1899 Jun 10 LochS I Pictures by ^ Old Masters, oi^ CHRISTOPHER 8YKE8, ESQ. DECEASED ; THE DOWAGER LADY NAPIER & ETTRICK; AND OTHERS. OF HIGH-CLASS PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, OF CHRISTOPHER SYKES, ESQ. DECEASED THE DOWAGER LADY NAPIER k ETTRIGK;, PICTURES, The PROPERTY of a NOBLEMAN; kND FROM NUMEROUS PRIVME COLLECTIONS AND DIFFERENT SOURCES: CJ.C.Forc WHICH Mill be Sol^ b? Suction b? Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, [_ . "oT 3 50 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATUHDAY, JUNE 10, 1899, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days pi-eceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Ch^istik, Manson and Woods' Of&ces, 8 Kvng ^red, St. James's iSquarc, S. W . CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute ariso between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall Ik.; immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, .os. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Kames and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, i/ required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to l^e immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, witlun Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Mansov and Woods not being responsible for the correct descripti m, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account l>e removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid»on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending sucR rc-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1899, AT ONE O CLOCK PBE0I8BLY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of CHRISTOPHER SYKES, Esq., deceased, late of 2 Chesterfield Street^ Mayfair^ and Brantingham Thorpe, Yorkshire. DRAWINGS. ^ - ^ 1 A Nymph, with Cupids-j/ouacAe ^ Q^^^^^ .^/^ G. EICHMOND, R.A. . _ 3 POBTRAIT OP SlE H. FoWLES, BaET. Cray OTIS y^f ' 8iudy for a picture painted for the Coneumption Hospital, 1870 W. W. MAY, 1884. y l/ ^ * -A. Sea Piece, with shipping ^/^ 10 in. by 15 in. ^X^^>^^ B 2 V/. ^fi PICTURES. 6 POBTEAITS OF CaVALIEBS /^y^^ 17 in. circle ' ^ , CP ^ Portrait of Colonel John Morris, in armour. Note^ for his defence of Pontefract Castle /f/TyZ-?^^ t^l 27^ in. by 22^ in. ^«-t-* VELASQUEZ (After). '^ / ^ 7 Portrait of Philip IV., in red dress, by J. D. Kennedy 13 in. by 9 in. (^^ ^ /^ ,^ X/^Z^^^c^^J^ / oZ^ , O ^ Portrait of Philip IV., holding a baton, by J. D. Kennedt ^ y , 13 in. by 1\ in. --V ' ^ ^ ' ^ 9 Three Portraits of Philip IV. and The Infanta — four, in oney^ 'j/y frame ^tcJ^ ' O / ^ 10 A Similar Set of Portraits — in four frames ^>/^7-7^50 y^¥* •o, - / y— /j^^ Velasquez Painting the Infanta ; and Portrait of Dukb D'Olivares, on horseback "^^ I'^^^^i^/g y ^ /^12 Portrait of Alonzo Cano and His Wife — two in one frame TINTOEETTO (After). ^ / 21 in. by 30 in, ^ ^ y H. BONE, E.A. , / J^ ^ /j\^ Portrait of Mart, Quben of Soots 6^ in. by 6 in. / M. BROWN. - r? t 0\^ George III. Rbobiving the Turkish Ambassador and Suite^ 17 »n. by 23 in. T y J^^^y- SIR. J; REYNOLDS. ^ 16 The Stbawbekry Girl 7^ .. /^ , c^ 2^-2 ^' ^y ^^ *■"• //^^2^ J. WOOTTON. 17 ViKW IN Windsor Forest, with portraits of the Duke of Cumber- /' ^^ land and others /^ ^ . 54 %n. by 60 tn. RUSSIAN SCHOOL. _ 18 St. Peter and other Saints i^^ t!^ ' ^ 67 m. by 27 tw. /uZ-^^^<^ ^:^^2,^ Taken from the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul on the capture of Sehastopol. Presented ly the officers of the 90th Begiment A. CANALETTO. 