r ' £ «j r " " general printing fWatepial SmitBs 4» L Jordan foundry ^ Pbiladelpbia Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA 'Accession E>. .h^. '^0 REFERENCE GIVEN BY AMcs^J^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/pricelistofprintOOmack Largest American Type Foundry BSTTVBL.IS'H B-D 1T9e p-RieE LIST OF Printing Type AND TypbgfdpNiH VADt ANb F^OR SAL E BY MacKellar, Smiths 3t Jordan Company 606-61A Sansom St. PHILADELPHIA 328-330 Dearborn Street, Chicago American Point System. BASKD ON OUR PICA BODY. ONE POINT = ONE-TWELFTH OF PICA. Complete outfits of type furnished for jobbing and news- paper offices based upon the American Point System. Cus- tomers desiring type cast on this system will please designate the size of body b^ the number»®f points. If the old nameG« are usedj o*ir|ofiJ6y»tem*6c>|.ife^^ will«b(i supplied^ /J 3-point body. 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 16 18 Old System. Excelsior. Brilliant. Semj':Br6V*er'. , ' Diamori'i; Peal I. Agate. Nonpareil. Minion. Brevier, f Bourgeois. \ 3-line Excelsior. Long Primer. Small Pica. Pica. / 2-line Minion, t English. 2-line Brevier, f Great Primer. 1 3 -line Nonpareil. Point System. Old System. 20-pointbody. L-line Srha'll Pica. l^-Jive I'^ick; C-line Hngiish. ' b-lifie VTon^areil. r 3-line Small Pica. 1 4-line Brevier, f 2-line Great Primer. 1 3-line Pica. Double Paragon. 7-line Nonpareil, r 4-line Small Pica. 1 Canon. 4- line Pica, r 5-line Small Pica. \ 9 -line Nonpareil. 5 - line Pica. 6 - line Pica. 54 72 The bodies indicated by heavy type conform to both systems, and printers having type in their offices upon these bodies will require no change in them in adopting the point system. price: list OF (aCOQi'al Prii)tiog Material MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY THE MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Co. 606-614 Sansom Street, WESTERN branch: PHII, ADBI/PHI A. 328-330 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Furnished at Manufacturers' Prices, which are subject to change without notice. This is a brass cup which can be attached to the boxes of the Lower-Case. It can be used for holding leaders, fractions, and other sorts which may be required in setting special jobs. For niusic and mathematical work especially it will be found very useful. In distributing, it is a handy recep- tacle for odd sorts and italic, until convenient to place them in their proper cases. Per dozen $2 25 Each 20 9-inch Bi 25 The Peerless. The Peerless is a safe Benzine and Turpentine Can, and is adapted for use in printing offices. It has a self-locking stopper, preventing waste and evapo- ration. Simple in construction, and economical. Automatic in its operation, without springs. In whatever position the Can may be placed, whether upright, on its side, at an angle of forty-five degrees, or perpendicularly with its mouth downward, the stopper is always firmly locked, and the contents are securely held. Quart size only 75 cts. Directions. — Hold the Can with its mouth down- ward, then a slight shake or jar with the hand will unlock the stopper and release the fluid. Poole's Patent Can. Simple, economical and entirely safe. Works automatically, and is easily controlled by operator. Quart size only 75 cts. 3 4 Baxter Portable Steam-Engine. This boiler is so constructed as to generate the greatest amount of steam. All the parts are cylindrical, or circular, consequently can be made perfectly secure under any pressure required. All the heating surfaces are below the water line, hence no liability to burn, out the boiler. The circulation of the water within the boiler is perfect, holding all sedi- ment in suspension, so that the same may be blown from the surface ; or, by blowing oif the boiler once a week, under pressure, it can be kept perfectly clean. The price includes fur- nace, boiler, engine, brass-coil heater, base gauge cocks, safety valve, steam valve, gov- ernor pump, blow-off cock, smoke jacket, smoke-pipe elbow, steam gauge, and glass water gauge. In short, it is a ''self-contained machine," ready to set up and run imme- diately. SIZE REVOLU- FLOOR HEIGHT TOTAL OF PULLEY. TIONS. SPACE. OVER ALL. WEIGHT. Two Horse-Power . . . 9x4 in. . . 300 . . 2>/ feet . . 53^ feet . . 1280 lbs. . . $325 00 Four . . 12x5 in. . . 260 . .3 feet . . 63^ feet . . 2170 lbs. . . 450 00 Six . . 14x63^ in. . . 250 . . 33^ feet . . 71^ feet . . 3100 lbs. . . 575 00 Eight . . 16x73^ in. . . 200 . .4 feet . . 83^ feet . . 3780 lbs. . 650 00 Ten . . 20x8>^in. . . 190 . . 43^ feet . . 9 feet . . 4850 lbs. . • 750 00 Six Horse-Power Boiler with Four Horse-Power Engine 7 feet . . 2600 lbs. . 500 00 Eight Six 73^ feet . . 3450 lbs. . • 575 00 Ten Six 8 feet . . 4260 lbs. . . 675 00 Ten Eight 8% feet . . 4400 lbs. . Tbo 00 Fifteen " Eight 93^ feet . . 6060 lbs. . . 875 00 Fifteen " Ten 4g feet. . 9% feet . . 6450 lbs. . . 950 00 Chicago Engine and Boiler. These are too well known to need extensive description. They are of the reliable slide-valve pattern, and are substantially constructed. The frame, cylinder and main shaft boxes are cast in one piece, mating it impossible for the cylinder to become loose, or for leakage to occur between the cylinder and frame. The lower boxes are wide and are babbited. The cylinder and slides are bored at one operation, which insures their perfect alignment. i They possess numerous other points of value. Descriptive circular sent on application. 2 H.-P. Engine with 3 H.-P. Boiler, $225 00 5 H.-P. Engine with 3 H.-P. Boiler, $380 00 3 " " " 4 " " 30000 6 " " " 8 " " 44000 4 " '' . "5 " " 33500 9 " " " 12 " " 56500 Furnished on one base (or separate bases, if desired), with all necessary connec- tions, except piping to connect with flue. Common Bodkin lo cts. Spring Bodkin 40 cts. Common Tweezers 25 cts. | Extra quality . 65 cts. Roller Bracket. For holding 6 Rollers, 2 inches or less in diameter, with Screws, per pair ... 50 cts. Galley Bracket. Per pair, with Screwy 40 cts. For Galley Racks and Rests see page 30. Double Case Bracket. Per pair, with Screws (may be screwed to the top of a cabinet, shelf or table) . . $i' 25 6 Morris', per font $io oo Ill 1 Point, cut to one measure per lb., $i oo 13^ " " " " 8o 2 to 12 Point, cut to one measure . . . " 75 FOR NEWS AND BOOK FORMS. 3 Point, for putting between matter and chase per foot, 10 6 Point, for Newspaper Headings " 20 Elm City Self-Feeding Bronzing Pad. This Bronzer is in every way superior. The bronze powder is placed in the top of the pad, closed tightly by a slide (not shown in cut), and delivers it through valves in the centre of fine beaver fur at the bottom, passing through a sieve before reaching the paper. The quantity of bronze fed can be regulated by a thumb-screw at end of pad. Minimum waste. No bronze escapes except through the bottom. Large size, 23^x6 inches $2 50 Small size, 3 inches square i 50 Lye Brush. Regular Bristle $1 00 Extra Quality i 25 Small 60 Concentrated Lye, per lb 20 Benzine Brush. Regular Bristle 40 CHERRY. WALNUT. 20 full-size Cases (15 Job and 5 Triple) with galley top $38 00 . . $43 00 16 " " (13 " 3 ) " 33 00. . .38 00 20 three-quarter Job Cases with galley top 37 00 ... 42 cx) 16 " " " " " " 31 00 ... 36 00 20 two-third Cases (10 Upper and 10 Lower) with galley top 36 00 ... 41 00 16 " " ( 8 "8 " ) " " " 2800. . .33CX) Made with brass galley top, $15.00, $13.50 and $12.00 each, extra. Wood-Type Cabinets. These are made in two sizes, with both flat and galley top, of hard and soft wood. In all styles the Cases are slotted to Picas, and movable strips are furnished to make partitions for any size type. If blank Cases are ordered, proper allowance will be made for the difference in cost. The Cases with slots are far preferable for wood-type use. REGULAR CABINET. j MAMMOTH CABINET. HARDWOOD. FLATTOP. GALLEY TOP. SOFTWOOD. FLATTOP. GALLEY TOP. 12 Cases, 23x32^ in. . . $26 50 . . . $29 50 12 Cases, 23x44 in. . . . $32 00 . . . $35 00 16 23x3234 " . . 31 75 • • • 34 75 i 16 " 23x44 " ... 38 50 • • . 41 5© 20 23x32^4 38 00 ... 41 00 I 20 " 23x44 " ... 46 00. . . 49 00 Electrotype Cabinets, full size. i three-quarter size. two-third size. 20 Blank Cases . . . $26 75 I 20 Blank Cases . . . $25 00 20 Blank Cases ... $21 50 16 Blank Cases ... 23 50 j 16 Blank Cases ... 21 25 i 16 Blank Cases ... 18 00 8 Eagle Cabinet. Contains 40 Cases :— 20 three-quarter Job, 12 full Job, 4 Triple, 2 pairs on top, and, 2 Drawers. Black Walnut $83 25 | Cherry $78 25 Combination Cabinet. Similar in size and style to Eagle. Contains 40 Cases :— 2 pairs Upper and Lower Cases, 2 Rule Cases, 1 Lead Case, 1 Quotation-Furniture Case, 3 Triple Cases, 9 Job Cases, 20 three-quarter Job Cases, and 2 Drawers. Black Walnut $83 25 | Cherry $78 25 Elm City Card Cutter. With its 12-inch blades it will cut a sheet of any size, and with as little trouble as any larger machine. The patented hinge-joint 'allows this. The Cutter is well finished, will do excellent work, and sells at a moderate price. It will cut thin metal, cloth, etc. Regular Cutter $10 00 With Automatic Clamp for holding sheets, also extra Gauges 15CX) A 24-inch Cutter, having an Automatic Binder or Clamp for holding sheets, is in preparation. 9 Boston Card Cutter. The upper knife is curved, is made of the best steel, the frame is of iron, and the table of hard wood. The front gauge is positive, easily set, and controlled by a rack and pinion, which holds the gauge exactly parallel with the knife. The reversible back gauge extends 28 inches from the knife. The side gauge may be placed in three different positions on the table, according to the size of work being cut. Sheets or strips of any length can be cut, as the standard holding the upper knife has an offset, allowing the inside strip to pass over it and the outside strip under it. 24-inch Wade, boxed $20 00 | 12-inch blade, boxed $12 00 Single Rack, 20 Cases 30 " $8 00 I Double Rack, 40 Cases 10 00 I " 60 $15 50 ig 00 lO Single Stand. With Racks . . Without Racks . 3 50 Improved Single Stand. No. 1, with Racks for 13 Cases and Galley Rest . : $ 6 75 No. 2, with Pauel Ends and Back . 10 00 Double Stand. With Racks $4 5° 1 Without Racks II IMPEOVED Double Stand. No. 1, with Galley Rest, and Racks for 26 Cases, Panel Ends, without Cases . . $15 oo No. 2, same as No. 1, with the addition of Panel Back 17 50 Double Stand. With Racks and Sort-Case Cabinet, without Cases on top . . $21 75 12 Combination Stand. Style No. 1, as above, contains 7 Quad Drawers, 13 Blank Drawers (suitable for Cuts or Large Type), and Racks for 13 full-size Cases, with Galley Rest, and space for 2 pairs of Cases on top. Panel Ends and Back. Style No. 2 is arranged in the same manner, except that the Blank Drawers are omitted, leaving a space with Racks for 13 two-third size Cases at the left side. No. 1, without Cases on top $38 cx) No. 2, " " 25 CX) Stained to imitate Walnut, each extra . 5 cx) Double Stand. With Racks and Boards, without Cases 13 Standing Galley. Size of Double Stand, Wood Galley-Top With Brass Bottom and Lined Galley-Top Improved Standing Galley. No. 1, with Racks for 26 Cases, Wood Galley-Top $15 oo No. 1, with Brass Bottom and Lined Galley-Top 45 00 No. 2, with Panel Ends and Back, Wood Galley-Top ig 00 No. 2, with Brass Bottom and Lined Galley-Top 49 00 14 Our Full Size Cases (Upper, Lower, Job and Triple) are not the ordinary Cases found in the market at a corresponding price, the boxes of which are easily broken by the use of galleys in correcting, or by the sliding of Cases one over the other. Our Cases have the cross partitions made extra strong, and are mortised at each intersection in such a way that they mutually strengthen each other. This makes what are absolutely the very best Cases in the market for the price, and fully equal to any patent or clasp Cases at a higher price. News Cases (XX strong) per pair, $i 60 Three-quarter size " <' i 50 Two-third size " i 40 Greek <« 3 75 German <« << i 5o M^sic per set of three Cases, 5 00 Job Case. Full size 90 cts. I Three-quarter size Paterson Job Case (for Caps, Small Caps and Lower Case) 15 "Boston" Job Case. Two-third size .... * 75 cts. Blank Case. Full size Three-quarter size 60 65 cts. Cap Case. Blank Case. Half size 55 cts. Half size 50 cts. Our Half Cases are made to fit racks in left of Double Stand (shown on page 12), when specially ordered. i6 ^(m^ & Jordan j5o, Standard Metal-Furniture C'a^e. Full size, to hold 100 lbs $i 25 Border Case. Full size, to hold 4 fonts Combination Border $1 25 Wood-Type Case. Regular (with movable partitions) $1 10 Mammoth " " " i 30 Three-quarter size (may also be used for large-size Script type) 80 I y $ 1 J 3 4 T 1 3 ? T ir » 0 i i 1 5 h i t i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 The MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Co. Perfect Figure Case. Full size $1 00 Sizes of Cases. Full size 323^x165^x13^ | Half size lQ%xl6%xl}i Three-quarter size . . . . 2614x16% xl^^ | Regular Wood Type . . .323^x23 xl j^ Two-third size 21%xl6^xl^3_ Mammoth '* " ... 44 x23 xl^^ i8 Our wrought-iron Chases are made of the best iron, and warranted square and true. All Chases Nos. 1 to 3 are made of 1-inch iron. Nos. 4 to 6>^ of 13^-inch iron. Nos. 7 to 9 of 134-inch iron. The back of Twin Chases Nos. 1 to 63^ are made of %-inch iron. Nos. 7 to 9 of %-inch iron. All Chases are % inch high. Width of all cross-bars as ordered. If unusual strength is required, an additional charge will be made. Irregular sizes furnished to order. Give inside and outside size desired. Skeleton Chase. News Chase. NO. 1 2 3 4 SIZE OVER ALL. . 17 . 20 . 24 . 26 . 27 . 29 SIZE INSIDE. Book, or Shifting-Bar, Chase. SKELETON CHASE. EACH. . . $ 4 50 . . ... 5 00 . . 5 75 • . 15 . 18 . 22 xl8% x22% x26% NEWS CHASE. EACH. • $ 5 50 . . . 6 00 . 6 75 . . 23%x31|^ 6 50 7 50 ^ . . 8 00 x20%. . x24%. . x28%. . x33^. . x39 M%xdQ% 7 00 x41% 263|x395| 7 25 6u x44 27%x41% 7 75 0 32 x46% 293|x44i| 8 00 9 50 12 00 6>< SZKx4S% 3134x46i| 8 50 10 00 12 50 7 35 x50% 32i|x4834 9 00 10 50 13 00 8 38 x54^ 353^x5234 10 CX) II 50 14 00 9 41 x59^ 383^x5734 11 00 12 50 15 00 BOOK CHASE. EACH. . . $ 7 50 ... 8 25 ... 9 00 . , . 10 00 . . . 10 50 8 50 II 00 9 00 II 50 Twin Chases. SIZE PAIR, OVER ALL. . 17 x20% . . 20 x24% . . 24 x287^ . . 26 x33% . 4>^ 27 x39 5 29 x41% 5>^ 30 x44 6 32 x46^ 333^x48% 7 35 x5a% 8 ..... 38 x54% 9 41 x59% Beveled or Straight Iron of Chases for all newspapers SIZE EACH CHASE, INSIDE. . 15 X 8H • . 18 xlOH . . 22 xl2H . . 23%xl5J^ . Twin Chases, with Bars. TWIN CHASES, TWIN, WITH BARS. PER PAIR. PER PAIR. . . . $ 8 OO $11 25 ... 9 25 12 50 ... 10 50 13 75 II 75 15 00 24%xl7% 12 50 15 75 26% X 19x^6 13 25 16 50 27%x20>^ 14 00 17 25 29%x2V4 14 75 18 00 311^x223^ 15 50 18 75 323^x233^ 16 25 20 00 353^x2534 17 50 21 25 383^x27% 18 75 22 50 Side and Foot Sticks, 5 cents per inch. For correct sizes see page 81, and for prices, pages 77 and 79. Heading Chase. Made of wrought iron, any size desired. Price, and size iron used, same as corresponding number of square inches in Skeleton Chases. Fitted with Bar, $1 00 to $1 50 extra, according to size. Job-Press Chase. CAST IRON. WROUGHT IRON. Z'L 7x11 $1 00 i 10x15 $1 25 8x12 I 00 1 11x16 I 50 9x13 I 15 11x17 I 75 13x19 $2 00 14x20 2 25 14x22 2 25 7x11 $3 75 8x12 4 00 9x13 4 25 10x15 $4 50 11x16 4 75 11x17 5 00 13x19 $5 50 14x20 5 75 14x22 '6 00 Finished true, on all sides, inside. When ordering Chases for Job Presses, give exact outside dimensions, and state the make and style of Press you want them for. 20 Cast-Iron Chase. Finished true, on all sides, inside. SIZE INSIDE. EACH. SIZE INSIDE. EACH. SIZE INSIDE. EACH. SIZE INSIDE. EACH. 4x 5 . . . $o 55 6x24 . . . . $1 40 9x25. . . . $1 75 12x20 . . . . $1 70 4x24 . . . . I 35 6x30 • I 45 9x31 - I 95 12x24 • . I 75 5x 7 8o 7x16 • . I 35 10x14 • . I 45 12x30 . .1 85 5x16 • I 05 7x27 . . I 45 10x18 , . . I 50 13x28 . , . . I 80 5x28. . . • I 45 8x21 • • I 35 10x22 I 60 14x22 . . I 75 6x43 8x32 • I 55 10x28 . . I 75 14x26 . . , I 80 6x 8 . . . • 75 8x40 . . 2 50 10x31 . . I 85 15x20 • . I 95 6x12 . . . . I 05 9x12 • I 35 12x14 • . I 45 15x24 . . 2 15 6x20. . . . I 35 9x18 . . I 50 12x17 • I 55 16x20 , , , . . 2 20 Steel Composing Rule. Steel Make-up Kule. COMPOSING. MAKE-UP. To 15 ems long 20 cts. . . 25 cts. Each additional 5 ems or less 5 cts. . . sets. Nickel-plated, extra 15 cts. . . 15 cts. 12 finely-tempered Steel Rules, assorted from 12 to 32 ems, in Leather Case With Nickel-plated Rules $1 50 2 GO 6x2 in 6x21^ in 6x23| in, Standard Job Stick. . . $1 75 8x2 in. 85 95 8x234 in. 8x2>^ in. . $2 00 2 10 This is one of the most convenient and reliable Job Sticks now made. It is original in its action, correct to our 6 and 12 Point bodies, and cannot slip. Very quickly set. 10 X 2 in. 10x234 in. 10x23^ in. $2 25 2 35 2 45 12x2 in. . $2 50 12x234 in. . 2 60 12x2i|in. . 2 70 Screw Stick— 2, 234, or 2^ inches deep. 6-inch $0 75 8-inch o 80 10-inch I 00 12-inch I 15 14-inch $1 30 16-inch I 45 18-inch I 60 20-inch i 75 Nickel-plated, 25 to 50 cents each extra. Knee set to any desired measure and riveted, 50 cents each extra. Standard News Stick. 