' % ■: j MW afey- • ■' - ^ / 3 SliK^B- SJB© © HliHeBX ■ IV<§B IPOOIi s> el *3 » or ©cron? xi?tBi6ioi?, 1305 -0 are'HRoegQ. JpRiqes fiixpqisqq. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/thirtyfifthautumOOwalk Corporation of Liverpool. Walker Art Gallery. Thirty=fifth Autumn Exhibition of Modern Art. Catalogue. 1905 . Third Edition. — Revised. CORPORATION OF LIVERPOOL THE RT, HON. JOHN LEA, Lord Mayor, 1905 - ART AND EXHIBITIONS SUBCOMMITTEE : ROBERT D. HOLT, Esq., D.L., Chairman. COL. W. HALL WALKER, M.P., Deputy- Chairman. J. N. STOLTERFOHT, ESQ., Hon. Treasurer. EDWIN BERRY, ESQ. j FRANCIS J. HARFORD, Esq. ALFRED S. COLLARD, Esq., J.P. J. HARRISON JONES, Esq. WILLIAM EVANS, Esq., J.P. I F. J. LESLIE, Esq., F.R.G.S. WILLIAM PERMEWAN, Eso., M.D. Ex=Officio Member : SIR W. B. FORWOOD, D.L., Chairman of the Libraiy, Museum , and Arts Committee . HANGING COMMITTEE : ROBERT D. HOLT, Esq., D.L,, Chairman. COL. W. HALL WALKER, M.P., Deputy -Chairman. SIR W. B. FORWOOD, D.L. I WILLIAM EVANS, ESQ. J. N. STOLTERFOHT, Esq. { EDWIN BERRY, Eso. Assisted by the following Artists : GEORGE CLAUSEN, Esq., A.R.A., London. HERBERT J. DRAPER, Esq., London. W. FOLLEN BISHOP, Esq., R.B.A., Liverpool Academy of Arts E. RIMBAULT DIBDIN, Curator . REGULATIONS DELIVERY OF WORKS. ORKS of Art intended for Exhibition must be delivered unpacked at the Gallery, or to the London Agents, Messrs. DiCKSEE & Co., of 7, Duke Street, St. James’s, London, S.W., from MONDAY, 14th, to WEDNESDAY, 16th AUGUST, both inclusive. The following Liverpool firms will undertake to receive and deliver Works : R. Jackson & Son, 3, Slater Street, Liverpool. H. Jeffreys, Renshaw Street, Liverpool. John H. Paris, 15 and 17, Leece Street, Liverpool. The Agent’s charges on Works not specially invited for Exhibition are payable by the Artist. The utmost care will be taken of all Works of Art sent for Exhibition, but neither the Committee nor their Agents will be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury, whether in transit or whilst under their control, caused by fire or otherwise. Messrs. DiCKSEE & Co. are prepared, if desired, to effect insurances against all risks, at a scale of fixed charges, which may be ascertained on application to them. A Form, which may be had on application, or a note (written only on the first and third pages) must be sent by post, addressed to the Curator at Liverpool, describing the Works and giving the Prices to be inserted in the Catalogue. Quotations and narratives will be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and should be sent in duplicate. The number of works submitted must not exceed four. At the back of each Picture should be written in full the name and address of the Artist, the title and price of the Picture and the number (if there are more than one) to which it refers 011 his list. Artists are also requested to repeat title, price, name and address, on a label so attached to the back of the frame by a string, that it will hang over the front of the Picture. Any ordinary linen label will answer the purpose. Works of Sculpture and examples of Decorative Art must be similarly labelled and marked so as to ensure identification. The strict attention of Artists to these regulations is earnestly requested, in order to ensure accuracy in the Catalogue. All Pictures must be suitably framed ; round, oval, and other unusually shaped Pictures must have the frames rectangular in outside form, without projecting corners. Any but gilt frames, any admixture ENTRY FORMS AND LABELS, FRAMES AND MOUNTS. of black or colour in the frames, and any superfluous carving, may prevent the acceptance of Pictures. Water-colour Drawings with mounts are admitted, provided the frames are without projecting ornaments and the width of mount and frame does not exceed five inches ; a distinct preference will be given to gold mounts. Drawings with white mounts are not hung in the principal Water-colour room. SALES. Works intended for sale must be bona fide the property of the Artist. A commission of five per cent, upon the Catalogue price will be charged upon all Works sold whilst in the possession of the Committee, whether by the Artist or the Curator. The quotation of a sale price by the Artist is to be regarded as giving full authority to the Curator to sell a work without further sanction from the Artist or his legal representatives. A sale at the Catalogue price takes precedence of any offer, the acceptance of which has not reached the Curator. The sale of a picture is held to include Copyright, unless the latter has been expressly reserved. RE-DELIVERY OF UNSOLD WORKS. Artists whose Works remain unsold at the close of the Exhibition are requested to forward instructions for the disposal of them to the Curator, as none will be delivered without the direct written authority of the Artist. SPECIAL NOTICE. No Work that has been exhibited previously in a Public Gallery in Liverpool is admissible. The Exhibition is open from MONDAY, September I8th, 1905, to SATURDAY, January 6th, 1906. Corrections for the Press shoued be addressed to E. RIMBAELT DIBDIN, Curator, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Telegraphic Address : PICTURES,” Liverpool. NOTICE , The Committee endeavour to secure complete accuracy in the announcement of the Prices fixed by the Artists, but will not be responsible for any errors that may occur, A deposit of not less than Ten per cent, is required to be paid on works directed to be marked as sold. Explanation of Initials appended to Artists’ names . R.A., Royal Academician. A.R.A., Associate of the Royal Academy. R.S.A., Royal Scottish Academician. A.R.S.A., Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy. R.H.A., Royal Hibernian Academician. R.W.S., Royal Society of Painters in Water-colours . A.R.W.S., Associate of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-colours. R.I., Royal Institute of Painters in Water-colours. R.B.A., Royal Society of British Artists. R.E., Royal Society of Painter- Etchers, A.R.E., Associate of the Royal Society of Painter- Etchers. R.C.A., Royal Cambrian Academy. A.R.C.A., Associate of the Royal Cambrian Academy. R.S.W., Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water-colours . R.M.S., Royal Society of Miniature Painters. P. as a prefix , indicates the President of a Society. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io ii 12 13 14 i5 16 i7 18 19 20 CATALOGUE. Room I. — Oil Paintings. Nos. I to 120. Don Quixote £ 75 0 Ploughing — Whitchurch . Miss Susan J. Be?itley 75 0 A Wet and Windy Day ... ... J. C. Salmon, R.C.A. 40 0 Aphrodite 500 0 The Murmur of the Shell ... Robert H. A. Ross 20 0 Parting Day 31 10 By the Shore 8 0 The Amanuensis 21 0 Jack, Son of J. P. Reynolds, Esq. ...Ralph Peacock Old Dobbin 8 4 0 Irene, Daughter of J. Bridgman Evans, Esq Hal Hurst, R. I. The Merry Springtime .. Artlrni Meade 336 0 Roses Miss Prances M. Bentham 3 3 Dale Street, Eiverpool, in the past...C. Arthur Cox 5 5 An Old Garden 45 0 “ When the day’s work is done ” Miss Florence FitzGerald 25 0 Sunshine and Shadow — Barmouth Estuary Robert Fowler , R.L 220 0 A Love Song 125 0 Grasmere Rush-bearing .. . Frank Bramley , A.R.A. 2100 0 The Sketcher Tkos. Husoji , R.L 35 0 8 Room I. — Oil Paintings. 21 Peggy Miss Gertrude Des Clayes ^35 o 22 “ While rocks and floods reflect the quivering gleam ” Thos. Hiiso 7 i , R.I. 35 o 23 The Fisherman's Home... Miss Florence FitzGerald 25 o 24 The Sloyne Herbert Royle 25 o 25 Poole Harbour from Studland, Dorset H. Hztghes- Stanton — 26 Under the Greenwood Tree G. Sheridan Knowles , R.I. 300 o 27 A Fight with the “ Sallee Rover” ...B. F. Gribble — 28 Autumn Glory F. Spenlove- Spenlove, R.B.A. — 29 Sunshine and Shower on the South Coast B. W. Leader, R.A. 30 “ By lichens grey, and scanty moss o’ergrown ” ... Ihos. Huson, R.I. 35 0 3 1 Roses 65 0 32 The Deserted Homestead . . . Miss Helen Me Lay 3 3 33 St. Sepulchre Church, Northampton Miss E. Ward 5 5 34 Lunch Miss Lucy A. Leavers 5 10 35 After Harvest 5 5 36 Rue des Lions, Bruges 4 A 37 Early Morning — Miller's Dale 5 0 38 Penmaenmawr, N. Wales .. .. 5 5 39 Study 10 10 40 “ He emptied Himself of His Glor} T ” Sigismund Goetze 1000 0 4i Nearing the Sea Cuthbert Grundy, R.C.A. 160 0 42 Waking Day — London from the Tower Walter Donne 367 10 43 Evening off Newhaven. . William Parky n , A. R.C.A. 18 18 44 Purple and White Cinerarias . Stuart Pai r k 65 0 45 Under the Old Cross Miss Sara B. Guthrie 8 10 46 A Fresh Morning 75 0 47 Mrs. Ernest Holden 48 A Highway of the Nations James Kay, R.S. W. 49 A11 Eavesdropper 105 0 50 5 i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6 o 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 65 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 9 Room I. — Oil Paintings. A. Pallis, Esq G. N. Roilos — The Right Honourable John Eea, Lord Mayor of Liverpool G. Hall Neale — (Presentation Portrait from his Colleagues in the City Council.) A Spanish Fruit Seller.... £\o 10 A iitnlvrn.Q — A Wi n ter’ Tale ... Walter Morgan, R,B.A. 20 0 “ Will you buy any tape, Or lace for your cape, My dainty duck, my dear a.” The Old and the New .Owen Bowen , A.R.C.A. l 6 0 Toasting Bread ..Carlton A. Smith , R.I. 15 15 St. Cecilia 73 10 Nearing Fourscore Years . Henry S. Kortright 20 0 Rhoda Miss Gertrude Des Clayes 35 0 Les Indolents 125 0 The Quay, Cemaes 25 0 A Hazy Morning — Verona 21 0 Chrysanthemums Miss Maud Garlick 5 5 A Pool on the Lledr, Pont-y-Pant John A. Trench 6 10 Hay Time — Bebington 8 8 On the Rhos Neigr Coast . 4 4 Llyn Idwal 5 5 A School Girl Oliver Silk 20 o Theseus Returning to Ariadne after killing the Minotaur W. E. Gladstone Solomon — A Liner Miss T. Kirkpatrick 20 o Blue and Gold T. C. Gotch 52 10 Sir T. B. Royden, Bart., J.P., D.L R. E. Morrison — (Presentation Portrait. ) A Volendam Fishergirl R. Gemmell Hutchison , A.R.S.A. 24 o Winter Pastures Owen Bowen, A. R.C. A. 12 o End of the Story F. Markham Skipwojdh 40 o The White Cloud Arnold Priestman 30 o September Walter Urwick 30 o .J. M. Strudwick — When Apples were golden and Songs were sweet, But Summer had passed awa} 7 .” io Room I. — Oil Paintings. 7S Mrs. Jane Hawkes R. G. Hinchlijfe 79 Mrs. Rodocanachi .. 80 Edinburgh’s Playground . ...James Paterson , R.S.A. £250 0 81 Bluebells ...Miss S. L. G. Frost 15 15 82 Wild Hyacinths 15 15 83 A Norfolk Ferry Inn 15 15 84 A Winter Gale, on the Cornish Coast Julius OIssoji, R.B.A. 315 0 35 The Pick of the Flock .... Wright Barker 200 0 86 Collier Smithers rooo 0 “ Dan Cupid forging chaynes like burnish’d gold To bind two heartes for aye.” 87 Snowdonia //. Claience Whaite , P.R.C.A. 630 0 88 Sunlit Court in Cordova . Miss Enid Rutherford 6 6 89 Caught Red-handed Kenneth M. Skeaping 12 12 90 Elanliana Henry Hiles 10 10 9i Home and Shelter ....R. W. Allan , R.W.S. 92 Wharfedale Woodlands . . . . ..Rex Vicat Cole, R.B.A. 150 0 93 The Joy of Spring R. G. Goodman 300 0 94 Smugglers landing Contraband G. Ogilvy Reid, R.S.A. 3i5 0 95 Sisters 96 Rocks in the Eledr V alley Henry E. Kidson 6 6 97 The Rose-coloured Robe . . Miss Pattie Mayor 15 15 98 Young Anglers 15 15 99 Betrayed by the Moon ... C. Napier Hem y, A.R.A. 2000 0 100 Mrs. Siddons playing “ : Eady Macbeth ” at the Old Drury Eane Theatre lalbot Hughes 800 0 I OO A The Sheepfold 18 18 IOI Pansies 6 6 102 An Old Garden A. E. Brockbank 25 0 io 3 Home Along Stanhope A. Forbes, A.R.A. 450 0 IO4 Cast down, but not destroyed ...A. E. Borthwick 100 0 105 Mrs. W. A. Briscoe I06 Serena, found of Savages T. B. Kennington 157 I O' 107 M. H. Spielmann, Esq. (gaslight portrait) Arthur Hacker , A.R.A. — II Room I. — Oil Paintings. 108 Evening Twilight James E. Grace ^84 o 109 The Advent of Winter ....John Sinclair 52 10 no A Doomed Headland ..R. G. Hinchliffe 100 o hi Mrs. Willie James with her Children, Alexandra and Sylvia ...The late Robert Brough, A. R.S. A. — (Lent by William James, Esq.) 1 12 The Edge of the Woods — Early Morning A. E. Brockbank 45 o 1 13 Monelle Gerald Festus Kelly 60 o 1 14 Evening Dew — Midsummer... Miss Isabella Hartley 10 10 1 15 Pepper Trees at Malaga Miss Enid Rutherford 4 4 1 16 The Harbour, Anstruther, Fifeshire Chas.J. Lauder , R.S. W. 12 12 1 17 Windy Evening on the Downs... Mrs. E.M.Pring 15 15 1 18 The Biter Bit Henry Merchant 15 15 1 19 A Welsh Hamlet W. IVardlaw Laing 10 10 120 Jolm A. Trench 8 10 “ Between dark stems the forest glows — I hear a noise of hymns.” 12 Room II. — Oil Paintings. 1 2 1 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 1 28A 129 I 3° 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Nos. 121 to 218. A Yeoman of the Chandry Oswald Moser £\$ 15 Rocky Coast near Port St. Mary J. Foi'd Jo?ies 26 5 Portrait of a Rady H. Goffey — Sweet Peas Miss Fanny Suga7 r s Conway Harbour Ben Fisher , R.C.A. Bars of the World Miss E. Richardson John Eyon-Scott, Esq C. Douglas Mackenzie The Shepherd Fred Hall Misty Morning — Custom House, Eynn H. Samuel Teed In the Springtime F. W. Jackso 7 i A. G. Jeans, Esq G. Hall Neale (Presentation Portrait.) Mrs. R. G. Gatehouse R. E. Morrison Heaving the Eog Ralph Hedley, R.B.A. The Prelude Y. Melton Fisher Portrait of the Artist Briton Riviere , R.A. Cinderella P. Harland Fisher Miss Kate Taylor Miss Enid U. Jackson Norah, Daughter of Dr. McAfee Miss Eleanor S. Wood Brown and Gold — The Young Shepherd Arthur Kynaston The Jasper Column in the Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem John Ftilleylove, R.I. — The Thames from Richmond Hill Sir E. A. Waterlow , R.A., P.R. W.S . — The Track that skirts the Forest Miss Floi'ence FitzGerald 84 a 8 8 10 10 12 12 200 o 15 15 210 o 63 o 105 12 12 142 I 43 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 13 Room II. — Oil Paintings. White and Gold Miss Jane Lomax The Head of the Rake J. Y. Dawbarn, M.A. The Mount of Temptation Herbert Schmalz “ Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the Devil.” — St. Matthew, iv. 1. (Copyright Reserved.) Teneriffe Thomas Somerscales Fires in the Fall E. W. Waite A Liverpool Sunset J. Pride Cornered Robert Morley, R.B.A. Chow Dog George H. Le Fleming Good Morning Harrington Ma?in Winter’s Crest J. Coittts Michie , A.R.S.A. Miss Barkway ... Miss Mary McCrossan Head of an Italian Girl G. H. Garraway The Widow T. B. Kennington The Last Supper Oswald Moser A Roman Triumph Andrew C. Gow , R.A. Hen and Chickens Miss Isabella Hartley Low Water — Gian Conway in the distance Ben Fisher , R.C.A. A Grey Day Miss Mary McCrossa7i Stacking Hay Herbej't Royle Colin and Wilfrid Nowell A. T. Nowell On Birkrigg Miss W. J. Ophelia Billinge Miss Louie Bell “ Flowers that bloom in the Spring.” My Lady Betty Harrison Miller Spring Miss Kate Swanwick His Psalm of Life — Forest of Bocognano J. L. Pickerhig The Old Chain Pier, Brighton John Fraser John Skeaping “ Her eyes are with her heart And that is far away.” June Mrs. Mona Hopton Bell £40 O 42 o 1260 o 200 O IO O IO IO 210 O 31 IO 210 O 700 O 1200 O 8 8 10 10 12 12 10 10 6 6 4 4 6 6 2 2 300 o 350 o 8 8 10 o i 4 170 i7i 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 i 79 i8o 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 Room II. — Oil Paintings. Mrs. Cola Stolterfoht — “There is a rapture by the lonely shore.” — Byron. A Little Cornish Fisherman John R. Reid £367 10 “ By sports like these are all our cares beguiled ; The sports of children satisfy the child.” Grapes John Sinclair 10 10 Showery Weather on the Moors, Galloway Janies Faed , Jun. 30 o The River Wharfe at Bolton Abbey Thos. Phillips 15 15 My Garden of Lilies Miss Florence FitzGerald 18 18 Thomas Pilkington, Esq W. IV. Ouless , R.A . — Tales of Wonderland Miss Elsie Higgins 50 o By am Shaw , R.I. — “ The Greatest of all Heroes is One.” Carlyle's “ Heroes and Hero Worship.” (Lent by Captain Travers Falkiner). The Blue Veil F. Markham Skipworth 52 10 Blue Fantails . Mrs. Mary Young Hunter 131 5 Owen Bowen , A.R.C.A. 20 o To-night is Winter, To-morrow will be Spring. The Rose Garden — Moonrise Miss Mary McCrossan 18 18 Spring Flowers Mrs. Kate Sargint 5 5 Mrs. Urwick Walter Urwick — The Foot of the Cliff Richard Hartley 30 o The Good Samaritan J. Doyle Penrose A Pilot W. H. Y. Titcomb 250 o Mrs. M. Murray Cookesley 50 o ‘ 1 Where the sun is like a fire And the sky one shining soft sapphire.” Syringa Miss Helen McLay 7 7 A Glint of Sunshine — Llanbedr Miss T. Kirkpatrick — Antibes Miss Pilkington — A Spring Morning David Heivitt 5 5 193 194 195 196 i 9 7 ig8 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 2i 5 216 217 218 Room II. — ■Oil Paintings. x 5 The Favourite Author..., £20 0 Polyanthus Miss S. L. G. Frost 4 4 The Interval 15 15 Took to the blowing rose about us Mrs. Gorst 3i 10 A Study Corner Green Pastures Thos. Phillips 7 10 The Old Mill 8 8 White Roses 9 9 “ . Pray to live so fair and innocently ; pray to die, leaf after leaf, so softly.” The Margin of the River Henry E. Kidson 3 3 Maud — Daughter of Colonel Temple . ... John H. F. Bacon , A.R.A. By the Bochside Peter Graham , R.A. Joyous June 210 a A Masque of the Four Seasons Walter Crane, R. W.S. 400 0 Zorahayda 3i5 0 At Bast Garston 18 18 A Sunny Autumn Afternoon Jaines T. Watts, R.C.A. 40 0 John Japp, Bsq., C.C. .. Ba Robe Bleue A. Payne Garnett Miss E. G. Mitchell (Mrs. Paul Henry J 7 7 On the Bledr 20 0 Polly Pickle Mrs. Mary C. Hicks 5 5 The Sundial Mouat Lozidan “ I mark only sunny hours.” On the Knot — Arnside .. 10 0 An Alien . . Robert Morley, R.B.A. i5 15 A Welsh Moorland James Barnes 28 0 Young Girl with Hoop in Kensington Gardens ... Miss Gertrude Des Clayes 75 o In the Haven — Volendam W. A. Gibson 35 o i6 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 Room 111. — Oil Paintings Nos. 219 to 304. The Mill Pond .J. Herbert Snell — The Village Street — Fordwych, Kent J. Ford Jones £2* 0 15 15 “ And guides his plough among the quiet hills.” Mrs. Dane Sinclair W. B. Boadle “ Consider the Eilies” ... W. McTaggart , R.S.A. 472 10 Evening on Eoch Duich.../^. Farquharson , A.R.A. 500 0 Mrs. D. A. Quiggin . Mrs. Maud Hall Neale Moorland — Dorsetshire . . . Arthur Hopkins, R. W.S. 210 0 The Jaws of Death 150 0 Our Eady of Pity 100 0 Hollyhocks 15 15 A Sylvan Bather The Field Path Miss A. L. Simpson 18 0 Mediterranean Heath, Cannes Herbert A. Olivier 40 0 The Mitherless Bairn ...J. Henry Henshall , R. W.S. 84 0 A Flaw Carnations Miss Mary Rischgitz 26 5 Is it “Yea” or “Nay”? 42 0 Innocence Mrs. Laura Brumm 50 0 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 20 0 The Cheat Hon. John Collier 630 0 (Copyright reserved.) Mixed Company at a Race Meeting Miss L. E. Kemp- Welch — In Tuscany Arthur Lemon — Comrades Miss Flora M. Reid 157 10 “ I choose my friends from among the young.” 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 25i 252 253 254 2 55 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 Room III. — Oil Paintings. 17 Margaret, Daughter ofW. W. Ouless, Bsq., R.A.... J. Hanson Walker — The Orchard William Bagnall Gelder £ 20 o The Valle}' by the Sea Walter H. Chaplin 6 o A Bacchante T. R. Spence 40 o Dr. G. W. Steeves R. E. Morrison — Moonlight The late Sydney Pilkington — Water} 7 Meadows Kershaw Schofield 8 8 Saints and Sinners ...Edgar Bundy, R.I. 150 o Mrs. Rex Worley Miss Mary E. Peachey — The Paps of Jura ...P. Macgregoi Wilson , R.S. W. 25 o Thos. Simpson, Bsq., M.D Thos. Huso?i, R.I. Iphigenia in Tauris Mrs. M. F. A. Raphael — B veiling Glow — Menai Straits. . .Robei't Fowler , R.I. 150 o “ They’ll want us again ” Alfred W. Strutt 210 o A Portrait Edward Patry — G. Orkney Work 100 o “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore.” “ Child e Harold’s Pilgrimage ” — Byron. Daydreams Miss Ethel Wright 157 10 Katie Mrs. Avis Nickel Philp 7 7 Anemones Miss Maud Garlick 3 3 La Piazzetta, Palais Ducal, Venise F. M. E. Le Gout- Gerard 30 o Be Fumeur A. A. Lesrel 45 o Willy Lott’s Cottage, Flatford C. Waldo Adin 10 10 At Bvening Time... Mrs. Lily Skeaping Kaufmann 7 7 Pansies Miss Jones 2 2 “There’s little to earn, and many to keep ” Mrs. Avis Nickels Philp 5 5 A Freshening Breeze A. C. Meye?', A.R.E. 45 o Mrs. Guinness W. G. vo?i Glehn — Barly Spring E. Chappel 60 o Moffat Lindner 150 o “ The Slumbrous West grows slowly red.” Mrs. Lawrence Gmllemard.... c .Ho?i. John Collier 1 8 2 73 274 275 276 2 77 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 Room III, •Oil Paintings. A Thousand Miles from Land C. Arthur Cox Her Dearest . Miss Co?istance G. Copeman, A.R.E . “ To the King ” Frank Hyde Calves . .Miss C. L . Christian (Mrs. C.J. MacCai thy) The Woodmen William McBride A Sea Nymph C. E. Penigini Hollyhocks and Lupins Henry S. Kortright Early Roses Miss Loicie Bell Runswick Bay Paid Paul , R.B.A. Loiterers Yeend Khig The Night Express, Crossing the Border J. Mac Whir ter, R.A. Lamia ,. J. W. Waterhouse , R.A. (Lent by Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P.) Lady in a Fur Jacket. Portrait of the Artist’s Mother .J. Hamilton Hay From Beddgelert to Harlech J. Clinton Jones, R.C.A. The Haven under the Hill .... A. J. Ryle , , R.B.A. On Tidal Waters W. J. Laidlay Newtown, Cottage Miss Amy Kratiss Autumn Evening — Stoke Park . . . Chaj'les Pearso7i Caesar Miss Maiid Earl “ I belong to the King.” Anstruther in Fife Charles J. Lauder , R.S. W. Lilac Miss Augusta M. Bowen The Moorish Quarter, Algiers ,J. W. Brooke Terrace at Haddon Hall Miss Bertha Rhodes The Haunt of the Heron Douglas Adams Prudence Miss Alice P. Walford Lilac Miss Constance G. Copeman , A.R.E. The. Invaders E. Matthew Hale On the Kennett W Follen Bishop , R.B.A . Passing Showers Peter Graham , R.A. Mrs. Pinnock Frank T. Copnall Dawn The Hon. Duff. Tollemache On the Ribble .J. Clinton Jo?ies , R.C.A. £42 O 40 o 45 35 70 350 25 o 4 4 o o 20 315 105 o 40 o 120 O 84 O 5 5 5 o 18 18 45 o 8 8 3 3 157 10 21 0 10 10 210 o 120 o 3 1 10 'll 10 305 3°6 307 308 309 310 3ii 3 12 3 i 3 3 i 4 3*5 316 3 i 7 318 3 i 9 320 321 322 323 324 325 19 Room IV. — Oil Paintings Nos. 305 to 374. Premier Sourire Madame Marthe Everart £60 o Bord de l’Eure Leon Tanzi — Soir gris sur la Mer G. St. F. Gar?iot 40 o The Hon. James Boyle — American Consul for Liverpool, 1897-1905 Frank T. Copnall — (Presentation Portrait.) Le Bouquet Miss Marion Powers 150 o “ Tatties and Herrin’ ” R. Gemmell Hutchison, A.R.S.A. 200 o Phyllis, Daughter of Edward Hutchinson, Esq. . . . James Charles — The Red Umbrella Miss Winifred Cooper 7 7 Boats at Bosham Miss Hilda Gojfey (Mrs. AtkhisonJ 10 10 Portrait of a Lady ...Miss May A, Greville Cooksey En Conseil de Famille ...L. R. Garrido His Eminence the Cardinal — The Interview ...... Sir J. D. Linton , R.L 300 o ... Mjs. M. Murray Cookesley 150 o “ The Tonely Splendour of a Royal Discontent.” The Umbrella Tree Miss Jessie L. Walters 10 10 Sweet Peas Miss E. Townley Millers 2 10 Japonica Mrs. F. W. Whitfield 5 5 An Italian Courtyard V. Zolla 5 o Courtiers Carl Seiler La Veille de la fete a la ferme D. L. Saubes Dalecarlienne Auguste Hagborg — Earty Morning on the Clyde Patrick Downie, R.S. W. 125 o 20 326 327 328 329 330 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 33§ 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 34 s 349 350 35i 352 353 354 24 420 Room IV. — Oil Paintings. Paysans en prieres dans l’Kglise de St. Nicholas Gabriel Thur?ier — Kn Kxil (Juifs) Saimiel Hirszenberg £1000 Pour r absent — Jour de premiere Communion Alfred Guillou — Rev. John Watson, D.D R. E. Moj r rison — Paroles du Prophete Liidwig Deutsch The Broken Tambourine ... Kenneth M. Skeaping Portrait de Mdme. C.-V. C Th. A. Desch Tigea Mdlle. Elizabeth Sonrel Windsor Neils M. Lund Dans les Amandiers en Fleurs — Bords de l’etang de Berre Theo. H. Maya?i Comte Deo Tolstoi Leo Schaeken A la Sante de Son Kminence ..,Fra?icois Brunery Doris and Nancy, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Kdgecombe Mrs. Maud Hall Neale Interior — Lamplight A. Latime? Mrs. L. Rappaport G. N Roilos Le Matin, dans le Jardin Mai'cel Bain Mdme. Maurice Pascal Leon Bonnat Le retour des Hirondelles A. A. Lesrel Ready for Mass — Three Bigoudenne in their Sunday Dress J. Milner -Kite Mrs. W. L. Roberts G. N. Roilos Jeune fille lisant Henry P. Mottez The Age of Innocence William Barr Fleur de Sorbier (Sorcellerie) Mdlle. G. Achille-Fould Le Port de Concarneau.. F. M. F. Le Gout- Gerard Temick Williams “ Out into the West as the Sun went down.” Beguinage Flamand l’hiver ...Ferdinand Willaert Les Pres de la Neuville, pres Caudebec (Normandie) Mdme. Marie Dieterle 240 o 12 12 100 o 60 o 300 o 100 20-0 60 50 250 Femme en blanc Portrait de la Duchesse d’F^ — ... F. C. Fries eke Leon Delachaux 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 37i 372 373 374 Room IV. — Oil Paintings. 