THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY From the library of Frank Simpson Under Revision A RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS of JOHN LAVERY 1880— -1914 GROSVENOR GALLERY, 51 A NEW BOND STREET June 9th to July 31st, 1914 Price Sixpence CARE OF PICTURES LIGHT . — Pictures should neither be hung in the sun nor in exceptionally dark places, as certain colours are affected by the chemical rays of extreme light and dark. WALLS. — Walls must be dry and not subject to draughts or special heating from radiators or flues. Excessive damp or heat affect the varnish and decompose pigment. GAS., — Gas is highly injurious to pigments, and all pictures hung with gas lighting should be glazed and backed. STORING . — Works of art should never be stored in the dark or in airless spaces, as air and light are essential to the preserva- tion of colour. DUSTING. — Dusting should be effected with absolutely clean washing silk dusters, with which also any varnish bloom should be lightly polished away. WASHING.— -Surface dirt may be removed with cotton wopl dipped in clear rain-water, and, where exceptionally tenacious, a very little white Castile soap may be used. The preservation of pictures may he considerably aided by having the backs of the canvases painted, or backed with smooth wooden panels. The latter precaution also mitigates danger of tear or injury to the canvas. VARNISHING . — Pictures should never be varnished with white of egg, oil, or copal. Mastic is the only safe medium for this purpose, as it can be removed if it discolours. CURTAINS AND COVERS. — Oil paintings and water colours should never be covered with transparent green or purple curtains of any shade, as they intensify and filter through the chemical rays of light which are most destructive to pigments. Public museums afford countless examples of the destructive effects of such. The best opaque and transparent curtains or Coverings are yellow and red, which exclude the chemical rays of light. Expert advice may be obtained on these questions at the Gallery. KINGSWAY THEATRE Lillah McCarthy Granville Barker Every Night at 8.20. Matinees : Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2. 80. The Great By ARNOLD HENRY AINLEY LYDIA BILBROOKE FRANKLYN ROBERTS J. BENEDICT BUTLER ACTON BOND CLARENCE DERWENT GEDGE TWYMAN JOHN ASTLEY The play produced Adventure BENNETT. WISH WYNNE DAWSON MILWARD CLAUDE KING A. G. POULTON ALMA EMMERSLIE FRANCIS J. DUGUID GEOFFREY DENYS VAL CUTHBERT y Granville Barker. THE PLAYHOUSE CHARING CROSS Lessee Mr. CYRIL MAUDE Every Evening at 8.30 Matinee Every Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30 MISS MARIE TEMPEST IN COMEDY ALL SEATS CAN NOW BE BOOKED General Manager Mr. ALFRED TURNER THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS AND GRAVERS (Inaugurated May 1898) Members AUGUSTE RODIN, President WILLIAM STRANG, A.R.A., Vice-President WILLIAM WEBB, Honorary Solicitor FRANCIS HOWARD, Honorary Secretary fi. ANGLADA-CAMARASA PAUL W. BARTLETT CECILIA BEAUX MAX BEERBOHM *ROBERT ANNIN G BELL *J. E. BLANCHE OLGA DE BOZNANSKA W. L. BRUCKMAN SIMON BUSSY *D. Y. CAMERON EMILE CLAUS PHILIP CONNARD J. PAUL COOPER CHARLES COTTET NELSON DAWSON EUGENE DEKKERT T. MILLIE DOW PAUL DUPONT *MORLEY FLETCHER J. H. M. FURSE DAVID GAULD ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN ^OLIVER HALL A. S. HARTRICK A. F. HAYWARD L. RAVEN HILL SIR CHARLES HOLROYD E. A. HORNEL *FRANCIS HOWARD ALEXANDER JAMIESON *GERALD FESTUS KELLY KATHE KOLLWITZ *G. W. LAMBERT *JOHN LAVERY, A.R.A. J. KERR-LAWSON SYDNEY LEE LOUIS LEGRAND H. MANN LIVENS *A. LUDOVICI W. Y. MACGREGOR A. MAILLOL A. MANCINI HARRINGTON MANN *A. A. MCEVOY CHARLES MILCENDEAD JAMES W. MORRICE HENRY MUHRMAN *DAVID MUIRHEAD FRANK MURA FRANCIS H. NEWBERY * WILLIAM NICHOLSON J. OPPENHEIMER *WLLLIAM ORPEN, A.R.A. *J OSEPH PENNELL *A. D. PEPPERCORN *GLYN W. PHILPOT *JAMES PRYDE * ALFRED RICH ^CHARLES RICKETTS DOUGLAS ROBINSON * Council. Members— (continued). AUGUSTE RODIN *W. W. RUSSELL *PROF. G. SAUTER LADY SCOTT ALLEN W. SEABY ^CHARLES SHANNON, A.R.A. H. LE SIDANER L. SIMON R. MACAULAY STEVENSON * WILLIAM STRANG, A.R.A. *EDMUND J. SULLIVAN *MRS. SWYNNERTON GROSVENOR THOMAS *HAVARD THOMAS PRINCE PAUL TROUBETZKOY W. G. VON GLEHN MONS. VUILLARD *E. A. WALTON R. F. WELLS *H. WILSON ALFRED WITHERS WILLEM WITSEN HENRY WOLF Hon. Lay Members H.R.H. PRINCE CHRISTIAN OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN H.R.H. PRINCESS CHRISTIAN OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN The Hon. J. H. CHOATE, Late United States Ambassador His Excellency COUNT DE LALAING, Belgian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary His Excellency COUNT P. W. METTERNICH, Late German Ambassador His Excellency The Rt. Hon. Sir FRANK LASCELLES, British Ambassador, Berlin The Rt. Hon. The EARL OF PLYMOUTH, P.C., C.B. L. BENEDITE, Director, Luxembourg CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, ESQ. THOMAS HARDY, ESQ. G. BERNARD SHAW, ESQ. Honorary J. W. ALEXANDER E. F. AMAN-JEAN A. BAERTSOEN A. BARTHOLOME A. BESNARD J. BOLDINI G. H. BREITNER CAROLUS-DURAN W. M. CHASE TIMOTHY COLE Members PROF. L. DILL P. FRAGIACOMO SIR JAMES GUTHRIE PROF. HUGO FREIHERR VON HABERMANl* P. HELLEU G. KLIMT PROF. MAX KLINGER PROF. GOTTHARDT KUEB GARI MELCHERS 1 A 2 * Council. iii Honorary Members— {continued). H. W. MESDAG CLAUDE MONET HOWARD PYLE P. A. RENOIR JOHN S. SARGENT, R.A. J. J. SHANNON, A. R.A. PROF. FRANZ YON STUCK PROF. HANS THOMA PROF. F. YON UHDE Lay Members JOHN J. COWAN, ESQ. HAROLD HARTLEY, ESQ, SIDNEY MORSE, ESQ. JAMES MYLNE, ESQ. MRS. NEVEN DU MONT J. LEON WILLIAMS, ESQ., D.D.S- SAM WILSON, ESQ. Deceased Members. J. MCNEILL WHISTLER (first President, 1897-1903) ROBERT BROUGH HERBERT GOODALL J. CRAW HALL FRITZ THAULOW A NEVEN DU MONT L. SCHNEGG PROF. H. VON BARTELS Deceased Hon. Members , ARNOLD BOECKLIN PROF. GIOVANNI COSTA J. DILLENS J. J. LAMBEAUX PROF. A. LEGROS JAMES MARIS CONSTANTIN MEUNIER E. PUVIS DE CHAVANNES AUGUSTUS SAINT GAUDENS FREDERICK SANDYS GIOVANNI SEGANTINI DANIEL VIERGE Deceased Hon. Lay Members. GEORGE MEREDITH, O.M. THE HON. WHITELAW REID IV The National Portrait Society President — AUGUSTUS JOHN Chairman — FRANCIS HOWARD Hon. Treasurer — BASIL GOTTO Hon. Solicitor — W ILLI AM WEBB DACRES ADAMS EDMUND AMAN-JEAN ANQUETIN. Hon. Mem. PAUL W. BARTLETT CECILIA BEAUX MAX BEERBOHM A. BESNARD, Hon. Mem. OSWALD BIRLEY JACQUES BLANCHE OLGA DE BOZNANSKA GIOVANNI BOLDINI, Hon. Mem. T. AUSTEN BROWN H. HARRIS BROWN GERTRUDE DES CLAYES PHILIP CONNARD JOHN DA COSTA FRANK CRAIG CAROLUS DURAN, Hon. Mem. ELLEN EMMETT JACOB EPSTEIN R. G. EVES F. C. FRIESEKE G. DE LA GANDARA MRS. J. E. VON