< H < & U, W 00 00 m o <0 J2 2 ^ o 3 a > o CO S - 3 o* o m ^3 in co o csT a> a> M M W M ^ ^ r* /? a, a a a (Catalogue OF O.TL ocke Stu6io A SERIES OF REPRODUCTIONS FROM ORIGINAL LIFE NEGATIVES. “The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous — is his dog” WILLIAM O. LOCKE, PUBLISHING PHOTOGRAPHER, NORWOOD, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ..preface... HO does not love a dog ? Without doubt, he is the most petted and most admired creature in the animal kingdom. The stories written of him, of his wonderful human in- stincts, of his attachment for his master, of his qualities as a life-saver and care-taker, would fill volumes. Anecdotes illustrating his intelligence and affection are numerous and well authenticated. He is not only the pet and pride of the children, but is as well the object of study, attention and admiration by men and women in all walks of life. Pictures have been taken of him and photo- graphs of the pet of the family are as much talked about and adored as the infant prodigy of the household. The W. O. Locke Dog Studies were begun and have been developed to their present high standard as a labor of love. To catch the sympathetic expres- sion and pleasing attitude with the camera, and make perfect reproduction of same has been the aim of the photographer. No effort has been made to furnish examples of the many varieties of dogs with their widely different characteristics. The purpose, which has been closely followed from the outset, was to secure a number of character studies, and to present these in a series of such artistic attitudes and unusual expres- sions as would be apt to insure for them a hearty welcome wherever the dog has found a friend. It is pleasant to record that the reception given these dog studies has been even more cordial than could have been anticipated or ex- pected by their originators. The half-tone illustrations in this catalogue give only a faint idea of the quality and charm of the copies from the original negatives on carbon- type paper. They must be seen to be appreciated, and are certain to be highly prized by anyone who has ever owned, cared for, or admired a dog. Copyright , 1899, by IV. O. Locke. No. 537. “Johnny, Fill Up the Bowl.” Copyright, 1900, by W. O. Locke. No. 618. “There’s Nothing in It.” 3 Cobyright, 1900, \by W. O. Locke. No. 557. “Curiosity.” Copyright , 1900, by W, O. Locke. No. 556. “Me Too.” 4 These pictures are protected by copyright. 666 Copyright , 1901, by IV. O. Locke. No. 601. “On Dress Parade.” Copyright , 1901, by IV. O. Locke. No. 602. “ Who Said Cats? ” Copyright , 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 596. ‘ ‘ My Dog. ’ Copyright , 1901, by W . O. Locke. No. 597. “Curley Eob. Copyright , 1901, by W. O. Locke. No. 604. “ Let’s Run.” 8 These pictures are protected by copyright. Copyright, 1901 , by W. O. Locke. 10 Copyright , 1901 , Zy> W, O. Locke. No. 770. — “ Our Evening Prayer.” “This is the hour for our evening prayer,” Said the Kid, Dog, Doll and the fierce Teddy Bear Copyright , 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 771.—” Good Morning.” Said the Dog to the Kid, “Come, don’t sleep all day, Teddy Bear and myself are both ready to play.” 12 Copyright , 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 775. “The Wild Animal Show.” “We’re the Lion, Wolf, Tiger, and the fierce Teddy Bear, Though we’re locked in this cage, you had better beware.” Copyright, 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 776. “ Old Mother Hubbard.” “ And when she got there, the cupboard was bare,” Read the Kid to the Dog and the fierce Teddy Bear. 13 Copyright , 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 772. “Grace Before Meat.” Said the Kid to the Dog." Sit up straight in your seat, For you know that I always say grace before meat ” Copyright , 1901 , by W. O. Locke. No. 774. “Just Tired.” Said the Kid and the Dog, in almost the same breath, "We’ve romped and we’ve played till we’re most tired to death.” No. 773. “He Won’t Drink Tea.” Said the Dog to the Kid, “ I really can’t see What pleasure you find in sipping hot tea.” Copyright, 1901 , by W. O. Locke. 