6x2 inches deep $0 90 6x23^ inches deep 100 This Stick is especially designed for newspaper work, and is adjustable from 12 to 15 ems. The knee is firmly clamped at both ends by screws, and, once set true, it cannot be sprung by tight spacing. There are no projections to obstruct the free use of the hand. 6x234 inches deep $0 95 Nickel-plated, each extra o 25 Reversible-Knee Stick— 2, 2%, or 23^ inches deep. 6-inch $1 00 j 14-inch $1 7° 8-inch I 10 16-inch i 85 10-inch I 40 18-inch 2 00 12-inch I 55 ; 20-inch 2 15 Nickel-plated, 25 to 50 cents each extra. 6x2 inches German-Silver Stick. 6x234 inches . . . .$225 6x23^ inches . . . .$250 22 ^(m<^gR<^^^I^ ^mMi^ & Jordan )do. 25 This Rack occupies a floor space of only 2x3>^ feet, and is mounted on castors so that it can easily be placed in the most desirable position for receiving work from the Press, or it can be rolled up to the stove or window for drying quickly. The Dryers are detachable, and each may contain a different job, which can be removed without disturbing the others. The work is not exposed to dust ; and the Dryers being made of slats, allow the air to circulate freely through them, so that the work dries quickly without offset, making it specially desirable for cut and color work. No. 1, 20 Dryers, 24x36 inches . . $14 00 \ No. 3, 20 Dryers, 28x42 inches . . $20 00 No. 2, 30 " " " . . 20 00 No. 4, 30 '* " . . 28 00 24x36 Dryers, per dozen 4 80 j 28x42 Dryers, per dozen 600 For embossing imprints on fine envel- opes and stationery, especially on invitation and ball work, where an ordinary imprint is not allowed. Made to order, with two or three lines. Nickel-plated $5 00 3 26 "O. K." Self-Feeding Foot-Poaver Eyeleting Machine. The above Self-Feeding Eyeleting Machine is the only one in the market having a reach of 8 inches back of Eyelet Set, to allow of Eyeleting a large card in centre. It is a perfect feeding machine, is 16 inches high, 16 inches deep, weighs only tliirty pounds, runs easily, and will last for years. In ordering, send sample of Eyelet to be used in the machine, as it will only feed the one size it is made for. To feed other size Eyelets on same machine, an extra Roadway and Eyelet Set will be required. The No. 4 Punching Machine (mentioned below) is the best machine to go with the Eyeleter for cutting holes to receive Eyelets. Complete Machine (to feed one size Eyelet) $35 00 Extra Roadway and Set 16 00 Stimpson Eyeleting and Punching Machine. Suitable for calendars, plaques, show cards, pads, tags and other work. It has a reach of 6)^ inches back of plunger, also an adjustable gauge for all kinds of work. The Punches and Dies and Eyelet Sets are interchangeable. There are 14 sizes of Dies, Eyelet Sets and Eyelets made to fit the machine. Illustration on application. Improved No. 4 Foot-Power Machine, with one Punch and Die Eyelet Set, complete, any size, extra Extra Punch and Die, any size, each $18 00 2 50 2 50 Wood Engraving, in all its branches, executed in the highest style of the art. This establishment also possesses unusual facilities for Electrotyping Cuts, Newspaper Headings, Almanacs and Calendars in various languages, and intricate jobbing. fttt These Tools are accurately set in polished hard-wood handles. They are sharpened ready for use, and will be found invaluable in every printing office for cutting tint blocks, digging out low spots in electrotypes and stereotypes, remov- ing parts of letters, words or lines, and for many similar purposes. Boxwood furnished at current rates, according to quality. Printer's set of 6 Tools, ready for use $2 50 Stand and Pad 3 00 " " Glass 2 25 . 15 cts. Double Column, 12 Point Brass, for Newspaper Column 18 " " " " " .... 20 12 " Metal, " " " .... 5 " 18 " " " .... 6 18 Point Foot Slugs are beveled on top. . . 20 cts. . .30 " • • 7 " • 9 " Cast Iron, for moving heavy forms $3 00 This machine is simple in operation, with no springs or anything to get out of order, and is made entirely of iton. It is easily placed, can be moved at will, has the finest arrangement for drainage, and will not clog up. The cut shows the usual position of machine when washing job forms. . The movable platform can be thrown over front to receive large forms. This machine will highly commend itself to those printers who like a clean press-room, who want their forms thoroughly clean, and who are in favor of economy in time and labor. It will take in a form 35)^x393^ inches. Two brass cocks and piece of hose with each machine. Wilson's Form Washer $50 00 28 J^rwai (Prim SMi. Chambers' Folding Machine. These Folding Machines are built for hand-feed newspaper work, also for attach- ing to the press, as well as for book and music folding, and run with speed, accuracy, and economy. In construction they are fine specimens of design and workmanship, and their performance is such that those who use and best understand them cannot say too much in their favor. The book machines will fold an 8vo at about one-fourth, and a double 12mo at one-sixth the cost of doing the same work by hand, and will save their cost in one year. They occupy very much less room than is required to do the same work by hand. The gearing is all cut ; the bolts are all turned, and heads dressed, fitting steel wrenches ; all fitting-surfaces are faced, and all boxes solid metal, reamed in place to line. The rollers are all iron, with fine polished corrugated surfaces (instead of being covered with cloth as formerly), thus presenting a surface which grasps the paper readily, creases it sharply, and will not take up dry mk—Manuf. Circular. Every printer running presses on periodicals, or large editions of pamphlets, should give these machines serious consideration. Description and prices on application. Dexter Folding Machine. These machines are well liked wherever used, and can be recommended. They are sold subject to trial and approval in all cases. They can be attached to any style or make of cylinder press, taking the place of the fly-table, making any number of folds desired, and when through printing all papers are folded and ready for delivery. Also, Hand-Feed Machines for book and magazine work — 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 or 32-page work. Also, 16-page Periodical Machines with 4 or 8-page covering and pasting attachment. Description and prices on application. cherry. Diamond to Great Primer 2-line Pica to 5-line Pica 6-line Pica to 12-line Pica, and Side Sticks For Labor-Saving Furniture and Reglet see page 37 per yard, 3 cts. " " 4 cts. " 6 cts. 29 Brass Bottom and Lined Galley. Single Column, 3>^x233^in. . . . $2 00 Job, 6x10 inches, $2 00. All Brass, 3%x23% " . . . 2 CXD " 9x13 " 2 50. " " 3%xll% " . . . I 50 10x16 3 00. Medium " " 5 x23% " . . . 2 25 " 12x18 " 3 50. Double Column, 6^x233^ " . . . 2 50 " 14x20 4 00. All Brass, 61^x23% " . . . 2 50 " 15x22 " 4 50. 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 Common Galley. ALL WOOD. 5x16 inches '. $0 30 . 7x16 6x10 9x13 10x16 12x18 14x20 15x22 o 50 . WOOD, BRASS LINE 1 50 . 2 00 . 2 50 . 3 00 . 3 50 . BRASS BOTTOM AND LINED. . $1 75 . 2 25 • 2 75 • 3 25 • 3 75 . 4 75 ALL WOOD. Slice Galley. Octavo Slice, 11x14 in. . $2 50 Quarto . . . 12x16 in. . 2 75 Medium . .13x19 in. . 3 cxd Imp. Folio . 14x21>^in. 3 50 Republican 18x25 in. . 4 50 BRASS SLICE AND LINED. $5 50 6 25 6 50 7 00 10 00 Run-Over Galley. Made to suit any body required 50 cts. Mailing Galleys, any size, closed at both ends, made to order at market prices. Also any special sizes Galleys made to order at short notice. The simplest and best Galley Lock. It holds the lines tight when rolling and proving. Per dozen $2 00 Single Locks 20 Iron Brackets for 10 Galleys $5 oo For Galley Brackets in single pairs see page 5. These are the simplest and best Galley Rests on the market, very strong, and will last a life-time. They can be used to hold a Galley on top of cap-case, lower edge of lower-case, end of frame or upon the wall. They are instantly changed from one position to another. They save room, type, cases, and annoyance. The nuisance of Galleys on cases is done away with. Nickel-plated, per pair $i oo I Per dozen pairs $io oo ToPHAM Side-Stick. This combines simplicity, durability, and saving of time and labor. They are made in different lengths suitable for the regular News Galley and for Job Galleys. Per dozen $io 50 Single Sticks i 00 Original Steel Gauge Pins. Four sizes:— No. 1, low; 2, medium; 3, high; 4, low, short lip. 60 cts. per dozen. One Size:— Low, with adjustable tongue, $1.20 per dozen, or 40 cts. per set of three, including an extra tongue for each pin. Extra Spring-Tongue Gauge Pins. tongues, 25 cts. per dozen. Extension Feed Guides. For gauging sheets at or below the edge of the platen. The extension is 2% inches long, and may be cut down if required. $1.00 per pair, complete, with an extra-pair of short guides and tongues. One pair of these will cover any part of the platen, from the centre to the lower edge, without extending beyond. The side supporter is jointed and attach- able to the left-hand bottom supporter. Radiating Sheet Supporters. Sizes o in. 33^ in. 4 in. 43^ in. 5 in. 53^ in. 6 in. 63^in. For Press 7x11 8x12 9x13 10x15 11x17 12x18 13x19 14x22 Per Pair $3 00 3 10 3 20 3 30 3 40 3 50 3 60 3 70 The above are the best styles of Gauge Pins and Guides. Others furnished to order. Swivel Gauge-Pin Drawer. For press or other table. Iron, with screw, 23^x33^ in., % in. deep, each, 25 cts. 32 All iron and steel. Worked by steam or hand power. For the latter a cross with six arms is used, in place of the pulley represented. It is particularly adapted to paper makers, printers, bookbinders and lithographers. They open from one to eight feet, or more, if required, and hold twenty per cent, more goods than other Presses of equal height. The pressure is uniform at all parts of the bed and platen. The power of one man on this Press is equal to six on other Presses. The increase in prices has been made in consequence of recently-introduced improvements. No. 1.— Bed 36x46 inches. Between screws, 50 inches. Screws, inches in diameter. Height, 11 feet or less, as ordered. Open in clear, to receive goods, 33^ feet less than height. Pressure, 600 tons. $675.cx). Boxing, $io.oo. No. 2.— Bed, 31x40 inches. Between screws, 42 inches. Screws, 3 inches in diameter. Height, 11 feet or less, as ordered. Open in clear, to receive goods, 3 feet less than height. Pressure, 400 tons. $375.00. Boxing, $8.00. No. 3.— Bed, 30x36 inches. Between screws, 37 inches. Screws, 2% inches in diameter. Height, 9 feet or less, as ordered. Open in clear, to receive goods, 2% feet less than height. Pressure, 250 tons. $350.00. Boxing, $8.00. No. 4.— Bed, 18x24 inches. Between screws, 25 inches. Screws, 2^ inches in diameter. Height, 6 feet or less, as ordered. Open in clear, to receive goods, 2]4 feet less than height. Pressure, 150 tons. $igo.oo. Boxing, $3.50. 33 Little Giant Auxiliary Gripper. Can be placed instantly on any Gripper. Admits the use of a left-hand gauge-pin on all jobs. If form has no margin the Gripper attachment can be thrown between the lines or at head or foot of sheet. Does not interfere with furniture in form. Valuable when using perforating rule. 60 cts. each, or $1.00 per pair. For Tablet Glue, etc. Various sizes at reasonable prices, with and without steam. Kennedy's Hand Paster. For pasting newspapers, pamphlets, and for bookbinders' and boxmakers' use. This invention consists of a tight box, moulded out of pressed brass, with a handle and a revolving wheel, so constructed that the flow of paste can be regulated to a nicety, and the line of paste made coarse or fine as the nature of the work and the quality of the paper may demand. It has the great merit of simplicity. It is a con- venience of value to all who wish to leave on a sheet a straight and even line of paste with neatness and rapidity. It is especially valuable for newspaper work. Furnished with two wheels, four gates, etc $3 50 For any make of Job Press, at makers' prices. Send a diagram to avoid errors. 34 Frame and 2 Drawers complete. Three-inch White Marble with Hard Wood Drawers pnll both ways. No. 3, single . . 24x29 inches . . $2500 No. 3, double . .24x 58 inches. . $3900 No. 4, " . . 26x34 inches . . 29 cx) No. 4, '* . .26x 68 inches. . 4600 No. 5, " . . 29x42 inches . . 35 cx) No. 5, . .29x 84 inches. . 5600 No. 6, " . . 32x47 inches . . 4000 No. 6, . .32x 94 inches. . 6600 No. 7, " . . 35x51 inches . . 4500 No. 7, " . . 35 x 102 inches . . 77 cx) Two-inch White Marble with Hard Wood Frame and 1 Drawer complete. Drawer pulls both ways. No. 11, 22x40 in $22 50 No. 12, 28 X 45 in 25 cx) No. 13, 32 X 50 in 35 cx) No. 14, 32 X 50 in. (with extra small Drawer in each end) .... $40 00 No. 15, 32 X 50 in. (same as No. 14, with Walnut legs) 45 00 Cabinet Imposing Stone. 45 x63 inches (3-inch Marble), with 2 large Drawers and 32 small Blank Drawers . $90 00 ink §k>utvkMtv, For use on the im- proved and any of the various old-style Gordon Presses now in the market, except that style of im- proved Gordon hav- ing the brass connec- tions to the roller carriage. The cut shows the Fountain attached to the im- proved Gordon. The how of Ink can be controlled in any part of the Fountain by adjusting the thumb-screws, the same as on a Cylin- der-Press Fountain. For Eighth-Medium Press ink Qy(AW^, 111 ill Improved Ink Knife. This is a new and improved Ink Knife (made to our special order, and not found in open market), which has only to be seen to become a permanent fixture in every printing establishment. The end being perfectly square, it will thoroughly clean out the ink-can or jar. It is pliable, but peculiarly made, giving strength and firmness at extreme end, unknown in the ordinary Ink Knife. 6-inch, $i oo ; 8-inch, $i 25. Palette Knife. 6-inch Blade . . . 60 cts. 8-inch 75 cts. 10-inch $1 00 Brass Handle, Steel Blade 75 cts. ink ^'k>m qJTWUw. Ink Stone, 12x12 inches 12x18 " 18x24 " Glass Muller For reducing and refining instantly, without impairing the "color, all kinds of printing ink, no matter how old or stiff, to any consistency required, and m^aking it work clear, free and easy on any kind of press, on any kind of paper, and in any tem- perature. Dries quickly. No offsetting. Does not dry on rollers. Half-pound bottle 50 cts. . . . . $1 00 . . . I 50 .... 3 00 $1 75 @ 2 CX) 36 Sample books, showing the different colors of Inks, sent on application. Lithographic Inks and Varnishes of all kinds furnished to order. ^ When ordering, be particular to state the quality and price, so as to insure the correct filling of orders. When ordered in large quantities special prices are fur- nished for Inks and Bronzes. BLACK INKS. News .... per lb. Book Job, for dry paper " Job, extra quick drying " Job, for cards and paper " COLORED Blue, Light or Dark per Blue, Bronze " Blue, Ultramarine " Brown, Light or Dark " Carmine " Carmine, Chinese " Green, Light or Dark " Lake " Magenta or Mauve " Purple . " Purple, Royal " Red Red, Deep or Lakish " Red, Scarlet " Olive, Sienna, Raw Umber Tints — Blue, Green, Buff, Sienna, Drab . " Tints— Slate, Pink and Purple White " Yellow, Lemon, Orange or Deep Orange " VARNISH, SIZE, Varnish per Varnish, quick drying " Flock Gold Size, Brown or Yellow " Gold Size, Flock or White Silver Solution per Bronzes per Boiled Oil per 20, 25, 30 cts. . . 30, 40, 50, 75 cts., $1.00 50, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 $i.5o» 2.00, 3,00 . $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00 INKS. lb 50, 75 cts., $I.CM3, 1.50, 2.00 $2.CX) • • • • 50, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 • • • • 5o> 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.CX), 3.00 $i6.oo, 32.00 $32.00 • • • • 5o> 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 $3.00, 5.00, 10.00 $5-oo, 10.00, 16.00, 24.00 $5.00, 10.00 $10.00, 16.00, 24.00 • 50* 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00 $2.00, 3.00, 5.00, 10.00 $2.00, 3.00 $1-50 $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 $2.00 50, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50 50, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 BRONZE, ETC. lb 30, 40, 50 cts. 50, 60, 75 cts. 75 cts. $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 $1.50 bottle 75 cts., $1.50 ounce . 50, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 gallon $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 The arm is made to fit on the top rim of the Upper-Case, so that the lamp may be placed in any position over the Cases. 75 cts. each. These are made in four sections, eacli 7x16% inches, and may be used as shown, or on a shelf, end to end. Each com- partment is plainly marked. They are very compact, and will hold over 400 lbs. No. 1 holds 4 to 15 ems No. 2 16 to 30 No. 3 " 31 to 45 " No. 4 " 46 to 60 " B go I 20 I 50 I 80 Contains 2100 pieces each of Nonpareil and Pica Cherry Regie t, cut from 10 to 51 ems long, vary- ing one Pica only. Fifty pieces of each length of each thick- ness, accurately cut to our standard of measurement and finished in oil. Full Case . . $15 00 Half Case . . 