Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/biblothecawestiaOOmess BIBLIOTHECA PFESTIANA: CATALOGUE Of the CURIOUS and truly VALUABLE LIBRARY OFTHELATE. James West, Efq$ President of the Royal Society, SDeceafeO: COMPREHENDING A choice Collection of Books in various Languages, and upon moft Branches of polite Literature: More efpecially fuch as relate to The Hiftory and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland ; Their early Navigators, Difcoverers and Improvers, , And the Ancient Englifh Literature : Of which there are a great Number of uncommon Books and Tra&s, elucidated by Manufcript Notes and Original Letters, and embellifhed with fcarce Portraits and Devifes, rarely to be found : Including the Works of Caxton, Lettou, Machlihia, 'the Anony- mous St. Alban's Schoolmafter, Wynkiji de Worde, Pynso^, aad the reft of the old Englifh Typographers. Digefted by SAMUEL PATERSON. Which (by Order of the Administratrix,) Will be fold by AUCTION, By Meff. Langf ord, At Mr. West’s late Dweliing-Houfe in King's- Street, Covent -Garden, On Monday , the 29th of March 1773, and the Twenty-three follow** ingDays (Sundays excepted.) To begin each Day precifely at Half an Hour pall Eleven. To be viewed on Thurjday the 25th, and to the Time of Sale. Catalogues (Price TWO SHILLINGS) may be had of MefT. Lang- ford, in the Great Piazza , Covent Garden , and at the Puce of Sale* Conditions of SALE. l/?r I 'HAT the higheft Bidder is to be the Buyer; JL 2 nd if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Book or Books lhall immediately be put up again and re-fold. ,, 2 ^> That no Books ( notwithjlanding they may prove imperfeSl) after being taken away, (hall be returned and accepted as fuch. 3 d. That no Perfon advance lefs than 6 d. under a Pound; above a Pound is, and fo on in Proportion. 4 tb* That each Buyer pay Five Shillings in the Pound in Part of Payment for each Lot, if required, and alfo give in his Name and Place of Abode. Lafily, That the Books are to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, within T wo Days at fartheft, after the Sale is ended, and the Purchafe-Moneypaid on or before the Delivery; in Failure of which, the Five Shil- lings in the Pound depofited in Part of Payment (hall be forfeited, the Books re-fold, and the Deficiency (if any) fhali be made good by the Defaulters at this prefent Sale. PREFACE. H E following Catalogue exhibits a very curious and uncommon Colle&ion of printed Books and Tratts : — of Britifh Hiftory and Antiquities, and the rare old Lnglifh Literature, the mod copious of any which has appeared for feveral Years pa-ft — formed with great Tafte and a thorough Knowledge of Authors and Characters, by that judicious Critic and able Antiquary, the late James West, Efq-, Prefident of the Royal Society. Several anonymous Writers are herein brought to light — many Works enlarged and further explained by their refpec- tive Authors and Editors - — and a far greater Number illu- ftrated with the Manufciipt Notes and Obfervations of fome of our moil refpe&able Antiquaries ; among whom will, be found the revered Names of Camden, Selden, Spelman, Somner, Dugdale, Gibfon, Tanner, Nicolfon, Gale, Le Neve, Hearne, Anftis, Lewis, St. Amand, Arnes, Browne Willis, Stukeley, Mr. Weft, &c. &c. ■ — But, above all, the intenfe Application, and unwearied Diligence of the admira- ble BiOiop White Kennett, upon the Ecclefiaftical, Mona- ftical, Conftitutional and Topographical Hiftory of Great Britain, fo apparent throughout this CoileClion, furnifh Matter even to Aftonifhment ; and were alone lufRcient to eftablifh the Reputation, and to perpetuate the Memory of that iliu- ftrious Prelate, without any other Monuments of his Great- nefs. In an Age of general Inquiry, like the prefent — when Studies lefs interefting give Place to the moft laudable Curi- ofity and Third after inveftigating every Particular relative to the Hiftory and Literature of our own Country nothing A ? lefs PREFACE. lcfs than an elaborate Digeft of this valuable Library could be expected ; and, as a Supplement to the Hiftory of Engliih Books, more defired. That Talk the Editor has chearfully undertaken ; and, he flatters himfelf, executed as well as the fhort Time allowed would permit : — Be further hopes, to the Satisfa&ion of jfuch who are capable of judging of its Utility and Impor- tance. The Lovers of engraved Englifh Portraits — a Species of modern ConnoifTeurfhip (which appears to have been firft ftarted by the late noble Earl of Oxford •, afterwards taken up by Mr. Weft, Mr. Nickolls, Editor of O. Cromwell’s State-Papers, Mr. Ames, &c. and fince perfedted by the Mufe of Straw berry-H ill, the Reverend Mr. Grainger, of Shiplake, and fome few more ingenious Coliedfors) may here look to find a confiderable Number of fingular and fcarce Heads, and will not be difappointed in their Search. It remains only to point out the Order of the Catalogue, which is divided into twenty-four Days, for the more readily finding out the feveral Subjedts and Sizes, S. P, The THE CONTENTS. • ' * • r <' • ' - ~ Firft Day, Svo. & Infra. Treatifes of Education, Languages, kc. — Grammars and Dictionaries of various Languages Criti- cifm — Catalogues of Libraries — Facetia—Poeta Latini recentiores , &c. Claffics and Tranflations, pa. I. Quarto. Volumes of Mifcellaneous TraCls, many veryfcarce, pa. 6. Second Day, 8vo. Cff Infra. Classics and Tranflations, pa. 18. Quarto. Volumes of TraCls, manyfcarce, continued, pa. 22. Third Day, 8vo. £s> Infra. Divinity; including many fcarce Trails— Old and New Teftaments Commentators — Ecclefiaft. Hift.— Polemics — Devotions Enthufiafm — Modern Sermons, pa. 30. Quarto. Languages, Education, Grammars and Dictionaries— -Logic and Rhetoric — Libraries — Portraits of learned Men, pa. 35. Fourth Day, 8vo. Csf Infra , Divinity; including many rare Trails — Hift. of the Popes Catholic Devotions — Controverfy with the Roman Church — Monaftical Hiftory — Lives of Saints, Fa- thers, Founders, Miffionaries, Martyrs, modern Divines and Perfons of eminent Piety Free-Thinkers, pa. 39. Quarto. Classics and Tranflations Poetae Latini recentiores, &c, pa. 45. Fifth Day, 8vo. & Infra. Divinity ; early Tranflations, Abridgment*, kc. of the O. and N. Teftament Old Englifh Primers, Meditations, Sec. Some of the earlieft Popifh and Purita- nical Controverfy Sermons by Old Englifh Divines, and other rare TraCls, pa. 47. Quarto. Livres Francois, Italiens, &c. pa. 53. Folio. Volumes of Mifcellaneous TraCls, pa. 55. Sixth Day, 8vo. Infra. Englifh Poetry and Mifcellanies, pa* 58. Quarto. Theological TraCts and Sermons, pa. 6a. Folio. Claffics and Tranflations, &c. p. 64. Seventh vi CONTENTS. Seventh Day* 8vo. Cf Infra . Volumes of Tra&s, many very fcarce, pa. 66. Quarto. Divinity. Old and New Teftaments -Commentators— Eccleflaftical Hift. and Antiquities, &c. pa. Bi. Eighth Day, Svo. & nmo. Volumes of Tra&s, many ‘very fcarce y pa. 84. Quarto. Lives of Saints, Martyrs, Millenaries, Reformers, &c. -Ca- tholic Devotions ^reformed ditto — Early Controverfy with the See of Rome— Conftitution of the Church of England Old Englifh Sermons— Schifmatics, Enthufiafts, &c. pa. 94. Ninth Day, 8vo. & 121110, Livres Francois, kc, pa. 100. Quarto. Englifh Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies ; many exceeding fear ce y pa. 102. Folio. Holy Scriptures and Commentators — Ecclefiaft. Hift. — Works of modern Divines, pa. 105. Tenth Day, 8vo. & i2mo. Lihri Italiam y pa. 108. Quarto. Englifh Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies, pa. 109. Folio. Lives of Saints and Fathers, Src. — Catholic Devotions — MifTais — Common Prayers, pa. 113. Folio. Livres Francois, Italiens & Portugal, pa. 115. Various Sizes. Typographical Hift. Antiquities and Fragments, pa. 116. Eleventh Day, 8 vo. Sc 121310. Philofophy, Mathematics, Inventions, Im- provements — Agriculture and Horticulture — Medicine, Cookery, Quackery, Surgery, Anatomy, pa. 117. Quarto. Philofophy, Mathematics, Inventions, Improvements — TranfaCtions of feveral learned Societies, pa. 121. Folio. Englifh Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies, pa. 123. Twelfth Day, 8vo. & i2mo. Chemiftry, Nat. Hiftory, Occult Philofo- phy, Aftrology, Geomancy, Sorcery, Gigantology, and other Marvelous Hiftory, pa. 124. Quarto. Phytic, Chirurgery, Anatomy, Chemiftry, Marvelous^ Hiftory — — Mufic, Painting, Engraving, Penmanfhip, p. 127. Folio. Englifh Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies continued, p. 1 30. Thirteenth Day, Svo. & i2mo. Painting, Engraving, Architedure, Mu- fic, Trade, Coin, Finances, pa. 132. Quarto. Natural Hift. Hufbandry, Improvements, Commerce, Fi- nances, pa. 135. Folio. Englifh Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies concluded y pa. 140. Fourteenth Day, 8vo. & 1 amo. Introductions to Hiftory — Antiquities Jewifh, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, &c. — Modern General Hift.- Antient Infcriptions, Medals, Weights and Meafures t &c, pa. 142. Quarto. Geography, Voyages and Travels* pa. 1 45. Folioi CONTENTS. vfl Folio. Philofophy, Mathematics, Marvelous Hid. — Agriculture, Medi- cine, Surgery, Anatomy, See. pa. 147. Fifteenth Day, 8vo. Sc i2mo. Geography, Voyages and Travels, pa. 149, Quarto. Antiquities Hebrew, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Druidical, &c. — Antient Chronicles — Irffcriptions, Gems, Coins and Medals ; Weights and Meafures, Sic. pa. 15 c. Folio. Natural Hiftory, pa. 154. Sixteenth Day, 8vo. & 1 2mo. Hid. of Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, pa. 155. Folio. Painting, Sculpture, Engraving, Archite&ure, &c.— Horfeman- fliip, Fencing, Mufic Hulbandry, Commerce, Finances, pa. 158. Folio. Antiquities Hebrew, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, &c, — Cabinets of Antiquities — Antient Coins and Medals, pa. 160. -Seventeenth Day, 8vo. & i2mo. Hid. of Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Rullia, Poland, Turkey in Europe, See. pa. 162. Quarto. Hid. of Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the Nether- lands, Denmark^ Sweden, Mufcovy, Poland, Turkey, pa. 164. Folio. Geography, Voyages and Travels, pa. 167. ✓ Eighteenth Day, 8vo. & i2mo. Law, Civil, Canon, Common, Statute, &c. pa. 168. Quarto. Ditto, pa. 17 1. Folio. Ditto, pa. 174. Nineteenth Day, 8vo. Sc i2mo. Treatifes of Government— Treaties, Sec. — Antiquity, Power, and Proceedings of Parliament — Parliamen- tary Debates, pa. 176. Quarto. Parliamentary Treatifes, &c. pa. 177. Folio. Reports, &c. in Law and Equity — Law-Antiquity — Records— State Trials, &c. — Revenues— Antient Conditution of England Summons, Privileges, Proceedings and Journals of Parliament — Proclamations — Treaties, pa. 180. Folio. Chronology, &c.— Hid. of Spain and Italy, pa. 1 8a. Twentieth Day, 8vo. & 12010. Heraldical and Genealogical Hid. and Antiquities, pa. 181, O&avo. Hearne’s Antiquities, pa. 182. Quarto. Heraldical and Genealog. Hilt, and Antiquities, pa. 183. Folio. Ditto, pa. 184. Folio. Hid. of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Ruffia, Poland, Turkey, pa. 186. Twcnty*fird Day, 8vo. Sc i2mo. Engliih Hid. and Antiquities, including feveral of the earlied Writers and Chroniclers, pa. 193. Quarto. Old Chronicles Englifh Hid. and Antiquities, including feveral of the early Writers — General and Biographical Kid. of England — Hid. of England, in a Chronological Series, from Hen. yiii CONTENTS. Hen. II. to the prefent Time Medaliic and Numifmatic Hift. of England, pa. 195. Folio, Ecclefiaftical and Monaftical Hift. of England, pa. 201. Twenty-fecond Day, 8vo. & i2mo. Hift. of England, in a Chronological Series, from Hen. VIII. to the prefent Time ; including many rare and interejling Pieces , pa. 202. Folio. Antient Legends and Chronicles *— Old Englilh Chronicles— General Hiftories of England — Hift. of England, in a Chrono- logical Series, from Edw. III. to the prefent Time Englifh Coins and Medals, pa. 209. • * Twenty-third Day, 8vo. & 12m General Englifh Topography, pa. 215. Quarto. Ditto, pa. 217. Folio. Ditto, pa. 217. Var. Sizes. Topography of England, digefted in the feveral Counties (Berkshire to London and Middlesex, incluftve) pa. 218. Twenty-fourth Day, Var. Sizes. Englifti Topography, concluded Norfolk to Wales, &c.) pa. 228. 8vo. & i2mo. Hift. and Antiquities of Scotland, pa. 233. Quarto. Ditto, pa. 235. Folio. Ditto, pa. 236. 8vo. & i2mo. Hift. and Antiquities of Ireland, pa. 237. Quarto. Ditto, pa. 237. Folio. Ditto, pa. 238 Folio. Britifh Biography, pa. *39. f 1 3 \A > Firft Day’s Sale, Monday , March 29, 1773 OCTAVO £? /*/r*. ■w Trealifes of Education , Languages , £s?V. — Grammars and Di&io- navies of various Languages < — Criticifm — Catalogues of Libraries — Facetiae — Latini receniiores « — Claffics and T r (inflations . Lot 'ALKER of Education Ox/'. 1 6 S 3 — - Children's Petition^ againft the Severities of the School Difcipline 1669 Hill’s fpeedy Help to Learning 1719 2 Walfingham’s Manual 1722— Hill’s Help to Learning 1697 3 Enfans celebres par leurs Etudes — — - Paris 1688 4 4 Philips’s Way of teaching Languages — — — — 17501 5 Stackhoufe of Languages — — — — — 1731 , 6 V/alton de Linguis Orientalibus Land. 1655 Clerici Frofodia/ Arabics, Oxen. 1661 — — — “ — l 7 Bayeri Mufeum Sinicum, live Grammatica Sinica Sc Lexicon Sinicum, 2 tom. — — > Pet rep. 1730 8 Scriptores de Graeca Lingua Havercampi, 2 tom. L. Bat . 1736-40 9 Inilitutio Grammatical Gr. Land . 1748 — Cambridge Latin Grammar . 1701-— Langlton’s Lufus Posticus 1688, and 3 more I 10 ElTay to retrieve the antient Celtic — 1768 I *10 Linacri Gr animat. Latina , — — Paris , ap. Rob. Stepb. 1550 1 1 Shirley’s Univerfal Grammar, by Philips 1726- -Coles’s Latin and Englilh Di&ionary 1722 « 1.2 Ainfworth’s Dictionary, by Thomas, 2 vol. 1753 S 2 Davis Lingua W alii (re Rudiment a 13 Richards’s Welch Englilh Dictionary 14 Wotton de Linguis Vett. Septentrionalibus 15 Hickelii Grammatica Anglo Saxonica 16 Bcnfon Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum 17 Wallis Grammatica Ling urn Anglicans f 8 White of the Englilh Verb • - 19 Bailey’s Englilh Dictionary ~ — - — 20 — 2 vol. 21 Co cs’s Englilh DiCtioRary 171 7 nunciation 1759 Load. 102 1 Brijkl 1733 Lord. 1708 Oxen. 1 ; n ib. 1701 Loud. 1765 1701 1726 * 7-7 _ Teuton’s Vocabulary for Pro- 22 Ward*# -/_ . L - 6 2-& {7- A — 3 - 3 — 7-6 7 & / - . / - * 3-6 2 G /- e> 2-6 A-G t « ] Ward’s Eflays on the Englilh Language -175! —Birch’* Life of Dr. John Ward 1766 ( 23 Vaugelas de la Langue Francoife Par. 1672 Retaiit, Grammaire ^ / / Francoife ib. 1745 ^^24 Boyer’s Fr. Sc Eng. Dictionary - — - — — — 1751 ±$ Galelini, Dittionario Fclgariatino, Ven, 1647 Franciofmi Gram- matica Span, ed Ital. Gen. 1648 Vaugelas de la Langue Fran- / ~(o { coife ** ar ' E ^59 '26 Grammaire Allemande Francoife, Strafe. 1747 Sewell’s Dutch and Englifh Grammar, Amjl. 1725 *26 Williams’* Key to the Language of America — *743 2-6 ’ *7 Lamy, la Rhetorique r <28 Lawfon’s Ledtures on Oratory Amfi . 29 Watts’s Logic 699 *759 174° ( 3 ° -K. 30 Logicae Compendium, Glafg. 1756 Bechmann de Modo Solvendi Sophifmata, Lip/. \ 1684 31 Obfervations fur la Compofition & la Ledturedes Livres Par . 166X 32 Geddes on the Compofition and Manner of Writing of the Antients, particularly Plato — ■ - - * Glafg. 1748 / 33 Another Copy — -? — * 1 74.S 34 R a pi n>s Critical Works, 2 vol. 1706 35 Werenfels of Logomachys ; or Controversies about Words 17 11 / ■U 36 k37 Wotton’s Reflections upon Learning 11694 Baker’s Reflections upon Learning 1699 — _ Werenfels of Logoma- chies 17 1 1 Wotton of ancient and modern Learning, with Bentley’s Differta- tion -» — — 1697 { 38 Boyle againft Bentley — 1698 39 Another Copy — 1698 r ^ 40 Bentley againft Boyle 1 699, withjhe Judgment of Mr. Weft on that ~>-b Controverfe, MS. f Menckenius de Charletaneria Eruditorum Lipf 1715 Parm. 1692 1763 Sorel, la Bib- -A6 \ Accoltus de Prreftaotia Viror. fui TEvi Burton’s Ancient Characters, from Claflical Remains Labbe Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum, Rothom. 1 678 — liotheque Francoife, Par. 1667 Bibliotheque Choifie de Colo- mies, ib. 1731 144 Jacob, Traite des plus belles Bibliotheques — • Par. 165^ /-(? '45 Oldys’s Britilh Librarian, an Abftradl of fcarce Englifh Books 1738 46 Davies’s Athena Briiannica , a Critical Hift. of the Oxford and Cam- bridge Writers and Writings, 6 vol. 1716 - — / ~ 47 Ditto, Vol. f. — - ■ — r 1716 418 Memoirs of Literature, 8 vol. — - 1722 * 49 Bibliotheca Thuana — Par. 1 679 A A- i: Traj. Bibl. Jo. Medicea Ernftii, Amft. 1641 - Vilenbroukiana, 2 tom. Amft. 1729-41 Par. Geo. Grasvii, -2M — /f-& „ A6 *4 $ 2 $3 - Mufeum Vi- lenbroukianum Havercampi f — — — Bernardiana, with the prices • '^^~ c -p!ond. 17 n - Th. Rawlinfon, 16 parts, including his Manufcripts and Paintings, from 17 21 to 1734, very farce — — jo. Bridges * * — ■ < Land. 172$ 55 Bib r " t 3 3 55 Bibliotheca Dan. Williams $7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 — Lond \ 1727 ib . 1727 — Sydenhamiana ib, 172 7 ■ " — Woodwardiana & Mufeum Woodwardianum 1728 — P. Le Neve, interleaved with Prices and Purchafers 1730 — Ant. Collins, with the prices 1731 — Le Neve’s ditto, with prices and purchafers 1731 — Dr. Grey’s ditto, •with prices 1 73 1 — Harleiana, 4 vol. in morocco 1743-44 ■ — 6 vol. including the Harleian Collection of TraCt* — ■ Meadian* 1754 — 55 Mufeum Meadianum, inter- leaved 1755 — Rawlinfoniana 17s 6 '755 -The Deed of Truft and Will of Am Account of his Death , Infcrip - Dr. Rich. Rawlinfon j tion for his Tosnb^ Sc c. MS. by Ames 65 Catalogues of various Libraries, 2 vol. including that of Mr. Bridges 66 Ditto, 2 vol. including Mr. Bridges, with the prices 67 Catalogues of the Libraries ©f Bp. Burnet, Dr. Hooke, Sir John Chardin, Mr. Streeter, and Mr. TKo. Britton, the mufical Small- Coalman 68 Catalogues of Books, Pictures and Curiofities, 2 vol. _ — 69 Various Catalogues of Books, including the Manufcripts of Sir Joleph Jekyll — 70 of Pictures, Prints, Drawings, Medals, and other / — /- :/-* *£ -A- — & - 3 — - 4 - 1 , -2-, - 3 - -A- - z ~ 7 ' Guriofitics Ditto, 2 vol. ’71 Catalogus Libror. Oriental.MSS.Scc. in Bibl. Cautabr. Geo. Lewis 1 727* 72 Ainfworth Monumenta Kempiana . — — . Lend. 1720 73 Erafmi Opufcula, 8 tom. Amfl. ap, Maire 1641- Ejufd. Collcquia A. ap.Ehz. 1636 74 Morias Encomion, cumfguris Holbenii Bafl 6 yS 75 Epiftolae Obfcurorum Virorum — Lo?;d, 1710 76 Brufonii Facetiae Lugd. 1 562 Obfopaeus de Arte Bibenai Sc Delius de Arte Jocandi Francof. 1582 — ^ — - — 77 Admiranda Rertrm Admirabilium Encomia, Liber tniree Fejlivitatis No- viom. 1676 — Delius de Arte Jocandi, Gbfopaeus de Arte Bibendi, &c. Atnjl . 1737 — — *77 Medicitta Animt in Ufum Melancholicor. Perigrinaniium Sc Studioor. Germanop. 1685 78 Drudonis PraCtica Artis Amandi ib. 1651 Barthii Pornodidafca- lus 1660 79 Meurfii Flegant'us Latini Sermonis 80 Stradae Prolufiones Qxon. 1745 Philips DilTertadones Hifto- ricae Lond . 1 735 81 Eremitae Aulica Vita Ultra j, 1701 — Pafchalii Coronx 82 Grotii de alior. de Studiis infhtuendis Amfl. 1645 — tiones Aug . Pi ft. 16 T 3, and 2 more - — 83 An. Mariae a Schurman Opufcula L. Bat, .1648 — - ■ « Crinid Opu 2' tom. ALugd. 1561 — 84 Vidx Poemata perTriflram Sc Owen, 2 tom. c. m . Oxon. 1723-15 85 2 tom. ib. 17*2-25 86 Poetica, perTriflram ib. 1733 — - Vida’i Art of Poetry, by 2 - - 3-6 {- 4 - 3-6 L. Bat. 1671 ■ Mured Ora- rJ { Pitt * 7*5 _ / -6 - 3 - -4- B z 87 Meter iwi 93 t 4 1 AW»i Poemata, 5 tom Paris, R. Slept. & Paf cofan. 1 r 5 1 — I? CO Sannazam Poemata ' kenei. tl-a Pmelli Carmina, incor.turc. — .clZ r , ... . L t £:: h <£ lOOC Commirn Carmina, in cor. turc. - p„ y . nr . . Augurelli Carmina Vem. ap. Ai„ um ^o\ fabncius A Re Poenca Antcj. a p. Pianun. 1 565 oententis Veternm Poetaram ib. ib. 1564- — Flores, feu Formula Loquendi ex Terentio ib . i 564 Tornebi variorum Poematum Silva Douzae Poemata L. Bat . 1609- Juvencii & alior. Sacra Poefis Lugd. ap. 1 or ntf/ium 1533 Sd 2 r'Ut CalUm Vit * Aulic * F ’ mnf - ’579 - Calimiri Lyrica Hoffchii Elegia* item Eecani Idyllia Jm>. 1667 Brietii acute Difta omnium Veterum Poctarum Latinor. Par. 1664 Pliilomufi Muias Juveniles Tel. [742 - 3 - xc 6 — /— 107 -2- > cS /-b> >09 ~Z-h no ricidae Cad. 1655 Vanierii Praxlium Rufticum Paris 1705 Polignac Anti-Lucretius, 2 tem. in j. Delitise Poctarum Germanorum, 6 tom. -Danorum Rotfgardi, 2 tom. Poctarum Scotorum Mufae Saq%Lauderi, a tom. Idem, 2 tom. Buchanani Poemata, Portr. ib, 16C7— Col, i 645 — Savary Album Dianas Lepo- - Du C’erceau Carmina y /- ( n \i 12 3 4 -a\\\ -^1 - A- —A J I »7 1 IiS 1 19 420 - Lend. #748 _ Franco/. 1612 L. Bat, 1693 Edinb. 1739 r v ” 1739 Bmjl. 1 6^7 — ■ ■■ ■■ Owen Epigram m a ta, with bis .. VJ . , —Leochsi Carmina, Land. 1657 Fitzgeofridi Affani*, five Epigrammata. Ejufd. Cenotophia, Qxon. Barnes 16 ic Wright Delia* Delitiarum (W 1637 -Haufled Epigrammata & batrocnomyomachia Lond. 1629 Oweni Epigrammata, cum Effigie Amji. ,669 Speede Epigram- mata, ,n cor. turc. Lond. 1669 Wiilei Poemata, Sec. Lond. ap. Tot tel. 1573 Drurrei Drcunctica Poemata Duac. 1628 — Pedantius, Comoedia Lond . JOJI Comoedias 4. Loiok, Stoicus Vapulans, Cancer, Paria, Lond. —Hauled Senile Odium, Com. Cant . 1633 * Bourne Poematia, W. 1735 *— Mufe Anglican*, Tom. 2 ZW, 1741 Carmina Quadragciimalia, perEfte, c. m. — ~ ,- 2 , Ciceronis Orationes fele&ae Z«m!. &750-I— C. Nepos ib.ijzo Ovidn Metamorph. ik 1751— -Horatius ib. i6co Juvenal & Perfrns /Z. 1722 —Terentius ib. 1700 Virgilms 1753 --Horatius ib. 1 734 Homeri Xlias Gr. & Lat. a Maittaire, 2 'tom. Lond. 1722 7r V ' Tom ‘ l * 1 747 — Homeri iiias Gr. & Lat. Lond , 1700, and 2 more Excerpta ex Luciano Gr. & Lat. per Sant .■ Cant. 1750 Asacreon & Sappho Gr. & Lat. per Baxter 169. Idem, Gr. & Lat. per Bacicr [690 ? 2 1 Sopho» f 5 ] : 665 Heliodori ^thiopica Gr. Scj Lond . 1 7 3 8 Hero-^ -i f 2 t Sophocles Or. & Lat. CW Lat. Commelini 1596 122 Dionyfii Geographia Gr. Sc Lat, per Wells dianus Gr. & Lat. G-w/z. 1678 125 Hierocles Gr. Sc Lat, Lond. 2673, and 2 more 124 Longus, les Amours Paftorales de Daphnis & de Chloe, Amft. 2716 La Rhetorique d'Ariftote, par Cafl’andre Huye 17 iS 125 Plautus, Amjl. ap. Liz . < 65 2 — — Horauus 1 7 19 Qvidiui 3tom»in;i. ib. 1735 — ■ — — 126 Tacitus ib . 1665, and 3 more — — - 127 Small Claffics, &c. 9 vol. - — — J28 Cicero de Ofticiis, in cor. turc. Amjl. ap. Cejium 1624 Boethius ib. ap. Bleau 16 68 - ‘ ~ — — 129 per Cockman Oxon. 1716 - Ejufd. de Ora- tore, per Cockman ib. 1696 — — Idem per Pearce Cant. 1716 130 Caefaris Comment, per Clarke Lond. 1753 I 31 Amm. Marcellinus Paris ap.Steph. 1543 Hift. Aug. Scriptores ib. 1544 132 Veil. Paterculus, a Maittaire Lond. 1713, and 5 more 1 3 3 Dares Phrygius, Latino Carmine redditi a Jof. Exonienii Lond. 167^ Pomp. Mela Gronovii L. Bat.\ 6 g 6 juftinus Giaevii Amjl. 1694 - — 7* — " 134 Martial Ven. ap.Aldum 1501 ^Virgilius Amjl. 1730 135 Savage's Letters of the Ancients 1703 — Spence's Lucian, 2 vol. in t. 1684 - • — — — - 136 Creech’s Lucretius and Theocritus, 2 vol. 1683— 84^ 137 Marc. Antoninus, by Collier 1726 Welfted’s Longinus 1711! , , . Kpiftetus and Cebes, by Davies 2670 - — - — — " 138 Tourreil’s Demoflhenes 1702- Budgell's Chara&ers of Theo phraftus 1714 139 Dryden’s 1719 *4° Juvenal and Perfius, 8vo, 1711 - — - Bunder's fmall i2mo. 1713 Horace | Cooke’s Plautus 1750 1 41 Lauderdale's Virgil, 2 vol.- J42 Martyn's Virgil's Bucolics 143 Cockman’s Tully’s Offices 8vo. 1722 — 144 Nepos’s Lives 1684 Florus's Epitome 1714 j 4.5 ~ — /. p. 1684 — — Pliny’s Panegyric 146 Hunter's Obfervations upon Tacitus 1752^ — Thomai's Eutropius, Lat. and Eng. 1760 — — . 147 Sundry old Books . , — — Brady's Virgil, Vol. 1. 17 24 27 49 Maphaus’s ^Eneid 1758 1722 L’Eltrange’s Seneca's Morals, 1 686 /- -U -2- -Z- -/-6 - Z-b ZIVART 0. [ 6 1 4L u A R * 0. Volumes of M'fcellaneous drafts, many of which are very fcarce , “Baudelot, Fefle dl Athene s, reprefen tee fur une Cornaline antique du Cabinet du Roy ,fg. Paris 1712 Pettingal of the Original of the Equeftrian Figure of the George and of the Garter, cuts — - — Ditto Latin Infcription found at Heraclea illufrrated 1760 Stukeley’s Account of Richard of Cirencefter Monk of Weftmin- fter, and ©f his Works, with his Ancient Map of Roman Bri • tain — — 1757 Parkins’s Account of the Invafion under William Duke of Nor- /^L ^ 148 ^ mandy — — - 1756? Highmore’s Examinat. of the Painting on the Cieling of the Ban- queting Houfe at Whitehall — 1754 Jackfon of Engraving and Printing in Chiaro Ofcuro, cuts 17 54 King Oratio, Die Dedicationis Bibl. Radcliv. Oxon. 1749 Enquiries concerning the fir ft Inhabitants, Language, Religion, Learning, and Letter* of Europe — — Oxf. 1758 Drawings of Ruins and Coloffal Statues at Thebes 17 41 Smith’s Choir Gaur , the Grand Orrery of the ancient Druids, com- monly called Stonehenge, cuts — — — 1771 r Cole's Purpura Anglican a , a Difcovery cf a Shell- Fifh of the Shores of Severn , which gives the rich Tincture of the Tyrian Purple 1689 2 C? H 9 { — - — - Magna BritanniaTor Oxfordfnire 1725, with a Character 1 rrr 7 . i . , . rr • .1 Number Itt — Cant. 1743 li -/3 of the whole IV ?rk pitblijked under that T itle particular by Mr. Tho. Hearne, MS. P Taylor M armor Sand-vicenfe — — Stukeley’s Paleographies. Bs itannrea, Difcourfes of the Antiquities of Britain, No. 1,2. OriginesRoyjlon/a ws?L 0 nd . 1 743 ,Stamf. 1 746 ,cuts Parkin’s Remarks upon Stukeley’s Origines Royfioniana; 1 744 - Wife’s Letter to Dr. Mead concerning fome Antiquities in Berk- fsjO <( (hire, cuts - — — ~ — — - — — Oxf. 1738 North’s Anfwer to a fcandalous Libel, entitled, the Impertinence and Impofture of modern Antiquaries — — — - 1741 Gordon’s Account, of a Roman Temple and other Antiquities | near Graham’s Dike in Scotland, cuts — 1720 ^ Nixon Marmor Efromanum Lond. 1744 5 ' f Hunt’s Specimen of Critical Diftertations of the Proverbs of Solomon Oxf 1743* — - —Hymn to Gcd 1746— — Mafort’s Mufaeus 1748 — — - Hollings’s State of Human Nature 1734 Addifon of ancient and modern Learning 1 7 39 -—Merrick’s Diftertation on Proverbs Oxf. 1 7 44 j — Paraphrafe on the Creation 1 744 Armftrong’s Art of Health 1744— Wife’s Letter to Dr. Mead, on fome Antiquities in Berkfnire, cuts Oxf. 1738 — —Wife’s fur- ther Obfervations upon the White Korfe, See . ib. 1742 »The Impertinence and Impofture of modern Antiquaries North’s V Anfwer to ditto 47 42, and 9 other Tracis 152 Full©©' I S3 4 C 7 J 152 Falter Canonica Succeffio Minifterii Eccleliae Angl. Cant. 1690 Anfwer to Tome Conliderations on the Spirit of Martin Luther Qxf. 1687 Specimen of a new Tranflation of the Pfalms 1733 — Hunt’s ditto of Critical Differtations on Proverbs Oxf.ij\J - Swihton Infcriptiones Citieae ib . 1740 — Mufgrave de Dea Salute,^-, ib. 1716 Middleton’s Differtation on the Origin of Printing in England Camb. 1735 — A Critique on Milton’s Paradife Regain’d 1732, and 6 more — — "Lewis on the Antiquity and Ufe of Seals in England, cuts 1740 Anftis’s Cafe of Founders Kinfmeit to All-Souls College, Oxford Ainfworth Ifeion in Mufeo Jacobi Weft — Vertue’a Defcription of Pictures of his Engraving Addifon of ancient and modern Learning 1739 — Wife Epift. ad Maffon dcNummo Abgari Regis Oxon. 1736 Val. Probus de Notis Romanor. Petr. Diaconus de Notis Litera- rum, &c. Venet. apud Tacuinmn 1525 — The Cafe of the Owner j of the Ship Worcefter 1705, and other Trads — — — — f Atkyns’s Origitial and Growth of Printing, with the Frontifp. inclu- ding the Portraits of K. Cha. II. Lord Chanc, Clarendon, Abp/ , and the Author, by Loggan, ‘very farce — 1664 Middleton’s DiJJertation on the Origin of Printing in England Cambr . >735 Manwaring’s Stichology 1737 — — Vaucanfon’s Mechanifm of an Automaton, by Defaguliers 1742- Difcourfe for free Trade againji the Merchant Adventurers 1645 — Hift. of the charitable Corporation 1732 Caules of oar Naval Mifcarriages 1707 Narrative of the Sorceries and Witchcrafts exercifcd by the Devil and his Inftruments upon Mrs. Chriftian Shaw of Bargarran in Renfrew, in the Weft of Scotland, &c. with the Trial of feven. of thole Witches, who were condemned and executed 1698 Relation of the taking of the goodly Ship the Saint Efprit, by Sir. Sackevill Trever, Sec. Proceedings of the Duke of Buckingham i,n the Me of Ree, &c. Qublijhed by Authority 1627 Specimen of the fever al Sorts of Letter given to the Uni-verfty of Ox- ford by Bp. Fell and Fr. Junius ■ ■ — ■ Oxf.ij &6 InltruCtions for Mailers and Arms, with the cuts — 162 j Lex Talionis, the Law of Marque, or Reprifals ; the Caje of the Spoyls and Depredations made upon the Fadones of Sir Will. Courten * 5 4 - i 4 and Co. in the E. Indies, China and Japan f Pegge’s DilTertation upon fome Anglo-Saxon Remains Clarke’s Conjectures on a very ancient Piece of Money North’s Remarks and DilTertation 1682 1756 * 75 * 1752 *55 156 Stevens’s Method and Procefs of making Pot-Alh, cuts Browne de Anima Immortalitate, Poema Lond. 1754 — The Dig* nicies and Pre-eminencies of the eldeft Sons of the Kings of England 1737 — Commifiion for the Relief of poor Widows of the Navy 1732 — Plan for an Academy for Painting, &c. 1755 Wade’s L and 3 more — f Langrifh’s Obfervations on Arbuthnot’s Tables PontefraCt Caille, Account how it was taken, dea - — — Propofai for planting Timber 175^, *— 1747 by Capt. Paui- 1702 Trial -3 — ~/ 3 - - 2-6 -,4- 1 6 1 Ogle’s _ 157 — A - 158 < /V— i$0 [ t ] Trial of Ja. Carnegie, for the Murder of Cha. Earl of Strathmort Edinb. 1729 Gusltherus and Grifelda Z739 — Middleton Bibliotheca Cantabr. ordinandse Methodus, Cant. 1723 — Bally Pocmat* {_ Cant. 1743 "Webb’s Accounts of Domefday Book and of Danegeld 1756 Lord Macclesfield’s Speech and Remarks on the Solar and Lunar Years — — — — — 17 50- 1751 Watfon on Eledricity 1763 Father Refla’s Series of eminent Painters 1 7 39 — Mafiie on the Coin of Gr, Britain 1760 — Lowndes’s Improvement of Brine -Salt 1746'— — Form of th« l_ Coronation of their prefent Majeftks 1761, and 19 more | “Cafe of the German Emigrants in Pennfylvania, &c. 1754. — - Ducarel’s Tour through' Normandy 1754 — - — Reliquiae £bo- racenfes Ebor. 1 743 — — — Ad of the Parliament of Scotland for Proclaiming Cha. Pr. of Wales, King of Gr. Britain, &c. 1648 — -Cheyne on the Gout and Bath Waters 1720 — Fads relating to Ram! gate Harbour — Procefs of Treafon againfl James Stirling ®f Keir and others 1709 —~A wife and moderate Dif- courfe concerning Church Affairs 1641 — - — Nixon’s Elfay on a Sleeping Cupid 1755 — — Poll for the County of Hertford 3 7 5 4 -“ — Encroachments of the French upon the Britifh Colonies in N. America Bojion 1 755— Obferrations on the Increafe of Man- kind, Peopling of Countries, and 8 more f Fegge’s Memoirs of Roger de Wefehan, Bp. of Coventry 1761 I Walpole’s Hiflorlc Doubts on the Life of K. Rich. III. with the Portraits =— — — - — — - 1768 Webb’s Accounts of Domefday Book, and ofDanegeld 1756 Ditto QuefKon of a Jew born in England 1733 — Ditto Defence J of his Majefly’s Right to'cer tain Fee Farm Rents in Norfolk^S — Ditto Account of a Copper Table difeovered near Heraclea 1760 Montagu’s (E. W.) Obfervations on a fuppofed antique Bufl at Hunt de Ufu Diaiedorum Orientalium — Oxon. 1748 Summary of the Life of St. Werburgh » — Chefier 1749 “Father Refla’s Series of eminent Painters 1739- — — -Poll for the County of Bedford 1 7 1 5— Ditto for Cambridgefhire 1 722- Remarks on the Account of the Donations to Newark — Account of the Scheme for augmenting the Livings of the Scots Clergy Edinh. 1751 — Sir Mat. Decker’s Scheme to fecure and extend the Credit and Strength of the Britifh Nation 1:747 Spearmaa’s Ancient and Prefent State of the County of Dur- ham 1 7 2 9 State of Fads relating to Adm. Griffin’s Prize, the St. Catherine 1752 — Memoire pour Edovard Wortley Montague 1752 Catalogue of Lord Oxford’s Pidures, Antiques, Medals, &c. 1742 Stukeley’s Palaographia Britannica , No, 3. Oriuna, the Wife of Caraufius Douglas Catalogus Editionum Horatii — Delius’s Latin Oration on the Death of Dr. Trew Bl*«kflone on the Study of the Law 1 75? Lend. 1739 Erlang. 1769 Oxf.i 7s $ Rivet’s 162 *63 L 9 ] ( Rivet’s Tables for the Julian Period — Maffie on the Naval Power of France 1 i bz Pettingal’s Dilfertation upon the Tafcia 1763 Ditto cn the ^ Copper Table « 1760 1 Webb on the Copper Table ijfo Wife’s further Obfervations upon the White Horfe, &c. Orf.i 742 North’s Anfwer to a fcandalous Libel again!! Wife 174.1 j Dr. King’s Apology againfl: Blacow Gxf 1755 The Solar Period the Bafis of Chronology 1763 — Description of Cox’* Mechanifm 1769 Account of the Diamond Trade in Por- tugal 1794 — Bp. Atterbury’s private Correfpondence 1768, with an original Letter of the Bijbop’ s% MS. Account of petrified hr -a** Skeletons found in a Tomb in France 1760 Rules and Orders of tne Stepney Society 1759* andSmoro Ryckiua de Palingenefa Litterarum in Terris Noftris,^-. Jen. 1703— s Orationes varise — — — ’ Poemata 6 * l6 9 ~ jL — I JO — 4~~ J7 1 _ 3 - ^ 17* _ /6 _ 173 [ T® ] | T. T. printed by Jo. De Beauchefne 1597 { Raleigh’s Chronolog. Tables, &c. 1636 Fifton’s Defcriptioa of L Germanic 1595 ~ PafquiV s MiJlreJJe and other Pomns , no title— - -— The Two noble Kin£ men, by Fletcher and Shakefpcare 1634 Jorden of Natural Bathes and Minerall Waters — 1631 Boothby’s (Rich.) Difcovery of the moji famous 1 JI and of Madagal- < car — — - — 1646 Hartlib of the Hufbandrie of Brabant and Flanders 1651 The Way to be rich , according to the Practice of the great Audley, who began with £200. in 1605, and died worth ^400,000. this Infant November 1662, and 6 more “Charleton’s Thorea Gigantum, the mod: famous Antiquity of Great Britain, called Stone-Heng, reftored to the Danes 1663 Dc los Santos’s Defcription of the Efcurial — — 1671 Botero of the Magnificence of Cities, by Peterfon 160 6 Profpeft of Hungary and Tranfylvania 1664 ^ Ignatius’s Progrefs ; or, the jefuites Pilgrimage, by Lewis Owen 1629 Journal of the Englilh Army in the Weft Indies — 1655 Montanus’s Difcovery of the Spanifh Inquifition by Skinner, b. 1 . itetpr. by fo, Daye 1 569 ^Relation of the Fleet under Pr. Rupert — 1673 Prynne’s Cenfure of Mr. Cozens his Cozening Devotions 1628 — The Life and Death of Will. Laud, Archbp. of Canterbury, be- headed on Tower Hill 1644 — — Propofal to raife 10,500,0001. a Year 1744— The Methods P r °pofed for making the River Dunn navigable, with the Map 1723 The Reign of Guftavus K. of Sweden 1658 — Clark’s Narrative of New England’s Persecution 1652-— State of the Scots Corporation at London 1714 — The Recantation of Mr. Pollet, a Roman Prieft 1705— Bedwell’s Me - folabiutn Architeftonicum 163 1 — — Molyncux’s Sciotbericum Telefcs - pietttn Dubl. 1686, and other Trafts Carpenter’^ Sermon in Defence of Aftrology, ded , to Elias Afhmole 1697 Potter’s Funeral of Sir Edw. Seymour Oxf 1613 — Gouge on the Canticles 1615— ™Horno on the 91 Pfalme, nows in thefe D ayes when the Pefilence rageth fo fore in London, &c. 1625 ■ — God’s Love to Mankind, difproving bis abfoluts Decree for their Damnation 1 65 6— Bernard Gilpin’s Sermon before K. Edw. VI. in 1552 — Tuke’s Treatife againlt Painting and Tincturing of Men and Women, with the Char after of a painted Woman 16 i6- Ser- mon at the Funeral of Will. Lord Brereton 1665 Gadbury of Comets 1665, and 9 more Oxford Verfes upon the Death of SirPh. Sidney 1587 Ditto of Henry Unton 1596 Ditto of Qu. Eliz. and the Accefiion of K. Ja. 1603 — Ditto on the Death of Hen. Prince of Wales 1612 — Ditto on the Nuptials of Fred. Count Palatine, and the Prin- cefs Eliz. 1613 — Ditto on the Death of SirTho. Bodley 1613 —Ditto on the Death of Qu. Anne 1619, and others Spelman de Sepultura 1641 Do ft or Merry man ; or. Nothing but Mirth , Characters in Verfe 1623 — A Winding-fheet for Rebels 1659 -— —The Parliament of Ladies 1647 — The Laft Will and Teft C 1* ] Teft. of Sir Jo. Prefbyter 1647 — The Jimple Cobltr ef Aggawam in America 1647— -—Sir Tho. Grefnam his Ghoft, with hit Portr, in bis winding-fleet 1 647 — - Ecce the New T flamtnt of our Lords and Saviours the H. of Commons at Weftm. and the Supreme Council at Wind for, See, > 648 A wit t ie and pleafant Comedie called , The Taming of the Shrew, by Shakefpeare 1631 Tharraighn - went of Sir John Perrot, Knt. on T’hurfday 27 Apr. 1592, before her Maje fly’s Commijflouers , MS. — The Lfe and Death of Ralph Wallil, the Cobler of Glocefter 1670— — A Match at Midnight , a Comedie, no title Leaderer’* Difcoveries in Virginia, with the map , tranf- lated by Sir Will. Talbot 1672, and many more curious Trails, chiefly during the Ciyil Wars 174 A Ihort Story of the Antinemians, Families and Libertines of New England 1692 Col. Lilburn tried and call 1653 Parallel of the Lituigy with the Mafs 800k 1 66 1 L’Eftrange’s Sayings of the Diflentera 1681 Womens fpeaking juftified by the Scrip- tures 1666, and feveral more — — 175 Directions for the Plague, by the College of Phyflcians 1665 ' " " Haines’s j invention of Poverty 1674 Carleton of Tithes 1606 —Serjeant Crefhald’s Legacy 1658 Lloid’a Choyce of Jewels \ 1607 Bella Scot-Anglica , a Briefe of all the Battells between England and Scotland in all Times to theprefent 164S * Go- thofred’s Hift. of the United Provinces of Achaia, by Stubbe 167 3 Sir Cha. Cornwallis’s Difcourfe of Henry Pr. of Wales 1626— Martyn’s new Epigrams and a Satire 1611 Gouge on the Canticles 1615 The Bp. of LandafF’s Oration to the Pr. of Orange 1619- Kephale’* Queries concerning the Plague 1665 — — Memoirs of Monf. Du Val 1670 — * Peacham’s Worth of a Peny 1664 Truflell’s Triumphs over Death 1 5 95 — A Philofo- phical Declaration of Climaft eric ail Yeercs, cccafioned by the Death of Qu. Eliz. 1604 Englijb Iliads, a Poem by J. W. 1674 The Book of Rates in the Sin Cujiem Hottfe of Rome 1673, and many 176 Lea’s Anfwer to ccrtaive Sfanijb Lies , ded . to the Lord A dm, Howard 1589 Crompton’s Declaration of the Eude ofTraytors , b. 1 . ded, to Archbp. Whitgift 1587 (printed by Charlewood) Gainf- forde’s exemplary and remarkable Htfi. of the Earle of Tirone 1619— Sir Lewes Levvkenor’s Ejiate of the Englijh Fugitives under the King ^Spaine and his Mimflers 1596 —Proceedings againft Garnet the Jefuit and his Adherents 1606 — Hift. of the Maflacre at Paris 1 6 ? 8 Fregeville’s Reformed Politicke 1588 — The Spa- niard’s Monarchi* and Leaguers Oiygarchie, b. 1 . irnpr. by Field 1592, and other rare Trails — 177 A Declaration of the favourable Deeding of her Majeflie’s Ccnwsifionert appointed for the Examination of certa-ne Tra : fours, b. 1 . 1383- Caufes mooving her Majeftie to give Aide to the Defence of the opprefled People in the Low Countries K85 Ordinances of Rob, Earl, of Leiccfter for the Low Countries, b. I — — Hen. Sa- vile’s Lib ell of Spanifl Lies 1596 — -faljboid in Friend (hip ; or. Union's Vizard , or Wolves in Lamb Skins 60 > The Englijh Re- mayne Life by Ant. Munday, b. 1 . (590 (impr by Charlewood) — Dif- courfe upon the State of France 1588, and ether Trade relating to C 2 the - Z-b - 2 33 234 Lucretius Gifanii 235 Lucanus 236 — 237 Martial 238 3 tom -Ruddimanno, 4 tom. ch. opt. - Marc. Antoninus’s Meditations rOppiani Halieutica Gr. ib. ap. Aldum — j L ’pf- *74* l Edinb. 1751 Antv.ap. Plantin. 1566 V met, ap. Aldum 1 302 Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1 34 £ T enet. ap. Aldum 150s Glafg. 1749 r ***** v ". Florent. ap. Ph - juntam lcic Dubravius de Pifcinis fff Pifcium Naturis . Item Xenocrates de Ali- mento ex Aquatibbus Gr. & Lat. Gefneri, Tariff. , < Aufonius fW. />/,. ,r,7 Robortelh Annotat. m Authores Graecos & latinos 240 Oppianus Gr. & Lat. Ritterfhuiu £, 241 Oppian’s Halieutics, by Jones,/./, Ox»ni 7 2z 242* Ovidii Opera, 3 com. ~ A;n g ' 243 Epift. See. in cor. turc. Tenet . ap. Aldum — *pocta Latiai de -3 - --/2-£ -/2 _ -/a. _ - 6 -L> Venatione ^-1534 244 MaiTon Ovidii Vita Amf. 170I 245 Peuonius Bofchii, in cor. ture . Ovidii Amatoria Col. D ( 9 d, Amft. 16,7/ — / ~b AfrbVete- 1 r a® -] — -*7— 246 Veterum Poetarum in Priapum Lufus, Sec. in cor. turc. Vm. ap. / Aldum 1534 2 (24 7 Perfius Murmcilii _ •— — Col. 1528 a 248 's Satires, by Brewder » J249 Plinii Epift. & Panegyr. >^“^^25 o Le'ttres de Pline ie jeune, 3 toiji. — V- 251 Pliny’s Letters, by Mel moth, 2 vol ' ' ^252 Pindarus Gr. & Lat. — — — — 1751 v Oxon . 1686 Par. 1 745 — 1763 {252 Pindarus Gr. & Lat. — — — — ap. P . Stepb. 1600 "Jrb\Z 53 ^^ eo< 3 ° r ^ Prodromi Amorum Rhodanthes & Dohclis Gr. & Lat. Gaul- / * mini — ■ — - — — — « Par if. __2 _ 254 Phalaridis Epid. Gr. & Lat. Boyle «— — Oxon. 1718 ^ / 255 Poetarum vetufliflimorum Opera Sententiofa Gr. Ant6. Z — ■ — Pulmanni, in cor. turc. — Ant no 'ap. Plantin. 1564 y 269 Pianciades, Phikrgurius, Urfinus in Virgilium, Velius Longus 6c dd* -Caffiodorus de Qrthographia. Commelini — ‘ 1389 — 2 — z 7 ° Xenophontis Memorabilia Socratis Gr. & Lat. per Simpfon 0^.1741 /-fa 2 71 Cooper’s Life of Socrates — — 1750 A- Catullus, Tibullus & Propertius — Paris 1543^ 273 Horatius fa 274 Juvenal & PerBus 275 Lucan u J s — — 3 ~& 2 7 6 ~ — ~ *77 Martial ->278 c> 279 Virgilius Z — 280 Aufonius I 5'42 ~~ Lugd. 1540 Horatius ib. 1343 — Aul. Gellius ib. 1532 ib . 1531 ib. 1542 ih - ' 5+3 > * zA. 1543 ib. 1528 1544 _ ^ __ 281 z» air. tufc* 1 , ■ ■ 1 ■ _ 3 282 Cicero de Officii^, in cor. turc. Csefar, d/ cor. turc. — - — — / ~ 284 Herod ian Lat. zV. 15 59— — Lucretius /A 1546 285 Horatius /‘A 1 540 •— Juvenal «& Perfi us /'A 1541 — 2 ~ 286 JuBinus z'A 15 5 1 — Salluftiu* ib. 553 6 287 Livii HiiL 4 torn. Edit. ptnuina — — — t-*a>88 Lscretius, in cor turc. — — — — Z — 289 8 enecse Trag. ib. 154S — Val. Flaccus ib. 1548 —Al- 290 VslI. Maximus, in car. tun. 1548 /V. s 3 22 Co >> ^•1554 /A 1546 /A 1547 j 291 Caelar Cacfar ^91 292 -293 Cicero, 10 tom. in cor', turc. .-294 Piinii Hifl. Nat. Tom. 1. 3. 295 Epi ft. Sc Panegyr. 296 — jb, 1 6r? — S ~*97 Curtius ib. 1633 'acitus Lipiii, 2 tom. Ainjt. 164Q — - — **98 Apuleius Pricaei - *298 Hill. Auguflae Scriptores Schrevelii -*s» 2 99 Qu. Curtius Blancardi -^ r, *299 Juflinus Gronovii - — -jtso Senecas Tragocdias Gronovii Appianus Alexand. Gr. &. Lat. TolliL 2 Tom. Goud. 165 a- L. Bat. 16 6 L. Bat. 1658 ib. 1719 Taciturn 301 -502 306 3 °7 Lucianus Gr. & Lat. Benedi&i, compact. in 6 tom. Opufcula Mythologica, Sec. Gr. & Lat. Gale, Callimachus Gr. & Lat. Spanhemii, 2 tom. Anacreon & Sappho Gr. & Lat. — Sappho & Alcaeus Gr. ^Efchylus Gr. & Lat. 2 tom. in 1. ^//?. 1682 — s — ib, Salm, in cor. turc. Amji. 1688 ch.maj. JJltr. 1697 Glafg. 174.4 ib. 175 308 Boetius 309 Caefar Clarkii, 2 tom. —310 Cicero, 20 tom. — Corn. Nepos — Cebes Gr. & Lat. Gronovii 3 1 1 3 12 3*3 • .3 ! 4 3*5 316 Demetrius Phalereus Gr. Sc Lat. Epidtreti Enchiridion Gr. St Lat. — Gr. Homeri Tlias Gr. Sc Lat. 2 tom. 317 Horatius — — 318 Juvenal & Perfius Henninii Lucretius Creech Longinus Gr. & Lat. Pearce Marc. Antoninus Gr. Sc Lat. Gatakeri -’s Meditations, in yellow moroc. 3*9 32° 321 322 3 2 3 3 2 4 J25 326 3 2 7 328 329 \ 33° Tacitus Gronovii, 4 tom. 331 Terentius Wefierhovii | 332 Theophrafli Charafteres Gr. Sc Lat. Needham <333 Thucydides, Gr. Sc Lat. Dukeri, 8 tom. • $34 -d fmall -portable Library Gafe t lined with green Velvet 335 Ditto, larger, ditto Poetse Latini Minores Burmanni, m cor. turc. Piinii Epift. & Panegyr. Cortii Pindarus Gr. &Lat. Sophocles Gr. Sc Lat. 2 tom. Sallullius — • [ 22 3 QUARTO, Volumes of Mifcellaneous TraFls^ many of which are very fcarce . /? A ~ 337 3 d _ zG 'T* Hymage or Myrrour of the World , tranflated from the Trenjhe and enprynted by C a XT on 1480, the frfi three Chapters , the lafl leaf are wanting Fifteen Original Letters of Mr. Tho. Hearne in 1724 and 1725 to Mr. Ward the Antiquary of Warwick, MS. Bibliotheca Literaria, a Collection of infcriptions, Medals, Diflerta- tions, &c. 10 Numbers, compleat — 1722 — 24 Wallis’s Defence of the Royal Society and the Philofophical Tran- faCtions, again# Dr. Holder and others 1678 A Narrative of the Demon of Spraiton in Devonfhire ; a Relation 336 of an Apparition or Spectrum of an ancient Gentleman appear- ing to his Son’s Servant, with their Difcourfes at divers Times, &c. well aitefed — — — — — • 1683 PetiVer’s Memoirs for the Curious, Vol 3. — — 1709 Thorii Hymnus T abaci, L. B. typis 1/aac. Eh. 1628 Bellonii Cenomani de Sepulchris Antiquorum , de Medicato Fuuere , de Medicamentis Jervandi Cadaveris , See. Lib. 3. Parif. apvd Car- vellat 1553 Icon'es Virorum illufr. ex Muleo Joviano fine loco aut anno ^ An Original Canto of Spenfer — >7*4 Wadfvvorth’s and Bedell’s Correspondence ibzi, and 58 other Trade chiefly during the Grand Rebellion The Cloud opened; or, the Fnglifh ILeroe, afcurrilous Libel againfl Gen. Monk, Duke of Albemarle 1670 — ■— Lord Newcadle/s Anfwer to tfic Afperiions of Lord Fairfax, by the Earle himfelf 164.2 — - Digitus Dei*, exemplified in the Life and Death of James Duke of Hamilton 1649, and 21 more., during the Civil Wars f* Antiflxtus , an Oration of Pope Sixtus V. upon the Death of the | French King Hen. III. in full AEemblie of the Cardinals, with I a Confutation of the fame, the treacherous Practices of the Iioufe | of Lorraine, a Declaration of the King’s Death, Sec, b. 1. impr . | by Jo. Wolfe 1590 I Paul’s Church Yard, Libre Theologies , Politics , Hiflcrici, Nunditsis Paulin is (una cum Templo) proftant venales — Life and Death of Sir Arthur HaHerig 1661— King Charles’s Triad jufli- fled, by Coll. Rob. Bennet 1649 — — The fad Sufferings of Major Gen. Rob. Overton in the iile of jerfey 1659 — A Packet C of Patentees, in Verfe 1641, and 20 more 340 Corbet’s Relation of the Military Government of Gloucefler in the Civil Warre, to the Removal of Col. Maihe 1645, and 32 more chiefly relating to England and Ireland during the Grand Rebellion Inflru&ions to the Court of Wards and Liveries 1622 — Bp.- Harf- net’s Articles of Inquiry for the Diccefe of Norwich 1620, b. /. — Dying ►59 34 34 2 344 345 < C 23 3 Dying Speeches, Letters, &c. of eminent Proteftants who fuffered in the Weft of England 1689— Saltern againft Images and Pic- tures in Churches 1641 Hift, of the Divorce of K. Hcn.VIII. and Qu. Catherine, and other Mifcell. Trails The Office of General Remembrancer 1617 Anfwer to a Book: called, Confiderations touching the Diftolving of the Court of Chancery 1654 — 343 Jones Fanum Sandi Albani Poema Lond. J683 - — Smart Septuage- narii Senis Itinerantis Carttus Epithalamicus 1643 — Reafonswhy the Records in the Tower ftiould not be delivered to the Lord Chief Juftice in Eyre 1665 ■»— - f The Replies a/'Thcw Cartwright agaynfi Maijler Dottor Whitgift, b,l . 