mmm mmim J ' -k,- V > Wm V i t y £(r ^ ^ ^ c a ^ -^ L. /e.^c^ (^'c-r- c/a :^A>' ^ ^ f /' 7^ • Xf — ^p."- ^ 7/ yy^ ^3 / — y ^ / 9^ — 7^ '. ^ v' y ^ / ' ^ / 4 c^.^ /l^-e^ 2.2 '. -. 2fy^ - /22 y/^-^ ^ " - /sy^^ - /2<7 '/^ A^-y^Ty^ yTy^y yy^,. /3 ' . ///r -- /r/: z^ ' '' ' < -- y^^.- A2 “^X ^ ■y^yT- , y^zC*^/ // - X /X 9 _ /^T' f y y / AyZzz-^ yt3n. z Z /y A^ Jy9'z:y7 yy,€^/^ , — A ^^y'^zzy'yh^.-^ z z^Tri-yp ^ t^y73 z^'C 7 iZ • 7932-/ — 7-// X/y A'*' C ^XX ^ y* c-' 7/^^ , ^Xr Z-^^/7’.. _ z^/-;?/ - ^53 7/ A^Ty^rTs-, t ^7 7^7 zt tr/ir-Ztz Azz2^<^, 3 73 z^ _ H if JZS'y /6e r-^^ ^ ^ J’- /^Zi, . 2/? Jy;ii>u P^y"- /'X.^^'^'--' / ~/fZ7 ^ z^f 7 ^ . ,yjf/ - //y - ‘^y/ ^i., ^.A. Pyy^yy-yf -/jzy^ szy y - • ^3^ 7 -^c^ S - // 2 ^ - J/J' y^irf J^^r^^/zy>-'Z zry^ /r. /zz^ - Pfy Ju f Lo^ . A A CATALOGUE OF THE HIGHLY DISTINGUISHED AND VERY CELEBRATED COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH PICTURES, THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF His Grace Ihe DUKE DE D’ALBERG, Ambassador from the Court of France to Turin. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION By Mu. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On FRIDAY, JUNE the 13th, 1817, and following Day, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had at Mr. Christie’s Office, Pall Mall. O. SMEETON, PRINXJiR, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, Conditions of Sale. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re*sold. II. No Person to advance less than is. — Above Five Pounds, 2s, 6d. and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money, if icjuired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Two Days from the Sale. V. The Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sal« shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. The DUKE de D’ALBERG formed this Gallery ©f Pictures, in the course of the last twenty years, at great expence. Guided by his refined taste and great knowledge of the art, he singled out the best specimens of the favorite masters, that the pressure of the times brought into the public or private market. Being obliged to give up his Hotel in Paris, upon his appointment to the Embassy to Turin, he deter- mined on parting with them. As I either bought myself, or advised with his Grace on the purchase of most of the pictures in this Gallery, I may fully speak to the truth of the facts reported in the Catalogue, as to the collections or palaces to which they belonged ; and I pledge my honor to the correct- ness of every circumstance therein mentioned. In naming the masters, I am very far from pretending that my opinion shall pass for unerring truth ; but I can say, that it is supported by the decision of the best Connoisseurs on the Continent. On this point, I wish the Amateur to decide from his own judgement, or from that of any other person, he may think proper to consult. If an irresistible Love of the Arts, improved by twelve years of employment (as I may term it) in the very rooms of the magnificent Gallery at Paris, besides two years of daily and constant study of the works of the favorite old masters, among the noble frescos that adorn the classic ground of Italy, give some claim to connoisseurship, be it allowed to me that these I possess. GONSUETUDINEM OCULORUM. Intrusted with unlimited authority from his Grace, I offer his Gallery to the enlightened English Amateurs, in thorough confidence that they will appreciate the merits of it, and apportion their liberality to the excellence of the pictures. T. FRANCILLON. Brompton: May 1817. A CATALOGUE. &c. &c. &c. FRIDAY, J TJ N E the 13th. 1817, AT ONE o’clock. \ rs I ///.^ I S./Z.ifi 2 l-ff-fi ^ Cornelius van Haerlem .... 