CATALOGUE of THE GENERAL EXHIBITION, OR Grand Mufeum of ^rfs and Sciences ; C 0 N S f S T I N G OF The moft capital Works of both ancient and modern Mafters, I N PAINTING, SCULPTURE, DRAWING, BESIDES A great Variety of Mechanical and Natural Curlofities. NOW EXHIBITING At the Great Room near Exeter Exchange^ in the Strands Formed on rin entire new Plaiu under the Diredio!! of Mr. Tassaert* l^ote^ A book is kept of the prices of each different article intended for fale by a perfon attending in the room. A CATALOGUE, &C The eaiier to difcover the Numbers of the Pidures, &c. the Room is divided, into four Parts, beginning with No. I. The Square on the Left Side. 2. The Circle at the End. 3. The Square on the Right Side. 4. The Circle at the Entrance. PICTURES. No. I. A Very capital and large bull-baiting Ihe Aun ra, from the well known pidure by Guido Two Hons in puiiuit of a buck A Ian df ape, the figures by Van Der Meulen A battle in the Flams of Lombardy, in which is introduced Count Scheulenbourgh with feveral officers Two heads of apoftles A landfcape with a water-fall Its companion, the cattle and figures by Mr. Gilpin No. 1 De Vos — — 2 Conjlantia — ■ — 3 Siiyders > " 4 Artois ^— — — 5 Simonini 6 P. Van Lint 7 Mr. Barret — g Ditto ^ ■ No. 9 lO 1 1 12 ^3 Liica Giordano P. Van Lint - Van Orky Calavario Van der Meiilen 14 Cnypel < J 5 Z)t' Lor?n <— 16 Rubens * — — 17 Riiyfdael — - 18 SimG7iini — - 1 9 Canaktti 20 A/r. Brumpton Mifs^ Wright Italian - — Lencrett Grimmer — - 2 I 22 23 24 2 5 C^rA Marratti 26 Te?npejia 27 0/^/ Frank — 28 Z)'^ F^//? « — 29 JVoiivennans - Ditto — Kerinx • 3^ 3^ '■^2 3.3 Ruydael - 34 O/^ Frank De la Hire — — - Wouvermans , — The Hon. Mrs. TownJJjer.d — Bitto — — 35 3^ 37 38 39 Van der Hyde 40 Mr, P({gb 41 i)/>r^? — ( 4 ) Venus difarming Cupid Two heads of apoftles Pyramus and Thifoe A viev/ of St. Mark's Place at Venice A view of Fontainbleau, with Lewis XIV. anc, his court going out a hawking The- affumption of the Virgin The infide of a church a very capital flrudture, and an elaborate high fmiihed piiture The garden of love A landfct?pe with a water-fall A field of battle A view in Venice ; a clear and perfedl pid:ure A fniail whole length portrait of Sir Charles Saunders, from the large one in the poffeflion of Lord Chatham A moon-light Venus at her toilet The infide of aTurklfh feraglio A fiTiall landfcape, cattle and figures The VirfMn readin^c ^ o o An upright landfcape, cattle and figures Pharoah v^ith his hoil: A landfcape, cattle and figures Soldiers plundering a camp Its companion A landfcape, cattle and figures The fallen angels A fmall landfcape with a water-fall David and 'Abigail A landfcape and figures A ditto v/ith liorfes, figures, 5cc. A landfcap; A ditto and figures - A view of the err X church at Collogn Tiie mornin'^ vifit A view on the River Thames C 5 ) No. 42 Car/o Marraffi 43 G lit do " 44 Ijman Veccio - 45 Z)///^ 46 ikfr, MGrtimer 47 Mr. — 48 Gizolphi ■ 49 P. Cortona 50 Goyen — 51 Morillio — 52 ip^<:7;2 Z;/;?/ — 53 Mr. Tajfaert 54 Richardelli 55 Rembrant «— 56 57 ikfrj-. Wright — 58 Z/^^:^ Giordano - 59 P. Z^'/;/ — — • 60 ikfr. Tajfaert — 61 Carpioni — ^— 6^ Guido • - 63 Bourdon < 64 ^intus Metzus - 65 Afr. Tajfaert — 66 Collumbel » ■ 67 Mo Jena er 68 Z)^' Zr/7/y 69 Pallamedes 70 P. Zv/;^^ - 7 1 Brooking yz Ditto 73 74 Br ugh el and Rot- tenhamer — No. IL Diana and Afteon, large The afcenfion of the Virgui An Italian fea-port with many figures Its companion King Edward II. putting away his Queen A landfcape, the figures by Mr. Mortimer Buildings and figures iEneas carrying his father out of Troy A landfcape and figures The good Samaritan Two heads of Apoftles A fea-port with a piece of ruins, &c. A fmall landfcape The holy family A landfcape and figures Cocks and hens in a landfcape Chrifl feeding the multitude The portrait of Oliver Cromwell A landfcape, cattle and figures A repafl of officers The head of a magdalen A landfcape, a grand fcene, with rocks. See. The prodigal fon An oval landfcape, with a bridge, ruin^, &c. Fabricius, the Roman general, taken from the field to favehis country ^ A view of Scheveling A view of Rome, with the CoUofTeum and other buildings A converfation Two fniall landfcapes and figures, views near Rome A fmall fea piece A ditto A view of Dort on the land fide The infide of a cavern with Venus and Vulcan B No. 75 Canaletti — F, Fojchi — 77 Ditto 78 VdJidcr Vinnen 79 Baffan 80 G. Ochiali 8 1 Sivafzeveldt 83 Italian ( 6 ) A view in Venice, with the regatta A view from nature in Switzerland Its companion The country feat of the Prince of Orange, ija; v/hich is introduced bis family and attendants The nativity The Cuftom-Houfe and other buildings at Venice A beautiful and high finifted landfcape The holy family, oval A landfcape and figures