1 impr. 1575 (2 parts) Proceedings of the Grifons in 1618, imperf, _ Gouge’s Chriftian Directions - 1661 ’"Affinati’s Dumbe divine Speaker, or dumbe Speaker of Divinity, a Treatife in praife of Silence , tranllated by A. M. (Ant. Munday) 1605 Alex. Nowell’s Reproufe of Maijler Dorman’s Proufe , b. 1 . impr. by Henry Wykes 1565 Sermons by Dr. Donne 1622 — 25 Phineas Fletcher’s Comment, on the Firft Pfalme 1632 Doriflai Pralium Nuportanum - ■ Lond. 1640 Playfer’s Sermon before K. James and Chriftian King of Denmark, . at Lord Salifbury’s Houfe at Theobald’s, Lat . — 160& - 'The Myjleries of the Mount of Calvarie, compiled by Ant. de Guevara, Bp. of Mondonnedo impr . by Illip 1 595 Bilfon of the perpetual Governemsnt of Chrijles Church , b. 1 . impr, by Barker 1595 Wolfii (Hieron.) Aftrologia, caret, tit. T be Eglogcs of Alex. Barclay, Prejl , b. 1 . embellijhed with wood cuts , impr. by Wynken de Worde, no date Dr. John Jones’s Trails, b. 1 . viz, A Difcourfe of the natural Beginning of all growing Things , Heate 9 Generation , &c. Ufe and Abufe cf Phy/ick , Sec, with a Compoftion of a moft heavenly Water for the Prefervation of Man's Life impr • by Will. Jones 1 574. Galen’s Boohs of Elementes imp. by ditto 1574. The Bathe of Bathes Ayde - — — impr. ly Eaft 1572 The Benefit of the auncient Bathes of Buckjlones , which cureth mofi ~~ grievous Sicknjfes — — impr. by Eaft and Middleton 1572 Robinfon of religious Communion 1 16 1 4 The Covenanter vin« / dicared from Perjurie 1644— Robinfon’s Apology for the/ Brownifs or B arrow if s 1625 | The French Kinges Declaration againft the Dukes of Vendofme* I Mayenne, Marfti. de Bouillon, & c. and all who affifted them 1617/ Ellis’s Relation of the Impoftures and Blafphemies cf Will. Franklin A the pretended Chrift crucified, and Mary Gadbury, the Lambs Wife — / — 6 > __ / _ 2-6 3 4 6 9-6 347 24S < I Relation of the deferved Death of that infolent qui* d’Ancre — — - 1630 Tyrant the Mar- 1627 The - yjb -U - Z-/- 349 p55° i 3SI f 24 3 The Deaths of the renowned Kings of Sweden and Bohemia, by . Sehloer _ — . 1633 Sir Tho. Smith’s Commonwealth of England, b. 1 . — i6ro Whitbourne’s Difcovery of Newfoundland, printed by Authority 1622 Brathwayte’s Sc holers Medley , or Survey of Hiftori.es (no title) and 7 more ’ The laudable Life and deplorable Death of our late Peerlejfe Prince Henry, with other Poems , by]. M. — jtfiz Hartlib’s Legacy, 2d Edit. with the Appendix — 1652 Gen. Monck’s Letters 1660 A loud Cry from Heaven to the City of London 1665 < Denton’s Defcription of New York, with the Cufloms of the In- dians 1670 — Relation of the firft Difcovery of the Ifle of Madera 1675 Clarke’s Life of Will, the Conq. 1671 Ditto of Edw. the Black Prince, with the Author's Portr. by Crofs 1 673 LMuggleton’s l aft Will and Tejl ament 1679, and 9 Prynne’s AntLArminianifme 1629 Rous’s Teflis Veritatis 1626, and 7 more Gataker’s Defence of his Treatife of Lots 1623 -Ditto Difcuflion of 1 ranfubkantiation— Robinfon’s Jukikcation of Separation 1639, end other controversial Tradls, 2 vol. Becan’s (Jefuit) Englifhjarre concerninge the Kinges Supremacy 1612 -Conference at Pari* 1566 between two Doftors of Sor- Ironne and two Minikers of the reformed Church, by Golburne, ded. to the Lo. Keeper Egerton 1602 Coke’s compleat Copyholder — 1642 352 ^ Mafon’s new Art of Lying, under the Name of Equivocation 1624 Spen Lev's /mailer Poems, impr.for Ponfonbie — ■ . - I S9 I The Rape of Lucrece, Tragedie, imperf. Mafon’s excellent Tragedy of Mullalfes the Turke and Borgias, . Governor of Florence, abled by the Children of the Revels *632 Montagu’s Plot dilcovered i6z6—~ Ditto Appeal to Caefar 1625, and other Trades 353 Gadbury of Comets 1665 — - — Lawrence's good Prince bewailed, a Sermon on the Death of Oliver Cromwell 1658 Tymme’s Difcoverie of ten Englifh Lepers impr. by Short sc 92, and 23 more 354. Orders for the Prevention of the Plague, b. 1 . impr' by Barker 1 592- Trial of Sir Henry Vane 1662, and other Tracis r Leiceker’s Commonwealth, with his portr. — * 1641 A Declaration of the Demeanor and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, afwell in his V yage as in, and fakcnce his Returne , and of the true Motives which occakoned his Majekie to proceed in doing Jukice upon him, as hath been don e, publijhed by Authority 161S De Lyfmg of the Beginning, Continuance, and Decay of Ekates, by Finet 1606 _ Sir Walter Raleigh’s Ghok 1626 355 ^ The Life and Death of renowned Sir John Smith Oxf 1644 The flaming Iflands, an Account of a ilrange and terrible Fire lately broke out of the Ground, in the Ifland Fyal in 70 feveral Places, alfo in feme neighbouring Iflands — 1672 Crowne’s [ 25 ] Crowned fburnal of the Travels of Tho. Lord Howard, E. of Arun- del, &rc. Ambaff. Extraord. to the Emp. Fred. II. 1637 The Quakers Exchequer fhut up ; or, the breaking of the Quaker® Bank 1673 Six Tra&son the Death of the Marfhal D’Ancre 1617, and other Mifcell 356 DifcouHe upon Trade and Money 1691 Ludlow’s Letter to Hol- ling worth 1692, and 40 others TraSls 357 Vicars’s Babel’s Balm ; or, the Honey-combe of Rome’s Religion, in JO Satire hy the Mufes unworthy Echo J. V. 1624, and 20 more printed during the Civil IT ars — Complete Hid. of the Revolution 1691 — The Providences of God to this Nation 1691 Wilkinfon’s Arbitrary Proceedings of the Guiney Company 1690 Hitt, of the Jacobites of Asgypt, Lybia, Nubia, their Origin, Ce- 3-3 rempnie*, &c. 5 — — - ■ ■ 1692 3 Rematks on the Affair and Trade of England and Ireland 1691 Lord Stamford’s Speech at Leicefter 1692 — Life of Will, Fuller 1692- Three Trails relating to the famous Impoftor Will. Morrell, alias Bowyer 1692, and 40 more A~Colleftion of Trafli, chiefly by Prynne — ~ Rob. Lord Brooke of the Nature of Epifcopacie 1642 —Owen of Liturgies and their Impofition 1662, and \z mere controverfialf chiefly by New England Divines during the Civil War Baptift-Controverfy, by JefTop, Tombes, Baflwick, &c. * — — — Bernard’s looke beyond Luther 1623- — —Broughton’s Epiflle to the learned Nobilitie of England, touching a new Tranflation of the Bible,. Middlehurgh, impr . hy Schilders 1597 Philpot’s Reafons and Propofals for a Regifler of Eflates in every County Oxf 1671 Speed’s Counter-Scuffle 1667 The Spy, a Satire, tn Ferf, 1628 — A Scourge for Paper Perflfcutort, in Verje 1625 — Cooke’s Pope Joane , proving that a Woman called Joane, was Pope of Rome 1625* and 16 more 363 Two Trafts on the Trial, Penitence and Execution of Robert Foulkes, Minifter of Stanton-Lacy in Shropfh. 1679— — Sermons before the Parliament by Burge*, Caryl, Marfhall, &c. 1641 to 1645 364 Pagitt’s Herefiography 1654 A temperate Ward -word to Sir Francis Haflinges turbulent Watch-word, impr. with Licence 1399— ft pithie Difcourfe of the late Earthquake, b. 1. impr. by Johnes 1580 . — Elliot and Maybew’s Narrative of the Progrefs of the Gofpel among the Indians in New England, ded. to O. Cromwell 1653 The Aries of Logike and Rethorike 1584, and 10 more — ’Chrift’s Reign on Earth for a Thoufand Ycares 1643 Duke Hamilton’s Cafe, argued for the Commonwealth, by Mr. Steel ,6 49 The three Englifi Brothers, Sir Tho. Sherley his Travels, with his three Yeares Imprifonment in Totkie. Sir Ant. Sherley his Em- baflage. Mafler Rob. Sherley his Wars againft the Turkes, and Marriage to the Emp. of Perfla’s Niece, by Ant. Nixon, b. I i6zy b The Life and Services of Monf. Yilleroy 1638 Sir Roger 365^ William* ’s Actions of the Lew Countries 1618 £ Sir 559 360 361 362 / / [ 26 ] Sir Rot>. Cotton’s Narrative of Count Gondamor’a Tranfaflions in England, with a Portr. of the Count — 1659 Beacon’s Solon hisFollie , ded, to Qu.Eliz. — - Q x f 1 ^4 The true Meanes to ruinate the Caftilian King 1558 The Favourites Chronicle 1:621 Aftry’s true Relation of a young Man who wa« ftruck dumb for 24 Hours , becaufe he would not believe what was /aid to him 1671 . Two Trails on the wonderful and prodigious < Tcmpefl and Hurri- cane Bedford 1672. If any doubt the Truth of thefe Relations, they are referred to the Bedford-Carrier who inns at the Bear in Smithfield The Treafons of the Earl of Eftex and his Complices 1601 The Treafons, Arraignment, and Execution of Marfhall Biron, b. /. 1602, and other Trails 366 Milton’s Trails on Divorce 1645 - — -Ditto Tenure of Kings aad Magiftrates, proving that it is lawful to depofe Tyrants, and put them to Death 1649 / 367 Lord Winchelfea’s Relation of the Earthquake and Eruption of Mount I JE tna 1669, and ty more I 368 Pliny’s Panegyricke, by Sir Rob. Stapylton Oxf 1644 Dames’* | Knglifh Grammar 1640 — Brinftey’s pofing of the Accidence, and \ other Trabis \ 3U9 Trails, 4 vol. among others , Thorowgood’s Jewes iu America , or Pro* ■ babilities that the Americans are of that Race Dying Speeches, Letters of the Proteftants in the Weft, 2 parts 1689 Naylor’s Love to the Loft 1656 — Ditto Anfwer to the fanatic Hijlory 1660 Proceedings agaihft Conventicles in Sufiex 1670 Cry of the opprefted Quakers, 3 parts 1664 to 1676 -Cry of Newgate and other Prifons about London, in which are about 300 of the innocent People of God called Quakers 1662 — Sherman’s Youth’s Tragedy, a Poem 1672 Stenko Razin’s Rebellion in Mu*. feevy 1672 Learn to lye warm, an Apology for the Proverb, *Tis good Jheltering under an old Hedge , Rcafons why a young Man ^ fhguld marry an old Woman 1672 A Difcourfe of the Benefit of St. Foine 1671, and many more 370 Coke’s England’s Improvement, 2 parts 1675 W Defer ip- lion of Surinam 1 667 — - — Life and Death of Capt. Geo. Cufack, the great Sea Robber 1676 Narrative of the five Perfons that were Confederates in fealing the Mace and the two Privy-Purfes from the Lord High Chancellor 1 677 ——The great Robbery in Hat- ton Garden 1679, and 17 more 2 — 37s The fimpls Cobler of Aggawam in America 1647 — — Lilburne tried and call 1653 -Forbes’s Doilrine of J unification Middleb. 1616 —Hift. of the Jews in England 1656- A Legacy for Saints, the Experiences of Anna Trapnel 1654, anc * 14 more /H - $ 7 Z The accomplifhed Phyfician, the honeft Apothecary, and fkilful Chi- rurgeon 1672 — — Merret’s Frauds and Abufes of Apothecaries, with the Anfwer 1670 — — Gondamor in the Spanifh Parliament, with his Portr. 1624, printed at Goricum— Lithgow’i painefull Pere- grinations 162 4, and 1 0 more 7-G J73 Prynne’s > C 27 3 373 Prynne’s Declaration againft Excifes 1654— Corbet’s Vindication of the Magiftrates and Minifters of Gloucefter 1646 — — Prynne’s Vindication of Parliaments 166® Ditto Difcovery of Free-State Tyranny, with his Portr • 1655 Narrative of Paflages in the Commonwealth from 164910,1659, Cuts , with a Portr. of Rich* Cromwell, and other Trails 374 Philofophical Eflay on the Flux and Reflux of the Sea 1673 — — Oliver Cromwell’s Speeches 1654 — Archbp. CJfher’s Prophecies 1648 — Procefs againft Mad. Brinvilliers for poifoning her Father and two Brothers 1676 — Siege of Maeftricht 1676 — Siege of Babylon, by theTurke 1639 — Inftru&ions to the Court of Wards and Liveries 1610 , and other Pratts, 2 vol. 375 Pyrotcchntca Loyolana ; or, Ignatian Fireworks 1667 Life and Death of Sir Hen. Vane, with his Portr. 1662 Prynr.e’s Que- ries 1660 — Room for the Cobler of Gloucefter and his Wife 1668 — —The World’s Miftake in O. Cromwell 1668 — Cruel- ties of the Dutch in the Eaft Indies 1665 Obfervation9 on Trade and Money i668 — Trad* againft Ufury, and many more. Lord Holles’s Relation of the unjuft Accufation of certain French Gentlemen, charged with a Robbery of which they were moft in- nocent 1670-— Prynne’s Vindication of the good old Laws 1654 — Trial of Col. Lilburne 1653 — Trials of the Regicides 1660, and other drafts, 3 vol. ^ — — 377 L’Eftrange’s Diffenter’s Sayings 1681 Apologie of the Prince of Orange Delft 1 5 8 n — Cruelties of the Dutch at Amboyna 163* 37 6 — Barnevelt’s Arraignement and Apologie other Trafts, 2 vol. v. 1618 — 1619, and 378 Stubbe’s Cenfure of Sprat’s Hift. of the Royal Society 1671, and other Trads by Stubbe — Bp. Ward’s Funeral of the D. of Albe- marle, with his Portr. 1 670— The Rehearfal 1673 _ 379 Trads and Sermons, 3 vol. — — 380 Sir Chryftoph. Wyvill’s Truth unvailed 1676— Nedham’s (Mar.) View of England’s true Intereft 1659 — Moumfull Poems on they Death of Hen. P. of Wales — Treatife of the E. India Trade 1676] —Plays and other Mifcellanics, 3 vol, — ' — 3 *' Mather’s Wars of New-England 1676 — Fergufon on the E. India Trade 1677 —Trials of Ja, Mitchel, Conventicle Preacher, exe- cuted for his Attempt on the Life of the Archbp. of St. Andrews, and of Major Weir, executed for Inceft and Beaftiality 1678, and other Tra 3 s , 3 vol. *■*- ^ 38?. Norfolke Paries and their Foyle , under Kett their accurfed Leader, with a Defcription of the famous Citie of Norwich, by Woods j6 23—' Bradlhaw’s clear Difcovery of the natural Caufe of the ebbing and flowing of the Sea 1649 — Prynne’s Vindication of the good old Laws 1654 — —The Manner of the Procedings of the Courts of the Great Seflions in the Counties of Montgomery, Denbigh and Flint 1653— — The Petition of the Prifoners of the Fleet to his Highnefs Oliver, demonftrating the Legality of Outlawries, ArrefU and Imprifonments in civil and perfonal Actions, with an Expe- dient for the Satisfaction of Debts without either 1655, and ether Trans ^ — — a — Ez [83 The - 1L-C - 2-4 - A- -h -A — //-4 E 28 3 — 383 The Vulcanfoes ; or, burning and Fire-vomiting Mountain* of the World, with their Remarkables 1669 -Howell’s Pre-eminence of Parliaments 1 677 —-Letter on the Trade of Ireland 1677 — Cafe of the Bankers and their Creditors >674 How’s Suffi- ciency of the Spirit, without human Learning *644 Manley again# the Exportation of Wool 1677— Juftice Cook’s Pailage by Sea 1650 -The Funeral Solemnities of Marfhal Turenne 1675 — Directions for the Improvement of Barren and Heathy Land 1670, and other Trads - /3 b 3 S 4 Memoirs of Mr Wadfvvorth, a recanted Jefuit 1679 Lives of the Popes of Rome t 6 y 9 — Difcovery cf a College of Jefuits at Come in Herefordffiire 1679 — — Account of the Fire in Fetter Lane 1679 — Shipman’s Hen. III. of France* aTrag. 1678 — A Warning for Servants, the Caf^ of Marg. Clark, executed for firing her Mailers Houfe in Southwark, 1680, and other Trads % / / 3. voL — 385 Privileges and PraClices of Parliaments 1680 — The great Robbery in the We#, and fad News from Glouceftcrfh. of a Lion at Winch- comb devouring his Keeper *678 — —Office of the Lord High Steward in England 1 680-r- The true Effigies of the Monitor of , Malmeibury 1 680— Character of Qu. Elizabeth 1680 — Hunt’s Defence of the Charter of London, and other Trads, 3 vol. ALC 386 Mifcellanies, 6 vol. among others , Prynne’s Unbilhopping of Timothy and Titus 1660 -Sir Joflah Child on the Eaft India Trade t68i — Jordan’s Lord Mayor’s Show, for the Entertainment of Sir Patience Ward 1680— - Difcourfe of Tangier, with the View by Hollar S 68 1 Account of the Province of Carolina 1682 — Mrs. Rowlandfon’s Captivity among the Indians 1682 — Howell's Catajlrophe Mundi» 2 parts 1682-83 — Trigg and Gadbury’s Pre- dictions 1684 — Salt Water fiweetened, Fitzgerald 168 /Z 8 ~ 6 Di veil in Kent, and his firange Delujions at Sandwitch 1647 387 TraCts, chiefly controvert! al, 8 vol. 388 Ditto, 7 vol. 90 Tra&s, chiefly relating to K. William’s Wars in Ireland, 2 vol. 6 3 .? ( 39 z 393 39 f Journal of the Venetian Campaign 1688 — Oxford Verfes on the Death of Sir Bevill Grenvill, /lain at the Battle c/'Lanfdown Hill, with his Fortr. 1684—*“ London’s yearly Jubilee, for the Enter- tainment of Sir Jo. Peake, by Taubman 1 686 — Randolph’s State of the Morea 1686 — Diary of the Siege of Newheu fel 1685 - — —Ditto of Luxembourg 1684- — -Ditto of Buda 1685 — — ■ Treatife of Taxes and Contributions 1685— Oxford Verlej upoii the Inauguration of Oliver Cromwell 1634, P oen3 s, Plays, &c. 2 v. \Vilfon of the King’s Supreme Power in dilpenfing with Penal Statutes 5688 — — * Selden’s Table-talk 1689 — Poems, Plays and other Mifcellanies, 2 vol. TraCtatus variss Polit. & Jurid. 2 tom. Life of Dr. Combar 1654 — Life of Alice, Duchefs Duddeley 1669 Bellers’s Life and Funeral of John Lamotte, Efq, Alderman of London, with a fine Portr. of the Alderman by Faithorne 1656 — Williasafon’s Character of the Duchefs Dowager of Devonlhire 1/ j,o — — - A Hue and Cry after Vavafor Powell, Metropolitan of the [ 2 9 3 the Itinerants in Wales 1654 — — Bogerman’s Godly Deceafc of Maurice of Nafiau, Pr. of Orange 1625 — Life of Tafiletta, Conq. and Emp. of Barbary with his Portr. 1669 — Gouge’* Funeral of Will. Lord Brereton, Wharton’s Defence of Pluralities, with MS. Notes by Bp. Kcnnettit^z Newton’s Pluralities indefenfible 1745 , — — 4.52 Nelfon’s Rights of the Clergy 1709 The young Clergyman’* Lawyer 1723 Clergyman’s Fade Mccum 1767, and 2 more — 453 Kennett’s (Bp.) Cafe of Impropriations, with large MS. additions by the Author 1704 Another Copy, 2 vol. interleaved with great additions by the Author 454 Stillihgfleet’s Ecclefiaftical Cafes, 2 vol. 1702-1704 Potter of Church Government 1707 453 Sy nodus Anglicana 1 702 — — Another Copy, with MS. Noses by Bp Kennett 1702 — _ — ... F .1 ■A~(d / 0 'L - (o ~3 ~ - -3- t, —.2 - -3A, “ } -2, _ - 3 ,/- -9 _ - -3~ ~ 45 6 Wake’s VC\ [ 32 1 -0- 456 Wake’s Authority of Chriftian Princes over Ecclefialiieai Synods 1697, hfoith MS . Notes by Bp. Kennett, and an original Letter of the Author^- Hody’s Hill. of Englifh Councils, with MS, Notes by Bp. Kennett l /Cl 457 Atterbury of Engliih Convocations- 1700— — Ditto, 2d Edit, 1701, both with MS* Notes by Bp. Kennett ~ 2 - 6> 4£S Hoadly’s Pieces, 5 vol. . — 2 .--^? 459 Bangorian Controverfy, to vol. - e-6 460 Whiflonian Controverfy, &c. 4 vol. o /fa 6 * Hutchinfon’s Pieces, 4 vol. — ^-914.62 Harrington’s State of the Church of England in the Reigns of Eliz. * stnd James 165 j, and 6 more 463 Articles and Canons of the Chureh of England, interleaved, with MS. Notes and Alterations by Bp. Kennett — ■ — - 1699 f _ 464 Sanderfon of Epifcopacy, with his Portr. by Hollar 1673 — Bramhall, Burnet and Comber of Ordination, 4 vol. ''465 , Bennet on the 39 Articles 17 r 5 — Gretton’5 Vindication of the Ch. of England 1725, and 2 more 466 Free and candid Difquilitions relating to the Ch. of England 1750 ~~f ^67 E&on’s State of Qu. Anne’s Bounty 1721, and 3 more 4 69 Reafons for relioring fome Prayers and Directions as they Hand in the Liturgy of K. Ed vv. VI. 4 part3 1717-19- -Bennet on the Common Prayer 470 Preces Privates — — — Lord. ap. Seres 1573 -2 Common Prayer, long-lined, i8mo. Camb* 1 743 — —Beft on the Ser- -tl: vice of the Church*bf England -/-£4 V £ C Common Prayer, 8vo. - 473 | Tate’s Pfalms, 8vO, in turkey — 474 Common Prayer, long-lined, Svo. in turkey -N -it 47 5 Ditt0 Loud. 1 745 17J 1 Oxf. 1756 / ✓ 476 Ditto /^477 La Liturgia Ynglefa, Hifpanizado porV>. Felix de Alvarado Land. 1715 / J Booke of the Forme of Common Prayers , &c. agreeable to the reform- ed Churches (faid to have been approved by Calvin) Middelb. impr. by Ric. Schilders 1586 Dudley Fenner’s Tranflation and Com- ment on the Canticles ib . 1587 479 Gardiner on the Beatitudes 1712, and 6 mere /.-&480 Godeau’s Paftoral InltruCtions 1703, and 6 more / _ 481 Gibfon of Vifitations 1717, and 6 more — /- £> 4 82 Lee ’ f DilTertations, 2 voL 2 . —483 Hanway’s Effays and Meditations, 2 vol. l 759 ~ 1752 1761 Compendious View of 2 Wollalton’s Religion of Nature ditto 1726 _ Z ~ 4 8 5 Butler’s Analogy 1736 — Wilkins of Natural Religion 1715 ~ /~486 Wilkins of Preaching, interleaved with MS. additions by Mr. Reynolds ,669 — Ditto of Nat. Religion 1710 — 2.-487 Pafcal Thoughts 1704 — Sherlock on Death 1726 ——Clarke on the Church Catechifm 1730 Squire’s Truth and Importance of Religion, l. p. 1758 — Whitby’s Neceflity of Revelation 1705 _/^489 Prideaux’s Trails 1716 Echard’s Works 1705 King’s Hill. of the Creed 1702 49 ® Bragge i 33 1 406 Bragge on the Paftions 1708. Norris of Humility 1707 — Ditto Treatifes of Love, Human Conduct and Divine Light, 2 vol* 169: 491 Cheyne’s Philofophical Principles of Religion 7 fifes 1682 — Rudd’s Dodrine of Jefus Chrift — 1728 Divine Soul 17.24 — Ruft’s Trea- . .. 1 74 ©“ 492 Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progrefs, 8vo, with Sturt’s cuts 493 Cardale’s Gofpel Sanduary 1740 — Meditations of 1703 — Whole Duty of Man 1756 -7 'V~ ~ Gaftrell’s Chriftian Inftitqtes 1727 — r- The Ruffian Catechifm, cuts 1725 — Bp. Hall of Chriftian Moderation, in turkey 1640 Bp. Babington upon the Commandements, b.\, 1 586 — Norden’s Penfive Man’s Pradice, in moroc. b, 1 , .impr. by Rob. Robin- fon 1591 Alkibla, a Difquifition of Worfhipping towards the Eaft 1740 •— Philips of the Study of facred Literature 1758 Rawlins on Heretical Opinions Oxf \ 1772 Middleton on phecy 1730 Philips on the Study of Sacred Literature D’Efpagne of the Wonders of God 1662 — - Wefton’s Wonders of Antiquity Camb , 1748 494 495 496 497 493 1 Pro-\ , 7 6 ; l 499 Hickes’s Devotions 176b, with additional Prayers , MS. — Du Moulin ’s / Soliloquies and Prayers 1677 — The plain Man’s Way to Worfhipl 1 677, and 3 more j 300 Steele’s Chriftian Hero 1 7 1 2 —Locke on Toleration 1690 — NeTe’si Chryftal Mirrour, with his Portr. 1679 —Steward’s Sermon at ) Paris, with a Portr. ofki. Ch. IL when in exile .1659 ( 301 Philips DilTertationes de Atheifmo, Sec, Lond. 1735 — Burnet de Fide & Ofticiis Chriftianorum ’ ib. 1727 — Windet de Vita Fundorum Statu ib. 1664 — __ — — — . 302 Clarke (Carthujiani A?igli) Chriftados Brugis 1670, and 3 more I. 503 Mohammedica , five de Veritate Relig. Chriftianse per Achmet’- Ben- Abdalla, eruditum Maurum, ?naxim - 3 - - Z-t, -/-(o - Z _ >- 6 l. - / — - 3 -£ - / — + / — ~6 _ Church of Scotland G/afg. F <673 5 1 3 Mo- /- 6 L 7 ’be Firebrand taken out of the Fire, the wonderful Hift. of Mrs. Drake, who was under the Power and Difcipline of Satan for 10 Yaares 1654 — A Brand pluckt from the Burning, the unparalled Cafe of Sam. Keimer 1718 Andrewes’s Ca veat from God to beware of his Rod , b. I. 1631 — England’s Summons ; or, London’s Alarum from Heaven, h. L .1654- Everenden’s Reward of the wicked, b , L 1635 The Parliaments Rules for Sacramental Knowledge, by Auftin 1648 — Price’s Shepherd’s Prognoftication A true Relation of the coming ef James Naylor to Briftol, with his Blafphemies , Bewitcheries and Punijhments 1657 — — Robins’s Conversion of a Sinner, b. /. — * Andrewes’s Soule’s Preparation for Death 1634— Price’s Wea- pon againft fudden Death 1656 • Bloody ASlions performed, a Relation of three notorious Murthers committed by three blood- thirfty Men upon their own 'Wives 1653 Take heed in time , a Relation of the Fire at Marlborough and elfewhere in 1653 Price’s Chriftian Calamities 1655 Studley’s Looking-Glafe of Schifme , a true Narration of the execrable f Murders done by Enoch ap Evan, a downright Separatif , upon his Mother and Brother 1634 — Clogie’s Voice of a Raven 1694 . -The Holy Ghofl on the Bench, other Spirits at the Bar, re- ported by Ric. Hollingworth 1656 — — Sabbata Dominica , by Irenaus Philalethes 1643 j __ "*517 Fifaer’s Wife Virgin, a wonderfull Narration of God’s Difpenfations towards Martha Hatfield 1656 — The Life of Mary Whiting, a faithful Handmaid of the Lord 1 7 i I 518 Barclay’s Apology for the Quakers 319 Penn’s noCrofs, no Crown, Svo. of the Quakers 174S 320 Warburton’s Doftrine of Grace, 2 vol. — 1763 Sermons by Brakenridge . — - — — — - 1764 Bentley Camb. 1724 517 ~ _ ~ ~ - / — - / ~ 1739 17 62— — Ditto Rife and Progrefs 5 21 22 523 24 fi 13 Colman 1707 •757 -// — - ~/~a s3° — A6 53* _/Z - Si* Z_ - 533 34 535 4^. — J- % —t~c> -//— 536 537 Conybeare, 2 vol. /. /. — ■■ Calamy (Benj.) 1690— Drake 1714 Hopkins 1708 — Iioadly 1712 Ibbot, 2 vol. — ■ - — ■ 1726 Mangey 1721— Bide 1721 Rogers 1730— Sherlock (on Prophecy) 1723 Seeker 1 758— Sherlock 1726 — Swanne Oxf, 1760 Sherlock (Bp) 4vol. — 175& South, with his Life and Pofh Works, 7 vol. 1 7 22 .. — — Sancroft, with his Partr. 1 703 — - Sprat 1722 . — Stephens, Vol. 2. Oxf 1737 — Tillotfon, Vol. 1. 1694 _ - Wright (five Sermons in five different Styles) 1656 — Bragge on the Parables, Vol. 2. *704 Young, 2 vol. * - ■ »— ■■ ■ 1706 by eminent Divines, among which are fevered very fcarce % 23 yob colUM ty thf late learned Bp, Kennett 538 Fu f 35 ] 53$ Funeral Sermons and Characters, chiejly by eminent Diffenters, 12 vol. many fcarce - — - — 5J9 Sermons, &c. Wolcomb’s Funerals of Ladie Eliz. Courteney, with her Chriftian Life and godly Death, b. 1 . r6c>5 Sibbs’s Fune- rals of Sir Tho. Crewe 1638 Carter’s ditto of SirEdw. Lew- kcnor 1618 — — — - — S 4 ° S 41 Eft’s Mirrour of Man’s Mortalitie, preached at the Fu- nerals of Tho. Lighe of Devon 1 6 1 z Spencer’s dumb Speech, at the Funerals of the right vertuous Mrs. Mary Overman 1646-— Wolley’s Holy Glafte, at the Funeral of Mrs. Alice Whitby of Chefter, a moft devout Matron 1640 — Guy’s Pietie’s Pillar, the Funeral and Life of Mrs. Eliz. Gouge 1626 — — — — Boteler’s Funerals of Edm Earl of Mulgrave 1659 — Stack’s Funerals and Life of that moft hopeful young Gentleman, John, Lo. Harington, with his Portr. in Wood 1614 — Jay’s fune- rals of Lady Mary Villiers 1626 The moft exemplar Life of Lady Mary, Countefs of Shrewsbury 1677 — The Life and Death of Will, Lord Ruffel, with hi* Portr % 1684 -//— _ — / -< 9 -h |> V A R T 0. Languages — Education — Grammars and Dictionaries — Logic and Rhetoric — Libraries — Portraits of Learned Men. 543 Morini Exercitationes de Lingua primarva Ultra j. 1694 — - 544 Parfons’s Remains of Japhet, Enquiries into the Affinity and Origin of the European Languages — ■ 1 767 - — 545 Duret, F'hrefor de VHiJl . des Langues de cejt Unhvers , Yverdon, de Vim - primerie de la Societe Helvetiale Caldorefque 1619 — - 546 Afcham’s Schole Mafter, b. 1 , ded, to Sir Will. Cecill, impr. by Daye l S7° — 547 A Difcourfe concerning Schools and School-Mefters, by M. N. 1663 — Lex Forcia , a fenfible Addrefs to Parliament, to remedy th“ foul Abufe of Children at Schools 1698 — ~ 548 Junii (Fr.) Academia — He:deib.\$%j 549 The Conductions of the Mufceum Minerva 1 636 A Model for 3 - 55 ° 55 * the maintaining of Students of choice Abilities at the Univerlitiei Gerbiers (Sir Balt.) Interpreter of the Academie for forrain Lan- guages and all noble Sciences and Exercifes 1648 publique Ledhires on Languages, Arts, Sci- ences, and noble Exercifes taught in his Academy, with his Portr . 552 De Dieu Rudimenta Linguse Perficie 553 Alphabetum Graecum — — . 1650 L. Bat, ap.F.lz, 1639 Paris ap, Gkil. Morel. 1^54 Smith (Th.) de re&a & emendata Linguae Graecai Prommtiationc Lutet . ap. R. Sisph. 1568 de recla id emend. Ling. Anglic Scriptiwe ib. — 555 Gulielmi Antiquarius — — » — Lugd. 1622 556 Hcdcrici Lexicon Gr. & Lat, per Patrick — Load. 1759 Fa 557 G ram- 554 1 /- 9 - -& s;9 '/ 0U > 560 5 6 ' / A - ~ 562 /-* S 6 3 S 6 4 Grammatical Nic. Perotti, cum Arte Metrica. ■ dipthongandi , &c. Equivocorum Synonyma Magidri Jo. de Garlandia Expoftione Mag.Galfridi An- glici ~ Antw. per me Theod. Martinum 1493 _ Sulpitii Verulani Opus Grammaticum Lond .per Rich. Pynfon 1494 rWhitintoni (Rob.) Accidentia ex Sianbrigiana Edit . b. 1 . impr. at I London by Wynkyn de Worde, no date Parvulorum lujhtutio ex Stanbrigiana Co/Jedione , b. X.inipr . by ditto 1526 Gradus Comparationis Lond. ap. Winandum de Wordei527 Vocabula Magiftri Stanbrlgi — impr, by W. de W. 1525 Vulgar ia Stanbrigi — ■*. — — — « impr. by ditto Whitintoni Grammatica , 8 part. impr. by W. de W. in different Tears from 1522 to 1528 Whitintoni Vulgaria impr. by Peter Treveris, no date Whitintoni Vulgaria — Lond. ap. Rich. Pynfon. 1 525 Ortus Vocabulorum « Lond. per Wynand. de Worde 1514 Poole’s Englilh Accidence — — — — — 1646 Webbe’s Appeale to Truth , in the Controverfie betweene Art and Ufe, about the beft asd mod expedient Courfe in Languages : to be read faffing ■ ■■ ■ — 1622 Syms’s Art of teaching theLatine Speach, which by this Method may ^ be taught to the dulleft Boys in four Years, b. 1 . Dubl. 1634 I Princeps Rhetoricus y or the Combat of Caps, in Ufum Scholte Mafo - nenffs — — — - Lond. 1648 i Brinfley’s Poling of the Parts -- — — — - * 163 5 l_Gil Linguae Anglicae Logonomia, imperf and other Trads Ainfworth’s Lat. and Eng. Didionary, by Patrick, 2 voL 1751 Danet, Didionnaire Lat. Sc Fran. 2 tom. — Lyon 1737 Salelbury (Wyllyam) his Didionary in Englylhe and Welfhe, mofte neceffary to all fuche Wellhemen as vu\l fpedly learne the Englylhe Tongue ; thought unto the Kynges Majeilie, very mete to be fette forihe, b. 1 . ded. to the moofi vidorioufe and redovobtede Prince Henry theyght - — impr. by me John Waley ] 547 ' Bullokar’s Boohe at large for the Amendment of Orthographic for Englijh Speech , b. L impr. by Denham 1580 Englifh Orthographic Oxf. 1668 Brinfiey’s Pofmg of the Parts — — — — 1665 Reeves’s Introduction to the Greek Tongue 1 65 7 Dr. Cyprian Kinner Sileffan, his Thoughts concerning Education, by Hartlib, publijhed by Authority — - 1648 A common Writing, at hereby two, tho 1 not underfunding one the ae- thers Language , yet by the helpe thereof may communicate their Minds one to another, by F. L. W. - — 1 647 Hartlib’s true and readie Way to learne the Latine Tongue , attefled. by three excellently learned and approved Authors of three Nations, Lubinus a German , Carew of Anthony in Cornwall, and Mon- taigne, ded. to Mr. Speaker Rous, printed byB. and W. Ley* bourn for the Commonwealth Learning 1654 Matlock’s Fax nova Artis feribendi A A Treatife 'of Stops, Print t 37 3 Points or Paufes, ufcd in Writing and In 1680 $66 Mulcafter (Rich.) of the right writing of our Englijh Tung, ded . to Rob. Earle of Leicefter impr. by Vautrouillier 2 567 Another Copy ■■ ■ 1582 568 Gil (Alex.) Logonomia Anglica Lond. 1621 569 Elftob’s (Eliz.) Englilh-Saxon Grammar ■ — 1715 570 Wotton’s fhort View of Hickes’s Treafury of the ancient Northern Languages, by Shelton — ~ 1 737 57 57 Jonas Ifandi (Runol) Grammatical Illandicse Rudimenta & DiCtiona- riolum Iflandicum Oxon. 1688 Veneroni DiCtionaire Fr. & Ital. 2 tom. • Ven. 173 1 573 Antonini DiCtion. Ital. Latin. & Fr, 2 tom. ib. 1645 374 11 medefimo, 2 tom. — — ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ib. 1752 375 FlonVs Frutes, to be gathered of 12 Trees of divers but delightfule Takes to the Tongues of Italians and Englilhmen, alfo his Gardine of Recreation, yeelding 6000 Italian Proverbs 2591 376 Haym, Biblioteca It ah ana 0 fa Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Ital. — Veil. 1741 577 Richelet, DiCtionaire Francois — — Gen . 1680 578 Boyer’s Fr. and Eng. Dictionary 1743 579 Sewel’s Dutch and Eng! ilh Dictionary — Amfl . 1691 ^ 1i T inn mi //I* n A 380 Eliot’s Indian Grammar , no title f Venerab. Baldovini Sobodienfis Liber de Arte Memorie ~ 2 -t> - 3-6 ~ 3 - ~ 7 *> ~/a~ 6 -rf-~ -Z- —V 0-6 - /- ^6 58. 4 Fr. Philelfi breviores elegantioref . Epifole, Davent, per me Tac. de Breda 1500 Plinii Sec .Epifole per Phil. Beroaldum correfte , Bonon. per Bened. HeCtoris 1498 Tbefaurus r veteris Cff nonoe Logice Ariftotelis,' Colon, in Bur fa Ruyck, fine anno Formalitatcs de Mente Dodioris Subtilis Scoti, necnon Stephani Burlifer, cum no in cor. turc. /-£> z - - 1 — -/- - 2- 6 - 2 - - 2 - - / — —4 -6 - 2-6 -Z -6 ciejiajtica j 6 lo John V- /U [ 40 ! 619 John Nicholls ( latelie the Pope's Scholler) his Oration and Sermon prefented to the Pope, b. L impr . by Charlewood 1581 620 An humble Petition of the Communaltie to Qu. Eliz. Complaint to the Parliament and Petition to the Convocation, for a learned Minflerie 1588 ——A Confutation of unwritten Verities , made by Tho. Cranmer, the late Archbp. of Canterburie, Martyr of God, &C, tranflated by E.P. b. 1. printed beyond Sea , no date The difplaying of the Familie of Love, with Letters of the Familie and Aafweres, by Rogers, b.L impr. by Middleton 1578 — The Life of the 70 Archbp . of Canterbury (Parker) this Numbre of feventy is fo compleat a Number as it is great pitie ther Jhold be one more , b. 1. //-£ /- /-6 / 621 impr. 1574 The Pradyfe of Prelates , compyled by Wyllyam TyndaJe, l. 1. impr * by Scoloker- no date — Herman, Archbp. of Coleyne, his Infitution of Baptifne, and Mufculus his Treatife of Matrimony , tranflated by JRychard Ryce, b. 1. impr. by Scoloker, no date Peter Virets Declaracyon of the Lord’s Prayer, comenly called the Pater Nofter, tran- flated by Ant> Scoloker, b. 1. impr. by himfelf t 548 —A Fragment of a Dialogue between a Parfon and a Shoemaker, b. 1. Saint Hul- bericus’s Epiftle to Pope Nicholas I, agaynft the unmarryed Chaflytie of Pryefles, b. 1. no date -Hen. Hart his Godlit Exhortation , b. 1. impr. by Daye 1549 — The aide Fayth of Greate Brittaygne, and' the newe Learninge of Inglande, by R. V. b. 1. impr. by Scoloker, no date — — _ Two Epyflles of Hen. Bullynger and Jhon Calvyn of the Unlaw - fulnefle of the Maffe, b. 1. no date -Zuinglius’s Preceptes , b. 1. impr, by Scoloker 1548 -The Order of Matrimony, b.l. bnpr. by ditto Stalbridge agaynft the pompoufe Popyjhc Bijhopps , b. 1. no date — The Huntyngof the Rotnyjh Vuolfe , made by Vuylliam Turner, Doftor of Phifik , b. 1. no date 622 Du Moulin, Defenfe de la Foy Catholique, with a fcarce portr. of K, Ja. I. by De Leu 1611, en moroq. 623 Foxes and Firebrands, 3 parts in 2 vol. with MS. Notes by Bp. Ken- nett — — - — 1 6825-89 624 Refle&ions on the Devotions of the Romifli Church 1686, and 3 more 1635 The famous Bull Unigenitus, by -3— /~6 625 The Pope’s deadly Wound Gordon, and 2 more / 626 Joliff& Jonfon Refponfio ad Hoperum Antv. ap. PJantin 1564, and 3 more 627 Hatoti. Conceratio Ecclefne Catholics in Anglia adverfus Calvinopa- piftas &Puritanos, de Perfecutione Anglicana, &c. Aug. Trev. 1583-—— Molanus de Fide Hsereticis fervanda, & c. Col. 1584 628 An Apologieof the Englifh Seminaries printed at Mounts in Henault ' j^8i__A Defence of the Catholikes periecutedin England, Doway 1639, and 2 more A briefe Apologie or Defence of the Catholike Ecclefiaftical Hierar- chie and Subordination in England, very rare and in great Requeft among the Englijh Papifts 1 60 1 —The Prudential Ballance of Re- ligion t 609 — Puritanifme the flother , flnne the Daughter 163 3 # 6 29 Parfons’s three Converflons of England, 3 vol. — — — 1603 630 England’s Converfion and Reformation compared Anti v. 1725 631 Hilt. Cultus Sinenfiuro, 2 tom. Col.iyoG Smithei Monita pro Miflionariis Angliae Lond.ibc 75 629 632 Schoone- 1 ■ CM i 41 J with the Halits Amft. 1 688 ) (y—b /- 6 xz Schoonebeek’s Religious Orders, Dutch, — Hid. des Ordres Religieux, 2 tom. en i. avec Us fg. de Schoone- beek ib. 1695 ^ " ' 633 Tanner’s Notitia Monajlica , interleaved, with large Additions , MS. Oxf. 1695 634 Another Copy, l.p. with MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett ib. 1695 635 The Alcoran of the barefote Friers , b. 1 . impr. by Grafton 1550 — 636 Manuale Miffionariorum Regularium Praecipue Anglorum S. Fran- cifci Duac. 1658, the Author Father Davenport, a Franfifcan of Doway, Englilh Miffionary, Chaplain to Qu. Henr. Maria, and afterwards to Qu. Catherine of Portugal, Provincial of his Order in England, J. W, — — — — ' 637 Braffeur Origines omnium Hannoniae Coenobiorum Mont. 1650 638 D. Emilliane’s Hid. of Monaftical Orders — - 1 ^ 93 J 639 Hid. Flagellantium — — — ■ Paris 1700) 640 Mabiilon, Traite des Etudes Monaftiques — Brux. 1691 — 641 De Cerf, Bibliotheque des Auteurs de la Congregation de St. Maur/ Haye 1726^ 642 D’Alembert’s Account of the Deftruttion of the Jefuits in France 1766* 643 Stafford’s Fesnall Glory , the Life and Death of our Bleffed Lady, the Holy Virgin Mary, God’ s owne immaculate Mother, cuts 1 635 644 The Hid. of our bleffed Lady of Loreto impr. with Licence 1608 645 The Life and Aftions of St. Athanafius 1664 r Vita Effigiata di S. Terefa di Giefu Rom. 1670 — Hifi.di Santa Maria j Loreto Ferm. 1590 — .. ( The Life of the glorious Virgin St. Clare — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ 1662 ( — St. Anthony of Padoua — ■ • Paris 1660) Archdekin Vit?. & Miracula S. Patricii Hibernian Apodoli Lev. 1671 650 The Admirable Life of St. VVenefride, by Rob. Monke of Shrevvf* /6~ Z- 646 6 47 648 649 bury 1635 1713 a Becket, Th. Morus ( Duac. 1588 J - — - • * ^.1588 I Life and Geds of St. Tho. Cantilupe, Bp. ^Hereford, Lo. Chancellor of England Gant 1674 65 1 Thej Life and Miracles of St. Wenefrede 652 Stapletoni tres Thomcs y Th. Apod. Tho. 6; 3 Idem *653 The / — .3 b 3 — /_ /-£ 2.- L / £ - Z - / — / — -3 — / -b> 3-h> 634 The Life ofS t, Tho. Archbifhcp of Canterbury, with his portr . Col. 1639 — b 655 Lowth’s Life of William of Wykeham - — 0 656 Lewis’s Life and Sufferings of Wicliffe ■ 657 Bale’s Chronycle of Syr johan Oldecadell, l. p. 658 Lewis’s Life of Bp. Pecock — - 659 Knight’s Life of Dean Colet, cuts 660 of Erafmus, cuts 661 Ribadeneiras Vita Ignatii Loiolas 66 2 Vita Reginald! Poli Card. — — 1758 1720 — 1729 - *7 44 J724 1 17*6 Lngolfl. 1590 Load. 1 1590 r 1690 7 1701 I Z. - 3~d> s - 6 - / 663 Strype’s Life and A£$ of Bp. Aylmer 170 664 Broughton’s antient, mod holy and religious State of Gr. Britain, Permiffu Super iorum ■ ■ ■ — 1650 665 Another Copy — — j6-o 666 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Gr- Britain, relating to the Reformation, cuts j 7- 1723 607 Apocalypds infignium aliquot Haercfiarcharum,rftw/rt?»^»jyi/.r/; B. 160S G 668 Illudria - 3 '/ - >S£l - — /o - -A - _ Z-b ^668 l # 9 7° 671 [ 42 ] IllufHa Ecclefiae Catholics Trophoea, Hi ft. Martyr urn Anglia , Sec. 1 573 The Lyfe and Death of John Story, a Romifh Canonical Do&or, exe- cuted at Tiborn 1 5 7 I . b. 1 . impr . Colwell Certamen triplex a tribes Societ, Jefu ex provincia Anglicana Sacerdoti- bus Th. Holland, Rod. Corbie, Hen. Mors, proFide JuJpenfus et dijfectus Londini, with their portraits , — — Antv. 1645 ~4 {<574 — Z - ~/Z~ 6 7 « - 5 ^ /- 6 ? / l { {: l Memoirs of Miffionary Priefts and other Catholics, executed in England on religious Accounts, from 1577 to 1684, 2 vol. — 1741 672 The Engliffi Martyrologe, permijj'u Superior. 1608 673 The Miraculous Life , Converjion, &c. of Father Bennet of Canfield in Effex, Capuchin-Preacher — Ditto of Father Arehangell, of the noble Family of Gordon in Scotland, and the Converfion of the Ladie Marg. Gordon his Mother, with their portraits by J. Picart 1611 —The Life of Father Angel of Joyeufe, Capuchin, femetime Duke, Peer and Marffial of France Doway 1623 Barkfdale’s Memorials of worthy Perfons, 2 vol. Walton’s Life of Hooker, in Turkey 1665-— Le Neve’s Memorials of Dr. Richard Field, interleaved \ with large MS. Additions and Altera • tions by the Editor, and Bp Kennett 1717 Budden Vita fo. Mortoni Archiepifc. Cant. Lend. 1607 — Dillingham Vitas Chadertoni et UfTerii, Cant. 1702 677 The Lives of Epifcopius and Arminius 1673 — The laft Hours of Dr. Rivet 1682 — The Life of Dr. Dome, with his portr. 1658 Fifher’s Wife Virgin , a wonderful Narration of God’s Difpenfations to Martha Hatfield, with her pGrtr. 1664 — The Holy Life of Ar- melle Nicolas, a poor ignorant Country Maid of France 1671 — Abbot’s young Man’s Warning-piece, the finful Life and woful Death of Will. Rogers, Apothecary 1637 679 Pomfret’s Life of Chriftian, Ccuntefs of Devonfnire 1685 — Duncon’s Life of Lettice, Vicountefs Falkland, with her portr. 1653 680 Collinges’s Holy Lives of Lady Fr. Hobart and Lady Kath. Courten 669 — Pomfret’s Life of Lady Devonffiire 1685 681 Walton’s Life of Bp Sanderfon 1678 — Burnet’s Life of Bp Bedell 1685 — Vernon’s Life of Dr. Heylin 682 Des Maizeaux’s Life of Bales of Eton 1719 — Ditto Life of Chilling' worth 1725 Gauden’s Life of Bp Brownrig, with hit portr . 166c — Bafire’s Life of Bp Cofin, with hit portr. by Dolle 1673 — Patrick’s Divine Arith- metic 1672 Fairfax’s Life of Owen Stockton 1681 — TregofTe’s Life and Letter* 1 67 1 — Life of James Owen of Salop 1 709 Derham’s Life of Dr. Harris 1660 — The Life of that Holy Man of God, Tho. Cawton 1662 — Life of Dr. Fuller, Oxf. 1662 616 Life of Mr. Jo. Rowe of Crediton 1673 — The Holy Life of Mr. Jo. Angier, 1685 — Funeral Sermons and Characters, by Baxter and Henry, 2 vol. Life of Dr. Winter 1671— of Thomas Wilfon of Maidftone 1672 —Davis’s laft Legacy 1707 Life of Mr. Hen. Gearing 1694* — Life of Mr. Tho. Firmin 1698 Ward’s Life of Dr. Hen. More, with his portr . by Loggan 1710- Vita Jo. Bar wick, c&. maj. Load* 1724 690 Lif# 68 3 6S4 685 687 688 68 9 [ 43 J 6 90 Life of Bp Rainbow, with his portr, by Sturt 1688 — 691 Another Copy, with the portr. and a judicious Cenfure of BpKennett’s upon this indifferent Prelate (as he calls him) pointing out that he had no- thing truly great or good enough to dijlinguifo the Character of an Eng- lifh Prelate, MS. - v_ __ 692 Life of Bp Morton, with his portr. in Wood 16 6q — Fell’s Life of Dr. Hammond ?66i — Bp Kidder’s Life of Dr . Horneck 1697 — 693 Pope’s Life of Bp Ward, with a remarkable Note of his intenfe Study , b\ Bp Kennett 1697 — Burnet’s Life of Bp Bedell, with MS, Notes by Bp Kennett 1685 — — r — ; * 694 Hallet’s Life of Mr. Geo. Troffe, with his portr . by Vertue 1714 — Ditto, by Gilling — Tong’s Life of Shower, with his portr, 1716 695 Calamy’s Life of Dr. increafe Mather, with his portr . by White 172$ —Funeral Sermons and Chara&ers by fundries 696 Life of Mr. John Pennyman 698 — 1696 C 1716 — FuneW 701 702 7°3 697 Tong’s Life of Matt. Henry, with his portr. by Vertue ral Sermons by fundries ~~ Kidder’s Life of Horneck 1698— Life and penitent Death of Jo. Maw- gridge, Gent, executed for the Murder of Capt. Cope 1708 — Life of Mr. Thomas Cawton — The wicked Life and penitent Death of Ja. WiJfon of Wolverhampton 1 669 — Life of Tho Tregoffe 1671 — Lilly’s Hift. of his Life and Times 1715 699 Life of Ja. Owen of Salop, with his portr. 1709 — The Holy Life of Mr. Tho. Cawton, with his portr. 1662 — Funeral Sermons and Characters by fundries — v— - — — — — 700 Hinde’s Holy Life of Jo. Bruen of Bruen-Stapleford, Chefhire, Brother/" to that Mirror of Pietie, Mrs. Kath. Brettergh 1641 — Collmges’j 1 Lives of Lady Fr. Hobart and Lady Ka. Courten *669 < Mayo’s Life of Dr. Edm. Staunton *673 — Fairfaix’s Life of Owen I Stockton 1 68 1 — — — — ' The Life and Remains of Mr. Jof. Alleine 1673 The Life of Mr. Tho. Wiifon of Maidifone 1&72 — The Holy Life and triumphant Death of Mr. jo. Janeway i 702 — Ditto of Mr. Jo. 4 Angier 1683 — Ditto of Mr. Edm. Trench 1693 — Barrett’s Life of Mr. Will. Reynolds 1698 — - — — 704 Afhhurft’s (Sir H.) Life of Mr. Nat. Heywcod 1695 — Moore’s Pearl in an Oyfter-jfhell, with the Holy Life of Mr. Th. Hall 1675 — Fa : neral Sermons by fundries ^ — - — - — ^ - 705 Life of Mr. Nat. Mather 1689— Cotton Mather’s Sermons 1689- Shower’s Holy Life of Mr. Hen. Gearing 1703 — Trodden dewn Strength , or Mrs. Drake revived 1647 — - ___ 706 Tuckney’s Life of Dr. Hill 1654 — Life of Dr. Sam. Winter 1681 Ditto of Mr. Hen. Jefiey 1671 — The Life of that old Difciple Mr. Hanferd Knollys, with his portr. aged 93. 1693 — Funeral Ser- mons - ^ ^ .. 1; — . — - , 707 FroyfelPs Gale of Opportunity, preached at the Funeral of Humph. Walcot of Walcot 1650 — Ditto Funeral of Sir Robert Harley 1658 — The Holy Life of Gervafe Difney 1692 7©3 Derham’s Life of Dr. Harris 1 660 — Life of Tho. Tregoffe 1 67 1 — Cotton Mather’s Life of Mr. Jo. Eliot, fuft Preecher among the In- dians in America 1694 — Afhe’s Life of Mr. Will. Bagfhawe 1704 - Z-£> - $ - - * - . 2.-£ ■_ / — - Z_ G 2 709 Lif« - 3 - k - f -- H-t - 2 _• •b\ \ -V- % - /_ ^Ar~- Sr — ^ l-b / b _ — / — _ ^ — D, Z - ~r 5 k> -/- - /-l -A ~ V b — : / t 44 3 Life of Mr. To. Machin 1671 — Life of Mr. Jo. Rowe 1673 — - ikff/ 1 /m Shav/s Tomb-Jione, or the Saints Remains 1658 PafcaPs Life and Letters, z vol. *744 Calamy’s Abridgment of Baxter’s Life and Times, 1 ft. Edit. 1702 — CalamyV Life, of Howe 1724 7 j 2 — - — 7,d Edit. 2 vol. 7 i 3 — — — — with the Contin. 4 vol. 7°9 710 7 11 714 Life of Bp Stillingfeet 7 1 5 Neifon’s Life of Bp Bull 71 6 1710 — Life of Bp Kennett 1730 1 7 1 3 — Watts’s Life of Dr. Asfheton 1 7 1 3 1727 1714 1713 — Brokefby’s Life of Dodwell, ‘ 7*5 1717 — Birch’s /3 - -V - — / — - '/- - /-£ — A — - / - Abridgment of his Works 717 Life of Abp Tilldtfon, A/ 5 . Notes, by Bp Kennett Life of Tillotfon 1753 718 Life of Bp Burnet 1715 — — Stackhoufe’s Memoirs of Bp Atterbury, •with his portr. 1 727 Stackhoufe’s Miferies of the inferior Clergy 1722 719 The Life of Bp Kennett 5730 Sharpe’s Remarks on fome PafTages in the Life cf Dr. Kennett, •vindicating bis Lordjhip 1730 720 Whifton’s Memoirs ofhimlelfand Friends, 2 vol. 1749 72 i ■ — — - — 3 vcl. 175O Giordano Bruno, de gf Heroics Furori Scritto al molto illuflre et eccel- lenie Cavalliero Sign Philippo Sidneo, Parigi , appr. Ant.Baio 1^85 — Spaccio de ia Bejiia trionfante, confecrato at molte illufre 722 et eccellente Cav. 5 . Phil. Sidneo, fampato in Parigi 1584 liber Tariff. The lait of thefe Pieces ( Le Spaccio) may be juftiy reckoned among the fcarcefl Books extant. — This identical Copy was fold at the Sale of the Library of Ch. Bernard, Efqj An. i 7 i \ for £ 28. 723 — — Spaccio de la Befia trionfante , or the Expuilion of the triumphant . Bealt, 36 Re Sections on the Death of Free-thinkers vol. 1754 * 7»3 9U ARF Q. [ 45 3 . V A R f O. Claffics and T r (inflations — - Poet# Latini recentiores , &c. 737 73 ** 739 74 ° 74 1 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 75 o -75 1 7.5- — W 754 755 756 757 75 s 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 A ULUS Gellius Gronovii Apulei Apologia Pricsei L. Bat . 1706 iWw 1635 — — — ib. 1635 Efopus Leben und Fab eln, mi t fchonen Figuren — Fryb. 1 569 The Boke of Comforte , called in Eaten Boetius de Confolatione Philofo- phie, tr an fated in to Englejfe Tonge , b. 1 . emprented in the exempt Monafery of Taveftok, in Denlhyre, be me Dan Thomas Rychard, Monke of the fay d Monaftery, to the infant Defyre of the ryght wor - JhypfullE{^\xytr Mayiler Robert Langdon 1525 Callimachi Hymni Gr Sc Lat. Gulonii Paris ap. Bene-natum 1574 Cebetis Tabula Jufto Velfio Interp. Lugd. 1551 * Claudianus Ugoleti '■ — » — — Tenet, apud Tacuinum 1495 Middleton’s Life of Cicero, 2 vol. /. p. « 1741 Cibber’s Character and Conduct of Cicero ' — 1747 Dionyfius Alexandr. Cum Comment, Euflathii Gr. Lutet. ap. R . *547 Aug. 1603 1758’ *599 . 1707 Epifoleg Grsecanicts, Bafilii Mag. Libanii, Chionis, Aifchinis, ifocratis, Phalaridis, Bruti, Apollonii Tyan. Juliani Apoft. Ten . ap . Aldutn H 99 Hefiodus Gr. & Lat. cum Notts Varicr. Robinfoni, c . m. Oxon . 