\ ^- >
H Collection of
Including PORTRAITS, after Sir J. Reynolds;
Hamilton. J. R. Smith, &c. &c. ;
Will ist »olis b5 J^uttton bjt L .5144'^
On MONDAY, JULY 17, 18 9 9,
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On MONDAY, JULY 17, 1899,
The Property of
CHRISTOPHER SYKES, Esq., deceased.
1 Bacchantes Endormies, after Boucher, by Gaillard ; and two x^^
others 3
/g ' 2 ha, Fecondite ; and Les Sabots, after Boucher, by Gaillard — a /L/^^'-'^-t^t
pair ; and Le Panier Misterieux, after ditto 3
A^ ' 3 Le Gouter de I'Automne ; Le Mouton Favori ; and L'agreable ^;iCa
Legon, after ditto, by ditto 3
* /— -_ r 4: Les Baigneuses, after Vanloo, by Lempereur — proof, with arms .
^ 5 Camp Volant, after Watteau ; La Fille confuse, after Greuze ; ^^^
and one other 3
6 Sacrifice to Pan, after Pierre, by Lempereur ; and one, after
Deshayes 2
7 Serment d' Amour, after Fragonard; and Un Tendre Engagement,
after Charlier 2
B 2
_ ^ 8 Poetry ; Theology ; Justice ; aud PLilosopliy, after Kaphael, by ^^^.t,,,,,-^,,
R. Morghen — set of four 4
. /2_ ' 9 The Holy Family and St. Johu, after Kaphael, by Loriehou-
'2- 10 piaisirs de la Jeunesse, fifter Pater, by Filloeul — a set of four 4 yl-^^^^,^^^
J ' 11 Piaisirs de la Chasse, after Boucher; Bonhenr de Menage, after ^^
Le Prince ; and Le Villageois Friaiid 3
— /^ 12 Incidents of the French lievolution, after Monuet, by Helman— ^^^^^^^^ .^^^e__
a pair
. ■ 6 ' 13 Sacrament of Louis XVI., by Moreau Ic Jeune ; and one, flfter ^ j^^^-c^y^^^si^-
Van der Meulen 2
^ " 14 Four Views, by Piranesi -^^^^^.^^^C^y^
/ ' '^ 1.5 Arundel Society Publication — coloured, framed as a tripiych V^^ /^
_ 6' ' 16 Knjnl rhilrlrrn, nftnr Pi 'ir i f i '^ >p4 ViiTnrnrHr-;--ftMT^ Louis XIV. >
and the Swiss Ambassadors f "^ "^^^
r^ ■ lf~ ' n Louis XIV., after H. Rigaud, by Drevet ; and Portrait of ^^^^,^^^^^1^1^
Louis XV. — proof 2
^18 Comte de St. Florentine, after Tocquc, by Wille; and one other /^^-<^^,^yL
'19 Lady Boynton, after F. Cotes, by J. Watson ; and Mrs. Siddons,
by Caldwell 2
— — ^ ' 20 Portraits of Napoleon III. ; and The Empress Eugenie ; &c. 5 J^^^"^^^ —
21 Sir Mark Masterman Sykes' Fox- Hounds, after Chalon, by wv- //
W. Ward ; and Sir Tatton Sykes, after Herring — in colours
rp . '22 The Birth of Shakespeare, after Kauffman — in red ; and A View '^^^~,_«,--^
of Scarborough, after Nicholson 2 r
— "^ ' 23 Portraits of Sir John Hotham ; and John Harrison of Leeds 2 (/C^'-^^ir^
• , ^A_ • 24 Henry Gyles, of York— proo/; and William Lodge, by F. Place /^^^'^^^ ^
— proof
^ ' 25 William Draper, of Beswick, after Philips, by J. Faber y-H^^i^C^-^
/^ ' 26 Mathew Horsley, of Birdsall, by and after J. R. Smith —proo/ /Z-ar.--^
-5 ^-u
-^ J^ ' 27 John Moyser ; and Philip Wolrjche, by F. Place 2 (^^r-CC-O.^
^ y — ' 28 Catherine, Countess of Middleton — oval mezzotint /^^^^^^ ty-^m^*^
/ ' ^C ' 29 Portrait of James II. — oval mezzotint ^^.^> '31 St. Catherine, after Eaphael, by Desnoyers ; Titian's Flora, by A.^-tt^/yj.
