fmm K^^m 'M Wf ■ - ^''^ '~^ ^^w^S^^^^^^E :' -^ \9 V % ■♦. \» / ^-<' n, - . ^v^X *-i V .*. ■It,,.. •**',# 'A>^ , <•„ ■ •■-'-. .., . . y^itVV. .-5.-lS^ :?f!^-is»2;'. THE Country Gentleman's Architea, IN A GREAT VARIETY OF NEW DESIGNS; FOR COTTAGES, FARM-HOUSES, COUNTRY-HOUSES, VILLAS, LODGES FOR PARK OR GARDEN ENTRANCES, AND ORNAMENTAL WOODEN GATES ; WITH Plans of the Offices belonging to each Defign, Dillributed with aftria Attention to Convenience, Elegance, and Economy, Engraved on Thirty-two Plates, from Defigns drawn by J. MILLER, Architect. LONDON: PRINTED FOR I. AND J. TAYLOR, AT THE ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, NO. 56, HIGH HOLBORN. M.DCC.LXXXVII. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute >^ mummrraEii 1^ ^^ lll;i!i!i'i;i.liLlH.:nj;ii:ii,li;llllui.;IIMIii!lii!::'IIL: :i I ■54 I K - ^ ^ ST I T ^ ^ ^ -Si s;^ -5 [To face PLATE III.] A. Befl Parlour B. Little Parlour C. Kitchen D. Back Kitchen E. Dairy F. Clofet G. Calf- houfe H. Cow - houfe I Stables K, Barn U Cart Lodge M. Hog - dyes N. Coals, Wood, &c. 0. Sheds for Poultry T. Farm - yard O/ei ttl/tvi /i f^u/ ^ylan /ifr' a t.7ar?n .j^««( 7f ^ Sf L cmdon I'tthhx?ud hvl.i^ J. Tavhr. y^jSMcIhcrn . [To face PLATE IV.] A, Parlour B, Small Parlour C. Hall D. •Back Kitchen E. Kitchen F, Pantry- G. Dairy H, Poultry I Pig « houfe K, Hog - ftye L. Calf - houfe M. Cow - houfe N, Barn 0. Stable T. Coals, Wood, &c. ^ Court - yard or Garden R, Farm - yard ('/t/r///i/t ,■) .^ M/i /ora t/'ar/u houfe M, Cart Lodge N: Calf - houfe 0. Cow " houfe T, Ox - houfe Barn R. Stables S. Farm - yard 6'/cin/u'n u/uZ-J^nera. ,!^a^v?v/^u^n S,'Jjzm// /<^ra "i^afm ,l7//7uj£ S( Oi//r<'-ci . \—^ JO lO JO JO JO 6'o Tp &) _py) londinx Tuhhslicd bv / kJ Tav/oT.X'jd'.J/ffibariv. [To face PLATE VIII.-i A. Parlour B, Little Parlour a Kitchen IX Back Kitchen E. Dairy K Sheds for Poultry G. Hog « flye H. Cart Lodge L Calf - houfe K. Cow « houfe L. Barn M Straw - houfe N. Stables 0. Pig - houfes T. Sheds for Wood, &c. Z Farm « yard R. Court - yard or Garden O/fi-aiwn rffu/ .:/^^fr/ /(n~ /^ •^^r^m. jTitMe . ^Wi I y y J," Y ^^0 <^g 7^g hshedhyri:JTmIar, ^T?j-^. ITolbirrTL. [ To f^ice P L x\ T E IX. ] A, Kitchen B, Back Kitchen C, Common Parlour D, Bed Parlour E. Dairy F. Pantry G. Sheds for Poultry H Brew-houfe /. Calf-houfe K. Cow - houfe L, Cart Lodge M. Barn N, Granary 0. Straw - houfe T. Stables ^ Hog - ftye R. Nag - Stable S. Pig « houfe T, Wood " ftieds U. Farm « yard g (^'/ei'iitwn ^-S/'Vrui if a //ami MhM£ g^U^^i^ ■ 9 lojuion . l'n/yM,<-J l;\ I .