1737 Homeri Opera Gr. 8 c Lat. per Clarke, 4 tom. in 3. Lond. 1754 UAchilky PEnea e PUli/Je di Lod. Dolce fcf Menechini delie Lodi della Poefia d’Omero di Virgilio, 2 tom. Vineg. apprejj'o Gabr . Giolito l S 7 z Horatius Bentleii * Cant, 1711 Horace his Satyres, englyjhed accordyng to the Prefcription of Saint Hie- rome, with theWailynges of the Prophet Hieremiah, done into Englyjhe Terfe , alfo Epigr amines by T . Drant, b. 1 . Lubinus in Horatium — ~ Herodianus & Zofimus Gr. Sc Lat. Hen. Stephani ‘ Herodian’s Imperial Hiftory • - — - Juvenal Sc Perfius Cafauboni Juliani Imp. Opera Gr. Sc Lat ' Lucretius, cum fg . — Lond. ap Fotifon \y\z Lucanus Bentleii — — Stepb. Dexippi, Eunapii'& Alior. Eclogae Legationum Gr. Hoefchelii Vind. Epi&etus’s Works, by Eliz. Carter — Ennius Columnar, in cor. turc. Neap. — - — — Heflelii - ■ ■ ■ Amf. impr. by Marlhe 1566 Rofocb. 1599 1581 1629 L. Bat. 1693 Paris 1630 :U ^ if ff 3 - -• ~ Z (o - A -/O - 1: - 2 - - /- 6 //— Laftantius Du Frefnoy, 2 tom. Mofchi Sc Bionis Idyllia Gr. Sc Lat. Mekerchi Onofandri Strategicus Gr. Sc Lat. Rigaltii Pindarus Gr. Sc Lat. - ■ ■ ■ Strawberry Hill 1760 Paris 174$ Brug . ap. Hub. Gclt- zium 1563 ap. Commel!tt*i6&*> P. Stephan } I399 769 Pcs- -fshb - 4-6 [ 4 $ ] — JJ +(> 7^9 P oe tr!arum o£lo Fragments & Elogia Gr. Sc Lat, Wolfit Hantb-. 1734 77 ° (Geo.) Opus fex Dierum feu Mundi Opificiutn, Poema Gr. Sc Lat. Morelli ■ ■ - - - Lutet . ap. Fed. Morell. 1585 -^ 771 Phcedrus Hoogftratani, Jig. jti 2 fa 772 Quintiliani Opera — /f- — — Amf.i'joi Paris ap. Colinaum 1 54 1 772 Sophocles Gr. raw omnibus Gratis Scboliis & cum Latinis Camerarii ap. Hen. Steph. 156$ Glafg. 174; 8 - -3-(y - 7 - ~'S- ~/y~ 6 > 773 Sophocles Gr. - » — 774 Socratis Antifthenis Sc alior. Socraticor. Epift. Gr. & Lat. Par. 1637 775 The Works of Salluft, by Gordon - *744 y- 9 Theocritus Graece — — ~~~ Parif ap. Wechel. 1543 77 ^Porphyrii Ifagoge Gr. Valentini ib. 1547 Lugd. 1560 Mediceo-Lauren - Florent. 1 74 1 Leov. 1717 f 777 Terentius Antefy nam l 77 § Vergilii Maronis Codex Antiquijfmus in Bibliotheca tiana — — — 779 Virgilius Mafvicii, 2 tom 780 ‘The 13 Bukes of Eneados of thefamofe Poete Virgill, tranfatet out Latyne Ferfes into Scottish Metir , bi May her Gav/ln Douglas, Bifhop of Dunkel, and Unkil to the Earle of Angus, b. 1 . impr . at Lond. 1553 — J-t 781 The vjhole 12 Boohes of the dEneidos of Virgill, converted into Engli/h Meeter by Tho. Phaer and Tho.T vtyne, b. 1 . ded. to Sir Nich. Bacon, impr . by Wyllyam How 1573 782 Virgil’s dEneis, by Trapp, 2 vol. 1718 — 1720 783 Fiores Poet arum de Firtutibus & Fieiis ac Donis Santii ' Spirit us, Liber AntiquifT. s. A. a. L. Sulpitii Verulani Carmen de Moribus Puerorum Lond. ap. Winand. De Worde 1524 , 3 - fed. - Z -. — 3 — 785 786 Magifiri Walteri Burlei Tratiaius brevis de Material $ Forma , Oxon. per me Joan. Scolar 1518 Tho. Mori Epigrammata -■ Bafl. 1520 Drummundi Poiemo Middinia, Carmen Macaronicum, accedit Jac. V. Regis Scoterum Cantilena Ruftica vulgo infcripta Chrif's Kiri on ✓* the Green, Nods Gibfon — Oxsn% i 6 gi /i° 8 7 Haddoni Qrationes, EmlL Poemata Hatched Lond. ap. Serefum 1567 ' “ — ib. 1567 Paris 1644 — ib. 1 644 Idem y -789 Blacvod^l Op' 3 ^^ r^rvmi'a _/ era omnia 90 Idem A~ 79 ' 792 _ z ~ ~/A _>2 - 793 794 795 ParkhurfH Ludicra, five Epigrammata Juvenilia Gwinne Nero Tragoedia Lond. 1603 — Britannise Natalis, Oxon. 1630 — Peplus, iliufriff. Firi Ph. Sidnaei Oxon. ap. Barnes 1587 Julii Edinburg. Poemata Sacra Fdinb. 1614 Mufae Sc Adamfoni Vita Sc Palinodia — 1620 Poemata «- - ■■■ —-■ — Lond. 1 61 3 Sannasarii Poemata — — — — -* Patav. 1719 C Rapini Eclogas Paris 1659 ( Newton (Hen.) Epift. Orationes Sc Carmina Lut. 1710 Maittaire Mifcellanea Grascor. aliquot Scriptorum Carmina, cum Verfione Latina — — — — — Lond. 1722 Vine. Pimpinelli Archiep. RofTan. Oratio Aug. Find. 1530, printed upon vellum, and bound in tncrocco 797 Sea- 797 { 79 s \ 799 8oo f 47 3 Scaliger adv. Erafmum, Orationes Sc Epift. — - Balmford Oratio publ. in Apid. Cantabr. — Camdeni & illuft. Viror. Epift. Puteani Epiftolze Atticae Fabri (Tan.) Epift. Ariftophanis C’oncionatriccs Cr. /• 1621 ( l 1618} 1 . 1691J n. 1623L { *8 00 1 Conringii & alior. Opufcula ^ Batefj i Vita; feleftorum Viror. Smithi Vitae eruditiff. Sc illuftr. Viror. Hobbes Vita Voffii (Ger.) de 4 Artis Popularibus - — de Hiftoricis Latinis (If.) Variae Obfervationes Tol. 1621 Lone/. Lone/. Lovan. &Lat. Fabri Saint. 1665 Lond. 1681 - tb. 1707 Carop. 1682 Amjl. 1650 L. Bat . 1651 Lond. 1685 t/- Fifth Day’s Sale, Friday , April 2, 1773. OCTAVO 6? Infra. Divinity. Early Tranftations, Abridgments , 8zc. of the Old and New T eft ament — Old Englijh Primers , Medita- tions, &c. — Some of the earlieft Popifh and Puritanical-Con - troverfy — Sermons by old Englijh Divines , and many other Jcarce Trails. Lot Sol T Magines Mortis Holbenii, Medicina Anipiss, Sec. Col. 1567 802 ^ EHlob’s great Affinity of Divinity and Law — go 3 Fizerbertus de Antiquitate Catholic# Religions* in Ang^a Rom. 1608— Ejufd. Oxonienfis Academia; Defcriptio ib. 1602 804 Eraftus Senior . — • i66z ( 805 Abrahami Patriarchal Liber Iezirah, live Formationis Mundi LatJ Poftelli - Petris 1 55 2 806 A compendyous Olds Treaty/e Jhenaynge hovje that -jus ought to have the Scripture in Englyjhe , vjith the Audtours , b. I. impr. by tne Rycharde Banckes, no date , with fame MS . papers , bound in rujjia — , — — — S07 Philippe Gerrard his godly Invective in the Defence of the Gofpell, again ft fuch as murmure and vioorke what tkei can that the Bible Jhoulde not have free Pafage , to K. Edw. VI. b. 1 . impr. by Rich. Graf- ton 1547 $08 The fyve Bokes e/'Mofes, nvvthe the Prologes of Wyllyam Tyndale, 6. 1. 1 ‘534 * printed in different Characters, at different Periods , and vc it bout Date , fave to the firit — 809 The Bokes of Salomon and of Jefus the Sonne of Syrach, b. I . inpr. by Wyllyam Copland 1551 Sio A -?r- - 2 _ - S' b -S-h 4-4 - — 6-6 /"//-& Si 6 /&- (y tlO A brief e and comp end loufe Table in a Maner of a Concordaunce , openyng the Waye to the principall Hifiories of the whole Bible, by Gwalter Lynne, b. 1 . ded. to Lady Anne, DouchelTe of Somerfet. The thyrde Boke of the Machabees, whiche was newer before in the Englyjhe Tounge 1 5 5 ° — The pithtby and moof notable Sayinges cf al Scripture , gathered by Tho. Paynell, ded. to Qu. Marye, b. 1 . impr. by Copland, no date — Z — - S 1 1 Certayne Chapters of the Prowerbes of Salomon drawen into Metre by Tho. Sterneholde, late Grome of the Kynges Magefies Robes , b. 1 . impr, by John Cafe, no date, imperf at the End 5 1 2 Samuel’s Abridgement of the OldeTef ament, written in Sternhold’s Me- ' ter 9 h.\. impr. by Seres 1569, in turkey 513 The ASles of the Apo files, tranfiated into Englyjhe Metre, by Chryftofer Tye, Doflor in Mufyke, with Notes to fynge, and alfo to play upon the Lute, b. 1 . ded. to K. Edw. VI. impr. by Seres 1553, in rujjia C Seleft Pfalms and Prayers, b. 1 . no title impr. 'by Berthelet 1548 -Ar- 214 SOH* Katherine’s Prayers and Meditations, b. 1 . impr . by Berthelet, L 1 547 no title — 529, by me Hans Lull The Obedience of a Chrifien Man, by Will. Tyndale, other wife called Hychins, b. 1 . impr. by ditto, 1528 — The Parable of the wicked Mammon , by ditto, b. 1 . impr. by ditto, 1528 A compendious Introduction uni a the Pifile off Paul to the Romayns , b. 1 . no Date Tyndale’s briefe Declaration of the Sacraments, b. 1 . impr. by Rob. Stoughton 2 - b 3- t> /- l> Sjj — $54 S55 856 - 3— g 57 - ^ 8 58 3 ts B60 16 1 Tyndale t 5i ] 86 1 Tyndale’/ Obedyence of a Cktyfen Man , b. 1 . impr. by Coplande 1 561- Ditto Parable of the wicked Mammon , compiled 1536, printed 1561 862 Johan Baleb At les or unchafe Examples of the Englyjhe V otaryes , 2 parts, b. 1 . impr. by Tho. Haynalde 1548-50. ded. to K. Edw. VI. — : — . — — Image of both Churches , 3 parts in 1. b. 1 . no date , ded. 863 864 865 866 to ditto - , ■ ■ Apology agaynfl a ranke Papyf , b. 1 . impr. b y Jo. Daye 1 5 50 . , — — Expofulation or Complaynte agaynfe the Blafphtmyes of a frantycke Papyf of Hamfhyre, b. 1 . impr. by jhon Daye, no date — The Vocacyon of Johan Bale to the Bifhoprick of OfTorie in Jrelande, his P execution in the fame, and finall Delyvei aunce, b 1 . impr. in Rome, before the Cafell of S. Angell, at the Signe of 8. Peter 1 353 867 The hunfyng of the Romyjke Vuolfe , made by Vuylliam Turner, Doclour v of Phifk, b. 1 . no date 868 The refcuynge of the Romijhe Fox , other wyfe called the Examination of the Huntery devifed by Steven Gardiner. Thefecond Cour/e of the Hunter , lAc. The 1 2 Articles of Bysjhop Stevens newe Popijh Credo, by Vuylliam Wraghton, b. 1 . ded. to Kynge Hen. VIII. impr. at Winchefter t 345 869 The Complaint of Roderyck Mors, fometime a gray Fryre, unto the Parlia- ment Houfe of Englande , his naturall Countrye , for the Redrejfe of certayne wicked Lawes, evil l Cufomes and cruell Decrees , b. 1 . impr. at Geneve in Savoye, by Myghell Boys no date 870 The Original and Sprynge of all Seales and Orders , tranfated oute of hye Dutch, b. 1 . printed in Southwarke by me Ja. Nicolfon, no date 871 Another Copy — — A Comparifon betwene the olde Learnynge and the newe, tranflated out of Latin by Wyll. Turner, b. 1 . prynted in Sowthvvarke by Nicolfon 1 5 37 872 The true Dyferences bet wen the rcgall Power and the Ecclefiaficall Power , tranfated out of Latyn by Henry Lord Stafforde, b. 1 . ded . to the Lord Proteftor Somerfet, impr. by Wyll. Copland, no date Here begynneth a godly newe Story of I 2 Men that Moyfes fent to fpye owt the Land of Canaan, b. 1 . impr by Will. Hill, remayninge at the Sygne of the Hill in Paules Churche Yarde, 1548, no title — Certayne Pfalmes dranven into Engli foe Metre by Tho Sternehold, b. 1 . imp* . by Whit- churche, with the Emblem of the Church , a Rebus upon the Printer's Name , ded. to K. Edw. VI. no date — Tyndale’j briefe Declaration of the Sacramentes, b. 1 . impr. by Stoughton, no date Urbanus Regius his Itifruccyon of Cbrifen Fayih, by J. Fox, b. 1 . impr. by Hugh Syngelton, not date __ — - — ~~ " 873 Commune Places of the Byble t b. 1 . impr. hy Raynalde, no date Ph. Melan6ihon of the trewe Au&oritie of the Churche , b. 1 . impr. at lpfwiche by me jhon Ofwen, 1548 — Two Epyflles of Hen. Bullyn- ger and Jhon Calvin of the Unlawfulnejfe of a Chryfcn Man to partake of the Majfe % b. 1 . no date— Henry Forth of the true Underfandinge of the Supper of the horde , b. 1 . impr. by Copland, 1548 — Zuinglius of the Blafphemies of the Majfe, by Tho. Dorfet, b. 1 . l >48, impr . by ditto — A Sermon no lejs frntefull than famous , made in 1388, b. 1 . impr. by Jo. Awdeley, 1 575 — Calvynt of the famed Sacramtnt, called Extreme Undion, b. 1 . impr. at Ippyfwich, by me Jhon Ofwen, i 4 - /- /o- t> f- /_ Z- [ 52 3 and "M. Hughe Latimer, Bp. of Worcefler during their Emprifon- mentes, b, 1, » — — - - 1 5 56 875 Nic. Ridleii Epifc. Londinenf, de Coena Dominica Affertio , quam e * Carcere Author fcripftr at .... - — — Genev. o.p. Crtfpinum 1 556 876 Jo. Fifherus Epifc. Rodens. Tra&atus contra L utherum, Colon, apud Petr. Quentel 1525 — Beckmanni Precatio Dominica contra impios Lutheranorum Errores ib. apud Quentel 1 525 877 Cochhei Traflatus, — Lypjia ap. Val. Schumann 1529 878 Bp. Houper’s Trails, 'viz. A Declaracyon of the ten Commaun dement es y b. 1 . impr. by Jugge 1550 — A Declaracion ofChrife and his Offyce , by Johan Hoper, pryntyd in Zurych by Aug. Fries 1547 — A Fun er all Oratyon , b. 1 . impr. by Whitchurche *549 — A Leffon of the Incar- nation o/'Chride, b. 1 . impr. b\ the Wyaowe of Jhon Herforde 1549 — Godly and mof neceffary Annotations on the 1 3 Chapyter too the Romaynes , fet fur the by Jhon Hoper, by Gods Callings Busfhop of Gioucefre y b. I. impr . at Worceter by Jhon Ofwen, Prynter , appointed for the Princi - palitie of Wales and Marches of the fame , 1551 879 The Examination of the eonjlaunt Martir Johan Philpot, Archediacon of Winchefter, at fondrie Siajons in the Tyme of his fore Emprifonment , b. i. — i 55 ; 880 The notable Sermons made b'. that worthy Martyr Maider Jo. Bradford, b, 1 . impr. by Awdeley 1 574 r— Jhon Foxe his Sermon on GGod- fridaie, b. 1 . impr. by Daye 157^ 881 Erafmus Sermon de immenfa Dei Mifecordia , tranfated by Gentian Hervet, b 1 . ded. to Marg. Countefie of Salifburye, impr. by Ben- thelet 1333- — —Ditto de Contemptu Mundi y tranfated by Payne], b. 1 . ded. to Qu. Mary, Dowager of France, Siller of K. Hen. VIII. impr » 1 by Berthelet *^33 SS2 Travers (Gualt.) de Difciplina Ecclefiadica, Gen. 1580, with a MS. Note touching the Author 883 De Juficia Rritannua, qi.133 contra Chrifti Martyres continenter exerceter, Ingolft. 1584 J884 Everardi Britanno-Romanus — - f and. ap. Hall 161 1 1883 Frarin’s Oration at Louvaihe dgainft the unlawfull InfurreSiions cf the Prole ft antes, under Pretence to rfourme Religion , with the cuts y b. 1 . Antwerp, printed by the Tranfator Jhon Fouler 1 566 886 A Caveat for Parfons Howlet, concerninge his untymelye Flighle , and the red of his darke Broode and uncleane Cage ofPapiftes, ded. to R. Dudley, E. of Leicedet impr. by Waldegrace *581 887 The Araignement and Execution of Everalde Ducket, alias Hauns, a wilful a,nd obftinate Traitour, b. 1 . impr. by Charlewood 158 1 888 A fhorte Epidle to all fuche as do contempne the Mariage of us poore Preedes, b 1. impr. at Cantorbury by Johan Mychell, no date 889 BuHinger’s and C alvvne’s Epidles of the Unlawfulnefle of partaking of the Made, b. i. — - impr . /y/ Stoughton 1348 890 Alex. Alane, Scot, of the Auflorite of the Word of God agaynft the Bitfchopp of London, b. 1 printed abroad , imperf 891 The. IV. ride pcffefjed with Devils, both parts, b. 1 . impr. for Jo. Perin » 5 8 3 892 Dean CoieS's Sermon made to the Convocation, repr. 1661 — Coro- nation Sermon of K. Ja. by the Bp. of Wincheder 1603 A godly and famous Sermon made in j *88, and fcunde out hyd in a Wall* >9? f 53 1 Wall, b. I. impr. by Awdeley 1575 — Sermon at Richmond, before Qu. Eliz. by the Bp. of Chichefter, b. 1 . impr. by Bynneman 1 575 894 Schutt’s Sermon before the Countefle of Cumberland in the North, b. 1 . impr. by Barker 1578 — Hanmer’s baptizing of a Turkc, b. 1 . impr. by Waldegrave 1586 895 Stockwood’s Sermon at Paules Crofle, b. 1 . impr. by Binneman 1578 Another Sermon at Paules Crofle, by E. B. impr. by Awdeley, 1576, b, 1. imperf. — — - - — — 896 The prophetical and ftrange Opinions of Rich. Farnam and John Bull, Silk Weavers, voho fuppofe themfelves Prophets , 1636 — George Fox his Canons and Inf itutions, 1669 v. — — — *-■■■ -- 897 Wheler’s (Sir Geo.) Account of the Churches of the primitive Chriftians, 1689 898 TindaPs (under thf Name of Jonathan Jones, Efq;) Inllrudtions to the Bp. of St. David’s (Smalbrook) in Defence of Religious Liberty , 1729 — Burges’s (Cor.) prudent Silence, a Sermon to the Lord Mayor and City, 14 Jan. 1648, dehdrting from taking avsay the Life of our late Sovereign , and 2 other Tradts Q U A R r o. Livres Francois , Italiens 9 &c. 899 De la Vigne, Epitaphes , Complaintes , Rondeaux , Balades , avec fg. b. I. Paris, no datt 900 Bouchet (Jehan.) le Jugement Poetic de I'Honneur foment n dsf Sejour des illufres , claires eft honeftes Dames , par le Traverfeur t b. 1 . Poidtiers, che%. les Freres Marnef - — ■ ■ £ De Sorbiere, Lettres & Difcours « ■ - • 9 01 ^jj owe j^ Dendrologie — - - ■■ 902 Defmarets, Clovis, ou la France Chreftienne, avec fig-, 903 Voltaire, la Henriade, avec fig. gr. pap. en maroq. 904 Tomafini Petrarcha Redivivus , fig. 153 * - Par. 1660 / Paris 1641/ Par. 1657) Lond. 1728 Patav. 1635 905 Ariofto, Orlando Furiofo da Rufcelli, con fig. en maroq. Vineg. Apprejfo Valgrifi 1568 006 Libro Paftorale nominato Arcadio de Jac. Sanazaro ib. aptid Bernard. Vercellenfem 1502 907 Taflb, 11 Gojfredo ■■ ib. 1589 908 Guarini’r Paftor Fido, by Fanfhaw • 1647 909 Bofchini, la Carta del Nave gar Pitorefco, in oto Venti , con fig. Venet. 1660 910 Tutte le Opere di Machiavelli, da Martinelli, 2 tom. Lond. 1747 9 1 1 Perucci, Pompe funebri di tutte le Nationi del Mondo , fig. Veron. 1 646 / { Sanfovino, delle Republiche antiche & Moderne, Ven. 1567 J Paolo Par uta, Difcorfi politici ■ ib. 1599I f Jl medefimo ■ — ib. 16^0 9 1 3 Propofitioni in Materia di Cofe di Stato da Guicciardini cd altri l Ven. 1588 914 Van Beverwycks Werken , met kopere platen en met Verjfin vanden Jacob, Cats ' ■ — — ■ A mil. 1664 FOLIO. - 2-6 3 ^- - 4 — _/ 2-4 , - 2-6 - 2- 6 - 6-6 ~/ 6 ~ - 3 - - £ - - /— _ / — _/2. - -/-6 £ 54 ] FOLIO. Grammars and Difficnaries of Various Languages — Catalogues of Libraries , &c. - 6 - S- 2 - t> - /-/(> - 9'5 9 l6 9*7 918 9 1 9 921 922 4 - -Jt.= -~2 23 — 924 925 /- 4 - 93 ' ^ Battle-Door of Tongues for Teachers and Profeffors, hy Geo. Fox, John Stubs, Benj. Furley, all the Part; compleat 1660. Mr. Ames, who has taken great Pains to adjujl this Copy , pronounces it to be the befi he ever fanJo Wilkins’s (Bp.) EBay towards a real Charafter and a Philofophical Language, with the Schemes and Cuts ■ — ■■ ■■■ 1 668 Suidas Grace, Mediolani , per Detnetr. Chalcondylum — 1 499 Hefychius Gr. cum Notts MS. Tenet, apud A\dum 1514 Bromptorium Par-vulorum , five Clertcorum (at the End, it is called) Me- dulla Grammatice. Imprejfum per Rich. Pynfon, in Expenfs Fred. Egmonde & Petri Poft 1499* The Author of this fcarce Booh , Ri- chard Frauncis, was a black Friar , and followed the Dialed of the Eaf Parts of England, to which he had been ufed from bis Infancy . v. his Prologue, J. W. Dn Cange GlofTarium ad Scriptores mediae & infimae Latinitatis, 6 tom. — — — Par if. 1733 Rhzefi (Jo. Davidis) Cambrobrytannicce Cymreec'fve Linguae InfUtutiones Rudimenta — — Loud. ap. Orwin. 1592 Hickefii Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thefaurus, 3 tom. c. nf. Oxon . 1705* with 3 original Letters and other Papers byT) r. Hickes Somneri Didionarium Saxonico- Latino- Angiicum Oxon. 1659 The fame Book, by Lye, Vol. «. Junii (Fr.) Etymologicum Anglicanum, per Lye, c m. Oxon. 1743, with an Original Letter from Junius to Selden, MS. Skinneri Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, c. m. Lond. 1671 Johnfon’s Bi&ionary of the Englifh Language, 2 vol. 1 75 5 Mmlheu’s Di&iotiarie Spanifh and Englifh, impr. by Bollifant 1599 Nicot, Threfor de la Langue Francoyfe Paris 1606 Maunfell’s Catalogue of Englijh printed Bookes , 2 parts, the fir ft ded. to Qu Eliz. printed by Windet, and the fecond to Rob. Earle of Eftex, printed by Roberts, both in the Teare 3 395 j?_ (y 932 ClavePs Catalogue of Books printed in England ftnee the Fire of 2 -/S'- 933 93+ 2 'h 935 VS— 936 /}— 537 //- - 9 }S London in 1666, continued to 1698 Another Copy, continued to 1706 Bibliotheque du Sieur De la Croix-humaine ; Catalogue de touies Series d' Aut heures qui ont eferit en Francois depuis 500 A ns, avec les Ties des plus illufres 13 renommez. entre les 3000 Mille qui font compris . Aufft les Deffeins iff Projects du dit Sieur, prefenter au Roi, pour dreffer une Bib - liotheque parfaite , Paris, chex l’Angelier 3584, tresrare Reading Bibliotheca Cleri Londinenf. in Coll. Sionenfi Lond. 1724 Siufii Index Bibliothecae Barberinac, 2 tom. — — Rom. >6Si Bibliotheca Telleriana, c. m. in cor. turc. Parif. e typographia Regia 1693, with a fine Portr.of Le Tellier, Archbp. and Duke o/'Rhemes, by Edelinck f Catalogus Librorum Manufcriptor. Angliae & Hibernia: Oxen . 1607 Jj Bibliotheca; Cottonianje ib . 1696, ( with a Pcrtr. of Sir Rob. Cotton, after Com ? Janfen, by White 939 Cata- C 55 3 A 939 Catalogus Librorum Manufcriptor. in Biblioth. Coll. C.C. in Cantabr. quos legavit Matt. Parker Archiepifc. Cantuar. Loud . 17*2 940 Report from the Committee appointed to View the Cottonian Li- brary, Sec. drawn up by Mr. Lawton, Infpettor of the Records in the Court of Receipt in the Exchequer, interleaved 173 * 9 4. 1 Dr. Wanley*s Catalogue of the ancient Writers of the Hift. of England, not yet printed , remaining in the Cottonian Library Dr. Wan- ley's Catalogue ©/‘'Engliih Hiftorians printed , MSS. both copied by Bp* Tanner H942 A Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manufcripts, with the Preface, Index, and Portraits of the Harleys, Earls of Oxford 1759 — 63 Alfo a Jhort Abjlratt of the Contents and Manner of colie Cling them , by Mr. Well ; and a Letter from the Duchefs ©/'Port- land to the late Arthur Onflow, Efq; Speaker, touching the parting with them for public Utility , MS. — • "" 943 Preface to the Harleian Manufcripts j 763 — Report concerning the Cotton. Library 1732 — . — — 944 Montfaucon Bibliotheca Coifliniana, olim Segueriana Manufcripto- rum Graecoruin, c. Paris 1715 945 Zanetti Bibliotheca D. Marci Grxca, Latina, Italica Codicum Manu^ feriptorum, 2 tom .fig. Venet. 1 7 40 — 41 946 Pafini Codices Manufcripti Bibliotheca Regii Taurinenfis, 2 tom. fg. c.m. « - Taut. 1749 947 Waltheri Lexicon Diplomaticum, c.m. in cor. ruff. Ulm. 1756 948 Gefneri de Academia Georgii A ugufta Gottingae Narratio, Gott. 1737, and other Pieces relating to that Uni verfty __ 949 Freheri Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Clarorum in Europa, atom* Norimb . 1 68$ Volumes of Mijcellaneous T'rafls. FOLIO . 95° 9S 1 9S 2 Howell** Life of Lewis XIII. and of Card. Richlieu 1646 — Selden of the Dominion of the Sea, by March. Nedham 1652 — Sir John Wintour touching Grants in the Foreft of Deane 1663 — Hobbes of Herefle and its Punifliment 1680 His Majelly’s Commiflion for carrying on and finilhing St. Paul's Cathedral 1715 — Free Trade to India 1691 — The E. India Trade, fevered Papers thereon 1693 to 1696, and other Trails ‘ — — Ceremonies at the Coronation of K, James and his Queen, performed by Archbp. Whhgift in Weftminiler Abbey, with the Coronation of K. Cha. I. in Scotland 1685 Form of Ordination 1607, impr. by Barker — General ACts of the Kingdom 1642 '■—Cafe of Lord Craven, before the Commiflioners for Sequeftration 1653 — The Government of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, puklifloed by his HighnefsV Commandment 1653, and c- ther TraCIs 1 elating to the Protectorate Letters and other curious Pieces relating to the State of Europe 1672 — The Oxford Judg- ment and Decree againft: certain pernicious Books, &c. 1683, and other Trails from the Reftoration to the Revolution The Northern Star, a Collection of Prophecies 1680 — A modeft Apology for the Students of Edinburgh burning a Pope 1681 The -A - - 3-6 -/a -6 2 - 1 - -3-U -S'— _ /0-6 -/A- - 2 - /— - Z - _ Z _ -S'- 6 9 C 56 ] ^ *T he Birth and burning of the Image called St, Michael 1 6 8 1 — Mar- vel’s Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Power in Eng- land, and 1 8 more -r~ & 954. Trial of the Seven Bifhops, with their Portraits 1689 LordPuf* Pel’s Cafe, by Lord De la Mere 1689 The Cambridge Cafe, in refufing to admit Alban Francis, a Benedictine, to a Degree, 'without taking the Oaths 1689 —Trial of Phil. Standsfield, Son of Sir James Standsfield of New-Milnes, for the Murder of his Father Edinb. 1688 Sir Rob. Atkins’s Tracts 1689 Langhorne ton the great Quellion of the King’s Right in difpenfing with the Penal Statutes 1687 — Lord JefFerys’s Argument in the Cafe of Monopolies 1689 Diary of the Siege of Buca 1685 — Several Papers relating to the Eafl India Company, and other curious TraCis f _ / 955 A Colledlion of Papers and Tradls, lettered L’Eftrange’s Collection, Vol. 2. including a number of fcarce loofe Sheets jf 956 Reports of the charitable Corporation 1732- — 33 Ditto of Frauds and Abufet. in the Cuftoms 1733 Ditto of the York-Buildings Company 173 and other TraCls 1957 The Freeholders Journals 1721 — 23 The true Briton 1723 — 24 j 95$ Obfervations on Trade and Taxes 1751 Various Reports to the Houfe of Commons 1742 — 51 pLord Ch. Egerton’s Obfervations on Coke’s Reports - Trails in the Cafe of the Creditors of Sir Will. Courten, Sir Paul Pindar, &c. and of the Dutch E. India Company, from 1662 to 1680 — — Cafe of Mr Clifford, Merchant and Planter of Surinam, 2 Tra&s 1719— London’s Liberties 1682 Patent to the Goldfmiths, for Payment of their Debt 1 677— Several Draughts of Ads by fundries, touching the Irregularity, In- convenience, Charge and Delay of Proceedings at Law 1653 — Propofals for Regiftries 1678 Arguments by the Lo. Keeper and. Judges when judgment was given for Lord Bath, and other printed T taels A briefe Treatife of Othes, MS. about the latter End of Eliz. — Concerning Regijlers to be made , MS.- — — Benevolence againfi Law, 1 _ Reafon , Religion , a Dialogue between a Counfellor and a fuflice , MS . $ -6 960 Public Accounts, National Debts, &c. at different Periods — South Sea Company — Hutchefon’s Calculations, &c. in upward e of 3t> Tracts $ Charitable Corporation 1733— — Trials of the Rebel Lords 1746, and other TraCis 9 62 State of Ireland, more efpecially the Province of Ulfler 1681 - Eachard’s Append, to his Hill . 1720 Trial of Lord Mohun before the Houfe of Peers, for the Murder of Will. Mountford 1693 Account of Lord Strafford’s Trial 1679 ■ - Narrative of the unhappy Affair at Tours in France, which happened to Lord Dunkeren and others, touching the killing one Mauripate, an Italian Gamefer 1732 Trial of Arundel Coke, Efq; for flitting the Nofe of Mr. Crifpe at Bury St. Edmonds 1722 Nakednefs con - fdered , or Reafons for not wearing Cloaths, by a Gentleman of great Parts 1729 Mr. Geo. Oldner’s Invention to preferve Ships froM 3 -(> 959 < /961 S'- - (o \ foundering or faking at Sea 1698, and 2_ more 963 Poems t 57 1 963 Poenis on the Rums, rebuilding and Choir of St. Paul’i Goldwi»’s Defcription of Briftol, a Poem 1712 — *f97 — ■ Hoffmarf’ Poem on the IVJanor of Woodftock, engraved, with a Plan of the Park — Wan fled Garden, a Poem 1712 Herbert Poemata Lend. 1720 ■ Mrs. Randolph’s Peebs, MS. and other poetical §64 Poems by Thomfon, Pope, Young, Fielding, and many more r 965 Letters, &c. relating to the Popilh Plot 1681— - — Trial of Lo. Vifcoy Stafford 1681 The Power of Parliaments afferted 1681 — 4 Sir Jo. Mallet’s Difcourfe of the Penal Laws 1680, and 1 2 more 1 $66 Everard’s Preflures of the Proteffarits in France 1681 — The Trw umph of J office over unjuft Judges 1682, and about 100 more ox\ the Reign ofY**, Cha. II. J 967 Trafts on the Charter of London — > Penn’s Defcription of PennfyM vania 1683, with the Plan of Philadelphia — The Civil Wars of I Bantham 1683, and 7 more ' — r~ «. — — — -- V 96S Trials and T rafts in the Reigns of Ch. II. and Ja. II. 9 69 Wei wood’s New Obfervator 1689 — 169 a— Trafts on the Siege of Londonderry 1689- — Sundry Poems, and upwards of 200 other Mifcell. Trafts and Papers — - , — t L — — 970 Mifcellanies, many curious x _ < 971 Ditto — : — — — — — 9 72 Ditto — — 1 — ■ — — . * — — . ~ ' L_ I—.' . v : — 4 973 Ditto ^ — - .. — r- , ■ - — . ■ n . i— = \ 980 A true Account of the Murder of Dr. James Sharpe, Archbp. of St 1 3 Andrews, with bis portr. 1679- England 1676, and other Tradi Mifcellan ie s .1 : _ ’Narrative of the Wars in New 3 98 982 The Birth and burning of the Image called St. Miehael 168 1 Account of the Province of Pennfylvania 1681, and other Trad t 983 Duke of Norfolk’s Cafe dr the Doftrine of Perpetuities 1688- — Won- derful Predictions 1689 — - Rights and Privileges of the City of London 1689, and other Trails . : $84 State Trials 1681 — 82* and other Trad s — — — 985 Ditto 1678 — 79 — 80 /-//-(, -f— S-4-— -S' — — 6> _ _ 2 - b - 3 -(' 986 Several Papers relating to Lord Danby 2 6Si— -Trial of the Seven Biftiops 1689 Ditto of Lo. Vifco. Stafford 1681 j and other Trade — — — ** 987 Mifcellanies and Trials 988 Ditto - — - 989 Ditto . §90 Ditto , 992 Ditto 992 Ditto - - Slxtfc : £ 58 ] Sixth Day’s Sale, Saturday , April 3, 1773. > < **' *' • !•» ! 1L* ( X *■<'■ ( • . • *» vi y,f A 4 >* • k . OCTAVO &? /a/r*. Lot Z(^ 1 co 1 A^ 1002 , Engli(h Poetry and Mifcellanies. SGILL’s Trafls / 1 > Auftin’s H*c Homo , th’c Excellency of Woman, /£* — / — / — -/-£ - 2 - . - / — | — A £> 1003 1004 1 005 1006 1007 *1007 .portraits .of the Author and Mrs. Mary Griffith — — — Amours of Henry the Great Art of knowing Women ■ ■ Alarm (the true) — — — Addifon’s Mifccll. Works, Vol. r, 2,4. — ■■■■ — Adventures of Gil Bias, 3 vol. Z — 1008 .1009 /_ .10 10 A£ 1011 -f! 1012 IOI3 £ _ 1014 _ £4 1015 — A-As 1016 - a*t id| 7 6018 - Z - 6 \oi 9 1639 168S 1732 1770 1746 '744 Boayiluau’s TheatrumMundi , The Theatre or Rule of the Worlde, engltjhed by Jo. Alday, b. L — impr. by Bynnenian 1-574 Bacon’s (Lord) Effays 1718 Baconiana, publijhtd by Archbp. Tenifon, with hit Portr. by Van Ho*' 1707 r he Efiex Champion, or the fa- mous HifE of Sir BiiTy bf Sillerecav 1699 — -Tme Sngliiihntfaft r?* 6 1036 Syr Tliomas ElyoC -Pis Introduction to Wifeaome, Bankst gf Shpience and Preceptes of Agapetus, b. /. zmpr. by Berthelet T C50 1637 The Figures of three , foitre , five, fixe addfevsn, by Nv Breton and Wi- thers 1626, ‘various dates — — . — 1038 Felthani’s Refolves — . • 1709 1039 FlcddaH Field, in nine Fits - • 1664 1040 Fruits of Solitude 1706 Fielding’* Examples of Murder 175 2/ * 1040 Sundry Fragments of old Black-Utter Botks '7—-^ , 1041 Gentleman inflrstCted 1716 Greville’s Maxims and Chara&ers 1757 1 7 5 1 ‘ l ir> 1725 Ditto Col* 170 2 ( 2 Jornadas, * 1042 Greaves’s Works, with bis Life by Birch, 2 1043 Geddes’s TraCIs, j vol. vol, — 1 757 ’ 1730 1044 Circes of jo. Baptifta Gello, Florentine , tranf ated by Hen. I den, b. imflr. by Jo. Cawoodj at the Signe of" the Holy Gbofi ^5 5 7 — — 1045 Hake’s N ewes out of Bowles Cburchyai'de , in 8 Satires, b. 1 . imfriby Charlevvood 1579 Day’s Cull of England ; wonderfdl fraunge Sightes , b; 1 . impr: by Waldfcgrave ^ — ;C_- — 1046 Hake’s Commemoration of the mofi pnfperous andpe ace able Raigne of Q«. Elizabeth, in Verfe , b, 1 . impr. by Will. Howe 1575 ’"Hall’s (Bp.) Vlrgidemiarum , 6 Books, impr f by Harifon 1509 — 1602, rare Edif.-^Wlc. Pope’s Copy, whofpfefented it to Mr.. Weft, . telling him that he efietmed them the bef Poetry and truefi Sat e 10 4 7 in the Englijb Language ; and that he had an Intention of mo/erni - zing them , as he fad done fame of Donne’s Satires The Statelie Tragedie of Guiftard and Sifmond, nt title __ 1048 Hall’s Satires — — — — — ■ Oxf. 1753 1049 The Hiforie of Aur elio and of Ifabell, Do tighter of the Kings of Scbst- iande , in 4 Languages, Fr. Lai . Span. Inglijhs, — Brux. 160S 1050 Hall’* (ThOc) Loathfomehefe of long Hair, with an Appendix, agaiufi Painting , Spots , naked Br*afis, &C. — ■ 1 - ■ 1S54 103 Hammond’s Poems, in turkey Dull. 1730 105 Haywood’s Briuih Mufe, 3* vol. ini. •— 1738 I 2 1033 Hac- *) -.Z- - 6-6 - 3 - -A ^ - 6-6 ~ 3 - •- 1072 Moyle’s Works, 2 vol. - — — - 1726 { 1073 The Medleys, /. /. — - — — — 1714 1074 — 1 2 mo. 17 12, and 2 more w / ___ 35P7S Sir Tobie Mathews’s Letters — r~ ■ — 1660 1076 Milton’s Paradife Lo ft., no title — Toland’sLife of Milton, in turkey 17C9 j^.9 x 2077 Marvell’s Poeips, zvoLini. 1726, with his portr. . f 1078 Men Miracles, with other Poems 1656 — Maggots, by a Scholar, ~— / T' ~ ewith the art 1685 ■—A — 1079 Mill’s Night Search, with the Frontifp, ■ — 1640 — JQ,8o Markham’s (Jervis) honorable Tragedie of Sir Richard Grinvile, a Poem — : r- ■ — — printed by J. Roberts 1595 2k— I08 ! Ntigtf antique : — ■— *769 / 1082 Overburye (Sir Tho.) his Wife, iji Edit . 1614 Ditto, 12 th — " £dit. 1626 + / / 1083 Olboine’s Works — — r— .. . — 1689 ^ ^ ^3084. The Phoenix, a Revival of fcarce Tradls, 2 vol. ■ 1707 1085 Philofopbical Vifions 1757, and 3 more 2 £ ip86 ParnaJJus Biceps, or Univerfity-Poems 1 656— Pope’s Dunciad 1739, and 3 more — A b fo 87 Planfagepet’s Tragical Story 1649 Hubert’s deplorable Life and Death of Ed\y. II. imperf. 1628 J9SS Certain? worjhye Manufcript Poems of great Antiquities referred long in the Studie of a Northfoike Gentleman , inferibed to the wort kief Poet Maiiier Ecmund Spenfer impr. 1397 1989 Fragn £nts of ancient Poetry, from the Gaiic or Erfe Language , Edinb. 1 760 • Ancient Scottish Poems, publijhedfrom the Manufcripts of ‘|i an na type 1568, Edir.b , 1 770 1090 State [ 6i ] 1707 , 7 I 7 1 73U logo State Poems, 4 vol. ■ 1091 Plays, 8 vol. — — JO92 Rofcomon (Lord) and Duke’s Poems - — 1093 Rapin of Gardens, by Gardiner — Ramfay’s Poems, Vol. 1, and 0 More " — . ?_ 1094 Ray’s Proverbs Camb. 1678 Ray’s Englifh Words not gene- rally ufed 1674 — Fergufon’s Scottifh Proverbs 1598, reprinted 1687 •4094 Stafforde (Hen. Lord) of tbe true Differences betwen the regall Power find the Ec cle.fi afticul Power, tranjlated out of Latyn, b. 1 . ded. to tbe Lo. Protestor Somerfet, impr. by Coplande, no date Herein is contained much Englifh Hiftory, Pa. 86. Will, the Conq. his Charter to Battell-Abbey. Pa. 89. A Letter from Will, the Conq. to the Pope. Pa. 7 1 . The Laws •p/'K. C anute, Ethelftan, Etheldred, Alfred, &c. J. W. Songes and Sonnettes written by the right honorable Lord Henry Ha- ward, late Earle of Surrey, and others, b. 1 . in moroc, Lond. apui Rich. Tottell 1 1 567 Pithy , pleafaunt and profitable Wcrkes of Maifisr Skelton, Poete Lau- reate, 'b. 1 . impr. by Marfhe 1568, the title wrote Shakefpeare’s Plays, by Theobald, 7 vol. 8vo. — w — Poems > 3 -(, _ 2-£ - 4 - 1095 "'1096 ^98 1099 1 100 I 101 1102 Upton’s Obfervations on Shakefpeare Dodd’s Beauties of Shakefpeare, 2 vol, Grey’s Notes on Shakefpeare, 2 vol. Whalley’s Enquiry into the Learning of Shakefpeare 1748- Attempte to refcue Maifter Will. Shakefpeare from the many rours falfely charged on him 1749 Remarks on Shakefpeare’* Tempeft 1750 Edwards’s Canons of Criticifm 1750 — — A brief e Conceipte of Englifh Polli eye, printed by Marfhe 1581, reprinted I75 1, attributed to Shakefpeare — 1 103 A Revifal of Shakefpeare’s Text ■ 1765 1 104 Warner’s Specimen of a Gloffary to Shakefpeare — 1768 1105 Sylvefter’s Parliament of Vertues Royal — Suckling’s Works, with his portr* by Marfhall — ■ » ■ — 1646 1106 Shafteibury’s (Lord) CharaCteriftics, with Gribelin’s defigns , 3 vol. hP .\ . _ *727 756— School of Shebbeare’s Letters to the People of England Man ■ — - Tate’s Elegies, in turkey 1 699— ‘ Thynn of Ambaffadors 4 \ 165 i6j; IIQ7 I ro8 1109 Du Verger’s Refections on the Marcbionejfe of Newcaftle’s Olio De Vernage’s contented Man 1708 Venus in the Cloifter; or, the Nun in htr Smock 1683 — Dialogue between a married Lady and a Maid 1 672 — Memoir* of a Woman of Pleafure, vol. 2. 1749 .... Voltaire’s Works, by Smollett, Francklin, Sec. 36 vol. 1763 Letters on the Englifh Nation 1733 Voltaire in the r? 70 3? clA I I 10 It II I 112 Shades II 13 If 14 III5 Hiftory 1768 — Philofophical Dictionary 1765-—- Ditto Philofophy of — — 1705 Defence of my Uncle 1768— Ditto Man of Forty Crown* -Ditto l’Ingenu ; or, the fincere Heron 1768 Princefs of Babylon 1768 — Ditto Effayon Crimes and Punifhments 1767 Ditto Candid 1759 — ~ 2 ~ 2 /o ~ ~/-(T - 6 - - 4 — 6 - 3 — 116 Wal- VsO & - /-6 Z- 2-6 6-6 { c [ 62 J Wallace's Bittertadcn on the Numbers of Mankind in ancient and mo- de n Tunta — ~ — *' — - — ■ — Edmb. 1753 W £j£r.*s Poems, [mall I2tno. in^urkey • . ... 1712 Wot ton’ Remains, 1 amo. 1651 --- Wits Commonwealth 1 653 — — Svo. 1672 Whitlock’s Manners of the Eng- 1-fh, feiia omizing the Living by the Dead 1654 Wiir ingtpnls (c,ord) Works — — 16(54 ' i.iiioh &na 1727 Young’s Works, vol. 1 Dubl. 1.730 Weob’: inquiry into the Beauties of Painting 1761-* — Ditto Re- marks on the Beauties of Poetry 1762 Ditto Correfpondence tne w.ee v Poetry and Mufic 1769 *1122 Walpole’s Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 2 vol. in 1. printed at Strawberry-Hiil 1758 QUARTO. theological trails and Sermons. * 1 1 6 Hi 3 1 18 1 1 49 I l 20 1 2 II 12 . // \ 123 I t 24 D O NN ral of J E*s Sermons 1626* •Sclater’s Encomium and Fune- 1125 0-6 >r* 6 < y.6 - /a 6 6 7 I 127 I I z8 1 ? 29 * 4 . 'r/O Mr. Abraham Wheelock, firfi public Profeffer and Rea- der of Arabic and Saxon at Cambridge 1654 - Price’s Sermons on the Death of Hen. Prince of Wales 16 1 3* —- » Vines’s Hearfe of Rob, Eade of Eftex, with the Earl’s portr. 164 6 — — Moflbm’s Plant of Paradife , the Funeral of John Goodhand Holt, only Child of Tho. Holt of Grifleharll, in Lancaih. Efq; •with his portr . by Loggan 1660-*— Marfhail’s Funeral of Mr. Pym, *w nth his portr . by Gay wood 1644 — and 9 more Cafaubon’s Treadle of Ufa and Cuftom 1638 —The Judgment of an Univerftty Man concerning Chillingworth Hotomacbia> Matter Chillingworth again ft himfelf, impr. with Licence 1639 — Articles and Cartons Oxf. 1 6 36, ‘with the hope Leaf containing the 20th Article, deEcclefis Authoritate, which had been omitted, re- printed by Order of A bp. Laud. ^Ihere is a curious MS. Note upon this Article Sacrilege facredfy handled, by Sempil 1619 Thomas Harrap his Teffaradelphus, or the fours Brothers, Lu- ther, -Calvin, Anabaptifoie, Angiianifme) the Qualities of whom are contayned in this old Riddle : Foure Brethren were bred at once Without Flefh, Blood or Bones, One with a Beard, but two had none. The fourthe had but halfe one. Permijfu fuperiorum 1616, very fcarce . “• K. Hen. 8. his Articles of Religion, B. L. 1536. K. Edw. 6 his lnjunccionsy with the Fourme of biddy ng the Common ■Praters j b 1 . impr^by - Grafton 1 547 Articles to be enquyred of in the Kyngts Maje files Vifitacion. b. 1 . Grafton The firft Communion Service of K. Edw. 6. commonly called The Matte. Sermon* before the Rettauration, 3. vo l.fome fcarce — — -» — after the Restoration, 6 vol. — - — - figured alphabetically, 27 vol. — ■ — - figured numerkg'Iy, 23 vol. 3131 Funeral [ 6 3 3 1131 Funeral Charaderi and Mifcellaneous Tra£b, many of (which are very fcarce % I 8' vol. - — — — r 1132 -■■■■■ — - chiefly of Nonconformift Minifters, 4 vol. \ The preceeding Lots of Sermons (were col letted by Bp Kennetr, and con - tain many curious and uncommon , among which are federal in the Reigns of Eliz. Ja. I. Cha. I. ^ - — * — 1133 A Sermon preached at AJhby-detta 7 >46 -70^6 *>47 -£>-(> *>48 /-Ar— «>49 » f "■ Lib-iG-. | 7 & FOLIO 4 Claflcs and T ranjlation^ &c. Ariftotelis et Thecphrafti Op. Grace t To. 1. Venet. <7/. Aldum 1497 crop’s Fablei, by Ogilby, fine plates > 2 vol. 1 . p. - > . ■ 166 8 <•" — ■ ■■■■■ and Life, with fine Cuts t by BarloW » - ■■ ■ - ■ 1687 - by L’Eftrange — — 4— 1692 Boecius de Conjolatione Philofophie , cum Comment. Beati Thome de Aquino, Edit. princeps t — — Nurnb. per Ant. Coburgers 1 476 Caefaris Comment./^. — Parif. apud Vafcofan 1545 La Guerre des Suifles, traduite du 1. Livre des Comment . de Jule Ceiar par Louis XIV. Dieu-donne , Roy. de France et de Navarre, avec fig . Pari?, de 1' Imprimerie Royale 1 65 X Caefar’s Commentaries, with Edmonds’s Obfervations, Cuts , in Moroc . ,6 5 5 Ciceronis Orationes Beroaldi, in cor . turc. Bondn. per Benedict. He£lo- ris — — 1 499 The Boke of Tulle of olde Age, tranflated out of Latyn in to Trenfhc by Laurence de primo fadto, at the Commaundcment of the noble Prynce Lowys Due of Burbon, and esiprynted by me fiymple Perfone William Caxton, in to Englyslh at the playfir folace and reve- rence of Men growyng in to olde Age> 12 Aug. < - — i 48 r Tullius de Amicicia, translated in to our maternall Englisjhe Tongue by the noble famous Erie , the Erie of Wurceftre, Sone and Ueyer t§ the Lord Typtoft, enpr. by Caxton 1 Thoracion of Gayus Flammyneus, which laboureth to fhewe t wberin C honour e fholde refit* per CAXtON, fine Copy A ty -^1151 The Booh nnbiche is fayd or callyd Cathon, tranflated cute c/’Frenyslhe ^ / in to Englisfhe ^William Caxtow, in thabbay o/'Weftmynftre 1483 the firfi Yere of Xynge Rycharde the thyrde, elegant Copy , in Morocco Dionis Rom. Hilt. Grace , ex Bibl. regia * Parif. apud Robert. Steph. 1548 Homer his Iliads and Odyffes, by Ogilby, with fine Sculptures , the *fi ImpreJfionSy 2 vol. in One, In Moroc. ■• ■■■ 1 l66o-6'l jofephus de Bello Judaico Lat. Veron. per Magijirum Petrum Maufer G alii cum — * ■■ ■ 1480 Juvenal’s Satires, by Sir Robert Sfapylton, with Hollar's Cuts , and a fine portr. of the Tranfilator, by Lomba< t — 1660 Livii Hift. Parif. apud Vafcofanum 1 543 Tite Live, par De Vigenere, 2 tom. Parif. 1583 Martialis Epigrammata, Venet. Impenfis joannis de Colonia 1473 Manilius’s Sphere, Cuts . with Annol. and an Agronomical Appendix by Sherburne — * ■■ 1675 Oratores antiqui Grad, in cor. turc. — ■■ Vcnet. apud Aldum 1513 Ifocratis et alior. Gr$cor. Orationes Venet. ap. Aldum 1534 Ovidii Metamorph. Gr, in cor turc . Pinerolii per lac de Rubeis 1480 Raph, Regii Venet. 1505 Fafti, Car. Neapolis r Veron. 1735 1165 Pla -y-(, *>s* 2 -'- *>S 5 /<7 <9 — *>?6 — S '-6 **S 7 2 ~<9 — »>5« _4~ * >59 / -7 - 1160 — /4 — Ii6i /-/y >>6* 1163 -z-£ “64 [ 6 5 3 —M65 Platonis Opera Greece cum Comment. Proeli in Timaeum et Politics Eafil 1534 I 166 Polybius’s Hiftory, by Grimefton 1634 1167 Philoftratus de Vita Apoll. Tyanaei Lat. Beroaldi, Impr. Bononia; ab Imprejfore optima BenediSo He&oris • 150 c n68 Plutarch’* Lives, by Nojrth • — — « 16:2 1 j 6q *4.70 Poet# Greed principer Henr. Stephani 1,7, Veferes Gr. &. Lat. Lcfli 1172 Poetarum Laiinorum Corpus, a Maittaire 1676 1566 4.10m. in 2 Gen. 1606- .'4 C. M. to. 2. Lond. 17 1 3 1 573 Plautus Jo. Bapt. Pii Impr eff urn Mediolani per Magiflrum Uh 1c .cum Scinzenzeler 15CO l j 74 — Lambini, 1175 Piinii Hift. Natur. J 1 176 Plir.ie’s Natural Hilt, by Holland Quintus Currius Merulae —— 77 { Erafmi — Lutet. 157 7 — . •— — - Venet. 1 5^7 1 — 1 6 0 1 Venet. apud Tacuintim *502 t Argent, apud Scheureric«n 15181 -~/2 C _ / — - 2-6 :4r, AS-— - 9 — - _ /o -6 / _/ — - S' — /- 2— x-/c^ - 3-6 - C — 1178 Quintiliani Declamationes Grafolarii V enet. per Lucam Venetian 1481 ( — — — — — fine Loco cut Arno 1 1 79 •J Euciidis Eiementa Geomctr. Libri 15. Lat. Venet. per Lrhardum C Ratdolt 1482 1180 Romans Hift. Scriptores Grxci Minores Gr. et Lat. Sylburgii — Francof. apud Wecheli Heredes 1 590 1 z 8 1 Suetonius cum Beroaidi et Sabellict Commentariis Venet. 1500 41)82 Thucydides Grace — Venet. ap Aldum 1502 S — /$--£ 1183 The Hyfiory nvrittone by Thucidides the Athenyan, tranjlated „• uie of Frenche into the Engly/h Language by Thomas Nicolls, Citcz ire a :d Goldejmylh of/L oiidon, b. 1. ded. to Mayfier John Cheke, Shade may/- ter unto the Kynges Majeftie — — - — Impr. 1 5 50 1 184 Thucydides’s Hift. of the Grecian War, by Hobbes — — 1 1675 1185 Tacitus, with Difcourfes, by Gordon, 2 vol. — — 1728-31 I 186 Terentius Lat. et Ital, cum perfonarutn fguris AEti accurate incifis , ex \nthpf/p Vntim-nsP — TT.k.'-. £. MS, Codice Bibliotheca Vatican# 1*87 Idem — — — 1188 Virgilius Servii, in cor. turc. Venet. per Anton. Bartolamei Capitals ilium . Urbin ib. 1*486 1 736 ^36 the /-/ — —/A — — / (s -'A- - /JT- ^1189 The fame edit, with the Fragments, printed upon Vellum , the Capitals illumin. and on the jirjl Page a beautiful Defign , by Giulio Rcmaso, y 2 n _ AT bound in Morocco — 'A ® 1191 1 192 *93 490 >4 I--)?. ct djiutcs rudi ton (ics U90 The Boke o/Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle. whiche bathe re trarfirtcl oute of Latyne in to Frerifhe % and oute of Frettjbe reduced in to E by me Wylliam Caxton The Works of Virgil, by Ogilby, Cuts, fir d Imp ref c. J. Flave V egece de V Art Militaire, Sexte Ju'e Frontir, dcs G\ f; Militaires, fui fe nomment Strategematiqnes , /Elian ds l' If. ru Batailles et Modeftus del Vocables Militaircs , avcc fg, — C Bocatii Gerealogia Deorum Venet. per Auguftin. de Zmnis 1 3 r t I Eufebius de Evangelica Prseparatioue La;. Trapezuntii, ib. < - 1 194 Petrarchae Opera omnia ^ g a f , / 1 195 Epiftolc IllultriumVirorum, in Ofiidna Nic. Wo;:' u:rien 1 . *196 — — Erafmi, Melanfthonis, Mori, Vivzs, 2 to, in j Lend. 164- ^ 1 1 7 roiyd. - ~ //_ - 3 - _ C 66 ] — HQ7 Polyd. Vergilii Adagia — — Bafil, £ *598 Gyraldi Opera cmnia jenfii t. Bat. 1696 A- 'A- ,£ 99 Fr. Patricias de Regno et Regis Inflitutione, cum Jo. Savignei, Scholiis ^ lomograpbicis , Parrhiftis apud Galiotum a Prato 1519, a mi ft beau- tiful Copy, printed upon. Vellum, the numerous capitals illuminated, bound in green Velvet ■ •oSCb» v *2' Seventh Day’s Sale, Monday , April 5, 1773. OCTAVO 0? Infra. Lot Volumes of T i acls, among which arc many very [car cc. / 0 2® 1 A 1 - /_ RT of Contentment Oxf. 170? — Bp. Fleetwood’s Occa* hemal Sermons 17 1 2-—— King William’s Letters 1704 2 oz Godfrey’s Chemical Experiments 1737 Brown’s Reiigio Medici , with his portr. 1736* — -Bayne’s Eflay on the Nerves 1738- Cheshire on the Rheumatifm *735 1203 Mifcellany Poems 1697 Tryal of the Duke of Norfolk i« 1571 -——Turner’s Argument in Defence of an inceftuQus Marriage 1 6 ‘8 6 Difcourfe of the Union 1 702 Mi op out of his Wits /- 6 1 204 1205 AfgiiFs Ailmions to create another Species of Money than Gold and Silver 1696 Letter? on the French Nation 1769— —Lives of eminent Painters Steele’s *Cri fv of Property 1720— — The Right of Precedence be- tween Phyficians and Civilians — — - The Battle of the Authors in Co- vent Garden, between Sir Jo. Edgar and others 1720 Life and — 1206 /-6 1207 Adventures of Don Biliofo de Id Eftomac 1719 — —Life and Itrange furpr-zing Adventures of Mr. Dan. De Foe, of London. Hcfter 1719 — P t . a y s Siege of Damalcut-— — Bhers bit Confcious Lovers School of Venus 1 7 3 9— — Rape of the Smock 1736 Pervigi- lium Veneris , with Bonefonius’s Poems, &c. 1746 Pack’s Lives of Atficus, Miltiades and Simon 135 Somervile’s Chace 1735 M^s. Chandler’s Defc r iption of Bath and other Poems 1736- — Mrs. Rowe’s Hift. of Jofeph 1736 Green’s Poem on the Spleen 1 7 37 — The hatal Retirement Tr. *740 B oih’5 Life arid Poems, with his portr. *733 Holt’s -Baynard’s Poem on Health * 2 1 208 Treatife of Artificial Stone 1730 i 7 3 6 Thirty-two Satyrical Poems and Tracts 1710 to 1715 Among others, a Dialogue between Prince Rupert’s Dog, Puddle, and Toby's Deg, Pepper 1711 The Birth and Education of Ben. Hoadly, with his portr — — The Life and Adlions of John Dolben, Efq; chief Manager againft SachervereU, with his portr. 