Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcurio00soth_3 CATALOGUE OF THE CURIOUS AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Ancient anb IHobrrn (Lngrabings, FORMED BY THE LATE JOHN DILLON, ESQ., COMPRISING AN UNRIVALLED SERIES OF TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM, Etchings and Artists’ Proofs touched and drawn on by Turner ; ENGRAVINGS OF ITALIAN ARTISTS, ANDERLONI, GARAVAGLIA, LONGHI, MORGHEN, Madonna del Lago; Correggio Magdalen; Parce Somnum Rumpere ; The Transfiguration ; MADONNA DI SAN SISTO, BY MULLER; &c. &c. 5 fine anb nearly comjjkte (pollution of ijje Mortis of Moollett, A LARGE ASSEMBLAGE OF ANCIENT PORTRAITS & HISTORICAL ENGRAVINGS, including Queen Elizabeth in her jewelled dress, & Elizabeth of Bohemia, by PASS ; ®jc Senes of (Strings bij Stoop, in eommemoration of % grribal of Catherine of §ragan^a in (Snglanb; HIGHLY FINISHED DRAWINGS BY HARDING, HOUBRAKEN PROOFS, &o. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 'Sluctumms of ICitcratpD ro P frt B &2®orfes illustrattbc of tljc jFtnc?lris, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On WEDNESDAY, l6tli JUNE, 1869, and Three following Days, at one o’clock precisely. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR, AND CATALOGUES HAD. J. Davy and Sons, Planters, 137, Long Acre, London. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds 2s.6d. and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of pay¬ ment of the Purchase-money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. V. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense, imme¬ diately after the Conclusion of the Sale ; in default of which, Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be for¬ feited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen ivho cannot attend the Sale, may have their Com¬ missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants , SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Wellington Street, Strand. CATALOGUE OF THE |gxrrtraifs imtr HKsalknmts (feitgntbinjs, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE JOHN DILLON, ESQ. FIRST DAY’S SALE, vUyj CL » 3 Jifi / / Jf) q 1 3 JS 9 | 1 - 9 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 St. Peter's at Rome, and other topographical illustrations; various 55 The Portraiture of the Sovereign of the Seas (Ship) built in the year 1637 ; and other historical and various 14 The Church of St. Clement Danes, from Kipps’ views; Jesus College, by Loggan ; and others various 41 View and Plan of Chatham Dockyard; Kensington Palace and Gardens, engraved by Tinney ; and others various 14 King Street, Guildhall, and other topographical illustrations 120 View of the Savoy from the River Thames ; and other topographi¬ cal illustrations. 125 AMMAN. Admiral de Coligny, three quarters oval in armour, with a repre¬ sentation of his massacre on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1572, brilliant impression of this most interesting portrait, published in 1573 1 ANDERLONI. The “ Mater Dolorosa,” after Sasso Ferrato, fine artists' proof 1 The Judgment of Solomon, after Raphael, choice artist's proof 1 Head of our Saviour, from the Transfiguration by Raphael, artist's proof, very rare 1 Dilexit Mundum, after Carlo Dolci; Dilexit Multum, after Correggio ; the pair uniform, proofs before letters 2 The Holy Family, after Nicholas Poussin, fine proof before letters 1 Heliodorus, after Raphael, from the Stanze of the Vatican, brilliant artist's proof before any letters, before the border and with the remark 1 Attila, after Raphael, the companion print, fine artist's proof with the remark, the white bridle 1 BALECHOU. St. Genevieve, after Vanloo, fine impression 1 3 0 / 7 - 7 - JUlAAk* (AJL £ ru-> r 3rt, ^AuCro e A, crQJlxn -o ou-, ( ed*. JS -0 3 cY77>sO esnA BARTOLOZZI. 27 The Madonna del Sacco, after A. del Sarto, - /4 fine proof before letters, with good margin 1 28 Venus, Cupid and the Satyr, after Giordano. “ Cupidon achette - trop cher,” and others various, some fine proofs 6 7 29 Orlando rescues Olympia, after Carracci; The Death of Dido, and / \ vjJULa others, some fine proofs 14 30 A Sacrifice to Cupid. The Triumph of Beauty and Love; and / /y J others various, some fine proofs 7 / Qlxyo e-*sLev=> BAUDET. 31 Portsmouth, the Duchess of, seated on a couch with her son the & y ^ i Duke of Richmond as Cupid, rare 1 / ^ro BECIvET. 32 Albemarle, Christopher, Duke of, first state; and John Duke of =2 7 <=2ra Lauderdale 2 / 33 The Lady Williams, whole length, after Wissing, Cooper ex. 1 ' /r BELLIN. cr^L^ru^ o^jl-j K* 34 Rustic Courtship, after Frank Stone, S’ cr^Jbru u <=x-j>y r 36 The Angel Gabrielle, after Delaroche, - ? fine proof 1 c^ra BLOOTELING. 37 Cornelius Tromp, Admiral of Holland, large oval, after Lely; / and the ORIGINAL ENGRAVER’S DRAWING (^0T3 e^JLa^ very fine and extremely rare 2 / ¥ Co 38 Prince Rupert, after Sir Peter Lely c3Q cr^JLjyxA> 1 39 very fine and extremely rare De Vries, Admiral of Holland, three quarter length, after Eckhout, 1 / /O 9z^T3 e-cLo^ 40 very fine and rare Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester 1 s /& c2h) -i- proof before any letters, very rare 1 41 Charles II. oval mezzotint in armour, after Lely 1 i * /4 • j_ 4 ! * vTl 42 Cornelius de Witt, three quarter length, after Sorch, / / fine and rare 1 43 Constantine Huygens, after Netscher, proof; and Bishop Wilkins 2 O 44 Admiral de Ruyter, mezzotint after Lievensz ; and another 2 / // 45 The Duchess of Portsmouth, mezzotint small oval, proof , rare ; and Charles II. enthroned, by Loggan 2 & 46 Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby, after Sir Peter Lely brilliant proof before any letters; and an impression with the letters 2 /J~ . 47 Van Nes, Admiral of Holland, three quarter length, after De Jongh very fine and rare 1 / CARON. 48 Marguerite leaving the Church, after Ary Scheffer choice proof No. 14 1 CIPRIANI. /, 1 W* 4, 49 The Holy Family, after Sir Joshua Reynolds The original DRAWING by Cipriani for Sharp's engraving j CLINT. 3 v_ 50 Kemble Family, after Harlow with large margin, in gilt frame, and patent plate glass i COLLYER. A3 51 The Village Fete, after Teniers choice proof before letters, the artist's names etched i COUSINS. 52 Bolton Abbey, after Landseer brilliant artist's proof before any letters, large margin, in gilt frame with patent plate glass i v3 53 The Return from Hawking, after Landseer fine and rare artist's proof i V j ►/ 54 Her Majesty Queen Victoria, whole length, after Chalon / fine proof i i 7 ) /4 55 Master Lambton, after Sir T. Lawrence artist's proof before any letters, large margin, in oak frame with patent plate glass i| - /o 56 Mrs. Wolf; Mrs. Macdonald ; and Nature, after Sir Thomas Law- rence proofs before letters m 3 4- ff6> Ot-r tAj-eru r'fif Jfi Lctta ; q_y Qlxtt iZa-Ha^, y >l A'-v ? c3A cfAcroJ °w ( cA€> oJtjtf e^uJL ZjSzj e_ Ar_oLu j ALlA C?A crA^ruJ 5 (LJLjJUU Qz/ja e-dl-c^ P J (UJLTri_jsLx-f 1 ^P tfffLcnjO (3 If-O^cJP i XruO £*-*--/ QbCP 57 58 59 60 The Abercorn Children, after Sir Edwin Landseer fine artist's proof The Portrait of Rosa Bonheur, after Dubufe brilliant artist's inclia proof before all letters The Sutherland Children, after Sir Edwin Landseer brilliant artist's india proof and etching DALEN (Cornelius Van). 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Portraits of Boccaccio, Aretino, Giorgione, and Sebastian del Piombo, after Titian The complete set of four, superb proofs before any letters, and with large margins, most rare 4 DEL ARAM. Sir Thomas Gresham, “ to be sold by Sudbury and Humble and George Withers, by William Peake fine and rare 2 Henry Prince of Wales, Compton Holland exc. 1 DELLA BRUNA. // / J 7 ] /0\ 3 68 /6 3 ' tel I / /& Ate The Virgin adoring the Infant Saviour, after Correggio fine proof before letters 1 DESNOYER^ Napoleon le Grand, whole length, in the Imperial Robes, after Gerard 1 The Visitation, after Raphael brilliant proof 1 DUP ONT. Strafford going to Execution, after Delaroche choice proof before letters 1 ELSTRACK. James I. and Anne of Denmark, whole lengths, under two ff arches, with arms above, and a genealogy of their family between “ John Speed execudebat, Renold Elstrak sculp- sit.” fine and extremely rare 1 FAITHORNE. Catherine OF Braganza, dressed as she came from Portugal fine impression before the plate was damaged 1 — /P/6 6 T— \ ( j> 69 John Bulwer, and Samuel Bolton 2 Cjnuu JlurP/La 1 • ; fs> 70 John Pordage aJLcyz* first state, before the inscription was effaced 1 cfif, crd/crcO / 71 Henrietta Maria, engraved in the manner of Mellan fine impression, from the Barnard collection 1 3 ^3 72 James Stewart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox 1 - /& 73 Bishop’s Patric’s Pilgrim; Viscount Mordaunt; Samuel Bolton; and others 5 . 