c CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF ANTIQUITY AND ART AT CALLALEY CASTLE. F rom the Library of Frank Simpson l^fCVIAiV , V. dl" fC^Kt 7^/u G-^ ^ au^riSi^. I— O-v-.^'Ca c . \\ \l,0^' Air; R\/)^0 6 • /zt Co j \J j?ct>c^ civuJx^, l*v ^ ^ 2- )- (/Vv-*^ c'-vN. I’-cViovr' ^ cc-^. )n . 2-o'< ('oy^ . wvntawt-:? |-» OV-^vx4'C.^( /•5'>^ Z/ J5'. vs^' fc-f- %cLt)Li{^ 2 x> 5 0 /fL»>jL Va^ rvW U . f'oVvvvC^ ^ “Xy (t> . I , '^'SUn ':>U'lj> '♦ r- J • 1.M.U.0 . ' T • r SflCf-l. •■":■'. jf. 0^ f'f<: yi.K fi' L'.O ■ 1 ! 1 Jj j.O ' : €I:; L>; lUfO t]l6 71 |- ir/9.>.y y.c. * . pij;;qjua 0^ '/I :< • ■ ■ VY^' ' AVV'- ^ \. Yv''^ V' ‘ p CATALOGUE OP THE WORKS OF ANTIQUITY AND ART, AT CALLALY CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. CATALOGUE OP THE WORKS OP ANTIQUITY AND ART COLLECTED BY THE LATE WILLIAM HENRY FORMAN, ESQ., Pippbrook House, Dorking, Surrey, AND BEHOVED IN 1890 TO CALLALY CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND, BY MAJOR A. H. BROWNE. BY W. CHAFFERS, F.S.A. FEINTED FOE PEIVATE CIECULATION. 1892. LONDON : A. BRADLET, LONDON AND COUNTY PRINTING WORKS, DRURY LANE, W.C. ■ r=‘, CtMTER Libr.'nkV PREFACE T he vases being alluded to in this Catalogue by their Greek appellations, we have given a translation, describing their forms and uses, which is further elucidated by seven Plates of outlines of their different shapes. We have also appended the names of the Greek and Latin Deities, in the language of Greece and Rome, followed by brief allusions to the principal characteristics of the attainments of the Greeks and Romans in the Arts and Sciences : with a short history of the parent instructors — the Ancient Egyptians, their manners and customs ; to which is added the life of William Hogarth. A few explanatory notices also occur incidentally in describing the magnificent objects in gold, silver, and enamels, illustrating the Goldsmith’s art during the Early and Mediaeval periods. h-jUiV/M ^VJi\ii^ do.ki ,»v^o , (lb <^Ov^ iXi rt^wr^jf \ i‘ It:* ^Oi"^ »! »'-^«^'J^ /'• •'’•-••: ' . , : ,.y I iH* f . » . • «l -1 < Z' CONTENTS PAGE. Introductory Notes 5 ANTIQUITIES. Archaic Greek Vases 27 Black Ware 32 Greek Vases 33, 195, 200 Marble and Terra-Cotta 61 Roman Pottery 70 Ivory, Bone, etc 73 Mexican Antiquities 75 Gr^co-Roman Sarcophagi and Cippi .... 76 Egyptian Antiquities 78, 85 Alabaster 84 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work . . 95, 117, 192 Early British Weapons 113 Bronze Celts (Dolabra) 115 Stone Celts 116 Antique Armour 133 Antique Glass 135 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc 149 Saxon Fibula 158 MEDLEVAL AND MODERN. Metal Work 164 Spurs, etc 170 Locks and Keys 171 4 Contents, PAGE. Camei, Intaglie, etc. 172 Gnostic Gems 174 Medieval Bijouterie 175 Mediaeval Glass 178 Carvings in Ivory and Wood 181 Enamels 182 Medieval Pottery 183 Early English Pottery' 185 Arms and Armour . . 186 Knives, Forks, and Spoons 188 Marbles, etc 188 Various 189 Silver 191 Mediaeval (Various) 193, 200 China 201 Drawings, Engravings, eto., by Hogarth . . . 203 Paintings, etc 205 INTRODUCTORY NOTES. DESCRIPTION OF GREEK VASES, WITH OUTLINES OF FORM AND THE NAME BY WHICH EACH SHAPE IS KNOWN. 1 Akatos. — A Drinking-cup. PI. V. 2 Alabasteon. — ^An oblong cylindrical Bottle, round bottom. PI. II. 3 Amphoea. — A Vessel with two handles, one on each side, reaching from the top of the body to the neck, frequently with a pointed base. PI. IV., V., VI. 4 Aeyballos. — A small Bottle with a handle (Archaic). PI. III., VI. 5 Askos. — In form of a skin or leather Bottle, covered, with a handle over the top, globular body. PI. II., IV. 6 Bombylios. — ^A small Bottle with round or pointed base (Archaic). PI. III. 7 Beomias. — A Jug, with one handle. PI. I. 8 Ceuse. — A Jug, with long neck, and one handle. PI. V. 9 Ceuse, Double. — Two Jugs, joined at the bodies and necks, and a handle. PI. VII. 10 Depas. — A Drinking-cup, with two handles. PI. IV. 11 Diota. — A large Vessel, for storing liquids, fruit, &c. PI. VII. 12 Diskos. — A flat circular Dish or Plate. PI. III. 13 Hemitomos. — A double Vase, for holding fruits, &c. PI. I. 14 Holkion. — A Drinking-cup, on stem and foot. PI. IV. 15 Holmos. — A Drinking-cup, on stem and foot. PI. VII. 16 Hydeia. — A Water-bottle with three handles, one reaching above the mouth and two small ones at the sides. PI. II. 6 Description op Greek Vases. 17 Imbrex. — An earthenware Roofing-tile, ornamented end. PI. VII. 18 Kalpis. — A Vessel with three handles, the larger one not reaching higher than the lip. PI. II. 19 Kanastron. — A Drinking-cup, with one handle. PI. I. 20 Kantharos. — A Wine-cup with two handles, usually seen in the hand of Bacchus. PI. III. 21 Karchesion. — A Drinking-cup, two handles, usually highly ornamented. PI. II. 22 Kelebe. — A Wine-vessel, straight top, two small handles reaching from the lip to the upper part of the body. PI. VI. 23 Kernos. — A group of small Vases, used in the mystic ceremonies. PI. V. 24 Kotyle. — A Vessel for mixing or cooling wine. PI. I. 25 Kotyliskos. — A Vessel for ointments or perfumes. PI. III. 26 Krater. — A large Vessel to contain wine, from which the cups are filled by a hyathos or simpulum (a ladle), a handle on each side. PI. III., IV. 27 Kyathos. — A Cup with high handle, for dipping into the krater, standing on a stem and foot. PI. V. 28 Kylix. — A shallow Cup, on a stem, a handle on each side, projecting, to hold while drinking. PI. IV., VII. 29 Kypellon. — A shallow Drinking-cup, on a foot. PI. III. 30 Lebes. — A Bowl or Cup, on a stem and foot. PI. VI. 31 Lekane. — For holding fruits, &c. PI. IV. 32 Lekythos. — A Jug, longitudinal, straight body and long neck, like the Athenian lekythos. PI. II., IV., VI. 33 Lopas. — Dish and cover, for preserving food. PI. VI. 34 Mastos. — A Drinking-cup, with two handles. PI. V. 35 OiNOCHOE. — A Jug, with high handle, globular body, sometimes with a trefoil lip, usually plain. PI. II., IV. 36 Olpe. — A Jug, with one handle. PI. V., VI. 37 OxYBAPHON. — A large Vessel, with two small handles, globular body, straight top. PI. VII. 38 Patera. — A flat Dish, sometimes on a stem. PI. III. 39 Patina. — A flat Dish or Basin. PI. III. Dbscbiption op Greek Vases. 7 40 Pelike. — A Vase, with two handles, for holding liquids. PI. VI. 41 Pella, — A Drinking-cup, with one handle. PI. IV. 42 Phaskon. — A sort of Bottle, to hold oil for replenishing the lamps, with handle and spout. PI. III. PiNAX, — A flat Dish, on a foot. PI. III. PiTHOS. — A Vessel for storing liquids, fruits, &c. PI. IV. Prochous. — A Jug or Cup, with a high handle. PI. V., VII. 46 Pyxis. — A Pot or Case for jewels, with cover. PI. III. 47 Rhyton. — A Drinking-cup, the bottom formed like the head of an animal, bird, or other object. PI. I., II., IV. 48 SiTULA. — A sort of Pail, wide mouth, sometimes with a handle over the flat top. PI. II. 49 Skyphos — A Drinking-cup, with two handles. PI. III. 50 Stamnos. — A large Vase, with two small handles on the upper part of the body, not reaching to the lip. PI. VII. 51 Thermopotis. — A Vessel for warming liquids. PI. II. 52 CuM.®AN Vases, in the form of heads, &c., and with applique ornaments. Probably of the Macedonian period. PI. 1. {See Catalogue No. 131). Panathenaic Vases were given as prizes in the Olympian games; they are very large Amphorae, some two feet high. There are several in this collection on the tops of the cases. On one side is a figure of Athene (Minerva) ; on the reverse, a representation of the athletic game for which the prize was given — chariot races, boxing, wrestling, &c. t IsM __.,.^J^ijv./ ■ A'r:f"c/';%'. ' ''^' i«i^ ^ . ‘ ..O-J-.- ' OUTLINES OF GKEEK VASES. Outlines of Geeek Vases. Plate I. OUTLINP’.S OF GhEKK VaSKS. Plate II. Outlinp:s 01' Greek Vases. Plate III. OUTLINKS OF GkKKK ^"AS^:S. Plate IV. Outlines of Greek Vases. Plate V. Outlines of Ghkkk N'ask.s. Plate VI. Outlines of Greek ^"ASES. Plate VII. Heathen Gods and Goddesses. 9 HEATHEN GODS AND GODDESSES. Roman. Gh-eek. .^scdlapids . . . . Apollo Auboea Bacchus Ceres CupiDO (Cupid) . . . Diana Discobdia Faunds (Faun) . . . Flora Fdbijc (Furies) . . . Geatu: (Graces) . . . Hercules Juno Jupiter Luna Maes Meecurius (Mercury) . Minerva Mobs Neptunus (Neptune) . Paec^: (Fates) . . . Pax Pluto Pollux Proserpina (Proserpine) Saturnus (Saturn) . . Seasons SOMNUS Sol Tellus Venus Vesta Victoria (Victory) . . Vulcanus (Vulcan) . . . . Asklepios. . . Apollon. , . Eos. . . Dionysos. . . Demeter. . . Eros. . . Artemis. . . Ebis. . . Satyeos. . . Chloeis. . . Erinyes. . . Charites. . . Heeakles. . . Hera. . . Zeus. . . Selene. . . Ares. . . Hermes. . . Athene (Pallas Athen6). . . Thanatos. . . Poseidon. . . Moirai. . . Eirene. . . Hades. . . POLYDEUKES. . . Persephone. . . Kronos. . . Horae. . . Hypnos. . . Helios. . . Ge. . . Aphrodite. . . Hestia. . . Nike. . . Hephaistos. B 10 Greek Vases. GREEK VASES (Archaic). These vases have been discovered in excavations at Athens and other parts of Greece, mostly in the islands on the shores of the Mediterranean which had been taken possession of by Greek colonists in, or previous to, the sixth century b.c. From the circumstance that Etruria was the first country in which these vases were found in abundance the epithet Etruscan came to be erroneously attributed to the whole class. Greek vases have been mostly found in tombs and sepulchres. Greek Pottery shows an historical development which is perfectly clear in its successive stages between the seventh and the third centuries b.c., at which later date the art ceased. Prior to the seventh century our information rests mainly on the discoveries before named. In some of the northern islands of the Archipelago, in the Cyclades, and especially at Hissarlik (the supposed site of Troy), the first class is found under circumstances which point to a remote age ; the pottery is hand-made, and of a very primitive decoration. It exhibits a high stage of ceramic skill, with occasional traces of Egyptian influence. The Mycenae vases are painted in a dull colour on a dull ground. This is succeeded by a ware of great brilliancy. The designs are derived from marine and vegetable forms, the cuttle-fish, &c. Seventh Century b.c. Contemporary with a late stage of the Mycenae class is a third fabric, the decoration consisting of geometric arrange- ments of straight or curved lines, into which rude figures of men and animals are gradually introduced. The seventh century b.c. brought a more intimate con- nection with the East, as Greek colonies were established on the coasts of Asia Minor. The figures are no longer relegated to square panels but are arranged in continuous friezes, the forms of the vases being shorter and rounder. But this change Greek Vases, II had not everywhere the same effect. We see it earliest in islands like Rhodes and Cyprus, but at Athens, where a pottery was already famous the change was more gradual. It was a development of the Athenian style with its geometric patterns left vacant round figures of animals, gorgons, sphinxes, and occasionally human beings, in dull brownish red on a black background. Sixth Century b.c. (black on red). The next advance in vase-painting took two directions. In the one it retained the white ground, or biscuit, and developed upon it a new skill in the drawing, gradually disregarding the figures of animals and showing a preference for designs in which men or deities are engaged. In the other direction the same preference is observed, but the old liking for a brown or red glaze as the ground on which to paint the designs in black asserted itself. In both cases the contours of the figures were entirely filled in with black, and the inner markings incised through it, with this exception, that in the designs in black on a red ground, the faces, arms, and legs of female figures were afterwards painted in white and fired at a loAver heat. Fourth Century b.c. (red on black). At this point an abrupt change in vase-decoration intervenes — the change from black figures on a red or white ground to red figures on a black ground. The design no longer consists of a series of black silhouettes on a red or white ground, repre- senting the sky behind them, but stands out with figures drawn in on the natural red ground of the vase, and thrown up by the black glaze wdth which all the space surrounding them is covered. Here the inner markings of anatomy and other details are indicated by fine lines drawn with a brush in black or faint yellow, or in some cases slightly impressed on the clay with an ivory tool or pointed instrument. The best examples of Greek vase-painting — severe and pure in the drawing, and very simple in the composition of the designs — occur at this stage. B 2 12 Greek Vases. The greater part of these vases has been obtained from localities in Etruria, such as Vulci, Canino, Cervetri, Nola, Capua, or from Athens. Third Century b.c. Contemporaneous with the red-figure style was that of the Athenian Lekythoi, on which designs are drawn in outline on the prepared white ground of the vase, the draperies being occasionally filled in with red, brown, green, or blue colour. The subjects are usually appropriate to funeral ceremonies, for which these vases were made. Rhytons, or drinking horns, in form of satyrs’ or animals’ heads — with paintings in red on a black ground, or in white — are usually of this period. The latest method of decoration is that in which the designs are painted on the black glaze in white or purple. EGYPT. The Forman Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, which includes so many interesting examples of the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, can only be alluded to in a very cursory way. The history of the nation, which extends through thirty dynasties, commencing 4400 B.c. down to 340 b.c., can only, in these pages, be mentioned in a general way, noticing briefly a few of the most important points, and especially the wonders of the world, the great Pyramids. The first and most ancient was erected at Giseh, b.c. 3700, by Kheops, which he spent many years in building. The second was built by Khephren, b.c. 3666, and the third by Mykerinos, b.c. 3633. The Sphinx, which is near these pyramids, fashioned out of the solid rock in the shape of a human-headed lion, may have been the work of a still earlier period. The seat of government under the Pharaohs at its earliest was at Memphis. Wlien Egypt was in its highest glory, the principal centre had become settled at the great City of Thebes about B.c. 2000. Eotpt. 13 Alexander the (xreat, after his conquest of Persia, marched into Egypt, which willingly submitted to him, and about B.c. 331 he founded the city of Alexandria. He founded many other cities, one of which he called Bucephala in honour of his horse Bucephalus, who died there after carrying him through so many victories. Alexander died B.c. 323, at the age of only thirty-two, having reigned twelve years. After the death of Cleopatra, b.c. 30 (the last of the dynasty of the Ptolemies), Egypt was made a Roman province. The religion of the Egyptians was polytheistic, represented by mythological personifications of natural permanent objects, as the sun, moon, stars, &c., and their gods were represented in human form or that of animals. They believed in a future state, and that the soul would again inhabit the body, hence the care bestowed in the preservation of their bodies after death by embalmment and securing them from harm in wooden cases. Mummifying the dead was practised in Egypt certainly as early as B.c. 4.500, and continued down to a.d. 500. The body was preserved from decay by means of bitumen, spices, gums, and natron. It was then laid in salt or natron for forty days,* which dissolved everything except the skin and bones; it was then washed and wrapped up in strips of fine linen smeared with gum. The word “mummy” is derived from the Arabic mourn, wax. Some mummies have a net- work of porcelain bugles; and sometimes personal ornaments and small deities in stone and earthenware glazed, and emblems, are found carefully folded up in the bandages, or in the temples. Canopic jars were usually made of alabaster. They held the intestines of the human body, which were embalmed separately ; a set consisted of four. Each vase was dedicated to one of the four children of Horus (genii of the dead). The jar of Amset had the head of a man ; that of Hapi * Genesis L., v. ii. and iii. — And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father, and the physicians embalmed Israel. And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days. 14 Egypt, the head of an ape ; that of Tuamautef the head of a jackal ; and that of Kebhsenuf the head of a hawk. Mummied animals : The principal sacred animals were the ape, lion, cat, jackal, bull, ram, sheep, goat, hare, hippopotamus, birds, fishes and reptiles, the ibis, &c. ; cats and kittens are found in great quantities (and it has been said that cargoes of the feline race are shipped to England for manure) ; also head-rests for mummies, terra-cotta cones, sandals and shoes, gilt vases of wood to hold mestchem or eye-paint, scarabaei, utchats or symbolic eyes, cylinders of hard stone, and scarabs of kings in stone and porcelain. The beetle was an emblem of the god Khepera, &c. EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS. The Rosetta Stone. The writing of the Egyptians is known to us in three different forms: th.Q hieroglyphics, yvhich. were the usual style of inscribing monuments and figures of mummies ; the hieratic, or writing of the priests, derived from the hieroglyphics, in a cursive character ; and the demotic, or writing of the common people ; all of which are of a very remote period. All attempts to decipher these pictures of animals and human beings were baffled until a very recent discovery threw a light upon their meaning. In the British Museum is a tablet, carved in three rows of writing, called ‘the “ Rosetta Stone,” from being found at Rosetta by a French officer in 1798. On this stone are graven three rows of inscriptions : one in Egyptian hiero- glyphics, a second by its side in the demotic character, and a third in the Greek language; the last giving a translation of the meaning of the hieroglyphics. The Greek inscription served as a key to decipher it, and the French Egyptologist Champollion has the credit of being the first to unravel its meaning. It was a decree of the priests of Memphis conferring divine honours on Ptolemy V. Epiphanes, King of Egypt, B.c. 195. The names of the kings in the hieroglyphics are enclosed in cartouches. This important relic passed into the hands of the British on the capitulation of Alexandria, and was deposited in the British Museum in the year 1802. Egypt. 15 THE PRINCIPAL EGYPTIAN GODS ARE: 1 Amkn-Ra, King of the Gods ; 2 Mut, the “ Mother/’ wife of Amen-Ra ; 3 Neith, the “Weaver”; 4 Chonsu, the Moon-god ; 5 Amsu, a form of Amen-Ra ; 6 Ra, the Sun-god in full strength ; 7 Secret, the Sun-flame ; 8 Neper- Atmu, the Sun as “the beautiful closer” of the day or night; 9 Ptah, “ god of Memphis, and creator of gods and men ” ; 10 Seek, daughter of Ra ; 1 1 Maat, goddess of law, daughter of Ra ; 12 Shu, the Sun-light, son of Ra; 13 Troth, the “Measurer” and scribe of the gods; 14 Set, the adversary of Ra and god of darkness and night ; 15 Osiris, son of earth and sky, the Sun-god after setting and Great King of the nether- world ; 16 Isis, the dawn goddess, sister and wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus ; 17 Isis, and her son Horus; 18 Nephthys, the twilight goddess, daughter of the earth and sky, and sister of Osiris and Isis; 19 Horus, the young Sun-god, son of Isis and Osiris ; 20 Harpocrates or “ Horus the child ” ; 21 Imouthis, god of embalming; 22 Anubis, god of the dead ; 23 Amset, Hapi, Tuamautef, Kebhsenuf, the four children of Horus ; 24 Bes; the god of music, mirth, &c. GLASS IN ANCIENT EGYPT. From the researches of Rosselini, Wilkinson, and others at Thebes and elsewhere, the erroneous statement that the Egyptians knew little or nothing of glass-making has been completely disproved, and it is certain that it was made in 16 Egypt. Egypt nearly 4000 b.c. extensively, as well as porcelain, of a quality equal to that of modern times. The glass-blowers of Thebes were probably greater proficients in their art than those working after forty centuries of retro- gression ; the designs in different coloured glass being incorpo- rated in the substance, the pattern showing on both the obverse and reverse, and imitating precious stones. They had at hand an unlimited supply of pure sand and kali, and they utilised the ashes of a peculiar kind of kelp that grew in abundance on the shores of lake Mareotis and the Red Sea. In the British Museum are some specimens of glass of the time of Thotmos III. (circa 1500 b.c.) engraved with that monarch’s name by the hand of a skilful artist. Pliny’s tale about the Phoenician merchants’ accidental discovery, while boiling their kettles, is purely traditionary, and the manufacture is represented in Egyptian sculptures. Pliny mentions that in the temple of Jupiter Ammon there was an obelisk of emerald (that is, an imitation in green glass) sixty feet in height. The mode of manufacture was then much as it is at the present day, the blow-pipe, heated red-hot, was inserted into the melted glass. In the pictures of the ancient manufactories men are seen bringing the “ frit ” or kelp and the fine sand in baskets for the purpose of vitrification. The purple colour was given by oxide of gold. STATUARY, BRONZE, Etc., OF GREECE AND ROME. The works in bronze in this collection are of such great variety and importance that a short history is appended with the view of assisting the student to trace the origin of the art of working in metal in Greece and Rome. In a previous notice we have introduced some account of the manners and customs of the Egyptians, from whence the Greeks and Romans derived their first principles in the development of art. The Roman bronzes have been found principally in the ruins of Herculaneum and Pompeii, and the selection is Statdary, Bronze, etc., op Greece and Rome. 17 particularly rich in statues and groups, differing in design from any hitherto discovered, and showing great skill and beauty of workmanship. First Period, prom the Earliest Times till about Olympiad, 50 OR 500 B.c. The statues of the gods were rude representations of them in unhewn stone, without any artistic excellence, being gigantic and undefined, with emblems, but no correct representations of the human figure. The time between the composition of the Homeric poems and the beginning of the fifth century before our era was an age of discovery, and may be con- sidered the first historical period in the history of art. Numerous artists are named as specific inventors, but mostly fabulous. The style in which these statues were executed is called the Archaic or Hieratic. The figures are stiff and clumsy, with no individuality, and the drapery very stiff and unnatural. Second Period, from Olympiad 50 to Olympud 75 (580 — 480 B.C.). During this century Grecian art became more flourishing from the close contact of the Greeks with Egypt. Epic poetry had created more defined ideas of their gods and heroes, and they looked beyond what was conventional and traditionary. The gymnastic and athletic exercises of the great public festivals were performed naked, directing the attention of artists to nature and the beautiful forms of the human body. Numerous artists sprung up at this period, and schools were established for instruction in art. Athens at this time rivalled other parts of Greece, and made great progress in art. Third Period, prom Olympiad 75 to Olympiad 111 (430—336 B.C.). During this period Athens was the centre of the fine arts in Greece, and this city was raised to a height of power such as few cities have ever attained. The great public buildings — the Parthenon, the Theseum, the Odevim, &c. — were erected. 18 Statuary, Bronzk, etc., of Greece and Rome. Statuary went hand-in-hand with the other arts and literature, and the stiffness of conventional forms was abandoned, while the greatest sculptors of Greece, such as Phidias (.500 b.c.), who executed or planned the Parthenon, Praxiteles (350 b.c.), and others filled the Olympia (erected about 460 b.c.) and other public buildings with their beautiful works of art of the highest character. Fourth Period, Olympiad 111 to Olympiad 158 (336 — 146 b.c.). Within a few generations Grecian art had passed through various stages of development, and such abundant examples of masterpieces had been executed that it was difficult to produce any new and original works, hence the artists who followed could do no more than imitate the earlier productions, and the results are better or worse in proportion as they were founded upon the study of them. During the first fifty years the art continued to flourish, especially in works of bronze, until it was carried on with new vigour at Athens about the end of this period. Fifth Period, Olympiad 158 (b.c. 146) to the Fall of the Western Empire. During this period Rome was the capital of nearly the whole of the ancient world, not through its intellectual superiority but by its military and political power. Yet it became the centre of art and literature, as the artists resorted thither from all parts of the Empire for the purpose of seeking employment in the houses of the great, and there were many distinguished artists vainly endeavouring to emulate the excellence of their Greek predecessors. The principal works were reliefs on public monuments, such as the Triumphal Arch of Titus, equestrian statues, &c. In the reign of Trajan, his column, &c. In the reign of Hadrian the arts seem to have begun a new era, and he encouraged art, not only in Rome, but in Greece and Asia Minor; for instance, the Villa of Hadrian, the ruins of which cover an extent of ten Roman miles in circumference, was richer in works of art than any other place in Italy; and here more works of art have been exhumed than in any other part of that Statuary, Bronze, etc., op Greece and Rome. 19 country ; also statues of Antinous and many others in the Greek style; the effects of which remained during the reigns of the Antonines, as in the palace of Antoninus Pius at Lanuvium, where many works of art have been discovered: the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, &c. Busts of the Roman emperors were sometimes multiplied from the fact that the Senate ordained that the bust of every emperor should be in the houses of all citizens. After the time of the Antonines the art declined with great rapidity. Statues in bronze, marble, and other durable materials were not so liable to injury as paintings on canvas or even on panel. On the introduction of Christianity the aim of the different sects of religionists, as each gained the ascendancy, was to destroy all evidences of the former artistic repre- sentations of holy personages which existed in places of wor.ship or in private dwellings. Anarchy and violence prevailed, and iconoclasts destroyed all vestiges of paintings and statues which came within their reach. But the case was different with bronzes, which, from their comparative insignificance, escaped notice, and were covered over among the debris of ruined cities, and by excavations have been brought to light. Ancient statues and statuettes in bronze, and works in sculpture, serve as models and incentives to study to any one who has the ability and taste for art to appreciate them, and some fine examples of exquisite de.sign and fini.sh are to be found in this Collection, many of which have never been copied. They have been found in excavations of ancient cities, such as Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Rome ; and lastly even among the debris of Roman buildings in England. Many of these are probably of the time of the Empire or of Antonius, but they have been copied from others of a better period. These are doubtless of different dates, so that it is difiicult to classify them correctly. 20 Gold Ornaments. GOLD ORNAMENTS. Among the Greeks and Romans gold and silver seem to have been in use as plate before these metals were circulated as money. Homer, among his descriptions of the rudest feasts, speaks of gold and silver cups richly chased and embossed, personal ornaments, the armour for chieftains, &c. The famous shield made for Achilles was fashioned by Vulcan, “the artist of the skies,” at his forge and anvil, by his hammer and punch, as the art of casting was then unknown. This shield, so minutely described by Homer, was reproduced by our great sculptor and artist Flaxman, and is now in the Royal Collection at Windsor. The ancient goldsmith of Homer’s time worked probably like the smith in Ecclesiasticus “ sitting by the anvil and considering the iron work .... and his eyes look still upon the pattern of the thing that he maketh ” (ch. xxxviii., 28). We must not omit to mention the unique gold bulla of this Collection, which was worn by Hostus Hostilius when young, who afterwards fell in a battle with the Sabines in the time of Romulus. His son, Tullus Hostilius, was the third king of Rome. There is a similar gold bulla in the British Museum, but it has no inscription. The minute details of ornamentation in ancient Greek jewellery is altogether different from the modem method, which is termed filigree, or twisted gold threads arranged in patterns; whereas the Greek goldsmith formed his patterns and devices by the application of minute particles of gold affixed to the surface, which can only be detected by the aid of a magnifying glass, and which may be more correctly designated “ granulated.” The work has never been sur- passed in beauty or exquisite finish. CAMEOS AND INTAGLIOS. Gnostic Gems. The Gnostics were a Christian sect which arose in the second century. They flourished during the third, and were Cameos and Intaglios. 21 suppressed in the fourth or fifth century. Their founders were chiefly natives of Egypt or Syria, who, having adopted some Christian notions, blended therewith many obscure beliefs, which they derived from the older pagan religions of their native countries, concerning the eternity of matter, the power of magical names, and the mysterious powers of the invisible world. The Gnostics were both learned and wealthy, and their name, which expressed a superiority of knowledge, was either assumed from their own pride, or was ironically be- stowed upon them by their adversaries. The gems are engraved with magical formulie, and with figures of gods, demons, animals, &c. They are alluded to in the Catalogue, Nos. 3466 to 3477. THE MANUFACTURE OF MOSAICS. One of the few industries of Rome is the manufacture of mosaics, the largest establishment being under the control of the Church, and employed almost entirely in the adornment of churches and religious establishments. The process of making a picture in mosaic is very slow, and requires the highest order of skill. To begin with, mosaic is made of glass, and its value consists in its being indestructible by climate or age. The workmen, in great pictures, have to use something over twenty-six thousand shades of coloured glass to produce the requisite tints, as in a mosaic every colour is necessary, just as in an oil painting. To make a picture the process is this : A plate of metal of the required size is surrounded by a raised margin an inch in height. A mastic cement of powdered stone, lime, and linseed oil is spread over the bottom of the plate, and that is covered up with plaster of Paris to the level of the rim. Upon this the picture to be made is very carefully drawn, and the mechanic’s work begins. He takes a piece of glass of the exact tint necessary, and fits it into its place, grinding to get the shape. Then he goes on, one piece at a time, till the picture is finished ; then the face is ground down to smoothness, and the picture is set in its place. 22 The Manufacture op Mosaics. Some of the greatest pictures of ancient and modern times are in mosaic, the tints, with all the delicate shades, being as carefully reproduced as in oil, and the effect being finer. The ceilings of many of the great churches of Home are entirely of mosaic, as well as many of the altar-pieces and other decora- tions. As they are entirely indestructible and never lose their colour they are very much prized. A picture in mosaic costs a great deal, but then it is eternal, barring fire and earthquakes. All over Rome there are small shops devoted to the manu- facture of mosaic table-tops, box-covers, &c., the workman toiling all his life on one subject. The man who begins on St. Peter’s, or the Colisseum, never does any other subject, and he becomes so skilful in this one that he is enabled to execute it not only well, but cheaply. He has only the tints to manage that enter into one picture, and he places them mechanically and very rapidly. HOGARTH’S LIFE AND WORKS. The late Mr. Forman was a great admirer of Hogarth and his works, and never lost an opportunity of enriching his collection whenever an opportunity presented itself; and it contains also those formerly in the possession of David Garrick, Horace Walpole, &c. His library shelves abound with portfolios of Hogarth’s engravings, and the different variations of the states as they were altered and printed, or published : original sketches in Indian ink and pencil, biographical anecdotes, his illustrations of Hudibras, Don Quixote, Beever’s Military Punishments, the “Five Days’ Tour to Rochester and Sheppey,” anecdotes written and illu.strated by Hogarth himself, Hogarth’s drawings of the “ Marriage a la Mode ” in pencil and red chalk, and many others ; also engravings of his paintings by Richard Earlom, Thomas Cook, R. F. Ravenet, Ireland, Rouquet, &c. A list of these is in the Catalogue. Among the Pictures at Callaly will be found a description of fifteen original paintings in oil, by Hogarth, which now are placed on the walls of this mansion. Hoqaeth’s Life and Works 23 William Hogarth, who was born in London in 1697, was the grandson of a Westmoreland yeoman. His father at one time kept a school near St. Bees, in that county ; he compiled but did not publish a Latin-English Dictionary, and afterwards went to London, where he pursued his occupation with some success. Very early in life Hogarth was apprenticed to one Ellis Gamble, a silversmith in Cranbourne Street, Leicester Fields, now called Leicester Square. It is not known what amount of artistic education he had, except that he was fond of copying the sketches of Callot when a boy, and the works of Sir James Thornhill in after-life. Hogarth says of himself, Engraving on copper was, at twenty years of age, my utmost ambition.” In 1720 he opened a shop on his own account, where he engraved bill-heads, crests, coats-of-arms, and important pieces of plate with elegant scroll-work, landscapes, and figures, some of which are preserved, executed in a style in which no other engraver surpassed him. It was either in 1729 or 1730 that Hogarth took summer lodgings at South Lambeth, where he formed an acquaintance with Mr. Jonathan Tyers, the enterprising lessee of Vauxhall Gardens, that once famous “ Royal Property,” to which visitors were welcomed by the assiduous Mr. Simpson, Master of the Ceremonies. Hogarth made several designs for the adornment of the supper boxes, orchestra, &c., although it does not appear that he painted them with his own hand, but other artists were employed to place them on canvas. Hogarth engraved one of these, entitled “The Four Parts of the Day.” A firm and lasting friendship seems to have existed between them, and Tyers pre- sented W. Hogarth with a perpetual ticket of admission to Vauxhall. It was of gold, and bore this inscription : “ In perpetuam beueficii memoriam.” (Weight, 12 dwts. 20 grains.) At the same time he gave him his own portrait, painted by Watteau (see his MS. letter). These are both in the Forman Collection, in the possession of his nephew. Major A. H. Browne. 