iNDoiTlTGUSOOW, GOWANS O ORA From the Library oi Frank Siwipson Ttfepiiosie Nq> 1117, MAYFAIH, CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE. LONDON, S.W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OP FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs, CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Miniature or Pastel, to the works of Mr. Edward Taylor, the acknowledged first Miniaturist of our time, and Mr. E. F, Wells, the ciever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr, Gregory Robinson, an exceptionally clever painter of Marine Pictures in Water Colour, and to the exception- ally fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer. PiCTumBS AND Engravings Cleaned and Rssto3ibd. Valuations uade won Probate or othbxwisb. Where to get Cowans's Art Books Abroad^ France.— A. Perche, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris. Belg'ium.—Si^iNEUx & Cm, 62 Montagne de la Cour, Brussels. Holland.— KiRBERGER & Kesper, Amsterdam. J as. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. 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Tb« Isigli standard cxcellenct by which th« magazine has bees distingnisbed during the thre« years of its publication is fully mairjiaaicds &nd when bocitd !t forms a standard work of reference. If joii ba¥e sever purchased a copy, do so, and y©a will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production d a really artisticj and at tht same times thoroughly instractlve ac^ kiteresting ptiblicatioa, «— Ici Net. Psk Ani^i^h, &S0KiiEi.i,sii& 16i». Post Frsb for vha Univso Kinqboh* 17«. Post Fxbs fox &8aoAo. Publishers: t Carmelite House, E.C, Adveitiilsig ^ Editomi OEces*. f| Temple Chamberi, E.C Gowans's Art Books HIS Series, published at a very low price ■** and containing sixty beautifullyprinted reproductions of the best pictures of the great masters, is intended to give the lover of art a general idea of the style and characteristics of the most famous painters of the world. t No. I.— THE MASTERPIECES OF RUBENS. i^No. 2.--THE MASTERPIECES OF VAN DYCK, t^No. 3.— THE MASTERPIECES OF REMBRANDT. t^No. 4.—THE MASTERPIECES OF RAPHAEL. 1.' No. 5.™-THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS, 1^ No. 6.— THE MASTERPIECES OF TENIERS. r No. 7.— THE MASTERPIECES OF THE EARLY t No. 8.— THE MASTERPIECES OF TITIAN. * No. 9.— THE MASTERPIECES OF FRANZ HALS, r No. 10.— THE MASTERPIECES OF MURILLO. i.- No. n.— THE MASTERPIECES OF WOUVERMAN. No. I2,-~THE MASTERPIECES OF VELAZQUEZ. FLEMISH PAINTERS. Others in Preparation. Prices: Parchment Cover, 6d. Net. Lbathbr, 2s. Net. Cloth, Is. Net. POSTAOE Id. GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow Gowans's Nature Books HE object of these little books is to stimulate a love for nature and a desire to study it. The first volumes of the series have been extremely successful, and the publishers hope to make the others equally interesting and beautiful. No. l.~WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Sixty Photo- graphs from life, by Chas. Kirk, of British Birds and their Nests. No. 2.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. First Series, Sixty Photographs from Nature, by Cameron Todd. No. 3.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Second Series. By Cameron Todd. No. 4.— BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs from life, by A. Forrester. No. 5.-WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Second Series, by Charles Kirk. No. 6.— FRESHWATER FISHES. Sixty Photographs from life, by Walford B, Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, B.A., No. 7.—TOADSTOOLS AT HOME. Sixty Photograph* of Fungi, by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. S.—OUR TREES & HOW TO KNOW THEM. Sixty Photographs by Charles Kirk. No. 9. -WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Third Scries. By Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. lo.-LIFE IN THE ANTARCTIC. Sixty Photo- graphs by Members of the Scottish Antarctic Expedition. No. II.