T ' . ■ >• i • TW J jf ’ r ' J\s ' Jr. 3^.- l^fctL \V V; \ ,\fc , ■ V £r J \\\ii X' : r ~ s -Jr' ~\ , \ % v^l * r* j - \ 'V, , *X V \ p>; \ ■w y*' --4 - ; > * f%:._ ' */ ^^N)r ,-r.- • ■ vtt , i " ; f JkNC* ,|V / , / _4 i . >» f / i J V 1 A J'^! \ I; . * ' - . ■ ' . 0-A.TA.H.00-XJE Def.H c^cuc# A COLLECTION OF (TIjnt£S£ & Jfa|ran£S£ |3att£rtr AND PORCELAIN, JAPANESE BRONZES AND OTHER METAL WORK, WOOD AND IVORY NETSUKES, CARVING IN WOOD AND IVORY, LACQUEK WORK, CARVING IN JADE, AND CHINESE CLOISONTSTE THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN: COuTteiL) J WHICH 51®ill be Snlb bj auction bj Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AY Y3KIK SKKAY ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Wednesday and Thursday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. Jamesa Square, S,W, 20,45-41* 3. 5$'.5&.f7- c l 3 ' /& 9 . Ort^C S . /O^ /i>~/ . /£rs~. / P~o. /V-- 2 3 //^ ^h. y'ctU/'Cry ^ ■ “ * = /^ o. S-*>i f. v J(*L £<*+***+ /So. /66. s> ty-h. 4 l ^ & ■y'/ ■ y 7 5 ■ 79 . 93.Q^ Q2~. /of. //^ -. // 3 ~ / / / / ' / /3^w. /?4* / V /3 5 ' /V- £T /£/_ ■ &y//Z*£c *. /3/waJl /^ ?»--. --o-»-,J > /^y - /£>*/•■ N % 3. U-. / 2 -. /¥- - 2 3 . Zs -Zf 32 . . 3&. S- 3.47. S/. 5'S. 6^. £d~. £5- 2 . /< 30 . /£>& .' /// . /Zo. /2 s. /zf. /3v-. /dr. /v~o. /so /$z . /6 2 . . /£?' a. /O . /2. . /*/- . f<£ /A? - ///. //r /2 <2 /'25~. /If. /3o. /^-o , /<*-£+-. /So. /S2 33%,. /S/ /SQ. /6z . / % % . /%£■-, (h / 3. 3 . &. /2_- /r. /£. "JL ■ (LL-p £**■/“ \ A* £ S/cwC94^*y . &L&S T Hi-- -LZf . /^ / // ^ /27 Z29 'z y' y/ 7 47/. /J* &y$~Z / Oa3x\f3l% S3?. /59 . ./^ ^ . /^ . 1 ^— /9 7 / 1 > 6 . /{rtf' . /^3 . / 9 / 5 " v&f^-rt, £. 9'x^aUr**-/ 72 . . frz> . &/■ /t>o ■ /o 7. //o 723. /^/. /. /So. /53 . '77. . /O. /2.. //*.. /^. /O . ^ 3. Z&.28-. 3cl .3S. 3 b. 4- 3.4< jy. 5" 2 . .6b- 5&. Cs. Cy. f'z. .7^ ■/’f ■ <*V ■ f ■^■b"- \ /oo. /OS' . ///. //£ /2o. /2 5~. / 2 ?■ /3o. /33 ‘/3^. /37*. /*+&. /to /3**-c. /y /y /<£>. /V- S'. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such Te-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -♦O* On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. IVORY NETSUKES. A Venus ear-shell— signed; two puppies; Urashima, Diakoku ; a crayfish in a shell ; two oni / //Zj2^p 5 A basket with two rats; fruit with sparrows; a Musume ; a shoot; a tomato ; a pleasure-boat of monkeys 6 Seven sages in a bamboo grove— signed ; Shokei and an oni— signed ; No dancers, dresses in gold lacquer isis 3 A basket; rats— signed ; a sage riding a carp— signed ; Diakoku f and Yebishu; The Apparition ; an oni cleaning a boot A cup, inlaid with a sea-gull— signed ; an eagle— signed ; a kyliu — stained ; a stag ; a chicken hatching ; an umbrella and lantern maker— signed 6 A disk, with a tortoise and sun in iron and gold ; ditto, with octopus ; ditto, engraved with sages— signed ; ditto, with foliage, chrysan-^/^^j^^, themums in coral; a monkey’s mask, orange-wood; a gourd 6 A disk, russet iron, with dragon; ditto, rabbit and moon; ditto, r shells ; a tile—red copper ^ Group of frogs and toads in a hat B 2 e. 4 WOODEN NETSUKES. 9 /. 4 *0 10 11 /' /. V 12 /t £ , O 13 •Z ✓ J, , 17 O 18 /* ^ /^ 19 Two puppies fighting ; a group of No masks— signed ; a priest with a rat and basket; a badger, by Ittan ; two No masks; a beggar, partly coloured 6 A quail with young and millet seed— signed ; a melon; a frog wrapping a tortoise in a lotos leaf— signed ; millet seed and quails—; a group of monkeys; a seal, with oni being pelted with beans * > r ~ 6 A toad on a sandal— signed ; a basket; a Musume with shell— signed ; a monkey on a mushroom ; a badger; a snake— signed f c -o 6 The wind god— signed ; a fungus with tortoise, byJSu£ENAGA ; an actor with boy— ebony ; an oni with drum A sake bottle— signed; three monkeys, by Tametaka ; a toad on a sandal; an eagle with a monkey ; a dragon and a tiger; toad¬ stools, by Masanao X/v 6 A rat in a bag —signed ; a gourd and a