24 Hogarth’s Life and Works. Copy of letter, with his seal attached, obv., “ Virtus et voluptas,” two female figures standing, " Felices una ” : “Vauxhall, 1 May, 1733. — My dear Friend, — Accept as a testimony of regard the accompanying gold medal, as a 'per- petuam beneficii memoriam ’ for your many past favours, also my likeness, done when in Paris. It was said to be very like, but your correct eye will discover any defect, and easily recog- nise the Frenchman’s hand. The bouquet, with best respects, to Mrs. Hogarth. — Believe me, ever yours faithfully, “JoNA Tyers. “ To Mr. Hogarth, Leicester Fields.” Hogarth having served his apprenticeship with Ellis Gamble, the silversmith of Cranbourn Street, turned his attention from engraving and chasing silver vessels to a higher, and, doubtless, more lucrative employment, that of painting in oils on canvas. His previous works wei’e always of an artistic character when designing patterns and devices for the decoration of plate. It was a bold stroke, but his energy and perseverance overcame the apparent difiiculty, and in changing to the painter’s brush from the engraver’s burin he eventually became successful. Sir James Thornhill established a school for the instruction of students in painting, which was attended by Hogarth, and he must have discovered his latent talent, which was more to his taste. But there was metal more attractive to engage his attention. Sir James Thornhill had a lovely daughter, Jane, and William Hogarth fell desperately in love with her. To gain the consent of the father to so disparaging a match with a penniless man was out of the question, as the baronet, by his paintings, had amassed a considerable fortune. To settle the question the pair eloped. It is thought that Lady Thornhill connived at the courtship, and lent her aid in their escape, but Sir James flew in a violent rage, and threatened to dis- inherit his daughter, and vowed vengeance against the pair, shutting his doors against them. They were married at Old Paddington Church, on the 23rd March, 1729, thus recorded in the register: “William Hogarth, Esq., and Jane Thornhill, of St. Paul’s, Covent Garden.” Hogarth’s Life and Works. 25 There is a story told that Mrs. Hogarth or her mother. Lady Thornhill, placed the six pictures of the ‘‘ Harlot’s Progress ” in Sir James’s parlour, ready for him to see when he came down to breakfast. ‘'Very well, very well,” cried the King’s Sergeant painter, rubbing his hands and well-nigh pacified ; “ the man who can paint like this wants no dowry with my daughter.” He subsequently forgave them, and set them up in their house in Leicester Fields, and left Hogarth a considerable interest in his house, 104, St. Martin’s Lane, whither he had removed from Covent Garden, the staircase of which he had painted, according to his custom, with his favourite style of allegories; he also left him all his casts and the contents of his studio. Sir James Thornhill died at his seat, “Thornhill,” near Wey- mouth, in 1734. Hogarth died in 1764, and his wife in 1789 ; both are buried in Chiswick churchyard. They had no children. Besides their value as paintings, Hogarth’s works, which are almost entirely engraved by himself, not only possess great humour, but are full of high moral teaching. His portrait, by himself, and many of his best productions, are in the national collection, and in the Soane Museum. The eight paintings of “A Rake’s Progress ” were sold in 1823, at Garrick’s sale, for £1732. Paintings by Hogarth in this Collection. NO. 11 1 Fairies dancing by moonlight, and a man holding a lantern, 12 ji called “The Alarm,” cut from the foregoing picture. 14 Taking birds’ nests. 15 Bird-catching. 37 Conversation ; a lady and gentleman seated. 40 A Turk’s head. 44 Morning in Covent Garden (first picture). 45 A sketch for “ The Happy Marriage.” 47 A sketch for “ The Staymaker.” 51 Satan, Sin, and Death (original sketch). 62 Figures dancing round a maypole. 76 The Haymakers ; a man and woman walking. 79 Scene at Child’s Banking House in 1745. c 26 Hogarth’s Life and Works. 105 Miss Bridget Allworthy. 113 The Goddess of Dulness (The Dunciad). The following are a few of the drawings and engravings by Hogarth : — Engravings from D. Garrick’s, Mrs. Hogarth’s, and Horace Walpole’s collections. Engravings in various states, including The Industrious and Idle Apprentices ; a great variety of impressions ; March to Finchley, in different states ; The Stages of Cruelty ; Paul before Felix ; Analysis of Beauty ; The Inn Yard ; The Sleeping Congregation ; The Rake’s Progress ; The Harlot’s Progress ; Tail Piece ; The Gate of Calais ; Taste in High Life ; The Political Clyster ; England and France ; Mid- night Modern Conversation ; Beer Street and Gin Lane ; The Medley ; Enthusiasm Delineated ; Distressed Poet ; Enraged Musician. Illustrations : Butler’s Hudibras, Beever’s Military Punish- ments, Don Quixote, and others, from Horace Walpole’s and Mrs. Garrick’s collections. Sketches for Play Bills ; Hogarth’s Receipt, and a list of the prints placed by him in a volume. Books of his Engravings, &c. His Five Days’ Tour in company with Thornhill, Tothall, Scott, and Forrest, to Rochester and Sheppey. His Anecdotes, written by himself. His Marriage a la Mode, re-engraved by Richard Earlom, from the originals ; and by Thomas Cook, with anecdotes ; and by R. F. Ravenet, as early as 1745 ; also by John and Samuel Ireland. Drawing of the Entrance to Vauxhall Gardens, in Indian ink. Sketches in Indian ink on coloured paper ; 36 heads. Biographical Sketches by J. Nichols ; his Works by J. Nichols and George Steveens, &c. CATALOGUE OF THE MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES AND WORKS OF ART AT CALLALY CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND, THE SEAT OF MAJOR A. H. BROWNE. NO. 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ARCHAIC GREEK VASES. Casket, or Pyxis and Cover, with fret ornaments (Athens). height 8^in. Casket, or Pyxis and Cover, with tigers and sphinxes. height 7^in. Pyxis, a Casket or Jewel-box, with a lid and cover, and line ornaments. height 4|in. Kylix, birds and harpies. diam. 7 in. Skyphos, stags and panthers. height 4 in. Skyphos, with harpies and sphinxes. height 3^in. Olpe, with rude figures of horses. height 4|in. OiNOCHOE, very broad base, with concentric rings, triangles, &c. OiNOCHOE, painted with a harpy. height 11 in. Mask, in form of a satyr’s head. OiNOCHOE, two cocks and a serpent. height 7|in. c 2 28 Archaic Greek Vases. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44a 45 46 OiNOCHOE, with harpies and animals. height 8^in. Lamp, in form of a boat, with two figures seated in it ; the prow in form of a pig’s head. length 12 in., height 6 in. Greek Vase, a fi-agment, on which is a man on horseback, wounded. 7in. by 12in. Olpe, with female figures. height 5 in. SkyphOS, harpies, a boar and a lion. height 4 in. Amphora, with two handles, painted with two harpies. height 4|in. Skyphos, borders of acanthus leaves. height 3 in. Covered SKYPHOS, painted with borders of leaves. height 5 in. Bombylios, rosette ornaments. height 3 in. Bombylios, rosette ornaments. height 3^in. OiNOCHOE, birds and leaves. height 7|in. Lekythos, with concentric rings. height 7^in. Aryballos, chequered ornaments. height 2^in. Aryballos, rosettes, white and black on red. height 2^in. Holmos, sphinxes, birds, and animals. height 3f in. Skyphos, chequered ornaments. height 3 in. OiNOCHOE, birds. height 2|in. Skyphos, lion and ducks. height 3|in. Aryballos, annular form. height 2|in. Pyxis, cylindrical form, incised pattern. height 2|in. Aryballos, in form of a monkey, seated. height 3|in. Bombylios, acanthus leaf ornament. height 3 in. Skyphos, birds and animals. height 3^in. OiNOCHOE, striped. height 2Jin. Skyphos, harpies, stag and lion. height 2|in. Skyphos, rudely painted with horses and birds, height 2|in. Pyxis, harpies, birds, and animals, no cover. height 5 in. Aryballos, ornamented with dots and lines. height 3|in. Aryballos, ornamented with dots and lines. height 3|in. Aryballos, in form of an Indian’s head. height 3 in. Aryballos, in form of an Indian woman’s head, height 3^in Bombylios, a man between two harpies. height 6 in. Bombylios, two cocks and a duck. height 6 in. Aryballos, trefoil lip and cover. height 5^in. Aryballos, trefoil lip and cover. height 4|in. Aryballos, with the figure of a panther. height 34in. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Archaic Greek Vases. 29 Prochous. height 4 in. BombylioS. height 2^in. Bombylios, acanthus leaf. height 2^in. Aryballos, in form of a helmeted head. height 2^in. Aryballos, in form of a helmeted head. height 2|in. Ten Aryballoi, with birds. height 3 in. OiNOCHOB, trefoil lip. height 4 in. Bombylios, rosettes. height 2^in. Bombylios, stripes. height 2^in. Bombylios, balls. height 3 in. Bombylios, stripes. height 3 in. Ungubntarium, animals. height l|in. Pyxis, chequers and lines. height 4Mn. Pyxis, chequers and lines. height 4|in. Seven Lekythoi, red cross ornaments on yellow, trefoil lips. height 4 in. to 7 in. Pyxis and Cover, two rows of ducks. Pyxis, brown concentric lines on yellow. Pyxis, concentric lines. Pyxis, black and red on yellow. Pyxis, black and red on yellow. Pyxis, black and red on yellow. Small Kylix, black and red on yellow. Cop, small, black and red on yellow. Bombylios, harpies. Patera, red concentric lines on yellow. Pyxis and Cover, harpies, birds and animals. Pyxis, no cover, harpies, &c. Bombylios, bossed surface, light blue glaze. Bombylios, in form of a man’s head. Bombylios, bossed surface and light blue glaze, height 2^in. Bombylios, Greek warriors carrying shields and spears. height 3 in. Bombylios, with a swan. Bombylios, an owl and two cocks. Bombylios, a bird. Aryballos, an owl and a hog. Aryballos, a harpy. Aryballos, festoon. AskoS, brown wavy lines on yellow. height 4iin. height 3 in. height 3 in. height 2^in. height 2|-in. height 2:J^in. height l^in. height 2^in. height 5^in. diam. 6 in. height 5 in. height 4 in. height 2|in. height 2 in. height 3 in. height 3 in. height 2^in. height 3^in. height 3|in. height 3^in. height llin. 30 Archaic Greek Vases, 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Askos, columns with black and red ornaments, height 18in. Askos, columns with black and red ornaments, height 18in. A Stand for a pointed vase, black designs of warriors, &c. (Incitega). , height 9^in. A Stand, resting on four lion’s paws (Incitega). height 7|in. Skyphos, black and red ornaments. height 4 in. OiNOCHOB and Cover, animals. height 7 in. Kyathos, procession of male and female figures. height 12in. Kyathos, procession of female figures, holding ivy leaves. height 13in. Amphora, painted with a chariot. height llin. Amphora, with very wide mouth, two hands, and two handles projecting from the sides. height 12in. OiNOCHOE, painted with tigers and birds. height ll^in. A Lamp, with an upright female figure, a handle, and a strainer. height 5^in. by 6^in. Tazza, painted with leaves, &c. diam. 12iin. PiNAX, Avith leaves and fret ornament, handles cut in the rim. diam. 12^in. PiNAX, acanthus ornaments. diam. llin. PiNAX, a wild boar. diam. 12in. PiNAX, with harpies and birds. diam. ll^in. OiNOCHOE, two cocks fighting, and two sphinxes. height llin. Hydria, birds and animals, round the top figures and horsemen. height 7in. Alabastron, birds and animals. height llin. Lekythos, black bird and scrolls on yellow ground. height 6|in. Large earthenware Bowl, two handles, with black and red ornaments on yellow. height 15in., diam. 24in. Amphora, with three handles, of globular form. height 18in. OiNOCHOE, five warriors holding shields. height 12^in. Amphora, button handles, acanthus ornaments. height lO^in. Bowl, with painted cover. height 8 in. OiNOCHOE, stripes. height 6 in. Red ware Strainer (Colum), pierced with holes. Archaic Greek Vases, 31 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Kypellon, one handle. diani. 7;^in. OiNOCHOB, birds and stags. height 13in. OiNOCHOE, broad lip, harpies, and animals. height 9^in. PiNAX, acanthus leaves. diam. 9 in. Small Kypellon. diam. 6 in. Alabastron, white, outlined in black, with female figures and inscription (broken). height 6fin. Alabastron, white, figures pencilled in black, length 7 in. Two Alabastra, of stone. length 9^in. Three Alabastra, brown and red bands and animals on yellow. height 7 in. Alabastron, harpies and animals. height ll|^in. Alabastron, soldier holding a battle axe. height 6 in. Alabastron, male and female figures. height 7 in. Alabastron, black bands on red. height 6 in. Alabastron, the upper part in form of a female holding a bird. length 8|in. CUM.fflAN ASKOS, painted, in front under the spout a figure of Cupid, on each side satyrs and masks in relief, and festoons of acorns and oak leaves, at the back of the handle a seated female figure. height lO^in. CUM.®AN Askos, under the spout a mask in relief, and on each side the forepart of a horse projecting, surmounted by three winged figures. height 24in. Large CUM.®AN PAINTED Vase, mask of Medusa in relief on the front, surmounted by a figure of Victory, the fore- part of a horse on each side ; on the handles are two draped female figures. height 27in. Cum.® AN Vase, the lower part in form of a female head wreathed, on each side a projecting female head, sur- mounted by a winged figure with pointed cap. height 36in. CUM.(EAN Vessel, the lower part in form of a female head with diadem, two winged figures in relief ; a high handle in front, on which is a draped female figure holding a patera, projecting heads on each side, surmounted by draped figures. height 30in. CUM.®AN Askos, with female head in relief in front and at the back. height 20in. CUM.®AN Askos, surmounted by three winged figures, handle over the top, painted with scrolls. height 15in. 32 Archaic Greek Vases 135 CUM^AN Askos, on the top a full-length draped figure of Salus, behind her the serpent ; on each side of the neck the head of a swan, on the front the full-faced head of Proser- pine painted in colours. {Campa7ia Collection.) 136 CUM^AN Askos, similar, with one swan’s head. {Gamj)ana Collection.) height 15^in. 137 CUMiEAN Vase, of globular form, handle over the top, the neck and handle rising in front, surmounted by three draped female figures j in the centre, under the spout, the head of Medusa, on each side female figures seated, height 29in. 138 Cum.® AN Vase, the cover surmounted by a winged female head ; a female mask in front, on which is a man on horse- back, the forepart of a centaur on each side, forming handles. height 27in. 139 CUM®AN Vase, the mouth in front and handle over, painted ; surmounted by two female figures, with hands raised, in front Medusa’s head, on each side the forepart of a horse projects. height 23in. 140 Circular Kiste, dome-shaped cover with raised concentric lines round the side, small figures in relief. height 6 in. by 8^in. 141 COSTRIL, flat with figures in relief on back and front, with a groove round the side and four loops. diam. lO^in. 142 Vessel, painted, the lower part in form of a man’s head, on the top is a winged female figure, and a small head on each side. height 17 in. 143 Kernos, painted with black stripes on yellow ground, with two circles of twenty-five small vases, a large one in the centre. height 12^in. 144 Kernos, painted with black lines on yellow, with a single circle of nine small vases, and one in the centre. height llin. BLACK WARE. 145 Globular Vase, of early Chiusan ware, with ornaments in relief, and four heads of tigers and rams, movable, pro- jecting from the shoulders ; the handles formed of birds. This interesting woi'k is engraved Inj the Dilettanti Society {Rogers' Gollectiot}). Black Ware. 33 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Tazza, with three blue handles on the rim. height 6^in. Kylix, of black ware. height 2^in. Patera. diam. 6 in. Amphora, ribbed sides (handle broken). height 4^in. Two Covers of Vases, red female heads on black. Kylix, of black glaze. height 2 in. Kylix, of black glaze. height 2 in. OiNOCHOE, of black glaze. height 3^in. Two shallow Cups, on stems and feet, with moulded bands of figures round. height 5^in. Small Skyphos, one handle, ribbed. height 3|in. Cup and Cover, ornamented in relief with Pegasus, four masks on the rim. height 12in. OiNOCHOE, lions’ heads in low relief. height 13^in. OiNOCHOE, figures of men on horseback on the outside. height 14in. Two KyathOI. height 2^in. Amphora, of oval form, the cover in form of a head, sur- mounted by a bird, two handles, and two detached hands and arms. Found at Volterra. height 30in. Cylindrical Cup. height 4fin. Amphora and Cover, ornamented with scrolls, and a band of moulded figures round the top. Found at Volterra. height 24in. Tray, open in front, a mask at each corner, two handles. width 24in. 163 163a Patera, black ware, incised border. diam. 2^in. GREEK VASES. 164 Kylix, red figures on black ground. diam. llin. 165 Kylix, red on black, figures reposing on couches, diam. llin. 166 Amphora, black on red, two warriors bearing a shield, on which is an anchor and two females. height 17in. 167 Amphora, of Nolan ware, with medallion of two bearded figures, a woman draped, and two satyrs. height 18in. 168 Kylix, of black glaze. diam. 5 in. 169 Kyathos, black on red, female seated between two sacred eyes. 34 Greek Vabes, 170 Kyathos, black on red, horseman, nymphs, and satyrs. 171 Kyathos, black on red, armed warriors, Greek inscriptions. 172 Kyathos, black on red, king seated, with satyrs and nymphs. 173 Kyathos, black on red, three nude figures and two eyes. 174 Kyathos, red on yellow, two sphinxes. 175 Greek Vase, pointed base, representing the invasion of Attica by the Amazons, when they were defeated by Theseus and his associates. This beautiful vase has seven- teen figures, the name being inscribed over each. Found at Girgenti (Agrigentum) in 1830. (Eoffers' Collection.') height lOin., diam. 13in. 176 Hydria, black on red, with Hercules and Nereus, who has a dolphin’s tail ; three men leading horses on the shoulder, two dogs and a faun below. (Gampanari and Rogers' Collection.) height 15^in. 177 Kylix and Cover, red on black, man and woman seated. height 4^in. 178 Amphora, black on red, two bearded figures, nymphs and satyrs, centaurs and lapithse. height 15iu. 179 Amphora, black on red, horseman and two satyrs. height 12in. 180 Amphora, of Nolan ware, red on black, twisted handles. The combat of Achilles and Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons. (From Capua.) height 22in. 181 Amphora, with medallions of heads on handles, red and w'hite figures on black, a man seated under an arcade, two female attendants. height 20^in. 182 Askos, red on black, female seated holding a basket. height 9^in. 183 Lekythos, red on black, woman holding a casket and wreath. height 6^in. 184 Lekythos, red on black, winged genius holding a wreath and patera. height 6^in. 185 Thirteen small OlNOCHOAl, red on black, children playing. height 2^in. 186 Hydria and Cover, black on red, Hercules and Nereus, and two other figures ; border of chariots and figures at top and bottom. height 21^in. 187 Amphora, of black ware, ribbed. (From Cumse.) height 25in. Greek Vases. 35 188 Kylix, on a long stem, black on red, a genius running with a dog by his side. height 6 in. 189 Lekythos, black on yellow, a figure in a quadriga. height 8^in. 190 OiNOCHOB, black on yellow, male figure on a couch, a woman before him. height 5 in. 191 Kypellon, red on black, female head. diam. 6^in. 192 Early Etruscan Toy of a man on horseback. height 5 in. 193 Hydria, red on black, Ceres in a winged chariot. height 14in. 194 Hydria, red on black, a man riding on a horse and leading another, pursuing a female. height 14^in. 195 Amphora, red on black, twisted handle, a Greek warrior standing before an altar, with two females, one pouring wine. height 22in. 196 Kylix, black ornaments on red. diam. 8 in. 197 Large Amphora, red on black, the handles in form of lions’ paws, a chariot race and border of lions attacking a boar, pointed base. height 24in. 198 A Pblikb, red on black, with a bride seated at her toilette, an attendant holding a wreath, a youth holding a speculum before a tazza, Leda with a swan, and Eros holding a cestus above ; rev. a bridegroom, seated, holding a speculum, a draped female, with a kiste and bunch of grapes before him, and Eros holding a kylix above ; Grecian honeysuckle border above. Purchased in Apulia. {Rogers' Collection.) height 19in. 199 A Tall Amphora, red on black, with a female holding ears of wheat and a cestus, and a youth with a disc before an Ionic column ; rev. two Ephebi before a tree. {From MilUngen's and Rogers' Collections.) height 22in, 200 Globular Vase and Cover, red on black, female heads and acanthus leaves. height 8^in. 201 Alabastron, red on black, female figure holding a patera, and a winged genius. {Rogers' Collection.) height lOin. 202 Stem to support a vase, in form of a candlestick, red on black, female head. (From Capua.) height lOin. 203 Kylix, black on red, a quadriga. diam. 8 in. 204 Kylix, red on black, figure holding a javelin, height 7 in. 36 Greek Vases. 2U5 Kylix and Cover, white on black, female head and scrolls. height 4^in. 206 A Nolan Kalpis, black on red, with Hercules and Mercury followed by two dogs, Minerva armed with spear and shield, and a draped female with a mastix on each side. {Rogers' Collection.) height 13in. 207 Hydria, medallion of black on red, Hercules and three Amazons. height 16^in. 208 Kylix, red on black, the border painted with Hercules and armed figures, and in the centre a faun with a wine skin. diam. I3in. 209 Kylix, red on black, border of dancing figures, in the centre a satyr holding a man on his shoulder. diam. 12^in. 210 Amphora, red on black, a man holding a hare and a stick. height 19in. 211 A FINE Hydria, black on red, with eight horses of the sun drinking at a fountain, attended by two bearded men, over each of whom is inscribed kaao 2 : three horsemen on the shoulders above, and three animals below. {Rogers' Gollectioni) height 17in. 212 Kylix, painted with a bird. diam. 4fin. 213 Kotyliskos, red on black, a hare and acanthus leaf. height 5 in. 214 Kotyliskos, red on black, a winged figure playing with a ball, and an acanthus. height 6^in. 215 Kotyliskos, red on black, acanthus leaf. height 6 in. 216 Kotyliskos, red and white on black, flowers and key pattern. height 6Jin. 216a Kotyliskos, flowers. height fijin. 217 Lekythos, red on black, a female figure holding a casket, a genius, &c., and inscription. height 5|in. 218 Amphora, black on red, medallion of Achilles dragging the dead body of Hector. Greek inscription. height 20in. 219 Hydria, with medallion of black on red, a group of Amazons on horseback. height 19in. 220 Kylix, black on red, Hercules and the lion, and other figures. diam. 8 in. 221 Hydria, black on red, two warriors fighting with spears and shields, and attendants ; above is a border of smaller figures. height 13^in. 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Greek Vases. 37 Hydria, black on red, a man in a quadriga, border of smaller figures at top. height 12^in. Kylix, black on red, with a warrior between two eyes, and two galleys on each side beneath ; a mask in the centre. (Rogers' Collection.) height llin. Kylix, red on black, armed warriors, in the centre a man holding a helmet. diam. 10|in. Kylix, black on red, a horseman and figures, diam. 8^in. Kylix, black and white on red, warriors fighting. diam. 7 in. Kylix, black on red, cock and animals. diam. 6|in. Kalpis, of black glaze. height 7 in. Kalpis, of black glaze, ribbed, white ornament round the neck. height 5|in. Kalpis, of black glaze, white ornament round the neck. height 6^in. Prochous, of black glaze. height 9 in. Kantharos, of black Nolan ware. height 6^in. Olpb, red on black, a man standing on a horse’s back. height 5 in. Lekythos, black glaze, on the front a tablet of Bacchanalian figures in relief. height 8^in. Kantharos, of Nolan ware, black glaze. height 4^in. Amphora, black glaze with red figures, a bearded man, and another holding a hoop. height ll^in. Amphora, red on black, a man holding a stick, and a woman holding a patera. height 8|in. Amphora, red on black, a woman holding a casket. height 8|in. Skyphos, ribbed, with handles, a small border of white on black. height 4r|in. OiNOCHOE, Nolan ware, black glaze. height 4^in. Apulian Stamnos, black glaze, painted cover, height 6|in. Lekythos, black glaze, crossed with white lines, height 4^in. Lekythos, black on red, a man and two women. height 4|in. Krater, black glaze, with band of vine leaves and grapes. height llin. Amphora, of black ware, with Greek fret round it. height lO^in. 38 Greek Vases. 246 Lekythos, black ground, white crossed lines, height 8 in. 247 Lekythos, of black ware, ribbed, ram’s head handles. height 4^in. 248 Lekythos, looped handles, of black ware, ribbed body. height 4^in. 249 Lopas, of Nolan ware, black glaze. height 4^in. 250 Lopas, of Nolan ware, black glaze. height 8^in. 251 Skyphos, of black glaze. height 3^in. 251a Nolan Skyphos. height 6^in. 252 Lekythos, red on black, female head and acanthus leaves. height 3^in. 253 Patera, small size, and a Salt Cellar of black ware. 254 Amphora of Nolan ware, black on red, with two eyes and acanthus-leaf ornament round the neck. height 13f in. 255 OiNOCHOE, black on red, a bearded figure seated, and a woman playing on the lyre. height ll^in. 256 Kylix, black on red, horsemen and warriors, diam. lO^in. 257 Kylix, black on red, warrior putting on his armour, horse- men, &c. diam. llin. 258 Kylix, black on red, harpies, and in the centre a harpy seated. diam. 9 in. 259 Kylix, black on red, centaurs and lapithae fighting. diam. 5^in. 260 Kylix, black on red, two cocks fighting. diam. 5|in, 261 OiNOCHOE, black on red, two females drawing water from a fountain. height 8^in. 262 OiNOCHOE, black on red, two men with a dog. height 8^in. 263 Skyphos, black on red, two men pressing grapes. height 4 in. 264 Small Amphora, black on red, Bacchus seated, a nymph before him holding bunches of grapes. height 6^in. 265 Small Patera of black glaze. diam. 4 in. 266 Amphora, red on black, Hercules seated, a winged genius and a serpent. height 12^in. 267 Kalpis, black on red, two figures holding a shroud, border of acanthus leaves. height 9 in. 268 Apulian Stamnos, with a small vase on the top. height 12in. 269 OiNOCHOE, medallion of black on red, Minerva. height 5 in. Greek Vases, 39 270 271 272 273 274 275 27G 277 278 279 280 281 281a 282 283 284 285 28G 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 OiNOCHOE, medallion of black on red, a man leading a horse. height 4;Jin. Small Lekythos, black on red, a man with a bull. height 4|in. Small Lekythos, black on red, ivy-leaf pattern. height 3^in. Amphora, red on black, two athletes. height 13^in. Amphora, black on red, a man holding a spear and shield, on which is a human leg, and other figures, height 9 in. Amphora, black on red, two soldiers, between them a cippus, and Greek inscriptions. height 8^in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, a male and female figure. height 41in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, satyr. height 4 in. Skyphos, of drab ware, acanthus leaf. height 3Jin. Skyphos, black on red, female reclining between two eyes. height 3^in. Amphora, black on red, two Greek warriors fighting, acanthus-leaf border. height 18^in. Amphora, black on red, Bacchus holding the Kantharos, a goat by his side, and two satyrs. height 20in. Two Stands for amphorae. (Incitegae.) Kylix, black on red, animals. diam. 7|in. Kylix, black on red, animals. diam. 8^in. Kylix, red on black, a female, seated, and a satyr. diam. 9^in. Kylix, black on red, in the centre a mask. diam. 7 in. Kylix, of black glaze. diam. G|in. Amphora, white on black, a female head. height 9 in. OiNOCHOE, red and white on black, flowers. height 7^in. OiNOCHOE, black ribbed ware, flowers round the neck, in yellow on brown. height 9 in. OiNOCHOE, black ribbed yellow, vine leaves round the neck. height 7 in. OiNOCHOE, of black ware, ribbed, vine leaves round the neck. height 6 in. OiNOCHOE, yellow on black, vine leaves and grapes. height 7 in. Amphora, black, ribbed, scroll ornament in yellow. height G^in. Greek Vases. 294 295 29G 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 30G 307 307a 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 Amphora, red on black, a female carrying a wreath and patera. height 7^in. Amphora, with double bossed handles, red on black, a female seated, holding a casket and wreath, height llin. Amphora, red on black, a female head, and a female holding a casket. height 7^in. Amphora, red on black, a winged genius. height 6 in. OiNOCHOB, red on black, a winged genius flying, height GJin. Lekythos, black on red, four figures conversing, and horsemen. height 6f in. Skyphos, red on black, an owl. height 2^in. Lekythos, red on black, Europa on the bull, height 13in. Patera, of black ware, with incuse ornament, diam. Gfin. Amphora, red on black, male figure holding a lance, and female holding a patera. height lOin. Amphora, red on black, two female figures, one holding a scarf. height 7|in. Tazza of black ware. diam. G in. Tazza of black ware. diam. 3|in. Phaskon of black ware, mask on top. height 5 in. Phaskon of black ware, ribbed, mask at top. height 5 in. Lekythos, black on red, acanthus leaves. height 5 Jin. Lekythos, black on red, acanthus leaves. height 4Mn. Amphora, black on red, a man on horseback, and two satyrs. height 13Jin. Amphora, black on red, Bacchus seated between Minerva and Mercury. height 14iin. Kylix, red on black, in the centre a faun holding a leopard’s skin and oinochoe, round the outside two boys, with symbols and the sacred eye. Round each figure is the inscription, ho hau kaaos. diam. 13Jin. Four small Lbkythoi, red on black, a female holding a ball. height 4Jin. Lekythos, red on black, small acanthus-leaf ornament. height 3Jin. Stamnos and Cover, of Nolan ware, red figures on black ground, Bacchus and eight female figures playing on instruments (Magna Graecia). height 15in. Lekythos, white on black, a male and female winged figure before an altar. height 8Jin. Greek Vases 41 317 LekythOS, red on black, a winged genius holding a wreath. height 7^in. 318 Kylix, red on black, six figures on the outside, and in the centre a man holding a strigil. diam. 8|in. 319 SkyphoS, with two handles, red on black, two men, one holding a strigil. height 4Jin. 320 Skyphos, with two handles, red on black, two figures. height 4]^in. 321 Hydria, red figures on black, the Return of Ulysses, Pene- lope seated spinning, Telemachus with hoop, and an attendant, inscribed kaao 2 . From Capua. height 12in. 322 Rhyton, red on black, in form of a greyhound’s head, female presenting a patera to a satyr. 323 Rhyton, red on black, in form of a stag’s head, round the neck a genius seated, holding a casket. 324 Hydria, red on black, four female figures, one holding a casket ; a genius fiying above, and a stalk below. height 12in. 325 Lekythos, black on red, acanthus-leaf ornament. height 8^in. 32(5 Kylix, red on black, centaurs holding wine skins, and drawing chariots, and a centaur holding a vase. diam. 15|in. .327 Lekythos, black, with red border. height 5 in. 328 Lekythos, black, with red border. height 5 in. 329 Stamnos and Cover, red on black, six bacchantes dancing, holding wine cups and playing on musical instruments ; two figures painted through the handles. From Capua. height 14in. 330 Rhyton, in form of a deer’s head, round the neck is painted in red a man holding a patera, on black ground. 331 Rhyton, in form of a griffin’s head, round the neck, red on black, a woman seated, holding a speculum. 332 Kylix, red on black, round the outside horseman and female figures, and in the centre two figures reclining on a couch. diam. 7|^in. 333 Amphora, red on black, two figures, one holding a stick (doubtful). height 5^in. 334 Amphora, red on black, a man holding a staff, and another figure (doubtful). height 4|in. D 42 Greek Vases. 335 Stamnos and Cover, red figures on black, Theseus killing the Minotaur (or Marathonian Bull), Ariadne, who pro- vided him with a sword to kill the Minotaur, on the right, holding the clue of thread b}’ which he found his Avay out of the Labyrinth. From Capua. height 17in. 336 A fine Rhyton, in the front a grotesque head with eagle beak ; on the shoulder is a figure of Paris with a pallium over his shoulder, honeysuckle ornament on each side. {From Prince Canino's and Rogers' Colled ions.) 337 Rhyton, in form of a cow’s head, red on black, a satyr. 338 Amphora, red on black, a satyr with a panther’s skin, pur- suing a female. height 19in. 339 Lekythos, black on red, procession of five figures. height 6iin. 340 Lekythos, black on white, horseman and dog. height 7 in. 341 Lekythos, black on red, figure in quadriga. height 8 in. 342 OiNOCHOE, in form of a double female head, trefoil spout, white ground, outlined in red. height 8|in. 343 OiNOCHOE, in form of a double female head, trefoil spout, white ground, outlined in red. height 7^in. 344 Alabastron, white ground, with a genius outlined in red on blue. height 10|in. 34.5 Athenian Lekythos, black neck and foot, white body, pencilled at top in red with scrolls and fret ornaments. height 13in. 346 Athenian Lekythos, black neck and foot, white body, two figures before an altar, outlined in red, black scroll border. height lOin. 347 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, with two figures before an altar, pencilled in red. height 9|in. 348 Athenian Lekythos, white body, outlined in brown with a female holding a mirror, acanthus-leaf border. height 10|in. 349 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, painted in brown outline with female figure and acanthus leaves (broken). height 7^in. 350 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, pencilled in black with a female holding a mirror (broken). height 5^in. 351 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, pencilled in brown with a man holding two speai-s. height 9 in. Greek Vases. 