14 691 These pictures are protected by copyright. 16 No. 553. “Friends.” No. 567. “Tried and True.” No. 554. “A Fly Pug.” No. 576. “On Guard.” No. 553. “Comrades.” No. 575. “Cheer Up.” No. 538. “ I’ll Protect You.” These pictures are protected by copyright. 17 No. 587. “A Young Bowler.” No. 622. “One Eye on the Gun.” No. 560. “Bones.” No. 621. “Two Orphans.” These pictures are protected by copyright. No. 619. “ Foxey Quiller.” IS No. 610. “ Nancy.” These pictures are protected by copyright . 19 These pictures aie protected by copyright . 20 1 f*t No. 522. “ Dignity.” No. 572. “Oom Paul.” No. 563. ‘ ‘ Appearances Are Deceptive.” No. 591. “Tired Out.” No. 539. “Strictly in It.” No. 605. “A Wise Guy.” No. 573. “Duke of Norwood.” No. 562. Cats! Ha! Ha! Ha! These pictures are protected by copyright. No. 571. “Teddy.” 21 THE GESUNDHEIT” SERIES. “ A “ Gesundheit.” These pictures are protected by copyright. HESE Studies, in the six years £hey have been before the public, have gained an international reputation, and are everywhere recognized as the finest original photographs of dogs in existence. They may be obtained of the leading art, book and stationery dealers throughout the world. In most cases it will be found convenient and we advise customers to purchase from local dealers, but we, however, fill orders direct, if so desired, and are especially glad to send to persons to whom stores handling the studies are not readily accessible. We take especial care to fill all orders promptly and accurately that may be placed with us, and with the distinct understanding that the purchaser may return the pictures and have the price refunded in case they are not satisfactory in every respect. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING. FIRST. — Write your full name plainly, with name of Post-Office, County and State, on each order. SECOND. — State amount of money sent. THIRD. — State how you wish goods forwarded, whether by open mail, registered mail or express. If by registered mail, ten cents should be sent for registration fee. OUR TERMS. Are strictly cash with order, or C. O. D. by express when half the price is sent with order. HOW TO SEND MONEY. Money may be safely sent by registered letter, post-office order, express mongy order (which can be obtained at any of the American, United States, or Wells-Fargo express offices), certified check, or draft on New York. Do not send Currency in letters that are not registered. EXCHANGE. Studies may be exchanged if not satisfactory, provided they are not retained over ten days, and are received by us in good condition. Do not fail to write full name and address on the outside of all returned parcels. PRICES. Unmounted Carbontypes. Medium, 7% x 9 X inches ...... . Large, 10x12 “ Extra Large, 16x20 “ Sepias— Above prices, plus 20 per cent IMPORTANT. Although packages sent by open mail usually reach their destination safely, they occasionally miscarry. Ten cents (10 cents) in addition to the catalogue price of the pictures will pay for registering a package, or prepay it through by express. We will cheerfully replace goods lost when registered or sent by express, but can- not replace pictures or goods which are lost when sent through the regular mails. $0 50 75 1 75 23 Title. Title. No. Title. Page. No. 533. Comrades 17 689. 