4 / j- ^ / W Holbein 6 /./, ^ Ditto 7 / //• 4 ® ^ ^ Morgenstein 9 '» 11 3-n- 0 Gasparo «... .19 ^^MALL oval portrait of a man; on copper ' ^ Ditto of a lady Ditto of Card. Bellarmin, Archbishop of Capua X Ditto of a lady; on pannel Ditto of a Duke of Savoy Portrait of a man Ditto ^ * Ditto of a lady r, A high-finished church piece ^ A snufF box; familiar scene; highly finished, by--^ '^-. ^ Clinchtel A view of the Tiber and Palaces at Rome, by Nicole Landscape with a grotto y ^^^^X^l>Poarbus Z /O 14 3b, r- Velde ^ • 2 ' 0 Piifi^egiano -0 F. Lauri 2.2'^ Metzu ^ ^ Schiavone . ^ ^ Rubens ^ « 0. (^Mantegna, 0, ^ Gaspar. ^ /^ra. Bartolomeo. . . . . 22 / • jAZuccarelli 23, /I ^ Ditto ^^^“jsdael . j2, /! , da Pesaro. . . . 2 , (^Carravagio . .. .28 2(2' 2, ^cb. del Piombo . . . . < ^,/^.^arroccio , an energetic Nv, on copper. This ^ elegant specimen of that very scarce painter, be- longed to the cabinet of the Prince de Cond6, as- the arms, carved in the frame, testify j ' > A Reposo : on pannel ' ^ A small, but sweet landscape. Engraved in Lebrun’s Cabinet, vol. 1. Holy Family, with architecture : on pannel. This richly-coloured picture is from Grand Pres’s col- lection in "Paris A fine grey horse in a landscape ( T ) ^Guercino Flight into ^gypt : clear and brilliant specimen of that eminent master The dream of St. Jerome: a brilliant picture, painted with great power and facility of hand : a good 1./^. P. de Hooghe. .... ' Fraucia . engraving is with it A conversation ; fine effect of sun Christ on the cross, with various saints : on pannel — a high-finished and brilliant specimen of that ancient and scarce master Gasparo . . . . The scientific lines of this true and sweet picture, will 1 ^ ^Teniers please the amateur of historic landscape An exterior scene : on pannel : several men and women drinking at the front of a cottage : the landscape is silvery and brilliant ; the touch free and spirited ^Venusti ..i....... Holy Family; on thick pannel. This grand picture IJ, ^Garofalo 1 /Ja ^ .43 1 U CUIEIS ........ ^S. P.Lely ■ ^ ^L.Carracci. , . . . . , - F. Bol I Philip Van Djck ,,,..*.47 has been attributed to M. Angelo; we restore it to its real author, a Venetian master, who painted often from the great outlines of M. Angelo Christ at the tomb, accompanied by the Maries and St. John — a finely-coloured performance: on pannpl A landscape with cattle and figures : on pannel : a clear silvery picture The Duchess of Somerset Ho’y Family in a landscape. A numerous choir of angels enrich this elegant picture The Tribute Money. The pupil nearly approaches his master in this grand picture. The strong and just expression of the figures, the facility of the pencil, and the power of the colour and chiaro scuro, truly rival Ilembrandt’s works Susannah and the Elders : on copper. This picture is engraved in Lebrun’s Gallery, (vol. 3) who says, that this painter was born at Amsterdam, imitated Vanderwerf, that his compositions are noble and tasteful, his pencil fine and delicate, and his draw- /Si- Sl„/3 , ^ S. Rosa. P. Veronese n ^ Albano, . , /. /'^.Giorgione Jk ( 8 ) \ ing pleasing and correct. He adds, that this pic- ture was in the collection of Mr. Le Noir du Breuil of Paris, to whom he sold it for one hundred Louis 48 An exquisite landscape with figures. The elegant choice of romantic nature, and the richness of the scenery, united with the elaborate pencilling, render this undoubted specimen of that scarce painter, a very uncommon and desirable performance. From Mr. De Norvin’s collection at Rome ,49 Henry III. king of France. This uncommonly fine portrait possesses all the brilliant warmth of the Venetian colour, united to a great lightness and freedom of hand. It comes from the collection of Angelica Kauffman at Rome, as some lines from Mr. Kauflfroan’s hand, written behind the picture, testify 50 Venus endeavouring to restrain Adonis from the chace — a true and elegant picture, with a fine brilliant landscape .51 Portrait of Aretine: on thick pannel. The deep and sour character of this renowned satirist, is rendered to the life in this noble portrait. The art cannot go further, in point of richness, vigour, and har- mony of colour. There is a fine engraving of it by Marc