THE GRAFTON GALLERIES, 8, GRAFTON STREET, BOND STREET, W. HONORARY DIRECTORS. AlvFRKD FARQUHAR, Esq. MARQUESS OF GRANBY, M.P. HON. JOHN SCOTT-MONTAGU, M.P. Eari. of Wharncuffk. MANAGING DIRECTOR. T. D. Croft, Esq. Secretary: HKNRY BISHOP, Esq. Art Manager : F. G. PrANGK, Esq. THE GRAFTON GALLERIES. SUMMER EXHIBITION, 1894 - FAIR WOMEN/' | Patroness: H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. COMMITTEE. Duchess of Devonshire. Duchess of Portland. Duchess of Sutherland. Marchioness of Bristol. Marchioness of Granby. Marchioness of Salisbury. Countess of Crawford. Countess of Dudley. Countess of Ilchester. Countess of Radnor. Countess of Wharncliffe. Lady Cecil Scott-Montagu. Baroness Burdett-Coutts. Lady Hothfield. Lady Iveagh. Lady Middleton. Lady Wantage. Mrs. Astor. Mrs. T. D. Croft. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. T. D. Croft, Esq. | Marquess of Granby, M.P Alfred Farquhar, Esq. I Hon. John Scott-Montagu, M.P. The Earl of Wharncliffe. SECRETARY. Henry Bishop, Esq. ART MANAGER. F. G. Prange, Esq. With the kind assistance of— Archibald Stuart-Wortley, Esq., & J. J. Shannon, Esq. 1 CATALOGUE. The Directors of the Grafton Galleries have thought it advisable to preface the Catalogue of their present Exhibition with a few explanatory words as to its arrangement and title, 7he first three Galleries have bee7i arranged with a general idea of chronological sequence. More than this was found to be impossible, as too strict an accuracy was incoinpatible with anything like symmetry or harmony in the grouping of the Pictures, As there are included certain pictures of Women possibly more celebrated for their historical interest, their i^ifluence, or their wit than for their beauty, some exceptio?i has been taken to the title of the Exhibition. The Directors, however, do not knozv of aiiy fixed standard by which such pictures can be Judged, and, further, they believe that in the eyes of some one person, at least, almost every woman has been considered fair. OCTAGON ROOM. I Greek or Graeco- Roman Portrait 2nd Century a.d. From a Mummy-case found in Egypt. Lent by Ludwig Mond, Esq. OCTAGON ROOM. HANS HOLBEIN, b. 1497, d. 1543. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland. Sister of Henry VIII. of England, and Grandmother of Mary Queen of Scots ; married i, in 1502, James IV. of Scotland, who fell at Flodden in 1513; 2, ini5i4, Archibald, Earl of Angus ; 3, in 1528, Henry, Lord Methven. Died 1541. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. PIERO BELLA FRANCESCA, b. 1415, d. 1492. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by The Earl of Ashburnham. HANS HOLBEIN, b. 1497, d. 1543. Christina, Duchess of Milan. Daughter of Christian XL of Denmark, and Widow of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. She is said to have received and declined an offer of marriage from Henry VIII. Subsequently married Francis, Duke of Loraine. Died 1590. Lent by The Duke of Norfolk, K.G. SANDRO BOTTICELLI, b. 1447, d. 15 10. La Bella Simonetta. A Florentine Ladv, whose praises were sung by Pulci, Politian, and other jxx^ts of the dav. Lent by Sir Francis Cook, Bart. LUCAS DE HEERF, b. 1534, d 1584. The Lady Jane Grey. Eldest Daughter of Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, and Cousin of Edward VI.. at whose death she was proclaimed Queen. Beheaded in 1554 at the age of 17. Lent by The Earl Spencer, K.G. OCTAGON ROOM. 5 PORDENONE (GIOVANNI ANTONIO LICINIO), b. 1483, d. 1539. 7. Portrait of Isabella d'Bste. Daughter of Ercolo I., Duke of Ferrara and Modena ; born 1474; married, 1490, Francesco Gonzag^a, last Marquess of Mantua. Died 1539. of the most distinguished ladies of her day. Lent by Ludwig Mond, Esq. JACOPO PALMA (IL VECCHIO), b. 1480, d. 1528. 8. Flora. Lent by Ludwig Mond, Esq. LORENZO LOTTO, b. 1480, d. 1554. 9 Ivucretia. Lent by Captain G. L. Holford. PARIS BORDONE, b. 1500, d. 1571. 10. Violetta Palma. Lent by George Donaldson, Esq. IL BACCHIACCA (FRANCISCO UBERTINI), b. 1494, d. 1557. II. Portrait of a Lady. - - Lent by George Donaldson, Esq. OCTAGON ROOM. TITIAN, b. 14.77, d. 1576. 12 Catarina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus. Niece of Andrea Cornaro, a Venetian noble ; married, in 1472, Jacopo Lusignano, King of Cyprus, and on his death in 1474 was declared a daughter of St. Mark and proclaimed Queen. She abdicated in favour of the Venetian Republic in 1489, and died in 1510. -Lent by Captain G. L. Holford. BERNARDINO LUINI, b. 1460, d. 1530.' 13. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by R. Benson, Esq. 14. Mary Queen of Scots. Le7tt by G. W. Fitzwilliam, Esq. FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO, b. 1543, d. 1609. 15. Isabella Holcroft, Countess of Rutland. Wife of the third Earl, and Daughter of Sir Thomas Holcroft. Lent by The Duke of Rutland, K.G. 16. FRANZ HALS, b. 1580, d. 1666. Maria Voogt Claasdr. Lent by George Donaldson, Esq. OCTAGON ROOM. 7 H. CORNELIUS VROOM, b. 1566, d. 1640. 17. Queen Elizabeth as " Diana." > Len/dy The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G. REMBRANDT (REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN RIJN), b. 1607, d. i66g. 18. Portrait of the Painter's Wife. Lenf by S. S. Joseph, Esq. JAN VERMEER OF DELFT, b. 1632, d. 1675. 19. Girl Playing the Guitar. Lent by H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. FRANCOIS CLOUET (JANET), b. 1520, d. 1573, 20. Portrait of Diane de Poitiers, Dnchesse de Valentinois. The celebrated favourite of Henri II. ; born 1499 5 ^i^^ 1566. Lent by Sir Francis Cook, Bart. MARC GHEERAEDTS. 21. Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke. "Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother." Daughter of Sir Henry Sidney, K.G., and Sister of the celebrated Sir Philip Sidney, whose "Arcadia" she published after his death ; she married, as his third wife, Henr^', second Earl of Pembroke, and died in 1621. Lent by Lord de L'Isle and Dudley. 8 OCTAGON ROOM. DANIEL MYTENS, b. 1590, d. 1660. 22. Catherine Knevet, Countess of Suffolk. Daughter and co-heir of Sir Henr}^ Knevet, of Charlton, Wilts ; married, i, Henry Rich, son of Lord Rich ; 2, the distinguished Admiral Lord Thomas Howard, who was created Earl of Suffollk. Lent by The Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. SIR ANTONIO MORE, b. 1512, d. 1581. 23 Elizabeth de Valois. Daughter of Henri 11. of France, and third Wife of Philip 11. of Spain ; cele- brated in history, or rather in romance, as heroine of the love story between herself and her stepson, Don Carlos, immortalised in Schiller's great tragedy. She died in 1568. Lent by H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. . PAUL VAN SOMER. 24. Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countess of Derby. Wife of James Stanley, seventh Earl of Derbyl; famous for her heroic defence of Latham House against the forces of Fairfax in 1^44. After her husband's execution she retired to the Isle of Man, and she was ^e last person who submitted to the authority of the Parliament. Died 1663. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. SIR ANTONIO MORE, b. 1512, d. 1582. 25. Lady Helen Kerr. Daughter of the Fourth Earl of Rothes, and Wife of Mark Kerr, ancestor of the Marquess of Lothian. Le7it by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T, OCtAGO]^ ROOM. BRONZING (ALESSANDRO ALLORl), b. 1535, d. 1607. 26. Portrait of Eleanor d'Este. Painted on lead. Lent by E. J. Poole, Esq. FRANCOIS CLOUET (JANET), b. 1520, d. 1573. 26a. Mary Queen of Scots. Lent by Dr. J. Lumsden Propert. CORiItELIS Ja'nSSENS, b. 1590, d. 1663. 27- Portrait of Venetia, Lady Digby. ^ Lent by S. S. Joseph, £sq. 0'^4_ ALONZO SANCHEZ-COELLO, b. 1513, d. 1590. 28. Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain. Daughter of Philip 11. She married, in 1598, Albert, Archduke of Austria, . • receiving as a dowry the sovereignty of the Netherlands. After her husband's death ' . ^ she took the veil, but retained the reins of government, which she held with great abilitv. When commencing the famous siege of Ostend in 1601 she made a vow that she would not change her linen until the town was taken ; it held out for more than three years, and the peculiar hue which the Archduchess's linen had by that time assumed has ever since been known as couleur Isahelle. Died 1633. Lent by Horace Buttery, Esq. lO OCTAGON ROOM. PAOLO VERONESE (PAOLO CAGLIARI), b. 1528, d. 1580. 29. Margaret, Duchess of Parma. Natural Daughter of the Emperor Charles V., and Wife of Ottavio Fam^e, Duke of Parma. From 1559 15^7 she acted as Regent of the Netherlands' for her brother, Philip II., having the famous Cardinal Granvelle as her Minister. Died 1586. ^sA^ LentbyTii^ Earl of Warwick. JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVENSTEYN, b. .572, d. 1657. 30. Portrait of a Dutch Lady. Lent by Mrs. Broadwood. GERARD VAN HONTHORST, b. 1590, d. 1656. ^ 31. Portrait of Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (date 1636). Daughter of James I.; married, in 1612, to Frederick, Count Palatine, (crowned King of Bohemia at Prague in 16 19). She is said to have subsequently married Lord Craven, and died in Leicester Square, London, in 1661. \ i Lent by H. H. Almack, Esq. u 32. Greek or Grseco-Roman Portrait, and Centur}^ a.d. From a muaimy-casc found in Egypt. Lent by Ludwig Mond, Esq. MUSIC ROOM. MUSIC ROOM, SIR PETER PAUL RUBENS, b. 1577, d. 1640. Girl Blowing Bubbles. Lent by Hon. Mrs, J. Stuart-Wortley. REMBRANDT, b. 1607, d. 1669. La Femme a rEventail. Lent by H.M. The Queen. SIR GODFREY KNELLER, BART., b. 1646, d. 1723. Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough. The celebrated Duchess, Daughter of Richard Jennings, of Sandridge, and Wife of the great Duke. Died 1744. Lent by The Earl Spencer, K.G. PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE, b. 1602, d. 1674. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by ]. R. Hollond, Esq. MARY BEALE, b. 1632, d. 1697. Elizabeth Egerton, Countess of Leicester. Daughter of John, Earl of Bridgewater, and Wife of Robert Sidney, fourth Earl of Leicester. Died 1709. Lent by Lord de LTsle and Dudley. ^2 MUSIC ROOM. 36b. Madame de Sevign^. Lent by Baroness Burdett-Coutts. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1599, d. 1641. 37- Miss Howard. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN, b. 1598, d. 1662. 38. Portrait of a Spanish Udy as St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Lent by A. H. Smith-Barry, Esq., M.P. SIR PETER LELY, b. 1618, d. 1680. 39. Princess Mary, afterwards Queen Mary H, as Diana. Lent by H. M. The Queen. JONATHAN RICHARDSON, b. 1665, d. 1745. 40. Portrait of Udy Mary Wortley Montagu. Daughter of Evelyn, first Duke of Kingston, and Wife of Edward Wortlev Sr^hl^^lte '"1" 'a K ' ^^-1-brat^ed for her letters written from the Eas?, ana tor hei literary friendships and enmities. Died 1762. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. WILLIAM HOGARTH, b. 1697, d. 1764. 41. Frances Seymour, Marchioness of Granby, Wife of the famous Marquess, and Dauo-ht., of Charles, sixth Duke of Somerset. Lent by The Duke of Rutland, K.G. MUSIC ROOM. 13 SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1596, d. 1641. Marie Claire d'Urfe, Duchesse de Croy. Lent by The Marquis of Lothian, K.T. SIR PETER LELY, b. 1618, d. 1680. Diana Kirke, Countess of Oxford. Second Wife of Aubrey de Vere, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford. Died 1719. Lent by G. Drummond, Esq. SIR PETER LELY, b. 1618, d. 1680. Nell Gwynn. Lent by H.M. The Queen. SIR PETER LELY, Bart., b. i6i8, d. 1680. Mrs. Jane Middleton. One of the equivocal heroines of De Grammont's " Memoirs." Daughter of Sir Robert Needham, and a relation of John Evelyn, who speaks of her "famous, and indeed incomparable, beauty." Lent by The Earl Spencer, K.G. SIR PETER PAUL RUBENS, b. 1577, 1640. Anne of Austria. Daughter of Philip III. of Spain, and Wife of Louis XIII. of France. After his death she acted as Regent, with the help of Cardinal Mazarin, during the minority ot her son, Louis XIV. During her Regency all the contests of the celebrated "Fronde" took place, and she is the heroine of Alexander Dumas' " Trois Mousquetaires," and '* Vingt Ans Apres." Died 1656. Lent by Lily, Duchess of Marlborough. MUSIC ROOM. SIR PETER LELY, b. 1618, d. 1680. Elizabeth Hamilton, afterwards Comtesse de Grammont. " La belle Hamilton." One of the beauties of the Court of Charles II. After refusing many brilliant offers, she married, in 1663, Philibert, Comte de Grammont, the celebrated wit. Her brother, Anthony Hamilton, was the author of " Memoires du Comte de Grammont." She died in 1708. This picture is the finest of the famous series foimerly known as the ''Windsor Beauties," and now at Hampton Court, and the only one signed by Lely. Lent by H.M. The Queen. SIR PETER LELY, b. 1618, d. 1680. Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland. Daughter of Viscount Grandison, and Wife of Roger Palmer, Earl of Caatle- maine ; created Duchess by Charles II.; afterwards married "Beau" Fielding. Died 1709. Lent by H.M. The Queen. SIR GODFREY KNELLER, Bart., b. 1646, d. 1723. Frances Bennett, Countess of Salisbury. Wife of James, fourth Earl. In mourning for her husband. Died 1713. Lent by The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1599, d. 1641. Lady Tufton. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. MUSIC ROOM. 15 SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1599, d. 1641. Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Daughter of Henri IV. of France. Died 1669. Lent by Lord Wantage, V.C. JEAN FRANgOIS DE TROY, b. 1679, d. 1752. ''Silvia" (celebrated actress). Lent by The Duke of Portland. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1599, d. 1641. Elizabeth Dormer, Lady Herbert. Daughter of Sir William Dormer, and first Wife of Edward, Lord Herbert, afterwards second Marquess of Worcester. She died 1635. Lent by The Duke of Beaufort, K.G. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1599, d. 1641. Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland. Daughter of Robert, second Earl of Leicester ; distinguished above all the women of her time for her mental and physical charms, and celebrated as " Sacharissa " in Waller's poems. She married Henry Spencer, first Earl of Sunder- land, who fell, fighting for the King, at the Battle of Newbur\^ and subsequently Robert Smythe, of Bounds. She died in 1684. Lent by Lord de I/Isle and Dudley. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. Head of a Girl. Lent by H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. MUSIC ROOM, ALLAN RAMSAY, b. 1713, d. 1784. Portrait of Lady Susan Louisa Fox Strangways (afterwards O'Brien). Earl of Ilcl ^nd Queen C Lent by The Earl of Ilchester. Daughter of the first Earl of Ilchester. This ladv was bridesmaid at the marriage of George III. and Queen Charlotte, 1761. Married William O'Brien, the actor, 1764. Died 1827. NICOLAS LARGILLIERE, b. 1656, d. 1746. Marie Madeleine de la Vieuville, Comtesse de Parabere. Favourite of Philippe, Due d' Orleans, Regent of France. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. J725, d. 1805. Girl's Head. Lent by Leopold de Rothschild, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., 1723-1792. The Nymph. Lcfit by Lady Castletown. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. Mary Isabella Somerset, Duchess of Rutland. Daughter of Charles, fourth Duke of Beaufort, and Wife of Charles, fourth Duke of Rutland. Died 1831. She was the reigning beauty of her day and the rival of the Duchess of Devonshire, both in politics and fashion. Lent by The Duke of Beaufort, K.G. MUSIC ROOM. 17 JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. Maria Graeme, Viscountess Hampden. First Wife of Thomas Hampden-Trevor, second Viscount. Lent by Captain The Hon. T. S. Brand, R.N. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A., b. 1727, d. 1788. Mary Bruce, Duchess of Richmond. Daughter of Charles, third Earl of Ailesbury, and Wife of Charles, third Duke. Lent by Leopold de Rothschild, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. Frances Manners, Countess of Tyrconnel. Daughter of the famous Marquess of Granby, and Wife of George, first Earl of Tyrconnel ; she subsequently married Philip, son of Sir Alexander Anstruther and the Baroness Newark. Lent by The Duke of Rutland, K.G. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. Margaret, Lady Hanmer. Wife of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart., and Mother of Margaret Emma, Ladj Kenyon (No. iii). Lent by Lord Kenyon. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. " The Snake in the Grass." Lent by Lord^Burton. MUSIC ROOM. JOHN SANDERS, b. 1750, d. 18 . Lady Priscilla Bertie, afterwards Baroness Willoughby de Eresby. Daughter of Peregrines, third Duke of Ancaster. On the death of her brother, the fourth Duke, she became Baroness Willoughby de Eresby in her own right, and, with her sister. Lady Georgina, joint hereditar}^ Great Chamberlain of England. She married Sir Peter Burrell, first Lord Gwydyr, and died 1828. Lent by F. G. Prange, Esq. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. La Jeime Veuve. Lent by Baron Hirsch. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, b. 1741, d. 1807. Elizabeth. Foster, Duchess of Devonshire. Daughter of Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry, fourth Earl of Bristol; married, i, John Thomas Foster; 2, in 1809, the fifth Duke of De^vonshire, with whose first Duchess, the celebrated Georgiana, she had been on terms of close intimacy. After the Duke's death she took up her residence at Rome, where she became the centre^ of a brilliant literary and artistic society. During her first widowhood she received an offer from Gibbon, the historian, who said of her, "If she chose to beckon the Lord Chancellor from his woolsack, he could not resist obedience." Died 1824. Le7it by The Marquess of Bristol. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. Charlotte Legge, Lady Fevershani. Daughter of William, second Karl of Dartmouth, and Wife of Charles Duut^ombe first Lord Feversham. LentbyTvi"^ Earl of Dartmouth. MUSIC ROOM. 19 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 1830. Eliza Farren, Countess of Derby. Born at Cork, 1759. Became the leading comic actress of her time in ladyHke characters, and was greatly esteemed in private life ; she retired from the stage in 1797, upon her marriage to Edward, twelfth Earl of Derby. Died 1829. Lent by Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. Portrait. Lent by James Knowles, Esq. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. Mrs. Hoppner, Wife of the Artist. L.ent by Lord Iveagh. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A., b. 1727, d. 1788. Mrs. Fitzherbert. Maria Anne, Daughter of Walter Smythe, of Brambridge, and Widow of Thomas Fitzherbert, of Swynnerton ; married priyately, in 1785, George, Prince of Wales. She died at Brighton in 1837. Lent by Earl Fortescue. 20 MUSIC ROOM. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 74. Portrait of Mrs. Mary Robinson (" Perdita"). Daughter of a Captain Darby, of Bristol ; at the age of fifteen she married an attorney, named Robinson, who sent her on the .stage. When performing the character of Perdita she attracted the attention of George, Prince of Wales, with whom a brief intimacy followed. She was the author of several novels and poems. As the result of a long journey in a post-chaise, during severe weather, she lost the use of her limbs some years before her death, which occurred in December, 1800, at the age of forty- two. Lent by The Marquess of Hertford. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 1830. 75. Miss Farren, afterwards Countess of Derby. \ Lent by The Earl of Wilton. ' ' (See No. 70). SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 76. Mrs. Pownall as " Hebe." Wife of Captain Philemon Pownall, R.N., who was killed in action, 1780. Lent by Caroline, Duchess of Montrose. 77- SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A., b. 1756, d. 1823. " Contemplation." Lent by Lord Iveagh. MUSIC ROOM. 2 1 tvA^ THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A., b. 1727, d. 1788. 78. Portrait of Mrs. Jordan (Dorothy Bland). The celebrated comic actress ; born 1762, died 1816. Lent by The Earl of Northbrook, K.G. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 79. Mrs. Siddons as the " Tragic Muse." Lent by The Earl of Warwick. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 80. Diana, Lady Milner. Daughter of Humphrey Sturt, of Crichel, Dorsetshire, and Wife of Sir William Milner, Bart. Died 1805. Lent by Sir Frederick Milner, Bart. CHARLES ANDRE VANLOO CARLE b. 1705, d. 1765. 81. Marie Justine Duronceray, ''Madame Favart." French actress. Died 1772. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1804. 82. Emma, Lady Hamilton. Lent by Lord Iveagh. (See No. 168). 22 MUSIC ROOM. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 1830. 83. Mrs. Fraser, of Castle Fraser. Lent by Colonel Mackenzie Eraser, of Castle Fraser. HENRY THOMPSON, R.A., b, 1773, d. 1843. 84. Dancing Girl, with Tanibonr de Basqne. Lent by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. 85. Mademoiselle Hillsberg. Danseuse, 1791. Lent by Mrs. Howard Smith. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 86. Elizabeth Foster, Dnchess of Devonshire. LentbyTYLE Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (See No. 68). THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A., b. 1727, d. 1788. 87. Mrs. Sheridan. Lent by Lord Iveagh. (See No. 124). MUSIC ROOM. 23 GEORGE ROMnAy, b. 1734, d. 1802. 88. Elizabeth, Lady Forbes orbes, Bar aystoun. Lent by Si\i John Hay, Bart. Wife of Sir William Forbes, BartAof Pitsligo, and Daughter of Sir James Hay, Bart., of Smithfield and Havstoim. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 89. Charlotte Frances Bentinck, Lady Milnes. Wife of Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Bart. Lent by His Excellency Lord Houghton. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A , b. 1723, d. 1792. go. Collina. Portrait of Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, Daughter of John, second Earl of Upper Ossory. She died unmarried. Lent by Lord Castletown. gi. Portrait of Mary, Lady Hervey Molly LepelP') Daughter of Brigadier- General Nicholas Lepell, Maid of Honour to Queen Caroline ; celebrated for her wit and beauty ; married John, Lord Hervey of Ickworth, the Statesman. She was mother of the second, third, and fourth Earls of Bristol. Lent by The Marquess of Bristol. JOHN gia. Perdita. (See No. 74). HOPPNER, R.A. (after Sir J. Reynolds). Lent by The Duchess of St. Albans. 4 MUSIC ROOM. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 92. Lady Hamilton, as " Ariadne." Len/ by Sir A. W. Neeld, Bart. (See No. 168). ENGLISH SCHOOL. 93. Lady Caroline Beauclerk. Wife of Hon.. Charles Dundas ; married 1797 Died 1838. Lent by The Duke of St. Albans. Sir WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A., b. 1753, d. 1839. 94. A Young Lady as Bvelina." Lent by Lord Hillingdon. GEORGE ROMNEY, R.A., b. 1734, d. 1802. 95. Portrait. Lent by Lord Carlingford. JOHN HOPPNER, b. 1758, d. 1810. 96. Mrs. Michael Angelo Taylor as '^Miranda.'' Wife of Right Hon. Michael An^^elo Taylor, M.P., Recorder of Poolo. Lent by The Marquess of Londonderry, K. MUSIC ROOM. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 97. Ivouisa Cathcart, Viscountess Stormont, afterwards Countess of Mansfield. Youngest Daughter of the ninth Lord C a the art ; married, ist — 1776, David, seventh Viscount Stormont ; 2nd — 1797, The Hon. Fulke Greville ; in 1793 she became Countess of Mansfield in her own right. Died 1843. Le7it by The Earl Cathcart. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 98. Charlotte Townshend, Duchess of Leeds. Daughter of George, first Marquess Townshend, and wife of George, sixth Duke of Leeds, K.G. Died 1856. Lent by The Duke of Leeds. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 99. " Pamela " Fitzgerald. Widow of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the^ hero of '98. Lent by H. L'. Bischoffsheim, Esq. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 100. Portrait of Mary, Lady Sullivan. Wife of Sir Richard SuUivan, Bart. Died 1832. - Lent by Sir Ed. Sullivan, Bart. 26 CENTRE ROOM. CENTRE ROOM. H. VON ANGELI. 10 1. Her Majesty The Queen. Lent hy H.M. The Queen. SIR G. HAYTER. 1 02. Queen Victoria taking the Oath at the Coronation, June 28th, 1838. Lent hy YiJ^W. Princess Henry of Battenberg. W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 103. H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. Lent hy H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. 104. Madame du Barry. Favourite of Louis XV. ; guillotined 1793. Lent by Alfred de Rothschild. CENTRE ROOM. 2^ FRANgOIS HUBERT DROUAIS, b. 1727, d. 1775. 105. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Lord Hindlip. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. io5. Cecile Volage. Lent by Captain G. L. Holford. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. 107. Doves. Lent by Captain G. L. Holford. MADAME VIGEE-LE BRUN, b. 1755, d. 1842. 108. Princess Blizabetli. Sister of Louis XVL, generally called " Madame Elizabeth." Guillotined 1794. Lent by James Price, Esq. ALLAN RAMSAY. 109. Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Argyll. The younger of the two famous beauties (see No. 186). She married, i, in 1752, James, sixth Duke of Hamilton, the ceremony being performed at midnight in Mayfair Chapel with a ring of a bed-curtain; 2, 1759, John Campbell, afterwards fifth Duke of Argyll. By her two marriages she became the mother of two Dukes of Hamilton and two Dukes of Argyll. She died in 1790, aged 56, having retained her beauty almost unimpaired to the last. Lent by The Duchess of St. Albans. 28 CENTRE ROOM. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A., b. 1738, d. 1820. no. Mrs. West and Child. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. III. Margaret Bmma, Lady Kenyon. Daughter of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart., and Wife of George, second Lord Kenyon. Died 1815. Lent by Lord Kenyon. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, RA, b. 1727, d. 1788. 112. Mrs. Elizabeth Billington. Singer ; died 1818. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. JOHN HOPPNER, b. 1758, d. 1810. 113. The Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope. Eldest Daughter of Charles, third Earl Stanhope. Celebrated for her eccentric mod(^ of life, the greater part of which was spent in the East, where she entirely adopted the dress and lKil)Tts of the country. In 1814 Lady Hester settled at Mount Lebanon, in Syria, and she died there, unmarried, in 1839. Lent by General Mackenzie. RICHARD MORTON PAGE, d. 1821. (Who, a Quaker himself, was the only artist who was kn(Dwn to have painted Quakers of that period.) 114 Mrs. Mills, of Diss. Lenl hv H. L. Bischoffsheim, Esq. CENTRE ROOM. 29 JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. 115. Blizabeth Stephenson, Countess of Mexborough. Wife of John Savile, second Earl. Died 182 1. Lent by The Countess of Mexborough. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. 116. Charlotte Legge, Lady Feversham. Daughter of WiUiam, second Earl of Dartmouth, and Wife of Charles Duncombe, first Lord Feversham. Lent by The Earl of Dartmouth. FRANCIS COTES, R.A., b. 1726, d. 1770. 117. Elizabeth Wingfield, Lady St. Aubyn. Wife of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. Lent by Monsieur dk Falbe. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 118. Miss Jacobs. Lent by The Marquess of Hertford. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. iig. Mrs. Murray, of Philiphangh. L.ent by T. Douglas Murray, Esq. 30 CENTRE ROOM. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 120. Anne Montgomery, Marchioness Townshend. One of the three beautiful Daughters of Sir WiUiam Montgomery', who are represented as a group of the Graces in a picture by Reynolds in the National Gallery; she married, in 1773, George, Marquess Townshend, and became a distinguished leader of fashion. Died 1819. Lent by Captain G. L. Holford. RICHARD WESTALL, R.A., b. 1765, d. 1836. 121. Portrait of a Girl. Lent by J. R. Hollond, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 122. Mrs. Siddons as the ''Tragic Muse." Lent by Robert Tate, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 123. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, and her child, afterwards Countess of Carlisle. Lent by The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 124. Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Linley, afterwards Mrs. Sheridan. One of the beautiful Daughters of Thomas Linley, the composer ; an accom- plished singer. Married clandestinely in 1772 the celebrated Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Died 1792. Lent by The Corporation of Glasgow. CENTRE ROOM. 3 I SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 125. Girl and Dog. Lent by Caroline, Duchess of Montrose. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A., b. 1758, d. 1810. 126. Lady Douglas. Lent by T. Douglas Murray, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 127. Mrs. Hartley and Infant. This picture was exhibited in 1773 with the description, "A Nymph with a young Bacchus," to which Horace Walpole noted in his catalogue, ''Mrs. Hartley, the actress." Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley left the stage in 1780, and died in 1824. Lent by The Earl of Northbrook, K.G. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 128. Mrs. Anne Carwardine and Child. Wife of Rev. Thomas Carwardine, of Earl's Colne, Essex. Died 1817, aged 65. Lent by Lord Hillingdon. JOPIN H. CLARK, b. 1770, d. 1863. 129. Caroline, Lady Wharncliffe. Daughter of John, first Earl of Erne, and Wife of James Archibald, first Baron Wharnclilfe. Died 1856. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 32 CENTRE ROOM. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 130. Blizabeth Foster, Duchess of Devonshire. The slashes across the picture were made by George, Prince of Wales, who had quarrelled with her. Lent by The Duchess of St. Albans. (See No. 68.) THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R A., b. 1727,(1. 1788. 131. Mrs. Grace Dalrymple Elliot. Favourite of the Prince of Wales and Philippe " Egalite," Duke of Orleans. During the Reign of Terror she was condemned to death, and narrowly escaped the guillotine. Le7it by The Duke of Portland. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 132. Jane Maxwell, Duchess of Gordon. Daughter of Sir William Maxwell, of Monreith, and Wife of Alexander, fourth Duke of Gordon. A celebrated beauty. Died i8i2. LenthyTYLY. Duke of Richmond and Gordon, K.G. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 133. Mary, Lady Kenyon. Daughter of George Kenyon, Esq., and Wife of Lloyd, first Lord Kenyon, Lord Chief Justice of England ; died 1808. Lent by Lord Kenyon. RICHARD COSWAY, R.A., b. 1740, d. 1821. 134. Diana, Lady Sinclair. Daughter of first Lord Macdonald ; second A\'ife of Sir fohn Sinclair, Bart. Ditd 1845. Le7it bv Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. CENTRE ROOM. 33 135. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 183c. 136. Miss Georgina Lennox, afterwards Countess Bathnrst. Daughter of Lord George Lennox; married, in 1789, Henry, third Earl Bathurst, K.G. Died 1841. Lent by Earl Bathurst. G. C. D. ROSSETTI, b. 1828, d. 1882. 137. Veronica Veronese. Lent by Joseph Ruston, Esq. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 138. The Frigidarinm. L.ent by Algernon Graves, Esq. G. D. LESLIE, R.A. 139. Lavinia. Lent by Willtam Agnew, Esq. FREDERICK SANDYS, b. 1832 (living), 140. Portrait of a Girl. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 34 CENTRE ROOM. WILLIAM ETTY, R.A,, b. 1787, d. 1849. 140a. Hebe. Lent hy James Orrock, Esq. E. J. POYNTER, R.A. 141. High Noon. Lent hy James Knowles, Esq. LAWRENCE ALMA-TADEMA, R.A. 142. Cleopatra. Lent hy Sir Henry Thompson. P. H. CALDERON, R.A. 143. Aphrodite. Lent hy Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart., M.P. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 144. Corimia of Tanagra. Lerit hy S. Holland, Esq. SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES, Bart. 145. Circe. Lent hy Miss Foster. CENTRE ROOM. 35 W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 146. Mrs."^. G. Rawlinson. Lent by W. G. Rawlinson, Esq. G. F. WATTS, R.A. 147. Miss Prinsep. Lent by Sir Henry Princep. A. STUART-WORTLEY. 148. The Love Birds. Lent by Mrs. A. Stuart- Wortley. ^J>4^ SHANNON. SfiR JOHN 0 LUKE FILDES, R.A. 155. The Daughter of the Lagunes. \ Lent by Thos. F. Blackwell, Esq. PROFESSOR HERKOMER, R.A. 156. Miss Grant. Lent by Hugh Hammersley, Esq. JEAN BOLDINI. 157. The Lady Colin Campbell. Lent by Lady Colin Campbell. GRAND STAIRCASE. JOHN RILEY, b. 1646, d. i6qi. 157a. Elizabeth Spencer, Countess of Clancarty. Daughter of Robert, second Earl of Sunderland, and Wife of Donogli McCarty, fourth Earl of Clancarty. Lent by The Earl Spencer, K.G. SMALL GALLERY. 37 SMALL GALLERY. ALBERT MOORE. 158. Venus. Lent by W. Coltart, Esq JULES LEFEBVRE. 159. Pandora. Lent by Messrs. Hollander & Creaietti. W. BOUGUEREAU. 160. Biblis. Le?it by Mrs. Arthur Anderson. W. ETTY, R.A. i6oa. Venus and Mars." Lent by James Orrock, Esq. 38 END GALLERY. END GALLERY. THOMAS ROWLANDSON, b. 1756, d. 1827. 161. Miss Baker. Lent by James Knowles, Es(|. JOHN LEECH, b. 1817, d. 1864. 162. Girl of the Period. Drawn for the late Albert Smith. J. AsHBY Sterry, Esq. MADAME VIGEE-LE BRUN, b. 1755, d. 18^2. 162a. A Head; Charcoal Sketch. '^Cedessein fait avec un morceau de charbon de cuisine sur une porte d'une chanibre au du casino du Chevaerier Hamilton, Ministre d'Angleterre a Naples ; a ete enleve par ordre du Chevalier avide de posseder et de conserver le moindre echantillon du pinccau de cette aimable et sublime artiste." Lent by Alfred Morrison, Esq. HENRY SINGLETON, b. 1766, d. 1839. 163. Portrait of Miss Sullivan (on Copper). Lent by Sir Edward Sullivan, Barl. END, GALLERY. 39 CHARLES H. MARTIN. 164. Mary, Countess of Erne. Daughter of Frederick, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry ; married, 1776; died, 1842. Le7it by Miss Mary Hervey. G. P. HARDING. 165. Mary Queen of Scots. Lent by G. Fitzwilliam, Esq. J. J. MASQUERIER, b. 1778, d. 1855. 165a. Miss Susan Burdett, Mrs. Trevanion. Lent by Baroness Burdett- Coutts. GEORGE ENGLEHEART, b. 1752, d. 1839. 166. Portrait of Mrs. Mills. Singer ; wife of Capt. Mills, a survivor of the Black Hole of Calcutta. Lent by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart. ENGLISH SCHOOL. i66a. Portrait of Mrs. Dundas. Lent by Hon. Mrs, J. Stuart- Wortley. JOHN HODGES BENWELL, b. 1764, d. 1785. 167. Lady Augusta Campbell. Daughter of John, fifth Duke of Argyll ; married General Clavering, and died in 1831. Lent by H. H. Almack, Esq. This picture was engraved by Bartolozzi, with the title, "A St. James's Beauty." 40 END GALLERY. GEORGE ROxMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 168. Emma Lyon, Lady Hamilton. Born in humble circumstances in Cheshire, and was for a time a nurse -g"irl at Hawarden. Coming to London, she lived under the protection of the Hon. Charles Greville, and subsequently married his uncle, Sir William Hamilton, Ambassador at Naples. There she became the intimate friend of the Queen Maria Carolina, and in 1793 made the acquaintance of Nelson, whose passionate attachment to her is a matter of history. She died at Calais in comparative poverty in 1815. Lent by P. Michaud, Esq. GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d 1802. 169. Lady Hamilton. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. (See No. 168.) GEORGE ROMNEY. 170. Mrs. Jordan. Le?it by Major-General R. Mackenzie. J. J. MASQUERIER, b. 1778, d. 1855. 171. Miss Sophia Bnrdett, Mrs. Otway Cave. Lent by Baroness Burdett-Coutts. MARY BEALE, b. 1632, d. 1697. 171a. Elizabeth, Countess of Rochester. Dau<; liter of Sir John Malet, of Knmore, "La triste heriticre." Lent by Colonel Harold Malet. END GALLERY. 41 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 1830. 172. Jane Elizabeth Digby, Lady EUenboroiigh. Second Wife of John Law, first Earl of EUenborough. This lady gained great notoriety by the extraordinary sway she had over her many admirers. She was first married to Lord EUenborough, who on her account fought a duel with Prince Schwartzenberg, for whom she eventually left her husband. At the death of Lord EUenborough she married the Prime Minister of Bavaria, who committed suicide in consequence of her leaving him. She finally married an Arab Sheik of Damascus, in whose arms she died in the desert, as she was contemplating flying with her dragoman. Lent by Alfred Morrison, Esq. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A., b. 1753, d. 1839. 172a. Lady Beechey, wife of the Artist. Lent by Baroness Burdett-Coutts. JEAN RAOUX. 173. Mademoiselle Marie Perdiginoii, afterwards Madame Boucher. Lent by The Duke of Portland. FRANCOIS BOUCHER, b. 1703, d. 1770. 174. Jeanne Antoine Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour. The celebrated favourite of Louis XV. Died 1764. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. THOMAS HUDSON, b. 1701, d. 1779. 175. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Sir Ed. Sullivan, Bart. 42 • END GALLERY. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A., b. 1741, d. 1807. 176. Blizabeth. Fortescue, Marchioness of Lothian. Wife of William John, fifth Marquess. Died 1780. Lent by The Marquess of Lothian, K.T. PHILIP GRANDHOMME and BAPST and FALIZE. 177. Translucent Bnaniel Portrait of Miss Katherine Morrison. Le7it by Mrs. A. IMorrison. JEAN PETITOT, b. 1607, i^9'. 177a. Madame de Maintenon. Lent by Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. ANNA DOROTHEA THERBUSCH, nee VON LISCEWSKA, b. 1722, d. 1782. 178. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Wife of Louis XVI., and Daughter of Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria. Guillotined 1793. Lent by Monsieur de Falbe. G. F. WATTS, R.A. 179. Study in Chalk — Lady Lilford. Le?it by G. F. Watts, Esq., R A. Study in Chalk — Countess Somers. Ln/t by Sir Henry Princep. END GALLERY. F. A. KAULBACH. i8o. Princess Alix of Hesse. Lent by H.M. The Queex. EUGENE MORAND. i8i. A Fan. With orio-inal sonnot, sig-nod by Armand Silvestre. Lent by Lady Colin Campbell. 182. Drawing by Hoppner of Mrs. Robinson Perdita "). 183. Drawing by Hoppner of the Duchess of Devonshire. Lejit bv Colonel Harold Malet. FRANCOIS BOUCHER, b. 1703, d. 1770. 184. Drawing. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A., b. 1723, d. 1792. 185. Mrs, Samuel Elliot. Mrs. Crosby. Alicia, Countess of Brrol. Baroness le Despencer. Lent by The Earl of Errol. 44 END GALLERY. MAURICE QUENTIN DE LA TOUR, b. 1704, d. 1788. 186. Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry. The elder of the two famous beauties, Daughters of John Gunning, of Castle Cooke, Ireland. Their appearance at Court in 1751 created an extraordinar}' sensation, and crowds followed them wherever they went. In March, 1752, Maria, who was the lovelier of the two, married George, sixth Earl of Coventry, her sister Elizabeth having married the Duke of Hamilton a few weeks earlier. Lady Coventry' died of consumption in 1760 at the age of 27. Lent by Gilbert Coveniry, Esq. FRANCOIS BOUCHER, b. 1703, d. 1770. 187. Drawing. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 188. Drawing by J. L. David of Caroline Bonaparte, Princess Mnrat, and Family (Sister of Napoleon). 189. Drawing by J. L. David of The Empress Josephine. Le7it by Colonel Harold Malet. THE MARCHIONESS OF GRANBY. 189a. Coimtess of Westmorland. Lent by The Earl of Westmoreland. 189b. Miss Norah Bonrke. L.ent by The Hon. Mrs. E. Bourke. END GALLERY. 45 GEORGE RICHMOND, R.A. igo. Copy of Romnej^'s Picture of Lady Bdward Cavendish Bentinck. Eldest Daughter of Richard Cumberland, Esq., the celebrated writer; married, 1782, Ed. Charles, second son of second Duke of Portland ; died 1837. Lent by The Duke of Portland. ALEXIS GRIMOUX, b 1660, d. 1740. 191. Portrait of Louise Julie de Nesle, Comtesse de Mailly. The eldest of thc> fi\'c daughters of Louis, third Marquis de Nesle, four of whom were, in succession, favourites of Louis XV. After her retirement from Couit the Comtesse de Mailly devoted herself to religion and works of charitv. She died 1751 at the age of forty-one. Lent hy Paul Hardy, Esq. 192. Lady of the Louis XVL Period, by Drouais. Lent hy Lord Auckland. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 193. The Laughing Girl. L.ent hy T. W. Bacon, Esq. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A., b. 1769, d. 1830. 194 Mrs. Locke. Daughter of Mr. Jennings-Noel, and Wife of William Locke, of Norbury, the amateur artist. She was noted for her beauty. Lent hy Lady Walsingham. ^6 END GALLERY. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK, b. 1598, d. 1641. 195. Venetia Stanley, Lady Digby. She is here painted as she was found dead in her bed. Daughter of Sir Edward Stanley, and Wife of the celebrated Sir Kenelm Dig^by ; she was a woman of singular beauty and attainments, and scandal was busy with her name. She was found dead in her bed in 1633, and it was asserted at the time that her husband had killed her by giving her viper wine to preserve her beauty, of which he was very proud. Lent hy The Earl Spencer, K.G. GEORGE ROMNEY. 195a. Mrs. Moody. Lent by Caroline, Duchess of Montrose. R. COSWAY, R.A., b. 1740, d. 1821. STorthwick. Lent by Major-General R. Mackenzie. 196. Miss Rushout. Daughter of first Lord Northwick. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A, 1769-1830. La Day. Wright Le7it by A. Smith Wright, Esq., M.P. 197. Miss Harriet Maria Day Afterwards Mrs. Ichabod Wrig-ht GEORGE ROMNEY, b. 1734, d. 1802. 198. Lady Hamilton as a Nun. Lent by J. Laurie, Esq. (See No. i63.) END GALLERY. 199. The Marchioness of Sligo. Lent by The Countess Howe. SIR GODFREY KNELLER, R.A. 200. Mary Forester, Lady Downing. Daughter of Sir William and Lady Mary Forester. This lady had a sad and romantic history. Her father, Sir William Forester, married her, at the age of thirteen, secretly to his ward, George (afterwards Sir George) Downing, and the latter immediately went abroad. On his return three years later he refused to acknow- ledge his wife, and she having also formed another attachment, a joint petition for an annulment of the marriage was presented to the House of Lords in 171 5, but refused by two votes. Lady Downing then retired into private life, and died at Hampton Court, while vSir George, unable to marry again, bequeathed his property for the foundation of Downing College, Cambridge. Le7tt by Lord Forester. SIR JAMES LINTON, P.R.I. 201. Julia Mannering. From Sir Walter Scott's Novel of " Guy Mannering. ' Lent by Sir James Linton. SIR JAMES LINTON, P.RT. 202. Helena. From Shakespeare's " Midsummer Night's Dream." Lent by Sir James Linton. 48 END GALLERY- JOHN DOWNMAN, b. 1769, d. 1824. 203. A Series of Twelve Drawings : — 204. Eliza Farren, 1787. The celebrated actress, aftei-warcls Countess of Derby. Died April 23rd, 1829. aged sixty-nine. Lent by Lord Ronald Gower. 205. Mrs. Dickens. Leiii by Lord Forester. 206. The Countess of Jersey ys, " I drc Lxourt anc 3 of Raph( Lent by Lord Ronat.d Gower. Original, 1779. He says, "I drew two of these for her friends, the Duchess of Devonshire and Mrs. Harcourt and her Lord." She was the only Daughter of Dr. Philip Twysden, Bishop of Raphoe. 207. Lady Ann Wellesley, Sister to the Earl of Mornington. Lent by Lord Ronald Gower . 208. Lady Georgina Charlotte Bertie, only sister of Lady Willoughby de Eresby. The painter of the portrait writes : " The Duchess Dowager, her mother, present, said, ' 'Tis very^ like, Mr. D., but I think the mouth should be shut.' I drew two of this and the Duchess." Lent by Lord Ronald Gower. 209. Miss Cruikshanks. She came Irom the West Indies. Lent by \.o\<\^ Ronald Gowek. END GALLERY, 210. Mary, Countess of Brne. Daughter of Frederick Augustus, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry, with her daughter, Caroline, who married Lord Wharncliffe. Lent by Miss Mary Hervey. 211. The Hon. Mrs. Mackenzie Fraser. Lent by Colonel Mackenzie Fraser. 212. Two Children of the Fourth Duke of Rutland. Lent by Lord Forester. 213. Her Majesty of England, 1783. Downman says of this portrait: "Original first sitting. She was Sophia Charlotte, Princess of Mecklenberg-Strelitz. She sat in the Queen's Closet at Buckingham Palace. His Majesty came in, with Lords North and Grantham and two others, presumably the two eldest Princesses. The King said to the Princess Royal, ' Are you prepared to sit ? ' This turned all eyes to her, as she was directly opposite the light, and occasioned the most beautiful suffusion of bloom I ever saw, and they certainly were at the time two of the most beautiful of persons." Lent by Lord Ronald Gower. 214. Lady Anne Horatia Waldegrave, 1780. Lent by Lord Ronald Gower. 215. Drawing by Downman, 1779. The Lady of William Locke, Esq., of Norbury Park. "He was a man of the finest taste, possessing the finest statues and pictures. I (Downman) also drew him and his children, and two of this." This lady was the mother of Mrs. Angerstein. Lent by Messrs. Deprez & Guterkunst. 50 2l6. END GALLERY. Drawing by Cosway of Mrs. Baldwin. Engraved by Bartolozzi, under the title of the " Grecian Lady." Le7it by Messrs. Deprez & Guterkunst. FRANCIS COTES, R.A., b. 1726, d. 1770. 217. Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark. Youngest Sister of George III. of England, and Wife of Christian VIL, King of Denmark, from whom she was divorced in 1772, in consequence of her intrigue with Struensee. She was condemned to imprisonment for life, and died at Celle in 1775. Le7it by Alfred Morrison, Esq. 218. Portraits of Lady Caroline Crichton and Miss Ellis, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, aged 14. Lent by The Hon. Mrs. J. Stuart-Wortiey. OLD DUTCH DRAWING. 2ig. Pastel of a Lady, 1660. Lent by Miss Sieveking. SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES, Bart. 220. Study of a Head — Pastel. SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES, Bart. 221. Pencil Drawing. Lent by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Bart. END GALLERY. 51 222. Sketch, by Zoffany, Princess Amelia." Le7it by The Eakl of Arran. 223. Princesses Bathing, by Drnmmond. Lent by The Earl of Arkan. J. S. SARGENT. 224. Painting of the Wax Bnst in the Mnseuni at Lille. Lent by J. S. Sargent, Esq. J. L. TOCQUE, b. 1696, d. 1772. 225. Portrait of Madame Jeoffrin. Lent by C. Davis, Esq. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE, b. 1725, d. 1805. 226. Gertrnde Roper, Baroness Dacre. Wife of Thomas Brand, of the Hoo, Herts and Mother of Thomas Brand, twentieth Baron Dacre. Died i8iq. Lent by Captain The Hon. T. S. Brand, R.N. 227. J. G. DROUAIS,_b. 1763, d. 1788. Gir] Blowing Bnbbles. Lent by H. L. Bisckoffsheim, Esq. 52 END GALLERY. MAURICE QUENTIN HE LA TOUR, b. 1704, d. 1788 228. Louise Bleanore, Madame de Warens. Friend of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Died 1762. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 229. Portrait of a Lady with Parrot. Lent by Charles Davis, Esq, 230 Three Pastel Portraits. Lent by The Duke of Sutherland. 231 Head — Pastel. Lent by Mrs. Harry White. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A., b. 1802, d. 1873. 232 Sketch of Spanish Lady. Lefit by The Duke of Sutherland. W. SPINDLER. 233. Sarah Bernhardt. Lent by W. Spindler, Esq. END GALLERY. 53 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 234. Charity." (^^^^^^- ^^x<^T{n:, Lent by Henry Samuel, Esq. MLGNARD. 235. Portrait of a Lady. Le7it by F. Davis, Esq. SIR A. VAN DYCK. 236. Profile of Queen Henrietta Maria. Lent by I^he Eakl of Denbigh. 237. Portrait of the Infanta Maria of Spain. The original that was brouj^ht back by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and Charles I. (as Prince of "Wales), to show James I., aften- their tour in Spain. 0 Lent by The Earl of Denbigh. 238. Her Roj^al and Imperial Highness the Duchess of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. Lent by H.R.H. The Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. 