21 Visite interessee Sent Angeiville — La petite Guittie — Souvenir de Conearneau F. A. Delob be — Mrs. Guilleaume A. Neven Die Mont Reve romantique Z . Stefanicz — Bapteme en Bretagne Henry d’ Estienne — Portrait de Mdme. A. J — . ... Edmond Ama?i-Jea 7 i ^240 o Une Consultation chez la Sibyle Clement Pujol 75 o Portrait de Mdme. V — Marcel Baschet View of the City^ of Kaswen, Persia Georges Bondoux 25 In Confidence Miss Edith Trantom 21 Arnside J. H. Stevens 8 Crossing the Bar Mrs. Craigmile 5 Roses Miss Dora Bradley 8 Sunshine and Life Gerald E. Moira — La Massiere Mdlle. Bertha Rhodes — Hatneau perdu en Bretagne (lever de lune) Georges Griveau — Madelon Gabriel Nicolet 105 01 The Pure in Heart Herbei't A. Olivier 100 o Fileuse A . A. Civchepierre — Le Termeau Jean J Rousseau — 22 Room V. PICTURES IN WATER-COLOUR, PASTEL, AND TEMPERA. Nos, 375 to 517 . 375 Charing Church and Palace Farm, Kent Miss Lucy F. Marsh £6 6 376 Lledr Valley 5 5 377 Spring 373 A Grey Day— Bidston .. 4 10 379 His Faithful Friends 15 15 3^0 12 I2| “ Men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever.” 381 In the Crosby Channel Sam. f. M. Brown 12 12 1 382 A Cavalier Mrs. Avis Nickels Philp 2 2 383 Old Whitby Miss Jessie Pescod- Malcolm 5 5 > 384 Mountain Pass, North Wales — Crafnant Cake in the distance ...Josh. Fisher 30 o 385 Vanity William K. Blacklock, A.R.C.A. 18 18 386 Old Water Mill — Bromborough Miss Georgina Laing 31 10 387 The White Fur Miss Constance Read 3 3 388 November Sunshine — Bidston Janies Aitken 8 o 38 9 Questioning Eyes Miss Ella Worrall 5 5 390 Lifting Mists — Skiddaw ...Arthui Tucker , R.B.A. 7 7 391 Portal of the Rathhaus, Rothenburg au Tauber... Miss Edith Stans bury 6 6 392 Sister Blossoms ...Mrs. Lily Skeaping Kaujmann 25 o 393 Well in Picardy Oliver Baker 10 o 394 395 396 397 39 § 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4i3 414 4 i 5 416 4 i 7 418 419 420 421 422 423 23 Room V. — Water-Colour Drawings, &c. “ Time-worn posts and battered piers” Mrs. Lilian Russell Bell £\o 10 A Portrait Study Miss Norah Fulcher 36 15 The Harvest Moon Arthur J. Kale 15 15 Mickleden, Great Langdale T. A. D. Wills 18 18 A Lonely Shore — Sunset Edmund Phipps 31 10 An Upland Farm J. Clinton Jones , R.C.A. 31 10 A West Country Harbour Charles Mmrhead 5 5 A Good Story J. Wait dark 6 6 Fistard Cottages, Port St. Mary David A. Baxter, Jun. 6 6 Pro rege et patria .. Miss Winifred Isaacs — Baby Brother H. C. Preston Macgoun , R.S. W. 30 o Beanfield and Croftland in Mull of Cant}- re W. Me Taggart, R.S.A. 47 5 Bordighera, from the Capo N. Pedder 5 5 Bishop’s Bridge . Miss Ellen Eaton 3 3 Preparing for Market Miss Ethel Davies 35 o A Sun Bath — Oyster Catchers ... Fiank Southgate 80 o The Stack Yard — Bidston C. O'Neill 9 9 A Bend of the Conway near Tal-y-Cafn Ben Fisher, R.C.A. 15 15 Studio Interior .. Miss Christina P. Ross, R.S. W. 10 10 The Lords of the Soil William Strutt , R.B.A. 84 o A Quiet Evening Mis. Lilian Russell Bell 5 5 An August Glow Geo. H. Hughes 6 6 A Day in June — Cockington, South Devon Edwin Viner 5 5 A Border Farmstead Arthur Tucker, R.B.A. 10 10 Scandal Miss E. F. Brickdale, A.R. W.S. — (Lent by Rev. J. W. R. Brocklebank). The Rosary Miss Ethel Wane 30 o “ I tell each bead unto the end, And there a cross is hung.” A Bit of Old Westminster Henry Sandham 31 iq The Mill Dam, Gansey B. W. Atkinson 8 8 A Quiet Corner — Newlyn Miss J. C. Goodman 5 5 Where the Breakers Roar ... David A. Baxter, Jun. 10 10 24 Room V. — Water-Colour Drawings, &c. 424 When the Sun is Tow 10 425 “ Hooked ” 40 0 426 Tlyn Idwal 6 6 427 Manx Cottages near Port St. Mary B. W. Atkinson 8 8 428 Campo S. Canciano, Venice 18 18 429 Hoar Frost W. Follen Bishop , R.B.A. 18 18 430 Misty Morning — River Mersey.. Sam J. M. Brown 12 12 431 The Rose Tree 23 0 (See Browning’ s “ Woman Roses.”) 432 Breadwinners .. Hubert Coop , R.B.A. 30 0 433 The Yellow Sands 2 12 : 6 434 Sunset on the Avon 40 0 435 Harrowing IV. He 7 iry Gore , R.B.A. i5 15 436 Iris (Decorative Panel) ..Miss F. A. Westcott 8 8 437 Patchwork . . .Miss Muriel Hardy 10 10 438 The Summit of the Rockies, British Columbia ... J. Whaite 7 7 439 Blossoms 6 6 440 Aberdovey from the Dunes . 10 10 441 An Old Curiosity Shop 6 6 442 ’Ware Feathers ! 5. T. Dadd 21 0 443 Singleton, near Goodwood... 42 0 444 A City by the Sea 21 0 445 A Welsh Cottage 30 0 446 On the Wye near Bishopswood W. Eyre Walker, R. W.S. 84 0 447 A Wood Nymph 36 15 448 . Miss Elsie Gregory 8 8 “ Iya Belle Dame sans Merci.” — Keats. 449 The Weed Burners Fred Shaw 52 10 450 Mountain Mists Miss Lily Lea 7 7 451 The Road to the Shore ...James Towe?'s, A.R.C.A. 10 10 452 The Old Home at Shottery Geo. H. Hughes 17 17 453 Old Houses at Greenwich Miss Beatrice A?igle 8 8 454 In Harbour .J. Clinton Jones , R.C.A. 12 12 455 Springtime in Scotland... G. Sti'aton Fei'rier, R.I. 45 o 25 Room V. — Water-Colour Drawings, &c. 456 September A. K. Brown, A. R.S. A., R.S. W. o 457 The Favourite A. Glendening, Jun. 100 o 458 The Japanese Fan William K. Blacklock, A.R.C.A. 18 18 459 The Old Harbour Miss B. A. Pughe 10 10 460 Sweet Seventeen P. A. Hay , R.S. W. 73 o 461 Rose and Gold T. C. Gotch 52 10 462 Coquette ...Herbert P. Dollman 10 10 463 A Bend on the Avon . Creswick Boy dell, R.C.A. 15 15 464 Off His Feed Claude Piatt 12 12 465 The Road by the Sea John Terris, R.S. W. 35 o 466 Dow Crags on Coniston Old Man Isaac Cooke, R.B.A. 31 10 467 Gusty Breezes Francis D. Bedford 35 o 468 The Vanguard of the Storm .John Sinclair 8 8 469 Dainties J. Waitclark 5 5 470 The beginning of a Wild Night Fred Shaw 21 o 471 An old Anglesey Cottage . John McDou gal, R.C.A. 25 o 472 St. Martin’s Church, Trafalgar Square, London... Samuel J. Hodson, R. W.S. 31 10 473 The Lifting Veil — North Barrule, I.O.M Edward Gooch 25 o 474 Early Autumn Harry Hime 100 o 475 Summer Time — Burton Woods, Cheshire Fred Shaic 7 7 476 On the Pagoda Platform, Prome, Burma R. Talbot Kelly, R.B.A. 36 15 477 Le petit miroir (Pastel) Walter Vaes 478 The Widow (Pastel) William Pascoe 20 o 479 On the Homeward Way (Pastel) Miss J. B. Constable 7 7 480 Spring Flowers Miss Constance M. W. Watson 8 8 481 Portrait of the Artist (Pastel) .. Arnold H. Mason — 482 Meditation (Pastel) Miss Maud Egremont 6 6 483 The Rose (Pastel) Miss Hilda Goffey (Mrs. A tkinson J 6 6 484 Miss Ray Rockman (Pastel)... Mrs. Esthei S. Sutro 26 5 26 Room V. — Water-Colour Drawings, &c. 485 A Herefordshire Flower (Pastel) ... Miss Rosie M. M. Pitman ^31 10 486 An Old Street — France (Pastel) Mrs. Esther S. Sutro 12 12 487 Gertrude (Pastel) Miss Constance Read 4 88 An Algerian Girl (Pastel) Walter G. Johnson 6 6 489 Purple Wind (Pastel) .. Keith Henderson 5 5 490 Summer (Pastel) .J. Ernest Breun, R.B.A. 26 5 491 Books for the Bairns (Pastel) Miss Fortunee De Lisle 3i 10 492 Wondering Thoughts (Pastel) J. E. Breun , R.B.A. 26 5 493 Hortus Inclusus (Tempera) .. Joseph E. Southall 494 Atalanta and Milanion— -The King gives the signal for the Racers to start (Tempera).. John D. Batten 150 0 495 “ La Belle Dame Sans Merci ” . Frank C. Cowper (Lent by John F. Howarth, Esq.) 496 Die unendliche Feme .. 497 Little Brownie (Pastel).. 12 12 498 Portrait Study (Pastel) 499 In Fairyland (Pastel) .... Miss Annie Barnett 10 10 500 Old Trees 15 15 501 Gwladys (Pastel) . . . Miss Leila Passingham 15 i5 502 Mrs. J. Downs (Pastel) . Fred W. El well 503 Evening (Pastel) 12 12 504 Old Houses — Bordighera (Pastel) The late Sydney Pilkington 505 Portrait Study (Pastel).. Walter G. Joh?ison 6 6 506 Orphaned (Pastel) C. Mac Boer Gi'ierson, R.L 507 Goldilocks (Pastel) Miss Co?ista?ice G. Copeman , A.R.E. 10 10 508 Spring — Sark (Pastel) . 15 15 509 Ocean’s Blue Mantle (Pastel) ...T. W. Hammond 45 0 5 IQ Beatrice (Pastel) Miss Alice S. Kinkead 36 15 5 11 Readv (Pastel) Miss Bet hia Clarke 15 15 Room V. — Water-Colour Drawings, &c. 27 512 In the Thirties (Pastel) Miss Hilda Goffey (Mi's. Atkinson) — 513 Evening on the Mersey (Pastel) Han y De Maine £2 2 514 Climbing Roses (Pastel) ...Miss Mary Me Crossan 6 6 515 Portrait of a Rady (Pastel) S.M. Wiens — 516 Near Calais (Pastel) 7 . W. Hammond 12 12 517 Marigo, daughter of J. C. Maximus, Esq., New York (Pastel) Miss Constance G. Copeman, A.R.E. — 28 Room VI. Water-Colour Drawings. Nos. 518 to 944. 518 Flyn Ogwen, Nant Frangcon Pass Charles R. Wood £25 o 519 A Still Fife Group Miss Ethel M. Knowles — 520 The Cottage at Pocket Gate Miss T. Gadsby 6 6 521 The Fanding Stage H . G. Patrickson 8 8 522 Reedy Mere Oswald Garside 15 15 523 The Bridges, Faxey, I.O.M Arthur Netherwood, A.R.C.A. 25 o 524 A Muse Robert Fowler , R.I. 52 10 525 On the Hills — Mentone James Pelham 10 o 526 Delphiniums Geo. H. Hughes 10 10 527 The Young Student Miss V. Linton 8 8 528 A Cottage Garden — Cheshire Fred Shaw 5 5 529 The Prodigal Son The late W. Fulton Brown , R.S. W. — 530 A Sunny Sea J. B. Donaldson 18 18 531 The Mountain of the Mist, Ben More, Perthshire. H. Moxon Cook 57 15 532 O11 the Wnion, Dolgelly, North Wales John Farquharson 12 12 533 O11 the Cornish Coast A. W. Davidson 18 18 534 Beech Woods in Spring — Bettws.. John A. Trench 8 10 535 Springtime ... H M. Rheam , R.I. 75 o 536 The Road to the Marshes . Parker Ha gar ty, R. C.A. 6 6 537 Sunny Memories Miss Ethel Davies 10 10 538 A Cool Retreat Chas.J. Adams 8 8 539 540 54i 542 543 544 545 546 547 54§ 549 550 55i 552 .553 554 555 556 557 558 559 56 o 56i 562 563 564 565 566 567 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 29 The Close of a Summer’s Day John McDougal, R. C.A . Hay time in Hampshire Joseph Kirkpatrick Fine Weather on the Cornish Coast fames Towers , A. R.C.A. Edinburgh Castle . . . George C. Haite, R.I., R.B.A. Evening Glow A. Claude S Kachan Old Houses — Caudebee-en-Caux George H. Martin Wm. F. He loves me, He loves me not.” Ashburner Cornfield The late A . W. Ay ling Idwal J. C. Salmon , R.C.A. The Thames at Streatley Joseph K7iight, R.I. Stonehenge Albert Goodwin , R. IV. S. Bull Bay, Anglesey W. Stephenson, R.C.A. The Sign George C. Haite, R.I., R.B.A. A Portrait Miss Isabel Kendall The Old Smithy, Menai Bridge Edwhi Viner A Churchyard Cross E. A. Chadwick Autumn William T. Wright A Corner at Thun T. L. Shoosinith The Nuns’ Walk near Llandudno... Miss Maud Salmon Immortal Greece H. Raymond Tho?npson The Conqueror «. John Hassall, R.I. View near Hest Bank, Morecambe Bay Sir F. Powell, P.R.S. W. Eittle Bo-Peep Lincoln — Early Autumn The Green Keel Ha} r field — South Downs.. The Departure Roses The Smokers — Veterans of the Royal Hospital Chelsea John Eyre, R.B.A Miss Janet Fisher Morning Ha?ry Hine, R.I. Miss D 07 r o thy Cox Vivia7i Roll ...J. Y. Dawba7 7i, M.A. Miss Flo7 r a Bush £ 12 12 52 10 50 o 50 o 3 3 15 i5 20 o 84 o 15 15 3 1 10 10 10 5 5 15 o 8 8 3 1 10 6 6 100 o 20 o 15 15 18 18 10 10 21 o 15 15 60 o 30 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 568 Barnes Common £™ 10 569 The Minuet 3i 10 570 The Masseuse 25 0 57 1 Christmas 105 0 572 “ The red sun sinks and brings the noiseless eve.” 573 Whalley Abbey 7 7 574 As in , a Glass .Miss Jessie Ogsto?i Douglas 10 10 575 Near Hinver, Staffs. ... 10 10 576 The Hayfield /. W. Coates 7 0 577 A Perthshire Glen 60 0 578 The Sadness of Sir Lancelot Edward Gooch 35 0 579 The Cure’s Garden .... 10 10 580 At the Orchard Gate... 26 5 581 Diligence 5 5 582 Where stream and river meet A. Claude Strachan 50 0 5 8 3 Miss Lydia Pringle 584 On the Quai Vert n O 3 585 The Bo’sun’s Mate .... 47 5 586 Passing away 21 0 587 The Fisherman’s Daughter... . Middleton Jameson 20 0 588 Still Life 15 15 589 Washing day in the Courtyard of a 16th Century House Sa?miel J. Hodson, R. JV.S. 26 5 590 Old Courtyard, Venice 4 4 59i 11 Mercato, Venezia .. Thomas Ellison 7 7 592 A silent witness of the passing ages Miss Jessie Hall 10 10 593 Off the Skerries 35 0 594 A Quiet Stream 20 0 595 Blythburgh Marshes Miss M. S. Hagarty 30 0 596 An Old Cheshire Lock Miss Ethel Hall 2 2 597 The Old Orchard, St. Hypolits, Hitchen Thomas M. Lindsay 5 5 598 Northenden Church in Autumn Miss Mary McNicoll Wroe 4 4 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 31 599 A Page of Ancient Music ...Miss Bertha J. Tickell £2 2 600 Old Eccleston . Henry J. Lyo?i 4 4 601 View from Calf of Man ...Geo. Bardsley 2 2 602 Sweet Peas Miss Mary McNicoll Wroe 3 10 603 Old Greenwich Church Miss Beatrice Angle 10 10 604 A Study of Fish Miss Edith Grace Wolfe 12 12 605 Old Houses — Longpre, Picard} r Miss Emily W. Baker {Mrs. Oliver Baker) 3 3 606 A Road through the Woods Berenger Benger 26 5 607 Cannes, from above Californie, S. France . Bernard Eva?is , R.I. — 608 Gathering Storm at Sunset — Dordrecht A. V. Whishaw 17 17 609 St. Marks, Venice Miss M. S. Hagarty 6 6 610 Old Pilchard Boat — St. Ives William Foster 21 o 61 1 The Village Inn Miss Jessie Hall 10 10 612 A Welsh Glen Samuel Pride 21 o 613 Autumn Landscape R. B. Nisbet , R.S.A. 75 o 614 Good-bye, Summer Henry Ryland, R.I. 75 o 615 Showery Morning — Penrith Vale ... H. P. Barsley 8 8 616 Haybourne Cross, Abingdon Overton fo?ies 10 10 617 Calm after Storm — Dutch Coast John Terris , R.S. W. 35 o 618 March in the Conway Valley.../. C. Salmon , R. C.A. 45 o 619 Drumming Edwin Alexander, A.R. W.S. 120 o 620 The Lost Friend ./. A. Fitzgerald 18 o (Copyright reserved). 621 The New Building Sam J. M. Bro7vn 6 6 622 Lawrence Sterne and his Messenger H. R. Steer , R.I 15 15 (A Sentimental Journey). 623 The Marsh Pool .Joseph Knight , R.I. 15 15 624 The Evening Hour John Scott , R.I. 18 18 625 The Valley of the Wye . . . W. Eyre Walker , , R. W. S. 84 o 626 Old Staithes Oswald Garside 25 o 627 Evening at Arundel .James Towers, A.R. C.A. 25 o 628 Summer in Berkshire Miss Ethel Atcherley 14 o 32 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 629 View from Villa Aldobiandini, Frascati Chas. H. Baxter 8 630 L,es Roses de France 7 7 631 The Monastery of St. Francis, Assisi Philip Spence IO Q 632 Hay Time 94 IO 633 Snowdon H. Clarence Whaite, P.R.C.A. 210 O 634 The Old Abbey Gateway .. 6 6 635 Niewe Haven, Dordrecht.. 17 i 7 636 Peat Gatherers 15 O' 637 Cut Flowers for Sale 4 4 638 A Sunny Morning 8 8 639 Squally Weather on the Cornish Coast A. C. Meyer, A.R.E. 40 0 640 Lengthening Shadows 45 0 641 Rocks near the Sound, Isle of Man Laurence Warden 21 0 642 Harvest Time — Windle William H. Jacob 4 0 643 A Summer Sea IO 10 644 Hastening Sir Francis Pozvell, P.R.S.W. 60 0 645 A Cheshire Orchard — Moonrise W. Milliken 12 12 646 Mid-day Sunlight IO 0 647 In Burpham Village 12 12 648 The Scriptorium, Whalley 5 5 649 The Ananda Temple, Pagan, Upper Burma R. Talbot Kelly, R.B.A . 63 0 CT\ Cn O Marguerites Lucien Davis , R.I. 80 0 651 The Taj, Agra Arthur Severn , R.I. 652 Carting Hav 45 0 653 Memories 84 0 654 Durham Cathedral ... Harry Hine, R.I. 84 0 655 Ploughing Miss Mary S. Hagarty 6 6 656 On Hayle River, Cornwall. Charles Muirhead 5 5 657 An old English Home ... . William Affleck 21 0 658 Cow Parsley N. Hill 659 The Market Place, The Rialto, Venice Harry P. Clifford R.B.A. io io Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 33 660 Evil / 8 8 661 A Highland Burn, on its way to the Take H. Forbes Wit her by, R.B.A. 30 0 662 On the Moors 15 15 663 Thoughts far away 25 0 664 Roses 6 6 665 A Welsh Hillside Farm., 8 8 666 Argeles — Pyrenees . . . Miss Ethel W. Gibbons 8 8 667 Forbidden Ground 45 0 (Copyright reserved.) 668 Corn 30 0 669 A Cotswold Mill 13 13 670 A Country Girl 15 15 671 Cinderella 84 0 672 The Cadini Spitze — South Tyrol Joseph Kitchingman 18 0 673 Chitarara 250 0 674 A Study in Gold 15 0 675 A Venetian Fruit Stall ., 21 0 676 Late December 6 6 677 Under the Old Apple Tree Miss Ethel Davies 25 0 678 The First Tinge of Autumn Josh. Fisher 10 10 679 Eago d’Orta, Italy — Early Morning.. Mrs. Marrable 21 0 680 A Clear April Evening , 12 12 681 Beneath Big Ben 105 0 682 A Bend in the Path .... ..Miss Norah C. Warleigh 3 3 683 Nocturne — Dordrecht ... 8 8 684 The Evening Hour ./. W.Milliken 9 9 685 The Silent Pool 8 8 686 Elanbedr Church 15 15 687 In Peace and Quiet . . Parker Hagarty , R. C.A . 12 12 688 Cardigan Bay 30 0 689 Village Gossips 25 0 690 The Old Lock 25 0 691 Fleetwood Trawlers 10 10 692 A Hundred Years Ago . H. R. Steer, R.I. 12 12 693 Near Southwold . Parker Hagarty , R.C.A. 10 10 B 34 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 694 Farmyard — Bidston C. O' Neill £\ 4 695 Evening Glow on Place Fell ... Isaac Cooke, R.B. A. 105 o 696 Phyllis... Cyril Roberts 10 10 697 A Gleam of Day yet lingering in the West Reginald Smith , R.B. A. — 698 A Welsh By-way Harris Oxto?i 5 5 699 Henry V.’s Chantry, Westminster Abbey Miss E. U Oyly Rowe 21 10 700 Canning Dock, Liverpool ...... Mrs. Emma Gabriel 3 3 701 L/Orfanello A. M. Rossi 30 o 702 In Devonshire Miss Edith A. Scantlebury 6 6 703 St. Michel, Normandy .. E. W. Herefoi'd 12 o 704 A Morning in the Mourne Mountains, Newcastle, Co. Down R. G. Kelly 705 Sunn}^ Common IhelateA. W. Ay ling 15 15 706 The Eternal Barriers of the Western Sea . Cyril Ward 50 o 707 On the Berkshire Downs . John Pedder 21 o 708 Clappersgate, near Ambleside Cuthbert Rigby , R. W.S. 21 o 709 Toilers of the Sea Hubert Coop , R.B. A. 30 o 710 A Doubtful Path fames Barnes 15 15 71 1 Russet and Grey — A Welsh Beech Wood James T. Watts , R.C.A. 40 o 712 Ludlow Miss Ethel Atcherley 21 o 713 A Glint through the Wood Miss Kathleen M. Jebb 10 10 714 The Golden Wedding G. G. Kilburne, R.I. 175 o 715 Saintbury Cross George F. Nicholls 12 12 716 A Ouiet Corner on a Grey Day ... Cresivick Boy dell, R.C.A. 18 18 717 Old Rouen, France John Terns , R.S.W. 35 o 718 The Seagulls’ Paradise ...Charles Auty 21 o 719 Miss Winiji'ed Blackbur?i 10 o “ Oh ! lang, lang, may the ladies sit, With their fans in their hand, Or eir they see Sir Patrick Spens Cum sailing to the land.” 720 721 722 723 724 7 2 5 726 727 728 729 730 73i 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 35 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. A Summer Day .Joseph Kziiglit, R.I. 15 Market Scene — Naples Hampson Jozies 18 18 The Crab Merchant C. Napier Hemy, A.R.A. 500 o Gladioli . . .Miss Amy L. Cooke ( Mrs. W.D.Band) 6 6 Rhos Neigr W. J. Corah , A.R.C.A. 21 o Caldbeck, Cumberland ...Arthur Tucker , R.B.A. 85 o korna Doone J. Finnemore , R.I. 250 o “ Therefore it came to pass, that we saw fit to enter Fir Ensor’s room in the following manner. Lorna, with her right hand swallowed entirely by the palm of mine. All one side of her hair came down, in a way to be remembered, on the left and fairest side of my favourite otter-skin waistcoat ; Old Sir Ensor looked much astonished. “ ‘Ye two fools ! ’ he said at last, with a depth of contempt no words can express : ‘ ye two fools ! ’ “ ‘ May it please your worship,’ I answered softly ; ‘ maybe we are not such fools as; we look. But though we be, we are well content, so long as we may be two fools together.’ ” The Eve of St. Agnes P. A. Hay, R.S.W. Old Bebington Church... Miss M. D. Cunningham 3 3 The Fan Leonard Walker 12 12 Calling the Ducks Miss F. Jordan 4 4 A Surrey Chalk Pit Sir E.J. Poynter , Bart., P.R.A. 94 10 The Mersey 10 xo Assisi .. ..Albert Goodwin, R. W.S. 3i 10 Entrance, Old Hall, Bidston C. O' Neill 4 4 Wild Flowers 4 4 The Day’s Work Done ...Harold Swan wick, R.I. 18 18 The Toilet P. A. Hay, R.S. W. 26 5 The Hills 5 5 ... Robert Meyerheim, R.I. “ From gathering floods he saves his flock.” B2 36 Room VI.— Water-Colour Drawings. 740 Date Autumn — Westmoreland Fells Hubert Coutts £65 0 741 Gossiping 10 0 742 ...John McDougal , R.C.A. 130 0 “ The rolling waves beat on the time-worn rocks.” 743 An August Day 7 7 744 Early Spring ..James T. Watts , R.C.A. 12 12 745 Cornfield — Evening ./. W. Milliken 7 7 746 Water Carriers Filling their Jars at a Well — Spain Thos. R. Macquoid, R.I. 18 18 747 All merry things are now at rest W. Lee Hankey , R.I. 748 Lawton Mere, Alsager . R. G. Kelly 749 Conway W. Stephenso?i , A. R.C.A. 84 0 750 The Virgin Mother and Child G. Lawrence Bulleid, A.R. WS. i 57 10 75 i Cemaes ....W.J. Corah, A. R.C.A. 21 0 752 November Sunset — Braunton Burrows T. A. Falcon, R.B.A. 30 0 753 Hill and Dale W. Follen Bishop, R.B.A. 84 0 754 Pied Piper of Hamelin . 35 0 755 Still Waters Creswick Boy dell, R.C.A. 12 12 756 The Last Round 15 15 757 The Advent of Spring.. 5 5 758 The Road to the North, near Ribblehead James T. Watts , R.C.A. 12 12 759 Street in Coekenzie Miss Christina P. Ross, R.S. W. 12 12 760 The Mill A. E. Brockbayik 25 0 761 A Messenger of Good Tidings — News of Relief to Florence in 1496 (Romola) F. W. W. Topham, R.I. 52 10 762 A Grey Day — Cemaes, Anglesey Miss Jemiie Utley 16 16 763 The Mouth of the Conway Nonnan Netherwood 5 5 764 765 766 7 67 768 769 770 77 1 772 773 774 775 776 777 77 8 779 780 7»i 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. Evening Effect Frederick James Kerr Chester Cathedral Miss C. N. Redford Bidston Village Miss E. Mason In the Kells of Galloway, N.B Chas. L. Saunders A Devon Valley Harold Swanwick , R.I. Early Autumn Miss Lily Lea A Sunny Evening — Coverack, Cornwall .. James Towers , A.R.C.A. Arco d’Augusto, Perugia Miss Katharine McCracken Meadow and Stream Miss M. S. Hagarty The Fountain, Pisa George Thomson View from Richmond Hill George C. Haite \ R.I . , R.B.A. Autumn James Whaite The Blessing of the Children — Brittany Miss M. Winijride Freeman Port Arthur (1902) L. Lyttleton Goldie Conway Valley, from Glenside H. Sutterby The Old Barn L. Leslie Brooke North Country Moorland Road in Autumn, showing Snow Posts... d/As L. D. Gilphi- Brown The Faithful Fool. .Edmund J. Sullivan , A.R. IV. S. Apple Blossom — Sussex .Josephs Kirkpatrick Eanding his Catch — Cornwall .John R. Reid Dordrecht, from Parendrecht.^ 4 . C. Meyer , A.R.E. Spring’s Awakening Henry J. Lyon Woodland Blowers ..G. G. Simpson Lakeland J. J. Hodgson Traveller’s Joy. Oveiton J ones Bolton Woods James Whaite Evening Glow — Richmond .John Sinclair May .„...Graham Petrie , R.I. Near Sils, Engadine... Mrs. E. A. Jardine The Illuminated Missal Lexde?i L. Pocock Working and Watching F. G. Cohn an, R.I. 37 £15 1 5 8 8 3 3 75 o 105 o 4 4 12 12 12 12 10 10 15 o 45 o 15 15 52 10 5 o 4 4 14 14 8 8 21 o 36 15 8 8 7 7 20 o 4 4 10 10 7 7 8 8 31 10 12 12 157 10 157 10 38 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 795 The Basilica of St. Prassede, Rome Sir Wyke Bayliss y P.R.B.A. £105 o And now the time rushes on so fast that it is scarcely worth while to count the centuries as they go. A millennium passes, and there is no change. The same Christ in the centre — the same Agnus Dei round the frieze. — “ These follow the Lamb whither- soever he goeth.” Listen to the voices of two men, working at a mosaic in the apse of the Basilica of St. Prassede — a thousand years ago. First Workman: Tell me now, for I have fallen into some error ; ought there to be seven rows, or only six, of the pale red tesserae, here, just above the brow ? Second Workman : Seven, I learned it at Mount Athos, and am quite sure. First Workman : It is weary work — this counting of tesserae. I dream of it o’ nights. One, two, three, four — one, two, three, four — one, two, and after, all, a very little mistake will throw everything into confusion. Second Workman : Ah, well, the new fashion is coming in, of painting with a brush — and then, they say, every picture will be different. First Workman : I fear me that the sweep of the brush will sweep us off the scaffold. 796 The Message /. Shaw Cro?npton, R.I 52 10 797 Harvest Time 12 12 798 The Duck Pond 3i 10 799 Weaver S. Ciirnow Vosper 800 Welsh Farmstead .... Miss Edith Foot 4 4 SOI Prince Charlie’s Monument, Doch Shiel Warren Williams 15 15 Screen I. 802 Fallow Fields — Kssex Miss Edith Mitchell 6 6 803 On the Amberley Downs Joseph Kirkpati ick 8 8 804 The Mountain .... Edward D. Harriso?i 6 10 805 High Noon — Arthog, N. Wales Miss Ellen Efibbert 3 3 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 832 833 Low Water — Port Erin, I.O.M. . . . Twilight A Flower Garden Harry When the Mill is at rest W. G. Fitzsimons . Thos. Pyne , R.I. Clifford Pilsbury .... Will Grayson A Field of Cranebills ... Miss Elizabeth M. Chettle At Saunton Sands Miss G. M. Whiter A Silvery Day Fred. Grimsdale Wallflowers Miss Patty Aberigh Mackay Church Street, Tewkesbury Edwin Glasgow Withy Combe, Somerset Laurie Freie Near Shrewsbury ... George Marks Oletano Thomano, from the Vineyard of the Albergo di Roma Chai'les H. Baxter An October Day Ridgard Hartley Sheep on the Sandhills ....Fred. Grimsdale Lilac Miss S. Gertrude Unwin Fishmarket— Tenby B. A. Lewis A Sunny Day Miss Eleanor B. Page Evening on the Mersey ... ...... . C. B. Dickins Rye — Sussex Henry B. Withers Old Cottage, Totland Bay, Isle of Wight Alfred Elsworth Azaleas . . Miss Grace H Hastie The Gathering Storm Ridgard Hartley A Cheshire By-way C. B. Dickins Study of a Girl’s Head Miss Maude Goodman The Widower Miss C. M. Baynes 831 Miss Florence Nightingale “ Over the hills and far away.” A Grey Day — Cannes Miss A. M. Benecke Snapdragon and Michaelmas Daisies in our High- land Garden ...Miss Edith Martineau , A.R. W.S. 834 A Drawing. Nico W. Jungmann 835 Pooley Bridge ...Laurence Hobson 836 The Rag Market, Bruges Arthtir Scott 837 The Flower Girl Miss Gertrude Lindsay 838 Grande Toilette Edouard Menta 39 £\ 4 15 i 5 8 8 3 3 8 8 2 10 4 4 10 10 2 2 8 8 18 18 6 6 5 5 6 6 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 10 6 6 12 12 2 2 3 10 5 5 5 5 40 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 839 Paddy, property of Miss E. V. Broeklebank Miss A. Sylvia Broeklebank — 840 Dordrecht Market Miss Lilian K. Tike £3 3 841 Nasturtiums. Miss Louisa Long 3 10 842 Place d’Eglise, Caudebec John Glynn 6 6 Screen II. 843 Kitty Miss Edith Isaacs 1 11 6 844 Harry Clijford Pilsbury 8 8 “ Heavy with the heat and silence Grew the afternoon of Summer.” 