On View from May 30 No. 187 Sale June 3 and 6, 1921 Japanese Prints Kakemono, Makemono, Netsuke Surimono, etc. The Property of The Chicago Historical From the Gunther Estate i And Consigned by Them To be sold by Auction FRIDAY EVENING and MONDAY EVENING June 3 and June 6, 1921 Commencing at 8:15 o’clock THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 10 East 49th Street, New York, N. Y. Telephone, Murray Hill 6512 * t On View from May 30 No. 187 Sale June 3 and 6, 1921 Japanese Prints and Rare Japanese Books Kakemono, Makemono, Netsuke Surimono, etc. The Property of The Chicago Historical From the Gunther Estate And Consigned by Them To be sold by Auction FRIDAY EVENING and MONDAY EVENING June 3 and June 6, 1921 Commencing at 8:15 o’clock THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 10 East 49th Street, New York, N. Y. Telephone, Murray Hill 6512 COLLECTION M.HILLEN THE GETTY RESQAftOH INSTITUTE LIBRARY FOREWORD The Gunther Prints which are offered for sale by the Chicago Historical Society will be found of very high grade for condition and color, although the prints by the Great Masters are few. Special attention should be called to the Surimono, which are exquisite, particularly the Triptych Surimono by Gakutei (Nos. 413 and 410) ; three out of the Shigemasa lacquer prints of “The Four Seasons” (Nos. 474, 475, 476), 21 out of the 24 “Filial Piety Series” by Shigeharu (fine examples, and hard co get), and con¬ sidered by experts to be finer than the Kunivoshi series of the same; a Complete set of Hiroshige IPs Chuban Tokaido with yellow borders (rare) ; 23 unique printings of Hiroshige’s First Tokaido with the seal of a ■ Perfume Publisher, Senjoko, the “Shono” (No. 47), etc., a very fine example; Yeishi’s Ise Mono- gatari (Nos. 241-246), and Utamaro Flower Arrangements. Among the Books will be found an example of the First Printing Press in Japan by the Jesuits, 1611 (No. 75); a com¬ plete set of the 54 “Genji Monogatari” of Kunisada; a set of the Jinbutsu Tokaido, the figures by Kunisada and Kuniyoshi and landscapes by Hiroshige; the large book of the No Dance Masques (No. 132), is very rare; the rare Japanese and Chinese Seals of Artists (with English) ; the Views of China (with Eng¬ lish) ; Buddhist Teachings written in gold (No. 74) ;a Makemono Painting of the Tosa School, the Mangwa of Hokusai complete and in the first edition (No. 98); two sets of Hokusai’s little Tokaido; Sadatake’s How to Wear Armor, 1780 (No. 136), etc. A few carvings and pieces of Chinese Silver (Nos. 189, etc.), complete the sale. CATALOGUE Japanese Color Prints and Rare Japanese Books FIRST SESSION Nos. 1-270 BIRD AND FLOWER PRINTS HIDEMARO: 1800-1817 1. CARNATION PINKS IN A BRONZE BOWL. Pink Shrub and Camellias. Square form, the two on one mount. (2). Signed. 2. TOYOHIRO AND HIDEMARO. Heliotrope in a low bronze jar by Hidemaro and a spray of Mandarin Chrysanthemums by Toyohiro. The two on one one mount. Signed. KEISAI KITAO MASAYOSHI, 1761-1824 3. PEONIES AND CHINESE SHRIKE. Good color and condition, the white peony in gauffrage (often wanting). Signed. SHUNSEN: Worked 1802 4. DWARF PERSIMMON IN A SQUARE BRONZE JAR. Powlonia in a yellow tub. Square form, the two on one mount, signed. YEIZAN AND HIDEMARO 5. 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. IRIS IN A WALL VASE BY YEIZAN (1800-1829). Iris in a bronze bowl on a red stand by Hidemaro. The two on one mount, square form, signed (2). HIROSHIGE I WEEPING WILLOW AND CAMELLIAS. Beautiful flower arrangement in a low bronze bowl and standard on a yellow stand. Signed. Very rare examples of Hiroshige and all in fine color and and condition. ORCHIDS AND VINES. In a long green bowl on a lacquer stand. Fine color and con¬ dition. Signed. WHITE PEACH AND ORHCIDS. Arranged in a bronze bowl on a red stand. Fine condition and color. Square form, signed. POPPIES AND PLATYEODON IN A LOW BRONZE JAR. On a little red and yellow stand. Signed, good condition and color. HIROSHIGE II GLOBE FLOWER AT YAMAGATA VILLAGE. Margins, signed Kisai Risso, seal Yamatoya, published by Tsusakichi in 1866. Full margins. This and the following four lots are all from the same series. CHERRY TREE ON THE SUM IDA RIVER. Full margins, signed, date 1866. ASAGAI OR MORNING GLORIES AT SANYA. Full margins, signed, date 1866. WISTARIA AT KAMEIDO. Full margins, signed, date 1866. POLYANTHUS OR CHINESE LILIES AT OSHIAGE. Full margins, signed, date 1866. FLOW ER AR RAN GEM ENT. Low bronze jar on red lacquer stand with a spray of crim¬ son thistles. Signed, square form. 2 TOYOHIRO 16. CHUBAN OR SQUARE PRINT. A red jar, with large white shaped panel, having decoration of Flower Arrangement, surmounted by a cover with Chinese Lion. Good condition. Signed. UTAMARO I 17. IRIS IN A BLUE JAR. With Avater plants in a low bowl. Signed. Square form, fine condition and good color. 18. SACRED BAMBOO, CHRYSANTHEMUM AND LILIES. In a low bowl. Square form, signed, fine color and condi¬ tion. 19. PLUM BLOSSOMS IN STONE GREY JAR. A beautiful flower arrangement, in fine color and condition. Square form, signed. (Illustrated) 20. WEEPING WILLOW AND CHRYSANTHEMUM. In double jars as tvell buckets. Square form, fine condition and color. Signed. BEISAKU, 1895 21. TWO CHINESE WARRIORS ON HORSE . f>ACK. TRIPTYCH. Admiring Sunset over the water in Winter. 1895. Good in condition and color. CHO KON 22. FAN PRINT. A street scene in the Yoshiwara. Signed. THREE GOLD FANS 23. GOLD FAN. (FOLDING). Figures in Black, Red and Grey on a Gold Ground, time worn. 24. GOLD FAN. (FOLDING). Figures in Grey, Red and Black on a Gold Ground. Family visiting a sage, worn. 25. GOLD FAN. (FOLDING). Cranes in Grey and Black on a Gold Ground. Time worn. GESSA, 1895 26. TRIPTYCH LAND ATTACK ON KINSHU. Much action, good condition and color. Pub. Sekikuchi 1895. 27. ATTACK ON PIEIJO. TRIPTYCH. Good condition and strong in color. 1895. 28. A NIGHT ATTACK ON KINSHU FROM THE SEA. TRIPTYCH. Fine in condition and color. Pub. Tsuji 1895. SUZUKI HARUNOBU 29. A ROOM IN THE YO SHI WAR A. Youth and a girl struggling for a pipe; another girl finishes her toilet before the mirror. Oblong form, good condition and soft in color. HARUSHIGE OR SHIGEHARU: FI. 1817 l'wenty-one prints out of the twenty-four making the set of “Filial Piety of China” or “Niju Shiko” 30. MOSO GOING OUT IN THE SNOW FOR BAMBOO SHOOTS. 4 For his sick mother. Signed. Very fine condition and wonderful in color. (Illustrated) 31. GO MO STAYING UP TO GUARD HIS SLEEPING FATHER. Fanning him all night to keep the Mosquitoes away. Bi-Shi- Kin who loved his step-mother. Very fine, signed (2). 32. SANYA THE GREAT POET OF THE SUNG DYNASTY. Who allowed no one save himself to wait on his mother. Very fine blue robe. Signed. (Illustrated) 33. SOS AN A PUPIL OF CONFUCIUS. Who seemed to hear his mother’s voice calling for help and dropped his faggots and ran to her. The Brothers, Choko and Chorei, and the wild man. Signed (2). 34. KORAI SHI AND HIS AGED PARENTS. W hom he played with as children; Senshi in the deerskin. Signed (2). 4 35. YU KIN KO ON THE SEASHORE. Who gave up his health to restore his sick parents. Tofu- gin feeding her mother-in-law. Signed (2). 36. ' THE THREE BROTHERS. Who when they tried to divide their estate found the great tree died showing them they must live together. Shujusho hunting for his mother. Signed (2). 37. O SHO ON THE ICE. Who cracked the ice by the warmth of his body to get fish for his sick mother. Sai Jun picking nuts for his mother. Signed ( 2 ). 38. KYO JI AND THE MOUNTAIN SPRING. Which she found at the door after walking miles for spring water for her mother. (Illustrated) 39. O KO AND HIS FATHER. Whom he fanned in summer to keep cool and slept with in winter to keep him warm. Yoke and the Tiger. Signed (2). 40. RIKU ZOKU AND THE CONCEALED CITRON. His patron demanded why he hid it and he replied such ex¬ pensive fruit he would rather take to his mother. 41. KAN BUNTEI THE EMPEROR. Who allowed no one to wait on his sick mother but himself. Cho-Rau, the wood carver (2). 42. OJO IN THE RAIN STORM. Coming to guard the tomb of his mother, who was always afraid of a storm and lightning. (Illustrated) HIROSHIGE I 43. MEISHO SETSU GETSU KA. The Snow, Moon and Flower Series. The Snow print, showing a windy field of snow and Temple on an island. Signed, margins. A rare printing published by Marujin in 1850. 44. THE MOONLIGHT PRINT FROM THE SERIES. Fishing under the willows, full margins, signed, published by Marujin in 1850. 45. CHERRY TREES IN BLOSSOM NEAR THE BRIDGE. The "Flower print” of the series, full margins, signed, pub¬ lished by Marujin in 1850. 5 HIROSHIGE II 46. CHUBAN OR SQUARE TOKAIDO. Date 1860. Complete set of the 56 prints, mounted two each in good color and full size, with all margins, signed “Rinsho”. Pub¬ lished by Harutetsu and Hiroko in 1860. Yellow borders. Complete sets in good condition are scarce. THE FIRST TOKAIDO OF THE FIRST HIROSHIGE Twenty-three Prints, a special issue of this series. 47. SHONO RAIN: The mountain side in heavy downpour with tossing trees and running peasants. Two margins, signed. Fine example. Each of these 23 prints has somewhere the seal of Senjoko, a man who had a perfume shop in Yedo, and who was a friend and patron of the first Hiroshige when he was in great need Senjoko used these prints to advertise his perfume. (See the hat of the first man to right.) . (Illustrated) 48. SHIR A SURE OR SEA VIEW HILL. Here the seal of Senjoko is hung as a poem from the trees either side the hill path. Margins, unique printing with this perfumer’s seal. t 49. ARAI; A fine boat and water print. Senjoko has used the straw matting over the anchor, and the sail of the small boat in the river, to advertise his perfume. Signed. Unique printing. 50. MAIZAKA: THE GREY PROMONTORY. The yellow sails of the boats under the lee shore advertise Senjoko’s perfume. Two margins, signed. Unique printing. 51. KAMEYAMA: A FAMOUS SNOW SWEPT HILLSIDE. The tall trees in the middle distance have the additional block of the slips containing the advertisement of Senjoko’s perfume. Two margins, signed, unique printing. 52. AKASAKA OR THE COUNTRY INN. The Perfumer’s seal has been dropped in front of the door where the Geishas are dressing to go in. Three margins, signed, rare printing. 53. CHIRIU OR THE HORSEFAIR. Senjoko has used the lone tree in the centre on which to hang three poems on the beauty and delight of his perfume. Unique printing, good color, three margins, signed. 6 54. N ARUM I: A STREET AT TWILIGHT. The lantern at the door of the Inn, and the hats of the travelling girls, with the Kago of the lady, all have the Perfume Seal of Senjoko. Rare printing, three margins, signed. 55. MIYA: THE RACING CHARIOTS. Where Senjoko uses the Torii pillar to cry “Perfume”, rare printing, three margins, signed. 56. YOKKAICHI: A NOTED WIND PRINT. First issue without shadows on the yellow cloak, but with the addition block of Senjoko on the hat of the man on the bridge. Two margins, signed, unique printing with the perfume ad¬ vertisement. 57. KUWANA AT THE MOUTH OF THE FERRY. The sails of all the large boats advertise Senjoko’s perfume. Rare printing, three margins, signed. 58. ISH1YAKUSHI WITH ITS BLUE AND GREEN HILLS. A pretty village print, and a rare printing with the Senjoko perfume seal on the trees to left. 59. SEKI: THE BARRIER STATION. An early printing in good blue with a large perfume seal in the foreground. Rare print with this seal. 60. TSUCHIYAMA: DOWNPOUR OF RAIN. A scarce print, the banners of the leaders having the Sen¬ joko perfume which makes this a rare printing. 61. GIOYU: WOMEN FIGHTING OVER TRAVELLERS. A sign on a doorway and the yellow hats of the travellers have the Senjoko seal advertising the perfume. Good impres¬ sion, three margins. 