A CATALOGUE OP A ©1HTONE ®©M,IICT]I©M * OF r.i « /.v/: t PICTURES, COM PRISING SOME PLEASING r K . r> _ \ C ( ' * Specimens t»|> Esteemed ^Wasters, PARTICULARLY St. John and Lamb, .Murillo ; Death of Adonis, Rubens; Sea Fight, Vandevelde; Landscape and Water, Ruysdael; AND OTHERS WORTHY THE NOTICE OF CONNOISSEURS: Which huh be Solti bi) auction, DYSON & FREEMAN, BY DIRECTION OF THE ASSIGNEE, OF THE - . . REV. JAMES CRADOCKE, LL.B. On THURSDAY, Sept. 19, 1816, at 1 o’Clock precisely, m mi .,* 8, DOWNING STREET, WESTMINSTER. ■ > « * / * t X • » it. To be viewed one day before, and on Morning of Sale, when Catalogues may be had on the Premises, and «f Messrs. DYSON & FREEMAN, Castle Court, Birchin Lane, Cornhill. « H V • V v ff u. : , e-w*Hi.. ■ ”? CATALOGUE. - -I THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19, 1816. Conditions of Sale as usual. FRONT PARLOUR. LOT. 1 .. Two pieces of Needlework richly framed and glazed, and a pair of small prints framed and glazed 2 . One ditto and a painting of flowers on velvet 3 . A pair of small portraits on copper, Mary Queen of Scots and Anna Bullen 4 Swaine . A pair of small shipping, ebony frames 5 . A head finely painted in a circular frame 6 Rembrandt . u*., .... The Nativity 7 JBackhuisen . A storm, very spirited 8 Vandyck . A beautiful portrait of General Ireton, in the time of Cromwell The Wise Men’s Offering 9 John de Mabuse • • • • 3 . ^ —- . LOT A- /o- 10 Moienaer • • • • /. i ~ 11 Breughel .... i-h : - 12 Backhuisen .. *7 JO - 13 14 Wilson . £ 2. Q 15 Vandevelde . . jp 0 _ 16 Rubens .... / rx L 17 Poussin .... __ 18 Ruysdael .... 2 /It U Tempesta .... / / **> 20 Grijjier .... A , /t A 21 Berghem .... 7 '3 ~ 22 Sivyclchart . . / _ 23 Angelis .... 24 A.D. Sarto *) / * ___ 25 Sivyckhart . . *} fC 26 Wowermans . . y r * • • A frost piece, with numerous figures and buildings ..... A small landscape, ruins and figures .... A brisk gale with numerous shipping • • • • St. John and Lamb, a valuable performance of this esteemed master .. .. A landscape with water, ruins and figures, a very pleasing picture » DRAWING ROOM. . . .. A sea fight, painted in a grand & masterly style } .... The Death of Adonis, a highly finished and brilliant picture .... A landscape and figures, very rich colouring ,... A landscape, water and figures, very deli¬ cately pencilled . ... A landscape, ruins and figures, a sweet little picture, equal to Salvator .... A landscape and figures, fine silvery tone of colouring . . .. A landscape, cattle and figures, a sweet little cabinet picture . . .. A winter piece ... . An old woman selling vegetables, elaborately finished . J .. A holy family ... . A winter piece .., . Interior of a stable 4 7 i LOT /O Hf 13 * 7 /6 * O 27 Powell ............ A pair of marine drawings framed k glazed 28 Mol a . A reposa, in a landscape ' 29 F. Bol . An interior with smith and forge 30 Eckhout . A portrait finely painted 31 ; - #u • u .dm * *• \ - _ W, ■ g. A fine pen and ink drawing of Wentworth Dillon •• 32 . • • V • V • •«••••• 4 • • • A court of Justice, a portrait on pantiel, and 1 other picture 33 .•. Two carved and gilt picture frames If!( ‘5! ' ’ ' * , f 1/ tAv * 0 \ & > -xk tf - f * , . <>! fin vr. d.mm y Imffii* u m holm«(f di ; ; eo ; A ........ *»n\vw .«> » bnn hoilgiml yldsh! a .dnobAT) oaT FINIS. ' : t r ; i {i -.cl M. a i gilhifolo.) dull y/lw , 80 'iu :H btin on f; :l A . . . ?r •vi.W \ 11 / 4 ) v jot > 0115 hern *iobw /»qno4>i:d A .......... ,« •lotir/io# oJ f/wpo /noioiq : i ofiol /10/tiH mil (m.fj ..i)»'T y .!mi 1. A .......... tsfiiiiJOlon o ' **■ • • * b.i'ii ’ ; M: > . * . . OTUl’iin toiihin > X OVJKJ »> I ’/ A . • • .". . . . c J iy,, ’IN . >%» v K' VX. no .u»:r h ii' laiRs.’nU Kflfimo rr hTo jr ■ vlfldst v'!.‘lt A 't V 0 )ah[ *1 ifif t* A n 1 o K oWb& ,{JL ,lfv .»i duF vt» itfil hi? %5i - »• % * * V .