Two elegant ebony cabinets ornamented and embellifh'd with high finifhed minia- tures — — Subjeits from the Romaa hiftory No. IIL 84 Hon dins — 85 Luc a Giordano 86 Scb. Ricci 87 Seb, Bourdon 88 Fyt€ 89 P, Genoejfe — 90 Gidrchino — 91 Ricbardelli 92 DittD 93 Mr. Taffaert — 94 De Pejfaro — 95 Mr. Peter Brown 96 £. Van der Neer 97 Ad, Van de Velde 98 Van der Neer gg Ad, Van de Velde 100 Griffier » The death of a flag Venus at her toilet Venus requefting from Vulcan the armour for iEneas An alTemblage of the Gods, with Cupid and Pfyche prefenting Venus A return from the chace, with variety of dogs and dead game Judith with the head of Holofernes A Roman charity A large landfcape, the fun rifmg Its companion The Virgin and Child, oval The marriage of St. Catherine Lot's departure with his daughters from Sodons Cattle and figures in a landfcape A group of cattle in a meadow A moonlight, fmall A meadow with cows, ditta A view of Windfor caftle No. lOI 102 Ferg 103 P. Neefs 104 Schalkin 10^ Detricy 106 Ditto 107 Z)^' VUeger 108 Berkhyde log Ijtetricy iio RomaneUi iTi Metzu 112 1 1 ^ Steenwyck — » 1 1 4 Pander Neer - 115 Artcts ~— 116 Mr. C(5//^if - 117 D/i'/i? — 118 — 119 V ^rnet 120 Mijs Wright 121 D//^/^ *■ 173 ■ ^74 175 ^ 176 It a ban 177 178 179 280 i8x Mr, George Bond at Radford 182 Afr. Bar relet 183 D/V/c? 184 Van Blarenberg 185 Fernet j ( 9 ) A landfcape and figures, a ftained drawing Its companion A repofo, ditto A high finiflied coloured ditto Its companion A landfcape, in chalk Two fmall oval ditto in one frame An .old woman's- head, in crayons The view of Kirkftall-abbey, near Leeds, in Yorkfliire The elevation of the Triumphal-arch at O- range, in France^ ered:ed by Caius Marius The defign for a cieling Ditto for a carpet A bafket of flow^ers in needlework, by a young lady at Mrs .Campbell's boarding-fehool> Lincoln's-Inn-Fields A landfcape, in black chalk A view of Black- Friars Bridge Four ditto of ancient ruins Two ditto Three etchings, views of To ttenhani- Church, Tottenham-High-Crofs, &c. A drawing in black lead of an ancient ruin A landfcape in colours, with our Saviour at the well Two high finifhed views of pidtu re galleries A thiftle with infedls, from nature A tulip and a dandylion, ditto A frame with butterflies, &c. Hortus Siccus Four drawings, in chalks Two ditto Six very high finilhed ditto in water colours Two ditto C 1 86 P. Ohver 187 .188 Polidore 189 De Lutherbourg 190 Chat lain 191 Mr. Freeman 192 193 Mr. J. iy^^^^y^ J 94 Mr. Bern, Scale y r Man grove Sy near\ Brentwood in E/fex ^ 196 . ( 10 ) St. Chriftopher, from a p.^intin^r of Elchemcr The portrait of Van Dyck, a ar^wiiig with pen and ink - A drawing, retouched by Rubens Two ditto, fubjedls out of Tom Jones defigned for the engravings Two ditto, landfcapes and figures A drawing in chalk Two coloured landfcapes and fig-ures in wax A madona, a drawing in India ink A drawing of Rochampton, the feat of the Earl of Befsborough A ditto of Beisborough, in the kingdom of Ireland A. ditto of Dundalk, in the county of Lowth, the feat of the Earl of ClanbraffiU A ditto of Tollemere-Par, in the county of Down, the feat of the Earl of Claa* braffiU 197 Mv^E,Faughan, No. 17, Henrietta Street y Cov. Gard. 198 Ditto ■■ 199 Mr. Laijiey at Colliers y No. 6, Cajile Court yStrt^nd 200 Sei. Rtcci 201 Carracbe 202 Mr. yennings 203 Mr. Ho'wesy No. 13, Fleet Street-'-'' MINIATURES, &c. A frame with nine miniatures A gentleman's portrait ditto A frame with five miniatures A bacchanalian, ditto A ditto, ditto The portrait of a lady An old man's head in enamel The portrait of Van Dyck, olit of the Arundel collcd:ion No. 204 Mifs E. Moref- hyy No, 13, Nor- ton Street^ near Portland Chapel 205 206 Mn Bemar 207 — , 208 209 210 2U 212 213 214 216 S. CtvW-^^' 217 2.8 ( It ) The head of a lady reduced for a ring Prometheus, a gem A model in wax of the King of France Ditto of the Queen Ditto of Inigo Jones Prince Ferdinand of Brunfwick The portrait of P, de Cortona, a carving ia ivory Two ftages of life, an old enamel A curious carving in mother o'pearl of a floop of war and a tender One oval frame of vegetable anatomy in dif- fecftion of leaves, being the firft fubjefts in this branch of natural hiftory which have ever been exhibited to the in- fpe&ion of the public Three ditto fmaller Three frames of artificial mochas interfperfed with painting and fea-weed Two baflb relievos in bronze, reprefenting the feaft of the celeftial and terreftrial gods The Magi, an antique piece of needlework An antique pifture, the fubjeft of which ts related by Gaufanias, in the 20th chap- ter of his travels through Laconia, as follows : Menelaus making a league with the Grecian Princes, if ever Helen ihould be injured to avenge her, and facrificed a horfe, and made them fwear over the entrails