GLEHN ♦WILFRED VON GLEHN ♦BASIL GOTTO MAURICE GREIFFEN HAGEN G. GUISTI FREIHERR H. VON HABER- MANN, Hon. Mem. L. A. HARRISON ♦FRANCIS HOWARD RICHARD JACK LEONARD JENNINGS MISS JOHN ♦AUGUSTUS JOHN ♦GERALD FESTUS KELLY PROF. MAX KLINGER, Hon. Mem. LAURA KNIGHT T. STIRLING LEE ♦JOHN LA VERY, A.R.A. P. A. DE LASZLO MAX LIEBERMANN, Hon. Mem. FLORA LION MOUAT LOUDAN A. MANCINI ♦HARRINGTON MANN AMBROSE MoEVOY PROF. MOIRA C. MOORE PARK DAVID MUIRHEAD ^WILLIAM NICHOLSON JOSEPH OPPENHEIMER ♦WILLIAM ORPEN, A.R.A. S. J. PEPLOE ♦GLYN PHILPOT F. W. POMEROY, A.R.A. HENRY POOLE JAMES PRYDE MRS. RACKHAM W. B. E. RANKEN A. RODIN, Hon. Mem. W. ROTHENSTEIN ♦W. W. RUSSELL LEO SAMBERGER, Hon. Mem. *J. S. SARGENT. R.A. ♦PROF. SAUTER MARK SENIOR ♦CHARLES SHANNON, A.R.A. WALTER SICKERT LUCIEN SIMON, Hon. Mem. J. SOROLLA, Hon. Mem. ♦HAROLD SPEED *P. WILSON STEER W. STRANG, A.R.A MRS. SWYNNERTON L. CAMPBELL TAYLOR *E. A. WALTON G. SPENCER WATSON FIDDES WATT HARRY WILSON *F. DERWENT WOOD, A.R.A. A. ZORN, Hon. Mem. Member of Council, THE GROSYENOR GALLERY ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS February and March 2 National Portrait Society. April and May : Spring Exhibition — International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. October and November: Autumn Exhibition — International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. Special Exhibition, June and July, 1914: John Lavery, A.R.A. — Review of Thirty Years’ Work. T. Martin Wood, Secretary and Curator vi THE GROSVENOR GALLERY Permanent Collection of Representative Works by leading and rising Modem Artists. An important innovation in connection with public exhibition galleries is the Private Gallery, where the current works of leading and rising artists may be seen the whole year round, at prices determined by the artists themselves, thereby ensuring the greatest benefit to producer and purchaser. The scale of charges for portraits by the leading portrait painters may be consulted at the Galleries, and examples seen and commissions arranged. Commissions undertaken at Christie’s and other sales at the usual rates. vii JOHN LAVERY, e.s.a., e.h.a., a.b.a., h.e.o.i., b.p., Member International Society of Sculptors. Painters and Gravers; The National Society of Portrait Painters ; Society National des Beaux Arts, Paris. Corresponding Member Royal Academy of Milan, San Luca, Rome ; Royal Belgian Academy ; The Secessions of Munich, Berlin and Vienna ; and of the Society of Spanish Artists, Madrid. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium and of the Crown of Italy. A RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS of JOHN LAVERY 1880—1914 GROSVEN OR GALLERY, 51 A NEW BOND STREET June 9th to July 31st, 1914 Nt> 4 , a rj r » / n J m2. ^ J ^ / PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES & SONS, LIMITED GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale. Prices of works for sale may be obtained from the Secretary and from the Catalogue in the Entrance Hall. Special photographs, taken under the supervision of and approved by the Artist, have been produced of most of the Pictures, and are to be obtained in several different styles and processes at prices ranging from 2/6 upwards. A selection is on view in the Gallery, and prices and all particulars are to be obtained of the Secretary, or from Henry