WOUND BY ZAtHNSOORF O^T^LOOXJE OF THE asket of Jewels OF MRS. NICHOLSON, DECEASED, LATE OF CARLTON HOUSE, HERNE HILL (by Order of the Executors) ; AND GOLD KEYLESS WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, RINGS, PINS, TRINKETS AND OTHER JEWELLERY, HOLD BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS: WHICH 0Etll be Solti bjr Auction bo Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St, James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - L THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. Ill. In the ease of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and tho remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE Oil THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of MRS. NICHOLSON, deceased, late of Carlton House , Herne Hill. JEWELLERY. 1 A gold ribbon brooch, set with turquoise; a gold brooch, chased with Egyptian ornament; and a pendant, with Swiss enamel head of ^ a peasant girl, set with small diamonds '^ r Tcs 2 A gold brooch, with a large smoke-coloured crystal; and a white topaz pendant cross, gold mounted ‘6 An oval gold brooch, with a large onyx cameo classical head 0^ 4 Another, with enamelled border, with a classical female head in onyx of three strata 5 A gold brooch, with onyx centre and three drops; a ditto pendant, set with five onyx; and a circular gold brooch, set with Scotch , B 2 pebbles 4 * ^~y ^ G A gold pendant and pair of earrings, with flowers in Venetian coloured mosaic; a circular brooch and pair of earrings, with 0 7 - Florentine mosaic of forget-me-nots; a fine gold bead eye-glass c/, chain; and a gold split ring 7 A gold-mounted onyx scarf-pin; a circular silver brooch, with Scotch pebbles; a silver halberd hair-pin; and four paste diamond pins 8 A pink coral brooch, carved with a female head ; and a pair of earrings, en suite ^9 A ditto bead necklace, with pendants; and a flexible bracelet, with^. cluster centre 10 A chased gold band bracelet, with heraldic ornaments in relief /^/ 4 A pair of oval gold filigree earrings, set with seed pearls, with oval ^ onyx cameo heads in the centre 12 A gold band bracelet, of-Etruscan design tJ*, &, r <314 A pair of gold earrings, of Egyptian design ; and a brooch, en suite > 7'/^ £>15 A small bar brooch, with five brilliants /Zr£ A small flower-pattern brooch, formeJ of nine brilliants /, /o . £?17 Another, formed as a flower with eight petals ^<=>18 An Eight-Pointed Star Brooch, with flower ornaments and collets intervening o 19 A Bing, with an opal and two brilliants & . ^20 Another, with a round pearl and two brilliants //f.#. a 21 A Half-Hoop Bing, with five emeralds /J. o 22 A King, with an oval turquoise and brilliants £ * 0 ■ 0 23 A half-hoop ring, with turquoise and small diamonds 0 . o24 A Ring, with a large brilliant cluster 25 A Bing, with a large sapphire and ten brilliants forming an ov^l . cluster ^ o , ^>6 A Bing, with three large brilliants *7 f 27 Another, with a single brilliant . /&r/> ^//* O , 5 An Enamelled Gold Pendant, of quatrefoil shape, set wjd rubies, polished sapphires and pearls, and with pearl drop ^ <^29 A pair of flexible gold band bracelets, of five rows each ^30 A Plain Gold Band Bracelet, with turquoise and diamond y cluster centre - s *31 Another, with ruby, emerald and diamond fleur-de-lis in the centre ' z5 32 Another, with onyx, pearl and diamond centre ? 33 Another, with mosaic Egyptian heads and flowers / 7 34 A brilliant bar brooch, with crescent centre i/y y ^5 A Half-Hoop Bracelet, with seven large and numerous smaller • brilliants T ' V*^-*-**"^ ‘ a 36 An Oval-Shaped Cluster Brooch, composed of numerous bril- j^y Hants, with large centre stone ^ / "f" > 37 ^8 A A Half-Hoop Bracelet, with triple row of brilliants Flexible Gold Band Bracelet, with large oval centre cluster of opals and brilliants ^ * ’/ s ' -> HALF-HOOP BRACELET, composed of seven large brilliants / in borders of smaller brilliants ^ ^ ‘ o40 An Oval-Shaped Brilliant Brooch or Pendant, of open design, y with opal centre and large oval pearl drop yi A Pair of Earrings, each with a large single brilliant, with . smaller brilliant above oA2 A Pair of Top-and-Drop Earrings, each with a large pear : shaped brilliant drop, and smaller round brilliant above , 43^AN OVAL BRILLIANT CLUSTER PENDANT, with sapphire centre and four pearls on the border, and brilliant pendant with, a large circular pearl and pear-shaped pearl drop - ' 0 44 A Flower-Pattern Necklace, a Pendant, and Pair of Ear-^^ *~h. rings, formed of seed pearls, with larger pearl centres B 3 6 The two following Lots are Sold by Order of Executors. t 0 /// J / , <^45 A Double Band Ring, with a large sapphire and brilliant and smaller diamonds ^ 46 A Half-Hoop Bracelet, with a fine sapphire surrounded by eight ' " brilliants, and smaller brilliants at the sides THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. JEWELLERY. y, /j , ^48 Y, , o 51 A small flower-pattern brilliant brooch A gold band bracelet, set with emeralds, pearls and diamonds /> An emerald and diamond cluster ring A gold pendant, set with turquoises and small diamond, and with fringe ; and a gold bangle bracelet A pendant and pair of earrings, with enamels of children in pearl borders, and with ribbon loops, set with pearls A gold band bracelet, with carbuncles; and a gold cable bracelet A gold ring, with an intaglio sard ; a signet ring; a ring, with small, lava camei; a pin, with pearl fly; three others; a pair of solitaires, with enamels of Cupid; and a pair of shell ditto Five gold and pale blue enamel buttons; six onyx buttons; fiv8 gold studs; three carbuncle ditto; three coral ditto; and three turquoise ditto 7 The following are Sold hy Order of Executors. JEWELLERY AND TRINKETS. ^55 A platinum and gold double Albert curb-pattern chain ^ ^6 A larger ditto 57 Two Sovereigns, with St. George and the Dragon, 1817, ’20 — with loops -O 58 A twisted gold bracelet, set with a brilliant and rubies, and, partly enamelled dark blue <-'<£- ^159 A pair of gold solitaires, set with onyx camei heads; a pair oi gold and enamel ditto, formed as palettes, set with stones; and two ^/^ other pairs of solitaires ^60 Two studs ; a pair of sleeve-links; five buttons, of gold and pale bluesy enamel; nine onyx buttons; and thirteen coral buttons ^61 Eighteen coral studs; three ditto buttons; and six silver seals, chased with figures of animals 762 Four gold-mounted compasses ^ £63 Two ditto, formed as mortars; a gold key and seal 64 A silver compass, with aneroid barometer; a silver pencil-case; and small ditto pen-knife ^ ^ y 65 A gold-mounted pen-knife; a gold whistle ; and compass, with _■ aneroid barometer ^ 66 A gold compass, with barometer ; a compass, in gold windlass case ; a gold skull and cross-bones; and a bunch of nine^ masonic charms 67 A gold barometer; two ditto boatswain’s whistles; a key, formed a a pistol; and a gilt metal compass ^68 A key, in gold case formed as a cannon; a gold key, with seal, three charms; and two gilt metal keys 0 69 Four compasses; and nine other keys and charms, some mounted with gold 8 KINGS. /./ t A lady’s watch (No. 10,512), in engine-turned hunting case / / Tver. A watch (No. 1258), with compensated balance and engraved sil dial, in gold case with chased border 96 A watch, by Piquet, Geneva (No. 250), with compensated balance, w in plain gold case ,97 A watch, by Bar wise (No. 5414), with compensated balance, in engine-turned case 98 A repeating watch, by Ingold (No. 175), with centre seconds Ni hand, in engine-turned case 99 A keyless watch, by Chambers (No. 416,070), with compensated balance, in engine-turned silver case ; and a self-winding watclp^^2>z^<^^- (No. 3879), in similar case 100 Three plain silver match-boxes; and eight chased silver lockets and charms, &c. GOLD KEYLESS WATCHES. 01 A Keyless Stop-Watch, repeating hours and quarters, by Brilman ✓ ^ & Son (No. 2206), with compensating balance, centre seconds ^ hand, and dial showing day. of month, in plain gold hunting ^ case 02 A Keyless Stop-Watch, by Thos. Bussell & Son (No. 90,134), O with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, in gold hunting case with engraved edges, with monogram L.B. ip^/^f brilliants 03 A Keyless Stop-Watch, repeating the quarters, by John Steward ~ o (No. 3725), with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, y in plain gold hunting case with monogram L.B. in brilliants /JZ s, ^ , ^105 , ^ 106 107 108 /£ 4 • & /