« ART BOOKS iS 0 14«' 6 D 'H'F anxa 88-B 7940 ASTERP1ECES OFl Tig Tin ~ Vf ; If/ /i III if! mmmMm /IL® oU .NS 8 JK From the Library of Frank Simpson Telegraphic Address t “GALBRADA, LONDON.” Telephone No. 1117 , MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OP FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Pastel, to the works of Mr. E. F. Wells, the clever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Hubert Coop and Mr. Gregory Robinson, exceptionally clever painters of Marine and Landscape Pictures in Oil and Water Colour, and to the exceedingly fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored. Valuations made for Probate or otherwis*. Collections Classified and Arranged. Where to get Gowans’s Art Books abroad. . Prance.— A. Perche, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris. Belgium. — Spineux & Cie, 3 Rue du Bois Sauvage, Brussels. Holland. — Kirberger & Kksper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam. A. Abrahams, The Hague. Italy.— Rosenberg 45-49 , 5L 32, 34-62, and 64; as partly genuine that on page 19. The others are inserted on the authority of Herr Meissner. 6 Daniel Barbarq , Daniel Barbaro {Pitti, Florence ) ( Galerie Pitti , Florence) Daniel Barbaro {Florenz, Galerie Pitti) p, Anders on x Photo, Daniel Barbaro Daniel Barbaro (Roy % l Gallery, Dresden ) ( Galerie royale, Dresde) Daniel Barbaro (Dresden, Kgl. Galerie) Y'-Ai fintcfyinann, Photq % Portrait of a Lady Portrait de Dame (Pinacotheca, Munich ) (Pinacptheque, Munich) Bildnis einer Dame (. Miinchen , Pinakothek) Harffstaengl , Photo , 9 Portrait of a Lady Portrait de jeune Femme {Louvre, Paris') {Louvre, Paris) Bildnis einer jungen Frau {Paris, Louvre) Levy et sfs Pi is, Photo, IO Portrait of a Man Portrait d’Homme ( Colonna Palace, Rome) (Palais Colonna, Rome) Bildnis eines Mannes (Rom, Colonnapalast ) D. Anderson , Photo , Venice crowned {Doge's Palace , Venice ) Venise couronn£e {Palais ducal , Venise) Venedig gekront {Venedig, Dogenpalast) P. Han/staengl, Photo , Juno and Venice Junon et Venise ( R oyal Museum , Brussels') ( M usee royal , Bruxelles) Juno und Venedig {Brussel, Kgl. Museum) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo « *3 The Battle of Lepanto La Bataille de L^pante {Academy, Venice) {Academie, Venise) Die Schlacht von Lepanto ( V enedig , A kademie) £). Anderson , Photo, 14 IS Industry Der Kunstfleiss L’Industrie ( Doge's Palace , Venice) ( Venedig , Dogenpalast) ( Palais ducal , Venise ) F. Han/staengl, Photo. i6 Time and History Die Zeit und die Geschichte Le Temps et l’Histoire (Fresco) (Freske) (Fresque) ( Villa Giacometti, Maser) ( Maser , Villa Giacomelli) ( Villa Giacomelli, Maser ) Frat. Alinari , Photo. *7 Faith and Charity La Foi et la Charit£ (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Villa Giacomelli , Maser ) ( Villa Giacometti , Maser) Die Glaube und die Barmherzigkeit (Freske) {Maser, Villa Giacometti) Frat . A linari, Photo. The Finding of Moses MoIse sauv£ des Eaux {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid ) Die Auffindung Mosis {Madrid, Prado) P. Hanfstaengl , Photo . ig Thk Finding of Moses Die Auffindung Mosis Moise sauv£ des Eaux ( Royal Gallery, Dresden ) {Dresden, Kgl. Galerie) ( Galerie royale, Dresde) F. Han fstaengl, Photo. 20 Esther before Ahasuerus Esther vor Ahasver Esther devant Assuerus {Louvre, Paris ) (Paris, Louvre') (Louvre, Paris) IP. A. Mansell & 1 Co., Photo. Susanna and the Elders Suzanne et les Vieillards {Prado, Madrid ) {Prado, Madrid ) The Annunciation Maria Verkundigung L’Annonciation Wffizt, Florence) (Florenz, Uffizien. ) (< Galerie des Offices, Florence. ) D. Anderson , Photo . 23 8 ! * K o ^ 5 « ■j 0! w Q < H * Si 3 J 24 he Adoration of the Magi Die Anbetung der Weisen L’ Adoration des Mages {Imperial Gallery, Vienna ) {Wien, Kaiserl. Galerie) {Galerie imperiale, Vienne ) F. Han/staengl, Photo. *5 Jesus among the Doctors Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten J£sus parmi les Docteurs {Prado, Madrid ) {Madrid, Prado) {Prado, Madrid) F. Hanfsiaengl , Photo « Baptism of Christ Le Bapt£me du Christ {Pitti, Florence) v ( Galerie Pitti, Florence) Die Taufe Christi (Florenz, Galerie Pitti ) I). Anderson , Photo . p&gKj : 27 u < .a Z < ^ 3 1C S ^ T a - «Q a ‘C 53 U » 5 a ^ O -■ *8 29 The Marriage at Cana Die Hochzeit zu Kama Les Noces de Cana ( Prado , Madrid) {Madrid, Prado ) {Prado, Madrid) F. H dnfstaengl, Photo. 3 ° Jesus and the Centurion Christus und der Hauptmann J£sus et le Centurion (Prado, Madrid ) (Madrid, Prado) (Prado, Madrid ) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 3 1 Jrsus and the Centurion Christus und der Hauptmann J£sus et le Centurion {Pinacotheca, Munich) ( Miinchen , Pinakothek ) ( Pinacotheque , Munich) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Jesus and the Centurion Christus und der Hauptmann J£sus et le Centurion ( Royal Gallery, Dresden ) ( Dresden , Kgl. Galerie) {Galerie royale, Dresde) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo. 33 55 Jesus at Simon the Pharisee’s Christus im Hause des Pharisaers Jesus chez Simon le Pharisiem {Academy, Venice) ( Venedig , Akademie) ( Academic , Venise) V. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 34 Jesus at Simon the Pharisee’s Christus im Hause des Pharisaers J£sus chez Simon le Pharisien {Louvre, P arts) {Paris, Louvre) {Louvre, Paris) Neurdeirt Freres, Photo. 35 37 l Christ bearing the Cross J&sus portant la Croix ( Louvie , Paris ) (. Louvre , Paris) Die Kreuztragung (Paris, Louvre) Keue,dem Freres , Photo. Christ on the Cross Le Christ sur la Croix ( 67 . Sebastians, Venice) {Eglise St.-Sebastien, Venise) Christus am Kreuz (Vc tie dig, S. Sebastian) D. Anderson, Photo, 39 Christ on the Cross Le Christ sur la Croix {Louvre, Paris) {Louvre, Paris) Chrtstus am Kreuz {Paris, Louvre) Livy et ses Fils, Photo , 40 Jesus at Emmaus Christus in Emmaus Jesus a Emmaus {Louvre, Paris) {Paris, Louvre ) {Louvre, Pans) IV. A. Mansell Co., Photo. 4 The Holy Family and La Sainte Famille avec des Saints Saints {Royal Museum , Brussels') {Musee royal , Bruxelles) Die heilige Familie mit Heiligen {Briissely Kgl. Museum) F. Hanfstaeugl, Photo . 43 43 44 The Virgin and Child and La Vierge et l’Enfant avec des Saints Saints (/ mperial Gallery , Vienna ) ( Galerie imperiale , Vienne) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen ( IVien , Kaiserl. Galerie) V. HanVstaengl , Photo. * I The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant and Saints avec des Saints (Academy, Venice') ( Academie , Venise) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen (Venedig, Akademie ) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant and Saints avec des Saints (St. Pauls, Verona ) ( Eglise St. -Paul, Verone) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen ( Venedig, S. Paul ) D. Anderson, Photo. The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l’Enfant and Saints avec des Saints (S. Francesco della Vigna, Venice) OS’. Franceso della Vigna, Venise) Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen ( Venedig , *S\ Francesco della Vigna ) D. Anderson, Photo. The Virgin and Child with La Vierge et l’Enfant avec Saints des Saints (St. Sebastian s, Venice ) (Eglise St.-Sebastien, Venise) Maria'mit DEM Kinde und Heiligen (Venedig) S. Sebastian ) D. Anderson , Photo . 49 §§ ( Royal Gallery, Dresden ) Mary Magdalene repentant ‘La Madeleine repentante (Prado, Madrid ) (Prado, Madrid ) Die bussende Magdalena (Madrid, Prado) Jd. H anjstqengl, Photo, The Consecration of La Consecration de St. Nicholas Saint Nicolas {National Gallery , London) ( Galerie nationale , Londres ) Die Wf.ihe des hl. Nikolaus (, London , Nationalgalerie) F, Han/staengl , Photo , Martyrdom of Le Martyre de St. George Saint Georges (St. George's , Verona ) ( Eglise St. -Georges, Verone) Das Martyrthum des hl. Georg ( Verona , S. Georg ) P>. Anderson , Photo , The Vision of La Vision de St. Helena Sainte H£l£ne (. National Gallery , London) ( Galerie rationale Londres) Vision der hl. Helena ( London , Nationalgalerie) F. Hanfstaengl , Photo * 54 Martyrdom of St. Justina Le Martyre de Sainte Justine ( 67 . Justina s, Padua ) ( Eglise Ste. -Justine, Padoue') Das Martyrium der hl. Justina L Padua, S. Justine) D _ Anderson, Photo . S3 Martyrdom of St. Justina Le Martyre de Sainte Justine ( Uffizi , Florence) ( Galerie des Offices , Florence ) Das Martyrium der hl, Justina {Florenz, Uffizien) D. Anderson , Photo * Antony preaching to the Saint Antoine pr£chant aux Fishes • Poissons ( Borghese Gallery , Rome') ( Galerie Borghese, Rome) Der hl Antonius den Fischen predigend {Rom, Galerie Borghese) D. Anderson, Photo. 57 Feast of St. Gregory Dar Fest des hl. Gregor La Fete de Saint Gr£goire ( Monte Benco , Vicenza ) (V/cenza, Monte Benco) (Mon e Berico , Vicence ) D, A note i son, Photo. S3 Three Saints (. B?era , Milan ) Drei Heilige (Mailand, Brera) D. Anderson, Photo. Trois Saints (Brera, Milan ) The Marriage of Le Mariage de St. Catherine Saint Catherine (Si. Catherine' s, Venice) ( Eglise Ste. -Catherine, Venise ) Die VermAhlung der hl. Katharina (Venedig, S. Katharina) D. Anderson , Photo * 6o The Marriage of St. Catherine Le Mariage de Sainte Catherine (Fresco) (Fresque) ( Villa Giacometti, Maser ) ( Villa Giacometti, Maser ) Die Vermahlung der hi.. Katharina (Fkeske) (Maser, Villa Giacometti) „ - A {. National Gallery , London ) {London, Nationalgalerie ) {Galerie naiionale, Londres ) Hanfstaengl, Photo. 6a Olympus (Fresco) L’Oi.ympe (Fresque) ( Villa Qiafomelli, Maser) ( Villa Giacomelli , Maser ) Der Olymp (Fresice) (Maser, Villa Giacomelli) Frat. A Utuiri , Photo , 6 3 Venus and Adonis (Prado, Madrid) Venus und Adonis (Madrid, Prado) ]/. Hanfstaengl, P/^oio, V£nus et Adonis (Prado, Madrid) 64 The Rape of Europa L’Enl&vement d’Europe (Doges Palace , Venice') (Palais ducal, Venise ) Der Raub der Europa ( Venedig , DogenJ>alast) p Hanfstaengi \ Photo. A Complete List of Published Photographs of VERONESE’S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franz, Hanfstaengl \ l6 Pall Mall Pasty London , S.W . SIZES and PRICES or PHOTOGRAPHS— F — Folio (io" x 8") Silver Print, 1/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal (15" x 12") - ,, 6/- I = Imperial (21" x 16") - ,, 12/- Facs Facsimile (28" x 20^") - ,, 30/- E = Extra (34^" x 26") - ,, 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as ’well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No. Size. Permanent PR NTS, 1/ Minerva and Mars, Berlin £8 FBI F Apollo and Juno, ... - B I Martyrdom of St. A fra. Brescia, Chiesa di 8. Afra A L F The Holy Family with St. Theresa and St. Katherine, • Brussels 219 F R F J une pours Treasures over Venice, Budapesth 223 F R F The Glory of Venice (Ceiling), B 366 F R I F Portrait of a Warrior, - 367 F R F The Dying Cleopatra, • Cassel 96 F R F The Centurion at Capernaum, Dresden 21 El V Christ bearing His Cross. - 58 El F The Madonna and Child and the Cuccina Family,- 59 R I F The Finding of Moses, - „ 60 R I F Susanna at tbe Bath, • • 303 R F Adoration of the Magi, » M 390 R I E F The Marriage at Cana, • fi 391 R I F Christ at Ernmaus, • « M B 392 RIB F Leda, ..... B 393 R 1 F The Crucifixion, ... B I Mara and Minerva, • • Dulwich B I Apollo and Juno, ... M B I 66 Title, Gallery. No. Size. Madonna with the Infant Christ asleep, and St. Catherine, St. Joseph, and St. John, Florence, Uffizi A A N FI Martyrdom of St. J ustina, . • M A A N F R I Head of St. Paul, .... M B A F I St. Katherine, .... 91 B A FI The Annunciation, ... f# B A F I Partrait of the Artist, ... A 34 F R The Crucifixion, .... ## B A F I Hester before A hasuerus, - B A FI Finding of Moses, A F at 5/ Portrait of the Artist’s Wife, Florence, Pitti A A N FI Baptism of Christ, ... M A A N FI Portrait of Daniele Barbaro, M A A N FI Portrait of a Child, M A F Portrait of a Child, ; f A F Presentation in the Temple, A F S. Menna Caraliere, ... Ferrera A N F Adoration of the Magi, Hague 17 F R Rape of Europa, .... London, N.G. 17 F R Adoration of the Magi, M 18 FRI The Family of Darius at the Feet of Alexander after the Battle of l8sus, B.C. 333, - 19 FRI The Vision of St. Helen, M B 20 FRIE The Magdalene laying aside her Jewels, 238 FR Happy Union, .... lf 630 F R Scorn, ...... M 631 F R Kespect, 532 F R Unfaithfulness, .... M 633 FR The Consecration of St. Nicholas as Bishop of Myra, ... 547 F Venus and Adonis, ... Madrid B522 FRI Jesus and the Centurion, - BS24 FRI The repentant Magdalene, - • 9 B528 F R The Finding of Moses, - ## B529 FRI Youth between Vice and Virtue, B531 F R Christ disputing with the Doctors, LS23 F R 8usanna at the Bath, - L525 FRI The Infant Jesus adored by two Saints, ..... L527 F R Marriage at Cana,- ... U L 530 FR The Woman taken is Adultery, ## L F at 3/6 Martyrdom of St. Genesius, ## 526 F R Adoration of the Magi, 532 FR Portrait of a Young Lady, • 533 FR Allegory of the Birth of a Prince, 534 FR Jesus appearing to His Mother, - Madrid, Escurial L F at 3/6 The Annunciation, . . - L F a t 3/6 Adoration of the Magi, Milan AN 40 F Supper in the House of the Pharisees, AN 41 F Glorification of St. Antony, Munich A N B F I Portrait of a Woman, ... 60 FRI Jupiter and Antiope, - - - 9* 97 FRI Christ and the Centurion of Capernaum, .... 164 FR The Holy Family, 215 FRI Amor, Christ carrying His Cross, • 372 F R 464 FR r> 3 >*j hj 14 *4 >4 *, *3 ^ »S ^3 bj »J b- bj bj 14 PeRMANENI Prints, 1/ 67 Titi.b. G ALBERT. No. Size. E-* m Martyrdom of St. Guistina, Martyrdom of St. Primo and Padua, Chiesa de 8. Guistini A N F Feliciano, ----- Padua, Pinacoteca AN F Jesus healing Peter’s Mother, - Paris, Louvre B Fat 5/ The destruction of Sodoma, B F at 5/ I Susanna and the Elders, .. B F at 5/ I The Vanishing of Esther, - fp B F at 5/ I Holy Family,- B F at 5/ I Holy Family, |f B FatS/ The Marriage at Cana, The Meal at the House of Simon B244 I E F the Pharisee. - - - Jesus Christ sinking under the ft B235 I F weight of the Cross, - B F at 5/ I Calvary, B F at 5/ I The Disciples at Emmaus, - M B 206 F at 5/ I F Jupiter confounding Crime, B I Portrait of a Young Lady, - „ B F at 5/ I Vanity, ------ Rome— St. Lucca A N F Rape of Europa, - - - - Virgin and Child with Saints „ Conservator! A N F R at 8/ and the Doge Veuier, ,, Corsini AN F St. Helens, ----- „ Vatican BAN F I St. John in the Desert, „ Borghese BAN FI Venus, Cupid, and a Satyr, - St. Anthony preaching to the AN F fishes, „ ,, BAN F I The Rape of Europa, ... „ Capitol B I The Finding of Moses, • St. Petersburg 433 F R The Deposition, .... B434 FRI Mars and Venus, .... The Queen of Sheba offering Pre- ” B I sents to Solomon, ... The Supper in the House of Turin AN F Simon the Pharisee, - lt A N F Danac, - The Holy Family, ... The Mystic Marriage of St. Cath- Venice — Church of St. Francesco della Vigna Church of St AN A L F F erine, The Great Organ of the Purifi- Catherine Church of St. A L F R cation of the Virgin, The Virgin and Child with St. Sebastian AL F R Anthony, Christ on the Cross and the AN F Virgin, - - - - - „ A N F The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, The Martyrdom of St. Mark aDd A N F St. Marcellinus, The Virgin in Glory with Saints A N F (Great Altar), - - - - A N F Esther conducted to Ahasuerus,- A N F The Coronation of Esther, - A N F The Triumph of Mordecai, St. Sebastian presenting himself " A N F to Diocletianus,- M A N F The Death of St. Sebastian, The Coronation of the Virgin •• A N F (Sacristy), - - - - - ## AN F The Four Evangelists (Sacristy), AN F 68 Title. Gallery. No. 1 Size. 1- II g A The Doge Sebastian Yenier the Victor of Lepanto recommended to the Redeemer, ... Doge’s Palace A L F Neptune and Mars, ... A L F Mansuetude, A L F Faith, ...... AL F Venice with Justice and Feace, • M A L F Fortune, A L F Moderation, A L F Abundance, • ... A L F Fidelity, AL F Simplicity, ..... AL F "Vigilance, ..... A L F Industry, ..... „ 41 A L F R F Faith and Sacrifice of Ancient Law, AN F Venice crowned with Glory, t9 40 A L F R I F Paolo Moninigo conquers Smyrna, •0 AL F A Loredan defeuds Scutary against Mahommet, ... A L F The Doge Contarini returns victorious from Chioggia, AL F Old Age and Youth, . . . A L F The Rape of Europe, - 42 A N F R I F A Forest (Chiesetta), ... #p AN F Adoration of the Magi, AN F Christ at Gethseinane,* •e AN F The Supper in the House of the Pharisee, - Royal Academy 37 ALB F R I E F The Battle of Lepanto, A L F The Glorification of the Virgin, A L F The Virgin with the Infant Christ and St. J ohn and various Saints, 39 ALB F R I E F The Annunciation, 36 ALB F I F Abundance; An Allegory on Venice, A L F The Coronation of the Virgin, • ;; A L F The Assumption, .... M A L F The Crucifixion, .... M 38 F