62. OKAZAKI: THE PROCESSION ON THE LONG BRIDGE. The additional seals of the perfumer in this instance are in the sky. Unique example with Senjoko’s-advertisement. 63. FUJIKAWA: DAIMIO’S PROCESSION COMING IN. Passing under a tree with the Senjoko seal, another square perfume seal in the sky. Unique printing. 64. FUKUROI: A BONFIRE AT NOON ON A COLD DAY. The signpost calls attention to Senjoko, a large square seal in the sky and a thatch on the side of the Kago, rare printing with these perfume seals. 7 65. HAMAMATSU: THE SECOND BONFIRE PRINT. Good impression, the passing traveller having Senjoko’s seal on his hat and cloak. Rare printing. 66. MITSUKE OR HEAVEN DRAGON RIVER. A lovely mist print from the Tokaido, but having traces of a spot on the hat of the man in the boat. The Senjoko Per¬ fume seal is on the sand to left. 67. FUTAGAWA: OR THE MONKEY RACE COURSE. The sign at the Inn to left was used by Senjoko for his Perfume seal, rare printing. 6S. YOSHIDA: WORKMEN ON THE GABLE With rare seal of Senjoko the Perfumer to the left. 69. KAKEGAWA: WIND ON THE TURF BRIDGE. The lanterns and two of the hats display the perfume seal of Senjoko. Scarce printing. 70. TRIPTYCH. VIEW OF SUGITA BEACH. Five Ladies on the hill above the village overlooking the water. Pub. Sanoki 1845; verv fine in color and condition. Rare. (Illustrated) 71. TRIPTYCH. PLEASURE BOAT APPROACHING THE BANK ON WHICH IS THE SHRINE. “Furin Genji, Funa Asobi.” A good combination of the two artists. Condition and color good. Pub. 1845 by Ise Kane. BOOKS IN ENGLISH AND JAPANESE 72. NIHON FUZOKU ZUYE: With Translations. 12 volumes complete, “The Costume of Japan” printed on very fine thick Japanese paper, each book of 200 pages. This set is reproduction of the very rare and famous old books of Moronobu, Masanobu, Mitsunobu, Shigenaga, Harun- obuyShigemasa, Utamaro, and other fine and rare artists. The originals being almost impossible to secure in Japan to-day, the Nihon Club reproduced the set in 12 volumes in 1914 for its Club Members marked “not for sale.” Privately Printed, not BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS COUNTRY AND WITH INVALUABLE TRANSLA¬ TIONS OF THE IMPORTANT PARTS BY Mr. T. ItO OF CHICAGO. Each volume contains two or three books by Moronobu, Ishikawa, Riusen, Harunobu, Utamaro, etc. 8 72A. ALLOM (THOS.). China—Scenery, Architecture and Social Habits of that Ancient Empire. Drawn from original sketches by Thomas Allom, with text by G. N. Wright. Full page steel engravings, etc. 2 vols., 4to, morocco, gilt, London (1845). 73. BOWES (JAMES L.). “Dai Nippon Insho” Japanese Marks and Seals: Part I, Pottery: Part II, Ill. Mss. and Printed Books; Part III, Lacquer, Enamels, Metal, Wood, Ivory, etc. Map, colored plates, marks, seals, etc. Thick royal 8vo, fine condition, Lon¬ don, 1882. The whole Volume of Marks and Seals, containing hun¬ dreds of examples with their translations of the Japanese marks and seals on pottery, books, lacquer, ivory, etc. 74. BUDDHIST TEACHINGS OF KINSHA DAIJO. Date about 1700. Complete set of the Seven Volumes of the Buddhist Teachings, printed in letters of gold on deep blue Chinese paper, each volume having a double page plate of Buddha and a view of the Temple in gold. 7 vols., narrow 8vo, bound in rich old gold brocade and in the original wood case. 1700. In very fine condition and as beautiful a set of “Golden Gospels" as,could be desired. The fly-leaves are pure gold-leaf and the characters exquisitely formed in gold lettering on the dark blue paper. An example of this early period in such fine condition is most unusual. 75. FIRST EUROPEAN PRINTING PRESS IN JAPAN. Luis de Granada: Symbolo da Fee. Traduzido em lingoajem Japonica por alguns Padres e Irmaos da nossa Companhia. (Collation: leaf of approbation, title and leaf of license, three leaves and 86 leaves of text.) Sm. folio, with the original wrappers, a little worn. Nagasaqui ex officina Goto Thomaesoin typographi Societatis Jesu, 1611. Extremely rare and possibly unique, not mentioned in Sa- towU bibliography of early Japan imprints. The Jesuit missionaries started their first press in Japan, in or about 1591, and for the few years they printed or issued about a book a year, some in Latin and a few, as in this instance, in Japanese. Probably not more than twenty or so (Satow lists eighteen) were issued, and some of these are known only in single copies. The great persecution of the Christians that began in Japan not long after the date of this publication, when many thousands of converts were massacred including the priests, all their property was also burned and the Jesuit Printing Press was naturally one of the first objects to be destroyed. Such publications as were intended to be surreptitiously circulated in Japan were printed 9 in the Philippines, and European printing was not again at¬ tempted in Japan until after Perry’s expedition in the nine¬ teenth century. The volume is printed on Japanese made paper (“Senka” paper) on doubled leaves cut at the front margin and is therefore printed on one side of the leaf only. This is apparently THE EARLIEST KNOWN JAPANESE IMPRINT THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED FOR SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. 76. JAPANESE COLLECTION OF COLOR PRINTS. Album of Old Japanese Prints of the Ukiyoye School. Reproduced from the Collection of Kenichi Kawaura. Fore¬ word by J. S. Happer. Folio, Tokyo, Yoshizawa & Co., 1919. De luxe edition, only 150 printed. Bound in Japanese brocade, with brocade cover and ivory clasps. Biographical notes in English, five plates (sm. folio size) in the colors of the originals and 425 plates reproduced in half tone w r ith titles in English, and index. Invaluable for the collector owing to the English translations, sizes of prints, etc., in pictorial form that can be verified, so few collectors being able to read Japanese. 76A. LONDON TIMES: July 19, 1910. Special Japan number, fully illustrated, and with many spe¬ cial topics on Novels, folklore, administration, etc. News¬ paper folio, cloth. BOOKS IN JAPANESE AND BOOKS OF PRINTS 77. ALBUM OF BROADSHEETS BY HIROSHIGE I AND OTHERS. Bird and Flowers by SUGAKUDO’f 1804) ; Prints from the “Upright Tokaido,” “36 Views of Fuji” and “100 Views” by HIROSHIGE I; the “Five Great Nations” by YOSHI- TORA: “Lake Biwa” Chuban or square by BUNSEI; and the “Suehiro Tokaido” by 6 artists (Hiroshige II, Kunisada, Kuniteru, Sadahide, Yoshimori and Yoshitoshi.) Interesting pictures in good condition, containing a num¬ ber of Hiroshige I prints often sold separately. 78. ALBUM OF DRAWINGS OF SHELL FISH AND SHELLS. 12 sheets in colors on rice paper, showing many beautiful shells, oblong small folio, bound in old blue brocade. 79. ARTIST NOT GIVEN. Printed about 1700. “Itsukushima Hingaku Shahon,” or the “Rare and Ancient Treasures in the Paintings of'Itsuku Shima Temple,”— some black and white, and others in colors. 2 vols., tall 8yo. Good condition and very rare, containing remarkable com¬ positions. 8C. BIRD AND FLOWER BOOK. Artist unknown “Komofu.” Plates in color of Birds, But¬ terflies, Insects and Fish. Tall 8vo. 10 81. BOOK OF FLOWER DRAWINGS BY YAMANA CHUZA- YEMON OF KYOTO. DATE 1698. “Flower Arrangements,” Ikenobo School. 100 pictures by Chuzavemon, bound in two vols., folio. Much attention is given in Japan to the art of Flower Arrangement; these volumes of Genroku 11th Year (1698) are very early. A few worm holes, otherwise good condition. 82. BUNPO GAFU: 1807. Sketches signed Bunpo Basei, of Men and Women, "Birds, Flowers, animals, etc., in tint and black and white. 3 vols., tall 8vo, good condition, published by Yanagiwara Kihei in 1807. 83. CHOSHU KYOTANI, ETC., MAINLY OSAKA ARTISTS. “Okubi Nigao Zoroi.” 90 Flosoye or panel prints, many signed, in color containing actors singly or grouped in a scene, some in diptych form, and with mica (or silver) printing. Date about 1800, time-worn slightly. A number of good prints, in hosoye or panel form, as a Falcon on a Plum Bough, Treasure Ship and Seven Gods, Lady as a Samurai, Farmer’s Girl with bucket, and one pentaptych (five-sheets) of Warriors on a pink bridge. 84. FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS OF THE IKENOBO SCHOOL. Date about 1700. 95 large plates colored by hand, each arrangement of the flowers by a different but equally skilled hand. Folio, bound in old brocade. Careful drawing and very fine color. 85. GAKUTEI. 3 vols., 1835. “Ogura-FIyakushu,” or “100 Poems,” complete in 3 vols., 8vo, illustrated in color by Gakutei. Good condition and containing 10 Color prints. 86. HANABUSA. ICHO. Date Anyei 7, 1778. “Gafu,”' Sketches in black and white, complete in three volumes. Date Anyei 7, 1778. Unusually good condition. 87. HANABUSA ICHO. Date Meiwa 7, 1770. “Icho Gafu.” Sketches in black and white, Happy Gods, Street peddlers, conjurers, Birds, etc. Tall 8vo, Publisher, Saizando, 1770. 88. HIROSADA, HOKUYEI, SADANOBU AND SADAHIRO. 53 prints, square or broadsheet size, in good condition and some in fine color, containing groups, figures, heads, bust portraits of actors, etc. Bound in 1848. 11 HIROSHIGE I 89. KUNIYOSHI AND KUNISADA. Date about 1845. “Mitsu Yagura Gakuya no Okao” Portraits of the Big Heads of Actors by Kuniyoshi and Kunisada, with the land¬ scapes by Hiroshige I. Folio volume published by Kinshudo in 1845. * Fifty-six full size prints, mainly large heads and half length, a few with the landscape backgrounds by the first Hiroshige. 90. HIROSHIGE 1, KUNIYOSHI AND TOYOKUNI. Date 1838. “Harimaze Goju San Tsugi,” landscapes by Hiroshige I, figures by Kuniyoshi and Kochoro Toyokuni. Folio, full size. Published by Ibasen, 1838. “The Three Artists' Tokaido” —a complete set in the first edi¬ tion of this scarce Tokaido, very rare, and in beautiful condition and color, with 22 pp. of Harimaze figures by Toyokuni. Often sold in separate sheets, but almost unknown in complete sets in the first edition. 91. HIROSHIGE AND KUNISADA TOYOKUNI. Date 1840. “Sai Koku Sanju-San Ga-Sho. 33 Places the Shrines of Kwannon and their well known stories, their prayers and its efficacy.” Full size folio, and complete set published by Yamasho, date 1840. Interesting series of panoramic landscapes running across the top of the volume by Hiroshige, with many interesting examples of the figures of Kunisada in relation to the many shrines of the Deity Kwannon. 92. HIROSHIGE I AND KUNISADA TOYOKUNI. Date 1850. 65 full size prints, single and triptychs, the landscape part¬ ly by the first Hiroshige and the figures by Kunisada. Pub¬ lished by Yamaguchi ya Tobei in 1850. Folio. “Rainstorm on the Iris Pond,” river triptychs, and other attractive prints, in a volume bound up to open both ways. 93. HIROSHIGE I AND TOYOKUNI, KUNISADA. “Mitate Miyako no Sugoroku,” Sohitsu “Tokaido.” Com¬ plete in one volume folio. “The Two Brush Tokaido,” so called because of the beau¬ tiful little half page landscapes on every sheet by Hiroshige with the figures by Kunishada. ures by Kunisada. The First Edition Complete and in Fine Color, of the “5^ Stations.” HIROSHIGE I AND KOCHORO KUNISADA 94. HIROSHIGE I AND KOCHORO TOKAIDO. 1838. “53 Stations of the Tokaido” chuban or square form, in fine condition and color. Published by Sanoki, in 1838. One of the better known half block series with the figures by Kochoro Kunisada and the landscapes by the first Hiroshige. 12 95. HIROSHIGE I. Publisher Tsutaya. Complete set of the “Shutaya Tokaido,” Nihonbashi to Kyoto, 54 prints by the first Hiroshige in one volume 7 x 9" (half-block oblong series) with wooden covers, published by Tsutaya. Very good condition: (except for wormhole). There is one very desirable snow print and a good rain print in this series. 96. HIROSPIIGE II. Date 188(57 Set of the Maban (size 9 x 6)4) Tokaido, 52 prints (should be 55). Square form. Pub. by Itosho in 1855. No covers. Good condition and color, Kusatsu, Otsu and Kio are the three prints missing. There are good landscape, bridge, moon and shadowy mist prints in the group. 97. 98. HIROSPIIGE II. Date 1855. Complete set of the “55 Stations of the Tokaido,” bound in one volume folio, with the landscapes by Hiroshige II, the figures by Kunisada and other artists. Published by Marujin and Itosho, date 1855. Fairly good condition, a little handled, and in good color. A most interesting volume showing the many forms of pro¬ cessions during the year. HOKUSAI’S MANGWA: Complete. 14 volumes in good condition. First edition of the set of books often considered Flokusai’s masterpiece. 98A. HOKUSAI GAFU. A volume (complete in itself) of Hokusai Gafu, printed in three colors, with effect of blue. 8vo. One or two good Rain Scenes, Group of boys on Bullocks, landscapes, Moon and Plum, etc. 99. HOKUSAI. Two volumes. Date 1800. “Toto Shokei Sokan,” “Famous Places of Yedo,” color print books in fair condition, but have been handled. HOKUSAI. Date 1835. “Yehon On-na Imagawa,” Old Story of Caution, illustrated by Katsushika Hokusai. 8vo. First edition of this rare color print book and in fine condition. 101. IKENOBU SCHOOL. Date about 1750. “Flower Arrangements” complete in three volumes published by the Ikenobu School about 1750. Tall 8vo. Fine condition and beautiful color (by hand). The First Edition. Beautiful arrangements of the Plum, the Cherry and Pine, the smaller flowers, water plants and flowers, etc. 13 102. JESHIN: Famous Fan Artist, date 1867. 80 figures of shadowy pictures by this artist. Tall 8vo. Rare pictures in good condition of silhouettes, very little known among Japanese artists. 103. KOCHO GAFU. Date Tempo 5, 1835. Three volumes of Sketches by Kocho, published by Honya Ivichibei. 3 vols., tall 8vo. Very good condition and color except for a few worm holes. 104. KUNICHIKA. Date about 1850. 43 Portraits of actors, full size, in groups or singly, half length, in single prints, diptychs and triptychs. 105. KUNIMASU AND HIROSADA. 1850. 90 Clmban or square prints, portraits of actors, by Kunimasu and Flirosada, in very good color and condition, date about 1850. 106. KUNICHIKA. Date 1850. Volume of 12 prints, full size, actor and figure prints, pub¬ lished in 1850 by Kunichika. Fine condition. Six single prints, six triptychs and a pentaptych (5-sheet print) all half length. 107. KUNISADA. Date about 1810. Eight Yoshiwara Beauties in Surimono form. Square, 8vo. Very fine condition and beautiful color. Rare early work of Kunisada. 108. KUNISADA AND YOSHITOSHI. Date 1850. “Bijin Suikoden,” 23 chuban or small prints by Kunisada and Yoshitoshi. Tall 8vo, good color and condition. Some rare and little seen torture and ghost prints. 109. KUNISADA (TOYOKUNI). Date 1850. “Sato no Nishiki Mitate Kagami” or “Genji Monogatari” and other Stories, including seven Pentaptychs (5 in the set) and two extra prints. Published by Tsutaya in 1850. Forty-six broadsheets in good condition. 110. KUNISADA (TOYOKUNI). Date 1850. Original volume, opening one way with the complete set of the Kisokaido as a background for large heads of actors, pub¬ lished by Isekane and others. On opening the volume the other way there is a complete set of the 55 Stations of the Tokaido as a background for large heads, with 15 additional large heads having views from the “60 Provinces” as background. Pub¬ lished by Izutsuya. The whole engraved by Horitake about 1850. Total of 138 folio prints in good condition. 14 111. KUNISADA (TOYOKUNI) AND HIROSHIGE I. Date 1850. “Sakigake Hana no Nishikiya.” Volume of broadsheets by Kunisada (opening both sides) with a few landscapes by Hiro¬ shige I., published by Isekane in 1850. Sixty-eight broadsheets in good condition. 112. KUNISADA (TOYOKUNI) and KUNICHIKA. Date 1850. “Sakigake Hana no Nishikiye” or volume of 72 broadsheets, figures and portraits of actors. Engraved by Horitake, pub¬ lished by Echika. Folio. In good condition with many fine diptychs, night scenes with figures, etc. 113. KUNISADA, KUNIYOSHI, HIROSHIGE AND TOYOKUNI. Fifteen chuban or square prints bound in a volume contain¬ ing three of the Hiroshige and Kunisada Tokaido, and others by Kuniyoshi, etc. Some damage by moths, 114. KUNIYOSHI (ICHIYUSAI). Date 1840. “Genji Monogatari”, this famous story illustrated by Kuni¬ yoshi in 28 full-size prints in good condition. Folio, bound in boards in Japanese fashion, published by Iseichi in 1840. 115. KUNIYOSHI AND KUNISADA. Bound in 1857. “Yehon Azuma no Nishiki”, five triptychs and five diptychs by Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi and Toyokuni Kunisada, “Stories of well known Vendettas”. Date when bound, Ansei 4th year 1857. Tall 8vo. 116. KYOSAI (SHOJO). Date 1864. Sixty-eight Harimaze and Comic Pictures, bound in one volume, narrow folio, with Shadow pictures, Otsuye Devil and other clever series. Date 1864, opens both ways. First edition and many rare subjects. 117. LEAF FROM BUDDHIST TEACPIINGS. SANSCRIT. Sixteenth'Century, and brought from China. Written in gold letters and mounted on brocade. 118. MAP OF JAPAN WOODCUT IN COLORS. 8 feet by 4 y 2 feet, printed on thick soft paper, dated Ivayei 2nd, 1849, published by Suharaya Ihachi. Backed and folded to small folio and in very good condition. 119. MASANOBU (KITAO). “Book of 100 Famous Poets”, 78 prints in color (should be 100), fine and rare, with a few stained chuban or square form. A rare volume, with prints often offered separately and very valuable for examples of correct early tones and shades of color printing as each page contains a single figure in color. 15 120. MASAOKI: Date 1820. “Kinko Kantei Hiketsu”, or “Designs or Dictionary of Metal Work on Swords, Knives, etc.” 2 vols., tall 8vo. Date 1820. Fine condition, containing numerous designs for Kodzuka, Kogai, Tsuba, Menuki, and other sword ornaments in metal. » 121. MASAYOSHI (KITAO). “Suizoku Shashin,” “Pictures of Fishes.” 2 vols., 8vo, com¬ plete. First edition, and very good condition and color. 122. MASAYOSHI (KITAO). Date 1813. “Giokai Rakugashiki”, Fish and Shell Fish Complete, in fair condition and color. Signed. Date 1813. By Kitao Keisai Masayoshi. 123. MASAYOSHI (KITAO). Date 1802. “Giokai Ryakugashiki”, “Fishes” printed in color and tint. Date 1813. Tall 8vo., covers worn. 124. MASAYOSHI (KITAO). Date 1804. “Bird and Flowers” printed in colors, ,3 volumes, 8vo. Date 1804, fair condition, some worm holes. 125. MILITARY COSTUME IN OLD JAPAN. 16 process plates, with descriptive text in English and English foreword. 4to, wrappers, published by K. Ogawa, Tokyo, Japan (1893). Printed in Cleveland. 126. MINWA (GOSENTEI). Date 1834. “Tsujin Gafu” in black and white, published by Honya Ivichibei in 1834 “Tempo 4.” Tall 8vo. Very fine condition, the frontispiece is a horse in full trap¬ pings and a great many of the illustrations include horses. 127. MITSUNOBU (HASEGAWA). Date 1754. Signed. “Nihon Sankai Meibutsuzuye”, Pictures of the Artisans and Trades of Japan, illustrated in black and white, complete in live volumes, tall 8vo. 1754. Very rare signed volumes of Mitsunobu in good condition. Profusely illustrated showing both men and women at work» at many occupations. 128. MITSUNOBU (HASEGAWA). Date 1750. “Kinmo Zui”. Pictures of Artisans beautifully illustrated in black and white. 8vo, 1750. The Shopkeepers, Farmers, Dancers, Painters, Metal Work¬ ers, Wrestlers, Silk Weavers, Diving Girls etc., of Japan. 129. MITSUNOBU. 1797. The Fishermen of Japan, illustrated in black and white. 8vo. 16 1.30. MORONOBU (HISHIKAWA). Date 1695. “Sanju Rokasen,” Portraits of 36 “Poets.” Tall 8vo, fair condition, date Tenwa 3, 1695, published by Kanaya Hane- mon. Good example of the rare Moronobu. 131. MORONOBU (HISHIKAWA). Signed. “100 Poems” in black and white by Moronobu. Signed. 2 vols., tall 8vo, fair condition. Very rare. 132. NO DANCE MASQUES, ETC. Date about 1650. Treasures of the Todai Temple of Yamato Province, printed in black and white on large Chinese paper. 80 illus¬ trations, mainly the Masques of the No Dance. Folio, the first five pages with corner stain. A Very Rare and Early Seventeenth Century Volume., in good condition, the large pages permitting the masques to be made about half life size and therefore showing their expressiveness in detail. 133. OSAKA ARTISTS: HOKUSU, KUNISADA, ETC. 50 Prints by various Osaka Artists from 1827 to 1860, in¬ cluding Shigeharu (1850), Baikoku (1827), Gototei Kuni- sada, Hokushu, etc. Folio size (broadsheets) in fair condi¬ tion and good original color. 134. SADAMASU AND PIIROSADA. Date 1850. Volume of 90 portraits of Actors by Sadamasu and Hiro- sada. Heads in colors, sqrtare form, and very good condi¬ tion. # 135. OSAKA ARTISTS: HOKUSU, KUNISADA, ETC. “Stories of Filial Piety” in 75 chuban or square form prints. Tall 8vo, fair condition but a few wormholes. * 136. SADATAKE. Date August 9, 1780. “How to Wear the Armor, from the 1st to the 18th move¬ ment”. Signed and dated by Sadatake. No covers. Hand drawn, very fine condition and color. The first pic¬ ture shows the taking of the Armor from the Armor-box, the second shows the naked warrior with the first garment, and then follow the various stages of donning the undergarments, trousers-, haori, hat, shoes, gloves, and then the armor, piece by piece—the two final pictures showing the full-armored war¬ rior, both front and back. Very fine and rare work on Japanese Armor. 137. SHIGENOBU (YANAGAWA). Date 1836. “Yehon Fujibakama” complete in 2 volumes with all the colored plates, published by Izumiya Ichibei and dated 1836. First edition and in good condition. 17 138. OSAKA ARTISTS: HOKUSU, KUNISADA, ETC. Drawings of 12 portraits of Actors, Original all heads with the exception of two carefully drawn in water colors and mounted with writing in a tall 8vo volume. Very good condition. 139. SHUNSHO (KATSUKAWA) AND BUNCHO ((IPPITU- SAI). “Yehon Butai Ogi,” or 32 Portraits of Actors on fans. Tall 8vo. Containing all the rare portraits of actors as women, mainly in good condition although some are stained. 140. SHUNSHO (KATSUKAWA). “Hyakunin Ishu”, or “Famous Book of 100 Pictures” in colors, thick tall 8vo, handled and 4 prints missing. 141. SHUNSHO (KATSUKAWA) AND SH1GEMASA (KI- TAO). Date 1796. “Yehon Takara no Tsuzure” or “The Complete 12 pictures of the Series of Sericulture.” Tall 8vo, published by May- gawa Rokuemon and dated Tenmei 6, 1796. The rare “Silkworm Culture” volume of Shunsho and Shige- masa, with some wormholes and somewhat handled. 142. SORI (TAWARAYA). Date 1801. “Three Books of Flower Arrangement”, published by Suharaya in 1801, in 3 volumes. JBy Sori, the renowed pupil of Hokusai, often confused with his master and in good condition. Each jar, bowl or wall vase of the many forms shown contains a single spray or blossom or two. 143. SOSEN ALBUM OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS OF 'MONKEYS. 12 drawings of groups of monkeys on silk, each 9 x 6)4". Very fine condition mounted on pure gold leaf and bound in old brocade. Unsigned, but bought by Mr. Gunther as original Sosen Drawings, they are marvelous portrayals of monkeys executed by a master-hand. 144. SUKENOBU (NISHI'KAWA). Date 1730. “Yehon Tokiwa Gusa”, 2 volumes in black and white in fair condition, published by Marita Shotaro about 1730. Tall 8vo. Books illustrated by Sukenobu are usually very much worn —his pictures of women have much charm and the books were popular and widely handled. These are in unusually good condition and show many charming groups of female figures clearly and well printed. 