE MECflANfC consequently of unequal lengths, though ovs,ginally they may have been of equal length, and have received the same twisting or number of turns by machinery of the most improved and perfect construction. In cases, therefore, where this in- equality appears, the strands require to be rectified, by being brought to an equal degree of tension, in order that each may bear its equal portion of strain in the rope when made. The operation for effecting this object is commonly called tempering the strands ; and the method in general practice is to give more twist to a slack strand, or to take twist out of a tight one, or to do both. In some rope-grounds where the ma- chinery is driven by steam, or other considerable power, the method adopted is to give more twist to the slack strands, which is done by stopping the twisting of the tightest strand, by throwing its hook out of geer, and to keep it waiting in that position until the slack strands have twisted up to the same tension. These methods in most cases are defective ; because the strand to which more twist is given is thereby rendered less pliable, and is of smaller circumference ; consequently it can- not top or lay up in the rope evenly and regularly with the other strands which have less twist ; for the harder twisted one will in the rope sink inwards, and the others stand out- wards and form more of a spiral round the harder twisted one, which will thereby have more than its proportionate strain in the rope to bear, and will also be least enabled, when under a strain, to stretch up, so as to avail itself of the as- sistance of the others, and by consequence must be the first to break. Should the inequality of tension be occasioned by any original inequality of thickness in the strands, the smallest one will, during the process of hardening, become the slack- est, and in tempering by twisting it up to the tension of the tightest, the inequality of size will by that means be increased ; for the more it is twisted, the still smaller in circumference, as well as shorter in length, will it become. But, supposing all the strands were originally of equal thickness, and that the inequality in tension proceeded entirely from an error in the original lengths ; it is plain, that, by tempering according to the methods in question, (and no other methods, after the strands are fixed on the hooks, and the work has commenced, can, ' y any machinery hitherto in use, conveniently be adopted,) the same defective principle still applies, which, by causing one strand to be harder twisted, and consequently to become of a smaller size, and another to be softer twnsted, and to be- come of a larger size, prevents the whole from jointly forming AND MACHINIST. 431 It regular and perfect rcpe, and to stretch equally when under a stniiuj as already described. As a more convenient, accurate, and certain method, than any hitherto practised, appeared to be necessary, Mr. Dun - can invented and adopted a new mode of tempering the strands of all kinds of cordage, whether shroud, hawser, or cable-laid : the nature and general principle of which is, to cause any one strand-hook of the foreboard, or foreboard-ma- chine, when the strand attached to it requires to be tightened, to recede from its corresponding opposite hook of the sledge or stranding machine, to which the other end of the strand is attached ; or when it requires to be slackened, to cause it to advance towards its corresponding opposite hook, thus bring- ing all the strands to an equal tension, without one strand- hook making more revolutions than another. And, what is of essential importance to this invention, the operation may be performed leisurely, as occasion may appear to require, either before, during, or after hardening the strands, without stop- ping the twisting, or other motions, or occasioning any inter- ruption to them whatever; and with more ease, minute accuracy, and useful effect, than by any other method yet practised for the purpose. In order more particularly to exemplify and illustrate this part of the invention, we have annexed engravings of the machinery which Mr. Duncan has contrived and adapted for the purpose. In fig. 481 , ABC represent the upper part of the framing in which the machinery, placed at the foreboard, is fixed; C being the front of it, facing or looking down the rope-walk. D is a toothed wheel, receiving motion from any external machinery. This wheel drives the other toothed wheel E, and either of them can be changed to suit the speed of the motion required. The toothed wheel E is fixed upon the axis of, and gives motion to, the toothed wheel or fluted cylinder F ; which cylinder drives the four pinions J , 2, 3, 4, whose axles, to the hooks of which the rope strands are attached when twisting and tempering, are the four strand hook spindles «, h, c, d. To answ'er the purpose of the invention, the strand hook spindles, besides having the rotative or twisting motion which we have already described, are so contrived, for the tempering of the strands, that any one or more of them may, while the twisting motion is or is not going on, be made to slide, in a horizontal direction, parallel with the axle of the cylinder F, along any part of its length, either backward or forward, as shall now be explained. The strand hook spindles having to slide, as has been said, in a direction parallel to the axis of the cylinder, are of course placed in that direction, and so as their pinions may pass each other. The positions of these pinions round the cylinder are seen in fig. 482, which represents a front view of the machinery ; the same references in each figure being used to denote the same part. As all the four strand hook spindles, with their accompaniments and immediate connections, are precisely the same, a description of one will be sufficient ; we will therefore take the spindle in fig. 481. GH is a long or male screw, a few inches longer than the 432 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC cylinder, upon which is fitted tlie nut or female screw, e, having spokes or arms, to admit of it being turned by hand. Joined fast to this long screw is a head-piece or claw f, within which a carrier or step is fitted, and in which the adjoining end of the strand hook spindle revolves. Two collars, g and hj fitted on the spindle, one on each side the step, cause the spindle to accompany the long screw, either backward or forward, when moved by turning the nut e, the rotative motion of the spindle going on at the same time if required ; i and k are two steps or guides, fixed on the cross framing B and C, through which the spindle may pass and repass, and in which it also revolves ; / is a carrier of the same description, fixed on the cross framing A, through which the long screw may pass and repass, but without revolying. Fast upon, and projecting from the head-piece/, and consequently accompanying the long screw and spindle in the sliding movement, (see the side view, fig. 483,) is the tongue m, the end or point of which is fitted to pass along during that movement in a slot in the rail n, fixed parallel with the long screw and spindle, between the two cross bearers A and B. The object of this contrivance is to prevent the spindle (one end of -which, as has been shown, revolves within the head-piece of the long screw) from carrying round the screw along with it, and to keep the screw and its head-piece at ail times steady, and in a direct line with the spindle. For the purpose of keeping the long screw stationary in the situation to which it may have been last set, the pull of the strand on the hook (by pressing and abutting the screw-nut e against the back of the carrier /) will always be found to be sufficient. The diameter of the cylinder F may be about two feet, and that of each of the fore pinions 1, 2, 3, 4, about one foot, more or less, according to the speed desired, and the discre- tion of the mechanic. The pitch of their teeth should be the same as that of the teeth of the cylinder. The length of the cylinder should at least be equal to the greatest difference or inequality of length ever likely to take place between the slackest strand and the tightest strand intended for the same rope, previous to, or during, the operation of hardening, when they are both brought to an equal tension by tempering according to this method. The inequality of length, or, in other words, of tension, which takes place in the strands during the process of hardening them, is generally found to be in proportion to their circumference, and is more in a set of the large strands than in the small. In rope- walks, therefore, where cordage of the largest size is manufactured for the use of his Majesty’s navy, the length of this cylinder should not be less than four feet ; but Mr. Duncan has found, by expe- rience, in manufacturing cordage for merchantmen of the greatest burthen, that few cases occurred where it was requisite for the length to be more than three feet. In rope-walks where cordage on the common principle is manufactured, some additional length is necessary. Each of the four pinions is AND MACHiNlST. 433 fastened upon the middle of the length of its strand hook spindle. Supposing, therefore, that the pinion 2 should be set so as to be exactly at one end of the cylinder next to the cross framing B, it must be enabled to slide along to the opposite end next the cross framing C, and also back again to B ; for this purpose the spindle must always be kept in its steps or carriers, z and /c, which support it, and in which it both slides and revolves, and therefore it requires to be double the length of the cylinder, besides an additional lengtli equal to the spaces in its passage occupied by the necessary steps, framing, clearances, &c. The length of the long screw G H, and of the rail are each the length of the cylinder, and correspond with, or are a few inches longer than the sliding distance, to allow for steps, &c. as above. It has been shown, that the cylinder drives the four strand hook spindles, and that any one of them can be moved, by means of its screw, either backw'ard or forward, without interrupting its own rotatory motion, or the rotatory motion of any of the others ; the teeth of the pinions being for this purpose kept in geer with, while at the same time they are made to slide along between, the teeth, or in the flutings of the cylinder. Suppose, then, that the strands are attached to their respective hooks, and the pinions set so as to be all at an equal distance from each end of the cylinder, and all the strand hook spindles going round, twisting and hardening the strands, the operation of tempering is performed merely by turning round, by hand, as often as required, any one or more of the screw-nuts either way about, as the case or cases may require, according as any one or more of the strands require slackening or tightening for bringing them all to an equal tension. Thus, in order to slacken a tight strand, its hook must be advanced forward further from the front of the framing C ; and in order to tighten a slack strand, its hook must be drawn in, towards the framing. Fig. 484 is a side view, representing some variatiofiin the machineiy for effecting the sliding movement of the strand hook spindles on the same principle, and answering the same purposes, as the ‘plan in fig. 481, already described. After the full descriptions and explanations already given, a very short account will be sufficient to make this fully understood : 6 is a strand hook spindle, similar to those in fig. 481, excepting that the pinion 2 is not made fast upon it, because it has to pass or slide through the axle hole of the pinion. In order, that the spindle may at the same time revolve with the pinion, the slot 10 is cut upon one side of the spindle, (the length of the slot being the sliding distance,) which slot receives a feather or key in the axle hole of the pinion, through which the slotted part of the spindle is to pass and repass, as occasion may require, the feather always remaining in the slot to carry round and give the rotatory of 434 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC tv/isting motion to the spindle. The parts /, gy and h are exactly the same as tlie parts which have the same characters in fig. 481. I is a rack, (to answer the same purpose as the long screw in fig. 481,) which the pinion o, by means of the handle p, moves either backward or forward. The ratchet- wheel, 7 , and its catch, hold the rack and pinion stationary in the situation to which they may be set ; i i and k are the steps in which the spindle revolves, and through which it also slides ; r r are two rings or washers, loose upon the spindle, between the steps i i and the pinion 2, intended to qualify the friction during both the sliding and the rotatory operation of t-he spindle ; # is a guide or step for the rack to slide in, made square at the bottom, which renders the tongue and slot, shown in fig. 48.3, unneces- sary. The wheel K, receiving motion from any external machinery, drives the pinion 2. Change wheels, for varying the motion, may be applied to this method in the same way as in fig. 481. From what has already been described, it will appear, that the strand hook spindle may, by means of the rack I and pinion o, be drawn or slided either backward or forward, through its pinion 2, without interrupting its rotatory motion; the pinion 2 always keeping in geer with the wheel K, by which it is driven, and which latter may receive its motion from any external machinery. Referring, therefore, to the former description, it will be evident, without further explanation, by what means the strands are to be tempered by this variation in the machinery. The reader will observe that there are two principles by which the strands of cordage may be tempered or brought to an equal tension ; the one by causing any one or more of the strand hook spindles either to advance or recede, whereby an equal tension will be effected without one spindle making more revolutions than another ; and the other, that of causing any one or more of the strand hook spindles to be at rest while the others are revolving ; whereby an equal tension will be effected by an unequal number of revolutions. If one of these two principles only is to be adopted, Mr. Duncan prefers the former, as being generally more appropriate and effectual. As, however, it sometimes occurs in practice, that the application of the one principle, sometimes of the other, and sometimes of both, proves to be the most proper and effectual remedy, Mr. Duncan has invented a still more perfect method, by which either or both of the principles may be practically applied in one set of machinery. This object which had never, we believe, been before accom- plished, is effected merely by applying to either of the two varieties of machinery before described, an additional appa- ratus, so that all kinds of cordage-strands may thereby be tempered, either entirely, by the principle of causing any one or more of the strand hook spindles to advance or K 'IDl^ :K. M V FA € TIT MK From J3l to tS l n.io Temfyerl/uf \i7eAeX: ^tranA AND MACHINIST. 435 recede; or entirely, by causing any one or more of the strand hook spindles to be at rest while the others are revolving'; or partly by the one and partly by the other, according as the original cause occasioning the inequality of tension in the different strands may point out ; the whole, or any part, of the operations going on, either together or separately, as may be found convenient, without interruption to each other. Fig. 485 is a plan showing the additional machinery for tempering, by combining the two principles as adapted for the first described machinery, represented in fig. 481. The difference between the machinery of fig. 481, and that of fig. 485, consists chiefly in the latter having its pinion 2 loose upon the twisting spindle 5, but confined between two collars, which are fast upon the spindle. The reason of the pinion running on a loose round is, that it may be either put in or out of geer with the spindle, by means of the catch-box t and lever u. The catch-box has a slot, fitting a feather on the spindle, in order that it may revolve with it, as well as slide in or out of geer, when moved by the lever. The ratchet-wheels v and w are fast upon the spindle, one having teeth cut the reverse of the other, that either of the two palls a: and y may, when the spindle is thrown out of geer with the pinion, prevent the strands from untwisting, as otherwise the spindle would be at liberty to be acted upon by the force of twist already in the strand. The pall y is flat towards the point for holding against the ratchet-wheel lo for a right-hand twist, and the pall x is hooked towards its point for holding the wheel v for a left-hand twist. So far, this apparatus would serve the purpose either of keeping in geer, or stopping the rotatory motion of the spindle, provided it were not also required to perform the sliding movement. In order, therefore, to complete the apparatus for both these purposes, the arm z, fastened to the claw or head-piece /, and forming one piece with the long screw G H, stretches alongside, parallel with the spindle, so that its other end is nearly opposite to the pinion, where it is furnished with two ears, having each an eye or ring, 7 and 7, fitting easy upon the round iron rod 8 ; \vhich rod is fixed parallel with the spindle, between the cross framing B and C. The step 9, on the cross framing B, serves as a guide for the arm z. It is necessary that the distance between B and C should be as much longer, than the distance in, fig. 481, as the length taken up or occupied by the catch-box and ratchet-wheels. The spindle also will require this additional length. The arm z, during the sliding movement, has to conduct with it, along the rod 8, the lever w, and the two ratchet palls x and y, the rod serving them also as a guide during the sliding movement, and at all times as an axle. Though the pinion 2 is always in geer with, and carried round by, the cylinder F, fig. 481, yet the spindle only goes round when put in geer with the catch-box by the lever ; therefore the rotatory motion of the spindle may at any time, and for any space of time, be stopped, for the purpose of causing the twist o its strand' to cease, while at the same time the other strands are twisting up. Though only one spindle is here spoken of, it is evident that all or any of them may, from being furnished with the apparatus now described, be made either to give, or cease from giving twist, while any one or more of the spindles either may or may not, as required, be performing the sliding movement. Fig. 486 is a side view, showing the method adapted for the second described machinery, as represented in fig. 484, the apparatus in thij case 2f2 436 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC applying to the narrow wheel, and that in the former case of fig. 485, apply^^ ing to the wide wheel or cylinder F. The difierence between the one and the other is, that the spindle and pinion in fig. 485, slide together, as in fig. 481, whereas in the figure now to be described the spindle slide? through the pinion, as in fig. 484. The spindle b in this figure is similar to that in fig. 484, having a slot, to receive a feather, which is fixed in the catch-box t. The pinion 2, which is always in geer wdth the wheel K, is fastened on the bush 11. running loose upon the spindle b. This bush, being furnished with the collar 12, serves, by means of its revolving in the cavity 13, adjoining the step i, to keep the pinion in its proper place, during the spindle’s sliding movement : i and k are two steps, answering the same purpose as those of the same characters of reference in fig. 484 ; V and IV are two ratchet-wheels, fast to each other, but not fast on the spindle, having a feather, fitting the slot of the spindle, in order that they may hold it fast when occasion requires, and that it may pass and repas.s through them during the sliding movement. These ratchet-wheels are furnished with their two palls a: and ;?/, altogether answering the same pur- pose as those described in the former fig. 485. The catch-box t, having also a feather, fitting the slot, is furnished with a lever, (not shown in the figure,) answering the same purpose as the one marked u, in fig, 485 ; but to suit the present case, it works on a stationary pivot, fixed to the framing of the machine. The two ratchet palls also work on pins fixed to the framing; and their wheels v and w, being furnished with the rim or fencing 14, are kept always opposite to the palls, by means of a bracket, (fixed to the framing, but not seen in the figure,) hollowed out to receive the rim. It will be evident, from what has here been said, that the opera- tion of striking in and out of geer the rotatory motion of the spindle is- performed exactly in the same manner, and also answers the same purpose, as that described under fig. 485 ; and that the sliding movement of the spindle in both cases is performed in the same manner, and answers the same purpose, as described under fig's. 481 and 484, either one or other of the methods, under figs. 485 and 486j combining the two principles of tem- pering strands in the manner previously pointed out. Though in the first- described machinery it has been shown, that the sliding movement of the strand hooks may be effected by means of a male and female screw, and in the second-described machinery by that of a rack and pinion, yet it will be seen, that either means may with equal pro- priety be applied to either machinery. And a competent mechanic, from what has been described, will easily perceive that any other power, such as that of a lever, weight, or rope and pulley, or one or more of them combined, may be applied for the same purpose, though in the first preference be given to the screw, and in the next to the rack. The next part of the invention to be described is a new method of regulating both the backward and forward travelling movements of any sledge or other locomotive ma- chine that is or may be used in a rope-walk. The back- ward movement of the stranding- sledge, or the retrograde movement of that machine towards the bottom of the rope- walk by which strands are drawn out, in rope-walks whers AND MACHINIST. 437 the improved or patent principle of rope-making is adopted, has hitherto been effected by means of a rope applied in different ways for the purpose. In some cases the rope is made to haul the sledge backwards, by fastening one end of it to the sledge, and the other round the capstan or barrel, at the bottom of the rope- walk; and in other cases the rope is stretched tight along, and made fast at each end of the rope- walk, and two or more doubles or bights of it passing round and grasping the same number of grooved binding sheeves in the sledge, which revolve by connection with the rotative motion of the strand hooks, from which the other motions are derived : thus the sledge works itself backwards along the rope. The great object to be attained in regulating this backv/ard motion is, to cause it always to preserve a certain speed in a given ratio with that of the rotative motion, in order that the strands may always receive the degree and uniform distribution of twist intended; But in whatever way a rope has hitherto been applied for that purpose, the object has never been effectually attained, nor the operation conveniently performed, because, from the elasticity and specific gravity of the rope itself, extended along the whole length of the rope-walk, it has been found impossible to keep it accurately stretched, and equally tight from one end to the other, so that when the sledge is in motion, particularly when first struck into geer, it pulls up the slack of the rope froi# the bottom of the rope-walk, and its retrograde motion is thus retarded in proportion as the rope may stretch, slip, oi* give way. The retrograde motion loses therefore its relative speed commensurate with that of the rotative motion of the strand hooks, which have in the mean time, without interruption, continued to put twist into the strands. Instances are not unfrequent where they have been twisted to such a degree as nearly to break them asunder before the rope could be tightened sufficiently to cause the sledge to move on at its proper speed ; and, on the whole, it is obvious, that by the present method of drawing out the strands, they can neither receive their proportionate twist nor the distribution of it. The labour required in applying the rope is besides extremely inconvenient and troublesome, because it requires to be first fixed to the sledge, or round its binding sheeves, at the top of the rope-walk, then tightened, and afterward disengaged at the bottom, on every single occasion of drawing out a strand or set of strands. The plan also is expensive, because the constant wear and tear is considerable, and requires th?c 438 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC rope to be frequently renewed, An iron chain may indeed be applied for the purpose, and though not requiring to be so frequently renewed, it is equally objectionable with the rope in most other respects, and on some accounts more so. The forward movement of the stranding, topping, and dragging sledges, is that slow progressive movement necessarily re- quired towards the top of the rope-walk by the shortening or shrinking up of the strands in twisting, while forming on the common principle, and of the strands and cordage, either common or patent, whilst hardening and topping. It will readily be seen, that this movement should also be uniformly regular, in a given proportion to the twisting motion, and that the travelling distance should be neither more nor less than the length the strand or rope ought to shrink up. According to the usual method, a number of press barrels or weights are placed on the stranding or topping sledge, or on a drag sledge, attached to their tail end, to serve as a resist- ance against the pull of the strand or rope when shrinking up. But as the quantity of weight to be applied is to be varied and proportioned to the size of the strand or rope, and degree of twist required, and as the friction of the drag on the ground is greater on some parts than on others, the operation, depending on criterions so uncertain, must be attended with a great degree of irregularity, both with regard to the sledge sliding faster or slower, and also with regard to the whole length to which, eventually, it may be dragged ; thereby occasioning a proportionate irregularity, both in the distribution and total quantity of twist or lay in the strands or rope, corresponding with their length. The object, therefore, of this invention, with regard to the backward movement, is, to cause the sledge, or any other locomotive or travelling machine used, or that may be used, in a rope-walk, to travel and recede down the walk at one uniform speed, such as shall be predetermined as proportion- ate with the rotatory speed of the twisting hooks of tlie machine, so as to cause the twist to be uniformly regular throughout each operation. And the object of this invention, with regard to the forward movement, is, to cause the sledge, or other movable machine, to which any kind of strand or rope may be attached, for the purpose of being formed, hardened, or laid, to travel slowly, and advance up the walk, during the operation, at one uniform predetermined motion, and precisely the length or distance assigned to it, equal to that which the strands or rope ought to shrink up in the operation. AND MACHINIST. 439 • Having stated the object of this part of the invention, we shall now proceed to show that the nature and funda- mental principle of it, and the means for accurately and conveniently attaining all the objects in view, both with regard to the backward and forward movement, consist in a rack, or rack-way, of cast-iron, or other suitable material, laid down and fixed upon and along the rope-walk, from one .end of it to the other, parallel with a railway, upon which the stranding sledge, or any other sledge or locomotive machine, is to travel. The teeth of the rack- way are of the same pitch as the teeth of a wheel whose axle is m the machine. The motion of this wdieel being given and governed by the other motions in the rxiachine which turn the twisting hooks, the travelling speed of the machine, whether working backward or forward, becomes at all times uniform, and in a given certain ratio, with the speed of its twisting motion ; for the whole machinery being composed of geer and toothed work, no part of it is liable to slip or yield. The required speeds, both of travelling and twisting motions, are adjustable by change wheels, to suit each other in that machine, as well as in any other machine or machines that may be employed in one and the same operation. The whole machinery may be driven by an endless rope, receiving its motion from external machinery at the top of the rope-walk, or by any other means in use for driving locomotive ma- chinery ; for, we need scarcely observe, that it is not necessary, for the purpose of producing accurate work, that the motion which governs all the others should be uniform, because, whether the original motion be quicker or slower at one time than another during the operation, the motions dependant on it will still keep their proportionate speed. The only difference will be in the time in which the work may be finished. We have mentioned the particular cases in which this part of the invention is more essentially useful ; but Mr. Duncan claims the application of the rack, in manner described, as an invention subservient to every purpose, in any stage or process of rope-making, for which regularity of travelling motion to any machine, either backward or forward, in a rope-walk or elsewhere, may be required In that part of th« drawing’ entitled, “ Backward and Forward Move- ment,'’ fig, 487 represents the side view of a travelling sledge, or locomotive machine, of the description, and for the purposes referred to, moving on the railway M M. A B is a side view of the rack-way laid down and fixed on the wood sleeper N N, or other suitable material, supposed as extending from the top to the bottom of tlie rope-grouiid. This machine 440 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC is represented as driven by the endless rope O ; 13 and 14 are two guide pullies, to conduct the rope in going on and coming off the large sheeve or grooved wheel P, round which that rope (driven by external machinery, and running from top to bottom of the rope-ground) passes, by which the first movement in the sledge is given. This sheeve, giving motion to the spindle or shaft Q, and being coupled with the shaft R, turns the pinion 1, which drives the pinion -2, upon whose shaft, S, is the small bevel-wheel 3, driving the large bevel-wheel 4, upon whose shaft again is the spur-wheel 5, driving the other wheel 6 ; w'hich last wheel works in the rack-way. This wheel is not fast upon its shaft, being capable of sliding thereon, for the purpose of being put in and out of geer with, the rack by means of the lever T- The machine travels on the lailway on four tru ck-w heels : the two shown in this figure are marked 7. The pinions 1 and 2 are change- able, to suit the different travelling speeds required. So far as has been now described refers only to the backward movement of the machine ; which movement, it must be understood, is in the direc- tion along the rack-^way, as from A towards B. The contrary, or forward j movement is of .course in the direction from B towards A, and is effected by giving a reverse turn to the wheel 6, which works in the rack-way. The ne- cessary machinerv for this purpose is the small pinion 8, on the shaft Q, driving the wheef 9, on the shaft U ; which last shaft, and the one coupled ■with it, W, lie parallel with, and extend to, the end of the shaft R, in order that the pinion 10, fixed on the end of W, may, when required, work in the pinion 2. The shaft S then becomes common to both the pinions 1 and 10, and may, as required, be driven by either the one or the other, the pinion 1 being for the backward movement, and the pinion 10 for the forward move- ment, one of them therefore must be out of geer while the other is in geer. The figure sho-w^s the pinion 10 as out of geer. But supposing it to be in geer with 2, and the pinion 1 out of geer with it, the effect is, that a con- trary motion is given to the wheel 6, which works in the rack-way, by means of the intervening wheels 3, 4, and 5, before described. The twisting mo- tions of this machine are produced by the shaft Q being continued to the front of the machine, where the wheel 11, on the end of the shaft, drives the counter-wheel 12, from whence the required degree of speed is given to the twisting hooks. From what has been before described, it will be seen, that the backward and forward motions of the machine are produced by means of the wheel 6 working in the rack-way either way about as required. As, therefore, any predetermined quantity of twist may be given by means of the change wheels 11 and 12, whilst at the same time the machine may be made to travel at any given predetermined speed, either backward or forward, by means of the change wheels 1, 2, and 10; and as the twisting as well as the travelling motions are driven by one and the same impulse, originating in the machine at the grooved wheel P ; they must always preserve a rela- tive speed to each other in such proportion as may be assigned to them. A forked lever, clasping on the catch-box 15, serves either to put in or out of geer all the motions of the machine, excepting that of the grooved wheel P. Fig. 488 is a view of the back end of the same machine, showing as much of the machinery as is necessary for understanding it. The same characters of reference used in fig. 1 denote the same parts in this. Fig. 3 is a plan of part of the rack-way. A is the rack, and N N is the wood sleeper upon which it is fastened. The forward motion of the sledge is a remarkably slow movement ; the speed of the wheel 6 therefore requires to be considerably reduced. The wheels shown in the figures will not re- duce the motion sufficiently slow to suit every possible occasion ; but enough is shown to enable a njechanic readily to produce any degree of motion that maybe required. E.O MA^UFA F T FliF From 485 to 488 n.7i :bac]kwab.Ij) ^^foirwaio]) r>>U «. 3S I StmU AND MACHINIST. 441 All or any part of the machinery which we have described may be driven by the power of steam, water, wind, or animals. In the course of describing the different machines, and their component parts, adapted for the various purposes of the in- vention, we have seldom taken notice either of their dimen- sions or of the materials of which they may be made, because no fixed rules can be given : but any competent mechanic, from what »ve have shown, will be enabled to apply such sizes, and use such materials, as may be suited and proportioned to the nature and design of each machine, and to the power which is to drive it, particularly when we add, that the figures in the plates marked Tempering, and Backward and Forward Movements,” are made out on a scale J of an inch to a foot, and that the dimensions there given are such as inay with effect be applied in practice. SAW-MILLS. Saw-mills, constructed for the purpose of sawing either timber or stone, are moved by animals, by water, by wind, or by steam. They may be distinguished into two kinds ; those in which the motion of the saw is reciprocating, and those in which the saws have a rotatory motion. In either case the researches of theorists have not yet turned to any account : instead therefore of giving any uncertain theory here, we shall proceed to the descriptive part, and refer those who wish to see some curious investigations on this subject to a Memoir on the Action of Saws, by Euler, en Mem. Acad. Roy. Berlin, 1756. Reciprocating saw- mills, for cutting timber, and moved by water, do not exhibit much variety in their construction. The saw-mill represented in fig. 450 is taken from Gray’s Ex- perienced Mill- Wright ; but it only differs in a few trifling particulars, from some which are described in Belidor's Archi- tecture Hydrauli^e^ and in Gallon’s Collection of Machines approved by the French Academy. The plate just referred to shows the elevation of the mill. A A the shaft or axle upon which is fixed the wheel B B, (of 1 7f or 1 8 feet diameter,) con- taining 40 buckets to receive the water which impels it round C C, a wheel upon the same shaft containing 96 teeth, to drive the pinion No. 2, having 22 teeth, which is fastened upon an iron axle or spindle, having a coupling- box on each end that turns the cranks, as D D, round; one end of the pole E is put on the crank, and its other end moves on a joint or iron bolt at F, in the lower end of the frame G G. The crank D D, being turned round in the pole E, moves the frames G G up and down, and those having saws in ^hem, by this motion cut the wood. The pinion No. 2 may work two. 442 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC tliree, or more cranks, and thus move as many frames of saws. No. 3 an iron wheel having angular teeth, which one end of the iron K takes hold of, while its other end rolls on a bolt in the lever H II. One end of this lever moves on a bolt at I, the other end may lay in a notch in the frame G G so as to be pulled up and down by it. Thus the catch K pulls the wheel round, while the catch I falls into the teeth and prevents it from going backwards. Upon the axle of No. 3 is also fixed the pinion No. 4 taking into the teeth in the under edge of the iron bar, that is fastened upon the frame TT, on which the wood to be cut is laid : by this means the frame T T is moved on its rollers S S, along the fixed frame U U ; and of course the wood fastened upon it is brought forward to the saws as they are moved up and down by reason of the turning of the crank D D. V V the machine and handle to raise the sluice, when the water is to be let upon the wheel B B, to give it motion. By pulling the rope at the longer arm of the lever M, the pinion No. 2 is put into the hold or gripe of the wheel C C, which drives it ; and by pulling the rope 11, this pinion is cleared from the wheel. No. 5, a pinion containing 24 teeth, driven by the wheel C C, and having upon its axle a sheave, on which is the rope P P, passing to the sheave No. 6, to turn it round; and upon its axle is fixed the pinion No.7, acting on the teeth in an iron bar upon the frame TT, to roll that frame backwards when empty. By pull- ing the rope at the longer arm of the lever N, the pinion No. 5 is put into the hold of the wheel C C ; and by pulling the rope O, it is taken off the hold. No. 8, a wheel fixed upon the axle No. 9, having upon its periphery angular teeth, into which the catch No. 10 takes, and being moved by the lever attached to the upper part of the frame G, it pushes the wheel No. 8 round; and the catch. No. 11, falls into the teeth of the wheel, to prevent it from going backward, while the rope rolls in its axle, and drags the logs or pieces of wood in at the door Y, to be laid upon the movable frames T T, and car- ried forward to the saws to be cut. The catches Nos. 10 and 11 are easily thrown out of play when they are not wanted. The gudgeons in the shafts, rounds of the cranks, spindles, and pivots, should all turn round in cods or bushes of brass. Z, a door in one end of the mill-house at which the wood is conveyed out when cut. W W, walls of the mill-house. Q Q, the couples or framing of the roof. XXX, &c. windows to admit light to the house. Saw-mills for cutting blocks of stone are generally, though not always, moved horizontally; the horizontal alternate motion may be commu- nicated to one or more saws, by means of a rotatory motion, either by the use of cranks, &c. or in some such way as the following. Let the hori- zontal wheel A B D C, fig. 451, drive the pinion O N, this latter carrying a vertical pin P, at the distance of about one-third of the diameter from the centre. This pinion and pin are represented separately in No. 2 of fig. 451. Lei the frame WST V, carrying four saws, marked 1, 2, 3, 4, have wheels, V, T, W, W, each running in a groove or, reel, whose direction is parallel to the proposed direction of the saws : and let a transverse groove P R, whose length is double the distance of the pin P from the centre of the pinion, be cut in the saw-frame to receive that pin. Then, as the great wheel revolves, it drives the pinion, and carries round the pin P ; and this pin being com- pelled to slide in the straight groove PR, while by the rotation of the pinion on which it is fixed its distance from the great wheel is constantly varying, it causes the whole saw frame to approach and recede from the great wheel alternately, while the grooves in which the wheels run confine the frame, so as to move in the direction T V v. Other blocks may be sawn at the same time by the motion of the great wheel, if other pinions and frames running off in the directions of the respective radii, E B, E A, E C, be ■I i: ANT> machinist; 443 worked by the teeth at the quadrantal points B A and C. And the contrary efforts of these four frames and pinions, will tend to soften down the jolts, and equalize the whole motion. The same contrivance, of a pin fixed at a suitable distance from the centre of a wheel, and sliding in a groove, may serve to convert a reciprocating into a rotatory motion ; but it will not be preferable to the common conversion by means of a crank. When saws are used to cut blocks of stone into pieces having cylindrical surfaces, a small addition is made to the apparatus. See figs. 452 and 453. Tlie saw, instead of being allowed to fall in a vertical groove, as it cuts the block, is attached to a lever or beam F G, sufficiently strong ; this lever has several holes pierced through it, and so has the vertical piece E D, which is likewise movable towards either side of the frame in grooves in the top and bottom pieces A L, D M. Tims the length K G of the radius can be varied at pleasure, to suit the curvature N O ; and as the saw is moved backwards and forwards by proper machinery, in the direction C B, B C, it works lower and lower into the block, while, being confined by the beam F G, it cuts the cylindrical portion from the block P, as required. When a complete cylindrical pillar is to be cut out of one block of stone, the first thing will be to ascertain in the block the position of the axis of the cylinder ; then lay the block so that such axis shall be parallel to the horizon, and let a cylin- drical hole of from one to three inches diameter be bored en- tirely through it. Let an iron-bar, whose diameter is rather less than that of the tube, be put through it, having just room to slide fr eely to and fro as occasion may require. Each end of this bar should terminate in a screw, on which a nut and frame may be fastened 5 the nut-frame should carry three flat pieces of wood or iron, each having a slit running along its middle nearly from one end to the other, and a screw and handle must be adapted to each slit: by these means the frame work at each end of the bars may readily be so adjusted as to form isosceles or equilateral triangles ; the iron-bar will connect two corresponding angles of these triangles ; the saw to be used, two other corresponding angles ; and another box of iron or of wood, the two remaining angles ; to give sufficient strength to the whole frame. This construction, it is obvious, will enable the workman to place the saw at any proposed distance from the hole drilled through the middle of the block ; and then, by giving the alternating motion to the saw- frame, the cylinder may at length be cut from the block as required. This method was first described in the Collection of Machines approved by the Paris Academy. If it were proposed to saw a conic frustrum from such a block, then let two frames of wood or iron be fixed to those parallel ends of the block which are intended to coin- cide with the bases of the frustrum, circular grooves being previously cut in these frames to correspond with the circum- 444 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC ferences of the two ends of the proposed frustrum ; the saw being worked in these grooves, will manifestly cut the conic surface from the block. This, we believe, is the contrivance of Sir George Wright. The best method of drilling the hole through the middle of the proposed cylinder seems to be this : on a carriage run- ning upon four low wheels let two vertical pieces (each having a hole just large enough to admit the borer to play freely) be fixed, two or three feet asunder, and so contrived that the pieces and holes to receive the borer may, by screws, &c. be raised or lowered at pleasure, while the borer is prevented from sliding backwards and forwards by pieces upon its bar, which are larger than the holes in the vertical pieces, and which, as the borer revolves, press against these pieces : let a part of the boring bar between the two vertical pieces be square, and a grooved wheel with a square hole of a suitable size be placed upon this part of the bar ; then the rotatory motion may be given to this bar by an endless-band, which shall pass over this grooved wheel and a wheel of much larger diameter in the same plane, the latter wheel being turned by a winch-handle in the usual way. As the boring proceeds, the carriage with the borer may be brought nearer and nearer the block, by levers and weights. Circular saws, acting not by a reciprocating, but by a rotatory motion, have been long known in Holland, where they are used for cutting wood used for veneering. They were introduced into this country, we believe, by General Bentham, and are now used in the dock-yard at Portsmouth, and in a few other places ; but they are not as yet so generally adopted as might be wished, considering how well they are calculated to abridge labour, and to accomplish, with expedition and ac- curacy, what is very tedious and irksome to perform in the usual way. Circular saws may be made to turn either in hori- zontal, vertical, or inclined planes ; and the timber to be cut may be laid upon the plane in any direction ; so that it may be sawed by lines making any angles whatever, or at any proposed distance from each other. When the saw is fixed at a certain angle and at a certain distance from the edge of the frame, all the pieces will be cut of the same size, without marking upon them by a chalked line, merely by causing them to be moved along, and keeping one side in contact with the side of the frame 5 for then as they are brought one by one to touch the saw revolving on its axle, and are pressed upon it, they are soon cut through. Mr. Smart, of the Ordnance Wharf, Westminster Bridge, has several circular saws, all worked by a horse, in a moderate AND MACHINIST. 445 sized walk ; one of these intended for cutting and boring tenons, used in this gentleman’s hollow masts, is represented in fig. 454. N O P Q R is a hollow frame, under which is part of the wheel-work of the horse-mill., A B C D E F are pullies, over which pass straps or bands, the parts of which out of sight run upon the rim of a large vertical wheel ; by means of this simple apparatus the saws S S are made to revolve upon their axles, with an equal velocity, the same band passing round the pullies D C, upon those axles ; and the rotatory motion is given to the borer G by the band passing over the pulley A. The board I is inclined to the horizon in an angle of about 30 degrees ; the plane of the saw S is parallel to that of the board I, and about a quarter of an inch distant from it, while the plane of the sawS^ is vertical, and its lowest point at the same distance from the board I. Each piece of wood K, out of which the tenon is to be cut, is about four inches long, and an inch and a quarter broad, and | of an inch thick. One end of such piece is laid so as to slide along the ledge at the lower part of the board I, and as it is pushed on, by means of the handle H, it is first cut by the saw S, and immediately after by the saw S*; after this the other end is put lowest, and the piece is again cut by both saws : then the tenon is applied to the borer G, and as soon as a hole is pierced through it, it is dropped into the box beneath. By the above process, at least 30 tenons may be completed in a minute, with greater accuracy than a man could make one in a quarter of an hour with the common hand saw and gimlet. Similar contrivances may, by slight alterations, be fitted for many other purposes, particularly all such as may re- quire the speedy sawing of a great number of pieces into exactly the same size and shape. A very great advantage at- tending this sort of machinery is, that wdien once the position of the saws and frame is adjusted, a common labourer may perform the business just as well as the best workman. — rtn^ir- BARK-MILL. The bark-mill is constructed for the purpose of grinding and preparing bark till it is fit for the tanner. Bark-mills, like most other mills, are worked either by means of horses, by water, or by wind. One of the best mills we have seen described for these purposes is that invented by Mr. Bagnall, of Worsley, in Lancashire. This machine will serve not only to chop bark, to grind, to riddle, and pound it ; but to beam or work green hides and skins out of the mastering or drench, and make them ready for the ouse or bark-liquor ; to beam sheep-skins, and other skins, for the skinner’s use ; and to scour and take off the bloom from tanned leather, when in the currying state. 446 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Fig. 455 is a horizontal plan of tlie mill ; fig. 456 a longitudinal section of it ; fig. 457 a transverse section of it. A, the water-wheel, by which the whole machinery is worked. B, the shafts. C, the pit-wheel, which is fixed on the water-w'heel shaft B, and turns the upright shaft E, by the wheel F, and works the cutters and hammer by tapets. D, the spur and bevel wheels at the top of upright shafts. E, the upright shaft. F, the crown-wheel, which works in the pit-wheel C. G, the spur-nut to turn the stones I. P, the beam, with knives or cutters fixed at the end to chop or cut the Dark, which bark is to be put upon the cutters or grating i, on which the beam is to fall. Q, the tryal that receives the bark from the cutters i, and conveys it into the hopper II, by which it descends through the shoe J to the stones I, where it is ground. K, the spout, which receives the bark from the stones, and conveys it into the tryal L; which tryal is wired, to shift or dress the bark as it descends from the stones I. M, the trough, to receive the bark that passes through the tryal L. ]l, the hammer, to crush or bruise the bark that falls into the dish S, which said dish is on the incline, so that the hammer keeps forcing it out of the lower side of the said dish, when bruised. A, a trough, to receive the dust and moss that passes through the tryal Q. T, the bevel-wheel that works in the wheel D, which works the beam- knife by a crank V, at the end of the shaft m. W, the penetrating-rod, which leads from the crank V to the start x, the start, which has several holes in it to lengthen or shorten the stroke of the beam-knife. y, the shaft, to which the slide-rods h h are fixed by the starts n n. hy the slide rod, on which the knife / is fixed, which knife is to work the hides, &c. On the knife are tw'o springs a a, to let it have a little play as it makes its strokes backwards and forwards, so that it may not scratch or damage the hides, &c. Zy is a catch in the slide rod A, which catches on the arch-head e ; and the said arch-head conveys the knife back without touching the hide, and then falls back to receive the catch again. I, the roller to take up the slide-rod A, while the hides are shifting on the beam b, by pulling at the handle m. by the beam to work the hides, &c. on. Each beam has four wheels, py, working in a trough-road, g g, and removed by the levers c c. When the knife has worked the hides, &c. sufficiently in one part, the beam is then shifted by the lever c as far as is wanted. dy a press, at the upper end of the beam, to hold the hide fast on the beam while working, e, an arch-head, on which the slide-rod A catches. fy the knife fixed on the slide-rod A, to work the hides, &c. i, cutters or grating to receive the bark for chopping. The beam P, with knives or cutters, may either be worked by tapets, as described, or by the bevel-wheel T with a crank, as V, to cut the same as shears. The knife / is fixed at the bottom of the start, which is fixed on the slide- rod A ; the bottom of the start is split open to admit the knife, the width of one foot ; the knife should have a gudgeon at each end, to fix in the open SAW BAKbxMFLJLS Fi.65 1 431 From 151 to 137 465 if tcfStTMA ZEE AND MACHINIST. 447 part of the start ; and the two springs a a prevent the knife from giving too much way when working. Tire knife should be one foot long, and four or five inches broad. , The arch-head e will shift nearer to or further from the beam hy and will be fixed so as to carry the, knife back as far as is wanted, or it may be taken away till wanted. The roller I is taken up by pulling at the handle m, which takes up the slide-rod so high as to give head room under the beam-knife ; the handle may be hung upon a hook for that purpose. The slide-rod will keep run- ning upon the roller all the time the hide is shifting ; and when the hide is fixed, the knife is put on the beam again by letting it down by the handle m. There may be two or more knives at work on one beam at the same time, by having different slide-rods; there should be two beams, so that the workman could be shifting one hide, &c. while the other was working. Tire beam must be flat, and a little on the incline ; as to the breadth, it does not matter ; the broader it is, the less shifting of the hides will be wanted, as the lever c will shift them as far as the width of the hide, if required. Mr. Bagnall has formed a kind of press d, to let down, by a lever, to hold the hide fast on each side of the knife, if required, so that it will suffer the knife to make its back stroke without pulling the hide up as it comes back. Tlie slide-rod may be weighted, to cause the knife to lay stress on the hide, &c. according to the kind and condition of the goods to be worked. Hides and skins for the skinner’s use are worked in the same way as for the tanner’s. Scouring of tanned leather for the currier’s use can be done on the beam, the same as working green hides ; it is only taking the knife away, and fixing a stone in the same manner as the knife by the said joint, and to have a brush fixed to go either before or after the stone. The leather will be much sooner and better secured this way than by hand. The whole machinery may be worked by water, wind, steam, or any other power ; and that part of the machinery which relates to the beaming part of the hides, may be fixed to any horse bark-mill, or may be worked by a horse or other power separately. OIL-MILLS. As these kingdoms do not produce the olive, it would be needless to describe the mills which are employed in the southern parts of Europe ; we shall therefore content our- selves with a description of a Dutch oil-mill, employed for grinding and pressing linseed, rapeseed, and other oleaginous grains ; and, to accommodate our description still more to our local circumstances, shall employ water as the first mover; thus avoiding the enormous expense and complication of a windmill. Description of fig. 458. 1 is the elevation of a wheel, over or under shot, as the situation may lequire. 448 THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC i. the bell-metal socket, supported by masonry, for receiving the outcl' giiageon of the w ater-wheel. 3, the watercourse. Fig. 459. 1, a spur-whee'l upon the same axis, having 52 teeth. 2, the trundle that is driven by No. 1, and has 78 staves. 3, the wallower, or axis for raising the pestles. It is furnished round its circumference with wipers for lifting the pestles, so that each .nay fall twice during one turn of the water-wheel : that is, three wipers for each pestle. 4, a frame of timber, carrying a concave half cylinder of bell-metal, in which the wallower (cased in that part with iron plates) rests and turns round. 5, masonry supporting the inner gudgeon of the water-wheel and the above-mentioned frame. 6, gudgeon of the wallower, which bears against the bell-metal step fixed in the wall. This double support of the wallower is found to be necessary in all mills which drive a number of heavy stampers. Fig. 460 is the elevation of the pestle and press-frame, their furniture, the mortars, and the press-pestles. 1, the six pestles. 2, cross-pieces between the two rails of the frame, forming, with these rails, guides for the perpendicular motion of the pestles. 3, the two rails ; the back one is not seen. They are checked and bolted into the standards, No. 12. 4, the tails of the lifts, corresponding with the wipers upon the wallower. 5, another rail in front, for carrying the detents which hold up the pestles when not acting. It is marked 14, in fig. 464. 6, a beam a little way behind the pestles ; to this are fixed the pulleys for the ropes, which lift and stop the pestles. It is represented by 16, in fig. 464. 7, the said pulleys with their ropes. 8, the driver which strikes the wedge that presses the oil. 9, the discharger, a stamper which strikes upon the inverted wedge, and loosens the press. 10, the lower rail with its cross-pieces, forming the lower guides of the pestles. 11, a small cog-wheel upon the wallower for turning the spatula, which stirs about the oil-seed in the chauffer-pan. It has 28 teeth, and. is marked No. 6, in fig. 464. 12, the four standards, mortised below into the block, and above into the ioists and beams of the building. 13, the six mortars hollowed out of the block itself, and in shape pretty much like a kitchen-pot. 14, the feet of the pestles rounded into cylinders, and shod with a great lump of iron. 15, a board behind the pestles, standing on its edge, but inclining a little backwards. There is such another in front, but not represented here. These form a sort of trough, which prevents the seed from being scattered about by the fall of the pestles, and lost. 16, the first press-box, (also hollowed out of the block,) in which the grain is squeezed, after it has come for the first time from below the mill-stones. 17, the second press-box, at the other end of the block, for squeezing the grain after it has passed a second time under the pestles. 1 8, frame of timber for supporting the other end of the wallower in the same manner as No. 4, fig. 459. 19, small cog-wheel on the end of the wallower^ for giving motion to the mill-stones; it has 28 teeth. ©ZII. 9 C (01.01711 &> lOTKOO 3m.]LS From 458 to 468 ^ FI. 66 ,1 ■i A AND MACHINIST. 449 20, gudgeon of the wallower, bearing on a bell-metal socket fixed in the wall. 21, vessels for receiving the oil from the press-boxes. Fig. 461, Elevation and mechanism of the mill-stones. 1, upright shaft, carrying the great cog-wheel above, and the runner mill- stones below in their frame. 2, cog-wheel of 76 cogs, driven by No. 19 of fig. 460. 3, the frame of the runners. 4, the innermost runner, or the one nearest the shaft. 5, outermost ditto, being farther from the shaft. 6, the inner rake, which collects the grain under the outer runner. 7, the outer rake, which collects the grain under the inner runner. In this manner the grain is always turned over and over, and crushed in every direction. The inner rake lays the grain in a slopes of which fig. 465 is a section; the runner flattens it, and the second rake lifts it again, as is marked in fig. 466 ; so that every side of the grain is presented to the mill- stone, and the rest of the legger or nether mill-stone is so swept by them, that not a single grain is left on any part of it. The outer rake is also fur- nished with a rag of cloth, which rubs against the border or hoop that sur- rounds the nether mill-stone, so as to drag out the few grains which might otherwise remain in the corner. 8, the ends of the iron axle which passes through the upright shaft, and through the two runners. Thus they have two motions : first, a rotation round their own axis ; secondly, that by which they are carried round upon the nether mill-stone, on which they roll. The holes in these mill-stones are made a little wide ; and the holes in the ears of the frame, which carry the ends of the iron axes, are made oval up and down. This great freedom of motion is necessary for the runner mill-stones, because frequently more or less of the grain is below them at a time, and they must therefore be at liberty to get over it without straining, and perhaps breaking, the shaft. 9 and 10, the border or hoop which surrounds the nether mill-stone. 11 and 12, the nether mill-stone and masonry which support it. Fig. 462, plan of the runner mill stones, and the frame which carries them round. 1,1, are the two mill-stones. 3, 3, 3, 3, the outside pieces of the frame. 4,4,4, 4, the cross-bars of the frames, which embrace the upright shaft 5, and give motion to the whole. 6, 6, the iron axis upon which the runners turn. 7, the outer rake. 8, the inner ditto. Fig. 463 represents the nether mill-stone seen from above. 1, the wooden gutter which surrounds the nether mill-stone. 2, the border or hoop, about six inches high all round, to prevent any seed being scattered. 3, an opening or trap-door in the gutter, which can be opened or shut at pleasure ; when open, it allows the bruised grain, collected in and .shoved along the gutter by rakes, to pass through into troughs placed below to receive it. 4. . portion of the circle described by the outer runner. 5, portion of the circle described by the inner one. By these we sec that llie two stones have different routes round the axis, and bruise more seed. . 6, the outer rake. 7, the inner ditto. 8, the SAveep, making part of the inner rake, occasionally let down fo5 2 G 450 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC sweeping off all the seed when it has been sufficiently bruised* The pres- sure and action of these rakes is adjusted by means of wooden springs, which cannot be easily and distinctly represented by any figure. The oblique position of the rakes (the outer point going foremost) causes them to shove the grain inwards, or toward the centre, and at the same time to turn it over somewhat in the manner as the mould-board of a plough shoves the earth to the right hand, and partly turns it over. Some mills have but one sweeper; and indeed there is great variety in the form and construction of this part of the machinery. Fig. 464j profile of the pestle-frame. 1, section of the horizontal shaft. 2, three wipers for lifting the pestles. 3, little wheel of 28 teeth for giving motion to the spatula. 4, another wheel which is driven by it, having 20 teeth. 5, horizontal axle of ditto. 6, another wheel on the same axle, having 13 teeth. 7, a wheel upon the upper end of the spindle, having 12 teeth. 8, two guides, in which the spindle turns freely, and so that it can be shifted higher and lower. 9, a lever, movable round the piece No. 1 4, having a hole in it at 9, through which the spindle passes, turning freely. The spindle has in this place a shoulder, which rests on the border of the hole 9, so that by the motion of this lever the spindle may be disengaged from the wheel- work at pleasure ; this motion is given to it by means of the lever 10, 10, movable round its middle. The workman employed at the chauffer pulls at the rope 10, 11, and thus disengages the spindle and spatula, 11, a pestle seen sidewise. 12, the left of ditto. 13, the upper rails, marked No 3, in fig. 460. 14, the rail marked No. 5, in fig. 460. To this are fixed the detents, which serve to stop and hold up the pestles. 15, a detent, which is moved by a rope at its outer end. 16, a bracket behind the pestle, having a pulley through which passes the rope going to the detent 15. 17, the said pulley. 18, the rope at the workman’s hand, passing through the pulley 17, and fixed to the end of the detent 15. This detent naturally hangs perpendicular by its own weight. When the workman wants to stop a pestle, he pulls at the rope 18, during the rise of the pestle. When this is at its greatest height, the detent is horizontal, and prevents the pestle from falling, by means of a pin projecting from the side of the pestle, which rests upon the detent, the detent itself being held in that position by hitching the loop of the rope upon a pin at the workman’s hand. 19, the two lower rails, marked No. 10, fig. 460. 20, great wooden, and sometimes stone, block, in which the mortars are formed, marked No. 21, fig. 460. 21, vessel placed below the press-boxes for receiving the oil. 22, chauffer, or little furnace, for warming the bruised grain. 23, backet in the front of the chauffer, tapering downwards, and opening below in a narrow slit. The hair-bags on which the grain is to be pressed after it has been warmed in the chauffer, are filled by placing them in this backet. The grain is lifted out of the chauffer with a ladle, and put into these bags ; and a good quantity of oil runs from it through the slit at the bottom into a vessel set to receive it. Al^O JWAckiNIST. 451 24 , the spatula attached to the lower end of the ipindle, and turning teund aniortg the grain in the chauffw-pan, and thus preventing it from sticking to the bottom or sides, and getting too much heat. The first part of the process is bnlisiiig the seed under the runnef-stones ; that this may be more expeditiously done, one of the runners is set about two-thirds of its own thickness nearer the shaft than the other ; thus they have different treads, and the grain, which is a little heaped tow’ards the centre, is thus bruised by both. The inner rake gathers it up under the outer stone into a ridge, of which the section is represented in fig. 465 ; the stone passes over it, and flattens it. It is gathered up again into a ridge, of the form of fig. 466, under the inner stone by the outer rake, which consists of two parts ; the outer part presses close on the wooden border which surrounds the nether stone, and shoves the seed obliquely inwards, while the inner part of this rake gathers up what has spread towards the centre. The other rake has a joint near the middle of its length, by which the outer half of it can be raised from the nether stone, while the inner half continues pressing on it, and thus scrapes off the moist paste. When the seed is sufficiently bruised, the miller lets down the outer end of the rake ; this immediately gathers the whole paste, and shoves it obliquely outwards to the wooden rim, where it is at last brought to a part that is left unboarded, and it falls through into troughs placed to receive it. These troughs have holes in the bottom, through which the oil drips all the time of the operation. This part of the oil is directed into a particular cistern, being considered as the purest of the whole, having been obtained without pressure, by the mere breaking of the hull of the seed. In some mills this operation is expedited, and a much greater quantity of this best oil is obtained, by having the bed of masonry which supports the legger formed into a little furnace, and gently heated ; but the utmost care is necessary to prevent the heat from becoming considerable, lliis, enabling the oil to dissolve more of the fermentable substance of the seed, exposes the oil to the risk of growing soon very rancid ; and in general it is thought a hazardous practice, and the oil does not bring so high a price. When the paste comes from under the stones, it is put into the hair-bags, and subjected to the first pressing. The oil thus obtained is also esteemed of the first quality, scarcely inferior to the former, and is kept apart (the great oil-cistem betog divided into several portions by partitions.) The oil-cakes of this pressing are taken out of the bags, broken to pieces, and put into mortars for the first stamping. 2g2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC m Here the paste is again broken down, and the parenchyma of the seed reduced to a fine meal 3 thus free egress is allowed to the oil from every vesicle in which it is contained. But it is now rendered much more clammy by the forcible mixture of the mucilage, and even of the finer parts of the meal. When sufficiently pounded, the workman stops the pestle of a mortar, when at the top of its lift, and carries the contents of the mortar to the first chauffer-pan, where it is heated to about the temperature of melting bees’ -wax, (this, we are told, is the test,) and all the while stirred about by the spatula. From thence it is again put into hair-bags, in the manner already described ; and the oil which drops from it during this operation is considered as the best of the second quality, and in some mills is kept apart. The paste is now sub- jected to the second pressing, and the oil is that of the second quality. All this operation of pounding and heating is performed by one workman, who has constant employment by taking the four mortars in succession. The putting into the bags, and conducting the pressing, gives equal employment to another workman. In the mills of Picardy, Alsace, and most of Flanders, the operation ends here ; and the produce from the chauffer is increased, by putting a spoonful or two of water into the pan among the paste. But the Dutch take more pains. They add no water to the paste of this their first stamping 3 they say that this greatly lowers the quality of the oil. The cakes which result from this pressing, and are then sold as food for cattle, are still fat and soft. The Dutch break them down, and subject them to the pestles for the second stamping 5 these reduce them to an impalpable paste stiff like clay. It is lifted out, and put into the second chauffer-pan 3 a few spoonfuls of water are added, and the whole kept for some time as hot as boiling water, and carefully stirred all the time. From thence it is lifted into the hair-bags of the last press, subjected to the press, and a quantity of the lowest quality is obtained, sufficient for giving a satisfactory profit to the miller. The cake is now perfectly dry and hard, like a piece of board, and sold to the farmers. Nay, there are small mills in Holland which have no other employment than extracting oil from the cakes which they purchase from the French and Brabantees : a clear indi- cation of the superiority of the Dutch practice. The nicety with which that industrious people conduct all their business is remarkable in this manufacture. In their oil-cisterns the parenchymous part, which unavoid- AND MACHINIST. 453 ably gets through, in some degree,' in every operation, gradu- ally subsides, and the liquor, in any division of the cistern, comes to consist of strata of different degrees of purity. The pumps which lift it out of each division are in pairs ; one takes it up from the very bottom, and the other only from one half the depth. The last only is barrelled up for the market, and the other goes into a deep and narrow cistern, where the dreg again subsides, and more pure oil of that quality is obtained. By such careful and judicious practice, the Dutch not only supply themselves with this important article, but annually send considerable quantities into the very provinces of France and Flanders, where they buy the seed from which it is extracted. When we reflect on the high price of labour in Holland, on the want of timber for machinery, on the expense of building in that country, and on the enormous expense of wind-mill machinery, both in the first erection and the subsequent wear and tear, it must be evident that oil-mills erected in England on waterfalls, and after the Dutch maimer, cannot fail of being a great national advantage. The chatellenie or seigneurie of Lille alone makes annually between 30,000 and 40,000 barrels, each containing about 26 gallons. What is here delivered is only a sketch. Every person acquainted with machinery well understands the general move- ments and operations ; but the intelligent mechanic well knows that operations of this kind have many minute circum- stances which cannot be described, and which, nevertheless, may have a great influence upon the whole. The rakes in the bruising-mill have an office to perform which resembles that of the hand, directed by a careful eye and unceasing attention. Words cannot convey a clear notion of this ; and a mill constructed from the best drawings, by the most skilful workman, may gather the seed so ill, that the half of it shall not be bruised after many rounds of the machinery. This produces a scanty return of the best oil, and the mill gets a bad character ; the proprietor loses his money, is discouraged, and gives up the work. There is no security but by pro- curing a Dutch millwright, and paying him with the liberality of Britons. Such unhoped-for tasks have been performed of late years by machinery, and mechanical knowledge and invention is now so generally diffused, that it is highly pro- bable we should soon excel our teachers in the branch ; but this very diffusion of knowledge, by encouraging specu- lation among the artists, makes it a still greater risk to erect a Dutch oil-mill, without having a Dutchman, acquainted with its most improved present form, to conduct the work 454 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC COLOUR AND INDIGO MILLS. The reducing of earths, vegetable substances, and metallic oxyds to an impalpable powder, is still in a great degree effected by manual labour, by moving a heavy stone with a smooth surface, called a muller, upon a slab of the same material. To effect this work upon a larger scale, and to i^ecure the workman from the ill effects of the poisonous and noxious vapours of the paint, which is not unfrequently ground with litharge of lead, Mr. Rawlinson, of Derbj^ has invented a machine which we here describe. It is repre^ sented in fig. 467. A, the roller, or cylinder, made of any kind of black marble. Black marble is esteemed the best, because it is hardest, and takes the best polish. B, the concave muller, covering one-third of the roller, and of the same material, fixed in a wooden frame 6, which is hung to the frame E at i i. C is a piece of iron, about an inch broad, to keep the muller steady, and is fixed to the fi-ame with a joint at f. The small binding screw witli a fly-nut, which passes through the centre of the iron plate at c, is for the purpose of laying niore pressure upon the muller, if required, as well as to keep it steady. D is a taker-off, made of a clock-spring, about half an inch broad, and fixed similar to a frame-saw in an iron frame K, in an inclined position to the roller, and turning on pivots at rf rf. G is a slide-board to draw out occa- sionally, to clean, &c. if any particles of paint should fall from the roller ; it also forms itself for the plate H, to catch the colour as it falls from the taker-off. F is a drawer for the purpose of containing curriers’ shavings, which are used for cleaning paint-mills. E is the frame. Previously to putting the colour in the mill, it must be pulverized in a mortar, covered in the manner of the chemists, when they levigate poisonous drugs, or rather in an improved mill, used at Manchester, by Mr. Charles Taylor, for grinding indigo in a dry state, a drawing and description of which i^ annexed. After undergoing this process of dry-grinding, which is equally necessary for the marble slab now in use, it is mixed with either oil or water, and is with a spatula, or palette-knife, put on the roller, near to the top of the concave muller. Motion being given to the roller, it, without any difficulty, carries the colour under the muller, and in a few revolutions spreads it equally over the surface. When ground sufficiently, it is taken off, both cleanly and expeditiously, by the taker-off described, which, for that purpose, is held against the roller, while the roller is turned the reverse way. The muller only requires to be cleaned when the workman changes the colour, or ceases from the operation ; it is then turned back, being hung on pinions to the frames at i i, and is cleaned with a palette-knife or spatula j afterwards a handful AND MACHINIST, 455 of curriers* shavings is held against the roller, which, in two or three revolutions, cleans it effectually. The roller of Mr. Rawlinson*s machine is sixteen inches and a half in diameter, and four inches and a half in breadth 5 and the concave muller which it works against covers one- third of the roller. It is therefore evident, that, with this machine, he has seventy-two square inches of the concave marble muller in constant work on the paint, and that he can bring the paint much oftener under the muller in a given space of time than with the common pebble muller, which, being seldom more than four inches in diameter, has scarcely sixteen square inches at work on the paint, whereas the con- cave muller has seventy-two. The quantity ground at once in the mill must be regulated by the degree of fineness of which it is required, that which is the finest requiring the smallest quantity to be ground at once. The time requisite for grinding is also dependant upon the state of fineness ; but Mr. Rawlinson observes, that his colour-grinder has ground the quantity of colour which used to serve him per day in three hours ; the colour also was more to his satisfaction, and attended with less waste. When the colour is ground, Mr. Rawlinson recommends, instead of drawing the neck of the bladder up close in the act of tying it, to insert a slender cylindrical stick, and bend the bladder close round it ; this, when dry, will form a tube or pipe, through which, when the stick is withdrawn, the colour may be squeezed as wanted, and the neck again closed by replacing the stick. This is not only a neater and much more cleanly mode than the one usually adopted, that of per-» forating the bladder, and stopping the hole with a nail, or, what is more common, leaving it open, to the detriment of the colour; but the bladder, not being injured, maybe repeatedly used for fresh quantities of colour. The barrel of a quill may be inserted in the neck of the bladder, as a substitute for the stick, and the end being cut off, may be closed by a small piece of wood. In order to make the whole of the process of colour-grinding complete, we shall here insert a description of the indigo-mill used by Mr. Charles Taylor, of Manchester, for grinding indigo in a dry state, which may with equal advantage be similarly employed for colours. It k represented in figs. 468 and 468*. L, fig. 468, represents a mortar, made of marble or hard stone j one made in the common way will answer. M. a muller, or grinder, nearly in the form of a pear ; in the upper part of which an iron axis is firmfy fixed. 456 THK OPERATIVE MECHANIC whicli axis at the parts N N turns in grooves or slits, cut in two pieces of oak, projecting horizontally from a wall, and when the axis is at work are secured in the grooves by iron pins O O. P, the handle, which forms a part of the axis, and % which the grinder is worked. Q, the wall in which the oak pieces N N are fixed. R, a weight, which may occasionally be added if mo^e power is wanted. Fig. 468% shows the muller or grinder, with its axis separate from the other machinery ; its bottom should be made to fit the mortar. S is a groove cut through the stone. On grinding the indigo, or similar substance, in a dry state, in this mill, the muller being placed in the mortar and secured in the oak pieces by the pins, the indigo to be ground is thrown above the muller into the mortar; on turning the handle of the axis, the indigo, in lumps, falls into the groove cut through the muller, and is thence drawn under the action of the muller, and propelled to its outer edge within the mortar, whence the coarser particles again fall into the groove of the muller and are again ground under it; which operation is continued till the whole of it is ground to an impalpable powder ; the muller is then easily removed, and the colour taken out. A wood cover in halves, with a hole for the axis, is usually placed upon the mortar, during the operation, to prevent anv loss to the colour, or bad effects to the operator. POTTERY. The clays best adapted for the manufacture of earthen^ ware are excavated in Dorsetshire, and the next in quality in Devonshire. The natural compounds, palled clays, consist generally of pure clay, or alumine, combined with either silex or lime, and sometimes magnesia, and the oxyd of iron. The pre- sence of the magnesia may easily be detected by its imparting a soapy feel ; and the iron by the clay burning to different shades of red, proportionate to the quantity it contains. The magnesia has obtained the name of soap-rock, and a marked variety of it steatite. The clay is first put into a trough about five feet long, by three wide, and deep, with a certain proportion of water, and subjected to the process called blunging ^ which is obvi- ously akin to blending, or mixing. This is performed with a long piece of wood formed in the shape of a blade at one end, and with a cross-handle at the other. The bladed end is put into the trough, and moved backwards and forwards, up and AND MACHINIST. 457 down, with violence, till the clay be broken and well levigated. The coarser particles of the clay sink to the bottom of the trough, while the finer parts remain suspended in the solution 5 and clay is continued to be added until the solu- tion has acquired the consistence of thick cream. This thick liquid is passed into a large tub, and afterwards through fine hair and silk lawn sieves, and then mixed with certain proportions of a liquid of ground calcined flints and Cornish stone, which, likewise, have been passed through silk lawn sieves. The china clay, which is used in every kind of earthenware except the cream colour, is sometimes put into the mass, and blunged with it at other times it is put into another tub, and blunged separately, and is then mixed in proper propor- tions with the other slip. The slip is now passed into another large stone or wood cistern, and the parts, which have not been previously, are now added, and the whole is passed through fine lawn into a reservoir, from whence it is pumped upon the slip-kiln. When a steam-engine is used, the clay is thrown into a vertical cast-iron cone, about two feet wide at top, and six feet deep. Inside of this cone are fixed strong knives, having a spiral arrangement and inclination, and radiating towards the centre. In the centre of these is worked a perpendicular shaft, with similar radiating knives, so that the knives, by the revolution of the shaft, cut in pieces every thing that is thrown! into the cone, and force downward, agreeably to the nature of the screw, whatever may be put in till it is dis- charged through an orifice at the bottom. The clay, thus reduced to powder, is next subjected to the process of blunging. For this purpose it is thrown 'into a large circular vat, or cistern, having a strong vertical shaft of wood, with arms formed like a gate as radii, worked by the power of the steam-engine. The vat is nearly filled with proper proportions of water and clay, which, by the rapid motion of the shaft, becomes well levigated and mixed; clay or water being added until the liquid is of the consist- ence of cream. The liquid is then passed along several trunks, at the end of each of which is fixed a fine hair or lawn sieve. These sieves have a quick horizontal motion communicated to them by crank machinery, which causes the slip to pass through into a large reservoir, where it remains till pumped upon the kiln. The flint in its crude state is the common flint used for striking fire, which consists principally of pure silex. The 458 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC method of calcining it is, by placing it in a email conical kiln, about nine feet deep, and altogether not much unlike that used to burn limestone. When red-hot it is taken out of the kiln and thrown into cold water, in order to lessen its aggregation, and make it easier to reduce to powder. The flint is next broken into pieces, either by manual labour, or machinery. Where manual labour is employed one man is found adequate to break per diem enough to supply two flint-pans, 12 feet diameter. In the other process the flints are put on a strong iron grating, and are struck by large hammers, moved by ma- chinery, till they be so reduced as to fall through the grating into a cavity, from whence they are taken to the flint-mill. The Jiint-mill consists of a large circular vat, about 30 inches deep, with a step fixed in the centre at the bottom for the axis of a vertical wood or iron shaft. The upper end of the shaft is surmounted by a large crown cog-wheel, to which the moving power is applied. The lower end has, at right angles, four leaves, or paddles, like arms, upon which are fixed chert-stones. Large blocks of chert-stone are also placed in the vat. The flints being put into the vat, the whole is covered with water, to prevent any dust from arising, which had formerly a very injurious effect. Power being communicated to the shaft, the chert-stones are car- ried round with considerable velocity, and the calcined flints, being of a very fragile nature, are, by their reciprocal action, reduced to an impalpable powder. This semi-fluid is put into another vat, that has a similar vertical shaft, and when a large quantity of water has been introduced, the power is applied and the whole is well levigated. In this process, the weighty particles sink to the bottom, and the finest remain in suspension ; which are then passed into a reservoir that has certain apertures for drawing off the surplus water, till it has subsided to a state fit for the potter’s use. This is a very important process, and is attended with some difficulty. It is at present best per- formed by Mr. Sampson Hanley, of Sandon Mill. The manufacturer should be very choice in selecting the stones to be employed in the grinding ; for should they con- tain calcareous carbonates, such parts will be abraded, and by mixing with the silicious matter will, in a subsequent process, prove a serious injury. A few years ago a loss to the amount of several thousand pounds was experienced by some manufacturers, who had very injudiciously purchased stones that had been ground by AND MACHINIST. 459 a person ignorant of the art, and who had employed stones for the grinding containing carbonate of lime. The average weight of an ale pint measure of the pulp of flint is 32 oz. ; and of clay 24 oz. In some manufactories the pulps are mixed together in a large vat, by a process similar to that first described of mix- ing the clay with the water. But however the mixing be accomplished, great attention must be paid to the relative specific gravity of each fluid, and more of the solution of the flint, or the clay, must be added, till a pint of the mixture weighs the determined number of ounces. It is by the con- sistence and weight of these materials, that the manufacturer is enabled to ascertain, the proper proportions requisite for each kind of pottery ; and it is from these that he can calcu- late, whether there be a probability of making any improve- ment that will yield him a profitable return. When the proper proportions of slop clay and flint have been well blunged together, the liquid is pumped out of the reservoir on the top of the slip-kiln. The slip-kiln is a kind of trough formed of fire-bricks, of various sizes, from 30 to 60 feet in length, by from 4 to 6 in breadth, and about }2 inches iq depth. Flues from the fire-places pass under these troughs, and the bricks of which they are formed being bad conductors of heat, a slow and advantageous process of evaporation is carried on, which gives uniform consistence to the mass. The porcelain clay is never allowed to boil, but is carefully evaporated at a slow heat on a plaster-kiln ; the gypsum being run on old moulds pulverized, and thus forming a level surface. The slip-maker carefully attends to the evaporation, and at proper intervals turns over with a paddle the thickened mass from one end to the other, else the part nearest to the bricks would become hard, while the surface were fluid. To regulate the heat three different thicknesses of bricks are employed, the thickest being placed nearest to the fire-place, where is the greatest excess of heat. When a sufficient quantity of the moisture is evaporated, which is indicated by the cessation of apparent effervescence, or the absence of air-bubbles on the surface of the mass, the composition, still called clay, is removed to the flags. If the evaporation were continued longer the clay could not be formed into the required shapes, either on the wheel, or by the vat, but would be, W’hat is called knotty, lumpy. The clay is cut out of the kilns in square masses, by means 400 TIIK OPKRATIVE MECHANIC of spades, and is thrown into a heap, where is attained an uniform temperature of cold and moisture. The longer it can lie after coming off the kiln the better it will be; but the time is arbitrarily varied by the want of room, of time, or of capital. When the clay is first taken off the kiln, it is, partly from the air-bubbles remaining in it, and partly from the non- dissipation of the heat requisite for evaporation, too soft to be worked. On this account it is well incorporated together, or tempered, by beating with wooden mallets. It is then cut into small pieces with a paddle, not much unlike a spade, and from the paddle each piece is, with all the force of the workman, propelled upon the mass. These two operations are repeated until a proper consistence pervades, and the whole is supposed to be well-tempered. Whe*i the clay is required for the thrower the process of slapping follows next. This is performed by a strong man, who places a large mass, about half a hundred-weight, upon a convenient and strong bench. He then, wdth a thin brass wire, cuts the mass through, and taking up the piece thus cut off, he, wdth his utmost strength, casts it down again on the mass below ; and continues the operation as long as is considered necessary. This is a very laborious process, and is absolutely neces- sary to drive out any air-bubbles which may happen to remain in the mass after it has been beaten : for should any be left in the clay the pieces on being fired would blister and spoil, owing to the rarefaction of the air by the heat. On this very important account, the process is continued until the mass, wherever cut by the brass wire, exhibits a surface, perfectly smooth, and homogeneous. In several of the largest manufactories the labour of slap- ping the clay is superseded by mechanical contrivance. A quantity of the mass from the slip- kiln, w hen rather cold, is thrown into a large conical iron vessel, (similar to that em- ployed in breaking the clay,) with strong knives fixed in it, with a given inclination, with corresponding knives radiating from a vertical shaft, moved by the steam-engine wdth a slow and regular motion. By these means, all the clay put into the cone is very minutely separated, and pressed down, as by a screw, so that the mass just cut, and divided, is instantly squeezed together again, and is then similarly affected by other knives below. At the bottom of the cone on one side is a quadrangular aperturej through which the clay is gradually forced, and is by a thin brass wire cut into brick-shaped AND MACHINIST. 