Dixon & Son, 112 Albany Street, Regent’s Park, N.W. For publication, application must be made to Messrs. Cassell & Sons, Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, E.C. The copyrights in the above photographs are reserved. The Grosvenor Gallery will not be let for social functions, dances , suppers, etc., but will be exclusively reserved for artistic purposes. RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF JOHN LAVERY THE GROSVENOR GALLERY June 9 to July 31, 1914 THE LARGE GALLERY {Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale.) 1 THE KING, THE QUEEN, THE 1913 PRINCE OF WALES, and THE PRINCESS MARY. Buckingham Palace, 1913. 135 inches x 108 inches . 2 H.R.H. PRINCESS PATRICIA OF 1913 CONNAUGHT. 30 inches X 25 inches. 3 KILLARNEY. 30 inches x 25 inches. I 9 I 3 12 Exhibition of the $ SPRING. 1903 Lent by Le Musee National du Luxembourg, Paris. Purchased by the French Government from the Exhibition of the Socie'te Nationale des Beaux- Arts, Paris, 1904. 76 inches x 50 inches. 5 LADY HAMILTON. 36 inches x 28 inches . 1902-7 6 A LADY IN A GREEN COAT. 1903 Lent by the Bradford Art Gallery. Purchased by the Bradford Art Gallery Committee from the Exhibition of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers, held in the Bradford Art Gallery in 1905. 72 inches x 36 inches. 1 LADY GWENDOLINE CHURCHILL. 19 1 i”i3 47 inches X 37 inches. Works of John La’very 13 8 THE LADY IN PINK. 1896-1903 Lent by the Municipality of the City of Venice. Purchased, on the proposal of the Official Award Committee, by the Municipality of the City of Venice, for the City’s Modern Art Gallery, from the IXth International Fine Arts Exhibition of the City of Venice, 1910. 76 J inches x 49 inches. 9 LADY DIANA MANNERS. 1912 30 inches x 40 inches. 10 THE HON. MRS. BURRELL (afterwards Lady Gwydyr). 1889-92 Lent by Lord Gwydyr. 84 inches x 48 inches. 11 LORD ASHBOURNE. 39 inches x 27 inches. 12 THE PRINCESS AAGE. 20 inches x 30 inches . 14 Exhibition of the 13 MRS. LAVERY AND ALICE. 1909 50 mches x 40 inches. 14 THE LADY VICTORIA STANLEY. 19 12-3 82 inches x 42 inches . 15 VIOLET AND GOLD. 1905 Lent by the Manchester Corporation Art Gallery Committee. Purchased by the Manchester Corporation Art Gallery Committee from Messrs. Agnew & Sons’ Exhibition in London, 1906. 49 inches x 27 inches. 16 THE LADY NORAH BRASSEY. 1905 17 THE ROCKING CHAIR. 1892 Lent by the Royal Scottish Academy. Diploma picture presented by the Artist to the Royal Scottish Academy on his election to Membership, 1896. 60 inches x 30 mches. Works of John Larvery 15 18 A LADY IN BLACK. 1894 Lent by the Royal National Gallery, Berlin. Presented by the Berliner Kunstfreundes, 1896 36 inches x 28 inches . 19 LA MORT DU CYGNE (ANNA PAVLOVA). 72 inches x 48 mches. 1912 20 MRS. ARTHUR FRANKLIN. 1901 36 inches x 28 inches. 21 MASTER KNOX. 1888 50 inches X 26 inches. 22 A LADY IN BLACK. 1898 Lent by the National Gallery, Brussels. Purchased 1900 by the Belgian Government from the Salon Triennial, Brussels. 30 inches x 25 mches. 16 Exhibition of the 23 R, B. CUNNINGHAME 1893 GRAHAM, ESQ. Lent by the Corporation of Glasgow. Purchased 1906, by the Art Gallery Committee of the Corporation of Glasgow. 80 inches x 42 J inches . 24 THE BLACK POODLE. 1902 50 inches X 40 inches. 25 MRS. LAVERY, SKETCHING. 