18 A 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. SUKENOBU (NISHIKAWA). Date Genbum 5, 1740. “Yehon Chiyomigusa” published by Morita Shotaro. 3 vols., tall 8vo, lower corners handled. A famous early set of volumes by Sukenobu signed and dated 1740, colored by hand and showing his beautifully mod¬ elled women at every occupation and pleasure. SUKENOBU (NISHIKAWA). 1671 to 1751. “Yehon Atsumegusa” in black and white, 3 volumes in new covers, illustrated in black and white. Somewhat handled. SUKENOBU. “The 100 Poets,” incomplete, date 1775. Contains 12 dou¬ ble-page plates, “Watching the Butterfly,” “Girls in a Shower,” “Digging for Bamboo Shoots,” “Girl Dressing,” etc. Tall 8vo. SUKETADA (NISHIKAWA). Date 1750. “Fuzoku Komochi Takara”, Pictures of a Mother and her Child. Colored plates. 8vo. Well drawn, showing mother and daughter, mother bathing a baby, feeding the baby, combing the child’s hair, etc. SURIMONO: ALBUM OF 50 SURIMONO. Contains one original impression, but mainly copies or reproductions of the Osaka school and were made about 1895. Bound in brocade. 4to. The original is by Yeisen, and the volume is valuable for reterence as occasionally these reproductions of Shunman, Hokusai, Toyohiro, Hokkei, Gakutei, etc., deceive even the expert. SURIMONO (ALBUM). 22 Surimono by Harunobu, Shunman, Toyokuni, Kosetsu, Hokkei, Gakutei and Keisai Yeisen. Bound in one volume, square form. Original impressions. A fine Hokkei Falcon on a Perch, Lady by Gakutei, a land¬ scape by Yeisen, Traveller at Sunrise by Harunobu and six beautiful butterfly Surimono by Shunman are among the number. THREE VOLUMES OF FLOWER DRAWINGS BY CHUZAYEMON. Ikenobo School, Date Genroku 11, (1698). Some worm- holes, otherwise good condition. One hundred and fifty beautiful flower arrangement draw¬ ings in water colors on 17th century paper. TORII KYOMASU (ATTRIBUTED). 2 vols. “Butai Yoso-oi”, illustrations of Stage Scenes. Profusely illustrated, seven colored by hand in the very early “tan” and blue. 8vo, 2 vols. 19 153. TOYOKUNI. Date 1850. “Genji Monogatari” or Story of the Genji in 21 chuban or square prints in color on crepe paper, published by Kanaya in 1850. 154. TOYOKUNI (KUNISADA). Date 1850. “Genji Monogatari” or Story of the Genji, in chuban or square form on 54 colored plates, published by Sanoki in 1850. 155. TOSHIKUNI HOKUSHU KUNISADA. Volume of 80 prints full size., mainly Actors, and large heads by Hokushu (1810), Toshikuni (1815) and Kunisada (1786-1864). Folio, fine condition. 156. TOYOHARU (UTAGAWA). “Ukiye Yedo Meisho” 32 chuban or square prints of Views about Yedo, by Utagawa Toyoharu. 157. TOYOKUNI I. Date 1806'. “Yehon Imayo Sugata,” “Styles of the Day.” 8vo, date 1800. Rare volume ip nice color but has been handled. 158. TOYOKUNI (ICHIYOSAI). Date 1850. “Sono Sugata Murasaki no Utsushi ye” Volume complete of the Genji Monogatari published by Izumi Ichi in 1850. Oblong broadsheets, 54 prints. First edition in very good condition. 159. UNKNOWN ARTIST: Date about 1800. “Yehon Juhoki” or “Birds and Flowers”, 2 volumes in black and white, without name of artist. 8vo, well and clearly printed with good black, but showing handling at the corners. Date about 1800. 160. UNKNOWN ARTIST: Date about 1800. “Tai-Hei-Ki”, complete in 4 volumes, the artist unknown. In good condition. Tall thick 8vo. An old Story giving Lives of Warriors, each volume con¬ sisting of 120 pages drawn by hand and colored, with the text written in by hand. These four volumes are hand drawn wit' the greatest skill and facility. Where coloring is added it F done mainly with the surest feeling for harmony and effect. Various punishments for infidelity, disloyalty, etc., are illus¬ trated, and there are double page illustrations of landscapes with multitudes of small figures done with a precision and cor¬ rectness that is worthy of Callot. 161. UTAGAWA HIROSADA—Osaka Artist, date 1860. “Hana no Omokage” “140 pictures of Actors” seen at bust length. Square or chuban form. In very good condition. 20 162. UTAMARO (KITAGAWA). Date 1804. “Kiokuchu Nenjugiojo.” Women of the Green Houses, 2 vols., 8vo, poor condition, but very rare. 163. UTAMARO (KITAGAWA). “Yehon Waka Murasaki”, containing 9 color prints (should be more), a rare book in poor condition, new covers, 8vo. 164. UTAMARO I. Date 1804. “Kyokuchu-Nenju Gioji” or Beauties of the Green Houses, a rare volume but handled and without covers. 165. UTAMARO, CHOKI, TOYOHIRO, HOKUSAI, ETC. An Album of 26 chuban or square prints by various artists, fair condition only, bound in old brocade. There are six charming prints by Utamaro (Flower arrange¬ ment, Birds and Flowers, Fish all sold separately often), a cicular Choki. A landscape with Fuji and purple mist by Toyohiro, etc. (26 pcs.) 166. UTAMARO AND HOKUSAI. Three volumes of color prints, in poor condition, one by Utamaro (Women of the Green House) and two by Hokusai, no covers and sold with all faults (3). 167. YOSHIIKU (UTAGAWA). “The Story of the Famous Ronins,” in English, illustrated by Yoshiiku, a full length figure in colors on each page with descriptive text in English. Tall 8vo. Yokohama, 1885. Very rare book in fine condition and complete. The Eng¬ lish not having been proofread, but retaining the original quaint form the result is altogether delightful. NETSUKES OF IVORY, WOOD AND HORN 168. CARVED WOON NETSUKE. USHI SEN NIN. Sen Nin riding on an Ox. 169. FIGURE OF FUKU ROIvU JU. Old Ivory. Netsuke. 170. OLD IVORY NETSUKE. Poet seated with her arm on a table. 171. OLD IVORY NETSUKE. Two Boys carrying New Year Emblems. 172. HORN NETSUKE. Daruma Buddha in standing Posture. 173. IVORY NETSUKE. Shika Sen Nin. 01d*Man and Deer. 174. HORN NETSUKE. Sen Nin. Standing Figure. 21 175 . HORN NETSUKE. MODERN. Hotei. One of the Seven Happy Gods. 176. HORN NETSUKE. MODERN. Hotei. One of the Seven Happy Gods. 177. IVORY NETSUKE. HOTE IAND KARAKO. Patron God of Boys. 178. HORN NETSUKE. MODERN. Hotei. One of the Seven Happy Gods. 179. HORN NETSUKI. MODERN. Hotei. One of the Seven Happy Gods with a Boy. 180. IVORY NETSUKE. Old Man and Faggots. 18th Century. Very fine carving. 18E HORN NETSUKE. MODERN. Elappv Man with Fan. 182. IVORY NETSUKE. Tiger and Cub. 183. CARVED IVORY NETSUKE. THREE PIECES. Three Chinese Sages. Faces Carved and Painted. 184. FUKU ROKU JU. CABINET PIECE. Carved Ivory Figure. Signed. FOUR SIGNED NETSUKES 185. JOTONBA. Old Mail and Woman. Carved Wood. Signed. 186. TOMOCHIKA. Alan Subduing a Ghost. Old Ivory Netsuke. Signed. 187. TOMOTSUME. CABINET PIECE. Carved Ivory Figure of a Hollander. Signed. 188. ROKUJU. CABINET PIECE. Carved Ivory Figure of a Hollander. Signed. OBJECTS OF ART AND CHINESE SILVER 189. SIX SILVER SPOONS. Three of Cherry Blossom and three of Leaf design. Weight 1^4 oz. each. 190. SMALL SILVER KORO. Carved in Floral Medallions. Weight 4 oz. 191. CHINESE WINE POT. Sterling Silver. Melon Shape. Weight 16 oz. 17th Century. 192. THREE SILVER SAUCERS. Ouatrefoil Shape. Weight lj4 oz. 193. THREE CHINESE LITTLE SAKE‘CUPS. With Saucers. Sterling Silver. Weight 2 oz. each. 194. CHINESE SILVER RICE BOWL AND COVER. Carved with Kev Bands and Characters. Weight 11 oz. Hall Mark. 195. CHINESE SILVER RICE BOWL AND COVER. Carved with Kev Bands and Characters. Weight 11J4 oz. Hall Mark. 196. OLD CHINESE MONEY BANK. Wooden Shoe inlaid in Mother of Pearl. 16th Century. No key. H. 5V 2 in. 197. CARVED BAMBOO CANE. Sochiku. a bamboo of very fine quality, 100 very highly carved and painted mice and grapes with leaves. 19th Cen¬ tury. 198. CARVED CANE OF KOREAN WOOD. Birds, Animals and Reptiles carved in high relief. 199. JAPANESE TRAVELERS LANTERN. CANDLE AND HOLDER. Very fine and rare. Odawara Cochin. About 1770, original bag. 200. CONFUCIUS. STATUETTE MADE IN CHINESE INK COATED IN OLD COLOR AND OLD LACQUER. This kind of Chinese ink always used by Artists. The Statue is more than 300 years old and is in the Original Box. (Repaired). 201. CHOP STICK SET AND TWO PAIR OF CHOP STICKS. Set in Tortoise shell and Silver. 7 pieces. 202. HAND CARVED BRASS YATATE. Travellers Ink Well. Date about 1800. Very rare. 203. THREE PIGEON WHISTLES OF VERY LIGHT WOOD. Lacquered. Used in China to fasten to the tails of pigeons as they fly. Curious. (3). 23 204. OPIUM SMOKERS SET. THREE PIECES. Pipe with fine Ivory ends. Opium P>owl of Pottery and Brass lamp. 205. DOCTORS SWORD OF PURE BLACK PERSIMMON WOOD. Carved as a kind of Fish. Signed by Fujiwara Tadamune. In the 18th Century the Chinese Government prohibited the wearing of real swords by the Doctors. 206. DOCTORS SWORD CARVED AS A FISH OF MUL¬ BERRY WOOD. Signed. 18th Century. 207. TANEGA SHIN A. FLINT-L(*)CK PISTOL. Brought to the Island of Tana Shina off the Western Coast of Japan by the Holland people. 18th Century. Carved “I. Perkin,” with ramrod, carved bronze mounts in an acorn pattern. 208. A SHORT BLUNDERBUS, FLINT-LOCK. Brought to the Island of Tana Shina off the coast of Japan by the Hollanders. 18th Century. In good condition, with ramrod. The bronze barrel with gold bronze inlays. 209. JAPANESE METAL WORK. Pair of Bracelets each formed of 8 medallions, set in silver. Each medallion contains a different example of metal work, in Sentoku Bronze and Shibuichi, covered with a tiny magni- fying glass. JAPANESE PRINTS HOKUSAI 210. VISITING HACHIMAN SHRINE. A party of ladies and a boy and servant, passing under cherry trees with gauffrage near where blue poems are hang¬ ing. JESHIN Well Known Fan Artist of About 1810. 211. FAN PRINT. Delicate little vignette of lanterns, a verandah roof and a round window. Signed. 24 KIYOCHIKA 212. TRIPTYCH. ARTILLERY ATTACKING PORT ARTHUR. A snow storm picture in very fine condition. Pub. Aki- yama, 1895. 213. TRIPTYCH NIGHT ATTACK ON THE ANJO RIVER. Many bursting shells. Fine in condition and color. 1895. 214. TRIPTYCH. ATTACK ON HEIJO. A night attack by moonlight. Good in condition and soft in color. Pub. Sekiguchi. 215. JAPAN’S GREAT VICTORY IN THE HOTO SEA. 1895. Good condition and color. 216. TRIPTYCH. ONE OF FOUR SEASONS. SPRING TIME AND CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME. Three Ladies on a Balcony at night watching the falling petals of the Cherry blossoms. Pub. Marujin, 1850. Some worm-holes. KUNISADA 217. A FAN PRINT OF A YOSHIWARA BEAUTY. Seated on a bench, with two attendants. Signed. Very fine condition. 218. MANY LADIES ON A PLEASURE BOAT TO SUMIDA. On the shore may be seen the cherry blossoms. Pub. Kawaguchi. Fair condition. Signed Oju Kunisada ga. KOCHORO KUNISADA 219. TRIPTYCH. “TOTO KABAYACHO No. ZU.” Three lovely ladies walking down Kabaya Street. Signed. Pub. Fujihiko. Fair condition and fine color. 1840. 220. TRIPTYCH. “GENJI MONOGATARI SERIES.” Ladi'es on a balcony that overlooks the water. Good condi¬ tion and color. 1850. KUNISATO 221 TRIPTYCH. MANY LADIES AND THEIR ATTEND¬ ANTS WALKING UNDER THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS. A Yoshiwara beauty in the centre under a large black and white umbrella. Good color. Pub. Sanoki, 1860. 25 ICHIUSAI KUNIYOSHI 222. FAN PRINT: A Courtesan and a little Kamuro who hands her a pipe. Fine color and condition. Signed. 223. IDE NO TAMAGAWA. TRIPTYCH. Three ladies wading in the water under the overhanging bough of cherry blossoms near wild yellow roses. Pub. Sanoki. Good color. 