ig gf/ g§«|g|| ssii 7 $?:^' £ % m i ih? 3£s*s&? Sales in this volume are hound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except. Mar. 21, l8o6 / which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. >M 0-z ' L " - . £. Ut e / $4 {/ , I /$/) 2 / s2 s' fX try?i - - $ si2 / 24 s*s 2 2%> , 2'A as sit 2s r- 22le> 22. 223 2 %-- 2i ’ A A < / 2 ^ i-Zlt'e. ’ A 2 2 V s s-cS s2 Ss _ i ^Sl. 7 I ss si s y 2/,<.' 22 . 223 1 2 ^ ^ y s^fys-c J^-trr-t. f t >i 22 2'2. /23?> 4/ // s2/' r *- // / / a2c ’■>■ <*/ 3 12 s rs/cc y ., i * 2 s' 7' — 4 /Pc s 2 a 2 22sz 22ss~ £/<>/? 2 *2't<>sr2 ^^s2;a/£ /Tic-'Szfs •- baits'/' 2 . 2233 2 J 2s~ s / C7> shf 23 ' sz2 * si-ssi/ 2-sy « fsi z 1 2' 22 ■ 23i' ' /■3 sp/_ st 2 / 2 s t as2-' 2/^2 - sts2 / n /ssr^2ccs ^/2 aSe-Sl 2 /2s' /2 a a c si _ /> 2 / 21 c.-- 2/ ck.s£^ _ s* s t ’22s s~ 2-t7jtLss ^2, ^2/’: 2233 1 _ '2 ^ <2?> 0~?L C '2c /"v2 22s & 2s c s \ 's sisL -y 23 S^233 -- ..... is^.2 / ss22c a 2s (?)i 2s- s s si V y si 2y < sy < — s'22 r / 2s i sS2c. s> '2's7 i < 2 '2 . 3232 / 3 7 ^ . /s /2s 2s CSSs- - *2 c A-2 s -h ( 2 3*s c 2 s -isC S 2y « 2c f > I S t/ 2^-c 7' Ss,y ^2/ssi, ( .2' 23 . 2232 - 3/ - 3s *9 23 -o. / 2 /y .y2' 7 <'2?Ay s*~si- s ^ 2tSst .y' - 2 2 tsc i/ 2c c tS - ^-- '2/s st2 L 2 i( * 2t S_s ^2lA t/ ' 32 s2>, a 2 2i s ySA 'i c 2- j ", s / 233~ — -— 7 / y Ss /? 2 2 233 / "7 -/hr /2y /.fJ /s? s //*i 7/ V ■%/*' /// £r£,/^, * 'f J^Zcr /ZjC£>-' - //siicSts /Z . /Z / ^Z/c-c ^ 22zy Z^XL*. > z/. /ZM /Z^ /2^2c ^Z^yr^. r i//a^y 3& . /f/?S - 2#/ &y?. ~s.<*\ yyUJsf/r*r — 2*f y?"y.j 224 222j ■“-<■*' ^ *- j 2%yc*r- /irxjtus ^yy ^z 2 .yzo 2 2zy ^y<2?Ayp > '2y 2?/2 xX-j a/ ^t/jc-y > *^Zys &2zy /2 x^j >. y.y^j /y. yz# , V -'I !• -•••: n ' ’ t ■ I - 7 ,f ir:a •; i • .! i w.’; ; v /.3 ■ ... t L *'/roD V • • ;'•j'iOii.jA *« ; .£•/ni i : - ; ■ . C I 'T 'I • ’ ; '/ . 1 ,V I JS W i.ll) \-l SltJh,. 4 Is' ! - .'J - T ' ■ fo*/- '. 7 ■.»» f A t’.C ,'f r*s7 V3 4fc’ .!} jL i' / /A. Catalogue OF A CAPITAL, GENUINE and HIGHLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Mian II it tote OF THE VERY DISTINGUISHED CLASS, Recently consigned from Italy; COMPRISING The following distinguished chef d’CEuvres, selected and purchased at a most liberal Expence, from among the Treasures of the Ba,rberini Palace, viz. The Daughter of IIerodjas, with the Head of Sr John the Baptist, LEO. DA VINCI, a dignified anaaceful Composition, in the finestS ci that suLiime Painter, and mentioned by Y'asari ; in the nighest Preservation. —Christ bound, TITIAN, an exquisite Picture of the Master.—A Magdalen in the Desert, GUIDO a beautiful Picture, particularly noticed by the Count Malvasia, in his Lives of the Painters, capital .—A Female at her Toilet, GIORGIONE.—A Portrait, V. DYCK; and others, by the following great Masters: TITIAN, GUERCINO, GIORGIONE, GUIDO, TINTORETTO, S. DI PESARO, LUINI, G. CAGNACCI, BAROCCIO, C. DOLCE, jVVlC. ; io Ch MORONE, V. DYCK, CLAUDE, BOTH, &CC. &c. WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION By Mr. CHRISTIE, AT THE GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY.\ MARCH the 30th, 1805, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. |L P\ V CONDITIONS OF SALE. i I. r If "^HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; aud if any Difpute arife betweeu two or more -iL Bidders, the lot fo difputed lhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Is. Above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fhall be re-fold, by public or private Sale ; and'the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, (hall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. 4 A C A T A L O G U E, fyc* SfC. 8fC. SATURDAY, MARCH the 30th, 1805. Titian - Berger C. Maratti V. der Meulen i Des Marais PICTURES. 1 ENUS and Cupid, after 2 The taking of Brifeis from Achilles 3 The Marriage of St Catherine 4 A Skirmifh in a Village, truly capital; this Picture was brought to England by J. Trumbull, Efq. 5 The Vifit of Tarquin and his Companions to Lucretia ; a clafiical compofition The following distinguished Italian Pictures were recently selected, and purchased at a very considerable Expenca from the Barberin/Palace. The Whole oj them are in high Preservation, and as perfect as when first taken from the Easels of the several great Masters who painted them for the Illustrious Family, their Patrons . ' A Morone - 6 A Portrait Tempefta - - 7 A fmall Landfcape, Moonlight Ditto 8 The Companion, View on the Bank of a River [ 4 ] 04 Livia Fontana - - 9 Van der Held - m 10 Tempefla - 11 Ditto - - 12 Morone - 13 Guercino - 14 Ditto - - 15 -s John Both - 16 Luini - ' - ' 17 C. Lotti 18 Giorgione - 19 Baroccio 20 Pordenone 21 Simone di Pefaro 22 Ditto - 23 Guido Cagnacci 24 Claude 25 A Female Portrait Portrait of an Artifl: A Landfcape with a Waterfall A Ditto, the Companion His own Portrait The Infant St, John, in a Landfcape St. Anthony of Padua holding in his Arms the Infant Jefus; an elegant fpecimen A Mountainous Landfcape and Figures, an Evening Scene; painted in a rich warm Tone Portrait of Calvin, in his Study ; a valuable fpecimen of the difciple of Leo. da Vinci St. Jerome meditating with a Skull Portrait of a Man with a Hat and Feather ; an animated and finely coloured Picture The Madona and Infant Jesus fieepingon her Bofom ; a Pidture replete w-ith Beauties, but left unfiniflied through the Death of the renowned Painter Chrift mocked ; finely coloured, equal to Titian St. Matthew writing his Gofpel, attended by an Angel, half figure, fize of life ; the Head of the Evangelift executed with great Truth ; the Effedl of the whole har monious : a chef d’GEuvre of the Master St. John meditating the Gofpel, which he is about to compofe: Companion to the preceding, and of equal Merit The Madona offering her Breafl: to the Infant Jefus: St. Jofeph on one fide with a bunch of flowers: the Effedt of this Pidlure is extremely fine, it may be juftly ranked among the beft Productions of this Painter A Landfcape, a Woody Scene, with diflant View of a River and Buildings ; the Front Ground embellifhed with an elegant Groupe of Figures [ 5 ] V. Dyck - 26 Portrait of an Abbefs; painted with great Truth; the Hands in particular in the mod delicate ftyle of the Matter: the whole admirably colored C. Dolce - 27 St. Jerome writing; painted with great Delicacy of Pencil, the Lights rettedled with beautiful Effect; a chef tl’CEuvre Gyercino 28 An Angel 'n the Adi of Prayer; a Countenance full