54 MINIATURES, ETC. MINIATURES, &c. I. Miniature of Elizabeth Langley, of Wykeham (Elizabeth Boyntoii). Date 1740. This is set in a border of pearls and diamonds. Lent by Ralph Creyk, Esq. 2. Miniature of Catherine Charlton, of Apley (Catherine Thomason). Date 1792. In a plain gold border. Le7it by Ralph Crevk, Esq. 3 A Length of Lace, worked by Queen Elizabeth. Lent by Lady Middleton. 4. Thirteen old Rococo Buttons. Onee the property of the Countess d'Albanic, in original box. Lent by Lady Middleton. 5. Miniature of the Honourable Mrs. Dorothy Langley, Sister of Htnirv, sixth Lord Middleton. Lent by Lady Middleton. MINIATURES, ETC. 55 6. Miniature of Harriet, Countess Scarborough. Sister of Henry, sixth Lord Middleton. Lerit by Lady Middleton. 7. Pair of Shoes, with Pattens. Lent by Lady Middleton. 8. Cover and Pillow-Case. 3n workc( a conipan iftervvardi Lent by Lady Middleton. Supposed to have been worked by Princess, aftersvards Queen, Elizabeth, at Hatfi(;ld, where she liad as a companion her relative (through the Greys), Margaret Willoughbv, of Wollaton, afterwards Lady Arundell, of Wardour. 9. Old Cover, " The Months." Sixteenth Century. Le7it by Lady Middleton. 10. Two Lengths of Old Embroidery. From State bed at Wollaton. Le7it by Lady Middleton. II. Miniature of Helen Fraser. After the Picture of Cosway. Lent by Colonel Mackenzie Fraser, of Castle Fraser. 12. Case of Miniatures. Containing a Miniature of Madame Ninon de I'Enclos. Lent by The Earl of Northbrook, K.G. 56 MINIATURES, ETC. 13. Miniature of a Lady, by Peter Oliver. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 14. Miniature of Molly lyepell, Lady Hervey. Daughter of Brig.-Genl. Lepell ; married, 1720, to John, Lord Hen^ev, of Ickworth. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 15. Miniature of Blizabeth, Lady Templetown. Daughter of Shuckburgh Boughton ; married, 1769, Clotworthy Upton, first Lord Templetown. By Mrs. Mee. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 16. Gold Snufif-Box. With Miniature of Princess Amelia. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 17. Old Frencli enamelled Snufif-Box. With Portrait of Mary Lepell, Lady Hervey, inside lid. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. 18. Watch, mounted in Enamel and Diamond Lyre. French, i8th Century. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 19. A Chatelaine. Italian work. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. MINIATURES, ETC. 57 20. Old French enamelled Chatelaine. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. 21. Six Chains and Pair of Earrings of Rock Turquoises. As worn by the women in Cashmere. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 22. Miniature of Mary, Countess of Erne. Dauf^hter of Frederick Augustus, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry, with her dauf^hter Caroline, who married Lord Wharncliffe. By Downman. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 23. 24. Vernis Martin Fan. Eighteenth Century. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. 25. Old French Fan. Louis XV. Painted on satin and embroidered in gold thread and paillettes ; ivory sticks. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. MINIATURES, ETC. Very small Fan. Painted on chicken skin ; supposed to be Italian ; car\'ed ivory sticks. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. Cabriolet Fan. Ivory sticks ; painted i8th Centur)\ Leni by The Marchioness of Bristol. Leaf Paper Fan. "Judgment of Paris." Ivory sticks. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. Very fine Tortoisesliell Fan. Sticks ivory carved and gilt. Louis XVI. Lent by 'Yyl"^. Marchioness of Bristol. Battoir Fan. Ivory sticks, carv-ed and gilt, with Arms of France and Spain. Lent by I^WY. Marchioness of Bristol. French Fan. Painted scene out of "Don Quixote." Ivory sticks, carved and painted. Leyit by The Marchioness of I3ristol. Leaf Fan. Painted in medallions of [)a})er ; ivory sticks. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. MINIATURES, ETC. 59 Leaf Painted Chicken Skin Fan. Ivory sticks, the outer sticks set with old paste ; Watch in handle. Louis XV. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. Miniature of Louisa, Duchess of Leeds. Wife of the seventh Duke. By Mrs. Mee. Lent by The Duke of Leeds. Miniature of Marj^ Marchioness Wellesley. By Mrs. Mee. Lent by The Duke of Leeds. Miniature of the Marchioness Townshend. Mother of the wife of the sixth Duke of Leeds. Lent by The Duke of Leeds. Three Engraved Combs. Lent by The Duke of Leeds. Two Embroidered Screens. The work of Mary Queen of Scots. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. Piece of Framed Embroidery. Le7it by Christopher Cradock, Esq. 6o MINIATURES, ETC. 40. One Basket. Coloured Beadwork on white satin ; 1662. Lent by Mrs. E Ward. 41. Coloured Beadwork, Open Work. Lent by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 42. Box Worked in the Reign of Charles II. With Secret Drawers, Powder Boxes, &c. Belonged to the late E. M. Ward, R.A. Date 1671. Lent by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 43, Miniature by A. Chalon, R.A., name unknown. Le7it by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 44. Miniature of Madame Vestris, by A. Chalon, R.A. Lent by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 45. Miniature, " Hearts' Ease," by Mrs. G. R. Ward. Le7it by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 46. Embroidered Sampler, 1742. Lent by Mrs. E. M. Ward. 47, Miniature of Mademoiselle Dugazon, by J. Isabey. Le7it by Mdme. de Falbe. MINIATURES, ETC. 6l 48. Miniature of Madame Vigee-Le Brun. Lent by jNIons. de Falbe. 49. Miniature of a French Lady, by Hall. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. 50. Miniature of Catherine II., Empress of Russia. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 51. Miniature of Madam Oliva. Lent bv Mdme. de Falbe. 52. Miniature of a Lady, by Vestier. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. 53. Miniature of Princess Lorie Schwarzenberg, nee Princess Lichtenstein, 1873. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 54. Miniature of a Lady with Flowers. French. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. 55 Miniature of Lady Northwick, by A. Plimer. Leiit by Mdme. de Falbe. 62 MINIATURES, ETC. 56. Miniature of Madame du Barry as a Flower Girl. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. 57. Miniature of a Lady with Large Hat. French. Le7it by Mdme. de Falbe. 58. Miniature of Lady Bllenborough. Le7it by Mons. de Falbe. 59. Miniature of Mrs. Blackburn, by Cosway. Le7it by Mdme. de Falbe. 60. Miniature of Mrs. Hawks. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. 61. Miniature of Princess Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 62. Miniature of Louisa, Princess of England, Queen of Denmark. Le7it by Mons. de Falbe. 63. Miniature of Mrs. Cosway, by Cosway. Lent by Mdme. de Falbe. MINIATURES, ETC. 63 64. Miniature of a French Lady, by A. Dubourg. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 65. Miniature of Sophia Magdalena, Queen of Denmark. Wife of Christian VI., 1736-46. " Lerit by Mons. de Falbe. 66. Medallion, by Nini. Lc7it by MoN^, DE Falbe. 67. Pair of Busts, by Falconnet. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 68. 6g. Miniature of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, by T. Forster. Lent by James Knowle.^, Esq, 70. Miniature of Mrs. Arbuthnot. Le7it by The Duchess of Wellington. 71. Miniature of the Marchioness Wellesley. Lent by The Duchess of Wellington. 64 MINIATURES, ETC. 72. Miniature Portrait of a Beauty, by J. De Geer, London. Lent by Mrs. Moss-Cockle. 73. Miniature of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Lent by Mrs. Moss-Cockle. 74. Miniature of the Duchess of Richmond. Lent by Mrs. Moss-Cockle. 75. Miniature of Mrs. Fitzherbert. Le7it by Mrs. Moss-Cockle. 76. Miniature of Mrs. Siddons. Lent by Mrs. Moss-Cockle. 77. Point de Venice, with Figures and Trophies. Beginning of Louis XIV. Said to have belonged to Marie Antoinette. Lent by Greville Douglas, Esq. 78. Miniature of Lady Jane Grey, by Hilliard. Le7it by Sir Tollemache Sinxlair, Bart. MINIATURES, ETC. 65 79. Miniature of Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry. By Gen'ase Spencer. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 80 Miniature of Madame Roland, by Chardin. Le7it by Sir Tollemaceie Sinclair, Bart. 81. Miniature of Louisa, Countess of Dysart, by Bone. After Sir Joshua Revnolds, R.A. Le7it by Si 11 Tollemache Sinclair, Bait 82. Miniature of The Duchess of Devonshire, by Henry Bone, May, 1795. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 83. Mi mature of Lady Sinclair, by Wood. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 84. Miniature of Madame de Sabram. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 85. Miniature of Mary Queen of Scots, aged 30, by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 66 MINIATURES, ETC. 86. Miniature of a Lady (unknown). Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 87. Miniature of the Princess of Lieven, by Upton. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 88. Miniature of Beatrice, Duchess of Milan. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 89. Miniature of Mary Queen of Scots, by Hilliard. Le7it by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 90. Miniature of Lady Macdonald, by Smart. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 91. Miniature of Empress Marie Louise, by Isabey. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart 92. Ninon de TEnclos. Le7it by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 93. Miniature of Mrs. Fitzherbert, by Cosway. This is mounted in a j)()(-kct-boc)k, which Coswav always used tocairv about with him. His nam(^ and address an^ ])rinted in it. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. MINIATURES, ETC. 67 94. Miniature of Mademoiselle de Fontanges, by Petitot. Le7it by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 95- 96. Madame Grisi, by S. Stump. Le7it by The Corporation of London. 97. Madame Pasta, b. 1798, d. 1865. Lent by The Corporation of London. 98. Maria Foote, Countess of Harrington, by S. J. Stimip. Lent by The Corporation of London. 99. Comtesse d'Olonne, by Petitot. Lent bv Captain G. L. Holford. 100. Duchesse de Longueville, by Petitot. Lent by Capi ain G. L. Holford. loi. Countess Waldegrave, by Cosway. Le7it by Captain G. L. Holford. 68 MINIATURES, ETC. 102. Lady Bllenborough. Lent by Countess Howe. 103. Watch belonging to Queen Anne. Lent by The Earl of Ilchfster. 104. Watch belonging to Queen Blizabeth. Lent by The Earl of Ilchester. 105. Bodice worn by Lady Susan Strangways (afterwards O'Brien) when Bridesmaid to Queen Charlotte. Le7it by The Earl of Ilchester. 106. Watch and Chatelaine, rose diamonds, Swiss. Louis XVL period. Lent by Charles Davis, Esq. 107. Watch and Chatelaine, blue enamel, Chinese figures. Louis XVL Lent by Charles Davls, Esq. 108. A Louis XVI. Pique d'Or Dressing Set in red case. wSaid to have belono^ed to Marie Antoinett(\ Lent by Charles Davis, Esq. MINIATURES, ETC. 6q log. Louis XIV. Harp. Lejit by Charles Davis, Esq. 110. Louis XVI. Oval Mirror in Silver Frame. Leiii by Charles Davis, Esq. III. An old French Silk Winder, ivory. Louis XVI. Lent by Charles Davis, Esq. 112. Chinese Fan, painted figures with ivory faces ; carved Stock. Lent by Lady Cecil Scott-Montagu. 113. Japanese Fan, lacquer on ivory. Onlv three others like it in the world, two of which are in the possession of the Mikado. Lent by Hon. John Scott-Montagu. 114. Book of Original Portaits of Distinguished Persons, by John Downman, R.A. Lent by His Excellency Lord Houghton. 115- 70 MINIATURES, ETC. ii6. 117. 118. iig. Rubens' Miniature of a Sister of the Duchess of Mantua. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 120. Miniature of a Lady, by Richard Crosse. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 121. Anne Fane, by Cosway. Wife of Colonel Thomas Fane, brother of John, tenth Earl of Westmoreland. Le7it by S. S. Joseph, F'.sq, 122. Miniature of a Lady (unknown), by Nicholas Jacques. Le7it by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 123. Miniature Portrait of his Wife, by Thomas Flatman. Le)it by S. S. Joseph, Esq. MINIATURES, ETC. 71 124. Catherine of Aragon, by Hans Holbein. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 125. Lady (unknown), by Isaac Oliver. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 126. Mrs. Fairfax, by Samuel Cooper. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 127. A Lady (unknown), by John Smart. Lejit by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 128. Mrs. Heathcote. 1 740-181 1. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 129. Empress Josephine, by Saint. First Wife of Napoleon I. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 130. Lady Arabella Stuart; 1547-1619; by Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by S. S. Joseph, Esq. 72 MINIATURES, ETC. 131. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Lent by The Earl of Whakncliffe. 132- Mrs. Mary Robinson Perdita by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 133. Marie Antoinette, Archduchess of Austria, after- wards Queen of France, at the age of fifteen. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 134. The Countess of Erne. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 135. The Duchess of Rutland. Lent by The Earl of Wfiarncltffe. 136. Mrs. Robinson {" Perdita"), by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 137. Lucy Butler, Wife of James Daniell, Governor of Masulipatam, by Cosway. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 138. Mrs. Daniell, Daughter-in-law of above, by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. MINIATURES, ETC. 73 139. Lady Elizabeth Foster, afterwards Duchess of Devon- shire, by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 140. Elizabeth Farren, Countess of Derby. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 141. Miniature of a Lady, 1764, by N. Hone. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe 142. Mrs. Whitmore, by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 143. Lady Hamilton, by Cosway. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 144. Mrs. Fitzherbert, by Cosway. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 145. Sophie Arnould. French actress ; 1744 -1805. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 146. Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de Genlis. French authoress ; 1746- 1830, Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 74 MINIATURES, ETC. 147. Portrait of a Lady (unknown), by Plimer. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffk. 148. Mrs. Frances Abington. Comic Actress. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffk. 149. Hortense Mancini, Duchesse de Mazarin, by Lespiniere. Lent by The Earl of VVharncliffe. 150. Madame Houdincourt, by Halle. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 151. Madame Anne Selina Storace, by Grimaldi. Singer; 1795. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 152. Madame Storace, by Cosway. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 153 Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. MINIATURES, ETC. 75 154. Marie Anne de Mailly, Duchesse de Chateauroux, by Chasselat. Mistress of Louis XV. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 155. Marguerite Hessein, Madame de la Sabliere, by Bordier. Died 1693. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 156. Madame de Pompadour, by Mademoiselle Vallayer Costoi. After a Picture by Boucher. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 157. Maria Ann Cuppi, by Damar, 1710-70. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 158. Madame Angelica Catalani, by Saint. Singer; 1782-1849. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 159. Miniature of a Lady (unknown), by Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 76 MINIATURES, ETC. 160. Diana, Countesse de Guiche. Mistress of Henri IV., of France. Lent by The Earl of Wharncltffe. 161. Miniature, by Cosway. Le7it by Mrs. Bramley. 