43 352 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, with figures outlined in red (handle wanting). height ll^in. 353 Athenian Lekythos, white ground, female seated holding a mirror, height 6|in. 354 Pair of Medi.®val Bottles, in form of fir cones. 355 Very large Terra-Cotta Lamp, two burners, a female mask in the centre, the handle in form of a dog’s head. length 17in. by llin. wide. 35G Terra-Cotta Lamp, with eleven burners, and three loops for suspension, the handle in form of a vine leaf. length 12in. by lOin. wide. 357 Early Athenian Vase, red figures on yellow ground of birds and rings, and triangular ornaments. height 13in. 358 Bottle, in form of a lobster’s claw, red on black, Bacchus reclining, holding a cup, inscribed kaaos. length 6 in, 359 Bottle, black, in form of a sow’s head. 3G0 Bottle, in form of a man’s leg, with leather boot. 361 Bottle, with two handles, in form of an arm, 362 Bottle, with two handles, in form of a cockle shell. 363 Akatos or Patera, of black Chiusan ware, with four quadrigas in relief, a hollow boss in the centre. {Royers' Collection.) 364 Two Cups of Arezzo ware, fiuted bases, with borders of leaves. 365 Bowl, of black Arezzo ware, with figures in relief, scroll border. diam. fi^in. 366 Cup, of Arezzo ware, with leaves, resting on three small leaves. 367 Cup, of Arezzo ware, with figures in relief, at the bottom the trinacria. 368 Lamp, of red terra-cotta, in form of a lion’s head. 369 Lamp, of terra-cotta, a nymph riding on a sea horse. 370 Lamp, of terra-cotta, with Victory holding a trophy, and a Latin inscription, VETTI CRISPINUS. 371 Lamp, of black terra-cotta, with figures in relief, the handle in form of a horse’s head, in the centre a centaur and a female. 372 Small Lamp, of terra-cotta, with a bird in the centre. 373 Three Lamps, of terra-cotta, in form of satyrs’ heads. 374 Lamp, in form of a fruit, ring handle. D 2 44 Greek Vases, 375 Lamp, of terra-cotta, with figure holding a patera, in relief. 376 Lamp, with figure of Victory in relief. 377 Lamp, male and female figures in relief. 378 Lamp, in form of a sandalled foot. 379 Lamp, with figure of a warrior in relief. 380 Lamp, in form of the head of a satyr. 381 Greek Phaskon, mask in relief in front. 382 Six Phaska or Oil Pourers, black glaze, with masks in relief. 383 Four Phaska, with figures and animals. 384 Five Phaska, not ornamented 385 Two Phaska, black glaze, strainers at top. 386 Two Lamps, black glaze, in form of negroes’ heads. 387 Circular Lamp, on foot, with eleven burners, black on red. 388 Terra-Cotta Lamp, semi-circular, with seven burners and handle. 389 Two Terra-Cotta Lamps, with four burners, crescent- shaped handle. 390 Terra-Cotta Lamp, Jupiter and the eagle. 391 Terra-Cotta Lamp, head of Bacchus. 392 Terra-Cotta Lamp, Cupid. 393 Six Phaska, black ware. 394 Eight Phaska, with handles over the top. 395 Kantharos, red on black, female heads. height 84in, 396 Kantharos, red on black, female heads. height 8^in. 397 Kantharos, plain black. height lOin. 398 Kantharos, red on black, winged genius seated, holding a casket. height 7 in. 399 Skyphos, red on black, male figure seated, and female hold- ing a wreath. height 5|in. 400 Skyphos, red on black, woman holding a patera and wreath. height 4 in. 401 Skyphos, red on black, an owl. height 3 in. 402 Skyphos, red on black, an owl. height 3 in. 403 Skyphos, red on black, man with a pickaxe. height 3 in. 404 Skyphos, red and yellow on black, bunches of grapes. height 2|in. 405 Skyphos, black and white on red, warriors fighting, and sphinxes. height 5 in. 406 OiNOCHOB, red on black, woman in a pointed cap. height 5|in. Grekk Vases. 45 407 Olpe, red on black, head of a winged figure. height 6 in. 408 Aryballos, red on black, female head and acanthus leaf. height 4Mn. 409 Aryballos, red on black, female head and acanthus leaf. height 5 in. 4.10 Aryballos, red on black, female head and acanthus leaf. height 6 in. 411 Lbkythos, red on black, man kneeling, holding a wreath. height 4}in. 412 Lekythos, black on red. height 4 in. 413 Olpe, black on red, three satyrs with musical instruments. height 2|in. 414 Five OlNOCHOAl, in form of female heads. heights from 5 in. to 8 in. 415 OiNOCHOE, in form of a female head. height 3^in. 416 Amphora, black on red. height 4 in. 417 Amphora, black on red. height 3|in. 418 OiNOCHOB, black on red. height 4 in. 419 Skyphos, plain black. height 2^in. 420 Skyphos, plain black. height 2 in. 421 Three Skyphoi, red and black on yellow. height 2 in. 422 Skyphos, red and white on black, leaves, &c. height 4 in. 423 Four Lekythoi, red on black, acanthus-leaf ornament. height 4 in. 424 Aryballos, red on black, a child playing with a ball. height 2 in. 424a Eight small VESSELS (one handled), plain. 424b Five Oinochoai, trefoil lips. 425 Aryballos, red on black, a swan. height 2 in. 426 OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, black on red, acanthus ornament and rosettes. height 7|in. 427 Skyphos, the lower part in form of a female head, a border of leaves round the top. height bjin. 428 Skyphos, red on black, two male figures. height fijin. 429 Skyphos, red on black, two male figures. height 5]^in. 430 Olpe, red on black, a winged female holding a mirror. height 3|in. 431 Lekythos, red on black, a swan. height 3|in. 432 Lekythos, red on black, a sphinx. height 3 in. 433 Three small Kylikes, black and red on yellow. 46 Greek Vases. 434 Lekythos, red on black, female figure holding a mirror. height 8^in. 43.’) Prochous, red on black, trefoil lip. height 9 in. 436 Lekythos, red on black, a female head. height 7 in. 437 Lekythos, red on black, a female figure. height 7 in. 438 Kalpis, red on black, a figure holding a strigil. height 4^in. 439 Lekythos, red on black, sphinx seated. height .5|in. 440 Lekythos, red on black, female head. height 5|in. 441 Lekythos, red on black, cross-striped ornament, height 6 in. 442 Two OlNOCHOAl, trefoil lips, black on red. height 3 in. 443 Lekythos, red on black, female head. height 3 in. 444 Lekythos, black on red, crossed lines. height 4 in. 44 ') Aryballos, of black glaze. height 3 in. 446 Amphora, red on black, pointed base, animals fighting, owls round the neck. height 6 in. 447 Eight Lekythoi, red on black, painted with figures. height about 4in. 448 Skyphos, red on black, female figures. height 5Un. 449 Olpe, red on black, two figures dancing. height 3 in. 450 OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, red on black, an owl. height 2^in. 451 OiNOCHOE, red on black, a bird. height 3^in. 452 Pyxis and Cover, red on black, Hercules and Dejanira, &c. diam. 8^in. 453 Pyxis and Cover, red on black, females carrying caskets, &c. diam. 5|in. 454 Doll, of terra-cotta, jointed legs and arms. 455 Male Mask, of terra-cotta, with open mouth. 456 Two Olpai, of black ware, and a stand. 457 Pyxis, no cover, red on black, two females seated, and two standing figures. height 4iin. 458 Pyxis, no cover, red on black, five female figures and birds. height 4^in. 459 Two Covers of Amphorae, in the form of vases, painted with female heads. 460 Small CuP, red and black stripes. height 2|in. 461 Skyphos, black on red. height 3 in. 462 Two small Lekythoi, with the acanthus leaf. 463 Small Amphora Stand, red on black, with a mask. 464 Lekythos, red on black, two females and a swan. height 4;J-in. Greek Vases, 47 465 Amphora, black on red, leaves on yellow. height 4|in. 466 Two Phaska, in form of pigs. 467 Akatos, of the Archaic period, black ware, warriors in relief. diam. S^in. 468 OiNOCHOB, of the Archaic period, red on black, trefoil lip. height Sgin. 469 Holmos, of the Archaic period. height 16in. 470 OiNOCHOE, of the Archaic period, red and black on yellow, animals and birds. height 16in. 471 OiNOCHOB, of the Archaic period, red and black on yellow, birds and animals. height lljin. 472 Skyphos, black on red, hunting the wild boar, height 6Jin. 473 Amphora, black on red, a man kneeling, holding a wreath. height 7^in. 474 OiNOCHOB, with trefoil lip, black on white, Hercules and the lion. height 8|in. 475 Lbkythos, black on red, two satyrs and two nymphs. height 7|in. 476 Lbkythos, black on red, a group of four figures. height 7|in. 477 Skyphos, black on red, satyrs with wine skins. height 3|in. 478 Skyphos, black on red, satyrs dancing. height 4 in. 479 Kylix, black on red, ornament. height 2|^in. 480 Lbkythos, black on red, a man reclining on a couch, and three attendants. height 6^in. 481 Lbkythos, black on red, acanthus leaves. height 6 in. 482 Kylix, black on red, animals and harpies. height 4|in. 483 Skyphos, black on red, men running after a fox and a hare. height 3^in. 484 Skyphos, red and black bands. height 3|in. 485 Lbkythos, black on red, Hercules and the Centaur. height 6|in. 486 Lbkythos, black on red, warrior and three females. height 7|in. 487 Skyphos, black glaze, white spotted border. height 2|in. 488 Aryballos, black and red on yellow, pointed base. height 3 in. 489 Aryballos, black on yellow, animals. height 2|in. 490 Lbkythos, black on red, with acanthus leaves, height 7 in. 48 Greek Vases. 491 Lekythos, black on red, a quadriga. height 7 in. 492 Lekythos, black on red, two figures boxing, and two attendants. height 7|in. 493 Lekythos, black on red, three seated figures, height 7^in. 494 Lekythos, black on red, three figures playing with a ball. height 4^in. 495 Lekythos, black on red, four warriors fighting. height 5|in. 496 Lekythos, black on red, figure of a goat. height 3|in. 497 Lekythos, black on red, two warriors. height 4 in. 498 Lekythos, black on red, ivy leaves. height 4 in. 499 Two Skyphoi, painted with yellow and red on black, vine leaves aiid bunches of grapes. height 3iin. 500 Two Aryballoi, black on yellow, hounds and hares. height 2iin. .501 Lekythos, black ware, incised border. height 7 in. 502 Lekythos, black ribbed body, borders of yellow scrolls and masks. height 7^in. 503 Skyphos, black, with yellow bandelets and branches. height 3fin. 504 Skyphos, black on yellow, birds and scrolls. height 3|in. 505 Two Amphora, of black ware, incuse leaves and ornaments. heights 4jin. and 3^in. .506 Amphora, black on red, Minerva. height 3;^in. 507 Amphora, black crossed lines and white spots, height 3|in. .508 Two small Bottles with handles, in form of hedgehogs. height 2 in. .509 Lekythos, of black ware. height 7 in. 510 Lekythos, white and yellow on black, a winged female head. height 6jin. 511 Lekythos, yellow on black, painted with bird and scrolls. height 5|in. 512 Lekythos, yellow and white on black, a female head and scrolls. height 6 in. 513 Olpe, white and red on black, bunches of grapes. height 5 in. 514 Olpe, white and yellow, scroll borders. height 44in. 515 Kyltx, black ware, with long curved handles, height 4 in. 516 Two Lekythoi, black crossed lines and white spots. height 34in. Greek Vases. 49 517 518 519 620 .521 522 523 .524 525 526 527 .528 529 530 531 532 5.33 534 535 .536 .537 538 539 540 541 542 54.3 544 545 Two Lbkythoi, black, incuse leaf borders, bottoms broken. height 3Jin. Two small Lbkythoi, black, crossed lines and white spots. heights 2in. and 3in. Small Amphora, black, scratched with Greek letters. height 4 in. Small Amphora, white festoons and black spots on red. height 5 in. Lbkythos, black crossed line on red. height 5 in. Two small CUPS, of black ware. height 2^in. Lbkythos, ribbed body. height 3 in. Lopas and Cover, black glaze. height 3 in. Lopas and Cover, black glaze, incuse ornament, height 3 in. Small Amphora, of black ware, ribbed. height 3 in. Small Patera, white bunches of grapes on black. diam. 6^in. Prochous, white on black, bunches of grapes, height 7 in. Two Tazze, red on black, stripes. height 3 in. Bottle, of black ware, incuse scroll ornaments. height 34in. Small Krater, white on black, leaves. height 3|in. Two Tazze, of black ware, incuse ornament. height 2 in. Pyxis, of black ware. height 3 in. Two small CuPS, of black ware. height 3 in. Prochous, white on black, scrolls and acanthus. Kantharos, of black ware. height 2 in. Kylix, of black ware. height 2 in. OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, black, ribbed body, masks on the handles. {Rogers' Collection.') height 19in. Amphora, of black ware, ribbed body. height 18in. OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, of black ware, ribbed body. height 6{in. OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, of black ware, ribbed body. height 7^in. OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, of black ware, ribbed body, white bunches of grapes round neck. height 7|in. Amphora, white on black, bunches of grapes, and a bird. height 7|in. Amphora, of black glaze, ribbed body. height 7^in. Aryballos, of black glaze (broken). height 7|in. 50 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 Greek Vases. Two OlNOCHOAl, black glaze, white bunches of grapes. height 8iin. Skyphos, black, ribbed bod}’, Avith bird, and bunches of grapes round the neck. height 5 in. Amphora, black, ribbed body, bunches of grapes round the neck in white. height 7 in. Lekythos, black, ribbed body. height 12in. Skyphos, of black glaze. height 3|in. Skyphos, of black glaze. height 6 in. Kelebe, red on black, w’ith Theseus about to shoot an arrow from his bow, Proserpine before him, and (Ethia with a bow and arrow behind ; Pluto reclining at the foot of a tree, with one arm upraised, inscribed kaae ; rev. three ephebi. {Rogers' Collection.) height 16in. Panathenaic Amphora, black on red, with Minerva on one side and a quadriga on the other, inscribed with Greek characters. height 25in. Amphora, red on black, twisted handles, male and female figures with crowns on their heads, and a head painted on the neck of the vase. height 20in. OxYBAPHON, red on black, with the marriage of Neptune and Amphitrite. A priest of Hymen leading Amphitrite, attended by two nymphs, and folloAved by Poseidon ; rev. a priestess pouring a libation into a kylix, held by a female with a lyre, near a column, and tAvo other figures ; tAvo Avinged figures beneath the handle. Purchased at Naples. {Rogers' Collection.) height 18in. A Vase, Avith handle over the neck, yelloAv on black, a horseman carrying a breastplate on a spear. height 18in. Panathenaic Amphora, black on red, Avith Minerva, and on the reverse athletae. height 24in. Kelebe, red on black, man with a Phrygian cap, carrying two spears, and three females. height 16in. Kelebe, red on black, Apollo playing on the lyre, a man holding a horse, and a satyr. height 15in. A fine Kelebe, of Nolan Avare, red on black, Avith a youth in a quadriga, met by a draped Avinged female, who holds up her hand to stop the driver ; rev. three ephebi. Purchased at Naples. {I'his teas the last addition to Mr. Rogers' Collection of Vases.) height 19in. Greek Vases 51 561 A fine Stamnos, Theseus, armed with shield and spear, combating the Marathonian Bull, Peirithous, in a pallium, with a spear behind ; rev. three ephebi, or young men so called until twenty years old. {Rogers' Collection.) height 16in. 562 Amphora, black on red, Hercules with his club, leading a bull. height 21in. 563 Amphora, red on black, male and female figures in a quadriga, and attendants. height 20in. 564 Amphora, black on red, a bearded figure seated, addressing a warrior, who holds a shield, on which is a mask, quad- riga on the reverse. height 16in. 565 Amphora, black on red, bearded figure seated, and four others, man on horseback under the handles, and group of figures round the neck. height 16in. 566 Amphora, black on red, Bacchus with a goat, between two satyrs. height 17|in. 568 Amphora, black on red, combat of two warriors, and two attendants. height 19in. 569 Amphora, black on red, man in a quadriga. height 19in. 570 Small Vase, brown glazed earthenware, with horsemen in relief, handle over the top. height 2^in. 571 Amphora, red on black, two figures resting on staves, conversing. height 15Jin. 572 Amphora, black on red, Bacchus and two satyrs, one holding a wine skin. height 14in. 573 OiNOCHOE, black on red, two men on horseback. height llin. 574 Stand for an amphora, of black glaze, red border (Incitega, used to support a vase round or pointed at the bottom, to keep it upright). height 6^in. 575 PiNAX, black glaze. diam. 9 in. 576 Patera, black on red, female head. diam. 6 in. 577 Amphora, red on black, owl and leaves. 578 Amphora Stand (Incitega), cylindrical form, black on red, acrobats and figures playing on musical instruments. height 6in. by Sin. 579 Amphora, red on black (handle broken). height 6 in. 580 OiNOCHOE, of black ware. height 7|in. 581 Amphora, red on black. height 4 in. 52 Greek Vases. 582 Amphora, red on black. height 4 in. 583 Antique urn-shaped Vase, coloured blue on the outside, inlaid with yellow clay in panels of griffins and squares, border of rosettes at top, and leaf ornament at the bottom. height 6Jin. 584 Vase, ornamented with ivy leaves in relief, a handle over the top, of elegant form. 585 Amphora and Cover, with a warrior in a car, and two others, with an octopus on one of the shields. height 21in. 58G OiNOCHOE, with medallion of black on red, Hercules and the lion. height lOin. 587 Amphora, of unique form, one vase within the other, for holding two sorts of liquid, black and red on yellow, numerous figures, a warrior in a quadriga, Theseus slaying the Minotaur, &c. {Rogers' Collection.) height 14^in. 588 OiNOCHOE, red on black, man holding a wreath, and woman holding a patera. 589 Stamnos and Cover, black on red, bearded figure in a quadriga, acanthus-leaf border. height 19in. 590 OiNOCHOE, red on black, a female holding a patera, and a warrior. height 9 in. 591 OiNOCHOE, red on black, two females, one holding a casket. height 9 in. 592 A Vase of Alabastron form, one handle, black on red, a stag, a lion, and a bird. height 12in, 593 Amphora, black on red, Minerva, and two seated warriors before an urn. height 17in. 594 Amphora, black on red, Hercules attacking three Amazons, carrying shields. {Rogers' Collection.) height 13^in. 595 Amphora, black on red, man in a quadriga pursuing another. height 10}in. 596 Amphora, red on black, male and female figure, height 7^in. 597 Amphora, black on red, a female between two warriors, with dogs, and shields bearing horses’ heads, height 16in. .598 Amphora, with the long-bearded Bacchus holding a kylix, and two bacchantes supported on the shoulders of two fauns ; rev. two warriors, one of them bearing a shield, with the device of an animal’s head upon it, standing between two heralds ; figures heightened with white. {From Campanari and Rogers' Collections.) height 17in. 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 Greek Vases, 53 Amphora, black on red, man in a quadriga. height lOin. Olpe, black on red, Bacchus and two draped figures. height 8 in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, Hercules and two dogs, height 8|in. Amphora, black on red, man on horseback, and two lances. height 7^in. Amphora, black on red, male and female figures. ' height lOin. Amphora, black on red, wai-riors. height 8 in. Amphora, black on red, two warriors with shields, on one of which is the forepart of a bull ; a bearded figure on each side. height 18in. Amphora, black on red, Bacchus holding a kantharos, Mercury and a satyr. height 18in. Amphora, black on red, Hercules overcoming Nereus, who has a dolphin’s tail. height 14^in. Amphora, black on red, Minerva on a castellated tower between two kneeling warriors. height 22in. Amphora, with a quadriga, in which is a driver in plain white tunic, with a shield hanging on his back ; the driver is pulling up his horse at the meta, and is received by four officers of the stadium ; rev. the long-bearded Bacchus, between two dancing females and two satyrs. From Vulci. {Rogers’ Collection.) height 23in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, a quadriga and figure ; Greek inscription. height 9^in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, female seated, and three warriors. height 9 in. Stamnos, two rows of black on red, male and female figures seated, and numerous others. height 13^in. Amphora, black on red, Greek warriors fighting ; on the shield of one is a serpent. height 15^in. OiNOCHOE, trefoil lip, black on red, female between two satyrs. height 8^in. OiNOCHOE, black on red, Bacchus seated, and three figures. height 9 in. Amphora, black on red, figures wrestling and throwing the discus, &c. height 16in. PiNAX, red on black, a female carrying a basket and holding a branch. diam. 9^in. 54 Greek Vases. 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 Amphora, a female head outlined in black on red. height 1.5^in. Amphora, red on black, Hercules killing the Nemasan lion, &c. height 14|in. Hydria, red on black, Orpheus playing on his lyre. height 15in. OiNOCHOE, medallion of black on red, two warriors fighting. {Rogers' Collection.) height lOin. Lekythos, black on red, Minerva, two warriors and an attendant. height 12fin. Amphora, black on red, Hercules attacking the Centaurs. height 16in. Amphora, black on red, figures in a quadriga, height 15^in. Lekythos, red on black, a male figure placing a duck on an altar. height 12|in. PiXAX, incuse ornament on black ground. diam. llin. Amphora, red on black, a winged female seated, holding a casket. height 15in. PlNAX, two handles on the edge, red on black, female seated, holding a casket diam. 13^in. Amphora, red on black, female seated, holding a parasol, male figure holding a bird, and female holding a patera. height lOin. Kylix, brown figures on black. diam. 9 in. Large Etruscan black Vase, with four heads on the rim, mask in relief on the front, two handles and cover. Chiusan ware. height 30in. Prochous, the lower part in form of a female head. height 7 in. Greek Vase, fragment of a large one, painted with figures and acanthus leaves. Six SCYPHOI, black, two handles. Five Kylikes, black, two handles. Three CuPS, of black earthenware. Hydria, black and red. height 7^in. Prochous, black and red. height 8^in. OiNOCHOE, black and red (handle broken). height 9^in. OiNOCHOE, black and red. height 7|in. SiTULA, black and red (broken). height 7 in. Kantharos, yellow clay. height 7 in. Greek Vases. 55 643 Skyphos, black, bossed ornament. height 3|in. 644 Two Patera, black glaze. 645 OiNOCHOE, black glaze, trefoil lip. height 6^in. 646 Prochous, black glaze. height 6 in. 647 Prochous, black glaze. height 6 in. 648 Prochous, black glaze. height 4|in. 649 OlnoCHOE, the lower part in form of a man’s head, painted white, the upper part black. height 8jin. 650 Twenty-six Bottles, of black and red ware, each with one handle, not ornamented. heights from 2 in. to 4 in. 651 Seven Kylikes, small. 652 Six Terra-Cotta Stands, small (Incitegae). 653 Nine BOTTLES, small, black and red, no handles. 654 Hydria, Nolan ware, black. height 9|^in. 655 Hydria, Nolan ware, black. height 8{in. 656 OiNOCHOE, of black ware. height 7 in. 657 Skyphos, of black glaze, ribbed. height 5 in. 658 Two Hydriai, of black glaze, ribbed. height 5 in. 659 Skyphos, of black glaze, two handles. height 3 in. 660 OiNOCHOE, of black glaze, ribbed. height 4 in. 661 Prochous, of black glaze. height 7 in. 662 SiTULA, of black glaze, under each handle is a figure in. relief of a dancing bacchante and a satyr. height 8|in. 663 Bottle, earthenware, in form of a ball, handle and spout, painted with pentagonal lines. diam. 3 in. 664 Patera, black glaze. diam. 3Jin. 665 Bottle, female head (imperfect). 666 Bottle, black ware. height 2|in. 667 Skyphos, two handles. height 2|in. 668 Bottle, painted with female heads. height 3^in. 669 Tazza, one handle. height l|in. 670 Lekythos, painted with a hare. height 3 in. 671 Lekythos, painted with a female head. height 3|in. 671a Two Kylikes and Covers,Nolan ware, heights 4 in. and 4iin. 671b Fourteen Black-ware Cups, defaced. 671c Six black Skyphoi, various. 672 Skyphos, of Nolan ware, two handles. height 3;Jin. 673 Hydria, red figures. height fi^in. 674 Amphora, red on black, winged genius seated, holding a patera. height 8 in. 56 Greek Vases. 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 688 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 OiNOCHOE, red on black, man before a column, height 5^in. Askos, of yellow clay, handle over the top. height 5 in. Askos, of yellow clay, handle over the top. height 5^in. Askos, of yellow clay, handle over the top, height 4|in. Lekythos, the lower part in form of a female head. height 6 in. Strainer, of yellow clay (Colum). Askos, of black clay, fluted handle. height 3^in. Askos, of red clay. height 3 in. Amphora, of red clay, handle on the neck. height lOin. Askos, of red clay. height 2^in. OiNOCHOE, high fluted handle terminating in a mask, trefoil spout, the lower part in form of a man’s head. height 16in. OiNOCHOE, the same as preceding, with female head. height 18in. Skyphos, red on black, with female head. height 4|in. Skyphos, red on black, male and female figures. height 3 in. OiNOCHOE, black ware. height 3 in. Lekythos, red on black, figure of a sphinx. height 5|in. Hydria, red on black, female head. height 5 in. Lekythos, black on red, figure of a bird. height 5|in. Two Covers of Vases, red on black, with female heads. Bowl, of red clay height 2 in. Lepaste and Cover, red on black, female heads. height 3^in. Phaskon, of black ware. height 2^in. Two Phaska, of black ware. height 3 in. Askos, red on black, female figure holding a casket. height lOin. OxYBAPHON, red on black, painted with figures. height 13in. Amphora, black on red, lions. height 7 in. Kelkbe, black scrolls and leaves. height 16in. Askos, in form of a bird. height 5|in. Amphora, black on red, man carrying a basket. height 9^in. Hydria, red on black, Achilles and Memnon. height 12iin. Amphora, of unglazed earthenware. height 22in. Greek Vases. 57 700 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 Amphora, of red clay. height 19in. Amphora, the lower part painted black. height 18in. Amphora, of yellow clay. height 9 in. AjrpHORA Stand, of yellow clay. lieight 4^in. Hydria, red on black, male figure seated, holding a strigil. between two other figures. Kylix. Cup, with handle and spout. Bottle, with handle and spout. Black Cup, handle and spout, ribbed. Kylix, black glaze. Hydria, red on black, figure of a goose. Kylix, black, with yellow and white bunches of grapes. height 3^in. Skyphos, black, two handles. Kylix, black with red stripes. Oinochoe, red on black, female head. Skyphos, black ware. Skyphos, red on black. Bowl, black ware. Cup, black ware, handle and spout. Two Bottles, black glaze. Lekythos, black glaze. Amphora, the lower part in form of a bearded satyr’s head. height 10|in. Oinochoe, the lower part in form of a satyr’s head. height lOin. SiTULA, black, with white winged figures and bunches of grapes. height 13in- Five Paterae, of black ware. Kylix, red on black, on the outside are figures, one holding a strigil ; inside, a man on horseback. height 4 in. Rhyton, red on black, in form of a wild boar’s head, on the neck a Bacchante holding a bunch of grapes. Amphora, red on black, winged female seated, holding a casket. height 9 in. Amphora, red on black, female and horses’ heads. height 7 in. Lekythos, lower part, in form of a female head. height 4 in. e height 95in. height 2^in. height 2|in. height 3|in. height 3] in. height l|in. height 4iin. height 2^in. height 25 in. height 2|in. height 2|in. height 2|in. height 2|in. height 2^in. height 32in. height 4 in. 58 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 Greek Vases. PllASKON, red on black, handles over the top joined to the spout, ornamented with animals. Skyphos, red on black, female head on each side. height 5j^in. Hydria, red on black, three female figures, one holding an alabastron. height 7|in. Amphora, red on black, female holding a casket, and an Oinochoe. height lO^in. Hydria, red on black, man holding a spear, between two female figures. height 7|in. Hydria, red on black, female head between two dragons. height 8|in. Nolan Amphora, of black glaze, satyr on a wine skin. height 3 in. Lekythos, white scrolls on black ground. Lekythos, in form of an African negro’s torques round his neck. Lop as, of black ware. V.\SE, with one handle, some figures in relief inserted in the front (doubtful). height 7^in. Vase, one handle, with figures and dragon in relief in front (doubtful). height 85in. Nolan Vase, one handle, with some plaster figures in relief stuck on in front (doubtful). height 12|^in. Two Amphorae, coloured figures in relief, and covers (doubtful). height llin. Two OiNOCHOAl, with painted figures in relief in front (doubtful). height 6 in. Oinochoe, with figures in relief (doubtful). height 13in. Pyxis, on the cover a relief of Auge and Telephus. height 2Hn. Pyxis, terra-cotta, female reclining on a couch, a figure at each end. height 5|in. Oinochoe, lower part in form of a female head, height 7 in. Aryballos, red on black, female winged figure, holding a height 3 in. head, with a height 3Jin. height 2^in. patera. Aryballos, ribbed (handle broken). Aryballos, of black \vare. Bottle, red on black, female seated. Three very small VASES. height 22in. height 3^in. height 2|in. height 2^in. Greek Vases 59 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 777a 777b 777c 777d 777e 777f 777g 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 Amphora, black and red stripes on yellow. height 4|in. Skyphos, red on black, man holding a stick, one handle. height 3|in. Skyphos, two handles, female figure holding a torch, another holding a fan. height 5^in. OiNOCHOB, red on black, female head. height llin. Skyphos, black lines on red. height 3 in. Four Skyphoi. height 2 in. Kylix, with a centaur. diam. 5 in. Group of four Vases, linked together, a handle in the centre. height 4 in. Amphora and Cover, red scrolls. height 4 in. Amphora, black scrolls on red. height 4 in. Six Amphorae. height 4 in. Hydria, black on white. Six small OiNOCHOAl. Small Amphora. Double Bottle, handle between. Urn, of black ware. Amphora, of terra-cotta, pointed base. Lekythos, the lower part in form of the head of Bacchus, height 3 in. height 3 in. height 2^in. height 44in. height lO^in. diam. 12^in. diam. 7|in. diam. lO^in. diam. 5 to 6^in. diam. 8|in. crowned with vine leaves and grapes. Kylix. Satyrs holding wine skins. Kylix, black, red rabbits outside. Kylix. Warrior and horseman outside. Four Kylikes, black ware. Kylix. Quadriga outside. Nine Kylikes, small black, various. Kylix, of Nolan ware. Lekythos, the lower part in form of a man’s head, trefoil spout height 12^in. Bottle, in form of a centaur’s head. height 3?dn. Lekythos, in form of a boy with a swan. height 6 in. Alabastron, with white head and scrolls on black. height 8 in. Skyphos, red on black, two female figures (handle broken). height 5 in. Flask, of red terra-cotta, in form of the head of Bacchus. height 6 in. Bottle, in form of a woman’s head. height 5|in. E 2 GO Greek Vases. 785 Romax Head of a Youth, in relief. height llin. 78G Oviform Vase, with long neck ami handle, three figures in relief on the outside. height 23in. 787 OiXOCHOE, not ornamented. height lOMn. 788 Lekythos, the lower part in form of a female head. height 6|in. 789 OXYBAPHON, red on black, female head. height lOin. 790 Skyphos, red on black, female seated. height 10|in. 791 Prochous, red on black, Bacchus and a female standing, between them a column, on the neck a female winged genius holding a casket. height 9|in. 792 Hydria, red on black, with figures (broken). 793 Bottle, in form of a griffin’s head. length 5}in. 794 Medallion, circular top, with female head in relief. height 8 in. 795 Bottle, in form of a sphinx, the handle and spout rising from the back. height 9^in. 79G Rhyton, fluted, terminating in a ram’s head, on the mouth figures in relief. height 9 in. 797 Twelve Greek Vases, small size (broken). 798 Greek Kylix, with a band of black figures on red (the foot broken). 799 Small Amphora, painted with Minerva (doubtful). height 8|in. 800 Two Lekythoi, perfect but much corroded. height 9|in. 801 Large earthenware VESSEL, of cylindrical form. 802 Rhyton, fluted, tertninating in a ram’s head. 803 Greek Amphora, red on black, Hercules and Minerva in a quadriga (the foot broken). height 21^in. 804 Greek Amphora, two females, one seated (lip broken). height 12in. 805 Skyphos, black on red, horseman and figures (broken). height 3iin. 80G Lekythos, black on red, a man between two horses, and a fragment of a Greek Vase. 807 Skyphos, black glaze, two looped handles. height 8|in. Marble and Terra-Cotta. 61 MARBLE AND TERRA-COTTA. 808 Case containing twelve Fragments of Terra-Cotta, with figures and masks, a harpy, &c. 809 Two Fragments of Terra-Cotta, in form of acanthus leaves. 810 Griffin, in terra-cotta. " height 4 in. 811 Goat’s Head, in terra-cotta. 812 Two rude Ornaments, of terra-cotta, cruciform shape, with goats’ heads at top. height 6^in. and 8in. 813 Small Bottle, in form of a hare. 814 Small Bottle, in form of a ram. 815 Nine Dolls, in terra-cotta, the arms and legs jointed. height 6 in. 816 Female Figure, in terra-cotta, painted. height 5 in. 817 Rude Figure, in terra-cotta, a man holding a child. 818 Three Tortoises, in terra-cotta. 819 Shoe, in terra-cotta. # 820 Six small CuPS with handles. 821 Case containing fifteen Fragments of Terra-Cotta, gilt, of reclining figures, griffins, and masks. 822 Upper part of a Female Figure, in terra-cotta, with a diadem on her head. 823 Upper part of a Female Figure, in terra-cotta, with a high head dress. 824 Upper part of a Figure, in terra-cotta. height 7j^in. 825 Upper parts of four Female draped Figures. 826 Figure of Venus, with Cupid by her side, in terra- cotta. 827 Amphora, in terra-cotta, on each side the head of Pan and ivy leaves. height 4iin. 828 Pair of draped Female Figures, in marble, holding a serpent and patera, on a square marble stand, and another. height 37in. 829 Stone terminal double-headed Figure of a Satyr, holding animals and grapes. height 41in. 830 Etruscan Statuette of a Female, in terra-cotta, coloured drapery, one arm holding a bird (broken). height 42in. 62 Marble and Terra-Cotta 831* Head of a Horse (life-size), in white marble, of fine Greek art, with the harness and trappings in bronze ; the eyes are of nero antico. Found in 1841 at Ephesus, on the site of the Temple of Diana, {Campana Collection.) 