Eivera '>*
(p . /^ ' 32 Greenwich, by Sir F. Seymour Haden — signed . .^^.<::^tf-i«-<^^^y
— /3 ' 33 The Eeading Magdalen, after Correggio, by Longhi y' ^«.-»^^!^.--7
/ . / ' 34 The Virgin, after G. Dolci, by E. Mandel — remarque proof , signet y^^^^j^^^^my
.t , / f ' 35 The Assumption of the Virgin, after Murillo, by Lefevre — -
' artist's -^roof -^^^S2<^<*6.i,
/ • f^ ' 36 The Ansidei Madonna, after Eaflfaelle, by Gruner— jproo/ ^^-^^-^^-^^^
37 The Transfiguration, after ditto, by E. Morghen
^ 38 The Aldobrandini Virgin and Child, with St. John — proof hefore
any letters
$ ^ ' ff ' 39 Miss Mart Palmer, after Sir J, Eeynolds, by W. Doughty—^
first state Ci^-'^^'—^'-^f^
J • «/ - 40 Miss Nelly O'Brien, after ditto, by C. Phillips — second state
/ * ^ — ' 41 A Pair of Fan Mounts, painted with the Colisseum and a cascade .«,^!^.^^L>^^_^
In the Polio.
/42 Doublures of Characters : Caricature, by J, Gilray ; and others ^^^ y
^43 York Beauties, by and after Bate — in colours ; and two others 4
44 Caricatures, by Woodward, Rowlaiidson ; &c. — in colours 1 p^Li^j^-^^
45 The Married Man, after Wigstead ; and one, after Rowlandson-;::^^:^^^^^^^^^
in colours 2
/ 46 The Dead Alive, by H. Wigstead — a pair, in colours 2 r^-c^-*-^^--^^^
^ 47 Transplanting of Teeth, after Rowlandson — in colours
48 Two heads, pencil drawings, by Cosway ; and cue other 3 (/^r- ^^-^^
49 Mrs. Payne Galway ; and Miss Polly Kennedy, after Reynolfls — /^
sketches in oils 2
50 Robert Evelyn ; and other small portraits
51 Right Hon. William Pitt, after Owen, by Brome— jproo/s 5 c^^-^^-*-^
52 John Gore, after Romney, by ditto — proof and print 2 ///st-*— -tA
53 Rev. R. Underwood, after Oliver, by C. Turner — proof /J^^z'^^e^/^
51 The Same — proof; Lieut.-Colonel Sendamore, after ditto, by Say^,^^ t^t^-^
— proofs 2
/O ' 55 Charles Morris, after ditto, by Hodgetts ; Sir Berkeley Guise ; ^^^^^^-^
and three others 5
■ /t> ' 56 A Bacchante, after Downman, by Legoux ; and two others 3 {f^pc.^ i^Ce^
57 A Lady as a Gipsy, after Cosway, by Agar — proof hefore any '/^^.^^t^-,
58 Lady Heathcote, after ditto, by ditto — proof, with arms o^"^^^^^^^'
59 George, Duke of Marlborough, after ditto, by ditto — proof *^^ .^t^-t.^^^^^
60 Miss Mellon, by and after S. J. Stump — printed in colours ^^..^-tfcC^-^-^^^
61 Miss Bloomfield, after Adam Buck, by Oheesman — ^nn^eci in '^i-<^'t^
t' " '^ 62 Lady Hamilton as "Ariadne," after Roraney, by Brome -proof /^ ^*^^^ <^
■^ ' '^^ ' 63 The Same — proof before any letters, framed ^^:^
' ■ ^2— 64 Returning from School, after Hamilton — printed in colours
- — ■ /^ ^ 65 Dancing Girl, after Countess Spencer — proof , in brown
* ' ' ' 66 Setters, after Morland, by S. W. Reynolds — printed in colours
■^ /^ ' 67 The Ballad Seller, after H. Morland, by Watson— jjroo/ ^^^
y ■ /"y ' ^ ^^ Lord Nelson, after D. Orme, by Bartolozzi — printed in colours {^^^^^c-^l^^l^,^ .^
^ - -^ ^ 69 Lord Nelson, after L. F. Abbott, by W. Barnard ^^^J^-^^-t^Zi
).//)■ 70 The Infant Academy, after Sir J. Reynolds— proo/ before «W2/ v^^^^^__
t^ b ' 71 Master Bunbury, after ditto, by F. Haward
^ • 3 ' 72 Miss Mellon, after Masquerier, by W. Say— jsroo/
^^^ ' 73 Dorothea, after T. Clark, by W. Say— proo/
^ . (H . 74 The Good Samaritan, by Rembrandt— ffc^in^
^ - 75 Bacchanals, after Lady D. Beauclerc, by Bartolozzi; and The -p'^ y£^_
' Faggot-Gatherer, by Tomkins — bolli printed in colours 2
^- '^^ '• 76 Cupids, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— a pair of ovals, printed n* ^^/^^^
colours 2
J ■ /^ * b 77 Whip-Top ; Shuttle-Cock ; Feeding Rabbits ; and Feeding ^^^ -f^^^^^
Pigeons, after Hamilton, by Barney — a set of four, printed in
colours 4
2- '/ ' 78 Just Breeched ; The First Bite ; Morning Lesson ; and Evening ^^W^^t ^