8 00 The wood is finished in oil, and made to our standard of measure- ment, from 2 to 12 ems wide, and from 10 to 50 ems long. The sizes are stamped on the end of each piece. Can be furnished to special order, cut 2 to 10 ems wide, and 10 to 60 ems long. The Cases with partitions are far preferable, as they provide a separate compartment for each size. Full Case, without partitions . $8 00 Half " " " . 5 00 Full Case, with '* . . 10 00 Double Case, with " . . 16 00 For Furniture and Reglet by the yard see page 28. 4 38 )^<2wmA (Prim fMK, Brass Rule and Lead Cutter. Very powerful leverage. Will cut 8 Point Rule • . . . $8 oo Little Giant Lead and Rule Cutter, with Standard Gauge. A series of holes in the cutter-bed determines the Pica ems. A numbered brass strip is inlaid in the cutter-bed parallel with the notches, to facilitate the setting of the gauge to any measure. The gauge is held in place by means of pins projecting from its under surface, which fit in the holes in the bed. The gauge-plate is made of such length that by reversing it the Cutter may be set for any number of Nonpareil ems. The usual gauge which accompanies the Cutter may be used for bastard measures. With No. 1 standard gauge (as shown ip cut), for point system $12 oq Regular Cutteri with ordinary thumb-screw gauge (not as shown in cut) ... 800 This Cutter has a long, adjust- able bearing for the lever, and both front and back gauges. It will cut 3 Point Brass Rule. The lever is held up by a strong spring. A very reliable low-priced Cutter. Regular Cutter . . . Graduated to 12 Point 4 50 The " Nonpareil.' Mustang Mailing Machine. Ready to Receive the Paper. Its cheapness, simplicity and durability recommend it to publishers, and also to every business, house having a large mail list. The great advantage of this machine over others is, that it prints directly upon the paper or wrapper, and does away with pasting. Where labels are used there is a liability of their being pulled off. The Mustang Mailer occupies a space 37 inches in length and 43^ inches in width, is made wholly of iron, without springs or complications of any kind to get out of order, and can be operated by a boy. It is capable of printing addresses at the rate of from 1500 to 2500 an hour, according to the expertness of the operator. Each galley will contain 75 to 80 addresses, is easily accessible for the purpose of making correc- tions, and convenient for handling. The weight of the machine is fifteen pounds, and galleys one pound each. For a list of 1000 names it will require about 75 pounds of 10 Point type. For spacing between the addresses a special reglet is used . In ordering these reglets send samples of the type used for the list, that it may be known what thickness to make them. Mailers . $10 00 | 10 Point Metal Slugs, per 100 . , Galleys (10 ems wide, 30 in. long) 50 ; 10 Point Mailing Type, per lb. . Bi 10 46 j^orm^ (Prim SMi, McFatrich Mailing Machine. This machine has stood the test of years. It is strictly automatic, and never makes a mistake. A little practice will enable one to address easily 2000 to 3000 papers an hour. Being operated by treadle, it leaves both hands at liberty for handling papers. At end of each Post Ofiice list it rings a bell for wrapper and prints it, or will print full address on margin of last paper in list. It prints directly upon the paper or wrapper, and is used successfully for addressing envelopes, circulars, etc. McFatrich Mailinig Machine $35 00 Galleys, all Zinc, 30 inches long 10 ems wide i 00 10 Point Mailing Type and Abbreviations per lb. 46 10 Point Metal Slugs, 10 ems long per 100 i 10 Bell Slugs, zinc per doz. 50 Lignum vitse. $1 00 to $1 50 41 Keversiule Metal Furniture. This Labor-Saving Reversible Furniture is our invention, and is the strongest and one of the most accurate in the world. It is made on the Point System of Bodies, and is useful for blanking out and making up forms and for general impo- sition. List of sizes furnished : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ems Pica in width, and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ems Pica in length ; also 2, 3, 4 and 5 ems in width by 50 ems in length. Fonts of 50 pounds or more in weight contain all of the above sizes. Fonts, 25, 50, 75 and 100 pounds. 25 cents per pound. %iiii]^iiTiiiW^ The Wetter Consecutive Numbering Machine Is of practical value, and is the only machine constructed so that it can be locked in a form or chase, and that can be used on any style or make of printing press to do consecutive numbering. There are thousands of them in constant use through- out the United States and Europe. Every Postal Note and Post Office Money Order issued by the United States Government is numbered by these machines. All the large railroad printers of the world have adopted them in preference to any other method heretofore introduced. They are indispensable to the general printer. With 5 Wheels (only size made) $25 00 Maple . . Small Size 50 cts. I Proof 30 cts. I Curved $1 00 I 00 44 HicKOK Paging and Numbering Machine. The design of these ma- chines is such as to combine the greatest solidity with the minimum of floor space. The construction is simple, but of great strength, The figure- head can be thrown forward for convenient adjustment of the figures or for cleaning them. No removal of ciphers is necessary. Will repeat by quick adjustment, or will print alternately or consec- utively, as desired. The cut shows a full-length view of the machine, indicating com- bination steam and foot power. Right treadle and steam attachments are left oif from foot-power machines. Style "A."— Steam and Foot Power. With 1 four-disc steel head . . . $235 00 " 1 six-disc " " ... 245 00 " 1 four and 1 six " ... 300 00 Style "B."— Foot Power. With 1 four-disc steel head . . . $185 00 " 1 six-disc " '* ... 195 00 " 1 four and 1 six " ... 25000 No charge for boxing. Steam attachments, separate from machine, $50.00 Per ball 50 cts. Showing the number of pieces of any required size that can be cut from a sheet without waste. Ames' Paper and Card Scale , 50 cts. Card Scale 25 cts. 45 (Pq/^><^^ ^aaM^" cTkimn^ j§/Q/u<^. Sanborn's Feather Gauge.— This is a convenient little gauge to be placed on the table under the clamp for cutting narrow widths. Mainly intended for hand machines. Can be used on any Paper Cutter. Special sizes to order. 8-inch . . . $5 oo | 12-inch . . . $6 oo | 15-inch . . . $7 oo | 20-inch . . . $8 00 . Sanborn's Patent Narrow Clamp and Gauge — For the purpose of cutting nar- row strips this is the best attachment ever devised. But a moment is required to put it on or remove it. By its use the material can be cut up to the last half inch. It is for use principally on Star Paper Cutters, but can be used on the Sanborn hand machines. Length, 24 inches. Other sizes to order. Complete $20 00 Boxing 75 cts. Paragon Paper Cutter. 223^ and 25-inch Machine 30 and 32-inch Machine Gauges to within % inch of the knife. Gauges to within % inch of the knife. This Cutter is in all respects an efficient and first-class machine, amply supplying the acknowledged want of a well-built, powerful and rapid Cutter at a reasonable price. Has a scale on the table ; side gauges front and back of the knife, perfectly true with each other and with the back gauge and the knife. The 14-inch machine cuts 2% inches in thickness and within % inch of the knife. The 22T^-inch machine cuts 8 inches in thickness. The 25-inch machine cuts 33^ inches in thickness. Either size cuts card-board equally as well as paper. The full cut is made by one stroke of the lever, the movement of the knife, being an easy oblique cut, the same as given by steam-power Cutters. The knife is made of the best quality of steel. Descriptive circular on application. No charge for boxing. 14 inch $ 46 cx) Weight, 200 lbs Extra knives, $ 5 00 223^ 80 00 450 " " " 7 50 25 " no 00 " 550 " " " 9 00 30 . 175 00 *' 1000 " " 18 00 32 " 200 00 1200 " " 20 00 46 Brown & Carver Improved Paper Cutter. These machines have been remodeled, and brought to a high and critical standard of perfection. Their merits are self-evident, and they are in every respect a most reliable machine. The makers call attention to the following points of superiority : First. — Superior proportions and construction of machine frame, giving strength and solidity, without excess of metal. Second.— Superior manner of hanging and adjusting knife bar, thus relieving head or top of machine frame from undue strain during the cut, and allowing easy and accurate adjustment of knife from either end. Third. — Superior arrangement of machine table, same having slots or grooves for the traverse gauge to move in, thus preventing sheets of paper becoming wedged between bottom of gauge and table. Fourth— Superior arrangement of traverse gauge, some being in sections and adjustable, permitting cutting of two widths at once, hence saving time and handling of stock. Fifth. — Superior arrangement of clamp and traverse gauge in combination ; construction is such as to permit stock to be cut to the last half-inch, thus effecting a great saving in paper, and facilitating the cutting of small work. Sixth. — Superior position of clamp-wheel, enabling operator to clamp stock rapidly and without stooping. Seventh. — Adjustable side gauges, front and back of clamp, facilitating the handling and cutting of small work. Eighth. — Simplicity of machine — no traps or springs of any kind ; all parts are easily accessible. Ninth. — Noiseless friction clutch, for starting and stopping the machine easily and without jar, whereby a greatly increased speed is obtained without endangering the machine. Tenth.— Balanced clamp, which runs up and (Jown so easily that one spin of the hand-wheel will run it the entire distance either way. 33-inch Steam-Power Machine . . . $575 I 43-inch Steam-Power Machine . . . $885 37-inch " " ... 700 | 48-inch " " ... 1200 Larger sizes to order. Boxing and shipping extra. Shipped at purchaser's risk. 47 This Cutter is heavy, strong, powerful, and easy to operate. The long lever swings before the front of the table and the knife makes a long draw cut. The table has a brass measuring rule in front, and on the back a back gauge and a back side gauge. There are adjusting screws in knife bar for regulating the knife after grinding. Cuts 25 inches square . . $115 cx) " 32 " "... 150 00 Extra knives . . . 10 00 and 13 00 Boxing — No charge except for special boxing. The '87 Paper Cutter. The frame is strong and well braced, and there is an extra support under centre of bed. A weight balances the lever in an upright position. There are no springs to get out of order. All sizes have front and back stationary side gauges. The 30- inch and 32-inch have also an extra side front gauge, adjust- able to either side ; also a split back gauge, for use in trimming pamphlets. Cuts 23 inches square . . $110 00 25 " " . . 125 00 Boxing 3 00 and 4 00 Cuts 30 inches square . . 175 00 ''32 " " . . 200 00 Boxing, either size ... 6 00 Challenge Paper Cutter: 48 By the use of bevel gears the long, powerful lever is worked at right angle to the plane of the knife (swinging from back to front), so that a direct movement of the lever forward and back can be made without the ope- rator moving from his position. Paper of any length can be han- dled in front of the knife, and the swing of the lever as well as the entire Cutter occupies but little room. This machine is very simple and effective. Cuts 30 inches square u 32 Boxing $200 00 225 00 6 00 Peerless Side-Lever Paper Cutter. Peerless End-Lever Cutter, same prices. This machine jhas all the good points that are requisite for a first- class Paper and Card Cutter. It combines weight, strength and great power with durability, accuracy and ease of operation. By the long lever, which swings to the left in front of the table, enough purchase is gained to cut large piles of the heaviest and toughest grades of paper and card- board. The 30-inch machine weighs, crated, about 1400 pounds. Every convenience in the way of gauges and rules and lines is supplied. The knife is six inches wide. Cuts 30 inches square .... $200 00 " 32 " . . 25000 Boxing $6 00 and 6 50 Extra knife .... $18 80 and 19 85 Sanborn Gem Paper Cutter. 49 Sedgwick Paper Jogger. This is an attachment for Cylinder Presses for Jogging or Straightening the paper after it is delivered from the fly. It works automatically with the fly, and will jog any weight or quality of paper (except a tissue) better than it can be done by hand. It is made to fit on all kinds and sizes of Presses, and it is made so that it is adjustable to any size sheet— from the largest the Press will print to 8 inches square. It can be adjusted in a minute, by means of the thumb-screws on the gauges, to take any size sheet, and is made to jog paper inches high. In order- ing, give name of Press and the largest size sheet that it will print. For Presses, when the board sets on the frame or arms, give the size of board now on the Press. To fit Presses 24 x 36, or less $i8 oo To fit Presses larger than 24x36 20 oo Steel Rule cut to Pica ems, and put up in fonts of assorted lengths $3 00 Steel, per foot 75 Brass, ** " 25 Also a fine Dot Rule, in steel or brass, by the foot; or steel, in labor-saving fonts — at same prices. 5 50 )^ 2 Sta c-l a> > rr< O ^ rO 0)2 O ^ o-^ i> ^ u ^ M a> ^ oj ^ 05 O g o o § ^ o- _^ S 0) M ^ G ^ ^ a M ^ W g M g « 5 ^ -d ^ ^ i, Cranston Improved Book and News Press. Two rollers, new style, box frame. No. 3K Bed, 33x48 inches Matter, 27x44 inches $2250 Cranston Improved Newspaper Press. High speed, two rollers, rack and pinion distribution. Witfi air springs, delivery without tapes, adjustable guides, brake, fountain cover, distributing-rack guard, long register rack and segment, table with side guides. An additional charge for table distribution. No 3 .... Bed, 32x46 inches Matter, 27x42 inches $1500 No! 3}^ " 33x48 " " 27x44 " 1600 O ^ CO y CD P P o ^ CM (X> t:' CO p. o tr ^ o P O) Oq ^ ^ a> ^ P o p. a.c . Si §§ on? P P o o o o o OO 1*^ X X X X C5 UT or Cn O O O CC CO CO •^1 4^ CJD O p e P V!- P (T> Ol J>- 4i» O ft) 1-3 iy) . (t) ^ 55 ^ ?i P O! CD 3- as- 2 ft) o o i CD P 1 a ^ ifi o CD P No. 2^ . No. 33^ . No. 4. . Cranston Patent Impeoved Four-Roller Press. . . Bed, 29x43 inches Matter, 24x39 inches . 33x48 34x50 27x44 27x46 Cranston Patent Improved Two-Roller Press. NO. BED. MATTER. 0 . . . 18x25 in. . . . 13x21 in. . 1 . . . 21x28 in. . . . 16x24 in. . 13^ . . 21x36 in. . . . 16x32 in. . lA . . 24 x 30 in. . . . 19x26 in. . 2 . . . 25 x 36 in. . . . 22x32 in. . 2A . . 25x38 in. . . . 22x34 in. . . $3200 • 3400 . 3600 NO. BED. MATTER. • $1350 . 29x43 in. . . . 24x39 in. . . $2500 . 1650 3. . . 32x46 in. . . . 27x42 in. . 2700 . 1800 . 33x48 in. . . .27x44 in. . . 2850 1900 4 . . . 34x50 in. . . . 29x46 in. , . 3000 . 2200 5 . . . 36x52 in. . . . 31x48 in. . . 3300 . 2300 5K. . 38x54 in. . . . 33x50 in. . . 3500 56 J|^x22 Presses are each supplied Avith one Wrought-Iron and two Cast-iron Chases. Steam Fixtures, $15.00. Overhead Steam Fixtures, $17.25* and $24.00!. Pony Ink Fountain, $12.00, $13-50 and $15.00. Liberty Press. extra heavy INSIDE REGULAR INSIDE SKELETON REGULAR FOR CHASE. CHASE. PRESS. BOXING. EMBOSSING. Eighth Medium* . . . . 7 xll in. . . 73^x11% in. . . $200 OO . . $6 GO . , 9 xl3 in. . • 914x13% in. . 250 00 . 6 00 Quarto " * . . . . 10 xl5 in. . . 11 xl6 in. . . 300 00 . • 7 50 . . 11 xl7 in. . . 12 xl8 in. . 350 00 . 9 00 . • • $375 00 Half " t ' ' . . 13 xl9 in. . .14 x20 in.. 400 CX5 . . 10 GO . . . 425 00 " Super Eoyalf. . . 143^x22 in. . . 153^x23 in. . . 500 00 . 15 50 Three Chases, two Wrenches, Roller Mould, Hand Roller, and two sets of Roller- Stocks included. Steam Fixtures and Brake (boxed), $16.00. Overhead Steam Fixtures, $17.25* and $24.00!. Ink Fountain, if ordered with Press, $25.00. Boxing Embossing Press, $11.00 and $12.00. Skeleton Chases, each $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. Ramage Press. Platen, 1214x11 inches; Bed, 15x19 inches. 6 $100 00 62 Iron Frame, Bed 10x37 inches, with Hand Roller, complete $30 oo Without Frame and Cupboard 2200 IronFrame, Bed 16x31, with Hand Roller, complete. ........ . . .* .* 4200 Without Frame and Cupboard 30 00 Both sizes are planed the entire length of Bed. 24 Point, 36 Point. Angular Quads. The repeated demand made for these quads has led us to produce them. They are of ordinary space and quad height. All sizes complete $1 50 12 Point, set of four 20 18 Point, " ' ' 20 24 Point, " *' 20 36 Point, set of four $0 25 48 Point, " " 30 60 Point, " " 35 72 Point, " 40 afliO'^S^Mki^, ^mWm & Jordan )l/Kl/d^, Circular Quads. For forming curved lines, per font of 8 sets .... ■ $3 50 Corner Quads. Corner Quads insure abetter junction of mitered corners, by preventing them from slipping pa§t each other. The 7-em size will lap by the joint between mitered corner and next piece of rule. 2 Point Brass, 3-em, per set of four, 15 cts. 1 6 Point Metal, 3-em, per set of four, 20 cts. 2 " 7 " " " 20 cts. I 12 " " 5 " " " 20 cts. Circles. r 6x6 7x7 L 9x9 10x10 11x11 12x12 13x13 14x141 15x15 16x16 i Pica ems out- side. Hollow Quads. Font of 78 pieces (quad high) $10 00 The Mortises are graduated to suit our Brass Circles and Ovals. Can be had singly if desired, at from 10 cts. to 30 cts. each. 64 Peerless Steel Quoins. 