Antonio, Portraits are a most interest- ing part of the art. I felt my predilection for them increase gradually, with my knowledge of paint- ing. I fully concur with Mr. Walpole’s opinion, who says, “ that a real portrait is truth itself, and calls up so many collateral ideas, as to fill an in- telligent mind more than any other species of paint- ing.” I have indulged myself to some extent in this line of collecting ; but the many 1 possess at Paris, are what I shall, last of all, be tempted to part with ,52 A very fine sea piece : from Coder’s sale at Amsterdam •Backhuysen ( 9 ) F. Bartolomeo • • *'• • • « « « idS ^Dusart. .54: ^F. Floris 55 , ^ Ruysdael .56 Gasp. Poussin 57 F. Steen 58 cbidonc .59 ^^Van Tol 60 .(7 Domenicbino .61 r7«* * Christ on the cross, with saints, in a landscape: on pannel — a very choice specimen of that eminent painter A Flemish fete; of the very finest quality, equal to many of Ostade’s works. From F'ouquet’s cabinet Diana with nymphs, and Acteon: on copper. This is an uncommonly fine specimen of that ancient painter, called the Raffael of Flanders. It is finished like an enamelled painting; the heads are beautiful; the colour clear and brilliant A noble sea piece, painted with the boldness and trutli of Nature itself Landscape and figures. From the Lanti Palace at Rome. An elegant romantic scene taken from Nature, touclied with a masterly hand The Satyr and Peasant. This scene is rendered with the wonted humour of this great painter. The pencilling is remarkably free and bold Virgin, Child and St. John : on pannel. A very grace- ful and true picture of that pleasing and scarce master An interior scene, well known on the Continent by the name of “ la faiseuse de dtrililksT This is the finest specimen known of that first pupil of G. Dow ; and, we advance, without fear of con- tradiction, that it is equal in every point to most of the pictures of that scarce and very highly appre- ciated master, G. Dow Landscape and figures : on copper. The Flight into jEgypt. The truth of expression, the feeling pourtrayed in the different heads of the figures, and the elegance of the scenery, render this clear and brilliant picture, a real bijou^ and must render it acceptable to the refined connoisseur. From Gen. Thiebaut’s collection Landscape and figures. An interesting view in Holland, with a high road B i»», ^ \ ■ •- N ■> \ ( 10 ) • . . t .63 Landscape, clear and brilliant, with several fine figures by A. Van de Velde ^ ^ Carlo Dolce ....«.•<••• .64 Michael the Archangel — an elegant and highly finished y ^ specimen of that pleasing master r W. Van de Velde .65 A fine sea piece. From Thelluson’s collection at Paris M-.. Carracci...... 66 Virgin and Child : on pannel. This pleasing and richly coloured picture may have been painted by some eminent Parmesan artist, who studied in Carracci’s school 3Z. ^ A. Vandyck. . • * 67 Portrait of Henrietta Maria ; spirited and brilliant /. / -——68 Miniature portrait of James II. Ditto when Prince of Wales Portraits of two princes in their youth Ditto of Queen Mary Ditto of Lady J ane Grey r- 68 fiO 70 71 Dumoutier ...... ^nd of the First Day's Sale. • . t Ml 'tfUiWlr I SATURDAY, JUNE the 14th 1817, PUNCTUALLY AT ONE o’cLOCK. ^ Gonzalves Coq * ^ Holbein. . h ^ • • • • ues y , ^ ^ ^Seb. Bourdon. f , Parmegiano , BriU 1 TThE collection of Etchings fcom the Paintings of Lucien Buonaparte’s Gallery 2 Two small Portraits on pannelj style of Vandyck 3 Portrait of Lancelot : on pannel 4 Ditto of Marshal Coligny, who was murdered at the Fete de St. Bartelemi 5 Bacchanalian scene, in the style of N. Poussin 6 A snuff box, ancient Italian copy of the famous Venus by Titian 7 Ditto, portrait of the Marquis de Viauville, a French nobleman who followed the cause of Charles I. and was killed at Auborn Chase. — It is signed 8 The Virgin, infant Christ and St. John, in a landscape : on copper. This graceful painter was nearly re- lated to F. Parmegiano : as he studied no other painter than Corregio, most of his pictures resemble those of his master, we have known many that have been mistaken for Corregio’s works 9 A clear and brilliant landscape, enriched with a great numb^ of figures by A. Carracci / 3 / //. i. ^ . t ^ _r» 1 % V in Vf: — . f^C *11 ^ rt s-i^-l #x >-i A. Carracci ........... .11 /, //. ^ /-// > ^ Hoibein 1€ /r.4.A Bonifacio Veniaano. o . ... 