25 nil tn tj ton fint-8vt» Club. A SHORT DESCRIPTION OK THE ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN EXHIBITED JUNE 1873. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODE & CO., PRINTERS, NEW-STREET SQUARE. 1873- From the Library of Frank Simpson 93 « r 1 1 n 1 o n tfint &rts Club. A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN EXHIBITED JUNE 1873. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODE & CO., PRINTERS, NEW-STREET SQUARE. 1873- GETTY CErfltK LIBHftRY TO The Honble. Wm. Ashley, The Honble. Mrs. John Ashley, Mr. C. Sackvile Bale, Mr. and Mrs. Boddam Castle, Mr. Edkins, of Bristol, Mr. Francis Fry, of Bristol, Mr. H. Gillett, Mr. J. E. Nightingale, of Wilton Miss Palmer, and [Salisbury Mr. Sancton, NON-MEMBERS OF THE CLUB, WHO HAVE LARGELY CONTRIBUTED TO THE INTEREST AND COMPLETENESS OF THE PRESENT COLLECTION, THE THANKS OF THE MEMBERS ARE ESPECIALLY DUE. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 http://archive.org/details/shortdescriptionOOburl SEVRES. The best period of this manufacture dates from 1 754, the establishment being then at Vincennes ; and the porcelain manufactured was all of the pate tendre, or soft paste, and of the finest quality. A bleu-de-Roi Jug, painted with birds and flowers, 1753, from the collection of Mr. Bonamv Dobree : A bleu-de-Roi Jardiniere, 1754, and a Jardiniere of turquoise blue and gold, with figures and landscape, from Baron Mayer de Roths- child, are fine specimens of the Vincennes period. In 1756 the manufactory was removed to Sevres, and in 1760 passed entirely into the hands of the king, who issued a decree forbidding any porcelain manufactory in France, except Sevres, the use of gold in the decoration ; and as none but the first artists both in painting and decoration were employed, the specimens manufactured between 1 760 and 1770 were exceedingly costly and of great beauty and rarity. Very fine examples of this period are exhibited from the collections of the Hon. Wm. Ashley, Hon. Mrs. John Ashley (a Cup and Saucer and Cream Ewer, with the peacock feather decoration), Mr. Sackvile Bale (all fine and rare specimens), Mr. Barker (a fine Eventail, on top of Case No. 2, and 5 magnificent Vases, on the top of Case No. 1), Mr. Bonamy Dobree, a Rose Dubarry Ewer and Dish, 1760 ; 2 turquoise-blue Dishes ; a small Jardiniere, green and gold, the flowers painted by Noel, 1756 ; a Cabaret of blue and white, with flowers, 1758. From Mr. Wynn-Ellis, an Ecuelle, 1757. From Baron Mayer de Rothschild : A Jardiniere, with landscapes and figures painted by Bouchet, 1763; Jardiniere of Rose Dubarry, 1757 ; also a Jardiniere of vert Anglais, with figures of children and flowers, &c. A 3 6 In 1770 the manufacture of hard porcelain, pate dure, commenced; the pate tendre, or soft paste porcelain, also continued to be manufactured. Examples of the first kind, pate dure : a very fine Vase, painted with birds and flowers by Falot, 1775, from the collection of Mr. J. C. Robinson ; a Cup and Saucer, painted with hunting subjects, from Mr. Barker. A curious Kettle, painted in imitation of gold Japan lacquer, with Chinese figures and landscape, from Mr. C. Sackvile Bale. Of the second kind, pate tendre, or soft porcelain, of this period — viz., 1770 to 1790 — .there are many fine examples. From Lord Lyveden and Mr. Barker: a Service of blue and white, painted with flowers and trophies by Buteux and PfeifFer. From Mr. Octavius E. Coope : 2 bleu-de-Roi Sceaux ; subjects, 1 Venus and Adonis,' ' Europa,' painted by Dodin. From Mr. Bonamy Dobree : a bleu-de-Roi Cup and Saucer, jewelled ; a jewelled