3-inch size, per dozen pairs .... $2 50 I Plain Steel Key 50 cts. 4 " " *' " .... 3 00 I Nickeled Steel Key 75 cts. 4-inch, 1 handle 10 12 14 Hand Roller Frame, with Stocks. 65. 1 65. 2 00 . 2 00 . 2 60 . 2 60 . CASTING EACH STOCK. B 40 60 80 I 00 I 25 I 50 16-inch, 2 handles 18 20 22 24 $3 00 . 3 40 . 3 80 . 4 00 . 4 20 . Prices include two Stocks. CASTING EACH STOCK. ii 75 2 00 2 25 2 25 2 50 These are for use on bed and platen Presses, and are made of cast iron. They take up about % inch of space at each end of chase, the bearing surface overlapping the chase. They soon save their cost in rollers, besides avoiding the over-inking of the edges of forms, and they will effect that sharpness so essential to fine work. In ordering be particular to give inside measurement of chase. 7x11 inches, Cast Iron, 8x12 " 10x15 " 11x17 " 13x19 40 cents per pair Cast Steel 45 " " 50 " " 60 " " 75 " " % 80 per pair. 90 " I 00 " I 20 " I 50 " Bendernagle's per lb., 30 @ 40 cts. Bingham's " Standard" " 35 cts. " " Durable" 50 cts. Francis & Loutrel's , " 60 cts. Godfrey's " 30 @ 45 cts. Van Bibber's " Regular" " 30 cts. " "Pressmen's" " 40 cts. Glue, extra quality " 30 @ 40 cts. The common Kettle is made with a lip, and pours from the top of the composition, which is wrong. To get solid composition, free from bubbles or scum, it must be poured from the bottom. In the Van Bibber Kettle this is done in a simple and effective manner. Inside Kettle is made of heavy tin and outside of galvanized iron. 25 lbs. Kettle, complete $ 7 50 50 " " " II 50 Also built to order to work by steam. Iron, any length, including bung and centre piece with each mould, To 33^ inches inclusive, inside diameter, per running inch 4 " " " " " "5 " " " " " " "6 " " " " " " " - - - " - - Small Brass Moulds for Job Presses at manufacturers' prices. Furnished to order to match any Job or Cylinder Press. The exact dimensions should be sent, or one already in use, to insure accuracy. 66 " Hickok" Pen " Underlift" device, to lift single pens, or clusters of pens, automati- cally, in addition to striker on "0-A" Machines. $75.cx). ''Hickok" New "Sheet- Lapper" for rapidly forming single headings, as in blank- book work, by lapping the sheets before they pass under the pens, thus leaving the de- sired size of blank heading. $75.00. ''The Hickok" Pennsylvania Ruling Machine. The "1-A" styles are for "Faint" or Blue-Cross Ruling, as on letter paper, etc., by hand or steam power ; also for ruling down lines in colors, as on bill-heads, journals, ledgers, etc., the pens in the clamp being simultaneously raised or lowered by the right hand, while the left hand propels the machine — called "striking" — where the pens are lowered and begin to rule from specified or given cross lines, and are again raised at given places and cease to rule, while ruling patterns like bill-heads, etc. The "0-A" styles do all that the "1-A" machines will, and, in addition, have patent automatic "striker-beams with clamps," which hold the pens and do the "striking" above described, by steam power, automatically, instead of by hand as in the "1-A" machines. "The Hickok"— Style "1-A." Each complete machine, unless otherwise ordered, is made of first thoroughly seasoned and then kiln-dried timber, arranged to deliver the paper (new style) at rear of machine; has improved cloth-guide; four long and two short clamps; patent beam ; patent beam standards ; pen rest ; ink box with drawers ; and such other parts as are indicated below. Machines arranged to deliver paper (after ruling) at the feet of the feeder, $25.cx> each, less. Machine 36 inches wide weighs about 1000 lbs. boxed. "1-A" Pennsylvania Ruling Ma- chines, with 1-A Standards, without Steam Attachments. 36 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 32 inches. 42 inches be- tween rails. Cloth Avidth, 36 inches. 44 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 38 inches. 48 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 42 inches. 54 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 48 inches. LATEST PATENT "1-A" ANGLE STANDARDS No. 1.— 1-A, "New Style," with Improved Receiving Box. No. 3.— 1-A, "New Style," with No. 1 Lay-boy No. 5.— 1-A, "New Style," with No. 1% Lay-boy $235 00 252 00 260 00 $275 00 297 00 305 00 $285 00 307 00 315 00 $305 00 327 00 335 00 $335 00 357 00 365 00 "The Hickok"— Style "0-A." "0-A" Pennsylvania Automatic Striker Ruling Machines, with 0-A Standards. Each equipped with Steam Fix- tures on Machine. 38 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 32 inches. 42 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 36 inches. 44 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 38 inches. 48 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 42 inches. 54 inches be- tween rails. Cloth width, 48 inches. LATEST PATENT "0-A" ANGT-E STANDARDS Style 1.— 0-A Automatic ' ' Single Beam" Striker: With Receiving Box .... *' No. 1 Lay-bov " No. 1% Lay-boy . . . " No. 2 Lay-boy .... $410 00 427 00 435 00 450 00 $450 00 472 00 480 00 495 00 $460 00 482 00 490 CX3 505 00 $480 00 502 00 510 00 525 00 $510 00 540 00 555 00 Style 3.— "Duplex" 0-A Auto- matic Striker (has two 0-A Striker Beams) : With Receiving Box .... " No. 1 Lay-boy .... " No. 13^ Lay-boy . . . " No. 2 Lay-boy .... WITH DOUBLE BEARING SCREW BOX $485 00 502 00 510 00 525 00 $525 00 547 00 555 00 570 00 $535 00 557 00 565 00 580 00 $555 00 577 00 . 585 00 600 00 $585 00 607 00 615 00 630 00 Guide-board will be placed on left side unless specially ordered on right side. The "Lay-Boy" takes the place of a boy to lay or straighten the paper after it is ruled. The Receiving Box is a simple yet good device to receive the paper when ruled. Our " 1-A" standards are most excellent, and recommended by many for the " 0-A" Machines, for all general work. The prices of the "0-A" Machines quoted above may be reduced $20.00 by using these standards instead of the "0-A" style. Large Double Ruling Machines are made, at various prices, for ruling in very large quantities. These machines are patented. Machines 38 inches wide weigh about 1200 lbs. when boxed. For Wood Miter Box $1 50 " Iron " " 2 00 8-inch, Hard- Wood Handle 50 cts. 68 J§<3ww>i (Prim SaU. For Cutting Rule $i 50 Polished Steel $1 25 Iron.— Japanned . . . socts. | Nickle-Plated .... 75 cts. | Wrought Iron . . . $i 50 Brass.— Plain $1 cx) | Iron Cap $1 25 Wood Shooting-Stick 05 With Springs •. 40 @ 60 cts. Witliout " 40 cts. Type Metal, for setting composing sticks to any measure $1 50 Here Wire Stitching Machine. This machine is compactly built, occupying a floor space of 18 inches square, is 42 inches high, and weighs about 250 pounds. There is one point for which superiority is claimed, that is, by the staple being made in the same tube wherein the hammer is operated, and by the movement of the hammer, being direct in driving the staple, all pieces of wire are carried along and thrown out, thereby making it impossible to clog the machine. The Herr Wire Stitching Machine forms, drives and clinches from a continuous round or flat wire, taken from a spool, and will stitch a pamphlet from one sheet to one-half inch in thickness, through back or saddle. To all parts that are liable to become worn particular attention has been given to have them small and easily got at, so that in case of wear they can be removed without loosening or throwing the machine out of adjustment. Complete machine $325 00 70 ^Qwmxi (Prim SMyt, REGULAR. WITH RULE BORDER. 4to. 4 Blocks, Plate, 9 xl2 Inches $io oo $20 00 8vo. 8 '* " 5x8 " 14 00 28 00 12mo. 12 " " 43^x 6% " 16 cx) 32 00 18mo. 18 " " 3%x 5% " 1800 3600 24mo. 24 " " 3 x 43^ " 24 00 48 cxd 32nio. 32 " " 25^x 4 " 28 00 56 00 48ino. 48 " 2i^x 3% " 42 00 84 00 With Brass Head Piece, each, extra 30 . . . End Hook 75 Stereotype Hooks 30 Ratchets • i 00 Pinions 30 @ 35 Binders' Liquid Cement. Being a liquid, this Cement is always ready, and can be applied cold as easily as paste. It is much stronger than glue, will not break or crack easily, liTTlTTTPmmU when dry leaves a nice glossy finish. It can ' ■ be used on paper, wood or metal. Being made in colors, it is not necessary to use colored paper for a finish. Red or Blue— Pints $ 60 Quarts i 00 Gallons 3 80 Colorless— Pints $ 55 Quarts 90 MTOIjfM^^ Gallons 3 40 One quart will bind over 150,000 sheets, note size. Binders' Elastic Tablet Compo. This is for making a flexible or elastic binding, and can be used like the Liquid Cement, without paper for finishing the edges, in making pads, "tablets, or blocks of paper. It can be melted in an ordinary glue-pot ; apply it to the paper while hot. Red or Blue, per lb 40 cts. Colorless, " 30 cts. One pound of Composition will bind 50,000 sheets, note size. Tablet Press. The object of this machine is to make blocking or tableting easy and rapid. The Press consists of a bed of two boards held at right angles in an iron frame, and a reversible hinged clamping-frame, having a fixed clamp at one end and a movable screw-clamp at the other. This clamping-frame is thrown over the bed, and the paper is put in cornerwise and clamped securely, the bottom edges (resting on the bed boards) being smooth and even. The hinged fraine is then lifted over, bringing the under and smooth sides uppermost, so that the whole block can be quickly and easily cemented. No. 1, holds 2000 sheets,upto 6xl2in. $7 50 No. 2, holds 5000 sheets, up to 8 xl6 in. 14 00 Tablet Knives, made extra thin, for separating the tablets after they are removed from the Press . o 50 Tablet Brush, 1 inch . . - $0 30 Tablet Brush, 2 inch o 55 Binders' Elastic Tablet Composi- tion, Red, Blue, or Green, per pound o 40 CoTT's Improved Tablet Holder and Clamp. For straightening up and holding paper while being glued for tablets. It will hold any quantity up to three thousand sheets of paper. Tablet Holder and Clamp, including four Press Boards $3 25 Extra Clamp and set of four Press Boards i 60 Extra Clamp, without Boards - 125 ^wmvX (Prim SM. Take Slug. Word Slugs 25 cts. | Lettered or Figured 20 cts. 32 Reversible Brass Take Slug. These Take Slugs have the numbers on top and bottom. Being made of brass they will outwear the ordinary slugs many times. Cut to any measure 25 cts. This is the best linen Tape in the market. It is very firm, has smooth edges, and is unstretchable. Roll of 36 yards, ] \ inch wide , $1 25 • I 65 Roll of 36 yards, 1 inch wide $2 15 2 50 Including one box of Eyelets $1 00 ri-rrr TTT 019 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c y ■/ rr 19 'Jli o/p n LI 1 1 1 1 rnn-rn ok / 1 1 1 1 1 ols 1 i } 1 1 1 i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilo f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/0 11/11 III! 1 1 nOVRG n 1 1 1 1 1 4/0 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 5jO 1 1 1 1 LI 1. 1 GlO 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 I This Type Measure is superior to any heretofore made, and is guaranteed to be accurate to the standard of our type. The sides of the triangle are grooved so that it is easily handled. It will measure any size from Diamond to Pica. Made for both the Standard and Point Systems. 9 inch, Boxwood $1 50 | 18 inch. Boxwood $3 00 Backus Water Motor. In ordering state the nature of work required to be done, or the kind of machinery to be driven, also the water pressure, and full particulars will be furnished as to the size motor required and the pipes necessary. 12-inch Motor complete with Stand $40 00 17 17 22 22 30 30 45 with Pulley and Oilers (double) " " (single) " (double) " " (single) " (double) " ". . $65 00 ; with Governor . . 85 cx) . 100 00 ; " , . 120 00 85 00 ; " " . . no 00 . 125 00 ; " " . . 150 00 . 140 00 ; " " . . 165 00 . 200 00 ; " " . . 235 05 . 300 00 ; " " . . 325 00 Fly Wheel for 45-inch Motor 20 00 Self-Oilers, Pulley and Couplings complete included for each size. POWER GIVEN BY THE BACKUS MOTOR. PRESSURE FROM 20 TO 75 LBS. AT MOTOR. 12-in. Motor .... ^ to 3^ horse power PRESSURE FROM 75 TO 150 LBS. AT MOTOR. 12-in. Motor .... >^ to 13>^ horse power 17 * " .... )^toli^ - 17 ' " .... 13^ to 2 17 ' Double Motor 1 tol}4 " 17 ' ' Double Motor 2 to 3 22 ' * Motor .... 13^ to 2>/ " 22 ' ' Motor .... 3 to 43^ 22 ' ' Double Motor 23^ to 3>^ " 22 ' Double Motor 4i^to6 30 ' ' Single Motor 3>^to4 30 * Single Motor 6 to 8 30 ' ' Double Motor 4 to 6 " " 30 ' Double Motor 8 to 12 45 ' 6 to 10 " 45 ' " 12 to 15 Furnished to order from any standard maker. Made any number of lines Pica in any size font from 3A 3a up as large as wanted. Specimen Books and prices will be supplied upon application. 7 74 TYPE AND NECESSARY TOOLS. FOR A SMALL SIZE j FOR A MEDIUM SIZE | FOR A COMPLETE i JOB OFFICE. JOB OFFICE. JOB OFFICE. 43^ Point Roman . 5 " and Italic . 10 " " *' " 12 " " " " 18 " " " " 22 " " " " 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point Ronaldsoii Old Style 24 Point Poster Antique Display Type, Script, etc Spaces and Quads for Job Fonts .... Combination Borders " Ornaments Mortised " Card " Standard Metal Furniture Labor-Sav. Quotation Furniture " " Wood in case . " * ' Nonp. and Pica Reglet, in case ** Brass Leaders " " Steel Perforating Rule . . . . 2 Point Labor-Saving Brass Rule, No. 304 4 " " " " " 336 6 " " " " " " 363 " 417 Slugs 2 " " " Leads 2 " full-length " 1 " " " (Brass) . . . Cherry Reglet, Furniture and Side Sticks Brass Curvatures " Braces, Dashes, Circles and Ovals . Hollow Quads for " " . Corner " 2 Point Brass, 7 ems long . Angular " Electrotype Cuts, Index Corners, etc. . . Standard Job Composing Stick, 2x6 inch u 21^x10 ic 21^x12 " Boston " 234x18 " Walnut, Brass- Lined 3 x24 " Pocket Comp. Rule Case, with 12 Rules , Hartford " Stick Rack Brass- Lined Single-Column Galley . . . " " Double " . . . " ' ' Job Galley, 9x13 and 14 x 20 . Common Wood Galley, 7x16 Improved Galley Rests Upright " Rack Eureka Galley Cabinet, No. 1 Galley End Lock Saw, Wood Miter Box, Type Measure . . Peerless Benzine Can, Benzine Brush . . Lye-Brush and Box of Lye Roller Bearers, Roller Brackets Spring Bodkin, Annex Type Box .... Bellows, Shooting Stick, Planer Lig.-vitse Mallet, 6-inch Imp'd Ink Knife Spring-Tongue Gauge Pins Extension Feed Guides Radiating Sheet Supporters Little Giant Auxiliary Grippers 1 font. $ 7 50 1 font, 3 ) 9 00 1 " 9 00 30 lbs., $ig 20 30 lbs., 19 20 55 lbs.. 35 20 30 " 15 60 55 " 28 60 110 " 57 20 55 " 25 30 110 " 50 60 210 " 96 60 30 " 12 60 55 " 23 10 110 46 20 30 " 12 00 30 " 12 00 30 " 12 00 30 12 00 145 " 72 70 250 " [21 50 485 235 20 25 " 12 50 25 12 50 240 00 440 00 625 00 25 00 50 00 75 00 1 font. 6 00 2 fonts, 21 00 3 fonts, 36 00 1 3 50 1 " 4 50 2 " 8 00 1 " 2 75 1 2 75 1 " 2 75 1 6 25 1 6 25 2 10 25 25 lbs.. 6 25 50 lbs.. 12 50 100 lbs. 25 00 20 " 5 00 40 10 00 80 " 20 00 ^ case, 5 00 1 case, 10 00 Dbl.case,i6 00 v.. " 8 00 2 lbs., 3 00 5 lbs.. 7 50 i 10 lbs., 15 00 1 font, 3 00 1 font. 3 00 % font. 5 90 1 " II 25 1 " II 25 4 30 8 35 1 15 40 i 3 50 1^ 6 75 1 " 12 20 3 05 5 45 1 " 5 45 25 lbs.. 6 25 25 lbs.. 6 25 50 lbs.. 12 50 25 " 6 25 50 " 12 50 25 " 6 25 50 " 12 50 75 18 75 10 " I 60 10 " I 60 10 I 60 1 I 00 1 I 00 1 I 00 30 yards, i 50 50 vards, 2 50 60 vards, 3 00 1 font. 10 00 2 50 4 50 8 GO 75 I 60 3 00 3 sets. 60 10 sets, 2 00 15 sets. 3 00 2 00 1 font. I 50 3 00 1 font. I 50 5 00 1 I 75 2 3 50 3 5 25 1 2 35 2 4 70 3 7 05 1 2 60 1 2 60 2 5 20 1 2 10 1 2 10 1 1 I 40 1 I 40 I 50 1 I 50 1 I 50 1 I 50 1 I 50 1 I 50 2 4 00 t 8 00 6 12 00 2 5 00 12 50 j 8 •20 00 1 each, 6 50 I each, 6 50 2 each. 13 00 2 I 00 3 I 50 4 2 00 2 pair. 2 00 4 pair. 4 00 5 pair. 5 00 1 5 00 1 5 00 1 15 00 }4 dozen, i 00 1 dozen, 2 00 V/o doz., 3 00 1 each. 3 40 1 each. 3 40 1 each, 3 40 1 " I 15 1 " I 15 1 I 15 1 " I 20 1 " I 20 1 I 20 lpairea.,1 00 2pair ea., i 95 3 pair ea., 3 20 3 each, I 95 4 each, 2 60 5 each, 3 25 1 " 2 25 1 2 25 1 " 2 25 1 " I 40 1 " I 40 1 I 40 1 dozen, I 20 2 dozen. 2 40 1 set, I 00 1 set, 3 I 00 10 10 1 pair. I 00 1 pair. I CO 1 pair, I 00 lYrt AINU 1 UULo UONTINUED. FOR A SMALL SIZE JOB OFFICE. FORA MEDIUM SIZE JOB OFFICE. FOR A COMPLETE JOB OFFICE. 100 75 200 50 300 25 Hempel, or Peerless Quoins, No. 1 . . . . " " Key, No. 1 , 5 00 10 > 15 1 50 2 00 2 00 Wood Rule 60 10 yard " Type " " Case (Regular) 14 4 fonts, 35 ?^ a fonts 55 00 2 12 20 4 4 40 5 g 60 Job " 9 pair, 14 40 24 00 21 pair, 33 60 g 7 20 10 9 10 9 Paterson " " (Strong Slat) . . ] 00 9 00 Labor-Saving Rule Cases " " Lead 4 4 60 4 4 60 4 4 60 1 I 3 3 00 Slug " 00 1 00 " " Quotation Furniture Case . 1 I 50 1 50 2 3 00 Standard Metal " " . 25 I 25 1 25 Border Case, Lamp Holder 2 00 9 p fl p It 4 4 Double Stand, with Racks 3 ^ ' 13 50 50 27 00 Standing Galley (size of Double Stand) . 1 12 00 1 imp'd > ^5 00 20-Case Cabinet, Full Size, Galley Top . . 2 70 GO 3 114 00 3 * 114 00 4 70 00 Eureka Combination Cabinet, No. 1 . . . 