832 Antique Bearded Head, of flesh-coloured marble, on a square giallo antico stand. height 7 in. 833 Two antique Comic Masks, in stone, height 6 in. by 5 in. 834 Head of Janus Bifrons, carved in marble, on square plinth. height 20in. 835 Bearded Head of Bacchus, in antique marble, crowned with vine leaves, on a square giallo antico stand, height 7 in. 836 Marble Tablet, carved with a female head crowned with myrtle leaves, in low relief. height 9in. by 6,Jin. 837 Antique Plaque, in terra-cotta, head and bust of a youth, framed. height llin. by lOin. 838 Double Terminal Figure of a draped Female, carved in rosso antico. height 34in. 839 Giallo Bust of Alexander the Great of Macedon, helmeted, of Greek work. The helmet has on the upper part a ram’s horns and cheek pieces. Discovered in the Terra di Lavoro. (Campana Collection.) 840 Janiform Busts of Commodus and Crispina, in white marble. From the ruins of a temple in Ancient Capua. (Campana Collection.) 841 Double terminal Figure of Females, one holding a child and a hare, on a square stone pedestal. height 25in. 842 Sculptured Figure of a Boy’s Head and Bust, in antique marble, on a marble stand. height 8|in. 843 Head of Bacchus, in antique marble, on a square marble stand. (Campana Collection.) height lOin. 844 Terminal double Figure of Females, in rosso antico, on green marble stand. height 23in. 845 Marble Carving of semi-draped Female Figure, running, in high relief. height 20in. * A largo bead of a horse was one of the most common representations of Death among the ancient Greeks and Romans, as it signified the departure on a journey to some distant country. In the reliori on Roman Sarcophagi wo some- times find a funeral banquet depicted ; on the wall is represented a large horse’s head in the apartment where the monrners are assembled. — See an illustration in Dr. Smith’s “ Dictiouaxy of Antiquities.” (Funus.) Marble and Terra-Cotta 63 846 Head of an Old Man, in terra-cotta, mounted on a bronze and marble stand, inscribed with a Latin sentence, stating it to have been found in Scipio’s tomb. 847 Head of a frightened Satyr, in terra-cotta. 848 Nude Statuette of a Man, placing a wreath on his head, in antique black terra-cotta. height 7 in. 849 Seven fragments of STONE Ware, various. 850 Two Heads, male and female conjoined, of rosso antico, on green marble plinth. height 7^in. by 5 in. 851 Mask of a bearded Head, in giallo antico. height 4;]in. by 3] in. 852 Terminal Figure, in rosso antico, of Janus. height 7^ in. 853 Antique TRAGIC Mask, in rosso antico, on a marble slab. height 5|in. by 4Un, 854 Antique reclining Figure, in rosso antico, on metal stand inlaid with silver. length 4 in. 855 Alabaster Vase, bronze ring handles, inscribed M.P. height 3 in. 856 Small Marble Slab, with inscription in Latin, Tinatiall, &c. height 4|in. bj>^ 2 in. 857 Grotesque Head, in marble, on a card. length 2 in. 858 Piece of Amber, carved in relief with fruit. length |in. 859 Twenty-four Roman Lamps, with semi-circular handles, in terra-cotta. 860 Eight Roman Lamps, with handles, in terra-cotta, variously ornamented. 861 Roman Lamp, without handles, marked Stronili. 862 L.\mp, with two wing handles, in red terra-cotta. 863 Lamp, in red terra-cotta, in form of a female head. 864 Fragment of a Lamp, representing Cock Fighting. 865 Three terra-cotta Tubes, found at Alderton, in Suffolk. 866 Head of a Female, in marble, on a circular stand. height 12in. 867 Cone, in terra-cotta. height 16in. 868 Cylindrical Vessel. 869 Bottle, in terra-cotta. height 14in. 870 Vessel in form of human figure with fishes’ fins, in terra- cotta. height 25in. 871 Hook, terminating in a ram’s head, in terra-cotta. G4 Marble and Terra-Cotta. 872 873 874 875 87G 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 Group of Venus and two Cupids, one holding a mirror, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. Group of Venus attired by Cupids, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. Thirty Female Heads, in terra-cotta. Five Male Heads, in terra-cotta. Five fragments of ROMAN Tiles and Tessera. Conglomerate, in four pieces, of Pebbles and Roman Coins, rusted together, from the site of old London Bridge. Twelve quadrangular PLAQUES, with figures in relief, forming the panels of a Roman casket. Fifty-seven Handles of Greek terra-cotta Urns, with makers’ names and other inscriptions. Head of a Satyr, with a shell over his head, in terra-cotta. Found at Dorking. Head of Bacchus, in terra-cotta. Six fragments of SAMIAN Ware. Small CiPPUS, in terra-cotta, with a tragic mask at each end, on a yellow marble stand. height 4fin. Three THERMS, in terra-cotta, on the top of which are men’s heads. height 7 in. Draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, circular pedestal. height lOin. Group of one Woman carrying another, in terra-cotta.. height 7|in. Group of a Woman carrying a child on her shoulder, in terra-cotta. height 7^in. Female, seated, in terra-cotta. height 4|in. Seated Male Figure, in terra-cotta. height 6 in. Seated Female Figure, in terra-cotta. height 4.Hn. Group of Cupid holding a bunch of grapes, the cock at his side, in terra-cotta. height 6jin. Draped Female carrying something on her shoulder, in terra-cotta. height 4|in. Draped Female with a wreath on her head, in terra-cotta. height 8 in. Draped Female with a wreath on her head, in terra-cotta. height 6 in. Female seated, holding a lyre, in antique terra-cotta (foot broken). height llin. Marble and Terra-Cotta. 65 896 Etruscan Black Vase with fir-cone ornaments, ram’s head handles. height 5}in. 897 Stone Plaque, with Bacchus carved in low relief. height 17in. 898 Reclining Female Figure, in red porphyry, length 15in- 899 Bacchanalian Mask, in white marble, of ancient Greek work ; on the reverse, in relievo, is a dancing faun holding a thyrsus. Found at the Island of .^Egina. [Campana Collection.) 900 Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, height 9 in. 901 Greek Figure of a Satyr seated, holding a wine skin, in terra-cotta. height 8 in. 902 Eight common black earthenware BOWLS. 903 Amphora, of black ware. height 5^in. 904 Twenty-two Roman Jugs, one handle, of yellow clay. height about 8 in. 905 Thirteen Roman and Greek Jugs, one handle, of yellow clay. height about 9 in. 906 Three Roman Jugs, one handled, of yellow clay. height about 7 in. 907 Eight Roman Urns, various sizes. 908 Roman Wild Boar’s Head. height 6 jin. 909 Eighteen Fragments of Greek Terra-Cotta Heads of Statuettes. 910 Fifteen Greek Lachrymatories. 911 Greek Red Lamp, a cock’s head in relief. 912 Greek Lamp, a hole through the centre. 913 Greek Tessera, with monogram A.P. 914 Greek Cover, with Jupiter and Juno in relief. 915 Four very rude Etruscan Figures of Women. 915a Two Fruits, in terra-cotta. 916 Roman Head of a Boy, life-size. 917 Four Roman Female Heads. height 6 in. 918 Greek Group of two Sea Nymphs, with fishes’ tails. height 5 in. 919 Greek Pomegranate, painted. 920 Three Greek hollow pieces of Earthenware, in form of fruits. 921 Three Roman Conical Weights or Plummets, stamped with Roman names. height 34in. 66 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 Marble and Terra-Cotta. Roman Cup, one handle, with holes round it and projecting bosses. height 4 in. Greek Female draped Figure, high head dress, holding a casket. height 13in. Greek Female seated Figure. height 8 in. Greek nude Female Figure, holding drapery over her head. height 8 in. Greek draped Female Figure. height 5^in. Greek Child’s Rattle, in form of a child in a cradle. Greek Statuette of a man holding a game cock in his arms. height 4 in. Greek Male Figure seated on the ground. height 4 in. Greek Monkey seated, holding a small monkey in its arms. height 2 in. Greek Warrior holding a shield, coloured, height 4]in. Greek draped Female Figure, holding a bunch of grapes. height 4.^in. Greek seated Figure, with cap and hood. height 3 in. Two Greek Antefixa, in terra-cotta, female heads in relief. height 8|in. Greek Antefixum, in terra-cotta, of a bull’s head. height 5 in. Two Greek Antefixa, in terra-cotta, female heads in relief. height 3 in. Greek Female Figure seated, in terra-cotta, height 5|in. Greek Group of a Boy riding on a peacock, in terra-cotta. height 5|in. Greek Figure for a child’s rattle, in terra-cotta, height 2 in. Greek Bottle, in form of an old man seated, holding a vase, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. Greek Figure of a Ram, in terra-cotta. height 3|in. Greek Figure of a Cupid riding on a goose, playing on a lyre, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. Greek Figure of a Boy riding on a goose, in terra-cotta. height 5jin. Greek Figure of a Boy riding on a pig, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. Greek Figure of a Cupid riding on a horse, in terra-cotta. Greek Rhyton, in form of a wild boar’s head, in terra- cotta. Marble and Terra-Cotta. 67 947 Greek Rhyton, in form of a ram’s head, in terra-cotta. 948 Two Greek Bottles, the lower part in form of a sphinx, in terra-cotta. height 9 in. 949 Greek Female Figure dancing, in terra-cotta. height 6] in. 9.50 Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, height 4^in. 951 Two Greek draped Female Figures, carrying a child, in terra-cotta. height 5 in. 952 Greek draped Female Figure, her dress wound round her, in terra-cotta. height 6iin. 953 Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, height 7 in. 954 Greek draped Female Figure, with a diadem on her head, in terra-cotta. height 6|in. 955 Greek draped Female Figure, holding a patera in one hand and a short stick in the other, in terra-cotta, height ll|in. 956 Greek Bottle, in form of a duck, in terra-cotta. height 2|in. 957 Greek Wild Boar, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. 958 Greek Figure of a Cock, in terra-cotta. height 4 in. 959 Greek Bottle, in form of a duck seated, painted red, in terra-cotta. height 3 jin. 960 Greek Bottle, of red clay, in form of the Askos. height 6 in. 961 Greek Sphinx, in terra-cotta, seated on circular pedestal. height 9 in. 962 Greek Rhyton, in terra-cotta, in form of a griffin’s head. 963 Greek Rhyton, in terra-cotta, in form of a cow’s head. 964 Greek Bottle, in terra-cotta, in form of a pig. height 5^in. 965 Greek Figure of a Man seated, with pointed cap and hood on his head, in terra-cotta. height 9.^in. 966 Greek nude Male Figure, standing, in terra-cotta, on square pedestal. height 12in. 967 Greek draped Female Figure, a diadem on her head, hold- ing a fawn in her arms, in terra-cotta. 968 Greek Statuette of a Pigeon, in ten-a-cotta. height 4 in. 969 Greek Statuette of a Pigeon, in terra-cotta, forming a rattle or money box. height 4 in. 970 Greek Statuette of a Pigeon, in terra-cotta, forming a rattle or money box. height 3 in. 68 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 Marble and Terra-Cotta. Greek Statuette of a Cock seated, in terra-cotta. height 5 in. Greek Statuette of a Cock seated, in terra-cotta. height 4|in. Greek Statuette of a Man standing, by his side a trophy of arms and a woman sitting, in terra-cotta, height 6 jin. Greek Chair, in terra-cotta, in which a doll with jointed arms is seated. Greek draped Female Figure, dancing, in terra-cotta. height 9^in. Greek draped Female Figure, her arm held out, in terra- cotta. height 9jin. Greek draped Female Figure, a hood over her head, in terra-cotta. height 9 in. Greek draped Female Figure, a patera on her head, in terra-cotta. height 9 jin. Two Greek Terminal Figures, in terra-cotta. height 7 in. Greek Figure, in terra-cotta, vitrified surface from being in a fire. height 9 in. Greek Bottle, in terra-cotta, in form of a reclining satyr, leaning on a ram’s head. height 3jin. Greek draped Female Figure with wings, holding a patera, in terra-cotta. height 12jin. Greek Figure of a Man holding a bird, in terra-cotta, on square plinth. height 16in. Greek draped Female Figure, with her hands raised, a necklace round her neck, in terra-cotta, on square plinth. height 18in. Greek Female dancing Figure, in terra-cotta. height 7 in. Greek Female dancing Figure, in terra-cotta. height 6jin. Greek Female carrying a vase on her head, in terra-cotta. height 6 in. Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, height 5jin. Greek draped Female Figure, high head dress, in terra- cotta. height 6 in. Greek seated Satyr, holding a cornucopia, in terra-cotta. height 3 jin. Marble and Terra-Cotta 69 991 Greek seated Satyr, playing the double flute, in terra- cotta. height in. 992 Greek draped Female Figure, her hand raised to her head, in terra-cotta. height 3iin. 993 Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta, height 4 in. 994 Seven Greek Figures, without heads, in terra-cotta. 995 Greek Female Figure, seated, in terra-cotta. height 7 in. 996 Greek black Figure of a Woman, holding her drapery over her shoulder, in terra-cotta. height 7 in. 997 Greek Female, with a helmet on her head, in terra-cotta. height 9 in. 998 Greek Group of two draped Female Figures, standing side by side, in terra-cotta. height 5 in. 999 Greek Silenus on an ass, in terra-cotta. height 7 in. 1000 Greek Female riding on an ass, in terra-cotta. height 4iin. 1001 Greek Bottle, in form of a harpy, in terra-cotta. height 3|in. 1002 Basso Relievo, in terra cotta, in the centre two Baccha- nalian fauns, treading on bunches of grapes ; on the left is a Bacchanal dancing, playing on the tibia ; on the right another, witl^ a basket of grapes. Discovered in the Greek City of Croton. Founded B.C. 710. {Gampana Collection.) length 18in ; height 12in. 1003 Circular Stand, of earthenware, painted (Incitega). 1004 Greek Mask of a man’s face, in terra-cotta. 1005 Greek Youthful Head, in terra-cotta. height 7^in. 1006 Four Greek Faces, in terra-cotta (small). 1007 Frame containing Greek Terra-Cottas, in the centre Cupid leading two lions in a car, two heads of Jupiter, nine female heads, and one horse’s head. 1008 Greek Reclining Female Figure holding a child, in terra-cotta. height 2^in. 1009 Greek Figure of a Dwarf, in terra-cotta. height 2^in. 1010 Greek draped Female Figure, in terra-cotta. height 2^in. 1011 Greek seated Dwarf, in terra-cotta. height 2 in. 1012 Greek Female seated on the ground, in terra-cotta. height 2^in. 70 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 Roman Pottery Found in London. Greek Sphinx, in terra-cotta, on circular pedestal. height 7 in. Greek Rhyton, in form of a satj’r’s head, in terra- cotta. Greek Rhyton, in form of a deer’s head, in terra-cotta. Seventeen Lachrymatories. Mug with one handle. height 6|in. ROMAN POTTERY FOUND IN LONDON. Samian Ware Bowl, figures in relief on the outside, of Marine deities, &c., perfect. Found in Moorgate Street. height 4|in., diam. Sin. Small Samian Cup, with ivy leaf in relief round the border. height l^in. Samian Patera, ivy leaf border. diam. 7^in. Samian Patera, ivy leaf border. diam. 6|in. Samian Patera, plain, with maker’s name at bottom. diam. 6^in. Samian Cup, plain. height 2^in. Two Samian Cups, small bosses in relief round the upper part. height 2^in. Samian Cup, plain. height 2^in. Samian Ware Drinking Cup, on a foot, with ivy leaves in relief round the bodj\ height 5|in. Roman urn-shaped Cup, one handle, of black ware. height 5|in. Roman Jug, yellow ground, red bands. height 8|in. Roman Jug, globular form, one handle. height 12in. Roman Urn, slate-coloured ware, ornamented with dots, filled with charred bones. height 4^in. Roman Cinerary Urn, of black ware. height 9 in. Roman Cinerary Urn, of black ware, with rude orna- ment outside. height lO^in. Roman Cinerary Urn, of black clay, with charred bones. height 7Jin. Roman small Jug, of red earth. height 3 in. Roman earthenware Water Pipe, the ends made so as to fit into others. length 20in., diam. 3in Roman Pottery Found in London. 71 103G Roman hollow earthenware Brick, square at one end and hollow at the other. length 7 jin. 1037 Roman earthenware Bottle, with two handles, height 6 in. 1038 Roman earthenware Bottle, with two handles, height 8} in. 1038a Roman Urn, yellow clay. height 7^in. 1038b Roman Urn, yellow clay. 1038c Fifteen Roman one-handled Jugs. height Gin. to 12in. 1038d Twenty-two shallow Bowls and Paterae, without handles. 1038e Twenty-eight Urns, no handles. 1038p Nine two-handled JuGS. 1039 Two Roman earthenware Pans. diam. 7 in. 1040 Roman earthenware Drinking Cup, with indented sides. height 6 in. 1041 Roman earthenware Drinking Cup, with indented sides. height 7 jin. 1042 Roman earthenware Amphora, of light-red clay, small bosses all over it. height G in. 1043 Roman rude Funereal Urn, of black clay, with pressed ornaments. height 4 in. 1044 Three Roman clay Ladles, pressed in the form of shells. 1045 Four small ROMAN clay Cinerary Urns. height 3jin. 104G Roman Bottle, one handle, of white clay. height 8 in. 1047 Drinking Cup, of red clay, cylindrical form, fluted. height G in. 1048 Four small Roman Bottles, with handles. 1049 Globular Funereal Urn, with two ring handles. height 8|in. 1050 Two Roman Cups, with indented sides. height 5|in. 1051 Roman earthenware Mould, of solid baked clay, for making a Samian bowl, with three rows of incuse inscriptions, masks between each word, and the maker’s name, “ Cerialis,” in two places. diam. lOjin. 1052 Roman black earthenware Dish. diam. 8 in. 1053 Roman earthenware Pitcher, one handle. height 12in. 1053 a Amphora, black on red. 1054 Greek Statuette of a Female, wreathed and draped. height G in. 1055 Greek Figure of a Man with a dog, coloured, height Gjin. 72 Maeble and Terra-Cotta. 1056 Thirty-nine earthenware Bells. 1057 Red Tile, square, with the stamp of one of the Roman Cohorts. height 6 in. 1058 Greek Plaque, with a sphinx in relief. length 4iin. 1059 Greek Anteeixum, in form of a female bust, height 12in. 1060 Greek Mask of a Negro’s head, in terra-cotta. 1061 Greek Mask of a Female Head, in teira-cotta. 1062 Antique stone Quern, in two pieces, for grinding wheat. 1063 Roman Lamp, green glaze, with leaves in relief. length 6 in. 1064 Roman Lamp, green glaze. length 5 in. 1065 Two Roman spindle-shaped Vases, ornamented Avith brown and white glaze in squares, on blue ground. height 6in. by 5 in. 1066 Roman Lamp, green glaze, with figure of Victory, and potter’s name. 1067 Roman Lamp, green glaze, with wreaths in relief. 1068 Roman earthenware Vase, angular handle, incised lines. height 4 in. 1069 Seven Roman Lamps, various, with figures in relief. 1070 Arezzo red ware Cup, Avith leaves and ornament in relief. height 3 in. 1071 Roman Lamp, in terra-cotta, with maker’s name “ Stro- BILI.” 1072 Roman Lamp, in terra-cotta, with figure of Victory holding a shield, and Roman coins in the field. 1073 Roman Lamp, in form of a reclining figure of Pan. length 7 in. 1074 Roman grotesque Head. height 8 in. 1075 Samian ware Bowl, female figures dancing, tAvo handles at the sides. height 4|in., diam. 9^in. 1076 Two small Roman earthenware Urns. Found in Cannon Street. 1077 Bottle, in imitation of Roman, with figures in relief. height 8 in. 1078 Roman eartheiiAvare Amphora, scroll handles, round the top is a band of figures in relief, on square pedestal (doubtful). height 20in. 1079 Roman earthenAvare Strainer, a movable ring at the end of the handle. length lOin Marble and Terra-Cotta 73 1080 Roman earthenware Amphora, pointed base, height 31in. 1081 Painted stucco Female Head, framed and glazed. 8jin. by 9 in. 1082 Wall Painting, Mars and Venus, Vulcan forging armour in the background (broken). From Pompeii. 13in. by 8 in. 1083 Roman Fresco Painting of a Parrot, framed and glazed. length 28in., height IGin. 1084 Roman black Jug, one handle. height 8 in. 108.5 Four small Lekythoi. height 3 in. 1086 Eight flat Roman earthenware Dishes. Found in England. diam. averaging llin. 1087 Fifteen flat Roman earthenware Plates. diam. averaging 7 in. 1088 Twenty-eight Roman earthenware Bowls. diam. 5 and 6 in. 1089 Twenty Roman earthenware Cups (mostly broken). 1090 Earthenware Vessel, composed of small bottles, rings, and scrolls ; modern work. height 19in. 1091 Earthenware Statuette of Niobb, partly coloured (doubtful). height 12in. 1092 A marble Slab for grinding colours. 4Un. by 2|in. 1093 Five Moulds for casting Roman coins. 1094 Two earthenware BUTTONS, with bosses in relief. 1095 Black terra-cotta Lamp, satyr’s head in relief (doubtful). 1096 Black earthenware Lamp, with Egyptian female figure, three burners (doubtful). 1097 Terra-cotta Lamp, in form of a man’s head, with Greek inscription scratched underneath, coloured (doubtful). 1098 Terra-cotta Lamp, in form of a satyr’s head, with Greek inscription (doubtful). IVORY, BONE, ETC. 1099 Bone Knife, the edge serrated. length 8 in. 1100 Ivory Handle, carved with rings. 1101 Fragments of Bone, ornamented with annulets, on a card. Found at Felixstowe. 1102 Thirty-five ROMAN bone PiNS, on a card. 1103 Three ROMAN bone PiNS, on a card. p 74 Ivory, Bone, etc. 1104 Eighteen TesSER.® and two dice, on a card. Found at Colchester. 1105 Thirteen bone PiNS, two FlRUL.E, and a CoCK’S Leg, on a card. Found at York. 1106 Five bone PINS. Fouml in Falcon Square. 1107 Five bone PiNS. Found in Falcon Square. 1108 Eight bone Pins, with ornamented heads, female figures, hands, &c. 1109 Seventeen bone Pins. Found at Colchester. 1110 Half of a Bone, carved with rosettes and flowers. 1111 Three Jet PiNS, a jet Ring, and a jet Draught Man, on a card. 1112 Bone Tessera, and nine bone Pins, on a card. 1113 Five bone Dice (Tesserae). 1114 Bone Ring, inscribed “ Ecce Agnus Dei,” and another with a cross, inscribed “ R.P.O.N.,” on a card. 1115 Two ivory DICE, and one of alabaster (Roman Tesserae). 1116 Ivory Tankard, carved in high relief with allegorical subject of female figures, bearing fruit, &c., seventeenth century, silver-gilt mounting, on the top a medallion of a marriage feast. 1117 Roman carved ivory Handle, in form of a winged figure, holding flowers. length 4|in. 1118 Roman bone circular Box, carved with cupids in relief, on the top of a female head. height l^in. 1119 Two square bone Ornaments, carved with female figures. height l^in. 1120 Two pieces of Roman Ivory, cylindrical, carved with winged figures and warriors, which had been originally painted. length 4 in. 1121 Thirty-two ivory Dice (tesserae), principally Roman. 1122 Small ivory Case, Avith sliding cover, containing two small dice (tesserae). length 1 in. 1123 Ivory TESSERA, carved, with helmeted head on one side. diam. l^in. 1124 Six Roman bone Pins, the knobs on the ends gilt. 1125 Roman bone Hair Pin, the top in form of a female head gilt, in case. 1126 Roman carved ivory Handle, terminating in a lion’s head. Mexican Antiquities. 75 1127 Bone Comb, a Tessera, a Griffin, and two Terminal Figures, on a card. 1128 Ivory Back Scratcher, of Roman work, in form of a hand, twisted handle. 1129 Roman ivorj’ Lion, couchant, of very fine work. 4^in. 1130 Pair of modern ivory STATUETTES of a GENERAL and a Lady on horseback, ebony pedestals, glass shades. 1131 Ivory Statuette of Roman work, a mule male figure, on marble stand. Ifin. MEXICAN ANTIQUITIES. 1132 Six Mexican Deities, carved in stone. * height averaging Sin. 1133 Twelve other fragments, various. 1134 Earthenware GROTESQUE FIGURE, seated. 1135 Earthenware GROTESQUE FIGURE, seated, black. 1136 Earthenware coiled Serpent. 1137 Earthenware TORTOISE. 1138 Grotesque Figure, of red clay, with three serpents’ heads at the top. length 8 in. 1139 Grotesque Figure, in clay, of a woman nursing a child. height 8 in. 1140 Two earthenware TORTOISES. 1141 Twenty MEXICAN Figures, in form of bottles, &c. 1142 Earthenware Medallion with grotesque head. diam. 13in. 1143 Earthenware coiled SERPENT. 1144 Earthenware black CUP, rude ornament of figures. height 13|in. 1145 Peruvian wooden carved PILLOW. 1146 Twenty Mexican Vases, with grotesque forms in relief outside. 1147 Peruvian Amphora, of red earthenware, painted with birds and a snake in relief down the centre. Brought from an ancient sepulchre by Gen. Paroisien. height 7 in. Peruvian Jug, of red clay, the spout in form of a goose’s head. height 5 jin. F 2 1148 76 Grj?co-Eoman Sarcophagi and Cippi. 1149 Ancient Peruvian Bottle, of two bulbs joined together, neck and handle between. height 9|in. 1150 Ancient PERUVIAN BOTTLE, in foi’m of a seated figure, the liandle is hollow with the spout on the top. height 9 in. GRiECO-ROMAN SARCOPHAGI AND CIPPI. 1151 Roman Sarcophagus, of terra-cotta, in very high relief and finely sculptured. In front are three warriors, who have vanquished three others lying on the ground ; ovolo moulding at the bottom ; at the sides are male and female winged genii. *On the cover the reclining figure of an old man holding an akatos, with a torques round his neck. height 44 in. by 37 in. long, and 22^in. deep. 1152 Sarcophagus, of marble, with the Rape of Helen in relief, reclining female figure on the top, with a twisted torques round her neck, height 37 in. by 24 in. 1153 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured in high relief, with two female figures crowning two men seated ; on the cover is a reclining figure of a man. height 32 in. by 22 in. 1154 Sarcophagus, of marble, the front sculptured in high relief, with the Rape of Helen ; on the cover a recum- bent female figure. height 27 in. by 24 in. 1155 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured in relief, with three warriors fighting, and a female figure ; no cover. height 14 in. by 22 in. 1156 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured in high relief, with a group of seven figures ; on the top a recumbent female, bolding a scroll. height 25 in. by 22 in. 1157 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured with a procession of six horsemen and two attendants before an altar, on which a lamb is about to be sacrificed ; no cover. height 16 in. by 29 in. 1158 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured in relief, with an Emperor in a quadriga, surmounted by a recumbent female with a twisted torques round her neck and fruit in her hand. height 27 in. by 24 in. 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 Greco-Roman Sarcophagi and Cippi 77 Sarcophagus, of marble, sculptured in high relief, with warriore fighting ; on the cover a recumbent male figure, holding in one hand a rhyton in form of a horse, and in the other an akatos. height 32in. by 24in. Sarcophagus, of stone, sculptured with five figures ; on the cover a recumbent figure holding a fruit. height 32in. by 23in. Sarcophagus, of stone, sculptured with a man leading a horse, and five other figures; no cover. height 18in. by 24in. Sarcophagus, of stone, sculptured with a rosette and two flowers ; on the top a male recumbent figure. height 32in. by 23in. Sarcophagus, in stone, with a group of seven figures ; on the top a male recumbent figure holding a patera. height 35in. by 24in. Sarcophagus, of stone, with a group of six figures ; on the top the recumbent figure of a man holding a fan. height 33in. by 22in. Sarcophagus, of stone, with a group of six figures ; sur- mounted by a man holding a fruit (front broken). height 34in. by 22in. Sarcophagus, of stone, with a group of a man, three women, and a child ; surmounted by a man holding a fan. height 36in. by 21in. Cover of a Sarcophagus, in marble, male figure holding a rhyton in form of the forepart of a horse (man’s head gone). Cover of a Sarcophagus, in marble, recumbent male figure. Sarcophagus, of terra-cotta, with figures fighting in front in relief, surmounted by a reclining female figure. height 13in. by 12in. Roman Funereal Urn, of earthenware, two handles pro- jecting from the rim, containing charred bones, enclosed in a leaden kiste. height 13in., circum. 44in. Fragment of a Small Sarcophagus, in marble, reclining female figure holding a patera. length 8|in. Roman Sarcophagus, of terra-cotta, with two figures fighting ; on the cover a reclining female figure. height 17 in. by 17 in. 78 Gk.eco-Roman Sarcophagi and Cippi. 1173 1171 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 Roman Sarcophagus, of terra-cotta, with figures in relief fighting ; no cover. height 8 in. by 14 in. A Small Square CiPPUS, of marble, inscribed “L. MUNIUS- PRISCUS ALI^ PRISCI^ FILIUS ARTEMIS NEPOS,” containing the original ashes. {Rogers' Collection.) A Square Upright CiPPUS and Cover, with a male and female figure before a tomb, birds and fruit at the angles on the tablet below : the upper part of the inscription has been effaced ; below it are the words “ SERGIA SEDATA SERGIAE LAIDIS LIB. F. III. FECERUNT ET SIBI ” : on the front of the lid are two cupids, holding a wreath. {Rogers' Collection.) Circular CiPPUS, with vine leaves and rams’ heads in relief, inscribed “ DIS MANIBUS TI. CLAUDI SATURNINI Tl. F. VII. VIR EPULON,” and Cover, ornamented with acanthus leaves. {Rogers' Collection.) height 21in. Small Square CiPPUS, incribed “ D. M. CLAUDIAE VICTORINAE CLAUDIA PRISCA ET CLAUDIUS SABINUS MATRI PIENTISSIMAE.” {Rogers' Collection.) height lOin. EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Semi-circular portion of a Mummy Case, painted with hieroglyphics. height 16in. Mummy, carved in red sandstone and coloured. height 9^in. Two Stibium Cases, of wood, with four divisions on the panels. Wooden Bottle. length 4 in. Semi-circular carved wood Box. length 4^in. Five wooden Combs, and one of bone. Stone Tablet, with incised figures, emblems, and hierogly- phics. height 18 in. by 13 in. Stone Tablet, with two figures before Osiris, and three other subjects, with lines of hieroglyphics between. height 23 in. by 14^in. Stone Tablet, with two worshippers before Osiris, and twelve relatives beneath. height 24^in. by 18 in. 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 Egyptian Antiquities. 79 Three Hawks, of painted wood, seated. height 4^in. Four Alabaster Unguentaria. Four Alabaster SAUCERS for holding ointment. Two Alabaster SPOONS. Three Alabaster CUPS. Ivory Cup. Two Ivory Boxes. height 2 in. height 2 in. Four small Bottles, carved in stone. Three stone Buttons. Earthenware Frame, for holding ten small cups for paint, of blue enamel. Green stone SPOON, carved in form of a fish. Eight bone Handles, carved. Two wooden painted Hawks. Stone Figure of Thoth, holding a vase before him. Group carved in wood of two Female Figures, the back with hieroglyphics. Earthenware Plaque, carved in relief with a scarabaeus and two monkeys. Fourteen fragments of EGYPTIAN earthenware Deities, in a box. Various fragments of EGYPTIAN DEITIES. Boss of a Handle of lapis-coloured earthenware, with a cartouche on the end, of light blue enamel. Two Ears of a Mummy, one gilt. Nilometer. height 5 in. Long wooden Tablet, carved with hieroglyphics. height lOin. Four Figures, carved in stone. Necklace, blue glazed earthenware heads. Two Feet of a Mummy Case, with sandals. Two Hawks, of painted wood. Hawk standing, of gilt wood. Three Cats, of carved wood. Stone Mummy Figure, carved all over with hieroglyphics. height 6 in. Carved wood Mummy Figure. Eight Mummy Figures, in bronze. Four glazed earthenware Figures. height 8 in. height 13in. 80 Egyptian Antiquities. 1219 Three blue glazed earthenware Mummies. 1220 Wooden gilt Figure of Osiris. height 7 in. 1221 Wooden Figure of a Cat-headed Deity. height 4^in. 1222 Wooden Figure of Isis and Horus. height 4 in. 1223 Drinking Horn. 1224 Glazed porcelain Mummy of OSIRIS, with the flail and crook, ten bands of hieroglyphics round the body ; of highly finished work. length 10^ in. 1225 Glazed porcelain Mummy of OSIRIS, with usual emblems, ten rows of hieroglyphics round. length lOin. 1226 Four glazed earthenware Mummies, with emblems and hieroglyphics. length 7 in. 1227 Eleven others, with hieroglyphics. height 5^in. 1228 Five others. height 5 in. 1229 Three others. height 2|^in. 1230 Two others. height 3 in. 1231 Mummy carved in stone, six bands of hieroglyphics. height 9 in. 1232 Mummy, carved in wood, covered with black asphalte and painted, with hieroglyphics. height 8^in. 12.33 Stone Mummy, length 6in., and two others (broken). 1234 Carved wood Mummy, enclosed in a plaited papyrus case. 1235 Porcelain FIGURE of a Baboon, seated. height 3^in. 1236 Glazed porcelain Female Figure, kneeling, on marble pedestal. height 3|in. 1237 Glazed porcelain Hawk, crowned, on wood pedestal. height 4|in. 1238 Carved stone Mummy Figure ; on a tablet is a hawk with a monkey’s face. height 4 in., length 8 in. 1240 Terra-cotta Statuette of the Egyptian Harpocrates. height 5|in. 1241 Carved stone Statuette of a Boy holding a goose. 1242 Nineteen glazed earthenware Pendants for a Necklace, with masks in relief. 1243 Porcelain Mummy, opaque white glaze, outlined in brown, with hieroglyphics. 1244 Wooden Mummy. height 8|in. 1245 Wooden FEMALE FIGURE (arms wanting). height 15in. 1246 Fragment of a painted Mummy Case, with figures of deities. Egyptian Antiquities 81 1247 Necklace, of long cylindrical blue beads, small figures attached. 1248 Two red earthenware Bottles, one handle each, covered with net- work of blue cylindrical beads. height G4in. 1249 Two portions of painted Mummy Case, painted with sphinxes. 1250 Semi-circular Piece of Linen, painted with rows of pellets, &c. 1251 Bronze Lotus Leaf. 1252 SCARAB^US, carved in wood. 1253 Four bronze Feathers, with the asp. 1254 Five bronze AsPS. 1255 Bronze Vase, pear-shaped, swivel handles over the top, with figures of deities in low relief. length 5 in. 1256 Bronze Vase, pear-shaped, no handle. length 6 in. 1257 Four small bronze Vases, pear-shaped, only one with a handle. 1258 Bronze Alabastron. height 3.2in. 1259 Bronze Handle of a Sistrum, in form of the head and breast plate of a deity. 1260 Bronze ASP, inlaid with red and black composition. height 3|in. 1261 Bronze Asp, inlaid with red and black composition. height 3 in. 1262 Two Ring Seals, with cartouches, surmounted by feathers. 1263 Bronze Handle of a Sistrum, a mask at the top. 1264 Angular piece of Bronze. 1265 Two pieces of a Hinge, the field cut out and inlaid with lapis-lazuli. 1266 Fragment of a terra-cotta Tablet, with twelve lines of hieratic writing. 1267 Fragment of Papyrus, framed and glazed. height 7^in. by 5|in. 1268 Head of a Nubian Female, with a lion’s skin, carved in low relief and coloured. height 14in. by 9 in. 1269 Stone Mould, in two pieces, for a figure of Isis, height 5 in. 1270 Fragment of a Stone Tablet, the head of Isis. height 3^in. by 3|in. 1271 Eight fragments of Egyptian Painted Stucco, with hieroglyphics. 82 Egyptian Antiquities 1272 Two broken Plaster Casts of Egyptian Tablets. 1273 Carved painted wood Egyptian Figure, kneeling, face gilt. height 16in. 1274 Egyptian Model of a Mummy, painted with hierogly- phics, the face gilt. height 34in. \ 1275 Egyptian Model of a Baboon, carved in wood. height 19in. 1276 Egyptian Model of a Female Figure, painted with hieroglyphics ; with stand and feather. height 22in- 1277 The Mask of a Female Mummy, painted and gilt. 1278 Mummy of a Child, with mask. 1279 Outer Mummy Case, in form of a cat, seated, gilt. height lOin. 1280 Egyptian wooden Pillow. 1281 Egyptian Female Head, carved in wood, the eyes inlaid with ebony and ivory, on stand. height 10|in. 1282 Carved wooden Figure of Osiris, gilt. height 17in. 1283 Large carved Face, part of the Outer Case of a Mummy, strongly gilt and painted. height IGin. by lOin. 1284 Small Mummy Case, carved in wood, painted with hiero- glyphics. length 13in. 1285 Three pieces of Linen taken from Mummies, opened in 1833. 