13 /f> ....... ..14 & ^Ruysdael .............. 10 l^iew of the Castle of Bentlieira — an excellent specimen of that painter of Nature. From Chevalier Klein’s cabinet A study for an angel : on paper, pasted on canvas-— a bold, grand and spirited sketch Portrait of Qnc'^ii Elizabeth in her youth r on pannel The finding of Moses Blessing of Esau. This Venetian painter is a close imi- tator of Titian. We have seen several fine pictures by him at Venice, respecting which most connois- seurs were in doubt whether they should ascribe them to Bonifacio or Titian. His merit is hardly known out of the Venetian school, as his works are generally sold for those of Titian. Gorgione, or P. Veronese Portrait of M. Angelo Buonaroli : on pannel Head of St. Peter— a masterly performance Landscape and figures. This picture is engraved by Kobell Christ on the cross, with four saints : on pannel — a very curious and' scarce specimen of (hat ancient E'foren- tiire painter A Holy Family, called la Vi^rge au C/iarddneril. From Grand Pius’s coltectioa at Paris Two heads of boys : on pannel. From Mons. de Nor- vins’s collection at Rome. This sweet picture emr- tains all the characteristics of (his graceful master ; countenances full of health : great power of colour ^ . c hiaro scuro; 3nd a light and free pencil Caspar .21 A View' of the Colosseum at Rome jy y. Ditto .22 A romantic scene from Nature.— — -I bought these two *w*^£f*0 spirited landscapes from the Gallery of Cardinal' Borgia at Velfetri G. Genga. . .23 Christ healing the Lepers : on pannel. This richly- coloured specimen of that very scarce master, cmites the fine Venetian tints with the correctness of the Roman outline. From the collection of the Duke ^ ^ Innocentio da Carpi ...... 15 r;./;. ^ ^ RafiFaelino del Garbo ..... 18 //f ^ t ^ Bourdon,... .....19 7//<^ Correggio’s School ^ ^o*h • 25 Gaiofolo 26 A'^ Carraci 27 Ja. f . ^Hogarth .28 Park Bordone de Taliard, and from lliat of Crozat, in which gallery it is engraved. A good print of this picture is with it This finely-coloured bead of an apostle, is painted (we think) by some clever pupd of Corrcgio: on pannel A brilliant and rish landscape with figures Holj^ Family and St. John, in a rich landscape, with< architecture, attended by a choir of angels ; on thick pannel — a- capital perforraauce of Garofalo’s- works, and displaying the several characteristic beauties of that elegant master. From the Prince d’Iscmbourgk gallery High-finished landscape, with. St. John preaching: several fine figures, touched with a fiee spirited pencil. From the St. Croce Palace at Rome The Gate of Amiens. Mr. Palmer discovered this picture at the Quay at Paris. 1 made the. purchase of it at his death The Duchess of (iherardesca (an ancient family of Flo- rence.) I'iiis noble portrait unites the richness of the Venetian colour with the grandeur of the Roman sc’vool ‘ I r A. del Sarto ....30 Virgin, Child, St. John, and three angels: on thick pannel. This capital performance is (in our opi- nion) an authentic picture from the Land of that scarce master Pomponio Cbrregto . .31 This artist was son of Corrcgio : having lost his father, he gave up painting for trade. This genuine picture of his, possesses much merit, and unites the cha- racteristic beauties of the Parma school ; as he chiefly painted in fresco, his cabinet pictures are very seldom met il!i , or ever heard ofy out of Parma Metzu t .32 A woman cleaning fish — a very high-finished picture. From Muilraan’s cabinet at Amsterdam ( li ) ■/ss Luliii- * s 5 2 ^,/^ . ^ 2/2. <^ . o i(3 A female saint