of fweet Expreflion : truly capital Fr. A pollodoro, detto di Porcia - 29 Portrait of Abramo Federici, with his Son by his Side ; painted with great Truth : a curious Specimen of this Matter, whofe works are unknown in this Country Moretto 30 Madona and Child, in a beautiful Landfcape ; a holy Pilgrim prefenting an Apple; a lively and high, finished Pidlure Guercino - 31 The Madona reading ; a lovely Chara&er ; painted with, great Delicacy and in his beft Style Ditto - 32 Jofeph, the Hufband of Mary, reading ; an admirable work of tliis excellent Matter, in which he has Tintoretto difplayed great knowledge of his Art 33 Portrait of a Nobleman ; his Left Hand on his Sword, his Titian Right on his Bread ; painted with great warmth and brilliancy of colouring - 34 A Ploly Family, St. Jofeph, St. Elizabeth and St. John ; the Madona feated beneath a Tree : an interefting ___ o GUIDO Compotttion, and painted in Titian’s richeft Style of Colouring 35 THE MAGDALEN IN THE DESERT. The Countenance of the Magdalen is truly expreflive of Repentance, and replete w ith Beauty, the Hair How'S over the Br.eaft and Shoulders with graceful Neg¬ ligence ; the Whole painted with a firm Pencil, and in a clear tone. This Pidture is particularly commen¬ ded by the Count Malvafia, in his Lives of the Painters, vol. 2. p. 35 TITIAN GIORGIONE \ L. DA VINCI Domenichino - CORREGIO - 36 THE FLAGELLATION. A beautiful Pi&ure; the Defign correCt, the Countenance full of dignified Expreflion, and the Colouring in Titian’s warmefl Tone. This PiCture is mentioned by Ridolfi, in his Lives of the Venetian Painters, vol. 1, p. 182 37 A FEMALE at her TOILET. This favorite Subject treated with infinite Grace, and Harmony of Color, may be juftly deemed one of the mod attra&ive and finifhed Productions of the Venetian School— TRULY CAPITAL 38 THE DAUGHTER of HERODIAS receiving the HEAD of ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. This admirable chef d'QUuvre has ever been conlidered one of the moft fplendid Examples of the extraordinary Genius and Powers of Leo. da Vinci —It was accordingly deemed one of the mod precious Jewels of the Barberini Palace ; and is in thehigheft Prefer vation. See Vasari, (last edition of Florence) vol. 5, p. 59. 39 The Prefentation of a Saint to the Virgin ; a little beau¬ tiful Cabinet Jewel 40 THE M ADONA, INFANT CHRIST and St. JOHN, in a beautiful Landscape. This enchanting Speci¬ men is replete with that Grace which rendered the divine Corregio preeminent, and with that Softnefs of Execution which his beft Diftiples failed of attaining: An exquifite Cabinet Bijou [ 7 ] RAPHAEL - GIORGIONE 41 A DESCENT from the CROSS, with many Figures* including, as it is fuppoi’ed, many Portraits of dis- tinguiflied Characters of the Time : A valuable and curious Picture 42 A PASTORAL SUBJECT, defigned with great Poetie Fancy, and exhibiting a rich Specimen of the Colouring of this Matter— capital \ FINIS. | J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. | lg| Xg31 unn mmm fSM HHpFo^^^v^H OKwIfi*/ w&*W/' i'u&'imi A ste ^£gu 'FS>> K|> [ 9M^?^d/X fan© £/ j0Tt t ^ r £?P : "^fj\ Jm|| \V « rw im^X^^YJff/gSrKJy, \J\9' f^.’ Jhfcjf’^t&S^jN^ \s, t6Kj/j*V/ ' *10* OS®f«®«®Sfiv ■*£» i