461 pieces of from 50 to 60 pounds weight. Sometimes these masses are for particular purposes returned into the cone, and undergo the process a second time. fTedging the clay is a similar process, though never omitted by the presser, or squeezer, however well it may have been beaten by the slip-maker. The presser cuts off, with a thin brass wire, a piece of clay from the mass, which he slaps forcibly between the palms of his hands, and then with great violence throws it on the board; continuing the operation until the commixture is so complete that there is no proba- bility of any air-bubbles remaining. If one of the two first pieces of clay had been white, and the other black, the mass, after undergoing these processes, would present wherever cut a uniform grey colour. It is owing to the mass being properly wedged that that consistency and tenacity is obtained, which enables the workman to employ it with facility and confidence in the fabrication of the different pieces of pottery which he has to make. The clays for vessels require different degrees of wedging ; and some kinds require much more careful and continued wedging than others. The clay may now be considered ready for the thrower. The throwing-wheel, or, with greater propriety, the engine, consists of a large vertical wheel; having a winch or handle affixed to it, and a groove on the rim for the intro- duction of a cord. The whole is fixed upon a strong movable plank, by which the cord can be slackened or tightened at pleasure, and then upon a frame iiea,rly triangular, or half- oval, and about 30 inches in height, with a broad ash hoop placed edgewise on the fore part, about six inches deep. In the centre of this frame is a vertical spindle, with its low'er end fitted and working in a step. A little above this is a pulley, with grooves for three speeds of the propelling- power, connected with the throwing-wheel by means of a cord or belt; and a little higher up is a pivot turned to fit and work in a collar-step. On the upper end is a stout wooden circular top, which revolves horizontally, and is in diameter about seven inches; and other tops of different diameters are in readiness to be fixed on, according to the intended size of the vessel to be made. The engine is set in motion by manual labour, applied at the winch, and another man, called the halier, cuts with a thin piece of brass wire a piece of clay from the mass on the bench, and forms it into a ball, which he gives to the thrower, if china is to be made, the bailer, previously to forming the 462 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC clay into a ball, breaks it in two, and violently slaps it toge- ther between the palms of his hands. The thrower forcibly throws the ball down upon the horizontal revolving top of the engine, and dipping his hands frequently into water, to prevent the clay adhering to them, fashions it into a long thin column, which he again forces down into a lump, and continues to repeat the operation until he is satisfied that the air-bubbles, which might have remained in the clay after the processes of slapping and balling, are dispelled. Tiie thrower now directs the speed of the engine to be lessened, and with his fingers, which he frequently dips in water, he gives the first form to the vessel; then with different profiles^ or rihs^ he forms the inside of the vessel into w^hatever shape may be required, and smoothes it by removing the slimy, or inequalities. If a number of vessels of the same size be required, the thrower has a peg placed as a gauge, which serves to direct him in the width and depth; and when the vessel has two diameters, as the neck and body in a jug, he has two pegs to guide him. The thrower forms all circular vessels in this manner; and he employs different sized ribs to finish the shapes, or swell of the edge, &c. When he has thus given the first form to the clay, he cuts the vessel from the head of the engine, by passing a thin brass wire through the lowest part of the clay, which separates it, and allows it to be easily lifted off, and placed by the bailer on a long board or shelf, where it is left to dry a little preparatory to being turned, or properly smoothed and shaped. Where large vessels are made, and the power of a steam- engine applied, according to Mr. J. Wedgwood's method, a pair of vertical cones is used, the apex of the one being opposite to the vertex of the other. One of these cones is driven directly by the steam-engine, and transmits motion to the other by means of a broad belt or strap of leather, which is always equally tight in any and every part of the cones, because they are equal and reversed ; but it is plain, that the speed of the driven cone will vary much according as the belt is at the top or the bottom of the driving cone. When the belt is at the bottom or thinnest part of the driving cone, the driven cone moves very slowly ; as the belt is made to ascend, the speed of the driven cone increases, and ulti- mately attains its maximum when the belt is at the top. A strap is attached from the driven cone to the spindle of the throwing-engine, and the speed is varied at the thrower’s AND MACHINIST. 465 pleasure, by a boy working a directing winch. When the article is finished, the machine is thrown out of geer. For forming saucers, and other small circular articles, there has been recently introduced a small vertical shaft, called a jigger, on the top of which is a turned head, suited to receive the mould on which the saucers, &c. are to be formed. When the clay is in one peculiar state, called the green state, it is the most suitable and proper for performing to the greatest advantage the remaining operations and processes of turning, handling, trimming, &c. The tuming’dathe is the same as used by wood -turners. The end of the spindle, outside the headstock, has a screw tliread, upon which is screwed chocks of wood, of a tapered form, and of different diameters, according to the size of the interior of the articles of pottery to be turned. The turner stands very steady, and receives from an attendant the vessel to be turned, which he fixes upon the chock, and then with a tool presses the edges close down. The tools are of different sizes, from one quarter of an inch to two inches in breadth, and six inches in length, made of thin iron, like hoop-iron, the end for cutting being turned up about a quarter of an inch, and ground sharp. Motion being commmuiiicated to the lathe, the turner applies his tool or tools to the various parts of the surface that require reduction of substance, either as regards thick- ness, or the suitable shapes of rims, feet, &c. When this is completed, a contrary motion is communicated to the spindle, during which the turner applies the flat part of his tool to the vessel, and by gentle pressure gives it a smooth surface, and solid texture. In the turning-lathes moved by steam some particular arrangements are made. A horizontal shaft runs the whole length of the room ; and opposite to each lathe is a drum, which communicates motion to a set of pulleys, of various sizes, fixed on an arbor or shaft, by means of a leather belt. Upon this arbor, or shaft, is a loose pulley, connected by a crossed belt with a small pulley fixed on the spindle of the lathe, which evidently will, whenever the strap from the drum is directed upon the loose pulley, receive a retrograde motion. The spindle has pulleys counter to those fitted on the arbor, and as they are ever revolving, the directing of the belt from them to the spindle, by a guide moved by the workman’s foot, will increase or diminish the speed during the turning of the vessel under operation; and when it is finished, by moving the drum-strap on another pulley, retro- 4G1 TIIK OPERATIVE MECHANIC grade motion is given, during which the turner smooths off his article, as before noticed. The engine-lathe is of the kind employed to give unto circular articles of hardware a milled edge ; consequently, it differs from the other, or common lathe, in the formation of the end of the spindle, and the appendages to the headstock. Certain thin circular plates of steel, into whose edges are cut, at regular intervals, and of different degrees of breadth, deep incisions, are made to screw very firmly on the end of the spindle above the chock. The collar-step of the spindle is so fitted that it can be effected by a screw pin, which gives it the requisite horizontal shuffling motion. Opposite to the steel-plate is fixed an iron piece that fits into the incisions. The turner’s tools are filed to give the particular form to the designed ornament, and the vessel, having been previously turned in the plain way, receives a shuffling motion back- wards and forwards as the spindle slowly revolves, and only when the incision admits the piece of iron will the vessel be in contact with the tool of the workman. When the iron is against the rim the surface remains untouched by the tool. Numerous very elegant and curiously indented porcelain arti- cles are formed by the engine-lathe. The black Egyptian circular tea-pots will exemplify every species of engine-lathe turning. As the vessels as soon as turned are in the best green state, they are, as soon as possible, passed to the handler, who fixes the spouts, handles, and all other requisite appen- dages. Such spouts, handles, or appendages, as are in any way curved, oval-shaped, or ornamented, are formed in moulds of two or more parts, as will be seen hereafter when speaking of squeezing. For handles, and some other articles of appendage, a press is used, consisting of an iron cylinder, six inches wide, and ten inches deep. This cylinder has a strong bottom, with an aperture in the centre, to which is made to fit differently shaped plugs. It has a piston acting by a screw, that works in a bent iron bow, fastened to the block on which the cylin- der rests. The aperture being supplied with a plug of the required form, some clay is put into the cylinder, and the piston forced down, by turning the screw, which causes the clay to protrude through the aperture in the shape required. The workmen cut it into lengths, as wanted, and bend it into the required form, and when sufficiently dry, affix it to the vessel by slip. Slip is likewise used to affix ail other appendages. When a tube is wanted, a pin is fixed AND MACHINIST. 466 in the clay that protrudes through the aperture of the cylin- der, a pin is fixed above the centre of the plug. The vessel, being allowed a short time to dry, is cleared of all the super- fluous clay by a knife. The vessel is then trimmed with other tools, and the whole of the joints cleaned off with a moist sponge, which, while it carries off all excrescences, gives to the whole uniform moisture. We shall, previously to mentioning the process of squeez- ing, lake notice of the modeller and the mould-maker, whose occupations are very distinct branches of the art. The modeller has great scope for the exertion of natural and acquired ability, taste, and ingenuity : for on him depends the elegance, size, figure, adaptation, and correct arrange- ment of suitable ornaments. His business consists in taking a large lump of well-tempered clay, and modelling it, by continued carvings, with a sharp narrow-bladed knife, into the rough figure : he then commences the trimming process, by removing all excrescences, inserting any additions, and finally with a great variety of suitable tools, made of ivory, wood, or metal, gives to the whole the several touchings and retouchings requisite for finishing. The modellers of the present day have attained much excellence, and as a proof we need only to state, that many who have seen the Portland or Barberini vase (for model- ling of w'hich Mr. Wedgwood is said to have paid Webber the enormous sum of four hundred pounds) declare, that any good modeller would now execute the whole himself in less than a month, and with a proper assistant in a fortnight. The branch of modelling, however, is by far more common now than it was in the time of Mr. Wedgwood j and good workmen obtain fair remuneration for their labour. The mould-maker receives the model, and forms from it the requisite moulds, by employing plaster of Paris. The gypsum or native sulphate of lime plaster is first ground in a mill, similar to a flour-mill. It is then put in a long trough, under which runs a flue communicating with the fire, to effervesce until all the water is expelled. This process is called both boiling and burning. The workman has his mouth and nose always well covered, to prevent his inhaling any of the dusty particles, which would, if taken inwardly, be very prejudicial to the lungs. The mould-maker forms, and secures by a broad strap, a casing of thick clay round the model : he then mixes in a jug, containing a certain quantity of water, the proper portion of the soft impalpable powder or plaster, and stirring it 466 TUB OPERATIVE MECHANIC quickly, that the water may have an opportunity of pervading it thoroughly, pours it upon and around the model : in some instances gently or briskly shaking the mass. Some heat is immediately given out, and the whole very soon becomes a compact mass. After standing a short time, the mould is easily separated from the model, and each part is placed in a stove to be dried. When the moulds are found to be perfect, they are kept dry, by which they retain the property of absorbing moisture with great rapidity, so that the squeezer can often separate his work from them readily, and when this is the case, the mould is said to deliver easily. In some of the principal manufactories large slabs of plaster are fitted up as shelves, which serve the twofold purpose of holding the newly-formed articles, and of facilitat- ing the drying, by absorbing a portion of the moisture. The workman, called the dish-maker, who uses moulds, for dishes, plates, saucers, w\ash-bowls, or hollow ware, always cuts off from the mass a piece of clay according to the size and strength of the article he has to make. This he again cuts asunder, or breaks with his hands, repeating the operation of forcibly slapping them together, to prevent any air- bubbles from remaining in it. The piece is then laid on a flat surface of board, or plaster, and the workman with a heavy lump of clay, with a level under-surface, adapted for holding in the hand, beats the clay to the thinness the vessel is intended to form. These pieces of clay are technically called hats. For wash-bowls, dishes, or plates, the workman, called the whirler, uses a vertical spindle, surmounted with a circular block, ten inches diameter, and about two inches thick. On this he places his plaster-mould, and with a bat lays the clay properly upon it; he then with one hand gives motion to the whole, while with the other, dipped in water, he presses the clay very close to the plaster-mould : then, when any addi- tional piece is required, as the ledge, or foot, it is joined on with slip, and firmly squeezed to the other clay. Afterwards a suitable thin tool or utensil of pot, of the profile of the inside, is applied, to give the proper shape and thinness. The sponge is now again employed to clean ofl* all excres- cences ; the whole is cut to its size, finished with the sponge, and set .to dry a little, and a horn tool is employed to trim it off. The moulds are capable of being used five or six times in succession each day, because as soon as one has been charged and machinist. 407 jt is set in a stove lu dry, and as the workman proceeds regularly, each is allowed equal time for drying. When the bowls, dishes^ or plates, are taken off the moulds, and have been pared round the edge with a thin bladed knife, they are slightly polished by the hand, and afterwards laid on each other in quantities of four, eight, twelve, or more, according to their size and strength, to dry and harden, preparatory to being placed in saggers for the biscuit-oven. The squeezer generally uses moulds which have two or more parts. The moulds for figures have their parts numbered. He takes a bat of a proper size and thickness, and lays it in one part of the mould, then with a large sponge beats and w'ell forces it into all the cavities ; he next takes another part, on which is the bottom, and presses the two parts toge- ther; he then rolls a piece of clay, and forces it into those parts of the article where the mould joins together, and afterwards cleans off all the excrescences, and secures the parts by a leather strap, so that they cannot come asunder while the mould is in the stove, or on the shelf, to dry to the green state. When he takes the strap off, the parts of the mould are carefully separated, and the vessel finished, by the joints being pared, cleaned, and sponged. The spouts, handles, covers, ornaments on the outside, and figures, are similarly formed and finished off. This part of the process was formerly performed by casting; but casting is now only employed for the mos^ elegant irregular shapes, where strength is not important. The very dry mould is well closed together, and strapped for security. Some clay is then mixed with pure water till it be reduced to a pulp of the consistence of cream. This is poured into the mould until it be filled, and the plaster, of which the mould is formed, absorbs the water from the clay that is contiguous to it, and leaves a coating of clay attached to the mould. The pulp is then poured out, and the coating allowed a short time to dry; a second charge of a much thicker consistence is then poured in, and forms a body suffi- ciently thick for the article intended, and when a coating is again formed, the remainder of the pulp is poured off^ and the mould placed a short time near a stove, and wlien suffi- ciently dried is separated, and the article left to dry to the green state : the seams of the joints are then smoothed off, and -the article is finished by the skill of the workman, and when thoroughly dried is placed in a sagger for the biscuit-oven. All the articles made in the clav bv these various processes, 2ii2‘ ' THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 4es after being finished in reference to their shapes, figures, sizesy ornaments, &c. are placed on boards, and left to dry by the temperature of the apartment where they were made, or put into a drying-house, green-house, or stove. The sagger-maker^ is expected to know the exact propor- tions of marl, old ground saggers, and sand, that are required to form the best saggers for either pottery or porcelain. Saggers are of different sizes, shapes, and depths, formed of a very porous composition, and capable of bearing, without being fused, a most intense heat. The bottom of each sagger has a thin layer of fine white sand, to prevent the pieces of pottery touching and adhering to it. For porcelain flat ware, as plates, &c. the sagger is also firmly filled with very dry flint, to preserve each piece in its proper shape. When a sagger is filled with clay ware, on its outer edges are placed thick pieces of coarse clay, called wads from their being employed to wedge or closely join the interstice between two saggers, as well as to support the edges, and preserve equal pressure. Each pile of saggers placed in an oven is called a hung; and the man who places the ware in the saggers, and the saggers in the oven, the oven-man. The potter’s oven, for both biscuit and gloss firings, is very much like that in which bricks and tiles are usually burnt in most parts of the kingdom; that is, a cylindrical form, surmounted by a dome. Around this oven are formed fire- places or mouths, whence the fire passes into horizontal flues in the bottom, and perpendicular flues, called bags, on the inside, and so ascends through all the interstices of the bungs of saggers, until the surplus escapes through the aperture in the dome of the oven. Most ovens are surrounded bj^ a high conical building, called a hovel, large enough to allow the man to wheel coals to the requisite places, and to pass along to supply each mouth with fuel ; and at the same time to protect both him and the oven from rain or any other atmospheric inclemency. The saggers are sometimes placed to dry in the sides of the hovel, and sometimes in a smoke house. The biscuit-oven is always the largest upon the premises. The workman is called the biscuit fireman, and is employed from 48 to 50 hours at a time. The heat is gradually in- *The word “ sagger ” is by many supposed to be a corruption of safe- guard ; bu»t we are disposed to date its origin to the Hebrew, from the word sagar, to burn. It is a baked earthen vessel into which others are placed when put into the kiln. AND MACHINIST. 469 creased throughout the time, but porcelain does not require it so long, as it more readily allows the heat to be raised. In different parts of the oven, where they can be easily ex- tracted, rings of Egyptian black clay are placed, as trials, by which an experienced fireman can tell how much longer the process must be carried on, not within an hour, as indi- cated by Wedge wood’s pyrometer, but within ten minutes. Hence the pottery district has a very pertinent proverb : JVothing beats a trial,’* The name of the ware thus fired is biscuit, because of its being to appearance and feel like ship-bread when well baked; the surface is devoid of any appearance except that of a tobacco-pipe, sometimes tinged by the intense heat. When the saggers are taken out, the articles are carefully sorted, and all injured pieces are rejected. If pottery were used in the biscuit state, it would, in some cases, be permeable to water ; hence wine-coolers, alcazaras, are always in the biscuit state. The best size of wine-coolers is that which just admits the bottle, for then the air of the room can very little affect the water in the cooler, which con- sequently, bypassing from the inner to the outer surface, effects the purpose sooner ; a humid coating being thus presented to the action of the surrounding atmosphere, the evaporation causes a consequent quicker diminution of heat than could take place with a dry surface All articles of pottery which have but one colour, and many that have several, are in general ornamented either by the pencil, or by impressions taken from copper-plates. The former is called blue, or biscuit-painting, the latter blue- printing, Both processes take place on the biscuit, prior to the ware being dipped in the glaze, [f tlie ware were not previously fired, and were capable of being handled about for the painting, the water, used to soften the colours, would soften the ware ; and the impressions from plates could not be clearly, even if at all, transferred to the ware ; water also could not be employed to wash off the paper, and the water which contains the components of the glaze would be ab- sorbed by the clay body, which would by this means be ren- dered so soft as not to preserve its shape in the oven. It has been thought that advantage might result from being able to mix some substance with the clay of enamelled ware, which would resist the action of water, as a suitable glaze might then be first employed, and one firing answer for both the biscuit and the gloss, which would save one operg^ tion, as well as the time, labour, and expense of fuel, THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 470 In blue- painting y the colour is mixed with water and gum, and carefully laid on the biscuit ware. As every stroke leaves a mark in the pores of the vessel, great attention must be paid to the pattern, for a stroke once made can never be rubbed out. After the pattern is finished, the ware i : allowed to dry by the atmosphere, and is then dipped in th : glaze ; it is afterwards exposed to heat in the gloss-oven which fuses the minerals contained in the colours, and give4 to each a coating of true gloss : about 4000 young women are employed in this branch of pottery, and by their industry support themselves in a respectable manner. Blue-printing is the impressions taken from engraved cop- per-plates by means of a rolling-press. The bliie-printer lays the plate upon a stove while the oily colouring substance is rubbed in, and by the heat the metalline particles contained in the oil flow and sink more readily into the engraved lines. The colour is oxide of cobalt, fluxed with different sub- stances, and in suitable proportions, for the pale or dark blues. The superfluous colour is carefully cleaned off the hot plate, which is laid on the press, and covered wuth a piece of coarse tissue paper, which has been first brushed over with a strong lie of soft soap, called sizmg. The whole is now passed through the press, and the heat of the plate dries the paper, renders it more adhesive of colour, and also more easy to be extracted from the plate. The impression when taken oft* the plate is given to a girl, called a cutter^ who cuts it into shapes, and hands the parts to a woman, (the transferrer,) who puts them on the biscuit, and when she has properly arranged them rubs them till the several pieces are completely affixed to the biscuit article : the article is then left for a short time to imbibe the colouring matter ; after which, the paper is well washed off with clean water, and the article is put into a kiln to dissipate the oil. Sometimes the outline of a pattern is printed on the ware, and the colours are afterwards added with a pencil. The earthenware is now ready to receive the smooth coat- ing called glaze or gloss. The employing of this glaze, though in general, is not always, with a design to prevent the vessel from imbibing the liquid that may, at any future time, be poured into it ; because some bodies of earthenware are, before glazed, impermeable to liquids of any kind ; but with a design of accomplishing a more important object, that of hiding the substance of the vessel, which is not always either for fineness of texture or whiteness of colour, of a very pre- MACIHNiSfr. 471 possessing appearance. A coating of glaze would, by its. transparency, only expose these defects ; even if it were sqfiicieiitly contractile and expansile, by sudden changes of temperature, to admit of its being used. Hence is employed a^vitrifiable composition of oxides of lead, glass, tin, &c. some- what resembling common flint glass, readily made fusible by a little alkali and hardened flint, which will, when w ell managed, possess sufihcient opacity, and by applying a certain degree of heat, flow and vitrify, and render fusible any flint or clay in contact with it, and thus not only fill up the pores of the biscuit article, but cover the whole with an opaque coating, that may be regarded as of real flint glass. As the glaze that suits one, composition of ware will not suit another, owing to the difference in kinds as well as pro- portions of materials, it is ever requisite that the components of the glaze be carefully appropriated to the hardness, density, &c. of the components of the clay ; because a good glaze should always possess the property of remaining, after being fired, unaffected by heat or cold, in exactly the same ratio as the clay', else on any sudden change of temperature, there would be a counter action between the body and the glaze. When the article is short-fired, it is always more susceptible of the components of the glassy surface, and becomes al- together crazed, or full of little cracks, which render it perme- able to water, and receptive of oily and greasy, and other heterogeneous substances, and ere long the article will, by constant usage, appear very much like a rotten substance. Crazing is the technical term for the cracking of the glaze, whatever be the cause : whether it arise from excess of al- kali in the materials composing the glaze, the deceptive union of the body and glaze, the unsuitableness of the body to the materials of the glaze, the components of the glaze not being equally fusible at the heat employed, or the beat for the proper fusion of the glaze being too high for the body itself. Mr. Parkes states, that a little lime mixed in the clay will prevent crazing ; but manufacturers are of opinion that the fact is the contrary. Lime will in a slight degree add to the transparency of porcelain, but ever render it liable to craze. If the articles, whether biscuit or gloss, be taken out of the oven before tolerably cool, the temperature of the air will most generally affect them, and especially the glaze, which is not then properly annealed. The glaze is a vitrifiable composition, about the consist- ence of, and in appearance, very much like new cream. It is THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 472 essential tiat it be thin, and when fired, possess a degree of opacity to approach as nearly as possible to, and yet be below the fusibility of the biscuit, that the combination may be more intimate and permanent. Hence its composition varies for each body, consonant with the view and experience of the manufacturer ; and it is very seldom that it can be applied to another body without previously altering its composition. In some instances the cost of glazing is much less than in others ; though economy is sought for in all, and each manu- facturer regards his own as the best and cheapest of the kind for the purpose to which it is employed. Great care is taken that the recipes, which are considered very valuable, be kept as much as possible secret among themselves, to prevent foreign potters availing themselves of them, to the injury of our manufacture. Raw glazes are employed for the common pottery, such as toys, jugs, tea- ware, &c. They are generally composed of white-lead, Cornish-stone, and flint, ground by a hand-mill. We have seen a few raw glazes for porcelain of a very good quality ; but fritt glazes are mostly used, and are of excellent quality. Fritt is derived from a certain combination of different materials being well mixed together, ov fritted, and then cal- cined 3 which procures a union of all the parts, and a solidity and purity not otherwise attainable. The fritt is generally placed where it can be affected by a sufficient heat to fuse all its ingredients, without volatilizing the uncombined alkali. Lynn sand is occasionally one of the ingredients em- ployed in the fritt. Some persons use soda, to render the fritt more fluent while being fired. In some instances, com- mon salt is used along with a portion of potash, which decom- poses it, and drives off part of its impurity. The remaining impurities are driven away in the process of fritting. Let it be remembered, however, that brilliancy of glaze is formed only by lead ', and that the employment of salts ever produces a poor appearance. The calcined fritt is pounded, picked, sifted, and ground to an impalpable powder, after which it is mixed with certain proportions of white-lead and flint, and again ground in a very powerful mill. The finer it is ground, the more serviceable it is for the purpose ; the glaze is every way better, is more level on the ware, more readily and easily fired, of greater brilliancy, and scarcely ever liable to craze. The lead causes the other components to vitrify at a certain iieat : and accordingly as more or less is used, the glazo AND MACHINIST. 473 Oecomes harder or softer. Many objections have been made to its employment : those in reference to vessels for domes- tic purposes we have already noticed j and in reference to the dippers being subject to paralysis (which is supposed to result from the lead,) every aid is afibrded by preventives, and where attention is paid to personal cleanliness, and the water and towel placed for their use are employed, deleterious elfects can seldom be experienced. The materials being w’ell-ground and in a state of fluidity, are next put into the dipping tub. As the materials are heavy it is requisite to keep the powder suspended, and uniformly dispersed through the mass, which w^eighs about 32 oz. per ale-pint. By the side of this tub stands the dipper, and a boy, his assistant. The boy is employed in brushing the articles, and delivering them, one by one, to the dipper, who dips them quickly into the liquid, and as soon as he takes them out, turns them rapidly about, that the thickness of the liquid may be equal in all the parts. The water is imbibed by the porosity of the biscuit, and there is left a coating of the sub- stances, sufficiently hard to continue affixed until the article be placed in the sagger. The article is then placed on a board, another is similarly dipped, and thus it proceeds until the quantity be finished, when the whole are put into saggers. When a flat piece has been dipped, it is placed on a board, in which are a number of nails, about an inch above the sur- face ; the superfluous compound runs ofl^ the remainder quickly dries, and soon admits of being moved ; which effects a saving in fuel and materials, and the articles are better glazed. flollow pieces and blue-printed ware, are placed on hair sieves, or on four pieces of sheet iron, from two to three feet long, called a fiddle ; in three minutes the dipped articles are sufficiently dry to be removed to the board, and a few minutes afterwards to be placed in the saggers. In the inferior earthenware certain metallic oxides, as of copper. See. are mixed with the glaze. These kinds of glazes are distinguished by the name of dips. When the article has been thus dipped, it is finished on a turner’s lathe, to mark what is to be white, and when the appendages are affixed it is dried in the oven. The articles are again put into the saggers to fuse the glaze, and as in this process each would attach itself to the other, were they to come in contact, pieces of clay of different sizes and shapes, called stilts, cockspurs, rings, pins, bats, &c» are put to keep them apart. THK OPERATIVB MECHANIC 4/4 The saggers are, as before, piled in the gloss-ovoi, which seldom holds more than one half the quantity of ware fired in the biscuit-oven. The gloss-Jireman raises the temperature as quickly as possible to a height sufficient to fuse the glaze, which is much lower than the heat of the biscuit-oven and usually keeps it fired from 16 to 19 hours. Trials y made of native red clay, are found very essential in this operation, to prevent the ware being more intensely heated than the biscuit body will bear ; for as clay contracts by every addition of heat, were the heat of the gloss-oven to exceed the heat used for the biscuit, the articles would be further contracted, and would be either crooked in shape, or injured in the glaze. The coating of glaze which adhered to the biscuit is, by this firing, uniformly spread over the surface, the particles are fused altogether, and the ware, when cold, appears to be covered with perfect gloss. As the gloss-oven is sometimes fired to a greater degree of heat than some colours will bear, another process is employed, called enamelUngy because the designs are more elegant in their execution and form, and the colours are burnt into the glaze of the pottery. These designs are of the finest descrip- tion, and are most delicately executed upon the glossy surface. The colours used are generally of a mineral or metallic nature. For blacks^ oxide of umber and cobalt, and a little oxide of copper. The best oxide of iron is produced by causing heated air to act upon iron. ¥ov purples and violets y precipitate of cassius, and oxide of gold. For greens^ oxide of copper, and precipitate of copper. And for hluesy oxide of cobalt. These oxides are all in an impalpable powder, and are mixed with a certain powder as a flux, and are so prepared as never to spread beyond their lines, or injure the drawing while being fired. Each colour is ground with a muller on a large hard stone, and is incorporated with acid of tar, oil of turpentine, or whatever oil may be deemed suitable, and is evaporative. Camel-hair pencils are used to lay the colours on the pottery. As both males and females are employed in this branch, the men are c?\\Qd painters y the women paintresses : but in blue- painting, where no men are employed, the women are called blue-painters. This is the finest and most durable species of painting, and it is capable of being employed for the most elegant and valu • able embellishments, as neither air, nor wear, can affect AND MACHINIST. either the beauty of the design, or the brilliancy of the colours. Gilding requires the precipitate of gold from its solution to be properly mixed with oil of turpentine, and great pains must be taken in laying it on the pieces, which is done in a manner similar to the preceding. When the article is heated, the oxygen flies off and leaves on the ware the gold in a metal- lic state ] but the natural brilliancy of the gold is wanting, consequently, a burnisher of agate, blood-stone, or steel, is applied to the gold, first moistened with flint-water, to pro- cure the bright and shining property of the precious metal, which is, by that means, quickly brought in view. This, when the gold is not too much lowered by fluxing, will scarcely ever tarnish. Black-printing is a very distinct and curious process. The tvorl^man boils a quantity of glue to a certain consistence, and pours it on very smooth dishes, to the thickness of an eighth or a quarter of an inch, according to the size of the plate he may have to use. This, when cold, is cut into sizes lor the plate, called papers ; and he makes as many as he can conveniently use in his routine of working. Then taking a copper-plate, properly engraved, he rubs into it some well-boiled oil, and having properly cleansed the plate, forcibly presses the glue-paper against it ; the latter being firmly fastened to a piece of wood to be held in one hand, and the paper being laid on a boss or cushion held in the other. The oil in the plate adheres by the pressure to the glue-paper, and he carefully, but firmly, presses it and the piece of pottery together 5 then separates them, and with fine cotton slightly sprinkles the colour (which is in an impalpable powder) upon the design left by the oil. After a certain time the oil has evaporated sufficiently to permit all superabundant colour to be 'wiped off, which is done with much delicacy and attention, by using old silk rags, and the black printed pot- tery is placed in the enamel- kiln, where the glaze and colour fuse and incorporate. The enamel-kiln is commonly made in the shape of a chemist’s muffle, from about six to ten feet long, and three to five feet wide ; having from one to four mouths, according to the size of the kiln, and the purposes to which it is applied ; these mouths are made for the admission of fuel. In this kiln the articles are verj^ carefully placed in layers, or thin bats, until the whole be filled ; the mouth is then stopped, and the kiln fired for about eight or ten hours. The articles, when painted, gilded, or blitck printed, are 476 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC subjected to a third firing in the enamel-kiln, which fuses both the glaze and the colours, and the mineral or metallic particles flow and become incorporated into the glassy surface. Lustre ivare consists of an inferior quality of the materials worked into the usual forms, and having the hue of gold, platina, or copper, &c. fixed on the glaze, whose great brilliance, when first made, occasioned it to be thus named. The very easy method of performing the operation, and the quick sale which the articles obtain, has caused it to become so common, and of a quality so inferior, as to be little esteemed by potters. The pottery to receive lustre is made and glazed for the purpose. That for gold lustre is made of the red clay of the district, and when fired gloss, has just a sufficient tint left to give to the articles that peculiar shade of colour observable on viewing them. A very common article of cream-colour is commonly used for the silver lustre. The oxide used for lustre, as gold, platinum, &c. is mixed with some essential oil by the application of heat, and the fluid is brushed over the surface of the articles. Sometimes ornaments are formed on the surface. For this purpose, a thick fluid of soot or lamp-black is laid on the articles, by brushes, according to the patterns, and the articles are then heated in a veiy hot iron oven, and afterwards have the lustre brushed over them. When dry, they are placed in a kiln, similar to that for enamel ware ; which, being carefully fired, dissipates the oxygen, loosens the ornamental article, and re- stores the metallic lustre to a degree almost equal to its primi- tive brilliance ; but in some cases it is of a coppery and steely brilliance. In Messrs. Rileys’ shining black biscuit porcelain, the ware is of a jet black jasper, or porcelain body^ having undergone a high degree of vitrification, which elicits a lustre, or bright vitrified polish on the surface, of the appearance of black coral, without a glaze, which is of considerable importance in point of durability, elegance, and usefulness. It is warranted never to change its elegant quality by time or use, and will clean with water, equal to a piece of the finest porcelain. It has a decided advantage over the dry body, or common Egyptimi black, which is generally scoured and oiled to give the surface a smooth appearance, by which it imbibes dust and becomes offensive, and the substance of which it is com- posed being of a porous nature, it becomes saturated with the li(]uids poured into it, which eventually prove unwholesome, as well as disagreeable to the hands and sight ) the whole of AND MACHINIST. 477 these disadvantages is obviated by Messrs. Rileys’ black lustre, which, being perfectly vitrified, allows no liquid to be imbibed. The direful effects of using lead in the manufacture of pottery are manifest by severe cholics, paratysis of the limbs, and often the untimely death of the workmen ; and yet this dan- gerous mineral forms the glaze of the common red pottery, in which much of the food of the lower classes is prepared. Lead is slightly soluble in animal oil, more copiously in the acids of our common fruits, and more especially when their action is aided by the heat required in cookery. It is not improbable that many of the visceral disorders of the poor, who use such potterj^, are attributable to this little suspected source ; and that it is to procure the temporary removal of the pain occasioned by the action of the lead, that they habituate themselves to the deleterious use of distilled spirits. It was on this view of the subject that the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, were induced to offer their largest honorary premium for the dis- covery of a glaze for such red pottery, composed of materials not any way prejudicial to the health, and which from its cheapness, and fusibility at the comparatively low temperature required by red pottery, might supersede the use of lead in that branch of manufacture. This important object was eventually discovered by J. Meigh, Esq. of Shelton, who was well persuaded of the possibility of its accomplishment, and who, without any other stimulus than a desire to benefit mankind, first fully ascertained what particular objects were contemplated by the Society, and then communicated his successful process ; by which any makers of red pottery, who may choose to depart from long-established usage, which is but too often the greatest obstacle to improvement, may easily remove the source of the mischief, and considerably improve the quality of the ware, and effect a saving in materials in fuel. After this view of the subject, we shall not be required to apologize for giving the process in Mr. Meigh’s own language. The common coarse red pottery, being made of brick- clay, is very porous, and is fired at as low a temperature as possible, to save the expense of fuel, and to avoid fusion, or variation of shape, which would result from highly firing ' common clay ; consequently there is needed a glaze to fill up the pores, that the vessel may contain fluids. This glaze must be very fusible, and cheap ; hence, for transparent vessels, litharge, and for black opaque, common lead ore, are THE OPERATIVE AIECHANIC 478 used. A glaze of lead, whether altogether or in part, is objectionable, because, first, when quickly raised to the tem- perature of boiling water, it cracks from different expansibility of the clay and the glaze, so that the liquid permeates the body of the vessel ; and secondly, the glass of lead, whether alone or mixed with small proportions of earthy matter, is very soluble in vinegar, in the acid juices of fruits, and in animal fat when boiling.’' The injurious effects arising from these have been already stated. Mr. Meigh therefore proposes, that a mixture of red marl, which can be easily ground in water to an impalpable paste, and will remain suspended therein for a long time^ be employed to dip the vessel in, so that its pores may be filled with the fine particles of the marl, preparatory to glazing; which is performed with a mixture, of the con- sistence of cream, of equal parts of black manganese, glass, and Cornish-stone, (chiefly felspar,) well ground and mixed together ; in a white glaze the manganese is omitted. After undergoing this process, the ware is well dried and fired, as usual. Mr. Meigh also proposes a substitute for the materials of the common red pottery, consisting of four parts common marl, one part red marl, and one part brick- clay. The ware made in this way is of a reddish cream-brown, harder, more compact, and less porous, than the red pottery ; more econo- mic^ to the potter, and calculated to contribute in no incon- siderable degree to the health of the lower classes who use the red pottery. The aim of the principal manufacturers has been to obtain the composition of a clay and glaze for porcelain, which, when fired, should be very fine in its tejcture, extremely white in colour, possess considerable transparency, and at the same time be able to bear different degrees of heat and cold. That the reader may understand more fully the several peculiarities which are considered by manufacturers as essential to perfect porcelain, we shall state. That the first and most important quality is a superiority in the whiteness of the porcelain ; that its appearance be free from any specks, and that it be covered with a rich and very v'hite glaze of almost velvet softness in appearance, and of best flint-glass smoothness to the touch. That the second important and essential quality is dura- hilitj/, or a substance whose components will bear, without being injuriously affected, a sudden and rapid increase of temperature, and particularly to sustain unaltei*ed, the action of boiling water. and machinist. 479 T^at the third essential quality is transparency^ which is "admitted to be, in some measure, requisite, but certainly not entitled to that high degree of preference so frequently given to it, the best porcelain being a shade less transparent than n kind much inferior. Formerly, connoisseurs very highly estimated porcelain of a fine granular texture ; but this criterion of excellence cannot always be relied on. To ascertain the texture of an article, it must be fractured, and thereby tacitly destroyed ; the semi-vitrification and closeness of texture observable in one piece will not be so obvious, but there will be a varied appearance in different pieces, though all be fabricated at the same time, and from the same mass of materials. Stone-china is formed of a compound of Cornish-stone and clay, blue clay, and flint ; and with a glaze, consisting of lead, bullet-glass, Cornish-stone, and flint. It is very dense and durable, but less transparent than bone-china ; and is very much used for jugs, and the larger sorts of vessels. Iron-stone china is not very transparent ; but possesses great strength, compactness, density, and durability. It is not much used for tea- ware, but has very suitable properties for dinner and supper services, jugs, and ornaments. It was discovered by Messrs. G. and C. Mason, and has been more productive than any other species of pottery or porcelain. Felspar china, which has been only very recently intro- duced, is the most noted of all the porcelains ; it results from the introduction of certain proportions of a fresh material into both the clay and glaze. Cornish-stone is a species of granite in a state of decom- position, and contains much felspar. Cornish-clay is found in situations where this decomposition is in progress. The decomposing granite is broken up with pickaxes, and the fragments are thrown into running water, whose action washes off, and keeps in suspension, the slight argillaceous particles miscible with that fluid. The water is discharged into pans or pits, where the particles subside, and the water is evapo- rated, formerly by the atmosphere, but now by heated flues passing under the reservoirs. When the water is evaporated, the substance is cut out in square lumps, and placed on shelves to dry, when it becomes extremely white, and in the state of an impalpable powder. It is then packed up in casks, and forwarded to the manufacturers. The clay of the best felspar porcelain is formed of certain 480 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC proportions of china- stone and felspar ; the mixing of th^ proportions requires much attention, for an excess of felspar would cause the vessels to shrink in the biscuit-oven, prior to the fusion of the clayey particles, which causes its trans- parency; and an excess of china-clay would increase the opaqueness. In both cases, the glaze would expand and con- tract in a ratio differing from that of the biscuit, and cause the pieces to be crazed. The fusibility of native felspar is owing to its containing about 13 per cent, of potash, which causes it to be one of the best materials for glazing porcelain. Calcined bone is used, and renders the clay very white ; but it should be employed with judgment, as its great con- tractibility causes the articles wherein it is used to excess, to crack on sudden changes of temperature. Beside the porcelain or china-clay already noticed, the manufactures use four other kinds ; the two first from Devon- shire, the two last from Dorsetshire. The black clay is remarkable for the fact, that the bituminous matter which gives the colour whence it derives its name, flies off by firing ; and the blacker the clay when first dug, the whiter will be the pottery. The cracking clay is used because of its extremely beautiful whiteness when fired ; but it requires very exact proportions of flint, otherwise the ware will crack during the firing of the biscuit. The brown clay burns very white without cracking, and some manufac- turers use much of it ; but as the ware does not so readily imbibe the particles of melting glaze, the liability of the ware to craze causes others to reject it altogether. This clay is with difficulty sifted through the lawn, re- quires much longer weathering, or exposure to the action of the atmosphere, for the separation of its particles, and to prevent crazing, different propor- tions of other materials ; but the greatest objection to it is, that some of the kind sent within these few years has always burned inferior in colour to what it formerly did. The blue clay is the best, and the most expensive. It forms a very white and solid body, and requires a much greater proportion of flint, which considerably improves the quality of the ware ; but the proportions require very strict attention, and a higher degree of biscruit-fire. The cream-coloured i^ottery has its name from the tint of its colour being that of new cream. It is, when well made, and properly fired, very sonorous, sufficiently hard to elicit sparks by the application of steel, and vrill contain liquids without being permeated by them. When it is of good quality, it will resist the action of nitre, glass of lead, and other fluxes, which renders it of great utility in all domestic and chemical processes where great heat is used. Care must be paid to the current of air while the pottery is in contact with fire, otherwise its hardness and density, by preventing its sudden contraction or expansion, renders it very lialile to break. Wedgwood’s cream-coloured pottery is allowed to retain AND MACHINIST. 481 its superiority, neither failing nor crazing through age ; while much of the pottery made by persons of small capital is very subject to both these defects. Cream colour is formed, according to the views of the manufacturers 3 of various proportions of blue and porcelain clays, flint, and Cornish-stone; others add black, or brown, and cracking clays, with little flint and stone. Recent expe- riments prove that pottery of very good quality may be made by mixing from 30 to 40 per cent, of the native clay with bine and porcelain clays, and flint and stone. The glaze for cream-coloured pottery is formed of white lead. Cornish-stone, and flint. The excess of lead renders the glaze more or less yellow, which is remedied by the application of other materials ; the flint gives consistence to the lead during vitrification, and prevents its great fluidity, wliich else would cause it to run down the sides of the ware, and leave certain parts without glaze. The deleterious effects arising from the employ of white lead in the fabrication of vessels used for condiments have been pointed out, as has also the importance of a substitute ; but as the best manufacturers use much Cornish- stone and flint in their glaze, and more especially for those vessels called bakers, the cause of complaint does not attach itself to their pottery. All persons, therefore, who wash their pickles and preserves to be unaffected by this poisonous mineral, should resolve on purchasing their jars from the dealers who have their goods from the most respectable manufacturers, who will readily vouch for the excellence of their articles. It is not sufficiently known, that most of the earthenware sold by hawkers, or pedlars, is of a very inferior and dangerous quality. The components of the clay of which this common earthenware is made, will not bear a fair degree of heat, and in addition to the w'are being short-fired in the biscuit, the glaze is too soft and short-fired; hence, when such earthenware has been used a few times, the hot ^vater requisite for cleans- ing it will cause all its defects to be obvious, and ere long it becomes so crazed as to resemble a rotten substance. This soft and *soft-glazed pottery is easily scratched by a knife ; oily matters standing on it will stain and render it dull ; and vinegar, and other weak acids, will attack and dis • solve the lead. The proper cream colour will bear all of these uninjured, and so small a quantity of lead is used, that, when properly glazed, pernicious effects need not be apprehended* It is the opinion of some very intelligent potters, that the? 2 i' 482 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC total rejection of lead is not compatible with perfection in pottery. The blue-printed pottery is a very popular kind, and most persons who have seen it placed near the preceding, must have remarked that it is of a finer kind, with a very different tint or colour. The best species is in considerable demand for dinner, dessert, tea, and supper services 3 while its cheapness has caused it to supersede almost every kind of ware. The difference is caused by two peculiarities ; one in the clay, arising from the employment of a greater proportion of blue and porcelain clays and flints ; the other in the glaze, from certain components being mixed together, and calcined into a frit, which is often picked and sifted, then ground together with glass and white lead, and mixed with certain proportions of Cornish-stone and flint. One kind of this pottery has its glaze varied to capacitate it for enamelling. The blue printed tea-w^are has recently obtained the name of semi-china^ owing to its being, when wxll fired, very fine, white and neat, and possessing some degree of traiisparency. The chalky pottery is a very excellent and beautiful kind, having a delicate white appearance, of fine texture, and glassy smoothness. The nature of the ciay and the glaze renders it very proper for enamelling, as smalts are introduced, in ac- cordance with the views of the maker, to effect the tints. The'clay is boiled on a plaster-kiln, and consists of certain proportions of porcelain, blue and Welsh clays, pulverized, calcined, or raw flints, Cornish-stone, white enamel, tinged with smalts ; and some persons add calcined bone and plaster of Paris. This ware requires a most ardent fire for the biscuit. The glaze is composed of a frit of glass, Cornish-stone, flint, borax, nitre, red-lead, potash, Lynn sand, soda, and cobalt calx. After fritting, and being well fired, it is ground and mixed together wdth white-lead, glass, flint, and Cornish- stone. fine red pottery is formed of almost equal proportions of yellow brick-clay and the red from Bradwall-wood ; an inferior sort is made for lustre-ware. In the Hall-field colliery, east side of Henley, is found a marl, which, wdien properly prepared, by levigating and drying, will alone form a very beautiful light red, of four distinct shades, according to the intensity of the firing. This was discovered by Mr. G. Jones, in 1814, who commenced a manu- facture of this kind of ornamental pottery for Messrs. Burnett, AND MACHINIST, 483 to be shipped to Holland : but the sudden return of Napoleon from Elba so disconcerted the arrangements^ that the elder Mr. Burnett died suddenly, and Jones did not long survive the disappointment he experienced. The introduction of ochre will change the red to a brown colour. The bamboo, or cane-coloured pottery, is a very beautiful kind, employed chiefly for ornamental articles, and the larger vessels of tea-services. It is never glazed outside, though one kind has the outside vitrified. The insides of tea-ware are well washed with a liquid which forms, when fired, a thin coating of glass. The colour varies from that of a light bamboo to almost a buff : but the prevalent colour is nankeen. The best clay or body is formed of proportions of black marl, brown clay, Cornish-stone, and shavings of cream-coloured potteryi The jasper pottery was invented by Mr. J. Wedgwood. It is extremely beautiful ; and is formed of blue and porcelain clay, Cornish-stone, Cork- stone, (sulphate of barytes,) flint, and a little gypsum, tinged with cobalt calx. The pottery is a superb kind for elegant and tasteful ornaments, and is so much valued, that the workmen are usually locked up, and employed only on choice articles. The components of the clay are blue and porcelain clay, Cornish- stone, a little glass, and red-lead. This forms the best body for apothecaries’ mortars ; but it is more expensive, and more durable, than the common mortar body. The black F^gyptian pottery is now so very popular for tea-services, that few persons are ignorant of what is meant by this denomination. Its components are cream-coloured slip, manganese, and ochre ; sometimes glazed with, lead, Cornish- stone, and flint ; and the inside is washed with white-lead, flint, and manganese. It w'as the custom formerly to grease the outside with butter or suet, to give it a bright appearance. The ochreous material is obtained from the water that is pumped out of the collieries. This water is carried along channels in which are placed small weirs, to afford an oppor- tunity for the precipitation of the sediment. When a sufficient quantity has accumulated, the w^ater is diverted, the weirs are emptied, and the thick fluid is thrown into small pools, called sun-pans, whence the moisture is evaporated by the solar heat. This substance is afterwards burned with small- coal, which renders it proper for use. The unpleasantness of the grease, requisite to give bright- ness to the black, having been a subject of general complaint, 2 I 2 484 THU OPERATIVE MECHANIC Messrs. Rilc\^j of Burslem, were induced to attempt to remedy^ it ; the result of which was, the invention of a new black porcelain, with a bright burnished, vitrescent appearance, superior to any other kind of dry-body pottery. It never imbibes dust, or absorbs moisture; and it can be cleaned with water equally as well as the finest porcelain, and always retains the appearance of a beautiful black coral. The drah pottery is useful for articles which require strength to be united to ornament, as fiower-pots, water-jugs, &c. It is formed of blue, porcelain, and Bradwall-wood clays, Cornish- stone, and black marl, mixed with nickel ; one kind is made of turners’ shavings of cream-coloured ware made into slip, and mixed with nickel. The inside is rendered white by a wash of slip, flint, and porcelain clay. It has for some time been usual for ladies of taste and acquirements in the fine arts, to purchase porcelain in its^ glazed state, for the exercise of their talents and ingenuity in ornamenting their own tea-services. This very pleasing amusement is often aided by manufacturers, who readily afford every assistance in their power to facilitate the easy enamelling of such services ; they supply proper mineral colours, and the rectified oil of amber, for the best purposes, and the best oil of turpentine for others ; and they attend to the proper firing of the enamel, burnish the gold, and dress off the whole for the table. Tlie different combinations of materials appear to be of less importance in the fabrication of good pottery, than due regard to weli-determined proportions. All clays have some proportions, more or less, of metallic matter, which cause great difference in their appearance, and the effects produced on them by fire. All clays vary in colouring according to the ardency of the fire ; hence the oven-man’s greatest care is, to place the saggars in the most appropriate parts. Iffie chief ingredients are clay and flint ; for no pottery will be perfect unless made of suitable clay, with a definite proportion of flint. The great difficulty is to unite beauty and goodness in the same composition. If too much flint be used, the pottery, after being fired, wffll crack on exposure to the air ; and if too little, the glaze will not be retained on it after firing. Every kind of clay that is dried alone will crack; for if pure argillaceous earth be made sufficiently soft to be w’rought on the potter’s wheel, it will, while drying, shrink one inch in tw^elve, which will inevitably cause it to craze. Pure clay (alumina) is always opaque, and the flint (silica) always transparent ; but both are prepared previously to AND MACHINIST. 485 being used. Alumina will unite with silica in the humid way, and form a paste, which, when dry, will resist decom- position by atmospheric affection. Experienced manufacturers know that they can easily compound clays which will fire very white, be beautifully semi-transparent for porcelain, and bear to be covered with a shining glaze ; but they will prove deficient in tenacity for working, want proper compactness and density, break by sudden applications of heat and cold, and the glaze, because too soft, will crack, become rough, and lose its lustre. Again, they compound clays which have suitable tenacity for working, become very hard and dense without fusing by being fired, sustain, uninjured, sudden changes of excess of temperature, and are yet deficient in the requisite whiteness, fineness of texture, beauty, and transparency. Some clays of this descrip- tion are manufactured. Having proceeded thus far, the reader may feel surprised that we have not accompanied our observations with recipes for the manufacture of the several kinds of pottery, as is cus- tomary in works of this description ; but these, w^e can assure him, are, as far as we have seen, erroneous ; and, indeed, the manufacturers are so very silent upon this head, that the exact proportions of the components of bodies, glazes, and colours, cannot easily be obtained. We shall therefore con- clude this article by stating, that the district called the Potteries,” is an extensive tract of comitry in the hundred of North Pyrehill and county of Stafford, comprehending an area of about eight miles long, and six broad ; and that the principal towns and hamlets contained wdthin the limits of the Pottery are Stoke, Henley, Shelton, Golden-hill, New- field. Smith-field, Tunstall, Long-port, Burslem, Cobridge, Etruria, Lune-End, Lower Lune, and Lune- Delft. 486 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC HOROLOGY In the early ages, time was measured either by the sun- jdial or clepsydra ; in the former, by the shadow of a wire, or of the upper edge of a plane, erected perpendicularly on the dial, falling upon certain lines meant to indicate the hour ; in the latter, by the escape of water from a vessel through a small orifice, which vessel had certain marks upon it to show the time the vessel was discharging. These modes are now superseded by the use of clocks, watches, and chronometers, which indicate time by the move- ment of machinery. Under this general head of Horology, therefore, we propose to treat of the structure of the several kinds of machines now used for the exact measurement of time ; in doing which, the article will of necessity be divided into three sub-heads. Clocks, Watches, and Chronometers ; and to them will be annexed two others, treating of some of the best kinds of pendulums and escapements. CLOCKS. Clocks are certain machines, constructed in such a manner, and so regulated by the uniform action of a pendulum, as to measure time, in larger or smaller portions, with great exact- ness Fig. 489 represents the profile of a clock. P is a weight suspended by a rope that winds about the cylinder or barrel C, which is fixed upon the axis a a; the pivots b b go into holes made in the plates TS, T S, in wliich they turn freely. These plates are made of brass or iron, and are connected by means of four pillars Z Z, and the whole together is called the frame. The weight P, if not restrained, would necessarily turn the barrel C with an uniformly accelerated motion, in the same manner as if the weight were falling freely from a height ; but the barrel is furnished with a ratchet-wheel K K, the right sides of whose teeth strike against the click, which is fixed with a screw to the wheel D D, as represented in fig. 490, so that the action of the weight is communicated to the wheel D D, the teeth of which act upon the teeth of the small wheel d, which turns upon the pivots c c. The communication or action of one wheel with another is called the pitching ; a small wheel like d is called a pinion^ and its teeth the leaves of the pinion. Several things are requisite to form a good pitching, the advantages of which are obvious in all machinery where teeth and pinions are employed. The. teeth and pinion-leaves should be of a proper shape, and perfectly equal among themselves ; the size also of the pinion should be of a just proportion to the wheel acting upon it ; and its place must be at a certain distance from the wheel, beyond or within which it will make a bad pitching. The wheel E E is fixed upon the axis of the pinion d ; and the motion communicated to the wheel D D by the weight is transmitted to the pinion ft StoMey sc 3St StrsAd AND MACHINIST. 487 d, coi^equently to ttie whesl E E, as likewise to the pinion e, and wheel FF which moves the pinion/, upon the axis of which the crown or balance wheel G H is fixed. The pivots of the pinion / play in holes of the plates L M, which are fixed horizontally to the plates T S. In short, the motion begun by the w'eight is transmitted from the wheel G II to the pallets I K, vUnd by means of the fork UX, rivetted on the pallets, communicates motion to the pendulum A B, which is suspended upon the hook A. The pendulum A B describes, round the point A, an arc of a circle, alternately going and returning ; if, therefore, the pendulum be once put in motion by a push of the hand, the weight at B will make it return upon itself, and it will continue to go alternately backward and forv/ard till the resistance of the air upon the pendulum, and the friction at the point of suspension at A, destroys the originally impressed force. But as, at every vibration of the pendulum, tlie teeth of the balance-wlieel G H act so upon the pallets I K, (the pivots upon the axis of these pallets play in two holes of the potence s t,) that after one tooth, H, has communicated motion to the pallet K, that tooth escapes, then the opposite tooth, G, acts upon the pallet I, and escapes in the same manner ; and thus each tooth of the wheel escapes the pallets I K, after having communicated their motion to the pallets in such a manner that the pendulum, instead of being stopped, continues to move. The wheel E E revolves in an hour. The pivot c of the wheel passes through the plates, and is continued to r ; upon the pivot is a wheel N N, with a long socket fastened in the centre ; upon the extremity of this socket, r, the minute-hand is fixed. The wheel N N acts upon the w^heel O, tlie pinion, p, of which acts upon the wheel g g, fixed upon a socket which turns along with the wheel R. The wheel gg makes its revolutions in twelve hours, upon the socket of which the hour-hand is fixed. From the foregoing description it is evident^ first, that the weight P turns all the wheels, and at the same time continues the motion of the pendulum ; secondly, that the quickness of the motion of the wheels is determined by that of the pen- dulum ; and thirdly, that the wheels point out the parts of time divided by the uniform motion of the pendulum. When the cord from which the weight is suspended is entirely run down from off the barrel, it is wound up again ];y means of a key, which goes on the square end of the arbor at Q, by turning it in a contrary direction from that in which the weight descends. For this purpose, the inclined side of the teeth of the wheel II, fig. 490, removes the click C, so that the ratchet-wheel, K, turns while the wheel D is at rest ; but as soon as the cord is wound up, the click falls in between the teeth of the wheel D, and the right side of the teeth again act upon the end of the click, which obliges the wheel T> to turn along with the barrel, and the spring A keeps the click between the teeth of the ratchet-wheel R. We shall now explain how time is measured by the pen- dulum ; and how the wheel E, upon the axis of which the minute-hand is fixed, makes but one precise revolution in an hour. The vibrations of a pendulum are performed in a shorter or longer time in proportion to the length of the pen- 488 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC dulum itself. A pendulum of 3 feet French lines in length makes 3,600 vibrations in an hour, that is, each vibration is performed in a second of time, and for that reason it is called R seco7uls pendulum ; but a pendulum of 9 inches 2\ French lines makes 7j200 vibrations in an hour, or two vibrations in a second of time, and is called a half-second pendulum. Hence, in constructing a wheel whose revolution must be performed in a given time, the time of the vibrations of the pendulum, which regulates its motion, must be consi- dered. Supposing, then, that the pendulum A B makes 7^200 vibrations in an hour, let us consider how the wheel E shall take up an hour in making one revolution. This entirely depends on the number of teeth in the wheels and pinions. If the balance-wheel consists of SO teeth, it will turn once in the time that the pendulum makes 60 vibrations ; for at every turn of the wheel, the same tooth acts once on the pallet I, and once on the pallet K, which occasions two separate vibrations in the pendulum ; and the wheel having 30 teeth, it occasions twice 30 or 60 vibrations. Consequently, this wheel must perforin 120 revolutions in an hour, because 60 vibrations, which it occasions at every revolution, are con- tained 120 times in 7/200, the number of vibrations performed by the pendulum in an hour. In order to determine the number of teeth for the wheels E F, and the pinions e/, it must be remarked, that one revolution of the wheel E must turn the pinion e as many times as the number of teeth in the pinions is contained in the number of teeth in the wheel. Thus, if the wheel E contains 72 teeth, and the pinion e six, the pinion Vv'ill make 12 revolutions in the time that the wheel makes one ; for each tooth of the wheel drives forward a tooth of the pinion, and when the six teeth of the pinion are moved, a complete revolution is performed; but the wheel E has by that time only advanced six teeth, and has still 66 to advance before its revolu- tion be completed, which will occasion 11 more revolutions of the pinion. For the same reason, the wheel F having 60 teeth, and the pinion/ six, the pinion will make 10 revolutions while the wheel performs one. Now the wheel F, being turned by the pinion , which has six teeth, and which acts upon the wdieel gg, of teeth ; consequently the pinion p makes 12 revolutions while the wheel gg makes one, and of course thew’heel^'^ takes 12 hours to one revolution; and upon the socket of this wheel the hour-hand is fixed. Ail that has been here stated concerning revolutions is equally applicable to watches as to clocks. Clock-work, properly so called, is that part of the move- ment which strikes the hours, &c. on a bell ; in contradis- tinction to that part of the movement of a clock or ^vatch which is designed to measure and exhibit the time on a dial- plate, and v/hich is termed watch-work. Fig. 491 represents the clock part. II is the first or great wheel, moved by means of the weight or spring at the barrel G. In 16 or 34 hour clocks, this wheel has usually pins, and is called the piii-ivheel; and in eight-day pieces, the second wheel, I, is commonly the pin-wheel, or striking-wheel, and is moved by the former. Next the striking-wheel is the detent-wheel, or hoop-wheel, K, having a hoop almost round it, wherein is a vacancy at which the clock locks. The next is the third or fourth wheel, according to its distance from the first, called the tvarning-wheel, L. TJie last is the flying-pinion, Q, with a fly or fan, to gather air, and so bridle the rapidity of the clock’s motion. To these must be added the pinion of report, which drives round the locking-wheel, called also the count-ivheel, which has, in general, eleven notches, placed at unequal distances, to make the clock strike the hours. Besides the wheels, to the clock part belongs the rash or ratch, which is a kind of wheel with twelve large fangs, running concentrical to the dial-wheel, and serving to lift up the detents every hour, and make the clock strike ; the detents, or stops, which being lifted up and let fall, lock and unlock the clock in striking ; the hammer, as S, which strikes the bell R ; the hammer- tails, as T, by which the striking-pins draw back the hammers ; latches, whereby the work is lifted up and unlocked ; and lifting-pieces, as P, which lift up and unlock the detents. We shall now proceed to give a description of an ingenious 490 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC clock, contrived by the late Dr. Franklin, of Philadelpina, that showed the hours, minutes, and seconds, with only three wheels and two pinions in the whole movement. The dial-plate of this clock is represented by fig. 492. The hours are engraved in spiral places, along two diameters of a circle, containing four times 60 minutes. The index A goes round in four hours, and counts the minutes from any hour it has passed by to the next following hours. The time as appears in the figure is either 32§ minutes past 12, or past 4, or past 8 ; and so on in each quarter of the circle, pointing to the number of minutes after the hours the index last left in its motion. Now, as one can hardly be four hours mistaken in estimating the time, he can always tell the true hour and minute by looking at the clock, from the time he rises till the time he goes to bed. The small hand B, in the arch at top, goes round once in a minute, and shows the seconds as in a common clock. Fig. 493 shows the wheel-work of the clock. A is the first or great wheel; it contains 160 teeth, goes round in four hours, and the index A (fig. 492) is put upon its axis, and moved round in the same time. The hole in the index is round ; it is put tight upon the round end of the axis, so as to be carried by the motion of the wheel, but may be set at any time to the proper hour and minute, without affecting either the wheel or its axis. This wheel of 160 teeth turns a pinion, B, of ten leaves ; and as 10 is but a sixteenth part of 160, the pinion goes round in a quarter of an hour. On the axis of this pinion is the wheel C of 120 teeth ; it also goes round in a quarter of an hour, and turns a pinion D, of eight leaves, round in a minute ; for there are 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour, and 8 times 15 is 120. On the axis of this pinion is the second-hand B, (fig. 492, and also the common wheel E, fig. 493, of 30 teeth, for moving a pendulum (by pallets) that vibrates seconds, as in a common clock. This clock is not designed to be wound up by a winch, but to be drawn up like a clock that goes only thirty hours. For this purpose, the line must go over a pulley on the axis of the great wheel, as in a common thirty-hour clock. One inconvenience attending this clock is, that if a person wake in the night, and look at the clock, he may possibly be mistaken in the four hours, in reckoning the time by it, as the hand cannot be upon any hour, or pass by any hour, without being upon, or passing by, four hours at the same time. In order, therefore, to avoid this inconvenience, tlie ingenious Mr. Ferguson contrived the following method. In fig. 494, the dial-plate of such a clock is represented ; in which there is an opening, a h c d, below the centre. Through this opening, part of a flat plate appears, on which the 12 hours are engraved, and divided into quarters. This plate is contiguous to the back of the dial -plate, and turns round in 12 hours ; so that the true hour or part thereof, appears in the middle of the opening, at the point of an index. A, which is engraved on the face of the dial-plate. B is the minute-hand^ as in a cdmmon clock, going round through all the 60 minutes on the dial in an hour ; and in that time, the plate seen through the opening abed shifts one hour under the fixt, engraven index A. By these means the hour and minute may be always known at whatever time the dial-plate i? viewed. In this plate is another opening, efgh, through which the seconds are seen on a fiat AND MACHINIST. 491 movable ring, almost contiguous to the back of the dial-plate, and as the ring turns round, the seconds upon it are shown by the top point of a fleur-de-lis C, engraved on the face of the dial-plate. Fig. 495 represents the wheels and pinions in this clock. A is the first or great wheel; it contains 120 teeth, and turns round in 12 hours. On its axis is the plate on which the 12 hours above-mentioned are engraved. This plate is not fixed on the axis, but is only put tight upon a round part thereof, so that any hour, or part of an hour, may be set to the top of the fixed index A, fig. 494, without affecting the motion of the wheel. For this purpose, twelve small holes are drilled through the plate, one at each hour, among the quarter divisions ; and by putting a pin into any hole in viewg the plate may be set, without affecting any part of the w^heel-work. This great wheel A, of 1 20 teeth, turns a pinion B, of ten leaves, round in an hour; and the minute-hand B, fig. 494, is on the axis of this pinion, the end of the axis not being square but round, that the minute-hand may he turned occasionally upon it without affecting any part of the movement. On the axis of the pinion B is a wheel C of 120 teeth, turning round in an hour, and turning a pinion D, of six leaves, in three minutes ; for three minutes is a twentieth part of an hour, and 6 is a twentieth part of 120. On the axis of this pinion is a wheel E of 90 teeth, going round in three minutes, and keeping a pendulum in motion that vibrates seconds, by pallets, as in a common clock, where the pendulum-wheel has only 30 teeth, and goes round in a minute. But as this wheel goes round only in three minutes, if it be wanted to show the seconds, a thin plate must be divided into 3 times 60, or 180 equal parts, and numbered 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60; and fixed upon the same axis with the wheel of 90 teeth, so near the back of the dinl-plato, as only to turn round without touching it : and these divisions will show tlie seconds through the opening efgli in the dial-plate, as they slide gradually round below the point of the fixed fleur-de-lis C. As the great wheel A, and pulley on its axis, over wliicli the cord goes, (as in a common thirty-hour clock,) turns round only once in twenty-four hours, this clock will go a week witli a cord of common length, and always have the true hour, or part of that hour, in sight at the upper end of the fixed index A on the dial-plate. There are two advantages which Mr. Ferguson's clock has beyond Dr. Franklin's : but it has two disadvantages of which his clock is free. For in this, although the twelve-hour wheel turns the minute index B, yet if that index be turned by hand to set it to the proper minute for any time, it wall not move the twelve-hour plate to set the corresponding part of the hour even with the top of the index A : and therefore, after having set the minute index B right by hand, the hour-plate must be set right by means of a pin put into the small hole in the plate just below the hour. It is true there is no great disadvantage in this ; but the pendulum -wheel having ninety^ teeth instead of the common number thirty, may probably make some difference to the scapement, on account of the smallness of the teeth ; and it is certain that it will cause the 492 THE Oi’ERATIVE MECHANIC pendulum-ball to describe but small arcs in its vibrations, Some men of science think small arcs are best ; but where- fore we know not. For whether the ball describes a large or a small arc^ if the arc be nearly cycloidal, the vibrations will be performed in equal times ; the time therefore will depend entirely on the length of the pendulum-rod, not on the length of the arc the ball describes. The larger the arc is, the greater the momentum of the ball; and the greater the momentum is, ib.e less will the time of the vibrations be affected by any unequal impulse of the pendulum- wheel upon the pallets. The greatest objection to Mr. Ferguson’s clock is, that the weight of the fiat ring on which the seconds are engraved, ' will load the pivots of the axis of the pendulum-wheel with a great deal of friction, which ought by all possible means to be avoided ; and yet one of these clocks, recently made, goes very well, notwithstanding the weight of this ring. This objection, however, can easily be remedied by leaving it out; for seconds are of very little use in common clocks not made for astronomical observations; and table clocks never have them. Having thus described this clock, we shall next proceed to give a description of a clock, by the same ingenious mechanic, for showing the apparent daily motions of the sun and moon, the age and phases of the moon, with the time of her coining to the meridian, and the times of high and low water, by having only two wheels and a pinion added to the common movement. Mr. Ferguson’ s clock for exhibiting the apparent daily motions of the sun and moon^ and state of the tides, B^c. The dial-plate of this clock is represented by fig. 496. It contains all the twenty-four hours of the day and night. S is the sun, which serves as an hour index, by going round the dial-plate in twenty-four hours ; and M is the moon, which goes round in twenty-four hours fifty minutes and a half, from any point in the hour circle to the san\e point again, which is equal to the time of the moon’s going round in the heavens, from the meridian of any place to the same meridian again. The sun is fixed to a circular plate, as fig. 497, and carried round by the motion of the plate, on which the twenty-four hours are engraven, and within them is a circle divided into twenty-nine and a half equal parts for the days of the moon’s age, accounted from the time of any new moon to the next after ; and each day stands directly under tlie time (in the twenty-four hour circle) of the moon’s coming to the meridian, the twelve under the sun standing for mid-day, and the opposite tv^elve for mid-night. Thus, when the moon is eight days old, she comes to the meridian at half an hour past six in the afternoon ; and when she is sixteen days old, she comes to the meridian at one o’clock in the morning. The moon M, fig. 496, is fixed to another circular plate, of the same diameter with that which carries the sun; and 496 FL.74 AND MACHINIST. 493 tliis moon-plate turns round in twenty-four hours fifty minutes and a halfi It is cut open, so as to show some of the hours and days of the moon’s age ; on the plate below it that carries the sun, and across this opening at a and h are two short pieces of small wire in the moon-plate. The wire a shows the day of the moon’s age, and time of her coming to the meridian, on the plate below it that carries the sun ; and the ware h shows the time of high water for that day, on the same plate. These wires must be placed as far from one another, as the time of the moon’s coming to the 'meridian dilfers from the time of high-water at the place where the clock is intended to serve. At London-bridge it is high water when the moon is two hours and a half past the meridian. Above this plate that carries the moon, there is a fixed plate N, supported by a wire A, the upper end of which is fixed to that plate, and the lower end is bent to a right angle, and fixed into the dial-plate at the low'ermost or midnight tw’elve. This plate may represent the earth, and the dot at L, London, or any other place at which the clock is designed to show the limes of high and low water. Around this oiate is an elliptical shade upon the plate that carries the moon M ; the highest points of this shade are marked High Water and the lowest points Low Water : as this plate turns round below the fixed plate N, the high and low’ w’ater points come successively even with L, and stand just over it at the times w’hen it is high or low’ w’ater at the given placed which times are pointed out by the sun S, among the twenty-iour hours on the dial-plate : and, in the atch of this plate, above twelve at noon, is a plate H, that rises and falls as tlie tide does at the given place. Thus, when it is high water, (suppose at London,) one of the highest points of the elliptical shade stands just over L, and the tide place II is at its greatest height : and w hen it is low W'ater at London, one of the lowest points of the elliptical shade stands over L, and the tide place 11 is quite dow’n, so as to disappear beyond the dial-plate. As the sun S goes round the dial-plate in 24 hours, and the moon M goes round it in 24 Irours 50§ minutes, the mmon goes so much slower than the sun as only to make 28f revolutions in the time the sun makes 29f ; and therefore the moon’s distance from the sun is continually changing; so that at w’hatever time the sun and moon are together, or in conjunction, in 29i- days afterwards they w’ill be in conjunction again. Consequently the plate that carries the moon moves so much slower than the plate that carries the sun, as always to make the wire a shift over one day of the moon’s age on the sun’s plate in 24 hours. In the plate that carries the moon, there is a round hole ?a, through w’hich the phase or appearance of the moon is seen on the sun’s plate, for every day of the moon’s age from change to change. When the sun and moon are in conjunction, the whole space seen through the hole m is black : when the moon is opposite to the sun (or full) all that space is white ; when she is in either of her quarters, the same space is half black and halfw’hite; and different in all other positions, so as the w’hite part may resemble the- visible or enlightened part of the moon for every day of her age. To show these various appearances of the moon, there is a black shaded space, fig. 497, as N /F i, on the plate that carries the sun. Wl\en the sun and moon are in conjunction, the whole space seen through tne round hole is black, as at N ; when the moon is full, opposite to the sun, all the space seen through the round hole is white,- as at F ; when the moon is in her first quarter, as at f, or in her last quarter, as at I, the hole is only half shaded ; and more or less accordingly for each position of tne moon, with regard to her age ; as is abundantly plain by the figure. The wheel-work and tide-w’ork of this clock arc represented by fig. 498, 494 THE OrERATIVE MECHANIC iu which A and B are two vvheels of equal diameters. A has 57 teelli, its axis is hollow, it comes through the dial of the clock, and carries the sun-plate with the sun, S, in fig 496. B has 59 teetli, its axis is a solid spindle, turning within the hollow axis of A, and carrying the moon-plate W'itli the moon, M, in fig. 496. A pinion C, of 19 leaves, takes into the teeth of both the wheels, and turns them round. Tliis pinion is turned round, by the common clock-work, in eight hours, and as 8 is a third part of 24, so 19 is a third part of 57 ; and therefore the wdieel A of 57 teeth, that carries the sun, will go round in 24 hours exactly. But as the same pinion C (that turns the wheel A of 57 teeth) turns also the w'heel B of 59 teeth, this last wheel will not turn round in less than 24 hours 50 ^ minutes of time ; for as 57 teeth are to 24 hours, so are 59 teeth to 24 liours 50§ minutes, very nearly. On the back of the moon-wheel of 59 teeth is fixed an elliptical ring D, which, as it turns round, recoils and lets down a lever EF, whose centre of motion is on a pin at F ; and this, by means of an upright bar G, raises and lets down the tide-plate H, twice in the time of the moon’s revolving from the meridian to the meridian again. The upper edge of this plate is shown at H, in fig. 496, and it moves betv/een four rollers, R R R R, in fig. 498. Mr. Ferguson states that he made one of these clocks to go by the movement of an old watch in the following manner: to the end of the axis of the first or great wheel of a watch, which goes round in four hours, he put a wheel of 20 teeth to turn a wheel of 40 teeth on the axis of the pinion C : by which means, that pinion turned round in eiglit hours, the wheel A in 24 hours, and the wheel B in 24 hours 50:V minutes. The writer of the different branches of 14 orology in Dr. Rees ’s Cyclopccdia states, that there is an inaccuracy in the numbers of the wheel-work adopted in the dial-work of this clock, which would render it too imperfect to be used for a consider- able length of time without a new rectification, even provided the motions of the sun and moon, or, more properly speaking, of the earth and moon, were quite equable, as the construc- tion supposes, which inaccuracy, he states, may thus be explained. “ As tlie pinion of 19 drives both the wheels of 57 and 59, when the former has performed a revolution in a solar day, the latter falls two teeth short of a revolution, which it completes not until two teeth of the second revolution of the wheel 57 have been again impelled, so that in every 24 hours the little moon loses of its revolution, which is a part of a relative retrograde motion, as it regards any point for instance, the upper hour xii, in the solar- plate, so that as often as 2 are contained in 59, so many day-spaces must there be on tlie solar-plate, figured in a retrograde direction, as the figures regard the principal plate ; but the value of is 294 exactly, which number of days measures the lunation according to these wheels exactly : there is, therefore, a monthly error of 44™ 3® almost, which will amount to nearly an entire day in the short space of about 32 lunations. “ But there is, moreover, a practical objection to the two wheels, 57 and 59, being both driven by the same pinion of 19, which is, that being of the same diameter, the distance between their teeth is not the same in both, one AND MACHINIST. 495 behio- and the other : of a semicircle, supposing their teetli and spaces to be respectively equal to one another, but if both wheels are cut in the cutting-engine by the same cutter, the inequality will fail in the teeth entirely ; in either cases, the action of one of the teeth must be bad if the other is properly proportioned, and periodic jerks vrill be the consequence, which, in wheel-work going by a clock or watch movement, ought to be avoided. Whether or not Mr. Ferguson had the dial of the clock at Hampton Court in his eye when he contrived the simple mechanism of this clock, we will not undertake to affirm; but we think it extremely probable that he had, particularly as he has copied the position of the annular train in another of his clocks. Being in the habit of calculating numbers proper for representing given periods of time in clocks, watches, orreries, &c. w e have turned our thoughts towards the improvement of this clock, as well as of other pieces of mechanism, so far as relates to accuracy ; and beg leave to lay before the reader the alteration that has occurred to us, for rendering the clock before us more perfect than it is in the state above described. “When describing the Hampton Court clock, we endeavoured to prove that when the moon’s age is indicated by the difference of the velocities of the two hands, moving in the same direction, and representing the sun and moon, the latter ought to pass the xii o’clock point, on each day 50“ 473 nearly later than on the preceding day ; but by Mr. Ferguson’s calcu- lations we see the daily retrogradation is 50™ 526, and the difference .053 amounts to an entire day’s motion in a little more than 952 days ; or somewhat upwards of 32 lunations, as we have stated. What therefore we want, in this case, is a couple of divisible numbers that shall be to each other very nearly in the ratio of 24^ to 24^' 50™ 473, which numbers, by a peculiar arithmetical process become farhiliar to us by practice, wm have determined to be 2368 : 2451. These are the nearest possible numbers that can be got without ascending higher in the scale of continual ratios, and are luckily capable of reduction into composite numbers thus ; 2368 taken as a product is equal to 74 x 32 and 2451 = 57 x 43 ; therefore the train X fA wall be the wheel-work required ; the solar wffieel of 74 teeth being made to revolve with a tube as an arbor in 24 hours, by the clock move^ ment, must impel the wheel of 43 placed on a stud, or otherwise on the front plate of the frame, at one side of it, and this wheel of 43 must have the next driver, 32, pinned to it, to impel the last wheel, 57, or lunar wheel, placed on a solid arbor, concentrically behind the solar wheel, according to Mr. Ferguson’s position, and the dials and other designs of the clock face may remain precisely as described ; so that instead of the pinion of 19 impelling two unequal wheels at once, we shall have a pair of small w'heels pinned together, one impelled by, and the other impelling its fellow, where the motion must be taken from an arbor of twelve hours, carrying a wheel of 37 to actuate the 74 in twenty-four hours, instead of from one of eight hours, as Mr. Ferguson proposed ; w'hich mode is equally practicable. “ As a proof of the accuracy of our calculation, we have by direct propor- tion as 2368 ; 2451 : • 24^: 24 ^ 50™ 4729729, &c : hence the deviation from the data is here only 0000271 of a minute in each lunar day, which will not amount to an error of an entire day in less than 1,862,472 such days, and therefore, may be assumed as no bad substitute of the truth itself ; see- ing the clock will never be expected to go so long without clearing or stop- page from some external cause. “ Should it occur to the reader that 32 lunations constitute a period long enough for the clock of Mr, Ferguson to go, before a new rectiheation, w’e beg leave to suggest to him, that in the space of a lunar day there are two THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 406 tides and two ebbs, consequently an error of three-quarters of an hour in eacli lunation will place the tide-plate H, three hours wrong in the space of about four months, and in nearly eight months an high water will be changed into low water, and the reverse in the next eiglit months, which is certainly an indispensable error. “ That the clock-maker may not be at a loss how to apply the remedy we have proposed for the inaccuracy of Mr. Ferguson’s solar and lunar wheels, we shall conclude our description of the clock before us with an account of the exact dimensions of the parts proposed to be substituted. If we take tire wiieel of communication of 37 teeth at 12 per inch, measured at the pitch line, its geometrical diameter will be 98 or of an inch, and its practical diameter, with the addendum for the ends of the teeth, 1*04; the w’heel of 74 being double will have its geometrical diameter equal to 1-96, and its practical one 2-02 ; tlie fellow of this last or solar-wheel has its geometrical diameter by the same proportion, 1.14, and its practical one 1.20 : the distance of the stud from the centre of motion of the solar and lunar wheels, must necessarily be the sum of the geometrical radii of these two last wheels, namely, 1’96 + 1 .14-f-2^ which is =1*55; again the sum of tlie geometrical radii of the remaining two wheels, 32 and 57, must be also equal to 1‘55, in order that the centres of motion of the solar and lunar wheels may exactly coincide ; but a wheel of a geometrical diameter equal to f-oo or 3.10 inches and of 32 + 57^ or 89 teeth, •wall have only about nine teeth per inch, and the practical diameters of wheels 32 and 57, by the same, will be respectively 1-21 and 2-1. The calliper suitable for these ]u-oportions and dimensions is given, of their full size and dimensions, in .hg. 498*, which needs no farther explanation, except that the wheels 43 and 32 are so nearly of a size that one circle represents both, as pinned together, and revolving with a contemporary motion round a stud or screw in their centre, going into the front plate of the clock-frame. The small wheel of 32 acts deeper into the teeth of its fellow than the 43, by reason of having larger teeth than tlie other, though the wheel is of the same size.’’ Ill the year 1803, the Society for tlie Encouragement of Arts, &c. presented to Mr. John Prior, of Nessfield, Yorkshire, a reward of thirty guineas on account of his contrivance for the striking part of an eight-day clock. As this invention is likely to be useful we shall describe it here. It consists of a wheel and fly, with six turns of a spiral line, cut upon the wheel for the purpose of counting the hours. The pins below this spiral elevate the hammer, and those above are for the use of the detent. This single wheel serves the purpose of count- wheel, pin-wheel, detent- wheel, and the fl}^- wheel, and has six revolutions in striking the twelve hours. If we suppose a train of wheels and pinions used in other striking parts to be made without error, and that the wheels and pinions would turn each other without shake or play, then, allowing the above supposition to be true, (though every mechanic knows it is not^) Mr. Prior’s striking part would be found six times superior to others, in striking the hours 1, 2,5,7? 10, II ; twelve time? superior in striking 4, 6, 8 ; and eighteen times in striking 3 9, and 12. In striking 2, the inventor purposely made an AND MACHINIST 497 imperfection equal to the space of three teeth of the wheel ; and in striking 3, an imperfection of nine or ten teeth ; and yet both these hours are struck perfectly correct. The flies in clocks turn round at a mean^ about sixty times for every knock of the hammer, but this turns round only three times for the same purpose : and suppose the pivots were of equal diameters, the influence of oil on them would be as the number of revolutions in each. It would be better for clocks if they gave no warning at all, but the snail piece to raise a weight somewhat similar to the model Mr. P. sent for the inspection of that respectable society. The striking part of this clock is represented in fig. 499. A, the large wheel, on the face of which are sunk or cut the six turns of a spiral. B, the single worm screw, wliich ads on the above wheel, and moves the fly C. D, the spiral work of the wheel A. The black spots show the grooves into which the detents drop on striking the hour. E, the groove into which the locking piece F drops when it strikes 1, and from which place it proceeds to the outward parts of the spiral in the progressive hours, being thrown out by a lifting piece H at each hour ; the upper detent G being pumped oflf with the locking piece F, from the pins on the wheel A. In striking the hour of 12, the locking piece, having arrived at the outer spiral at H, rises up an inclined plane, and drops by its own weight into the inner circle, in which the hour 1 is to be struck, and proceeds on in a progressive motion through the different hours till it comes again to 12. I, the hammer-work made in the common way, which is worked by thirteen pins on the face of the spiral. Fig. 500, K. the thirteen pins on the face of the spiral, which work the hammer-work. ^ L, the outer pins which lock the detent. ’ M, the pump spring to the detent. In the fourth century, an artist named James Dondi con- structed a clock for the city of Padua, which was long con- sidered as the wonder of the period. Besides indicating the hours, it represented the motions of the sun, moon, and planets, as well as pointed nut the different festivals of the year. On this account Dondi obtained the surname of Horologio, which became that of his posterity. A short time after, William Zelander constructed for the same city a clock still more complex ; which was repaired in the sixteenth century by Janellin Turrianus, the mechanist of Charles V. But the clocks of the cathedrals of Strasburgh and of Lyons are much more celebrated. That of Strasburgh was the work of Conrad Dayspodius, a mathematician of that city, who finished it about 1573. The face of the basement of this clock exhibits three dial-plates ; one of which is round, and consists of several concentric circles ; the two interior ones of 2 K 49B THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC which perform their revolutions in a year, and serve to mark the days of the year, the festivals, and other circumstances of the calendar. The two lateral dial-plates are square, and serve to indicate the eclipses both of the sun and the moon. Above the middle dial-plate, and in the attic space of the basement, the days of the week are represented by different divinities, supposed to preside over the planets from which their common appellations are derived. The divinity of the current day appears in a car rolling over the clouds, and at midnight retires to give place to the succeeding one. Before the basement is seen a globe borne on the wings of a pelican, around which the sun and moon revolved ; and which in that manner represented the motion of these planets, but this part of the machine, as well as several othei-s, has been de- ranged for a long time. The ornamental turret, above this basement, exhibits chiefly a large dial in the form of an astro- labe ; which shows the annual motion of the sun and moon through the ecliptic, the hours of the day, &c. The phases of the moon are seen also marked out on a particular dial- plate above. This work is remarkable also for a considerable assemblage of bells and figures, which perform different mo- tions. Above the dial-plate last mentioned, for example, the four ages of man are represented by symbolical figures ; one passes every quarter of an hour, and marks the quarter by striking on small ])ells ; these figiii’es are followed by Death, wlio is expelled by Jesus Christ risen from the grave : who, however, permits it to sound the hour, in order to warn man that time is on the wing. Two small angels perform move- ments also ; one striking a bell with a sceptre, whilst the other turns an hour-glass at the expiration of an hour. In the last place, this work is decorated with various animals, which emitted sounds similar to their natural voices ; but none of them remain, except the cock, which crows imme- diately before the hour strikes, first stretching out its neck and clapping its wings. Indeed it is to be regretted that a great part of this curious machine is now entirely deranged. The clock of the cathedral of Lyons is of less size than that of Strasburgh, but is not inferior to it in the variety of its nxovements ; it has the advantage also of being in a good con- dition. It is the work of Lippius de Basle, and was exceed- ingly well repaired in the last century by an ingenious clock- maker of Lyons, named Nourisson. Like that of Strasburgh-, it exhibits, on different dial-plates, the annual and diurnal progress of the sun and moon, the days of the year, their length, and the whole calendar, civil as well as ecclesiastic. AND MACIUNIST. 499 The days of the week are indicated by symbols more analo- gous to the place where the clock is erected ; the hours are announced by the crowdng of a cock, three times repeated, after it has clapped its wings, and made various otlier movements. When the cock has done crowing, angels appear, who by striking various bells, perform the air of a hymn ; the annun- ciation of the virgin is represented also by moving figures, and by the descent of a dove from the clouds ; and after this mechanical exhibition the hour strikes. On one of the sides of the clock is seen an oval dial-plate, where the hours and minutes are indicated by means of an index, which lengthens or contracts itself, according to the length of the semidiametcr of the ellipsis over which it moves. A very curious clock, the work of Martinot, a celebrated clock-maker of the seventeenth century, was formerly to be seen in the royal apartments at Versailles. Before it struck the hour, two cocks on the corner of a small edifice crowed alternately, clapping their wings ; soon after, two lateral doors of the edifice opened, at which appeared two figures bearing cymbals, beat upon bj^ a kind of guards with clubs. When these figures had retired, the centre door was thrown open, and a pedestal, supporting an equestrian statue of Louis XIV., issued from it, wLile a group of clouds separat- ing, gave a passage to a figure of Fame, which came and hovered over the statue. An air was then performed by bells ; after which the two figures reentered, the two guards raised up their clubs, which they had lowered as if out of respect to the presence of the king, and the hour was then struck. While, however, we have thought it right to describe these ingenious performances of foreign artists, we must not neglect to mention the equally ingenious workmanship of some of our own countrymen. We now refer to two clocks made by English artists, as a present from the East India Company to the Emperor of China. These two clocks are in the form of chariots, in each of which a lady is placed in a fine attitude, leaning her right hand upon a part of the chariot, under which appears a clock of curious workmanship, little larger than a shilling, which strikes and repeats, and goes for eight days. Upon the lady’s finger sits a bird, finely modelled and set with diamonds and rubies, with its wings expanded in a flying posture, and which actually flutters for a considerable time by touching a diamond button below it ; the body of the bird, in which are contained the wheels that animate it as it were, is less than the 16th part of an inch. The lady holds in her 2k2 500 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC left hand a golden tube, little thicker than a large pin, on the top of which is a small round box, to which is fixed a circular ornament not larger than a sixpence, set with dia- monds, which goes round in or near three hours in constant regular motion. Over the lady’s head is a double umbrella, supported by a small fluted pillar the size of a quill, and under the larger of which a bell is fixed, at a consider- able distance from the clock, with which it seems to have no connection, but from which a communication is secretly conveyed to a hammer that regularly strikes the hour, and repeats the same at pleasure, by touching a diamond button fixed to the clock below. At the feet of the lady is a golden dog. In a work like the present, however we may wish to pursue this interesting subject through its progressive steps of im- provement, and to do justice to the numerous scientific and ingenious men who have from time to time effected those improvements, we are compelled to confine ourselves within certain limits, which preclude us from entering more fully into detail in this article ; we therefore refer such of our readers, who wish to pursue the subject, to the catalogue ol writings in Dr. Young’s Natural Philosoph}^ We shall next proceed to give a description of the mecha- nism of an ordinary watch, and to annex thereto a useful set of tables, published originally by Mr. W. Stirt. WATCHES. Figure 501 represents the interior works of an ordinary watch with the crown-wheel escapement, as they remain on the pillar-plate when the uppei part of the frame, shown by fig. 505, is unpinned and removed ; and fig. 50?, which is a section of the whole frame and its contents, shows the connection of all the parts, as though the calliper were in one right line. These two figures, by having the same letters of reference, mutually explain each other. The mainspring which actuates all the wheels and pinions, that are called, in one general term, the movement, is contained in the circular box a, seen in the different views in the separate figs. 501, 502, and 508, in the last of which its parts are given in a detached state, viz. the box ; the relaxed spring immediately above lying in a spiral form ; the arbor with its pin, on which the interior end of the spring is hooked, and the lid through which the pivot of the arbor penetrates; this spring is forced into the box by a tool on purpose when it is strong ; and then the exterior end is hooked to a pin in the circular edge of the box, so that if the box is made to turn round while the arbor is held fast, the spring begins to coil at the centre, and is thereby said to be wound up. The same effect would be produced if the box were held fast, and the arbor only were turned ; but in the latter case the chain, which requires to be uncoiled from the spring-box as this spring is wound up, would remain unmoved ; it is necessary therefore that the box be tumeci while the arbor is at rest, which is thus effected : one end of the chain is WATCHJES n.75 5ol From 501 to 509 505 4 S-mM^ sc 3 Si Smmd \r Ti'i/^ '’H ; ‘ r i-' -^!’-v • • • ?. V ‘11 iv?i ■^' I . . r • I ,r'’-< . J 'r . , iJ 1 ^-* V'. .;"5 , '• ■' ,f: ..- - .• '. . -.mf ' : . ■■ "■■■.'^' •' ■«r" ■■i^'.L. :, vr -;:■< *:•. ■''' 1 ,'^^ ■ V ■■ ■■■ “ ' ' ■ '■' /■'r. --- ,^^/t '!'■ V..' ; w; .v- 1 ! ,. • . ■'-:: n-j '•• ■ . ' (i Vi‘ .'i i'M , ,. I - ..‘rl .','■ -^fSv •'■' ■’■ ■' ‘f : n ■ -■■'. ,Jr.’cr^ . V 3 ;v., ■ . ,; -;V»j-’ ■ aT'/- ■■/;'' ,l.v * K 'V iii ' >'•■' 'k^ii'sc ' ■<■ ,■-' I .■• t.* ' '■■■■•■ ■■■■.': .'■.•n -rj' /.•vjjf - .i ^ ■ ■ ■ ( ' ( . ' ■'♦»»-.-» t|.' . , ■ ’J'.. /leyi'i:- Vi ,J 0 '^;.‘; !>•• . v>'.:-.:i ;-r)vjCf'«».n«.i' 07 .} ' ■•.« • ■■•/.f ' 1 . . •■< r-*'. ,':i '•■/’. ■> f .iv ■ ,^ •' --.a , />;.•! vr. :rA.r.,;,,. • .'■v- ’ ^’ ••' • -•.->f'^'). -i O..,, .' •* .r.fS^ -f. ■ r. , '■ 4»a ■ ’ - ;.o . ' ,- <1v/ <■':!: 3^ ■ • *■' 1 ■ " • ' j,. ■• ' . , f?V^ ■‘-/4 ^,‘rnrf^ . ■ ■ -'jjijj ■ r- rij.-'v. • \i{i:'^M "Aus:?^ ■ ' . .: -;i ms ■ <:,v- ?K^tiS;a: 4 , AND MACHINIST. 301 made fast to the side of the spring-box, and th© other to the fusee h, after being coiled several times round the circumference of the box ; then as the square end of the spring-box arbor is held by the small ratchet and click c seen on the reversed face of the pillar-plate in fig. 507, so that it cannot revolve, it is obvious that inserting a key on the square of the fusee arbdr, and turning it in a proper direction, will wind the chain upon the spiral groove of the fusee, while it is unwound from the box ; and during this operation, the spring will be coiled up to the centre of the box, or put into its state of greatest tension for pulling the fusee back again. The rapid motion which the fusee would have in a retrograde direction when pulled by the whole force of the coiled spring, is prevented by the train of wheel-work and balance, thus : the great w'heel d is not fast to the thick end of the fusee, as appears in the drawings, but carries a click and click-spring Zy as seen in %. 503, while the ratchet-wlieel, seen in fig. 504, is made fast to the fusee ; the consequence of which contrivance is, that while a key applied to the fusee arbor winds up the watch and fills the fusee groove with the chain, until the guard driven by it catches the beak at the small end of the fusee, the click, in fig. 503, slides over the teeth of the ratchet in fig. 504, without acting on them, and thus leaves the great wheel d at rest, in connection wdth the pinion e on the centre or minute wheel arbor ; but when the spring acts on , the fusee in a contrary direction, the click attached to the great wheel is laid hold of by the teeth of the ratchet, which thu^ makes it fast to the end of the fusee ; or in other words, until the spring wants winding up again, which usually happens once in 28 or 30 hours : but it is commonly wound up once in 24 hours more or less. The action of the great wheel d, on the pinion e, is that of a long lever driving a short one ; or this wheel may be said to act under a mechanical disadvantage, when an increase of velocity, but a loss of power, is experienced by the pinion ; again, on the same cen- tral arbor of this pinion e is rivetted the centre wheel/, which revolves in an exact hour, as we shall see presently, and this wheel drives the pinion g-, on the arbor of the third wheel A, also with a mechanical disadvantage, for the force it imparts to the pinion i, on the arbor of the contrate wheel, is again diminished in the ratio of the diameter of the wheel to that of its pinion; thus the force of the mainspring is continually diminishing, as it is transmitted through the train, and when the contrate wheel comes to be actuated, it has just force enough to drive the horizontal pinion on the balance wheel /, so that the alternate impulse given by its teeth to the pal- lets of the balance verge are just sufficient to perpetuate the oscillation from right to left, under all the obstacles of friction, dirt, wear, and the air’s resistance. It is a curious fact that the crown-wheel escapement, though the oldest that w^e know of, is still the most in use in common watches, probably from the facility with which it is constructed ; for certainly it is more under the influence of the irregularities of tl)e mainspring’s force than any other escapement. The properties and action of this escapement have been minutely explained in page 516 of the article Escapement, with reference to fig. 523, to which explanation and figure we request our reader’s attention. In order that the force applied to pallets of the verge at each oscillation may not sensibly vary, it was found necessary to equalize, as much as possible, the variable forces of the mainspring in its different states of tension ; and the most practical way of doing this has been found, to convert the cylinder on the arbor of the great wheel, which would have 502 ^I Hii OI'ERAliVli: MKCHANIC been proper for a gravitating body, used as a maintaining power, into a figure of a parabolic form, that is, into a srdid, generated by the revolution of a parabola, in order that, as the force of the spring becomes greater by increased tension, its action on the great wheel might be lessened in a similar proportion, by a gradual decrease of the radius of the fusee, round which the chain is wound, to impart the force thus modified. Every separate spring, therefore, has not only its average force proportioned to the balance it is destined to actuate, when diminished by transmission through a given train, but requires its scale of varying forces to be nicely counteracted in every degree of tension by the shape of the fusee ; and this is done by means of a tool, called a fusee ad- justing tool, which is nothing more than a lever with a sliding weight, attached to the square end of the fusee arbor, as re* presented in fig. 509; for when the weight on the lever is an exact counterpoise to the force of the mainspring in every part of the successive revolutions of the fusee, as the spring is wound up by the lever instead of a key, then the shape of the fusee is proper, but not otherwise. Hence, whenever a new mainspring is put to a watch, the fusee ought to be adjusted in the fusee engine according as the adjusting tool determines. The comparative forces of the spring at the extreme ends of the fusee may be adjusted by the small ratchet c, on the back of the pillar-plate in fig. 507, but when the spring is put to a suitable degree of tension to act well at both extremities of the fusee, it must not be altered by the ratches’ click, but the intermediate forces must be equalized by a due shape given to the fusee. We have insisted the more on this part of the mechanism being attended to, because, as the primmn mobile, it is the basis of all other motions. The number of rounds that the spiral of the parabolic fusee may be cut into depends on the length of the pillars of the frame, or, which is the same thing, the shallowness of the watch. The French frequently leave out the fusee, and attempt to equalize the forces of the mainspring by tapering it ; and wdth detached escapements, this mode may sometimes answer tolerably, but with the crown-wdieel escapement a fusee is indispensable. Again, the number of teeth in the great wheel, and in the centre pinion, depends on the number of rounds in the spiral of the fusee, [ti a thirty-hours’ watch, with six turns of the fusee, the great wheel must have or five times as many teeth as the centre pinion ; so that if this has SIX leaves, the wheel must have 5 x G — liO teeth ; but if eight, then 5 x 8 —40; if the spiral lias seven turns, the great wheel 48, and tlie pinion 12, then tlie AND MACHINIST. 503 time of going will be x7=28 hours; also, if there be 5^ turns on the fusee, 50 teeth in the wheel, and 10 leaves in the pinion, the period of going will be 27^ hours, or ^ x =5 x 5f = 27^ ; but if 24 hours only were"required as the period, with six turns and a pinion of 12, the great wheel would be required to have 48. Thus when an alteration is made in either the pinion^ the wheel, or the turns in the fusee, a corresponding variation may be made in the others, to produce the same period of going, but still the centre wheel revolves once in an hour. In the commonest watches the pinions have only six leaves each, which do not act so well as pinions of higher numbers ; but in the best watches, and in all chronometers, the leaves and teeth are more numerous. The pivot-holes, particularly of the verge and escapement arbor, have jewels for tlie pur- pose of diminishing the friction, in the best watches ; but de- tached and remontoire escapements are the best correctives of the unequal impulses given through the medium of the train in the different states of its foulness. The potence m, and small or counter potence n, that hold the pivots of the balance-wheel, are small cocks seen in fig. 502, both in their attached and detached states, and are screwed to the top or upper plate within the frame ; but the springs, buttons, and joints of the case, are not exhibited, as forming no part of the movement.. Fig. 505 represents the outer face of the upper plate, with the balance p, the cock o, and balance-spring s, called the pendulum-spring, from its having the properties of the pendulum; by means of this spring, not only is the regulation made steady, but the adjust- ment for time is effected. In every balance-spring there is a certain length, to be taken as the effective length, by which the going of the watch to which it is applied is limited to exact performance ; and when this length is determined by experiment, a pin is put in the stud that holds the exterior ends, as at 4, in fig. 505, to prevent its being altered ; but as the variation of temperature will alter the momentum of the moving-balance, the effect thereby produced is a loss of time in the rate, in hot weather, and a gain in cold weather, by an alternate increase and decrease in the dimensions of the balance itself, as well as by some alteration in the spring. To remedy this defect, in an ordinary w'atch, the contrivance shown in fig. 506 is intro- duced ; the wheel t is placed under the graduated circle r, seen in fig. .505, and a circular rack u, fig. 506, that holds the curb or slit-piece 5, seen in both figures, is moved by a sliding motion given to it, when a key is applied to the squared arbor cf the figure circle, and thus the effective length of the spiral spring is limited by the position of the curb 5 ; and according as the key is turned forwards or backwards, towards the words ‘fast^ or ‘slow' engraved on the cock, the shortened or lengthened spring alters the rate of going, till the proper length is found that suits the season in question. Ill Harrison’s time-piece the curb was moved by an expan- sion-lever of two metals, that acted by means of the change of temperature ; but in the best chronometers of more recent dates, the compensating levers constitute the three portions into which the rim of the balance is divided,* and the adjust- 504 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC ment for time, as well as compensation for temperature, are by means of heavy screws, which form a part of the moving balance. In these more perfect machines, the length of the spring, which is now made helical or cylindrical, is first determined such, that the long and short vibrations are per- formed in the same time, and this is called the isochronal lengths, which is not afterwards altered by subsequent adjust- ments. Tlie last portion of the watch which demands our explanation is the dial- work, for producing the hours and minutes ; this will be easily understood by reference to figs. 502 and 507. When the pinion called the cannon- pinion, seen near the minute-hand in fig. 502, is inserted on the arbor of the hour or centre wheel, to which it fits rather tight by friction, it revolves therewith in an hour, and receives the minute or hour hand on its protruding squared end ; then this pinion drives the wheel x round a stud on the pillar- plate, and with it a pinion w made fast to its centre ; which pinion again drives a second wheel, v, round the tube of the cannon-pinion in twelve hours ; and to this the hour-hand is attached. This diminution of twelve revolutions from the cannon-pinion to the hour-wheel might be effected by one pinion driving a single wheel of twelve times its number of teeth ; but as the motion must be brought back to the centre of the dial again, two more wheels, or a wheel and pinion, are necessary to be introduced,- and., these are therefore made a part of the train, and no large wheel or smalb> pinion is wanted, for the ratio 12; 1 may be more conveniently obtained by two factors, viz. 4 : 1 and 3 : 1 ; thus, suppose the cannon-pinion to have 15 leaves, its wheel may have 4x15=60 teeth for wheel x^ i | 60 and if wheel v be the same, its pinion will be -^^ = 20, and the train 60 60 T5 ^ 20 3 ' .'V 360 72 60 12 , , , . . . , ^ — = — or — = — ■ or 12 ; so that when the pinions are fixed j 30 6 5 1 ^ upon for the dial-work, the wheels are readily determined, and vice versa. \ The following Tables, somewhat differently arranged, were published by W. Stirt, an ingenious balance-wheel and fusee cutter. J f«| A TABLE OF TRAINS FOR WATCHES ; ^ Showing the Number of Turns on the Fusee and Teeth in the Balance- | wheel, with the Beats in an Hour, and the number of Seconds in which * the Contrate or Fourth Wheel revolves; for the easy Timing of Watches by the Vibrations of the Pendulum. 9 Teeth in the Balance-wheel Second wheel 58 6 Third wheel pin. 60 8 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 64 6 64 8 Third wheel 56 6 Contrate pin. .. 56 7 58 6 58 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 8 Contrate wheel 54 6 Balance pin. .. 80 6 52 6 56 6 54 6 60 6 54 6 80 6 Beats 14,616 in an hour 14,400 15,080 16,240 16,200 18,000 17,280 14,400 . Seconds 39 -^, in which the 4th 1 wheel revolves • • • J 60 3/| 3/| 36 36 331 60 AND MACHINIST, 505 A Table of Trains for Watches continued. i 1 1 Teeth in the Balance-ivheel. : Second wheel 48 6 Tliird wheel pinion. . . . 1 , Third wheel 45 6 Contrate pinion ‘ Contrate wheel 70 6 Balance pinion '| Beats 15,400 in an hour 1 Seconds 60, in which the 4th wheel revolves 54 6 45 6 65 6 16,087 534 54 6 50 6 60 6 16,500 48 56 7 45 6 78 6 17,160 60 56 6 54 6 54 6 16,632 42f 56 6 56 6 55 6 17,567 414 58 6 58 6 58 6 58 6 58 7 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 1 52 6 54 6 54 6 56 6 56 6 50 6 52 6 54 6 54 6 54 6 55 6 ! 52 6 52 6 54 6 54 6 56 6 52 6, 52 6 50 6 52 6 54 6 52 6 15,973 16,588 17,226 17,817 15,879 15,888 16,520 16;500 17,160 17,820 17,477 42i 44 44 39i 544 43 414 40 40 40 39 60 6 60 7 60 8 60 8 60 6 60 8 60 7 62 6 62 7 63 6 63 6 56 6 56 6 56 7 56 7 60 6 60 6 60 7 54 6 58 6 54 6 56 " 50 6 56 6 74 6 78 6 48 6 56 6 60 6 52 6 52 6 50 6 56 6 17,111 16,426 16,280 17,160 17,553 15,400 16,163 17,935 16,324 17,325 17,248 S8i 40 60 60 36 48 49 384 45 38 42i 64 6 64 6 65 7 70 8 70 7 72 8 72 7 80 8 75 10 72 9 72 9 50 6 52 6 62 7 54 7 63 7 63 7 64 7 72 8 72 9 66 8 60 B 50 6 52 6 59 7 68 6 58 7 54 6 58 7 68 8 66 8 60 6 54 6 16,296 17,625 15,250 16,830 16,408 16,035 17,142 16,830 13,200 13,200 11,880. 40^ 39 434 5.3^ 40 444 384 40 60 66 60 13 Teeth in the Balance-wheel. Second wheel 48 6 Third wheel pinions . . 48 6 52 6 54 6 54 6 54 6 i Third wheel 45 6 < Contrate pinion 45 6 52 6 50 6 52 6 52 6 Cnnfrnf-f' 66 6 Rflianpp nininn . 68 6 52 6 50 6 48 6 50 6 Bpat.s 17.160 in an linnr.. . 17,680 16,925 16,274 16,224 16,900 Seconds 60, in which the 4th wheel revolves 60 464 48 46 46 54 6 54 6 55 6 56 7 56 6 56 6 56 6 56 6 56 6 58 6 58 6 52 6 52 6 51 6 45 6 50 6 50 6 52 6 52 6 54 6 48 6 50 6 51 6 52 6 51 6 66 6 50 6 51 6 48 6 50 6 49 6 52 6 50 6 17,238 17,576 17,219 17,160 16,851 17,188 16,824 17,525 17,836 17,425 17,453 46 46 1 46| 60 46§ 464 444 444 424 464 4^1 60 6' 60 8 60 6 60 6 60 7 60 6 60 7 60 8 60 7 60 8 60 6 48 6 48 6 50 6 50 6 54 6 54 8 56 7 56 7 58 7 58 6 60 7 48 6 66 6 46 6 48 6 52 6 60 6 56 6 66 6 56 6 56 6 48 6 16,640 17,160 16,611 17,333 17,382 17,550 16,640 17,160 17,234 17,593 17,828 " 45 60 43 43 46| 54 524 60 50| 494 42 60 8 60 6 62 7 63 7 63 7 64 7 64 7 64 8 64 8 65 7 70 8 60 6 60 7 56 7 52 6 60 7 52 6 60 7 60 8 64 8 62 7 60 7 54 6 56 7 56 6 51 6 60 7 50 6 60 7 66 6 72 7 58 7 52 6 17,550 17,828 17,194 17,238 17,191 17,168 17.464 17,160 17,115 17,717 16,900 48 42 50| 46| 46| 46 454 60 564 43f 48 70 8 72 8 72 8 74 8 74 8 75 10 75 10 80 10 96 12 96 12 90 10 66 8 52 6 70 8 64 8 68 8 72 9 72 9 60 8 75 10 75 10 90 10 64 7 52 6 68 8 S3 7 68 8 70 7 72 9 60 8 80 8 88 8 90 10 17,160 16,673 17.403 17,316 17,400 15,600 12,480 15,600 15,600 17,160 18,954 50 44| ,52* 484 60 60 60 60 60 60 44^ 506 THB orJiKATIVE MECHANIC A Table of Trains for Watches continued. 15 Teeth in the Balance-ivheel. Second wheel 48 6 Third wheel pinion. . . . 48 6 48 6 54 6 54 6 54 6 Third wheel 45 6 Contrate pinion 45 6 45 6 48 6 48 6 48 C ^ Contrate wheel 54 6 Balance pinion , 58 6 60 6 46 6 48 6 64 8 Beats 16,200 in an hour . . 17,400 18,000 16,560 17,280 17,280 Seconds 60, in which the 4th wheel revolves 60 60 50 50 50 54 6 56 7 56 7 56 7 56 6 56 7 58 6 58 6 60 8 60 8 60 8 50 6 45 6 45 6 45 6 48 6 60 8 48 6 50 8 48 6 48 6 56 7 48 6 56 6 58 6 60 6 46 6 60 6 46 6 58 6 58 6 60 6 48 6 18,000 16,800 17,400 18,000 17,173 18,000 17,786 17,520 17,400 18,000 14,400 48 60 60 60 48 60 46f 59i 60 60 60 60 8 60 7 60 8 60 8 60 8 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 10 60 G 56 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 60 8 60 10 60 8 60 10 60 6 60 10 56 7 58 7 58 6 60 6 60 7 48 6 48 6 56 7 58 6 60 6 64 8 14.400 17,044 17,400 18,000 15, .386 18,000 14,400 18,000 17,400 18,000 14,400 60 52§ 60 60 60 48 60 48 60 60 60 60 8 60 8 62 8 63 7 63 7 64 8 64 8 64 8 64 6 65 7 70 6 64 8 64 8 60 8 54 7 56 7 45 6 60 8 60 8 60 10 56 7 60 10 66 7 70 7 60 6 50 6 56 7 56 6 58 6 60 6 70 8 56 7 48 6 16,971 18,000 17,437 17,356 17,280 16,800 17,400 18,000 16,800 17,828 16,800 60 60 61| 51f 50 60 60 60 56^ 48| 51 | 70 7 70 8 70 8 70 10 72 6 72 8 72 8 72 8 72 8 75 8 81 9 60 10 64 8 64 8 65 8 60 10 64 8 64 8 64 8 65 8 64 8 72 9 70 7 50 6 58 7 60 6 48 6 50 6 54 7 64 8 64 8 64 8 72 9 i 18,000 17,500 17,400 17,062 17,280 18,000 16,662 17,280 17,550 18,000 17,280 60 51i 51i 56| 50 50 50 50 49 48 50 17 Teeth in the Balance-icheel. Second wheel 48 6 Third wheel pinion .... 56 7 Third wheel 45 6 Contrate pinion 45 6 Contrate wheel 50 6 Bal ance pinion 53 6 Beats 17,000 in an hour . . . 18,020 Seconds 60, in which the 4th wheel revolves 60 o.w. S.W. P. ' r. N. s. G. w. ; s. vv. P. T. N, S. G. W. 48 10 60 10 5 55 50 10 6 62 10 4| 56 52 10 H 64 10 58 54 10 48 12 60 55 10 5 6 50 12 '71 * 62 56 52 12 ^>’41 64 58 10 54 12 6| 60 8 64 8 56 7 60 8 52 6 60 7 17,828 17,485 60 60 s. w. p. T.N.S. 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 If we divide double the product of all the four wheels by the product of all the three pinions, the quotient will be the number of beats, as given in any of the trains contained in this table ; also, if we take the second and third w'heels, and their pinions respectively, as a compound fraction of an hour, they will give the seconds in which the contrate-wheel, attached to the latter pinion, will revolve ; thus, of^’^ of ^ of 60*"= or 60*, which numbers AND MACHINIST. 507 are consequently proper for a watch that indicates the seconds ; and if the beats be 18,000, or 14,400, there wall be five or four beats respectively in a second, which are the best trains for measuring fractional parts of a second. CHRONOMETERS. Chronometers differ from an ordinary watch principally in the escapement and balance. These machines deserve more than usual attention, as well from their practical utility in navigation, as from the principles on which they are con- structed, in which the irregular f^srces both of impulse and resistance are greatly diminished by the exactness of form and dimension. In the reign of queen Anne, the British parliament passed an act, offering a reward of 10,000/. for any method of determining the longitude within the accuracy of one degree of a great circle ; of 1 5,000/. within the limit of forty geographical miles ; and of 20,000/. within the limit of thirty such miles, or half of a degree ; provided such method should extend more than eighty miles from the coast. The hope of obtaining this reward stimulated a watch-maker named Harrison to be indefatigable in his endeavours to effect the required improvement, which eventually led him to apply the principle of the apposite expansions of different metals to a watch to effect a self-regulating curb, for limiting the effective length of the spiral pendulum-spring to correspond to the successive changes of heat and cold, w'hich changes were now known to alter the force of this spring, and the momentum of the balance. After Harrison had by his industry and perseverance ob- tained the large reward, the act was repealed, and another substituted, offering separate rewards to any person who should invent a practicable method of determining, within circumscribed limits, the longitude of a ship at sea ; for a time-keeper, the reward held forth to the public is 5,000/. for determining the longitude to or within one degree 5 7,500/. for determining the same to forty geographical miles ; and 10,000/. for a determination at or within half a degree. This act, notwithstanding its abridged limits and diminished reward, has produced several candidates ; of whom Mudge, the two Arnolds, and Earnshaw, have had their labours crowned with partial success. Although, in respect to Mudge’s time-keeper, great ex- pectations were at first raised, it has, from the complexity of the machinery, and consequent expense attendant upon making it, gradually fallen into disrepute, and is now seldom or ever made. Such of our readers who wish to see its 508 THK orjiRATIVE MECHANIC manner of construction and performance, we must refer to The Description of Mr. Mudge's Time-keeper/’ published in 1709, by Thomas Mudge, jun. The chronometer we purpose to lay before our readers is that constructed by Mr. Earnshaw, as we are strongly dis- posed to conclude, from various documents we have seen, and from the similarity so evident in the construction of the escapement, that Mr. Arnold derived the knowledge of his principle from Mr. EarnsK>;w. In Mr.Earnshaw’s chronometer the escapement is detached, which is the best for the equal measurement of time, because the vibrations of the balance are free from the friction of the wheels, excepting about one-twelfth part of the circle, while the scape-wheel is acting on the pallet to keep up the motion of the balance, which is done with considerably more power and less friction than by any other escapement, as it receives but one blow from the wheel, whilst other escapements receive two ; it has also an equal advantage of the same quickness of train, and when the impulse is given to the balance by the wheel, it is given in a similar direction, and not in opposition, as most escapements are which produce a recoil. The pivots of the balance-axis should be the size of the verge-pivots of a good sized pocket- w'atch, and of the annexed shape, which v/ill greatly add to their strength, the extreme end, or acting part, only being straight; the jewel-hole should be as shallow as possible, so as not to endanger cutting the pivot, and the part of the action of the hole made quite back, with only a very shallow chamber behind to retain the oil ; deep holes are very bad, for when the oil becomes glutinous, it will make the pivots stick, so as to prevent the balance from its usual vibration. The pallet should be half the diameter of the wheel, or a little larger, for if smaller, or one-fourth the diameter, as is the case in Arnold’s, the wheel will have too much action on it, which will increase friction most considerably, and likewise cause the balance to swing so much farther to clear the wheel ; consequently, a check in the motion of the balance may stop the watch, and cause time-keepers so constructed to stop. The face of ^he pallet should run in a line of equal distance between the centre of the pallet and its extremity, and not in a right line to its centre, as this causes an increase of friction, and a loss of that power which is obtained by the wheel, acting on the ^'xtremity of the pallet. The scape-wheel teeth should form the same direction as the face of the pallet, under-cut for AND MACHINIST. 509 the purpose of avoiding friction, and maintaining the pov/er, and for safe unlocking. The points of the wheel-teeth must not be rounded off, but left as sharp as possible. The pivots of the scape-wheel are to be a very little larger than the balance-pivots. The wheel is locked by a spring, instead of a detent with E ivots, as the French have made them ; for those pivots must ave oil, and when the oil thickens, the spring of the pivot- detents become so affected by it, as to prevent the detent from falling into the wheel quick enough, which causes irre- gular time, and ultimately a stoppage of the watch. When the spring is planted on the side of the wheel, the part on which the wheel rests should be a little short of a right angle, so that the wheel may have a tendency to draw the spring into it ; for if sloped the other way, or beyond a right angle, it will have a tendency to push the spring out, in which case the wheel will have liberty to run. The wheel should take no more hold on the spring than just sufficient to stop it, otherwise the friction will be increased. The small return-spring should be as thin as possible at the end fastened to the other spring, but at the outer end a little thicker ; the spring should be planted down as close to the wheel as to be just free of it : the discharging pallet about one-third, or near one-half the size of the large or main pallet, the face of it in a right line to the centre, the back of it a little rounding off from the centre. Great care must be used, in taking off the edges of this discharging piece to make it round, to prevent cutting the spring, nor can it be made too thin, provided it does not cut ; the end of it nearest the balance should be a little more out from the centre of the balance-axis than the lower part of it towards the potence, for counteracting the natural tendency of the spring down- wards from the pressure of the scape-wheel ; and that part of the spring on which the wheel rests should be sloped a little down, to give the wheel a tendency to force it up, to counteract the natural inclination which the wheel has to draw it down by its pressure on it. The balance is to be made of the best steel, and turned from its own centre to the proper size, and then put into a crucible with as much of the best brass as will, when melted, cover it. The brass will adhere to the steel, and when set, is to be turned to its proper thickness, and hollowed out, so as to leave the steel rim about the thickness of a repeating-spring to a small sized repeating-watch. The brass is to be turned to near twice or three times the thickness of the steel ; cross 510 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC it out with only one arm straight across the centre, and at each end of the arm fix two screws, opposite to each other, through the rim of the balance, to regulate the watch to time. The diameter of the heads of these screws must be about equal to the thickness of the balance, a little more or less is not material. The compensation-weights should be made of the best brass, and well hammered, and a groove turned to let the rim of the balance into it ; this should be cut into four- teen equal parts, which will leave seven pair of pieces of equal size and weight, one of which pair, being screwed on the rim of the balance at equal distances, will produce an equilibrium. In making balances, great care must be taken that they get no bruises or bendings; for if a bruise be made on one side so as to indent the metal, that part will be less affected by the atmospheric agency of heat and cold than those parts whose pores have not been closed by the same violence. Balances are likewise spoiled by bending the compensation- pieces, as bending cracks and destroys the compact body of the metal. The soldering up those cracks with a metal very different in expansion to the metal cracked is hurtful, as it is not then possible to bend the compensation-pieces into a true circle, in which case they form so many parts of different circles, that nothing regular can be produced. To adjust the balance in heat and cold, put the watch into about 85 or 90 degrees of heat by the common thermometer, mark down exactly how much it gains or loses in twelve hours, then put it into as severe a cold as you can get for twelve hours ; and if it gain one minute more in twelve hours in cold than in heat, move the compensation-weights farther from the arm of the balance about one-eighth of an inch ; and if it gain one minute more in twelve hours in heat than in cold, move the weights one-eighth of an inch nearer to the arm of the balance, and so on in like proportion, trying it again and again, till you find the watch go the same in what- ever change of heat or cold you put it in. Mr. Earnshaw has found out a method of obviating the difficulties attendant in making time-keepers go nearly the same in whatever position they might be put. It merely consists in having the balance-spring well and properly made ; but if the spring be made as hereafter described, it only re- quires that the balance should be of equal weight, and it will go, within a few seconds per day, in all positions alike ; and if it vibrate not more than 1^ circle, will, by applying a small weight to that part of the balance which is downwards when in the position that it loses most, correct it with gi*eat AND MACHINIST. 511 accuracy. If it vibrate more than 1 J circle, it will require the weight to be above, instead of below ; and after the watch has been going a few months, and its vibrations shorten to 1| circle, it will go worse and worse by reason of the weight being in the wrong place ; therefore, to avoid this evil, it is absolutely necessary to confine the vibrations to IJ circle, which will produce the most steady performance. The greatest difficulty with which Mr. Earnshaw had to contend in the construction of his chronometers was, to find out the invisihle properties of that apparent simple part of the machine, called the balance-spring. He found, in reasoning on bodies, that watch-springs, when kept constantly in mo- tion, relax and tire like the human frame. In proof of this, let a watch, that has been going a few months, go down ; let it remain down for a week or two, and then set it going, when it will, if it be a good time-keeper, and not affected by the weather, go some few seconds per day faster than it did when it was let down ; but it will again lose its quickness in a gradual manner, gaining less and less till it comes to its former rate. Finding, therefore, that isochronal springs would not do, and having made s]3rings of such shape as w’ould render long and short vibrations equal in time, and which constantly lost the longer the watch went, Mr. Earn- shaw made them of such shape as to gain in the short vibrations about five or six seconds per day more than the long ones, which quantity could only be found by long expe- rience ; an^ the way he adopted to prove this, was to try the rate of the watch with the balance vibrating about one-third of a circle, then tried its rate vibrating IJ circle; and if the short vibrations went slow^er than the long ones, he found that the watch would lose in its rate ; and if equal, it would likewise lose, but that only from relaxation ; he found also, if it gain in the short vibrations more than five or six seconds in twenty-four hours, it will in the long rtin gain on its rate ; but if not more than that quantity, and the time-keeper is perfect in heat and cold in every other part, the above pro- perties will render it deserving the name of a perfect time- keeper. Mr. Earnshaw found the common relaxation of balance- springs to be about five or six seconds per day on their rates in the course of a year ; therefore, if the short vibrations are made by the shape of the spring to go about that quantity faster than the long ones, and as the spring relaxes in going by time, so the watch accumulates in dirt and thickening of the oil, which shortens the vibrations, the 512 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC *5hort ones then being quicker, compensated for the evil of relaxation of the balance-spring. Having thus given our readers Mr. Earnshavv's prefatory observations to the Board of Longitude, we shall, in the next place, proceed to give a general description of the dilfeient parts of his chronometer. Fig. 510 represents the time-keeper put together. Fig. 511, the pillar-plate from which the calliper may be taken; a, the height of the pillars. Fig. 512, the barrel and main-spring; 5, side view of the barrel. Fig. 513, the fusee and great wheel, with ratchet to keep it going whilst winding up ; c, side view of fusee. Fig. 514, second wheel and pinion; d, side view of second wheel. Fig. 515, third wheel and pinion ; e, side view of it. Fig. 51 6, fourth wheel and pinion ; f, side view of it. Fig. 517 represents the upper plate, with the escapement on it, from which the calliper may be taken. In this figure the draftsman has not placed the pallet near enough the wheel ; but this is of no consequence, as a proper and exact draft of the escapement on a much larger scale is given in fig. 522 ; the escapement, therefore, is to be understood from that figure ; this only show's the sizes of the wheels. Fig. 518 represents a side view of the scape-spring which locks the wheel. Fig. 519, one of the brass weights to be fixed on the rim of the balance for the compensation for heat and cold; the groove cut in it to receive the rim of the balance. The rim of the balance is cut through in two places in opposite directions, as in fig. 510, and two of these w'eights are to be placed on the balance-rim, at equal distances, as there represented, and fastened by the screw as at /^. These weights are to be moved backwards or forwards on the rim of the balance, to make the watch go faster or slower in heat or in cold, as by trial may be found necessary. Fig. 520 is a side view of said brass weights ; the groove to receive the rim of the balance ; its depth shows the breadth for balance-ring. Fig. 521, the cylindrical balance-spring. The only advantage attending the cylindrical shape is, that it is rather easier made, being a saving of about one hour of time ; for if the real body or form of the spring be like the shape of the stem of a feather, or common writing quill, it is of no consequence whether it be turned into a spiral or cylindrical figure. The model, from which the four following figures were taken, contains, besides the parts necessary to explain the nature of the escapement, a box enclosing a spring, which, when wound up, communicates, by means of some more wheels, a force to the balance-wheel sufficient, when the balance is put in motion, to keep it in action for some time. These wheels are contained between two brass plates, fastened together by four upright pil- lars. The uppermost of these plates is that which is represented in fig. 522, where P Q R S are the four screws that take into the heads of the four pillars above-mentioned, and connect it to the remaining part of the model. The plate P Q R S contains, however, the whole of the parts necessary for the present purpose. The side of this plate represented to view, is the under- most when fixed in the model ; so that the figure represents this plate as taken off, with the side next to the balance laid upon a table, and the eye ii supposed to be placed perpendicularly over it. In the plate PQKS is an opening, or a piece taken out, represented hy iTetU AStodcUy sc 3Sz Strand. 1 AND MACHINIST. 513 T U W X Y Z. In this opening the balance-wheel A B C D, pallet M S K, and part of the balance TJ V, are seen. The balance-wheel is supported by two pieces of brass, O N H, O I ; the piece O N II is screwed to the side of the plate nearest to view by a strong screw, V, and made firm by small pins, represented by ttit tt tt tt tt ; these pins are called steady -pins ; they are rivetted fast into the supporting-piece O H, and take into holes in the plate P Q R S, made exactly to fit them. The part O N of this supporting- piece is supposed to be raised above the part 0 II by a joint or bend at N : the otlier supporting-piece O I is fastened to the opposite side of the plate ; and between these two pieces the balance-wheel turns freely and steadily in the direction of the letters A BC D. The small wheel M S K is called the large pallet ; it is a cylindrical piece of steel, having a notch or piece cut out of it at I h I ; against the side of this notch is a square, flat piece of ruby, or any hard stone, h I, ground and polished very smooth, and fixed into the pallet. The cylinder is so placed, with respect to the -balance- wheel, that it may not be more than just clear of two adjoining teeth. E F is a long, thin spring, which is made fast at one end, by being pinned into a stud G, and made to bear gently against the head of an adjusting screw, m ; the otlier end is bent a little in the form of a hook ; to this spring there is fixed anotlier very slender spring at 7, which projects to a small distance beyond it. This small spring lies on the side of the thick spring nearest to the balance-wlieel. The adjusting screw m takes into a small brass cock at ap, which is screwed fast to the upper plate by a strong screw. Upon the spring E F there is fixed a semi-cylindrical pin, which stands up perpen- dicularly upon it, and of a sufficient length to fall between the teeth of the balance-wheel A B CD. This pin is called the locking-pallet, and is placed on the opposite side of the spring represented to view. Through the centre of the cylindrical pallet M S K, a strong steel axis passes, called the verge ; the pallet is made fast to this axis, which also passes through the centre of the balance, and is made fast to it ; it has two fine pivots at its extremities, upon which it turns very freely, between two firm supporting pieces of brass, screw'ed firmly, and made as permanent as possible, by steady-pins, to the principal plate. A little above the cylindrical pallet M S K, is fixed a small cylindrical piece of steel, i w, having a small part projecting out at i, through which the verge also passes ; this is called the lifting-pallet, and is from one-third to half the diameter of the large pallet ; it fixes upon the verge like a collar, and is made fast by a twist, so as to be set in any position with respect to the large pallet M S K. The end E G of the long spring E F being made very slender, if a small force be applied at the point 0 to press that end out from the wheel A B C D, it yields easily in that dire(i tion, turning, as it were, upon a centre at G ; it is also made to slide in a groove made in this stud, in such a manner that the end 0 may be placed at any required distance from the centre of the verge. Having described the several parts as they appear in the figure, we next come to their situation or connection with respect to each other. Let the long spring EF be supposed to be so placed, that the end of the slender spring y i may project a little way over the point of the lifting-pallet i n, but not so close but that the point of the pallet may pass by the hooked end of the spring EF without touching it; the head of the adjusting-screw m is ajso supposed to bear gently on the inner side of the said spring E F, or that nearest to the wheel, and at the same time the locking-pallet is so placed, that one of the teeth, D, of the balance-wheel, may just take hold of it. This pallet is not visible in its proper place in the figure, being covered from sight by the screw ni, and part of the spring E F ; its. position is therefore represented by the dot on the opposite side of the wheel, 514 TflK OPERATIVE MECHANIC having the tooth A just bearing up against it. From the above description of the several parts of the escapement, and their connection with each other it will be easy to see the mode of its action, which is as follows : A force being supposed to be applied to the balance- wheel, so as to cause it to move round in the direction of the letters A B C D, one of the teeth, as D, will come against the locking-pallet (as represented at A, and the lockino-- pallet by k.) The wheel is then said to be locked, being prevented from being moved forward by this pin. Let the balance be now supposed to rest in its quiescent position, and it will have the situation represented in the figure ; the lifting-point i of the pallet i n will be just clear of the pro- jecting end of the slender spring, the face, h I, of the large pallet M S K will fall a little below the point of the tooth B, and the balance, having its spiral or helical (meaning cylindrical) spring applied to it, remains perfectly at rest in this position. Now, as the balance, and the two pallets M S K and i n, are fixed to the verge, it is plain they must all move together ; let, there- fore, the balance be carried a little way round in the direction of the letters M S K ; by this motion, the end i of the lifting-pallet i n will be brought to press up against the projecting end of the slender spring, and as this spring is fixed on the side of the spring E F, nearest to the balance-wheel, the point i will press the two springs together out of the balance-wheel ; then, as only the point of the tooth D (see its position at k) touches the locking- pallet when the spring EF was at rest against the head of the screw m, it will, by the spring being pressed out from the tooth, have slipped oft’; (for the locking-pallet, which was before supposed at k, will now be at a, clear of the tooth A of the balance-wheel ;) the wheel being now at liberty, will move round by the force supposed to be applied to it ; but as the point i of the lifting-pallet moves on and presses out the spring, the point, I, of the large pallet approaches towards the point of the tooth B of the balance- wheel, so that when the spring E F is sufficiently pushed out to unlock the wheel, the point I of the large pallet will be got to d, and in this position the point of the tooth B of the balance-wheel will fall upon it, at the same time the point of the tooth D has just dropped off from the locking-pallet m ; the force of the wheel, being by this means applied to the top of the pallet h I, gives an increased momentum to the balance, and assists it in its motion in the same direction, and by the continued motion of the large pallet in the direction M S K, the point of the tooth B, which keeps pressing and urging it forward, moves up towards the bottom of the face of the pallet towards h, until the plain fiat surfaces of the tooth and pallet come into contact ; by this time the end o of the slender spring has dropped off from the point i of the lifting-pallet, and the two springs have returned again into their quiescent position, the spring E F gently bearing against the head of the adjusting screw, m, and the locking-pallet, in a position to receive the next tooth, C, of the balance-wheel. When the two surfaces of the tooth and pallet are thus in contact, the greatest force of the wheel is exerted upon the pallet, and of course upon the balance moving with it. The tooth still pressing against the face of the pallet, and the pallet moving in the direction M S K, it at ,last drops off, leaving the balance at perfect liberty to move on in the same direction in which it was going. Just as the point of the tooth B, which has been pressing the large pallet round, is ready to leave it, the next tooth, C, of the wheel is almost in contact with the locking- pallet m, so that the instant the tooth B drops off, the wheel is again locked, and the action of that tooth on the balance is finished. As the balance moves with the greatest freedom upon its pivots, the force of the tooth has given it a considerable velocity, so that the balance still keeps moving on in the same direction, after the pressure of the tooth is removed by slipping AND MACHINIST. 515 off from the pallet, until the force of the pendulum-spring, (which is not represented in the figure,) being continually increased by being wound up, overcomes the momentum of the balance, which for an instant of time is then stationary, but immediately returns by the action of the pendulum- spring, which exerts a considerable force upon it in unwinding itself. As the balance returns, the point i, of the lifting-pallet i n, passes by the ends of two springs, EF and Y O, and, in passing by, pushes the projecting end o of the slender spring in towards the balance-wheel, until it has passed it ; after this, the projecting end o again returns, and applies itself close to the hooked end of the spring E F as before. The spring yo is made so slender, that it gives but little resistance to the balance, during the time the point i of the lifting-pallet is passing it, and of course causes but little, if any, de- crease in its momentum. During the time the point i of the lifting-pallet is pressing in the small spring y o, the long spring E F remains steadily bearing against the head of the adjusting screw m, as the hooked end at o just lets the end of the lifting-pallet pass by without touching it. As the spring has now been continually acting upon the balance, from the extremity of its vibration in the direction M S K, it has given it the greatest velocity when the point i of the lifting-pallet is passing the end o of the slender spring; for at this instant the spring which was wound up by the contrary direction of the balance, is now unwound again, or in the same state as it was in its quiescent position at first, and of course has no effect at all upon the balance in either direction ; but the balance, having now all the velocity it would acquire from the unwinding the spring, goes on in the direction S M K until the force of this spring again stops it, and brings it back again, moving in the same direction as at first, with a considerable velocity. By this return of the balance, the point i of the lifting-pallet comes up again to the projecting end o of the slender spring, pushes back the long spring E F, and unlocks the wheel ; and another tooth falling upon the face of the pallet A Z, gives fresh energy to the balance ; and thus the action is carried on as before. ESCAPEMENT, OR ’SCAPEMENT. The motions of a clock or watch are regulated by a pen- dulum or balance, which serves as a check, without which, the wheels impelled by the weight in the clock, or spring in the watch, would run round with a rapidly accelerating motion, till this should be rendered uniform by friction, and the resistance of the air ; if, however, a pendulum or balance be put in the way of this motion, in such manner that only one tooth of a wheel can pass, the revolutions of the wheel will depend on the vibration of the pendulum or balance. We know that the motion of a pendulum or balance is alternate, while the pressure of the wheels is constantly exerted in the same direction. Hence it is evident that some means must be employed to accommodate these different motions to each other. Now, when a tooth of the wheel has given the pendulum or balance a motion in one direction, it must quit it, that the pendulum or balance may receive an impulsion in the opposite direction. This escaping of the tooth has given rise to the term escapement 2 L 2 516 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The ordinary ’scapenient is extremely simple, and may be thus illustrated. Let x'y, fig. 523, represent a horizontal axis, to which the pendulum is attached by a slender rod. This axis has two leaves, c and rf, one near each end, and not in the same plane, but so that when the pendulum hangs perpendicularly at rest, c spreads a few degrees to the right, and d as much to the left. These are called the pallets. Let afb represent a wheel, turning on a perpendicular axis, e o, in the order af eh. The teeth of this wheel are in the form of those of a saw, leaning .forward in the direction of the rim’s motion. This wheel is usually called the crown-ivheel, or in watches the halance-wheel. It in general contains an odd number of teeth. In the figure the pendulum is represented at the extremity of its excursion towards the right, the tooth a having just escaped from the pallet e, and b having just dropped on d. Now it is evident, that while the pendulum is moving to the left, in the arc jt) g, the tooth h still presses on the pallet d, and thus accelerates the pendulum, both in its descent along p h, and its ascent up kg, and that when d, by turning round the axis x y, raises its point above the plane of the wheel, the tooth b escapes from it, and i drops on c, now nearly perpen- dicular. Thus c is pressed to the right, and tlie motion of the pendulum along gp is accelerated. Again, while the pendulum hangs perpendicularly in the line h, the tooth b, by pressing on d, will force the pendulum to the left, in proportion to its lightness, and if it be not too heavy, will force it so far from the perpendicular, that b will escape, and i will catch on c, and force the pendulum back to p, when the same motion will be repeated. This effect will be the more remarkable if the rod of the pen- dulum be continued through .r y, and have a ball q, on the other end, to balance p. When b escapes from d, the balls are moving with a certain velocity and momentum, and in this condition the balance is checked when i catches on c. It is not, however, instantly stopped, but continues to move a little to the left, and i is forced a little backward by the pallet c. It cannot make its escape over the top of the tooth i, as all the momentum of the balance was generated by the force of b, and i is of equal power. Besides, when i catches on c, and the motion of c, to the left, continues, the lower point of c is applied to the face of i, which now acts on the balance by a long lever, and soon stops its motion in that direction, and, continuing to press on c, urges the balance in the opposite direction. In this, it is evident that the motion of the wheel is hobbling and unequal, by which this escapement has received the appellation of the recoiling \scapement. In considering the utility of the following improved ’scape- ment for clocks, we must keep in mind the following propo- sition, which, after the above illustration, scarcely requires any proof. It is, that the natural vibrations of a pendulum are isochronous, or are performed in equal times. The great object of the ^scapernent is to preserve this isochronous motion of the pendulum. As the defect of the recoiling ’scapenient was long ap- parent, several ingenious artists attempted to substitute in its place a ’scapenient that should produce a more regular and uniform motion. Of these, the ’scapenient contrived by Mr. Cuinming appears to be one of the most ingenious in its construction, and most perfect in its operation. The follow- JESCAFJEMJENTS Tl.77. AND MACHINIST. ^>17 lug construction is similar to that of Mr. Gumming, but rendered rather less complex for the purpose of shortening the description. Let ABC, fig. 524, represent a portion of the swing-wheel, of which O is the centre, and A one of the teeth, and Z the centre of the crutch, the pallets, and pendulum. The crutch is represented of the form of the letter A, having in the circular cross-piece a slit i k, which is also circular, Z being the centre. The arm Z F forms the first detent, and the tooth A is repre- sented as locked on it at F. D is the first pallet on the end of the arm Z d, movable round the same centre with the detents, but independent of them. The arm, d e, to which the pallet D is attached, lies wholly behind the arm Z F of the detent, being fixed to a round piece of brass, efg, having pivots turning concentric with the axis of the pendulum. To the same piece of brass is fixed the horizontal arm c H, carrying at its extremity the ball H, of such size that the action of the tooth A on the pallet D is just able raise it up to the position represented. Z P/r represents the fork, or pen- dulum-rod, behind both detent and pallet. A pin p projects forward, coming through the slit i k, without touching either margin of it. Attached to the fork is the arm m n, of such length that, when the pendulum-red is perpendicular, the angular distance of nq from the rod e q H is just equal to the angular distance of the left side of the pin p from the left end i of the slit i k. Now the natural position of the pallet D is at S, represented by the dotted lines, resting on the back of the detent F. It is naturally brought into this position by its own weight, and still more by the w'eight of the ball II. The pallet D, being set on the foreside of the arm at Z, comes into the same plane with the detent F and the swing-wheel, though represented in the figure in a different position. The tooth C of the wheel is supposed to have escaped from the second pallet, on which the tooth A immediately seizes the pallet 1), situated at 5, forces it out, and then rests on the detent F, the pallet D leaning on the tip of the tooth. After the escape of C, the pen- dulum, moving down the arch of semi-vibration, is represented as having attained the vertical position. Proceeding still to the left, the pin p reaches the extremity i of the slit i k; and, at the same instant, the arm n touches the rod e II in q. The pendulum proceeding a hair’s-breadth further, with- draws the detent F from the tooth, which now pushes off the detent, by actin and not only injure the brick- work between the apertures^ but fracture the windcAV-heads andcills. 2m 530 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC In constructing so essential a part as the arch, great at- tention must be paid to its curvature, and we strongly re- commend the parabolic curve to be adopted, as the most effectual for the purpose ; but if, in consequence of its depth, this cannot conveniently be introduced, the arch should never be made less than a semi-circle. The bed of the piers should be as uniform as possible, for, though the bottom of the trench be very firm, it will in some degree yield to the great weight that is upon it, and if the soil be softer in one part than in another, that part which is the softest, of course will yield more to the pressure, and cause a fracture. If the solid parts of the trench happen to be under the in- tended apertures, and the softer parts where piers are want- ed, the reverse of the above practice must be resorted to ; that is, the piers must be built on the firm parts, and have an arch that is not inverted between them. In performing this, attention must be paid to ascertain whether the pier will cover the arch ; for if the middle of the pier rest over the middle of the summit of the arch, the narrower the pier is, the greater should be the curvature of the arch at its apex. When suspended arches are used, the intrados ©light to be kept clear of the ground, that the arch may have its due effect. When the ground is in such a state as to require the foun- dation merely to be rammed, the stones are hammer- dress- ed, so as to be as little taper as possible, then laid of a breadth proportioned to the iveight that is to be rested upon them, and afterwards well rammed together. In general, the lower bed of stones may be allowed to project about a foot from the face of the wall on each side, and on this bed another course may be laid to bring the bed of stones on a level with the top of the trench. The breadth of this upper bed of stones should be four inches less than the lower one ; that is, projecting about eight inches on either side of the wall. In all kinds of walling, each joint of every course must fall as nearly as possible in the centre, be- tween two joints of the course immediately below it ; for in all the various methods of laying stones or bricks, the principal aim is to procure the greatest lap on each other. MORTAR. In making mortar, particular attention must be paid to the quality of the sand, and if it contain any propor- AND MACHINIST. 531 lion of clay or mud^ or is brought from the sea-shore and contains saline particles, it must be washed in a stream Df clear water till it be divested of its impurities. The necessity of the first has been clearly proved by Mr. Smeaton, ivho, in the course of a long and meritorious attention to lis profession of an engineer, has found, that when mortar, :hough otherwise of the best quality, is mixed with a small 3roportion of unburnt clay, it never acquires that hardness vhich, without it, it would have attained 5 and, with respect o the second, it is evident, that so long as the sand contains ialine particles it cannot become hard and dry. The sharper ind coarser the sand is the better for the mortar, and the less be quantity of lime to be used; and sand being the cheapest of the ingredients which compose the mortar, tis more profitable to the maker. The exact proportions )f lime and sand are still undetermined ; but in general no nore lime is required than is just sufficient to surround he particles of the sand, or sufficient to preserve the lecessary degree of plasticity. Mortar, in which sand forms the greater portion requires ess water in its preparation, and consequently is sooner let. Jt is also harder and less liable to shrink in drying, lecause the lime, while drying, has a greater tendency to brink than sand, which retains its original magnitude. The general proportions given by the London builders is H jwt., or 37 bushels, of lime to loads of sand ; but if iroper measures be taken to procure the best burnt lime ind the best sand, and in tempering the materials, a greater portion of sand may be used. There is scarcely any uortar that has the lime well calcined, and the com- position well beaten, but that will be found to require :wo parts of sand to one part of unslacked lime ; and it is ivorthy of observation, that the more the mortar is beaten be less proportion of lime suffices. Many experiments have been made with a view to obtain the most useful proportion of the ingredients, and among the rest Dr. Higgins has given the following : — Lime newly slacked one part. Fine sand three parts ; and Coarse sand four parts. He also found that one-fourth of the lime of bone-ashes greatly improved the mortar, by giving it tenacity, and ren- dering it less liable to crack in the drying. It is best to slack the lime in small quantities as required 2 M 2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC for 11 se^ about a bushel at a time, in order to secure to the mortar such of its qualities as would evaporate were it aUlowed to remain slacked for a length of time. But if the mortar be slacked for any considerable time previous to being used, it should be kept covered up, and when wanted be re-beaten. If care be taken to secure it from the action of the atmosphere, it may thus remain covered up for a considerable period without its strength being in the least affected ; and, indeed, some advantages are gained, for it sets sooner, is less liable to crack in the drying, and is harder when dry. Grout, which is a cement containing a larger proportion of water than the common mortar, is use'd to run into the narrow interstices and irregular courses of rubble-stone walls ; and as it is required to concrete in the course of a day, it is composed of mortar that has been a long time made and thoroughly beaten. Mortar, composed of pure lime, sand, and water, may be employed in the linings of reservoirs and aque- ducts, provided a sufficient time is allowed for it to dry before the water is let in ; but if a sufficient time is not allowed, and the water is admitted while the mortar is wet, it will soon fall to pieces. There are, however, certain in- gredients which may be put into the common mortar to make it set immediately under the water; or, if the quick- lime composing the mortar contain in itself a certain por- tion of burnt clay, it will possess this property. For further information on this head the reader is referred to the s u i) -h ead — Plastering, BRICKS. The earth best adapted for the manufacture of brick is of a clayey loam, neither containing too much argillaceous mat ter, which causes it to shrink in the drying, nor too much sand, which has a tendency to render the ware both heai^ and brittle. It should be dug two or three years before it is wrought, that it may, by an exposure to the action of the atmosphere, lose the extraneous matter of which it is pos- sessed when first drawn from its bed ; or, at least, should be allowed to remain one winter, that the frost may mellow and pulverize it sufficiently to facilitate the operation of tempering. As the quality of the brick is greatly dependent upon the tempering of the clay, great care should be taken to have this part of the process well done. Formerly the manner of performing it consisted in throwing the clay into AND MACHINIST. 633 shallow pits, and subjecting it to 'the tread of men and oxen ; but this method has of late been superseded by the clay or pug mill, which is a very eligible, though simple machine. The clay or pug mill consists of a large vertical cone, having strong knives with a spiral arrangement and inclina- tion fixed on its internal surface. Passing through the centre, and terminating in a pivot at the bottom, is a strong perpendicular shaft with similar radiating knives, so that the knives by the revolution of the shaft, cut, separate, and purify the clay, till it be reduced to a homogeneous paste, which passes through an orifice at the bottom into a receiver placed for that purpose. The clay is taken from the re- ceiver to the moulder’s bench, and is, either by a lad or a woman, cut into pieces somewhat larger than the mould, and passed on to the moulder, who works it into a mould, previously dipped in sand, and strikes off the superfluous parts with a flat smooth piece of wood. In this country the mould used is about ten inches in length, and five inches in breadth, and the bricks when burnt are about nine inches long, four and a half inches broad, and two and a half inches thick. The degree of sh ringing, however, is various, ac- cording to the temper and purity of the clay, and the de- gree of heat attained in the burning. A handy moulder is calculated to mould from about 5000 to 7000 per day. From the moulder’s bench the bricks are carried to the hack, and arranged somewhat diagonally, one above the other, and two edgewise across, with a passage between the heads of each for the admission of air, till they be eight bricks in height. They are then left to dry. The time they take ere they re- require shifting depends entirely upon the weather, which when fine will be but a few days ; they are then turned and re-set wider apart, and in six or eight days are ready for the clamp or kiln. Clamps are generally used in the vicinity of London. They are made of the bricks to be burnt, and are commonly of an oblong form. The foundation is made either with the driest of the bricks just made, or with the coanmonest kind of brick, called place bricks. The bricks to be burnt are arranged tier upon tier as high as the clamp is intended to be, and a stratum of breeze or cinders to the depth of two or three inches is strewed between each layer of bricks, and the whole is finally covered with a thick stratum of breeze. At the west end of the clamp a perpendicular fire-place of about three feet in height is constructed, and flues are formed 534 iHfi OPERATIVE MECHANIC by arching the bricks over so as to leave a space of about a brick in width. The flues run straight through the clamp, and are filled with a mixture of coals, w’ood, and breeze, which are pressed closely together. If the bricks are re- quired to be burnt off quickly, which can be accomplished in the space of from twenty to thirty days according to the state of the weather, the flues must not exceed six feet dis- tance apart ; but if there is no urgent demand, the flues need not be nearer than nine feet, and the clamp may be allowed to burn slowly. Coke has been recommended as a more suitable fuel for bricks than either coal or wood, as the dimensions of the flues and the stratum of the fuel are not required to be so great, which, since the measurement of the clamp has been restricted to certain limits by the interference of the legis- lature, is a point of some consideration ; besides, the heat arising from the coke is more uniform and more intense than what is produced by the other materials, so that the burn- ing of the bricks is more likely to be perfect through- out. The saving which is thus produced may be calculated at about 32 per cent. Kilns are also in common use, and are in many respects preferable to the clamp, as less waste arises, less fuel is consumed, and the bricks are sooner burnt. A kiln will burn about 20,000 bricks at a time. The walls of a kiln are about a brick and a half thick, and incline inwards towards the top, so that the area of the upper part is not more than 114 square feet. The bricks are set on flat arches, with holes left between them, resembling lattice-work ; and, when the kiln is completed, are they covered with pieces of broken bricks and tiles, and some wood is kindled and put in to dry them gradually. When sufficiently dried, which is known by the smoke changing from a dark to a light transparent colour, the mouths of the kiln are stopped with pieces of brick, called shmlog, piled one upon ano- ther, and closed over with wet brick-earth. The shinlogs are carried so high as just to leave room for one faggot to be thrust into the kiln at a time, and when the brush-wood, furze, heath, faggots, &c. are put in, the fire is kindled, and the burning of the kiln commences. The fire is kept up till the arches assume a white appearance, and the flames appear through the top of the kiln ; upon which the fire is allowed to slacken, and the kiln to cool by degrees. This process of alternately heating and slacking the kiln is continued till the bricks are thoroughly burnt, which, in AND MACHINIST. 535 general, is in the space of forty-eight hours. The practice of steeping bricks in water after they have been burned, and then. burning them again, has the effect of considerably improving the quality. Bricks are of several kinds, the most usual of which are marls, stocks, and place bricks ; but there is little dif- ference in the mode of manufacturing them, except that great care is taken in preparing and tempering the marls. The finest marls, called firsts, are selected /or the arches of doorways, &c. and are rubbed to their proper form and dimensions : and the next best, called seconds, for the principal fronts. The colour, a light yellow, added to the smooth texture, and superior durability of the marls, give them the precedence of the other descriptions of brick. Grey stocks are somewhat like the seconds, but of infe- rior quality. Place bricks, sometimes called pickings, sandal, or samel bricks, are such as from being the outermost in the clamp or kiln, have not been thoroughly burned, and are, in con- sequence, soft, of uneven texture, and of a red colour. There are also burrs or clinkers, arising from the bricks being too violently burned, and sometimes several bricks are found run together in the kiln. They derive their colour from the nature of the soil of which they are composed, which, in general, is very pure. The best kind are used as cutting bricks, and are called red rubbers. In old buildings they are very frequently to be seen ground to a fine smooth sur- face, and set in putty instead of mortar, as ornaments over arches, windows, door-ways, &c. ; but though there are many beautiful specimens of red brick-work, yet these bricks cannot be judiciously used for the front walls of build- ings. This objection arises from the colour being too heavy, and fi'om its conveying to the mind, in the summer months, an unpleasant idea of heat ; to which may be added, that as the fronts of the buildings have a greater or less proportion af stone and painted wood-work, the contrast in the colours is altogether injudicious. The colour of grey stocks, on the contrary, assimilates so much with the stones and paint, that they have obtained, in and near London, univer- sal preference. At the village of Hedgerley, near Windsor, red bricks are made which will stand the greatest heat : they are called Windsor bricks. Bricks used for paving, are generally about an inch and a half in breadth ; and, beside these, there are paving tiles. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 636 which are made of a stronger clay, and are of a red colour. The largest are about twelve inches square, and one inch and a half thick : the next, though called ten-inch tiles, are about nine inches square, and one inch and a quarter thick. About the year 1795, a patent was obtained by Mr. Cart- wright, for an improved system of making bricks, of which the following extract will furnish the reader with all necessary information. “ Imagine a common brick, with a groove or rabate on each side down the middle, rather more than half the width of the side of the brick ; a shoulder will thus be left on either side of the groove, each of which will be nearly equal to one quarter of the width of the side of the brick, or to one half of the groove or rebate. A course of these bricks being laid shoulder to shoulder, they will form an indented line of nearly equal divisions, the grooves or rebates being somewhat wider than the ad- joining shoulders, to allow for the mortar or cement. When the course js laid on, the shoulders of the bricks, which compose it, will fall into grooves of the first course, and the shoulders of the first course, will fit into the grooves or rabates of the second, and so with every succeeding course. Buildings constructed with this kind of brick, will require no bond timbers, as an universal bond runs through the whole building, and bolds all the parts together ; the walls of which will neither crack nor bilge without breaking through themselves. When bricks of this con- struction are used for arches, the sides of the grooves should form the radii of the circle, of which the intended arch is a segment ; yet if the circle be very large, the difference of the width at the top and bottom will be so very trifling, as to render a minute attention to this scarcely if at all necessary. In arch-work, the bricks may either belaid in mortar, or dry, and the interstices afterwards filled up by pouring in lime, putty, plaster of Paris, &c. Arches upon this principle, having any lateral pressure, can neither expand at the foot, nor spring at the crown, consequently they want no abutments, requiring only perpendicular walls to be let into, or to rest upon ; neither will they want any superincumbent weight on the crown to prevent their springing up. The centres also may be struck immediately, so that the same centre, which never need be many feet wide, may be regularly shifted as the work proceeds. But the most striking advantage attending this invention is, the security it affords against the ravages of fire ; for, from the peculiar properties of this kind of arch, requiring no abutments, it may be laid upon, or let into common walls, no stronger than what is required for timbers so as to ad- mit of brick floorings.” Having said thus much on the laying of the foundation, the mixing of the mortar, and the manufacture of the brick, we shall next proceed to treat on the principles of the art of masonry, as practised in the present day. MASONRY, :Is the art of cutting stones, and building them into a mass, so as to form the regular surfaces which are required- in the construction of an edifice. ^ AND MACHINIST. 537 The chief business of the mason is to prepare the stones, make the mortar, raise the wall with the necessary breaks, projections, arches, apertures, &c., and to construct the vaults, &c. as indicated by the design. A wall built of unhewn stone, whether it be built with mortar or otherwise, is called a rubble ivalL Rubble work is of two kinds, coursed and uncoursed. In coursed rub- ble the stones are gauged and dressed by the hammer, and thrown into different heaps, each heap containing stones of equal thickness ; and the masonry, which may be of dif- ferent thicknesses, is laid in horizontal courses. In un- coursed rubble the stones are placed promiscuously in the wall, without any attention being paid to the placing them in courses ; and the only preparation the stones undergo, is that of knocking off the sharp angles with the thick end of a tool called a scahling hammer. Walls are ge- nerally built with an ashlar facing of fine stone, averaging about four or five inches in thickness, and backed with rub- ble work or brick. Walls backed with brick or uncoursed rubble, are liable to become convex on the outside, from the great number of joints, and the difficulty of placing the mortar, 'which shrinks in proportion to the quantity, in equal portions, in each joint ; consequently, walls of this description are much inferior to those where the facing and backing are built of the same material, and with equal care, even though both of the sides be uncoursed. When the outside of a wall is faced with ashlar, and the inside is coursed rubble, the courses of the backing should be as high as possible, and set within beds of mortar. Coursed rubble and brick backings are favourable for the insertion of bond timber ; but, in good masonry, wooden bonds should never be in continued lengths, as in case of either fire or rot the wood will perish, and th6 masonry will, by being reduced, be liable to bend at the place where the bond was inserted. When timber is to be inserted into walls for the purposes of fastening buttons for plastering, or skirting, &c., the pieces of timber ought to be so disposed that the ends of the pieces be in a line with the wall. In a wall faced with ashlar, the stones are generally about 2 feet or 2^ feet in length, 12 inches in height, and 8 inches in thickness. It is a very good plan to incline the back of each stone, to make all the backs thus inclined run in the same direction, which gives a small degree of lap in the setting of the next course ; whereas, if the backs are paral • THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 538 lei to the front, there can be no lap where the stones run of an equal depth in the thickness of the wall. It is also ad* vantageous to the stability of the wall to select the stones, so that a thicker and a thinner one may succeed each other alternately. In each course of ashlar facing, either with rubble masonry, or brick backing, thorough-stones should occasionally be introduced, and their number be in pro- portion to the length of the course. In every succeeding course, the thorough stones should be placed in the middle of every two thorough-stones in the course below ; and this disposition of bonds should be punctually attended to in all cases where the courses are of any great length. Some masons, in order to prove that they have introduced sufficient bonds into their work, choose thorough-stones of a greater length than the thickness of the wall, and after- wards cut off the ends ; but this is far from an eligible plan, as the wall is not only subject to be shaken, but the stone is itself apt to split. In every pier, between windows and other apertures, every alternate jamb-stone ought to go through the wall with its bed perfectly level. When the jamb-stones are of one entire height, as is frequently the case when architraves are wrought upon them, upon the lintel crowning them, and upon the stones at the ends of the courses of the pier which are adjacent to the architrave- ' jamb, every alternate stone ought to be a thorough-stone: and if the piers between the apertures be very narrow, no other bond-stone is required ; but where the piers are wide, the number of bond-stones are proportioned to the space. Bond-stones must be particularly attended to in all long courses below and above windows. All vertical joints, after receding about an inch with a close joint, should widen gradually to the back, thereby forming hol- low spaces of a wedge- like figure, for the reception of mortar, rubble, &c. The adjoining stones should have their beds and vertical joints filled, from the face to about three quarters of an inch inwards, \vith oil and putty, and the rest of the beds must be filled with well-tempered mortar. Putty ce- ment will stand longer than most stones, and will even remain, permanent when the stone itself is mutilated. All walls cemented with oil-putty, at first look unsightly ; but this disagreeable effect ceases in a year or less, when, if care has been taken to make the colour of the putty suitable to that of the stone, the joints will hardly be perceptible. In selecting ashlar, the mason should take care that each stone invariably lays on its natural bed; as from ca’eless- AND MACHINIST. 539 Dess in this particular^ the stones frequently flush at the joints, and sooner admit the corrosive power of the atmos- phere to take effect. It ought also to be observed, that, in building walls, or insulated pillars of small horizontal dimensions, every stone should have its bed perfectly level, and be without any concavity in the middle ; because, if the beds are con- cave, the joints will most probably flush when the pillars begin to sustain the weight of the building. Care should also be taken, that every course of masonry in such piers be of one stone. Having thus given to the practical mason an outline of the subject of walling, we will proceed to the con- sideration of the more difficult branches of the art, that of constructing arches and vaults. DEFINITIONS. An arch^ in masonry, is that part of a building which is suspended over a given plane, supported only at its extre- mities, and concave towards the plane. The upper surface of an arch is called the extrados ; and the under surface, or that which is opposite the plan, the intrados. The supports of an arch are called the spring tvalls. The springing lines, are those common to the supports and the intrados ; or the line which forms the intersection of the arch with the surface of the wall which supports it. The chord, or span, is a line extending from one springing line to the opposite one. Section of the hollow of the arch, is a vertical plane, sup- posed to be contained by the span and the intrados. The height, or rise of the arch, is a line drawn at right angles from the middle of the chord, or spanning line, to the intrados. The crown of the arch is that part which the extremity of the perpendicular touches. The haunches, or flanks, of the arch, are those parts of the curve betw’een the crown and the springing line. When the base of the section, or spanning line, is paral- lel to the horizon, the section will consist of two equal and similar parts, so that when one is applied to the other, they will be found to coincide. Arches are variously named according to the figure of the section of a solid that would fill the void, as tircular, ellip • THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 540 tical, cycloidal^ catenarian, paraholical, &c. There are also pointed, composite, and lancet, or Gothic arches. A rampant arch is when the springing lines are of two unequal heights. When the intrados and extrados of an arch are parallel, it is said to be extradossed. There are, however, other terms much used by masons ; for example, the semicircular are called perfect arches, and those less than a semicircle, imperfect, surhused, or dimi- nished arches. Arches are also called surmounted, when they are higher than a semicircle. A vault is an arch used in the interior of a building, overtopping an area of a given boundary, as a passage, or an apartment, and supported by one or more walls, or pil- lars, placed without the boundary of that area. Hence an arch in a wall is seldom or never called a vault ; and every vault may be called an arch, but every arch can- not be termed a vault. A groin vault, is a complex vault, formed by the intersec- tion of two solids, whose surfaces coincide with the intra- dos of the arches, and are not confined to the same heights. Anarch is said to stand upon splayed jambs, when the springing lines are not at right angles to the face of the wall. In the art of constructing arches and vaults, it is neces- sary to build them in a mould, until the whole is closed : the mould used for this purpose is called a centre. The in- trados of a simple vault is generally formed of a portion of a cylinder, cylindroid, sphere, or spheroid, that is, never greater than the half of the solid : and the springing lines which terminate the walls, or when the vault begins to rise, are generally straight lines, parallel to the axis of the cylinder, or cylindroid. A circular wall is generally terminated wdth a spherical vault, which is either hemispherical, or a portion of a sphere less than an hemisphere. Every vault which has an horizontal straight axis, is call- ed a straight vault ; and in addition to what we have already said, the concavities which two solids form at an angle, re- ceive likewise the name of arch. An arch, when a cylinder pierces another of a greater dia- tneter, is called cylindro-cylindric. The term cylindro is applied to the cylinder of the greatest diameter, and the term cylindric to the less. JBUIjlbINO From 55 ito 554 n.78 y^cU iiStcdda 3c SizSsroTid AND MACHINIST. 