<-• J Taylor. X's^- ffolhprn . [ To face PLATE X. ] A. Parlour B, Store - room C. Kitchen D. Back Kitchen E- Small Parlom- F. Hall and Stairs G. Clofct H. Dairy I Cow « houfe K. Calf-houfe r,. Hay - barn M. Stables N- Cart Lodge 0. ChafF" hoiifes T. Barn ^• -Granary R, Pig " houfe S. "Wood - houfe r. Coal " houfe tf. Farm - yard w. Court - yard or Garden h (^'/firt/u'fi ,y.'J%// /rra lA/rm .'My/.u a?7// Ofj^/r^'.' lO ,,,,,,,,n>m>r>n n>>mn}nnt>/niifiii>)ii>ii>>f>>>f>))f>>u>i>}>f}iMJi>^tt>ttifm>jmif'ttmitii>itity, y mmmmmwum/Muiiiii/u/i/iia Ion>lm.Pui/ichedbyI.i!XTa\l/n:^'?SS. I{<>1hm-n . [T'o face PLATE XL] A. Kit-chen B, Back Kitchen C. Hall D. Dairy E. Parlour F. Stairs G. Calf - houfe H, Garden - houfe L Cow - houfe C Cart Lodge L. Straw - houfe M. Barn K Stables 0, Hog - {lye T, Coal and Vv'"ood - houfe ^ Brew - houfe R. Chaife - houfe S. Nag - Stable T. Stable - yard U. Court -yard or Garden w. Farm - yard fUr/'ft/fon ' .\/'Vf//i />'/•// //,•////>■ //I'r/i.'i Jfi'. ri/n ft\r'/^fn/l //(//■'rt^irm //r^^t- SfCWaw'.^. ,,,t,,„,,,,,,,,,„„,,„,,,,,,^^ Vr^m^ummM/mm^^/^^ ^ _ 2V- 31 L Tiiimnimiium R ^ §JlliU I H »^>»>i»>n}»»»i»i»:n»n uihhm,,,,,,/^ . PuMuheA gy I. Ic XTt^lm-J^^fse M&U>am . < ■• •• [To face PLATE Xlii.] ■^^ Kitchen - B' Back Kitchen C. Dairy D. Bed Parlour £. Common Parlour i^,. Store-room G. Sheds for Poultry i/. Garden - houfe J. Pig - houfe A ,. Brew - houfe Z. Stables M,- Barns A^. Straw - houfes 0. Cow - houfe y. Calf- houfe ^ Hog - ftye jR, Coal -houfe, &c. aS*. Cart Lodge T, Farm - yard U* Court -yard or Garden C tetMituvi ^^• iJ^^um. /or r,A'rsb\If,i/>oTn JTo face PLATE XIV.] ffctjR.* Great Pa i loin* 11, Small Parlour C. Back Kitchen D. Kitchen E. Pantry F. Store - room G. Sheds for Coals and Wool. //. Dairy /. Hog- - (lye A^ Calf- houfe L. Cow - houfe M, Cart Lodges K Barn 0, Straw - houfes T. Stables ^ Brew - houfe R, Sheds for Poultry S. Farm - yard T. Court - yard or Garden ('//i- 1 ■////<>/! f//u/ l^//i/i /f'j- 'I I ////r fa/z/y-f//'^// /^//v/. It