19 yiEW IN A Town, with buildings and figures ^ y; /// . / 21^ in. by 48 in. /^Iv^^^^^. P. PANNINI. 20 Roman Ruins, with male and female figures — a pair 2 . , l/' . O 28^ in. by 42 in. ^ i^^^^^e.'-^ -^ P. PANNINI. 2L Interior of a Cathedral, with numerous figures ^^ ^ ^ 6 28 in. by 36 in. '^^C^ X EARLY ITALIAN. 22 Two Heads op Angels — in one frame n- wl Two MEADS OP ANGELS — 1» 0716 jrame ^ ^ On panel-9i in. by 4 ifi, ^,u^ y^ M. DI GIOVANI. y 23 The Holy Family, with St. John and an Angel — gold ground ^ On -panel — 23 in. by 18 in. -. ,^ . y GIORGIONE. /24 A Boy, in red dress, with a bow and quiver On -panel — 9^ in. by 7^ in. ^^J^ ' VENETIAN SCHOOL. /26 Head of a YouNa Giel, in a hat ^ // On panel — 141 (n^ by 16 in. y / 26 A Design foe an Ovkrdooe, with two figures seated, birds, flow^ ■^6. /^ .^ and scroll. ^ y^P^::^/^e.c:^ 30 in. bv 55 in. A. WATTEAU. ■^ y 27 A Similar Design, with two figures, dogs, kittens and scrolls j^' __ 26 in. by 43 in. BOUCHER. > y, 28 Cdpids, with birds and flowers ^ » /{^ . C7 27»». by43m. 3^:^^^^^^^^^ 'From the Bechet Denison Collection BAPTISTE. ^ *y /p 29 Flowbeb in a Sculptured Vase j/y^^^/^ ^^ 45 in. by 30 in. G. P. VERBRUGGEN. 30 A Yase of Flo wees, with festoon " // ' ^ 49 m. by 40 in. ^y^Cy ^^7~2^/^t^<_.,^.^^ SPANISH SCHOOL. 31 - Bird'o Etb View op - the Esc h rial, with a procoGcioii of monks ; — ftr|r| rfi^Tv.QT.,.i^q fj aiirpR of lafljfis RTK ^ nflvaliftrs in 16th Oentnry ' c o e tumo ; caFriagc s and S Pflan d ioirs in the-f oregi'ou nd THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLKMAN. The four following Pictures were purchased in Italy by the late Right Hon. Sir Henry Layard. SANDEO BOTTICELLI. 32 THE HOLY TEINITY AND SAINTS _ The crucified Christ is supported by the First Person of the Trinity, ' (t/^ ^,^ who is surrounded by angels. On one side is St. John the Baptist, and on the other Mary Magdalen. At the bottom of the picture are two small figures of Tobias and the Angel. It has a landscape background. The initials S.B. are inscribed on the cross. Purchased from the Monte di Piela at Rome, where it had probably been deposited as a security f.r money to be used in the repair of a church lor which it had been painted as an altar piece. After its pur- chase the Roman Government refused to aUow it to leave the Papal territories, and it was only after a long correspondence with the Roiuau authorities that Mr. Severn. H.M. Consul, obtained the necessary per- mission for its exportation to England, April 1867. ^^J^ On j^anel—G/t. 11 in. by 6 ft. '2 in. GIROLAMO ROMANINO. 38 A "PIETA" The dead Christ, on a bier covered with a white cloth, is surroundad f //y , ^ <7 /^ .O 29 ;„. b, 25 .-n. >^^ U^^^^-^^^L^ SIR J. REYNOLDS. 42 Portrait of the Artist, in grey coat y^ ^^^J^ ^ ^, 0-—t? 30 in. by 25 in. ^y^^^^^-^^^^^^:^ J. JAN SON, 1777. 43 The Moat and Gateway of the Town op Leyden, with figures J . O-,^ and animals fA(^a^,.^.>^ On panel — 12 in. by 15 in. HOLBEIN, y / 44 Pobtkait of Sir Thomas Pope, in fur robe ; coat-of-arms ^ ->^ 9. /-/y . 6) On panel-20 in. hy 16^ in. q/^/C^ ^^^^ NICHOLAS DE BRUEYER. / yy 45 Portrait of a Gentleman, in fnr robe, holding his gloves,^ ^ a On panel— -i^^ in. by 251 /„. /^t^ C^^i^^^^^^^^ic 11 S. SCOTT, 1760. 46 View of Old Westminster Buidgk .-n ^p ' j/ -J-ZP 27 in. by 45 in. C^^ l/y^z.