1286 Five Sandals, of plaited papyrus. 1287 Mummy of an Ibis, not unrolled, with the beak of the Ibis in front. 1288 The Beak of an Ibis, three Serpents’ Heads, and a Mummied Animal. 1289 Pieces of Linen Bandages of a Mummy, inscribed. 1290 Mummy of an Ibis, and two Mummies of Kittens. 1291 Egyptian Lady’s Hand, unrolled (decayed and burnt). 1292 Egyptian circular-headed Tablet, with deities and hiero- glyphics. height 16in. by lOin. 1293 Canopic Vase, of alabaster. Cover in form of a hawk’s head, inscribed with hieroglyphics. height 14in. 1294 Canopic Vase, of alabaster, a jackal’s head, height 15in. 1295 Stone Tablet, carved in low relief with Egyptian figures and emblems. height 15in. by llin. 1296 Canopic Vase, of alabaster, incised with figures and hiero- glyphics. height 15in. by lOin. Egyptian Antiquities. 83 1297 Canopic Vase, of alabaster, figures in low relief and three lines of hieroglyphics. height IGin. by lOin. 1298 Canopic Vase, of alabaster. Cover in form of a female head. height 15in. 1299 Canopic Vase, of alabaster, female head on cover. height 16in. 1300 Vase, of alabaster, carved, in form of a man holding a drinking cup. height S^in. 1301 Female Head and Bust, carved in stone, on a square marble stand. height 20in. 1302 Stone semi-circular Head, carved, with two seated figures and hieroglyphics. height 15in. by llin. 1303* Stone Tablet, incised figures and hieroglyphics. height 12^in. bj' 8 in. 1304 Canopic Vase, with hieroglyphics, the Cover in form of a female head. height 17in. 1305 Canopic Vase, the Cover in form of a man’s head, with hieroglyphics. height 15in. 1306 Alabaster pear-shaped Vase. height 7^in. 1307 Alabaster Vase, globular form, wide lip. height 5 in. 1308 Alabaster Vase, globular form, wide lip. height 35in. 1309 Alabaster Vase, flat. height 2^in. 1310 Canopic Vase, carved in stone. Cover in form of a hawk’s head. height 10|in. 1311 Canopic Vase, of alabaster, Cover in form of a female head. height 13in. 1312 Square black marble Plinth, covered with hieroglyphics. height 9in. by llin, 1313 Doorway of a Temple, carved in stone, painted with Egyptian deities. height 20in. by 14in. 1314 Large stone Tablet, inscribed with deities and hiero- glyphics. height 27in. by 19in. 1315 Papyrus Scroll, unrolled, portion of a Ritual in hiero- glyphics, with a vignette representing the deceased before Osiris, framed and glazed, length 38in. by 12^in. 1316 Papyrus Scroll, unrolled, representing the deceased, baboons, jackals, and birds, painted in colours, with two female figures and numerous rows of hieroglyphics, framed and glazed. From Thebes. length 77in. by 21in. 84 Egyptian Antiquities. 1317 Long Papyrus Scroll, unrolled, with figures in colours, portion of a Ritual, with hieroglyphics and hieratic inscription, framed. From Thebes. length 142in. by 22in. 1318 Papyrus Scroll, unrolled, with red and black emblems and hieroglyphics. From Thebes, made for a Priestess of Amoun. length 93in. by 14in. 1319 Papyrus Scroll, partly unrolled. 1320 Eight Eyes, enamelled, set in bronze, from mummy cases, and four lapis Eyebrows. 1321 Tablet, of hard stone, carved in relief, with a man standing on two crocodiles, a hare in one hand and a lion in the other, twelve rows of hieroglyphics, a mask, and feathers over his head. height I2in. 1322 Piece of wood, carved in form of a Female Head. length 9 in. 1323 Portion of a painted Mummy Case, painted with deities, partly gilt. length 15in. 1324 Oval Hematite Amulet, pierced for suspension, probably Egyptian. 1324a Amphora of black ware, with hieroglyphics, six rows. height 17in. ALABASTER. 1325 Alabastron, striped. length 6^in. 1326 Alabastron. length 9^in. 1327 Alabastron. length 8 in. 1328 Alabastron. length 6 in. 1329 Alabastron. length 5§in. 1330 Pointed Vase, height 7|in. 1331 Alabastron. length 4^in. 1332 Alabastron. length 4^in. 1333 Alabastron. length 5 in. 1334 Alabastron, length 4^in. 1335 Alabastron, length 6|in. 1336 Alabastron. length 6 in. 1337 Amphora, pointed base. length 5^in. 1338 Lachrymatory (broken). length 4^in. 1339 Small Alabastron. length 2 in. Alabaster. 85 1340 Small Alabastron. length 5|in. 1341 Cup. height 4^in. 1342 Alabastron. length bgin. 1343 Box (broken), no cover. diam. 4iin. 1344 Green stone Cup. height 3^in. 1345 Earthenware Amphora. height 5Hn. 1346 1347 Stone pointed Implement. Stone Bottle, two handles. height 3 in. 1348 Three Stone CuPS. height 2^in. EGYPTIAN. The Egj'ptian Objects in the following list cover a period of nearly one thousand years, viz., 1333 — 350 B.c. 1349 Fifty Sacred Eyes, of lapis-lazuli, rosso antico, and earthenware. 1350 Twelve Nilometers, of glazed earthenware, and one of lapis-lazuli. 1351 Six Pillows, carved in hematite. 1352 Ten earthenware Nails. 1353 Twenty-six Vases, of earthenware, glass, and stone. 1354 Two Carpenters’ Squares, of stone. 1355 Five Double Fingers. 135G Four Wedge-shaped Objects — two Hands, two Monkeys, a Deity, and an Animal. 1357 Twenty-four other Objects, various. 1358 Seventeen Egyptian Deities, of glazed earthenware (Hippopotamus), 1359 Eight Animals, tied up for sacrifice. 13G0 Five Birds, Swan, &c. 13G1 Nine Hawks. 1362 Thirty-five Animals, various. 1363 Five Animals, of white and blue glass. 1364 Nine Toads and a Fish. 1365 Two Serpents, and seven other Objects. 1366 Thirty small standing Deities, of earthenware. 1367 Six Amulets of the Amenti, or Genii of the dead. (Children of Horus.) 1368 Six Cat-headed Deities. 86 Egyptian. 1369 Ram-hkaded Deity. 1370 Twelve Baboons, Jackals, &c. 1371 Six Figures of Thoth. 1372 Isis and Horus, and another figure standing on a lion. 1373 Large SCARAB^EUS. in black basalt, the hieroglyphics at the back are a funeral inscription. {Rogers' Collection.) 1374 SCARAB.EUS, with inscription in honour of a priest, who styled himself “beloved of King Thothmosis 111.” B.C. 1320. {Royers' Collection.) 1375 SCARAB.EUS, with sphinx, and name of King Thothmosis ; and a Pigmy God. {Rogers' Collection.) 1376 Small Scarab.eus, with the words “ Ammon Mai.” {Rogers' Collection.) 1377 Large Scarab.eus, with similar inscription. {Rogers' Collection.) 1378 Small SCARAB.EUS, with name of Thothmosis. {Rogers' Collection.) ^ 1379 Fourteen seated Deities. 1380 Thirty-three others, animals, sow and young, &c. 1381 Six Scarab.®!, engraved with hieroglyphics ; some very fine. 1382 Four smaller ones, engraved with rows of hieroglyphics. 1383 Five others, with cartouches. 1384 Three other Scarab®!, one gilt. 1384a Sixteen Scarab®i, plain reverses. 1385 Sixty-two small Scarab®!, engraved with cartouches. 1386 Tablet, of honestone, cut out in subjects of hieroglyphics and figures. 1387 Glazed earthenware Statuette of a Female, kneeling, holding a vase. height 4iin. 1388 Bottle, of green glazed earthenware, in the shape of a female kneeling, holding a strigil and unguentarium. height 3^in. 1389 Baboon, seated, of green glazed earthenware, height 3|in. 1390 Dwarf, of blue glazed earthenware. height 3|in. 1391 Hawk-headed Deity, of blue glazed earthenware. height 4 jin. 1392 Statuette, carved in hard stone, of a crouching Negro, with his head on his knees ; on a square pedestal. height 3|in. Egyptian. 87 1393 Enamelled Eye and Eyebrow from a mummy case (four pieces). 1394 Sacred Eye, in glazed earthenware. 1395 Green glazed earthenware Amulet, five Deities. 1396 Blue glazed Amulet, sacred boat. 1397 Blue glazed Nilometer. 1398 Blue glazed Nilometer. 1398a Earthenware Coffin, and Ram’s Head. 1399 Lion-headed Deity, with breastplate. 1400 Jackal-headed Deity, blue-glazed earthenware ; holding a lotus. 1401 Hawk, in white stone. 1402 Jackal seated, green glazed earthenware. 1403 Green glazed earthenware Figure of Thoth. 1404 Green glazed earthenware Tablet, with Deities. 1405 Seated Sphinx, the Bull Apis, a Hare, seated, and Baboon-headed Deity, in glazed earthenware. 1406 Eight small Scarab^i, with cartouches. 1407 Twelve square Amulets, engraved with Deities and emblems. 1408 Six Double Feathers. 1409 Five plain Tablets, with loops. 1410 Thirty-five Objects, various. 1411 Ten Deities, of blue glazed earthenware. 1412 Jackal-headed Deity. 1413 Four earthenware Tablets, engraved with Deities. 1414 Thirteen circular Objects. 1 415 Three red cornelian Rings, with signets. 1416 Thirteen cornelian and other Stone RINGS, like Celtic ring- money. 1417 Two others of glass, same form. 1418 Six glazed earthenware Rings with signets. 1419 Fifteen DEITIES, carved in lapis-lazuli and other hard stone. 1420 Five Sacred Eyes, in hard stone. 1421 Three cornelian Nilometers. 1422 Cornelian Leg. 1423 Three Cornelian Vases. 1424 Two Cornelian Deities. 1425 Two Cornelian Heads. 88 Egyptian, 1426 Thirty small Objects, in stone, various. 1427 Wooden TABLET, inlaid with pieces of lapis-lazuli, and ornamented on both sides with a jackal, &c. height 2|in. by 4 in. 1428 Wooden Tablet, inlaid with turquoise, lapis-lazuli, and rosso antico, a scarabaeus and figures on both sides. height Sjin. by 4|in. 1429 Stone Ornament, to be worn on the breast ; in the centre is a scarabaeus, in a boat, between the Goddess Isis and the Goddess Nephthis ; on the reverse of the tablet is a funeral inscription, between Isis and Nephthis. This specimen was brought to England by Belzoni. {Rogers' Collection.) 1429a Plaster cast of an Archaic Head, life size. 1430 Stone Tablet, engraved with figures and a scarabaeus in relief. height 3in. by 3|in. 1431 Stone Tablet, with scarabaeus in relief on one side, on the other hieroglyphics. height 3in. by 2^in. 1432 Tablet, carved in sandstone, scarabajus and figures in relief. height 5in. by 4 in. 1433 Earthenware Nilometer. height 3|in. 1434 Earthenware Nilometer. height 4 jin. 1435 Six small Nilometers. 1436 Five Buttons, pierced with holes. 1437 Ten Eyes, from Mummy Cases. 1438 Twenty-eight bone Pins and Needles. 1439 Two pieces of Wood, one in form of a HORSE’S Leg, the other a Ram’s Head. 1440 Eight ivory Dice. 1441 Eight Fragments of carved IvORY. 1442 Three earthenware Tablets, with figure, and three pieces of Ivory. 1443 Fragment of a Mummy Case, painted and gilt with a bull- headed Deity. 1444 Five Necklaces, of coloured earthenware beads of various colours. 1445 Necklace of very small earthenware rings. 1446 String of earthenware and glass Beads. 1447 String of sixty-five glass Beads. 1448 Five large Scarab.®! of hard stone. height 2jin. Egyptian. 89 1449 SCARAB.®US, of blue glazed earthenware. 1450 Five stone SCARAU^l. averaging l|in. 1451 Twenty-one Scarab^i. 1452 Long Neckl.ace, of blue glazed eax-thenware beads, spindle shaped. 1453 Long Necklace, of blue glazed earthenware beads, cylindrical. 1453a Fifteen earthenware VASES, various. 14.53b Twelve porcelain Amulets. 1454 Long Necklace, of blue glazed earthenware beads, cylindrical. 1455 Three portions of a Breastplate, made of coloured beads in patterns. 1456 Seven Necklaces, of grey oblong beads. 1457 Thirty earthenware glazed Beads, variegated. 1 4.58 Gilt wood Figure of a Lion-headed Deity, crowned with the asp and feathers. 1459 Hawk, of blue glazed earthenware. height 2;J^in. 1460 White earthenware Baboon. height 25 in. 1461 Earthenware FIGURE of a Man, seated, the cap and beard painted, on an ebony and ivory pedestal. 1462 Fourteen Sacred Eyes, of earthenware and stone. 1463 Seventy-five glazed earthenware Deities, many of verj' fine work. 1464 Curious Group, in carved stone, of five Deities. 1465 Stone Ibis, seated. 1466 Stone Hawk. 1467 Owl, in glazed earthenware. 1468 Pendant, in form of the Lotus, and two Sacred Eyes, in glazed earthenware. 1469 Four Pins, of glazed earthenware. 1470 Ten red composition FIGURES, &c. 1471 String of fifteen agate and cornelian Beads. 1472 String of sixteen cornelian BEADS, with seven stone Vases between. 1473 String of thirteen agate and cornelian Beads. 1474 String of forty-three Beads, cornelian and bloodstone. 1475 String of green and yellow glazed eai’thenware Beads. 1476 String of lapis-lazuli, blue glass, and amber Beads. 1477 Necklace of small amber Beads. Q 90 Egyptian. 1478 Necklace of opaque yellow Beads, black and white spots. 1479 String of twenty glass Beads. 1480 String of twenty-five glass Beads. 1481 Jade Bead, carved in the form of an animal’s head. 1481a Eight earthenware Objects. 1481ii Three blue earthenware Cups for Stibium. 1481c Small earthenware Bottle. 1481d Bone COUNTER for Draughts. 1481e Four blue porcelain Figures. 1482 White and red cornelian Fish. 1483 String of three cornelian Tablets, and two inlaid Beads. 1484 Eight glazed earthenware seal-shaped Ornaments. 1485 Glazed earthenware Ball, of dark and light blue divisions. 148G Two Bunches of Grapes, in glazed earthenware. 1487 Small CUP, of blue earthenware, striped with black. 1488 Earthenware Seal, with intaglio of a lion. 1489 Small Mortar, of hard black stone. 1490 Small Vase, of glazed earthenware, carved with Deities, on square stand. 1491 Small glazed earthenware Aryballos, with a head. 1492 Upper part of a blue glazed earthenware FIGURE, with dark blue covering over her head. 1493 Glazed earthenware Hawk-headed Deity (broken). 1494 Glazed earthenware Button, with rosettes in relief. 1495 Blue glazed earthenware CuP. 149G Glazed earthenware Head of an Animal, with semi- circular breastplate. height 4.^in. 1497 Blue glazed earthenware Cat-headed Deity, seated (the feet broken). 1498 Head of a Female Deity with plaited hair, carved in stone, and covered with brilliant lapis-coloured enamel. 1499 Upper part of a Female Figure, in glazed earthenware. 1500 Head of an African Negro, carved in stone. 1.501 Profile Head of a Female, carved in stone. 1.502 Glazed earthenware Handle, carved with hieroglyphics. 1503 Two Bottles, ornamented with incised rosettes. height 2|in. 1504 Signet in form of an Armadillo. Egyptian. 91 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 Colossal Head of Nephthis, in red granite, inscribed with hieroglyphics, 19in. high, found at Thebes ; mounted on a pedestal of black marble, 4ft. llin. high ; in a cell below is a small statue of an Egyptian Priest, holding a shrine, in black basalt. {Rogers' Collection.) Two basalt Pillars, forming candlesticks. height I4in. Aryballos, of earthenware, coated with light blue, of flattened circular form, and two small handles, orna- mented with lotus leaves. diam. 84in. Cylindrical Vessel, white and blue glaze, with birds, fishes, and duck in relief. height 4 in. Piece of Wood, carved with hieroglyphics. length 40|in. Bronze quadrangular Kistb, the Cover surmounted by a hawk, crowned with the asp. height 5|in. Bronze Kiste, the Cover surmounted with two hawks. height 2|in. Bronze IBIS, much corroded. height 4^in. Bronze IBIS. height 2^in. Bronze Cat-HEADED Deity, on square bronze stand. height 5^in. Bronze Jackal-headed Deity, on square bronze stand. height 5 in. Bronze Seated Ibis. height 5 in. Bronze Seated Cat, on bronze stand. height 3 in. Stone Hawk, crowned with the asp. height 4 in. Bronze hooded Head of a Hawk. height Ifin. Bronze Seated Cat. height 2^in. Bronze Hawk, crowned with the asp. height 2|^in. Bronze Female Figure, kneeling, her hands placed on her knees. (Indian.) height 2;}in. Bronze Figure of Osiris, in a cap and feathers, holding a flail and crook ; on square bronze stand. height llin. Bronze Figure of Osiris, crowned, holding the crook and flail ; on square bronze stand, engraved with hierogly- phics, on marble pedestal. height 8 in. Bronze FIGURE of OSIRIS, gilt, with the usual emblems. height 7 in. Bronze FIGURE of OSIRIS, gilt, with the usual emblems. height 7 in. Bronze Figure of Osiris. height 7 in. o 2 92 Egyptian. 1528 Bronze Figure of Osiris. height 7 in. 1529 Bronze seated Figure of Isis, holding the crook and Hail, crowned with the nra;us, on bronze stand. height 7 in. 1530 Bronze FIGURE of OsiRlS, high crown, holding the crook and flail. height 8|in. 1.531 Bronze FIGURE of ISIS, holding the crook and flail, with the uraeus. height 5^in. 1532 Bronze Figure of Harpocrates, standing, with elephant’s trunk at the side of his head, and his hand to his lips. height 6|in. 1533 Two bronze Figures of Harpocrates, seated, on marble pedestals. height 5 in. 1534 Bronze Figure of a Female, with ura^us, or high head- dress, on marble pedestal. height 8|in. 1535 Stone Figure of a Female, on marble pedestal. height 5 in. 1536 Bronze Figure of a Female, with high head-dress or uraeus, on marble pedestal. height 8 in. 1537 Bronze Figure of Isis, seated, holding the Infant Horns ; much corroded ; on marble pedestal. height 7 in. 1538 Bronze Figure of Isis, seated, her feet resting on a square bronze stand, engraved with hieroglyphics, height lOin. 1539 Bronze FIGURE of OSIRIS. height 7 in. 1540 Eight other small bronze Figures of OSIRIS. 1541 Three bronze FIGURES of Isis seated, suckling Horus. height 5|in. 1542 Bronze Figure of Osiris seated. height 4^in. 1543 Four small bronze Figures of Isis. 1.544 Bronze Asp, two Hawks. 1545 Two small bronze Cats. 1546 Bronze Figure of Isis, standing. height 3|in. 1547 Bronze Cat, seated, the eyes of coloured glass, the necklace engraved. height 6fin. 1548 Bronze Cat, seated, gold eyes, ear-rings, and scarabaeus set in its head, a necklace on its neck, with a pendant of Osiris. height 7^in. 1549 Bronze Figure of Osiris, with high head-dress, the eyes of glass, and the eyebrows inlaid with lapis- lazuli height 9^in. Egyptian. 93 1550 Bronze Figure of a Hawk-headed Deity, with high head-dress, on marble pedestal. height ll^in. 1551 Bronze Ibis-headed Deity, lai-ge head-dress, height (5 in. 1552 Bronze Male Figure, with curious head-dress of two high feathers, the legs mended. height 8 in. 1553 Bronze Hawk-headed Deity, with a high-crowned head- dress. height 6^in. 1554 Bronze Female seated FIGURE, with gold eyes, holding an open scroll, which is engraved with hieroglyphics. height 5^in. 1555 Bronze Female, seated, on marble stand. height 5 in. 1556 Bronze Figure of a Priestess. height 4 in. 1557 Bronze FIGURE of a Female, seated, holding an open scroll on her knees. height 3|in. 1558 Bronze Male Figure, walking. height 5 in. 1559 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, son of Isis and Osiris. height 6 in. 1560 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, with the elephant’s trunk and high head-dress. He was called the God oj Silence. height 5|in. 1561 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, with the elephant’s trunk and high head-dress. height 4 in. 1562 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, seated. height 5 in. 1563 Three bronze Figures of Harpocratbs, seated, without the high head-dress or uraeus. 1564 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, seated, with a very large head-dress (the urajus) and asp. height 6 in. 1565 Bronze Head of a Cat. 1566 Bronze FIGURE of an ALLIGATOR, with high crown (uraeus) and the asp. height 3|in. 1567 Bronze Cat, seated. height 2|in. 1568 Bronze Figure of a Man, seated, silver eyes, height 5 in. 1569 Bronze SCARAB.ffiUS, with the head of a hawk, inlaid with gold lines. length 3 in. 1570 Bronze Handle, terminating with a hawk’s head. height 5|in. 1571 Bronze Handle, with a cat seated at the end. length 4 in. 1572 Bronze Hinge or Clasp, on which are upright figures, kneeling, and animals ; underneath are hieroglyphics. length 3| in. by 3 in. 94 Egyptian. l.'iTS Bronze Cap of OsiRlS, with high feathers, &c. height 4 in. 1574 Bronze kneeling Male Figure. height If in. 1575 Bronze Babooji, seated, the urajus on his head. height If in. 1576 Bronze Cat, seated. height 3|in. 1577 Bronze Rat. 1578 Bronze Figure, walking, with high head-dress, height 2f in. 1579 Bronze Crocodile. height 2fin. 1580 Bronze Female Figure. height 4 in. 1.581 Five bronze Figures, various. 1582 Bronze Head of an Egyptian Deity, much corroded, the eyes and eyebrows of lapis-lazuli and white stone. 1583 Four bronze Vases. height 2fin., 2|-in., 4fin., and Gin. 1584 Bronze Fish, with bead eyes. height 5fin. 1584a Large Egyptian bronze Vase, engraved with figures and hieroglyphics, height 15in. ; and another, plain, height lOin. 1584b Two bronze Mirror Handles and the Asp. 1585 Bronze Perforated Plaque, with figures, masks, and the bull Apis ; on the reverse the lotus plant and leaves. length 7 in. 1585a Stone Head of a Negro. 1586 Bronze Mirror, the handle in form of a female figure. length lO^in. 1587 Bronze Mirror, wooden handle, inlaid with coloured wood. length llin. 1.588 Bronze Figure of the Bull Apis, walking, with the urams. height 5 in. 1589 Bronze Figure of the Bull Apis, walking, with the urajus. height 3fin. 1.590 Bronze FIGURE of the Bull Apis, walking, with the urajus. height 3gin. 1591 Bronze Cat, seated, the eyes have been inlaid, height lOin. 1592 Bronze Cat, seated. height 6 in. 1593 Bronze Cat, seated, a chain round its neck, and semi- circular ornament. height 8 in. 1594 Bronze Cat, seated. height 4 in. 1595 Bronze Cat, seated. height 8|in. 1596 Bronze Hawk. height 8^in. 1597 Bronze Hawk, on square bronze stand. height 9^in. Antique Bronzes and Metal, Work. 95 1598 Bronze Box, with sliding cover, surmounted by a hawk crowned with the asp. height 7 in. 1599 Bronze Figure of a Hawk, crowned, on marble pedestal. height 15in. 1600 Bronze Figure of a Cat, on marble pedestal, height 13in. ANTIQUE BRONZES AND METAL WORK 1601 Two Roman bronze Fibul.®, bow-shaped, on a card. 1602 Roman silver Fibula, of circular form, with three rows of twisted wires at top. 1603 Three Roman bow-fronted Fibula. 1604 Two small Roman bow-fronted silver Fibul.®. 1605 Roman silver Fibula, bow-fronted and bossed. 1606 Roman lozenge-shaped Fibula, inlaid with yellow fret in patterns. 1607 Curious antique Fibula, of twisted wire, with seven chain pendants of white metal. 1608 Greek silver Rhyton, fluted, terminating at the point in a ram’s head ; at the mouth, three scenes from the life of Bacchus, in relief. length 12in. 1609 Greek silver Prochous, of elegant form, round the body is represented in relief the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. height 9 in. 1610 Roman silver Inkstand, cylindrical, with hexagonal rim, chased borders, and nielloed scrolls. Found at Cologne. 1611 Greek silver draped Female Figure, of hollow repousse work (damaged). height 7 in. 1612 Small Roman silver Vase (damaged). height 2Jin. 1613 Curious silver Torques, of plain coiled wire, the ends flattened and stamped with heart-shaped ornaments, terminating in an animal’s head. If opened at length it measures 7ft. lin. 1614 Silver TORQUES, of single twisted wire, fastened wjth loops. diam. 5 in. 1614a Bronze Bottle, plain long neck. height 3 in.. 1615 Necklace, four Armill.e, and a Hair Pin, formed of spirally twisted wires and loops. 96 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 1616 Two antique silver BANGLES, twisted centre and flat ends, ornamented Avith enamelled bosses. 1617 Roman bronze Statuette of a Man, his head forming the upper part of a Vase, with comic mask. height 5 in. 1618 Roman bronze Mask of a Satyr, the eyes inlaid with gold. 1619 Roman bronze Lamp, in form of a man’s mask, chased with vine leaves. 1620 Roman bow-shaped silver Fibula, of eight bosses. 1621 Roman bow-shaped silver Fibula, ornamented with annulets in front. 1622 Roman bow-shaped silver Fibula, with five bosses in the front. 1623 Roman silver Dice, in form of a man, in a morocco case. 1624 Two Roman bronze Rings, with enamelled rosettes. 1625 Case containing thirty-three divisions of the Roman As, with pellets, denoting the number of ounces. 1626 Three portions of the ROMAN As. 1627 Two circular pieces of lead, with Greek inscriptions. 1628 Thirty-three Slinger’s leaden Bullets, of oval shape, with a thunderbolt and other emblems, and Greek inscriptions in relief. From Marathon. 1629 TAventy-five square leaden Weights, or portions of the Greek Mna, or Talent, the upper side having emblems and characters in relief. 1630 Seven circular pieces of Lead, Avith rosettes in relief. 1631 Thirteen Roman bronze Stamps, Avith rings, handles, and potters’ names. 1632 Bronze Instrument, with a Boar’s Tusk, and one loose. 1633 Tavo Roman bronze Seals, with crosses. The following Bronzes were discovered at Chiusi, &c. 1634 Tavo bronze LlONS COUCHANT, forming feet of vases or caskets, &c. length 4 in. and 2 in. 1635 Forepart of a Pegasus, in bronze, forming a handle of a Vase. height 3 in. 1636 Bronze draped Male Figure (foot AA^anting). length 6 in. 1637 Very fine antique bronze nude Male FIGURE, holding a Aveight in his hand. height dj’in. 1638 Early Etruscan bronze Female Figure, patinated. height 4 in. (Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 97 1G39 Bronze draped Male Figure, holding a discus, height 4 in. 1640 Child in swaddling clothes. height 4 in. 1641 Terminal Figure, with two heads. height 4 in. 1642 Bronze Figure of a Man, semi-draped. height 2.2in. 1643 Etruscan Bronze of a Man, holding fruit in his hands. height 25 in. 1644 Bronze Male Figure, seated. height 24in. 1645 Bronze reclining Female Figure. height 2 in. 1646 Bronze Figure, with hands raised ; marble pedestal. height 2^in 1647 Bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of a male figure. 1648 Bronze Handle of a Vase. 1649 Bronze Figure of a Harpy, the head and arms of a woman, wings, body, and feet of a bird, on circular pedestal. height 5 in. 1650 Bronze Handle of a Vase, twisted, escutcheon of a lion’s head. 1651 Three bronze Feet of a Tripod, with Mercury, Jupiter, and Juno. Fine work. 1652 Pair of bronze Vase Handles, the escutcheon in form of goats’ heads and acanthus leaves. 1653 Bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of a female head, with ear-rings and necklace, and chains for suspension. (Equipondium.) height 4|in. 1654 Bi’onze Handle of a Vase, terminating in male and female figures. 1655 Bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of a female head, with loop at top for suspension. The equipondium, or equipoise, which moved along the beam to denote the weight. height 3iin. 1656 Bronze Statuette of a draped Male Figure. height 4 in. 1657 Bronze nude Female Figure holding some drapery in her left hand. height 5 in. 1658 Two bronze SUPPORTS of a Vase, each in form of a male helmeted head, with lions’ claws. 1659 Fragments of bronze, with Etruscan inscriptions. 1660 Four bronze Supports, in form of females riding on rams. 1661 Nude Male Figure, holding a bird in his hand. height 4^in. 98 Antique Bkonzes and Metal Work. 1662 Bronze Statuette, a Boy riding on a goose, height l|in. 1663 Bronze Figuke of a Satyr, reclining. height l^in. 1664 Bronze Figure of a Satyr, reclining. height l^in. 1665 Bronze Male Figure, holding a tablet and a stilus. height 22 in. 1666 Bronze Male Figure, holding some uncertain object in his hands. height 3^in. 1667 Bronze FIGURE of a Man, using a strigil, on brass pedestal. height 3^in. 1668 Small helraeted FIGURE, on circular pedestal, height 4 in. 1669 Bronze Female Figure, her hands raised to her head. height 2 in. 1670 Bronze FIGURE of a Priestess, holding the lituus. height 7 in. 1671 Bronze Male Figure, with large hands, on square pedestal. height 3^in, 1672 Bronze Statuette of a Centaur. height sjin. 1673 Nude Male Figure. height 4 in. 1674 Nude Male Figure, on circular pedestal. height 5|^in. 1675 Nude Male Figure, holding a strigil. height 5^in. 1676 Draped Female Figure, with very long hands and feet. height 5 in. 1677 Bronze Figure of Perseus, holding the Gorgon’s head and the herpe. height 7 in. 1678 Nude Male Figure, his hands up to his head, on a circular pedestal. height 5^in. 1679 Etruscan Figure, of a helmeted Warrior. height 6^in. 1680 Nude Male Figure, holding the discus. height 4^in. 1681 Bronze Figure of a Harpy, with wreath of flowers round her head. Of very fine work. height 3|in. 1682 Bronze nude Male Figure, holding a patera, height 4 in. 1683 Bronze circular Mirror Case, with figures in relief of Cupid riding on a goat, and Bacchus. diam. 6 in. 1684 Bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of an acanthus leaf. 1685 Bronze Escutcheon of a Handle, on the top two figures, one holding a club, between them a club, and an acanthus leaf at the bottom. 1686 Bronze Statuette of a Monkey. 1687 Two bronze Feet of a Vase, two figures carrying an urn. Antique J^ronzes and Metal Work. 99 1688 Roman bronze Hand and Arm, from the elbow, portion of a Statue. height 7 in. 1689 Roman octagonal bronze Casket, the four feet in form of harpies, and the handles in form of two male figures (no cover). height B^in. 1690 Bronze Vase, with one handle, chased lips. height 6|in. 1691 Bronze Vase, with one handle, oviform. height 5|in. 1692 Bronze Vase (handle wanting). height 5 in. 1693 Bronze Vase, one handle, with large lip and small neck. height 3|in. 1694 Three bronze Vases, with one handle each, patinated. 1695 Two bronze globular AMPHORiE, with chains for suspension. height 2^in. 1696 Bronze Pyxis, of cylindrical form, cover and chain. height 2}in. 1697 Bronze Strigil, with fluted handle. 1698 Bronze Arm and Hand of a Statuette, holding a pome- granate. 1699 Bronze circular Ornament, the surface inlaid with silver in scrolls. 1700 Bronze Rings, strung together, portion of chain armour. 1701 Bronze BUTTONS, with links (22). 1702 Bronze Strainer, with twisted loop handle. 1703 Bronze Ladle, terminating in two animals’ heads. height 11 in. 1704 Bronze Ladle, the stem terminating in an animal’s head. length lOin. 1705 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with figures, the convex side polished, the handle terminating in an animal’s head ; a very perfect specimen. length 8 jin. 1706 Bronze Nutmeg-grater. 1707 Bronze Hair Pin, ornamented top. length 8 in. 1708 Bronze Hand Mirror, the concave surface engraved with figures, the handle terminating in an animal’s head. length lOin. 1709 Bronze scroll Vase Handle, terminating with a figure of Victory. length 7 in. 1710 Bronze CLASP of a Belt, the hooks terminating in animals’ heads. length 4jin. 100 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1732 1733 1734 1735 Bronze Clasps of a Belt, ornamented with perforated figures of animals. length 8,Jin. Two bronze semi-circular RAZORS, with ornamented surface and projecting handles. Bronze pointed INSTRUMENT, at each end of the handle are animals’ heads. length 13in. Bronze Female swathed Figure, by her side a panther. height 32in. Bronze seated FIGURE of a Female, holding a scarf over her head. height 3|in. Bronze Statuette of a seated Baboon. height l|in. Two bronze cylindrical INKSTANDS. height l^in. Bronze Sandalled Foot. (See No. 3841.) length 3 in. Bronze Sandalled Foot. (See No. 3841.) length 3 in. Bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of Cupid’s head, filled with lead. height 2gin. Bronze Escutcheon, with a female head in relief. diam. 2^in. Bronze ESCUTCHEON, in form of a female head and bust. length 3 in. Two bronze HANDLES, in form of female beads. Bronze COVER of a Mirror Case, Avith bearded head of Pan in relief, crowned with vine leaves. diam. l^in. Bronze STATUETTE of VENUS, a diadem on her head (an arm and two feet wanting). height b^in. Bronze Etruscan Figure of Hercules, clad in the lion’s skin. height 9 in. Bronze Figure of Paris holding the apple. height llin. Roman bronze Statuette of Hercules, holding the club in his right hand. height 9 in. Bronze Female Figure, draped, on square pedestal. height 8 in. Bronze Statuette of Bacchus, holding the Kantharos. height 6 in. Bronze Hand, holding the Kantharos. length 2^in. Bronze Male Figure, with arm raised. length 3^in. Bronze FIGURE of a Dog, seated. height l^in. Bronze Figure of Mars, with helmet and shield, holding a patera. height 3jin. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 101 1736 Small bronze FIGURE of a Bull. height l^in. 1737 Small bronze Figure of a Satyr, dancing. height 3|^in. 1738 Small bronze Figure of Jupiter, holding a thunderbolt. height 2|in. 1739 Two small bronze FIGURES of Hercules, on round pedestals. height 3 in. 1740 Bronze Roman Figure of a Warrior, seated, holding a sword. length 3 in. 1741 Small bronze Figure of an Archer, on round pedestal. height 3 in. 1742 Bronze Figure of Mercury, holding a purse in his right hand, a loop on his head. height 7 in. 1743 Bronze Figure of Harpocratbs, holding his finger to his lips, his foot on a swan. height 3 in. 1744 Bronze Roman Figure of Hercules, clad in the lion’s skin. height 6 in. 1745 Bronze Roman Figure of a Man, a wreath on his head (one arm and feet wanting). height 4 in. 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 Bronze ESCUTCHEON, in form of the head of Cupid. height 2^in. Small bronze cylindrical Vase and Cover. height 4 in. Bronze CUP, open mouth. height 3^ in. Bronze CuP, edge turned over. height 3 in. Bronze Bowl, plated with silver. height 2 in. Two bronze shallow BOWLS. Bronze square Bell. height 3|in. Bronze oval Bell. height 3|in. Bronze Hand, holding a small statuette of a bull (end of a processional staff), see No. 3841. length 5Un. Bronze Ladle (broken at the end). length 9 in. Small bronze CuP (broken). height 2|in. Bronze Bottle, with narrow neck. height 3^in. Small bronze CUP. height 2 in. Small bronze CuP. height 2 in. Bronze Drinking Cup, funnel-shaped, with ornaments in relief. Found in Watling Street. height 6 in. Pair of bronze Handles of a Vase. Bronze Statuette of a Harpy. height 3|in. 102 Antique BeoI^zes and Metal Work. 1763 Two bronze Pendants, with four tassele at the end of each. length 8 in. 1764 Bronze Handle, in form of a ram’s head. height 7|in. 1765 Bronze Double Handle of a Situla, with escutcheons of female heads in relief. 1766 Bronze Neck and Handle of an Oinochoe, terminating in an acanthus leaf. 1767 Small bronze OiNOCHOE, on a red marble pedestal. height 2 in. 1768 Four small bronze OiNOCHOAl. height l-^in. 1769 Three small bronze VASES. Found at Colchester. height l^in. 1770 Two bronze Hands, holding a Kantharos. 1771 Plaster Statuette of a Baboon, seated. height l^in. 1772 Five bronze Balls, forming feet of a vessel. 1773 Two bronze Cylindrical Inkstands. height 2}in. 1774 Bronze FIGURE of a Female. Found at Colchester. height l^in. 1775 Two bronze SUPPORTS of a Vase. 1776 Bronze OWL, and a Hare (small). 1777 Two bronze Loops, with masks. 1778 Bronze Loop, formed of a female head. length 4 in. 1779 Bronze Female Hand, with a cup. length 3 in. 1780 Three bronze Implements for pulling the bow-string. 1781 Two bronze ESCUTCHEONS, formed of female masks. 1782 Bronze Escutcheon, in form of a black man’s head, with pointed instrument in his hand. 1783 Bronze ESCALLOP Shell, ring handle. 1784 Bronze Pin, the end ornamented with annulets. length 26in. 1785 Bronze Handle, in form of a man, whose feet rest on a basket of grapes. 1786 Bronze Handle, in form of a man, his arms raised in front. 1787 Two bronze Handles, single loops for the rim of a Situla, with two reclining figures, a dog between, and an Amphora. 