1910 Lent by the Corporation of Dublin (Municipal Gallery of Modern Art). Purchased by Sir Hugh Lane for presentation to the Dublin Municipal Gallery of Modern Art. 84 inches x 48 inches. 26 THE COUNTESS OF DERBY. 50 inches x 40 inches. 1912 Works of John Lavery 17 27 FATHER AND DAUGHTER. 1896-7 Lent by Le Musee National du Luxembourg, Paris. Purchased by the French Government from the Exhibition of the Societe des Artistes Frangais, Paris, 1901. 82 inches x 50 inches. 28 MRS. GEOFFREY BIRKBECK. 1908 30 inches x 25 inches. 29 SUMMER. 1904 Lent by M. Auguste Rodin. 76 inches X 50 inches. 30 THE LADY DOROTHY BROWNE. 30 inches x 25 inches. 31 LOCH KATRINE. 30 mches X 25 i?iches. B 1913 18 Exhibition of the THE SMALL GALLERY ( Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale.) 32 A LADY IN BROWN. 1906 Lent by Zachary Merton, Esq. 14 inches x 10 inches. 33 THE WHITE SHIP. 1912 14 inches x 10 i?iches. 35 THE LADY IN BLACK. 1910-2 Lent by the Belfast Corporation. Purchased from the Artist by the Belfast Corpora- tion for the Public Art Gallery Collection, 1913. 75 inches x 36 inches. Works of John Livery 19 35 MRS. KENNARD. 1914 14 inches x 10 inches. 36 THE TERRACE. 1914 14 inches x 10 inches . 37 MARY (Oval). 1903 Lent by E. F. H. B. Johnstone, Esq., K.C. 30 inches x 25 inches . 38 THE FIRST COMMUNION. 1901 Lent by Mrs. James Dickinson. 72 inches x 36 inches. 39 HERR ROBERT OPPENHEIM. 1905 18 inches x 14 inches. $0 ALICE READING. 1914 26 inches x 31 inches . b 2 20 Exhibition of the 41 MISS ELIZABETH WELSH. Lent by Girton College, Cambridge. 60 inches x 45 inches. 1904 52 MRS. STRACEY-CLITHEROE. 18 inches x 14 inches. 1910 53 SIR REGINALD LISTER’S DRAWING- 26 inches x 31 inches. 44 THE LADY WITH THE PEARLS. 1900 Lent by the Corporation of Dublin (Municipal Gallery of Modern Art). Presented by the Artist. 54 itiches x 40 inches. 55 MRS. MARK FENWICK. 1913 56 LADY IN BLACK. 1904 Lent by Mons. Auguste Rodin. ROOM, TANGIER. 1912 Works of John Lavery 21 47 A GREY DAY. 1910 14 inches x 10 inches. 48 JAMES FITZMAURICE KELLY, ESQ. 1898 50 inches x 40 inches. 49 THE GREY DRAWING ROOM. 1911 14 inches X 10 inches. 50 INTERIOR. 1905 51 LADY IN BLUE. 1906 Lent by T. W. Bacon, Esq. 14 inches x 10 inches. 52 FUNERAL PROCESSION : TANGIER. 1914 14 inches x 10 inches 53 MRS. OCHS. 40 inches x 30 inches. 1907 22 Exhibition of the 5^ ALICE IN BLUE. 14 inches x 10 inches . 1913 55 THE RED HAMMOCK. 19 10 Lent by Mrs. Walbrand Evans. 14 mches x 10 inches. 50 MRS. KEPPEL PULTENEY (Miss Darling). 1906 22 mches x 36 inches. 57 MRS. PARK LYLE. 50 inches x 40 inches. 1895 58 THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY. 1903 Lent by the National Gallery of Ireland. Purchased from the Artist by the National Gallery of Ireland, 1906. 25 inches x i8f inches . Works of John Lavery 23 59 THE MOTHER. 50 inches x 41 inches. 60 JULIAN SAMPSON, ESQ. 61 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Lent by R. E. Haslam, Esq. 60 inches x 48 inches. 62 THE LADY JULIET DUFF. 30 inches x 25 inches. 63 THE LITTLE EQUESTRIENNE. Lent by W. M. Reid, Esq. 14 inches x 10 inches. 1909-14 1904 1911 1913 1910 6$ SIDI CASSIM : 1912. 14 inches x 10 inches. 1912 24 Exhibition of the 65 MRS. SPOTTISWOODE AND BETTY. 66 inehes x 34 inches . 68 MISS KNOWLES. 14 inches x 10 inches. 67 RANELAGH. Lent by Messrs. Wallace & Sons. 14 inches x to inches. 