worn £§>>. gft,' y* m Ji 6 i * 1 j cZcl e t / C? ^f • — *£~ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofgenuiOOchri J A f /avA sAj/^ * / A A /^ AJ'Y’ tA iS<_ / A /S /Sj 2 a / f C ^ , S~Z /V^S s s' // s'^S / ±s//st ?'-&■/' J 2 / t? //fi S . yVi- /^s/# -S*Si Si~< } a/ <■ -, ^^ss/Z 3 ^ //ft :?; s * ' /A/s>J ts/s&^rr /ss/h &y A/~,is 3 * /fsa — ^7 / /K AC^/f -Zs-A 4 ^ /' *- y ' //z*^S' /Sz 3 is Sr* //Ayr < 3 / /S /3 - /^; 4 /?■ ~Ssy SS . - /f /6 - /^7 S/SfrSf /m /So p /^ < /r l y''sCssS^-SS y*>'/ // / Jiz^/uS /Uy //// ^ /% l Z //£L /tnr?W /$ ' - ////’ - /r/ ^ ^ Cytj^rAs 7*^/ , SS // i 3-*f/SrC-rS f SS // - I ^ - /jj ^ ^ \ StSs z p '/S Jy / /y /y/s ^ is/fzi, c ts/y/3 , // ‘ — S/7r y /'t**sY*Sss7i*/, / /y/^Arz sA- Sy/i ss /f ts / Arc, y S • y$y/ __ yy y ^ /Xz ^/y^yr,s/^//. /J-y/ - y 3 o / £• /y /*rSs s^Kj i ' //sc s'/s - / 6 . . //; J~ yys r/'f / j/tSy-L sZ&'T' /(^2. 1) -I'Fy /$ g ,^/ 2y:, /r/^£^ , c^t*y 3 /f*4 Z/? sL~r-£i^'Z s%^£~ ■ /?■ Sr**- */' Jy^j (2>ay^ MjS- , tf/‘ ‘* / *■# - St2-f - Zpf ■ /***”' s* /n /- J y /^£. /S. . Wg^ . , -S~$7 /&/ - J/ Z . /t. . ■■*/ fy'Zy 3' -32-f \s ■ '^yr J - /&-} ~ 3/£ jyU^ 6*~yr /rtf-Jf/ / CATALOGUE OF The Gamine , Capital . and Valuable Collection of Select and Beautiful CABINET PICTURES, The Undoubted WORKS of The most celebrated esteemed Dutch and Flemish Masters j in the highest State of Preservation • THE PROPERTY OF His Excellency the Baron NAGEL, Ambassador from the States of Holland, & c. Consisting of the following Masters, viz. Ruyfdaely. J. Steen Ostade , Vander Heist , Hobbema, Pynaker , Ter burg, G. Larais , A. V. de Velde , Eingelback, W. V. de Velde,, Rembrandt, &c. ALSO A Singularly High-finished Picture of a Philosopher by GER. DOUW ; an Elegant and Noble Picture by WOUVERMANS, of Ladies and Gentlemen going out to the Chace ; a Country Strolling Mufician, a most exquisite Picture, by ADRIAN OSTADE; a Flemish Farmer preparing for Market, by D. TE- NIERS ; with many other scarce and valuable Pictures. Which will be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room dn Pall Mall, On Saturday, March 21ft, 1795, at 12 o'Clock. To be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale,— —Catalogues may be had as above} and at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill. CONDITIONS of SALE I. '“pHE highelt Bidder is to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Twe* A - or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and fo on in pro- portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold, IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Purchafers Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforelaid, lhall be re-fold, by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. 3 S~ A Catalogue, &c. ►,1 y F. Hals ^ Mireveldt 'Vu Gonzales Jan. Greffier Nafo /y'z. Vanderneer V. D. Heyden A. Haag — ^ Breckelcamp Janfon — Huchtenborg l 6 Ruyfdael /JJ . Greffier /^ZBegga 2,yfSwaneveldt Capella /^"Mireveldt Prins — * jA Schalken Jff Chev. de Moor Ifi Lingelback Hoet — — Os — — 3P 22 -Hondekooter n Molenaer /$, Ifaac Oftade T^Waterloo $2 Ruyfdael 2 £ P. Wouverman /$IV. D. Hulft Ruyfdael — $ZJG. Terburg 2 o Palamedes Hobbima — 42 . Jan Steen w~ SATURDAY, MARCH 21ft, 1795. 