Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/handsomeserviceoOOchri C A T A L O Cx U E op THE HANDSOME SERVICE OF Ancient mrb ||lobcrn SILVER & SILVER-GILT PLATE, PLATED ZDIUSnsriEIR, SERVICE ; ALSO, THE RENOWNED COLLECTION OF AND dfjjoitc Cabinet of Objects of |Lt ante Deilit, Formed during the last Forty Years, with Well-known Taste, by THOMAS DE LA HUE, Esq. DECEASED, Removed from his late Residence in Westhourne Terrace : WHICH (by ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS) Mill be by Sluctton, by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROQUES, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, _ , 2Pj 3 On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12. I860, And Seven following Days (Saturday excepted ), AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, price One Shilling each, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1 s. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. I (Fig. 72) Black Bas-Relief Vase or Cup. Page 386, vol. ii. De La Rue Collection. * “ In the summer of 1776 Wedgwood improved his black vases by surrounding them by fine bas-reliefs from the antique. These fine vases were first made public in the season of 1777 .”—Miss Meteyard's Life and. Works of Josiah Wedywood. 637 8 (Fig. 75) Bust of John or Cornelius De Witt. Page 388, vol. ii. De La Rue Collection. “The busts in the black body, bronzed or otherwise, became the finest things imaginable. The illustration gives one of the De Witts, though whether John or Cornelius is unkown. The bust is 25 inches high, and from its size and exquisite • modelling forms one of the gems of the De La Rue Collection which is particularly rich in this respect .”—Miss Meteyard’s Life and Works of Josiah Wedgwood. 651 0 (Fig. 63) The Death of a Roman Warrior. Page 360, vol. ii. “ It is one of the gems of the De La Rue Collection (Centaur). The death of a Roman Warrior is another. It is a longitudinal tablet in black, 20 inches by 11, and was copied from an ancient sarcophagus at Rome. Its bas-relief gives all the attributes of the Roman soldier; his shield, his helmet, his sword, and the ensigns he carried on his march or in battle. The drapery on the various figures is finely rendered, and the figure of the dead Warrior as it rests on the arms of the soldiers may have served as a study for some of the painters of the Renaissance, as it is not unlike various represen¬ tations of the dead Saviour .”—Miss Meteyard's Life and Works of Josiah Wedgwood. 10 (Fig. 66) Bust op Seneca. Page 364, vol. ii. De La Rue Collection. “ The busts are numerous and fine, and those of Virgil and Seneca (Figs. 65 and 66) which are thus given indicate the mastery obtained by Hackwood and his assistant modellers .”—Miss Meteyard’s Life and Works of Josiah Wedgwood. 772 1 i Centaur Plaque Black Basaltes. Centaur with Perseus or Apollo. (Fig. 62) De La Rue Collection. Page 360. “ A round tablet and framed, and 16 inches in diameter; is in the black basaltes body and is an exquisite work of art, showing that even thus early, great skill had been acquired in modelling. It is one of the gems of the De La Rue Collection.”— Miss Meteyard's Life and Works of Josiali Wedgwood. 736 12 (Fig. 106) Tureen, Blue and White Jasper. Page 503. (Fig. 107) Wine Cooler, Blue and White Jasper. Page 504, vol. ii. De La Hue Collection. “In the two succeeding cuts (figs. 10(5 and 107) we have a tureen and a wine cooler of great originality from the De La Rue Collection. On the last we see the vine wreaths again and an infant Bacchus or satyr, and in the ornamentation of the other we have in the lower border an instance of feather or grass edging. The form of this first example is exquisite, and the ornamentation of the ridge both rare and curious .”—Miss Met?yard's Life and. Works of Josiah Wedgwood. 698 1 9 1 ») (Fig. 76) Bamboo Triple Vase. Page 406, vol. ii. (Fig. 78) Cane Colour and White Flower Pot. (Fig. 79) Cane Colour Flower Stand. Page 407. De La Rue Collection. “ The first trials for cane and bamboo colours were made towards the close of 17/6. The annexed specimens, Figs. 76, 78, and 79, are all very choice.”—Mss Mete. yard's Life and Works of Josiali Wedgwood. 620 14 (Fig 140.) Oval Plaque, Black Basaltes. Head of Shakespeare. Page 532, vol. ii. De La Rue Collection. “ To the same period, 1786-1795, may also be assigned the highest productions in many other classes of ornamental ware. In the black Egyptian or basaltes, the busts, plaques, and some of the bas-reliefs, were become, for size and perfection, absolute. The plaque, or large medallion of Shakespeare (Fig. 140) from the collection of Mr. De La Rue justify this high encomium : ‘ Anything more perfect or full of expression * * * was never produced. The large medallion of Shakespeare is equally a masterpiece; for, if idealised, we at least feel that we have before us a countenance worthy of our king of poets.’ ” —Miss MeteyarcTs Life and Works of Josiah Wedgwood. 732 15 © CO CM 03 to c3 Ph w to c? M H tz; <1 w w H W H Ph «1 o M <5 g 1—i cp w w PI cc pH o a o 02 H a .2 4J o CD o O P5 c8 1-1 43 fi >->■' ^2 -tO n r-H , O > tZ ' <8 02 z: ~ a o — L > Of' ^ -'* rr-* CC O c3 -p o 02 CO 'To 02 02 • r*H ^ rO t"- I-Si^ r>* o hnc-h r-H 02 03 _£ >.3 ^ to CD ^ 8 -to cZ O 3 1 02 r “ H -4-0 ^1 02 02 cn 03 is § ” 02 ,rH 2 bD t/3 <43 Ph- , 02 > _ o < ri P2 d .B ^ . O bO O s- ■rt ’f -1 '' ~ O I3i *c5 bf £2 s_ 647 Page 591, vol. ii. Bas Pielief, Sacrifice of Iphigenia. De La Rue Collection. The third example, the sacrifice of Iphigenia, is also from the same source, and is 16 ft "S cS g - „ e 03 . = 4-1 "50 % 03 a y a s c0 a CO .Co 0 .S '* d . *-+? 0 s 0 0 Pm - 4-3 ’■ 4 J zn • >-* m CO 5 * r-* r~] a .2 o 3 0 02 O) O i~~^ 0 +-> O %-* > O O •T* j_ s O O £ PQ O 3 >< 00 —— On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following have been removed from The Hasells , Bedford¬ shire , the late Residence of THOMAS DE LA RUE, Esq., deceased. PORCELAIN. 807 Two brown Wedgwoocl-ware pie-dishes and covers; a bottle and jug; two boxes and covers; and a matchpot, in imitation of wood 808 A breakfast service, with blue borders, painted with flowers: con¬ sisting of thirteen cups, sixteen saucers, four dishes, basin, milk- jug, and a cover 809 A pair of triple Sevres-pattern saltcellars; and a box and cover 810 A pair of carved wood brackets; and an ivory paper-knife, with carved handle 811 A pair of Oriental jugs, enamelled with coats-of-arms and flowers, and with or-molu serpent handles 812 A pair of large Dresden beaker-shaped vases, blue ground, painted with classical figures and flowers in white, and gold scroll borders 813 A pair of bottles, encrusted with flowers in colours /