1 7 » 2 Dr. Flam- iiyd’s Triumph t 7 1 ^ — Duncon’s Funeral Sermon for the two Bealts that are to be Caughteied upon Tov\er~Hiil, dedicated to the State Butcher, 21 [ 67 J Butcher, Jack Catch, Efq; 1715 An Auttioii of State Pifluresi a curious Colleftion of Original Low-Church Faces drawn to the Life, by a High -Church Limner 1710 Propofol for a Tax ifpon Liberty of Confcience 1710 The Age of Wonders — Hift. of the four Indian Kings 1710 The Lives and Charac- ters of the Duchefs of Marlborough's four Daughters, with their Portraits 1710, and other Grub-Street Anecdotes 209 Dennis on the Genius and Wri ings of Shakefpeare 1712 — King's Remarks on the Tale of a Tub 1704 Four Tra&s on Natio- nal Credit, the Bankof England 1710 Report 0/ the Com- miflioners for Hating the public Accounts 171 1 King's Dia- logues of the Dead 1 699, and 4 more „ — 210 Eight Trails by Mr. Lewis of Margate, interleaved , the Author’s Copy , with his MS. Notes, viz,. On the Eucharift, againft johnfon’s unbloody Sacrifice 17:4 The appointed Fafts and Feftivals confidered 1721 Errors in Collier’s Ecclefiaft. Hift. 172 4 — Hift. of Anabaptifm in England *738 — Defence ol the Commu- nion and Catechifm of the Ch. of England 1742 Difcovery of the Popifh Proteftant Miflioners in England 1746 -Crofby’s Reply to Lewis’s Hift. of Anabaptifm, and Account of WicklifFe 1738 — — Other Traits in Anfwer to Lewis Mifcellaneous Correfpondenee 4742 — Johnfon’s Qhfervations on the Tragedy of Macbeth, farce 1 745 — ■ ~ 21 1 Henley’s Apotheofis of the Duke of Marlborough 1722 — — Four . Trails on Inoculation, pro and con , by Wagftafte, Brady, Maffey, 1 Maitland 1722 — Steele’s Confcious Lovers 1723 > and other Tradls | 2:2 The Roman Conduil in quafhing Cataline’s Confpiracy 1715 — Secrets in the Wine-brewing Trade difeovered 1698 — — Genea- . logy of theilluftrious Family of Guelph — Life of the famous Eng-] lilh Pyrate Capt. Avery Catalogue of Medals from Julius) Caefar to Heraclius 1716 Proceedings in Parliament upon/ Impeachments 1717 — Survey of the I (land of St. Chriftopher’sl 1722, and other Tracts — — — -I 213 Honors Fame in Triumph riding , or the Life and Death of the Earle of Eftex, a Poem, by R. P. 1604. Hift. of the Sheriffdom of London and Middlesex 1723 — Description of the Port and Ifland of Bombay, with the map 1724 — Defcription ofMerryland, with the cut _ — — 214 Trial of Rich. Branfon for S y 1760 - . Ancient and modem Peaerajiy invefigated — Mortimer’s Die and be Damn’d 1758 — 215 Waterhous’s Apologie for Learning and learned Men 1653 Ditto Defence of “Arms and Armory 1660 Narrative of the dreadful Fire of London 1667 _ 216 Mifcellanies in Profe and Verfe, 5 vol. among others , Sir Humph, Mackworth of Free Parliaments 1704 Shippen’s Account of a Dream at Harwich 1708 Lowth’s Vindication of the O. and N. Teft. Oxf 1692 — — Tra its againft the Stage*— The Life and infamous Ailions of that perjured Villain John Waller, who made his Exit in the Pillory at the Seven Dials 1732 „ -t— 2 1 7 Tradlatus var. 3 tom. ;. a . Speculum Tyrannidis Philippi Regis Ca- ftellae in Ufurpanda Portugallia, Parts 1595 — Koidingenfis Dani* Defcriptio, Francf 1594 Rantzovii Catalogus Imperatorum, K 2 Rcgurn /-C 3 _ 2-C, a — / — — /— — /- (o -- ¥= [ 63 1 Regum ac Frincipum qui Aftrologicam Artem. amarunt, Sec. Ant . Planting 1586— Politi Inauguratio Pricipis Ernefti in Lecdien- | fium. Cel Agr.- 1 5 8 3 i- , - ■ Gorecii Belluin Ivonhe, Franco/. 1^7% I — — — Laiicii Cladefc -©antifeanorum, ib. \ 578 Teftardus de Natural 'Gratia, Bleef:. 163 *•, — * Recitcbce qui eft arrivee aux Vallees de Piemont 1655 *— Capper, la Doctrine des Vaudois, ■Sedan 1 6 i 8 1 2 1 8 1 e M'a'd&n, les Funeraillss - de Sodome Sc de fes Filles, Lond . 1 6 ! o — Domayron-, Hi/, dn Siege' des Mufss, > Lyon 2610 12.19 Galbteu & de Situ Japygi*, Baf. 1558 — Cator.is Opera Pcpms, * L . Bat, 8590-— • — Caliknio-^ Gigantibus eorutnq. Reltquiis, Baf. 1580 — -~P. jovius de Rebus Turcicis, Argent, 1537 — -Cle&ardi Perigrinatio / ac tie Rebus Machomends, Lav an, 1551 [1220 Ortelii ltinerarittm Gaiiiss lldgicae, yfg, Ant translated by Lo. Molefwmth 171? I 1228 Pointer’s Bitannia Romana 1724 Account of Charities given to Ftndale-Ward in Northumberland , with an Account of Hexham y and the ancient Biffiops thereof, Nevjcaf. 1713 Woodward’s Remarks on London, occalioned by lome Roman Urns, Coins, and other Antiquities lately difeovered 1723 Hid. of the fa- mous City of Norwich 1738, nvith the map Topographical Defcription of Gloucefterlhire 1712 Defcription of the Mines in Cardiganlh. cuts-— Ducket’s Summary of the Religious Houfes in England and Wales 1 7 1 7 Aubrey’s Mifcellanies 1721 — - Becket of the Antiquity and Efficacy of the Royal Touch for the King’s Evil 1722 — : 1229 Lewis on the Confecration of Churches f 7 1 9 — Bacon’s (Sir Nath.) Right of Succeffion in the Family of Stuart, exclufive of Mary Qu» of Scots, affierted againft Sir Ant. Brown 1723— —Weft (Lo. Ch. of Ireland) of Tseafons and Bilk of Attainder 1716 Steele’s Cafe between the Lord Chamberlain and himfelf, relating to the Theatre 1720 — — Madox’s Account of the Gold and Silver Coins ever ufed in England, and of the Scarcity of Silver , and Method of redrefs 1 7 1 8 — — —Cafe of Orphans conftdered from Antiquity 1 7 2 5 — Confiderations on the indecent and dangerous Cuftom of burying in Churches and Churchyards 1721 Cafe of Mr. Greenfhield’s, Prifoner in the Tolbooth, in Edinburgh, for read- ing the Common-Prayer 1710 Catalogue of Mayors, Bailiffs, &c. of the City of York 1715 — 1230 Rymer of Parliaments 17,14 Rules and Conftitutions of the Maiden Hofpital at Edinburgh 1702 Bp. Barlow’s Cafe of Images in Churches 1714 Critical Hift. of the Lord Trea- furers of England 1713 — Short View of the Life and Rei©n of K. Cha. with his portr . 1658 — : — Voltaire’s Hift. of the *Civil Wars of France 1728 — Anftis’-= Letters concerning the Honour of Earl-Marffial 1706 Anftis’s Curia Miiitaris , a Treatife of the Court of Chivalry 1702 Articles againft Dr. Bentley 1710 3 — Bp. /- & ' 7 - - 3 - 171 Teftimonies in favour of the Saxon Homilies Kennett agaiffil Bedford’s Affertion of Hereditary Right Account of the Confpiracies againft Qu. Eliz. 1722 i - 1 23 \ Calamy’s Letter to Eachard on his Hift. of England 1718 — Cotes Orationes dutu Oxon. 1716 Whifton’s Account of a furprifin©- Meteor 1716 Apology for Moyle’s Writings 1727 Eftay on the Ulefulnefs of Mathematical Learning Oxf.ijoi — Lord Shaftefbury’s Letters 1721 Mead of the Plague 1726 — _ / Boulton u [ 70 ] Boulton of unufual Qualities of the Air 1724 Lamotte’s State of Phyficians among the Antlents 1728 — Gervaife’s Theory of . the Trade of the World 1720 — /—O 1232 Le Clerc’s Account of Lo. Clarendon’s Hift. 1710— Speeches in Parliament- — —Various Parliamentary and Conftitutional Tra&s 1233 Brewfter’s Laws of England relating to War and Rebellion 1725 / ——Pullen’s Mem. of the Maritime Affairs of Gr. Britain 1732 Genuine Letters of Mary Qu. of Scots to James Earl of Bothwell 1726— -The Great Improvement of Commons that are enclofed 1732— — -Obfervation on Coin in General, with Propo* fab for the Coin of Ireland 1730 — Reyn old s!s Inquiry concerning the Canonical Authority of St. Matthew’s Gofpel 1732 — An accu- rate Defcription of Newgate, with the Rights, Privileges, Allowances, Pees, Dues and ‘Cu from s thereof 1 7 24— The Miferies cf Gcals , and the Cruelty of Goalera 1729 —A true Defcription of the Mint and Minters 1 7 1 8— johnfon’s (Ant.) Account of feveral JSnglifh Transitions of the Bible 1730 — ^' lT ^ ^ €,wton ’ s Tables for renewing and purchafmg Leafes, &c. / 1729 — --—Eftimate of the Value of Leafehold Eftates, Annuities, Reverfions, &c. 1731 — — Enquiry into the Cuftomary Eftates and Tenant-Rights 1 73 1— The Reafonablenef of Church and College Fines 17^1, and 5 more on the fame fubjeSl by Heathcote, Derharn, and others 1235 The National Debt at Mich. 173c* — — Hatfell’s Remarks on Pre- fentments of the Grand Jury for Difference of Opinion in Matters of Religion (Jigned John Wicklifte) 1729 — — In ter eft of England re- fpe&ing the Woolen Manufacture 1731— -Letters in Favour of Hawkers and Pedlars 1731 — —Remarks on the Englifh Woolen Manufacture for Exportation < 73 ° Bp Doadiy’s Obferva- tions of the Conduct of Gr. Br. 1729 — Pulteney’; (E of Bath) AnEver to ditto 1730 Qu. Anne’s Speeches, Meffages, &c. 1714—The Tribune 172 9 — Abfentees of Ireland, with the Value of their Eftates 1730 _ A C> 1236 Blewitt’s Enquiry , whether a general Practice of Virtue tends to the Wealth or Pove ty, Benefit or Difadvantage of a People ; with Thoughts concerning a Toleration of Public Stews 1725 Arbuthnct of Diet 1732— — jurin of Inoculation 1724— Scheuchzer of ditto 1729 — Clifton of Tabular Obfervations in the Practice of Phyfic 173! James, Lord Paifley’s Calculations and Tables relating to the attractive Virtue of Loadjlones 1 729 A Computation of the Increase of London and Parts adjacent 17199 and other TraCis JL 1237 Funds no Grievance, fnewing that the Enemies to the Funds are Ene- mies to the Conftitution, by Oldmixon Journey to England, with the Manners and Cuftoms of that Nation, from the French 1700, and 11 other Tracis, chiefly Political, Temp. Annce and Geo. 1 . — I23S Pol! of the Livery of London 1710 Account of the Plague at Marfeilles 1722 — Defcription of the Nature of Slavery among the Moors 1721, and 7 more 1239 Billingfley on the Longitude 1714— Trails on the Scots Colony at Darien 1700-1702— — Dunton’s Nee} or Nothing 7*3 " Nar- r 7 1 3 Narrative of the Efcape and Marriage of the Princefs Sobiefky 1722 Propofal for a Tax upon Funds 1714 Fuller’* plain Proof of the true Father and Mother of the pretended Pr. of Wales 1700 BridouPs School of the Eucbarijl , eftablifhed upon the Miraculous Refpe&s and Acknowledgments, which Beajlt , Birds and Infeds upon feveral Occafions, have rendered to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar 1687 Mrs. Shaftoe’s Narrative relating to the pretended Prince of Wales 1708, and 6 more 1240 Gee on Trade and Navigation 1729 Stubbs’s Adventure of Telemachus 5731 — Account of the Provinces of S. Carolina and Georgia 1732 De Moivre of Annuities 1715 Wrayn- ham’s Cafe, ora Vindication of Lord Bacon’s Cafe 1725 — Com- putation of the Increafe of London 17 19— —Account of the Bank of Loan at Amfterdom 1733 — Mafideville’s Enquiry into the Caufes cf the frequent Executioms at Tyburn, very fcarce 1725 — Roafons for Naturalizing the Jews 1 7 1 4— — — Differtation on Anger and Revenge, with the Jewifh and Roman Laws againft Violence, OpprefSon, &c. *725 Hatzfeld’s Cafe of the Learned 1724* ^ and 5 more T ' " “ " f> “ 1241 A Guide for Englifh Travellers thro’ Holland, Sec, Rett. 1731 Duncan Forbes of Incredulity Edinb. 1750— —Letter from a Blackfmith to the Minifters and Elders of the Ch. of Scotland ^ 1242 Regulations of the Marine Societv 1769 Ames’s Declaration j of the Witnejs f God, tnanifcjled in the inward Parts j 6 81 Am*/ fterdam, Toleration, or no Toleration, by a Friend to Men of all Re-1 ligions 1663 — Pope’s E day on Man Glafg. 1764 \ 1243 Hiftorical Remarks on the City of St. Andrews in North Britain 1728 Lord Cornbury’i Letter to the Vice Ch. of Oxford, with a Letter to his Lordfhip thereupon 175 1 Hift. of the famous , City of Norwich, with the Map 1728— Appendix to the Chro-\/~ - - nolog. Hift. of Norwich, with Neville’s Norfolk’s Furies, or a View of Kett’s Camp 1728 Reeords of Norwich, 2 parts 1736*1738- — Curious Relations , containing the Fair Lady of N or- wich, the Wonder of Norfolk, an exact Description o/'Scole Inn ; the Man?ier of driving Turkies and Geefe , and of the prodigious Quantities Yearly fem from Norfolk to London, and 12 other Relations , 2 parts 1759*4° - ~~ — 7" 1244 Prefent State of Popery in England 1733 Count Pafleran’s Pbilofophical Dijfertation upon Death 1732 Bohun’s View of Ecclefiaft. Jurifdi&ion in England 1733 — Mem. of Dr. Geo. Leyburn, Chaplain to Qu Henr. Maria 1722— Account of the Diforders in Briftol, with the Trials of the Rioters 1714 — Account of Work-houfes for employing and maintaining the Poor 1725, and other TraSis ^ — 1245 Claridge’s (Shepherd of Banbury) Rules to judge of the Weather 1748 The Way to be wife and wealthy 1736 The Ju- rifdi&ion of the Chancery refearched 1733 Afcatiius , or the _ 3 -£ Young Adventurer The intended Navigation of the River Chel- xner in Eftex, confidered 1733 — The Hift . of the Blacks of Waltham in Hamplhire, and thofe under the like Denomination in Berklhire 1723 — - The Royal Progrejs : an Iiiftorical View of the Journeys ieveral [ 7* J -$-(> 1246 Brewfter’s jus Feciale Anglicanum 7 -3A f-L -3 fcveral great Princes have made to vifit their Dominions 1724 - Carte’s Eflay towards fixing the true Standards of Wit, Hu- mour, &c. 1744— — Au g> ft a Triumphant or, the Way to make London the moil flourilhing City in the Univerfe 1728 — The Laws and judicatures of Scotland vindicated 1718 — Bar- nardifton’s Effays .172^ — —Forman’s Letter to Mr. Pulteney relating to the O fiend -Company 1725 Short of the inward Ufes of Water 1725 — Mandeville’s Enquiry into the Caufes of the frequent Executions at Ty burn, j6 5 \IS66 1267 1268 (1269 \I270 1271 1272 J273 1278 C 74 3 171* —Letter concerning Mr, Adam Glais 1712 — Let- ter on the N. America and Newfoundland Trade 1712, and 6 more The Hardfhips of Oaths 1716, and other Theological Trails The remarkable Deliverance of Rob. Barrow from the devouring jaws of the Canibals of Florida 1700, and other Mifeellanies^ 2 vol. State of the Silk and Woolen Manufadures 1713 Account of the late Pyracies of Jamaica 1716 Cafe of Rich. William- fon, Shipwright 17 1 6— 'The Entry and Reception of three ex- traordinary Irilh Ambafladors 1 7 » 6 — Six Trads on Triennial and Septennial Parliaments 1716 — Weft of Treafons and Bills of Attainder 1716, and 9 more, in 2 vol. Toland’s State- Anatomy of Gr. Britain 1717 — Life of John, Lord Somers 1716— Dr. Radclifte’s Life and Letters 1716 — Collins of Human Liberty 1717 Trads, chiefly Political, in 1712 and 1713, 1 vol. Letters in the London Journal 1720-21, and other Tra3s Account of the American Aloe, &c. in Mr, Cowell’s Garden at Hoxton, ‘with the cut 1 729 Bugden’s Paflage of the Hur- .ricane in Suflex 1730 — -Southall’s Treatife of Buggs 1730— Switzer’s Method of raifing Brocoli, & c. 1729 — Godfrey’s Method of extinguifhing Fires by Explofton 17Z4 Diflfertation on Dum- pling 1726 Memoirs of Colonel Chartres 1730, and other Trads, chiejly Po- litical, 2 vol. State of the Public Debt 1 720— Narrative of the Proceedings and cruel Execution.*? Thorn .1721 Animadverfions on Weft’s Inquiry into the Manner of creating Peers 1724— Ccndud of Mr. Walpole 171 and other Mifeellanies, 3 vol. Freind’s Account of Lord Peterborow’s Condud in Spain 1708 Account of Lord Galway’s Condud in Spain and Portugal 17 1 j, and 5 more Memoirs of the Duke of Shrewftmry 17.18— Sec et Hift. of Prieft- craft 1718 — Addifon on the Roman Poets 1718 — Laws againft Heretics 1723 -Four Trails againft Bp. Kennett, by Earbery, Collier, &c. and other Mifeellanies Duck’s Poems 1730— — Art of Painting in Water Colours 1731 — — Fadum pour Marie Cadiere Jix 1 7 3 1 — Crawford’s Cafe of Mr. and Mrs. Weld 1732, and other Trails Batt upon Batj, a Poem upon the Parts, Patience and Pains of Barth. Kempfter, Clerk, Poet, Cutler of Southampton 1680 — Gulliver decypher’d- Account of the Endeavours ufed tofupprefg Gaming-Houfes 1722— - Clarke’s Examinat. of Wollafton 1725 —The Weavers true Cafe 17J9— Dr. Pope’s Wifti 1719— Frowde’s Fall of Saguntum, Trag 1727— Gay’s Paftorals, cuts 1728, and other Trails Hibernia Notitia 1723— Survey of the Ifland of St. Chriftophers 1722 — —Short Hift. of all the Parliaments. of England 1722— The Englifti Subjed’s Right to the Liberty of his Perfon 1722 —Hift. of the Archbps. and Bps. impeached of High Treafoa 1732— BJackmore’s Hift. of the Confpiracy againft K. Will. 1723 f 75 ] 1723— Account of the Rebellions and Confpirades againft Qu» Elir. 1722 — Method of Proceeding againft Bifhops for Capital Offences 1722 Prefent State of Popery in England 1723* aud other Trails 1279 Trafts on the Public Debt, Credit, Sinking Fund, Sec. 2 vol. 1726-29 1280 Cafe of Mr. Walpole 1712 Cafe of the Duke of Marlborough 1712— Hift. of the Crown Inn, with the Death of the Widow, 3 parts The Spaniard; or, Don Zara del Fogo 1719 The Juice of the Grape 1724 T rafts againft Sieele 1720 — ' Letters from Dr. Tripe to the profound Grefhamite 1719 Various Trafts on the Peerage Bill 1719, and on other Sui- f jffts, 2 vol. — . — — v |28i E/Tay againft Foreftallers of Corn, Cattle, Sec. 1778 — Trial of Sir Edw. Mofeley fer a Rape 1647 Report touching the Public Records 1719 Difcourfe on the Union 1702, and other Trades ^ — * ' 1282 Arguments refpefting Infolvency— Scheme for an Hofpital for In- curables 1733 — Hearne on the Oath of Allegiance 1731, with hisportr. Narrative of Weftminfter Bridge 1738 — Propofal for repealing the Ten Commandments 1/3$ Ditto for the Revival of Chriftianity 1736 Collins (Ant.) of Ridicule and Irony in Writing 1729 Lee on the 2d Book of Efdras 1722 Tomkinfon’s Syfem of Religion 1 729, and 11 more Mi feel- laneous, 2 vol. ' — — — . -1-283 Forfter’s Examination of Gibfon’s Codex 1736 — Andrewes’s An- fwer to Foriler 1735 — Dangerous Errors in federal late printed Bible j, dij cover'd by -Will. Kilburne printed at Finfbury 1659, and other Trails \ — — 1284 Ducket’s Summary of all the Religious Houfes in England and Wales 1 7 1 7— Eight Trafts againft the Quakers 1285 Effay on Infuring Ships of our Enemies — Account of the Conduft of Arch. Stewart, Efq; Provolt of Edinburgh 1748 — Langley’s Survey of Weftminfter Bridge 1748, and 9 more — — 1286 Fourteen Tracts on the State of the Nation, Intereft, Funds, Na- tional Oeconomy, National Credit, Infurance, &c. 1287 Articles exhibited againft Lord Arch. Hamilton, Governor of Ja- maica 1717 — Petition for relieving, reforming and employing the Poor 1722— Cafe of Orphans confider’d from Antiquity 1725 —Trafts on the Plague in 1665 — Bradley on the late fevere Winter and Scarcity of Provifions 17*9* and other Trails 1288 The Ballanceof Civil Power in England 1748 — State of England in 1588, and 9 more — — - 1289 Four Trafts on the Hanover Troops, Stc. 1743 Four ditto on the Colony of Georgia 1741-43 Hift. of an ioo,oool. Jobb, relating to the City’s Mate called Conduit-Mead, now New Bond Street, Ac. 1744 — Prefent State of Weftminfter Bridge 1743, and other Trails, 2 vol. 1290 JVJil ward’s EfTay towards an Hift. of Britiih Phyfical and Chirur- gical Authors 1740-— james on the G^ut and Rheumatifm 1745 —Turner on Ward’s Drop and Pill 1735— -Ranby’s Narrative of Lord Orford’t laft I line fs 1745—' Thomson’s C ale of Mr. L i Win- _ 3- - 2 -(> - /— -D _ 2 _ - /— - 2 ^ _/ — [ 7 * ] - f— _ JZ-£ _ - 3 '^ Winnington 1746 — Tenent’s Phyfical Enquiries 1742 — Treadle of Ferruginous Waters, efpeciaily Ipfwich Sp&w 1717 v 1 rafts 1291 Hales of Ventilators f 743- Collection of extraordinary Cafes relating to concealed Births 1 744 — Law’s abfolute Unlawfulnefs of Stage Entertainments 1726, and 9 more 1292 Robe’s TraCts 1740-45 — De la Croix Connuhia Florum Par.1728 Cafe of the Diftillers and Dillillery 1726 Manwaring’s Harmony and Numbers in Englilh Profe and Poetry 1744 — Frauds of Coal-Dealers 1747 — Expediency of general Natura- lization 1747* and 7 more 1293 Trial of Sir Chaloner Ogle—— Seven Trails relating to Admirals Leftock and Matthews 1744 1 294 Confiderations on the Law of Forfeiture, by the late Lord Chancellor Yorke 1746— Coke’s Reports in Verfe 1742 — Letters of Alg. Sydxey to Henry Savile 1742* Letter on Thurloe’s State Papeis 1742 — Lord Lyttelton’s Obfervations on the Life of Cicero 1741 1295 Jortin’s Difcourfes on the Chriftian Religion 1747 Four Tracts of Ant. Collins to Dodwell, Clarke, &c. * 709-1 7 1 1 — The primitive Quakers Faith 1725, and other Trafts 1296 ProjeCt for a Bank in New-England 1715- — Dean’s Account of Harrowgate Waters Leeds 1736 -Collier on the Free-School at Whitney in Oxfordlh. 1721— An Attempt towards the Cha- racter of the Royal Martyr Cha. 1 . *738 — Hiji. of the Prejs - Yard 1717— Secret Hift. of the Rebels in Newgate 1717 — Cafes in Favour of Mr». Stephens’s Medicines 1738 Life of Bp. Burnet 1714 — Proceedings of the Council of the Royal Society, in order to remove from Grefham College to Crane Court 17 ic- -Two Trafts in the Cafe of jane Wenham, the Hertforddi. Witch 1712 Obfervations relating to the Mur- der of Mrs. Sarah Stout 1699 Dialogue between a Quaker and a Neighbour on the faid Murder — The deplorable Cafe of Mr. Baldwin’s Children of Sorrel in Hertfordfh. 1717 — Specimen of the many Miftakes in Dugdale’s Baronage 1730, and other frafts 1297 Fair Payment no Spunge 1717 — View of the political Writers of Gr. Brit. 1740- The political Magnet 1745 • Gibfon’s journal of the Siege of Louifbourg 1745-*— Value of the Lands in St. Chriftopher’s 1730 Diflilled Spirituous Liquors the Bane of the Nation 1736 Bridges’s Discovery of the Wool- Smuggling 174.4- Elliot’s Specimen of Burnet’s Hift. — Hift. of the Brotherhood and Chapel of the Holy Ghoft near Bafing- ftoke in Hapmfh. Reading 1742, and 5 more 1298 The poor Man’s Phyfician Oxfuzo Letter on literary Property 174.7— — Woodman’s Rat-catcher of Chelfea College, aTale 1740 — — Ranelagh Houfe, a Satire 1747 J oe Miller’s Jefts 1749 — — Whiteheld’s Journal from Gibraltar to Georgia 1738 Account of the Murder of Mrs. Robinfon by Elton Lewis 1735 — — » State of Trinity College, Cambridge 1710, and 3 other TraCts relating to Dr. Bentley 1710 — 1719 — — The lrifh Regi- fter of Women of Fortune 1742, and other TraCts 1299 Hift, of the Archbilhops of Canterbury from Auftin to Poole 1732 Life [ 77 1 Life of Lord Chancellor Jeffery# 1735 — Congreve’# laft Will, with Charaders of his Writings 1729 Life and Ad- ventures of Will. Grigg of Snarltoa in Suffolk, with the cut 1733 Life of Jo. Hayns, Comedian 1701 Des Maizeaux’# Life of Toland 1722 Roper’s Life of SirTho. More 1729 — Life and Death of Ralph Wallis, the Cobler of Gloucefter 1670 — Guy’s lad Will and Teftament 1725 1300 Marlhall’s Cafe of the Patron and Redor of St. Andrew’s, Holbum 1722^ Cafe of Praying for Governors 1739 Cafe of Mr, Barth. Greenwood 1740— ——Cafe of Lady Logan Edinb. 1726— The Croffe’g Cafe in Cheapfide 1642 — Trial between Mr. Biker and Dr. Morleyfor Crim . Con . 1741— Four Trads in the Cafe of Profeffor Simpfon Edinb. 1728, and other Trails — . — 1301 Cafes of Impotency and Divorce 1732 The Oxford Methodids *733 Sympfon’s and Bridges’s Trads againft Smuggling Wool 1741 — 42 Mil ward’s Effay on the Lives and Writings of cele- brated Britifh Phyficians and Surgeons 1740 Genealogical Hiftory of the Family of the Hams 1 730— Defcription of Dublin 1 7 32— — Charader of Chimpanzee 1739 Cafe of Eliz. Fitz- Maurice, alias Leefon, and Lord Will. Fitz-Maurice 1733 Original Letters from a Husband to a Gent, and from a Husband to a Wife (Thco. Cibber’s) 1 739 Differtation on Stonge - Hinge , in Anfwer to Inigo Jones, Charleton, Sec. Sarum. 1730— Anfwer to a Libel againft Fr. Nicholfon, £fq; relating to the School-Boys of the Grammar School of William and Mary in Virginia 1704— Propofals againft the great Charge and Delay of Suits at Law 1724 — Abftrad of the Troubles in Poland in 1715. Prefent State of the Navigation of the Towns of Wis- beech, Spalding and Bofton, Bury 1721, and other Tracis — — 1302 Campaigns of 1743 and 1744 — Laws againft Heretics 1723— Colbatch of Ch. and College Leafes, Camb. 1739 Lookup of the erroneous Tr&nflations of the Scriptures 1739 Ditto Tranf. lation of Genefts 1740— Lewis on the Confecration of Churches 17 19 1303 Sir Matt. Decker’s ferious Confiderations on high Duties 1744 — View of the Birth of the Pretender 1744 Bohun’s Tithing- Table 1735 Survey of the County of Down 1740— Vol- taire, laMetaphyfique de Neuton& de Leibnitz, Amjl. 1740— Sympfon’s eafy Method to prevent the running of Wool 1741 — Cibber’s Letter to Po/e 1742 — Tooke’s plain Narrative 1728 ——Thomas Morus, A’ragedie en Profe, Paris 1735 ■■ — Letter on the Sugar Colonies 1745 — — Letter concerning the Excif'e- Bill, by Horace, Lord Walpole 1733, and other Tratts — 1304 Hervey’s Letter to Sir Tho. Hanmer — Frauds in Trade and the Revenue of Ireland 1746 Ditto in the Coal Trade 1745 % and 14 more, chiefly pojitical — — 1305 Trads on the Foundling- Hofpital 1740 — Journey to Tufcany, Rome and other Parts of Italy 1741— Henl^s Liturgy 1726— Funeral Ceremonies of Priricefs Clementina Sobiefki 1729 Crculaz’s Examination of Pope’s Effay on Man 1739— -The Duty of Paying Cuftom 1746, and other Gratis ^ 1306 Fletcher of Saltoun’s Speeches in Parliament 1703 The Non- fuoh Wonaer of the Peak in Derby fliire, a Narrative of Martha Tay- lor, _// ^ _ 2 .- b _ 2 - £> - / - to r — 3 — — // 3- C 4- V C 78 1 lor, who bath been fupported above a Year in a Way beyond the ordi- nary Conrfe of Nature , without the XJfe of Meat or Drink 1669 —Fleetwood of Education 1702 — The Damon of Ted worth j 7 1 6 .Ruffe 1 of the Stone in the Bladder 1691, and other Tracts 1307 Colbatch of the Cure of a Perfon bitten by a Viper 1698 Hill. of the Rebel] ion in 1745 *fid 46— -The Hhteen of Heaven s Livery , a Treatife of the Inflitution, Excellency, Priviledges, and Indulgen- ce: s pff the moll famous Confraternity of our BUfJed Lady of Mount . Carmel, commonly called the Scapular Antw. 1709 ■■ — Neve of the carofeope, or Quick-Silver Weather-Glafs 1708 — Aut Hel- mon , aut Afinus , or St. George untruft 1665 Le Clerc’s Letrers on Infpiration 1690 — Gilbert’s Fans Sanitatis , or the healing Spring at Willovcbridge in St offer ajbire, found out by Lady Jane Gerard, Baronefs of Bromley 1676 — Names of fuch Mem- bers as held Offices both Civil and Military, contrary to their Self - denying Ordinance 1645 A rife Evans’s Voice from Heaven to the Commonwealth of England 1652, and other Trulls 1308 Bentham’s Refkdions upon Logic, Oxf $755 Haller of the fenfible and irritable Parts of Animals 1755 Burton MEAETHMATA, Oxon . 1755 — ^-Ejufd. Iter Surrienfe & Suffexi- enfe, Lond. 1752 Dr. Rawlinfon’s Deed of Trull and Will . 1 75 5 Brooks on the Starch Duty 175 z — A Voyage up the Thames 1738 1309 Palairet’s Defcription of the Englifh and French Poffeffions in N. America 1755— -Trial of Fr. Belap, Eiq; at Kingfton in Jamaica 1755 — — Letter on Smuggling 1755 — . — The Wiltlhire new" Phenomenon Philofophical Effays of Cha. White, Hoftler, at the King’s Arms, Sarum 1752 — — Of the Trade between Gr. Britain and Sweden 1756-*— Spranger’s Plan for paving, clean- fing, and lighting the Streets of London 1756 Walker’* Vindication of the Account of the Siege of Derry 1689, and other Traits X3 IO Lord Somers’s Argument in the Bankers Cafe, revifed and pnblifhed by Sir Jof. Jekyll 173 3 — Gervaife’s Propofal for amending the Silver Coins of England 1696 “ — — Two Trads on the Tobacco Trade 1751-52 Charter of the Free Br id fh Filhery 1750— Fielding of the Increafe of Robbers 1751 — Dialogue on Beauty 1752 — A fu re Guide to Hell, by Belzebub Claims for the Value of the Scots Jurifdidions 1748 — Fropolah for carrying on certain public Works in the City of Edinburgh 1752 — Bar-, l tram’s Travels from Penn fyl vania to Canada 1751 {1311 The ?r. of Orange’s Propofal for amending the Trade of the Re- ) public 1751 Tucker’s Trad* on Trade and Naturalization f 1750 — 51— —Bp. Berkeley’s Mifceilany 1752 .1312 The compaflionate Samaritane 1644 ‘The Farmer’s Daughter of , \ Effex, by Penn 1767 — Lettre fur les Tranfadions Pabliques du Regne d’Elizabeth, par De Silhouette Amfl. 173b . — Briefe Account of the Farir y ofPercival, Earl ofEgmont, and other Trails 1313 Confideratioas on the public f unds, &c. by Sir Rob, Walpole, E. j of Orford i735**--Stebbe , s Dialogue in the Manner of Plata, on } the Pleaibre* of the Undemanding 1734 — — - Roller aga'nft Gib- : fon’s Codex 1745 — Hayes of the Laws relating to th; Poor — Pey- i 3 H - - -1315 1316 1 3 1 7 i «3i8 [$? 1320 1321 1322 1323 , 3 H - 6 >~ ^ 1 -h c~c l 79 3 Peyton’s (Sir Edw.) Divine Cataftrophe of die Kindly Family of Stuart, printed 1652, repr . 173 1, (Ch. Davis, Bookfeller, for re- printing this Pamphlet , was taken up, byalVarrant from the Secretary of State) The Antiquity and Honour of Commerce ' 1753— Taxet on the Colonies confidered, by Mr. Grenville and Mr. jenkinfon 1-65 Principal Tranfaftions of the la ft War between the Englifh and the French in N. America 1757 — Conduit of Gen. Shir- ley in N. America 1758 -The Importance of Canad and the Bay and River of St. Lawrence 1759 Williams’s Account of Newfoundland and its Fifhery 1765 — Other Trails relating to N. America Shebbeare’s fixth Letter to the People of ''.eg- land 1757 — Review of ditto 1758 — Shebbeare’s feventh Ler.er (feixed before Publication ) — The Security of Englishmens Lives, or the Truft, Power and Duty/ of Grand Juries 1766 — — Letter on Libels, Warrants, Seizure of) Papers, &c. 1764 Leilure on Hearts 1767, and 7 more | Hill, of a Ihort Adminiftration 1766, and 15 more modern Politics 1 Trial of Lord Geo. Sackville 17160 — — Trial of Sir Jo. Mordaunt 1 7 5 8 Tabes Dorf&lis 1 764, and other T 'ads Authentic Accounts of the Price of Wheat, Bread, Malt, Sec. from the Conqueft 1748- — and 10 more upon Bread, the Abufe of Bakers, Corn, Domeilic Oeconomy, &c. — Orders appointed by his Ma- jellie for preventing and remedying the Dearth of Grain and other Visual, 4 to. b. 1 . impr. by Barker 1608 — - . — — Bower’s Letters to Father Sheldon 1756, and federal other Trade relating to Bower Narrative of the Affair between Mr. Cr-efwdl and Mifs Scroope, with her Anfwer 1749 — Satan’s Harveft-Home 1749 ^ : 1 Blackllone’s Law of Defcents in Fee-fimple, Oxf 1759 “——The Man-Plant 1752 Bp. Hoadley’s Letter to Ciem. Chevallicr, Efq; 1757 «— Cunningham Magna Charta Libertatum Civitalis Waterford, Dubl. 1752 — —The fame, in Er.glijb — Short and lure Method for the Extirpation of Popery 1756 — Sykes on the Words Refur red-ion of the Body , or Flejh in the Creeds 17^7 . — • Trails on the Foundling Hofpital 1759 Gay’s Paflorals, cuts 1721— Johnfon’s Plan of his Dictionary 1 747 —Complaints of the Manufacturers 1752 — Life of Will. Page, Highwayman, with his portr. 1758— Hift. of Pudica, a Lady of Norfolk, and her five Lo- ^ vers 1754, and other Trads — 3 — Live* and Adventures of the moll noted Bailiffs 1723 — Mifs Carter’s Poems 1763 TraCls on the Foundling Hofpital 175# — La Motte’.s State of PJiyficians among the Ancients 1728 — Baylies’s Account of the General Hofpital at Bath, and other Atkinfon’s Conference between a Painter and an Engraver 1736 — Smith’s Art of Painting in Oil 1759 Modejl Defence cf the pub* lie Stews— — Bayliesfs Account of Bath Hofpital 1758 — — Rou- quet’s prefent State of the Arts in England 175 5 » -and other Trads — — — - — — — — - . — * . Fordyce’s Temple of Virtue 1757— Moor’s Literary Eilays of the Society at Glafgow, Ghjg* 1759 • Fenelon, Examen de Con- fciencc -z 4-h -,-(o _ z- d ^/A ~/ 4 — r 80 3 fcience pour un Roi, avcc fa Vie, Lona. 1747 — The Widow of the Wood 1325 TwoTrafts on the Cuftom of Vails-giving 176c Differtation on Earthquakes 1750 — Letters of Col. Rob. Hammond, relating to K. Cha. I. while in Carilbrooke Caftle 1764 — Burrington’s Anfwer to Brakenridge on the Number of Inhabitants within the Bills of Mortality 1757 — The Ride to Hulne-Abbey from Ain- ' wick in Northumberland 1765 — Sir Tanfield Leman of Govern- 1 ment 1748, and other Trails 1326 Aft for the Purchafe of the Mufeum 1754— — The Fairy Tale, from Shakefpeare 1763 Browne’s Letter to Dr. Lowth, Neiv - cajl . 1766 Trafts relating to the Wardenfhip of Winchefter College 1758 — 59 Statutes of the Britifh Mufeum 1759 — Jeffries’s Abftraft of his Treatife on Diamonds and Pearls — Scheme for the Relief and Employment of the Poor 1765 — — Jofephi Exonienfis Henochifmus , five Traftatus de Modo ambulan- di cum Deo, Oxf. 1762 By-Laws of the Mu fi cal Society, Pater Nofter Row' 1731 Circumftantial Accout of Mifs Bell, otherwife Sharpe 1760 — Collins’s Genealogical Account of the ancient and noble Family of Harley 1741 1327 Thompfon’s Collection of corrupt Practices of victualling the Royal Navy 1757 Dunn’s Longitude Journal Apology for the Buiinefs of Pawnbroking 1744 England’s Path to Wealth and Honour 1750 — Watfon’s Account of Eleftrical Experiments 1748 Flamfteed r s Letter on Earthquakes 1693, repr, 1750, and other drafts 1328 Middleton on the Roman Senate 1747 — Burn’s Digeft of the Mi- litia Laws 1760 Appeal to Common Senfe in Behalf of a Review of the Liturgy *750 Ecclefiaflical Charafteriftics, Edinb. 1763 -Apology for ditto 1763 — Bentham de Literarum Graecar. Inftitutione Oxon. 1758 1329 The laft Will of the Duchefs Dowager of Marlborough 1744— - Ditto of Mr. Congreve, •with bis Portr. 1729 Ditto of Sir Tho. Grefham *724 Dunton’s Effay on Death Bed-Charity , exem- plified in the Lives and Teftaments of Mr, Tho. Guy, Bookfeller, Madam Jane Nicholas of St. Alban’s, and Mr. Fr. Bancroft, Draper 1728 The Will of Bp. Burnet 1727 — Archbp. Ufher’s Life and Prophecies, •with his portr. in •wood 171 2——— Ap- pendix to the Life of Bp. Ward 1697 Life of Edw. Sey- mour, Duke of Somerfet, Lord Proteftor 17 ! 3— The laft Will of Archbp. Tenifon 17 16— Archbp. Sancroft’s Life and fetters to Sir Henry North 1757 — Life of Erneftus the Pious, firft Duke of Saxe-Gotha 1750— The laft Will of Dr. Geo, Clarke, Mem- ber for the Univerfity of Oxford, a Benefaftor to Worcefter and All- Souls Colleges 17 3 7 — The Life and worthy A ftions of Ralph, Duke of Montagu 17C9 — Account cf the Birth, Parentage r'ud Converfation of the celebrated Beau handfome Fielding 1707—-' The laft Will of Dr. Matt. Tindal 1733 — Life and Trial o/*Will. And. Horne, Efq; of Butterley-Hall, Derbyfh. executed at Not- tingham 1 1 th Decern. 1759, upon the Jole Evidence of his own Bro- ther, for the Murder of bis Infant Child, begot upon his Sfer in 1724, Nottingh. j 759— Life and Character of Mr. John Dent,, [ 8i j Con ft able and Afliftant to the Reformation- Society, murder’d i n Covent Garden, no date — and other Krafts 1330 Hearne on the Oath of Allegiance, with his portr. 1731 — Account of Will. Paul, Cleergyman, executed for High Treafon, 1716 — Life and Chat after of L. Chancellor Jefferys, 1725 — Dr. Allen’s Account of Ja. Maclaine, Highwayman, 1750— Account cf Hngh Peters, after the Manner of Bayle, 1 7 «; 1 Dr. Greg. Sharpe’s Review of Mr. Hooke’s Account of the Roman Senate, 1758 * Eleanora , a tragical but true Cafe of Inceft in Gr. Britain, 1751 — and other curious T rafts £ U A R T O. Divinity. Old and New Teftaments Commentators ■ Ecclefiaftical Hifl . and Antiquities y (Ac. 1331 Bihlia Hebraica, cum pun ft is , 4 tom. IA Animadv. in Loca dificilio/a, MSS. ^ . — 1332 Vulgatae Edit, in cor. turc. Parif. e Typogr. Regia 1653 1333 The Holie Bible, with the Apocrypha, and a portr . of Qu. Eliz. b. 1. impr. by Jhon Cawoode, 1561, (the title and preface are wanting) — ■■ ■ - and Common Prayer, fmall charafter — — ■ - - Cambr. printed by Field 1666 ... — - Edinb. printea by Watkins >744 iranfated into the Indian Language , Cambr. 1663, 1334 1335 ' 33 6 bound in turkey — — — 1337 Nov. Kef. Lat . Deloeni, ad Henricum Oftav. Regem, Angl. &c. Lond. apud Joan. Mayler 1540 g J The Newe Kef ament by Geo. Joy, b. 1 . impr. by Biddel, imperf. 1 33 ■ p^phe Prymer, b. 1 . impr. by Byddell, imperf. 1339 *1 he Newe Kelt ament, with Notes and Expoftions of the darke Places therein , b. 1, ded. to K. Edw. VI. with his portr. and cuts throughout , impr • by Jugge, no date - — ‘The Newe Teftament, from the Greke by Beza, with Expoftions and a Concordance, englifed by L. Thomfon, b. 1 . impr. by Chr. Barker, 1596, ded. to Sir Fr. Walfmgham 1340 Common Prayer, b. ). . impr. by Rob. Barker 1610 The whole Booke of Pfalmes, in Englifh Meetre, by Sternehold, Whittingham, Hopkins, &c. with the tunes , b. 1 . impr . by M Windet, 1598, in turkey — — — — 1341 Khe Gofpels of the fower Evangeliftes, tranfated in the olde Saxons Kyme out of Latin into the vulgare Koung of the Saxons, Sax. and Erg. publijhtd by Jo. Foxe, ded. to Qu. Eliz. impr. by Jo. Dave 1571 .13.42 Evangelia Gothice Sc Anglo-Saxonice Fr. Junii, per Matefchallum Dor dr. 1 66< 1343 Nychodemus Gfpell, with wood cuts , b. I. enprynted by Wynkyn de Worde, 1511 , fine copy, in morocco - — — 1344 The Calender of Scripture, whearin the Hebru, Cballdian , Sc c. Names in the holly Byble are turned into oour Englifi Tseng I <57 5 M 1343 Broughton’s -/ 2 __ - 2 P _ A— -/c-F /-/ — 2-6 /" & - _// - /-/2 - _/ 2 - 6 2 - 2 - s- £ [ 82 -A- 1 345 Broughton’s (Hugh) Concent of Qu. FJiz. no date , a fine copy , in tnoroc. f Another Edit, cuts Scripture, •with the cuts , ded. to — no date 1349 /{f 1346 < Broughton’s Revelation of the Holy Apocalyps, ded. to K. James L Colon. 1610 — b 1 347 Clayton’s 'Bp.) Chronology of the Holy Bible, in moroc. 1747 — / _ pfi 1348 Locke’s Common-place Book to the Bible 1725 “Ccsdmonis Monachi Paraphrafis Poetica Genefios ac preecipuarum Sacras Paginse Hiftoriarum, ab hinc Annos 107c, Anglo -Saxonice conficripta & nunc primum edita a Fr. Junio Anift. 1655 < Figure quadam antiques ex Casdmonis Monachi Paraphrafieos in Genefin, Exemplari pervetufto in Bibl. Bodl. adfervato delineate 1 754 Vofiius (If.) de Septuaginta Interpretibus, c. m. in cor. turc. Hag. C. 1661 Uflerii Hift. dogmatica de Scripturis & facris Vernaculis Whartoni Lrnd. 1650 Explications de plufieurs Textes dijficiles de PEcriture , par un Relig. Bene- didtin de St. Maur, aveefg. Paris 1730 f Jachiadae Paraphr. in Danielem, Heb. & Lat, per L’Empereur *1 Amfi. 1633 l Drufii Comment, in Prophetas minores ib. C Patrick’s Comment, on jofhua, Judges, Ruth 1702 I Lovvth’s Comment, on Ifaiah — 1714 Kinge’s Lediures upon Jonas Oxf. printed by Barnes 1 597 C Drufii Verfio & Scholia in Jobum - - — Amfi. 1636 | Gataker de Novi Inftrumenti Stylo » Lond. 1648 Pfialterium Davidis Latino -Saxonicum ruetus , a Jo. Spelmanno, Lond. per Badger, Serenijfi. principis Wallin Typographum 1640 The whole Pfalter tranflated into Englilh Metre, with the arguments and tunes , b. 1 . impr. by Jo. Dave, no date The Pfalms tranflated or paraphrafed in Englilh Verfe, by Merrick Reading 1765 Another Copy — — — 176 c r The Canticles or Balades of S alomon, phra/elyke declared in Englijh Metres , by Will. Baldwin, with the Text and Arguments , b. I. ded. to K. Edw. VI. impr. by Will. Baldwin, Servaunt with Edw. Whitchurche 1549 The Forme and Maner ofi makyng and confecratyng of Archebifinoppes , <( Bijhoppes, Priefies and Deacons, b. 1 . impr. by Grafton 1 549 1361 | A Song of the hordes Supper, b. 1 . impr. by Copland, no title 1 A Jbort Treatife of cert ay ne T hinges abufed I In the Pcpy/h Churche longs ufed. f And now abolyfihed to our Cofolation b And Gods Word avaunced the Light of our Salvation, b. 1 . by Copland Notitia egregii Codicis Gra-ci Novi Tell. MS. quern Norimbergae ferajat Vir illuftris Hier. Guil. Ebner, per Schoenleben Norib. 1738 Pafiio Chrifti ab Alberto Durer Nurembergenfr Ejfigiata cum varii Generis Carminibus Fr. BenedidU Chelidonii Mufophili, imprejfiutn Nurnb. per Alb. Durer Pidtorem, 1511, liber rari/fi. <7 1364 Bower’s Hift. of the Popes, vol 2. - — — ~ — ■ 1750- ^ ~ 136 5 Omelici 362 / 0 _ . — > 3 6 3 1365 -^66 1367 1368 * 3 6 9 1370 1 37 1 1 37 2 1373 1374 1375 1 376 1377 137 8 r ] Omelie dr N. S. Papa Clemente XL Latino-Tofcana Fir. 1704/ Gallzei (Ph.) Imagines & Elogia 12 Cardinalium Pietate Dodlrina*/ &c. maxime illultrium ■ • — • Antv. >592! Ughelli Columnenfis Familue nobilijjim 734 Hutchinfon’s Qbfer-vations in the Mines of Corn- wall, &c. mojlly in 1706 - — ■— — 1407 Hearne’s Antiquities between Windfor and Oxford, and Pictures of the School Gailery at Oxford, 1725 Burton Epift. Graces & Iter Bathonicnfe, Oxon. 1748 — Reflexions cn the high Antiquity of Government, Arts and Sciences in Egypt, ib. 1743 Kirby’s 12 Prints of Antiquities in Suffolk, with Defcriptions, Ipfiv. 1748 — Trial of Maur. Vale at St. Jago de la Vega, Jamaica, for the Murder of Mr. Steevens, 17*5 Poll for the County of Bucks, 1727 — Andrews’s Rights of Churches and Colleges, 1731 — Letter to the People of England, 1714 — / 7 ~ 6 1408 Bp. Clayton’s Eflay on Spirit, 1751 Obfervations on the EfuyersV or Receivers of ftolen Goods, 1751 TraXs of Spirituous] Liquors, &c. 1409 Bp. Berkley’s Propofal for better fupplying the Churches in our Plan- tations, 1725 — Account of Jof. Keble, of Gray’s Inn, Efq; — Letters to Dr. Bentley on his intended Greek Teftament. 1717 — Dunton on Death-bed Charity, exemplified in the Lives of Guv, Mrs. Nicholas and Bancroft, 1728 Baker’s Recantation — The Dumb Philofopher , a furprifing Account of Dickory Cronke, a Tinner’A Son in Cornwall, born dumb, and continued fo 58 Years, but camel to his Speech fome Days before he died, 1719— ——The Differences between Mr. Oade and his Sons, 1718 — Confederations againft burying in Churches and Church Yards, 1721 Boothe's Rights of his Majeftv’s Foreft of Windfor, 1719 The Northamptonjbire , Witches , Elinor Shaw and Mary Philips, their Trial, Condemnation 1 and Execution, 1705 — — Life of Tho. May, executed for High! Treafon and Piracy, 171 1 Trials of Jo. Taylor and Jo. Flint,] executed at Derby for the Murder of their Wives, 1706 Cafe/ of Jo. Palmer and Tho. Symonds, Gentlemen, executed at Worceftef/ ill [1412 [ SS ] for the Murder of Palmer’s Mother and her Maid 1708, and Giber Trails ~/ 0 ~(j 1410 Animadveriions on Burnet’s Travels 1688 Reafons for fup- preffmg the Yearly Fair in Brook-Field, Weflminfler ; called May- Fair 1709— Ciiiical Hid. of the Lord Treafurers of England 1713 — — ~Laft Will of Mr. Pope 1744 — Narrative of CurlPs Method of procuring Pope’s Letters 1735 — The forgiving Huf- band and adulterous Wife — Cafe of Hugh Speke, Efq; and Family *703 — Dawkes’s Prodigium Willi nghamenfe , Mem. of a Boy at Willingham, near Cambridge, who before he was three Years old was 3 feet 8 inches high, and had the Marks of Puberty 1747— Life cf Deborah .Churchill, executed for the Murder of Mr. "Will. Ware 1708 — Trial of Mr*. Mary Hicks and her Daughter, but nine Tears of Age, for "Witchcraft, executed at Huntingdon 1716, and federal other T rads. Schwartis de Mohammedi Furto Sententiarum Scripturse Sacrse Lipf. 17 is — Struvii Ada Literaria ex Manujcnpiis eruta Jen 1703 — Bibliotheca Scriptorum Hill. Natmali?, imperf. and 2 more Four French Trads, during the Civil Wars of France 1562-1587 — De Lille’s Legenddrie of the Life and Behaviour of Cha. Card, of Lorraine, and his Brethren of the HouL of -uife impr. 1577 — Trefor, See. de S. Denis Par. i 724 Genebrier, Differta- tion fur les Medailles de NigHnianus, &c. Par. 1 ^04 — Proceed* ings at Paris againll the Rev. Abbe Claud. Nic. Des Rues for committing Rapes upon f 3 3 • Virgins 1726 — — Miracle wrought in the Parifh of St. Margaret in Paris, upon Corpus Ck : i Day s 7 2 5- — Review cf the Public Buildings of London and Wcftmin- Ber 1736 Miller’s famous Called ion of Papers and Pamphlets 1693 — '‘in- dication of the Proceedings of the Gentlemen of the Inner Tem- ple 1662 — The' Englilh Traveller’s Guide thro’ Holland, &c- Rott. 1 7 3 ( , and 4 more A hriefe Chronyck concernynge the Examinacyon and Death of the hlefjed Martyr of Chrift, Syr Johan Oldecaftell, the horde Cobham, colledied togyther by Johan Bale, b. 1 . impr. 1544 — Hilloriola, a'litle Story e of the A dies and Lfe of Matthew, novo Archbilhoppe of Canterb. b. I. with the Tables, impr . 1574- imperf. in the iaft leaf— john Mackernefs’s Confejfon of Sins he fell into 1676 — Rai- noldi Orationes — The Life of H H. (Hen. Hill.% Printer) with the Relation of what palled between him and the Taylors Wife in Black Friars 1 683 — Saluberrima Pracepta bonae Valetudinis Eobani H elfi Franc. 1568 Chamillard, Lettres fur quelques Medailles curieufes Par. 1697 -The loyal Blackfmith and no Jefuit, with tbe portr. o/"VVill. Houlbrook, Blackfmith ^Marlborough — The Life of Caleb Vernon, the compleat SchoUer , aged 12 Years and 6 Months 166O Trac- tatus in Lingua Hibernica 1571 — Vindicise Academic Oxonienf. -Oratio Oxon. pro Lingua Graeca John Maddocks, a Tradl -U'? 3 & * 4*5 -* in Weljb 1416 Fielding’s Propofal for. Provifion for the Poor 1 pruffia’s Motives for detaining the Silelia Loan, 1752 — Oxford {hire Coined with the Sequel 1753 753 -K. of Fr. and Eng. Congreve’s (Dr. C 87 3 ~M — (Dr. Th.) Scheme for a Navigable Communication between the Trent and Severn in Staffordfii. with the Map 1753 Expe- diency of opening the Trade to Turkey 1753- — Remarks on ditto — Bondi's Confiderations on the Revenue of the Cuftoms 1752—* Wotton on Education 1733 * Cafe of Ja. A Alley and the Polifh Jew 1753 Sir Hans Sloane’s Codicils to his laft Will 17 53. and. other Trafts 1417 Mifs Whateley’s Original Poems 1 764— A ken Tide’s Pleafures of Imagination 1754 — Chappelow’s Six AJfemhlies ; or, ingenious Conversations of learned Arabians Cambr»\j 6 ^ — Allen’s Thoughts on Genius 1750 Letter on Beauty and Virtue 1 757 — Art of Shooting Flying, a Poem 1759 ^ — — 1418 The Athanaftan Creed re-examined 1754 — Ford, Lord Grey’s Secret Hift. of the Rye-Houfe Plot 1754 Afplin’s Origines Di'uifiana, the Antiquities of the Devizes 1754 — Account of the Revenue and National Debt of Ireland 1754 — Hoffmann of the Virtues of Afles Milk 1754 A profound Meditation on Turn- pikes 1753 The Advantages of embelliihing capital Cities 1754 — Trads on Naturalization, &c. by Tucker and others — - ■ 1419 Things as they are 1758 — Leigh’s Poll for Weftminfter 1745*/ and other Trafts 3 - 2- £ 1420 1421 ~ 3- © Five Trads on the Frauds and Abufes at St. Paul’s 1 7 1 3 — Fielding’^ Cafe of Bofavern Penlcz 1749, and various other Trads, chiefly Political, z vol. ^ — Huxham on Antimony 1756 Obfervations on the Buyers cr Receivers of flolen Goods, 2 parts 1751 -^—5 6 r Lord, Egmont’s Queftion of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland in England 1739 Baldwin cn the Ifle of Man 1755* &nd 1 (-/ V /I CJ /• " 1 ' 1422 1423 *4 2 4 *4 2 5 other Trafts Seven Trads on the Tobacco and Wine Trade, and 13 more on Trade and the American Colonies — Champion’s Arithmetic 1733 Milton’s Defence of the People of England againft: Salmafius 1692 Mead of Poifons 1736 — Huet’s View of the Dutch Trade 1722 — Champion’s Arithmetic 1733 General Maxims in Trade 171 3 — r— -Account of Ramfgate Har- bour — Confiderations on the Revenues of the Cuftoms 1752— Blacow’s Letter to Dr. King on the treafonable Riot at Oxford 1 7 5 5 Srate of Ireland 1755 — Appeal to the Nobility and Gentry in Regard to the Gold and Silver Lace, &c. 1755 State of the Province of Penfylvania 1755— — Defence the Redor, & c. of Exeter College 1754 — The Importance of th< Whale-Fifhery 1753 — Effay on the Colonies of America 1 75 51 — Confiderations on the Northern-Colonies Xew-York 1754^ Seventeen Hundred and Fifty-five, Earl Poulet’s Speech — Major Washington's Journal, with the Map Williamlb. 1 -54 — ' 1426 Letters concerning Taftc 1755 — Fergulon on the Solar Syftehi 1754 — Blacklock’s Poems, with his Life by Spence 1754 . Inquiry into the Origin of Printing 1752 — The Way to be wife and wealthy 1755 — A New Syftetn of Agriculture i ^ 5 5 • Life of Da&or Mwd J 755— -Catalogue of Dr. Mead’s Prints - 2 - : l cupic y - 3 — ■z_ *755 1427 Mac- — * 43 * ■V \ 'rf. > 43 * - 4- _ *433 ~,/^G >434 — 4 - h *435 /- (o >436 C 88 ] Mauduit’s Confederations on the German War 1760 — Ditto Oc- cafional Thoughts on ditto 1761- ^ "-Stewardfou’s Detection of Frauds in the Cuftomhoufe, and 6 more Seafonable Hints from an honeft Man, by Will, Pulteney, Earl of Bath 1761 — The Brewer, Inn-keeper and Publican’s Guide 1761 Droit le Roy, a Digeft of the Prerogatives of the Crown 1764 — Mem. of the Revolution in Bengal in 1757 Lord Clive’s Letter to the Proprietors of India Stock 1764 The antient and modern State of Ireland, with a particular Account of the great and glorious St. Patrick Dull . 