541 If a cylinder intersect a sphere of greater diameter than the cylinder, the arch is called a sphero- cylindric arch ; but on the other hand, if a sphere pierce a cylinder of greater diameter than the sphere, the arch is called a cylindro- sphe- ric arch. If a cylinder pierce a cone, so as to make a complete per- foration through the eone, two complete arches will be formed, called cmo- cylindric arches ; but, on the contrary, if a cone pierce a cylinder, so that the concavity made by the cone is a conic surface, the arch is called cylindro-conic arch. If, in a straight wall, there be a cylindric aperture con- tinuing quite through it, two arches will be formed, called piano- cylindric arches. Every description of arch is, in a similar manner to the above, denoted by the two preceding words ; the fcrmer ending in o, signifying the principal vault, or sur- face cut through ; and the latter in ic, signifying the de- scription of the aperture which pierces or intersects the wall or vault. . When groins are introduced merely for use, they may be built either of brick or stone; but, when introduced byway of proportion or decoration, their beauty will depend on the generating figures of the sides, the regularity of the sur- face, and the acuteness of the angles, which should not be obturided. In the best buildings, when durability and elegance are equally required, they may be constructed of wrought stone ; and, when elegance is wanted, at a trifling expense, of plaster, supported by timber ribs. In stone-cutting, a narrow surface formed by a point or chisel, on the surface of a stone, so as to coincide with a straight edge, is called a draught. The formation of stone arches has always been considered a most useful and important acquisition to the operative mason ; in order, therefore, to remove any difficulties which might arise in the construction of arches of different descriptions, both in straight ana circular walls, we shall here introduce a few examples, which, it is hoped, with careful examination, will greatly facilitate a knowledge of some of the most abstruse parts of the art. Fig^. ,551, No. 1. To find the moulds necessary for the construction of a semicircular arch, cutting- a straight wall obliquely. 542 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Let ABCDEFGH be tite plan of the arch ; IKLM the outer line; and NOPQ the inner line on the elevation. abode, on the elevation, shows the bevel of each joint or bed from the face of the wall ; and abed e below, gives the mould for the same, where xy on the elevation corresponds with x y ?tia. The arch mould, fig. 551, No. 2, is applied on the face of the stone, and on being applied to the parts of the plan, gives, of course, the beve of each concave side of the stone with the face, that is K to O, on the ele- vation. Fig. 552. To find the mould for constructing a semicircular arch in a circular wall. No. 1 is the elevation of the arch; and No. 2 the plan of the bottom bed from q to r. « to 5 is what the arch gains on the circle from the bottom bed ko tol; and cto d is the projection of the intrados to p, on the joint 1. p. Nos. 2, 3, 4, are plans of the three arch-stones, 1, 2, 3, in the eleva- tion ; and Nos. 5 and 6 are moulds to be applied to the beds of stones 1 and 2, in which s c equals s c in No. 2, and t w equals tw in No. 3. In No. I, kip 0 is the arch or face mould. When the reader is thoroughly proficient in the construc- tion of arches, under given datas, as the circumstances of the case may point out, he may proceed to investigate the principles of spherical domes and groins. Figs. 553 and 554 show the principles of developing the soffits of the arches in the two preceding examples. In each the letters of reference are alike, and the operation is precisely the same. Let ABDE be the plan of the opening in the wall ; and AFB the elevation of the arch: produce the chord AB to C, divide the semicircle AFB into any number of parts, the more the better, and with the com- passes set to any one of these divisions, run it as many times along AC as the semicircle is divided into ; then draw lines, perpendicular to BC, through every division in the semicircle and the line CA, and set the dis- tance lb, 2 d, 3 f, &c. respectively equal to ab, c d, ef, &c.and then by tracing a curve through these points, and finding the points in the line GD, in the same manner, the soffit of the arch is complete. Fig. 555, shows the method of constructing spherical domes. No. 1 mould is applied on the spherical surface to the vertical joints ; and No. 2 mould on the same surface to the other joints; and in both cases, the mould tends to the centre of the dome. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, are moulds which apply on the convex surface to the horizontal joint, the lines ab, c d, ef, &c. being at right angles to the different radii, b c, dc,fc, &c. and produced until they intersect the perpendicular a c ; the different intersections are the centres which give the circular leg of the mould, and the straight part gives the hori- zontal joint. Fig. 55G exhibits the plan of a groined vault. Lay down the arch, either at the full or half size, on a floor or piece of floor-cloth, then divide and draw on the plan the number of joints in the semicircular arch, and from the intersections with the diagonals, draw the transverse joints on the plan, and produce them till they touch the in- triidoes of the elliptical arch, the curve of which may be found by setting the corresponding distances from the line of the base to the curve ; thus a b equal to a b. This being accomplished, draw the joints of the ellipti- BlTIOLBIING From 556 to 551 f FI. 7 9 556 hTa4U &.Stcddev scdbzStrVLZ ! ■i I I AND MACHINIST. 543 cal arch in the manner ot which we give e t/, as a specimen. To draw the joint c d, draw the chord e c and bisect it, draw a line from the centre c, through the bisecting point, and produce it till it touches the perpendicu- lar e f; and c d, being at right angles to e f, will be the joint required. In the same manner the others are found. By examination, it will be seen, that a rectangle circumscribing the mould 3, 3, gives the size of the stone in its square state, and, that if each stone in both arches be thus enclosed, the dimensions for each will be found, as also the position in which the moulds must be placed. The dark lines give the different bevels which must be carefully prepared and applied to the stones in the manner represented in the figure. Fig. 557. To draw the joints of the stones for an elliptical arch in a wall, &c. The curve is here described by the intersection of lines, which, cer- tainly, gives the most easy and pleasing curve, as segments of circles apply only under certain data* or in the proportion which the axis major has to the axis minor, while the intersection of lines apply to any descrip- tion of ellipsis. Find the foci F. In an ellipsis the distance of either focus from one extremity of the axis minor is equal to the semi-axis ma- jor ; that is, DF is equal to c C. Then to find any joint, a b, draw lines from both foci through the point 6, as F e, / d, and bisect the angle db e by the line a 6, which is the joint required. Having thus given a general outline of the principles of masonry, and accompanied the same with a few examples on the most abstruse parts of the art, we shall conclude this part of our treatise with the methods employed in the mensuration of masons" work. Rough stone or marble is measured by the foot cube : but in measuring for workmanship, the superficies or surface, for plain work, is measured before it is sunk. In measuring ashlar, one bed and one upright joint are taken and con- sidered plain work. In taking the plain sunk, or cir- cular work, and the straight moulded, or circular moulded work, particular care is required to distinguish the different kinds of work in the progress of preparing the stone. In measuring strings, the weathering is denominated sunk work^ and the grooving throatings. Stone cills to windows, &c. are, in general, about 4| inches thick and 8 inches broad, and are weathered at the top, which reduces the front edge to about 4 inches, and the horizontal surface at the top to about I J inch on the inside ; so that the part taken away is 6§ inches broad and three quarters of an inch deep. Cills, when placed in the wall, generally project about inches. The horizontal part left on the inside of the cill is denominated plain work; and the sloping part sunk work ; and in the dimension book are entered thus, — 644 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC U 4 Si 8 inches the breadth of the plain work in the dll according- to the above dimensions, — then 8 2 8 4 H 2 2 2 s 4 6 4 0 Plain work. Sunk work. Plain to ends of throating-. No account is taken of the sawing. Cornices are measured by girthing round the moulded parts, that is, the whole of the vertical and under parts, called moulded work : — for example, suppose a cornice pro- ject one foot, girth two feet, and is 40 feet in length, then the dimensions will be entered as under, — 40 2 80 40 1 40 Moulded work. Sunk work at top. All the vertical joints must be added to the above. Cylindrical work is measured in the girth ; and the sur- face is calculated to be equivalent to plain work twice taken. For example, suppose it be required to measure the plain work or a cylinder, 10 feet long, and 5 feet in circumference, the dimensions would then be entered ^5 0 Sup', plain work, double measure. Paving-slabs and chimney-pieces are found by superficia. measure, as also are stones under two inches thick. The manner in which the dimensions of a house are taken, vary according to the place and the nature of the agreement. In Scotland, and most parts of England, if the builder engages only for workmanship, the dimensions are taken round the outside of the house for the length, and the height is taken for the width, and the two multiplied AND MACHINIST. bio together gives the superficial contents. This, however, applies only when the wall is of the same thickness all the' way up ; and when not, as many separate heights are taken as there are thicknesses. This mode of measuring gives something more than the truth, by the addition of the four quoins, which are pillars of two feet square ; but this is not more than considered sufficient to compensate the workmen for the extra labour in plumbing the quoins. If there be a plinth, string, course-cornice, or blocking course, the height is taken from the bottom of the plinth to the top of the blocking course, including the thickness of the same ; that is, the measurer takes a line or tape and be gins, we will suppose, at the plinth, then stretching the line to the top, bends it into the offset, or weathering, and, keeping the corner tight at the internal angle, stretches the line vertically upon the face of the wall, from the internal angle to the internal angle of the string ; then girths round the string to the internal angle at the top of the string, and keeping the line tight at the upper internal angle, stretches it to meet the cornice ; he then bends it round all the mouldings to the internal angle of the blocking course, from which he stretches the string up to the blocking course, to the farther extremity of the breadth of the top of the same so that the extent of the line is the same as the vertical section stretched out : this dimension is accounted the height of the building. With respect to the length, when there arc any pilasters, breaks, or recesses, the girth of the whole is taken at the length. This method is, perhaps, the most absurd of any admitted in the art of measuring ; since this addition in height and length, is not sufficient to compensate for the value of the workmanship on the ornamental parts. The value of a rood of workmanship must be first ob- tained by estimation, that is, by finding the cost of each kind of work, such as plinth, strings, cornices, and archi- traves, &c. and adding to them the plain ashlar work, and the value of the materials, the amount of which, divided by the number of roods contained in the w^hole, give the mean price of a single rood. When the apertures or open- ings in a building are small, it is not customary to make deductions either for the materials or workmanship which are there deficient, as the trouble of plumbing and return- ing the quoins, is considered equivalent tor the deficiency of fliaterials occasioned by such aperture. 546 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Elsam’s Gentleman's and Builder’s Assistant^ gives the following information on the practice of measuring rough stone work. To find the number of perches contained in a piece of rough stone-work. If the wall be at the standard thickness, that is, 12 inches high, IS inches thick, and 21 feet long, divide the area by 21, and the quotient, if any, will be the answer in perches, and the remainder, if any, is feet. If the wall be more or less than 18 inches thick, multiply the area of the wall by the number of inches in thickness, which product, divided by 18, and that quotient by 21, will give the perches contained. Exam^Ae, A piece of stone-work is 40 feet long, 20 feet high, and 24 inches thick, how many perches are contained in it? 40 length. 20 height. 800 24 3200 1600 21 ) 18) 19200 (1066 18 105 120 16 108 120 108 P. P. In. ( 50 16 8 12 equal to 8 inches. The method last described, of finding the value of mason’s work, is usually adopted, the perch being the standard of the country ; but the most expeditious way of ascertaining the value, is to cube the contents of the wall, and to charge the work at per foot. To ascertain the value of common stone- work, a calculation should be made of the prime cost of all the component parts, consisting of the stones in the quarry, the expense of quarrying, land-carriage to the place where it is to be used, with the extra trouble and consequent expense in carrying the stone one, two, three, or more stories higher. Also the price of the lime when delivered, to- gether with the extra expense of wages to workmen, if in the <’ountry ; all these circumstances must be taken into consi- deration in finding the value of a perch of common stone- work, the expense of which will be found to vary according to AND MACHINIST. 547 local circumstances, in degrees scarcely credible ; wherefore a definite price cannot, with propriety, be fixed. BRICKLAYING In building upon an inclined plane, or rising ground, the foundation must be made to rise in a series of level steps, according to the general line of the ground, to insure a firm bed for the courses, and prevent them from sliding ; for if this mode be not adopted, the moisture in the foundations in wet weather, will induce the inclined parts to descend, tc the manifest danger of fracturing the walls and destroying the building. In walling, in dry w’eather, when the work is required to be firm, the best mortar must be used ; and the bricks must be wetted, or dipped in water, as they are laid, to cause them to adhere to the mortar, which they would not do if laid dry ; for the dry sandy nature of the brick absorbs the moisture of the mortar and prevents adhesion. In carrying up the wall, not more than four or five feet of any part should be built at a time ; for, as all walls shrink im- mediately after building, the part which is first carried up will settle before the adjacent part is carried up to it, and, con- sequently, the shrinking of the latter will cause the two parts to separate ; therefore, no part of a wall should be carried higher than one scaffold, without having its contin- gent parts added to it. In carrying up any particular part, the ends should be regularly sloped off, to receive the bond of the adjoining parts on the right and left. There are two descriptions of bonds ; English bond, and Flemish bond. In the English bond, a row of bricks is laid lengthwise on the length of the wall, and is crossed by ano- ther row, which has its length in the breadth of the Avail, and so on alternately. Those courses in which the lengths of the bricks are disposed through the length of the wall, are termed stretching courses, and the bricks stretchers : and those courses in which the bricks run in the thickness of the lengths of the walls, heading courses, and the bricks headers. ITie other description of bond, called Flemish bond, con- sists in placing a header and a stretcher alternately in the same course. The latter is deemed the neatest, and most elegant ; but, in the execution is attended with great incon- venience, and, in most cases, does not unite the parts of a 548 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC wall with tne same degree of firmness as the English bond. In general, it may be observed, that, whatever advantages are gained by the English bond in tying a wall together in its thickness, they are lost in the longitudinal bond ; and vice-versa. To remove this inconvenience, in thick walls, some builders place the bricks in the cone at an angle of forty-five degrees, parallel to each other, throughout the length of every course, but reversed in the alternate courses ; so that the bricks cross each other at right an- gles. But even here, though the bricks in the cone have sufficient bond, the sides are very imperfectly tied, on ac- count of the triangular interstices formed by the oblique direction of the internal bricks against the flat edges of those in the outside. Concerning the English bond, it may be observed, that, as the longitudinal extent of a brick is nine inches, and its breadth four and a half, to prevent two vertical joints from running over each other at the end of the first stretcher from the corner, it is usual, after placing the return corner stretcher, which occupies half of the length of this stretcher, and becomes a header in the face, as the stretcher is bj- low, to place a quarter brick on the side, so that the two together extend six inches and three-quarters, being a lap of two inches and a half for the next header. The bat thus introduced is called a closer. A similar effect may be ob- tained by introducing a three-quarter bat at the corner of the stretching course, so that the corner header being laid over it, a lap of two inches and a quarter will be left, at the end of the stretchers below, for the next header, which being laid on the joint below the stretchers, will coincide with its middle. In the winter, it is very essential to keep the unfinished wall from the alternate effects of rain and frost for if it is exposed, the rain will penetrate into the bricks and mortar, and, by being converted into ice, expand, and burst or crumble the materials in which it is contained. The decay of buildings, so commonly attributed to the effects of time, is, in fact, attributable to this source ; but as finished edifices have only a vertical surface, the action and counter-action of the rain and frost extend not so ra- pidly as in an unfinished wall, where the horizontal sur- face permits the rain and frost to have easy access into the body of the work. Great care, therefore, must be taken as soon as the frost or stormy weather sets in, to cover the iwi- AND MACHINIST. 549 finished walls, either with straw, which is the most com- mon, or weather boarding. When weather boarding is employed, it is advisable to have a good layer of straw between the work and the board- ing, and to place the boarding in the form of stone-coping, to throw the water off equally on both sides. A number of very pleasing cornices and other ornaments may be formed in brick-work, by the mere disposition of the bricks, Avithout cutting ; and if cut, a simple chainpher will be sufficient. A great defect, however, is very often observable in these ornaments, particularly in the bulging of arches over windows ; which arises from mere careless- ness, in rubbing the bricks too much on the inside ; where- as, if due care Avere taken to rub them exact to the gauge, their geometrical bearings being united, they Avould all tend to one centre, and produce a Avell- proportioned and pleasing effect. In steining Avells, it is necessary first to make a centre, consisting of a boarding of inch or inch and a half stuff, ledged within with three circular rings, upon which the bricks, all headers, are laid. The vacuity betAveen the bricks towards the boarding, are to be filled in with tile or other pieces of brick. As the w^ell-sinker proceeds to excavate the ground, the centre with its load of bricks sinks, and another similarly charged is laid upon it, and another upon that, and so on till the wall is complete, the centreing remaining with the brick- work. This plan is generally adopted in London, at least where the soil is sandy and loose ; where it is firm, centreings are not requisite. In the country, among many other methods, the following is most approved : — rings of timber, without the exterior boarding, are used ; upon the first ring, four or five feet of bricks are laid, then a second ring, and so on. But the mode before described is by far the most preferable ; as in the latter the sides of the brick- work are apt to bulge in sinking, particularly if great care be not taken in filling and ramming the sides uniformly, so as to keep the pressure regular and equal. In steining wells and building cesspools, a rod of brick-work will require at least 4760 bricks. As the construction of AA^alls, arches, groins, &c. in brick-work, approximates so nearly to that of stone-Avork, i and as the same observations generally apply, further infor- mation would, perhaps, be considered superfluous ; we shall, therefore, conclude this article with some practical observations on the measuring of brick-AVork. 550 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Brick-work is measured and valued by the rod. The con- tents of a rod of brick-work is 16^ feet simarc ; consequent- ly, the superficial rod contains 2/2*25, or 272J square feet; but as the quarter has been found troublesome in cal- culation, 2/2 superficial feet has been admitted as the standard. The standard thickness of a brick wall is brick laid lengthwise ; therefore, if 272 square feet be multiplied by 13 inches, the result will be 306 cubic feet, or a rod. A rod of standard brick-work, making the necessary allovr- ance for mortar and waste, will require 4500 bricks ; but this quantity is of course ruled by the size of the brick, and the closeness of the joints. A foot of reduced brick-work requires 17 bricks ; a foot superficial of marl facing, laid in Flemish bond, 8 bricks ; and a foot superficial of gauged arches, 10 bricks. In paving, a yard will require 82 jiaving bricks, or 48 stock bricks, or 38 bricks laid flat. A square of tiling contains 100 superficial feet ; and re- quires of plain tiles, 800 at -a six-inch gauge, 700 at a seven- inch gauge, or 600 at an eight- inch gauge. The distances between the respective laths must depend on the pitch of the roof ; and one roof may require a 6, 7, and 8 inch gauge. For instance, akirt roof will require, in the kirt part, a 74 or 8 inch gauge, and in the upper part 6, 64, or 7 inch, the gauge decreasing in the ratio of the angle of elevation. A square of plain tiling will require a bundle of laths, more or less, according to the pitch; with two bushels of lime, one bushel of sand, and a peck of tile- pins. Laths are sold by the thousand, or bundle ; and each bundle is supposed to contain 100 laths, though the exact number depends on the length ; the 3 feet containing 5 score, the 4 feet 4 score, the 5 feet 3 score, and so on in proportion. A square of pan -tiling requires 180 tiles, laid at a ten- inch gauge ; and one bundle, containing 12 laths, ten feet long. In lime measure, 25 struck bushels, or 100 pecks, make a hundred of lime ; 8 gallons, a bushel dry measure ; and 268 cubic inches, one gallon. In measuring sand, 24 heaped, or 30 struck bushels make one load ; and 24 cubic feet weighs one ton. A load of mortar, which ought to contain half a hundred ot lime, with a proportionate quantity of sand, is 27 cubic feet. AND MACHINIST. 551 Excavations of the earth are measured by the number ot cubic yards which they contain, therefore, to find the number of cubic yards in a trench, find the solidity of the trench in cubic feet, and divide it by 27 , the number of cubic feet in a yard, and the quotient, is the number of cubic yards, and the remainder the number of cubic feet. For example, the length of a trench is 60 feet, the depth 3 feet, and the breadth 2 feet. 60 3 180 2 yds, ft. 27 ) 360 ( 13 9 the answer. 27 90 81 9 In the horizontal dimensions, if the trench be wider at the top than it is at the bottom, and equal at the ends, take half the sum of the two dimensions for a mean breadth ; and if the breadth of one end of the trench exceed that of the other, so as to have two mean breadths, differing from each other, take half the sum of the two added together, as a mean breadth of the whole.' In measuring the footing of a wall, multiply the length and the height of the courses together ; then multiply the product by the number of half bricks in the mean breadth, divide the last product by 3, and the quotient is the answer in reduced feet. Instead of measuring the height of the footing, it is customary to allow three inches to each course in height, or multiply the number of courses by 3, which gives the height in inches. To find the contents in rods of a piece of brick work. Case 1. If the wall be of the standard thickness, divide the area of tlie wall by 272, and the quotient is the number of rods, and the remainder the number of feet ; but if the wall be either more or less than a brick and a half in thickness, multiply the area of the 'wall by the number of half bricks, that is, the number of half lengths of a brick ; divide the product by 3, Avhich will reduce the wall to the standard thickness of 1^ brick, then divide the quotient by 272, and it vvill give the number of rods, Case II. Divide the number of cubic feet contained in the wall by 303 ; the quotient will give the number of rods, and the remainder the number of cubic feet. Case III. Multiply the numter of cubic feet in a wall by 8 ; divide the THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 552 product by 9 ; and the quotient will give the area of the wall at the standard : divide this standard area by 272, and the quotient will give the number of rods ; the remainder the reduced feet. Example. The length of a wall is 0 feet, the height 20 feet, and the thickness equal to the length of three bricks ; it is therefore required to know how many rods of brick-work is contained in the said wall ? Bv Case I. 60 20 1200 6 3 ) 7200 272 ) 2400 ( 8 rods 224 feet the answer. 2176 224 Case il 60 20 1200 2.3 thickness of wall 2100 300 303 ) 2700 ( 8 rods 252 feet the answer, 2448 252 Case III. 60 20 1200 2.3 2400 300 2700 8 9 ) 21600 272 ) 2400 ( 8 rods 224 feet, as in Case I 2176 AND MACHINIST. 553 In the calculation of brick-work, where there are several walls of different thicknesses, it will be quite unnecessary to use the divisors 3 and 272, as will be hereafter shown. In taking dimensions for workmanship, it is usual to allow the length of each wall on the external side, to com- pensate for plumbing the angles ; but this practice must not be resorted to for labour and materials, as it gives too much quantity in the height of the building or story by two pil- lars of brick ; and in the horizontal dimensions by the thickness of the walls. In measuring walls, faced with bricks of a superior qua- lity, most surveyors measure the whole as common work, and allow an additional price per rod for the facing, as the superior excellence of the work, and quality of the bricks may deserve. Every recess or aperture made in any of the faces must be deducted ; but an allowance per foot lineal should be made upon every right angle, whether external or internal, excepting when two external angles may be formed by a brick in breadth, and then only one of them must be al- lowed . Gauged arches are sometimes deducted and charged se- parate ; but as the extra price must be allowed in the for- mer case, it will amount to the same thing. In measuring walls containing chimneys, it is not custom- ary to deduct the flues ; but this practice, so far as re- gards the materials, is unjust, though, perhaps, by taking the labour and materials together, the overcharge, with respect to the quantity of bricks and mortar, may, in some degree, compensate for the loss of time : on the other hand, if the proprietor finds the materials, it is not customary to allow for the trouble of forming the flues, which, conse- quently, is a loss to the contractor who has engaged by task-work or measure. If the breast of a chimney project from the face of the wall, and is parallel to it, the best method is, to take the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the face, multiply them together, and multiply the product by the thickness, taken in the thinnest part, without noticing the breast of the chimney; then find the solidity of the breast itself, add these solidities together, and the sum will give the solidity of the wall, including the vacuities, which must be deducted for the real solidity. Nothing more is necessary to be said of the shaft, than to take its dimensions in height, breadth, and thickness, in order to ascertain its solidity. 554 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC If a chimney be placed at an angle, with the face of tne, breast intersecting the two sides of the wall, the breast of the chimney must be considered a triangular prism. To take the dimensions : — -from the intersections of the front of the breast into the two adjacent walls, draw two lines on the floor, parallel to each adjacent wall ; then the triangle on the floor, included between the front and these lines, will be equal to the triangle on which the chimney stands, and, consequently, equal to the area of the base. To attain the area of the triangular base, the dimensions may be taken in three various ways, almost equally easy ; one of which is, to take the extent of the base, which is the horizontal di- mension of the breast, and multiply it by half of the per- pendicular ; or multiply the whole perpendicular by half the base : but, as this calculation would, in cases of odd numbers, run somewhat long, a more preferable method is, to multiply the whole base by the whole perpendicular, and take half of the product, which will give the area on which the chimney stands ; and which, multiplied by the height, gives the solid contents of the chimney. From this contents is to be deducted the vacuity for the fire-place. A row of plain tiles, laid edge to edge, with their broad surfaces parallel to the termination of a wall, so as to pro- ject over the wall at right angles to the vertical surface, is called single plam tile creasing ; and two rows, laid one above the other, the one row breaking the joints of the other, arc called double plain tile creasing. Over the plain tile creasing a row of bricks is placed on edge, with their length in the thickness of the wall, and are called a barge course^ or cope. The bricks in gables, which terminate with plain tile creasing coped with bricks, in order to form the sloping bed for the ])lain tile creasing, must be cut, and the sloping of the bricks thus, is called cut splay. Plaiii tile creasing and cut splay are charged by the foot run ; and the latter is sometimes charged by the superficial foot. A brick wall built in pannels between timber quarters is called brick 7iogging ; and is generally measured by the yard s(piarc, the quarters and nogging pieces being included in the measure. Pointing is the filling up the joints of the bricks after the walls arc'built. It consists in raking out some of the mor- tar from the joints, and filling them again with blue mor- tar, and in one kind of pointing, the courses are simnlv AND MACHINIST. 655 marked with the end of a trowel, called flat-joint pointing ; but if, in addition to flat -joint pointing, plaster be inserted in the joint with a regular projection, and neatly paved to a parallel breadth, it is termed hick pointing, or hick- joint pointing, or formerly, hick, and patt. Pointing is measured by the foot superficial, including in the price, mortar, labour, and scaffolding. Rubbed and gauged work is set in putty or mortar ; and is measured either by the foot superficial, or the foot run, according to the manner in which it is constructed. In measuring canted bow windows, the sides are con- sidered as continued straight lines ; but the angles on the exterior side of the building, whether they be external or internal, are allowed for in addition, and paid for under the denomination of run of bird’s mouth. All angles within the building, if oblique, from whatever cause they are made, either by straight or circular bows, or the splays of windows, are allowed for, under the head Oi run of cut splay. Brick cornices are measured by the leiical foot ; but as various kinds of cornices require more or less difficulty in the execution, the price must depend on the labour and the value of the material used. Garden walls are measured the same as other walls, but if interrupted by piers, the thin part may be measured as in common walling, and the piers by themselves, making an allowance, at per foot run, for the right angles The coping is measured by itself, according to the kind employed. Paving is laid either with bricks, or tiles, and is measured by the yard square. The price, per yard, is regulated by the manner in which the bricks or tiles are laid, whether flat or edge-ways, or whether any of them be laid in sand or mortar. The circular parts of drains may be reduced either to the standard, or the cubic foot ; and the number of rods may, if required, be taken. The mean dimensions of the arch may be found, by taking the half sum of the exterior and in- terior circumferences ; but, perhaps, it were better to make the price of the common measure, whether it be a foot, yard, or rod, greater as the diameter is less ; but as the re- ciprocal ratio would increase the price too much in small diameters, perhaps prices at certain diameters would be a sufficient regulation. The following tables will be found an acquisition to 12 8 0 0 25 4 0 0 38 0 0 0 50 8 0 0 63 4 89 0 0 13 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 S9 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 65 0 40 0 0 13 4 0 0 26 8 0 0 40 0 0 0 53 4 0 0 66 8 41 0 0 13 8 0 0 27 4 0 0 41 0 0 0 54 8 0 1 0 4 42 0 0 14 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 56 0 0 1 2 0 43 0 0 14 4 0 0 28 8 0 0 43 0 0 0 57 4 0 1 3 8 44 0 0 14 8 0 0 29 4 0 0 44 0 0 0 58 8 0 1 5 4 45 0 0 15 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 60 0 0 1 7 0 46 0 0 15 4 0 0 30 8 0 0 46 0 0 0 61 4 0 1 8 8 47 0 0 15 8 0 0 31 4 0 0 47 0 0 0 62 8 0 I 10 4 48 0 0 16 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 64 0 0 1 12 0 49 0 0 16 4 0 0 32 8 0 0 49 0 0 0 65 4 0 1 13 8 50 0 0 16 8 0 0 33 4 0 0 50 0 0 0 66 8 0 1 15 4 60 0 0 20 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 60 0 0 1 12 0 0 1 32 0 70 0 0 23 4 0 0 46 8 0 1 2 0 0 1 25 4 0 1 48 8 80 0 0 26 8 0 0 53 4 0 1 12 0 0 1 38 8 0 1 65 4 90 0 0 30 0 0 0 60 0 0 1 22 0 0 1 52 0 0 2 14 0 IdO 0 0 33 4 0 0 66 8 0 1 32 0 0 1 65 4 0 2 30 8 200 0 0 66 8 0 1 65 4 0 2 64 0 0 3 62 8 1 0 61 4 300 0 1 32 0 0 2 64 0 1 0 28 0 1 1 60 0 1 S 24 0 400 0 1 65 4 0 3 62 8 1 1 60 0 1 3 57 4 2 I 54 8 500 0 2 30 8 I 0 61 4 1 3 24 0 2 1 54 8 3 0 17 4 600 0 2 64 0 1 1 60 0 2 0 56 0 2 3 52 0 3 2 48 0 700 0 3 29 4 1 2 58 8 2 2 20 0 3 1 49 4 4 1 10 8 800 0 3 62 8 1 3 57 4 2 3 52 0 3 3 46 8 4 3 41 4 900 1 0 28 0 2 0 56 0 3 1 16 0 4 1 44 0 5 2 4 0 1000 1 0 61 4 2 1 54 8 3 2 48 0 4 3 41 4 6 0 34 8 2000 2 1 54 8 4 3 41 4 7 1 28 0 9 3 14 8 12 1 1 4 3000 3 2 48 0 7 1 28 0 11 0 8 0 14 2 56 0 18 1 36 0 4000 4 3 41 4 9 3 14 8 14 2 56 0 19 2 29 4 24 2 2 8 5000 6 0 34 8 12 1 1 4 18 I 36 0 24 2 2 8 30 2 37 4 6000 7 1 28 0 14 2 56 0 22 0 16 0 29 1 44 0 36 3 4 0 7000 8 2 21 4 17 0 42 8 25 2 64 0 34 1 17 4 12 3 38 8 8000 1 9 3 14 8 19 2 29 4 29 1 44 0 39 0 58 8 19 0 5 4 9000 ill 0 8 0 22 0 16 0 33 0 24 0 44 0 32 0 55 0 40 0 10000 |12 1 1 4 24 2 2 8 36 3 4 0 49 0 5 4 |61 1 6 8 The left-hand column contains the area of the wall in superficial feet ; the adjacent columns the quantity, reduced to the standard thickness, ac- cording- to the difierent thicknesses on the top. Example. What is the quantity of reduced brick-work in a wall contain- ing- '^540 superficial feet, 2 bricks thick ? Divide the number as in the preceding- table, into its component parl^^ Bay 4540= 4000 -j- 600 40, then by the table. R. Q. F. In. 4000 contains 19 2 29 4 500 ... 2 1 54 8 40 ... 0 0 53 4 82 1 14 AND MACHINIST. 559 Tlie game by rule. 4540 4 number of half bricks. 3)18150( R. Q. F. In. as above. 272) 60,53 + 4(2? 1 1 4 ,544 613 541 ^ of a rod 68) 69 (1 68 1 TABLE III. Shews the^ value of reduced brick- work per rod, calculated at the se- veral prices of £3 5s. £3 10.9. £3 15s. £4 Os. £4 5s. and £4 10s. per rod for mortar, labour, and scaffolding ; and of bricks from £1 10s. to £3 Os. per thousand ; allowing 4500 bricks to the rod. Bricks per thousand. Mortar and Labour 3/. 5s, per rod. Mortar and Labour 3^. IOj. per rod. Mortar and Labour 31. 15s. per rod. Mortar and Labour 4/. 05. per rod. Mortar and Labour 41. 5s. per rod. Mortar and Labour 4/. 105. per rod. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. .5. d. 1 10 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 10 10 0 10 15 0 11 0 0 11 5 0 I .12 0 10 9 0 10 14 0 10 19 0 11 4 0 11 9 0 11 14 0 1 14 0 10 18 0 11 3 0 11 8 0 11 13 0 11 18 0 12 3 0 1 16 0 11 7 0 11 12 0 11 17 0 12 2 0 12 7 0 12 12 0 1 18 0 11 16 0 12 1 0 12 6 0 12 11 0 12 16 0 13 1 0 2 0 0 12 5 0 12 10 0 12 15 0 13 0 0 13 5 0 13 10 0 2 2 0 12 14. 0 12 19 0 13 4 0 13 9 0 13 14 0 13 19 0 2 4 0 13 3 0 13 8 0 13 13 0 13 18 0 14 3 0 14 8 0 2 6 0 13 12 0 IS 17 0 14 2 0 14 7 0 14 12 0 14 17 0 2 8 0 14 1 0 14 6 0 14 11 0 14 16 0 15 1 0 15 6 0 2 10 0 14 10 0 14 15 0 15 0 0 15 5 0 15 10 0 15 15 0 2 12 0 14 19 0 15 4 0 15 9 0 15 14 0 15 19 0 16 4 0 2 14 0 15 8 0 15 13 0 15 18 0 16 3 0 16 8 0 16 13 0 2 16 0 15 17 0 16 2 0 16 7 0 16 12 0|16 17 0 17 2 0 2 18 0 16 6 0 16 11 0 16 16 0 17 1 0 17 6 0 17 11 0 3 0 0 16 15 0 17 0 o;i7 5 0 17 10 0,17 15 0 18 0 0 Exatnple. What is the price of a rod of brick-work, when the rate of bricks is £2 2s. per thousand, and the price of mortar £4 5s. per rod ? Look from the given column of bricks until you come under £4 5s. the given price of labour and mortar, and you will find £13 14s. the price of the rod. 560 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC CARPENTRY. This branch of building comprises the art of employing timber in the construction of edifices. The art of employing timber in building may be classed under two distinct branches^ Carpentry and Joinery. Carpentry comprehends the large and rough description of work^ or that which is requisite in the construction and stability of an edifice ; and Joinery^ the fittings up and de- corative work, so necessary to the completion of a building. Carpentry is, in general, valued by the cubical foot ; and joinery by the superficial foot. The principal operations which timbers have to undergo, from the time of their arrival in the carpenter's yard to their final destination in an edifice, may be classed under two general heads ; those which respect individual prices, and those which respect their dependence on others. Under the former of these heads is the pit-saw, by means of which, whole pieces of timber are divided, and reduced into their respective sized scantlings. The term scantling implies dimensions in breadth and thickness, without any regard to length. Planing, is the operation by which wood is reduced to a smooth and uniform surface, by means of an instrument called a plane, which takes a thin shaving off the surface of the wood, as it is moved backwards and forwards in a straight line by the hands of the workmen. There are, however, other operations of the plane besides that of re- ducing timber to an uniform and smooth surface, termed g7'ooving, rehating, and moulding, Groovmg is forming a channel on the surface of a piece of wood, by taking away so much of the solid as is of the shape and size of the groove required. Rabathig or rebating, is reducing a piece by taking away from the angles a prism of the shape and size of the rabate required, so as to form an internal angle, and generally a right angle. This operation is frequently required in con- structing door cases, and the frames of casement windows : the rabate, or groove, being intended as a ledge for the door or casement to rest in. The pieces being cut into their proper scantlings, the next operation is the joining them together. 561 'and machinist. In this department we shall treat first, of the most approved methods of lengthening beams, by w^hat is termed scarfing, or joining them in pieces ; secondly, of the strengthening of beams by trussing ; thirdly, of the methods of joining two timbers at angles, in any given direction ; and lastly, of the mode of connecting several timbers in order to com- plete the design, and to effect certain powers respectively required by each individual piece. To lengthen a piece of timber implies the act of joining or fastening tw^o clistinct pieces, so that a part of the*^ end of one shall lap upon the end of another, and the surfaces of both, being one continued plane, form a close joint, called by w^orkmen a scarf. It is manifest, that two bodies, joined together and intended to act as one continued piece, in a state of tension, or compression, cannot, by any possi- ble means, be so strong as either pieces taken separately. It, therefore, requires much attention, and careful discri- mination, in the choice and selection of such methods as are the most applicable to the peculiar circumstances o* the case. Every two pieces of timber joined in the manner thus described, and, indeed, in most other cases, require some force to compress them equally on each side, and more particularly udien the pieces are light ; for this pur- pose iron bolts are used, wdiich act as a tie, and possess the same effect as two equal and opposite forces would have in compressing the beam on each side the joint : and as the co- hesive power of iron is very great, the hole, which is made to receive the bolt, may be of such dimensions as will not, in the least degree, tend to diminish the strength of the timber. When wooden pins are used, the bore is larger, and the joints weaker ; consequently the two pieces, thus con- nected, are not held together by any compression of the pin, but merely by the friction of the individual pieces. No specific distance can be laid down for the length of the scarf, though, in general, it may be observed, that, a long scarf has but little effect in diminishing the cohesive strength of a compound piece of timber ; on the contrary, it affords an opportunity of increasing the number of bolts. Fig. 558 shows the method of joining two pieces of timber by means of a single step on each piece. By this method more than one-half the power is lost ; and this scarf is not calculated to resist the force of tension equal to a single piece sawed half through its thickness from the opposite side, at a distance equal to the leqgth of the 2 o 562 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC scarf ; by the application of straps, however, it may be made to resist a much greater force. Fig". 559 represents a scarf with parallel joints, and a sing-le table upon each piece. In this the cohesive strength is decreased in a greater degree than the preceding example, by the projection of the table ; but this affords an opportunity of driving a wedge through the joint between the ends of the tables, and there- by forcing the abutting parts to a joint. A scarf of this description to be longer than those which have no tables, and the transverse parts of the scarf, must be strapped and bolted. Fig. 5GO presents us with the same opportunity of wedging as before. In this figure, if the parts LM and NO be compressed together by bolts as firmly as if they were but one piece, and if the projection of the tables be equal to the transverse parts of the joints L and O, the loss of strength, compared with that of a solid piece, will be no more than what it w'ould be at L and O. Strapping across the transverse part of the joint is much the best and most effectual way of preventing the pieces from being drawn from each other, by the sliding of the longitudinal parts of the scarf, and, therefore, giving to the bolts an oblique position. Fig. 561 is a scarf formed by several steps. In this, if all the transverse parts of the steps be equal, and the longitudinal parts strongly compressed by bolts, the loss of strength will only be a fourth, compared to that of a solid piece, there being four transverse parts, that is, the part which the end of the steps is of the whole. Fig. 562 is a scarf w ith a bevel joint, and equally as eligible for or- dinary purposes as any in use. Figs. 561 and 563. Scarfs intended for longer bearings than the pre- ceding one. Fig. 564 represents the method of constructing a compound timber, when tw'o pieces are not of adequate length to allow them to lap, by means of a third piece joined to both by a double scarf, formed by several gradations or steps, the pieces abutting upon each other with the middle of the connecting piece over their abutment. lliat which shall next claim our attention is a consider- ation of the principles and the best methods of strengthen- ing beams by trussing. When girders are extended beyond a certain length, they bend under their own weight, and the degree of curvature increases in a proportion far greater than that of their lengths. The besl method to obviate this saggmg^ as it is Trum 558 to 566 FL8o 556 559 r' 560 1 1 ^P=5 ^ 562 562 563 564 9 a a a a a a /^| 1 [^ V AND MACHINIST. 563 termed, without the support of posts, &c. is to make the beam in two equal lengths, and insert a truss, so that when the two pieces are confined together by bolts, the truss may be included between them, and cause them to act as a tie. To prevent any unfavourable results from natural tendency of the timbers to shrink, the posts of the truss may be made of iron, and screwed, and nutted at the ends ; and to give a still stronger abutment, the braces may be let in with grooves into the side of each flitch, or piece, which form the beam. The ends of the abutments are also made of iron, screwed, or nutted, at each of the ends, and bolted through the thickness of both pieces, with a broad part in the middle, that the braces may abut upon the whole di- mension of their section ; or, otherwise, the abutments are made in the form of an inverted wedge at the bottom, and rise cylindrically to the top, where they are screwed and nutted. These methods may be constructed either with one king- bolt in the middle, or with a truss-bolt at one-third of the ■ length from each end. When two bolts are applied, they include a straining place in the middle. The two braces may be constructed of oak, or cast or wrought iron ; but the latter material is seldom used : for, as all metals are liable to contract, wood is considered the best material. With respect to the bolts, iron is indispensable. * The higher the girder is, the less are the parts liable to be effected by the stress ; and, consequently, the risk of their giving way under heavy weights, or through long bear- ings, is less. Figs. 565 and 566 are two examples of girders calculated from their rise to sustain very heavy weights. If the tie beam be very strong, the abutments may be wedged ; but the wedges ought to be very long, and a little taper, that there may be no inclination to rise. The excess of length may afterwards be taken off. In joining two timbers together, in any given direction, the joinings, as practised by carpenters, are almost infinitely various ; and though some are executed with a view merely to gratify the eye, the majority have decided advantages, and each, in peculiar cases, is to be preferred. In this treatise, our limits will not permit us to enter upon a de- scription of such as yield no substantial benefit, or are em- ployed only in connecting small work ; but, even in these, the skill of the workman may at all times be discovered by his selection of materials. It may here be observed, that, as all timber is either more or less, according to the dryness^ 2o2 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 564 and the quality of the timber used, subject to shrink, the carpenter should very carefully consider how much the di- mensions of his framings will be affected by it, and so arrange the inferior pieces that their shrinkage shall be in the same direction as the shrinkage of the framing, and 80 conduce to the greater stability of the whole. If this be not attended to, the parts will separate and split asunder. Two pieces of timber may be connected either by making both planes of contact parallel with or at right angles to the fibres, or by making the joint parallel with the fibres of the one piece, and at right or oblique angles to the other, or at oblique angles to the fibres of both pieces. If two pieces of timber are connected, so that the joint runs parallel with the fibres of both, it is called a longitudi- nal joint ; but when the place of the joint is at right angles to the fibres of both, an abutting joint. Butting and mitre joints are seldom used in carpentry. When two pieces of timber are joined together at one or more angles, the one piece will meet the other and form one angle, or by crossing it make two angles, or the two pieces will cross "each other and form four angles. In all the following cases of connecting two timbers-, it is supposed, that the sides of the pieces are parallel with the fibres, or, when the fibres are crooked, as nearly so as possible ; and that each piece, the four sides being at right angles to each other, has at least one of its surfaces in the same plane with those of the other. The angle or angles so formed will be either right or obtuse. Fig. 537, is an example of a notched joint, which is the most common and simple form, and, in some cases, the strongest for joining two timbers at one or more angles, particularly when bolted at the joint. The form of the joint may be varied, according to the position of the sides of the pieces, the number of angles, the quantity and direction of the stress on the one or both pieces, or by any combination of their circumstances. Notching admits two pieces to be joined at from one to four angles ; but joining by mortise and tenon admits only from one to two angles. In joining by mortise and tenon, four sides of the mortise should, if possible, be at right angles to each other, and to the surface whence it is recessed, and two of these sides parallel with each of the sides which forms a right angle with tiie side from which the mortise is made : the fifth plane, that is, the bottom of the mortise, is parallel with the top or sur- face iVom which the mortise is made. Four sides of the tenon “ho'iid b? parallel to the four sides of the piece ; but there aicMuary cases where a digression is unavoidable* AND MACHINIST. In the application of timbers to buildings, we will here suppose, that all pieces cut for use have a rectangular sec- tion, and when laid down, have their sides perpendicular to, and parallel with, the horizon. If two pieces of timber, therefore, are to be joined at four angles, cut a notch in one piece equal to the breadth of the other, so as to leave the remaining part of the thickness sufficiently strong, and in- sert the other piece in the notch ; or, if the work is required to be very firm, notch each piece reciprocally to each other’s breadth, and fasten them together by pins, spikes, or bolts, as the case may require. This form is applicable when the pieces are equally exposed to a strain. Fig-. 568 will fully elucidate this description of joint. The framing of timber by dove-tail notching is principal- ly applicable to horizontal framing, where the lower timber is sufficiently supported. Where the lower timber is unsup- ported it is common to use mortise and tenon, w hich does not materially weaken the timber ; but when the timber is notched from the upper side, the operation reduces its thick- ness, and consequenlly impairs its strength, though, if the solid of one piece fill the excavation of the other, and both be lightly driven or forced together, according to Du Hamel, it will, if not cut more than one third through, rather increase than decrease in strength. It may, however, be observed, that in large works, where heavy timbers are employed, it is difficult, and almost impossible, to fit the mortise and tenon with due accuracy ; and even if the joints were closely fitted at first, the shrinking would occasion cavities on the sides, that w^ould render the tenons of no avail, because the axis of fracture would be nearer to the breaking or under- side of the supporting piece. What has been here said with respect to timbers placed horizontally, applies to fram- ing in every position, when the force is to fall on the plane of the sides ; and if a number of pieces thus liable to lateral pressure on either side, are to be framed into two other stiff pieces, the mortise and tenon will prove best for the purpose. If it be required to connect two pieces of timber so as to form two right angles, and t» be immovable, when the transverse is held or fixed fast, and the standing piece pulled in a direction of its length, cut a dove-tail notch across the breadth of the transverse piece, and notch out the vertical sides of the standing piece at the end, so as to form a si- milar and equal solid. In some kinds of work, besides the dove-tail, an additional notch is cut to receive the shoulder 606 ' n'HE OPERATIVE MECHANIC of the lower piece. If the position of these pieces be hori- zontal, and the upper is of sufficient weight, or is press- ed down by any considerable force, when the pieces are placed together, the dove- tail will be sufficiently strong without the assistance of pins, spikes, or bolts. This con- struction requires the timbers to be well seasoned 5 for otherwise the shrinking will permit the standing piece to be drawn out of the transverse, and thus defeat the purpose of the construction. In introducing binding joists, which will, as they have to support the bridging joists and boarding of the floor, be framed into girders, there will be a considerable strain at the extremities, so that it is necessary, in order to make the tenons sufficiently strong, to have a shorter bearing te- non attached to the principal tenon, with a sloping shoulder above, called a tusk^ which term is likewise applied to this tenon, called the tusk tenon. When two parallel pieces, which are quite immovable, are to have another piece framed between them, the prin- ciple is, to insert the one end of the tenon of the piece to be framed in a shallow mortise, and make a long mortise in the opposite side of the other timber ; so that when the cross piece is moved round the shoulder of the other extremity as a centre, it may slide home to its situation. This mode of framing a transverse piece between two others, is employed in trimming in ceiling joists, which joists are seldom or never cut and fitted into the binding joists before the build- ing is covered over. The binding joists are always mortised before they are disposed in the situation to receive the ceil- ; ing joists. ' When a transverse piece of timber is to be framed be- tween two parallel joists, whose vertical surfaces are not pa- i rallel, turn the upper edge of the transverse piece downwards ; upon the upper horizontal surface of the joists, mark the in- terval, or distance between them, upon the surface of the transverse piece now under ; then placing the edge over the place where it is intended to let down, turn the transverse piece in the way it is intended to be framed, apply a straight edge to the oblique surface of the joist, and slide the trans- verse piece so as to bring the mark on the upper side of it on a line with the straight edge, which being done, proceed in the same manner with the other end, and the two lines drawn on the vertical sides of the intermediate piece will give the shoulders of the tenons. This act of framing a transverse joist between two others is termed tumbling in AND MACHINIST. 5G7 joists ; and is particularly useful when the timber is warped or twisted. In order that the reader may the more fully understand the preceding description of the joinings of timbers, we have annexed a plate (to which the subjoined description refers,) of the best methods now m practice. Fi^. 457. No. 1 and 2, and 3 and 4, exhibit two methods of a simple joint, where the two pieces are halved upon each other ; in both of which the end of one piece does not pass the outer surface of the other. No. S and 4 represent the two pieces before put together. Fig. 568, is a method of joiuing timber, when the end of one piece passes the end of the other at a small distance. No. 1 represents the pieces before joined. Fig. 569 shews how two pieces may be joined by what is termed a niche. — In this case, the two pieces should be fixed to another by a bolt at right angles to the niche joint. Fig. 570. How one piece of timber may be joined to another, when one of the pieces is extended on both sides of the other piece. Nos. 1 and 2 show the pieces before put together. Fig. 571 shows the manner of joining the binding joists and girders.' No. 1. The binding joist preparedforbeing joined to the girder. Fig. 572 is the general and most approved method of framing the rafter foot into the girder. Fig. 573 is a section of the beam, shewing the different shoulders of the rafter foot. Fig. 574 is another example, preferable to the former, because the abutment of the inner part is better supported. In this the beam, when no broader than the rafter is thick, may be weakened, in which case, it would require a much deeper socket than is here given ; and perhaps an advantage would be gained by introducing a joint like fig. 575. Fig. 576 is the method of introducing iron straps to confine the foot of the rafter to the tie-beam. When it is found necessary to employ iron straps for strengthening a joint, considerable attention is required to place them properly. The first thing to be ascertained is the direction of the strain. We must then endeavour, as near as we can, to resolve this strain into a strain parallel to each piece, and another perpendicular to it. Then the strap which is to be made fast to any of the pieces, must be so fixed that it shall resist in the direction parallel to the piece. The strap which is generally misplaced, is that which connects the foot of the rafter with the tie-beam. It binds down the rafter; but does not act against its horizon- tal thrust. It should be placed farther back on the beam, and have a bolt through it, to allow it to turn round ; and should embrace the rafter almost horizontally near the foot, and be notched square with the back of the rafter. The example given in No. 10 combines these requisites. By 568 tH¥ OPliRATIV^B MECHAlSlc moving round the eye-bolt^ it follows the rafter, and can • not pinch and cripple it, which it always does in its ordi- nary form. Straps which have eye-bolts on the very angles, and allow motion round them, are considered the most perfect. Fig. 577 exhibits two methods of connecting the struts of a roof, or par- tition, &c. with the king-post. If the action of a piece of timber on another does not ex^ tend, but compress, the same, there is no difficulty whatever in the joint, indeed joining is unnecessary : it is enough that the pieces abut on each other ; and we have only to take care that the mutual pressure be equally borne by all the parts, and that no lateral pressure, which may cause one of the pieces to slide on the butting joint, be produced. At the joggle of a king-post, a very slight mortise and tenon, with a rafter, or straining beam, is sufficient. It is generally best to make the butting plain, bisecting the angle formed by the sides, or else perpendicular to one of the pieces. For instance, the joint a is preferable to 5, and, indeed, to any uneven joints, which never fail to produce very unequal pressures, by which some of the parts are crippled, and others splintered off. Fig. 578 is the method of securing the tie-beam and principals, when the king-post is made of an iron rod. Fig. 579 shows a method of joining the principals with the king-post by means of an iron dove-tail, which is received in a mortise at the head of each principal. Trusting that the reader will be able, from the above de- scription, to comprehend the best methods of joining tim- bers, we shall next proceed to describe the modes of con- necting several timbers, in order to complete the design, and to effect certain powers respectively required by each individual piece. In framing centres for groins, the boarding which forms the interior surface is supported by transverse ribs of tim- ber, which are either constructed simply, or with trusses, according to the magnitude of the work ; and, as a groin consists generally of two vaults intersecting each other, one of them is always boarded over the same as a plain vault, without any respect to the other, which is afterwards ribbed and boarded so as to make out the regular surface. Timbers inserted in walls, and at returns, or angles, are joined together where the magnitude of'the building or ex- posure to strain may require. There are three denomi^ iiations, yiz. hand timber y linteU, and wall^piates. From 51)7 1o58o n. y^e^^Stocid^ xcSS’lStraftd. ' '■ ' V" '"'1 t •V -- vessels, are weaker than the simple ligneous fibres. These air-vessels make the separations between* the annual plates, and are the same in diameter, and number of rows, in all trees of the same species 5 consequently, when these Bi'CLirc^S Tram oSl to o83 TI .82 AND MACHINIST. 571 are thicker, they contain a greater proportion of the simple ligneous fibre. The wood is stronger in the middle of the trunk than at the springing of the branches, or at the root ; and the wood of the branches is weaker than that of the trunk. The part of the tree towards the north, in the European climates, is the weakest, and that of the south side the strongest : and the difference is most remarkable in hedge- row trees, and such as grow singly. All description of wood is more tenacious while green ; and loses very considerably by drying, after the tree is felled. We shall now conclude these remarks with the follow- ing useful problem. Fig-. 580. To cut the strongest beam possible out of a round tree whose section is a given circle. Let ab c dhe the section of the tree ; draw the diameter c h, divide it into three equal parts, e and f, and from one of them, as /, draw' /a perpendicular to the diameter c h ; draw ah and a c, — b d and d c, and ab c d\% the strongest piece that can be cut out of the tree. From this it is manifest, that the strongest beam which can be cutout of a round tree, does not contain the most timber, for the greatest rectangle that can be inscribed in a circle is a square, and therefore the square g h i k greater than the rectangle a b c dt and yet is not the strongest. Fig. 581. Plan of a floor. — 1. Girder resting upon the walls. — 2. Bridg- ing-joists. — 3. Binding-joists. — 4. Trimmers, Nos. 1 and 2, sections of the floor. . _ Fig. 582. A trussed partition with an opening in the middle for folding doors. — 1. Head. — 2. Sill. — 3. Posts. — 4<. Braces. — 5. Studs.-— 6. Door- head. — This partition, as may be seen, supports itself. Fig. 583. A simple trussed roof. DEFINITIONS. Wall-plates ; pieces of timber laid on the wall, in order to distribute equally the pressure of the roof, and to bind the walls together. They are sometimes called raising plates. Tie-beam ; a horizontal piece of timber, connected to two opposite principal rafters ; it answers a two-fold pur- pose, viz. that of preventing the walls from being pushed outwards by the weight of the covering, and of supporting the ceiling of the rooms below. When placed above the bottom of the rafters, it is called a collar^heam. Principal rafters ; two pieces of timber in the sides of the truss, supporting a grated frame of timber over them, on which the covering or slating rests. ‘ Purlines ; horizontal pieces of timber notched on the principal rafters. 572 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Common rafters ; pieces of timber of a small section, placed equidistantly upon the purlines, and parallel to the principal rafters : they support the boarding to which the slating is fixed. P ole- plat es ; pieces of timber resting on the ends of the tie-beams, and supporting the lower ends of the com- mon rafters. Kmg-post ; an upright piece of timber in the middle of a truss, framed at the upper end into the principal rafters, and at the lower end into the tie-beam ; this prevents the tie-beam from sinking in the middle. Struts ; oblique straining pieces, framed below iiito the king-posts, or queen-posts, and above into the principal raf- ters, which are supported by them ; or sometimes they have their ends framed into beams, that are too long to support themselves without bending, they are often called braces. Other pieces of timber are introduced in roofs of a greater span ; which we shall here describe. Queen-posts ; two upright pieces of timber, framed be- low into the tie-beam, and above into the principal rafters ; placed equidistantly from the middle of the truss, or its extremities. Puncheons ; short ti*ansvcrse pieces of timber, fixed be- tween two others for supporting them equally ; so that when any force operates on the one, the other resists it equally ; and if one break the other will also break. These are sometimes called studs. Straining-beam ; a piece of timber placed between two others, called queen-posts^ at their upper ends, in order to withstand the thrust of the principal rafters. Straining-cill ; a piece of timber placed upon the tie- beam at the bottom of two queen-posts, in order to Muth- stand the force of the braces, which are acted upon by the weight of the covering. Camber-beam ; horizontal pieces of timber, made on the upper edge sloping from the middle towards each end in an obtuse angle, for discharging the water. They are placed above the straining-beam in a truncated roof, for fixing the boarding on which the lead is laid ; their ends run three or four inebes above the sloping plane of the common rafters, in order to form a roll for fixing the lead. Auxiliary rafters ; pieces of timber framed in the same vertical plane with the principal rafters, under, and parallel to them, for giving additional support. They are sometimes called principal braces, and sometimes cushion rafters^, / AND MACHINIST. 573 Joggles ; the joints at the meetings of struts, with king- posts, queen-posts, or principal rafters ; or at the meeting of principal rafters with king and queen- posts: the best form is that which is at right angles to the struts. Cocking, or Cogging ; the particular manner of fixing the tie-beams to the wall- plates. There are a variety of roofs differing in form, according to the nature of the plan, and the law of the horizontal and vertical sections. The most simple form of a roof is that which has only one row of timbers arranged in an inclined plane, and throws the rain entirely on one side. This description of roof is termed a shed-roof, or lean-to. If the plan of the roof be a trapezium, and the tops of the walls properly levelled, the roof cannot be executed in plane surfaces, so as to terminate in a level ridge; con- sequently, the sides, instead of being planes, are made to wind, in order to have the summit parallel to the horizon ; but the best plan is, to make the sides of the roofs planes, enclosing a level space or flat, in the form of a triangle or trapezium, at the summit of the roof. Roofs which are flat on the top, are said to be truncated : they arc chiefly em- ployed with a view to diminish the height, so as not to pre- dominate over that of the walls. If all the four sides of the roof are formed by inclined planes, it is said to be hipped, and is therefore called a hipped-roof ; and the inclined ridges, springing from the angles of the walls, are called hips. Roofs on circular bases, with all their horizontal sections circular, the centres of the circles being in a straight line, from the centre of the base perpendicular to the horizon, are called roofs of revolution or rev olved-r oofs. When the plan of the roof is a regular polygon, circle, or an ellipsis, the horizontal sections being all similar to the base, and the vertical section a portion of any curve, which is convex on the outside, the roof is called a dome. In roofs of rectangular buildings, when a saving of ex- pense is of consequence, instead of a lead flat, which must be covered with lead or copper, a valley is introduced, which makes the vertical section in the form of the letter M, or rather an inverted W ; hence it has obtained the name of M roof. The pitch of a roof, or the angle which its inclined side forms with the horizon, is varied according to the climate and the nature of the covering. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 574 The inhabitants of cold countries make their roofs very high ; and those of warm countries^ where it seldom rains or snows^ very flat. But even in the same climate the pitch of the roof is greatly varied. Formerly the roofs were made very high, probably with the notion that the snow would slide off easier; but where there are parapets, a high roof is attended with very bad effects, as the snow slips down and stops the gutters, and an overflow of water is the consequence ; besides, in heavy rains, the water descends with such velocity, that the pipes cannot convey it away soon enough to prevent the gutters from being overflowed. The height of roofs at the present time is very rarely above one- third of the span, and should never be less than one-sixth. The most usual pitch for slates is that when the height is one-fourth of the span, or at an angle of 26;^ de- grees with the horizon. Taking this as a standard, the fol- lowing table will show the degree of inclination which may be given for other materials : — Inclination Height of Kind of covering. to the hori- roof in Weight upon a zon in de- parts of square of roofing. grees. Span. 1 Deg. Min. Copper or lead .... 3 50 * 4'8 /copper 100 \ lead 700 Slates large 22 0 i , 1120 Ditto ordinary 26 33 1 / from 900 Ito 500 Stone slate Plain tiles 29 41 9 . 7 2380 ' 29 41 4 Pan-tiles T 1780 24 0 3 . 9 Thatch of straw, reeds. 650 45 h A roof for a span of from 20 to 30 feet may have a truss of the form shown in Fig. 583. Within this limit, the pur- lines do not become too wide apart, nor the points of sup- port of the tie-beam. For spans exceeding 30 feet, and not more than 45 feet, the truss shown in Fig. 584 is well adapted. Each pnrline IS supported, consequently, there are no cross strains on the principal rafters 5 and the points of support divide the tie- beams into three comparatively short bearings. The sag- ging, which usually takes place from the shrinking of the heads of the queen- posts, may be avoided by letting the end of the principal rafter abut against the end of the straining BnXiBINO J’hom to o8 7 n.83 ' 1 684 \ 1 j ^.1; ; S h ^SOtekleji *c SS%SfTYU*ii AND MACHINIST. 575 beam A, and notching pieces and bolting them together in pairs at each joint. When the span exceeds 45 feet, and is not more than 60 feet, the truss shown in Figf. 585 is sufficiently strong for the purpose, and leaves a con- siderable degree of free space in the middle. For this span the tie-beam will most likely require to be scarfed, and as the bearing of that portion of the tie-beam between a and h is short, the scarf should be made there. The middle part of the tie-beam may be made stronger by bolting the straining cill c to it. It often occurs, that the centre aisles ornaives of churches are higher than the side aisles ; a similar effect, as when the tie-beam continues through, may be produced by connect- ing the lower beams to the upper one, by means of braces, so that the whole may be as a single beam. To illustrate this mode of construction, we have given a design for a roof of a church, somewhat similar to St. Martin’s in the fields, London. Fig. 586, the lower ties, AA, are so connected with the principal tie- beam, B, by means of the braces, a, a, that the foot of the principal raf- ters, e, c, cannot spread without stretching the tie-beam, B. The iron rods, b, b, perform the office of king-posts to the ties. A, A, and are much better than timber, in consequence of the shrinkage, which in this situa- tion would be very objectionable. Fig. 587 is a design for a roof of a church, or other building, requiring a semicircular arched ceiling. Domes derive their names according to the plans on which they are built, circular, elliptical, or polygonal : of these, the circular may be spherical, spheroidal, ellipsoidal, hyperboloid al, paraboloidal, &c. Those which rise higher than the radius of the base, are called surmounted domes ; those that are of a less height than the radius, diminished^ or surhased'^, and such as have circular bases, cupolas. The most usual form for a dome is the spherical, in which case, the plan is a circle, and the section a segment of a circle. The top of a large dome is often finished with a lantern, supported by the framing of the dome. The interior and exterior forms of domes are seldom alike, and in the space between them, a staircase to the lantern is usually made. According to the space left be- tween the external and internal domes, the framing must be designed. Sometimes the framing may be trussed with ties across the opening ; but generally the interior dome rises so high that ties cannot be obtained. Fig. 588, No. 1, shows the construction of a dome without ties. This is the most simple method, and one which is particularly applicable to domes of ordinary dimensions. This example consists in placing a num- THE ©PKRATIVi: MECHANIC fi/G her of curved ribs, so that the lower ends stand upon and are well framed into the kirb at the base, and the upper ends meet at the top, or are framed into the upper kirb on which the lantern is placed. When it occurs, as it generally does, that the pieces are so long, and so much curved, that they cannot be cut out of timber without being cut across the grain, so much as will weaken them, they should be put together in thicknesses, with the joints crossed, and well bolted together. No. 2, shows the ribs fixed, and bolted together, with horizontal rafters to receive the boarding on the exterior, and the laths on the interior, T’hese ribs should be placed about two feet, or two feet six inches apart at the base, and be composed of three or four thicknesses of one and a half inch-deal, about 11 or 12 inches wide, M-hich, when carefully bolted together with the joints judiciously broken, will stand exceedingly firm and well. To construct the ribs of a spherical dome, with eight axal ribs, and one purline in the middle. (Fig. 589.) No. 1. Let ABCDE be the plan of half the dome, udiich di- vide into four equal parts at BCD and E, these points of division will mark the centre of the back, or convex sides of the ribs. This being done, let B 6, C c, D fi, be the plans of these ribs, with the points of division in the centre. F, G, H, I, K, are the seats of the upper ends of the rilis ; on the upper kirb draw a? y. No. 2, parallel to AE, then from tlie dif- ferent seats of the ribs on the plan draw' perpendiculars cutting ^ y. DraAv the cill, x y, its intended thickness, and complete the elevation of the front and back ribs. The front ribs are quadrants, forming a semi- circle on the upper side of the wall-plate, which, of course, is the diame- ter. The curves of the sides of each of the other ribs are the quadrants of an ellipsis of the same height with the front rib. Place the purlines ill their intended situation, and having drawn the elevation and plan, as shown by the dotted line, the construction is complete. The ribs of an elliptical dome are found precisely on the same principle. Given the plan of a polygonal dome, and one of the axal ribs, at right angles to one of the sides, to find the curve of the angle rib and the covering. Fig. 590. Let A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, be the plan of an octangular polygonal dome, and cab the given rib ; produce c « to d, divide the curve line a BA h into any number of equal parts, the more the better, in this case four, 1, 2, 3, h, which extend on the line a d ; the first from a to 1, the second from 1 to 2, &c. : from the points of division, 1, 2, 3, 5, draw lines parallel to B e, cutting C c, and from these points draw lines, parallel to c d, or at right angles to B e, and through the points, 1, 2, 3, draw k I, m n, o p, and tracing a curve through the points d, p, n, I €, and making d o m k B similar, then the space comprehended between the curve lines dJi e ; and the side BC of the plan, will give the form of the whole covering, for each side of the dome. To find the hip- line of the angle-rib, whose base is C c. Draw CE, 2e, If, at right angles to C e, and make CE equal to eb. 2^eeU &Stoc^d^ scJ:> z Sntmd 1 I I and machinist. ^77 2 (? equal S-'S, and 1 /equal to 1, 2, &c. and trace the curve through these points, and it will give the angle-rib. The method of covering spherical domes is, to suppose them polygonal, and the principle the same as the foregoing operation for an octangular dome. A in carpentry, is the wood-work to be lathed over for plastering. The general construction of niches is with cylindrical backs and spherical heads, called cylindro-sj^heric niches ; the execution of which depends upon the principles of spheric sections. As every section in a sphere is a circle, and that section passing through its centre is equal, and the greatest that can be formed by cutting the sphere ; it is evident, that if the head of a niche is intended to form a spherical surface, the ribs may be all formed by one mould, whose curvature must be equal to that of the greatest circle of the sphere ; viz. one passing through its centre ; but the same spherical surface may, though not so eligible, be formed by ribs of wood, moulded from the sections of lesser circles, in a variety of ways. The reason why these latter spherical surfaces are not so eligible as those of greater circles is, because their dispo- sition for sustaining the lath is not so good, and the trouble of moulding them to different circles, and of forming the edges according to different bevels, in order to range them in the spherical surface, is very great, compared with those made from great circles. Tne disposition of the ribs of niches is generally in a vertical plane, parallel to each other, or intersecting each other in a vertical line. When the line of intersection passes through the centre of a sphere, all the ribs are great circles ; but if the line of intersection does not pass through the centre of the sphere, the circles which form the sphe- rical surface are all of different radii. When the ribs are fixed in parallel vertical planes, their disposition is either parallel to the face of the wall, or parallel to a vertical plane, passing through the centre of the sphere, perpendi- cular to the surface of the wall ; but this method is not so eligible for the purposes of lathing. Another method is, by making the planes of the ribs pa- rallel to the horizon ; this is not only attended with great labour in workmanship, but is incommodious for lathing. The various positions in which the ribs of a niche may be placed, are very numerous ; but the regular positions, al- 2 p THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 578 ready enumerated, ought to be those to which the carpenter should direct his attention. To get out the ribs for the head of a niche, all of them being hi vertical planes passing through the centre of the sphere, Fi^. 591, No. 1. From the centre C draw the ground-plan of the ribs, and set out as many ribs upon the plan as you intend to have in the head of the niche. With the foot of your compasses in C, and from the ends of each rib, at k and /, draw the small concentric dotted circles round to the centre rib, at o and p, and draw o m, and p w, parallel to a b, the face of the wall ; then from r round to s on the plan is the length and sweep of the centre rib to stand over ; and from n round to s the length and curve of the rib that stands from b to g ; and from m round to s, the curve of the shortest rib, that stands from A: to A on the plan. Uotu to find the bevel of the ends of the back ribs against the front rib. The back ribs are laid down distinct by themselves, at AB and C from the plan. Take b 1, in No. 1, and set it to A 1, at B, draw the perpen- diculars, and when they intersect the rib, it will show the bevel required. The same operation being done to C, the bevel is found in the same manner. The places of the back-ribs when fixed upon the front- rib are ascertained by drawing perpeiiu eulars, and com- pleting the elevation of the niche No. 2 from the plan. To find the radius of curvature of the ribs of a spherical niche, tvhen the ribs all meet in a vertical line, which di- vides the front rib into two equal parts. Fig. 592, No. 1. Complete the circle, of which the inside of the plan is an arc ; produce the middle line of the plan of any rib, as of a A, to meet the opposite side of the circumference in A ; on the whole line a A, as a diameter, describe a semicircle, and from the point c, when the ribs in- tersect, draw a perpendicular to c 8o THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC bers will have more superficies than the large ones^ and, therefore^ the saving will not be in a ratio with the solid contents ; consequently the value of the workmanship will not follow the cubic quantity, or said ratio. The difficulty of handling timbers of the same length increases with the weight or solidity, as the greater quantity requires greater power to handle it, and consequently more time. In naked flooring, where girders are introduced, the uni- formity of the \vork is interrupted by mortises and tenons, so that the sum ascertained by the cubic quantity of the girders, at the same rate per foot as the other parts, is not sufficient ; not only on account of the great difference of size, but the great disparity in the quantity of workman- ship, occasioned by its being cut full of mortises to receive the tenons of the binding-joists ; the best method, there- fore, to value the labour and materials is, to measure and estimate the whole by the cubic quantity, and allow an addi- tional rate upon every solid foot of girders ; or, if the bind- ing-joists are not inserted in the girders, at the usual dis- tances, a fixed price for every mortise and tenon, in pro- portion to their size, which will keep a ratio with the area of the end of the girder. Partitions may be measured by the cubic feet ; but the cills, top-pieces, and door-heads, should be measured by themselves, according to the solid quantity, at an additional rate ; because, both the uniform solidity, and the uniform quantity of workmanship are interrupted by them. In trussed partitions, the braces should be rated by the foot cube, at a superior price to that of the quarterings, for the trouble of fitting the ends of the uprights upon their upper and lower sides, and for forming the abutments at the ends. The timbers in roofing should be measured by the cubic foot, classed as the difficulty of execution, or as the waste occasioned, may require. Battening to walls is best measured by the square, ac- cording to the dimensions and distances in the clear of the battening. It w'ould be endless to enumerate the various methods of measuring each particular species of carpenters' work ; the leading articles only need be noticed. When the shell of a building is finished, that is, previous to the floors being laid, or the ceilings lathed, all the timbers should be measured, that no doubt may arise as to the actual scantlings of the timbers, or of the description of the work- manship. In taking dimensions it must be observed that, AND MACHINIST. '581 alJ pieces which have tenons^ must be measured to the extre- mities of the tenons. It is impossible to determine on any proper rate, includ- ing both materials and workmanship, as the one may be stationary, while the other is variable. With respect to materials, the value of any quantity may be easily ascer- tained, whatever be the price per load ; but the difficulty is far greater in fixing proper rates of \vorkmanship ; however, were the time of executing every species of work known, there would be no difficulty in establishing certain uniform quantities^ which would give the real value. JOINERY. Is the next branch of art which comes under our con- sideration, and comprises the practice of employing wood in the external and internal finishings of houses. In the execution of this branch of building, it is almost unnecessary to observe that, as joinery is employed princi- pally by way of decoration, and is liable to close inspection, it is one of the departments which demands the strictest care and attention in the ^vorkmen; and it requires the greatest ingenuity, skill, and experience, to become fully master of every subject under the joiner’s consideration. The first and most important thing to be attended to, is the judicious selection of materials ; as, without a strict ob- servance of this particular, the care, ingenuity, and ex- ertions of the workman will be wholly frustrated. As the temperature of the atmosphere has a great influ- ence on wood, and more particularly in the winter sea- son, it would be advisable to put that which is to be used in fine work over an oven for a day or two. In the different descriptions of joint used by the joiner, a hot tenacious liquid, called glue^ is almost universally used, and when applied, the two surfaces of the wood, which have been previously rendered smooth, are rubbed together until the glue is nearly all forced out. One piece is then set to its situation with respect to the other. For outside work, such as gates, dobrs, &c. white-lead is used in all the joints. When a frame, consisting of several pieces, is required, the mortises and tenons are fitted together, and the joints glued all at one time, then entered to their places, and forced together by the assistance of an instrument called a cramp. 682 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The operation of rendering a rough surface smooth, by taking away the superfluous wood, is called planing ; and the tools used for this pui’pose are called planes. The planes used by joiners in the primary operation of their work are called jack-planes^ trying-planes, long- planes, and smoothing-planes ; the respective uses of which are as follow : — ^The jack-plane is used for taking away the rough occasioned by the saw, and removing all superfluous and other uneven parts. The trying-plane more par- ticularly to bring the surface perfectly level and true : the long plane succeeds, when the surface is long, and is re- quired to be very straight, as in jointing long boards for the purpose of gluing them together; and the smoothing- plane is used to smooth and clean off the work. In addition to the above, termed hench-planes, others are occasionally used in forming any kind of prismatic surfaces, viz. rehating-planes, grooving-pflanes, moulding-planes, &c. ; under which head is included the fillister and plough, Rehating-planes arc used for cutting out rebates, a kind of half groove, upon the edge of a board, or other piece of wood, formed by taking down or reducing a small part of the breadth of the board to half, more or less, of the general thickness. By this means, if a rebate be cut on the upper side of one board, and the lower side of another, the two may be made to overlap each other, without making them any thicker at the joint. Rebates are also used for ornamenting mouldings, and for many other purposes in joiners^ work. The planes for cut- ting them are of different kinds, some having the cutting edge at the side of the iron and stock ; others at the bottom edge of the iron and the face of the stock ; and others cut- ting in both these directions. The former are used to smooth the side of a rebate, and therefore are called side rehating-planes ; the others for smoothing the bottom. A third sort of rebate-planes, called a fillister, is used for sinking or cutting away the edge of a piece of wood, to form the rebate, leaving it for the others to smooth the surfaces when cut. The moving fillister is a rebating- plane having a ruler of wood, called \\\ct fence, fixed by screws, upon its face, in the direction of its length, and exactly parallel to the edge of the face ; consequently, it covers part of the width of the cutting edge, and can be fixed at any required distance from the edge, to leave more or Rss of the cutting edge exposed, which will be the breadth of the rebate it will cut, because. AND MACHINIST. 683 wnen used, the edge of the fence is applied against the edge of the piece to be rebated, and thus gauges the breadth its iron should cut away. The cutting-iron of this plane is not situated at right angles to the length of the stock, but has an obliquity of about forty-five degrees ; the exposed side of the iron being more forward than the one next to the fence. By this obliquity, the plane has a tendency or drift to run further into the breadth of the wood ; but as the fence sliding against the edge prevents this, the drift always keeps the fence in contact with the piece without the attention of the workman : it also causes the iron to cut the bottom of the rebate smoother, particularly in a transverse direction to the fibres, or where the wood is cross-grained, or where the edge is perpendicular to the sides of the plane. It is chiefly used, however, to throw the shaving into a cylindri- cal form, and thereby make it issue from one side of the plane. Besides this iron, there is another of smaller di- mensions, called the toothy which precedes the other, to scratch or cut a deep crack in the width of the rebate, thus making the shaving, which the iron cuts up from the bot- tom, separate sideways from the rest of the wood. The sash-fillister differs in many particulars from the moving- fillister : the fence is adapted to be moved to a considerable distance, not being fixed, as in the moving fillister, by screws upon the face, but sustained by two bars, fixed fast to it, passing through the two vertical sides of the stock at right angles to the sides : these bars, when set to their intended places, are tightened by small wedges. This kind of plane is usually employed to rebate narrow pieces of wood, such as are used in sashes ; and the fence is applied against the opposite edge to that on which the rebate is to be formed. plough is a plane with a very narrow face, made of iron, fixed beneath a wooden stock, and projecting down from the wood of the stock ; the edge of the cutting-iron being the full width of the groove required : it is guided by a fence with bars like the sash-fillister, and has also a stop to regulate the depth intended for the grooves. Moulding-planes are those which have their faces and cutting edges curved, to produce all the varieties of orna- mental mouldings : they are known by the names of snipe' s- hills, side snipe* s-hills, beads, hollows, rounds, ovolos, and ogees. Of these there are a great variety of sizes, with which every good joiner is furnished. The whole of these planes have their faces straight in the 584 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC direction of their length ; but a section across the face is the impression or reverse of the moulding they are intended to make. The tools employed in boring cylindric holes are a stock with hits^^ gimlets, and of various descriptions and sizes. Tne tools used for paring the wood obliquely, or across the fibres, and for cutting rectangular prismatic ca- vities, are in general denominated chisels ; those for paring the wood across the fibres being called firmer s, or paring- chisels, and those for cutting mortises, mortise- chisels. The best paring-chisels are made entirely of cast steel. Chisels for paring concave surfaces, are called gouges. Wood is generally divided or reduced by means of saivs, of which there are several sorts; as the ripping- saw, for dividing boards into separate pieces, in the direction of the fibres ; the hand-saw, for cross-cutting, or for sawing thin pieces in the direction of their length ; the panel-saw, either for cross cutting, or cutting very thin boards longitudinally ; the tenon-saw, with a thick iron back, for making an inci- sion of any depth below the surface of the wood, and for cutting pieces opposed to the length of the fibres ; also a sash-saw, and a dovetail-saw, used much in the same way as the tenon-saw. From the thinness of the plates of these three last-men- tioned saws, it is necessary to stiffen them by a strong piece of metal called the back, which is grooved to receive the upper edge of the plate, fixed to the back, and which is thereby secured and prevented from crippling. When it is required to divide boards into curved surfaces, a very narrow saw without a back, called a compass-saw, is used ; and in cutting a very small hole, a saw of a similar description is used, called a key-hole-saw . Both of these description of saws are called turning- saws, and have ‘their plates thin and narrow towards their bottoms, and each succeeding tooth finer. The external and internal angles of the teeth of all saws are generally formed at one angle of 60 degrees, and the fi out edge teeth slope backwards in a small degree. The teeth of every description of saw, except turning-saws, are alternately bent on contrary sides of the plate, so that all the teeth on the same side are alike bent throughout the length of the plate, for the purpose of clearing the sides of the cut made by it in the wood. The foregoing are generally termed edge-tools. U^hen it is necessary to ascertain if an angle be exactly AND MACHINIST. 