Basin, the gilding by Prevost ; Mr. Bale, a fine jewelled Cup and Saucer ; Lord Exmouth, a remarkably fine Cup and Saucer, white ground, jewelled, with figure medallions in centre. From Mr. and Lady Dorothy Nevill : Cup and Saucer of bleu-de- Roi, 'The Graces,' painted by Dodin, 1780; Cup and Saucer, green and gold, gilding by Chavaux Pere, 1780. From Mr. Wynn-Ellis : Cups and Saucers, c. 1760, painted with birds by Aloncle, &c. From Sir M. Digby Wyatt : Cup and Saucer of turquoise blue, painted with flowers, 1785 ; Cup and Saucer, turquoise blue, painted by Pierre Jeune, &c. Two Vases, of the hard paste, from Mr. Wynn-Ellis, painted with . allegorical figures and landscapes, are of later date, from 1793 to 1800. Of other French manufactures there are examples of Tournay, of the date 1760 — 70, from the collections of Mr. A. W. Franks and Dr. Hamilton ; and some good specimens of Arras, and of St. Cloud, from the collection of Sir M. Digby Wyatt. ITALIAN. Venice. The manufacture of this porcelain was not long continued, and except a few examples not of fine workmanship, it was of both hard and soft paste. 7 From Sir William R. Drake : A Teapot, white ground, painted in masquerade figures. Tea Caddy, with Chinese figures. Small Coffee Cup, with blue decoration of parrots and fruit. A Cup and Saucer, white glazed, with floral decorations in gold, Two Cups and Saucers, and a group of ' Hercules and the Lion, in white glazed Venetian porcelain, well modelled. FLORENCE. MEDICI PORCELAIN. From Sir W. R. Drake : A rare Biberon, white ground, with decorations in blue OLD DOCCIA OR GINORI PORCELAIN. From Sir W. R. Drake : Cup and Saucer, dark blue ground, with flowers on white medal- lions. A Cup of old white honeycomb Doccia porcelain. F igure of a girl seated. Part of a Tea Service, white ground, with lilac borders, gilded and painted with figures. VILLA NUOVA, NEAR TURIN. From Mr. A. W. Franks : a Sugar Basin, with the Arms of Sardinia. Other examples of different Italian Porcelain from Sir M. DigbyWyatt, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Sotheby, and Mr. Luard. NAPLES. Capo di Monte. Manufactory founded in 1736. Fine examples are very rare, and it is to be regretted that the Committee were unable to procure for exhibition any of the fine groups of figures illustrative of this fabric. The specimens exhibited are from the collections of Mr. Barker : 2 Cream Ewers and Cups and Saucers, with raised figures ; Sir W. R. Drake : a figure of Apollo, seated with his lyre ; 2 small figures, delicately painted in colours ; and a double Triton, with wings supporting a shell ; Mr. Mitchell : Cup and Cover; and Mr. Samuel : Baskets of Cut Flowers. A 4 v 8 After 1760 the manufacture declined, as the best artists had been removed, by Charles III., to Spain, where he established the manufactory of El Buen Retiro. Some remarkable specimens of rare quality, with foliage in relief, from Mr. Wynn-Ellis ; an Ecuelle, of the same quality and design, from Sir M. Digby Wyatt ; 2 Vases and Covers, with gold decoration, from Mr. A. W. Franks ; 2 figures, ' The Ballad Seller ' and ' The Chapman,' in white glazed porcelain, from Sir W. R. Drake, illustrate this Spanish fabric. AUSTRIAN. Vienna. Established in 1 730. The manufacture did not come to any perfection till after 1744. It is a fabric of hard porcelain. Fine examples of both the earlier and later periods are exhibited. From Sir W. R. Drake: 12 Plates, highly decorated, on Hans Betka lustre ground, of the dates from 1793 to 1803; 3 Plaques, with portraits, Hamilton Cte. D'Arran, Bishop Gardiner, and Francois Due D'Alencon ; a Cabaret, highly decorated, and another, on white ground, painted with Cupids, of earlier date ; 2 old Porcelain Vases, a large egg-shaped Vase, 2 Cups and Saucers, and some old Vienna figures. From Lord Exmouth : a beautiful Ecuelle and 3 Plates. From Mr. Bonamy Dobree : an Incense Burner, of fine quality. From Mr. Alfred Seymour : 3 Plates. From Mr. C. Luard : a Cafetiere, Basin and Cover, and Cup and Saucer. And specimens of the earlier period, from Mr. Barker and Sir M. Digby Wyatt. On the top of the case are 2 Vases, of Korzee (Polish) manufacture, lent by Sir W. R. Drake, and 2 Sevres Dishes, from Mr. Barker. GERMAN. Dresden (Meissen). The first establishment of hard porcelain in Europe was founded at Meissen, near Dresden, early in the 18th century, and was brought to perfection in the reigns and under the control of the Electors Augustus the Second and Third. 9 The earliest ware was the Bottcher ware (named from its inventor), of a brown colour. Two examples, a Tea-pot from the collection of Mr. C. Sackvile Bale, and a Cup and Saucer from Sir M. Digby Wyatt, illustrate this early ware. The next period is from 1720. Elaborate designs, chiefly copied from the Chinese, introduced by Horoldt. A good example is a Tea-pot, of grotesque shape, from the collection of the Hon. Wm. Ashley. This manufacture attained its greatest perfection from 1731 to 1 75 1 . Many fine examples are exhibited. Of the earlier period : part of a Service, formerly belonging to Clement Augustus Elector Palatine, Archbishop of Cologne, with his arms and cipher, and beautifully painted with Chinese figures, and with medallion landscapes in monochrome, from the collection of Dr. Hamilton. Many fine figures and groups from the collections of Mr. Barker, Mr. Seymour Haden, Mr. Fisher, Mr. and Lady Dorothy Nevill, Mr. Alfred Seymour, &c. A fine 6 cuelle and Dish, from Lord Exmouth ; a part of a Tea Service from Mrs. John Ashley ; and many other specimens of the different epochs of this fabric, from Mr. R. W. Edis, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Hamil- ton, Lord Lyveden ; a fine Service, painted with figures and landscapes, Mr. Mitchell, Sir M. Digby Wyatt, and the Marquis of Westminster. Special notice should be taken of two figures — a lady and gentleman — lent by Mr. Seymour Haden, of great rarity and of the finest quality. They stand on their own feet (without pedestals), are most exquisitely designed and painted, and are quite perfect ; they are very judiciously shown by reflection from mirrors, placed so that they may be seen on all sides. On pedestals are two busts, modelled by Kandler, ' Schmiedel ' and ' Froehlich,' two characters in the Court of Augustus the Strong, from Sir W. R. Drake. BERLIN. Established in 1 751, when Frederick the Great, after the conquest of Dresden, transported all the best workmen to Berlin. This manufacture was in a high state of perfection in 1761. A very beautiful example of this porcelain : a Cabaret of 6 pieces, painted with mythological subjects in monochrome, of the finest quality, from Mr. BONAMY DOBREE. Three Figures of Children from Mr. Seymour Haden, and other specimens from Mr. Mitchell, Sir M. Digby Wyatt, Mr. Edis, and Mr. Alfred Thomson, illustrative of the different periods of this fabric, are exhibited. 