CUW II, tti-\ W Roberts I S .g ing’g - flv o Clapham Park LONDON S W ' wm & 9 Mj j&tm fttwjy fcw j6%u) y/ fy (kfOHPo fm) o/AvwnfwjjtfJ ?el(m !i Jfari / fh. / .;> % +**"*+* 4 .*- •. :f M. B. A. v, MARCH 24, 1916. DEATH OFLORDSCARSDALE. A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL. Lord Scarsdale, after a long illness, passed away peacefully at 2.30 yesterday afternoon in tho 85th year of his age. The Rev. Alfred Nathaniel Holden Curzon, fourth Baron Scarsdale, was born on July 12, 1831. He was the son of the Rev. the Hon. Alfred Curzon, who was half-brother to the third baron by the second daughter of Mr. Robert Holden,- of Xuttall Temple, OOBrea aie, and Notts. Educated at Rugby and Merton College, Jt aroa Ra-yeasdale m the peerage of the United Oxford, he was ordained deacon in 185-1, and priest jJUv , L . ord ,/ u C zo ^ ™ ai ™d in 1895, a year later. He became rector of Kedleston, where Cord Scarsdale was known to every one in the county as a type of the old-fashioned country noble- man kirnlly in manner, just in his dealings, warm- hearted, but tenacious of purpose, having no higher f 1 ™ £ han tod? his duty in the sphere to which ho had been called, and with no ambition to extend it He was immenseiy proud of the domain and house of Kedleston, of the old oaks in the park, and the pic- tures and works of art in the hall, and enjoved greatly showing these to visitors. He had outlived all but one or two of his contemporaries in the countv, but was active and alert, till his serious illness last vear. attending to business, reading the lessons in church walking long distances on foot about his estates! With the exception of the loss of his wife in 1875 be knew no sorrow, and enjoyed almost uninterrupted good health until the end, which came onlv of the decay inseparable from old age. Lord Curzon ’s Succession. He is succeeded bv his eldest son, Earl Curzon of Kedleston, who was born in 1859, and was created Baron Curzon of Kedleston in the peerage of Ireland in 1898 — when he was first appointed Viceroy of India — and Earl Curzon, Viscount Scarsdale, and the family seat is situated, in 1855, and in the follow ing year married Blanche, second daughter of Mr Joseph Pocklington-Senhouse, of Netherhall, Cumber- land, another daughter of whom became the wife of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, while yet another daughter married into the Drury-Lowe family, who were old neighbours and friends of the Curzons. There were four sons and six daughters of the marriage. When, in 1856, he succeeded his uncle in the title md estates, which had been held by the same family uninterruptedly for over 800 years (his elder brothei 3-eorge having been killed by a fall from his horse earlier in the same year), Lord Scarsdale did not divest himself of the living, which he had retainec aver since, employing a curate for the conduct of the services at Kedleston, but himself reading the lessons every Sunday. During his 58 years’ tenure of tht property he devoted himself entirely to the duties and interests of a country gentleman, serving as a magi- strate on the bench and at quarter sessions, and later on as an aldernfan on the county council, and being associated with every form of local ami charitable