585 square, or inclined to any number of degrees, a tool called a square is used, and in the latter instance, a bevel is set to the angle ; when any piece is to be reduced to a parallel breadth or thickness, an instrument, called a gauge, formed of a square piece with a mortise, having a sliding bar, called a stem, running through it at right angles, and furnished with a tooth, projecting a little from the surface, is used ; so that when the stock of the gauge is applied to the verti- cal side or edge of the piece, with the toothed side of the stem upon the horizontal surface, and is pushed and drawn alternately backwards and forwards by the workman, the tooth will make an incision from the surface into the wood, at a parallel distance from the edge to which the stock part ii> applied. When a mortise is to be made in a piece of wood, the gauge used has two teeth. The construction of this gauge is the same as that before described, except that the tooth nearest the stock moves by means of a longitudinal slider in the stem, wdiich is to be set at a distance from the other tooth, as occasion may require. If a piece of wood is to be sawn across the fibres, a flat piece of wood, which has two projecting knobs, on opposite sides, one at each end, called a side-hook, is used, to keep the piece which has to undergo the operation of the saw steady ; the knob at one end presses against the piece, while that at the other end is hooked to the bench. Two of these are necessary when the pieces are long. • When a piece of wood is required to be cut to a mitre, that is, to half a right angle, joiners use a trunk of wood with three sides, like a box that has neither ends nor top, the sides and bottom being parallel pieces, and the sides of equal height. Through each of the opposite sides, in a plane per- pendicular to the bottom, and at the oblique angles of 45° and 135° with the planes of the sides, a kerf is cut ; and another kei'f is made with its plane at right angles to the two former. Into this trunk, termed a mitre-hox, the piece to be cut is put, and the saw, guided by the kerfs, cuts the wood to the angle required. In making a straight surface, a strip of wood called a straight-edge, which has one of its edges perfectly straight, is frequently applied, to detect the irregularities, and the piece is accordingly planed with the trying plane until the surface coincides with the straight-edge. To ascertain if. the surface of a piece of wood be in one plane, the joiner takes two slips of wood, each straightened 580 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC on one edge, with the opposite edge parallel, and both pieces of the same height, and places them one at each end, across the board under operation ; he then looks in the lon- gitudinal direction of the board over the upper edges of the slips, and if the two edges and his eye be not in one plane, the upper parts are planed down until the piece is said to be out of luind, and the same term is applied to the slips, which are called winding-sticks. The operation of making the edge of a board straight is called shooting ; and the edge so made is said to be shot. From what has been here said of the application of the ])rincipal tools used by the joiner, we consider any further account of the primary processes unnecessary 5 we shall, tlierefore, proceed to lay before the reader the best methods in use of effecting some of the more difficult and particular operations. - To construct the surface of a portion of a cylinder with wood^ when the fibres are at right angles to the axis of the cylinder^ such as may he used in a circular dado, or the sof- fits of windows. If the dimension of the cylindric surface, parallel to the axis, be not broader than a plank or board, this may be done by gluing several thicknesses of veneer upon each other ; the first upon a mould, or upon brackets, with their edges in the surface of the proposed cylinder, parallel to its axis. This may be effected by means of two sets of brackets fastened to a board, one convex and of the curve intended, and the other concave of the curve of the exterior of the whole thickness of veneers, or somewhat larger ; this last bracket is then applied on the top of the veneers and fas- tened to the other bracket, and the veneers are then forced together by means of wedges between the concave brac- ket and the veneer. If this operation be carefully done and the glue properly dried, the wedges may be slackened and the work will stand well, but it must be observed, that, as the wood has a natural tendency to unbend itself, the curved surface, upon which it is glued, should be rather quicker than that intended to be made. A second plan is to form a templet or cradle to the sur- face intended, and lay a veneer upon it ; then to glue a num- ber of blocks of wood upon its back, closely fitted to its surface, and the other joints to each other, the fibres of the veneer being parallel to those of the blocks. A third method is to make a cradle and place the veneer upon it, coiifiriing one end; lay the glue between the AND MACHINIST. 587 veneers with a brushy and fix a bridle across^ confining its ends either by nails or by screws ; open the veneers again, put glue a second time between each, and fix another bridle across them 5 and in this manner proceed to the other ex- tremity. A fourth plan is to cut a number of equidistant grooves across the back of the board, at right angles to its edges, leaving only a small thickness towards the face; then to bend this round a cradle with the grooves outwards, and fill the grooves with strips of wood, which, after the glue is quite dry, must be planed down level with the surface of the board. This may be stiffened by gluing strong canvass on the back. To hend a hoard so as to form the frustum of a cone, or any segmental portion of the frustum of a cone, as the sof- fit of the head of an aperture. When the envelope of the covering is found by the rule laid down under the article Masonry, page 542, and the mould is made with a thin piece of board, cut out the board intended to be bent, and run a number of saw kerfs, or grooves made by a plane, (which are preferable,) equi- distant from each other, and tending to the centre, and having fixed it to a templet, made to the surface of a cone, finish it in the manner shown in the last method, for a cylinder. To glue up the shaft of a column, supposmg it to be the frustum of a cone. Prepare as many staves as the circumference may require, and let the joints of each be so managed as to fall in the fil- lets, which disposition will be stronger than if they were to fall in the middle of the flutes. Suppose eight pieces to be suf ficient to constitute the shaft of a column : describe a circle to the diameterof each end; about each circle describe an octa- gon ; from the concourse of each angle draw aline to the cen- tre, then draw an interior concentric octagon, with each side parallel to the respective sides of the corresponding one, and the distance between these two octagons equal to the thickness of the staves ; and thus the section of the staves will be found at each end, and consequently, the bevels will be obtained throughout the whole length. In order to join the column, glue two pieces together, and when quite dry, glue in blockings to strengthen them ; join a third piece to the former two, and secure it also by blockings. In this manner proceed to the last piece but one. In fixing the last piece^ the blockings must be idued to the adjacent sla\es; 588 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC and their surfaces, on which the last stave is intended to rest, must be all in the same plane, that its back may rest firmly upon them. In closing up the remaining space, the part of the Qolumn that is glued together should be kept from spreading by confining it in a kind of cramp, or cra- dle, while driving the remaining stave to close the joints. Instead of the foregoing mode, some joiners glue up the columns in halves and then glue them together. When an iron core is necessary to support a floor or roof, the column must necessarily be glued up in halves ; in which case the two halves are to be dowelled together, and the joints filled with white-lead. Instead of a cramp, a rope is used, twisted by means of a lever. In bringing the two halves together, the percussive force of the mallet must be applied upon the middle of the surface of one half, while an assist- ant holds something steady against the middle of the other, that the opposition may be equal, and by this means the surfaces will be brought into contact, and form the joint as desired. In this operation pieces of wood ought to be in* serted between the column and the rope. Boards can be connected together at any given angle, either by pins or nails, mortise and tenon, or by indenting them together. This last mode, from the sections of the hollows and pro- jecting parts being formed like a dove’s tail, is called dove-- tailing. There are three sorts of dovetailing}, viz. common, lap, and mitre. Common dovetailing shews the form of the projecting parts, as well as of the excavations made to re- ceive them ; lap dovetailing conceals the dovetail, but shews the thickness of the lap on the return side j and mitre dove- tailing conceals the dovetail and shews only a mitre on the edges of the planes at the surface of the concourse ; that is, the edges in the same plane, the seam or join being in the concourse of the two faces, making the given angle with each other. Concealed dovetailing is particularly useful where the faces of the boards are intended to form a saliant angle ; but when the faces form a re-entrant angle, common dovetailing is preferable. There is another simple and expeditious manner of con- necting the ends of boards together where the faces form a re-entrant, or internal angle, by means of a groove in the one, and a tongue in the other ; and if the pieces be pre AND MACHINIST. 589 viously nailed so that the nails be not seen in the faces^ inis will answer every purpose of common -dovetailing. As various methods are employed in connecting pieces of wood so as to form an angle, we shall here present the reader with so.ne of the best examples. Fi^s. 595 and 596 are methods of connecting two pieces of wood so as to form two internal right angles. Figs. 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, and 602, exhibit the joining of boards at an external angle. In Figs. 598 and 599 the external angle, being that which is exposed to sight, is rounded or beaded. Fig. 600 is the most common of mitres. Fig. 601, a lapped mitre, which is much stronger than Fig. 600. Fig. 602, a lapped andtongued mitre. Fig. 603, dovetailing. Fig. 601, secret dovetailing. If several boards are required to be joined together to form a broad face, they are sometimes strengthened by fix- ing, with a tongue and groove, or mortise and tenon, another narrow piece across each end : the cross piece is termed a clamp, and the board thus constructed is said to be clamped. The most simple description of door is constructed of several boards simply rebated together, or each edge plough- ed and tongued ; these are confined together by a transverse piece, called a ledge nailed a cross, from which the door de- rives the name of a ledge-door. When strength, durability, and beauty are to be combined, a frame, joined by mortise and tenon, is constructed with one or more openings ; and these openings are filled with pieces called panels, fitted into grooves, ploughed in the edges of the frame. The horizontal pieces of the framing are called, according to their situation, top-rail, bottom-rail, lock-rail, and frieze-rail. On the lock- rail the lock is either mortised in, or screwed on ; and the frieze-rail is an interme- diate rail between the top and middle rail. The extreme vertical pieces to which the rails are fixed are called stiles ; and if there be any intermediate piece it is called a mounting. Doors derive their names according to the manner in which they are framed and the number of panels they con- tain, as one, two, four, six, &c. panelled doors ; and are further described by the moulding and description of panel. Jib-doors are those which, when shut, are as much con- cealed as possible. They are used to preserve the uni- formity of a room, or to save the expense of a corresponding 590 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC door. Doors ought to be made of the best materials, per- fectly seasoned, and firmly put together ; the mitres or scribings should be brought together with the greatest ex- actness, and the whole of their surfaces be perfectly smooth. The mortising, tenoning, ploughing, and sticking of the mouldings, ought to be worked correctly to the gauge-lines ; otherwise the door, when put together, will be out of truth, and occasion the workman a great deal of trouble, paring the different parts to make it appear satisfactory : the door will also lose much of its firmness, especially if the mortises and tenons require to be pared. In bead and flush doors, make the work square, after- wards put in the panels, and smooth the whole off to- gether ; then, marking the panels at the parts of the fram- ing to \vhich they agree, take the door to pieces, and work the beads on the stiles, mountings, and rails. If the doors are tloubie margin, that is, representing a pair of folding doors, the staff stile, which imitates the meeting-stiles, must be inserted into the top and bottom rails of the door, by fork- ing the emls into notches cut in the top and bottom rails. In the hanging of doors, the chief aim is to clear the car- pet or ground; which may be accomplished by observing the following rules. First, let the floor be raised under the door, according to the intended thickness of the carpet ; secondly, let the knuckles of the top and bottom hinges be so placed, that the top hinge hang, or project, about one eighth of an inch over the lower ; that is, if the hinge be let equally into the door and into the jamb, project a little be- yond the surface of the door ; but if the centre lie in the surface of the door, it must be placed at the very top, which is seldom done, except when the door is hung with centres. Thirdly, let the jamb on which the door hangs, be fixed about an eighth of an inch out of the perpendicular, the upper part inclining towards the opposite jamb ; and fourthly, let the inclination of the rebate be such, that the door shall, when shut, project at the bottom, towards the room, about an eighth of an inch. These several methods, practised on so small a scale, are not perceptible ; but, nevertheless, will throw the door, when opened, to a square sufficiently out of the level ; that is, at least half an inch, when the height of the door is double the width. Several kinds of rising hinges have been introduced for this purpose : some of the best, constructed of brass, are by no means objectionable, even to the best doors. FL.85 nr^l, sc JS I SmmJ AND MACHINIST. 591 Before we proceed to the principles of hanging doors, we shall submit to the reader some information on the subject of hinging in general. The placing of hinges depends entirely on the form of the joint, and as the motion of the door or closure is angular, and performed round a fixed line as an axis, the hinge must be so fixed that the motion be not interrupted : thus, if the joint contain the surface of two cylinders, the convex one in mo- tion upon the edges of the closure, and sliding upon the concave one which is at rest on the fixed body, the motion of the closure must be performed on the axis of the cylin- der, which axis must be the centre of the hinges. In this case, whether the aperture be shut or open, the joint will be close ; but if the joint be a plane surface, it is necessary to consider upon what side of the aperture the motion is to be performed, as the hinge must be placed on the side of the closure where it revolves. The hinge is made in two parts, movable in any angular direction, the one upon the other. The knuckle of the hinge is a portion contained under a cylindric surface, and is common both to the moving part and the part which is at rest ; the cylinders are indented in- to each other, and are made hollow to receive a concentric cylindric pin, which passes through them, and connects the moving parts together. The axis of the cjdindrical pin, is called the axis of the hinge. When two or more hinges are placed upon a closure, the axis of the hinges must be in the same straight line. The straight line in which the axis of the hinges are placed is called the line of hinges. We shall now proceed to the principle of hanging doors, shutters, or flaps, with hinges. The centre of the hinge is generally put in the middle of the joint, as at A, Fig. G05, but in many cases there is a necessity for throwing back the flap to a certain distance from the joint ; in order to eflect this, sup- pose the flap when folded back, were required to be at a certain distance from the joint, as BA, Fig. G05, divide BA in two equal parts at the point C, and it will give the centre of the hinge. The centre of the hiiige must be placed a small degree beyond the surface of the closure, other- wise it will not fall freely back on the jamb, or partition. It must also be observed, that, the centre of the hinge must be on the same side as the re- bate, or it will not open without the joint being constructed in a particu- lar form. To hajig two flaps, so that ivhen folded hack, they shall he at a certain distance from each other. This is easily accomplished by means of hinges having knees project- 592 I'HK OPERATIVE MECHANIC ing’ to half that distance, as appears from Fig-. GOT: this sort of hinge is used in hanging the doors of pews, in order to clear the moulding of the coping. Fig. 607, No. 2, shows the same hinge opened. To make a rule joint for a ivindow-shutter, or other fold- ingflap. 60S, No. 1. Let a be the place of the joint, draw a c at rig’ht an- gles to the flap, shutter, or door, take c, in the line a c, for the centre of the hinge, and the plain part a b, as may be thought necessary ; or c, with a radius, c by describe the arc b d ; then will a b d be the true joint. The knuckle of the hinge is always placed in the wood ; because the further it is inserted, the more of the joint will be covered when it is opened to a right angle, as in Fig. GOG, No. 2; but if the centre of the hinge were placed the least without the thickness of the wood, it would show an cpen space, which would be a blemish. To form the joints of stiles, to he hung together, when the knuckle of the hinge is placed on the contrary side of the rebate. Fig. G08. Let c be the centre of the hinge, m i the joint on the same side, c h the depth of the rebate in the middle of the thickness of the styles, perpendicular to i m, and If the joint on the other side, parallel toim; bisect i I at k, join k c, on k c describe a semicircle c iky cutting i?n at A, through the points h and k draw h k g, cutting / 1 aXg; then will f gyh my be the true joint. Fig. GOO represents the common method of hanging shutters together, the hinge being let the whole of its thickness into the shutter, and not into the sash-fr.ame. By this mode it is not so firmly hung as when half of it is let into the shutter, and half into the sash-frame ; but the lining may be made thinner. It may here be proper to observe, that the centre of the hinge must be in the same plane with the face of the shut- ter, or beyond it, but not within the thickness. Hoiv to construct a joint for hangmg doors with centres. Fig. G14. Let a d be the thickness of the door, bisect it in by draw b c perpendicular to a by make b c equal to b a, or h dy or c, the centre of the hinge, with a radius c «, or c dy describe an arc, a e dy which will give the joint required. Another plan is represented in Fig. 613. Draw a b parallel to the jamb, meeting the other side in by make b d equal to h «, and join a d and a c, bi- sect « c by a perpendicular e /, meeting a d in/, then / is the centre of the liiiige. Figs. 610, 611, and 612, exhibit different methods of hanging flaps, &c. These are so very simple, that by a little attention the reader will y cadily perceive their uses and manner of construction. We shall now detail the construction of sash-frames, sashes, and shutters, and the manner of putting the several parts together. Fig. 615, No. 1, the elevation ; No. 2, the plan ; and No. 3, the section of the same ; showing the manner in which the different parts are eon- 1 ected. Ir om 6l5 to 6l 7 PIM b'lo^ StriaU AND MACHINIST. 593 No. 1 . A Backi— B Flush skirting:, separated from the back by flush reeds, and showing: the same depth of plinth as the blocks of the pilas- ters. — C C Blocks or plinths to pilasters. — D D Pilasters. — E E Patteras. — a a aa Inside bead of sash-frame . — b b b rounded edge of boxing-stile. No. 2. Plan of sash-frame, shutters, pilasters, and the difterent parts are explained in the figures. . No. 3. a thickness of the pilaster or architrave ; b the rounded edge of the boxing-stile ; c the breadth of the shutter ; d bead of the sash-frame ; e under sash ; f top ditto ; g parting bead ; h outside lining and bead, t the breadth of* the reveal or outer brick-work ; k k lintels made of strong yellow deal or oak ; I the head of the ground ; m the architrave or pilaster fixed upon the grounds ; n the soffit, tougued into the top of the sash- frame-head ; and, on the other edge, into the head of the architrave m ; 0 the sash-frame head ; /? the elbow q capping ; r sash-frame cill ; s sash- cill ; t stone-cill. The face of the pulley-stile of every sash-frame ought to project about three-eighths of an inch beyond the edge of the brick- work; that is, the distance between the face of each pulley- stile ought to be less by three quarters of an inch than in the clear of the reveals on the outside ; so that the face of the shutters ought to be in the same plane with the stone or brick-work on the outside. Fig. 616 shows a plan of a sash-frame and shutter on the same princi- ple as the foregoing, and which may be applied to a similar window. As the thickness of the wall is here conceived to be less thfin in the fore- going example, another back-flap is introduced : — a the outside lining ; b the pulley-stile ; c the inside lining ; d the back lining ; e fiha weights ; g parting slip of weights ; h parting bead to sashes ; i inside bead ; k back lining of boxing ; t ground, or boxing-stile, grooved to receive the plastering ; m front shutter hung to the inside lining, c, of the sash- frame by the hinge n ; o p back flaps hinged together at and to the shutter at r; s architrave or pilaster. Fig. 617. Is a vertical section of the cill, &c. of the same sash-frame , a bottom rail of sash ; b cill of the sash-frame ; c back of recess of win- dow ; d coping bead, or capping let into the sash-frame cill ; e inside bead, tongued on the top of the cill ; h outside lining ;f space for the top-* sash to run in ; g parting bead, STAIRS. This is one of the most important subjects connect- ed with a joiner’s art, and should be attentively consi- dered, not only with regard to the situation, but as to the design and execution. The convenience of the building depends on the situation ; and the elegance, on the design and execution of the workmanship. In contriving a grand edifice, particular attention must be paid to the situation of the space occupied by the stairs, so as to give thein the most easy command of the rooms. With regard to the lighting of a good staircase, a sky- light, or rather lantern, is the most appropriate ; for these 2q 594 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC unite elegance with utility, that is, admit a powerful light, with elegance in the design ; indeed, where the staircase docs not adjoin the exterior walls, this is the only light that can be admitted. Where the height of a stoiy is consider- able, resting places are necessary, which go under the name of quarter-paces, and half -paces, according as the passenger has to pass one or two right-angles ; that is, as he has to describe a quadrant or semi-circle. In very high stories, which admit of sufficient head-room, and where the space allowed for the staircase is confined, the staircase may have two revolutions in the height of one story, which will lessen the height of the steps ; but in grand staircases only one revolution can be admitted, the length and breadth of the space on the plan being always proportioned to the heigh,t of the building, so as to admit of fixed proportions. The breadth of the steps ought never to be more than 15 inches, or less than nine ; the height not more than seven, or less than five : there are cases, however, wdiich are ex- ceptions to all rule. When the height of the story is given in feet, and the height of the step in inches, you may throw the feet into inches, and divide it by the number of inches the step is high, and the quotient will give the number of steps. It is a general maxim, that the greater breadth of a step requires less height than one of less breadth : thus, a step of 12 inches in breadth will require a rise of 5^ inches, which may be taken as a standard, to regulate those of other di- mensions. Though it is desirable to have some criterion as a guide in the arrangement of a design, yet workmen will, of course, vaiy them as circumstances may require. Stairs are con- structed variously, according to the situation and destina- tion of the building. Geometrical stairs are those which arc supported by having one end fixed in the wall, and every step in the as- cent having an auxiliary support from that immediately be- low it, and the lowest step from the floor. Bracket- stairs are those which have an opening or well, with strings and newels, and are supported by landings and carriages ; the brackets are mitred to the ends of each riser, and are fixed to the string-board, which is moulded below like an architrave. Dog-lcgged stairs arc those which have no opening, or well-hole, and have the rail and balusters of both the pro- gressive and returning flights falling in the same vertical AND MACHINIST. 595 planes, the steps being fixed to strings, newels, and car- riages, and the ends of the steps of the inferior kind termi- nating only upon the side of the string, without any housing. In taking dimensions and laying down the plan and section of stair-cases, take a rod, and, having ascertained the num- ber of steps, mark the height of the story, by standing the rod on the lower floor : divide the rod into as many equal parts as there are to be risers, then, if you have a level sur- face to work upon below the stair, try each of the risers as you go on, and this will prevent any excess or defect ; for any error, however small, when multiplied, becomes of con- siderable magnitude, and even the difference of an inch in the last riser, will not only have a bad effect to the eye, but will be apt to confuse persons not thinking of any such ir- regularity. In order to try the steps properly by the story rod, if you have not a level surface to work from, the better way will be, to lay two rods on boards, and level their top surface to that of the floor : place one of these rods a little within the string, and the other near or close to the wall, so as to be at right angles to the starting line of the first riser, or, which is the same thing, parallel to the plan of the string ; set off the breadth of the steps upon these rods, and num- ber the risers ; you may set not only the breadth of the flyers, but that of the winders also. In order to tiy the story-rod exactly to its vertical situation, mark the same distances of the risers upon the top edges, as the distances of the plan of string-board, and the rods are from each other. In bracket-stairs, as the internal angle of the steps is open to the end, and not closed by the string as in common dog- legged stairs, and the neatness of workmanship is as much regarded as in geometrical stairs, the balusters must be neatly dove-tailed into the ends of the steps, two in every step. The face of each front baluster must be in a straight surface with the face of the riser, and, as all the balusters must be equally divided, the face of the middle baluster must stand in the middle of the face of the riser of the pre- ceding step and succeeding one. The risers and heads are all previously blocked and glued together, and when put up, the under side of the step nailed or screwed into the under edge of the riser, and then rough brackets to the rough strings, as in dog-legged stairs, the pitching pieces and rough strings being similar. In glueing up the steps, the best method is to make a templet, so as to fit the external angle of the steps with the nosing. 2 q2 59G THE OFERATIVF. MECHANIC The steps of geometrical stairs ought to be constructed so as to have a very light and clean appearance when put up : for this purpose, and to aid the principle of strength, the risers and treads, when planed up, ought not to be less than one eighth of an inch, supposing the going of the stair, or length of the step, to be four feet, and for every six inches in length, another one-eighth may be added. The risers ought to be dove-tailed into the cover, and when the steps are put up, the treads are screwed up from below to the under edge of the risers. The holes for sinking the heads of the screws ought to be bored with a centre-bit, then fitted closely in with wood, well matched, so as entirely to con- ceal the screws, and appear as one uniform surface. Brack- ets are mitred to the riser, and the nosings are continued round. In this mode, however, there is an apparent de- fect ; for the brackets instead of giving support, are them- selves unsupported, and dependent on the steps, being of no other use, in point of strength, than merely tying the risers and treads of the internal angles of the steps together : and, from the internal angles being hollow, or a re-entrant angle, except at the ends, which terminate by the wall at one extre- mity, and by the brackets at the other, there is a want of regular finish. Tlie cavetto, or hollow, is carried round the front of the riser, and is returned at the end, and mitred round the bracket, and if an open string, that is, the under side of the stairs open to view, the hollow is continued along the angle of step and riser. The best plan, however, of constructing geometrical stairs is, to put up the strings, and to mitre the brackets to the risers, as usual, and enclose the soffit with lath and plasteiv which will form an inclined plane under each flight, and a winding surface under the winders. In superior staircases, for the best buildings, the soffit may be divided into panels. If the risers are made from two inch planks, it will greatly add to the solidity. The method of drawing and executing the scroll, and other wreath parts of the hand-rail, will be given in a subsequent part of this article. In constructing a flight of geometrical stairs, where the soffit is inclosed as above, the bearers should all be framed together, so that when put up, they will form a perfect staircase. Each piece of frame-work, which forms a riser, should, in the partition, be well wedged at the ends, lliis plan is always advisable when strength and firmness are re- quisite, as the steps and risers are entirely dependent on the AND MACHINIST. 597 framed carriages, wliich, if carefully put together, will never yield to the greatest weight. Fig-. 619 will show the section of this framing firmly put together, and wedged into the partition, as above described. In preparing the string for the wreath part, a cylinder should be made of the size of the well-hole of the stair- case, which can be done at a trifling expense ; then set the last tread and riser of the flyers on one side, and the first tread and riser of the returning flight on the opposite side, at their respective heights ; then on the centre of the curved surface of this cylinder, mark the middle between the two, and with a thin slip of wood, bent round with the ruling edge, cutting the two nosings of these flyers and passing through the intermediate height marked on the cylinder, draw a line, which will give the wreath line formed by the nosings of the winders ; then draw the whole of the winders on this line, by dividing it into as many parts as you want risers, and each point of division is the nosing of such winder. Having thus far proceeded, and carefully examined your heights and widths, so that no error may have occurred, prepare a veneer of the width intended for your string, and the length given by the cylinder, and after laying it in its place on the cylinder, proceed to glue a number of blocks about an inch wide on the back of the veneer, with their fibres parallel to the axis of the .cylinder. When diy, this will form the string for the wreath part of the staircase, to be framed into the straight strings. It is here necessary to observe, that about five or six inches of the straight string should be in the same piece as the circu- lar, so that the joints fall about the middle of the first and last flyers. This precaution always avoids a cripple, to which the work would otherwise be subject. Fig-. 6 IS, No. 1, is a plan of a dog-legged staircase, a the seats of the newels, c the seat of the upper newel. No. 2.** The elevation of the same. i AB. The newels ; the part AC being turned. — DE the upper newel. — FG the carriage piece. — HI upper string board framed into the newel. — K a joist framed into the trimmer. To describe the ramps ; produce the horizontal part of the knee to L, and also the under side of the rail until it meets the face of the first balus- ter, at c, make c d equal to c D, and upon A rf, and from the point d, draw the perpendicular d L, and L is the centre for describing the ramps d D. The story-rod ah'v&K very necessary article infixing the steps ; for, if a common rule be used for this purpose, the workmen will be very liable to err and render the stairs extremely faulty, -which cannot take place if the story-rod be applied to every riser, and the successive risers be regulated by it. 598 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC In the construction of dog- legged staircases, the first thing is, to take the dimensions of the stair, and the height of the story, and lay down a plan and section upon a floor to the full size, representing all the newels and steps ; then the situation of the carriages, pitching pieces, long and cross bearers, as also the string boards ; the strings, rails, and newels, being framed together, must be fixed with temporary supports. The string-board will show the situation of the pitching-pieces, which must be put up in order, wedging one end firmly into the wall, and fixing the other to the string-board ; this being done, pitch up the rough strings, and finish the carriage part of the flyers. Having proceeded thus far, the steps are next applied, beginning at the bot- tom and working upwards, the risers being all firmly nailed into the treads. In the best kind of dog-legged stairs, the nosings are re- turned ; sometimes the risers are mitred to the brackets, and sometimes mitred with quaker strings. In the latter case a hollow is mitred round the internal angle of the under side of the tread, and the face of the riser. Sometimes the string is framed into the newel, and notched to receive the ends of the steps ; the other end having a corresponding notch-board, and the whole flight being put up like a step- ladder. Fig. 619, No. 1 and 2, is a plan and elevation of a geometrical stair- case. The lower part, No. 2, shows the section of the steps and car- riages, which are framed together as directed in a former part of this article. The methods of finding the different moulds necessary in the formation of the wreath part of the hand-rail, will be found in the next plate. To draw the scroll oj a hand-raiL Fig. 620. First make a circle inches in diameter, divide the diameter into three equal parts, make a square in the centre of the circle equal to one of those parts, and divide each side of the square into six equal parts. Fig. 4, shows this square on a larger scale, and laid in the same position as the little square above, with the different centres marked. The centre at 1 draws from a to A, the centre at 2 from h to c, and the centre at 3 from c to dy &c. which mil complete the outside revolution at A : set the thickness of the rail from cf and to x, draw the inside the reverse way, and the scroll will be completed. To draw the curtail- steps. Set the balusters in their proper places on each quarter of the scroll, Fig. 3, the first baluster showing the return of the nosing round the step, the second placed at the beginning of the twist, and the third a quarter distant, and straight with the front of the last riser ; then set the projection of the nosing without, and draw it round equally distant from the scroll, which will give the form of the curtail. Frayn 618 to 6‘J2 n.87 AND MACHINIST. 599 ^ As the method of getting a scroll out of a solid piece of wood, having the grain of the wood to run in the same direction with the rail, is far preferable to any other method with joints, being much stronger and more beautiful than any other scroll with one or two joints, we shall here give the method of finding a face- mould to apply on the face of the plank. Place your pitch board I m n with m n passiag" throus^h the eye of tlie scroll, then draw ordinates across the scroll at discretion, and take the leng-th of the line o n, with its divisions, and lay it on o «, at Fig’. 621, then the ordinate being drawn, take the different distances 2 x, 8 4 v. See. and transfer them to 2 y, 3 2 ;, 4 v, Sec. and the rest of the points being taken in the same manner, a curve may be traced which will be the face-mould required. To find the parallel thickness of the plank. Fig. 622. Let Imn he the pitch board, and let the level of the scroll rise one-sixth, that is, divide I m into six equal parts, and the bottom division is the top of the level of the scroll ; from the end of the pitch board, set on n to 0 , half the thickness of abaluster, t(> the inside ; then set, from 0 to p, half the width of the rail, and draw the form of the rail on the end at y, the point n being where the front of the riser comes, the point jo will be the projection of the rail before it : draw a dotted line to touch the nose of the scroll, parallel with I n, then the distance between this dotted line and the under tip of the scroll, will show the exact thick- ness of planking ; but there is no occasion for the thickness to come quite to the under side, for if it come to the under side of the hollow' it will be sufficient, as a little bit glued under the hollow could not be discernible, and can be no hurt to the scroll. In ordinary cases, where the tread is about 11 inches, and rise 6^, a scroll can be got out of a piece, about 4.^ inches thick. To describe a section of a hand-rail^ supposing it to be two inches deep^ and two and a quarter inches broad^ the usual dimensions. Fig. 622. Let ABCD be a section of the rail, as squared ; on AB de- scribe an equilateral triangle AB a ; from a, as a centre, describe an arc to touch AB, and to meet a A and a B ; take the distance between the point of section in a A and the point A, and transfer it fiom the point o. section to k, upon the same line a A, join Dk ; from ky with the distance between k and the end of the arc, describe another arc, to meetD k ; with the same distance describe a third arc, of contrary curvature, and draw a vertical line to touch it ; which will form one side of the section of the rail, and the counter part may be formed by a similar operation. The branch of Joinery that falls under our next and last consideration is that of hand* railing ; which calls into action all the ingenuity and skill of the workman. This art con- sists in constructing hand-rails by moulds, according to the geometrical principles, that if a cylinder be cut in any di- *’ection, except parallel to the axis, or base, the section will be an ellipsis ; if cut parallel to the axis, a rectangle ; and if parallel to the base, a circle. TWB OPERATIVE MECHANIC 600 Now, suppose a hollow cylinder be made to the size of the well-hole of the stair-case, the interior concave, and the ex- terior convex ; and the cylinder be cut by any inclined or oblique plane, the section formed will be bounded by two concentric similar ellipses ; consequently, the section will be at its greatest breadth at each extremity of the larger axis, and its least breadth at each extremity of the smaller axis. Therefore, in any quarter of the ellipsis there will be a continued increase of breadth from the extremity of the lesser axis to that of the greater. Now it is evident that a cylinder can be cut by a plane through any three points ; therefore, supposing we have the height of the rail at any three points in the cylinder, and that we cut the cylinder through these points, the section will be a figure equal and similar to the face-mould of the rail ; and if the cylinder be cut by another plane parallel to the section, at such a dis- tance from it as to contain the thickness of the rail, this portion of the cylinder will represent a part of the rail with its vertical surfaces already worked : and, again, if the back and lower surface of this cylindric portion be squared to vertical lines, either on the convex or concave side, through two certain parallel lines drawn by a thin piece of wood which is bent on that side, the portion of the cylinder thus formed, will represent the part of the rail intended to be made. Though the foregoing only relates to cylindrical well- holes, it is equally applicable to rails erected on any seat whatever. face-mould applies to the two faces of the plank, and is regulated by a line drawn on its edge, which line is ver- tical when the plank is elevated to its intended position. This is also called the raking-mould. The falling-mould, is a parallel piece of thin wood ap- plied and bent to the side of the rail-piece, for the purpose of drawing the back and lower surface^ which should be so formed, that every level straight line, directed to the axis of the well-hole, from every point of the side of the rail formed by the edges of the falling mould, coincide with the surface. In order to cut the portion of rail required, out of the least possible thickness of stuff, the plank is so turned up on one of its angles, that the upper surface is no where at right angles to a vertical plane passing through the chord of the plane ; the plank in this position is said to be sprung pitch-hoardi is a right-angled triangular board made to the rise and tread of the step, one side forming the right AND MACHINIST. 601 angle of the width of the tread, and the other of the height of the riser. When there are both winders and flyers, two pitch- boards must be made to their respective treads, but, of course, of the same height, as all the steps rise the same. The bevel by which the edge of the plank is reduced from the right angle when the plank is sprung, is termed the spring of the plank, and the edge thus bevelled is called the sprung edge. The bevel by which the face mould is regulated to each side of the plank, is called the pitch. The formation of the upper and lower surfaces of a rail is called the falling of the rail the upper surface of the rail is termed the hack. In the construction of hand-rails, it is necessary to spring the plank, and then to cut away the superfluous wood, as directed by the draughts, formed by the face-mould ; v^^hich may be done by an experienced workman, so exactly, with a saw, as to require no further reduction ; and when set in its place, the surface on both sides will be vertical in all parts, and in a surface perpendicular to the plan. In order to form the back and lower surface, the falling mould is ap- plied to one side, generally the convex, in such a manner, that the upper edge of the falling mould at one end, coin- cides with the face of the plank ; and the same in the middle, and leaves so much wood to be taken away at the other end as will not reduce the plank on the concave side ; — the piece of wood to be thus formed into the wreath or twist being agreeable to their given heights. In the following figures, we have given the method o. finding the moulds necessary for constructing a hand-rail on a circular plan. Fi^. 623, is the plan, showing part of the winders, which in this case are eight, as also the seat of the joint. Fig. 624. Let AAA, &c. be the outside, and a a a, &c. the inside of the plan. BCD a line passing through the middle of the breadth, BC being straight, and CD one-fourth of the circumference of the circle, the ])oint K in the middle of the arc CD, B at one extremity of the line BCED, and D at the other. Divide the quadrant CD into any number of equal parts, which in this example are four. DraAv the straight line MN, and make MN equal to the developeraent of the quadrant AAA, &c. on the convex side. Draw ^10 perpendicular to MN, and make MO equal to the height of a step ; draw OP parallel to MN, and make OP equal in length to the width of a step, and join PM. Draw N s perpendicular to MN. In Ns make N o equal to the height of four of the winders, and join o M* curve otf the angle at M, in the manner shown below, by intersection of lines : Through o draw x y per- pendicular to M 0 , make o x and oy each equal to half the width of the felling mould, and draw the upper ami lower edges of the mould. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC GQ2 Join DE. Fig’. 624, and produce DE to F. Draw DG and EL. Make DG equal to one-fourth (or any part of) the heig^ht from N to the upper cdg-e of the falling’ mould, Fig’. 625, and EL equal to one-fourth, or the saine part, of the heig-ht from Q to the upper ed^e of the falling- mould. Join (jL and produce it to meet DE in F, join the dotted line BF. Draw IK, through the centre F, perpendicular to BF. Draw ah^ ah, &c. meet- ing IK. At any convenient distance from KI draw c d parallel to IK. Make the perpendicular of the face-mould equal to its corresponding height on the falling mould, and draw the straight line c e ; then draw ordinates A b, A b, &c. continue them until they meet c e, and from the points of intersection draw perpendiculars to c e, and set off the distances as shown by corresponding letters. Then by tracing a curve through these points the face mould will be completed. The top line r r r, &c. is left on the falling mould, to regulate its posi- tion when bent upon the convex surface, as the line r >• r, and will fall into the plane surface of the top of the plank. This line is obtained by making the perpendiculars fr, 2 r, f r, &c. equal to the corresponding perpeiu dicularsy* b,fb, &c. Fig. 624. To find the face-mould of a staircase, so that when set to its proper rake it will be perpendicular to the plan where- on it stands for a level landing. Fig. 626. Draw the central line, a b, parallel to the sides of the rail; on the right line a b apply the pitch-board of a flyer, from b to c dra\i ordinates n m, o p, qr, s t, uv, at discretion, observing to draw one from the point r, so that you may obtain the same point exactly in the face- mould ; then take the parts which the ordinates give on the line a b, and apply them at Fig. 627, and take the distances m 7i, p o, &c. and transfer them to Fig. 627, and a curve through these points will be the face-mould required. To find the fallmg mould. Fig. 626. Divide the radius of the circle into four equal parts, and set three of these parts from 4 to a; through x y, the extremities of t)ie diameter of the rail, draw ax and ay, producing them till they touch the tangent AB ; then will AB be the circumference of the semicircle X by, which is applied from A to B, Fig. 628, as a base line. Make A a the height of a step ; draw the hypotenuse a B, apply the pitch board of a flyer at a & c, and B e, then curve off the angle by intersection of lines, and draw a line parallel to it, for the upper edge or the mould. MEASURES CUSTOMARY IN JOINERs’ WORK. Prepared boarding is measured by the foot superficial ; the following being the different distinctions : — edges shot ; edge shot, ploughed, and torigued ; wrought on one side, and edges shot ; wrought on both sides, and edges shot ; wrought on both sides, ploughed, and tongucd ; boards keyed and clamped, mortise-clamped, and mortise and mitre-clamped. The prices are regulated according to the thickness. If the boards be glued, an additional price per foot is allowed ; if tongued, still more, according to the description of tongue. In boarded flooring, the dimensions are taken to the extreme parts, from which the squares arc to be computed. Deductions for chimneys, stair-cascs jbuhlbiko From 623 to 623 FIM FTesU ^ sc 35 z StranJL AND MACHINIST. (303 ^c. are taken from this. The price depends on the sur- face, whether wrought or plain, the manner of the longi- tudinal and heading-joints, the thickness of stuff, whether the boards be laid one after the other, or folded, or whether the floor be laid with boards, battens, or wainscot.- Skirting, when wide, is also measured by the foot super- ficial ; the price depending upon the position, whether level, raking, or ramping, or upon the manner of finishing, whe- ther plain, torus, or rebated, or scribed to the floor, or to the steps, or upon the plan, w^hether straight or circular. Weather-boarding, is measured by the square of 100 su- perficial feet. Boarded partitions are measured by the square, from which must be deducted the doors and windows, except an agreement be made to tlie contrary. The price of all kinds of framing depends on the thick- ness, or whether the framing be plainer moulded; and if moulded, the description of moulding, whether struck on the solid, or laid in, mitred, or scribed ; as also upon the num- ber of panels in a given height and breadth, and upon the nature of the plan. The different kinds of wainscotting, as window linings, door linings, back linings, partitions, doors, shutters, &c. are all measured by the superficial foot. Windows are in general valued by the foot superficial; though sometimes by the window. When measured, the dimensions are taken for height, from the top of the cill to the under side of the head, allowing seven inches for the head and cill ; and for width in clear of pulley- stiles, allow- ing eight inches. The sash and frame are either measured together or separately. Skylights are measured by the foot superficial, their price depending on the plan and elevation. Framed grounds at per foot run. Ledged doors by the foot superficial, dado by the super- ficial foot ; the price depending whether the plan be straight or circular, or the elevation level or inelined. In measuring stair-cases, the risers, treads, and carriages, are generally classed together, and measured by the foot su- perficial : the price varying as the steps are flyers or wind- ers, as the risers are mitred into the string-board, the treads dove-tailed for balusters, and the nosings returned, or whe- ther the bottom of the risers be tongued into the treads. The curtail step is generally valued as a whole. Returned nosings at so much each ; and if circular, double the price of straight 604 THE OPERATIVE MECHANJQ ones. The brackets at so much each, according to the pat- tern, and whether straight or circular. Hand-railing is measured by the foot run, the price de- pending on the materials, the diameter of the well-hole, or whether ramped, swan- necked, level, circular, or wreathed, or whether made out of the solid, or in thicknesses. The scroll is paid at per piece. The joints at so much each, and three inches of the straight part at each end of the wreath are included in the measurement. Deal balusters are pre- pared and fixed at per piece ; as also iron balusters, iron column to curtail, housings to steps, &c. An extra allowance is made for the additional labour .in fixing the iron balusters. The price of string-board is regulated by the foot super- ficial, according to the manner in which it is moulded, whe- ther straight, circular, or wreathed, and the manner in which such string is backed. The shafts of columns are measured by the foot superficial ; the price depending upon the diameter, and whether it be straight or curved, or pro- perly glued and blocked. If the column be fluted or reeded, the flutes or reeds are measured by the foot run, their price depending upon the size of the flute or reed The headings of flutes and reeds are at so much each. Pilasters, straight or curved, in the height, ai*e measured in the same way, and the price taken per foot superficial in the caps and bases if pilasters ; besides the mouldings, the mitres must be so much each, according to the size. Mouldings are valued by the foot run, as double-faced ar- chitraves, base and surbase. The head of an architrave in a circular wall, is four times the price of the perpendicular parts, not only on account of the time required to form the mouldings to the circular plan, but on account of the greater difficulty of forming the mitres. All horizontal mouldings, circular upon plan, are three or four times the price of those on a straight plan ; being charged more, as the radius of the circle is less : housings to mouldings are valued at so much each, according to the size. The price per superficial foot of mouldings is regulated by the number of quirks, for each of which an addition is made to the foot. The price of mouldings depends also upon the materials of which they are made, and upon their running figure, whe- ther curved or raking. In grooving, the stops arc paid over and above, and so much more must be allowed for all grooves wrought by hand, particularly in the parts adjoining the concourse of AND MACHINIST. ms ail angle : circular grooving must be paid still more. Water trunks are measured by the foot run ; the rate depending upon the side of their square : the hopper-heads and shoes are valued at so much each, as also are the moulded weather caps, and the joints. Scaffolding, &c. used in fixing, is charged extra. Flooring-boards are prepared, that is, planed, gauged, and rebated to a thickness at so much each, the price depending upon the length of each board ; if more than nine inches broad, the rate is increased according to the additional width ; each board listing at so much per list. The following is a classification of such articles in joinery as are usually rated at so much each. Trusses. Cantalivers. Iliile-joints. Cut brackets fur shelves. Housing’s in g’encral. Housinirs to steps. Cutting’s to standarda. Elbow capping’s. Returned moulded nosings to steps. Caps to hand-rails. Scroll of hand-rails. Making and fixing joists of hand- rails with joint-screws. Fixing iron coiunms in curtails. Fixing iron baluster, and prepar- ing mould. Preparing and fixing deal balusters. Articles at 'per foot Sinking to shelves. Moulded raisings of panels. All raised panels in the extremity of the raising to be charged ex- tra. Capping to wainscot. Level circular string-boards to stairs. Hand-rails. Newels to stairs. Moulded planiers in stairs. Sinking in rail for iron rail or ba- lusters. Water-trunks and spouts. Skirting and door-grounds. Beads or fillets. Articles at per Deals pinned, ploughed, tongued, leacled, glued, and clamped. Brackets to stairs. Curtail step. Clam})-initres. Mitres of pilasters according to their size. Mitres of cornices. Headings to flutes and reeds'. Hopper-heads and shoes to water- trunks. Joints to water-trunks. Preparing flooring-boards and bat- tens. Fixing locks and fastenings, per article. Hole in seat of water-closet. Patteras, 'unningy or lineal. Fillets mitred on panels. Square or beaded angle -staff, re- bated. Mouldings. Single cornice. Single faced architrave. Pilasters under four inches wide. Boxings to windows. Ornamental grooving. Narrow linings. Legs, rails, and runners of dres- sers. Border to hearth. Base-moulding. Surbase-rnoulding. Narrow skirting. foot superficiaL Skirting. Sash-frames and sashes. THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC cm 8ky]i<^hts. 'Back, cibow, soffits, Slmtters. Framed or plain back-liniiig-s. Door-lining's, jambs. Wainscotting'. Dado. Partitions. Siej)s and rises to stairs, incliidiii"’ carriag-es. Cradling. Double-faced architraves. Mouldings wrought by hand, if large. Shafts of columns. PLASTERING. The Plasterer is a workman to whom the decorative part of architecture owes a considerable portion of its effect^ and whose art is requisite in every kind of building. The tools of the plasterer consist of a spade or shovel of the usual description ; a rake, with two or three prongs, bent downwards from the line of the handle, for mixing the hair and mortar together; trowels of various kinds and sizes ; stopping and picking-out tools; rules called straight- edges ; and wood models. The trowels used by plasterers are more neatly made than tools of the same name used by other artificers. The lay- ing and smoothing tool consists of a flat piece of hardened iron, about ten inches in length, and two inches and a half wide, very thin, and ground to a semicircular shape at one end, but left square at the other; and at the back of the plate, near the square end, is rivetted a small iron rod with two legs, one of which is fixed to the plate, and the other to a round wooden handle. With this tool all the first coats of plaster is laid on, as are also the last, or, as it is technically termed, the setting. The other kinds of trowels are made of three or four sizes, for gauging the fine stuff and plaster, used in forming cornices, mouldings, &c. The longest size of these is about seven inches on the plate, which is of po- lished steel, about two inches and three quarters broad at the heel, diverging gradually to a point. To the heel or broad end a handle is adapted. The stopping and picking- out tools are made of polished steel, of different sizes, though most generally about seven or eight inches in length, and half an inch in breadth, flat- tened at both ends, and ground somewhat round. These tools are used in modelling and finishing mitres and re- turns to cornices ; as likewise in filling- up and perfecting the ornaments at the joinings. The straight-edges are for keeping the work in an even, or perpendicular line ; and the models or moulds are for run- AND MACHINIST. 607 iiing plain mouldings, cornices, &c.; of these latter the plasterer requires a great number as very little of his finish- ing can be done without them. Experienced workmen keep their tools very clean, and have them daily polished by the hawk-boys. Plasterers have technical divisions of their work, by which its quality is designated, and value ascertained ; as, lathing ; laying ; pricking-up ; lathing, laying, and set ; lathing, float- ing, and set; screed, set or putty; rendering and set, or rendering, floated, and set ; trowelled stucco, &c. ; each of which, hereafter, we shall very minutely explain. In all the operations of plastering, lime extensively abounds ; we shall, therefore, first offer some observations on the properties of this important article. Ail who have written on the subject of lime, as a cement, have endeavoured to ascertain what is the due proportion of sand for making the most perfect cement ; but with a little attention it is evident, that ail prescribed rules must be so very vague and uncertain, as to be of little utility to the workman, for, besides the variation which is occasioned by a more or less degree of calcination, it is a certain fact, that some kinds of lime-stone are much more pure, and contain a much smaller proportion of sand than others ; consequently, it would be absurd to say, that pure lime requires as small a proportion of sand, when made into mortar, as that which originally contained in itself a large proportion. The variation thus produced, in regard to the proportion of sand, is found to be extremely great. It is, however, stated, that the best mortar which has come under exa- mination, was formed of eleven parts of sand to one of lime: to which was added, by measure, between twice and thrice its own bulk of sand, whieh may be allowed to have been at least three times its quantity by weight. Supposing, therefore, that every particle of the lime had been so per- fectly calcined as to be in a caustic state, there could not be less than forty-seven parts of sand to one of lime ; but it is hard to suppose, that above one hundredth part of this mass, independent of the water, consisted of pure caustic calcareous earth. From these considerations it is conceived, that it is im- possible to prescribe any determinate proportion of sand to lime, as that must vary according to the nature of the lime, and other incidental circumstances, which would form an infinity of exceptions to any general rule. But it would 608 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC seem, that it might be safely inferred, that the moderns in general rather err in giving too little, than in giving too much sand. It deserves, however, to be noticed, that the sand, when naturally in the lime-stone, is more intimately blended with the lime, than can possibly be ever effected by any mechanical operation ; so that it would be in vain to hope to make equally good mortar artificially from pure lime, with so small a proportion of caustic calcareous mat- ter, as may sometimes be effected when the lime naturally contains a very large proportion of sand. Still, however, there seems to be no doubt, that if a much larger propor- tion of sand than is common were employed, and that more carefully and expeditiously blended and worked, the mortar would be made much more perfect, as has been proved by actual experiments. Another circumstance, which greatly tends to vary the quality of cement, and to make a greater or smaller pro- portion of sand necessary, is, the mode of preparing the lime before it is beaten up into mortar. When for plaster, it is of great importance to have every particle of the lime- stone slaked before worked-up, for, as smoothness of sur- face is the most material point, if any particles of lime be beaten-up before sufficiently slaked, the water still continu- ing to act on them, will cause them to expand, which will produce those excrescences on the surface of the plaster, termed blisters. Consequently, in order to obtain a perfect kind of plaster, it is absolutely necessary that the lime, before being worked, be allowed to remain a considerable time macerating or souring in water : the same sort of pro- cess, though not absolutely required, would considerably improve the lime intended for mortar. Great care is re- quired in the management ; the principal thing being the procuring of well-burnt lime, and allowing no more lime, before worked, than is just sufficient to macerate or sour it with the water : the best burnt lime will require the ma- ceration of some days. It has been almost universally admitted, that the hardest lime -stone affords the lime which will consolidate into the firmest cement ; hence, it is generally concluded, that lime made of chalk produces a much weaker cement than that made of marble, or lime-stone. It would seem, however, that, if ever this be the case, it is only incidentally, and not necessarily. In the making of mortar, other substances are occasionally mixed with lime, which we shall here proceed to notice, and endeavour to point out their excellencies and AND MACHINIST 609 defects. Those commonly used, besides sand of various denominations, are powdered sand-stone, brick-dust, and sea-shells : and for forming plaster, where closeness rather than hardness is required, lime which has been slaked and kept in a dry place till it has become nearly effete, and powdered chalk, or whiting, and gypsum, in various pro- portions, besides hair and other materials of a similar nature. Other ingredients have been more lately recommended, such as earthy balls, slightly burnt and pounded, old mortar rubbish, powdered and sifted, and various things of the like kind, the whole of which are, in some respect or other, objectionable. Plaster of Paris is employed by the plasterer to give tht requisite form and finish to all the superior parts of his work. It is made of a fossile stone, called gypsum, which is ex- cavated in several parts of the neighbourhood of Paris, whence it derives its name, and is calcined to a powder, to deprive it of its water of ciystallization. The best i? Montmartre. The stones are burnt in kilns, which are generally of vei7 simple construction, being not unfrequently built of the gypsum itself. The pieces to be calcined are loosely put together in a parallelepiped heap, below which are vaulted pipes or flues, for the application of a moderate heat. The calcination must not be carried to excess ; as other- wise the plaster will not form a solid mass w^hen mixed with a certain portion of water. During the process of calcina- tion, the water of crystallization rises as white vapour, which, if the atmosphere be dry, is quickly dissolved in air. The pounding of the calcined fragments is performed sometimes in mills constructed for the purpose, and some- times by men, whose health is much impaired by the par- ticles of dust settling upon their lungs. On the river Wolga, in Russia, where the burning of gyp- sum constitutes one of the chief occupations of the pea- santry, all kinds of gypsum are burnt promiscuously on grates made of wood ; afterwards the plaster is reduced to powder, passed through a sieve, and finally formed into small round cakes, which are sold at so much per thousand. These balls are reduced into an impalpable powder by the plasterer, and then mixed with mortar. The less the gypsum is mixed with other substances, the better it is qualified for the purpose of making casts, stucco, &c. The sparry gypsum, or selenite, which is the purer kind, is em#- ployed for taking impressions from coins and medals, and 2 R 610 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC for making those beautiful imitations of marble, granite, and porphyry, known by the name of scagliolcty which is derived from the Italian word, scagli. Finely powdered alabaster, or plaster of Paris, when heated in a crucible, assumes the appearance of a fluid, by rolling in waves, yielding to the touch, steaming, &c. all of which properties it again loses on the departure of the heat : if taken from the crucible and thrown upon paper, it will not wet it ; but immediately be as motionless as it was before exposed to the heat. Two or three spoonfuls of burnt alabaster mixed up thin with water, will, at the bottom of a vessel filled with water, coagulate into a hard lump, notwithstanding the water that surrounds it. The coagulating or setting property of burnt alabaster will be very much impaired, or lost, if the powder be kept for any considerable time, and more especially in the open air. When it has been once tempered with water, and suffered to grow hard, it cannot be rendered of any further use. Plaster of Paris, diluted with water into the consistence of a soft or thin paste, quickly sets, or grows firm, and at the instant of its setting, has its buik increased. This expansive property, in passing from a soft to a firm state, is one of its valuable properties ; rendering it an excellent matter for filling cavities in sundry works, w^here other earthy mix- tures would shrink and leave vacuities, or entirely separate from the adjoining parts. It is also probable that this ex- pansion of the plaster might be made to contribute to the elegance of the impressions it receives from medals, &c. by properly confining it when soft, so that, at its expansion, it would be forced into the minutest traces of the figures. A plaster of a coarser description, made of a blueish stone, much like that of which Dutch terras are made, is sometimes used in this country, for floors in gentlemen's houses, and for corn-granaries. This stone, when burnt after the manner of lime, assumes a white appearance, but does not ferment on being mixed with water : when cold, it is reduced to a fine powder. About a bushel of this powder is put into a tub, and water is applied till it becomes liquid. In this state it is well stirred with a stick, and used im- mediately ; for in less than a quarter of an hour it becomes hard and useless, as it will not allow of being mixed a second time. Other cements are used by plasterers for inside work. The first is called lime and haivy or coarse stuffy and is pre- AND MACHINIST. 611 pared as common mortar, with the addition of hair from the tan-yards. The mortar is first mixed with a requisite quantity of sand, and the hair is afterwards worked in by the application of a rake. Next to this is Jine which is merely pure lime, slaked first with a small quantity of water, and afterwards, without any extraneous addition, supersaturated with w^ater, and put into a tub in a half fluid state, where it is allowed to remain till the water is evaporated. In some particular cases, a small portion of hair is incorporated. When this fine stuff is used for inside walls, it is mixed with very fine washed sand, in the proportion of one part sand to three parts of fine stuff, and is then called trowelled or bastard stucco, with which all walls intended to be painted are finished. The cement called gauge stuff', consists of three-fifths of fine stuff, and one-fifth plaster of Paris, mixed together with water, in small quantities at a time, to render it more ready to set. This composition is mostly used in forming cor- nices and mouldings run with a wooden mould. When great expedition is required, plasterers gauge all their mor- tars with plaster of Paris, which sets immediately. The technical divisions of plasterer's work shall now claim our attention. Lathing, the first operation, consists in nailing laths on the ceiling, or partition. If the laths be of oak, they will require wrought iron nails ; but if of deal, nails made of cast iron may be used. Those mostly used in London are of fir, im- ported from America and the Baltic, in pieces called staves. Laths are made in three foot and four foot lengths : and with respect to their thickness and strength, arc either sin- gle, lath and half, or double. The single are the thinnest and cheapest ; those called lath and half, are supposed to be one third thicker than the single ; and the double laths are twice that thickness. In lathing ceilings, the plasterer should use both the lengths alluded to, and in nailing them up, should so dispose them, that the joints be as much broken as possible, that they may have the stronger key or tie, and thereby strengthen the plastering with which they are to be covered. The thinnest laths are used in partitions, and the strongest for ceilings. Laths are also distinguished into heart and sap laths : the former should always be used in plain tiling ; the latter, which are of inferior quality, are most frequently used by the plasterer. 2 r2 612 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Laths should be as evenly split as possible. Those that are very crooked should not be nsed^ or the crooked part should be cut out ; and such as have a short concavity or. the one side, and a convexity on the other, not very pro- minent, should be placed with the concave sides outwards. The following is the method of rending or splitting laths. The lath-cleavers having cut their timber into the required lengths, cleave each piece with wedges, into eight, twelve, or sixteen pieces, according to the scantling of the timber, called bolts ; and then, with dowl-axes, in the direction of the felt-grain, termed felting, into sizes for the breadth of the laths ; and, lastly, with the chit, clear them into thick- nesses by the quarter grain. Having nailed the laths in their appropriate order, the plasterer’s next business is to cover theiri with plaster, the most simple and common operation of which, is laq- iug ; that is, spreading a single coat of lime and hair over the whole ceiling, or partition ; carefully observing to keep it smooth and even in every direction. This is the cheapest kind of plastering. PricJcing wp is performed in the same manner as the fore- going ; but is only a preliminary to a more perfect kind of work. After the plaster is laid on, it is crossed all over with the end of a lath, to give it a tie or key to the coat which is afterwards to be laid upon it. Lathing, laying, and set, or what is termed lath and plas- ter, one coat and set, is, when the work, after being lathed, is covered with one coat of lime and hair, and afterwards, when sufficiently dry, a thin and smooth coat spread over it, consisting of lime only, or, as the workmen call it, putty, or set. This coat is spread with a smoothing- trowel, used by the workman with his right hand, while his left hand moves a large flat brush of hog’s bristles, dipped in water, backwards and forwards over it, and thus produces a sur- face tolerably even for cheap work. Lathing, floating, and set, or lath and plaster, one coat, floated ami set, differs from the foregoing, in having the first coat pricked up to receive the set, which is here called the floating. In doing this, the plasterer is provided with a substantial straight edge, frequently from ten to twelve feet in length, which must be used by two workmen. All the parts to be floated are tried by a plumb-line, to ascertain whether they be perfectly flat and level, and whenever any deficiency appears, the hollow is filled uj) with a trowel full or more of lime and hair only, which is imncdifllling out, ^AND MACIIINI.ST. 613 and when these preliminaries are settled, the screeds are next formed. The term screed signifies a style of lime and hair, about seven or eight inches in width, gauged quite true, by draw- ing the straight edge over it until it be so. These screeds are made at the distance of about three or four feet from each other, in a vertical direction, all round the partitions and walls of a room. When all are formed, the intervals are filled up with lime and hair, called by the workmen, stuff'^ till flush with the face of the screeds. The straight edge is then worked horizontally on the screeds, by w’hich all the superfluous stuff, projecting beyond them in the in- tervals is removed, and a plain surface produced. This operation is termed floating, and may be applied to ceilings as well as to partitions, or upright walls, by first forming the screeds in the direction of the breadth of the apartment, and filling up the intervals as above described. As great care is requisite to render the plaster sound and even, none but skilful workmen should be employed. The set to floated-work is performed in a mode similar to that already prescribed for Laying; but being employed only for best rooms, is done with more care. About one- sixth of plaster of Paris is added to it, to make it set more expeditiously, to give it a closer and more compact ap- pearance, and to render it more firm and better calculated to receive the white- wash or colour when dry. For floated stucco-work the pricking up coat cannot be too dry ; but, if the floating which is to receive the setting coat be too dry, before the set is laid on, there will be danger of its peeling off, or of assuming the appearance of little cracks, or shells, which would disfigure the work. Particular care and at- tention therefore must be paid to have the under coats in a proper state of dryness. It may here be observed, that cracks, and other unpleasant appearances in ceilings, are more frequently the effect of weak laths being covered with too much plaster, or too little plaster upon strong laths, rather than of any sagging or other inadequacy in the tim- bers, or the building. If the laths be properly attended to, and the plaster laid on by a careful and judicious workman, no cracks or other blemishes are likely to appear. The next operation combines both the foregoing pro- cesses, but requires no lathing ; it is called rendering and set, or rendering, floated, and set. What is understood by rendering, is the covering of a brick or stone wall with a coat of lime and hair, and by set is denoted a superficial goat of fine stuff or putty upon the rendering. These ope-t THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 614 rations are similar to those described for setting of ceilings and partitions ; and the floated and set is laid on the ren- dering in the same manner as on the partitions, &c. already explained, for the best kind of work. Trowelled stucco, which is a very neat kind of work, nsea in dining-rooms, halls, &c. where the walls are prepared to be painted, must be worked upon a floated ground, and the floating be quite dry before the stucco is applied. In this process the plasterer is provided with a wooden tool, called a float, consisting of a piece of half inch deal, about nine inches long and three wide, planed smooth, with its lower edges a little rounded off, and having a handle on the upper surface. The stucco is prepared as above described, and afterwards well beaten and tempered with clear water. The ground intended to be stuccoed is first prepared with the large trowel, and is made as smooth and level as pos- sible; when the stucco has been spread upon it to the extent of four or five feet square, the workman, with a float in his right hand and a brush in his left, sprinkles with water, and rubs alternately the face of the stucco, till the whole is re- duced to a fine even surface. He then prepares another square of the ground, and proceeds as before, till the whole is completed. The water has the effect of hardening the face of the stucco. When the floating is well performed, it will feel as smooth as glass. Rough casting, or rough walling, is an exterior finishing, much cheaper than stucco, and, therefore, more frequently employed on cottages, farm-houses, &c. than on buildings of a higher class. The wall intended to be rough-cast, is first pricked-up with a coat of lime and hair ; and when this is tolerably dry, a second coat is laid on, of the same materials as the first, as smooth as it can possibly be spread. As fast as the workman finishes this surface, he is followed by another with a pail-full of rough-cast, with which he bespatters the new plastering, and the whole dries together. The rough-cast is composed of fine gravel, washed from all earthy particles, and mixed with pure lime and water till the whole is of a semi-fluid consistency. This is thrown from the pail upon the wall with a wooden float, about five or six inches long, and as many wide, made of half-inch deal, and fitted with a round deal handle. While, with this tool, the plasterer throws on the rough-cast with his right hand, he holds in his left a common whitewashers’ brush, dipped in the rough-cast also, with which he brushes and colours the mortar and the rough-cast he has already spread, AND MACHINIST. 615 to give them, when finished, a regular uniform colour and appearance. Cornices^ are either plain or ornamented, and sometimes embrace a portion of both classes. The first point to be attended to is, to examine the drawings, and measure the projections of the principal members, which, if projecting more than seven or eight inches, must be bracketted. This consists in fixing up pieces of wood, at the distance of about ten or twelve inches from each other, all round the place proposed for the cornice, and nailing laths to them, covering the whole with a coat of plaster. In the brackets, the stuff necessary to form the cornices must be allowed, which in general is about one inch and a quarter. A beech mould is next made by the carpenter, of the profile of the intended cornice, about a quarter of an inch in thickness, with the quirks, or small sinkings, of brass or copper. All the sharp edges are carefully removed by the plasterer, who opens with his knife all the points whieh he finds incompetent to receive the plaster freely. These preliminaries being adjusted, two workmen, pro- vided with a tub of putty and a quantity of plaster of Paris, proceed to run the cornice. Before using the mould, they gauge a screed of putty and plaster upon the wall and ceil- ing, covering so much of each as wWl correspond with the top and bottom of the intended cornice. On this screed one or two slight deal straight-edges, adapted to as many notches or chases made in the mould for it to work upon, are nailed. The putty is then mixed with about one-third of plaster of Paris, and brought to a semi-fluid state by the addition of clean water. One of the workmen, with two or three trowels-full of this composition upon his hmvk, which he holds in his left hand, begins to plaster over the surface intended for the cornice, with his trowel, while his partner applies the mould to ascertain when more or less is wanted. When a sufficient quantity of plaster is laid on, the workmen holds his mould firmly against both the ceiling and the wall, and moves it backwards and forwards, which removes the super- fluous stuff, and leaves an exact impression of the mould upon the plaster. This is not effected at once; for while he works the mould backwards and forwards, the other work- man takes notice of any deficiences, and fills them up by adding fresh supplies of plaster. In this manner a cornice from ten to twelve feet in length may be formed in a very short time ; indeed, expedition is essentially requisite, as the plaster of Paris occasions a very great tendency in the putty 616 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC' to set, to prevent which, it is necessary to sprinkle the com- position frequently with water, as plasterers, in order to secure the truth and correctness of the cornice, generally endeavour to finish all the lengths, or pieces, between any two breaks or projections, at one time. In cornices which have very large proportions, and in cases where any of the orders of architecture are to be introduced, three or four moulds are required, and are similarly applied, till all the parts are formed. Internal and external mitres, and small returns, or breaks, are afterwards modelled and filled up by hand. Cornices to be enriched with ornaments, have certain in- dentations, or sinkings, left in the mould in which the casts are laid. These ornaments were formerly made by hand ; but now are cast in plaster of Paris, from clay models. When the clay model is finished, and has, by exposure to the action of the atmosphere, acquired some degree of firm- ness, it is let into a wooden frame, and when it has been retouched and finished, the frame is filled with melted wax, wdiich, w'hen cold, is, by turning the frame upside down, allowed to fall off, being an exact cameo, or counterpart, of the model. By these means, the most enriched and curi- ously wrought mouldings may be cast by the common plas- terer. These wax models are contrived to cast about a foot in length of the ornament at once ; such lengths being most easily got out from the cameo. The casts are made of the finest and purest plaster of Paris, saturated with water ; and the wax mould is oiled previously to its being put in. When the casts, or intaglios, are first taken from the mould, they are not very firm ; but being suffered to dry a little, either in the open air or an oven, they acquire sufficient hardness to allow of being scraped and cleaned. Basso-relievos and friezes are executed in a similar man- ner, only the wax mould is so made, that the cast can have a back-ground at least half an inch thick of plaster-cast to the ornament or figure, in order to strengthen and secure the proportions, at the same time that it promotes the ge- neral effect. The process for capitals to columns is also the same, ex- cept that numerous moulds are required to complete them. In the Corinthian capital a shaft or belt is first made, on which is afterwards fixed the foliage and volutes; the whole of which require distinct cameos. In running cornices which are to be enriched, the plas- terer takes care to have proper projections in the runniiig- AND MACHINIST. 617 mould, so as to make a groove in the cornice, for the recep- tion of the cast ornament, which is laid in and secured by spreading a small quantity of liquid plaster of Paris on its back. Detached ornaments intended for ceilings or other parts, and where no running mould has been employed, are cast in pieces corresponding with the design, and fixed upon the ceiling, &c. with white-lead, or with the composition known by the name of iron-cement. The manufacture of stucco has, for a long time past, at- tracted the attention of all connected with this branch of building, as well as chemists and other individuals ; but the only benefit resulting from such investigation is, a more ex- tensive knowledge of the materials used. It would seem, that the great moisture of our climate prevents its being brought to any high degree of perfection ; though, among the various compositions which have been tried and pro- posed, some, comparatively speaking, are excellent. Common stucco, used for external work, consists of clean washed Thames sand and ground Dorking lime, which are mixed dry, in the proportion of three of the latter to one of the former : when well incorporated together, these should be secured from the air in casks till required for use. Walls to be covered with this composition, must first be prepared, by raking the mortar from the joints, and picking the bricks or stones, till the whole is indented : the dust and other extraneous matter must then be brushed oIF, and the wall W'ell saturated with clean water. The stucco is supersatu- rated with water, till it has the appearance and consistence of ordinary white-w'ash, in which state it is rubbed over the wall with a flat brush of hogs’ bristles. When this process, called roughing in, has been performed, and the work has become tolerably dry and hard, which may be known by its being more white and transparent, the screeds are to be formed upon the wall with fresh stucco from the cask, tem- pered with water to a proper consistency, and spread on the upper-part of the wall, about eight or nine inches wide ; as also against the two ends, beginning at the top and proceeding downwards to the bottom. In this operation, two workmen are required ; one to supply the stucco, the other to apply the plumb-rule and straight-edge. When these are truly formed, other screeds must be made in a vertical direction, about four or five feet apart, unless apertures in the wall prevent it, in which case, they must be formed as near toge- ther as possible. When the scrceding is finished, compo is prepared in larger quantities, and both the workmen spread 618 THE operative mechanic it with their trowels over the wall in the space left between each pair of screeds. When this operation is complete, the straight-edge is applied, and dragged from the top to the bottom of each pair, to remove whatever superfluous stucco may project above the screeds. If there be any hollow places, fresh stucco is applied, and the straight-edge is again drawn over the spot, till the compo is brought even to the face of the screeds, and the whole is level with the edge of the rule. Another interval is then filled up, and Ihe workmen thus proceed till the whole of the wall is covered. The wall is finished by floating, that is, hardening the surface, by sprinkling it with water, and rubbing it with the com- mon wood-float, which is performed similarly to trowelling stucco. This description of compo is frequently used by plas- terers for cornices and mouldings, in the same manner as described in common plastering; but if the workman finds it necessary, he may add a small quantity of plaster of Paris, to make it fix the better while running or working the mould. Such addition is not, however, calculated to give strength to the stucco, and is only made through the neces- sity of having a quick set. In the year 1796, Mr. Parker obtained a patent for a cement that is impervious to water, and which may be successfully employed in ice-houses, cisterns, tanks, &c. In his speci- fication Mr. Parker states, that nodules of clay, or argil- laceous stone, generally contain water in their centre, sur- rounded by calcareous crystals, having veins of calcareous matter. They are formed in clay, and are of a brown colour like the clay.” These nodules he directs should, after being broken into small pieces and burnt in a kiln, with a heat that is nearly sufficient to vitrify them, be reduced to pow- der : when two measures of water added to five of this powder, will produce tarras. Lime and other matters may be added or withheld at pleasure ; and the proportion of w’ater may be varied. The term of the patent being now expired, many other manufactories of this cement have been established, which produce it of equal goodness, and some of them of rather better colour, which is of importance, since the fresco- painting or white- wash, laid on Mr. Parker’s composition, is soon taken off by the rain, and leaves the walls of a dingy and unpleasant appearance. The fresco-painting, or staining, is laid on the walls co- vered with this cement, to give them the appearance of AND MACHINIST. 619 stone buildings 5 and is performed by diluting snlphuric acid, {oil of vitriol,) with water, and adding fluid- ochres, &c. of the required tint. When stucco is washed over with this mixture, the affinity existing in the iron of the cement ceas''s; and the acid and colour suspended in and upon the stucco are fixed. When dexterously managed, the surface assumes the appearance of an ashlar bond of masonry. Scagliola is a distinct branch of plastering, discovered or invented, and much used in Italy, and thence introduced into France, where it obtained its name : the late Mr. H. Holland, who introduced it into England engaged artists from Paris, some of whom, finding a demand for their labour, remained in this country, and instructed the natives in the art. Columns and pilasters are executed in this branch of plastering in the following manner : A wooden cradle, composed of thin strips of deal, or other wood, is made to represent the column designed ; but about two inches and a half less in diameter than the shaft is intended to be when finished. This cradle is lathed round, as for common plas- tering, and then covered with a pricking up coat of lime and hair. When this is quite dry, the artists in scagliola commence operations, by imitations of the most rare and precious marbles, with astonishing and delusive effect ; in- deed, as the imitation takes as high a polish, and feels as cold and hard as the most compact and solid marble, nothing short of actual fracture can possibly discover the counterfeit. In preparing the scagliola, the w^orkman selects, breaks, and calcines the purest gypsum, and as soon as the largest fragments, in the process of calcination, lose their brilliancy, withdraws the fire, and passes the calcined powder through a very fine sieve, and mixes it, as required for use, with a solution of glue, isinglass, &c. In this solution the colours required in the marble to be imitated are diffused ; but when the work is to be of various colours, each colour is prepared separately, and afterwards mingled and combined, nearly in the same manner as a painter mixes on his palette the primitive colours to compose his different tints. When the powdered gypsum is prepared, it is laid on the, shaft of the intended column, over the pricked- up coat of lime and hair, and is then floated wdth moulds of wood, made to the requisite size : the artist uses the colours neces- sary for the imitation during the floating, by which means 620 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC tliey mingle and incorporate with the surface. To obtain the glossy lustre, so much admired in works of marble, the workman rubs the work with one hand with a pumice-stone, while with the other he cleans it with a wet sponge : he next polishes it with tripoli, charcoal, and a piece of fine linen; afterwards with a piece of felt dipped in a mixture of oil and tripoli, and finally completes the work by the ap- plication of pure oil. This imitation is, certainly, the most complete that can be conceived ; and when the bases and capitals are made of real marble, as is the common practice, the deception is beyond discovery. If not exposed to the w^eather, it is, in point of durability, little inferior to real marble, retains its lustre full as long, and is not one-eighth of the expense of the cheapest kind. There is another species of plastering, used in the deco- rative parts of architecture, and for the frames of pictures, looking-glasses, &c. which is a perfectly distinct branch of the art. This composition, which is very strong, and, when quite dry, of a brownish colour, consists of the proportion of two pounds of powdered whiting, one pound of glue in solution, and half a pound of linseed oil, mixed together, and heated in a copper, and stirred with a spatula, till the whole is incorporated. When cool, it is laid upon a stone, ’ covered with powdered whiting, and beaten fill it assumes a tough and firm consistence; after w^hich it is covered with wet cloths, to keep it fresh, till required for use. The ornaments to be cast in this composition, are mo- delled in clay, as in common plastering, and afterwards a cameo, or mould, is carved in box-wood. This carving requires to be done with the utmost care, otherwise the symmetry of the ornament which is to be cast from it will be spoiled. The composition, when required for use, is cut with a knife into pieces of the requisite size, and forced into the mould ; after which it is put into a press, worked by an iron screw, and still further compressed. When the mould is taken from the press, the composition, which is generally cast about a foot in length, is dislodged from the mould, and the superfluous parts pared off with a knife, and cast into the copper for the next supply. The ornaments thus formed, are glued upon wooden, or other grounds, or fixed by means of white lead, &c. ; after which they are painted or gilt, according to the purposes for which they are intended. This composition is at least 80 per cent, cheaper than carving, and, in most cases, equally calculated to answer all the purposes of the art. AND MACHINIST. It is much to be wished, that the art of plastering could be restored to its ancient perfection ; for the Romans pos- sessed an art of rendering works of this kind much more firm and durable than can be accomplished at the present time. The specimens of ancient Roman plastering still visible, which have not been injured by force, are found to be firm and solid, free from cracks or crevices, and as smooth and polished on the surface as when first applied. The sides and bottoms of the Roman aqueducts were lined with this plastering, and endured many ages. At Venice, some of the roofs of houses, and the floors of rooms, are covered with a sort of plaster of later date, and yet strong enough to endure the sun and weather for several ages, without either cracking or spoiling. The method of making the Venetian composition is not known in England ; but such might probably be made by heat- ing the powder of gypsum over afire, and when boiling, which it will do without the aid of water, or other fluid, mixing it with resin, or pitch, or both together, with common sulphur, and the powder of sea-shells. If these be mixed together, water added to it, and the composition kept on the fire till the instant of its being used, it is not improbable that the secret may be discovered. Oil of turpentine and wax, which are the com- mon ingredients in such cements as are accounted firmest, may also be tried as additions ; as also may strong ale wort, which is by some directed to be used instead of water, to make mortar of lime-stone of more than ordinary strength. SLATING, This brancn of ouilding, which is principally employed in the covering of roofs, is not unfrequently combined with that of plastering. The slates chiefly used in London are brought from the quarries at Bangor, in Caernarvonshire, which supply all parts of the United Kingdom. Another kind of slate, of a pale blue-green colour, is used, and most esteemed, being brought from Kendal, in Westmoreland, called Westmoreland slates* These slates are not large; but of good substance, and well calculated to give a neat appearance to a roof. The Scottish slate, which assimilates in size and quality to a slate from Wales, called ladies, is in little repute. 