^^^^%^ SIR M. A. SHEE, P.K.A. •^ 47 PoRTHAiT OF Miss MoFFATT, the actiess, in pink dress, holding ~'* ' a iewel-bux ^ J jT /^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — 35 %n. by 26^ m. ^ T. GAINSBOROUGH. - 48 Portrait of k Lady, in red dress, seated in a garden, holding a '^ 50 in. by 40 i«. ^X^^^f^^^^^.^^^ G. BERKHEYDEN and A. STORCK. 49 A Drawbridge on a Canal, Amsterdam ' /»/~ O 23 in. by 32 in. ^^1^ G. ROMNEY. 5U Head of a Man Speaking — a sketch /^ . ^ R. WILSON, R.A. i_ ^51 A Town on a River, with shipping and tigures R. WILSON, R.A. (}u }inni'i 7 111, try a^ t?i>> PAUL VERONESE. '^Z~- A RoYA tr ^^XETT ON A TkRUAUE 21 in, by Ifi m. 12 SIR M. A. SHEE, P.E.A. J 54 PoETRAiT OP A BoY, in dark dress, seated, liolding a crayon : a V *' ^^^7'^ son of the artist /f 35^ in. by Tl\ in. SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. C^ y ^^ PoBTBAiT OF A BoY, in red dress, seated in a landscape : a son 29 in. by 24 in G. MORLAND. 56 A FARM SCENE, with a butcher on a white horse bargaining j^ » / ^ f ^with a farmer for a group of three sheep, on the left ; a horse in a shed ; a pig sty on the right, with pigs and litter);^ ^^y^ /? 58 in. by 80 in. Signed, and dated 1794 From the Collection of Bev. H. West, 1892 ^ SIR J. REYNOLDS. ._ 57 Portrait of a Girl: a study for the picture of Robinetta — * ' monochrome /^ M^y^-t^t-'t^-t'/^ in black dress, with white lace cap y ^_^ ^^ ' ^C> ^ ^ 7-Z? 3Q j.^ i^y 25 m. ^^^Cy ^^?^^<-^/^^U2-<>«-T»r2_-«- Exhibited at the International Exhibition, Glasgow, 1888 J. BOTH. 60 An Italian River Scene, with a fishermau, and herdsman with f /^^ , c^ goats in the foreground /L' y 40 in, by 39 in. ^^/^^L^^^ From the Collection of A. Dennistoun, Esq., 1894 F. ZUCCARELLI, R.A. 61 An Italian River Scene, with buildings, and figures with a '' / ^ f <^ white horse ^Zy 39 in. by 49 in. /^/t^^r-r-?-r-^ From the Collection of Savill-Onley, Esq., 1894 VAN DER C a pell a. y/^ ^62 A Frozen River Scene, with figures skating ; rustic buildings, and trees on the bank J^ (^S't^.^^^^c^^.j^^' 42 in. by 52 in. / ' "" G. B. TIEPOLO. 63 A Martyrdom 19^ in. by 26^ in. Exhibited at the New Gallery, 1894 WATTEAU DE LILLE. 18 in. by 25 in. 14 P. VAX SLIXGELANDT. 65 Interior of a Kitchen, with a woman playing a pipe /T -^ ^ cP On panel — 11^ in. by 9^ in. (^ ,i»i^^!^^-^'Z^'T__^ G. SCHALCKEN. 66 An Old Man Writing : Candle-light ^ On 'panel— \.^\ in. by 7f in. CSCy(^i^t^i-JLJ N. MAES, y X 67 Portrait of a Divine j^ /^ y ' ^^ ' ^ 161 i„. by 121 v.. 2y^/U^o^e^^^f^J2^ A. VAN DEE NEEE. y^68 A Frozen Eiver Scene, with skaters and buildings ^ y^ y^' & , o 16 in. by 181 in. /%^ ^^^t^^L^d-^yA EUYSDAEL. 69 A Woody Landscape, with figurps, sheep and angler ni Z * '^^ -^ 17 in. by 22 in. J^ ' EEMBRANDT. 70 A Girl, in brown dress On panel — 10| in. by 8 in. ^--— .:_::. r;7r. ...„.._ .^^ F. BOL. 71 Portrait of Quibinus Stercke and His Wife Helena '' /~/P /^ EcKHOUT, in black dresses, with white collars and cuflFs — a pair 2 ^ 42 in. by 35 in. /^ >^^^ ,// Signed, and dated 1658 ^^^ X/>^^-X>z,-/^ 15 A. CUYP. 72 Cook, Hkns and Chickens q/ ^ '<^, ^f/^. ^ On pane/— 21 t/». by 29 tn. aJ^^-^~^'7^(^:^02.^ >-^ O-C^ A. CUYP '^ * / ^ / ^ On panel— 1^ in. by 32 in. 73 POUI.TKT j^ J yy H. MORLAND. 74 Portrait of a Young Lady, seated, holding a book 30 in. by 25 in. G. EOMNEY. J5 Portrait of a Lady, in white dress, seated in a landscape with ^ ^ y , /O ' *^ her young son ^^^ ^Ly^^i^c^yAJ 41 in. by 33 in. J. OPIE, R.A. 76 PORTRAIT OF MRS. BARLEC, in white dress, seated on a O V ^ ^ "Z? terrace, resting her head on her left hand; figure to the left, 50 in. by 40 in. N. MAES. \ , / , dTtl Portrait of a Gentleman, in his library, seated at a table . 