Prints hy Ilogarihy Woolletty Kc. Rare EngV^ Portraits, Drawings of Portraits, PopographkaL and Natural Hijioiy, Illujtrated Books, Books of Prints^ ’ and Portfolios , CATALOGUE OF A LARGE AND VALUABLE <• COLJLECTION OF FMINTS, ^ " BV . WOOLLETT, MoRGHEN, &C.; RARE EnGLISH PORTRAITS, bypAiTHORNE, Hollar, Pass, &c.; Hogarth’s Works, 112 Prints; the Works of Captain Baillie complete; 300 Tickets by Bartolozzi; Topographical Dr awing », by Daves, Sheppard, Nield, Nicholson, Rpokek, Varley, &c. &c. 5 Portraits by GARDiXERandHARD- ^ ING, from celebrated Pictures ; Curious Botamca l Dr a\v- ings; Guercino’s Works, by Bartolozzi, 2 Vol. ; Me- ,, moirs of Lord 'Walpole, prihted on Elephant Paper ; Cove’s Travels in Switzerland lUuftra ted; Memoirs of Sir Rob^ikt Walpole, elegantly inlaid and illustrated with Por- traits"; and rare Historic At and Political Privts — , The Bath, Durham, and Exetei Cathedrals, Portfolios, fjc. &c. WKrcn WILL BE SOLn bv auction ev ' MM. MICIIAMBSON, AT IDS HOUSF, No. ji, IN THE STRAND. Tuesday, May 14, IS05, and ihs four A: •. at 12 o'clock. To be yiewed on ^follday the 13th, and Mornings of Sa’e. ^patalogues (Price One Shilling) may be had of Mr. Richardson, No tr. Strand. CoUe^lons of Prints, Books, Sec. purchafed in Town or Coontr/j o' by AutliouJ^Money advanced on Property iiitendiNi for Public Srdc. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and If any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders y the Lot lb difputed {hall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d,; above One Pound, One Shilling; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d.; and fo* in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Pay- ment of the Purehafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. ,IV. The Lots to- be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within three Days after the Conclufionof the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to* be ai)folutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited ; "and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid fhalf be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale ftiall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiliions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, W. Richardson, Firft Day's Sale, VARIOUS. Lot I 2 0 3 ^ o 4 J, 4 > 2' o 9 y^0 10 2 0 II /•i 12 / 0 -i> 13 /ib 14 2 « »5 .7' 4'^ ' r* n ui> 19 3- 0 20 Uo 21 4- ^ 22 /i-4 23 ^ o 24 ?S INETEEN-— the Cathedral Church of Milan, &c. I'hirty-four — Portraits Ten-— Popes, Cardinals, &c. Fourteen— Imitations of old Mafters, by Mulinari, Sic, fcarce Twenty- four, by Hollar, &c. Twenty-feven — Loutherbourgh, &c. Nine — Old Mafters Ten— Mortimer, &g. Ten — Vignets, proofs Eight — Penlcethman, by Smith, he. Six — Mifs Harrop, he. Fourteen— Portraits, various Twelve — Ditto, fcarce T welve — Ditto, V andycke T wenty-fix-— Ditto, various Twenty.five — Theatrical Twenty-nine— Portraits, various Eight — Portraits, by Hollar, Thirty — Ditto Ten — Portraits, &c, . Twenty-one — by Worlidgo Six — by Fry, proofs ^ Ten — Rembrandt, &c. Eight-Portraits, by Hollar, &c. Sixteen— by Hollar, Lord Brounker, View of Old Shore- ham, he'. ( 3 ) S ‘O 26 Sixteen— Views by Milton, &c. 27 Twenty-two — Views by Buck, cld Imprejfwns 25 Twenty-eight — Shells, &c. coloured /‘J2-0 29 Twenty-three — Boydell’s