activity m the county and town of Derby, where he was seen without fail on every Fridav of the vear I for over half a century. ‘ As a landlord he knew every field, wood, hedge fane, every farm and cottage, every man, woman, and child on his extensive property. During his reign almost every house and farm on the estate was rebuilt; he added to it very considerably bv pur- chase m the sixties and seventies, when agricultural land was much sought after, and he lias left a model property to his successor. A Strong Conservative. Outside the duties of a landlord and country gentle- S?“ he h ;to tow tastes and interests. He was a strong Conservative m politics, and was alwavs ready to attend the sittings of the House of Lords though he never opened his, lips in that Chamber. Indeed he was seldom seen in London, save for a few weeks in i vAT mer ; Latte /l y he used to visit Bath and I take the waters in the spring; but these with the exception of an occasional visit to relatives or friends \ constituted the limit of his excursions from home Dft X 8 i b0Cn abr . oad ! n hie, and never | it Kngland after his marriage m 1850 ,, — -= ’ . — , ; JLiiameu, ill J.8U5, the daughter of the late Mr. L. Z. Leiter, of Wash- ington, and was left a widower in 1906, with three daughters, the eldest of whom is now 20. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 CATALOGUE O F T H E PICTURES, STATUES, &c. A T KEDLESTON. With some Account of the ARCHITECTURE. ' I . . t 3 ] CATALOGUE, &c. T HE Lodge in the Park was taken from th t Arch of Oct avia. The Columns of the Portico to the Houfe, were propor- tioned from thofe in the Pantheon at Rome ; they are thirty feet high, three feet diameter ; feveral of them in one Stone. The Steps are ten feet long, two Steps in one Stone. PORTICO-STATUES and BAS-RELIEVO. Over the Pediment . Venus, Bacchus, Ceres. Within the Portico . Three Mufes and a VeftaL [ 4 3 Baf-relievo Medallions . Vintage, Pafturage, Harveft, Ploughing, Boar-hunting- The Arcade and Corridors are taken from the ancient Amphi- theatres. GARDEN FRONT. The Idea of, was taken from the Arch of Conjlantine $ — the Statues, &c. are Over the Pillars : Medallions of Apollo and Diana. Statues above : Paftoral and Comic Mufe, Prudence, Diana. By the Steps : Medifean and Burghdian Vafe. CESARS HALL ; in the Rustic Story. Bufts of the Cefars ; Medallions of Homer : Hefod • T T r-r ~ i -l i ~ 9 Flora Farnefe Antique Bacchus | in the Niches . H [ 5 ] The Hall and Sal loon were after the Greek Hall and Dome of the Ancients, proportioned chiefly from the Pantheon at Rome, and from Spalatra. — The Columns were proportioned from the three Columns in the Cam- po-Vicino at Rome, fuppofed to have belonged to '■he Temple of Jupiter Stator. HALL, Sixty feet by thirty, within the columns ; fixty-feven feet three inches by forty-two feet, within the walls ; and forty feet high : twenty Corinthian columns of Alabafter, twenty-five feet high ; two feet fix inches diameter. Chiaro Ofcuro Paintings behind the columns , from Homer. WEST SIDE. Helen going to the Field, accompanied by Paris. The Judgment of Paris. Meeting between Hedtor and Andromache. Juno and Minerva preparing to afiift the Grecians, are foibid by Iris fent from Jupiter. [ 