1 760 —Macaulay’s (Alex.) Enquiry into the Legality of Penfions on the Irifh Eftablifhment 1 7 6 3 Single Life difcouraged 1761 — Method of difcharging the Na- tional Debt 1763 Review of Mr. Pitt’s Adminiftration 1762 — Review of Lord Bute’s ditto 1763 — State of the National Debt 1764, and 6 more Shebbeare’s four Letters to the People of England 1 755*56* and 6 more Natural Hift. of the Frutex Vulwaria 1732— — Mafkelyne’s In- ftruCtions for Obfervation of the Tranfit of Venus 1768 — Har- rifon’s Remarks on Malkelyne 1767 — Martin’s Agronomical Calculations Conduct of the Bp. of Winchefter as Vifitor of St. Mary Magd. Coll. Oxford 1770 — Lord Camden’s Inquiry into the Nature and EfreCt of the Writ of Habeas Corpus 1758— De Vergy’s Lovers, or Mem. of Lady Sarah B. and the Countefs P. 1769, with the portr . Ten Kate’s Ideal Beauty in Painting and Sculpture 1769— Dalton’s Remarks on 12 Hiftorical Defigns of Raphael, &c. 1752 — Scrafton’s Reflections on the Government of Indoftan, with the Hilt, of Bengal from 1739 to 1756, &c. 177c — Young’s Conjectures on Original Compofition 1759 Account of the Difcovery of the Ifland of Madeira 1750 — Bernard’s Honour of the Gout 1735 — — Defcription of Villette’s great Burning Glafs 1719 — The fam t, in French Liege 1715 Love Let- ters and Cards between an illuftrjous Perfonage and a Noble Lady Mifs Mary Blandy’s own Account of the Death of her Father, &c. 1752— Life and Trial of Will. Andr. Horne, Efq; of Butter- ly Hall, Derby Ih. 1760— Trial of Mungo Campbell for the Murder of Lord Eg! in to un 1 77®— -Life of Sir Jo. Holt, Lord Ch. Juftice 1764 Obfervations on the Civil-Lift Revenue 1*761— — Some Confedera- tions on the Fluctuations of the Public r unds, newer publified . Cafe of the Orphan and Creditors of Jo. Ayliffe, Efq; 1761 — Two Letters to Mr. Wood on the Coin and Currency of the Leeward Iflands 1740, and federal other Fradts Hooke on the National Debt and National Capital 1750,, and other Political and Commercial TraCts, 3 vol. Oblervations on a late State of the Nation 1769 — Dolman’s Ac- count of the Riots at the Diflenting Meeting Houfe at Clapham State of the Nation 1748 —Experiments u fed by a Caps. *437 •43 8 -H39 *44° *44' 1442 *443 t 89 J ' Capt. of a Man of War, for promoting Converfaiion by Figures curd ether Mediums 1751, and other Mifcellanies The Conduct of Admiral Knowles fet in a clear Light 1758 Antient and prefent State of Military Law in Gr. Britain 1749 — Journal of the Siege of Quebec 175^, and J'ewal other modern Trails, 2 vol. ~~ N Bourchier Cleeve’s Tra&s 1758 — Welch’s EiTay on the Office of Conftab’e 1758 — The York Mufeum 1766 Trial of Lord Geo. Sackville 1760 — Anecdotes of our Affairs in Germany ij 6 z ~' — Cafe of the Duke of Portland 1768, and other modem Tradts, 2 Vol. ^ — ; — Sir Geo. Bufwell’s laft Will and Teft. 'with his Benefaftions to Clipfton, Kelmarfh, See. in Northamptonfh. 1714 — His Majeftie’s Commiffion to the Mafer and Ccunfaile of the Court of Wards and Li'veries 1618 Bancroft’s Will 1728 Jones’s Ca- nonical Authority of the New Tfeftament, vol. 2. 1727 — Lord Bolingbroke’s laft Will 17 52 Guy’s ditto 1725 — The Trials and Executions of four notorious Witches at Worcefter jyoo—The Gotham Swans; or, Rook’s Flight from Gravefend, the remarkable Cafe of Sherwin and his Wife 1 730 ( the Author committed to the Gatehoufe by a Warrant from Lord C. Juftice Ray- mond, for this Publication J Thompfon’s Prefent for Married People of both Sexes — Green’s Oliver Cromwell, an Hiftorical Play 1752 — Akenfide on the Dyfentery, or Bloody Flux, by Motteux *767, and other Trails __ Parfons’s great Cafe of Tithes 1762 Examination of loung’s Latin and Eng. Diflionary 1756 — Mifs Ford’s Letter to Lord J. 1731 Examination of Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on Hiftory 1753 — Dr. Hill’s Story of Eliz. Canning 1753 — Cafe of Will. Aynfley, Attorney at Oxford (nicknamed the Devil) Readings 7 34 -The Cloaciniad, a Poem Edinb,iy 6 \ , and other - 1 - - 2-6 - 3 > Mifcellaneous Traits Anti-Canidia Hift A /-C of the late Revolution at Amfterdam 1748 five Weeks Tour to Paris, & c. 1750 Monfanto’s Tour thro’ France, Flanders, Sc c. 1752 — Frankz’s ditto 1735 Marriot’s Rights and Privileges of the Univerfities 1769 Law’s Obfervations on Literary Property Cambr. 1770 — Look- up’s Book of Genefis 1740 —Llewelyn’s Remarks on the Britijh Tongue 1769 — —Ditto Hiftorical Account of Britifh or Welfti Verfions and Editions of the Bible 1768, and other Trails The Kingfton Atalantis ; or, Woodward’s Mifcellany 1731 Dr. Hill’s* Account of a Stone, which on being watered produces excellent Muftirooms, with the Hift. of the Jolithos, or Violet* Stone of the Germans, cuts 1758 Lancafter’s Dialogues upon Delicacy Efiay on Ridicule 1753 Burton Epift. ad Ben- tham Land. 1750 — Bentham’s Letter to a Fellow of a College 1749 — Thoughts on the Study of the Claffics, & c. 1762, and ether Mifcellanies — - — : Lord Lyttelton’s four New Dialogues 1765 — Proceedings for the Difcovcry of the Longitude 1763 Tra&s of the British 2 -h f-G Filhery— — Jenyns’s Thoughts on the High Price of Provifions •6S — Account of the 1767* -Watfon’s Experiments on Inoculation N -2 C 90 1 the Magdalen-Charity — —Letter on the Nature and Prefent State of Curiofity 1736 Bluett’s Memoirs of the Life of Job, the Son of Solomon, the High Prieft of Boonda in Africa, with an original drawing of him 1734 * an d °lber Mifcellenies 1444 Barbeyrac’s Spirit of the Ecciefiaflics of all Sedls and Ages 1722 j — — Effay on the Freedom of Will in God and in Creatures 1732 A Tra& on Education 1734 — Letters between Burnet and Hutchinfon 1735 Ainfworth of Domeftic Education 1736“ Rules for Speaking and Afiion 1732 — Peree’s Ora- tion in Favour of the Stage, by Lockman 1734? and other ¥ rafts 1445 Lord Bolingbrcke’s Differ tation upon Parties 1735 — Cafe of the Bank-Contract 1735, an ^ 0t ^ er Political T rafts 1446 Bcerhaave’s Aphorifms, by De la Cofte 1715 — Wainevvright of k Non-naturals 1718 1447 Catalogue of Rarities at Don Saltero’s 1736 Method of Draw- ing, Fainting, Japanning, making Colours, &c. chiefiy from Mr. Boyle’s MSS. 1732— —Art of Drawing and Painting in Water- Colours 1732— — A fafe and fure Method to bring Sight to the Eyes of thofe who never had it, and to rejlore it to others whs have loft it totally , or in part 1736 — - -"The true State of Eng- land ^ 1734 (1448 Bp. Sherlock’s Trial of the WitnefTes 1733 — Fofter againft Gib- } foil’s Codex 1736- — —The Oxford Methodills 1732 — Occafional Sermons by fundries 1449 The Prerogatives of a Queen Confort of England 17621— Ed- k monfon’s Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, cuts 1766 — —Bp. Clayton’s Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai 1753 Familiar Letters of Abraham Hill, Efq; and his Friends 1767— Catalogue of Mr. Lyde Browne’s Statues, Bufloes and Bas- Relievos 1768 1450 Memorials of the Life and Writings of Tho. Hearne, with hie portr. 1736— Life of Bp. Atterbury, with his portr, 1732—— Memoirs of the noble Family of Talbot 1737 — Life of Sir Tho. fengeily, Lord Ch. Baron of the Exchequer 1733- Life of Lewis Maximilian Mahomet, Servant to K. Geo. I. 1727 — Trial of Will. Whifton for defaming the Trinity 1740 1451 Life of Col. Chartres 1730- Life of Sir Rob. Cochran, prime Mini her to K. Ja. III. of Scotland 1734 Life of Mr. Jo. Dennis, the renowned Critic, not written by Mr. Curll 1734 — Whifton’s Life of Dr. Clarke 1730 — Blomberg’s Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Edm. Dickenfon 1739 1452 Sykes’s Life and Death of Sir Henr. Vane, with his portr . 4to. 1662— —The Life and Intrigues of the late celebrated Mrs. Mary Parrimore, the tail Milliner of Change-Alley 1729 A Min our of Chafity , adft a Miracle of Virtue , a Narrative of the Life g f Alice, Dutchels Duddeley, by Borman, 4to. 1669 — - The Life and Character of Mr. Th. Chubb 1747 — The Life and Intrigues of that celebrated Courtezan and Pofture-Miftrefs, Eiiz. Mann, conmwnly called the Royal Sovereign 1 7 24 The Velvet Co fee -Woman, the Life, Gallantries and Amours of [ 9 i ] of the late famous Mrs. Anne Rochford 1728 -*The Life and Character of the great Mr. Law and his Bro ber at Paris, with the Rife ?nd Fall of the Miflifippi *72f — The Loyal Martyr , the Life of Rich. Scroop, Archbp. of York 172 2 — Life of Mr. Hen. Wharton Memoirs of lohn Lord Haverfli^m, from 1640 to 1710, with his Speeches — Life of Capt. Jo. Avery, the famous Englifh Pyrate, now in pojfeffon of Madagascar 1709 — Chaiadter of Archbp Grindal 1710 H 53 an d DearJi of Rob. Earl of Salifbury, Lord Treafurer of England, h. /. wish Poems on his Death , the Order of his Funeral at Hatfield, and his portr. in wood 1612, 4-to. — Bp. Sprat’s laft Will andTeiiament 1 7 t 5 — Life of Lord Ch. Baron Pengeily 1733 — The Life and Actions of Ja. Dalton, the noted Street Bobber, who afjaulted Dr. Mead 1730 — The Life of Mary Carleton The laft Will of the Duchefs Dowager of Marlborough 1744 — Life of Gilbert Langley 1740 Life of Jof. Powis, executed for Burglary 1732 ^ V 1454 Laft Will of Bp. Burnet 1714 Ditto of John Partridge 1715 — Ditto of Dr. Burnet, Mafter of the Charter Houfe 1716 Ditto of Dr. Geo. Hickes 1716 Life of Dr. Dan. Williams 1718 Memoirs of Mr. Addifon — Ditto of Mr. Prior 1 722 — Ditto of Lewis Max. Mahomet 1727— Ditto of the Czar and Czarina .72 7, and other Trails — - — — Lives of illuftrious Perfons who died in 17 1 1 1455 1456 >457 1453 >559 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 *465 I466 Remarkable Paftages in the Life ot a private Gentleman \t\z r Haywood’s Life and Adventures of Duncan Campbell, the Deaf/ and Dumb Fortune-Teller, with his portr. by Vander Gucht 1-20) The Friendly Daemon, a Narrative of a miraculous Cure performed ( upon Dr. Duncan Campbell — . 1726) Memoirs of Duncan Campbell, written by himfelf, with his portr. by) Price — — — — 1 732/ Life and DiftreiTes of Simon Mafon, Apothecary ( The Lives of remarkable Criminals _ /~(c> /— J 73 2 i Okeley’s Eben-eour, a final l Monument of great Mercy t in the miracu- lous Ddiverar.ee of himfelf and others from Slavery in Algiers 1 675 — — Martineri’s Voyage into the Non hem Countries 1 674 Hill. of the Severambi- Adventures of Lewis Marott, in his Slavery under the Turks — Baker’s Arrthmeticke, b. /. impr. by Purfoote, no title A fhort Chronicle from Brute, b. 1 . imperf. - Reynell’s true Englilh Intereft, an Account of National Improve- ments Ifn-The Reproof e of Martin junior, to his elder Brother, no title — no title Directions for Brewing The Devil of a Whig ; or, Zarazian Subtiity detected. 700 — Sydenham Proce/Tus Lond. 1692 Academia ; or, the Humours of the Univerfity of Oxford, in Burlefque Verfe, by Mrs. Danvers, of Northampton, Daughter of Sam. Clark, Sup . Beadle at Law , Oxford 1 7 1 6 Po Vs Efiay onCriticifm 1713 Lilly’s Hift. of his Life and Times Evelyn’s Gardener’s Almanac 1683 « Hobbes Hift. Eccle- fialt. 168S The Lives of St. Bafil the Great, Archbo of n * N e ;. - /_£ _ / - /_ ,H 6 7 14,68 t 9 Z 3 . NeocaTarea, and of St. Chryfoftom, Archbp. of Conftantinople / — ( 1681 Year wood’s Penitent Murderer , the Life and Death of Nath. Butler 1 65 7 — The Burden of a loaded Confcience 1608 Dean Martin’s Letters, and Characters of Englijh ’Travellers , in the Time of the late Troubles 1662 — Animadverfions on Burnet’s Travels 1 688, and other Trails 14.69 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Ven. I 595,- Vita Chifii fecuvdum Bonaventuram Liber aureus Parif. ap. Levet. 14.97 Opufculum Aureum Anime Peccairicis ib. — D. Bereneolii Abbatis Opufcula C°l. '>55 2 . - * 47 ° Apologia Joannis Veteris contra Calumnias Theod. Bezae TJnd. 1564 • -De Filere Difcours centre les Citations du Grec. Sc Latin des Plaidoyes de ce Temps Par. 1610 Phil. Decii Dodloris ex- celleniilT. Confilium fine loco aut anno /I471 Lingard’s Advice to a Young Gentleman leaving the Univerfity 1673— Bp. Compton’s Epifcopalia 1686, with his portr. Jenkes’s Chriftian Tutor 1683 I472 Lelandi Cygnea Cantio, cum Comment. Lond.1658 — Schoockius de Nihilo, &-c. Cron. 1661 — » Maieri Tradatus de Volucri Arborea Franc. 1 6 1 g ^ 1473 A t\-ue Declaration of the troublefome Voyadge of Mai filer John Haukins ^ to the Parties of, Guynea and the Weft Ind’es in 3567 and 1568, b. 1 . impr . by Tho. Purfoote 1569 A true Relation of the firange finding out of Moles his Tombe 1657 2 ^.^, 1474 Cowley’s Propofition for the Advancement of Experimental Phi- lofophy 1661 — The Standard in Equalitie in Taxes and Pay- ments, a ftrong preferver of Public Liberty 1647 Hubert, alias Forges, his Catalogue of many Natural Rarities 1 66 5 y /_ / I475 A Dialogue betweene a Knyght and a Clerke , concernynge the Power Spiritual and Temporal l, b 1 . impr . by Berthelet, no date A Treotife provynge by the Kynges Lawes, that the Byjhops of Rome had never ryght to any Supremitie within this Realme , b. 1 . impr. by Berthelet 1538 — The Lyberties of the Cleargy , compyled by Johan Goodale, b. 1. impr. by me Robert Wyer — The Order of Thefche- ker, b. 1 . impr. by Powell 1 552- — The Offices of Shiriffes, Bay- liffes, Efcheators, Conftables and Coroners, b. 1 . impr. by Allde 1573 — A d'Jclofing of the great Bull and certain Calves that he hath gotten, but fpecially the Monfter Bull that roared at my Lord Bysfhops Gate, b. 1 . i?npr . by John Daye, no date The Decree for Tithes to. be payed in London, b. 1 . impr. by Eaft 1580 3476 The A. B- C. or Jnftitution of a Chriilian, in Engli/h and Irifh 1631 — Rich. Rowlands, his Pofi of the World , wherein is con- tayned the Antiquities and Original! of the moft famous Cities in Europe, b. 1 . dcd. tp Syr Tho. Greafham, impr. by Eaft 1576 — Modern Policies, taken from Machiavel, Borgia, See. by Archbp. S ncroft 1637 I The laborycufe feurney and Sercbe of Johan Leylande,_/cr Englandes | Antiquities « geven of hym as a newe Teares Gyfte to Kyng Henry I ‘the V Tilth, in the 'I'jth Teare of his Reygne with Declaracyons, en - 5 larged by Johap Bale, b. 1 . dcd • to K. Edw. VI. emprented at J London by Johan Bale - ■■ 1549 Bale’s >477 < 1473 •479 r 93 3 Bale’s brefe Chronicle of Syr Johan OWecallelle, b . /. no title A Declaration of Edmonde Bonner’s Articles concerning the Cleargye of London Dyocefe, b. 1 . vorytten from Bakle in Hel- vetia 1 554 The Apology of Johan Bale agaynfie a ranke Papyfe , b. 1 . ded. to K.Eow. VI. impr. by Jo. D aye 1550 An Expofiulation or Complaynte agaynfe the Blafphemyes of a Fran - tike Papyfle of Hamfhyre, compiled by Johan Bale, b. 1 . ded. to Johan, Duke of Northumberland e, Lo. greate Maiftre of the Houlholde, and Lo. Prefydent of the Prevye Counfell, impr . by Jo. Daye, no date ^ A Treat ije of Morall Phylojophye , contaynyng the Sayinges of the Wyfe , gathered by Will. Bauldcwin, b. 1 . ded. to Edw. Beau- champe, Earle of Hartford e, impr. by Edw. Whitchurche, no date The Garden of Wyfdome , dravoen for the good of Auflkours, by Rich. Taverner, b. 1 . impr. by Wyll. Coplande, no date ” Bellum Grammatical , a Difcourfe of gret War and Diflention be- tween two worthy Princes, the Noune and Verbe, contending for the chiefe Place or Dignitie in Oration, very pleafant and profitable , turned into Englijh by Will. Hayward, b. 1 . impr. by Bynneman 1576 Hifioriola y a litle Storye of the Adles and Life of Mathew, now Archbislhoppe of Canterb. b. 1 . no title <( A Copie of a Letter concernyng Dr. Story, executed at Tyborne 1 57 1, b. 1 . A Declaration of the Lyfe and Death of John Story, a Romijh Ca- nonical/ DoSior t b. 1 . itnpr. by Tho. Colwell 1 571 Circes of Jo. Baptifla Gello Florentine , tranfiated by Hen. Iden, b. I . impr . by Jo. Cawood, at the Signe of the Holy Ghofi 1 5 57* and other rare Tradis — Maifier Will. Fletwod, Efquiery Recorder of London his Oration at /£* Guildhall 15 Odt. 1571, b. 1 . A Declaration touching the Scottifhe Queene and the Duke o/'Nor- folke, b. 1. 1571, no title A pit hie and mofi earnefi Exhortationy concerning the Efiate of ChriJU- andomey by a Germaine Gentleman printed at Antw. 1583 A Summe of the Guifian Ambaffage to the Bifhop of Rome, USo < b. 1 . 1579 57 1 * impr . _/2_ Copie of a Letter concernyng Dr. Story, executed at Tyborne b . 1 . A Bull graunted by the Pope to Dr. Harding, and others , b. 1 . by Jo. Dayc 1567 A difclofing of the great Bull and certain Calves that he hath gotten , and fpecially the Monfier Bull that roared at try Lord Byjbop’s Gate t b. 1 . — " ■ ■ — impr. by Jo. Daye, no date A Difcourfe touching the pretended Match betvoeen the Duke of Nor- folke and the Queene of Scottes To the Queenes Majefiies poore deceived Subjedles of the Nor the Con- treyey draiven into Rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Weftmorland, b. /. impr. by Bynneman 1569 A Warning agaynfie -4*7 1488 >4 8 9 , 49° 1491 1492 >495 t 95 1 Gsllonius de SS. Martyrum Cruciatibus, cum figuris Ant. Tempefb# Paris 16^9 Alfonfo Villegas his Lives of Saints, with fundrie others from Ri- badeneira, Surius, & c. with the Lives of S. Patrick, S. Brigid and S. C'olumba, Patrons of Ireland, cuts printed by Confturier 1636 Four Appendixes to the four Volumes of the Lives of Saints 1732 The Lyfe of Saynte Jerome, b. 1. enpr. by Caxton, no date (not in Ames) _ . — — , — -- Didaci a Loya Hiftoriae Narratio Tranflationis Corporis Auguftinil Pico (Ranuc.) Vi te de Principi Santi, 2 tom. Panorm. 1701/ m 1. in cor. turc*\ Parm. 1622 — 23 i AElnothus Monachus Cantuar. de Vita IA Pajjione S. Canuti, Regis Daniae. Item, Anonym, de Paffione S. Car. Comitis Flandrise, ejas F. Jo. Meuriii — * ■■■ Hafn. 1631 Leg end a de incliti & glorioji Ptotomcirtyris Anglie Albani, quern in Ger- mania & Gallia Albinum vocant, Converjione, Pajjione , Tranjlatione & Miraculorum Chorufcatione , Colon. 1502 — — This very f caret' T y-aSi is ded. to K. Hen. VII. by the Abbot and Convent of Pantaleon, at Cologn, ajferting that the Body of St. Alban is with them, tho 9 the Thighs , Legs and Feet fill remain in the Monafiery of St. Alban in England „ - — - — The Lyf of Saynt Urfula after the Chronycles of Euglonde, tranfated into Englyjh Meeter by Edm. Platfield, Monke of Rochefter, ded. to the moft illufrious Ladye Margaret, Mother of K. Hen. VII. b. 1 . impr . by Wynkyn de Worde, no date (in morocco) . — ~ ■ ■ . . — The holy Lyfe and Hifory of Saynt Werburge, by Henri Bradfha, Monke of Chefter (in Verfe) b. 1 . impr . by Rycharde Pynfon 1521, very fcarce , Some Englijb Hift . therein 9 efpecially relating to Chefter, Hambury and Ely. j. V/. — __ — Vita & Proceffus San&i Thome Cantuarienfis Martyris fuper Liber - fate Ecclefiajiica Parif. per Magifr , Jo. Philippum I495 Epittolae & Vita Divi Thomae Martyris Sc Archi-Epifcopi Cantuari- enfis, 2 tom. — — Brux. 1 68 z Idem, 2 tom. ■ . - ib. 1682 1499 Idem, 2 tom. " ■■■■ — » ib, 1682 1500 MafFaeus’s Holy Hatred of the Worlde , conteyning the Lives of 1 7 Holy Confeftbrs, by H. H. Paris 1632 1501 Vita del gran Patriarca ed Apofolo deW Ibernia S. Patricio, Bolog. 1660 The Life of the Holy Mother S. Terefa, with her Foundations 167 1 >494 >495 1496 >497 >49* 1502 I 5°3 1504 1505 1506 , 5°7 Vita e Miracoli di S. Antonio di Lisboa, detto di Padoua, da Helia da Cortona, con fig. - Perirg. 167 a Angelico da Vicenza, Vita di Sant Antonio di Padoua BaJJ'. 17481 f Stella’s Life of Saint Philip Neri, 45 plates, fine itnprejficns I s Miracolo infigne operato in Roma per lntercejfiiont di S. Filippo Neri, 1 L . 1644 1 AblionesiA Monimenta Martyrum Genev./*^. Crifpinum 1560 Hijlona de la Perfecucion de Inglaterra, y di los Martirios mas infignes que en alia ha avidv , defde el Anno 1570, par Fra. Diego de Yepes, Madr. 1 599 1508 The _ /- b — / 3 — - 1 - 3- b ~/L-~ - Ar~& — /- 6 2. - H 2 _ CL- £> - 1 7— _ /— /-A- AZ- — /c- G —f- — fG /-'b - 8 - -n- -3-4 A 4 - /-/— ~ 7 - —>?'~ / t 96 ] Ijo8 The Life and Death of Mr. Edmund Geningcs, Prief, crowned with Martyrdom at London 1591 , cuts - . - 1614 1509 Certamen Seraphicum Provincial Angliae pro fan cl a Dei Ecclefa Angeli a Francifco, Duac. 1649, with the Portraits of the Englifh Recol- lects Buliaker, Heath, Bell, Woodcock, Colman 1510 Godwin’s Lives of the Bifhops of England, b. 1. 1615 1511 Vita & Res Geftai beatiffimi GuI. Wicami, quondam Vintonienfi* Epifc. &c. Oxon. 1690. A f mall Number only privately printed by Dr. Nicholas, Warden of New College, J. W. 1512 Buddeni Waynfleti Winton. Praefulis Vita — Oxon. 1602 15 j 3 Humfredi Vita Jo. Juelli Epifc. Salisbur. Bond . ap.Jo . Dayum 1573 1514 Barwick’s Life of Tho. Morton, Bp. of Durefme, with his Portr. 1660 1515 Verheiden’s Lives of the Reformers, in Dutch, with their Portrait s, 5 q plates — Gravenh.i6o3 1516 Jortin’s Life of Erafmus, 2 vol. — 1738 — 60 i 1517 Cheynell’s Sicknefle, Herefy, Death and Burial of Will. Chilling- worth 1 — - *644 518 Boreman’s Life of Alice, Duchefs Duddeley — 1669 13 1 9 Life of Mrs. Margaret Baxter — - 1681 520 Liber Feilivalis, in Englifh, b. 1 . Parif. apud Nic. Comiten 1495 521 Another Edit. Englifh * b. 1 . i?npr. by Wynkyn de Worde 1496 Another Edit. Englifh , b. 1 . impr. by Rich. Pynfon 1499 The Author of the Englifn Feftivals, and the time when written are un- known — the fir ft printed Edition was made by Caxton in June 1522 *483 — Among the MSS. of Tho. Ward cf Longbridge in War- wickfh. Efq; was a Copy bearing this Title , Plymp ton’s Englifh Feftial. J. W. Quatuor Sermones, Englifh , b. 1 . by Pynfon 1499 1323 Expofitio Hymnorum, &c. fecundum Ufum Sarum, b. 1 . Lond. ap, Wynand, de Worde 1 5 1 7 1524 Mifjale ad Ufum Romane Curie , fig. Paris ap. Demarnet, no date 1325 Horebeatiffime Virginis Marie, ad legitimum Saris burier.fis Ecclefie Ri- tum, cum 13 Orationibus beate Brigitte , Sec. Lond. per Rych. Pyn- fon 1522 f Ritus Ecclefiaftici, juxta Ufum Ecclef Sarisbur. Duac. 1604 1326 < Miflale Parvum pro Sacerdotibus in Aaglia, Scotia, fff Ibernia itine- £. r antibus — — — — — 1626 1327 S. Theophyla&i Inflitutio Regia Gr. 8c Lat. Poflini, in cor. turc . Paris e Typograpbia Regia 1631 — Rom. 1481 ^1487 'c'-G *S 2 9 ^ he Rofary of cure Sa-vyour Jefu, b. 1 . itnpr. by Pynfon, no date ^ I330 The Rule of Saynt Auguflyne, both in Latyin and Englysfbe, with two Expoficyons , of the holye Saynt Hugh, and of the Wretche of Syon Ry- charde Whytforde, b. 1 . impr. by Wynkyn de Worde 1523 /zf- 6 I 53 I The Meditacyons of Saynt Bernarde, b. 1 . euprynted at Weftminfter by ' Wynkyn Worde 1496 Rycharde Rolle Hermyte of Hampull his Contemplacyons of the Drede and Love of God, b. 1. enpr. by W. de W. 1506 A lytell Treatife whiche is called the I 2 Profytes of Trybulacyon, b. 1 . enpr. at WdlminBer in Carton’s Pious, by m.s Wynkyn de Worde, 7io date The -/ 6 - -Z4> _ Q — S528 Orationes Pont if cite -< 9 - C 97 3 j i he Docirynalic of T)cthe , b. 1 . enpr. at Weftmynrter in CaxtotPa I332 <( Hous, by meW. de W. no date Alytell Treaty fe called Ars Moriendi, that is to faye the Crafte for to deye for the Helthe of Mannes Soule , b. 1 . by W. dc W. no date The dyenge Creature , b. 1 . ■ ■ by W. dc W. 1507 The Boke of Comforte agaynfie all Tribulacyons , b. 1 . enpr. by W, de W. no date . — *533 ^p ecu ^ um Chrifiani , b. 1 . Ife Libellus imprejfus eft in opulent ijjima Civi- tdte Londonia per me Willelmum de Machlinia, ad Inftanciam nec non Expenfas Henrici Drakenbergh, Mercatoris, f. A. fed circa 1480, fne copy > 53 + < Gcr(on's(Jo.) goodly! treaty fe of the Imytacyon and folo'wynge f/'Crifte, tranfiated by Mayfter Wyllyam Atkynfon, D. D. at the fpecyall Re^uefte and Commaundement of the Pryncejfe Margarete, Moder to K. Hen. VII. and Counteffe of Rychemount and Derby, 3 Books , b. 1 . — empr. by Rycharde Pynfon 1503 The fort he Boke of the folowynge Jefu Crylt, b. 1. by Pynfon 1 504, fine copy Some Account of Pynfon, MS. ■ — " “ ’ Cordiale de quatuor NonjiJJimis A/f- *535 Antw. per Matt. Goes 1483 Gerfon de Imitatione Chrifii iff de Contempt u Mundi impr . by me Jo. ] de Wedfalia, f. A. *n (_ B. Auguftini Liber de Vita ChriJUanay — f. A. a. L. — / ~ ~ 1556 The Contemplacyon of Synners , compyled at the Requefie of Rycharde, horde Bysjhop of Du reham and horde Pryvefeall of Englonde, b. 1. / /Z - empr. by Wynken de Worde 1499, fine copy _ — /■“ 1337 Alkok (Jo. Bp. of Elye) his Mens Perfections, b. 1 , empr. by Rych. Pynfon 1499 Here begynneth a Matere fpekynge of a Place that is named the Abbaye of the Holy Ghoft, that Jhall be founded , or grounded in a clene Confcyencc , in which Abbaye Jhall dwelle 29 Ladyes Ghoftly (Bp. Alkok fuppoj'ed to be the Author ), b. i. enpr. at Wettmeftre by Wynken de Worde, no date - “ - — 1538 Libellus de Modo conJuendilA penitendiy Antw. per me Ger. Leeu i486 1339 Laguillon damour divine, fait par le DoSieur feraphic Saint Bonaventure, tranjlaie par Jchan Gerfon, Paris, no date, printed upon Vellumy the Capitals illuminated - — — 1540 The Myrrour of the Ckyrche made by Saynt AuByn of Abyndon, conteyn - ynge many gooftly Medytacyons and InJlruccyonSy b. 1 . empr. at London in Southewarke by Peter Treveris, no date - — 1 341 A lytellTreatyfe called the Lucydarye, b. 1 . impr. by Wynkyn de Worde, 1542 Walter Hylton, his Scala Perfe&ionis, the Ladder of P erf eccy on , b. 1 . impr. by me Julyan Notary 1507 *1542 Another Edition, b. 1 . impr. by Wynkyn de Worde 13 33 1343 A necejfarye Doctrine and Erudition for any Chrificn Man (written and) Jet furtbe by the Kynges Majeitie of Englande, &c. (Hen v VIII.) b. 1 . impr. by Tho. Barthelet, Printer to the Kynges hyghes I344 The Oledyencs of a Q hr if i an Man, ly Wyllyam r I yndalc, other. O %»yj'e Z- / _/a- _ 545 1546 >547 1548 >549 1550 *55 > 1552 >553 >554 1555 I560 I 56 j ; 1562 S > 5 fi 3 [ 98 3 wyfe Hychyns, b. 1 . without date. Printer's Name or Mark, elegant copy Another Copy, of the fame Edit, the frft 20 leaves are wanting The Parable of the wycked Mammon , by W. Tyndale, othernvyje Hy- chyns, b. 1 . impr. by Wyllyam Hill 1548 , fine copy The InftrudHon of a Chrifien Woman , madefirfe by the right famous Clerke Mayfler Lewes Vives, and tourned cute of Latyne by Rychard« Hyrde, b . /. impr . by Henry Wykes 1557 The Primer in Eng. and Latine, fet out along after the Ufe of Sarum, b.L impr . by Jhon Kyngfton and Hen. Sutton, 1557, a fine copy , in moroc. The Epifiles and Gofpelles , with a briefe P of ill upon the fame, and the Prefaces c/'Rich. Taverner, 3 parts in 1. b. 1 . impr . by Ry chard Bankes, no date \jb$\\ [Exxzj) Pfalmodia. — ■ Witeb.1569 Chrifian Prayers, commonly called Elizabeth’s Prayer Bobk, b. 1 . with cuts , impr • by Rich. Yard ley and Peter Short 1590, »# title The Booke of Common Prayer, with the Pfalmes and Tunes, b, l. impr . by Chr. Barker 1585, elegant copy, in the old binding The Book of Common Prayer 1702, interleaved and filled through- out with MS. Notes, by the learned and laborious Bp. Kennett, with two MS. Letters , the one from Florence, figned Hen. Newton, July 1707, touching the Approbation of the Patriarch of Conftantinoplc and his Suffragans of the Englifh Liturgy, from Duport’s Greek Tranflation, which they had feen , — the other from Vale Royal, June 1 70 7, figned Fr. Cholmondeiey, tefiifying the Zeal of Gxotius for the Dodirine and Difcipline of the Church of England Hifi. C alumni e Nov arc alis - Antw. per me Ger. Leeui496 Henrici Qdiavi Regis Affertio feptem Sacr ament orum adverfus Mart* Lutherum ad Leonem 1 o. pont. max. Londoni in adibus Pynfonia - nis 1521 Roffei (Guil.) Opus elegans contra Lutherum — — Lond. 1523 Bullinger (Hen.) de Scriptures Sandies Author it ate, lAc. deq. Epifco - por* Infiitutione ad Heinrychum 8. Regem Tig. apud Frofchoverum *538 The Lives of the Reformers from Wiclef to Luther incluf. in Germ . with many portraits and other cuts * 1 7 1 7 / njun diions gyven by the Bysjhop of Salyfbury, Nycolas Shaxton, throughout his Dioces , 1538, b.L impr. by Johan Byddell at London^ aud are to fell at the Clofeyate in Salyfbury { Stephani (Gardiner) Winton. Epifc. de vera Obedientia Lend. apud Berthelet 1535 Sampfonis (Rich.) Oratio - — ■■ ib. ib. De Paftorum Ecclefiafticorum Poteftate — f. A. a. L. Stephani Winton. Epifc. contra Bucerum Lovan. 1554 The forme and maner of makyng and confecratyng of Archebisfhoppes, Bisfhoppes, Prieiles and Deacons, 1 ft edit, by K. Edw. VI. b. 1 . impr . by Grafton 1549 Barnardlne -Ochine, his Tragoedie or Dialcges of the unjuft e ufurped Primacie of the Bifpop of Rome, and of all the juft abolijhing of the fame, tranflated oute of Latine by Mailer John Penet, D. D. never printed [ 99 J printed hefore in any Language , b, 1 . ded. to X. Ed\V. VI. impr. by GwalterLvnne 1 549, 'very fcarce 2564. Barthlet’s (John) Pedigrevue of Heretiques, b. 1 . ded . to Rob. Earle of Lecefter, impr. by Hen. Denham 15 66, fne copy, inmoroc . __ 1 565 Bale’s Pageant of Popes, contayninge theLyves of the Bijhops of Rome, from the Beginninge to 1555, englyjhed ‘with Additions by Jo. Studley, b. 1 . ded. to Tho. Earle of Suffex, impr. by Tho- Marlhe 1574 1566 Carlile’s (Chr.) Difcourfe of Peter’s Lyfe, Peregrination and Death , proving that Peter 'was never at Rome, b. I . ded. to Tho. Lords Wentworth impr. by Roger Ward 1582 Philip of Mornay, his Woorke concerning the frenvnejfe of the Chri fian Religion , againfl At heifls, Epicuree , Paynims, Sec. begun to be tranflated by Sir Ph. Sidney, and finijhed by Arthur Golding, b. 1 . ded. to Rob. Earle of Leycefter impr. by Geo. Robinfon 1587 Concertatio Eccleiise Catholicse in Anglia adverfus Calvino-Papiftas & Puritanos fub Eliz. Reg. Jo. Aquepontani Angli, Aug . Trev. 1589 Poll ini, VHf. Ecclefaf. della Rivoluzion d* Inghilterra Rom. 1 594 f Camdeni Aftio in Hear. Garnetum & coeteros Proditores Lond. apud Norton 1607 Blacuelli Quseftiones - — ib. 1609 (_Becani Supplicatio ad Tmperatorum, Reges, Sec. ib. 161 § - De Marfys, Hift. de la Perfecution des Catholiques en Angleterre, avec la mort glorieufe de plufieurs Preftres Anglois Parif 1646 Colin’s Apologie forfundrie Proceedings in Juriididtion Ecclefiaftical/ impr. by Chr. Barker 1583) 1573 Lever’s (Chr.) Hid. of the Defendors of the Cathoiique Faithl 1627I 'with the Religion of the ; 6 j 1568 • 5 6 9 * 57 ° J571 1572 I 1574 U flier’s Anfwer to a Jefuit’s Challenge, antient Iriih and Britilh — — *575 " 1576 >577 0. oj ins r 1631) ’'”■' 59 }) rr. 1670I r 57 8 >579 I58O 158; 1582 Philopatris (Andr.) Refponfload Edidlum Reginae Angliae Rom. Treatife of Religion and Government, Permijfu Super Wekett Regrti Anglian fub Imperio Eliz. Religio Se Gubern. Eccle- flaft. - - ■■■■ — =. Lond. 1729 Welchman Articuli Ecclefts Anglicanae, interleaved 'with MS. Notes — — »— . Oxon. in mo. / ’*• 1714I ^.1598] Abbot (Geo.) PfaslecHones . - ib. Conftitutions and Canons Ecclefiaftical — 1640* Ley’s Doubts and Reafons againfl; the Oath 1641, and other 1 7 racis . Form of Ordination . ■ — 1 7 1 71 Sparrow’s Articles, Sec. of the Ch. of England, interleaved 'with MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett — 1675 Atticles by the Archbp. and Cleargieof the Province of Canterbury in 1575, b.l. — impr. by Jugge - 'Overall’s (Bp.) Convocation Book, with the portraits and MS. Notts by Bp. Kennett - ..... .. 16^0 Hift. of the Convocation of Cancerb. 'with MSS. Notes by Bp. Kennett — . . ' l~C2 Everarde Digbie, his Difluaftve from taking away the Lyvings of the Church, impr. by Robert Robinfon, no date, ded. to the Lord Chancellor Hatton Carieton’s (Geo.) Examination of Tithes , 1606 0 * ‘5S3 i _ /— _ / — -/ - _ / — - 2 -£> V- - 5 — ■ 3 - -f- -9 1583 >5 8 4 1585 1586 C ] 5 Tithes too hot to he touched , by Sir Hen. Spelman l Comber of Tithes, with MS. Notes hy Bp. Kennett Edton’s Thefaurus Rerum Ecclefiafticarum • 1646 1685 1742 1496 Cathedrall -4-- *587 -Z- 1588 1589 J590 — /-b 1591 1592 6 - 1593 /_ >594 -£-1596 —3— 1597 —/-C /-/- l60O ^ ^-£163 1 1598 1599 Quatuor Sermones , Engiifh, b. 1. Finitum WeftmonaJlerio Fysfher (Johan, Bp. of Rocheiler) his Sermon in the Chyrche of Saynt Poule t the Bodye beyinge prefent of the mooft famoufe Prynce K. Hen. VII. enpr. at the fpeciall Requefte of the Prynceffe Margarete, Moder unto the fayd noble Prynce , by Wynkyn de Worde 1509 Tho. Bp. of Linctflne, his Sermons on the holfome and Catholyke Doctrine of the fejven Sacramentte, b. 1. impr. by Rob. Calyi558 Bp. Latimer’s Sermons, b. 1 . — impr. by J. Dayei5/5 Another Copy, b.l. — — — - impr. by Val. Sims 1^96 The Boke of Homilies, b.l. impr. by Rich. Juggc and Jo. Ca- wood 1563 Bernard Gilpin’s Sermon before K. Edw. VI. at Greenwitch 1 q <52, repr.1630 Jo. Foxe’s Sermon on Goodfryday, preached at Paules Crofs, b . /. impr. by Jo. Daye 1570 Poflellus (Gul.) de Nat imitate Mediatoris ultima f L. a. A . Pr&monit 'tones Chrifti & Apoftolorum de abolendo mero Chrifto per Antichriftum, Sec. per Minftros in Sarmatia & Tranfylvania edit us 1 5 6 7 Idem, cum aliis Tradlatibus contra Triniiatis Dodlrinam, See. Geo. Plandratae & Fr. Davidis 1568, in cor . turc. C Burnet de Statu Mortuor. & Refurgentium — - Lond.iy 23 ( — de Fide & Officiis Chriftianor. — - ib. 1722 Chubb’s Tradts — — 1730 Swedenborg vera Chriftiana Religio Amft. 1 77 1 Six rare Tradls on the Adamites, Brownifts and Familie of Love, with the obfeene front f pieces — 1 64 1 Feake’s Fifth Monarchy ; or. Kingdom of Chrift, in Oppofition to the Beafts 165 9, and other Tradls Muggle ton’s Adis of the Witnejfes of the Spirit , with his portr. 1699 Ninth Day’s Sale, Wednefday , April 7, 1773. f- OCTAVO fc? Infra. Livres Francois, &c. 3 — Lot A 5c 2 (16:3 5* i\ Rliquiniana Avantures Galantes de Mr. Le Noble Tableau de l’Amour dans l’Etat du Manage { Tableau de l \ er.us dan s le Cloitre, cu la Religieufe en Chemife Par. 1694 Amft. 1710 Par me 1689 Col. 1683 1604 Arne- - [ 101 J 1604 Amelot de la Houflaic, Mem. Hiftoriques, Literal res, 3 tom. 1605 Bellegarde, Opufcules de, 4 tom 1606 1607 S Bouhours, Penfees Ingenieufes Bruillard, Bibliotbeque des Auteurs Politiques, Critiques & — AmjL 1742 — Par. 1 692 | and 2 more } 1608 1609 Haye 1702, Baliverneries , ou Contes Nouveaux d’Eutrapel, autrement dit Leon Ladulfi Paris, chez Groulleau 1548— Propoz. ruiliques facecieux, par le meme ib . — Le Philofopr e de Court, par Philbert de Vienne ib.—Le s Rithmes & Poefies de gentile & vertueufe Dame, Pernette de Guillet Paris, cbez Marnef \ 547 — ■ Callieres, la Science du Monde Par. 1717 la Maniere de Negocier avec les Souverains, 2 tom. Land. 1750 Cantemir (le Prince) Satires de, avec fa Vie, ib \ * 749 > and more 1610 1611 Paris 1714/ Lond. I737I Utrec. 17 51 Trev.ijiz 1612 Deflandes, Reflexions fur les Grands Hommes, qui font Morts en plaifantant Rochef. *714, and 2 more : , — ^ Fontaine (la) Fables Choifles Par* 1743 5 Dacier, de la Corruption du Gout D’Argens (Marq.) la Philophie du Bon-Sens i Dittionnaire des Pioverbes Divertiflemens de Seaux - ■■ ■■ 1613 1614 J Fenelon, Reflexions fur la Rhetor. Sc la Poetique Amfi. 1717 Fontenelle, Poefies Paflorales Par. 1715 - /- -/a- 4 . /- 6 > _ /_ - /_ -2- Gerbier (leChev.) hsEffetts pernicieux de Mefcbants Favor is Hayei653, avec le portrait de V Auteur — ■* — — 1615 Hift. Critique de Journaux 5 Huet, de l’Origine des Romans » - ■ Par. 17 11 \ Huetiana 1 1 7 . Huetiana ■ ■ ■ — A7nfi. 1723 1617 Hifi% de la Vie de Tiel Wlefpiegle, fes faitesyfes fineffeSy 8c c. ib. 1 702 1618 LivrealaMode — — en Europe — 1619 1620 1621 Lettres du Card. Bentivoglio, Ital. & Fr. • Galantes & Philofophique de Madame De Villars ■ de laMarq. de Sevigne, 6 tom. - — C Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par le C. i Les Mceurs J622 Marivaux, le Payfan Parvenu, 2 tom 1623 Le Moyen de Parvenir , 2 tom. en 1. 1624 Oeuvres de Theophile, 2 tom. 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 * 6 33 'Racine, 2 tom. la Bruyere, 4 tom. Defmarais G reflet, 2 tom. C Oraifons Funebres de Flechier L de Louis le Grand, 2 tom. ■ (Recueil des) 4 tom. Poefies de Mad. & de Maaemoif. Deflioulieres, 2 tom. Regnier, 2 tom. Rainier, 2 tom. with a MS. Letter of the Grub-Street Francoifg . -■ ■ - 4 - - / — -3-6 / _ -tU Z'f‘ -J- - /-~4 ~-V 7 \U .. 2-4 Lyon. 1730 C0/.1721 Amjl. 1 760 Leide 1739 de Hamilton. Haye 1737 Lond. 175 [ Par. 1748 Lyon. 16 it Amfi. 1722 Lyon. 1747 Par. 1713 Lond. I750 Par. 17 iS / I716J Lille 1704) Brux.l 747 Haye 1 7 16 Author a la no date — Poefies £ — / ^ s\ [ J 02 3 a c f Foefies de Coquillart . — 634 < Parnafle Francois . .. — — — — . £ Pilpay, Confeils & Maximes de — Rochefoucault (le Due de) Penfees, Maximes, &c. Rome, Paris & Madrid ridicules — . - /. k | 635 1636 1637 Voltaire, le Micromegas, Land, and 8 more 1638 Jac. Lydii Vrolicke Uren der Doodts, met kopere platen, Derdr. 1661, and 2 more, Dutch Secretaire (Nouv.) de la Cour, Par. 1756, and 3 more Valefiana — — ■ Par. 1723 Uaye 1737 Brux. 1709 Par. 1741 u . 17.3 Par. 1695 % U A R T O. Englifli Poetry, Romances, Mifcellanies ; many ef which are \ ' exceeding rare. _ 4 ._ >639 2 1640 /-

1650 A A l6 5 > ^-6 1652 ! The admirable Adventures of Clodoaldus and his three Children, a Saxon Hijlorie — ■ — — — • 1634 L’lile’s (Will.) antient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue, written 700 Tears agoe 1638 The great Afiizes holden in ParnafTus, by Apollo and his AlTeflours 1645 Barnes or Berners (Juliana) her Poke of haukyng, huntynge and fysjhyng , b. 1 . impr. by Wyliiam Powell, no date , fine copy " ( Barclay (Alex. Prielt) his Egloges , tranflated from the Miferie Curi- alium of Eneas Sylvius, b. 1 . impr . by Humfrey Powell, no date The Beginning and Endynge of all Popery and Popijhe Kyngedome , Jet forthe oute of bye Almayne , by Gwalter Lynne, b. 1 . ded. io K. Edw. VI. impr. by John Herforde, no date, fine copy Borde (Andrew, of Phyfycke Dodor ) his Boke of the IntroduSIion of Knowledge, the whyche dothe teache a Man to fpeake Parte of all Maner of Languages, and to know the XJfage and Eajhion of all Maner of Coun treys, and for to know all Maner f Coynes of Money, Sec. b. 1 . ded. to the Lady Marye, Doughter of our Soverayne Lorde K. Hen. the Eyght, impr. by me Will. Copland, no date — About one half of this ftrange conceited Book is in Verfe, the other in Profe Du Bartas’s Works, by Sylvefter 1 6 1 1 Bacon’s (Lord) Letters and Remains, by Stephens, 2 vol. 1702-34 Buck’s (Geo.) great Plantagenct, a Poem 1635 The younger Brother his Apologie — Oxf. 1634 Bulwer’s (Jo ) Artificial Changling, with his Portr. and the Frontif- piece — — 1653U Ballard’s Memoirs of feveral Ladies of Great Britain, celebrated for their Writings, or Skill in Languages and Sciences Oxf. 1752 Another Copy * — - — » ib. 1752 Ditto, in Jheets , ( much foiled) CJavell (Jo. Gent.) his Recantation of an ill led Lfe\ or, a Difcoverie of the High-way Law ( approved by the King's mofi excellent Majefiie , and publijhed by his exprejfs Command) with his portr. by Vaughan, 1628, repr. 1634 1653 Cervantes’s 1653 16 5 4 1655 1656 i 6 S7 2 ~/ 4 - S'-r- r— *,65 8 16 59 1660 1661 1662 t i°3 ] Cervantes's Hift. of Don Quichote, by Tho. Skelton The Caftell of Laboure, ‘wherein is Rychefle, Vertue and Honoure (in Verfe) b, 1 . imprinted by Pynfon, no date y fine copy — . ■- Chettle’s (Henrie) Kind-Harts Dreame y conteining five Apparitions , with their Invediives againfi Abufes resigning ( the Apparitions are tbofe of Mailer Anthony, Tarlton, Will. Cuckowe, Dr. Burcot and Rob. Greene) b. 1 . impr. for Will. Wright, no date «... The Booke of the Ordre of Chyvalry or Knyghthode, tranflated oute of Frensjhe in to Englysjhe at a Requefie of a gentyl and noble Efquyer y by William Caxton, ded \ to K. Rich. HI, no date> a fine copy y in The Booke of the Cyte of Ladyes t b. 1 . impr. at London, in Pottles Chyrcheyarde y at the Sygne of the Trynyte , by Hen. Pepwell 1521 "Churchyard's (Tho.) Works, 3 vol. in 1 . b. 1 . very eiegant y viz. Churchyardes Chippes y co&tayninge, 12 fever al Laboours , ded . to Mayfter Chryftoph. Hatton Efquyer impr. by Tho. Marlhe 1578 Churchyard’s Challenge, printed, by John Wolfe 1 593 — This Boo kr^ I take to be much earlier than the Date in the Title — It appear* to be another Edition of hi % Chippes y in which feveral Poems in the former arc omitted, and others infer ted, viz.. The Earle o£— — Mutton's Tragedie; The Tragedie of Shore's Wife, &c. and fome Pieces in Profe, ded. to Sir Jo. Wolley, Secretary for the Latin Tung to Qu. Eliz. The Worthines of Wales, ded. to Qu. Eliz. impr. by G. Robin- fon, 1587 — - — This lafi is extremely rare and no lefs curious for the Account it gives of antient Cafiles and other Monuments , Rivers , Q - 13-1 Bridges y fine Towns and courteous Inhabitants of Wales, J. W. " Chaucer’s Troilus and Ciefeid, with a Latin Verfion, by Sir Fr. Kinaflon ■ Oxon. ap. Jo. Lichfield 1635 The Dialoges of Creatures moralyfed, tranflated out of Latyn into our Englyfhe Tonge, fyght profitable to the Governaunce of Man, and they be to fell upon Powlys Churche Yarde, b. 1 . with many wood cuts — — — — no Date Drayton’s (Mich.) Owle y 16m, ded. to Sir Walt. Aflon { Davies’s (jo. of Hereford) Wittes Pilgrimage 1 — — — Microcojmos <9 1663 Dekker’s (Tho.) Seven deadly Si tines' of London, b. 1 1664 1665 Lond. Oxf. 1603 Belman of London, b. 1. . l6os{ pkafant Hifiorie of Thomas of Reading; cr y the fixe vsorthie Yeomen of the Weil, b. 1 . 1632 1 666 — — — — — pleafant Hifiorie of John Winchcomb, in his younger Years , called Jack of Newberie, the famous Clothier of England, b. 1 . *655 1667 Donne's (Dr. Jo.) Letters, 'with his portr. by Lombart l 5 $l *668 Another Copy, with the portr. - 16^4 1669 D’Avenant’s (Sir Will.) Gondiberc 1651 1670 Dcfaguliers’s Conflitutions of the Free Mafons, 1723, and other Trails on IVlaionry — — — : = — __ _ . 1671 The Praife of Folie, a Booke made in Latyne by that great Clerks Erafmus Roterodame, englijked by Sir Tho. Chaloner, b. I. i 1672 Sundry Fragments of old Books, b. 1 . * — 1673 ! 549 Fulwell’s (Ulpian) Flower of Fame, containing the bright Renowns and mefi -jT- — £>-(, _ 3 -<£ - 5 -^ - 2 - -s — — Z- *51 4 — /-& i?75 -J--£ ,6 > 6 /~ 1686 % iS 87 1688 1689 1690 _ *691 The Hiftorie of Graunde Amour e and la bell Pucel, called the Pafime of Plefure, conteininge the Knowledge of the feven Sciences, and the Courje of Mans Life in this Worlde, invented by Stephen Hawes* Groome of K. Hen. VII. his Chamber , b 1 . impr. hy John Way- lande, auttorifed a Printer by tlx Queue's Highnes mofi gracious Let- ters Patentes 1 5 44 The Temple of Glas, by Stephen Hawes, b. 1 . impr. by Wynkyn d£ Worde, no date The Hyforye of Olyver of Caftylle, and of the fayre Helayne, Daugh- ter unto the Kynge of Englande, b. 1 . impr. by Wynkyn de Worde 18 The Hifiory of Kyng Boccus and Sydracke, how he confounded his lerned Men , and in the Syght of them drouke fronge venym , in the Name of the Trinite and dyd him no hurt . Alfo his Dyvynyte that he lerned of the Boke of Noe. Alfo his profyeye that he had by Reve- lacyon of the Aungell, &c. tranfiated by Hugo of Caumpeden, oute of Frenche, b. 1 . prynted at London by Tho. Godfray, at the cofie and charge of Dan. Rob. Saltwode, Monke of Saynt Aullens at Can tor bury Another Copy no title The Fall and evil l SucceJJe of Rebellion, written in olde Englijka Verfe , by Wilfride Holme, b. 1 . impr. by Hen, Binneman 1537 Hycke S corner , an Interlude, b. 1 . impr. by Johan Waley, no date Heywood’s (John) Parable of the Spider and the Flie, b. 1 . with his portrait Lond. impr. by Tho. Powell 1556, elegant copy John Hey wood e’s Woorkes, b. 1 . with his portr. impr . by Hen# Wyke? 1 666, elegant copy 1 69 a Hi- f 105 ] >92 Higins’s (John ) Mirrour for Magijlrates, b. 1 . impr. by Hen. Marfhc 1587, elegant copy — — >Q3 Another Copy, lajl edit . — impr. by Felix Kyngftcn 16 jo >94 Hypnerotomachia, the Strife of Love in a Dreame 1592 95 Husrte’s Examination of Mens Wits impr. by Adam Iflip 1616 ’ ( Heywood’s (Tho.) A&ors Vindication 9 \ A Refutation of the Apology for Aftors — i6i£ 97 Heywood’s (Tho.) nine worthy Women of the World, cuts; and tkd port* p/'Qu Henr. Maria 1640 98 Howard’s Collection of Letters from original Manufcripts *753 59 Harleian Mifcellany, 8 vol. — 1744—46 OO K. Ja. VI. of Scotland’s Poems (the Effayes of a PrentyJ'e in the Divine Art of Poefe) impr. cit Edinbrughj by Tho. Vaatroullief 1584 Another Cqpy — ib. 1584 The pleafdnt Concedes of Old Hobfon, the Merry Londoner, by Richard johnfon, b. 1 . ded. to Sir Will, Stone, the Queene’s Mer- cer . — -- - — 1607 The moof excellent Treatife of the thre Kynges of Coley ne, b. 1 . enpr. bi 3 3 54 Spueftions of profiable and pleafant ConcerningSy talked of by two oldt Seniors , under an Oake in Kenelworth Parke printed by Rich. Field 1594, dcd. to Rob. Earle of Eflex — ?5 More Knaves yet ! The Knaves of Spades and Diamonds, the Knave of Harts, to his Brother Knaves. The Knave of Clubs 161 1 Lloid’s (Lod.) Pilgrimage of Princes, b. 1 . ded . to Sir Chr. Hatton impr. by Jo. W'olfe 1686 Mercer’s England’s Looking* Glafle A Mifcellany, b 1 . imperf. I9 Lever’s Qu. Elizabeth’s Tears o Linche’s Fount aine of ancient Fittion by Wynkvn de Worde, no date, fine copy , in moroc. — . 