Shakefpeare, fmall fet / 30 Twelve — Bunbury’s Shakefpeare 4*^31 Four — Huchtenburg, &c. ^ 32 Three — Coriolaiius, Miranda and Ferdinand, 5:c. after Angelica, by Bartoloz^i, &c. 33 Eleven — Drawings, Cignani^hc, 3*0 34- Two— Ditto, TV. V, Velde U- o 35 Y'w'Q-^Zucchero^ Bourdon^ See. A ^ 36 Five — Bourgonione, See, y- ^ O 37 Four Jngeloj L. da Vinciy See, 3' O 38 Seven— Bartolozz-i, &c. 7* /> 39 Three — Lofs of the Rhone, Sec, /- V O 40 Seventy-nine — -Marine Architedlure V 0 41 Seven — Sir Francis Dafliwood’s, at Weft V/ycomb, bye Woollett, &c. /!> o 42 Four — Mrs. Siddons, by J. K. Sherwin, Sic, v • -> 3 ‘0 43 Seventeen— Views in England . V A* O 44 Eight-^Swanevelt, ^^e. 3'0 Eight— *by Galvayni, &c. ^ ’ 46 Eleven— Theatrical Sketches ‘•^*6 47 Eight-r-Portraits, by Hollar, &c. TI' 0 48 Ten— Portraits, Biftiops 49 Forty-eight— by Le Clerc and Callot if - 6 go Eight — Bartolozzi o gi Twelve— Portraits, after Ruben', Vandycke, &c. Vo 52 Three — Satyrs and Leopards, by Suyderhoef, ^cc. 7 - ^ 53 Five-^by Audran, See. 3-/ 54 Five-Rafter Leonardo da Vinci, &c. V’O 55 Three — after Angelica, by Ryland, S.4 86 Tvvo-MoS and 1 8, F^;? l-X Heath ■ 4-^? n'''®'''®7E;chings,' ditto . by fi,e 9^ Three-after Mt.cheln’1'' f 06 Waders and Co^' 99 i;JEr^?«»5rr Three— etchings, by Ryfdal,^, 5^ • BES.GHEM, POTTER, Stc. Z S;““7i.'’r '■ r".'™”'. 104 Two on ^^bein, by Aliamet, 6{c. lit Si7 7 n " h 105 Six— after Berghem, by Majorf&c. B a ( * ) 106 Six-^ditto, by Danckerts, &c. 107 Nine — ditto, by Vifscher, See. 108 Nine— after Cuyp, Berghem, Londonio, Scc^ icg Twelve, after Potter, by de Bye no Twenty-two— Wovermans and Berghem 111 Six — Dogs, &c. by Jonckheer, See. fine 1 12 Nine — Goats, &c. by Berghem 1 1 3 Si X — by Schv/eichart 1 14 Seven — Sheep and Goats, Berghem 1 15 Twelve — Etchings, by'Stoop,^«/? 1 16 Thirteen — Howitt, Gilpin, &c. 1 17 Six— rafter Berghem, by n8 Six — ditto, Vifscher, &c. 1 1 9 T welve-— ditto 1 20 Five— ditto 121 Two — Etchings by Berghem, one fine and ficarce 122 Eleven— ‘after Barlow, Sec, 123 Twelve— ditto 124 Seventeen — Sketches, by Relnagle 125 Eighteen— Berghem, &c. 126 Eighteen— Modes and Dogs ^ 127 Twenty- four— Sheep and Goats, Berghem 128 Fifty-two — ’’Etchings by Karl du Jardin^ complete 129 One— :.he Durham Ox, in Colours, by Whefsell 130 One— Immortality of Garrick, proof., on India paper 13 1 Ont'—’Thofnas Kinf in the Character of PufF, by Young , 132 T wc- — Dcfcent of the Holy Ghoft, after Raphael, by Carrattoi'ii, See, 13^ Two — Vrs. Sheridan and Son, after Hoppner, and Louis XVI. and Family, by Tomkins 134 Two — - rom Jones, after Downman, by Simon 135 Four — the Angler, after Dominecino, by Dorigny 136 Two — from Ovid, after Albano, by jea? ce WOOLLETT. ^.^.0 Two— Boyne and the La Hogue., after Weft, by Wooilett, and Hall, fine Imprejfions /li' o 138 One — after Zucarelli, /?« 45 One — Prince Maurice, by DehT, fine /i'Cf 4 ^ One — William, Prince of Orange, fitting in a chair, by ditto, very fine S b 47 One — Henry Frederic, by ditto SPAIN, PORTUGAL and SICILY. 48 Eight— Charles II. and III. and Philip III. IV. and V. Kings of Spain 49 Seven — -Maria Ludovica, Alexander Duke of Parma, &c. neat 50 Ten — Kings and Queens of Portugal, &c. 5 1 F our— F erdinand IV . Maria Carolina, Queen of Sicily, &c PUI^ES OF MILAN. 