162. Jemima Campbell, Marchioness de Grey, by Cosway. Died 1779. Lent by Lady Jane van Koughnet. 163. Lady Elizabetb Lindsay, by Cosway. Daughter of James, fifth Earl ol Balcarres ; married PhiHp, third Earl Hardwicke. Died 1858. Lent by Lady Jane Van Koughnet. 164 Bag. Lent by Mrs. S. Segundo. 165. Vinaigrette. Lent by Mrs. S. Segundo. 166 Fan. Le7it by The V^iscountess Newport. 167. Handkerchief of Brussels Lace. Made for the Exhibition of 1873. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland MINIATURES, ETC. 77 1 68. One Flounce of Point d'Argenton. Do. do. de Flandre. Once belonged to the Cardinal Schwartzenberg, Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 169. Lace. Off Dress, worn by H.M. Queen Victoria, 1842. Le7it by Mrs. John R. Holland. 170. Piece of Old Flemish Lace. Le7it by Mrs. John R. Holland. 171. Length of Point d'Argenton. Eighteenth Centur}-. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 172. Length of Early English Lace. Le7it by Mrs. John R. Holland. 173 Length of Old Valenciennes Lace. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 78 MINIATURES, ETC. 174. Length of Point d'Angleterre Lace. Do. do. d'Alencon. Do. do. d'Argenton. Do. do. d'Argenton. Do. do. d'Alencon. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 175. Length of Old Greek Lace. Pair of very fine Argenton Lappets. Do. do. Alencon do. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 176. French Embroidered Dress. Louis XIV. period. Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 177. Fan. Once belonging to the Empress Eugenie, Lent by Mrs. John R. Holland. 178. A Pair of Shoes. Which belonged to Queen Elizabeth. Lent by Lord Barnard. MINIATURES, ETC. 179. A Pair of Shoes. Which belonged to Queen Elizabeth. Lent by Lord Barnard. 180. A Casket. Which belonged to Queen Elizabeth. Lent by Lady Barnard. 181 Mary Robinson, Perdita," by Cosway. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 182. Mrs. Courtney, by Englehart. Lent by Lord Twefdmouth. 183. Emma, Lady Hamilton, by S]ielle3\ Le7it by Lord Tweedmouth. 18 Grace Dalrymple Elliott, 1785, by Cosway. Wife of Sir John Elliott, and favourite of George, Prince of Wales, and Philippe " Egalite," Duke of Orleans. Died, 1823. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth Mrs. Fitzherbert, 1788, by Coswa}\ Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 8o MINIATURES, ETC. i86. Lady Pitt, 1790, by Mont. Violet. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 187. Sophia Churchill, by Cosway. First Wife of Horatio Walpole, second Earl of Orford ; bom 1786, died 1797. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 188. Lady Marjoribanks, by Alison Ramsay. Wife of Sir John Marjoribanks, of Lees, first Baronet. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. i8g Dorothy Bland, Mrs. Jordan, by Cosway. The Actress ; 1789. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 190. Marie Madeleine de Vignerot, Duchesse d'Aiguillon, by Dumont. Sister of Cardinal Richelieu. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 191. Mary Qrieen of Scots. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 192. Isabella Bennet, Duchess of Grafton, by Lewis Crosse. Wife of Henry Fitzroy, first Duke ; born 1667, died 1723. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. MINIATU]^ES, ETC. 81 193. BHza Farren, Countess of Derby, 1786, by Upton. Le7it by Lord Tweedmouth. 194. Sarah Malcolm, by Hone. The Temple Laundress; executed for murder in 1750. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 195. Georgiana Latour, by Mrs. Mee. Afterwards Wife of Edward Marjoribanks, of Grecnlands; born 1795, died 18 Lc7it by Lord Tweedmouth, 196. Maria Beatrix d'Bste, Queen of James II., by Boit. Lent by Lord Tweedmouth. 197. Georgiana Latour, by Mrs. Mee. Wife of Edward Marjoribanks, of Greenlands ; 1810. Le7it by Lord Tweedmouth. 198. Mrs. Mary Beale, by herself. Le7it by Lord Tweedmouth. 199. Watch. Given by Mar}^ Queen of Scots to Sir William Fitzwilliam, Governor of Fotheringay Castle. Lent by G. C. W. Fitzwilliam, Esq. g2 MINIATURES, ETC. 200. Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria. Le7it by Mrs. Morrison. 201. Lady Fairfax, by T. Forster. In Pencil. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. 202,^ Marie Antoinette, by Dumont. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. 203. Caroline Murat, 7iee Bonaparte. Le7it by Mrs. Morrison. 20^1. Blise Bonaparte. Eldest Daughter of Napoleon. Le7it by IVIrs. Morrison. 205. Madame la Princesse de Lamballe, by Sicardi. LeTit by Mrs. Morrison. Friend of Marie Antoinette ; murdered 1792. 206. Anne Louise Necker, Baroness de Stael — Holstein. Writer ; died 18 17. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. MINIATURES, KTC. 83 207. An old Lady. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. 208. Miniature of Miss Kitty Hunter on a Snuff-box. iter. In 1762 she ran away with Alured Clarke, who became a Field Lent by Mrs. Morrison. Daughter of Orby Hunter. In 1762 she ran away with the Earl Pembroke afterwards married Captain Alured Clarke, who became a Field-Marshal. 209. Miniature of an unnamed Lady with grey hair. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. 210. Miniature of an unnamed Lady with powdered hair. Leiit by Mrs. Morrison. 211. Miniature of a Lady (unknown). Le7it by Mrs. Morrison. 212. Madame de Pompadour. Le7it by Mrs. Morrison. 213. Ivory of Marie Leczinska, wife of Louis XV. Lent by Mrs. Morrison. 214. 84 MINIATURES, ETC. 216. Marie Antoinette. Le7it by H.R.H. Princess Beatrice. 217. Bmpress Marie Louise, by Isabey. Lent by H.R.H. Princess Beatrice. 218. The Princess Charlotte. Lent by H,R.H. Princess Beatrice. 219. Madame de Pompadour (i 722-1 764). Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 220. La Duchesse de Serne, by Le Brun. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 224. Madame Sophie, by Colibert. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 225. The Duchess of Hamilton, Miss Gunning. Le7it by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 226. Mademoiselle St. Leon (Actress), by Saint. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. MINIATURES, ETC. 85 227. Mademoiselle de la Valli^re, by Chalorme. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 228. Ninon de TEnclos. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 229. Lady Melbonme. Lent by Sir Tollemache Sinclair, Bart. 230. Lady Collier, by Cosway. Lent by Hamilton Aide, Esq. 23T. Lady Jersey, by Richard Collins. Le7it by Colonel Harold Malet. 232. 233. Lady Malet. Lent by Colonel Harold Malet. 234. ^35. 86 MINIATURES, ETC. 238. Bodice of Dress. Worn by Mary Isabella, the Duchess of Rutland, when presented at Court as Marchioness of Granby in 1780. Lent by The Marchioness of Granby. 239. Baby's Lace Cap (The Manners' Christening Cap). LentbyTiiJi Marchioness of Granby. 240. Empire Court Dress. Worn by the Duchess of Rutland. Lent by Mrs. George Drummond. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. French Fan. Painted in purple grisaille ; ivory sticks, carv'cd and painted ; chicken skin. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. MINIATURES, EIC. «7 247. Tortoiseshell Fan. Painted on paper ; sticks carved and gilt. Lent by The Eakl of Carnarvon. 248. French Fan. Louis XV. ; ivory sticks, gilt and enamelled in colours ; chicken skin. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 249. French Fan. Louis XVI. ; mother-of-pearl sticks, carved and gilt ; painted on chicken skin. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 250. French Fan. Painted on paper: Subject, "Samson and Delilah." Mother-of-pearl sticks, carved and gilt. Red case with coronet. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 251. Cannon. Which belonged to Mary Queen of Scots. 252. Miniature of Marie Antoinette, by Picardi. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 253. Miniature of Empress Marie Louise, by Grecchi. On her husband's (Napoleon) Snuff-box. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 88 MINIATURES, ETC. 254. Mrs. Dawson Darner, by Plimer. On a Snuff-box. Le7it by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 255. Deep Garniture of Alencon. Louis XVI. period. Said to have been Marie Antoinette's. Z.^;z/ ^j/ Mrs. Alfred Morklson. 256. Brussels Veil. Empire period. Worn at weddings and on State occasions. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrlson. 257. Deep Flounce. Modern Point, Colbert. Made in Normandy by peasant women employed by Auguste Lefebure. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 258. Very Fine Spanish Point. Made in Venice, early part of i8th Century. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 259. Irish Crochet. In silk, adapted from an old piece of Milanese Point. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. MINIATURES, ETC. 89 260. Scarf of Argenton Lace. In the transition period between Argenton and Alencon. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 261. Irish Point Lace Apron. Made in a Convent at Youghall from an old Point de Metz flounce. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 262. Modern Devonshire Lace. Adapted design. Adapted from a piece of Point de Flandres. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 263. Piece of Silk. End of 17th century. Jewish, used in the synagogue. Lent by Mks. Alfred Morrison. 264. Piece of Old Lace. Prepared for working. Seventeenth century^. ItaUan. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 265. Heavy Raised Point Collar. Designed by Professor Stock, and made in Vienna. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 266. Black Chantilly. Modern. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. go MINIATURES, ETC. 267. Fine Brussels Point r El Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. Given by the Dowager Empress of Austria to Marie Louise for the christening robe of the Roi de Rome. 268. Fine piece of Brussels Point. Eigthteenth century. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 269. Spanish Point Border. Seventeenth century. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 270. Miniature of Lady Caroline Lamb. In Page's dress, at the time of her friendship with Byron. Lent by John Murray, Esq. 271. 27.2. Duchess of Somerset. In her robes as Queen of Beauty, after the EgHnton Tournament. Lent by Lady Cynthia Graham. 273. Nell Gwynne Washing Sausages. Lent by The Duke of St. Albans. MINIATURES, ETC. 91 274. Ruby Coronation Ring. Belonging to Mary, Wife of William III. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 275. Chaplet of Plum and Cherry Stones. Belonging to Henrietta Maria. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 276. Miniature of the Kmpress Josephine. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 277. Miniature of Henrietta Scott, Duchess of Portland, by Cosway. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 278. Miniature of Henrietta Scott, Duchess of Portland, by Andrew Plimer. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 279. Lady Oxford, by Boit. In Hunting dress. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 280. Madame de Montespan, by Sicardi. Lent by Duke of Portland. 92 MINIATURES, ETC. 281. La Comtesse du Barry, by Vestier, 1772. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 282. Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans. Daughter of Charles I. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 283. An Enamel of Henrietta Maria, 1638. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 284. Enamel of Lady Elizabeth Cavendish-Bentinck. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 285. Enamel of Lady Margaret Cavendish-Bentinck. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 286. Queen Elizabeth, when Princess. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 287. Mary Queen of Scots, after Hilliard. Le?it by The Duke of Portland. 288. Countess of Oxford and her Daughter. Set in diamonds. Lent by The Duke of Portland. MINIATURES, ETC. 93 289. Queen Mary II., Wife of William III., by Netscher. Le7it by The Duke of Portland. 290. Duchess of Cleveland, b}^ Petitot. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 291. Portrait of the Empress Josephine. On the lid of a box. Lait by The Duke of Portland. 292. Point de Burano. Parasol Cover of Aiiguste Lefebure. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrlson. 293. Devonshire Lace. Modern replica of Spanish Point, made by Mrs. Treadwin. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 294 Lappet of Flat Venetian Point. Eighteenth Centur\\ Lent by Mrs. Alfrfd Morrison. 295. Rare Border of Greek Point. Early 17th century. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison MINIATURES, ETC. 296. Border of Spanish Point. ss when i name is w Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison Worn on Court Dress when presented to Louis XVI. by a member of a noble French family, whose name is withheld by request of her descendants. 297. Point de Lille. Modern ; by Auguste Lefebure. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 298. Modern Venetian Point. Made in Devonshire. By Mrs. Treadwin. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 299. Fine Piece of Empire Alencon. Which belonged to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester. Le7it by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 300. Modern Venetian Point Devonshire. By Mrs. Treadwin. Le7it by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 301. Border. Copied from the cap of a Devonshire worthy. By Mrs. Treadwin. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. MINIATURES, ETC, 95 302. Modern Flemish Point. By Mrs. Treadwin. Lent by Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 303. Miniature of Mrs. Siddons, by Downman. Lent by Paul Hardy, Esq. 304 Miniature. French ; Lady playing the Guitar. By Duniont. Leyit by Paul Hardy, Esq. 305. Miniature of a Lady (unknown). Lent by Paul Hardy, Esq. 306. Miniature of Madame Vestris. Lent by Paul Hardy, Esq. 307. Lady, Leaning on her Hand (unknown). Lent by Paul Hardy, Esq. 308. Casket. Which belonged to Marie Antoinette, in original Green Shagreen Pique Case. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 96 MINIATURES, ETC. 309. Enamel and Diamond Souvenir, Btui Case. Lent hy The Earl of Carnarvon. 310. Gold and Enamel Watch Chatelaine, Louis XV. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 311. Miniature of Madame d'Olonne, by Petitot. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 312. Madame de Longueville, by Petitot. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 313. Enamel, by Zinck, of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 314. Louis XVI., Miniature of a Girl Sleeping. Lent by The Earl of Carnarvon. 315. Miniature of a Lady, by Dumont. Lent hy The Earl of Carnarvon. MINIATURES, ETC. 97 317. 318. 319. 320. Black Pearl and Diamond Necklace. Lent by The Hon. Mrs. Lewis Wingfield. 321. Box of Lace. Lent by The Hon. Mrs. Lewis Wingfield. 322. Fine Sevres Tabati^re by Dodin. Le7it by Charles Davis, Esq. 323- Lt7it by Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 324. Miniature of Queen Elizabeth. Lent by H. L. Bischoffsheiai, Esq. 325. Enamel of Frances Howard, Countess of Essex, by H. Bone, R.A. Lent by The Earl of Suffolk. gS MINIATURES, ETC. 326 H.R.H. Maria, Duchess of Gloucester. Daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, first Married to James, second Earl Waldegrave ; after a Picture of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lenif by Earl Waldegrave. 327. Marie Antoinette. Lent by Earl WALDECiRAVE. 328. Lady Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave. Daujhter of James, second Earl, and Married to her Cousin, the fourth Earl. Lent by Earl VValdeckax e. 329. 330. COLLECTION OF MINIATURES, LENT BY FRANK WOODROFFE, Esq. 1. Three Ladies of the Rushout Family ... ... ... ... by Andrew Plimer, 2. Portrait of a Lady ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by Cosway. 3. Mrs. Cosway ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 4. Portrait of a Lady.... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 5. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire ... ... ... ... Do. 6. Portrait of a Lady .. . ... ... ... Do. 7. Mrs. Dawson Damer ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 8. Portrait of a Lady .. . ... .;. - -^-.r- ■ ... ... ... Do. Portrait of a Lady, in Black Diess ... " ... ... ... Do. to. The Marchioness of Salisbury : , ... ... ... ... Do. 11. Nelson's Daughter ... ... " ... ... ... ... ... Do. 12. Lady Waldegrave ... ..." ... ... ... .,. Do. 13. Portrait of a Young Lady... ^ ... ... ... Do. 14. Portrait of a Lady ... ... ' ..\».* ... ... ,. ... Do. 15. Lady Porchester ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 16. Lady Stuart, of Castle Milk ... ... Do. 17. Portrait of a Lady ... ... ... ... Do, xMINIATURES, ETC. 330a. COLLECTION OF MINIATURES, LENT BY J. LUMSDEN PROPERT. Case I. — Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 1. Anne Boleyn ... ... ... by Holbein. 2. Queen Elizabeth by Hilliard. 3. Mrs. Holland (Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Elizabeth) ... Do. 4. Princess Elizabeth (Daughter of James I.) ... ... ... Do. 5. Countess of Pembroke ... ... ... ... •. Do. 6. Queen Elizabeth ... ... ... by Simon de Pass, 7. Queen Elizabeth, when Princess ... ... ... ... by Sir A. More. 8. Queen Mary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 9. Margaret, Countess of Nottingham ... ... ... ... by P. Oliver. 10. Margaret of Navarre (La Reine Margot) ... by Janet. 11. Catherine de Medicis ... ... ... ... ... ... Unknown. 12. Mary Queen of Scots ... ... ... ... ... ... by Hilliard. 13. Henrietta Maria (Wife of Charles I.) ... ... by Van Dyck. 14. Lady Catherine Howard ... ... ... ... ... ... by Hoskins. 15. La fielle Henriette, Duchess of Orleans ... ... ... by S. Cooper. 16. Do. do. byPetitot. 17. Diana, Contesse de Guiche ... ... Do. 18. Lady Chesterfield by S. Cooper. 19. Marianne D'Alembert ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 20. Madame Victoire (Daughter of Louis XV.) by Masse. 21. Catherine of Braganza ... ... ... ... by Greenhill. 22. Duchess of Queensberry ... by Bernard Lens, 23. Queen Anne by L. Crosse. 24. Portrdt in Pencil (unknown) by Forster. 25. Do. do. Do. ENAMEI.S. 26. Marquise de Sevigne ... by Petitot. 27. Duchesse de Brissac ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 28. Ninon de I'Enclos Do. 29. Madame de Rochefoucault ... ... ... ... ... Do. 30. Duchess of Portsmouth (signed) ... ... by Petitot fils. 31. Claire de Maille byPetitot. 32. Madame de la Valliere, in Carmelite dress by Chatillon (?). 33. Duchess of Buckingham and Son ... by Zincke. lOO IMINIATURES, ETC. Cases 2 and 3. — Kighteenth Century; English. 34. Mrs. Moffatt by Cosway. 35. Eliza Linley (Wife of R. B. Sheridan) Do. 36. Lady Edward Paget ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 37. Miss Newcome, a leader of Bath fashion ... ... ... Do. 38. Mrs. Eitzherbert Do. 39. Lady Melbourne ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 40. Hon. Miss Guthrie ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 4[. Lady Eglington ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 42. Duchess of Gordon ... ...... ... ... Do. 43. Mrs. Abington (actress) ... .... ... . «... ... ... Do. 44. I^ady Dacre. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 45. Portrait of a Lady ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 46. Mrs. Dawson Darner ... ... ... ... Do. 47. Lady Northwick ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by A. Plimer, 48. Lady Harriett Rushout ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 49. Lady Hamilton ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 50. Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Argyll ... ... ... Do. 51. Lady Horatia Seymour ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 52. Mrs. Eitzherbert by N. Phmer. 53. Lady Grosvenor ... ... ... ... ... ... by Sir T. Lawrence. 54. Miss Mellon, Duchess of St. Albans ... ... ... ... by Stump. 55. Princess Ehzabeth ... ... ... ... ... ... by Smart. 56. Lady Duncannon, afterwards Lady Bessborough ... ... by G. Engleheart. 57. Duchess of Rutland by Mrs. Mee. 58. Mrs. Siddons ... by W. Wood. 59. Mrs. Bolton O. Humphr}'. 60. Mrs. C. J. Fox and Child Do. 61. Dame Duckett ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Do. 62. Duchess of Devonshire and Child ... ... ... ... by Shelley. \, , 63. Mrs. Robinson (" Perdita ") ... ... ... ... ... l)y Offie Palmer. 64. Miss Furness, afterwards Lady Dering ... ... ... by Smart. 65. Harriett Boyle, afterwards Lady O'Neill ... ... ... L^nknown. 66. Clara Clutterbuck... ... ... ... ... ... ... by W. Hamilton. 67. Mrs. Harlowe (actress) ... ... ... ... ... ... by Nixon. 68. Madame Auges ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Unknown. 69. Georgiana, Lady Holland ... ... ... ... ... by Mrs. Mee. 70. Lady Mary Wortley-Montagu ... ... ... The Work of a Turkish Artist. 71. Miss Earren, Countess of Derby ..... ... ... ... by Nixon. 72. Portrait of a Lady (unknown) ... .... ... ... ... by Mrs. Byrne. 73. Do. do. . ... ... by Cotes. 74. Do. do. ... ... ... ... ... L^nknown. 75. Mis. Fitz Herbert's Eye by Cosway. 76. Cushion, containing two Rings set in Diamonds with Portraits, an Enamel Portrait of Queen Charlotte, by Meyer, and others. MINIATURES, ETC. lOI Cases 2 and 3- — continued. Enamels. 77. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 78. Mrs. Siddons 78A. Diana and Endymion 78B. Princess Charlotte 78c. Locket containing a Lock of Nelson's Hair 78D. Madame D'Arblay 78E. Abra Eighteenth Century ; French. by H. Bone, by H. Hone, L^nknown. by Grimaldi. by R. Collins, by Shelley, by A.. Kauffman. 79. Marie Antoinette ... ... ... ... ... by Hall. 80. Madame du Barry... ... ... ... ... ... by Campana. 81. La Coquette ... ... ... ... .. ... ... by Fragonard 82. Maria Theresa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by Liotard. 83. Madame Elizabeth (Sister of Louis XVI.) ... ... ... by Dumont. 84. Madame de Pompadour ... ... ... ... ... ... by Charlier. 85. Madame R(>camier ... ... ... ... ... ... by Augustin. 86. Ludovica Ulrica, Queen of Sweden ... ... by Latinville. 87. The Dauphiness, afterwards Duchesse DAngouleme ... by Drouai§,^. 88. Rosalie Dugazon (actress) ... ... ... ... ... by Sicardi. 89. Comtesse du Cayla ... ... ... ... ... ... by Augustin. 90. Marie Christine (Sister of M. Antoinette) ... ... ... by Fiiger. 91. Three Austrian Archduchesses, Daughters of Marie Therese ; Marie Christine, Marie AmeHe, Marie Josepha ... ... Do. 92. Madame Coulteau... "... ... ... ... ... ... by Isabey.' 93. The two Empreses, Josephine and Marie Louise ... ... Do. 94. Madame Roland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by Sauvaj c. 95. Madame Reramier ... ... ... ... ... ... by Sicard'. 96. Female Portrait (unknown) ... ... ... ... ... by Rosall . . 97. Madame de St. Cyr ... ... ... ... by Aubrey. 98. Female Portrait (unknown) ... ... ... ... ... Unknown. 99. Marquise de Crussol ... Unknown. 100. Louison Chabrav, in Revolutionary Dress ... ... ... Unknown. JOi. Cupid and Psyche... ... ... ... ... ... ... U^nknown. 102. Etui, containing;- Portraits of Louis XVI. Marie Antoinette, and the Dauphin ... ... ... ... ... ... by Augustin. 103. Eiiamel Locket, containing Portrait of Lady... ... ... by Petitot. 104. Marie Antoinette and the Fortune Teller .. ... ... by Saint. 331. The Countess of Oxford, by Hoppner. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. I02 MINIATURKS, ETC. 332. Caroline, Queen of Naples, by Fiiger. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 333. French Miniature in Pearl Frame. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 334. The Princess Blenore Liechtenstein. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 335, Blue enamel SnufF-box, with Miniature by Cosway. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 336. French Miniature. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 337. French Costume Miniature. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 338. French Costume Miniature. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 339. The Duchess of Rutland. Lent by Mons. De Falbe. 340 . Portemonaie. Which belonged to Madame de Pompadour. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. MINIATURES, ETC. 103 341. Sulphur Bas-relief of Marie Antoinette, by J. B. Nini. Lent by Mons de Falbe. 342. Terra-Cotta Relief of Marie Antoinette. Lent by Mons. de Falbe. 343. French Enamel Portrait of Madame de Fontange. Lent by Major E. Bourke. 344. Portrait of a Lady, in a white dress. Lent by Mons. de P'albe. 345. Portrait of a Lady, in a blue sash. Lent by Major E. Bourke. 346. Portrait of a Lady, by Boucher. Lent by Major E. Bourke. 347. Portrait of a Lady, by Sicardi. Le7it by Major E. Bourke. 348. Louis XV. Chatelaine. French email en plein, with watch and seals. Lent by The Countess of Radnor. IO'4 MINIATURES, ETC. 349.. Louis XV. Ghatelaine. French email en plain, with watch and seals. Lent by The Countess of Radnor 350. A French Chatelaine. Louis XV., with small insertions of Mocha stone, watch and seals. Lent by The Countess of Radnor. 351. A French Chatelaine. Louis XV., with small insertions of Mocha stone, with eg"g-shaped \nnaigrette. - Lent by The Countess of Radnor. 352. Box. With a mmiature -of Mary Qiieen of Scots. • ; > , Lent by Lord Wemyss. 353 Mary of Modena, wife of James II. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 354. The Duchess of Buckingham, Daughter of the Earl of Rutland. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 355. The Duchess of Portsmouth. Lent by The Duke of Portland. MINIATURES, ETC. 356. Queen Anne, by B. Lens. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 357. Mrs. Oliver, by her husband, Isaac Oliver. Le7it by The Duke op Portland. 358. Madame Chantnesle. Le7it by The Duke of Portland. 359. Princess de Conti. Lent by The Duke of Poriland. 360. The Duchess de Berri. Lent by Thp: Duke of Portland. 361. Marie Antoinette, by Chevalier de Brunnion, 1786. Lent by The Duke of Portland. 362. Madame Victoire, Daughter of Louis XV., by Nattier. Lent by The Duke of Poriland. 363. Marie Therese, Wife of Comte d'Artois. Lent by The Duke of Poriland. io6 MINIATURES, ETC. 364. The following Relics were worn by^ Mary Queen of Scots at her Execution at Fotheringay Castle : — 1. Gold Necklet, composed of fourteen perforated beads, with thirteen smaller beads between, and pear-shaped perforated gold pendant. 2. Coloured silk Fan, mounted in tortoiseshell, and tortoiseshell handle. 3. Gold-worked Locket, surrounded with small pearls, and studded with remains of enamel, containing small painted miniature, with portrait of James VI. 4. Back part belonging to above Locket, containing portrait of Marv', and of same description as above. 5. Pendant belonging to Locket, enamelled and set with pearls, and containing two small appendages, one circular, with small pearl, and the other a single pear- shaped pearl hanging at foot. 6. Yew Tree Medal or Cruikston Dollar, struck to celebrate the betrothal of Mary and Darnley. 7. Small case, containing hair belonging to Prince Charles Edward. These Relics came into the possession of the present owner as follows, and have been at Penicuik House since the date the property was acquired, or about that time, viz., 1646 : — When Queen Mary went to the scaffold at Fotheringay Castle, she gave her gold Necklace, Fan, and Locket, &c., containing the picture of James VL, to one of her Maids of Honour, Geilles Mowbray, who married Sir John Smith, of Barnton ; their daughter, Geilles Smith, married Sir William Gray, of Pittendrum ; their daughter, Mary Gray, married John Clerk, who, in 1646, bought the Estate of Penicuik, and she brought the Necklace, Fan, and Locket into the family. In the case, also, as described, is a Locket, containing Hair belonging to Prince Charlie, and the Yew Tree Medal, struck in commemoration of the betrothal of Ma.ry and Darnley ; one of these is perhaps not quite relevant to the Exhibition, but it is undesirable to disturb the arrangement of the case. The two pieces containing the two small Miniature Portraits really form one Locket, the front being that in which is the portrait of James, and the back being that containing the portrait of Queen Mary. It will be noticed that both pieces fit perfectly into each other. Len^ by Sir George Douglas Clerk, Bart., of Penicuik. 365. Table, containing 3 Rings, 2 Lockets, i Bracelet, I Watch, and i Miniatnre. All of which belonged to H.R.H, the Princess Amelia. Lent by Lady Borihwick. MINIATURES, ETC. 366. Venetian Steel Chatelain, in Leather Case. Le7it by L\dy Dorothy Nevill. 367. Memorial Ring, with Portrait, by Tassie. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 368. Berlin China Scent Bottle. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 369. Ivory Patchbo-x, with Sevres plaques of Cupids. Leiit by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 370. Travelling Inkstand, Vernis Martin. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 371. Ivory Patchbox. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 372. English Watch, by George Prior. In Shagreen Case, with Turkish Figures. ^Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 373. Ivory Patchbox, with Whist Marker. Lent by Lady DoPvOthy Nevill. Io8 MINIATURES, ETC. 374. Sevres Scent Bottle. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 375. Chelsea Scent Bottle, " Boy and Goat." Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 376. French Gold and Enamel Lonis XVI. Box. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 377. German Enamel Box, with Cards and Counters in Enamel. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 378. Chelsea Scent Bottle, in form of a Dog. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 379 French Gold and Enamel Snuffbox, with Enamel Portrait. Le7it by Miss Nevill. 380. Dresden Enamel Snuffbox, with Battle Subjects. Lent by Miss Nevill. 381. Chelsea China Smelling Bottle. Leiit by Lady Dorothy Nevill. MINIATURES, ETC. 109 382. Dresden Enamel Scent Bottle. With raised subjects in colours. Le7it by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 383. Bow Scent Bottle, in form of a To\t^er. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 384. Bilston Enamel Box, in form of Tulip. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 385. Gold Enamel Tulip Watch. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 386. Chelsea China Patchbox, in form of a Leg. Leyit by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 387. Chelsea China Scent Bottle, in form of a Basket of Flowers. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 388. Wedgwood Scent Bottle. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 389. Ivory Patchbox, blue enamel and pearls. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. no MINIATURES, ETC. 390. Ivory Patchbox, initials in diamonds. Le7it by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 391. Ivory Patchbox, with landscape in ebony. Le7it by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 392. French Trefoil- formed Box. Gold enamelled ; containing watch, vinaigrette, and musical box. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 393. Bow Scent Bottle, white '' Boy and Goat." Lent by Lady^ Dorothy Nevill. 394. Chelsea Scent Bottle. In blue and gold, with French motto. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. 395. COLLECTION LENT BY H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Miniatnres. 1. H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, with Princess Louise of Wales. 2. H.R.H. Princess Louise of Wales as a child. 3. H.R.H. The Duke of Clarence as a child. 4. H.R.H. The Duke of York as a child. 5. H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Fife. 6- H.R.H. Princess Victoria of AVales. 7. H.R.H. Princess Maud of Wales. MINIATURES, ETC. Ill Medallion of H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. A Fan. Painted by the Lady Randolph Churchill, and presented by her to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. Portrait in oils of H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. MINIATURES LENT BY THE BARONESS BURDETT-COUTTS. 