224. HAGI NO TAMAGAWA. TRIPTYCH. Three Ladies catching Dragon Flies among the Hagi Flowers. A blue stream flows near by. A beautiful Trip¬ tych. Fine condition and color. Pul). Sanoki, 1840. (Illustrated) HASEGAWA SETTAN, 1778-1843 225. FAN PRINT: CHERRY FLOWER GARDEN. With five coolies at work. KITAO SHIGEMASA, 1739-1819 226. THE YEKOIN TEMPLE AT HONJO. Brilliant Evening Gathering. In fine condition with margins. Signed. Published by Matsumura Yahei. Very rare oblong landscape. SHUNKO 227. BOYS FISHING. A group of five boys fishing with nets in a swift stream. Signed, Shunko ga, published by Marujin. KATSUGAWA SHUNSHO 228. ISE MONOGATARI. Two prints in yellow and old blue tones from the famous story of Tse. Square form, one mount (2). Signed. UTAGAWA TOYOHARU, 1735-1814 Four landscapes in fine condition by this artist. 229. ASAKUSA KINRIUSAN. View of the Red Temple among the green Pines at night, very fine condition and color, margins. Signed. Published by Matsumura Yahei. 26 230. UKIYE JUNIDAN KANGEN NO ZU. “The Twelve Instrument Players”, on a balcony by moon¬ light, a lady with a lantern leading in the last two. Signed, margins. Very beautiful color and fine condition and a rare moonlight landscape. 231. OYEYAMA SHUTENDOJI. Balcony scene crowded with figures overlooking mountain waterfall. Signed. Margins. Fine condition and color. 232. HOUSE IN THE YOSHIWARA: INTERIOR VIEW. Various forms of entertainment, games, etc. Signed. Margins. First edition, fine condition and color. UTAGAWA TOYOHIRO, 1773-1828 Six Prints of the Series 233. YEDO IIAKKEI EIGHT VIEWS. “Yoshiwara Rakugan”, Homing Geese at Katada, centre fold and rubbed. Signed. 234. TSUKUDAJIMA KIMAN. Boats in the harbor of Tsukudajima. Good color but fold and has been rubbed. Signed. 235. UYENO BANSHO: GROUNDS OF THE TEMPLE. A few holes and centre fold. Signed. 236. MATSUCPUYAMA YAYU. White Rain at Matsuchiyama, the rain in gauffrage, centre fold. Signed. 237. ATAGO AKINOTSUKI. People Admiring the View. Centre fold. Signed. 238. NIHONBASHT SEIRAN. The Bridge in Mist. Centre fold. Signed. 239. FAN SHAPED. Two ladies winding silk. Fair in color and condition. KEISAI YEISEN 240. THE CHUSHINGURA: COMPLETE SET. The 11 prints complete that go to make up the story of the Revenge of the 47 Ronins. In fine condition and color. Signed. Obi. folio (11 pcs.). 27 YEISHI 241. ISE MO NO QATAR I. Two prints from this famous story, Two Girls and Travel¬ lers Watching - a Cuckoo. Square form, good condition and color. Signed. (2) 242. ISE MONO GAT A RI: FROM THE SAME SERIES. Two prints — Lady Reading a Letter, Beautiful Verandah Scene, and a Verandah Near a Stream. Square form in one mount. (2). 243. ISE MONOGATARI. Two Ladies By a Bamboo Fence, Maid Opening the Gate. Two prints in fine condition and color, one mount. Signed. ( 2 ). 244. ISE MONOGATARI. Poet on Her Balcony Watching a Cuckoo, and a Poet by Moonlight with Her Fan and Koto. Fine condition and color. Square form on one mount (2). 245. STORY OF ISE MONOGATARI. Courtesan at Her Toilet : The Lover at the Gate. Fine color and condition. Signed. The 2 on 1 mount (2). 246. STORY OF ISE MONOGATARI. Courtesan by Moonlight on the Balcony (signed) ; Storks E T nder a Pine near a Stream. Nice color and condition, the 2 on one mount (2). YEIZAN 247. THE YELLOW BOAT. River scene with a large yellow boat coming into view at the right, where a courtesan is seated amid a mass of flowers. Fine color and condition and a rare Yeizan landscape. HISHIKAWA YOSHINOBU: FI. 1830 248. FAN PRINT: Ladies in the Genroku costume. Signed. Good color and condition. HISHUNSAI YOSHINOBU: FI. 1850 249. FAN PRINT: TEA HOUSE SCENE. Good condition and color. Signed. 2 $ CHOSHUNSAI YOSHITOSHI: FI. 1850 250. FAN PRINT: AN ARTIST DRAWING A BIRD ON THE WALL. Fine condition and good color. Signed. UNKNOWN SERIES OF 12 PICTURES OF SILK SERICULTURE. 251. CHINESE HAND DRAWING IN WATER COLORS ON PAPER. Gathering the Cocoons. Lovely in color and condition. 15 x 19 in/ 1800. This and the following eleven water color drawings form a complete series of the making and weaving of silk in China. No name of the artist is given but they are carefully finished and lovely in color. Each is in good condition. 252. CHINESE HAND DRAWING IN COLORS ON PAPER. Placing the Silk worm. Good in color and condition. 15 x 19 in, 1800. 253. CHINESE HAND DRAWING IN WATER COLOR ON PAPER. The care of the Worms. Fine in condition and color. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 254. CHINESE DRAWING IN WATER COLOR ON PAPER. Preparing the worms to be fed. Fine in color and condi¬ tion. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 255. CHINESE DRAWING ON PAPER. Bringing in the Mulberry leaves. Fine in color and condi¬ tion. i5 x 19 in. 1800. 256. CHINESE DRAWING IN WATER COLORS ON PAPER. Gathering the leaves from the Mulberry trees for food for the worms. Lovely in color and condition. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 257. CHINESE DRAWING IN WATER COLOR ON PAPER. Mating Butterflies. Fine in color and condition. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 258 CHINESE DRAWING IN WATER COLOR ON PAPER. Watching the Cocoons. Fine in color and condition. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 259. CHINESE DRAWING IN WATER COLOR ON PAPER. Taking and Spooling the silk from the Cocoons. Fine in color and condition. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 29 260. CHINESE DRAWING ON PAPER. Dyeing and Weaving of the Silk. Fine in color and condi¬ tion. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 26E CHINESE DRAWING ON PAPER. Spooling the Silk alter Dyeing. Fine in color and condi¬ tion. 15 x 19 in. 1800. 262. CHINESE DRAWING ON PAPER. Embroidering the Silk. Eovely in color and condition. 15 x 19 in. 1800. (Illustrated) KAKEMONO AND SQUARES 263. KAKEMONO OF SHAKA BUDDHA AND ATTENDANTS. Date 1700. Drawing of Shaka Buddha and attendants in pure gold ink on black silk. Mounted on beautiful old blue and gold bro¬ cade. 23 inches by 1)4 yards. Fine drawing and condition. 264. DRAWING OF MOUNTAIN TROUT. On paper 20 x 40 inches, mounted on old brocade and signed “Chikuinsai Hogan Kei-Ho.” 265. EMBROIDERED EUDO BUDDHA ON SILK: 1794. Panel, Embroidery of the Fire God Kameno in deep blue on brown silk, presented by Juzp san'to Anrakuji Temple 28th day of 3rd month of Kansei, 6 year, 1794. 38 x 36". Very fine condition and color. 266. KINSHA BROCADE KAKEMONO WITH PEACOCK AND PEONY: Date 1700. Very rare form of Kinsha brocade (gauze silk) in warm brown, embroidered with Peacocks and Peonies in color. Very beautiful example, no seam and a woven border in blue, the straps woven in gold. Very rare and fine early example of about 1700. 267. TETSUZAN, 1880. Snow Herons by a Stream Watching Darting Small Fish, on silk in colors. Signed. 20 in. scjuare. 268. TOYOHIKO. Carp Fish. Drawing in water colors on silk. 20 inches square. Date 1880. Signed. 269. KEIBUN. 1875. Peonies, Butterflies and Birds beautifully done in water colors on silk and signed. 20 in. square. Fine condition. 270. GOSHUN. 1875. Pair of Peacocks and Peony Flowers in colors on silk,, finely done. 20 inch square. Signed. 30 SECOND SESSION Nos. 271-548 HIROSHIGE I. Prints from the Rokuju Yoshu Meisho Zuye or “Views of Over 60 Provinces” 271. BRIDGE OF BOATS, ETCHU PROVINCE. Basket Ferry Hida, and another. (3). Margins. This and the following lots are good impression with margins of Hiroshige’s Series of the “60 Views of Various Provinces.” 272. NINETY-NINE LEAGUES COAST KAZUZA. Hot Springs at Izu, etc., margins (3). 273. CHERRY AND PINE IN INABA PROVINCE. Torii in the Sea, and Fishing with Nets. Margins ( 3). 274. . FISHING FOR BOINTO AT SEA. Five Swords, Mountain, etc. Margins (3). 275. JUNKS AT NAGATO PROVINCE. Rain on the Rice Fields, etc. Margins (3). 276. TORII IN THE SEA BIZEN PROVINCE. Kintai Bridge, etc. Margins (3). 277. KWANNON SHRINE: Moonlight print, etc. (3). 278. AMANAHASHIDATE WITH THE GREEN PENINSULA. Autumn Viewing, and Waterfall. (3). 279. MINING AT KANAGAWA IN SADO PROVINCE. The Bend in the River, etc. Margins (3). 280. TENNO FESTIVAL BOATS AT TSUSHIMA. Yoroi Waterfall, etc. Margins (3). 281. LAKE HANANA AND KANJANJI TEMPLE. And the Place of A Thousand Islands. (3). 282. URAMI (BACK VIEW) WATERFALLS NIKKO MT. And two others. Margins (3). 31 283. THE LOOPED SAIL AT SAIZO WITH FLIGHT OF GEESE. Hill Top street, etc. Margins (3). 284. WAKASE SHORE WITH THE PAIR OF CRANES. The Yellow Cliffs, etc. Margins (3). 285. SHIPS NEAR THE ROCKS, OKI PROVINCE. Moon’s Reflection, Iviodai Mt., etc. Margins (3). 286. THE KEBI PINE WOODS: TSURUGA. Mihono Beach, Matsumara, etc. (3). 287. OUTER BAY CHOSHI NI SHIMOSA PROVINCE. Twin Rock at Satsume, etc. Margins (3). 288. THE STRIPED SAIL AT NAGASAKI. Elephant Head Mt., etc. Margins (3). 289. STRAW CLOAK PROMONTORY, BINGO PROVINCE. Togetsu Bridge, Arashiyame, etc. Margins (3). 290. ASAKUSA TEMPLE GROUNDS, MUSASHI PROVINCE. Deme Coast, Sumiyoshi in Settsu Province. Margins (2). 291. SARUHASHI OR MONKEY BRIDGE. In Khai Province, the bridge high up, half hidden by the Maples on the cliff-edge. Margins. 292. SNOW IN MUSASHI PROVINCE. Very cold blue and white-. Margins. 293. MISTY MORNING AT IDZUMO. Three women under the great tree in the foreground, others receding into the mist. Good impression with mar¬ gins. 2 worm-holes at top. 294. YAMABUSHI TORRENTIAL RAIN. Scythe like it sweeps across the mountain and river. Margins. 295. NARUTO RAPIDS AT AWA. Fine green-blue in the water dashing over the aubergine and grey rocks. Margins. 296. SNOW AT IKI PROMONTORY. One of Hiroshige’s daring compositions and a scarce print with margins which are necessary for all seals. There is a crease in the centre. 297. THE RAINBOW AT ISUSHIMA. Very soft effect of blue and grey. Margins. 32 298. RED PINES ON MAIKO BEACH. Haruma Province. Good impression with margins of a favorite print. 299. MOUNT HARUNA IN SNOW. A slight bridge connects the snow cliffs, shrine and higher snow covered mountains above and a grey sky. Good im¬ pression with margins. ICHI GIOKUSAI 300. TANABATA BEAUTY IN BLUE. The 7th month from the series of “12 Months”. Signed, pub. by Marujin. Fine color and condition, rare artist. SUZUKI HARUNOBU 301. BISHAMON: ONE OF THE HAPPY GODS. Entertained by two Courtesans. Nice print but toned. Signed. 302. TWO .GIRLS AND AN UMBRELLA: CHUBAN. A girl standing sheltering her kneeling companion. Good lines but handled and defective in lower margin. Signed. 303. THE SALT GIRLS ON THE SHORE. Delicate color but in fair condition only. Signed. 304. THE FAN PEDDLER: A famous print with distinctive use of black. Represent¬ ing a young girl stopping a peddler. Fair condition. Signed. 305. TWO YOUNG COURTESANS ON THE BRIDGE. Sutuida River view and Fuji. Good lines but handled, and lower margin defective. Signed. 306. TWO YOUNG COURTESANS WATCHING A MONKEY. A charming scene with good color but worn, and lower margin defective. HIROKAGE 307. YEDO ME1SHO DOGE ZUKUSHI. Date 1855. “Comic Scenes at Famous Places at Yedo.” 20 prints in good condition, published by Isujioka in 18aa. (20). 308. “OMI HAKKEI” EIGHT VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA. Evening snow on Mt. Hira. Good impression with mar¬ gins. 33 309. NIGHT RAIN AT ICARASAKI: YABASE BOATS. Good impression and condition with margins. (2 pcs.). 310. EVENING BELLS MROM Mil TEMPLE: KATADA WILD GEESE. Good color and condition. Margins (2 pcs.). 311. AUTUMN MOON AT ISHIYAMA. Stained and centre fold, with two others, Seta and Awazu, in good color with margins. (3). 312. THE UPRIGHT TOKAIDQ: COMPLETE, 1855. 55 prints in gool color, condition and with margins, being a complete set of Hiroshige’s “Upright Tokaido”, published by Tsutaya in 1855. Rarely offered in complete sets and containing many well known prints, including two snow prints, Fujikawa and Nu- madzu, the beautiful grey Okabe mountain scene, the sea rolling in at Hamamatsu and Yui, the majestic view of Fuji at Yoshi- wara, etc. (55 pcs.) HOKUSAI 313. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. 