52 Thirty— a Series of the Dukes of Milan, from Otho Vicecomes to Franpis H. neatly inlaid, 4to PRUSSIA, &c. 53 Seven — Fred. Williani, Frederick IJ. Fred. William 11 . &c. 54 Nine— ditto, &c. SARDINIA AND SAVOY. 5^ Eight— Vi£lor Amadee^ Charles Emaiiuel^ Pririce Eij« gene, &c. { 9 ) RUSSIA. 56 Three — Catharine il. whole length, by Bartolozzi, one a proof 57 Four-ditto, 2 proofs 58 Eight — Prince Potemkin, Comte RomanzofF, &c. 59 Seven— Czar Peter, Princefs Sophia, &c. fome curious 60 Five — Czar Peter, Emprefs Ann, &c. ditto 61 Three— Peter II. by TVortmann\ Catharine, by Scoro- domoff and Bartolozzi 62 Seven — Paul I. by Schiavonetti ; Catharine II. &c, 63 Four — Czar Peter, by Smith; and Catharine II. by Bar- tolozzi, &c. 64 Thirteen — Alex. Michalowits, Alexius Petri, &c. 65 Thirty-one— Views in Ruffia, GERMANY, 66 Twelve — Marla Therefia, Prince Charles, Monument of Marfhall Saxe, &c, 67 Twelve — Chriftian IV. by DelfFt, &c. ‘ PEERS. 68 Nine — Phil. Duke of Wharton, Lord Hervey, Charles Duke of Dorfet, Lord Lanfdown, Sir Rob. Walpole, &c. neatly Inlaid and mounted on quarto paper 69 Thirteen — Phil. Earl of Hardwicke, Horace Walpole, Lord Holland, Vifcount Bolingbroke, Rob. Earl of Sunderland, See. ditto., ditto 70 Fifteen— Duke of Buckingham, by Dolle, &c. 71 Five — Lord Bacon, Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, by Vertue, &c. 72 Six — by Houbraken 73 Six — John Duke of Argyle, by Watfon; Fred. Duke of Gloucefter, by Simon, &c. 74 Eight — Lord Camden, &c. 75 Five— by Smith, Lord Cowper, Earl of Albemarle, Jas, Duke of Ormond, See. 76 Four — George Duke of Buckingham and Brother, by M‘Ardell ; James Earl of Kildare ; Simon Earl of Harcourt, Sec, C ( 10 ) h 7 » 5 '?*^ 4 ' 0 /•to 77 Seven—James Duke of Ormond, by Smith ; Thomas Duke of Newcaftle, Lord Carteret, by Fe'lham, &c. 78 Three — Earl of Hardwicke, by Bovi, and Sir Rob. Wal- pole, proofs 79 Seven— Charles Duke of Dorfet, Lord Somers, John Earl of Egmont, &c. 80 Seven — Robert Vifcount Hampden, ; Richard Lord Cobham, John Lord Carteret, Earl of Egmont, &c, neatly inlaid and mounted on quarto paper 81 Ten— Phil. Lord Hardwicke, William Duke of Cumber- land, Edward Earl of Oxford, by Vertue, 5 cc. 82 Eight — Horace Earl of Orford, Charles Earl of Plalifax, by Drevet, &c. neatly inlaid and mounted on folio paper 83 Two— Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, whole length, proof and Horatio Walpole, Efq. by Simon, and fcarce 84 Seven — Sir Robert Walpole, he. Politicals, curious 85 Three— the Reafon, the Motion, he, one a drawing, curious 86 Seven — -Orator Henley, the Bubbler’s Mirrour, Ccck- lane Ghoil, he, 87 Eleven — Political and Humourous, curious 88 Three— James Duke of Ormond, Arnold Earl of Albe- marle, and Baron Ginkel, by Smith, fine 89 Two — Duke of Gloucefter, whole length, with Flower- pot, &c. by ditto, fine 90 One — Arthur Earl of Efjey:^ by Luttrell, and fcarce 91 One — fames Lord Hay^ by Simon Pafs, extra fine and rare 92 Owe— -James Duke of Richmond^ after Vandycke, by Faiihorne^ extra fine and rare 93 One — -Ehomas Vifcount Fauconberg, by A. Blooteling, extra rare and fine 94 Three— Laurence Earl of Rochefter, Lord Cottington, &c. by Houbraken, proofs^ fine and fcarce 95 Three — Thos. Earl of Strafford, fmall oval, by Hollar, he, 96 Four— ditto, by Glover, he. and Tryal and Execution 97 Sev^en — George Duke of Buckingham, William Duke