10 Of the other German manufactories — Two Figures of Frankenthal (Carl Theodore), from Mr. Mitchell ; and a Cup and Saucer, from Dr. Hamilton, 1761. Nymphenburg ; A Figure (Comedy), from Mr. Alfred Seymour. Bayreuth ; Two Cups, from Mr. A. W. Franks. Fulda ; Two Figures, from Mr. Fisher. Ludwigsburg ; Group of Figures, from Mr. Seymour Haden. HOLLAND. Amsterdam. A Cup and Saucer (Amstel), from Dr. Hamilton. SWITZERLAND. Nyon. Two Cups and Saucers, from Dr. Hamilton. COPENHAGEN. A fine Group of ' Europa,' exhibited by Mr. Barker. ENGLISH. Bow (Stratford-le-Bow). This manufactory was founded early in the Eighteenth Century, perhaps in the latter part of the Seventeenth. It was of soft paste, and remained in existence for some years. Some very interesting specimens are exhibited. A fine Figure of Flora, by Lord Exmouth. A Goat's Head Cream Ewer, with the Bee perfect in relief, by Sir W. Drake. Two extremely interesting figures in white porcelain, Mrs. Kitty Clive and Woodward the Actor, by Mr. Seymour Haden. Three curious Vases in blue, ornamented with flowers and painted with figures, by Mr. Nightingale. A fine Vase and Dish, by Mr. A. W. Franks, of a very early period. Two Salt Cellars on Dolphins, and a figure of a Girl playing a Lute, by Mr. Gillett. A Scent Bottle, by Lady Dorothy Nevill. Two White Plates, with figures in red, by Mr. Schreiber. 1 1 CHELSEA. The Manufactory, established at the end of the Seventeenth Century, reached its greatest excellence between 1750 and 1765. The porcelain is of soft paste. Five beautiful examples, from the collection of the Hon. Wm. Ashley, are on the Mantel-piece. In the Case No. 6 are many other specimens of the best kind of this manufacture. A particularly fine Group, from Mrs. J. Ashley ; Figures from Mr. Barker, Mr. and Lady Dorothy Nevill, Mr. Haes, Mr. Sancton. Two turquoise Blue Vases, from the collection of Mr. Nevill, are of fine paste and of early date. From Mr. Malcolm : Cups and Saucers. Two particularly fine Cups, of the best period. Two Vases, of an early period, from Mr. A. W. Franks ; and some fine Dishes and Plates from Mr. W. W. Fitzwilliam Dick. Other examples from Mr. Haden, Mr. Gillett, &c. BRISTOL. Established in 1772 by Mr. R. Champion, who brought this porcelain to great perfection. It was of hard paste, although a few examples of the soft paste were manufactured at the commencement. Very fine examples of this important but comparatively little known fabric have been most kindly lent for exhibition : — Three fine Vases of great rarity and extreme beauty, from the collection of Mr. Fry, who also sends various other specimens of this ware. A large and valuable collection from Mr. Edkins, of Figures, Cups and Saucers, Sucriers, &c. An interesting Cup and Saucer in this collection is from a Service presented by Mr. Champion to Mrs. Burke. A Group of very remarkable Figures, ' The Elements,' from Mr. Boddam Castle ; the figure of Vulcan in particular being grandly modelled. Some interesting specimens from Mr. Nightingale, particularly a Cup and Saucer, with the Fable of Cephalus and Procris, of fine paste, with green festoons and gold. A Group of Figures, ' The Seasons,' exquisitely designed and of great beauty and rarity, from Mr. Seymour Haden. On the outside of the Case is a medallion of Franklin, of Bristol Biscuit China, lent by Mr. Edkins, and, on the top of the Case, some fine Vases of Sevres Biscuit, lent by Mr. Barker ; also a curious specimen of Plymouth Porcelain — a Stand for Sweetmeats encrusted with Shells, from Mr. Seymour Haden. A 6 I 2 WORCESTER. Established as a China factory in 1 75 1 , but did not attain to any celebrity until 1 768. The early productions were imitations of blue and white Nankin China, and to save trouble and expense the curious invention of Dr. Wall of transferring prints to white China -ware was carried out. Examples of this ware are neither handsome nor ornamental, and the