6 ] HALL, continued. EAST SIDE. Helen reproaches Paris for his retreat from Menelaus, is filenced by Venus. Achilles receiving the Armour from Thetis, which V ulcan had made at her entreaty. Achilles delivering his impenetrable Armour to Patroclus. Mercury delivering a MelTage at the Throne of Jupiter, in prefence of Juno and Neptune. NORTH END. Apollo and the Hours. Sacrifice to Sylvanus. Do. to Diana. SOUTH END. Night diftributing her Poppies. Sacrifice to Apollo. Do. to Mars.. r 7 ] HALL, continued. Circles over the Doors . Introducing to the intended Bride. The Grecian Marriage. Wafhing the Feet. Retiring to Reft. Under thefe Trophies. Circles in Colours over the Chimney-Pieces « Apollo and Hyacinthus — after Dominichino. Ceres and the Nymph Arethufa — after Gravelot. STATUES. Width. Height. Anollo. Belvidere . Feet. Inches. Feel. 7 inches. Meleager, of Paulo Pichini • 6 IO Idol * ' — 2 Venus . . - - ' - ' ‘ ' * — — s 2 JTasnrrt . ' ' ** ' — s 2 VU-.JKU: - — s - — iWa ma . ~ ^ ^ — — s / Pcuyotv . . . *■ ' — s 2 Ydruxs . . - ‘ ' ' ' ' ' v ' — — s 1 C ra^vpyncJsc ' — — s 2. 'Antihous . ' ^ ‘ * — c JKercunry . * - ' ~ £ [ 8 J HALL, continued. CHIMNE T-PIECE, Statuaiy Marble. Tablet — Lord Scarfdale’s Arms. Ditto, Statuary Marble. Tablet ; — Lord Scarfdale’s Arms. ■Twelve Seats, after the ancient Sarcophagus. Grates, after Antique Tripods. I 9 ] MUSIC R OOM. Thirty-fix feet by twenty-four, and twenty-two feet high ; finished with ftucco, an Ionic entablature, antique ceiling, compartments, and ornaments. W E ST END. Width. Height. Feet Inches Feet. Inches. An Organ . . 4 8 9 Guido .... . Bacchus and Ariadne . 7 2{ Viviano . . . . Temple of Flora . . . S 3 9 2 Vandeift . . . . Landfcape 5 — 6 6 Guercino . . . David's Triumph . . . 8 — 5 8 CHIMNEY SIDE. Horizonti . . 8 Horizonti . . 5 I I Baptieft . . . Baptieft . . . S — — 6 6 Gafpar Ochiali . . . Port of Naples . . 5 8 2 7 Giovanni di St. G io -7 tt r -n- c ^iriorles, figures, &c. vanni J 9 6 , J 4 10 3 4 Baftan ... 4 • • . Milking Cows, &c. 4 10 3 4 [ IO ] MUSIC ROO M, continued. EAST END. widt ' 1 - An Harpfichord Luc. Giordano . X J — i X ^ XV • Triumph of Bacchus beet. 13 Inches IO Vandeift Shipping, &c. 5 — ’Rembrandt . Old Man's Head . 2 4 Signora Pozzi Roman Charity 2 . 4 Tempefta Arm of the Sea, Thun- der-ftorm, &c. * 5 : 8 Height. 4 6 io io C HI MNET- PIECE, Statuary Marble. Tablet, an Epithalamium, from the Adm. Rom. in balTo relievo. t « r WITHDRAWING ROOM Forty-four feet by twenty-eight, and twenty-eight feet high ; hung with blue damaik : antique ceiling, coved ; Venetian window ; and door-cafes finilhed with Corin- thian columns in Derby/hire alabafter. An. Caracci . Paul Veronefe . Paul Veronefe . Paul Brill Cuyp Andrea del Sarto Dominichino Suaneveldt Guido Polemberg Teniers . * E Y SIDE. I WMth. Height. Olympia and Orlando cet. 9 Inches 6 i-cec. 9 inches. 