of Newcaftle, he, 98 One — the Earl of Arundel^ by Glover, in an ova!, fme and fcarce 99 Three — Lord Cottington, by Hollar, Earl of Manchefter, by Van Hove, he, 100 Two — Archibald, Earl of Argyle, by.Loggan, he, 101 Three— Earl of Bridgwater^ by Smith, fine^^ and John Earl of Rochefter, by White, he. { 11 ) 102 Five — James Duke of Monmouth, &c. 103 Three — Lord Brounker, by Hollar, See. 104 Four — Earl of Carnarvon, by Vander Gucht, Sir Bevil '* ^ Granville, by Faithorne, See. GENTRY, LITERARY, &c. 4^*0 105 Seven— Sir Edward Seymour, Sir John Glanville, Oli- ver Cromwell, '^c. 106 Twenty — Various 107 Seven — John Hampden, by Audran, Sir Ifaac Newton, Edmund Burke, after Sir J. Reynolds, &c, 108 Seven — Mr, Pope, whole length, fcarce^ Sir James Thornhill, &c. neatly inlaid 109 Nine — Ifaac Walton, by Bovi, fcarce^ Mr. Gray, Mr. Voy^e^whole lengthy William Middleton, Efq. &c. > no Four-— Admiral Ogle, by Tims^ Sir Charles Wager, by G. White, &c, ^ III Four — Dr. Fothegill, by V. Green,/)r^(^, Jofeph Addifon, by Simon, Garrick, by Watfon, &c. 112 Eight— Edward Eafton, by Dean, &c. 1 13 Five — Archibald Bower, byM‘Ardell, Edrfiund Halley, by Faber, Sir John Willes, &c. 1 14 Twenty-four — Dryden, Wicherley, &c. by Kyte, on 6 Sheets 1 15 Nineteen — Sir Ifaac Newton, by Robins^ Matt. Prior, by Faber, &c. n6 Seven— Arthur Onflow, Efq. Stephen Poyntz, Efq. by Faber, Sir John Barnard, &c. 117 Four — Horatio Walpole, Efq. hy Simon ^ Jofeph Addifon, by ditto, &c. 1 18 Five— Sir Edward Dering, by Moncornet, Richard Grenvill, from the Heroloogia, &c. » 1 19 One — Sir Thomas Smithy by Pafs, fcarce 120 Three — Thomas Hobbes^ by Hollar, See, fcarce 121 Three — John Mayne, &c. fcarce 122 One — Sir Edward Chifenhale, 123 One — Sir James Harington, in an 0 (Sl:agon, by Faith- orne, Jr <7 124 Two — Richard Elton, by Drofhout and William BarrifF ^ f 125 One — Sir Bevill Gr anvils hyYdXihovnty very fine Jirb 126 One— 5 /r Henry Goodricke^hy Smith, and fcarce /, , 0 127 One— Sir Charles Cottrell, Mafter of the Ceremonies to 3 Rt Williams, yr<7;v^ ( 12 ) 128 Two — Edmund Burke, after Sir Jofliua, and Mafter Skinner, by Watfon 129 Two— by Smith, Chhftophcr Stockdale and Edward Southwel,^«^ 130 Two — William Shakefpeare, hy SI mon^ fine^ and Wal- ler, by Vertue 1 31 Two— Sir Godfrey Kneller, and Sir Peter Lelly, by Smith, fine lO' o 132 One— John MiUon, by Marfhall, 133 Two— Sir Edward Dering, by Glover, and Hollar 134 Three — John Selden, by Chantry, White, &c. 135 Three — Sir Henry Vane, by Faithorne, ^ 5'0 136 One— Sir Richard Stackpoole, by Watfon, /S^O 137 One — Thomas Killegrew, by W. Faithorne, /$'£ 138 One — George Withers, 139 Two — Col. Robert Fielding, by Becket, &c. one a proof , 140 Two— John Heyden, by Crofs, and Richard Saunders End of the Second Dafs Sctle^ ( 13 ) Third Day’s Sale GENTRY, LITERARY, &:c. continued. LOT J2o /o- it 0 ' ^ //' 0 ^ /• 0 /. /^‘ ^ So n i /'.VO //• O /t- ^ A 3, o gh /?