paste and designs are much inferior to the porcelain of a later date, when first- class artists and workmen produced a much better manufacture. The peculiar mottled blue colour (ex. Lord Exmouth's fine Jug) was caused by the accidental running of the colour in the glazing, and, as it was some- thing new, it was endeavoured to be perpetuated. Very fine examples of this porcelain at its best period are exhibited. Lord Exmouth's Jug (as above). A set of three Vases in green, painted with fruits, and another set, blue ground, very fine, by Mrs. John Ashley. A blue Vase by Mr. Nevill. A fine set of three Vases by Mr, Malcolm. An Iicuelle by Mr. Franks. A Tea-service by Miss Palmer. A fine Vase by Mr. Nightingale, and some fine Cups and Saucers ; a Sweetmeat-stand, enamelled with shells. Two fine blue Vases, with flowers, by Mr. Stanley. A small Beaker and Cover, dark-blue ground, with birds, by Sir W. R. Drake. Two Plates by Mr. Gillett. A Plate by Mr. Seymour Haden. Two Cups and Saucers by Mr. Haes.' Cup and Saucer by Sir DlGBY WYATT. On the top of the Case a white Vase, with blue flowers, by Mr. Nightingale, and 2 Vases by Mr. Gibbs. Some effective Plates of Nantgarrow manufacture, established in 1 796, are exhibited by Mr. Bonamy Dobree and Sir Digby Wyatt. 13 Contributors to the Exhibition of European Porcelain. The Hon. Mrs. John Ashley. The Hon. Wm. Ashley. C. Sackville Bale, Esq. "Alexander Barker, Esq. Boddam Castle, Esq. "Octavius E. Coope, Esq. *W. W. Fitzwilliam Dick, Esq., M.P. """Bonamy Dobree, Esq. "'Sir William R. Drake. ""Robert W. Edis, Esq. William Edkins, Esq. *Wynn- Ellis, Esq. "^Viscount Exmouth. "Richard Fisher, Esq. "'Augustus W. Franks, Esq. Francis Fry, Esq. "Henry H. Gibbs, Esq. H. Gillett, Esq. *F. Seymour Haden, Esq. * Henry Haes, Esq. "'Edward Hamilton, Esq., M.D. "Charles Luard, Esq. '""Lord Lyveden '"John Malcolm, of Poltalloch, Esq. ' ; ' r Sir John Marjoribanks ""William Mitchell, Esq. Lady Dorothy Nevill J. E. Nightingale, Esq. Miss Palmer *J. C. Robinson, Esq. ""Baron Mayer de Rothschild, M.P. Philip Sancton, Esq. '"John Samuel, Esq. '"Charles Schreiber, Esq. '"Alfred Seymour, Esq., M.P. '"'Hans W. Sotheby, Esq. '"Edmund H. Stanley, Esq. '"'Alfred Thomson, Esq. *The Marquis of Westminster, K.G. '""Sir M. Digby Wyatt. All those marked * are members of the Club. LIST OF OBJECTS EXHIBITED. Dresden Chelsea Worcester . Sevres Chelsea Chelsea Derby The Hon. Mrs. John Ashley. i Cabaret, in 7 pieces. 1 Group. 6 Vases. 1 Cup and Saucer. 1 n . , , r ~ v ^ \ Green, with peacock feathers. 1 Cream Ewer. J r 1 Figure. The Hon. Wm. Ashley. 1 Large Group. 2 Single Figures. 2 Candelabra. 1 Plate. 14 Buen Retiro . i Bowl and Cover. Dresden . . i Teapot. Sevres . . i Teapot. i Chocolate-pot. i Cup and Cover. C. Sackvile Bale, Esq. i Dark-blue Sceau. i White Jug, painted in blue, i Plate, with birds. i Dark-blue jewelled Bowl, with Cover, i Turquoise-blue Bowl and Cover, i Green Bowl and Cover, i Rose Dubarry Bowl and Cover, i Dark-blue Jug, with Handle, i Turquoise-blue Cup and Saucer, i Perforated Basket, Stand, and Cover, i Teapot, green and blue, i Bowl and Cover, green, with flowers, i Dark-blue jewelled Cup, Saucer, and Cover, i Blue Figure. i Snuff-box, Mayflower pattern, i Bowl and Cover, dark-blue, with birds. 1 Teapot and Cover. *Alexander Barker, Esq. Copcnliagen . L'Europa. Dresden . .10 Groups of Figures. 2 Cups, Saucers, and Covers. 1 Vase, mounted. 1 Teapot. 2 Salt Cellars. 2 Candelabra. Capo di Monte . 3 Cups and Saucers. 1 Bowl and Cover. 2 Cream Ewers and Covers. Sevres . . 1 Group. 3 Apple Blossoms, in pots. 4 Flowers Ditto 1 Cup and Saucer (hunting subjects). 