646, 2 parts printed by Val. Syms 1607 pr. by Adam Iflip 1599 { Lilie’s Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit. b. 1 . > . Bca , e , fi { Euphues and his England, b. 1 . J 1 ' J 0 1 o. y Scriptures with Commentaries — Ecclcfiaft . Hift. Works of Modern Divines , 2 Biblia Septuaginta Interpretum Grabei, 4 tom. in 2. Oxen. 1707* royal papery ruled with red ti nes and bound in rufjia - J The Holly Bible, b. 1 . prynted in the Tere 1 5 20 This were a great curiofity f true ; but the fallacy is toe glaringy notwit hfi an ding the Attejlation in MS. to pafs for an Edition 1 5 Tears earlier than thf JtrJi printed Tranjlat ion in Englifhy S. P. “ - j. the moft facred Bible, recognized with great diligence by By chard j Taverner, b. 1 . prynted at London by John Bvddell for Thomas Barthlet 1539, dcd. to K. Hen. VIII. hound in rufjia This is the Xih Bible printed in Englifhy and in F olio the 3 d , — p 1715 The — //— — Z. ^ ~ i-G — <9 — - - s— /_/ 2 - _ //— 2-/5 — 3-F I | Wes /-/£- /- 3 - _V2— 6~—T— _ — — £ /-/ 4 - ~/ 4 - 2~*t^ z?r- — /^ /-&- [ 106 ] 1 71 5 The Byble in Englilhe, /. prynted by Rychard Grafton am/Edw. Whitchurche 1539 i 1716 The Byble in Englylhe, c/" /£ ferf.’:“ L T”' 6 }- 4 iViiniftrcs d. Charenton, « maroq . Paris> A 1 754 Spencer’s Storehoufe ofSimilie*. & r . m P nme ™ Royaledu Louvre 1642 1 755 Li3.fh s Mirrour for Saints and Sinner • ; / ~ " ?6cS 2 voJ. _ S ’ ™ th his ? artr - h Crois, 1756 Taylor’s Rule of Confciepce _ ‘ 1671 1757 Baxter’s Chriftian Directory „ 1660.. I75S Hooker’s Works, /. p, j^a 2 • r r * 1673 f to the Lord Treafurer BureMey ioTm 11 *' fi ‘ 0m the Aut]l or .759 Chillingworth’s Works, teftet’ 3 '' ‘ 592 " 1760 Mede’s (Jof.) Works Z h \a * . , “ I7 12 1761 Sanderfon’s Sermons' Zit^m ^oL E <^¥ rem ^*f*" l‘"n 1762 Barrow’s Works, 2 vok ^ Bf> ’ kc,inett 1681 1763 Tiilotfon’s Works, in turkey, 3 vol ~ >'co _ 1764 Fleetwood’s Work, J * 17-8 , l76 5 ?H 0 oper’ s Works,/,*. ~ " 1737 _ 1766 Clarke’s Works, 4 vol. I, p . i' nru ir, a Oy,Wi 7q7 / ~ 1738 2 s- - 4 - — / - I S> - — /— o — // — Tenth [ io 8 ] Tenth Day’s Sale, Thurfday, Aprils, 1773 * OCTAVO (A Infra. / / w 7 Lot S l 7 6 7 \i768 769 770 7i fi/7 2 '*77 3 1*774 775 776 77 778 779 [780 % 78 1 / ~ '1782 ( j 783 _Z_ {>784 V1785 /I786 — ■ / £ <*787 1*788 _ 1789 ~ o (*790 — ^ - U79 1 *79 2 Libri Italianu Occalifii, Ragguagli di Parnafo , z tom* 13 Bembo, Rime di *— «*' Botero, / prer.dpi e Fr. v- / , - 3 -fe -/- {v , I 1 della Ragionc di Stato — Bentivoglio (Card.) Lett ere del , Ital. Bulifcn, Lcttcre memorabili, 4 tom. Camillo, V Idea dil I'd cat do — — Caro (Annibal) Lett ere del , 3 tom. Cafa (Giov. della) II Galaieo - —— — - — - Pro /9 Gf Rim$ Capelloni, c uarii Ragionamenti Dante • Dolce (Lod.) QJJerajationi Domenichi, Facet ie Motti & Burle di diver fi Difcorf Militari del Duca d’Urbino — Fenelon, le Awenture di Telemaco Garimberto, della Fcrtuna — — ? Giavara (Ant.) Aajifo de Favoriti — Gtiarini, 11 Paft or pido Laneellotti, II Hondo non Peggiore , 2 tom. Lett ere di t redid Huomini — — Galanti ad Amorofe — Ven. 1675 ih . Appreffo Bindoni 1548 ■ , . Torin.ibQO Ven. 1601 — — Brux. 17Z2 Nap. 1693 Vineg. appr. Bindoni 1550 — Pad. T 749 — r-- Ven. 1750 - — — Parig. 1727 .Milan, 1623 / t 793 . 794 —/6 1795 — *7 96 , /t J797 1*799 ^ C1S00 f-C? ?8oi i'Scz I cS'03 I IQ a Li one appr.R ouillio 1552! Pefar. 1 561 41 1581 | Ferr. 1583 i Ven. 17^ j / *<£.1550 ^•*559 Amjl . Ven . : 680 7 ^P ?54 ' Parig. \6j \ Martinelli, Lettere familiari e Critiche — * Lon.fi, 1^58 j Malvezzi, Opere Hijloriche e Politicbe ■ — Ii Petrarcha Ven. per Gregorio de Gregorii’i 5 26 > I Sonet ii, le Canzoni & I c friomphi di Laura ib. per Cotfrin de r Trino 1552 Palazzo, Geverno e Ragion di Stato — - ^en. 1 Pope, il Riccio Rapito — — Fir, 1739 Rolli, Canzonette e Cant ate — Lond. 1727 Speron Speroni, i Dialogi Ve». in Cafa di Aldo 1542 Sannazaro, Arcadia /£. 1 646 Segreti di Stato de i P rend pi dell Europa, 3 tom. Col. 1676 TaiTo, Gerufalemme Liberata «•*—— Lionel 5 SB 1 Rinaldo Rime e Profe, 2 tom. Ven. preffo Aldo 1583 1 1 — Aminta — r Leid. prejjo Elfevier 1656 Ital. e Fr. — * c. ». —5— Oxford 1716 \ f fi b nnal de Venm, rarifj . Venet. per Aurelio Pincio 1537 1805 Tutti C 109 3 1^05 Tut li i Trionfi , Carri , Mafcberate , 0 Carnafcialefchi cmdati per Firenze dal Tempo del Magnifco Lorenzo de Medici, con le Ritratti 9 2 tom. ■ % — Cofm. 175O 1 806 La Zucca del Don 't ■■■■■■ vineg.1551 -7 '7 QUARTO. 1807 1808 Englijh Poetry , Romances , Mifceilanies continued. Morgan’s Phoenix Britannicus , a Collection of fcarce and curious Tradls 809 I 73 2 Milton’s Paradife Loft, by Bentley, with his portr . by Vertue 1732 * Poetical Works, by Newton, with Hayman’s Defgm 9 ( and two /mall portraits of Mi!ton from a Drawing by Mr. Deacon, taken from an Tmprejfon of a Seal by Simon, in the po/fe/Jiou of Mr. Yeo) 3 vol. 1754? royal paper , inrv/Jia Profe Works, with his Life, by Birch, 2 vol. 1753, royal K - 4- Gifts 10 fljdSi 1 U paper , in ru/Jia — — — Middleton’s Mifcellaneous Works, 4 vol. 1752, paper, ele - gantly bound ~ — — — r — * Norton’s (Jo.) Vidffttudo Rerum , an elegiacall Poeme of the inter- changeable Courfes and Varietie of Things impr. by Simon S'- 2 I812 5 - 1814 [°i dr* Stafford 1 600 The Odcombian Banquet, di/hed foorih by Thomas the Coriat, and forced in by a Number of noble Wits, in Prayfe of his Crudities and Cranibe too impr. 1611 OfHan’s Fingal and other Poems, from the Galic Language by Macpherfon 1762 , royal paper — —jf Fingal and Temora, &c. 2 vol. 1762—63 Puttenham’s Arte of Englijh Poefe, ded. to Lorn Burghley, by the Printer Rich. Field 1 589, with a Catalogue of Puttenham’s Books- — 3- € -7-& /-/3 4 - r by B. Jonfon, MS. The pa/J'e Tyme of Pie afire, made and compyled by Stephen Hawes, one of .the Gromes- ofl the Chambre of K. Hen. VII. the 21 f Tere 0 his Rcyghe', b^ 1 . dmpr. by Wynkyn de Worde 1517, fne copy 1819 < 20 The Vifdn ofP ierce Plowman, b. l. impr . by Owen Rogers 1561 ,fine ersfy — /, f Pierce the Plowman’s Crede, b . /. impr. by ditto, no date \flhe pnrfie Lyfe of Petronylla St. Petyrs Doughs er, b. 1 . etnpr. by Pynfon, no date "Saint Peter’s Complaint, with other Poems no date Moeonitf, certaine excellent Poems and fpiritual Hymnes printed by Val. Sims 1593 Marie Magdalen’s F utter all Teares - — ■ ■ «— 1609 The Triumphs over Death, by ,R. S. Author of St. Peter’s _ Complaint and Moeonire — printed by Val. Sims 1 596 The thrie Tailes of the thrie Priefes of Peblis, b. 1 . impr. at Edinb. be Rob. Charteris 1 603 Merrie conceited Jefts of George Peele, Gentleman, b. 1 . pr. b? 3 «aT ^^ 3 — j /£ Nich. Okesi6o7 Robin the Devil, his two pennyworth of Wit in half a pent -worth of Paper by Rob. Lee, a famous Fencer of London, alias Robin the Devill ■ ■ — ■■■ ■ ■ 1607 ? 1812 Peach am *s ^ ' r /e - 6 t no ] n (1822 Peacham’s (Hen.) Compleat Gentleman ^ — 5823 Another Edition — — — - — — — <7 / 1824 Frimrcfe’s (Lady Diana) Chaine of Pearle ; or, ' Peerles Graces and Heroic Vertues of Qu. Eliz. "Olde Plays. Two wife Men and ail the reft times aded /-/- o -$- — 1627 i66» Memorial of the 1630 Fooles, diverfe 1619 The pleafant Hiftcrie of the two angry Women of Abington, with the humorous Myrth of Dicke Coomes and Nich. Proverbes, two Serving men, plaid by the Earle of Nottingham his Ser-_ wants, by Hen. Porter 15 99 (the title written The mod lamentable Tragedie of Titus Androi/rcus*, plaide by the Kinges Servants — — — — 1 6 1 1 The Twins, a Tragi Com. aded at the private Houfe in Salifoury- Court, AyW. Rider - — 1655 ^Taflo’s Aminta, englijht — — 1628 A move Comedy , or Enterlude , concernyng the Lawses of Nature, Moifes and Chrifte, corrupted by the Sodomytes, Pharyftes and Papiftes , cotnpyled by John Bale, b. I. imperf. impr . 1362 The Players Names , Deus Pater, Mofeh Lex, Infidelitas, Idolatria, Ambitio, O Pfeudododrina,VindideDei, Nature Lex, ChriftiLex, veiEyangel. U W- —< Sodomifmus, Avaricia, Hypocrifis, Fides Chriftiana, lg2 6 Balens Prolocutor. Into fy-ve Perfonages may the Partes be devyded The apparellynge of the fyxe Vyces. Let Idolatrye be decked lyke an olde Wytche, Sodomye lyke a Monke of all Sedes, Am- bycion lyke a Byihop, Covetoufnes lyke a Pharylie or Spyrytuai Lawer, Falfe Dodryne lyke a Popylhe Dodour, and Hypo- cry fye lyke a Graye Fryar 1827 -A rygh* pithy , pie af aunt and merit Comedie , intytuled Gammer Gur- ton’s Nedle, played on Stage , not longe ago in Chriftes Colledge in ht /" ( 7 '^Cambridge, made by Mr. S. Mr. of Art, b. 1 . impr . by Tho. Col- well 1573 hoo-tnakers Holy-day, or the Gentle Craft , with the humorous Life of Simon Eyre, Shoo-maker and Lord-Mayor of London, aded before the Queene by the Earle of Nottingham his Servants , b . L 1631 Englifhmen for my Money, or a pleafant Comedy called a Wo- /Lp — I829 < adl d ,yr\ l- L j v _ 2- (a 01 man will have her Will, divers Times aded 1626 Ditto, imperf L Silvia, a Fragment, no title 1830 Lady Jane Gray, Tr. by Rowe-— The Revolution in 1688, by a Perfon of Quality 1690 — Cato, Tr. by Addifon 17] Sundry Poems Poems. Somervile’s Rural Games 1740 — Young’s Thoughts 1742 — 45 — Rebellion defeated, or the Fall of Def- mond, aTrag. by John Cutts — — 1745 Taftb’s Jerufalem, Book j and 3. by Brooke 1738— -Mafon’s Monody 1748 — Thompfon’s Sicknefs, a Poem# 3 Books 1745, and 6 more T. C, Night M 1833 The I * (I 1 1833 The Farmer’s Return from London, an Interlude, will? Hogarth’! Defign 176a Churchill’s Ducllift 1764. Education, a Poem, by Gilb. Weft 1751 — Young’s Refignation, a Poem 1762, and 9 more 1834 The Hermit of Warkworih 1771 — Goldfmith’s deferted Village 1770 — Gray’s Elegy 1 7 5 1 , and 10 more 1835 Several Poems by Churchill 1764 Gray’s Odes 1757 — Glo- ver’s Medea, a Tragedy 176;. Keate’s Ruin* of Netley Ab- bey 1764, and 20 more 1836 Browne’s Poem on the Immortality of the Soul, by Hay 1754 Langhorne’s Fables of Flora > 1771 Amana, a Dramatic Poem, by Sirs. Gri filths 1764 — Johnfon’s Vanity of Human Wilhes 1749^ — Lovelin’s Poepis 1736, and 10 more — 1837 Pope’s Letters — — ■ 1737 1838 Palmer’s Colleflion of Aphorifms and Maxims — 174$ Pry nne*s Trails^ 16 vol. containing 104 Pieces — There are befides three Catalogues of his printed Publications; the firft in 1643, containing 31 — the fecond in 1653, comprifing 68 — the third in MS. fetting forth in alphabetical Order 173 Books There are alfo four different Portraits of Prynne, and one of James Howell, the laji by Melan,/W imprcfjion Added to the MS. Catalogue of Prynne’s Works, are fome Memoran- dums in a "Journey , relating to Northampton!!!, and Lincolnfti. but more particularly to the L ibrary of the Cathedral Church of Peterbo- rough, confderably augmented by the valuable Legacy of early printed 77 Books cm/Manuferipts bequeathed thereto by Bp. Kennett / ' Romei’s (Count Banibal) Courtiers Academie, by J. K. impr.by Val. Sims, no date 1840 dThe Courtyer of Count BaldefTar Caflilio, by Maifter Tho. Hoby, with commendatory Verfssby Tho. Sachevylle, b. 1 . ded. fo Lord Hen. Haftinges — — impr. by Wyllyam Seres 1 561 — 1841 Robinlon’s(Rich.) auncievt Order, Societie and Unitie laudably of Prince Arthure and his knightly Armory of the Round Table, b. 1 . i/npr. by John Wolfe+5-8-3- f Another Copy — — - ib, 1583 OO cu - 7. o 1842 1843 184+ 1845 < Collediion of certaine Statutes in force for the Obfervation of the £ Lord’s Day, &c, — 164 Rowley’s (Will.) Pvglifl? Ape , the Italian Imitation, the Footefteppe* of Frauncc, b.l. impr. by Rob. Robinfon 138$ Search for Money , or the lamentable Complaint for the LofTe of the Wandering -Knight, Mounfeur /’ Argent ; or, Come a- long with me> I know thou lovelt Money ; ded. to all thofe that lack Money, b. 1 . — — — - ■ ■ ■ 1609 Rodomontados, Bravadoes and Bragardifmes, b. 1 . i6icr 1846 The bye Way to the Spyiiell Hous , in Verfe, b. 1 . enptynted by the Com • pyler Rob. Copland, no date ■ — Another Copy of the Spyttell Houfe A rnery Pronojlication For the If ere of Chryfies Incarnacyon A thoitfande fyve hu ndreth forty e and foure B. L. without Printer's Namc } or Math, or Date. — If re / / • ? 47 < /«//- ,L / 0 - b 1849 ^ , 7 ^ 8 5 1 ,\ [ 112 3 Here begynneth a lytell propre Jefe Called Cryjle Crojfe me fpede, a. b. c. How the good Goffyps made a Roy all Fetjf In the goodly ejt Matter wi Game and Gle, 8c c. b. I. impr. fry Wynkyn de Worde, no dale l848§idney’s Difcourfes concerning Government, his Lite and Letters l r 2 J> u ^ 1 763, royal paper , in moroc , with Letters from the late Mr . Harris of Honiton, MS. Tocke’s (Geo.) Belides , or Eulogie of that honourable Soldier Capt. Will. Fairefax, flam at the Siege of Frankenthall in tile Palatinate 1621 1660 ■ — The HifL of Gales Pafion, with the cut 1654 ■ ■■ Tragedie of Floris V. Earl of Holland, See. with the cut Canzonets to the Memory of my dear Wife — Elegie or Eulogie on Jo. Lord Harrington, Baron of Exton, elated hence 1613, with the cut 1659, in turkey Taylor’s (John, the Water Poet) Drinke and Welcome, or the famous Hif . of Drinks, with an efpecial Declarat on of the Potency, Vertue and Operation of our Englifh Ale, and a Befcription of all Sorts of Waters, from the Ocean Sea, to the Tears of a Woman , & c . — 1637 "Virgilius; This Boke treath of the Lyfe of Virgilids and of his Deth , and many Marwayles that he dyd in his Lyfe tyme by whycb - craft and nygrarnanfy thorowgh the helpe of the Dewy Is of hell, b. 1 . with cuts, emprynted in the Cytie of Anwarpe by me Johan Do- esborcke, dwellynge at the Camerporte, no date This Mater treateth of a Merchauntes Wyfe that afterwarde went lyke a Man andbecam a greate Lorde, and was called Frederykt of Jennen afterwarde, b. 1 . cuts, impr . in Anwarpe by me Johan Dusborowghe 151.8 The Coppe of the Letter folowynge whiche fpee'fyeth of the greatef and tnerweylous batayle that ever was fene or herde of, and alfo of the Letter that was fent frome the great Turke unto our holy fader the Pope e/'Rome, b. 1 . cuts, empr. in the famous Cite of Andwarpe by me Johan of Dousborowe 1517 Here begynneth a lytell Story that was of a Trwethe done in tbe lande flfGelders of a Mayde that was named Mary of Nemegen, that was the Dyvels Paramoure by the fpace of vi lyere longe, b. 1 . cuts 9 impr . at Anwarpe by me Johan Duisbrowgbe Of the newe landes and of the People founds by the Mejffengers of the kynge of Portyngale natned Emanuel. Of the 10 dynjers nacyons cryfened. O/Tope Johan (Prefer John) and his landes , and of the cofely keyes and wonders Molodyes that in that lande is, b. 1 . cuts — e?npr. by me Johaa of Doesborowe, no date Caufes that be proponed and traded in a Confultacyon of a Jour- ney to be made with the Tokyn of the’ holy Croffe agaynk the Infideles and Turkes, &c. 1517, b. 1 . cuts The Lyfe o/'Saynt Brandon, b . /. impr. by W. de W. no date The Lyfe of the blefled Martyr Saynt Thomas of Caunturbury, b. L impr. by me Rychardc Pynfon, Prynter unto the Kynges noble Grace The .t /!/ t U3 3 The Lyfe of the gloryous Vyrgyn and Marter Saynt Barba r&, b. 1 . inpr . by me Julyan Notary 1518 impr. by my julyan Notary 1520 impr. by me ] ulyan N otary ( the 1852 1853 1854 >855 1-856 1857 1858 1859 1860 5 The Lyfe of Saynt Erafmus, b. 1 . The Lyfe of Saynt Dorothe, b. 1 . date cut off) imperj. The Lyfe oySaynt Anthonye, h, L imperf A Werke for Houfholders, or for them that have the gydynge of go- vernaunce of any Company, by Rycharde Whitforde, a profefled - Brother of Syon, b. 1 . impr . by Wynkyn de Worde 1533, fin^m -0 L “ Copy ✓ Watfon’s (Tho Gent,) his Miftrejfe , a Booke of Love Fafllons, or—-' * fy ; — paflionate Sonnettes, b. 1 . no title , *with fome Account of the Author , , tj^y extracted from Wood’s Athena , MS. The proude Wy-ves Pater Nofter that wold go gay e, and undyd her Huf- bonde and went her IVaye , b. 1 . impr. by John Kynge 1560 A l)tele and bryefe Treaty fe called The Defence of Women, and efpeci - ally of Englylhe Women, made agaynjl The Scho/e Howfe of Wo- men, by Edwarde More, b. 1 . — impr • by Jo. Kynge 1569 t fj Webbe’s (Will.) Difciurfe of Enghjb Poetrie, b. 1 . impr. by John Char- , lewood 1586 /a yU The Lord Marques Idlenes, compiled' by the right honorable Lo. WiU * F ^ liam Marques of Winchefter that now is, ded. to Qu. Eliz. impr . by Arnold Hatfield *586 , /gy. The Haven of Pleafure, by J. T. printed by P. S. (Peter Short). '^4) ""~ i S 97 -Warner’s (WilL) Syrinx , a feavenfold Hiftorie, b. 1 . ded. to Lord — Hunfdon — — — pr. by Tho. Purfoot 1 597 Albion's England, b. 1 .' the Printer's Name and Date cut off The Phoenix of thefe late Times ; or the Life of Mr. Henry Welby, Efq; who lived at his Houfe in G rub Street 44 Teares , and in thaf Space was never feene by any> aged 84 ■ ■ — - 1637 Lives of Saints and Fathers — Catholic Devotions — MiJJals — Common Prayers. FOLIO. 186 1- Taylor’s (Bp.) Life of Chrift, with Faith'orne’s cuts, firft Imprrffons 1657, bound in moroc . 1862 The Lyfe of our Ladye. by Johan Lydgate, Moncbe of Burye, in Verfe , cf « J,Q b. 1 . enprynted by William C a \t o n , no date — 1863 Cradock’s Apoftolical Hilt, from the Afcenfion of Chrift, to the De- , ✓ ftrudtion of Jerafalem 167a- » 1864 The Lyf of the holy and blcsfu! Vyrgyn Saynt Wenefryde, b. 1 . Thus endeth the decollation (the lyf after ) and the tranfacion of Saynte We* nefrede, Virgyn mid Mattir, wbichc was ray fed after that' her beds had be f?nyton of the Space of xv Tere , reduced in to Englysjhe by me W v L • ' r/f / j?\/g„ y lYAM Caxton, r.o date /( #fr ^ 1 86 : L i- fir ^ .Ae o / JAwiers 7 ^Tn^r.by Wyll. Caxton 1480, the 19 2 ere of K.. . I V * fine copy 9 in moroc, Bowie, tranjlated oute of Frenfhe in to Englysfhe, r onke of Burye 1413. Empr. byTJ Y'L'LY aia Cax- xy . r;i , ..^jj.fie Ter e of K. Eaw. the fyfthe The Booke entytled and named Ryal, called in frenijhe, le livre Royal, that is to fay the Ryal Book, or a Bock for a Kyng , tranfiated by YLLYAM Caxton, and by himenpr. 1484, fine copy, in moroc, A 4870 J/rTityll treatife fiber te and abr edged fipekynge of the Arte and Crafte to , knowe well to dye , tranfiated and enpr. /^Caxton J490 ^ A 1877 JWalter Hylton’s Scala Berfeccionis , englysfhed, the Ladder of Perfec - enpr, by Wynkyn de Worde, in Willyam Caxton’s Hows, at t hsrHmSfn aundemente of the Princes Margarete the Kynges Moder 1494 1878 filed the Myrroure of Cure Lady, very necefifary for all / * relygyeus Perfor.es. Thys Boke was irnprynted at the Defiyre and Infauna of the devoute Lady Abbefie of the wcrjhypfull Monaitery of Syon, &c. by me Rycharde Fowkes, in Powles Ghurcheyerde, at the Sygne of f&A.B. C. « — - • fJs* s 1530 / < ' 1 1879 Another Copy, wyth the thyrde Parte of our Ladyes Myrroure, that fs of y cure Mafijes , with MS. Notes throughout -7A , ^ 1 ° 1880 A [ ”5 3 I Silo A compendioufe T net if c dyalogue of Dive* and Pauper, that is to fay the riche and the pore, fruttuoufly tretyng upon the x Coinmandmentes. *?//•/» J/ Emprentyd by me Richarde Py»fon 1493^ -^i \f£' 0 r i ^nC j88i A Treaty fe of the Donation or Gyfte and Endowment of PoffeJJyons, gyven ^ and graunted unto Sylvefter, Pope of Rhome by Conitantyne, b. 1 . * impr. at London by Thomas Godfray, no date - — u w *b Becon’s (Tho.) Workes, 4 vol. b. 1 . impr . by John Daye 1560 — / „//- l 83 z J883 Mijfale Antiquum, -MS- upon vellum, with illuminations . — 1884 Miffale ad Confuetuchnem infignis E c cleft e Sarum, fig. Paris 1610, part of this Book is printed upon vellum ■ — 1885 Another Copy 16 10 — part vellum — — - . 18 lb Miff a\e ad IJfuin celeb err ime Ecclefee Eboracenfis, Ebor. per Joan. Ga- chet 1516 1887 Miffale ad Ufum ac Confuctudiuem Sarum, fig. Parif. ex Ojficina Nic. Prevoft, impenfis Fr. Byrckjman ; 5 27 (part vellum) This Boo* was formerly the Property of K. Hen. VHI. of Dean Young, and of Bp» Burnet — the latter after ?nany Years Enquiry , purchafed it for Seven- teen Pounds — — — — — » — ■ — : 1888 Another Copy, entirely printed upon fine vellum - 1527 1889 Rubrics generales Miflalis, Ritus celebrandi MifTam, See. Rothom. apud David. Du Petit Yal 1623, printed upon vellum, vjith a fine Print of the Salutation by jean IViefTager 1890 The Booke of the Common Prater , b. 1 . firfi Edit. Lond. in Ojficina Rich. Graftoni Regti Impr'ejfris 1549 — * 1891 Common Prayer, b. 1 . with MS. Notes and Correct ions throughout , 1 . p. impr . by Rob. Barker 1636 1 892 b.\. for the Ufe of the Church of Scotland, Edinb. pr. by Rob. Young 1637 1 893 ■ - — ■ — b. 1. large paper • -» 1687 1894 Wheatley’s Illuliration of the Common Prayer — — 1 720 1895 Mornyng and Evenyng Prayer and Communion, fiet forthe in four e Partes, to be Jung in Churches, &c. commonly called, Qu. Elizabeth’s Plalms, b. 1 . impr . by Jo. Daye 1565, with three Portraits of the Printer — /-/<$ -/ 3 - /-/_ /-/lex a 4 - / 7 _• 2- (n / - 2 - -r Livres Francois, It aliens iS Porlugais. F O L 1 . 0 . 1896 La tref elegante delicieufe mtllifiue trtsplaijante Hyjloire du trefnoble , viriorieux & excellent ifjims Roy Perceforeft, Roy de la Grande Bre- taigne, 6 tom. in 3. Paris chess Galliot Dupre 1528, tret rare I 897 Amadis de Gaule, traduit d'Ej'pagnol en Francoys , par le Seigneur des EfTars, Nicolas de Herberay, 2 tom. /%■, Paris, pour Jan Longis 15*9 11898 Cbapalain, la Pucelle, ou la France delivree, Poeme Heroique, Par . 1656, with a fine Portr. of the Dske c/'Longueville by Nan- tueil, and 1 2 hijlorical Plates by Boffe , 1 . p. — many interring Part it u • lars relating to England in this Poem - — 1899 Fenelon, les Avantures de Telemaque, avec Us figures de Pic.irt, gr. pap. edition magntfique & rare Amfi. 1734 ^ 1900 TafTo, laGieruJatcmme Liber at a ; con le figure di Piazzetta, Ven. 1743 / _ 7 1901 TafTo ’s Godfrey of Boulogne, by Edw, Fairfax, with a Portr. of Godfrey, by Will. Paife 1624 - 0.7 1902 Ly /- //- L — // -(? - $■ Z Z _ ■/&- -/Ar- I n6 ] *'902 L'ufiadas de Luis de Camoens, Comentadas por Manuel de Faria Sou fa, 4 tom. in 2. Mad. 1639, edit, rariff. 1933 Camoens’s Lufiad, tranflated by Fanfhaw, in moroc. 1655, fcarce typographical Hift or )\ Antiquities and Fragments ; various Si: !- 1~ • jg°9 J2-4- S9 ! ° -Jtfl »9» J 9 12 ,J— ^ 1,513 L /, / — — /if— 1915 _ /- ^ I e> 6 2-2.- >s ! 7 - *9 lS 9 20 Hift. de 1’Imprimerie & de la Librairie, 4to. /kzr. 1689 Paulus Pater de Germania Miraculo optimo y maximo , Typis Literarum earumq. Differentiis, Lipf 17 10, ^to. Watfon’s L 7 /? of the Art of Printing, Edinb. 1713, 8vo. Maittaire Annales Typog. 4 tom. c. m. 410, Hag. C. 1719 — 1725 “Palmer’s Hift. of Printing, 4to. 173 2 r Lewis’s Life of Mayfier Wyjlyam Caxton of the Weald of Kent, the 1 firft Printer in England, with his Pcrtr. 1 . p. 1737, 8vo. jMmfhull’s (Librarian to Lord Oxford) Propofals for. Printing an I ample Account of Caxton’s Books, &c. | A Catalogue of Caxton’s Books, in Number 44, of which 25 are with dates , and 19 without , MS’. { Ames’s Typographical Antiquities 1 749 4t0. Catalogue of Englilh Printers from 1471 to 1600 Books in Mr. Child’s Library at Qlferley, printed before the Year I ‘Ditto before the Year 1551, MS. Meermanni ConfpeCtus Originum Typographicorum, in Ufum Ami- corum 1761, 8vo. ^Decree of the Starre Chamber concerning Printing 1637 Order of Lords and Commons for regulating of Printing 1643 Ordinance of Parliament for ditto — — — *647 Warrant of the Lord Gen. Fairfax concerning ditto *649 ACt again ft unlicen fed Printing 1649 Rules, Orders, Sec. of the Company of Stationers, 4to. 1682 Fragments of various old Englifh Bibles Ditto of Chronicles, See. (among which is a Specitnen of Caxton’s firft printed Book - — ■■ - ■ ■ Ditto of old Englifh and Scottifh Verfe (among others) The Promine of the maifi illufer K. fa. the fext , be P. W.fami - r liar Servitour to his Majefie , b. 1 . impr. at Edinb. be Johr.e Ros! 580 Various Fragments of old Black Letter Books, among which are many of the early Effays in the Art of Printing Fragments of Morrozzo’s Art of Fencing, in Ital. cuts , Ven. is 68 Ditto of Grafli’s Art of Self-Defence, Ital cuts , Ven. 1 570 Portraits and Devifes of old Englilh Printers A Collection of antient Englifh Paper Marks Englifh Portraits upon Title-Pages- Foreign ditto An emble- matical Drawing of Mary Qu. of Scots, with Verjes in Lat. and Fr. inferibed to John, Earl of Mar. Drawin and writtin be me Either Inglis, Janu. 1622 Picart’s Frontifpiece to Banier’s Ovid, fne impr. and other Frontif- pieces, Sec. in copper' and woody federal very antient A Collection of feveral Thoufand Title Pages of Books from the Origin of Printing in England — alfo fundry Fragments of Books and MS, — A Catalogue of Caxton’s Books, Portraits and Devifes of Printers, -&c. in 7 large Port Folios, and 3 Bundles *1920 The [ !*7 J *1920 Two antient Alphabets, from the Colie Siion of Peter Le Neve, EfqjNor- roy, printed from wooden Stamps, on one Side of the Paper, with, bad Ink, after the Manner of thofe Books aferibed to Lawrence Roller of Harlem. The Date 1464 is very vifible upon the firft Letter A. Mr. Weft fays, he knows of no Library, public or pri- / /J?_ vate, that can produce an Example of thefe Alphabets - — - Eleventh Day’s Sale, Friday , April 9. OCTAVO £s? Infra. Philo fophy , Mathematics , Inventions , Improvements — Agri- culture and Horticulture Medicine , Coopery, Quackery, Surgery, Anatomy. LOT 1921 1922 r 923 924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Ntrodu&ion a la Ccnnoiffance de l’Efprit Humain Far. 1747I Abu Jaafer Ebn Tophail’s Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan, from the\ — ' Arabic by Ockjey , cuts — — — 17081 f Wynne’s Abridgment of Locke on Human Underftanding 1721 l Moore’s Account of Virtue - 1701 \ Introduft. to the Art of Thinking Edinb . 1761 \ View of the Human Faculties and Paftions ib. 1770 J Angli Iniiitut. Peripateticse, in cor. turc. Lugd. 1646 5 ( Johnfon Queftiones Philofoph. Cant. 1735 5 Hutchefon Philofophim Moralis Inft. ^^*1755 l Synoplis Metaphyficae — ib. C Clifford of Human Reafon < Hobbes of Liberty and Necefiity { Corrie of Liberty and Neceftity Volulenus de Animi Tranquilitate, ch. opt . 5 Euclidis Elernenta Lat. Barrow 1 Lamy, Elemens des Mathematiq ^ Carr’s Arithmetic and Algebra Edinb. 1756 i6 7 5 1677 1763 7 Si iues Lond. 1678 Amjl. 1710 1751 Markham’s Introduft. to Trade and Bufinefs { Brovvne’s (Geo.) Arithmetica Infinita -- Rowland’s Timber Tables — C Art of numbering by Speaking-rods, vulgarly term’d Nepeir’s * 93 * S Bones — 1667 >736 *739 !7iS * 74 2 1933 C Hewitt’s Tables of Intereft Everard’s Stenography — . The Pfalter, in Short Hand ’, MS. in turkey — — — 1934 Norris’s Theory of the Ideal World, 2 vol. i6cl *935 1936 { Fairfax of the Bulk and Selvedge of the World Mannygham of Philofophical Truth, &c. — J Burnet’s Theory of the Earth, Vol. 2. — — — C Croft’s (Bp.) Animadv. on Burnet’s Theory . 1937 Whifc — 2- b _ / _ /_ 6 _ / 1704 1674 1681 1726 1685 - /- ^ - 2 -1, - /_ _ /_ I 1 1 8 ] / / ' [1 93 7 Whifton’s Theqry of the Earth *938 1939 1940 1941 KeilPs Examinat. of Burnet’s and Whiilon’s Theories Ray’s Wifdcm of God in the Works of the Creation C Derham’s Phyfico -Theology — — — — — - Aftro-Theology Phyfico-Theology Rayon the Creation *734 — 1717 — 1717 — 1720 — * 7*5 — 1714 *727 Coftard’s Letters to Folkes, on the Rife and Progrefs of Aftronomy among the Ancients, 2 vol. in moroc. — — Oxf. 1746 — 48 ^£,1944 Huntingtoni EpifL & Synoplis veterum Mathematicor. Gfcrcor. La- tinor. & Arabum Smithi — — — Lend. 1704 C Witty’s Survey of the Heavens, with his Gout Raptures — 1685 ( Sir Geo. Wharton’s Works, with his P or tr. - — 1683 { VPilkins’s (Bp.) Difcovery of a new World in the Moon 1 684 ( Huygens’s Conjectures of the Planetary Worlds — ■ 8698 -U - 2 - — ■ I'to > 94 2 — >943 - 2 -b >945 1946 >947 1948 >949 z 5 :l - 2 -bW 1 > 9 5 2 ^/Lb >953 G 1954 f-b >955 f Fontenelle fur la Pluralite des Mondes < De la Croix, dea Corps flotans L Pafcal, de l’Equilibre, &c. Maclaurin’s Account of Newton’s Philofophical Difcoveries Winkler’s Elements of Natural Philofophy, 2 vol. Amft . Par. 1736 ib. 1663 1950 Lovett’s Philofophical Effays Wilfon of EleCtricity, with his Portr . — Baker on the Microfcope — — - | Defaguliers’s Phyfico- Mechanical LeCtures Lee of Leafes and Annuities 1750 1757 1766 1752 1742 l 7 l 7 1737 ~ 4 ~ ±i — /O Seymour’s Compleat Gamefter 1734, and 2 more Langley’s (Tho.) Abridgement of the notable IVorke of Palydore Ver- gile, conteinyng the Devifers and frf finders oute of Artes . &c. b. 1 . impr. by Rich, Grafton 1551 ( 1956 Humane Induftry, a Hilt, of molt manual Arts — 1661 \ IPS?. 1958 1939 1960 1961 The Marquis of Worcefter’s Century of the Names and Scantlings of his Inventions — — — —— — — — < — > - ■» 1663 Another Copy, in moroc . — - * ■ * — 1 663 Haynes’s new Inventions and Improvements, with Petty’? Treatife of Naval Philofophy C Barlow’s Survey of the Tide | Mrs. Squire on the Longitude 1691 1722 W 43 Nautical Almanac, with the Tables, 6 vol. 1769 to 1773 1962 Ditto, 3 vol. 1771 to ijy 3 / / 6 5 Grafton’s Tables (an old Englifh Almanack) b. 1 . i6si ' *9 3 | A Set of Almanacs for the Year 1754, in moroc . — .2 — 1964 Jewifh Kalendars, 7 vol. Oxf 1693 to 1699 1965 Various Foreign Almanacs, Vienna , Lunenburg , Paris and le farneux Jean De Milan .Antonie FitzHerberde, bis Poke of Husbandry , b. 1 . tmpr. by Ber- thelet 1548 his Poke of Survey inge, b. 1 . by ditto 1546 Xenophons Treatife of Houfeholde, ryght counnyngly translat- ed out of the Greeke Tonge into Englysfhe by Gentian Her- bert at the defyre of Mayller Gclterey Pole, b. 1 . impr. by Berthelet 1534, fine' copies 1966 Caflii /— b *1965 t ] 1966 Caflii Dionyfii Uticenfis de Jgricultur a Lib. 20. Cornarii, Lugd. ap* Vintent. 1543 I 6 ~> Pattallo, Eflai fur 1 ’ Amelioration dcsTerres Par. 1768 1968 Ellis’s Chiltern and Vale Farming __ — 1969 Maxwell’s Tranfactions of the Society of Improvers in Agriculture in Scotland ■ ■ — ■ — ■ - Edinb . 1743 1970 Trowell of Hufbandry and-Gardening ■ - 1971 A new Sydem of Agriculture ■ . — ■ — 1972 Du Hamel, Traitede la Confervation des Grains, fig. Paris 1973 Young's Six Weeks Tour thro’ the Southern Counties 1974 Farmer’s Guide, 2 vol. ■■■« — 1975 Six Months Tour thro’ the North of England, 4 vol. 1976 Mills on the Management of Bees l 911 Langley’s Method of improving Edates Lawrence’s Duty of a Land Steward »' Stephanos (Car.) de Re Hortenfi — I Langford of Fruit Trees 1978 1 979 198© 1981 1982 Par* ap. R. Stepb. \ Commelyn’s Belgick Hefperides Switzer of rural and extenftve Gardening, 3 Miller’s- Gardener’s Dictionary, 3 vol. vol. 1739 *755 1752 1768 1770 1770 1766 1741 , 73 I 1539 1696 1683 t,yi 9 1748 >704 1770 1983 Bradley’s Didlonarium Rujlicum & Urbanicum 1984 Whateley’s Obiervations on modern Gardening 1985 Hippocrates’s Aphorifms and Celfus’s Sentences, by Sprengell 1708 1986 Hippocrates de Morbis Popularibas Gr. & Lat- Freind LeisJ^xjy^j 987 Cellus of Medicine, by Greive 1756 19S8. Middletcn de Medicor. apud vet. Romanos Conditione, C 5 ? Refponjiones -var. ' — - 1989 Sydenham’s Works, by Pechey Cant. 1726, , * 7*9 *1989 The Antidotarie, conteyninge hidde and fecrete Medicines fimple a.nd compounde, by Tho, Gale M aider in Chirurgerie, b. 1 . impr. by Rouland Hal 1 ^63, with bis Portr. in wood „ 199© Boerhaave’s Aphorifms -- ■— ■■■ — 1742 ' Huxham de A ere & Morbis Epidem, 2 tom. Lond. 1739 — 70 Huxham’s Tra&s, publifhed by his Son Plymouth 1769 99 1992 *993 { i Cheyne of Health and Long Life ’s Nat. Method of curing Difeafes { Black m ore on the Small Pox \ May n waring of Health and Long Life C SanClorii de Statica Medicina, per Lider ! 994 | Cpie DilTertationes Medico-Phyfica?, 1995 Mead of Poifon?, /. p. — 1996 Hodges on the Plague in 1663, by Quincy 1997 Grainger Hid. Febris Anomalae Batavse 1998 Warner (Fred.) on the Gout *1998 Whytt’s Phyfiological Eflays 1999 Lond'. Oxen. pdinb. Medical Tracts. Cadogan on the Gout 1 77 1- Edinb. -Mar dial Stukeley on 1724 1742 172J i6$S 2701 1695 *745 1720 *753 1768 1761 on the Liege Medicine for the Gout Canterb. 1770 the Gout, 2 parts 1734. — —Campbell’s Hermippus redivivus 174.9 2000 Hill’s- Family Practice of Phyfick, cuts 1769— Ditto Virtues ofBri* tifli Herbs, cuts 1770 — Theobald’s every Man his own Phydcian 1764 — — Floyer’s Medicina Gerocotnica, the Galenic Art of preler- ving old Men’s Healths 1724 — The old Man’s Guide to Health. and longer Life Hill’s Virtues of Valerian, cuts 1 7 5 S - 20Di Trails -/ _ - Z/rc, --U -/-l _ 2~ 6 - 4 - /_ 2 __ rtf-/ -V — f . — z - C - 1 / 4 - ^ — / -C __ Z - * / — _ / - » -Z-* — / — _ 2 — _ / — cT — - 3-b -/ 2001 Z-l 1002 [ *20 ] Tracts for and again (l Dr. Woodward, 2 vol. ry ig — 20 Inftitutes of Health 1761- Mackenzie’s Effays Edinb . 1762 — . Wefley’s primitive Phyfic 1747- Monro on the Dropfy 17^5 — Carr’s Medicinal Epiitles, by Quincy 1714 *063 Hill’s Sleep of Plants 1757 The Art of Beauty 1760 — Cures performed by Turlington’s Balfam Boyer, des Maladies Epide- miques, Par. 1762 — judge Rumfey’s Organon Salutis, an Inftru- ment to cleanfe the Stomach, with Experiments of the Virtues of Tobacco and Coffee 1657 — Cornaro’s Means of attaining along and healthful Life 1722 La Medecine Univerfelle , par De Confers, 'with a Portr. of Old Parr, Brux. 1688 ■ Hift. de la Mort & du Martyre de Mr. Homel, Pafteur de Soyon, Rott. 16885 and other Tracts Meibomrias of the Ufe of dogging in Venereal Affairs 1718 Medical Tra&s ^The Wifdom of the Nation is Foolifhnefs, again]} the Apotheca* *004 2 - *005 (±Q 06 V2007 . t — 2008 — i , — 2009 2aio — / — 2011 ~/~ Will. Rofe the Apothecary’s Cafe confiiered Short’s Obfervations on the Bills of Mortality Leflius and Coma ro of Long Life and Health Arbuthnot of Aliments — - — f Duncan of the Abufe of hot Liquors ( Try on’s Way to Health and long Life Moffet of Poods 2013 2014 2015 Z ~ 2016 £— 20*7 3-6 2018 t 20I 9 2020 - U — 2021 3 - (o 2021 — 3 — 2023 /- 2024 — — j 70 6 — - 1704 ~ — 1750 i6 34 , 73 i — — J706 ~ — — 1697 — — * 74 6 A Booke of Cookry , very nscejfary for all fuch as delight therein-, b. 1 . . impr. by) o. Allde 1 577 { Murrels two B cokes of Cookerie and Carving , b. 1 . — ■ 1620 Sir Hugh Plat’s general jem for all good Husbands 1627 5 Lady Ruthven’s Secrets and. rich Ornaments — 1 6 5 5 \ The accqmplifhed Ladies Delight — 1683 Baconi (Rog.) Libellus de Retardandis SeneButis Accidewtibusy &c. OxOn. ap. Barnes 1590 Roger Bacon’scure of old Age, by Browne — — — 1683 Phaire’s (Tho.) Regiment of Life , Treatife of the Pefilence, with the Booke of Children , b, 1 . impr . by Jhon Kyngflon and Hen. Sutton 1 55 3 Another Edition, b. /. — impr. by Edw. Whitchurche 1 560 Turner’s (Will.) New Booke of Spiritual Phyfk, for ayverfe Difeafes of the NobiiitieaW Gentlemen ©/'Englande, b. 1 . 1555, imprented at Rom e by the Vaticane Chujrche by Marcus Antonius Conllantius, otherwyfe called Miles Gloriofus Turner (Will.) of Wines and Triacles, b 1 . impr. by Will. Seres 1588, ded. to Sir Will. Cecil! Lemnie’s Totichftone of Complexions, by Newton, b. L impr. by Tho. Marlhe 1581 Another Copy ^ - ■ - 1581 The Preafury of Heal the, conteynynge ?nany profytable Medycines gathered out o/'Hypocrates, Galen and Avycen, by one Petrus Hyfpanus, en- glysjhed by Humfre Lloyde, who hath added thereuntOy &c. at the Requeft of Lord Stafforde for the noble Prynceffe the Duches of Nor- thumberlande, b. 1. no date Brian’s Pijfe'Prophety or certaine Pijfe-Pot Lefiures — 1637 2025 Mara- [ 121 ] 2025 Mar A'uighofi Segreti, di Fr. Dom. Auda da Lantofca Rom. i Cbo C Mrs. Tryc’s (O Dowdc’s Daughter) Medicatrix, or the Woft&a , ) Phyfician 202 *1 Garencieres’s admirable Virtues of the Tin&ure of Coral * 1676 Le Fxhure, fur le grand Cordial de Sir W. Raleigh Lend, 1665 2027 Dr. RadclitPs Life and Letters ■ 2028 Quincy's Dilpenfatory « 2029 * — 2030 Lewis’s Edinburgh Difpenfatory ■ ■ — 2031 New London Difpenfatory . - ■ — ■ ■■ — 2032 Geoffroy of Foreign Vegetables in Medicine, by Thicknefle 2033 Mortimer- of Chemical Remedies ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ 2034 Bp. Berkeley’s Siris 1744 Tar-Water 1746 — I 7 I 5 1759 >7 49 * 7 +»t 1746) * 749 < Prior’s Narrative of the Snccefs of 2035 Whytt of the Virtues of Lime-Water 2036 Lucas’s Eflays on Waters, 3 vol. in i* 20 37 King of hot and cold Bathing Edinb. *7 $>2 « 7 S 4 1737 2038 Lifter de Fontibus medicatis Angliae Lend, 1684 2039 Guidottof Bath and the hot Waters there 1676^ 2040 Les Fcntei.es de Pougues, par Raimond de Maflac Par . 1665 2041 Les Eaax Cbaudes & Bains de Plornbiercs,/>ar Berthemin, Nancy 1.61*5 2042 Blondel de Thermis Aquifgranenfibus, fg» Traj . ad Mof. 1685 5 Fouet, les Bains de Vichy — — Par. 1686 0 I Pafcal, les Eaux de Bourbon Par. 1699 ( jauberi, les Bains.de Bofalbori ; 1604 2°44 | Cattier, de la Nature des Bains de Bourbon ib. 1650 2045 Gale’s (Tho.) Injiituticn of a Cbirurgian , b. 1 . n/jhtch remained 25 2052 quarto. Philofophy , Mathematics , Inventions , Improvements factions of fever al learned Societies . 1680 1740 T ram 2053 Burnet Tdluris Theoria Sacra * — 1 Ltn.i. r6Ss 2054 Hill’s. Thoughts on God and Nature, againft Lord Bolingbroke 1755 R 2055 Digby _■/_ — b *055 2056 r 2057 | 2 °S 8 *059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 20 65 20 66 20 67 2068 C «*a } DIgby’s (Sir Ken.) of Bodies, and of Man’s Soul Defcartes de Homine, jfg-. L. Bat. Barckley (Sir Rich.) of the Felicitie of Man Donne of Suicide — — — — Amji. _ / — - 2 - — /I ^ 4: -Z-b -SL- jL — ^ I2069 2070 /-/l- 2071 — 3 — 2 °73 — /_ 2 °74 2 °7S — a 076 Regis, Cours entier de Philofophie, 3 tom. { Glanvill’s Eflays in Philofophy and Religion — The mofl probable Caufe of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea Bonito, Terra tremante Overo de Terremoti ■■■. . — Nap. 1691 Mecatti, del VeJ'uvio ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ib. 1752 165S 1662 1631 1644 1691 1676 i6 73 Lorgna, Opufcula Mathematical Phyfica Veron . 1770 Recorded Wbetftone of Witte , b. 1. impr. by Jhon Kyngftone 1557 Moore’s (Sir Jonas) Syftem of the Mathematics, 2 voh 1681 C Giegorii (Jac.) Exercitationes Geometries — Lend. 166% l Ryff Quaeftiones Geometric* Franco/. 1621 Craig de Calculo Fluentium Lond. 1718 Jo. Peckam ( Archiepifc . Cantuar. circa An. j LucLa Ceulen, de Circulo & Adfcriptis ( Morhofii Stenior Taloclaftes — — 200) Perfpediva CcLibzp L. Bat. 1619 Kil. ( Defaguliers’s Ledures in Experimental Philofophy \ Hauklbee’s Courfe of Experimental Philof. interleaved Smart’s Tables of In tereft Moxon’s Mechanic Exercifes, nvitb the Art of Printing, 2 vol. 682 1 7 1 9 2072 Defcription da Cabinet des Machines de GroIlierDe Serviere, fg 1726 in 1. 16*3 Lyon 1 733 Cajfel. 1719 Triumphans Perpetuum Mobile OrfFyreanum, fg Schotti Schola Steganographica Tracts. Hodgfon of Annuities 1747 — Jones of the Longitude 760, and 5 more Nonmb. 1665 A-n Philipott of the firft Invention and Improvements of Navigation, voitb the Name and Office of from its firft Inftitution 1661 f Cortes’s (Martin) Arte of Navigation , from the Spanilhe, by Rich. Eden, b. 1. ■■ impr. by Abell Jeffesi 589 Borne’s (Will.) Regiment for the Sea, by Hood, b. 1. ded. to Geo. Earle of Cumberland impr . by Tho. Eaft 1592 Hood’s (Tho.) Mariner's Guide, b. 1. impr. by ditto 1 592 Norman’s (Rob.) Safegarde of Saylers, or great Rutter , b. 1. ded. to Lord Effingham — impr. by Edw. Allde 1 590 2077 < — /-(? ■— — Nevj Attractive ; a Jhort Difcourfe of the Magnes or Loadftone ; and amongft other his Vertues, of a new dif- covered Secret and fubtill Projpertie, concerning the declining of the Needle touched therewith under the Plaine of the Ho- rizon, novo firft found out by Rob. Norman, Hydrograpber, b. !• impr. by Allde 1 592 -{-i 2078 2079 2080 Borough (Will.) of the Variation of the Compaffie , or Magneticall Needle , b. 1. 1581 — impr. by Allde 1 592 Blundeville’s (Tho.) Defcription of Univerfall Mappes and Cardes 9 b. 1. — — • * ■ impr. by Rog.Warde 1589 De Vries, Wonder en op Zeeen — Amft.1687 Daflie, l’Architedure Navale ■ *■ > — — Parisib'j'j Jorge Juan, Examen Maritimo Theorico PraCHco, 0 Tratado de Me - tbanica aplicado a la Qouftruccion de lot Navios, 1 tom. Madr. 1 7 7 \ 2 0$ I Ulugh f 1 23 ] to8i Ulugh Beighi Tabulae Stellarum fixarum, Aiab. Lat, Comment. Th. Hyde - — — Oxon. 1665 1082 Gaflendi Vitae Tychonis Brahei, Nk. Copernici Sc alior. Aftrono- mor. celebrium, cum E fig . — Hag. C. 1655 r Lilly’s Starry Meflenger — — — - 164$ Rone’s (Alex.) Ajfertion of the Earth's Immobility aga'ntjl Coper- nicus, &c. — — 1646 2083 Lilly’s New Prophecy — 1679 Jbe fecond Years Prodigies 1662 Tycho Brahe’s Prophetical Conclufion of the New Starre of the North in 1572 1632 2084 Lettres de Auzout fur les grande* Lunettes. Voyages de Caffini. Obfervations envoyees des Indes & de la Chine Amf. 1733 2085 Mayer (Job.) Theoria Lunaejuxta Syflema Newtonianum Lond.ijbj 2086 Idem - — ib. 1 767 2087 Mayer’s Lunar Tables ■ 1770 2088 Another Copy - - ■ *770 Sprat’s Hilt, of the Royal Society — 1667 / — 2091 2092 *>93 *2093 2094 \ 2 ° 9 S 2096 2097 2098 Hooke’s Trads, Ledures and Collodions Petiver’s Memoirs for the Curious Dr. Henry More / 1670—71 \ 1674-76—744- iyio( 4 -~b S' I — ■s s 2 — -/&. 6 f A complete Set of the Philofophical TranfaCtions, from the Beginning I in 1 665 to J770 inclufive, with Hooke’s Collections and other valuable Trads addrejfed to the Royal Society, and Bp. Sprat’s H'Jl. of that Illuftrious Foundation, 62 vol. in 44. bound in mv* «( roceo, : and gilt on the leaves Yhtfirfi 10 vol. with Hooke’s Collections and Bp. Sprat’s Kift. is the identical Copy , prefented by the Royal Society to K. Cha. II. This is unquefionably one of the completef Sets in being _ — Philofophical Tranfaftions abridged, by Lovvthorp, Jones, Reid and Gray, 7 vol. from the Beginning to 173 2 incluf. „ ■ Hill’s Review of the Works of the Royal Society 1751 Mifctllanea Curiofa, 3 vol. — ■— Norimb. 1683 — 84 — 85 Mem. de l’Accadem. Royale des Sciences, avant J'on Renouvellement en 1699,7%. 6 tom. — Amf.ijqf Storia dell’ Accademia Clementina di Bologna, 2 tom. fig. Bolog.ij^g { Confpedus JEdium Imperialis Academice Scient. Petropolitana?, nec non Bibliotheca: Technophylaeii, y%. Petrop . 1744, rarus Defcription & Reprefentation exade de la Maifon de Glace , confruite a St. Peterlbourg 1740, fig. $t. PeterJb.\’j^\ i Itvrerare Hift. de l’Acad. Royale des Sciences So Belles Lettres, fg. 2 tom. Berlin 1746 — 48 -T 2 -/ 0 - - 3 - ~S~ - /C -b - X — o I o. Er.glijh Poetry, Roimtices, MifcelUnies, 20 99 Albemarle’s (Geo. Moncke, Duke of) Obfervations Military and Political — — — 1671 . 2100 Blackmore’s Prince Arthur — — 1695 2 101 Brown’s (Sir Tho.) Works ■ 1686 R 2 2*02 Bayiy’n -/ ^ - 3-6 1 . > 1 c 3 4~-A — 2,o 3 /-S r^j X24 i 2102 BaylyN (Dr. Tho.) Wall-Flower, as i,t grew, out of the. Stone-Chajn- ber in Newgate, while the Author was a Prifoner there, with the cut c/~Newgate. — — — 1650 .Bacon’s (Lord) Works, 4 vol. 1 . p. in rufia 1730, with dif- ferent portraits of his Lord {hip by Vertue ; alfo a fne head, by Simon Palfe, and an Original Letter to Sir Michael Hickes, 1612, and his Subtniffion and Supplication to the Lords in Parlia- ment, MSS. Mallet’s Life of Lord Eaeon, with an Appendix to his Works, jj 1. p. - — - — — — — - 1760 2104 Bochas (Johan) his Tragedies of the fall of Princes, Princefles and other Nobles, tranflated by Johan Lydgate, Monke of Burye, b. 1 . with wood cuts * impr. by Pynfon 1527 2105 Another Copy, cuts , b. 1 . impr . by Jo. Waylande, no date 2106 Brant’s (Sebad.) Ship of Footes , with wood cuts, and Mancini’s Mir- four of good Maners ; both ttanjlated by Alex. Barclay, Prieft, b 1 . no title 2107 Barclay’s (Alex.) Eglogcs, b. I. impr. by Jo. Cawood, no date ^108 Du Bartas’s Works, by Sylveder — 1620 2109 A learned Summary upon Du Bartas, from the French, ded. to Sir' J ul. Caefar 16^7, the title finely wrote 2110 Beaumont and Fletcher’s Plays, with a portr . of Fletcher by Mar- fhall - — 1647 2 III Browne’s (Will.)- Britannia's Pajiorals *613, no title ,112 A curious ColleStion of old Ballads , in Number above 1200, b. ], with humorous Front f pieces, 3 vol. * HK ( } ' ■ Twelfth Day’s Sale, Saturday, April so, 1773. /A 4 7\ f: OCTAVO , & Infra. ’ j Geo- % Chemftry , Natural Hiftory , Occult Philo fophy^ Aftrology , urw money , Sorcery , Gigantology , and other Marvellous Hiftory, ' LOT H3 TJEcheri Phyfica Subterranea ■ ■ — — - Francf. 1669 2114 JO Starkey’s Pyrotechny illuftrated 1658 - -21 1 Pyrotechnical Dfcourfes by Kunkel, Stahl and Fritfch 1705 Amjl.l6h() 2116 Neri de Arte Vitraria Merretti 2? 17 Shaw’s Chemical Lectures 2 1. 1 8 Templtman’s curious Remarks andr.Qblervations, from the Memoirs of the French Academy 1753 -2119 Raddam’s Memoirs of the Royal Society, vol. 1, 2, 3. 1739 -21 20 Chamberlayne’s Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences 1721 2,i Macbridge’a Experimental Efi’ays — — - 1767 21Z 2 Cramer’s Art of aiTaying Metals, by Mortimer 1764' - ♦/•- fa 123 Hcughton’s Royal Inditutions "L !• 14 $#!t Water fweetened. relating to Silver and Gold Mines 1694 !y Fitzgerald .. - . • ~ y'1684 2125 Brown- C ,2 5 3 4*1 ®’ 23 Brownrigg’s Art of making Common Salt ^ | 2^ rifVi r'filvnpt' urifh A/m-iot-ar /"»f I'm/# :£r*i 2 7 .—2128 >. -^129 Boccone, Recherches & Obfer N' — a 1 3 1 ^2132 133 White’s rich Cabinet, with Variety of Inventions Secrets concernant les Arts & Metiers, 2 tom. Mairan, Difihrtation fur la Glace ■ 1748 1677 Brux.17^ Parish 74.9 Amfi. 1 674 4 i6gj CU/l 1661 1730 1770 i|A Edwards’s Eftays upon Natural Hill. x* 2 l fy Mufiaum V rcdefcantianum^ with the portraits hy Hollar Hubert’s (Rob. alias Forges) Catalogue of many Naiural. Parities 166 37 Gefnerus (Conr.) de Fojjtlibus Aig.i 565 ^>>36 ><-*! 38 I *' 8 ' 39 /*^zi 40 J <1 ' 4 2 ** T C H 1 142 Luidii Lithophylacium Britannicum, Edit. Authorise fig. Lond.\ 6 g$ — — — Edit, altera , per Hudgesford,^* — Oxen. 1760 Woodward’s Natural Hift. of the Earth, ^d edit. 1723 Woodwardi Nat Hill. Telluris illuftrata & au&a Lond.\j 14-; — — Ejufd. Methodus Foftilium ib. ■ — Natural Hifi. and Catalogue of Engtijh in 1. Fojfihy , 2 voT. l 7 2 9 172S ^-'^2143 Woodward’s Method of Foflils, 1 44 Marbodeus de Lapidibus Preciofis — Jeffries’s Treaii/e of Diamonds and Pearls Another Copy, id edit. 1 47 Ditto, without the plates — — 1 48 Leonard us’s Mirror of Stones ^*49 Owen of the Earths, Rocks, Stones, and Minerals about Briftol 1754 & "2150 Hale’s {Sir Matt.) Contemplations on the Magnet — — - 1695 1 5 1 Sherley of Petrification 1 672 /2 Par.#a^. Wechel. 153 1 — 1 75 ? : , 75 I 175^ 1750 C2152 Lawrence (T.) ofi Subtsrraneal Shells j " Major dt Cancris & Serpentibus Petr if aid is Felix (Ant.).de Ovis Cochlearum,}%. Land. 1 662 Aug. Vind. 1 684 De la Generation des Vers dans le Corp de l’Homme Amfi. 1705 Lettre d’Abrah. Cyprianus an Chev. Millington, fur un Foetus Humain de 1 1 Mots, fig. Amfi. 1707, and other frails Linnaci Amoenitates Academic®, fig. 7 tom. — — Tom. i f 2. Oratio,. &c. — — ■■ ■ - ■ ■— — fipEj, 2157 Fufchfii Plant arum Efiigies f ~ i 2158 Hertodt Crocologi (A (2 1 59 Johnfon Mercurius Rotani V T cum Noth MS. f Phytolcgia Britarinica Ls B. 1749—69 ib. 1749—5:2 ^.1743 7^.1671 2 * <7 & deThcrmis Bathonici* ZhW.1634— 41, id 2160 \ Stepliani & Brounei Catal. Horti Botan. Oxonienf. J Highmore (Nat.) de Paffione Hyllerica (^Clerk (Gilb.) de Plenitudine Mundi Ran Catalog. Plantar, circa Cantabrig. — — — . Angli®, fig. ( Ray’s Itineraries, Life and Letters ( Marty n’ 9 Plant a Qantabrigifnfes t cuts 2165 ib. 1650 OAM65S ib. 1660 Loud, 1660 Cant. 1 660 Lend. 1677 ib. 1670 1760 1763 Hales’* t ’26 J ^ ' ’ 2*07 i Prefent Remedies againf the Plague, b. 1 . ■■■■■■' — ■ « 1603 ^ / ‘ ( Orationes Harveian® Smith, Adee & Jo. Green 1770— 7*t> b 2jo8 Thomfon on the Gout — ■ — — 1742.7^ > 2209 Spry Diftertationes Medic® L . 5.176&3, ^ 2210 Taylor (Rob.) Mifcellanea Medica, c. m . Lond.iyitJ ^ ^ 22I! Clowes’s Obfervations for curing Gun-lhot and of the Lues Venerea b.l. l6 * 7 f/ / 2212 Lowe’s (Peter, Scottifiman) whole Art of Chyrurgery. b. L 1654^ ~ ' 2213 The Birth of Manky nde, othervjyfe named the Womans Booke, by Thou Raynalde, Phifition, b. /. ■ 1565 2214 Another Edit. — > — 165* 2215 Deventer’s Midwifery, in Dutch ■ — Gravenh. 