1788 Bronze JUG, with high handle, in form of a wine skin. height 7 in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 103 1789 Two bronze Handles, with bearded masks on the escutcheons. 1790 Two rude leaden Figures, in form of Saints Peter and Paul. height 5 in. 1791 Two bronze hollow Bottles, ornamented bands round the neck. height 7|in. 1792 Bronze Standard, formed of a ring with five bosses, enclosing the letter S. height 9 in. 1793 Bronze Blade of a Spear, with double ring and crossed lines. height lO^in. 1794 Bronze Hair Pin, the end in form of a wheel. length lOin. 1795 Bronze Hair Pin, the end in form of a wheel (broken). 1796 Bronze Mouth of a Vase, in form of a griffin’s head. From Athens. {Gamjyana Collection.) length 4 in. 1797 Bronze Ornament, in form of a griffin’s head. length 5 in. 1798 Bronze Inkstand, in form of a foot, with the Roman Caliga. 1799 Bronze pointed CuP. height 3 in. 1800 Bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of a goat’s head. length 8 in. 1801 Bronze Bull Celt or Sacrificial Axe, in form of a bull, with a celt under the body, of the same form as No. 1802, but this was found in England. length 3|in. 1801 a- Bronze Frog. 1802 Bronze Roman Sacrificial Axe. This interesting relic of antiquity was carried by the High Priest or Augur in the sacrificial processions, the bull, forming the back of the axe, being emblematical of the office ; the killing of the animal was effected by the Priests of a lower grade, as the size of the weapon precludes the possibility of its being used for slaying. It is coated with a beautiful patina, and was discovered in a Temple in Thessaly^ near the River Peneus, between the Mountains of Olympus and Ossa. It is in a most perfect state of preservation. {Campana Collection.) 1803 Terra-cotta Lamp, with chain attached, and Negro’s head. 1804 Bronze dodecagonal Ball, the sides pierced with different- sized holes. 104 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 1805 Bronze Face of a Roman Head, repousse. 180G Bronze Tablet from a Cippus, Latin inscription. lenfi:th 7 in. 1807 Sixty-eiglit bronze PiNS, Styli, and Modelling Imple- ments. 1808 Bronze Plummet, pointed at the bottom. 1809 Four bronze Strigils. 1810 Bronze Chain, to which is attached a medallion of a mask. 1811 Bronze Ring Handle, on the top is a lion. 1812 Bronze Lamp, with leaf-shaped handle. 1813 Bronze Statuette of Hercules. (No feet.) height 5 in. 1814 Bronze Figure of Hercules. height 5 in. 1815 Bronze Head of a Bacchante, silver eyes, wreathed with vine leaves. length 7^in. 1810 Bronze Lamp, in form of a black man’s head. 1817 Two Fragments of Bronze, supports of a vase, height 4 in. 1818 Bronze Figure, with helmet. height 3 in. 1819 Bronze Bow-shaped Fibula, the upper end in the form of a pair of pincers. 1820 Bronze Pear-shaped Tassel. 1821 Bronze Caduceus, iron stem, the upper part twisted in double loops, terminating in rams’ heads ; probably from a Statue of Mercury. length IGin. 1822 Two bronze Astragali (Tali. The knuckle-bones of sheep used in a game, with five of them thrown up and caught on the back of the hand). 1823 Bronze Figure of Hercules. height 3 in. 1824 Bronze Buckle, found in Cannon Street, 1852 ; with three masks in relief. 1825 Two bronze Fragments of Male Heads. 1826 Bronze Fish, engraved scales. length 6 in. 1827 Bronze Lion’s Head. height l^in. 1828 Bronze Grotesque Man’s Head. 1829 Bronze Figure of Jupiter, seated. height 4.(in. 1830 Three bronze Balls, one attached to a chain. 1831 Bronze Head of Janus Bifrons. height 2 in. 1832 Bronze ESCUTCHEON, with head of Medusa and leaf-pattern under. 1833 Two small bronze Lamps, found at Colchester. 1834 Bronze Head of a Griffin, glass eyes, on marble pedestal. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 105 1835 Bronze Steelyard Weight, filled with iron, in form of a female head (the Equipondium, which runs along the beam of the Statera, or steelyard). height 3^in, 1836 Bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of a female head, with ear-rings and necklace. height 3iin. 1837 Bronze Finger and three Feet (see No. 3841). 1838 Two bronze FINGERS, and a Hand holding a serpent. 1839 Four Bronze Medallions, on a card, found at York. 1840 Five Bronze STAGS’ Heads, a Mask, a Goose’s Head, &c. 1841 Two Masks, Stag’s Head, Man on Horseback, a Dog, and seven Spear Heads, on a card. 1842 Two bronze THIMBLES. 1843 Bronze Mirror, in the centre a relief of a Man, with dogs hunting a stag. diam. 5iin. 1844 Bronze Steelyard (Statera). length 6 in. 1845 Two pairs of bronze Pliers. 1846 Thirteen bronze Roman Styli, on a card. 1847 Eleven bronze Modelling and Potter’s Tools. 1848 Three bronze Knives and a Knife Sheath. 1849 Seven bronze Spoons. 1850 Six bronze FiSH Hooks and twenty-three Pins. 1850a Six bronze Fish Hooks. 1850b Silver Female Bust, with diadem, draped ; of very thin metal, perhaps an Equipondium, or scale-weight of a steelyard. 1850c Five bronze Couchant Lions (feet of a vase). 1850d Card with eighteen Roman Keys. 1851 Fourteen large bronze PiNS, some with ornamented ends. 1852 Pair of bronze Compasses, Netting Needle, and eleven bronze Nails. 1853 Bronze Nail and Hook, on a card, ten Pins, and three Dart Heads. 1854 Nineteen bronze Roman Keys. 1855 Six bronze Roman square Bells. 1856 Nine bronze Roman round Bells. 1857 Four bronze Roman Sheep Bells. 1858 Two bronze Greyhounds sitting, highly finished. 1859 Ten small bronze Animals, and three Birds. H lot) Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 1860 Bronze Tiger holding a medallion, on which is a head in relief, four bulls and a horse. 1861 Four bronze Roman Penates. length about 3 in. 1862 Two bronze Figures, with rings in their ears, length 2^in. 1863 Bronze Bell, Fibul.®, Beam of a Purse, &c., on a card. Found in London. 1864 Two silver twisted Armill®:, terminating in serpents’ heads. 1865 Portion of a bronze Handle, in form of a deer’s foot. height 2^in. 1866 Bronze Handle, in form of a griffin’s head. 1867 Five bronze Buckles. 1868 Two bronze Bracelets, and a Pin with a hook at each end. 1869 Card, containing Fragments of Chains, Hooks, Tessera, &c. 1870 Three bronze Staff Heads and a Ball. 1871 Bronze Mask, handle in form of a female figure, and a Clasp ; on card. 1872 Part of a bronze Clasp, with the head of Medusa in relief. 1873 Four bronze Mace Heads, with pointed bosses. 1874 Ten bronze Handles, in form of rams’ heads. 1875 Six bronze Masks, and a Triton. 1876 Seventeen bronze Animals, various ; heads, &c. 1877 Small bronze Box, an animal in relief on the top ; in a case. 1878 Three bronze Spouts, in form of animals’ heads ; one 8in. long. 1879 Bronze Fragment of a Man in a Boat. 1880 Small bronze Medallion of Cupid in relief. 1881 Small bronze Plaque. 1882 Small bronze circular Mirror Case. diam. 4|in. 1883 Roman white metal Mirror and Outer Case. diam. 4 in. 1884 Bronze Mirror Case. diam. 6 in. 1885 White metal Mirror Case. diam. 3^in. 1886 Bronze Mirror and Case, with figures in relief of Bacchus and Cupid, and a Nymph playing on the lyre. diam. 4;^in. 1887 Hand Mirror, the concave part engraved with figures (broken). length 9 in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work, 107 1888 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with a group of four figures, surrounded by a laureated border. length lOin. 1889 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with figures, the handle terminating in a horse’s head. length lOin. 1890 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with figure of Victory, ornamental handle. length 9|^in. 1891 Bronze Hand Mirror, circular, with plain handle and ring on the neck. length 13Mn. 1892 Three bronze Mirrors, circular, plain, with spike handles. 1893 Circular Mirror, engraved with figures, no handle. diam. 7^in. 1894 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with four figures, orna- mented handle. length 10|in. 1895 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with four figures at the bath, ornamental border and handle. length 13in. 1896 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with Diana and Actaeon, animals beneath, leaf border, ornamental handle, termi- nating in an animal’s head. length 14in. 1896a Small Statuette of St. Peter (handle of a dagger). 1897 Bronze Hand Mirror, the handle in form of a column, to stand on the table. length lOin. 1897a Bronze MIRROR, finely patinated. 8|^in. 1898 Bronze Hand Mirror, engraved with a winged genius, the handle in form of a winged female figure. length 13in. 1899 Bronze Handle of a Mirror, chased with three masks, and terminating in an animal’s head. length 5^in. 1900 Greek bronze Mirror, supported by a female draped figure standing on a folding chair. length 15^in. 1901 Circular bronze Mirror, supported by two small winged figures, which rest on the shoulders of a larger female draped figure ; on a circular stand. length 14^in. 1902 Circular bronze Mirror, surmounted by a sphinx, sup- ported by two panthers and a draped female figure ; on square bronze stand. length 15|^in. 1903 Circular bronze Mirror, supported by a harpy and two cocks ; on a fluted column. length 12^in. 1904 Two bronze Slides, and three Fragments. 1905 Three large bow-shaped Fibul.®, of coiled wire. length 6 in. H 2 108 Antiquk Bronzes and Metal Work. 1906 Three larpe hollow bow-shaped Fibul.®, engraved with lines. length 6^in. 1907 Twenty hollow bow-shaped Fibul.®, engraved fronts. 1908 Twelve Fibulae, of twisted wire, with bosses. 1909 Fifty Fibul.®, bow-shaped fronts, various. 1910 Eight bow-shaped Fibul®, on cards. 1911 Sixteen bow-shaped Fibul®, various, on a card. 1912 Thirteen Roman bronze Fibul®, various. 191.S Three Roman bronze bow-shaped Fibul®, on a card. 1914 Roman bronze bow-shaped Fibula, set in the centre with a large piece of variegated glass. 1915 Roman bronze Fibula, set in the centre of the bow with a piece of amber. 1915a Ten Roman silver Fibul®, various. 1916 Roman gilt bronze Fibula, bow-fronted, with transverse bar at the top. 1916a One hundred Roman bronze Fibul®, various. 1919 Three silver Bodkins. Found at Elmeswell, Suffolk. 1921 Silver Fibula, bow-shaped, with four bosses and long stem. 1922 Silver Fibula, bow-shaped, with two crescents in front. 1923 Silver Fibula, bow-shaped front, with three bands. 1924 Silver Fibula, double crescent, bow front. 1925 Two portions of a silver Armilla, with bossed ornaments. 1926 Pin and Spring of a large silver Fibula. 1927 Two bow-fronted silver Fibul®, with bosses in front. 1928 Small round silver BROOCH, with a lion suspended by a chain. 1929 Small silver bow-shaped FIBULA, ending in a duck’s head. 1930 Circular bronze Fibula, with raised centre ornamented with white, red, and blue enamel. 1931 Bronze FIBULA, circular centre, with double crescent at top and bottom, set with yellow, black, and red enamel. 1932 Eighteen bronze Fibul®, of various shapes, more or less ornamented with enamel. 1933 Bronze Fibula, in form of a fish, ornamented with red, green, and black enamel. 1934 Fragments, inlaid with enamel ; on a card. 1935 Three bronze pear-shaped LOCKBT.S, opening in front, the fronts have been ornamented with enamel ; at the backs eight holes. length about l|in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work 109 1936 Bronze Chain and Clasp, set with glass. 1937 Portion of a bronze Armilla, with a heart-shaped locket in front (the Cover wanting). 1938 Four bronze Signet Rings, one with a flower. 1939 Three small bronze Fibul.®, in form of birds. 1940 Large bronze Fibula, the bow front with five circular pieces of bronze. 1940a Thirteen broken Fibul.®. 1941 Large Roman bronze Fibula, bow front, of twisted work, terminating in a scroll at the bottom ; and an oval loose piece on the pin. length 6 in. 1942 Thirteen Roman bronze Fibul.®, various. 1943 Nine Roman bronze Fibula. 1944 Thirty-three Roman bronze Fibula. 194.5 Six Buckles and Bosses. 1946 Three Roman bronze Fibul..®, formed of coils of wire. 1947 Roman bronze Fibula, formed of four coils of wire. length 5^in. 1948 Roman bronze Fibula, formed of four coils of wire. length 7 in. 1949 Single CoiL of Bronze Wire, bound together by cross bands. 1950 Three double COILS of Wire. 1951 Bronze Fibula, in the centre a square piece of metal, with a rude figure of a man in a boat standing up, at the corners four coils of wire. 1952 Bronze Fibula, formed of a flat bar, on which are fastened two coils of wire. 1953 Three circular bronze Fibul.®, engraved ornaments on the front. 1954 Portion of an old leaden Chalice. Found at Cork. 1955 Roman bronze Female Figure, with diadem, height 3 in. 1956 Roman bronze Male Figure. height 4 in. 1957 Ten Roman bronze Figures of Animals. 1958 Roman bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of a man’s head. 1959 Roman bronze Lamp, ring handle. 1960 Bronze Handle, in form of a female head. 1961 Roman bronze Ring Handle, Satyrs’ heads, &c. 1962 Three Roman bronze Tubes. 110 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 1963 Roman bronze Foot of a Vase, three others, and five Fragments. 1964 Five Roman bronze Rings. 1965 Bronze twisted TORQUES, in four pieces. 1966 Ten bronze Handles of Vases. 1967 Bronze Handle, with two lions holding two medallions with masks. 1968 Bronze Handle, terminating in two open hands. 1969 Portion of a bronze Waist Belt, of open rings, connected by seven twisted wires. 1970 Top of a Caduceus, of iron, terminating with bronze rams’ heads. 1971 Bronze Handle of a Vase, scroll shaped, terminating in a horse’s head. length llin, 1972 Bronze Boss, in form of a tiger’s head. 1973 Two Portions of an ancient Clasp, with openwork figures of animals and men. 1974 Bronze Cross-hilt of a Sword, figures in relief. 1975 Square pierced Plaque, with two full-length figures. 1976 Twenty Fragments of Bronze, various. 1978 Bronze of a Man on Horseback (horse’s feet wanting). 1979 Small Bronze of a Man on Horseback (feet wanting). 1980 Fragment of a bronze Helmeted Head. 1981 Medallion of pierced bronze work. 1982 Three fine bronze Feet of a Vessel, of deities with emblems. 1983 Bronze FIGURE of a Harpy. Found in Cannon Street. 1984 Three square bronze BELLS. 1985 Bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of a rude female head. 1986 Two bronze Strigils, plain recurved handles. 1987 Three bronze Strigils, plain recurved handles (broken). 1988 Seven iron Nails, and four Fragments. 1989 Eight cup-shaped pieces of Bronze, and two Fragments. 1990 Twenty-eight antique bronze Weights, of different sizes. 1991 Leaden Figure of a Lizard. length 7^in. 1992 Leaden Amphora. 1993 Two bronze gouge-shaped Instruments. 1994 Five axe-shaped Instruments. 1995 Two bronze Beams for Scales. length 16in. 1996 Two Chains, one bronze and the other iron. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. Ill 1996a Thirteen bronze and iron Keys. 1997 Three ancient bronze Knives, and two of iron. 1998 Bronze Spear Head, and four Axe Heads. 1999 Bronze SiMPULUM. 2000 Four bronze Abmill^. 2001 Bronze circular Foot of a Vase. 2002 Bronze Lamp, on baluster column, supported by three leopards (one wanting). height 12in. 2008 Bronze Lamp Stand, on a baluster stem, round foot. height lOin. 2004 Bronze Oinochoe (handle wanting). height .'i^in. 200.5 Bronze oviform Vase. height 6 in. 2006 Bronze Prochous. height 9 in. 2007 Bronze Greek Vase, in form of an inverted cone, handle. over the top. height 4 in. 2008 Bronze Vase (broken). height 5}in. 2009 Bronze Vase (broken). height 5 in. 2010 Bronze Vase (no handle). height 5;i^in. 2011 Bronze Lamp, handle curved over the top, terminating in a mask. length 8 in. 2012 Bronze Lamp, handle curved over the top, terminating in a goose’s head. length 8^in. 2018 Bronze Lamp, ivy-leaf handle. length 7 in. 2014 Bronze Lamp, crescent handle. length 5|-in. 201.5 Bronze Lamp, handle curved over the top, terminating in a ram’s head. length 5^in. 2016 Bronze Lamp, in form of a goose, with chain attached for suspension. length 3^in. 2017 Bronze Lamp, double crescent handle. length 4 in. 2018 Bronze Lamp, crescent handle. Found at Colchester. length 3|in. 2019 Bronze Lamp, handle formed of scrolls, a sea horse, and birds and fishes. height 6^in. 2020 Bronze Lamp, in form of a Vase, with four projecting burners on which are birds ; handle in form of an animal. height 6|in. 2021 Bronze shallow Bowl. diam. 12iin. 2022 Bronze Greek Akatos, with boss in centre. diam. 7|in. 2023 Bronze Pail (broken), and two bronze Handles. 112 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 2024 Massive leaden Water Pipe, of the time of the Empress Poppaea, with inscription in relief: C. poppaei. AVG. I. HBRMETIS. length 18 in,, diam. 4 in. 202.5 Large Roman bronze Amphora, with two handles pro- jecting from the body ; globular form. Found at Cologne. height 20in. 2026 Twenty-two specimens of Roman Bronzes : Bells, Handles of Vases, and Buckles. 2027 Thirty-two Styli, Pins, Needles, &c. 2028 Twenty-two pieces of antique Bronzes : Buckles, Escutcheons, &c. 2029 Bronze Fibula, ornamented bow front with transverse bar. 2030 Bronze Fibula, circular top and triangular stem, with a relief of a man killing a bull. Found at Cologne. 2031 Bronze Bear, a Ring, Key, and two Birds, on a card. 2032 Twelve Roman bronze Fibula. 2033 Nineteen bow-shaped Fibula. 2034 Six bow-shaped Fibul.®, engraved, 2035 Nine bow-shaped Fibul®:. 2036 Thirty-three bronze MODELLING TOOLS, and a pocket Case of Tools. 2037 Four bow-shaped FiBUL®:. 2038 Six bow-shaped Fibul.®. 2039 Nine late Roman Fibul®:, three inlaid with enamel. 2040 Twenty-six various bronze IMPLEMENTS : a folding bronze Beam for Scales, a wire Fork, Tweezers, &c. 2041 Eighteen objects : five bronze SPOONS, a silver SPOON, and one of Bone, a Netting Needle, and a jet Handle. 2042 Seven circular bronze Buckles. 2043 Forty bone Pins. 2044 Twenty-five bone PiNS, ornamented heads. 2044a One hundred bone PiNS, various. 2045 Bronze Figure of Mercury. height 3 in. 2046 Bronze Figure of Cupid, seated. height 2 in. 2047 A quantity of fragments of Bronze : Handles, Animals, Figures, and portions of Chain, &c., in a box. Early British Weapons. 113 EARLY BRITISH WEAPONS. Mostly in perfect preservation, being found in the bed of the Thames. 2048 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword, with engraved handle and cup-shaped pommel. 2049 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword and handle. length 20in. 20.50 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword, with brass handle, engraved with annulets. length 27in. 2051 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword. length 20in. 2052 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword, skeleton handle. length 26in. 2053 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword, wide blade. length 22^in. 2054 Bronze SwORD. length 26in. 2055 Celtic bronze Sword, the blade engraved with minute lines in the centre. length 17|in. 2056 Celtic bronze Sword, rapier shaped, with two rivets for the handle. length 20in. 2057 Celtic bronze Sword ; no handle. length 17^in. 2058 Celtic bronze Dagger, with two rivet holes for the handle. length 8 in. 2059 Celtic bronze Dagger, no handle ; very wide, tapering to a point. length 10|in. 2060 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword. length 13in. 2061 Celtic bronze Sickle Head, one side flat, the other raised. length 7 in. 2062 Celtic bronze Sickle Head, one side flat, the other raised. length 7 in. 2063 Celtic bronze Sickle Head, one side flat, the other raised. length 7 in. 2064 Fourteen Celtic bronze Arrow Heads. length 2 in. 2064a Bronze Mace, with six blades. length 2^in. 2065 Six triangular Arrow Heads. 2066 Celtic bronze Lance Head, two loops on the stem. height 2^in. 114 Early British Weapons. 2067 Bronze barbed ARROW Head. length 3|in. 2068 Broken bronze leaf-shaped SwORD. 2069 Celtic bronze leaf-shaped Sword, skeleton handle ; of extraordinary length. length 31in. 2070 Greek bronze Bipennis, or Double-headed Axe, engraved with triangles and corded border ; a fine and rare speci- men. length 5^in. 2071 Bronze double-edged Celt, with hole in the middle. height 5 in. 2072 Bronze double-edged Celt, with hole in the middle. length 7 in. 2073 Bronze double-edged Celt, with hole in the middle. length 5 in. 2074 Greek bronze Weapon, pointed at one end, and long blade. length llin. 2075 Bronze SPEAR Head and portion of a Sword, on a card. 2076 Celtic bronze Spear Head, with two loops in the blade, following the course of the socket ; raised line down the centre and dotted line border. length 6^in. 2077 Celtic bronze Spear Head, two loops on the socket. length 8 in. 2078 Celtic bronze Spear Head, two loops on the socket. length 6|in. 2079 Celtic bronze Spear Head, two loops on the socket. length 5|in. 2080 Celtic bronze Spear Head, two loops on the socket, length 5^in. 2081 Two Celtic bronze Spear Heads (broken). 2082 Three CELTIC bronze Spear Heads. length 3Jin. 2083 Celtic bronze Dagger, blade ornamented with raised lines, tapering towards the point, three rivets for the handle. length lOin. 2083a Five bronze Celts, without loops. 2083b Ten bronze CELTS, with loops. 2083c Eight bronze Celts, various. 2083d Four bronze Hammer Heads. 2084 Celtic bronze Dagger, the blade ornamented with raised lines, tapering towards the point, and handle fastened by nine rivets length lljin. Early British Weapons. 115 2085 Celtic bronze Dagger, leaf-shaped, and bronze handle with seven rivets, the boss terminating in two scrolls, baluster ornament between. length lOin. 2086 Bronze Spear Head. length llin. 2087 Bronze Spear Head, two holes at the end of the blade. length 17|in. 2088 Bronze Spear Head. length lOin. 2089 Bronze Spear Head. length 8^in. 2090 Bronze Spear He.ad, ornamented with dotted lines. length 7;Jin. 2091 Bronze SPEAR Head, length 7fin., and a bronze Spike, length 4^in. 2092 Bronze Spear Head. length 6 in. 2092a Eight Spear Heads, broken. BRONZE CELTS (DOLABRA). Class 1. — Wedge-shaped. 2093 Plain bronze Celt. length 3^in. 2094 Plain bronze Celt. length 4|in. 2095 Plain bronze Celt, wide semi-circular end. length 5^^in. 2096 Plain bronze Celt. length 4 in. 2097 Plain bronze Celt, the stem slightly hammered over. length 6 in. 2098 Plain bronze Celt. length 4^in. Class 2.— Palstaves. 2099 Bronze Celt, with flange on each side in the centre. length 8 in. 2100 Bronze Celt, with flange on each side in the centre. length 9 in. 2101 Bronze Celt, with flange on each side in the centre. length 7 in. 2102 Two bronze CELTS. From Chiusi. length 7 in. 2103 Bronze Celt, same type as the preceding. length 5 in. 2104 Bronze Celt, same type as the preceding, ornamented with three rows of annulets on the blade. length 8 in. 2105 Bronze chisel-shaped Celt. length 7^in. 2106 Bronze Celt. length 5|in. 2107 Bronze Celt. length .'i^in. 116 Bronze Celts (Dolabra) 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 Bronze Celt, with flange nearly meeting to form a socket, and a loop at the side. length 6 in. Two Celts, of green stone, and another, yellow. length 8 in. Class 3. — Socketed. Bronze Celt, with socket. length 3^in. Bronze Celt, with socket, chisel-shaped. length 5|in. Bronze Celt, the exterior of the socket with crossed lines in relief. length 4|in. Bronze Celt, with socket, chisel-shaped, ornamented with numerous incuse lines, forming squares. length 6^ in. Bronze CELT, with socket, loop at the side. length i^in. Bronze Celt, with socket, loop at the side, quadrangular length 5 in. with socket, one loop, ornamented with length 4j^in. with socket, one loop, ornamented with length 3Jin. with socket, one loop, ornamented with Found in Ireland. length 3^in. loop, ornamented with Found in Ireland. length 4^in. loop, ornamented with Found in Ireland. length 3|in. loop, ornamented with Found in Yorkshire. length 3^ in. Four others, of the same type. Chisel-shaped Socketed Celt, engraved with border of triangles, a loop on each side. length 7|in. opening. Bronze Celt, raised lines. Bronze Celt, raised lines. Bronze Celt, raised lines, semi-circular end. Bronze CELT, with socket, one raised lines, semi-circular end. Bronze CELT, with socket, one raised lines, semi-circular end. Bronze CELT, with socket, one three raised lines on each side. STONE CELTS. 2124 Large stone wedge-shaped Axe Head. length 7 in. 2125 British Celt, of yellow flint. Found at Dorchester. length 8 in. Stone Celts. 117 2126 British Celt, of black stone. length 8 in. 2127 A flint CELT, in form of a knife. length 7^in. 2128 Five other stone Celts. 2129 Six stone Arrow Heads. 2130 Ancient BRITISH Ear-RING, silver ; ornamented with zigzags. Found near Bury St. Edmund’s. 2131 Early Irish silver penannular Fibula. 2132 American Indian War Club, of hard black stone. length 15^in. 2133 Celtic flattened oval stone Implement, with a hole in the centre, a groove on each side for a cord. Supposed anchor for a Coracle. 2134 Thirteen pieces of OBSIDIAN, formed into Arrow Heads and Knives by the American Indians ; and a flint Knife. 2134a Five Flint KNIVES, and four ARROW Heads. 213.5 Bronze Gouge, with socket. length 2^in. 21.36 Two hollow pointed Spikes. 2137 Roman Sword, leaf-shaped iron blade, bronze handle in form of an eagle’s head, with short cross piece. Found at Cologne. length 24^in. 2138 Small Roman Dagger, iron blade, with bronze handle and cross piece. length 4|in. 2139 Bronze SHOVEL, with socket. length 5 in. 2140 Roman bronze Nail. length 8 in. 2141 Peruvian bronze Axe-Head. 2142 Greek bronze Situla, fluted round the side, double, twisted handle at top, lion’s mask escutcheon. height 12in. 2143 Roman bronze Bowl, finely patinated (broken). diam. 9 in. 2144 Statuette of a Ram ; on wooden pedestal, height 3 in. 2145 Bronze Statuette of Cupid, with his finger to his mouth ; on marble pedestal. height 2^in. 2146 Two Fragments of bronze Handles, two figures kneeling, feeding Pegasus ; on marble stand. height l^in. 2147 Roman Statuette of a Pigmy, with a vase upon his head, in the attitude of boxing ; on yellow marble pedestal. height 5^in. 118 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. Roman Statuette of Bacchus, crowned with vine leaves and grapes, one arm raised ; on yellow pedestal. height 5|in. Roman Statuette of Bacchus, holding a bunch of grapes ; on marble pedestal. height 2^in. Bronze Foot of a Greek Vase, with two figures carrying a wine skin ; on marble pedestal. height 2|in. Bronze Bacchante (the hands wanting) ; on marble pedestal. height 2^in. Bronze Statuette of a Male draped Figure, with a torques round his neck, holding a bird ; on circular bronze pedestal. height 5}in. Bronze FIGURE of Mercury, holding the Caduceus and Purse ; on marble pedestal. height 2|in. Bronze nude Female Figure (the feet wanting). height 4|in. Bronze nude Male Figure (the feet wanting). height 3^in. Bronze nude Male Figure (legs and an arm wanting). height 4 in. Bronze nude Male Figure, seated (the feet wanting). height 3|in. Bronze draped Female Figure (hand wanting). height 2Jin. Small Etruscan Bronze of Hercules (the feet wanting). height 2|in. Bronze Statuette of a Girl, with light Goan, or trans- parent vest, holding a ball in her right hand ; patinated ; on marble pedestal. height 4Jin. Bronze Statuette of a Man, with his arm raised ; on bronze stand. height 6Jin. Bronze Statuette of a Man, with his arm raised, about to throw a ball ; on marble pedestal. height 4 in. Bronze Statuette of a Man, beautifully patinated ; on bronze plinth, marble pedestal. height 3|in. Bronze Statuette of a Man, holding a discus ; finely patinated ; on marble pedestal. height 4|in. Bronze STATUETTE of a Woman, with her hand before her face ; on circular bronze plinth ; marble pedestal. height 3^in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 119 2166 Greek bronze Statuette of a Warrior, on circular plinth ; marble pedestal (hand wanting). height 3 in. 2167 Bronze Female draped Figure, with diadem, holding a cornucopia ; on square bronze pedestal. height 5 in. 2168 Bronze nude Male Figure, holding a sword ; on wooden pedestal. height 3^in. 2169 Bronze draped FIGURE of a Boy, holding a head in his hand ; on marble pedestal. height 4|in. 2170 Bronze FIGURE of VENUS, with armlets and twisted anklets, which she is putting on, a dolphin by her side ; circular bronze stand of the time, engraved with acanthus leaves ; unique design, and elegant statuette. height 6|in. 2171 Bronze Figure of Mercury, with the Petasus, holding the Purse ; on circular bronze stand. height 6 in. 2172 Bronze FIGURE of Minerva, with the Helmet and ^Egis. height 3 in. 2173 Bronze Figure of a Goat ; on wood pedestal. Found in Lad Lane, London. height l^in. 2174 Bronze FIGURE of Mercury ; on circular bronze pedestal. height 4^in. 2175 Bronze Head of a Child, of fine work, the gold eyes have been removed ; on marble pedestal. height 2|in. 2176 Bronze Figure of Hercules with the lion’s skin ; on marble pedestal. height 4^in. 2177 Bronze Satyr, on one knee, and a loop of a vase attached. height 3 in. 2178 Bronze Female draped Figure. height 3 in. 2179 Bronze DuCK, swimming ; on marble pedestal. height l^in. 2180 Two bronze Geese ; on circular stands. height 2^in. 2181 Bronze Female draped Figure, with diadem ; on marble pedestal. height 4iin. 2182 Btonze Figure of a Mole ; on bronze stand, height 2 in. 2183 Bronze Lion couchant ; on marble stand. height 1 in. 2184 Bronze Figure of Hercules, the lion’s skin over his left arm ; on marble pedestal. height 9 in. 2185 Bronze Figure of Mercury, with the Petasus and Talaria, holding the Caduceus ; on circular bronze pedestal. height ll^in. 120 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work, 2186 Roman bronze nude Venus ; on hexagonal stand. height 13in. 2187 Roman bronze Venus, with diadem and armillae ; on marble pedestal. height 9|in. 2188 Roman bronze Group of Hercules overcoming Ant^us, the mighty giant and wrestler* (compare No. 2253). height 6|in. 2189 Roman bronze Statuette of Mercury, without ihe usual emblems. height 5|in. 2190 Roman bronze Statuette of Mercury, holding drapery on his left arm (right arm wanting). height 5^in. 2191 Roman bronze draped Male Figure, holding the Discus. height 4^in. 2192 Roman bronze draped Male Figure. height 4 in. 2193 Roman bronze seated Figure of Jupiter, holding the Thunderbolt and Sceptre. height 3^in. 2194 Roman bronze of a Goat, carrying two wine skins on its back ; on quadrangular bronze stand. height 4}in. 2195 Roman bronze Figure of Bacchus, reclining on a wine skin, holding a Patera ; on marble pedestal, height l|in. 2196 Roman bronze Figure of a Bull. height l^in. 2197 Roman bronze Figure of a Tiger and a Dog; on marble pedestal. height 2 in. 2198 Greek bronze Figure of a Satyr ; much corroded. height 3 in. 2199 Roman bronze Figure of a Bull. height 2 in. 2200 Roman bronze Figure of a Bull. height l|in. 2201 Roman bronze Figure of a Dog, seated, with a collar round its neck ; on marble pedestal. height 2;J^in. 2202 Roman (?) iron Standard, of square form. length 9 in. 2203 Roman bronze Figure of a Lioness ; on marble pedestal. height IJin. 2204 Roman bronze Group of Bacchus, supported by two Satyrs ; on marble pedestal. height 2^in. • Ant.®D8, son of Nbptune and Tellds (Earth), a mighty giant and wrestler of Libya, whose strength was invincible so long as he remained on his mother earth. All strangers were compelled to wrestle with him, and the conquered were slain. Hercules discovered the source of his strength, lifted him from the earth, and crushed him in the air. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 121 2205 220G 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 221.‘i 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 height 4 in. height l|in. height 2 in. height 2^in. Roman bronze Figure of a Cock ; on marble pedestal. height l|in. Roman bronze Figure of Venus. height 3^in. Roman bronze Figure of a Bull ; on marble pedestal. height l|in. Roman bronze Figure of Harpocrates, holding a cornu- copia. height 2^in. Roman bronze Figure of a Goat. height l^in. Roman bronze Figure of a Bird. height 2 in. Roman bronze Figure of a Dolphin. height l^in. Two rude Etruscan bronze HORSES, small. Etruscan bronze Female Figure, draped, Roman bronze Figure of Harpocrates. Roman bronze Figure of Jupiter, seated. Roman bronze Female draped Figure. Roman bronze Figure of Hercules, finely patinated ; on square bronze stand. height 8 in. Roman bronze Figure of Mercury, with the Chlamys over his shoulder ; on marble pedestal. height 7 jin. Roman bronze Figure of Venus, with diadem, holding the Apple of Discord in one hand, and a wreath in the other ; on a semi-circular stand, with steps in front, on which are two cupids ; very fine design and finish. height 9^in. Roman bronze Vase, with handle over the top, in form of a male head and bust ; finely patinated. height 7 in. Roman bronze Head ; on wooden stand. Found in London. height 3 in. Roman bronze of a Hare. height 2 in. Roman bronze Group of a Man leading a horse ; on marble pedestal. height 2 in. Roman bronze Steelyard Weight, of a woman’s head (Equipondium). Found in the Borough. height 3 in. Roman bronze of a Goat ; on marble pedestal. height 2iin. Roman bronze Figure of Minerva, seated, holding a Patera ; on marble stand. height 3 in. Roman bronze draped Female Figure. height 3 in. Roman bronze Figure of a Boy, running ; on marble pedestal. height 2jin. I 122 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 2229 Roman bronze Male Figure, draped (no hands or feet). height 4 in. 2230 Roman bronze Figure of Diana, carr 5 dng a bow. height 3^in. 2231 Roman bronze Figure of Harpocrates, with cornucopia and finger to his lips. height 3 in. 2232 Roman bronze Figure of Harpocrates, winged, with cornucopia and finger to his lips. 2233 Four Roman bronze Figures of Hercules, with the Lion’s Skin (mutilated). height about 4 in. 2234 Roman bronze Figure of Harpocrates, holding the Cornucopia ; on marble pedestal. height 1 in. 2235 Two Bronzes, one with a monkey’s head, the other of a pig’s head. height 3^in. 2236 Two small bronze CUPIDS. height l^in. 2237 Bronze STATUETTE of CUPiD ; on square stand. height 3 in. 2238 Two small bronze Hares. 2239 Small bronze Figure of Harpocrates ; on square bronze stand ; and another of Cupid. height l;[in. 2240 Small bronze FIGURE of Cupid, on square bloodstone stand. height l^in. 2241 Eleven bronze Male Figures (mutilated). 2242 Bronze Capital of a Column ; on marble stand. 2243 Bronze Male draped FIGURE, holding a large dish in his hands. height 3iin. 2244 Bronze Statuette of a Boy, running ; on marble pedestal. height 3^in. 2245 Bronze of a Panther, walking ; on marble pedestal. height l|^in. 2246 Bronze Statuette of Hercules, holding his club ; on marble pedestal. height l^in. 2247 Bronze nude Male Figure, holding a Patera ; on marble pedestal. height 2 in. 2248 Bronze Male Figure, holding a Patera ; on marble pedestal. height 1 in. 2249 Bronze Figure of a reclining Satyr ; on marble stand. height l|in. 2250 Roman bronze draped Figure, feathers on her head, holding a cornucopia. height 2^in. 