holding the palm of ntartyrdohi, Thre highly-finished specimen of Luini might be attri- buted to L. da Vinci, his master, (as is often the case with the best works of this painter.) The sweet character of the head, and its elegant shape, are in the best style of Leonardo ; the high finishing of the hair, and ornaments, united to the grand style and richness of the draperies, increase the deception : on thick pannel Garofolo m%*o^ The Virgin and St. Joseph kneeling before the infant Christ, in a landscape : on pannel. I'Le .sweet expression of the Virgin calls to the mind the Madonas of Raffitel Schidonc . i ••••••»..• • ,35 Holy Family with St. John. Tlie grace and elegance of the figures equal, in this noble performance, the richness of colouring and the power of c*iiiaro scuro. It is a remarkably fine specimen of that scarce and charming painter. I bought it in the Gallery of Comte St. Vitali, at Parma A. Van Dyck . t • • • • > t • t56 Portrait of Lievens : on pannel — a finely painted head; the truth and strength of expression equal in this portrait, the scientific handling, and the powerful harmony of the whole performance. I bought it at Rome, in A. Kauffman’s collection ; as some lines written on the back of the picture, fully testify Albano ...37 St. Theresa in prayer, attended by a choir of angels. This elegant altar piece adorned a Chapel of one of the sixty churches that were demolished by the French in Rome. This noble performance might well pass for a work of Guido, whom Albano has evidently imitated ; for such has it been considered by several able judges, both at Rome and Paris ; but Truth obliges us to refer it to its proper author. The fine handling of the angels, the thickness of colour, and the sweet expression of the Virgin, possess the best characteristicks of Guido’s silvery works. An etching of this picture is with it f 1 > . -5 ■ 'i.j >.> ' ^ Caspar Poussin 7.T-(? S8 Mount Parnassus. This noble and classical landscape is enriched by a number of small figures, represent- ing poets, historians, and various artists exerting their eflbrts to reach the top of Mount Parnassus, which is crowned by Apollo’s brilliant car : these figures are by the hand of Poussin. Apollo and the Nine Muses, of a much larger size, (painted by the hand of P. da Cortona) enrich the fore-ground of this grand landscape ; we view it as one of the most important and classical of that eminent painter Ditto . • • . • • t39 The Companion. This landscape is painted in the ' manner of Caspar, with whom we are more fa- miliar : it presents a beautiful specimen of historical landscape. They are both pencilled with great freedom of hand, and may be ranged in the first class of the works of this favorite master. They were painted for the Palavicini Palace at Rome, whence they were removed only by the present owner; this accounts for their perfect state of pre- servation. Etchings of these two pictures are with them Cesare da Sesto . 40 Madona and Child, with a highly-finished landscape : on thick panne!. This artist was a favorite pupil of L. da Vinci, whose works are in great esteem in Italy, where they bring a large price. This picture, very highly finished, is an authentic and fine spe- cimen of that very scarce master, whose name is scarcely known on this side the Alps P. Wouverraans .41 This exquisite and uncommonly high-finished Cem comes from the celebrated collection of Boisset. If is well known on the Continent by the name of la petite ecurie. On copper Fra. Bartolomeo ...