1701 2216 The Englifh Man’s Treafure, with the true Anatomie of Mans Bodie, con piled by that excellent Chirurgion , Mafter Tho. Vicary, Efq; Serg. Chirurg. to K. Hen. VIII. K. Edw. VI. Qu. Mary, Qu. Eliz. b. /. — — — impr . /yTho. Creede 2217 Another Copy ■ ■ — impr, by Alfop 162I 2218. Paaw (Pet.) de Oftibus Amf.\6$$ y with the Frentif by Gheyn Amf. 1 63 3— f De Ladlibus, five Ladleis Venis, novo invento Gafp. Afellii L B. 1640 De Ratione Motus Mufculorum — ■ ■ — <» Lend. 1664 22f9 ^ Stcno de Mufculis & Glandulis <■ Hafn.i66+ MaL r> r >26 j 34169 *170 Hales*s Statical E flays * — udfoni (Gul.) Flora Anglica — — — — Blackftone (J.) Fafciculus Plantar. circa'Harcfield Hill (Jo.) Hortus Kewenfi?,/^, (- / 2171 2172 *173 Berkenhout’s Outlines of Nat. Hift. Vol. 2. (Vegetables) C Harvey of the Generation of Living Creatures, no title l Willis de Aniraa Brutorum - Redi de InleCtis, fig. — *■ — - — *» « ■- — - Gould’s Account of Englifh Ants — — Charas, Experiences fur ia Vipere, fig. * 73 * Lond 1 762 ib. 1737 r'i.1768 I77O Am ft. 1674 ib.i 6 y l ! 747 Par. 1669 Reicee. 1676 V 2174 Sachfii Monoeeralogia, feu de genuinis Unicornibus,^. * — 2175 Caius de Canibus Britannicis? &c. Lond. apud Serefium 1 5 70 2176 Pennant’s Britilh Zoology, 4 vol. cuts Lond.ijb < 6 —»Ckefler\j 6 g ' r — 7° 2177 Bulwer’s Philo tophus, or the Deafe and Dumbe Man’s Friend, with the cut by Marfhall — — - ■— — — 1648 — Philocophus — 1648 — Pathomyetomia , or a DiffeClion of the Mufcles of the Affections - — — 1649 ,5" — Sl 7 8 // 7 V- 4 & P / n A- "2180 2181 2182 2183 ’.Holder’s Elements of Speech, and Dumb — — — ■ ■ — Difcourfe concerning Time _ — Grounds and Principles of Harmony i Cafaubon (Meric) of Enthuliafme — " [ - « of Credulity and Incredulity concerning Perfons Deaf and. — . 1669 1701 1694 1655 1 668 1702 Ariftotle’s Secret of Secrets, of Health and Government Rantzovii Catalogus Impp. Regum, Principum qui Ajlrologicam Ar - tern amarunt , ornarunt , &c. — Antv. ap. P Untin. 1580 Pererius’s Vanity of Star-gazing, by Enderbie — 1661 2184 Hibner’s Myfierium Sigillorum , Herbarutn & Lapidum , the compleat Cure of all Sickneffes of Mind and Body, by the Influences of the Planet s., cuts 2185 Another Copy to/ 3 2186 Blagrave’s Aftrological Practice of Phyfick ^^-©f^T’^Naudaeus’s Hift. of Magic, by way of Apology f c (3 $ si 88 2189 ■M Wsdzr **? 0 unjuftly reputed Magicians Bapt. Portae Magia Naturalis Phytognomonica Phyftognomia - Lilly’s Hift. of his Life and Times Burman’s Life of Elias Afhmole g A thoufand notable Things , b. hr i 1698 1698 — 1689 for wife Men, 1657 — Antv. ap . Pi ant in. 1560 Fra ncof. 1 60S 1 1 ■ ■— Hanov. 1593 1715 I 7 1 7 — i6$i 2191 2192 21 93 Experiments of a Capt. of a Man of War, for promoting Converfation by Pictures and other Mediums «* < — 1751 Spencer of Prodigies and Vulgar Prophecies 1665 Aubrey’s Mifcellanies, with his Lij /.<£> f/ ^2194 Fa/ci cuius Geomanticus - — 4 _>I95 De Foe’s compleat Hift. of Magic, Sorcery, J*' ini. 1721 Veron.i6Sy Witchcraft, 2 vol. 1 7 1 5 'The Triall of Maifter Dorrell, tending to cleare him from the Imputation of teaching Summers and others to counterfeit PoJfeJfiQn* of Devils 1599, ded, to the Lord Ch. J. Popham Z \ 96 Narrow . — 8+9 6 2197 ✓ / *599 ?<: £*? 2199 2200 t »*7 ] ^ Narrative of certaine dwell]}] Witcheries pratttfed by Olifte, *//'<*/ Doll Barthram of Strad brook /« Suffolke, a/wjoane Jorden, &c. executed at St. Edmondibury — — - The Jefuites Nojler — T rafts in the Cafe of Jane Wenham, the Witch of Walkerne in Hertfordlhire, 2 vol. ■ ■ — ■ 17 1 2 Gigantologie , Hift. de la Grandeur des Geants Par . 161 Gigantomachie pour Refpondre a la Gigantologie 1 61 3 Habicot, l 1 Anti Gigantologie Par. 1 6 1 8 Tylkowfki Difquifitio Phyhca, ofienti duorum Puerorum , quorums dltgs^ cum Dente aureo, alter cum Capite G'tganteo Vilnae z» Lithuania Speftct^ batur , A. D. 1673, Monafterii Olivenfis 1674 Long Livers, a curious Hift. of fuch Perfons of both Sexes, who have lived feveral Ages , and gro^tt young again , Eugenius Philalethes / 1722 - 3L t7 A x R T O. Pby/tc , Cbirurgery , Anatomy , Chemiftry , Marvellous Hiftory - Mafic, Painting , Engravings Penmanjhip. 2201 Freind’s Hift. ofPhyfick, 2 vol. 2202 Boorde’s (Andr.) Breviarie of Health , b. 1 . 2203 Another Copy, b. 1 . zVw/r. £y Eafti57 £y Eaft 1575 2204 Cogan’s (Tho.) Haven of Health , chiefiymade for the Comfort of Stu - dents , b. 1. / Orvvin I \ — no title — / 220 6 Fracaftorii Syphilis, per Peters Lond.xqio, vsith hisportr. by Vertae^ 2205 Langham’s Garden of Health, £. /. /// r , i6oj ^ / t> o C P re f ent Remedies againjl the Plague , b. 1 . ' ( Orationes Harveian as Smith, A dee & Jo. Green 2208 Thomfon on the Gout — 2209 Spry Diftertationes Medic® 2210 Taylor (Rob.) Mifcellanea Medica, c. m. — 2211 Clowes’s Obfervations for curing Gun-lhot and of the Lues Venereaf\ b.l. — l6 *7f/,/ 2212 Lowe’s (Peter, Scottifiman) whole Art of Chyrurgery. b. /. 1654^ ' ' 2213 P he Birth of Mankynde, other-wyfe named the Womans Booke , by Tho. (s' Raynalde, Phifition , b. /. ■■ — ■ 1565 - 2214 Another Edit. - - - 165. 2215 Deventer’s Midwifery, in Dutch Gravenb. 1701 2216 The English Man’s Treafure, with the true Anatomie of Mans Bodie, con piled by that excellent Cbirurgion , Mafter Tho. Vicary, Efq; Seng. Chirurg . to K. Hen. VIII. K. Edw. VI. Qu. Mary, Qu Eliz. /. — — impr , /yTho. Creede 2217 Another Copy — — — impr. by Alfop 162 2218. Paaw (Pet.) de Ollibus Amfi.\bi$ y vsith the Frontif by Gheyn Amf. 1 633— fDe Laflibus, five Lafleis Venis, novo invento Gafp. Afellii I L 5.1640 I De Ratione Motus Mufculorum .... ^ Lond. 1664 2219 ^ Stcno de Mufculis & Glandulis ■ Hafn. 1664 MaL 0 . 0 [ ]* / i? 2z6q Parfons’s Cyphers, engraved by. GnbzYux ' 9 ' 7.7*7 n Ppfrpr Uie'm Q J «. / 7 - 2270 Peter Bales his writing Schoolemafler', conteining, Brachygraphie, tedch- g, ing fwift W riling ; 'Orthographic, trut Writing ; Caiy graphic, fairs Writing , b. I. ded r to the Lord Chauncelor Hatton impr, by Th. Or win 1590. / C Vanden Velde’s Penmanlhip, Dutch , with his tortr. Amft. 160;, 62271 I **/./*/. 0 b,,\ 0 / t Lefgret s French Penmanlhip, Paris 1713, fol. Y-r & 2272 Grainger’s Penmanlhip-— Sprofon’s Penmanlhip, MS. Bickham’s Penmanlhip, 173 1, obi. fol. ’’ /p »'O x #22 73 Ayres’s Penmanlhip, by Sturt, with his portr. by ditto, oil. fid. * 22 74 Wefton’s Penmanlhip and Drawing-Book, by Bickham, 2 vol. in 1. with his p ortr . by Faber, oblong fol. o 1 o. 0 " "0 22 76 /On /On 0 Englifh Poetry % Romances , Mifcellanies , continued. 4 Chaucer’s Works, firfi edit . b. 1. enprentyd by Caxton, /» rujftct. ‘This is the only perfed Copy known in England T 75 Chaucer’s Works, b. 1. in moroc. impr. by Tho. Godfray 1532 —— yjy.fwo MS. Letters from Mr. Rudd to Mr. Ames, Oxon. 1)46; contain- ing Accounts of fome early Editions of Chaucer— An antient Portrait of Chaucer, upon vellum, illuminated, by Tho. Occleve his Con temp. — • C°py of a Grant to Chaucer, 3 ft Hen. IV. 1399, publtjhed by Dr. Raw- linfon iy $.2 Chaucer’s Work«, by Urry, 1. p. - iyn /T ? 2 77 Chaucer’/ Caunterburye Tales , with Pynfon’/ Prohemye , b. 1 . impr. by Pynfon* no date , fasve a written one f 14939 in moroc. 22 1624 — v *&,. (- f ' 6 J 1 ~X 7 16^ 2, 17 ) 0 — a t y/g. ,/0 ~" s 2 Thirteenth r.»:t . Thirteenth Day’s Sale, Monday , April 12. OCTAVO G? Infra. Painting , Engraving , Architefifure , Finances . Mujicy T rade y Coin y Lot 2 3°3 2304 > 3°5 2306 2307 1668 1728 1730 T HE Excellency of the Pen and Pencil, Eflay on the Original of Painting La Motte’s, Eflay on Poetry and Painting { Winkelmann’s RefleXions on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks, with InftruXions for the Connoiifeur, by Fufeli *765 Wallace’s Letters to the Duke of Gordon, on Study 1762 Bourke’s Vindication of Natural Society - — - I 757 Alberti de PiXura, ja?n primum in Lucem Editi Baf. 1 540 2308 Corneille, premiers Elemens de la Peinture, fig. Par. 1684 2309 Du Frefnoy’s Art of Painting, by Dryden, with Graham's Account of eminent Painters 2310 Another Copy _ - 23 1 1 De Piles, Cours de Peinture, par Principes ■ 2312 Richardfon’s: l"heorv of Painting — — 2313 Traite de la Peinture & de la Sculpture { 23*14 Algarotti’s Eflay on Painting — — — 2313 Count Caylus of EncaufLc Painting, by Muntz 2316 Le Comte, Cabinet des Singular it ez d’ 'Architecture^. & Grave ure y 3 tom. Par. 3 tom. Amji. *<1 { The Painter’s (Barri) Voyage to Italy, cuts Letters from a young Painter (Rufiei) cuts 1716 1716 1708 1715 en 1. 1723 — 1764 * 1760 Peinture , Sculpture Par. 1700 1679 2318 Beilori, De/crizione delte Immagini depint e da Raffaelle, nel Vaticano, &C. con la Vita 2 3 1 9 23 20 232 2 2 f Pitture r &cc. di Roma, da Titi di Bologna — fit Roma, da Titi, 2 tom. di Venezia, da Bofchini di Bologna di Venezia, da Bofchini 1 S Du Bois, Tableaux du Palais Royal — - Tableaux du Cabinet du Roy au Luxembourg 2 $ Defcription of the Paintings and Sculptares at Antwerp ^ ^ ( Strange’s defcriptive Catalogue of PiXures ■ ■ - 2324 De Piles, Abrege de la Vie des Peintres « - ■ 2325 Rom. 1752 ib. 1721 Bol. 1706 Rom. 1721 Ven. 1664 Bol. 1732 Ven. J733 Far. 1727 ib . 1751 175; 1769 Par. 1715 Felibien Architeftes, 5 tom. Trent. 1725 Par. 1752 r m T 2325 Felibien, Vies des plus excellens Perntres 2326 Vies des premiers Peintres du Roy, 2 tom. 2327 Velafco’s Lives and Works of the Spaniih Painters 2328 The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 2 vol. 2320 Mariette, Defleins du Cabinet de Crozat Par. 2330 Evelyn’s Sculptural the Hift. and Art of Chalcography 2331 The Hift. and Art of Engraving 2332 Catalogue and Defcripuon of Rembrandt’s Etchings 3333 Repertorium Sculptile-Typicum , interleaved 2334 An Eflay on Prints, with a Note on the Author ■ ■» *335 Ames’s Catalogue of engraved Englilh Heads, ded. to Mr. 1 interleaved and bound in tnoroc. — Schopperi omnium mecbanicarum Artium Imagines Francof. Sambuci Emblemata , Antv, ap. Plantinum 1569, in cor. turc. ^ Ovidii Met amor ph. hones Antv. ex Ojficina PI an tin. — 13^6 2337 * 33 8 2339 Flitneri Nebulo Nebulonum , fig. 2340 Flammulae Amoris S. Auguftini Iconibus exornata 2341 Boxhornii Emblemata - Cats’s Emblems, Dutch * C Farley’s Kalendar of Man’s Life, cm \ Morall Emblems 2342 2 343 2 3 44 - 2-345 234 6 2 347 2348 2 349 2350 2 35 1 235Z Francof. 1620 Antv. 1629 Amjl. 1635 Dor dr. 1633 — 163*5 >638! Ant. a Burgundia Linguae Vitia & Remedia emblematice exprejfa Antv. 1652 Aldrich Elementa Archite&urae ; only ten Copies of this Book were printed, and thofe never perfeded , the Author s Death preventing Gerbier’s (Sir Balt,) three Principles of magnificent Building, d to K. Cha. II. it — Counfel to Builders ■ ■— it Morris’s Le&ures on Archite&ure — 1; Gauger’s Fires improved, by Defaguliers 1; Salmon’s Builder’s Eftimator l * 2353 2 35 8 2359 2360 2361 Turin. Amfl. Muller’s Attack and Defence of fortified Places Science de la Guerre, fig. Nye’s Art of Gunnery and Fireworks, 1670, and 3 more Holder's Grounds and Principles of Harmony — - Elements of Speech . Difcourfe of.Time j 2354 Hift. de la Mufiqne Sc de fes Effets, 4 tom. en 2. 2359 Avifon on Mufica! Expreftion 1753 2356 Burney’s prefent State of Mufic in France and Italy 1771 23^7 General Defcription of Trades — - 1747 King’s Britifh Mercnant, 3 vol. 1 . p. — 1721 C Wood’s Survey of Trade 171$ \ Haynes on the Cloathing Trade — . 1715 f Ballon of Trade and a public Spirit — 1 73 x < Belloni’s Letter on the charitable Corporation C Haynes on the Cloathing Trade — 171? Bindon of Commerce Dub!. 1738 2362 Kippax’s 3 - A b 3 '(= A— C »34 ] 2 362 . Kippax’s Theory and Pra&ice of Commerce and Maritime Affairs, from the Spanijh of Don Ger. de Uztariz, 2 vol. 1751 2563 Stevens’s Spa-nifh Rule of Trade to the Weft-Indies, from the Spanijh 0/ Don Jofeph de Veitia 1702 f Mem. of the Trade and Revenues of the Britifh American Colonies 2364 y ' . 1740-4$ £ Pownall’s Adminiftration of the Colonies .... 176$ Zy&S- EfTay on the Decline of Foreign Trade — — 175^ “Ordinances of the Emp. Cha. V. and Phil. K. of Spain, touching //— 23 66 23 67 the Circulation of the different Gold and Silver Coins of Europe, ‘with the plater, b. 1 . 1558-39, in Flemijh Figures, Of the different Species of Gold and Silver Monies of Europe, b. 1 . Am-w. 1580, Flemijh r Garrault Recherches des Monnoyes des plus renomees Nations ,, 1a /£-(> /£-(> /— / — 3 ' 6 5- 7 ' c 8-6 /-£ //-A Declaration fur les Monnoyes d' Argent legeres, ih % hs fg. ' " ' •*. 236S Poullain, Traitez des Monnoyes -" > -» ■*. — ■ — 2369 Boizard, Traite des Monoyes, 2 tom. « C Advice touching the Currant is of our Englijh Gold •<— 2 3 7° 1 Perfed Dire&ions for all Englifh Gold, a mb the fig . 237 2 37 S 2 37 ¥ Paris 157& j 164^ avec tb. 1709 Haye *7 14 — 1627 1 1633 1675 j 1696 I g. ,6 33 1 r6qd 23 76 < 2377 2378 2379 / — *380 ! J Vaughan of Coin and Coinage \ Barbon of coining new Money lighter { Directions for all Englifh Gold now currant, ‘with the fig. Letter about the Currency of Clipt- Money Two Letters to Mr. Locke, on the Difeafes incident to Coin, and about the raifing of Coin » ■ ♦»- - ? - * * - 7-. ; 1696 Lownds’s EfTay for the Amendment of Silver Coins, in- turkey 169; An Account— of Gold and Silver Monies coy tied fines the 20 July 1660 to K. Geo. II. incluf. made out by Order of the- Hon. Rich. Arundel, Efq; Mafier and Worker of his Majefty’s Mint, by Mr. Pollett -of the Minty- -and continued by the fame, MS . Ahotker Copy >Z \ ( Harries EfTay upon Money and Coins, 2 parts ! 737-58 Sir.Jo. Barnard’s Thoughts on the Scarcity of Silver Coin ; 175 9 Comparative View, of the nominal Value of the Silver Coin of England and France — 1760 Corbyn Morris on the Caufes of the prefent Scarcity of our Silver l Coin — — 1 757 Snelling’s DoSlrine of Gold and Silver Computations,; ‘with tables and plates — — ' 1766 Confide rations on Money, Bullion and Foreign Exchanges, an Enquiry into the prefent State of the Britifh Coinage * 1772 Thoughts on Money, Circulation and Paper Currency Edinb ; 175 8 Difcourfe of Paper Credit, Paper Money, Paper Riches and State- ©f our Coinage —— — t — - - — - 1700 Cafe of the Bankers and their Creditors 16737 DifcOurs pour & contre la Reduction de ITnterell naturel de PArgent Wefel. 1757 2381 Mortimer’s t <*35 3 2381 Mortimer's every Man his own Broker -■ ■- - > ■ -t 1761 2382 D’Avenant’s Pieces on Trade and the public Revenues, $ vol. 1695—1701 2383 Ditto, 5 vol. /» morocc 0 1698—1704, with an Original Letter of Dr. D’Avenant/0 hit Son Henry, then with the Duke of Marlborough in Flanders —giving fome Account of Sir Geo. Rook’s Behaviour again/I the French, the Quietnefs of Parties at Home — the Eft# likely to be produced by his Grace’s Victory You may further acquaint hia Grace, and from me , that Mr. Lbwndes fays, he has. already all the Supplies for aettt-¥ear under his Thumb, &c. dated 1 o Od. 1704, MS. . *384 Reflexions Rolitiques fur les Finances & le Commerce, 2 tom. 2385 23 86 2387 2388 Le Reformateuir Theorie >de l’Impot Perris Avign. Du Tot’s Reflexions on the Finances and Commerce of France Stevens’s Hiftorical Account of Taxes from the Conqueft Another Copy 1725, with Addenda by Mr. Weft, MS. — 7 Hift* ©f eur Cuftoms, Aids, Subfidies, National Debts an 4 Ta*es,\ from the Conqueft to 1761, 4 parts Seafonable Hints from an honeft, Man (Will. PuReney, Earl of Bath) - — — 1761 2389 *( Fauquiere’s Eflay on Ways and Means 17561 1761 1 po.Dod. I r 1761/ 2390 239.1 2392 2393 2 394 j Confederations on the Fluduations of the public Funds I Oecafienal Obfervations on the Civil-Lift Revenue, by Gpo. dington, Lord Melcombe Decker’s (dir Matt.) ferious Coniiderations on High Duties 1756, and lundry other Trads upon Duties — — - — — Poftlethwayte’s Great Britain’s true Syftena ... . 1757 Coliedion of the Supplies and Ways and Means, from the Revo- lution to 1762 Ditto 1763 and 1764, MS. — f -Crouch’s Britifli Cuftoms, interleaved , 2 vol. < The net Income of his Majefty’s Cuftoms, (_ incluf. MS. "i ~ r ~7 ~T ~~~ 7 ~ ~ Saxby’s Britilh Cuftoms, in turkey * — : 1757 - 1745 annually , 1738 /0 1745, QUARTO. Natural Hiftory — Husbandry — Improvements — Commerce— Finances . 2395 Mufaum Brackenhofferianum Argent. 1677 * 2396 Bradley’s Philofophical Account of the Works of Nature, l. p. the ruts coloured I 7 2 1 2397 Hift. Naturelle, avec la Dcfcripti.on du Cabinet du Roy, 2 tom. en- 1. fg. — - — Haye 1 750 2398 Jorden of Natural Bathes and Mineral Waters — 163 1 2359 Cham- / — _ 3 - -2 - - /- C - 2 -C —3 — /-/— A 2- - / - - 4 - - A — / — A_ / — / 3 / 2399 3400 34° 1 t n 6 3 Chamberlen’s Vindication of Public Artificial Baths and Bath-fiovet 1648 Short’s Hift. of Mineral Waters — > 1734 lmperati (Fr.) de Foflilibus Opufculum - _■ Neap: 1610 2402 / - 2 4°3 s-fi 2404 i:i 2405 2406 // - 2407 Scilla de Corporibus Marinis Lapidefcentibus Gloffcpetris,^. 8 - 24° 8 /, / / — / 2409 J&/A -0 * 4 '° /__ 24' 1 /— *41* / - 2413 1 2414 / - 24 '5 2 -L 2416 A-'G 24,7 C G 2+18 .3 3419 /— 342O zJj 6 -/£- (t 24*3 3421 3422 & Fab. Columna de R ° m - 1747 Monti "de Monumento Diluviano in Agro Bononienfi, fig. Bonen . 1 7 X 9 Fifcherus de Terra Medicinali Tokayenfi • Wratifl. 1732 Da Cofta’s Natural Hift. of Foflils — — 1757 Another Copy ■ — - - j 1757 Schmeidel’s Minerals, finely coloured ^Seligmann fc Numb. 1753, the Explanations in German Dodoens’s Hjl- of Plants, by Lyte, b. 1 . ded . to Qu. Eliz. impr. by Ninian Newton 1586 Pontederae Compendium Tabular. Botanicar. Patav. 1718 Burmanni Thefaurus Zeylanicus,_/%\ — Amft. 1737 { Meibomius de Cerevifiis & Turnebus de Vino Helmtfi . 1678 Pechlinus de Potu Thea? Kil. 1684 The Nat. Hift- of Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Tobacco 1682 NeandriTabacologia,/^. L. Bat. 1626 Idem — ■ — ■ ib. 1626 De la Chambre, de la ConnoilTance des Animaux Par. 1647 Licetus de Monftris Blafii, fig. - »■■■ Amft. 1665 Tyson’s Anatomy of a Pygmie, cuts 1699 Petri ab Hartenfels Elephantographia Curiofa , fig. Lipf. 1723 f The Anatomy of a Porpefs, difte&ed at Grefham College, cuts , ] 1680 I Swammerdam’s Nat. Hift. of the Ephemeron, a Fly that lives but I five Hours — - - — ■■ 1 - 1681 Anatomical Account of the Elephant, accidentally burnt at Dub- | lin, cuts 1682 I Papin’s new Digefter 168 1 j Becheri NovaTemporis dimetiendi Ratio, fig. Land. 1680 ■ Minera Arenaria perpetua . ■ —• ■ ib.1680 Merian’s (Mar. Sybilla) Defcriptions of Infedts, Germ. Nurn. 1679. v . —1683: Falangio di Puglia, Lezioni della Taranto’a Albin’s Natural hfiory of Englijh InfeBs , finely coloured 1720, in rujfia of Bit ds, 3 vol, finely coloured 1 73 I — 38, _ in MH $-j 242 £ <* z6 /_ X — - 2 4 2 7 2428 Edwards’s Nat . Hfi. of Birds , and Gleanings, 7 vol. coloured by the Author - — " * 1743 — 1764 Sellii Hift. Naturalis Teredinis,/^-. — — Traj . 1733 Lifter Conchyliorum Bivalvium Exercitatio, fig. Lond. 1 696 D’Argenville, la Lithologie & la Conchyliologie, fig. Par. 1742 Knorr, les Delices des Teux & de PEfprit, on Collection des differentes Efpeces de Coquillages enluminees , 2 tom. en 1. reliez en tnaro - quin - — Nurnb. 1764 2429 Ret 1 2429 2430 2 43 1 ‘2432 2433 2434 2435 HI 6 . 2 437 ,-4438 2439 dtyi 1 .2440 *2441 2442 ‘2443 2444 2445 2446 [ *57 3 Rei Agraria-Auttores Legefq. varia Goefii & Rigaltii, Amf. 1674 — Googe’s (Barnabie) Huibandrie , b. 1 . 1596, no title - , — Stevens and Liebault’s Countrey Fur me, by Surflet, *V»/r. by Hatfield 1606 — Markham’s Husbandry and Gardening ; or. Way to get Wealth 1676 — Directions left by a Gentleman, to his Sonne, for the Improvement of barren Land — ■— 1 670 — Mafcal’s GoverndlCntof Cattell, b. 7 . - — - — 1 633 Butler’s Hift. of Bees Oxf 1634) An oldeThrifte newly revived, the Manner of Planting and prefervingV Timber, b. I. ~ — — — — — - i 6 l*J Norden’s Surveiors Dialogue, ded* to Sir Rob. Cecill, Earle of Salif- burie — — — — 1618 The noble Arte of Venerie. or Hunting , and Saye b. 1. cuts , ded to Lord Clinton. zmpr * by Bynneman 1573 1 660^ Manner of Wm- — 1610 ,6 54 2 447 2 44 '8 2449 2 45 ! 2 45 2 *453 2+54 ru/i ! The Gardeners Labyrinth Lawrence and Beale’s Letters to Oldenburgh eft Nurferies, Or-/ chards, Gardens, Vineyards — l & 77 [ Auften of FruitTrees — — “ — - - 1653J Nyland’s Gardening and Husbandry (in Dutch) cuts A raft. *669 C Qnintinye, lnltruCtibn pour les Jardins FruiiierS & Potagers, < 2t0m.ini. — — Amf* 1692 ( La Theorie & la Pratique du Jardinage — ‘ par. 1709 Hermann! Paradifus Batavus,/^, — — . L.Bat* 1698 Vaughan’s (Rowland) Water-Works , containing the ter and Summer drowning of Medow and Pafture Bate’s Myferies of Nature and Art Platt’s (Hugh) Dzfcoverie of certazne Bnglijh Wants here fufplyed , *595 The Way to be rich ; according to the Pra&ice of the great Audley ; who began with f 200. An. 1605, and dyed worth f 400,000. this Infant November ? 662 — — ju nice’s general Treatife of Monies and Exchanges * 7°7 Dudley Diggers Defence of Trade, to Sir Tho. Smith, Governor of the Eaft India Company — — i6k Defence of the Englilh Eaft-Tndia Cotnp. again!! the Complaints of the Dutch E. 1 . C. 1762, and three other TraCIs on the Enelifn E. I. Co. — 2450 Mem. pour Le Sieur Dupleix, centre la Comp; des Indes, Par , / - /- /- h - 3 - '759 A Colle&ion of twenty Trafls on the Sugar Colonies, 4to. and Moubach’s Greenland Fifhery, in Dutch, cuts A/nd. 1720 A Hint to the Blackwell-Hali FaClors 1705, and other TraBs / Yarrar.ton’s England’s Improvement by Sea and Land , — - 3 - ~/z — — 2 — — 2 - £ - 2 - 6 - 4 - — 42 — /— b T 2455 A [ * 3 $ ] “ A Colle&ion of fcarce Trails upon Trade and Difcoveries, 2 VOl. viz. 1 . The Trades lucre afe — 1 6 1 5 2. Miffenden’s Circle of Commerce, in Defence of free Trade 1623, ded . to the Lord Trcafurer Middlefex 3. A Difcourfe of Trade from England unto the E. Indies, by T. M. 1621 or Eail- India Paffages further dif 1651 4, Strange News from th’ Indies, 2455 covered^ byJ. D. Treatife of Taxes and Contributions — — 1667 670 6 Sir Tho. Culpeper’s Neceffity of abating Ufury 7. Chara&ers and Qualifications of an honeft loyal Merchant 1686 8. Gabr. Plattes’s Difcovery of Subterraneal Treafure 1639 9. BufbelPs Abridgm. of Lo. Bacon’s Theory of Mineral Profecu* — 1660 1678 — — J696 tions 10. Reafons againft a Regiftry for Lands 1 1. Cary of Trade « — f A valuable A flemblage of fcarce and curious Trails upon Huf- bandry, Trade, Improvements, &c. made by Mr. Locke, 8 vol. among which are Smith’s England’s Improvement in Hufbandry and Trade Cook of Forefi: Trees, Sec. « — - Plattes’s Subterranean Treafure Remarks on the Trade of England and Ireland Difcourfes upon Trade and Coin — — Coke’s (Roger) England’s Improvements, 2 parts 1673 1676 j6 79 1691 1691 1675 Hiftory of the Rife and Growth of the Weft India Colonies I69O Auflen of Fruit Trees, addrejfed to Hartlib — Oxf. 1657 Blith’s Husbandry — — 1652 The Golden Fleece , by Orpheus J unior j Collins's Salt and Fifbey A fhort View of the Art of Navigation — 1691 Collins’s Plea for bringing in Irifh Cattel, and keeping out Fifil caught by Foreigners — - — — — - — 1680 L’Efirange’s Difcourfe of the Filhery *674 The Ufe and Abufes of Money 1671 A Difcourfe of the Utility and Benefit to be derived from St. 1674 1685 1681 1677 1674 Foine England’s Wants — — — — A Treatife of Wool and Cattel 1677, and 4 more on Wool The Trade of England revived — — — — Trevers’s Elfay to the refioring our decayed Trade — — Haines’s Prevention of Poverty, ded . to Prince Rupert MiiTen- i >39 3 Miflenden’s Circle of Commerce 1623 The Trades Increafe 1615, by J. R. Dudley Digges’s Defence of Trade, to Sir Tho. Smith, b, /. 2 4$6 i 1613 Reafons for a Regiftry 1673 Ditto againft ditto Three Trails or Workhoufes in every County 1 67 7 — 1681 A Difcourfe of Trade to the Halt Indies 1621, and $more on the E. India Trade 1677— 81 — 89 Dodfoifs Defgn for draining the Bedford Level, with the Mat> f 1665 Hartlib’s reformed Husbandman — — . » 1651 A Difcourfe of Houfebandrie , written by Mayjier Prudens Choifelat, tranfated by R. S. iinpr. by Jhon Kyngfton 1580, b. 1 . a very fcarce and whimfical Trait Hartlib’s Propoftions for a College of Husbandry for Pupils and Ap« prentices ; and Friends or Fellows 1651 (damaged) Plat’s (Sir Hugh) Jewel Houfe of Art and Nature — 1653 Smith’s Seaman’s Grammar and Dictionary — 169J Houghton’s Letters onHulbandry and Trade, 2 vol. in I. 168 1 — 1683 Yarran ton’s England’s Improvement 1 677 The Way to be rich , according to the Practice of the great Audlcy^ — 1662 Tulfer’s 500 Points of good Husbandry , b. 1 . — 1638 Beliers’s PrGpofals for raifing a College of Ittdufry — 1696 * Graves’s fhort Account of the Bahama Iflands — and about 60 more, no lefs interefiing, upon Trade, Manufactures, Coin, Banks, a _ /C~ - Taxes, Funds, &c. Sec. - — ' { Annual AbftraCt of the Sinking Fund from 1718 to 1763 Traits on Taxes, Funds, &c. Hanway’s Reafons tor an Augmentation of 12,000 Mariners, *759 2458 AbJlraCls of the Money Bills, from thefirji of K. Will, and Qu. Mary to the 16 K. Geo. II. 2 .vol. MS, 2459 ^ Collection of all the Alterations that have been made in the Cuftoms, fince the Conclufon of Mr. Crouch’s Book MS, Tucker’s Elements of Commerce,/ and Theory of Taxes 2461 Steuart’s (Sir James) Principles of Political (Economy, in of Rates, FOLIC K E . * 4 ° ] FOLIO. Englifh Poetry, R.omances and Mifcellanies concluded. //- J-C / — $■- '(o /-/*- /£-/*- \ 462 Z463 v' ' — ,.< r ^ y-'sr ;U Johnfon’s (Captain Charles) Lives oF the Highwaymen, &c. — ? — — 1734 — — - — — (Sam.) Works — - — - — — • — 1710 2464 Johnflon’s (Nat.) of Monarchy — ~ — - — - • 1686 2465 The Works of K. Ja. I. ery (J « & '■ ^ (cane IS ^ - J .. 2478 Prior’s Poems, /. pap. — 1 f h 2479 The Hyforye of Reinard / ‘ 10 - 0 Copy e-jfa,/ — of Jafon, the Foxe , black Letter, — 1718 date , fne 4 / ^2480 The Boke /• ' 1 rdtS 0 y aie /? no \A - 10.. I Q„ 0 / */ . 1 b. 1 . tranfated and enpr . by Caxton, j 7 cciLoTt /figiLy 481 The Boke of fayttesJ hf Armes and cf Chy : valrye nuhtche Chryftyne of Pyfe made and dre~ C Hen. VIII. Ja. I. by Vaughan 2492 Sidney on Government, l. p. inrujfa - — — .2493 The St. James’s journals, with Memoirs of Literature * The Tea-Table 1724, and other periodical Papers, and dome Tra&s, 2 vol. — — ^-= — _ — A -6 2494 Walter Smyths Wydow Edyth, b. I . - 1704 V7- 1723— / Xil mery gefys of one callyd Edyth The lyeng Wydow whych yet fyll lyveih Enprynted by Johan Rafteil 1525 y to., or' o The Trkks of this Female Sharper, whole Father’s .Name was Haukins, and her Husband’s Ellis, are related in a lirely Manner; with the Towns about London where, and the Pc'rfons [ Mi J —5 2 49 5 2496 Z.AL.O 2 — *497 £ 2498 a 499 ^^2500 Fcrfons Names upon whom Ihe played them, one Scene of which was in Sir Thomas More’s Houfe at Chelfey : The Author, Waiter Smith, who was one of her Dupes, has gi- ven a pretty Talte of the Manners and Poetry of the Time, J- w. Taffo’s Godfrey of Bulloigne, by Edw. Fairefax, ded . to Qu. Eliz. impr. by Hatfield, \ ft Edit. — — — — 1600 All the Wcrkes of John Taylor the Water Poet , fine copy , with the engraved Title page, including his Portrait by Cockfon 1630, with fome Account of that wonderful Genius, MS. by J. W. Theophila; or, Loves Sacrifice, by E. B. 1652, with various cuts Turner’s Hift. of remarkable Providences Sir Will. Temple’s Works, 2 vcl. . — Sir Edw. Walker’s Hiflorical Difcourfes — — — 2501 Wicquefort’s EmbaiTador and his Functions, by Digby 5 697 l 7 3i * 7°5 Fourteenth Day’s Sale, Tuefday , April 13. OCTAVO 6? Infra. Introductions to Hifiory — Antiquities , Jewifh, Egyptian , Greek, Roman, Celtic, &c. — Modern General Hifiory — Ancient Infcriptions , Medals , Weights and Meafures, &c. Lot 0* ! : h 25 02 v ALLEMONT, Elemens de l’Hiftoire, 3 tom. Paris 1714 1724 ff f , /< 2 j Hearne’s Dodior Hifioricus, 2 vol. beft Edit, 9 dfifi 504 Du Frefnoy’s Method of ftudying Hilt, with a Catalogue of Hillo- rians, 2 vol. 1728 q S505 Baroa Hoiberg’s Introduction to Univerfal Hiltory, by Sharpe, • 1755 _ Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on the Study and Ufe of Hiltory, 2 vol. — fi * -2507 Another Copy, 2 vol. — - — — — ~ 1752 %s fz 508 Struvii Bibliotheca Hiltorica — — - — — ■ — — fen. 1705 — « 7*4 — Camb . 1593 - — Amft. 1678 Aug, Vind. 1686 2512 Abei?.- .^Lr ^42509 Cumberland’s (B p.) Origines Gentium antiquijf, ^f' r If 5 10 lore’s Chronological Tables, interleaved y* ■ Q 2 q .11 | Outram de Sacrificiis Judaeorum Beckii Monumenta antiqua J udaica, &c. t *43 J 2512 2513 z?H 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 25 21 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 253° 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2 53 7 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 C Abendana’s Polity of the Jews 1706 173* \ Ben Pedahzur’s Jewifh Ceremonies and Devotions La Mothe le Vayer’s Animadv. on the antient Greek and Roman « Hiftorians Oxfi.167%, and 3 more Jamefon Spicilegia Antiquitatum Aigypti 17 20-—/.. ^ C Greaves’s Pyramidngr aphids cuts , iwx portrait ly E. M. J of the Roman Foot and Denarius Wyche’s Relation of the River Nile ■■■■■ Potter’s Antiquities of Greece* 2 vol. ■■ ■ ■ ■ C Stanyan’s Grecian Hiftory - ■ - -■■■■ { Lewis’s Hift of the Parthian Empire — Craig de Republica Lacedtemoniorum Refpublicae Var. Ant. & Mod, 24 tom. ^ — - The Uncertainty of the Roman Hi dory ■ Panvinii Refpublicae Rom. Comment. — — f II Fenefiella di Sacerdoti e Magijlrati Romani Yen. ,6 W a - 164 7 l^ I 669 -3- / >7** ‘7 ° Tl ~ / 172* I •>'*> L.B. 167a - \ Pomp. Leto, I Antiquit a di Rcma Baxteri Gloflar. Antiquitatum Romanar. C Gutberlethi Opufcula ib. appr. 17 40 Paris 1588 appr. Giolito . . x 547 Giolito 1550 Lond. ijzS F raneq. 1 yoq. Rom . r68p A. B. 1703 . Taur. t 664 / Lond. j 69 1 Amjl • 1 67 4 — */ 7 S' J Miriutoli Romana Antiquitas Diflertat. Catalog. Libror in Thefauris Graevii & Gronovii Emm. Thefauri Jnfcriptiones Fleetwood Jnfcriptiones Antiquae ■ . Pignojius de Servis. fig. —^.1074 Balduinus de Calceo & Nigronius de Caliga Veterum, fig, j ih.166 7 Magius de Tintinnabulis,^. 1680 Vertot, Hift. des Revolutions Romaines, 3 tom. Par. 1734 — 3 ^ ' Montefquieu, de la Grandeur des Romains & de leur Decadence / Am/?. 1746 Autre Exempl. Montefquieu of the Grandeur and Declenfion of ^•‘734 t Romans j Crevier, Hift. des Empereurs Romains, 10 tom. Wotton’s HilT. of Rome Felibien, Maifons de Campagne de Pline le Conful Seller’s Antiquities of Palmyra — ■ Another Copy . ... — Cochin’s Antiquities of Herculaneum, with Belicard’ Gyllius’s Antiquities of Conftantinople, by Ball, cuts Des Moeurs & des Ufages des Romains, 2 tom. La Mitolcgia del Banier, fig. 2 tom. i Maubert, Memoires Militaires fur les Anciens, 2 tom Choul , Jhpra la Cafirametatione & Bagni antichi — Pezron’s Antiquities of Nations, more particularly the Celt#, Jones Keyfler Antiquitates Septentrionales Sc Celtics Pelloutier, Hift. des Celtes, 2 tom. 2545 2546 Mabillen, Hift. des Conteftadons fur I2 Diplomatique the Romans }-/-(? Par. t 1696— %- i6 9 6k 6 r *7 56 t Par. 1744"- Z _ Utrcc. 1762 / Jz. *559 ^ Hayei 7 jo g* 7 ■Ptfr?; i~cS 1547 Put- *• b 4547 2548 72—2 J 49 - A -3550 “'02 551 *?/ o 2554 -J,, €0554 /•/ =555 2- 6 4557 2.^ *S5 8 4 - 2559 4 . t> 2 5 6b / — 4561 2562 f 144 1 YPufendorfii Introduft. adHift, Europ. — — Fraipof. 1 764 < Brachelii Hift. Noftri Temporis, 2 tom. in 1. Amjl. 1655, « (. great number of portraits, among cthers y Admiral Penn J Pufendorf’s IntrodudL to the Hift. of Europe — \ Templets Memoirs of Chriftendom Complete Hift. of Europe, from 1600 to 1714, *8 vol. Schmaulzen’s StaatfwiflenfchafFt, 2 tom. Leipz Annual Regifter for 1770 Walker of Coins and Medals — — — ■ ■■ ■ Joubert, la Science des Medailles, 2 tom. — — Autre Exemplaire, 2 tom. — Patin,“ Hift. de& Medailles 1 7 1 9 1709 1747 * Geezii celebrior, Viror. Epift. de Re Numifmatica Smith’s Liter a de Re Nummaria — Treatife of the Revenue and falfe Money of the Romans Another Copy — f Infignium aliquot Viror urn leones - — — < Imperatorum Romanor. Imagines - - - (_ Torehilli Arithmeiica brevis — — f Hofti Hift. Rei Nummariae \ Falconerius de Nummo Apamenfi -—■ < Hulfii Impp. Romanor. Numifmatum Series Patarol Series Auguftorum, &c. — Nummi Veteres Collegii Tirnonenfis Societatis 3564 Difter’t. fur une Medaille de Pofthume — Hollingius de Baslyliis Veterum — Mem. des Antiques, &c. du Sieur Paul Lucas 2 - 25^5 Catalogus Numifmaticas Mufei Lefroyani Defcription des Pierres gravees & des Medailles d’Or antiques efu Cabinet de Feue Madame Parisij^y A Catalogue of the mofi curious and inefimable Manufcriptf in the c* (h- >$66 A / toy* 57° /.(> *57 « Turkish, Arabic and Perfan Languages* of Mr. George Sale, Translator of the Koran , to be fold together here r or fent Abroad (in Englilh and French) no date Detail d’un Cabinet de Bronzes Ainfworth Monumenta Vetuftatis Kempiana ffift. Numifmatum Antiq. & Mod. 2 tom< in 1 ,/Uertn. Critical EfTay ca Modern Medals — 1 692 Paris 17 F 5 '*h 17-15 ib. 1 69 5 Vitemb. 1-7 1 6 Nevocaf. 17 29 74 1 , 74 I L*gd ,1559 Argent . 1 526 Col. 152S Francof 1 5 80 Rom. 1668 Francof, 1603 Venet . 1 7 40 Jefu> . Aven. 173 * Par. 17 26 Grot?. 1715 Paris 1738 Liburn . 1763 Paris 1767 Lend. 1720 p Hamb, \70\J\ j 704 f Grfepfius de Siclo & Talento & de Menfuris Hebr. Antv, ap . ■< Plant inum 1 568 _ Vetufijfmnrum Poet arum Senienfia , Gr, ( Greaves of the Roman Foot and Denarius < ’s Pyramidographia y cuts T.ifsn ib. ib. 1564 1647 1 646 1686 0x071. l688 si 7 ;.4 2574 Cumberland of the Jewilh Meafures and Weights Bernard de Menfuris & Ponderibus Antiquis Hooper (Bp ) of the Attic, Roman and Jewifh, Meafures, and of our Old Englilh Money and Meafures of Content . — 1721 Hyde de Ludis Orient alibus, atom* * Oxon.i6g^ QUART 0, f 145 ] QUART 6 . { W \ Geography , Voyages and J ravels* 2^75 Cellarii, Geographia Conr. Schwartz, 2 tom, 2576 Peritfol Itinera Mundi, Heb. Sc Lat. Notis btyie 2577 Spanhemii Orbis Romanus - - 2578 Ortelio, II Theatre del Mon do .... Up/.XjXt; Ox. i66©t * { Carlile’s Difcourfe of Peter’s Life and Peregrination, proving that he never was at Rome, b. L intpr. by Rog. Ward 158&. Bp. Iuell’s Apologie of the Chufehe of Englande, b. /. impr. by Reginald Wolfe 1562, no title 2582 Zuallardo, il DevotiJJimo Viaggio di Gierufalemrtie^fg. Rom.} ^g^ n A, , rSir Francis Drake revived, with his portr. { The World encompafled, by Sir Fr, Drake, the title and two firfi leaves are wanting Expeditio Fr. Draki in Indias Oceidentales 1585, Leid. ap, Ra« z. phelengi5§g I2584 Sir Fr. Drake’s Voyages, with hie port*. 16^2- 2585 Capt. Tho. James’s dangerous Voyage in his. intended Difeovery of a North Weft Paflage *653- u VJ* 6 , 2586 Bougainville’s Voyage found the World, by ForRer, ded. to Mr, Weft, 1772, fine copy E587 The Hifi. of the great and mightie Kingdom of China, tr an fated by Parke, from the Spanijbe, b. 1 . impr. by Jo. Wolfe 1 5 - — 2588 Barri’s Cochin-China, by Afhley j/v 163 3 »-■ - 25-89 Fryer’s Travel^in Eaft-lndia and Perfia, Ditch SGra%\ 1700— - 4 *~ / 47 . /./~ 0 2590 Lesfa?neux Voyages de Pietro della Vail e, furnomme 1 ’Illuftre Voy— ageur, 4 tom. en marof. ■ Paris \ 65 l^J Z$g\ Voyages Sc Millions du Pere Alex. de^Rhodes enMa> Chine, 8cq. ^ i ^ i S' 1$ Q* Frtr. 1653. y< 2592 Voyages de Monconya, 3 tom. [g> A& Lyon.\ 6 b 6 4 1 /- 2593 Hanway’s Travels, 4 vol. in 2. cuts , 1753, in rujfia ■ - , 1594 Vies des Gouverneurs Generaux, avec l’Hift. des Etabliftemens 6 Hoi’ and oil aux Indes Orientales, par Du Bois, avec lews portraits*— K l$c. gr . pap . Z£25 Viaggi del Sig. Marchefe Villa in Dalmatian Levante 2596 Relation de 1 ’Ifle de Madagafcar Sc du Brefil *597 Lopez’s Report of the Kingdom of Congo impr Hay c Ty6 3 B598 Dunton’s Journal of the Sally Fleet U Tor. i66§ c) Far. t6; I*. Ij Jo, Wolfe \r 1 5 97— }prrj^ , j 2599 Rene- — ^ ^2 X A. /, — b-L /,.o II,.- [ 146 ] 2599 Reifenaeh Mequinefz, mit kupfem Plaaten Hanov.1725 2600 Peter Martyr’s Decades of the Newe Worlde, or Weft India, by Rychardc Eden, b. L ded. to K. Philip and Qu. Mary impr . by Powell 1555 2601 Frampton’s Joyfull Nevoes out of the Nemo-found Worlde , tranflated from Monarches, b. 1 . impr . by Allde 1596 2602 Another Copy, the l aft teaf «; wanting 2603 Brevis y admiranda Defcriptio Regni Guianae, Auri abundatijft- miy &c. per Dom. Gualt. Ralegh, detedium eft, Nurn. 1599, the ^ . cuts coloured A /2604 Harcourt’s (Rob.) Voyage to Guiana, 'with bis Majeftie's Patent ft 1 " the faid Harcourt for Planting the fame - 1613 a ,^2605 Acofta’s Natural and Moral Hift. of the Eaft and Weft Indies, ^ printed by Val. Sims 1604 / ^2606 Hakluyt’s Hift. of the Weft-Indies, by Lok, ded. to Sir Jul. CaTar no date Cl ix — ^607 NLorifoti Peruviana — — — Z)/I 5 J uan & Dlloa, Voyage de l’Amerique Meridionale, 2 tom. fig, 1 * Amft . 1752 / Charlevoix, Hift. de la Nouvelle France, ftg. 3 tom. Paris 1744 / /, Sir Tho. Smithe’s Voiage and Entertainment in Rufhia, voith j q - jhje Tragic all endes of Uwo Emperors and one Emprefle vc it bin one fil -X 0i. / 9 ^ — ‘ Month during his Stay — — ■■ w/& 6 1 £ Corvat’s Crudities 1 6 1 1 . a fine cotv , voith the cuts complete 7 „ », ryafs Crudities 1 6 1 f , a fine copy , voith the cuts complete Thomas Coriate, Traveller for the Englifh Wits , greeting ; from the Court of the Great Mogol - 1616 John Taylor’s Wandering to fee the Wonders of the Weft 1649 Howell’s (Ja.) perfect Descrip tion of th ^ Country of Scotland » i - -A * f *' 6 1 649 2619 . _ . o ... . . , . /#620 Crowne’s true Relation of the of Arundel and Surrey, &c Heylin’s journeys to France ravels of Tho. Lord Howard, Earl to the Emp. Ferd. II. 1637 — 1656 Harris’s Defcription of Loo and Account of Holland 1699 Travels in France, Italy, Germany, Swiflerlande, &c. "Dutch , cuts Gravenh 1 700 - Spain, Italy, Germany, &c. Dutch, cuts Leid. 1700 Montfaucon Diarium Italicum, ftg. — Parif. 170a 26 Voyage Literai re de deux Religieux Benedi&ine, fie - \ b - "717 2627 Wright’* I J47 ] 2627 Wrigkt’s Travels, 2 vol. cuts 2628 Keyller’s Travels, 4 vol. cuts 1730 *757 F 0 Z,. 1 0. Philofophy , Mathematics , Marvelous Hiftory , Agriculture , Medicine , Surgery , Anatomy , &:c. 1687 impr. by with Blome’s Cz*//, Par*/ 2629 Stanley *1 Hilt, of Pjiilofophy, rzz// 2630 Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum, z'» Englijh , £. /. jAjLi Wynkyn de Worde, » copy de Symmetria Partium Humanor - Corporum Parif. apud Perier 1557 Dav. Sanclarus pro Archimede & Euclide — Pari/,16: Dire&ion Cyclometrique, parde Sieur de Philalethe, Di/ciple Sainft Clair -7 — ib.\6iz The Cuts to Caramuel’s Mathematics — — ' 2642 Record e’s Cattle of Knowledge, ded. to Qu. Marye impr. by R eg, ^ Wolfe 1^56, no title 2643 Digge’s Pantometria, ded. to Sir Nich. Bacon, Lo. Keeper impr. __ by Abel Jeffesi59j • 644 Cuningham’s Cofmographi^pl GlaJJe ; with a Plan of th' excelletifj Citie of Norwyche as the forme of it is, at this prelent 1558, ded. to Lord Rob. Duddeley, impr . by Jo. D aye 1559? the lit of Qa. Eliz. — ' 2645 Gilbertus de Magnete Lond. apud Short l6op 2646 Kircheri Ars Magna Lucis & Umbrae — — — Rom. 1646 2647 Caramuelis Mathefis biceps j Camp an. 1667 — 2648 Lubienietlki Theatrum Cometicum, 2 tom. — L.B. 1681 — 2641 1 2649 Goad’s Aphorifms of Bodies Coelellial 2650 Flamfteedii Hitt, Coeleftis, in cor. ruff. 1686 Land. 1712 2651 Ojvrages de Mathematique .& de Phy/iatie, par Mcfl*. de l’Acad, R n ale des Sciences, en maroq. Par. de Vbnpr. Royaie 1695 U 2 2652 Rc- : m */u k , Mi [ 148 3 2*652 Recueil d’Obfervations, faites en plufieurs Voyages, pour per* feftionner V Aitronomie & la Geogr. Par. deVlmpr. Roy ale 1693 2653- Chryfanthi Notara Introduftio ad Geogr . fcf Spharam, Gr . Parif. 1716 354 Wagenar’s Mariner's Mirrour , 4 y Ant. Artiley, b. I ded. to Sir C’hr. ^ Hatton, Lord Chancellor ?• — 1^88 >55 ZW/ Arcano del Mare di D. Ruberto Dudleo Duca di Nortumbria, e Conte di Warvich, 3 torn, in 2. con moltejig. cb. gr . Firen, ri /fiL 1646 — 47 Norton’s Gunner, the, whole Praftife of Artillerie- and artificial Fireworkes, cuts - 3 * • ^28 y. tyrs Babin g ton ’ s Pyrotechnia, a Difcourfe of artificial Fireworkes and l 'rA / 2 ^S 7 Bal’ington’s Pyrotechnia , JA* 1 Geometry, with bis portr. by Droefhout j lrzb 58 Venn’s Military and Maritime Difcipline, car* 2659 JouiTe, Theatre de l’Art de Charpentier — / 2660 Schmitz ’Theatrum Mathinarum A-*#* Sturm s Mechanifm cf Mills , Germ, r«/j cuts fO _ £z 66 z Hooke’s Microg, y.V 266 3 Poilhumous Works, by Waller, ra/j <635 1672 Flecbe 1664 Col. Agr.i 66 z dug fp. 1718 1665 “ J 705 Parif. 1658 ton, his Defenfative againft the 1620 a / ^ 2664 Z/2 Met opof copie de Cardan _ 2665 Henr. Howard, Earle of Northampt Poyfon of fuppofed Prophecies // — . 2666 A true Relation of what pajjed for many Teeres between Dr. John De635 Baf 1746 Par. 1752 685 Watreman’s (Will.) Far die of Facions ; coni eining the Auncient Ma- ilers, Cuftomes , La'uoes of the People enhabiting the tnxjo Partes ' of the Earth oi//az Affrike Aiie, b. 1 . ded. to the Erie of Arundel impr. by Ihon Kingftone and Hen. Sutton 1555 Bed well’s Travellers Kalendar ■ - -■■■ 1614' Gemma PhryfiiPrincipia Aftron. 8c Cofmogr. Col. 15 78 Barlandi Urbes Germania Infer. 686 { Gardyner’s Defcription of the New World, ded . to Sir Henry Vane, jun. — — 1651 The Circumference of the Earth , or a T reat'ife of the North-Weajl Pajfage , by Sir Drury Digges, Kn. 1612 i Gerbier’s (Sir Balt.) A (Tiftance to a Traveller, ded. to the Puke of Monmouth 1665 Botero of the Caufe of the Greatneffe of Cities, tran Rated by Sir T. H. — — -1635 688 Baudelot, de l’Utilitedes Voyages, 2 tom. en 1. Par. 1653 589 — ■ . 2 tom. — ■ Rcuen.iyzj 690 Itinerarium Benjaminia Lat. Conft. l’Empereur L . B. 1633 691 Antonini Aug. Itinerarium Torini, edit. rariJJ. — Parif.!5i2 692 Belon, Obfemations de plufeurs Singularitez, &c. trounces en Grece Afie, judee, Egypte, &c. fg. Anv. 1555 693 Arthus Hill. India? Orientals Col.Agr. 1608 694 Anciennes Relations des Indes 8c de la Chine, par deux Voya- gers Mahometans dans le 9. Siecle, t radiates d'Arabc Paris 1 7 1 8 995 Terry’s Voyage to Eaft India, with his portrait by Vaughan ; Ter C 1655 2696 Blunt's <9 A ~ J-h fa s ~ S-l> t — , 3 / [ I «^o 3 . f Blunt’s (Sir Hen.) Voyage into the Levant /Sh 2696 View of the Coafts, Countries, &c. of the /. & A -r- /- if* / : 2 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 Brown’s Travels and Adventures DeStochove, Voyage du Levant De la Loubere, du Royaume de Siam, 2 tom* yfg. Kolben’s State of the Cape of Good Hope, 2 vol. cuts Hift. of the Eaft-Indies, 2 vol. Befcription of the Port and Ifland of Bombay — Voyage to the Eaft-Indies 1747 and 1748, cuts Haftelquift’s Voyages and Travels in the Levant Ofbeck’s Voyage to China and the Ealt Indies, 2 vol. Windus’s Journey to Mequinez, cats Braithwaite’s Revolution- of Morocco Roberts’s Captivity of an English Merchant in Argiers Ockley’s Account of South Well Barbary — — La Roque, Voyage dans la Paleftine Etat des Royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis & z~! 27 ' 2-b 27H 2 -. 2 7 ! 5 2 .# 2 7' 6 2 — 2 7'7 SL- , 2 7'8 2-b 2 7 > 9 2 Bufbequii Epiftolae Paris 1717 Alger Rouett 1703 Barlsei Res Geftse in Brafilia ,fig. Bofman, Voyage de Guinee, Jig. ap. Elz. L. R. 1633 - Cli'V. 1660 - XJtrec. 1703 - ib. 1705 1721 -6 2720 /*- *721 Bofman’s Defcription of Guinea, cuts ~ Atkyns’s Voyage to Guinea, Brafii and the Weft Indies Commodore Byron’s Narrative Relation de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans i’Amerique, par le Comte de Pagan * - - ■ Paris 1653 Hennepin, Voyages Curieux dans l’Amerique, fig. Haye 1704 1 737 1768 t y. t> 27 22 4 -^ 2723 Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans l’Amerique Septentrionale, les\ figures enlutninees , 2 tom . en maroq. - — Haye 1 703 Voyage to Buenos-Ayres, thence by Land to Potofi 1716 Relation of the dreadful Earthquake at Lima, the Capital of 2724 2725 z y.O 2726 Peru, in 1746, with an Abftrad of remarkable Earthquakes, MS. Gage’s Survey of the Weft-Indies 1672 Britiih Empire in America, vol. 1. 1741 f Jamaica viewed, by Hickeringill — — — 1661 < Befcription of Jamaica and the reft of our American Territories, y-6 2. 2 y.i S'l 2727 2728 2729 2730 273* 2 73 2 2 733 t. from the Notes ofSs'u Tho. Linch ^ A two-Years Journal in New-York The Life of Sir Will. Phips, Gov. of New England Hift. of Virginia Colden’s Hift. of the five Indian Nations of Canada Another Copy Robfon’s fix Years Refidence in Hudfon’s-Bay Chytra^i Variorum in Europa Itinerum Deliciae Labat, Voyages en Efpagne & en Italie, /. 6 z i 34 { Voyage d’Efpagne ”1 Raymond’s Voyage of Italy 2735 [ ' 5 1 3 35 Laffel’s Voyage of Italy — 7 36 Another Edition ■ . ' J Voyage du Prince de Conde en Italie — 737 j Defeine Voyage d’ltalie 1 ■ ■ ‘ ” ■ 1 ■ 738 M.iffon, Voyage d’ltalie, 4 tom .fig. 739 Addifon’s Travels, 8vo. 740 Voyage de Suifle, dMtalie & d’Allemagne, 2 tom. ( Penn’s Travels in Holland and Germany — 74 1 | Voyage to the North ■■ — C Ray’s and Willughby’s Travels | Collection of curious Travels and Voyages QUARTO. /42 - 1 686 1697 Lyon . 1 665 Rouen j 699 Utrec.iyzz 1705 Franco/. 1736 1694 1706 1673 * 6 9 $ . 6 / - / — - ,5- IntiquifieSy Hebrew , Egyptian , Greek, Roman , Druidical, (Ac. . — — Antient Chronicles— Inscriptions^ Gems y Coins and Me dais. Weights and Meafures , &V. -43 Godwyn and Rous’s Hebrew, Attic and Roman Antiquities 16^5 '44 Another Edit. — 1678 45 Nicolaus de Sepulchris Hebraor. L. B. 1706 4.6 Mof. Maimonides de Studio Legis & de Poenitentia, Heb. Sc Lat. per Clavering ~ ■ » — — Ox on. 1705 ^47 Pignorii Menfae Ifiacse Expofitio, Venet.\ 605 ^48 Ainfworth Ifeion Lond. Drawings of fome Ruins and Coloftai Statues at Thebes in Egypt - — — — 1741 49 Valeriani Hieroglyphica,^-. — « • — Franco/ 1678 50 Texelii Phoenix, vilus & auditus, — Amfi, 1706 51 Simfoni Hieroglyphica — — Edinb . 1622 52 Danet’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities 55 Cuperi Apotheofis Homeri ; accedunt Gemma; Auguftaa Explicatio Numifmata, Infcriptiones, &c. Amft. 1683 756 Falconerii Infcriptiones Athieticae Rom. 166S ( 757 Mercurialis de Arte Gymnyflica, fg. 758 Rhenferdii Periculum Palmy reman, live Specimen, in cor. turc. 59 Cary, Hift. des Rois de Thrace, 53 PfeifFeri Antiquitates Grseca 54 Fabretti BeJlum & Excidium Trojanum Begeri, fg. 1700 Regiom. 1689 Berol. 1699 '60 Hugonis vera Hift. Romina >61 Hooke’s Roman Hiftory, 4. vol Amft. 1672 ) Literature veteiis Palmyrene Franeq. I 7 o 4 les Bud allies Paris 1752 62 Blackwell’s Memoirs of the Court of Auguftus, 3 vol Rom. \ 65 5 1738—71 Edinb. 1753 — 1765 vol. I, Edinb. 1763 - — L. £.1653 Mutaticne delV hnperio de premier; Cr- /’>»*/. 1647 66 Vignolii de Column 1 Antonini Pii Diflert, accedunt antique In- fcriptiones, Jig. R tm , , ?c . 2767 Nar- f 6 3. ►64 6c Meibomii Maecenas Cuccini, Agrippina fari ;S - /- 4 - 2-6 ~f—. - & - /- ^2 - - // . , //- £ .2 - Z — /-/£-• . - * . 