396. Hannah More, by H. Edridge, 1794. 397. Harriot Mellon, Duchess of St. Albans, by John S. Stump. The actress, who married Thomas Coutts, and, after his death, the Duke of St. Albans. 398. Lady Burdett, by Richard Cosway. Nee Sophia Coutts, third Daughter of Thomas Coutts ; she married Sir Francis Burdett, and she was the Mother of the Baroness Burdett- Coutts. The Miniature is split nearly through the centre. 399. Lady Burdett, by Richard Cosway. Another portrait; unfinished, and only partly coloured. 400. Lady Burdettj by Miss Emily Scott. Another portrait of the same. 401. Mrs. Trevanion, by James Holmes. Nee Susanah Burdett, second Daughter of Sir Francis and Lady Burdett. A Sister of the Baroness Burdett- Coutts. She married John Bettsworth Trevanion, Esq., of Carhayes, Cornwall. 112 MINIATURES, ETC. 402. Countess of Guilford and the Marchioness of Bute, by Nee Susan Contts and Fnmces Coutts ; two eldest Daughters of Thomas Coutts, and Sisters of Lady Burdett {see above). Susan Coutts married George Augustus, third Earl of Guilford, in 1796. Frances Coutts married John, first Marquis of Bute, in 1800. This and the following miniature are supposed to be by Angelica Kauffman ; thev were painted at Rome. 403. Countess of Guilford and The Marchioness of Bute {See above.) 404. Mrs. Brown, by Sir William Ross. Ncc Miss Hannah Meredith, the life-long Friend and Companion of the Baroness Burdett- Coutts. . 405. Mrs. Brown, by Emily Scott. Another portrait of the same. 406. Princess Charlotte of Belgium, by Sir William Ross. Afterwards the unfortunate Empress of Mexico. 407. Hon. Elizabeth Booth (1744-1765), by John Smart. Daughter of Nathaniel, Lord Delamore. 408. Madame Duchange (in a white dress and straw hat), by 409. Marie Ther^se, Queen of Louis XIV., b}- Jean Petitot. ^ Formerly in the colleetion of George IV. 410. Madame La Marechale de T Hospital, by Petitot. 411. Ninon de I'Enclos, by MINIATURES, ETC. II3 412. Madame Claude de Lorraine, Abbesse de Jouarre, by R. Le Fevre. 413. Mademoiselle de Gtiise as ''Diana," by 414. Madame Defray, by Niece of the Duke of Orleans. 415. One of tlie Daughters of Louis XV., by Boucher. 416. Madame Victoire, by Vestier. Dauoliter of Louis XV. 417. Mrs. Jane Lane. Wlio aided the escape of Cliarles TI. 418. Queen Henrietta Maria, b}^ 419. Maria Clementina Sobieski, by Wif(> of James Stuart, the Pretender. 420. Mrs. Claypole, 1629-1658, by John Hoskins. Daughter of Oliver Crounvell. and Wife of John Clavpole, of Norborough. 421. Mary Queen of Scots, Enamel b}^ W. Bone, after Sir A. More. 422. Portrait of a Lady. Oval Miniature, in a Red Leather Case. 423. Portrait of a Lady. Round Miniature, in Water Colours, on Ivory. 114 MINIATURES, ETC. 424. Mrs. Hare-Townshend, of Busbridge, by Wife of Mr. Hare-Townshend, and Mother of the Rev. Chaimcev-Hare- Townshend. 425. Miss Townshend, by She married Mr. Errington, Constable of the Tower, where she died and was buried. Supposed to be the only woman hurried in the Tower. A Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hare-Townshend, of Busbridge, and Sister of Rev. Chauncey-Hare- Townshend. 426. Stone Intaglio Brooch, Mrs. Siddons. Engraved b}- Pistrucci, Chief Engraver at the Mint, about 1815. 427. Queen Victoria, by Sir William Ross. 428. A Locket, containing the hair of Mary Queen of Scots. 429. OBJBTS DE VIRTU, LENT BY H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF TECK. A Shaped Gold Etui. Richly chased with scrolls, flowers, and birds, and four subjects from ^sop's Fables, in panels, fittings complete. Bequeathed by The Duchess of Cambridge to the Duchess of Teck. An oblong Amethyst Box. With engraved gold mounts, and ruby and diamond bouquet opening piece. Bequeathed by the Duchess of Gloucester to the Duchess of Teck. A Fluted Bloodstone Etui. With gold mounts, chased with garlands and sc^rolls in the Louis XV. st\-l diamond push pin. (No fittings.) Bequeathed by the Duchess of Cambridge to the Duchess of Teck. MINIATURES, ETC. 115 42 9 . — contin ued. A lozenge-shaped Ivory Patchbox. With g^old mount and blue enamel top and gold stars. Bequeathed by the Duchess of Cambridge to the Duchess of Teck. A Cut-glass Scent Bottle. With chased gold and gem crown and porphyry cushion. A gift from the Duchess of Inverness to the Duke of Teck. An Oval Miniature of The Queen. In gold double-snake border, with diamond heads and ruby eyes, and engraved jointed bands as Bracelet. ("V.R. July 25, 1839," on back.) Presented by the Queen to the Duchess of Cambridge, and bequeathed by her to the Duchess of Teck. An Oval Cameo of the Duchess of Cambridge. In gold border as snap. A Bracelet. Composed of six agate plaques, connected by gold links, with round black enamel clasp, with " P. C." cypher in diamonds and ruby, and diamond coronet, con- taining miniature and hair of Princess Charlotte. Bequeathed to the Duchess of Teck by Sarah, Lady Jersey, to whom it was given by Prince Leopold of Coburg, late King of the Belgians. A Pocket Corkscrew. With chased gold-mounted agate handle and sheath. Bequeathed by the Duchess of Cambridge to the Duchess of Teck. A Round Miniature of Princess Charlotte's Eye. In plain gold mount. Bequeathed by the Duchess of Cambridge to the Duchess of Teck. ii6 MINIATURES, ETC. 429 . — continued. <• A Heart-shaped Locket. In plain gold mount, containing the hair of the six daughters of George HI., Charlotte, Augusta, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia and Amelia. Bequeathed by the Duchess of Gloucester to the Duchess of Teck An Oval Biscuit Cameo of Queen Charlotte. Wife of George III., in diamond border. A Silver- Gilt Coral and Bells. Richly chased with flowers and shells. Given by Charlotte, Princess Royal, Queen of Wurtemburg, to the children ot the late Duchess of Cambridge. A Small Oval Mirror. With twisted silver-gilt wire mount and branch of coral handle Given by Charlotte, Princess Royal, Queen of Wurtemburg, to the Children of the late Duchess of Cambridge. An Oblong Mother-o'- Pearl Casket. Ornamented with figure subjects in relief, with border of foliage and birds ; containing two silver- gilt casket-shaped tea caddies, engraved with flowers and scrolls ; " C.R." cypher and crown on lids. Formerly the property of Queen Charlotte. A Shaped Silver-Gilt Vinaigrette. Chased with flowers and shells, surmountc^l bv a (n^own Upon landing in England, 8th September, 1761, Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz sent this Vinaigrette by the Duchess of Ancaster to King George III., who had engraved upon it " God save the Queen," and used it as a seal. MINIATURES, ETC. 430. ARTICLES LENT BY H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF YORK. A Necklace. Composed ot twelve antique gold Greek coins, set in plain gold rims, con- nected by gold filigree ornaments. A Brooch. Composed of an antique gold Greek coin, mounted in gold rim, &c., en suite. An Indian Gold Bead Necklace. IVesented l)y 1[.H. ]\[aliraja Takhtsingjee of Bhavnagar. A Silver-Gilt Chased Hexagonal Box. Containing wedding ring. Presented bv the Welsh Nation. An Antiqne Chased Gold Etni. An Antiqne Gold Watch. With violet enamel back, studded with diamonds, small miniature m centre, and pearl border. An Antiqne Chased Gold Watch. With enamelled portrait of a lady on back, in gold and crystal case. An Antiqne Plain Gold Watch and Chain, with Key. Formerly belonging to the Empress Josephine. A Square Etni of Battersea Enamel. With landscape subjects in flower border. An Enamelled Gold Opera Glass. Richly ornamented with diamond rims, scrolls, &.c. ii8 MINIATURES, ETC. 430 — continued. An Antique Painted Fan. With can'-ed and pierced mother-o' -pearl and gold sticks, ornamented with emeralds, pearls, and diamonds. A Comb. Consisting of a circular -centre, surrounded by diamond snake, containing the hairs of King George III. and Qaecn Charlotte, with oblong enamel and diamond sides, bearing the letters " G. R." and crown. An Oval Miniature of H.R.H. Princess Amelia. 431. Miniature of H.M. The Queen as a child. Le7it by H.R.H. The Duchess of Albanv. 432. Anne Gore, Countess of Altamont, 1760, by Nathaniel Hone. Daughter of Sir Arthur Gore, Bart. 433. Lady Anne Gore, 1783, after H. Hone. Daughter of Arthur Saunders, second Earl of Arran. 434. Lady Anne and Lady Elizabeth Gore. Daughters of Arthur Saunders, second Earl of Arran. 435. Lady Jane Gore, 1786, by Plimer. Daughter of Arthur Saunders, second Earl of Arran. Lent by The Earl of Arran. MINIATURES, ETC. HQ 436. Lady Cecilia Letitia Gore, Duchess of Inverness. 437. Mary, Viscountess Sudley. 438. Caroline, by Mrs. Mee. Daughter of Sir Thomas Pym Hales, Bart. 439. Lady Sarah Lennox. 440. Elizabeth, Viscountess Melbourne. 441. Viscountess Palmerston, 1839, Ross. 442. Frances, Viscountess Jocelyn, by Ross. 443. x\lexandrina, Lady Forrester, by Ross. 444. Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria, 18 10. by Isabey. Wife of Napoleon I., Emperor of the French 445. Princess Charlotte of Wales. Len^ by The Earl of Arran. I20 MINIATURES, ETC. 446. Mary Amelia, Countess of Salisbury. 447. Marchioness of Abercorn. 448. Lady Margaret Lindsay, by Plimer. 449. A Lady. Believed to be of the Wellesley Family. Signed " T. R." Lent by The Earl of Arran. 450. A Pendant. Presented to H.R.H. The Princess of Wales on her marriage by the ladies of Wales. Welsh inscription, the leek, and patron saint. 451. Necklace. Given to H.R.H. The Princess of Wales on her marriage by the late King of Denmark, Frederick VII., with the exact copy of the famous Dagmar Cross, containing relic of the patron Saint " Knuth " (Canute). Lent by H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. 452. Antique Gold Figure of a Winged Victory. Brought from Janina. It was originally an earring. 453. Chinese Fan, in an Embroidered Case. Formerly belonged to Lady Cochrane, afterwards Countess of Dundonald, wife of the Admiral. It was brought by her from China. 454. Fan, painted with the Scene at the Trial of Warren Hastings. It was given the Baroness by a ladv who was j)resent at the trial. Similar fans were sold at the time. Lent by The Baroness Burdett-Coutts. 1 MINIATURES, ETC. 121 455. Tortoiseshell Fan. Inlaid with gold ; belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette. 456. The " New Moralist Fan." 457. A Fan, printed with List of Dances. 458. Ivory Fan, printed with a Garden Scene. 459. Madame de Maintenon, by Jean Petitot. Formerly in collection of George IV. Oval enamel, open gold setting. Lenf by The Baroness Burdett-Coutts. 460. Ring. With miniature of Sir Joshua Reynolds, painted by himself and presented to Lady Bovingdon. 461. Miniatnre of a Mythological Subject, attributed to Boucher. 462. Small Table, containing Relics of H.R.H. Princess Amelia. Presented by her to Hon. Mrs. George Villiers. Lent by Lady Borthwick. 463. Flounce of Point d'Angleterre. 464. Length of Old Rose Point. 465. Length of Old Italian (Genoese). 466. Length of Point de Venice k Reseau. Lent by Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 122 MINIATURES, ETC. 467. Specimen of Early Italian subject, ''Adam and Eve." Lent by Mrs. Mahlon Sands. 468. Necklace. Given b}- Her Majesty Queen Charlotte to the Hon. Theresa Parker on her marriage with the Hon. George VilHers. 469. Two Pieces of Point d'Angleterre. 470. Piece of Old Flemish. 471. Piece of Flat Venetian Point, Eighteenth Century. 472. Fichu of Flat Venetian Point, Eighteenth Century. 473. Piece of Old Brussels Point. 474. Cap Crown of Old Brussels. 475. Cap Crown of Old Flemish. 476. Cap Crown of Old Valenciennes. 477. Miniature of Lady Bovingdon. To whom the aboye Lace belonged. 478. Two Rouge Pots. Belonging to Lady Boyingdon. 479. Three Patchboxes. Ju'longing to LaRTii wick. MINIATURES, ETC. 480-481. Two Sedan Chairs. From Windsor Castle. Lent by H.M. The Queen. 482. Stone Bas-Relief of St. Cecilia, by Donatello. Lent by The Earl Wemyss. 483. Bronze Bust, ''Venus de Medici." Lent by Captain H. C. Holford. 484. Lady Hunsdon, by Isaac Oliver. 485. A Wife of Edward Wortley-Montagu. 486. Athanais de Montemart, Marquise de Montespan. 487. Madame de St. Aignan. 488. Marie Antoinette, 1782, by Vallaya Costa. 489. Mdme. la Princesse de Ivamballe. 490. Portrait of a Lady, by Dumont. Lent by The Earl of Wharncliffe. 491. Dress of Queen Klizabeth. This dress was woven in Norwich expressly for Queen Elizabeth, and was by her in 1578 at Langley Hall, Norfolk (then a Royal Palace). Lent by George E. Crisp, Esq. 124 MINIATURES, ETC. 492. Lady's Riding Jacket, &c. Time of Queen Anne. White front and ruffles, and brooche. 493. Early Victorian Hat, Dress, and painted Scarf. 494. Pair of White Satin Shoes, embroidered with pink flowers. 495. Pair of Child's White Satin Shoes. 496. Christening Basket, William and Mary, 1688. 497. Nell Gwynne's Dressing-Case and Fittings. Dressing-case i^iven l)v Charles IT. to Nell (nvvnne, and handed down in her family until it eanie into the possession of Mr. Crisp. 498. Six Fans. 499. Emerald Paste Necklace. 500. Paste Brilliant Necklace. 501. Sapphire Paste Necklace, set with Marquisate Diamonds. In old case. 502. Ivouis Seize Bracelet Clasp, set with Rose Diamonds. 503. Two Memorial Neck Ornaments. Lent by George E. Crisp, I\s(j. MINIATURES, ETC. I 25 504. Two Bracelet Clasps, Avith Miniature Painting. 505. Two Crosses. 506. Memorial Brooch, with Hair, Paste, and Pearls. 507. Eight Marquise Brooches. 508. Two Marquise Pins. 509. Five Marquise Rings. 510. Eight Louis Seize Paste Buttons, with Miniature. 511. Six Brooches. 512. Two Paste Buckles. 513. Six Silver Powder and Patch Boxes. 514. Three Battersea Enamel Patch Boxes. 515. Four Silver Patch Boxes. 516. Pendant Needlecase. Le7it by George E. Crisp, Esq, 126 MINIATURES, ETC. 517. Two Tortoiseshell Inlaid Cases, with Scent Bottles. 518. Six Silver Nutmeg Boxes. 519. Battersea Enamel Nutmeg Box. 520. Lady's Silver Note-Book. 521. Four Silver Vinaigrettes. 522. Lady's Tortoiseshell Snuffbox, with Vinaigrette. 523. Two Lady's Snuffboxes (Gilt). 524. Battersea Enamel Pin Box. 525. Twenty-Four Silver Bon-Bon Boxes. Lent by George E. Ckisp, Ksq. 526. Princess de Lamballe. 527. Marie Antoinette, 1782, by Mdme. Costa. 528. Madame de St. Aignan. Le7it by The Earl of Wharncliffe. MINIATURES, ETC. 127 529. Madame la Marquise de Montespan. 530. The Wife of Edward Wortley- Montagu. 531. Lady Hunsdon, by Isaac Oliver. 532. Miniature of a Lady, by Dumont. Lent by The Earl of Wharncltffe. 533- Case of Eight Fans. Le7it by Mrs. Astor. 534 Four Fans. Lent by Lady Hothfield. 535. One Carved Comb. Lent by The Marchioness of Bristol. 536. Two Tanagra Figures. Lent by Earl Wemyss. 537. String Bag, worked by the Widow of Thos. Moore, the Poet. Lent by Leslie Ward, Esq. 538. Lady Graham. Lent by Lady Cynthia Graham. 128 MINIATURES, ETC. 539. hlST OF ARTICLES LENT BY H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 1. Portrait of H.M. The Queen as a Child. 2. Terra-Cotta Bas-Reb'ef, by Renaiid, 1785. 3. Dre.sden Enamel Snuff Box. Subject inside lid by Boucher. Formerly property ot the Empress Eugenie. 4. Louis XV. Mother-o' -Pearl and Gold inlaid square Snuff Box. 5. Square Snuff Box, Brown Jasper. 6. Brown Jasper Gold-Mounted Box, Pietra Dura Flowers, mounted with precious .stones, 7. Tortoiscshell wSnuff Box, oval, .subjec^t on lid. 8. Shaped Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, with })iercod silver subject on lid. 9. Large Circular Box, Tortoiseshell, with gold figure subjects in panels, with pierced and chased designs on lid. 10. Gold Chased and Repouss'e Snuff Box. 11. Small Gold Box, Repouss'e subject on lid. 12. Silver Box, raised subjects, Chinese work, Malachite lid. 13. Circular Ebony Box, with medal on lid, with Portraits of Cxeorgc^ II., Queen Caroline. and famil}'. 14. Russian Drinking Cup, green jade, with enamelled mounts. 15. Green wStone Paperweight, with shell Cameo of Her Majestv The Queen. 16. Early Gold Cross, with Runes. 17. Gold Quatre-Foil shaped Tablet, with subjects on both sides of Cupids, Sec. 18. (io\(\ Paper Knife and Book Marker, with design in diamonds on handle. 19. Gold Paper Knife, Russian work, rubic\s and diamonds on handle. 