«>•• ,42 Virgin, Child and St. John, in a pleasing landscape : on an uncommonly thick circular pannel. This ' charming picture resembles greatly the works of Raffael, and was catalogued under that name, in Guido 43 Ludovicus Mazzolini 44 Adrian Van de Velde 43 /f4r ^ ^ Albano . >46 /A/yS^ jr<^ ./^7r ^Corrcsgio 47 48 the gallery at Rome, whence it was bought. VVe ' recognize in this rare performance the leading cha- racteristics of Frate, and do not hesitate to restore it to that eminent imitator of llaffaers works Cardinal Mafleo Barbarini. This fine portrait is pen- cilled with surprising facility. It recalls to our meinor;) , the noble picture of that master in the Zampieri Palace (the rebuking St. Peter) w'hicli is pencilled in the like bold manner. Guido painted this portrait from life, as a finished study, for the large picture of the Cardinal with his three ne- phews, which is engraved bj' Greuter Ho’y Family and St. John in a fine landscape : on panncl. The genuine pictures of this ancient painter are scarce ; they are often mistaken for the works of Garofolo. This is signed in gold letters, iMdovicus MazzoUnus, 1513. It is an uncommonly fine and highly-finished specimen of Mazzolini A View in Holland. This is one of the leading works of that master — the size of it, the number and per- fection of the figures, aud the brilliancy of the sky and landscape, rank this picture in the first class. From M. CIos’s collection. There is an etching of . » ■'Ji it with the picture The Toilet of Venus. The fair goddess is surrounded by the three Graces and several Cupids. Mars is observing from behind some trees. This is the style in which Albano excelled. This picture is one of the richest, the most brilliant and capital specimens of this admired painter of the Graces. We purchased it at Rome in the gallery of Prince Corsini A grand landscape. From Sereville’s collection at Paris Christ in the Garden, with his Disciples : on very thick ^ pannel. The exquisite expression of the figures, their graceful and wonderfully-varied attitudes, the masterly arrangement of the colours, the vigor and ^ .J'.Stem 49 Garofolo Ditto Nuvolone, called il Gurido 52 della Lombardia r; ,/s-, a W. Van de Velde, ...... .'A ^ Parmegiano 54 Dom€nichino ••••••••••. 55 scientific magnificence of the ciiiaro scuro (all charactctislics of Correggio’s best works) are united in this wonderful performance, with an inimitable freedom of pencil, and place it among the most exquisite and undoubted specimens of this very scarce and eminent master. I made the purchase of it at Parma An interior Rural Scene, with twelve figures. This highly-finished picture ig one of the most brilliant specimens we have seen, of that great humourist- The beauty and exquisite expression of the figures, the perfection of the handling, the richness of the colouring, and the brilliancy with which the sun. illumines the scene, render it a choice and valuable picture. It is on pannel The Flight into Egypt. The brilliancy of colouring assiraulafes this picture to the best works of Gior- gione and P. Veronese. It is on pannel Its companion, the Adoration of the Shepherds : on panhel. 1 bought these two pictures at Ferrara, in the Mafiei collection A liepoSo. The Holy Family, attended by several angels. This painter is little known out of Lombardy. This picture is an authentic and pleasing specimen of this graceful master A Cairn. This picture is one of the most brilliant and capital performances of that much esteemed master. It has adorned the famous galleries of Comle Choi- seul, Prince de Conti, and Pouilain ; it is engraved in the last gallery; the book of engravings from which will be sold with the picture Holy Family^an elegant picture, pencilled with great freedom. From St. Croce’s palace This is one of the finest landscapes of that eminent master : it represents a brilliant scene in Lombardy. ( 18 ) 3^7 ^ A. Ostade 42 . 2 . 2 Titian ... 3^2 ■ the Appenines form the back ground ; various ele- vations of ground, scientifically managed, lead the eye with delight through the whole country : barks with musicians enrich the delightful scene. Several figures, seven inches high, and touched with the unrivalled hand of this great painter, adorn the picture ; which we boldly recommend to the re- fined connoisseur, as one of the most perfect and % brilliant performances of this eminent and very scarce master. « Mr. Dufourny (then Director of the French Museum) bought this picture in 1803, at Naples, in the gallery of Celia Mare, Duca del Gesso, for the private collection of Corate Chaptal, one of the ministers of Buonaparte. 