Lortdon.FuMshrt] h- 1 kJ Tml<-r^-'.;t!.JUlbm-n [To face PLATE XV.] A. Great Parlour B- Hall and Stair - cafe C. Small Parlour D. Dairy E. Kitchen F, Back Kitchen G. Brew - houfe H. Pig - houfc L Hog - ftye K. Stables L. Barn M. Straw - houfes N. Granary 0, Cart Lodge T. Cow -- houfe ^ Calf- houfe R, Sheds for Poultry S. Sheds for Coals, &c. r. Farm - yard u, . Court -yard or Garden n (j/ii'it/u'/i (//n/lJv//// /tu- (I tJ^nrm j/o/Me &;(Wf ><-«/. '5 loTuiim: FuihjJuJ by I. k J.TM-fffr^^rjO'. Jfeihorn id ( //■/•(///t'J/ (//ii/ .^/r/// /f>r ff ,)/Nii/l I -t/ui . |""|"" i JL. 6v TO So t^O _J iJ \ ■^ATl'-yMJ^/WMy/mW/Amm v/^/^-if^^.y.y/. Y^^^//^^^mj»///j/^////////^m, :- ^ .- JV/////////j^ ^ - '^w - v-^-y^v^-w^^-^'-w'/W-'-^^^ I (vaf^mn. I(mri,a^i^) rz<^ . # ^m a ji hjLiI 3e 2(7 j|f. ^o j-o 60 JO So ,^0 A ^ar/ou)- • ^^^^^^^?^^,^^/^^^?/^^^^^ '.^^^^^^^^f^p7777y B y/a// £fr^j^u/fhaO%r/cH4.r F f^>M, 7 I C'fttf/i /if//.jr Z CtHtrf //t/ri/ Jondon Puh/isAed by lizJTqyhr^^'.jtHro/hrrn i8 C%<'>rf'<'" >n>./Jjyr>^' /'"■>' (:"n,^ryy{tM^ Imdcn . FullisJud fy I. i-' JTayliT. ^fsSMottern . '9 ffur////r'// r///r/ >' /'/r/// A>/- f>W/JJ^J>^^^WMJ, »i>}»»>i}i::>!»:>yY»!>.>!>»»»/l»)!»lJ//J/,,,,,,,j. M Z K i,i„„n,n>,i,:,umi„i,.,m,>,,i,i„„j,ii,i,iiiiii>ijjJt,/iiwwi^ . A ,J/' // 1'//'// /: G ./e/f'ti/i/.j 'nft'/n . i^ ,i>,»tiifi,f»}:f>tt>>ifjjr. V^„>tniii>n,.iiiui>nint»>.>>»>':^>^"»»^>»i->.>.:i">'/>^>il>J £ '■ /////■///•// . Ion€hn.Pivblished 6jli; JT(^li>r.y?oeJ{oiborrv. ^//V'/y////v/ /rni/^^'/n/t /f*r ^/ ( /'a/Uru ,M»J^WJ/JWJJ/,„JJ,/. hmmjmwil i>^mJitt^^t^im'»m»»>mmu'""/"J"".".i."/.'«w> ^ D LzJMty. j\r v/j//.vj/m:^^/m,;'.>.v/MM >/>^f>W^.>^^,?//)^^/J^M//MW/^->Wf^WWJM>^}Aj^^^M^^ff^/M/MJ/^^//^^ -o K ri ^f^^^^///,>/J^^jy^^^JJ//^/^//J/J^J^^^J^J/J^y'^^^^/^^^^y'^^J/^^''M^^^^//^ ^^fJ^JJ^^J^- _ JI c/an/f ft /u'l/.jf ■ I oiuion . Puhli-f/ud bjj Sj J. Taylor.X" Jt> .Tlolivrrv 11 (^.'/^■i 'o^i^'u anJ ^^n/r''ra ^^^?u/^''Mn:>J,//,7. .^ ,,,,f/,tn,,,,..,,,, ~r^^7r7 7rr''"''''''''""'''' -q - i londen. Puh/,i,M/-y / S.J r^/<-. y°s6.J{Marn. O/fiafyorian^—^Ja^y^ra l^uUa. . i_L If I 21" Sf 4\o ,51" ^l" 71" y S\o .«?]" C tTen/anin fvcm . ^ — ■ ? Io7idoTi.PuiUehcd by I i.-J.railor.A'?j6.jroU>om. G lyti^Affi . I r9^/y^. 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