622 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC Slaters class the Welsh slates in the following order : Ft. In. Ft. In. Doubles, average size, 1 1 by 0 G Ladies, 1 3 0 S Countesses, 1 8 — 0 10 Duchesses, 2 0 — 1 0 Welsh rags, 3 0 — 2 0 Queens, 3 0 — 2 0 Imperials, 2 G — 2 0 Patent slate, 2 6 — 2 0 The doubles, are made from fragments of the larger kinds, and derive their name from their diminutive size. Ladies are similarly obtained. Comitesses are a gradation above ladies and duchesses above countesses. Slate, like most other stony substances, is separated from its bed by the ignition of gunpowder. The blocks, thus obtained, are, by the application of wedges, reduced into layers, called scantlings, from four to nine inches in thick- ness, and of any required length and breadth, which arc afterwards sawn to the respective sizes by machinery. The blue, green, and purple, or darker kinds of slate, are, in general, found capable of being split into very thin laminae, or sheets ; but those of the white or brownish free-stone kind, can seldom be separated or divided so fine; conse- quently, these last form heavy, strong, thick coverings, pro- per for buildings in exposed situations, such as barns, stables, and other out-houses. The instruments used in splitting and cleaning slates are, slate-knives, axes, bars, and wedges ; the three first being used to reduce the slates into the required thicknesses, and the last to remove the inequalities from the surface. Imperial slating is particularly neat, and may be known by having its lower edge sawn ; whereas all other slates used for covering are chipped square on their edges only. Patent slate was first brought into use by Mr. Wyatt, the architect ; but a patent was never obtained. It derives its name from the mode adopted to lay it on roofs ; it may be laid on a rafter of much less elevation than any other, and is considerably lighter, by reason of the laps being less than is necessary for the common sort of slating. This slating was originally made from Welsh rags ; but is now ver} frequently made from Imperials, which render it lighter, and also somewhat neater in appearance. Westmoreland slate, ivom the experiments made by the late Bishop of Landaff, appears to differ little in its natural com- position from that obtained from Wales. It must, however AND MACHINIST. 623 •be remarked, that this kind of slate owes its lightness, not so much to any diversity in the component parts of the stone, as to the thinness to which it is reduced by the work- men ; consequently, it is not so well calculated to resist violent winds as those which are heavier. Slates, when brought from the quarry, are not sufficiently square for the slater’s use ; he therefore picks up and exa- mines the slates separately, and observes which is the strongest and squarest end ; then, seating himself, he holds the slate a little slanting upon, and projecting about an inch over, the edge of a small block of wood, which is of the same height as his seat, and cuts away and makes straight one of its edges; then, with a slip of wood, he gauges, and cuts off* the other edge parallel to it, and squares the end. The slate is now considered prepared for use, with the exception of perforating through its opposite ends two small holes, for the reception of the nails which are to confine it to the roof. Copper and zinc nails, or iron nails tinned, arc considered the best, being less susceptible of oxidation than nails made of bar iron. Before we proceed further with the operations necessary in the slating of building, we shall give some account of the tools used by this class of artificers. . Slaters’ tools are very few, which sometimes are found by the masters, and sometimes by the men. The tool called the saixe, is made of tempered iron, about sixteen inches in length, and two inches in width, somewhat bent at one end, with a handle of wood at the other. This tool is not unlike a large knife, except that it has on its back a projecting piece of iron, about three inches in length, drawn to a sharp point. This tool is used to chip or cut all the slates to the required sizes. The ripper is also of iron, about the same length as the saixe ; it has a very thin blade, about an inch and three- quarters wide, tapered, somewhat towards the top, where a round head projects over the blade about half an inch on each side : it has also two little round notches in the two internal angles at their intersections. The handle of this tool is raised above the blade by a shoulder, which enables the workman to hold it firm. This instrument is used in repairing old slating, and the application consists in thrust- ing the blade under the slates, so that the head, which pro- lects, may catch the nail in the little notch at its intersec- tion, and enable the workman to draw it out. During this 624 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC operation the slate is sufficiently loosened to allow of its being removed, and another inserted in its place. The hammer, which is somewhat different in shape to the ordinary tool of that name, is about five inches in height on the hammer, or driving part, and the top is bent back, and ground to a tolerably sharp point, its lower or flat end, which is quite round, being about three-quarters of an inch in diameter. On this side of the driving part is a small projection, with a notch in the centre, which is used as a claw to extract such nails as do not drive satisfactorily. The shaving-tool is used for getting the slates to a smooth face for skirtings, floors of balconies, &c. It consists of an iron blade, sharpened at one of its ends like a chisel, and mortised through the centre of two round wooden handles, one fixed at one end, and the other about the middle of the blade. The blade is about eleven inches long, and two inches wide, and the handle is about ten inches long, so that they project about four inches on each side of the blade. In using this tool, the workman places one hand on each side of the handle that is in the middle of the blade, and allows the other to press against both his wrists. In this manner he removes all the uneven parts from off the face of the slate, and gets it to a smooth surface. The other tools used by the slater consist of chisels, gouges, and files of all sizes ; by means of which he finishes the slates into mouldings and other required forms. In slating roofs, it is necessary to form a base or floor for the slates to lay compactly and safely upon ; for doubles and ladies, boarding is required, which must be laid very even, witli the joints close, and properly secured by nails to the rafters. This being completed, the slater provides himself with several slips of wood, tilting fillets, dhoxxi ten inches and a half wide, and three-quarters of an inch thick on one edge, and chamfered to an arris on the other, which he nails down all round the extreme edges of the roof, beginning with the hips, if any, and if not, with the sides, eaves, and ridge. He next selects the largest of the slates, and arranges them regularly along the eaves with their lower edges to a line, and nails them to the boarding. Til is part of the work being completed, he takes other slates to form the bond to the under sides of the eaves, and places them under those previously laid,- so as to cross and cover all their joints. Such slates are pushed up lightly under tliose which are above them, and are seldom nailed, but left dependent for support on the weight of those above AND MACHINIST. G-2j tliem. and their own weight on the boarding. The countessc.^ and all other description of slates^ when intended to be luid in a good manner, are also laid on boards. Wdieri the slater has finished the eaves, he strains a line on the face of the upper slates, parallel to its outer edge, and as far from it as he cieems sufiTicient for the lap of those he intends shall form the next course, which is laid and nailed even with the line, crossing the joints of the upper slates of the eaves. This lining and laying is continued close to the ridge of the roof, observing throughout to cross the different joints, by laying the slates one above another. The same system is uniformly followed in laying ail the different sorts of slates, with the exception of those called patent slates, as are hereafter explained. Tlie largest kinds of slate, are found to lay firm on hat-^ tens, which are, consequently, much employed, and pro- duce a very considerable saving of expense in large build- ings. A batten is a narrow portion of deal, about two inches and a half, or three inches wide ; four of them being’' commonly procured from an eleven inch board. For countess slates, battens three-quarters of an inch thick, will be of adequate substance ; but for the larger and heavier kinds, inch battens will be necessary. In battening a roof for slates, the battens are not placed at an uniform distance from each other, but so as to suit the length of the slates ; and as tliese vary as they approach the apex, or ridge of the roof, it follows that the slater himself is the best judge where to fix them, so as best to support the slates. A roof, to be covered with patent slates, requires that the common rafters be left loose upon their purlines, as they must be so arranged that a rafter shall lie under every one of the meeting-joints. Neither battening nor bearding is re- quired for these slates. The number of rafters will depend on the width of the slates ; hence if they be of a large size, very few will siiftice. This kind of slating is likewise com- menced at the caves ; but no crossing or bonding is re- quired, as the slates are laid uniformly, with each end reach- ing to the centre of the rafter, and butted up to each other throughout the length of thereof. When the eaves-course is laid, the slates which compose it are screwed down to the rafters by two or three strong inch and half screws at each of their ends. A line is then strained about two inches below the upper edge, in order to guide the laying of the next course, which is laid with its lower edge touch ing the line. This lining, laying with a lap, and screwed 62(3 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC down, is continued till the roof is completely covered. The joints are then secured by filletting, which consists in cover- ing all the meeting-joints with fillets of slate, bedded in glazier’s putty, and screwed down through the whole into the rafters. The fillets are usually about three inches wide, and of a length proportionate to that of the slates, whose joints they have to cover. These fillets are solidly bedded in the putty, and their intersecting joints are lapped similar to those of the slates. The fillets being so laid, and secured by one in the middle of the fillet and one in each lap, are next neatly pointed all round their edges with more putty, and then painted over with the colour of the slate. The hips and ridges of such slating are frequently covered by fillets, which produces a veiy neat effect; but lead, which is not much dearer, is by far the best kind of covering for all hips and ridges. The patent slating may be laid so as to be per- fectly water-tight, with an elevation of the rafters consider- ably less than for any other slate or tile covering. The rise in each foot of length in the rafter is not required to be more than two inches, which, in a rafter of fifteen feet, will amount to only two feet six inches : a rise scarcely percep- tible from the ground. Slating is performed in several other ways, but the prin- ciples already explained, embrace the most of them. Some workmen shape and lay their slates in a lozenge form. This kind of work consists in getting all the slates to an uniform size, of the shape of a geometrical square. When laid on the roof, which must be boarded, they are bonded and lap- ped as in common slating, observing only to let the elbow, or half of the square, appear above each slate that is next beneath it, and be regular in the courses all over the roof. One nail or screw only can be used for such slating ; hence it soon becomes dilapitated. It is commonly employed in {)laces near to tlie eye, or wdiere particular neatness is re- quired. It has been ascertained, that a slate one inch thick will, in an horizontal jiosition, support as much, in weight, as five inches of Portland stone similarly suspended. Hence slates are now wrought and used in galleries, and other pur- poses, where it is essential to have strength and lightness combined. Slates are also fashioned into chimney-pieces ; but are in- capable of receiving a polish like marble. It makes excel- lent skirtings of all descriptions, as well as casings to walls, where dilapidations, or great wear and tear are to be ex- AND MACHINIST. 627 pected. For these purposes, it is capable of being fixed with joints, equally as neat as wood : and may, if required, be painted over so as to appear like it. Stair-cases may also be executed in slate, which will produce a resemblance of marble. MENSURATION OF PLASTERERS* AND SLATERS* WORK. ' Plasterers* work is executed by the yard square ; and the dimensions are taken in feet and inches. If a room consists of more than four quoins, the addi- tional corners must be allowed at per foot run. In measuring ceilings with ribs, the superficies must be taken for plain work ; then an allowance must be made for each mitre, and the ribs must be valued at so much per foot run, according to the girth ; or by the foot superficial, al- lowing moulding work. In measuring common work the principal things to be observed are as follow : — first, to make deductions for chimneys, windows, and doors ; secondly, to make deduc- tions for rendering upon brick work, for doors and windows ; thirdly, if the workman find materials for rendering between quarters, one-fifth must be added for quarters ; but if work- manship only is found, the whole must be measured as whole work, because the workman could have performed the whole much sooner if there had been no quarters ; fourthly, all mouldings in plaster work are measured by the foot su- perficial, the same as joiners, by girting over the mouldings with a line. Slaters* work is measured and reduced into squares, con- taining 100 feet superficial. If in measuring the slating on a roof, it be hipped on all sides with a flat at top, and the planof the building be rectangular, add thelengthand breadth of two adjoining sides of the eaves, and the length and breadth of two adjoining sides at the flat together, multiply the sum by the breadth of the slope, and the product will give the area of the space that is covered. Add the number of square feet produced, by multiplying the girts of the roof by the length of the slates at the eaves ; to the area also, for the trouble of putting on the double row of slates, add the number of square feet produced by multiplying the length of the hips by one foot in breadth, and the sum 'will be the whole contents, and yield a compensation for the trouble and waste of materials. If there be no flats, add the two adjoining sides and twice the length of the ridge for the length ; multiply the sum by the breadth of the slips, for, 2s 2 628 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC the area of the space covered^ and add the allowances as before. Another plan is to allow in addition to the nett dimen- sions of the work^ six inches for all the eaves, and four inches for the hips. All faced work in slate skirting, stair-cases, galleries, &c. is charged by the foot superficial, without any addition. PLUMBING, Is the art of casting and working in lead, and using the same in the covering and for other purposes in building. To the plumber is also confided the pump-work, as well as the making and forming of cisterns and reservoirs, large or small closets, &c. for the purposes of domestic (economy. The plumber does not use a great variety of tools, because the ductility of the metal upon which he operates does not re- quire it. The tools used, consist of an iron hammer, rather heavier than a carjienter’s, with a short thick handle ; two or three wooden mallets of different sizes ; and a dressing and flat- ting tool. This last is of beech, about eighteen inches long, and two inches square, planed smooth and flat on the under surface, rounded on the upper, and one of its ends tapered off rouncl as a handle. With this tool he stretches out and flattens the sheet-lead, or dresses it to the shape required, using first the flat side, then the round one, as occasion may re- quire. The plumber has also occasion for a jack and trying plane, similar to that of the carpenter. With this he reduces the edges of sheet-lead to a straight line, Avhen the purposes to which it is to be applied re- (|uire it. Also a chalk line, wound upon a roller, for marking out the lead into such breadths as he may want. His cutting tools consist of a variety of chisels and gouges as well as knives. The latter of these are used for cutting the sheet lead into slips and jiieces after it has been marked out by the chalk line. Files of different sizes ; ladles of three or four sizes, for melting the solder ; and an iron instrument called grazing- iro7is. AND MACHINIST. 629 These grozing-irons are of several sizes, generally about twelve inches in length, tapered at both ends, the handle end being turned quite round, to allow of its being firmly held while in use : the other end is a bulb of a spindle, or spherical shape, of a size proportioned to the soldering in- tended to be exeeuted. They are, when required for use, heated to redness. The plumber’s measuring rule is two feet in length, di - vided into three equal parts of eight inches each ; two of its legs are of box-wood, daodecimally divided ; and the third consists of a piece of slow tempered steel, attached to one of the box legs by a pivot on which it turns, and falls, when not in use, into a groove cut in such leg for its recep- tion. This steel leg can be passed into places where the others cannot enter ; and it is also useful for occasionally removing the oxide or any other extraneous matters from the surface of the heated metal. Scales and weights are also necessary ; and he must be supplied with centre-bits of all sizes ; and a stock to work them, for the purpose of making perforations in lead or wood, through which he may want to insert pipes, &c. Compasses, to strike circular pieces, to line or cover figures of that shape, are occasionally required. Lead is obtained from ore, and, from its being generally combined with sulphur, it has been denominated sulphu- ret,'' After the ore has been taken from its bed it is smelted, first being picked, in order to separate the unctuous and rich, or genuine ore from the stony matrix, and other impurities ; the picked ore is then pounded under stampers worked by machinery, and afterwards washed to carry off the remaindeV of the matrix, which could not be separated in picking. It is next put into a reverberatory furnace, to be roasted ; during which operation, it is repeatedly stirred, to facilitate the evaporation of the sulphur. When the surface begins to assume the appearance of a paste, it is covered with char- coal, and well shaken together : the fire is then increased, and the purified lead flows down on all sides into the basin of the furnace, whence it runs off into moulds prepared for its reception. The moulds are capable of receiving 1541bs. of lead each, and their contents, when cool, are, in the com- mercial world, called Lead is of a bluish-white colour, and when newly melt- ed, or cut, is quite bright ; but it soon becomes tarnished on exposure to the atmosphere ; assuming first a dirty grey colour, and afterwards becomes white. It is capable of 630 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC being hammered into very thin plates, and may be drawn into wire ; but its tenacity is very inferior to that of other metals ; for a leaden wire, the hundred and twentieth part of an inch in diameter, is only capable of supporting about 18lb. without breaking. Lead, next to tin, is the most fu- sible of all metals ; and if a stronger heat be applied, it boils and evaporates. If cooled slowly, it crystallizes. The change of its external colour is owing to its gradual combination with oxygen, 'which converts its exterior sur- face into an oxyd. This outward crust, however, preserves the rest of the metal for a long time, as the air can pene- trate but very slowly. Lead is not acted upon immediately by water, though that clement greatly facilitates the action of the air upon it : for it is known that, when lead is exposed to the atmosphere, and kept constantly wet, the process of oxidation takes place much more rapidly than it does under other circum- stances : hence the white crust that is to be observed on the sides of leaden vessels containing water, just at the place where the surface of the w^ater terminates. Lead is purchased by plumbers, in pigs, and they reduce it into sheets or pipes, as they have occasion. Of sheet-lead they have two kinds, cast and milled. The former is used for covering flat roofs of buildings, laying of terraces, form- ing gutters, lining reservoirs, &c. ; and the latter, which is very thin, for covering the hips and ridges of roofs. This last they do not manufacture themselves, but purchase it of the lead merchants, ready prepared. For the casting of sheet lead, a copper is provided, and well fixed in masoniy, at the upper end of the workshop, near the mould or casting table, which consists of strong deal boards, well jointed together, and bound with bars of iron at the ends. ITie sides of this table, of which the shape is a parallelogram, vary in size from four to six feet in width, and from 10 to 18 feet and upwards in length, and are guarded by a frame or edging of wood, 3 inches thick, and 4 or 5 inches higher than the interior surface, called the shafts, This table is fixed upon firm legs, strongly framed together, about 6 or 7 inches lower than the top of the copper. At the upper end of the mould, nearest the copper, is a box, called the pan, which is adapted in its length to the breadth of the table, having at its bottom a long horizontal slit, from which the heated metal is to issue, when it has been poured in from the copper. This box moves upon rollers along the surface of the rim of the table, and is put in mo- AND Machinist. 631 tioii by means of .ropes and pulleys, fixed to beams above. While the metal is melting, the surface of the mould, or table, is prepared by covering it with a stratum of dry and clean sand, regularly smoothed over with a kind of rake, called a strike, which consists of a board about 5 inches broad, and rather longer than the inside of the mould, so that its ends, which are notched about two inches deep, may ride upon the shafts. This being passed down the whole length of the table, reduces the sand to an uniform sur- face. The pan is now brought to the head of the table, close to the copper, its sides having previously been guarded by a coat of moistened sand, to prevent its firing from the heat of the metal, which is now put in by ladles from the copper. . These pans, or boxes, it must be observed, are made to contain the quantity of melted lead which is required to cast a whole sheet at one time ; and the slit in the bottom is so adjusted as to let out, during its progress along the table, just as much as will completely cover it of the thickness and weight per foot required. Every thing being thus prepared, the slit is opened, and the box moved along the table, dis- pensing its contents from the top to the bottom, and leaving in its progress a sheet of lead of the desired thickness. When cool, the sheet is rolled up and i-emoved from the table, and other sheets are cast, till all the metal in the cop- per is exhausted. The sheets thus formed are then rolled up and kept for use. In some places, instead of having a square box upon wheels, with a slit in the bottom, the pan consists of a kind of trough, being composed of two planks nailed together at right angles, with two triangular pieces fitted in between them, at their ends. The length of this pan, as well as that of the box, is equal to the whole breadth of the mould. It is placed with its bottom on a bench at the head of the table leaning wdth one side against it : to the opposite side is fixed a handle, by which it may be lifted up in order to pour out the liquid metal. On the side of the pan next the mould are two iron hooks, to hold it to the table, and prevent it from slipping while the metal is being poured into the mould. The mould, as well as the pan, is spread over, about two inches thick, with sand, sifted and moistened, and rendered perfectly level by moving over it the strike, and smoothing it down with a plane of polished brass, about a quarter of an inch thick, and nine inches square, turned up on the edges. . Before they proceed to casting the lead, the strike is made 6132 TUB OPERATIVE MECHANIC ready by tacking two pieces of old hat on the notches^ or by covering the notches with leather cases, so as to raise the under side of the strike, about an eighth of an inch, or more, above the sand, according to the proposed thickness of the sheet. The face or under side of tlie strike is then smeared with tallow, and laid across the breadth of the mould, with its ends resting on the shafts. The melted lead is then put into the pan with ladles ; and, when a sufficient quantity has been put in, the scum is swept off with a piece of board, and suffered to settle on the coat of sand, to prevent its falling into the mould, when the metal is poured out. It generally happens, that the lead, when first taken from the copper, is too hot for casting ; it is therefore suf- fered to cool in the pan, till it begins to stand with a shell or wail on the sand with which the pan is lined. Two men then take the pan by the handle, or one of them takes it by means of a bar and chain fixed to a beam in the ceiling, and turn it down, so that the metal runs into the mould : while another man stands ready with the strike, and, as soon as all the metal is poured in sweeps it forward and draws the residue into a trough at the bottom, which has been prepa- red to receive it. The sheet is then rolled up, as before. In this mode of operation, the table inclines in its length about an inch, or an inch and a half, in the length of sixteen or seventeen feet, or more, according to the required thickness of the sheets ; the thinner the sheet the greater the declivity; and vice versa. The lower end of the mould is also left open, to admit of the superfluous metal being thrown off. When a cistern is to be cast, the size of the four sides is measured out; and the dimensions of the front having been taken, sli{5s of wood, on which the mouldings are carved, are pressed uj)on the sand. Figures of birds, beasts, &c. are likewise stamped in the internal area, by means of leaden moulds. If any part of the sand has been disturbed in doing this, it is made smooth, and the process of casting goes on as for plain sheets ; except that, instead of rolling up the lead when cast,it is bent into four sides, so that the two ends, when they are soldered together, may be joined at the back ; the bottom is afterwards soldered up. The lead which lines the Chinese tea-boxes is reduced to a thinness which our plumbers cannot, it is said, ap- proach. The following account of the process was commu- nicated by an intelligent East-lndian, in a letter which ap- peared in the Gentleman’s Magazine. The caster sits by AND MACHlNIf.T. G33 a pot, containing the melted metal, and has two large stones, the lower one fixed and the upper one movable, having their surfaces of contact ground to each other, directly be- fore him. He raises the upper stone by pressing his foot upon its side, and with an iron ladle pours into the opening a sufficient quantity of the fluid metal. He then lets fall the upper stone, and thus forms the lead into an extremely thin and irregular plate, which is afterwards cut into its re- quired form.” Cast sheet lead, used for architectural purposes, is techni- cally divided into 51b. 5^lb. 6lb. 6^1b. 71b. 72lh. 8Ib. and 8’Ib.; by which is understood, that every superficial foot is to contain those respective weights, according to the price agreed upon. The milled lead used by plumbers is very thin, seldom containing more than 51b. to the foot. It is by no means adapted to gutters or terraces, nor, indeed, to any part of a building that is much exposed either to great wear or to the effects of the sun’s rays : in the former case, it soon wears away ; in the latter, it expands and cracks. It is laminated in sheets of about the same size as those of cast lead, by means of a roller, or flatting- mill. Lead-pipes, besides the various ways of manufacture de- scribed in page 362, are sometimes made of sheet lead, by beating it on round wooden cylinders of the length and dimensions required, and then soldering up the edges. Solder is used to secure the joints of work in lead, which by other means would be impossible. It should be easier of fusion than the metal intended to be soldered, and should be as nearly as possible of the same colour. The plumber therefore uses, what is technically called, soft sol- which is a compound of equal parts of tin and lead, melted together and run in to moulds. In this state it is sold by the manufacturer by the pound. In the operation of soldering, the surfaces or edges in- tended to be united are scraped very clean, and brought close up to each other, in which state they are held by an assistant, while the plumber applies a little resin on the joints, in order to prevent the oxidation of the metal. The heated solder is then brought in a ladle and poured on the joint ; after which it is smoothed and finished by rubbing it about with a red-hot soldering iron, and when completed is made smooth by filing. In the covering of roofs or terraces with lead, (the sheets never exceeding six feet in breadth,) it becomes necessary in 634 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC large surfaces^ to have joints ; which are managed several ways, but in all, the chief object is to have them water- tight. The best plan of effecting this, is to form laps or roll joints, which is done by having a roll, or strip of wood, about two inches square, l)ut rounded on its upper side, nailed under the joints of the sheets, where the edges lap over each other ; one of these edges is to be dressed up over the roll on the inside, and the other is to be dressed over them both on the outside, by which means the water is prevented from penetrating. No other fastening is requi- site than what is required from the hammering of the sheets together down upon the flat ; nor should any other be re- sorted to, when sheet lead is exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather ; because it expands and shrinks, which, if pre- vented by too much fastening, would cause it to crack and become useless. It sometimes, however, occurs, that rolls cannot be used, and then the method of joining by seams is resorted to. This consists in simply bending the approxi- mate edges of the lead up and over each other, and then dressing them down close to the flat, throughout their length. But this is not equal to the roll, either for neatness or security. Lead flats and gutters should always be laid with a cur- rent, to keep them dry. About a quarter of an inch to the foot run is a sufficient inclination. In laying gutters, &c. pieces of milled-lead, called ings, about eight or nine inches wide, are fixed in the walls all round the edges of the sheet-lead, with which the flat is covered, and are suffered to hang down over them, so as to prevent the passage of rain through the interstice between the raised edge and the wall. If the walls have been pre- viously built, the mortar is. raked out of the joint of the bricks next above the edge of the sheet, and the flush- ings are not only inserted into the crack at the upper sides, but their lower edges are likewise dressed over those of the lead in the flat, or gutter. When neither of these modes can be resorted to, the flushings are fastened by wall-hooks, and their lower edges dressed down as before. Drips in flats, or gutters, are formed by raising one part above another, and dressing the lead, as already described, for covering the rolls. They are resorted to when the gutter or flat, exceeds the length of the sheet ; or sometimes for convenience. They are also an useful expedient to avoid sol- dering the joints. Sheet lead is also used in the lining of reservoirs, which AND MACHINIST. 635 are made cither of wood or masonry. As these conveni- ences are seldom in places subject to material change of temperature, recourse maybe had to the soldering, without fear of its damaging the work, by promoting a disposition to crack. The pumps which come under the province of the plum- ber, are confined generally to two or three kinds, used for domestic purposes, of which the suction and lifting pumps are the chief: these, as well as water-closets, are manufac- tured by a particular set of workmen, and sold to the plumber, who furnishes the lead pipes, and fixes them in their places. Plumber’s work is generally estimated by the pound, or hundred weight; but the weight may be discovered by measurement, in the following manner : sheet-lead used in roofing and guttering is commonly between seven and twelve pounds to the square foot ; but the following table exhibits the particular weight of a square foot for each of the several thicknesses. Thick- ness. Poundsto a sqr.ft. Thick- ness. Poundsto a sqr. ft. .10 5.899 .15 8.848 .11 6.489 .16 9.438 ■9 6.554 1 T 9.831 .12^ 7.078 .17 10.028 7.373 I .18 10.618 .13 7.668 .19 11.207 .14 8.258 , 5 11.797 • T 1 8.427 ' •21 12.387 In this table the thickness is set down in tenths and hun- dredths, &c. of an inch ; and the annexed corresponding numbers are the weights in avoirdupois pounds, and thou- sandth parts of a pound ; so that the weight of a square foot of 1-lOth of an inch thick, lO-lOOths, is 5 lbs. and 899 thousandth parts of a pound ; and the weight of a square foot l-9th of an inch in thickness, is 6 pounds and 554 thousandths of a pound. Leaden pipe of an inch bore, is commonly 13 or 14 lbs. to the yard in length. GLAZING. The business of this class of artificers consists in putting glass into sashes and casements. Glazier’s work may be classed under three distinct heads, sash- work, lead-work, and fret-work. 636 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC The tools requisite for the performance of the first of these departments are, a diamond, a ranging lath, a short lath, a square, a rule, a glazing-knife, a cutting- chisel, a heading- hammer, a duster, ana sash-tool ; and in addition, for stop- ping in squares, a hacking-knife and hammer. The diamond is a speck of that precious stone, polished to a cutting point, and set in brass on an iron socket, to re- ceive a wooden handle, which is so set as to be held in the hand in the cutting direction. The top of the handle goes between the root of the fore-finger and the middle finger, and the hinder part, between the point of the fore-finger and thumb ; there is, in general, a notch in the side of the socket, which should be held next to the lath. Some dia- monds have more cuts than one. Plough diamonds have a square nut on the end of the socket, next the glass, which, on running the nut square on the side of the lath, keeps it in the cutting direction. Glass binders have these plough diamonds without long handles, as, in cutting their curious productions, they can- not apply a lath, but direct them by the point of their mid- dle finger, gliding along the edge of the glass. The ranging lath must be long enough to extend rather beyond the boundary of the table of glass. Ranging of glass is the cutting it in breadths as the work may require, and is best done by one uninterrupted cut from one end to the other. The square is used in cutting the squares from the range, that they may with greater certainty be cut at right angles. The glazing knife is used for laying in the putty in the re- bates of the sash, for binding in the glass, and for finishing the front putty. Of the glass used in building, three qualities are in com- mon use, denominated hest^ second, and third. The best is that which is the purest metal and free of blemishes, as blisters, specks, streaks, &c. ; the second is inferior, from its not being so free from these blemishes ; and the third are still inferior, both in regard to quality and colour, being of greener hue. They are all sold at the same price per crate ; but the number of tables varies according to the quality. Best twelve, second fifteen, and third eighteen tables. These tables are circular when manufactured, and about four feet in diameter, having in the centre a knot, to which, in the course of the process, the flashing rod was fixed ; but for the safety of carriage, and convenience of handling, as AND MACHINIST. 0S7 well as utility in practice, a segment is cut off about four inches from the knot. The large piece with the knot, stil retains the name of table ; the smaller piece is technically called a slab. From these tables being of a given size, it is reasonable to suppose that, when the dimensions of squares are such as cut the glass to waste, the price should be ad- vanced. A superior kind of glass may be obtained at some of the first houses in London, which is very flat, and of large di- mensions ; some of it being 2 feet 8 inches by 2 feet 1 inch ; these are sold only in squares. Rough glass is well adapted to baths, and other places of privacy ; one side is ground with emery or sand, so that no objects can be seen through it, though the light be sti-ll transmitted. The glass, called German-sheet, is of a superior kind, as it can be had of much larger dimensions than common glass ; it is also of a purer substance, and for these reasons, is fre- quently appropriated to picture frames. Squares may be had at the astonishing size of 3 feet 8 inches, by 3 feet I inch, and 3 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 8 inches, and under. The glass is first blown in the form of a globe, and after- wards flatted in a furnace, in consequence of which it has a very forbidding appearance from the outside, the surface being uneven. Plate-glass is the most superior in quality, substance, and flatness, being cast in plates, and polished. The quantity of metal it contains, must be almost, if not al - together, colourless ; that sort which is tinged being of an inferior quality. Plate-glass -when used in sashes, is pe- culiarly magnificent ; and it can be had of larger dimen- sions than any other kind of glass. Stained-glass is of different colours, as red, orange, yel- low, green, blue, and purple. These colours are fixed by burning, and are as durable as the glass. Glass can be bent to circular sweeps, which is much used in London for shop windows, and is carried to great per- fection in covers, for small pieces of statuary, &c. The application of stained glass to the purposes of glazing is called fret-iuork. This description of work consists of working ground and stained glass, in fine lead, into different patterns. In many cases family arms and other devices are worked in it. It is a branch capable of great improvement ; but at present is much neglected. Old pieces are very much 638 THE OPERATIVE MECHANK esteemed, though the same expense would furnish elegant modern productions. They are placed in halls and stair- case windows, or in some particular church windows. In many instances they are introduced where there is an un- pleasant aspect, in a place of particular or genteel resort. Lead- work is used in inferior offices, and is in general practice all through the country. Frames intended to re- ceive these lights are made with bars across, to which the lights are fastened by leaden bars, called saddle bars ; and where openings are wanted, a casement is introduced cither of wood or iron. Sometiiiies a sliding frame answers the same purposes. Church windows are generally made in this manner, in quarries or in squares. The tools with which this work is performed are, in ad- dition to the foregoing, as follow : — A vice, with ditferent cheeks and cutters, to turn out tiic different kinds of lead as the magnitude of the windoiv or the squares may require. The German vices, which are esteemed^ the best, arc furnished with moulds, and turn out lead in a variety of sizes. The bars of lead cast in these vices are received by the mill, which turns them out with two sides parallel to each other, and about | of an inch broad, with a partition connecting the two sides together, about g of an inch wide, forming on each side a groove, nearly -n-r by ^ of an inch, and about 6 feet long. Besides a vice and moulds there are setting-hoard, latter^ kin, setting- knife, resin-hox tin, glazing-irons, and clips. The setting-hoard is that in which the ridge of the light is marked and divided into squares, struck out with a chalk line, or drawn with a lath, which serves to guide the work- men. One side and end is squared with a projecting bead or fillet. The latter kin is a piece of hard wood pointed, to run in the groove of the lead, and widen it for the easier reception of the glass. The setting-knife consists of a blade with a round point, loaded with lead at the bottom and terminating in a long square handle. The square end of the liandle serves to force the square of glass tight in the lead. All the inter- sections are soldered on both sides, except the outside joints of the outer sides, that is, where they come to the outer edge. These lights should be cemented by pouring thin paint along the lead bars, and filling up the chasms with dry whiting, to which, after the oil in the paint has se- AND MACHINIST. cso creted a little, a little more dry whiting, or white lead, must be added. This will dry hard, and resist the action of the atmosphere. MENSURATION OF GLAZIERS* WORK. Glaziers* work is measured by superficial feet, and the di- mensions are taken in feet, tenths, &c. For this purpose, their rules are generally divided into decimal parts, and their dimensions squared according to decimals. Circular, or oval windows are measured as if they were rectangular ; because in cutting squares of glass there is a very great waste, and more time is expended than if the window had been of a rectangular form. PAINTING, As applied to purposes of building, is the application of artificial colours, compounded cither with oil or water, in embellishing and preserving wood, &c. This branch of painting is termed economical^ and applies more immediately to the power which oil and varnishes pos- sess, of preventing the action of the atmosphere upon wood, iron, and stucco, by interposing an artificial surface ; but it is here intended to use the term more generally, in allusion to the decorative part, and as it is employed by the architect, throughout every part of his work, both ex- ternally and internally. In every branch of painting in oil, the general processes are very similar, or with such variations only, as readily oc- cur to the workman. The first coatings, or layers, if on wood or iron, ought al- ways to be of ceruse or white lead, of the best quality, pre- viously ground very fine in nut or linseed oil, either over a stone with a mullcr, or, as that mode is too tedious _for large quantities, passed through a mill. If used on shut- ters, doors, or wainscottings, made of fir or deal, it is very requisite to destroy the effects of the knots ; which are ge- nerally so completely saturated with turpentine, as to render it, perhaps, one of the most difficult processes in this business. The best mode, in common cases, is, to pass a brush over the knots, with ceruse ground in w^ater, bound by a size made of parchment or glue; when that is dry, paint the knots with white lead ground in oil, to which add some powerful siccative, or dryer, as red lead, or litharge of C40 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC lead ; about oiic-fourtli part of the latter. These must be laid very smoothly in the direction of the grain of the wood. When the last coat is dry, smooth it with pumice-stone, or give it the first coat of paint, prepared or diluted with nut or linseed oil ; after which, when sufficiently dry, all the nail- holes or other irregularities on the surface, must be carefully stopped with a composition of oil and Spanish white, commonly known by the name of putty. The work must then be again painted with wdiite lead and oil, some- what diluted with the essence of oil of turpentine, which pro- cess should, if the work be intended to be left of a plain white, or stone colour, be repeated not less than three or four times ; and if of the latter colour, a small quantity of ivory or lamp-black should be added. But if the work is to be finished of any other colour, either grey, green, See. it will be requisite to provide for such colour, after the third operation, particularly if it is to be finished flat, or, as the ])aiiiters style it, dead white, grey, fawn, &c. In order to finish the work flatted or dead, which is a mode much to be preferred for all superior works, not only for its ap’iear- ance, but also for preserving the colour and purity of tiie tint, one coat of the flatted colour, or colour mixed up with a considerable quantity of turpentine, will be found suflicient; although in large surfaces it will frequently be requisite to give two coats of the flatting colour, to make it quite complete. Indeed, on stucco it will be almost a ge- neral rule. In all the foregoing operations, it must be observed that, some sort of dryer is absolutely requisite; a very general and useful one is made by grinding in linseed, or, perhajis, prepared oils boiled are better, about two parts of the best wdiite copperas, which must be well dried with one part of litharge of lead : the quantity to be added, will much de- })cnd on the dryness or humidity of the atmosphere, at the time of painting, as well as the local situation of the build- ing. It may here be noticed, that there is a sort of cop- ])eras made in England, and said to be used for some pur- poses in medicine, that not only does not assist the opera- tion of drying in the colours, but absolutely prevents those colours drying, which would otherwise have done so in the absence of this copperas. The best dryer for all fine whites, and other delicate tints, is sugar of lead, ground in nut oil, but being very active, a small quantity, about the size of a walnut, will be suflicient for twenty pounds of colour, when the basis is^vhitc lead. AND MACHINIST. 611 It will be always necessary to caution painters to keep their utensils, brushes, &c. very clean, as the colour would other- wise soon become very foul, so as to destroy the surface of the work. If this should happen, the colour must be pass- ed through a fine sieve, or cairvass, and the surface of the work be carefully rubbed down with sand-paper, or pumice- stone : the latter should be ground iuAvater, if the paint be tender, or recently laid on. The above may suffice as to painting on wood, either on inside or outside work, the former being seldom finished otherwise than in oil : four or five coats are generally sufficient. It does not appear that painting in oil can be serviceable in stucco, unless the walls have been erected a sufficient time to permit the mass of brick-work to have acquired a sufficient degree of dryness. When stucco is on battened work, it may be painted over much sooner than when pre- pared on brick. Indeed, the greatest part of the art of painting stucco, so as to stand or wear well, consists in at- tending to these observations, for whoever has observed the expansive power of water, not only in congelation, but also in evaporation, must be well aware that when it meets with any foreign body, obstructing its escape, as oil painting, for instance, it immediately resists it, forming a number of vesicles or particles, containing an acrid lime-water, wffiich forces off the layers of plaster, and frequently causes large defective patches, not easily to be eradicated. Perhaps, in general cases, where persons are building on their own estates, or for themselves, two or three years are not too long to suffer the stucco to remain unpainted, though frequently, in speculative works, as many weeks are scarcely allowed to pass. The foregoing precautions being attended to, there can be no better mode adopted for priming, or laying on the first coat on stucco, than by linseed or nut-oil, boiled with dry- ers, as before mentioned 5 taking care, in all cases, not to lay on too much, so as to render the surface rough and irre- gular, and not more than the stucco will absorb. It should then be covered with three or four coats of white- lead, pre- pared as described for painting on wainscotting, allow- ing each coat a sufficient time to dry hard. If time will permit, two or three days between each layer, will be ad- vantageous. When the stucco is intended to be finished in any given tint, as grey, light green, &c. it will then be pro- per, about the third coat of painting, to prepare the ground for such tint, by a slight advance towards it. Grey is made 2 T THli: OPKRATlVii; MECHANIC 042 with white- lead, Prussian-blue^ ivory-black, and lake; sage- green, pea, and sea-greens, with white. Prussian-blue, and fine yeiiows ; apricot and peach, with lake, white, and Chinese vermilion ; fine yellow fawn colour with burnt terra sienna, or umber and white; and olive-greens with fined Prnssian-blues, and Oxfordshire ochre, Distemper, or painting in water colours, mixed with size, stucco, or plaster, which is intended to be painted in oil when finished, but not being sufficiently dry to receive the oil, may have a coating in Vv^ater colours, of any given tint required, in order to give a more finished appearance to that part of the building. Straw colours may be made with French whites and ceruse, or white lead and masticot, or Dutch pink. Greys, full, with some whites and refiner’s vei ditcr. An inferior grey may be made wdth blue-black, or bone-black and indigo. Pea-greens with French green, Olympian green, &c. Fawn-colour with burnt terra de sienna, or burnt umber and white, and so of any interme- diate tint. The colours should all be ground very fine, and mixed with whiting and a size made with parchment, or some similar substance. Less than two coats will not be sufficient to cover the plaster, and bear out with an uniform appearance. It must be recollected, that when the stucco is sufficiently dry, and it is desirable to have it painted in oil, the whole of the water-colours ought to be removed, which may easily be done by washing, and when quite dry, proceed with it after the direction given on oil-painting in stucco. If old plastering has become disfigured by stains, or other blemishes, and it be desired to have it painted in distem- per, it is, in this case, advisable to give the old plastering, when properly cleaned off and prepared, one coat, at least, of white-lead ground in oil, and used with spirits of tur- pentine, which will generally fix old stains ; and, when quite dry, take water-colours very kindly. MENSURATION OF PAINTERs’ WORK. Painters’ w^ork is measured by the yard square, and the dimensions are taken in feet, inches, and tenths. Every part which the brush has passed over is measured, conse- quently the dimensions must be taken with a line, that girts over the mouldings, breaks, &c. All kinds of ornamental work produces an extra price, according to the nature of the imitations, &c. Carved work is also valued according to the time taken in painting it Ax\D MACHINIST. 643 RAIL-ROADS AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. Amidst the various speculations of the day, perhaps none have more deservedly , excited the public interest than that of the numerous projected lines of rail-road for diminish- ing the friction of carriages, and for propelling carriages on them by either gas or steam power. The lessening the friction, produces a consequent diminu- tion in the power which otherwise would be required to propel a given weight ; and therefore, is, in a commercial nation, like that of the united kingdom, a subject worthy of the highest consideration. Railways were originally made of wood, and appear to have been first introduced between the river Tyne and some of the principal coal-pits, as early as the year 1680. The scarcity of this material, and the expense of frequent re- pairs, soon suggested an idea that iron might be more advantageously employed. At first, flat rods of bar-iron were nailed upon the original wooden rails, or, as they were technically called, sleepers; which, though an expensive process, was found to be a great improvement. But as the wood on which these rested was liable to rot and give way, these railings were soon after superseded by others made entirely of iron. These tram or rail-roads have, for a considerable length of time, been much used in the colliery and mining districts ; and some few have been carried from one town or manufac- turing district to another. The principal of these latter in England and Wales are, the Cardiff and Merthyr, 26f miles longj running near the Glamorganshire canal ; the Caer- marthen ; the Lexhowry, 28 miles, in the counties of Mon- mouth and Brecknock ; the Surrey 26 miles ; the Swansea, 71 miles ; one between Gloucester and Cheltenham ; besides several in the north of England. Railways are of two kinds, arising from the disposition of 2t2 644 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC tlie flaiich that is to guide the wheels of the carriage, and prevent it from ruiiiiiiig off the rail. In the one, the llanch is at right angles, and of one piece with the flat surface of the rail : in the other, the flat surface of the rail is raised above the level of the ground, and the flanch is fixed on the wheel of the carriage, at right angles to the tyre, or iron ])laccd on the circumference of the wheel, to strengthen it. Beside these, another kind of railway has lately been intro- duced by Mr. Palmer, which consists of a single rail, sup- ported some height from the surface of the ground : on this, two wheels confined in sufficient frame- work, are placed, suspending the load equally balanced on either side. This arrangement certainly seems to ensure the grand principle of lessening friction, and doubtless will, in many situations, be found a great improvement. Previously to entering upon the probable advantages like- ly to result from a general introduction of railways, we shall give the substance of the specification of a patent, ob- tained in Sept. 1816, by Messrs. Losh and Stephenson, both of whom are well known to those interested in the subject. These gentlemen preface a description of their method of facilitating carriages along tram and railways, with an ob- servation, that there are two kinds of railways in general use ; the one consisting of bars of cast iron, generally of the shape of that described by a, fig.631 , the other of the shape of that described by figs. 630 and^631. That shewn at a, fig. 629, is known in different situations by the denomina- tion of the edge rail, round-top rail, fish-backed rail, &c. That shewn at figs. 632 and 633, by the denomination of the plate-rail, tram-way plate, barrow-way plate, &c. The first we shall distinguish by the name of the edge railway 5 the second, by that of the plate railway. In the construction of edge railways, Messrs. Losh and Stephenson’s objects are, first, to fix both the ends of the rails, or separate pieces, of which the ways are formed, immovable, in' or upon the chairs or props by which they are supported ; secondly, to place them in such a manner, that the end of any one rail shall not project above or fall below the correspondent end of that with which it is in con- tact, or with which it is joined ; thirdly, to form the join- ings of the rails, with the pedestals or props which support them, in such a manner, that if these props should vary from their perpendicular position in the line of the w’ay, (which in other railways is often the case) the joinings of the rails with each other v/onld remain as before such varia- AND MACHINIST 645 tion, and so that the rails shall bear upon the props as firm- ly as before. The formation of the rails or plates of which a plate railway consists, being different from the rails of which the edge railways are composed, they are obliged to adopt a different manner of joining them, both with each other, and with the props and sleepers on which they rest. But in the joining these rails or plates upon their chairs and sleepers, they fix them down immovably, and in such a manner that the end of one rail or plate does not project above, or fall below the end of the adjoining plate, so as to present an obstacle, or cause a shock to the wheels of the carriages which pass over them, and they also form the joinings of these rails or plates in such a manner as to pre- vent the possibility of the nails, which are employed in fixing them in their chairs, from starting out of their places from the vibration of the plates, or from other causes. In what relates to the locomotive engines and their car- riages, which may be employed for conveying goods or materials along edge railways or plate-railways, or for propelling or drawing after them the carriages or waggons employed for that purpose, their invention consists in sus- taining the weight, or a proportion of the weight, of the engine, upon pistons, movable within cylinders, into which the steam or the water of the boiler is allowed to enter, in order to press upon such pistons ; and which pistons are, by the intervention of certain levers and connecting rods, or by any other effective contrivance, made to bear upon the axles of the wheels of the carriage upon which the engine rests. In the formation of the wheels it is their object to construct them in such a manner, and to form them of such materials, as shall make them more durable and less ex- pensive in the repairs than those hitherto in use. This is accomplished by forming the wheels either with spokes of malleable iron, and with cast iron rims, or by making the wheels and spokes of cast iron, with hoops, tyres, or trods, of malleable iron, and in some instances, particularly for wheels of very small diameters, instead of spokes of mallea- ble iron, employing plates of malleable iron, to form the junction between the naves and the cast iron rims of fhe wheels. The advantages gained by this method of constructing railways are, first, that the separate pieces of which they consist are, ccEteris parihus, rendered by this mode of joining them, capable of sustaining a much heavier pressure than those which are joined in the usual way. Secondly, by this 646 VIIE OPERATIVE MECHANIC mode of joining the rails^ they remove the liability to which rails joined in the usual plan, (where the end of one rail is seldom in the same plane with the correspondent end of the next) arc exposed, of receiving blows and shocks from the carriages which move over them, and to which blows and shocks the great breakage which often occurs in railways, when not made of enormous weight, may generally be re- ferred ; and as action and re-action are mutual and con- trary, if they prevent the communication of shocks to the rails, they at the same time preserve the wheels, the car- riages, and engines which move over them, from the re- action which is often destructive to them. As the centre of gravity in a loaded coal-waggon is, from its shape, much elevated, there is generally a great waste of coal from the shaking of the waggons, to which that circumstance (the position of the centre of gravity) makes them more liable when they encounter obstacles, as they do at the junction of almost every two rails on the common railways. On Losh and Stephenson’s railways, the loss thus arising is, if not entirely prevented, at least considerably diminished, by the steady and regular motion of the waggons. The usual method of fixing down the plates, of which the plate railways employed in coal-mines, and there called tram and rolley-ways, are formed, is by a single nail, nearly at each end of each plate ; which nail passes through a hole in the plate, and fixes it to a sleeper of wood. These nails, from the vibration of the plate, or the motion of the sleeper, or some other cause, generally very soon start up, and con- sequently the plates work loose, and very frequently the nails come entirely out. The delay of work, the breakage of plates, wheels, &c. and the injury which the horses re- ceive from the loose nails which result from the mode of fixing the plate railways, are generally complained of, and therefore the advantages of a plan which will remove these inconveniences must be apparent. When locomotive steam-engines are employed as the jnoving or propelling power on railways, these gentlemen have, from much practice, found it of the utmost impor- tance, that they should move steadily, and as free as possi- ble from shocks or vibrations, which have the effect of deranging the working parts of the machinery, and lessening their power. It is therefore to produce that steadiness of motion, and to prevent the engines from receiving shocks, and to preserve their equilibrium, that they employ the 'loaling pisloiis, which, acting on an clastic Iltiid, [)roduce AND MACHINIST. 647 the desired effect with much more accuracy than could be obtained by employing the finest springs of steel to suspend the engine. The wheels which are constructed on this plan will be found, when compared with those already in use (the weights of both being equal) to be more durable ; for the arms, when made of malleable iron, being infinitely less liable to be broken by shocks or concussions, than those of cast iron, may be of less weight, and in fewer numbers, so that the excess of weight of the extra arms of the cast iron wheels may be applied on the rims of these wheels, and thus add to the substance of that part which alone suffers from the friction of the rails. The rims of wheels thus constructed, can also be case-hardened without risk of breaking, either in cooling or afterwards, which is not the case when wheels are east in one piece. The ad- vantage of hooping cast iron wheels with malleable iron tyres or trods, is, that when such tyres or trods are worn through, they can very easily be replaced at a small expense, and that the tyre, whieh is not liable to break, receiving the shocks from the re-action of the rails, preserves the cast-iron wheel, by considerably lessening the effect of such shocks on the cast metal. As it is perhaps impossible to cast the bars or plates of metal of which railways and plate- ways are composed per- fectly straight, and correctly even and smooth on their sur- faces, and equally difficult to fit the joints with mathema- tical accuracy, the wheels of the engines and waggons will always have some inequalities and obstacles to encounter. From these circumstances, therefore, Messrs. Losh and Stephenson are induced to employ the improvements which they have made in the construction of the locomotive en- gine, and in the wheels of carriages upon edge railways and plate railways, constructed according to their own plans 5 but it is apparent that their adoption on the rail and plate-ways on the usual construction, is of still more im- portance. They therefore claim as a method of facilitating the con- veyance of goods, and all manner of materials along edge railways or plate railways, the use of any of the plans they have described singly, as well as the whole of them collectively. They have no hesitation in saying, that on a railway eonstructed on their plan, and with a locomotive engine and carriage-wheels on their principle, the expe- dition with which goods can be conveyed with safety, will be increased to nearly double the rate with which they are 648 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC at present usually taken along railways^ and with less interruption from the breakage of wheels, rails, &c. than at present occurs, and with much less injury to the work- ing parts of the engine. In order that their specification may be more clearly un- derstood, we have annexed a schedule of drawings. Fig. 629 represents a longitudinal view of the locomotive engine on the edge railway, a a a, are the cylinders containing the floating pistons b by wliich are more fully described in the next figure. Fig. 630 represents a cross section of Fig, 629, at the middle cylin- ders a, a ; h h are the floating pistons, connected with the wrought iron rods c c, the ends of which rest upon the bearing brasses of the axles of the wheels d d. These pistons press equally on all the axles, and cause each of the wheels to press with an equal stress upon the rails, and to act upon them with an equal degree of friction, although the rails should no-t all be in the same plane, for the bearing brasses have the liberty of moving in a perpendicular direction in a groove or slide, and, carrying the axles and wheels along with them, force the wheels to accommodate themselves to the inequalities of the rail- way. Fig. 634, is a view of the wheel, with wrought iron arms, a aaaaa show how the arms are cast in the nave h h, and dropped into the mortise holes c cccc c in the rim, which are dovetailed, to suit the dovetailed ends of the arms d d d d d d. The arms are heated red hot previously to dropping them into the holes, in order to cause them to extend sufficiently for that purpose, for when cold they are too short. In doing this they take advantage of that quality which iron possesses of expanding on the application of heat, and of contracting again to its former dimensions on cooling down to the same temperature from which it was raised ; the arms, therefore, on cooling are drawn with a force sufficient to produce a degree of comhination between their dovetailed ends and the mortises of the rim, which prevents the possibility of their working loose ; they arc afterwards keyed up ; the mortise holes are also dovetailed, from the tail side of the wheel (a a, fig. 635) to the crease side (5 b, on the same figure). Fig 635, is a cross section through the centre of the wheel, with wrought iron arms. Fig. 636 is an end view of Fig. 635. Fig. 637 represents a view of their edge railway ; shewing a rail «, connected with the two adjoining rails, the ends ot which are shewn by b b, and also with the props or pedestals on which they rest, d d show the metal chairs, and c c the stone supports. The joints e e are made by the ends of the rails being applied to each other by what is denominated a half lap, and the pin or bolt g, which fixes them to each other, and to the chair in which they are inserted, is made to fit exactly a hole which is drilled through the chair, and both ends of the rails at such a height as to allow both ends of the rails to bear on the chair, and the bearance being the apex of a curve, they both bear at the same point. Thus the end of one rail cannot rise above that of the adjoining one; for although the chair may move on the pin in the direction of the line of the road, yet the rails will still rest upon the curved surface of their bearance without moving. Fig. 638 is a cross secti«m of their edge railway through the middle ol one of Uic chairs n, and across the ends ofthe two adjoining rails c d and tlie pill c ,• f is Die stone support or sleeper. I Ne£l£AS&o\2p Sirjfid '•■p* ':' ,i^ ■'-.-.'t'^' ■:.' .:i ' y ■ -f ->■ <-'•’ ■-■'♦■ ■ ■ ’'^‘- .-1^ v^ir ■ iSSH U -v ' *■'•■ r ,: -( •• / .,ai' ■ ,v . •' -;ij. 7 ,',; ,.v ■ '■ ’►'- '■'4i^-;/!p .' ■ •,. ?> #V’’ ■ ' 1, . P-y-,:r. ^7' ' ^ ' ' '''^ ■. '^ ' ';■. >> '‘.'jr '-(,' '. Tfi’ -!.| 5'; ■■•• ‘ • • if \ ■i’’ . )•- . "• • ■■ ■ ■' ^ • ' ■ ■ ■: > • ''i'- :'7 tfi',«j|||| ■ '/ , ■ j r.wf .'•' * .-v hi sid ;:^. .i,t. ,iiv- - i., \'..i ;,'r •/^5 , ", , - ■•■ ' . j;;. «Y<«ii4fc. ■ S-. .,'. ;.J -V ...ui'P! Ciu !• •: Vf-rv.. .v-r -J:, '. V/, ' •«i’ '';';5 t'- "ji * ' ‘ k'* A*. I'Vy ^ ■‘.<-'V .. 'i, J' iii'.'kV ■', ■; ■• -’W'-'-'x'j ” ' = ■ ' '' ,• . '•; i* ( ■ '., ; ‘ ,* ' le> Jh} '» ■ ^ .’r •' ■' *':• '-•;■• ".v;.v- '-ytUh. }', ^ *•; n'Kij: :.,J. r •-.•■••w- . ' .• '. ■ - ' . ;«!' • . ; ' ■*■■'-■ "'*■ V \ 'n * ' ^ ’ ‘ t •' •, J-iVj •‘' f;'i, .t<5 V' . ‘ ' ni,i. ■ huh^'k uisziliiA' itA-, ''f-'*' • ■% ; ■ . , .,' /v^i'vk ..';':V4-i'te ;iv ■'*: :-n k: ,‘V;;i- ;.-;i^/> i •'■ 1 • V '.f k ^>7*' -■ . ' „•■ V. ; ■ / •' ■ . * ■’ : , 7 : :' :.; • '.iU^-y-Jr. ‘r'l • ■•’: ••* •’»'> . • ■'• yi^u. ■ '-.v-,. v;» •'■' ,{ ■• -J ■• V* xUftvr '•' ' -•tlMT’'' £% •■■• ■' -..If;'' AND MACHINIST. 649 Fig. 639 is a cross section of a rail a, at the centre, and sliows the car- riage c behind. Fig. 640 is a plan of the rail-way described at fig. 637, shewing tlie half lap joinings of the rails c c, placed in their carriages (/ d. Fig. 641 is a view of the cast iron wheel with the malleable iron tyre. This wheel is made with curved spokes, as shewn ntaaaaaaaaaa, in the figure, and with a slit or aperture in the rirn, shewn at b, into which a key is inserted. The reason of this is, that on the application of the hot tyre the cast metal expands unequally, and the rim is liable to be cracked, and the arms drawn off, unless the first is previously slit or opened, and the latter curved, which allows them to accommodate them- selves to the increased diameter of the wheel ; by this formation of the wheel the tyre might be forced on when cold, and keyed up afterwards. Fig. 642 is a cross section of fig. 641, through the centre, a a show the tyre, bb bh show the metal rim. This cast metal rim is dovetailed ; so that when the tyre, which is dovetailed to suit it,* is put on hot, it con- tracts and applies itself to the rim with a degree of adhesion which pre- vents its coming otF from the motion of the wheel on the rail-way. This wheel is of the form to suit an edge railway, and to make it answer for a plate rail it only requires the rim to be round or flat. Fig. 643 is an end view of fig. 641, without the malleable iron tyre. Fig. 644 represents a view of a rolley or tram-wheel, calculated to move upon a plate railway. aaaa show the malleable iron arms, fastened to the projections bb b b, on the inside of the rim c c c, hy the bolts d d d d. Fig. 645 is a cross section of fig. 644, through the centre of the wheel. a a show the arms, c c the rim, d d the bolts. Fig. 646 represents a view of a rolley or tram-wheel, with a plate of malleable iron « a a a, to form the junction between the nave b b and the cast metal rim cccc. Fig. 647 is across section of fig. 646. a a show the plate upon which the nave 5 5 is cast, c c show the cast iron rim which is cast upon the plate, the edges of which plate are previously covered with a thin coating of loam and charcoal dust, or other fit substance, to prevent the too inti- mate adliesion between the iron plate and metal rim, so that if tlie rim should break, it can easily be taken off and replaced by casting another on the plate. Fig. 648 represents the plate railway on their plan. At the end of each plate are projections aaaa, to fit into the dovetail carriage b b, and at each end of each plate are projections or tenons cccc, which fall into the mortise hole {d, in Figs. 649 and 6.50) in the carriage b b, and secure the rail from an end motion ; and when the pin or key e is driven into its place, it secures the plates from rising, thus they are fixed immovable in their carriages. Fig. 649 is a front view of fig. 648. Fig. 650 is a plan of the carriage, in which a a show the nail holes through which the nails are driven, to secure it to the sleeper. When the rails are laid in this carriage, and secured by the pin or key, they keep these nails from starting up by resting upon them. Fig. 651 is a cross section of the carriage, and the end of one of the plate rails. Fig. 629* shews a rail of the common way, inclining out of the horizon- tal position, as they very often do from the yielding of the props or pedestals, and of course a shock is sustained by the waggons in passing the joining to the next rail G50 THE OPERATiVE MECHANIC The ease with which cast-iron can be made into any re- quired shape has till very recently given to rails of that material a decided superiority over those of malleable-iron. But the brittleness of the former renders such rails very liable to be broken^ unless, indeed, they be of such sub- stance as will resist the effects of the blows or shocks to which they are exposed, and which will require them to be of considerably greater weight than otherwise would be necessary. To obviate this, numerous experiments have been made with a view to substitute malleable-iron for cast- ron rails. Rails of malleable-iron appear to have been first used at Lord Carlisle’s works, at Tinclal Fell, in Cumberland, about the year 1808; and though found there, and also at two or three other places at which they were tried, to be a saving in the first cost, and much less liable to accident, they have not till very lately been much used. In fact, it was not till some time after Mr. Birkinshaw, of the Bed- lington Iron Works, had obtained a patent for malleable- iron rails of a new and improved construction, that rails of this material came into competition with the cast-iron rails. The form of the malleable-iron rails previously to this was that of a parallelopipedon ; which was liable to two objections, either that the narrowness of the surfaces, when compared to the breadth of the rim of the carriage wheel, was so considerable as to expose both the wheel and the rail to great injury from wear ; or, if the breadth of the rail was increased to remove this objection, the weight of the rail would make the cost amount to almost a prohibition of its use. Mr. Birkinshaw obtained his patent in October 1820 ; and the improvement consisted in making the rails in the form of prisms, though their sides need not of necessity be flat. The upper surface, on which the wheel of the carriage is to run, is slightly convex, in order to reduce the friction ; and the under part, which rests on the supporting blocks, chains, rests, standards, or pedestals, is mounted upon the sleeper. The wedge form is proposed, because the strength of the rail is always in proportion to the square of its breadth and depth. Hence this form possesses all the strength of a cube equal to its square, with only half the quantity of metal, and consequently half the cost of the former rail. Suflicient strength, however, may be still retained, and the weight of metal further reduced, by forming the bars with /T I . rT-1T i Vetiei: StatiLy ic Jrrand- ' ‘-..pi* li;' .. ’%£^- ' "^ ' ‘ ' f J ■:- W 'V ^ ,.. , . J vg :^V . i#- V-;'' 1: v,y ■ :(■ ' .is--' i^xe- P 2-; ... ; / ■■' ..' , ■ '■' ’ -■ **■*' x-"'l '■'. • 'vi' ■ L*'" ' ' ‘ - -^ • .■ '■ -. ■ -, ■.y*'y'^',' •< -■ - ’*^' ' '. ' * r .' , ' ’Mu' ^ y . * » ■ ' , • ; 'A ' - ' ■3‘ ; "'• -■.-p-.vafh ■ ■ . ■■•■'■•.:■>■ -. ' ' ■; --■r • y :■ ■ . ^ : «" - mpy\ : A . ■'" .(MS AND MACHINIST. 651 concave sides, which is the form of rail the paten tee decidedly prefers, although the prism or wedge form, in all its varie- ties, is the principle upon which his patent-right is founded. The mode of making these wedge-formed rails of mallea- ble-iron is, by passing bars of iron, when heated, through rollers, having grooves or indentations cut upon their peri- })heries, agreeably to the intended shape of the bar to be produced. But, though the patentee recommends, and adopts this mode as the most eligible means of producing these rails, he claims the exclusive right of manufacturing and rendering the wedge-formed bars or rails of any length, for the purpose of forming or constructing rail-roads. The advantages derived from this method of constructing railways may be as follows : — 1st. The original cost of a malleable-iron railway is less than a cast-iron railway of equal strength. 2dly. As the rails can be made in the lengths of 9,12,15, or 18 feet each, and even longer when required, the number of joints is hereby reduced ; and thus is removed, in a great measure, the liability to which the short rails now in use are exposed, of receiving blows and shocks from the car- riages which move over them. 3dly. In order to remedy the evil arising from the rails being imperfectly joined, the plan of welding the ends to- gether has been adopted ; by this means making one con- tinued rail the whole length of the road without any joint whatever. 4thly. It hence follows, that on iron railways, the loss of coals, occasioned by the jolting of the waggons at the joints of the rails, and the injury done to the wheels, the car- riages, and engines from the same cause, are, if not entirely prevented, at least considerably diminished. In September, 1821, Mr. Losh took out another patent for further improvements in the construction of rail- ways. These improvements consist, first, in fixing bars of malleable iron on the upper surface of a line of cast or malleable iron rails, of whatever form such rails may be, in the longitudinal direction of the rails when laid, so as to form an uninterrupted line the whole length of the bar, which may be as long as it shall be found convenient, and of the same breadth, or a little broader or narrower than the upper surface of the rails to which it is fixed. Secondly, in fixing, in some cases, a band or strap of malleable iron to the under surface of cast-iron rails, in order that such strap or band may, by its power of tension, give support to THB OPERATIVE MECHANIC 652 the cohesion of the parts of cast iron rails, and admit of its being made lighter, of less expense, and less liable to breakage. Thirdly, in forming a rail, by fixing two bars of malleable iron on their sides or edges, and fixing them in that position by bolts and studs, or any other convenient method ; and in placing and fixing on their upper edges a flat bar of malleable iron, or one which is slightly curved or rounded at the edges to diminish friction, so that the bar or plate, placed and fixed on the upper edges of the two malleable iron bars, shall form the surface upon which the wheels of the carriage are to revolve. Mr. Losh states, in the specification of his patent, that rail-roads are now become so general, that for the infor- mation of mechanical men, or those who have the direc- tion of constructing and laying them, drawings would be quite superfluous ; he therefore proceeds to state the me^ thods which he has found the most convenient, for forming the junction of the plate or flat bar, which he applies upon the surface of the body of the rail ; and also the mode by which he attaches the band or strap to the lower edge of the cast iron rail. He recommends the dimensions of the bars meant to form the upper surface of a railway, calculated to carry locomo- tive engines of seven or eight tons, and waggons of three or four tons weight each, to be fifteen or sixteen feet long, two and a quarter inches broad, and half to five-eighths of an inch thick. At every eighteen inches or two feet of the length of this surface-plate, a tenon is firmly welded or riveted ; or otherwise attached to the under side, taking care in this operation to leave the upper surface of the plate even as before. These tenons have holes through them in the transverse direction of the bars, to take a pin or rivet of from about a quarter to half an inch in diameter ; and at each extremity of the plate, a tenon is fixed on by welding, having previously cut off a piece of about two inches long, and of half the breadth of the bar, from the opposite ends of the bar or plate, and at the opposite angles, so that when two bars, so prepared,‘’are brought to join at the ends, the joint is what is denominated a half-lap, or scarfed joint. If it be required to place malleable iron plates or bars on cast iron rails, nothing more is necessary than to make the rails with mortise holes, to receive the tenons with trans- verse holes, to correspond with those in the tenons fixed on the plates ; and, after placing the rails in their chairs or carriages, to apply the plate to the surface of the rails, and AND MACHINIST. 653 to drop the tenons into the mortise holes, and to secure them there by a pin driven tightly into and through the transverse holes of the tenons and mortise holes. The mortise holes are made in the rails by placing a core in the mould previously to running in the metal, and lest this core should weaken the rail, it is advisable to add as much metal on the outside of the rail, in the form of a boss, where the hole is, as will make up the deficiency. A chair is then placed on a pedestal at every three or four feet distance, less or more, according to the length of the cast iron rails ; and each of these must be supported at its ends : these rails are generally made with half-lap joints, and to rest on a curb bearance. Care is taken that, where the ends of the surface- plates meet to form a joint, they shall be sustained by a chair; and the reason for making the joints half-lapped, or scarfed, with tenons welded to these half laps is, that one pin or bolt will secure both the adjoining ends of the surface-plates, and of the bars of cast iron, more perfectly in the chair, than any other known contrivance, when the bearance is the apex of a curve. Surface-plates thus prepared with tenons, as described above, may be attached and fixed to the upper surface of a series of malleable iron rails placed in chairs, which rails consist of flat bars (generally three or four feet long, more or less, but sometimes also as long as the sur- face plate), fixed on their thin edges, so as to present the greatest resistance to a weight bearing upon them. For this purpose, pins or rivets may be driven through the transverse holes in the tenons on the surface-plate, and the corresponding transverse holes made in the supporting bars ; and thus may be formed a cheap and very serviceable rail- way. In this case, the supporting bars should not be less than two and a half inches deep, by half an inch thick, if meant to carry locomotive engines. For smaller carriages, the bars may be of less dimensions, in proportion to the de- creased weight of the carriages. In forming the rail, consisting of a plate of malleable iron, supported by two flat bars of the same material, Mr. Losh prepares the surface-plate as above with tenons, and having fixed the two bars intended to support it on their edges, parallel to each other, in a series of chairs, and se- cured them in that position by bolts passing through them, and by intervening studs, to keep them at a proper distance, which is such, that the sides or edges of the surface-plate, which may be a little curved or rounded, to diminish the friction from the wheels passing over it, shall project about 054 THE OPERATIVE MECHANK a quarter of an inch beyond them. By these intervening studs, the surface-plate is laid upon them, and the tenons arc dropped in between them, and fixed by pins or bolts passing in a transverse direction through holes in the bars, which rwe made to correspond with holes in the tenons, and thus securing them as if they were in mortise-holes. The strap or band of malleable iron is fixed by Mr. Losh to the under edge of the cast-iron rail, by perforating both ends of the strap, near the extremities, with along hole, cal- culated to pass over studs of malleable iron which are fixed at each end of the rail, by being run at the time of casting the rail or otherwise. The studs should be about one and a half inches broad, by three- eighths of an inch thick, and placed so, that when the strap has been put over them in a heated state, it cannot, in contracting, slip its hold ; but will, on the contrary, fix itself the closer. These straps are made of malleable iron bars, about one and a half inches broad, three-eighths to half an inch thick, and of such length as to draw strongly against the studs and bottom of the rail, when in its position. The under edge of the cast iron rail to which this strap is applied being curved, it will, when the strap is fixed upon the studs, by an extension of its length by heat, apply itself firmly to, and support every part of the lower edge of the rail, in con- tracting, by parting with its heat ; and till the power of tension of this strap is overcome, and it extends in length, or the studs break, the rail cannot give way. Many other methods, perhaps equally secure, may be made use of to place and fix surface-plates on the surface of rails ; but Mr. Losh prefers the plan pointed out, by te- nons and mortise-holes, and by rivets passed through holes in such tenons, and through corresponding holes in the supporting bars ; because, when worn or damaged, these plates can easily be taken off and replaced, without injury to that part of the rail which supports them. The principal patents obtained before the above described, are those by Blenkinsop, Brunton, and Chapman ; specifi- cations and drawings of which may be seen in the Reper- tory of Arts. Mr. Blenkinsop’s patent was obtained the 10th of April, 1811, and is for a method of fixing into the ground a toothed rack, or longitudinal piece of cast iron, or other fit material, having teeth, or protuberances, into which a toothed or cogged wheel, connected with a locomotive car- riage, plays. AND MACHINIST. G55 Mr. Brunton’s patent was taken out the 22nd of May, 1813, and is for a method of propelling machines along a railway by means of two or more bars or legs, which, by receiving a reciprocating motion from a steam engine, act against the ground like a man’s legs, when in the act of walking. These bars or legs are constructed of metal or wood, and of such length that, during the act of propulsion, tlie angle formed by the said bars or legs and the surface of the road may be such, as to afford sufficient resistance from tlie materials propelled against to overcome the friction of the body to be moved. This angle admits of consideral)le latitude ; but will be found to answer best when between 50 and 70 degrees. The reader has now been informed of the principal patents that have been taken out for improvements in rail-roads. The rails most in use are those of cast-iron by Losh and Stephenson, and of malleable-iron by Birkinshaw.' Previously to constructing a railway, it is necessary to ascertain, as accurately as the nature of the thing will ad- mit, the quantity of lading expected to traverse each way upon its line. For if the weight of the carriage of merchan- dize, &c. be more in the one direction than in the other, as will frequently be the case in forming a line of railway from a manufacturing or mining district to a town, the railway must have a gentle inclination or descent ; but if the lading is expected to be nearly equal in both directions, with a preponderance at certain periods only, the railing must, in such case, be set out in levels, or in lines nearly level, and the ascents and descents made by planes inclined ac- cordingly. That the reader may see the necessity of paying due at- tention to this point, we shall show the advantages that will result from constructing railways with a gentle gradual descent, when the carriage of the articles of trade are con- siderably more in one direction than the other. Dr. Armstrong, in his Recreations in Agriculture, ob- serves, that a horse, travelling at the usual rate that w^aggons move, would, wdth ease, under favourable circumstances, draw 20 tons : but Mr. Fulton says, that five tons to a horse is the average work on railways, descending at the rate of three miles per hour ; or one ton upwards with the same speed. Mr. Telford, an experienced engineer, observes, that on a railway well constructed, and laid with a declivity of 50 feet in a mile, one horse wall readily take down w^ag- gons containing 12 to 15 tons ; and bring back the same waggons with four tons in them. Mr. Joseph Wilkes, in (55G THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 1799 stated, that a horse of the value of 20/. drew down the declivity of an iron road, ^ yard, 21 car- riages or waggons, laden with coals and timber, weighing 35 tons, overcoming the vis inerticv repeatedly with ease. The same horse, up this declivity, drew five tons with ease. On a different railway, one horse, value 30/. drew 21 waggons of five cwt. each, which, with their loading of coals, amounted to 43 tons eight cwt., down the declivity of l-3d of an inch in a yard ; and up the same place he afterwards drew seven tons ; the cwt. in all these experiments by Mr. W. being 1201bs. Though in the preceding statements there is an apparent variance, the authors are not the less entitled to credit ; be- cause the variations may have arisen from difference in the physical strength of the animals, or in the method of con- structing the railways. To make the case, how^ever, as clear as possible, we shall here present our readers with some observations and calculations deduced from known data, which have lately appeared in a very able pamphlet, entitled A Report on Rail-Roads and Locomotive Engines,’’ by Mr. Charles Sylvester, civil engineer. Mr. Sylvester, having made some judicious observations on the principles of railways, and the nature of the friction to be overcome, states, that, agreeably to the prineiples laid down in the commencement, when a force is applied equal to the friction, the smallest force above that would, if continued, generate any required velocity. But it will be desirable to have such a force at command, as Avill ge- nerate the necessary velocity in a short time, and when that has been accomplished, to reduce this force, but still to leave it fully equal to the friction. If any part of the route has an inclination, there ought to be an extra force at command, above what would be required for a dead level. The ])lane on which this experiment was made, inclined, in the direc- tion of the load, about ~ of an inch to a yard. This is as great, or perhaps a greater, inclination than any rail-road ought to have, where loaded carriages go up and down. The moving force ought, therefore, to be always greater than the friction added to the force which is required to overcome the inclination of the plane. The latter force assists the body to go down, and equally resists it in moving upwards. On this account” says he, I have used, or supposed, a moving force, which will give the velocity of 5 miles an hour, ov 7^ feet per second, in the space of one minute. This will be performed down the aboA^e plane by the engine making AND MACHINIST. G57 45 strokes per minute, (the circumference of the wheel being nine feet), with a pressure of 9’71bs. upon an inch, of each of the two cylinders, the area of each being 63*6 square inches. The weight of the engine and 16 waggons is equal to 154,5601bs, or nearly 70 tons. The velocity of five miles an hour being acquired after one minute, the only force to keep the whole in motion, at the same rate, will be the dif- ference between the gravity of the weight down the plane and the friction. The friction is 9001138 ; the gravitating force of the weights down the plane 5401bs ; therefore 900 - 540 = 3601bs. “ If the same weight, at that speed, had to move on a dead level, and acquired the same velocity in one minute as be- fore, the moving force would require to be 17811bs. which would require a pressure of I3-71bs. upon one inch. But after the speed is obtained, it will require only 71 bs. to keep it moving at the same rate. If the same load were required to move up the plane, it would require a moving force of 23281bs. or a pressure upon every square inch of 18*31bs. And this velocity would be kept up by a constant pressure of 14471bs. which will be ll*31bs. upon every inch of the piston. “ In starting the engine, in the first instance, and giving the required velocity, it is probable the effects will agree very nearly with these calculations ; namely, 15 4,5601 bs. moved at the rate of five miles an hour, with a pressure of 9vlbs. upon every inch of the piston. Whether the pres- sure were reduced to the difference between the friction and the force upon the plane, which is calculated at 2*81bs. it is difficult to say, as there was no steam-gauge to indicate the pressure when the engine was going.” In table 1, at a more advanced part of the work, Mr. Sylvester states, that, when the engine is required to travel at the rate of nine miles per hour, the force necessary to overcome the weight, I54,5601bs. will be for the first minute, when the engine is travelling on a level 2890*811bs ; when moving down the plane 246T611bs ; and when moving up the plane 3320*01 lbs. But that, when the velocity is at- tained, a force that will balance the friction is sufficient to keep up the required velocity. This force is, for travelling on a level, 9001bs ; for moving down the plane, 47Hbs ; and for moving up the plane 13291bs. By this, therefore, it is evident that, when the lading is expected to be considerably more in one direction of the line of rail-road than it is in the other, the advantage which 2 U 658 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC will arise from making the road with a gentle slope, is very gi*eat. This kind of railing is also preferable when the la- ding is only equal at certain periods. For then the expense of extra horses, to draw the additional vveights up the plane during these periods, will fall infinitely short of the expense saved by making the plane with a gentle inclination. The necessary preliminaries being settled, the engineer will obtain much greater facility, as also a diminution of ex- pense, by beginning to lay down the rails on any part of the intended line of road where stone, gravel, and other mate- rials that are wanted, are to be most conveniently had ; as, by that means, he will evade the slow and expensive mode of common cartage. The immense sums that have been invested in the hands of certain companies, for the purpose of cstablisliing general lines of rail- road throughout the country, have excited much interest and elicited many able papers from practical men, in several of the publications of the day. Amongst these, perhaps those inserted in the Scotsman, an Edinburgh news- paper, and in the Manchester Guardian, arc the most de- serving of our notice. The Scotsman first commences with some theoretical statements, and then continues : Having developed the theory of the motion of carriages on horizontal railways, we shall have little more to do with mathematical discussions, and shall now turn our attention to points of a practical nature, better adapted to the taste of ordinary readers. But first, we shall bring under the eye again, the effect of a given quantity of power on a railway, and on a canal, in a calm atmosphere—for it is only in a calm atmosphere that the results can be properly compared. We have found tliat a boat weighing with its load 15 tons, and a waggon of the same lueight, the one on a canal, and the other on a rail-way, would be impelled at the following rates, by the following quantities of power — which we have stated both in pounds and in horse power — reckoning one horse power equal to 180 pounds. Miles Boat on a Canal, power in Horse Waggon on a Rail-way. power in Horse per hour. pounds. power. in pounds. power. 