845 Snowdon from Capel Curig .. .... Berenger Benger 12 12 846 The Incoming Tide . 4 4 847 A Mountain Pass (Vignette).. . Charles Klindworth 848 Boats on the Mersey : 2 2 849 A Calm Evening — Cemaes Bay, Anglesey Miss Je?inie Utley 6 6 850 Market Day — Venice Thomas Ellison 7 7 851 Portrait of Mrs. J. Grav Hill (Pastel) Harold Rathbone 852 On the Moors — Criccieth ...Miss Ethel Davies 6 6 853 The Port of Liverpool ....Miss Mary Reade 4 4 854 A Cheshire Lane — Storeton ... . E.H Wevill . 4 4 855 In the Cool Shade Will Grayson 6 6 856 A Quiet Pool — Cumberland... ...Geo. H. A. Brow 71 5 5 857 Misty Twilight ... Miss Jennie Utley 6 6 858 The Road to the Village Paul H. Ellis 10 10 859 Sur la Plage, Etaples .Alex. Warren Dow 2 2 860 The Drinking Pool ...Miss Silvia Dixw 5 5 861 In the Orchard Edgar K?iowles 4 10 862 A Huntingdon Pasture ... William H. Jacob 2 2 863 Colliers at Gravesend H. B. Freer . 5 ■5 864 Tibicina G. Lawrence Bulleid, A.R. M^S. 94 10 865 The Entrance, Dacre Castle, near Penrith Laurence Hobson 2 2 866 Young and Old Mrs. Lilian Rtissell Bell 4 4 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 41 867 Four- Crag Beck, Cumberland Geo. H. A. Brow7i £5 5 868 Near Llanbedr, N. Wales Miss Amy L. Cooke (Mrs. W. D. Band) 2 12 6 869 Down and Dale — South Berks Fred Cecil 3 3 870 Berwyn, N. Wales Miss Lily Lea 3 10 871 The Haymakers Richard Seddon 4 4 872 The Portrait .. Val Davis , R.B.A. 18 18 S73 Gorcott Hall, near Redditch . T. N. Tyndale 7 7 874 Cithariskia G. Lawrence Bulleid, A.R. W. S. 94 10 875 An Essex Farm 6 6 876 Conwa\* Castle, North Wales Harry Clifford Pilsbicry 7 7 Screen in. S77 Home from Market 7 7 878 Burton, Cheshire 4 4 879 Sunset — St. Maxime Miss L. D. Gilpin- Brown 5 5 880 Summer Stud} T O. IV. Stables 3 3 881 A Sunlit Sea .John McDougal, R.C.A. 9 9 882 A Sunny Heath 18 18 883 The Plough Harvld Swanwick , R.I. 18 18 884 Arundel from the River Bank Miss May ' L. Greville Cooksey 8 8 885 Undisturbed . Charles E. Bentley 10 10 886 Winter Evening Glow 7 7 00 00 A Useful Pair T. N. Tyndale 7 7 888 The Gardens — Buxton John Glynn 6 6 889 Poppies ..Miss Mary H. Lee 2 2 890 A Eakeside Farm — Ullswater., Laui'ence Hobson 3 3 891 A Sunnv Nook — The Alyn, Gresford Thos. G. Wood burn 4 4 892 Tremezzo Pier, Como 5 5 S93 George H. Hughes 8 8 “When 3-ellow leaves or none or few Do hang upon the trees.” 42 894 «95 8g6 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 9l6 917 918 919 920 921 922 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. Harrowing Harold Swanwick , R.I. £ 20 o Sketch Portrait Miss Ella Worrall A February Afternoon L. Lyttelton Goldie 2 15 Harvest Time — Essex Miss Eleanor B. Page 4 o Cemaes, Anglesey MissE.J . Vl/kineray 3 3 Olive Tree — Spoleto Philip Spence 14 o An English Girl... Miss Christina P. Ross , R.S. W. 9 9 The Auld Brig, Ayr R, St.John Ainslie 6 6 Grasses John B . Gibbs 4 4 Wheatley, Oxfordshire T. N. Iy 7 idale 7 7 Place des Selliers, Tunis Miss Sophia Beale 5 5 Consolation Edotiard Menta 5 o Farmhouse in Cheshire Miss D. Tho 7 'nto?i 2 2: High Tide at Westminster Miss U. IV. A. Pa 7 'kes 5 5; The Beck at Cunsey, Windermere. Miss Lucy F. Marsh 3 3; The Water Baby Miss A. Baiierl'c, A.R.E. 5 5 A Bit of the Harbour Charles M 2 d 7 'head 5 5; A Keepsake Carlto 7 i A. Smith , R.I. 21 O' Porthonstock, Cornwall .A. C. Meyer , A.R.E. 5 5 An Old Cottage — Burton J. M. Sanders 5 5 Screen IV. Roses Miss No 7 a Jo 7 ies 4 4 Afterglow Miss Patty Abe 7 lgh- Mackay Camping Ground Miss Jessie E. Tho 77 iso 7 i 3 3 ...... Miss Ma 7 r ie Roge 7 s 10 10 “ I gave my love at the parting hour— just a rose, a rose ! ” Churns T. H. Geldart 4 4 The Soudanese Bazaar, Assouan Miss IB ances E. Nesbitt 9 9 A Fairy Glen AB's. E. Ho 7 sfall Ertz 12 12 Evening in the Vale of Conway ......E. A. Ki'ause 4 4 Conway Marsh— Evening Do 7 iald Keridall 6 6 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 93i 932 933 934 935 936 937 93§ 939 940 941 94 2 943 944 Room VI. — Water-Colour Drawings. 43 Above Windermere Cutkbert Rigby, R.W.S. £ 12 o “ Fields and banks And copses bright in the sun.” Weapon of the Faithful Miss Bertha J. Tickell 8 8 Puppets Keith Henderson — Florence The Rev. J. W. R. Brocklebank 15 15 A Devonshire Farmhouse.. Cuthbert Rigby, R.W.S. 8 o Devonshire Cottages Mrs. E. Horsfall Ertz 8 8 A Welsh Cottage Miss Lilian Heatley 4 4 On a Welsh Stream Fred H. Dudley 6 6 The Upper Ten Miss Ada E. Tucker 4 4 A Welsh Homestead Miss Eleanor B. Page 5 5 The Old Denbigh Road, Cilcain, N. Wales ... E. Megin n 4 10 It is not always May Miss Lucy J. Pye 3 3 Evening Tight 7 homas M. Li?idsay 5 5 A Cumberland Village ...Arthur Decker, R.B.A. 10 10 The Thames at Southwark Mrs. A. Maud Randall 6 o A Safe Harbour, I. O.M. ...David A. Baxter, Jun. 5 5 Springtime Miss Ada Bell 12 12 The Flower Market, Bruges Miss Louisa M. Glazier 4 4 A Sketch Miss M. M. Grierson 4 4 An Unprofitable Corner Henry J. Lyon 5 5 A Village Garden C. Duassut 19 19 Mersey Barges Sam J. M. Brown 7 7 44 Room VII. — Oil Paintings. Nos. 945 to 1020. 945 Winter Evening..^. K. Brown, A.R.S.A., R.S. W. 946 Reverie .J. J. Shannon , A.R.A. 947 After Rain... Arnesby Brown, A.R.A. (Lent by P. E. J. Hemelryk, Esq.). 948 Blythburgh, Suffolk — Autumn Evening 956 957 958 959 960 961 ^95 735 C. P Anson 50 0 949 The Merry Month of May IV. Westley Mamiing, R.B.A. 42 0 950 The Ideal 1260 0 95i Cider Harvest 952 Afterglow 60 0 953 Shadows on the Sierra Nevada Miss Enid Rutherford 10 10 954 The Passing Hour 250 0 955 The Nightingale’s Song .. R. W. Macbeth , R.A. 525 0 “ Last night the nightingale woke me, last night when all was still, It sang in the golden moonlight, from out of the woodland hill, I opened my window so gently ; I looked on the dreaming dew, And oh ! the bird, my darling, was singing of you, of you.” Alfred F. Bird, Esq J. Seymour Lucas, R.A. Soda and Milk Charles Sims Campione, on the Lake of Eugano Miss Lota Bowen A Morning in June George Clausen, A.R.A. Lieut. -Colonel H. Concanon Frank T. Copnall Eileen — Daughter of J. McEvoy, Esq., Waterloo J. V. R. Parsons 50 80 400 45 Room VII. — Oil Paintings. 962 John — Son of J. H. Scott, Ksq J. Coutts Michie, A.R.S.A. 963 Pittlehampton — 964 The late Right Hon. Sir W. V. Harcourt Arthur S. Cope , A.R.A. (Lent by L. V. Harcourt, Esq., M.P.) 965 Wind, Rain, and Sunshine W. Llewellyn ^150 0 966 Alfred Bigland, Ksq — 967 Dreary October I 57 10 968 Interior of the Duomo, Siena — the Choir of the Angels Sir Wyke Bay liss, P.R.B.A. 120 0 969 Summer Sunshine by the Sea Shore W. McTaggart , R.S.A. 147 0 970 The Pageantry of May .. 35 0 971 Sunlight and Shadow .. ...Miss E. Stewart Wood 50 0 972 Mrs. Frederick Struben . 973 A Crofter’s Home 84 0 974 A Summer Nuance . 52 10 975 Summer Landscape 27 0 976 Gabriel, the Archangel.. 105 0 977 Fruits of the Barth 300 0 978 Adrift 550 0 979 Firelight 250 0 980 Klyn Idwal, N. Wales.... 26 5 981 Polymnia 1000 0 982 The Braes of Ormiston... ...E. A. Walton , R.S.A. 250 0 983 Sylvia 150 0 984 Salmon Fishing on the Tweed Janies Wallace 80 0 985 Papa Painting Solomon J. Solomon , A.R.A. — 986 The Harbour .Arnes by Brown , A.R.A. — 987 The Sisters of Cinderella W. Graham Robertso?i, R.B.A. 100 0 988 His Majesty the King .. — (Lent by the Corporation of Belfast.) 1 989 November in Italy 105 0 990 Grace after Meat H. S. Hopwood , A.R. W.S. 200 0 991 Treasure Ashore — 46 Room VII.- -Oil Paintings. 992 Ariadne deserted by Theseus Herbert Draper (By permission of L. F. Gjers, Esq.) 993 Daleland — Ayrshire £70 0 994 The Hon. Mrs. Charles Forester. .Mark Milbanke 995 The Flock — Suffolk 996 Senor Manuel Garcia ... . John S. Sargent , R.A. (bent by Senor Garcia.) 997 The Captive Butterfly ... 600 0 998 A Sunset on the Sea .... Arthur C. E. Hill 135 0 999 Morning — Cemaes Bay, Anglesea J. Hughes Clayto?i 25 0 I ooo John Allen, Esq. W.B. Boadle IOOI The Poor Man who saved the City Mrs. E. de Morgan 100 0 1002 The Chinese Kilim .. George Henry, R.S.A. 200 0 1003 Ronald, son of H. Pike- Pease, Esq., M.P Mrs . M. L. Waller 1004 Coming Events 367 10 1005 The Tithe Barns David Murray , R.A. 630 0 1006 Autumn Arthur Hacker, A. R.A. 500 0 1007 Girl in Brown ..J. Ha?nilton Mackenzie 1008 A Summer Evening 36 15 1009 The Black Dress W. G. Von Glehn 1010 Katharine, daughter of Robert McEwen, Esq. ... Fredei ick Beaumo?it IOI I “The End of the Fete” ’ (Dance and Provencal Song) 630 0 1012 Hawnley Village, North Yorks. — Evening F. W. Reckitt 150 0 1013 The Hon. Ralph H. Roper Curzon (son of Eord and Lady Teynham)... — 1014 Lady in Brown W. W. Russell 1015 Maldon, Essex — Early Morning J. Aumo?iier y R.I. — 47 Room VII, — Oil Paintings. 1016 Afterglow — Alhambra and the Sierra Nevada from the Albaicin, Granada A. M. Foweraker, R.B. A. £200 o “ The splendour falls on Castle walls, And snowy summits old in story.” Tennyson' 1 s 1 ‘ Prin cess. ’ ’ 1017 When the day’s work is done Robei't McGregor, R.S. A. 178 10 1018 The Morning of Sedgemoor ...Edgar Bundy, R.I. — (Lent by the Trustees of the Chan trey Bequest.) 1019 The Bridge at Gres....... John Lavery, R.S.A. 500 o 1020 On Albion’s Shore /. Buxton Kiiight, R.I. 250 o 48 Room VIII. — Oil Paintings. Nos. 1021 to 1116. 1021 Emilie A. Payne Garnett £75 o “ Emilie, that fairer was to seene, Than is the lilie on hir stalkes greene.” Chaucer : “ Knight’s Tale.” 1022 A Summer Sunset ./. L. Wingate , R.S.A. 1023 A Moravian Shoemaker 20 0 1024 Silvery Eight — Conway Shore Robert Fowler, R.I. 17 17 1025 Esther, Daughter of A. H. Van Gruisen, Esq. ... James Charles 1026 Eost or Strayed .....Briton Riviere , R.A. 1027 Eowland Pastures 250 0 1028 While the Shepherd Sleeps C. Haigh- Wood 52 10 1029 The Mill Stream 40 0 1030 Daisy 4 14 6 1031 The Winding Seine .R. Macaulay Stevenson 60 0 1032 A Joiner’s Shop Miss Beatrice Woodhead 21 0 1033 A Welsh Cornfield Miss Grace Kyrke-Smith 2 2 1034 A Musical Enthusiast .. 10 10 1035 Spring Tide . . Mrs. F. W. Whitfield 5 5 1036 The Poet 26 5 “ But he who meditates a work of art Oft as he writes, must act the censor’s part.” 1037 Thoughts of Spring 6 3 1038 The Flood Tide C. W. Wyllie 200 0 1039 The Return of the Flock Miss Janet Fisher 25 0 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 io 45 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 Room VIII. — Oil Paintings. 49 W. H. Mar get son £200 o “ The year’s at the spring, And day’s at the morn.” (Copyright reserved.) Melody George Harcourt 105 o The Music L,esson .James Sant , R.A. 157 10 A Happy Valley G. F. Wethei'bee , R.I. 150 o Tady Blois .J. Seymour Lucas, R.A. — Moonlight — St. Ives, Cornwall Thomas Stirling Brown 6 6 A Warm Day Miss Alice E. Ross 2 2 The Meadow Brook .... Herbert Royle 8 8 Primulas Miss Eden Robertson-Ramsay 10 10 Breton Bay He? bert Draper 15 15 Annie ... .Miss Jane Lomax — Coming from Mass W. Cunningham Hector 6 6 Heralds of Spring Miss Emily Ledbivok 3 3 Sanctuar}" ...Kenneth M. Skeaping 5 5 Hawthorn Blossom J. Blackham 5 o The Guitarist Oscar Wilson 25 o Roses . Edward B. Hawes 3 o Spring in the Pass of Deny, Callander A 7 chib aid Kay , R. S. W. 125 o Blowing Bubbles W. Llewelly 7 i 200 o A Portrait T. C. H. Castle — Cows in a Meadow Miss C. L. Christia7i (Mrs. C. T. MacCarthy ) 25 o Treasure Trove — the Pirate’s Daughter Thomas Graham 100 o Entrance of the Mosque of Seid — Persia Georges Bojidoux 25 o The Swing .J. C. Christie 15 15 View in Sussex The late Sydney Pilkingto7i — In Holland Miss Rose A. Sye/'s 20 o Olives — near Cannes The late Syd?iey Pilkhigto7i In the West Country... . Alfred Parsons, A. R.A. 525 o Nature’s Majesty Isaac Cooke , R.B.A. 200 o 50 Room VIII.- — Oil Paintings. 1069 “ Une Idylle d’Ete * ... £50 0 1070 Mrs. Hemelryk C.E. Halle 1071 Ladv in White 10 10 1072 La bella Vista — Capri . . 40 0 io 73 La Chanson d’ Amour ... 50 0 1074 Paul E. J. Hemelryk, Esq., Consul for Japan ... C. E. Halle 1075 A Spring Fantasy 1076 Autumn 21 0 1077 Sark 18 18 1078 Corfe Castle, Dorset ... 1079 Summer’s hourly mellowing change H. Milton Wilso 7 i no 0 1080 Anticipation 175 0 1081 Niphetos Roses Miss Jessie Algie 8 8 0 00 10 Confidences 26 5 1083 Cliff Reflections. 18 18 1084 The Mill Stream C. W. Strange 10 10 1085 Lady Ian Hamilton H. Harris Brown 1086 The Giudecca Canal and the Church of the Salute, Venice — Early Morning William Logsdail 75 0 1087 The Little Foot Page . Miss E. F. Brickdale , A.R. W.S. 105 0 1088 By the River... ... Miss F. Moloney 60 0 1089 Myfanwy ... ..Lawrence Koe 1090 The Happy Island of Salahat Albert Goodwin , R.W.S. 200 0 “ Sin bad in the sixth voyage relates his adventures to the Sultan.” 1091 View in Cumberland . . . . A. Everard Read 10 10 1092 Roses 4 4 1093 Dutch Boats .. W. Cunningham Hector 6 6 1094 Midsummer’s Eve — A Reverence to Roses J. H Lor inter, R.S.A. 750 0 1095 Cambria’s Coast Chas. W. Sharpe 21 0 1096 Portrait of myself C. Edmond Brock 1097 The Gasworks O. Wynne Apperley 30 0 Room VIII. — Oil Paintings. 51 1098 Genesta, daughter of Cuthbert E. Heath, Esq. W. R. Symonds — 1099 “ Alas ! that Spring should vanish with the rose.” Frank Craig £52 10 “ Alas ! that spring should vanish with the rose ! That youth’s sweet-scented manuscript should close, The nightingale that in the branches sang — Ah, whence, and wither flown again, who knows ! ” Omar Khayyam. 1100 The Piazza St. Marco — Sunday Morning Geo. C. Haite , R.I., R.B.A. 25 o ixoi An Essex Pastoral Alec Ca7 ruthers Gould , R.B.A. 12 12 xxo2 The Woodcutter’s Eittle Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth A. Forbes — 1103 Abducted P. Harl and Fisher 60 o X104 Summer Robert Burns, R.S.A. 126 o 1105 Rolling Easter Eggs E. A. Hornel 60 o 1106 The Hour of Evensong . . . Mrs. William Kennedy 15 15 1107 Petite Aimee W. Wes t ley Mannbig, R.B.A. 36 15 1108 Queen of the Sea... W. Westley Manning, R.B.A. 26 5 1109 Alex. Macleaii 105 o “ . . . The moon’s an arrant thief, And her pale fire she snatches from the sun : The sea’s a thief, whose liquid maze resolves The moon into salt tears.” mo A Portrait Frank Bramley, A.R.A. xm Sandstorm in the Desert of Palmy ra ... L ady Hill 10 10 1 1 12 The Bluebell Wood Miss A. Bromley- Martin 1 1 13 Brandimyres, Hawes, Yorks Wm. C. Coles 10 10 1 1 14 A Summer Pilot .James Clark 84 o 1 1 15 The Duchess of Gloucester and the King’s Effigy Ernest Board — “ They (at the request of the said Duchesse) had devised an image of wax representing the King, which by their sorcerie by little and little con su med . ’ ’ — Hollinshed. 1116 Stormbound W. H. Bartlett 52 iii7 iii8 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 H35 Room IX. — Oil Paintings Nos. 1 1 17 to 1180. Summer Ozven Bowen, A.R.C.A. £ 16 o Pamela C. L. Colyn Thomson 75 o Winter Willows — South Tyrol Adrian Stokes 150 o Milling Cider Apples H. H. La Thangue , A.R.A. 500 o In the Meadow J. Morris Henderson 70 o One of Dordrecht’s Canals Eugene Dekkert 25 o The Brown Lady Miss Gwenny Griffiths 36 15 On the Stort Mark Fisher — Mrs. Micholls. Sir W. B. Richmond, K.C.B., R.A. — The Band of McNab G. Ogilvy Reid, R.S.A. 84 o T’Bglise S. Pietro di Castello, Venise J. W. Mom ice — W. Pascoe 30 o “ The bride she sleepeth, waketh, sleepeth, Waiting for one whose coming is slow.” — “ Prince’s Progress,” Christina Rossetti. A Woodland Garden E. A. Hornet 160 o The Bathers ... Charles H Shannon 315 o The Fall of Icarus Gilbert Rogers 90 o The Bather Paul Paul, R.B.A. 100 o One Summer’s Day C. M. Q. Orchardson, R.B.A. 55 o The Old Mussel Fisher (Water-colour) ProJ. Hans von Bartels — A Corner of the Talmud School William Rothenstein 150 o H 36 ii37 1138 ii39 1140 1141 1142 ii 43 1144 ii 45 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 ii 53 ii 54 II 55 1156 ii 57 1158 ii 59 1160 1161 Room IX. — Oil Paintings. Autumn Sunshine David Fulto?i , R.S. W. ^125 Students C. Neil Knight A Florentine Garden Woodbine Hinchliff, A .R.E. Sunlight and Shadow — Richmond, Yorks Wm. C. Coles St. Andrew's D. Y. Cameron , A.R.S.A. , A.R. W.S . Vanity .. The late Miss Bessie MacNicol MacLeod’s Maidens, Skye Alex. Frew Cleaning Day Miss Winnie Chambers The Barn Door George Clausen , A.R.A. The Duchess of Sutherland John S. Sargent , R.A. The Farm Yard P. Wilso?i Steer Stocks Miss Jessie Algie The Thames in November J. Crealock A Foam Sprite . W. S. MacGeorge, A.R.S.A. Mother and Child (Water-colour) Prof. Hans vo?i Bartels (Lent by Col. R. J. Bennett). 125 53 0 15 0 31 10 21 0 250 0 500 0 25 o- 21 0 175 0 150 0 15 15 15 15 136 I O' L’ete, pres Vernon (Kure) . 72 0 A Scene in a Farm Yard . . .Miss Alice Fanner 30 O' Lost — Found .. James Sant , R.A. 126 O' Tranquillite 105 o> The Chinese Cloak T. Austen Brown, R.S. A. Mrs. Nicholas Ionides .' — The late G. F. Watts, O.M., R.A. — (Lent by N. Sergiades, Bsq.) Val d’Arno from Fiesole Woodbine Hinchliff, A. R.E. 52 io- Mrs. Duff Baker Mrs. H. D. Snell — An Anxious Moment Miss Isabel White (Mrs. Strong J 50 o- Furopa The late G. F. Watts, O.M., R.A. — (Lent by James Smith, Bsq., Blundellsands.) A Princess and her Court in the Country The late A. Monticelli — (Lent by James Smith, Bsq., Blundellsands.) 54 Il 62 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 Room IX. — Oil Paintings. Mrs. Xonides, Sen The late G. F. Watts, O.M., R.A. — (Lent by N. Sergiades, Esq.) Dedham Mill C. L. Colyn Thomson £30 o Rady Alix. Egerton Miss Biddy Macdonald — The Hague W. A . Gibso?i 85 o Reve de jeunesse Alexander Roche, R.S.A. — “ In maiden meditation, fancy free.” The Drag Rake Richard Henry Brock 15 15 The Thames at Battersea ...Miss Marion Dawson 2 2 Cabanes de Pecheurs aux lies Chausey E.J. Chevalier 40 o Portrait of a Young Man W. Rothenstein ■ — (Presented, by Subscribers, to the Liverpool Permanent Collection, 1905). On the Ramparts of Montreuil-sur-Mer Janies Charles — Across the Holmwood, Surrey Miss Josephhie H. J. White 15 15 Griselda G. A. Storey, A. R.A. — The Old Barge Edward Stott Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ionides and Family The late G.F. Watts, O.M., R.A. — (Lent by N. Sergiades, Ksq.) A Negro William Kneen, R.B.A. 40 o Study of a Painter William Kneen, R.B.A. 20 o Margaret George Clausen, A. R.A. 45 o Summer Moonrise ...R. Macaulay Stevenson 100 o Florence, August Afternoon C. Alban Wallis 20 o 55 Vestibule. — Oil Paintings. Nos. 1181 to 1193. 1181 Mrs. C. R. Bellamy J. V. R. Parsons — 1182 A Wind-swept Upland Taylor Brown ^45 o 1183 The Way to the Farm — Burpham, Sussex Miss Margaret A. Heath 21 o 1184 J. Uiebig Muspratt, Esq Miss Louie Johnson Jones — (Presentation Portrait.) 1185 The Eady with the Glove — Portrait of Miss McIntyre J. Hamilton Hay — 1186 The Turning of the Tide...C. Doiiglas Mackenzie 100 & 1187 Ludkrw Herbert Roy le 84 o 1188 Miss China Bevis G. Hall Neale — 1189 John Ennis, Esq Frank T. Copnall (Presentation Portrait.) 1190 Evening Miss Beatrice Bland 21 o 1 1 91 Bridgnorth Geo. Phoenix 42 o 1192 Mrs. Charles Buchel C has. A. Buchel — 56 ii94 H95 1196 ii97 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1 21 1 1212 I2I 3 1214 1215 Staircase. WATER-COLOURS, &c. Nos. 1194 to 1333. The Old Sloop Inn at Meols Fred. Gt'imsdale £\ 4 Eleanor, daughter of Hugh Melly, Esq. (Pastel) A. H. Owen — Pilsey Island (Etching) Hubert Scluvder, A. R.E. 2 10 A Shop O. Wynne Apperley 8 o French Interior (Crayon) . Miss Miriam Deane 4 4 Hornby Bequest Buildings, Eiverpool (Architectural) Ned Rimmer 10 10 Chalk Studies for Ariadne Herbert Draper — Chalk Study for Head — Ariadne Hei'bert Draper Architectural Pen and Ink Competition Design for Public Free Library, Nelson Edmund Winter The Destroyers (Etching) Herbert Dicksee , R.E. 10 10 Sisters (Crayon) T. C.H Castle Rosalys .... Miss Gertrude Henson 12 12 Bidston Birches, Fir and Bracken . J. G. Veaco 15 15 Potatoes in Bloom 2 12 6 In the Orchard 10 10 Autumn ...W. Cave Day, R.B.A. 8 8 Summer Treasures 35 0 Fluelen, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland Miss Eleanor Burnett 5 5 Geraniums and Marguerites ... . ... Miss Creeser 5 5 Portrait Sketch of Mrs. Roylance Court Miss Gwendoline Rowe — Cornish Fishers Robert E. Groves 22 1 Salisbury W. T. M. Hawksworth 10 o Staircase. 57 1216 A Welsh Village Miss Ethel Hall £8 8 * 1217 A Bog, near Glengariff, Ireland Francis S. Dayman 7 7 1218 A Welsh Mountain Homestead Josh Fisher 10 10 1219 A Welsh Homestead Ridgard Hartley 12 12 1220 October Sunshine Fredeidck Parks 6 6 1221 A Study .. Miss Amy L. Cooke f Mrs. W.D.BandJ 3 3 1222 A Lane, Gresford Thomas G. Woodburn 2 2 1223 Ojibbawa Indians Fog-bound F. A. Verner , A.R.C.A . 15 o- 1224 A Breton Mill S. Curnow Vosper — 1225 Bettws-y-Coed (Pastel) .. Cesare Formilli — 1226 The Jaws of Borrowdale — Winter H. G. Stormont 25 O’ 1227 A Venice Canal Miss Mary Bowyer 6 & 1228 Two Tittle Girls and Dormice . Miss Mary Watson 3 o- 1229 Loading Grain — Guidecca Thomas Ellison 12 12 1230 The Portcullis J. J. Hodgso?i 8 8 1231 A Quiet Evening Miss Elizabeth Whitehead 15 o 1232 The Orange Stall (Pastel) Miss Bethia Clarke 40 o 1233 The Unforgotten (Pastel).... Miss E. M. Barnard — 1234 The Cross, Winchester (Etching) Hedley Fit ton, A.R.E. 6 6 1235 The Coming of Winter W. Fred Pidce 7 7 1236 Whitby F. A. Verner , A.R.C.A. 8 8 1237 Fruit Miss Agnes Fccles 4 4 1238 On a Summer Afternoon Joseph Andrews 4 10* 1239 The Dark Pool (Etching) . John Wright, A.R.E. 1 5 1240 Miguel (Pencil) Miss A. Cai'dew Cree 3 3, 1241 Street in Copenhagen (Etching) ... Harold Mulready Stone 1 10* (Copyright reserved.) 1242 Portraits (Pastel) Miss Mary W. Rutherford — 1243 A Portrait (Crayon) Miss Edith Grace Wolje 4 4 1243A A Cheshire Upland (Oil Painting) Miss Ada Dennis 18 18 1244 A Stream (Etching) ..John Wright, A.R.E. 1 5, I 1245 Public Library Entrance, Oxford (Pen and Ink)... A. Spence Atkinson o 15 6 Staircase. 58 1246 In Time of War (after A. H. Moore) (Ktching)... Charles Butterworth — 1247 The House of Juliet, Verona (Ktching) Hedley Fitton , A.R.E . £4 4 1248 The Clouds are broken in the Sky (Crayon) ... J. Hadden Atkins 1 1 1249 Old Canal, Copenhagen (Ktching) Harold Mu/ready Stone 3 3 1250 Portrait — Crayon W. M. Hannah 1251 Primrose Time Miss Margaret E. Lloyd 2 2 1252 Cowley Street, Westminster (Ktching) Miss Adeline S. Illingworth , A.R.E. 4 4 1253 A Neapolitan — Two Studies (Ktching) Cha? r les Fairfield Wooll 1 1 1254 Storeton Wood (original etching) Alfred J. Jenks 1 10 1255 Mistress Anne (Crayon) Miss Charlotte G. McLaren 5 5 1256 The Frog Prince (Pencil) ... Miss Elsie Gregory 3 3 1257 Willows (Monotype) Miss Adelaide C. Dickson 4 10 1258 Charing Cross Bridge (Ktching) Harold Mulready Stone 3 3 1259 Briony Berries II . Drhikwater, M.D. 5 5 1260 The Horse Guards (Ktching) Hedley Fitton, A.R.E . 6 6 1261 Impressions of Child Fife at Ktaples Miss Maud Williams 7 7 1262 A Peep thro’ the Pines — Branksome Chine (Crayon) Hal S. Cousens 3 3 1263 Miss Kvelyn Wells — Portrait on Vellum.... Miss Charlotte G. McLaren — 1264 Design for Jewellery .. . . Miss Wilhelmine Bocker 5 o 1265 Kdge of the Wood (Ktching) ... Petry Lancaster 1 1 1266 Chester Cathedral (Ktching) .. Miss C. N. Redford 1 1 1267 Design for Book Plate... Mrs. Rachel Cassels Brown 1268 Moonrise (Mezzotint) .... H. N. Harrington 1 10 1269 A Study of a Head (Lithograph) Miss Richardson 3 o 1270 Christ Church, Newgate Street (Ktching) Miss Armie Williams 2 2 1 271 An Old Man (Ktching) Miss Elsie Druce 1 10 Staircase. 59 1272 The Old Folks at Home (Crayon ). .Andrew Allan £7 o 1273 Fairfield Wooll, Esq. (Drypoint Etching) C. S. Haworth — 1274 Gourock Bay (Etching ).. Hebert Schroder, A. R.E. 2 10 1275 A Daughter of the South (Crayon) Frederick Arthur Bishop 7 7 1276 Eel Crag (Etching) Walter B. Potter 1 1 1277 Old Houses — Holborn, London (Etching) Miss Janet S . C. Simpson in 6 1278 A Venetian Byeway (Etching) Lawrence B. Phillips, A. R.E . in 6 1279 Cornfield near Windermere Gilbert Rigby in 6 1280 Ein Musiker (Crayon) Miss Anita Lea 2 2 1281 Chelsea Beach (Coloured Print).. E. L. Lawrenson 2 o 1282 The Bottle Makers (Coloured Print) E. L. Lawrenson 2 o 1283 The Wharf (Etching) W. D. Barnett 5 5 1284 Chelsea Reach (Etching) W. D . Barnett 5 5 1285 Katharine and Petruchio (Pen) D. Carleton Smyth — 1286 Portrait Sketch in Crayon and Coloured Chalks Miss Ruth Bare 1 10 1287 When the Tide is Low (Crayon) Hamilton Marr, A.R.C.A. 8 8 1288 “ Snowflake ” — a Portrait (Crayon) .... Miss Nora Cooke — 1289 A Lonely Shore (Craj’on) Hamilton Marr , A.R.C.A. 6 6 1290 The Choir — Chester Cathedral (Etching) Miss E. Piper , A. R.E. 6 6 1291 Butterbur in fruit H. Drihkwater 3 3 1292 A Belgian Hare (Etching) Miss Mary E. Kershaw, A. R .E. 2 2 1293 Study of a Man’s Head (Etching) Miss Elsie Druce 1 10 1 294 The Lace Dress (Pen Drawing) Miss A nnie Er ench 7 7 1295 Teig O. Kane (Crayon) ...George William Harris 1 1 1296 Illustration to poem by Herrick (Pen) . Miss G. Moore 1 1 1297 Great-grandmother on Guard (Etching) Miss Hilda R. Foulkes 3 o 6o Staircase. 