, 1 - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute A. ; - ‘•i- https://archive.org/details/portraitsindiadr03rich PORTRAITS, INDIA DRAWINGS, &c. OF A GENUINE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PORTRAITS, INDIA DRAFTINGS, COMPRISING THE CHOICEST WORKS OF Bartolozzi, Blooteeing, Delaram, Drevet, Elstrack, Fai- THORNE, Hogarth, Hollar, Loggan, Lombart, Masson Nan- TuiEL, the Passes, Sherwin, Smith, Vertue, Vandycke, &c. &c. including feveral, rare and curious, of Charles the Firlt and Second, Cromwells, the Orange and Palatine Families, &c. Among the Foreingers are many relating to Englilh Hiftory, particularly thofe men- tioned by Burnet, Clarendon, Granger, &c. The Colledlion in • general is in perfect Prefervation, and the finell Impreffions } WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION,. BY MR. RICHARDSON, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 31, the Corner of Villers-Street, in the Strand, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1%, 1799, AND THE EIGHTEEN FOLLOWING DAYS, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. To be viewed three Days previous to the Sale. Catalogues, Price Three Shillings and Sixpence each, may be had of Mr. Clarke, Book- feller, Bond-ftreet; Mr. Geo. Cooper, Glafs-Manufadturer, No. 82, Lom» bard-flreet} and of Mr. Richardson, No. 31, Strand. 4-t-l- Mr. Ricjiardson begs to inform his Friends, that, In addition to his ufual Bufinefs, he propofes felling Prints, Books, Coins, and every other Article intended for public Sale. printed by t, burton, oate-street, lincoln’s-inn fields. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No .Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. above One Pour^T^ above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyers Expence, within Three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-mone}’’ to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fliall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fhall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commifiions faithfully executed by their humble Ser- vant, W. Richardson, DAYS OF SALE. fIRST DAY. - Mmday, - Feb. ,8 c A cr rj r z « ^ Portraits continued. Sc Second Day, .Tue/day, . Feb. i<)}^ Bartoloazl Third Day, - - Wednefday, Feb. ao J C. Portraits continued. Fourth Day, - Thurfday^ - Feh. 2 1 ^ RemarkableCharafters, [ and Portraits, D. Portraits continued, ;ign & Englilh, E.F. Fifth Day, - - Friday, - - Feb. 22 |^Voreign' r F. Portraits continued. Sixth Day - - Saturday, - Feh, 23 < Faithorne’s Works, and ^ Englifii Portraits, G. . Portraits con Foreign & £r Hogarth, &c. G. Portraits continued. Seventh Day, •• Monday, - Feh, 25 Foreign & Englifh, H. [ •C' -Pk a- rj E> z /: Portraits continued. Sc Eighth Day, - Tm/day, .Feb.z6^ Hollar’s Works TH. Portraits continued. Ninth Day • - Wedmfday, Fch,2’]\ Hillorical,& Englilh ^ -Portraits, I. r I. Portraits continued, Je- Tenth Day, - - Thur/day, - Feh, 28 < fuits. Foreign Sc Eng- t lilh Portraits, K. & L. Eleventh Day, Friday, - Twelfth Day - Saturday, [ n ] Mar I S *“<1 Englifli Por- ' i traits, M. & N. Mar, 2 — Ditto, N. O. & P. P. continued. Palatine Fa- traits, Q^& K. Portraits Fourteenth Day, Tue/day, — Mar, 5 ^ after Sir Joftiua Rey- fR. continued, & Poi 5 < after Sir Joftiua ^ nolds Mar. 6 — R. continued, S. Portraits Mar. 7 — The Works of John Smith Fifteenth Day, Wednefday, Sixteenth Day, Thurfday, ■ r Portraits S.and T. conti- SeventeenthDay, - - Mar. 8< nued. Topographical t Portraits, V. Eighteenth Day, Saturday, - C Portraits after Vandycke, ^ I and by Vertue rVertue continued, Por- Nineteenth Day, • Mar.ioJ traits V. &W. Books of ^ Prints, and Portfolios Firft Day’s Sale. FOREIGNERS. A 1 Ten — Aretin^ Arlofto, &c. . - 2 Three — F. Comte de Afumar, Albert, Archduke of Auftria, &c. 3 Five — L. M. D’Aumont, by Mallet — Agnes, Comtefc D’Arco, by Vermeulen— Marquis D*Argenlbn, by Duflos, &c. 4 Nine — Popes Alexander the Vllth and Vlllth, various 5 Eight — Cardinals, &c. - 6 Seven— Charles, Comte D’ Auvergne, Fiquet, Sic, 7 Two — Auguftus III. King of Poland, and Queen, by G, F. Schmidt 8 Ten — anonymous — by C. Mellan, &c. - ' 9 Eight — ditto — Poilly, &c. 10 Five — ditto— Boulanger, See, — 11 Five —ditto — Demarcenay, &c. ' - - - - ^ 12 Seven — ditto — various ^ 13 One-^AUGEREAU, whole length, by P. M. Alix B jUP.y, MEZZOTINTO AND ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. ' A ,r (j ■ / ^ A 7 A 14 One — James, Earl of; Atrercorn, after Gainfborough, 1778, whole length, by Dean 15 Three — Princefs Anne and Amelia, grand-daughters to King George, by Lens \ Princefs Anne, by Becket \ and Anne of Denmark, whole length, after Wiffingy by J. Smith 16 Four — Princefs Amelia, whole length, by Simon, 1728 Mary, Duchefs of Ancafler, whole length, by M‘Ar- dell, proof-, Elizabeth, Countefs of Ancram, by V. Green, he. 17 Four — three of the abdicated family ; and Count D’Ada,. by Becket 18 Three — Mr. Allen, of Bath, by Faber, 1754; Henry Angelo, by B. F. Scott ; and the Honourable James ^nnefly, by A. Miller 19 Five — Count D’Ada, by Becket; J. Fortefeue Aland, . by Faber, 1733; Addifon, fold by Smith; Dr. Arney by Dunkerton, proof 20 Four — John, Duke of Argyll, by J. Simon 21 Three — ditto, whole length, by J. Faber, 1740 ; John Armilrong,/ 1742, by M‘Ardell ; and the Hon. Tho- mas Burnet, by Faber 22 Seven— -anonymous, &c. s 7 ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. . A - 23 Thirteen anonymous 24 Four — the abdicated family, by Chereau, he. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. , I ft Daf, 25 Four-ditto, by J. G. Will, 1748, F. V. Schuppen, 1692, &c. 26 Three — ditto, Maria Clementina, with a crucifix, by Rofli ; Louifa Maria^ fol. by Chereau ; and one by C. Dupuis 27 Three — ditto, Clementina, by Jac Freij ; one ditto, by P. Drevet, &c. 28 Four — Anfon, by Houbraken-— the fix admirals, by Bickham; the admirals, by Ravenet; and Athlone, by Haelweg 29 Five — Athlone, by R. White; the fix admirals, by Bickham — the Hon James Annefley,by ditto ; Major Andre, by J. K. Sherwin, &c. 30 Four — Guftavus Adolphus, by Delff; Duke of Albe- marle, by Gammon ; ditto, by Davis, &c. 31 Eight — Duke of Albemarle, &c. ^ - — — 32 Six— Earl of Ailefbury, by White ; the Earl of Arun- del and Alathea T albot, &c. 33 Two — Earl of Ailefbury, by White; and one called the Earl of Arundel, by Vofterman — fee Grange^, vol. 2. page 1 12 34 Three — John Anthony, M. D. by Crofs^ — John Archer, M. D. and William Auftin, by Glover — very fine and fcarce 35 Nine — Ann of Denmark, by Houbraken; Ann pf Cleeve, by ditto, &c. 36 Seven — Guftavus Adolphus; Francis D'Andrada, Por- tuguefe minifter ; DucD’Alva, &c. &c. 37 Nine — Cornelius Agrippa, &c. 38 Three— The Earl of Albemarle, by Gay wood ; Afh- burnham, by Davis ; and Sir Edward Aftley^ by Worlidge B 2 ? . J ^ jp ^ • c f CLERGY. 54 Six — Richard Alleftry, by Loggan ; Hen. Aldrich, by Heath, See. 55 Six — Biftiops, Andrews, of Winchefter, &c. by Payne, 1641 ; ditto, by Pafs, 1618 ; Rob. Abbot, of Salilbury, by F. Delaram ; F. Atterbury, by M. V, Gucht, Sec. 56 Three— Richard Alleftry, by D. Loggan ; L. Andrews, by Vaughan; and Thomas A ttwood, 1643, by W, ^ Marfhall — 57 One — Henry Airay, Frovoft of Queen’s College, from y a monumental plate — -fcarce ^ 58 One — Father Archangelus, 1631 — ve 7 y fine and rare ^ . h 7 I 77 // ^ FOREIGN PORTRAITS. B , 59 Ten — Duchefte of Burgundy, &c. - - - - ^ «? . 60 Four — Bayle, J. B. Boyer, &c. — - - — - — .V ^ 61 Ten — Bolleau, Balfac, &c. 62 Five — J. B. de Blyc, G. Edellnck, &c ^ ' .'E I 63 Thirteen — Cardinal Barberini, Bellarmain, &c. -- J> • 64 Seven Lud. Comte de Brienne, and Vondofme, Due de / Beaufort, by Nantuiel, &c. 65 Six — Dukes of Burgundy, by Suyderhoef, &c. ^ 66 Three — Charles, Duke of Brunfwick, by D. Marce- 5* nay, he. 67 Seven— Fred. Will. Margrave of Brandenburgh, of Bran- denburgh, on horfeback ; Charles, Due dc Bourbon, he. SA ©37*' ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. B. c /c> ' 7. / 7 - 7 68 Seven — Blakeney, Sir John Barnard ; -Children of Wilbraham Bootle, &c. 69 Nine — Francis Bugg, quarto, by V. Hove; Walter Blith, Blanchard, Brooks, W. M. &c. 70 Five — Earl of Bath, by Martin, 1763; ditto, a proof \ Sir Robert Boyd, by Hall, 1789; one ditto, by Ca- roline V/atron; Colonel Barry, by Nutter, 1789 71 Seven — Lud. Cappellus, Ferd. Duke of Brunfwick, by Houbraken, 1777; Burfenfki, Polilh Minifter — rare-, A. G. Bufbequius, &c. 72 Two — Bidloo, proofs by Bloteling; and one other 73 Two — Sir James Bland Burges, by P. W. Tomkins, 1796; Horace Beckford, proofs by Conde, 1792 74 The Right Hon. Ifaac Barre, by John Hall, 1787 75 Four — Horace Beckford, by Conde; Lant. Brown, by J. K. Sherwin; Dr. Wm. Boyce, by ditto, 1775; and Yngr Burge, Efq. 76 Three — Walter i 3 aker, by Worlidge; Gab. Brifcoe, by W. Sherwin, 1709; and Thomas Brodrick, by ditto, 1704 — all fine 77 Three — Sir Samuel Barnardifton, by White, 1700; Sir John Blencowe, by W. Sherwin; and Henry, Vifeount Bolingbroke, by Defrochers "78 Fifteen — Buchanan, Sir I'homas Browne, odlavo, John Browne, R. White, Sir Robert Berkeley, by Powle, he, 79 Seven— Vifeount Falconbergh, by R. White, he. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. rft 3jy.. 80 Five — Oldenbarnevelt, quarto, Flenry Elacwood, by Mellan — John Barclay, Peter Bortius, and Baudlus 81 Eight — Sir F. Bacon, Lord Burleigh, by Houbraken ; • Capt. Eedloe, quartos John Brov/n, by White, folio; ditto, quarto, and Ann Bullen S2 Five* — Thomas Brugis, byCrofs; Sir Francis Bacon, William BarrifF, Richard Brathwait, by Vaughan-, and John Brown, by Gay wood — all fine 83 Four — Sir F. Bacon, byMarfliall; BarrifF in armour, . . quarto ; Sir Robert Berkeley, by Powle ; and Richard Brownlowe, by Crofs — -fine 84 One-r-Lord Burleigh, from the Bi (hop’s Bible - 85 W.ixLiAM Bluck, by R. White — fine and rare ' 86 Three — Chriftian, Duke of Brunfwick, by Queboren^ 1623 ; one ditto, by S. Pafs, with hat and feather; and George William, Duke of Brunfwick, by De Jode 87 Eleven — Portraits to illuftrate Granger — ^ ' 88 .Nine— rThanes Autographs, &c. - — 89 Two — Poets — Baron, by Marfhall; and Richard Broome, by Crofs — both rare 90 Two — John Babington, by Droufhout; and John Bates, by G. GifFard, fine and rare 91 One — Alderman Backwell, old imprefFion, very SCARCE 92 Two — William Barriff, by Glover; and one with ornaments aet. 42 — fine and scarce 93 Two — Oldenbarnevelt, folio; and Bidloo, by A. Blooteling 94 Two — Lord James Beauclerc ; and Charles, Earl of Burford, fons of Eleanor Gwin, by ditio—ficarce 6 / / // /f / / J - J EiS Say. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS* 95 One — Mary, Duchess of Beaufort, by J. Nutting, before the infertlon of “ Do wager”— VERY FINE AND RARE 96 One — Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford, by Simon Pass— rare 97 One — Ann Bill, by ditto, the original print— very rare 98 One — Martin Billingsley, the writing mafter, by W. Hole — FINE AND RARE 99 One — Sir Henry Blount, the traveller, by D. Loggan, 1679 — VERY FINE AND RARE 100 One — John Digby, Earl of Bristol, withftafFof chamberlalne, fold by W. Peake — very rare and FINE — From the Fothergill colle6lion 101 Sir William Brog, 1635, Crifpin Van Queboren— and rare 102 One — Robert, Lord Brooke, by G. Valck, 1678 — FINE and rare X03 Two — Richard, Lord Buckhurst, by S. Pafs, VERY rare ; and the copy 104 One— George, Duke of Buckingham, folio, by Delff fine and fcarce 105 One — George, Marquis of Buckingham, by J. K. Sherwin, 1788 — proof Second Day’s Sale FOREIGN PORTRAITS. B 1 F OUR — Broglio, Lieutenant General, by Vermeulin ; Marquife de Beringhen, by Roullet ; Due de Beau- fort, by Nantueil ; and Charles, Comte Buquoy, by Sadeler 2 Ten — Cardinal Barberino, Baromee, &c. -- 3 Eight — Artifts — Seb. Bourdon, &c. — — 4 One — Cardinal Bossuet, by Drevet— 5 One — ditto - - ^ ^ — ^ ^ 6 One — Samuel Bernard, by ditto — the firji tmprejJio 7 i 7 One— ^Gellius DE BoUMA,by C. Visscher— — 8 One— Buonaparte on horfeback, by J. J. TalTaert 9 One — Berthier, whole length — me%, ^ “ 10 One — Charles de Belleille, by Will, 1743 C / / / 5 • 2d Day. MEZ2OTINT0 CLERGY' F. BARTOLOZZF. ENGLISH PORTRAITS. MEZZOTINTO CLERGY. A to B 0 ■ ^ If I’ 6 ' ^ 3 1 Two — Bifhop Atterbury, 1718, by J, Simonj and Thomas Baker, by ditto — proof 12 Four — Baker, by Simon; Rad. Battell, by ditto; Bi- fhop Berkeley, by Brooke; and Thomas Birch, by Faber, 1741 13 Two — the feven bifhops, by J. Gole; and ditto by R. Robin {on~fca rce 14 Five — Birch, by Faber; Thomas Burnet, by ditto, 1752 ; Thomas Bradbury, Robert Bragge, by Faber, 1738 ; and Thomas Brett, 1743, by M‘Ardel 15 Two — Hugh Boulter, by J. Brooks, whole length ; and Richard Bufby, 1695, by James Watfon 16 One— Daniel Burges, aet. 61, 1707, in an oval, by J, Faber — very rare BY F. BARTOLOZZI. JT 17 Two — Veftris, In a large circle, and a Sunday concert 18 One— -The tranfparency at Sirjofeph Banks’s, on the recovery of the King, 1789, after W. Hamilton — fne proof 19 One— the infide viev/ of the Royal Exchange; the etch- mg-~fcarce 20 One — Vandyck’s wife and child — an aquafortis PROOF ; RARE 21 One — Maria, Archduchefs of Auftria, fifter to the late Queen of France, after Roflin, 1782 — proof F. bartolozzi. id Da/. 22 Five — Addifon, proof', D’Ageno, after Gainfborough ; Antoinette, Queen of France; G. A. Bellamy; and Lady Berkeley — proof 23 One — Charles, Earl of Camden, after Gainfborough 24 Two — Catherine, Emprefs of Ruffia, whole length, 1785 — one an unfinijhed proof — curious 25 Two — ditto, an unfinijhed proof ; and Lady Duncannon, after Downman 26 One — Lady Cathcart — proof before the border^ rare 27 Four — Princefs Amelia, after Lawrence; Lady Chefter- field, with an urn ; Maria Cofway ; and Anne, Countefs Cowper 28 One — William, Duke of Clarence, whole length, after W eft — proof fcarce 29 Three — Lord Cornwallis, fmall oval, proof-. Captain Cooke, ditto ; and the Earl of Chatham’s monument 30 I'hree — Leonard Euler, proof-, Fofter, Speaker of the Commons in Ireland, , ditto ; and Lord Fitzgibbon, after Cofway, ditto 31 Two — Lady Elizabeth Fofter, after Sir Jofhua ; and Mrs. Gautherot 32 One — Mifs Farren, after T. Lawrence— proof 33 One — Guy’s monument — fcarce ^ 34 Two — Count Gertzie, and Lord Hawke — proofs before any writings very fcarce 35 One — Lord Heathfield — proof ^ — ' ' 36 Two — Gertrude, Marchionefs of Hallifax — one a proof before the plate was made lefs, fcarce 37 Two — Jofeph Haydn, and Henderfon — proofs before name of engraver^ ^c, C 2 Zd Dsy. F. BARTOLOZZI. / • /2 // 4 /> / / > / // / / 7 /f 7 ^ .7 / //) & 38 Two — Henry the Vlth, and Henry Chichele, founders— fcarce ' 39 Four — F. Ruflell, Earl of Bedford; Th. Eliott; Lord Cobham ; and I^ady Richmond ; from the Court of Henry the Vlllth 40 Four — John Leak, M. D. proofs Mrs. Lenox, Mrs. Montagu, and E. Malone 41 One — Mary, Queen of Scots, whole length, after Zu- chen — proof 42 One — the Duke of Newcaftle, Colonel Litchfield, &c. return from {hooting, after Wheatly — proof 43 One-— Marquis Peflari, the Venetian refident — proof 44 One — the Hon. William Pitt, after Gainfborough Du- pont 45 One — Mary, Sophia, and Amelia (PrincelTes) after Copley 46 One — Mifs Emily Pott, as “ Thais,” after Sir Jofhua Reynolds — proof 47 Four — Mrs. Montagu; Philidor ; ditto, a proofs and Mafs Pinellius 48 Two — Lieutenant J. G. Riddell, and Colonel Stanley — private plates 49 One — Sir George Saville, from his monument ^49 A ditto 50 Three — Princefs Sophia; and two of Jane Shore, dif- ferent 51 Tv/o — Margaret Rudd; and the Duchefs of Rutland — proof fcarce 52 Three — Thomas Ruddiman, set. 75; Ignatius Sancho ; and Henry Swinburne — proofs 53 Three — the Prince and Princefs of Wales; Dr.Willis ; and Theobald W olh—fcarce F. BARTOLOZZI—ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 2d Day. 54 Three — girl with pidgeons, Maria, See. by Ryland — proofs 55 One — the exhibition at the Royal Academy, 17S9, with portraits of their Majefties, by Martini— 56 Two — the happy and deferted village, by J. K. Shir- win — proofs ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED. CLERGY. B 57 Eleven — Francis Bugg, by Van Houe ; Jofliua Barnes, by G. White ; Thomas Burnet, by B. Wilfon, 1751, &c. 58 Twelve — Baxter, Ezekias Burton, by R. White; Bolton, by Payne, 1602, &c. 59 Seven — Ifaac Barrow, o 61 :avo, by W. Bates ; the feven bllhops, &c. 60 Three — Jofeph Beaumont, by R. White ; Thomas Becon, wood cut profile, 1553; and John Bunyan, by Sturt, folio 61 Seven — Bifhop Thomas Barlov^, of Lincoln, by R. V/hitej Cardinal Beaufort, William Beveridge, of St. Afaph, octavo, Baynbrldge, John Bridgeman, of Chefter, 1623, by Trotter; Gilbert Burnet, by Picart; and the feven blfhops, by A. Haelweg 62 Five — Baxter, folio, by R. White ; W. Bridg, 1670, by William Sherwln, Brightman, aet. 45, Bolton, by Payne, 1632; and Robert Burton,* by le Blon, 1638 63 One — Isaac Barrow, by D. Log G an, folio — proof FINE AND rare. 2d ray. ENGRAVED AND MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 64 One — Ralph Bathurst, by D. Loggan, folic, 1676 — proofs FINE AND RARE 65 One — James Bentham, of Ely, after T. Kerrich, by Facius, 1792 — proof 66 Three — the feven bifhops, by Haelweg; ditto, by D. Loggan; and Bifhop Burnet, by M. Vander Gitii— fine 67 One — Michael Boyle, Blfhop of Armagh, by D. Log- gan — fine and fcarce 68 Two — William Burkit, by R. White, 1703; Thomas Burnet, by B. Wilfon, 1751 69 Two — Richard Bufby, 1695, by R. White; and Henry Burton, by G. Glover ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. B 70 Two — the Flon. George Baillie, of Jerrifwood, 1719, by V. Hacken; and Mr. William Barker, by Faber, 1"^ 26— fcarce 71 One — James, Earl of Barrymore, by Ford — extra RARE, NOT IN BROMLEY 72 Four — John Barber, Lord Mayor, 1733, by Faber, 1740 ; Arthur Beardmore, by James Watfon ; Aider- man Eenn, byFabar; ditto, by M‘Ardall 73 One — Alderman Benn’s club, by Faber 74 One — Admiral William Bartley, by R. Tompfon — fcarce 75 One — William Bates, Efq. aet. 78, bv V. Green- — proof 76 Three- — Pulteney, Earl of Bath, by Sirnon ; William, Duke of Bedford, 1700, by R, Williams; and Rich- ard, Earl of Burlington MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 2.d Day. 77 One — Mark Beaufoy, 1781, after Gainfborough, by V. Green — private plate 78 Four — John Bannlfter, by R. Williams ; John Baptifte, by G. White; H. Beverland, by J. Bccket ; and Elizabeth, Countefs of Bridgewater, by Simon 79 Three — William Beckford, Lord Mayor; ditto, with Townfend and Sawbridge, by R. Houfton ; and Julian Beckford, Efq. by ditto, with mafquerade drefs — proofy before feathers in the hat — fcarce 80 Four — Madam Barre, by T. Watfon; Lady M. C. Bertie, by J. Dixon, 1767, private plate-, Louifa, Countefs Berkeley, by Faber, 1742 ; and Elizabeth, Countefs of Bridgewater, by Simon 81 Four — Madam Baker, by Becket; Lady Bellafis, by R. Tompfon; Lady Bradfhaigh, by Faber, 1744; and the Countefs of Bridgewater, by Simon 82 Two — Beverland and his wife, by Schenck; and one of Monf. Beverland in an oval, by W. Sherwin — fcarce 83 One — Beverland and his wife, by J. Becket — -fine ^ 84 Three — Admiral Belcher, by Faber, 1734; Bofcaweii, 1747, by ditto; and the Hon. Charles Brown, by ditto, 1740 85 Four — Hon. John Beresford, by Hodges; Cadwallader, Lord Blayney; Henry Boyle, by I. Brooke, 1742, v/hole length ; and the Hon. William Brownlow, by C. H. Hodges 86 Three — Mrs. Billington, by Dunkerton — fcarce-, Mifs Brown, by V. Green; and Mifs Brufby, by ditto 87 Three — Mr. Blakes, by M‘Ardell; a ditto, firft im- prefiion, before this man, &c. was Introduced; and Jack Briftowe, by Faber, 1746 // />? ■ J f- ad my. MEZ20T1NT0 PORTRAITS. / //^ //i : 7 88 Two — Mr. John Boydel], by V. Grten»^proof'y and William Browne, 1765, by J. Dixon 89 Three — John Boydell, by V. Green; James Brindley, by Dunkerton, 1773; and J. Bryer, by V. Green— proofs 90 One — Lord Bridport, by V. Green 91 One — George, Duke of Buckingham, by Becket, ‘ proof — SCARCE 92 One — Edmund Burke, by J. Jones, proof 93 Fouri — Sir Richard Blackmore, by G. White; Boyle; Butler, a proof I and the Hon. Thomas Burnet, by Faber 94 Three — Admiral Bofcawen, whole length, by M^Ardel ; Byng, 1757, by Houfton; and Sir George Byng, by Faber, 1718 95 One — Admiral Blake, by Thomas Prefton— Third Day’s Sale FOREIGNERS. c 1 -NTiNE — ^P rince de Conde, &c, - — — ~ - 2 Nine— Gilbert de Choifeul, &c, — - — — - 3 Five — Thomas Corneille, by Thomaffin, See; 4 Five— Clement, Prince of Baviere, by J. Andran ; J. B. Coignard, by Petit M. de Charmois, by Simoneau, Sec. Sec. 5 Seven— Charles 11. King of Spain, by Richard Collin ; Charles HI. by R, White, &c. 6 Nine — Charles XII. King of Sweden, by R. White; Chriftiana, Queen of Sweden, Sec, 7 Five — Catherine,' Emprefs of Ruffia, Sec, — ~ ^ 8 Six — Cardinal Camus, by Thomaffin. Sec, - — - ^ 9 Seven — Popes, Clement VIIL X. XI. XII, XIV. Sec, 10 Five — Artifts, Coypel, &c. — — ■ — 11 Eleven— ditto, Carracci, Correglo, &c. -- " — 12 One — Adrienne le Couvreur, by Drevet— ^ D Q ^ f 'J ^ 3d Uaj-* FOREIGNERS ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. / r2 i // // ' 13 One — Catherine de Bourbon, in a supers DRESS, by John Wierx — fine 14 Eighteen — the National Convention 15 Thirty-tvi^o — ditto 16 Eighteen — ditto 1 7 F ourteen-— nobility, generals, &c. — /« cdkurs ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 18 ^ >9 22 M ■ ‘ n 4 /d 24 25 26 J 7 27 ■J 28 c Six — William Cockburn, M. D. by White; William Cookfon, by ditto ; Mifs Carew, by Lovelace, &c. Seven — Cortes, by Vertae; Earl of Clarendon, Lord Coventry, Richard Cromwell, &c. by Harding Nine— Culpeper, James Cooke, by R, White; William Cole, by ditto, &c. Seven — Campen, by Suyderhoef; Due de Choifeul, Caf- fini, Charles Crequi, &c. Three — Chardin, byLoggan; Sir Robert Cotton, folio, by R. White, 1696 ; and John Cockfhuit, by Log- gan One — James Calthorpe— fine and rare Five — James Cats, Peter Collins, by C. Galle— Phil, de Comines, Clufius, and Capellus Three— Sir Ewen Cameron, rare ; Earl of Carlifle, by A. Bloteling; and William, Earl of Craven One — Sir Hugh Cartwright, by L. Vorfterman-^ VERY rare and FINE Two— Queen Catherine,' by N. Bylls, fcarce*, and Charles II. by P; \¥eillamfon — and fcarce One — Queen Catherine, by Adrian Lommelin— VERY RARE AND FINE ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 3d Day. 29 One — Queen Catherine, with her coat of arms ; cupids, &c. by F. Weillamson— fine and rare 30 Two — Qiieen Catherine, whole length, by Ed. Davis ; and Charles II. in armour, folio, by V. T>d\Qn—both fine 3 1 One — ditto, whole length, as St. Catherine, by W . Sher- Vim—ficarce 32 Four — Charles I. with the cap in his hands, preparing for execution, &c. 33 Nine — various, of Charles I, and II. - 34 Two — Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyke, by de Jode— 35 One — Charges I. Oliver Cromwell, and Gene- ral Fairfax, in three ovals — very rare 36 Two — Charles, and Henrietta Maria, by 'Dt\^—fine 37 One — Charles I. fitting in his robes, feeptre, &c. by W. Pafs — VERY RARE AND FINE 38 One — ditto on horseback, M. de St. Antoine holding his helmet, by P. Lombart— FINE and rare 39 One — ditto, flafhed drefs, hat and feathers ; view of the fea, by H. David — very rare and fine 40 Three— Charles on the scaffold, label from his mouth, giving a paper to the executioner ; ditto, with a globe, by Marfhall 41 One — ditto, lying in state — very rare and CURIOUS ’ 42 One — Charles I. in an odiagon, between Fairfax AND Cromwell ; a lion and fox ; army in the back ground— VERY rare 43 One — Charles I. and his Queen playing at Cards with the Duke of Buckingham, 5cc. after Vos, by Alexander Voet— FINE and rare 44 One — ditto, after ditto, Jafper Ifaac execudlu 3d Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. i 0 / /Z? /C /? f // // >/ ^ 5 I 45 One — Charles 1 . taking the triple crown from the Pope, backgammon board and money on the table ; on the left are the Kings of Sweden and Denmark, Count Gondamor, &c. — curious and rare 46 One — Charles the Firil, fitting in parliament, nine- teen portraits of nobles, &c . — very rare 47 One — Charles the First, sitting in parlia- ment, NOBLES, &C. with A COMPLETE BORDER OF THEIR COATS OF ARMS; ON THE TOP IS A GENEALOGICAL TREE, WITH PORTRAITS OF Henry VII. and VIII. Edward VI. Elizabeth, Earl of Lenox, Mary Queen of Scots, James L and Charles I. in ovals, with their emblazonments MOST rare and cu- rious 48 Seven — various, of Charles I. and II, 49 Five — ditto, one on vellum 50 Six — ditto, ditto 51 Ten — ditto 52 Six — ditto, the blihops crowning the king, fmalloval; Charles II. on horfeback, with Mrs. Lane, &c. 53 Three — Charles IT. v/hole length, in robes, fhips at a diftance; ditto, In a fquare of oaken^ foliage, by J. Chantry; ditto, Handing on a monfter — -fine 54 T hree — Ditto, one by R. Mafon ; ditto, with Mrs. Lane; and one In the oak tree — fine and rare 55 One — ditto, in an oval, by Danckers — fine and rare 56 One — ditto, ditto, by R. Gaywood — ditto 57 One — ditto, whole length, In armour, on the right is the feven-headed monfter, under him the head of Charles 1 . the death-warrant, and in the back ground ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 3d Day. is the execution of Charles I. &c. &C .' — moji rare and curious • 58 One — Charles II. and his Queen, with the royal family and Dukes of the royal blood, the Archbiftiop of Canterbury and the clergy prefenting an addrefs— rare and curious . 59 One — Charles II. on horfeback, in armour, crown on his head, view of Windfor-caftle, by P. Stent— rare and curious 60 Three — the entertainment of Charles II. and his Queen at the Hague ■61 Three — Charles II. by L. Spirinx, 1664; a ditto, by Bouttats ; and Oliver Cromwell, by Gunft. 62 Three — Charles V. a circle, aet. 57, 1557; ^ ditto, by Suyderhoef; and one after Titian 63 One— Charles V. with his great dog, by VilT- cher — curious 64 Four — Charles V. by Lombart, &c. ; and Chriftian V. King of Denmark, by de Jode, 1650 .65 Two — Charles V. with emblems ; and Charles XI. of Sweden — proof 66 One — Earl of Chatham, proof, by J. K. Sherwin 67 Two — Charles Chauncy, by Caroline Watfon; and Nathaniel Chauncy, by Nutter — both proofs, on India paper — rare 68 Four — Lord Cobham, by Bickham ; Lord Carteret, by Major ; Earl of Chatham, by Barry ; and Lord Carle- ton, by Houbraken. 69 Six — Sir William Cornwallis, by T. Cecill ; Robert, Earl of Caftlemain, &c. &c. 70 Three — Richard Collins, by Browne, 1676; Thomas Crofs, fenior in his fchool, rare ; and Henry Coley, \^^%—fine 3 /9 / 10 / / J ^ 3«i I5»y; ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. // /■ / / // ^ ■/ ^ ^ ja & 5 ' - // ^ f ^ i- 3 ¥ •■ 71 Six— William Chamberlain, by Hertochs ; Culpeper, by Crofs, &c. 72 Seven — P. Collinfon, Cuming, Cleghorn, D. Clare, &c. 73' Six — Robert Cotton, folio, by White, 1696; Sir Edward Coke, George Croke, &c. 74 One — Chriftian IV. King of Denmark, by Muller, 1625 — very fine 75 One — ditto, with his fon Frederic, whole lengths, by William Pafs— old imprejfon 76 Two — one ditto ; and Charles V. by C. Galle 77 Two — Edward Cocker, writing mafter, by Gay- wood FINE AND RARE 78 Two — Odet Coligni, with his brothers ; and Gafpar, Count Collgni, by DellF, 1631 79 One — Contareno, the Venetian minifter, by Vorller- man — -fcarce 80 One — Sir Thomas Coventry, lord keeper of the great feal — rare 81 Two — Oliver Cromwell in armour, the head of Charles, and others laying on each fide of him; and Charles IL by Vanderlleen S2 One — Oliver in a carr, drawn by monfters, drove by the Devil, under the wheels is Charles 1 . &c. — rare and curious 83 Four — •Cromwell, by Picart; one as head^of the fana- ticks, by Bickham; the etching of ditto; and one Handing in armour, with the royal oak 84 Seven — various; Oliver and Richard Cromwell, by Harding 85 One— Cromwell on horfeback, by Lombart— engraved portraite. Dif. 86 One— Ditto, with hat and feather, view of London — a Jheet^ very fine and rare-^Y. Mazot, excudit^ 87 One — Cromwell, by Vandevelde, O. C. P. R. AT THE CORNERS FINE AND RARE 88 One — ditto, the medallion, the French and Spanifh ambafladors difputing— 89 One- — ditto, in armour, page putting on his fafh, by Gaywood — fine and rare 90 Two — Cromwell, in his right hand the Axe, and in hi’s left the head of Charles; and the execution of Charles, oval, by Peter Huybrecht — very rare 91 One— ditto, with the triple crpwn, a Scotchman un- der his foot, an Irifhman betv/een his legs, a French- man under his arm, and embowelling a Dutchman with his right hand; in the back, execution of Charles 1 . &c. — -v^ry rare 92 One — ditto, diflblving the Parliament; begone you rogues you have fate long enough;’’ “ this houfe te — very rare and curious 93 One — ditto, monkey with triple crov/n on his head, lion afleep in a cradle, &c. &c.- — very curious 94 One — ditto, in the pulpit preaching, several male and female spectators — rare and CURIOUS 95 Two — ditto, in armour, fword in his left hand and fafh on ditto, fleet and army in the back ground; and Richard Cromwell, ditto, in oval, by Sturt; before the words “ late Protedlor” was added — both jine and rare 96 Five — Richard Cromwell, in armour, fquare— ; ditto, by Harding; Joan Cromwell ; Charles II. with .6 ■ / •• / / >7 ■ / ■ X Si r>3y. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, 4 ^^ # crown andfceptre, set. 1660, fleet in the back ground, large quarto, fold by Sturt, &c. 97 One — Edward Chifenhale, of Chifenhale — fcarce 98 Five — ^William, Duke of Cumberland, on horfeback, by Baron; and John, Earl of Crawford, by Worlidge 99 Four — Capt. Cook — proofs by Holloway; Duke of Cumberland, by Ravenet; John, Earl of Crawford— proofs by Worlidge; and Sir Roger Curtis, by J. Caldwall, 1783 100 Five — George, Earl of Cumberland; Arthur, Lord Chicher Thane; Charles, Earl of Carlifle, by A, Bloteling, &c. 101 Ten — portraits to illuftrate Granger 102 Fifteen — 'Thanes autographs, &c* Fourth Day’s Sale. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED. CLERGY. C 1 Seven — Le Gene, by M. La Cave ; T. Cockman, Richard Conyers, L. L. D. Dr, Cooke, by Harding ; &c. &c. 2 Seven — Cranmer, Richard Challoner, Richard Corbet, •by Harding, &c. 3 Four — Cortes, by Dunftall ; Jofeph Caryl, folio, by R. White ; Steph. Charnock, by ditto ; and Comenius, by G. Glover — -fine 4 Six — Canynges, by Jenner ; Clarke, by Dunftall j ditto, by Binneman, &c. 5 Five — Jof. Caryl, by White ; Comenius, by Crofs ; Clarke,- by Gay wood, 1654 ; Cofin, by W. Dolle ; and Sam. Craddock, by R. White E 4th t>iy. MEZZOTINTO CLERGY* / 6 TwO'^Henry Compton, Bifhop of London, by .D. Log- gan, 1679 ; and Walter Carle, 1647, by T. Cecill— fcarce j c MEZZOTINTO CLERGY. 7 Four— -Robert Camell, L.L.D. Chrift. Clarke, by Fa- ber, 1 740 ; Matthew Clarke, by G. White ; a^id Alured Clarke, Dean of Exeter, by Will§ L / 8 Three— Chrill. Clarke, by Faber ; Dr. Cooper, after Copley, by V* Greeny and Francis Couplet, the Chinefe, by Faber, whole length, 1736 / ^ jO ^ 9 One — Bifliop Crew, by F. Place — -fine and rare 10 Two— Bifhops — Carmichael, 1753, by J. Dixon ; and Clavering, by Simon — -fcarce n ^ / II Three — ditto — Chicheley, a founder; Compton, by Becket ; and Crewe, by J. Faber, 1727 / 12 Five — John Cennick, by Dawe ; T. Clarkfon, by J. Young ; Dr. Dodd, &c. REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 13 Twenty-three — anonymous, &c. 14 Five — Old Aldridge 5 iEfop of Eton, in an oval ; Jack /f Adams, &c. 15 One — Jacob Bates, the famous Englifh horfe-rider, by Nufbiegel, 1766 — fcarce ji ^ 26 Eight — John Barefoot; James Bick, of Oxford, 1712 > Edward Burrell, of Norwich, 1629 ; John Bexley, Jed. Buxton, &c. 17 Three — Broughton, with feven verfes ; Edw. Bright ^ Jed. Buxton, by Spilfbury REMARKABLE CHARACTERS 4th Pay. 18 Nine — Mrs. Brownrigg, the etching by Dance ; Mifs Blandy, by Ryley, See, 19 Two — Thomas Britton, the mufical fmall-coal man, eight Englifh verfes, by J. Simon j a ditto, tuning an inftrument, by Thomas Johnfon, with eight verfes— 20 Eleven — Baithes, Thos. Browne of Yorkfhire, Blan- chard, John Brading, Sec, 21 Two — Colonel Blood, by G. White, with the ETCHING RARE 22 Seven — Elizabeth Canning, and George Collingwood, executed at Liverpool, 1716, &c. 23 T welve — George Carpenter, godfon to King George L; Duncan Campbell ; Matthew Champion, aged 108 ; Thomas Coryate, the traveller, 1616, &c. 24 Six— Bamfylde Moore Carew, by J. Faber, 1750 ; Mifs Chudley ; Thos, Collins, by Warren ; Will. Crouch, by Pelham, Sec. 25 Twelve — William Dewell, by M. La Cave, 1740; Dugdale, Drybutter, &c. 26 Seven— Morgan Davis, by Chapman ; Richard Dick- enfon ; John Dean, the only furvivor of the fixteen men which remained on board the fhip SulTex, I 74 t> by J. Faber, &c. 27 Three — John Elwes, Efq.j Henry Evan, set, 104. mez. in Qval^ 1710, &c. ' 28 One — Eva Feligen, that lived in Cleve- land WITHOUT FOOD, MT , 40, With flX Ellgllfh verfes ; fold by G. Humble — -fcarcc 29 Seven — William Fuller, aet. 32, 1670, H. Flleet, aet. 104, 1761, by W. Dickenfon; Frederic Forreft ; Margaret Finch, Qiieen of the Giphes, 17395 Ez 1 (> J/ h // 7 - I A ^ t :j 4th Day. REMARKABLE CHARACTERS / JO j U ^ // 0 jf 30 T wo— Mother George, set. 120, by B. Lens; and William Groves, grand mafter of the rolls, by P. R. Fremont, 1734; fix Englifh verfes — rare 31 Eight — John Guttwen; Bernard Gigli, a giant, by J. Fougeron, Granny, &c. 32 Four — John Gale; Richard Gafcoign, executed 1716 ; * Jofeph Gerrald, by J. W. Reynolds ; and John 'Hanna, executed 1739 • 33 Three- — Humphreys, the boxer, by J. Young — proof Boxing-Match, between ditto and Mendoza, by Grozier ; and Daniel Mendoza, by W. N. Gordenir. 34 Three-— Hardman, the corn-cutter, by W. Wilfon — ■ proof', Nicolas Hart, the fleepy man, born in Hol- land, 1648 ; and Hobfon, the carrier, 1690, by J. Payne, eight Englifh verfes — fcarce 35 Five — John Hall, executed 1716; Matthew Hender- fon, by J. Grimfton, 1746 ; John Hanna, &c. 36 Ten — J. Hall, Job Hart, Capt. Hooke, &c. 37 One— Jacob Hall, rope-dancer, the origi- nal, by de Brune — fine and scarce 38 Two — Hamet Ben Hamet, and John Potemkin, am- balTadors, 1682, by R. White — wery fine 39 Four — H. Jenkins, aet. 169, a mez. a ditto, by Wor- lidge — fine ; Jemmy, the Scotch Piper, fix yerfes 40 One — Job, fon of SoUimon-^fearee 41 Seven — Ifaac Ingall, aet. 118, by Yeatherd ; John Gale Jones, Benjamin Jarrat, &c. 42 dSeven — Indian Chiefs brought from Carolina, by Sir Alexander Coming, fcarce •43 Four others, by Simon 44 Six — Vifcount Kenmure, executed 1716; Kilmarnock and Balmerino, 1746; Sally King, Moll King, Ed^ REMARKABLE CHARACTERS 4tti nayt ward King, with Abel Roper, with emblem of pil- lory and gallows, &c. * 45 Three— Mother Louse, of Louse-Hall, the ORIGINAL PRINT — rare and two copies 46 Ten— Wybrant Lolkes, in London, 1791 ; J. Lee, lEt. 103, 1728, by W. Goldfinch; M‘Leane, 1750; Lebeck, by Miller, 1739 47 Nine — John Molefworth, the calculator ; Sir Edmund Mafon, &c. 48 Five — Anna Macallame; Harry Morgan, set. 105, 1737 ; Maddox, the. wire-dancer, by R. Houflon ; and Michael de Molinos, &c. 49 One — James Naylor, by F. Place, extra RARE, from the Fothergill Colleilion 50. Six — James Nayler, four. Englifti verfes ; John Na- pier, by J. Lodge, &c. 51 Four — Margaret Patten, set. 136, 1739; Mrs. Sarah Porter, by Smithfon ; Mifs Pond, by Spilfbury ; and Peter, the wild boy, by V. Green — proof 52 Four— Hugh Peters, delivering a petition, by W. Sher- win ; a ditto, a mez. where Father Peters is riding on a lobfter, &c. — rare and curious 53 Four — Richard Penderill, by R. Houfton ; Sir Richard Perrot, by V. Green; John Philips, of Yorkfiiire, set. 1 1 7, 1742, by J. Faber ; and John Pixley, of Ipf- wich, by ditto, <1749 54 Eight — Old Parr, set. 152, by G. White; Young Parr, by ditto ; Penderill, Prance, &:c. .55 Twelve — William Parfons, Robert Powell, &;c. - 56 Four — Charles Ratclifte ; Henry Rogers, pewterer of Cornwall ; Caroline Rudd, by Sibelius, &:c. 57 Seven — John Reeder, Sefiarakoo, by J. Faber, 17491 Riqua, a Chinefe, by Burford, 1757, A'g, 7 ^ ' // 7 >2 ^ /J ^ A ^ - i 4th Day. MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS 58 Four — Jack Sheppard, by G. White ; James Sheppard, a mez. in an oval, by Faber; and one ditto, an etching, executed 1718 — -fcarce 59 Seven — Martha Saunders, set. 104, 1775; Edward Scofield, set. 71, proof', Jane Scrimfhaw, set. 126, 1710, by Faber; a ditto, set. 127, 1711 ; Mary Smith, by Worlidge ; a ditto, by M‘Ardel ; and Hannah Snell, by Johnfon 60 Nine — Dick Swift ; Old Scarlet, the fexton of Peter- borough, set. 98, 1594 j Henry Simons, &c. '61 Six — Mrs, Sage, by Burke— ^ Old Scarlet; Mr. Skeggs ; Edward Scofield, st. 71, &c. 62 Eight — Grace Tofier, &c. 63 One— Barbara Urflerin, the original — fcarce '64 One— Ditto, mez. folio, with Latin and Englifh de- fcription — fcarce 65 Five — William Walker, set. 123, 1736, by G. Bock- man; Little Will; John Worley, pentioner, by Faber, 1709 ; Thomas Wood, &c. 66 Eight — Ifobel Walker, set. 112, 1774; John Wool- deridge, of EaftClanden; Woodhoufe, &c. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS, c 67 Three— Charles, Lord Camden, whole length, by Spilfbury, 1766; Philip Cheflerfield, ditto, by Brooks v and Robert, Lord Clive, by M^Ardel 68 Two — William, Lord Cadogan, by Simon; and Geo. Lord Carpenter, by Faber 69 Three — Charles, Earl of Carlifle, by Faber, 1732 ; Sir ' Eyre Coote ; and William, Lord Craven, by F aber, 1745 ME2Z0TINT0 PORTRAITS 4th DS/i 70 Six— “Callaghan, Captain Chriftian, Jof. Champion, &c. 71 One — John Carr, archite£l:, by C. H. Hodges — private plate 71 Five— Due de Choifeul, 1770, by Lowry ; Charles of Lorraine ; Henry Clarke, by Faber, &c. 73 Two — Lord Charlemont, whole length; and Arthur 0 ‘Connor, by. W. Ward 74 Two— W. B. Conyngham, by V. Green, proof-, and Sir Samuel Cooke, lord mayor of Dublin 75 Six — Queen Catherine, by Bloteling, 1680 ; Charles II. by ditto; ditto by Vandeivart; Charles I. by W. Faithorne ; ditto, fold by Smith ; and Oliver Crom- well, fmall oval, O. C. 76 Three — “Charles I. after Vandyke, by Becket ; Chas. 11 . by Williams ; and one ditto, whole length, fitting in his robes 77 Four — the Hon. Charles Cecil, by Lens, Eli- zabeth, Countefs of Chefterfield, by Becket ; Duchefs of Cleveland, by ditto, fitting ; ditto, in an oval 78 Three — Caroline, Princefs of Hanover, by W, Fai- thorne ; the Duchefs of Cleveland, fitting, bracelet on her right arm, by E. Luttcreil ; a ditto, half fiieet, by Alexander Browne 79 Four — Queen Catherine, by Bloteling, 1680 ; Countefs of Clarendon, by Beard ; Mifs Cooper, by Faithorne ; and Maria, Countefs of Coventry, by R. Floufion 80 One — Mrs. Dorothy Cressy, by R. Williams — SCARCE 81 One — Robert Cony, M.D. by E. Luttrell, 1707 — r SCAECE 82 One — Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector ; and John Lambert, Lieutenant General; by A. Miller, 1745-s-VERY rare, a foeet 4th Day. MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS / / // -4 / / /7 S C 83 p'ive — Queen Caroline, by Fabar, 1739 ; Princefs ditto, 1728, by Simon : Qiieen Charlotte, by V. Green— ■proof \ and two of Maria, Countefs Czerniehew 84 Three— Mifs Cabben, Mrs. Clarke, and Maria Cofway, by V. Green — proofs 85 Three — Chriftian VII. King of Denmark, byFifher: and Caroline Matilda, Queen of ditto, by Watfon, &c . — proofs 86 Four — Jenny Cameron, by Johnfon 5 Mrs. Chelfum, set. 87, 1789, by Pether 5 Anne, Countefs of Cork, by James Watfon, proof &c. 87 T v/c— William, Duke of Clarence, by V. Green, proof', and the children of Frederic, Prince of Wales, by Faber 88 Two — Francis Seymour Conway and Richard Cum- berland, by V. Green — proofs 89 Three — Mifs Catley, by Dunkerton, proof', Mf. Chalmers, in Midas, by Watfon 3 and Mrs. Clive, by Faber, 1734 90 One — Mrs. Cibber, in the charadler of Cordelia, by P. van Bleeck, 1755, before the plate was reduced. 91 Four — Joannes Careftini, by Faber, 1735; Harry Carey, by ditto ; Colley Cibber, by Filher, 1758 ; and William Drummond, by Finlayfon. 92 Three— Jofeph Carreras, by Faber, 1735 ; William Cadogan, M. D. 1769, by Dickenfon j and Dr. Cul- len, by V. Green — proof 93 Four — Edward, Earl of Clarendon, by Johnfon ; Sir John Coke, by G. White ; Sir Robert Clayton, Lord- Mayor, 1680, by J. Smith j and Brafs Crofby 94 One — The Duchefs of Cumberland, whole length, by V. Green— PROOF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 4th Day. ’ 95 One — Allegorical to the memory of Lady Elizabeth Cutts j Lord Cutts on one fide of the print, and on the / other is armour, defigned by Tate, poet-lauret, B. Lens fecit — a Jheet^ very rare and curious 96 One — The Monument of William, Earl of Chatham, j by V. Green — proof- — large Jheet 97 One — Queen Charlotte and the Princefs Royal, after Weft, by V. Green — proof 98 One — I'he Royal Children, after ditto, by ditto ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. D 99 Six — William Defefch, by M. leCave, 1751 ; Andrew Duncan, M. D. Trotter 3 George Dyer, by Elizabeth Criftall, See, 100 Five — Sir Hew Dalrymple, by R. Cooper 5 Hew Dalrymple, by A. Bell, &c. 101 Four — Captain Dampier, by J. K. Sherwin ; Andrew M‘Dowall,7)r/7<^, by Worlidge; Princefs Dafehkaw, by ScorodomofF and George Dyer 102 Two — Thomas Denman, M. D. by Skelton, 1792 ; and the Right Hon. Sylvefter Douglas, proof by E. Harding, 1794 103 Six — Marquis D’Angeau, by P. Drevet ; Doufa ; Drufius, &c. 104 Four — Admiral Drake, Sir Hew Dalrymple, by Cooper, &c. 105 Four — The Countefs of Dorchefter at confellion, and- the Countefs of Derby, by Gardiner, Sec, F 7 ^'' 7 ^ ? ^ 7? 7 ~ 7 ' // 4.th Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, // 106 Three — James, Earl of Derby, by Loggan, fcarce ; John Day ; and Admiral Drake 107 Two — Thomas, Earl of Danby, by A. Bloteling ; and Sir Edward Deering, by Glover — -fine 108 Three— Dalton, by W. Marfhall j ditto, by Tyfonj and John Day Fifth Day’s Salef FOREIGNERS. D ^ Six — A dmiral Van Dorp, &c. — 2 Four — Cardinal Dubois, by Drevet ; J. D’Eflrees, by Audran ; G. Daillon Du Lude, by N. Pitau, &c. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. D 3 Four — Madam Davis, by Thompfon ; Countefs of Derby, quarto, by Williams ; Charles, Earl of Derby, ^ ^ by Bloteling ; and John, Earl of Exeter, by Thompfon 4 Two— Louis Dejean, Efq. by Faber; and William, Lord Digby, 1743, bydItto-/fmv F 2 , 1 I 5th Day. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, Jd ia 7 ^ 9 / ^ 9 0 io // ^ r C 7 ^ 5 Three — Sir Francis Dafhwood, by Faber, 1753 ; Arthur Dobbs, by M‘Ardell ; and Francis Douce, M. D. ast. 75, by ditto, in an oval 6 Twc- — Sir Thomas Dennifon; and Robert Dingley, Efq. — proofs^ fcarce 7 Four — Flora McDonald ; Peter Dore — proofs ; Francis Douce, on horfeback, aet. 75, by M‘Ardell ; and William Draper, of Yorkfhire, by J. Faber 8 One — Georgiana, Dutchefs of Devonfhire, after Maria Cofway, whole length, by V. Green — proof 9 Five- — "William, Duke of Devonfhire, by Faber, 1733; ditto, whole length, by Brooks ; Charles, Earl of Dorfet, by Smith ; ditto, by Simon 5 and Lionel, Duke of Dorfet, by M‘ArdelI, 1750 10 Two — Baron Dimfdale, by Burke; and Chriftopher de Dreyer, by J. Jones — private plate — -fcarce 11 One — 'The Hon. Archibald Douglas, by V. Green — proof 12 One — Admiral Sir Charles Douglas, v/hole length, by J. Jones ; 13 One — Mr. Robert and Mr. Thomas Drummond, ditto, j by V. Green — proof \ 14 One — Henry, Earl of Danby, after Vandyck, by - ditto 15 Two-— James Daillon, Comt du Lude, 1693, by P. Pelham ; and Sir John Dolben, Preband of Durham, 1 1750, by J. Faber— ENGLKH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS ; CONTINUED. 1 6 Six— Defcartes, Countefsof Derby, &c. J cli;rgy. ilh Bay* 17 Two — William Davlflbn, by P. Lombart ; and Rupert Douglas, byFalck, 1651 18 One — George, Viscount Dartmouth, by P. Vandrebanc, with trophies, flieet — very fine AND rare 19 One — William, Earl of Denbigh, byVoerft — fine and fcarce 20 One — ditto, ditto ~ - — 21 Three — Sir William Dick, of Braid, exhibit- ing HIM IN PROSPERITY, PRISON, AND DEATH, by R. andW. Vaughan — very fine and rare. 22 One — William Dobfon, etched by himfeir— and rare— -from the Fothergill colledflon ^3 One — Dr. Doriflaus, ftanding with'a mafk in his right hand, three ditto hanging on his left arm ; Time, Truth, and other curious hiftorical emblems — very rare 24 One — Admiral Drake, with a globe fufpended under an arch — the original print — fins old imprejfion, 25 Twelve — Portraits to illuftrate Granger, Autographs, by Thane, &c. 7 J dJ r / / /M / /r ic CLERGY. 26 Eight — Doddridge, by G. Vertue, 1751 ; John Dol- ben ; Theodore Dorrington, by Bouttat ; Ducke, by J, Clarke ; Dunfter, &c. 27 Four — Sir William Dawes, by Gribelin ; John DaF laeus, by Lombart, 1670; Durant, 1650, 5 c:c, X 5 th Bay. FOREIGNERS MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS FOPvEIGNERS. E Six — J. L. Due D’Efpernou, by M. Lafne ; G. D. Ehrot, by Haid, mez. Leon Euler, by Steenglin, mez. Charlotte D’Efmares, by Lepicie, &c. 29 One — Elizabeth of Bourbon, by H. Wierix — * firji mprejpon — rare and fine ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. E 30 Twg — Admiral Edwards, by Dickenfon; and Capt. Farmer — proofis 31 Four — John, Earl of Egmont, by Faber, 1734* Charles Erfkine, by M‘Ardel — proofi\ Thomas Erfldne, by James Walker; and Sir Robert Eyre, J. Cooper, exe. 52 Four — Edward VI. by Pether — proofi\ Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV. by Faber ; Princefs Eliza- beth, whole length, ditto, &c. 33 Three — Mary, Countefs of ElTex, by Faber; Lady Erfkine, by Watfon; and Prince Eugene, by Simon 34 One — John Ellicott, clock-maker to his Majefty, by Dunkerton 35 One — Lord Chief Juftice Eyre, by V. Green 36 One — Mr. Deputy Ellis, set. 83, by W. Pether— proof— fcarce ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 5 :h 0ar» ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. E 27 Five — The murder of Edward the martyr, at Corfc Caftle, by Cazali — print and proof j three of prince Edward — by Dalton 38 Four — Prince Eugene in armour — Jheet\ one ditto on horfeback, fold by Collins, &c. 39 Twelve — Kings and Queens of England, from Hume, &c. 40 Eight — ditto — ^by Pafle, &c. — — 41 Six — Richard Elton, by Droufhout ; Earl of Eflex, by W. Marfhall, he. 42 Six — Clement Edmonds, Richard Elton, by Droufhout, &c. 43 One — Adelbertus Egguis, by J. V. Velde — very FINE AND RARE 44 Six — Elizabeth, &c. — — • — 45 One — ditto, Henry Hondius, 1632 — fne and rare - - - 46 Four — ditto — one by Anton Wierix; one ditto, em- blematical, curious ; and three others 47 One — DITTO, WHOLE LENGTH, IN THE SUPERB DRESS SHE WENT TO St. PaUL’s TO RETURN THANKS FOR THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH Armada, a beautiful imprejfion after Ifaac Oliver, by Crifpan PafTe — very rare 48 One — Robert, Earl of Essex, in hat and FEATHER — I. P. 49 One — ditto, on horseback, in armour, hat AND feather, army AND FLEET IN THE distance, 1601 — EXTRA FINE AND RARE StJj I>ay» CLERGY— FOREIGNERS. 50 One— Thomas Cromwell, Earl of ElTex, by Filian, from the Fothergill colledlion — -fine 5 1 T we — Chevalier Eftriene, by Langot ; and the copy 52 Two — Bern Due D’Efpernon, by V. Schuppen, 1661 5 one ditto, by Nantuil — both very fine 53 Twelve— Sir Thomas Erpingham, by Thane, &c. CLERGY. , . 54 Two — Erafmus, after Kolbein, by C. Kornng~3/f?2^ ; and one from his ilatue, with a view of Rotterdam, by D. Stoopendael 55 Five— Erafmus, by J. Flopfer, quarto ; ditto, whole length, OiSlavo, by \T. Marihall ; Dr. Everard ; Matt. Earbery, by Cole, &c. 56 Four' — Clement Ellis, st. 68, W. Ev^ats, by T. Crofs; John Everard, by ditto ; and Erafmus, quarto. Stent, exe. FOREIGNERS.. ^ F 57 Six — F ace LUIS, by Tanjej L. U. Le Fevre, by Vermeulen, &c. 58 Four — Ferdinand I. by Soutman ; one by Hondius ; Ferdinand III. by Suyderhoef; and another by J. Sandrart 59 Seven — Frederick, King of Pruiua, by Haas ; one ditto, by Houbraken ; one ditto, by Gunft, &c. 60 Three — A dmiral Florist, Count Fontaine, by , L. Vorilerman; and Count Fuenfaldana, by ditto MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS, 5th Day, 6 1 Seven — Cardinal de Fleury, by Chereau ; F. J. Fleury, by Duchange, &c. ' 62 Four — Artifts, La Fage, by Vermeulen; Jac Frey, mez. by Haid; Charles de la Fofie, by Duchange, &c. 63 Five — Leonardus Fofcolo, by PIcini, &c. G 64 Six — Pope Gregory XIIL by Jac Frey, &c. ' • "" — ^ ' 65 Eight — Due DE Gesures, whole length, by Petit; Peter Gillet, by Drevet, 5 cc. &c. 66 Eight — Marquis de Gefures, by Morin ; Henry, Due de Gulfe, by ditto, Admiral Van Galen, by Mewzyn, ^ See, ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. F 67 Four — Sir John Fielding, by M‘Ardell ; Lord Henry Fitzgerald, by T. Park; the Hon. Duncan Forbes, by Faber, 1748; and the Hon. William Fortefeue, by ditto, 1741 68 Two — Robert Fielding, with a dog, one altered 69 Tv/o — ditto, one in armour, by Beckett — proofs 70 One — Sir John Fielding, after Peters, by W, Dicken- {on-—fine 71 Two — the Hon. Mary Fielding, by Beckett; and Lady Fortefeue, by Watfon — proof 72 Two — Mr. Fielder, Fruit Broker, and Dr, Fothergill, by V. Green — proofs 73 One — ^John, Lord Fitzgibbon, by Hodges, whole length — proof G /o - /4 e J Sth pay. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, 74 One— Right Hon. John FoUer, ditto, ditto 75 Three — William Fittock, Mayor of St. Maws, Corn- ' JS. 1 - r wall, 1741 j Richard Ford, of Chertfey, 1774, by E. W. A. j and Treg. Frampton, Efq. set. 87, 1728, by Faber Jfl ^ 76 One— the Hon. Charles James Fox, from the Buff, by Pether 77 Four — Francis, Emperor of Germany, by Faber, 1745 ; Frederick, King of Pruffia, by W. Faithorne; Fre- derick, Prince of Wales, by Simon; and Mrs. Faber, by Faber / ^ 78 Four — Frederick, King of Piudia, byW. Sherwin; ditto, by G. Valch, &c. 79 One— Sir Stephen Fox, 1701, by Simon 80 Four — Benjamin Franklin, 1761, by M^^rdell ; Mr. f Frye, Dr. Fothergill, by V. Green — -proofs \ and Francis Fergufon, by PlawarJ L CLERGY. 81 Three— John Edwards, byj. Watfon; Sir George Fle- ming, Bifliop of Carlifle, by J. Faber; and James Fofter, by V. Bleeck ^ L ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. F 82 Four— Jacob, Lord Folkftone, by Charles Sherwin, , private plate ; Lady CharlotteFinch,by M^oXy ditto '. Colonel Fanning, by Reading, ditto', and Benjamin Franklin, by Heath ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 5th Dty, 83 Six — Capt. Forreft, by Sharp, 1779; Colonel Fanning, George Faulkner, by Sharp,. 1777, See. 84 Five — Farrinelli, by Wagner; Fleming, by HIbbert ; Jonathan Fentum, by Collyer ; Frodlham, &c. 85 Two — Mifs Farren, by Collyer; and Lady Elizabeth Fofter, by Caroline Watfon 86 Four — Lady Lettice' Falkland, by Marfhall; Lord Falkland, by V. Gucht, &c. 87 Seven — Lord Fairfax, by Worlidge ; Vifeount Faucon- berg. Lord Finch, Sec. 88 Six — Thomas Fidell, by Crofs ; Thomas Flatman, by R. White ; N. C. Fabricus, by Mellan, &c. 89 Three— Frederic William, King of Pruffia, by J. Gole, Sec. 90 One — General William Fairfax, fix verfes — • J /:> very fine and rare 91 Three — Sir Thomas Fairfax, on horfeback, by W. ^ Marfhall; a ditto, by Worlidge, fmall oval; and one ditto, inferibed fiare fac^' — -fcarce 92 One— Thomas, Lord Fairfax, with Dutch verfes, by - Savry — fine and fcarce 93 T v/o — one ditto, in armour, in an oval rich border \ ^ Huyeh Allardt, in ditto, a fquare, odfavo 94 One — Thomas, Viscount Fauconberg, by A. Bio- O J teling, 1676 — fcarce 95 One — Sir John Fenwick, by R. White — very j 0 RARE 96 One — Ferdinand, Duke of Brunfwick — proof, fine if AND rare 97 Two — Francis 1 . by S. Perjecouter, fcarce and // curious ; a ditto, by Morrin 98 One — ditto, by Auguftin, the Venetian, 1536— rare AND curious G 2 9 h 7 7 5tli Dsy. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 99 Three— Frederic William, Eleflor of Prufiia, by Cor- nelius VifTcher, 1649; a ditto, Prince, by J. Swelinck ; and Frederic William, by E. Defcrochers, folio 100 One — Frederic III. of Denmark, on horfeback, piftol in his right band, by H. Allard t — rare and CURIOUS 101 Three— Frederic IL King of Pruffia, by Wille; Frederic, Prince of Wales, by B. Baron, 1753, &c. Sixth Day’s Sale. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED. CLERGY. F 1 Seven — R ichard Farmer, by Ridley, 1791 ; Wm.’ Friend, D. D. by T. Worlidge; Mr. Friend, by BIrrell; Benjamin Francis, by Trotter; James Fofler, by Ravenet, See, 2 Six — William Falkner, by Sturt; D. Featly, by W. Marfhall, 1645; Henry Finch, folio, John Flavell, 1680, by R. White; and William Fulke, i2mo. two verfes 3 Six — the five bifhops; Robert Farrar, Sec, by R. White; a ditto, fold by Overton, Sec, 4 Four — Daniel Featly on the tomb, John Flavell, 1680, by R. White; Mark Franck, by W. Dolle; and William Fulke, let. 50, by W. Marfliall, 6th FAITHORNI. By FAITHORNE. 5 One— Edmund Anderfon, st. ^6— fine 6 Two— Robert Bayfield, 1654, with the hat ; onedittOj set. 27, in a cap — fine and rare 7 One — Sir Orlando Bridgeman— 3/7^^ 8 Three — Edward Boys, set. 66; Lane BoJton ; and Ralph Brownrig, jet. 67, 1659, four Englifh verfes 9 One — Ralph Brownrig, ditto; and one ditto, edtave — * very fine 10 One — -John Bulwer — proof- — rare 11 One — Catharine, Queen of Charles 11 . in the drefs in which ihe came to England 12 One— DITTO CAPITAL 13 Two — ^Charles, Earl of Carlifie; and Charles I. in armour, in an oval 14 One — Charles L in armour, front face, in an oval, fold by Peake — fine 15 One — Prince Charles, front face, in a large oval, after William Dobfon — very fine 16 One — Charles IL faoe a three-quarter turned to the left, in armour, fafb, the George hanging under the right arm, in an oval — fine proof— very rare 17 One- — Henry, Lord Colerane, fitting and writing, as a pilgrim, Jacob’s ladder and other emblems — fcarce 18 One — Samuel Collins, M. D. — fine 19 Two— Sir William Davenant and Queen Elizabeth, fitting; Lord Burleigh and Sir Francis Waifingham, (landing on each fide 20 One — Edmund Ellis, set. 28, 1662, in an odlagoi: — - - — very rare FAITHORNE* Cth Day. 21 One — Robert, EarlofEflex, after Dobfon, inthe man- ner of Me\\2iT\—fine and very rare 22 One — Frances Bridges, dowager Countess of Exeter, after Vandyck — very rare and FINE 23 One — Sir Thomas Farfax — ditto, ditto ' 24 One — Sir Richard Fanftiaw — ditto — — 25 Twc — one ditto, and Elizabeth, with Lord Burleigh and Sir F. Wallingham 26 One — Jof. G\mv\\\—fine — — 27 One — Henry, Duke of Glocefter, set. 20, 1660, in an oval, P. Stent, exe. 28 Twc — Anton le Grand; and Sir Bevill Granvil, cet. 39, 161,0— fine 29 One — Valentine Greatrakes — fcarce 30 Two — John Racket, set. 68, 1670, four verfeS' — one a proof — very rare 31 One — James, Marquis Hamilton, after Vandyck — fine 32 Twc — Sir James Flarrington, ret. 45, 1654, in an odfagon ; and John Kerfy, after SoufI:, 1672 33 One — Henrietta Maria, Queen of King Charles L in a religious habit, in the manner of Adellan — rare 34 One — ditto — fine proofs ditto ' 35 One — Henry, Earl of Holland, in an oval ; fold by Robert Ve2k.Q—Jine and rare 36 Two — Richard Hooker, in^an oval, fupported by two globes ; and John Hacket, folio 37 One — T homas Killegrew, Page to King Charles I. 1650, after W. Sheppard — very fine and RARE 38 One — ditto, ditto - - 39 One — Edwardj Lord Littleton— 7?/:^ ^ /i ^ JO ^ r / / JT / fiJ 7 / / / j J3 2 / / / ^ Cth Cay« FAITHORNE. 40 One- — Edward, Lord lAttlcton— fine 41 Two — Robert Loveday, in an odtagon- — very fine ; and Henry, Earl of Adonmouth 42 One — Thomas Mace, set. 63, after H. Cooke— fine 43 T wc — Henry More, fitting under a tree — very fine ; and Francis More 44 One — Henry Cary, Earl of Monmouth, ditto 45 One — -George Vifcount Adordaunt, wnth armorial bearings, ditto 46 Two — Morton, Bifhop of Chefter; and John Murcot, set. 30, 1654, fix Englifh verfes, ditto 47 Twc — ^Bifliop Morton ; and Francis Moore, ditto 48 One — Sir John Ogle, ditto 49 Twc — William, Prince of Orange, in a Vandyck drefs, fold by Peake; and Mary, Princefs of ditto, fold by William Faithorne 50 One — A/Iary, Princefs of Orange, ditto 51 One — ditto, fold by Robert Peake, ditto 52 One' — William Oughtread, ditto 53 One — Sir William Pastou, 1659 N. B. This is pfteemed Faithorne’s fineft portrait— rar& 54 One — John Pordage — extra fine 55 Tv/c — Biihop Prideaux, and Chriftopher Simpfon, in ov 2 X^-r-jine 56 One — Carew Reynell, from the Forthergill collec- tion— -extra FINE AND PvARE 57 One — James, Duke of Richmond, after Vandyck, . ditto, ditto 58 One — ditto 59 One— Francis Rous, st. 77, 1656, four Englifii verfes; and a copy on India paper— FAITHORNE. 6th Day. 60 One — Prince Rupert, front face, and fa(h, in an oval, after Dobfon, fold by Thos. Rawlett — extra fine AND RARE 6 1 One — ditto, fold by Stent — - — 62 One DITTO, IN ARMOUR, RIGHT HAND ON THE BREAST, AFTER V ANDY CK^ fold by Robert Peake^ EXTRA RARE AND FINE 63 One — Maria Ruten, after ditto— 64 One — Thomas Stanley, in an o 61 :agon, after P. Lilly— fine 65 One — ditto — 66 One — Margaret Smith, after Vandyck — very fine and rare 67 Three — William Sanderfon, ast. 68 ; Chriftopher Simp- fon, quarto, after J. Carwarden ; and Thevenot, whole length — fine 68 One — Dr. Jeremy Taylor, ftanding on a pedeftal — proof before the quotations ; fine and rare 69 One — Robert, Earl of Warwick, fold by William Peake —fine and rare 70 One — ditto, ditto ^ ^ . — - — . 71 One — George Rodolph Weckerlin, after Myfens— and rare 72 One — Bulftrode Whitelock— — 73 One — James, Duke of York, front face, in armour, fafh over the left (boulder, in an oval — fine proof,, very rare 74 Twenty- two — Kings and Queens of England, frorn William the Conqueror to Elizabeth — very fine ^74 Ten — James L and Queen; Charles and Henrietta Ma- ria; William, Prince of Orange, and Princefs Mary ; Fred. Henry, and Princefs Amelia, rare 9 0 9 / 7 / J 0 0 j f T 0 A / /o ■ ‘* // 10 - (> JC it H MEZZOTJNTO POP.TRAITS^ 6ih Day^ ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS, 9 ■ 75 One— Garrick leaning on the bull of Shakfpeare, after Gainfborougb, by V. Csveen— proof 76 One — Garrick and Mrs. Pritchard in Macbeth, afcer ZofFanl, by V. Green — proof 77 One — Garrick in Abel Drugger, after ditto, by Dixon — proof 78 Three— Henry Gale, of Taunton Dean, 1742, by J. Faber; Richard Gomeldon, by W. Faithorne; and Samuel Greathead, Efq. by Houfton — fcarce 79 Three— Mr. Gay, by F. Kyte; Thomas Gent, by V. Green, proof ; and Aretin George, by Faber, 1738 80 Four — Baptift, Earl of Gainfborougb, by Faber; Flenry, Earl of Galway, by Simon; Luke Gardnir, Efq. by J. Brooks ; and Admiral Grifhn, by Houfion 81 One— George III. Queen and family, after Zoffany, by Earlom— fcarce 82 One — George II. whole length, by Dickenfon— 83 Three — George, Prince of Denmark, by Williams; a ditto, by Faithorne; and a ditto, Becket exc. ^4 Three— George, Duke of Hanover, born 1666, fold by Cooper; King George; the Prince and Princefs of \yales, by Simon; and George II. on his throne, by T. Ryley 85 One- — Lord George Germain, after Romney, by cohe— fine proof 86 Two — -Baron Ginkel ; Earl of Athlone, by P. Schench, quarto; and one by Williams, hWo— fcarce and fne MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 6:h Dar* S7 Two — James Gibbs, by Pelham; and George Graham, clock-maker, by Faber 88 One — Valentine Green, 1788 — -fine — ' " ^ 89 One — Sir Henry Gould, by T. Hardy — 90 Three — Henry, Duke of Grafton, whole length, in his robes, by Eecket ; a ditto, in a fmall oval, F. Cooper, excud . ; and Ifabella, Duchefs of Grafton, v;hole length, by Lens 91 One — Duke of Grafton — p'oof — — - 92 Two — 'Henry, Duke of Grafton, quarto, in an oval, by Becket ; and one with a dog — proof 93 Two — the Duke and Duchefs of Grafton, in ovals, by P. Schenck— ^4 One — Auguftus Henry, Duke of Grafton, 1762, by James W atfon— 95 One— Lady Charlotte Greville, by J. Young — proof 96 Four — George 11 . ' after Worlidge, proof’, George, Prince of Wales, and Prince Frederick, by Watfon , Frederick, Prince of Wales, by Pether ; and the Hon. Geo. Grenville, by Houflon 97 Two— Geminiani, and Morgan Graves, by Val. Green — proofs 98 One — Griffin and Johnfon, by V an Bleeck, 1 748 —farce 99 One — Mrs, Mary Grimfton, by J. farce / / / / $ / '/i h /S /;? /3 // ^ ^ /- / / P 7 \ H 2 Seventh Day’s Sale. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS CONTINUED. r i "y 13 y / // ^ G 1 Three — MaryGrimftone, by J. Gole ; Ellen Gwynn, by Van Bleeck, 1751 5 and Madam Graham, by Thompfon 2 Two — ^Jofeph Gulfton, Efq. by James Watfon; and Mrs. Gulflon,by Earlom — proof 3 One— Jofeph and John Gulfton, after Coates, by Val. Green — proof 4 Twc' — John Gunning, profile in a circle, 1760 ; and the three Mifs Gunnings, in one plate, by Houfton— 5 One— the three Mifs Gunnings, by ditto; with the poem on gratitude, by John Gunning, 1756 — rare 6 Two — Henry Grattan, Efq. and Lieut. Griffiths, by Val. Green— ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 7 til Dty. 7 Three — ComtefTe de Genlls, by ditto; Lady Gram- mont, by M^Ardel ; and Madame Groveftins 8 One — Henry Gyles the glafs-painter, of York, by Place fine and fcarce CLERGY. 9 Tvve^ — Garnett, Bifliop of Ferns, 1752, by M^Ardel ; and Thomas Gooch, of Ely, 1749, by ditto — fine 10 Four— Edmund Gibfon, of London, by P. Pelham, 1724; S. Glafs, fmall quarto; Thomas Gooch, by M^Ardel ; and John Guife, by Faber, 1734 ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. G 11 Nine— Garrick, In Tancred, by Worlidge; a ditto, by J. Wood, 1745 5 Serjeant Glynn, Gibbon, by Hall, &c. &c. 12 One — Garrick at the bull of Shakfpeare, after E. Pinei by Caroline Watfon — a Jheet 13 Eight — Lady Jane Gray, &c. — — ^ 14 Three — Ambrofe Godfrey, 1738, by G. Vandergucht; Roger Grant, oculift ; and Foote Gower, by Skel- ton 15 One — John Gurney, of Norwich, 1719, in an oval, (heep feeding, fliips failing, &c. — rare 16 Five — Capt. Grofe, an etching; Thos. Gur- ney, fliort-hand writer, by Collyer ; 'W. Grant, Efq. by J, R. Smith ; and Count Gandle and Wife, by D, Berger, 1788 ; and Edw. Gibbon, by Hall 7th Pay. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 17 Three — Thomas Gale, set. 56, zvood cut \ John Ge- rarde, the herballift, by W. Rogers, and one from the title page — ^scarce 18 One — John Gamble, by T. Crofs— very rare 19 Six — George 1 . by Chereau, jun. ; Sidney Godolphin, and Baron de Goertz, &c. 20 Four — George L by G. W. Motiguibert, 1733 — -fcarce kc. &c. 21 Two — George II. and III. on horfeback, by R. RaVe- net ; and Peter Mazell 22 One — George III. by W. W. Ryland, v/hole length, 1769 23 One— Richard Gethinge, set. 32, by J. Chantry — FINE AND RARE 24 Three — Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, by P. Vandrebanc, folio, &c. 25 One — ditto, by ditto^Iarge facet ^ fine 26 Two — Henry, Duke of Gloucefter, by C. Van Dalen, fine ; a ditto, by Moncornet 27 Two — Jaqueline, Duchefs of Gloucefter, and her huf- band, by Folkema, 1753 28 Two — George, Prince of Wales, by Sharp, 1790; and Sir Charles Grey, by Coilyer, 1797 29 Two — Thomas Greene, original and copy 30 Twc — Eleanor Gwynn, an etching, with a flower in her hair, from the Fothergill collection; and Jaque- line, Duchefs of Gloucefter, after Van Eyck 31 Three — Madam Gwin, with a nofegay; a ditto, with a iamb, by Ogborne ; and an etching of ditto 32 One — -Eleanor Gwynn, fitting, a flower in her left \\2ind—fine and rare 33 Ten— Sir Uarbottle Grimftone, Sir Thomas Gargrave,- &c. Thane CLERGY. 7th Oay, ^33 Eleven — portraits to Granger, &c. ^ 3^ Three — Count Gondomar, whole length ; Due de Gramont ; Edelinck ; and J. George, Duke of Sax- ony, 1652, by C. Waumans 35 One — Count Gondomar, in an oval, by Simon ^ Pafle, 1622— -very fine and rare ‘ 36 Three — Goldfmlth, by Crofs, rare; John Gadbury, j by ditto ; and James Gouter, by Livins 37 Three — Garencieres, by W. Dolle ; Fran. Gomarus, ast. 45, 1609; and Hugh Grotius, by W. DelfF 38 Four — P. GafTendus, Mellan, Ferd. Gonzaga, Gry- naeiis, and Rud. Gualtherus, by C. Meyer // 1 & // ^ CLEPvGY. 39 Seven — John Gill, Crad. Glafcott, Sir Adam Gor- don, by C. Knight; Granger, Griffiths, by Fittler, See, 40 Eight — BIffiop Gauden, by Crofs, Sec, ^ ^ 41 Two — James Gardiner, Bifliop of Lincoln, by G, White, 1653; and B. Giffard, by Du Bofe — -fnej 42 Two — John Goodwin, windmill over his head, “ error” and “ pride” blov/Ing the fails, fixteen Engllfh verfes — very rare\ and a ditto, aet. 47, 1641, by G. Glover 43 Four — Bifhop Gauden, by T. Crofs, 1653 ; a ditto, by Paul ; John Goad, 1689, by R. White, twelve Latin verfes; and Thomas Goodwin, 1679, by R. White, fol. 44 One — Dionyfius Grenville, aet. 54, by G. F. Edelinck, 1693 — very fine and rare / X 7U2 Day. FOREIGNERS— engraved PORTRAITS. L / ^ b 7 ' FOREIGNERS. H 45 Three — Admiral Van Hulst, by Jan. Viflcher; Count Horn, by Falck j and Nicholas de Harley^ by Meellen 46 Three — Admiral Van Hulft, by Vifcher ; Count Her- EERSDORFF, OH horfeback, by Lucas Killian, 1625 ; and John Houerbeeke, by J. Falck — fine 47 Eight — Pope Hadrian VI. by Houbraken ; H. L. Ho- bert de [Montmor, by Mellan; one ditto, by Pitau, &c. 48 Six — Bart. Vander Helfl, mez. by A. Bloteling; John Hallius, by W. Delff, &c. 49 One — Hoche, whole length, mez. Coqueret ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED. H 50 Seven— Robert Hall, by Trotter; R. Henry, by J. Caldwall; Rowland Hill, by Collyer ; Leon. Howard, by Golder ; L. Howel, by J. Fellows; H. Hody, by M. V. Gucht, &c. 51 Nine — Jof. Hall, C. Hickman, by Gribelin; Ez. Hopkins, by Sturt, &c, 52 Six — John Hart, D. D. Thomas Heather; P. Hey- lin, by R. White ; J, Hewit, Thomas Hyde, by Perry, &c. MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 7th D»y. 53 Two— Bifhop Hall, by Payne, fol. eight verfes ; and j Cardinal Howard, by Noblin — -fine and ficarce 54 Two — John Hewitt, fix verfes; Robert Henderfon, ^ with curious emblems, by M. Droufliout, 1632 ’ ' 55 Three — Henry Hibbert, by D. Loggan, fix verfes; ^ ^ Arthur Hilderfhaun; and Hez. Holland — fine and ficarce ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. H 56 Five— Admiral Hawke, Haddock, by Faber; Sir Charles Hardy — a proofi\ Richard, Lord Howe, by James Watfon; and Sir Thomas Hardy, by Faber, 1722 "57 Two — Sir Matthew Hale, and Simon, Lord Harcourt, j by J. Simon 58 Two — Eliz. Duchefs of Hamilton, by Finlayfon, 1770, and Louife Henrietta de Hartefeldt, by V. Green 59 Five — Handel, William Hayes, by Thomas Park; Hevelius, James Hodgfon, by G. White; and James Hutton, by J. R. Smith 60 One — Admiral Sir Charles Hardy, after Romney, by Dickenfon— 61 Three — Sir Harry Harper, by J. R. Smith — private plate-, Mr. -Heath, town clerk of Exeter — pnoofi\ and Thomas How, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1733, by J. Brooke 62 One — John Harrifon, time-keeper, by P. Tafacrt — * RARE, NOT IN Bromley 1 iS / IO^i> y L ip MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 7t'h Day. h 'J J ^ A 63 I'hree-— Dr. John Hadly, by E. Fiflier; Ed- mimd Hailev, and Sir Edw, Hulfe, M. D. aet. 75, by J. Watfon — fcarce 64 One— Jonas Iianvvay, whole length, by Dunkerton — ' PROOF, FINE 65 Four— Simon, Earl Flarcourt, by PvFArdel; Simon Harcourt,' lord keeper, by Simon; William, Earl of Harrington, 1750, by Ford; and John, Lord Har- vey, 174!, by Faber 66 Four — Simon, Earl Flarcourt, by Fifiier; V/illiam, Lord Flarrington, by Simon; ditto, by Ford; and Robert, Lord Henley, by M^^Ardel 67 Four — Benjamin Hallet, 1748, by James M‘Ardel; Flandel, John Harper, by Miller, 1739; fiilF im- preilion ; and Mrs. Flartley, by W. Dickenfon 68 One — BufiCk Harwood, M. D. by J. Jones 69 Two — Sir Walter Hawkfvvorth, by G. Lumley; and Sir Ifaac Herd — private plates — rare 70 One— George Heriot, Jeweller to King James VI. — Efplins — PvARE 71 One — Sir Philip Honeywood, 1751, on horfeback, by MhArdel — scarce 72 I'hree — -Mrs. Alariamne Herbert, by Faithorne; Lady Ellz. Harvey, by Simon; and John Flarvey, Efq. by Tompfon 73 One — Admiral Lord Hood, after Abbott, w'hole length, by V, Greei : — -fine 74 Five — two, of Handefide; Edward Heardfon, by J. R. Smith ; James Huftler, &c. 75 One — Admiral Richard, Earl Flowe, by T. Burke — proof 76 Tvre — CoNSTANTius HuGENius, and Christianus Hugenius, by A. Bloteling— fine and rare CLEPvGY BY HOGARTH. 77 One — Lady Amelia Hume, by Val. Green — proof 78 One — Ofias Humphry, by ditto, ditto CLERGY. 79 Three — 3 Iiliops — Thomas Herring, by M^Ardel ; J hn Hoadley, 173^, by Faber; and George Hooper, of Bath, 5 cc. by G. White 80 Two — Biihops — Thomas Flerring, by M'Ardel ; and John HinchlifF, of Peterborough, by John Young — a , proof 81 Two — Bifhops — John Hough, ret. 91, by Faber, and Henry Hubbard, by C. H. Hodges 82 One — Cardinal Floward, after Du Chatel, by J. Vander B rugger. — rare 83 FBve — ^I'homas Flail, V. D. M. ret. 75, 1762, by Bock- man ; Aaron Hart, Rabbi, set. 81, by IVPArdel, 1751 ; James Hervey, by Faber, 1751 ; Jofeph Huffey, by ditto, 1722; and LFivid Jennings, by APArdel BY HOGARTH. 84 One — portrait cf William Flogarth fitting painting, 1764 85 One — ditto, in the ova], 1749 — fcarce 86 Four — the bruifer, with the plain p.dlet; John Wilkes, Sir Robert Fagg, and Lord Lovct 87 One — Lady F'rances Byron, whole length, by Faber, 1736 — ~j cry fine and fcarce ' 88 One — ditto, ^ - - - 89 Two — Mr. Pine, with a Pick ; and one in an oval, by ML\rdel — proof I 2 7 r C-, / 7 /‘I 7 // ^ 7 JO It / '' / /o d 7th Day, HOGARTH. //6 / // ^ 7 , 7 A / // a 6 7 7^ / ^ 7 /7 90 Two — Capt. Thomas Corans, 1739, and Daniel Lock, by ATArdel — -fine gi One — Sarah Malcolm, executed 1732 — the ORIGINAL VERY RARE 92 One — James Gibbs, in an oval, by M^Ardel — FINE AND RARE 93 Six — the raree fiiow, Elizabeth Adams, &c. 94 Five — Gin. Lane, Beggar’s Opera, Shrimps, &c. 95 Three — Satan, Sin, and Death, by Ogborne,&c. 96 One — Enthufiafm delineated 97 Twelve — ^publifhed by Livefay 98 One ^NEAS IN A STORM— RARE 99 Two — the analyfis of beauty, firft ftate 100 One — the Indian emperor, by Robert Dodd 1 01 One — the Beggar’s Opera, by Blake — proof 102 One — the eledion, 1755, the fecond Rate, with the four hats— ^SCARCE Eighth Day’s Sale ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. H ■ I Three — W. Van Haren, by A. Bloteling, i68o; D. Heinfus, and Lud. Holberg 2 Eight — Mary Howard, by Miller; Thanes auto- graph, See, 3 Seven — Hampden, by Audran; Lord Hopton, Scrope Howe, $cc, 4 Four — Charles, Earl of Halifax, byDrevet; Sir Henry Hobart, by S. Pafs, See, 5 Three — Charles, Earl of Halifax, byDrevet; George, Marquis of ditto, by Houbraken ; and Sir John Holt, by R. White 6 Seven — Aaron Hill, byHulfbergh; Sir Robert Howard, by R. White; J. Hughes, by V. Gucht, Sec, 7 Seven — Mrs. Hartley, by J. K. Sherwin ; Mifs Harrop, by Delatre, Sec, 3 - ^ 7 7 - ^ / V ■ i> 8tb Da/. WENCESLAXJS HOLLAR. 8 Two— John HalJ, byMarfliall; and Philemon Holland, byditto 9 Four — James, Duke of Hamilton, by M. DrouOiout, 1623; ditto, 1648, by R. White; William, ditto, 1652, by ditto ; and one by M. V. Gucht 10 One— James, Marquis of Hamilton, by Marfhall, quarto 11 One — Count Harcourt, by Masson— very fine 12 Three — John Hey wood, whole length, v/ood cut; and Richard Head — -fcarce 13 Two — Count Harcourt, by J. Morin; and George, Marquis of Huntley, by Voerft — -fcarce 14 One — Philip, Lord Hardwicke, by B. Baron— 15 One — Sir John Harrington, v/ith the Vv^atch, four Engliih verfes, o 61 :avo — very rare, not in Granger 16 Two — Bufick Flarwood, M. D. by W. A. Gardiner, 1790 ; and Jofeph Haydn, by Schiavonetti, 1792 17 One — Francis Hawkins, aet. 10, by J. Payne— VERY FINE AND RARE 18 Five— Francis Hav^kins, Benjamin Hewling, &c. WENCESLAUS HOLLAR. VARIOUS. 19 Five — from Afhmole’s order of the garter, &c. so A parcel of ditto, great feals of England, &c. 21 Twenty-feven — Habits — Ornatus Muliebris An- GLiCANUS, 1640 22 One — the winter habit of an Englifh gentlewoman, 1644 — very fine 23 One— the Euchariftical cup, after Andrea Mantegna, the original, 1640 — fine and rare PORTRAITE. , 8th Bay. • 24 Fourteen — views of Tangier, 1673, ^ " 25 Foui- — the combat between John de Aftley and Sir Ph: Boyle in Smithheld, 1441 ; view of Hull, ditto of, B.ichmond; and a map of England covered with ar- mies, from Rufhworth 26 Seven — fmall views of Dover Caftle, Elizabeth Caftlc, , See. Sec. 27 One — the fea-fight between the Englifh fleet, under Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle, and the Dutch fleet, under De Ruyter, 25th July 1666, with a lift of the Englifh fnips, the number of their men ’ and guns — VERY rare 28 Two THE TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF ThOMAS,' . Earl of Strafford — very fine ff 0 / / // PORTRAITS. 29 Six — the American, the Turk, &c. — ' ■ — 30 One — lady in an oval, fan in her left hand, i 6 ^ 1 —’fcarce / 31 One — Anne of Cleves, folio — -fcarce - — — / 32 One — Elias Allen, 1653 — rare and fine - - - 3 33 One — Thomas, Earl of Arundel, in an oval, 1639' j ’-fine 34 One — the maufoleum of the Earl of Arundel, who is fitting on the tomb, various emblems of Death, Time, ^ &C. — VEPvY RARE 35 One — ditto, a proof— EXTRA RARE ^ _ 36 Three — Thomas, Earl of Arundel, in a fquare, after Vandyck; Alathea, Ccuntefs of ditto, 1646; and Ann Kullen, a circle, 1649 37 Three — Alathea 7 'albot, L. Andrews, and Pvichard Bernard, ret, 74, 1641— ^ - L'y // /> o 7 8th Day# PORTRAITS. ly 38 Three — AretinO) Daniel Barbaro, and Hus van der Borcht 39 One — J. Banfi Hunniades — very fine and rare 40 Three — Baftwick, Laighton, and Prynne, with an hif- torical account at the bottom of each 41 One — Francis Battallia, the stone-eater, with his hiftory — very rare 42 Two — Richard Bernard, set. 74; and William, Lord Brouncher, from Sprat, hiftory of the Royal Society, 1667 43 One— the Daughter of George Villiers, Duke of Buck- ingham, in an oval, 1648 44 Two — One ditto, and Chriftina, Queen of Sweeden, 1650 45 One — Edward Calver, of Wilbie, in the county of Suffolk RARE 46 One — Dr. Chambers, set. 88, after Holbein, 1648 47 One — King Charles 1 . in an oval of palms, on A SHEET, representing THE SEVERAL FORMS, HOW HIS ARMY ENQUARTERED IN THE FIELDS, IN THE MARCH TO SCOTLAND, IN 1639 — VERY RARE 48 Two — ditto, (with large rofes in his fhoes) and his Queen, prefenting their crown and fceptre to Mary of Medicis; and Charles 11 . when young, after Vandyck, fmall folio 49 One — the Statue of Charles I. at C haring- Crofs 50 Two — Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, 1630, in an oval, 1641 ; and Charles II. after Van Hoeck, o€t2ivo—Jcarce 51 One — Charles II. whole length, Handing on a pedeftal, with emblems, after Cornelius Schult, 1650, fheet— fine 9 PORTRAITS. 8th »ay. 52 One — Charles II. Sun rifing- in the back ground, after ^ Diepenbeck, flieet — -fine 53 Five— the Cavalcade of his Majefties palling through the City of London, towards his Coronation, 1661— fine 54 One — John Clenche, 1664, ditto" 55 One — Sir Thomas Cromwell, 1546, ditto / 56 One — ditto — — - 57 One — Oliver Cromwell on horfeback — fare ^ 58 One — Richard Cromwell, Lord Prote ff! - A /e / 9 ^ / /f r Stii Day. PORTRAITS. // A // //» / ^ .i> / /> ^ / / > / // ^ 68 One — Lady Gerald, anonymous, with an orange tree, in a fquare, 1652 — rare 69 l\vc — Sir Henry Guldeforde and Lady, in circles-— 3/^^^ 70 Three — Sir Harry Guldeforde; Hans Holbein, aet. 45, 1543; tomb of Archbifliop Hacket, 1674 7 1 One — James Harrington, Efq. in an oval, after P. Lely, 1658 — rare 72 One — Robert Heath, 1664 73 Two— W. Hollar’s own portrait, in an oval, aet. 40, 1647 ONE WITH VARIATIONS IN THE ARMS— EXTRA RARE 74 Four — ovals — Prynne ; Henry, Earl of Huntingdon ; Martin Tromp ; and Mlldmay, Earl of Weftmor- land 75 Three — Henrietta Maria, In a fquare, 1641 ; John IV^. King of Portugal, &c. 76 One — Killigrew, fitting, leaning on a table, a quar- tered cap, and gown lined with female heads, fquare ^76 One — a copy of ditto, larger, with variations— and curious 77 Two— Arthur Lake; and Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chef- ter, fitting In his parliament 78 Four — Elizabeth, Duchefs of Lenox, after Vandyck; John Malder, after ditto, 1645; Mary de Medicis, in a fquare; and Mr. Morett 79 One— Sir Samuel Moreland, in an oval — rare 80 Five — Maximilian, king of the Romans, at dinner ; Moretite, &c. 81 One- — Blafii de Manfre, the water-fpouter, in an oval, fixteen latin lines — ’fine and fcarce 82 Three — ditto; Nathaniel Nye and James Nailor, in the pillory and at the cart’s tail i PORTRAITS. 8ch Dsiy 83 One — Nathaniel Nye--_^«^ — — j / 84 One — Francis de Neullle, 1644 — fine— 85 One — William, Prince of Orange, on horfeback; mar- ried May 23, fold by Thos. Jenner — rare 86 Three — William Oughtred, set. 73, 1646; Charles, Count Palatine, after Vandyck, 1646 ; and Philip IV. of Spain, 1652 87 One — Philip, Earl of Pembroke, in an oval, after Van- ' / dyck — fine 8S Four — Jerom, Earl Portland, after ditto, in a fquare, 1645; Maria, Countefs Portland, 1650; Philip IV. of Spain, 1652; and Anne Maria, 1652 89 Two — Joannes de Reede, set. 52, 1645, in an oval; and John Rogers, left hand on a table, ink-ifand, fix ^ Englifli verfes, 1653 90 Two — Richard 11 . at his devotion, kneeling by his ^ three patron faints, &c. fixteen latin verfes — - fcarce 91 One — Peter Paul Rubens, in a hat, &c. In an orna- mented oval, on which hang two pallets with bruflies — very fine 92 Three — Prince Rupert, in an oval, 1643; Duke of Suffolk, &c. 93 One^ — Thomas, Earl of Strafford, in armour, half length, j after Vandyck, 164c — fine 94 One — ditto, ditto — / 95 One’ — Peter Smart, set. 73, 1641 — fine 96 One — H enry Howard, Earl of Surry, set. 27, ^ after Holbein, folic — rare 97 Three — Robert Sanderfon, 1658 ; Jane Seymour, In a circle, 1648 ; and Ralph Venning, siet. 37, 1673, in an oval K 2 Sth Day, PORTRAITS. 98 One-~Major Wildman, in an oval of palm; view of St. Paul’s, &c. 1653, infcribed Nil admirari,^* ^ RARE 99 One — Hans Van Zurch, 1532, after Hans Holbein, lb --fine 100 Two — ditto; and Lucas and Cornelius de Wael, after Vandyck, 1646 Ninth Day’s Sale. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED, H * One — ^D r. Hayes, in an oval, grapes and rofes, by J. K. Sherwin, private plate — rare 2 One— Lord Heathfield, by Martin— 3 Four— Henrietta Maria, &c, — 4 One— Henry, Prince of Wales, by C. Boel ^ 5 Eight — Kings, Henry I. to the VIII. by Sherwin, Hall, &c . — ‘fine 6 Eleven — Kings, by Eliftrack, &g. ^ , 7 One — Henry III, of France, by Werix, 1647, foil fine 8 One — Henry IV. of ditto, on horfeback, army engaging, trophies, &c. by Wolf. Kilian— 9 One — ditto, by Fournier, with diamond buttons— t^rry rare and curious ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, 6th Day. 10 One* — ditto, on horfeback, dogs, See, hunting in the ^background, by ditto, i6oo — very curious 1 1 One — ditto, by H. Goltzius — -fine and fcarce 12 — Six — Various, Henry III. and IV. of Frauce 13 One — Henry IV. by H. Hondius, 1630 — fine 14 Twci — Henry II. of France, 15475 and Henry IV. on horfeback, by A. Tempefta, 1593 15 One — Henry VI. from the painting in King’s College Chapel, by J. Bretherton, before the plate was reduced 1-6 Thirteen — Henry VIII. Catharine Howard, Sie, 1 7 Two — Henry VIII. on his throne, with portraits of - thirty kings and nobility, in procelTion, by J. Sympfon sprinted on vellum and illuminated 18 One^ — H enry, Prince of Wales, in cloak and TRUNK BREECHES, fold by John Sudb and George Flumble, folic — very rare and curious 19 Two— Daniel Heinfius, by Suyderhoef; and Confl, Hugenius, by Lucas Vortermar — fine 20 Three — William Harvey, by Phil Phillipe ; John Hey don, by T. Crofs ; ditto, by W. Sherwin 5 and William Hervey, by Hall 21 Two — Nathaniel Highmore, by A. Bloteling, &c. 22 Four — Hobbs and Hampden 23 One — ^James Hodder, in an oval of foliage, by Gay- wood — -fcarce 24 Two — ditto, in a fquare, fix lines; and William Hunt, by R, White 25 One — William Hodson, by W. Marlhall — fine AND VERY RARE 26 One — Henry, Earl of Holland, Baron of Keo- fington, four French verfes, by Cornelius Galle-^ FINE AND rare HISTORICAL, &C* Stli-ftay* 27 One — Sir John Hotham, whole length — very RARE . 28 One — Geneological Tree of the Howard family, with portraits of Queen Katharine Howard, Lady Agnes, Marchionefs of Winchefter, Mary Duchefs of So- merfet, and Frances Duchefs of Richmond, with armorial bearings — extremely rare and cu- rious 29 Five — on India paper, byHoubraken; Anne of Den- mark, Abbot, Sir Edward Coke, William Harvey, and R. Earl of Lindfey 30 Six — proof Sy by ditto ; Earl of Northumberland ; Sir Edward Coke ; Ireton; Duke of Lauderdale ; Pym; and Sir William Temple 31 Seven — by ditto, William, Earl of Bedford ; George, Duke of Buckingham ; Oliver Cromwell ; Lord Fairfax; R. Earl of Leicefter; William, Lord RufTell ; and Lord Torringtoh 32 Eight — by ditto, Earl of Arundel, Addifon, Buchan, Sir F. Bacon, Sir N. Bacon, Chaucer, Dryden, and Sir William Temple 33 Eight — ditto, Earl of Arlington; George, Duke of Buckingham ; Lord Burleigh ; Sir F. Drake ; Bifhop , Fifher; Sir Edward Coke; Lord Coventry; and Mary, Queen of Scots 34 Eighteen — Portraits to illuftrate Granger, S:c, 5. // 2 2 / /f // 9 - HISTORICAL, &c. 35 Twelve — various — . - — — ^ 36 Three — the new fettlement at Sierra Tvcona, in colours ^ ^ 37 One — the infide of St. Paul’s, with their Majeffy’s, 5 cc. on his Recovery, 1789, by R, Pollard — proof ^ >tJi ftay. HISTORICAL, &C. 5 / ^ /r ■ / 7 ^ 38 Three— Convalefcence de Louis XIV. &c. 39 One — ^Death of Chatterton, after Singleton, by Orme 40 Ten— Hiftory of King Charles I. 41 One— Charles II. after his defeat by Cromwell, at the Battle of Woreefter, after S to thard, by C. Knight— proof / f 42 Three — the Entertainment at the Hague, of Charles 11 . his Queen, &c. by Matham, Phillipi, hz.^fine If 43 One— Henry IV. King of France, touching for the evil, P. Firens excudit / ^ 44 Eight— Charles VII. la Pucelle D ’Orleans, &c. 1429, by J, Pouiflart j Execution of Thomas, Earl of Straf- ford; Thomas Armftrong, &c . — curious // 45 Two — the Death of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, 1647, by C. Van Daen, ho^-^fcarce 46 One — Marriage of the Pretender, 1789, by A. Friz— fcarce 47 One — the Pope’s doleful Lamentations for the unfortu- ? ^ nate mifearriage of his feveral late plots, in ten com- partments ; the aflaflinating of Juftice Arnold, Capt. Tom committed to Newgate, the Devil at breakfaft, Faithorne? with letter-prefs defcriptlon— and curious 49 One— Coronation of the King of Bohemia, 1619— ditto 7 /^' 50 One- — A hiftory of the new plot ; or, a profpedl of confpirators ; their defigns damnable, ends miferable, deaths exemplary;” in feven compartments; E. Shaftfbury didating; ditto at Confult; Arthur, Earl of EfTex, cut his own throat; Lord William RufTelPs execution in Lincoln’s-Inn Fields, &c. with deferip- tion, 1683 — ditto. 9 HISTORICAL, &C. 9tli Day 51 One — ^England — memorial of its wonderful deliverance from the French tyranny and Popifh oppreffion, performed through Almighty God’s infinite goodnefs J H ^ and mercy ; his Highnefs William Henry of Naifau, the High and Mighty Prince of Orange, 1688 — ditto 52 One — the treaty of Breda, July 31, 1667, v/ith nine ^ hlftorical reprefentatlons 53 Sixteen — relating to Charles 11 . King of Spain, &c. by ^ P. Schenk 54 Eighty-two-^ — to James 11 . and William HI. Of by Schoenebeck, &c. 55 Thirteen — ditto, by J. V. Vianen, 1690 - * ^ 56 Four — Coronation of William and Mary at Weftmin- fter, by Stoopendael; the reception of the King in // ^ London, &c. 57 Six — James II. in paillament, by J. Gole ; vifit of Henrietta Maria, and Prince William of Nafiau, to ^ Andrian Paw, 1644, &c. 58 Seven — Siege of Groeningen, &c. - — — ^ ^ 59 Three — the young Pretender; Father Peters, &c, >V 60 Eleven — landing of William the Third ; Mary, &c. ^ 61 Three — Coronation of William and Mary, with thtj ^ proceffion, &c. / 62 Three — the departure of William VIIL ditto, on his throne in the parliament houfe, by R. de Hooge, &c. ^ 63 Three — the coronation, by R, de Hooge, See, ' — -'■ // 64 Eight — various, relating to William III. ^ 65 Four — the departure and landing of William and Mary; ^ ^ the fleet, Sec. by R. de Hooge 66 One — the flight of James II. and the battle of die JT . Boyne, 1690 67 Four — the treaty at Breda, by R. dc Hooge, A'c. '3 L ^ pth Da}’. HISTORICAL, &C. h t>' ^ JT ^ H 7 ^ / ? b / 3 ^ 0 J /s s 0 68 Three — i;he reception of Mary, Princefs of Orange ; procelTion of the coronation, with a view of Weft- minfter Hail; and the death of Mary, by R. de Hooge 69 Four — ^birth of the Pretender, &c. — curious 70 Four — various 7/-1 One — treaty of Munfter, 1648, by Suyderhoef — fine *]2 One — ditto, ditto 73 One — the four burgo-maflers, by Suyderhoef— 74 One — ditto 75 One — the infcallation of the Earl of Weflmorland in the theatre at Oxford, by T. Worlidge, 1761 76 One — -the profpedt of the royal army, as encamped on Hounfow-heath, 1688, with the arms of the colonels —large very rare 77 One — the powder plot, 1605, with Guy Faux under a canopy; Count Gondamor, Father Peters, the Pope, &c. ; view of the armada, 1588 ; Tylbury Camp, &c, invented by Samuel Ward, preacher, of Ipfwich, twelve Englifli verfes, 1621 — a Jheet^ very rare and curious 78 One — -James L and Charles I. with all the monarchs of Europe fitting under two tents, with labels, &c. in Englifh — very fine and rare . 79 Two— Cromwell dilTolvlhg the Parliament, and the landing of Charles 11 . at Dover, after WeP, by Woollett, Sharp, and Hall — fine 80 One — the lafl: judgement, after Michael Angelo, by^ M. Rota— and rare 81 One— Lord Howe’s vidlory on the iil of June 1794, after M. Browne, by D. Orme — proof 82 One — -Henry VIIL granting the charter to the barber- furgeons, by Baron, the etching— EJ^GRAVED PORTRAITS. Sith Day. 83 Twenty-four — life of Chrlft, by J. Parocel, on India paper 84 Two — from Boydell’s Shalcfpeare — Titus Andronicus, by Thos. Kirk ; and Troilus and Creffida, from Romney, by Legat ^ 85 Two — from ditto — All’s well that ends well, after Wheatley, by Facius; and Romeo and Juliet, after Miller, by ditto 86 Two — the bubblers’ mirrour, or England’s folly — fcarce 87 One — THE PvOYAL Academy after Zoffany, by EaRLOM — A CAPITAL PROOF ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. I 88 Four — Charles Jarvis, by Vander Gucht ; J. Ingen- houfz, by Cunego^ 1769 ; George Juan, by Car- mona ; and the Princefs Ifabella Cartoryfcka, by G, Teftolini 89 Eight— Gil Jacchaeus, J. ^7 Tyfon; William Jones, by Sherwin, See. &c. 90 Eleven — Portraits to illuftrate Grainger, 5 :c. ^ 91 Three — Hllldebrad Jacob, proofs by Floubraken; Dr, Samuel Johnfon, ditto, by Heath ; and one by Holloway, with Thomas Edwards, Efq. &c. 92 One — fivc ovals of James IV. of Scotland ; Margaret, Daughter to Henry VII. Archibald, Earl of Angus; Henry VII. and Elizabeth of York; with their coats of arms, &c. — very rare and curious 93 Eleven — Scotch Kings, Szq, x — - L 2 // //• ^ j'J a /T ^ \ A /V / / 9th Day; ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. / / ■ //■ f /'/- i:j9 V / J 94- Four — Jamss 1 . fitting with crown and fceptre, by Simon PafTe ; a ditto, in an oval, by Thomas de Leu, odlavo ; one of ditto,,, {landing, in a triangle, fur- round with nine fmall portraits of the Palatine family, &c. curious 95 James L and Jane, Queen of Scotland, 1424, IN TWO small ovals — very RARE AND CURI- OUS 96 Four — -James 1 . andlL 97 One — James 1 . hat and feather, left hand on his fword, feurverfes, fold by Stent— 98 Eight — Scotch Kings, by Gaywood, &c . — -fine im~ preffions 99 One — James I. crowned with laurel, feeptre in his right hand, by Crifpin de Pafs, 1613 — fine and rare ICO One — James I. and his Queen, whole length, Latin verfes at the bottom, the original print which is copied by WiERix— ditto 101 Twe— Jamies 1 . fitting on his throne, and family, con- taining fifteen portraits, by William Pafs, a fheet — extra rare and fine ; one, the fame plate, with the addition of feven portraits on the left fide, “ The royale progenio of Charles L and three on the right fide of the Palatine family^ — very curious 102 Four — James 11 . the Duke of Albemarle, ^c. ^102 Henry Ireton, Parliament-general, on horfeback — ficarce 103 On: — George, Lord Jeffreys, 1686, by R. Whi c — fine and ficarce 104 Twe— ifabeiia. Infanta of Spain, after Rubens^ by John Muller, 1615; one ditto, by Suyderhoef, with ornamental horde . — ^ne 0 CLERGY. 9th Day. X05 One — Sir Thomas Isham, of Lamport, b-y D. Loggan, 1676 VERY FINE AND RARE 106 Three — Hadrian Junius, folio, by C, J. Vifeher; Francis Junius, eight Latin lines ; ditto, by Gunft CLERGY. 107 Five — James Janev/ay, in an oval, four verfes; Ste- phen Jay; Mr*. Jones, of Langan, byFittler, See, 108 Tvv^c — Arthur Jackfon, by D. Loggan; and Henry JefTey, aet. ^^—jearce Tenth Day’s Sale. FOREIGNERS, ^ (r / 1 Seven — Ifabella, after Titian, 5 cc. 2 Five — Jollyvet, by S. Gribelin \ Vin. Juftianus Jofephi? by C. Mellan, &c. 3 Six — Popes — Innocent XI. by D. L. 1683 ; one of ditto, by J. Gole ; Innocent XIL by Thomaflin, folio ; ditto, by ditto, from a medallion ; Innocent XIII. folio, by Jac. Freij, 1722 4 Twc — Equeftrian ftatue of Jofeph, late King of Por- tugal, with A PORTRAIT OF THE MaRQUIS DE PoMBAL, by V. Greeny the etching of ditto —VERY RARE 5 Five — Jean Jouvenet, by An. Trouvain; Luc. Jor- dan!, by J. B. Catenaro, &:c. 6 One — Jourdan, whole length, mez, by Coqueret MEZZOTINTOS JESUITS. tOtb Day. ENGLISH MEZZOTINT© PORTRAITS. 7 Three — Countefs Jarnac, by Humphry ; Frances, Countefs of Jerfey, by Watfon ; and Mifs Jones, by V. Green — prc^/' 8 One — Sir Lioline Jenkins, by H, Quites— 9 One — Sir Thomas Jones, Judge of the King’s Bench, by R. Tompfon— 10 One — Admiral Sir Jofeph Jordan, by ditto — -fcarce Seven — Inigo Jones, by V. Green; Eyles Jrwin, by Walker, &c . — proof 12 One — William Innes, whole length, one of the fociety of Gofrerers, by Val. Green — private plate / J7 / /• L // JESUITS. 13 One — Paul Atkinfon, set. 73, an etching, opxzxiQ-^fcarce 14 Three-^Arrowfmith, Hurft, and Cuthbert Mayn, exe- cuted 1579, A. B. fecit 15 Five — Bel, Bullaker, Colman, Heath, and Wcodcoke— — very fine 16 Two — Bullakar and Bel — fine 17 Two — Edmund Campian and Henry Garnet, folio 18 Three — Bel, John Fenwick, by M, Bouchc ; and Thos Pickering, JEt. 53, 1670, in a circle 19 Twc — Richard Reynolds, a Brigattin Monk of Sion- houfe, 1535; and Edward OlJcorn, 1606, by Bout^ tats* 'carce / ^ ^ >0 H 7} : A loth my. FOREIGNERS ^MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 20 Five — Henry Heath, 1643; Philip Powel, 1646; Wright, Benedi6lus Anglus, by Picart 21 Six — by Wierix, Bolfwert, &c. FOREIGNERS, K 22 One— Admiral Kortenaer — Jing 23 Four — le Kain, by St, Aubin — ; Melchior Klefel, by A. Sadeler ; Jan Kuiper, by Houbraken; and Andre Van KruylTen, by Matham ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. K 24 One— The Hon. Sir Arthur Kaye, of York, by J. Simon— VERY rare and fine 25 Two— Admirals — Richard Kempenfelt, by Richard Earlom ; and Keppel, by W. Dickenfon— 26 Four — Auguftus Keppel, byDickenfon — proof’, Peter, Lord King, 1725; Colonel Richard King; and Evelyn, Duke of Kingfton, by Faber, 1733 27 Two — Mifs Kettle, playing on the guitar, by V. Green ^proofs 28 Three — Anne Killegrew, by A. Bloteling; Mrs. Knight, the famous finger, by J. Faber, 1749; and Lucy Loftus, by Erov/ne 29 One — Thomas Killegrew, with a fword, in an oval, by J. Vander Vaart ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. lOth Day. 30 A ditto — SQUARE PROOF BEFORE THE PLATE WAS MADE OVAL VERY RARE 31 One — ditto, in oval, by ditto 32 Two — Edward King, M. "D. 1684, by R. Williams— fine-, and Madam Anne Kirk, whole length, by Beckett 33 One — John Knight, of Gosfield, with his wife and fon, by Faber, 1736— ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. . K 34 Three — Sir Godfrey Kneller, William Kippax, by N. Parr ; and Edward King 35 Three — Lord Karnes ; Alexander, Earl of Kellie, by R. Blyth; and William Kenrick, by Worlidge 36 Two — the Kentifli petitioners, by R. White; and Capt. Robert Knox, by ditto, 1695 37 Four — Mrs. Kirk, and Lady Morton, by J. Grone- velt, &c. -38 Two — Jofiah Keeling, difcoverer of the rye houfe plot, 1683, by R. White — -jine and fcarce ; and the copy 39 One — Sarah, Countefs of Kinnoull — proofs by Caroline Watfon, 1798 — very highly finijhed 40 One DITTO— IN COLOURS — *40 One — Edmund King, M. D. by R. White — -fine 41 One — Charles John, Lord Koningsmarke, folio, by R. White, 1682 — very fine and rare 42 Five — Benjamin Keach, aet. 54, 1699, fix verfcs ; Thomas Kenn, by Vertue; J. Glen King; \\\ B. Kirwan, by Nugent ; and Han Knollis, let. 67 M ' ! h /9 / / ^ // / h / ^ / / ICth Pay. FOREIGN POR’^RAITS, i /, i/> /3 /O / ;• -■ iS r- ■'' • X. ;. /- « • - ;- ■ .- ;o 3ri,. : FOREIGNTORTRAITS. ' “ •: , , -'li ; : . ■ ,J - ■■■;;-■■' - -- ’ - 1'"- • ■• . L 43 Eight-— Comes Lefno, by Falck; Buonavito Lorlnl ; Henry, Due de Longeville, by P, Pontius , Jus Lipfius, by de Jode, &c. 44 Eight— -Leonardus Leffius, by Bolfwert ; Charles de Lomenie, by W. Vallet; G. de Laubefpine, &c. 45 One' — the family of Leopold, Grand Duke of Tufeany, and Emperor of Germany, 1785 4,6 Eight— Lowendal, by Larmeflin; C. A. de Lorraine, by Daulle; Anne, Duchefs de Longueville; Maria, Reine de France, 5 cc. 47 Six — Lewis XIV. P. Simon, &c. 48 Six — Lewis XL by Morin ; Lewis XIV. by R. Nan- tueil ; Queen of ditto, by Pitau 5 Lewis XV. by J. Daullc, ditto by Larmeffin ; and ten portaits of Lewis XIV. in different ages, finely engraved, on one fheet 49 Three — Lewis XIV. by P. Vandrebranc; one of ditto, a three quarter, by N. Pitau, in armour — proofs See, 50 Seven — various, of Emperor Leopold 51 Two — Julius Paulus de Lionne, by Edelinck — fine ; and Jean Baptifle Lully, by Roullet 52 Five — Leopold, by J. Brower; one ditto, by Pauj Pontius, in armour, fne ; ditto, by C. Galle ; ditto, — in armour, hat and feather; and Leopold II. by Durmer MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. ^lO h Day. 53 One~Lewis XVI. in his robes, a most capital PROOF, BY BeRVIC VERY RARE 54 Fourteen — various nobility, whole lengths in the dreffes of Lewis XIV. ENGLISH. MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. L 55 Two — Mr. Gilbert Knowles, set. 49, 1723, by Faber; and the Hon. George Lee, L.L.D. by Faber— fcarce 56 One — Major General Lambert, in armour, IN AN oval, by place— extra RARE AND FINE 57 Four — John, Duke of Lauderdale, byBecket; a ditto, with his Ducbefs, by Williams; Nicolas Lechmere, by Val. Green ; and Sir John Lowther, by Browne 58 Three — J. F. Lampe, by M^Ardel ; Anthony Leigh, by Smith ; and Richard Leveridge, by Vanden Ad^yn, 1753 59 Two — Humphry, Vifcount Lanefborough, whole length, by J. Brooks ; and James, Lord Lifford, by Dick in foil 60 Three — Largiliere, the painter, and family ; R. Lovett, of W orcefter, by R. Hancock ; and Roger Long, 1769, by Fillier 61 One — Henry Laurens, fitting in a chair, whole length, by V. Green — proof-, fine 62 Two — Nat. Lee, the poet, by J. Watts ^ and Richard Leveridge, by Pether — proof Ad 2 y. L jjT-J - / r / 0 Tv tOth Day. CLERGY— ENGR.AVED PORTRAITS. y\ f i / //■ ^ / 63 One — Thomas, Earl of Lcicefter, whole .length, by Val. Green — proof 64 Two — William Lingen, Efq. by J. Brooks; and William, Duke of Leinfter, by C. H. Hodges 65 Three — the Hon. Bilfon Legge, by Houfton ; Sir John Ligonier, by Brooks ; and Gideon Erneft Loudon, by Pickier, 1788 66 Three-r-Mrs. Lemaiflre, by V. Green — proof’, Kath. Countefs of Lincoln, by Purcell ; and Princefs Louifa Anne, by Houfton 67 Two — Lucy Loftus, by Biowne; and the Hon. Lady Lome, by ditto — fcarce 68 Three— Marmaduke, Lord Longdale; John, Earl of Loudon, by Spooner ; and the whole length, by Faber, fcarce 69 One — Sir Robert Ladbroke, ditto, 1748 CLERGY. 70 Two—Biftiop Edmund Law, of Carlifle, by W. Dick- 3 infon, 1777; and Charles Lyttleton, ditto, 1770, by James Watfon ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. L 71 Eight— Alexander, Earl of Leven; Robert, Earl of Lindfey ; Lenthal, by Paul, &c. 72 Seven — Leeuwenhoek, by De Blois ; Ant. de Lomenie, by Lafne, 1637 ; Orlando de Laflirs, &c. 9 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ,othi>ay, 73 Tenr— Portraits to Granger, Sec,- - ' 74 Five — ^N. L’Anier, by L. Vorfterman ; . Lithgow ; Judge Lyttleton; Sir Edward- Lyttleton,fmall oval, fne ; and Locke, by Vanderbank 7 5 Eleven— Lilly, Lyttleton, Leybqurn,. See, — y— 76 Three-^Lamotraye, by LaCavei^Levinz, by, R. White; and George St. Lo, by Jofeph Nutting n ^ , 77 Six — Lady Leambert, by W.-Nutter, 1792 ; William Legge, by Orde ; Maria Linley, by Ryder, Sec, 78 Five — Labutte, by Baldrey ; Jer. de -la Lande; Jean Law, by Schrnidt ; Comte Lally, and Linnaeus 79 T wo — ^Dr. John Lambe, original and copy — rare^ ^ So Four — GeneraL Lefley, feven Englifli lines; one,- in armour, from Ricraft ; Robert, Earl of , Leicefter, wood-cut, 1563, &c. — rare 81 Five — Thomas, Duke of Leeds, by R. White; L’Ef- trange, by ditto ; and Leybourn 82 Two— Thomas, Duke of Leeds, by R. White; and Largilliere, by F. Chereau, 1715 83 Five — various, of Robert, Earl of Lelcefter - 84 One— the Hon. Charles Leigh, of Leighton, by B. Baron SCARCE 85 Two — Edward Leigh, by John Chantry ; and one ditto, by T. Crofs, fquare — -fcarce 86 One — James, Duke of Lenox, by R. Vaughan— and fcarce 87 One — ditto, by Voerll, ^ — - — - — ^ 88 One — L od. Duke of Lenox, &c. by Simon PalTe — VERY rare and FINE 89 One— Sir Richard Levett, 1700, by R. White — fine 90 Four — Lewis XIII. folio, by Henry Hondius, 1627 ; ditto, by Morin; Lewis XIV. by Vanfehuppen, 166O3 Sec, 1 3th Dsjri clergy. 91 One— Sir John Ligonier, ori^^iorfeback, by P.'T'ange, . r'ii: 'i .'.i i ’ 1747— - 'r.. 92 One— Robert, Earl of Lindfefi' by ' Vderft-^nf and fcarce " “ ■" ^ 93 Two — Samfori Lennard, by R. Vaughan 5 &C." ' “ 94 ^ 0 ne— Sir ‘MartmTifter ‘ ^ . 95 One — Edward, Lord Lyttletdh, by F Alt HORNE 96 - ^ne— Robert, Earl' of LelcetteV Vifcdunt Lifle, by and rare 97- One — the Lord* Juftices of Tngland, by R. White, and fcarce " * • ' * 'f r ' ■ - ■ . ' f ,' "" 98 One- — ^dftto, by La Fueille ^ 99 One— L ady Lychfelde, by Vanderbanc — Fii^E RARE CLERGY. 100 Four — A. Lake, Bifhop of Bath, set. 59, by J. Payne; Bifhop Laud, by R. White; Robert Leighton, Abp, of Glafgow, by R. Strange, &c. 101 One — Thomas Lamplugh, Abp. of York, aet. 74, by P. Vandrebanc — this plate Vt^as afterwards altered 102 One — ^^Bifhop Laud, by D. Loggan — very fine 103 Seven — Charles Leflie, by F, Chereau; Edward Lake, by Vand. Gucht ; Luther, by Preifler ; and Richard Lloyd, &c# 1 04 Two — John Lightfoot, by R. White ; and Chriflopher Love, in the pulpit, eight Dutch verfes — fine and fcarce 105 Five— Ignatius Loyala, by Wierix, inafquare; a ditto, in a circle, by ditto; Dr. Lupton, 1637, 5 ec. CLERGY. KOth Di/i 106 — ^Ignatius -Loyala,- in an oval, ftirrounded with ^ twenty-nine ovals, hiftorical of his life, by Francis Villamena — curious \ and M. Luther, byW, Treve- then . ^ 107 One— ditto, in a large oval, by C. Vermeujkn — 108 Two-^ditto, kneeling, by F.’‘fbin/, fdho; one an ^ unfinifhed proof 109 One — Bishop William Lloyd, by D. Loggaa— » i fine and fcarce : ^ V,; ^•'iil c'A 'i:j [,;:)ii.-.:riid ^sirYO t:'::;:- ■ J c'i-.Iui.T /Iv. ' .; t;vicsi”u’: — Eleventh FOREIGN PORTRAITS. M 1 rNlNE —Maximilian, Duke of Burgundle, by Suyder- hoef ; Pierre Maugis, by Morrin, &c. 2 Seven — Jule Manfart, by Simonneau ; Johannes A, Marck, by A. V. Zylvelt ; Thomas Maurois, by A. Conradus; Johannes Muller, by Falck; Bar. Morillus, by Richard Collin ; Jo. An. de Maroulle, by Thomaffin ; and F. Malier 3 Four — Marie Therefe, by N. de Poilly; ditto, by G. Edclinck ; Francois de Maintenon, by GilFart; Di- ane de Montefpan, by J, Gole 4 Seven — Francifcus de Moura ; Claude de Marolles, by Mellan; Michael de Marolles, by ditto; Francois, Due de Modene, by Frofne, &c. 5 Four — Cardinals^Mazarine, by Jean Valdor ; a ditto, by Mellan ; a ditto, by Morin j a^ditto, by Lafne foreign portraits. nth Pay. 6 Three— Zacherias de Mez ; Mazarine, by MantuII, 1656; and F. Muguet, by Thomaffin ■ 7 'Twelve— Machiavel ; Marinus; Magliabechi ; Malef- herbe, by L. Vorfterman, &c. 8 One— Duke of Maine, by Drevet — proof before the arms were erafed' 9 Six — Marie, Reine de France, in her robes, by Lar- mefiin ; a ditto, in an oval, by ditto ; Marie Therefe, quarto, &c. 10 Six — MIgnard, by Vermeulen; Vander Meulln, by Van Schuppen ; Carlo Maratti, by Jac. Frelj j Man- fart, &c. 11 Two — Moreau and MalTena, whole length, mez. by Coqueret 12 One— Kara Mustapha Bassa, mez. by Becket — rare 13 Five— a ditto, by J. Gole ; Francis Morofini, by R. White, &c. J 0 17- <• ^ s J 7-r r ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. M 14 Three — Dodington, Duchefs of Manchefter, by Faber ; Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough, and Lady Moly- neux, by V. Green — p^'oof 15 Three — Charles, Duke of Marlborough, by W. James; Admiral Matthews, by G. Johanfon, 1744; and P.obert, Vifcount Molcfworth, by P. Pelham^ 1721 N I ith Day. ENGLISH PORTRAITS. /T />■" 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 T 22 7 ^ 23 / / 24 W 25 26 27 / 7 - 28 T 29 lOf 30 One — George, Duke of Marlborough, v/hole length, in his robes, by John Jones — -fine Two — George, Lord Macartney, by Hudfon, proofs, and John, Duke of Montagu, by J, M^Ardel — fcarce Three — Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, by Simon; An- thony Malone, by Spooner ; and James Mingay, by Hodges — proof Two — Sir Flerbert Mackworth, by Deane; and Dr. Moore, by Keating Five — Queen Mary, by Faithorne,^r5^ ; Mary, of Efte, by R. Williams, folio, fine ; a ditto, by ditto, quarto; Mary, Queen of Scots, and Margaret, Qiieen of Henry VI. by Faber One — Queen Mary, with a high head-drefs— Tv/o — John, Earl of Melfort, by Becket ; and Lady Jane Middleton, J. Savage, excud, "I'wo — John, Earl of Melfort, and the Duchels of Mazzarino— John Lloyd, excud, a reverfe One — Joe Millar, in the charadler of Teague, by A. Millar, fcarce One — -John Milner, Efq. whole length, by Faber— 'ucry fine Two — James, Duke of Monmouth, by Schenck ; and Ann, Duchefs of Monmouth, by Vander Vaart ^fine One — James, Duke of Alonmouth, on horfeback, by Capt. William Baiilie, 1774 One — ditto, by Vander Vaart — fine Two — Mary, Duchefs of Montagu, by Faber, 1740; and Mudge, clock-maker, by Tov/nly — proofs One — Edv/ard Wortley Montague, by J. R. Smith — proof 9 CLERGY, ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. nth Day, 31 One — John Mortimer, by V. Green — proof 32 One — Charles, Baron Mountjoy, whole length, by V. Green 33 One — John Moyfer, of Beverly, by Place — very fine and rare 34 Three — Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield ; Arthur Man- waring, by Simon ; and Alexander Murray, Efq. 1751, by Faber 35 Five — Sir William Mufgrave, by J. R. Smith; Me. Monox, of Suffolk ; John Milton, by Faber, &c. /J ^ • ly CLERGY. 36 Three — Samuel Madden, by John Brooks ; ditto, set. 68, 1755, by Richard Purcell; and Maxfield and family, by Dawe — proof' 37 One— Lodowick Muggleton, set. go, 1697-8, In an J oval — rare 38 Three — Samuel Madden, by Brooks ; and Thomas Newton, Bifli op of Briftol, by Earlom, 1767, &c. 39 One — John Moore, Bifhop of Ely, 1691, by W. Fai- thorne — fine ,3 /r ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. M 4-0 Five — John Marten, by George White ; Richard Mead, M. D. by Baron, 1749; Alexander Monro, M. D. by Bafire, 1770 ; and Richard Morton, M.D. by Ad. Flalweg ; and Dr. Maddock, by T rotter N 2 nth Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, r-f> ?■// - 41 Four — Princefs Mary, by Caroline M^atfon ; Madam Mara, by Collyer j Mrs. Marfhall, and Lord Moira, by Collyer 42 Four — Dr. Mead, by Baron ; Mary Louifa, daughter of James IL by Parr 5 and Sarah, Duchefs of Marl- borough 43 Five— Mercier and family, an etching; Nicolas Mef- uager, odfavo; Peter Molinues ; John Meerman, by Houbraken ; and Montefqiiieu 44 Three— N. Mefnager, by Simonneau Major, 1715; Earl Marifchal, an etching, profile; de la Mothe, by L. Spirinx, 1663; and John Meerman 45 Five — by Worlidge, Mahomet, a Turkifh Merchant, Hamet, Admiral Moflyn, hc.-^two proofs 46 Eight— various, Harding, he, 47 Six — Portraits to illuflrate Granger 48 Eighteen — Thane’s Autographs, &c. 49 Eight — Mafiinger, by Grignon; John Milton, by DoIIe, he. 50 Six — Even Maynvv’'aring, by R. White; Henry Mayd- man, V. Hove; Pvlenaireh Benj. Ifrael, by Rembrandt; Milton, he. 51 Five — Ever. Maynwaring, by R. White, with a plain band ; Sir Henry Morgan, he, 52 One — Captain Macbride, by James Fittler 53 One — Richard, Lord Maitland, 1683, by P, Vandrebanc — fine and scarce 54 One — Lord Mansfield, by D. Martin, 1775 55 Tv/c — John, Earl of Marr, by P. Vandrebranc ; and George, Earl of Melvill, by R. While'— fine old i 7 npre(jion ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ixch Dijr. / / /o- 56 One— Patrick, Earl of Marchmont, 1698, by R. ^ White, with armorial bearings, half flieet — -fine and rare 57 Three — Gervafe iVIarkham, Robert May, and John / . Mayne, by M. Marlow— 3/?^^ and fcarce 58 One— John, Duke of Marlborough, in armour, half fheet 59 One — Mary, Queen of Scots, in an oval, half flieet, vigniettes, at the corners of her execution, twenty Latin verfes— old hnprejfion 60 One— ditto, fuperbly cireffed, with a view of her exe- cution, by J. Couway 61 Two— ditto, after J. Oliver, J. K. Sherwin, with or- naments — p^oofj one on fa tin 62 Eight — various, of Mary, Queen of Scots ; and Mary of Medici, &c. 63 Four — ditto — •' 64 One — Mary de Medicis, by Joan Wierix, i^oo-^fine and rare 65 One — Prince Maurice, on horfeback, view ofJMieuport, an army, &c. by Crifpin de Paffe, 1600 65 One — ditto, fame plate, when young ^ — 67 One — Edward Mascall, by James Gammon- fine AND RARE 68 Two — Maximilian, the Emperor, &c. by Suyderhoef, with rich borders— 69 Twc — Maximilian, by A. Durer ^ 70 One — Maria de Medicis, by Sompel — -fiyie — 71 One — Ducbefs of Mazarin, byG. Valck ^ - — - — 72 Two — H. Mill, from the night fearch, 1646 — very fine and rare^ and the copy 73 Two — John Milton, by Caroline Watfon — 07ie a proofi fi the head only P / ElUi D&f ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 74 One — James, Duke of Monmouth, on horfeback, fold by S. Lye 75 One — ditto, in his robes, by A. Blotellng 76 One — ditto, ditto 77 Two — ^James, Duke of Monmouth; and Anne, Duchefs of ditto, in ovals, fupported by Cupids, quarto — -fine and very rare 78 One — James, Duke of Monmouth, with the portraits of Armitroiig, Cornifh, &c. in eight ovals, fold by J. Savage — -fine 79 One — ditto, ditto 80 One — ditto, by P, Vandrebanc, a fheet— 8r Five — Montrofs, quarto, one ditto, by Pontius, o£l:avo; Sir John Meldrum, he, 82 Five — Sir Thomas More, by Elftrack, &c. Sir James Moore, by Yeates, he, 83 One — -Sir Thomas More and his family, the outline after Holbein, by Cochin — very rare 84 One — Robert Morifon, M. D. of Aberdeen, 1683, by R. White, in an oval of flowers — fine old im~ prefiion 85 One — Philip, Earl of Mountgomery, by Voerff, 1630 — very fine 86 One — Sir Henry Mountague, by F. Delaram, fix Latin verfes — ficarce 87 One — Lieutenant-General Thomas Mufgrave, by G. S. Facius, 1797 — private plate CLERGY. — FOREIGN PORTRAITS. iitA o«r* CLERGY. 88 Ten — M. Malard ; T. Manton, by R. White, folio; a ditto, o6i:a VO ; Robert Markham, by Skelton, 1790, See, See, 1 89 Six — Manton, folio, by White ; John March, B. D. by J. Sturt ; Richard Meggot, by R. White ; Henry More, by D. Loggan, folio ; and Lod. Muggleton, by Caffel 90 One — Tobias Matthew, Archbifhop of York, aet. 78, 1624, by R. Elstr ACK, eight Latin verfes 91 One — Peter Mews, Bifhop of Winchefter, by D» 'Lqgg A' te^Jine and rare 92 Two — Richard Middleton, by R. Elftrack, 1617 ; and Samuel Moore, aet. 30, 1647, by W. Marfhall, eight vexiei-^rare 93 Three — Alexander More, by W. Pafle, folio ; John Moore, Bifhop of Norwich, 1691, by R. White, &c. 94 Two — Alexander More, folio, in a fquare; a ditto, in a circle, by L. Vifleher, ten French verfes FOREIGN PORTRAITS. N 95 Five — Maurice, Count Naflaii, byMatham; Lud.de Coligni, Countefs NalTau, by DeJfF ; and three others of the Naffau family i:th Bay. FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 96 Three— -William, of Naflau, by Hondius, 1628 ; Wm Lewis, Count Naflau, by And. Stock, 1614; and one ditto, by Delff*, 1633 97 One—Admiral VanNes— 98 Three — ditto; Henry, Count NalTau, by P. V. Sompel; and Renatus NalTau, by J. Suyderhoef 99 Two — Necker Phommage fincere, by Amicus ; and David Nuyts, by J. Suyderhoef 100 One — John Maurice of Nassau, after G. Flinck, by C. V. Dalen — very fine 101 Six — John NieuhofF; P. le Nevoux, by Poilly; John Neyen, by Muller, and three others Twelfth Day’s Sale.’ 4 ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. c> N I Three — Richard Nafh, by Bockman; William Neildj feven verfes, 1777, by J. Jenneri and Charles N ewby, by Faber, 1744 2 Twc — Cornelius Nary, C. F. P, Dr. ; and Robert, Lord Newport, by Andrew Miller, 1747— 3 Two — John, Baron Naas, by Charles Tow nley, 1777; and Lord Newport, by Miller— 4 One — the Nabob of Arcot, by Dixon — proof 5 Twc — Gray Nevil, 1720, by G. White — one a proof 6 Three — William, Lord Newbattle, by E. Fiflier, 1769; ditto, with Lady Elizabeth Keer, by V. Green ; and George, Vifcount Newnham, by ditto — both proofs O 4 4 / > i- S2th Day. CLERGY ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. i / // 7 Three' — Thomas, Duke of Newcaftle, in an oval, by Peter Pelham; ditto, in robes of the garter, by M‘Ardell — proof', and Louis, Due de Nivernois, by ditto ^ 8 One — Abraham Newland, Efq. by J. Grozer 9 One— Frederick, Lord North, by T. Burke — proof 10 Three — Madam Catherine Nevill, by Browne; George, ^ Duke of Northumberland, in an oval, quarto, by Williams ; and Elizabeth, Countefs of Northumber^ land, by Beckett 11 One — George Fitzroy, Earl of Northumber- land, after H. Gafcar — proof before the name of Tooker, exc. folio— very rare 12 Two — Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, 1772, by Finlayfon; and Hugh, Earl Percy, the prefent Duke, by V. (jxeQn^proofs ^ k ^3 One— Lady Elizabeth Newnham, by Val. Green— 7 P> /> CLERGY. 14 Five — Thomas Newcomb, by Faber, 1723; Samfon }/' Occom, by Spilfbury ; Robert Orme, M. A. — fcarce\ John Owen, by J. Vandevelde; and Titus Oates, by Tompfon. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. N, ^ 15 Nine— S. G. Noverre, by J. K. Sherwin, &c. ^ 16 Four— Thomas Neale, by W. Maiftiall; A. Noailies, ENGRAVED PORTRAITS lltX Dkjr* 17 Five— Sir Edward Nicholas, by Hertocks-~y?«^ : Sir Ifaac Newton, by Hoare, &c. 18 Three — William, Duke of Newcaftle, by Worfter- man j John, Duke of Newcaftle, by R. White, See, 19 Two — John, Duke of Newcaftle, by R. White; and Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, 1681, by R. White 20 One— William, Duke of Newcaftle, by Vorfterman 21 One — Charles, Duke of Norfolk, whole length, aftet Gainfborough, by J. K. Sherwin, 179c — privatt plate 22 One — Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, with the ftaff of Earl Marftial, by ditto 23 One — Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 1619, by F. Delaram — b.are 24 One — Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, collar of the garter, Scc,^fcarce 25 One — Charles, Earl of Nottingham, by Passe — fine and rare 26 Two — Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, ib8i, by R. White ; and Daniel, Earl of Nottingham, by Houbraken 27 One — Charles, Earl of Nottingham, on horfeback, view of the Armada, 1588, Sec, folio— FINE and extra RARE tXth Da/. CLERGY— “FOREIGN PORTRAITS^ CLERGY, 4 N & O 28 Five — John Nelfon, get. 66, by Harrifon, 1774 > Mr. Newton, Benjamin Nev/ton, by G. V. Gucht; Nicoll, by Worlidge; and Samuel Ogden 29 Five—Nalton, Chriflopher NefTe, set. 56, 1678 ; William Nichols, by M. V. Gucht; William Out- ram, by R. White; and John Owen, by ditto 30 Six- — Nicoll, by Worlidge; John Newte, by Vander- gucht; William Nichols, by ditto; Ogden; James Owen, by Sutton; Nichols, Sic. 31 Fifty-nine— Portraits from the Non-conformifts Ma- FOREIGN PORTRAITS, 4 L o 32 Three— Philip, Duke of Orleans, oval, in armour, 1620; one ditto, on horfeback, by N. Bazin, 1686; and one ditto in oval 33 Five— Duke of Orleans, by Hortliemels, 1716; Eli- zabeth, Duchefs of ditto, by ditto; Anne Maria Louifa D’Orleans, by C. Vermeulen, 1691 ; and two others of the Orleans family 34 Three — The Maid of Orleans, whole length; Count Odlavio, by Vorllerman, Sic. 35 Four— Cardinal Otthoboni, by J. Andran, Sic. 36 One— Count Olivares, after Rubens, by P. Pontius MEZZOTINTO PORTRAIOS. tztk Ba/. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. o 37 Four — ^Lady Sufan O’Brien, by James Watfon; Richard Oliver, 1772, by W. Dickenfon; Mlfs Ofborne, by ditto; and .Thomas Otway 38 Five — William Henry, Prince of Orange, by Skenck, 1684; ditto, in a fquare, fmall, by A. Bloteling ; Mary, Princefs ditto, ditto, ditto, by Faithorne; and William Charles, Prince of Orange, 1734, by Faber 39 Twc — William, Prince of Orange, and Mary, by Williams — -fne 40 Two — ditto, by G. Valck ^ — 41 One — Frederick Henry, and Emelia, Prince and Prin- cefs of Orange, after Jordans, by Rymfdyk, 1767 — proof 42 Four — William, Prince of Orange, by Faber, 1735; ditto, and Princefs Ann, in one ilieet, by ditto; Ann, Princefs, by Simon, 1728; and Princefs of Orange, by V. Green 43 Two — Edward, Earl of Oxford, 1715; and James, Duke of Ormond, by R. Williams, in ovals — fine 44 Twc — General James Oglethorpe, by T. Burford; and Count OrlofF, by Charles Townly, 1783 45 One — William, Lord Ofborne, with his fillers Lady Bridgett and Lady Mary, by R. Williams—yWtv 46 T v/c — Edward, Earl of Orford, in a fmall oval ; and Robert, Earl of Oxford, by Smith, 1714 47 One — John Overton, xt. 68, 1708 — very RARE 4 p L f - j »ath Day* INGRAVED PORTRAITS, ^ L? /-^ • ^ J" - ^ ■■I J - . /M ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS.- o 48 Six^ — Thomas OllyfFe, the writing-mafler, &c. 49 Three — John Ogilby, by Lombart; a ditto, by W, Marfhall, 1649 ; and Thomas, Earl of OlTory, 1680, by S. F. Ravenet 50 One — Titus Oates, infcribed Robert Fergujofty the raree-fmw j or Mamamouchee Mufty^* twenty- one Englifh verfes — -fine and rare 51 One — Titus Oates, in the pillory; vignette of his being v^^hipped ; around the print are feven ovals of Jefuits, viz. Baker, Waring, Turner, Fenwick^ Gavin, Harcourt, and Evans— 52 One — ditto, infcribed ‘‘ Fejiis Ovaty ” twenty-four Latin and Engllfli verfes, fold by Hindmarlh, 1685 • — fine and very rare 53 Five' — Count OrlofF, folio ; Admiral Obdam, by B. Pi- cart, 1728 ; Earl of OlTory, by Ravenet, &c. 54 One — a Dutch Admiral, proofs by Arnold de Jode — if Obdam ? 55 Two— -William, and Mary Princefs of Orange, by Suyderhoef, 1643 — 56 Two — William, Prince of Orange, by C. Viffchcr, folio ; and Philip, Prince of Orange, by DellP, 1628 —fine 57 Three — Mary, Princefs of Orange, by P. Bouttats ; W. C. Hen. Prince of Orange, 1751, by Balchou ; and one other, a proof 58 One — -William II. Prince of Orange, whole length, by L, Lailller — -fine ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. latb ffzy. 59 Five— Fred. Hen. Prince of Orange, by Van Meurs, &c. &c. 60 Two — W. C. Hen. Prince of Orange, by Balechou ; and Fr. Henry, Prince of Orange, by DeliF, 1633 — Jine 61 Twelve — Princes and Prlncefles of Orange, by Hou- braken and Tanje — -fine 62 Two— William, Prince of Orange, set* 23, 1649, by Cris Quebren ; and the marriage of William, and Mary, daughter of Charles I. 1647 63 Four — William, Prince of Orange, quarto, by Henry Hondius, 1641, &c. 64 Four — William, Prince of Orange, on horfeback, with hat and feather, fold by Stent; ditto, and Mary^ Princefs of Orange, whole length, &c. 65 Three — Hen. Fred. Prince of Orange, a three-quarter, by DellF; Prince Maurice, Handing, in armour, whole length, with army and fleet, by Sanredam, &c. 66 Four— William V. by P. Tanje, 1755; and Anne, Princefs of Orange, by Endlinck 67 One— William III. when Prince of Orange, on horfe- back, hat and feather, the horfe’s mane and tail reach the ground— 68. One — William, Prince of Orange, Handing, whole length, cap and feather, hand on a dog, a flower- pot, &c . — -fcarce 69 Two — William and Mary, by C. VilTcher, 1649 - 70 One — William III. when Prince, leaning on a helmet, by P. Phillippc, half Hieet— 3^^ 71 One— Maurice, Prince of Orange, hat and feather, left hand on his fword, after A. V. Venne, by W. Delfl^— ir “ 7' /<-/•? // q - / 2 > [o /A ' J ^ A - t2lh Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. / ' A /:r L? 72 One — the Princes of Orange on horfeback, by W. Delff, 1623, a Iheet — -fine and rare 73 One — Henriette, Duchefs of Orleans, large half fheet -^fine and rare 74 One — James, Duke of Ormond, folio, by D. Log- gan VERY FINE AND RARE 75 One — James, Duke of Ormond, on horfeback, 1713 — RARE 76 Three — Duke of Ormond, by S. F. Ravenet ; ditto, by Gribelin ; and the Earl of Orford, by Houbraken 77 One — Thomas, Earl of Ossory, by P. Vandre- banc, large half Iheet — -fine and fcarce 78 Two — John Oxenftirn, by P. de Jode, 1648 ; and: Axel. Oxenftirn, by Delff, 1636 P 7 - ^ / r -- 3 - 79 Ten — George Parker, &c. 80 Five — Dr. Parfons, by Wilkin ; Anthony Pafquin, by Wright, &c. 8[ Six — Sir Walter Pringle, by Cooper ; Colonel Parfons, by Gribelin ; William Pattifon, &c. 82 Three — Ifaac Pennington, in the Committee on Po- pery, in Mafquerade ; Gal. Palmer, by R. White ; and John Piayford, by Van Hove 83 Ten — Gal. Palmer, by R. White; Samuel Pepys, by ditto, &c. 84 Sixteen — Thanes autographs, &c. 85 Six — Leonard Plukenett, 1690, by Collins ; John Par- tridge, by R. White ; Perkins, by Drapentier ; Piayford, by V. Hove, &c. 86 Five — Philip IL of Spain ; Polyander, and Philaras, by Mellan ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. I^th nay. 87 Five — Had. Paw, by Holftein ; Patin, Nicol. Pirot, by Huret ; and Polyander, by DelfF 88 Four — Czar Peter, by Wagner ^ ditto, by P. Soube- ran ; Jean Philips, by Endlinck j and Gen. Paoii, by Townley 89 Three — Charles Patin, by Le Fevre ; ditto, by MaiTon ; and the Patin family, 1684 90 Two — Adrian Paw, ftanding, left arm on a book^ half fheet ; and Reg. Paw, set, 67, by Theophilus Matham 91 One — William, Earl of Pembroke, by Voerft, 1633 —FINE AND SCARCE 92 One — ditto, by Lucas Vorfterman — fine and scarce 93 One — Philip, Earl of Pembroke, and family, after Van- dyck, by B. Baron, 1740 94 One — James, Earl of Perth, 1682, after Kneller, by R. White, with armorial bearings 95 One — ditto, after Riley, by ditto, 1686, with ditto 96 One — Philip II. by Wierix, 1586, before the letters H. V. L. on the right-hand fide — -fine and rare 97 One — ditto, by Viflcher — -fine ^ ^ — 98 Two — one ditto, by Baptifta Parmenfis, 1589, within a border of arms ; and Philip the good 99 One — ditto, with a border of emblems, by Manellus Clodius, 1588 — rare 100 One — John Philips, by M. Vander Gucht — fine and fcarce 101 One — Sir Thomas Pilkington, Lord Mayor, by R. White, 1691 — fine and rare 102 One — the Right Hon. William Pitt, by J. K. Sher- win — ^roof s /r /- / / - //-^ It. iL n-l. s j?,- it> /i A 7 -. p fjei Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 103 One— John Polyander, by Suyderhoef, 1641 — very FINE 104 One — Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth, in an ELEGANT LACED DRESS, WITH HER SON AS A CupiD’, after N. Gafcar, by St. Baudet — very RARE AND FINE 105 One — ^ercival Pott, by R. M. Paye, 1783 106 Seven — antient printers, from Ames — proofs^ very: fcarce 107 Six — the original drawings of ditto, by W. Faithorne, juru— curious Thirteenth Day’s Sale. FOREIGN PORTRAITS, P ^ Eight — B en. Plctetus, by Houbraken, &c. ^ ^ 2 Ten — Father Paul ; Alexander Polito, by Francefchini; F. Pogge, by Picart, kc. 3 Ten— Popes— Paul IV. V. &c. 4 Three— Louis Picon, by Chereau ; F. Pinflbn, by V, Schuppen ; and Madam Peliffier, by Daulle 5 Three — Philip IV. of Spain, and his Queen, after Rubens, by P. Pontius ; and Philip V. by G. Ver- meulen 6 Six — Kings of Spain ^ - _ 7 Four — with rich ornaments, by Suyderhoef, kc. 8 Seven — Cardinal Richelieu, by Nantuil ; one of ditto, by Mellan ; Cardinal Rochefocault, by Lafne, kc. 9 Four — N. Pouffin, by J. Pefne j Palladio, by B. Picart ; J. Pefne, byTrouvain, kc. / ^ h A . 7 -' rjth Day. CLERGY. 7 7 3 J" ~ ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS CONTINUED. CLERGY. P 10 Six — >Parnell, Peckwell, by Fittler; Samuel Pegge, by Bafire ; Chriftopher Pitt, &c. 11 Six — Edward Pearfe, set. 40, 1673, by R. White; John Pearfon, set. 70, by W. Elder ; William Perkins, 1602, by R. Elllrache; Jofeph Perkins, by R. White ; John Prcllon, by W. Marfhall, 1636 ; and Bifhop Prideaux 12 Six — Peai'fon, by Elder ; Nicolas Pearfon, by Van Houe, four verfes ; John Piggot, by R. White ; Samuel Pomfret, ^by Drapentier ; John Prefton, by Glover, nine verfes ; and a ditto, in a fquare twelves —fcarce 13 Six — Parker, by Vertue, folio ; Bifhop Edward Parry, by J. Dickfon— ; John Pearfon, by Elder; Bifhop John Prideaux, &c. 14 One — Bifhop John Pearfon, by D. Loggan, proofs before the arms and name of engraver 15 Two — Vincent de Paul, by Boulanger; and Philip Neophytus, by R. White, 1702 — -fcarce 16 One-— William Perkins, in an oval, on one SIDE, Jesus Christ, and the other Moses, Szc, by T. Matham — proof,, very RARE AND, FINE ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. tjtb »tr< 157 Two— David Primrose, rare ; and John Quick, set. 55, by Sturt 18 One — Samuel Purchas, set. 48, in the title com- plete, 1625 ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. p 19 Four— Mifs Anne Parr, by Dean; Carey, Countefs of Peterborough, whole length, by Faber; Conftan- tia Philips, oclavo, by ditto ; and Lady Beauchamp Prodler, by James Watfon 20 T wo — Sir Hugh Pallifer, by J, R. Smith ; and General Phillips, by V. Green 21 Two — Humphry Parfons, with the inlignia of Lord Mayor, and his coat of arms, four verfes, fold by William Banks ; and ditto, in an oval, with ditto, church and mitre, he. in the corners, eight verfes— Jcarce 11 One — Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, by Charles Townley, 1785 — -Jcarce 23 One — ditto Sir Thomas Pailley, 1794, by ditto 24 One — ditto, ditto _ 25 Five — Dorothy Packington, by V. Green ; Alary, Countefs Pembroke, 1443, by Faber ; Queen Phi- lippae, by ditto ; Villiers Clara Pitt, 1758, by M‘Ardel ; and Aladam Plowden, byFaithorne 26 Three — Sir Richard Pearfon, by James Watfon — proof \ Alatthew Peters, by James Alurphy; and William, Duke of Portland, by J. R. Smith I I3M) Day. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. r / byM‘Ardel; and Samuel Pomfret, set. 71, 1721, large quarto 42 Oliver Plunkett, 1681, by J. Vander Vaart — fine and rare THE PALATINE FAMILY. 43 Five — Charles Lewis, Count Palatine, by de Jode, 1654; Charles Guftavus, by C. Galle, 1650; Fer- dinand Maria, 1656, by de Jode ; and Charles Theodore, Eledtor Palatine, by E. Verelft, 1771 44 Two — Charles Lewis, by Corn. Vifcher, 1650; and Maximilian, after Sandrart, 1643, by M. Natalis 45 One — Prince Frederick Henry, 1630, fold by William Webb, quarto — fine 46 Four — Frederick V. folio, by L. Killian ; and two by, Gunft — proofs 47 Two — Frederick, King of Bohemia, by William Hondius, 1629; and Elizabeth, by ditto, 1630, richly decorated with pearls — very fine and rare 48 Two — Frederick Henry, aet. 15, by DelfF, 1629; and Charles Lewis, aet. 16, by ditto, 1634, ditto, ditto 49 Two — Frederick, King of Bohemia, by DellF, 1622 ; and Elizabeth, by R, Voerft, 1631, Londhii^ ditto It A/7 / / /r ./ -// IS I? ^ 2 j'l' ^ ■ ;5 lithDay. the palatine family, 50 One— Elizabeth, a three quarter, superb- ly DRESSED, after Mirevelt, by B. Bolfwert, 1615, from the Fothergill colle6lion — fine and rare 51 Two — ■Frederick V. and Elizabeth, half lengths, from ditto, by John Eillart Frilius— 52 One — King and Queen of Bohemia, .with ELEVEN children, BY ViSCHER, ditto 53 Two — Ditto, ^ and five children, by Wm Pass, with thirty-two English verses, 1621, extra fine and rare ; the same plate, with the addition of five chil- dren, the youngest in a cradle 54 One — ditto, with eleven children, by Vischer, the large print, with a view OF Hydelberg in the distance, sixteen Dutch verses — very rare 55 One — ditto, sitting under a tree, with four children, the youngest playing with a rabbet — fine and rare 56 One — ditto, ditto 57 One — The Palatine and Nassau Family, by Francis Brun, 1627, on two fheets — very rare and fine POLITICALS, &c. 59 A large parcel fatyrical 60 A ditto, political — time of Sir Robert Walpole, &c. 61 A ditto, political DRAWINGS, I3tt BV* DRAWINGS, &c. 62 Two— Henry IV. of France, 1610 s and the Due de Sully 63 Six — Madams la Bonde, de Cannauattot, de Chafleau- neuf, de Forigni, de Laube-Efpine, de Luce— -Par Quefnel 64 One — Sir Harbottle Grimftone, matter of the rolls, by S. Harding 65 One — Hugh Peters, in India ink ^ " r ^ 66 Eleven — of Saints, on vellum - — — — *66 One — Sir William Berkely ^ - — — 67 Ten— ^i'Portraits of the Grand Moguls, in high prefer- vation, from the colletSlion of the late Governor, Hollwell 68 Twenty-three — India drawings of the filk manufac- tory, ditto 69 Twenty-three — ditto, reprefenting the rice harvett, &c. ditto, from the collection of Doctor Monro ^6g — Orienal mythology, their ideas of fu- ture REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS, ON 48 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, with explanations in the and F rench languages, in the original binding ^curious 70 Ten — Views in Rome, coloured 1 Nine — ditto ditto 72 Ten — ditto ditto 73 Four — for Cook’s voyages, by Webber — very fine 74 Four — ditto . ditto / ! 75 Four — ditto ^ ditto / 76 Four — ditto ditto ^ 77 Two — Views, from Hacket, by Denker, 5 cc. ^ — a / 2. 9. h // /y - -v / iJ ' y n- vate plate 97 One — Mifs Martha Ray, by Val Green — the large plate proof 98 Three — Sir Thomas Reeve, by Bockman; Sir James Reynolds, 1747, by Faber, and Sir Dudley Ryder, whole length, by ditto 99 One — Ifaac Read, after Romney, by William Dicken- fon — proof-— private plate 0.2 J- / ^-4 4 /■ / > • -- I3t& Day* MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. / vO r '100 One — ^Mr. Reddifh, as pofthumus, whol^ length, by V. Green — proof 101 Three — Sir William Read, by Faithorne; Carolus Reinfenus, by G. White j and John Rudge, Efq. by J. Faber, 1740 102 Four — Carolus Reinfenus, by White; Rembrandt, by Van Bleeck, 17473 William Rjchards, by Smith; and Abel Roper, by G. White 103 T wo—Charles, Duke of Richmond, in robes of the garter, by J. Faber; and Charles, Duke of Rich- mond, profile, reading, after Romney, by James Watfon 1782 Fourteenth Day’s Sale. ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, R CONTINUED 1 Six ~-Sir Walter Ralegh; the family of Sir Thomas Remington, 1647 — private plat G, Halfpenny, &c. 2 Three— Andreas Rivetus, by ditto, set. 70; a ditto, set. 78, 1650, by Meurs; and the Emperor Rodol- phus, in a car with four horfes, by L. Kilian, 1627 3 One— John, Earl of Rochester, by R. White, 1681 — very rare and fine 4 One — James Roelans, by P. Pontius — very fine 5 Three— J.' B. Rouffeau, by J. Daulle ; P. Rolli, by Wagner; and Antonio Rodil, by G. Viulba / f • 4-- J4th Day, CLERGY. If" 6 One — P. P. Rubens, with his hat, by Paul Pontius-— VERY FINE 7 Two — P. Rubens, F. Rubens, Lepfius and Grotius, and child of Rubens, fitting in a chair, by Salvador 7-17-^ % One- — -Prince Rupert, by A. Bloteling, 1673 FINE AND RARE n 7 a 9 One — ditto, by R. White — proofs ditto 10 Two — Admiral Ruyter, by John Vifscher, fheet; a ditto, by A. Bloteling, quarto, with cannon, &:c. f f' II One — The Right Hon. Edward RujfTel, Admiral, by William Elder — -fine and rare ^ * ' 12 Two — Francis, Earl of Rutland, with collar of the garter— and rare\ and the copy CLERGY. R ' 13 Six^ — W. Raftall — a proofs James Relly, by S. Hard- ing; Thomas Ridgley, by John Vandergucht — proof’, Robert Robinfon, by Trotter; Romaine, &:c. 14 Five— Edward Rainbow, set. 74, by Sturt, fix verfes ; John Rawlet, let. 44, by R. White; Edward Rey- nolds, byD. Loggan, folio; one ditto, by R. White, odlavo; and Thomas de Rotheram, by Nugent / ' 15 Five — Edward Reynolds, by D. Loggan; F. Roberts, jet. 40, 1648, by T. Crofs ; Alexander Rofs, by Lombart, &c. 16 Four — Cardinal de Retz, by Morin; two ditto, quarto; Cardinal Rofletti — the original print AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 14th Day, 17 Three — F. Roberts, set. 40, 1648, byCrofs; Richard ^ Rogers, in an oval ; ditto, ast. 65, in a fquare — ‘fine and fcarce 18 One — -Henry Robinfon, bifhop of Carlifle— from ^ I monumental plate — rare AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 19 Two— Sir Jeffery Amherfl, by J. Watfon; and Lord Anfon, by M^Ardel 20 One — The Duchefs of Ancafler, by J. Dixon, whole length — proof 21 One — John Afh, M. D. whole length, by F. Barto- lozzi — proof 22 One — Louifa Countefs of Aylesford, by V. Green — • diUo 23 Three — Mary, Duchefs of Ancafter, 1756, in a circle, by R. Houfton; ditto — a proofs and Elizabeth, Counters Berkley, by M‘Ardel 24 Two — William, Earl of Bath, by M‘Ardel, 1758 ; and Jofeph Banks, Efq. by Dickenfon 25 Two — Jofeph Baretti, by J. Watts; and James Bof- v/ell, Efq. by John Jones 26 One — The Duke of Bedford, in the charafter of St, George, and his brothers, by V. Green — proof 27 Two — Louis, Comte de Barblano, by J. R. Smith, 1779 ; and Sir Walter Blackett, by Fittler 28 One — Admiral Bofcawen, whole length, by J. M‘Ar- del, fcarce // s- ^ I4.th D»y. AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. I -I /^/ / / — /r-^ / ^ 29 Four— Mifs Bofville, by James Watfon; Mrs. Bonfoy, by Purcell j Mrs. Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe— and Mrs. B unbury , by James Watfon 30 Two — Lord Camden, whole length, by James Bafire, 1766; a ditto, by Haid — proof 31 Tv/c — Mifs Campbell, by V. Green — proofs and Ca- roline, Countefs Carlille, by Watfon 32 One— -Diana, Vifcountefs Crofbie, whole length, by W. Dickenfon 33 Three— Lord John Cavendifh, by J. Grozer — proofs Lord Richard Cavendifh, by J. R. Smith ; and George Seymour Conway, by Fifher 34 One — Sir "William Chambers, by V. Green — proofs fcarce 35 One — The Honourable Francis Charteris, Efq. by R. Houfton — fcarce 36 Three — Nathaniel Chauncey, by Caroline Watfon, the fquare plate ; the fame in an oval ; and the copy 37 One — Lady Cockburne, with her three children, by Charles Wilkins — proof 38 One — Lady Elizabeth Compton, by V. Green, whole length — proof 39 Two — James Cholmondeley," by J. Jones — proof, and William, Duke of Cumberland, by Charles Spooner 40 Two — Lady Ann Dawfon, by M^Ardelj and Lord Dalkeith, by V. Green — proofs 41 One — Lady Betty Delme, and children, by V. Green, whole length— 42 One— Elizabeth, Countefs of Derby, by William Dick- enfon, whole length — fne 43 One — Georgiana, Duchefs of Devonfhire, by V. Green, _ Ditto — proof II AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. > 14th Day, 44 Two — William, Duke of Devonfhire, 1755, by J. Fa- ber; and the Hon. Richard Edgecumbe, by W. Dick- enfon 45 Two— Lady Fennoulet, by M^Ardel ; and Lady For- tefcue, 1757, by ditto 46 One — the Hon. Charles James Fox, with Lady Sarah Lenox, &c. by J. Watfon — proofs fcarce 47 One — THE Hon. Chares James Fox, by J. Jones, 1784 — PROOF, scarce 48 One — Garrick, between Tragedy and Co- medy, by V. Green — proof 49 Two — Mr. John Gawler, by J. R. Smith ; and the fons of ditto, by ditto — proof 50 T wo — Lord George Germain, by M^Ardel ; and the Marquis of Granby, by R. Houfton — proofs 51 One — Marquis of Granby, Handing, with his horfe, by J. Watfon — fine 52 I'wo — ditto, by Richard Houfton, 1760; and Earl Gower, by E. Fifiier, 1765 53 Two — Lord Grantham, and brothers, by Cheefman ; and Lord Melburne’s children, by F. Bartolozzi— proofs 54. One — Sir William Hamilton, by H. Hudfon, whole length — proof 55 One — Jane, Countefs of Harrington, by V. Green, 56 One — Lady Harriot Herbert, by V. Green — proof ^ - 57 One — Admiral x\uguftus Hervey, by Fiftier — proof __ _ whole length — proof 58 Two — ditto; and Lady Caroline Howard, by dittc— proofs 59 Three — John Hawkefworth, by J. Watfon ; Mafter Henry Hoare, by Wilken ; and Sir Abraham Hume — proof R 2 - . 0^-' ■IT'- ^ / //^ P / 7 "^ /r- 7 -^ . 14th Dly. AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. // / ^ r-' ^ / //--^ A /o-^ I -v " / -.A" !» 7 / 0 '-^ ^ r-- 60 Two — Admiral Lord Hood, by J. Jones ; and Sir Wm* Hamilton, by H. Hudfon 6 1 One — Sir Edward Hughes, whole length, by J. Jones-— proof 62 One — John Hely Hutchinfon, by James Watfon 63 Two — Lady Mary Kent, by J. Dean; and Emily, Counters of Kildare, 1 7 54, by M‘ Ardell 64 Two — the Hon. Auguftus Kcppel, by E. Fifher, i 759 j whole length; and Wm. Kingfley, by R. Houfton, 1760 65 One — William, Duke of Leinfter, by John Dixon — fine proof 66 One — John, Lord Vifcount LIgonier, on horfeback, by E. Fifher 67 Two — John Lockhart, Efq. by M‘Ardel — one a touched proof 68 One — Bifhop Markham, by J. R. Smith — fine and fcarce 69 Twc — Rev. William Mafon, by Doughty; and Mrs. Montagu, by J. R. Smith 70 Three — Thomas Newton, Bifliop of Briftol,by T. Wat- fon, proof ; and the Duke and Duchefs of Northumber- land, by E. Fifher 71 Twc — Mifs O^Brien, by C. Phillips, proof ; and Omai, by John Jacobi, whole length 72 One — Duke of Orleans, by J. R. Smith, whole length — proof 73 One — Mifs Palmer, by ditto — proof 74 One — William, Duke of Portland, by John Murphy — proof 75 One — Percival Pott, Efq. by Chas. Tov/nley — scarce 76 Twc— Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by ditto ; and one, by Ca- roline Kiikley AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, 14th Day* 77 One — John Reynolds, S. T. B* i 757 j the Uncle of Sir Joihua, by J. M^Ardell — old imprejjion^ fine and ficarce 78 Two — Bifhop Robinfon, by J. R. Smith; and John, Earl of Rothes, by M‘Ardell 79 Two— Charles, Marquis of Rockingham; and Robert, Lord Romney, by Fiflier aud Finlay fon, whole lengths 80 One — Mary Ifabella, Duchefs of Rutland, by V. Green, whole length — ^roof 81 One — ditto, by J. K. Sherwin — 82 One — Charles, Duke of Rutland, by W. Dickinfon, whole length — proof 83 One — E. M. Countefs of Salifbury, by V. Green, whole length — proof 84 One — Sir Charles Saunders, by M‘ArdeIl— ~ ^ 85 Two — Prince Serge Gallitzen, and Princefs Barbara, v/ith their fon, by Caroline Watfon — one a proof 86 Two — Bifliop Shipley, by Trotter; ditto, by J. R. Smith 87 One — Mrs. Siddons, as the Tragic Mufe, by Francis Haward — first state of the finished proof, VERY RARE 88 Two — Lady Charles Spencer, by W. Dickinfon; and Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte Spencer, by J. Jones 89 One — Lady Charlotte Talbot, by V. Green, whole length — proof 90 One — Francis, Marquis of Taviftock, by James Wat- fon PROOF 91 One — Richard, Earl Temple, by W. Dickinfon — fine proof 92 One — Thomas, Bifhop of Rochefter, by Thomas Park R2 / jy /•' r-i /, J- /f *401 Day. AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 3^ 'I / / /■’ ^ yi //- ^ /T ' 93 One — Col. Henry Townfhend, by J. M‘Ardell — rare 94 One — Ann, Vifcountefs Tov/nfhend, by V. Gi'een, whole length-^proof 95 One — ditto, with* the Hon. Mrs. Beresford, and Mrs. Gardiner, by T.Watfon— hnprejjion^ fine 96 One — the three Lady Waldegraves, by V. Green— proof-i ficarce 97 Two — Maria, Countefs Waldegrave, by M^Ardell, a proofs and an etching, by Hoare — ficarce 98 One— George, Prince of Wales, by Francis Ha ward— line 99 One — THE ETCHING OF DITTO — RARE 100 Tv/o— Caleb Whitefoord, Efq. by J. Jones \ W. V/ind- ham 10 1 Two — the Rev. Thomas Warton, by C. Hodges ; and Harry Woodward, by James Watfon Fifteenth Day’s Sale FOREIGN PORTRAITS. R * Six — G. N. la Reynie, by Van Schuppen, 1665; Lewis Requefens, See, 2 Seven — Rabelais, by Habert; Francis Rivera, by Mallery, &c. 3 Three — Robertas SecoufTe, by J. Andr^ ; Renaudot, by F. Chereau ; and Antoine de la Roque, by Lepice 4 Four — Raphael, by P. Pontius; a ditto, by J. Freii; Rigaud, byDauIle; and Ronchalls /•* / s p / ^ , 0 - /J?- h 2 - /■ j-' f 27 Three — Sir Edvvyn Sandys, by V. Green; Lord Henry Scot, by W. Falthorne ; James, Lord Stanhope, by Simon; and Charles, Duke of Somerfet, by Faber, 1714. 28 Three — Admiral Charles Stewart, 1740, by Faber; John, Earl of Sandwich, by V. Green, 17745 and Sir Charles Saxton, by S. W. Reynolds 29 Three — -Madam Soams, byBecket;Mrs, Diana Tumor, by ditto ; and Anne, Countefs of Yarmouth, by G. de Koning, fix verfes 30 Three-^Sir John Salter, lord mayor of London, 1740, by A. Miller ; W. Saunders, M. D. by Charles Townley, 1792; and Edward Smyth, M. D. 1779, by V. Green — proof 31 Tv/o — Shakefpeare, by J. Simon; and Thomas Sutton, founder of the Charter-houfe, whole length, by Faber, 1754 32 Two — Henry Sidney, with a dog, by Alexander Browne ; and Lords John and Bernard Stuarts, by Thompfon 33 Two — William Shirley, Efq. by M^Ardell ; and John, Earl of Stair, by T» Burford 34 Tv/o — Sir Cloudefly Shove], in armour, in an oval- — proof’, and Sir Edward Sprague, admiral, 1672, fcarce 35 One — the Hon. Henry Singleton, whole length, by Brooks 36 Two — Samuel Smith, Efq. and Madam Smith, by G. White — fcarce 37 Two— John Sommers, by Faber, 1733 5 and Charles, Duke of Somerfet, by Simon CLERGY. isti o*r. 38 Three — Edward Spry, aet. 57 j ^ 7^5 > John Spry, act. 18, 1783; and the tyler of a mafonic Lodge, by J. Jehner — -fcarce 39 Two — Edward Spry, aet. go, 1785, fhip-wrlght, at Plymouth ; and Edward Spry, aet. 57, 1785 — a proofs rare 40 One — Harvey, Countefs Stamford, by R. Tompfon— fine proof 41 Twc — ^John Stacpoole, Efq. 177 1 ; and Sir Richard Stacpoole, by James Watfon — fcarce 42 Two — Grifelda, Countefs Stanhope, by M^Ardell ; and Maria, Countefs of Suffolk* — proof rare 43 One — John Swan, Efq. by V. Green — ditto 44 Three — Mifs Charlotte Spencer, Mifs Stuart, and Mifs Thellufon, by V, Green — proofs p-io 1 ^- jL"' CLERGY. 45 Two— Timothy Rogers, quarto, by B. Williams; and Jofeph Standen, in an oval, large quarto, after J. Wills— 46 Five — Bifhops — Stapledon, by Faber; Sherlock, by M‘ArdeIl, 1757; Arthur Smyth, 1771, by James Watfon ; John Sterne, by T. Beard ; and Thomas Strickland, by Faber 47 Four— Sacheverell, by Johnfton ; Dr. Sharp, by V. Green; Mr. Shirley, by J. Dixon ; and John Shower, V. D. M. 2et. 52, 1709, in an oval, by J. Faber /r /■P s istk ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. -t Cj~- te 10 5 - 1 . tT 7 S 48 Ten— various, by Dalton, &c. 49 Sixteen— ditto, by Thane 50 Seven — Salmon, by Sherwin—^fe ; ditto, set. 43, 1687, by R. White, See. 51 Two — Richard Saunders, in an oval ; one in a fquare, by Ofd, 1613, fix Englifli verfes 52 Sixteen — Thanes autographs, &c. 53 Three — Jacobi Sachs, with curious emblems, x66i; Chriftopher Schv/aiger, by L. Kilian, 1600; and John Jac Scheuchzerus, 1672, by J. Nutting, London 54 Three — Thomas Skelton— ; John Sleidan j and Andrew Snape, by R. White 55 Six— Lord Somers, Earl of Sunderland, by Houbraken ; the Earl of Scarborough, by Hall, &c. 56 Five — writing-mafters^ — J. Sealy, John Seddon, by Sturt; G. Shelly, by Bickhams; Charles Snell, by Elder; and John Smith, byVanderbanc 57 Six— modern portraits— Princefs Sophia, by Caroline Watfon; daughters of the Countefs Spencer; Lady Sefton ; Mrs. Siddons, by J. K, Sherwun, &c. 58 Eight— N. Saunderfon, by V. Gucht ; Robert Simfon, M. D. by A, Baillie, 1776 ; Eben. Sibly, &c. 59 Four — Mr. Savage, by M, V. Gucht; Jofliua Peart Scroope; James Smith, eye-maker, by J. Pine, 1717; and Mr. John Stanley ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. iSth Day. 60 One — Baron Saley, 1617, by Simon Pafle— and rare 61 Twc — Thomas Sanders, of Ireton, by D. Loggan; and Anton Sherley, by Sadeler 62 Two — Edward, Earl of Sandwich, in an oval, by A. Bloteling ; and one ditto, fquare, by ditto 63 One — Sir George Savile, by Wilfon and Bafire — be- fore THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW 64 Two— Frederick, Duke Schonberg, by P. Vandrebanc, • (beet; and one ditto, oval, by S. Gribelin, 1689 65 One — THE GENEALOGIE OF THE SCOTISH KiNGS, FROM Margaret, married to Malcolme IIL AND from Margaret, daughter to Henry VII. MARRIED to JaMES IV. WITH THEIR POR- TRAITS — VERY RARE AND CURIOUS 66 One — Anthony, Earl of Shaftefbury, by R. White, 16^0— fine 67 Two — ditto, and one from Gillam — ' — 68 One — ditto, 1673, by A, Bloteling — very fine AND RARE 69 Twg — Shakefpeare — proofs on India papery by T. Trotter, 1794 70 One — ditto, by Godefroy, 1796 — proof • — — 71 One — DITTO, by Martin Droshout - - — ^ ^ — 72 One — John Talbot, Earl of Shrewlbury 73 Twc — Siamefe, ambaflador and priell, after Rubens, by W. Baillic — fine 74 One — Siamefe, ambafiador., 1686, by Hainzelmai^ — rare and curious IS T wo — Sir Philip Sidney ; and Maria Sidney, Coimtcfs of Pembroke, by Coutbes — fine and fcarce S 2 //- h \ J-. /la // S' I I' I ?Sth Cay. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 76 Four — ^Sir P. Sidney, 1586, by Elftrache ; Al. Sidney, folio; and two ditto, by Jackfon — one unfini/hed Id-^ 77 Two — John, Earl of Somerfet, time of Richard IL and ditto, time of Flenry VI. — rare and curious 78 One — Chriftopher Simpfon, playing on the viola di gambo — rare %■!?- ^ p - lb ' 79 One — Paul Van Somer — proof, very rare 80 One — Henry, Earl of Southampton, by Simon Pafle, 1617 — -fine and rare 81 Three — Fred. Spanheim, 168.3, by A. de Blois ; one ditto, by C. Van Dalen, 1644; and Ez. Spanheim, S' ■ 1702, by R. White 82 One— Robert Stafford, by D. Loggan — proof BEFORE NAME OF ENGRAVER, &C. VERY RARE 7 - ^ 83 One — Lady Stanhope, by Bafire, 1772 84 One — Staniflaus, King of Poland, by A. Fogg, 1793 ■ — proof b> 85 Two — Robert Stapleton, by Marlhall, &c. James Shirley, by Marfhall, 1646 s-b 86 Two — James Sylveller, by Van Dalen; and Robert Stapleton, by Lombart, folio / /_//- b’ B 87 One — John Starter, an oval, drawn by fwans — rare 88 Two— Henry, Earl of Stamford ; Thos. Earl of Straf- ford, by Simmoneau — proof 89 One — a ditto, by P. Huybrecht— and fcarce 90 One — Thomas Street, by R. White, 1688 — ditto 91 One— Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, with theflaffof lord- •> , treafurer, by R. Elftrake — very fine and rare CLERGY. CLERGY. 92 Six — Samuel Say, 1743, by J. Hall; James Seed, Thomas Sharp, aet. 56, byAliamet; Samuel S ten- nett, by Holloway; Jofeph Stennett, by William Walker; P. Stockdale 93 Six — John Scott, by M. Vaodergucht, folio; Henry Scougal, by Trotter ; Thomas ShaW, by J. Green ; John Shower, 1714, by Drapenier ; Samuel Slater, by R. White, 1692 ; and George Stradling, by R. White 94 Ten— various, Biftiop Sandes, See. - — — — . 95 Seven — Biftiops — Sancroft, by Elder, octavo ; R. San- derfon, 1662, by W. Dolle ; ditto, aet. 76, by R. White, o6iavo ; Scroop, by Harding ; J. Sharpe, 1679, by G. Vertue; and Sheldon, by Gardiner 96 Three — Sancroft, by D. Loggan, 1680, folio ; Sander- fon, 1662, by W. Dolle; and Sheldon, by Clamp 97 One — Bifhop Seabury, by W. Sharp, 1786 — proof — — 98 Three — William Sherwin, ast. 65, 1672, by William Sherwin, jun. ; Jof. Shute, 1643, by W. Marftiall, folio, twenty Latin and Englifli lines ; and Cuth. Sidenham, aet. 31, 1654, by R. Gay wood, 1654 — - fine and fcarce 99 Four — Ric. Sibbs, aet. 58, quarto ; a ditto, i2mo, by William Marfhall ; Cuth. Sidenham, by Gaywood, 1654; and Edward Simfon, aet. 73, eight Latin verfes — ditto 100 Five — Henry Smith, by Crofs; Benjamin Spencer, by ditto; Richard Stock, by T. Rawlins, eight Englilh verfes; a ditto, by Jenner, four Englifh verfes, 5 cc. /t " lo 0 Id J-l> - c Day. CLERGY. 101 Four— John Dunn, Scotus, by Cheaveau, in an oval of rofes ; a ditto, with fpe(51acles, reading a book, an etching; Thomas Scott, aet. 45, 1624, by C. Pafs; and Richard Stock, by Jenner— 102 One — Bishop Thomas Strickland, by Tomafin, folio— rar^ Sixteenth Day’s Sale. BY J. SMITH. 1 One — ^Robert, Earl of Aylesbury, with the STAFF OF Lord Chamberlain — proof, very RARE 2 Four — Chr. Duke of Albemarle ; Arnold, ditto ; G.Earl of Athlone ; and Henry D^Auverquerk — -fine 3 Four — A. Earl of Albemarle; G. Earl of Athlone; H. D’Auverquerk ; and Madame ditto 4 Three — Queen Ann and Princefs Ann *4 Four — ditto ^ 5 One — William Anstruther, of Anftruther, after J. B. de Medina — fine and rare 6 Three — Addifon; Boyle; and John, Duke of Bucking- ham— 7 One — ^Johannes Baggerus, after Saleman — fine AND RARE g /- - jlf-h - /• t&tb l>a^» BY J. SMITH. 7 d y-^ q c/- 7 8 A jc /'• > 7- ''Z 7 '’ ^ 8 Two — Sir John Bowyer; and John, Earl of Bridg- water — and rare 9 Two— John, Marquis of Blandford, proofs and John, Lord Burleigh, with a gun 10 Two — Duchefs of Bolton, proofs and Lady Brown- lowe, whole length — 'fine j I Three— Duchefs of Bolton ; Lord Buckhurft, with his filler Mary, and Lady Brandon 12 Four — John, Earl of Bridgwater; George, Prince of Brunfwick ; Sir Thomas Bury and Lord Bury — fine 13 Three — John, Earl of Bridgwater; the Hon. William Bromley ; and Gilbert Burnet — fine 14 Four — Queen Caroline, the Duchefs of Cleveland,, and Prifcilla Cooper 15 Two — Robert Cecil, and Sir John Crifp — proofs 16 Three — the Hon. William Cecil, whole length; Coft- mas ; and William, Duke of Cumberland — fine 17 Two — Sir Robert Clayton, and Lord William Cow- per — fine 18 Three — Lady Carteret, Lord Church ilPs daughter, and Lady Elizabeth Cromwell 19 Three— Robert Cecil ; F. Cornaro ; and William, Duke of Cumberland-— 20 Five — two of Charles I. two of Charles 11 . and one of Queen Caroline 21 Four — Charles III. of Spain ; Charles XL and XII. of Sweden ; and John Cornelius, Doge of Venice— 3/?^^ 22 Four — Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Chichely, Lady Copley, and Mrs. Elinor Copley — fine 23 Two— Thomas Colefon, Efq. and Mitford Crowe — fine and rare 24 Two — Richard, Lord Clifford; with Lady Jane, and _ Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, whole lengths— BY J. SM^TH, l6th Day* 25 Two— ‘Lady Copley and Lady Cromwell— 26 Two — Sir Robert Cotton and Thomas Coulfon—/'r^£/r, fcarce 27 Three — Sir Robert Clayton 5 William, Lord Cowper ; and William Cowper, furgeon 28 One— Crawford, of Kilbirny, after J. B. Mcdino, with armorial bearings-^r^w^ and rare / 29 One — Elizabeth, Lady Cutts, after G. Kneller, ' 1 698-^1 NE AND RARE 30 Two — ^Madam Davenant and the Coiintefs of Dor- chefter-r^T^^ 31 One — Lady Mary Dou<5LAs-r^/i^ and rare 32 Three — ^William Dolben, a proof Charles, Earl of -Dorfet ; and Mary^ Coyntefs of Efiex 33 Four— Prince Eugene ; Mary, Countefs of Eflex ; Charles, Lord Eufton ; and John, Earl of Exeter 34 Four — ^three of Frederick, King of Pruffia, one a proofs and Prince Frederick 35 Four^William Feliawes ; Bifliop Fowler; Gunning, Bifliop of Ely, Jcarce ; and Martin Folkes, in a cap, 1719 36 Seven— George 1. — the fecond two as Prince of Wales , and George Eleflor of Brunfwick 37 Four^three of George Prince of Denmark^ and Sid- ney, Earl of Godolphin 38 Four— George, Prince of Denmark; Count Galla? ; and George of HelTe-CafTel 39 FoU;rr--George of Denmark, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, and the Duchefs of Grafton 40 Four^r—Samu el Garth ; Grinlin Gibbons, one with his wife ; and.Sir Richard Gipps 41 One — David Boyle, Earl of Glafgow— 3/5’;.^ atid fcarce 42 One — ditto, — /*- // ' ^ 3 - / A ^ /- 7 /- r A" T l6th Day. BY J, SMITH. IC’- :L- 0 43 Two— •William, Duke of Gloucefter, with the flower- pot, very fine \ and one with Mr, Benjamin Bath- hurfl ; — ^roof 44 Four — William, Duke of Gloucefter 45 Two — Sir Henry and Lady Mary Goodricke, in ovals — rare 46 T wo — Lad/ Helen Hamilton, proof \ and the Ladies Henrietta and Katherine Hide— 47 Two — Thomas, Earl of Haddington j and Sir William Hodges — FINE AND SCARCE 48 Four — Anthony Henly; Lord Hinchinhrook j Abra- ham Hondius ; and Mrs. Arabella Hunt . V / 49 Four—Mrs. Conway Hackett; Mrs. Rachel How; Lady Howard, whole length, landing j and Mrs, Arabella Hunt H-i’ 50 Six — James I. and II. 51 Five — Queen Katharine, Lady Grifell Karr, Mrs. Anne Ji> Killigrew, and Ann Kynnefman — fine ji}"P 52 Two — John Kettlewell, and Thomas Knipe — very FINE 53 Two — Elizabeth, Countess of Kildare— and rare a-h 54 'Three — two of Kneller, and Devereux Knightley 55 Two — John Lambert, Efq. and Sir P. Lilly — fine and RARE 56 Four — Anthony Leigh, Lewis XIV. John Locke, and Madam Loftus 57 Twc — John, Earl of Mar, ftieet; and John, Earl of Mulgrave J..J 9 - 58 Four— Jofeph Martyn, merchant ; General Thomas Maxwell ; Henry, Lord Delamar ; and John, Earl of Mulgrave BY J. SMITH. l6th Day, 59 Five — Madam Dorothy Mafon; Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough ; and three of Queen Mary 60 One — Queen Mary, with a high head-dress, after Vander Vaart—^^w^ and fcarce 6 1 Three— Mary of Efte, one a proof \ Mary IL 5 ceno- taph of ditto, a proof 62 Three— ^Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough ; Michael dc Molinos ; and Ann, Duchefs of Monmouth, with her fbnS ^ 63 Five — Duke and Duchefs of Marlborough; and James, Duke 6f Monmouth 64 Three — Charles Napier, Efq.; Thomas, Duke of New- caftle ; and Sir Ifaac-^Newton^^w^ 65 ' Three — -James, Duke of Ormond, a fquare; one ditto, oval ; and Mary, Duchefs of Ormond, whole length — fne 66 Three — Charles Napier ; Mary, Duchefs of Ormond, whole length ; and Robert, Earl of Oxford 67 Three — Thomas, Earl of Pembroke ; the Old Pre- tender, and his filler, after Largilliere ; and one on a cuftiion 68 Four — Sir William Petty; George Petty; Sir John Percival, whole length ; and Alexander Pope — fine 69 Two — Robert, Earl of Roxburgh, xt. 19, 1696, ' after D. Pattin, rare; and Lady Roxburgh, in an oval, after Kneller N. B. This Print is ufually called Mrs. Morgan, 7*0 Three — Chriftopher Rawlinfon, of Lancaflilre ; Wm. Richards, and Captain Edward Rigby 71 Two — Laurence, Earl of Rochefter; and Sir George Rooke — fine and rare T 2 1 6th Day. BY J. SMITH. 3- ip 'I., iff / iff- i’ JO-i /-A iO^h i-S ■ /.•/ 72 Fdur — Boyle, Countefs of Ranelagh ; Befly, Countefs of Rochford Ann Roydhoufe j and Catharine, Countefs of Rutland — -fine 73 Four-r-*Diana, Duchefs of St. Albans; Frances, Countefs of Salifbury ; Jane Skeffington ; and Princefs Sophia of Brunfwick 74 Three-Henry Sacheverell; James, Earl of Salifbury; and Thomas Smith, Bifhop of Carlifle — fine 75 One — James, Earl of Seafield, with armorial bearings— FINE and rare 76 —Two — Duke of Schomberg, on horfeback; and Sir Cloudefly Shovell— fine 77 Two— a ditto; and Maynard, Count Schomberg 78 Six — The Honourable Mrs. Sherard; two — Sophia Dowager of Brunf\Yick; and three— Sophia Dorothea of Pruflia 79 Four— =^John Smith, Edward Southwell, C. W. Sto'ck- dale; and Thomas Tompfon 80 Four— John, Lord Sommers; Sir Richard Steele, from Richardfon ; a ditto, from Kneller ; and Willian\ Stukeley— 81 Three- — ^John, Lord Sommers; Charles, Duke of Somerfet ; and C, W. Stockdale— 82 One— George, Viscount Tarbat, set. 60, 1692— FINE AND RARE 83 Two— John, Marquis of Tweedale; one in ERMINE — -fine and ficarce 84 Three— Thomas Tompion ; Charles, Vifcount Townf- hend, with a parrot ; and Grevil Verney— 85 Three — Sir John Vanbrugh; Grevil Verney; and William, Lord Viilers, with his fifter Mary, Whole length— 9 BY J. SMITH. i6th Day. 86 One — Johannes Witt, merchant, 1704, after Warner Haffell’s — extrA rare and fine 87 Four — Ann Warner; Thomas, Lord Wharton; Sir Chriftopher Wren ; and W. Wycherley — •fine 88 Six — Ann Warner; Countefs of Weftmoreland; two Princefs Wilhelmina ; Lady Elizabeth Willmot; and Mrs. Yarborough 89 One — The Honoi/rable Mrs. Ann Watson- proof — VERY rare and FINE 90 Four — Thomas, Lord Wharton; Dudley Woodbridge; Henry W*orfter; and Mr. William Woodward, after T averner— 91 Six — different, of William III. " 92 One — James, Duke of York, with the an- chor-proof, vef-y fine and rare ' 93 One— Maria, Duchess of York, fold by R. Palmer, whole length— fine and rare 0- 9- tO-'i s- ^ - ^ ' I i i s I i i 1 Seventeenth Day’s Sale. FOREIGNERS. s 1 Nine— p. Stockmans, by Harrewyn; Jofeph Sebaf- tion, by Habert,^&c. 2 Ten — Peter Seguier, by Mellan ; Anna, Duchefs of Savoy ; Spinola ; Count de Soiflbns, by C. David, &c. 3 Five — Francis de Sales, by Morin ; P. Sequin, by Pitau, 1664 ; D. Sanguin, by ditto, &c. 4 One — Marfbal Saxe, by J. G. Will, 1748 5 Four — Spinola, by Muller; John, Duke of Saxony, by W. Hondius, 1628, a firft imprellion ; Vi£for, Duke Savoy, &c. 6 Six — Pope Sixtus V. F. de Sales, by Pitau, &c. INGRAVED PORTRAITS# 7 One— Admiral Stellingwerf, by Bloteling— VERY FINE 8 Six — Le Sueur, by Cochin, 1731; An Sacchi, by Vallet; Spranger, and his wife, by E. Sadeler; A. M. Schurman, by Van Dalen, &c. 9 One — ^Marquis Spinola, on horfeback, with Hen Vondenbergh, 1620, bordered with fmall oval views of citles^fcarce ^ - T 10 Seven — J. de Thou, by Lochon ; Seb. Truchet, by Thomaffin ; Chriftopher de Thou, by Morin, &c. I I Seven — J. de Thon, by Vonillemont; C. de Thou, by Morin; Taflb, by Depuis, &c. 12 One — The Princefs Troubetfkoy, by Daulle, 1761 13 One — L. A. Comte de Toulouze, by P. Drevet VERY FINE 14 Five^ — F. de Troy, by Poilly; Titian, by Aug, Carraci ; Anton Temptfta, See. 15 One — Titians’s fon and nurfe, after Titian, by Murphy — proof ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. T 16 Six — -David la Touche, of Wicklow, by J. K. Sherwin, &c. 17 Four — John Taylor, by Van Hove; Thomas Tryon, by R. White; John Tutchin, by M. V. Gucht; and Sir John Trenehard, by Beftland I7t^ Say: ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. 9 1 ^^ ,..ir 7-r / 4 ' /9 4l f- 4 JO- 4 It - 4 . i6 - C/- ^ A ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. ,T 41 One — Mr. Richard Tatterfall, by John Jones ^ ^ 42 Three — Charles, Lord Talbot, by Bockman ; Richard, Earl Temple, by Houffon; and Sir William Thomp- fon, by J. Faber, 1739 u i I?th Day. CLERGY TOPOGRAPHICAL. / / 1 ^- ^ 43 Three-— J — ^ Count de Tarouca, by Simon; C. Van Tromp, fold by Brown and Tenducie> by Finlayfon '^the two lajl proofs 44 Two— Pierce Tempeft — a proof \ and Richard Thomp- fon, by Place— 45 One — John Thornton, Efq. whole length, by V. Green — proof 46 One— Humphry French, the Good Lord Mayor— farce 47 Three— Kirkes Tcwnley, by Charles Townley; Ti- mothy Treadway, by Faber; and William Tunftall, in quarto, three Latin lines CLERGY. 4*^ Two — BifhopTalbot, 1721; and Trimnell, 1721— 49 Four — Dr. Sharpe, by V. Green; Matthew Tindall, aet. 2 ' 78, 1733, by J. Faber; Tillotfon, by J, Simon; ditto, by Faber — proof TOPOGRAPHICAL. / 50 Bedfbrdfhi re— twelve, maps, plans, &c. 51 Berkfliire— twenty ditto, view of Windfor-caiHe, Colfhill, by V ertue, Stc. 52 Buckinghamlhire— twenty-one— Stow-gardens, he, 53 Cambridgefhire^ — thirty— Cathedral Church of Ely, the Town of Wifbech, View of Cambridge, he. 54 Chefhi re— twenty-one— E ton-hall, on two fheets, by 'Foms ; ditto, by Kip, maps, plans, he. topographical. jyth ray. 55 Cumberland, &c. — feventeen — the Cathedral ofCarlifle, by King; St. Michael’s Mount, &c. 56 Devonftiire — ^fifteen — Plymouth-dock, maps, &c. — 57 Dorfetfhire — thirty— from Hutchin’s Hiftory, See. — - *57 Thirteen — ditto " " ■ - 58 Durham — a Plan of the River Waer, from New Bridge to Sunderland-Bar, four fheets, by Burleigh and Thompfon, 1737 59 A ditto, and twelve maps. See. — ^ 60 Eflex — fix — a Plan of Luxbrogh and Cockfell’s Farms, at Chigwell, drawn on vellum, 1727; the Earl of Tinley’s, on two (beets, by Roque, &c. 61 Hamplbire, &c.— eleven— -Porchefter-caftle, Sec, — 62 Kent— View of Rochefler, Chatham, and Sheernefs, with the burning the Fleet, 1664, by R. de Hooge— fcarce ; Docks of Sheernefs and W oolwich, &c. 163 Lancalhire, &c.— ten — maps, &c. ^ O 2 64 London, &c. — nineteen — maps, plans of canals, Sec. j 65 , one — the Royal Fi re-works, on the River Thames, before Whitehall, 1713, by B. Lens— 66 67 fcarce five — theFire of London, 1666, by W. Birch, &c. Views of Arundel-houfe, with portraits of the Earl of Arundel and family, publlfhed by Mr. Thane 68 Norfolk, &c. — a parcel — “ 69 Oxfordftiire — eight - — 70 Rutlandfhire, Sec . — fifteen — 71 Somerfetfhire— fev^enteen 72 StafFordfhire, &c.— twenty — — 73 Surrey, &c.—tv/enty-five— views. Sec. U 2 i7ht Day. FOREIGNERS. c> / 5 - -/ 7 - ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. V 93 Four — Lord and Lady Vaux, &c. by Dalton, &c.^ ^ 94. Five — Sir George Vandeput, Dr. de Valengin, by Collyer ; P. Vignau, by Gordiner; Henry Vogue] I, by G. F. Schmidt, 1746 ; and John Urry, 1714, by N. Pigne 95 Four — ‘Lud. Vives, G. J. Voffius, by A. Blooteling; Adol. Verflius, by P. Pontius; and Count Ulfield, &c. 96 Five — Vefalii, Adol. Vorftius, by P. Pontius, Szc. 97 One — Sir Thomas Urquhart, fmall v/hole length, by G. Glover, 1645 — and rare 98 One — ditto, by ditto, 1641, with the copy 7 y ■2-d /7 ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. V 99 One — Admiral Sir Edward Vernon, whole length, by J. Jones I7tfe Day* MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. 100 Two—Sir Thomas de Veil,' by Ryley — proof and Henry Voguell, 1746, by Faber 10 1 Two— Admiral Edward Vernon, after Gainlborougb, by M^Ardell j and one, by Faber, 1746 Eighteenth Day’s Sale. VANDYCK. t i OUR— artifts — Barbe, Van Baelen, Brouer, See. — 2 Seven — artifts — Callot, Cofter, Grayer, Sic, — - — - — 3 Four — artifts— Ertvelt, Vanden Enden, &c, - — - ~ 4 Four—Th. Galle, Vander Geeft, Gentilefci, &c. -- 5 Six — W. Hondius, Honthorft, P. de Jode, Jordans, and Inigo Jones, by Hollar 6 Three— John Livens; Mirevelt, a proof ^ and Momper 4 * ^ 7 Five — Lamen, Mallery, MeilTens, Mildor, and Mytens 8 Four — Palamedes, Pepyn, Poelenbourgh, and P. Pontius 9 Four — Revefteyn, Rombouts, Rubens, and Martin Ry- chart 10 Four — Segars, Schut, Sachleven, and Snyders — 11 Four— Snayers, Stalbert, Steenw)’ck, and Stevens - 12 Four — Vandyck, the buft ; Lucas Vorfterman, Corn. de Vos, and Simon Vouet rSth Day. VANDYCK. // -^13 Seven*— Vandyck, Vanlonius, -Voerfl, Vrancx, Van Uden, Wilc!ens,ancl V^olfart 14 Five— portraits of painters, etched by Vandyck 15 Six — ditto 16 Twelve — -half lengths, by Lombardt 17 Fiv*e— Gus; Adolphus, Coiint Aremberg on horfeback, &c. &c. 38 Five — Earl of Arundel, and iilathea Talbot, by Vorflerman ; one by Tardieu, &c. / ig Three — Thomas, Earl of Arundel, by Vorflerman; ditto, and Alathea Talbot, and the Arundel family, fmall 7 / 20 Two — George, Duke of Buckingham, and his brother, 1636 ; and John and Lord Bernard Stuart, by M‘Ar- // Adl—fme 21 Two — Mich. Le Blon, by Matham; and Chriflian, Duke of Brunfwick — proof 3 - ^ 22 Seven — Don Alvor Bazau ; Cardinal Eentivolus, by 'Morin; Flenry, Count* Van Berghe, by Pontius, &c. &c. 23 Five — Count Van Berghe, by Pontius; CouUt Bram- teviHe, Johannes de Blois, &c. /A >24 Two — ^Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, by Suyderhoef, with rich ornamental borders — -fine 9 -y 25 One-^ditto, in an oval, hat and cloak, View of Lon- don, encircled with two dragons, fix Dutch verfes, by J. Zoet — ^very rare and fine 26 Two — ditto, on horfeback, and the Duke d’Efpernon; and ditto, with the Qiieen, &c. by Baron, 1741 _ jT^ 27 Tv/o — Charles I. and the Duke d’Efpernon, by Baron, 174T, with the etching — very Jcarce II VANDYCK. iSth Day. 28 Three — Charles I. in armour^ whole length, by P. Gunft; ditto, with Queen and two children, ob- long, mez. o6i:avo, and the three children, by Sir Robert Strange 29 One — Charles L by Vorfterman — very fine — - 30 Three — ditto, right hand on a crown, by Meyfens ; the etching of ditto, curious \ and Henrietta Maria, by Jofeph Couchet 31 Five— ditto, by R. White, a fheet ; ditto, by de Jode, octavo ; one ditto, by J. Becket ; one ditto, by J. Smith, folio ; and one, the fame, quarto 32 Three — Charles, Count Palatine, by Bernard, 1657 ; Charles, de Columna, by Pontius, Vanden Enden ; and Charles 11 . when young, by Hollar 33 One — Charles I. whole length, in his robes, by Sir Robert Strange — fine 34 'wc — the children of ditto, by ditto ; and one ditto, by Richard Cooper, 1762 35 One — ^dkto, with the Queen, and his children, by Joan Maffard, 1784, large ftieet — fne 36 Two — Charles L and Henrietta Maria, by P. de Jode, large half (heet — very fine 37 Four — Ann, Countefs of Caernarvon, by Morin; Lucy, Countefs Carlifle, by P. Baillie; ditto, by Gunll, &c. 38 One — Oliver Cromwell, on horfeback, by P. Lombart — fine and fcarce 39 One — Henry, Earl of Danby, whole length, by V. Green — fine 40 Four — Lucy, Countefs of Carlifle, by Gunft; Sir Ke- nelm Digby, by V. Voerft; ditto, by Houbraken; and Edvyard, Earl of Dorfet, by M, Vander Gucht X //- /■ M-c iC’-l, /■■ 7 :L..a r.-i- / iSth Ciy. VANDYCK. .4 lO-(> Iff" io / ^ / -7 / , ih- (o I ■ - /» 9 '- J-^ a- 41 Five— Ferdinand of Auflria, difFerent *41 Five — Ferdinand HI. Roman Emperor; Albert, Duke Fritland, 5 cc. 42 One — Sir Belthazar Gerbier, and family, by W. Walker —fine proofs fcarce ^42 One — ditto, ditto 43 Three-— James, Duke of Hamilton, in armour, collar of the Garter, by V. Lifebetius ; ditto, left hand on a truncheon : ditto, odlavo ^43 One— Henrietta Maria, with the Prince of Wales and Duke of York, by Sir Robert Strange, \^i%\—fine 44 T wo — Henrietta Maria, by Gunft ; ditto, by P. de Jodejodfavo 45 Two — James, Duke of Hamilton, by V. Lifebetius ; and Henry, Earl of Holland, by Clowet— PROOF 46 One — Henrietta Maria, by George Glover, 1640— and rare * 47 T wo- — Henrietta Maria, and Charles L by P. de Jode--^ very fine 48 One — ditto, by De Jode — fine proof 49 One — George, Marquis of Huntly, whole length, by V. GtQ&n—fine 50 Six — Conilan. Hugens, Paul Halmalius, &c, 51 Three— Ifabella Clara Eugenia, by V, Sompel ; ditto, by Vorfterman ; and ditto, by W. Hondius, 1633 52 One— Madam Ann Kirk, whole length, by Becket — - fine 53 Seven— Juflus Lipfius, Martin Vanden Enden; Fred. de Marfelaer, John de Montfort, &c. 54 Four — Marg. Lemon, by Morin; Count Mansfield, - by Voerfl; Maria de Mcdicis, by Marten Vanden vandyck; iSih Enden ; and Pvlaria, daughter of Charles I. by P. de Jode, oifavo 55 Seven — Adary of Auftrla, by Galle ; Mpncade, by Suy- derhoef ; ditto, by Vorfterman, &c. 56 One — the NafTau family, by Baron, im- prejjlon^ fine 57 Two — Frederic Henry, Prince of Orange, by P. Pon- tius; ditto, by Waumars 58 Five — John, Count NafTau, by Pontius ; ditto, by Suy- derhoef; ditto, by Vorflerman ; and two of Emilia, Princefs of Orange 59 One— the Pembroke family, by Baron, 1740 -- • — - - 60 Six — Philip IV. on horfeback, by P. de Jode ; Henry, Count Papeenheim, by C. Galle, &c. 61 Three — William, Duke of Newcaflle, by Vertue; N. F de Peirefe, by L. Vorflerman; and Philip, Earl Pembroke, by R. Van Voerfl: 62 Three — James, Duke of Richmond, whole length, by Earlom — fine^ proofs ditto, by Ploubraken; and a ditto, o6lavo 63 Three — Theo. Rogiers, by Clouet; Rubens and . Vandyck, in one fheet, by P. Pontius; and Prince Rupert, by H. Snyers 64 Three — Lords John and Bernard Stuart, by R. Tomp- fon; one ditto, byM‘Ardell; and Madam Smith, by Vaillant 65 Five — Alexander Seagia, by Mart. Vanden Enden; A Spinola, by Soutman; Quin Simons, &:c. 66 Four — Thomas, Earl of Strafford, by R. White; ditto, by Hollar, 1640; ditto, by Hoiibraken; ditto, and his fecretary, by Vertue X ^ ... y / y y jhi /■ ^ »Sth D»jf. vertue's wor ks. // 67 One — Rachael, Countefs of Southampton, by M‘Ar- dell— proof /../ - / 68 One — Titian and his miftrefs, etched by Vandyck 69 One — ditto — very fine 70 Six — Spinola, DioTulden, Count Tferclaes, Anton dc Tallis, &c. 7 - ^ 71 Four — Vandyck, by Carlo Faucci; S. Vouet, by Morin ; R — , Earl of Warwick, by Houbraken; and Ann Wake, by Clov/et H-lfi 72 Two — Baron Wandesford, by J. Watfon; and Sir Thomas Wharton, whole length, by V. Green ■J -7 73 One — Countess of Warwick, by Pontius, fmall oval — proofs very rare f.-ic A- h /f-p 74 Five — Wolf, Count Palatine, Baro Wemmelius, &c. 75 Six — various 76 Ten — The Wharton Family, &c. whole lengths, by Gunll— old imprejfion ,.-Z> VERTUE’S WORKS. 77 One-— the Arundel family, after Vandyck— and fcarce 78 Three — Qiieen Anne, folio, with medals ; and David Bruce, ^t. 15, 1710, large Iheet, &c. 79 Four — Sir F. Bacon, in an oval ; L. Blackburne, 1727 ; Lord A. Beauclerc, proofs \ and Sir John Blen- v:*- cowe, 1713 80 Six — Bagford, 1728; J. Barwick, S. T. P.; A Black- well ; R. Boyle, quarto, 1738; W. Broome, aet. 36, 1726; and John, Duke of Buckingham, quarto, 1722 ir VERTUE*S WORKS. rtth Day« •01 Nine — ^King Charles 1 . and the Loyalifts, with the bio- graphical account 82 Five— Cranmer, in an oval, proof •y two of Chandler, 1738, one a proofs J. W. Dawes, o( 9 :avo ; and P. Doddridge, 1751 83 Six— Queen Caroline, fitting, a proofs ditto, when Princefs of Wales, large, 1724 j Caftiglioni ; Wm. Croft ; H. Cortes ; and William, Duke of Cumber- land, quarto 84 Four— Sir Lau. Carter, 1733; Samuel Dale, 1737; Thos. Earl of Dorfet, 1608, and Lionel, Duke of Dorfet, 1732 85 One— Edward Elliot, of Port-Elliot, and family, 1726 — ON India paper, scarce 86 Two— Edward VI. granting the charter of Bridewell ; and Queen Elizabeth’s proceffion to Hunfdon-houfe 87 Four— Edward IIL. and IV, Elizabeth, and Sir Robert Eyre 88 Five — Prince Frederic, proof, John Flamftead, 1719; John, Lord Fortefcue, 1747; John Freeke, 1717; and T. Fuller, M. D. ^ 89 Five — John Gale, octavo, py^of\ J.Gilbert; John Gill, folio, 1748; Am. Godfrey, a buft; and Sir Thomas Grefham 90 Five — John Gilbert; Hum. Gower, proof, Richard Graves, st. 59; John Graves, aet. 103, 1728; and Sir Thomas Grelham, proof 91 Five — George I. 1714; George, Prince of Wales, 1724; H. Duke of Gloucefter; Lady Jane Grey, and the Familia Regia 92 Two — Familia Regia; and Charles, Earl of Halifax, 1716 jh" ^ f- J! 7 10 /S' iSth Day. vertue’s works. /f.-L, ID 7-/ y/~ l-O If Li 93 Six — ^^Sir Matt. Hale ; Ant. Hall ; Marg. Halyburton, 1747 ; Edward Harley, 1751 ; Eliz. Haywood and George Holmes, 1743 94 Five — Sir Matt. Hale; Thomas Harley; Edward Harley, 1751 ; Sir Edward Harley, t66o; and Ben- jamin Hoadley 95 Five — Ben Johnfon, folio, proofs ditto, octavo; Sir Jofeph Jekyll ; Thomas Kenn, octavo ; and Sir P. King, oval, 1724 96 Three — ^John Kenrick, set. 29 ; Wm. Lambard, 1601, proof ; and John Lydgate 97 Five — William Lambard, quarto ; William Lan- proof \ Bifhop Lloyd, ^t. 86, 1713; John Locke, o 61 avo ; and William Lupton 98 Three — Mary I. after A. More ; and two, different, of Mary Queen of Scots 99 Four — Mary Queen of Scots ; Milton, ast. 21 ; ditto, set. 66, proof and Bifhop Morley 100 One — Sir Hugh Myddleton — fine and scarce 10 1 Six — Walter Moyle, ast. 49, 1721 ; F. Mundy, act. 29, 1720; John Murray, proof \ Sir Ifaac Newton, aet. 83; Robert, Earl of Ojrford'; and the Hen. Countefs of Orrery, 1732 102 Eight — Sir F. Page, 1720 ; Daniel Parke, 1710 ; Matt. Parker, in an oval ; Philip V.; John Potter, 1737; Matt. Prior, 1719} James Puckle ; and Fa- ther Paul 103 Four — Sir F. Page, 1720; Henry Powle, 1737 ; Sir Robert Raymond, 1724 ; and James Reynolds, 1730 104 Four — Racine, quarto; Sir Walter Raleigh; Sir Tho- mas Rawlinfon, Lord Mayor, 1706; and John Ro- binfon, organiff virtue’s works. 1 8 th Day. 105 Four — Bifliops— John Robinfon, of Briftol ; James Sharp, of St. Andrew’s ; Richard Smalbroke, of Litchfield, 1733 5 and George Smalridge, of Briftol, 1724 106 Six — George Smallridge ; Robert South ; John Spen- cer, 1727; Spinckes, 1727 ; Jofeph Stennet, and Jo- nathan Swift, in an oval, folio Nineteenth Day’s Sale FOREIGNERS. w t / ■ / 7 . jz- j Five— William VI. ofHeire-Caffel; William VIII. of ditto, by Houbraken ; Koningfmark, Count Wef- terv/ick, by Falck, 1651, &c. 2 One — Corn, and John de V/itt, with their execution at the bottom 3 Three— Corn, and John de Witt, in the middle of fix- teen hiftorical compartments, by R. de Hooge, John de Witt, by J. Barry, and Corn, de Witt, by Capt. Baiilie 4 Six — Four portraits of Corn, and John de Witt, and two of their executions 5 Eight' — 'Various, after Titian, Guido, &-c» 6 Five — Xaverius, by Vermeulen, &c. VERTUE MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. jQth Day. VERTUE’s CONTINUED. 7 Five — Eliz. Countefs of Shrewfbury ; Sir Phil. Sidney, proofs ; Thomas, Earl of Stafford, after Vandyck ; Children of ditto ; and Thomas, Earl of ditto, 1714 8 Five — William, Duke of Somerfet, 1671; Sir James Steuart, ast. 78 j Thomas, Earl of Strafford ; and ditto, 1714 9 Four — Sir Philip Sidney, ditto, proof'. Sir John Suck- ling; and Henry Earl of Surrey, ob. 1546 10 Five — Rad. Taylor, aet. 75, 1722; Edward Tenifon, Bilhop of Offory, 1731; J. Thurloo, William. T rumbull, and Daniel T urner 11 Two — William Trumbull, and Sir William Trumbull- — proof fcarce 12 Six — Thomas Vernon, 1725 ; Edmund Waller, folio; William Peere Williams, 174O; Sir Ralph Win- wood ; Wollafton, quarto ; and Sir Watkin William Wynn, 1742 13 Three-i— P. Verignon, 1722 ; William Whiffon, 1720; and the Pope’s Tiara 14 Three— Uflier ; JohnWefley; and Biftiop Wilfon, of Man, 1726 /- T 7-^ i iO u / / V ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. w 15 Three — Thomas Walker, a£l:or, by Faber, 1728 ; Mr. Thomas Wright, by Frye, 1737 ; and Sir Benj. Wrench, ^M. D. aet. 82, 1747 Y I9'.h Day. MEZZOTINT© PORTRAITS. ^•4 16 ^7 /•? V 18 % 19 -•v. . , 20 / 21 22 23 // 24 25 f'l, i.- Three — General Wade, in oval, by Faber, 1736 ; Colonel Thomas Wentworth, by Van Haecken j and General Wills, by J. Simon Two — General Wade, by Vanacken, 1736 j and Sir James Wifhart, by Faber, 1722 Four — Gen. Wade, by Vanhaeckenj Admiral Sir Peter Warren, 1751, by Faber; Charles Watfon, by E, Fifher; and Captain Andrew Wilkinfon, by H. Hudfon Two — Admiral Sir Charles Wager, 1726, by G. White ; and the etching — -fcarce One — George, Prince of Wales; and Prince Frede- rick, Bilhop of , Ofnaburg, after Weft, by V. Green — proof One — ^George, Prmce of Wales, ftandirig with his horfe, after Gainlborough, by J. R. Smith — proof Three — Sir Robert Walpole, whole length, 1741, by Faber ; ditto, in oval, by Simon ; and ditto, with Fortitude, Juftice, &c. by Sympfon Two — Sir Robert Walpole, in an oval, by G. White, 1715; and Mrs. Catherine Walpole, by Simon — -fine One — Sir Robert Walpole, whole length, by Faber—* fine proof One — Baron Wandesford, after Vandyck, by James W atfon Two — Generals Waftiington and Green, whole length, after Peele, by V. Green — proofs^ fcarce Three — Waftiington, in a fquare, after Trumbull, by V. Green — proof and two cut ones One — ditto, after ditto, 1780, whole length, by Val. Green Two — Guftavus Waltz, by J. S. Miller; and Mafter Samuel W efley, by W . Dick^nfon, whole length MEZZOTINT© PORTRAITS. 19th Day, 30 One — George Weld, of Willey, in the county of Salop, Efq. deputy-lieutenant of the Tower oi fj' London, in the 15th year of the reign of King Charles IL — very rare — not in Bromley. 31 Two — Benj. Weft and Son, 17735 and Mrs. Weft and Son, by V. Green — proofs 32 Four — Philip, Duke of Wharton, by Simon; Thomas, Marquis ditto, by ditto ; John Wilkes, by Ritche- ^ man; and William Wollafton, quarto, by Faber 33 One— William Wilberforce, M. P. by C. H. Hodges, 1791 — proof 34 One — William III. on horfeback, at the battle of Na- mur, 1695, after Wyck, by Faber, 1743 35 Two— William and Mary, by Verkolye — the king « proof 36 Two — William and Mary, in their robes, whole length, by B. Lens — very fne 37 Four — William, on horfeback, a ditto, in an oval, by G. Valck ; a ditto, by R. Williams, &c. 38 Two — Mafter and Mifs Williams, after Wright, by V. Green — proof ; and Mifs Stuart, ditto 39 Three — John Wilkes, by James Watfon, a toping meeting between a parfon, a fteward, and a poet. Van Goucht, del. et fculp. and James Worfdale, by W. Dickenfon 40 One — Sir Armine Woodehoufe, by Charles Towmlcy, 1772— 41 One— Mr. Philip Woollrich, by F. Place — very fne and rare 42 Two — Arthur Wentworth, by V. Green, and William Woodfall — proofs — Y*. 0 jf 7-^ /- 77 7 7, /J:- 7l7-^ T 2 igOi Day., CLERGY ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. CLERGY. J, 4+ ThTee-— -Bifliops — Stephen Wefton^ of Exeter, 1731, by G. V/hite ; Willes, of Bath^ &c. 1743, by Faber ; and Richard Willes, of Gloucefler, by J, Simon Three — Thomas Walker, L.L.D. 1728 ; W. War- ren, L.L.D. by W. Robins, 1731 ; and Stephen Wefton, by G. White Two — George Walker— ^7 proofs James Warner, V.D.M. in an ornamented oval Two— Mr. Wallen, by P. Borgnk— and George Whitefieid, whole length, by James Wat^ foil ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. w 6 47 Ten — various J Jofeph Warder, Wafliington, George' Wilfon, Woodward, &c. 48 Five — 'The children of Count Woronzor, by Caroline Watfon, &:c. 49 Five^ — Thomas Walker, L. L. D. 1764; Sir Edward Ward, by R. White, 1702; Sir Chriftopher Wray, 1582, by Harding; Sir Robert Wright, by R. White, &c. N 50 Three— Writing-mafters ; Thomas Wellon, by R. White; Eleazer Wigan, 1695, by J. Sturt; and a fneet of fix, by Bickham ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. t9th Da/. 51 Five^Watteau and his brother; one the etching; Worlidge, by himfelf — on fattin^ &c. 52 Four — Sir Robert Walpole; Sir Watkin William Wynne, by Aberry, 1753; a ditto, by B. Wilfon; and Thomas, Marquis of Wharton, by Houbraken 53 Four — Edward Waterhoufe, 1663, by D. Loggan ; William Walwyn, aet. 80, by R. White; Thomas Willis, M. D. set. 45, by D. Loggan; and Thomas Willsford, aet. 46, by R. Vaughan 54 Five — Edward Waterhoufe, by A. Hertochs; Sir F. Walfingham, 55 T welve — Portraits to illuftrate Granger, &c. — 56 Six — Lord Wentworth; Thomas Wiatt, &c. by Dalton, he, 57 Four — Lady Warner, by P. Vanfehuppen, 1690; Mary, Countefs of Warwick, 1678, by R. White; Richard Whittington, by R. Elftrache; and Sir Hen. Wotton, folio 58 Eight — Waller, by Vanderbanc ; Whittington, &c. 59 Eight — Lady Warner; Mary, Countefs of Warwick; Sir George Wharton, by Crofs, fix Englifli verfes ; ditto, by Chantry, ditto ; Withers, by Payne ; John Woodhull, by G. Glover, . 60 Three — Sir William Waller ; Lord Willoughby, of Parham ; and Edward, Earl of Worcefter, by Simon PafTe 41 One — William, Viscount Wallingford — EXTRA FINE AND RARE 62 One — Robert Walker, by Lombart— ana fcarce 63 One — William Wattfon, of Stower, in Dorfet, M. D. by R. Parr — rare '/■- /o- i$th !>a}t« CLERGY. ' y..p .. 64 One— Sir John Webfter, eight Latin lines, by T. Matham — -firfi imprejjion^ very rare 65 One — DITTO — a paoof^ extra rare 66 Two— Darcy Wentworth, 1624, by W. Pafle— ; and the copy 67 One — Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland, by P. Willlamfon, 1662 — "fine and rare 68 One — Bulftrode Whitelock, in an oval, by R. Gay- wood — rare " 69 One — Thomas Whithorn, wood cut, from his” contra Tenor, 1571 — rare 70 One — Mr. Juftice Willes, by James Heath, after T, Gainfborough 10 - 71 Seven — William III. various 72 One — Sir Francis Winderbank and Lord Jlf ■■ .. Finch, v/ith Finch’s wings flying to Windyban k — — extra rare A ^ CLERGY. 73 Seven — G.rA. Wachfel, by J. Miller; John Wefley, hand on a book; Stephen WhifTon, by Trotter, 1784; Thomas Wills; Elh. Winchefter, by Ro- binfon, 1792; John Witherfpoon, by Trotter; and F. M. Ziegenhasgen, by G. H. Smith HlO - 74 Fourteen— various ; Luther, Calvin, &c. 75 Five — George Walker, by A. Haelweg; Thomas Waterhonfe; Richard Walton, o61:avo, &c, 76 Two — William Wake, by M. Vandregucht; and — Brian Walton, aet. 57, 1657, ^7 Lombart CLERGY. 19th Daf. 77 Three — George Walker, by P. Vandrebanc, 1689, before the addrefs of the publilher; B. Walton, by Lombart ; and Richard Walton, folio 78 One — John Wallis, by D. Loggan — proof ^ " 79 Two— ditto, by D. Loggan ; and one by M. Burghers, 1699 80 Three — William Walker, set. 59, quarto; Thomas Watfon, by Sturt, folio; George Webb, of Lime- rick, by Slater 81 Four— W. Whatelie, set. 58, fix Latin lines ; William Whitacres, by W. Marfhall ; John White, S. T. P. fix Latin verfes ; Francis White, set. 59, by Cockfon 82 Two- — Bilhop George Webb; and Thomas Wilfon, fix Englifh verfes, both by Crofs — -fine 83 Three — Daniel Whitby, S. T. P. set. 71, byM. Van- dregucht; Francis White, by G. Mountaine, fix Latin verfes; and An. Willett, with fix Latin verfes,^ folio — -fine 84 Five — Henry Wharton, by R. White, odtavo; Ben. Whichcot, ditto; Jeremiah White, set. 78, 1707; Eras. Williams, set. 56, 1608 — a monumental plate i and Thomas Wife, by M. Vandregucht, o 61 :av^o 85 Three — Bifhop John Wilkins, of Chefter, by A. Blooteling; John Williams, Bifhop of Lincoln, in a hat, fold by Jenner; and Cardinal Wolfey, 1629, quarto 86 Three — Thomas Wilfon, Bifhop of Man, by J. and C. Sherwin — proofs a ditto, by Trotter; and a ditto, set. 90, by J. Nouel, 1752, folio - // .. 7-^ ^ f - — .. .. s - V // - 7 - i9tnmy. MEZZOTINTO AND ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. ENGLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS. Y 87 One — Mrs. Yates, as Melpomene, after Romney, by V, Green— 88 One — Frederick, Duke of York, whole length, in his V uniform, after Hopner, by C. H. Hodges — proof 89 Two — James, Duke of York, by Verkolje; and Maria, Duchefs of York, by R. Williams, in avals 90 Two — Mrs. Agneta Yorke 5 boy and dog, by V. Green — proofs 91 Two — the Hon. Sidney Yorke; and Mrs. Agneta Yorke, ditto — ditto ENGLISH ENGRAVED PORTRAITS 92 Three — Mr. Yeates, in the chara 61 :er of Launce, by H. Roberts; John Yenh, archite( 5 t, by J. K. Sher- win ; P. P. and William Young, by Holloway 93 One — Robert, Earl of Yarmouth, .by P. Vandrebranc, a flaeet 94 Three~James, Duke of York, by R. Whke ; ditto, whole length', by Loggan ; and - Mary, Duchefs of ditto, by Vandrebanc 95 Three — James, Duke of York, by R. White; Anne, Duchefs of ditto, by Lombart, 1669; and one, by Simonneau 9 BOOKS OF PRINTS AND PORTFOlfOS. ,9thDa7. 96 One — James, Duke of York, in armour, trophies, $ic. by R, White, 1682, a {heet— 97 One — ditto, by Van Dalen • — — 98 A parcel, various ^ 99 A ditto ^ ~ ^ 0 /- / BOOKS OF PRINTS AND PORTFOLIOS. 100 Strutt’s Drefles, eight numbers ^ - 7 -' loi A fet of portraits to Sir John Hawke ns’s Hiftory of Mufic 102 Sixteen, Thane’s autographs, vol. ii. ^ 103 Vertue’s head, medals, and monuments, of the kings of ^2 Tt' 11 I . r r, . — — I, England — large paper uncut^ a fine fet 104 Houbraken’s heads, ditto, not complete 105 Holben’s Court of Henry VIII. 36 portraits, by /. 2 Dalton 106 Heads and views to Harding’s Shakefpeare-— wants three . ffi heads 107 A fet of Emperors and Popes > — . — // 108 A 'portfolio of the beft ftout vellum paper, bound in ^ /9 ' ^ Ruflia, 33 inches by 26 109 A ditto, 28 by 21, lettered ; Granger’s Britifti Bio- /j graphy, vol. iii ^ ^ 1 10 A ditto, ditto, vol, iv ^ Immediately after, will be fold the Colle£l;IoH of Gold, Silver, and Copper, Coins and Medals 5 due Notice will be given. THE END. 'I ay.A ^’Tva<^^ lo 2;;iooa • 1 vv ■ ^vI^Y lo riuO , -caO do j, ,r:8di ;oiia vV vci - liOi/iQ Yff jOJiib' — 3iiO *{0 - - iit'o ;..v jboii:.q A 8^ -► oij^L) /i •conoaTiio^ aviA aiviiiH ao c^ogs - ftf I • 't iAJmua iHab a*3];n33 coi "io ifilH , fe'en;*:;!?'- H ndoT liB oj ^ briiicq io A nilvM di .'r V jndq^-iT'Ojir.!: s'oGAf. r lo j:b i-i (r'n^miinoin bm fakbsm .to.i t^junoV — bar.IgnA 5l3[qmco •'on ,ojJib t2LaSii s'asssidjjoii yd ^ 3 ji£ltiOq d£ .IliY '^ifisH ^o 3iuoO aViScfloIi no^i?iQ cmd) siiAr.V' — ;?i/.Gr]'i3i£ii3 e'gnibisH o-J sy/^iv Ln^ abiisH . ebr^arl . >■ esqo^I bns e'lOisqmS lo 1‘jl A lil b. ;jcd ,.i?qsq mnllov iuoil ''Jl3d ’c.n^ lo oiidijioq'-A d£ yd a^fi'oni ££ -dd ‘.fdJrid : hd'iotl'il fil yd Hi: .jOjjiL A « ;ii dov tXdtiSig vi a'ov fOJiib A 101 set 5 ji eoi do I rci 8oi po Cl I A'eD V- ;d.i bid) 3d lliw jodii yljjjsibcrafnl ‘CS I'v/ 3-A t sii.'dll bnA an'oY bna ^'r-ovdo ‘ .H'/dd '>J / \ j ( \ 1 ft i I ^ '# 4