2 33 I-5th 100 h 4 - 133 2-3ds. 102 h 6 300 H 105 h 8 r.33 3 109 h 12 1 200 7 120 2-Sds. 16 2133 12 137 i 26 3325 18 158 1 AND MACHINIST. 659 We have not taken into account the time lost in over- coming the inertia of the waggon wiiere a small power is applied, because, in point of fact, the casual resistance of the wind would render it necessary to provide double or triple the power above stated. But if necessary, the time lost by the slow motion at first might be saved. Suppose there are a certain number of places where the steam-coach or waggon was to stop, to take in or put out passengers or goods; and farther, that the waggon, by travelling a few miles, has acquired an uniform velocity of 20 miles an hour. Then, if it is made to ascend an inclined plane of 10 feet perpendicular height, this velocity will be extinguished, and the vehicle will stop at the head of the plane. When it is to proceed again on its journey its descent along an in- clined plane of the same height on the other side, will enable it to recommence its career in a few seconds with the full velocity of 20 miles an hour. By raised platforms of this kind, at the two extremities of the journey, and at the in- termediate stages, the velocity thus generated, might be treasured up for permanent use. The platforms should be of different heights, corresponding to the various velocities of the vehicles plying on the railway. But, in point of fact, the terminal velocity is attained so soon from a state of rest, that this contrivance would probably be found un- necessary. Where locks or lifts occur. The 'stationary steam-engine should drag up the vehicle (supposing it to be along an in- clined plane), not simply from the one level to the other, but to a platform some feet above the higher level, that the vehicle, by its descent, might recover the lost velocity. It is plain, however, that when the difference of level did not exceed eight or ten feet, the momentum of the vehicle would carry it up without any assistance from a stationary engine, and with merely a small temporary loss of velocity. Some persons imagine erroneously that teethed wheels and rackwork would be necessary where the railway was not perfectly level. But the friction of iron on iron being 25 per cent, of the weight, if the whole load was upon the w’heels to which the moving power was ap()lied, and if the quantity of power was sufficient, the waggon would ascend without slipping though the plane rose one foot in four — while even cart roads scarcely ever rise more than one foot in 18 or 20. If four-fifths of the load, however, were placed on separate cars, and only one-tenth of the whole pressure, for instance, was upon the axle to which the moving force 660 THE OrERATIVE MECHANIC was applied, the power of ascent by friction would only be one-tenth of one foot in four, or one foot in forty. The steam engine, as we commonly see it, is so bulky, and with the addition of its fuel and supply of water, so ponderous, as to create an impression on a first view, that its w’hole power would scarcely, under the most favourable circumstances, transport its own weight. The steam-boat, however, which cuts its way through the ocean, in defiance of tide and tempest, shews that this is a mistake. For all velocities above four miles an hour, the locomotive engine will be found superior to the steam-boat ; that is to say, it will afford a greater amount of free power, above what is re- quired to move its own weight. i. We have seen various statements respecting the loco- motive engine, few of them so detailed as could be desired — from which we subjoin the following particulars : Trevithick and Vivian’s high pressure locomotive en- gine, with a cylinder of eight inches diameter, and a pres- sure of 65 pounds per square inch (apparently about eight horse power), drew carriages containing ten and a half tons of iron, at five and a half miles per hour, for a distance of nine miles. (Stuart’s History of Steam Engine, p. 164.) Whether on a road or railway is not mentioned. We find it stated in a Liverpool paper, as the result of inquiries made respecting the locomotive engines, that one of these, of ten horse power, conveys fifty tons of goods at the rate of six miles an hour on a level railway. But was the road an edge or tram road ? Mr. Blenkinsop states, in replies to queries put by Sir John Sinclair, that his patent locomotive engine, with two eight-inch cylinders, weighs five tons, consumes 2-3d cvvt. of coal, and fifty gallons of water per hour, draws 27 waggons weighing 94 tons on a dead level, at three and a half miles per hour, or 15 tons up an ascent of two inches in the yard ; when ‘ lightly loaded’ travels 10 miles an hour, does the work of 16 horses in 12 hours, and costs 4001. Another person says, that the weight of this engine with its water and coals is six tons, and that it draws 40 or 50 tons (waggons included) at four miles an hour on a level rail- way. (Repertory of Arts, 1818, p. 19-21 This seems to have been a high pressure engine of about eight or ten horse power. But we are not informed what sort of rail- way it worked on, how long its journies were, or what is meant by ‘ lightly loaded.’ We shall take for granted then that an eight-horse AND MACHINIST. 661 power high pressure engine, with its charge of water and coal, and with the car which bears it, weighs six tons, and that it requires an additional supply of 100 weight of coal, and 400 weight of water for each hour it works. This is very consistent with other ascertained facts. We find, for instance, in the parliamentary report on steam navigation, that the low pressure engines used in vessels, which are made twice as strong as stationary engines, weigh about one ton and one-fifth for each horse power, including their charge of water and coal. Now the high-pressure engines want the condensing apparatus which must diminish the weight probably by one-fourth part. The estimate for coal we have increased one-half, because we think it rather below the truth. It is only about nine pounds per hour for each horse power, while Mr. Watt allows twelve pounds for his low pressure engines. It follows, therefore, that an eight-horse power locomo- tive engine, with coal and water for eight hours, would weigh eight tons. Hence, bulky and ponderous as the steam-engine appears, we find ,that a locomotive engine, weighing eight tons, moves 50 tons beside itself, (taking the more moderate estimate,) that is, it consumes only one- seventh part of the power it creates, when travelling at four miles an hour; or the free power applicable to other pur-' poses, is seven-eighths of the whole. This is the result of an early experiment, made probably upon a rail-road not of the best kind, and with vehicles much less perfect than they may yet be rendered. Though it falls much under the effect calculated theoretically, it does not strike us as being incon- sistent with the truth of the principles on which the calcu- lation VA^as founded. The high pressure engine, on account of its smaller weight and bulk, is evidently best adapted for railways ; and it can be used with perfect safety, because it may be easily placed in a car by itself, a few feet before the vehicle in which the passengers are. The vehicle itself, by its regular and steady motion on the railway, would answer the pur- pose of 2 i fly-wheel in the most perfect manner. The en- gine might run upon six wheels, which should be locked together by teeth pinions, that the tendency to slip might be resisted by the friction of the whole mass of eight tons. The best form of a steam coach for the conveyance of passengers would probably be the following : — A gallery seven feet high, eight wide, and 100 feet in length, formed into 10 separate galleries 10 feet long each, connected with 662 THE OTERATIVE MECHANIC each other by joints working horizontally, to allow the train to bend where the road turned. A narrow covered foot- way, suspended on the outside over the wheels on one side, would serve as a common means of communication for the whole. On the other side might be outside seats, to be used in fine weather. The top, surrounded with a rail, might also be a sitting place of promenade, like the deck of a track boat. Two of the 10 rooms might be set apart for cooking, stores, and various accommodations; the other eight would lodge iOO passengers, whose weight, with that of their luggage, might be 12 tons. The coach itself might be 12 tons more ; and that of the locomotive machine, eight tons, added to these, would make the whole 32 tons. Each of the short galleries might have four wheels ; but to lessen the friction, the two first wheels only should be grooved, the two last cylindrical, and three or four times as broad as the thickness of the rail. The conveyance of goods would be effected by a train of small waggons loosely attached to each other. It will be observed from the table we have given above, that it would require seven horse power to impel a steam- boat weighing 15 tons at 12 miles an hour. This gives a load of two tons so moved ; however, tlie engine, if a low pressure one, with water and eight hours’ coals, would weigh nearly 10 tons, and the vessel would weigh at least five ; so that the whole power of the engine would be expended in impelling itself and the ship containing it, at the supposed rate, and no free power would remain for freight. Facts show that the resistance is actually rather greater in water than theory in this case represents it. We have cal- culated from data furnished by the Parliamentary Report on steam navigation, that the entire burden on the engine in vessels going only eight or nine miles an hour in calm weather, rarely exceeds three tons for each horse power, while, according to the table, it should be five tons. Indeed, in our common steam-vessels for passengers, going eight or nine miles an hour, the ship and engine may be considered as constituting the whole burden. For 50 passengers, weighing perhaps with their luggage six or eight tons, placed on board a ship weighing, with her engine of 60 or JO horse power, a hundred and fifty or hundred and eighty tons, form but an addition of one- twentieth or one- thirtieth to the mass — a quantity of no importance in a practical point of view. If we convert the steam-engine power into real horse power, and figure to ourselves 100 horses employed to AND MACHINIST. 663 draw 50 persons, we see what an enormous waste of power there is in the mode of conveyance. We may remark fur- ther, that the tenor of the evidence given before the Par- liamentary Committee rendersit extremely doubtful, whether any vessel could be constructed, that would bear an engine capable of impelling her at the rate of two miles an hour, without the help of wind or tide. When the steam coach is brought fully into use, practice will teach us many things respecting it, of which theory leaves us ignorant. With the facilities of rapid motion which it will afford, however, we think we are not too san- guine, in expecting to see the present extreme rate of tra- velling doubled.’’ This practicability of conveying individuals or merchan- dize at the speed required in the present improved state of our internal intercourse-with the different parts of the king- dom, has created much doubt and discussion with many able and practical mechanics. The question seems to resolve itself thus. Do the friction incurred by any moving body, laying aside the resistance of the atmosphere, increase in proportion to its velocity ? Without going into any diffuse or theoretical argument on this point, we shall merely cite that by the results of actual experiments instituted by Vince and Coulomb, it appears that friction does not increase in proportion to the velocity. By experiments made also by Stephenson and Wood, it appears that the force required to keep a given weight in motion does not vary with the velocity : thus, a force of 141bs. was found to overcome friction, and keep in motion an empty coal waggon, weighing 23*25 cwt. on a rail- road ; and that on doubling the velocity, no more force was re- quired. Further also it appears, that on increasing the weight, or load, the power required to overcome the fric- tion, and keep the waggon in motion, did not increase in si- milar proportion, but up to 76*25 cwt. was about one-four- teenth less. Notwithstanding the simple and satisfactory manner by which the experiments that led to these results were con- ducted, the fact has been still much doubted. We cannot therefore do better than to extract from the Manchester Guardian the following article, which contains an account of experiments, with most conclusive results, made by that able mechanic, Mr. Roberts of Manchester : — The object of the papers on rail-roads which appeared in the Scotsman, was, in a great measure, to shew the prac- 664 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC ticability of transporting commodities upon rail-roads at a very considerable speed ; and (with some fallacies, which we shall endeavour to point out) they contain a great deal of valuable information, on the relative merits of highways, canals, and rail-roads. The principal point, however, and the one to which we shall confine our observations, is an enunciation of the law’s wdiich regulate the friction of rolling and sliding bodies, as deduced from the experiments of Vince and Coulomb. With a view to the illustration of this part of the subject, some very important and conclu- sive experiments have recently been made in this town, to wdiich we shall by and by have occasion to refer at some length ; but before doing so, we must make a few observa- tions on the rule laid down by the Scotsman, and the mis- conceptions w’hich appear to have prevailed respecting it, both in that journal and in other quarters. After comparing the resistance experienced by a boat moving through the water, with the friction which retards the progress of a w^aggon on a rail- road, and stating that they are governed by different law’s, the Scotsman notices the conclusions established by the experiments of Vince and Coulomb ; the most important of which is, that the friction of rolling and sliding bodies is the same for all velocities. The WT’iter then observes ^ It is wdth this last law only that w’e have to do at pre- sent ; and it is remarkable that the extraordinary results to which it leads, have been, as far as w’e know, entirely over- looked by writers on roads and railways. These results, indeed, have an appearance so paradoxical, that they will shock the faith of practical men, though the principle from which they flow is admitted without question by all scienti- fic mechanicians. ^ First. It flow\s from this law, that (abstracting the re- sistance of the air,) if a car w ere set in motion on a level railway, with a constant force greater in any degree than is required to overcome its friction, the car would proceed with a motion continually accelerated, like a falling body acted upon by the force of gravitation ; and how’ever small the original velocity might be, it would in time increase beyond any assignable limit. It is only the resistance of the air (increasing as the space of the velocity) that prevents this indefinite acceleration, and ultimately renders the motion uniform. ^ Secondly. Setting aside again, the resistance of the air (the effects of w’hich we shall estimate by and by,) the very AND MACHINIST^ 665 same amount of constant force which impels a car on a rail- way at two miles an hour, would impel it at ten or twenty miles an hour, if an extra force were employed at first to overcome the inertia of the car, and generate the required velocity. Startling as this proposition may appear, it is an indisputable and necessary consequence of the lav’s of friction. ^ Now it would at all times be easy, as we shall afterwards show, to convert this accelerated motion into a uniform of any determinate velocity ; and from the nature of the re- sistance, a high velocity would cost almost as little, and be as readily obtained as a low one. For all velocities, there- fore, above four or five miles an hour, rail- ways will afford facilities for communication prodigiously superior to canals, or arms of the sea.’ Now we are perfectly satisfied, both by the experiments of Vince and Coulomb, and those more recent and conclu- sive experiments, to which we have already alluded, that the rule laid down here is correct ; but the writer ought to have guarded against the misconception to which his last paragraph is liable. When he says that a high velocity would cost almost as little as a low one, he should have said that it would cost as little per mile, or as little over any given space : for it cannot be his meaning, that a carriage can be kept moving for an honr, or for any given time, at a high veloeity, with as little expenditure of power, as at a low velocity. Yet this he has been generally understood to mean, and a great deal has been written and said with a view to prove that he was mistaken ; when in fact he was only misunderstood. In a subsequent article, however, the author appears, in some degree, to have fallen into the same error into which he has led other persons. He says : ‘ Every body knows that the rate of stage coach travel- ing in this country has increased within the last twenty-five years, from six or seven miles an hour to eight or nine, and this, too, before roads were YFAdamized, and with much less injury to the horses than was anticipated. Supposing that a coach-horse could run fourteen miles unloaded, with the. same muscular exertion which carries forward the stage-coach at eight or nine miles, then professor Leslie’s formula becomes 3-4ths (14 v)2. Each horse would, of coui*se, draw with a force of 481bs. at six miles, and of 271bs. at eight miles an hour. But if the friction increased in the ratio of the velocity, the load upon each horse w’ould increase from 481 bs. to 601 bs., when the speed increased 665 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC from six to eight miles an hour : and as the horse exerting the same strength, would only pull with a force of 271bs., he would thus have more than double work to do, which is plainly impossible. But admit that the friction is equal in equal times ; then, since the time is diminished l-4th by increasing the speed from six to eight miles an hour, the horses have actually 4- 5ths less to do ; the load upon each is reduced from 481bs. to 36, and the horse would have to in- crease its exertion only 1 -3rd, that is, from 271bs. to 36 . The facts, we believe, will be found strictly consistent with this hypothesis, and decidedly at variance with the other. However strange it may sound, then, to common observers, it is practically true, that a smaller absolute amount of force will drag a coach over the same space in three hours than in four, and in one than in two.’ This paragraph seems to us to contain a^ very obvious fallacy. If the speed be increased from six miles an hour to eight, the horses have by no means l-4th less work to do, supposing the friction a constant quantity, and the traction consequently the same. It is true that they exert this power for a shorter time, but it is over the same distance. Supposing the power of traction necessary to overcome the friction is lOOOibs., then that power must be extended over every yard of the distance, whether the carriage moves at six or eight miles an hour : and it is by the distance, not the time, that the power must be measured. That this must be the case, will be obvious if the experiment be put in another shape. Suppose a perfectly horizontal railway, a mile long, with a perpendicular descent of a mile at one end of it, as represented in fig. 652. Suppose a waggon placed on this railway at A, at- tached to a rope passing over a pulley at B, and loaded at that point with a weight exactly sufficient to overcome the friction, then, if the resistance of the air is nothing, and the rope be without weight, it follows, from the rule laid down, that if the waggon is set in motion at any given speed, it will continue to move at that rate, until it reaches the point B and the weight falls to C. But whether the waggon passes over the railway in an hour or in three minutes, it is obvious that the same weight will descend through the same space, and that consequently, the same amount of power will be expended. It is, perhaps, neces- s^y to observe here, that if the weight is only just suffi- cient to overcome the friction, there will (as is proved by AND MACHINIST. 667 the experiments of Mr. Vince) be no acceleration of motion on the principle of falling bodies. However^ though a carriage cannot, as we think we have shewn, be moved ten miles in one hour, with a similar expenditure of power than in two, it is very interesting to know that it can be moved with the same expenditure, (excepting the resistance of the air.) In many cases dis- patch is of so much consequence, that the elucidation and application of this rule will probably lead to very important results. Many persons, however, are very sceptical on this subject, and contend that the experiments of Vince and Coulomb do not authorise any such conclusions as have been drawn from them. It has been asked, if the same constant force will move a carriage as well at a high as at a low velocity, why we do not see something like this in prac- tice ; why a carriage moved by a steam-engine instead of acquiring, as it proceeds, a high degree of velocity, moves on at one uniform rate after it has overcome the vis inerticc at the commencement of its journey ? We think the rea- son is very obvious. A locomotive steam-engine does not exert the same constant force on the peripheries of the wheels of the carriage, when it moves at different veloci- ties. For instance, suppose the piston of an engine to move 220 feet in a minute, and to impel the peripheries of the travelling wheels at a velocity of t^vo miles, and with a force just sufficient to overcome the friction, how can the speed be augmented without increasing the power of the engine ? If the diameter of the wheels be increased with the view of increasing the speed, the force with which they are impelled will be diminished in the same proportion ; and the engine will stop, unless the pressure is increased. To increase that, of course, wdll be to augment the power. As it is obvious, therefore, that a steam-engine cannot ex- ert the same force at different velocities, some other means must be devised for putting to the test of experiment the rule laid down in the Scotsman, We now come to the most important and interesting part of this article. As none of the experiments of Vince or Coulomb (so far as we have seen or heard them detailed) were made with bodies resembling railway waggons, either in form, or in the nature of their motion, the cor- rectness of the conclusions deduced from them with respect to such carriages, was doubted by many persons of consi- derable scientific attainments. It became desirable, there- fore, that other experiments should be tried, with carriages THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 668 upon railways, which, of course, would be much more satisfactory. This, however, it did not, at first sight, ap- pear very easy to accomplish in a satisfactory manner ; but Mr. Roberts, of this town, recently devised a mode of de- termining the point, which appears to us wholly unobjec- tionable, and which exhibits, in a high degree, the simpli- city and facility of execution, by which that gentleman’s inventions are so eminently distinguished. It was very difficult to devise means for measuring accurately the fric- tion of a carriage moving over a railway ; but it occurred to Mr. Roberts, that the difficulty would be obviated if the railway were made to move under the carriage. When this idea once presented itself, it was easy to reduce it to prac- tice. Mr. Roberts therefore constructed an apparatus, of which fig. 654 will give a pretty correct notion. A is a small wag-^on Mith four cast iron wheels, placed on the peri- phery of a cast iron drum B, three feet in diameter, and six inches broad, (which acts as the rail-road.) This drum is fastened on the same shaft as the pulley C, which is driven at different speeds by a strap from another pulley. The wagg’on is attached by a wire to one of Marriot’s patent weighing' machines D, for the purpose of measuring the friction, and the board G, prevents the current of air, occasioned by the motion of the drum, from acting upon the carriage. Now if the drum be driven with any given velocity, say four miles an hour, in the direction indicated by the mark E, and the waggon held in its place by the wire which attaches it to the index, it is perfectly obvious that the wheels will revolve on the drum in precisely the same manner as if the waggon moved forward on a horizontal road ; and the friction will also be the same, except, perhaps, a small addition occasioned by the curvature of the drum, but which will not affect the relative frictions of different speeds. As the waggon is sta- tionary, the resistance of the air will be entirely got rid of ; and the index of the machine will indicate the precise amount of traction necessary to overcome the friction. Of course, in making the experiment, it will be necessary to keep the centre of the waggon exactly over the axis of the drum ; for if it were permitted to go beyond the centre, a part of the weight would be added to the friction ; if, on the contrary, it was brought nearer the index, a part of the weight would act against the friction, and diminish the apparent quantity. The tempering screw F, is therefore added to keep the waggon in its proper situation, in whatever way the spring of the weighing machine may be acted upon by the friction. This simple apparatus having been constructed, a number of experi- ments were made, chiefly with a view to determine whether the friction were the same at different velocities. The waggon was loaded with fifty pounds, (including its own weight) and the drum was driven at different velocities, varying from two to twenty-four miles an hour on the periphe- ry : but in every case, the friction, as indicated by the weighing machine, was precisely the same. No increase of speed affected the index at all, but on increasing the weight, it immediately shewed a corresponding in- crease of friction. We consider these experiments as perfectly conclusive 663 JLcDXT (G)M0TIV:E EFcr^HP^lE. I- ' ,;•;. ■:. . ;<■■.;, w''' n';.- r. : . .i \ - , -^Vi^ ; _,_ : ; 1':' >1^ , ■«5 iJ ,-m ; ..-rm-’- "tic,;/’ J;:' , ■■ W'^ -*« <-■ -jv'.i.V i» i .; •V.'" Jh±A ..-V., V.; ■% ‘i, J' :yM •■ ?',y :'v:A-' 54 ;t . Ji •■: j,': ?;?■?>■■■';::,!.■ «>j:.V^,l. ;. lii,!l-,S,J ■• liVil i;*.< ■ ■■ • • '■ '■'■ -"'f '■ ‘ - ■'"* ^ •/ '• f'H ..U'vvtr,- \'k 1 ’ |j J 'Vvl-M- 4 <*.c..‘;-/ jm.- •'./ 4.i)f 1 Jr‘■^ AND MACHINIST. 669 of the fact, that the friction on a railway is the same for all velocities ; and that a carriage may be propelled twenty miles in one hour, with the same amount of force which would be necessary to drive it twenty miles in ten hours, provided the resistance of the atmosphere was out of the question ; and, if the carriage was properly constructed, that would not amount to much. In other words, goods may be con- veyed from Manchester to Liverpool, on a rail-road, with very nearly the same expenditure of steam, whether they are carried two miles, or four miles, or twenty miles an hour. A steam engine, which will propel twenty tons at four miles an hour, will, with the same expense of coals, propel ten tons at eight miles an hour ; so that, with the smaller load, it might make a journey to Liverpool and back, in the same time which would be occupied in going thither with the larger load Or, to put the matter in another shape : sup- pose a four-horse engine will convey forty tons to Liverpool in eight hours, an eight horse engine will convey the same weight thither in four hours. There will be the same ex- penditure of steam in both cases, but, in the latter, a saving of half the time ; a saving which, we need not add, .will frequently be of immense importance.” These practical results are very satisfactory," as the hope of propelling carriages at a suitable speed, for the more ra- pid dispatch of business, and conveyance of passengers, is thereby placed almost beyond a doubt. We ought to notice here, the striking difference in the force requisite to give rapid motion on a rail-road to that on a canal or navigable river. These latter are governed by a totally different law, as the resistance, or head of water on the bows of the boat, increase as the squares of its velocity ; consequently it will require four times the power to double the speed. But, on the other hand, it must be admitted, that in all speeds under three miles per hour, the canal has a decided advantage, as the force increases as the speed di- minishes. With respect to the horse, it is well known, that his power decreases as his speed increases ; and that when he is travelling at his greatest speed, which, with a weight, sel- dom exceeds 13 miles per hour, he is able to exert little or no strength. We, therefore, take it for granted, that in the present improved state of our manufactures, artificial pow- er of some description must be resorted to, and whatever experience may prove to be the most economical, the ap- plication of that power is the most important part of the THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC 6/0 subject now under consideration. On this point, the data with which we are furnished is so veiy limited, as scarcely to render it possible to form any decisive opinion. The engines which have been some time at work at Mr. Brandley’s collieries, near Leeds, have a cogged wheel, playing in a rack, which is laid as one of the rails of the road ; and those at Hetton colliery are much on the same principle. This plan is objectionable, because the whole weight of the engine, which, on the most improved con- struction, is not less than eight tons, is on the wheel, so that any obstacle on the rail, must of necessity shake the whole machinery. To obviate this, Mr. Gordon has con- trived, and taken out a patent for a locomotive carriage with the engine on springs, which imparts the motion without any connexion with the wheels or axle-tree, and there are various other plans in progress for the same object. But let this be effected as it may, the great weight of the engine, which is by far the greatest objection, is not obviated. And, indeed, this appears to us only possible to be accomplished, by either diminishing the weight of the engine, as proposed by the application of Mr. Brown’s pneumatic, or vacuum en- gine, or taking the engine entirely from the carriage, and employing stationary engines, at suitable distances, to tow or draw the carriages in regular succession. This last mode has been applied to practice in the vicinity of Newcastle, by Mr. Thompson ; and the results may be seen in some very able observations annexed to the specification of his patent, and inserted in the Repertory of Arts, for March, 1822 . His method consists in dividing the line of Rail- road into any number of stages, at suitable distances apart. At the end of each stage an engine is erected for the purpose of drawing the carriages from the next stage, or engine, on either side, towards itself. This is effected by means of ropes, which, previously to commencing operation, are taken from each respective engine to the engine immediately before it by horses ; but after the work has commenced, by being hooked at the end of the advancing or returning carriages. Ill forming lines of rail- road ujion this system, that is, where stationary engines are to be employed, it is not necessary that they incline in the direction of the loads, or be made perfectly level. For in engines of this description there is no occasion to pay that particular attention to the weight of the boiler and a])purtenances, as is the case in engines AND MACHINIST. 671 which have a locomotive principle. Indeed trifling inequali- ties of surface, which would be a material objection in the application of locomotive carriages, are, in the lines of road where stationary engines are employed, quite unheeded. As many roads are traversed by night as well as by day, it becomes necessary that a signal should be given from one engine to the other as soon as the carriages have arrived and are hooked to its respective ropes, that the engine tender may not be at a loss when to throw his machinery into geer. For this purpose, Mr. Thompson recommends that the door of the fire-place of the boiler, or other strong light, be placed towards the engines on each side, so that, by opening it on that side which faces the engine, to whose ropes the carriages just arrived have been attached, the en- gineer may adopt such measures as will effect the desired purpose. It is true, locomotive engines were not at that period so well understood as at present ; but it appears to us that this point still remains in a very undecided state, and that from the even now limited experience in propelling carriages on railways, at a speed any thing like that of common carriages, it is very difficult to hazard an opinion. From the data, however, that can be collected, we certainly in- cline to stationary engines, as the most mechanical and economical application of the requisite power. As to the degree of danger which travellers may be ex- posed to by locomotive engines, it cannot, under a proper management, exceed that of a steam-boat, or a factory, where power is operating. It is true, that as the weight of the engine is of great consideration, condensing engines (if steam be the force employed,) are quite inappli- cable, and what are generally called high pressures must be introduced. But though all engines which do not condense their steam, and act only by the pressure, or elastic force, are called high pressure engines, there is no necessity what- ever to go to dangerous heats, and with either wrought- iron or copper boilers and valves, placed out of the reach of the operative engineer, or engine tender, may certainly be worked at 45 or 53ibs. pressure, with as much safety as at 201bs. in condensing engines. Indeed, on investigating the cause of steam explosions, they will be found to have rarely oceurred but from the grossest ignorance and neglect. Such of our readers who are desirous to have farther in- formation on this interesting subject, we must refer to a very able report on rail-roads, by Mr. Charles Sylvester, 772 THE OPERATIVE MECHANIC, &C. to the paper alluded to by Mr. Thompson, in the Repertory of Arts, for March, 1822, to a work which will shortly issue from the Press, by Mr. N. Wood of the Killingworth Colliery, of whose experiments, in conjunction with Mr. Sylvester, we have already had occasion to speak, and to Observations on a General Iron Railway, by Mr, Gray. APPENDIX GEOMETRY. Geometry is that branch of mathematics which treats of the de- scription and properties of magnitudes in general. Definitions or Explanation of Terms. 1. A point has neither length, breadth, nor thickness. From this definition it may easily be understood that a mathematical point can- not be seen nor felt ; it can only be imagined. What is commonly called a point, as a small dot made w'ith a pencil or pen, or the point of a needle, is not in reality a mathematical point ; for however small such a dot may be, yet if it be examined with a magnifying glass, it will be found to be an irregular spot, of a very sensible length and breadth ; and our not being able to measure its dimensions with the naked eye, arises only from its smallness. The same reasoning may be applied to every thing that is usually called a point ^ even the point of the finest needle appears like that of a poker when ex- amined with the microscope. 2. A line is length, without breadth or thickness. What was said above of a point, is also applicable to the definition of a line. What is drawn upon paper with a pencil or pen, is not in fact a line, but the representation of a line. For however fine you may make these representations, they will still have some breadth. But by the definition, a line has no breadth whatever, yet it is impossible to draw any thing so fine as to have no breadth. A line therefore, can only be imagined. The ends of a line are points. . 3. A right line is what is commonly called a straight line, or that tends every where the same way. 4. A curveis a line which continually clianges its direction between its extreme points. 5. Parallel lines are such as always keep at the same distance from each other, and which, if prolonged ever so far, would never meet. Fig. 1. 6. An angle is the inclination or opening of two lines meeting in a point. Fig. 2. 7. The lines AB, and BC, which form the angle, are called the legs or sides j and the point B where they meet, is called the vertex of the angle, or the angular point. An angle is sometimes express- ed by a letter placed at the vertex, as the angle B, Fig. 2 j but most commonly by three letters, observing to place in the middle the letter at the vertex, and the other two at tho end of each leg, as the angle ABC. APPENDIX. G74 8 . When one line stands upon another, so as not to lean more to one side than to another, both the angles which it makes with the other are called rig/i/ as the angles ABC and A BD, Fig. 3, and all right-angles are equal to each other, being all equal to90®j and the line AB is said to be perpendicular to CD. Beginners are very apt to confound the terms perpendicular , and plumb or vertical line. A line is vertical when it is at right-angles to the plane of the horizon, or level surface of the earth, or to the surface of water, which is always level. The sides of a house are vertical. But a line may be perpendicular to another, whether it stands upright or inclines to the ground, or even if it lies flat upon it, provided only that it makes the two angles formed by meeting with the other line equal to each other 5 as for instance, if the angles ABC and ABD be equal, the lineAB is perpendicular to CD, w'hat- ever may be its position in other respects. 9 . When one line, BE {Fig. 3,) stands upon another, CD, so as to incline, the angle EBC, which is greater than a right-angle, is called an obtuse angle ; and that which is less than a right-angle, is called an acute angle, as the angle EBD. 10. Two angles which have one leg in common, as the angles ABC, and ABE, are called contiguous angles, or adjoining angles j those which are produced by the crossing of two lines, as the angles EBD and CBF, formed by CD and EF, crossing each other, are called opposite or vertical angles. 1 1. A figure is a bounded space, and is either a surface or a solid. 12. A superficies, or surface, has length and breadth only. The extremities of a superficies are lines. 13. A plane, or plane surface, is that which is everywhere per- fectly flat and even, or which will touch every part of a straight line, in whatever direction it may be laid upon it. The top of a marble slab, for instance, is an example of this, which a strait edge will touch in every point, so that you cannot see light any where betv/een. 14. A curved surface is that which will not coincide with a straight line in any part. Curved surfaces may be either convex or concave. 15. A convex surface is when the surface rises up in the middle, as, for instance, a part of the outside of a globe. 16. A concave surface is when it sinks in the middle, or is hollow, and is the contrary to convex. A surface may be bounded either by straight lines, curved lines, or both these. 17. Every surface, bounded by straight lines only, is called a polygon. If the sides are all equal, it is called a regular polygon. If they are unequal, it is called an irregular pjolygon. Every polj’gon, whether equal or unequal, has the same number of sides as angles, and tliey are denominated sometimes according to the number of sides, and sometimes from the number of angles they contain. Thus a figure of three sides is called a triangle, and a figure of four sides a ([uadr angle. A pentagon is a polygon of five sides.^ G E O M E T R Y I'l. 89. w y^eietJtP^i^ t: ^ ^ .APPENDIX. 675 A hexagon has six sides. A heptagon seven sides. An octagon eight sides. A nonagon nine sides. A decagon ten sides. An undecagon eleven sides. A duodecagon twelve sides. When they have a greater number of sides, it is usual to call them polygons of 13 sides, of 14 sides, and so on. Triangles are of different kinds, according to the lengths of their sides. 18. An equilateral triangle has all its sides equal, as ABC, Fig. 4. 19. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides, as DBF, Fig. 5. 20. A scalene triangle has all its sides unequal, as GHI, Fig. Triangles are also denominated according to the angles they contain. 21. A right-angled triangle is one that has in it a right angle, as ABC, Fig. 7. 22. A triangle cannot have more than one right-angle. The side opposite to the right-angle B, as AC, is called the hypothenuse, and is always the longest side. 23. An ohtuse-angled triangle has one obtuse-angle, as Fig. 8. 24. An acute-angled triangle has all its angles acute, as Fig. 4. 25. An isosceles, or a scalene triangle, may be either right- angled, obtuse, or acute. 26. Any side of a triangle is said to subtend the angle opposite to it : thus AB (Fig. 7)t subtends the angle ACB. 27. If the side of a triangle be drawn out beyond the figure, as AD (Fig. 8), the angle A, or CAB, is called an internal angle, and the angle CAD, or that without the figure, an external angle. 28. A quadrangle is also called a quadrilateral figure. They are of various denominations, as their sides are equal or unequal, or as all their angles are right-angles or not. 29. Every four-sided figure whose opposite sides are parallel, is called a parallelogram. Pi'ovided that the sides opposite to each other be parallel, it is immaterial whether the angles are right or not. Fig. 9, 10, 11, and 12, are all parallelograms. 30. When the angles of a parallelogram are all right-angles, it is called a rectangular parallelogram or a rectangle t as Fig. 1 1 and 12. 3 1 . A rectangle may have all its sides equal, or only the opposite sides equal. When all its sides are equal, it is called a square, as Fig. 12. 32. When the opposite sides are parallel, and all the sides equal to each other, but the angles not right-angles, the parallelogram is called a rhombus, as Fig. 10. 33. A parallelogram having all its angles oblique, an1 fca to GEOMETRY P1.90. yeeUi S(o-v \. .:fv'-^^> . '.^oii APPENDIX 687 The directrix is the line AD, which the side of the square moves along. The axis is the line LK, drawn through the focus F, perpendicular to the directrix. The vertex is the point I, where the line LK cuts the curve. The latus rectum, or parameter, is the line GH passing through the focus F, at right-angles to the axis IK, and terminated by the curve. The diameter is any line MN, drawn parallel to the axis IK. A doulle ordinate is a right line RS, drawn parallel to a tangent at M, the extreme of the diameter MN, terminated by the curve. The abscissa is that part of a diameter contained between the curve and its ordinate, as MN. Proh. 32. To describe a parabola, by finding points in the curve ; the axis AB, or any diameter being given, and a double ordinate CD. Through A draw EF parallel to CD j through C and D draw DF and CE parallel to AB, cutting EF at E and F. Divide BC and BD, each into any number of equal parts, as four j likewise divide CE’ and DF into the same number of equal parts. Through the points 1, 2, 3, &c. in CD, draw the lines la, 2 b, 3 c, &c. parallel to CD j also through the points 1,2, 3, in CE and DF, draw the lines 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, cutting the parallel lines at the points a, b, c ' then the points a, b, c, are in the curve of the parabola. Prol. 33. To describe an hyperbola. IfB and C are tw’o fixed points, and a rule AB be made moveable about the point B, a string ADC being tied to the other end of the rule, and to the point C j and if the point A be moved round the centre B, towards G, the angle D of the string ADC, by keeping it always tight and close to the edge of the rule AB, will describe a curve DHG, called an hyperbola. *■11 the end of the rule at B were made moveable about the point C,, the string being tied from the end of the rule A to B, and a curve being described after the same manner, is called an opposite hyperbola. The foci are the two points B and C, about which the rule and string revolves. Ttie transverse axis is the line IH terminated by the two cun*es passing through the foci, if continued. The centre is the point M, in the middle of the transverse axis IH. The ccmjugate axis is the line NO, passing through the centre M, an&l terminated by a circle from H, whose radius is MC, at N and O. A diameter is any line VW, drawn through the centre M, and ter- minated by the opposite curves. Conjugate diameter to another, is a line drawm through the centre, parallel to a tangent with either of the curves, at the extreme of the other diameter terminated by the curves. Abscissa is when any diameter is continued w ithin the curve, ter- minated by a double ordinate and the curve j then the part within is. called the abscissa. APPENDIX. 688 Double ordinate is a line drawn through any diameter parallel to its conjugate, and terminated by the curve. Parameter or latus rectum^ is a line drawn through the focus, per- pendicular to the transverse axis, and terminated by the curve. Proh. 34. To describe an hyperbola by finding points in the curve, having the diameter or axis AB, its abscissa BG, and double ordi- nate DC. Through G draw EF, parallel to CD j from C and D draw CE and DF, parallel to BG, cutting EF in E and F. Divide CD and BD, each into any number of equal parts, as four ; through the points of division, 1, 2, 3, draw lines to A. Likewise divide EC and DF into the same number of equal parts, viz. four j from the divisions on CE and DF, draw lines to G ; a curve being drawn through the intersec- tions at G, a, b, &c. will be the hyperbola required. Remarks. — In a circle, the half chord DC, is a mean proportional between the segments AD, DB of the diameter AB perpendicular to it. That is AD : DC : : DC : DB. 2. The chord AC is a mean proportional between AD and the di- ameter AB. And the chord BC a mean proportional between DB and AB. That is, AD : AC : : AC : AB, and BD : BC : : BC : AB. 3 The angle ACB, in a semicircle, is always a right. 4. The square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, is equal to the squares of both the sides. That is, AC^ = AD2 + DC% and BC2 = BD^ + DC®, and AB^= AC^ + BC®. 5. Triangles that have all the three angles of the one respectively equal to all the three of the other, are called equiangular triangles, or similar triangles. 6. In similar triangles, the like sides, or sides opposite the equal angles, are proportional. 7. The areas, or spaces, of similar triangles, are to each other, as the squares of their like sides. MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES. Proh. 1. To find the area of a parallelogram: whether it be a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, or a rhomboid. Multiply the length by the breadth, or perpendicular height, and the product will be the area. Ex. 1. To find the area of a square, whose side is 6 inches, or 6 feet, &c. 6 6 36 Ansr APPENDIX. 689 2. To find the area of a rectangle, whose length is 9, ana oreadth 4 inches, or feet, &c. 9 4 Ansr. 36 3. To find the area of a rhombus, whose length is 6 chains, and perpendicular height 5. 5 Ansr. 30 Prob, 2. To find the Area of a Triangle. Rule 1 . Multiply the base by the perpendicular height, and half the product will be the area. Rzde 2. When the three sides only are given : Add the three sides together, and take half the sum 3 from the half sum subtract each side separately 3 multiply the half sum and the three remainders con- tinually together 3 and the square root of the last product will be the area of the triangle. Ex. Required the area of the triangle whose base is 6 feet, and perpendicular height 5 feet. 6 5 2) 30 (15 Ansr. Proh. 3. To find one Side of a right-angled Triangle, having the other two Sides given. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to both the squares of the two legs. Therefore, 1. To find the hypotenuse 3 add the squares of the two legs to- gether, and extract the square root of the sum. 2. To find one leg ; subtract the square of the other leg from the square of the hypotenuse, and extract the root of the difference. Ex. 1. Required the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, whose base A B is 40, and perpendicular BC 30. 4 3 4 3 16 9 9 25 (5 the square root of the sum of the two squares, being 25 the hypotenuse AC. APPENDIX. 690 2. What is the perpendicular of a right-angled triangle, whose base AB is 56, and hypotenuse, AC 65 ? 56 65 56 65 336 . 325 280 390 3136 4225 3136 1089 ( 33 The perpendicular, which is the root 9 of the remainder of the square of the hypotenuse AC, when the square 63 I 189 of AB has been subtracted. 3 1 189 Prol;. 4. To find the Area of a Trapezoid. Multiply the sura of the two parallel sides by the perpendicular distance between them, and half the product will be the area. Er. In a trapezoid, the parallel sides are AB 7, and CD 12, and the perpendicular distance AP or CN is 9 : required the area. 7 12 19 9 171 85| the area. ProL 5. To find the Area of a Trapezium. Case for any trapezium . — Divide it into two triangles by- a dia- gonal ; then find the areas of these triangles, and add them together. Note. If two perpendiculars be let fall on the diagonal, from tlie other two opposite angles, the sum of these perpendiculars being multiplied by the diagonal, half the product will be the area of the trapezium. Ear. 'To find the area of the trapezium ABCD, the diagonal AC being 42 , the perpendicular BF 18 , and the perpendicular DE 16. 18 16 34 42 68 136 2 ) 1428 714 the answer. MElSrSUR-\TIOK I & StvcJd^ sc 3 St Scra/id. APPENDIX. Prob. 6. To find the Area of an Irregular Polygon. Draw diagonals dividing the figure into trapeziums and triangles. Then find the areas of all these separately, and their sum will be the content of the whole irregular figure. Ex. To find the content of the irregular figure ABCDEF, in which are given the following diagonals and perpendiculars : namely, c. a = 10 d. f = 6 c.i = 4 k.e = 2 m. f = 3 n. b = 4 For trapez. d c f e. ci. 4 ke. 2 6 df. 6 2)36 18 contents. 18 contents d. c. f e 35 c. f. a b ^ — 53 contents of the irregular — polygon. Prob. 7. To find the Area of a Regular Polygon. ’ ■ Pu/e. Multiply the perimeter of the figure, or sum of its sides, by the perpendicular falling from its centre upon one of its sides, and half the product will be the area. Prob. 8. In a Circular Arc, having any two of the following lines, viz. the chord AB, the versed sine DP, the chord of half the arc AD, and the diameter, or the radius AC or CD given, to find the others. - If any two of these lines be given, two sides of one of the right- angled triangles, APC or A PD, will be known, and from them the remaining side, and other lines in the arc, may be found by Prob. 3. Suppose AB and PD be given, then, by Prob. 3., the half of AB, or AP is a mean proportional between DP and PC CD ; for PC -p CD + PD is the diameter of the circle, half of which is the radius or CA, and by Prob. 3, AC® — AP^ = CP^, and AP‘^ + PD^ = AD^ Suppose CD and AB be given, then half of AB = AP, and CD = AC j therefore V - AP^ _ cp, and CD - CP = PD. V PD* + AP2 = AD. Prob. 9. To find the Diameter and Circumference of a Circle, the one from the other. jRule 1 , As 7 is to 22, so is the diameter to the circumference. As 22 is to 7, so is the circumference to the diameter. 2y2 For trapez. c f a b n.b. 4 m.f. 3 7 c.a. 10 2)70 35 <;ontents. C92 APPENDIX. Rule 2. As J 13 is to 355, so is the diameter to the circumference. As 355 is to 113, so is the circumference to the diameter Rule 3. As 1 is to 3' 14 IS, so is the diameter to the circumference. As 3‘14r6 is to 1, so is the circumference to the diameter. Ex', 1. lo find the circumference of a circle, whose diameter AB 3 10 . By Rule 1. 7: 22:: 10: 31*42857 10 , 7) 220 31-f or 3142857 ans. By Rule 2. 113:355:: 10:31tVt 10 113 ) 3550 ( 31-41593 — • the ans. ■ 160 470 180 670 By Rule 3. 1 : 3-1416 : : 10 : 31*416 the circumference nearly, the true circumference being 31-4159265358979, &c. So that the 2d rule is nearest the truth. 1050 330 ^ 2. To find tl»e diameter when the circumference is 100. By Rule 1. 7 X 25 = 175 , , 22 : 7 : : 50 : — j-j — _ “jj- = 15 tt .= 15-9090 an* APPENDIX. 693 By Rule 2. 355 : 113 : : 50 : 15-f4 50 355 5650 71 1130 (15‘9155 420 650 By Rule 3 • 3-1416 : 1 : : 50 : 15-9156 50 3-1416)50-000 (15-9156 ) 18584 2876 49 110 18 390 2 350 Proh. 10. To find the Length of any Arc of a Circle. Rule 1, As 180 is to the number of degrees in the arc. So is 3-1416 times the radius, to its length. Or as 3 is to the number of degrees in the arc. So is *05236 times the radius, to its length. Ex. 1 . To find the length of an arc ADB (Prob. 8,) of 30 degrees, the radius being 9 feet., 3*1416 9 As 180 : 30 dr 6 : 1 : : 282744 : 4-7124 Or 3: 30 : : *05236 x 9:4*7124 90 47124 the answer. Rule 2. From 8 times the chord of half the arc subtract the chord of the whole arc, and ^ of the remainder will be the length of the arc nearly. Ex. 2. The chord AB (Prob. 8.) of the whole arc being 4*65874, and the chord AD of the half arc 2*34947 j required the length of the arc. 2-34947 8 . 18-79576 4-65874 3 ) 14-13702 4*71234 answer. 694 APPENDIX. Prol, 11. To find the Area of a Circle, the diameter or circum- ference being given. Rule 1. Multiply half the circumference by half the diameter. Or^ take J of the product of the whole circumference and diameter. Rule 2. Multiply the square of the diameter by *7854. Rule 3. Multiply the square of the circumference by ’07958. Rule 4. As 14 is to 11, so is the square of the diameter to the area. Rule 5 . As 88 is to 7, so is the square of the circumference to the area. JS 12 12 144 12 1728 ' < *5236 10368 5184 3456 8640 904-7808 Ansr. APPENDIX. 702 Proh. 13. To find the Solidity of a Spherical Segment. To 3 times the square of the radius of its base add the square of its height ; then multiply the sum by the height, and the product again by *5236. Ex, Required the contents of a spherical segment, its height AB being 4, and the radius of its base CD 8. 8 4 •5236 8 A 832 64 16 10472 3 192 15708 192 208 4 41888 435*6352 Ansi' 832 Proh. 14. To find the Solidity of a Spherical Zone or Frustum. Add together the square of the radius of each end and of the square of their distance, or the height j then multiply the sum by the said height, aud the product again by T5708. Ex. What is the solid contents of a zone, whose gi'eater diame- ter is 12, the less 8, and the height 10 inches ? 4 10 4 10 IG 3) 100 36 33t 33 ]- ' 1*5708 78540 125664 5236 •0416 10 1340*416 Ansr. Proh. 15. To find tiie Surface of a (nrcular Spindle. Multiply the length AB of the spindle by the radius OC of the re- volving arc. Multiply also the said arc ACB by the central dis- tance OS, or distance betv/een the centre of the spindle and centre of the revolving arc. Subtract the latter product from the former, and multiply the remainder by 6*2832, for the surface. Note. I'he same rule will serve for any segment or zone cut off perpendicular to the chord of the revolving arc, only using the par- 6 6 36 APPENDIX. 703 ticular length of the part, and the part of the arc which describes it, instead of the whole length and whole arc. Ex. Required the surface of a circular spindle, whose length AB is 40, and its thickness CD 30 inches. Here, by the rema rks at pa. 68 8. The chord AC = v/ AE'^ + CE'^ = V 20^ + 15" = 25, and 2 CE : AC : : AC : CO =20^, hence OE = OC — CE = 20-|- — 15 = 5-g-. Also, by problem 10, rule 2, pa. 693 25 AC 8 200 40 AB 3) 160 53'5' arc ACB Then ij by our rule. 20A 531- 40 3-f — — *800 266-i- 33i 44-1 — 833+ 311i 311-h 522-1 or 522-2 or ^ 6-2832 Or thus, 6-2832 10444 4700 156666 — — 41/7777 439824 10444444 251328 313333333 3281-22666 9 ) 29531-04 328T226 ans. nearly Prob. 16. To find the Solidity of a Circular Spindle. Multiply the central distance OE by half the area of the reveling segment ACBEA. Subtract the product from of the cube of EA, half the length of the spindle. Then multiply the remainder by 12-5664, or 4 times 3*1 41 6, for the whole contents APPENDIX. 704 Ex, Required the contents of the circular spindle, whose length AB is 40, and middle diameter CD 30. By the work of the last problem. we have OE = 6|^ 20 half length and arc AC = 26-|. 20 and rad. OC = 20^ — ■ 400 533-^ 20 22-1- — 3 ) 8000 Sector OACB 355i AE X OE=OAB l)6f 26664. — 12804 2 ) 438-1- — 1386-J. seg, ACE 2194 — ■ ■■■ OE 51 or 1386-44 4665*21 mult, inver. 10974 183 nearly 138644 — 27739 128 O 4 ^ 6-932; 832 83 5 ' 17423*5 Ansr. Proh. 17 . To find the Solidity of the Middle Frustum ' of a Circular Spindle. From the square of half the length of the whole spindle, take ^ of the square of half the length of the middle frustum, and multiply the remainder by the said half length of the frustum. Multiply the central distance by the revolving area, which generates the mid- dle frustum. — Subtract this latter product from the former j and the remainder multiplied by i6’2832, or twice 3*1416, will give the contents. ' Ex. Required the solidity of the frustum, whose length m n is 40 inches, also its greatest diameter EF is 32, and least diameter AD or BC 24. Draw DG parallel to m n, then we- have DG = -|m n = 20, APPENDIX. 705 and EG = ^EF - |AD = 4, chord DE2= DG^ + GE^ = 416, and DE2 -f- EG = ii?= 104 the diameter of the generating circle. or the radius OE = 52, hence 01 =: 52 — 16 = 36 the central distance, and HP = OH^ ^ OP = 52^- 36^ = 1408, JDG®=iof400 = .. .. 133-^, 12741 DG .. .. 20 25493-5- 1st. prod. GE 2 OE = _1_= —= *03846 a ver. sine 104 26 Its tab. segment , . *00994 butl042 is .. 10816 nrea of seg. DECGD 1D7*5 1 104 m D X mn = 12 X 40 480* gener. area m DEC n 587*5 1 104 01 36 21150*39744 2d product 25493*33333 1st product 4342*93589 2382*6 mult. inv. 260576 8686 3474 130 9 27287*5 Ansr. Proh. 18. To find the Superficies or Solidity of any Regular Body. 1, Multiply the tabular area (taken from the following table) by the squ^are of the linear edge of the body for the superficies. 2. Multiply the tabular solidity by the cube of the linear edge, for the solid contents. 706 APPENDIX. Surfaces and Solidities of Regular Bodies. No. of Sides Names Surfaces Solidities 4 Tetraedron 1*73205 0*11785 6 Hexaedron 600000 1*00000 8 Octaedron 3*46410 0*47140 12 Dodecaedron 20 64573 7*66312 20 leosaedron 8'660*2o 2*18169 Ex, If the linear edge or side of a tetraedron be 3, required its surface and solidity. The square of 3 is 9, and the cube 27,. Then, tab. sur. T73205 0T1785 tab. sol. 9 27 superf. 15'58845 8249.5 23570 solidity 3' 18 195 Proh, 19. To find the Surface of a Cylindrical Ring. This figure being only a cylinder bent round into a ring, its surface and solidity may be found as in the cylinder, namely, by multiplying the axis, or length of the cylinder, by the circumference of the ring or section, for the surface j and by the area of a section, for the so- lidity. Or use the following rules : For the surface. To the thickness of the ring add the inner diameter j multiply this sum by the thickness, and the product again by 9 8696, or the square of 3*1416. Ex. Required the superficies of a ring, whose thickness AB is 2 inches, and inner diameter BC is 12 inches. 12 9*8696 2 28 14 789568 2 197392 28 276*3488 Prob. 20. To find the Solidity of a Cylindrical Ring. To the thickness of the ring add the inner diameter j then multiply the sum by the square of the thickness, and the product again by 2*4674, or J of the square of 3*1416, for the solidity. Ex. Required the solidity of the ring whose thickness is 2 inches, and its inner diameter 12. 12 2*4674 2 56 14 148044 4 123370 138*1744 Ansr. 56 USEFUL RECEIPTS. Compounds of Metals, Fusible ik/e/a/.— No. 1. 4 oz. of bismuth, 2| oz. of lead, and 1 J oz. of tin. Put the bismuth into a crucible, and, when it is melted, add the lead and tin. This will form an alloy fusible at the temperature of boiling water. No. 2.— 1 oz. of zinc, 1 oz. of bismuth, and 1 oz. of lead. This alloy is so very fusible, that it will remain in a state of fusion if put on a sheet of paper, and held over the flame of a candle or lamp. No. 3. — —3 parts of- lead, 2 parts of tin, and 5 parts of bismuth, will form an alloy fusible at 197° Fahrenheit, peculiarly applicable to casting, or the taking of impressions from gems, seals, &c. In making casts with this and similar alloys, it is necessary to use the metal at as low a temperature as possible ; otherwise, the w'ater ad- hering to the things from which the casts are to be taken, forms vapour, and produces bubbles. The fused metal should be poured into a tea cup, and allowed to cool, till just ready to set at the edges, when it must be poured into the mould. In taking impressions from gems, seals, &c. the fused alloy should be placed on paper or paste- board, and stirred about till it has, by cooling, attained the consis- tence of paste, at which moment the die, gem, or seal should be stamped on it, and a very sharp impression will then be obtained. Bath Metal, is a mixture of 4^ oz, of zinc, with 1 lb. of brass. Brass is composed of 4i lb. of copper, and 1^’lb. of zinc. But brass that is to be cast into plates, from which pans and kettles are to be made, and wire is to be drawm, must, instead of using the zinc in a pure state, be composed of 56 lb. of the finest calamine, or ore of zinc, and 34 lb. of copper. 2 Z2 APPENDIX. 708 Old brasSj which has been frequently exposed to the action of fire, when mixed with the copper and calamine, renders the brass far more ductile, and fitter for the making of fine wire, than it would be with- out it 3 but the German brass, particularly that of Nuremburgh, is, when drawn into wire, said to be far preferable to any made in Eng- land, for the strings of musical instruments. Pinchbeck.— '^0. 1 . 5 oz. of pure copper, and 1 oz. of zinc. The zinc must not be added till the copper is in a state of fusic Some use only half this quantity of zinc, in which proportion the alloy is more easily worked, especially in the making of jewellery. No. 2. 1 oz. of brass, 2 oz. of copper, Fused together, under a coat of charcoal dust. Prince s Metal. — No. 1 . 3 oz. of copper, and 1 oz. of zinc. Or, 8 oz. of brass, and 1 oz. of zinc. No. 2 . -4 oz. of copper, and 2 oz. of zinc. In this last, the copper must be fused before the zinc is added. When they have cotnbined, a very beautiful and useful alloy is formed, called Prince Rupert’s metal. Bell Metal. — No. 1. 6 parts of copper, and 2 parts of tin. These proportions are the most approved, for bells, throughout Eu- rope, and in China. In the union of the two metals, the combination is so complete, that the specific gravity of the alloy is greater than that of the two metals in an uncombined state. No. 2.— — 10 parts of copper, and 2 parts of tin. It may, in general, be observed, that a less proportion of tin is used for making church-bells than clock bells 3 and that a little zinc is added for the bells of repeating watches, and other small bells. Tiitania, or Britannia Metal. — No. 1. 4 oz. of plate brass, and 4 oz. of tin 5 when in fusion, add 4 oz. of bismuth, and 4 oz. of regulus of antimony. This is the composition, or hardening, that is to be added, at dis- cretion, to melted tin, until it has acquired the requisite degree of colour and hardness. No. 2 . — Melt together, 2 lb. of plate brass. 2 lb. of tin. APPENDIX. 709 2 lb. of bismuth, 2 lb. regulus of autimory,* 2 lb. of a mixture of copper and arsenic, either by cementation or melting. '^his composition is to be added, at discretion, to melted tin. No. 3. 1 lb. of copper, , 1 lb. of tin, and 2 lb. of regulus of antimony, with or without a little bismuth. No. 4. 8 oz. of shruff brass, 2 lb. regulus of antimony, and 10 lb. of tin. German Tutania. 2 drachms of copper, 1 oz. regulus of antimony, and 12 oz. of tin. Stanish Tutania, — No. 1. 8 oz. of scrap iron or steel, 1 lb. of antimony, and 3 oz. of nitre. The iron or steel must be heated to a white heat, and the antimony and nitre must be added in small portions. Melt and harden 1 lb. of tin with 2 oz. of this compound. No. 2. — Melt together, 4 oz. of antimony, 1 oz. of arsenic, and 2 lb. of tin. The first of these Spanish alloys would be a beautiful if ar- senic were added. Engestroom Tutania. 4 parts copper, 8 parts regulus of antimony, and 1 part bismuth, ’ When added to 100 parts of tin, this compound will be ready for use. Queens Metal. — No. 1. 4i lb. of tin, ■§ lb. bismuth, i lb. antimony, and i lb. lead. This alloy is used for the making of tea-pots, and other vessels, which are required to imitate silver. It retains its lustre to the last. No. 2. 100 lb. of tin, 8 lb. regulus of antimony, 1 lb. bismuth, and 4 lb, copper. APPENDIX. 710 IVUte Me/a/.— No. 1. 10 oz. of lead, 6 oz. of bismuth, and 4 drachms regulus of antimony. No. 2.- 2 Ib. of regulus of antimony, 8 oz. of brass, and 10 oz. of tin. Common Hard White Metal. 1 lb. of brass, 1^ oz. of zinc, and i oz. of tin. Tombac, 16 lb. of copper, 1 lb. of tin, and 1 lb. of zinc. Red Tombac, 5| lb. of copper, and i lb. of zinc. The copper must be fused in the crucible before the zinc is added. This alloy is of a reddish colour, and possesses more lustre, and is of greater durability, than copper. White Tombac, Copper and Arsenic, *ut together in a crucible, and melted, covering the surface with mu- riate of soda, to prevent oxidation, will form a white brittle alloy. Gun Metal, — No. 1 . 1 12 lb. of Bristol brass, 14 lb. zinc, and 7 lb. block tin. No. 2.— -9 parts copper, and 1 part tin. The above compounds are those used in the manufaetHre of small and great brass guns, swivels, &c. Blanched Copper, 8 oz. of copper, and i oz. of neutral arsenical salt, fused together, under a flux composed of calcined borax, charcoal dust, and fine powder glass. Specula of Telescopes. 7 lb. of copper, and when fused, add 3 lb. of zinc, and 4 lb. of tin. 'i hese metals will combine and form a beautiful alloy of great lustre, and of a light yellow colour, fitted to be made into specula for teles- copes. Mr. Mudge used only copper and grain tin, in the proportion of two pounds to fourteen and a half ounces. Kustitiens Metal for Tinning. To 1 lb. of malleable iron, at a white heat, add APPENDIX. 711 5 oz. of regulus of antimony, and 24 lb. of the purest Molucca tin. This alloy polishes without the blue tint, and is free from lead or arsenic. Metal for Flute-key Valves. 4 oz. lead, and 2 oz. antimony, fused in a crucible, and cast into a bar, forms an alloy of considerable hardness and lustre. It is used by flute manufacturers (when turned into small buttons in a lathe,) for making valves to stop the key- holes of flutes. Printers' Types. 10 lb. of lead, and 2 lb. of antimony. The antimony must be thrown into the crucible when the lead is in a state of fusion. The antimony gives a hardness to the lead, without which, the type would speedily be rendered useless, in a printing press. Different proportions of lead, copper, brass, and antimony, frequently constitute this metal. Every artist has his own propor- tions, so that the same composition cannot be obtained from different foundries ; each boasts of the superiority of his own mixture. Small Types and Stereotype Plates.— No. 1 . 9 lb. of lead, and when melted, add 2 lb. of antimony, and 1 lb. of bismuth. This alloy expands as it cools, and is, therefore, well suited for the formation of small printing types, (particularly when nmny are cast together, to form stereotype plates,) as the whole of the mould is accurately filled with the alloy ) consequently, there can be no ble- mish in the letters. No. 2. 8 parts lead, 2 parts antimony, and J part tin. For the manufacture of stereotype plates, plaster of Paris, of the consistence of a batter pudding before baking, is poured over the let- ter-press page, and u'orked into the interstices of the types, with a brush. It is then collected from the sides, by a slip of iron or wood, so as to lie smooth and compact. In about two minutes, the whole mass is hardened into a solid cake. This cake, w^hich is to serve as the matrix of the stereotype plate, is now put upon a rack in an oven, where it undergoes great heat, so as to drive off superfluous moisture. When ready for use, these moulds, according to their size, are placed in flat cast-iron pots, and are covered over with another piece of cast-iron, perforated at each end, to admit the metallic composition intended for the preparation of the stereotype plates. The flat cast- iron pots are now fastened in a crane, which carries them steadily to the metallic-bath, or melting-pot, where they are immersed, and kept for a considerable time, until all the pores and crevices of the mould, are completely and accurately filled. When this has taken place, the pots are elevated from the bath, by working the crane, and APPENDIX. 712 are placed over a water-troiTgh, to cool graaually. wnen cold, tu^ whole is turned out of the pots, and the plaster being separated, by hammering and washing, the plates are ready for use, having received the most exact and perfect impression. Metallic Casts from Engravings on Copper. A most important discovery has lately been made, which promises to be of considerable utility in the fine arts : some very beautiful specimens of metallic plates, of a peculiar composition, have lately appeared, under the nam# of cast engravings.” This invention consists in taking moulds from every kind of engravings, with line, mezzotinto, or aquatinta, and pouring on this mould an alloy, in a state of fusion, capable of taking the finest impression. The obvious utility of this invention, as applicable to engravings which meet with a ready sale, and of which great numbers are required, will be incal- culable as it will wholly prevent the expense of retracing, which forms so prominent a charge in all works of an extended sale. No sooner is one cast worn out, than another may be immediately pro- cured from the original plate, so that every impression will be a proof. Thus, the works of our most celebrated artists may be handed down, ad infinitum^ for the improvement and delight of future ages, and will alford,^at the same time, the greatest satisfaction to every lover of the fine arts. Common Pewter. 7 lb. of tin, 1 lb, of lead, 6 oz, of copper, and 2 oz. of zinc. The copper must be fused before the other ingredients are added. This combination of metals will foFm an alloy of great durability and tenacity ; also, of considerable lustre. Best Pewter. 100 parts tin, and 17 parts regulus of antimony. Hard Pewter. 12 lb. of tin, 1 lb. regulus of antimony, and 4 oz. of copper. Common Solder. 2 lb. of lead, and 1 lb. of tin. 'Hie lead must be melted before the tin is added. This alloy, when heated by a hot iron, and applied to the tinned iron with powdered rosin, acts as a cement or solder j it is also used to join lead pipes, &c. &c. Soft Solder, 2 lb. of tin, and 1 lb. of lead. Solder for Steel Joints. 19 dwts, of fine silver, 1 dwt. copper, and 2 dwts. brass. APPENDIX. 713 melted together under a coat of charcoal dust. This solder possesses several advantages over the usual zinc soda, or brass, when employed in soldering cast steel, &c. as it fuses with less heat, and its white- ness has a better appearance than brass. Silver Solder for Jewellers* 19 dwts. of fine silver, 1 dwt. copper, and 10 dwts. brass. Silver Solder for Plating* 10 dwts. brass, and 1 oz. pure silver. Gold Solder. 12 dwts. pure gold, 2 dwts. pure silver, and 4 dwts. copper. Brass Solder for Iron. — Thin plates of brass are to be melted be- tween the pieces that are to be joined. If the work be very fine, as when two leaves of a broken saw are to be brazed together, cover it with pulverized borax, melted with water, that it may incorporate with the brass powder, which is added to it ; the piece must be then exposed to the fire, without touching the coals, and heated till the brass is seen to run. Bronze. 7 lbs. pure copper, 3 lbs. zinc, and 2 lbs. tin. The copper must be fused before the other ingredients are added. These metals, when combined, form the bronze so much used, both in ancient and modern times, in the formation of busts, medals, and statues. Composition of ancient Statues. According to Pliny, the metal used by the Romans for their sta- tues, and for the plates on which they engraved inscriptions, was composed in the following manner. They first melted a quantity of copper, into which they put l-3d of its weight of old copper, which had been long in use j to every lOOlbs. weight of this mixture, they added 12-^ lbs. of an alloy composed of equal parts of lead and tin. Mock Platina. — Melt together 8 oz. of brass, and 5 oz. of zinc. Useful alloy of Gold with Platinum. 7-^ dr. pure gold, and i dr. platinum. The platinum must be added when the gold is perfectly melted. The two metals will combine intimately, forming an alloy rather whiter than pure gold, but remarkably ductile and elastic ; it is also less APPENDIX. 714 perishable than pure gold, or jeweller’s gold : but more readily fusible than that metal. These excellent qualities must render this alloy an object of great interest to workers in metals. For where steel cannot be used, it will prove exceedingly advantageous. It is a curious circunsstance, that the alloy of gold and platinum is soluble in nitric acid, which does not act on either of the metals in a separate state. It is remarkable, too, that the alloy has very nearly the colour of platinum, even when composed of eleven parts of gold to one of the former metal. Ring-gold, 6 dwts. 12 grs. Spanish copper, 3 dwts. 16 grs. fine silver, and 1 oz. 5 dwts. gold coin. Gold from 35s. to 405. per ounce. , 8 oz. 8 dwts. Spanish copper, 10 dwts. fine silver, and 1 oz. gold coin. Manheim-goldi or Similor, 3-j oz. of copper, 1-|- oz. of brass, and f 15 gr. of pure tin. Gilding- Metal, 4 parts of copper, 1 part of Bristol old brass, and 14 oz. of tin to every pound of copper. For common jewellery .3 parts of copper, 1 part of Bristol old brass, and 4 oz. of tin to every pound of copper. If this alloy is for fine polishing, the tin may be omitted, and a mix- ture of lead and antimony substituted. Paler polishing metal is made by reducing the copper to two or to one part. Yellow Dipping Metal. — -No 1. 2 parts of Cheadle brass, I part of copper, with a little Bristol old brass, and T oz. of tin to every pound of copper., This alloy is almost of the colour of gold coin. Cheadle brass is the darkest, and gives the metal a greenish hue. Old Bristol brass is pale and yellow. No. 2. — 1 lb. of copper, and 5 oz. of zinc. The copper should be tough cake, and not tile. When antimony is used instead of tin, it should be in smaller quantity, or the metal will be brittle. Imitation of Silver. J oz. of tin, and 1 lb. of copper. Will make a pale bell-metal, which will roll and ring very near to sterling silver. APPENDIX. 715 PREPARATION OF FOILS. Foils are thin plates or leaves of metal that are put under stones, or compositions in imitation of stones, when they are set. The intention of foils is either to increase the lustre or play of the stones, or more generally improve the colour, by giving an additional force to the tinge, whether it be natural or artificial, by that of a ground of the same hue, which the foil is in this case made to be. There are consequently two kinds of foils j the one is colourless, where the eflfect of giving lustre or play to the stone is produced by the polish of the surface, which makes it act as a mirror, and, by reflecting the light, prevents that deadness which attends the having a duller ground under the stone, and brings it, by the double refraction of the light that is caused, nearer to the eflfect of the diamond. The other is coloured with some pigment or stain of the same hue as the stone, or of some other which is intended to modify and change the hue of the stone in some degree j as, where a yellow foil may be put under green, which is too much inclining to the blue, or under crimson, where it is desired to have the appearance more orange or scarlet. Foils may be made of copper or tin j and silver has been some- times used, with which it has been advised, for some purposes, to mix gold, but the expense of either is needless, as copper may be made to answer the same end. To prepare Copper for Where coloured foils are wanted, copper may therefore be best used, and may be prepared for the purpose by the following means. Take copper plates beaten to a proper thickness, and pass them betwixt a pair of fine steel rollers very close set, and draw them as thin as is possible to retain a proper tenacity. Polish them with very fine whiting, or rotten-stone, till they shine, and have as much brightness as can be given them, and they will then be fit to receive the colour. To whiten Foi/^.— Where the yellow, or rather orange-colour of the ground would be injurious to the eflfect, as in the case of pur- ples, or crimson red, the foils should be whitened, which may be done by the following manner. Take a small quantity of silver, and dissolve it in aqua-fortis, and then put bits of copper into the solution, and precipitate the silver 5 which being done, the fluid must be poured oflf, and fresh water added to it, to wash away all the remainder of the first fluid j after which the silver must be dried, an equal weight of cream of tartar and common salt must then be ground with it, till the whole is reduced to a very fine powder j and with this mixture the foils, being first slight- ly moistened, must be rubbed by the finger, or a bit of linen rag, till they be of the degree of whiteness desired ; after which, if it appear to be wanted, the polish must be refreshed. The tin-foils are only used in the case of colourless stones, where APPENDIX. 716 quicksilver is employed 3 and they may be drawn out by the same rollers, but need not be further polished, so that effect is produced by other means in this case. Foils for crystals^ pebbles, or paste, to give the lustre and play of diamonds.- — The manner of preparing foils, so as to give colourless stones the greatest degree of play and lustre, is by raising so high a polish or smoothness on the surface, as to give them the effect of a mirror, which can only be done, in a perfect manner, by the use of quicksilver, applied in the same general way as in the case of look- ing-glass. The method by which it may be best performed is as follows. Take leaves of tin, prepared in the same manner as for silvering looldiig-glasses, and cut them into small pieces of such size as to cover the surface of the sockets of the stones that are to be set. Lay three of these then, one upon another, and having moistened the in- side of the socket with thin gum -water, and suffered it to become again so dry, that only a slight stickiness remains, put the three pieces of leaves, lying on each other, into it, and adapt them to the surface in as even a manner as possible. When this is done, heat the socket, and fill it with warm quicksilver, which must be suffered to continue in it three or four minutes, and then gently poured out. The stone must then be thrust into the socket, and closed with it, care having been taken to give such room for it that it may enter without stripping off the tin and quicksilver from any part of the surface. The work should be well closed round the stone, to pre- vent the tin and quicksilver contained in the socket from being shaken out by any violence. The lustre of stones set in this manner, will continue longer than when they are set in the common way, as the cavity round them being filled, there will be no passage found for moisture, which is so injurious to the wear of stones treated in any other way. This kind of foil likewise gives some lustre to glass or other trans- parent matter, which has little of itself ; but to stones or pastes, that have some share of play, it gives a most beautiful brilliance. To colour Foils. — Two methods have been invented for colouring foils : the one by tinging the surface of the copper of the colour re- quired by means of smoke, the other by staining or painting it with some pigment or other colouring substance. The colours used for painting foils may be tempered with either oil, w^ater rendered duly viscid by gum-arabic, size, or varnish. Where deep colours are wanted, oil is most proper, because some pigments become wholly transparent in it, as lake, or Prussian blue j the yellow and green may be better laid on in varnish, as these co- lours may be had in perfection from a tinge wholly dissolved in spirit of wine, in the same manner as in the case of lacquers j and the most beautiful green is to be proiluced by distilled verdigris, which is apt to lose its colour and turn black with oil. In common cases, how- ever, any of the colours may be, with the least trouble, laid on with isinglass size, in the same manner as the glazing colours used in miniature painting. APPENDIX. 717 Ruby ’Colours , — For red, where the ruby is to be imitated, a little lake used in isinglass size, carmine, or shell-lac varnish, is to be em- ployed, if the glass or paste be of a full crimson, verging towards the purple ; but if the glass incline to the scarlet, or orange, very bright lake (that is, not purple) may be used alone in oil. Garnet Red . — For the garnet red, dragon’s blood dissolved in seed- lac varnish may be used 5 and for the vinegar garnet, the orange-lake tempered with shell-lac varnish, will be found excellent. Amethyst . — For the amethyst, lake, with a little Prussian blue, used with oil, and very thinly spread on the foil, will completely an- swer the end. Blue . — For blue, where a deep colour, or the effect of the sapphire is wanted, Prussian blue, that is not too deep, should be used in oil, and it should be spread more or less thinly on the foil according to the lightness or deepness of the colour required. Eagle Marine . — For the eagle-marine, common verdigris, with a little Prussian blue, tempered in shell-lac varnish. Yellow . — Where a full yellow is desired, the foil may be coloured with a yellow lacquer, laid on as for other purposes j and for the slighter colour of topazes, the burnish and foil itself will be sufficiently strong without any addition. Green , — For green, where a deep hue is required, the crystals of verdigris, tempered in shell-lac varnish, should be used, but where the emerald is to be imitated, a little yellow lacquer should be added, to bring the colour to a truer green, and less verging to the blue. Other Colours . — The stones of more diluted colour, such as the amethyst, topaz, vinegar-garnet, and eagle-marine, may be very cheaply imitated by transparent white glass or paste, even without foils. This is to be done, by tempering the colours above enume- rated with turpentine and mastic, and painting the socket in which the counterfeit stone is to be set with the mixture, the socket and stone itself being previously heated. In this case, however, the stone should be immediately set, and the socket closed upon it before the mixture cools and grows hard. The orange-lake above-mentioned was invented for this purpose, in which it has a beautiful effect, and was used with great success by a considerable manufacturer. The colour it produces is that of the vinegar-garnet, which it affords with great brightness. The colours before directed to be used in oil should be extremely well ground in oil of turpentine, and tempered with old nut or poppy-oil or, if time can be given for their drying, with strong fat oil 3 diluted with spirit of turpentine, which will gain a fine polish of itself. The colours used in varnish should be likewise thoroughly well ground and mixt 3 and in the case of the dragon’s blood in the seed- lac varnish and the lacquer, the foils should be warmed before they are laid out. All the mixtures should be laid on the foils with a broad soft brush, which must be passed from one end to the other, and.no part should be crossed, or twice gone over, or, at least, not till the APPENDIX. 71B first coat can be dry ; wlien, if the colour do not lie strong enough, a second coat may be given. GILDING, SILVERING, AND TINNING. Gold powder for Gilding, — Gold powder may be prepared in 3 different ways : — 1st, put into an earthen, mortar some gold-leaf, with a little honey, or thick gum-water, and grind the mixture till the gold is reduced to extremely minute particles. When this is done, a little warm water will wash out the honey or gum, leaving the gold behind in a pulverulent state. 2nd.— Dissolve pure gold (or the leaf), in nitro-muriatic acid, and tlien to precipitate it by a piece of copper, or by a solution of sulphate of iron. The precipitate (if by copper,) must be digested in distilled vinegar, and then washed, (by pouring water over it re- peatedly,) and dried. This precipitate will be in the form of a very fine powder : it works better, and is more easily burnished than gold leaf ground with honey as above. And 3d, or the best method of preparing gold powder, is by heating a prepared amalgam of gold, in an open clean crucible, and conti- nuing the strong heat until the whole of the mercury is evaporated j at the same time constantly stirring the amalgam with a glass rod. When the mercury has completely left the gold, the remaining pow- der is to be ground in a Wedgewood’s mortar, with a little water, and afterwards dried. It is then fit for use. Although the last mode of operating has been here given, the ope- rator cannot be too much reminded of the danger attending the sub- limation of mercury. In the small way here described, it is impos- sible to operate without danger ; it is therefore better to prepare it according to the former directions, than to risk the health by the latter. To cover Bars of Copper ^ 8(c. with Gold, so as to he rolled out into Sheets. — This method of gilding was invented by Mr. Turner, of Birmingham. Mr. Turner first prepares ingots or pieces of copper or brass, in convenient lengths and sizes. He then cleans them from impurity, and makes their surfaces level, and prepares plates of pure gold, or gold-mixed with a portion of alloy, of the same size as the ingots of metal, and of suitable thickness. Having placed a piece of gold upon an ingot intended to be plated, he hammers and compresses them both together, so that they may have their surfaces as nearly equal to each other as possible j and then binds them to- gether with wire, in order to keep them in the same position during the process required to attach them. Afterwards he takes silver filings, which he mixes with borax, to assist the fusion of the silver. This mixture he lays upon the edge of the plate of gold, and next to the ingot of metal. Having thus prepared the two bodies, he places them on a fire in a stove or furnace, \^ here they remain until the silver APPENDIX. J19 and borax placed along the edges of the metals melt, and until the adhesion of the gold with the metal is perfect. He then takes the ingot carefully out of the stove. By this process the ingot is plated with gold, and prepared ready for rolling into sheets. To Gild in Colours. — The principal colours of gold for gilding are red, green, and yellow. These should be kept in different amal- gams. The part which is to remain of the first colour, is to be stop- ped off with a composition of chalk and glue 3 the variety required is produced by gilding the unstopped parts with the proper amalgam, according to the usual mode of gilding. ^ Sometimes the amalgam is applied to the surface to be gilt, with- out any qnicking, by spreading it with aqua-fortis ; but this depends on the same principle as a previous quicking. Grecian Gilding. — Equal parts of sal-ammoniac and corrosive sub- limate, are dissolved in spirit of nitre, and a solution of gold made with this menstruum. The silver is brushed over with it, which is turned black, but on exposure to a red heat it assumes the colour of gold. To dissolve Gold in Aqua-Regia. — Take an aqua-regia, composed of two parts of nitrous acid, and one of marine acid 3 or of one part of sal-ammoniac, and four parts of aqua-fortis 3 let the gold be granulated, put into a sufficient quantity of this menstruum, and ex- posed to a moderate degree of heat. During the solution, an effer- vescence takes place, and it acquires a beautiful yellow colour, which becomes more and more intense, till it has a golden or even orange colour. When the menstruum is saturated, it is very clear and trans- parent. To gild Iron or Steel ivith a solution of Gold. — Make a solution of Bounces of nitre and common salt, with 5 ounces of crude alum in a sufficient quantity of water 3 dissolve half an ounce of gold thinly plated and cut 3 and afterwards evaporate to dryness. Digest the residuum in rectified spirit of wine or mther, which will perfectly ab- stract the gold. The iron is brushed over with this solution and be- comes immediately gilt. To Gild, by dissolving Gold in Aqua-Regia. — Fine linen rags are soaked in a saturated solution of gold in aqua-regia, gently dried, and afterwards burnt to tinder. The substance to be gilt nrnst be well polished 3 a piece of cork is first dipped into a solution of common salt in water, and afterwards into the tinder, which is well rubbed on the surface of the metal to be gilt, aud the gold appears in all its metallic lustre. Amalgam of Gold in the large way. — A quantity of quicksilver is put into a crucible or iron ladle, which is lined with clay, and ex- posed to heat till it begins to smoke. The gold to be mixed should l)e previously granulated, and heated red hot, when it should be added to the quicksilver, and stirred about with an iron rod till it is perfectly dissolved. If there should be any superflous mercury, it may be separated by passing it through clean soft leather j and the APPENDIX. 