6~ 74 Catherine Phillips, John Wallis, and Thomas Stanley 3 / 75 Mary Princess of Orange, holding her mantle, after Van Dyck, C/uto e-Jup^, 9 “ sould by Will Faithorne ” 1 76 Prince Rupert, Elector Palatine of the Rhine, oval in armour, with the address of Peter Stent 1 JUL fJ'Couuu cjtfif / /Co 77 Henry Rich Earl of Holland, Thomas Hobbes, and others 6 > /O 78 John Ogilvie, John Kersey, and Sir Richard Fanshaw 3 bjLnJLzs-i fc\ 79 An Illustration to Virgil, The Shepherds, Sityrus, and Melibceus after F. Cleyne T first state, before the letters, Ec. 1 /. 1 at the foot of the plate below the right foot of the centre figure, from the Marshall / collection 1 Cjnjys / 80 Sir Richard Fanshaw, Sir William Noy, and John Wallis 3 // 81 Thomas Mace, and Christopher Simpson y£2 first state, before Nulla was altered to Neque 2 a-*-t 3* ^axjj^~odf Qtc. c.flrucrQJL& qJ^/yzxxj^ Cv.*-=> 1 < ^jnjyo e.-cLx 0 FINDEN. —t- 89 The Soldier’s Return, after Wilkie vjn artist's india proof before any letters 1 90 George IV. whole length seated, after Sir Thomas Lawrence - . ^2 < r> india proof before letters 1 FIRENS. 91 Henry IV. touching for the King’s Evil s5~ ■ | very fine impressian, rare 1 FLIPART. 92 Le Gateau des Rois, after Greuze 1 - cT FORSTER. 93 La Vierge au Bas-relief, after Leonardo da Vinci m * fine impression on india paper 1 FRANCOIS. 94 Bonaparte crossing the Alps, after Delaroche - /j • choice artist's unfinished proof 1 y 95 Le Gallant Militaire / fine proof before letters 1 96 Mignon et son Pere, after Ary Scheffer 1 / . artist's india proof a 97 Portrait of Titian, after Titian 1 4 <=~2- 98 Napoleon at Fontainebleau, after Delaroche choice artist's india proof 1 GAILLARD. 99 La Malediction Patemelle, after Greuze 1 . GARAVAGLIA. 100 LA MADONNA DELLA SEGGIOLA, after Raphael artist's proof before arms or any letters, with the remark ; with large margin , in gilt frame with patent plate glass 1 /o Yc* 101 LA MADONNA DELLA SEGGIOLA, after Raphael brilliant artist's proof before the arms 1 /■2 3 102 Hagar and Ishmael, after Barroccio artist's proof with the remark, large margin , in oak frame ivith * patent plate glass 1 _Q 103 David with the head of Goliah, after Guercino 1 1 proof 8 3 3 104 The Magdalen holding a Vase, after Carlo Dolci choice proof with the remark 1 GAULTIER. =2 Co 105 Henry IY. OF France, whole length in rich armour, holding “ Le sceptre de milice,’ at his feet a Hydra, from which the seven heads are cut off fine and rare 1 c33lxrujc^-j / 4 j 9 j JJ ^ p /o /A 3 106 Mary de Medicis, wife of Henry IY. of France, small oval, le Clerc ex. fine and extremely rare 1 107 “ Marie de Med. Royne Reg. de France et de Navarr,” le Clerc ex., whole length with her hand on a table 1 brilliant impression, extremely rare GIBBON (Tiielps). 108 The Twa Dogs, after Sir Edwin Landseer fine proof on India paper 109 The Highland Shepherd’s Home, after Landseer india proof before letters 1 1 | 1 1 GIRARDET. 110 Washington crossing the Delaware, after Seutze india proof before letters 111 The Deposition, after Andrea del Sarto choice proof before letters, the artists' names slightly etched GOLTZIUS. 112 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester brilliant impression of this exquisite portrait engraved on a silver plate, of great rarity, from the Marriette collection 1 *** The impression in the Drugulin sale realised £3. 18s. HALL (John). 113 William Penn treating with the Indians for the Province of Penn¬ sylvania, in 1681, after West choice artist's proof before any letters; very rare 1 3 c3s~r~l (I 3 ^ ia O-t—o/ji-y wjumJ c 33 crt.Q-en-L> 33° ~(s> 9 0T-jOiloisin-oL^ cfflo cJLctlj^ OA « V ~ xrtxrtj^y^usLJ^ 3° c2^ rujisr-L JL v r 3 OUUU vdtr ' CLCLSY~L Ji*-f roudA^rf o£=> JJ^OcjUl) cJ-t- G eyCnrx^-oj 7 3 crusLx^r-^LL O’. cuuu *M SL ., <35 CTTaTL -CLS>~L JL JfL cr^oTjJOi-v / e/tJ ctjou cJt-Jj 7 HARDING. The following beautiful and highly finished Drawings, from the MOST AUTHENTIC PICTURES, WERE EXECUTED FOR Mr. DlLLON FOR purposes of Illustration ; some have been engraved. 114 Lord Burleigh riding on a mule l 115 Dudley Earl of Leicester, whole length 1 116 Henry IY. and James I. half lengths 2 117 Sir John Boys, and Lord Arlington, half lengths 2 118 Sir John Fortescue, and Sir Christopher Mingh, three- quarter lengths 2 119 Dr. William Juxon, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Sir Edward Montague, three-quarter lengths 2 120 Princess Louisa, daughter of the King of Bohemia; Sir Thomas CHICHELEY; and Sir H. Capel, three-quarter lengths 3 121 LACY, the Comedian, in three characters, from a picture at Windsor, painted by order of Charles II. whole length 1 122 Lucy Waters, and the Countess of Sandwich, half lengths 2 123 Sir John Frederick, Lord Mayor, 1662; Major Wildman; and John Felton 3 124 Humphrey Henchman, Bishop of London; Thomas Lord Clifford, and William Lord Crofts 3 125 Mordaunt Earl of Peterborough ; Samuel Pepys ; and another of Pepys, from the original in Christ Church Hospital 3 126 George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, and Sir John Minnes, three-quarter lengths 2 127 Sir Thomas Tiddiman, William Lilly, and William Prynne 3 128 The Earl of Sandwich, and Charles Stuart, Duke of Rich¬ mond 2 129 Frederick Lord Cornwallis, and Lord Keeper Coventry, three-quarter lengths 2 130 Sir John Cutler, and Mrs. Craythorne 2 131 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and Thomas Earl of Southampton, three-quarter lengths 2 132 Catharine of Braganza, Marie de Medici, Duke of Argyle, and others 6 133 Sir John Minns, Sir Robert Southwell, and others 5 c 3 A A Jl - £> /o JL /A 4 A /£ 4 /o / /3 / 4 c3 3 <3 3 A /o u /S SL u 4 * cT 10 ^ 1 135 Sir Charles Scarborough, first physician to Charles II. James II., and William III. he died Feb. 26, 1693 ; and DOCTOR Edward Arris, physician of Brazenose College, Oxford, served in Parliament for St. Albans in 1661, drawn from the original picture in the Barber Surgeons Hall 2 136 William Camden, and Henry Hyde, Earl of Rochester 2 137 Queen Elizabeth when Princess, after Holbein; and Nell Gwynne, after Sir Peter Lely 2 ' 6? 138 Francis Atterbury, and James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh 2 i HOGENBERG. fill /o\ 139 Erasmus of Rotterdam brilliant impression of this very fine and extremely rare portrait 1 9 HOLLAR. ■ 140 The Royal Exchange in the year 1644, with the medal of / Sir Thomas Gresham, (1036) fine and very rare 1 // 141 View of London before the Fire in 1666 ; (1000) first state, before the address of S. Sympson ; fine and very rare 1 \/6 6=> 142 Views of the Houses of Parliament, Lambeth House, Whitehall, and Westminster Hall, in the year 1647 (1037, 1040) very fine impressions of the complete set before the plates were cut 4 eT ' • 143 The Royal Exchange, the Tower, the Piazza, Covent Garden, and St. Ouers, in Southwark, (907-10) very fine impressions, rare 4 j - // 144 London before and after the Fire ; the Prospect of London and Westminster from Lambeth ; and London “ The glory of Great Britain’s Isle ” 3 I ^ 145 Pembroke, Sir Philip Herbert, Earl of (1481) first state before the hair was diminished on either side of the head, rare 1 4 146 Ground Plan of the City of London and the Suburbs (1004) indicating the ravages of the fire in 1666, with the address of Overton, rare 1 eT 147 The Coronation of Charles II. The Cavalcade passing through the City of London, the Procession, the Coronation in West¬ minster Abbey (570-75) the complete set, also the plates not engraved by Hollar 8 33> dl^XcruJCL^i 1 0 CrXxT ST- ^-°i= Qljtt tf^STjU c 3ro ■Q> c ■y^n^cuAl'- I c2ro c ffiajUO <3^0 cT Phyixla^. ? c^O 11 (lax, JkjsUL (r> Q$s~r-L-o^c> Cu_ «2ro 2b-c r e2^> oS*. cr -crzjJ CLJL ~f C feeujo QjJt§f Qrx_.cJLxr@lLl Qn_xro c-JL • crS^O C~33 n YiCW e^ol- cv=> QruuJhJ^&Lii 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 1 165 166 167 : 168 Charles II. half length, with the Star of the Order of the Garter (1439) ; and Charles II. after Van Dyck (1442) Charles I. kneeling (477) brilliant impression the plate not divided Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I. of England (1396*) Charles I. in an oval on a pedestal, supported by military trophies (1434); Charles I. crowned by Fame; Henrietta Maria; Marie de Medici; and others John IV. King of Portugal, the Murder of Vasconcellos, and the King’s Coronation (550) the three subjects before the plate was cut, fine and extremely rare View of London before and after the Fire, and of the Fleets off Deal Anne of Cleves, Henrietta Maria, and others Interior of St. Paul’s, Lambeth, Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey, and others Panoramic View of Greenwich, Richmond, and Plan of Breda Charles II. on a pedestal, after Schut (1745) ; Hans Holbein; portraits of Hollar, and others Two Views of Albury in Surry, and another Captain Kempthorn’s Engagement, and others The Old Savoy Palace, brilliant impression with large margin, of the greatest rarity 2 3 1 1 2 4 12 3 / / 4 / u 1 /L /S /& // V /Q HOUBRAKEN. Abbott, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, // proof before letters, very rare 1 Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I. / 3 proof before letters, very rare 1 Buchanan, George, l /3r proof before letters and before the engraver's name 1 Buckingham, Henry Stafford, Duke of /3 proof before letters 1 Burleigh, William Cecil Lord, Oliver Cromwell, Sir Fran cis / / Drake, and others 5 Clarke, Samuel, D.D. /o proof before letters and the engraver's name 1 Cromwell, Oliver, /or proof before letters, very rare 1 -BoiifiET, Edward Sackvill% Earl of or proof before letters ( 1 12 1 J t ATI 169 Drake, Sir Francis, proof before letters and the engraver's name , rare 1 / c7(o cruiTuJ OL^| QojVn OjzLc^, C Qzcn O-cLcy^ Jz7> *7a5TJ ejio^ s3*~q ^iL-jlTjjMj 13 ^3^ o 5 "(o ct{j(!jtza V f iJiveoLay^ CUusn-dL (3 4a. 4 <94 a&)j£n^O Q-uon C_*X njreK- &LXJ CXA_y 3 ou-c 77' Qnj^tJhjcr&L) <33s> 3lLarLU VosJk^ Sb cxrr~iAJl_ IL cXt^c’XXcr^ lOu, Y (t&yO 0*4 ffct*UO CJl/ld^, 7cw f // /£» . / / ' / o 31 £ 3 /3 3 /S / /o / l . I / / i * 1 - 9 XV // . 1 cT // vV i ■ i 1 16 A) 243 3" ■ 245 / s 246 8 247 • // 248 d>- 249 f/4 250 4 251 A 4 252 /(o 253 3 254 / 255 / 256 | 3 257 The Two Marys waiting at the entrance of the Tomb, lithograph; Ave Maria, lithograph and engraving Rev. Thomas Scott, Joseph Hughes, and various others, portraits and topography The Illuminations for Peace at the House of Mr. Otto, with an autograph, &c. &c. St. James’ House, by Kip, in the first state, and an impression in the second state ; the brass Statue of Charles I. at Charing Cross, Sutton Nichols Banqueting House at Whitehall, in 1713, by Terasson, and other London topographical illustrations London during the Conflagration, and the Prospect of West¬ minster, sold by J. Smith 64 9 3 17 2 ckSO 0-4 w* cx_ c_J m3 cm^> (jnjCTV View of Albermarle House, by Skillman; the General Post Office, by Sutton Nichols, and others, various 6 0 Yuyv c JL The Royal Exchange. “ Sir Thomas Gresham, knight, at his owne costs and charges to the ornament and publike use of this Royall citie of London, caused this place from the fondacion to be erected the VII. of June Anno M.DLXVI. and is full ended Anno MDLXIX.” the extremely scarce original and a copy 2 Twenty illustrations to Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, and others, various 31 Westminster Abbey from the Broadway, pen and ink drawing by Nutter, and other drawings illustrating London 18 GARRICIvIANA._ David Garrick, two etchings by Worlidge, Between Tragedy and Comedy, and others, various, with playbills, &c. 10 Garrick’s Monument in Westminster Abbey , drawing by Ballard, 1819 ; Mrs. Garrick, Garrick’s Villa, and others 12 A new Prologue spoken by Mr. Garrick, Thursday, April 5, 1750, at the representation of Comus, for the benefit of Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, Milton’s granddaughter, and only surviving descendant An Ode upon dedicating a Building and erecting a Statue to Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, by D. Garrick 2 Mr. Woodward in the character of Mercutio 1 JL <33 O-lU cS-0 7 IXTO e oLa^. 17 Qul. (JhjX^JLj 258 , ^-orr/^o 259 260 cr&lenjj 261 ^ (f 262 r 263 V J5£ru 264 Qnjtra e^oL>^, 265 Sir* 266 op «_J—ol A 267 \i cVc Jt 268 <9“to CfCiEUr-uj cx_». f 1 269 270 PZjJ- 0 eoL, _ 271 272 273 C tf^lLcruJcxj—t T 274 Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger, by Dixon, proof ; in the character of Richard III. by Hogarth, engraved by Skelton, and others, various 10 Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger, with Mr. Burton and Mr. Palmer, mezzotint, by Dixon and others 3 Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger, by S. W. Reynolds, after Zoffany, brilliant proof before the artist's names; Garrick as Sir John Brute in the Provoked Wife, proof ; and Knight, by Dawe, proof 3 Miss Elliot, by Watson, proof 1 Depart des Comediens Italiensen 1697, by Jacob, after Watteau, scarce , and others, various 5 Mrs. Siddons in the Grecian Daughter, and with her Son in the Tragedy of Isabella, by Caldwall 2 Mr. Moody and Mr. Packer in the Registry Office; mezzotint, by Saunders ; Garrick, by Finlayson, after Reynolds ; and Mdme. Rose Didelot 3 Garrick, as Lord Chalkstone, in Lethe ; Mr. Yeates, as Launce; and Miss Nailer, by Wilson 3 Samuel Foote, as Major Sturgeon, by Haid, proof; Lord and Lady Spencer as Cecil and Lady Lambton 2 The Stage Mutiny, fine and very rare 1 Garrick, as Richard III. by Dixon, after Dance ; Mrs. Jordan, as the Comic Muse, by Park ; and others 7 The Beggar’s Opera, by Blake, after Hogarth; Mr. Shuter, Mr. Beard, and Mr. Dunstall, in “ Love in a Village,” and Lord and Lady Spencer as Colonel and Miss Rivers 3 Foote, as Dr. Last, with Weston, by Finlayson, proof; and Mrs. Woffington, by MacArdell, after Pond 2 Miss O’Neill, in the character of Juliet, after Dawe ; Mrs. Yates, after Parkinson; Miss Kemble, by Jones; and Mrs. H. Siddons, Miss Murray, and Mrs. Jordan, by Jones, proof 4 John Bannister, by Smith, after Brown; and Johnson, as Gibby Wonder, proofs 2 Dibdin, in the character of Mungo, by Clowes; Havard, by Fisher, proof; Henderson, by Jones ; and others various 7 David Garrick, by Wood, after Pont; Garrick reciting the ode in honour of Shakespeare, and others 5 D ' /j| . - cQ. ' i /o\ ■ /o ■ r-y* / 6, 1 . / /4 / /4 • 1 - 9 ■ ! / /- ' /o : . / / / ■ V / J 18 ~1 4 /o 275 / 42 276 / 4 • 277 IQ 1 278 / V / 279 - /& 280 Jl /L 281 /*> /J 282 / /Co 283 • // r / 284 4 9 285 i / /o 286 43 287 m 288 - 3 3 289 3' 290 Ground Plans of the Theatre in Goodman’s Fields, built by William Gifford in 1737, draivings; the painted ceiling over the pit of the Theatre drawing , and engraving, and others various 9 Garrick in Hamlet, by MacArdell, after Wilson; by Collyer, after Gainsborough; and others various 17 Garrick, in the character of Lord Chalkstone, in the farce of Lethe, by Gabriel Smith, very fine and rare 1 Garrick, in the character of Abel Drugger, by Zoffany, after Dixon, proof; in the character of Kitely, by Finlayson, after Eeynolds, and others 12 Garrick, in Hamlet, by MacArdell, after Wilson ; and others various 15 Garrick, by Dixon, after Hudson, mezzotint, proof; Between Tragedy and Comedy, after Eeynolds ; and The Mask 3 Margaret Woffington, in the character of Phebe, by Van Bleeck, fine and rare ; and Mrs. Baddely, by Lowrie 2 S£> cr&icruj < YLl a KixrJ ex LONGHI. MADONNA DEL LAGO, after Leonardo da Vinci artist's proof before any letters , with large margin , in a gilt frame and patent plate glass Holy Family, after Eaphael proof before letters La Madonna col divoto, after Leonardo da Vinci fine artist's proof rare Marriage of the Virgin, after Eaphael, very fine old impression The Holy Family, after Eaphael, choice artist's proof MAGDALEN, after COEEEGGIO artist's proof with etched names excessively rare; large margin , in gilt frame with patent plate glass Triumph of Galatea, after Albano, choice proof before letters, rare The Infant St. John, after Caracci artist's proof Bust of Napoleon, with a Crown of Laurel, proof before letters, rare P J (pb-a-cJh* p . 4^ 17 cK C/LC cr&^JruOoxj-f f 19 Qvtt ecL ( <4^ crfi^STuj CXa_/ 4 d cJS crftfruJ o_w I c3“U Q-QxxxJLlo $-U?u e_o£. $ @Xstt_c>_s2>i rUj; c?£ 0T-C e i , n>o l 3-<_. 0 4x4 LORICHON. 