* 0 /**♦ /• ./> 1 TTwO—George Chapman, by Hoky and Ben Jonfbn, by Vaughan 2 Two— Samfon Lennard, and Andrew Snape 3 One — Thomas Sanders of Ireton, by Loggan, fim and fcarce 4 Two— Nicholas Culpeper and Richard Tomlinfon, by Crofs 5 Four — Valentine Greatrakes, by Faithorne, &c. 6 One-r-William Hicks, by Loggan, fcarce 7 One — Leonard Wilhuy by Crofs, fine and fcarce 8 Three — Cowley, by Faithorne, &c, CO 9 One — fiohn Sparrow^ by Loggan, fcarce ID Oner — Thomas Mace^ by Faithorne, ditto sJ>0*Q ii OnQ^’-Bulfirode Whitlockcy hy li\x]\9[i\ix^y fine and fcarce T2 One — William Ramfay, by Crofs, J0 13 Three— Oliver Cromwell, by Lombart, &c. Jt-tii 14 Two — Chriftian and Conftantine Hugens, by Blooteling, fcarce 15 One — John uockjhuity by Loggan, and fcarce 16 Seven — John Florius, by Hole, Thomas Coriate, Lith- gow, &c, U/'Mnv , , ^ 17 T wo — ^John Anthony, by Crofs, &c. fine and fcarce . ,yvI 1 8 Eight — Oldenbarnevellt, . Hugo Grotius, by DelfFt, &c, fine 14/ 19 Six — Nathaniel Stringer, Culoeper, Sam. Pepys, and Ri- chards, by Smith tlfClscW One— John Davies of Hereford, fcarce 7^^ ( ) 7-0 7 *" //>• O Lk $ /. It & 10 6 /jh a /• 4-0 ih //•4 /^* <9 0 ifpi6 )L-o /O’ 0 /).0 ./■ i' ^ \, ^ IhO ll 1^.0 fo^t i 7 »o l-t-o 7 -^ ?/,6 2 1 One — Beverland and his Mi ft refs, by Schenck, ditto 22 Three — Hollar, and Le Blon 23 OnQ-^Henry Gyles^ Glafs-painter, by Place, rare 24 One — yohn Barefoot^ Letter Doctor to the Univerfity of Oxford, fcarce 25 Three*— Penn, by Hall, ana Brownlowe, by Crofs 26 One-— Sir Thomas Allen, by Vandrebanc, fcarce 27 Two — Edward Cooper, Printfeller, by Pelham, and , Williarq Fittock, fcarce 28 Four — James Naylor, William Williams, &c. 29 Tyvo — John Bulwer, by W. Faithorne, and "Kicnard Kilburne, by Grok, fcarce 30 One — Admiral Blake^ by Prefton, fcarce 31 One — Sir Hugh Myddleton, by Vertue 32 One — Beverland and his Miftrefs, by Beckett, and fcarce 33 One — Sir Dudley Carleton, by Delfft, fcarce 34 One— Sir James Harrinston^ in an octagon, by Fai- thorne, fine 35 One— Thomas Thynne, Efq. by Browne, fcarce ^0 1 36^ Four — Baron, by Marflrall, John Fletcher, by ditto, John Pryce, by Perfyn, See. 37 Four— William Ramfay, Williarh Sermon, by W. Sher- win, and John Archer 38 Six — Nathaniel Higmore,' Francis Gl I fibn, by Faithorne, ' Qr*^ 39 Four— Cowley, with variations, Richard Head, &c. 40 Two— Lancelot Coelfon, by Dunfialf and Francis Haw- kins, rare 41 Six — Sir Samuel Morland, by Lombart, Henry Spelman, by White, &c. 3 6 42 Three— Nathaniel Richards, John Ogiiby, by Marftiall, &c. 43 Fi ve — Gadbury, Wharton, he. 44 Two— Lionel Lockyer, rare.^ and Jofeph Blag rave 45 F ive — Noah Bridges, ‘Jeremiah Rich, Gadbury, &c. 46 Three— Drummond of Hawthornden, by Gaywood, he. 47 Four— Sander fon, James Howell, by Melan and Mar^ /hall ■ ^ 48 One — Nim^ a fatyrical puppy,, wit^BuRiGE, whole length, rare and curious 49 Five — F. Quarles, John Ogiiby, he. \ ' 50 Seven — Leonard Plunkenett, by Collins . 51 Three — Thomas Fidell, by Crofs, Theo. Garenccrcs, 52 Three — Sir Thomas More, by Vorfterman, &c. ( 15 ) 7^. / 53 Three — Sir John Harrington^ in a title-page, and Donne, by Marfhallj fcarce ^ /i-. 54 T WO — Thomas HyU-i setat. 28, wood cut, original and , tS-t 55 copy, fcarce Three — / o “ * ~ ohn Blagrave, Theo. deBry, John Daye, &c. * CLERGY. i-i 56 in-o SI 58 H O 59 3.^ 60 si 6 , ft l > 62 ir- o 63 3-^ 64 ^ 65 / 5 ' 66 ^ ^ 67 68 / 69 70 71 72 / 7-0 73 74 /?