1902 1909 1906 Works of John Lzvery 25 THE CORNER GALLERY ( Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale.) 68 LADY DARLING. 14 inches x 10 inches. 69 FRAU VON MEISTER. 50 inches x 40 inches. 70 CAPTAIN DARLING. 18 inches x 14 inches . 71 A TENNIS PARTY. Lent by the Neue-Pinakothek, Munich. Purchased by the Bavarian Government, 1890. 72 inches x 36 inches. 1906 I 9°7 1908 1886 26 Exhibition of the 72 THE EARL OF DONOUGHMORE. 1905 84 inches x 48 inches. 73 THE SILVER TURBAN. 1912 Lent by Herr von Meister. 34 inches x 3 2 inches . 7 $ THE LADY NORAH BRASSEY. 1907 78 inches x 39 inches. 75 THE BRIDGE AT GRES. 1895 35 inches X 58 inches. 76 MISS JOSEPH. 1906 Lent by Mrs. Joseph. 30 inches x 25 inches. 77 A FAMILY GROUP AT ST. FAGANS. 1905 Lent by the Earl of Plymouth. 22 inches x finches. Works of John Lavery 27 78 THE SISTERS. 1891-2 Lent by F. S. Oliver, Esq. 84 inches x 67 inches. 79 A LADY IN GREY AND BLACK. 1902 Lent by Nicol Brown, Esq. 30 inches x 25 inches. 80 EVENING: TANGIER. 1907 Lent by the City of Birmingham Art Gallery. Presented, 1908, by the Rt. Hon. William Kenrick, P.C., by purchase from the Lavery Exhibition at the Goupil Gallery, London. 41 \ inches x 29J inches. 81 HERR ARNAUD GUILLEAUME. 30 inches x 25 inches. 1907 28 Exhibition of the 82 THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. 1907 Lent by the Belfast Corporation. Presented to Lord Shaftesbury by his fellow-citizens to commemorate His Lordship’s tenure of the office of Lord Mayor of the City for the year 1907. On receiving the portrait, Lord Shaftes- bury requested the Lord Mayor to accept it for the City, and it has since remained in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Belfast. 84 inches x 48 inches . 83 MASTER LOCKET CROAL THOMSON. 30 inches x 24 inches. I 9°5 85 T. P. O’CONNOR, ESQ., M.P 1908 30 inches x 25 inches. 85 ARIADNE. 1885 Lent by Robert Strathearn, Esq. W.S. 50 inches x 40 mches . Works of John Lavery 29 86 LORD MACLAREN. 1893 Lent by F. S. Oliver, Esq. 18 inches x 14 inches. 87 MISS DIANA DARLING. 1904 36 inches x 24 inches . 88 LADY BOYLE. 1912 50 inches x 40 inches. 89 MRS. LAVERY, IN COSTUME. 1912 14 inches x 10 inches. 30 Exhibition of the THE LONG GALLERY {Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale.) 90 THE NIGHT AFTER 1885-95 LANGSIDE, 1568. Lent by the Senate House, Brussels. Purchased by the Belgian Government from the Exhibition of Fine Arts at Ghent, 1899. 72 inches x 50 inches. 91 MISS ALICE FULTON. 1897-8 Lent by James Fulton, Esq. 60 inches x 40 inches. 92 NEWMARKET. 1913 Lent by the Earl of Derby. 30 inches x 25 inches. Works of John Lasvery 31 93 FRENCH GUNBOATS IN TANGIER BAY. 1914 44 inches x 34 inches. 95 THE EQUESTRIENNE. 1891-9 96 inches X 72 inches. 95 NEWMARKET: MORNING. 1913 Lent by the Earl of Derby. 30 inches X 25 inches. 96 THE BEACH AT TANGIER. 1914 44 inches x 34 inches. 97 JAPANESE SWITZERLAND. 1913 30 inches x 21 inches. 98 MRS. HARRY WALLIS. 1912 50 inches x 35 inches . 32 Exhibition of the 99 R. B. CUNNINGHAME-GRAHAM ON HORSEBACK. 1898 Lent by Herr Hugo Oppenheim. 42 inches x 39 inches . 100 “THE RIVER.” 1913 30 inches x 20 inches. 101 GIRLS IN SUNLIGHT. 1908 50 inches x 40 inches. 102 THE EARL OF PLYMOUTH. 1906 78 inches x 39 inches. 103 THE SISTERS. 1904 Lent by the Earl of Donoughmore. 50 inches by 40 inches. 10 $ IN MOROCCO. 