291 Ecce Homo, after Titian, V / o i fine proof before letters 1 4 LOUIS (Aristide) 292 Mignon aspirant au Ciel; and Mignon regrettant la Patrie, the 4 /O \ pair after A. Scheffer, choice numbered proofs (8) on india paper 2 293 Napoleon, after Delaroche / /4 india proof before letters 1 LUCAS (David). 294 The Grand Canal, Venice, after J. D. Harding V _o artist's proof 1 MANDEL. 295 La Vedova, after Leopold Robert / O choice proof before letters 1 296 The Little Gardeners, after Magnus 4/ the original DRAWING for the engraving in gilt frame with patent plate glass 1 MARTINET. 297 Charles I. in the Guard-room, after Delaroche, - /o| proof before letters 1 MASQUELIER. 298 The Entombment, after Raphael, / 4 ' beautiful proof before letters on india paper 1 MASSARD. 299 The Immaculate Conception, after Murillo 1 t <3 300 La Dame Bienfaisainte, after Greuze 1 V /J) f o<_> ! MERCURI. 301 Les Moissoneurs, dans les Marais Pontins cf artist's proof india , rare , large margin, in gilt frame with patent plate glass 1 302 Saint Amelie, after Delaroche - i / fine impression 1 / 303 Sir Christopher Columbus /fin india proof before letters 1 20 304 / 4 4 /o\ 305 306 307 * /4 a /O / 3 / 4 3 4 o 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 METZMACHER. Philippe de Champaigne india proof before letters 1 MEYER. Sir Roger de Coverley going to Church with the Spectator, after Leslie 1 india proof MILLER (James). View of London. Westminster Bridge about 1770 large and important DRAWING in water colours 1 MORGHEN. PARCE SOMNUM RUMPERE, after Carracci artist's proof brilliant and rare, signed by the engraver, large margin in gilt frame with patent plate glass Madonna del Cardellino choice proof on india paper, very rare MADONNA DELLA SEGGIOLA choice proof very fine and rare THE TRANSFIGURATION, after Raphael brilliant proof before letters The Last Supper, after the fresco by Leonardo da Vinci brilliant impression before the comma after the word “ Vobis," with good margin Lot and his Daughters, after Guercino proof before letters The Penitent Magdalen, after Murillo fine impression before the dedication Poesia, after Carlo Dolci artist's proof before the arms or letters, with full margin , in gilt frame with patent plate glass Portrait of Michel Angelo brilliant proof before letters, with large margin, and presenta¬ tion from the engraver to Sig. Artaria Theseus and the Centaur, after Canova fine proof before letters 1 1 1 1 1 1 to ct(4lg>-Q OjuLm-oJU-f exJLc r -f ivmsrufi^. ff 21 z3^0ljljO cjUL Qxxrz e<£ cK zn. b^Llx^c 3n> .3- 3^ 3r° 3ro a . 'TlCr3 cldLj><^> 317 The Four Italian Poets, after Tofanelli and Ermini /4 . Petrarch, Tasso, Ariosto, Boccaccio brilliant proofs, with full margins, before any letters or the artist's names ; presque unique 4 318 Portrait of Dante, after Tofanelli fine proof before letters 1 319 Lorenzo di Medici, after Vasari, proof 1 ■> £ 320 Napoleon with a Crown of Laurels / /o brilliant artist's proof with the remark, very rare 1 MULLER. 321 LA MADONNA DI SAN SISTO, after Raphael v° brilliant proof, with large margin in gilt frame and patent plate / glass 1 322 St. John, after Domenichino J2J fine print before the retouch, with large margin, in gilt frame and patent plate glass 1 NANTEUIL. 323 Anne of Austria, fine impression 1 - | 324 Francois de Bonne, Marechal de Crequi. fine 1 *- = 2 ! ff\ 325 Frederick Maurice de la Tour d’Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, - and Basile Fouquet 2 326 Jean Baptiste Colbert, fine and rare 1 - ? I 327 Nicolas Fouquet, fine and rare 1 • /A PASS. 328 ELIZABETH, Queen of England, whole length, in the 32 MAGNIFICENT JEWELLED DRESS IN WHICH SHE WENT TO St. Paul’s to return thanks for the destruction of the Spanish Armada, after J. Oliver ■ j fine impression, extremely rare 1 329 ELIZABETH OF BOHEMIA, three quarter length, holding / / a fan “ are to be sold by John Hind ” very fine and extremely rare 1 330 Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, “ Sold by Geo. Humble / 5 in Popes head Alley,” very rare 1 \3 3 22 —r PAYNE. 1 4 1 c5~ , 331 Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, half length, in a hat, holding a truncheon, in a border, with two soldiers competing with spears above rare PIOTTI. JZ 332 Semiramis, after Guercino choice artist's proof before any letters 1 cV QUILLEY. • 333 Off Calais, after Clarkson Stanfield brilliant proof of this fine mezzotint, with full margin 1 REYNOLDS (S. W.) i / 336 The Members of the Dilettanti Society, the pair of mezzotints engraved by Say and Turner superb India proofs before letters, with full margins 2 RIBERA. V 337 Cleopatra, after Guido proof before letters 1 RICHOMME. / 338 La Yierge au Silence numbered proof before letters I ROBINSON. / s3~ 339 The Mother’s Embrace, after Leslie proof before letters 1 ' 340 Her Majesty Queen Victoria, after Partridge artists' proof 1 ROSASPINA. v /O 341 The Descent from the Cross, after Correggio proof 1 (s> ^d^=. 23 St ottruoa^ Q ( Ojuu*' QliSZI S~° and Sir Robert Southwell 3 348 Duke of Gloucester with a Dog, after Kneller, and Madame - /G Jane Skeffington, after Wissing 2 349 James Butler, Duke of Ormond after Kneller, J2 Y s fine and rare proof 1 Y 350 Lady Elizabeth Carteret, after Kerzeboom, jn fine proof 1 351 Madam Jane Skeffington, after Wissing, proof and the Duke of v // Gloucester, after Kneller, proof 2 352 Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, after Closterman 1 t fT ■ 353 Sidney Earl of Godolphin, and Mr. John Bannister 2 ? 354 Sir Cloudesley Shovel, crttcrLO c ^-f 9uov VdjdLo^ <^rQ' sTLQjStxj.^ C <3ho rzjca eo/cK_- U Entree de Henry Quatre dans Paris.” “ Comme le Roy alia incontinent a l’Eglise de Notre Dame rendre graces solennelles a Dieu de cest admirable reduc¬ tion de la ville Capitale de son Royaume.” “ Comme sa Majeste le mesme jour estant a la Porte S. Denis, veid sorter hors de Paris les garnisons estrangeres que le Roy d’Espagne y entretenoit.” the complete set of three plates, very fine impressions, of excessive rarity 3 “ De Bloedighe t’ Samen—Spraak, van Fairfax an Cromwel,” half length portraits of Cromwell and Fairfax, the former with the wolf looking over his shoulder, the latter a lion, curious and rare Dutch broadside in the first state 1 oT CROMWELL wearing a triple crown, trampling on the Scotch, squeezing the English under his arm, and disembowelling a Dutchman, an illustration to “ Uyteeldinge van de Hoog- moedige Republijk van Engelandt Cromwell with two dogs attacking the Belgian Lion, “Leewen Honden Geveght” 2 CROMWELL in the Pulpit, returning thanks for the victory at W orcester curious contemporary flying sheet, extremely rare; And “ Olever Cromwell's Cabinet Councell Discovered” 2 /Q i Coronation of Frederick of Bohemia, surrounded by seven smaller Representations of the Events, and Portraits of Frederick and Elizabeth 1 Charles I., whole length in armour, curious broadside in reference to the Expedition against the Scotch in 1639, with the names of the Earls, Lords, &c., that attend his Majesty, and of the Ships under Sir John Pennington very curious and rare. An impression in the Puibusque Collec¬ tion realised £10 10s. 1 i s-> Charles I. “ Oh, horrible murder,” curious and rare, with copy 2 “ A perfect list of all the victories obtained (through the blessing l/- 6 /Q of God) by the Parliament’s forces under the command of His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex,” &c., “with the names of the cities, towns, castles, and forts taken from the enemy since the beginning of these unnatural wars to this present moneth of August, 1646.” Contemporary flying sheet, with 28 /G -\/o y y / / Portraits of Essex, Lesley, Fairfax, Manchester, Skipton, Oliver Cromwell (Lieutenant General of the Horse), Waller, Brereton, Massy, and Brown of excessive rarity, and great historical interest 1 396 Lords Justices in the absence of William III., and the Bishops’ Council 2 397 The Seven Bishops confined in the Tower by James II., by Haelweg very fine and rare 1 '398 Portrait of Ravaillac, by Van Sichem ; and the Murder of Henry IV., by Luiken 2 399 OLIVER Cromwell in armour, a Youth tying on his scarf, in the centre of a curious English broadside, “ for constituting of Oliver Cromwell Esqr. to be Captaine Generali, dated 1620” very fine and rare 1 CL* < ^LCra e-o^_c>y= 29 THIRD DAY’S SALE. LOT r'UCCT e-oiLoto Qu-cJlnjy£(f QuiSV Cj=^Gy_, £n> ^ C3T^Vl_Ck_C>T ^ l- 3 0 flxso e i-i r *£> C_ / CL^JkJ cg_ (2 Cj7 af.!Un_*J) < 3 o_y 3^ | VuTa MISCELLANEOUS. Duke of Albermarle, by Becket; Sir Richard Haddock, by Faithorne, and others 7 Elizabeth of Bohemia, the Earl of Leicester, and the Earl of Nottingham, Lodge proofs, and others 6 Elizabeth Queen of England, and Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by Van Sichem; Entry of William III. into London, and others 7 Frederick King of Bohemia, equestrian portrait in armour, a town in the background James I. and Anne of Denmark, old impressions from the silver plates 5 Henrietta Maria and Charles I., by Suyderhoef and others, various 7 Henry IV. of France, by Gaultier ; Andry Jeanne d’Albret, by De Leu, and others 6 James Boswell of Auchinleck, by Jones, after Sir Joshua Rey¬ nolds ; Mr. Munden, after Opie ; and William Godwin, after Northcote 3 Tillotson, by Vandrebanc; Atterbury, by Loggan, and others 7 James Duke of Monmouth, by Schenk, and others 3 Henry IV. of France, by Moncornet, Tardieu, and others 12 John Rushworth, by White; Thomas Thynne, of Longleet; Schiller, and others 11 Portraits of Monk, Cromwell, Essex, Lord Fairfax, and others 12 Nathaniel Greene, Joseph Gulston, by Watson, and others 20 Charles I. surrounded by his Adherents, by Nutting, rare 1 Mrs. Clive, and Knight, by Daulle, proof 2 Robert Earl of Ailsbury, the Earl of Athlone, proof; Lord Chatham, proof; and Aldrich, by Smith 4 / J| ■ 1 - P . C 30 TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM. 416 The complete set of Seventy Plates, in the first PUBLISHED STATES. A matchless copy of this celebrated work; but few are known to exist in this early state, and only in one or two instances have they been sold publicly. There are five additional proofs illustrating the variations made by Turner in the effects of light and shade in fine condition, with full margins, mounted and bound in half russia, gilt edges We print from Mr. Dillon’s Papers the following note in reference to the present series : — “ The history of the present series is as follows. I purchased some time since a copy of the work, which, as I became better acquainted with its contents, I found by certain marks and variations to consist chiefly of late states of the plates ; there was, indeed, but one impression which was clearly in the first or earlier state. I set about, by purchase, ex¬ change, &c., to improve the copy, and have at length, at some expense and at no small trouble, succeeded in forming a collection, every plate of which is in the first published state, adding, by way of illustration, impressions where remarkable variations have been made.” The Frontispiece 1 iEsacus and Hesperi q, first state before the face was turned The same, second state, with rays of light 2 Jason The same, with alteration of letter H and shading 3 Procris and Cephalus 4 Spenser’s Faery Queen 5 The Fifth Plague of Egypt 6 The Tenth Plague of Egypt The same, second state 7 Christ and the Woman of Samaria 8 Ri spall 9 Raglan Castle 10 Junction of the Severn and Wye 11 The Clyde 31 12 Okehampton 13 Sun, with bridge in middle distance 14 Woman playing Tambourine 15 Stone Bridge, with Goats 16 St. Catherine’s Hill, Guildford 17 The River Wye 18 Twickenham 19 Isis 20 A Hindoo Praying The same, with alteration in sky 21 A Woman washing at a Fountain The same, worked in different ink 22 The Magdalen—Solitude 23 Norham Castle 24 Solway Moss 25 The Farmyard 26 Pembury Mill, Kent 27 Winchelsea, Sussex 28 East Gate, Winchelsea 29 Water Mill 30 Lock and Wind Mill 31 Juvenile Tricks 32 Young Anglers 33 Rustic Bridge 34 The Rickyard 35 Hedging and Ditching 36 Watercress Gatherers 37 Calais Harbour 38 Calm 39 Shipping—Lord Egremont’s Picture 40 Sea Piece—Mr. Leader’s Picture 41 Sea Shore—Sir John Mildmay’s Picture 42 Flint Castle 43 Coast of Yorkshire 44 Marine Dabblers 45 Source of the Arveron 46 Mer de Glace 47 Inverary Pier 32 48 Inverary Castle and Town 49 The Devil’s Bridge 50 Mount St. Gothard 51 Lake of Thun 52 Bonneville 53 The Alps, from Grenoble 54 Mill near the Grande Chartreuse 55 Ben Arthur, Scotland 56 Peat Bog, Scotland 57 Blair Athol 58 Hind Head Hill 59 Martello Towers, Bexhill 60 Crypt, Kyrkstall Abbey 61 Interior of Church 62 Basle 63 Holy Isle Cathedral 64 Dunstanborough Castle, before size of picture 65 Rivaulx Abbey 66 Dumblane Abbey 67 Yille de Thun 68 Morpeth 69 London, from Greenwich 70 Lauffenbourgh ; 4 /£ & J. M. W. TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM. 1 The Etchings executed by Turner for the Published Plates. ‘ This collection, formed with much difficulty and cost, is, I believe, the only complete one of the etchings extant. They were all by Turner’s own hand, except two, attributed to Dawe. It has been decided, upon apparently good authority, that no etching exists of the Calais ; of the Calm, two impressions only were taken, one of these I obtained after Turner’s death.” Mr . Dillon's MS. Note. 417 iESACUS AND HESPERIE 1 to cJ^/~y~Lo^a ko 418 Jason 1 ^ 4 33 Sro c7 S cy-QJLcm .J ^-w 1 c2jt» v c5r- c^ra c r^n-co^a Qu_, I CX-QCnJ^ ljJ dr&Le-uJ cx*y 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 Procris and Cephaltts Spenser’s Faery Queen The Fifth Plague of Egypt The Tenth Plague of Egypt Christ and the Woman of Samaria Rispah Raglan Castle Junction of the Severn and Wye The Clyde Okehampton Sun, with Bridge in middle distance Woman playing Tambourine Stone Bridge, with Goats St. Catherine’s Hill, Guildford The River Wye Twickenham Isis A Hindoo Praying A Woman washing at a Fountain The Magdalen—Solitude Norham Castle Solway Moss The Farm Yard Pembury Mill, Kent WlNCHELSEA, SUSSEX East Gate, Winchelsea Water Mill Loch and Wind Mill Juvenile Tricks Young Anglers Rustic Bridge The Rick-yard Hedging and Ditching Water Cress Gatherers Calm Shipping—Lord Egremont’s Picture Sea Piece—Mr. Leader’s Picture f 1 1 eT 1 U- 1 3 3 1 32 , 3 1 1 cT 1 d' N/ 1 /sy 7 1 / 1 -A 4 1 3 3' 1 C i £> 1 3 1 =2 3 1 1 yo 1 /o 1 /o 1 d' 3' 1 ? ? 1 /, 1 / 32, 1 33 32 ' 1 ja Q> 1 9 1 J2- 3' 1 8 S’ 1 / // 1 si 32 1 o 1 /O 1 U 1 /o /o w. 1 cx- 1 /o 1 /4 L 34 ! 9 456 9 9 457 1 / / o 458 i j 3 i 459 H 460 j /o\ M 461 \/o\ /o j 462 ■37 463 J20 464 ty 4 9 / 465 466 \/S /6" 467 /& /o 468 ! // // 469 /j /3 470 ! 77 471 3/ /O 472 // ♦ 473 M 7. 474 /6 /6 475 \/o /O 476 \ & 3 477 1 3 3 478 1 / / 479 9 9 480 9' -3“ 481 70 482 Lr 483 // 484 3' 77- 7= 485 3= 486 I / \/6> 487 /3 73 488 Sea Shore—Sir John Mildmay’s Picture Flint Castle Coast of Yorkshire Marine Dabblers Source of the Arveron Mer de Glace Inverary Pier Inverary Castle and Town The Devil’s Bridge Mount St. Gothard Lake of Thun Bonneville The Alps, from Grenoble Mill near the Grand Chartreuse Ben Arthur, Scotland Peat Bog, Scotland Blair Athol Hind Head Hill Martello Towers, Bexhill Crypt, Kirkstall Abbey Interior of a Church Basle Holy Isle Cathedral Dunstanborough Castle Rivaulx Abbey Dumblane Abbey Yille de Thun Morpeth London from Greenwich Lauffenbourgh J. M. W. TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM. Rare Artist’s Proofs^ The Frontispiece, subject engraved by Turner brilliant, from Mr. Stokes' Collection The Clyde Basle, effect of Moonlight, afterwards altered to sunshine Ol ch. J OL&t rruzjjC) . 727 c5S crdUcnjO <=£ro Ou CXX-J I I OnJIMAO T ^2ro CLa cnjA.> ? J&- 35 489 490 C'Lcra O-a yLcro ejJt-CK _ Q CjOrT-C^-Oi 04= a ?‘ d dfccJ- 4yn cfQ (r^Ajja^ / a cy (t-t-G/jO / if c3-i> crCAiTLXj c^jy, T&cJUo i 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 Lake of Thun before the alteration in the clouds 1 Mer de Glace drawn, etched, and engraved by Turner; rare early state, before distant Peak and Bird 1 Shipping. Lord Egremont’s Picture 1 Water Mill, brilliant 1 Junction of the Severn and Wye 1 Juvenile Tricks 1 Lock and Wind Mill 1 Flint Castle 1 Inverary Castle and Town 1 The Crypt, Kirkstall Abbey 1 Rustic Bridge 1 Sea Shore. Sir John Mildmay’s Picture 1 St. Gothard 1 Coast of Yorkshire l Jason 1 London from Greenwich l Hindoo Praying 1 Young Anglers l The Farm-yard 1 Twickenham 1 THE FOLLOWING ARTIST’S PROOFS HAVE BEEN TOUCHED AND DRAWN UPON BY TURNER. (f}€> crcl-irzjui *7 C^-O 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 Sun between Trees, Bridge in middle distance 1 Woman playing Tambourine 1 NORHAM CASTLE, before the rays of light 1 The Devil’s Bridge, before introduction of light above 1 The same, printed in dark ink 1 Lake OF Thun, much worked upon, vide Turner's autograph note 1 Basle, much worked upon, alteration in sky 1 Dumblane Abbey 1 Morpeth 1 f 6 J / /J2 . /o /A 76 / /4 /4 /4 /4 // // AT /n. /2 /3 6 t-f /o / 4 /o 36 /S /3 76 / / 3/ y A 6 . // i _ | 3/ /o • /& 7