1298 Darning (Crayon) William Kneen , R.B.A.£ o 10 6 1299 Old Market — Florence (Etching) Hedley Fitton , A.R.E. 4 4 1300 The Hay Cart (Crayon) Miss M. E. Hamilton 4 4 1301 Portrait of Miss Jessica Walker (Dry-point Etching) C. S. Haworth — 1302 Eambeth Bridge, London (Etching) Miss Janet S. C. Simp soil 1 1303 Oeorge Court, Strand (Etching) Harold Mulready Stone 3 3 1304 A Nude Sketch (Etching) . Miss Elsie Druce 1 1 1305 Merlin and the Gleam (Illumination) Ernest F. Beckett 2 10 1306 The Lord’s Prayer (Illumination) Ernest F. Beckett 2 10 1307 Part of the Blue Coat School (Etching) Miss Annie Williams 2 2 1308 The North Ambulatory, Westminster Abbey (Etching) ..Miss Adelme S. Illingworth , A.R.E. 4 4 1309 Competitive Design for New Town Hall, W allasey .Laurence Hobson — 1310 Illustration to poem by Herrick (Pen) Miss G. Moore 1 1 1311 Gossip (Etching) Percy Lancaster 1 10 1312 Mother and Children on Moor (Craj^on) Miss Mary Watson 2 2 1313 A Woman Sewing (Etching) ...Miss Elsie Druce 1 1 1314 The Blind Shampooers ...George William Harris 1 1 1315 Rue du Chameau, Algiers (Pen) Ernest Ellis o 15 1316 Pan (Etching) Miss A. Bauerle, A.R.E. 2 2 1317 Gliickspiel (Pastel) Miss Rosie M. M. Pitman 21 o 1318 Designs for Fans Josiah Jo 7 ies 5 o 1319 The Liverpool Country Hospital for Children, Heswall (Architectural) Arthur P. Fry — 1320 Vanity (red chalk drawing) Andrew Allan 7 o 1321 Woodland, Bidston Miss Jessie Merrick 3 3 1322 Designs for Bookplates and prints from same ... Miss M. E. Hamilton — 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 i33i 1332 I 333 Staircase. 61 Whitby Abbey, from the Harbour... Oliver Baker £4 o The Stanserhorn, Take Lucerne, Switzerland ... Miss Eleanor Burnett 5 5 Springtime (Oil Painting) James Barnes 40 o Violin and Red Roses (Oil Painting) H.R.H The Grand Duchess Victoria Melita of Hesse 31 10 Meditation Miss Katherine Stifle 6 6 Clematis (Oil Painting) Miss Laura Noi'bury 7 7 Early Morning on the Syrian Coast, St. Jean d’Acre Lady Hill 10 10 The Dead Sea Lady Hill 8 8 The Old Garden . Miss M . C. Cox 10 10 Early Autumn among the Sheaves Marcus Holmes 6 6 The Mill on the Gipping Marcus Holmes 6 6 62 1334 1335 t 336 1337 1338 1339 1340 i34i 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 i35i 1352 13 53 Room X. — Miscellaneous, OIL PAINTINGS. Nos. 1334 to 1440. Saint Veronica showing the Handkerchief with the Impression of the Holy Face to the Blessed Virgin and Mary Magdalen on Good Friday Evening.. .Miss May L. Greville Cooksey £gg 10 Early Morning — Criccieth Castle.. W. Cadwalader 30 o Alfred Oliver 175 o “ Still on the bough is left a leaf of gold.” A Storm Cloud Miss Hilda Montalba 60 o Eieut.-Col. S. H. Perry .J. V. R. Parsons My Daughter ... Forster Robson June Miss A. Bromley -Martin — Algerian Water Carrier Mis. Laura Bjumm 30 o Near Eittlehampton, Sussex Miss Josephine H. J. White 10 10 The New Moon — Etterick Bay Alex Frew 25 o Bread Winners Thomas Bibiks 250 o Eow Tide at St. Monans Eugene Dekkert 80 o Evening — near Ramsey, I. O.M T. Hinde, Jun. 4 4 A Woodland Path — Bettws-y-coed ...Fred Cecil 4 4 Sir John Furley, C.B.... H de. T. Glazebrook W. Frank Calderon 750 o “ On the sea-beat coast Where hardy Thracians tame the Savage Horse.” Sunny Boulogne Fi'ed Roe 180 o Thomas Hughes, Esq G. Hall Neale A Northerly Breeze... .Joseph Henderson 350 o Twilight in the Desert... R. Talbot Kelly, R.B.A. 80 a I 354 1355 1356 1357 I35 8 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 i37i 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 I37 8 1379 1380 1381 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 63 Miss Lena McNaughton H, J. Hudso?i . — A Good Samaritan 0 Sea Urchins — Cornish Coast Edward Eriz , R.B.A. 157 10 William Boyle, Ksq. . — September ... Lhidsay G. Macarthur — Nant Alvn Wood Roses 8 8 C. R. Bellamy, Ksq. .... J. V. R. Parsons — Moonrise in Normandy 84 0 Japanese Lanterns . .Miss S. E. Whitehouse 35 0 Miss Hardcastle 5° 0 “ She stoops to conquers Tollman t de Riviere.... . . . .Andre Dauchez 160 0 Love and Hate ... E. Constable Alston 75 0 The Haunted Pool .. Cuthbert Grundy , R.C.A. 160 0 The Lady in the Japanese Gown — Portrait of Miss Knid Rutherford J ’. Hamilton Hay — Little Goldilocks and the Witch . . J. E. Christie — The Cronies . Frederick Bauhof 40 0 The Dead Neuk Pool — For the morrow’s Fair- -Co. Donegal W. H Bartlett — The White Dress Miss Flora Eioii 150 0 Sogndal — Norway . . . . , 70 0 An Anxious Mother ... Miss Flora M. Reid 52 10 The Rivals — Demosthenes and Phocian T. R. Spence 150 0 Demosthenes : “ Here comes the pruner of my periods.” Briggs Priestley, Ksq., M.P. J. W. Brooke — Motherless A. Foord Hughes — September Kvening .... Edward A . E antes 21 0 Mrs. Americ Flaxman and her White Scotch Terriers Will C. Penn — Mr. A. Pourriere (Presentation Portrait). 64 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1397A 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 I 4°3 1404 I 4°5 1406 I 4°7 1408 1409 Mrs. Sam E. Clegg R. G. Hinchliffe — L,o ve Reigns Everywher ft...Pei'cy R. Craft , R.B.A. — Miss Myra E. Luxmoore 73 10 “ So delicate with her needle.” A Mediator C. Haigh - Wood £36 15 C. F. Egner, Esq James Ireland — In the Turnip-fields, overlooking Beeston Castle Miss Eleanor S. Wood 21 o Passing Shower on the Dochart ...David Ihincan 8 8 Whinny Pastures — Pentcaithland /. Hamilton Glass 10 o Covetousness Eisma?i Seinenowsky — A Portrait Miss M ’. Etheldreda Gray — Scouts ,..W. B. Wollen, R.L 157 10 A Modern Penelope J. Dick Peddle 315 o Thomas Phillips, Sen., Esq Miss Co?ista?ice Read — Judgment of Paris Chas. W. Sharpe 52 10 Portrait of Nadine Brumm...#^. Laura Brumm “ The Fife Lomonds ” — A quiet evening Mrs. Craigmile 4 4 The Garden of Sleep Claude Hayes — Screen I. Cornish Cliffs W. Ernest Odgers 5 5 Daily Bread Oswald Rimmer 23 10 Ploughing in Tuscany Oswald Garside 5 5 The Eetter Miss Ethel Wane 8 8 Porth Wen, Anglesey John H Tyson 3 3 Rig Mill, near Ruswarp J. Walton Burnett 4 4 A Quaint Corner — Berks Fred Cecil 3 3 The Mersey — A Grey Morning Miss Mary Reade 2 2 Bolton Woods, Wharfedale Thos. Phillips 5 5 Roses /. Hancock 10 o Her lee-lane . ...H C. Preston Macgoun , R.S. W. 15 o A Garden by the Seaside M?s. Thos. Goffey 7 7 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 65 1410 Old Cottage at Coniston Mrs. Jessie Sinclair £2 2 1411 My Lady’s Garden Miss Ethel Wane 8 8 1412 Giotto and Dante in the Church of St. Francis, Assisi Walter J. Morgan, R.B.A. 25 o 1413 Plain of Sharon, with Beth Dragon Miss Frances M. Hornby 4 4 Screen II. 1414 Orange Gardens, Jaffa ...Miss Frances M. Hornby 5 5 1415 Bazaar, Jaffa Miss Frances M. Hornby 5 5 1416 Miss Enid Glasier Miss Florence Hannam — 1417 Cemaes, Anglesey Miss Fanny Sugars 6 6 1418 S. Salvador, Corfu, where Nausicaa played at ball — f Odyssey J Miss Frances M. Homby 5 5 1419 Gathering Clouds... Walter Shoi'e 1 11 6 1420 A Study in Brown Miss Nellie Sansom 5 5 1421 Mrs. Kufeke .Miss Florence Hannam — 1422 Miss Janet Lewis Miss Floi r e?ice Hanna 7 n — 1423 After a wet day at Kyle Achin, Skye Miss Lemonius 3 3 1424 Braithwaite Village, Cumberland Geo. H. A. Brown 5 5 1425 Shower at Sea H. Bloomfield Bare 6 6 1426 The Rawthey, Sedbergh R. St. John Ainslie 5 5 1427 The Nuns’ Doorway, Romsey Abbey Miss May L. Greville Cooksey 8 8 1428 Unemployed Frederick Pickering Walker — 1429 Le Musee de Cluny, Paris ...Miss Ada Den?iis 6 6 1430 Percy Grainger, Esq Mrs. W. G. Von Glehn — 1431 An Elderly Adonis Edmund J. Sullivan, A.R. W.S. 8 8 1432 The Broad Churchman Edmund J. Sullivan, A.R. W.S. 8 8 “ The low eats most wittles, and ’igh drinks most wine” — {Punch). Is the Broad Churchman in “a concatenation accordingly ” ? C 66 Room X. — Miscellaneous. Venice — Moonrise after Rain— Fan on Satin Lawrence B. Phillips, A. R.E. £4 4 Silverpoint Drawing .Andrew Allan 7 o Repousse Copper Frame . . . Percy H. Naftel 10 10 (With water-colour drawing, “ On the Nile at Luxor,” by A. O. Lamplough). Mother and Child . . Mrs . W. G. Von Glehn The Macaronis ...Edmund J ". Sullivan , A.R. W.S. 8 8 “ The Conoozers ” Edmund J ’ Sullivan , A.R. W.S. 8 8 “They made themselves very merry over old books, old prints, and what they were pleased to consider old Port.” — Leigh Hunt. Screen III. 1439 Spring Miss Annie French 3 3 1440 Primroses Miss Lilian G. Mahon 2 2 MINIATURES. Nos. 1441 to 1621. Screen. 1441 Tete de Femme Md7ne. R. de Mirmorit £60 o 1442 Parisienne Mdme. G. Debillemont-C harden 35 o 1443 Tete de jeune fille Mdlle. Marie Baralle — 1444 Meditation Mdme . G. Debillemo7it-Chardo7i 80 o 1445 Portrait ........Mdlle. A. B. De7ivil 32 o 1446 Mdlle. Lucie Marx Mdlle. M. L. Richard — 1447 Jeannette Miss M. L. Lucas — 1448 Mdme. L. C. Chreiien — 1 . Vieille femme ati rouet 2. Meditation I 433 H34 1435 1436 1437 143 8 Room X. — Miscellaneous. Screen. 67 1449 Girl with Bird £3 3 1450 Madame R. ....... 10 10 1451 Jehanne .Miss Katherine Collie 12 12 1452 Portrait ..Miss Katherine Collie 1453 My Great-great-grandfather, Richard Corbould Miss Lily Haywood 1454 Psyche frileuse..... ..Miss Maude Goodman 9 9 1455 Juliet 10 10 1456 Portrait of a Man Hairy Chamen Lintott Miss Dennis George W. H. Thornton, Esq. 1457 1. Father and Son.. ....Miss M. H. Jemmett 6 6 2. Prince.... 5 5 1458 Maria Novella Miss Agnes G. Gilmore 10 10 1459 Rainsprite ...Miss E. Mabel Elwes 12 12 1460 Portrait of a Rady 1461 Czardie Miss Gertrude A . Mitchell 1462 A Study 1463 Evelyn Forbes-Bell 1464 Miss Punfield 1465 Study of a Head — 1466 John Padley, Esq . W. F. S. Hetherington 1467 H.M. Queen Alexandra ...Miss Ag?ies G. Gilmore 5 5 1468 A Portrait — 1469 Winifred 1470 A Fisherman 10 10 1471 Miniature ..Miss Edith F. Morgan 1472 No Rose without a Thorn Ugo Catani 21 0 1473 Wm. Metcalfe, Esq Miss Mary Slee 1474 A Portrait 8 8 1475 F. Smallman, Esq ...Miss Lucy E. Hadden 1476 My Tittle Maid Miss Violet E. Harrison 10 10 1477 C2 From an Old Picture ... . ...Mrs. R. de G. Benson 68 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 i486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 i 4 94 1495 1496 H97 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 Room X. — Miscellaneous. My Great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Richard Corbould . Miss Lily Haywood — A Study Miss Emily Allnutt £5 5 Eove in a Mist Miss C. Lillian Shepherd 8 8 The Priest Miss Lucy Madeley 12 12 Bertram Ward, Esq Miss Fan Cowell — L,ewis Waller, as “Monsieur Beaucaire” Miss Mary Richards 15 15 Pomaria Ugo Catani 42 o Portrait of a L,ady Miss M. M. Robertson — Mrs. Dawson Miss Lucy J. Pye — A Study Miss Z. Lack 7 7 H. C. Forbes-Bell, Esq Walter E. Corbould — Baby Miss M. M. Robertson — A Portrait Miss R. M. Dakin 6 6 Portrait Miss Edith F. Morgan — Dolly Miss M. E. Brockbazik 5 5 A Bacchante Miss Anne Douglas 12 12 Study of a Head. Miss Mary Burgess (Mrs. Fletcher ') 3 3 Roses Miss Ellen L. Stansfeld 10 10 A Veteran Miss Edith Archer 10 10 Winifred Miss Katharine Szvanwick — Richard Talbot, son of R. Talbot Kelly, Esq., R.B.A., F.R.G.S Miss Georgina Laing — Mrs. H. Corbould Walter E. Corbould — Portrait of a Child Miss E. M. Child 2 2 Gw T en Eancelyn, daughter of Major Green Miss Georgina Laing — Dr. Walker, Southport .. W. F. S. Hetherington — Miriam Miss Z. Lack — Harold, son of Frank B. Spooner, Esq — Miss Kate Swanwick — In Profile Miss Mazy G. Simpsozi — An Old Portrait Miss Fan Cowell 15 15 Portrait of a L,ady Miss Kate J. L. Walker — Fauntleroy .John Craggs — l 5°9 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 *527 1528 1529 1530 *53? 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 69 Miss N. E. Isaac “ O what can ail thee, Knight-at-Arms, So haggard and so woe-begone.” Angus, son of J. H. Gordon, Esq Mrs. Ella M. Fraser Jean, daughter of J. H. Gordon, Esq Mrs. Ella M. Fraser The Embroiderers Miss N. E. Isaac Hilda Miss Lucy E. Haddon Aileen Miss Violet E. IIar?ison Only Time mends Love’s affairs Ugo Catani Beauty Miss Ellen L. Stansfeld Mrs. Murphy Val Davis , R.B.A. Dan Miss H. L. Spicer Miss Marjorie Matthews Miss Lily Haywood Jean, daughter of R. P. Clayton, Esq A. Murray Davidson Dorothy Smith W. F. S. Hetherington Merle, daughter of G. A. Humphreys, Esq Mrs. L. E. Mayger Oscar, our Little Student Mrs. J. F. Leopold Doreen Miss Kate J. L. Walker Mrs. W. S. Patterson A. Murray Davidson Mary Miss Maud /. Wilkinson A Fancy Sketch Miss Emily Allnutt Dora Miss Flora Lake Italia Miss H. L. Spicer Major Murphy Val Davis , R.B.A. Portrait of Miss X Ugo Catani The Sisters Miss Florence F. McClatchie Edith, daughter of Burkewood Welbourne, Esq. Miss Elsie Gregory Portrait Study Miss Anne Douglas Lilley Miss A lice Everard Girl’s Head Miss Maud /. Wilkhison Kathleen Miss Ethel M. Mason I 12 12 12 12 8 8 52 10 5 5 5 5 2 2 6 6 8 8 Portrait of a Lady Miss A n?iie Marks — 70 1539 I 54° i54i 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 i55i 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 i5 6 7 1568 1569 Room X. — Miscellaneous. Tiny Miss Ellen L. Sta?isjeld £5 5 Margaret Miss Fan Cowell 20 0 Dorothy, daughter of Sebastian Smith, Esq. ... Miss Edith Axford — My Lady Miss Lucy Madeley 10 10 Pet Miss Ellen White 5 5 Portrait — Elizabethan Period Costume.... Miss H. L. Spice r 8 8 A Portrait Miss Kate Rim mer Bell, daughter of C. W. Muir, Esq ... Mrs. Mabel Hankey — Harold, son of W. Westlake, Esq Miss Edith Axford 3 3 Betty Mrs. Mabel Hankey — Eittle Nell Miss M. C. Palmer The Hon. Mr. Justice Bucknill Miss Julia B. Bucknill — Geoffrey Miss Ethel M. Mason — Baby ..... Miss Dorothy Rimmer — May Miss F. A . Westcott 3 3 A Portrait Mrs. Fred Walker — Study of a Girl ...Miss Lily Jones Hughes — Grandfather Miss Evely?i Mason ( Mrs. Ernold Mason) — Mabel Miss E. H. Roberts 1 10 M arj o ry Miss Margaret Ker — Miss Batten Mrs. E. H. Do ; mer — La Blonde Miss N. E. Isaac 7 7 Joyce Miss Violet E. Han ison 10 io A Little Dutch Girl .. Miss Z. Lack — Portrait Miss Edith F. Morga?i — A Study Miss Z. Lack 7 7 Dr. Dawson Miss Lucy J. Pye — Portrait of the Artist Miss May Bridges Lee 31 10 A Portrait F. Neville Jennings — Helen Miss L ily Haywood 10 10 Ellen Warne Miss Ellen White 5 5 1570 I 57 I I 57 2 1573 1574 1575 1576 1 577 *578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 Room X.- — Miscellaneous. 71 Miss Louisa Stowell - — 1. Mrs. Fred Dobson 2. Study of Child Mrs . Evelyn White — 1. Elsa 2. Mrs. G. A. Mankiewicz yl/m Agnes Dampier 1 err y — 1. Elsie 2. Helen — Wife of James Dodds, Esq. Mrs. Garde-Brown Miss Lucie M. Hill — Mrs. F. Terras Mrs. Eleanor Palmer — Summer Days Mrs. Mabel Hankey — Miss Mo?iica Frances Gray 1. Merlin of Stapleton, Great Dane........... £$ 3 2. A Bloodhound 3 3 3. Billie, French Bulldog 3 3 4. Yoritoons Tokio, Japanese Spaniel 3 3 Mrs. Wilsey Martin .. Miss Diana Jackso?i ( Mrs. Morton Jackson ) — Miss Winifred Hoy nb lower 1. Miss Hibbert 2. Miss Edmiston — 3. Miss Pollexfen — 4. Copied from the original painting in 1831 — 5. George Pollexfen, Esq — 6. Baby 5 5 7. Mrs. George Pollexfen — 8. Miss Kathleen Mallerson 5 5 Miss Violet Bowden Portrait of a Eady ... 5 5 Mdlle. Julie Duverge 5 5 Mdlle. Sophie Arnould (after Greuze) 6 6 Mrs. Robinson (after Romney) 5 5 Columbian Butterfly J. E. Worrall 6 6 A Portrait Miss Louisa Bushe Fox — Mademoiselle de B Miss Eleanor Stephen 8 8 Secrets Miss B . Gottschalk 15 15 72 I 5^4 15S5 1586 1587 1588 1589 [ 1590 1591 159 2 Room X. — Miscellaneous. Miss Ella Worrall — 1. Flag- Lieutenant Hugh B. Mullineux, R.N. 2. Little Girl in Blue 3. Portrait 4. Miss Edith Madeleine Simms . Mrs. Alfred Elias — 1. Portrait 2. Mrs. Wynn 3. Mrs. Harold Cornfoot 4. Mrs. Hearst Miss Bessie Lawre?ice 1. The late G. Golding, Esq — 2. Phyllis £8 8 3. Somebody’s Darling 7 7 4. Bernard, son of W. P. Whitney, Esq — Pauline, daughter of L- Higgins, Esq Miss Beatrice C. Smallfield - — Miss Ethel L. Cob be — 1. Miss Norah Parker 2. Mrs. W. H. Goschen 3. A Portrait 4. Portrait of a Child 5. Peggy, daughter of J. Hall, Esq. Miss Wilhelmina Walker 1. Portrait of an Old Gentleman — 2. A Little Gipsy Maid 7 7^ Miss Mary Pitts — 1. Brenda 2. Marguerite 3. Sylvia 4. Minna Autumn Miss A nnie French 3 l 3 Mrs. A. G. Chamberli?i Gretchen A11 attractive Window 8 8 12 12 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 73 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 Mrs. E. Browning Hogg 1. Miss J. M. Edwards — 2. Margaret £ 21 o 3. A Portrait — Portraits Miss Isabel Kendall — Miss G. K. Hutchinson — 1 . Mary, daughter of J ames MacDenutt, Esq. 2. The Eady Eva Forbes Nancy Lee Mrs. Alice Ruth Dumbell 7 7 Sara, daughter of Robert MacGregor, Esq., R.S.A. Miss Mary E. Macmilla?i — Miss Ethel Ka7uth 1. Sir Henry Irving 20 o 2. An Egyptian Princess 25 o 3. La Princesse Lointaine 25 o 4. The Monk 25 o Walter Everitt — Miss Phyllis Clark The Lord Chief Justice Mrs. Isidore Birnbaum Miss Eva Simo?i 1. Mrs. S. H. Beddington — 2. Mrs. H. T. Dreschfeldt — 3. Rosebud 10 10 4. Portrait of a Girl — Miss H. B. Watson 1. A Portrait 2. Miss Dorothy Todd 3. Miss Eilsen Fox 4. Study Miss Myra E. Lzcxmoore 1. Geraldine, daughter of J. Oldham, Esq. — 2. Norah 15 15 1603 Molly, daughter of R. W. Schofield, Esq., Rochdale Miss Mabel A. E. Crompton 1604 W. J. P. Storey, Esq., High Sheriff of Flintshire Miss Lily Jones Hughes 74 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 Room X. — Miscellaneous. Mrs . A. E. St. Clair Scott 1. A Rittle Maid 2. J. W. C. Haldane, Esq., M.I.M.E 3. Jack, son of Rev. Wm. Eastwick Coates, M.A. 4. Rettice, daughter of Rev. Wm. Eastwick Coates, M.A. Miss Katherine Collie 1. Petite Bretonne 2. Portrait 3. Mignon Mrs. George Hughes and her daughters, May and Maud Miss Edith A . Rowland The Rady of Shalott Miss Edith M. Mason Miss Mary Woodward 1. Floss 2. Dorothy 3. My Mother 4. Portrait of a Rady Miss Dorothy Darrell 1 . Gaudy Spring 2. Damaris 3. “ I had a Dove and the Sweet Dove died ” Case of 7 Miniatures A Poem . Chris. Adams Irma Miss E. Mabel Elwes ... Chris. Adams £*5 15 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 12 12 1. Portrait of a Rady 2. Mrs. Partridge 3. Portrait of a Rady 4. Miss J. Miss Nellie M. Hepburn Edmunds — 1. Peggy, daughter of Henry Marshall, Esq., of Northampton 2. Herr Fritz Kreisler 3. Wykeham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sharman i6i6 3617 1618 1619 1620 1621 Room X. — Miscellaneous. 75 Two Portraits Miss Jessie E. Thomson — Eileen, Daughter of T. Beamish, Esq., M.D., and Barbara, Daughter of Major St. J. Parker Miss Ethel N. Parker — Miss E. Gertrude Kenyon 1. Jeanette £8 8 2. A Dutch Woman 5 5 3. The Queen Amelia of Portugal 8 8 4. A Study 10 10 Mrs. Alfred Elias — 1. Miss Phoebe Wynn Ellis 2. A. H. Wynn Ellis, Esq. Miss J. Mary Scott 1. Elmer — Son of Eeslie J. Cubitt, Esq., Shanghai 10 10 2. Mrs. Eowcock — 3. Mrs. Scott. — 4. Miss Rachel Row ..... .. 10 10 5. An Eye 3 3 Miss Lily Twigge 1. “Alas, that Spring should vanish with the rose” 6 6 2. Portrait of a Gentleman 3. Daydreams 6 6 76 Sculpture, &c. Nos. 1622 to 1727. Room I. 1622 The Offering (Marble Bust) . . J. W. Swy?i?ie?to?i £ 200 o 1623 La Mente Sogna i Desideri del Cuore (Marble)... Pietro Canonica — 1624 The late Marquis of Salisbury (Bust) A. Bruce- Joy, R.H.A. 525 o (Bronze original of Bust in the Mansion House, London.) 1625 The late Dr. Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury (Bust) A. B?uce-Joy , R.H.A. — 1626 L’Eremita (Bronze Bust) A. C. Lucchesi — 1627 Lewis Waller as “Henry V.” (Bronze Bust) Basil Gotto — 1628 Sir Edward Elgar (Bust, Bronze).../ 5 . F. M. Hedley — 1629 Sir Henry Harben (Bust, Plaster) J. Nesfield Forsyth — Room II. 1630 Protection .J. H. Morcom Plaster — I11 Bronze 360 o Room HI. 1631 Premiere Communiante (Buste, cire dure) Stanislas Lami — 1632 Reverie (Bronze) Henri L. Lev as seur 34 o 1 633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1 I646 | Sculpture, &c. 77 Room IV. Panthere (Marbre) F. A. H. Peyrol — Room V. The Charmed Circle of Youth (Bronze) ... Miss Esther M. Moore £60 o Room VI. Statuette (Bronze) Miss Frances Burlison 10 10 “ The year’s at the spring.” Love lies bleeding (Statuette, Silver) Frank Baxter 40 o Tittle Sea Maiden Miss Frances Darlington 36 15 Echo and Narcissus (Bronze Group) Richard Garbe 25 o Boy and Tortoise (Bronze ), .Miss Frances Burlison 12 12 Ferdinand (Statuette, Bronze) Miss L. Gwendolen Williams 26 5 The Flower Picker (Statuette, Bronze) R. G. Wheaton 16 o Room VII. “Sisters” (Group, Marble) ...E. Roscoe Mullins 315 o “ Les Lamentations sur Athene ” Auguste Rodin — (Lent by Janies Smith, Bsq., Blundellsands.) Room IX. Reverie (Bronze Statuette) ... H. R. Hope- Pinker — Farewell (Statuette, Bronze) J. Crosland McClure 36 15 In Vestibule. iEolus ruling the four winds (Group, Bronze) ... E. G. Bramwell no o 78 Sculpture, &c. Room X. 1647 Oberon and Titania (Panel) ...Alfred R. Martin ^10 10 1648 In Bondage (Statuette, Plaster) .J. Milne 8 8 1649 Mrs. Catherine Payne Hargreaves Bo?id — 1650 Disturbed (Marble) C. L. Hartzvell 30 o 1651 Kathleen Mavourneen (Bust, Plaster) Miss L. Alexander — 1652 The Balance of Power (Bronzed Plaster) Cecil Brow?i 10 10 1653 The Victim (Plaster Relief)....^. Nicholso?i Babb — 1654 The Unforeseen (Statuette) Miss Frances Darlington 10 10 1655 Joy (Bust) R. Blackburn 5 5 1656 Baby (Bust) R . Blackburn 3 3 1657 Laura (Bust, Plaster) T. Mew burn Crook — 1658 Hebe (Plaster) Mervyn Lawreiice In Bronze 165 o 1659 A Looking-Glass Portrait (Bronze Bust) Miss Giace M. Kay — 1660 Portrait Study (Plaster) Miss Caroline Jackson 3 3 1661 The Dryad (Statuette, Coloured Plaster) Miss Mary K. Potter (Mrs. H. L . Watts Jones ) In Bronze 130 o In Marble 180 o 1662 Expectation (Plaster) Miss Ethel Martm 5 5 1663 Seaweed (Statuette, Plaster) Miss Gertrude E. Wright 4 4 1664 Miranda (Statuette, Bronze) Miss L . Gwendolen Williams 26 5 1665 The Reward of Valour (Panel in Gesso and Mother o’ Pearl) Frederick Marriott — 1666 Andromache (Relief) Richard Garbe In Bronze 20 o Plaster 7 10 1667 King Alfred and his Mother (Panel, Plaster) Miss D. Stanton Wise 3 3 1668 Morning Star (Enamel) Elma Story 2 10 i66g 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 Sculpture,, &c. Cyril Joy (Medallion) A. Bruce- Joy, R.HA. Head of Cherub Miss Mary E. Huxley The Angel Gabriel Miss Mary E. Huxley Frame of Medals Frank Bowcher (Copyright Reserved.) The Cloud (Panel) . . Miss E. Halse The First Death (Relief, Marble) A. J. Mills Repousse Copper Panel for Music Cabinet — Esprits d’ Amour et d’harmonie H. Bloomfield Bare Madonna and Child Miss Mary E. Huxley Cupid’s Garden (Enamel on Copper) Miss B. M, Martin The Staff and Scrip (Enamel) . . .Miss K \ M. Eadie The pilgrim said “ Peace be with you, Lady.” ; and bent his knee. She answered “Peace.” Decorative Panel ... C. A. Walker Merlin and Vivien (Enamel). ..Miss Agnes J. Pool J. Smith, Esq. (Plaster Medallion)... C.Manzoni Mrs. Joseph Wright (Medallion Portrait) Miss Hermione Unwin E. W. Crosbie-Oates, Esq. (Bronze Medallion) . G. C. Manzoni His Parting Shot (Plaster Relief) Reuben Sheppard Portrait in Bronze of J. R. Paton, Esq., J.P. Harrison R. Fowler St. George (Panel) Miss Florence Gill Night and Day (Bronze Group — Electric light switch) . Miss Lillie Reed The Angel of Sleep (Mosaic) G. Bridge Carved Bracket Miss Dorothy Stevens Eucrezia Borgia (Bust ) . ..Miss Frances Darlington Repousse Panel — “Survival of the Fittest” (in White Metal, with Copper Frame) ... H. Bloomfield Bare John Shields, Esq., A.R.C.A. (Bust, Plaster) — . T. Mew bum Crook Pansy (Bust)... Miss Honora M. Rigby 79 £ 2 o 6 6 70 o 7 7 12 15 13 13 4 4 7 7 8 8 15 15 4 4 6 6 10 10 35 o So Sculpture, &c. 1694 Mountain Ponies (Bronze) ......Miss F. Midwood ^35 o 1695 Study of a Head (Plaster) Miss Florence Gill — 1696 Mrs. Mervyn Lawrence (Bust).. Merzyn Lawrence — 1697 Naughty (Marble) Miss E. Halse 31 10 1698 Paolo and Francesca (Relief, Plaster) Cecil S. Johnson 36 15 1699 Sir Samuel Wilks, Bart. (Plaster Medallion) Miss Floreyice Newman — 1700 Annie, daughter of Percy Jameson, Esq., (Medallion) J. Milne — 1701 Portrait (Plaster) F. H. Norbury — 1702 A West Wind (Bronzed Cast) Miss S. Ruth Canton 6 6 1703 The late Dr. James Martineau (Terra Cotta) H. R. Hope- Pinker — 1704 Watching and Waiting (Statuette, Bronze) J. Hanson Walker , Jun. 31 10 1705 Portrait Sketch (Statuette, Plaster) Miss Ethel Martin — 1706 His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. (Statuette) Hibbert Bmney 25 o 1707 Portrait Bust (Plaster)... Miss Annie L. Henniker — 1708 Rosa Mystica (Panel, Plaster) ...T. Mewburn Crook — 1709 L’Owis et l’amateur des jardins (Group, Bronzed) Auguste Paris — 1710 The Mother (Bust, Plaster) Mrs. Alice Gates 21 o 17 1 1 St. Michael (Statuette, Plaster) Miss Edith C. Mary on 15 15 1712 A Waif (Statuette, Plaster). Miss Rosamond Praeger 100 o 1713 The Three Seasons (Enamel, Panel) Miss Famiy Bunn 10 o 1714 The Eve of St. Agnes (Enamel, Panel) Miss Fanny Bmm 10 o 1715 Gloria in Excelsis (Enamel) ...Miss Fanny Bun 7 i 20 o 1716 From drawing of Holbein’s “Lady Henegam”... Miss Flore?ice Stern 20 o *i7i7 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 Sculpture, &c. 81 Moonlight (Enamel) G. Orkney Work 4 Portrait Medallion (Electrotype) Miss Florence Newman — Day and Night (Coloured Plaster) Alfred R. Martin 75 o Plaster Statuette Miss Honor a M. Rigby 30 o “ A Gentle Maid whose heart is lowly bred — Whose pleasures are in wild fields gathered.” — W ordsworth. Model for a Fountain Miss Gertrude Spencer Stanhope — A Reverie (Bronze) John Cassidy 52 10 Riches (Panel Relief) Miss Ethel Martin 10 o Memorial to the late Marchioness of Eothian (Plaster) ...A. G. Walker — Study of an Old Woman’s Head (Plaster Panel)... Miss Emily F. Cattley 2 2 A Child’s Head Miss R. M. Dakin 2 2 Model of Eiverpool Cathedral — Representing the portion which it is now proposed to erect, and showing the Choir, Lady Chapel, Chapter House, and great Central Towers. ^Executed by Lawrence A. Turner, after design by Giles Gilbert Scott. 