22 GO 1 4 22 ^5 00 4 15 00 " Ink Cabinet, with Stone .... \ 18 4 18 Black and Colored Ink 5 00 ^5 00 Drying Rack, Rule and Lead Cutter . . 1 each, 22 CO 1 each. 22 00 1 each, 28 00 Upright Mitering Machine 1 14 00 1 14 00 Little Giant Rule Shaper (Patent Gauge) 1 40 00 Elm City Card Cutter 1 10 00 1 10 1 10 00 T^Trir^f* T-^rocG AX7"ifVi TTcm/l T?<^llriT» r*rvmTr\\fjii'Ck ± XKJyJi. i icoo, Willi xxdilU. XvUiltrl OOllipilj Lt! 1 30 00 1 30 00 Imposing Stone and Frame, 2-in. Marble 22x40, 25 GO 32x50, 45 00 Cabinet ,90 00 7 X 11 Uniyersal Job Press 1 200 00 1 200 00 10x15 " " 1 275 00 1 275 00 1 275 00 13x19 " " " 1 375 00 Steam Fixtures 2 sets. 30 00 3 sets, 45 00 Ink Fountain 2 50 00 3 75 00 Boxing Presses " Type and Tools 7 CO 13 00 13 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 Paragon Paper Cutter 25 inch no 00 25 inch, no 00 30 inch. 175 00 Baxter Portable Steam Engine and Boiler 2 H. P., 325 00 4 H. P., 450 GO $1175 00 $2450 00 $3875 00 Seepage 52— Cottrell Pony Cylinder Press. Bed, 18x22; Matter, 15x19 ... $1250 00 " 55— Cranston " " " " 18x25; " 13x21 . . . 135000 * ' 49— Sedgwick Paper Jogger, for Cylinder Presses 18 00 43— Wetter Consecutiye Numbering Machine 25 00 " 69— Herr Wire Stitching Machine 325 00 " 44— Hickok Paging and Numbering Machine 195 00 " 24— Elm City Counting Machine 8 00 " 23 — Hickok Corner Cutter 60 00 " 50— Black & Clawson Perforating Machine 100 00 " ' 24 — Curying Machine, with Square Dies 1350 " 26— Eyeleting and Punching Machine 20 50 " 6 — Elm City Bronzing Pad 2 50 27— Engrayer's Tools 2 50 " 71— Tablet Press 750 2 2 CO CO lO « lO O >iOiOOOiOCO lOiOO ^ ■i7-lt^CNlCOrHCOTt(THCO.-llOiHrH OOOOOMOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQQOOmiO Tj-dvD o H Moooo -"i-M ■^o.vo ■^c^r^t^iooooovo o o •^oo o « m M lovo O CO »0 O oo ^ (X) > o o ■{ r-i T-i H !M CO (M ^ 1-1 CO )Oioii:)too(N o< 2 CM .8.8 o» CT» »n »■ O M « OOOOOOOQQOO ■e» o^t^vooo c^vo o O ^00 MCT»C*COM-«1- OCOlO o o ,-1 CD lO vo c< (D .rH .1 1: 2 - o o ^ ^ CD CO O r-i -^iO"«i-coM COM « « uocno =3 5« ^ 03 ci o ^ ^ ^ i-l8 M M M S pai] c5 o o o o o 8 8 «o tQ8 a8 en o O M CO O N M d M ?>888R§88?55)S>CT>888 NMtVMMC^MMCOOcO ho OS i-H 5s ^ oo C O M o 00 o CO CO d ^T^^,-^T^^THO500THTHTt^T CO T-l T moo IiHtHCOCIP^Ht-ItHCOi-It 8Q O Q O «0 O 00 O lO M M lo CO o -^r d M c» o lO o o o M C 8 8 00 o c^ m CO OO VO VO I 8 8 8 8 ?)c cove O « S*. 5; ^ 1-1 Ttl T HCOi-ICOTHCOT-ICO^rHTHCOi-lT c«wco«cy»«niooMOci § ,^ o ^T-lco(^^^T-lT-lcoTHTH > Q o o lo o o o oo w l> O 00 CO 5^ ^ 1 ^ J§ HCOt-IOCOi-It-ICOtHtHt-IC^Ii C3 „ (MO N O - o Ci ^ O o5 >»^=S O og^ a; p - -■25 ! o S ^ r^ 02 ^ 3 O O HH -4^ 0 Q. O O 5 Hh c^pq O o g^if^ ^ o 3 ^ ^ a O ' p »2 ni ^ t> O ^ pin O o 2. . ^ O 5 g ft o 15- o o w r3 o ^ o o - r3 , o „ > ft o W W PL, . }-i CO ' S o ^ CO c3 O o ^ g § ?i c! s-i O ■ H M H bo H ^ S ^ g M g :i o o o J5 pq M « « « o o o o o lo CO 00 M 03- he eg O 1 M M m CO o 8 S 8<» rjSirtvo ^8 8 8 S>8 e?^^ « N o co-^M m-^vo cooo H o cocoM 3 H O UJ 9 3: CO T-l ?0 lO - CO ^ CO 05 T— I lO CD ^ O lOt^-^-^O o o o J O '^VO COVD lO c< ( o o o o o c^r^w COM focoiONt^* ? o o i: '' H rH CO O H CO CO CO C lO ^ -r-l'^iOOOiOi iiOCOCaCvli— (GOi— iCOTfiT'- OOOWDWOOO O^OO Q O O O NvOO-iMOOvDCOOOOvDTrci RRftcg 8cg 8 ai-cg o o ^ CD rH lO (M CO (M OS Tti (M iM T 8 vo 8 )OOOOOOOOOOOQ Z CM in -co I— I ' 5' go o o ^ £^ <^ CD r-l O - r-l - ^ , r-i o p. o o 'd i OOCOOOCOCDCOC^CQiOiO(MC; ^ ^ .^5 p. 5 m 8 8 S>«o" t^8t^S5?j8(»8888t^8 » o o o M CO O CO o c ^ E-l ce «2 ^ 5 M 03 o o T-i 00 CO CC Tj< lO T CO o O O) • (M ^ ^ O cj g S)S>o^^8 8 o o> «ovD tN. m CO ► COWC888888vot^8?>88S)8S8S9)9>?>o^888 < VO 00 CO ^ M VO M (U 5i "3 0) ^■^ '^.^•^ co^/ f-( c3 _ O o5 " SSQQf^QSSOQQOOQOOiOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQQQ 000C0000»O00v0«00vOt^0v0000«CS0W'OiOiOCT>000 I rj-e«vo lOcocOM CO M CO e» t^t^o o M o M Mooo co-^Mvo M M p« M M coo CO COMCO MMMMCOMMMMCO lO M M 1 ^ Oei u c3 (N OO 8 8 % «£> M 0\ CO CO o vvi 05 H no; 3 ^ O o3 J g 13 -N ft S o !ft^ OS ^ : ^ 2 ft • • o ft be 0) 0) ^ £ ^ o "fee ^ ft o C3 "2 a '55 P^ O 75 ft ft ^ 1^ bx) ^ O PLH W ^ ft c3 ^ O Q O ^' W ^ o o 03 pq g S d ^ bo's G =3 O ft CD M g !>> O ft ft m 2 ^ o C3 n M ^ CO ^ G ft (i; +j rrt . . ^ g ^ ^ °^ o ° M O M rj W ^.^^ ^'g g 03 ft a> C3 -rH 02 3 s ^ s ^ Eh bx) So 150 ib Diamond Music, No. 3 $480 00 200 ft) Agate Music, No. 3 480 00 200 ft) Nonpareil Music, No. 3 400 00 100 ft) 10 Point Tonic Sol Fa Music 82 00 55 ft) 6 Point Roman and Italic 35 20 110 ft) 9 " 52 80 110 ft) 10 " 50 60 15 Fonts of Display Type, with Spaces and Quads say 75 00 8 Sets Music Cases @ :$5 40 00 5 Pairs News Cases (our XX strong) @ $1.60 8 00 4 Double Stands with Racks @ $4.50 18 cx) 1 Cabinet, containing 20 Cases 38 00 4 Twelve-inch Composing Sticks 4 60 2 Eight-inch Composing Sticks i 60 6 Brass Bottom and Lined Job Galleys, 10x16, @ $3.00 18 00 6 Common Galleys, Brass Lined, 10x16, @ $2.00 12 00 1 Imposing Stone and Frame, No. 12 30 cx) 20 Chases, 10x14 inside, @ $1.45 29 00 50 ft) Standard Metal Furniture 12 50 6 Dozen Hempel's Steel Quoins @ $2.50 15 00 2 Keys for Hempel's Steel Quoins i 00 2 each, Mallets, $1.00— Planers, $1.00— Iron Shooting Sticks, $1.00 3 00 1 Proof Press, 16x33 inches 6000 50 Yards Cherry Furniture, Reglet and Side Sticks 2 50 100 ft) Nonpareil and Pica Slugs, uncut 16 00 Total $1964 80 For Five, Six, Seven, Eight or Nine- Column Folio Newspaper, and Four, Five or Six- Column Quarto Newspaper: Cottrell Air-Spring Country Press. Bed, 33x47 (see page 54) $1150 00 Cranston Regular " " 33x48 ( " 55) 1200 00 For Seven-Column Quarto Newspaper : Cottrell Air-Spring, Extra Heavy, Two-Roller Press. Bed, 40x54 (page 52) . . $^000 00 Cranston Two-Revolution ** " '* 42x60 ( " 55). . 45CX) 00 For Eight- Column Quarto Netvspaper : Cottrell Two-Revolution Two-Roller Press. Bed, 42x60 (see page 53) . . . $5300 cx) Where a small-sized newspaper and extra fine book or cut work is to be printed on same Press, it will be well to select a smaller size Press of a higher grade than the Regular Country, for which see pages 52 and 55. For all sizes of Washington Hand Presses see page 51. ^ O 2 03 O .« CB 03 CC r-« ft ?3 ^ M 2 1^ 22 KlOOfSH.^ ^ Csi S oc CO CO T-i ;,^jH^go-^g5^ 03 Tt<<^<^OD J? C3 CI 2 l-H C ft^^T^OrH^CX) (M CO ^ X X x^,„ H c3 ' ^ ,— I ^ C5|»r- PiGO r rii222 03 T-H rH I— I fV) ^ CO O QJ ^ b a; 0) CD g ^ ^ P P CO c3 ' .2 .a 5 o I— I 02 c:;i CO 73 P ^ (-1 P 'r! o3 S 53 ^ rP o o §■ M c3 P N ^ ^ 0)0)0 rP P 0> 03 03 ^0 ft 03 O Cp _N ^3 ^ ^ ^ Pi H ^ 2 P (D O rP 5 <4-i O Sop § g g 82 ^Qwmxi 28A 26 22| 19^ m 15f 385- 44| 51^ 57f 64iV 4^5- 8| 26 29 3?^ 41 47 54 132 124 110 99 90 82 170 160 142 128 116 107 190 178 158 142 129 119 209 196 174 157 142 131 221 207 184 166 151 138 266 250 222 200 182 167 6 oz. 7 oz. 8i oz. 10 oz. 11^ oz. 13 oz. 8i oz. 9§ oz. 11 oz. 12i oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. 20 Ems Pica. 22 Ems Pica. USEFUL TABLE FOR BOOK WORK, H H H H H H H z z Z Z z z z Z In Four Standard Measures. 0 Q- 0 Q- 0 CL 0 Q. 0 CL 0 CL 0 CL 0 CL 0 Q. 0 CL a... 325 Two-line Pica ^^12 A, 18 a... 3 45 Five-line Nonpareil...*5^, i^a... 370 Three-line Pica ^•6A,10a... 420 Four-line Pica *.5J., 8a... 525 Five-line Pica *UA, 7 a... 625 Six-line Pica 6a... 855 Bijou. Pica *12A,32a... 4 55 32 a... 2 75 Three-line Nonpar'l 20 a... 5 35 20 a... 3 15 Two-line Pica ^6A, Ua... 5 75 lAa... 3 40 Bizarre. 12 Pica *l/fA,20a...$2 7o 18 ! Three-line Nonpar'l..*iO^,iAa... 3 10 24 i Two-line Pica *7A,10a... 3 25 36 Three-line Pica HA, 6a... 4 15 Black. Nonpareil *2AA, 70 a... 2 45 8 I Brevier, No. 2 2UA,70a... 270 8 : No. 3 *2/,A,70a... 3 20 10 LongPrimer, No. 3...*^^?^,-5^a... 315 10 No. 4 20A,52a... 3 10 12 Pica, No. 3 *12A, 32 a... 2 40 12 No. 4 12 A, 32 a... 2 65 14 English, N0.2 10A,28a... 2 So 18 Great Primer, No. S....*8A,20a... 2 70 18 No. 4 8A,20a... 300 22 Two-line Small Pica..*^,^5a. 28 a. Pica *8A,20a. 20 a. Three-line Nonpar'l 1^ a. Ua. Two-line Pica *5A, 10 a. 10a. Clarendon. Pearl ''SGAJOa.. Nonpareil '^36 A, 70 a.. Minion '^36A, 70 a.. Brevier ^36 A, 70 a.. Bourgeois "^36 A, 70 a.. Long Primer *36A, 70 a.. Small Pica *36A,70a.. Pica '^22A,32a.. English "^22 A, 32 a.. Paragon '^18A,28a.. Two-line Small Vies,* Ih A, 20 a.. Two-line English ^10A,lUa.. Double Paragon *7A,10a.. Five-line Pica 6 a.. Cloister. Brevier *30A.. Long Primer *25A.. Pica *18A.. Great Primer *12A.. Two-line Small Pica *10A.. Two-line English *7A.. Two-line Great Primer *5A .. Double Paragon *5A.. Cloister Shaded. Brevier *30A.. Long Primer *25A.. Pica *18A.. Great Primer *12A.. Two-line Small Pica '^10 A... Two-line English *7A.., Two-line Great Primer *5J..., Double Paragon *5A... Columbian. Two-line Pica *8A,28a... Five-line Nonpareil....*^^, 16a... Seven-line Nonpareil. 10 a... Four-line Pica *UA,6a... Five-line Pica *3A,5a... .$1 15 . I 20 . I 50 . 2 20 . 250 . 3 80 . 2 10 . I 10 • 235 . I 30 • 2 55 . I 40 . 3 20 . 165 . 4 00 . I 90 • 3 50 • 295 . 3 10 . 3 60 • 3 50 . 4 60 • 4 75 • 390 • 4 15 • 5 15 . 5 10 . 6 00 . 8 10 ,15 10 , 2 60 285 . 3 00 3 15 3 95 4 35 4 75 5 45 2 80 3 10 3 20 330 4 00 4 45 4 75 6 10 440 510 6 00 6 70 7 95 Columbus. Three-line Nonpareil ^1[)A.. Two-line Pica Three-line Pica Four-line Pica Five-line Pica Columbus Initials. $3 45 • 390 • 4 35 . 5 60 . 7 80 Four-line Pica.. 2 QO 12 3 00 14 4 CX) 24 40 Combination Borders. PER FONT. , SERIES. PER FONT. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 19 $15 10 23 II 45 23 small 7 40 26 14 65 26 small 7 40 29 4 70 30 4 85 31 4 85 32 7 75 33 II 65 34 and 35 21 75 69.. •• 930 ..II 00 .. 4 30 .. 500 ..11 70 7 75 ..21 60 44 small II 50 5 15 . 3 60 . 3 60 • 5 75 • 5 60 ..585 .14 50 •15 25 • 750 . 855 .. 9 00 • 5 55 5 65 14 75 10 80 3 85 4 00 10 80 3 60 II (X) 7 00 II 10 70 colors 14 40 70 71.... 72.... 73.... 74.... 75.... 76... 77.... 78.... 79.... 81.. 82.. 83.. 84.. 85.. 86.. I 87.. plain II 00 16 50 10 00 7 55 13 00 8 75 5 10 5 10 4 50 5 10 complete 18 00 black 10 lo 7 00 5 75 3 60 3 00 2 65 10 00 5 00 Combination Borders. POINT SYSTEM. 88(4sections)i5 00 94 10 00 L.each sec. 4 00 89 5 75 90 6 75 91(3sections)i7 00 91.1st section 4 00 91.2d " 6 75 91.3d " 7 00 92(3sections)i6 00 92.1st section 6 00 92.2d " 6 00 92.3d " 6 00 93 9 50 95 7 00 96(3 sections) 15 00 96.1st section 5 50 96.2d 425 96.3d " 7 00 97 6 00 98.1st section 6 00 98.2d " 400 98.3d " 500 99 700 100.1st sect'n 4 50 100.2d 6 50 SERIES. 5 Combination Ornaments. PER FONT. I SERIES. PER PONT. 9 $10 00 10 350 11 4 50 10 12 12 14 16 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 28 28 36 36 36 40 48 1 30 1 50 185 2 50 3 10 350 3 80 3 95 2 70 $5 50 3 75 450 645 Composite. Pica 4 05 ! English '^12A,S2a... 560 j Two-line Pica *5^,S0a... 7 85 Double Paragon *5i4. 10 a... 9 45 Concave. Nonpareil -^^OA. \ Long Primer ^■'Z^A. Pica -^18 A.. Great Primer I Two-line Small Pica n2A.. ! Two-line Pica ^^lOA. I Two-line English -^8 A.. Two-line Great Primer '^•GA... Condensed. Long Primer -^SGA, 70 a. Pica "^'25 A, 52 a... 3 40 Two-line Nonpar'l, No. 2..^36A... 2 30 English *18A,32a... 275 Two-line Brevier, No. 2... 190 Great Primer, No. 2 *S6A... 2 40 No. 3 *lUA,38a... 330 4 *lUA,28a... 330 5 *SSA... 2 25 Paragon ^lUA,S8a... 380 No. 2 *18A... 2 35 Two-line LongPr. No. 2 ) . 20-point, No. 3 ) Two-line English 20 a.. No. 2 *1UA.. Two-line Gt. Primer.*i^?^, 20 a.. No. 2 *10A... 3 70 3 *10A... 4 25 Double Paragon *10A, 20 a. ..11 00 Four-line Pica *5A, 7a. ..13 55 Condensed Black. Bourgeois, No. 3 *20A, 52 a. Long Primer 20 A, 52 a. Small Pica, No. 3 *15A,U2a. Pica '''12A,32a. No. 2 12A,32a... 3 95 3 ''12A,32a... 4 60 English, No. 3 *10A,28a... 4 40 Great Primer 12 A, 32 a... 550 No. 3 ''8A,20a... 490 Two-line Long Vx\m..*8A,20 a... 4 90 Two-line Small Pica...'9^,^6»a... 520 No. 3 ''8A,20a... 5 85 Two-line Pica *8A,20a... 660 Two-line English -^GA^Ua... 680 No. 2 6A,lUa... 600 3 "^GA^lUa... 7 10 2 60 6 60 3 60 7 75 4 00 4 55 4 20 4 20 94 POINT 36 36 40 10 12 18 22 28 36 6 8 10 10 12 12 14 18 22 28 36 40 48 8 10 12 18 22 28 36 40 12 18 22 28 36 48 60 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 24 28 36 J§<34WrH>i (Prim SMyl, Condensed Black. Two-line Gt. Primer.... 5^, U a . .$7 75 No. 3 '^5A,10a... 6 75 Doub. Paragon, No.3...*5^, 10 a... 8 40 Condensed Black Shaded. Long Primer WA,52a... 4 55 Pica ISA, 32 a... 400 Great Primer 12A,3Sa... 575 Two-line Small Pica... ^? J., a... 510 Two-line English 6A,lUa... 600 Two-line Gt. Primer...^^. iAa... 790 Condensed Clarendon. Nonpareil, No. 2 *52A, 70 a... 2 50 Brevier, No. 2 *36A, 70 a... 2 75 Long Primer ■^^3GA,52a... 3 10 No. 2 *36A,52a... 270 Pica ^25A,U2a... 370 No. 2 n5A,U2a... 2 75 English..- ^25A,k2a... 425 Great Primer '^22 A, 28 a... 4 35 Two-line Sm. Pica...*2<9^,f5a... 5 85 Two-line English ^lUA,20a... 725 Two-line Gt. Primer.*i(9^, Ika... 7 25 Double Paragon *7J., 10 a... 7 00 Four-line Pica *7J., 10a. ..12 10 Condensed Cloister Shaded. Brevier *30A... 2 40 Long Primer *25A... 2 40 Pica *18A... 2 60 Great Primer *12A... 2 75 Two-line Small Pica *10A... 3 05 Two-line English *7A... 3 80 Two-line Great Primer *5A... 4 30 Double Paragon *5A... 500 Condensed Concave. Pica *25A... I 60 Great Primer '^22A... 2 30 Two-line Small Pica *18A... 2 60 Two-line English 3 15 Two-line Great Primer ...*10A... 3 45 Four-line Pica *7A... 500 Five-line Pica *5A... 6 25 Condensed German Title. Nonpareil *25A,60a... 280 Minion *25A,60a... 3 10 Brevier '^25A,60a... 365 Bourgeois '^25A,60a... 360 Long Primer *i<§^,5(9a... 230 Small Pica *18A,30a... 245 Pica *18A,30a... 3 10 English '^18A,30a... 3 85 Great Primer *18A,30a... 5 35 Two-line Pica '^9A,16a... 505 Two-line English *6A,10a... 480 Two-line Gt. Frimev...*6A, 10 a... 7 15 48 72 12 14 20 24 28 32 36 40 12 24 10 12 16 20 24 36 44 54 20 5 6 6 6 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 18 18 18 22 22 22 28 28 28 36 40 44 44 44 48 Condensed Italic. Four-line Pica 7a...$8 30 Six-line Pica *UA,6a...i4 20 Condensed Monastic. Brevier H5A... 2 10 Pica *36A... 2 85 English *25A... 2 75 Two-line Long Primer *22A... 3 30 Two-line Pica *18A... 405 Two-line English *1AA... 3 80 Three-line Small Pica *1UA... 4 95 Two-line Great Primer.. 5 65 Double Paragon *10A... 5 30 Condensed Ornamented. Two-line Nonpareil 36A... 3 55 Two-line Pica *22A... 4 90 Condensed Runic. Brevier *36A... 2 90 Long Primer *36A... 3 25 Pica *25A... 355 Two-line Brevier* *18A... 3 90 Two-line Long Primer.... *i<§^... 5 05 Two-line Pica *1UA... 5 75 Two-line Great Primer. 6 55 Four-line Small Pica *7A... 8 20 Five-line Small Pica *5A... 9 20 Condensed Shaded. Two-line Long Primer.... 4 10 Condensed Title. Pearl, No. 3 *36A, 70 a... 2 70 Nonpareil *36A, 70 a... 2 60 No. 3 *26A,70a... 2 60 4 *36A,70a... 260 Brevier *36A, 70 a... 3 20 No. 3 *36A,70a... 3 55 4 ....*36A,70a... 3 25 Long Primer, No. 2....*36A, 70 a... 3 80 No. 3 *36A,70a... 390 4 *36A,70a... 3 85 Pica, No. 2 ^18A,32a... 2 65 No. 3 *25A,52a... 4 80 4 *25A,52a... 365 English, No. 3 *22A,32a... 4 10 Great Primer, No. 2...*18A, 28 a... 3 55 No. 3 *18A,28a... 455 4 *18A,28a... 3 55 Two-line Sm. Pica ...*1UA,28 a... 4 85 No. 3 *lAA,28a... 5 75 4 *lUA,28a... 4 60 Two-line English '^lUA,20a... 725 No. 3 ^lUA,20a... 860 4 *lUA,20a... 630 Two-lineGt.Pr.No.3*i^?^,^^?a...ii 20 Double Paragon *10A,20a...io 45 Canon *7A,10a...i2 25 No. 2 *7A, 10a...iooo 3 *7J., 10a...io 85 Four-line Pica, No. 3..*7vl, 10a...i2 65 Condensed Tuscan Shaded. Two-line English *iA^4...$5 35 Continental. Long Primer '^ISA^SSa... 3 65 Pica *lAA,20a... 4 00 Great Primer *10A, 16 a... 5 00 Two-line Small Pica..*7^, lUa... 5 40 Two-line English ■^■5 A JO a... 640 Two-line Gt. Primer...* J J., 10 a... 8 40 Pica.. 12 .^18 A.. . 2 go 16 *16A.. . 3 20 24 ^ISA.. . 3 80 36 . *8A.. • 490 Corners and Centre Pieces. NO. PKR SET. 106-133 o 30 1 134-138 o 45 I 139, 140 o 60 141,142 I 25 NO. PKR SKT. 194,195 090 196-198 030 199 o 45 200,201 030 143,144 090 202-205 045 145 I 85 206-209 060 146-148 2 50 210 o 45 149,150 1 50 211 045 151,152 I 85 212 I 25 153-155 125 213 225 156 I 50 214 2 50 157,158 050 215,216 2 25 158}^ 030 217 2 00 159-161 025 218 2 25 162-169 030 219 I 75 170-178 045 220 2 25 179-193 060 221-225 2 50 Crayon. Three-line Nonpareil 13 a... 4 05 Two-line Pica 10 a... 5 15 Three-line Pica *3A, 5a... 630 Crosier. English *23A,32a... 500 Two-line Sm. Pica...*iAJ.,^(9a... 540 Two-line English *lAA,SOa... 680 Two-line Gt. Primer.*I(9^, lUa... 7 20 Double Paragon *10A, lUa... 8 70 Canon '-^JAJOa... 955 Cruikshank. Three-hne Excels' r..*iO^, 28 a... 2 70 Pica *10A,28a... 3 30 Three-line Nonpareil. lA^i... 3 85 Two-line Pica 465 Five-line Nonpareil... 8a... 515 Three-line Pica *3A, 6 a... 580 Culdee. Nonpareil *12A, 25 a... 2 55 Three-line Excelsior*i^?J., 25 a... 2 80 Pica ^8A,16a... 325 Three-line Nonpareil *5 J., 10 a... 3 80 Two line Pica HA, 8a... 460 Cuneiform. 18 Great Primer 12 A, 32 a.. $4 75 21 Two-line Pica SA,20a... 5 40 Cyclographic. 20 Two-line Lg. Pr. ...'^6A,6A, IUa.. 24 Two-line Pica IUa., I I Dado. 470 540 Two-line Brevier "^10 A, lUa... 3 15 Two-line Pica *7^, 10a... 4 05 Two-line Great Prim.* J^, 8a... 545 Doric. 6 I Nonpareil '^36A,52a... 335 8 I Brevier *36A,k2a... 445 12 Two-line Nonpareil..*i5^,^(? a... 350 16 Two-line Brevier *lUA,lUa... 3 95 20 Two-line Lg. Vi\m...*10A,lUa... 4 75 36 ! Two-line Gt. Prim....*iO^, lUa...io 05 40 Double Paragon *7A, 10 a... 9 30 48 Four-line Pica *5A, 7 a. ..11 10 28 Double Shaded. Two-line English *7A... Dynamo. Pica *16A,25a... Three-line Nonpareil*iM, U a... Two-line Pica *8A,10a... Three-line Pica HA, 6 a... Four-line Pica *3A,/fa... Eastlake. 490 2 25 245 3 00 3 60 4 55 6 I 90 8 2 00 10 2 20 12 2 20 18 *10A.. 2 30 24 ...*7^.. 2 80 36 Two-line Great Primer. ...*5A.. 3 80 10 12 16 24 36 Edson. Nonpareil *36A.. Brevier *36A.. Long Primer Pica Two-line Brevier *30A.. Two-line Pica *18A.. Two-line Great Primer 1 90 2 20 2 35 2 85 3 30 3 75 4 15 Engravers' Italic. Nonpareil *2AA, 70 a... 3 00 Brevier *2UA,70a... 385 Long Primer *20A, 52 a... 3 80 Pica *12A,32a... 3 10 96 8 10 12 16 24 36 Esthetic. Nonpareil Brevier *3SA.. Long Primer *22A.. Pica Two-line Brevier *1UA.. Two-line Pica *12A.. Two-line Great Primer *8A.. Eureka Shaded. Two-line Pica 6 A, Ua.. Three-line Small Pica.5^, 10 a.. Two-line Gt. Primer.. ..5^, 10a.. Four-line Small Pica...A^, 7a.. Eureka Text. Two-line English 6 A, Ua.. Two-line Gt. Primer.... 6'^, 12a.. Double Paragon 5A,10a.. Four-line Pica UA, 8 a.. Extended. Pearl *5SA.. Extended Runic. •$i 75 . I 8o . 195 . 2 OO . 2 20 • 3 00 • 3 95 4 90 6 OO 7 lo 7 8o 7 50 9 OO g 2o 9 90 Brevier *36A,5Sa... 640 Long Primer *^5^,A^a... 545 Pica *35A,32a... 800 GreatPrimer '^UA,20a... 680 Extended Shaded. Pearl *36A... 490 Brevier '^lAA,SOa... 510 Long Primer *UA,Wa.. Extra Condensed. Nonpareil, No. 3 *5SA.. No. 5 '^36A,70a.. Brevier *36A,70a... No. 2 *52A... 3 *52A.., 5 *36A,62a... Bourgeois, No. 5 *36A, 52a... Long Primer *36A, 70 a... No. 2 *36A.. 5 ^30A,I,2a... Pica *25A,52a... No. 2 *36A... 3 *36A... 5 *30A,36a... 6 *S5A,36a... English, No. 5 *S0A,28a... No. 6 *mA,S8a... Two-line Brevier *36A... Great Primer, No. 5...*18A, 25a... No. 6 *18A,25a... Two-line Bourgeois *36A... Two-line Long Pr. No. S...*25A... Two-li. S. Pi. No. 5 *16A, 20 a... No. 6 *16A,20a... 675 2 00 3 55 3 80 2 50 2 70 4 10 4 30 4 15 . I 90 3 90 440 255 . 2 60 . 4 80 3 55 4 10 330 4 10 5 15 3 80 440 3 40 565 405 24 24 28 28 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 44 44 44 48 48 48 60 60 60 72 72 84 96 96 18 24 36 Extra Condensed. Two-line Pica *22 No. 3 Two-line Eng. No. 5..* 10 A, U a. No. 6 *10A,lAa. Two-line Great FrimeT....*UA. No. 3 *1UA. 4 *10A,lUa. Double Paragon *1UA. No. 3 ^lUA. 5 *5^, 10 a. 6 *i. German Open. Great Primer '^9 A, 16 a.. .$5 70 German Ornamented. Two-line Minion *l8A,30a... 670 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 8 a... 6 55 D'ble Paragon, No. 2... 8 a... 975 Six-line Pica *3A, A a.. .21 75 German Shaded. Long Primer '^18A,30a... 545 English '^DA, 10 a... 4 20 Two-line Long FTim..*9A, IG a... 5 75 Two-line English HA, 8a... 655 No. 2 HA, 8 a... 5 25 German Text. Great Primer *8A,S0a... 4 50 Two-line Small VicQ,....8A,S0a... 6 10 Double Paragon *6A,lAa... 8 80 German Text Ornamented. Four-line Sm. Pica...*5^, 10 a... 11 50 Six-line Sm. Pica *3A, 6a... 11 90 German Title. Nonpareil *25A,60a... 325 Minion *25A,60a... 350 Brevier *18A,30a... 270 Bourgeois *18A,30a... 255 Long Primer '^18A,30a... 3 20 Small Pica *18A,30a... 3 10 Pica *18A,30a... 440 Great Primer '^18A, 30 a... 7 35 Two-line Pica *9A, 16 a... 7 30 Two-line English 6 A, 10 a... 550 Two-line Gt. Primer. 10 a... 7 85 Giraffe. Brevier *30A.... 1 30 Pica I 60 Three-line Nonpareil *18A... 2 00 Two-line Pica 2 30 Five-line Nonpareil *10A.... 2 70 Three-line Pica '^8A.... 3 30 Four-line Pica ^5A.... 3 55 Giraffe Extended. Nonpareil '^25A..., 1 50 Brevier -^20 A... i 50 Pica I 55 Three-line Nonpareil ^8A.... 2 15 Two-line Pica '^6A.... 2 70 Five-line Nonpareil 3 20 Three-line Pica 3 75 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 16 16 18 18 18 20 22 22 22 24 24 Glyptic. Brevier *;?^J....$2 10 No. 2 "^20 A... 2 00 Long Primer *20A... 2 10 No. 2 -^20 A... 2 20 Pica nSA... 2 55 No. 2 n8A... 2 55 Two-line Brevier, No. 2..*iA^... 2 90 Great Primer *lkA... 2 95 Two-li. Long Prim. No. 2.^12 A... 3 30 Two-line Pica *10A... 3 70 No. 2 nOA... 3 60 Glyptic Shaded. Nonpareil ^18A... i 65 Three-line Excelsior *16A... 2 10 Pica -^lUA... 2 30 Three-line Nonpareil '^lOA... 3 20 Two-line Pica ^7 A... 3 50 Three-line Pica '^UA... 4 40 Gothic. Pearl, No. 2 ^52A... 2 80 Nonpareil 36 A... i 40 No. 2 52A... I 70 3 "^36 A... I 75 4 52A... I 30 5 *5f^... I 70 6 *52A,70a... 3 25 7 *5^^,70a... 295 Imprint 3 cx) No. 2 ^^52 A... 300 3 *5^^... 300 Brevier 36 A... i 60 No. 2 *56'^... 2 25 3 *5e^,7(?a... 335 4 '^36A,70a... 275 8 '^36A,o2a... 350 Long Primer 25 A... i 50 No. 2 -^25 A... I 90 3 *36A,70a... 3 70 4 *36A,70a... 340 8 ■^36A,52a... 4 05 Pica 25 A... 2 00 No. 2 n5A... 2 65 3 ^25A,k2a... 340 4 *^5^A^a... 335 8 '^25AyU2a... 4 40 English ''22A,32a... 345 Two-line Brevier ^18A... 2 40 No. 2 2 85 Great Primer n8A,28a... 480 No. 4 ■^lUA,25a... 3 60 8 *18A,28a... 5 10 Two-line Long Primer.. J.... 2 90 Two-line Small Pica lUA... 3 05 No. 2 nuA,20a... 525 8 nuA,20a... 5 75 Two-line Pica '^lOA... 3 10 No. 4 nOA,lUa... 5 30 8q ^2a.. Pica '^12A,S2a.. Hairline Ornamented. 10 Long Primer ^^86 A... 14 English 25A... Half-Title. 6 Nonpareil ^^36 A... 6 No. 2 *36A,70a... 8 I Brevier *30A... S\ No. 2 *30A,60a... 10 Two-line Pearl *30A... 11 Two-line Agate *S5A... 12 Two-line Nonpareil *2^A... 14 Two-line Minion *18A... 16 Two-line Brevier *1UA... Hansard. Nonpareil *18A, 30 a... 9 Three-line Excelsior ^5 a... 12 , Pica *lkA,22a... 18 Three-line Nonpareil.*^^, lUa... 24 Two-line Pica *7^, 12 a... Hebrew. 3 Semi-Nonpareil (Points) lb 3 60 4^2 Diamond (Points) " 3 20 5 Pearl " 2 80 6 Nonpareil " 200 9 Bourgeois " 1 44 22 Two-line Small Pica " 090 28 Two-line English " o 86 540 5 20 615 2 85 3 10 I 60 3 55 1 80 4 00 2 15 235 255 2 80 2 40 2 10 250 2 90 3 75 4 45 12 18 24 36 18 18 24 24 36 36 Average weight of suialles) lbs.; Bourgeois, Two-li lish, 15 lbs. -Pearl and Nonpareil, 10 le Small Pica, and Two-line Eng- Horizontal. Pica '^lUA,20a... 3 95 Great Primer *10A, lUa... 4 65 Two-line Pica *7A,10a... 550 Two-li. Great Prim.... *5^, 8a... 810 Illuminated. Great Primer *6A, Ua... 4 30 No. 2 *6A,lUa... 390 Two-line Pica *5A, 10 a... 5 25 No. 2 10 a... 5 30 Two-line Great Prim.. 7a... 665 No. 2 HA, 7 a... 645 12 18 24 36 16 24 36 44 60 9 12 18 10 12 18 24 5 53/2 6 9 10 11 12 8 10 12 18 20 22 28 6 8 10 12 16 20 48 72 10 12 18 22 28 Interline. Pica *UX..$3 55 Great Primer '^WA... 425 Two-line Pica *7A... 5 05 Two-line Great Primer *'^A... 7 70 Ionic Shaded. Two-line Brevier ISA, 28 a... 7 10 Two-line Pica *1UA, lUa... 8 95 Two-line Gt. Primer...*?^, 10a... 8 40 Canon ^?a...ii 10 Five-line Pica Ga...i^ 20 Isabella. Three-li. Excelsior, *W A,sr>a... 3 45 Pica "^'SA, 32 a... 3 80 Three-li. Nonpareil ^1, 20 a... 4 15 Italic Copperplate. Long Primer *18A... 325 Pica *1UA... 3 40 Great Primer *10A... 4 20 Two-line Pica *7A... 4 85 Italic Figures. Pearl Agate I 80 Nonpareil 2 25 Minion 2 15 Brevier 2 10 Bourgeois 2 00 Long Primer i 60 Small Pica , i 45 Pica I 40 Italic Gothic. Nonpareil, No. 2 *36A,52a... 2 10 Brevier, No. 2 *36A,52a... 2 70 Long Primer, l^o.2...*30A,U2a... 2 70 Pica, No. 2 *22A,32a... 2 65 Great Primer, No. 2...*18A,28a... 3 30 Two-li. Long Prim UA,20a... 3 60 Two-li. Sm. Pi. ^o.2.*lAA,20 a... 4 25 Two-li. Eng. No. 2....*10A, lUa... 5 05 Italic Gothic Condensed. Nonpareil *30A ,52 a... 245 Brevier *36A,o2a... 310 Long Primer *30A,U2a... 295 Pica *2^A,32a... 3 20 Two-line Brevier *18A,28a... 380 Two-line Long Prim.*i^^,^0 a... 440 Four-line Pica 5 30 Six-line Pica *5A... 10 80 Italic Inlaid. Long Primer *18A,32a... 460 Pica *lAA,2Aa... 5 10 Great Primer *12A, 18 a... 5 60 Two-line Sm.Pica....*iM, 12a... 5 95 Two-line English *7A,10a... 710 POINT 8 10 12 18 22 28 10 18 22 12 12 12 18 18 18 24 24 24 12 18 24 30 36 48 18 I 24 30 36 48 60 12 18 22 28 36 40 12 18 22 28 36 Italic Ornate. Brevier *^i?^,A^a...$3 30 Long Primer *18A,36a... 330 Pica *UA,S8a... 375 Great Primer "^lOA, 18 a... 4 35 Two-line Small FiGSi..*8A,16a... 500 Two-line English *5A, 10 a... 5 60 Italic Outline. Long Primer ^^A... 3 10 Italic Script. Great Primer *l^A,3Sa... 580 Two-line Small Pica.. a... 5 80 Japanesque. Pica 2 30 No. 2 *1SA... 2 30 3 *13A... 230 Great Primer 275 No. 2 *8A... 2 75 3 *8A... 2 75 Two-line Pica *6A... 3 70 No. 2 *6A... 3 70 3 *6A... 3 70 Jenson. Pica ^16A,^5a... 2 85 14-point *l/fA,20a... 305 Three-li. Nonpareil...*i:?yl, 18a... 3 85 Two-line Pica *10A, 15 a... 4 60 Five-line Nonpareil...*?^, 10 a... 5 20 Three-line Pica 5a... 615 Four-line Pica *M, 6a... t Johnson. Three-li. Nonpareil 16 a... 4 35 Two-line Pica *6A, 12 a.... 5 05 Five-line Nonpareil... 10a... 5 75 Three-line Pica 5 a... -6 20 Four-line Pica ■^SA, 6a... 7 60 Five-line Pica ^2A, 5a... 960 Keystone. Pica *18A,28a... 3 55 Great Primer *l/,A,Ua... 435 Two-line Sm. Pica....*20^, lUa... 5 30 Two-line English *8A,lUa... 795 Two-line Gt. Prim *7A,10a... 885 Double Paragon *5^, 7a... 865 Keystone Open. Pica *12A,18a... 3 80 Great Primer *8A, lUa... 4 80 Two-line Small Pica..*7^, 10a... 5 30 Two-line English *5A, 7a... 630 Two-line Gt. Primer...*5J., 5a... 655 POINT 9 12 18 24 36 48 41/2 5 53/2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Kitcat. Three-line 'Excelfi'r..*lSA, 16 a...$i 25 Pica *10A,lUa... i 55 Three-line Nonp'l *8A, 12a... 2 45 Two-line Pica ^6 A, 8a... 2 85 Three-line Pica 5a... 4 15 Four-line Pica Ua... 600 Knobby. Three-line Nonpareil a... 3 15 Two-line Pica 10 a... 3 70 Three-line Pica ^UA, 6 a... 500 Koster. Pica 6A,^lUA,22a... 530 lUA,22a... 255 Initials 6 A.,. 2 75 Three-li. ^ow£>'\..UA,''10A,15a... 745 10A,15a... 3 55 Initials A^... 3 90 Two-line Pica 3 A, 12a... 9 65 5^, J^a... 4 55 Initials 3 A... 5 10 Labor- Saving Brass Hyphen or Dotted Leaders. Made to line with our Law Italic or Roman Faces, according to order. Diamond f> lb... i 75 Pearl.. Agate Nonpareil Minion Brevier Bourgeois Long Primer.. Small Pica Pica I 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 1 60 I 50 I 50 I 40 I 40 Labor-saving Brass Rule. PRICE PER F 304 104.. 317 117.. 335 135.. 336 136.. 339 139.. 341 141.. 351 151.. 353 153.. 359 159.. 361 161.. 363 163.. 365 165.. 367 167.. 373 173.. 376 176.. 380 180.. 417 217.. 436 236.. WHOLE. HALF. QOAR. II 25 590 305 815 5 00 3 10 II 50 6 70 350 15 40 835 430 12 20 675 350 16 30 805 3 95 12 20 675 350 16 30 805 3 95 II 50 6 70 3 50 "55 6 20 340 12 20 675 350 16 30 805 3 95 15 75 685 350 15 40 .835 430 12 20 675 3 50 15 75 685 350 5 45 305 5 45 305 POINT 12 18 24 36 40 18 24 6 8 10 12 18 24 80 36 48 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 18 22 28 6 8 9 10 10 10 10 I03 Lacrosse. Pica *UA,Wa.. Great Primer *12A, 18 a.. Two-line Pica ^8A, Ika.. Two-line Gt. Primer.. .*6'^, 8a.- Double Paragon 6 a.. Lady Text. Three-line Nonpareil.*^^,-7Aa.. Two-line Pica *5A,10a.. Latin Antique. Nonpareil *^5^, 5S a.. Brevier *^^^,A^a., Long Primer ^^WA.S^a.. Pica *UAJ8a.. Great Primer ^l^A,18a.. Two-line Pica ''8A, Ua.. Five-line Nonpareil...*^^, 8a.. Three-line Pica *5^, 6a.. Four-line Pica *SA, Ua.. Law Italic. Nonpareil ^25 A, 70 a.. No. 2 ''25A,70a.. Brevier ■^25 A, 70a.. No. 2 ''■25A,70a.. Long Primer *20A, 52 a.. No. 2 *20A,52a.. Pica ''^12 A, 32 a.. No. 2 *lUA,U2a.. Great Primer, No. 2.. -^10 A, 28 a.. Two-li. Sm. Pica,No.2 f(9a.. Two-li. English, No.2.*7^, lU a.. Leads and Slugs. LEADS. Six to Pica and thicker, Full length filb... Cut to measure " Eight to Pica, full length.. " LABOR-SAVING LEADS. Six to Pica and thicker ...f> lb.. LABOR-SAVING SLUGS. Nonpareil and Pica ^ lb.. BRASS LEADS. Six to Pica filb.. Eight to Pica " Ten to Pica " Twelve to Pica BRASS SLUGS. Nonpareil and thicker f> lb.. Lightface. Nonpareil, No. 5 *56'^, 70 a.. Brevier, No. 5 nOA,52a.. Two-line Diamond, No. 4..*30A.. Long Primer, No. b...^30A,52a.. Two-line Pearl No. 2 4 $3 95 . 500 . 630 • 7 45 . 750 • 3 90 • 4 50 . 2 90 • 295 . 2 95 • 2 95 . 3 80 . 4 70 • 4 95 . 6 05 • 7 45 • 340 ■ 245 . 3 95 . 2 85 ■ 405 . 2 80 • 3 15 . 3 00 330 . 3 60 • 450 o 16 o 18 o 28 o 25 o 25 075 o 80 0 90 1 00 075 3 20 3 45 185 370 2 60 245 2 10 ! 11 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 28 28 28 36 36 48 72 6 8 10 12 18 22 6 9 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 16 16 16 18 18 18 Lightface. Two-line Agate ^36A...^2 55 Pica, No. 5 '^22A,U2a... 3 90 Two-line Nonp. No. 2 '^25 A... 2 50 No. 3 '^25 A... 2 50 4 "^25 A... 2 70 Two-line Minion, No. 2.... 2 70 No. 3 nSA... 2 45 4 n8A.,. 2 80 Two-line Brevier, No. 2 ...*18A... 2 95 No. 3 *18A... 2 70 4 ^18 A... 2 95 Great Primer, No. b..*18A,32a... 5 50 Two-line Bourgeois *18A... 3 25 No. 2 3 00 4 ^16A... 2 80 Two-line L. Pr. No. 2 ^lUA... 3 20 No. 3 *1UA... 2 90 4 "^lUA.... 3 20 Two-line Small Pica nuA... 3 65 No. 2 nuA... 325 4 "^lOA... 2 70 5 *iM,^5a... 6 15 Two-line Pica, No. 2 *10A... 3 15 No. 3 *10A... 3 15 4 noA... 3 45 Two-line English *7A... 3 10 No. 2 *10A... 3 90 5 *10A,20a... 720 Two-line Great Primer '^6 A... 3 90 No. 5 -^SA^lUa... 740 Four-line Pica 7a. ..12 45 Six-line Pica ^UA, A a. ..15 75 Lightface Celtic. Nonpareil *36A, 70 a... 3 70 Brevier ^'36A,52a... 420 Long Primer ■^25A,U2a... 370 Pica '^25A,32a... 430 Great Primer *lUA,20a... 4 55 Two-line Small Pi ca.*if?^, lUa... 4 95 Lightface Condensed. Nonpareil ^52A... i 80 Two-line Diamond '^52A... 2 05 Two-line Pearl ^36 A... 2 05 No. 2 "^36 A... I 55 3 -^36 A... I 85 4 ^36A... 205 Two-line Nonpareil ^36 A... 2 75 No. 2 n6A.., 2 60 3 2 25 Two-line Minion *25A... 2 70 No. 2 *25A... 2 50 3 *-22A... 2 50 Two-line Brevier *22A... 2 90 No. 2 2 45 3 n8A... 2 45 Two-line Bourgeois 250 No. 2 ■^22A... 285 3 2 75 I04 POINT 20 20 20 22 22 24 24 24 28 28 28 36 40 44 48 48 48 48 60 60 72 72 72 5 53/2 6 8 10 12 18 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 12 18 24 30 36 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Lightface Condensed. Two-line Long Primer *18A...$2 95 No. 2 *18A... 295 3 *1UA... 2 65 Two-line Small Pica *18A... 3 20 No. 2 *1UA... 2 95 Two-line Pica *10A... 2 90 No. 2 *1UA... 3 30 3 *10A... 2 75 Two-line English *10A... 3 55 No. 2 *UA... 3 75 3 *12A... 365 Two-line Great Primer. 535 Double Paragon *7A... 425 Canon *7A... 6 50 Four-line Pica 7A... 635 No. 2 *7A... 7 00 3 *7A,10a...io 95 4 *7A... 555 Five-line Pica 7A... 920 No. 2 *5yi,7a...i2 40 Six-line Pica 5^. ..10 35 No. 2 *5A,6a...i6 95 3 *5A... 9 85 Lightface Extended. Pearl '^SGAJOa... 4 65 Agate *36A, 70a... 4 30 Nonpareil *36A,/tSa... 375 Brevier *36A,32a... 435 Long Primer *S5A,28a... 425 Pica ^18A,20a... 4 55 Great Primer *10A, 11+ a... 5 20 Lining Antique. Nonpareil, No. 1 *U5A... 1 10 No. 2 Ho A... I 15 3 H5A... I 30 4 H5A... I 60 5 H5A... I 90 Complete Series, 1 to 5 6 50 Brevier *36A.., 200 Long Primer *30A... 2 00 Pica *^5^... 2 25 Three -line Nonpareil *1UA... 2 55 Two-line Pica *10A... 3 20 Five-line Nonpareil *8A... 3 80 Three-line Pica *6A... 450 Lining Gothic. Nonpareil, No. 1 *60A... 2 25 No. 2 *60A... 2 25 3 *60A... 2 25 4 *60A... 2 25 Complete Series, 1 to 4 8 00 Nonpareil, No. 5 H5A... i 30 No. 6 *A6A... I 45 7 *U5A... I 85 Lining Gothic. Nonpareil, No. 8 *A5^...$2 15 Complete Series, 5 to 8 6 00 Nonpareil, No. 9 *UoA... 1 45 No. 10 HOA... I 55 11 H5A... I 90 12 H5A... 2 10 13 *A5A... 255 Complete Series, 9 to 13 8 50 Brevier *36A... 200 No. 2 *36A... 2 10 Three-line Excelsior *35A... 200 No. 2 *36A... 2 10 Pica *20A... 2 10 No. 2 *^5A... 2 20 Three-line Nonpareil *12A... 2 40 No. 2 ^UA... 240 Two-line Pica *8A.... 2 90 No. 2 *10A... 270 Five-line Nonpareil *6A... 355 No. 2 *8A... 3 50 Three-line Pica *4^... 3 65 No. 2 *6A... 3 90 NEW SERIES. Nonpareil, No. 14 *60A... 2 25 No. 15 *60A... 2 25 16 *60A,70a... 370 17 *60A, 70 a... 400 18 *50A... I 35 19 *50A... I 40 20 *50A... I 70 21 *50A,.. 2 35 22 *50A, 70 a... 4 45 23 H5A... I 45 24 H5A.... I 55 25 *U5A.... I 90 26 H5A.... 2 10 27 H5A,70a... 4 45 Brevier, No. 3 *36A,55a... 390 No. 4 *36A,55a... 380 5 *S6^,55a... 3 80 Three-li. Excel. No .3 *36A, 50 a... 3 90 No. 5 *35A,U5a... 3 85 10 Point, No. 4 *28A, U5 a... 4 05 Pica, No. 3 *25A,U0a... 4 20 No. 4 '^22A,U0a... 4 10 5 ■^20A,30a... 400 Three-li. Nonp. No. 3 "^lUA, 25 a... 4 95 No. 4 *UA,22a... 475 5 *12A, 18 a... 445 Two-line Pica, No. d..*10A, 15 a... 5 20 No. 4 *10A,15a... 565 5 *8A, 12 a... 5 20 Five-line Nonp. No. d.*8A, 12a... 6 60 No. 4 *8A,12a... 695 5 *6A,9a... 635 Three-line Pica, No. S..*6A, 9a... 7 10 No. 4 *6A,8a... 765 5 *UA, 7a... 680 POINT 6 8 12 18 24 30 36 14 22 28 36 40 8 10 12 14 18 22 18 24 30 36 18 20 18 24 36 24 28 44 22 28 36 40 48 105 Lining Gothic Extended. Nonpareil *35A, 35 a...$3 00 Brevier *20A ,30a... 3 00 10 Point *16A, 2Ua... 3 10 Pica '^lUA,22a... 340 14 Point -^12 A, 18 a... 3 50 Three-li. Nonpareil...*iC»J[, lUa... 4 30 Two-line Pica *7A, 10 a... 4 50 Five-line Nonpareil. 7a... 515 Three-line Pica HA, 6a ... 7 10 Lithographic. English *18A,S8a... 6 20 Two-line Small Ficsi.*UA,20a... 7 20 Two-line English ^lOAJUa... 900 Two-line Gt. Primer...*?^, 10 a... 8 40 Lithographic Shaded. Double Paragon *7A, 10 a. ..10 60 Lithographic Slope. Brevier *S2A,33a... 410 Long Primer *18A,S8a... 4 10 Pica *lUA,SOa... 4 20 English *UA,SO a... /\ So Great Primer '^10A,lAa... 560 Two-line Small Pica...