537. Johnny, Fill Up the Bowl 3 690. 538. I’ll Protect You 17 691. 552. Dignity 21 692. 554. A Fly Pug 17 693. 556. Me, Too 4 694. 557. Curiosity 4 695. 558. Friends 17 696. 560. Bones 18 697. 562. Cats, Ha! Ha! Ha! 21 698. 563. Appearances Are Deceptive .... 21 699. 567. Tried and True 17 700. 571. Teddy 21 701. 572. Oom Paul 21 702. 573. Duke of Norwood 21 703. 575. Cheer Up 17 704. 576. On Guard 17 705. 587. A Young Bowler 18 706. 588. Sunshine and Shadow 17 707. 589. Strictly In It 21 708. 590. Just a Little Bit Off the Top 17 709. 591. Tired Out 21 710. 596. My Dog 8 711. 597. Curley Bob 8 712. 599. Judy 6 713. 600. Gesundheit 22 714. 601. On Dress Parade 7 715. 602. Who Said Cats? 7 716. 604. Lets Run 8 717. 605. A Wise Guy 21 718. 610. Nancy 18 719. 618. There’s Nothing In It 3 720. 619. Foxey Quiller 18 721. 621. The Two Orphans 18 722. 622. One Eye On the Gun 18 727. 625. Three of a Kind 19 729. 627. Deeply Interested 19 730. 629. Just as Wise as He Looks 9 731. 630. Old Tom 6 732. 631. Trim 19 733. 632. Jeff 6 734. 633. Tommy Trot 19 735. 635. We’re No Relation 19 737. 637. Don Juan 19 738. 639. A Little Tea Party 6 739. 640. The Pup ... . 9 740. 641. She’s Mine 6 741. 642. Loki (A Champion) . 19 742. 643. To The Last Drop 19 743. 644. A Beauty 9 744. 645. Whitey 19 745. 647. May The Best Man Win . 19 746. 648. Longfellow 6 747. 650. A Light Meal .... 6 748. 651. In a Brown Study 19 749. 652. Just a Little Frolic 19 750. 654. An Afternoon Nap 6 751. 655. I Envy No Man 22 752. 656. Prosit 22 753 657. A Philosopher 22 754. 658. Runnymede 6 755. 660. An Ugly Mug 9 756. 661. An Upset . 6 757. 662. Say! 6 758. 663. A Great Team 6 759. 664. Frenchy 6 760. 665. I’m Sadly Abused .... 6 761. 666. Old Brindle 6 762. 669. Peace and Harmony 5 763. 670. Impudence 5 764. 673. A Privileged Character 5 765. 674. Caught in the Act 5 766. 675. I Believe I’ll Get Out 5 767. 676. Scrappy ... 5 768. 677. Rubber! 5 769. 678. Dividing the Pot 5 770. 679. Little Twin Coons . 5 771. 680. Just Arrived 5 772. 682. Reverie 5 773. 683. In the Glare of the Forge 5 774. 686. Now I Lay Me . . . . - 15 775. 687. A Tight Squeeze 20 776. Title. Page. Hello 15 Granny 20 Light Weights 16 On Top 16 A Fly in the Soup 16 Just My Size 20 I Believe I’ll Get In It 16 I Guess That’ll Do 16 Good-Night 15 She’s Got My Bed 15 Back Up 15 Up In the Air 16 Wanted, A Good Home 15 The Three Graces 15 Probably Showers 16 Hard Luck 20 Me 15 Attention! 15 Fill ’Em Up Again 20 It’s Measles or Mumps 20 Forty Winks 16 Bub, Sis and Me 16 Tit, Tat, Toe 20 Here Comes the Boogey Man 20 I See My Finish 15 Weight for Age 20 There’s Trouble in Store for Me ... 20 Ain’t I a Sight? 20 The Boss 16 Great Scott! 16 A Tight Fit 16 A Prize Winner . 15 Who’s Afraid ? 15 Under The Sheltering Palm 20 Playmates . 9 Any Port in a Storm 9 For the Public’s Safety 9 Scamps 10 A Study in White ... 9 We are Seven 10 Sit Up! 11 Bunny 10 Little Comrades ... 9 Nora 9 Panky Boo 9 I'm So Hungry 9 A Basket Pic Nic 9 Someone Start Something 9 Two Aristocrats 9 Weighing the Baby 9 Tige 11 The King’s Council 11 Paddy 11 Romp 11 No Back Talk! 11 Looking Backward 11 The Three Guardsmen 11 Oh Mama! 11 Little Minch 11 Ike and Mike 11 Hurry Up 11 Ma and the Kids 11 Thoroughbreds 11 Two Old Sports 11 Moike 10 Bill from Boston 10 Even Money and Take Your Choice . . 10 Don 10 Expectation 10 Faith, Hope and Charity 10 Little Beggars 10 Boston Bob 10 Dennis 10 Little Mischiefs 10 Gertrude 10 Our Evening Prayer 12 Good Morning! 12 Grace Before Meat 14 He Won’t Drink Tea 14 Just Tired 14 The Wild Animal Show 13 Old Mother Hubbard 13