1 Cup and Saucer. Sevres Dresden Tournay . Bottcher Ware 15 Sevres (continued) i Cup and Saucer (2 handles to cup). 2 ficuelles, green. 4 Plates, green borders. 1 Plate, blue ditto. 2 Soup Tureens. 7 Vases (5 in one suite). 1 \^3.SG 1 r> c \t r imitation Wedgwood. 2 bases tor Vases J & 4 Dishes painted in trophies. 2 Plates 2 Ecuelles 2 Sceaux 1 Jardiniere. 2 Large Dishes, with green borders. Boddam Castle, Esq. Bristol . . 4 Figures, representing the following : Earth. Air. Fire. Water. *Octavius E. Coope, Esq. Sevres . . 2 Sceaux, blue ground. *W. W. Fitzwilliam Dick, Esq., M.P. Chelsea . .10 Plates, blue and gold. 4 Dishes, ditto, ditto. *B0NAMY DOBREE, Esq. Sevres . . 1 Cabaret, white, and trellis-work, with flowers ; 6 pieces. 1 Basin and Ewer, Rose Dubarry ; purple bands, and flowers. 1 Basin and Ewer, blue, on white ground ; landscape and birds. 1 Jardiniere, vert Pomene ; flowers in medallions. i6 Sevres (continued) i Bowl, white and jewelled (Marie Antoinette). 1 Cup and Saucer, bleu de Roi ; jewelled. 2 Dishes, turquoise ; flowers, and gilt. i Cup and Saucer, green ; roses in medallions. Vincennes . . 1 Jug, bleu de Roi ; birds and flowers. Berlin . . i Cabaret, crimson and white ; mythological subjects 6 pieces Vienna . . i Cup and Saucer, children at play ; gold and blue, i Cup and Saucer, Pompeian decoration, i Pastille-burner and Cover, lake and gold, i Cup and Saucer. Classical figure in grisaille ; blue and gold. Dresden . . i Cup and Saucer, fluted ; exotic birds and flowers. Nantgarrow . 8 Dessert Plates, various subjects. """Sir William R. Drake. Vienna . . 3 Plaques of Old Vienna Porcelain, with portraits. 10 Old Vienna Plates. 1 Old Vienna Cabaret, containing 9 pieces, richly gilded, on Hans Betka lustre ground. 1 Old Vienna Cabaret, containing 10 pieces, on white ground. 1 Small square-shaped Tray. 2 Old Vienna Porcelain Vases and Covers. 1 Large egg-shaped Vase and Cover, on pedestal (24 in. high). 1 Cup and Saucer, sea green. 1 Cup and Saucer, black and white ground. 4 Old Vienna painted Figures. Sevres . . 1 Group of Sevres Bisquet, pate tendre. Italian . . 1 Medici Porcelain Biberon, blue and white. 1 Venetian Porcelain Teapot. 1 Tea Caddy. 1 Small Coffee Cup, white and blue. 1 Cup and Saucer, white and gold. Hercules and the Lion (6^ inches high). 1 Coffee Cup and Saucer, white and red. 1 Coffee Cup and Saucer, white and gold, monogram in colours. Neapolitan . 1 Cup and Saucer, Pompeian subjects, in colours. i7 Old Doccia or Ginori Porcelain Capo di Monte Polish El Buen Retiro Saxon Dresden Bow . Worcester . H delist Dresden i Cup and Saucer, dark blue. i Cup of old white honeycomb Doccia porcelain. 1 Figure of Girl, seated, in old Ginori porcelain. 2 Small Figures, partially covered in blue. 1 Coffee Cup, coloured Japanese ornaments. Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers ] , UL . , T • j /~"_ \ White and Lilac. Sucner and Cover J Figure of Apollo, with Lyre and Dragon (9! in. high). 2 Figures, Man and Woman (5^ inches high). A Double Triton (8 inches high). 2 Vases, Korzee manufactory (height 12 inches). 2 Figures, 'The Ballad Seller' and 'Chapman.' 2 Busts, ' Schmiedel ' and ' Froehlich.' 1 Looking-glass, in old Dresden frame. 1 Goat's Head Cream Jug, with ' Bee ' in relief. 1 Small Beaker and Cover, blue ground, with birds. "'Robert W. Edis, Esq. 1 Cup and Saucer. 1 Ecuelle. 1 Cup and Saucer. Bristol William Edkins, Esq. 1 Plateau of a Dejeuner Set, Cupids in Medallions. 1 Dessert Dish, in the centre a Vase, bearing a sacrifice to Apollo. 1 Dessert Dish, perforated margin. 1 Plateau of a Dejeuner Set, with laurel, flowers, and ribbon, &c. 2 Bell-shaped Mugs, landscapes and birds. 2 Oval Compotiers, ram's head handles. 2 Salt Cellars, shell pattern, on claw feet. 1 Vase, with festoons of flowers in medallions. 1 Oval Flower Plaque, with profile of Benjamin Franklin. 1 Figure of Europe (13 inches high); one of a set of figures typical of the four quarters of the Globe. 2 Figures, the Elements, ' Earth ' and ' Water.' 2 Figures, on scroll plinths. 1 Teapot ; Chinese figures on white ground. 1 Teapot ; shield, with arms in front. 1 Teapot ; flowers in colour. 1 Teacup and Saucer, of service presented to Mrs. Burke, with inscription. i8 Bristol (contd.) i Cup and Saucer, sprigs of flowers. i Cup and Saucer, laurel and gold borders, i Cup and Saucer, fluted pattern, i Cup and Saucer, blue and gold. i Cup and Saucer, green wreaths and pink and gold ties, i Cup and Saucer, festoons of roses and red flowers, i Cup and Saucer. William Stephens, i Cup and Saucer, of service made for William Coules. i Cup and Saucer, fine cone pattern. i Cup and Saucer, festoons of flowers in brilliant colours. i Teacup and Saucer, green wreaths, pink and gold. i Cup, of the service made for Mr. Joseph Harford, with monogram and date, 1774. 1 Cream Ewer and Cover, after a Dresden model. 1 Cream Ewer and Cover, with Byzantine pattern work. 1 Cup, of same service as the above. *Wynn-Ellis, Esq. Sevres . . 2 Vases and Covers (18 inches high), gros blue. 1 Basin, Dish, and Cover, turquoise blue. 1 Cup and Saucer, gros blue. 1 Cup and Saucer. 1 Cup and Saucer, lilac stripe. 1 Cup, turquoise blue. Bticn Retiro . 1 Teapot. 1 Sugar Dish. 1 Milk Pot. 6 Cups and Saucers. *VlSCOUNT EXMOUTH. Sevres . . 1 Cup and Saucer, jewelled, with medallions. 2 Small Vases, jewelled, blue. Dresden . . 1 Ecuelle. Vienna . . 2 Plates. 1 Ecuelle. Bow . . .1 Figure. Worcester . . 1 Jug, blue, with birds and a mask lip. 19 ^Richard Fisher, Esq. Dresden . . 1 Cup, Saucer, and Cover. 6 Figures. German . . 3 Figures. *Augustus W. Franks, Esq. Chelsea . . 2 Vases and Covers, hexagonal ; Chinese pattern. 1 Octagonal Dish, quail pattern. Bow . . .1 Bottle, quail pattern. Worcester . . 1 Basin and Cover. Plymouth . . 1 Basin. El Buen Retiro 2 Vases and Covers. Villa Nuova, near Sugar Basin and Cover. Arms of Sardinia, Turin Bayreuth , . Cup, 1748. Cup, with one handle. Tour nay . . Cup and Saucer. Francis Fry, Esq. Bristol . . 1 Vase with Cover (embossed). 1 Vase with pierced neck. 1 Vase with masks. 1 Sucrier, Cover and Stand. 1 Basin, Walpole pattern. 1 Teapot, Chinese pattern. 1 Mug, Chinese pattern. 1 Cup and Saucer. Stevens. 1 Milk Jug, grey. 1 Cup and Saucer, grey. 1 Cup and Saucer, Sevres pattern. 1 Cup, white and fluted. 1 Dessert Dish. 1 Cup and Saucer (large and fluted). 1 Cup and Saucer, Coffee (diaper moulded). 1 Cup and Saucer, Coffee (fluted festooned). 1 Cup and Saucer, Tea (fluted festooned). 2 Plaques (J. Burke). Lloyd and Harford Arms. 1 Sugar Basin (festooned). 20 Worcester *Henry H. Gibbs, Esq. 2 Vases and Cover, blue, with Birds. H. Gillett, Esq. Bow . . .2 Salt Cellars on Dolphins. i Figure. Girl playing a Lute. Worcester . . 2 Plates, blue ground. Sevres Capo di Monte Dresden Frankenthal Berlin Bristol CJielsea Bow . Worcester . Plymouth . *F. Seymour Haden, Esq. 1 Dish. (Miss Seymour Haden.) 1 Figure. 2 Figures, without pedestals. 1 Group of Two Figures. 1 Man and Panniers. 1 Dog (white). 1 Actaeon (white) 2 Plates. 1 Group. Man and Woman. 3 Figures. Elements. 1 Caddy and Tray. 4 Figures. Seasons. 1 Figure. Milkmaid. 2 Apples and Trays. 2 Candlesticks. 1 Figure. Kitty Clive. 1 Figure. Woodward. 