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 123 Roman bronze Tap, terminating in an animal’s head, handle in form of a triton. Bronze Group of a Female, riding on a sea horse; on wooden pedestal. height 6 in. Two bronze Handles of a Vase, in form of two figures wrestling ; mounted on marble pedestal (v. 2188). height 4r5in. Bronze Bull, of fine work (two feet wanting, verj’ much corroded). height 5 in. Bronze Head of a Bull, very early work ; on marble pedestal. height 8^in. Bronze Dish, raised centre. diam. lOin. Bronze Dish. diam. 9^in. Etruscan bronze Figure of a Warrior, with large semi- circular helmet of rude work ; on marble pedestal. height ll^in. Etruscan bronze Figure of a Warrior, with large semi- circular helmet, of rude work. height 7^in. Etruscan bronze Figure of a Warrior, with large semi- circular helmet, of rude work ; on marble pedestal. height 5 in. Bronze FIGURE of a Warrior, draped. height 4iin. Bronze draped Female Figure, with cornucopia. height 6 in. Two bronze draped Female Figures. height 5 in. Antique bronze helmeted Figure. height 6 in. Bronze Swivel Hook, rudely carved with a satyr’s head. length 7^in. Pair of Roman Nut-crackers, handle terminating in men’s heads, animals and birds on the stem. length 5 in. Pair of bronze Clasps, with rampant bulls in relief. Small bronze of a Monkey, holding a wreath, and a tortoise. height 2^in. Two Boys riding on tortoises. height 2 in. Eight bronze STATUETTES of HERCULES (mostly broken). Roman bronze Warrior. height 3 in. Roman bronze Hand, holding an Oinochoe. Twelve Roman bronze Heads of Animals. Roman bronze Bird’s Head. I 2 124 Antique Beonzes and Metal Work. 2275 Greek bronze Bowl, resting on three paws, four lions couchant round the rim, and two handles. height 4iin., diam. Min. 2276 Greek bronze square Stand, with cylindrical pillar. height 6 in. 2277 Greek bronze Simpulum, broken into fragments. 2278 Greek bronze Simpulum. ' length 9 in. 2279 Greek bronze Prochous, scroll handle, terminating in an acanthus leaf. height llin. 2280 Greek bronze Prochous, fluted handle, terminating in an acanthus leaf. height 12in. 2281 Greek bronze Bowl, resting on three claws, two wire handles. height 5in., diam. llin. 2282 Greek bronze pierced Bowl, resting on three feet, and three handles, pierced side ; a series of birds round the rim in relief. height 5 in . 2282a Bronze JUG, wide mouth. height 3^in. 2283 Greek bronze Tripod-stand, resting on three claws, supporting a bowl. height 9 in. 2284 Greek bronze Lamp, resting on a tripod. height 5 in. 2285 Greek bronze shallow Pan, with handle. length lO^in. 2286 Greek bronze square Scraper, long stem. length llin. 2287 Greek bronze Simpulum, with long fluted stem, the handle terminating in a duck’s head. length 17in. 2288 Two Greek bronze Strainers (Cola), engraved with a figure on the handles. length lOin. 2289 Greek bronze Ladle (Simpulum), fluted stem engraved with a man, the handle terminating in a horse’s head. length lOin. 2290 Two Greek bronze Ladles, handles terminating in ducks’ heads. length llin. 2291 Greek bronze Strainer (Colum), flat stem, ending in a crescent-shaped handle. length 12^in. 2292 Greek bronze circular Pyxis, resting on three winged figures, the cover surmounted by a male figure. height 9 in. 2293 Greek bronze Tripod Candelabrum, resting on three human feet, an animal climbing up the stem. height 17in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 125 2294 Roman bronze Cover of a Vase, inlaid with enamel. height 2 in. 2295 Greek bronze Oinochoe, trefoil lip, the handle termi- nating in an acanthus leaf. height 8 in. 2296 Greek bronze Urn (Diota), on a foot, two handles. height 6 in. 2297 Greek bronze Skyphos. height 4 in. 2298 Greek bronze Tripod-stand, the stem in form of a satyr. height 8jin. 2299 Etruscan bronze Vase, high handle, the lower part engraved. height 7 in. 2300 Greek bronze Prochous, fluted handle, terminating in an animal’s head. height 4^in. 2301 Greek bronze Amphora, high handles, terminating in acanthus leaves. height 7 in. 2302 Greek bronze Jug, with high handle, terminating in an animal’s head, and mask. height 85in. 2303 Roman bronze Vase and Cover, ornamented with wavy lines of red, blue, and green enamel (rare). height 3^in. 2304 Greek bronze round Pyxis, ornamented at top and bottom with concentric rings. height 2 in. 2305 Bronze circular Pyxis and Cover, with baluster knob. height 4|in. 2306 Roman bronze Amphora, of globular form, with two small handles. height 4r^in. 2307 Roman bronze Cup, on stem and foot. height 3^in. 2308 Roman bronze Amphora, of globular form, with two small handles, suspended by three chains, one of which holds the cover ; and glass shade. height l^in. 2309 Greek bronze globular Amphora, with female busts on the top ; conical cover, surmounted by a female head. height 14in. 2310 Greek bronze Jug, no handle. 2311 Greek bronze Askos, handle over the top. height 3fin. 2312 Two Roman bronze Jugs, high handles. height 6^in. 2313 Greek bronze Strainer (Colum), handle terminating in a duck’s head. length llin. 2314 Greek bronze Ladle (Simpulum), ending in a duck’s head. 126 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 2315 Greek bronze Strainer (Colnm), ending in a duck’s head. height 9 in. 2316 Greek bronze Situla, double handle over the top, female head escutcheons. height 8 in. 2317 Greek bronze Tripod Candelabrum, resting on three human feet, the stem formed of a man supporting a column. height 17^in. 2318 Greek bronze Kylix, two handles. height 3^in. 2319 Greek bronze Kylix, without a stem. diam. 7^in. 2320 Greek Bronze Kylix. height 2^in., diam. 9in. 2321 Bronze Tripod Candelabrum, resting on three horses’ legs ; an animal climbing up the stem. height 15in. 2322 Greek bronze Oinochoe, fluted handle, trefoil lip. height 9 in. 2323 Greek bronze Pyxis, circular, the cover surmounted by the statuette of a boy. height 7|in. 2324 Roman bronze Stylus and five bronze Spoons on a card. 2325 Rom.an silver SPOON, circular Ladle, three bronze Spoons of the same form, and two Modelling Tools, on a card. Found at Colchester. 2326 Roman silver Spoon, pear-shaped bowl and pointed stem. 2327 Roman silver Spoon, pear-shaped bowl and pointed stem. 2328 Roman silver Spoon, pear-shaped bowl and pointed stem. 2329 Two Roman silver Spoons, circular bowls, pointed stems. 2330 Mbdi.(EVAl silver Spoon, circular bowl, with ring at the end of the stem. 2331 Mediaeval brass Spoon, pear-shaped bowl, and acorn on the end of the stem. 2332 Three Rom.vn bone SPOONS. 2333 Card containing a bronze Spoon and five bronze Pins. 2334 Card containing Roman bronze Pins, Styli, Necklace, and Beads. 2335 Card containing a bronze TORQUES, four Armill^, frag- ments of Chain, and a Handle inlaid with silver. 2336 Card containing two Fragments of BRONZE, ornamented with annulets. 2337 Card containing fourteen bronze BUCKLES, and objects from the Thames. 2338 Card containing two leaden Seals, brass Rings, Clasps, &c., from the River Thames. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 127 2339 Card containing twelve bronze Implements, Modelling Tools, Pins, &c. 2340 Twelve bronze Armill^, of various patterns. 2:541 Bronze Armilla, engraved with Roman capitals, settings for stones between each letter. 2342 Six Armill.^:, ornamented ends, not joined. 2:543 Four Armill^, pointed ends, not joined. 2344 Ten iron Manillas, current in Africa, commonly called Ring-money. Made at Birmingham. 2344a Three silver Armilla. 2:545 Five stout bronze Armillae, ornamented with rings. 234(5 Pair of bronze Armill.E, spiral wire. 2347 Three hollow Armilla, ribbed. 2348 Massive bronze Ring, of hollow metal, engraved with annulets and lines, and nine others. 2349 Bronze Armilla, with hollow boss, fastened by a swivel. 2:550 Bronze Armilla, of beaded ornament. 2:551 Four bronze Rings, or Armilla. Found at Mai ton. 2352 Pair of bronze COMPASSES. 2353 Portion of Chain Armour, on card. 2354 Eight bronze PiNS, on a card. 2355 Card containing thirty-two pieces of bronze FiBULiE, Armill.^:, &c. 2356 Coil of bronze Wire, forming a boss. 2357 Bronze Torques, formed of two twisted wires, looped at the ends. 2358 Bronze Torques, of stout wire, with spiral ornament. 2359 Bronze Torques, of double twisted wire. 2360 Bronze Torques, the end engraved with zigzag orna- ments. 2361 Bronze TORQUES, of hollow metal. 2362 Bronze Torques, with a boss at each end. 2363 Bronze TORQUES, very massive. 2364 Bronze Torques, cup-shaped ends. 2365 Bronze Torques, very massive, the outside convex. 2366 Two Spiral Wires, of bronze (protection for the arm in warfare). 2367 Massive bronze Armilla, with button ends. 2368 Bronze Armilla, embossed, with cup-shaped ends. 128 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 23G9 Three heavy iron Rings, the exterior ornamented with bosses. 2370 Small bronze Armilla, pointed ends; and four others broken. 2371 Roman bronze Ream and Swivel of a pair of Scales. length 13in. 2372 Roman bronze Ring, to which a number of other rings are attached. 2373 Roman bronze Buckles and Fragments. 2373a Thirty -three bronze Armill.®, various. 2373b Two bronze TORQUES, plain. 2374 Roman bronze Folding Beam of a pair of Scales (Libra). 2375 Roman bronze pendant Ornament of twisted wire, Avith three rings and drops. 237G Six Roman bronze Pins and Needles, on a card. 2377 Ten Early Irish bronze Pins, with swivel rings at the ends ; and another, with semi-circular swivel. 2378 Six Swivel Beams for Gipcieres or Purses, on a card. 2379 Roman bronze Bowl, with flat handle projecting from the rim, on which is the maker’s name. length 5^in. 2;180 Roman bronze shallow Bowl, plain. diam. 6;J^in. 2381 Bronze Harpago, a Culinary or Sacrificial Instrument, with seven claws and three other hooks on the handle. length 17in. 2382 Bronze Harpago, similar to the preceding, with seven claws and three other hooks on the handle, imperfect. length 13in. 2383 Bronze Simpulum, deep boAvl, terminating in a duck’s beak. length 19in. 2384 Bronze two-edged Knife, the handle chased with leaves. 2385 Bronze Vase, with scroll handle turned partly over the mouth, with a ring and chain for suspension, an inscrip- tion on the outside ; at the end of the handle is a mask. height 9 in. 2380 Bronze Pail, engraved Avith interlaced arches and lozenges, handle over the top. height 6 in. 2387 Bronze Wine Cup, “Trulla vinaria,” Avith handle pro- jecting from the rim, ending in a lion’s head. height 3 in. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 129 2388 Bronze Simpulum, deep bowl, long handles, ending in a duck’s head. height 21in. 2389 Shallow bronze Pan, handle projecting from the rim, ending in a duck’s head. length 14^in. 2390 Another of the same description. length 20in. 2391 Bronze JUG, oviform, with angular handle, height 12^in. 2392 Greek bronze Prochous, fluted handle, terminating in an acanthus leaf. height 12in. 2393 Roman bronze Statuette of Jupiter, apparentlj^ holding a thunderbolt in his hand ; modern spikes inserted into his head. height 6^in. 2394 (See Addenda, Nos. 3841 to 3851.) 2395 Roman bronze Venus, of fine work. 2396 Roman bronze Figure of Bacchus, with wreath of vine leaves on his head, holding a Patera in one hand and a cup in the other. height 12|in. 2397 Roman bronze Figure of Bacchus, holding a wine skin on his shoulder and an inverted torch in his right hand, one foot broken off ; of fine bold work ; much corroded. height llin. 2398 Roman bronze Figure of Hercules, with the lion’s skin, one arm and the two legs wanting. height 4} in. 2399 Roman bronze Figure of a Youth, holding a cup in his hand. height 13|in. 2400 Roman bronze Statuette of Cupid, running, one arm wanting ; the eyes have been inlaid with gold ; of very fine antique work. height 16in. 2401 Roman bronze Figure of Bacchus, with leopard’s skin, holding a Kantharos ; on bronze stand. height 13in. 2402 Roman bronze Figure of Hercules ; on marble pedestal. height 3^in. 2403 Roman bronze Dancing Figure, one arm broken off. height 3^in. 2404 Roman bronze Key, two sets of wards, one crescent- shaped. 2405 Roman silver Spoon, pointed stem, pear-shaped bowl ; inscribed in the bowl “ Nocturna et seriola.” 2406 Roman silver Fibula, bow-shaped front, with four pro- jecting bosses and transverse bar at the top. 2407 Small Roman white metal Spoon, engraved with scrolls. 130 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 2408 Roman iron Implement, the handle of silver, nielloed with scrolls, of very line work. Found at Cologne. 2409 Four small bronze Arrow-heads. 2410 Greek bronze Helmet, with hinged oreillets. 2411 Bronze Instrument, with hooks and long fluted handle. Chiusi. length 144in. 2412 Two Roman bronze Fire-Dogs, the cross pieces termi- nating in griffins’ heads. Chiusi. (t7n/(7Me.) length 15^in. 2413 Roman bronze Ring, with six projecting bosses. Chiusi. 2414 Roman bronze fluted Handle of a Vase, terminating at the top in a ram’s head, at the bottom a medallion of two figures in relief. Chiusi. length 8 in. 2415 Two Roman bronze fluted Handles of a Vase, termi- nating in masks. Chiusi. 241G Tripod Candelabrum, resting on three human feet, cylindrical form. Chiusi. height 12in. 2417 Bronze Cauldron, engraved at top and bottom with acanthus leaves and a series of rings round it, the cover surmounted by a male and female figure joining hands ; resting on three claws. Chiusi. height 15in. 2418 Bronze SiTULA, double handle over the top, with escut- cheons of a mask and Pan’s head. From Chiusi. height 6 in. 2419 Bronze cylindrical PYXIS, resting on three bull’s hoofs, the cover surmounted by a female reclining figure. From Chiusi. height 7 in. 2420 Tripod Candelabrum, resting on three human feet, a monkey climbing up the stem. From Chiusi. height 164in. 2421 Bronze Tripod, the stem in form of a man supporting a small bowl. From Chiusi. height lO^in. 2422 Bronze Female Figure between two frogs ; on a circular pedestal. From Chiusi. height 5|in. 2423 Bronze Harpago, seven claws, twisted stem. From Chiusi. length IGMn. 2424 Three bronze BOSSES, in form of animals’ heads. i 2425 Bronze Handle of a Vase, of square form. 2426 Two bronze Feet of a Vase. 2427 Greek bronze Statuette of Minerva, with helmet and corslet ; very fine (hand wanting). height 7 in Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 131 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 Greek bronze Figure of Camilla, running, her flowing garments exquisitely modelled ; a graceful statuette (arms wanting). height 55in. Statuette of Venus, with Armillae ; on a circular bronze pedestal. extreme length l^in. Bronze Statuette of Mars, feet and one arm wanting. Spout of a Vase, in form of a satyr’s head. Bronze Tripod Candelabrum, the stem supported by a man ; animals climbing up it. height 20in. Roman bronze Tripod, supporting a bowl, ornamented with horses and figures on the ends (broken). Bronze Pillar of Candelabrum, resting on three lion’s paws. height 46in. A very Early Irish Bell, of square form, and handle over the top, plain outside, to which is attached a small silver crucifix of later date. height llin. Silver Saxon Armilla, stamped with crosses and zigzags ; very stout. Silver Armilla, chain pattern, terminating in lions’ heads. Quadrangular silver Armilla, with twisted ends. Silver ARMILLA, twisted ends, loose piece to fasten. Silver Armilla, with bosses on the ends. Silver Fibula, with long stem. n Silver bow-shaped Fibula. Silver lozenge-shaped Fibula, long stem. Silver Fibula, of similar form. Silver bow-shaped Fibula. Pair of silver Armilla, with pointed bosses on the ends. Roman bronze Statuette of Neptune ; on a circular Verde antique stand. height llMn. Male Figure, drajjed ; on a square white marble pedestal. height 4^0. Female draped Figure, dancing ; on a yellow marble stand. height 5 in. Bronze Statuette of a Roman Soldier (one leg wanting). height 4|in. Six small Bronzes of Panthers couchant. each 1| in. Bronze Statuette of Bacchus, holding the Thyrsus, the Panther’s skin inlaid with silver ; by his side a panther ; on a square plinth. height 62in. length 7;J^in. length 5Mn. length 5^in. length 3^in. length 22in. 132 Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 2453 Bronze Strigil, in good preservation. 24.54 (Removed to No. 3102.) 2455 Greek Lamp, in form of a foot, finely patinated. length 4|in. 245G Lioness crouching. height 3^in. 2457 Sacrificial Instrument, in form of a bent hand, twisted stem ; for collecting ashes on the altar. length llin. 2458 Foot of a Vase, in form of a winged figure of Ceres, terminating in a lion’s paw. 2459 Steelyard Weight, bronze, in form of the head of a bacchante, with leojiard’s skin and silver eyes (Equi- pondium). height 4^in. 2460 Bronze Mirror, Cover ornamented in relief with Bacchus, Cupid, and a nymph. diam. 5|in. 2461 Bronze Mirror, repousse, with Diana, a Dog, and a Shepherd. diam. 6^in. 2462 A silver Wreath of Myrtle Leaves and Berries. {From the Duke of Milano's Collection.) 2463 A draped Female Figure, on a bronze circular pedestal. height lOin. 2464 Roman bronze Figures of Bacchus and a Dwarf, on marble pedestal. {PulsJaj Collection.) height 7 in. 2465 Small Female Mask, with high head dress, height l]in. 2466 Female Head, with pointed head dress. height l^in. 2467 Fine antique bronze Statuette, wreath round the head and a cloak over the shoulders ; one arm and the feet wanting. height 5 in. 2468 Roman bronze Figure of Hercules, holding his club. height 3|in. 2469 Small bronze CuPID. height 3 in. 2470 Small bronze seated FIGURE. height 3 in. 2471 Bronze crouching Figure. height 1 in. 2472 Nude Male Roman Figure, one arm wanting, height 7^in. 2473 Statuette of Minerva holding an owl. height 5fin. 2474 Nude Male Figure of Mercury, arms and foot wanting. height 6 in. 2475 Handle of a Vase, in form of a lion’s head. 2476 Etruscan bronze Warrior, on horseback, wearing a helmet, finely patinated. {From the Pulsky Collection.) height lOin. Antique Bronzes and Metal Work. 133 2476a Figure of Mercury (perfect). height 5|in. 2477 Etruscan bronze Figure of a Man, in a seated posture as on horseback, finely patinated. The figure is in the same attitude as No. 2476. {From the Pulsky Collection.) 2478 Two Panthers, Etruscan work. length 5 in, 2479 Etruscan Figure of a Man, holding the Discus. height 3|in. 2480 Greek bronze Figure of a Warrior, with high helmet, corslet, and greaves, finely patinated ; wooden pedestal. height 8 in. 2481 Etruscan Oinochoe, in form of an animal’s skin. height 4|in. 2482 A bronze Satyr, with his hands raised, and long tail. On a quatrefoil stand. height 4 in. 2483 A bronze Satyr, with his hands raised. height 4 in. 2484 A Roman bronze File, length 9 in. 2485 A Roman bronze File. length 8|in. 2486 Roman Steelyard Weight, in form of a female head, loops on the top of the head. height 4 in. 2486a a bronze Group OP Four Children, dancing ; circular stand. ANTIQUE ARMOUR. 2487 Greek bronze Helmet, shaped in front for the eyes, with nasal- and cheek-pieces ; holes round the openings and round the back of the neck for fastening the chain armour ; globular form. 2488 Greek bronze Helmet, of the same form as the preceding. 2489 Greek bronze Helmet, of the same form. 2490 Greek bronze Helmet, of the same form, with holes cut for the ears. 2491 Greek bronze Helmet, of the same form, engraved round the openings, without holes for fastening the mail. 2492 Greek bronze Helmet, of the same form, with double raised line round the openings and over the top of the head ; no nasal. 2493 Greek bronze Helmet, raised eyebrows and holes for the eyes and nasal ; the lower part has been originally joined. 134 Antique Armour. 2494 Greek bronze Helmet, with nasal ; much broken. 2495 Roman bronze Back- and Breast-plate, ornamented with large and small bosses, repousse ; with fastenings on the right shoulder and side, the other being riveted. 249(5 Greek bronze Backplate, broken. 2497 Two Greek bronze Greaves, with fastenings at the back of the calf of the leg. 2498 Two Greek bronze Greaves, with fastenings at the back of the calf of the leg. 2499 Greek bronze Waist-belt, with fastenings of hooks and eyes. 2500 Large bronze Ring, with forty-five smaller rings strung on it. 2501 Four large bronze Rings, with six bosses. 2502 Part of a bronze Trumpet. 2503 Round Greek or Roman bronze Helmet, with engraved ornament on the lower part. 2.504 Etruscan bronze of a Man, on horseback ; on a circular pedestal. height 4Jin. 2505 Etruscan bronze of a Man, on horseback, with the Chlamys. height 3 in. 2.50(5 Hercules, Roman work. height 3^in. 2507 Statuette of a Female Figure, with diadem, holding castanets in her hands. height 4 in. 2508 Roman bronze Candelabrum. length 3 jin. 2509 Roman bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of the head of Pan. length 3jin. 2510 Roman bronze Handle of a Vase, in form of a satyr’s head. length 3 in. 2511 Roman bronze Tragic Mask. length Ijin. 2512 Bronze Standard, head of wreaths, &c. (doubtful). 2513 Bronze boat-shaped UTENSIL, resting on four legs and two raised pieces in centre (doubtful). 2514 Small Roman bronze Head, with the tongue out of its mouth. height Ijin. 2515 Seven small Roman bronze Female Heads, height Ijin. 2516 Copper Coin of Nero, mounted in bronze ; on the reverse an Emperor in a chariot, damascened in gold. Antique Glass 135 2517 Five Roman copper Coins. 2518 Roman enamelled Fibula. 2519 Roman Cloisonne enamel Brooch, in form of a sea-horse. 2.520 Greek bronze Prochous ; at the end of the handle is an escutcheon, with a figure of a satj’r drawing water from a lion’s head fountain into an Amphora. height 10|in. 2521 Bronze SiTULA, double handle over the top, height llin. 2522 Greek bronze Prochous, loop handle, terminating in a leaf. height 12|in. 2523 Greek bronze shallow Pan, the handle in form of a nude female figure, with movable ring at the end for suspen- sion. length 14in. 2524 Greek bronze shallow Pan, the handle in form of a male figure. length 17Mn. ANTIQUE GLASS. 2.525 Roman purple Urn. height 9^in., circumference 30^in. 252G Roman Amphora, broad fluted handles, of cylindrical form. Found at Cologne. height 30in. 2527 Roman Amphora, of cylindrical form, broad fluted handles. Found at Cologne. height 95in. 2528 Roman Jug, with broad fluted handle (lip broken). Found at Cologne. height 8^in. 2529 Roman globular Bottle (repaired). height 8fin. 2530 Roman Bowl, ribbed. height l|in., diam, 4^in. 2531 Two Roman Unguentaria. height 6 in. 2532 Roman Cup, with four indentations on the side. height 3|in. 2533 Roman Cup. height 3 in. 2534 Roman Cup, on foot, with snakes in relief. Found at Cologne. height 7 in. 2.535 Roman Amphora, ribbed, two slender handles, height 7^in. 253G Roman Bowl, ribbed, fine iridescence. diam. 5^in., height 2^in. 2537 Roman variegated CuP, yellow, green, and blue bands. diam. 3|in., height l|in. 2538 Two Roman Unguentaria, light green glass, beautifully iridescent. height 3 in. 136 Antique Glass. 2.’).39 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 Roman blue Bottle, opalised surface. height 2jin. Small Roman yellow Bottle. height l|in. Roman Bottle. height 2] in. Roman Lachrymatory. height 24in. Greek Amphora, blue, with green and yellow zigzag ornaments. height 3 in. Greek Amphora, green, yellow, and blue zigzag ornaments. height 3|in. Roman Bottle, green, opalised surface. height 3^in. Roman Bottle, with long neck (repaired). height 7 in. Roman Urn, green, broad mouth. height 3iin. Roman Cup, with fillet round the neck. height 4 in. Roman globular Amphora. height 3 in. Roman yellow Bottle. height 3 in. Roman Bottle, purple. height 3 in. Roman Bottle, light green. height 2|in. Roman Bottle, white. height 2iin. Roman Bottle, white. height 2^in. Roman green Bottle, compressed lip, in form of a bird. height 2]in. Roman white Vase, opalised surface. height 2|in. Roman blue Bottle. height 2^in. Roman blue Bottle. height 2^in. Roman blue Bottle. height 3^in. Roman violet Bottle. height 24in. Roman blue Bottle, encircled by a spiral thread. height 3|in. Greek blue Amphora, yellow and green zigzags round. height 2|in. Greek blue Oinochoe, white zigzag ornaments, and yellow spiral thread round. height 4^in. Greek blue Amphora, green zigzags, and yellow spiral lines. height 3^in. Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags, and spiral lines (damaged). height 2|in. Greek blue Oinochoe, trefoil lip. height 2|in. Greek blue Amphora, yellow spiral lines. height 2 in. Greek blue Amphora, yellow and green zigzags. height 2fin. Greek blue Oinochoe, trefoil lip. height 2^in. Antique Glass 137 2570 Greek blue Amphora, light blue and yellow zigzags. height 3|in. 2571 Greek light green Amphora, yellow and white zigzags. height 3 in. 2572 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags and yellow spiral ornament. height 34in. 2573 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags and yellow spiral ornament. height 4 in. 2574 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags. height 4 in. 2575 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags. height 2|in. 2576 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags. height 2|in. 2577 Greek blue Amphora, green and yellow zigzags. height 3^in. 2578 Greek blue Amphora, long neck and foot, yellow and white spiral ornament. height 4|in. 2579 Greek blue Bottle, yellow and white zigzag and spiral ornament, long neck and foot. height 4|in. 2580 Greek opaque white Amphora, brown zigzag and spiral ornament. height 2|in. 2581 Greek blue Bottle, long neck and foot, yellow and white zigzag and spiral ornament. height 3,[in. 2582 Greek slate-coloured Oinochob, yellow and white zigzags and yellow spirals. height 2fin. 2583 Greek blue Amphora, yellow and green zigzags and yellow spirals, the lip and foot edged with green. height 3^in. 2584 Greek blue Amphora, yellow and green zigzags, yellow spiral ornament. height 2|in. 2585 Greek blue Oinochoe, white and yellow spiral threads. height 2 in. 2586 Greek blue Bottle, two handles and four small feet, ornamented yellow and white zigzags. height 2^in. 2587 Greek blue Oinochoe, yellow and white zigzags and scrolls, trefoil lip. height 6|in. 2588 Greek blue Oinochoe, with zigzag ornament ; rosettes in the centre (repaired). height 5Jin. 2589 Roman white frosted pointed Bowl, height 4in., diam. 6in. K 138 Antique Glass. 2590 Roman yellow pointed Bowl, engine-turned lines round the outside. height 4 in., diam. 4 in. 2591 Roman white Bowl. height 2^in., diam. 4|in. 2592 Roman white Bowl. height 3 in., diam. 5|in. 2593 Roman blue Bottle, double bossed neck. height 5 in. 2594 Egyptian blue Amphora, with opaque white ornament. Found at Thebes. height 6 in. 2595 Roman Lamp, with handle and spout (doubtful). 2590 Long Roman green Bottle, in form of a fish. Unique. From Cumae. height lO^in. 2597 Long Roman white Bottle, in form of a sword in a sheath, opalized surface. height 14^in. 2598 Roman light green Amphora, spiral thread round the neck. height 6^in. 2599 Roman light green Amphora, pointed base, height 4^in. 26(X) Roman white Lachrymatory. height 5|in. 2601 Roman globular Bottle, in imitation of striped onyx, the neck twisted by fire. height 2|in. 2602 Roman green Double Lachrymatory, bound together by spiral thread. height 3^in. 2603 Roman violet-coloured Double Lachrymatory, bound together by spiral thread. height 4^in. 2604 Roman opaque blue Lamp. height 2|in. 2605 Roman light green Bottle, pressed in a mould in form of two masks. height 3 in. 2606 Eight Roman light green Lachrymatories. height Sin. and 5^in. 2607 Sixteen light green Lachrymatories, of smaller size. 2608 Seven Roman light green Bottles. 2609 Ten Roman small Bottles, of different colours ; violet, amber, blue, and green. 2610 Roman green Lachrymatory. height 14|in. 2611 Roman Patera. diam. 5 in. 2612 Roman spindle-shaped Lachrymatory (broken). 2613 Small Roman Bowl, the surface was originally painted. diam. 5 in. 2614 Antique blue Alabastron, with yellow and white zigzag ornament. height 5 in. 2615 Alabastron, blue, yellow and white zigzag ornaments. height 5 in Antique Glass. 139 2616 Alabastron, dark blue, with green festoons and spiral ornament. height 4|in. 2617 Lachrymatory, blue, with opaque white festoons. height 3|^in. 2618 Alabastron, blue, with yellow sheaf ornament. height 7 in. 2619 Alabastron, amber colour, with rows of yellow festoons. height 7 in. 2620 Alabastron, blue, coated with white enamel and yellow festoons. height 9 in. 2621 Alabastron, blue, white and yellow festoons, height 5 in. 2622 Alabastron, blue, with green and yellow sheaf ornaments. height 4|in. 2623 Alabastron, blue, with yellow sheaf ornaments. height 4^in. 2624 Alabastron, blue, with white festoons. height 3^in. 2625 Alabastron, opaque blue, inlaid with white sheath orna- ment, and spiral lines. height 5 in. 2626 Alabastron, of emerald green, yellow and white zigzag ornament, and spiral lines (lip broken). height 4 in. 2627 Alabastron, lapis blue, green and yellow zigzag ornament, and spiral lines. height 5 in. 2628 Alabastron, blue, white and yellow zigzag ornament. height 3^in. 2629 Alabastron, purple, coated with yellow and white zigzags. height 5 in. 2630 Alabastron, blue, white and yellow sheaf ornament, height 5|in. 2631 Alabastron, grey, with yellow and white zigzag ornament, and spiral lines. height 4|in. 2632 Lachrymatory, blue, white wavy ornament, height 3^in. 2633 Roman Bottle, blue, with white wavy ornaments. height 4 in. 2634 Roman Ampulla, pointed base, in imitation of striped onyx ; beautiful specimen. height 6 in. 2635 Greek blue Bottle, white wavy ornament, height 5^in. 2636 Roman purple Bottle, splashed with white spots (cracked). height 6in., diam. 6^in. 2637 Five Roman white Unguentaria. 2638 Roman white Bottle. height 7 in. K 2 140 Antique Glass. 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 Roman white Poculum, with four indentations on the sides. height 4 in. Roman white Poculum, with four indentations on the sides. height 4 in. Roman light green Bottle. height 4 in. Roman white Bottle, with a handle and wide rim. height 4iin. Roman blue Poculum. height 2iin., diam. 3^in. Small Roman Cup, of opaque blue glass. height 1 in., diam. 2^in. Roman purple Bowl, ribbed, with engine-turned lines inside. height 2}in., diam. 6 in. Roman globular Amphora, of light green, with crinkled handles down the sides. height 3]in. Small Roman Bottle, lapis coloured, varied with white. height 2 in. Two Roman light green Unguentaria. Small Roman Bottle. Roman amber coloured Bottle. Roman light green Bottle, trefoil lip. Roman flat Bottle, with wide rim. Roman Bottle, cylindrical form, wide mouth. height 4|in. Two Roman Unguentaria, light green. Two Roman Unguentaria, light green. Roman Bottle, opalized surface. Two Roman slender Lachrymatories. Small Roman Bottle, with seven projecting ribs, opalized. height 2 in. Roman Bottle, of beautiful ultramarine colour, in form of a bunch of grapes, flnely iridescent. height 3 in. Roman violet coloured Bottle, one handle. height 2^in. Roman blue Bottle. height l^in. Roman blue Bottle. height Ifin. Small Roman brown Cup, of beautiful iridescence. height l^in. Roman blue Bottle. height 2 jin. Roman light blue pear-shaped Bottle. height 2 in. Roman small white Amphora. height l|in. height 5 in. height 3 in. height 3 in. height 2|in. height 2|in. height 5 in. height 4|in. height 3 in. height 4 in. Antique Glass. 141 2GG7 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 Homan Urn, with zigzag thread from the body to the lip all round. height 3|in. Roman Bottle, green, with stripes of powdered gold edged with blue. height 34in. Greek Oinochoe, chocolate colour, green and yellow zigzag ornaments, trefoil lip. height 3Un. Greek Oinochoe, blue, yellow and white zigzag orna- ments, trefoil lip. height 3?>in. Two Roman Unguentaria, light green, with beautiful iridescence. height 5 in. Roman globular Cup, light blue, with wide mouth. height 2 in. Roman Cup, amber, opalized surface. height 2 in. Small Roman Unguentarium. height 2^in. Roman bright blue Bottle. height l|in. Roman Cup, with a trefoil lip. height ijin. Small Roman opaque green Bottle. height liin. Small Roman blue Bottle. height 2 in. Two small Roman Bottles, iridescent. height 1 in. Small Roman Amphora. height 1 in. Small Roman Bottle, with raised medallions, height 1 in. Roman Unguentarium, with beautiful iridescence. Roman small-pointed Amphora, blue. height l^in. Two Roman light green Lachrymatories, height 5 in. Bottle, with blue spiral lines, in three pieces (doubtful). height 4^in. Cup, in form of a wineglass (doubtful). height 4|in. Two small Roman Lachrymatories. height 3 in. Small Roman Bottle, violet coloured. height 2|in. Roman light green Amphora, resting on three feet. height 2 in. Roman blue and yellow Bead, in form of a bird’s head. Roman blue Bead, in form of four masks. Roman blue Bead, in form of a man’s head. Small Roman Pitcher. Small Roman round Ball. Two small Roman green Bottles. Small Roman green Dish. Greek Oinochoe, with trefoil lip, yellow and white zigzags. height 5 in. 142 Antique Glass. 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 270') 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 Three Roman Bottles, wide mouths, tapering towards the bottom. height 6 in. Two Roman globular Bottles, with wide lips. height 4|in. Roman lapis blue Bottle, pressed, with ribs and scrolls. height 3 in. Roman violet Bottle, pressed, and scrolls in relief. height 3 in. Small Roman green Bottle. height l^in. Small Roman violet Bottle. height l^in. Roman Bottle, in imitation of striped onyx, height 3^in. Two Roman Unguentaria, green. height 5 in. Two Roman Lachrymatories. height 4^in. Roman Amphora, light green, with blue crinkled handles down the sides, and spiral line round the neck. height 7 in. Roman Bottle, compressed sides. height 5 in. Roman yellow Bottle. height 5 in. Roman green Bottle, opalized surface. height 4 in. Roman Cup, with handle, green. height 2^in. Roman Bottle, with spout fixed on to the side. height 2 in. Roman Bottle, amber, white wavy lines. height 2^in. Roman Bottle, amber, white wavy lines, opalized surface. height 2^in. Two Roman Bottles, light green. height 3 in. Two Roman light green Cups, with indented sides. height 3^in. Roman light green Bowl, ribbed on the outside. height 3|in., diam. 7|in. Roman massive green Unguentarium. height 6|in. Three ROMAN UNGUENTARIA, with flat bodies and long necks. height 6 in. Two Roman Unguentaria. height 8 in. Two Roman Unguentaria. height 6 in. Roman globular Amphora, green. height 3|in. Small Roman Bottle, light green. height 3 in. Four Roman Unguentaria, light green. height 2 in. Two Roman Unguentaria, light green. height 5 in. Antique Glabs. 