20. Enamel Portrait of the Empress Frederick when a Child. 2 J . Oval Miniature Portrait of H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent, by Paul Fi.sher, 1817. 22. Miniature Portrait of H.R.H. The Princess of Wales, with tiara and veil, bv J. Turrell, 1884. 23. " Sea Nvmph," bv J. Frost, R.A. 24. Seven Miniature Portraits of Henry VHL and his Six AVives. 25. Picture representing James II. and F;imilv. 540. Gold and Green Scent Bottle, eniail-en-plein. 541. French Enamelled Scent Bottle. Le9i/ by The Marchioness of Bristol. MINIATURES, ETC. I 29 542. Jewelled Box. 543. Enamelled Scent Bottle, with Emerald on stopper. 544. Bracelet, Gold and Turquoises, early Victorian. 545. Blue Enamelled Plaque, with Watch in centre. Le7it by The Marchioness of Bristol. 546. Oval Mirror, with a Translucent Enamel and Jewelled border. P>\vaiitin(' (lesion. Lent by Messrs. Garrard. 547. Miniature of Mary Seymour, The Hon. Mrs. Damer, b}^ Isabey. Le?it by Lady Constance Leslie. 548. THREE MINIATURES, LENT BY H.R.H. THE DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA. 1. H.R.H. The Duclu'ss of Kent, by Ross. 2. Mrs. Fit/hcrh(-rt, h\- Ivcman. 3. Double ALiiiiatiiR" ; on one side I'ortrait of " Aiino do Boauhai uois, MDCX.; nil the reverse, ''Paul Phelypeaux de Pontchartrain."' MINIATURES, ETC. THE FOLLOWING TWENTY-THREE ENGRAVINGS ARE LENT BY ALGERNON GRAVES, Esq. 549. Beauty and the Arts, by George Romney. (The Viscountess Clifden and Lady Elizabeth Spencer^) Engraved by H. T. GreenHEAD. 550. Mrs. Dawson, by George Romney. Engraved by GERTRUDE DALE. 551. Lady Charlotte Legge, by George Romney. Engraved by ^. Grozer. 552. Lady Betty Foster, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by J. J. CHANT. 553. Duchess of Devonshire, by Thomas Gainsborough R.A. Engraved byT. G. APPLETON. 554. Lady Mansfield, by George Romney. Engraved by T. G. APPLETON. 555. Countess of Oxford, by George RomneA\ Engraved by R. S. ClOUSTOX. MINIATURES, ETC. 131 556. Isabel, by Sir Henry Raebum, R.A. Engiavcd by T. G. Appleton. 557. Lady Sullivan, by George Roniney. Engraved by R. B. Parkes. 558. Angels' Heads, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (Miss Isabel (rordon.) Engraved by ] . ScOTT. 559. The Frigidariuni, by Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A. Engraved by F. HanfstangLE. 560. Doves, by J. B. Greuze. Eng) ai 'cd by ]. 1 ) . AI 1 1 , IJ<: k , 561. Miss Fanny Kemble, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Engraved by T. G. At»PLETON. 562. Lavinia, by George Romney. Engraved by T. G. APPLETON. 563. Marcia, by John Hoppner, R.A. Engraved by T, G. APPLETON. 564. Collina, by Sir Joshua Re3aiolds, P.R.A. Engraved by Cr. ZOTEL. 132 MINIATURES, ETC. 565. The Viscountess Townshend, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Engraved by H. T. Greenhead. 566. The Ladies Waldegrave, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Engraved by J. S. Skury. 567. The Honourable Mrs. Graham, by Thomas Gains- borough, R.A. Engraved by T. G. Appleton. 568. Mrs. Fitzherbert, by Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Engraved by J. ScOTT. 569. Countess Grosvenor, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Engraved by H. T. GREENHEAD. 570. Sophia, by Samuel Shelley. Engraved by FRANK STERNBERG. 571. Lady Mexborough, by John Hoppner, R.A. Engraved by T. G. Appleto:n\ 572. Hon. Mrs. Parker, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Engraved by THOMAS WATSON. Le7it by L\dy Borthwick. MINIATURES, ETC. 573. Necklace and Ornaments, given by Mary Queen of Scots to Mary Seton. Lent by Sir A. Borthwick. 574. Marble Bust of Sarah Bernhardt, by D. Epinay. Lent by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 575. The Wife of the Artist, Frederick Read, painted in 1830. Leiit by F. T. Read. LIST OF ARTISTS, LIST OF ARTISTS. Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, R.A., 142. Angeli, H. Von, loi. Bacchiacca, II (FranciscoUbertini), 1 1. Bapst, 177. Beale, Mary, 3 6a, 17 ia. Beechey, Sir William, R.A., 94, 172A. Benwell, John Hodges, 167. Boldini, Jean, 157. Bordone, Paris, 10. Botticelli, Sandro, 5. Boucher, Frangois, 174, 184, 187. Bouguereau, W., 160. Bronzino, A. (Alessandro Allori), 26. Burne- Jones, Sir Edward, Bart., 145, 220, 221. Calderon, P. H., R.A., 143. Champaigne, Philippe de, 36. Clark, John H., 129. Clouet, Francois (Janet), 20, 26A. Cosway , Richard, R.A. 1 34, 1 96, 2 1 6. Cotes, Francis, R.A., 117, 217. David, J. L., 188, 189. De Heere, Lucas, t. De La Tour, Maurice Quentin, i8b, 228. De Troy, Jean Fran9ois, 52. Downman, John, 203, 215. Drouais, Fran9ois Hubert, 105. Drouais, J. G , 192, 277. Drummond, 223. Dyck, Sir Anthony Van, 37, 42, 50, 51, 53. 54» i95» 236. Engleheart, George, 166. Etty, William, R.A,, 140A, 160A. Falize, 177. Fildes, Luke, R.A., 155. Francesca, Piero Delia, 3. Fitzwilliam, G. W., Esq., 14. Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A., 62, 73, 78, 87, 112, 131. Gheeraedts, Marc, 21. Granby, The Marchioness of, 1 89A, 189B. Grandhomme, Philip, 177. 136 LIST OF ARTISTS. Greuze, Jean Baptiste, 55, 58, 67, 71, 104, 106, 107, 226. Grimoux, Alexis, 191. Hals, Franz, 16. Harding, G. P., 165. Hayter, Sir G., 102. Herkomer, Professor, R.A., 156. Hogarth, William, 41. Holbein, Hans, 2, 4. Honthorst, Gerard Van, 3 1 . Hoppner, John, R.A,, 61, 72, 85, 91A, 96, III, 113, 115, 116, 126, 182, 183. Hudson, Thomas, 175. Janssens, CorneliSj 27. Kauffmann, Angelica, R.A. , 68, 176. Kaulbach, F. A., 180. Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Bart, R.A., 35, 49, 200. Landseer, Sir Edwin, R.A., 232. Largilliere, Nicolas, 57. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A., 70, 75^83, 136, 172, 194, 197,218,234. Leech, John, 162. Lefebvre, Jules, 159. Leighton, Sir Frederick, P.R.A., 138, 144. Lely, Sir Peter, 39, 43, 44, 45. 47, 48. Leslie, G. D., R.A., 139. Linton, Sir James, P.R.L, 201, 202. Lotto, Lorenzo, 9, Luini, Bernardino, 13. Martin, Charles H., 164. Masquerier, J. J., 165A, 171. Mignard, 235. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R.A., 150, 153. Moore, Albert, 158. Morand, Eugene, j8i. More, Sir Antonio, 23, 25. Mytens, Daniel, 22. Page, Richard Morton, 114. Palma, Jacopo (II Vecchio), 8. Petitot, Jean, 177A. Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio Licinio), 7. Poynter, E. J., R.A., 141. Raeburn, Sir Henry, R.A., 77. Ramsay, Allan, 56, log. Raoux, Jean, 173. Ravensteyn, Jan Anthonisz Van, 30. Rembrandt (Rembrandt Harmensz Van Rijn), 18, 34. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A., 59, 60, 63, 65, 74, 76, 79, 86, 90, 118, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 132, J85, 193. Richardson, Jonathan, 40. Richmond, George, R.A. , 190. Richmond, W. B., A.R.A., 103, 146. Riley, John, 1 57A. LIST OF Romney, George, 64, 69, 80, 82, 88, 89,92, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 120, 128, 130, 133, 168, 169, 170, \ 195A, 198. Rossetti, G. C. D., 137. Rowlandson, Thomas, 161. Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, 33, 46. Sanchez-Coello, Alonzo, 28. Sanders, John, 66. Sandys, Frederick, 140. Sargent, John S., 154, 224. Shannon, J. J., 149. Singleton, Henry, 163. Somer, Paul Van, 24. Spindler, W., 233. Stuart- Wort .ey. A., 148. Therbusch, Anna Dorothea, nee Von Liscemska, 178. ARTISTS. 137 Thompson, Henry, R.A., 84. Titian, 12. Tocque, J. L., 225. Vanloo, Charles (Andre) (^^Carle"), 81. Vermeer, Jan, of Delft, 19. Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Cagliari), 29. Vigee-Ie Brun, Madame, 108, 162A, Vroom, H. Cornelius, 17. Watts, G. F., R.A., 147, 151, 152, 179. West, Benjamin, P.R.A., iio. Westall, Richard, R.A., 121. Zoffany, 222. Zucchero, Federigo, 15. Zurbaran, Francisco, 38. 138 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. PICTURES. H.M. The Queen, 34, 39, 44, 47, 4.8, loi, 180. H.R H. The Prince of Wales, 103. H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg, 102. Agnew, William, Esq., 139. Almack, H. H., Esq., 31, 167. Anderson, Mrs. Arthur, 160. Arran, Earl of, 222, 223. Ashburnham, Earl of, 3. Auckland, Lord, 192. Bacon, T. W., Esq., 193. Bathurst, Earl, 136. Beaufort, Duke of, 53, 60. Beaumont, Wentworth, Esq., 70. Benson, R., Esq., 13. Bischoffsheim, H. L., Esq., 19, 23, 55, 99, 114, 227. Blackwell, Thomas F., Esq., 155. Bourke, The Hon. Mrs. E., 189B. Brand, Capt. The Hon. T. S., R.N., 61, 226. Bristol, Marquess of, 68, 91. Broadwood, Mrs., 30. Burton, Lord, 65. Burdett-Coutts,Baroness, 36B, 1 65 a, 171, 172A. Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, Bart., 221. Buttery, Horace, Esq., 28. Campbell, Lady Colin, 157, 181. Carlingford, Lord, 95. Carnarvon, Earl of, 184, 187. Castletown, Lady, 59. Castletown, Lord, 90. Cathcart, Earl, 97. Coltart, W., Esq., 158. Cook, Sir Francis, 5, 20. Coventry, Gilbert, Esq., 186. Dartmouth, Earl of, 69, j 16. Davis, Charles, Esq., 225, 229. Davis, F., Esq., 235. De Falbe, Mons., 171, 178. « LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. 139 De L'Isle and Dudley, Lord, 21, 36a» 54. Denbigh, The Earl of, 236, 237. Deprez & Guterkunst, Messrs. 215, 216. De Rothschild, Alfred, Esq., 104. De Kothschild, Leopold, Esq., 58, 62. Devonshire, Duke of, S6, 123. Donaldson, George, Esq., 10, 11, 16. Drummond, G., Esq., 43. Errol, Earl of, 185. Fitzwilliam, G. W., Esq., 14, 165. Forester, Lord, 200,205, 212. Fortescue, Earl, 73. Foster, Miss, 145. Fraser, Col. Mackenzie, 83, 211. Glasgow, Corporation of, 124. Gower, Lord Ronald, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 2 13, 214. Granby, Marchioness of, 189A, i8qB. Graves, Algernon, Esq., 138. Hammersley, Hugh, Esq., 156. Hardy, Paul, Esq , 191. Hay, Sir John, Bart., 88. Hertford, Marquess of, 74, 118. Hervey, Miss Mary, 164, 210. Hillingdon, Lord, 94, 128. Hindlip, Lord, 105. Hirsch, Baron, 67. Holford, Captain G. L., 9, 12, 106, 107, 120. Holland, S., Esq , 144. Hollander & Cremetti, Messrs. 159. Hollond, J. R., Esq., 36, 121. Houghton, Lord, 8g. Howe, Countess, 199. Ilchester, Earl of, 56. Irving, Henry, Esq., 154 Iveagh, Lord, 72, 77, 82, 87. Joseph, S. S., Esq., 18, 27, 215. Kenyon, Lord, 64, iii, 133. Knowles, Jarnes, Esq., 71, 141, 161. Laurie, J., Esq., 198. Leeds, Duke of, 98. Linton, Sir James, 201, 202. Londonderry, Marquess of, 96 Lothian, Marquess of, 2, 24, 25, 37, 42, 50, no, 176. Mackenzie, General, 113. Mackenzie, Major-Gen. R., 170, 196. Malet, Colonel Harold. 171A, 182, 183, 188, 189. Marlborough, Lily, Duchess of, 46. Mexborough, Countess of, 115. Michaud, P., Esq., 168. Milner, Sir Frederick, Bart., 80. Mond, Ludwig, Esq., i, 7, 8, 32. 140 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Montrose, Caroline, Duchess of, 76, 125, 195A- Morrison, Mrs. A., 177. Morrison, Alfred, Esq., 162A, 172, •217. Murray, T. Douglas, Esq., 119, 126. Neeld, Sir A. W., 92. Norfolk, Duke of, 4, Northbrook, Earl of, 78, 127. Orrock, James, Esq., 140A, i6oa. Poole, E. J., Esq., 26. Portland, Duke of, 52, 131, 173, 190. Prange, F. G., Esq., 6b. Price, James, Esq., 108. Prmcep, Sir Henry, 147, 179. Propert, Dr. J. Lumsden, 26, 26A. Rawlinson, W. G., Esq., 146. Richmond and Gordan, Duke of, 132. Ruston, Joseph, Esq., 137, 151. Rutland, Duke of, 15, 41, 63. Salisbury, Marquess of, 17, 49. Samuel, Henry, Esq., 234. Samuelson, Sir Bernard, Bart., 143. Sargent, J. S., Esq., 224. Sieveking, Miss, 219. Sinclair, Sir Eollemache, Bart., 81, 134. 174. 228. , Smith, Mrs. Howard, 85. Smith-Barry, A. H., Esq., 38. Spencer, Earl, 6, 35, 45, 157A, 195. Spindler, W., Esq., 233. St. Albans, Duchess of, 91 a, 109, 130. j St. Albans, Duke of, 93. I Sterry, J. Ashby, Esq., 162. I Stuart- Wo rtley, Mrs. A., 148. I Stuart- Wortley, Hon. Mrs. J., 33, i66a, 218. Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl of, 22. Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart., 84, 100 163, 166, 175. Sutherland, Duke of, 230, 232. Tate, Robert, Esq., 122. Tennant, Mrs., 150. Tennant, Sir Charles, Bart., 112, 169, 177A. Thompson, Sir Henry, 142. I ! Walsingham, Lady, 194. Wantage, Lord, V.C., 51. Warwick, Earl of, 29, 79. Watts, G. F.,Esq., R.A., 152, 179. ■ Wertheimer, C, Esq., 153. Westmoreland, The Earl of, 189A. Wharncliffe, Earl of, 40, 129, 140 White, Mrs. Harry, 231. Wilton, Earl of, 75. Wright, A. Smith, Esq., 197. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. 141 MINIATURES, I H.M. The Queen, 480, 481. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, 539» 574- H.R.H. The Princess of Wales, 395, 450, 451. H.R.H. The Duke of Saxe COBURG AND GoTHA, 548. H.R.H. The Duchess of York, 430- H.R.H. Princess Beatrice, 216 to 218. H.R.H. The Duchess of Albany, 431- H.R.H. The Duchess of Teck, 429. Aide, Hamilton, Esq., 230. Arran, The Earl of, 432 to 449. Aster, Mrs., 533. Barnard, Lady, 180. Barnard, Lord, 178, 460 to 462. Bischoffsheim, H. L., Esq., 324. Borthwick, Sir Algernon, 573. Borthwick,Lady,365,468t0479,572. j Bourke, Major E., 343, 345 to 347. | Bramley, Mrs., 161 | Bristol, The Marchioness of, 13 to I 33. 535i 540 to 545. ; Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 396 to 1 428, 452 to 549. i CEWORK, &c. Carnarvon, The Earl of, 246 to 250, 308 to 315. Clerk, Sir George Douglas, 364, Cradock, Christopher, Esq., 39. Creyk, Ralph, Esq., i, 2. Crisp, George, E., Esq., 491 to 525. Davis, Charles, Esq., 106 to iii, 322. De Falbe, Mons., 48, 50, 53, 58, 61, 62, 64 to 67, 331 to 342, 344. De Falbe, Mdme., 47, 49,551, 52, 51-, 55 to 57, 59, 60, 63. Douglas, Greville, Esq., 77. Drummond, Mrs. George, 240. Fitzwilliam, G. C. W., Esq., 199. Eraser, Colonel Mackenzie, 11. Garrard, Messrs., 546, Graham, Lady Cynthia, 272, 538. Granby, The Marchioness of, 238, 239. Graves, Algernon, Esq., 549 to 571. Hardy, Paul, Esq., 303 to 307. Holford, Captain G. L., gq to loi. Holford, Captain H. C, 483. Holland, Mrs. John R., 167 to 177. Howe, Countess, 102. Hothfield, Lady, 534. 142 LIST OF COl Houghton, His Excellency Lord, 114. Ilchester, The Earl of, 103 to 105. Joseph. S. S., Esq., 119 to 130. Knowles, James, Esq,, 69. Leeds, The Duke of, 34 to 37. Leslie, Lady Constance, 54.7. London, The Corporation of, 96 to 98. Malet, Colonel Harold, 231 to 233. Middleton, Lady, 3 to 10. Morrison, Mrs. Alfred, 200 to 213, 252 to 269, 292 to 302. Moss - Cockle, Mrs , 72 to 76. Murray, John, Esq., 270. Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 366 to 378, 381 to 394- Nevill, Miss, 379, 380. i Newport, The Viscountess, 166. Northbrook, The Earl of, K.G., 12. Portland, The Duke of, 274 to 291, 1 353 to 363. Propert, J. Lumsden, Esq., 330A. PRIBUTORS. Radnor, The Countess of, 348 to 351- Read, F. T., Esq., 575 Sands, Mrs. Mahlon, 323, 463 to 467. Scott-Montagu, Lady Cecil, 112. Scott-Montagu, Hon. John, 113. Segundo, Mrs. S., 164, 165. Sinclair, Sir Tollemache, Bart., 78 to 94, 219 to 229. St. Albans, The Duke of, 273. Suffolk, The Earl of, 325. Tweedmouth, Lord, 18 r to 198. Van Koughnet, Lady Jane, 162, 163. Waldegrave, Earl of, 326 to 328. Ward, Leslie, Esq., 537. Ward, Mrs. E. M., 40 to 46. Wellington, The Duchess of, 70, 71. Wemyss, Lord, 352, 482, 536. Wharncliffe, The Earl of, 38, 131 to 160, 484 to 490, 526 to 532. Wingfield, the Hon. Mrs. Lewis, 320, 321. Woodroffe, Frank, Esq., 330. Y. BENOIST, 36, PICCADILLY, W. lpur\>epor Special Hppotntment TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, AND THK Aristocracy and Nobility of the United King'dom. sox^e: caterer TO The Grafton Galleries^'Tlie Gallery Club SPECIALITIES IN Menus and inclusive Estimates on application. THE GRAFTON GALLERIES, 8, GRAFTON STREET, BOND STREET, W. THIS GRAND SUITE OF ROOMS CAN NOW BE HIRED FOR BANQUETS, CONCERTS, REGIMENTAL DINNERS, RECEPTIONS, &e. Thk Banqueting Hai^i,, which is hung with the famous pictures of the Dilettanti Society, forms one of the most beautiful Dining Halls in lyondon. It can also be hired by itself for large Dinners, or for private Concerts in the Afternoon and Evening. Thk Catkring Arrangkmknts are in the hands of M. Benoist, of Piccadilly, who will give Estimates for every class of Entertainment. All information as to hiring the Rooms can be obtained from THE SKCRETARY, The Grafton Gali^eries, 8, Grafton Street. W. LONDON : PRINTBD BY HENRY GOOD AND SON, 12, MOORGATB STREET, E.G.