<2r» <3- c^> C?€> cjAJLeruo ot-Cy . « c5^ cr&Ldrw Jr, ' f2 crd-^^GU^ cS^° cStd Clf£ aAAcruLlcu^i i CJ^T-O^O, ^l^JU 1 C?£cr£^o CX*—^ 7 Cj^xxcx C) 3b ENGRAVINGS AFTER J. M. W. TURNER. R.A. 539 Hakewill’s Italy. Florence from Fiesole, artist's proof India, with etching ; Gene- / /6 1 540 , ral View of Florence, by Cook, artist's proof india, and etching 4 Florence from Ponte Caraia, by Rawle, artist's proof and etching ; / - 1 — 544 Venice, the Rialto, by Pye, artist's proof and etching 4 The Roman Forum, by George Cook, artist's proof and etching ; ^2 545 Rome from Monte Mario, by Le Keux, artist's proof and etching 4 Isola Bella, on the Lago Maggiore, by Fittler, artist's proof, / L 546 etching, and india proof; Lariccia, by Pye, artist's proof and etching 5 Tomb of Cecilia Metella, by Byrne, artist's proof and etching ; / /& 547 Turin from the Superga, artist's proof and etching 4 Lake of Nemi, by Middiman, artist's proof and etching; the 548 Falls of Terni, artist's proof and etching 4 Pyramid of Caius Cestius, by Byrne, artist's proof and etching ; // 549 the Bridge at Narni, by Middiman, artist's proof and etching 4 Naples from the Sea, by George Cook, artist's proof and / a 550 etching; and Rome from Monte Mario, artist's proof and etching 4 Rome, Bridge and Castle of Angelo, by Hollis, india proof and /d 551 etching; and the Temples at Psestum, by Scott, artist'sproof; Bolognia, by Scott, artist's proof india 4 Florence, by Cook, and Venice, by Pye, artist's proofs india, V £ 552 brilliant 2 Thr Roman Forum, by Cook ; Florence, by Cook, artist's proofs, / ex_> 1 553 brilliant 2 Naples, by Cook, artist's proof india; and the Roman Forum, . // 554 by Cook, artist's proof india 2 Tomb of Cecilia Metella, Roman Forum, Florence, india proofs, / 555 and various others, from Hakewill’s Italy 13 Various india proofs, duplicate etchings from the same work, ' / / | Bridge at Narni, Roman Forum, Lake of Nemi, &c. 6 38 Southern Coast. ' v6' 556 Teignmouth, by George Cook, artist's proof., brilliant; and Torbay from Brixham, by W. B. Cook, artist's proof bril- liant 2 - // 557 Watchett, Somerset, by G. Cook, artist's india proof; Ilfracombe, Devon, by W. B. Cook, artist's india proof 2 - 3~ 558 Bow and Arrow Castle, Portland, by W. B. Cook, artist's proof; Corfe Castle, Derbyshire, by G. Cook, artist's proof; and St. Mawes, Cornwall, by Allen, artist's proof 3 England and Wales. ' J“ 559 Saltash, Cornwall, by W. R. Smith; Glenham, Oxfordshire, by Radcliffe, artist's proofs india , with full margins 2 ' XT 560 Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, by Wallis; Richmond, Yorkshire, by Smith, artist'sproof india 2 / 4 561 Orford, Suffolk, by Brandon; and Dartmouth Cove, by Smith, artist's proofs india 2 te ) 562 St. Mawes, Cornwall, by Kernot; Ashby-de-la-Zouch, by Rad- cliffe, artist's proofs india 2 V /c 563 Walton-on-Thames, by Yarrall; and Okehampton, Devonshire, by Willmore, artist's proof 2 / 4 564 Ballycrusis Abbey, by Yarrall; and Hampton Court, by West- wood, artist's proofs 2 / • 565 Tam worth Castle, by Willmore ; and Warwick Castle, by Wallis, artist's proof india 2 / 3 566 Rivaulx Abbey, by Goodall; Lancaster Sands, by Brandard; Upnor Castle, by Allan 3 Views in Yorkshire. V ja £> 567 Fall of the Tees, by Landseer, india proof with etching ; Hardraw Fall, by Middiman and Pye, india proof with etching 4 ' 568 Richmond, Yorkshire, by W. R. Smith, india proof with etching; Askrig, by Le Keux, india proof with etching 4 \. & 569 Aysgarth Force, by Scott, india proof with etching ; and Ingle- boro’ from Hornby Castle, by Heath, india proof with etching 4 9"Ur 3 eolo^ dr&Len-K c2* *4cnj ej£s>y=> ( 3^*5 33« c3~(b < r £ 4 n . 3c*-t_y XUW e ctc^ T _~. <^S~& cr<rujoc*-. 1 l 39 <3& cT&lerx, x3 cStd < ^Zj 3V djf Sn 3 ^Tu c£f& CT^A&LO ot-*_^ / ^ (UUUTt^L, • ■ ■ , (j / 576 Oberwesel on the Rhine, by Willmore; the Lake of Nemi, by • ■ 1 Wallis, india proofs before letters, fine 2 577 Old London Bridge, by Goodall, india proof before letters 1 ' 578 Cologne on the Rhine, by Goodall v /o ' 1 fine open letter proof 1 579 The same, india proof before letters 1 3' 580 Zurich, by Prior, india proof before letters 1 / i 581 The Town and Castle of Heidelberg, by Prior 1 V /3 582 Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, by Miller; and Ehrenbreitstein, ? by Pye 2 583 Mercury and Argus, by Willmore j • open letter india proof 1 584 The Golden Bough J 3 1 ■ artist's india proof 1 585 Prudhoe Castle, Orford Ness, and Beaumaris 3 artist's proofs , by Goodall 3 586 The Temple of Jupiter, by Pye; and Tivoli, by Goodall 2 < 5 ~ ' J_L 40 (587 Ehrenbreitstein, by Allen, artist's proof india 1 ]588 Source of the Tamar, by W. B. Cook, artist's proof india 1 - 589 Venice, by Prior ; and Ehrenbreitstein, by Allen, artist's proofs india 2 - /o 590 Venice from St. Mark’s Place, by Miller, artist's proof india 1 _ /o\ 591 Dunbar Castle, by Goodall, artist's proof india , rare 1 &\ 592 Gledhow ; Donnington Castle, by Byrne; and Westminster Abbey, private photograph 3 PROOFS TOUCHED BY J. M. W. TURNER. - /o ■ 593 Mont St. Jean, Waterloo, by Miller much and most carefully worked on, from the engraver's portfolio 1 - /& 594 Marengo, by Miller also very carefully touched, from the engraver's portfolio 1 /o 595 •Eddystone Lighthouse, by Lupton 9 Cl curious artist's proof, printed in tint, with the birds white 1 6 J 596 Eddystone Lighthouse /P much touched upon, with masterly effect 1 P 6= 597 Eddystone Lighthouse proof and rather earlier state of the plate, worked on nearly all over , with marginal pencil notes by Turner 1 - /C~ 598 The Falls OE Terni, early proof , by Landseer, much worked on 1 /O' fay 1 • 599 The Falls of Terni, by Landseer artist's proof of the plate nearly finished, with most careful and exquisite touching on the waterfall and rainbow 1 - 1 /6 600 Rivaulx Abbey, by Goodall, touched proof 1 /o y°. 601 Bass Rock, by Miller rare artist's proof india, touched by Turner, and sent by post to Edinburgh ; see envelope of letter at back 1 - / 602 Temple of Jupiter, etching, by Pye ; Mercury and Argus, by Willmore, etching 2 - ■£- * 603 Photographs, by Caldesi, of the unpublished prints and etchings of the Liber Studiorum, in a half roan portfolio, with flaps 21 gT J ■ 604 The Farnley Hall Collection of Turner’s drawings, photographed L by Messrs. Caldesi, in a half roan portfolio, with flaps 50 06 .. (o . Co I Jzfr> S~C> crC^ 606rc> tlAJ^rT- c "to gi do u > 1 <=2^ 41 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. HjJ ^4 ; qj, %LXn s> IL, cr^JLen-^a-^ r IV , Vr <-J CCUO CJL- *A cA-Hcn-)-* <■ 4 a tsrtJleruj’ ^ 1 pLcm e^JLa^. <2 y o -cTC-O c*. QcLCTO e^ots^s. ^ro MISCELLANEOUS. LOT 605 James 21. in armour leaning on an anchor, proof, and in an oval, / by Smith 2 606 Jacob Hall, the rope dancer, etching, by De Brune brilliant impression, rare 1 ' 607 Henry IY. of Prance, equestrian portrait, by Yenius, rare 1 / 608 George I. George II. Queen Caroline, and their Children, by - & Muller, after Wael 1 609 Francis I. and Henry IY. of France, by Morin, fine and rare 2 / / 610 Edward Cocker and Barbara Yan Beck, by Gaywood, rare 3 / 611 Edward Backwell, Alderman of London, three-quarter length in V Lely, sold by Alexander Brown, very fine and rare 1 617 Christina Queen of Sweden, by Lombart and Falck 2 £L // 618 Charles I. on Horseback, proof 1 619 Catherine of Braganza, by Lommelin and Jode 2 / /s 620 Catherine of Braganza, by Smith, and others ; Judge Jefferys, Cooper ex. rare 4 / /£ 621 Alderman Beckford, by Dixon, proof ; Canning, by Ward; Samuel Parr, by Say G 3 ... ..J, 42 S ■ 622 /a 623 /o 624 / c5l 625 s 626 3 /2> 627 // 628 J // 629 6> • 630 / JS 631 / 632 o o 3 633 ' n 634 / /2> 635 3 636 S CO 638 - & 639 /a 640 Abraham Yan der Hulst, Admiral of Holland, by Jan de Vischer fine and rare 1 William III. in an oval, surrounded by a wreath of laurel, on each leaf of which is a description in Italian and French of one of the important events of his reign ; and other portraits of him, by Gunst and Elder 3 William II. Prince of Orange, by Hondius, after Maes ,fine, and William III. by Falck 2 William Dobson, the etching by English brilliant impression, very rare 1 