15 prints mainly first editions in fine condition and color. (A few signed Yanagawa Shigenobu). Signed. 6)4 x 4)4 inches. The 15 prints mounted on 5 sheets. 314. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Kambara, Ivanegawa, Okitsu, etc., together 8 prints in fine color and condition on three sheets (8). 315. THE SMALL. TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Yoshiwara, Ichiyakushi, Shimada, etc. 9 prints on 3 sheets. Fine color and condition (9). 316. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Kakegawa, Hamamatsu, Tsuchiyama, etc. 9 prints on three sheets, fine condition and color. (9). 317. THE SMALT. TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Rain at Yejiri, Arai, YVkkaichi, etc., the 9 prints on three sheets, fine condition and color. (9). 318. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Fujisawa, Chiriu, Mitsuke, etc., the 9 prints on 3 sheets, fine condition and color. (9). 319. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: FIRST EDITION: SIGNED. Akasaka, Okazaki, Tshibe, etc., 9 prints on 3 sheets, fine condition and color (9). 34 320. THE SMALL TOKAIDO: LIRST EDITION. SIGNED. Kuwaria, Miya, Narumi, etc., 9 prints on 3 sheets, fine condition and color. (9). 321. HOKUSAI’S “LITTLE TOKAIDO”. Complete set of the 56 stations of Hokusai’s “Little To- kaido” in fair condition and good color, each size 4jj x 6J4 inches mounted on 19 sheets. Signed. SHUNSHOSAI HOKUSHU: FI. 1810 322. ICHIKAWA HAKUYEN AS HANAKAWADO NO SUKE- ROKU. In a splendid costume of black, red and blue under cherry blossoms. Signed. Fine condition and color. 323. A GROUP ON THE SUMIDA BANK. Lady picking flowers and two men, apparently part of a triptych. Signed. TORII KIYONOBU 324. LACOUER PRINT. A man in black haori with rose colored pattern carrying a fan and staff. Signed. (Illustrated) KORIUSAI 325. THE ORANGE BOAT AND MOON’S REFLECTION. Lovers in a boat admiring the moon’s reflection in the lake. Signed. Good color but fair condition only. 326. CHILD AND GIRL IN THE WIND. Under a maple tree in autumn. Signed. Good color but fair condition only. Signed. 327. A COURTESAN SERVED WITH TEA BY HER MAID TORII KIYOMINE, 1787-1868 328. TOSET. BIJIN ON NA HINAGATA. A Beauty in her dress of new style. Fine lines. Signed, pub. by Yeijudo. 329. UTAGAWA OF SANOMASUYA TEA HOUSE. On New Year’s Day. Fine color, fair condition, pub. by Yeijudo. 330. MIYOHARU OF SANOMASUYA TEA HOUSE. In her many folded robes on a winters day. bine coloi and sood condition. Signed. Pub. by Sanoki. ° / 35 KUNISADA 331. ONOYE MATSU SURE * AS SHIHEI DAIJIN. Date 1820. Standing in a black cart with large wheels, beautiful grey and lavender tones with effective use of black. Good condi¬ tion and color, centre crease (not objectionable) and a little trimmed. Signed, Kunisada ga. 332. THE DRUMMER. A Lady in a blue and yellow robe tied with blue brocade seated near a large yellow and black drum. Signed. Pub¬ lisher Sanoki. 333. THE FIRST MONTH : SERIES OF “TWELVE MONTHS”. Mother dressing her boy. Signed. 334. LADY IN A SNOW STORM WITH PINK UMBRELLA. “Koto Tenno” from the “100 Poems.” A lovely Kunisada published by Sanoki. Signed. 335. THE REFLECTION: FROM THE ‘TOO POEMS”. Lady powdering the back of her neck by her reflection in a hand mirror. Signed. Pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition and color. 336. BEAUTY COMBING HER LONG BLACK HAIR. Kneeling before a black dressing table. Signed. Fine color and condition. From the “100 Poems”, pub. by. Sanoki. 337. SUMMER BEAUTY IN BLUE IN THE WIND. Chunagon Ivemoehi from the series of “100 Poems”. Signed. Pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition and color. 338. SANG1 NO TAKAMURA FROM THE “100 POEMS”. Lady in blue with a fishing rod and fish. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition and color. 339. SANJO UDAIJIN FROM THE “100 POEMS.” Beauty kneeling with a toy in her mouth. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition. 340. MOTHER WITH BABY ON HER BACK. “Teishinko” from the Series of the 100 Poems. Good color and condition. Signed, Pub. by Sanoki. 341. THE REFLECTION: “IseV from the “100 Poems,” where the child sees its re¬ flection in the bowl of water. > Good condition and color. Signed, pub. by .Sanoki. A very rare subject. 36 342. WOMAN AS A FAN PEDDLER. From the “100 Poems” by Sakanouye no Koremori. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition. 343. ABE NO NAKAMARO FROM THE “100 POEMS”. Girl in grey seated on a green bench. Fine color and condi¬ tion. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. 344. FUJI WAR A OKUKAZE FROM THE “100 POEMS”. In a robe of blue over cherry color carrying rolls of silk. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition. 345. A PRINT FROM THE “100 POEMS”. Bunya no Yasuhide, lady with her boy and New Year Emblems. Signed. Good Color and condition. Pub. by Sanoki. 346. SOSEI HOSSI FROM THE “100 POEMS”. Lifting a well bucket, a blue and white towel round her head. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. 347. 'RISEN HOSSI FROM THE “400 POEMS”. Girl in a purple robe starred with Passion Flowers. Signed. Fine color and condition. Pub. by Sanoki. 348. “100 POEMS” SERIES: “JITO TENNO”. Girl holding up her new robe, signed, line color and condi¬ tion. Pub. b) r Sanoki. 349. KAKIMOTO NO HITOMARO: “100 POEMS” SERIES. Beauty in a butterfly ‘grey and black robe lighting an Ando. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. i350. CHUN AGON KANESUKA: “100 POEMS SERIES”. La^ly in a robe of pale blue, grey and white stripes. Good color and condition. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. 351. “100 POEMS” SERIES. Arihira no Narihira tying the sash of her baby who plays with a fan. Good color and condition. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. 352. THE SERIES OF “100 POEMS.” Sangi Takatsune seated at her work. Good color and con¬ dition. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. SARUMARU DAI JIN : “100 POEMS”. Lady in black with a maple bough and a gourd. Fine condition and color, published by Sanoki. Signed. 37 353. 354. MOTHER AND SON WHO IS SAILING A SHI.P. Her robe of blue. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. Sanoki. 355. LADY IN THE WIND: CHERRY SEASON. She is carrying bamboo branches of paper ducks. Fine color and condition. Signed. 356. SERIES OF “TWELVE MONTHS”. The 4th Month. Mother in gauze over blue teaching her daughter to play the samisen. Fine color and condition. Signed. 357. THE BATH FROM THE SERIES OF THE “12 MONTHS.” The Seventh Month, showing a child in a pink tub bathed by the mother. Signed, rare example. Fine condition. 358. THE SLEEPING NET FROM THE “12 MONTHS” SERIES. Lady in a blue negligee putting her baby under the sleep¬ ing net. Signed. Fine color and condition. 359. BEAUTY LEAVING THE BATH HOUSE. Nice color and condition. Signed, pub. by Yamag'uchiya Tobei. 360. A SUMIDA GAWA BEAUTY AP THE WELL. A nice landscape in the background. Fine color and con¬ dition. Signed, pub. by Izumiichi. 361. A FARMER’S BEAUTY. A girl .seen at half length, fine color and condition. Pub. by Wakasaya. . 362. THE FLUTE PLAYER IN WHITE. A woman in white patterned in purple butterflies, and tied with black playing a flute. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First edition, artist’s condition and color. 363. “RINKO ROKKASEN”. A Beauty from the “Six Poems”, her robe brocaded with pine cones. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Yamakiu. 364. A BEAUTY OF YE IT AI BASHI. Seated in a purple robe, orange ground. Fine condition and color. Signed, pub. by Yetatsu. 365. AN OHASHI BEAUTY. In a trailing robe, oxidising with time, orange ground. Good color and condition. Signed, pub. by Yetatsu. 38 ,366. A TAM EGA W A BEAUTY. In a robe of black and white checks. Good condition and color. Signed, pnb. by Iznmiichi. 367. BEAUTY AND KANDA SHRINE. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Twatoya. 368. A TEA HOUSE BEAUTY. Standing with a cup of sake. Good condition and color. Signed, pub. by Fujihiko. 369. MOTHER AND CHILD. The baby playing under the gauze robe of his mother. Rare print in fine color and condition. Signed, published by Kagaya. 370. A KAMEIDO BEAUTY IN SPRING. Fine color and condition. Signed. “II Toyokuni”. GOTOTEI KUNISADA 371. THE BEAUTY OF SHINOBAZU POND. Kneeling, writing at a low table. Fine color and condi¬ tion. Signed. 372. UKIYO MEIJO: A YOSHIWARA BEAUTY. Remarkably fine printing in her rich robes. Fine condi¬ tion. Signed. The first edition and a very fine example of Gototei Kunisada. 373. A RYOGOKU BEAUTY IN PALE LAVENDER. Very lovely color and condition. Signed. First edition, rare. 374. IWAI HANSHIRO AS HOKU SHOZAKA NO SHO-SHO. A famous interpreter of women’s roles in a butterfly robe. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Yeijudo. 375. STRINGING THE SAMISEN. A girl in lovely pink tuning her samisen. Fine color and fair condition. Signed. 376. SEGAWA KIKUNOJO AS MATSUO MARU. Standing by a broken net. Fine color and condition. Pub. Daikokuya. Signed. 377. TOSEITEIKUN ORAL From the “Women’s Chastity” Series. Beautiful m color and condition. Signed, pub. by Izumiichi. 39 KOCHORO KUNISADA 378. TRAVELLING GIRL IN BLACK: RAINY NIGHT. Act 5 ol the Chushingura, showing Sadakuro killing Yoichibe in the rain. Good condition and color. Signed. Pub. by Sanoki. 379. THE CHUSHINGURA, OR THE RONINS’ REVENGE. 1840. Acts 1, 2, and 3, Lady in fine blue, etc. (3 pcs.). Signed. This and the following lots are first editions and fine cond'- tion and beautiful color from Kochoro Kunisada’s “Chushing¬ ura” published by Sanoki in 1840. 380. THE CHUSHINGURA OR THE RONINS REVENGE. Acts 4, 6, and 7. Fine condition and color, each having the figure of a lady in the foreground. Signed. (3 pcs.). 381. THE CHUSHINGURA. Acts 8, 10 and 11, Lady in black on the road, lady in pink lighting the Ando, etc. Y r ery fine color and condition. (3 pcs.). Signed. KUUNIYASU, FI. 1825 382. ICHIKAWA DAN JURO AS KAGA DAIGAKU. Wearing black and carrying a drawn sword. Very fine color and good condition. Signed. 383. LADY AND CHILD AT THE TIME OF THE TANABATA FESTIVAL. Nice pink and blue color print from the series of “Five Festival Days”. Signed. KUNIYOSHI 384. SHUNKAN SOZU IN A LEAF CLOAK. Over a fine blue, and drawing a sword. Rare print, fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Okayei. 385. SALT GIRL WITH HER BUCKETS ON THE SHORE. Wringing ihe water from her robe, flight of chidori above. Signed, pub. by Sanoki. First Issue, beautiful color and condition. 386. A BEAUTY AT ICONPIRA TEMPLE. Very fine color and use of the Kuniyoshi blue. Signed, pub. by Aritaya. First issue, very fine. BEAUTY LEANING ON HER SAMISEN. Fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Kawacho. 40 387. 388. 389. 390. ,391. 392. 393. # 394. 395. 396. 397. DANJURO AS AKUSH1CHI BIYOE KAGEKIYO. Night scene with black background. Rare print in fine condition and color. Signed. KITAO MASANOBU ICHIKAWA DANJURO IN A NIGHT SCENE: HOSOYE. As Akushichi yoye Kagekiyo in a straw coat in the rice fields. Yellow ground, good color and condition. Signed, pub. by Iseji. NISHIKAZU, 1895 A SCENE FROM THE WAR WITH CHINA IN COREA. Vivid in action and color. 1895. FUJI YAMA: TRIPTYCH. EXACT GUIDE FOR THE ROAD TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN. Very good in condition and color. Signed, pub. Yama Bun, 1840. TRIPTYCH: FUJI COMPLETE. SIGNED. Sketched by the Artist when climbing the Mountain at sunrise. Good condition and fine color. Rare print. 