fish; a boy with a ball, by Masanao ; a unicorn ; a Chinese boy 5 A bamboo shoot; a rat, by Ittan ; two puppies— signed ;] frogs ; a P riest 5 An octopus in a bowl —signed MasaJcuni ; a snake and a tortoise —signed ; a herring and rat; an oni with pincers; two grotesque masks 5 A toad on a lotos leaf— signed ; an octopus ; a broken tea-pot and shell, by Masanao ; two quails and millet seed —signed ; a boy carrying a monkey 5 An oni holding Shokei under a basket; two boys frightened at a boy with a mask; an oni hiding from beans; Shokei sitting on an oni hiding in a bag— signed ; three tortoises op, a kakemono— ebony A shampooer— signed ; a toad— signed ; an oni with a pistof; a fir a monster on a marrow; a tomafc^ J 6 tZ. cone with a snail 5 CARVINGS IN IVORY. ?, a ’> , O 20 The Figure of a Sage, holding a model lantern, at his feet is curled the three-clawed dragon— signed —8 in. high—on carved dark wood stand 21 The figure of a quail pluming itself, at its feet millet seed —signed V4L —4f in. high- -on carved wood stand r. o a '±.o 22 A pigeon pluming, seated on a broken tile— signed—on carved wool stand 23 A cock and a hen —on carved wood stand 24 A Small Table Screen, finely carved on one side, in low relief with wisteria, peonies, chrysanthemums and grasses; on the other, monkeys with a lotos pod, scroll borders in relief, silver hinges — signed —4f in. by lOf in. 25 An inro, ojime and netsuke, carved on one side, in high relief, with two sages looking at a kakemono, a pilgrim standing at the side; on the other side, three sages with a bear, a Koro and a boojj circular netsuke formed as a dragon and clouds —signed 26 A Finely Carved Group, representing four monkeys quarrelling 6 . a over a basket of grapes— signed—on carved and pierced wood A? stand y/ 27 A group of two rats moving an egg —on carved wood stand 28 A Hawk, mother-o’-pearl eyes, bronzed feet—5f in. by 10 in —^ signed—on carved wood stand 28a A Pigeon Pluming, bronzed feet —carved wood stand LACQUER WORK. f 29 A skull, in gold lacquer, teeth in ivory; a centipede, in mother-o - pearl —in lacquer case Jjcai-L- HO OM/OO ° 30 Two natural shells, mounted as a box, with other shells and seawveed y in gold lacquer, the interior of nashiji lacquer -Q--^-J- , J. . 31 A tortoiseshell bowl, with a castle, clouds and plum trees in gold lacquer • // f> y . 32 A writing box, of black lacquer, the cover decorated with a hanging ' ' ' basket with iris and peonies in flat gold nashiji lacquer, interior with cranes and weeping willows //. 33 A Pair of Long-Necked Four-Sided Bottles, of gold lacquer, * / r & shaped panels of mythical figures, peonies, wisteria, gladioli and prunus in mother-o’-pearl, stained ivory, tortoiseshell and coral on a coarse nashiji ground—9 in. high—on carved and 'pierced ■ ivory stands with monster feet 34 A Pair of Quartrefoil Bottles, with spreading feet of gold' /* - & lacquer, with two panels with retainers laughing and drinking, in mother-o’-pearl, tortoiseshell, coral and stained ivories on a^o coarse nashiji ground, flowers in slight relief—10 in. high INRO. 35 An inro, black lacquer, fir trees, rock and bridge in raised gold— signed Yesei —fir-cone ojime and double-gourd netsuke; and a small bone inro, opening at the side, key pattern in gold, coral ojime and button netsuke 2 36 An inro, dark wood, with stag and maple leaf in the style of Korin, ojime and netsuke ; an inro, dark wood, carved with waves, moon and rabbit in silver, ojime and netsuke; an inro, of Gouri lac, wood netsuke; and an inro, with carnations in mother-o’-pearl, ojime and netsuke 4 Jh* J 37 A pouch, of fluted russet iron, formed of a rerebrace of an arm-piece, faceted iron ojime, and the netsuke formed as a small pistol; and an inro, formed as a small double gourd, Kiri leaves in gold and lead, ojime and netsuke 2 /' 7 - 38 Three inro, with birds, flowers, &c., in the style of Korin; a wooden & inro, with characters