-o 75 //•4 76 7 '^ 77 ' 78 Five^Bifhop Atterbury, by Vander Gucht, Gibfon ^by Vertue, Tillptfon, by White, &c. Six — Seth Ward, by Loggan, John Moore, by R. White, &c. Seven — Thomas, Blftiop ofWinchefter, StephenWefton, by G. White, &c. Five — Bifhop Compton, by Beckett, Edward Wadding- ton, by Faber, Gooch, by M^Ardell, &c. Eight — various Seven— Hugh Boulter, Thomas Sherlock, by M^Ardell, &c. JCfi^ Two — Dr. Cooke and Mr. Coxe, by Petber, proof Jcarce Eleven— Bifhop Herring, “ the Mitred Champion-^'’ &c. Five — Edward Simfon, eight Latin verfes, Baxter, by White, foUoy Abbot, by Houbraken, &c. One — Archbifhop Laud, by V ifTcher, fine One — Morton, Bifhop of Durham, by W. Faithorne, very fine . One — John Pordage^ by Faithorne, (AJ^SK Three — Robert Bayfield, set. 27, by ditto. Dr. Everard, by Crofs, .and one in his Jludy fmoaking ^ One — Thomas Ca wton^ fine and fcarce '2d ^ ' I'hiee — Bifliop Wilkins, by Blooteiing, George Webb, by Slater, &c. Three — Pope Urban VIII. &c. Two — -Edmund Caftell, by Faithorne, and Humphry Gower, by Vertue Seven — Richard Baxter an3 John Ray Three — Benjamin Keach, by Vander Gucht, W. Shcr- win, &c. ' j One — Chrijiopher Love ^ by Conrades, Two— Ralph Venning, by Hollar, and William Ames, by Marlhall, fine J Three— Fuller and George Herbert^ and fcaree Four— Jofiah Shute, and Daniel Fcatly, by Marfball, &c. ( 16 ) 79 So !,o 8i 82 Ho 83 4-4 4 - n-(> 8s /^•o 86 n - f , 87 /■P- 88 L -^89 90 <*•<{ 9 ' / S -0 92 /;-o 93 /• I * ^ 94. / { n ) /■ 4-0 / ' / • t /. 4.^ /• /• o /. y-ty fx- b /■ n-i> i'-l 6-i na (.b /ti ■ /itt i-o 106 One*— Ann Mouniagu^ by Tbompfon, and fcarce 107. One — Madam Parfons^ by Verkolye> ditto 108 One — the Countefs of Dorchejler^ by Smith, ditto 109 One— Z<7^/y Effex Finch^ by Browne, 110 One — Lady Price^ ditto, ditto ■ 111 Madam Graham^ by Tbompfon, ditto 1 12 One — Lady Dorothy Grey^ by ditto, proofs rare 1 13 T wo — Louifa Duchefs of Fortfmouth, by G. V alck', and the Duchefs of York, by Tompfon 1 14 One — Louifa Duchefs of Portfmouth^ a proof after Sir P. Lely, by Le Davi^, fine and fcarce 1 15 One — Ann Bill^ by fcarce 1 16 Two — Madam Middleton* and the Duchefs of Cleave- land, by Tompfon 1 1 6^ One-— hVarner^ by Van Schuppen fcarce 1 17 Four — Frances Countefs of Portland, by Brown, &e. Elizabeth Countefs of Kent, &c. 1 18 Two— Madam Saomes, by Becket, and Lady Henrietta and Mary Hyde, by Smith 1 19 One— Lady Brownlow, by 120 Ann Duchefs of York, by Lombart, and Mrs." Elizabeth Wafhington, fcarce 121 One — Mrs. Ann Killigrew, by Becket, ditto j 22 One— Louifa Duchefs of Pordmouth, hy Vahk * T23 Two — May Rutin, by Faithorne, and Mrs. Griffiths, by Glover 124 Nine— Ann Countefs of Carlifle, ^c. KINGS, QUEENS, See. continued. y- k 125 /ft O J26 )•, y i ) 127 f- 0,128 129 rt-a y-p 132 * 1 * p‘0 133 One— Prince Rupert, by Tompfon, Three— Qiieen Elizabeth- on her Throne, &e. Two — Henry VI. and Archbilhop Chichele, by Barto- lozzi, fcarce One— King Henry IV. on Horfeback, by Tempefla, ditto Seven—-Prince Charles, by Delauram, Pafs, &c. ditto Nine^^^^jOjarleslI. Willia^^ILJ^icJ James Duke of Bur- r^undy, ISeT by SuyderhoeT*^ ^ One— Prince Henry exercifing with the Lance, Eight — King Charles 1 . II. he, fame curious Twelve— Ditto D ( ) I) ^ 34 - Fivc-^Chsrles II. by Hollar, &c. 135 Two— King and (iceti of Bohemia, by Pals, whole lengths PEERS, &C. CONTINUED, /• tjb Eight— George Earl of Albemarle, by Gammon, &c, y . ^ 4 '6 137 Three — Thomas Earl of Danby, by Blooteling, Af 138 . One — Edward Earl of Sandwich, by VtXcotmxigy fcarce 139 Two — Edward Earl of Sandwich, by Blooteling, and Thomas Earl of Arundel, by Hollar ^ / 3 *^ 140 Five— Robert Earl of Effex, Robert Earl of Leicefter, ' and Henry Earl of Arundel, fcarce ^*6 J41 Two — Richard Earl of Dorfet, by Pafs, &c. ditto ^^7 . PORTRAITS, VARIOUS. 