79 inches x 69 inches. Works of John Lavery 33 105 MRS. VULLIAMY. 48 inches x 36 inches. 106 LADY IN WHITE. 107 DAWN AFTER LANGSIDE, 1568. 1886-7 Lent by James Mylne, Esq., W.S. 50 inches x 42 inches. 1906 1905-14 108 SELF-PORTRAIT. 1908-10 Lent by the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction. The property of the Uffizzi Gallery in Florence. 42 inches x 30 inches. 109 THE SNAKE-CHARMERS. 1891 Lent by John Robertson, Esq. 36 inches x 20 inches. c 34 Exhibition of the 110 MRS. LEO BONN. 59 inches x 35 inches 111 FRAU VON GUILLEAUME. 87 inches x 47 inches. 112 LADY YOUNG. 84 inches X 48 inches. 113 EILEEN. Lent by M. Auguste Rodin. 62 inches x 36 inches 114 MISS IDONIA LA PRIMAUDAYE. 60 inches x 33 uiches. 115 MISS MARY BURRELL. Lent by W. Burrell, Esq. 72 inches x 36 inches. 1911 1 900-1 1898 1901 1891 Works of John Lavery 35 116 MRS. FORD. 1910 25 inches x 30 inches. 117 MOTHER AND SON. 1891-2 Lent by the Municipality of the City of Venice. Purchased, on the proposal of the Official Award Committee, by the Municipality of the City of Venice, for the City’s Modern Art Gallery, from the Illrd International Fine Arts Exhibition of the City of Venice, 1899. 60 inches x 50 mches. 118 SIR HICKMAN BACON, BART. 1908 31 inches x 27 i?iches. 119 POLYMNIA. 1904 Lent by the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction. Purchased by the Ministry of Public Instruction for the (Italian) National Gallery in Rome, from the VUIth International Fine Arts Exhibition of the City of Venice, 1909. 75 inches x 36 inches. C 2 36 Exhibition of the 120 HENRY ULICK, 5TH MARQUIS 1909 OF SLIGO. Lent by the Lady Alice Mahon. 40 inches x 30 inches. 121 AUGUSTE RODIN. 60 inches x 40 inches. I 9 I 3 Works of John Lavery 37 CORRIDOR (. Pictures marked with a red seal are not for sale.) 122 BOAR HUNTING: MOROCCO. Lent by P. J. Ford, Esq. 26 inches x 33 inches. 123 SHIPBUILDING STUDY FOR FRESCO IN THE MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS, GLASGOW. 1900 64 inches x 48 inches 125 RAID MACLEAN. 1906 10 inches x 14 inches . 125 LADY IN BLACK (No. II.) 1906 Lent by T. W. Bacon, Esq. 14 inches x 10 inches . 38 Exhibition of the 120 A CALM SEA: TANGIER. 1911 Lent by Lady Boyle. 25 inches x 30 inches . 127 PAISLEY TENNIS CLUB. 1892 Lent by James Begg, Esq. 30 inches x 25 inches. 128 MRS. ALEC TWEEDIE. 1903 14 inches x 10 inches. 129 THE JUNG-FRAU. 1913 Lent by Lady Mond. 30 inches x 25 inches. 130 THE BRIDGE AT GRES. 1885 60 inches X 60 inches. Works of John Lavery 39 131 WAITING. 1882 Lent by Mrs. John Eadie. 8 inches x 6 inches. 132 SKI-ING. 1913 Lent by Patrick J. Ford, Esq. 30 inches x 25 inches. 133 IT WAS ABOUT A LOVER. 1884 Jas. Quinn, Esq. 22 inches x 19 inches. 135 AFTERNOON TEA. 1884 Lent by Mrs. John Eadie. 25 mches x 19 mches. 135 INTERIOR. i9°4 Lent by Messrs. Wallis and Son. 14 inches x 10 inches. 40 Exhibition of the 136 CURLING. 1913 Lent by the Scottish Modern Arts Association. Purchased at the Royal Scottish Academy Exhibi- tion, 1913. 30 inches x 25 inches. 137 UNDER THE WILLOWS. 1906 22 J inches x 1 6 J inches. 138 CONVALESCENT. 1885 Lent by T. R. Ronaldson, Esq., M.D. 44 inches x 34 inches. 139 A VISIT TO THE STUDIO. 1885 Lent by Mrs. John Eadie. 13 inches x 9 inches. im NIGHT. 1910 Lent by the Chevalier Giuglio Fradaletto. 25 inches x 30 inches. Works of John La.