— REPTILE LIFE. Sixty Photographs by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, B.A. No. la.—SEA-SHORE LIFE, By the same. Others in Preparation Price: Parohment Cover, 60. Nbt. eaoh V«l.umb. PosTAQs, Id. bach. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd.. London & Glasgow Gowans's Colour Prints "^^ITH the object of encouraghig really high-class artistic decoration of the home, Messrs. Gowans & Gray have commenced the issue of a series of coloured pictures by leading artists, painted specially for them- selves, in neat brown paper frames, readij to hang on the tvally at the quite unprecedented price of One Sllilliflg each. No. I. is ''MY POOR DOG TRAY," by Charles Pears, in which the artist has been eminently successful in rendering the pathetic line from Thomas Camp- bell's well-known poem, The Harper, " Nor refused my last crumb to his pitiful face." No. 2. is «• APPLE BLOSSOM." by Jessie M. King, in* which this remarkable artist's beautiful line is seen at its best, No»3. is*'THE SCENE OF GRAY'S ELEGY," by Stephen Reid, being a view of Stoke Pogis Church- yard to which the famous elegy refers, painted on the spot by the artist. These prints can be had through any bookseller or printseller, or direct from the publishers for 1/4 each, post free. A limited edition on large paper of One hundred signed and numbered Artist's proofs will be pulled of each print. These can be had at the price of One Guinea each. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow Cadogan Booklets TJeautifuliy-produced little volumes in parchment ^ covers, with pretty designs in colour, by Charles Robinson. No. i.-SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE. By Mrs. Browning. No. 2. -A ROYAL PRINCESS AND OTHER POEMS. By Christina G. Rossetti. No. 3.-THE STORY OF RICHARD DOUBLEDICK. By Charles Dickens. No. 4,--LAMIA. By John Keats. No. 5.-~HUNTED DOWN. By Charles Dickens, No. 6.— ENOCH ARDEN. By Lord Tennyson. Prjce— 6d. Each. PosTAds, Id. Each. GOWANS ^ GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow Gowans^s Nursery Pictures ^^HE publishers believe that the complete noTcltj of a series of four coloured pictures by Mr. Stewart Orr, which they have just published will ensure their immediate success. No similar series is in existence, and the attractive appearance of the prints will delight every child who is presented with them. They are supplied in neat brown paper frames, ready to hang up^ at Sixpence each, net, Postage, threepence extra. THE FOUR SUBJECTS ARE: , OLD MOTHER GOOSE ] HUMPTY-DUMPTY | TOM THE PIPER'S SON THREE BLIND MICE The pictures arc to be had through any bookseller, printseiler, or stationer, or direct from the publishers* GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd«« sB CadogM St, Glasgow GowANs's Art Books, No. 10 The Masterpieces of Murillo CARSON & NICOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EOINBURQH. Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artiste {^Ear I Spencer, Althorf) {Comte Spencer, Althorp) Selbstbildnis {Aiihorp, Graf Spencer) F. Han/staengl, Photo. THE MASTERPIECES OF MURILLO Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintin by F. Hanfstaengl, affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1906 "HE Publishers hes^ to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness with which he has per- mitted them to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of copies of some of the pictures than those given in this little book^ which are neces- sarily very small. The Publishers beg to refer such i-eaders to pages 6j et seq. , for particulars. Art will no doubt wish to possess larger 6 Don Andrks de Andrade Don Andres de Andrade {liar of Northh'ooky London) {Cointe de Northbrook,^ Londres) Don Andres de Andrade {London, G^af von Nortkbrook) F. J/an/staengly Photo. Two Spanish Pka^ant Boys Deux jeunes Paysans fspagnols {Dulwick Gallery) {Galerie. Dulwich) ZWKl SPANISCHE BaUKRNJUNGEN {Pulivich, Galerie) F. HayifstaengL^ Photo. 