1 Plate. Duck. 1 Sweetmeat Stand. Chelsea Derbyshire Worcester . *Henry Haes, Esq. 2 Figures. 1 Vase. 2 Cups and Saucers. Dresden *Edward Hamilton, Esq., M.D. 16 pieces — 1 Coffee-pot, 2 Cups and Saucers, 2 Basins, part of a service of Clement Augustus. 2 I Dresden (continued) i Chocolate Pot, 2 Cups and Saucers, with paintings of Battles. 1 Coffee-pot. 1 Cup and Saucer, imitation of jewelled Sevres. 1 Figure. Amstel . . 1 Cup and Saucer. Nyon . . 2 Cups and Saucers. Tournay . . 1 Cup and Saucer. Carl Theodore 1 Cup and Saucer. (Frankenthal) Vienna Italia7i *Charles Luard, Esq. 1 Cafetiere. 1 Sugar Basin and Cover. 1 Coffee Mug and Saucer. 1 Snuff-box. *Lord Lyveden. Sevres Dresden 4 Plates 1 Sceau 4 Ecuelles 1 Jardiniere Tea Service, containing 21 pieces. painted in Trophies. *John Malcolm, of Poltalloch, Esq. Chelsea . .1 Vase with gold stripes. 2 Dark-blue Coffee Cups. 1 Dark-blue Cup and Saucer. 1 Red and White Cup and Saucer. Worcester . . 3 Vases. ""William Mitchell, Esq. Berlin . . .1 Cup, Saucer, and Cover, dark blue. 1 Cup and Cover, grey. 1 Cabaret, 9 pieces. Dresden . . 2 Salt Cellars, boats, with Figures. 1 Cup, Saucer and Cover, painted with Battles in red. 22 Dresden (continued) i Cup and Cover. i Cup and Saucer, yellow. Frankenthal . . 2 Figures, Lady and Gentleman. Italian . . .1 Basin and Cover. ""Sir John Marjoribanks, Bart. '■"Dresden . . 1 Snuff- Box. * Mr. and Lady Dorothy Nevill. Sevres . . 1 Cup and Saucer, blue. The Graces. 1 Cup and Saucer, with Figures, green. Dresden . . 1 Figure. Bacchus. 2 Figures. Bow . . .1 Scent Bottle. Chelsea . . 2 Groups. 2 Blue Vases and Covers. Worcester . . 1 Vase and Cover. J. E. Nightingale, Esq. Bristol . . .1 Cup and Saucer, medallion in grisaille. r Vase and Cover. 1 Cup and Saucer, festoons and P. Worcester . . 1 Vase and Cover, Japanese pattern. 1 Vase, green, with handles. 1 Vase and Cover, white-festoons, blue flowers. 1 Ecuelle (Stand and Cover) blue, with flowers. 1 Teapot, white and birds. 1 Cup and Saucer, gros blue, animals. 1 Cup and Saucer, white festoon gold, birds. 1 Cup and Saucer, Japanese pattern. 1 Cup and Saucer, fruit and view. 1 Cup and Saucer, flowers, Japanese pattern. 1 Shell -Stand, blue and white. 1 Dish perforated, birds. Derby . . .1 Handled Cup, figure. 23 Miss Palmer. W orcester 2 Teacups and Saucers. 2 Coffee-Cups and Saucers. 1 Teapot. 2 Trays, i Basin. i Basin, Stand and Cover, i Vase and Cover, i Cream Ewer. Sevres *J. C. Robinson, Esq. i Vase and Cover, ormolu mounts. Sevres Chelsea . *Baron Mayer de Rothschild, M.P. 7 Jardinieres. Philip Sancton, Esq. 6 Groups of Figures. Capo di Monte *John Samuel, Esq. 4 Baskets with Covers, flowers. Bow r Mr. and Lady Charlotte Schreiber. 2 Plates, red and white. Dresden ' Vienna . """Alfred Seymour, Esq., M.P. 2 Groups. i Figure. Comedy. 3 Plates. Dresden Italian . -Hans W. Sotheby, Esq. 4 Dessert-Dishes. Leaves. 4 Figures, white. i Pin-Tray. i Cup and Saucer. 24 Worcester ""Edmund H. Stanley, Esq. 2 Vases and Covers. Berlin ^Alfred Thomson, Esq. i Cabaret in i r pieces. Sevres . Dresden "'The Marquis of Westminster, K.G. i Jug, blue, ormolu mounts. . 8 Cup and Saucers, with Figures, gold inside, i Teapot. W orccster Nantgarrow Bristol . German V ienna . St. Cloud Sevres . Bnen retiro Italian . Sir M. Digby Wyatt 1 Cup and Saucer. 6 Dishes. 2 Plates. 2 Figures. i Tea-Caddy. 3 Cups and Saucers, i Basin and Cover. 1 Iicuelle. 2 Salt-Cellars on feet. 2 Ewers and Covers. i Cup and Saucer, white and blue 1 Covered Cup, blue. 2 Cups and Saucers. 1 Bowl and Cover. 2 Figures. S/ottiswoode &> Co., Printers, New-street Square, London.