Prayer, after ?tothard— a «e< o//oMr,^rm
1 ^
/ ' 84 Age and lufancy, after Opie ; and Playing Chess, after Buubury j:^/^,.^^
in colours 2
85 Louis XVI. in the Temple, after Benazeck, by Schiavonetti -;^^^. -^^cl_
86 Captain Thomas Coram, after Hogarth; and three others, after ^ .
ditto ^C^^^n^'t:-
87 Eight Hon. C. J. Fox, after Koynolds, by J. Jones
88 Mrs. Parkyns, after Hoppner — printed in colours ""^^
89 Setting out for the Fair ; and The Fairings, after Wheatley— -^^,^^^^^
a pair, in colours
90 Fancy Subject — oval, in bistre
91 Girl in a Landscape — oval, in histre ; and two others
^ ■ i^ ' G 92 A Vase of Flowers, after Van Huysum— proo/, wii}i arms
93 Vegetable Market, Amsterdam, after Metsu, by David
94 Arethusa, after Eussell, by S. R. Smith ; and A Family Piece, /^^
after Bunbury 2
95 Ideas, after H. Aiken — a set of tliirty, in colours 30 '^^^-^
96 Spring; Autumn; and '^'iniQV— circles, printed in colours 3 //t^?v^^
97 Voyager of tbc K\^&—iirinted in colours; and Helena Forman, ^ /^
after Vaudyck — coloured 2 •-'^t-'^-^-v
- 98 The Woodman, after Barker— fZ«7fo ^-^a^'i^^<£^
99 A Girl, with dog, in a landscape — printed in colours (^^^'^x
""7 • gy 100 A Shepherdess — prinled in colours ; and Venus, with doves —
f^ ' 101 Schoolboys and Blind Man, after Bigg, by J. E. Smith— V^^*^
^ ' 102 The Eockiug-Horse, by and after J. Ward— ^^roo/ ^j^^^^d^^
/2L- ' 103 The Death of ^el&on— mezzotint i:^c--n--K.A^
104 Vale of Clwdd, after D. Cox, by Debaines — artist's proof "y^L-a-^
3 " 105 Soiree des Tuileries ; and Le Carquois Epuise, after Baudouiu 2 '^^^Uf^*^
l^ ' 106 Venus aud Adonis, after Cosway, by Bartolozzi ; and two others ,,^^^^^.
— in red 3
f ^
r '
1 - IP
h ir '
- 10 '
7 ' '
/ /-
r ■
i -
11 ■
. ^
07 Nest of Cupids, by ditto ; and one other, by ditto — in red
08 Patience, after Kauifman, by W, Eyland — 'proof in red
09 Autumn and Winter, by Bartolozzi — oval, in red
2 0^^^^
10 Abelard and Heloise, after Cipriani, by ditto ; and two others — Z^^^^/t/
circles, in red 3
11 My Dear Little Shock, after Adam Buck, by Agar and Bluck — y^^ lA^v
printed in colours ; and one other, after ditto — ditto 2
12 Friendship and Harmony, after Morlaud, by Adam — a pair, — -«^^-<^-i-. ^
unframcd 2
13 Girl at a Tomb, after Morland — in bistre; and one, after ^X/C .-txi
Bunbury — in red, unframed 2
13a La Surprise, after Dubuffe, by Cousins; and one other — un- ^pCt?
framed 2
14 Day ; and Night, after Harper, by Dawe — a pair, in colours 2 C/^oL.'t^^^i^M,.^
15 CoNSTANTiA ; and Thk Cyprian Votaet — a pair, printed in ^
colours, oval 2
16 Girl with a basket, after Ramberg — oval, in bistre ^/^ ■
17 The Last Litter; and The Hard Bargain, after Morland, by^V
W. Ward— a jjaeV 2
18 A Visit to the Grandmother, after Northcote ; and A Visit to the ^^^ t^-^ ^^
Grandfather, after J. E. Smith — a pair, in colours 2
19 Selling Eabbits, after J. Ward, by W. Ward
20 Eeaping, after ditto, by ditto — unframed <^ ^ ^ ^ -^^
21 A Cottager Eeturned from Market, by and after J. Ward— jjroo/ ^^y^^^^^-^^
22 The Angler's Eepast, after Morlaud, by W. Ward ^t.^ ^^
23 Juvenile Navigatoes, after ditto, by ditto ^./'\'
131 The Schoolmistress; and The Deserted Village, after ^' ^^^ ^
F. -
Wheatley, R. A. 2 '
'"^ 132 The Hard Bargain ; and The Last Litter, after Morland, by X
Ward — printed in colours 2 y^^^
I /1 33 The Thatcher, after Morland, by W. Ward— j^nw^ed in colours -^^^^^
'134: The Public-House Door, after ditto, by ditto — printed in colours
^ I 135 Illustrations to Shakespeare, after Wheatley, W. Hamilton, O^^x.,^,^
Kauffman, Peters, &c. — a set of six, printed in colours 6 /
London ; Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street
and Charing Cross.