8 DiCR Players Jeunes Paysans jouant aux D^s {Pinakothek, Munich) {Pmacoihegzte, Munich) Die WURFELSPIELKR {M line hen, Pinakothek) F. Han/staengl, Photo. The Young Beggar Le jeune Mendiant {Louvre, Paris) {Louvre, Paris) Der Betteljunge {Paris, Louvre) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. lO Peasant Boy wiTfi Dog Jeune Paysan avec un Chien {The Hermitage^ St. Ptkrsburg) {L' Ermitage, Saini-Petersbour^) BaUERNKNABE MIT HUND {retercburg^ Eremitai^e) F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo, Peasant Girl with Jeune Paysanne avec des Fruit Fruits {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {L'Ermitage, Saint-Petersbourg) BaUERNMADCHEN MIT Fkuchten {Petersburg, Erernitage) F. Han/staengl, Photo, Girl counting Money Jeune Fille comptant {Pinakothek, Munich) de l' Argent {Pinacothequey Munich) Die Geldzahlerin {Munchen, Pinakothek) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. Two Spanish Peasant Boys Deux jeunes Paysans et un AND A.Negro Boy jeune N^gre {Dulwich Gallery") {Galerie, Dulwkh) ZwEi spanische Bauernjungen und ein Negerknabe {Dulwich^ Galerie) F, Hanfstaengl, Photo, A Spanish Flower-girl Jeune Fille espagnole ofrant {Dulwich Gallery) des Fleurs {Galerie^ Dulwicli) EiN SPANISCHES BlUMENM ADCH EN {Dulwich, Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. Melon-eaters Deux jeunes Gar^ons mangeant {Pinakothek, Munich) UN Melon {Phiacotheque^ MunicJt) . Die Melonenesser {Mfinchen, Pinakothek) F, Han/staengl, Photo. i6 Spanish Peasant Boy Jeune Paysan esfagnol {National Gallery, London) [Galerie nationale, Londres) Spanischer Bauernknabe {London^ Natlonalgalerie) F, Han/staeniiif Photo. Grape-eaters Deux jeunes Gar^ons mangeant {Pinakothekf Munich) des Raisins {Ptnacoth^que, Munich) Die Traubenesser {Munchen^ Pinakothek) F, Han/staengl^ Phota* Boy Smiling Jeune GAR90N souriant Earl 0/ Northbi-ook, London) [Comte de Northbrook^ Londres) Lachender Knabe (London, Graf von Northbrock) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. • Old Woman and Boy Une vieille Femme et un jeune {Pinakot/iek, MunicJi) GAR90N {Pinacotheque, Munich Alte Frau MIT einem Knaken {Munchen, Pinakotkek) F. Han/iiiaengl, Photo. 22 The Annukci^iIox L'Annonciation {Royal Museum, Amsterdajii) {Musee y^oyal, Ajnsierdatn) Die Verkundigung {Aviste?-dani, Kgl. Museuni) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. • The Annunciation L'Annonciation {The Hermitage^ St. Petersburg) {VEnnitage^ Saint-Petershourg Die Verkundigung {Petersburg^ Eremitage) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, 25 The Immaculate Conception L'immacul6e Conception {Earl of Northbrook, London) {Comte de Northbrook^ Londres) Die unbefleckte Empfangnis {London^ Graf von Nortkbrook) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. The Immaculate Conception L'immacul^e Conception {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Die unbefleckte Empfangnis {Madrid, Prado) D. Anderson^ Plioto. The Immaculate Conception L'immacul6e Conception {jrhe Hermitage^ St. Petersburg) Ej^initage, Saint-Pete rsbourg) Die unbefleckte Empfangnis {Petersburg, Erei?iitage^ F. Han/staengl, Photo. . - Mater dolorosa Mater dolorosa {^:;aston Linden, London^ {Gaston Linden, Lond?es) Mater dolorosa {London, Gaston Linden) - F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 29 The Virgin and Chile La Vierge et l'Enfant {Pitii Callery^ Florence) {Galerie Pittif Florence) Maria mit dem Kinde {Florenz, Pitti Galerie) F, Hau/siaen^i^ Photo, 30 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l'Enfant {Royal Gallery, The Hague') {Musee royal, La Haye) Maria mit dem Kinde {Haag-, KgL Galerie) F, Hanfstaengi^ Photo, The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l'Enfant {Cojsini Palace, Rome) {Palais Corsinit Rome) Maria mit dem Kinde {Rom, Corsinipalast) ' ' F. Ilanfstaengl, Photo, 32 The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l'Enfant {Royal Gallery, Dresden) {Galerie royale^ Dresde) Maria