f ir fl • O -A- T A. Xj O G- XT E /[} 0\f > ^ OF OLD FRENCH AND OTHER DECORATIVE FURNITURE, ftoralaitt, TBrmtfes, AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART, OLD GOBELINS AND FLEMISH TAPESTRY, AND Two Fine Old Persian Carpets, Two Large Aubusson Tapestry Carpets, &c, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: WHICH tie Up auction Up Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT THEIB SWEAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1896, AT ABOUT HALF-PAST TWO O’CLOCK, after the Sale of the Beckingham Hall Property. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Man son and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. 2,^5-JW. * Q_ 3. ss.s&'.ff- f 3 - /& 9 . 3. /ox-. /$/ /0~o ■? * //-/-. i 3 j?; r.^3 , /OO / / £ €^y Q . /*/- £ /Sc> . / 6 & ■ S~c-y 2. J3pcJU+**+ * 6-o. 6 : /s/. 3. /+-. / 2 _. / 4 ^- 2 3 . zy- .2? 3 2- 3^> . 4^ 3.4^7. 5/ ■ S3 . $7$ . ^S. (o b -r - 2 , * /&o. /&&. . ///. /Zo. /2 5. /zf./3v-. /£/~o. / S^o. /5x . /6 z. . /£$-' a. Jz /O . /2. . /y- - /9 ■ 2 3 .2 S'- .3S'. zC.Sa. .r#. . . /57. /l >' 2 0 / 1 ) ' ^ ^ ^* /a. So. S3. QT. Soo./'o. /z -' 'O J^j/ *SE* /•^/. /iTo./i>~3. '66. 2 3 . 63 . - fT- ^ 3 . /S3. 7 : TV , ly .££/• v-3. ^ c> - $ > 6 - b 3 /oo. //O ./*/-£/-. /£*Z . /£6>. %$■. 3 . /P~o. 3. £jh. / 2- > /y- ./f . 2 3. 21+- 27-. Z 9. 3 &. ^ 3 . 44 - 7 . d~o. 6 ~/.S 2 . S'i>- d£> .£3. £5. ^7y r * yV- - ^ 2- - ^^ /^5". // /d’o. //z. . /// . /- 3 . 6 . w,vV, TH &. /2- /P-. 2 /. 2 5 ". 2. fG ‘jo.Q/.OZ .93 . u+<, / / / / '44^“^ . . / 03 . /&£. SUL ■ (LL-, <*/- - c ' AjlcS , S/&SI Ha ; 44SL. <,g / . /_5Z, /ZZ /z 7 / /J* -^ 7 . ' J ~ / S !T. /3C < sd$l'l ’<\A/ i ,-, .", 7 ' 7 ” /3 9 , 4L . /^ J? , /t+Q / / /3"7 /57 . //^ . /ds~. / iLzhzz'VodWrt , /, I . //- /&. 2Y- 43.6 $T>. f/.^Y /oo./o . //o . /<+-/. /*-£>. /So. /53 . . . /0./2../^./^. /9.-2 3.2 4«-rir 3b. 4^ 3. 4 ^ 7 . 3~/. $2- -6&. S’£. £s. £ 7 .^ ^ .^6". ’ /oo. /ojf . ///. //^ /£o /2S. /2f. . /. / 3 3 * / „ /3J*. /&o /6%> /s/ 2 , . /£&■ 3. /4~. 32. /Ojf /// /3y-. ^tuXXc^oS \ / J. /*•/ /o o . ///. //r. /6~o. /3T /5 7 - ✓ \ ft / / 118 An upright ebonised book-case, with shelves above and drawers ^ / beneath—4 ft. 3 in. long —designed by G. Aitchison, A.R.A. ^ ^ J ^119 Another, nearly similar—ditto Y 9a A Dutch marqueterie chest of drawers, inlaid with birds, tulips, / &c. in light woods, chased metal handles with flowers and scrolls 1 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. a 120 A Louis XYI. Small Sofa, with carved borders and fluted legs, covered with satin damask 121 A Louis XY. Oblong Library Table, of inlaid woods, with two drawers, mounted with corners, handles and feet of or-molu, t top covered with morocco leather—4 ft. 10 in. long a 122 A Pair of Louis XY. Or-molu Table Candlesticks, chased with scrolls, foliage, flowers and insects o 123 A Louis XVI. Upright Cabinet, of inlaid rose and other w with glazed door enclosing shelves—veined marble slab 0 124 A Louis XIY. Gilt Wood Table, carved with masks, and shell and foliage ornament, surmounted by a marble slab with moulde border 7 125 A Louis XIV. Parqueterie Commode, with four drawers mounted with masks and other ornaments of or-molu 0 126 A Louis XIV. Commode, with shaped front and four drawers, mounted