*7^,lA a... 6 15 Logotypes. Billhead 5 00 Card 3 00 Luray. Three-line Nonpareil *6A... 270 Two-line Pica *5A... 335 Five-line Nonpareil HA... 430 Three-line Pica 5 40 Lutetian. GreatPrimer *22A,3Sa... 605 Paragon *S2A, 32 a... 8 05 Medallic. Three-line Nonpareil..*/^, 75a... 3 00 Two-line Pica '^6A,lUa... 3 95 Three-line Pica HA, Sa... 460 Medieval. Two-line Pica '^8A,20a... 615 Two-line English *6A,lUa... 595 Four-line Small Pica..*5^, 10 a. ..10 05 Medieval Text. Two-line Small Ficsi..l2A,32a... 470 Two-line English 8A,20a... 470 Two-line Gt. Primer 6A, lU a... 4 80 Double Paragon 6 A, lUa... 5 60 Four-line Pica 5A, 10 a... 7 20 22 28 36 40 48 12 18 24 36 22 28 36 44 10 12 18 24 10 12 12 18 22 28 36 48 60 7 10 10 14 16 16 18 20 20 24 : 24 i 36 18 24 28 : 40 i Medieval Text Ornate. Two-line Small Pica..i^^,5^a...$4 70 Two-line English 8A,20a... 470 Two-line Gt. Primer GA, lAa... 4 80 Double Paragon 6A, lU a... 5 60 Four-line Pica 5A, 10 a... 7 20 Meridian Double Shaded. Two-line Nonpareil '^22 A... 3 70 Meridian Shaded. Long Primer *25A... 3 75 Two-line Nonpareil *22A... 3 90 Mezzotype. Great Primer ^-5 A, 10 a. ..2 80 Two-line Pica HA, 8a... 41$ Two-line Great Primer*^ J., 6a...^ 90 Minaret. Two-line Small Fics,.* 10 A, lU a... 5 50 Two-line English *7A, 12a... 6 90 Two-line Gt. Primer. ..*7J , 10 a... 8 05 Canon ^5A, 6a. .. 10 ^5 Minster. Long Primer *12A,32a... 3 25 Pica ^10A,28a... 3 70 Great Primer '■^8A,20a... 4 60 Two-line Pica *6A,lUa... 575 Missal. Long Primer 18 A... 2 85 Pica lUA... 3 40 Modern Text. Pica 12A,32a... 4 15 GreatPrimer 10A,28a... 480 Two-line Small Ficsi...8A,20a... 520 Two-line English 6A, lU a... 6 45 Two-line Gt. Primer.. ..6^, lUa... 9 85 Four-line Pica 5A, 10a. ..12 60 Five-line Pica 3A, 5 a. ..10 35 Monastic. Minion, No. 2 *20A,52a... 330 Long Primer *1UA,U2 a... 390 No. 2 mA,U2A... 3 60 English *8A,20a... 3 15 Two-lineMin.No.2...*i^?^,^54... 4 00 Two-line Brev. No. 3...*5^, 20 3 50 Great Primer *8A,20a... 4 15 Two-lineL.Pr.No.2....*5^,^04... 4 50 No. 3 "^eAyl/fA... 3 40 Two-line Pica *6A,1Ua... 4 75 No. 3 *6A,1Ua... 5 00 Two-line Gt. Primer...*5^, 10 a... 6 30 Monastic Shaded. Great Primer *6A,1Aa... 3 00 Two-line Pica *5A,10a... 350 Two-line English HA, 8 a... 420 Double Paragon *3A, 5a... 460 io6 POINT I 18 I 24 36 12 18 24 36 28 36 40 48 6 9 12 18 ! 24 36 48 48 18 24 36 18 18 30 24 24 36 30 30 48 16 24 Monkish. Three-line Nonpar' -Z^a...$2 15 Two-line Pica *7A, 10a... 2 60 Three-line Pica *5A, 7a... 3 80 Monumental. Pica *lUA,Wa... 3 95 Great Primer *10A, Ua... 4 65 Two-line Pica *7A, 10 a... 5 65 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 8a... 840 Morisco. Two-line English *7A... 4 40 Two-line Great Primer ^5 A... 5 00 Double Paragon 6 65 Four-line Pica 850 Mortised. Nonpareil "^25 A... 1 45 Three-line Excelsior ^^22 A... 1 80 Pica "^18 A... 2 10 Three-line Nonpareil '^12 A... 2 50 Two-line Pica *9A... 3 00 Three-line Pica *5A... 4 30 Four-line Pica *3A... 5 70 No. 2 3A... 600 Mortised Ornaments. Series 2 75 Music. Excelsior, (half-Nonp.) ^Ib... 3 60 Diamond " 3 20 Agate 2 40 Nonpareil " 200 Tonic Sol-fa, 8-point " i 00 " 10 082 Average weight of smallest fonts. Excelsior 30 lbs... loS 00 Diamond 60 " ...19200 Agate 60 ...14400 Nonpareil, No. 3 60 " ...12000 8-point 50 " ... 50 00 10-point 50 " ... 41 00 Newf angle. Three-li. Nonpareil... *6'^, 2Ua... 3 95 Two-line Pica *6A, 18a... 4 85 Three-line Pica *M, 12 a... 5 60 Nymphic. Three-li. Nonp'1...5^, 15a... 7 00 ■^8A, 15 a... 4 60 Initials 3 A... 2 40 Two-line Pica 3A, *6A, 12 a... 9 00 *6A, 12 a... 5 50 Initials 3A... 3 50 Five-line Nonp'l...^^, *5A, 9 a... 11 50 *5A,9a... 605 Initials 3 A... 5 45 Obelisk. Two-Line Brevier *10A, lUa... 2 50 Two-Line Pica *7A, 10a... 3 20 POINT Obelisk. 36 Three-Line Pica *5A, 7a...$s 15 48 I Four-line Pica HA, 6a... 5 75 60 Five-line Pica *3A, 5a.... 6 50 Oblique. 6 Nonpareil *18A.... i 75 8 i Brevier *16A... 2 10 10 Long Primer *1UA... 2 25 12 ; Pica *10A... 2 25 18 Great Primer *7A... 2 75 24 1 Two-Line Pica *5A... 3 60 i 8 10 12 18 22 I 28 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 18 18 18 18 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 28 28 28 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 48 48 48 60 60 72 72 Oblique Shaded. Brevier *22A,32a.. Long Primer *18A, 28 a.. Pica *1UA,20a.. Great Primer *10A, Ua.. Two-line Sm. Pica....*iO^, IUa... Two-line English *7A,10a... Old Style (Job Fonts). Pearl Nonpareil Minion Brevier Bourgeois , Long Primer , Small Pica Pica English , Great Primer Roman...*ii^... 15 *18A,20a... 16 *UA... 17 18 *lUA,lUa... Paragon *18A,Wa... Two-line Long Prim. No. 4.JUA... No. 5 *1AA... 7 18A... 9 10 *1UA... 11 *i>i^,iAa... 12 '^UA... 13 14 *10A,28a... 15 *UA... 16 .$3 6o 5 lo 4 30 ... 4 oo •• 3 95 ... 3 70 ... 4 70 .. 4 65 3 50 3 95 .. 3 40 •• 3 55 385 350 • 3 35 .. 440 . 5 80 • 4 15 • 3 55 • 4 35 . 3 00 4 35 4 70 . 6 20 530 4 15 4 55 3 95 570 • 3 95 . 3 90 • 3 90 . 4 80 4 00 3 90 4 20 370 3 55 440 3 50 425 4 00 7 50 3 70 3 70 5 15 685 4 65 5 00 4 45 4 95 4 60 7 70 5 10 4 25 505 5 45 425 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Ornamented. Two-li. Long Prim. No. 17.*i5^.. No. 18 *UA. 19 *1AA.. 20 *UA.. Two-line Sm. Pica, No. 6... J^^., No. 7 lUA.. 9 lOA 10 *18A. 11 UA.. 12 -^lAA 13 *1/,A 14 ^lUA 15 mA. 17 *10A 18 *10A, lUa.. 19 *10A.. 20 *10A.. 21 *10A,Ua.. Two-line Pica, No. 2 lUA.. No. 3 *10A.. 4 *10A.. 6 *10A.. 9 *10A.. 10 *10A.. 11 *10A.. 12 *1UA.. 13 15 *l/fA... 18 lOA... 19 lUA... 20 *10A... 21 lOA... 22 '^lAA... 23 24 *10A... 25 26 27 *10A,5A.lUa.... 28 29 *10A.... 30.. *10A.... 31 *10A,l/,a.... 32 *5^,i()a... Two-line English, No. 2..*10A... No. 8 i^?^... 12 lOA.... 13 14 *10A... 15 *10A... 16 ^10A,lAa... 17 i^?^... 18 *7^... 21 *7A... 22 *7^... 23 *7^... 24 *7A... 25 *7J.... 26 *7A,8a... .$5 10 .500 . 470 .470 . 405 •• 5 45 4 00 590 •• 485 • 4 35 • 590 . 585 580 • 305 . 6 00 • 350 • 3 70 . 565 • 5 95 • 550 • 525 • 490 .585 . 550 • 5 45 • 5 55 . 500 550 405 590 540 450 530 • 530 . 6 10 . 4 60 • 5 55 • 730 • 4 45 . 440 5 45 6 40 550 6 30 570 525 6 20 4 80 540 8 10 5 10 470 5 55 5 00 4 35 440 405 5 95 POINT 32 32 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 40 40 40 40 44 44 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 60 44 6 7 6 8 10 12 18 20 24 109 Ornamented. Three-line Small Pica *M^...$6 90 No. 2 *7^,iCa... 9 40 Five-line Mm' eUe.*5A, 3 A,7 a... 8 95 Two-line Great Primer *7A... 6 00 No. 5 *7A... 500 6 7A... 5 70 7 7A... 565 8 7A... 520 9 '^■■7 A... 705 10 6 50 11 7A... 4 85 12 *7A... 460 13 lOA... 6 15 15 7 A... 540 16 *7A... 4 85 17 *7A,10a... 800 18 *7A... 6 70 19 *7A... 5 25 20 *7A... 6 05 22 *7^... 575 24 8 A, 8 a... 5 90 Double Paragon, No. 2 5A... 6 35 No. 3 7A... 470 7 *10A... 740 8 *7A... 5 45 Canon *5A... 9 00 No. 3 *5A... 965 Four-line Pica 6 A... 7 25 No. 8 5A... 9 20 4 8 85 5 *5A... 845 6 ^5A... 7 45 8 7 80 9 725 10 6A... 855 11 *5A... 9 55 12 *5A... 8 10 13 5A... 840 15 *5A... 10 15 Five-line Pica, No. 2 5 A... 8 70 Ornate. Four-line Small Pica.*^, 70 a. ..10 50 Italic 8A,20a... 4 00 rwo-line English No. 1, Roman *UA, U2a... Italic 8 A, 20 a... 2, Roman *1UA,U2 a... Italic 8A,20a... S,RomsLn*lUA,7A.U2a... 900 Italic 8 A, 20 a... 4 20 rwo-line Great Primer No. 1, Roman '^lUA, U2a... Italic 8A,20a... 2, Roman '^8A,20a... 7 30 Italic l+A, 10 a... S. Roman *nA . L2n. Ti on 44 44 44 60 33/2 41/2 43/2 5 53/2 53/2 6 6 10 12 18 22 28 12 18 24 16 24 36 12 12 18 18 24 24 36 36 22 28 40 18 24 30 36 Ill Relievo. Great Primer, No. 2 '^1UA...$3 70 24 Two-line Pica *10A.. 24 No. 2 *10A.. 36 Two-line Great Primer *5^.. 40 t Double Paragon, No. 2 Ringlet. Pica *SA,18a... Three-line Nonpareil *6A, 12a.. Two-line Pica *5A,10a.. Three-line Pica *3A, 5 a.. Ripple Text. 18 Great Primer *8A, 18a... Two-line Pica *6A,l/fa... Two-line Gt. Primer...*5^, 10 a... Romanesque. Two-line Small Fic3i....8A,Ua... 28 Two-line English 7 A, 12 a... 36 Two-line Gt. Primer.... 5^, 8a... Ronaldson. Three-line Nonpar'l*iA^, 5^?a... Two-line Pica *10A,20a... Five-line Nonpareil ..*8A, 16a... Three-line Pica *6A, 12 a... Four-line Pica 8a... Ronaldson Clarendon. Nonpareil "^36 A, 70a... Brevier *30A,60a... Long Primer ^25 A, 50 a... Pica '^22A,A5a... Three-line Nonpar'l..*iM, 28 a... Two-line Pica *10A, 20 a... Five-line Nonpareil...*5J., 16 a... Three-line Pica *6A, 10 a... Four-line Pica 8a... Ronaldson Condensed. Nonpareil *36A, 70 a... Brevier ^30A,60a... Long Primer *26A, 52 a... Pica *22A,/,5a... Three-line Nonpar' 1.*^^^, 28 a... Tw^o-line Pica *10A, 18 a... Five-line Nonpareil... lUa... Three-line Pica *7A, 12 a... Four-line Pica , 8 a... 4 80 8 4 55 10 5 35 12 6 30 18 24 30 36 2 75 48 3 45 4 50 5 20 6 8 10 12 0 5 15 18 6 95 24 30 36 48 3 60 A S*; *^ "D 5 ^0 6 8 10 12 18 4 70 24 5 85 30 7 00 36 8 00 6 7 3 35 8 3 45 10 3 55 11 3 95 12 465 14 5 00 18 6 05 22 7 00 24 8 35 28 36 48 60 2 50 72 2 50 255 2 70 9 3 15 12 3 60 18 4 15 24 ! 5 25 36 5 90 48 Ronaldson Extended. Nonpareil *25A, UO a... $2 45 Brevier ■^22A, 32 a... 2 70 Long Primer '^20 A, 30 a... 3 00 Pica *18A,28a... 350 Three-line Nonp'l....*iO^, 16a... 4 00 Two-line Picax *8A,12a... 465 Five-line Nonpareil... 10 a... 5 40 Three-line Pica 5 a... 655 Four-line Pica HA, !o.d..'^'10A, 50 a. ..22 25 X Four-li. Sm. Pica 3A*6A, 30 a. ..21 00 SECRETARY. Pica *30A, 160 a. ..15 go Great Primer *30A, 160 a. ..24 50 Two-li. Small Pica..*I5^, 100a...2o 30 Backslope *18A, 100a....2z go SPENCERIAN. Two-line Brevier.. 100a...iZ 30 * 100 a... 10 80 Half font ''9A,50a... 9 15 *5^a... 540 No. 2 6 A^'^m A, 100 a.. .20 6$ *18A,100a...iS 25 * 100 a... 10 20 Half font 3A,WA, 50 a. ..10 35 ...*9A, 50 a... 9 15 *50a... 5 10 Ornamented Caps 6 A... 2 40 Half font 3 A... 1 20 Two-li. Small Ficsi..'^ 18 A, 100 a... 27 25 *100a...i5 70 Half font *9A,50a...iz 65 *50a... 7 85 No. 2 6A, nSA, 100 a.. .28 05 *18A,100a...24 75 *i6'0a...i3 50 Half font 3A,*9A,50a...i4 05 ...'*9A, 50 a. ..12 40 *50a... 6 75 Ornamented Caps 6A... 3 30 Half font 3A... 1 65 Two-line English *16A, 60 a. ..2S 75 *60a... 15 00 Half font *8A,30a...i4 40 '^SOa... 750 114 ^QAvmxi (Prim ZiU, POINT 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 60 6 10 12 18 22 28 Script. Half fonts furnished to order, except whi marked with %, SPENCERIAN. Two-li. Eng No. %.6A*16A, 60 a.$ ..*16A,60a... *60a... Half font ...3A, '^SA, 30 a... ...*8A,30a... *30a... Ornamented Caps 6A... Half font 3 A... Double Paragon '^10A,50a... *50a... Half font *5A,25a... *25a... No. 2 UA,*10A,50a... ..*10A, 50a... *50a... Half font... *5A, 25 a... ...'^5A,25a... *35a.., Ornamented Caps UA.. Half font 2 A... t Five-line Pica *3A,9a.. Scrivener. Nonpareil *36A, 70a.. Long Primer '^30A,U3a.. Pica *22A,36a.. Great Primer *18A, 28 a.. Two-line Small Pica..*i^^, 2Ua.. Two-line English *10A,16a.. 132 05 •27 75 ,14 40 16 05 ,13 90 . 7 20 430 2 15 40 00 22 75 20 00 II 75 41 50 •35 90 ■19 50 20 75 •17 95 • 9 75 . 5 60 . 2 80 .17 60 . 2 60 . 2 75 . 300 • 430 . 4 55 . 530 I Shaded. 53/2 Agate *36A.. 10 Long Primer French 25 A.. 12 Two-line Nonp. Grecian... ^5^.. 40 Double Paragon *7^.. ! Shadow. 12 Pica "^16 A.. 18 Three-line Nonpareil *10A.. 24 Two-line Pica 36 Three-line Pica Signals. Four-line Pica.. 24 48 36 Three-line Pica Indicators " Signs (Algebraic). 4^2 Diamond font 5 Pearl " 5^2 Agate " 6 Nonpareil 7 Minion, No. 1 ** 7 No. 2 8 ! Brevier, No. 1 8; N0.2 53/2 6 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 Signs (Algebraic). Bourgeois, No. 1 ^ font $i'65 No. 2.. Long Primer, No. 1.. No. 2 Small Pica, No. 2 Pica English I 90 I 55 I 50 I 35 I 50 I 25 Signs (Almanac). Agate ^ font 3 05 Nonpareil . Brevier, No. 1 No. 2 3 Long Primer, No. 1 . No. 2 Pica, No. 1 No. 2 2 70 3 80 4 30 I 05 3 50 275 5 45 3 35 14 285 325 3 55 18 550 24 36 44 2 75 48 340 60 4 00 4 60 5 I 50 6 2 00 8 I 75 10 12 I 80 2 00 10 2 25 12 I 75 14 175 18 I 25 22 I 80 28 Signs (Medical). 4^2! Diamond "^font 050 5 Pearl 5^2! Agate 6 Nonpareil 7 1 Minion 8 Brevier 9 Bourgeois Long Primer Small Pica Pica English o 40 035 035 035 035 035 035 o 35 035 035 Skeleton Antique. Two-line Bourgeois '^25A.... 3 90 Two-line Pica *18A... 4 40 Two-line Great Primer.. 5 20 Canon -^lOA... 7 10 Four-line Pica ■^7A,10a...i^ 75 Five-line Pica *7^. 7a.. .16 10 Skeleton Gothic Condensed. 2 70 2 50 3 75 Slanting Shaded. Long Primer ■^25A,36a... 360 Pica ■^22A,32a... 4 35 English *18A,32a... 460 Great Primer "^16 A, 2ha... 5 65 Two-line Sm. Pica....*i^^,^Oa... 5 90 Two-line English *8A,lUa... 6 60 115 12 18 22 28 36 72 96 12 18 22 28 36 12 18 22 28 36 40 43>^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 43/2 6 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 ! 11 12 14 16 ! 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 36 40 42 Sloping Black. Pica *m,3:?a...$4 60 Great Primer *8A,Wa... 475 Two-line Small Pica. *<5^, 18 a... 6 00 Two-line English *f>A,10a... 660 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 7a... 6 60 Six-line Pica SA, 5 a. ..14 90 Eight-line Pica SA, 3 a.. .18 60 Sloping Black Shaded. Pica *]SA,33a... 4 60 Great Primer *8A,S0a... 475 Two-line Small Pica..*5yl, 18 a... 6 00 Two-line English *5A,10a... 660 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 7a... 660 Smithsonian. Pica *18A,S8a... 4 65 Great Primer *l/fA,SOa... 575 Two-line Sm. Pica....*i^?^, 18a... 6 30 Two-line English *7A,13a... 700 Two-line Gt. Primer...*?^, a... 9 50 Double Paragon '-^SA, 8a... 990 Space Rule. (Bkass.) 2 POINT BODY. Diamond ^ font 3 50 Pearl " 2 85 Agate " 3 10 Nonpareil " 3 40 Minion " 265 Brevier 3 10 Bourgeois 3 50 Long Primer " 2 85 Small Pica 3 10 Pica " 340 Spaces and Quads. SMALLEST JOB FONTS. STANDARD BODIES. Diamond i 70 Pearl i 20 Agate o 55 Nonpareil 045 Minion 040 Brevier o 40 Bourgeois o 35 Long Primer o 35 Small Pica o 35 Pica o 30 English o 35 Two-line Brevier o 30 Great Primer o 35 Paragon o 35 Two-line Small Pica o 40 Two-line Pica o 30 Two-line English o 35 Five-line Nonpareil o 35 Four-line Brevier o 35 Two-li. Great Primer o 40 Double Paragon 045 Seven-line Nonpareil o 45 44 48 54 60 72 84 96 12 18 24 36 12 12 12 18 24 36 12 18 24 36 12 12 18 36 48 9 12 12 18 18 24 24 5 6 7 8 10 ' 11 12 i 14 1 Spaces and Quads. SMALLEST JOB FONTS. STANDARD BODIES. Four-line Small Pica $0 45 Four-line Pica o 50 Nine-Line Nonpareil o 60 Five-Line Pica o 65 Six-Line Pica o 75 Seven-Line Pica o 70 Eight-Line Pica o 75 Spiral. Pica *9A,18a... 3 20 Three-line Nonpareil.*6*yl, 12 a... 4 25 Two-line Pica *5A, 10 a... 5 00 Three-line Pica *3A, 5a... 650 Standard Type Writer. Pica *20A, 100a... 7 45 100a... 595 Steelplate Gothic. Pica ^-ISA... 2 15 Three-line Nonpareil *8A... 2 45 Two-line Pica *7^... 3 00 Three-line Pica *UA... 4 10 Stencil. Pica *10A, 16a... 3 30 Three-line Nonpareil 10 a... 4 20 Two-line Pica *6A, 8a... 520 Three-line Pica *UA^ 6 a... 7 90 Stencil- Gothic. Pica *16A... I 60 No. 2 *16A... I 95 Three-line Nonpareil *12A... 2 65 Stipple. Three-line Pica *7^... 5 35 Four-line Pica *6A... 690 Stylus. Three-line Excels'r..*i^^,5^a... 2 70 82 a... I 30 Pica *12A,3Sa... 3 90 32 a... I 80 Three-line Nonpar'l ..*8Ay20a... 5 05 20 a... 2 30 Two-line Pica *6Ay lUa... 5 60 lUa... 2 55 Superiors and Inferiors. Pearl ^ font Agate " Nonpareil " Minion Brevier " Bourgeois '* Long Primer * ' Small Pica " Pica " English ** FIGURES LETTERS I 50 I 35 X 60 I 50 M5 I 55 I 50 165 3 00 275 3 15 2 90 2 90 295 3 00 3 20 ii6 POINT 10 12 18 24 8 10 12 14 18 22 28 36 48 72 14 22 24 22 28 36 48 7 9 10 11 12 14 20 24 28 36 22 32 40 28 40 48 12 18 24 Tendril. Long Primer *lSA,3^a...$s 15 Pica '^10A,S8a... 375 Great Primer *8A,Wa... 460 Two-line Pica *6A,lUa... 560 Teutonic. Brevier *2UA, 70 a... 6 20 Long Primer ^20A,5^a... 585 Pica *12A,32a... 4 95 English '■^lSA,32a... 595 Great Primer *10A,S8a... 6 95 Two-line Sm. Pica ^8A,^0a... 660 Two-line English *6A,Ua... 815 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 10a... 8 40 Four-line Pica HA, 7 a.. .10 70 Six-line Pica *3A, 5a.. .16 65 Teutonic Extended. English *8A,Wa... 425 Two-line Sm. Pica *6A, lUa... 4 80 Two-line Pica 10 a... 5 70 Teutonic Shaded. Two-line Small Pica..*5^,^^?a... 6 40 Two-line English *6A,lUa... 870 Two-li. Great Primer..*5J., 10 a... 9 10 Four-line Pica *3A, 5a. ..10 65 Teutonic Title. Minion *WA,5^a... 405 Bourgeois *15A,USa... 380 Long Primer *15A,/t.2a... 440 Small Pica *lSA,33a... 400 Pica *l^A,32a... 4 80 English '*8A,S0a... 4 20 Two-line Long Prim..*5^,^^?a... 5 30 Two-line Pica *6A, lUa... 5 70 Two-line English ^5A,10a... 685 Two-line Gt. Primer. 7a... 710 Teuton Text. Two-line Sm. Pica 18 a... 4 20 Three-line Sm. Pica...*5^, 10 a... 5 25 Double Paragon "^UA, 8 a... 550 Text Ornate. Two-line English 8A,Wa... 500 Double Paragon 6A, lUa... 6 65 Four-line Pica 5A, 10 a... 7 20 Tilted. Pica *8A,25a... 2 90 Three-line Nonpareil*^^, lUa... 3 60 Two-line Pica *5A, 10 a... 4 15 Tinted. 12 *1SA... $2 15 18 2 65 24 *7A... 330 30 Five-line Nonpareil *5A... 385 36 HA... 4 60 Title. 5 .*36A,70a... 3 40 Agate Roman .*36A, 70 a... 3 70 53/2 No. 2 .*36A,70a... 3 60 53/2 Italic, No. 2 .*3UA, 70a.. 0 o3 6 Nonpareil Roman.. .*36A, 70 a.. 3 50 6 No. 2 "^36 A, 70 a... 6 .^36A,70a.. •3 00 6 No. 2 .*2UA,70a... 0 ^0 7 .*36A,70a.., Q 6^ 0 "O 7 No. 2 *36A,70a... 3 80 7 3... .'^36A,70a... 4 50 7 .*18A,33a... 2 05 8 .*36A,70a... 4 ^5 8 No. 2 ^36AJ0a... 4 60 8 .