mit dem Kinde {Dresden, K^L *>aUyie) f, Hun/staen Photo, The Virgin with the Rosary La Vierge au Chapelet {Louvre, Paris) {Louvre, Paris) Die heil. Jungfrau mit dem Rosenkranz {Paris, Louvre) F. Han/staengl^ Photo. The Virgin with the Rosary La Vierge au Chapelet {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Die heil. Jungfrau mit dem Rosenkranz {Madrid, Prado) D. Anderson^ Photo. The Virgin with the Rosary La Vierge au Chapelet (JDulwich Gallery) {Galerie, Dulwich) Die heil. Jungfrau mit dem Rosenkranz {Dulwich, Galerie) _ F. Jian/staengly Photo. The Holy Family La Sainte Famillk {Earl of Northbrook^ London) {Comte de Northbrook^ Londres) Die heilige Familie {London., Graf von Northbrook) F. Hanfsfasngl^ Photo. 37 The Holy Family La Sainte Famille {Duke o/ Devonshire^ London) {Due de Devonshire^ Londres) Die heilige Familie {London^ Herzog von Devonshire^ F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 38^ The Holy Family La Sainte Famille iXhe Herjnitage, Si. Petersburg) {VErniitage, Saint-Petersboiwg) Die heilige Familie {^Petersburg, Eremitage) Han/staengt, Photo. 39 The Holy Family {Louvre^ Paris) Die heilige Familie {Paris, Louvre) F, Hanfstacngl^ Photo, La Sainte Famille {Louvre^ Paris) 40 The Holy Family La Sainte Famille {National Gallery^ London) {Galerie nationale^ Londres) Die heilige Familie {London^ Nationalgalerie) F. Han/staenglf Photo. 4' V t The Flight to Egypt La Fuite en Egypte {The Hermitage^ St. Petersburg) {U Erniitage^ Saint-Petersbour^ Die Flucht nach Egypten • {Petersburg^ Eremitage) F. Haiifstaengl^ Photo, 42 The Flight to Egypt La Fuite en Egypte ^The Hermitaget St. Petersburg) [L'Ermitage, Saint-Petersbourg) Die Flucht nach Egypten {Petersburg^ Eremitage) F, Han/staenglt Photo, ^5 46 John the Baptist as a Saint Jean-Baptiste Child comme Enfant {ImJ>e7ial Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie imperiale, Vienne) Johannes der Taufek als Kind (IVlen, Kaiser I. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, John the Baptist as a Saint Jean-Baptiste Child comme Enfant {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Johannes der Taufer als Kind {Madrid, Pradd) D. Anderson^ Photo. St. John and the Lamb Saint Jean et l'Agneau {^National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationale, Lotidres) St. Johannes mit dem Lamm {London y Nationalgalerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, '49 5P The Crucifixion Le Christ sur la Croix iThe Herjnitag-e, St. Petersburg) Ermitage, Saint-Petersbourg) Christus am Kreuz {Petersburg^ Eremitage) F. Han/staengi, Photo, The Crucifixion Le Christ sur la Croix (Czernin Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie Czemin^ Vienne) Christus am Kreuz {Wien^ Czernin Galerie) F, Han/staenglf Photo, 5? The Assumption L'Assomption de la Viergr Tht Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {L 'Ermitage, Saint-Petersbourg) Maria Himmelfahrt {Petersburg, Eremitage) F. Han/staengit Photo, 5 =^ ^ « I s •§ ? S 5 I V- ^ S « ►^i 5i* ft, h • The Divine Shepherd Le divin Berger {Prado, Madrid) {Frado, Madrid) DeR HIMMLISCHE HiRTE {Madrid, Frado) ■ D. Anderson^ Fhoto. St. Antiiony and the Saint Antoine et l'Enfant Child Jesus Jiisus {Seville^ Cathedral) {Cat/iedf ale^ Seville) St. Antonius unu oas Jesuskind {Sevilla^ Catliedrale) J. Lacoste^ Photo. St, Anthony and the Child Saint Antoine et l'Enfant Jksus Jesus {The Hrrmita^e, St. Petersburg) {L' Ertnita/e, Saint-Peter bowg) Sr. AnTONII S UND DAS Jksuskind {Petersburg^, Eremita^e) F. lian/itaeiigl^ Photo. St. Thomas of Villanueva Saint Thomas de Villanheva {Earl of Northhrook^ London) (Comte de Northbrook, Londres) St. Thomas von Villanueva {London, Graf von Noft/ibrook) F. Han/siaenxl, Photo. St. Thomas healing a Saint Thomas gu^:rit un Cripple Impotent {Pinakotheky Munich) {Pinacothiquet Munich) St. Thomas heilt einen Lahmen {MUncheny Pinakothek) F* Hanfstaengl, Photo, 62 St. Rodriguez Saint Rodrigue {Royal Gallery, Dresden) {Galerie royale, Dresde) Der heil. Rodriguez {Dresden, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 63 The Guardian Angel L'Ange gardien (^Seville Cathedral) {Cathedrale, Seville) Der Schutzengel {Srvillay Cathedrale) J, Lacoste, Photo. I as A Complete List of Published Phot<>grapks oi MURILLO'S PICTURES. to be had of Mr, Franz Hanfstaengl^ 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, SJV. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS—- F = Folio (io''x 8'') Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/. R = Royal (i5''x 12'') - . „ 6/- I = Imperial (21" X 16") - 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" X 20 J") • ,, 30/- E = Extra (34J"X26'0 - - „ 5^/- Average Dimensions are quoted. /h ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No. SrzK. The Anmmciation, Amsterdam 29 F R I Fiica F St. Anthony of Padua with the I^feut Christ. Berlin 172 F R I Faea E F Portrait of a Man, Holy Family (Jesus and St. John Budapeath B I playing in the workshop of Bt. Joseph), - B I The Flight into Egypt, B T Bt. Joseph giving his hand to the lufaut Christ, B I The Virgin with the Infant Christ distributing bread. *t B I The Virgin and the Infant Christ with Angels ylaying music called " La Virge au Lange," Cond6, Chantilly 3 8t. Joseph and the Infant Christ, B F(5/) St. Rodrig^eB, .... Dresden 10 R P The Virgin Mary and the Infant 15 R I F Death of St. Clara, ... 362 R I F A Spanish Flower Olrl, "La Madonna del Rosarlo," Dulwich 52 F R I 53 F R I 88 TiTLB. Galleby. No. Size. Two Spanisli Peasant Boys, Dulwioh 54 F R Two Spanish Peasaut Boys and a Negro Boy, - ., 55 F R A Boy PriukinsT, . - - - Edinburgh M F Rest on the Flight into Egypt, - Glasgow 1 F R Florence, Pitti 4 B I F '* La Vierge au Rosaire,' B I The Virgin and the Infant Christ, Hague 3 F R 1 Facs F Portrait «f a Young Man, - B I Spanish Peasant Boy, - London, N.G. 204 F R P The Birth of the Virgin Mary, 205 F R F A Boy Drinking, - . - - 206 P R I F The Holy Family, " 360 F R I Faes F St. John and the Lamb, London, 362 F R 1 F ( 1 .r The Ascension, • • • i ( Victoria & Albert Museum I M J F The Marriage of the Virgin, / London, \ 1 \yallace Coll. / M F R Holy Family, . . . - M F R Assumption of the Virgin, - M F R The Charity of St. Thomas of Villanueva, .... ( Madrid, ) M F R St. Elizabeth of Hungary, - < Academie de > (St. Ferdinand j B I The Vision of a Roman Patrician, ,, B I The Virgin and the Infant Christ, ,, B V St. James distributing soup to ,, li I St. Francis in Ecst ssr, ,, B I The Ascension of Jesus Christ, ■ ,, B I The Holy Family with the bird " Del Pagarito," - Madrid, Prado B I T>,ebecca and B liaa. ,, B I The Annunciation, ,, B I E The Repentant Magdalene, • „ B I Adoration of the Shepherds, " La Porciuncula," ,, B I ,, B I The Virgin and the Infant Christ, ,, B I The Apostle St. James, ,, B I The Divine Shepherd, - ,, B I E The Infant St. John the Baptist, I. B I E The Infants Christ and St. John, ca'led "Los Ninos de la ,, B I E T The Aiinunciation, B I E Apparition of the Virgin to St. B I St. receiving the Chasu- ble from the hands of the Virgin, B I " La Vierge au Rosaire," ,. B I The Con\ ertion of St. Panl, I St. Anne Educating the Virgin, - B I Christ and the Ci OSS, - B I Chiist Crucified, .... B r St. Ferdinand King of Spain, B F (5/) The Conception, .... I E The Immaculate Conception. B I 67 TlTLS. Gallery. No. SizJi. S - The Conception, - Madrid, Prado B I E The Immaculate Conception, *' La Purissima.'' - ,, B I B T Martyrdom of St. Andrew, - „ B I The Infant Christ asleep on the Cross, B F St. Francis of Paola, - » B I St. Francis of Paola, - B I A Peasant Woman of Galicia hoiding a piece of money, - »« B I St. Francis of Paola, - B F Ecce Homo, B I La Vierge des Donleura, B I Portrait of the Father Cavani Hies, F I The Conception of the Virgin, - Madrid L 5/6 La Vierge des Doulenrs, An Old Woman counting money. ,, L 3/6 Munich 7 FBI Fac s F Old Woman with a Boy, ,, 8 FBI Facs F The Dice Player, . . - - 9 FBI Facs E F The Grape Eaters, The Melon Eaters, 10 FBI Facs E K ,, 11 FBI Facs E F St. Thomas of Villanueva Ht^al- ing a Lame Man, - >. 