in gold ; and an inro, carved with peonies— signed School of Ritzuo 5 A 7 39 , 40 O 41 , ^ 42 43 . o 44 An inro, prunus in gold and silver on a black ground; another, with rock, reeds and fishing boats— signed ; another, with a pilgrim in raised gold, seal and signature at the back ; and one, with bamboo and bee in raised gold and mother-o’-pearl 7 An inro, with rice field, weeping willow, &c. in flat gold ; another, with garden utensils on a black ground; another, with shells and sea-weed in gold and mother-o’-pearl—by Kajikciwa Three wooden inro, carved with sages and kylins —one signed ; and one, inlaid with a basket of peonies An inro, dead gold, with a fir tree in flat tones ; another, of similar work, with two rats ; another, of natural bark, with swallows and wild duck, ojime and netsuke ; and one, of red lac, with a bamboo and tiger in raised gold 4 An inro, with rocks in raised gold, the sea in flat gold ; a circular ditto, with sea in black lac and natural woods, birds in gold, silver, shakudo and copper; and an inro, with many kogai on a black ground 3 A large inro, of yellow bronze, embossed with a character and scrolls, lac ojime, and netsuke formed as a grotesque mask ; and a small inro, of russet iron, chased in relief with a kylin and peonies, <2 ^ partly gilt ^ CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES. O 45 An oblong jardiniere, with ring handles, Shojos on a diapered-pattem/ ^ ground —signed Seimin ds/Le^L' v -' 46 A flower vase, formed as a temple bell, clouds and raised ornaments, supported by three dragons ^ 47 A sacrificial cup, with spout entirely decorated with leaf ornament* ’/S/ monster handle, and the Chinese figure oi a sage /^ 48 A Koro, formed as an egg plant, supported by three smaller fruik toad and snail 8 49 Another Koro, formed as a giant radish on which dances a toa . ^83 A Box and Coyer, formed as a double gourd and cover, with leaves, &c.— on finely carved and pierced wood stand / / ^ 84 A Group, representing a mountain pass with fir trees, eight figures of sages, and an apparition of a deity above— on carved and, • y pierced wood stand 85 A Vase, formed as a tree trunk, with prunus, fir trees and Ho-Ho birds— 1\ in. high—on carved and pierced wood stand 086 A Pair of Vases, formed as carp, finely executed in motBer-o - pearl and stained ivory— 6 ^ in. high —signed—on dark wooc stands carved with lotos in relief 87 An Indian Dagger, the hilt and scabbard mounts of pale green jade enriched with flowers, &c., in diamonds, rubies and emeralds, the pommel formed as a horse’s head 88 Another, the hilt of pale green jade, mushroom ornaments on the ' a pommel, flowers in rubies, emeralds and gold, grooved blade JAPANESE PORCELAIN. ^9 A small globular vase, enamelled in colours and gold with a picnic ZP on a mountain side ; and a Ninsei tea jar—3§- in. high—signed ^ CZy*- A pair of small double-gourd vases, enamelled with .Lake Biwa m/? / / colours and gold—3J in. high—signed > 91 A pair of barrel-shaped vases, with a mountainous landscape with /? . Z yy cottages—3J in. high—signed 92 A tea-bowl, with a winter landscape— signed; and two small ImarL bowls, of fine quality ZV ~ 93 An oviform jar, with plum blossom in colours—6 in. high ; and a ° Kord, surmounted by a Ho-Ho bird 12 S’, * /,//?, //, / , /S. 0 tJ . (/ - & /,/S. O / -« £ . ° /*/£ 2 , . 7 . ^ /./^ * // 4 , 94 Ten Satsuma cups and saucers, finely painted with various fans with landscapes on a brocade-pattern ground in brilliant colours and gold —signed 95 A pair of pear-shaped bottles, minutely painted with diaper patera, jewels and kylins in colours and gold—7 in. high 96 A pair of smaller ditto, with mountainous landscape and'"bands of diaper ornaments—4f in. high—signed 97 A pair of small vases, with ring handles, very minutely painted with the procession of a Daimio—3^ in. high—with inscription mid, signature ,0/SyP-^-. 98 A small square-shaped tea-pot, enamelled in colours and gold, with a tea house aod gaisha 99 An Imari Dish, painted with four panels of landscapes on a diapered-pattern red, blue and green ground— 21 | in. diaryf^^ 100 Three plates, in the style of Imari; and a dish, enamelled with utensils and flowers in centre, scrolls and panels on the border , —10 in. diam. ' L 101 A flat-shaped globular tripod Kord, surmounted by akylin, chrysan¬ themums and dragon in colours and gold —12 in. high yTT^/2, CHINESE WHOLE-COLOUR AND NANKIN PORCELAIN. 103 A Nankin pear-shaped bottle, with utensils and flowers —8 n high 104 A Nankin bowl, with figures of ladies on a balcony in four compart¬ ments, diaper-pattern border —8 in. diam. Qy/fa 105 A double gourd-shaped vase, decorated with the egg plant -7718 in. high 106 A small vase and cover, with petal-shaped panels with figures of ladies—5 in. high; a bottle, with flowers in white on a blue ground—3| in. high ; and a pair of small pierced bowls, with/ landscapes in circular panels 13 107 , 0 u> 108 109 110 111 112 8113 '114 115 ll7 118 An oviform jar, with utensils in blue mirror-shaped panels on a prunus-pattern ground—9 in. high—carved wood cover and „ stand A Small Octagonal Tea-Pot, Cover and Stand, enamelled with petal ornaments with lotos in colours on a black ground, pink borders Another, nearly similar // A fluted famille jaune cup and saucer, enamelled with peonies and rocks ; a bowl, with utensils and bands of ornaments ; and a cup and saucer ir^ A pear-shaped lavender crackle bottle—13 in. high A bottle, similar, with escalloped lip—13 in. high ^ A celadon bottle—9 in. high A pear-shaped liver-coloured bottle—12 in. high 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 T26 *127 128 129 A small powder-blue vase—10 in. high , ? A Mazarin blue square-shaped box and cover, for suspension A* Z A pair of parrots, in turquoise-blue crackle—9 in. high ■'S A double gourd-shaped lavender bottle, fan-shaped panels of utensils—15 in. high A celadon bottle, with six cylindrical handles and bosses 16 in. high A white vase, engraved with key pattern, symbolical ornaments in , J , / / relief—15 in. high O A sage-green crackle vase, ram’s-head handles—15 in. high S7 c\> A pair of earthenware vases, with crabs in relief—16 in. high «A~u — A beche-de-mer vase, with open lip — 7 in. high '' A copper refle bottle—14 in. high Another, darker—13 in. high A vase, dragons and clouds in blue and white—20 in. high / A cylindrical powder-blue vase, pencilled with gold—19 in. high A splashed celadon vase—16 in. high A square-shaped Mazarin blue vase, with elephant and ring handle^ —12 in. high / 1 14 / 146 A Small Box and Coyer, formed as a street lampi, very finely inlaid with small landscapes, dragons, flowers, &c. on a diapei pattern ground —signed Komai 147 A Dresden group of a lady and gentleman—13 in. high ' s 148 A pair of coloured porcelain groups of a male and female savage ^ THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 149 A Famille Yerte Ewer and Cover, shaped and fluted base, square-shaped neck with fluted lip, the spout formed as the /S and neck of the Ho-Ho bird, enamelled in brilliant colours in alternate compartments with chrysanthemums, prunus, ,^ c ,^ peonies, lotos, rock, insects and water, and bands of diaper ornaments—10 J in. high 1G The Property of A GENTLEMAN, purchased in Japan . {A * N 150 A 151 A 152 A Short Sword, the scabbard of black lacquer, the b uchi Kashira, Kodsuka and Kogai of grained sbibuicbi, with the Imperial Kiri and other crests in raised gold, shark-skin grip Court Sword, the scabbard of gold lacquer with raised prunus blossom, the grip mounts, &c. of silver, chased and engraved with crests Pair of Swords, black lacquer scabbards with dragons in gold, shakudo and gold guards, the grips bound with white silk, heavy blades FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ■ ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE