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Cftril &rrf)tetitre of ^ttrtfoms*
IJubltc an& iJrtbate .Cbtfice^ of fyz &ntimt&
flirt 3ftttatourttJM,
F. R.S. P.S.A.
&c. &c. &c.
The science of Architecture has not been deemed
unworthy of cultivation by the greatest statesmen
in the most civilized nations of antiquity.
Athens, in her progress towards the most exalted
stage of her brilliant career, produced, under the
direction of Pericles, monuments which, as they
have never been equalled, may be justly considered
as affording to the followers of the science unerring
principles for their guidance.
A desire to tread in the footsteps of him, whose
exertions succeeded in obtaining for the arts
of his country a pre-eminence acknowledged by
surrounding nations, has been an inducement with
your Lordship to devote that attention to the study
of Architecture which has tended to ennoble the
science : and an admiration of the works produced
under the auspices of that great man, has directed
your steps to those sources of information as yet but
imperfectly explored.
In seeking to obtain protection for a work on
the science of Architecture, to whom could I look
up with such assurance of success as to you who
have contemplated the noblest remains of the art,
in the country which fostered it and brought it to
perfection, and whose knowledge and taste are
justly admitted?
A high veneration for your character, to
which a long acquaintance has given birth, is
an additional motive with me to solicit for my
production that honorable distinction which your
patronage must necessarily confer.
I have the honor to subscribe myself,
Your Lordship's
most faithful
and devoted servant,
Nets Cavendish-Street, Portland-Place,
December 31, 1812.
IN offering to the world a translation of an author so well
known as Vitruvius some apology seems necessary ; more
especially when it is considered that besides the various
editions, we have already a translation in our own tongue
and others into those languages which, in the present state of
society, are considered essential in any system of general
The first editors of Vitruvius, accustomed to the
contemplation of the remains of Roman architecture, and
wholly ignorant of the existence of any early specimens of
Grecian taste, have searched for illustrations of their author
amongst the edifices of Rome ; expecting, with some
appearance of probability, that the principles he promulgates
would be found to prevail in the buildings of the country
which gave him birth. Engaged in this task, they seem to
have disregarded his uniform assertions, that, upon the
architectural monuments of Greece, or rather the writings
descriptive of them, the basis of his work was formed. Had
these assurances availed, instead of adopting in their editions
variations from the text of the manuscripts, which the
discrepancy between the principles upon winch the edifices
of Rome were constructed, and those detailed by Vitruvius,
seemed to authorize, they would have sought for that
coincidence in the remains of Grecian architecture which
was not to be discovered amongst the vestiges of the art in
When it is remembered that Vitruvius is the only ancient
writer upon the science of architecture whose works have
reached our times, an enquiry into the authority for admitting
the various readings and interpolations may not be thought
uninteresting: because, if that authority should be deemed
insufficient, and it be made to appear that the reading of the
manuscripts is compatible with his avowed practice of
seeking amongst the edifices of Greece for the principles
he disseminates, the ancient readings may, in many instances,
be restored, and the text in some degree purified from the
corruptions with which the early editors have loaded it.
Former translators, in following the text of the printed
editions, have propagated these errors, which, in many
instances, are wholly subversive of the principles of
architecture our author intended to inculcate.
An acquaintance with the remains of ancient art in
Greece and in Ionia, obtained by studying upon the spot
the principles of their construction, has been the chief
inducement with the author of the following translation
to devote his leisure to the examination of those books of
Vitruvius, in the illustration of which such a knowledge is
not only particularly applicable but essentially necessary.
It is obvious that the objections to the various readings
apply almost exclusively to those parts of the author which
relate to the civil architecture of the ancients; for which
reason these alone have been selected for examination.
Many of the architectural terms used by Vitruvius are
incapable of being expressed in corresponding words without
much circumlocution ; on which account it was thought
adviseable to retain the original terms, and to give their
signification in a vocabulary at the end of the work. It was
likewise deemed expedient to preserve the orthography
of the Greek words, which are found scattered throughout
the books of Vitruvius, merely using Italic characters to
distinguish them.
For the sake of greater perspicuity, the translation
is first given according to the text of the manuscripts,
accompanied by notes explanatory of the reasons for
retaining such parts of it as have been altered in the printed
copies. The illustrations of the text and explanations of the
plates are given at the end of the several sections. The
division into sections corresponds with that used in the
books of the manuscripts; the order of the enumeration is
the same, but the mode is different, the first section answering
to the third book of the author.
The introduction is selected from materials for a much
more extensive work, which the author has wanted leisure
to arrange and complete.
Page 3 Line
12 foi
•, analogy, read,
a parallel.
a triglyph,
the triglyph.
Olympiusa t,
Olympius at.
so placed,
two so placed
All nations, in an advanced state of civilization, have been
unanimous in their admiration of Grecian architecture ; it
presents, therefore, a subject of interesting inquiry to
endeavour to ascertain whether this sentiment of admiration
be excited in us by any qualities or properties peculiar to
the style itself, operating previously to the intervention of
the judgement ; or whether it be not the effect of intellectual
association only. By intellectual association I mean the union
of such ideas as the imagination has originally presented to the
mind, and of such as the understanding has finally combined,
after having compared them with each other. This species
of association is, consequently, never to be confounded with
that which may be called sensible association, by which
ideas, in childhood always, and often at a more advanced
age, are admitted without scrutiny, and combined without
reflection. If, then, admiration of Grecian architecture
result from intellectual association, it will be found to exist
only among men of knowledge ; and its just proportion
will be determined by those whose taste is the most
cultivated, and whose science is the most extensive : but
if there be some intrinsic charm, some peculiar grace,
which is necessarily acknowledged and felt by all mankind ;
we then must look for some more general principle, which
will accommodate itself to this more general feeling.
It seems impossible that we should contemplate any
remains of Grecian taste and science, of whatever description
they may be, without, at the same time, adverting to other
monuments of other arts, and connecting them in the mind
with those which are immediately before us. In vain would
we believe that we admire them as if they stood insulated
and alone, while association is softening every defect, and
enhancing every beauty, — while memory is retracing the
most affecting scenes, — or while fancy is grouping the most
interesting objects. We can scarcely deny, then, that the
pleasure which is derived from surveying the ancient models
of Grecian architecture is heightened by ideas connected with
learning, with science, and with art ; accompanied, as they
still must be, by all the nameless charms which imagination
combines with the history of the Greeks, and which it throws
over all their productions. It is probable, nevertheless, that
their buildings possess certain qualities which affect us
independently of all these associations, and which, even
without them, fail not to produce sentiments of admiration,
and feelings of delight.
In speculating on the nature of beauty, too much appears
to have been attempted. Dissatisfied with looking merely
to peculiar results arising from certain combinations of
qualities, or fatigued, perhaps, by the minuteness of details,
we have gone on abstracting, in the hopes of discovering
some general principles, to which every species of beauty
may be referred, and some comprehensive rules, according
to which every example of it may be classed; although it is
highly probable that these hidden properties will continue
to elude the test of the strictest analysis. It has been this
desire of generalizing which has led Mr. Burke, and those
who have followed him, to adopt notions contrary to the
plainest dictates of reason and philosophy. To the art now
under consideration, the principles employed by this great
man either are not applicable at all, or they are so in a very
slight degree. It is not, however, to their truth and accuracy
in a limited sense, but to their universal and exclusive adoption,
that we ought to object. According to Mr. Burke \ the
essential requisites for the formation of the beautiful are,
"first, to be comparatively small ; secondly, to be smooth ;
11 thirdly, to have a variety in the direction of the parts ; but,
"fourthly, to have those parts not angular, but melted, as it
" were, into each other \ fifthly, to be of a delicate frame,
" without any remarkable appearance of strength ; sixthly,
" to have its colours clear and bright, but not very strong and
" glaring ; seventhly, or if it should have any glaring colour,
" to have it diversified with others." One moment's reflection
on this statement suffices to shew that these qualities, so
far from being essential to architectural beauty, are really
in some measure of an opposite description. Let us take as
an example the most beautiful perhaps of the buildings of
antiquity, raised and adorned by the most celebrated artists,
and the whole finished under the inspection of the most
1 Sub), and Beaut. Pt. iii. Sect. 18.
accomplished statesman of Greece, — the temple of the
Parthenon, at Athens. We shall find, that although it
is less than some few structures of the same description,
it is impossible that it should ever, with propriety, be
characterized as comparatively small, — that it possesses no
delicacy of frame, but that the appearance of strength is
such as becomes the style in which it is built, and plainly
denotes the permanence of its duration, — that the direction
of the parts is necessarily uniform, and the greater proportion
of these, sharp and angular, — that the colour, although now
somewhat softened by the effects of time and weather, was
formerly the most bright and glaring which it is possible
to imagine, viz. the dazzling whiteness of the marble of
Pentelicus, no otherwise diversified than by the lights and
shadows produced by the various masses which composed
the whole edifice.
Smoothness in this as in other buildings is indeed
pleasing, but from a cause different from that which is
assigned by Mr. Burke in his Essay on the Sublime and
Beautiful ; for the pleasure that we have in surveying the
polished exterior of a building, arises entirely from the ideas
which it gives us of the care and skill with which the work
has been finished. The smoothness which is observable in
any finely-laboured structure may certainly impart an
agreeable sensation; but it is different from that which is
experienced in looking at the blue expanse of the Heavens
softly laid on the smooth surface of a lake. It is yet more
different from that which is felt when the eye regards the
smooth and delicate skin of a beautiful female. When we
admire smoothness in a building, we admire it as an effect,
which we naturally associate with the causes that have
produced it. In this instance, the secondary quality,
considered separately and in itself, produces no sentiment
of pleasure ; it is agreeable, only as it is the result of skill
and art. This is evident from our equal admiration of those
parts of architecture which are covered with a profusion of
minute and elaborate ornament, the general effect of which
is an appearance only of roughness, and whose forms, when
viewed in detail, being sharp and angular, cannot impart an
agreeable sensation by any organic affection of the eye itself.
It must be evident, I think, that the properties and
qualities considered by Mr. Burke as essential to every
species of beauty, have been principally, if not entirely,
collected from the female form. Now, although they are
here connected with all that is most lovely, yet the real
source of their attractions appears to have been overlooked,
and this is probably to be discovered in the sexual affections
and sympathies implanted in our nature. Had it, therefore,
been practicable by classing the charms of the most beautiful
work of the creation, to invest in these charms every other
object, the choice would have been judicious ; we might
even have desired the success of such an enterprise ; and yet,
according to the present order of things, it would seem a
little whimsical to maintain, that feminine graces, feminine
delicacy, and feminine proportions, ought to constitute beauty
in a tree or a house. The rules which Mr. Burke has laid down
may be found to be just when applied to the female form,
but to extend them to every form in nature seems little less
unreasonable than if we were to assert, that every species
of composition ought to be framed according to the decrees
which the critics have promulgated for the perfection of
the drama, — decrees, which are in themselves sufficiently
tyrannical, and which, unlike the rules of Mr. Burke, are
formed from the analysis of a most imperfect model.
Not satisfied with having triumphantly refuted the
notions of those theorists who maintained that fitness and
proportion are the sole causes of beauty, Mr. Burke has
gone so far as to deny that these qualities are in any way
necessary to its existence. This opinion, as far as it regards
architecture, is erroneous : — for, although there undeniably
exists a real distinction between the ideas of beauty and of
fitness to an end, yet in a scientific art, of which utility is the
chief object, the full perception of excellence requires some
effort of the understanding, and depends, in great measure,
on our finding that the means employed are justly calculated
for the attainment of what we know to have been the
ends proposed : here, therefore, proportion and fitness are
indispensable to the sensation of beauty. Certain striking and
remarkable qualities, it is true, may, independently of these
considerations, affect all minds alike ; but this arises not from
their beauty, nor their proportion and fitness, but from the
vague and indistinct ideas which those qualities suggest of
the superior power and energy requisite for their production.
All such qualities, indeed, as tend to create ideas of thatsuperior
energy and power by which an elevation and expansion of
mind are occasioned, may be stated as the real causes of
grandeur and sublimity in architecture. Of these, magnitude is
the principal, and perhapsonly,quality which is indispensable:
but its effect maybe much heightened by the solidity of the
materials which compose the mass ; for this verifies and
strengthens the first impression of the whole, and, in addition
to the sense of original difficulty overcome, gives an appearance
of eternal stability to the building. Hence, we cannot fail to
be struck with the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, from
their solidity and their vast extent, although the pyramidal
form is not in itself peculiarly imposing, as is proved by the
mean character of that of Caius Sestius at Rome, and of all
others of small dimensions.
It is not, however, only in uniform and simple structures,
that the qualities, which I have mentioned, are productive
of the sublime in architecture. A great profusion of ornament
is far from being incompatible with a similar result. A
Gothic cathedral, with its lofty and slender proportions, and
endless variety of parts, — or a Grecian edifice with all its
decorated regularity and order, will produce similar sensations
of wonder and admiration. Thus, although no objects can
differ more both in their general character and in their
details than the great pyramid, York minster, and St. Peter's
church, yet, as each possesses the efficient cause of grandeur,
each excites those feelings which partake of sublimity.
Mr. Burke observes, that uniformity and succession of
parts, as the great causes of the artificial infinite, tend mainly
in architecture to produce sublimity; and thinks, that the
effect of a colonnade may be chosen with propriety to
exemplify the truth of his position 1 . Doubtless the portico
1 Subl. and Beaut. Pt. ii. Sect. 9.
at Palmyra, which was two thousand feet in circuit, or the
peristyle of the great temple at Selinus, which was sixty
feet in height, must have heen eminently grand and imposing;
but it is not true, that the mere collocation of parts, without
any reference to the magnitude of their dimensions, can ever
prove a source of the sublime. In these instances, as in all
others, its true origin will be found in that quality which
most powerfully excites ideas of the superior force and energy
necessary for the accomplishment of the work.
Architectural beauty may be said to arise from the
symmetrical proportion of the whole building, and from the
fitness and propriety of the ornamental parts. This will
sufficiently accord with the definition of the beautiful as
given by Aristotle, which consists, according to him, in
magnitude and order; the first being a term purely relative,
is made to comprise the whole extent of that scale which
the eye is able to embrace at one view 1 . The truth is,
however, that general rules for beauty in this or in any
other practical art, cannot be fixed from abstract conclusions ;
but must be deduced from experience and the continued
observation of those qualities which have been found
universally to please : and by an adherence to this principle
the Greeks seem in a great degree to have regulated their
practice. Hence, the remarkable uniformity of all their
buildings, in which, indeed, the variations are so slight
as scarcely, on a first view, to satisfy the natural desire
of novelty, or justly to merit the praise of invention. A
quadrilateral form, adorned with exterior columns, in different
1 to ydp xaAov, h (/.eyeiet km rd^si g'ri. Poet. P. ii. S. 4.
degrees of magnificence and profusion, constituted almost
invariably the figure of their most splendid edifices. But,
although generally similar in plan, distinct varieties are
observable in Grecian structures ; each peculiar and consistent
in all its respective parts. The character of massive and
imposing grandeur in the Doric style, — of adorned yet
simple majesty in the Ionic, — and of festive sumptuousness
in the Corinthian, is preserved throughout the minutest
details of these orders. If any one deny that a sense of
fitness and propriety in architecture be a source of pleasure,
he has only to bring together some of the more prominent
parts of these different modes of building, in order to be
convinced of the incongruity that would result from their
union. This incongruity, although invariably revolting to
the eye of taste, is, in fact, perhaps only apparent ; for there
is nothing in the nature of the members themselves which,
when joined, should render them really unfit for the purposes
of strength and utility; but from the long observation of
a contrary practice, recommended by so many powerful
associations, we have become impressed with this notion,
which it is now impossible to eradicate. Having constantly
witnessed the employment of columns, and other ornaments
under similar circumstances of apparent fitness, we are
shocked at any material deviation from established usage.
Hence, that which is commonly called a skreen, or a row of
columns supporting nothing but their own entablature, fails
not to create an unpleasant sensation ; because however
beautifully the parts may be executed, the mind remains
ignorant of the destination, and dissatisfied with the propriety
of the whole ; which indeed can scarcely suggest any other
idea than that of a ruin, or of some unfinished building.
Architectural ornament, if not really useful, ought in
its principal parts to wear some semblance of utility ; there
should exist, at least in appearance, a sufficient reason for
its introduction, although, in truth, perhaps, there may be
none. We have frequently seen holes, or recesses, made in
walls for no other purpose but that of containing columns,
and it is not uncommon to find little projections formed
by sticking a couple of columns, with their entablature, at
intervals along the plain surface of a building. Decoration
of this kind is always offensive, because it is at once discovered
to originate in an ostentatious desire of splendour; producing
infallibly, however, the effect only of tawdry and misplaced
With respect to columns, perhaps their great charm, in
addition to the apparent fitness of their employment, consists,
by the power of lights and shadows, in the production of
a species of intricacy, and in a concealment of parts, which,
although really indistinct, the imagination can with certainty
fill up and supply to itself. Indeed, the variety of surface
necessary to occasion this result, and the preservation, at the
same time, of the general harmony and proportion of the
edifice, may be said to form the main object of ornamental
architecture. The perfection of ornament, as taught by
those examples which educated men have in all ages agreed
to admire, and by which criterion alone it is to be estimated,
is natural and consistent : it is fixed in that happy medium
which alike avoids the poverty that is caused by the extreme
of simplicity, or baldness, and the confusion that arises from
redundancy and caprice. If we seek for the manifestation
of pure taste in the monuments that surround us, our search
will but too often prove fruitless. We must turn our eyes
towards those regions,
Where, on the Egean shore, a city stands,
Built nobly!
Here, — it has been little understood, for it has been rarely
felt; its country is Greece, — its throne, the acropolis of
It has been observed, in a work replete with learning,
ingenuity and good sense, that as the ancient buildings
remaining to our time are almost exclusively of a religious
description, and which, having been situated in streets and
squares, possess all the regularity of form desirable in city
architecture ; and, consequently, that the effect intended to
be produced is such only as may be compatible with their
circumscribed and contracted position — it therefore becomes
doubtful, how far we can with propriety adopt them as our
guides in the embellishment of rural scenery 1 . In all this
there appears to be some mistake; for even in towns the
temples were conspicuously placed on the most lofty and
commanding eininencies: and in Greek towns it is well
known these are generally to be found; but many of the
most beautiful were entirely removed from the habitations
of men. The temple of Minerva to be seen on the promontory
1 Knight, Analyt. Inquir. Pt. ii. ch. 2.
of Sunium, that of Jupiter on mount Panhellenius in Aegina,
and of Apollo on mount Cotylus in Arcadia, built by the
most celebrated architect of Greece, and still standing in the
depth of the same forest, and amidst the descendants of
those oaks by which it was anciently surrounded, are a few
among the numberless examples sufficient to attest the
prevalence of the practice in the best ages of the art. It has
likewise been remarked 1 , that the villas and country-houses
of the ancients were quite irregular in appearance, and
adapted to local circumstances; and, therefore, had they still
existed, would have furnished more just notions for the
construction of our own mansions. This too, as far as we
can learn, is erroneous. The enormous extent of the villa
of the emperor Hadrian, as well as of those of other princes,
must, undoubtedly, have comprised every variety in form and
situation; bearing, in fact, more resemblance to cities than
to individual dwellings; but there is no reason to imagine
that the generality of their country residences were not in
their exterior perfectly simple and regular. On the contrary,
it is evident from the minute descriptions of Vitruvius, that
they consisted of bare walls, without any architectural
ornament 2 , every thing of this kind being lavished on the
interior fronts which looked towards the inclosed courts 3 .
The villa of Pliny which appears to have been of considerable
1 Knight, Anal. Inq. Pt. ii. sect. 38.
8 The town houses of the Romans very rarely boasted of exterior architectural
decoration ; in all common cases such a display appears to have been forbidden.
Julius Caesar obtained a decree of the senate which empowered him to adorn his
house like the front of a temple, and to add a fastigium, or pediment, to it. Cic.
Phil. ii. 43.
3 Vitruv. lib. vi. c. 3. 10.
extent and magnificence, and which is described with all the
detail naturally to be expected from the partiality of a
proprietor, presents none of this irregularity; or if by any
ingenuity of interpretation, something of the kind may
be conjectured to have existed, it must have been purely
accidental, and only produced in consequence of the necessary
arrangement of the interior apartments, without the least
reference to any general or preconceived design 1 . These
buildings, therefore, cannot reasonably be supposed competent
to afford us any correct views of picturesque effect in their
composition with natural scenery; and the fact is, that the
ancients never possessed any knowledge or perception of
those qualities of external objects which are called picturesque.
It is not intended by these remarks to prescribe the exclusive
or servile imitation of any particular species of the remains
of antiquity, but merely to recommend an adherence to those
general principles of excellence on which the Greeks worked,
and which are observable in all their undertakings in this art,
whether erected for the purposes of ornament or of utility.
Still less can these observations have any tendency to depreciate
a style of architecture, the principles of which have recently
been laid down with singular feeling and accuracy of taste 2 ;
— a style, which aims chiefly at picturesque effect, which
seeks to harmonise and connect the building with the
landscape around it, and in which the eye of a painter is,
perhaps, not less indispensable than the science of the
architect ; — which is recommended not only by the intricacy
1 Piin. Ep. lib. xi. 17.
8 Price. Essay on Architecture and Buildings as connected with Scenery.
and variety of its parts, but, if the expression may be
permitted, by an union with the vegetable world, arising
either from the skilful grouping of trees and shrubs, the
luxuriant growth of creeping plants, or the blended tints of
mosses, lichens, and other parasitic vegetation. To a style
founded on these principles, it is evident that all precepts
derived from the simple and regular structures of Greece
must be perfectly inapplicable.
It appears somewhat extraordinary, and is certainly to
be lamented, that the Greeks, who carried the practice of so
many sciences and arts to a degree of perfection which has
since been unattainable, should have been so little solicitous to
examine the causes of their rise amongst them, or with any
care to trace their progress. Contented with the idle fables
handed down from early times, and repeated with additions
and embellishments acquired from the imagination or
garrulity of succeeding narrators, their real knowledge of
the origin of those objects which excited their pride and
admiration, appears to have been vague and unsatisfactory.
Even the gradual changes of their language, until a
comparatively late period, occupied but little of their
attention : and their national history itself, in its early ages,
if we except, perhaps, the first book of Thucydides, received
no illustration from the exertions of rational criticism and
philosophical enquiry.
We may safely conclude, that the history of their
architecture was left pretty much in the same state, for,
although no Greek writer on this subject has been preserved
to our time, it is probable that their compositions, in addition
to the tales generally propagated, were confined chiefly to
practical instructions, or scientific refinements. Vitruvius
not only professes to follow the steps of the Greeks in
treating of his art, but all the authors whom he describes as
the sources from which he derived his skill and knowledge
are selected from among that nation. The work, therefore,
of the Roman may furnish a just criterion of their labours.
This treatise, full of varied learning, remarkable for ingenuity,
science, and acuteness, will not, however, afford any succinct
view of the progress of architecture. A multitude of
uncertain traditions are collected and detailed without being
submitted to any test by which their fallacy may be detected :
we are bewildered by the opposition of opinions and
statements, equally positive and contradictory. But while
we are careful not to pay to these authorities the respect
due to historical truth, they ought in an enquiry into this
subject by no means to be cast aside; such as it is, they form
the chief body of the information we possess : and they
become doubly valuable when their internal probability
is corroborated by illustrations incidentally afforded by
contemporary writers, or by the known peculiarities of
ancient monuments.
Vitruvius, although the age in which he flourished is a
subject of dispute, appears to have lived about the reign of
Augustus. His reputation, early established, is so far from
having suffered by the lapse of time, that the admiration of
posterity has rendered his name almost synonimous with
excellence in his art. His own professions teach us to
expect that his leading principles and precepts will be
conformable to the practice of the Greeks; and, although
nothing has hitherto been done in order to shew how far
this expectation has been fulfilled, I believe, nevertheless,
that it waits only the result of an exact and minute inquiry
to be fully realised.
Vitruvius brought to the composition of his work the
possession of much of the learning of that period ; so much
indeed, as probably to embrace the extensive range of
acquirements which he has himself laid down as necessary
for the architect. To this he added a mind replete with
notions in a high degree fanciful and visionary, and influenced
by a strong bias to metaphysical distinction and refinement.
Hence arose the laboured dissertations on the unintelligible
connection of architecture and music, and the institution of
that scale of harmonic proportions which has exercised the
ingenuity of the learned, to so little purpose, down to the
present day 1 . Hence too arose his perception of the analogy
which he supposed to exist between the members of
architecture and those of the human frame ; a notion which
he has pursued to a great extent. It was this imaginary
resemblance which induced one of the greatest artists of
modern times still further to declare, that even a knowledge
of anatomy was so indispensable to an architect, that without
it he must necessarily be ignorant of his profession 2 . How
1 Galiani, in a note to his translation of Vitruvius, considers the deficiency of
musical knowledge as the cause of the inferiority of modern architecture. Lib. ii. c. 1.
2 Michael Angelo, Lett. 17.
— e pero e cosa certa, che le membra dell' architettura dipendono dalle membra
deli' uomo. Chi non e stato, o non e buon maestro di figure, e massime di notomia,
non se ne puo intendere.
this knowledge, which he certainly possessed in a high
degree, influenced his own practice as an architect is not
very apparent; but by an affected and ostentatious display
of anatomical science as a sculptor, he has much detracted
from the beauty and grandeur of some of his most admirable
works. But these are dreams ; or, at best, speculations of
the most groundless and fallacious description.
In presenting a view of the progress of architecture
among the Greeks, it is not my intention to dwell on the
history of its origin, or to speculate at length on the
probable means resorted to by a barbarous people in order
to protect themselves from the severity of the weather. It
must be evident, that among all nations an imperious necessity
has been the parent of their first endeavours, and that
whatever mode they may have adopted, must have been
entirely determined by the nature of the materials of which
they were in possession. It is probable that in their
subsequent advances in the art these early attempts were
not wholly forgotten, and that something of their original
character was insensibly imparted to all the improvements of
succeeding ages. Thus, we find the dark and ponderous
buildings of the Egyptians resembling, in some degree,
the rocky caverns to which, in a country destitute of wood,
their troglodite ancestors had recourse 1 . The ornamental
architecture of Greece, in its most essential parts, bore a
striking testimony to the early use of that timber with which
the country abounded. In India we discover the primitive
employment of reeds and bamboo, in the lofty and slender
1 Diodor. Sicul. lib. i. c. 45.
buildings of later times: and in China there is scarcely an
edifice, the roof of which is not constructed in imitation of
the moveable tents of their Tartarian forefathers.
Architecture, from the period of its invention, in its
progress to perfection must have experienced those gradations
to which every art is necessarily subject: for, however this
progress may have been retarded or facilitated by the
intervention of temporary and accidental causes, we shall
not fail to perceive the successive changes from rudeness to
simplicity, from grandeur to magnificence. As an ornamental
science, it may naturally be expected to keep pace with the
advances made in those arts to which it is nearly allied, an
improved culture of each depending mainly on the same
vigour of imagination and general refinement of taste. In
Greece, therefore, that powerful cause, or combination of
causes, which so early produced by the operations of genius
such a magical effect on the arts of design, exerted a similar
influence on the state of architecture, and if this were the place
to prosecute the inquiry, a most remarkable correspondence
might be traced in the respective conditions of these various
arts throughout the whole history of that wonderful people.
On the rude endeavours of savages in the construction of
their primaeval huts Vitruvius has sufficiently dwelt. But
on the more interesting question of the obligations imposed
on the architecture of Greece, by the previously established
practice of Egypt, he is silent ; and not only neglects to
inquire into this point, but appears to avoid all mention of
the buildings of the latter country. However forcibly the
different character assumed by Grecian art may incline us
to doubt its Egyptian origin, it will be difficult to resist the
unanimous voice of antiquity on this subject ; for we shall
scarcely find a district of Greece without its tradition of
foreign adventurers, bringing to the coasts an improved state
of knowledge and civilization ; and whether these personages
are to be traced directly to Egypt, or rather to Syria, is
immaterial, as in that age the two countries were nearly
identified 1 . The vanity of some nations may, perhaps,
receive gratification from the fabled intercourse of their
ancestors with foreign heroes, and their own descent from
such a source. The expedition of Aeneas, and even the
settlement of the Trojan Brutus might be pleasing to their
self-created posterity ; but the proud feelings of the earth-born
Athenians could never have been flattered by the invention
of a tale which confessed their rescue from the rudest
state of barbarism by an unknown Egyptian, whose only
claim to notice is in his capacity of their legislator. A
confirmation of the prior advances made in the arts of
design by the inhabitants of the coast of Syria and of Egypt
is afforded by the conclusive testimony of Homer, from
whose expressions the wealth and magnificence of the
Egyptians are apparent, and with whom it is a sufficient
commendation of any object of beauty and elegance that it
should be called Sidonian. The distinctive appellation
which he has given to this people, is that of * skilful
workmen 2 .' It is true, that with the Greeks the arts soon
1 See some conclusive observations on this subject. Mitford's Hist, of Gr. v. I.
It must however be admitted that the silence of Homer tends, in some degree, to
invalidate the notion of Egyptian colonization.
2 SifovEf tfoXuJai'JaAoj. II. xxiii. 744. et pass.
lost the character impressed on them by their first teachers :
their sculpture, at a very early period, far from bearing any
resemblance to the timid and lifeless productions of the
Egyptian artists, was carried to the opposite extreme ; all
is energy, and spirit and nature are in a manner burlesqued
by distorted action and violent gesticulation. This entire
change was owing to the same active and enterprising
mind, which had enabled them still more rapidly to advance
their poetry to perfection, and which arose probably from
the general freedom of their governments, and the constant
communication between numerous independent states. Yet,
even in Greece, there was a time in which sculpture
unquestionably partook of that stiff columnar style, which,
from the remotest antiquity, prevailed on the banks of the
Nile, unimproved and unchanged by succeeding ages. The
Daedalean statues, notwithstanding the exaggeration of
ancient writers, appear to have been of this kind, and the
existing descriptions of the earliest representations of the
deities, with the imitations of these works still remaining
to our times, place the resemblance beyond all doubt.
Architecture too, although it quickly ceased to be solely
employed in the erection of operose and tasteless fabrics,
and became in the hands of the Greeks distinguished for
propriety, elegance, and grandeur, may yet be said to have
been, in some measure, indebted to the practical endeavours
of this contemptible people.
In thus mentioning the obligations of Grecian architecture
to the practice of Egypt, the statement must be understood
as limited to the mere mechanism of the art, and not as
intended in any degree to detract from the just claims of
the Greeks to originality. If, indeed, the discovery of all
that is admirable, of all in which its beauty and attractions
consist, can sanction such a claim, we may safely place this
art among those which they most distinguished by the
fertility of their invention, as well as by the unparalleled
beauties of their execution.
In treating of a period far removed from the approach of
regular history, it is fortunate that we are furnished with so
unerring a guide as Homer; whose general accuracy of
observation and minuteness of description are such, as to
afford a copious source of information respecting almost
every thing connected with the times in which he wrote ;
and who, being nearly contemporary with the events which
he relates, and, indeed, with the earliest matter for record,
cannot fall into mistakes and anachronisms in arts, or
manners, or government, as he might have done, had he
written at a more advanced and refined period.
It may be right, however, in this place to observe, that
in proportion to the value of the historical information
afforded by the works of Homer, and the implicit credit due
to his testimony, we should be peculiarly scrupulous in
admitting any passage which may possibly be spurious,
although possessing the authority of his name. This is not
the proper place to undertake an inquiry into the origin of
the Homeric poems; but the multitude of interpolations,
which are known to exist throughout these admirable
productions, render the utmost caution necessary, especially
where any hypothesis is to be maintained merely by a
doubtful allusion or an insulated expression.
Whether either the Iliad or the Odyssey was the work
of a single hand has been much doubted, perhaps with
reason, but certainly with a considerable appearance of reason,
supported by evidence both external and internal, so far at
least as the Iliad is concerned. The total ignorance of the
history, or even real name of their author, the variety of
great poems, amounting to more than twenty in number,
attributed to him by the ancients, and the contention of
different states for the honor of his birth, are embarrassing
circumstances when considered with reference to a single
individual. But whatever may be the fact with respect to
the author or authors of these poems, the great mass of both
is undoubtedly of sufficient antiquity to be received as casting
the strongest, and indeed the only, light we possess on the
earliest ages of Grecian history. It is against the pretended
genuineness of detached verses and small fragments that we
should be on our guard, for such only are likely to be of
recent introduction; and a few words on the manner in
which these interpolations have found their way into the
poems, will shew that such a corruption of the text was
almost inevitable.
Without stopping to inquire whether the Homeric poems
were consigned to writing at the period of their promulgation,
or whether a written character was even known to their
author, we may, in passing, remark the singular circumstance
that he who alludes almost to every occupation of men, and
draws his illustrations from all their pursuits, is wholly
silent with respect to this valuable art, even where the
mention of it would have been most obvious. But laying
aside this inquiry, as well as the story of the labors of
Pisistratus in first embodying the poems, we know the fact
to be undoubted that they were for many ages chiefly
preserved in the memories of rhapsodists, or professional
reciters. If they were written at all, the copies were rare,
for by the nation in general the poems of Homer were not
read, but heard. The rhapsodists, often poets themselves,
were persons who derived their support, as well as the
respect paid to their character, from these recitations. Their
popularity must have mainly depended on the interest of
the parts which they delivered to their audience : hence we
find that the more prominent events of the poems received
particular names, and formed the subject of separate
recitations. Plato in the Ion, which is a satire on the
rhapsodists, ridicules their mercenary conduct; and from the
motives by which they were actuated, it is obvious that their
interpolations must have been frequent, in order that they
might either avail themselves of the exercise of their own
poetic talents, or gratify the vanity of their hearers by
allusions to national tales, and subjects of local interest.
The early peculiarities of the Greek language and archaic
orthography of the Homeric age, were modified by succeeding
reciters to suit the forms of speech prevalent in their own
times; and hence the facility of interpolation was much
increased, and the difficulty of detection proportionably
augmented. From the manner in which the poems were
handed down in detached portions, little read or critically
examined until a comparatively late period, their condition
cannot be considered as likely to secure the integrity of the
text: for copies were not usually transcribed entire, but
favorite parts were preserved according to the fancy of the
possessor. Alcibiades is said to have beaten a schoolmaster
who had not a single rhapsody of the Homeric poems in his
A certain test by which we may judge of the spuriousness
of all passages is still a desideratum in criticism. The
puerilities of the Greek writers, and their ignorance of the
early state of their own language and history, is most
unsatisfactory; yet the scholia of the Venetian manuscript
of the Iliad, although published in a very corrupt condition,
and the obeli of the Alexandrian critics, are valuable. The
only certain light which can be thrown on this difficult
subject, is afforded by the early language of Greece, where
a competent knowledge of it is attainable. The Greek
tongue has shared the fate of all others ; it has been exposed
to the constant operation of gradual change. The original
Greek of the Homeric ages and of Apollonius Rhodius differ
nearly as much as the English of Chaucer and Dryden. A
knowledge of these early peculiarities is best obtained from
the evidence of antient inscriptions, the legends of coins, and
scattered notices in later authors; but more especially from
an examination of the Latin language, which being derived
from the Greek at a very early period of its existence, has
retained a multitude of archaisms and forms of speech
entirely unknown to the more modern, or Attic Greek. In
restoring the actual text of the Iliad or Odyssey to its
pristine condition, either by the insertion of the Aeolic
digamma, or the application of any other rule derived from
the sources just mentioned, we shall frequently find that the
metre is violated ; in these instances we may be certain that
the verse has been constructed according to the usage of
a more modern age. This is not the place to enumerate the
different modes by which we may be enabled to approximate
to a knowledge of the pure and genuine text of these poems :
we may be permitted, however, to observe, in conclusion,
that the successful execution of an endeavour to restore
them to their primitive state would prove of inestimable
value to the lovers of Grecian literature, and to the admirers
of these noblest productions of human genius.
In the early stages of civilization, the main object of an
assembled population would be security; for the attainment
of which, we may remark the disproportionate and astonishing
exertions used by various nations in their works designed for
defence and protection ; exertions which, by their more
polished descendants, have usually been attributed to the
agency of a supernatural power. Hence the vast labour
bestowed on the construction of walls, the remains of which
are so common in different parts of Greece, and which are
the first, and certainly among the most wonderful specimens
of building in that country. Of these the walls of Tiryns
are the most ancient, and perhaps the most celebrated ;
Homer, in the catalogue, gives to the town the characteristic
epithet of t^oWou 1 , a clear proof that the walls were calculated
1 II. ii. 559.
to excite admiration in his time as well as in our own. It
is difficult to ascertain the precise date of their erection :
they were said to have heen the work of Lycians under the
direction of Proetus, the hrother of Acrisius ' ; this story
would carry us five or six generations higher than the era
of the Trojan war. In after times, however, from their
massive and gigantic proportions, as well as from the
absence of authentic information respecting them, they were
generally considered as having heen raised by the Cyclops.
The description given by Pausanias is to this day correct 2 .
These walls are about a quarter of a mile in circuit, and
embrace a rising ground of inconsiderable elevation, situated
in the plain of Argos. There are separate entrances, and
leading from one of these may be seen a covered gallery or
passage, formed in the thickness of the wall, the course of
which it follows to some extent; the roof perfectly resembles
that of the gallery in the great pyramid, being composed of
single stones inclined towards each other, forming an acute
angle by their junction.
In the vicinage of Tiryns, nearly coeval with it, but
far surpassing it in extent, are the remains of Mycenae.
This city, so distinguished at its first introduction to our
notice, remained during the flourishing ages of Grecian
history in a state of ruin and desolation. Tradition names
Perseus as its founder, but the execution of the walls, like
1 Strabo, lib. viii. p. 373. Pausan. Algol, c. 16. 25.
* Pausan. Argol. c. 25.
Ttsvo'eyrai Ss apywv aJ^ojv, piyebos l%wv 'sxaroj \l$os, w; aV au'raV pj'J' dv d^/j/.v
x^Sijvai rov jMxgorxTov 'vvo gevyu; ijfwo'yiov AiSla $g ivifffAOrai vdkou, w$ /xaXir*
suTU'r j'xayoy dgfj-ovixY roT; ptydXoi; tdSois hvtu.
those of its neighbour town, is referred to the hands of the
Cyclops. The condition of Mycenae is, I should suppose,
very much that in which it was seen by Pausanias, or even
by Thucydides five hundred years before : indeed, these
stupendous masses, in their present dilapidated state, appear
to be so indestructible as to defy the further injuries of time,
as well as the violence of any force inferior to that which
was employed in their construction. Pausanias informs us,
that in his time among the ruins of the walls a gate remained,
over which was the representation of two lions \ This gate,
which seems to have been the principal entrance to the city,
does not stand even with the course of the walls, but is
placed considerably within the line described by their
general circuit. The approach, therefore, is for some paces
by a sort of passage between the walls, and scarcely of a
greater width than the gate by which it is terminated.
Defence was the object of this contrivance, by which few
persons abreast could reach the entrance at the same time,
and in the attempt must necessarily have been exposed to
destruction from the weapons of the inhabitants stationed on
the ramparts of each wall which formed the avenue. By
the accumulation of earth this gate is buried nearly up to the
top, where it is not more than eight feet wide, yet the
lintel is one massive stone twelve feet in length. The jambs,
which probably consist also of single stones, are inclined
towards each other, the width of the opening being gradually
diminished from the bottom ; a contrivance by which the
1 Pausan. Argol. c. 16.
\sivirai $s opus &' km «AA« rS ite^oXs, km 13 it^kf Kzwtes Is etpsryxxTW duty-
whole building is apparently strengthened, and which
furnishes us with a singular coincidence with the manner
of Egyptian building. The walls themselves have in their
construction more of care and art, and, perhaps, exhibit
the marks of a period somewhat later than those of Tiryns.
For, although the blocks are nearly of the same dimensions,
they are fitted together with greater exactness, and have
been so shaped in part as to ensure some degree of regularity.
The lions mentioned by Pausanias are executed in bas-relief
on a single stone nine feet in height, and about thirteen
feet in width. Their heads only are destroyed; between
them is placed a species of small column supporting a capital
of a singular form, on which their fore legs rest. Whether
we are to view this work as possessing any mystic and
symbolical meaning, or to explain it as an obvious and
general emblem, or even as the private device and imprcsa
of an individual, this is not the place to enquire. It may
be sufficient to observe, that probably no example of Grecian
sculpture is to be found of equal antiquity, and certainly
none whose age is fixed by evidence in any degree so
There are many walls in various parts of Greece which
from a resemblance in their construction, and, in some
instances, even in their magnitude, to those of Tiryns and
Mycenae have acquired the appellation of Cyclopian.
These may be considered as among the first attempts of
Grecian art : although in assigning to them generally this
early date some caution is requisite ; for those characteristics
which at Athens and Argos may properly be viewed as
the unquestionable marks of the most ancient times, do
not necessarily lead to a similar conclusion when found
in Macedonia and Epirus. Perhaps the best criterion
of antiquity is afforded by their massive and gigantic
proportions, for we should scarcely be justified in
indiscriminately referring monuments to these remote ages,
solely from the appearance of a rudeness and peculiarity which
may have arisen from ignorance, or even from the affectation
of an archaism not unfrequently to be met with.
The same motives of defence and security which, during
the unsettled and turbulent condition of Greece, at the first
dawning of its civilization, prompted the small independent
states to strengthen the walls of their cities with such
incredible labour, seem very generally to have influenced
these communities, as well as some of the more powerful
individuals, in the measures adopted for the preservation of
their wealth and valuable possessions. Treasuries were
common in Greece at a very remote period. Minyas, who
ruled the Boeotian Orchomenos, considerably before the era
of the Trojan war, is said to have been the first who erected
a building for this purpose 1 : and the consecration of precious
offerings to Apollo at Delphi is coeval with the first notices
of Grecian history. The wealth of the ' Minyaean
Orchomenos' is celebrated in the Iliad 2 : and in the passage
in which Achilles rejects the offers of Agamemnon, even
although accompanied by all the riches inclosed in the ' stone
1 Pausan. Boeot. c. 36. s II. ix. 381.
mansion of Apollo 1 ,' I think it highly probable that Homer
alludes, not, as is generally understood, to a temple, which
there is reason to believe did not exist at that time, but to
some treasury, which, from the manner of building employed
in these edifices, might well deserve the characteristic
appellation of aainos.
Many Grecian states had their separate treasuries at
Delphi, as well as at Olympia. That of the Corinthians
was built by Cypselus the father of Periander, about six
hundred and fifty years before Christ. The treasury of
Atreus and his family is mentioned by Pausanias as existing
at Mycenae in his time, and there are other scattered notices
of these early buildings occasionally to be met with in Greek
writers. The artists of the heroic ages most celebrated in
constructing these edifices were the brothers Agamedes and
Trophonius, concerning whom many particulars are related,
but of whom nothing certain is known, and whose very
existence seems more than doubtful. They are not once
mentioned or alluded to in the Homeric writings. A story
is told by Pausanias 2 of their employing an artifice in building
the treasury of Hyrieus, which by enabling them easily to
displace a certain stone of the edifice, gave them the power
of secretly entering, and of purloining the riches deposited
there, at their pleasure. Agamedes was at last caught in a
snare placed in the treasury for that purpose ; and Trophonius,
1 'OuJ' ova. Xoi'ivos s'Wy d
n is simply the connection of threads («»?», necto,) and there,
signifies the meshes of a net 2 . Herodotus in relating the
method by which the horses and their riders, sacrificed at
the funerals of the Scythian kings, were suspended in the
air, informs us that two curved pieces of wood passed under
the belly of the dead horse, and were fixed at each end to
1 Strab. lib. xvi. Plin. lib. xxxvi. c. 13. Herodotus, who not only saw, but
minutely described, the Egyptian labyrinth, the model of all works of this kind,
sufficiently proves that it was built without any arch, lib. ii. c. 148.
2 II. v. 404.
the top of a pole erected in the ground for that purpose.
These pieces of wood he calls aWes 1 . Similar to this is the
meaning of the word as employed by Euripides to denote
the wheel of a chariot, or more properly its circumference 2 .
*aais in the recent ages of Greek literature was synonimous
with a*is; but the word is rarely to be met with in the works
of the earlier writers. In a fragment of Sophocles 3 , and
by Plato 4 , it is used in mentioning a subterranean edifice.
What it anciently signified as a term in building is very
uncertain, but if we might conjecture from its primitive
meaning, forfex, shears or scissars, it is difficult to imagine
how any thing descriptive of this instrument should enter
into the formation of an arch.
GOAos, which is interpreted dome, or cupola, implied
before the Macedonian conquest, merely a circular edifice,
without any reference to the nature of the roof 5 : this was
so far from being necessarily arched, that there is, on the
contrary, sufficient reason to believe it was in general of
a very different construction. The derivative from @fa os ,
employed to express the pointed caps or bonnets worn by
the Greeks, serves to strengthen this belief 6 : it is thus
1 Melpom. Ixxii. 2 Hippol. 1233.
3 Lacaenae, quoted by Pollux, lib. ix.
* De legibus, lib. xii. There can be little doubt that the true reading is ^axlSx,
and not a\yp/8va.v t^xjDV rrjv reyyv xaT£5> being less than the proportionate
height of the Vitruvian column by nearly a sixth part of
the diameter. The columns being more than twenty feet
in height, the upper diameter must be to the lower in the
ratio of 6 to J: hence the upper diameter will be 1.1 1.82,
which differs but little from that of the Athenian column.
The extent of the abacus of Ionic columns whose height
is less than 25 feet, ought to be equal to one diameter and
an eighteenth part. In this instance, therefore, the extent
would be 2.5.32: in the Athenian columns the extent is
2.5.4. The volutes of these latter are so very dissimilar to
those of any of the columns found in Asia Minor, that we
are not to be surprized if we find but little analogy between
them and the volutes, as they are generally described by
Vitruvius. Their projection however, before the line of the
column, exceeds that of the others by 1.64 inches only;
although their depth is greater by somewhat more than
four inches.
From the state in which the Athenian temple remains,
we are enabled to ascertain, with the greatest precision, the
proportion which the epistylium, zophorus, and coronae
severally bore to the height of the columns. The portico
indeed has no member of the coronae corresponding to the
denticulus of Vitruvius ; but in that of Minerva Pandrosus,
which is attached to the same temple, we find it introduced,
and can readily ascertain the proportion it bore to the
epistylium. In the entablature of the column which is
here represented with the proportions of the Athenian, the
denticulus is introduced, and its depth is made proportionate
to the height of the epistylium.
It has been generally supposed that Vitruvius meant
to include the cymatium in the height he assigns to the
epistylium; but whenever he intends to include in one
proportion the height of two members together, he expressly
marks his intention. Thus speaking of the epistylium of
Doric columns and the taenia, which is in the Doric order
what the cymatium is in the Ionic, he says, " Epistylii
altitudo unius moduli cum taenia et guttis;" and in Book iii.
Chapter 3, " Corona cum suo cymatio quantum media fascia
The height of the columns being more than twenty feet,
it is to be divided into twelve parts and a half; one of these
is given to the height of the epistylium; which therefore
will be 1.9128; this added to one seventh part of it gives
2.0.146, for the height of the epistylium and cymatium
together. The corresponding height in the temple of
Erectheus is 2.1.05. The zophorus of this temple having
been ornamented with bronze sculpture, let us give to the
zophorus of the Vitruvian entablature the proportion it
requires when ornamented in a similar manner. In this
case, the epistylium being 1.9.128, the zophorus will be
2.2.41, which added to one seventh part of it for the
cymatium, gives 2.6.18 for the zophorus and cymatium
together. The zophorus in the Erectheum is 1.11.75,
which together with 5.08, the proportionate height of the
cymatium below the denticulus, gives 2.4 83: thus those
portions of the two entablatures, comprehended between
the capital of the column and the denticulus, differ in height
little more than ^ths of an inch.
The denticulus is to be made equal to the middle fascia,
or one third of the epistylium; its height, therefore, including
the capital, which should be one seventh part added, will be
8.21: the coronae, including the cymatium, should be equal
to the denticulus without the capital, or 7*09 ; and the sima
an eighth part greater than the coronae, or 7-97'
i.... Cymatium.
..Lower torus.
1.... Cymatium.
..Upper torus.
m.... Denticulus
. .Echinus.
n.... Cymatium,
o.... Coronae.
p.... Cymatium.
In this portico the columns are made 2.3.8 in diameter;
in order to shew the analogy between it and the portico of
the Erectheum at Athens, represented in plate XI. The
intervals between the columns are made twice the diameter,
or 4,7-6; in the other portico the intervals are 4.7.4. The
whole extent of the front, comprehended between the outward
faces of the columns at the angles, is, consequently, 37-0.8.
The corresponding extent in the Athenian portico is 36.1 1.8,
falling short of it one inch only.
If the columns be made nine diameters and a half in
height, which is the proportion assigned by Vitruvius to
columns of the systle species, they will exceed those of the
Erectheum by 4.6 inches only.
It has been before observed that the entablature of the
Erectheum had no member corresponding to the denticulus of
Vitruvius. The proportion which the denticulus, introduced
in this plate, bears to the epistylium, is similar to that which
obtains in another portico connected with the same building.
The limit of the intercolumniations in temples of the
eustyle species, is two diameters of the columns and a
quarter: whenever the interval exceeds this proportion, the
species becomes the diastyle, in which the greatest allowed
interval is three diameters. In the plate before us the interval
is assumed between these limits, and, for the sake of a more
simple fraction^ is made two diameters and three quarters.
The columns are here supposed to be 2.9-5 for the sake of
exhibiting a parallel between this portico and that of the
temple of Minerva-Polias at Athens : the columns of which are
of the same dimensions, although the intervals are less, being
only 7.5.5. Under these circumstances the whole extents
of the porticoes would differ nearly eight inches.
The height of the columns of diastyle temples, according
to Vitruvius, should only be eight times the diameter and a
half: in this case therefore the height would be 23.8.75 being
less than that of the columns in the portico of Minerva-Polias
by nearly a fifth of the diameter. The columns being more than
twenty feet high, the diminution of the shaft ought to be one
seventh of the lower diameter, or 4-78 inches ; the diminution
in the shafts of the other columns is six inches. The height of
the whole entablature of the first would be 6.7-54; and of the
latter, provided the corona was embellished with a denticulus
proportioned to the epistylium, 6.11.84.
According to Vitruvius the height of the fastigium of a
front of the same extent should be 4.6.5. In the portico
of the temple of Minerva-Polias the height is only 3.4.5.
Having shewn the fronts of various temples, it is necessary
to give an idea of the appearance of the flanks. The flank
of the temple represented in this plate is, in many respects,
similar to that of the temple of Fortuna-Virilis at Rome. In
some few instances, we find temples receiving their light
from windows; those which are here introduced are taken
from the west front of the Erectheum. Lions heads are
represented in the sima in the manner described by Vitruvius;
and the roof supposed to be covered with tiles, or stone
sculptured in the form of tiles.
Sect. 1.11.1
Fig. 2.
1 !
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Fig. 2.
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Ion Jon Tublishi'd as the Act directs. byJiOtu] tnan. Hurst, Rees, Orme & Broun, Paternoster Row. Feb? 'ag. 1813.
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Zoru&m.I'itbl isliad lis tJtc Act directs. by Lonxf/iuiHiFur.rt.Rccs. Ormc-k C? Tata-nF Row. Feb? 2£ .1813 .
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Lowry Sculp.
Ion, Un. Pith i is Ivd as the Jet directs, bylonqman.Eiuwt.Pees. Oniw it Broun .Paternoster Jtoir. FeM'1813 .
V I T R U V I U S.
1 he proportions of Corinthian columns are in every respect,
excepting their capitals, similar to those of Ionic; although
their form is more graceful and proportionably more delicate
by reason of the greater height of the capitals: for Ionic
capitals are a third part only of the lower diameter of the
columns, whereas the Corinthian capital is equal in height
to an entire diameter. The peculiar character of the capitals,
which admits of their being higher than those of Ionic
columns by two thirds of a diameter, gives beauty to the
columns by permitting an increase of the height without
violating the laws of symmetry.
The members constituting the entablature of this order.,
observe the proportions which obtain either in the Doric or
Ionic: for the Corinthian has no proportions, for the coronae
and other concomitant ornaments, peculiar to itself; but
mutules are placed in the coronae, according to the manner
in which triglyphs are disposed in the Doric zophorus,
and the epistylia are ornamented with guttae 1 ; or the
zophorus is enriched with sculpture and surmounted witli
the denticulus and coronae, after the Ionic manner. Thus
by uniting with the characteristics of the other orders a
capital whose form varies from both, a new order arises.
From the circumstances attending the origin of the three
orders arose their several denominations of Doric, Ionic, and
Corinthian ; of these several varieties the first mentioned claims
the priority of invention. Dorus, the son of Hellen and the
nymph Opticus, who governed Achaia and the whole of the
Peloponnesus, in some period of his reign, dedicated a temple
to Juno in the ancient city of Argos. The order of architecture
employed in the construction of this sacred edifice, which,
from its founder, was termed Doric, was afterwards adopted
by the cities of Achaia; although no certain principles had been
yet established by which its proportions might be regulated.
1 The only instance of the guttae forming an uninterrupted ornament of the
epistylium of a building, detached from the taenia, is in the Choragic monument of
Thrasyllus, built in the side of the Acropolis at Athens. We cannot however insist
that this building is of the Corinthian order ; because antae are used instead of
columns ; and from the antae alone we cannot always decide the order of the building.
We know that antae, similar to those of the Choragic monument, were sometimes
introduced with Corinthian columns; as in the porticoes of the tower of the winds.
For the same reason there is no authority for ranking this amongst edifices of the
Doric order; especially in the absence of triglyphs in the zophorus. There is a
circumstance which inclines us to believe that it might with greater propriety be
classed with Corinthian buildings; which is, that other monuments erected in
commemoration of Choragic victories, such as that of Lysicrates and the columns on
the rock of the Acropolis, are of that particular order.
In a subsequent aera the Athenians, in conformity with the
response of the Delphic oracle, by the general consent of
the states of Greece, sent thirteen colonies into Asia, each
conducted by an experienced leader; and invested Ion,
son of Xuthus and Creusa, whom Apollo by his priestess
acknowledged as his offspring, with the supreme command.
He led them into Asia, and possessed himself of the territories
of the Carians, in which he founded the cities of Ephesus,
Miletus and Myus; the latter of which being destroyed by an
inundation, its rites and privileges were transferred by the
Ionians to the Milesians; likewise Priene, Samos, Teos,
Colophon, Chios, Erythrae, Phocaea, Clazomenae, Lebedus,
and Melite. The last was destroyed in the war which was
undertaken by the general concurrence of the other cities to
punish the arrogance of its inhabitants; and in its place
Smyrna was afterwards admitted amongst the confederated
states, through the mediation of Attalus and Arsinoe.
After the expulsion of the Carians and the Leleges, the
new acquisition was called Ionia, from the name of the chief
of the colonists; and temples were erected to the deities of
the Grecian mythology, the order of architecture of which
was similar to that observed in the sacred buildings of
Achaia; and called the Doric, from having originated in the
Dorian cities. The temple of Apollo Panionius was the first
they constructed in this manner. Desirous of adorning
this temple with columns, but unpractised in the rules of
proportion, they were led to consider the proportions of
the human frame; expecting principles to result from them
by the adoption of which the great objects of strength and
beauty would be obtained. Finding that the foot was a
sixth part of the height of the whole stature, they instituted
the same proportions in their columns, whose height, including
the capital, they made equal to six times the diameter of the
shaft at the base. Thus the Doric column, formed according
to the proportions of the human figure, and emblematical of
manly strength and beauty, was first introduced in the
temples of Ionia. In later times however, when it was in
contemplation to consecrate a temple to Diana, they sought
to introduce a new order of columns by giving to them the
proportions of the female form; and that they might be
emblematical of feminine delicacy, the height of the columns
was made eight times the lower diameter. Bases were also
given to them in imitation of sandals, and volutes were
sculptured in the capitals in allusion to the ringlets which
fell down on either side the face. The cymatia and encarpi 1
1 The commentators are at a loss to imagine what is meant by the encarpi. The
Greek word encarpos signifies abounding in fruit; hence Philander supposes, that
the term was applied to the sculptured garlands, composed of fruits and flowers,
which, in some examples of the Ionic order, are observed to be suspended from the
eyes of the volutes. The instances, however, in which these occur are of modern date,
and no antique Ionic capitals afford authority for the introduction of such an ornament;
which it is probable might be first suggested by the garlands or festoons occasionally
suspended during festivals. It is moreover difficult to trace any resemhlance between
garlands of this kind and the hair as it was then worn. It is not unlikely that the
encarpi were the plaited bands which we find sculptured in the capitals of the columns
of the Ionic temples upon the Athenian Acropolis. The hair of the Caryatides,
supporting a portico attached to the same temples, is represented as braided and
carried round the head.
Pollux mentions the pericarpia amongst the ornaments of women: they appear
to have been bracelets and wrist-bands. The Greek word carpos signifies the wrist.
Poll. lib. v. 16.
in front were intended to resemble the hair as it was then
worn, and the shaft was channelled in such a manner as to
bear some resemblance to the folds of the matronly garment.
Thus the invention of two different orders arose; one
exhibiting the boldness and simplicity of the masculine
figure; and the other the more finished form of a woman,
attired and richly decorated. Latter ages however, advancing
in refinement and judgment, sought to give greater
beauties to both by making the Doric column seven times
its diameter at the base of the shaft; and the Ionic nine
times x its lower diameter. The order whose use was
adopted first by the Ionian colonies, was called the
The third order, which is termed Corinthian, derives its
symmetry from an intention to make the form of the column
accord with the more delicate proportions of the maiden figure :
for at that early period of life the limbs are less robust, and the
figure admits of a greater display of ornament. The invention
of the capital is said to owe its origin to the following
circumstance. A virgin of Corinth, just as she had attained to a
marriageable state, was attacked by a disorder whose effects
proved fatal. After her interment the vases, the objects of her
admiration when alive, were collected by her nurse and
deposited in a basket, which she placed upon the grave, after
covering it with a tile to protect it from the weather. The
1 The manuscript copies read nine ; in order s therefore, to obviate the antilogy,
which the adoption of this reading would cause in this and the passage in the second
chapter of the first section, relating to the height of eustyle columns, as it stands in
the printed copies, the editors have here substituted " octo semis," for " novem."
basket was accidentally placed over the roots of an acanthus.
The natural growth of the plant being impeded by the pressure
upon it, the middle leaf and the cauliculi appeared in the
spring around the bottom of the basket. The cauliculi,
attaching themselves to the external surface, grew upwards,
until their progress was arrested by the angles of the tile
projecting over the basket; which caused them to incline
forward and assume a spiral form. At this stage of its growth
Callimachus, who, from his great genius and talent for
sculpture, was called Catatechnos by the Athenians, chancing
to pass by the spot, observed the basket and the beauty of
the young foliage around it : pleased with its fanciful and
novel appearance, he adopted it in the columns which he
afterwards employed in the edifices of Corinth : having first
instituted laws for the proportions of the order; which was
thence termed Corinthian.
The proportions of the capitals are these. The height,
including the abacus, is equal to the lower diameter of the
columns; and the diagonal line drawn from the opposite
angles of the abacus is twice the height of the capital. All
the fronts of the abacus are of an equal extent; and are made
concave, the central point in each front receding a ninth
part of the extent comprehended between the angles. The
diameter of the capital at its base is the same as that of the
columns below the astragal and apothesis. The depth of the
abacus is a seventh part of the whole height of the capital :
the remaining part is equally divided into three parts, one of
which is occupied by the lower leaf; the second is given
to the middle leaf; and an equal space remains for the
cauliculi, whence those leaves shoot which projecting
forwards appear to support the volutes 1 . The volutes
spring from the leaves of the cauliculi and extend to the
angles of the abacus: the lesser helices are carved in the
middle of the capital below the flowers in the abacus 2 .
These flowers occur in every front of the abacus, and are
made as large as the height of it will admit.
Such are the proportions of the Corinthian capital. It
is however a practice with some to place various capitals
upon columns of this kind, to which they give a diversity of
appellations. They have no laws of proportion peculiar to
them; yet the columns cannot be said to be of a new order,
for their characters, although disguised, may be traced either
to the Corinthian, Ionic or Doric, whose symmetries are
still preserved, although attempted to be concealed by the
introduction of novel and capricious ornament.
1 The printed copies read " uti abacum excipiant :" but the MSS. omit the word
abacum. The accusative case to the verb is probably volutas in the next line ;
which may have been altered to volutae.
2 The text of the printed editions is altered from, " minoresque helices intra suurn
medium qui sunt in abaco floribus subjecti scalpantur;" to, " minoresque helices qui
intra medium frontium abaci sunt subjecti scalpantur."
After having expatiated on the different orders of columns,
the people amongst whom they arose, and what led to their
several inventions, it becomes expedient to treat of their
entablatures ; to give some account of their origin, and what
first suggested their introduction in buildings.
In all edifices the superstructures are formed by timbers
which have different designations: and as they vary in name,
so also are the purposes to which they are applied equally
distinct. The trabes are placed longitudinally over the columns
and antae; and the tigna and axes support the frame work
of the roof. If the span of the roof be great, transtra and
capreoli will be found necessary; but if otherwise, a columen 1
alone will suffice, with canterii projecting to the eaves of the
roof. Templa are layed upon the canterii, and asseres upon
them, below the tiles, projecting beyond the surface of
the walls. Thus every piece has a situation correspondent
to the purpose to which it is intended it should be applied,
In imitation of these early inventions and of works
executed in timber, the antients, in constructing their
1 In the printed editions there is an interpolation of a whole passage between
the words, " majora spatia sunt," and " transtra ;" for which there is no authority in
the manuscripts whatever.
edifices of stone or marble, adopted the forms which were
there observed to exist. It was a general practice amongst
the artificers of former times to lay beams transversely upon
the walls, of such a length that their ends projected before
the exterior faces of the walls; the intervals between them
were then closed, and the whole surmounted with coronae
and fastigia of pleasing forms, executed in wood. The
projecting parts were afterwards cut away so that the ends
of the beams and the walls were in the same plane; but the
sections presenting a rude appearance, tablets, formed like
the triglyphs of more modern buildings, and covered with
blue wax, were affixed to them 1 , by which expedient the ends,
which before offended the eye, now produced a pleasing
effect. Thus the antient disposition of the beams supporting
the roof is the original to which we may attribute the
introduction of triglyphs into Doric buildings. In works of
a subsequent age canterii were added, projecting before the
triglyphs in a perpendicular direction to them: the direction
of the ends which projected was made inclining; and as the
disposition of the tigna before gave rise to the use of triglyphs,
the projecting canterii now suggested the introduction of
mutules below the coronae. Wherever we find mutules
adopted in buildings of stone or marble, we may observe that
1 The projecting ends of the beams being cut away close to the face of the wall,
when these tablets were affixed to them they must have had a projection before the
plane of the trabes, which were immediately over the columns and antae, and answered
to the epistylia of subsequent buildings. In the generality of Grecian temples the
faces of the tablets, or triglyphs, are in the plane of the epistylium: some instances
however of the contrary occur ; as in the portico of Philip in the island of Delos ;
and in the gate of the Agora at Athens.
the plane of their under surfaces is inclined, which indicates
an intention of imitating the appearance of canterii
projecting before the building in order to form the eaves.
The most rational wav of accounting; for the introduction
of triglyphs and mutules in the buildings of the Dorian
cities, is by supposing it to have resulted from imitations of
these early inventions. For we cannot admit, as some have
erroneously insisted, that the triglyphs in more modern
buildings are representations of windows in edifices of an
earlier date; because they are introduced at the angles,
immediately over the tetrants of the columns; in which
places it is not possible that windows could ever have been
left : for if these spaces remained open for the admission of
light, all connection at the angles of such buildings would
have been destroyed. If we allow that openings formerly
were left where triglyphs are now placed, we must also
grant that the denticuli of Ionic buildings were formerly
apertures through which light was admitted; because
the intervals between the triglyphs and denticuli were
indiscriminately termed metopae; for the word ope amongst
the Greeks signifies the bed upon which both the tigna
and asseres rest; and what with us are termed cava, or
columbaria, by them are called metopae, because they are
the intervals between two opae.
The same kind of reasoning which serves to explain the
origin of triglyphs and mutules in the Doric order, will
assist us in tracing the prototype of denticuli in the Ionic
entablature ; for as the mutules are typical representations
of canterii, so in like manner the denticuli are in imitation
of the projecting ends of the asseres. Hence it is that in
Grecian buildings denticuli are never placed below mutules,
because the asseres could never have been below the canterii:
nor can that building be constructed upon just principles
where we find those objects represented below the canterii
and templa which ought, consistently with propriety, to
have had their station above them. For a similar reason
the Greeks never introduced mutules or denticuli in the
fastigium, but simply coronae; because neither canterii
nor asseres have their ends towards the fronts; neither can
they have any projection beyond the tympanum, for their
direction is from the upper part of the roof towards the
eaves. What therefore could not in reality exist they
considered improper to be represented in sculpture. In
the most perfect of their productions they suffered nothing
to enter but what was consistent with propriety, and deduced
from the just ordinance of nature; approving only of what
could be supported by arguments founded upon the basis
of truth and reason. The symmetries and proportions
which they have left behind them for the various orders of
architecture were deduced from such unerring principles.
We have already explained the proportions which obtain in
the Corinthian and Ionic orders; it remains that we should
now describe, as concisely as the subject will permit, those
Avhich are peculiar to the Doric order.
Some individuals, amongst the number of antient architects,
have contended that the Doric order ought not to be adopted
in sacred edifices; because its peculiar characters, if strictly
observed in the construction of temples, would be inconvenient,
and at variance with the purport of the building. Tarchesius
and Pitheus were amongst the number; and it is thought
that Hermogenes was of the same opinion ; because, having
prepared a great quantity of marble with the intention of
erecting a temple to Bacchus of the Doric order, he altered
his design, and with the same materials built an Ionic temple.
Not indeed that the order is considered as inelegant or
deficient in majesty; but the manner of placing the columns
is thought to be inconvenient, inasmuch as it renders the
just distribution of the triglyphs and the lacunaria difficult.
For in general the triglyphs are placed immediately over
the axes of the columns, and the width of the metopae is
made equal to their height; but the triglyphs over the
columns at the angles of the buildings are placed at the
extremities of the zophorus, and not over the axes of the
columns ; whence it happens that the metopae next these
triglyphs cannot be perfect squares, but their width must
exceed their height by a space equal to half the width
of a triglyph. When therefore the metopae are made
equal, it becomes necessary to contract the width of the
intercolumniations at the angles by a space equal to this
excess. Whether the metopae be enlarged or the intervals
contracted inconvenience arises; and hence it was that
the antients avoided the use of the Doric order in sacred
It is, nevertheless, our intention to describe the proportions
of the Doric order as we have received them from our
predecessors; in order that those who are desirous of being
made acquainted with them may find them explained, and
be enabled to introduce them, divested of their defects, in
the construction of sacred edifices.
That part of the extent of a Doric tetrastyle front which
is occupied by the columns should be divided into twenty-
eight parts: or if the front be hexastyle, the number of parts
into which this extent ought to be divided is forty two 1 .
1 The printed copies vary in their statement of the number of parts into which
we are directed to divide the fronts of hexastyle and tetrastyle temples of the
Doric order. The Amsterdam edition reads XXVIII, and XLIV: which reading 1 is
also adopted by the Berlin editor. Philander alters the reading to XXVII, and
XLII. The five MSS. copies which I have consulted invariably make the number
of divisions of the tetrastyle front XXVIII. The number for the hexastyle front is
altogether omitted in three, but the two remaining state it to be XXXII. All of
them agreeing in the number of divisions for the tetrastyle front, we can have no
hesitation in supposing that to be the number intended by Vitruvius. On proceeding
to enquire if the numberXXXII, for the divisions of hexastyle front, be commensurate
with the number for the tetrastyle, we find that that is far from being the case : for
in order to be commensurate with that number, the divisions of the hexastyle ought
to be XLIII and six tenths. To reconcile this with the number of divisions
stated in the MSS. and at the same time to observe the least possible variation in
the mode of writing the digits, we must suppose that originally the number was
written XXXXII ; and altered in the subsequent transcripts to XXXII.
One of these divisions is made the modulus, which the Greeks
call embates, according to which the proportions of the entire
edifice are determined.
The diameter of the columns is made equal to twice the
modulus, and their height, including the capital, is seven
times the diameter. The height of the capital is one modulus;
and its greatest width is twice its height and a sixth part.
The height is divided into three equal parts, the upper of
which is given to the plinth, including the cymatium; the
second to the echinus with its annulets; and the third
to the hypotrachelium. The contraction of the shaft is
similar to that of Ionic columns, which has already been
The height of the epistylium, with the taenia and guttae,
is one modulus: the taenia itself is a seventh part of the
height. The guttae extend the width of the triglyphs
below the taenia; their height, including the regula, is a
sixth part of the modulus. The width of the epistylium is
equal to the diameter of the shaft at the hypotrachelium.
Upon the epistylium are placed the triglyphs and their
metopae: the height of the triglyphs is a modulus and an
half, and their width in front two thirds of their height.
The triglyphs at the angles, as well as those which are
intermediate, are placed immediately over the axes of the
columns. Between the triglyphs so arranged two others
are disposed, over every intercolumniation excepting that in
the centre; which, in both pronaos and posticus, is made
sufficiently wide to admit of three; in order that the access
may be commodious to those who come to their devotions
in the temple. The width of the triglyphs is divided into
six parts, of which two and an half are set off on each side
of the line in the centre of the triglyphs; the regula, or
femur, which the Greeks call meros, equal in width to one
of the parts, is first left in the centre of the triglyph; then
on each side channels are formed as if hollowed with the
vertex of a square: next these are two femora, similar to that
in the middle of a triglyph, leaving half a channel at either
The metopae between the triglyphs are left equal in
width to their height, excepting at the angles of the
zophorus where spaces are left equal in width to half a
triglyph only '. Thus the inequalities which must necessarily
occur in the lacunaria when the angular intervals are
contracted; or in the metopae, when triglyphs are placed at
the angles, will be avoided. The capital is a sixth part of
the modulus.
Upon the capitals of the triglyphs the coronae is placed,
projecting half a modulus and a sixth part; having a Doric
cymatiuin below and another above: its height, including
1 The space left at the angles is not accurately equal to the width of a
semitriglyph ; being as much less as the projection of triglyphs before the face
of the metopae. In the description of the monotriglyph species, the space left
between the angles of the zophorus and the triglyphs is properly said to be less
than half the width of a triglyph. In Grecian temples it may be observed, that if
we continue the lines passing through the axes of the columns at the angles, they will
coincide with the interior lines of the triglyphs : hence at the first view it might
appear that if the triglyphs were removed, so as to bring the centre point in this
line, a space would be left at the angles equal to half the width of a triglyph : but
upon removing the triglyphs we expose the plane of the metopae in the flanks,
which recedes from that of the triglyphs.
the two cymatia, is made half the modulus. In those
parts of the under surface of the coronae immediately over
every triglyph and the centre of each metopa, channels
are cut, which leave six guttae in length and three in depth.
The spaces which are left between every two adjoining-
clusters of guttae, by the excess of the width of the metopae
above that of the triglyph s, are either left plain or hollowed
into channels 1 . In the projecting angle of the coronae a
small hollow is sculptured, which is called scotia. All the
remaining parts, such as the fastigium, its coronae and
simae, observe the same laws of proportion as have already
been laid down for the Ionic order.
The foregoing proportions are to be adopted only in
temples of the diastyle species. When the species of the
temple is pycnostyle 2 , and one triglyph only is introduced
over the intervals between the columns, the front, if it be
tetrastyle, should be divided into eighteen parts: if the front is
to consist of six columns, it should be divided into twenty-eight
parts 3 . In either case one of these parts is assumed for the
1 The printed editions read, " fulmina scalpatur:" but the MSS. read either
fluvia, or fiumina. The meaning of Vitruvius is that the regula, or band over the
guttae, is either continued without interruption, or is broken by being cut away
between the clusters of guttae.
2 See the explanation of plate III. at the end of this book.
The number of these divisions is differently stated by the editors of Vitruvius.
The Amsterdam and Berlin editions make the numbers XXIII, and XXXV.
Philander makes them XIX. S. and XXIX. S. On examining the manuscripts in the
Harleian collection, I find that only one out of five, makes the number of divisions
for the tetrastyle monotriglyph front XXIII; the remaining four agree in stating it
to be XVIII. The number of divisions for the hexastyle front is stated in two of
them to be XXVIII ; and in three others XXIX. The authority for the latter is
therefore greater than for the number twenty-eight: but twenty-eight divisions ibr
modulus, according to which, as in the diastyle species, the
proportions of the entire edifice are determined. Upon the
several blocks, which extend from centre to centre of two
adjoining columns and form the epistylium, two triglyphs and
two metopae are placed, leaving at the angles a space somewhat
less than the width of half a triglyph. The centre interval is
enlarged so as to receive three metopae and three triglyphs;
in order that the approach to the temple may be rendered
commodious, and the view of the statues uninterrupted. Upon
the capitals of the triglyphs the coronae is fixed; having, as in
the preceding instance, a Doric cymatium below and another
above it: the height, including the cymatia, is half a modulus.
The disposition of the drops, which follow from cutting the
channels, and every thing remaining to complete the front,
should observe the same laws of proportion which obtain
in temples of the diastyle species.
The columns should have twenty flirtings; these are
sometimes left with a plane surface, in which case the plan of
the columns is a polygon with twenty angles: but when they
are to be channelled a square must be formed, one of whose
sides is the width of each of the flutings. From the centre of
the square an arc, whose radius is equal to half the diagonal, is
described, which is terminated by the two angles of the square :
the area included between the side of the square and the
arc is the quantity taken from the shaft in the formation of
every fluting. This method of fluting is peculiar to the
the hexaslyle front are more nearly commensurate with eighteen for the tctrastyle,
the authenticity of which seems established by a great majority, and may on that
account be preferred when sanctioned by the reading of two amongst five.
Doric order. ' The entasis of the shafts of Doric columns is
similar to that already described for columns of the Ionic
Having now explained whatever relates to the external
decoration of temples of the three several orders, the
proportions for the cella and pronaos become the next
The width of the temple is usually made equal to half the
length : the cella, including the wall in which the door-ways
are made, should be a fourth part longer than its width.
The remaining three parts are given to the pronaos, and
comprise in their extent the antae terminating the walls.
The width of the antae ought to be equal to the diameter of
the columns. If the width of the temple be more than twenty
feet, two columns are placed between the antae, and thus
separate the pronaos from the pteroma. The three intervals
between the columns and antae should be closed with plutei 1
of marble or wood work, and door-ways left in them to give
access to the pronaos.
If the width be more than forty feet, columns should be
placed inwardly opposite to those between the antae; of a
corresponding height, but their diameters less in the following
1 The word pluteus has different significations. In this passage, it means the walls
between the columns, like what is observed in the flanks of the temple of Fortuna-
Virilis, and in the front of the temple of Saturn, described by Labacco. In the
description of the Basilica, the pluteus means the continued pedestal, intervening
between the upper and lower ranges of columns. The printed copies describe the
pluteus in this passage as between the upper columns, but the MSS. read, " inter
superiores et inferiores columnas." It has the same meaning in the explanation
given of the scene of the theatre.
proportion: that is, if the columns in front be eight times
their diameter in height, these should be nine: if the exterior
columns be nine or ten diameters in height, these must
observe a proportionate augmentation. The difference in
the bulk of the columns will not be apparent, because they
are not seen contrasted with the light. If, notwithstanding,
they should appear too slender, the number of their
flutings may be increased. Thus, if the columns in front
have twenty four, these may have twenty eight or even
thirty two: so that what in fact is taken from the bulk will
be apparently restored by the additional number of flutings.
This optical deception arises from the idea of greater
magnitude which is impressed by the transit of the visual
rays over a greater surface. For if the peripheries of two
circles of equal diameter, one of which is fluted and the
other not, be measured with a line which is made to be in
contact with every point of the peripheries, the length of
the line will not be the same in both cases; because in one
it has been made to touch every point in the concave surfaces
of the flutings in the intervals between the striae. Since
this deception therefore may be accomplished, it may be
allowed to make eolumns which are in confined situations
and little exposed to the light less massive than the others;
because their want of bulk may be rendered imperceptible
by augmenting the number of flutings as circumstances may
The walls of the cella should be proportioned to the
magnitude of the building; the antae which terminate them
being always as much in width as the diameter of the
columns. If they are to be formed of unhewn stone, the
pieces ought to be very small: but if squared stone or
marble be used in their construction, the blocks should be
of a moderate size and of equal length; because greater
firmness is obtained when the joints of one stratum are made
to meet in the middle of the blocks which constitute the
stratum immediately below them. If every edge of the
squared blocks be rebated, the effect produced will be much
more pleasing 1 .
1 We are to understand from this passage, that the walls are intended to be of
that kind of masonry which is commonly called rusticated; of which we find examples
in the Poikile at Athens, and several temples at Rome. Amongst the latter may
be mentioned the temples of Fortuna-Virilis and Mars-Ultor. The term expressiones,
which Vitruvius uses to express the faces of the stone projecting before the joints,
is used. exclusively by himself.
The temples of the Gods ought to be so placed that the
statue which has its station in cella, should, if there be
nothing to interfere with such a disposition, face the west;
in order that those who come to make oblations and offer
sacrifices may face the east when their view is directed
towards the statue: and those who come to impose upon
themselves the performance of vows, may have the temple
and the east immediately before them. Thus the statues
they regard will appear as if rising from the east and looking
down upon the supplicants. Hence it seems necessary, that
all the altars of the Gods should face the east.
But if the peculiar situation of the spot renders such a
position impossible, the temple should be so situated that
the principal part of the walls may be seen from it. And
when temples are built in the neighbourhood of a river they
should command a view of its banks, like the temples of
Egypt upon the borders of the Nile. For similar reasons,
temples which are erected near public streets should be
situated so as to present themselves readily to the passers by,
who may perform their salutations whilst they are kept in
The proportions of the doorways of sacred edifices and their
antepagments vary according to the order of the building:
for each of the orders has a style of entrance peculiar to
itself. The proportions for doorways of the Doric order
are determined by placing the upper part of the coronae,
which surmounts the transverse antepagment, upon the
same horizontal level as the lower part of the epistylia over
the columns of the pronaos. The space which is intended
to be left open to the air 1 is determined by making the
doors equal to four parts of seven, into which the height of
the temple, from the floor to the lacunaria, is divided. The
height of the doors is divided into twelve parts, of which
five and an half are given to the width of the opening at
1 The printed copies read, "lumen autem hypothyri:" but the manuscripts read
either hypaetri, or hipetri, for hypothyri; meaning that part of the doorway which
was hypaethral, or exposed to the air. The original reading renders the meaning of
Vitruvius very clear; by not adhering to which much confusion has arisen, and
many conjectures have been offered as to what occupied the space between the
door and the transverse antepagment. Most of the editors are reduced to the
necessity of altering the text; and to make the height of the door five parts, instead
of four of the seven, into which the height of the temple, from the floor to the
lacunaria, is directed to be divided. Perrault, adhering to the numbers of the
manuscripts, introduces a deep tablet between the transverse antepagment and the
cornice above it.
the bottom: at the top it is contracted in proportion to the
height of the doorways; that is, when this is less than sixteen
feet the diminution of the opening should be a third of the
antepagment 1 . In doorways from sixteen to twenty-five
feet in height, the contraction at the top is a fourth of the
antepagment; in those from twenty-five to thirty feet high,
the contraction is an eighth: all doorways whose height
exceeds this limit ousrht to have no contraction whatever. The
antepagments should be a twelfth part of the height of the
opening 2 , and diminish at the top a fourteenth part of their
width. The thickness of the supercilium 3 should be ecpial
to that of the antepagments at the top. The cymatium of
the antepagment should be a sixth part of its width, and its
projection the same: it is composed of the Lesbian cymatium
and an astragal.
The hyperthyrnm 4 is placed upon the superciliuin, and
1 Antepagments here mean the side pieces constituting the frame in which the
door is fixed: in a more limited sense it means the ornament fixed in front of the
frame which we, improperly, term architraves. In this sense it is used in the
description of the front of Tuscan temples, Chapter VII; where the antepagments
are said to be fixed in the front cf the projecting nmtules.
2 The proportion of the width of the antepagment to the opening is omitted in
the manuscript copies; that which is here given is taken from the Amsterdam
3 The supercilium is termed in a preceding passage "antepagmentum superius."
4 The hyperthyrum, as the derivation of the word evidently implies, is the
ornament extending over the aperture of the doorway: it consists, as the text
explains, of several members. The commentators and translators ofVitruvius have
generally supposed the hyperthyrum to be a kind of plain fascia intervening between
the supercilium and the members of the coronae; whereas the words of the text at the
beginning of the chapter clearly indicate that the hyperthyrum comprehends all the
is equal to it in depth: it consists of the Doric cymatium and
Lesbian astragal, having but little projection, together with
a plain corona and cymatium. Its projection is equal
to the height of the supercilium which is placed upon
the antepagments. The supercilium projects beyond the
antepagments on the right and left : the cymatium is
continued around the projections, and is united, by means of
a mitred joint, with that of the antepagments.
If the doorway is to be of the Ionic order, the height of
the opening is determined in the same manner as in the Doric;
but its width at the bottom is two parts of five, into which
the height is divided 1 : the contraction at the top follows the
rules prescribed in the foregoing instance. The width of
the antepagments at the bottom is a fourteenth part of the
height of the opening; the cymatium is a sixth part of the
width: the remaining part is divided into twelve, of which
three are given to the first corsa, or fascia, and its astragal,
four to the second, and five to the third: these corsae and
their astragals are continued around the opening. The
members of the coronae: " corona summa quae supra antepagmentum superius
imponitur:" and not, "supra hypcrthyrum imponitur." In the generality of ancient
doorways, which, like that under discussion, were without ancones, no fascia is found
to intervene between the supercilium and the coronae: several instances maybe
adduced from the ruins of Balbec and Palmyra. The reader is referred to the works
on those subjects, and particularly to plates 10, 13, and 14, of the former; and plates
\ c 2, 20, 30 and 49, of the latter. Also to the doorways of the tower of Andronicus
Cyrrhestes in the first volume of the Antiquities of Athens.
1 For the same reason that the reading of the manuscripts, which states the
proportions of the Doric opening, has been altered in the printed copies, it has here
likewise been altered from "unius," to, " unius semis."
space left open to the air 1 is determined in the manner
directed to be observed in Doric doorways 2 .
The ancones or prothyrides, as they are sometimes called,
are suspended from the coronae on the right and left of the
supercilium; the lower ends, exclusive of the leaves, are in
the line of the opening of the doorway. The width of the
ancones is a third of the antepagment, and it is a fourth
part less at the lower end than at the top. ;
The doors should be so framed that the scapi, upon
which the hinges are fixed, may be a twelfth part of the
height of the opening: the tympana are each a fourth part
of the distance between the two scapi. The compartments
of the doors are determined by dividing the height into five
parts, two of which are given to the upper and three to the
1 Here again, as in the Doric doorway, hypaetra, or hypaethra, is altered in the
printed copies to hyperthyra.
2 The printed copies here read, " qucmadmodum in Doricis hyperthyridibus."
The latter word is substituted for portis pedibus, which appears to be the reading of
the manuscripts; although in some of them the last word is not clearly made out.
Hoy portis pedibus I have little doubt that we ought to read portis foribus: since in
most of the manuscripts the three first letters of the word pedibus are indistinctly
written. The chapter professes to treat of the three several kinds of thyromata;
which word is synonymous with fores portarum. No objection to the reading here
suggested can arise from the latinity of the passage ; because in the manuscript
copies of the author we have several instances of the use of the ablative case for the
genitive; although the passages in which they occur are corrected in the printed
editions. It will be sufficient for our purpose to give the following quotations:
" Si enim majoribus symmetriis utemur in minoribus neque si autem
minoribus in majoribus utemur," lib. VI. c. 4. where minoribus, in the latter part of
the passage, and majoribus, in the first, are respectively used for minorum and
mqjorum, scil. atriorum " E q ui bus fonmscertkque corporibus figurata " Jib.
VII. c. 5. in which passage quibus and corporibus are put for quarum and corporum.
lower. At the line of separation the middle impages are
placed: others are framed into the doors at the bottom of
the lower and at the top of the upper compartment. The
height 1 of the impages is a third part of the tympanum.
The horizontal scapi are together half the height of the
impages: the replum is two thirds of the remaining space;
and the cymatium above and below occupy the other third.
Those portions of the scapi which appear before the
antepagments are equal in width to half the impage. If
the doors are made folding 2 , it will not be necessary to
add to their height, but only to make their width somewhat
greater ; but if each folding door has two valves, the height
of the doorwav must be increased.
The Attic or Corinthian doorways are similar to the
Doric, excepting that the antepagments have a fascia below
the cymatium: the proportion which this fascia bears to the
antepagment, exclusive of the cymatium, is two parts to
seven. The antepagments are not to be embossed with
encaustic work, neither are they to be constructed for
the reception of double doors, but for folding doors
1 Through ignorance of the method in which ancient doors were formed, the
editors of Vitruvius alter attitudo, which is the reading of the manuscripts, to
2 Fores valvatae are folding doors. Vitruvius, having already described the
proportions for single doors, proceeds to say that if the doors be made valvatae, or
folding, it will be necessary that the doorway should be of greater width: the reason
for which is sufficiently obvious. The bifores are double doors; that is, one door
within the other, having an interval between them equal to the thickness of the wall
or of the antepagments.
only : the outward parts of them appearing like
apertures 1 .
Thus I have explained, as far as I have been enabled to
collect from the most authentic accounts, all the proportions
for temples of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. The
proportions of Tuscan temples remain to be described.
1 This passage is understood in different senses by the commentators, who, for
the most part, imagine Vitruvius to be here speaking of the ornaments of the doors;
for which reason they interpolate the words "foriiwi ornament cC without any
authority for it. The passage in the manuscripts stands thus, " Ipsaque non hunt
caelostrata, neque bifora, sed valvata," &,c. The substantive to which ipsa relates, is
clearly antepagmenta. The ancients had a custom of ornamenting, with encaustic
work, the limina, or antepagmenta; as appears by the following line from Ausonius :
" Ceris inurens januarum limina." Epig. XXVI. 9.
The scholiast observes that there were three kinds of encaustic work in use anions
the Romans: one of which was burning ivory or horn with a sharp-pointed instrument,
called a caestrum; whence that method was called opus caestrotum. The word
caelostrotum may perhaps have been suggested by the use of a caelum, or graving
instrument, for a similar purpose.
The meaning of Vitruvius appears to be that as bifores, or double doors, were not
adopted, the folding doors were hung upon the interior face of the antepagments;
receding from the outward face, the depth of the antepagment, or the thickness of
the wall: so that the opening of the doorway was not closed on the outside, but the
aperture left unoccupied. The latter part of the passage in the manuscripts stands
thus, " aperturas liabent exteriores partes." The printed copies insert in before
" exteriores."
The area which the temple is intended to occupy should be
so proportioned, that if the length be divided into six parts
the width should be equal to five. The length should
be equally divided into two parts, the further of which is
designed for the cella, and the division in front is left to be
occupied by the columns. The width being divided into ten
parts, three on each side are given to the lesser cellae, or
the side aisles, if such be required: the remaining four are
for the width of the principal cella.
The disposition of the columns in the area before the
cellae is this: those at the angles of the front are placed
opposite the antae in the line of the lateral walls of the
temple: two others are interposed between them in the line
of the walls which form the divisions of the cellae. The
columns at the angles have their positions so far distant
from the antae, as to admit of two others, in the intervals,
in the same lines of direction.
The diameter of the columns is a seventh part of
their height, and their height a third of the width of the
temple: the diminution of the shaft is a fourth of the
diameter. The bases are half the lower diameter, and
divided in height into two parts; the lower of which is for
the circular plinth, and the upper for the torus and apophyge.
The height of the capital is likewise half the lower diameter,
and its greatest extent is made equal to twice the height.
The plinth, which corresponds to the abacus of the other
orders, is a third of the height of the capital ; the echinus
and the hypotrachelium, with its apophysis 1 , are likewise
each a third.
Upon the columns trabes should be placed one upon
another to such an height as the magnitude of the temple
may render necessary; but their thickness ought not to
exceed the diameter of the columns at the hypotrachelium.
The beams should be joined together by means of cramps
and dovetails; but an interval of two digits left between
them; because if they are placed in close contact, and the
air is not suffered to circulate freely between them, a
fermentation takes place, and they soon decay.
The mutules should project a fourth of the height of the
columns, both beyond the beams and the lateral walls of the
temple; and have antepagments fixed against the projecting
ends. The tympanum of the fastigium should be constructed
in front, either of masonry or timber. The columen, canterii
and templa should be of such proportionate heights and
lengths that the eaves, formed by the projection of the
mutules in the flanks of the temple, may be proportioned
to the height of the roof, in the ratio of one to one and a
third 2 .
There are, however, various kinds of round temples:
1 There is no mention of any astragal, in addition to the apophysis, in the
2 This passage is very obscure, and is variously interpreted by the commentators.
those which are constructed with columns only, without
a cella, are called monopteral, and the others peripteral.
The first are raised upon a tribunal, to which there is an
ascent; its height is a third of the diameter of the temple.
Upon this stylobate the columns are placed, equal in height
to the diameter of the tribunal, and a tenth part of their
height in bulk. The epistylium is made half the lower
diameter of the columns: the zophorus and the other
members are determined in the manner already described
in this book 1 .
If the temple is to be peripteral, two steps and a stylobate
are first built : then the walls of the cella, which should recede
I have ventured to give it this meaning in consequence of the manner in which
Vitruvius applies the term tertiarius. In lib. iii. c. 1. it is thus introduced,
" Cum facta sunt octo, quod est tertia adjecta, tertiarium." Tertiarius, therefore,
signifies a quantity made up of any primary number and a third of that number.
Let us now consider what is to be the height of the roof. In general, the height
of the tympanum is a ninth part of the extent of the front, measured from the
extremities of the coronae ; the columen, therefore, of the roof, measured from the
tigna to the point where the axes, or principals, meet, is one ninth of the width of
the temple, including the walls. The projection of the mutules before the walls is
stated to be one fourth of the height of the columns j that is, one twelfth of the width
of the temple. Hence the height of the columen, is to the projection of the mutules,
in the ratio of twelve to nine; or one and a third to one: if, therefore, the projection
of the mutules be a primary number, the height of the columen will be its tertiary;
or, what is the same thing, the projection of the mutules will be the inverse tertiary
of the roof: which is apparently the meaning of the words, " ut stillicidium tecti
absoluti tertiario respondeat."
1 By referring to the proportions already described in this book, as well as by
giving an height to the columns equal to ten times their diameter, Vitruvius intended
it should be understood that round temples were always to be of the Corinthian order.
The printed editions alter the reading of the manuscript copies from quarto, to, tertio;
thereby referring to the proportions of Ionic columns.
from the stylobate a fifth part of its diameter. A doorway
is left in the middle of the walls by which the cella may be
approached. The cella, exclusive of the thickness of the
walls and the width of the ambulatory around, determines
the height of the columns above the stylobate. The columns
should be arranged around the walls of the cella at proper
intervals, the proportions and symmetries for which have
already been mentioned.
The height of the roof in the centre is determined by
making the tholus 1 , including the flower, half the diameter
of the entire temple. The flower, exclusive of the pyramid,
should be equal to the capital of the columns. The proportions
of all other parts of these temples should be similar to those
already described for temples whose forms are rectangular.
Temples of various other forms are also constructed,
whose constituent parts are regulated by the same laws of
proportions as those of the temples already described;
although their general dispositions are somewhat dissimilar.
Of this description is the temple of Castor in the Circus,
Flaminius, and that of Vejovis situated between the two
groves. A temple dedicated to Diana in the Aricinian
grove has columns on the right and left of the humeri 2 of
1 See the explanation of Plate XII. Sect. 2.
* The humeri are the angles of the temple formed by the longitudinal and
transverse walls of the cella. The temple of Minerva upon the Athenian Acropolis,
one of the instances to which it is thought Vitruvius intended to allude, has nothing
very particular in its construction to render its form dissimilar to those described in
the third book. It is true that, instead of antae, columns are introduced at the angles
in front of the pronaos ; the antae must therefore have been behind the columns at
the angles, like those of the posticus. But the words of the passage imply, that in
the pronaos. The earliest temples, constructed like that of
Castor in the Circus, were those dedicated to Minerva-Polias,
one of which was built upon the Athenian Acropolis; and
another at Sunium in Attica. The proportions of these
temples are alike, for the length of the cella in either is
double the width; and those features of the temple which
are commonly in front of the cella are, in these examples,
transferred to the sides 1 .
the temples here alluded to we are to look for those features in the sides which, in
general, are only introduced in the fronts: " et uti reliqua ex iis omnia quae solent
esse in frontibus ad latera sunt translata :" which makes it highly probable that the
temple upon the Acropolis, alluded to by Vitruvius, was that of Minerva-Polias, the
portico of which is in the side of the temple; and there is no entrance whatever in
the front. The words of the preceding part of the passage have been transposed in
most of the printed copies; which, instead of the order observed in all the MSS.
read as follows; " in arce Minervae et in Attica Sunio Palladis:" transposing the
word Minervae from the end of the passage. If the order of the words be restored
there will not be much difficulty in admitting that for " Minervae Palladis," we should
read " Minervae Poliadis ;" because otherwise it would appear extraordinary that the
two appellations of the same divinity should be used together. The only difficulty
which remains to be encountered is, that a temple of Minerva-Polias at Sunium is
implied to have been formerly in existence. Of such a temple there are no remains,
nor indeed any account given : but it is not improbable that there may have been
two temples of Minerva at Sunium as well as at Athens.
There are, however, two MSS. in which the passage, as it there stands, may be
interpreted so as to relate to one temple only at Athens. One reads, " Athenis in
arce et in Attica summa:" and the other, " et in Attica in summo;" sc. in summo
Atticae. It ought to be observed that these MSS. are the oldest of the five in the
Harleian collection.
In the Greek inscription relating to the survey of this temple, which was brought
from Athens by Dr. Chandler, the humeri are mentioned. They are there termed
harmoi, which corresponds to the Latin word barmi or armi; meaning literally those
parts of the shoulders to which the arms are affixed.
1 This passage is illegibly written in the MSS. In attempting to decypher it
the printed editions have introduced a term of which no satisfactory interpretation
There are some who adopt the dispositions observed in
Tuscan temples in temples of the Ionic and Corinthian
orders : for by removing those parts of the wall which
extend from the cella to the antae, and substituting columns
in their stead, there results a form of temple in which the
Tuscan and Grecian modes of building are united.
Others take away the walls of the cella and close the
intervals between the columns of the pteromata; thus
affording a considerable width to the cella, by the addition
on each side of the spaces occupied by the walls and
ambulatories. In all other respects the temple remains
unaltered; and hence arises another form, which has been
called pseudoperipteral. This plan is adopted in temples
where the constant performance of sacrifices requires
considerable space : for temples consecrated to the worship
of different divinities ought not to be constructed upon the
same plan; because each has a mode of worship peculiar to
Thus have I explained, from the works of our predecessors,
the principles for the construction of temples; and have classed
under separate heads their various dispositions and proportions.
I have endeavoured to illustrate their different forms, and to
point out in what respects they vary from each other. It
follows that I should now treat of altars, and shew how they
will be best adapted to the purpose of performing sacrifices.
can be given. The passage is generally printed thus: " uti rdiqita exisona quae
solent esse in frontibus, ad latera sunt translata." Turnebus proposes to read ex
his omnia, for exisona. In one MS. I find it written thus; eypfotia: which may
probably be written for cjrpfonta: that is, ex Us omnia; p being used in the same
MS. for ii; and the symbol of contraction very general.
Altars should face the east, and be always placed lower
than the statues which are arranged about the cella; in
order that those who come for the purpose of offering up
prayers and sacrifices, may know from their different
heights to what particular Deities the several altars are
consecrated. The altars of Jupiter and the celestials
should be raised as high as circumstances will permit; those
of Vesta, Terra, and the marine Deities, on the contrary,
should be low. These regulations are necessary to be
observed in arranging the altars within the cella.
Having in this book explained the modes of disposition
adopted in sacred edifices, in the next we shall treat of the
construction of public buildings.
In comparing the proportions of the Corinthian order of
architecture, as they are given by Vitruvius, with some
existing monument of the same order in Greece, it would
immediately occur to us that the building in which we might
expect to find the nearest coincidence in the proportions of
the several members, is the temple of Jupiter Olympiusa t
Athens ; as it is an example celebrated by Vitruvius himself
amongst the four most remarkable of the temples of antiquity.
It has been erroneously supposed that this temple owed
its origin to the emperor Hadrian, and the tradition has
been so universally believed, that the ruins are commonly
recognised by the title of the ' columns of Hadrian.'
It would be foreign to the purpose to enter here into a
formal refutation of this mistaken notion ; I purpose reserving
it for the subject of future discussion.
Unfortunately, however, the vast height of this temple
opposes difficulties to the minute examination of its various
members, not to be surmounted by the traveller possessed of
no other means of obtaining access to the upper parts than
such as modern Athens is capable of affording. The task,
therefore, of drawing a parallel between the Corinthian
order of Vitruvius and the order of this temple remains
to be performed by some one who may command greater
No other Corinthian building at Athens is mentioned by
Vitruvius; for we cannot call the octagon tower of Andronicus
Cyrrhestes an example of this order; since its characters, so
far from having been preserved generally throughout the
building, have only been partially introduced in the columns
of the porticoes. We shall therefore pass over this building
in preference to one which, although it is not noticed by
Vitruvius, certainly existed prior to the period in which the
Olympeium was erected; and has therefore a better claim to
be considered of pure Grecian origin. The building alluded
to is the Choragic monument of Lysicrates, which was
erected in the street of the tripods at Athens.
If we proceed upon the plan we have hitherto pursued
of drawing a parallel between columns of equal diameters,
we must suppose the shaft of the Vitruvian column to be 14
inches at the base : hence, according to the reading in the
seventh chapter of this book, the height of the column will
be 11.8.0, or ten diameters. The height of the Athenian
columns is 11.7-65, making the difference little more than
-^ ths of an inch only. The diminution of the shafts of
columns which are less than fifteen feet in height, is directed
to be a sixth part of the lower diameter: hence the upper
diameter ought to be 11.666 inches: the upper diameter of
the columns of the Choragic monument is 11.65 inches.
The columns being elevated considerably above the level
of the ground, it is necessary, in considering the height of the
epistylium, to enquire what addition to the general proportion
would, on that account, have been given to this member of the
entablature. Vitruvius directs us when columns are elevated
to give a proportionate increase to the epistylium; without
noticing the principle upon which the scale of addition
should be formed. The epistylium of the Ionic entablature,
when the columns are less than fifteen feet, is half the
diameter, or one-nineteenth part of their height. And when
the height of the column lies between fifteen and twenty
feet, the epistylium is a thirteenth part. Hence, if instead
of supposing the epistylium to be that which would be
proportioned to columns between the first limits, we give
it that height which is generally to be observed when the
columns are between the second, on account of their elevation,
we must increase the semidiameter in the ratio of nineteen
to thirteen. This would give to the epistylium and its
cymatium together an height of 11.69 inches; which differs
from that of the Choragic monument by ^- ths of an inch.
If the zophorus of the Vitruvian column be ornamented
with sculpture, its height will considerably exceed that of
the Athenian monument; and if we suppose it not to be so
embellished, it will be somewhat less; but then the entire
heights of the entablatures will nearly accord; for in
this case, the zophorus being 8.77 an d the whole coronae
] 1.21, the difference will be ^ ths of an inch only. So great
a latitude has been allowed to caprice in the composition
of Corinthian capitals, that we scarcely meet with two
instances in which it is the same. The divisions for the
leaves, as they are given by Vitruvius, agree with no
example known, either of Grecian or Roman columns. As
far as the description is carried, the Vitruvian capital
resembles those in the arch of Hadrian, excepting in the
height of the lower leaf. In our representation of the
Athenian column the leaves in the upper part of the shaft
are omitted; because they cannot be said to form any part
of the capital ; but are rather to be considered as a peculiar
termination of the flutings, incidental to that degree of
embellishment by which this building is distinguished.
Fig. 1. Transverse section through the roof of a temple.
This figure serves to illustrate what Vitruvius h
l &
advanced as to the origin of the ornaments adopted in
Doric entablatures. From this it will not be difficult to
conceive how the projection of the canterii might have
suggested the adoption of mutules. In the representation
of one half of the roof, the span is supposed to be very
considerable; when the transtra and capreoli were used in
preference to the columen.
Fig. 2. The geometrical elevation of the same roof.
It is probable that the tigna, or tyes, were at first placed
over the columns only; because, unless the building was of
vast dimensions, which we cannot suppose to have been the
case with the early temples, no useful end would be obtained
by placing them at smaller intervals. Neither is it necessary,
in deducing the origin of the invention of mutules, to suppose
that the canterii were placed at intervals no greater than we
observe them in the entablatures of antient examples of the
Doric order of architecture. It will be sufficient to shew
their probable origin, without accounting for the frequency
of their repetition. Hence, in this figure the canterii are
supposed to occur once only in the interval between two
The trabs, or beams, which were placed immediately
upon the columns and antae, were notched in order to preserve
the tigna in their positions : these incisions were termed cubilia
by the Romans, and opae by the Greeks; whence the intervals
between two were called metopae.
.The trabs. e Capreolus.
bb. . . .Tigna. f Columen.
cc Axes. gg... Canterii.
d Transtrum. hh...Templa.
ii Asseres.
We now proceed to consider the proportions which
our author assigns to the Doric order: the result of this
investigation will prove that they correspond, in many
particulars, with those of the most celebrated Grecian
It was evidently the intention of Vitruvius to establish a
modulus for this order upon a principle different to that
which determined the modulus for the Ionic. If however
the number of parts into which the fronts of monotrigliph
temples, whether tetrastyle or hexastyle, be as it is stated in
all the printed editions, the modulus will be virtually the
same; because what is the modulus in one case would be
twice the modulus in the other : and by making one any
multiple of the other, we do not alter the relative proportions
of the several parts.
All the manuscript copies of our author make the division
of the fronts different to what they are stated in the printed
editions; and from these divisions we obtain a modulus
differing altogether from that by which the several parts of
Ionic buildings are regulated.
Here it may not be improper to remark, that this general
error seems to have arisen from the idea, that, in the
" opus diastylon," it was intended that the interval should be
accurately equal to three diameters of the column; without
considering that diastyle intervals varied from two diameters
and a quarter to three : for by the words, " truim columnarum
crassitudinem interponere possumus," Vitruvius means that
in this particular species we may place the columns as
far asunder as three diameters ; without inferring that
we are restricted to that particular interval. In the same
manner the intercolumniations of the systyle species may
vary from one diameter and an half to two diameters. Unless
this be allowed, how are we to class the greater number
of temples to which none of the intervals mentioned by
Vitruvius accurately apply? for instance, the temple of
Mars-Ultor, where the interval is two diameters and a third ;
the temple of Fortuna-Virilis, and the portico of the Pantheon,
in the first of which the interval is to the diameter in the
ratio of 2.142 to I ; and in the other, 2.095 to 1; the temple
of Jupiter- Stator, wherein the intercolumniation is more
than one diameter and an half; and various other temples
in Greece and Rome.
It is true that the intervals in the Grecian monotriglyph
examples are something less than one diameter and an half,
and therefore the species is rather to be called the pycnostyle :
perhaps, therefore, for systylon in the text we should read
pycnostylon: a correction which the commentators could
have had no difficulty in admitting; since in the second
chapter of the third book, octostylon is, by all, substituted
for hexastylon, in the description of the temple of Bacchus
at Tios: the ductus litterarum does not appear to be more
direct in one instance than in the other. In the same chapter
a correction of a similar kind is made by all the commentators,
although improperly; where the proportions of eustyle
columns are said to be the same as the diastyle, instead of
the sijstijle; whicli is the reading in the manuscripts.
In the example which we shall take to illustrate the principles
given by Vitruviusfor porticoes with the polytriglyph interval,
it will be seen that the intercolumniation is to the diameter
very nearly in the ratio of 2.71 to 1 ; and therefore the species
of temple is diastyle, as the text states it to be.
The propyleum, or approach to the Athenian acropolis,
is one of the few instances existing; in which the Greeks
increased the interval between the central columns by the
width of one metopa and one triglyph more; and thus far it
corresponds with the hexastyle monotriglyph of Vitruvius.
But it fails in the want of equality of the other intervals,
which our author insists upon as necessary when the Doric
order is to be introduced divested of its defects. Hence
if we compare the Doric hexastyle front of Vitruvius
with the Grecian example, we must imagine the angular
intercolumniations of the latter to be the same as the others ;
the central interval remainingunaltered. The distance between
the axes of the central columns of the propyleum is 17-10.0;
and between the axesof those nextto them, 1 1.10.9; the extent,
therefore, between the axes of the columns placed at the angles
of the front, upon the supposition of equality in all the
intercolumniationsexceptingthat in thecentre,wouldbe 65. 5 6;
and the diameter of the columns being five feet, the whole
extent of an hexastyle front would be 70.5.6: this is to be
divided, according to the MSS. copies, into twenty-eight parts,
two of which are to constitute the modulus, or diameter of the
column. The twenty-eighth part of this extent is 2.6.2,
consequently the diameter should be 5.0.4; this differs from
the true diameter by ^ ths of an inch only. So near a
coincidence in the Grecian and Vitruvian proportions is
scarcely to be expected; and we may be allowed to infer
from it an intention, on the part of our author, of strictly
following the proportions delivered down in the works of the
Grecian masters. We are not to expect that the proportion
of the height of the column to its diameter, as it is given by
Vitruvius, will apply to the columns of Grecian buildings;
because it is manifest that, with every desire to adopt
the Grecian proportions, he must have laboured under a
misconception of his authors, when he asserted, that the
proportionate height was altered from six diameters to seven.
The origin of this error seems obvious; for, in the most
finished of the Grecian productions in architecture, it appears
that the height of the column has indeed been increased by
one diameter from the primordial proportions; but it is
increased from four diameters and a half to five and
a half.
If we would ascertain in what manner the divisions for the
tetrastyle front, as they are stated in the manuscripts, would
affect the modulus, or the diameter of the column, we have only
to consider the extent which is occupied by the four central
columns of the propyleum. This extent is 46.7-8, and when
divided by eighteen, gives 2.7«1 for the modulus, or 5.2.2
for the diameter of the columns; which differs 1 ^ inches
from the diameter obtained by the division of the hexastyle
The diameter of the column is assumed five feet; the
contraction therefore at the hypotracheliuin ought to be
one-sixth; hence the upper diameter of the columns, had
they followed the proportions of Vitruvius, would have been
4.2.0, whereas in the propyleum it is less by 2 * inches.
All the printed copies state that an astragal was introduced
in the hypotracheliuin, or neck of the column; for which,
however, the manuscripts afford no authority whatever:
neither is it stated that the flutings of the shafts terminated
at any distance below the annulets of the capital. Acquainted
therefore as we are become with the practice of the Greeks,
and satisfied that the intention of our author was to pursue
that practice, we are justified in supposing the flutings to
have been continued through the hypotracheliuin. The
Grecians sometimes introduced three enchased annulets in
the hypotracheliuin, and sometimes only one: the great
depth given to this division of the Vitruvian capital, seems
to indicate that the greater number was intended to be
The epistylium is directed to be one modulus, including
the taenia and guttae : but in the Doric, as in the Ionic order,
we ought to suppose that proportion intended for columns
whose height did not exceed fifteen feet. If the principle
upon which the augmentation of the epistylium was founded,
'when the columns exceeded a certain height, he admitted in
the Ionic order, it must necessarily obtain in the Doric. We
are directed to make the epistylium of Ionic columns of the
eustyle species, whose height does not exceed fifteen feet,
one modulus; that is, a nineteenth part of the entire height
of the column: but if the height of the column be more than
twenty-five feet, the epistylium is to be a twelfth part of
the height. In the latter case therefore, the modulus, or
semidiameter, is increased in the ratio of nineteen to twelve.
If we apply this rule to the columns of the propyleum we
shall obtain for the height of the epistylium, including the
taenia and guttae, 3.11.5; which exceeds the actual height
by 2 j5 inches. The height of the triglyphs is directed to be
one modulus and an half, or 3.9-0; in the propyleum the
height is 3. 9-9* In the same example the width of the
triglyphs is 2.4.0; which is two inches less than the modulus,
the width which Vitruvius assigns to it.
The height of the cornice of the propyleum, including
the sima, is found to have been 2.0.5 ; which is less by half an
inch than it would have been if formed according to the
proportions of our author.
Thus we find in every particular, excepting in the height
of the columns, the proportions of the monotriglyph-hexastyle
front of Vitruvius correspond to a great degree of accuracy
with those observed in the propyleum. The want of
coincidence in the height must be attributed, as we before
observed, to a misconception; which an actual observation of
Grecian buildings would undoubtedly have corrected.
a Cymatium of the plinth, k Metopa-
b Plinth. 1 Triglyph.
c Echinus. m Capital.
d Annulets. n Cymatium .
e Hypotracheli um. oo . . . . M utul es.
f. Epistylium. p Scotia.
g Taenia. q Corona.
h Regula. r Cymatium.
ii Guttae. s Sima.
The diameter of the columns is made five feet; in order
to shew the analogy between this front and another hexastyle
front, represented in Plate V. which has the proportions we
find to have been observed in the propyleum.
The columns are represented as less than six diameters
in height.
The angle of inclination of the pediment is made the
same as that of the temple of Theseus: this gives to the
tympanum an height of 7-10.2 : the height of the tympanum,
according to the rule for determining it, in the third chapter
of the third book of Vitruvius, would be 8.2.2.
Fig. 1 . The columns and entablature of this front have
the same dimensions as those of the gate of the agora ; the
interval between the central columns is likewise the same : but
the columns at the angles are placed immediately under the
tri glyphs, which makes the interval between the axes of the
two columns next the angles, 10.0.08. Hence, the diameter of
the columns being 4.4.05, the whole extent of a tetrastyle
front will be 39- 4. 57-
Fig. 2. Let us assume a similar extent for the front of a
tetrastyle portico. According to Vitruvius, the diameter
of the column should be a ninth part of the extent, or 4.4.5 ;
now one of the columns of the Athenian portico is 4.4.5 in
diameter: so far the coincidence is exact. The extent
measured between the axes of the columns at the angles
will be 35.0.07, which divided by seven, gives 5.0.01 for the
distance from centre to centre of two adjoining triglyphs :
hence the distance between the axes of the central columns
will be 15.6.05; and of the others 10.6.0-2, Loth of which
dimensions differ very immaterially from those of Fig. 1.
Although the Greeks, during the age of Pericles, when
architecture had attained to perfection, do not appear to
have adopted a polytriglyph interval between their Doric
columns; in a subsecpient age we have an example of such a
practice in the portico of Philip, erected in the island of Delos.
It does not appear to be very improbable that Vitro vius might
have deduced his proportions for the polytriglyph species from
some particular account of this building: for the following
reasons. First, because the proportions of some of the parts
correspond with those given by our author, with a degree of
precision which could only be expected to result from an
indirect transfer of those of the one to the members of the
other. Secondly, he asserts that the antients generally
avoided the use of the Doric order in sacred buildings. This
assertion, whilst it affords a convincing proof that he never
could have visited Greece, where it was commonly adopted,
sufficiently explains that the works relating to this order, with
which he was conversant, for the most part treated of profane
edifices. And this is a reason why in the investigation of the
Doric proportions for the monotriglyph species, we should
J 1 1
compare them with those of the propyleum and the Doric
portico above mentioned, in preference to those of any other
buildings at Athens. Thirdly, because the two methods of
fluting the columns, mentioned by Vitruvius, are both found
to obtain in this Grecian building, I believe, exclusively.
We are directed to divide the front of a polytriglyph
hexastyle portico into twenty-one parts; one of which is to
be given to the diameter of the columns, and is twice the
modulus. Let us assume the diameter of the columns to be
<2.11.5; then the whole extent of an hexastyle front will be
62. 15: hence the distance from centre to centre of two
adjoining triglyphs will be 3.8.375, and consequently the
distance between the axes of the central columns will be
14 9-5; and of the others 11.1.12. In the portico of Philip
the intervals are 10.11.7; differing 1 ^ only from the latter
of these distances: and if we increase the interval by one
metopa and one triglyph more, for the distance between the
axes of the central columns, it will become 14.7-6. The
whole extent, therefore, of an hexastyle front, having the
same proportions as the portico, would be 61.5.9; which
exceeds the extent, according to Vitruvius, by 4 ^ inches.
In a space of more than sixty feet this difference is scarcely
to be regarded.
The distance between the axes of the two columns at the
angles of a tetrastyle front, having the proportions of the
same portico, would be 36-7-0; this, divided by twenty-six,
according to the rule of Vitruvius, will give the modulus :
the quotient arising from this division is J .4.88, which
differs from the semidiameter of the columns little more
than ^ lhs of an inch.
The columns being very nearly twenty feet in height,
we proceed to consider what ought to be the proportionate
height of the epistylium, according to the principles hitherto
observed. In the Ionic order, when the columns are less
than fifteen feet high, the epistylium is half the lower
diameter, or one part of the nineteen into which their height
is divided; in columns from fifteen to twenty feet, the height
is divided into thirteen parts, one of which is given to the
height of the epistylium. That is to say, in the latter case,
half the diameter is increased in the ratio of nineteen to
thirteen. If we pursue this rule in the example before us,
the height of the epistylium would be 2. 1 .92 ; which is greater
by 6 la inches than that of the portico. The proportionate
height of the epistylium of this portico deviates from that
which appears to have been generally observed in the best
examples of Grecian architecture, such as the temples of
Minerva and Theseus and the propyleum ; in all of which the
heights of the zophorus and epistylium are so nearly equal,
that they differ only by some decimal parts of an inch. Had
the equality between the zophorus and epistylium been
observed in the portico of Philip, the latter would have
been 2.1.9; and thus the difference between the height of the
epistylium, and the height determined by the rule of Vitruvius,
would have been reduced to the fiftieth part of an inch.
The width of the triglyph is less by 1 ^ inches than
the semidiameter of the columns. It ought to be remarked
that the triglyphs of the portico project before the face of
the epistylium, and so far accord with the explanation given
by Vitruvius of the invention of triglyphs.
In this instance, as in those already mentioned, we must
be prepared to expect a difference in the proportionate
height of the columns from that which is given them in the
text of our author. Accordingly, instead of the height being
seven times the diameter, it is found to be somewhat less than
six and one-fifth. The proportions of the upper and lower
diameters are, notwithstanding, nearly the same ; for if the
diminution of the shaft had been one-third of the modulus,
the diameter at the hypotrachelium must have been 2.5.59,
instead of 2.5.5; which is the actual diameter at the top of
the shaft, in the columns of the portico.
The portico of Philip has no remains of a front: but
several columns in one of the flanks, with their entablature,
remain entire. In the flank there is no inequality in the
intervals between the columns; but in designing a conjectural
front, the central intercolumniation is supposed to have
been wider than the others by the introduction of one
triglyph and one metopa more in the zophorus.
We are directed to divide the height, from the floor of
the peristyles to the lacunaria, into seven parts. In ancient
temples the lacunaria sometimes ranged with the upper
part of the corona, and sometimes with the cymatium of the
epistylium. In the temples of Minerva and Theseus at
Athens, and of the Sybil at Tivoli, in all of which instances
portions of the lacunaria are still remaining, they ranged with
the corona. In fig. 1, the height from A to B is supposed to
be the altitude of a temple from the upper step to the upper
part of the corona; and AD the height of a column including
the capital, upon the supposition that it was seven diameters
in height. If A B be divided into seven parts, A C, four of
them, will be the height of the doors : the remaining space
e, between them and the supercilium, or upper antepagment,
f, being left open to the air; or perhaps closed with bronze
lattice work, like what is observed in the door-way of the
Pantheon at Rome. The Avidth of the door-way at the bottom
is five parts and a half of the twelve into which AC is
divided. The hyperthyrum g, is fixed upon the upper
antepagment, and is equal to it in width.
In framing the doors, their height is divided into five
parts; three of which are for the lower impages with the
tympanum, or pannel, and two for the upper. At the division
the intermediate impages, a a, are framed; the others, bb, are
framed one below and one at the top. Each impage ought to
be one-third of the tympanum; if therefore the lower division
of the door be subdivided into five parts, the height of each
of the impages will be equal to one of these parts. The
impages in the upper division are supposed equal to those in
the lower. The replum d, is two-thirds of the impage.
Fig. 2. An Ionic door-way.
The space left open to the air is determined in the same
manner as in door-ways of the Doric kind. The width of
the door-way at the bottom is two parts of the five, into
which the whole lumen, or space between the floor and the
supercilium, is divided. The Ionic door-way differs from
the Doric by having ancones, or prothyrides, below the
Fig. 3. Plan of the door and the antepagments.
The scapi cardinales, or the styles on which the hinges
are fixed, are a twelfth part of the whole aperture. Each
of the tympana is a fourth of the width of the door-way,
and the scapi are made to appear as much before the
antepagments as is equal to half an impage ; the rest being
concealed by the antepagment : this method of division will
leave a similar width for each of the middle scapi, in conformity
with the description of Vitruvius. The compartments of
the frame work resemble those of the doors in the pronaos of
the Pantheon; excepting that, instead of the two intermediate
impages of the Vitruvian doors, these have but one.
The door-ways and doors, as they are here represented,
are altogether different to any described by preceding
The length of a Tuscan temple is made a fifth part
greater than the width : it is divided into two parts, one for
the cella and the other for the pronaos. The width is divided
into ten parts, three of which are left on each side, either
for the lesser cellae, as shewn at a, or for alae, or aisles,
as at h. The remaining four are given to the middle cella c.
Columns, dd, are placed at the angles, in a line with the antae
which terminate the outer walls; and others, ee, between
them, ranging with the walls which form the divisions of the
The columns are made a third of the whole width of the
temple; beams, framed together, are placed upon them,
and serve for the epistylium and zophorus. The width of
these beams is equal to the upper diameter of the columns:
nothing is said of their height: they are here supposed to
have been scpiare. The mutules project before the face of the
beams one-fourth of the height of the columns. The
tympanum of the fastigium rises a ninth part of the whole
extent of the front: the general rule for determining the
height of the tympanum is to divide the whole extent,
comprehended between the extreme points of the corona;
but the general simplicity of the temple not admitting of
a corona, the height must be determined from the extent of
the front.
Fig. 1 . Plan of a monopteral temple.
The order of architecture to be adopted in round temples
is not mentioned by Vitruvius ; but from the proportions he
gives to the columns it may be inferred that the Corinthian
was meant : we are directed to make the height of the column
ten times the diameter, which proportion, supposing when
no other interval between the columns is mentioned that the
eustyle is intended, implies the adoption of that order. The
temple of Vesta at Rome, that of the Sybil at Tivoli, and
the Choragic monument at Athens, are the only instances
existing of round temples, and they are all of the Corinthian
order. The Pantheon and the temple of Minerva-Medica
do not come within that description of temples of which our
author is speaking; for they are neither peripteral nor
monopteral. It is however to be observed, that the portico of
the first is Corinthian. Montfaucon mentions a round temple
described by Flamminius Vacca, which was pseudo-peripteral
and of the same order. A round temple of Mars-Ultor is
exhibited upon the reverse of some medals of Augustus; where
the columns are also represented with Corinthian capitals.
Fig. 2. Plan of a peripteral round temple.
The number of the columns, which form the peristyles of
temples of this description, is not mentioned: the temple of
Vesta at Rome has twenty; that at Tivoli eighteen. In the
plan before us the number is made sixteen, in order to allow
of the eustyle interval between the columns.
The tribunal, or stylobate of the temple, is one-third the
whole diameter. The width of the ascent is made equal to
the interval between the columns; which would be sufficient
when the columns were wide asunder, or when the temple
was upon a large scale. Vitruvius speaks of the tholus in
such vague terms, that many are at a loss to know to what
part of the building the term is applied. Some have imagined
that the tholus means the whole superstructure above the
entablature; but De Laet, one of the most elaborate of the
commentators, rejects this interpretation; because of the great
height it would have, if made to rise half the diameter of the
whole building. In a monopteral temple, where there were
no walls, the tholus may be presumed to mean the whole
of the dome above the columns; in which case half the
diameter would afford a just proportion for the height of
the roof.
Vitruvius is silent as to the exterior form of the roof,
which is here supposed to be conical; like that of the
Choragic monument. The pyramid was probably a portion
of the roof near the vertex, which, if the plan of the roof
had been an octagon, like that of the tower of Andronicus
Cyrrhestes, might very properly have been called a pyramid.
This will be better understood by referring to the section of
that building given in the first volume of the Athenian
Antiquities. The lower part of the flos, or flower, which
alone remains, resembles the lower part of the capitals of the
columns: whence it is probable that the flos was nothing-
more than a Corinthian capital. Vitruvius gives it the same
height as the capital of the columns.
This plate represents the section of a temple, the plan
of which is given in Plate XI. The dome is an hemisphere,
rising from the level of the cornice of the temple, like that
of the Pantheon. If the tholus be equal in height to half
the diameter of the entire temple, it must include more than
the hemisphere : probably in the height of the tholus was
comprehended all that part of the superstructure which rose
above the level of the columns, the pyramid and flower
excepted, as we suggested in the explanation of the last
plate. In the Pantheon the hemisphere springs from the
principal corona ; which is below that of the superstructure.
From the existence of a second fastigium, rising above that
of the portico, from the level of the principal corona, I am
induced to join in an opinion, which is very prevalent,
that the portico alone was an addition by Agrippa to a
building of an earlier date : and that the superior fastigium
belonged to the ancient front.
Fublirhe&€Lr r/uJct directs. jSi.f. byZongman & CfTater/iostcrJRoH'.
Zon r ry Sculp.
Sect.II. PI. 2.
Xotvry Sculp.
JLondon .PiLblishedas die Act directs, hyXoTwmarv, Eurst, Bus, Orme & Brot\ti.Faternoster Hon: Feb?z& . 1814 .
.sWc.IL n. 3.
Xotvrv Sculp.
TablLrln-it './.•• the J-:r dirccts,±di4,by lo/wman &: C?Jfatcrno.F£trHotv.
Serf. JT.fl. 4.
C- -z-z g ! [ y g S -; c —
MublishcU OS tJ/i- Oct directs, 1813, by Longman \Hurst,Mees, Orme S: Bronm.Malcrno.Ter Mow, Mansion.
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Sect. II. PI. 6.
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Published as the dct directs. 1823. ho £ ono man. Hurst, Re e.t , Orme & Urown.-Parerrwsrer Row, L on den
S. Porta- . j-ciUp.
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Tublished 'a.r t/u \Jtet directs. 1814 , hvXofumnuj ■&. CfjPatei-nosterJRott'.
Xowry Sculp.
Sect. JI. PL 9.
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ZonTy Sculp.
Published as tJie Act dii-ect?.id24. byXongman & C?J > au , moste/-Mon:
Sect. II. Fill.
Mff. 2
W.Zoirry Sculp.
Xondpri. Published asthtr Act direct '.? bvLonijirmri. Jlitrst. dices. Orrne &: Jiruirn J'atcrnostcrdion: J?eb- 2^.1814 .
S.Tovta\.?adji .
Sett.ll.Tl. 13 .
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V I T R U V I U S.
THE Greeks build their forum with spacious porticoes, two
tiers in height, arranged in a square form: the columns of
the porticoes are placed at small intervals from each other,
supporting stone or marble entablatures: and galleries are
made over the lacunaria of the lower porticoes as places
of exercise. But in Italy the mode of constructing the
forum is different; because by a custom, sanctioned by its
antiquity, the shew of gladiators is exhibited there; and
therefore the intervals between the columns surrounding
the area are made greater. The lower porticoes are occupied
by the offices of the bankers, which situation is calculated to
facilitate the management of the public revenue; and the
upper contain seats for the spectators of the diversions
in the forum.
The size of the forum must be regulated by the population
of the place; so as not to be too confined, nor yet so large
that much of it may appear unoccupied upon public occasions.
The proportion of the length to the width ought to be as
three to two; because an oblong form is best adapted for
viewing those exhibitions which take place in the forum.
The columns of the upper porticoes should be a fourth
part less than those of the lower; because these, supporting
a greater weight, require to be more massy than those above :
moreover, such a diminution is consistent with the laws
observed by nature in the formation of trees ; such as the fir,
the cypress, and the pine; which are universally larger at
the base than at any other part of the bole, from whence
they gradually diminish to the top. Instructed therefore
by the example which nature affords us in the shape she
has given to trees, we are taught, when columns are placed
tier upon tier, to make the upper less in height and bulk
than those below them.
The basilica ought to be contiguous to the forum, and
on that side of it which is the least exposed ; so that the
merchants who meet there to transact business, may not be
inconvenienced by the cold in winter. The width of the
basilica ought not to be less than the third, nor more than the
half of its length; unless we are compelled by the nature of
the situation to adopt a different proportion for the building.
If the site will permit, the chalcidica l should be situated at
1 The use of the apartments which Vitruvius terms chalcidica, is not explained.
There are some grounds for supposing, that they were intended to receive grain
sufficient for a certain periodical consumption. In the Roman provinces the
pro-consul had the disposal of the corn: the situation of the store-rooms, at the end
the ends in a manner similar to what has been observed in
the basilica of Julia Aquiliana. The height of the columns
should be equal to the width of the porticoes, which on^ht
to be a third of the distance between the columns, measured
across the basilica. The upper columns, in conformity with
what has already been observed, must be less than those
below. The pluteum, between the upper and lower ranges
of columns l 9 should be a fourth part less than the height of
the columns of the upper range; for by giving it such a
depth, those who are walking in the galleries above will not
be seen by the merchants from below. The epistylia, zophori
and coronae must be proportioned to the columns according
to the principles already explained.
of the basilica, would, on that account, be appropriate. The corn when first
collected was deposited in pits, from which the air was carefully excluded ; by
which means it might be preserved for years. This method of preserving corn is
still prevalent in the eastern parts of Europe. Ausonius, in perioch. Odys. XXIII,
makes the chalcidica agree with the imspuj'ia., or chambers in the upper story of the
house ; in which part of the country houses of the ancients were the rooms for stores
and provision. These might be distinguished by the term chalcidica, from a certain
kind of cement or plaster used in their construction. We learn from Varro, that
the creta chalcidica was celebrated for the virtue it possessed of preserving grain;
R. R. i. 57. i. The term chalcidica, is used by Ausonius, Arnobius and Hyginus,
to signify all the rooms in the upper part of the house ; although it might have been
first applied exclusively to those in which grain was preserved. Hence it seems
reasonable to conjecture that it might be transferred to any place in which corn
was kept.
1 The MSS. read " Pluteum quod fuerit inter superiores et inferiores columnas."
The printed copies omit the word " inferiores." It is evident from the description of
the scene of the theatre, c. 7- that the pluteum was here intended to allude to
some member, intervening between the upper and lower ranges of columns; similar
to the continued podium which we observe between every two ranges of columns
in the exterior of Roman theatres and amphitheatres.
No general disposition of parts can be better calculated
to produce grandeur and beauty in a basilica, than that
I have adopted in constructing a building of this nature
in the Julian colony of Fanestrum; the dimensions and
proportions of which are as follows. The roof, over the area
surrounded by the peristyle within, is an hundred and twenty
feet in length, and sixty in breadth. The width of the
porticoes, measured from the columns of the peristyle to the
walls of the building, is twenty feet. The columns, which
are not intersected by horizontal lines, are fifty feet in
height, and five feet in diameter: behind them pilasters are
placed twenty feet in height, two and a half in width, and
one and a half in thickness; these support the wood-work
of the floors of the porticoes : over these similar pilasters are
placed, eighteen feet in height, two feet in width, and one in
thickness, supporting the roofs of the porticoes, which are
below the principal roof. The spaces between the horizontal
beams of the columns and pilasters are left open in order
to admit light into the building through the intervals
between the columns. Four columns, including those at
the angles, support each end of the principal roof; and
eight, that side of it which is next the forum: on the opposite
side there are only six; the two central columns being omitted
that they might not impede the view of the pronaos of the
temple of Augustus; the front of which ranges with the wall
of the basilica, and faces the middle of the forum and the
temple of Jupiter.
There is a tribunal in this temple whose front is made
to recede inwardly in a curve, which is less than half the
periphery of a circle : its extent from one extremity to the
other is forty-six feet ; the middle point recedes fifteen feet :
so that the commercial transactions of the basilica do not
interrupt the administration of justice. Epistylia, formed
of three beams, each two feet square, are placed upon
the columns, and are continued from those which are the
third in order from the angles, over the antae; which
project forward so as to touch the extremities of the
circular tribunal. Pilae, serving as props, three feet in
height and four feet in width, each way, are placed
immediately over every column; these support other beams,
formed of two timbers two feet square, strongly connected,
which are fixed lengthways over the columns. Over these
are placed transtra and capreoli, extending across from the
opposite columns of the basilica, as well as from the antae
and the walls of the pronaos; supporting, in one direction,
the ridge of the roof of the basilica, and in the other that
of the temple, which is continued over the middle of the
pronaos. This disposition, which requires the introduction
of pediments in both directions of the roof, gives great
grandeur to the exterior of the building; and adds to the
internal beauty, by giving the appearance of an extended
ceiling. By departing from the mode usually practised of
introducing ornaments in the entablature, and by omitting
the pluteum and the second tier of columns, much of the
labour of building is spared, and a considerable part of the
expence avoided: whilst the columns extending from the
floor to the beams of the roof, uninterrupted by horizontal
lines, give great magnificence and dignity to the edifice.
The treasury, prison, and curia, should be contiguous to the
forum, and their several dimensions proportioned to it. The
curia, more especially, ought to be built with a magnificence
consistent with the importance of the municipality or city
in which it is erected. If the plan of the building be a
square, the height ought to exceed the width by one-half:
bat if it be a parallelogram, the height of the building from
the floor to the lacimaria should be half the sum of the
length and breadth. The walls, moreover, ought to be
intersected by a corona, either of wood-work or stucco,
which should be continued around the building at half its
height from the floor; for without this precaution, the voices
of those who are debating would ascend to the upper part
of the court and be lost to the audience. But when coronae
are introduced and continued along the walls, the sounds
will be interrupted in their ascent, and be distinctly heard
before they are dispersed in air.
After the site of the forum has been determined, the next
care is to select the most healthy spot within the limits of
the city for a theatre; in which sports may be exhibited on
days devoted to the celebration of sacred rites. For those
who frequent them in company with their families, engaged
by the interest they take in the representations, remain in
fixed attention; whence it happens that the pores of the
body are exposed to the effects of the atmosphere; which in
the neighbourhood of marshes, or spots otherwise unhealthy,
is charged with vapours prejudicial to the human frame.
This inconvenience may be avoided if the situation be chosen
with care and circumspection. It is no less necessary that
the theatre be not placed with its concave part facing the
south ; because, from its peculiar form, the sun would heat
every part alike and prevent the circulation of air; which
becoming rarefied and heated, causes the evaporation and
exhaustion of the corporeal juices. On these accounts
unwholesome situations must be avoided, and healthy spots
carefully selected.
If the situation chosen for the theatre be in the side of a
hill, the substructure will be formed with little labour; but if
we are compelled by circumstances to build a theatre in a plain,
or on marshy ground, the foundations and substructure must
be made in the manner already described for those of sacred
edifices. Upon the substructure, the rising steps may be
constructed either of stone or marble. The number of
praecinctions must be proportioned to the capacity of the
building: their height should be equal to the width of
the passages which they form around the theatre; for were
they made higher, the sounds would not be heard with
distinctness by those in the seats above them; but be
interrupted in their ascent, and reflected back from the
upper part of the theatre. The method of arranging the
seats is determined by extending a line from the uppermost
to the lowest, and making the angles of all the intermediate
steps to touch it. In theatres thus constructed the
propagation of sound will not be interrupted.
The approaches should be numerous and spacious; nor
should those from the upper and lower parts of the theatre
have any communication, but the passages to every part be
direct, and without deviations; that when the representations
are ended, the audience may retire with facility from all
parts of the theatre, and not be subjected to the pressure of
the multitude.
We must also be careful in observing that the situation
chosen be not calculated, through local circumstances, to
check the dilation of sound; but, on the contrary, be such
as to permit the free expansion of the human voice. This
is the property of those places in which there is nothing
to interrupt the vibrations of the air: for sound is a subtle
fluid, acting upon the organs of hearing by the vibration of
the particles of air, which are put in motion, and expand
themselves in an infinite succession of circles; similar in effect
to that which takes place upon the surface of water,
previously at rest, when a stone is cast into it: we may
observe that a number of concentric circles are generated,
which are constantly enlarging until circumscribed by the
narrowness of the stream, or some obstacle which prevents
their perfect formation : for when the undulations meet with
interruption, the first that recoil resist the progress of those
which follow in succession. The air is put in motion by
sound in a similar manner, with this difference, that the
undulations of the water are made in a plane surface;
whereas in air they ascend as they extend themselves.
Thus it is with the voice; when no obstacle interrupts
the first undulation, the next and those following* are perfect;
and make distinct impressions upon the sense of the spectators
who are in the upper, as well as those who are in the lower
seats; without reverberating.
The architects of former days, therefore, made use of
a form in the auditory of the theatre, adapted to the
configurations of air arising from the expansion of sound;
and by the application of physics to the science of music,
succeeded in effecting that the sounds which were uttered
from the stage were conveyed to every part of the theatre,
clearlv defined and better modulated. For as musical
instruments are formed of thin plates of metal or horn, with a
view to produce distinctness in the tones of the chords, so the
principles upon which the theatres of the ancients were
constructed, and which were calculated to increase the
powers of the voice, were deduced from the elements of
Harmony is the literature of music; obscure and difficult,
particularly to those who are unacquainted with the Greek
language : because in our explanation of it we are obliged
to make use of Greek terms, some of which have no
corresponding appellations in Latin. I will therefore offer
the clearest explanation I have been able to collect from
the writings of Aristoxenus; which, by subjoining his scale
and pointing out the definitions of the notes, will enable my
readers, by due attention, to obtain a competent knowledge
of the subject without much difficulty.
The modulations of the voice are sometimes acute or
sharp, at others grave ; and take place in two manners ;
either in a continued sound, or at intervals. The continued
sound of the voice is not defined by any measures of time or
place; but renders the endings of the notes imperceptible;
whereas intervals between notes are very evident; as when
we pronounce, in common speech, the words, sol, lux, flos,
nox. Not only are the beginnings and endings of its notes
difficult to perceive, but the changes from treble to bass and
from bass to treble are not apparent to the ear. The
reverse is the case in that species which proceeds by
intervals : for when the voice makes different inflexions, it
stops to produce a certain determinate sound; then another,
and by doing this backwards and forwards appears variable
to the ear; as when in singing we produce a variety of
modulations by the inflexion of the voice. Hence, when it
proceeds by intervals, the beginning and end of its notes
appear in the clear distinction of sounds: whereas the
intermediate notes, lying wide by intervals, are distinguished
with great difficulty.
The kinds of modulation are three. The first is that
which the Greeks term harmonia, the second chroma, and
the third dlatonon. The modulation of the enharmonic
scale is artificial; and, for that reason, its music has
considerable effect. The chromatic, from its insinuating
construction and the frequency of its tones, excites a more
delightful sensation. But the intervals in the diatonic,
which is the natural scale, are more easy. The disposition
of the tetrachords are different in the three kinds, inasmuch
as the enharmonic tetrachord has a ditone ' and two dieses.
Now a dieses is the fourth part of a tone; so that two dieses
form one semitone. In the chromatic, two semitones succeed
each other; and the third interval is of three semitones.
The diatonic consists of two continued tones ; and a semitone
completes the tetrachord.
Thus in all three scales the tetrachord is ecpially
composed of two tones and a semitone; but the tetrachords
when considered separately as belonging to each of the
1 Perrault reads for "et tonos," ditonum; and for "harmonia tetrachordorum,"
harmoniae tetrachordum, both of which corrections appear to be necessary to the
sense of the context.
kinds, have different appellations for their intervals. It
would appear that nature has discriminated the intervals of
tones, semitones, and tetraehords in the voice, and defined
their boundaries by certain measures; namely, by the
quantity of intervals; and by means of certain distinct
moods, has fixed their properties and proportions : according
to the standard of which the makers of musical instruments
construct them, so as to be adapted for concert.
To each species there are eighteen sounds, which the
Greeks term pthongoi; of which eight are invariable and
fixed in all three scales: the remaining ten are moveable
in ordinary modulation. The fixed are those which are
interposed between the moveable sounds, and serve to unite
the tetraehords; these are permanent within their own limits
in all the distinctions of the three scales. Their appellations
are as follows: proslambanomenos, hypate-hypaton, hypate-
and nete-hyperbolaeon. The moveable are disposed in
the tetrachord between the fixed, and change their places
with the change of position, or of the kind of music. They
are called parhypate-hypaton, lichanos-hypaton, parhypate-
meson, lichanos - meson, trite - synemmenon, paranete-
synemmenon, trite-diezeugmenon, paranete-diezeugmenon,
trite-hyperbolaeon and paranete-hyperbolaeon. Those sounds
which are moved change their natures, for their intervals
are increased. Thus the parhypate, which in the enharmonic
scale is only a quarter-tone removed from the hypate, in the
chromatic differs by a semitone, and in the diatonic by a
tone. The sound which is termed lichanos differs from
the hypate, by a semitone in the enharmonic, two hemitones
in the chromatic, and three in the diatonic scale.
The ten sounds by reason of their transposition into the
different scales, produce a threefold variety of modulation.
The tetrachords are five in number: first, the grave,
which the Greeks term hypaton: secondly, the middle, which
is termed meson: thirdly, the conjunct, termed synemmenon:
fourthly, the disjunct, termed diezeugmenon : lastly, the most
acute is called in Greek hyperbolaion.
The concords natural to man, which are termed in the
Greek symphoniai , are six in number: these are the diatessaron,
the diapente, diapason, the diapason with a diatessaron, the
diapason with a diapente, and the disdiapason 1 . Their
appellations are derived from the number of intervals: thus,
when the voice, after resting upon any particular note, rises
to the fourth from it, the chord is called diatessaron: when
it rises to the fifth it is called diapente : to the eighth, diapason :
to an octave and a half, diapason with diatessaron : to a ninth
and a half, diapason with diapente : to a fifteenth, disdiapason.
For neither in vocal nor instrumental music will the second,
third, sixth, or seventh form a concord ; but, as I have
1 That is, the fourth, fifth, octave, eighth with a fourth, eighth with a fifth,
and the double octave. This account of the concords is very different from the
principles of thorough bass, according to the modern school. It appears strange
that the fourth should be enumerated instead of the third. The Greek names
specify the number of intervals by which the concords rise dia tessaron, through
four intervals: dia pason, through all seven.
already remarked, the fourth and fifth, taken in order as
high as the double octave, are naturally corresponding
parts of the voice; and these concords are produced by the
union of those sounds, which the Greeks callpthongoi 1 .
1 The reader who may be desirous of gaining information on the subject of the
music of the antients, is referred to the Entretiens sur la musique des Grecs; introduced
in the twenty-seventh chapter of the Voyage du Jeutie Anacharsis.
From the foregoing investigations brazen vases have been
made upon mathematical calculations, proportioned to the
magnitude of the theatre. They are so constructed, that upon
being struck they form amongst themselves concords of the
fourth, fifth, regularly in succession, on to the double octave.
They are then arranged amongst the seats of the theatre,
according to a certain musical proportion, in cells made for
their reception. They ought not to be placed in contact
with the wall, but have a vacant space above and around
them. They should be inverted, and the edge next the
stage raised by means of wedges, six inches in height at the
least : apertures ought to be made in the seats of the lower
row, opposite to the cells, two feet in width and one in
The following rules ought to be attended to in arranging
the vases. If the theatre be not very spacious, thirteen
arched cells should be constructed equally distant, and
in the same line, at half the height of the building. In
the cells at the extremities of the auditory, the vases which
sound the nete-hyperbolaeon should be placed : and next to
them those which sound the fourth to the nete-diezeugmenon.
In the cells, which are the third in order from the ends,
those vases which give the fourth to the nete-parameson ;
and next to them those which give the fourth to the nete-
synemmenon. In the cells which are the fifth in order,
those should be placed which give the fourth to the mese;
and next to them those sounding the fourth to the hypate-
meson. Jn the central cell a vase should be placed which
sounds a fourth to the hypate-hypaton. By observing this
order, the voice which diverges every where from the stage,
as from a centre, striking each of these hollow vases, will
acquire an increase of clearness and strength, and at
the same time produce corresponding tones in concord with
its own sounds.
But if the theatre be of large dimensions, there should
be four divisions in the height; in order to admit of three
ranges of cells across the theatre, for the enharmonic,
chromatic and diatonic scales. In the lower ranges, the
enharmonic vases should be arranged, in the manner already
described for small theatres. In the middle range, the vases
which sound the chromatic hyperbolaeon, should be placed in
the cells at the extremities of the auditory; those which sound
a fourth to the chromatic diezeugmenon, in the cells which
are second in order from the ends. In the cells which are
third in order, those which sound the chromatic synemmenon;
in the fourth, those giving a fourth to the chromatic mese 1 ;
in the next, the vases sounding the fourth to the chromatic
hypaton; and in the sixth, those sounding the fourth to the
paramese, which is a common concord of a fifth to the
1 The reading of Jocundus " ad chromaticen mese," is adopted in preference to
" ad chromaticen svnemmenon."
chromatic hyperbolaeon, and a fourth to the chromatic
meson. The central cell should be without a vase; because
in the chromatic scale there is no other sound capable of
producing a perfect concord.
In the cells at the extremities of the upper range, vases
which give the diatonic hyperbolaeon should be placed; in
the next cells, those which sound a fourth to the diatonic
diezeugmenon ; in the cells which are third in order from
the extremities, those which give a fourth to the diatonic
synemmenon ; next these, the vases sounding a fourth to the
diatonic meson : in the cells which are fifth in order, those
which give a fourth to the diatonic hypaton; and in the
cells on each side the central one, those giving a fourth to
the proslambanomenos. In the middle cell a vase should
be placed which sounds the mese, as making common
concords of fifths with the proslambanomenos diapason, and
the diatonic hypaton.
If it should be required to bring these to perfection
without great study, a reference may be made to the
diagram at the end of this book; which is drawn according
to musical proportion, and was discovered by Aristoxenus,
with the aid of great acuteness and industry. It has
descended to us with his divisions for the different scales.
There will be no great difficulty, from the consideration
of this diagram and the calculations here laid down, in
constructing a perfect theatre; as far as relates to the nature
of the voice and its pleasing effects upon the spectators.
It may perhaps be said that many theatres are built
every year at Rome, in which no attention has been paid to
these points : the objection however is not applicable, because
it is not considered that all public theatres constructed with
wood have many surfaces which act as sounding-boards.
The truth of this will be manifest, if we observe those who
sing to the harp; who, whenever they wish to sing in a
higher tone, turn themselves to the leaves of the scene; from
which they receive the assistance of corresponding sounds.
But when theatres are not sonorous, in consequence of their
being built with solid materials, such as stone or marble,
whether wrought or unhewn, it then becomes necessary to
have recourse to the expedient just explained.
If indeed it be asked in what theatre this plan has been
pursued, I am unable to mention any in Rome; but there
are examples where it has been adopted in Italy, and in
many of the Grecian states; in proof of which it may be
adduced, that Lucius Mummius, after destroying the theatre
at Corinth, brought its brazen vases to Rome; and from the
spoils dedicated a temple to Luna.
Many skilful architects who have built theatres in small
towns have, in order to lessen the expence, adopted vases
of pottery, instead of brass of the same pitch ; and by
arranging them according to these principles have produced
the most useful effects.
The plan of the theatre is thus determined. A circle is
described whose perimeter incloses the intended area of the
orchestra; and four equidistant and equilateral triangles are
inscribed in it, which touch the perimeter and divide it into
twelve equal portions. The same method is practised by
those versed in astrology, in dividing the zodiac into twelve
constellations; from the belief that a musical concordance
exists in the dispositions of the stars. The side of one of
the triangles nearest to the situation which the scene is
intended to occupy determines the line of its front; another
line is drawn parallel to this through the centre of the circle,
dividing the pulpitum of the proscenium from the orchestra.
This method of determining the divisions renders the
pulpitum of the Roman theatre more spacious than that
of the Grecian; for with us all representations take place
upon the stage, and the orchestra is appropriated to the
accommodation of the senators. The height of the pulpitum
ought not to exceed five feet, in order that what is passing on
the scene may be distinctly seen by those in the orchestra.
The different ranges of seats allotted to the reception
of the audience are separated by staircases : the positions
of those which give access to the first praecinction are
determined by the points made by the angles of the triangles
at the circumference of the circle circumscribing the orchestra.
The staircases which separate the middle and give access to
the upper ranges of seats are determined by points which
are intermediate between the seven staircases of the lower
ranpje. The remaining; ang-les of the triangles determine
the several divisions of the scene. One in the centre is
opposite to the principal entrance. The hospitalia 1 are
opposite the two on the right and left; and the remaining
two face those approaches to the stage which are situated in
the returns of the scene. The height of the steps of the
auditory, upon which the benches are arranged, should
not be less than a foot and a palm; nor more than a foot
and six inches: their width not more than two feet and a
half, nor less than two.
1 The hospitalia of a Greek house were rooms in which strangers were received
and entertained. The word hospitalium being used by Vitruvius, to designate a
part of the scene on the right and left of the principal door-way, has given rise to
an idea that there were rooms behind the scene of the theatre for the accommodation
of strangers. We learn from Pollux, that the scene representing houses in which
strangers were entertained was on the right of the centre scene; from which
circumstance, it is probable, that that part of the permanent scene might have been
called hospitalium.
The uppermost range of seats has a portico constructed
over it; the roof of which ought to range with the highest
part of the scene; so that the voice, expanding uniformly,
may be carried to the upper seats, and thence to the roof.
For if the roof and the scene were of unequal heights, the
sounds would be broken after passing the lower of the two
Whatever be the diameter of the orchestra included
within the lower range of seats, a sixth part of it should be
assumed for the height of the approaches 1 to the stage in
1 The height of the itinera, or entrances, which is determined by making it this
portional part of the length of the orchestra, is thought by the commentators to be
enormous; believing that Vitruvius, by the " itinera," intended to allude to the
entrances into the orchestra. Galiani and Perrault, therefore, consider it necessary
to alter the text from the diameter to the semidiameter, in opposition to the reading
of all the manuscripts. I have however ventured to translate " aditus," as alluding
to two of the approaches to the stage. These are mentioned by our author in the
preceding chapter, in which they are called " itinera versurarum," or the approaches
in the returns of the scene. The returns may be considered as forming part of the
scene itself; because, from remains of the scenes of the ancient theatres, we may
perceive that they were a continuation of the same design. Our author, in the
passage immediately following, describes the various parts of the front of the scene,
which are all proportioned by the scale of the orchestra ; hence it would appear
consistent that the approaches in the returns, or lateral continuations of the scene,
should likewise be commensurate with the orchestra. The same reasoning will not
apply to the entrances into the orchestra, of which there appear to have been several:
either extremity of the cavea. The lintels of these entrances
should be placed at a height, above the lower seat, equal to
this portion of the diameter of the orchestra. The length
of the scene should be twice the diameter of the orchestra 1 .
The height of the podium, with its coronae and lysis, a
twelfth part of the diameter above the level of the pulpitum.
Upon the podium columns are placed whose height, including
the capital and base, ought to be the fourth part of the same
diameter: the epistylia and other members of the entablature
should be a fifth part of the height of the columns. The
height of thepluteuin above this entablature, with its coronae
and cymatium, ought to be half that of the podium; and
upon it a second range of columns is placed, which should be
a fourth part less in height than those of the lower division
of the scene: the entablature, like that of the lower range,
should be a fifth part of the height of the columns it
surmounts. If it be intended to have a third episcenium, its
pluteum should be half the height of that belonging to the
second division of the scene; and its columns a fourth part
less than those of the intermediate range : their entablature,
like those of the two lower divisions of the scene, a fifth
part of their height.
The same proportions of the constituent parts cannot,
with propriety, be observed in all theatres, whatever their
these may indeed with reason be supposed to be included amongst those parts which,
as our author afterwards informs us, must necessarily be of the same dimensions in
great as well as in small theatres.
1 It is evident that Vitruvius intended to include the returns, or sides of the
scene, in this proportional length.
magnitude: but it becomes necessary for an architect, in
particular instances, to determine various proportions from
which symmetry may result; and adopt such as may best
accord with the nature of the situation; and at the same
time be consistent with the magnitude of the building.
There are parts in all theatres, whether large or otherwise,
which are necessarily made to an invariable standard : such
as the steps, the diazomata, the plutei 1 , the passages,
staircases, pulpita and tribunals, and other parts of a similar
nature; which, were their proportions to depend upon the
scale of the theatre, would prove inconvenient for general use.
When marble, timber, and other requisite materials are
with difficulty procured, the judgment must be exercised to
enable us to take away some parts and add others; the
introduction of which is calculated to obviate an unnecessary
expenditure of materials. To succeed in this requires not
only great science, but likewise experience and fertility of
invention on the part of the architect.
The sliding scenes 2 placed in the centre of the stage
commonly represent a royal palace ; those on the right and
left, houses for the reception of strangers. Next to these are
places which the Greeks call periactoi, because machines
are stationed there which have revolving triangles; each
1 The pluteum here mentioned seems to mean the podium surrounding the
orchestra, from which the first tier of seats takes its rise. The tribunal was
probably the thymele of Pollux, which, he says, was either a tribunal or an
2 The scenes which Vitruvius now proceeds to explain were the moveable
scenes ; although from the use of the term valvae, the translators imagine that he
alludes to the doors of the architectural scene. See the explanation of Plate VI.
side of which has a different representation : these are
turned whenever there is any change in the fable of the
piece represented, or when the Gods are introduced with
sudden bursts of thunder; and vary the character of the
scene. Near these are the returns of the scene, affording
two approaches to the stage ; one of which is supposed to
be from the forum, and the other from the country.
The three varieties of scenes 1 are termed tragic, comic,
and satyric, each of which has a style of decoration peculiar
to itself. In the tragic scene columns are represented with
their fastigia and statues, and other embellishments, indicative
of public buildings. The comic scene represents the houses
of individuals, with their balconies and windows arranged
after the manner of private dwellings. The satyric is made
to resemble trees, caverns, mountains, and other objects
characteristic of the country, and commonly constructed
of topiary-work \
1 In the printed editions, the eighth chapter begins here; but what follows
seems so particularly connected with what has gone before, that a division of
chapters appears to be improper. The Greek theatre, on the contrary, seems to
have so little connection with the various kinds of scenes used by the Romans, that
it requires to be noticed under a separate head. In the manuscripts the different
books are not subdivided into chapters.
2 The printed copies read " in topiarii operis speciem deformatis ;" but the
manuscripts, for topiarii, have topeodi. It is difficult to conjecture to what kind of
work the latter word can allude. The opus topiarium was a kind of grotto-work,
made with leaves and branches of trees; the use of it, therefore, would seem
peculiarly adapted to the representation of rural scenes.
In the Greek theatre the mode of construction is, in some
respects, dissimilar to that which obtains in the Roman ; for
instead of four equilateral triangles, which are inscribed in
the circle of the orchestra of the Roman theatre, the Greeks
made use of three squares, whose angles touch the periphery.
That side of one of the squares which is nearest to the
intended situation of the scene determines the extent of the
proscenium: and a line drawn parallel to it through the
point of curvature most distant from the auditory marks the
front of the scene. A diameter of the circle is drawn
parallel to the front of the proscenium intersecting the
circle in two points: these are assumed as centres, from
which arcs are described, extending from the extreme points
of the diameter to the front of the proscenium. Thus the
orchestra of the Greek theatre, described with three centres,
is more spacious than that of the Roman; the scene more
distant, and the pulpitum, which is termed logeion, is less
in width. For with the Greeks dramatic performances
alone are exhibited on the stage, and all other theatrical
representations take place in the orchestra: whence it is
that the actors in these different species of entertainment
are severally termed scenici and thymelici l .
The height of the logeum ought not to be less than ten
nor more than twelve feet. The positions of the staircases
which lead to the first praecinction between the cunei, are
determined by the several angles of the squares. The number
from the first to the second praecinction is increased by
the introduction of others which are intermediate between
those of the lower range. The same method is observed
throughout the remaining praecinctions; so that every
succeeding range of seats has a greater number of staircases
than that which immediately precedes it.
These preliminary dispositions being determined with
great care and circumspection, the next thing to be considered
is, whether the nature of the place chosen for its situation
be such as will admit of the voice being heard without
much exertion: and whether there be nothing to cause
a repercussion of the tones, from which a confusion of sounds
might ensue. For there are places which naturally impede
the propagation of sound; such are those which we term
dissonantes, and the Greeks catechountes ; or circumsonantes,
which they term periechountes ; and again, others which we
call resonantes and consonantes, and they, anteclwuntes and
sunechountes. Those spots are called dissonantes, where
the voice, in ascending, meets with interruption from some
solid substance, by which it is reflected downwards, and
made to obstruct the free ascent of succeeding sounds.
1 See the explanation of Plate VI.
Circumsonantes are those in which the voice is compelled
to be continually revolving; and the terminations are
rendered indistinct by being blended with the sounds
which follow in succession. Resonantes are those in which
the sounds, striking upon some solid substance, are reflected,
and an echo of the voice is produced, causing an apparent
repetition of the last syllable of words. Bat those places
are termed consonantes in which the voice, assisted from
below, ascends with increased force, and reaches the
spectators with distinctness. Thus the powers of the voice
may be augmented if proper attention be bestowed upon
the choice of a situation for the theatre. We shall be
enabled, by attending to the instructions here given, to
construct theatres upon the most approved principles; and,
by instituting some variations in the plans, adapt them
to the theatrical exhibitions either of the Grecians or
Romans. In the first instance we must begin by inscribing
three squares in the circle of the orchestra; and in the last
by substituting four equilateral triangles for the three
Porticoes are generally built behind the scene of the
theatre, that when a sudden fall of rain causes an interruption
to the exhibition, the spectators may retire to them for
shelter: they will likewise afford ample space for the
rehearsal of the dances. Of this kind are the porticoes
constructed about the theatre of Pompey; and the portico
of Eumenes adjoining the theatre of Bacchus at Athens.
To those who are quitting the theatre on the left hand the
odeum presents itself. This building was erected by Pericles
with stone columns, which he covered with masts and yards,
the spoils of the Persian fleet. After its destruction in the
Mithridatic war it was rebuilt by Ariobarzanes. The
Stratoniceum at Smyrna, and the porticoes constructed on
both sides of the stadium at Tralles, like the scene of a
theatre, answer the same purpose.
In all cities where skilful architects have been employed
there are porticoes and walks about the theatres. The first
are generally double; the front consisting of Doric columns,
with corresponding epistylia and entablatures. The distance
measured between the columns of the exterior and interior
ranges is equal to the height of the outer columns; the same
distance is observed between the walls of the portico and the
J 56
columns of the interior range; these are either Ionic or
Corinthian, and a fifth part higher than the others.
The proportions of the columns employed in porticoes
ought not to he similar to those which are used in the
decoration of temples; because sacred edifices should be
made to assume a character of solidity: but porticoes and
other profane buildings should have an appearance of greater
lightness. Hence, when edifices of this description are
embellished with Doric columns, their height, including
the capital, should be divided into fifteen parts, and one
of them made the modulus; according to which every other
part of the building is to be proportioned. The shafts at
the base should be two moduli, and their intervals five
moduli and an half: the height of the shaft should be
fourteen moduli, leaving one modulus for the capital, whose
abacus should be two moduli and a sixth part. The
remaining parts of the portico should be proportioned to
the lower diameter of the columns, according to the rules
already given for sacred buildings.
If Ionic columns are used, their height, exclusive of the
base and capital, should be divided into eight parts and an
half, and one part given to the diameter of the shaft at
the base. The bases should be half the diameter; and
the capitals formed according to the principles already
If the columns are intended to be of the Corinthian
order, the shaft and base should be similar to those of Ionic
columns, and the capitals formed according to the method
related in the preceding section. The addition which is
given to the stylohate when unequal scamilli are used, is
here to he introduced in the same manner as in the porticoes
of temples. The epistylia, coronae and every other part,
should be proportioned to the diameter of the columns,
according to the rules given in the foregoing sections.
The open area, surrounded by the porticoes, should be
planted ; and hypaethral walks, which are so essential to
health, formed between the trees. They are beneficial to
the eyes in an eminent degree, because where there are green
trees the air is attenuated and subtilized by their motion,
and therefore, penetrating readily, clears the sight: moreover
by purging the gross humours of the eye, it sharpens the
organ itself, and renders the images distinct. And when
exercise has produced a gentle perspiration, the air draws
forth the humours from the body, and dissipating what is
superfluous, renders them more easy of circulation through
the vessels, and leaves the temperament of the body less
inclined to be plethoric. This will be readily comprehended
by attending to the appearance about places where springs
of water are under cover, or where the earth abounds with
subterraneous damps; for no vapours are there found to
arise: but in situations exposed to the air, when the action
of the sun's rays becomes sensible upon the earth, vapours
arise from the humid spots, which are condensed, and
ultimately ascend. Hence, if it appear that the noxious
humours of the body are dissipated by the action of the air,
in the same manner that vapours are attracted by the action
of the sun upon the earth, in places exposed to the air, no
doubt can exist that hypaethral walks in all cities, sufficiently
spacious and properly planted, may be made conducive to
the health of the inhabitants.
In order to render the walks firm and free from damps,
the earth must first be dug out to a proper depth, and
drains of brick-work constructed on each side, and channels
left in the walls with a gentle inclination from the walks
into the drains. The whole space may be then filled in
with charred wood, and the surface covered with sand,
which, when levelled, forms the walks. Whatever water
falls, will either be carried by the channels into the drains,
or will filtrate through the charcoal, leaving the surface of
the walks firm and free from moisture.
Our ancestors appear to have availed themselves of the
resources which works of this kind presented in cases of
public emergency. In sieges every requisite of subsistence
is more easily obtained than fuel. Salted provisions may
be procured without much previous notice, and corn easily
collected by the community and individuals: when these
fail, oil, flesh and vegetables may be substituted for them.
Water may be obtained by sinking wells, or collecting the
rain from the roofs of houses, as it falls from time to time.
But to collect a sufficiency of fuel, which is essentially
necessary in the preparation of food, requires both time
and assiduity; because those stores which have been long
collecting are quickly consumed. In extremities like these,
the public walks are still a resource; and the wood may be
distributed equally amongst the inhabitants. Hypaethral
walks therefore, above all other national works, possess two
important advantages ; inasmuch as they afford the means of
health to the inhabitants in days of peace, and in times of
war they may be made to contribute to the exigences of
the state. For these reasons it may be expedient to make
walks, not only behind the scene of the theatre, but also
around all sacred edifices.
Having dwelt sufficiently upon this subject, we shall
proceed to explain every thing which is necessary to be
observed in the construction of baths.
The situation chosen for baths ought to be sheltered from
the north and north-east. The caldaria and tepidaria should
be made to receive their light from the winter-west : or,
should local circumstances not admit of this disposition,
they may both be made to face the south; because the
general time of bathing is from mid-day until sun-set. One
thing necessary to be observed is, that the caldaria of that
division of the bath which is appropriated to the women
should be contiguous to that exclusively used by the men,
and have the same aspect; for then the coppers of both
may be heated from the same furnace.
Three brazen vessels are fixed over the furnace, which
are severally called caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium:
they are so arranged, that whatever heated water is taken
from the first, is replaced by warm water from the second;
the deficiency of which is supplied, in a similar manner,
from the third. The concave coverings of the small tubes 1
of both baths are likewise heated from the same furnace.
The insulated stages of the caldaria are thus constructed.
The floor is?made inclining towards the furnace; so that if
a ball were placed upon any part of it, it would not remain
1 In the manuscripts, these tubes are called alveoli. The printed editions read
alveorum for alveolorum, and thereby confound them with the alveus, or passage,
around the bath, between the wall and pluteum.
at rest, but take a direction towards the mouth : by which
means the flame will more easily pervade the interval between
the floor, which is paved with tiles a foot and half square,
and the suspended stage. Upon the floor earthen props,
eight inches each way, are arranged at such intervals as to
receive upon them square tiles two feet in length : the props
are two feet in height; the tiles which form them are
cemented with clay and hair mixed together: the square
tiles which they support form the substratum of the
pavement of the caldaria.
It is desirable that the roofs of the caldaria should be
constructed with masonry; but when formed of timber,
the ceilings must have a covering of tiles; which may be thus
effected. Rings or cramps of metal are made and fixed to
beams of the ceiling at equal intervals, and so far asunder,
that tiles, without margins, may rest upon two : in this
manner the entire ceiling, supported by iron-work, is
completed. The joints of the tiles above should be covered
with clay mixed with hair; and the lower surface of the
ceiling first coated with a composition of lime and pounded
tiles, and afterwards made smooth with stucco. The work
will be more perfect if the ceilings of the caldaria are made
double : for then whatever vapour escapes through the first
will never penetrate to the wood-work, and thereby occasion
its decay; but will be condensed and carried off in the void
interval between the two ceilings.
The magnitude of the bath must be proportioned to
the population of the place : but in all instances its dimensions
should be such that the width, exclusive of the schola of
the bath and the passages around, may be a third part less
than the length. The bath should receive its light from
the upper part of the apartment on every side; so that
persons who are standing around may not intercept the
light from those who are using the bath.
The schola of the labrum should be sufficiently spacious
to accommodate those who are obliged to wait until the
bath is unoccupied. The alvei between the walls and the
pluteum ought not to be less than six feet, of which space
the lower step and the bench occupy each two.
The laconicum and sudatories should be contiguous to
the tepidarium : the height of the latter from the floor to
the line whence the hemispherical roof springs, should be
equal to their width. The air is admitted through an
aperture in the centre of the roof, from whence a brazen
shield is suspended by chains.
The temperature of the sudatory is regulated by elevating
or lowering the shield. The plan of the laconicum 1 should
be circular, in order that the flame and heat within it may
be equally diffused over its concave surface.
1 Vitruvius here alludes to the plan of the laconicum, and not to the shield and
the aperture through which the air is admitted. The painting found in the baths
of Titus exhibit a laconicum of a circular form within the sudatio concamerata.
According to this the laconicum forms a part of the sweating bath, and seems there
intended for the purpose of warming it. By attending to the construction of the
passage, the meaning of Vitruvius may be rendered sufficiently clear. " Laconicum
sudationesque sint conjungendae tepidario. Eaeque quam latae fuerint, tantam
altitudinem habeant ad imam curvaturam hemisphaerii, mediumque lumen in
hemisphaerio relinquatur, ex eoque clypeum aeneum catenis pendeat, per cujus
reductiones et demissiones perficietur sudationis temperatura; ipsumque ad circinnum
fieri oportere videtur . . . ."
The nature of our treatise seems to require that some
account should be given of palaestrae, and the method of
constructing them, prevalent amongst the Greeks; although
they are not in use in the states of Italy.
In palaestrae there are peristyles which are two stadia
in circuit; from which space is derived the Greek term
diaulos: they are built sometimes in a square form, and
sometimes longer than they are wide. Three of these are
single porticoes, but the fourth, which is made to face the
south, is a double portico; so that the rain is never driven
by the wind into the interior ambulatory.
Within the three porticoes there are spacious exhedrae,
containing seats for the accommodation of philosophers,
rhetoricians, and other professors of literature, who are
accustomed to meet and converse there.
Various apartments are within the double portico : in the
centre is the ephebeum, which is an extensive exhedra, a third
part greater in length than in width, surrounded with seats.
On the right is the coriceum, and next that the conisterium :
beyond the conisterium, in the return of the portico, is the
cold water bath, which the Greeks term loutron. On the
left of the ephebeum is the elaeothesium ; and next that the
frigidariuui; beyond which, in the return of the portico, is
the passage to the propnigeum. Within this the sudatory
is placed, opposite the frigid arium, in length equal to twice
its width; and has on one side the laconicum, constructed
in the manner already described; and opposite the laconicum
the heated water bath. This is the disposition, generally
adopted, of the parts of a palaestra within the peristyles '.
Without the building there are three porticoes, one
opposite to the entrance into the peristyle, and two on the
right and left, which are formed like stadia. That which
1 The construction of this and the following passage is worthy of consideration,
before we attempt to illustrate the description of Vitruvius by a reference to the
supposed ichnography of the palaestra. In all the plans hitherto given, the peristyle
is represented, like that of Greek houses, surrounded by the buildings constituting
the palaestra ; but in the gymnasium at Ephesus, of which considerable vestiges
remain, it is evident that the peristyles were without ; and the apartments
enumerated by our author occupied that space which, in the supposed plans, is
represented as an open court. In a scientific treatise written in a language no
longer in use, we must expect to meet with some terms whose signification can
only be explained by internal evidence. This is not the only difficulty which
presents itself to a translator of the work of Vitruvius; because his style is far from
perspicuous. Nor is it to be wondered at that those who know the palaestra
chiefly through the description of Vitruvius, should fail in the attempt to represent
it as it really was. It is incumbent on those who have been enabled to restore the
plan of the Greek gymnasium from the actual existence of parts of it, to shew
how his description may be made to accord with it. The plan of the gymnasium,
or palaestra, is given at the end of the section. It varies altogether from those
which have hitherto been given in illustration of the text ; but the variation is founded
upon the position of the porticoes, which, in these, are shewn surrounded by the
buildings, and not surrounding them. The passage which concludes the description
of the buildings forming the palaestra is as follows: — " In palaestra peristylia,
quemadmodum supra scriptum est, ita debent esse perfecte distributa," the obvious
meaning of which seems to be, " The peristyles of the palaestra, to be well arranged,
must be disposed in the manner above mentioned." The commentators seem to
have been of opinion that the words beginning the passage, necessarily determined
the position of the peristyles.
faces the north is double, and of ample width. The others are
single, and have margins, like foot-ways, ten feet in breadth,
next the walls and the columns: the intermediate space
between the margins is excavated and levelled, and a descent
is made to it from the margins by two steps a foot and a
half each: the area alone is not less than twelve feet wide.
On this account those who are taking exercise in the
margins meet with no interruption from those engaged in
gymnastic sports within the area. A portico of this kind
is called by the Greeks xystos, because the athletae practise
during the winter in stadia protected from the weather.
The xysta are placed so far apart, that the intermediate space
between the porticoes may admit of plantations and walks
amongst the trees, with seats here and there formed of
cement. Next the xysta and the double portico, hypaethral
walks are made, which the Greeks call peridromides, although
with us these are termed xysta. In temperate weather
during the winter the athletae leave the xysta and exercise
in these walks. Behind the xystum is the stadium, so
formed as to contain, without inconvenience, the multitude
who resort there to witness the athletic exercises. This
concludes the description of every public building which is
required to be situated within the boundary of the city.
The opportunity which presents itself of giving some account
of ports, and by what means protection may be afforded to
ships from the elements, ought not to be neglected. The
positions best adapted by nature to such a purpose are bays,
with capes and promontories at their extremities; from which
the shore recedes inwardly in a curved line. Upon shores
of this description docks may be built or porticoes erected ;
or a channel cut from the port to the emporium, defended
by towers on each side; in which machines may be constructed
for throwing booms across the passage.
If however no situation can be found capable by its
formation of protecting vessels against the violence of the
sea, we must search for a spot where a promontory presents
itself on one side, and where no river discharges itself so as
to oppose its application to the purposes of a harbour; and
supply the want of a corresponding projection on the other
by building walls and buttresses. The walls, which it
becomes necessary in this case to construct in the water,
may be thus formed. Sand should first be procured from
that part of the coast lying between Cumae and the promontory
of Minerva, and mixed with lime in the proportion of two
parts to one : then rows of grooved beams must be driven in
the water, connected by oaken planks; and bound together
by chains. The surface of the ground below the water, on
which the wall is to be reared, must then be made even by
means of transtilli, and the space comprehended between
the beams filled with a composition consisting of rough
stone and cement, made in the manner just described. Such
is the quality of the sand produced in these spots that the
composition becomes a solid wall.
But if the beams cannot be firmly fixed on account of
the tides, or from being exposed to the swell of the open
sea, a strong buttress must be built upon the border of the
water. A portion somewhat less than half the upper surface
of the buttress should be constructed upon an horizontal
level; and the remaining part inclining towards the sea.
Upon the edges of this part of the buttress, walls, a
foot and a half in thickness, should be raised to the height
of the level part, and the intermediate space filled with sand.
Upon this foundation a solid pile may be built; and after
being finished may be left to dry for two months at least.
The walls which were raised upon the edges of the inclined
surface of the buttress, and which confine the sand, should
then be destroyed; and the water washing away the sand
by degrees will undermine the pile, and cause it to be
precipitated into the sea. This operation should be repeated
until the whole is completed.
In places where this sand is not to be procured we must
resort to other methods. The space which the mole is
intended to occupy should be inclosed by a double range
of beams, connected together by planks and chains; the
interval between the two ranges should then be filled with
loam rammed into baskets made of the ulva palustris: when
the space is filled by masses of this kind, stowed as close
together as possible, the water contained in the enclosed
area may be removed by cochleae, rotae, and tympana.
When the ground is left perfectly dry, the foundations may
be dug of greater width than the walls they are intended to
support; and filled in with rough stone, lime, and sand.
Piles of charred alder, olive, or oak, must first be driven in
the ground if it be soft, and the intervals between them
filled with charred wood in the manner already described
for forming the foundations of the walls of theatres. The
walls should be built upon these foundations with squared
blocks of considerable length; so that the stones between these
blocks, which extend across the wall, may be bound firmly
together. The space inclosed by the walls may be filled in
with rubble or stone-work ; and be made so firm that a tower
may be erected upon it.
The mole being completed, the docks should be built
facing the north; because the greater heat of a southern
aspect occasions a more rapid decay; and engenders and
nourishes moths, ship worms and other noxious insects.
Timber should be used as sparingly as possible in works of
this kind, that they may not be liable to accidents by fire.
No certain rules can be given for the size of the docks,
but they should be capable of containing ships of the greatest
burden; so that if at any future period it should be necessary
to receive vessels of a larger size there may be ample room
for them.
In this book I have treated of all the public buildings
which appear to me necessary in every city ; in the succeeding
section I propose to discuss the proportions and applications
of the several parts of private edifices.
VlTRUVIUS treats in the fifth book of the public buildings
of the Romans, such as the fora, theatres, baths and palaestrae.
There were two fora at Rome before the time of Augustus,
who added a third. Succeeding emperors increased the
number; amongst which that of Trajan was the most
celebrated. The forum was an area of considerable
magnitude, generally of a quadrangular form, inclosed with
porticoes two ranges in height. The lower of these was
occupied by the shops of the bankers, and the other was
appropriated to the reception of the public, who resorted
there to view the exhibitions; particularly the shew of
gladiators, which were exhibited in the forum before
amphitheatres were in general use.
The forum of Trajan, some remains of which are still
existing, appears to have been of a semicircular form at the
ends. In fact, all those of a date posterior to the time of
Augustus, like that of Nerva and this of Trajan, differed in
their ichnography from that of the forum described by
Vitruvius. The reason for departing from the original form
might probably be the discontinuance of the gladiatorial
exhibitions, after the construction of amphitheatres had
become general.
The basilicae were spacious halls, built for the administration
of justice, and for merchants to assemble in during the winter.
They were surrounded within by porticoes two ranges in
height; in the upper of which persons might walk unseen
by those below.
A basilica, the plan of which is represented in this plate,
is described by Vitruvius to have been built by him at Fanum :
the mode of its construction was different from that generally
followed in structures of the same kind. The buildings
connected with the basilica, excepting the pronaos of the
temple in one of its sides, are added from conjecture, founded
upon the remains of the forum of Trajan; on one side of
which the basilica was built, with the chalcidica and
entrances at the ends.
On the side of the basilica opposite the forum was
the pronaos of the temple of Augustus, containing the
tribunal, or elevated stage, upon which the magistrates used
to sit and determine causes. The front of the tribunal was
made receding, in a curved line, from the porticoes of the
basilica, so that the affairs of the magistracy might not
interfere with the business of the merchants.
The middle area of the basilica was 120 feet long and 60
wide: whence it follows, that the intervals between the
columns of the sides and the ends were unequal. The
distance between the antae of the pronaos could not have
been quite 49 feet, whereas the width of the pronaos itself
must have been 60 feet, in order that the culmen, or
ridge of the roof, might unite with that of the basilica, in the
manner described by Vitruvius. Hence the antae could not
have terminated the lateral walls of the temple, but must have
projected on each side into the pronaos; in conformity with
the description, which states that they extended forward so
as to be in contact with the extremities of the circular front
of the tribunal. The chord of the front is said to have been
46 feet, which would have been, within less than an inch,
the extent measured between the bases of the antae.
a The middle area. f. Part of the forum.
bb.... Porticoes. g Lower porticoes of the
cc . . . . Chalcidica. forum.
d Cella of the temple of hh... Offices of the bankers.
Augustus. ii Staircases leading to the
e Tribunal in the pronaos. upper porticoes.
In order to reduce the expences of building, the interior
entablature of the basilica appears to have been constructed
with timber, and covered with stucco. The epistylium was
first formed of three pieces of timber, two feet square, placed
one above the other; making that division of the entablature
six feet in height: which is nearly the proportion it ought
to bear according to the principles given in the third chapter
of the first section. For by extending the scale we shall
have a tenth part of the height of the columns for the
epistylium of such as are from forty to fifty feet; which,
added to a seventh part for the cymatium, would amount to
nearly five feet nine inches. This proportion will not appear
to have been too great, when it is considered that the greatest
distance at which the columns might be seen by a spectator
within, could not have been 150 feet; consequently the
epistylium must have appeared much foreshortened. It has
been thought by some that our author's expressions do not
convey the idea that the three beams were placed one above
the other: but then a difficulty arises as to the method in
which this uneven number could have been otherwise
It seems more consistent with reason to suppose that the
entablature was formed of stone on the outside ; for although
the intervals between the columns at the ends were more
than three times the diameter, and consequently the species
araeostyle, which seems to imply a necessity for constructing
the epistylia with timber, yet those of the flanks were little
more than two diameters and a half; and therefore within
the limits of the diastyle species; in which the epistylia were
constructed with stone or marble.
Pilae were placed immediately over the columns above
the epistylium; they were blocks of stone three feet in
height and four feet in width each way. These determined
the height of the zophorus. The intermediate spaces were
probably closed with masonry without, and the opus
intestinum within. The corona was formed in the same
manner as the epistylium, but with two beams only two feet
high each; which supported the timbers of the roof.
Although general opinion favours the supposition that
Vitruvius wrote during the reign of Augustus, some have
contended that the fact is by no means established. It is
asserted on the contrary, that many passages in his work
authorize an inference that his proems were addressed to
some subsequent emperor.
Without attempting to refute the arguments adduced in
support of this opinion, we shall content ourselves with
mentioning one circumstance ; which is of sufficient weight
to induce us to receive with caution any hypothesis in
opposition to the prevailing belief, which considers Augustus
and Vitruvius to have been contemporaries.
This circumstance, which carries with it the conclusion
that his work was composed in the early part of that
emperor's reign, is the absence of any mention of the theatre
of Marcellus. Besides, the general mode of construction
which he recommends, differs materially from that which
was followed in erecting this magnificent monument of
Roman splendour. In this as well as in every other building
of a later date, constructed for the exhibition of dramatic
performances or public games, the external arcades, tier
upon tier, constitute a principal feature of the edifice; and
consequently seem to require a much more ample description
than the scene, which was simply a facade resembling the
front of the forum: yet this is described by our author at
some length. These arcades, from their connexion with the
vomitoria, would have afforded a more immediate shelter
from the sudden fall of rain ; and superseded the use
of porticoes behind the scene, which were constructed
principally for that purpose previously to the period in
which Vitruvius wrote. If it be asked to what purpose the
space below the several ranges of seats, which in the theatre
of Marcellus is occupied by corridors and staircases, was
appropriated in theatres built prior to the reign of Augustus?
it may be replied, that the early theatres of the Romans, like
those of the Greeks, their acknowledged prototypes, were
situated in the side of a hill, upon the ascent of which the
seats of the audience part were built. In directing the
choice of a spot for the theatre, Vitruvius says, that such a
situation is to be preferred; because in this case the labour
in constructing foundations will be comparatively small.
But if at any time circumstances should require a theatre to
be built upon level ground, the want of natural ascent must
be supplied by solid substructures. This is the only passage
alluding to a mode of construction different to that which
had its origin amongst the Greeks.
Various plans of the theatre of Marcellus have been
given by different authors. Serlio pretends to have obtained
one, which is published in his work, from Baldessare an
architect of Sienna; who was employed in erecting the
buildings which now occupy a great portion of the site of
the theatre. The plan given by Degodetz was procured by
him during his residence at Rome; it does not vary materially
from that of Serlio. The plan, however, which carries with
it internal evidence of being the most correct, was published
by Piranesi in the fourth volume of the Antichita Romane.
The ichnography and sections of the parts which then
remained, are given without any attempt to restore them :
there is, however, sufficient to authorize the restoration of the
whole of the audience part.
The ground plan of the theatre is represented as restored
in Plate 3. The positions of the staircases between the
cunei, were determined from an attentive consideration of
the plates of Piranesi. It ought here to be observed, that
the openings in the circular walls at the top of the staircases,
b.b, ought to have been closed, had we attended strictly to
the representation of the ground plan ; since, in fact, they
are ten feet above the level of the entrances into the orchestra :
the openings are here left in order to shew more clearly the
communication with the staircases between the converging
The restoration of the scene and the parts adjoining,
were effected chiefly from a fragment of the old plan of Rome
existing in the capitol : the front of the scene being previously
determined, according to the method given by Vitruvius, by
inscribing four equilateral triangles in the circle embracing
the area of the orchestra. The extent of the front was
ascertained by a pilaster and an engaged column, which were
in part existing at s. From these vestiges, it appears that
the front of the scene must have been 386 Roman palms in
length; and the two returns of the scene, provided the line of
the front had been determined by the base of the first
triangle, would together have been equal to the radius of
the orchestra, which was 1<24 Roman palms. Hence the
length of the scene, including the returns, would have been
510 palms. Vitruvius directs the length of the scene to be
made twice the diameter of the orchestra; which measure
this extent exceeds by 14 palms.
At the time that the plans of Piranesi were taken, there
were considerable remains of the uppermost seats in the
second range of cunei; the highest of which was nearly
level with the cornice of the second external order of columns :
whence it is evident that this, like every other Roman theatre
of a date subsequent to the age of Augustus, must have been
built with more than two external ranges of columns and
The other plans which have been mentioned represent
the orchestra and proscenium preposterously large compared
with the body of the theatre. There is another plan given
in a work entitled Gli Edifici antichi di Roma, published by
Piroli, the general dimensions of which agree very nearly
with those given by Piranesi.
The positions of the staircases separating the cunei of the
first cavea of a Roman theatre, were determined by seven
angles of the triangles inscribed in the circle bounding the
orchestra : the positions of those in the second cavea, were
intermediate between every two in the first. The staircases
of the theatre of Marcellus appear to have had a disposition
nearly similar, although not correctly so. The five remaining
angles determined the position of the several parts of the
scene : the middle one was opposite the doors called regiae ;
those on the right and left of that were over against the
hospitalia; and the remaining two faced the entrances which
were situated in the two returns of the scene.
a.a..Passagestotheorchestra. k One of the door-ways
b.b. Staircases to the first termed hospitalia.
cavea. 1... One of the itinera versurarum.
c.c. Staircases to the second m..The first praecinction.
cavea. n... Second praecinction.
d.d. Staircases to the third o... Third praecinction.
cavea. p... Portico,
e.... Orchestra. q..Plan of half the roof of the
f.....Pulpitum. scene.
g.g. Front of the scene. r.r.Walls against the horns of the
h....Oneof the scenestermed cunei.
periacti. S....A column and pilaster
i Doors called regiae. belonging to the return
of the scene.
The plan of the theatre of Marcellus, as it is given by
Piranesi, being incomplete from the want of the scene, the
plan of a theatre at Pola, which has the scene as well as the
porticoes behind it in part remaining, is here introduced
from the plates of Serlio. It corresponds in many particulars
with the description Vitruvius gives of the Roman theatre,
such as the position of the scene, and the arrangement of
the interior.
Four equilateral triangles are inscribed in the area
formed by completing the circle of the orchestra, a. a. Are
those angles which determine the position of the staircases
between the lower cunei. d.d. The base of the first trigon,
which is in a line with the front of the scene, b. The valvae
regiae. c.c. The door-ways, called hospitalia. The line
a. a. which passes through the centre of the circle divides
the orchestra, A from the proscenium, B. e.e. The entrances
in the returns of the scene, f.f. The revolving scenes termed
periacti. g.g. The lower range of seats divided into cunei
by staircases leading to the first praecinction, h.
The seats of the senators were arranged in the orchestra,
which, like that of the Greek theatre, was at first a level
area; but in after-times a gentle ascent was given to it. The
benches of the orchestra were termed sedes by Vitruvius in
contradistinction to those of the cunei, which he calls
subsellia: they were placed at equal distances asunder, and
not fixed.
Although the plans of the theatre at Pola, which are
given by Serlio, do not afford sufficient authority for a
restoration so complete as is here represented, the general
plan of that theatre is sufficient to form the ground-work
of a section. The passages and staircases are taken in part
from Serlio, and in part from the section given by Piranesi
of the theatre of Marcellus. The return of the scene is added
from conjecture, aided by the remains of the scene of a
theatre at Patara on the coast of Lycia in Asia-minor.
The disposition of the parts of a Greek theatre did not
vary materially from that of the Roman ; but as recitations
alone took place upon the stage, which in the Roman theatre
was common to both actors and dansers, that division was not
necessarily so large in proportion to the entire theatre. The
circle which incloses the area of the orchestra, if it were
£ B
completed, would touch the front of the scene; and if
three squares be inscribed in it, that side of one of them
which is parallel and nearest to the front of the scene,
determines the extent of the proscenium. The form of the
orchestra was not alike in all theatres : sometimes it was a
semicircle prolonged by lines drawn from its extreme points ;
like that of the theatre at Tauromenium. Sometimes it
was a greater segment of a circle than a semicircle; as in
the theatre of Herodes Atticus at Athens, and in the theatres
of Asia-minor. According to Vitruvius, the orchestra was
formed by arcs of different circles, thus; a diameter of the
circle was drawn parallel to the front of the scene, and the
points where it cut the circumference, were assumed as
centres from which arcs were described, with a radius equal
to the diameter, whose lengths were terminated by the line
of the proscenium.
The proscenium and the pulpitum, or xoy«w, have been
thought by some writers to have had the same signification :
the text, however, of Vitruvius notices them as distinct parts;
and the words, " pulpitum proscenii," shew that the one
was an appendage to the other. Pollux mentions the
proscenium amongst the permanent parts of the theatre;
and it was probably the solid stage constructed in front of
the scene, like that which still exists in the theatre at
Tauromenium. It is there considerably above the level of
the orchestra; and if a square were inscribed in the circle of
the orchestra, the side next the scene would be very nearly
in contact with the front of the proscenium, in conformity
with the description of Vitruvius. The pulpitum was
therefore, in all probability, a wooden stage, affording a
temporary extension of the proscenium when dramatic
performances were recited; and was removed when dances
and other exhibitions took place in the orchestra; or when
the theatre was used for other public purposes. In the
permanent stage there is no indication of apertures for the
entrance of ghosts and the furies, which were sometimes
introduced in the Grecian drama; and, according to Pollux,
were made to ascend from below the stage by staircases,
which were termed charonian, situated next the orchestra;
the apertures were probably made in the pulpitum. Had
the action been confined to the proscenium, a view of what
was passing would have been denied to a considerable
portion of the audience. Indeed it is evident that there
must have been a temporary stage over the proscenium of
the theatre, whose plan is represented in the plate under
consideration; for otherwise the entrances to the stage a. a.
in the returns of the scene, could not have communicated
with the scene : yet those who were supposed to be entering
from the forum or the port, approached the scene through
these door-ways. In order to give more space to the orchestra
on public occasions, or when dances were performed, the
pulpitum might have been removed; and the action of the
mimi extending itself over the whole area of the orchestra,
the greater part of it would have been within view of all the
spectators, whatever their situation in the theatre.
Pollux, from whom we gain our knowledge of various
particulars relating to the stage, wrote during the reign of
Commodus; that is, about two hundred years subsequent to
the age in which Vitruvius is supposed to have lived. His
descriptions, notwithstanding, apply to the Greek theatre
and not to the Roman; for his appropriation of the
proscenium and the orchestra is similar to that which,
Vitruvius informs us, obtained in the former.
Our author observes that, amongst the Greeks, the
persons employed in theatrical representations were divided
into two classes: they were termed either thymelici or
scenici, according to their several occupations. The first
performed in the orchestra ; and the latter, in which were
comprehended the tragic and comic actors, exhibited in
front of the scene. It is not possible to ascertain whether
or not by the thymelici, Vitruvius meant those only who
formed the chorus in tragedy or comedy; or whether, in
this class, he intended it to be understood that the dansers,
properly so called, and inferior performers were included.
The words of Pollux, which appropriate the stage to the
actors, and the orchestra to the chorus, seem to favour the
former supposition.
The nature of the thymele, which gave to one class the
denomination of thymelici, cannot be defined by any
authority deduced from ancient writers. M. Boindin, who
has written a treatise upon the subject of the ancient theatres,
printed in the first volume of the Histoire de t Academic Royale
des Inscriptions, imagines the thymele to have been a stage
in front of the proscenium, upon which the chorus exhibited;
and that the orchestra was appropriated to the dansers and
those employed in mimic representations. In support of
such an opinion it may be urged, that the evolutions of the
few who composed the chorus of the ancient drama, could
not have required a space so extensive as the orchestra of
the Grecian theatre. It may be remarked likewise that, by
admitting the existence of a stage in front of the scene,
virtually increasing the extent of the proscenium, we should
identify the ancient thymele with the Roman pulpitum.
On the other hand it ought to be observed, that the
words Pw» and p*^;, which Pollux uses to describe the nature
of the thymele, seem to indicate that it was of no great
magnitude. He proceeds to state that it was anciently the
custom to place an altar in front of the scene, upon which
the coryphaeus was stationed to direct the movements of
the chorus : from which it might be inferred that the
thymele was nothing more than the altar of an earlier age.
A part of the theatre mentioned by Pollux is altogether
unnoticed by Vitruvius; that is the hyposcenium; which
appears from his account to have been the ornamented front
of the proscenium facing the orchestra; and probably was
not seen but during the exhibitions of the orchestra, when
the pulpitum and all the occasional scenery were removed.
He states it to be below the pulpitum, and adorned with
pedestals and small statues. The proscenium of the Greek
theatre appears from Vitruvius to have been from ten to
twelve feet above the level of the orchestra. It would
therefore be necessary to give to the front of it some
character in order to unite it with the scene itself, at those
times when the latter was exposed to the view of the
audience. This might be effected in the manner described
by Pollux. It is necessary to observe that the literal
meaning of the words employed to express the ornaments
composing the front of the hyposcenium is, columns and
small statues : the height therefore assigned to the proscenium
would not seem to admit of decorations of this kind, unless
we may be allowed to give a meaning less general to *'W,
when we find it coupled with the diminutive dy*\ v .a.riov .
According to M. Boindin, the hyposcenium was a
considerable space before the proscenium, within the limits
of the orchestra. He supposes it to have been occupied by
those who played upon musical instruments and accompanied
the chorus in tragedy, and the mimi in their dances. It
does not appear however that the chorus, in the performance
of the Greek drama, was ever accompanied by more than a
single instrument; and those who were engaged in the
exhibitions of the orchestra generally accompanied their
action either with playing or singing. In either case there
is no reason for supposing that a number of musicians were
In speaking of the disposition of the scenes, in the
seventh chapter of this section, Vitruvius is thought by his
commentators to have alluded to the parts of the architectural
scene : and that, by using the word vulvae, he intended it
should be understood, he was speaking of the doors of the
scene. It is obvious, however, that he is there treating of
the moveable scenes. They might probably be termed
valvae, from being, like folding doors, in two parts or leaves,
which, instead of moving upon hinges, were made to run in
a groove and connect with the scene in the centre. Scenes
of this kind were termed ductdes, in contradistinction to
revolving scenes, which were called Versailles. The 6ipu of
Pollux were the same thing. This author, in treating of the
parts of the theatre, says that the s B >« dpio-rep*, or the scene on the
left hand, sometimes represented a house of mean appearance ;
at other times a ruined temple; and sometimes was without
any device of this kind, according to the subject of the piece
represented. It would be absurd to suppose that the changes
of the scene were effected by different paintings upon the
doors of the permanent scene.
We now come to the consideration of a practice mentioned
by our author, upon the subject of which no research has
hitherto thrown any light. This was the disposing of
brazen vases below the seats of the spectators in order to
assist the powers of the voice. It is a matter of doubt
whether the practice to which he alludes was ever resorted
to; and whether the mention he makes of it might not have
been prompted by the desire of reducing all practice under
the guidance of physical principles which, as we have before
observed, manifests itself in various parts of his work. The
idea might have been suggested by an observation of
Aristotle * upon the efficacy of hollow vessels in causing
the vibration of sounds, and extending their effects, when
covered and buried.
There is a passage in Pliny which alludes to a mode of
building peculiar to the walls of theatres: for in constructing
the walls of other edifices, the interior space between the
two faces of the wall was filled in with rubble; whereas in
theatres, hollow vessels of earthenware were immured : and
1 Prob. 8 and 9, Sect. II.
whenever it was required to prolong the vibrations, or to
increase the powers of the voice, the orchestra was strewn
with sand or saw-dust; by which means the voice being
directed to the body of the house, the sounds were carried
along the walls so long as there was no impediment to
obstruct their course. Pliny in describing this mode of
building, might have had our author in view; whose mention
of vases received a degree of confirmation from the fact that
earthen vessels were sometimes inserted in the masonry of
ancient buildings. An instance in which this practice has been
adopted, occurs in the circus of Caracalla. Vases are found
regularly distributed in the stone-work above the crown of
the arches which were constructed for the purpose of giving
a proper degree of elevation to the seats of the spectators.
The object of their introduction seems to have been the
diminution of weight. Vitruvius confesses that there was
no theatre at Rome which had vases for such a purpose;
although he states them to have been in use in the provinces
of Italy, and in most of the cities of Greece. It is certain,
however, that in the various theatres which have fallen
within our observation, no provision has been made for
the reception of vases in the situation which Vitruvius assigns
to them.
Lucius Mummius is said by some authors to have
brought away brazen vases from the theatre of Corinth.
This fact is adduced by Vitruvius in corroboration of the
application of his principle to practice. But the purpose to
which these vessels were previously applied is not mentioned.
Strabo gives an account of some Corinthian vases which
were found when the city was rebuilt by Caesar, who sent
thither a colony for that purpose. In clearing away the
ruins some old sepulchres were opened, and a great many
vases discovered; some of which were brass, but the
greater number earthen-ware. The workmanship of these
was so exquisite, that they were held in the highest
estimation at Rome, and sold for great sums. The vases
brought away by Mummius were probably of this
description; because, to have been an object worthy of
deportation amongst the rich spoils of that city, they must
have been valuable either on account of their workmanship,
or the worth of the metal; neither of which could have been
the case with the vases used for the purposes mentioned by
Vitruvius. It must be remembered that the reputed
Corinthian brass is supposed to have been a mixture of
metals which were run together during the conflagration of
the city; and was carried to Rome in that state, and there
manufactured into vases.
There are no traces of staircases between the cunei to be
discovered in the ruins of this theatre; but in the wall
which surrounds the upper praecinction there are remains
of niches, or recesses, which, like the real door-ways in
other theatres, were probably opposite to the ascents. Upon
c c
this supposition, their disposition would correspond very
nearly with that which we are desired by Vitruvius to
adopt; for the ascents would begin from the angles of the
squares inscribed in the circle of the orchestra.
It will be seen on referring to the plan, that the cunei
on the right and left of the scene were of greater extent
than the others; a similar inequality is likewise apparent in
the plan of the theatre at Tauromenium; and seems to
have been dictated by the propriety of giving the same
facility of access to all the cunei. The staircases at the
extremities of the cavea afford access to the seats of the
two cunei only contiguous to them; whereas each of the
others communicates with those of the two cunei which it
separates: so that were the cunei of equal extent, the
facility of approaching the seats of those next the extremities
would be greater than what was afforded to the others.
The theatre having been excavated in the side of the
rock of the Acropolis, there were no other approaches to
the praecinctions than those at the back of the scene.
The orchestra is the segment of a circle greater than a
semicircle. It is probable that Vitruvius had a theatre
similar to this in view when he represented the orchestra of
the Greek theatres as formed by arcs described from three
several centres. The form of the orchestra in the theatres at
Stratonicea, Miletus, Laodicea and Jassus, was a considerable
portion of a circle.
There is perhaps no instance remaining of Roman baths
which will so well illustrate the description Vitruvius gives
of them, as those at Baden-weiler; a plan of which is the
subject of this plate.
The baths described by our author were buildings of
much less importance than the thermae, which were
introduced during the reign of Augustus by Agrippa.
The thermae contained not only apartments for bathing,
but likewise exedrae, xysta and every other part of a Greek
palaestra, which Vitruvius enumerates. The most celebrated
were those of Domitian, Antoninus and Dioclesian.
The building of which we are now treating, contained a
set of baths for men and women; with the several apartments
generally attached to them. The plan is copied from that
given by Rode in the Berlin edition of Vitruvius.
a.a Hypocaust. g.g... Rooms which had floors like
b Furnace. those of the caldaria; heated
c.c Caldaria. by the stoves 1.1.
d.d.... Vaulted sudatories, h.h... Vestibules.
e.e . . . . Tepidaria. i.i Elaeothesia.
f.f.....Frigidaria. k.k... Exedrae.
In the observations already made upon the eleventh
chapter of this section, it has been remarked, that the
palaestra has hitherto been represented as consisting of a
court surrounded by peristyles; after the manner of the
great courts of a Greek house. Such a disposition is there
shewn to be erroneous. The remains of a building atEphesus,
which is known by the appellation of the Gymnasium,
prove that the apartments, forming the palaestra of the
Greeks, were comprised within the area surrounded by the
porticoes. At Alexandria Troas there are also considerable
remains of a building of this kind ; from which it is apparent
that the disposition of the parts was originally similar. In
this latter the arcades, or porticoes, were open all around;
but in the Gymnasium at Ephesus they were closed on
every side; forming, what was termed, a cryptoporticus.
a. a Porticoes full of exedrae. h Hypocaust.
b The interior portico on i.i.... Vaulted sudatories; at
the south. one end of which was the
c Ephebeum. warm water bath, and at
d Elaeothesium. the other the laconicum.
e Apodyterium. k.k..Tepidaria.
f Second elaeothesium. l.l....Frigidaria.
g Second apodyterium. m....Sphaeristerium.
20 30 40 jo 60 70 So $0 200 22c 220 230 2JO 2AC
260 JtomaTi feet.
Ptiblishi'ilas the Art direcLr,i$2 4 ,hy Zniujjjwn & OTaterno.rtw Row.
fubturketfras 1&&Ar6eidrce6s iSif, byZongmasi<& G? J'tvterrwfterRow.
Xowry Sculp.
Ttd'U.?hed tJieActSUrects. tfoj. b i •£o7Wnum & C?J > aternojierJijDW.
Secb.mil. J.
S. Farter . .sculp .
Zowry Sculp .
London. Pub I irked as die Act directs by Lacujimui, Hurst. Hers, Ormc & Jimim.Iiitcrnritotr. Feb:' 2g.i8i4 .
Sect.m.M. 7.
Xowry Sculp .
Fuhlirked 'tis the Jet 'directs, 1814, hvZonsiman & C^TaternosterJEatv,
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Zowry Sculp.
Fublisked as the- Act directs, 1824, by long man & C?J?aternosterJtoH'
Xowry Sculp.
Published as the Act directs, 1814, byZtmgmait S: l'. c ' Taternoster Row.
V I T R U V I U S.
XHE manner in which we arrange the several parts of private
houses, should be made subservient to our position upon
the earth's surface conjointly with the nature of the climate.
Egypt should have a mode of building peculiar to itself-
Spain another; Pontus a third; and again Rome another:
and generally in all countries the method of building ought
to depend upon local circumstances.
In some countries the heat of the sun is frequently
oppressive; in others it is scarcely felt: again in others
the temperature is a mean between these extremes.
Since, therefore, different spots upon the earth's surface are
unequally affected by the inclination of the poles and the
sun's motion through the zodiac, it follows, that the aspects
which buildings are made to assume should have a certain
relation to the position of the country upon the globe, and
the climate to which it is exposed by its situation.
In northern regions houses ought to be built with
covered courts, and sheltered as much as possible; and
their aspects towards the quarters most exposed to the action
of the sun. On the other hand, the houses of more southern
countries, or hotter climates, should have open courts, and the
apartments made to face the north or north-east : so that in
either case the natural inconveniences of the climate may be
obviated by the judicious disposition of the houses; for it is
generally in our power to qualify the disadvantages of
situation, however affected by the inclination of the earth's
axis, by adopting precautions of this nature.
In order to accomplish this end it will be necessary to
investigate the nature of the climate, and even to study the
construction of the frame and limbs of the natives. In
those countries where the heat of the sun's rays is not so
intense as to disperse entirely the vapours arising from
the earth, the bodies of the inhabitants retain a proper
degree of temperament: and in those which are parched by
excessive heat, the natural humours of the body are
exhausted. On the contrary, in cold climates and in
regions remote from the south, the heat is not sufficiently
powerful to effect the dispersion of vapours; on this account
the atmosphere is charged with damps, and causes an
accumulation of the humours of the system; by which the
body is rendered corpulent, and the tones of the voice
bass. From this cause it happens that the inhabitants of
northern regions have a large stature, and fair complexions,
their hair straight and red, their eyes blue, and their veins
full of blood; all of which characteristics are to be attributed
to the prevalence of damps, and the coldness of the climate.
In those countries which border upon the equator, and are
exposed to a vertical sun, the natives have a low stature and
dark complexions; their hair curled, their eyes black, their
limbs weak, and their blood vessels empty; all of which
peculiarities originate in the heat of the climate. Owing to
the deficiency of blood the natives of these countries are
apprehensive of wounds; but they endure calentures and
fevers without much inconvenience, because their limbs are
inured to heat. For reasons of a similar nature the inhabitants
of cold countries are fearful of encountering heat and fevers;
but are regardless of wounds by which the copiousness of
blood is diminished.
The tones of the voice amongst different nations vary in the
same degree, and observe a gradation corresponding to the
different inclinations of the circle, termed by mathematicians
the horizon, which forms a boundary between the upper
and lower divisions of the system of the world, and is crossed
by the sun at rising and setting. In order to comprehend
this, let a line be drawn from the northern point of the
circle to that at the extremity of the southern axis; and from
this another, in an oblicpie direction, to the north pole; these
lines will form a diagram, resembling in form the musical
instrument which the Greeks call samhaca. The less therefore
the distance is from the lower pole to the southern point of
the axis, the more acute and shrill are the tones of voice
among the nations, the elevation of whose pole it designates :
2 i>
analagous to the sounds of those chords which are nearest
the angle of the instrument. In the same manner the
nations more remote, those in the middle of Greece for
example, have the tones of the voice softer, as the lower
axis keeps advancing- towards the north point; and as the
elevation of the poles increases, the tones of the inhabitants
increase in deepness, from the nature of their situation upon
the earth's surface.
Thus the whole conformation of the globe with regard to
the influence of the sun upon the human frame, seems to have
been regulated upon the principles of harmonic progression;
the gradations in the tones of the voice observing a certain
proportion to the different elevations of the pole, which
produce different modifications of the sun's powers. Those
nations, therefore, where the lower pole is equidistant
from the northern and southern extremities of the meridional
axis have mean tones of voice, analogous to the middle
chords of the musical instrument. As they approach the
north, the lower pole constantly receding from the southern
point, the voice is affected by the moisture of the climate, and,
by the same natural causes, the inhabitants are compelled to
utter tones according with the hypate and proslambanomenos:
and, as the lower pole approaches the southern point, the
inhabitants of the countries express themselves by tones,
which are shrill and weak, like the paranete and nete.
The truth of the position here assumed, that humid
climates render the voice bass and deep, and, on the contrary,
that climates exposed to the great heat of the sun render it
sharp, may be demonstrated by the following experiment.
Two vases of equal weight, and hardened by the same degree
of heat, when struck, will emit similar sounds: if one of them
be immersed in water and afterwards emptied, they will be
found to be of unequal weight; and when struck will
produce different tones. Thus it is with the human frame;
for although the principles of its formation are invariably
the same, and it is composed of the same elements, yet
in some climates the voice is rendered acute by the heat,
and in others it assumes a deep tone from the prevalence of
moisture. For reasons nearly similar, the inhabitants of
southern regions, through the fineness of the atmosphere
occasioned by the intensity of heat, possess lively imaginations
and rapidity of thought: on the contrary, the inhabitants of
the north, inhaling a denser atmosphere, have their intellectual
powers rendered inert by the qualities of a climate charged
with moisture. This truth is made evident by the natural
history of the serpent tribe; for these animals, when the cold
humours of the body are dissipated by the warmth of the
season, are active; bat in cold weather and in winter the
change of atmosphere chills the humours, and they relapse
into a state of torpidity. Hence it is not surprising that
heat should invigorate the intellects of man, and cold render
them inert.
Although the inhabitants of southern nations are gifted
with powers of discrimination, and are celebrated for their
prudence, they are deficient in courage; their bodily faculties
being affected by the heat of the climate. On the other
hand, the natives of northern regions are prone to war, and
encounter the greatest perils without dismay; but, being
hurried on by imprudence, their measures are adopted
without premeditation, whence their enterprises seldom
Thus by the ordinance of nature, the human frame in
different parts of the world is formed by very unequal
mixtures. The Romans have been placed by the ruler of
the universe in the middle regions between the extremes : on
this account the natives of Italy possess those qualities of
mind and body which result from an equal mixture of the
opposite temperatures: so that strength of body and vigour
of mind are given to them instead of mere personal courage.
The position of Italy between the nations of the north
and south is analogous to that of the planet Jupiter; whose
orbit is situated between the torrid region of Mars and the
frigid circle of Saturn. In this happy situation it enjoys an
equal mixture of the attributes of both: and the faculties
with which her people are endowed enable her to conquer,
by stratagem, the ferociousness of the barbarians of the
north; whilst the sagacity of the southern nations is
unavailing when opposed to their greater courage. Thus,
Heaven has placed the capital of Italy in the most desirable
and temperate of climates, and thereby invested the Romans
with the sovereignty of the world.
It appears, therefore, that the nations of the globe are
affected in different degrees by the inclination of the earth's
axis, and their inhabitants are born with different animal
faculties, and with forms of various properties; hence it cannot
be doubted, that their habitations should be constructed
with reference to the climate and the natural qualities of
the people; nature itself having clearly pointed out its
propriety, and indeed necessity.
We have now explained, with as much brevity as the
subject would allow, the qualities and properties of different
regions arising from the nature of their situation; and
likewise how we ought to adapt the nature of our buildings
to the sun's course, and the inclination of the earth's axis.
We shall proceed shortly to explain the proportions of the
constituent parts of houses, taken generally and in detail.
Nothing ought to engage the attention of an architect
more than the proportions of all the parts in the houses he
constructs. After having determined upon such proportions
as the necessity for the commensuration of the parts with
the entire building seems to require, the greatest judgment
must be exercised in adapting them to the nature of the
spot, the use to which the edifices are designed, and the
appearance they ought to assume. And this must be done
by making such additions or deductions that although the
proportions are not strictly what they ought to be, the eye
may not be conscious wherein they fail.
The same objects appear differently under dissimilar
circumstances; if near the ground or at a considerable
elevation; if in a confined space or an exposed situation.
Under every peculiar circumstance, great judgment is
necessary in calculating the effect which will be ultimately
The impression made upon the sense of seeing is not
always a correct image of the object; for in a painting,
columns, mutules and statues are made to appear projecting
and detached; when, in fact, every object represented is in
one and the same plane. In the same manner the oars of a
vessel appear bent, although the part below the surface is
in a straight line with the other. At the instant they touch
the surface of the water they appear, as they really are,
straight; but when they are in part immersed in this
transparent medium, images of themselves are impelled to
the surface of the water: the direction of the parts immersed
therefore is apparently changed, and the sensation of bent
objects is thereby created. Whether it is that the object
is constantly impelling forward images of itself, or that the
eye emits rays, whatever opinion philosophers adopt, it is
evident that a false impression is made upon the sense. Since,
therefore, objects sometimes assume an appearance of being
otherwise than they really are, it will not be denied that
additions and deductions may be made, as the nature of the
situation or the exigences of particular occasions require, in
such a manner, that the deviation from the general laws of
proportion will not be perceptible. This deception may be
effected by the exercise of the faculty of reasoning, and
cannot be taught by precepts alone.
It therefore becomes necessary in the first place to
institute laws of proportion upon which all our calculations
must be founded: according to these the ground plan,
exhibiting the length and breadth of the whole work
and the several parts of it, must be formed. When the
magnitude of these is once determined, the parts must be
arranged so as to produce that external beauty which
suffers no doubt to arise in the minds of those who examine
it as to the want of proportion in any part. How this may
be effected remains to be stated : we shall begin with the
explanation of the manner in which cavaedia should be
There are five kinds of cavaedia which, from their mode of
construction, are severally denominated, Tuscan, Corinthian,
tetrastyle, displuviatum and testudinatum. They are termed
Tuscan, when the beams, which are thrown across the court,
have timbers and gutters extending diagonally from the
angles made by the walls of the court to those made by the
junction of the beams : and the rafters of the eaves are made
to incline every way towards the centre of the compluvium 1 .
The timbers and compluvia of Corinthian cavaedia have a
disposition in all respects similar; but beams are made to
project from the walls, and are supported upon columns
arranged around the court.
A tetrastyle cavaedium has columns placed at the angles
1 The compluvium was the open space, comprehended between the gutters of the
roofs over the porticoes, or covered passages, on the four sides of the court, which
admitted the rain. The commentators of Vitruvius have for the most part given
explanations of the compluvium differing from each other. Varro, in describing the
cavaedium, introduces the following passage: " Si relictum erat in medio, ut
lucem caperet, deorsum, quo impluebat, impluvium dictum : et sursum, qua impluebat,
compluvium: utrumque a pluvia." "Whence it appears that the compluvium was the
open part through which the rain was admitted, and the impluvium the area of the
court upon which it fell. In the latter part of the fourth chapter, the M S S. of
Vitruvius describe this opening as the " lumen compluvii." The printed copies,
through a misconception of the meaning of the term compluvium, are obliged to
substitute impluvium for it; a -word no where used by our author.
where the beams meet, which afford them great support:
they also obviate the necessity of using beams of a
considerable length, and relieve them from the pressure of
the diagonal timbers.
The cavaedium displuviatum is that kind in which the
timbers, supporting the gutters, are so inclined, that the
water dripping from the eaves is thrown back towards the
walls '. This kind is favourable to the admission of light
into the winter triclinia, because the compluvium is elevated :
but on the other hand, great inconvenience arises from the
necessity of constant repairs; for the pipes which convey
away the water flowing from the eaves and from the gutters
surrounding the walls, do not always discharge themselves
sufficiently fast. The water, therefore, overflowing the
gutters, decays the wood-work and injures the walls.
The cavaedium testudinatum is used where the width of
the court is not very great: and spacious apartments are
constructed over them.
1 Various conjectures have been offered as to the manner in which the porticoes
surrounding the court were roofed; none of which will answer in every respect to
the context. There cannot be any doubt that the roofs of the cavaedium
displuviatum, in contradistinction to those of the other kinds of cavaedia, were
inclined towards the walls of the court; by which means the rain, falling from the eaves
above upon the roofs of the porticoes, was reflected towards the walls. The words of
Vitruvius are as follows: " Displuviata autem sunt in quibus deliquiae, arcam
sustinentes, stillicidia rejiciunt." The foregoing supposition is confirmed by a
subsequent passage, in which an objection to this mode is stated to arise from the
probability of the gutters overflowing, and damaging the walls: whence it is evident
that the gutters must have been adjoining the walls. See the explanation of Plate I.
Atria are constructed of various forms, the proportions
of the width to the length being determined in three several
ways: one of which is by dividing the length into five parts,
and making the width equal to three of them. Another mode
is to divide the length into three parts, and to assume two
for the width. The third mode is to proportion the length
to the width by describing a square, one of whose sides is
made equal to the latter ; the diagonal of this square
determines the length of the atrium. The height below the
trabes ' should be three fourths of the length of the atrium :
the lacunaria and the gutters above the trabes occupy the
remaining fourth.
The width of the alae on the right and left of the atrium
should be proportioned to its length: when this is from
thirty to forty feet, the width of the alae is a third of it;
when the length is from forty to fifty feet, it is divided into
three parts and an half, one of which gives the width for the
alae. In atria whose length is from fifty to sixty feet, the
1 By mentioning" trabes," Vitruvius means it to be understood, that the entablature
over the columns of the atrium Was formed of timber, in the same manner as the
interior of the entablature of the basilica at Fanum. If the simae, or epitithides, be
included in the height of the entablature, which was probably meant, since gutters
were formed by hollowing the simae, a fourth of the height of the columns would be
very nearly a just proportion for the whole entablature.
width of the alae is made a fourth of it. The length of
those which are from sixty to eighty feet, is divided into
nine parts, and the width of the alae is made equal to
two of them. The width of the alae on the right and left
of atria which are from eighty to an hundred feet long, is
made equal to a fifth part of this extent. The trabes,
extending from column to column of the alae, ought to be
made as high as they are wide \
When the atrium is twenty feet wide, the tablinum is
made two thirds of it: when it is from thirty to forty feet,
the tablinum is half the width. The tablinum is made
equal to two parts of five into which the width of the atrium
is divided, when this is from forty to sixty feet. Atria of
small dimensions ought not to have the same proportions as
those which are very spacious; because if we were to adopt
the proportions which obtain in large atria, in those which
are of small dimensions, the alae and tablina would be too
inconsiderable to answer the purposes for which they are
designed : and, on the contrary, if we apply the proportions of
small atria in building those of ample size, the alae and tablina
1 Barbaro, Gaiiani, Palladio and Perrault agree in the supposition that this
passage alludes to the height of the alae, or porticoes on each side the atrium; but
they are led to this by the belief that the atrium was within the house; in which
opinion the editor of the Berlin edition concurs. In our explanation of the plan of
the houses of the Romans we have agreed with Pitiscus, that the atrium was the
great court before the house, having on the right and left the porticoes called alae;
in which were the cellae familiaricae, or rooms appropriated to domestic purposes.
Vitruvius has mentioned the height of the atrium below the beams of the columns
in a preceding passage : in this he alludes to the height of the beams themselves.
The printed copies read " Trabes earum liminares ita alte ponantur ut altitudines
latitidinibus sint aequales." Alte may probably have been written for altae.
would be colossal. I have therefore thought it expedient
to state the proportions which, in all particular instances,
are best calculated for convenience and beauty.
The height of the trabes, measured from the floor, should
be equal to the width of the tablinum, with the addition of
an eighth part: and the height of the lacunaria equal to
the same width increased by its third part.
In atria of small dimensions the entrance ! is made two
thirds the width of the tablinum; and in spacious atria
it is half the width. The statues with their ornaments
should be equal in height to the width of the alae. The
proportions of the height and width of the door- ways
depend upon the order of architecture: whether this be
Doric or Ionic the proportions must be determined according
to the principles already given for the thyromata of different
orders, in the second section.
The compluvium of the cavaedium, through which the
light is admitted, ought not to be more than a third of the
width of the atrium nor less than a fourth; the length must
be determined in the same manner as that of the atrium.
The peristyles should be greater in extent, measured
transversely, than in length: the columns equal in height
to the width of the porticoes of the peristyles; the
1 The " fauces" meant probably the entrance from the vestibule into the atrium;
corresponding to the thyroreum of the Greek house ; which Vitruvius calls a passage
of inconsiderable width. The word is used by Virgil in this figurative sense,
" Angustaeque premunt fauces aditusque maligni."
The porter's cells were on one side of the thyroreum of a Greek house.
intercolumniations of which ought not to be less than three
nor more than four diameters. But if columns of the Doric
order are introduced in the peristyle, the modulus must be
assumed in the manner related in the second section;
according to which the disposition of the triglyphs is
necessarily determined.
The length of triclinia should always be made double the
width. The height of all apartments, which are longer than
they are wide, is determined by making it half the sum of
the length and width added together. When, however, the
plan of the oecus and exedra is a square, the height is made
greater in proportion by the addition of half the width.
The pinacotheca, as well as the exedra, ought to be of
ample dimensions. The kinds of oeci, which are termed
Corinthian and tetrastyle, and those which are called
Egyptian, ought to have the same proportions as triclinia;
but their actual dimensions should be much greater, because
columns are introduced in them. There is this difference
between Corinthian and Egyptian oeci: the Corinthian have
a single range of columns in height, only, all around; which
is either elevated upon a podium or rest upon the floor;
and epistylia and coronae, constructed either of wood-work
or stucco, are placed over them. The lacunaria above the
coronae are vaulted, and the ribs made in a circular form.
But in the Egyptian, above the columns are epistylia; and
from the epistylia, extending to the walls, is a paved floor,
forming a platform around, which is exposed to the air. A
second range of columns is placed above the epistylia,
immediately over the columns of the lower range ; a fourth
part less in height. Upon the epistylia and coronae of
these columns the lacunaria are arranged ; and windows are
inserted in the intervals between the columns, so that the
oeci seem intended for basilicae rather than Corinthian
There are likewise oeci built in a manner different to what
is generally adopted in Italy- these are called by the Greeks
Cyziceni. They are situated so as to face the north, and
have generally their windows towards the garden, with
doors in the centre. Their length and width are such that
two triclinia, facing each other, may be placed in them,
with ample space around them. Folding windows are
inserted on the right and left of these apartments, in order
that the gardens may be within the view of those who are
reclining upon the couches. The height of these oeci is
made half as much more than their width.
In these various kinds of buildings the proportions here
related are to be observed if no local impediments interfere.
There will be no difficulty in making them airy where
there are no high walls to intercept the light. But if any
difficulties occur, through the want of space or other
circumstances, then there will be occasion for the display
of judgement, by making additions or diminutions so as to
produce the same general effect as would result if every
part were proportioned according to the laws of perfect
The principles which should be attended to in allotting to
each kind of building an appropriate aspect, remain to be
The winter eating-rooms and baths ought to face
the winter-west; because the use of them requires that thev
should be light at the time of the sun's setting: besides
^vhich the western sun being immediately opposite to them,
renders their temperature mild at the close of the day.
The sleeping apartments and libraries should be made to
front the east; because the morning light is necessary for
them; and books are better preserved when the air and
light are received from that quarter. When libraries have
a southern or a western aspect they admit those winds;
which, at the same time that they carry with them moths,
instil also damp vapours into the books, which, in process
of time, cause their decay.
The vernal and autumnal triclinia should face the east,
because the windows being turned from the sun's rays,
whose heat increases as the sun advances towards the west,
their temperature is cool at the hours they are generally
The summer triclinia should front the north; because
having that aspect they will be least exposed to the sun ;
and the temperature of the apartments will be grateful, at the
same time that it is conducive to health: no other aspect
possesses equal advantages; for the sun during the solstice
would render the air of all others sultry. This aspect is
necessary for pinacothecae, and the apartments in which the
pursuits of embroidery and painting are followed : because
the colours used in works of this kind retain their brightness
longer when exposed to an equable and regular light.
Having determined upon the aspects which the different
apartments ought to have, it becomes expedient to consider
by what rules we are to be governed in the arrangement
of those parts of private houses, which are exclusively
appropriated to individuals of the family: and in what
manner these ought to be connected with the apartments
into which strangers are admitted. For there are several
parts of a house which may not be approached by those who
are not of the household, unless expressly invited : such as
the sleeping rooms, triclinia, baths, and those apartments
which are in general use. The parts which are accessible
to all, and into which any person may enter uninvited, are,
the vestibule, cavaedium, peristyle, and whatever others are
built for purposes of a similar nature. Neither magnificent
vestibules, tablina nor atria, therefore, are necessary in the
houses of those of moderate fortune ; for such are clients of
the rich, and are without dependants upon themselves.
Those who expose to sale the produce of the country,
should have shops and stables at the entrances to their
houses; and within them cellars, granaries, storehouses, and
other apartments calculated for the preservation of their
merchandize ; without any regard to propriety of appearance.
The houses of bankers, and those who farm the revenue,
should be upon a scale of greater magnitude ; respectable in
appearance, and secured against depredations. The houses
of lawyers, and men distinguished by their eloquence, ought
to be more elegant and spacious for the accommodation of
those who resort to them for advice and instruction.
The nobles, in whom is vested the discharge of the
duties of the magistracy, should have their houses constructed
with splendid vestibules, lofty atria and extensive peristyles;
with plantations and spacious walks disposed with every
attention to magnificence of appearance. Besides which
they should have libraries and picture galleries; and in
some instances basilicae, upon a scale of grandeur little
inferior to that of national buildings: for it often happens
that public meetings are held there, and the causes of
individuals heard and determined.
If therefore houses are arranged according to these
principles, and with attention to those laws of propriety, which
indicate what is consistent with the different conditions of
men, every thing that convenience requires and experience
suggests will have been accomplished.
The same principles will equally apply to houses of the
same kind built in the country : we must however vary the
arrangement of the parts; because in the city it is necessary
that the atrium should be contiguous to the entrance; but in
the country, when houses are intended to resemble those in
the city, the peristyle should be next the entrance; and then
the atrium, surrounded by paved porticoes, commanding a
view of the palestra and walks.
The manner of constructing the dwellings of those who
live within the city, being described in a general way, let
us now proceed to treat of the proper situation for houses to
be built in the country; and shew by what means they may
be made subservient to the purposes for which they are
The nature of the situation, wherein it is proposed to build,
ought to be investigated with the same regard to healthiness
as would be thought necessary in selecting a proper site for
a city. The magnitude of the buildings must depend wholly
upon the quantity of land attached to them, and upon its
produce. The number of courts and their dimensions must
be proportioned to the herds of cattle and the quantity of
oxen employed. The kitchen should be situated in the
warmest part of the court; and the stable for the oxen
contiguous to it: the stalls should be made to face the
hearth and the east; because when oxen are constantly
exposed to light and heat they become smooth-coated. No
husbandman, however ignorant, will suffer cattle to face
any other quarter of the heavens than the east. The width
of the stables ought not to be less than ten nor more than
fifteen feet: their length proportioned to the number of
vokes; each of which should occupy an extent of seventeen
feet. The scalding-rooms should adjoin the kitchen, in
order that the operation of cleaning the utensils may be
performed upon the spot.
The press-room should likewise be near the kitchen, for
then it will be conveniently situated for the preparation of
oil. The wine cellars should adjoin the press-room, and
have their windows facing the north; for if they were
exposed to the sun, the wine would he affected hy the heat,
and become vapid. The store-rooms in which oil is kept
should he made to face the south, so that they may receive
their light from the warmer quarters of the heavens ; because
oil is injured if suffered to congeal, but tempered by
exposure to a certain degree of heat. The size of these
rooms must be proportioned to the produce of the olive and
vine-yards; and to the number of casks which contains it.
Every vessel containing twenty amphorae will occupy four
feet. If the presses be worked with levers and beams,
without the aid of screws, the press-rooom ought not to be
less than forty feet long; in order to afford space for the
action of the levers: nor should its width be less than
sixteen feet; for then those who are employed at the press
will not have their operations obstructed through want of
room. If it be necessary to have two presses, the width of
the room should be twenty-four feet.
The courts for sheep and goats should be so spacious as
to allow not less than four and an half, nor more than six
feet, to each animal.
The granaries should be above ground, and made to front
either the north or north-east, in order that the grain may
not be liable to ferment; but, on the contrary, by exposure
to a cold atmosphere, may be preserved a long time. All
other aspects encourage the propagation of worms, and
insects destructive to grain.
The stables should be built in the warmest part of the
villa most distant from the hearth: because when horses are
stalled near fire they become rough-coated. It is likewise
expedient to have stalls for oxen at a distance from the
kitchen, in the open air; these should be placed so as to
front the east: because if they are led there to be fed in
winter, when the sky is unclouded, they will improve in
appearance. The barns, the hay-yards, the corn-chambers
and the mills ought to be without the walls; so that the
farm may be less liable to accidents from fire.
If it be desirable that farm-houses should possess a
certain degree of the magnificence of habitations in the city,
the same disposition of parts which obtains in these may be
applied to them; provided the arrangement be not such as
to defeat the purposes of utility, which ought to be the
chief consideration in the construction of country houses.
Great attention must be paid to render buildings of every
description sufficiently light. No difficulty in accomplishing
this end will occur in country houses : but in cities the
proximity of divisional walls, and the limited areas to
which houses must necessarily be confined, make it difficult
to obviate the insufficiency of light. In order to ascertain
where the apertures should be made so that an apartment
may receive a proper degree of light from a particular
aspect, a line must be drawn from the summit of the wall
which opposes its free admission, to that point where it is
most required : if apertures can be made above this line, they
will permit a considerable portion of the sky to be seen
through them, and thus the light will not be intercepted.
But if beams, or lintels, or floors interfere with the openings,
the light must be received from windows made above them.
Above all it must be observed, that the windows be placed,
so that the sky may be seen from them, otherwise the
apartment will not possess sufficient airiness.
If light be so necessary in triclinia and other living
rooms, it cannot be less so in passages, ascents and
staircases; because in these parts, more especially, persons
carrying burdens are constantly encountering each other.
The distribution of the buildings of the Romans has
been here described with as much precision as was thought
necessary to make it intelligible to those concerned in
building. In order to give some conception of the manner
in which the Greeks construct their houses, I shall next
proceed to treat briefly on that subject.
Since the customs of the Greeks do not make the use of
atria necessary, they do not build them 1 ; but on entering
the gates a passage, by no means spacious, presents itself;
on one side of which are the stables, and on the other the
apartments of the porter. This passage is terminated by
the inner gates, and is termed by the Greeks thuroreion: the
gates give admission to the peristyle.
The peristyle has porticoes built on three sides: on the
fourth, which fronts the south, there are two antae placed a
considerable distance asunder, supporting beams : two thirds
of the interval between the antae are given to the breadth
of this area, which is called by some prostas, and by others,
pastas 2 . Near this place great apartments are constructed
within, in which the mistress of the family occupies herself
1 The printed copies begin this chapter with the following passage : " Atriis
Graeci quia non utuntur, neque nostris moribus aedificant," The latter words
convey a meaning so contrary to fact, that there cannot exist a doubt but that the
author has been misrepresented. On examining the MSS. I find that there is no
authority for introducing the words " nostris moribus."
2 The printed editions alter tbe word itaa-ra.;, to ■na.paata.i, imagining that the term
was derived from the antae, or parastades. The MSS. however, read *a. or wall of the aula 1 , in which were
the doors leading to the aula, or principal court: these were
termed t»fm rfs *vtf s - Euryclea is desired by Eumaeus to shut
the doors of communication between the coenaculum and
the gynaeconitis, whilst Philaetius goes out silently and
fastens these doors with a cable, which is kept, for that
purpose, under the portico; w uiMry 2 . The object of this
movement seems to have been to prevent succours arriving
1 XVIH. 101. * XXI. 390.
from the town. The aula, or court, was entered through these
gates. In this court was an altar of Jupiter, whither Phemius
and Medon repair during the slaughter of the suitors 1 . Here
the suitors hold their feast in honour of Apollo: the victims
are brought to he slain and confined under the portico": not
that cattle were usually kept in this court, but in an area in
front of the gates 3 .
The ) rsyks, clearly indicate that they were those
leading from the gynaeconitis: the word *fy>s, according to
Eustathius 7 , signifying the upper part of the house inhabited
by women. Hesychius interprets fty™ te^tm, chambers in the
upper part of the house. According to Pollux also, *iyos
signifies the upper part of the house. This is further evident
from many passages of the poem; for women descending
from their chambers take their station near these door-posts :
1 I. 135. 2 XXII. 2. 3 XXII. 127. XVIII. 17. 33. 109. XVII. 413
* XVII. 339. s XXL 420. 6 XX. 258. 7 II. VII. 248.
thus Nausicaa is represented as stationed in the palace of
Alcinous, wzp* rraApw riytc s . The station of Penelope is described
in the same words': when she descends to join the suitors in
the coenaculum, she places herself here 2 . After she has
visited the armoury, she returns to the same place 3 . Entering
through the same door-way after the slaughter of the suitors
she passes the stone threshold 4 , and seats herself against the
wall opposite Ulysses. These passages prove that the door-
way, whose situation with regard to the prothyrum has
been shewn, was that leading to the gynaeconitis.
Ulysses is represented as sleeping in the prodomus; and
near this place must have been the thalamus of Penelope;
for from hence he hears her voice lamenting. Penelope also
from her thalamus hears what is passing in the coenaculum.
The thalamus of the queen might therefore be on one side
of the prodomus, and the thalamus of Ulysses on the other;
like the thalamus and amphithalamus of a Greek house,
which Vitruvius represents as situated on either side the
vestibule. On hearing the voice of Penelope, Ulysses rises
in haste; and taking with him the couch which had been
prepared for him, leaves the fleeces upon a seat within the
coenaculum, and carries the ox-hide abroad with him 5 .
The general disposition of the palace therefore accords
with that of the Greek houses described by Vitruvius. We
shall proceed to notice other passages, in which the various
parts of the building are mentioned; none of which militate
against the arrangement here assumed.
1 XVI. 415. 2 XVIII. 208. 5 XXI. 64.
4 XXIII. 88. 5 XX. 97.
In speaking of the coenaculum, Homer generally uses
the term pA/apsi although *«>« and &>><>$• are sometimes employed
to express the same place. When Telemachus sneezes, the
sound echoes, <*/*?» &«>«, around the coenaculum, in which the
suitors are sitting. At the beginning of the conflict Ulysses
leaps upon the great threshold 1 which is stated to be within
the door-way, S^wfe fopdm 2 . This limen was therefore a kind of
platform extending into the coenaculum, before the doors,
from which there was a descent by steps. It was of
considerable extent; for Ulysses and his three assistants
are represented as possessing it whilst the suitors were
within the coenaculum, hi*oU sfawv 3 . The doors were at this
time behind the four combatants; for at the suggestion of
Agelaus, six of the suitors throw their javelins at the same
instant against Ulysses ; no one of which wounds him, but
they strike either the door-posts, or the doors themselves;
which, from this circumstance, appear to have opened
inwardly 4 .
The way to the street, which was also common to the
orsothyra 5 , or window which commanded a view of the
town, as well as the door-way of the staircase leading to the
thalamus in which the arms had been deposited, could not
have been far distant from the door- way of the coenaculum;
for, in the beginning of the contest, the care of the first,
which is described as being at the end of the limen or
threshold, is committed to Eumaeus 6 : and Telemachus,
1 XXII. 2. 2 XVII. 339. 3 XXII. 204. * XXII. 258.
5 Hesychius defines lpd}wj 2 . A similar custom prevails in Greece at this day.
Eustathius supposes the word tholus to be derived from
ihiv, and S\w' f equivalent to mpMopevw, signifying running around.
This etymology would apply better to 6i*-» s , considering it
as the area, or threshing floor, than in any other point of
view. The Roman area was of a circular form, and open
on all sides to the wind, as we learn from Varro 3 .
The great column of the tholus, mentioned in the
Odyssey 4 , was probably in the centre, about which the
oxen were made to go; and perhaps served to uphold a
1 Vide Cato de R. R. III. 1. IX. 1. Varro. XIII. 6.
2 11. XX. 496. Heyne reads eux7i/*»Tj, for eityoxaAp.
3 R. R. I. 2. 4 XXII. 466.
conical roof, with which the earliest buildings of a circular
form, yet existing in Greece, are found to have been
covered. The building in this state would resemble an
umbrella ; the column, which may be supposed to have
passed through the roof 1 , being represented by the handle
or stick. It is a curious circumstance that the prytaneum
at Athens was termed both flfow and ™«j 2 ; which latter word
signifies an umbrella. If we can imagine a roof of this kind
supported on the sides with props placed in the periphery of
the area, the whole building will present us with the prototype
of that kind of temple called by Vitruvius monopteral; the
covering of which he terms tholus. The sepulchre of
Porsenna mentioned by Pliny 3 was roofed in a similar
manner: the account he gives of it is in the following
words, " supra id quadratum pyramides stant quinque,
quatuor in angulis, et in medio una, in imo latae pedum
septuagenum, ita fastigiatae, ut in summo orbis aeneus et
petasus 4 unus omnibus sit impositus."
a The gates of the wall. e Prothyrum.
b....The aula or great court, f..... Doors of the coenaculum.
c.c. .Portico called aithousa. g The wooden threshold,
d.d..Thalami under the h Coenaculum.
portico. i The stone threshold.
1 This supposition will explain the manner in which the cable was made to
surround the roof after it had been fastened to the great column.
2 2ij/xaiy£i Ss ko.) flv Tt&ga. 'Afyvaiois Xeyopevov ioAw. Suidas in V. ^Mtx,;.
3 XXXVI. 13.
4 The petasus was either a bonnet or umbrella, and was sometimes termed
tholia. Schol. in Theocr. Idyl. XV. 38.
k Doors of the prodomus. r Thalami of Ulysses.
1 Apartment, over which s Ascent to the orsothyra.
was the cubiculum of t A staircase corresponding
Penelope. to the last,
m. . .Apartment, over which v Courts corresponding to
was the cubiculum of the hospitalia of a Greek
Ulysses. house,
n.n. .Apartments corresponding w... Court of the house
to the Greek oeci. corresponding to the
o Staircase to the thalami gynaeconitis of the
of Penelope. Greeks,
p Staircase to the thalami x.x.. Apartments of the
of Ulysses. domestics,
q.... Thalami of Penelope.
Zoivrg ScuJ/t.
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Zowrr Sculp.
FublL?hedastIie shaft of columns. The introduction of this member is
Apophysis.) supposed to have arisen from the use of iron rings, with
which trees, the columns of early days, Avere bound to
prevent their splitting. The Greek word diroj/3o;, from whence it is derived, signifies
a youth, or one arrived at years of puberty.
A division of the scene of a theatre. The scene
sometimes consisted of three divisions made by ranges of
columns one above the other. The lower was termed
scena, and the others episcenia.
The lower of three divisions of the entablature, or
superstructure upon the columns of a portico; formed by
pieces extending from centre to centre of two adjoining
columns. Derived from hi upon, and reixts, a column.
The upper member of the corona surmounting the
fastigium of a temple ; which was also continued along
the flanks. Derived from l*ir/flij/*«, to place over. The
Latin term for this member is sima, which is probably
derived from the Greek «/*oj ; *«. «^a being sometimes put
for places difficult of access. It does not appear improbable
that the Latin word might be written cyma ; derived from
the Greek xv^a, a wave ; the profile of the moulding being
in the form of the letter S, or waved line. The term
cymatium, which is applied to a small moulding, whose
profile is similar, is evidently derived from xu^dnov, a
diminutive of xu/t«.
That species of temple which, from the proportion of
the diameter of the columns and their intervals, was
thought to possess the greatest beauty. Derived from
bS, graceful, and rti\*s, a column.
The portico of the Grecian palaestra in which
disputations of the learned were held: so called from
its containing a number of Ztyau, or seats. In private houses
the exedrae were rooms for conversation; and were
generally open, like the pastas, or vestibule, of a Greek
house. Pollux makes the exedra and pastas synonymous
terms. See note on the word Pastas. Sect. iii. c. 10.
The bands, of which the epistylium of the Ionic and
Corinthian orders is composed. The antepagments of
Ionic door-ways were likewise divided into three fasciae or
corsae* Fasciae were bands, which the Romans were
accustomed to bind round the legs. The word corsa was
probably derived from xo'/smj, the temple of the head; which
might have given the term to the fillets, or bands, with
which the Roman women were accustomed to bind the
temples, or head. Amongst the ornaments of the head
Pollux mentions the whence
the term «>arf?}, on all
sides, and ■a^arix^.
See Ancones.
See Diathyra.
A temple which has a single range of columns in the
flanks at the same distance from the walls of the cella as
although the temple had been dipteral. Derived from
tWSw, to deceive, and siwtspos.
The spaces between the walls of the cella of a temple
and the columns of the peristyle: called also ambulatio.
Derived from vrrepw, which word was applied to signify
a range of columns.
The wooden stage of the theatre, upon which the mimic,
as well as dramatic, exhibitions of the Romans were
represented. In the Greek theatre the pulpitum was used
only by the histriones, or performers in the drama; and
was probably removed before the amusements of the
orchestra were exhibited.
A species of temple in which the diameter of the columns
was great in proportion to the intervals. Derived from
■mmvls, dense, or thick, and atixos.
The bands or fillets of the Ionic base : between which
the scotia, or hollow, occurs. The quadra also means
the plinth, or lower member, of the podium.
Quadrifores. Folding doors whose height was divided into two. Folding
doors which opened in one height were termed fores
valvatae, or valvae. Vitruvius directs the door-ways to be
made wider when these were used : and the height to be
increased when the folding doors were divided in height.
The bifores of Vitruvius were two single doors. See the
note upon the fores valvatae, Sect. 11. c. 6.
A band below the taenia of the Doric epistylium,
extending the width of the triglyph; and having six guttae
depending from it. It also signifies the space between two
adjoining canals of the triglyphs. The words femur and
mp°s have the same signification.
The pannel of the impages, or horizontal rails, of a framed
door. See the explanation of Plate ix. Sect. 11.
Scatnillus. A small plinth below the bases of Ionic and Corinthian
columns. See the explanation of Plate v. Sect. 1 .
Scena. The permanent architectural front which faced the
audience part of the theatre. It sometimes consisted of
three several ranges of columns one above the other.
Schola. The margin or platform surrounding the bath. It was
occupied by those who waited until the bath was cleared.
The schola was also a portico, corresponding to the
exedra of the Greek palaestra, and was intended for the
accommodation of the learned, who were accustomed to
assemble and converse there.
The hollow moulding in the bases of Ionic columns.
Derived from the Greek word *, a door-
way, and oSpos, a keeper; because on one side of the passage-
were the apartments of the porter.
The principal timbers of a roof extending across the
temple: in contradistinction to the trabes, which were
timbers placed upon the columns or walls in the same
direction with them. The tigna correspond to our tye-beams.
The convex member of the Tuscan and Ionic bases. In
the Attic base there is both an upper and lower torus.
Horizontal timbers in the roof of a building. The term
is applied to the transverse beams of a galley which extend
from side to side and connect the ribs, in the same manner
as these horizontal pieces connect the axes, or principals,
of a roof.
The eating room of a Roman house, so called from the
Greek word xfcVij, signifying a couch ; because in general it
contained three couches, upon which the ancients used to
recline at their meals. It is also applied to the couches
An ornament above the epistylium in a Doric entablature,
placed over every column; with sometimes one in the
interval between so placed, and sometimes more. The
word is derived from the Greek yxupk, an incision or
channel, of which there were three in this ornament.
See Scotia.
The triangular pannel of the fastigium of any building,
comprehended between its corona and that of the entablature.
The pannels of a framed door were likewise called tympana*
Vestibulum. Part of the andronitis of a Greek house ; similar, pro-
bably, to the prostas of the first peristyle or court. The
o o
vestibulum also means the portico in front of a Roman
Volute. An ornament of the Ionic capital, in form like a spiral.
The introduction of volutes is said by Vitruvius to have
arisen from an imitation of the mode in which women
were formerly accustomed to ornament their hair. But
they are thought, with greater probability, to have
represented the horns of the Ammonian Jupiter. In early
days the statues of the heathen deities were merely blocks;
which, as the arts progressively advanced, were rounded
into columns, and afterwards a representation of the human
head was sculptured upon them; so that they resembled
the termini of later ages. Small volutes occur in the
capitals of Corinthian columns; they are said to be in
imitation of the spiral tendrils in the stalk of the acanthus ;
which plant first suggested the introduction of leaves in
the capitals of columns.
Xystus. See Paradromides.
Zophorus. The centre of the three divisions of the entablature over
Ionic and Corinthian columns ; having the epistylium
below and the corona above it. The word is derived from
the Greek gwoipopw, which is compounded of ffiw , an animal,