35 in. by 28 in. Jy'Z^cry*^'/^^ J. RUYSDAEL. y ,__ 78 A Mountainous River Scene, with peasants and animals crossing a bridge 48 in. by 34 in. 16 JUAN DEL MAZO. y ^— 79 PoRTiiAiT OF A Ladt, with negro page ./-v-^" ' ' 51 t«. by 40 in. X^^^lyZ^f-f^i^ RAFFAELLE. /^ . 6?^^ '^"= Madonna Del Vblo . y^^/:^ V, FRENCH SCHOOL. ^^ j/,y' ^1 A I^fiTE Champetee, with figures dancing /; /o^ ^^^ ^ ' 27 ,:«. hv .S.5 iM. ^>^ //j^-L^y/^A^ 9* ^^^ 27 »n. by 35 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 82 Portrait op George John. Lord Althoepe, afterwards Second £? Earl Spencer. In black Vandyck dress, with lace collar ; standing in a landscape, holding a book — small whole length ^ 47 in. by 29 in. Presented hy the artist to the grandfather of the late ^ owner //^^Z^CC^ Heplica of the picture at Althorpe A. CAXALETTO. 83 View Looking up the Grand Canal, Venice, with gondolas / /• y/t^ / ^ and figures ; and View of the Santa Maria Della Salute — a pair 2 y^ 30 in. by 50 in. J. RUSSELL, BA. 84 PORTRAITS OF MISS ELIZABETH W. EARLE AND P7 /^ ^MISS FKANCES LYDIA CUTHBERTA EARLE, daughters of Joseph Earle, Esq. In white muslin dresses ; seated in a landscape, playing with a lamb X^ ,/^<^ Pastel— 30 in. by 25 in. ^ yt^^'^^^t^. Signed, and dated 1801 Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1801 SOLOMON RUYSDAEL. 85 A Dutch Town, on the banks of a river, with ferry boat, shipping o / ^ and figures ^Y " '- * 3ji ,•„. by 52 tn. F. GERARD. 86 Portrait of Prince Lucien Bonaparte, in brown coat, with y / ^ >• ^ tricolour sash, holding a scroll — whole length 83 in. by 55 in. ^'i^'^^^^P'T'i^Aif HENRI DE BLES. y 87 A Tripttoh, with Adoration of the Magi, and The Visit of the ' ^ *' Shepherds and The Repose in Egypt on the wings ^._^^— On panel — 34^ in. by 22^ in. .yJs^tU^^^^y^-^f ^t^t^iL^^ PALMA VECCHIO. • 88 The Madonna and Infant Saviour, with the Magdalen and St. * ^ ^ ^ ^ Rock, in a Cadore landscape J^J'^^^y^^ On panel-~20^ in. by 27^ tn. y^/^*^^t>Ch:^^<>'t.< Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 186r SIR J. EEYNOLDS. 93 POETEAIT OF CHEISTIANA NICHOLSON, wife of the above, created Baroness Donoughmore, of Knocklofty, in white //•/ ♦ ^?^"^dress with gold waist-band, and rose-pink robe trimmed with ermine : standing, leaning her right arm on a pedestal, over which is a green curtain ^; 50 in. by 40 in. Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhibition, 1867 m on a pedestal, over y .J The folloicivg three Pictures are from the Collection of J. C. FORDHAM, Esq., of Melhourn Bury. MUEILLO. 94 CHRIST BEAEING THE CEOSS. Christ sinking under the weight of the cross, his right hand resting on a stone ; the J ay f 6^^~T Z7YJpgjjj^ \^ a crimson dress and blue drapery, kneeling before him, her hands hanging down, her countenance expressive of intense grief; a hilly landscape with buildings for background 60 in. by 82 in. Formerly in the possession of the Bishop of Tarcnlo From the Collection of the Earl of Orforrl, Ib'OC 19 M. HOBBEMA. 95 A WOODY LANDSCAPE, with a stream and overshot mill on y the right ; two figures on a road, which leads to some cottages 7 1^^* ^^.p-^'under trees on the left ^^ y y i On panel — 21 in. by 28^ in. C^^if^'^-i-^^^i^^ /^Lc^ /^" CX OLD CROME. 96 WHITLINGHAM, near Norwich ^ ^^ / ^ ' ^ 24i m. hy 24^ m. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 <^-^^^,^^'L^-,^-,^~^ The following are the Property of J. C. TOWN SEND, Esq., deceased. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 97 PoKTRAiTS OF COUNCILLOR BuBY, the Foundcr of Exeter Hospital, in brown coat and white waistcoat, holding his \^ /t/~ ^ stick; and His Wife, in white dress — a pair L^y^ 2 y 48 in. by 38 in. XyX^^^-^i^-^^^O The portraits were formerly in the possession of the Cui- cliffe Family, From whom they have descended to the present owner See " Life and Times of Sir J. Reynolds," by C. B. Leslie, B.A., page 30 20 The following are Sold by Order of the Eu:ecutors of the REV. E. CASTLE, deceased. JAN STEEN. 98 An Intebiob, with a woman kneeling and holding a frying-pan {y ' /^ ^ ^ °^®^ * ^''^' ^ ^*^y holding a cat, stands behind ; two el: ildren on the left ^ *? J^ ' /^ On panel— 32 in. by 27 in. dy^yi^r v< ^A^ Signed F. MOLENAEE. ^ y 99 A Frozen Eivee Scene, with buildings, figures and animals y .y * /^ , ^ 22 in. by 32 in. O-^C^TT^^ D. TENIEES. 100 A Smokeb, seated at a table, boors in the background ^ t / t/ * ^ On panel — 15 in. by 11 in. G. BAEEET and S. GILPIN. 101 A Landscape, with a horse and lion ^^A, _ 7^^ O ^ ^ 27 in. by 40 in. W. NOVICE, 1829 24 in. by 29 tn W. NOVICE, 1829. 21 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. B. VIVARINL ^ / 102 The Madonna and Child — on gold ground / y , /6 , O OnjjaneZ— 191 tn. by 60 tn. ^^f^t.i^^g^^/-^ ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. 103 PoBTBAiT OF A VENETIAN Gentlbman, in red dress and black Oil panel — 13 in. by 10^ in. /^ ' " cap ^ G. PETRINI. t The Madonna and ( j^ 104 The Madonna and Child On panel — 28 in. by 19^ in. TINTORETTO. >y 106 PoETBAiT OF A VENETIAN Gbntlbman, with a boob / ^ ' ^ 42 in. by 341 in. 1^/^^- P. DEL VAGA ^ 106 Thb Adobation of the Magi JfUUATION OF the JUAGI ^^ ^ ^y On panel -42^ in. by 33^ in. C-.-^^^^^^^-t^j^ji'^^'^ P^/^ 22 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. TERBURG. / 107 Portrait of a Genlteman, holding a watch — oval n * ^ ' ^ On coj,per-ll m. by 8^ »n. y/tyOl^ 'ff^'T^ G. DOW. 108 A Boy with a Birdcage ' ' ^ ' On panel — 5 in. by 4 in. N. BERCHEM. lOft' The Angel appearing to the Holy Family loa- / U I ^ On panel — 5^ in. by 7 in. C. DE VOS. 110 Portrait of a Boy, in black and yellow dress and hat vW/ — ' /// . ^ ^(^^^<^ 1620 On panel— 20 in. by 15^ in. G. FLINCE ^ , /^ , ^7 3Q ■J^ i^y 27 in Engraved by C. Van Dalen 111 The Madonna and Child L /0 ^^ / ' H. HOLBEIN. 112 Portrait of a Lady, in black dress, white collar and cuffs ^ • ^^ ^ , O Oni)aneZ-13im.byl3m. ^2-^' C /t^^-^^ WATTEAU. 113 A Guitar-Player— ovaZ ^s'^^ij? 0» / ^ ' O 22 in. by 19 in. ^ ■V 23 The following are the Property of the DOWAGER LADY NAPIER AND ETTRICK. SIR H. RAEBUEN, R.A. 114 PORTRAIT OF THOMAS KING, ESQ., of Drums and ^ yy /y~ ^j, iVIilbanke, County Renfrew, aged 18. In dark grey dress, white stock and powdered hair, seated in a crimson arm-ohair, holding a book ; a table, on which are some letters, by his side ^ 50 in. by 40 in. SIR J. WATSON GORDON, P.R.S.A. 115 PORTRAIT OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, in brown coat, /(L) ^ 6^ ^ O with yellow vest, with a dog / , Signed, John Watson pinxit. Edin 1820 f/^i^i^^T^t^'i-^'^tf^^^^^^ 35^ in. by 28 in. Exhihited at the Exhibition of Scottish National Portraite 1884 VANDYOK. y—r 116 Portrait of a Lady, in yellow dress, with jewels