6 i /O' i* 143 4 >*£> 144 y-6 H5 147 '^6 /H 148 Eleven— Sir Henry Martyn, &c. ' Ten — Samuel Slater, by R. White, he. Eight — Richard Cromv/ell, &c. fcarce ■ Nine— Dr. Plott, he. Eleven — the Hon. Thomas Townfhend, he. Eighteen — Portraits of Founders, with Views of the Colleges Eleven — John Froft, by Vaughan, John Hart, D.D.&C* fcarce knd of the Third T)afs Fourth Day’s Sale. DRAWINGS. KINGS, QUEENS, &e. Lot 1 One —^George IL from an Original at Rainham, by Al. Gardiner 2 One — Queen Caroline, highly finifhed, from an Original in the pofTeflioii of the Prince of Wales 3 One^^ — Frederick Prince of Wales, from an Original at Rainham, by M, Gardiner 4 One^^ueen Afin in the Charadler of Mrs. Morley, and the Duke of Gloucefter, by ditto 5 One — Sophia^ Wife of George /. by S. Hardings from an Original at Strawberry-hill 6 One — JVilUam Duke of Zcll^ by dittOy from an Original in the pofleffion of T. Broadhead, Efq. y Oi\Q-^Catharine IL Emprefs of Ruffia^ by M. Gardiner, from an Original painted a few months betore death 8 One — Charles IL Kmg of S%vodeny hy S. Harding 9 One — Guftavus IIL of Sweden, by ditto, from an Ori- ginal in the pofseffion of Baron Nolken 10 One — Emperor Charles VL by ditto y from an Original at Naveftock One— L'herefdy ^een of Hungan^^ by M. Gar^ diner ( 20 ) PEERS AND PEERESSES. T 2 Ont^John Duke of Marlborough^ by Mr» Gardiner^ from an Original in the pofseiTion of Lord Blandford 13 Ont-^Sarah Duchefs of Marlborough^ by ditto, from an Original in the polseffion of the Rev. Mr. Jacob 14 Two— John Marquis of Blandford^ from an Original at Althorpe^ and the Tomb 15 One — Edward firft Lord of Waldegrave^ by S, Hardings from an Original at Naveftock 16 OiL\t—fa 77 ies fifl Earl of Waldegrave^ by diito^ at ditto 17 One~ 'James Earl of JValdegrave^ fitting in his robes, by dltt'o^ ditto 18 Arabella Churchill^ from an Original in the pof- feflion of Countefs -Waldegrave 19 One — Henrietta^ Daughter of James 11 . and Wife of Edward Lord Waldegrave, by S» Hardings from an Original at Navbftock 20 One — Ehil. Earl of Chejlerfieldy by M. Gardhier^ from an Original at Wimpole 21 Ox\z-~Lord Cobham^ by dittOy from an Original in the pofselGron of the Marquis of Buckingham 12 One- — Lord Littleton, by ditto, from an Original at Wimpole 23 One— William fourth Duke of Devonfliire, hy ditto y from an Original in the pofsefEon of Lord Walpole 24 Ont—firji Lord Barrmgtoriy by i* 56 Two — Windfor, by Shepherd, &c. 57 Sijc-r-yarious NATURAL HISTORY. 57*One-“a Vafe of Flowers 58 One-r^the Magnolia Grandifiora and red *Bir^ 59 One — the Gold and Silver Pheafants : 60 One — ditto ditto 61 One-^a Dolphin purfulng a flying Fifb- 62 One — the Tucca Gloriofo ^ 63 One^the Azala 64 One— the Jatropha 65 One-^the Andromeda 66 One — ditto 67 One— Branch of May 68 One — D’Halea and Pinnata 69 One — Metrofideros Citrina yo One — Parrokeet from Botany Bay One— Birds of Fogg Ifland, Capt. Gooke-s Voyages ^2 One — the Red-winged Black and Nonparel on the talper Tree ^3 One — Pot of Flowers y4 One— Pot of Exoticks, wi^h Magnolia 7^ One — Pot of Flowers 76 A pair Pots of Flowers 77' A pair Pots, Honey Suedes and Geraniums 78 One-r-the Engliih Cock Pheafant, a Study 79 One-^the