Pope Anaclatus founding the Crusaders, Oratorio del Crociferi AL F Pope Paul IV. receiving the Venetian Ambassador, A L F A Page, Eight different Figures of Ladies with Musical Instruments, Villa Manin, now Giacomeili A L AL F Each F A Ceiling Decoration representing Congugal Happiness, A L F Harmony, ..... A L F Maternal Love, .... A L F Bacchus and Icarus, • ## A L F Pluto and Ceres, .... A L F Venus and Apollo, A L F Ceiling of the Sala dell 'Olimpo,- A L F R Cyble, or Earth, • A L F Vulcan, or Fire, • A L F Juno, or Air, ... ## A L P Neptune or Water, ... ## AL F Two Ladies near a Balustrade, - A L F 89 Title. Gallery. No. Size. 5jr a £ a K Villa Manin, Spring, now Giacomeili AL Fit Summer and Autumn,- • , A L F R Faith and Charity, . A L F Love vanquishing Force, • AL K Virtue controlling Vice, • „ AL F Abundauce, Fortitude and Envy, A L F Glory crowning Merit,- • A L F Time and History, . A L F The Marriage of St. Catherine, f# A L F The Holy Family,- • A L F The Portrait of the Painter in #f Hunting Costume. - - AL F Portrait of a La-y — perhaps the Artist’s Wife, • . AL F St. Jerome in the Desert, . • Church of S. Peter, Martyr, Murano AL F Martyrdom of St. George, • • Verona; 9. Giorgi Maggiore AL F R The Banquet of St. Gregory the Church of Great, Monte Berico A L FR Christ in the House of Jairus, . Vienna 194 R I F Madonna and Child with Saints. ## 195 B R I K The Adoration of the Kings, . 196 B R I F The Annunciation, * •• 436 R I F PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. The Rape of Europa, • Esther, - Venus at her Toilet, ... Aioration of the Kings, The Baptism of Christ, Busan and the Elders, • The Presentation in the Temple, The Queen of Chypre? - The Marriage of St. Catherine, > Venus at her Toilet, Christ at a Feast, The Annunciation, ... The Holy Family, .... Portrait of a Patrician Venetian, Benson B I Czartoryski, Paris B F at 5/ „ B F at 5/ Devonshire 135 K R Farrer B F at 5/ „ B Fat 5/ B F at 5/ Holford B I Liechtenstein Vienna B 144 F R I Baron Alfred de Rothschild B I Westminster B I „ B I ,, B Fat5/ Youssoupofi B 1 THE ART OF MISS JESSIE M. KING The work of this talented young artist is now well-known in this country and on the Continent because of its striking originality and the graceful beauty of its design. Her pen-work is shown at its best in a little book of drawings of trees and shrubs, called BUDDING LIFE which is published at Sixpence net (post free 7d.), and in an edition de luxe at One Shilling net (post free 1/1). Her colour- work is also shown to great advantage in a charming colour-print called APPLE BLOSSOM which is sold in a pretty paper frame, ready to hang up, at One Shilling net (post free 1/4). Its fine taste makes it an ornament to any room, no matter how luxuriously furnished. The following Sixpenny net books (post free 7d. each) have delightfully decorative parchment covers also designed by Miss King: — OUR TREES AND HOW TO KNOW THEM THE MARRIAGE RING. Jeremy Taylor. EVERYMAN. A Morality Play. GOBLIN MARKET AND OTHER POEMS Miss Rossetti. ALLADINE AND PALOMIDES. Maeterlinck. THE MASQUE OF THE TWO STRANGERS. Lady Alix Egerton. All the above are published by Messrs. Gowans & Gray, Ltd., 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C., and can be had of any bookseller. 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