143 272(5 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 Roman blue Bowl, ribbed on the outside. height 2Mn., diam. 5^in. Roman globular Amphora, green. height 3 in. Roman square Bottle. height 2 in. Roman round violet Bottle. height 2|in. Roman blue Bottle. height 3|in. Roman purple Cup. height 14in., diam. 2|in. Roman blue Cup. height Ifin. Four small Roman light green Bottles. height 2|in. Two Roman low green Cups. height l^in. Roman Ball, with bosses. Globular Roman Bottle, engraved with annulets. height 4 in. Roman light green Urn, with Vandyck threads from the body to the neck. Two Roman Unguentaria, green, very iridescent. height 5 in. Cup made from the mouth of a bottle. height 4 in. Roman pear-shaped Bottle. height 3 in. Roman small blue Bottle. height 2 in. Roman small bossed Cup. height liin. Roman small green Bottle. height 24in. Roman very small opalized Bottle. height l^in. Two Roman Unguentaria. height 5 in. Roman Jug, light green, fluted handle, spiral thread round the neck. height 7 in. Roman Cup, with lathe line round the outside, height 4 in. Roman green Cup, ribbed round the outside, and a spiral thread round the neck. height 2in., diam. 3iin. Roman Cup, six rows of bosses. height 2^in. Roman blue Bottle, wide lip. height 24 in. Roman globular Amphora, green (one handle wanting). height 3 in. Roman white Cup. height 3 in. Two Roman small blue Bottles. height 2^in. Roman Bottle, with one handle, spiral thread round the neck (broken). From Cologne. height 5 in. Roman hexagonal Bottle, fluted handle. height 6 in. Roman Cup, with eight indentations round the body, wide mouth. height 7 in. 144 Antique Glass. 2757 2758 2759 27C0 27G1 27G2 27G3 27G4 27G5 27GG 27G7 27G8 27G9 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 277G 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 Roman Cup, cylindrical form. height G in. Roman light green Rottlb, projecting spout, height 4|in. Roman blue pear-shaped Vase (broken). height 9 in. Roman green Amphora, of flattened oval form, spiral thread round the neck. height 7 in. Roman small Amphora, cylindrical form. height 5 in. Roman Unguentarium, light green. height 5^in. Roman white Bottle. height 5 in. Roman square green Bottle, with handle. height 3 in. Roman green Bottle, with one handle, the end carried round the body, ornamented with small indentations. height 5 in. Small Roman Bottle, with double crinkled handle. height 35in. Roman light green CUP. height 2^in. Roman small Bottle, opalized surface. height 2 in. Roman small blue Cup. height 1 in. Roman small pressed Bottle, in shape of a fruit. Roman Head, formed of layers of blue, white, brown, and black glass, the ends cut off hexagonally. height 2^in. Roman Head, formed of layers of blue, white, brown, and black glass, the ends cut off hexagonally. height 2^in. Pair of Roman conical Buttons. Glass Ball, formed of cuttings of canes of coloured glass, similar to the Venetian Millefiore glass. Found at Shropham, Norfolk. Roman Bead, blue and white spots. Roman green Bead, white festooned ornament, diam. If in. Roman green Bead, white festooned ornament, diam. IHn. String of three variegated and two earthenware Beads. Found at Colchester. Earthenware Bead. From Woodbridge. Bead of variegated glass. String of eleven Roman Beads. String of twenty -eight Roman Beads. String of twentj’-two earthenware Beads, and a few glass Beads. Found in the Old Kent Road. String of thirty-six variegated Roman Beads, blue and green, striped with white. String of Greek Beads, five variegated and eight plain. Antique Glass. 145 2786 String of thirty Roman Beads, variegated and plain. 2787 String of sixteen plain Roman Beads. 2788 String of twelve plain Roman Beads. 2789 String of nine plain Roman Beads. 2789a Two strings of twenty-eight Agate Beads. 2789b Two strings of fifty-five earthenware ribbed Beads. 2789c One hundred and eighty Beads. 2790 String of ten cylindrical Beads, striped with white. 2791 Cylindrical Bead, black and white, and a paste Intaglio of a helmeted head. 2792 Roman Armilla, yellow, ornamented with twisted pattern, and pearl borders. 2793 Roman blue Armilla (broken). 2794 Two modern Egyptian Armilla, small size. 2795 Three twisted pattern Armill.®, variegated (modern Egyptian). 2796 Two Armilla, light green, brown spots (modern Egj’ptian). 2797 Two blue Armill.® (modern Egyptian). 2798 Fifty-four Roman Buttons, of different colours, on six cards. 2799 Fourteen Roman Buttons, of different colours, on two cards. 2800 Five Roman coloured Pins, on card (broken). 2801 Six Fragments of twisted variegated Canes, on card. 2802 Nine Fragments of twisted variegated Canes, on card. 2803 Roman green Ball. 2804 Portion of a Roman twisted Hair-pin. 2805 Medallion of a Bottle, St. George and the Dragon in relief. 2806 Ribbed Roman Bead, opalized surface. 2807 Roman Medallion, with iridescence. 2808 Roman Medallion, fragment, in form of a shell. 2809 Roman Medallion, in form of a mask. 2810 Byzantine Medallion, Portrait in gold, inscribed “ C. Lupus.” 2811 Byzantine glass Medallion, Portrait of a Man, in gold. 2812 Two Roman Tablets, blue, portions of a frieze, orna- mented in relief, with an Amphora between two griffins. (From the Campana Collection.) height 4in., diam. l|in. 146 Antique Glass. 2813 Roman Ring, light green, carved with an object in form of a spear head. 2814 Two Roman Astragali, blue. 2815 Roman Cameo, violet coloured, with female head in relief. height l^in. 2816 Roman Medallion, with a mask in relief. 2817 Three hundred specimens, variegated (FRAGMENTS of Roman Cups), in imitation of stones. 2818 Forty Fragments and Medallions of Cameo Heads, coloured. 2819 Seventeen Cameos and Fragments, coloured. 2820 Thirty-four FRAGMENTS of twisted variegated Canes. 2821 Thirty-eight paste INTAGLIOS and Cameos, various subjects. 2822 Seven Fragments of Cups, ribbed. 2823 String of seven Beads. 2824 Six loose Beads. 2825 Fragment of a blue Armilla. 2826 Piece of carved Ivory, in form of Cupid. 2827 Fragment of Earthenware, Cupid on a lion, in relief. 2828 Two hundred Roman Buttons, of different colours. 2829 One hundred and fifty-seven SPECIMENS, variegated. 2830 Seven glass Rings and other Fragments, modern coloured. 2831* Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 16in. 2832 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 16in. 2833 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 17in. 2834 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, no handles. height 12in. 2835 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 12in. * Nismes was a colony of Egyptians, founded by the Emperor Augustus after ho had subdued their country. The copper coin struck on the occasion has on the Obverse a bust of Augustus, and on the Reverse “ Col Nem ” (Colonia Nemausus) and a crocodile. These large Cinerary Urns, of greenish glass, containing calcined bones, were selected by Mr. Forman from about two hundred found in the Cemeteries, near Nismes ; exhibited by Mr. W. Chaffers, at the Society of Antiquaries, in 1850. They were enclosed in leaden Cists and buried in the earth, with a stone slab on the top to protect them. Antique Glass. 147 2836 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles, height 12in. 2837 Roman Cinerary Urn, no Cover. height 7^in. 2838 Roman Cinerary Urn, no Cover. height 7 in. 2839 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, containing charred bones, no handles. height llin. 2840 Roman Dish. diam. 7|in. 2841 Roman Dish. diam. 7|in. 2842 Roman barrel-shaped Bottle, with one handle. height 7 in. 2843 Roman Bottle, one handle. height 8 in. 2844 Roman Dish (broken). diam, 7 in. 2845 Octagonal Unguentarium (lip broken). height 9^in. 2846 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 15in. 2847 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, two handles. height 13^in. 2848 Two Roman Handles of a Cinerary Urn. 2849 Roman Cinerary Urn, two handles, no Cover ; containing bones. height lO^in. 28.50 Roman Cinerary Urn and Top, no handles, height llin, 2851 Roman Cup. height l^in., diam. 3}in. 2852 Roman Bottle. height 3|in. 2853 Roman Vase, two handles, height 4|in., diam. 55in. 2854 Roman Cup. height 3 in. 2855 Roman Dish. diam, 2856 Roman Dish. diam. 2857 Roman Dish. diam. 2858 Roman shallow Cup. diam. 2859 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover, no handles. height 12^in 2860 Small Roman Cinerary Urn, with bones. 2861 Globular Roman Bottle, wide mouth, 2862 Globular Roman Bottle, wide mouth. 2863 Square Roman Bottle, one handle. 2864 Three Roman flat Dishes. 2865 Roman Dish. 2866 Roman Dish. 2867 Roman Cinerary Urn and Cover. 2868 Globular Roman Bottle, two handles. 6|in. 71in. 7^in. 4 in. height 4 in. height 6 in. height 5|in. height 6 in. diam. 4|in. diam. 6 in. diam. 7 in. height 10|in. height 7 in. 148 Antique Glass. 28G9 Roman Bottle, one handle. height 5 jin. 2870 Roman pear-shaped Bottle. height Tjin. 2871 Roman leaden Cist or Case for a Cinerary Urn. (From Arles.) height 12in., diam. 13in. 2872 Seven VESSELS of small size (doubtful). 2873 Globular Bottle, with long neck (supposed Roman). height 18in. 2874 Roman Ossuary Urn, with charred bones and coins of Constantine, &c. height Sjin. 2875 Greek Oinochoe, blue, with yellow and green zigzag ornaments. height 4 in. 287G Greek Alabastron of opaque white, with black zigzags and spiral lines, lip broken. height 3^in. 2877 Greek Alabastron, of dark blue, with yellow and green zigzag ornaments. height 6 in. 2878 Roman Bottle, quadrangular, with two handles, the maker’s stamp at the bottom. height 5|in. Roman Glass found at Cologne. 2879 Roman cylindrical Bottle. height 4iin. 2880 Roman globular Amphora. height 2jin. 2881 Roman globular Amphora, crinkled handles down the sides. height 2^in. 2882 Roman globular Amphora, with a spiral thread round. height 2iin. 2883 Roman Bottle, with metal cap, hermetically sealed. height 5 in. 2884 Roman Cup, with lathe marks on the outside, crinkled foot. height 6 in. 2885 Roman Bottle, globular, with wide neck and foot. height G^in. 288G Roman Bottle, oviform body, long neck. height 6 jin. 2887 Roman Bottle, with a fluted handle. height 6] in. 2888 Roman Bottle, with one handle. height 3|in. 2889 Roman Bottle, of blue glass, with opaque white handle, bordera and spiral line round the neck. height 4 in. 2890 Roman amber-coloured Bottle. height 3 in. 2891 Roman Bowl, indented round the sides. height 2in., diam. Sin, 2892 Roman Cup, of light green glass. height 2jin. Antique Glass. 149 2893 2894 2895 289G 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 Roman Cup, the edges turned over. height 2 in. Roman square Bottle, one handle. height S^in. Roman Bottle, with two small handles. height 5 in. Roman square Bottle. height 4 in. Roman Bottle, wide lip. height 4 in. Roman globular Bottle, long neck. Roman Bottle. Roman globular Urn, with wide lip. Roman Unguentarium. Roman small Urn. Roman small Bottle. Roman small Bottle. Roman Ball, no aperture. Roman spindle-shaped Vase, pointed base. Roman large spindle-shaped Vase, decreasing towards the ends. height 21in. height 3|in. height 3.^in. height ^in. height 3|in. height l^in. height l|in. height 2|in. height 9|^in. GOLD PERSONAL ORNAMENTS, etc. oz. dwts. grs. 2908 Pair of Armill^, terminating in animals’ heads 3 0 0 2909 Necklace, granulated beads, heart-shaped pen- dants (in a case) 0 2 9 2910 Two large Fibul.®, with pomegi*anates and griffins at the ends 0 2 14 2911 Celtic Mind, or Diadem, plain . . . .17 6 2912 Armilla, repousse head of Medusa in the centre, crimped band 0 4 8 2913* Bulla, formed of two gold plates, united by another at top, embossed with bay leaves, pearled borders, inscribed HOST. HOS. (Hostus • Hostilius), with gold chain attached. Unique. {From Samuel Rogers' Collection) . . . 1 0 12 * Tullus Hostilids, third King of Rome, was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius, who fell in battle ag^ainst the Sabines in the reign of Romulus, B.c. 753. The Bulla, of thin plates of gold, was worn by children of the nobility, suspended from the neck. One is preserved in the British Museum, of similar form, but without any inscription. It was originally worn only by the children of the Patricians as a badge of distinction, but subsequently by all of free birth, made of leather or other less expensive material. Examples of boys wearing the Bulla are not unfroquent in statues or tombs, and other works of art. 150 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc, oz. dwts. 2914 Celtic Mind, or Diadem, convex, button ends 0 3 2915 Egyptian Necklace, formed of numerous rings, spindle-shaped ornament in the centre 1 7 2916 Aemilla, with twisted ends, plain, hollow . 0 14 2917 Armilla, penannular, triangular heads . .13 2918 Pair of Armill^e, with pomegranate ends . .48 2919 Pair of Ear-RINGS, globular ends, with wheel- shaped ornaments 10 2920 Large Ear-ring, with repousse leaves, &c. . 0 7 2921 Pair of Ear-RINGS, with pomegranate rays, car- buncle centres 0 11 2922 Pair of drum-shaped Ear-RINGS, granulated rosettes in squares, semi-circular tops . .05 2923 Drum-shaped Ear-RING, granulated rosettes in squares, semi-circular top, with Medusa’s head in centre 0 3 2924 Etruscan circular Inauris or Ear Ornament, engraved with triangular pattern, on a large disk 0 17 2925 Greek Fibula, in form of a lion couchant, with granulated work 0 6 2926 Pair of granulated Ear-RINGS, terminating in lions’ heads 0 11 2927 Cylindrical filigree pendant ORNAMENT, to hold a small scroll 0 8 2928 Pair of Ear-RINGS, terminating in calves’ heads, set with carbuncles 0 9 2929 Pair of Ear-rings, filigree rosettes and Am- phora pendants 0 6 2930 Ear-ring, crescent-shaped, with granulated scrolls 0 3 2931 Bow-shaped FIBULA, with granulated orna- ments 0 1 2932 Pair of Ear-RINGS, the tops set with emeralds and rubies, Cupid pendants . . . . 0 10 2933 Pair of Ear-rings, terminating in rams’ heads 0 9 2934 Ear-ring, with calf’s head, set with emeralds and garnets, twisted shank, and another . 0 3 grs. 9 12 12 0 0 20 0 4 0 12 0 21 5 5 0 0 0 12 0 5 0 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc. 151 OZ. llwts. 2935 Pair of Bligree Ear-rings, terminating in leopards’ heads 0 4 2936 Semi-circular Ornament, with projecting bosses of granulated ornament 0 11 2937 Ornament, with three female figures, having diadems on their heads 15 2938 Loop Ornament, terminating in two griffins’ heads 0 16 2939 Pair of Rosettes, with granulated leaves, a griffin’s head rising from the centre . . 0 11 2940 Necklace of cut garnets and gold beads, the clasps in form of calves’ heads . . .0 15 2941 Necklace, twisted chain, with clasps of lions’ heads and carbuncles 0 6 2942 Cup, one handle 2 6 2943 Bow-shaped Fibula, granulated ornament . 0 1 2944 Two pairs of bow-shaped Ear-rings, with gi-anulated ornaments, pomiform ends . . 0 14 2945 Necklace, of the Trichinopoli pattern . .07 2946 Pair of Ear-RINGS, the tops set with carbuncles, the drops in form of vases . . . .04 2947 Flat Ring, formed of seven wires . . .05 2948 Small Celtic Fibula, grooved shank, small flat ends (called Ring Money) . . . .08 2949 Small Celtic Fibula, grooved shank, small flat ends (called Ring Money) . . . .07 2950 Small Celtic Fibula, pointed ends (Ring Money) 0 3 2951 Two Celtic penannular Ring Monies, plain . 0 4 2952 Filigree Ear-ring, the top of knotted ornament, surmounted by Cupid’s head, open-work drop 0 4 2953 Pin, with the Rape of Ganymede on the end . 0 1 2954 Ring, with intaglio of a bird holding a scorpion 0 2 2955 Ring, with Greek inscription . . . .01 2956 Roman Fibula, bow front and circular disc . 0 13 2957 Egyptian Ring, set with an engraved lapis- lazuli cylinder 0 11 2958 Pair of Ear-rings, set with rubies, Cupid drops 0 3 jrrs. 12 8 5 0 12 10 5 5 10 17 20 15 18 12 18 2 7 10 13 0 0 2 12 3 152 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc oz. ilwta. grs. 2959 Pair of Ear-RINGS, mask tops and Cupid drops 0 1 18 29G0 Pair of Ear-RINGS, mask tops and drops (imperfect) . . . . . . .025 2961 Pin, with bronze eagle at the end. 2962 Necklace, of Glass Beads, alternately with Gold Amphorae 0 11 2 2963 Necklace, set with flowers of amethysts and garnets, gold leaves (two pieces) . . . 1 3 12 2964 Chain Necklace, the clasp in form of a calf’s head, set with an emerald and garnet . .0 5 18 2965 Necklace, formed of thin plates of gold, repousse oval beads, with honeysuckles and eight pendants of Victory in a Biga. {Rogers' Collection) 0 11 10 2966 Stilus, with an ivory point . . . . 0 3 18 2967 Necklet of Beads, of emerald matrix and gold rosettes between 0 8 0 2968 Spray of Leaves, marked with veins, a flower at the end 0 5 6 2969 Boss, repousse with Satyr’s mask . . .020 2970 Greek drum-shaped Ear-ring, with granulated rosettes 0118 2971 Greek drum-shaped Ear-ring, semi-circular top, granulated work in squares . . . 0 2 16 2972 Necklace of cylindrical Beads, with pendants in form of Amphorae and medallion set with carbuncle 1 8 12 2973 Pair of Ear-RINGS, of granulated work, the drops in form of a pointed Amphora . . 0 5 19 2974 Rosette, granulated with flowers, griffin’s head rising from the centre. (This is one of the pair of No. 2939) 0 5 8 2975 Ear-ring, of two globular pieces of gold, crossed with corded pattern, small pendant with emerald 0 3 18 2976 Armilla, plain, terminating in snakes’ heads .0 4 18 2977 Bow-shaped Fibula, on the stem a lion couchant 0 10 2978 Pair of drum-shaped Ear-RINGS, of granulated ornament in squares 0 4 0 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc. 153 oz. dwts. gr.< 2979 Pendant Ornament, in form of an Amphora .0 0 20 2980 Ten objects discovered at Kertch, made of thin plates of gold, repousse, with a man holding a pouch, a griffin, a lion couchant, a hare, a man kneeling, four heads of Minerva, and two figures with bows and arrows 0110 2981 Two Slides, flat, with lozenge-shaped orna- ment 0 2 10 2982 Fragment of a Circular Pendant, set with two carbuncles 0 15 2983 Semi-circular Fragment of a Pendant, with granulated ornament 0 2 0 2984 Pair of Ear-rings, figures of Victory holding wreaths, set with carbuncles . . . .046 2985 Pair of Ear-RINGS, with rosettes and figures of Victory holding wreaths. 2986 Fragment of an Ornament, of granulated work 0 0 3 2987 Pair of Ear-rings, twisted stems, terminating in calves’ heads 0 4 11 2988 Necklace, with eight central links, set with agate, carbuncle, and emerald matrix, and two animals’ heads ; from the centre is sus- pended a small gold torques with twisted ends 2 12 18 2989 Necklace, of open-work beads, ten small pen- dants of Cupids’ heads, and one larger in centre 0 10 0 2990 Silver Chain, of oblong beads, with inlaid gold masks, from which hang acorns . . .1 5 19 2991 Fibula, bow-shaped top, long stem . . .026 2992 Pin, terminating in a lion’s head, with pendant ornament in its mouth 0 2 15 2993 Pendant Ornament, rosette at top, with mask, fluted on the lower part 0 2 0 2994 Necklace, of Beads, with granulated work, three pendants 0 15 12 2995 Chain, of twisted wire ; clasps of two calves’ heads 0 12 16 L 154 Gold Personal Ornaments, etc. 07 .. .v4l Tu2 Doncaster. ’ ^ ' Drawing, The Nave of St. George’s Church, Don- caster. Drawing, The Forman Chapel, Doncaster. Fairies Dancing BY Moonlight . . . Hogarth. \r.jK f The Alarm, a man holding a lantern (cut from the preceding picture) Hogarth. 13 Portrait of Mr. Justice Parker. 14 Taking Birds’ Nests Hogarth. C? it 15 Bird Catching Hogarth, i? I*®?) 16 Three Leaves of an Illuminated MS. The Life of St. Augustin. Fifteenth century. 17 Portrait of Mr. William Forman, Senr. 18 View of Doncaster Church by Moonlight R . Aly . )(r t\ U cxir uJ2c j 206 Paintings, etc. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Portrait op Mr. Richard Forman. Portrait op Mr. William Forman, Senr. Portrait op Mrs. William Forman, Senr. Portrait op Catherine Elizabeth, first wife of Mr. T. S. Forman by Middleton. Portrait op Mr. Thomas Seaton Forman Canavari. Portrait op Mr. Richard Forman Portrait op Mrs. Richard Forman. Holy Family after Rubens. Engraving, Dr. Raine. Portrait op Catherine Elizabeth, first wife of Mr. Thomas Seaton Forman . . Sir Thomas Lawrence. View of Canton, by a Chinese Artist. Marriage Procession, by a Chinese Artist. Portrait op Mrs. W. Forman, Senr. View prom Westcombe Park . . Peni'xj Williams. Two Race Horses. Landscape and Waterpall. Landscape and Figures. A Drinking Party .... Conversation, a lady and gentleman seated St. Francis, supported by an Angel The Martyrdom op a Virgin. Turk’s Head Interior op a Stable and two dogs fighting Study op Pigs A Storm, landscape and figures Morning in Covent Garden (first picture) A Sketch por “The Happy Marriage ” A Sketch por “ The Staymaker ” Portrait op an Elderly Lady. Portrait op a Lady. Pigs in a Sty, with tub, &c. . . . Satan, Sin, and Death, original sketch . Poetry, a female head, wreathed The Nativity Landscape and Figures A Woman Reading Magdalen kneeling beporb a Crucipix. Adam and Eve driven out op Paradise . D'Arjnno, Hemskirk. Hogarth Baroccio. Hogarth. ~ Morland. Morland. Morland. Hogarth. Hogarth. Hogarth, . . Morland. , . Hogarth, after Carlo Dolce. School of Raffaele. . Vollardt, 1767. Brackenberg. Paintings, etc. 207 58 59 GO G2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 St. Sebastian and two Angels Three Boys seated under a Tree St. John with a Lamb Figures dancing round a Maypole* Sailors in Port Sailors in Action .... Shipping and Figures Sea View, Sunrise .... Storm on a Heath .... The Conjuror, Knife Grinder, . Piomhino. Morland. after Mtirillo. . Hogarth. ~ . Wheatley. Wheatley. Van der Velde. Mola. . Morlatid. and other . figures ........ J. Le Due. .. FIite Champ^itre Watteau. Dutch Fair Droogsloot. View in the Mediterranean (rocks and shipping) ..... Bonaventura Peters. Landscape, with numerous figures (on copper) ........ Breughel. The Ascension Tintoretto. The Presentation in the Temple . . De Witt. Portrait of Jonathan Tyers, Esq., of Vauxhall (presented by him to Hogarth, with the gold admission ticket. See MS. letter) . . Watteati. The Haymakers, a man and woman walking . Hogarth. A Man Cleaning a Horse .... Berghem. Landscape, cattle and figures . . . Carl de Bade. Scene at Child’s Banking House, in 1745 (See Ireland’s Hogarth) ..... Hogarth. Offering op the Magi Gnercino. Landscape, with figures and goats . . . Wynants. Landscape, with figures and boats . . . Elsheimer. Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth . . after Ruhens. Christ and St. John with the L.\.mb . after Ruhens. Painting on Stone, Holy Family, marble frame. Landscape, with waggon and horses Drawing, A Girl carrying a Lamp. PENCIL Drawing, Westcombe Park. - Z f r-v Ca ^ V, Sh.ir^ Breughel. * The “ Gentleman’s Mafrazine,” for May 1733, gives “ a drawing of the medal presented by J. Tyers, Esq., to Hogarth for his paintings, in Vauxhall Gardens, of ‘ King Henry VIII,’ ‘ The Maypole,’ ‘ The Birds Nesting,’ a Moonlight piece, and ‘ Bonfire Night.’ ” 208 Paintings, etc. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Landscape, with ducks. Landscape Glaubei\ Landscape, with Iron Works. Drawing, The Children of Charles I. Pastoral Landscape, with urn. Pastoral Landscape, with sheep. Pastoral Landscape, with goat. Pastoral Landscape, with cottage. Hawking Party Wouverma7is. Oval Landscape Breughel. Drawing, Newfoundland Dog. Pair of Miniature Landscapes, on ivory. Moonlight Scene on a River. Landscape Teniers. St. Genarius School of Domenichino. Mary’s Dream, and Giles Scroggins’ Ghost Wheatley. Miss Bridget Allworthy .... Hogarth. The Immaculate Virgin . . . Andrea Vacai'i. Boors Drinking after Ostade. Battle Piece Breughel. View of a Cathedral, and figures skating . Van Goyen. Head of Christ after Guido. Similitude of Christ, with inscription.* Head of the Virgin (copper). The Goddess of Dulness (The Dunciad) . Hogarth. The Ascension of the Virgin. 116 AJ V ril> Vjr • , “Yetholm Toll Bar ” . . R. J. Richardson. 117 “ Mothers and Wives ” . A. H. J/arcA. 118 Etching . P. J?., 1846. 119 Four Sepia Drawings . . . J. W. Carmichael. 120 “ Red Mount Chapel, Lynn ” . . . J. L. Gear. 121 Water Colour, Coblentz . . . . Santagnello. 122 Leiston Abbey . . . Santagnello. 123 Water Colour . T. W. Richardson. 124 Water Colour . M. Liddell. * “ This present fig^ure is the symylytnde of our lorde jesus, our Savior, imprinted in amyrald by the predecessours of the great turke, and sent to pope inocent the eight at the cost of the great tnrk for a token for this cause to redeme his brother that was taken prisoner.” Paintings, etc. 209 125 Water Colour, Dunstanburgh Castle. 126 Water Colour Richardson. 127 Sepia Drawing .... J. W. Carmichael. 128 Five Water Colours, “ Flowers” . . Holland. 129 Two Water Colours . . Bromley. m Two Water Colours . . B. Campion. 131 Sepia Drawing .... Snoiv. 132 Loch Lomond . . Naysmith. TO -K. i:, ' ^ ^ • T i *'• • ,• >>--^‘. v| J'r. , ■ ^ - . . . .v ^ A « . IL _ii~ A tfi^'TtkiT .***0 • '*^1 f • ; wmUmWt^Sr.y.->* .v , ', ., .«*jf ;ir*f m . /Mr'* ' /, rtvsfl'M ,'-s> .:4Ss3iui£l^f 3^™ '*^' ■ ./-J \v'.'. '■ m 'J*' , ' ■ V‘-'V<‘fX'V_ r-'f V ' i»r ’ * “• */. ’■' ‘ .*'• *Vi ^ .V-.; ,,;V- .- ■^ ^ W’ ( ^T: .x-l ( • 1 i€ " ♦ # -1#* !,7ff f'^. ^ *^- 0 -' A GLOSSARY OF TERMS IN ANCIENT ART, FORMING AN APPENDIX TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES AND WORKS OP ART, CALLALY CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND, THE SEAT OF MAJOR A. H. BROWNE. ■f r> r^'V: ■ TvV 'W». .c < r- ■>». V ?>M V Mr » •%' V * Cxi^ ■;-Mfev. -., .r,« Aeeqao -^| «i:,* -^ . ■ -^ ■^ ■ . ' I . • '* • . „ if jiA 'rvf3i?>MA r — < •> '.. r--. '.•_ •■ '■ i ,r.','. , .■ .-'^Vs-^NKS® .■ <;% '"-‘"1'^.-'^?' ■' -'.T ‘-^ ''v’^r^ , -Z /^y tTltjpiTXA V^?faU:|( -t; ^■■* ••r^■v-fv;• ■•> . • “'-c,i ;• .<«». '<. • ■^-. '^►S ' f.--- ..- , ;,ruA'\'ib. &XTJOW- „ 'TfW' »i ./-,■•• r *-• . *' A '*» *1 ffM % rs ' ' 3 T ^ •‘ t •'!, ■ .-i»» ; ’S'.r- GLOSSARY OP TERMS IN ANCIENT ART. A. Acerra. — The incense box used in sacrifices. The incense was thrown upon the burning altar. Also a square box in which perfumes were burnt. Acetabulum. — A vinegar cup. Also a measure of capacity, one- eighth of the sextarius. ACUS. — A needle, a pin, usually of bone or bronze, for dressing the hair and other purposes, as at the present day ; from lin. to about Sin. in length. The pin of a fibula, or other fastener for personal ornaments, is so called. Alabastrum and Alabastron. — A box or vase for holding perfumes and ointments, so called from the material of which it was usually made. The form was cylindrical and tapering, with a long neck, and subsequently made of other materials, as glass, gold, &c. {aXa^aarpou) . Amphora. — A vessel with a handle on each side of the neck. When capacious it was called a diota. Usually tall and naiTow, terminating in a point, and stood on the ground when used to contain wine or other liquids. Generally made of earthen- ware, and standing on a foot when decorated with paintings of Greek mythological subjects. Ampulla. — A bottle (usually made either of glass or earthen- ware) for holding liquids, with narrow mouth and globular form. Early Greek bottles of variegated glass have two small handles and pointed bases, like small amphorde. They were used to contain oil for anointing the body ^fter bathing, and^ to contain other perfumes. a 2 Glossary op Tkrms in Ancient Art. Ampyx, Ampycter, called by the Romans frontale, was a broad band or plate of metal, which-Greek ladies of rank wore upon the forehead as part of the head-dress ; usuallj’’ of gold. Amuletum, an amulet, was a sort of charm suspended from the neck or tied to the body for counteracting poison or preventing disease, warding off the evil eye, &c. Anaglypha, or Anaglypta. — Chased or embossed vessels of bronze or precious metals, which derived their names from the exquisite work upon them, being in relief, and not engraved. Annulus. — A ring, usually set with a stone and used as a seal ; sometimes engraved on gold as a signet. Worn from the earliest times by the Greeks and Romans. Antefixa. — T erra-cottas, Avith various ornamental designs ; used in architecture to cover the frieze or cornice of the entablature. Antlia. — A pump or machine for raising w'ater. Apex. — A cap worn by the Flamines and Salii at Rome. A pointed piece of olive wood, the base of which was surrounded Avith a lock of avooI, Avorn on the top of a cap of a conical form. Ara. — A n altar, indispensable in the Avorship of the gods, and for burnt offerings. Aratrum. — A plough drawn by two oxen, yoked from the pole to the horns of the animals. Arca. — A chest or coffer, in Avhich the Romans Avere accustomed to place their money ; usually of Avood bound with iron. Arcus. — The boAv used for shooting arrows. One of the most ancient of all weapons, but characteristic of Asia rather than of Europe. Argentum. — S ilver, one of the tAvo metals termed precious on account of their beauty, their durability, their density, and their rarity, and the facility for coining into money and fabricating other Avorks of art. Arm A, Armatura. — A rms, armour. Homer describes the entire suit of armour of some of his greatest Avarriors, viz., Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Paris, w'hich AV'as used by the Greeks ever after. The w'arrior having already a tunic round his body, puts on, first, his greaves (ocrece) ; secondly, his cuirass (lorica), to Avhich belonged the fiirpr) underneath, and the zone (cingulu?n) above ; thirdly, his SAVord (ensis or gladius), hung on the left side of his body by means of a belt Avhich passed over the right shoulder ; fourthly, the large round Glossary op Terms in Ancient Art. shield {clipeus or scutum), supported in the same manner ; fifthly, his helmet {galea) ; sixthly, and lastly, he took one or two spears. Armilla. — A bracelet or armlet, worn both by men and women. Greek ladies had bracelets of various materials, shapes, and styles of ornament. Bracelets kept their place by compressing the arm of the wearer. Some were frequently made without having their ends joined ; they were then curved, so as to require, when put on, to be slightly expanded by drawing their ends apart from one another, and, according to their length, went several times round the ai’m. These were mostly of two twisted wires, fastened by a clasp. Some armillae, in bronze, of six or seven coils twisted together, were worn by soldiers as a protection for the rignt arm in fighting, reaching to the elbow. As, or libra . — A pound weight. As was the earliest denomination of money and the unit of value, and in the Roman coinages made of a mixed metal called from the time of Numa. These coins were not struck but cast in a mould. The As was a pound of twelve ounces, but the pound weight was in later times diminished. The oldest form of the As beai’S the figm-e of some animal, hence the word pccunia, money, was derived from 7JCCUS, cattle. The next form took the head of Janus, and the prow of a ship. Thunderbolts, dolphins, and pellets were on others. The As was divided into parts according to the number of ounces they contained. Ascia.— A n adze used by carpenters, masons, and others. Astragalus, or Talus, literally the knuckle-bone of certain quadrupeds, which the Greeks and Romans used as a game ; also for dice and games of chance. The term is also applied to a plain convex moulding in several orders of architecture. Athlete, were persons who contended in the public games of the Greeks and Romans for prizes given to those who conquered in contests of agility and strength. The principal contests were running, wrestling, boxing, &c. Atl ANTES and Telamones, in architecture, are terms for male figures, fancifully used, like the female. Caryatides, in place of columns. Atramentum. — A black colouring substance ; among these was writing ink. An inkstand was either single or double, round, or hexagonal, with covers to keep the dust from the ink GnossAKY OF Terms in Ancient Art, B. Balteus. — A belt. A shoulder belt or baldric was used to suspend the sword ; and as the sword commonly hung on the left hip its belt was supported by the right shoulder and passed obliquely over the breast. A third use of the balteus was to suspend the quiver, and sometimes with it the bow. It was usually of leather, ornamented and embroidered with gold or silver. Bascauda. — A British basket, of cane or osier work. Baxa, or Baxea. — A sandal made of vegetable leaves, twigs, or fibres. The Egyptians made them of palm leaves and papyrus. There are several in the Forman Museum ; they have loops on the top for fastening the band which went across the instep. This band, together with the ligature connected with it, which was inserted between the great and second toe is made of the stem of the papyrus. Discovered in the Catacombs. Bipennis. — ’A double-headed axe, in bronze. (See Catalogue No. 2070). Brac.® or Bracc.(E. — Trousers or pantaloons were common to many nations which encircled Greece and Rome, as the Medes and Persians, the Parthians, Phrygians, Dacians, Gauls, &c. ; but trousers w'ere never worn by the Greeks or Romans, and only by barbarians. Bulla. — A pendant worn by children, suspended from the neck, frequently of gold, by the sons of the noble and wealthy. A description of the finest known, which is in the Forman Col- lection, No. 2013, is here given. It is formed of two thin, circular, convex plates of gold, l|in. in diam., both separate, but fastened together at the upper parts by a broad plate, bent double, so as to form a loop, fastened in front of the convex plates, with a gold chain passing through it. It is embossed ■with bay-leaves and pearled border. On the front of the convex plates are raised letters reading HOST. HOS., meaning evidently HOSTUS HOSTILIUS, a Roman general, who was killed in a battle against the Sabines in the time of Romulus, 75 S B.C. His grandson, Tullus Hostilius, was the third King of Rome. Examples of boys represented with the bulla are not unfrequent in statues, tombs, and other works of art. Subse- quently it was worn by all boys of free birth, made of leather or other material of a less costly character. Glossary op Terms in Ancient Art, There is a gold bulla of similar shape in the British Museum, but it has no inscription. The Forman Bulla is of great historical interest, and is unique. It was purchased at the sale of Samuel Rogers’ Collection. C, or K (Kappa), when hard. Caduceus. — A staff or mace carried by ambassadors and heralds. This name is also given to the staff with which Hermes or Mercury is usually represented. (See Catologue, No. 1821.) Cadus. — A large earthenware vessel used for several purposes ; wine was sometimes kept in it. C. ■-*. i/* -• ^ ^ "‘ ' ••*-.>■’- ‘ . ^ r^wfc . -- Vr^; ^>4j»H?oh;»r ;?? 'ti, . ' ^ 3 fT‘ ■'«. ‘ • -’i- IC?' V MlXv^- -■■ %■ - ^' ■ '^■- - • ■ -•■ il £^.-' ■• ■ /■ ’^-i^. ' 'J ^ ;. ..'4 - 1 * ■» -“1. - tlli. •«Li ,., ^ ^ • JPwS<^<«V'T''J,»v-:*‘*t S I f^f. V --.• t-'r ‘ r *^fV‘ 5 ?^ »Vtt»» ^ ST:. K/.J. faj '- ■ " 57 ^* JT**’"'.'’ ■^'*'‘^"'-■' 1 ^^' ’i‘- :■;, 1 B^' ,,- ® ' . ■;••■ -■ ■•• ■,. *’< '■ ■* :. c ’_ ' ■'fea.V *-' ■'? ,■> *■'<■ ■« < > •,. .' \ ^ L» w '’ ' f»4'»-.'3 fcS#/' *l***i. '.* ^-- . '. - ‘3 .■•■^3 .t* " *♦ * %f ■’ ■ F ’■ < y 1 I 1 i i research institute II II III I 3 3125 01498 1837 4 1 6"X'/32- y , I