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K 7 11® $&$ tfraSsBa? fe«i{;;7 *.«|«& JHBm m i&iixift SliRfiijSS?;; Efe: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute A CATALOGUE OF THE FIRST PART OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Original Drawings, BY DISTINGUISHED MODERN ARTISTS, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY, Deceased; COMPRISING Admirable Specimens by Gainsborough, Wilson, the celebrated Brown of Rome, Cipriani, Wheatley, Fuseli, Flaxman, Stothard, Cosway, William Locke, Esq., and others, also, by Sir Thomas Lawrence ; and fine CHALK DRAWINGS, From Antique Statues in the Louvre, by the most eminent French Artists, from which the Plates in the Muste Napoleon were engraved: WHICH (BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR) 312MI he J?oIt> fcj) Auction, By Mr. C H H IS TIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, King Street, St. James’s Square, On THURSDAY and FRIDAY , the 20 th and 21 st of MAY, 1830, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed two Days preceding, and Catalogues had (at Is. each) at Mr. Christie’s Office, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is.—above Five Pounds, 2s. 6 d .—and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of payment of the purchase Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyers’ Expense, within Four Days from the Sale. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement ol the Purchases, no one Lot can on any account be removed during the time ol Sale; and the Money must be absolutely paid on delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale ; and the deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. 2vh> iif iq *% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CATALOGUE. —— First Day s Sale. On THURSDAY, MAY the 20th, 1830, AT ONE PRECISELY. -- MISCELLANEOUS. Seven —Academy Figures Nine —Heads. Portrait of Mr. Pitt, &c. Twelve —Heads from the antique, &c. Ten —Of Figures, &c. Thirteen —Studies in oil colour, Heads, &c. Eight —Various, of Landscapes Fifteen —Various, Architectural and Ornaments Seven —Architectural Five —Views in Rome, in oil colours, on paper Two —Highly finished Drawings, in colours : a perspective View of the Vaulting of St. Peter’s, and the Inside view of the Vestibule, by Donaldson, at Rome, 1819 One —A large View of St. Peter’s, and the Vatican,—carefully drawn with a pen Two —Views of Rome, one in pencil, the other in black and white chalk, on coloured paper Three —Ditto, careful Drawings in pencil—the Palace and colossal Figures at Monte Cavallo ; the Fafade at St. Peter’s ; and another One —The colossal Statues at Monte Cavallo, in black chalk and Indian ink, on canvas, by Pinelli Seven —Careful outlines of the Interior of St. Peter’s, &c. 4 16 One— A large View of the Interior of St. Peter’s, carefully outlined and shaded with Indian ink 17 Four— In sepia and colours : the Staircase of the Vatican Palace ; and three Views of the Vestibule of St. Peter’s 18 One— The colossal Figures on Monte Cavallo, boldly drawn in black chalk, by Pinelli 19 Five —Views in and about Rome, by W. Cowen. Pen 20 Four— Two ditto of Rome,—one of Frescati, and one of the Bay of Naples, by the same 21 Four —Two Italian ; two Swiss; same manner, by ditto 22 Nine Sketches of Battles, pen and bistre, by Sir James Stuart 23 Four Two by ditto, heightened with white and a little colour; and a Portrait of Buonaparte, taken after death by Captain Marryatt 24 Three Charges of Cavalry, &c., in colours, by S. de Perger, 1821 25 Four —Charges of Cavalry, by &c. 26 Three —Careful pencil Drawings of the Castle of Heidelberg 27 Six — Views of Lakes in Scotland, in pencil 28 Five —Landscapes by Underwood, three of them coloured 29 Nine —Views, various,—Scene from the Beach between Portici and Naples, 1829, &c. 30 Three —In chalk, on tinted paper, the Lake of Geneva, &c. 31 Two View of the Bay of Naples, in body colours, and one of Costume 32 Four Views from Chatsworth, by H. Cowen, highly finished in colours 33 Five Delicate pencil Drawings, after RafFaelle; and a Portrait, black and white chalk, on tinted paper 34 Thirty-five Coloured Prints and Outlines, in a Portfolio ; Nash’s Views of the Pavilion at Brighton 35 Two— In colours, by W. Cowen, 1819 ; a View of Frescati, and a View of the Bay of Naples 36 Two —Others, by ditto, Views of Naples 37 Ihree —By ditto, View of Rome ; Tivoli; and the Lake of Geneva 38 Five Sheets, containing eight careful pencil Drawings, after celebrated frescoes, by the Carracci, at Bologna 39 One In colours—Antiquities at Mira, by Gandy \ /+/ I v 3 44 I 4-4 9 A 4 f Jo lU S3 * Jj 16 9 sx s« Of i J 6z 1 tJ jj Js / z l s / / / S S' ye 3 9 // ? y? ye / /? / /3 y? /6 93 . // /4\ / S y 3 / 9 / / / z 1 y / i 2 o ' lv\ev* A. I /Xf a I fr I ,, v£. (’jf, ,/7 ■ $a *■ » y *- *■ * $ 9j' i &-y y *» * y fay^ f ( / 1 ) // / V . 