with handles, scutcheons and corner ornarmmts ot chased or-molu—verde antique marble slab 127 A Louis XVI. Secretaire, of inlaid rose and tulip woods, with r a fall-down front and drawers beneath /^' 7 G TAPESTRY, Etc. 128 ; ,r. 133 J/, / O , o 135 ^4 * 136 J&j * &~—D 137 A Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, representing The Tomb of Hero and Leander, and Cupids in the foreground, inscribed Mo. Leandri et Heronis, with border of columns wreathed with foliage, festoons of fruit, &c.—11 ft. by 8 ft. 4 in. Another, with a landscape and figures, and wide borders with allegorical figures and foliage—10 ft. 2 in. by S ft. 2 Another, with foliage, birds and buildings, and border of various ornament—8 ft. 7 in. by 7 ft. 6 in .—inscribed M. R. D. E. Another, with Cephalus and Procris —9 ft. 5 in. by 11 ft. 4 in. A Panel of Aubusson Tapestry, with a group and wreath of flowers in the centre, arabesque foliage and trellia ornament in border of flowers—15 ft. by 13 ft. 6 in. ^ ^ An Oval Panel of Old Gobelins Tapestry, representing the Madonna and the Infant Saviour in border of flowers— cut from a larger 'panel by Louis X VI. when he left to join the Austrian S army A Rare Needle-worked Altar Frontal, with insertion of/ Valenciennes lace, and figures in medallions of Point Gaye yod^? An Aubusson Tapestry Carpet, with groups and festoons of flowers and scrolls on crimson, purple and white grounc wide border of flowers—25 ft. by 15 ft. 6 in. d. Another, with flowers and scrolls on apple-green and p inlr gmund, and blue border— 19 ft. 9 in. by 17 ft. md 7 The Property of A PERSIAN GENTLEMAN. C? 138 A Fine old Persian Carpet, with border— formerly thffroperty of a Kurdish chief —21 ft. 6 in. by Q ft. b in. 139 Another, of equally fine quality, with fine ornaments and horded— v * ^ formerly the property of Pathali Shah —23 ft. by 8 ft. JOHN THOMAS, 1859. 140 Apollo, holding a lyre, a quiver of arrows at his side, in statuary " r / marble— about 5 ft. high —on ebonised pedestal THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN r., : Z~<7 . V 1 A Louis NYI. Carved and Gilt Fire-Screen, with carved borders, surmounted by a trophy, with a panel of brocade with vases of flowers in colours and silver j-" 142^ A Small Louis XY. Three-Fold Screen, carved and gilt wood, small panels of Brussels tapestry above with birds in a land¬ scape, panels of silk below with flowers, &c.—48 in. high 143 A Suite of Furniture, of Louis XVI. design, carved and gilt S~. o wood with trophies, covered with French tapestry with baskets of flowers, garlands, &c. on Rose-du-Barri ground, consisting of— / fast A Sofa, with upright back Four Fauteui ls Four Chairs 144 A Small Secretaire, of Louis XV. design, rose-wood, inlaid with A I a shield-of-arms, tulips and other flowers in coloured ^wood, / 7 * mounted with chased or-molu YAi A roundel, of old Flemish glass t N A pair of metal-gilt candelabra of Louis XV. design, with branches for two lights each A pair of Louis XYI. bronze and or-molu fire-dogs, with figures of/, Cupid and Psyche / 'r/Z/, A convex-mirror, in gilt frame surmounted by an eagle FINIS. Loudon : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ' GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE