<^-r “H.l/.Gaw DM- i i-'Vv' £#Ci£7u A*' l [I - Comparative Exhibition OF anxa 88-B 32863 NATIVE AND FOREIGN ART 190+ If / m From November 15th to December 1 ith, 1904. 215 West 57th St,, New York Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/comparativeexhibOOsoci Comparative Exhibition OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN ART 1904 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOCIETY OF ART COLLECTORS AT THE GALLERIES OF THE AMERICAN FINE ARTS SOCIETY 215 WEST FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET NEW YORK Press of J. J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York SOCIETY OF ART COLLECTORS 558 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Officers and Directors JOHN HARSEN RHOADES President CHARLES STEWART SMITH HENRY B. WILSON Vice President Treasurer ALEXANDER C. HUMPHREYS FREDERIC BONNER WILLIAM T. EVANS RUSSELL SPAULDING Secretary Assistant Secretary Chairman Committee on American Art WILLIAM T. EVANS Chairman Committee on Foreign Art FREDERIC BONNER ACKNOWLEDGMENT M R - JOHN HARSEN RHOADES, President, and the Officers and Direc¬ tors of the Society of Art Collectors hereby tender their sincere thanks and assurances of appreciation to all those who have directly or indirectly contributed to the formation of The Comparative Exhibition of Native and Foreign Art. PATRONS Edward D. Adams Frederick L. Ames, Boston. John Stanley Ames, Boston. R. B. Angus, Montreal Gorham Bacon George F. Baker Charles T. Barney Cornelius N. Bliss Walter P. Bliss Lyman G. Bloomingdale Frederic Bonner George S. Bowdoin Edson Bradley John Crosby Brown Dr. Charles Stedman Bull Nicholas Murray Butler Andrew Carnegie Frank R. Chambers B. Ogden Chisolm John Claflin Hon. William A. Clark Edward H. Coates, Philadelphia Hon. Bird S. Coler Heinrich Conried Charles T. Cook John D. Crimmins Richard J. Cross W. Bayard Cutting Daniel A. Davis Robert W. De Forest Dr. Richard H. Derby Carll H. De Silver George G. De Witt Sir Geo. Drummond, Montreal William Butler Duncan John Elderkin William T. Evans Harris C. Fahnestock Isaac D. Fletcher Charles L. Freer, Detroit W. N. Frew, Pittsburg Dr. William Gardner, Montreal John Gellatly Richard Watson Gilder Chas. C. Glover, Washington Charles W. Gould George Gould Henry Graves E. B. Greenshields, Montreal Daniel Guggenheim George B. M. Harvey George G. Haven Henry O. Havemeyer A. Augustus Healy George A. Hearn Col. Frank J. Hecker, Detroit James J, Higginson Dr. Alexander C. Humphreys Joseph Howland Hunt Richard Howland Hunt Charles L. Hutchinson, Chicago James H. Hyde Joseph Jefferson Morris K. Jesup Bradish Johnson Augustus D. Juilliase Wm. Mackay Laffan Catholxna Lambert Cyrus J. Lawrence Frank R. Lawrence Homer Lee Thornton K. Lothkop, Boston Hon. Seth Low Charles H. Ludington Howard Mansfield Louis Marshall Hon. George B. McClellan Emerson McMillin Newbqlb Morris Hon. Levi P. Morton Walter G. Oakman Ralph H. Plumb, Buffalo Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter Charles M. Pratt Frederick B. Pratt William A. Read Hon. Whitelaw Reid John Harsen Rhoades John J. Riker John L. Riker J. Hampden Robb Edward Robinson, Boston George H. Robinson W. Emlen Roosevelt James Ross, Montreal. Hon. Elihu Root William Jay Schieffelin Jacob H. Schiff W. Watts Sherman John W. Simpson Henry T. Sloane William D. Sloane Charles Stewart Smith William E. Strong Anson Phelps Stokes Lispenard Stewart John A. Stewart H. L. Terrell Spencer Trask Samuel Untermyer S ir William Van Horne, Montreal Henry Walters, Baltimore Leslie D. Ward E. Burgess Warren, Philadelphia Samuel D. Warren, Boston. John R. Waters Stanford White James B. Williams Thomas Williams Francis Wilson Henry B. Wilson PATRONESSES Mrs. Robert Abbe Mrs. Edward D. Adams Mrs. Thatcher M. Adams Miss Mary S. Ames, Boston Mrs. Astor Mrs. John Jacob Astor Mrs. George F. Baker Mrs. William Barbour Mrs. D. Newton Barney, Farmington, Conn. Mrs. Edmund L. Baylies Mrs. Charles C. Beaman Mrs. E. J. Berwind Mrs. Heber R. Bishop Mrs. George T. Bliss Mrs. George Bliss Miss Bliss Miss Ida E. Bliss Mrs. Frederic Bonner Mrs. Walston Hill Brown Mrs. Harold Brown, Newport Mrs. Lloyd S. Bryce Mrs. Prescott Hall Butler Mrs. Royal Phelps Carroll Miss Margaret Chanler Mrs. B. Ogden Chisolm Mrs. Henry Clews Mrs. Ogden Codman, Jr. Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting Mrs. Howland Davis Mrs. George B. De Forest Mrs. Richard H. Derby Mrs. George G. De Witt Mrs. William H. Draper Mrs. John R. Drexel Miss Katherine Du Bois. Mrs. John J. Emery Mrs. William T. Evans Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish Miss Frelinghuysen Mrs. J. L. Gardner, Boston Mrs. John Henry Hammond Mrs. E. H. Harriman Mrs. John Hay, Washington Mrs. George A. Hearn Mrs. James J. Higginson Mrs. Richard Morris Hunt Mrs. Colli s P. Huntington Mrs. James S. Inglis Mrs. George Inness, Jr. Mrs. Richard Irvin Mrs. Cadwalader Jones Mrs. Augustus D. Juilliard Mrs. John J. Kane Mrs. Delancey Kane Mrs. J. Frederic Kernochan Mrs. David P. Kimball, Boston Mrs. Gustav E. Kissel Mrs. James Lawrence, Groton, Mass. Mrs. John T. Martin Mrs. George B. McClellan Mrs. Daniel Mekriman, Boston Mrs. John W. Minturn Mrs. E. Rollins Morse Mrs. Thomas Newcomb Mrs. Herman Oelrichs Mrs. John E. Parsons Mrs. Henry Codman Potter Mrs. Dallas Bache Pratt Mrs. Charles de Rham, Jr. Mrs. John Harsen Rhoades, Jr. Mrs. Douglas Robinson Mrs. Hilborne L. Roosevelt Mrs. Charles H. Russell Mrs. John J. Riker Mrs. John L. Riker Mrs. Winthrop Sargent Mrs. Barthold Schlesinger, Boston Mrs. J. Montfort Schley Mrs. James A. Scrymser Mrs. J. Montgomery Sears, Boston Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard Mrs. Horatio N. Slater, Boston Mrs. Hunt Slater, Boston Mrs. William Douglas Sloane Mrs. Charles Stewart Smith Mrs. John A. Stewart Mrs. I. N. Phelps Stokes Mrs. John B. Trevor Mrs. Samuel Untermyer Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbilt Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, Philadelphia. Mrs. Samuel D. Warren, Boston Miss Julia Chester Wells Mrs. Arthur W'elman Mrs. Stanford White Miss Grace Wilkes Mrs. Henry B. Wilson Mrs. M. Orme Wilson Mrs. Ichabod T. Williams Mrs. Robert Winthrop Mrs. Frank Spencer Witherbee Mrs. Roger Wolcott, Boston INTRODUCTION A BOUT a year ago a few gentlemen interested in art entered into a discussion as to the best measures to be adopted in order to quicken the public appreciation of the unquestionably meritorious work of American painters, so many of whom have suffered from lack of proper recognition. An impetus was added when it was announced that Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, Chair¬ man of the Building Committee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, had declared that better facilities should be furnished by the Museum for the exhibition of Ameri¬ can paintings, and, to this end, a special gallery was to be provided in the new wing about to be erected. The little group of art lovers afterwards met occasionally to talk over suggested projects, and patriot¬ ically, but perhaps too boldly, resolved to hold in the fall of the present year a Comparative Exhibition of two hundred paintings, to consist of an equal number of the best modern European paintings that could be pro¬ cured and of the best American works obtainable. It was furthermore decided that the native and foreign paintings should be interspersed or hung side by side, thereby affording for the first time on a large scale an opportunity to compare American with European paint¬ ings on even terms. For the encouragement of art, the gentlemen in¬ terested have formed themselves into a corporation under the title of “The Society of Art Collectors.” Portraits as a rule, and mural paintings have been for obvious reasons excluded. This Exhibition has been arranged in no contentious spirit of rivalry and competition, for there are and have been no more ardent admirers of the great work of the masters of the modern schools of art in Europe than the American artist and collector. It covers, in an inade¬ quate manner, approximately the past century of art. It could not, tor various reasons, including limitation of space, be made complete. Not all the able artists on either side are represented, but the lists are sufficiently comprehensive to afford a full and fair comparison. Certain omissions, therefore, must not be construed as casting any reflection on artists not represented. This exhibition is claimed to be only one step in the right direction to stimulate the appreciation of American Art at its true value, and, if this result is accomplished the Society of Art Collectors will feel that it has not labored in vain. The expenses of the Exhibition have been under¬ written, and all receipts, after payment of actual ex¬ penses, will be given to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, CATALOGUE i LOUIS ARTAN Coast Scene Loaned by MESSRS. COTTIER & CO. 2 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK Brook by Moonlight Loaned by MR. CATHOLINA LAMBERT 3 RALPH ALBERT RLAKELOCK Sunset , Nevarra Ridge Loaned by MR, WILLIAM T. EVANS 4 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK Moonlight Loaned by THE OWNER 5 GEORGE H. BOGERT Sea and Rain Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 6 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN 1824-1898 Le Port de Prattville, Marie Basse Loaned by M. DURAND-RUEL 7 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN 1824-1898 Marine, Sur la Meuse Loaned by MR. CHARLES STEWART SMITH 8 ROBERT B. BRANDEGEE Miss Sarah Porter Loaned by MRS. D. NEWTON BARNEY JOHN LEWIS BROWN 1829-1890. Horses’ Heads Loaned by MRS. BARTHOLD SCHLESINGER 10 GEORGE DE FOREST BRUSH Mother and Child Loaned by MR. J. MONTGOMERY SEARS II WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE Venice Loaned by MR. GEORGE H. ROBINSON 12 WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE Sunset , San Giorgio Loaned by WILLIAM T. EVANS * I 3 WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE Morning in Vmice Loaned by THE OWNER 14 WILLIAM M. CHASE An English God Loaned by MR. WILLIAM M. CHASE J 5 J. B. C. COROT 1796-1875 Reclining Woman , Tiger Skin Loaned by HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK l6 J. B. C. COROT 1796-1875 La Cbarrette Loaned by MRS. JOHN T. MARTIN *7 J. B. C. COROT 1796-1875 Cavalier sur une Route Loaned by MR. HENRY B. WILSON J. B. C. COROT 1796-1875 Le Lac Nemi Loaned by MRS. THOMAS NEWCOMB 1 9 J. B. C. COROT 1796-1875 Summer Day Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES ’ 20 GUSTAVE COURBET 1819-1878 Taureau et Genisse Loaned by M. DURAND-RUEL 21 THOMAS COUTURE 1815-1879 Le Petit Gill Loaned by MR. CHARLES STEWART SMITH 22 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Evening on the River Loaned by HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Sunset on the Oise Loaned by MR. SAMUEL UNTERMYER 2 4 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Sheepfold—Sundown Loaned by MISS MARY S. AMES 2 5 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Landscape Loaned by MRS. BARTHOLD SCHLESINGER 26 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 The Apple Orchard Loaned by MR. R. B. ANGUS 27 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Hayfield Loaned by SIR WILLIAM VAN HORNE 28 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817-1878 Evening Loaned by MR CARLL H. DE SILVER 2 9 ARTHUR B. DAVIES Two Step Loaned by MRS. DANIEL MERRIMAN 3 ° CHARLES H. DAVIS Summer Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 3 * CHARLES H. DAVIS Clouds and Hills Loaned by MR. JOHN HARSEN RHOADES 32 ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS 1803-1860 The Ambuscade Loaned by MR. HENRY B. WILSON 33 ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS i803-1860 The Turkish Butcher Shop Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 34 EDGAR DEGAS Musiciens a /’ Orchestre Loaned by M. DURAND-RUEL 35 EDGAR DEGAS Chevaux de Course Loaned by M. DURAND-RUEL EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 Spring Loaned by MESSRS. COTTIER & CO. 37 EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 Summer Loaned by MESSRS. COTTIER & CO, EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 Autumn Loaned by MESSRS. COTTIER & CO. 39 EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 Winter Loaned by MESSRS. COTTIER & CO. 40 EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 The Wounded Tiger Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 41 EUGENE DELACROIX 1799-1863 Christ on the Lake of Genesareth Loaned by SIR WILLIAM VAN HORNE 4 2 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR A Hilltop Loaned by MR. JOHN HARSEN RHOADES 43 THOMAS W. DEWING Slimmer Loaned by MR. JAMES B. WILLIAMS 44 THOMAS W. DEWING 'The White Carnation Loaned by MR. CHARLES L. FREER 45 THOMAS W. DEWING Head of a Girl Loaned fay MR. CHARLES L. FREER d 6 THOMAS W. DEWING The Spinet Loaned by MR. JOHN GELLATLY Loaned by MR. JOHN GELLATLY 47 THOMAS W. DEWING Reading 4 8 N. V. DIAZ i808-1876 Les Bohemiens Loaned by M. DURAND-RUEL 49 N. V. DIAZ 1808-1876 The Lovers Loaned by MRS. ICHABOD T. WILLIAMS 50 N. V. DIAZ 1808-1876 Sun Worshippers Loaned by MRS. ICHABOD T. WILLIAMS 5 1 N. V. DIAZ 1808-1876 In the Forest Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 5 2 N. V. DIAZ 1808-1876 Edge of the Forest , October Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 53 N. V. DIAZ 1808-1876 Summer Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 54 JULES DUPRE 1812-1889 Cattle, La?idscape Loaned by HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK 55 JULES DUPRfi 1812-1889 Going to Pasture Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 56 JULES DUPRE 1812-1889 The Cottage Loaned by MR. HENRY GRAVES 57 WYATT EATON 1849-1896 Reverie Loaned by MR. FREDERICK B. PRATT 5 ^ WYATT EATON 1849-1896 Ariadne Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 59 WYATT EATON 1849-1896 La CJgale Loaned by COL. FRANK J. HECKER 6o BENJAMIN R. FITZ 1855-1891 The Reflection Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 6l EUGENE FROMENTIN 1820-1876 The Falconer Loaned by MR. SAMUEL UNTERMYER 62 EUGENEFROMENTIN 1820-1876 Marchands de Chevaux Arabes Loaned by MRS. COLLIS P. HUNTING PON 63 GEORGE FULLER 1822-1884 Winifred Dysart Loaned by MR. J. MONTGOMERY SEARS 64 GEORGE FULLER 1822-1884 The Quadroon Loaned by MR. GEORGE A. HEARN GEORGE FULLER 1822-1884 A Romany Girl Loaned by MRS. ICHABOD T. WILLIAMS 66 GEORGE FULLER 1822=1884 Girl with Turkeys Loaned by DR. ALEXANDER C. HUMPHREYS 6 ? GEORGE FULLER 1822-1884 Led through the Meadow Loaned by MRS. ICHABOD T. WILLIAMS 68 JEAN LOUIS GERICAULT 1791=1824 Francois I er Loaned by MR. CHARLES STEWART SMITH 6 9 HENRI HARPIGNIES Night Loaned by MR. C. W. KRAUSHAAR 70 CHILDE HASSAM The Arno Loaned by MR. JOHN GELLATLY ?! WINSLOW HOMER Maine Coast Loaned by MR. GEORGE A. HEARN 72 WINSLOW HOMER “AWs Weir Loaned by THE BOSTON MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS 73 WINSLOW HOMER Undertow Loaned by MR. EDWARD D. ADAMS 74 WINSLOW HOMER The Gale Loaned by MR. JOHN HARSEN RHOADES 75 - WINSLOW HOMER High Cliff\ Coast of Maine Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS ?6 WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT 1824-1879 Mother and Child Loaned by MRS. RICHARD MORRIS HUNT 77 WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT 1824-1879 The Bathers Loaned by MRS. HUNT SLATER, TRUSTEE WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT 1824-1879 Spouting Whale Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 7P WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT 1824-1879 The Jewess Loaned by MRS. HORATIO N. SLATER 80 GEORGE INNESS 1825-1894 The Wood Gatherers Loaned by MR. GEORGE A. HEARN 81 GEORGE INNESS 1825--1894 Sundown Loaned by MR. WILLIAM T. EVANS 82 GEORGE INNESS 1825-1894 A Cloudy Day Loaned by MR. GEORGE INNESS, Jr. GEORGE INNESS 1825-1894 Coast of Cornwall Loaned by MR. JOHN D. CRIMMINS 8 4 GEORGE INNESS 1825-1894 Sunset on the Passaic Loaned by MR. JOHN R. WATERS