6 | Alexander, &c. 6 — 6 — Landfcape 6 4 4 6 Fine Landfcape 6 4 4 Salutation Eliz. and Mary — 7 9 Landfcape I IO I 4 | Death of the Virgin — 1 1 I o i Landfcape I 2 2 Magdalen I I I 2 Holy Family I 2f 1 I i Holy Family in Land- fcape I 9 4 Time on the Wine o I 2 I 3 [ 12 ] WITHDRAWING ROOM, continued. SOUTH Ben-Lutti . END. . Chrift and the Woman with the Box of Oint ment .... Bernardo Strozzi vul-l go Prete Genoefe [Scripture Hiftory. Bernardo Strozzi J Claude Lorenze His very beft manner Raphael . . Holy Family Dom. Fetti . . La Vie Champetre NORTH END. Benedetto Lutti Cain and Abel . . Tintoret . . Holy Family . Giofeppe Chiari Holy Family Guido . . . Sleeping Cupid Nic. Beritoni . Holy Family Parmegiana . Virgin and Child Width. Feet. 6 4 3 2 2 Indies. Fett. Inches, l6 4 3' 6 6 io 6 2 Height. IO 5 2 I I 7 6 1 1 io io 7 CHIMNEY-. PIECE, Statuary Marble. Two whole-length Female Figures. Tablet, Virtue rewarded with Riches and Plonour, in baffo relievo. t *3 ] LIBRARY. Thirty-fix feet by twenty-four, and twenty-two feet high * finifiied with fiiucco, and mahogany book-cafes ; Doric entablature, and Mofaic ceiling. CHIMNEY SIDE. Lucca Giordano Carlo Lotti Carlo Lotti Rembrandt Guercino Ditto Diogenes, &c. Adam and Eve . ] Lot and his Daughters \ Daniel interpreting to Nebuchadnezzar . Man’s Head Man in Armour WEST END. Andrea Sacchi Salvator Rofa Figure of Winter Old Man’s Head EAST END. Nic del Abbatti Nic Pouflin Guido Holy Family Rinaldo and Armida Andromeda chained the Rock wif?th. Height. F eet. Inches Ft '-t l .che*. 5 6 3 3 4 8 6 4 5 6 5 6 2 5 2 8 2 5 2 8 3 3 3 9 3 2 3 9 4 _ 6 5 6 2 4 IO 4 8 7 5 Bulls of Homer, Sappho, Socrates, Virgil, Anacreon, Pindar, Horace. c *4 ] LIBRARY, continued. » Jl, .• -- - - CRIMNET-PIECE, Doric Columns, Statuary Marble, t;: xU vl < ■ • •' i (Sienna Marble Ground.) Tablet, from plate X. of Raphael’s Cupid and Pfyche, in baffo relievo. Over the Doors , Eajl End . Continence of Scipio — by Michael Angelo Buono Rotti. Rape of the Sabines-- -by ditto. Small Bronze of Neptune-— by Fiamingo. t ij 1 SALOON. A circle, forty- two feet diameter ; fifty-four feet fix inches high, to the top of the dome ; and thirty-four feet fix inches, to the top of the cornice j four large niches, eleven feet diameter. Width. , Height. STATUE S. Santa Sufanna^ of Fiamingo Antinous, of th&'Capitol Prieftefs of Ifis Flora, of the Capitol Venus, of Medicis Dancing Faun . Mufe Urania .... Ganimede, of the Villa Medipr' Venus, of Medicis . Dancing Faun . Mercury . . . . The Idol • , v" . . « . Feet. Inches. ' — \ io 8 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Two Fire-places in the Dado. C ] o • ’ • ; ; f ; ; > ' . L'J*. i - [ l 7 ] ANTI-CHAMBER. Twenty-four feet by twelve, and twenty feet high. Grimaldi J. Bolognefe . Landfcape Carlo Maratti . . .St. John PRINCIPAL DRESSING-ROOM. hung with blue damafk, o CHIMNEY SIDE. Hone . . Lord and Lady Scarfdal Vandyke . King Charles lit. Sir Godfrey 7 ^ ^ . Kneller " 3 Jrrmce Rupert s Daughter Guercino . Landfcape Jean Stein . Blind Beggar, See. WEST END. Cimeroli Ditto efi Cbfo - traits Landfcape Landfcape da/yioLs^ CCL^JL, y . Width. Height, r cet inches Feet. Incites. 6 8 4 3 2 ° i IO ROOM. wenty feet high ; Width. Heigh f. Feet . Inches Fctt. If chef. ^ 6 — 8 4 3 4 4 2 ' 3 4 4 2 2 IO i IO I 3l i 7 4 7 7 6 2 4 i I o 2 4 i IO / 3 / 4 / *\ / 1 4 [ i8 ] STATE BED-CHAMBER. Thirty feet by twenty-two, and twenty feet high ; hung with blue damalk. Width. Feet, inches. Feet. Inches. 