103 FBI Facs E F The Immaculate Conception, Paris, Louvre B (5/) I E T The Imnraculate Corception, ,, B I The Nativity of the Virgin, B FIE The Virgin in Glory, - B F (5/) " La Vierge au Chapelet," - B F (5/) I Holy Family, .... B F (5/) I E T Christ in the Garden of Olives, - «, B F {5;) Christ at 'he Column, - ,, B F (5/) " La Cuisine des Anges," • ,, B F ,5/) I Le Jeune Mendiant, ,, B F (5/) I Potrait of the Poet Quevedo, B F(5/) Portrait of the Duke d'Assuna, - ,, B F(5/) The Virgin and Child, - flome, Corbiui B I F Marriage of St. Catherine, - Rome, Vatican 10 — ¥ Adoration of the Shepherds, B I Martyrdom of St. Peter d'Arbuez, Jacob's Dream. - . . - B I St. Petersburg 212 F E F Isaac blessing Jacob, - ,, 213 F R F The Annunciation, ,, 214 F R I F The Immaculate Conception, ,, 2IS F E T F St. Joseph and the Inf .nt Christ, ,, 216 F R St. Joseph and the Infant Christ, 217 F R liest on the Flight into Egypt, - 213 F R I F The Fi ght into Egypt, ,, 219 F R F The Holy Family, 220 F F Christ on the Cross, ,, 221 F R F Assumption of the Virgin, - ,, 222 F R I F Sfc, Peter in Prison, ,, F R F The Vision of St. Anthony, ,, 224 F R F Death of the luquiaftor Peter Arbuez, •t 226 F R F Celes^ine and her Daughter, 227 FR F A Ptasant Boy with a Dog, 228 F R F Peasant Girl with Fruit, 229 F R F " La Vierge ii, la Ceinture," - Seville L St. Joseph holding tho Infant Silvex ^i'*"* Christ in his Arm«, L 68 The Infant Christ (Painted on the Door of the Taberoacle), Adoration of the Shepherds. The Immaculate Conception, fit. Felix of Cantalicio with the Infant Christ and the Virgin, The Virgin with the InfantChrist and 8t, Ausustin, - Virgin and Ch ild— ' • La Vierge de la Seiviette," - St. Anthony of Padua kneeling with the Infant Christ seated on a book, .... The Immaculate Conception, The Immaculate Conception, The Immaculate Conception, St. John the Baptist with the Lamb at his Feet, - 8t. Joaeph holding the Infant Jesus in hia Arms, Virgin and the Infant Christ, - St. Felix de Cantalicio holding the Infant Christ in his Arms - St. Leander and St. Bouaven:ura, St. Juste and St. Ruflne support- ing the Giralda, Christ on the Cross embracing St, Francois, The Charity of St. Thomas of Villanueva, - Tiitk (an Angel holding a Hand of the dead Christ), , • The Annunciation, St. Peter Nolaaque on his Knees before the "Vierge de la Merci," The Virgin and the Infant Christ, St. Augustine accompanied by the Holy Trinity. - The Apparition of the Infant Christ to St. Anthony of Padua, The Baptism of Jesus Christ, The Quardian Angel, - St. Dorothy, St. Isidoro, St. Leander, St. Ferdinand, . . - . The Mystic Marriage of fit. Catherine, . . > . Le P6re Eternel, .... The Immaculate Conception, St. Francis In Ecstasy, iScceHomo, Si. Joachim and the Infant Virgin, St. John the Baptist as a Chiid, • Valladoiid Vienna L X. L L L 325 H I Faes 69 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. liXLB. No. Size. * a The Prodigal Son at the Feast, • Beit 1048 F R Portrait of Don Diego Felix de Ss^ul^el, . . • . Beruete B I St. Mary JMLcigdsiloxi Prayiu^. Ohrist Crowned with Thorns Carstskn J©!i B I Cook B I Clare Ford M F Virgin and Child, Colnaglil M F St, Francis, 1046 F R The Virgin 'and Child, • Czeriiiii 4 F R I The Hoiy Family, ... Devonshire 45 F R Th«_^rodigal Son receiving his The Prodigal Son leaving Home, Dudley M F M F The Prodigal Son Feasting, M F M F The Prodigal Son Feeding Swine, M F The Prodigal Son's Heturn, • Farrer M F The Prodigal Son, ... B F ^5/J Murillo's Birthplace, B 1 Holford B J Portrait of Don Luii de Haro of^Olivarez Prim e Mhfister of Phillip IV., Leatham B I St. John and the Chalice M I Linden M 4/ ^^*^^^)lorosa 1047 F R St. John the Biiptist, • - . Mond B J Madonna Immaculata, L/ou Andres cie ivnciracia, ^orthbrook. 61 F R 1 62 F R I St. Thomas of Vill^nueva 65 F R A. Boy Laughing . • . 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