Titus Oates, Sir William Bartley, Sir Joseph Jordan, and Madam Davis, “ Thompson ex.” 4 St si Cnxj cx^-t St c rStjyi- S3 o Quyzi e JL Thomas Killigrew seated, in a gown lined with female heads, by A. Bosse, fine impression, rare 1 The Earl of Derby, by Keating, mezzotint, after Gainsborough ; and James Smith, by Cousins, proof, with autograph 3 The Duchess of Marlborough, mezzotint, by Simon and others 3 The Duke of Monmouth in the print of the “ Anti-Papists,” with the Duke of Argyle ; Earl of Essex ; Lord Russell; Armstrong; Cornish ; Godfrey ; and Sidney ; in eight ovals, by J. Savage, fine, and very scarce 1 Rubens, by Pontius ; Samuel Morland, by Lombart, and a drawing of Camden, by Hutchinson 3 Robert Fielding, by Beckett, after Kneller, proof; and the Duchess of Cleveland, after Lely, “ Allard ex.” 2 Richard Cromwell, large oval, " Allard ex.” 1 Jacob Hall, the rope dancer; John Speed, by Savery, and another 3 Invention of the Stocking Loom, after Elmore, by F. Hall, artists' proof, with large margin, in gilt frame and patent plate glass 1 II Penseroso, after Winterhalter, by Joubert india proof before letters 1 Southwark Fair, by Hogarth very fine impression with large margin 1 La Penitente del Tiziano, by Fusinati 1 c f ffd / h cjfjLxrJ-tci (fuyv -e-cla^ Sft t > St ouuJ c The Vicar of Wakefield, after Newton, by Burnet; The Jews’ Harp, after Wilkie ; and Christmas Eve, by Burnet The Trial of Lord William Russell, after Hayter, by Bromley proof 1 0 „ ^(Vuyrt- (I SSt SJLcrzjJ i 43 641 <4 ^CJULL) C C 642 Oul^ 643 (j tUk3 e-cLo^ 644 c2n> 645 f *LJLuJL (I 646 JZu 647 p J 648 ( J4 3 649 <^o a^Lcruj a^-j 650 &h> 651 cj'cuuocdfc 652 < ^A-JkxdjLi 652* c2ro 653 ^rvusnxJh_j 654 i cr^^xua^ 655 Ql^cJhz&U (J 656 M0-o Madonna della Seggiola, after Raphael, by Scheffer, /o artists' india proof with the remark 1 Les bons Amis, after Meissonier, by Blanchard, india proof ; and / / 4 Pepys’ wife sitting for her portrait to Hals, by Stock, after Elmore, artists' india proof 2 Jack in Office, by Gibbon, after Landseer, india proof 1 /4 Nature, by Doo, after Lawrence, and Lady Peel, by Cousins - /c> proof 2 The Contadina, by Posselwhite, after Furze V 4 three artists' india proofs , and one proof before letters 4 Sancho Panza, by Baker, after Leslie; Dulcinea, by Posselwhite, /a after Leslie; and Griselda, by Posselwhite, after Leslie artists' india proofs 3 The Morning Kiss, by Zobel, after Brockey, artists' india proof 1 4 Another of the same, in the same state 1 jX c= The Soldier’s Dream, artist's india proof L Cd The Stray Kitten, by Shenton, after Collins, artist's india proof 1 / / / The Wolf and the Lamb, by Robinson, after Mulready, proof 1 /4 Winter, by Beilin, after Girardet, choice artist's india proof 1 The Spinning Wheel, after Buckner, by Wagstaff artist's india proof 1 _o The Visit of Her Majesty to the Arctic Ship “ Resolute,” 1856, - by Zobel, india proof, after Simpson 1 La Madonna Detta del Coniglio, after Correggio, by Porporati / - fine impression 1 / The Fisherman on the Look-out, after Collins, by Phelps, proof 1 The Holy Family, after Correggio, by Muller and Bartolozzi ' 43 choice india proof before letters 1 4 c. Head of our Saviour, engraved in a single circular line, by Mellan 1 - Portrait of Marc Antonio, after Raphael, by Leisner 1 XI 44 - j2 664 The Tribute Money, after Titian, by Knolle V artist's proof, india paper 1 665 The Highland Home, by Finden, after Wilkie, artist's proof 1 - 666 The Momentous Question, by Beilin, after Setchel 1 - £ 667 Ruth, by Hall, after Frith, artist's india proof 1 - 4- 668 The Miller’s Maid, by Beilin, after Corbould artist's india proof i ' /a 669 Sancho and the Duchess, by Humphreys, after Leslie; the Bite, by Shenton, after Mulready, artist's proof; and another 3 - cT 670 The Approaching Footstep, by Wagstaff, after Stone, artist's 4 india proof; and the Evening Prayer, after Frith, by Stocks proof before letters 2 - 671 The Chelsea Pensioners reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo, by Burnet, after Wilkie open letter proof and Tcey 1 /3 672 The Contest, or Bone of Contention, by Lupton, after Cooper; and others, artist's proofs, by Shenton, after Landseer, Frazer, &c. 4 <3 673 The Duke of Wellington, whole length, by Cousins, after Lucas vV artist's proof 1 - . 674 Duncan Gray, by Englehart, after Wilkie, open letter proof 1 >. 675 Napoleon III. Emperor, and the Empress Eugenie, whole lengths, engraved by Cousins, after Winterhalter choice artist's india proofs 2 - 676 The Raising of Lazarus, by Yendramini, after Sebastian del Piombo 1 /4 . 677 The Reading Magdalen, by Humphreys, after Correggio 4 fine artists' india proof I - 678 Philip Melancthon, curious woodcuts, and others, by Faber, &c. 5 /o 679 Lorenzo di Medici, by Morghen, proof; Guicciardini and Bembo, 4- by Longhi, proofs ; Metastasio, by Caronni; Aretino, by Gilon; and others 7 - 680 Henry IV. of France, lying in State, after Briot; Equestrian 4 4 Portrait, after Elstrack ; and others 6 681 Countess Whitmore, by Watson, after Lely ; Lady Middleton, by / 16 MacArdell; Butler, proof; Nathaniel Crewe; and others 6 682 William III. and Mary, by Smith and Schenck 4 - /& 683 William III. and Mary, three-quarters mezzotint, “ Nicholas Yischer excudit” 2 ft CJL iT cf£> cr££cru-> a -^-f ==2r° (, 44° t.'Huxi c r c_4w Jr 4 n. yi of) is> cp~jc oix>ot*-f 684 William III. and Mary, mezzotints, by Blooteling, Schenck, and / J- J others 5 • c3t> 685 William Henry Prince of Orange, by Blooteling and Jocelyn ; / t Earl of Northumberland, by Brown 2 <3~° 686 Charles Montague, Marquis of Halifax, after Kneller, by Drevet 12 first state, proof before letters 1 c>> 687 Henry IV. of France, by Morin, fine 1 V 688 Prince Henry, the Apotheosis, with allegorical figures, by - JS , Haydock, very rare, the last impression sold realised £5. 5s. in the Puibusque sale 1 689 Erasmus of Rotterdam, by Yisscher 3 - ■ C i brilliant impression of this fine portrait 1 hxrD e oKcfc, 690 Theophilus Earl of Huntingdon, mezzotint, by Williams / 3 fine and rare 1 vjtdfk 691 Henry Duke of Gloucester, by Yan Dalen, fine impression 1 V (o c54 &£lLcrTX>o^ 692 Portsmouth, The Duchess of, playing on a Violoncello, by ' /o r ( Peter Schenck, rare 1 c=2b 693 Eleanor Gwynne, three-quarters, seated, with a lamb, after 4 /6> - Sir Peter Lely, by Valck, very fine and rare 1 C4j3 Q-oLsx^ 694 Eleanor Gwynn with her two sons, the Earl of Beaufort and the / 9 . Earl of Beauclerc, after Wissing, by Tompson / fine and rare 1 &^tUrv-i o<-1-* f) r° 695 Charles II. at the Hague, by Matham, three plates 3 i Cxi 696 Equestrian Portrait of Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Marshall 1 / 4 C ^ d3JUruj . 697 Henry IY. of France, oral bust in armour in an architectural / 3 f niche, after Fournier, by De Leu,^ne and rare 1 698 William III. and Mary, the pair, three-quarter lengths, by Gole 2 ' 2 699 William Prince of Orange, after Yan der Venne, 1623, by Delff '\JX- // three-quarter length, seated, brilliant impression of this fine portrait, extremely rare 1 700 Philip Melancthon, by Durer 1 ; / y° * Q^alo^ 701 Jocelyn Earl of Northumberland, and Elizabeth Countess of i /& Northumberland ; Sir Tretswell Hollis, and Sir John Chichely, after Sir Peter Lely, by Brown 4 C^A^cw 701* Madam Jane Middleton, whole length, after Sir Peter Lely ; / /o ! • / and Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland, by Brown 2 So 702 Sir William Temple, by Vandrebanc, large oval, after Lely / /4 fine and rare 1 ~fr^ 0 , 703 Martin Van Tromp, after Pott, by Suyderhoef 1 V k5" } • Mj c_da^ 704 Portrait by Pass, and another 3 J _ L 46 1 3 - / / 3 cT / / - /P - - // / 4 / ff - s 7 - // / - / - - y /& CA / Jr 4 // f l 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 The Four Poets, Dryden, Wycherly, Prior, and Pope, by Kyte; and Chaucer, Spencer, and Johnson, mezzotints 2 Richard Penderill, by Houston, after Soust, proof 3 Philip Melancthon, by Lucas Cranach ; Melancthon and Luther, by Diericks, both fine and rare 2 Peter Beckford, Governor of Jamaica, mezzotint by Murphy 1 Melancthon^ by Cranach ; Rubens, by Dickenson ; and others 4 Mary Queen of Scots and her Son, James I. by Bartolozzi ,proof; and Count Gondomar, by Cooper 2 Mary de Medicis, by Yan Sompel and Pass ; and Henry IY. of France 3 Luther, Melancthon, and the Elector of Saxony, by Troschel; Melancthon, by Kilian; and another 3 Louis XIII. and Henry IV. of France, small ovals on one plate Mary de Medicis, by Van Sompel; and others 5 Lingard, by Cousins, proof; Sir Robert Peel, proof; and other private plates 4 John Duke of Marlborough, by Sherwin, Smith and Gunst 3 John Duke of Marlborough, mezzotints by Schenck and Simon ; The Triumphal Arch erected to his honour, and Queen Anne 4 James VI. of Scotland, a;tat 37, 1603, by De Jode ; and others 3 The Procession of the Flitch of Bacon, after Stothard open letter proof 1 WEBER. The Maid at the Well, after Keyser artist's india proof signed by the engraver 1 Portrait of Holbein, after Holbein fine impression 1 WHITE (Robe rt). Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, very fine and rare 1 John Wilmot Earl of Rochester, after Lely 1 Lord Koningsmarke (tried for the murder of Thomas Thynne) 1 Prince Rupert, after Kneller, fine and rare 1 WIERIX^ Henry IV. of France, and Marie de Medicis; the pair very fine and extremely rare 2 c2>t> fuyz e.dL&^=> cjD? ^ C j y (TO Q ^.Ovs, 7 1 47 WILLE. •C^^cluj oJ^h 726 Agar presentee a Abraham par Sara, fine artist's proof 1 Jo 727 Les Offres Reciproques, after Dietrich (53) // C brilliant proof before any letters or the arms, also before the etching on the left , UNDESCRIBED, and probably UNIQUE, not in the Palmer collection 1 728 La Liseuse, after Gerard Dow (62) <3 )S superb proof before any letters or the arms, most rare 1 J^ru 729 MenaGeRE Hollandaise, after Mieris (63) CZ&tfesV brilliant proof before any letters or the arms, excessively rare 1 730 La Petite Ecoliere, after Schenaw (69) j 3 brilliant proof before all letters, very rare 1 J5^! 731 La Sceur de la Bonne Femme de Normandie, after P. A. Wille (72) brilliant proof before any letters beneath, “ Idth platte," above q j-A undescribed 1 C../' < ’ocjjJ CJt-H O 732 Marquis de Marigny, after Tocqufe (125) / / proof before any letters 1 c76 a-tfbr^x*-*- i 733 Jean Baptiste Masse (Peintre), after Tocque (130) N JO r fine impression 1 WILLMORE. 734 The Highland Bride, choice artist's india proof 1 3T WOOLLETT (William) - ot kj 736 The Death of General Wolfe, after West (3) /s (1 r brilliant proof before any letters, and before some extra work, with the marks of the graver on the margin 1 c3~C o^JLcruJ a-^r 737 The same (3) r-/ l brilliant proof before any letters, from the Marshall collec - / / tion. Mr. Palmer's impression realised £16 1 4 fJ’ot-uu C-aJ! t) 738 The Battle of the Hogue, after West (4) ; the Battle of the / / Boyne, after West (5) the pair fine proofs before the dedications 2 <^ffc> c r^JcruSc^^, 739 Jacob and Laban, after Claude, “ Le Grand Pont ” (6) / /3 brilliant proof before letters, artists' names slightly etched 1 * % * This was the last plate finished by Woollett. t *lr J i ' 740 Landscape with figures, after Carracci (8) v3 an unfinished proof, and an etching 2 48 / 741 /S ' 742 // - * 743 ' / 744 / / V-/ 745 / G \ 746 3 • 747 £ 3 748 755 / / 756 757 / 758 ' /£ 759 / 760 The same (8), fine finished proof before letters 1 Tobias and the Angel, after Glauber (9), open letter proof 1 NIOBE, after WILSON (10) brilliant proof before any letters or the artists' names, before the dry point work over the fork of lightning. Mr. Clarke's impression realised £54. 10s.; Mr. Marshall's £48. 1 Diana and Actseon, after Lauri (11) 1 Ceyx and Alcyone, after Wilson (12) brilliant proof, with “ Alcione" and before the verses, also an etching 2 It is believed there is no finished proof before the letters. Phaeton, after Wilson (13) fine proof before any letters 1 The same (13), print and etching 2 Sacrifice to Apollo. The “ Altieri Claude ” (14) brilliant proof before any letters, the artists' names only slightly etched Roman Edifices in Ruins, after Claude (15) fine proof before letters, with the arms, and an etching Apollo and the Seasons, after Wilson and Mortimer (16) superb proof before any letters, the artists' names slightly etched, with marks of the graver in the margin 1 The same (16), ne impression 1 Cicero at his Villa, after Wilson (17) very fine proof before letters, and an etching 2 Solitude, after Wilson (18) very fine open letter proof, before the alteration of the arms 1 The same (18), fine impression 1 Dido and Aeneas, after Jones and Mortimer (19) touched proof before the figures were finished, the state in which the plate was left by Woollett at his death, before the painters' or engravers' names 1 The SAME (19 ), fine open letter proof 1 Meleager and Atalanta, after Wilson (20) 1 Telemachus and Calypso, after West (21) pure etching, the state in which the plate was left by Woollett at his death 1 Macbeth, after Zuccarelli (22) pure etching, and a fine impression 2 The SAME (22), fine open letter proof in the first state 1 <3&<£k" a -fCLa.n>€J c ft J)') uJ-L-. (I 1 cri eo.i o 1 rtXt/vt-CJU. I Qinv t-JLt g. P , f(!- nr L-jre ; r- < f L cr^.^-0-uftct-^ aro f o 49 *3 761 Celadon and Amelia (23) > /(o' d 1 <4* c-eJi ' y?ne proof, the shy not quite finished 1 762 The same (23) AD. pure etching, with autograph presentation from Mr. Woollett to Mr. Athawes 1 c^TO 763 LA Chasse AU Sanglier, after Pillement (27) // -(Lcr~ixj ao -^ 771 The Maid at the Mill, after Richards (37) ! / /s } QuraeJb*^- brilliant proof before letters, artists' names etched 1 / /£> 772 The Rural Cot, after Smith of Chichester (40) $V ^3 777 Illustrations to Cook’s Voyages, proofs (58 — 60) 3 c 42 C^~Q) fi-djL&r'i-kJ Ci-j^ f 778 The Devil’s Bridge, after Pars (62) ' . r brilliant proof before any letters, and the etching 2 fiurV e 779 The Great Frozen Valley near Chamouny (64) ; the Valley of Co Chamouny (65) fine impressions , and an etching H 3 1 50 / 780 - /s > 781 /V 782 ' /s • 783 /a 784 - ty . 785 u 786 787 ? 788 789 ' -o o 790 J- 791 O) J2 792 o fa 793 ^0 s 794 The Hermitage at Warkworth, after Hearne brilliant proof before any letters or the artists' names, etching, and a fine impression 3 Views of the House and Garden of the Duke of Argyll at Whitton ; Carlton House ; and others 5 Various, by Woollett and Vivares, etchings, &c. 10 ZEEMAN. The Gates of Amsterdam the complete set with margins, and the address of Dancfcerts 8 MISCELLANEOUS. Thomas Percy, the Gunpowder Conspirator, in an oval, with two historical vignettes beneath very fine and rare 1 Examples of Venetian Architecture, by Ruskin 6 The Aberdeen Cabinet, after Gilbert, by Walker open letter proof 1 A Literary Party at Sir Joshua Reynolds’s, after Doyle, by Walker, open letter proof 1 The Ladies Foley and Howard, Lady Dalmeney, Mrs. Frederic Milbank, and others, by S. Reynolds choice artists' india proofs 5 The Earl of Clarendon, by Zobell; Sir F. Pollock, by Reynolds ; and Lord Charles Scott, by Jackson choice artists' india proofs 3 The Fish Girl, by Finden, after Sir Edwin Landseer, choice artists' india prooj, and the etching; Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time, the etching by Cousins 3 Wellington presenting a Casket to the Infant Prince, accom¬ panied by her Majesty and Prince Albert, after Winterhalter choice artists' india proof, and another 2 Photographs, by Alinari, from the original drawings by the great masters contained in the Museums of Florence and Vienna, in half blue morocco portfolio, cloth sides, and flaps 47 Leonardo DA Vinci, a volume illustrating some of the works of Leonardo da Vinci, containing among several others Longhi’s Madonna del Lago, unfinished proof ; and Bridoux La Belle Joconde, artists' proof 1 Views of the English Lakes, original drawings, by Delamotte 18 <£% crCQx tuj J ruucrr~L <3. 1 crC-iLeruj o ftro a/ru. JX* ci I/ O j d p <1 O/'S <1*3 a <56 sChn T W (XA^rrLuJL^-f V x cSf? (flULcrvJo^ 51 • o ckj-/ — 795 View of Thun, in Switzerland, original drawing, by Dela- /<3 1 MOTTE 1 CK/Y~UJL d-L^ 796 Tell’s Chapel, and the Valley of Chamounie, by Delamotte; and / 9 the Drinking Cow, by F. Muller. 1775, DRAWINGS 3 7 797 Sallanchi and Savoy, by the same 1 , cT QfXXXzJ e-dLc 798 Greenwich Hospital, original sketch by James Holland 1 / / 799 Chalk drawing of a Head, by Metz, after Carlo Maratti 1 * 9> 800 Portfolio with guards, half hound morocco, gilt leaves, folio 1 v /o ff$Ta 801 Another, royal folio 1 /p ^TO 802 Another, royal folio 1 / 'aCUU CtM> 803 Various portfolios 9 1 o a.* / 805 Rosewood portfolio stand 1 / /o — (7r —^~— - 1 - 1 THE END. — l- atsJL 62 / 0 . /TTZ J. Datt & Sows, Printers, 137, Long Acre, London. LL »s