*18A,33a... 2 60 8 .*15A,USa... 3 ^5 9 Bourgeois Roman... ..^36 A, 52 a... 3 80 9 .^18A,32a... 2 40 10 Long Primer Roman *5^J^, 53 a... 4 70 10 No. 2 .*36A,52a... 4 70 10 .'^18A,32a... 2 80 10 MAA,36a... 325 12 .*23A,33a... 4 55 12 No. 2 *23A,33a... 4 45 12 Italic *10A,30a... 2 90 12 No. 2 .nOA,28a... 2 95 14 *18A,33a... 5 20 18 *lUA,30a... 5 30 Title Black. 6 *10A, 28a.. 2 50 8 2 70 10 Long Primer ...*<9^, 20a.. 285 12 ...^7A, 16a... 3 00 18 340 24 4 45 oD Two-line Great Prim. *3A, 6a... Title Black Shaded. 18 ...^'5A,10a.. 340 24 ..HA, 8a.. 4 45 36 Two-line Gt. Primer.. 6a.. 6 10 Title Extended. 51/2 .'^36A,U2a.. 405 6 Nonpareil, No. 2.^... .*36A,A2a... 385 8 .*36A,32a.. 440 10 *25A,28a.. 425 12 ..*18A,20a.. 4 20 18 MOA,lUa.. 4 15 qJ]Uj^qR/M/<^ ^miih^ 8A... 4 35 Tuscan Antique. Two-line Nonpareil *25A... 405 Great Primer *18A... 4 50 Two-line Small Pica *UA... 4 65 Two-line English *10A... 6 50 Two-line Great Primer *7A... 535 Four-line Pica *5A... 9 10 Five-line Pica *5A... 11 05 Six-line Pica, No. 2 *5A...i5 90 Tuscan Double Shaded. Two-line English *10A... 6 00 Tuscan Open Shaded. Nonpareil U5A... 3 15 Brevier 36 A... 3 30 Bourgeois *36A... 3 35 Long Primer *36A... 3 75 Small Pica *25A... 3 15 Two-line Nonpareil *SSA... 385 Two-line Minion 2SA... 420 Two-line Small Pica UA... 3 95 Tuscan Orna,mented. Long Primer *36A.. No. 3 36A.. Pica S2A.. Two-line Nonpareil 25 A.. Two-line Long Primer UA.. Tuscan Outline. Brevier 25 A.. 28 Two-line English 7A.. Tuscan Shaded. Nonpareil, No. 2 Long Primer, No. 2 *36A.. Pica, No. 2 25 A.. No. 3 25 A.. 4 *25A,S2a.. Two-line Nonp. No. 2 25 A.. No. 4 *25A.. Two-line Brevier *22A.. Great Primer, No. 2 ..*18A, 20 a.. No. 3 *18A.. Two-line Long Pr. No. 2...*18A.. Two-line Small Pica *1UA.. Two-line Pica, No. 2 '^lUA.. No. 3 mA, lUa.. 4 25 3 10 3 35 3 10 5 00 2 90 5 10 2 50 3 50 465 385 6 30 385 4 35 465 7 25 4 80 470 490 585 895 ii8 Tuscan Shaded. Two-line Eng. No.3. U a...$g 15 No. 4 '^10 A... 600 Two-line Great Primer *7A... 5 45 Four-line Pica 5A... 9 35 Five-line Pica, No. 2 *5J^...io 50 Six-line Pica *5A...i6 70 Typo. Three-line Nonpar'l Ua... 2 40 Two-line Pica *8A, 10a... 2 85 Five-line Nonpareil *^ J., 9a.... 3 55 Three-line Pica 7a.... 4 70 Four-line Pica 6a.... 5 25 Five-line Pica ^3A,ka.... 700 Unique. Two-line Sm. 'PicSi....*12A,Wa... 4 40 No. 2 *i^^,^Oa... 4 40 Two-line English *8A,16a... 550 No. 2 *8A,16a... 535 Two-line Gt. Primer...*/^, If a... 6 50 No. 2 *7A,l^a... 6 10 Unique Celtic. Nonpareil *22A,35a... 250 Brevier *S0A,3'Ja... 260 10-point *18A,28a... 290 12 18 24 36 48 2 1 Unique Celtic. Pica *15A, ff a...$3 0o 14-point *1SA, 18a... 3 25 Three-line Nonpar' l.*iC^, lUa... 3 60 Two-line Pica *7J., i(?a... 4 05 Five-line Nonpareil... *5 J., 8a... 535 Three-line Pica HA, 6 a... 620 Whittier. Pica '^■12A,30a.... 2 80 Three-line Nonpareil *8A, 20 a.... 345 Two-line Pica *6'^, 15 a.... 4 25 Three-line Pica 6 a.... 500 Four-line Pica *3A, Ua.... 6 40 Zinco. Pica ^10 A, 28a.... 3 50 Three-line Nonpareil..*5J.,f0a.... 3 95 Two-line Pica lUa.... 4 30 Three-line Pica *UA, 10a.... 6 25 Miscellaneous. Crochet Type, Diamond...^ lb... 2 80 " " Agate " ... I 60 Mail-List Type ... 046 Space Rule, 6 to Pica, Brass, " ... 2 00 " 8 " ... 275 " 12 " " ... 350 Stars, Five-Pointed ^ font i 00 WOOD TYPE AND RULE. Specimen Books of Wood Type, containing selections of styles unrivaled in design and unsurpassed in quality, furnished upon application. PRICES OF PRINTING MATERIALS. Printing Materials and Presses furnished at Manufacturers' Prices, which are subject to change without notice. BODKINS : Common Handle $ o lo Folding Spring o 60 Spring o 40 Printers' Knife i 50 Comb'n Knife and Bodkin ... 2 00 CABINETS: Eagle Cabinets. (40 Cases.) With 2 drawers, including 20 three-quarter job, 12 full job, 4 triple, and 2 full pairs on top. In Black Walnut.. 83 25 Cherry 78 25 Cabinets, .v;iJth galley tops. Twenty grsck, (15 f4.ill size- job . and 5 triple',^ 38 00 Eighteen cases, (15 full size job and 3 triple) 36 00 Sixteen cases, (13 fi-ll size job and 3 triple) 33 oc Twenty three-quarter <)a^e3.. 37 co, Eighteen " " .."34CXJ Sixteen " " .. 31 00 Twenty two-third cases, (10 upper and 10 lower) 36 00 Eighteen two-third cases, (9 upper and 9 lower) 32 00 Sixteen two-third cases, (8 upper and 8 lower) 28 00 Fourteen two-third cases, (7 upper and 7 lower) 26 00 Twelve two-third cases, (6 upper and 6 lower) 23 00 Made of walnut, extra, each cabinet Eureka Cabinets. Blank 18 00 Chase, No. 1 15 00 No. 2, with Ink Stone 18 00 Combination, No. 1 2200 No. 2 20 00 Galley, No.l 15 00 No. 2 2000 3 ; 1800 Handy 23 00 Ink 18 00 Quad 1800 Sort-Case 1800 Large Sort-Case Cabinet. Price 4000 Labor-Saving Furniture 40 00 Complete with Furniture.. 85 00 Wood Letter Cabinet. No. 1 $30 00 2 35 00 CASES : Pairs ^ pair i 60 Job each o 90 Triple " 090 Blank *' o 65 Figure " i 00 Combination Border 080 Labor-Saving Furniture *' i 50 ** " Lead 1 00 " " Slug " 1 00 " " Rule " I 15 Greek pair 375 &fernian^.. " i 60 Mii;si(^.-:,......<...-....o.|^;se^ o7'8 ; 5' 00 Two-Third Cases. ' ' ' ^ Ne>vs pair i 40 ; Jo^....i...-,.< ...I ., J each 070 ; Yt^nkce Jobi.^.o. " 070 Labor-saving Wle..^ *' 090 Blank " 045 Clasp Cases, 10 cts. each extra. CHASES : Wrought Iron Chases. SizeOrer Twin Chases, Skeleton, Shifting News, * All. per pair. each. bar, each. each. 1 17x201 $11 25 $450 $750 $550 2 20 x24l 12 50 5 00 8 25 6 00 3 24 x28l 13 75 5 75 9 00 6 75 4 26 x33i 15 00 6 50 10 00 7 50 4i 27 x39 15 75 7 00 10 50 8 00 5 29 x4H 16 50 7 25 II 00 8 50 5i 30 x44 17 25 7 75 II 50 goo 6 32 x46i 18 00 8 00 12 00 9 50 6i 33ix48f 18 75 8 50 12 50 10 00 7 35 x50i 20 CK> 9 00 1300 10 50 8 38 x541 2125 1000 1400 II 50 9 41 x59i 2250 II 00 1500 1250 COMPOSING STICKS: Screw. 6 inch, 2, 2)4 & 23^ in. deep o 75 8 " 2, 2]4 & 2)^ in. deep 080 10 " 100 For every additional 2 in... 015 Patent Reversible Knee Stick. 6 inch I 00 8 " I 10 10 " 1 40 12 155 For every additional 2 in... o 15 119 I20 ^mwi (Prim ^Myi, German Silver Composing Stick. 6 inch, 2 in. deep $2 00 6 " - 225 6 " 2% - 250 Grover and Albion Sticks. 6 inch, each o 90 8 " " 100 For every additional 2 in. ... o 20 Wooden Job Sticks. 24 inch i 10 30 125 36 " I 30 40 " I 60 24 " brass lined i 40 30 " 160 36 " " I 75 40 " 2 00 GALLEYS: Er^ss^Bqttom Gal>ey3,. , 2 .SiiigJe Colnimn.,,..t..>.......„. 150 brass-lined, riveted 2 00 all brass 2 75 Double Polla'mix.'.'.l.v 2 00 brass-lm^ 50 3500 14 32x50 4000 15 32 X 50, Walnut legs 45 00 ^ Oabhxet-Imposing Stone, with c 2 IfiYgL drawers and 32 small . "blank drawers, 45 x 63 in... 90 00 INK STONES: 12 X 12 inches i 00 12x18 " 150 18x24 " 300 PRINTING INK: News Ink ^ lb. 20 @ o 30 Book, Job and Card Ink 50 @ 6 00 Red, Blue, Green, Yel- low, White, Brown.... 50 @ 5 00 Carmine and Royal Pur- ple ^ oz. I 00 @ 2 00 Lake ^ lb. 3 00 @ 10 00 Varnish 30 @ o 75 Gold Size i 00 @ 2 00 Bronzes, per ounce o 50 @ 2 00 Iiikoleum pints o 50 RACKS : Single Rack, 20 cases.. 30 .. Double Rack, 40 " .. 60 " .. 800 10 00 19 00 Galley Rack, Iron Brackets .. 5 00 Iron Galley Rack 8 00 STANDS : Double Stand. With Rack 4 50 Without Rack 4 00 With Rack and Boards Soo With Rack and Sort-Case Cabinet 21 75 GJTU><5c2H^344ai^; 0)Ymth^ & Jordan 3^ doz. 2 00 Clamp for Composing Sticks... o 20 Copy-Holder, Patent i 00 Counters, Hart's....8 00, 10 oo@ 12 00 Elm City 10 00 Feed-Guides, Megill's Patent: Improved Extension set i 00 Adjustable Parallel Light' ng Sheet Adjusters " Rad' ng Sheet Supporters ' ' Furniture, Cherry: Diamond to Gt. Prim..fi yard o 03 2-line Pica to 5-line Pica " o 04 6-line Pica to 12-line Pica " o 06 Side-Sticks " 006 Labor-Saving, in cases : No. 1, Half Case, 280 pieces, with partitions 6 00 No. 2, Half Case, 280 pieces, without partitions 5 00 No. 3, Single Case, 560 pieces, with partitions 10 00 No. 4, Single Case, 560 pieces, without partitions 8 00 No. 5, Double Case, 1120 pes., with partitions 18 00 No. 6, Double Case, 1120 pes., without partitions 15 00 Labor-Saving Reglet, in cases : Case No. 4, 2100 pieces, 275 yards 8 00 Case No. 3, 4200 pieces, 550 yards 1500 Case No. 6, 3150 pieces, 750 yards 2000 Case No. 5, 6300 pieces, 1500 yards 38 00 Case No. 1, 1800 pieces, 300 yards 8 00 Case No. 2, 2400 pieces, 600 yards 14 00 Furniture, Lab.-Sav. Quot..^ lb. o 25 Reversible Metal " " 025 Galley Supports : Blakeley's Improved...fi pair i 50 Brown's " o 10 Gauge-Pins, Megill's Patent : Two-Prong Wire doz. 025 Brass " o 40 Adjust. Steel D'ble H'd " o 60 122 MISCELLANEOUS : Adjust. Spring Tongue doz. $i 20 " " " ^ set 040 Single Prong Wire f> doz. o 20 Ink Fountains 10 00 @ 15 00 Knives, new style, 6 in i 00 8'' 125 Slice Stone and MuUer 3 25 Lamp-Holders o 75 Lead and Brass Rule Cutters : Improved 8 00 With Double Lever 10 00 Lead Cutters 3 50 With Outside Gauge 4 00 Lye-Brushes 1 00 @ i 25 Small o 60 Mailer, Mustang 1000 Galleys, each 050 Mallets of Lignum-vit8e...4o @ o 60 Iron Bound i 00 @ i 50 Miter Boxes, Iron 3 00 Wood 040 MiteringMachines,Horizontal 1300 Upright 13 00 Mullers, Glass i 75 @ 2 00 Numbering Machine : Wetter's Consecutive 25 00 Page Cord ball o 50 Palette Knife, 6-inch Blade o 60 8 inch o 75 10 inch I 00 Perforating Rule, Brass ft. o 25 Steel " 075 " " " f^font 300 Planers, Curved i 00 Maple o 50 Proof. I 00 Points with Springs ^ pr..4o @ o 60 Printers' Lye f> box o 20 Detergent Press Tape, 3^ in. f> roll i 25 Proof Brushes i 50 Quadrates, Circular 3 50 @ 15 00 *' Corner.. ^ set.. 15 @ 020 " Curved ^ font. 2 25 MISCELLANEOUS: Quadrates Hollow lb $0 45 " Triangular " i 00 Quotations " o 25 Quoins of Boxwood 'f> 100 o 75 Hempel's Patent^ doz. 250® 300 Peerless 2 50 @ 3 00 Steel Key o 50 Nickel-plated Key o 75 Rules cut for Newspaper Column: Adver., 6 to Pi., S'gle col...ea o 05 Rules cut for Newspaper Column : Adver., 6 to Pi., Dbl. col ea o 08 Dbl . and Par., cross, S'gle col. o 08 " " Dbl. col. o 12 Single Dash o 09 Double and Parallel Dash.... o 10 Wave Rules, Single col o 06 " Double " o 09 Saws for Iron Miter Boxes 2 00 Wood Miter Boxes 150 Screw-Driver o 50 Shears for Cutting Rule 2 25 Sheep's-foot Hammers i 25 Shooting-Sticks, Brass i 00 With Iron Cap i 25 Iron 050 Nickel-plated... 075 Wood o 05 Slugs cut for Newspaper Column : Brass each...o 15, Metal o 05 Standard-block, Typc-Metal ... i 50 Steel Composing Rules o 25 Make-up Rules o 30 Take Slugs: Word o 25 Figured or Lettered o 20 Reversible Brass o 25 Tweezers o 25 Extra quality o 65 and Bodkin, folding i 00 Type Measure, Printers', 9 in. i 50 18 inch 3 00 Wood Rule, side wood...'^ yard o 12 Wrenches i 75 @ 2 50 Gum and Felt Blankets to order. PRICES OF PRESSES, &c. C. B. COTTRELL & SON'S PATENT STOP-CYLINDER PRESS— Fitted with Four, Five, or Six 33^ inch Rollers : No. Bed. Matter. 2 26 X 30 in..21 x 27 in.$30cx) oo 2i^..26 X 34 21 X 31 3200 00 3 28 X 36 23 x 33 3450 00 4 31 x42 26 X 39 4cxx) 00 434..34 X 46 29 x 43 4600 00 5..1.34 X 48 29 x 45 48CX5 00 6 37 x52 31^x48 530000 j 7 38 x54 33 x 51 6000 00 Patent Improved Two-Revolu- tion Press— Fitted with Four Form Rollers: No. Bed. Matter. 4 29 X 43 in.. 25 x 39 in. ... 3900 00 5 33x46 29 x42 430000 6 33 X 50 29 x 46 4500 00 7 35 X 52 31 X 48 4750 00 8 38 x 55 34 x 51 530000 9 43x 56 38x 52 570000 10.... 43 X 60 38 X 56 6000 00 11 46 X 60 42 X 56 6500 00 Fitted with Two Form Rollers: No. Bed. Matter. I 4.....29 X 43 in..25 x 39 in.... 3300 00 5 33 X 46 29 x 42 3500 00 6 33 X 50 29 x 46 3700 00 7 35 x 52 31 X 48 4100 00 8 38x55 34 x51 470000 9 42x60 38 x56 530000 Patent Air-Spring Country Press: Bed. 33 X 47 in., hand-power 1 100 00 Steam Fixtures, extra 50 00 Patent Improved Two-Roller Cylinder Press: No. Bed. Matter. 0 18 X 22 in 15 x 19 in.. 1250 00 1 21 x27 17 x 22 160000 V4..2IXZI 17x34...... 180000 2 25 x30 21x 27 190000 3 25 X 35 22 x 32 2300 00 31^. .25 X 40 22 X 37 2550 00 4.... .29 X 42 26 X 39 2850 00 5 32x46 29x43 310000 6 32x50 29x 47 330000 7 35 X 52 31 X 49 3600 00 8.....40 x 54 37 x 51 400000 9 40 X 60 37 X 57 4700 00 Improved Job and Newspaper Press : RACK AND CAM, OR TABLE, RACK AND CAM DISTRIBUTION. Bed, 33 X 47 in $1900 oc Bed, 33 X 50 2000 00 Bed, 34 X 52 2200 00 Bed, 37 X 54 2500 00 Steam-power, extra 50 00 The above prices include Rubber Blanket, Wrenches, Roller-Moulds, Stocks, and Boxing and Shipping. Two-Revolution Pony Press. New Series. Bed. Matter. J 25 X 30 in 21 x 27 in... 220000 Monarch Press. New Series. Bed. Matter. 26 X 37 in 22 x 33 in... 1800 00 33 X 47 in 28 x 44 in.... 2200 00 Lithographic Press. New Series. Size of Size of No. of No. Stone. Design. Rollers. 1 22x28 in.. .20x26 in.. .5.. 380000 2 24x34 22x32 5.. 440000 3 29x42 27x40 6.. 500000 3K..32x44 30x42 6.. 530000 4 34x48 32x46 6.. 550000 5 38 x48 36 x46v.....6.. 600000 WASHINGTON HAND PRINTING PRESS (Hoe's): No. Bed. Platen. 1 17x21 in 14x18 in.. 15000 2 20 X 25 16 X 21 175 00 3 24 X 29 20 x 25 200 00 4 26 X 34 22 x 30 225 00 414..27X39 23 x35 24000 5 29x42 25x 38 25000 53^..30 X 44 26 x 40 260 00 6 32 X 47 28 x 43 275 00 7 35 X 51 31 X 47 300 00 8 38 x 55 34 x 51 35000 9 41 X 60 37 X 56 400.00 GORDON'S FRANKLIN PRESS: I Inside of Chase. ! Eighth-Medium... 8x12 in. 22500 " " (New) 9x13 25000 ■ Quarto 10x15 30000 1 " "(New) 11x17 35000 I Half " 13x19 40000 Steam Fixtures ; 1500 j Cylinder and fount'n, extra 2500 I Boxing 6 00 @ 10 00 124 LIBERTY PRESS; No. Inside of Chase. 2...Card& Circular..? X 11 ill. $2cx)oo 2A 9x13 25000 3...Quar.- Medium,10xl5 300 00 3A 10x17 35000 4 . . . Half-Medium ...13x19 400 00 Ink Fountain 25 00 Steam Fixtures 20 00 UNIVERSAL PRESS : UNIVERSAL, No. 1. Inside of Chase. Eighth-Medium ... 7x11 in. 22500 Quarto-Medium.. ..10x15 32000 Half-Medium 13x19 41500 Half Super Royal. 14x22 480 00 UNIVERSAL, No. 2. Eighth-Medium 210 00 Quarto-Medium 300 00 Half-Medium 385 00 Half Super Royal 440 00 UNIVERSAL, No. 3. Quarto-Medium 425 00 Half-Medium 550 00 Half Super Royal 625 00 Steam Fixtures 7 00 to 15 00 Ink Fountain 18 00 to 25 00 PROOF PRESSES: Single column 10 x 37 in. 30 00 Without frame and cupboard ... 22 OO Double column ....16 x 3 1 42 oo Without frame and cupboard ... 3^00 CARD CUTTERS (HoE & Co.'s) : 6in. shears 1500 15 in. shears 3000 8 " " 18 00 20 " " 37 50 10 " " 22 50 25 " " 47 50 12 " " 25 00 1 Elm City 10 00 Improved Rotary. 25 inch, Wooden Bed 28 00 30 " " 33 00 PERFORATING MACHINE: Black & Clawson's 20 inch .. 75 00 " " 24 " .. 100 00 " " 28 " .. 125 00 PAPER CUTTERS— Hand-Power : Brown & Carver's Revenue, 32 inch $325 00 Defiance, 10 inch 30 00 Franklin, 28 inch 50 00 Gage, 30 inch 125 00 Iron Frame with Movable Cutting-Board, 28 inch 45 00 Minerva, 30 inch 225 00 Paragon, 14 in. lever, boxed 46 00 ** 22}/^ " " skids 80 00 ** 25 " " " no 00 " 30 " " " 17500 " 32 " " " 20000 " 32 " gear'dh'nd 27500 Peerless, Extra Heavy, 32 in. 225 00 Regular, 30 inch... 17500 " " 22 " ... 10000 Sanborn's Gem, 30 inch 200 00 Eureka, 30 inch 200 00 New Empire, 38 inch 1000 00 Lever, 32 inch 325 00 Victor, 30 300 00 Star, 34 " 550 00 '87, 32 " 15000 Steam-Power 2500© 5000 ROLLER COMPOSITION : Bendernagel's 30 @ o 40 Francis & Loutrel's o 60 Godfrey's 30® 045 Glue, for Rollers 30 @ o 40 Composition Kettles 10 00 ROLLER FRAMES— Two stocks : 4 and 6 in. i 65 18 inch.. 8 and 10... 200 20 " ., 12 and 14... 260 22 " ., 16 inch 300 24 " ., ROLLER APPARATUS: 3 40 3 80 4 00 4 20 No. 5 22 50 5^.. 6 No. 1 1500 2 16 50 3 1800 4 1950 A}4 21 00 Roller Moulds, Brass in. Iron, 30 to 50 in 24 00 2550 7 27 00 o 40 o 60 American Point Bodies. 36 Point. 3 POIXT. 31,^2 Point. 4 Point. 41^ Point. 7 Point. 8 Point. 12 Point. 12 Point. 14 Point. 16 Point. 18 Point. 18 Point. 24 Point. 28 Point. 30 Point. 32 Point. 40 Point. 42 Point. 44 Point. 48 Point. 72 Point. PRINTERS' TEXT-BOOKS. MacKellar s American Printer, A Manual of Typography, containing Practical Directions for Managing all De- partments of a Printing Office, as well as Complete Instructions for Apprentices. Eighteenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price, $2.00. By mail, $2.15. Wilson's Punctuation, A Treatise on Punctuation. Designed for Printers, Letter-Writers, Authors, and Correctors of the Press. Price, $1.25. By mail, $1.35. Ringzmlfs Encyciopcedia of Printing. A History of the Implements, Processes, Products, and Arts auxiliary to Printing. Price, $6.00. MacKbi^IvAr, Smiths & Jordan Foundry, 606-614 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. ELECTROTYPING. We have unsurpassed facilities for Electrotyping Books, Music, Wood-Cuts, Labels, Blanks, Newspaper Heads, Bookbinders' Stamps, and all kinds of Job Work. Calendars of any size or design, plain or for colors, or adapted for use in the Spanish and German or other languages, will be furnished upon application. With the agencies of perfect type, careful proof-reading, superior electro shells, and accurate blocking, our productions are unequaled. SPECIAL NOTICE. Parties sending us old type should mark their names distinctly on every box or package sent, and forward by mail a shipping receipt or bill of lading as soon as the type is dispatched. MacKkIvI^ar, Smiths & Jordan Foundry, 606-614 Sansonn Street, Philadelphia. Old Material will be taken in even exchange for new type at the following rates: Old Type, per lb., 7 cts. ; Plates and I