720 remaining amalgam will have the consistence of butter, and contain about 3 parts of mercury to 1 of gold. To Gild ly Amalgamation. — The metal to be gilt is previously well cleaned on its surface, by boiling in a weak pickle, which is a very dilute nitrous acid. A quantity of aqua-fortis is poured into an earthen vessel, and quicksilver put therein 5 when a sufficient quan- tity of mercury is dissolved, the articles to be gilt are put into the solution, and stirred about with a brush till they become white. This is called quicking. But, as during quicking by this mode, a noxious vapour continually arises, which proves very injurious to the health of the workmen, they have adopted another method, by which they, in a great measure, avoid that danger. They now dissolve the quick- silver in a bottle containing aqua-fortis, and leave it in the open air during the solution, so that the noxious vapour escapes into the air. Then a little of this solution is poured into a bason, and with a brush dipped therein, they stroke over the surface of the metal to be gilt, which immediately becomes quicked. The amalgam is now applied by one of the following methods : — 1st. By proportioning it to the quantity of articles to be gilt, and putting them into a white hat together, working them about with a soft brush, till the amalgam is uniformly spread. Or, 2dly. By applying a portion of the amalgam upon one part, and spreading it on the surface, if flat, by working it about with a harder brush. The work thus managed is put into a pan, and exposed to a gentle degree of heat 5 when it becomes hot, it is frequently put into a hat, and worked about with a painter’s large brush, to prevent an irregular dissipation of the mercury, till, at last, the quicksilver is entirely dissipated by a repetition of the heat, and the gold is attached to the surface of the metal. This gilt surface is well cleaned by a wire brush, and then artists heighten the colour of the gold by the ap- plication of various compositions ) this part of the process is called COLOURIX’G. To gild Glass and Porcelain. No. 1. — Drinking, and other glasses are sometimes gilt on their edges. This is done, either by an adhe- sive varnish or by heat. The varnish is prepared by dissolving in boiled linseed oil an equal weight either of copal or amber. This is to be diluted by a proper quantity of oil of turpentine, so as to be ap- plied as thin as possible to the parts of the glass intended to be gilt. When this is done, which will be in about twenty-four hours, the glass is to be placed in a stove, till it is so warm as almost to burn the fingers when handled. At this temperature, the varnish will become adhesive, and a piece of leaf gold, applied in the usual way, will immediately stick. Sweep off the superflous portions of the leaf, and when quite cold, it may be burnished, taking care to interpose a piece of very thin paper (India paper) betw'een the gold and the burnisher. If the varnish is very good, this is the best method of gilding glass, as the gold is thus fixed on more evenly than in any other way. APPENDIX. 721 No. 2. — It often happens, when the varnish is but indifferent, that by repeated washing the gold wears off j on this account the prac- tice of burning it in is sometimes had recourse to. ^ For this purpose, some gold powder is ground with borax, and in this state applied to the clean surface of the glass, by a camel’s hair pencil } when quite dry, the glass is put into a stove heated to about the temperature of an annealing oven 5 the gum burns off, and the borax, by vitrifying, cements the gold with great firmness to the glass ; after which it may be burnished. The gilding upon porcelain is in like manner fixed by heat and the use of borax •, and this kind of ware being neither transparent nor liable to soften, and thus to be injured in its form in a low red heat, is free from the risk and injury which the finer and more fusible kinds of glass are apt to sustain from such treatment. Porcelain and other wares may be platinised, silvered, tinned, and bronzed, in a similar manner. To Gild Leather. — In order to impress gilt figures, letters, and other marks upon leather, as on the covers of books, edgings for doors, &c. the leather must first be dusted over with very finely powdered yellow resin, or mastich gum. The iron tools or stamps are now arranged on a rack before a clear fire, so as to be well heated, without becoming red hot. If the tools are letters j they have an al-, phabetical arrangement on the rack. Each letter or stamp must be tried as to its heat, by imprinting its mark on the raw side of a piece of waste leather. A little practice will enable the workman to judge of the heat. The tool is now to be pressed downwards on the gold leaf } which will of course be indented, and shew the figure im- printed on it. The next letter or stamp is now to be taken and stamped in like manner and so on with the others 3 taking care to keep the letters in an even line with each other, like those in a book. By this operation the resin is melted ; consequently the gold ad- heres to the leather : the superfluous gold may then be rubbed off by a cloth 3 the gilded impressions remaining on the leather. In this, as in every other operation, adroitness is acquired by practice. The cloth alluded to should be slightly greasy, to retain the gold wiped off 3 (otherwise there will be a great waste in a few months,) the cloth will thus be soon completely saturated or loaded with the gold. When this is the case, these cloths are generally sold to the refiners, who burn them and recover the gold. Some of these afford so much gold by burning, as to be worth from a guinea to a guinea and a half. To Gild Writings, Drawings, &ic. on Paper or Parchment. — Let- ters written on vellum or paper are gilded in three ways : in the first, a little size is mixed with the ink, and the letters are written as usual ; when they are dry, a slight degree of stickiness is produced by breathing on them, upon which the gold leaf is immediately ap- plied, and by a little pressure may be made to adhere with sufficient firmness. In the second method, some white lead or chalk is ground up with strong size, and the letters are made with this by means of a brush : when the mixture is almost dry, the gold leaf may be laid on, and afterwards burnished. The last method is to mix up some 3 A APPENDIX. 722 gold powder with size, and to form the letters of this by means of a brush. It is supposed that this latter method was that used by the monks in illuminating their missals, psalters, and rubrics. To Gild the edges of Paper . — The edges of the leaves of books and letter paper are gilded whilst in a horizontal position in the book- binder’s press, by first applying a composition formed of four parts of Armenian bole, and one of candied sugar, ground together with water to a proper consistence, and laid on by a brush with the white of an egg. This coating, when nearly dry, is smoothed by the bur- nisher ; which is generally a crooked piece of agate, very smooth, and fixed in a handle. It is then slightly moistened by a sponge dip- ped in clean water, and squeezed in the hand. The gold leaf is now taken up on a piece of cotton, from the leathern cushion, and applied on the moistened surface. When dry, it is to be burnished by rubbing the agate over it repeatedly from end to end, taking care not to wound the surface by the point of the burnisher. A piece of silk or India paper is usually interposed between the gold and the burnisher. Cotton wool is generally used by bookbinders to take the leaf up from the cushion ; being the best adapted for the purpose on ac- count of its pliability, smoothness, softness, and slight moistness. To gild Silk, Satiiiy Ivory, ^c. by Hydrogen Gas. No. 1.— -Im- merse a piece of white satin, silk, or ivory in a solution of nitro-mn- riate of gold, in the proportion of one part of the nitro-muriate to three of distilled water. Whilst the substance to be gilded is still wet, immerse it in a jar of hydrogen gas : it will soon be covered by a complete coat of gold. No, 2.— The foregoing experiment may be very prettily and ad- vantageously varied as follows : — Paint flowers or other ornaments with a very fine camel hair pencil, dipped in the above-mentioned solution of gold, on pieces of silk, satin, &c. &c. &c. and hold them over a Florence flask, from which hydrogen gas is evolved, during the decomposition of the water by sulphuric acid and iron filings. The painted flowers, &c. in a few minutes, will shine with all the splen- dour of the purest gold. A coating of this kind will not tarnish on exposure to the air, or in washing. Oil gilding on Wood . — The wood must first be covered, or primed, by two or three coatings of boiled linseed oil and carbonate of lead, in order to fill up the pores, and conceal the irregularities of the sur- face, occasioned by the veins in the wood. When the priming is quite dry, a thin coat of gold-size must be laid on. This is prepared by grinding together some red oxide of lead with the thickest drying oil that can be procured, and the older the better, that it may work freely : it is to be mixed, previously to being used, with a little oil of turpentine, till it is brought to a proper consistence. If the gold- size is good, it will be sufficiently dry in twelve hours, more or less, to allow the artist to proceed to the last part of the process, which is the application of the gold. For this purpose, a leaf of gold is spread on a cushion (formed b^y a few folds of flannel secured on a piece of wood, about eight inches square, by a tight covering of leather), and APPENDIX. 723 is cut into strips of a proper size by a blunt pallet knife j each strip being then taken upon the point of a fine brush, is applied to the part intended to be gilded, and is then gently pressed down by a ball of soft cotton ; the gold immediately adheres to the sticky surface of the size, and after a few minutes, the dexterous application of a large camel’s hair brush sweeps away the loose particles of the gold leaf without disturbing the rest. In a day or two the size will be completely dried, and the operation will be finished. The advantages of this method of gilding are, that it is very simple, very durable, and not readily injured by changes of weather, even when exposed to the open air ; and when soiled it may be cleaned by a little warm water and a soft brush j its chief employment is in out- door work. Its disadvantage is, that it cannot be burnished, and therefore wants the high lustre produced by the following method. To Gild by burnis king. -~~Th\s operation is chiefly performed on picture frames, mouldings, headings, and fine stucco work. The surface to be gilt must be carefully covered with a strong size, made by boiling down pieces of white leather, or clippings of parchment, till they are reduced to a stiff jelly ; this coating being dried, eight or ten more must be applied, consisting of the same size, mixed with fine Paris plaster or washed chalk j when a sufficient number of layers have been put on, varying according to the nature of the work, and the whole is become quite dry, a moderately thick layer must be applied, composed of size and Armenian bole, or yellow oxide of lead : while this last is yet moist, the gold leaf is to be put on in the usual manner j it will immediately adhere on being pressed by the cotton ball, and before the size is become perfectly dry, those parts which are intended to be the most brilliant are to be carefully burnished by an agate or dog’s tooth fixed in a handle. In order to save the labour of burnishing, it is a common, but bad practice, slightly to burnish the brilliant parts, and to deaden the rest by drawing a brush over them dipped in size ; tlie required con- trast between the polished and the unpolished gold is indeed thus obtained ; but the general effect is much inferior to that produced in the regular way, and the smallest drop of water falling on the sized part occasions a stain. This kind of gildingcan only be applied on in-door work 5 as rain, and even a considerable degree of dampness, will occasion the gold to peel off. When dirty, it may be cleaned by a soft brush, with hot spirit of wine, or oil of turpentine. To Gild Copper^ S^c. by Amalgam. ^Immerse a very clean bright piece of copper in a diluted solution of nitrate of mercury. By the affinity of copper for nitric acid, the mercury will be precipitated ; now spread the amalgam of gold rather thinly over the coat of mercury just given to the copper. This coat unites with the amalgam, but of course will remain on the copper. Now place the piece or pieces so operated on, in a clean oven or furnace, where there is no smoke. If ^ the heat is a little greater than 66'’, the mercury of the amalgam* will be volatilised, and the copper will be beautifully gilt. In the large way of gilding, the furnaces are so contrived that the 3 a2 APPENDIX. 724 volatilised mercury is again condensed, and preserved for further use, so that there is no loss in the operation. There is also a contrivance by which the volatile particles of mercury are prevented from injuring the gilders. To Gild Steel. — Pour some of the ethereal solution of gold into a wine glass, and dip therein the blade of a new pen-knife, lancet, or razor ,• withdraw the instrument, and allow the ether to evaporate. Ttie blade will be found to be covered by a very beautiful coat of gold. A clean rag, or small piece of very dry sponge, may be dipped in the ether, and used to moisten the blade, with the same result. In this case there is no occasion to pour the liquid into a glass, which must undoubtedly lose by evaporation ; but the rag or sponge may be moistened by it, by applying either to the mouth of the phial. This coating of gold will remain on the steel for a great length of time, and will preserve it from rusting. This is the way in which swords and other cutlery are ornamented. Lancets too are in this way gilded with great advantage, to secure them from rust. To heighten the colour of Yellow Gold. 6 oz. saltpetre, 2 oz. copperas, 1 oz. white vitriol, and 1 oz. alum. If it be wanted redder, a small portion of blue vitriol .ruist be added. These are to be well-mixed, and dissolved in water as the colour is wanted. To heighten tne colour of Green Gold. 1 oz. 10 dwts. saltpetre, 1 oz. 4 dwts sal ammoniac, 1 oz. 4 dwts. Roman vitriol, and 18 dwts. verdigris. Mix them, well together, aud dissolve a portion in water, as occa- sion requires. The work must be dipped in these compositions, applied to a proper heat to burn them off, and then quenched in water or vinegar. To heighten the colour of Red Gold. To 4 oz. melted yellow wax, add 1^ oz. red ochre in fine pow'der, 1:^ oz. verdigris calcined till it yield no fumes, and 5 oz. calcined borax. It is necessary to calcine the verdigris, or else, by the heat applied in burning the wax, the vinegar becomes so concentrated as to cor- rode the surfaces, and make it appear speckled. To separate Gold from Gilt-Copper and iSzVuer.— Apply a solution of borax, in water, to the gilt surface, with a fine brush, and sprinkle over it some fine powdered sulphur. Make the piece red hot, and quench it in water. The gold may be easily wiped off with a scratch- brush, and recovered by testing it with lead. Gold is taken from the surface of silver by spreading over it a APPENDIX. 725 paste, made of powdered sal ammoniac, with aqua fortis, and heating it till the matter smokes, and is nearly dry j when the gold may be separated by rubbing it with a scratch-brush. To Silver hy Heat. No. 1. — Dissolve an ounce of pure sih^er in aqua fortis, and precipitate it with common salt ; to which add Dh. of sal ammoniac, sandiver, and white vitriol, and \ oz. of sublimate. No. 2 — Dissolve an ounce of pure silver in aqua fortis ; preci- pitate it with common salt, and add, after washing, 6 ounces of com- mon salt, 3 ounces each of sandiver and white vitriol, and -l ounce of sublimate. These are to be ground into a paste upon a fine stone with a mul- ler ; the substance to be silvered must be rubbed over with a suffi- cient quantity of the paste, and exposed to a proper degree of heat. Where the silver runs, it is taken from the fire, and dipped into weak spirit of salt to clean it. Silvering on Gilt Work, ly Amalgamation — Silver will not attach itself to any metal by amalgamation, unless it be first gilt. The pro- cess is the same as gilding in colours, only no acid should be used. To Silver in the C(dd Way, No. 1 .—2 dr. tartar, 2 dr. common salt, dr. of alum, and 20 grs. of silver, precipitated from the nitrous acid by copper. Make them into a paste with a little water. This is to be rub- bed on the surface to be silvered with a cork, &c. No. 2. — Dissolve pure silver in aqua fortis, and precipitate the silver with common salt ; make this precipitate into a paste, by adding a little more salt and cream of tartar. It is applied as in the former method. To Silver Copper Ingots. — The principal difficulties in plating cop- per ingots are, to bring the surfaces of the copper and silver into fusion at the same time, and to prevent the copper from scaling j for which purposes fluxes are used. The surface of the copper on which the silver is to be fixed must be made flat by filing, and should be left rough. The silver is first annealed, and afterwards pickled in weak spirit of salt 5 it is planished, and then scraped on the surface to be fitted on the copper. These prepared surfaces are annointed with a solution of borax, or strewed with fine powdered borax itself, and then confined in contact with each other, by binding wire. When they are exposed to a sufficient degree of heat, the flux causes the surffices to fuse at the same time, and after they become cold, they are found firmly united. Copper may likewise be plated by heating it, and burnishing leaf- silver upon it 3 so may iron and brass. This process is called French Plating. To separate the Silver from Plated Copper.— This process is ap- plied to recover the silver from the plated metal, which has been rolled down for buttons, toys, &c. without destroying any large por- APPENDIX. 726 tion of the copper. For this purpose, a menstruum is composed of 3 pounds of oil of vitriol, ounce of nitre, and a pound of water. The plated metal is boiled in it, till the silver is dissolved, and then the silver is recovered by throwing common salt into the solution. To Plate Iron. — Iron may be plated by three different modes. 1st. By polishing the surface very clean and level with a burnisher ; and afterwards by exposing it to a blueing heat, a leaf of silver is properly placed and carefully burnished down. This is repeated till a sufficient number ©f leaves is applied, to give the silver a proper body. 2d. By the use of a solder ; slips of thin solder are placed between the iron and silver, with a little flux, and secured together by bind- ing-wire. It is then placed in a clear fire, and continued in it till the solder melts 5 when it is taken out, and on cooling is found to ad- here firmly. And 3d. By tinning the iron first, and uniting the silver by the in- termedia of slips of rolled tin, brought into fusion in a gentle heat. To tin Copper and Brass, — Boil six pounds of cream of tartar, four gallons of water, and eight pounds of grain tin, or tin shavings. After the materials have boiled a sufficient time, the substance to be tinned is put therein, and the boiling continued, when the tin is pre- cipitated in its metallic form. • To tin Iron and Copper Vessels. — Iron which is to be tinned, must be previously steeped in acid materials, such as sour whey, distillers’ wash, &c. 5 then scoured and dipped in melted tin, having been first rubbed over with a solution of sal ammoniac. The surface of the tin is prevented from calcining, by covering it with a coat of fat. Cop- per vessels must be well cleansed ; and then a sufficient quantity of tin with sal ammoniac is put therein, and brought into fusion, and the copper vessel moved about. A little resin is sometimes added. The sal ammoniac prevents the copper from scaling, and causes the tin to be fixed wherever it touches. Lately, zinc has been proposed for lining vessels instead of tin, to avoid the ill consequences which have been unjustly apprehended. To prepare the Silver Tree.— Pour into a glass globe or decanter, 4 drachms of nitrate of silver, dissolved in a pound or more of dis- tilled water, and lay the vessel on the chimney piece, or in some place where it may not be disturbed. Now pour in 4 drachms of mercury. In a short time the silver will be precipitated in the most beautiful arborescent form, resembling real vegetation. This has been generally termed the Arbor Dianae. To prepare the Tin Tree. — Into the same or a similar vessel to that used in the last experiment, pour distilled water as before, and put in 3 drachms of muriate of tin, adding 10 drops of nitric acid, and shake the vessel until the salt be completely dissolved. Replace the zinc (which must be cleared from the effects of the former experiment,) as before, and set the whole aside to precipitate without disturbance. In a few hours, the effect will be similar to the last, only that the tree > of tin will have more lustre. In these experiments, it is surprising APPENDIX. 727 to observe the laminae shoot out as it were from nothing ; but this phenomenon seems to proceed from a galvanic action of the metals and the water. To prepare the Lead Tree. — Put ^ an ounce of the super-acetate of lead in powder, into a clear glass globe or wine decanter, filled to the bottom of the neck with distilled water, and 1 0 drops of nitric acid, and shake the mixture well. Prepare a rod of zinc with a hammer and file, so that it may be a quarter of an inch thick and 1 inch long : at the same time form notches in each side for a thread, by which it is to be suspended,and tie the thread so that the knot shall be uppermost, when the metal hangs quite perpendicular. When it is tied, pass the two ends of the thread through a perforation in the cork, and let them be again tied over a small splinter of wood which may pass between them and the cork. When the string is tried, let the length between the cork and the zinc be such that the precipitant (the zinc) may be at equal distances from the side, bottom, and top, of the vessel, when immersed in it. When all things are thus prepared, place the vessel in a place where it may not be disturbed, and introduce the zinc, at the same time fitting in the cork. The metal will very soon be co- vered with the lead, which it precipitates from the solution, and this will continue to take place until the whole be precipitated upon the zinc, which will assume the form of a tree or bush, whose leaves and branches are laminal, or plates of a metallic lustre. Metallic Watering, or for Blanc Moire.— This article of Parisian invention, which is much employed to cover ornamental cabinet work, dressing-boxes, telescopes, opera glasses, &c, &c. is prepared in the following manner. Sulphuric acid is to be diluted with from seven to nine parts of water j then dip a sponge or rag into it, and wash with it the surface of a sheet of tin. This will speedily exhibit an appearance of crystal- lization, which is the moir^. This effect, however, cannot be easily produced upon every sort of sheet tin, for if the sheet has been much hardened by hammering or rolling, then the moir6 cannot be effected until the sheet has been heated so as to produce an incipient fusion on the surface, after which the acid will act upon it, and produce the raoir6. Almost any acid will do as well as the sulphuric, and it is said, that the citric acid, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of water, answers better than any other. The moir^ may be much improved by employing the blow-pipe, to form small and beautiful specks on the surface of the tin, previous to the application of the acid. When the moir6 has been formed, the plate is to be varnished and polished, the varnish being tinted with any glazing colour, and thus the red, green, yellow, and pearl coloured moir6s are manuffictured. Chinese Sheet Lead.-^The operation is carried on by two men j one is seated on the floor with a large flat stone before him, and with a moveable flat stone-stand at his side. His fellow workman stands beside him with a crucible filled with melted lead j and having poured APPENDIX. 728 a certain quantity upon the stone, the other lifts the moveable stone, and dashing it on the fluid lead, presses it out into a flat and thin plate, which he instantly removes from the stone. A second quantity of lead is poured in a similar manner, and a similar plate formed, the process being carried on with singular rapidity. The rough edges of the plates are then cut off, and they are soldered together for use. Mr. Waddell has applied this method, with great success, to the formation of thin plates of zinc, for galvanic purposes. To plate Looking-Glasses . — This art is erroneously termed silver- ing, for, as will be presently seen, there is not a particle of silver present in the whole composition. On tin-foil, fitly deposed on a flat table, mercury is to be poured, and gently riihbed with a hare’s foot ; it soon unites itself with the tin, which then becomes very splendid, or, as the workmen say, is quickened. A plate of glass is then cautiously to be slid, upon the tin-leaf, in such a manner as to sweep olf the redundant mercury, which is not incorporated with the tin ; lead weights are then to be placed on the glass, and, in a little time, the quicksilvered tin-foil adheres so firmly to the glass, that the weights may be removed with- out any danger of its falling off. The glass thus coated is a common looking-glass. About two ounces of mercury are sufficient for cover- ing three square feet of glass. The success of this operation depends much on the cleanness of the glass •, and the least dirt or dust on its surface, will pr?,vent the adhesion of the amalgam or alloy. Liquid Foil for silvering Glass Globes, 1. 1 oz clean lead, 1 oz. fine tin, \ 1 oz. bismuth, and 10 oz. quicksilver. The lead and tin must be put into the ladle first, and so soon 'as melted the bismuth must be added. Skim off the dross, remove the ladle from the fire, and before it sets, add the quicksilver : stir the whole carefully together, taking care not to breathe over it, as the fumes of the mercury are very pernicious. Pour this through an earthen pipe, into tlie glass globe, which turn repeatedly round. No. 2.— 2 parts mercury, 1 part tin, 1 part lead, and 1 part bismuth. No. 3.— 4 oz. quicksilver, and tin-toil. The quantity of tin-foil to be added, is so much as will become barely fluid when mixed. Let the globe be clean and warm, and inject the quicksilver by means of a pipe at the aperture, turning it about till it is silvered all over. Let the remainder run out, and hang the globe up. APPENDIX. 729 ) LACQUERING. Lacquer for Brass. 6 oz, seed lac, 2 oz. amber or copal, ground on poipbyry, 40 gr. of dragon’s blood, 30 gr. extract of red sandal wood, obtained by water, 36 gr. of Oriental saffron, 4 oz. of pounded glass, and 40 oz. very pure alcohol. To apply this varnish to articles or ornaments of brass, expose them to a gentle heat, and dip them into varnish. Two or three coatings may be applied in this manner, if necessary. The varnish is durable, and has a beautiful colour. Articles varnished in this man- ner, may be cleaned with water and a bit of dry rag. Lacquer for Philosophical Instruments . — This lacquer or varnish is destined to change, or to modify the colour of those bodies to which it is applied. J oz. of gum guttee, 2 oz. of gum sandaric, 2 oz. of gum elemi, 1 oz. of dragon’s blood, of the best quality, 1 oz. of seed lac, f oz. of terra merita, 2 grains of Oriental saffron, 3 oz. of pounded glass, and 20 oz. of pure alcohol. The tincture of saffron and of terra merita, is first obtained by infu- sing them in alcohol for twenty-four hours, or exposing them to the heat of the sun in summer. The tincture must be strained through a piece of clean linen cloth, and ought to be strongly squeezed. This tincture is poured over the dragon’s blood, the gum elemi, the seed lac, and the gum guttae, all pounded and mixed with the glass. The varnish is then made according to the directions before given. It may be ajiplied with great advantage to philosophical instru- ments : the use of it might be extended, also, to various cast or moulded articles with which furniture is ornamented. If the dragon’s blood be of the first quality, it may give too high a colour ; in this case, the dose may be lessened at pleasure, as well as that of the other colouring matters. It is w’ith a similar kind of varnish that the artists of Geneva give a golden orange colour to the small nails employed to ornament watch- cases j but they keep the process very secret. A beautiful bright colour might be easily communicated to this mixture j but they pre- fer the orange colour, produced by certain compositions, the prepara- tion of which has no relation to that of varnish, and which has been successfully imitated with saline mixtures, in which orpiracnt is a APPENDIX. 730 principal ingredient. The nails are heated before they are immersed in the varnish, and they are then spread out on sheets of dry paper. Gold-coloured Lacquer, for brass Watch-cases, Watch-keys, 8ic . — 6 oz. of seed lac, 2 oz. of amber, 2 oz. of gum guttse, 24 gr. of extract of red sandal weed in water, 60 gr. of dragon’s blood, 36 gr. of Oriental saffron, 4 oz. of pounded glass, and 36 oz. of pure alcohol. Grind the amber, the seed lac, gum guttae, and dragon’s blood on a piece of porphyry 3 then mix them with the pounded glass, and add the alcohol, after forming with it an infusion of the saffron and an extract of the sandal wood. The varnish must then be completed as before. The metal articles destined to be covered by this varnish, are heated, and those which will admit of it, are immersed in packets. The tint of the varnish may be varied, by modifying the doses of the colouring substances. Lacquer of a less drying quality » 4 oz. seed lac, 4 oz. sandarac, or mastic, ^ oz. dragon’s blood, 36 gr. terra merita, 36 gr. gum guttae, V 5 oz. pounded glass, 2 oz. clear turpentine, 32 oz. essence of turpentine. Extract, by infusion, the tincture of the colouring substances, and then add the resinous bodies according to the directions for compound mastic varnish. Lacquer or varnishes of this kind are called changing, because, when applied to metals, such as copper, brass, or hammered tin, or to wooden boxes and other furniture, they communicate to them a more agreeable colour. Besides, by their contact with the common metals, they acquire a lustre which approaches that of the precious metals, and to which, in consequence of peculiar intrinsic qualities or certain laws of convention, a much- greater value is attached. It is by means of these changing varnishes, that artists are able to com- municate to their leaves of silver and copper, those shining colours observed in foils. This product of industry becomes a source of prosperity to the manufacturers of buttons and works formed with foil, which, in the hands of the jeweller, contributes with so much success to produce that reflection of the rays of light which doubles the lustre and sparkling quality of precious stones. It is to varnish of this kind that we are indebted for the manufac- ture of gilt leather, which, taking refuge in England, has given place to that of papier mach 6 , which is employed for the decoration of pa- laces, theatres, &c. APPENDIX. 731 la the last place, it is by the effect of a foreign tint obtained from the colouring part of saffron, that the scales of silver dissemi- nated in confection d' hyacinthe reflect a beautiful gold colour. The colours transmitted by different colouring substances, require tones suited to the objects for which they are destined. The artist has it in his own power to vary them at pleasure. The addition of annatto to the mixture of dragon’s blood, saffron, &c. or some changes in the doses of the mode intended to be made in colours. It is, therefore, impossible to give limited formulae. To make Lacquer of various Tints, Infuse separately 4 oz. gum guttae in 32 oz. of essence of turpentine, 1 oz. annatto, and 4 oz. dragon’s blood, also in separate doses of es- sence. These infusions may be easily made in the sun. After fifteen days’ exposure, pour a certain quantity of these liquors into a flask, and by varying the doses different shades of colour will be obtained. These infusions may be employed also for changing alcoholic var- nishes ; but in this case, the use of saffron, as well as that of red sandal wood, which does not succeed with essence, will soon give the tone necessary for imitating, with other tinctures, the colour of gold. To Bronze Plaster Figures. — For the ground, after it has been sized and rubbed down, take Prussian blue, verditer, and spruce ochre. Grind them separately in water, turpentine, or oil, according to the work, and mix them in such proportions as will produce the colour desired. Then grind Dutch metal in a part of this composi- tion : laying it with judgment on the prominent parts of the figure, which produces a grand effect. To Brown Gun Barrels. — After the barrel is finished rub it over with aquafortis, or spirit of salt, diluted with water. Then lay it by for a week, till a complete coat of oil is formed. A little oil is then to be applied, and after rubbing the surface dry, polish it with a hard brush and a little bees’ wax. VARNISHES. To makeWhite Copal Varnish, — No. 1.— White oxide of lead, ceruse, Spanish white, white clay. Such of these substances as are preferred ought to be carefully dried. Ceruse and clays obstinately retain a great deal of humidity, which would oppose their adhesion to drying oil or varnish. The cement then crumbles under the fingers, and does not assume a body. No. 2. — On 16 ounces of melted copal, pour 4, 6, or 8 ounces of linseed oil, boiled and quite free from grease. When well mixed by repeated stirrings, and after they are pretty cool, pour in 1 6 ounces APPENDIX 732 of the essence of Venice turpentine. Pass the varnish through a cloth. Amber varnish is made the same way. Black. — Lamp-black, made of burnt vine twigs, and blacK of peach- stones. The lamp-black must be carefully washed, and afterwards dried. Washing carries off a great many of its impurities. Yclloiv. — Yellow oxide of lead of Naples and Montj)eilier, both re- duced to impalpable powder. These yellows are hurt by the contact of iron and steel ; in mixing them up, therefore, a horn spatula with a glass mortar and pestle must be employed. Gum guttae, yellow ochre, or Dutch pink, according to the nature and tone of the colour to be imitated. ^/mc. — I ndigo, prussiate of iron, (Prussian blue) blue verditer, and ultra-marine. All these substances must be very much divided. Green. — Verdigris, crystallized verdigris, compound green, (a mix- ture of yellow and blue.) The first two require a mixture of white in proper proportions, from a fourth to two-thirds, according to the tint intended to be given. The v/hite used for this purpose is ceruse, or the white oxide of lead, or Spanish white, which is less solid, or w hite of Moudon. ' Red. — Red sulphurated oxide of mercury, (cinnabar vermilion.) Red oxide of lead (minium,) different red ochres, or Prussian reds, &c. Purple. — Cochineal, carmine, and carminated lakes, with ceruse * and boiled oil. Brick Red, — Dragon’s blood. Chamois Colour. — Dragon’s blood with a paste composed of flowers of zinc, or, what is still better, a little red vermilion. Violet. — Red sulphurated oxide of mercury, mixed with lamp-black, washed very dry, or with the black of burnt vine-twigs ; and to ren- der it mellowmr, a proper mixture of red, blue^ and white. Pearl Grey. — White and black 5 white and blue 3 for example, ceruse and lamp-black j ceruse and indigo. Flaxen Grey. — ^Ceruse, which forms the ground of the paste, mixed with a small quantity of Cologne earth, as much English red, or carminated lake, which is not so durable, and a particle of prussiate of iron, (Prussian blue.) To make Famishes for Violins , To a gallon of rectified spi- rit of wdne, add six ounces of gum sandarac, three ounces of gum mastich, and half a pint of turpentine varnish. Put tlje whole into a tin can, which keep in a warm place, frequently shaking it, for twelve days, until it is dissolved. Then strain, and keep it for use. To dissolve Elastic Gmuy &;c. — M. Grossart, by an ingenious me- thod, succeeded in forming India rubber into elastic tubes. Cut a bottle of the gum circularly, in a spiral slip, of a few lines in breadth ; then plunge the whole of the slip into vitriolic ether, till it becomes softened 3 half an hour is generally sufficient for this purpose. The slip is then taken out of the liquid, and one of the extremities a])plied to the end of a mould, first rolling it on itself, and pressing it, then mounting spirally along the cylinder, taking care to lay over and APPENDIX. 733 compress with the hand every edge, one against the other, so that there may not be any vacant space, and that all the edges may join exactly 3 the whole is then to be bound hard with a tape of an inoh in width, taking care to turn it the same way with the slip of caoutchouc. Over the tape packthread is to be applied, in such a manner that, by every turn of the thread joining another, an equal pressure is given to every part. It is then left to dry, and the tube is made. In removing the bandage, great care must be taken that none of the outward surface, which may have lodged within the interstices of the tape, (of which the caoutchouc takes the exact im- pression,) may be pulled asunder. If it be found difficult to withdraw the mould, it may be plunged into hot water. If the mould were pre- viously smoked or rubbed with chalk, it might be removed with less difficulty. Polished metallic cylinders are the most eligible moulds for this purpose. As solvents, oils of turpentine and lavender may be employed, but both are much slower of evaporating than ether, and tiie oil of turpentine, particularly, appears always to have a kind of stickiness. Nevertheless, there is a solvent which has not that inconvenience, is cheaper, and may easily be procured by every one, viz. water. Proceed in the same manner as with ether. The caoutchouc is sufficiently prepared for use when it has been a quarter of an hour in boiling water : by this time its edges are sometimes transparent. It is to be turned spirally round the mould, and re- plunged frequently into the boiling water, during the time employed in forming the tube. When the w'hole is bound with pack-thread, it is to be kept some hours in boiling water, after which it is to be dried, still keeping on the binding. This method may be successfully em- ployed in forming the larger sort of tubes, and in any other instru- ments, but it would be impracticable to make the small tubes in this way. Oil of lavender, of turpentine, and of spikenard, dissolve elastic guih, with the assistance of a gentle heat 3 but a mixture of volatile oil and alcohol forms a better solvent for it than oil alone, and the varnish dries sooner. If boiled in a solution of alum in water, it is rendered softer than in water alone. Yellow wax, in a state of ebul- lition, may be saturated with it, by putting it, cut in small pieces, gradually into it. By this means, a pliable varnish is formed, which may be applied to cloth with a brush, but it still retains a clamminess. To make Caoutchouc Famish. 16 oz. of caoutchouc, or elastic resin, 16 oz. boiled linseed oil, and 16 oz. of essence of turpentine. Cut the caoutchouc into thin slips, and put them into a matrass placed in a very hot sand-bath. When the matter is liquefied, add the linseed oil in a state of ebullition, and then the essence warm. AVhen the varnish has lost a great part of its heat, strain it through a piece of linen, and preserve it in a wide-mouthed bottle. This varnish moved to the immediate action of the water on the body of the steel, the latter becomes equally hard from one extremity to the other. To this may be added, that, as the lowest possible heat at which steel be- comes hard is indubitably the best, the mode here recommended will be found the only one by which the process of hardening can be effected vvith a less portion of lire than is, or can be required in any other way. These observations are decisive, and will, in all proba- bility, tend to establish in general use what cannot but be regarded as a very important improvement in the manufacturing of edged steel instruments. i^nglish cast Steel, — The finest kind of steel, called English cast steel, is prepared by breaking to pieces blistered steel, and then melting it in a crucible with a flux composed of carbonaceous and vitrifiable in- gredients. The vitrifiable ingredient is used only inasmuch as a fusi- ble body, which flows over the surface of the metal in the crucibles, and prevents the access of the oxygen of the atmosphere. Broken glass is sometimes used for this purpose'. When thoroughly fused it is cast into ingots, which by gentle heat- ing and careful hammering; are tilted into bars. By this process the' steel becomes more highly carbonized in proportion to the quantity of flux, and in consequence is more brittle and fusible than before. Hence, it surpasses all other steel in uniformity of texture, hardness, and closeness of grain, and is the material employed in all the finest' articles of English cutlery. APPENDIX. 771 To make Edge-tools from cast Steel and Iron. — This method con- sists in fixing a clean piece of wrought iron, brought to a welding heat, in the centre of a mould, and then pouring in melted steel, so as entirely to envelope the iron j and then forging the mass into the shape required. To colour Steel Blue. — The steel must be finely polished on its surface, and then exposed to an uniform degree of heat. Ac- cordingly, there are three ways of colouring : first, by a flame pro- ducing no soot, as spirit of wine 5 secondly, by a hot plate of iron ; and thirdly, by wood-ashes. As a very regular degree of hccft is necessary, wood- ashes for fine work bears the preference. The work must be covered over with them, and carefully watched ; when the colour is sufficiently heightened, the work is perfect. Tliis colour is occasioually taken off with a very dilute marine acid. To distinguish Steel from Iron. — Tlie principal characters by which steel may be distinguished from iron, are as follow : — 1. After being polished, steel appears of a whiter, light grey hue, without the blue cast exhibited by iron. It also takes a higher polish. 2. The hardest steel when not annealed, appears granulated, but dull, and without shining fibres. 3. When steeped in acids the harder the steel is, of a darker hue is its surface. 4. Steel is not so much inclined to rust as iron. 5. In general, steel has a greater specific gravity. 6. By being hardened and wrought, it may be rendered much more elastic than iron. 7. It is not attracted so strongly by the magnet as soft iron. It likewise acquires magnetic properties more slowly, but retains them longer j for which reason, steel is used in making needles for com- passes, and artificial magnets. 8. Steel is ignited sooner, and fuses with less degree of heat, than malleable iron, which can scarcely be made to fuse without the ad- dition of powdered charcoal ; by which it is converted into steel> and afterwards into crude iron. 9. Polished steel is sooner tinged by heat, and that with higher Colours, than iron. 10. In a calcining heat, it suffers less loss by burning, than sUft iron does in the same heat, and the same time. In calcination a light blue flame hovers over the steel, either with or without a sulphure- ous odour. 11. The scales of steel are harder and sharper than those of iron j and consequently more fit for polishing with. 12. In a white heat, when exposed to the blast of the bellows among the coals, it begins to sweat, wet, or melt, parti}’ with light- coloured and bright, and partly with red sparkles, but less crackling than those of iron. In a melting heat too, it consumes faster. 13. In the vitriolic, nitrous> and other acids, steel is violently at- tacked, but is longer in dissolving than iron. After maceration, ac- cording as it is softer or harder, it appears of a lighter, or darker grey colour j while iron on the other hand is white. 3 D 2 GLOSSARY, Molopiie A hollov/ metallic ballj with a small orificev to shew the power of steam. Anneal To expose iron or other metals to the action of fire, in order to reduce them to a greater degree of tenacity. Anvil A block or mass of iron, with a hardened steel surface, on which smiths and other artificers hammer and fashion their work. Arhor, .... .i , The principal spindle or axis which commui- nicates motion to the other parts of a ma- chine. Arm,,-, • . • The length of the sail of a windmill measured from the axis. Arms (Axle) The two ends of an axle-tree: projecting’ supports in machinery. Ash-hole A receptacle for the ashes which fall from the hearth of a furnace. Attraction of Cohesion. The attraction which holds the particles of matter to each other. of Gravitation, The force which causes all ponderous bodies to fall towards the earth’s centre. Augur The wimble or tool used in the boring of woods. Automaton,, A machine which, by an internal arrange^' ment, seems to move of itself. Axis The spindle or centre of any rotatory motion. — — (f oscillation . . The shaft upon which any body vibrates. in peritrochio. , , One of the six mechanical powers ; usually called the wheel and axle. i of rotation The shaft round v/hich any body revolves. Backboards Boards attached to the rims of the water-' wheel, to prevent the water running off the floats into the interior of the wheel. Backlash t,,, ,, The hobbling movement of a wheel not fixed firm on its axis. Back-vjater The water which impedes the motion of a water-wheel during floods, or from other causes. Balance An instrument which, by the application of the lever, exhibits the weights of bodies. APPENDIX. • 773 Batten The movable lath or bar of a loom which serves to strike in or close, more or less, the threads of a woof : a long narrow slip of wood in carpentry. Batter A machine used early in the process of the cotton manufacture. Bayonet A piece of wood or metal with two legs to 'disengage and re-engage machinery : vide Mill-Geering. Beats The strokes made by the pallets or fangs of a spindle in clock or watch movements. Beetle, , An implement for flattening the texture of linen or w^oollen cloth : a heavy mallet. Bevel-geer V/heels in which the teeth are set at angles of various degrees from the radius. Bitts Small tools used in boring. Bloom A bar of iron to be passed through the rol- lers of an iron -mill to be elongated into a bar, rod, or hoop. Blunging The act of mixing or kneading clay for the potter’s use. BoH'ins. Little circular pieces of wood on which the thread of cotton, silk, &c. is wound. Bolter A machine for sifting meal. Bolting-cloth A cloth through which the sifted meal runs. Brace A curved instrument of iron or wood for mov- ing small boring tools called bitts. Bracket A support fixed to a wall. Brake A machine for separating the cuticle or outer skin from the flax plant. Brazing The soldering or joining two pieces of metal by melting of brass between the pieces to be joined. Breast The first part of a revolver carding-engine.. Breasting . , 4 . . • The circular sweep of masonry, &c. which sur- rounds the shuttle side of a breast-wheel. Breasi-plate A small piece of steel with holes to receive the ends of a drill. Breast^wheel., , A water-wheel on which w’ater is admitted at or nearly level with the axis. Buff-stick Apiece of wood covered with buff leather, used for polishing. Bullet To alter the wards of a lock in such manner that they may be passable by more than one key. Bush A hole in the nave of a wheel. Cceteris paribus Other things being equal. Calibre The diameter of a hole. Calk,, To force oakum, tow, or other material in 774 APPENDIX. the joints of vessels^ to make them steam, air, or water-tight. Camh r. .. An eccentric. Capstan,, A vertical post resting on a pivot and turned by powerful arms or levers to raise heavy weights by crane work ; a windlass. Carton Charcoal. Card Piece of leather containing numerous iron- wire teeth, forming a species of comb‘d vide Cotton Manufacture. Case-harden The process of converting the surface of iron into steel. Casting.,,.,,,,,,,., The act of forming metal or other matter into any required shape, by pouring it into moulds while in a fluid state. Catch, Various contrivances in mechanics, to act oq the principle of a latch. Cement. .. A composition for joining hard bodies. Centre- bit A boring tool in carpentry. Centrifugal Flying from the centre. Centripetal Flying to the centre. Chafery.,, A kind of forge in the iron manufacture, wiiere the metal is exposed to a welding heat. Chaliometer An instrument to measure heat. Chamfer A groove to receive the tenon in carpentry. Checks A term generally applied to those pieces of timber in machinery, which are double, and correspond with each other. Chord Perpendicular let fall from any radius of a circle. Chuck.,, That part of a lath which revolves with the arbor : to this is affixed the article to be turned. Circumference The measure round any circle. Clack A bell so contrived that it shall ring when more corn is required to be put in the mill. Clamp A pile of unburnt bricks raised for burning. Clip An arrangement to impede velocity by fric-^ tion. Clutch Vide Bayonet. Cockling To entangle. Cocoon A small ball of silk spun by a silk-v;orm. Cog . This word, correctly speaking, implies teeth formed of a dilferent material to the body of the wheel ; but is generally used to express all kinds of toothed wheels. Concentric Having the same centre. Conspiring forces. ,, ,, Various forces combined into one. Constant forces Force without interruption. APPENDIX. 775 Contractile farces. .... Forces which decrease. Core The internal mould which forms a hollow in foundry : as the hollow of a tub or pipe. Countersink . • To take off the edge round a hole to let in a screw-head^ that it may be even with the surface. Couplings To connect two shafts or spindles longitudi- nally. Coupling-box,,^,,,,, A strong piece of hollow iron to connect shafting and throw machinery in and out of geer. Crank,,, A bent part of a shaft, by means of which a rectilinear motion is gained. Crow-har A strong bar of iron used as a temporary lever. Crown-wheel Awheel which has teeth at right angles to its radii. Cycloid A geometric curve. Cylinder A long round body ; a roller. Dam The bank or w all which pens back the water in a mill-head. Data Facts from which we may deduce results. Decimetre. To measure by tenths. Dent. ,, The wire staple which constitutes the tooth of a card. Devil A machine for dividing rags or cotton in the first process of the manufacture of paper or cotton. Diameter The line which passes through the centre of a circle. Die Pieces of steel for cutting screws, having the threads countersunk on them : a stamp. Doffer That part of a carding machine w'hich tak s the cotton from the cylinder. Doffing-plate The plate which receives the cotton from the doffer. Dog A piece in small machinei^ w^hich acts as a pall. Draw-plate A steel plate, having a gradation of conical holes, through which metals are drawn to be reduced and elongated. Drench To wet or inundate. Drill-bow. A small bow moved by hand to impart mo- tion to a drill. Drum A hollow cylinder. Ductile Malleable and soft. Dicentric Deviating from the centre ; as cambs, at- tached to the rim or circumference of a shaft for lifting forge hammers, stampers^ &c. APPENDIX. 776 effective-head The real head, or that which can be applied to practice. effluent Flowing from j running out. effliuv The act of flowing out. epicycloid The curve described in the air by a point on the circumference of a circle, when this circle rolls on another circle as its base. Equilihrium That peculiar state of rest in which a body is maintained by the force of gravitation, when the quantity of matter in it is ex- actly equal on each side of the bar or point on which it is supported. Escapement • The part of a clock or watch movement whidi receives the force of the spring or weight, to give motion to the pendulum or oalance. Face of the tooth The curved part of a tooth which imparts impulse to another wheel. Faggot Pieces of iron bound together for re-manu- facture. Fan Small vanes or sails to receive the impulse of the wind, and, by a connexion with ma- chinery, to keep the large sails cf a smock wind-mill always in the direction of the wind : an instrument to winnow corn 3 also to decrease speed by its action on the air. Female-’Screw The spiral threaded cavity in which a screw operates. File A tool used by smiths for the abrasion of metals 3 denominated, according to its fineness, rough, bastard, or smooth. First-mover Power, either natural or artificial. Flanch An edge or projection for the better connexion of piping or castings of any description. Flarik of the tooth The straight part of a tooth which receives impulse from another wheel. Float, , . The board which receives* the impulse of the w ater either in breast or undershot- wdieels. Floodgate > A strong framing of timber to pen back or let out water. Flux.,,, Ingredients put into a smelting furnace to fuse the ore of metals. Fly-wheel A heavy wheel to maintain equable motion. Foot-brake A machine used in the flax manufacture. Forge A manufactory in which metals are made malleable 3 a furnace. To form by the hammer. Friction.,, ,, Iiiei'puiUty of surface 3 act of rubbing together. APPENDIX. 777 Frisket Au iron frarae used in printing to keep the ; sheet of paper on the tyrapan, and to pre- vent the margin from being blacked. Fulcrum The point or bar on which a lever rests. Geering Part of mill-work. Gibbet That part of a crane which sustains the weight of goods. Gig-mill A mill in which the nap of woollen cloth is raised by the application of teasels. Girder The largest timber in a floor. Girt Fide Gripe. Gravity Tendency towards the centre of the earth ; weight Gripe., A pliable lever which can be pressed against a wheel to retard or stop its motion by friction. Governor A pair of heav^' balls connected with ma? chinery to regulate the speed on the prin- ciple of central force. Gudgeon The centres or pivots of a water-wheel. Half-stuff. This term, in general, implies any thing half-formed in the process of the manu- facture. Heald or Heddle Fide Heddle. Heckle A metal comb for the manufacture of flax. Heddle That portion of a loom which imparts mo- tion to the warp of a web during the pro- cess of manufacture. Helve The shaft of a forge or tilt-hammer. Hopper A funnel in which grain is deposited, whence it runs between the stones of a flour-mill. Horology The art of constructing machines for mea- suring time. Hydraulics,, ,,,m ,, The science which treats of the motion of fluids, of the resistance which they oppose to moving bodies, and of the various ma- chines in which fluids are the principal agent. Hydrodynamics, The science which embraces the phenomena exhibited by wmter and other fluids, whe- ther they be at rest or in motion : it is generally divided into two heads, hydro- statics and hydraulics. Hydrostatics.,,,,..,, The science which considers the pressure, equilibrium, and cohesion of fluids. Impact Transmission of force. Impinge. To dash against. Inertia . ,,,,,,,,,,,, That tendency which every piece of matter 778 iJwFPENDIX. has, when at rest, to remain at rest; and when in motion, to continue that motion. In Vacuo Empty space, void. Isochronal Of equal duration. Isochronous The vibrations of a pendulum. Jenney A machine used in the process of the cotton manufacture. Jib Vide Gibbet. Kiln A place where bricks are burnt. Kink or Kinkle The entangling of cordage from overtwisting. l,ateral A horizontal or lengthwise movement. Lathe Machine used by turners. Lantern A wheel with stafif-teeth j the trundle or wallower. Leaves The teeth of a pinion. Lever One of the mechanical powers. Line of centres A line drawn from the centre of one wheel to the centre of another when their circum- ferences touch each other. Locomotive The power of changing place. Loom A machine used by weavers in the making of cloth. Machinist One who makes machines. Mandrpl Part of a lathe ; Cone used by smiths ; a cylindrical piece of polished iron or steel put down the core or hole of a pipe during the process of elongation. Mastering Preparation of lime used by tanners. Matrice., , The concave form of a letter in which the types are cast. Alaximum.,,,^,,,,,, Is the utmost extent of any movement or power. Mechanist One acquainted with the laws of mechanics. MilUhead The head of water which is to turn a mill. MilLiail The water wdiich has passed through the wheel- race ; or is below the mill. Minimum The reverse of maximum. Momentum The force possessed by matter in motion. Monkey A weight or mass of iron let fall from a height to drive piles into the earth. Mortise A joint. Movement Tfie w’orking part of a watch or clock. ’ Nave, The centre, or that part, of a wheel in which the spokes or arms are fixed. Nealing. Vide Annealing. Nippers Pincers with cutting edges for dividing metals. Nitric acid A corrosive acid extracted from nitre. Ouse . Preparation of bark used by tanners. APPENDIX. Overshot-'wheel, •••«•• Oxyd. Oxygen Paddle Pall Pallet Pendulum Periphery. Perpendicular Pick Pile .. Pin PincerSk Pinion , , Pirn Piston, Pitch-lines Pitch of the wheel,, , , , Pivot Plalina .... Pliers Plumb ■ . . . . Plunger * Portable steam-engine . 779 A wheel which receives the water in buckets at not more than 45 degrees from the apex. A combination of ox^rgen with a metallic or other base. A gas which supports combustion A kind of oar j floats to a wheel. A small piece of metal which falls between the teeth of a ratchet-wheel, to prevent a load which has been raised from descending when the operative power is removed. That part of a watch or clock escapement on which the crown-wheel strikes. A weight suspended by a flexible cord to an axisj so as to swing backwards and for- wards, when once raised, by the force of gravitation. The circumference of a wheel. At right angles to a given base. A chisel for dressing the stones of a flour- mill. A large pieee of timber, pointed at one end, to drive into the earth to sustain the piers of bridges, &c. To strike a piece of metal with the narrow end of a hammer to form dents and pro- duce elongation. A tool formed by placing two levers on one fulcrum, regulated by a screw-movement, for holding bodies firmly. A small toothed wheel. The wound yarn that is on a weaver’s shuttle. A plug made to fit tight and work up and down a cylinder in hydraulic engines. - The touching circumferences of two wheels which are to act on each other. The distance from the centres of two teeth, measured upon their pitch line. A short shaft on which a body turns or vi^ brates. A white metal capable of withstanding great heats. A small tool constructed similarly to pincers, A leaden w^eight suspended by a cord to as- certain the perpendicular. A body that is forced into a fluid in hydrau- lic engines, to displace its own weight. A steam-engine built in a compact form. 780 APPENJ)IX. and not attached to the wall of the build- ing in which it works. Proportional circles, Pitch-lines. Proportional radii, , . • The radii of two circles whose circum- ferences are in contact. Puddling The act of ramming with clay to arrest the progress of water. Pulley A small wheel over which a strap is passed. Quintal A French or Spanish weight equivalent to 1 OOlbs. of those respective nations. Rahbit or Rap-it ^^ , . , . The strong wooden spring against which the forge hammer strikes on its ascent. Race The canal along which the water is conveyed to and from a water-wheel. Rack.,,*, A straight bar which has teeth similar to those on a toothed wheel. Radii. The plural of radius. Radius • . The semi-diameter of a circle ; the arm or spoke of a wheel. Rasp. .r. A species of file, on which the cutting pro- minences are distinct, being raised by a point instead of an edge. Rasure The act of scraping. Batch A oar containing teeth into which the pali drops to prevent machines running back. Ratchet-wheel. . A wheel having teeth similar to those of $ ratch. Reciprocating,: , Acting alternately. Rectilinear or Consisting of right lines. Reed Part of a loom resembling a comb for divid- ing the warp. Regulator A small lever in watch-work, which, by be- ing moved, increases or decreases the amount of the balance spring tliat is al- lowed to act. Red. A frame on which yarn may be wound. Reeling The act of winding yarn on a reel. Resolution of Forces, . . Vide Of the Action of Forces,” page 5. Reservoir A large basin or conservatory of water. Reverberatory Beating back. Reverberatory-furnace. A furnace used in the iron and copper inanu- i factures. Rivet To form a head by the percussion of a hams- mer, to prevent a piece of metal which has been passed through an orifice, to con^ nect things together, from returning. Roller^gin, , , #00.00 A machine to divest cotton of the husk and APl’ENDIX. 781 Other superfluous parts, previous to the commencement of the manufacture. Rotatory Revolving. Rowans. Cotton in that part of the manufacture be- fore it goes to the roving frame. Ruller A heavy file used for coarse work. Rubble A mode of building ; Masonry, page .537. Rynd The piece of iron that goes across the hole in an upper mill-stone. Safety-valve, A valve which fits on the boiler of a steam- engine to guard against accidents by the steam obtaining too high a pressure. Saw-gin A machine on the principle of the roller-gin. Scantling The length, breadth, and thickness of any solid body taken lineally. Scapement Vide Escapement. Scotching The operation of packing hemp before it goes to the market. Scoria Slag from a smelting furnace. Scowering Barrel An octagonal, or other shaped barrel, in which scrap-iron, &c. is cleansed from rust by friction as it revolves. Scrap-iron Various pieces of old iron to be re-manu- factured. Screw, ^ One of the mechanical powers. Scribbler-Engine An engine used in the process of the cotton manufacture. Shaft A long piece of wood or metal, on which large wheels are fixed in mill- work. Sheeve A small kind of pulley. Shoulder, A support by means of a projection from a surface. Shrouding The boards, &c. which form buckets of water-wheels. Shuttle An arrangement to allow or shut off water from a water-wheel 5 a small piece of wood which carries the thread in weaving. getable substances, and applied to fibrous materials to impart stiffness. Slag Scoria, or refuse from an iron furnace. Sledge-hammer ...... A heavy hammer, used by a smith with both hands. Slip Potter’s clay of the requisite consistency. Sluice Vent for water j a kind of flood-gate Snail-movement An eccentric. Solder , . Various compounds of metals for conjoining other metals that are less fusible than such compound. APPENDIX. 782 Sparables From sparrow-bill^ small nails to drive intc shoes. Spatula A thin knife, used mostly to extend super- ficially some semi-fluid matter. Spindle A thin piece of wood or steel on which yarn is wound after it has been twisted : a small kind of shaft. Spokes The radial pieces which connect the periphe- ry of a wheel with its centre-piece or nave : this term is only applied to carriages. Sprins elastic body formed of metal or wood. Sprina-arlor The arbor or spring round which the main spring of a watch is w^ound. Spring-l'ox The box which contains the main spring. Spnr-geer Wheels whose axes are parallel to each other. Splice To conjoin lengthwise two flexible pieces: by the interposition of their respective parts, so as to maintain them in conjunc- tion by friction. StajU'..,^^ The teeth of a trundle, lantern, or wal- lower. StaJiing-on To drive wedges in the bush of awheel or pulley, to hx ^t firm on a shaft or spindle. Start or Strut ........ The partitions which determine the form of a bucket in an over-shot wheel j the shoulder or WTest. Staves The plural of staff. Steam-boat A boat moved by steam power. Steam-engine ......... A machine for applying the force of steam to create motion. Steel-yard A machine w'hich denotes the weight of bo- dies by placing them at different distances from its fulcrum. Stereotype ' . ......... The art of casting solid plates from movable types, to print from. Strike A thing used to strike any thing level in a measure : the strickle. Strata The plural of stratum. Stratum A single layer or bed of any one thing. Stuff; This term is applied to an infinite variety of things j wood is, by the carpenter, called stuff, so is lime and hair by the bricklayer, and plaster by the plasterer, &c. ISwag . . An unequal or hobbling motion. Sudifts . The rapid movement in a carding machine. Stvingling Scotching. Swing-tree Any beam that vibrates. Swivel A thing fixed in another body to turn round upon. APPENDIX* 7B3’ Syphon A ])ent tube with unequal legs through which a fluid will flow by the force of gravity. Tail-water Water which impedes the water-wheel iu mill- work. Tank Reservoir for water, &c. Teasels • Thistles used to raise the nap of cloth in the , ^ gig-mill. Tenon That j:)ait which fills up the mortise. Tilt-hammer , » , A hammer lifted by machinery, to forge iron or steel. Treadle A lever affixed to a crank which communi-* cates motion to machinery by a foot movement. ThroWsting Spinning. Triblet Vide Mandrel. Truckles Small rollers for diminishing friction. Trundle A small wheel with staff teeth j the lan° tern or waliower. Tuyere or Tue-iron. . . An orifice through which a blast or strong current of air is passed into forges Tympati That part of a printing-press on which the* paper is laid to receive the impression. Undershot-wheel A wheel acted on by water below its centre. Vacuum Void of air. Valve A cover to an aperture, in hydraulic ma- chines, to prevent fluids taking a WTong course. Vane A flat surface capable of being moved by the current of a fluid j as, for instance, the vanes of a wdndmill, moved by the wdnd. Tappets Projections on the plug-tree of a steam-en- gine w hich open and shut the valves at proper intervals. Varnish A solution of certain resinous bodies in spi- rits or oils, w hich assumes a solid form on dissication. Velocity The measure of quickness with which a body moves. Vertical Perpendicular to the horizon. Vibration .. Ripid alternating motion. Virtual head ^The real or effective head. Vis-inertia .... Vide Inertia. Wabble A hobbling unequal motion. Waliower Small wheel with staff teeth; the trundle or lantern. Warp The layer of threads which extends t'ne length of the piece to be woven. Washers Small pieces of metal placed under a nut ta reduce friction. APPENDIX. 784 Walcr-wheel A wheel which receives its impulse ffora water. Weathering The angle at which the sails of a windmill are set, to receive the impulse of the wind. Wedge An angularly shaped piece of wood or me- tal 5 one of the mechanical powers. Weft Vide Woof. Weight The measure of the amount of the attraction of gravitation in any body compared with that of other bodies. Welding The property of conjunction possessed by some metals at high temperatures. Wheel and Axis One of the mechanical pow’ers. Wheel-race The place in which a water-wheel is fixed. Whip To bind two rods together with small twine : the length of the sail of a windmill mea- sured from the axis. Whirl A rotatory motion with a decreasing speed. Winch The lever or handle to which force is applied in machines turned by manual labour. Wiper An eccentric. fVire-draw To reduce any longitudinal body exceedingly in the transverse section : rapid passage of a fluid through a conical orifice. Woof, Those portions of thread or yarn in clotiiy which lie across the length of the warp. Wrest or Wrist , . 4. , , The partitions which determine the form of the bucket in an overshot wheel 3 tha start or shoulder. Yarn The combination of fibrous materials into n, linear form by torsion* INDEX Page. . Page. Accelerated MOTION . . 3 Assay to, Silver, to ascertain the Amalgam, to gild copper, &c. by, 723 value 763 Amalgamation of gold, in the Double assay of, . , . ib» large way ....... 719 Silver ores 762 Fat, or copal 742 in the humid way . . 763 with essence of turpentine 741 Tin ores 758 Ancient statues, composition of, 713 in the humid way . . ib. Anti-attrition 755 Zinc ores i5. Assay to, metallic ores, . . ib. in the humid way ... ib. in the dry way ... ib. in the humid way . ' . 756 Balloons, to varnish, . . . 750 Fluxes ib. Bark-mill . 445 Black ib. Barker’s mill 92 Crude of wdiite . . • t '>. Batter 379 Cornish reducing ... ib. Bath metal 707 Cornish refining ... ib. Bell metal 708 Antimonial ores .... 760 Bricklaying, vide Building humid assay of arseniated Britannia metal . ..... ib. antimony .... ib. Bronze ........ 713 Arsenical ores .... ib. Composition of ancient statues ib. in the humid way . . , 760 Engine 218 Cinnabar, in the humid way, 762 Buildino Cobalt ores 761 Preliminary Observations . 529 in the humid way . . . ib. Bricks 532 Copper ores .... 759 Cartwright’s .... 535 in the humid way . . ib. Clamps 533 Gold, mixed with martial Clay-mill i5, pyrites, do. .... 765 Kiln 534 Ores and earths contain- Bricklaying 547 ing 764 Mensuration of Bricklayers' Iron ores 757 work 550 in the humid way . . ib. Steining wells .... 549 in the humid way . . 759 tions 556 Manganese ore .... 760 Walling 547 in the humid way . . ib. English bond .... ib» Mercurial ores .... 761 Flemish bond .... ib. sulphurated .... 762 Carpentry ....:. 560 in the humid way . . ib. ters 572 Plated metals .... 764 Camber-beam . . ib, 3 E 786 INDEX Building, Carpentry Cocking, or cogging 57.S Building, Joinery To bend a board so as to Domes 575 form the frustrum of a cone, •Joggles 573 or any segmental portion King-post Niches 572 of the frustrum of a cone . 587 577 To glue up the shaft of a co- Predentive cradling 578 lumn, supposing it to be the Pole-plates 572 frustrum of a cone . . . ib. Puncheons ib. Dovetailing 588 Purlines 571 Best methods of connecting Rafters, auxiliary, . . .572 pieces of wood so as to form Common ih. an angle 589 Principal .... 571 Measures customary in join- Queen- Posts .... 572 ers’ work 602 Roofs 57.3 Doors, bead and flush . . 590 St raining- beam . . . 572 Hanging ib. Cilt ib. Jib 589 Struts . .... ib. Hand-rails 599 Tie-beam 571 To draw the sjcroll . . 598 Wall-plates .... ib. To describe the section, . 599 Flooring 569 Hinging 591 Framing of centres for groins Hanging doors, shutters, and flaps, with hinges . ib. Joining two timbers in any given direction . . . 563 1 To hang 2 flaps, so that when folded back, they by mortise and tenon 564 shall be at a certain dis- by a notched joint . . ib. tance from each other ib. of timbers, with reference to plate 557 1 0 make a rule-joint for a window'-shutter 592 Mensuration of Carpenters’ w'ork 579 To form the joints ofsti'es to be hung togetlier,wiien Partitions 569 tile knuckle of the hinge Practical Observations . . 570 is placed on the contrary Roofing .... 569 side of the rebate . . ib. Roofs defined .... 573 To construct a joint for Timbers inserted in w'alls . 568 hanging doors w ilh cen- Scarfing. Joining 2 pieces tres ib. of timber by means of a single step on each piece 561 Sadi-frames, sashes and slmtteis ...... 592 vScai f with parallel joints, Stairs 593 and a single table upon Bracket 595 each piece 562 Dog-legged 597 Scarf formed by several Geometrical .... 596 steps ib. Ditto 598 Scarf with a bevel joint . ib. I'o draw the scroll of a Scarfs w'ith long bcari.*igs ib. hand-rail Trussing ib. To draw the curtail steps ib. Girders to sustain very heavy weights .... 563 To find the parallel thick- ness of the plank . 599 Walls, limbers inserted into, 568 I'o describe a section of Glazing ...... 635 a hand-rail ib. Mensuration of Glaziers’ Masonry 536 work 630 Arching 541 Joinery. To construct the surface of a portion of a cy- Definition of arches and vaults linder, with wood, when Mensuration of masons’ work 543 the fibres are at right Masonry. Wailing . . . 537 ancles to the axis of the cy- Painting 630 linder 586 Mensuration of Painters’ work ib. INDEX. 787 Page. Page. Building Copper, blanched, .... 710 Plastering 605 To gild, by amalgam . . . 723 Cornices 615 Tin 726 Fine stuff 611 Cotton manufacture .... 378 Gauge stuff ib. Batter 379 Lathing ib. Jenny spinning . . . . • 384 Lathing, floating, and set . 612 Carding-engine .... 385 Lathing, laying, and set . . ib. Jenny .... . . 386 Laying ib. Roving Billy ib. Lime and cement . . . 607 Mule spinning 379 Lime and hair . . . . 610 Bobbin and flier roving- Parker’s cement .... 618 frame 383 Plaster of Paris .... 609 Breaker carding engine . 380 Pricking up 612 Carding engine .... ib. Rendering and set . . . 613 Drawing 382 Roughcasting .... 614 Finisher engine .... 381 Scagliola 615 Mule spinning frame . . 384 Stucco 617 Roving frame .... S82 Plumbing 628 Stretching frame .... 383 L#^ad 629 Picker 37 9 Sheet 630 Roller gin 378 Covering roofs with, . 633 Saw gin . ib. Pipes ib. Water spinning 386 Mensuration of plumbers’ Reel 337 work 635 Spinning frame .... ib. Pomps ib. Throstle . . ... ib. Slating 621 Coupling. Boring Mill clutch . 31 Mensuration of Slaters’ work 627 Boulton and Watt’s coupling link . . . ' 32 Carpentry, vide Building Clutches or Glands .... 31 Centrifugal force 4 Self-easing coupling . . . ib. Centripetal force ib. Square, with double bearings . 30 Chain of buckets 86 one bearing . , . ib. Chain pump 267 Round ib. by Cole ib. Crane 283 reversed . . .... 86 by Bramah 287 Chinese sheet lead 527 Ferguson 286 Chronometers 507 Padmore 285 Cider-press 291 Foot . ib. Clock 486 Movable, by Kier .... 288 with three wheels and two pi- Cycloid, to describe the, . . 21 nions, by Dr. Franklin . 490 by Ferguson ... ib. Darwin’s engine 232 for exhibiting the apparent Dearborn’s pump engine - , 244 daily motions of the sun and De la Faye’s machine . . . 229 moon, state of the tides, &c. 492 Desagulier’s drawer and bucket 242 Striking part of an eight day Describe to, the cycloid and clock 496 epicycloid 21 Description of curious clocks 497 Disengaging and re-engaging Colour and indigo mills . . . 454 machinery ...... 32 Composition of ancient statues 713 Bayonet 33 Copal varnish, camphorated, . 739 Fast and loose pulley ... ib. Colourless 738 Friction clutch 34 Ethereal 740 Friction cone ib. Fat 737 Lever S3 Fat Amber 742 Self-disengaging coupling . 35 Gold-coloured 738 Sliding pulley S3 Turpentine 740 Tightening roller .... 34 White 731 Dividing machine by Ramsden 315 788 INDEX Pa?e, Drying oil, resinous . , , . 737 To give a drying quality to fat oils 736 to poppy oil .... 735 Drawings or writings, &c. to gild on paper or parchment . 721 To varnish 750 To prepare a composition for making coloured drawings and prints re- semble paintings in oil . 750 Varnish for coloured, . . 749 Dressing boxes, caniphorated sandarac varnish for, . . 744 To varnish, 747 Elastic Gum, to dissolve . . 732 Engravings on copper, metallic casts from 712 Epicycloid, to describe . . 21 Equalizing the motion of machi- nery 35 Governor for steam-engine 36 Water-wheel . 37 Ditto . . . 113 Wind-mill . 124 '^I’achometer by Donkin . 39 General Observations . . 43 Escapement 515 llecoiling 516 > by Cumming 517 for watch 518 by Pryor 519 Keid 521 i De la Fons 524 File-cutting Machine . . . 314 Fire-engine by Newsham . . 277 by Rowntree. . . 281 Flax manufacture .... 400 Brake 401 Flax-mills 403 Foot brake ...... 401 Hackle 402 Rippling comb 403 Spinning by Kendrew and Co. 405 Clarke and Bugby . . . ib. Flour-mills 142 Family mill and bolter by Rus- tall 158 by Smart 160 Fenwick’s Tables .... 148 Foot-mill ]6l Hand-mill 160 Kneading-mill 162 Mill Slones 144 Observations 148 Flute-key valves, metal fur, . 711 Page. Fluxes, to assay by, .... 756 Black ........ ib. Crude of white ib. Cornish reducing .... ib. Cornish refining .... ib. Foils 715 To prepare the copper . . ib. To whiten ib. To colour 716 Amethyst . . ... 717 Blue ib. Eagle marine . . . . ib. Garnet ib. Green ib. Ruby ib» Yellow ib. Other colours _^ib. For crystals, pebbles, or paste 716 Force, centrifugal 4 Centripetal ..... ib. Forces, of the action of . . 1 Forge hammer 335 Friction 6 Furnace, Blast, 330 Puddling 335 Refining 334 Steel 843 Fusible metals 707 747 216 Gallipot Varnish . . Gas engine, by Brown Geering, vide Mill-geering Geometry 673 Problems in, 681 Gilding, Grecian 719 Gold powder for, .... 718 Mordant varnish for, . . . 748 Oil, on wood, . . . . 722 To cover bars of copper with gold, so as to admit of being rolled out into sheets . . 718 To^dissolve gold in aqua re- gia 719 Gild to, by amalgamation . . 720 by burnishing 723 in colours 719 by dissolving gold in aqua re- gia ib. Copper, &e. by amalgam . 723 Glass and porcelain . . . 720 Iron or steel 719 Leather .721 Silk, satin, &c. by hydrogen gas 722 Steel 724 Gild to, writings, drawings, &c. on paper or parchment . 721 The edges of paper . . • 722 INDEX. Page. Gilding metal 714 For common jewellery . . ib. Yellow dipping metal . . ib. Glass and porcelain, to gild . 720 Globes, liquid foil for silvering 772 glass, 728 Glossary . . 772 Gold, useful alloy with platinum 713 from 35s. to 40s. per ounce . 714 Manheim gold, or similor . ib. Ring ib. Amalgam of gold in the large way 719 To dissolve gold in aqua regia ib. ' To separate from gilt copper and silver 724 Gold, green, to heighten the co- lour of ib. Gold, red, ditto ib. Gold, yellow, ditto .... ib. Golden, or fat turpentine var- nish 746 Gravity, of the centre of . . 15 Gun barrels, to brown . . . 731 Gun metal 710 H‘ckle 402 Hand-mill 160 Hand-pump by Martin . . . 269 Jekyl .... 270 Hemp and rope manufacture . 416 Reetling 419 Brealle’s r>iethod of steeping . 418 Dew retting 417 Hemp-Mill 419 Raiobeard’s method of steep- ing ib. Swingling or scotching . . 420 Hiero’s Fountain 232 Horizontal windmill .... 139 Horology ... ... 486 Chronometer 507 Clock with three wheels and two pinions, by Dr. Frank- lin 490 by Ferguson . ib. for exhibiting the apparent daily motions of the sun, moon, and tides .... 492 Striking part of an eight day, 496 Description of curious clocks 497 Escapement 515 Recoiling 516 by Camming .... 517 for watch 518 by Pryor 519 Reid 521 789 Page. Horology. Escapement by De la Fons .... 524 Pendulum 525 Gridiron, by Harrison . . 527 Lever by Ellicott . . . ib. Mercurial by Graham . . 526 Tubular by Reid . . . 529 by Troughton . 528 by Ward ... 529 Sympathy of the pendulums of clocks ib. Watches . • 500 Table of trains for, .... 504 Hungarian machine .... 233 improved by Boswell . . . 235 Hydraulics, Archimedes’ screw 246 Darwin’s engine .... 232 Dearborn’s pump engine . . 242 De la Faye’s machine . . . 229 Desagulier’s drawer and buck- et 242 Hiero’s fountain ..... 232 Hungarian machine .... 233 improved by Boswell . . 235 Noria 230 Paternoster wmrk .... 231 Persian wheel 230 Spiral pump 237 Trevitheck’s pressure engine 246 Tympanum 228 Fire engine by Newshani . . 277 by Rountree . , 281 Pump 250 Chain 267 by Cole ib. Hand, by Martin . . . 269 by Jekyl . ... 210 Forcing 257 by Brunton . . . 263 Franklyn ..... 262 Smeaton 265 Stevens ----- 259 Tyror 261 Lifting ------ 258 Suction ------ 250 with little friction - - 255 by Ctesebius - - - - 259 Taylor ----- 256 Todd - - ib. Method of working ships’ pumps by Leslie - - - 268 Clarke - - 273 Pump pistons by Belidor - 276 Bonnard - 274 Hydrostatic press by Bramah - 292 Inclined PEANE, the - - - 12 Index - - - 785 Indigo-mill ------- 454 700 INDEX. Page. Page. Inertia - -- -- -- - 32 Mastic varnish, compound, . 742 Internal pinion ----- 27 Camphorated, for painting . 743 Iron manufacture - - - - 328 Mechanical powers .... 7 Blastfurnace ----- 330 Inclined plane . . • . . 12 Forge hammer ----- 33.5 Lever 7 Puddling furnace - - - - ib. Pulley . , ; 11 Refining furnace - - - - 334 Screw ........ 13 Re-manufacture - _ - - 338 Wedge ib. Tilt-hammer 335 ‘ Wheel and axle .10 Tables of the average weight Simple combinations of the, . 16 of squares, bolts, and bars - 339 Mensuration of Superficies , . 688 Iron, expeditious inode of re- Solids .... 697 docing iron ore into mal- Metal for flute key valves . . 711 leable iron ------ 768 Metallic casts from Engravings New method of shingling and on copper 712 manufacturing - - - - ib. Ores, to assay, .... 755 To plate ------ 726 in the dry way .... ib. To weld ------ 769 in the humid way . . . 756 To harden ----- ib. Watering, or for Blanc Noire 727 To case-harden - - - - ib. Mill-geering 20 To convert iron into steel by To describe the cycloid and cementation - - - - ib. epicycloid ..... 21 To'make edge-tools from cast , Couplings 30 steel andiron - - - 771 Boring-mill clutch . . , [ 31 To distinguish iron from steel ib. Boulton and Watt’s coup- Ivory, to gild, by hydrogen gas 722 ling link S2 Clutches or glands ... SI Jacks, common ----- 282 Round ....... 30 Screw ------ 283 Square with double bearings ib. Jenny spinning ----- 384 with one bearing . . . ib. Carding engine - - - - 885 Self-easing coupling . . 31 , Jenny ------- S 86 Universal joint .... 32 Roving Billy - - ~ - ib. Double universal joint . . ib. Joinery, vide Building. Dis-engaging and re-engaging machinery ib. Kneading-mill ----- 162 Bayonet 33 Kiistitien’s metal for tinning - 710 Fast and loose pulley . ib. Friction clutch .... 34 Lathe, by Maudesley - - - 323 Friction cone .... ib. Smart ------- 326 Lever 33 Lacquer for brass - - - - 729 Self-disengaging coupling 35 for philosophical instruments ib. Sliding pulley 33 for brass watch-cases, &c. - 730 Tightening roller .... 34 of various tints - - - - 731 Equalizing the motion of ma- chinery 35 Lead manufacture .... 356 Governor for sleam engine 36 Method of extracting the sil- water-wheel . 37 ver 359 ditto ... 113 Sheet lead - 360 Wind-mill . 124 Lead pipe 362 Tachometer by Donkin . 39 by Wilkinson .... 363 General observations . . 43 Lead, Chinese sheet . » . . 727 Teeth of wheels .... 23 Lead tree, to prepare the, . - ib. Spur geer ib. Leather, to gild, 721 Bevel geer 23 Lever, the . 7 Mordant varnish for gilding . 743 Combinatioris of the, ... 16 Mule spinning 379 Locomotive engines and rail- Bobbin and flier roving frame 383 roads . ' 643 Breaker carding engine . . 380 Masonry, vide Building Carding engine ib. INDEX 791 Page. Page. Mnle-spilining Painters’ cream - . - - 743 Drawing Painting, vide Building Finisher engine .... 381 Paintings, cainphorated mastic INInle spinning frame . . . Sb-l varnish for ------ 743 Foving frame 382 Paper manufacture - - - - 365 ^Stretching frame .... 383 by Dickenson ----- 37 1 by Fouidrinier - - - _ ih. Noria 230 Cutting and planing machine 370 Press - 291 Oil-mill 447 Paper, to gild the edges of, - 722 Oil, gilding on wood .... 722 Paper works, camphorated san- Poppy,togiveadryi'ogquality to 735 darac varnish for - - - - 744 Fat, ditto ditto , . 736 Parting - -- -- -- - 765 Resinous, drying .... 737 by aqua fortis ----- ih Ores, to assay 755 by cementation . . _ - 766 in the dry way .... ib. in the humid way - - - - -ib, humid way .... 756 Paternoster work - - - _ 231 Antimonial 760 Pendulum - - - - - - - 525 humid assay of arseniated Gridiron, by Harrison - - 527 antimony .... ib. Lever, by Ellicott - - - - jb, Arsenieal ...... ib. Mercurial, by Graham - - 526 in the humid way . . .761 Tubular, by Reid - - - - 529 Bismuth ores .... 759 by Trough ton - - 528 in the humid way ... 760 by Ward - - - - 529 Cinnabar, in the humid way 762 Sympathy of the pendulum of Cobalt 761 clocks , 5 , in the humid way . . . ib. Penstock by Quayle - - - - 109 Copper 759 Smcatou - - - no in the humid way . . . ib. Persian wheel 230 Gold, ores and earths con- Pewter, common 712 taining 764 best ib. mixed with martial py- hard ib. riles, in the humid way 765 Picker 379 Iron 757 Pile engine by Vaulou4 . - . 309 in the humid way . . . ib. by Buiice . . . 310 Lead 758 Pinchbeck 708 in the humid way . . . 739 Plaster figures, to bronze . . 731 Manganese 760 Plastering 606 in the humid way . . . ib. Cornices 615 Mercurial 761 Fine stuff 611 Sulphurated .... 762 Gauge stuff ib. Nickel 761 Lathing ib. in the humid way . . . ib. Lathing, floating, and set . . 612 Silver 762 Lathing, laying, and set . . ib. by ciipellation .... ib. Laying ib. in the humid way . . 763 Lime and cement . . . 607 Tin 758 Lime and hair .... 610 in the humid way . . . ib. Parker’s cement , . . . 618 Zinc ores ih. Plaster of Paris .... 609 in the humid way . . . ib. Pricking np 612 Overshot-wheel 75 Rendering and set . . . 613 with forty buckets .... ib. Roughcasting .... 614 Smeaton’s experiments on, • 79 Scagliola 615 by Burns 84 Stucco 617 Chain of buckets .... 86 Plate, to iron 726 Chain pump reversed • • • ib. Plated metals, to assay . . . 764 Method of laying on vi'ater, by Platina, mock 7 l 3 Noitaille Ill J^latinum, useful alloy of gold inYoikshire 112 with H, 7‘)2 INDEX Page. . . 709 Page. Plumbing 62S Lead 629 Sheet 630 Covering roofs with, . 633 Pipes ib. Mensuration of plumbers’ work' 633 Pumps lb. Pneumatic or vacuum engine . 2)6 Poppy oil, to give a dry quality to 735 Porcelain and glass, to gild . . 720 Pottery 456 Bamboo coloured .... 483 Black Egyptian ib. Black printed 475 Blue printed 482 Ditto 469 Biscuit oven 468 Biscuit painting .... 469 Cream coloured .... 480 China, Felspar. . ... 479 Iron-stone ib. Drab coloured 484 Engine lathe 464 ( Felspar China 479 Fine red 482 Flint mill 458 Frit 472 (lilding 475 Glazes 471 Iron-stone China .... 479 Jasper 483 I.ustre ware 476 Lustre Black ib. Porcelain 478 Red by Meigh 477 Fine 482 Riley’s black lustre .... 476 Slip kiln 459 Stone China . t . . . . 479 Throwing wheel .... 461 Turning Lathe .... 463 Press 291 Bank Note, by Bramah . . 305 Cider 291 Double, by Peek .... 292 Hydrostatic, by Bramah . . ib. Paper-mill 291 Printing, by Bacon and Don- kin 301 by Deffeine . . . 298 by Ruthven . . . ib. by Stanhope . . 294 Prince’s metal 708 Printers’ types 711 Stereotype plates and small types . ib. Printing press, vide Press Pulley, the Quekn’s metal Rack and Pinion 27 Rail Roads and locomotive en- gines 643 by Palmer 644 Losh and Stephenson . . ib. Birkenshaw 650 Losh 651 Blenkinsop 654 Brunton 655 Sylvester’s report on . . . 656 Stevenson’s and Wood’s ex- periments 663 Roberts’s experiments . . 664 Stationary engines . . . 670 Ramsden’s dividing machine . 315 Receipts, useful 707 Red gold, to heighten the colour of 724 Roller gin 378 Rope manufacture 4ld Beetling the hemp .... 419 Brealle’s method of steeping ditto 418 Dew Retting 4i7 Duncan’s rope making . . 420 Hemp-rnill 4l9 Rainbeard’s method of steep- ing hemp ib. Swingling or scotching the hemp 420 Sandarac varnish .... 743 Saw-gin 378 Saw-mills 441 by Smart 445 Scapement .' 515 Recoiling 516 by Camming 517 for watch 518 by Reid 5l9 Ditto 521 De la Fons 524 Sheet lead, Chinese .... 727 Silk manufacture 392 Doubling machine .... 399 Silk reel 393 Throwsting-mill 396 Winding machine .... 395 Silk, satin, &c., to gild by hydro- gen gas 722 Silver to, assay 763 Double assay of ib. Parting by aqua fortis . . . 765 by cementation .... 767 in the dry way .... ib» Imitation of 714 To separate from plated copper 725 11 INBHX. 793 Pago. Page. Silver to, copper ingots 725 Stereotype plates - - - 711 in the cold way . . ib. Strength of materials 218 Silvering glass globes, liquid foil for 728 Tachometer by Donkin 39 Silver-tree, to prepare the 726 Teeth of wheels . - 23 Simple combinations of the me- Spur geer - - - , ib. cbanical powers . . 16 Wheel and Trundle - 24 Slating, vide Building To describe teeth for ditto Solder, common . . 712 by circular arcs ib. Soft ib. Wheel and pinion ib. for steel joints . . ib. Leader and follower - 25 Brass solder for iron 713 Follower with staff teeth - ib. Gold .... ib. Wheels which combine the Silver solder for jewellers ib. advantages of both pinion Specula of telescopes . . 710 and trundle - - - 26 Spiral fkump . . . 237 Internal pinion 27 Spur geer .... 23 Rack and pinion ib. Statues, composition of ancient 713 Bevel geer - - - - 28 Steam engine . . . 164 Throwsting-niill - - - 396 by Beighton . . . 169 Tide-mills - 94 Hornblower . . 182 I'ilt hammer - Newcomen . . 168 Tinning, Kustitien’s metal for - 710 Savary .... 166 Tin to, copper and brass - 726 Watt .... 170 Iron and copper vessels - fb. Woolf .... 191 Lead pipe - ib. Boiler - - - _ - 181 Tin-tree, to prepare the - ib. Crank and fly wheel - _ 170 Tombac - . _ . 710 Eccentric motion - - _ 178 Red ib. Four-way cock . - 174 White - - ib. Parallel motion - - - 179 Tortoise - shell, imitation for Pistons - . . 177 watch-cases _ _ . 738 Plug-tree - _ ib. Turner’s varnish for box-wood 746 Steam gauge - - . 181 Tutania or Britannia metal 708 Sun and planet wheels - . 169 German - 709 Valves, concentric _ _ 177 Spanish - ib. ditto - - - . 176 Engestroom - - - - ib. by Murray - - 175 Trevitheck’s pressure engine - 246 Safety - - 167 Tympanum - 228 System of - - 175 by Woolf - - - 204 UNDERSHOT-W'heel - - - 65 Bell-crank engine - - 205 by Lambert . « . 72 High-pressure engine - - 207 Smeaton’s experiments on 67 Locomotive engine - - 209 Rules for constructing, by Ditto - _ - ib. Ferguson 114 Rotatory engine - _ 206 Brewster 117 Vibrating engine - - ib. Universal joint _ _ - 32 Lean’s reports - - 209 Double - ib. Woolf’s Tables - - 193 Useful Receipts - - . 707 General observations . 212 Steel manufacture - - - 340 Varnish, amber, with essence Converting furnace - - 343 of turpentine - - - 714 Steel, cast - - 770 Black - . . - 732 to convert iron into _ - 769 For old straw or chip hats 749 to colour it blue - . . 771 Blue 732 to distinguish it from iron ib. Brick-red - - - - ih. to gild - - - - - 724 Camphorated mastic, for paint- Edge tools of cast steel and ings 743 iron . - - - _ 771 Caoutchouc - - - 7SS Hardening of - . 769 Chamois colour - - - 732 3 F INDEX, 7^4 Varnish Page. Varnish Page. Coloured composition for len- Which resists the action of deriiig linen and cloth impe- boiling water - - - 749 netrable - - 752 To make liquid paste with Coloured, for violins - 745 drying oil - 753 Common f wax, or varnished To prepare fine printed var- cloth - - - - - 752 nished cloth - - _ ib. Compound mastic _ 742 To prepare varnished silk 754 Copal, camphorated - 739 To polish - 755 Colourless - 738 To recover - - - - ib. Ethereal - . 740 Vertical wind-mills, vide Wind- Fat amber, or - - 742 mills Fat . - - - - 737 Gold coloured - _ 738 Watch - - - - - 500 Turpentine - 740 Table of trains - - * 504 White - - 731 Escapement - 185 Fat amber - - 741 Watch-cases, imitation of tor- Fat, of a gold colour - - 746 toise shell - - - - 738 Fat turpentine, or golden ib. W’ater-wbecl, breast 87 Flaxen grey - - - - 732 in which the water runs over Gallipot _ - - - 747 the shuttle _ . - 89 Mastic . 748 * with two sliuttlcs 90 Green . - - - - 732 by Lloyd and Ostel 89 Mordants _ - . - 748 Overshot - _ . - 75 for gilding - ibl with 40 buckets ib. Pearl grey * - 732 Smeaton’s experiments on 79 Purple - . ib. by Burns _ _ « 84 Red - - - . - ■ib. Chain of buckets 86 Red Brick - ib. Cliain pump reversed ib. Resinous drying oil - 737 Method of laying on water Sajidarac - - _ - 743 by Nonaille Ill Compound - 744 as practised in Yorkshire - 112 Spirituous - ib. Undershot - - - 65 Turner's, for box- wood - 746 Smeaton’s experiments on 67 Violet - - _ - _ 732 by Lambert - - - 72 Yellow - ib. Method of constructing by For balloons 750 Ferguson _ - . 114 ditto - _ - 751 Brewster _ - - 117 Coloured drawings - - 749 Barker’s mill - _ - 92 Drawings and cardwork - 750 Mill courses _ - - 105 Dressing-boxes - 747 Penstock by Quayle 109 Glass . _ - - 750 Pen trough by Snieaton 110 Harps and Dulcimers - ib. Sluice governor - - - 313 Indian shields - - 735 Tide-mills - 94 Pales and coarse »wood - 749 Water-courses and dams 107 Silks, &c. - 734 Wheel-race and water-course 104 Unihrelias - ify. Treatises on mill-work 120 Violins _ _ - - 732 Water-spinning - - - 386 Ditto - - - - 745 Reel 587 Watch-cases - 738 Spinning frame - - - ib. 'I’o dissolve elastic gnin 732 Throstle - ib. To give a drying quality to fat Weaving » _ - - 410 oils - _ - - 735 Common Fabric - - - 411 to poppy oil - 736 Common loom _ - - •412 To make painters’ cream - 743 Dimity or kerseymere ib. lo paint sail-cloth, so as to be Double cloth _ - - ib. pliant, durable, and imper- Power looms - - - 413 vions to water - 751 Tw celed pattern 412 To thicken liiicii=ciolh for Wedge - - - - - 1.3 screens - 755 Combinations of (lie IS Page. Page. Wheels, wheel aud trnndel - 24 Wheel and pinion - - ib. Leader and follower - - 2.5 Which combine the advan- tages of the pinion and trundle 26 Wheel and axle - _ - lO combinations of the - - l6 White metal - . - - 710 Wind-mill, vertical, Post-mill - 122 Smock-mill - 123 .Smeaton's experiments on - 125 Sails, rules for modelling 123 by Hall Gower - - 129 by Baines - _ - 132 Clothing and unclothing while in motion - - 130 Wind-mill Equalizing the motion of Mill with 8 quadrangular sails Horizontal - - - - Wire manufacture Draw-bench - - - Draw-plates - Ditto - - - _ - Hand machine - for musical instruments Mouchel’s manufactory Wollaston’s experiments W''i'itings, drawings, &c., to gild Yellow gold, to heighten the colour of - - - 153 135 139 344 345 348 354. 346 347 349 356 721 724 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Plate 1 to face Page 2 2 12 3 22 4 26 5 30 ' 6 36 • 7 62 8 74 9 86 10 94 11 112 12 124 13 130 14 134 15 ]() 142 17 148 18 162 19 168 20 21 178 22 184 23 24 25 215 26 230 27 28 248 29 30 31 264 32 o o Oi> 272 34 276 35 282 36 900 36* 37 300 38 39 308 40 310 41 42 43 322 44 324 45 46 Plate 47 to face Page 334 48 336 49 346 50, 51, 52 366 53 370 54 374 55 380 56 382 57 390 58 412 60 ^96 61 402 62 404 63 406 64 442 65 446 66 448 , *67 68 424 69 426 70 434 71 440 72 486 73 488 74 492 75 500 76 512 77 516 ■77* 520 78 540 79 542 80 562 81 ... r.. 568 82 570 83 574 84 576 85 590 86 592 87 598 88 602 89 674 90 682 91 686 92 690 93 648 94 650 95 668 X.B. The author would advise such of the purchasers as intend to have the work bound, to have the plates put in a separate volume, * 67, 68, must be guarded . : *r / ‘ % .. if, -f "}■