1840. GOFUTEI SADATORA: FI. 1825 A WOMAN IN THE SNOW. Her head tied with blue. Beautiful condition and color. Signed. TEISAI SENCHO: FI. 1835 LADY WITH UMBRELLA UNDER CHERRY BLOSSOMS. Signed. Nice color. Pub. Kazusaya Yohei. SHIGEMASA I FOUR BOYS IN MISCHIEF. Splendid use of beni but the other colors going. Signed. SHIKO TWO COURTESANS AND KAMURO. One wearing robe of fine black over pink. Chuban or square form. Signed. SHUNCHO THREE LADIES VIEWING CHERRY BLOSSOMS. At Gotenyama overlooking the Bay. Chuban form, toned but retaining lovely color. Signed. 41 398. LADY IN BLACK AND TWO COMPANIONS. Viewing" Cherry blossoms at Gotenyama. Chuban or square form, toned, but still having lovely color. Signed. 399. FIFTH FESTIVAL DAY. Lady Visitors at the Temple of the Day of Gogatsu. Chuban or square form, on yellow foreground. Good condi¬ tion and color. KATSUKAWA SHUNKO 400. ACTOR STANDING IN A DOORWAY: HOSOYE. Yellow ground and detail. He wears a maroon haori over a robe of velvety black and carries an open white fan. Very fine color and condition. Signed. SHUNTEI, 1770-1820 401. DYPTYCH. WELL KNOWN VENDETTA STORY OF MIYAGINO AND SHIGA DAN SHICHI OF SHIRA ISHI. Fair condition and good in color. Pub. Yeijudo. SHUNYEI, 1762-1819 402. COURTESAN STANDING AT A WINDOW. HOSOYE. Yellow ground, her robe of old green tied with (faded) pink. Signed. 403. I CPI IK A WA KOMAZO AS A SAMURAI: HOSOYE. Standing by a stream, on a yellow ground. Nice color, and fair condition, some wormholes filled. Signed. 404. HOSOYE OR PANEL PRINT. Actor standing with a tobacco tray. Toned, but fairly good color and good lines. Signed. I KATSUKAWA SHUNZAN, 1776-1880 405. THREE SHEETS OF CHILDREN AT PLAY. Two boys in each picture. Yellow ground. Good condi¬ tion and color. Size 6 by 8}4 each. Signed. SURIMONO An unusual and beaut/ful group in remarkably fine printing, all are signed, except the last four, and attention is called to the beautiful embossed or gauffrage printing, the use of gold and silver to enhance the bleu de ciel, the violet and soft pink colors. There are two triptychs, which are very rare ex¬ amples and are illustrated. 42 406. SURIMONO BY GAKUTEI. A mighty Warrior in splendid robes. Rare and beautiful in color, and embossed printing. 407. A GREAT STORK FLYING AGAINST THE SKY, THE SETTING SUN AND PURPLE MIST. Fine in condition and color. 408. A COURTESAN. 1820. The dress is gorgeous and the condition of the print fine. 409. THE FACADE OF THE BUILDING WITH A GREAT TIGER IN BOLD RELIEF AGAINST THE SETTING SUN AND BLUE SKY. ' Very fine in condition and in color, the lettering in gold. 410. SURIMONO. RARE TRIPTYCH. Date 1820. Three ladies playing on the Samisen, Koto and Biwa. Lovely in color and condition. 411. SURIMONO DIPTYCH. Two Ladies writing Poetry under the Cherry trees. The large black lantern designs at the back very effective. Very fine in condition and color. Signed 1820. 412. ONE OF A TRIPTYCH. 1820. A lady playing on a Samisen. Nice in color and in fair condition. 413. SURIMONO TRIPTYCH. SIGNED. Date 1820. Noble Ladies in Yellow, Gold and Pink. Rare, in good condition. 1820. (Illustrated) HARUNOBU (SHUNTEI) 414. O NO NO KOMACHI AND HER ATTENDANT. In soft red and green, touched with gold. SURIMONO BY HOKKEI 415. HOKKEI. Ono no Komachi and her attendant. Fine red and green, touched with silver. Fine in color and condition. 416. A BOY AND TWO LADIES ON A SMALL BRIDGE. Tones of rare blue, gold and a rich red sunset. Good in condition. 417. CARP IN A NET. Soft brown, with touches of red and silver. Fair condition. and good color. 43 418. TWO WARRIORS ARMED TO THE TEETH IN COM¬ BAT NEAR THE RUSHING WATERS. Good in color and condition. 419. A WILD BOAR WHO HAS BEEN KILLED BY THE ARROWS OF A MIGHTY WARRIOR. Fine in color. 420. A GREAT WARRIOR NEAR THE WATER’S EDGE. Toward him and across the waves floats a Goddess with uplifted hands. Lovely in color. 421. A NOBLE LADY WALKING IN HER GARDEN. Very lovely in color and condition. 422. A LITTLE LADY STANDING BY A WOODEN HORSE. From the horse year calendar. Good in color and condition. 423. GOTOBIYOE. A WELL KNOWN DRINKER OF SAKE. Very fine in color and condition. SURIMONO BY HISHIKAWA (ITTEI) 424. GOTOBIYOE. A FAMOUS MAN, WEARING BLACK. The colors are rich and soft; he holds a red sake cup. SURIMONO BY KAKEKIYO 425. A NEW YEAR’S DANCE. The two figures are soft in color and fair in condition. Bunsei seal. SURIMONO BY KEISAI 426. KEISAI. The Happy God, Fukurokuju, writing a poem for a young girl. Lovely tones of Blue, Lavender and Red, touched with silver. 427. BISHAMON DRINKING SAKE WITH A LADY. Lovely soft tones, touched with silver and gold. Gauffrage. 428. A LITTLE MAID OFFERING FRUIT AND FLOWERS TO A LADY. In soft yellows, touched with gold. 429. A YOUNG MOTHER TAKING HER NEW BORN BABY TO THE SHRINE TO BE BLESSED BY THE GOD OF HAPPINESS. Soft in color, worn. 44 430. A YOUNG MOTHER WITH HER TWO BOYS. On the Sumida Bank. In soft tones, touched with gold. 431. A GIRL GOING TO THE WELL FOR WATER. Tones of green and red touched with* gold. 432. A LADY GATHERING PLUM BLOSSOMS IN THE SPRING SNOW. . Soft in color and in good condition. 433. AN ANCIENT SAGE LISTENING TO SAMURAI RECITE A POEM. Soft blue, green and black, touched with silver and gold. 434. BENTEN AND A YOUNG GIRL WHO IS PLAYING FOR HER. Soft colors, touched with silver'. 435. HOTEI AND TWO SMALL KARAKO PLAYING A GAME. Soft color, touched with silver. 436. FUTAMI NO IWA. Famous pair of rocks at early sunrise. Soft pinks and blues, touched with silver. 437. KINTOKI AND HIS MOTHER, YAMANBA. The boy is much interested in the fight between his bear and a wild boar. Lovely color, touched with silver. 438. DAIKOKU WRITING POETRY TO A YOUNG GIRL. Colors in soft blues and reds, gauffrage printing. 439. A WOMAN HOLDING HER BABY SEATED NEAR A BLACK COW. Good in color and condition. Signed. SURIMONO BY KUNISADA 440. KUNISADA. Portrait of Danjuro on a pink ground, with cherry blos¬ soms in gauffrage. 441. A LADY SEATED BY HER CHARCOAL BURNER DRINKING TEA. Lovely in color and in condition. 1832. Date Tempo 3, year (1832). Very rare when dated. 442. THE FOOTBALL PLAYER ON NEW YEAR’S DAY. Lovely color. Good condition. 45 443. * A LOVELY LADY IN GALA ATTIRE OUT ON HER LAWN. The colors are rich and soft and the condition good, with gauffrage printing. 444. A LADY WITH A BASKET OF LINEN HOLDING IN CHECK A GREAT BLACK HORSE. The colors are rich and the condition is good, splendid sample of gauffrage printing. 445. A GENTLEMAN ABOUT TO BEGIN THE NO DANCE. Unusual background of lovely blue. A rare print and in perfect condition. 446. A WARRIOR ABOUT TO KILL A GREAT TIGER. A rare background of rich blue, with gold letters. Perfect in condition. SURIMONO BY KUNYOSHI 447. KUNIYOSHI. A woman waving goodbye from a hill top. Soft in color and in good condition. 448. A LADY STANDING WITH A BACKGROUND OF CLOUDS. Nice in color and condition ; the entire ground in gauffrage. SURIMONO BY HOKUSAI 449. HOKUSAI. Samisen and Kokiu. Lovely in color and condition. 450. A BOY BOWING BEF'ORE A BURNING CANDLE. Good in color and condition. Signed Itsu. TOY MAN ON HORSEBACK NEAR A TRAY AND FAN. The color and condition are good. By Hokusai, but signed Itsu. CRYSTAL IN OPEN VASE*WITH CORAL SPRAYS. Near by is a crystal ball and strips of silk. Very nice in color and condition. SURIMONO BY MADOYA 453. A LADY IN A SMALL BOAT NEAR A JUNK. The color is soft and condition fine. Signed Madoya Hitsu. 454. SURIMONO BY HOKYO MITSUKAZU: 1850. Datkoku gathering plum blossoms. Beautiful in condition and color 451. 452. 46 i 455. THE NEW YEAR. MOTHER AND SONS. Mother watching two little boys pulling a toy cart and boat. SURIMONO BY SHIGENOBU 456. YANAGAWA SHIGENOBU. The No Dance. The Dancer in green and crimson, with a n. touch of gold. Soft in color and good in condition. Gauff- rage printing. 457. THE NO DANCE. A graceful figure in soft red, green and yellow, in fair con¬ dition and color, and beautiful gauffrage. 4&. A fJADY PASSING THREE MEN ALONG THE ROAD. Lovely blue. Soft in color. Poor condition. SURIMONO BY TOYOKUNI 459. MURASAK1 SH1KIBU: DATE TEMPO 2, 1831. A well known Poetess. Soft in color and good in con- ^ dition. Dated prints are rare., SURIMONO BY KATSUKAWA SHUNGIO •'ll: 1 G » I 460. A LADY RESTING ON A COUCH WITH TWO FRIENDS WHO HAVE QUARRELED: TWO LOVERS (UN¬ SIGNED). Good in color and condition (2 pcs.). SURIMONO BY SHUMAN 461. CHINESE PHEASANTS. Fine in color. This may not be an original, but early re¬ production. SURIMONO BY ICHYOSAI TOYOHIRO 462. THREE FAMOUS VIEWS OF JAPAN. Aki - no Miyajima, Tango no Hashidate and Mutsu no Matsushima. Fine condition and color; very rare landscapes in silver and color. SURIMONO BY YEISEN 463. KE1SAI YEISEN. Fukurokuju and a young girl. Soft color, but not in very good condition. 464. A GIRL PLAYING WITH A LITTLE BOY AND A DOG. Fair in condition and color. 47 465. SMALL BLOOMING CHERRY TREE IN A POT. There are open fans near by. Lovely in color and in good condition. 466. BENKEI INDITING A POEM TO A LADY WHO SEEMS A LITTLE AFRAID OF THE SITUATION. Near by are cakes and books, the color is good and the condition fine. SURIMONO BY UNKNOWN ARTISTS 467. INCENSE TAR ON A TABLE NEAR A SPRAY OF CHERRY BLOSSOMS. Soft in color and fair condition. 468. MOON'S REFLECTION IN THE WATER. Soft in color and good in condition. Gaufifrage printing and the reflection in silver. 469. GENTLEMAN AND LADY BY THE EDGE OF THE WATER. A great red sun is setting behind a bank of Clouds. The colors are soft -and good. 470. A VASE AND BAG. A BIRD ON A BOUGH. Good in color and condition. Note the remarkable printing of the bird. (2 Pcs.) KINCHO. AN OSAKA ARTIST 471. LARGE SURIMONO. A POEM PARTY AT HAGI IN AUTUMN. Beautiful in color. Kansei Period from 1789 to 1800. TOSA SCHOOL ARTIST Date about the Sixteenth Century 472. GENROKU DANCING. Old Drawings in color, on three sheets, size 7^4 x 15 in. (3). Unsigned but the drawing and color show the work of the Tosa School. 473. GENROKU DANCING. Three old drawings in color of a similar size (3). Companion pieces of the preceding and also Tosa School . work of the Sixteenth Century. 48 OKUMURA TOSHINOBU 474. LACQUER PRINT: HAND COLORED. Date 1730. Shiki no Hyakusho” or the Four Seasons of Farming'. A scene with Farmers planting rice seeds in the marshes. Rare print in fair condition, some high lights in gold. Signed. 475. LACQUER PRINT: HAND COLORED. Date 1730. “Autumn Harvest’’ from the same series. Rare lacquer print in unusually good condition and color. Signed. (Illustrated) 476. LACQUER PRINT: HAND COLORED. Date 1730. “Winter” from the “Four Seasons” series, taking the rice to market. Good condition, signed. TOSHIY OSHI 477. TRIPTYCH. SOLDIERS ATTACKING PORT ARTHUR IN A SNOW STORM. Good condition and color. Signed. Pub. Yakijama 1895. Fine snow storm picture. TOYOHIRO 478. A COURTESAN SEATED STUDYING A POEM. She wears a white robe with tiny clusters of lavender flowers, her obi a faint blue-grey, and is leaning on a coral color table. A worm hole filled, otherw ise very fine condi¬ tion and color. Signed, pub. by Matsuyasu. (Illustrated) 479. KOYA NO TAMAGAWA: One of the Mutamagawa series, showing a mother with her boy near a yellow stand. Chuban or square form, very fine condition and color. Signed. TOYOKUNII Fine full length actor prints 480. BANDO M1TSUGORO AS YA H El MUNEKIYO. Walking in the snow with a yellow and purple umbrella; his superb black robe patterned in the feather-head of arrows, the use of lemon yellow harmonizing finely with the black. Fine sample. Signed. 481. BANDO MITSUGORO AS SOGA NO JURO. Seated smoking; his robe of rich black patterned in flying white birds. Fine example, signed. 49 482. JWAI HANSHIRO AS TOKTGIWA. Escaping in the snow from the dissolute councillor of her dead husband, taking her boys (Iwai Matsunosuke as Midori) with her. Fine example, signed. 