1 rpWO portraits, fmall — 2 JL The Prince of Orange, a three-quarter 3 His own portrait, fmall — 4 A mifer weighing gold, ditto — 5 A half-length portrait of a Prince of Orange — 6 A view of a town in Holland 7 A pair, Sampfbn betrayed by Dalilah 8 A pair of high-fmifhed landfcapes on glafs 9 Ladies and gentlemen going out courting 10 The country fchool matter 11 A moon light, a landfcape, in ftile of V. D. Neer 12 A pair, a battle, and the facking and burning a village 1 3 A fcene of a wood, fmall 14 A pair of fmall high-finifhed views on the Rhine 15 A mufical converfation 16 A landfcape with the flight into Egypt 17 A fea view, a calm, with various (hipping 18 A garden fcene with a family j portraits very highly finiflied 19 A pair of viewe in Holland 20 The Madona, a candle light 21 A lady playing on a guitar 22 A fmall pi&ure of a cobler, very fine equal to Car. da Jardin 23 Fruit and flowers, a pair, very highly finifhed 24 Various birds and live fowls, a very capital picture 25 An interior With peafants feafting and regaling 26 A landfcape with marauders plundering travellers 27 A large pidlure, a view of a town in Holland, fine 28 A pleafing landfcape, view from nature, with a water mill 29 A horfe fair, with many figures 30 Conftantine the Great aflembling his army 3 1 A landfcape, view from nature with a water mill 32 A lady writing, a very correct and high finifhed pidture 33 A corps du gard, a lively, well compofed picture *33 A landfcape 34 The interior of a brothel, with a young fpendthrift pillaged while afleep, a very exquifite fine pi£ture, equal to the beft works of Metzu -v v-V s?S- T\ t\ I ~ v* tit m. Cuyp and B. Vander Helft 70 V. der Heyden — SZ A. v. de Velde - Ditto — — -Hackaert /M J. Oftade De Witt 2 /J /£ Van der Doos W. V. de Velde /#£ Ad. Oftade — Rembrandt h / 0 £f v i‘ _/l Schalken 7/5 Ger. Dow naker /30 Teniers Wouvermans Backhuyfen G. Lairefle ( 4 ) 35 A landfcape with the Alwyn family, a very capital pitfture 36 A view on the banks of a canal, figures by A. V. De Velde, very fine 37 A landfcape with cattle, and figures, a beautiful picture 38 Ditto, the companion, of equal merit 39 A landfcape with figures by A. V. De Velde 40 A froft feene, a view from nature with many figures, a pleafing picture 41 The interior of a Dutch church, with great effe£t of light, &c. 42 A farm yard with cattle, figures by C. Du Jardin 43 A moft beautiful pifture, of a fea calm with fhipping, one of the fineft clafs 44 The country ftrolling mufician, a very fine and capital pidture 45 A portrait of Rembrandt' s Wife , a very beautiful and capi- tal picture, finifhed equal to Gerard Dow 46 A mountainous landfcape , a brilliant and pleafing effedt of fun fhine, with waterfall, fine 47 A magdalen in repentance, highly finifhed 48 A philofopher at hisjludy, it is impoffible to conceive the art of colouring to produce a more furprifing and forcible effect; the finifhing furpafles all other pro- du< 5 tioris in the reprefentation of. painting, it is a gem of the firft clafs, and would adorn a princely cabinet 49 A Flemijh farmer preparing for market ; a faithful copy of nature ; one of the moft capital and beautiful pic- tures ever feen ; the vegetables, bafkets, wheelbarrow, and every article finifhed with a precilion never equalled by any other artift ; a chef d’oeuvre of the firft clafs 50 An elegant piSiure with gentlemen and ladies going out a-hawk- ing and hunting ; one of thofe defirable pictures which are in general refearch of this admired artift; the figures of graceful and elegant ; the horfes full of fpirit and beauty ; the dogs alive and in motion ; the whole a pleafing feene, animated, a moft capital picture in the higheft ft ate of prefervation 51 A view on the Maefe, with fhipping, very fine 52 DIDO and iENEAS, a rich allegorical picture, full of tafte and genius, one of his moft capital works FINIS, ym |