10 Height. CHIMNEY SIDE. Richardfon . Sir Nathaniel and Lady Curzon Sir Peter Lely . Two whole-length Por- traits .... SOUTH END. Sir Peter Lely . Duchefs of York . Vandyke . Duchefs of Portfmouth and D’Aubigne Mytens, copy after — by Mr. W. Hamil- ton — Countefs of Dorfet, Daughter of Sir George Curzon, Governefs to Prin cefs Mary and the Duke of York CHIMNEY-PIECE, Statuary Marble. An oval Tablet; root of Amethyft, called Derbyfliire Blue John, [ *9 ] R D R O W A B E. Twenty-two feet by fourteen, and twenty-feet high ; hung with blue damafk. w Feet Mtfi. Incite? Hi Feet. eight. Inches. Griffier . . Ruin 3 5 4 ^^Kndkr^ } Countefs of Dorchefter . 3 4 4 I Dahl 3 4 4 I Andrea Sacchi . Jupiter and Io 1 5 1 2 M. Angelo 7 ^ n , 0 . < i hieves Gaming mmboccio . \ ® 1 7 1 3 Cornelius Janfen . Prince Plemy 3 9 5 4 Vandyke . . Sir Peter Rycaut 4 2 7 — Quin tin Metfy’s . His Wife and Child 1 7 2 2 Portrait . . Lord Crewe 2 2 5 Van Goen . Woman drawing Water 1 6 1 Salvator Rofa, 7 c c r. v Soldiers, &c. copy alter . \ 4 1 3 — Hiftory of our Saviour, &c. in 36 Enamels, after Albert purer. ~ I - 0 - 1 ~ ^ - - ( - 0 — ! ^ bhcCL O Cvfrl CiAY^CTK' #/?m t-/4nv - - .y Cu/fJ0n, ' • • • ^>5 mqJL cb iA^yr/crn ‘ ‘ Cu/rbpfa Ce>wn te^f dj£‘ ZcrtfS^t , [ 20 ] DINING-ROOM. Thirty-fix feet by twenty-four, and twenty feet high ; finished with ftucco ; painted ceiling ; a nich for fide board, twelve feet diameter. CHIMNEY SIDE. width. Height. Feet, indies. Feci. Indies, Snyders Snyders Cerri Ferri Cerri Ferri Zuccarelli Zuccarelli . . Schiavoni Andr. Hawks and Ducks . Dead Game Hagar and Ifhmael . Hagar and Ifhmael . Landfcape from Mil- ton’s Allegro Landfcape from Mil- ton’s Allegro Landfcape 7 7 4 4 4 4 6 6 3 io 3 io 3 2i EAST END. Fyte . Game and Dogs Romanelli . . Herodias and St. John Monf. Theadoro . Merry-making Zuccarelli . . Porfenna Claude Lorenze . Landfcape • . . 8 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 5 4 2 2 3 6 3 3 - 3 2. [ 21 ] DINING-ROOM, continued. WEST END. Vintage . . Baffo relievo. Harveft . . Ditto. CHIMNEY-PIECE, Statuary Marble. Terms of Bacchus and Ceres. Tablet, an ancient Repaft. SUBJECTS in the CEILING, In the Circles , . . Europe — Alia — Africa — America. In the middle Circle , Love embracing Fortune. r A Triumph of Venus. In the oblong^ The four Seafons, ) of Apollo. Squares, 1 expreffed by j of Bacchus. i — of iEolus. Side-board Ciftern, Solid Sicilian Jafper. Plate- warmer. Copper gilt after an Antique Bas. relievo^ Antique Tripod, finely chafed on the Side-board. [ 22 ] GREAT STAIR-CASE Thirty-one feet by twenty, and forty-nine feet high ; finish- ed with Paintings in Chiaro Ofcuro, and Pictures. NORTH END. Carlo Maratti . Madonna and Chrift SOUTHEND. Hamilton . . Paris and Helen Width. Feet 6 EAST SIDE. } WEST SIDE. 1 rfter { Diana, Calirta, &c. Morland, from| ^ 0Vt Sett. Giornata 2da. JJoccacio STATUES. AT Is VS ~ ' V * * The fiacchus of Sanfovino .... The Apollo of the Villa Medici Venus drawing a thorn from her foot, now in the Fi/hing-Room Camillas of the Capitol SashfaL fSW Cvrvna. - ' * ypxzi Laundry , Housekeeper s Room , Steward's Room, Pantry , Water-clofets , &c. &c. &c. y] mg 4J r^c, ' - | ft g I* * T» . ZM . 'iSM S^aPk.? $■>'.»• V/4 %^r ^ ’ I V 4 ;- i . ,iV\^\ jajlBtv^ arj &P&jXMk ivfNKSjK^jpa**^ **• ii > LIS i r 45 Etl ;• ; ^■;«J. 17^ ■"■ ?M» **<•" : *’ 9r ti&S ;/!-• ' vKrj|| ffr^ .« < #43 {J& \ , - Jr v; * UTi \SF ;