1 /! // /J 1 / y 7c? 3 3 > 7^ 7 0**- /z / y y // j J // / yy ! y ; •if-t- : /7 ■ sc yy s$ . / Av / d ^y/7 ., > o Zo* - ^ /;/ /. /-i v* ^ y^<_ ' £ < /i ^ 0’S /*. ^ ^ -'‘*'f r 84 Nine —A sketch of a Female Figure, in black chalk; and various studies of Legs, Arms, &c. 85 One —An Infant in its Mother’s arms, carefully drawn in black and red chalk 86 Two —A profile of a young Lady, black chalk; and a front Face of another Lady ? black and x'ed chalk 87 One —A Portrait of a Gentleman, black and red chalk 88 One —The Portraits of Thistlewood and Ings, “ done from the life, by Sir T. Law¬ rence, ”•—pencil 89 One —Study ; black, white, and red chalk, on brown paper—a Shipwrecked Mariner 90 One —Black and red chalk—Romeo JOHN BROWN. This Artist, a Scotchman by birth, studied at Rome at the same time with Mr. Fuseli,—where he was considered the most finished draughtsman of the time. He died in England about the year 1788 , when his finest books of studies, of which the following are the principal part, were purchased by Mr. Ottley, from whose collection they passed into that of Sir Thomas Lawrence. 91 Two —In pencil, i( The Portrait of Mr. John Brown, drawn by himself; and the t Portrait of Mr. Henderson, the Architect, with a large Book open before him 92 Two —Same manner ; a study of two Female Figures, seated ; and an Artist, studying, back figure : on the reverse of the last, the Interior of an Italian Villa 93 Four —Same manner; a Woman seated near a Terminus ; two studies of Oxen ; and the Head of the “ Toro Farnese ” 94 Two —Also in pencil; an Artist, with a large Book open before him ; and a Lady on a Sofa,—both highly finished 95 Two —Ditto ; three Roman Ladies, walking ; and a Florentine Girl, seated, reading, with a Kitten asleep in her lap 96 One —Ditto ; the Portrait of the Roman Executioner ; a Lady contemplating ; and various Heads, all highly finished, from nature 97 Four —Ditto, of Ladies ; carefully drawn, on vellum 98 One —Ditto ; a Youth seated at a Table, with three young Ladies, highly finished 8 RICHARD COSWAY. 99 Three —Pen drawings, Venus and Cupid; Leda, &c. 100 Three —Ditto, the Altar of Priapus, &c. 101 Two —In the same manner, Venus and Cupid ; and Venus and Mars 102 One —Venus, Minerva, and Cupid—pencil 103 One —Same manner, Venus recumbent, with Cupids bringing fruits 104 Two —In black and red chalk, Venus and Cupid, and Leda 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 ALEXANDER SCHETKY, LATELY DECEASED. Five —Sheets, whex*eon are pasted twenty-three studies of Landscape, &c,, chiefly in pencil Four —Leaves—studies of Landscape, in pencil, one touched with colour Five —Of Trees, in Cobham Park, &c., black chalk, two of them touched with colour Eight —Roots of Trees, in Cobham Park, &c., same manner Six —Studies, some of them in colours, of the Falls of the Clyde, &c. Three —Views of Rochester Castle, pencil and black chalk Four —One of them on both sides, in colours ; Scenes on the Water of Leith, &c. Five —Views in the Peninsula—Seudadiana, near Vittoria; the Aqueduct near Lisbon, &c. J. F. LEWIS. Two —black and white chalk, on grey paper, from nature—a Lion walking forward, and studies of a Lioness gnawing a bone One —same manner—a Lion sleeping Two —same manner—Lions’ Heads One —ditto—a Lion and Lioness sleeping ROWLANDSON. Five —the Painter’s Study, &c. Four —humorous, Stage-Coach Scenes ; ( Mrs. Bundle in a Rage, or too late for the Stage;’ the Woolpack at Hungerford, Berks, &c. 2 o ' Iaa Jf/'// 7 y /y i 7 /yy 74 yy^? y 7 i ** 7 y^y 77 /iy yz /ij y^ y 737± yy y 757 y 7 y,?6 / /<# sjy / /■ ' / J '? 7 6 : ?X> V / ^i-0—f v« aV 7^7dt ^ •y/^ -/TeiZ* 77 sr-a. *- Axu f 'i^lv / t W T 9 119 Six —of Heads ; taking physic, smoking, &c. 120 Four —the Delights of the Chase; Monkey-Island; Corn Rigs are bonny; and Barnett Races 121 Two —York Races, and Bagshot Heath 122 Two —Pony, and Smock Race 123 Two —a pair, Above, and Below Bridge 124 Four — c Muscles-eaters Alarmed,’ Terrestrial Harmony, &c. 125 Two —‘ Picture Hunting,’ and 11 Antiquarians in full Cry’ GAINSBOROUGH. Two —a landscape, with Cows and Sheep, on drab-coloured paper, touched with Indian ink and pencil-white; and another, smaller, with Cows, black chalk and wash Two —Landscapes and figures, a pair, black chalk and pencil, white, on grey paper ; the white somewhat changed Two, in the style of Gasp. Poussin, black and white chalk, on grey paper A beautiful Landscape, a road scene, with Country Women on Horseback, black chalk Another, with Cattle in the foreground, black and white chalk, on grey paper, very bold CIPRIANI. Two , in black and red chalk—the Madonna and Child, with Angels ; and a Bac¬ chanalian scene ; drawn by Cipriani in his youth, before he left Florence Three —a Female bathing, pen and bistre-wash ; Nessusand Dejanira, same manner; and the Genius of Painting, pen A study, for the Fall of the Giants, pen and bistre-wash, heightened Two —Nymphs and Tritons sporting ; and Venus and Cupid, in colours The Rape of Dejanira, an oval, pen and bistre-wash STOTHARD. 136 Two —Drawings, in colours, from Spencer, with the prints 137 Two —rather larger, from ditto—Una with the Lion, &c, € 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 10 138 One, ditto—a composition of seven figures 139 One, ditto—the Lady assailed by the Court of Bacchus, with the print 140 One, ditto—Una on the Ass, attended by her Lamb, and a Knight on Horseback ; with the print 141 One, ditto—a Marriage Ceremony, with the print 142 One, ditto—a Young Lady crowned by the Graces END OF THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. c 4 / /o /* //2 ■ /xi ) i y H ssa / / ysi <7 yfa\ ■ j /sy - \ // /Z / yV /T *y / 7 /i / -i i/2* y /!/ J * <* t V Z. /* / Z z yJ y] /j y zj; zz Z«H \ . £ X/ p. e -uS 4 a^z J ■C 4 '^ <5 -f..y / y z z / f. s > * -c // . ' y< A -»wt 3 if ^ «^C—'1--1—*—e/ 1 /''/ f 4-fS, H- v / t/rJZ-C i/; '->4 ,., /, r W\ J*/tZ // / 15 DRAWINGS, HIGHLY FINISHED IN BLACK CHALK, OF THE FINEST STATUES FORMERLY IN THE LOUVRE ; Being the originals, by the most eminent French Artists, from which the Plates in the Musee Napoleon were executed. 212 Two —Bassi relievi, one containing three Figures, the other two 213 Juno 214 Two —Sitting Figures, Poseidipos, and Menander 215 Basso relievo, a Faun playing with a young Tiger 216 Ditto, of Sea Nymphs and Tritons 217 Hygeia 218 Melpomene, from the celebrated colossal Statue 219 Diana with a Stag 220 The Apollo Belvidere 221 Bacchus G. JONES. 222 Two —The Crucifixion, Indian ink and colour ; and a small Sketch, pen and bistre 223 One —Aspasia presenting herself before Darius, pen and bistre, heightened with white 224 One—Lucifer, the Morning Star, from Ovid’s Tristia, same manner 225 One —Dives in Purgatory 226 One —Review of the British Army, under the Duke of Wellington, at Paris ; “ the line saluting, and the Emperor Alexander returning thanks to his Grace,— sketched on the spot;” indigo and Indian ink, on grey paper, heightened with white 227 One —The Last Man, indigo and bistre G. H. HARLOWE. 228 Sketch from a Picture of Titian at Naples, black chalk, 1818 16 229 The Sybil Persica, after Michelangiolo, in Crayons, Dec. 5, 1818 230 Sketch, in colours, from a Picture of Paul Veronese at Venice, Aug. 1818 231 Highly finished study, in colours, after a Picture at Venice , the Doge leceivmg the Fisherman who had found the Ring, in colours 232 A Concert, in the same manner, after Bonifacio 233 A study in oils, on paper, of a Female Figure flying W. BLAKE. 234 The Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins, highly finished in colours 235 The Dream of Queen Catherine, from Shakspeare, same manner W. LOCKE, Esq. 236 A wounded Gentleman attended by his Surgeon, (1786) ; pen, washed with colours 237 Two —A sketch, by memory, after a Picture of Lelioda Novellara; and another aftei Michelangiolo GAINSBOROUGH, continued. 238 A River Scene, with two Women hauling in a Net; Indian ink, heightened with white 239 Two —A pair, Woody Scenes, black and white chalk, on blue paper 240 One— A Road Scene, with a Cow and Sheep, same manner, very fine 241 One —In colours, a Man driving Cattle ; in the back ground a Village Church 242 Two —In the same manner : in one, a Church in the distance ; the other, a stud} foi a fore-ground 243 Two— A Sea-Coast View, an oval, shaded with bistre ; and another of Trees and Ruins, black chalk and bistre-wash, heightened with white 244 A Landscape, with Figures, and Sheep descending a road ; black and white chalk ; powerful effect 245 A bold sketch, black and white chalk, on blue paper ; on the left a broken Ban! and a Foot-path, and on the right a Rivulet X 2/3 / y yy 24 /1 / 7 sC 243 y y 24 A / y 23/ y y 9t-f / y/! 222 z\ 4\ 223 \Z / 224 i / II 222 | 2 y# 234 y c / 23 3 / J y/ 232 / / /