Summer Drake of South Caroline, ditto ^6 A beautiful Piece of ^ Bafket of Fruit, on white Sattin fo^* a fire Screen 1 1 An elegant Flower Piece, ly Hudfon^ mounted in OdagoQ Qr Moju fram^ and glafs for a |ire Screep ( 27 ) TICKETS BY BARTOLOOZZL 82 Fifty — Venus and Cupid, Ticket for Giar 4 ani, by Barto* Xoz'Liyfine 83 Fifty-r-ditto ditto 84 Fifty — ditto ditto 85 Fifty — Apollo and Daphne, ditto ditto 86 Fifty*—ditto ditto 87 Fifty — ditto ditto 88 Twenty — 4 o Homer, Virgil and Ovldy by Bartolozzij Heath, &c. fine proofs PORTFOLIOS. 4 89 Two- — Portfolios go Twor-^ditto 91 A large Portfolio with blue leaves, Russia back and cor^ nets 92 A large Portfolio 93 A neat Portfolio with leaves, calf gilt 94 A ditto, half-bound, Russia back and corners, lettered Britijh Peers 95 A ditto, ditto BOOKS and BOOKS OF PRINTS. 96 The Works of Captain Baillie, 115 Prints, including The Hundred Guelder and Gold Weigher^ &c. with Vari- ations, 2 of his Portrait, very fine 97 The Works of Hogarth, 112 Prints, old imprejftons 98 Ireland- s llluftration of Hogarth,. 3 'VoL 99 Paul Saundby^s 150 Landfcapes JOO GuercinoU Works, engraved by Bartolcs^zi, &c. 2 vols. fi^^ 10 1 The Work of Cipriani, by Earlom 102 The Kit Cat Club com'^lete, fine J03 Grose’s Military Antiquities, 2 voL with fine plates, large paper, boards IQ4 Bromley’s Catalogue of Engraved Britifti Portraits J05 Voyage Pittorefque de la Syrie, avec Planches 9 Liva- faifoir ( 28 ) io5 Miracoli della SS Nunziata 107 Smith’s Rural Scenery 108 The Chriftian’s 2-odiake, plates, by Hollar^ 109 Ogiiby^s Africa, plates, — ibyd no A Coiledfion of curious Dresses in A Volume of Prints, by Rubens^ &c. fine lii^Coftume of the Empire of Ruffia, fine coloured plates iii*^Anderfofn’s Secret Expedition, plates 112 Marchand’s Voyage round the World, with plates, 2 vols. — — 1801 113 Voyage de Vancouver, 3 tom. J14 Middiraan’s Views, 12 Numbers in a Portfolio, 7?;?^ 315 The Medal lie HiEory for Raping and a Colledlion of Coats of Arms Ii6 A Volume by N. de Bruin, P. de Jode, C.' de Pa^ de Bry, curious Alphabet, 5cc. * 217 Defeription de I’Empire de Ruffie, coloured plates^ 3 vol. in 2, ~ — Petersburgh^ 218 Drydc-n*s Fables^ with plates by Bartolozzi, &c. after Defigns of Lady D, Beaiiderc^ large paper ^797 3x9 ^ C 4 Qlle£tion of Folio Prints^ engraved from Antiquities found in the Tombs of Tiberia^ and prefented to the Ca- binet of St. Peterfburgh^ very curious 120 Exeter Cathedral^ with ^lans, Elevations and SedtionSj by the Antiquarian Society — 1797 121 Church, ditto ditto — — ^79^ 3 22 Durham Cathedral y Tmo ditto — 1801 323 Shakefpeare lUu/iratedy with Portraits and Views, by Harding, in Boards ^791 324 Another Sett 325 Coxe’s Travels in Switzerland, Illuflratcd with very elegant Views^ 2 vol, half bound in Russia ^794 326 Coxe’s Travels Illujlrated ivitb Portraits and Views ^ 2 vol. half bound in Russia ^794 127 Coxe’s Memoir s of Sir Robert Walpole^ elegantly inlaid on Imperial Folio ^ and Illuf rated with a Profufion of Portretits^ Ilifoncal and Political Prints^ many very rare^ uniformly mounted with the Letter Prefs^ and divi- ded into eleven patts ' i / 9S 328' Coxe’s Memoirs of Lord Walpole^ with portraits on ele- phant paper — 1802 N. B. Only 3 Copies Printed. 329 Vedute de Fereiize 3744 The End* Av/dfio/w' Hftu ,!^ Lo W- "T^f. ' <,. JHE ^mCEISTER i-‘BrtARY