1 bought it of Comte Chaptal himself. It is on its original canvass, which V- accounts for its very perfect state of preservation .56 An Interior Scene with many figures ; well known by the name of T/fte Fzo/trt P(r/yer. On pannel. The '■ number and humourous expression of the figures, the taste and richness of composition, the power and brilliancy of the colour, joined to the wonder- r ful harmony of this uncommon picture, rank it in the very first line among the best works of this inimitable master. An etching accompanies the picture .57 The Holy Family, with St. Augustin : on pannel — a richly coloured picture. From Comte Chaptal’s collection .58 The Dutch Wilkie has painted in this masterly perform- ance, his own portrait, and that of his wife and family, after having indulged too freely, in the ^ dainties of a good dinner. This inimitable hu- mourist has described the dangers of drunkenness, with a variety of laughable and entertaining inci- dents. This picture is in his best manner, and was painted in the zenith of his talent. It is ( 19 ) one of the most capital, and perfect works, irfX \\ \\ every respect, of this great favourite painter. , ’ May I be permitted to lead the eye of the \ ^ refined connoisseur to the three capital specimens (all in different styles) of this my favourite painter *• amongst the Dutch masters, and to add, that as long as true expression of the mind (which is far the most difficult part of the art,) will be pre- ferred to mere outline and colour, J. Stein, the moralist, will be ranked in the first line of his ► school. Sir J. Reynolds admired the works of ' ^ this master, not only for the humour, and lively ' ' expression of the figures, but also for the truth, ^ the vigour, and the harmony of his colouring. The Hero of the Age, by giving last month, at a sale in Paris, 11550 fr. (nearly five hundred pounds) for an easel picture of this master, com- posed only of four figures, has proved, that his feelings for the beauties of the art, keep pace with his other eminent and unrivalled abilities. 59 Christ crowned. The nobleman who sold me this picture at Milan, assured me that it formerly hung in the Church Delle Gracie, under the famous large one of the same subject and master ; and that it had been always considered, as the small original picture. It is a well known fact, that most of the ancient masters painted such, before they began their larger picture, to enable them to judge better of the effects of grouping, colour, &c. I myself, view this picture as an original and authentic work of Titian ; and I feel confident, that those connoisseurs, who have examined (he large picture, with due attention, will fully coin- cide in my opinion, and agree, that it is an exqui- site, and extra rare specimen of that illustrious master. It is painted on a very thick ancient pannel. ( so ) //f // , ^ Bonifacio s,/?. ^ f , f, ^ Holbein f . (f • • r> ^ /f.4-^ .60 .61 62 63 .64 .65 66 67 M. Scsevola. Coriolanus, resisting his mother’s intreaties to spare Rome. These finely coloured pictures resemble much those of Giorgione’s, in his early time. Histoire des Peuples de la Russie, par le Comte de Recberg, avec 96 gravures, colories a la main. Very few coloured copies were printed. It is on large fine paper, 2 v. folio. Sixteen prints for the same work. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Ditto of a Lady. A Ring, a panther, on an oriental onyx. Ditto. This ring belonged to Pius VI. It represented J udith holding the head of Holofernes. I had it altered, by the advice of Canova, into a Theseus, by Gerometti, one of the first artists in Rome. The stone (an oriental onyx) is remarkably fine. r(. " -tT’ fw , ** ■■ 'I'r « K ■•i.MVvV''' I"-' -'i; • 71 •*■ ■>'.■ ■ < / >A^ ; W