483. ICHIKAWA ICHIZO AS KIYOTADA. Standing on a yellow bridge, with river rushing past, his orange robe oxidising, otherwise a fine example. Signed. 484. ICHIKAWA DANJURO IN A SHIBARAKU ROLE. His voluminous robes of Indian red with a huge square white crest. Fine example, signed. 485. IWAI HANSHIRO AS THE LADY KATAGAI. Her soft black robes patterned in pink and white cherry blossoms. Beautiful in color, fine example, signed. 486. IC HIKAWA DANJURO AS KARIGANE BUNSHICHI. In a shaded lavender robe with flute and sword. Fine com¬ position, but stain on robe. Signed. 487. IWAI KUMESABURO AND IWAI HANSHIRO. Two famous actors as Ohatsu and Ewa Fuji, in a scene under pendant cherries. Signed. 488. IWAI HANSHIRO AS OSHICHI. The famous actor of the female role in sweeping robes tied with black and carrying a tray. Signed, fine color. 489. SEKAWA KIKUNOJO AS SHOSHO. A famous woman’s role, with a robe decorated with a swirl of storks. Fine color and condition. Signed. 490. ONOYE MATSUSUKE AS YOHEI. Leaning on a Kago. Very fine condition and color, pub¬ lished by Suzui. 491. FUJIKAWA HANAYU AS HINAGENU. Exquisite pale yellow and pink and lavender in her robes as Die kneels on a balcony by the sea. Fine condition. Signed. 492. LARGE HEAD OF AN ACTOR. In Tovokuni’s finest manner, but toned. A red robe striped with white and bordered with black sets off the severe lines of the countenance. Signed. 493. ICHIKAWA KOMAZO AS HIGE NO IKKU. Panel or Hosoye print, his fine black robe patterned in Peonies. Gopd color, but a few holes repaired. (Illustrated) 50 494. ICKIKAWA DANJURO AS AGEMAKI NO SUKEROKU. In, a fine black robe over pink. Hosoye form, a few worm holes filled. Signed. GOSOTEI TOYOKUNI Known as Hongo Toyokuni, 1786-1864 495. WOMAN IN SHELL PINK WITH A SAMISEN. Line color and condition. Signed. 496. BEAUTY IN A DRESS OF NEW STYLE. Of blue, lined with lavender stripes. Good condition and color. Signed. 497. HANAOGI OF OGIYA. The famous beauty in blue with a flaming red obi before her mirror. Fine color and condition. Signed. 498. A BEAUTY IN A TRAILING ROBE. Sheet of a Diptych. Pale yellow foreground. Good color and condition. Signed. 499. WOMEN AND CHILDREN GATHERING PERSIMMONS. Lovely in line and color. Good condition. 1830. Two sheets from a triptych. ICHIYOSAI TOYOKUNI OR TOYOKUNI III 500. TRIPTYCH. FIVE LADIES AND A YOUTH ON THE BANKS OF SUMIDA. The servants are catching floating sake cups on the water. Pub. Moriji. 1860. 501. TRIPTYCH. CATCHING FIRE FLIES NEAR THE WATER IN THE LATE EVENING. Pub. Kawaguchi. Fair in condition and color. 502. GENU MONO GAT A RI LADIES ENTERTAINING IN THE EVENING WITH MUSIC AND TEA. Pub. Marusei 1860. Good in condition and color. 503. TRIPTYCH. GENGI MONOGATARI. Two Ladies and a Man on balcony overlooking the River. Fair condition. Some holes. Signed Kochoro Toyokuni. Pub. Sanoki. UTAMARO I. 504. KIT A KURUWA JENSEI KISOI. The Courtesan Karakoto of Chojiya with a cup of sake. Large figure. In subdued tones and fair condition. Signed. 51 505. KARAKOTO OF CHOJIYA. A famous beauty of a famous house. She is seated in a robe with rich Chrysanthemum border, pointing to left. Signed, good color and fair condition. 506. “SHIGHI FUKI ASOBI.” One of the Seven “Happy Days,’’ showing a boy writing his first year Poem, with the encouragement of his mother, and the scorn of an older brother. Signed. Fair condition. 507. THREE FAMOUS BEAUTIES. As Yedo, Osaka and Kyoto. Well known and rare prints. Toned. UTAMARO II 508. TAGASODE OF KADO TAMAYA TEAHOUSE. Seated with a white porcelain bowl, good condition and color, but late edition. Signed. 509. HINAMATSURI: OR DOLL’S FESTIVAL DAY. The Third Month, good condition, but late. Signed. KEISAI YEISEN 510. BEAUTY ON AN OUTING ON NEW YEAR’S DAY. Graceful figure and beautiful color. Signed. Fine condi¬ tion. 511. LADY IN BLACK AND KASA IN THE WIND. Yellow foreground, holding her umbrella against the wind. Beautiful color and condition, pub. by Izumiichi. Signed. 512. MOTHER IN BLACK ROBE NURSING A BABY. Fine color and condition, signed, pub. by Izumiichi. 513. THE SERIES OF THE 12 ATONTHS. The Fifth Month. A girl seated on a green bench. Fine color and condition, signed, pub. by Sanoki. 514. SERIES “SIX SELECTED BEAUTIES.” A girl seen at half length, fine color and condition. Signed, pub. by Izumiichi. 515. A TEA HOUSE BEAUTY AT OJI. Fine color and condition, signed, pub. by Sanoki. 516. GIRL WITH BATTLEDORE AND SHUTTLECOCK. Large head in fine color and condition. Signed. 517. BEAUTY IN A BLACK KIMONO. Fine color and condition, signed, pub. by Kawasho. 52 518. NAGAO OF OWARIYA HOUSE. Wearing' blue, seated at a brazier. Fine color and condi¬ tion, signed, pub. by Tsutaya. 519. BEAUTY IN A LONG BLUE KIMONO. Carrying a roll of silk. Fine color and good condition. Signed. 520. A GEISHA NEAR A DOORWAY. Her robes of green and lavender, fine condition and color, signed. 521. LADY IN GREEN PLAYING THE SAMISEN. Fine condition and color, signed. 522. SAK1YE OF SANOTSUCHIYA. Walking with her attendants. Good color and condition. Signed, pub. Yorozuva. 523. DIPTYCH: GIRLS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Girl standing by a Samisen box. Girl and Samisen. Good color and condition. Signed. « 524. GEISHA GIRL,NEAR A PACKAGE TIED WITH GREEN. Good color and condition. Signed. 525. USUGUMO OF TAMAYA TEAHOUSE. In full regalia of beautiful tones of blue with black near a lantern. Fine condition, signed. 526. HANAOGI OF OGIYA. A famous beauty in a black dragon robe. Fine color and condition. Signed. 527. LADY WRITING A LETTER. View of Yebusu Temple in rain in inset above. Fine use of black, good condition. Signed. 528. NAGAO OF OWARIYA TEAHOUSE. Carnation robe and rabbit obi. Good condition, signed. YEISHI 529. THREE LADIES MEETING. Toned, but the centre figure wearing a robe of soft black that holds together a pleasing composition. Signed. 530. MAYUZUMI OF DAIMONJIYA TEAHOUSE. A Courtesan walking with Shinzo and Kamuro. Chuban or square form signed. Good condition and color. (Illustrated) 53 YOSHIIKU 531. TRIPTYCH. THE PUBLIC BATH HOUSE. Many Ladies before and during the bath. Pub. Hiroko 1860. 532. THREE PRINTS OF LADIES ENGAGED IN HOUSEHOLD MATTERS. Pub. Kawacho in 1850. Good condition (3). KINCHORO YOSHITORA: FI. 1850 533. 534. WOMAN IN GREY READING A LETTER. She stands under willow cherries, her robe tied with black obi having blue lining. Published by Yamadaya. Signed. WOMAN SEATED ON A LOOM. Good color, the background cleverly simulating woven cloth. Signed. ITTOSAI YOSHITSUNE: FI. 1850 535. DIPTYCH: TEA HOUSE BEAUTIES. Kobai of Miuraya and Wakaba of Tamaya near a tea house. Wearing black, flowered in carnations, and pale blue over vellow. Signed. 535A. TWO CHINESE CAMPHOR WOOD CHESTS. Hinged covers, as plain trunks. SOKIN A Priest of about 1700 536. KWANNON BUDDHA IN GOLD ABOUT 1700. The Goddess holds a Sacred Lotus Flower. The whole design in gold outline formed of tiny Japanese characters, done by a Priest, and very rare. 537. A RAKKAN AND TWO ATTENDANT ONI. Chinese drawing of the Sixteenth Century, in fair condi¬ tion on an old brocade mount. EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY 538. DUTCH DRAWING IN COLORS IN THE FORM OF A MAKEMONO. With Title in Japanese (Translation). “This Picture Make- mono has been brought to Japan by 3 Holland People in Meiwa second year, 1765, and became property of Mr. Maye- jinia of Yedo” (who acted as their interpreter). In the origi¬ nal kiriwood box. A very early pen and color drawing with “America” in the design by a Dutch artist apparently under the influence of the 54 oriental Makemono or panoramic mural decoration, and re¬ markably well done. Amor stands on the globe showing America flanked by the figures of an American Indian, Euro¬ pean, African, and East Indian, a Spanish Jennet laden with gold, American Turkey, Cattle, Hunting scene, etc. On a large blue scroll above appears the inscription in gold letters “Totius Americae Novior Accura Tabula P”. 539. TOSA SCHOOL MAKEMONO IN THE ORIGINAL BOX. 12 original drawings of artisans in splendid early coloring done by Tosa School artist, with text. In the original box with bronze mounts. All the detail shows a precious possession, the ivory roll- ends, gold leaf strip and brocade cover. 540. HIROSHIGE I AND KUNISADA. Date 1845. A Series of the upright chuban or square Tokaido from Nihonbashi to Kameyama, 28 stations, the landscapes by the First Hiroshige and the figures by Kunisada. Good condi¬ tion, published by Sanoki in 1845. Very unusual as the sheets are mounted end to end in make¬ mono form. 541. MORONOBU (HISHIKAWA). 1638—1714. The Famous Temple of Kyoto and procession of Yama- bushi (a class of Priest), in black and white. Makemono form. An example of Moronobu in a remarkable state of preser¬ vation owing to the 27 oblong broadsheets having been mounted end to end in Makemono form. There are a few holes and repair, but the freshness and clearness of the printing and the unsoiled condition make this a very desirable example of this rare primitive. 542. DAIMIO’S CRESTS: MAKEMONO FORM ABOUT 1850. The Crests of Daimios with their given names in English, published by Tokugawa Kamenosuke about 1850. Printed in colors—very valuable for reference and almost unknown with the English translations. 543. TWO LONG MAKEMONOS OF THE KANO SCHOOL: Dated 1626. Procession of the Emperor and his Suite by a Kano School artist done in tints, and dated Kanyei 3rd, 1626. In very good condition and in the original kiri box. 544. MAKEMONO OF KYOTO FESTIVAL. ABOUT 1850. Drawing in water colors by an unknown artist, in good condition, showing the many costumes, the Festival Carts, the women with their orange parasols, etc. 55 545. TOYOHARU: MAKEMONO OF 1781. Views of the Sumida River and its bank and Ryogoku Bridge, date Tenmei 1st, 1781, by Toyoharn, but unsigned. Beautiful color, makemono form. 546. IKENO BO SCHOOL. MAKEMONO FORM ABOUT 1750. Makemono form of Flower Arrangements, in water- colors, drawn by band by an unknown artist about 1750. In very good color and condition. 53 groupings are shown in a be¬ wildering array of blossoms of many kinds, boughs of the Plum, the Cherry, the Maple and the Pine with their appro¬ priate flowers; Wistaria Sprays and Iris Flowers, Coxcomb, bamboo and willow and countless flowers unknown to us. 547. UNKNOWN ARTIST: MAKEMONO ABOUT 1700. “Views of the Tokaido” from Yoshida Station to Kame- yama, drawn by hand by an unknown artist in colors, about 1700. A little stained and some wormholes. Very, long Makemono. Probably carried as a guide from Tokyo to Kyoto > n the early Eighteenth Century. 548. UNKNOWN ARTIST: DATE ABOUT 1800. Makemono form, original drawings in color of all the arti¬ sans, trades and occupations of Japan, containing 64 figures as weavers, blacksmiths, poets, nurses, musicians, farmers, doctors, etc. 55 4 Season 1920-1921 Literary and Artistic Prospectus A fine Private Library from New England. The Original Drawings made by Bayard Taylor on his travels, in Europe and Africa. A fine Collection of original European Drawings dating from the Sixteenth Century. The final portion of the private library of the late Gen. H. W. Closson, Washington, D. C. A Collection of Autographs, mainly the property of a New York enthusiast, including many important examples and manu¬ scripts. The Historical and Antiquarian Library of William Gray Brooks of Philadelphia. Japanese Embroideries, Color Prints, Books, Firearms, etc., from the C. F. Gunther collection consigned by the Chicago His¬ torical Society. Japanese Color Prints, Japanese Books, Art Objects includ¬ ing Carvings, Netsukes, etc. The Important Collection of Bookplates of Miss Dorothy Furman of Morristown, N. J., being over 8,000 plates—-one of the largest collections in this country.