82 Room X. Jewellery, &c. 1728 1729 Nos. 1728 to 1989. Case of Jeweeeery... O. E. Gollins 1. Necklace and Pendant (Silver, set with Moonstones, Rubies, Opals and Pearl) ^440 2. Necklace (Gold, set with Peridots and Pearl drops) 5 50 3. Pendant (Silver, set with Pearl-blister, Moonstones and Opals) 3 30 4. Pin (Silver, set with Chrysoprase and Pearls) 2 2 o 5. Buckle (Silver, Amazons, Moonstones and Turquoise) 3 3 o JEWEEEERY Miss Ethel Khkpatrick Necklace — Daisy Chain .. 4 14 6 Japanese Junk Pendant 4 40 Ship Pendant with Mother o’ Pearl Sails ... 4 40 Daisy Pendant 2 2 Daisy Brooch 2 12 Crocus Brooch 2 2 o 1730 Jewereery Mrs. Agnes Thompson Hill 1. Silver Necklace, set with Fiji Pearl 3 30 2. Silver Necklace, set with flame coloured Enamel and Corals 2 15 o 3. Silver Necklace, large Opal Matrix and Pearl Blisters 10 10 o 4. Silver Necklace, Blue Enamel and Pearl Blister 2 15 a 5. Silver Necklace, flame Enamel, and Pearl Blister, Corals 2 10 o 6. Silver Necklace, blue Enamel, Pearl and Amazon Stones 3 15 6 7. Silver Pendant, Enamel and Pearl Drop 1 18 o 8. Silver Pendant, blue and green Enamel o 18 6 9. Silver Brooch, set Enamel and 2 Opals 150 10. Copper Necklace, set with six Opals...... 3 13 6 11. Copper Brooch, set Opal 1 5 o On Q Room X. 83 1731 “The Wave” (Beaten and Enamelled Panel)... Miss M. Z. Hoyer £10 o o 1732 Case of Enamels Miss E. Beatrice Krell 1. Two Copper and Enamel Buttons, boat 2. Two Copper and Enamel Buttons, flower design pair o 15 o 3. Silver Pendant, set with Fire Opal 4 40 4. Small Silver Pendant 2 2 o 5. Silver Pendant (Cloisonne Enamel), set with two Mexican Opals 5 5 o 6. Silver and Enamel Brooch 1 10 o 7. Set of three Waistcoat Buttons o 15 o 1733 Jewellery Miss Gladys L. Falcke 1. Oxidized Silver Cloak Clasp 2 12 6 2. 15-ct. Gold Face Pin (Set Eupis Lazuli).. 1 10 o 3. Silver Pin (Set Emerald Matrix) o 76 4. Silver Pin (Set Turquoise) ... o 7 6 5. Silver Pin (Set Turquoise) o 76 Silver Jewellery ...Miss M. Z. Hoy er and G, E. H Rawlins. 1734 Enamelled Clasp 2 2 o 1735 Bracelet 3 30 1736 Cuff Links o 15 o 1737 Rainbow Brooch 1 5 o 1738 Six Turquoise Buttons. 1 10 o 1739 Pendant (Enamel and Tourmalin) 1 5 o 1740 Opal Necklace 5 50 1741 Tourmalin Ring 1 50 1742 Pendant, with Opal and Enamel 1 15 o 1743 ' Scarf Pin, with Chrysoprase o 10 6 1744 Comb, with Amazon Stone 1 10 a 1745 Blue Necklace 1 12 6 1746 Amethyst Necklace 1 50 1747 Chrysoprase Pendant o 18 6 1748 Brooch o 18 o 1749 Pearl Lace Pin o 15 6 1750 Hat Pin, plique a jour Enamel o 12 6 1751 Blue Brooch o 12 6 1752 Marmalade Spoon 1 12 6 84 Room X. jEWE^iyERY. . . The Bromsgrove Guild of Applied Arts. 1753 Set of 4 Bronze Buttons (Silver Filigree), set of 4 £1 50 1754 Set of 4 Bronze Buttons (Silver Filigree), set of 4 1 50 1755 Set of 4 Silver Buttons (Kingfisher Knamel) set of 4 1150 1756 One Kingfisher Knamel Button, larger ...set of 4 1 15 o 1757 Set of 4 Silver Buttons (Kove-in-Mist), ...set of 4 1 15 a 1758 Set of 4 Small Fly Knamel Buttons ,.set of 4 1 5 o 1759 Set of 4 Cherry Buttons .„ set of 4 1 50 1760 Set of 4 Small Buttons (Forget-me-not)... set of 4 1 50 1761 Robin Brooch.,, 1 50 1762 Peacock Brooch 1 15 o 1763 Bee Brooch o 15 o 1764 Silver Rose Brooch over Knamel ... 1 5 o 1765 Silver Brooch (Dancing Figure, Knamel) 2 00 1766 Silver Brooch (Head, Knamel) 2 10 o 1767 Silver Brooch (Head, Knamel) 2 10 o 1768 Silver Brooch (Kove-in-Mist, Knamel) 1 10 o 1769 Silver Brooch, with Garnet .... 1 00 1770 Silver Buckle (Thistle, Knamel) ... 1 100 1771 Silver Buckle (Mermaid, Knamel and Shell Panels) 3 30 1772 Silver Chatelaine (Head, Knamel) 2 50 1773 Silver Buckle (Kove-in-Mist, Knamel) 2 5 o 1774 Silver Hatpin, with Opal o 10 6 1775 Silver Hatpin, with Opal ... o 10 6 1776 Silver Hatpin (Knamels) 1 5 o 1777 Silver Hatpin (Knamelled Hawberry) o 10 6 1778 Silver Hatpin (Kingfisher Knamel) 1 00 1779 Silver Hatpin (Bee, Knamel) 1 10 o 1780 Silver Hatpin (Hawthorn Berries, Knamel) 2 00 1781 Silver Beetle Hatpin 1 10 o 1782 Silver Hatpin (3 Shell Panels) o 15 o 1783 Gold and Silver Brooch (Pearls) 2 10 o 1784 Gold Brooch (Opal Matrix and Shell Panels) ... 2 10 o Room X. 85 JEWEEEERY.... Miss Eii'ian E. Francis 1785 Set of Silver Buttons, with “ Ruskin” Centres.... £1 50 1786 Silver Bracelet, set with Turquoise Matrix 4 40 1787 Pendant in Silver, set with Pearl Blister and Amethysts 3 3 o 1788 Pendant in Silver, set with Amethyst and Pearls 2 10 o 1789 Silver Cross, set with Opal and Pearls. 2 50 1790 Pendant in Silver, set with Turquoises and Opals 220 1791 Silver Brooch, with “Ruskin” Centre o 15 6 JEWEEEERY Mrs. Evelyn Bethune. 1792 Enamel Pendant, Opals and Silver Chain 10 10 a 1793 Enamel Pendant, Coloured Sapphires and One Diamond 10 10 o 1794 Pendant and Necklet of Moonstones, Opal, and Enamel 12 12 o 1795 Pendant of Enamel and Pearl Birds, and Tour- maline and Platinum Chain 8 8 o 1796 Pendant, Blue Enamel Bird, Pearls 6 10 o 1797 Pendant, Enamel I. H.S. and Emeralds and Pearls 5 50 1798 Enamel Clasp. 3 3 o JEWEEEERY Miss Lily Day. 1799 Silver Enamelled Buckle 1 15 o 1800 Silver Enamelled Buckle 2 10 o 1801 Copper Enamelled Buckle 2 10 o 1802 Silver Enamelled Pendant 2 10 6 1803 Copper Enamelled Pendant 1 10 o- 1804 Silver Hair Pin o 15 6 1805 Silver Hair Pin (Mother o’ Pearl) 1 26 JEWEEEERY . Miss Meta G. Napier Brown. 1806 Red Enamel Heart 1 10 o 1807 Butterfly 2 5 o 1808 Italian Pendant 3 10 o 1809 French Pendant 2 10 o 1810 Ring — Mermaids and Pearl ... Hei r bert J. Mary on 5 50 $6 i8ii 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 Room X. Jewellery . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gaskin. The Garland — Silver, Pearls, Topaz, and Green paste, wrought chain ^14 14 o Campaope — Silver Necklace, Turquoise and Emerald Matrix 12 12 o Red Rose — Silver Necklace, Rubies and Pearls 6 60 Phillipa — Silver Pendant, Pearls and Paste ... 3 10 6 Dorothy — Gold and Silver Pendant, Chryso- prase and Pearls 5 50 I Pamela — Silver Necklace, Opals, Pearls, Emeralds, and Paste Topaz . 14 14 o : Doris — Silver Brooch, Chrysoprase 3 10 6 Ruth — Silver Brooch, Turquoises .... 2 2 o Helen — Silver Brooch, Silver and Turquoises.... 3 30 Gold and Silver Brooch, Sapphire and Pearls .... 3 30 Gold Necklace, set Opal Matrix and Rubies ... 9 90 Jeweeeery Jos. A. Hodel Buckle 5 10 o Pendant Eocket 6 60 Dolphin — Opal and Pearl Pendant 5 00 Gold, Opal, Pearl, and Sapphire Pendant 15 15 o j Silver and Opal Pendant 8 80] Opal Heart — Necklace 8 80 1 Opal and Emerald Necklace 8 8 o I Emerald, Pearl, Ruby and Garnet Necklace 15 15 o Emerald and Pearl Ring 4 10 o j Opal Ring 4 10 o 1 Pink Topaz, Ruby and Pearl Rings 5 50 j. Sapphire and Diamond Ring 6 15 o I Carbuncle Necklace 6 60 1 Opal, Silver and Pearl Necklace 10 10 o I Opal, Pearl and Gold Necklace 25 o o 1 Room X. 87 J e WELLE RY . Miss Elizabeth Newton and Miss E. G. Howe . 1837 Head Ornament (Gold and Silver), set Moon- stones and Topazes £7 7 o 1838 Chain (Silver Gilt, Opals and Enamel) 8 00 1839 Gold Butterfly (on Long Pin), Opals and Knamel wings 6 60 1840 Oxidised Silver Necklace and Pendant, set Garnets and Turquoises 8 80 1841 Oxidised Silver Necklace, set Turquoises and Moonstones .. 6 10 o 1842 Enamel Pendant (Amethysts) 3 10 o 1843 Silver Gilt Buttons, Knamel and Opal Matrix ... 2 20 1843A Silver Pendant Miss M. Hughes 6 o o 1844 Silver and Knamel Clasp Miss Beatrice Angle 10 10 o> J EWELLERY Mrs, Agnes Thompson Hill. 1845 Silver Pin, Blue and Green Knamel o 6 6- 1846 Silver Pin, Flame Knamel * ... o 6 6 1847 Gold Pin (18 carat, Steel Stem) set Opal 1 7 6 1848 Gold Pin (18 carat, Steel Stem) set Pearl 1 7 6 1849 Silver Hair Comb, set Pearl and Knamel ... 1 11 6 1850 Silver Belt Clasp, set Knamel 1 n 6 1851 Silver Necklace, set 5 Opal Matrix 5 15 o- 1852 Silver Brooch (in small case) set Knamel and 4 Opals 2 2 o 1853 Silver Brooch (in small case) set Enamel, Pearl and Opal 1 17 6 1854 Silver Pendant, Flame Knamel and Pearl Drop... 1 10 6 Jewellery Miss S. A. Venis. 1855 Iris Coloured Gold Topaz Brooch — Gold Pin ... 2 20 1856 Two-bar Silver Mounted Cairngorm Cloak Brooch 5 6 o> £8 Room X. JEWEEEERY IV. S. Hadaway. 1857 Silver Comb, set with Opals £1 6 10 o 1858 Opal and Silver Necklace 11 11 o 1859 Opal and Chrysoprase Necklace 10 10 o 1860 Sapphire, Pearl, and Emerald Necklace..., 12 12 o :i86i Silver Waist Buckle, with Amethyst and Enamel Mrs. Mordaunt Betts 7 70 J EWEEEERY ..... 1862 Butterfly Brooch, Silver and Enamel 7 10 o 1863 Gold Brooch, Enamel and Jewelled ....... — 1864 Enamelled Buttons, Silver 6 10 o 11865 Case of Jewellery' Miss Dorothea Hager Silver Ringbox and Stand with lapis-lazuli 10 10 o Silver Christening Spoon and Fork 3136 Silver Christening Spoon 2 2 o Suede Belt with Silver Clasp and Mountings, with Opal Matrix 5 5 o i8ct. Gold Pendant with Pearls, Emeralds, and Sapphires 16 16 o i8ct. Gold Ring with Purple Sapphire 4 40 i8ct. Gold Brooch with fine Opal 4 40 i8ct. Gold Baby’s Brooch with Pearls 440 i8ct. Gold Necklet with Fine Opals 6 16 6 i8ct. Gold Necklet with Pearls 6 60 i8ct. Gold Child’s Necklet with Whole Pearl 3 *3 6 Silver Heart Eocket with Purple Sapphires 5 50 Silver Heart Eocket with Blue Sapphires 4 14 6 Silver and Gold Pendant with Purple Sapphires 5 5 o Silver and Gold Brooch with Purple Sapphires 2 2 o Silver Brooch with Blue Sapphires 2 12 6 Silver Falcon Brooch ... 2 20 Silver Necklet 2 20 Silver Brooch with Opal Matrix 1 11 6 Room X. 89 1866 Case of Jewellery Bernard Cuzner 1. Wrought Silver Brooch, set with Obsidian £0 9 6 2. Wrought Silver Brooch (Enamelled) , .. o 15 6 3. Wrought Silver Brooch, set with Opal ... 1176 4. Wrought Silver Pendant (Enamelled) .. o 12 6 5. 18-ct. Gold Brooch, wrought, set with Opal 2 2 o 6. Wrought Silver Brooch (Enamelled) ... o 96 7. Wrought Silver Brooch, set with Turquoises 1 50 8. Silver and Copper Buttons, set of four... o 13 o 9. Wrought Silver Pendant, set with Crystal 1 40 10. Wrought Silver Ring, set with Mexican Opal 1 46 11. 18-ct. Gold Ring, wrought, set with Pearl and Turquoises.. 2 7 6 12. Wrought Silver Pendant, set with green Agates and Moonstones 1 2 6 13. Wrought Silver Necklet and Pendant, set with Corals and Turquoise 1 10 14. Wrought Silver Buckle, set with Taylor Potteries 1 10 o> 15. Wrought Silver Tea Caddy Spoon, set with Corals.. 1 36 16. i8ct. Gold Pendant, Ship, Silver Rigging, set with Opals and Pearls 4 4 a 17. Wrought Silver Bracelet, set with Amazon Stones ... 2 2 o 18. Wrought and Beaten Silver Buckle, set with Turquoise Matrix 2 5 o 19. Hammered Silver Salt Cellar and Spoon o 14 6 20. Hammered Silver Mustard Pot and Spoon 1 5 o 1867 Bonbonniere (Hammered Metal, Silvered, with Malachite Knob) Edmund T. W. Ware 4 4 0 I11 Silver 10 10 o 90 J 868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Room X. Bonbonniere (Hammered Metal, Silvered, with Amethyst Knob) Edmund T. W. Ware £ 4 4 o In Silver 10 10 o Cup and Cover (Hammered Metal, Silvered, with 3 Amethysts) ... . Edmu?id T W. Ware 5 50 Silver Rose Bowl ...Miss Florence H. Steele — Silver Bowl with Enamels. ...Mrs. Ernestine Mills 15 150 Embossed Cup (Silver) Jos. A. Hodel 6 60 Silver Presentation Spoon .. Miss Katherine G. Craine — Winged Babe (Silver Spoon) ... G. C. Manzoni 10 o Sugar Bowl (Silver), Cream Bowl (Silver) Miss Alicia Ahy...the set 3 30 Photo-frame (Silver and Enamel) 10 10 o Victory (Bronze Statuette) Herbert J . Maryon 7 70 Brass Tea Caddy . Miss Sa?a B. Guthrie 1156 Casket . .... Miss M. Dawning and Miss B. Amoore — Mother and Child (Sketch bronze) Miss Frances Burlison 5 50 An “East” Wind (Statuette) Miss S. Ruth Canton... (in bronze) 6 60 Pair of Wrought Candlesticks.. Montague Fordham 5 50 Beaten Brass Candelabra Montague Fordham 2 12 6 Candlestick (Copper) H. B. Skeldo?i 3 30 Professor Carl Binz, M.D., of Bonn University (Medal and Reverse in Bronze) Miss F. H. Maude Schwabe — Pandora’s Box Miss Dorothea Foster (Mrs. Reghiald Hirst ) 20 00 Rosebowl (Copper) Miss Alicia Kay 3 10 o Copper Tea Caddy... ..R. P. Roberts 1 10 o Copper Flower Bowl Miss Mordaimt Betts — Copper Cigar Box R. P. Robei'ts 440 Casket in Copper H. B. Skeldo?i 3 10 o The Adoration of the Virgin Child . .. Sidney H. Meteyaid 150 00 Room X. 9 1 1893 Illuminated Album, worked in Opals, Mother o’ Pearl, &c. R. E . Walker 1894 Wrought Brass Vase Montague Ford ham Ltd . 4 o 1895 Wrought Iron Fire Stool . Montague Fordham Ltd, 5 50 Pottery . The Della Robbia Pottery & Marble Co., Ltd. 1896 Jam Pot o 7 6 1897 Covered Pot 026 1898 Ginger Jar . 060 1899 Candlestick o 15 o 1900 Ink Pot o 15 o 1901 Candlestick 1 10 o 1902 Jam Pot C.A.W. 086 1903 Taylor Ink Pot „ o 5 o 1904 Vase o 5 6 3:905 Jam Pot o 6 o 1906 Roman Vase o 6 o 1907 Flower Vase o 6 6 1908 Blue Plate o 2 a 1909 Blue Jug 020 1910 Two-handled Vase o 16 6 1911 Jam Pot C.A.W o 60 1912 Spill Pot . 030 1913 Pippet Vase o 5 o 1914 Porridge Bowl o 5 6 1915 Biscuit Box o 10 6 1916 Plate o 30 1917 Bonbon Plate o 2 6 1918 Bonbon Plate o 2 3 1919 Fruit Stand 1 10 o 1920 Plate o 3 o 1921 Bonbon o 36 1922 Muffineer 086 1923 Snake Jug 2 10 o 1924 Jardiniere, “Wreath and Faces” 3 15 o 92 Room X. Pottery. .. The Della Robbia Pottery & Maible Co., Ltd* 1925 Algerian Vase, “Reaves” \£\ 15 o 1926 Globe Vase, “Dante” . 2 50 1927 Manzoni Vase, “ Raffaello ” 5 50 1928 Manzoni Vase, “ Panpipes ” 3 10 o 1929 Bowl supported by Rions „ 5 5 o 1930 Canti Galli Va.se, “ Flower- gatherer ” 3 10 o 1931 Rarge Jar, “ Face Decoration ” 5 50 1932 Rarge Jar, “ Face Decoration ” 5 50 1933 Plaque, “ Head,” light green 4 4 o 1934 Plaque, “ Head,” dark green ... 4 40 1935 Plaque, “Primroses” 2 10 o 1936 Plaque, “ Vine Reaves ” 2 10 o 1937 Plaque, “ Head ” 2 2 o 1938 Plaque, “Reaves” 1 10 o 1939 Melody Panel 3 3 o 1940 Mulberry Bush (Panel) ... 3 3 o 1941 Boy and Wreath Frieze (three large Tiles) — 1942 May Day (Panel) 10 10 o 1943 Bathers (Panel) 10 10 o 1944 Hammock (Panel) 10 10 o 1945 The Six Days of Creation (Panels), after the late Sir E. Burne-Jones 35 o o Pottery W. Hozvson Taylor 1946 Vase 2 o o 1947 Vase .... 1 5 o 1948 Vase 1 00 1949 Vase o 15 o 1:950 Vase 1 o o 1951 Pair of Vases each 076 1952 Vase , 076 1953 Vase... 076 1954 Vase o 10 6 1:955 Vase o 15 o 1956 Vase o 56 1957 I95§ 1959 i960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 i 9 7° 1971 I97 2 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Room X. 93 Pottery W. How son Taylor Vase ... Vase Vase Vase Pair of Vases ... Pair of Vases Red Vase ... Red Vase ..... Vase . Vase Vase Flower Vase Red Vase Vase Vase Preserve Preserve Inkpot Pot Pourri Vase (Golden Crackle) Jug for Flowers Cake Stand Fustre Bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl . . Pair of Bowls Bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl Pair of Bowls 6 Buttons £0 10 6 076 076 050 each 076 each 036 1 00 ... I IQ 0 2 6 046 O 15 o 2 OO 076 076 O46 036 O36 036 056 O 15 o 056 086 3 0 0 o 10 6 1 5 o 076 each 050 • 050 050 076 .. 036 each o 20 each button 006 I LIST OF THE EXHIBITORS, 1905, With their Addresses. 96 List of Exhibitors, 1905, WITH THEIR ADDRESSES. *#* The figures at the end of the Exhibitors’ Names and Addresses refer to the Corresponding Numbers in the Catalogue. A Aberigh-Mackay, Miss Patty, Falkland House, Fong Malford, Suffolk — 8i3> 915 Achille-Fould, Mdlle. G., 20, Boulevard de Courcelles, Paris, France — 34S Adams, Chas. J., Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey — 538, 638, 680 Adams, Chris., 15, The Arcade, Reading — 1612, 1614 Adams, Douglas, 7, James Street, Haymarket, London, S.W.— 296 Adin, C. Waldo, 4, Oak Avenue, Chorlton-cum-Hardy — 264 Affleck, William, 23, Leppoc Road, Clapham Park, London, S.W. — 657, 663 Ainslie, R. St. John, 3, Haldon Terrace, Dawlish, Devon— 901, 1426 Aitken, James, 8, Harrington Street, Liverpool — 388, 688 Alexander, Kdwin, A.R.W.S., Shepherd House, Inveresk — 619 Alexander, Miss L., 15, Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow — 1651 Algie, Miss Jessie, Woodcliffe, Stirling— 1081, 1147 Allan, R. W., R.W.S., 62, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. — 91 Allan, Andrew, Dinglesyde, Muirend, Cathcart, N.B. — 1272, 1320, 1434 Allnutt, Miss Bmily, 10, Clarence Crescent, Windsor — 1474, 1479, 1527 Alma-Tadema, Lady, 34, Grove End Road, London, N.W.- — 1080 Alston, E. Constable, 60, Longridge Road, Earl’s Court, London, S.W. — 1366 Aman-Jean, Edmond, 115, Boulevard Saint Michel, Paris, France — 360 Andrews, Joseph, 33, Kirkland Avenue, Bebington Road, Birkenhead — 378, 1238 Angerville, Sem, 11, Place Vintimille, Paris, France — 355 Angle, Miss Beatrice, 24, Egerton Studios, Yeoman’s Row, London,, S.W.— 453, 603, 1844 Exhibitors and their Addresses. 97 Apperley, O. Wynne, The Grey House, Silver Hill, St. Leouard’s-on- Sea— 1097, 1197 Archer, Miss Edith, c/o Miss Butler, Cromwell Hall, East Finchley, London, N. — 497, 1496 Ashburner, Wm. F., 8, Jubilee Place, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.-545 Atcherley, Miss Ethel, All Stretton, Church Stretton — 628, 712 Atkins, J. Hadden, 58, Grove Road, Rock Ferry — 1248 Atkinson, A. Spence, 386, Edge Lane, Liverpool — 1245 Atkinson, B. W., Ballagawne, Colby, I.O.M. — 421, 427 Audley, Miss Carrie, 7, Prospect Vale, Fairfield, Liverpool — 238 Aumonier, J., R.I., 5, Wychcombe Studios, England’s Lane, London, N.W. — 1015 Auty, Charles, The Studio, Bradda, Port Erin — 718 Axford, Miss Edith, Maycourt, Campden Road, South Croydon — 1541, 1547 Ay ling, A. W. (the late), Deganwy — 546, 705 Aylward, J. D., 24, Frognal, Hampstead, London, N.W. — 8, 1034, 1036 B Babb, S. Nicholson, 7, The Studios, Brecknock Road, London, N. — 1653 BACON, JOHN H. F., A.R.A., 33, St. John’s Wood Road, London, N.W. — 202 Bain, Marcel, 18, Rue de St. Petersbourg, Paris, France— 341 Baker, Oliver, The Manor House, Over Whitacre, Warwickshire — 393, 1323 Baker, Miss Emily W. (Mrs. Oliver Baker), The Manor House, Over Whitacre, Warwickshire — 605 Baralle, Mdlle. Marie, Route de Chatillon 57, Grand Montrouge, France —1443 Bardsley, Geo., 7, King’s Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester — 601 Bare, H. Bloomfield, 142A, Islington, Liverpool — 1425, 1675, 1691 Bare, Miss Ruth, 142a, Islington, Liverpool — 1286 Barnard, Miss E. M., 26, Craven Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. — 1233 Barnes, James, Pekin Buildings, 21, Harrington Street, Liverpool— 216, 636, 710, 1325 Barker, Wright, The Beeches, Ollerton, Newark — 85 Barnett, Miss Annie, Fence Avenue, Macclesfield — 499 D 98 List of the Exhibitors, Barnett, W. D., 123, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1283, 1284 Barr, William, 19, High Street, Paisley — 347 Barsley, H. P., 6, Colquitt Street, Liverpool — 615 Bartlett, W. H., Rutland, Burton Port, co. Donegal, Ireland— 1116, 1372 Baschet, Marcel, 17, Ouai Voltaire, Paris, France — 362 Batten, John D., 16, Edwardes Square, Kensington, London, W. — 494 Bauhof, Frederick, 37, Mortimer Street, Regent Street, London, W.— 1370 Bauerle, Miss A., A.R E., 59, Craven Park, London, N.W. — 909, 1316 Baxter, Chas. H., Norway Lane Studio, St. Ives, Cornwall — 629, 817 Baxter, David A., Jun., Castle Studio, 22, Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool —402, 423, 938 Baxter, Miss M. D., 46, Beresford Road, Oxton, Cheshire — 498 Baxter, Frank, 25, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. — 1636 BayIvISS, Sir Wyke, P.R.B.A., 7, North Road, Clapham Park, London, S.W.-795, 968 Baynes, Miss C. M., 9, Forest Road, Bath — 830 Beach, Miss Alice, 247, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, S.W.— 584 Beale, Miss Sophia, 3, Kingsbridge Road, Parkstone, Dorset — 904 Beaumont, Frederick, 6, William Street, Lowndes Square, London, S.W. — 1010 Beckett, Ernest F., 391, Smithdown Road, Liverpool — 1305, I306 Bedford, Francis D., 101, Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, London, W.— 467 Bell, Miss Ada, 118, Castelnau, Barnes, Surrey — 939 Bell, Mrs. Mona Hopton, 12, Grasmere Drive, Discard — 169 Bell, Miss Louie, 97, Newsham Drive, Tue Brook, Liverpool — 163, 280 Bell, Mrs. Lilian Russell, 8, Mayfield Road, Wallasey, Cheshire— 394, 414, 866 Benecke, Miss A. M., Cleveland Lodge, Dorking — 832 Benger, Berenger, Crowborough, Sussex — 606, 732, 845 Benger, W. Edmund, Ashdown Lodge, Crowborough, Sussex— 61 Bentham, Miss Frances M., 26, Fishergate, Preston — 13 Benson, Mrs. R. de G., Pulverbach, Shrewsbury — 1477 Bentley, Charles E., The Studio, Glyn-uchaf, Tal-y-Cafn, R.S.O., North Wales — 640, 646, 885 Bentley, Miss Susan J., The Studio, Glyn-uchaf, Tal-y-Cafn, R.S.O., North Wales — 2 Bethune, Mrs. Evelyn, 45, Bryanston Square, London, W.— 1792, 1793, 1794 , 1795 , 1796 , 1797 , *798 Betts, Mrs. Mordaunt, 37, Cavendish Square, London, W. — 186 1 With their Addresses. 99 Betts, Miss Mordaunt, 37, Cavendish Square, London, W. — 1889 Bigland, Percy, 29, Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 966 Billinge, Miss W. J. Ophelia, 14, Mount Carmel Chambers, Duke’s Lane, Kensington, London, W. — 162 Binney, Hibbert, 4, St. John’s Wood Studios, Queen’s Terrace, London, N.W.— 1706 Bishop, Frederick Arthur, 170, Stanhope Street, Regent’s Park, London, N.W. — 1275 Bishop, W. Follen, R.B.A., Plas Celyn, Trefriw, R.S.O., Carnarvonshire — 300, 429, 753 Black, Arthur J., 251, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 991 Blackburn, Miss Winifred, 3, Devonshire Road, West Kirby — 719 Blackburn, R., School of Art, University, Liverpool — 1655, 1656 Blackham, J., 44, Heathfield Road, King’s Heath, Birmingham — 1054 Blacklock, William K., A.R.C.A., School of Art, Edinburgh — 385, 458 Blair, Gabriel, 59, Cross Lane, Newton-le-Willows — 1469 Bland, Miss Beatrice, Bury, Pulborough, Sussex — 1190 Blinks, Thomas, 1, Hill Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 1344 Boadle, W. B., 41, Castle Street, Liverpool — 222, 1000 Board, Ernest, 3, Carlyle Studios, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.— 1115 Bocker, Miss Wilhelmine, Prospect Road, Moseley, Birmingham — 1264 Bond, Hargreaves, 95, Islington, Liverpool — 1649 Bondoux, Georges, 9, Rue Bochard de Sarou, Paris — 363, 1062 Bonnat, Leon, 48, Rue Bassano, Paris, France — 342 Borthwick, A. E., Crookston House, Heriot, Mid Lothian — 104 Bowcher, Frank, 35, Fairfax Road, Bedford Park, London, W. — 1672 Bowden, Miss Violet, 740, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1579 Bowen, Miss Augusta M., 24, Victoria Street, Tenby, South Wales — 293 Bowen, Miss Lota, Chester Studio, 3, Phillimore Terrace, Kensington, London, W. — 958 Bowen, Owen, A.R.C.A., Evenholm, East Keswick, Leeds— 54, 73, i8r, 1117 Bowyer, Miss Mary, 29, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. — 1227 Boydell, Creswick, R.C.A., Studio, 40, North John Street, Liverpool — 463, 716, 755 Bradley, Miss Dora, Clifton Cottage, New Brighton — 367 BRAMLEY, FRANK, A.R.A., Tongue Ghyll, Grasmere, R.S.O. — j 9, 1110 Bramwell, E. G., Studio, Thornton Street, Brixton, London, S.W. — 1646 Breun, J. Ernest, R.B.A., Studio, 4, Greek Street, Soho Square, London, W.— 490, 492 100 List of the Exhibitors, Brickdale, Miss E. F., A.R.W.S., n, Holland Park Road, Kensington, London, W. — 418, 1087 Bridge, G., 7, Mitcham Park, Surrey — 1688 Briggs, E. E., 102, Fellowes Road, London, N.W. — 577 Brock, C. Edmond, Worcester Lodge, 1, Mapesbury Road, Brondesbury, London, N. W. — 1013, 1096 Brock, Richard Henry, Arundine House, Madingley Road, Cambridge — 1167 Brock, Will, The Studio, 30, Osmaburgh Street, Regents Park, London, N.W. — 1362 Brockbank, A. E., 21, Brooke Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool — 102, 112, 690, 760 Brockbank, Miss M. E., 33, Carlisle Road, Southport — 1492 Brocklebank, Miss A. Sylvia, The Hollies, Woolton, Liverpool— 839 Brocklebank, The Rev. J. W. R., The Roscote, Heswall, Cheshire — 926 Bromley-Martin, Miss A., The Studio, Duke’s Lane, Kensington, London, W. — 1112, 1340 Bromsgrove Guild of Applied Arts, The, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire — 1753 , 1754 , 1755 , 1756. 1757 , 1758 , 1759 , 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1784 Brooke, J. W., 32, Basinghall Street, Leeds — 294, 1377 Brooke, L. Leslie, Harwell, Steventon, Berks — 779 Brough, Robert (the late), A.R.S.A. — in Brown, A. K., A.R.S.A., R.S.W., 152, Renfrew Street, Glasgow — 456, 945 BROWN, ARNESBY, A.R.A., Haddiscoe, near Norwich— 947, 986 Brown, Cecil, 14, St. John’s Wood Road, London, N.W. — 1652 Brown, Geo. H. A., 18, Commerce Chambers, 15, Lord Street, Liverpool — 856, 867, 1424 Brown, H. Harris, 15, The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1085 Brown, Miss Meta G. Napier, Dean Studio, Belfield Road, Edinburgh — 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809 Brown, Mrs. Rachel Cassels, 2. Woodland Road, Rock Ferry — 1267 Brown, Sam J. M., 37, Moorfields, Liverpool — 381, 430, 621, 944 Brown, Taylor, Stewarton, Ayrshire — 993, 1182 Brown, T. Austen, R.S.A., 8, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W. — 1155 Brown, Thomas Stirling, Seekford Villa, Woodbridge, Suffolk — 1045 Brown, the late W. Fulton, R.S.W. — 529 Browne, Harry E. J., 5, Pembroke Gardens Studios, Kensington, London, W. — 227 With their Addresses. IOI Bryce, Alexander J. C., 2, Ridgefield, Manchester — 1071 Bruce-Joy, A., R.H.A., Beaumont Road, West Kensington, London, W. — 1624, 1625, 1669 Brumm, Mrs. Laura, 22, Grosvenor Road, Birkdale— 237, 1341, 1396 Brunery, Francois, 43, Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France — 337 Buchel, Chas. A., 66, Adelaide Road, London, N.W. — 1192 Bucknill, Miss Julia B., Hyland’s House, Epsom— 1550 Bulleid, G. Lawrence, A.R.W.S., 57, Combe Park, Bath— 750, 864, 874 Bunce, Miss Kate E., 24, Priory Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham — 56 Bundy, Edgar, R.I., 193, Adelaide Road, S. Hampstead, London, N.W. — 250, 1018 Bunn, Miss Fanny, The Limes, Beeches Road, West Bromwich — 1713, 1714, 1715 Burgess, Miss Mary (Mrs. Fletcher), Spring View, Whitley, Warrington —1494 Burlison, Miss Frances, 2, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzro}* Road, London, N.W. — 1635, 1639, 1880 Burnett, Miss Eleanor, 27, South Road, Devonshire Park, Birkenhead — 1211, 1324 Burnett, J. Walton, White Cross Chambers, 6, South Castle Street, Liverpool — 1403 Burns, Robert, R.S.A., 49, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh— 1104 Bush, Miss Flora, 17, Devonshire Road, West Bury Park, Bristol — 566 Butterworth, Charles, Savoy House, Strand, London, W.C. — 1246 Bjdes, W. Hounsom, The Studio, Sheriff Road, West Hampstead, London, N.W. — 52 c Cadwalader, W., 18, Marine Terrace, Criccieth — 1335 Calderon, W. Frank, 54, Baker Street, London, W.— 1349 Cameron, D. ¥., A.R.S.A., A.R.W.S., Duin Eaglais, Kippen, Stirling- shire — 1 140 Canonica, Pietro, 6, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1623 Canton, Miss S. Ruth, 6, Beaumont Street, London, W. — 1702, 1881 Cree, Miss A. Cardew, Marlboro’ House, Clarkgrove Road, Sheffield — 1240 Castle, T. C. H., 13, Harrington Street, Liverpool — 1059, I2 °4 Cassidy, John, Lincoln Grove Studio, Manchester — 1722 Catani, Ugo, 18, Kensington Court Palace, Kensington, London, W. — 1472, 1484, 1515, 1531 102 List of the Exhibitors, Cattley, Miss Emily F., 30, Peel Street, Princes Park, Liverpool — 1725 Cecil, Fred, Elmbank, Raitiford Road, St. Helens — 44 r, 869, 1347, 1404 Chadwick, E. A., Hampton-in-Arden, Birmingham — 554 Chamberlin, Mrs. A. G., 28, Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1592 Chambers, Miss Winnie, Scarborough Lodge, Harrogate Yorks— 1143 Chaplain, Walter H., 5, King’s Mount, Birkenhead — 245 Chappel, E., 24, Gunter Grove, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 270 Charles, James, East Ashling House, Chichester — 311, 1025, 1171 Chettle, Miss Elizabeth M., The Firs, Sharnbrook, Beds. — 810 Chevalier, E. J., 151, Rue de Grenelle, Paris, France — 1169 Child, Miss E. M„ Tan-y-Goppa, Abergele, N. Wales— 1500 Chretien, Madame L. C., 15, Rue de Chage, Meaux, Seine-et-Marne, France — 1448 Christian, Miss C. L. (Mrs. C. T. MacCarthy), Tymon Lodge, Tallaght, co. Dublin — 276, 1060 Christie, J. E., 81, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow — 1063, 1369 Clacy, Miss E., Woodstock, Sunnyside Road, Barbourne, Worcester — 228 Clark, James, 10, Netherton Grove, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1114 Clarke, Miss Bethia, 16, Addison Road, N., Holland Park, London, N.— 511, 1232 CLAUSEN, GEORGE, A.R.A., 61, Carlton Hill, London, N.W.— 959, 1144, 1178 Clayton, J. Hughes, 36, Investment Buildings, 67, Lord Street, Liverpool — 593, 999 Clifford, Harry P., R. B. A., 44, St. Dunstan’s Road, West Kensington, London, W. — 659 Coates, J. W., 26, Cornwall Road, Bradford — 576 Cobbe, Miss Ethel L., 20, St. George’s Road, Eccleston Square, London, S.W.— 1588 Cole, Rex Vicat, 9, New Road, Campden Hill, London, W. — 92 Coles, William C., 28, Edgar Road, Winchester, Hants — 1x13, 1139 Collie, Miss Katherine, Studio, 40, South Road, Waterloo, Liverpool — 1451, 1452, 1606 Collier, Hon. John, 69, Eton Avenue, London, N.W. — 239, 272, 979 Connard, Philip, 33, Park] Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W.— 1154 Constable, Miss J. B., Balmyle, Blairgowrie, N.B. — 479 Cook, H. Moxon, c/o Messrs. Thomas and Cook, 24, Chapel Street, Liverpool — 531 Cooke, Miss Amy L. (Mrs. W. D. Band), 26, Longland Road, Liseard, Cheshire — 723, 868, 1221 With their Addresses. 103 Cooke, Miss Nora, 27, Oueen’s Terrace, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. —1288 Cooke. Isaac, R. B.A., Kirkstone, Liscard Park, Liscard, Cheshire — 466, 686, 695, 1068 Cookesley, Mrs. M. Murray, 7, Cromwell Place, S. Kensington, S.W. — 188, 317 Cooksey, Miss May L- Greville, St. Luke’s Chambers, Bold Place, Liverpool— 314, 884, 1334, 1427 Coop, Hubert, R.B.A., Conway, N.W. — 432, 709 Cooper, Miss Winifred, Hartwell, Guildford — 312 COPE, ARTHUR S., A.R.A., Little Campden House, Gloucester Walk, Kensington, London, W., 964 Copeman, Miss Constance G., A.R.E., 9, Cook Street, Liverpool — 274, 298, 507, 5 H Copnall, Frank T., Studios, Royal Insurance Buildings, North John Street, Liverpool— 302, 308, 960, 1189 Corah, W. J., A. R.C.A., Studio Galleries, Llangystemn, Conway — 724, 751 Corbould, Walter E., 9, Normanton Avenue, Sefton Park — 1463, 1488, 1499 Cotman, F. G., R.I., Arts Club, 40, Dover Street, London, W. — 794 Cousens, Hal. S., 6, Berkeley Road, Tunbridge Wells — 1262 Coutts, Hubert, Hammerbank, Windermere — 740 Cowell, Miss Fan, Ash Lea, Stanks, Leeds — 1482, 1506, 1540 Cowper, Frank C., 38, Barrowhill Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. —495 Cox, Miss Dorothy, c/o W. H. Dodd, Burton, Chatsworth Road, Croydon — 563 Cox, Miss M. C., Lucerhayes, Withington, Manchester— 1331 Cox, C. Arthur, 8, Harrington Street, Liverpool — 14, 273, 691 Craft, Percy R., R.B.A., The Cottage, Buckden, Huntingdon — 1383 Craggs, John, Bridge street, Haverfordwest — 1508 Craig, Frank, The Three Gables, Hindhead, Surrey— 1099 Craigmile, Mrs., 10, Melrose Terrace, Liscard, Cheshire — 366, 1379 Craine, Miss Katherine G., 14, Richmond Terrace, Anfield, Liverpool- 1873 Crane, Walter, R.W.S., 13, Holland Street, Kensington. London, W. — 205 Crealock, J., 1, Albert Studios, Battersea Park, London — 1148 Creeser, Miss, Oundle, Northamptonshire — 1212 Crochepierre, A. A., Chemin de Galaup, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France— 373 Crompton, Miss Mabel A. E., Studio Y.M.C.A. Building, Eastbank Street, Southport — 1603 Crompton, J. Shaw, R.I., 1, Englands Lane, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. — 796 Crook, T. Mewburn, 79, Clarendon Road, C.-on-M., Manchester — 1657, 1692, 1708 Cunningham, Miss M. D., Higher Tranmere College, Birkenhead — 728 Cuzner, Bernard, 27, Linden Road, Boumville, near Birmingham — 1866 io4 List of the Exhibitors, D Dadd, S. T., 67, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. — 442 Dakin, Miss R. M., Grappenhall, Cheshire — 1490, 1726 Darlington, Miss Frances, Burland House, Harrogate — 1637, 1654, 1690. Darrell, Miss Dorothy, 25, Campden House Road, Kensington, 1 London, W.— 1610 Dauchez, Andre, 14, Rue Saint Guillaume, Paris, France — 1365 Davidson, A. W., Mavis Bank, Newlyn, Penzance — 533 Davidson, A. Murray, 9, Cook Street, Liverpool — 1520, 1525 Davies, Miss Ethel,. 29, Trafford Chambers, South John Street, Liverpool — 408, 537, 677, 852 Davies, Tom, Fairbank, Vyuer Road, Bidston — 424 Davis, Lucien, R.I., 45a, Upper Park Road, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. — 650 Davis, Val, R.B.A., 5, Langham Chambers, Portland Place, London, W.— 872, 1517, 1530 Dawbarn, J. Y., M.A., 37, Moorfields, Liverpool — iooa, 143, 565 Dawson, Miss Marion, 149, Hopton Road, Streatham Common, London, S.W.— 1168 Day, Miss Lily, North Crescent Chambers, 3, Lord Street, Liverpool— 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 Day, W. Cave, R.B.A., City Bank Buildings, Janies Street, Harrogate- 1209 Dayman, Francis S., Tiverton, Devon — 1217 Deane, Miss Miriam, 18, Marmion Road, Liverpool— 1198 Debillemont-Chardon, Mdnie. G., 7, Rue Nouvelle, Paris — 1442, 1444 Dekkert, Eugene, 46, Gordon Street, Glasgow — 1122, 1345 Delachaux, Leon, 20, Rue Duran tin, Paris, France — 354 De Lisle, Miss Fortunee, 7, The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, London, S.W.— 491 Della Robbia Pottery and Marble Co., Ltd., The, 7, Berry Street, Liverpool — 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, I9i5> 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, i93°> I93L I93 2 . J 933’ 1934. 1935, 1936, 1937 . t 938, I939> 1940, I94L 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 Delobbe, F. A., 27, Rue d’Alesia, Paris, France— 356 Delpy, H. C., 15, Rue Hegesippe-Moreau, Paris, France — 1151 De Maine, Harry, 107, Rosebery Street, Liverpool — 513 De Mirmont, Madame R., 8, Boulevard de Courcelles, Paris, France — 1441 With their Addresses. io 5 De Morgan, Mrs. E., i, The Vale, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — IOOI Dennis, Miss Ada, 47, Nicholas Street, Chester— 1243A, 1429 Denvil, Mdlle. A. B., 3, Rue Vallier, Levallois-Perret (Seine), France — 1445 Desch, Th. A., 15, Rue Hegesippe-Moreau, Paris, France — 332 Des Clayes, Miss Gertrude, 42, Linden Gardens, Notting Hill Gate, London, W. — 21, 58, 217 D’Estienne, Henry, 48, Avenue Daumesnil, Paris, France — 359 Deutsch, Ludwig, 6, Avenue Frochot, Paris, France — 330 / Dieterle, Mdme. Marie, 37 bis Boulevard Berthier, Paris, France — 352 Dickins, Charles B., 11, Britannia Road, Liscard, Cheshire — 823, 828 DICKSEE, FRANK, R.A., Greville House, 3, Greville Place, Maida Vale, London, N.W. — 950 Dicksee, Herbert, R.E., Oakhouse, Kidderpore Avenue, Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1203 Dicksee, (the late) J. R. — 1364 Dickson, Miss Adelaide C., c/o Miss Gould, 74, Princes Square, London — 1257 Dixon, Charles, R.I., 90, Coleherne Court, Earl’s Court, London, S.W.— 681 Dixon, N. G., 50, Chester Road, Southport — 82 Dollman, Herbert P., 31, Kempsford Gardens, Earl’s Court, London, S.W.— 462 Donaldson, J. B., Kobe, Deane Road, Liverpool — 380, 530 Donne, Walter, 22, Holland Park Avenue, Kensington, London, W. — 42 Donohue, A. 13, Herschell Street, Everton — 878 Dormer, Mrs. E. H., Nightingale Place, near Polegate, Sussex — 1559 Douglas, Miss Anne, 53, Stanhope Gardens, London, S.W. — 1493, 1534 Douglas, Miss Jessie Ogston, 1, Windsor Park Terrace, Belfast — 574 Dow, Alex. Warren, Mayfield, Shepherd’s Hill, Highgate, London — 859 Downie, Patrick, R.S.W., Clyde View, Skelmorlie, Ayrshire — 325 Downing, Miss M., and Miss B. Amoore, 10, Albany Mansions, Albert Bridge, London, S.W. — 1879 Du Mont, A. Neven, Cromwell Houses, London, S.W. — 357 Draper, Herbert, 15, Abbey Road, London, N.W. — 992, 1049, 1077, 1083, 1200, 1201 Drew, Miss Silvia, Westcott, Surrey — 860 Drinkwater, H., M.D., Grosvenor Lodge, Wrexham— 1259, 1291 Druce, Miss Elsie, Thornhill, Sevenoaks, Kent — 1271, 1293, 1304, 1313 Duassut, C., Danbury, Essex — 875, 886, 943 Dudley, Fred H., 8, Sandon Street, Liverpool — 676, 930 io6 List of tlie Exhibitors Dumbell, Mrs. Alice Ruth, 146, Canning Street, Liverpool — 1596 Duncan, David, 40, Grieve Street, Dunfermline, Scotland — 1388 Dykes, Miss J. A., 8, Grosvenor Place, Bath — 1464 E Eadie, Miss K. M., Cromwell House, Church Road, Moseley, Birmingham —1678 Eatnes, Edward A., 2, Claribel Street, Liverpool — 1379 Earl, Miss Maud, 3, Bloomfield Studios, Bloomfield Place, London, S.W. — 291 EAST, ALERED, A.R.A., 2, Spencer Street, Victoria Street, London, S.W. — xoix Eaton, Miss Ellen, 88, Warwick Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 407 Eccles, Miss Agnes, Hawkshaw Avenue, Darwen, Lancashire — 1237 Edwards, Geo. H., 4, Camden Studios, Camden Street, London, N.W. — 447 > 585 . • Edmunds, Miss Nellie M. Hepburn, 79, Casewick Road, West Norwood, Surrey — 1615 Egremont, Miss Maud, 48, Stanwich Mansions, West Kensington, London, W. — 482 Elias, Alfred, 16, Warwick Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 995 Elias, Mrs. Alfred, 16, Warwick Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 1585, 1619 Elias, Miss Annette, 9, Vicarage Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 7- Ellis, Arthur, 3, Cedar Studios, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W., —583 Ellis, Ernest, x, Churchill Street, Princes Park, Liverpool — 1315 Ellis, Paul H., 40, Villa Road, Handsworth, Birmingham — 575, 858 Ellison, Thomas, 89, Croppers Hill, St. Helens — 591, 850, 1229 Elsworth, Alfred, Ivy House, Meanwood, Leeds — 825 Elwell, Fred. W., Park Cottage, Beverley, Yorks — 502 Elwes, Miss E. Mabel, 35, Baring Road, Lee, London, S.E. — 1459, 1613-. Enfield, Henry, 6, Park Valle} 7 , Nottingham— 1374 Ertz, Edward, R.B.A., M.S.A., Yealmpton, Plymouth, Devon — 1356 Ertz, Mrs. E. Horsfall, Yealmpton, Plymouth, Devon— 920, 928 Evans, Bernard, R.I., 37, Redcliffe Road, London, S.W. — 607 Everart, Mdme. Marthe, 233, bis Rue du Faubourg, Saint Hon ore, Paris,. France — 305 Everitt, Walter, 55, Baker Street, Portman Square, London, W. — 1599 Everard, Miss Alice, 9, Augusta Road, Ramsgate — 1535 Eyre, John, R.B.A., 26, Bridge Road West, Battersea Park, London, S.W.— 567 With their Addresses. 107 F Faed, James, Jun., 38, Abbey Road, London, N.W. — 173 Falcke, Miss Gladys L-, Hagley Grove, Edgbaston, Birmingham — 1733 Falcon, T. A., R.B.A., Braunton, R.vS.O., North Devon — 752 Farmer, Miss Alice, The Retreat, Datchett, Bucks — 1152 Farmer, Corrall, Loxwood, Billingshurst, Sussex — 1008 Farquharson, John, Cornwall — 532 FAROUH ARSON, JOS., A.R.A., Migvie Lodge, Porchester Gardens London, W. — 224 Ferrier, G. Straton, R.I., Studio, 34, Queen Street, Edinburgh — 455 Fidler, Harry, Teffont Magna, Salisbury — 35 FILDES, LUKE, R.A., n, Melbury Road, Kensington, London, W. — 972 P'innie, John, R.E., 422, Stanley Road, North Park, Bootle — 46, 668 Finnemore, J., R.I., Elmstone, Northwood, Middlesex — 726, 1210 Fisher, Ben., R.C.A., Dolcrwn, Tal-y-Cafn, R.S.O., North Wales — 125, 158, 411 Fisher, Horace, Butts Lodge, Brentford, London, W. — 586, 1072 Fisher, Miss Janet, Storrington, Pulborough — 561, 1039 Fisher, Josh, White Cross Chambers, 6, South Castle Street, Liverpool — 384, 678, 1218 Fisher, Mark, Hatfield Heath, Harlow, Essex— 1124 Fisher, P. Harland, Butts Lodge, Brentford, London, W. — 10, 135, 1103 Fisher, S. Melton, 12, Orme Square, London, W. — 79, 133 Fitton, Hedley, A.R.E., Stile House, Haslemere, Surrey— 1234, 1247, 1260, 1299 FitzGerald, Miss Florence, Plas Celyn, Trefriw, R.S.O., North Wales — 16, 23, 141, 175 Fitzgerald, J. A., 31, Charleville Road, Kensington West, London — 620, 667 Fitzsimons, W. G., 7, Belmont Drive, Liverpool — 806 Foot, Miss Edith, 50, Falkland Road, Egremont, Cheshire — 800 Forbes, Mrs. Elizabeth A., Trewarveneth, Newlyn, Penzance — 1102 FORBES, STANHOPE A., A.R.A., Trewarveneth, Newlyn, Penzance — 103 Fordham, Montague, Ltd., 9, Maddox Street, Regent Street, London, W. — 1882, 1883, 1894, 1895 Formilli, Cesare, 6, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1225 Forsyth, J. Nesfield, 325, Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.— 1629 io8 L,ist of the Exhibitors, Foster, Miss Dorothea (Mrs. Reginald Hirst), Bank House, Staincliffe, Batley — 1886 Foster, William, 39, Colville Gardens, Bayswater, London, W. — 610 Foulkes, Miss Hilda R., Boa Vista, Livingston Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 1297 Foweraker, A. M., R.B.A., The Headland, Carbis Bay, Lelant, Cornwall — 1016 Fowler, Harrison R., 33, Gwendoline Street, Liverpool — 1685 Fowler, Robert, R.I., Canwell House Studios Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 17, 255, 524, 1024 Fox, Miss Louisa Bushe, Ben Lomond House, Hampstead, London, N. W. — 1581 Francis, Miss Eirian E., Nythva, Wrexham — 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791 Fraser, Mrs. Ella M., Red Barns, Formby, Lancashire — 1510, 1511 Fraser, John, Studios, 21, Camden Road, London, N.W. — 167 Freeman, H., 87, Martin’s Lane, Liscard, Cheshire — 376 Freeman, Miss M. Winifride, Meadow Studios, Bushey, Herts — 776 Freer, H. B., The Elms, near Rochester, Kent — 863 Frere, Laurie, Edwardstone House, Boxford, Colchester — 815 French, Miss Annie, 227, West George Street, Glasgow — 1294, 1439, T 59 T Frew, Alex., 12, St. James Terrace, Glasgow — 1142, 1343 Frieseke, F. C,, 6, Rue Victor Considerant, Paris, France — 353 Frost, Miss S. L. G., 9, Cook Street, Liverpool— 81, 194 Fry, Arthur P., 18, Hackins Hey, Liverpool — 1319 Fulcher, Miss Nora, Studio, 43, Blenheim Crescent, Notting Hill, London, W.— 395 Fulleylove, John, R.I., 1, Laugham Chambers, Portland Place, London r W.— 139 Fulton, David, R.S.W., 183, West George Street, Glasgow — 1136 Q Gabriel, Mrs. Emma, 39, Birch Road, Oxton, Birkenhead — 700 Gadsby, Miss T., 25, Burton Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire — 320. 590 Garbe, Richard, 57, Dalston Lane, Dalston, London, N.E. — 1638, 1666 Garlick, Miss Maud, Cantsfield, Clarence Road, Birkenhead — 62, 261 Garnett, A. Payne, 2, Wycheombe Studios, Englands Lane, London. N.W. — 209, 1021 With their Addresses. 109 Garnot, G. St. F., it, Rue Constance, Paris — 307 Garraway, G. H., c/o C. W. Jones, Esq., Allerton Beeches, Allerton, Liverpool — 153 Garrido, L. R., Etaples (Pas de Calais), France — 315 Garside, Oswald, 1, White Hart Lane, Barnes, London, S.W. — 522, 626, 1400 Gaskin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J., Acocks Green, Worcestershire — 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821 Gates, Mrs. Alice, 11, Collingham Road, S. Kensington, London, S.W. — 1710 Geldart, T. H., 4, Davy Street, Everton, Liverpool— 846, 918 Gelder, William Bagnall, Huntock House, Laverock Lane, Brigliouse, Y orkshire — 244 Ghent, Peter, R.C.A., 131, Grove Street, Liverpool — 689 Gibbons, Miss Ethel W., Canning Chambers, 2, South John Street, Liverpool — 666 Gibbs, John B., Moody Terrace, Congleton — 902 Gibson, W. A., 134, Bath Street (Studio), Glasgow — 218, 1165 Gill, Miss Florence, 25, Tynwald Hill, Liverpool — 1686, 1695 Gilmore, Miss Agnes G., Baddow Hall, Chelmsford, Essex — 1458, 1467 Gilpin -Brown, Miss L. D., Elmley Lodge, Leamington — 780, 879 Glasgow, Edwin, Ivy Cottage, The Forest, Snaresbrook — 814 Glass, J. Hamilton, Cadzow Studio, Pencaitland, East Lothian — 1389 Glazebrook, H. de T., 76, Elm Park Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1348 Glazier, Miss Louisa M., 247, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, S.W. — 940 Glendening, A., Jun., 1, Manor Villas, Chiswick Lane, Chiswick, London — 457 Glynn, Mrs. Maud J., The Hut, Hoylake — 743 Glynn, John, The Hut, Hoylake — 842, 888 Gollins, O. E., Stoney Down, Mary’s Road, Stechford, near Birmingham — 1728 Goetze, Sigismund, Studio, 6a, Abercorn Place, London, N.W. — 40 Goffey, Miss Hilda (Mrs. Atkinson), Studio, 28, Sandon Buildings, Old Postoffice Place, Liverpool— 313, 483, 512 Goffey, Mrs. Thomas, Amalfi, Blundellsands — 1409 Goffey, H., Rose Cottage, Bushey, Herts — 123 Goldie, L. Lyttelton, Spondon, near Derby — 777, 896 Gooch, Edward, 59, Lord Street, Liverpool — 473, 578 Goodman, Miss J. C., 5, Brunswick Road, Kingston Hill, London, S.W. — 422 Goodman, Miss Maude, c/o Miss Wainwright, 16, Albert Road, Southport —829, 1454. IIO List of the Exhibitors, Goodman, R. G., 56, Bedford Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 93 Goodwin, Albert, R.W.S., 7, Montpellier, Ilfracombe — 549, 733, 1090 Gore, W. Henry, R.B.A., 72, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London, W. — 435 Gorst, Mrs., Caimsmore, Parkfield Road, Liverpool — 196 Gotch, T. C., Penwith, Shottermille R.S.O., Surrey — 70, 461 Gotto, Basil, 41, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1627 Gottschalk, Miss B., 3, Clifton Hill Studios, Abbey Road, London, N.W. — 1583 Gould, Alec Carruthers, R.B.A., 3, Endsleigh Street, London, W.C. — 1101 GOW, ANDREW C., R.A., 30, Grove End Road, London, N.W.— 156 Grace, James E., 26, Woodstock Road, Bedford Park, London, W. — 108 GRAHAM, PETER, R.A., 93, Ladbroke Road, Notting Hill, London, W.— 203, 301 Graham, Thomas, 96, Fellowes Road, London, N.W. — 1061 Gray, Miss Monica Frances, 46, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, London, W.— 1576 Gray, Miss M. Etheldreda, 46, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, London, W.— 1391 Grayson, Will, 13, Wulstan Street, Kirkdale, Liverpool — 809, 855 Gregory, Miss Elsie, 22, Adamson Road, Swiss Cottage, London, N.W.— 448, 1256, 1533 Gribble, B. F., 3, St. John’s Wood Studios, Queen’s Terrace, London, N.W. — 27 Grierson, C. Maclver, R.I., John Street, Sligo, Ireland — 506 Grierson, Miss M. M,, 27, Newsham Drive, Liverpool — 941 Griffiths, MissGwenny, 5, The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1123 Grimsdale, Fred., 52, Prussia Road, Hoylake — 812, 819, 1194 Griveau, Georges, 15, Quai d’Anjou, Paris, France — 370 Groves, Robert E., 36, Hatfield Road, St. Albans — 1214 Grundy, Cuthbert, R.C.A., Clappersgate, near Ambleside — 4c, 1367 Guillou, Alfred, 159, bis Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France— 328 Guthrie, Miss Sara B., 93, Hope Street, Glasgow — 45, 1878 H HACKER, ARTHUR, A.R.A., 7, Cavendish Buildings, Old Cavendish Street, London, W. — 107, 1006 Hadaway, W. S., Penrhyn Cottage, Bushey, Herts — 1857, 1858, 1859, i860 With their Addresses. hi Hadden, Miss Lucy E., Bwlch-Gwyn, Tal-y-Bont, Tal-y-Cafn, R.S.O., North Wales — 1475, 1513 Hagarty, Miss M. S., 26, Christchurch Road, Streatham Hill, London, S.W.— 595, 609, 655, 772 Hagarty, Parker, R.C.A., 16, The Parade, Cardiff — 536, 687, 693 Hagborg, Auguste, 5 Cis, Rue Jadin, Paris, France— 324 Hager, Miss Dorothea, 4, Lucerne Chambers, Kensington Mall, London, W. — 1865 Haigh*Wood, C., 45, Broadhurst Gardens, London, N.W. — 236, 1028, 1385 Haite, George C., R.I., R.B.A., Ormsby Lodge, The Avenue, Bedford Park, London, W. — 542, 551, 774, 1100. Hale, E. Matthew, Shackleford, Godaiming — 299 Hall, Miss Ethel, Beechfield, Bowdon, Cheshire — 596, 1216 Hall, Fred, 7, St. Paul’s Studios, West Kensington, London, W. — 128, 1027 Hall, Miss Jessie, Riddesdale, Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey — 592, 611, 756 Halid, C. E., The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1070, 1074 Halse, Miss E., 15, Clarendon Road, Holland Park, London, W — 1673, 1697 Hamilton, Miss M. E., Skene House, Aberdeen — 1300, 1322 Hammond, T. W., 214, Derby Road, Nottingham — 508, 509, 516 Hampshire, J., 7, Cherry Nook Road, Deighton, Huddersfield — 38 Hancock, J., 45, Bramwell Lane, Porthill, nr. Burslem, Staffordshire — 1407 Hankey, Mrs. Mabel, Studio C., 404, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1546, 1548 , 1575 Hankey, W. Lee, R.I., Studio C., 404, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 747 Hannah, W. M., 25, Honoria Street, Huddersfield — 1250 Hannam, Miss Florence, c/o Noreen Kirby, 34, Huskisson Street, Liverpool — 1416, 1421, 1422 Harcourt, George, Hospitalfield, Arbroath, N.B. — 1041 Harding, Miss L., 169, Queen’s Gate, London, S.W. — 579 Hardy, Miss Muriel, Ecchmesion House, Newbury, Berks. — 437 Harland, Miss Mary, 3, Blomfield Villas, Uxbridge Road, London, W. — 1450 Harley, Miss N., 5, Hicks Road, Waterloo, Liverpool — 197 Harrington, H. N., 1, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead — 1268 Harris, George William, 76, Princes Road, Liverpool — 1, 1295, 1314 Harrison, Edward D., Cromwell Villa, Westminster Road, Liscard— 804 Harrison, Miss Violet E., Alexandra House, Kensington Gore, London S.W. — 1476, 1514, 1561 Hartley, Alfred, Stower Provost, Gillingham, Dorset — 989 112 List of the Exhibitors, Hartley, Miss Isabella, The Heyes, Frankby, Birkenhead — 114, 157 Hartley, Richard, 32, Sandon Buildings, Church Street, Liverpool — 185, 594, 632 Hartley, Ridgard, The Bungalow, Zig-Zag Road, Liscard — 818, 827, 1219 Hartwell, C. L., 26, Marney Road, Clapham Common, London, S.W. — 1650 Hassall, John, R.I., 88, Kensington Park Road, London, W. — 559 Hastie, Miss Grace H., 39, Arundel Gardens, London, W. — 826 Havers, Val., 26, King Edward’s Gardens, Acton Hill, London, W. — 1075 Hawes, Edward B., 1, Spring Terrace, Richmond, Surrey — 1056 Hawksworth, W. T. M., 16, Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea, London — 1215 Haworth, C. S., 23, Oxford Road, Waterloo — 1273, 1301 Hay, J. Hamilton, Lucerne Buildings, 3,Redcross Street, Liverpool — 285, 974, 1185, 1368 Hay, P. A., R.S.W., 24, Yeomans Row, Brompton Road, London, W. — 460, 727, 737 Hayes, Claude, Whitehouse, Shamley Green, Guildford — 1397A Haywood, Miss Lily, 8, Cottesmore Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 1453, 1478, 1519, 1568 Heath, Miss Margaret A., 70, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. — 1183 Heatley, Miss Lilian, Marton Bank, Winsford, Cheshire — 929 Hector, W. Cunningham, 164, Bath Street, Glasgow — 1051, 1093 Hedley, Ralph, R.B.A., ill, New Bridge Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne — 132 Hedley, P. F. M., Clifton Hill Studios, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W.— 1628 HEMY, C. NAPIER, A.R.A., Churchfield, Falmouth— 99, 722 Henry, George, R.S.A., 26, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1002 Henson, Miss Gertrude, 129, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, London, N.W. —1205 Henderson, J. Morris, 207, West Campbell Street, Glasgow — 973, 1121 Henderson, Joseph, 11, Blythswood Square, Glasgow — 1352 Henderson, Keith, 18, Kensington Garden Square, London, W. — 489, 925 Henderson, Miss Maud, 8, Jubilee Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1076 Henniker, Miss Annie L-, 25, Beechcroft Road, Upper Tooting, London, S.W. — 1707. Henshall, J. Henry, R.W.S., Torghatten, Pinner, Middlesex — 233 * l Hereford, E. W. — 703 Hesse, H.R.H. The Grand Duchess Victoria Melita of, 21, Oueensberry Place, South Kensington, London, S.W. — 1326 Hetheriugton, W. F. S., Hogarth Studios, 64, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy vSquare, London — 1466, 1502, 1521 Hewitt, David, Imperial Buildings, St. Helens — 192, 199, 21 1, 970 With their Addresses. ii3 Hibbert, Miss Ellen, 48, Kingsland Road, Birkenhead — 805 Hicks, Mrs. Mary C., 37, Pepper vStreet, Chester — 212 Higgins, Miss Elsie, Merry Hill Monnt, Bushey, Herts — 177 Hiles, Henry, 1, Melrose Terrace, Liscard — 66, 90 Hill, Arthur C. E., 15, Chalcot Gardens, London, N.W. — 998 Hill, Mrs. Agnes Thompson, 1, High vStreet, C.-on-M., Manchester — 1730, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854 Hill, Lady, Mere Hall, Birkenhead — mi, 1329, 1330 Hill, Miss Lucie M., 12, Kensington, Bath, Somerset — 1573 Hill, Thomas, Richmond Studios, Fulham Place, Paddington, London, W. —39 Hill, N., 3, Lilley Road, Fairfield, Liverpool — 658 Hime, Harry, Abbey Cottage, Aintree, Liverpool — 474 HinchlifF, Woodbine, A.R.E., 49, Roland Gardens, S. Kensington, London, S.W. — 1138, 1157 Hinchliffe, R. G., 119, Bedford Street, Liverpool — 78, no, 1357, 1382 Hinde, T., Jun., 10, Richmond Street, Liverpool— 65, 1346 Hine, Harry, R.I., St. Albans, Herts.— 562, 654 Hirszenberg, Samuel, 20, Smolenska, Cracow, Galicia, Austria — 327 Hobson, Laurence, 80, Seabank Road, Liscard — 835, 865, 890, 1309 Hodel, Jos. A., 9, Park Road East, Acton, London, W. — 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1872 Hodson, Samuel J., R.W.S., 7, Hillmarton Road, London — 472, 589 Hodgson, J. J., 13, Melbourne Road, Carlisle — 738, 787, 1230 Hogg, Mrs. E. Browning, 3, Victoria Mount, Revidge, Blackburn — 1593 Holmes, Marcus, Oundle, Northants — 1332, 1333 Hope-Pinker, H. R., 22, Avonmore Road, Kensington, London, W. — 1644, 1703 Hopkins, Arthur, R.W.S., 42, Arkwright Road, London, N.W. — 226 Hopwood, H. S., A.R.W.S., The Croft, Hinderwell, Yorkshire — 990 Hornby, Miss Frances M., The Manor House, Ham, Surrey — 1413, 1414, 1415, 1418 Hornel, E. A., Broughton House, Kirkcudbright — 997 , 1105, 1129 Hornblower, Miss Winifred, 34, Carlton Road, Birkenhead — 1578 Howe, Miss E. G., 167, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843 Hoyer, Miss M. Z., 6, Victoria Road, Waterloo — 1731, J734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, I 74 I , 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752 Hudson, H. J., Alexander Studio, Alfred Place, Kensington, London S.W.-1354 Hughes, A. Foord, Thurloe Square Studios, South Kensington, London, S.W. — 1378 Hughes, Geo. H., 2, South John Street, Liverpool — 415, 452, 526, 893 Hughes, Miss Lily Jones, Bronwylfa, Penmaenmawr, North Wales — 1555, 1604 1 14 Lhst of the Exhibitors, Hughes, Miss M, 81, Bedford Street, Liverpool — 1843A Hughes-Stanton, H., Scarsdale Lodge, Wright’s Lane, Kensington, London, W. — 25 Hughes, Miss M. V., 20, Village Road, Oxton, Cheshire — 1037 Hughes, Talbot, 8, Gloucester Mansions, Harrington Gardens, London, S.W. — 100 Hunt, Miss Muriel I., Southwood, Torquay — 660 Hunter, Mrs. M. Y., Giffords Hill, Wickliambrook, Suffolk— 180 Hurst, Hal, R.I., 23A, South Audley Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W. — 11 Huson, Thos., R.I., Northcote, Waterloo, Liverpool — 20, 22, 30, 253 Hutchinson, Miss G. K., 105, Belgrave Road, London, S.W. — 1595 Hutchison, R. Gemmeee, A.R.S.A., 14, Craighall Terrace, Musselburgh, N.R. — 72, 310 Huxley, Miss Mary E., 41, Cheyney Road, Chester — 1670, 1671, 1676 Hyde, Frank, 12, Weech Road. Finchley Road, London, N.W.— 275 1 I’Anson, C., 12, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W. — 948 Illingworth, Miss Adeline S., A.R.E., 15, Elm Park Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1252, 1308 Ireland, James, n, Vernon Chambers, 3, Vernon Street, Liverpool — 1386 Isaac, Miss N. E, 20, Donnington Park Road, W. Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1470, 1509, 1512, 1560 Isaacs, Miss Edith, The Hollies, Alexandra Mount, Litherland — 843 Isaacs, Miss Winifred, The Hollies, Alexandra Mount, Litherland, Liverpool — 403 J Jack, Richard, 12b, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 105 Jackson, Miss Caroline, The Harbour Studio, St. Ives, Cornwall — 1660 Jackson, Miss Diana (Mrs. Morton Jackson), The Thicket, Addleston, Surrey— 1577 Jackson, Miss Enid U., The Harbour Studios, St. Ives, Cornwall — 136 Jackson, F. W., Hinderwell, R.S.O., Yorkshire — 129 Jacob, William H., 57, Cooper Street, St. Helens, Lancashire — 642, 862 Jameson, Middleton, 88, St. George’s Square, Westminster; London, S.W. —587 With their Addresses. n 5 Jardine, Mrs. E. A., 14, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London, W. — 792 Jebb, Miss Kathleen M., 49, Westbnry Road, Westbury-on-Tryne, Bristol —713 Jenkins, David C., Liver Sketching Club, Dale Street, Liverpool — 98, 229 Jenks, Alfred J., 70, Grove Road, Rock Ferry, Cheshire — 1254 Jennings, F. Neville, Fair Lawn, Forest Hill, London, S.B. — 1567 Jemmett, Miss M. H., The Vicarage, Feltham. Middlesex — 1457 Johnson, C. E., R.I., Carrington Lodge, Shien Road, Richmond, Surrey —1371 Johnson, Cecil S., 73B, South Side, Clapha.ni Common, London, S.W. — 1698 Johnson, Walter G., 12, New Court, Lincoln’s Inn, London, W.C.— 488, 505 Jolley, Gwilt, 72, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London, W.— 18 Jones, Miss, Normandy House, The Dell, Rock Ferry, Cheshire — 266 Jones, Miss Louie Johnson, Pystill, Holywell, N. Wales— 1184 Jones, Miss Nora, 7, Kensington Studios, Kelso Place, Kensington, London, W. — 914 Jones, Hampson, 9, Cook Street, Liverpool — 721 Jones, Harry E., The Green Farm, Grafton, near Marlborough, Wilts. — 1208 Jones, J, Clinton, R.C.A., Glenside, Tal-y-bont, Tal-y-Cafn, R.S.O. — 286, 304, 399, 454 Jones, J. Ford, 20, Cuthbert Buildings, Clayton Square, Liverpool — 122, 220 Jones, Overton, Daisymead, Chorley Wood, Herts. — 616, 788 Jones, Josiah, 21, Chapel Street, St. Helens — 1318 Jordan, Miss F., Manhatten, Grassendale Park, Liverpool — 730 Jowett, John M., 15, Gordon Road, New Brighton — 643 Jungmann, Nico W. — 834. K Kale, Arthur J., Elmwood, Royston Park, Pinner, Middlesex— 396 Karuth, Miss Ethel, 29, Nevern Mansions, Earl’s Court, London, S.W.— 1598 Kaufmann, Mrs. Lily Skeaping, 173, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool — 265, 392 Kay, Miss Alicia, 71, Newsham Drive, Liverpool — 1875, 1887 Kay, Archibald, R.S.W., 259, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow — 1057 Kay, Miss Grace M., 59, Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W. — 1659 Kay, James, R.S.W., 67, West Nile Street, Glasgow — 48 n6 List of the Exhibitors, Kelly, Gerald Festus, The Vicarage, Church Street, Camberwell, London, S.E. — 113 Kelly, R. G., Parkgate, Cheshire — 704, 748 Kelly, R. Talbot, R.B.A., 4, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W.— 476, 649, 1353. Kemp-Welch, Miss L. E., Kingsley, Bushey, Herts — 240. Kendall, Donald, Fir Tree House, Higher Bebington, Cheshire — 64, 83, 922 Kendall, Miss Isabel, Lancelyn, Rock Ferry, Cheshire — 552, 1594 Kennedy, Mrs. William, 104, West George Street, Glasgow — 1106 Kennington, T. B., 8, Netherton Grove, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 106, 154 Kenyon, Miss E. Gertrude, Ferndale, Main Road, Twickenham, London, S.W— 1618 Ker, Miss Margaret, 65, Handheld Road, Waterloo, Liverpool — 1558 Kerr, Frederick James, Pwynceri, Colcot, Barry, South Wales — 764 Kershaw, Miss Mary E-, A.R.E., 7, Watcliffe Road, Birkdale — 1292 Kidson, Henry E., 4, Beech Terrace, Beech Street, Liverpool — 96, 201 Kilburne, G. G., R.I., 39, Steeles Road, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. —714- King, Yeend, 103, Finchley Road, London, N.W. — 282 Kinkhead, Miss Alice S., 11, Pond Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 500, 5io Kirkpatrick, Miss Ethel, The Gables, Harrow — 1729 Kirkpatrick, Joseph, Curdridge, near Botley, Hants. — 540, 647, 782, 803 Kirkpatrick, Miss T-, Lineluden, Penketh Road, Liscard — 69, 190. Kitchingman, Joseph, Promenade, Liscard— 672 Klindworth, Charles, 2, Dale Street, Liverpool— S47 Kneen, William, R.B.A., 6, Maclise Mansions, Addison Road, London- 1176, 1177, 1298 Knight, C. Neil, 36, Kensington Park Road, London, W — 1137 Knight, Joseph, R.I., Bryn Glas, near Conway, N. Wales — 548, 623, 720 Knight, J. Buxton, R.I., Caversham Lodge, Chorley Wood, Herts — 1020 Knowles, Edgar, Castle Studio, 22, Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool — 861 Knowles, Miss Ethel M., 215, Speakman Road, St. Helens — 519 Knowles, G. Sheridan, R.I., 5, Parkhill Road Studios, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. — 26 Koe, Lawrence, 3, Pembroke Garden Studios, Kensington, London, W. — 1089 Kortright, Henry S., 23, Cedars Road, Clapham Common, London, S.W. — 57> 279 Krause, E. A., 21, Beacham Road, Southport, Lancashire — 921 Krauss, Miss Amy, 1, Priory Road, Clifton, Bristol— 289 With their Addresses. n 7 Krell, Miss E. Beatrice, 18, Abercromby Square, Liverpool— 1 732 Kynaston, Arthur, 4, The Court, Guildford — 138 Kyrke-Smith, Miss Grace, Kirkstone, Waterloo — 1033 L Lack, Miss Z., Brooklyn, .Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey — 1487, 1503, 1562, 1564 Laidlay, W. J., 50, Circus Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 28S Laing, Miss Georgina, 8, The Temple, Dale Street, Liverpool — 386, 1498,. 1501 Laing, W. Wardlaw, 8 and 9, The Temple, Dale Street, Liverpool — 6, 119 Lake, Miss Flora, Ashcroft, Shalford, Guildford, Surrey — 1528 Lami, Stanislas, 51, Rue Scheffer, Paris, France — 1631 Lancaster, Percy, 231, Lord Street, Southport — 1265, 1311 LATHANGUE, H. H., A.R.A., Graffham, Petworth, Sussex— 1120 Latimer, A., Larkfield House, Kimmage, Dublin — 339 Lauder, Chas. J., R.S.W., 53, Kelvinside Gardens, Glasgow — 116, 292 La very, John, R.S.A., 5, Cromwell Place, London, S.W. — 981, 1019 Lavrut, L., c/o A. M. Pourriere, 6, Castle Street, Liverpool — 1381 Lawrence, Miss Bessie, 12, Morley Road, Southport — 1586 Lawrence, Mervyn, 15, St. Leonards Studios, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1658, 1696 Lawrenson, E. L-, Knowsley, Holland Park Road, London, W. — 1281,. 1282 Lea, Miss Anita, 12, Linnet Lane, Sefton Park — 1280 Lea, Miss Lily, 30, Arundel Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 450, 769, 870 LEADER, B. W., R.A.— 29 Leavers, Miss Lucy A., 23, Wilford Grove, Nottingham — 34 Ledbrook, Miss Emily, Welton Lawn, 32, Willis Road, Leamington Spa r Warwickshire — 1052 Lee, Miss Mary H., 62, Spell ow Lane, Liverpool — 889 Lee, Miss May Bridges, 58, Moring Road, Upper Tooting, London,. S.W.— 1566 Le Fleming, George H., Woodlands, near Leek, Staffs. — 149 Le Gout-Gerard, F. M. E., 93, Rue Ampere, Paris, France — 262, 349 Lemon, Arthur, 119, Beaufort Mansions, Beaufort Street, Chelsea,. London, S.W. — 241 Lemonius, Miss, 128, Piccadilly, London, W. — 848, 892, 1423 Leopold, Mrs. J. F., 31, Ashdale Road, Elm Hall Drive, Wavertree T Liverpool — 1523 Lesrel, A. A., 85, Rue Ampere, Paris, France — 263, 343 Levasseur, Henri L., 37, Villa d’Alesia, Paris, France — 1632 n8 List of the Exhibitors, Lewis, B. A., Morfa House, Carmarthen — 821 Lindner, Moffatt, 57, Bedford Gardens, Kensington, London, W. — 271 Lindsay, Miss Gertrude, Darby Road, Rugby— 837 Lindsay, Thomas M., Art Museum, Rugby — 597, 935 Linton, SirJ. D., R.I., 26, New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, London, W. — 316 Linton, Miss V., 31, Coleherne Road, Redcliffe Square, London, S.W. — 527, 877 Lintott, Harry Chamen, 38, Shakespeare Road, Herne Hill, London, S.B. —1456 Lion, Miss Flora, 1, Worongon Studios, 25, Worongon Road, St. John’s Wood, London — 1373 Llewellyn, W., 14, Aubrey Walk, Campden Hill, London, W. — 965, 1058 Lloyd, Miss Margaret E., 31, Falkner Street, Liverpool — 1251 Logsdail, William, 5, St. Paul’s Studios, Talgarth Road, West Kensington, London, W.— 1086 Lomax, Miss Jane, 51, Cambridge Road, Southport — 142, 195, 1050 Long, Miss Louisa, 6, Stanley Park, Litherland — 841 Longshaw, Frank, Heaton House, Degawny, North Wales — 445 Lorimer, J. H., R.S.A., 4, Drummond Place, Edinburgh— 1094 Loudan, Mouat, 48, Circus Road, London, N.W. — 213 Lowe, Miss Annie, 19, Birchington Road, West Hampstead, London, N.W.— 1462 Lucas, Miss M. L,, 28, Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1447 LUCAS, J. SEYMOUR, R.A., New Place, Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead, London, N.W\ — 956, 1044. Lucchesi, A. C., 2, Camden Studios, Camden Street, London, N.W. — 1626 Lund, Neils M., 6, Stratford Studios, Kensington, London, W. — 334 Luxmoore, Miss Myra E., 57, Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, London, W. — 1384, 1602 Lyon, Henry J.. 78, Croppers Hill, St. Helens — 600, 785, 942. M Macarthur, Lindsay G., Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire — 135S MACBETH, R. W., R.A., 193, Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, London, W.-955 McBride, William, 176, Bath Street, Glasgow — 277 With their Addresses. ii9 McClatchie, Miss Florence F., 28, Edith Road, West Kensington, London — 1532 McClure, J. Crosland, Studio, The Newarke, Leicester — 1645 McCracken, Miss Katherine, Pitfield Cottage, Victoria Road, Eltham — 771 McCrossan, Miss Mary, Pool Buildings, 10, South Castle Street, Liverpool — 152, 159, 182, 514 Macdonald. Miss Biddy, 34, Thurloe Square, London, S.W. — 1164 Macdonald, Miss, 20, Alexandra Mansions, King’s Road, Chelsea,. London, S.W. — 1465 McDougal, John, R.C.A-, Cemaes Bay, Anglesey — 471, 539, 742, 881 MacGeorgE W. S., A.R.S.A., Kirkcudbright, N.B. — 1149 Macgoun, H. C. Preston, R.S.W., Sudio, 130, George Street, Edin- burgh — 404, 1408 McGregor, Robert, R.S.A., 62, Hanover Street, Edinburgh — 1017 Macintosh, John M., Woolhampton, near Reading — 207 Mackenzie, C. Douglas, 28, Falkner Street, Liverpool — 127, 1186 Mackenzie, J. Hamilton, 227, Hope Street, Glasgow — 1007 McLaren, Miss Charlotte G., 34, Queen Street, Edinburgh— 1255, 1263 McLay, Miss Helen, Pool Buildings, 10, South Castle Street, Liverpool — 32, 189 Maclean, Alex., Sollas, Kingsgate-on-Sea, near Broadstairs, Kent — 1109 Macmillan, Miss Mary E., 12, Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh— 1597 MacNicol, Miss Bessie (the late) — 1141 Macquoid, Thos. R., R.I., The Edge, Tooting Common, London, S.W_ —746 McTAGGART, W., R.S.A., c/o P. MacOmish Dott, 26, Castle Street, Edinburgh — 223, 405, 969 MACWHIRTER, J., R.A.. 1, Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. 283 Madeley, Miss Lucy, Brabazon House, Moreton Street, London, S.W. — 1481, 1542 Mahon, Miss Lilian G., Brunswick Villa, St. Domingo Grove, Liverpool — 1440 Manly, Miss Alice E., 140, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. — 569 Mann, Alexander, 53, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London — 952 Mann, Harrington, 6, Melina Place, Grove End Road, London, N.W. —150 Manning, W. Westley, R.B.A., 12, Edith Villas, West Kensington, London, W. — 949, 1107, 1108 120 L,ist of the Exhibitors, Manzoni, G. C., 3, Clifton Road, Birkenhead — 1681, 1683, 1874 Margetson, W. H., Bohams, Blewbury by Didcot, Berks — 1040 Marks, Miss Annie, 10, Matheson Road, West Kensington, London, W.— 1538 Marks, George, Shere, Guildford, Surrey — 816, 882 Marr, Hamilton, A.R.C.A., Westerley House, Stratford-on-Avon — 1287, 1289 Marrable, Mrs., 60, Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, W. — 679 Marriott, Frederick, 6, Netherton Grove, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1665 Marsh, Miss Lucy F., 73, Mulgrave Street, Liverpool — 375, 908 Martin, Alfred R., 37, Moorfields, Liverpool— 1647, 1719 Martin, W. Alison, Pool Buildings, 10, South Castle Street, Liverpool — 59, 1069, 1073 Martin, Miss B. M., 52, Rathbone Place, London — 1677 Martin, Charles, 5, Newcastle Road, Wavertree, Liverpool — 426 Martin, Miss Ethel, 37, Moorfields, Liverpool — 1662, 1705, 1723 Martin, George H., 8, Selborne Terrace, Bradford, Yorks. — 544 Martineau, Miss Edith, A.R.W.S., 5, Eldon Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. — 833 Maryon, Herbert J., Lairthwaite Cottage, Keswick — 1810, 1877 Maryon, Miss Edith C., Holly Lodge Studio, Seymour Place, Kensington, London, W.— 1711 Mason, Arnold H., 48, Salop Road, Oswestry, Salop — 481 Mason, Miss Edith M., 15, Fawcett Street, Redcliffe Gardens, London, S.W.— 1608 Mason, Miss E., 13, Newlauds Drive, Liscard — 766 Mason, Miss Ethel M., Cranbrook, Buxton, Derbyshire — 1537, 1551 Mason, Miss Evelyn (Mrs. Ernold Mason), Homestead, Tilford, Farnliam, Surrey— 1556 Mayan, Theo. H., Orgon, Bouches du Rhone, France — 335 Mayor, Miss Pattie, Home Croft, Ashton-on-Ribble — 97 Mayger, Mrs. L- E., Coniston, Craig-y-don, Llandudno — 1522 Meade, Arthur, Godrevy, St. Ives, Cornwall — 12 Meginn, F., 58, Everton Road, Liverpool— 933 Menta, Edouard, c/o H. J. Murcott, 6, Endell Street, Longacre, London — 838, 905 Merchant, Henry, 14, Saunders Street, Southport — 118 Merrick, Miss Jessie, 120, Bedford Street, Liverpool — 1321 Meteyard, Sidney H., Rock House, Greenhill Road, Moseley, Birmingham — 1892 Meyer, A. C., A.R.E., Arvonfa, Conway — 268, 639, 784, 912 Meyerheim, Robert, R.I., Lindeneck, Wimblehurst Road, Horsham, Sussex — 572, 739 With their Addresses. 121 Michie, J. COUTTS, A.R.S.A., 9, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W. — 151, 962 Midwood, Miss F., Holmgartli, Henfield, Sussex — 1694 Milbanke, Mark, 57, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 994 Miller, Harrison, 51, Ordnance Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 164 Millers, Miss E. Townley, Stafford House, W. Didsbury, Manchester — 319 Milliken, J. W., 5, Newcastle Road, Wavertree, Liverpool — 645, 684, 745 Mills, A. J., 23, Jeffrey Street, Camden Town, London, N.W. — 1674 Mills, Mrs. Ernestine, 21, St. Mary Abbot’s Terrace, London, W. — 1871 Milne, J., 7, Carlyle Mansions, The Mall, Notting Hill Gate, London, W. — 1648, 1700 Milner- Kite, J., 17, Rue Champagne Premiere, Paris — 344 Mitchell, Miss E. G. (Mrs. Paul Henry), Beaufort Cottage, Kuaphill, Surrey — 210 Mitchell, Miss Edith, 5, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, London, W.C. — 802 Mitchell, Miss Gertrude A., Elton, St. Mary’s Road, Huyton — 1461 Moira, Gerald E., Royal College of Art, South Kensington, London, S.W.— 368 Moloney, Miss F., 16, Chenies Street Chambers, Bloomsbury, London, W.C. -1088 Monticelli, (the late) A. — 1161 Montalba, Miss Hilda, 809, Camp S. Agnese. Venice— 1337 Moore, Miss G. 1, Fulwood Park, Liverpool — 1296, 1310, Moore, Miss Esther M., 4, Bath Road, Bedford Park, Chiswick, London, W.-1634 Morcom, J. H., 15, Easton Road, New Ferry — 1630 Morgan, Miss Edith F,, Holbein Studios, Redcliffe Road, London, S.W. — 1471, 1491, 1563 Morgan, Walter J., R.B.A., 17, Radnor Road, Handsworth, Birmingham — 53> 1412 Morley, Robert, R. B.A., The Dial House, Frensliam, Fariiham, Surrey — 148, 215 Morrice, J. W. 45, Quai des Grands-Augustins, Paris, France — 1127 Morrison, R. E., Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool — 71, 131, 247, 329 Moser, Oswald, 44a, Loudoun Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 121, 155 Mottez, Henry P., 11, Avenue Desambrois, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France — 346 Mudie, Arthur — 568 Muirhead, Charles, 13, Gorsehill Road, New Brighton — 400, 656, 910 Mullins, E. Roscoe, Shirley, Ollis Avenue, Finchley, London, N. — 1642 122 Xyist of the Exhibitors, MURRAY, DAVID, R.A., i, Langham Chambers, Portland Place, London, W. — 967, 1005 N Naftel, Percy H., 18, Barlston Road, Liscard, Cheshire — 1435 Neale, Mrs. Maud Hall, 41, Castle Street, Liverpool — 225, 338 Neale, George Hall, 41, Castle Street, Liverpool — 51, 130, 1188, 1351 Nesbitt, Miss Frances B-, 12, Brookdale Avenue, Ilfracombe — 919 Netherwood, Arthur, A.R.C.A., Marl Park Studios, Victoria Drive, Deganwy — 523 Netherwood, Norman, Marl Park Studios, Deganwy — 763 Newman, Miss Florence, 162, Goldhurst Terrace, W. Hampstead, London, W. — 1699, 1718 Newton, Miss Blizabeth, 167, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843 Nicholls, Bertram, Wolvesley House, Sale, Cheshire — 1030 Nicholls, George F., 36, Rock Lane West, Rock Ferry — 669, 715 Nicolet, Gabriel, 52, Rue de Courcelles, Paris, France— 371 Nightingale, Miss Florence, 76, Magazine Lane, New Brighton — 831 NiSBET, R. B., R.S.A., Ferntower Road, Crieff, N.B. — 613 Norbury, Miss Laura, Mount Road, New Brighton— 1328 Norbury, F. H., 20A, Upper Duke Street, Liverpool— 1701 Nowell, A. T., 92, Fellowes Road, London, N.W. — 161 o Odgers, W. Bmest, Adrum, Devonport, Devon — 1398 Oldham, Miss B., Westcliffe, Lyme Regis, Dorset — 581 Oliver, Alfred, The Studio, Capel Curig, North Wales — 1336 Olivier, Herbert A., 23, Marlborough Road, London, N.W. — 232,372 Olsson, Julius, R.B.A., St. Ives, Cornwall — 84 O’Neill, C., 37, Moorfields, Liverpool — 410, 694, 734 Orchardson, C. M. O., R.B.A., 54, Parkhill Road, Haverstock Hill London, N.W. — 1133 Osborne, A. B., 19, Alfred Road, Birkenhead — 60 OULBSS, W. W., R.A., 12, Bryanston Square, London, W. — 176 Owen, A. H., 8a, Canning Chambers, 2, South John Street, Liverpoo —1195 Oxton, Harris, 12, Preeson’s Row, Liverpool — 665, 698 With their Addresses. 123 P Page, Miss Eleanor B., Studio, Sandon Buildings, Old Post Office Place, Liverpool — 822 , 897, 932 Palmer, Mrs. Eleanor, Groby Place, Altrincham, Cheshire — 1574 Palmer, Miss M. C., Gorey, Jersey — 1549 Paris, Auguste, 122, Avenue d’Orleans, Paris, France — 1709 Park, Stuart, Millburn House, Kilmarnock— 31, 44 Parker, Miss Ethel N., 10, Jubilee Place Studios, Chelsea, London, S.W.— 1617 Parkes, Miss U. W. A., Willershain Rector}", Ashford, Kent — 907 Parks, Frederick, 155, Devonshire Road, Forest Hill, London, S.E.— -1220 Parkyn, William, A.R.C.A., Montague House, Vanbrugh Park, Black- heath, London, S.E.— 43 PARSONS, ALFRED, A.R.A., 54, Bedford Gardens, Kensington, London, W.— 1067 Parsons, J. V. R., 27, Liverpool and London Chambers, Exchange, Liverpool — 961, 1181, 1338, 1361 Parton, Ernest, 3, Brunswick Square, London, W.C.— 15, 204 Partridge, Bernard, 149. Church Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 976 Pascoe, William, 6, Wellington Terrace, Penzance, Cornwall — 478, 1128 Passingliam, Miss Leila— 501 Paterson, James, R.S.A., 115. George Street, Edinburgh— 80 Patrickson, H. G., Cumberland Lodge, Westgate Road, Beckenham, Kent— 52 1 Patry, Edward, 14a, Kensington Crescent, London, W. — 257, 983 Paul, Paul, R.B.A. , Glen Lodge, Kersal. Manchester — 281, 1132 Peachey, Miss Mary E., Grove Road Chambers, Eastbourne — 251 Peacock, Ralph, 1, Holland Park Road, Kensington, London, W. — 9 Pearson, Charles, Rostherne, New Brighton, Cheshire — 37, 214, 290 Pedder, N., 13, Somerset Place, Bath — 406 Pedder, John, Eastfield, Furze Platt, Maidenhead — 707 Peddie, J. Dick, 24a, Cavendish Road, St. John’s Wood, London— 1393 Pelham, James, Sandcote, Blundellsands — 525 Penn, Will C., 57, Tierney Road, Streatham Hill, London, S.W. — 1380 Penrose, J. Doyle, 44, Finchley Road, London, N.W. — 186 Perugini, C. E., 32, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. — 278, 977 Pescod-Malcolm, Miss Jessie, Beeston, Gorse Hill Road, New Brighton -383 Petrie, Graham, R.I. — 49, Roland Gardens, London, S.W. — 791 Pettman, Mrs. Clara, 125, Alexandra Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 1360 124 List of the Exhibitors, Pevrol, F. A. H., 76, Rue Borghese, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France — 1633 Phillips, Thos., 24, Earlston Road, Rake Fane, Fiscard, Cheshire— 174, 198, 637, 1406 Phillips, Fawrence B., A.R.E., Chesham House, Sutherland Avenue, Fondon, W. — 1278, 1433 Philp, Mrs. Avis Nickel, 132, Falkner Street, Fiverpool — 260, 267, 382 Phipps, Edmund, 11, Breeze Hill, Bootle — 398, 797 Phoenix, Geo., Clarendon Studio, Wolverhampton — 1191 Pickering, J. F-, 8, Ormonde Terrace, Regents Park, Fondon, N.W. — 166 Pilkington, Miss, The Hazels, Prescot— 191 Pilkington, (the late) Sydney — 248, 504, 1064, 1066 Pilsbury, Harry Clifford, Whittlesea, near Peterborough — 808, 844, 876 Piper, Miss E., A.R.E., The Studio, Stanmore, Middlesex — 1290 Pitman, Miss Rosie M. M., Bosbury, Tedbury, Herefordshire — 485, 1317 Pitts, Miss Mary, 29, Bolsover Street, Fondon, W.— 1590 Pocock, Fexden F., 28, Blomfield Road, Maida Vale, Fondon, W. — 793 Pool, Miss Agnes J., 118, Wood End Road, Erdington, Birmingham - 1680 Potter, Miss Mary K. (Mrs. H. F. Watts Jones), Salwick Hall, Preston — 1661 Potter, Walter B., 2 Bolton Gardens, Fondon, S.W. 1276 PowFbb, Sir Francis, P.R.S.W., Torr-Alninn, Dunoon, Argyleshire — 560, 644 Powers, Miss Marion, Pension Tabary, Rue Montreuil, Etaples, P. de C, France — 309 P.OYNTER, Sir E. J., Bart., P.R.A., 88, Knightsbndge, Fondon, S.W. — 731 Praeger, Miss Rosamond, Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - 1712 Pratt, Claud, 61, Carlyle Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham — 464 Pratt, Jonathan, Royal Society of Artists, New Street, Birmingham — 1023 Price, W. Fred, Pant-yr-Either, Meliden, near Prestatyn — 1235 Pride, J., 15, Fraser Street, Fiverpool— 147, 221, 1359 Pride, Samuel, 28, Thorneycroft Road, Fiverpool — 444, 612 Priestman, Arnold, 3, Walmer Villas, Bradford— 75, 963 Priestman, Bertram, 13, Edwardes Sq., Kensington, Fondon, W. — 1029 Pring, Mrs. E. M.,43, Croftdown Road, Highgate Road, Fondon, N.W. — 117 Pughe, Miss B. A., Rossetti, Aberdovey, North Wales — 379, 440, 459 Pujol, Clement, 18, Rue Boissonade, Paris — 361 Pye, Miss Fucy J., 59, Bouverie Street, Chester — 934, i486, 1565 Pyne, Thos., R I., Dedham, near Colchester, Essex — 807 Q Quinton, A. R., 10, New Court, Fincoln's Inn, Fondon, W.C. — 443 With their Addresses. 125 R Randall, Mrs. A. Maud, 134, Palewell Park, East Sheen, Surrey — 937 Raphael, Mrs. M. F. A., 2, Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Road, London, N.W. — 254 Rathbone, Harold, 21, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead — 851 Rawlins, G. E. H., 6, Victoria Road, Waterloo — 1734, 1735, 173b, 1737, 1738, 1739* I 74°> I74L 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, G4b, 1747* 1748, 1749, i75o, i75h 1752 Read, Miss Constance, 183, Edge Lane, Liverpool — 387, 487, 1394 Read, A. Everard, Lenton Road, The Park, Nottingham — 1091 Reade, Miss Mary, Park Corner, The Serpentine, Blundellsands — 853, 1405 Reckitt, F. W., 9, The Studio, Sherriff Road, West Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1012 Redford, Miss C. N., Crosby Green, West Derby — 664, 765, 1266 Reed, Miss Lillie, 2, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W. — 1687 Reid, G. Ogievy, R.S.A., 54, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh — 94, 1126 Reid, Miss Flora M., Osprey Cottage, Polperro, Cornwall — 242, 1082, 1375 Reid. John R., Polperro, Cornwall — 171, 783 Rheam, H. M., R.I., Newlyn, Penzance — 535 Rhodes, Miss Bertha, 38, Part Street, Southport — 295 Rhodes, lVIdlle. Bertha, 167, Rue Saint Jacques, Paris, France — 369 Richards, Miss Mary, 8, King Street, Manchester — 1483 Richard, Mdlle. M. L., 32, Place Carriere, Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France— 1446 Richardson, Miss, 9, Cranbourne Court, Albert Bridge, London, S.W. — 1269 Richardson, Miss E., The Studio, Rosebery Road, Bushey, Herts — 126 RICHMOND, SIR W. B., K.C.B., R.A., Beavor Lodge, Beavor Lane, Hammersmith, London, W. — 1125 Richards, Walter H., 40, North John Street, Liverpool — 741 Rigby, Cuthbert, R.W.S., Spy Hill, Ambleside — 708, 923, 927 Rigby, Gilbert, Spy Hill, Ambleside — 1279 Rigby, Miss Honora M., Abbots Heyes, Chester — 1693, 1720 Rimmer, Miss Dorothy, Winwood, Woolton — 1552 Rimmer, Miss Kate, 21, Welbeck Road, Birkdale — 1545 Rimmer, Ned, 30, Rock Lane East, Rock Ferry, Cheshire — 1199 Rimmer, Oswald, 9, Beckenham Avenue, Greenbank Road, Liverpool — 1399 Rischgitz, Miss Mary, The Studios, Linden Gardens, Bayswater, London —235 126 Eist of the Exhibitors, RIVIERE, BRITON, R.A., 82, Finchley Road, London, N.W.— 134, 1026 Roberts, Miss E. H., 22, Stoneby Drive, New Brighton — 1557 Roberts, Cyril, 1, Rossetti Studio, Flood Street, Chelsea, London — 696 Roberts, Ellis, 6, William Street, Lowndes Square, London, S.W. —47 Roberts, R. P., 142a, Islington, Liverpool— 1888, 1890 Robertson, Miss M. M., 18, North Road, West Kirby — 1485, 1489 Robertson-Ramsay, Miss Eden, Cooling Castle, Rochester — 1048 Robertson, W. Graham, R.B.A., 13, Melbury Road, Kensington, London, W. — 987 Robson, Forster, 14, Roscoe Chambers, 20, Tithebarn Street, Liverpool — 425, 434, 674, 1339 Rodin, Auguste — 1643 Roche, Alexander, R.S.A., 1, Albyn Place, Edinburgh — 1166 Roe, Fred, 18, Stanford Road, Kensington, London, W. — 1350 Rogers, Miss Marie, Rue de Paris, Villeneure Gt. George, Seine-et-Oise y Paris — 630, 917 Rogers, Gilbert, 76, Princes Road, Liverpool — 1131 Roilos, G. N., 2, Mulgrave Street, Liverpool— 50, 340, 345 Rolt, Vivian, Brook House, Storrington, near Pulborough, Sussex — 564, 1078 Ross, Miss Alice E., 18, Glenorchy Terrace, Edinburgh — 1046 Ross, Miss Christina P., R.S.W., 6, Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh— 412, 759,. 900 Ross, Robert H. A., 12, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh— 5 Rossi, A. M., 10, Sugham Road, Finchley Road, London, N.W, — 701 Rothenstein, William, 26, Church Row, Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1135, 1170 Rousseau, Jean J., 2, Rue Aumont-Thieville, Paris, France— 374 Rowe, Miss Gwendoline, St. Lawrence Rectory, Denton, Manchester — 1213 Rowe, Miss E. D’Oyly, 27, Hillmarton Road, London, N. — 699 Rowland, Miss Edith A., Eversleigh, Derby Road, Woodford, Essex — 1607 Royle, Herbert, 7, Gloucester Road, Birkdale, Southport — 24, 160, 1047, 1187 Rutherford, Miss Enid, Heathfield, Wavertree, Liverpool — 88, 1 15, 953 Rutherford, Miss Mary W., 12, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh — 1242 Rushton, Geo., Ryton-on-Tyne — 754 Russell, W. W., 23, Ashburnham Mansions, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1014 Ryland, Henry, R.I., 32, Fairfax Road, Bedford Park, Loudon — 614, 653 Ryle, A. J., R.B.A., The Studios, 5, Thurloe Square, London, S.W. — 287 With their Addresses. 12 / s Salmon, J. C., Albert Drive, Deganwy, Llandudno — 3, 547, 618 Salmon, Miss Maud, Albert Drive. Deganwy, Llandudno — 557 Sanders, J. M., Somerset Villas, Wallasey — 913 Sandham, Henr}', Rockampton House, Bessborough Gardens, London, S.W — 420 Sansom, Miss Nellie, 6, Kensington Studios, Kelso Place, London — 1420 SANT, JAMES, R.A., 43, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London, N.W. — 49, 1042, 1 153 SARGENT, JOHN S., R.A., 31, Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W.— 996, 1145 Sargint, Miss Kate, 20, Oriel Road, Bootle — 183, 975 Saubes, D. L., 15, Rue Cauckois, Paris, France — 323 Saunders, Chas. L., c/o R. Jackson & Sons, 51, Slater Street, Liverpool —767 Scantlebury, Miss Edith A. y 187, Willesden Lane, London, N.W.- — 702 Schaeken, Leo, Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium — 336 Schmalz, Herbert, 49, Addison Road, Kensington, London, W. — 144 Schofield, Kershaw, Storr Cottage, Thornton, Bradford — 249 Schroder, Hubert, A.R.E., Studio, 10, Station Approach, Kew Gardens — 1196, 1274 Schwabe, Miss E. H. Maude, 26, Lennox Gardens, London, W. — 1885 Scott, Mrs. A. E. St. Clair, 56, Chepstow Villas, London, W. — 1605 Scott, Miss J. Mary, 1, Cathcart Studios, Redcliffe Road, London, S.W. — 1620 Scott, Arthur, 68, Pleasant Street, Burslem, Staffs. — 36, 836 Scott, John, R.I., 5, The Mall, Park Hill Road, Haverstock Hill, London — 624 Seddon, Richard, 54, Denton’s Green Lane, St. Helens — 439, 685, 757, 871 Seiler, Carl, 26, Pettenkoferstrasse, Munich, Bavaria — 322 Semenowsky, Eisman, 15, Trinity Road, Tulse Hill, London, S.W. — 1390 Severn, Arthur, R.I., Brantwood, Coniston, Lancashire — 651 Shackleton, William, 4, Parsons Studios, Parsons Green, London, W. -954 Shannon, Charles H., Lansdowne House, Lansdowne Road, Holland Park, Kensington, London, W. — 1130 SHANNON, J. J., A.R.A., 3, Holland Park Road, Kensington, London, W. — 946 Shapley, Miss A. F., Regent Studios, Clifton Grove, Bristol — 980 Sharpe, Chas. W., 76, Princes Road, Liverpool — 1095, 1395 Shaw, Byam, R.I., 62, Addison Road, Kensington, London, W. — 178 128 L,ist of the Exhibitors, Shaw, Fred, 3, Ford Street, Liverpool — 449, 470, 475, 528 Shepherd, Miss C. Lillian, 3a, Seymour Place, Fulham Road, London, S.W.— 1480 Sheppard, Reuben, 2, The Mall, Parkhill Road, London, N.W. — 1684 Shoosmith, Thurston Laidlay, 30, Billing Road, Northampton — 556 Shore, Walter, Castle Studio, 22, Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool — 433. 1207, 1419 Silk, Oliver, 50a, Lord Street, Liverpool — 67, 735 Simon, Miss Eva, 29, Arundel Gardens, London, W. — 1600 Sims, Charles,* c/o C. H. West, 117, Finchley Road, London, N.W. — 957 Simpson, Miss A. L-, 2, Heath Avenue, Halifax — 231 Simpson, G. G., Oakley, Bishop Stortford, Essex — 786 Simpson, Miss Janet S. C., 155, Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent — 1277,. 1302 Simpson, Miss Mary G., Rosefield, 155, Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent —1505 Sinclair, Mrs. Jessie, Amery Grove, Prenton, Birkenhead— 1410 Sinclair, John, Amery Grove, Prenton, Birkenhead — 109, 172, 468, 790 Skeaping, Kenneth M., 173, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool — 89,. 331, 1053, 1092 Skeaping, John, 173, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool — 168, 193 Skeldon, H. B., 60, Albany Road, Lowhill, Liverpool — 1884, 1891 Skip worth, F. Markham, 2, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea* London, S.W. — 74, 179 Slee, Miss Mary, 15, Lowther Street, Carlisle — 1460, 1473 Slocombe, Edward, R.E., Oxhey Warren, Watford, Herts — 570 Smallfield, Miss Beatrice C., 52, Boundary Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N W. — 1587 Smith, Reginald, R.B.A., 54, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol — 697 Smith, Carlton A., R.I., 31, Fairfax Road, Bedford Park, London, W — 55* 911 Sinithers, Collier, 10, Primrose Hill Studios, Fitzroy Road, London, N.W.— 86 Smirke, Miss Dorothy, 6, St. John’s Road, Richmond, Surrey— 588 Smyth, D. Carleton, Broomlea, Cambuslang, Glasgow — 1285 Snell, Mrs. H. D.— 1158 Snell, J. Herbert, 192a, Haverstock Hill London, N.W. — 219 SOLOMON, SOLOMON J., A.R.A., 60, Finchley Road, London, N.W.— 985 Solomon, W. E. Gladstone, 5, Pembroke Walk Studios, Kensington,. London, W.— 68 Somerscales, Thomas, 3, Leicester Street, Hull — 145 Sonrel, Mdlle. Elizabeth, 136, Rue de Houdan, Sceaux (Seine), France — 333 With their Addresses. 129 Southall, Joseph E., 13, Charlotte Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham — 493 Southgate, Frank, Gorsefield, The Moifa, Conway, North Wales — 409 Speed, Harold, 8, The Studios, Holland Park Road, London, W. — 230, 988 Spence, Philip, South Preston Lodge, North Shields — 631, 899 Spence, T. R., 28, Newman Street, London, W. — 246, 1376 Spenlove-Spenlove, F., R.B.A., 69, Addison Road, London, W. — 28 Spicer, Miss H. L., 249, Goswell Road, London, E.C. — 1518, 1529, 1544 Stables, O. W., 16, Stoneby Drive, New Brighton -880 Stanhope, Miss Gertrude Spencer, Cannon Hall, Barnsley, Yorkshire — 1721 Stansbury, Miss Edith, Hawthorne Dene, Ottery, St. Mary, Devon — 391 Stansfeld, Miss Ellen L-, 63, De Pary’s Avenue Bedford — -1495, 1516, L 539 Steele, Miss Florence H., 63, Rowan Road, Brook Green, London — 1870 Steer, H. R., R.I., 61, King Street Leicester - 622, 692 Steer, P. Wilson, 109, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1146 Stefanicz, Z., 23, Rue Boissonade, Paris, France— 358 Stephen, Miss Eleanor, 62, Queen Gate, London — 1582 Stephenson, W., A. R.C. A., The Woodlands, Conway, North Wales— 550, 749 vStern, Miss Florence, 124, Edmund Street, Birmingham — 1716 Stevens, J. H., 4, West Bank Road, Liverpool — 365 Stevenson, R. Macaulay, Robinswood, Milngavie, N.B. — 1031, 1179 Stevens, Miss Dorothy, Studio, 21, Hardman Street Liverpool — 1689 Stiffe, Miss Katherine, 3, Morehall Villas, Folkestone — 1327 Stolterfoht, Mrs. Cola, Holly Bank, Mossley Hill — 170 Stone, Harold Mulread} 7 , 33, Howland Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W.— 1241, 1249, 1258, 1303 Stokes, Adrian, Arts Club, 40, Dover Street, London, W. — 1119 STOREY, GEO. A., A.R.A., 39, Broadhurst Gardens, S. Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1173 Stormont, H. G., Ypres Studio, Rye, Sussex — 652, 1226 Story, Elma, The University, Glasgow — 1668 Stott, Edward, Amberley, Sussex — 951, 1174 Stowell, Miss Louisa. 10, Grosvenor Road, Claughton, Birkenhead — 1570 Strachan, A. Claude, Henwick Northwick Road, Evesham — 543. 582 Stubbs, Woodhouse, Thornhill House, College Road, Norwich — 571 Strange, C. W., Padworth, Reading — 1084 Strudwick, J. M., 13, Marlborough Crescent, Bedford Park, London, W. —77 Strutt, William, R.B.A., Oueenhoo, The Hemicycle, Wadhurst, Sussex —413 Strutt, Alfred W. , Rhosilli, Wadhurst, Sussex — 256 130 Last of the Exhibitors, Sugars, Miss Fanny, Blacklow Brow, Huyton — ioi, 124, 1417 Sullivan, Edmund J., A.R.W.S., Stile Gate, Cookham Dean, Berks. — 781, 1431, 1432, 1437, 1438 vSutro, Mrs. Esther S., 10, Russell Mansions, 144, Southampton Row, London, W.C. — 484, 486, 503 Sutterby, H., 21, Longland Road, Liscard, Cheshire — 778 SWAN, JOHN M., R.A., 3, Acacia Road, London, N.W.— 978 Swanwick, Miss Katharine, 34, Croxteth Road, Liverpool — 1497 Swanwick, Harold, R.I., Clive, Middlewich, Cheshire — 736, 768, 883, 894 vSwanwick, Miss Kate, Clive, Middlewich, Cheshire — 165, 1504 Swinson, E. S., The Studio, 8, Holland Villas Road, Kensington, London, W. — 234 Swynnerton, J. W., 27, Clareville Grove, Gloucester Road, London, S.W. — 1622 vSyers, Miss Rose A., 2, Stanley Studios, Park Walk, Fulham Road, London, S.W. — 1065 Symonds, W. R., Cornwall Lodge, Rowan Road, Brook Green, London, W. — 1098 T Tanzi, Leon, Pierres, par Maintenon, (BAire-et-Loir), France — 306 Tayler, A. Chevallier, 10, Cavendish Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 95 Taylor, W. Howson, Ruskin Pottery, West Smethwick, Birmingham — 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, I959> i96 °» j 9 6 L i9 62 > x 9 6 3> i9 6 4> i9 6 5> i9 66 > i 9 6 7» i9 68 > 1969* 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Teed, H. Samuel, 122, Grove Lane, Camberwell, London, S.E.— 128a Terris, John, R.S.W., Ivy Lodge, Bridge-of-Allan — 465, 617, 717 Terry, Miss Agnes Dampier, 2, Princes Road, Wimbledon — 1572 Thompson, H. Raymond, 6, Parkhill Road Studios, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W. — 558 Thomson, C. L. Colyn, 6, Sloane Square, London, W. — 1118, 1163 Thomson, George, Maclise Mansions, Addison Road Station, London, W. —773 Thomson, Miss Jessie E., 145, Bedford Street, Liverpool — 916, 1616 Thornton, Miss D., 12, Sandringham Drive, Liverpool, S. — 906 Thornton, Miss Lily, 12, Sandringham Drive, Liverpool — 200 With their Addresses. I 3 I Thurner, Gabriel, 14, Rue des Volontaires, Paris, France — 326 Tickell, Miss Bertha J., 6, Cromwell Crescent, South Kensington, London, S.W. — 599, 924 Titcomb, W. H. Y., St. Ives, Cornwall — 187 Tollemache, The Hon. Duff, 131, Oakw'ood Court, Kensington, London, W.-303 Topham, F. W. W., R.I., Coneyhurst, Bwhurst, Surrey — 761 Towers, James, A.R.C.A., 5, High Street, Slough, Bucks. — 451, 541, 627, 770 Trantom, Miss Edith, 1, Sandon Terrace, Chester — 364 Trench, John A., Rose Mount, Birkenhead— 63, 120, 534 Tucker, Miss Ada E., The Studio, Sheepscombe, Stroud, Glos. — 931 Tucker, Arthur, R.B.A., Windermere, Westmoreland — 390, 417, 725, 936 Tuke, Miss Lilian K., Avenue House, Durham— 840 Turner, Lawrence A. — 1727 Turrell, Herbert, Bellingdon, Chesham, Bucks — 1455 Twigge, Miss Lily, 109, Chatham Street, Liverpool — 1621 T}mdale, T. N., 55, Woodhurst Road, Acton, London, W. — 873, 887, 903 Tyndale, Walter, Broad Dene, Haslemere, Surrey — 428, 675 T}-son, John H., 8, Hackins Hey, Dale Street, Liverpool — 1402 u Unwin, Miss S. Gertrude, 26, St. Alban’s Road, Bootle, Liverpool — 820 Unwin, Miss Hermione, Hall Royd, Shipley, Yorkshire — 1682 Urwick, Walter, 3, Hill Road, Abbey Road, London, N.W. — 76, 184 Utley, Miss Jennie, Sefton House, Crosby Green, West Derby, Liver- pool. — 762, 849, 857 v Yaes, Walter, 26, Rue du Fagot, Antwerp, Belgium — 477 Veaco, J. G., 105, Bedford Street S., Liverpool — 1206 Verner, F. A., A.R.C.A., 417, Fulham Palace Road, Fulham, London, S.W.— 1223, 1236 Venis, Miss S. A., 8, Littledale Road, Egremont, Cheshire — 1855, 1856 Von Bartels, Prof. Hans., 39, Pettenkoferstrasse, Munich, Bavaria— 496, 1134, 1150 Von Glehn, Mrs. W. G., 73, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1430, 1436 Von Glehn, W. G., 73, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 269, 1009 Vosper, S. Curnow, 1, Brondesbury Road, Kilburn, London, N.W. — 799, 1224 Viner, Edwin, 20, Ridley Road, Fairfield, Liverpool — 416, 553 E2 132 List of the Exhibitors, w Waitclark, J., 87, Westoe Road, vSouth Shields — 401, 469 Waite, E. W., Abinger Hammer, Dorking — 146 Walford, Miss Alice P., 9, Belsize Crescent, London, N.W. — 297 Walker, A. G., 5, Cedar Studios, Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. —1724 Walker, C. A., 42, Loudon Grove, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 1679 Walker, W. Eyre, R.W.S., Broomlands, West Byfleet, Surrey— 446. 625 Walker, Mrs. Fred, 24, Wellesley Road, Liverpool — 1468, 1554 Walker, Frederick Pickering, 42, Elsworthing Road, London, N.W. — 1428 Walker, Miss Jessie, 3, Wellington Fields, Wavertree, Liverpool — 431 Walker, J. Hanson, 65, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. — 243 Walker, J. Hanson, Jun., The Cottage, Much Hadham, Herts. — 1704 Walker, Miss Kate J. L , 39, Rugby Road, Belfast, Ireland — 1507, 1524 Walker, Leonard, Studio, 151a, King Henry’s Road, London, N.W. — 729 Walker, R. E., 6, Mj’rtle Street, Liverpool— 1893 Walker, Miss Wilhelmina, 10, Torrington Park, North Finchley, London, N.— 1589 Wallace, James, The Studios, 14c, Cheyne Row, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 984 Waller, Mrs. M. L-, 58, Circus Road, London, N.W. —1003 Wallis, C. Alban, The Willows, Chiswick Mall, London, W. — 1180 Walters, Miss Jessie L., 3, Rue Bura, Paris- — 318 Walton, E. A., R.S.A.,7, Belford Park, Edinbuigh — 982 Wane, Miss Ethel, 57, Church Street, Egremont, Cheshire — 419, 1401, 1411 Ward, Cyril, Puckeridge, Ware — 706 Ward, Miss E., Moor Allerton House, Leeds— 33 Warden, Laurence, Birch Grove, Rusholme, Manchester — 641 Wardle, Arthur, 34, Alma Square, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 1004 Ware, Edmund T. W., 36, Gayhurst Road, Dalston, London, N.E. — 1867, 1868, 1869 Warleigh, Miss Norah C., 4, Rock Park, Rock P'erry — 682 Wasse, Arthur, c/o Charles Rowley & Co., Ltd., New Cross, Manchester 1355 WATERHOUSE, J. W., R.A., 10, Hall Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W.— 284 WATERLOW, SIR E. A., R.A., P.RWS, 1, Maresfield Gardens, Fitzjohns Avenue, London, N.W. — 140 Watson, Miss H. B., Lancelyn, Bromborough — 1601 With their Addresses. 133 Watson, Miss Mary, 3, Rosella Place, North Shields, Northumberland — 1228, 1312 Watson, Miss Constance M. W., 7, Grosvenor Crescent, Glasgow — 480 Watson, G. Spencer, 4, Pembroke Studios, Kensington, London — 4 WATTS (the late) G. F., O.M., R.A. — 1156, 1160, 1162, 1175 Watts, James T., R.C.A , 34, Lidderdale Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 208, 71 1, 744, 758 Watts, Mrs. J. T., 34, Lidderdale Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 573, 634, 648 Westcott, Miss F. A., 16, Wellesley Terrace, Belvidere Road, Liverpool — 436, 1553 Wetherbee, G. F., R.I., The White Cottage, Redington Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1043 Wevill, B. H. r 417, Old Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Cheshire— 854 Whaite, H. Cearence, P.R.C.A., 16, Douro Place, Victoria Road, Kensington, London, W. — 87, 633 Whaite, J., The Ark, Chester Street, Liverpool — 438, 775, 789 Wheaton, R. G., Midhurst House, 4, Barclay Road, Fulham, London, S.W.— 1641 Whineray, Miss B. J., Dinorben, Heswall, Cheshire — 898 Whishaw, A. Y., The Bobolinks, Arnside, near Carnforth — 608, 635, 683 White, Miss Blleu, 13, Albert Street, Regent’s Park, London, W. — 1543, 1569 White, Mrs. Bvelyn, 5, Stonor Road, W. Kensington, London, W. — 1571 White, Miss Josephine H. J., 6, Southwell Gardens, Queen’s Gate, London, S.W. — 1172, 1342 White, Miss Isabel (Mrs. Strong), 107, Canning Street, Liverpool — 1159 Whitehead, Miss Blizabeth, 5, Lansdowne Terrace, Leamington — 1231 Whitehouse, Miss S. B-, St. Ives, Cornwall — 1363 Whitfield, Mrs. F. W., 72, Heathfield Road, Handsworth, Birmingham — 320, 1035 Wiens, S. M., 32, Huskisson Street, Liverpool — 515 Wilkinson, Miss Maud I., Limnersholme, Falconer Road, Bushev, Herts — 1526, 1536 Wilkinson, Clegg, c/o G. Wilkinson, 15, Freme Street, Bverton Road, C. on M., Manchester — 580, 671 Willaert, Ferdinand, 7, Rue aux Draps, Ghent, Belgium — 351 Williams, Miss Annie, 61, Rowan Road, Hammersmith, London, W.— 1270, 1307 Williams, Miss L. Gwendolen, 3, Wentworth Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 1640, 1664 Williams, Miss Maud, 1, Mulgrave Road, Croydon — 1261 I 34 Eist of the Exhibitors, Williams, Terri ck, Art Club Studios, Blackheath, London, S.E. — 350 Williams, Warren, Bryn Arfou, Conway — 801 Wills, T. A. D., The Fold, Wallasey, Cheshire — 397 Wilson, H. Mitton, Roselle, Harlesden Road, St. Albans — 1079 Wilson, Oscar, 19, Colville Road, Bayswater, London, W, — 1055 Wilson, P. Macgregor, R.S.W., Elleray, Kilcreggair, N B. — 252 Wingate, J. L., R.S.A., The Poplars, Craiglockhart Avenue, Slateford, N.B. — 1022 Winter, Miss G. M., The Park, Hull-811 Winter, Edmund, 12, Derwent Drive, Liscard, Cheshire— 1202 Wise, Miss D. Stanton, 84, Overstrand Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W. — 1667 Witherby, H. P'orbes, R.B.A. , Holmehurst, Burley, New Forest— 661 Withers, Henry B., 249, High Street, Watford, Herts. — 824 Wolfe, Miss Edith Grace, 20, Russell Square, London, W.C. — 604, 1243 Wollen, W. B., R.I., 10, Queen Anne’s Gardens, Bedford Park, London, W. — 1392 Wontner, W., 1, The Studios, Edwardes Square, Kensington, W.— 206 Wood, Charles R., 20, Cassville Road, Wavertree, Liverpool — 518 Wood, Miss Eleanor S., Inglenook, Ainsdale, near Southport— 137, 1387 Wood, Miss E. Stewart, Vine Court Studio, Holland Street, Kensington, London, W. — 971 Woodburn, Thomas G., 4, York Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool — 891, 1222 Woodhead, Miss Beatrice, 20, Harley Road, South Hampstead, London, N.W. — 1032 Woodlock, David, 2, South John Street, Liverpool — 798 Woodward, Miss Mary, Carlyle Studios, 296, Kensington, London, S.W.— 1609 Wooll, Charles Fairfield, Studio 9, 6, Colquitt Street, Liverpool — 1253 Work, G. Orkney, Lucerne Buildings, 3, Redcross Street, Liverpool- 258, 1717 Worrall, Miss Ella, 231, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool — 389, 895, 1449, 1584 Worrall. J. E., 231, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool — 1580 Wright, Miss Amy H., 10, Dingle Lane, Liverpool — 377, 662 Wright, Miss Ethel, 26, Egerton Studios, Yeoman’s Row, Brompton Road, London, S.W. — 259 Wright, Miss Gertrude E., 52, Chorlton Road, Brook’s Bar, Manchester —1663 Wright, John, A.R.E., Robin Hoods Bay, Yorkshire — 1239, 1244 Wright, William T., 65, Union Street, Kettering — 555 With their Addresses. 135 Wroe, Miss Mary McNicoll, 29, Clarendon Road, C.-on-M., Manchester — 598, 602 Wyburd, Leonard, 1, Cambridge Road, Hyde Park, London, W. — 670 Wyllie, C. W., 8a, Elmtree Road, St. John’s Wood, London, N.W. — 1038 Zezzos, Alexandre, c/o Wallis & Son, 120, Pall Mall, London — 673 Zolla, V., 21, Gabriel’s Hill, Maidstone, Kent — 321 Lee; & Nightingale, Printers, Liverpool. - f /