6 - 2 6^ ^ A C 152 3 S ■ ±j 6 ? Nardinf, Rdma Antic a, figi — — — « — Rotft.tp 04 ij 6 $ Ficoroni, le Vejligia e Rarita di Roma Jntica, fig. ib. 1744. 2769 Donati Roma vetus & recens, fig. ib. 17 2 £ 2770 Rycquius de Capitolio Romano, fig. Gandav. 1617 2771 Fabrettus de Aquis & Aquasdu&ibus vet. Romae,/g. j?#w. 168a I772' Venuti, Defcritdone delP dntica Citta d’Ercolano *£.1748 2773 Bayardi, Prodromo delle Antichita d’Ercolano, 2 tom. Napoli 17 52 2774 MafFei, dell* Antico Tufcolo — — Rom. 1711 ■4775 Beaver of the Roman Military Punilhments, in moroc. Jr * 7 H _ <7 76 Auftores Finium Regundorum Rigaltn Lutet. apud ]o Liberti6i4 { Ficoroni, /« .F0//0 d’Oro de Fanciulli nobili Romani , e quella de Libertini Rom. 1732, ySg. ■ ■■ ■ Lett ere a Giacomo, Lord Johnftone, Cawo di Marcello, Nipote d’Augufto — . Napol. 1726 2773 . le Mafchere Scenicbe e le Figure Comicbe d* Antichi Romani , jig. ■ ■ ■ — Rom. 1736 4 v a h 7 i* - I 10 /s 3 3 ~ 3 6 • h 2 - C- <3 2779 B er gi er > Hift. des Grands Chemins de l’Empire Romain, jg. 2 tom. en 1. — Brux.xyzS rPignorii Magna: Deum Matris Tdasae Sc Attidis Initia Themafmi. 2780 Cecropii Votum. Ejufd. Vita, Bibliotheca & Mufeum Laur. Pig norii,7%-. Amji . 1 669— -Bibliotheca Amftelredamenfis L.B.1612 Thorii HymnusTabaci L. B. 1628 Gualtheri Antiqus Tabula:, imperf. 2781 Orfato, li Marmi Eruditi , jig. 2782 Cuperi Harpocrates Sc Monumenta antiqua,^. 2783 Roffi, le Memorie Brefciane , fig. — — — 2784 Bifellii Marmor Pifanum . — 2785 Marmora Taurinenfia, jig. 2786 Ghibbefii Carmina Marmoribas Arundelianis portr. ofDx. Gibbs by Berretini f Madruci’s Statues of Rome, 100 plates 2787 < Albertoni’s Ditto, 100 plates LFerri’s Ruins of Rome, 50 plates — Pad. 1659 Traj. 1687 - Brefc. 1 61 6 Bonon.1666 Aug. Taur. 1743 Rom. 1676, with a Rom. 1585 4*594 ib. 1569 2788 Fulvii Urfini Illuftrium Imagines Comment. Fabri, 168 plates Antv. 1606 Ox/. 1764 2790 2789 Hill, and Chronology of the fabulous Ages - Lippert Daftyliotheca. Uni/ I755-56 tfbe Dukec/*Devonfhire’s Cabinet of Gems , by Gofmond, 39 plates , being all that ever were engraved, with a MS. Note , not much to the „ Credit of the A ) t';jl 2791 Gorlaei Dattyliotheca — .. — L.B. 1 599 2792 Papa 9 Ulm. 1744 2797 Cooke of the Patriarchal and Druidical Religion, Temples, See. cuts — ■ ■■ ■■— — - 1 744 279S Maffei (Scip.) Ifioria Diplomatica , fig. Mant. 17-27 2799 Mabillon, Oeuvres Pofthumes, par Thuillier, 3 tom. Par. 1724 2800 Furietti de Mufivis,^. — — Rom. 4752 2801 Sphfft Recherches Curieufes d’Antiquite, Jig . Lyon 1683 2802 Lindebergii Hypotypofis Arcium, Palatiorum, Librorum, Pyrajjii- dum, Arc, Ranzovii ■■ — Franco/. 1 592 2803 ScarabelH, Mu/eo Settaliano * — Tort. 1677 2804 Molitor Bibliothecas Norimbergenfis Memorabilia, accedit Arnoldi Hydrictaphia, Jig. — — 11 ■■ Norimb . 1674 2805 Jac. a Mellen Hill. Urns Sepulcralis Sarmaticae, fig. Jen . 1679 2806 Nicolaus de Siglis Yeterum — — — — L. Bat. 1703 2807 Idem - lb. 1703 2808 Cannegieteri Differt. de Brittenburgo Hag. C. 1734 2809 Idem — ~ — ib. 1734 2810 Broweri Antiquitates Fuldenfes,^. ■ Antv.lblz 2811 Smetii Antiquitates Neomagenfes,yig. — Noviom. \ 6 rfib 2812 Sigeberti Gemblacenfis Coenobitse Chronicon y Parif. ap. Hen. Stepb. Primum 1 5 1 3 Hclmeefi. 1 587 2813 Alberti Abbafis S:adenfis Chromicon \ " -■ - 2814 Lord Walpole’s Anfwer to Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on the Study of Hiftory -■ — 1762 .2815 Bibliotheca Literaria, a Collection of Xnfcriptions, Medals, Differ na- tions, &c. comp leaf — - - 1722—24 2816 Hofti Hid. Rei N urn mar is veteris Soriptojes aliquot Infigniores, Re- chenbergii, 2 tom. in I. 2817 Patarol Series Augultorum, &c. Numifm. — 2818 Jac: de Strada Impp. Romanor. leones 2819 Vaillant Numifm. Impp. Romanor. 2 tom. 2820 Wren (Chr.) .Numifmatum Antiquorum Sylloge "Fsfchius de Nummo Pylsmenis Eggelingius de Numifmatibus quibufdam ablb ufis Gleichi Biff Numifmatum fuccinfla — — Olearius de Nummo contoorniato M. Aur. Anton. — de Nummis Bra ft tail s ■ 2821 Schmidt Numi BraJleaii Keder de Argento Run's feu Literis Gothicis infignito Wcidneri Pietas ex Nummis Antiquioribus delineata Tenzelii SeleCta Numifmata maximi Moduli Lachmund Orydlographia Hildefhemeniis, five aamirandcrum Fojfi- Lipf. 1692 - Venet . l -] 02 Lugd. 1553 Paris 1694 Loj/d. 1708 Baf. l6$o Imp. Neronis Brem. t68i lipf. 1698 Jen. l O96 ib. 1694 — ib. 1699 Lip/. I703 Jen. 1694 ib. 1693 2822 . Hum Defcriptio, fig. Hildef. 1669 Lefrou An- Duodenorum Numifmatum Expofitio ex Mu/eo Ant gli» J2S23 Monterchi, Scelta de Medaglioni piu rari nella Bibliotheca dell ’ Card. Carpegna ' ■ ■ " ■■■■* Rom. 1679 % *824 Fx^ 3 6 SL / /2 ■ 0 • c 7 ' 3 ■ l & 2 c 3 u 1 & a 6 2 f J - /2 -* 5 & 3 ■ 2 c, G> ' 3 6 f 2 - - j • • 4 / *824- r 154 3 Frcherus de Re Monctaria Veterum Romanor. & hodierni apud Germanos Imperii acceflit Orefmius de^Mutationibus Monetarum Lub.i 6 c$ Scallgeri Nurnifma Conftantini — — L. Bat. 1604 Freheri de Verbis Domini, Date Ctefari, 8 c c. Sermo votivus, Heidelb. 1599 Haym, Teforo Britannico, 2 tom. — — - ~ Lend. 1 720 3826 Numfmata Pembrochite , 849 Swedeaborgii Regnugif iubterramiwij Uv zfMtneYpIium. 3 tom. fg. Drefd. 1 734 2850 Mer- j 2853 I 285 I 28 5 2 : 2 *53 M-*S4 285; 1-2-856 2857 2858 2 8-59 2 86o 286l 28-62 2863 2864 65 2866 2867 Sendelii Hiftv Succinorum , fig. c. m . Dodoen’s Herbal, or Hiltorie of Plants Gerhard’s Herbal- by Johnfon, large paper Plukenetii Phytographia t 6 7 Lipf. 174 C 1 i'oyc . , Mercati Metallotheca, cum Apperidice,^. c. m Rom.l 717—91- Pettus’s Fodina Regales , the Hilt. Laws and Places of the chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales ^pd Ireland, eutf / 6 ■» 2 — - 1636— Q «/ 0 ' • Load. 1 69 i; - Mrs. Blackwell’s curious Herbal, 2 vol. ■ 1739^ J? ' a » arii Hefperides, cum fig. elegantiff, ■■ > — Rcm.sjjfi * k pi Hortus Cliffortianusy fig. — — * 737~^3 ^ CatSIbgue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Flowers, by a Society of Gardie- 3 ^ nets, the cuts coloured — — - ■ — *■ 1 73°V V' * Evelyn’s Sylva, Terra, Pomona — 1 1 670X7* / ' // Rea’s Flora, Ceres, Pomona - — - 1665 ^ ' Grew’s Anatomy of Plants, ntfx ■ ■ — ■ 1682 I * 7 - ^ Wotton de Dijferentiis Animalium Lutet. Vaficofian. j 5 5 2 \ (j - Aldrovar.di Ornithologia," 3’tom.y^. de Infedtis,^-. Bcnon. 1 599' ib. 1 60 2, de Mollibus, Cruftaceis, Teftaceis & Zoophitis, Jsg»<* . Jb. 1606 X/y - A * de Pifcibus & de Cetls, Jig. — - — - ib. 1.6*4, de Quadrupedibus* folidipedibus, fig. — ib. 161(3 de Quad u )edibus bifulcis,yfg-, ib. i6fcL Johnitoni Hilt. Naturalis, 4 tom. fig. Meriani, — - Franco/. t6$o \ft ^ 2 .— . Pitfield’s Nat. Hilt, of Animals, cuts — — — — 1702^ • ’ /f - f Valentitfi Amphitheatrum'Zootomiicum, fig. , — ib. 1-7 fo \ Willughbeii Ofnitbblogia RaiiT^g-. c. tnaj. 6 4-^* Lend. 1676 0 2868 2870 Lilter Hift. Conehyliorum, edit. alt. per Huddesford^^*# ib. 177 0- / ^3 Ichthyographies Raii, wrf/. — Oxen. »68&-2, > nni'kvlir».-t*m eArt /*h r\p#> T-Tnarlf»«frrrr* . 7 *A« Q ib mn "3 Sixteenth Day’s Sale, Thurfday , April 1 5. OCTAVO tf Infra. Hift . 0/ Portugal j Spain, Italy, France* Ilot 2871 O Rockwell’s Hift. of Portugal and of Brazil — 1716 2872 11 Another Copy — — — 1726 2873 Laliteau, Hilt, des Decouvertcs & Conqueltes des Portugais dan* le Nouv. Monde, 4 tom. fig. Pans 1734 Vertot, Hift. des Revolutions de Portugal Amfi. 1712 2I574 ^ Hift. du Cardinal Portocarrero ■■■ — — — *7-4 Leti, Het Leven vanFelips de 2. Koning van Spanien Hag. 169^ Xj 2S75 Damiani - / b b-b C « 5 « ) *875 ■76 \ ( 2 S; \*»7 / 2877 4 *878 4 2879 2880 /— ^ 2881 7 — 2882 /- ^88 3 /— 2884 / _ 288, *886 * 88 ; £~ 2888 /£. ^ 2889 ^^2890 V /•— 2S91 /— 2892 Damiani a Goes k alior. Indicis k ALthiop- C Baudier’s Hift. of Card. Ximenes, by Vaughan ( Hifpania illuftrala — ■ . - 5 La Guerre d’Efpagne, de Baviere, &c. 2 tom. Teftament politique du Card. Alberoni Udal ap Rhys’s Curiofities of Spain and Portugal C Schotti Idnerarium Italiae, Jg. £ Van Bos, WeghWy/er Door Italien, fig. — { Scotto, Itinerario d y Italia - — \ Diario della Guerra d y Italia, 2 tom. — ( Lamii Memorabilia Italorum \ Puteani Hift. Jnfubrica, &c. Sarnelli, les Chofes memorables de Pouffol, Jig. Bulifon, d’un antico Marmo di Pozzuoli — u/ ^2894 2 — 2895 de Rebus Hifpanids, Lufitanicis, Arragon. „ Col. 1602 1671 1 7°5 Col. 1707 LauJ. 1753 1749 Vejal. Amft. 1665 Rom. 1747 Nap. 1748 Florent. 1 7 42 Oxon. 1634 Nap. 1702 ib. 1694 Mafcardi’s Hift. of Count Fiefchz’s Confpiracy againft the Republic of Genoa, 1693, and 2 more Hift. des Revolutions de Genes, 2 tom. - — Par. 1750 Mecatti, Guerra di Genoua , 2 tom. Nap. 1749 Amelotto, la Storia del G over no ///Venezia, con lo Squitinio , 4 tom. Col. 168 1 C La Ville & la Republique de Venife — Par. 1680 \ Hift. du Gouvernement de Venife, par Amelot, 3 tom. Amft . 17:4 l Le Coje piu rare, kc. di Venezia, con belli// f.g . Ven. 1 7 40 \ La nuova Regia Ju PAcque - ■■ ib. 1 749 Maffei, Verona itlujlrata, con Jig. 4 tom. - ■ Veron. 1732 MafFei’s Hift. of andent Amphitheatres, in particular that of Verona, cuts ' -- - ' - *730 Fir. 1745 ib, 1677 1686 Lvon. 1702 Sien. 1752 Ferrari, FUJI. della glorio/a Madonna di S. Luca di Bologna Bol. 1614 i *33 *575 by Gordon, | Coje piu notabili di Firenze i t Bocchi, le Bellezze della Citta di Firenze — ( Varillas’s Secret Hift. Of the Houfe of Medicis \ Gratiani, la Vie du Card. Commendon, 2 tom | Pecci, Co/e piu notabili di Siena J Ritratto di Roma antica> fig, ■■ Panvinio, le Selte Chiefe principhli di Roma Efchinardi, Defcrizione di Roma, e dell' Agra Romano , { Martinelli, Roma ricercata , fig. — Roffini, il Mercurio errante delle Grandezze di Roma, ib. 1750, interleaved \ vdiib - MS. Notes by an veller 2897 Ccllenucio, Compendia delle Hift. di Napoli , Vineg. per ^ 2S98 /-. *8 99 2900 } 29Ci J.l J 9°* Sarnelli, Guida de Forejlieri ///.Napoli, fg. De Vefuvio Autores varii, 3 tom. Gregorii Turonenfis Hift. Francor. Ben. Priolus de Rebus Gallicis — Rom. Ven. 2 tom. Jig* Rom. 1750 ib. 1702 fig. 2 tom. Englijh Fra* Tramezzino 154-3 Nap. Henault, Abrege Chronolog. de PHift. de France Le meme Livre, 2 tom. — — — Ditto, 2 tom. ■ ■ — — Par . Lip/. Haye Paris ib. 1738 1610 1686 1 747 *749 17 49 2903 Sinceri j* 9°3 2 9°4 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2 9 !3 29H 2915 1 [29 6 2917 2918 2919 4920 2921 2922 [ * 57 1 Sinceri Itinerarium Gallic, Amft. 1649, and 5 more 4 , 4 - ./ Du Chefne, Antiquitez & Recherches des Villes, Chateaux, It c. de la France, Paris 1629 — ‘Voyage de France, 2 tom. Le meme Livre, 1629 — Nouv. Voyage de France, Jig . if. De la Fprce, Defcription de la France, 6 tom. Jg . Amft. 1719' j Hi it. ^ Nor men die x — ■■ ' ■ — ( L’FIeretiere de Guyenne Amft. Rouen. *558^^, / Rott . £ Rouen. 1702 ^ 1767 1750 and 2 more _ P«r. 1732 ib. 1749 ib. 1742 — 1687 1715 Amft. 1720/r .\ . f .T.J 67 lf-Z-b \ 2 - *S 2 3 Les Origines de la Ville de Caen ■ ■ — 5 Hift. de la Ville de Nifrnes, f, g . — r— l Sonnets fqr les Antiquites de Nifmes, Jg. Colonia, Antiquitez de la Ville de Lyon, Lyon. 1701, C Antonini, Memorial de Paris 1 ■ ■ — l Voyage pittorelque de Paris ■ ■■■ — Les Curiofitez de Paris & de fes Environs, 2 tom. Jg. S Defcription of Paris ■ — — De Renneville’s Hiftory of the Bailille — ■ ■ ■ — C Hiftorie van de Baftdje « ( Defcription fommaire de Verfailles Labyrinte de Verfailles, avec Jg. Paris, de Vlmpr . Royale , 1 677, maroq. — — """ Boulainvilliers, Hift. de PAncien Gouvernement de la France, 3- tom. Hqye 1727..- * f The Minority of St. Lewis, with the politic Condu& of Qu. Blanch, < during her Regency — ■ -« 16854 l Frolfardi & Lonrnasi Hift. Amft. 1640 Vr,* Duclos, Hift. de Louis XL 3 tom. — — ■■ ■■ Haye 1745' - A. — Memoirs of Philip De Commines, 2 vol. g — 1712 Hift. de la Ligue faite a Cambray, 2 tom. jft. Paris 1728 3 iL« De Furoribus Gallicis, horrenda & indigna Amirallii Caftillionei, &c. \ ■ Edimburg. 1573 ^ Le Reveille Matin des Francois & de leurs Voifins, par Eufebe Phila- delphe Cofmopolite , a Edimbourg, de PImprimiere de Jaques James, I574. The Author of thefe rare Dialogues is unknown, Jo far as concerns Mary Qu. of Scots, is fubjoined to Buchanan’s Detection— An Anfwer was made to it by Mr. Arnault, a Sorbonift, entituled, Le vray Reve- i lie -Mat in des Calvinifles, in Vindication of the Majfao e of Paris J. _ 3 - O De Lifle’s Legendarye of Cha. Cardinal of Lorraine, and of his Brethren of the Houfe of Guile — — ■ *577 * { Legende de Domp Claude De Guyfe, Abbe de Cluny 1581 , Utile & faiutaire Advis au Roy, pour bien regner r r / 6 7 - U-tv 291; 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 { Le Cabinet du Roy de France, dans lequel il y a trois P cries precieu- fcs d y ineftimable Va 'leur 1 c 8 c Mem. de Bellievre & de Silleri, 2 tom. Lettres du Card. D’Ofiat, 5 tom. Haye 1696 Amft. 1732 { Ttaftatus tres de Inter drdlo Regni Francise, in cor. turc. Francof. 1 59 1 Sofii Vita Henrici Magni Paris 1622 C La Vie de Mr. De Thou — * Amft. 1715 ( Hift. des Miniftres d’Ellat, 2 tom. - far. 160S Merualt’s Hift. of the Siege of Rochel, i6?o, and 2 more Mem. du Due de Rohan, 1646, and 3 more . — — 2932 3 k - 4.4 _/-737 1763 Haye 1710 Amf. 1710 tom 7'^. x 7 25 itor/. 175 s f Life of Marfhal Turenne — ( Colbert’s political Teftament Annales politiques^ par PAbbe de St. Pierre, ! Memoirs of the Marquis De Feuquieres, — Marquis De Hautefort Lettres & Megociations de D’Eftrades, 6 tom. Mem. de la Paix de Munfter, 4 tom. — 2 tom. 2 Vol. & Negociations fecrettes, par De la Torre, Le Siecle de Louis XIV. par De Voltaire, 2 tom. De-Cboify, Mem. de Louis XIV. U/trec . 5747, Refeoulet, Hift. du Regne de Louis XIV. 9 tom. Memoirs of the Regency of the Duke of Orleans Memrft Negociat. du Comte d’Harrach, 2 tom. - — — de Montgon, 5 tom. Letvtres & Mem. de Montgon, atom. Liege 1732, Hift. d-u Comte de Saxe, 3 tom. * — — The Age of Lewis XV. 2 vol. and 3 more A-vig. 8746 1732 Haye 1720 1749 and 2 more Mitt. 1752 1-770 Sir Rob, Talbot’s Letters on the French Nation, 2 vol. 1771 FOLIO. Painting, Sculpture , Engraving , Architecture, &c. — H or fe- rn anjhip, t curing, Mufic — Hujbandry, Commerce , Finances . 2958 Junius de Piflura Veteium — * Roterod. 1694 2959 Sandrart Academia Artis Pidcries — Norimb. 1683 2960 Bellori, Defcriodone delle bnapini depinie da Raftaelle nel Palazxo V ail- cano r con ra Vita di Raffaelle da Vafari ■ . Rom. 1751 2961 Lionardo Da Vinci, trattato della Pittura , fig. Nap. 173^ 2962 Bond (Gul.) Thefaurus Artis Pi dories ex unites Julii Clovii, clari admodum Pidoris Openbus depromptus> ad Jo. V. Portugallise Regem, 1733^ Phis pompous and rare Book , printed only on one Side of the Paper, is in fine Prefervation, and illuminated — There is alfo a fcarce Print of t a dead Cbrifi , after Don Julio Clovio, ly Sadler 2963 Lomatius of the Artes of curious Painting, Carving and Building, by Baydocke, ded. to Mafter Tho. Bodley, Oxf. impr. by Barnes 1598* •with Portraits of the Author and Tranfator 2964 Sanderfon's C.,»59 I 964 Sanderfon’r Graphice , the mo ft excellent Art of Painting, with hit portr. by Faithorne : — i6;8 965 Browned Ars Pittoria , an Academy of Drawing, Painting, Limning, Etching, •with 31 Plates , and the Author's Portr. by De Jode 16-/S 9 66 Tabellee felett,# ac explicate a Carola Catharina Patina, 3$ .plates Patav. 1691 i Galerice Parnejiance leones ab Annib. Caracci, a Petro Aquila Rom. Berretini Heroicse Virtutis Imagines* in ADdibus Mag. Docis He- trurize, ib. 1691, fine impreffisns, bound together, in rufjia — — — » :96s iEdes Barberinae Tetii, fig. Rom. 164* 5969 Picart, Impojiures Innocentes, gr. pap. — — • Amft. V734 1970 A Collection of Portraits (.2 ) chiefly of Fathers, Cardinals, Bilhops, 5 97 * ! 97 2 l 973 ! 974 ;gi 5977 t 97 8 ^979 '980 5981 and other eminent Ecclefialtics, finely illuminated A Book of Drawing, Limning, &c. S> // -b 2-3' l6 5* l f- A Stalker ' sTreatife of fapanning, Varnifhing , &c. 24 plates 1688 Methode de dreffer les Chevaux, par le Marquis de Neweaftle, a*vec tes Deffeins de Diepenbeck, pre?niers epreunjes, en maroq. Anvers 1658 Thibault, Academie de l’Efpee, a753 vt Palladio, Quattro Libri delP Architettura •- — Ven.. 16 1.6 Palladio’s Architecture, by Leoni, 2 vol. in i. 1 . p. in rufjia 1721 /— /£ — - Architettura di Seb. Serlio Bocklern, ArchiteCtura Curiofa a Sturmio Barbet; Livre d’ArchiteCture d’Autels, &c. par Boffe 982 Inigo Jones’s Defigns, by Kent, published by Vardy, /. 983 Garret’s Defigns and Eftimates of Farm Houfes *— 984 Blow’s Amphion Anglicus , with his portr. by White 985 Har mania Sacra - ■ — ■ — Renet. 1663 _ *Z Norimb. 1 664 A — ^ Paris — ' _ / . p - '744 .- <^6 — 1747 *- *-4; >7°° —A- 6 1703 _J 1677 5986 Roberts’s Map of Commerce 1987 Houghton’s Collection for Improvement of Hulbandry and Trade, the original Papers as published ... *693*97 — 1988 Capituli & Ordinations di Mare e di Merc anti e Rom. 1 5 1 9 / 5989 Belloni (Marchefe) del Comznercio ib. 17^0 Ip990 Anderfon’^ Deduction of the Origin of Commerce, 2 vol. 1 12991 Poltlethwayte’s (Mai.) Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 2 1 75 1 “55 A 12992 (Ja.) Hift. of the public Revenue * 1759 . fSaxby’s Amouut of the Duties upon Eaft*India Goods (annually) voL ' ( 993 < 1756 to 1765 Morris’s Plan of arranging and balancing Accounts of landed Effate* L 1759 / FOLIO . , • • A [ iSo j POLIO. Antiquities , Hebrew 5 Egyptian , Greek, Roman , &V . — Cabinets of Antiquities — Medals . ^ 6. *99* y- 2995 X^U 2 99 6 Kircheri Area Noe, 7%-. Amfi. 1675 ! Thefaurm Hieroglyphicorwn e Mufeo Jo. Geor. Herwart ab Hohen- biirg Montfaucon Palaeographia Grasea, yfrg-. iV®//V M/s. Humf r . Wanley Chilhull Antiquitates Afiatics Palladium de Gentibus Indiae & Bragmanibus, g 2999 Catron and Rouille’s Roman Hid. by Bundy, cuts, / — • 3000 Ditto, vol. 1 3001 v 3002 y(>-6 3003 Yjj6 3°° 4 //Z-7 3005 3-^6 3°° 6 3.^ 3007 ■j 3C00 t 3009 /_ / — 3010 3 01 1 y-U 3 012 /a-C 3°*3 Rofini Antiquitates Romans Dempderi Kircheri Latium, fig. ( - Obelifcus Pamphilius, fig . — — Boiflardi Antiquitates Romance, fig. Theod. De Bry, 4 part Francofi. ; Idem, 6 part, in 3 tom. — ib. Boxhornii Monumeata illudr. Virorum, fig. Idem - Procopii Caefarieniis Arcana Hidoria, Gr. & Lat. Biapchini, del Palazzo de Cefiari — Bellorii Veteres Arcus Auguftorum Triumphis Defgodetz, les Edifices Antiques de Rome Aringhi Roma Subterranea, 2 tom. fig. Parifi. 1708 * Loud 1728 Gr. & Lat. Briffasi ib. 1665 6 vol. /. p . 1728 1728 Iutet. 1613 Amfi. 1671 Rom. 1650 in 2 tom. 597-1600 597-1602 Amfi . 1638 ib. 1638 Lugd. 1 623 Veron. 1738 Rom . 1690 Par. 1682 Rom. 1651 Bartoli, le Pitture antiche delle Grotte di Roma e del Sepolcro de' Nafonii, da Bellori — — Rom. >706 C — le Pitture antiche del Sepolcro de Nafonii nella Via Flaminia, da rS _ 5014 < Bellori — — ib. 16S0 (. — ■ - le antiche Lucerne fiepolctali, ^Bellori — ib. 1691 gli antichi Sefolcri — — — — ■ — — - ■ ■ ib. 1704 Bianchini, Camera ed lnficrizioni Sepulcrali — ib. 1727 0-t> S' 51 * J~£> 3°'6 3 OI 7 Porcacchi, Funerali fintichi di di b - *755 Pancrazi, Antichit a Sicilidne, 2 tom. fig. -■ ib. 1752 Ligorio, Pianta della Villa Tiburtina di Adriano Cefare Roma I 7 S 1 II medefimo » ■■ ■ ■ — — ib. 1751 Pratilli, della Via Appia — ■ Napol. 1 74$ ll-mqdefiimo - , ib. 1745 Temanza, delle Anti chit a di Rimtno, fig. ■ ■ ■ — ■ Ven. 174! 3025 Inghj. 2-^ 3019 3020 f-t> 3 °** A' 6 3 ° 22 ,-f y 3-° 2 3 £,.6 3 °H t 1S1 3 3625 Inghiramii Ethrufcarum Antiquitatum Fragment a , fig 3026 JEha. Laelia Crifpis non nata refurgens Malvafia; Montfaucon, l’Antiquite expliquee, reprcfentee k Supplem. 1 5 tom. gr. pap. prem. edition 3028 Matthaeus iEgyptius de Bacchanaiibus — 3029 Stuckii Opera de Conviviis & Sacrifices Antiquor 3030 Goltzii Thefaurus Rei Antiquariae huberrimus 3031 De Marolles, Tableaux du Temple des Mufes .3032 Spence's Poiy met is, firfi imprejjion — — — 1 74 7 3033 De la ChaufTe, le grand Cabinet Romain, ou Recueil d’Antiquitez Romaines : — Francof. 1657 - Bonon. 1683 _ 2 ~ fa en Figures, a - 2-6 -/a- 6 2 -* 7 ~, tt/O- fa 1697 - t 3 - r Seventeenth t 16* ] Seventeenth Day’s Sale, Friday , April 1 6. OCTAVO &? /»/**. y 3°5° *=> 20CI & ejus Defcriptio elegans CV. 1570 LesDelices de la Suifte, 4 tom. /g. Z«V(^. 'deren-l 1 676 1 Olaus Magnus ae Gentibus Septentrionalibus Amft. 166 Vulcanii Golhicarum & Longobardicarum Rerum Scriptores aliquot veteres -™— — - — - ■ — L. B. 1618 SchefFeri Upfalia antiqua — Upfal. 1666 ( deSitu & Vocabulo UpfalLe Holm.\6yy — — de Exccrptis Annotat. ex Scriptis Car. Epifc. Aroften*. Judicium — ib. 167? Erlundi Vita Sanfti Erici Sueciae Regis ib. 1675 ^ Zragocdia Mofcovitica , five de Vita &. Morte Demetrii Joannidae Col. 1-608 Mefienii Chorographia Scandinavia? Holm. 1615 a- Z- 6 - y - r j- v -7 /~ /— V- U Tumbce veterum ac nuperorum apud Sueon'es Gothofque ib.i 61 1 Regum, &c. 5 Kempe Hift* Guftavi I. ■ t \ Fontenelle Hift. des Revolutions de Suede { Hift. of Guftavus Adolphus, K. of Sweden Robinfon’s (Bp.) Account of Sweden C Hift. of the Wars of Cha. Xlf. K. of Sweden, < ficer / by t Remarques fur l’Hift. de Cha. XII. de Voltaire Sibbern Bibliotheca Hiftorica Dano-Norvegica 5 Lord Molefworth’s Account of Denmark C King’s Animadv, 011 a pretended Account of Denmark V z 5^93 Stengn. 1648 Amft. i 6 q 6 i6 S9 » 7 i 7 \ Scot; Ot- * 7*3 /-b Hamb. 1 7 i 1694 l6 M Lord /- / — / - / — 3°93 %L 3=95 /— 3 ° 9 6 C i6 4 1 Lord Molefworth’s Account of Denmark, 1 2mo. Gictfg.\ w j ^ Ditto, Bp.'Robinfon’s Account of Sweden, Narrative of the Death v* & it— i'4i: -7 5 31 °l V 3108 3 T °9 /-6 3,10 3 11 ’ 3°97 3098 3°99 3 8 OO 3101 3 102 3 r °3 3104 io 5 06 of Count Patkul, <2/wr other pieces { Deftriptior of the iflands and Inhabitants of Ferroe ( China and France, in two Treadles t Prefent State of Ruffia, 2 vol. — < Treaty of Commerce between the Ruffians and Dutch, / and Dutch • C Account of Livonia and of the Marian Teutonic Order 7 C aipari de Origine Livonorum — Lengnich Hiftoria Folona Moore’s Hift. of the Turks Prideaux’s Life of Mahomet, Svo. — - - ■ — » — * * 8vo. — — 1 zmo. { Doufa de Itinere fuo Conftantinopolitano Boederus de Rebus Turcicis < — =- Bulbequii omnia qua; extant ««— — Hift. of the War of Cyprus [ Ra’eigh’s Hift. of Mahomet. 1738 1676 1676 1723 in Ruff. 1714 1701 Lip/-' 717 Zz>/.I 740 1660 1 697 I718 1716 L. B. 1599 Budif. I717 Baf.xj 40 1687 1637 1650 7 Defcription of the Grand Seignior’s Seraglio — Smith de Monbus Turcarum„ Oxon. '674, and 2 more Smith’s Manners of the Turks and Defcription of Conftantinople 1678 Morgan’s Mahometifm explained, 2 vol. cuts — 1731 Porters (Sir fa.) Obfervations on the Turks, 2 vol. 1768 fOckley’s Hift. of the Conquefts of Syria, &c. by the Saracens, < 1708 LFrafer’s Hift. of Thamas Kuli Khan — — 1742 QUARTO. Eijlory 0/Tortugal, Spain, Italy, France, Germary, the Ne- therlands, Denmark, Sweden, Mufcovy, Poland, Turkey. f 3 1 1 2 Coneftaggio, deW Uni one del Regno di Portogallo alia Corona di Cafti- glia — — — — Gen 1583 L (q 3 I! 3 Right an d Xytle off Anthonie I. King of Portugal!* concerning his Warres again]} Phil. King of Caftile impr. at Leyden, in the Houfe of Chr. piantyn 1585 JT— 3114 Fr. Bermudez, Antiquedad y Excellences de Granada Madr. 1 l . 1608 31 J 5 Clarke’s Letters concerning the Spanifh Nation 1763, with three MS. Papers relating to Spain li „ 3116 De los Santos’s Description of the Efcurial, by Thompfon, cuts / 1760, fine copy — O 3 T I 7 Alberti, Defcritione di tutta Jtalia — Ven.\$ 6 l j 3118 Defcription of Italy, in Dutch , with cuts - — — Leyden 1697 3119 Com- 5**9 3 , 2 ° 3121 3122 3 12 3 3 12 4 3' 2 5 3126 3 12 7 3128 *~ 3* 2 9 3130 3 1 3 1 | Compendio della Storia di Guicciardini Commentarii di Guicciardini Priorato dell’ Hiftorie, 3 tom. Flcr, Venet Franco/ Par 1744 Pad. 1625 . 1566) - 1 65 ti D*Anville Analvfe Geographique de Pltalie C Pignoria, le Qrigini di Padoua, Fig. J Aleandri E*plicatio Tabula Hcliaca Lutet. 1 617, in cor. turc. - — Aula Zabarella, five Elogia illuflr. Patavinorum, & c. Fig. Patav. 1670 S: nfelicii Campania Notis illuftrata — Flap 1726 IUuJlrium fureconfuhorum Imagines Lafrerii — Rom. 1366 Crefcimbeni, le Vite Sc Ritratti de gli . Arcadi illuftri, 2 tom. Rcm.tjcS — 10 Oldoini Athenaeum A uguftum — Peru/. 1678J Athenteum Ligdicum /£.i6So\ { Burgus de Dominio Genuenlis Rejpublicae in Mari Liguftico < Roma 1641 £ jonte (Arngrimi, Idandi) Specimen Ijlandia Hijloricum Amjl.\ 6 \^ Andrea di Capua, della Cbieja di S. Giovanni de nobili Ucmini dil Capua, Fig. ~ * — — Nap. 1 75°1 ! Simone, Efequie deW altezza reale Giov. Gadone Gran Duca di\ Tofcana, Fig. • 1 737 J A Volume of Triumphs , Fefinjafs, Funeral Solemnities , lAc. cr& the Births, Nuptials and Burials of fundry Princes, Ital. 15981 — 16J2I A >0/ -3-1 -\A~ A/-/ r A— 3 1 3 2 3 ! 33 3 1 34 3 1 35 3136 3 f 37 3*3 8 3*39 „ 1 544( 1 646^ VM 549/ MaifonJ 1618 1 3 T 4 ° 3*4* 3 i 4 z 3 1 43 3 1 44 3*45 3*4 6 3*47 3148 3*49 3*5° Sabellico, le Hiforie Vmitiane — — — » — — Boifleau, Tableau Portatif des Gaules Borel, Trefor de Recherches Sc Antiquitez Gauloifes Sc Fran coifes «— — ib . 1655 Paolo Emilio, Hijl. delle Cofe di Francia «— — Venet. 1 Du Tillet, Recueil des Roys de France, leurs Couronne Sc Paris Mezeray, Abrege Chronolog. de l’Hift. de France, 4 tcm. Amjl. 1.740 Hordal Heroina nobiliffima Joannas Dare Lotharingas 16a ) XIV. regnant Paris , includ ng Mai) , Qu. of Scots Dadini Alteferrte Rerum Aquitanicarum Lib. 5. Roulliard, Hijl. de Melun Par { Gabriel de Lurbe, Chronique Bourdeloife Bcurd. f 5 q 4 Antiquitez trouvees pres le Prieure S. Martin les Bourdeaux/^.i Deyron, Antiquites de la Ville de Nifmes — Nitm. 1663 3151 Caroli x ^r ‘-7- 6 -/(— -S'b -2~ -JAtS 77- /- 7 - fr si C *<56 3 / it '/-t r- i***V - T ..... 3151 Caroli Magni de Impio Imaginum Cultu. Libri 4. Hcumanni, in cor * - — — — — — Hanoi*. 1 7 3 I ’3152 Ulloa, Vita delV Invittif/mo Imp. Carlo V. — Ven. 1 566 <3153 Pakenii Hercules Prodicius, feu Carolus Julies, Cliviae, Sec. Princeps redivivus — — - — ■ - Col. Agr. 1679 3154 ~ Ferd. de Buckifch Gbfervationes in Inftrumentum pacts Ofhabrugo- Weftphalicum — — — Franco/. 1722 155 Adami Relatio Hift. de Pacificatione Ofnabrugo-Monafterienfi Lipf. 1737 156 Eougeant, Hift. des Guerres & Negotiations qui precederent le Traite de Weftphalie, 3 tom- — Paris 1744 3157 Capitulation Harmonique de M. Muldener — — /£. 1750 3158 Autre Exemplaire — - — — — - 175Q 5159 Neuwaldi Comment, de antiquis Weftphalke Colonis Q/nabr.i66& 3160 Monumenta Paderbornefia, Fig . A.mft. 1672^* /3161 Bebelii Antiqurtates Germanise Prims & in hac Argentorateniis j Eccleftae,Evangelics — * — ArgentCi f ** ^ 13162 Lipfanographia , five Thefaurus Reliquiarum Eledoralis Brunfvico- flf Luneburgicus — — — Hamm. 1713 3*63 Benvivoglidi ~Piforiaaella Gugrra di Fiandra Ven. 1674 ■" /t " Gramaye Antiquitat.es Brabantis^ i 7 >. Brux. 1610 y// r Apologie for William-, Prince of Orange, again/ the Pro - > ' 1 clamation and Edi 3 of the King of Spaine impr. at Delft 1-581 4 3165 < A Declaration of the Caufes mooving the Queene cf England to r I give Aide to the opprelfed People in the Low Countries impr. . L „ by Barter 1585 /2 jl 3166 Difcourfe of the Civill Warres of the Netherlands begun in 1565, the memorable Services of our Englijh Captains and Soldiers* efpecially under Sir John Norice from 1577 to 1589, &c. b. /. 1602, 3167 3168 ded. to Sir Tdw. Seymour, Erie of Hartford, byT. C. Efq; Meurfii Athens Batavs, Fig . L . / 2 A Dutch Mifcellany, Hiftorical, &c. including the Journal of the Naffau Fleet in 1623 — Brower’s Voyage to Chili — Several Eaft- ^ India Voyages and other Tra&s, *with neat copper plates 3169 Lex Principaux Batmens de lafameufe Ville d’Amfterdam 3170 Stubbes’s T rafts on tlie Dutch War, cuts 1672 — The Malfacre of Corn, and John De Witt 1672, and other Traite / / 5 Furmerii Annales Frificae, 2 tom. — Franeq.xSocy /O^O 3 7 1 £ Hamconil Frifta, Fig. ib.1620 n 4 3172 Rademaker’s Views in the Netherlands, 2 vol. /./>. Am/.tq 25 — 32 V 3173 Bfirtholini Antiquitates Danicae //«/». 1689 3174 Portraits H/oriques des Homme s ill uf res de Dannemarc, Fig. 1746 3175 Meditationes ad InftrumentuifjiPacis Caefareo^Suecicum, 2 tom. 3176 Harte’s Kift. of Guftavus Adolphus, K. of Sweden, 2 vol. 1759, . 3177 Liberc, Comment ari della Mofcovia — Venet. 1550 3178 Beaupian, Defcription d’Ukranie,^. — Rouen. 16 60 3179 Erndtelii Warfavia Phy/ce illuf rata, fig. Drefd.iy^o / /3 7 — 7 - 7 /o-o 3180 Boiftardi Vita IA leones Sultanorum Turcicor. Principum P erf arum, SAc. per Theod. De Bry ■ ..! ■ «— Francof. 1596 51S1 AU ^ S318 4 Bobun’s Geographical Dictionary, by Bernard — f.fa r$i8$ La Cofmographie UniverJ'elle, par Seb. Munltere,^. gjJ6 Le Grand Atlas, ou Cofmographie Blaviane, 12 tom, . I P," O 1663, fine illuminated^ and bound in vellum s' ^*3187 Pitt’s Atlas, with the Portraits, 4 vol. in vellum 1 Oxf 1680 — 83 3^ 88 Braunii, Civitates Qrbis Terrarum, 2 tom. finely illuminate cbl 37 4, the Explanations in French ntT"JoJ5nni» h P er 3196 Churchill’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, 6 vol, 3197 Peregrinaticnes Bernhard i de Breidenbach Decani Mo* Comitis de Solms & Philippi de Birken^ Mii ids, Fig. Mpgi Erhardum Reuwich 1486, in moroc /y ^/7 -A/e c^ 4 f' This mof rare Book of Travel? of the Religious tothe Holy Land, printed upon V dlum , contains the oldef Views engraved that I have e ver feen * They appear to have been taken on the Spot ; and are feven Tears prior to the Nurenburg Chronicle, vohich has hitherto been fuppcjed to be the moji ancient Book printed with Charts or Maps. J. W. 3198 Ogilby’s Afia, China, Africa and America, 5 vol. fine cuts 3199 Semedo’s Hjft. of China ■■ — - 1655 3209 Kircheri China illuftrata, Fig. n m - - Amft. 1667 Nieuholf, Ambaflade de la Compagme Onentale de| Provinces Unies vers l’Emp. de la Chine, gr. pap . Fig. (ft jL y Lad. 1665—^ ' 3202 Legatio Batavica ad Magnum Tar&riae Chamum, Fig. Amft. 1668 3203 Montanus’s Japan, in Dutch, cuts - ib. 166 9 — " £204 De Vera Diarium Nauticum, Jfeu Defcriptio trium Nav’gationum admi- randarum a Hollandicis & Zelandicis Navibus, ^.1598 — Navigatio f v Indias Orientalis, Fig, ib. 1598 3205 Van 4 / [ i68 ] ( Q -3-205 Van Linfchoten’s Voyages into the Eaft and Weft Indies, cuts, b. J. y ded. to Sir Jul. CaTar — — imtr. by Jo. Wolfe 1598 - l H Si — *206 Herbert’s Travels, befi Edit, — — 1677 —/ Moryfon’s ten Veeres T ravell -jr ; — - 1617- , a £-Jh *° 8 Another qgpy O 1617— *rl 3 209 Ditto // U.— -r . *”“ x ~ — — — — 1617 — ^ 3210 Voyage du L'hev. Chardin en Perfe & aux Indes Orientales, Fig. bw 7 % 3210 Voyage (/> 3211 Wheler’s Journey into Greece, cuts lwoz ' ~ —3-212 Ludolfi Hift. ALthiopica cum Comment. 2 tom. Fig . Fran. 1681-91 1682/ 3213 Barlaei Braiilia, c. m. Fig. t 3214 Pococke’s Defcription of the Eaft, w/VA the Infcriptions, 3 vol. 1747/* 7 ~ J 743 — 45 — s z/t Norden’s Travels in Egypt and Nubia, by Templeman, cuts , in • 757 -^ j r' / f M-JJt'W* 3216 De Laet Americas utriufq. D efcriptio, F/gv A. 2 ?*/. ap. Fix. 1635 - * &c. from 1593*10 1629, in / ^Aiia, Africa and America - — '/ ! 2 1 Hift, of Virginia, New-England and the Summer O ' o * ' Aiw UUil-J Uicr ' with a fine Portr. of Frances Duchefs of Richmond and Lenox* by Will. Paife — — — — 1624 Eighteenth Day’s Sale, Saturday > April OCTAVO €sf Infra. Law, Civil , Canon Common , Statute. //■h IOT 32 1 9 'Hf'H E newe great e jibredgement briefly conteynynge all th aides and*Sta- tutes untill thy nft Tere of oure late noble Kynge of mojl worthy e and famous Memorye Hen. V HI. whofe Soule God pardone , Load, in l - U fd /•§ / -6 { Attorney’s Pocket Companion, 2 vol, Cempieat Arbitrate! — — — 322! Brjlton, b. 1 . impr , by Redman, no date 3222' ' x d!L — by Wingate ' m Gfjicina Th. Gaultier 1551 1735 1731 St *(p 3*6 b X ^223 Burlamaqui, Principe's du Droit Naturel «22i — ’s Principles ofpplitic Law, by Nugent * 3225 Blackftone’s Analyfis of the Laws of England 3226 Furneaux’s Letters to Blackftone - — 3227 Bohun’s Engliih Lawyer 1732, and 2 more 3228 Brown’s ancient Tenures and jocular Cuftoms 3229 Another Copy, with' MS. Notes by 1646 Gen. 1748 ! 75 2 Oxf. 1 757 - 1 77 * i. Ken nett r Brown of Fines and Recovenes 523° j Curfon’s Office of Executors 1679 '679 1725- 172® ,3251 Magna Carta, cum Statutis Antiq. impr. by Pynfon, do date 3232 Code t ] Code Frederic 3233 Com pi ear Engl ifh Copyholder, 2 vol. — Halle 1750 3234 BrydalPs Law Guide to the Conveyancer, 2 parts 1 697 3235 Modern Conveyancer, 2 vol. 1725, and 2 more 3236 Cocker’s young Clerk’s Tutor enlarged 1729, and 6 more 4 - U & 3237 3238 Caufes celebres, 6 torm Coke’s Reports, 7 vol. Haye 173c J.fV & -ft’O - .727 f 3 : 0 V ? 3239 3240 3 2 4 ! . 727 Ditto Englijh , by j 6 5 2 / — 1650 V in cel. 16c o Reports, Fr 1607 Hicks 1 659— Practice of the Court of Chancery Cary’s Reports in Chancery — — Lord Ellefmere’s Obfervations of the Office of Lord Chancel. 165 Ireland’s Abridgement of Coke’s Reports 1652, and 3 more^- Praxis Alma Curia Cancellaria , 2 vol. 1725* and 2 more — — f Ndfon’s Reports in Chancery 3242 < Legal judicature in Chancery Hated - — - - ■ ( Judicial Authority of the Mailer of the Rolls - — 3243 Lambard’s Archeion , on the High Courts of juftice in England, * Rules of the K. Bench, C. Pleas and Chancery — — —* for a Law Common-place, interleaved — - iworth of Executors, by Curfon — — — — . 3245 PrafHce of the Marlhall’s Court 1663, and 5 more 3246 Excife Laws, 5 vol. 3247 Stamp Laws, 2 vol. and 4 more Laws of the Cuftoms 1742 — — Fotfter’s Digeft 1 727 Modern Pradlice of the Court of Exchequer rj . 3 & L 3 2 44 f Rules oi 1 Heads f f Wentwc t-G 3248 3249 3 2 5 ° 325 1 3252 3253 3234 5. 2 55 3256 Crouch’s Britifh Cuftoms, VoL 5 Davies of Impositions | Treatifes relating to, different Branches of the Revenue, Freke’s Prices of Stocks, &c. 2 vol. 1714 to 1716 Dalrymple’s Effay on Feudal Property in Gr. Britain — 173 * 1746 6 vol, 656 Another Copy 17 57 , ,7 57 Chronica Juddiciaha, Abridgment of Dugdale Origines Juridic tales 1685, and t more Dodlor and Student, b. 1 . 1673, and 2 more Every Man his own Lawyer — *757 f Fortefcue de Laudibus Legum Anglise, LaulA Eng. by Selden 1672 < Fitzherbert’s Natura Brevium, Eng. b. 1 . L Vindication of the Greenwax Fines — - 1684. 3 25 7 Ranulphus de Qlanville de Legibus Anglie Lond. ap. Tottell 3258 G ©dolphin’s View of the Admiral Jurifdi&ion 16S5 2259 Another Copy 1661 — -—Greenwood of Courts — 1722 C Gilbert’s ( Lord Ch. Baron) Hilt, of the Common Pleas 17 37 3 2 °° ) — Court of Exchequer 1738 Horne’s Mirrour of Jultices — — • 1659 nvkins’s Abridgment of Coke upon Littleton .172 5 and 2 more — i6ci 3261 3262 3263 5 Hoi l Hat 3*64 3 * 6 S Hale’s Hill, and Analyfis of the Common Law 1716, C Hotham’s Corporations vindicated, A ■ J?- 6 I ■ & 1-6 Lyttylton* s Tenures, \ji edit ■ h. L veryfcarce, ImpreJJi psr nos Joh. Lettou Cff Wdl. de Machlinia inCivitate Londonia, no date JS Another Edit. impr. by Rob. Redman-, no date- { The Boke of Jifyces of Peas , b. 1 . enprynted by Wynkyn de Worde ! 5 10 Carta Foedi & Modus tenendi Cur, Baron, cum Vifu franem ple- gii, b . /. impr by W. de W. no date The Boke of Juftyces of Peas, b. L impr . by W. de W. 1515 Carta Foedi, b . h impr. by W. de W. date Modus tenendi Cur. Baron, cum Vifu franc plcgii, b. 1 . impr . by 3331 Johan Skot, Returna Brevium, /. impr. by Wynkyn de Worde 1519 Modus tenendi unum Hundredum, b . /. fvz/r. /» Poules Chyrcb~ yarde by Johan Skot, no date Fitzherbert’s Narura Brevium, with Hale’r Commentary 1730 Hughes’ ’ grand Abridgment, 3 vol. - — — — ' — " 1662 RaflelPs Statutes, b. 1 . — - — impr. by Tottyll 1559 /~6 j.C *3332 3333 3334 3333 3336 3337 3338 3339 334° 3341 3342 3543 fS 44 3-345 Barrington’s Obfervations on the Statutes Hughes’s Abridgment of the Adis and Ordinances Robbins’s Abridgment of the Iriih Statutes Dubl. Somner’s Treatife of Gavel kind — — > ■ ■■ ■ ■ Taylor’s Hid. of Gavelkind — — Gouldsborough’s Reports — — Brownlow and Goldesborough’s Reports, interleaved, 2 vol. MS. Notes ~ — — ~ — — — — — — March’s Reports — — - — — Father Rarfons’s Anfwer to the fifth Part of Coke’s Reports, f Bacon’s (Lord) Ufe of the Law, interleaved ■ — — < Staunford, Plees des Corone ~ — * — £ Crompton, PAuthoritie des Courts i Powell’s Attorney’s Academv < Manwood of the Laws of the £ Callis of Sewers f Powell’s Attourney’s Academy — — — — — Almanacks rtt t Repertory of Records Antiquity, &c. of Courts of Leet Repertory of Records — — Cal’is of Sewers tVianwooc’s fored Laws 1766 1657 1736 1660 1663 1653 with 1654 1675 impr. 1606 1639 — 1 60.7 Lond. ap. Tet/hveirt 1 594 164 7 — — . 1665 — — . — 1647 - 1620 1627 — — 1631 — . — 1641 — 1631 — '647 1615 Sir 3346 3346 3347 334 s 3349 ;o f *73 1 Sir Julius Cx far’s ancient State, Authorise and Proceedings of the Court of Requefts 1 597 739 335 335 i 3353 3353 3354 3355 335 6 Figgot of Common Recoveries prynne’s Aurum Regina, a Tra&ate of Queen-Gold, with Records concerning our Gold and Silver Mines, and four Patents of K. Hen, VI • for finding the Philo fophers Stone , to fatis fie all the Creditors of the King and Kingdom in a few Tears ■ 1 ■ ■ - - - 1 668 { Philips (Fab.) of Pre-emption and Pourveyance for the King 1665 of Tenures in Capite and Knight Service ifc6o of Rights and Privileges of the King’s Servants 1671* of Pourveyance for the King, in turkey 1 663 C of Courts of Jullice — — - — 167/ £ of Regiftries « 1 67 1 C 6 Johnfton’s A fiet tion of the King’s vifitatorial Power 1668, with Bp. Sprat’s Difient to the Proceedings, fubfcrihed by himfelf 1 6 88 Bacon on Government — ™ 164 7*) Treatife of the Magdlracy — ■■■ - ■ 11 1648 V. Turner’s Cafe of the King’s Debt with the Bankers y 3 5 5 8 | Lord Somers’s Argument in the Banker’s Cafe in 1696 * 73 }J Two Bocks of the Civil Lilt and other Revenues, MS. — — - Maffie’s Plan for the Eliablilhment of Charity-Houfes 1758, and other Tradls t Ivie’s Appeal from the Court of Chancery to the Lord Protestor, 3357 * n a Cafe of Alimony - - ■ - 1654 (.Simonis Delineatio Impot, conjugalis, fen* 1675, and other Trails f Comparifon between a tricking Lawyer and a Highwayman 1703 Warr’s Corruption and Deficiency of the Laws of England 1649 The juft Lawyer his confcionable Complaint * ■ —, — 163 1 Cooke’s Vindication of the Profeffors of the Law — 1646 *( Staunford’s Expofition of the ICinges Prerogative, b. L impr. by Tottel 1590 The State and Dignitie of a Secretarie of E fates Place , with the Care „ and Per ill thereof, written by Rob. late Earle ©/'Salisbury 1642 An Edid of the French King againft iingle Combats 1699, and other Tracts- Faldo of Reformation in Proceedings at Law — 1649 Propofals for remedying the great charge and Delay of Suits at 1707 1646 1755 ) 6^6 ec C 7 - 3 • 3 ■ J > / - 3359 3360 3 l 6 ' 3362 3365 3364 Ditto 3365 Naval Inftrudions Law _ Coke’s Vindicat. of the Profelfors and Profeffion of the Law Statutes relating to the Admiralty - — — T reaties Extracts from Marine Treaties — Ditto ■■■ t-G 3366 3367 ’74iJf •747? •75*V •7S7 / 'a 2 • Coufiumes dtt Pays de Normandie, a74 3 FOLIO. Law Civil Canon , Common , Statute. f(? 3363 >/ . £ 33^9 3^; "3370 tfb 3371 ^ 3372 3373 Ottonis Thefaurus Juris Romani, 3 tom. ch. maj. L. Bat. 1725—27 Leibnitii Mantifta Codicis Juri* Gentium Diplomatici, 2 tom. Guelf. *747 Grotius’s Rights of War and Peace, with Barbeyrac’j Notes 1738’ Pufendorf’s Law of Nature and Nations, with Barbeyrac’j Notes 1729 0 Ayliffe’s Pandedt of the Roman Civil Law - ■ .« 1734 £ - Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani — ^ . . ■■ 1734 Opus Magiftri Wilhelmi Lyndewoode fuper Conftitucibnes Provinci- ales, Edit, princeps Dom. Ludovici de Roma de Singnlaribus, Li her per anti quus Wat Ion’s Clergyman’s Law — < — — -- ■ 1725 Wottoni Leges Wallies — — Lond.iyto Wilkins Leges Anglo-Saxoniete — > ■■ — ■ ib. 1721 Fleta Seldeni — -» — Lend. 1647 The Boke o/'Natura Brevium, b. 1 . enpr.hy Rych.Pynfon, no date Olde Tenures, b. 1 . 'This Boke with the Natura Brevium was em - prynted by me Rycharde Pynfon at the Injlaunce of my Maifres of the Company of Stronde Jnne with oute tem^yll Barre , of London, /f 3379 no date j Lyttylton’s Tenures, imprefi per me Wilhelmum le Tailleur, in 1 opulentijjima Civitate Rothomagenfi ad Inf anti am Richardi Pyn- L fon, no date WaterhousV Commentary upon Fortefcue ,/i- b 337+ /- £.3375 n- 0 3376 /.*£.. 3377 ■ 3. k 337* / 8 33®° 33*« 33®2 i,'.— 3383 Hf —3384 }. L J! * ! 2 —5386 r- 33®7 J% — 33 ?® y~ ^-.3389 A., w 11 QO 1663 Another Copy, with the portraits by Loggan and Faithorne 1663 Coke’s Commentary upon Littleton, 1 1 th Edit 171 9 Inftitutes, parts 2, 3, 4.. with the Tables , 2 vol. 1669 Prynne’s Animadverfions upon Coke’s 4th Inftitute — ? — 1669 Wood’s Inftitute of the Laws of England, interleaved , 2 vol. with feme MS. Notes ■ 1 - — ■ 1722 Fitzherbert’s graunde Abridgement 1516, with a written title Another Copy, in 3 vol. — 1516 Rolle’s Abridgment, interleaved , in 4 vol. - 1668 D’Anvers’s Abridgment, withtbe Title Prohibition, 4 vol. 1737 Liber lntrationum, empr. by Pynfon, no date Regiftrum omn. Brevium — — impr. by Tottell Brown’s Entries, 2 parts 3393 3 . „a . & 3394 ( - "3395 ' „\ 339 6 /■O L 39 s ! Cowel’s Interpreter, by Manley - 1 '■■■ — ■ Blount’s Law Di&ionary — * — World of Errors in Philips’s World of Words, Manley’s Interpreter ^ 5:3 1675 1684 1691 and in '673 2 vol. Dictionary of Decinons of the Court of Seflion in Scotland, l.p. in turkey ■ ■ 1 ■ Edinb. 174 1 Townfend’s Tables ■ ■ 1 1 — 1667 Booth’s Law of real Actions ■ Duke’s Law of charitable Ufes Cawley’s Laws againft Recufants ■■■■ - — 1704 1676 1680 3399 Dal- t *75 1 3399 Dalton’s Jaflice — 3400 Bridgman’* Conveyances, 2 vol. ■■ —■ 3401 Lilly’s practical Conveyancer < — - - — 3402 Malyne’s antient Law Merchant, left Edit . 3403 Exton’s Maritime Dicaeologie — — 3404 Bowyer’s (Rob.) Abridgment of the Records in the Tower, publijhed by Prynne, as the Collection of Sir Rob. Cotton, •with Additions from the Original MS. in the Herald’s Office, MS. 1 . p. 1637 3405 Dugdale’s Origines Juridiciales, with fever al Portraits , befides thofc A which belong to the Book , and numerous MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett l68or 3406 The great Charter and Charter of the Foreft, with Blackftone’s Hifh , of the Charters * ■■■ ■ ■■ — - Oxf. 1759 * 3407 Statutes — — emprynted by my Rycharde Pynfon 1496 - — 3408 Another Copy ■ — ■ ■ 3409 Statutes of Edw. VI. impr. by Grafton 1548, imperf. /. VI. impr . by Grafton 1 548 , 3410 Statutes at Large, by Keble 3411 5 vol. 3412 . by Cay, 6 vol. 3413 Ads, 6 vol. 1735 t0 * 74 ° 3414 of the four laft Years of K. Geo. II. 4 vol. ^ 3415 of his prefent Majefty, n vol. « 1760 — 71 3416 An Abridgment of the Statutes from the 1 Edw. III. to the 20 Edw. IV. incluf. (1327 to 1479) imprejji per Nos Johan. Lettou tsf Wilh. de Machlinia 1481 3417 An Abridgment of the Statutes, by Cay, 2 vol. — — 1739 3418 The fame Book, beft Edit. — - ■■■■ — • — - 1762 3419 Carkefle’s Book of Rates — - - 1728 3420 The Adis and Conftitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parlia - mentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie Princeis Kingis James the firft , fecund , third , ferid, fyft , and in tyme of Marie now Quene q of Sccttis, vifeit, corredit and extradit furth of the Regifters, Scc^A- 15 66. Imprentit at Edinb. by Rob. Lekpreuik, the Zeir of God ant thonfand fyve hundreth thre fcoir fax Zeiris 3421 Murray’s Laws and Ads of Parliament of Scotland, with the Por- traits — * — — — Edinb. 1 68 1 3422 Statutes of Ireland, 5 vol. — Dubl. 3423 Plantation Laws, 10 vol. / p. viz. Barbadces, 1721 — Caribbee Leeward Iflands, 1734 — Jamaica, 1738 — Maryland, 1723 — Mont- ^ ferrat, 1740 — Nevis, 1740 — New-England, 1724 — New-York, J 1719 — Summer Iflands, 1737 — Virginia, 1727 3424 Ditto, 5 vol. viz. Barbadoes, 1721 — Bermuda, 1719 — Maryland, 1723 — MafTachufett’s-Bay, 1724 — Nevis, 1740 3425 Trott’s Laws of the Britifh Plantations in America 1721 . 2 - — //'7 — / - *7 . /r- , 4 * — V Nineteenth f 176 ] Nineteenth Day's Sale, Monday, April 19. OCT A V 0, 6? /jfcfra. Treat ifes of Government — Treaties , &c. — Antiquity , Power and Proceedings of Parliament ■ — Parliamentary Debates. LOT f Aleigh’s Maxims in State, zVz z/zoror. - ■■■■• 1651 34 2 ^ 1 Hobbes’s Philofoph. Rudiments of Government, Lond.\ 6 $ 1 r White’s Grounds of Obedience and Government 1655 l Grotii Mare Liberum, L. Bat. ap. E?z. 163-, and 2 more Fenelon of Government 1722 Fletcher of Saltoun’s Tra&s Edinb . 1698 C Civil Polity, a Treatife cf Government l A Tranfcript of Government, by W. D. *7P3 1681 1722 1710 1764 *732 Index of the federal Treaties between England am/ Foreign Princes , z» fourth Treafury of the Exchequer in the Cloy ft er , IV? S. 3434 Index to the Records — - — .*739 f The Opinions of learned Antiquaries, touching the Antiquity, t Father Paul’s Rights of Sovereigns and Subjects l Hoadly’s Xnftitution of Government Roufleau’s Treatife of the Social Compad Collection of Treaties. 4 vol. 3435 3436 J Power, &c. of Parliament in England £ Hakewell’s old Manner of holding Parliaments C Petyt’s ancient Rights of the Commons | — — Mifcellanea Parliamentaria 1658 1660 1680 1680 3437 343 8 Elenchus Parliamentorum, ax ancient MS. A modern Copy of the fame, in turkey { Elfynge’s ancient manner of holding Parliaments HakewelPs ditto, with the Manner of puffing Bills C Pettus’s Conllitution of Parliaments ( Selden of Judicature in Parliaments Raynal, Hid. du Parlement d’Angleterre f Rymer’s Antiquity, Power and Decay of Parliaments 3 The Claims of the People of England eflayed \ Law and Cuftom of Parliaments — The Rife and Power of Parliaments, 344 2 3 / 3443 3444 3445 / 344*5 1675 1671 l68<> l68l Paris 1 74S 16S9 1701 - 1690 . . l6 77 Orders, Proceedings, Punifhments and Privileges inParham. 1661 / Modus tenendi Parliament a in Hibernia — Dubl. 1692 Lex P arli ament ari a , the Law and Cuftom of Parliaments St. Amand of the Legiflative Power of England, with the Origin and Conllitution of Parliaments 1725, the Author's Copy , with MS. Addititidns and Corrections, intended for a new Edition C Proceedings againft Lprd Clarendon 1700 I Debate upon the Word abdicated 1695, and 2 inore 3447 Willis's [ *77 ] 3447 Willis’ $44 J Notitia Parliamentariay 2 vol. in I • — i 3449 345 ° Another Copy Ditto 3451 3452 3453 ( Crew’s (Sir Tho.) Proceedings of the H. of Com. in 1628 Orders of the H. of Commons on Elections ■ ■ — Statutes concerning Eledtions — — ■ Afhby and White, with other Cafes C Orders, Determinations, Statutes, &c. concerning Elections, 7 Afhby and White — C The Voter’s Guide 1 76? The Britifh Reprefentative £ Parliamentary Trails, &c. /■Lord Anglefey’s Privileges of Parliament - * 75 ° l 1 7597 " 1750 1750 1707 *734 *747 ' 2 vr] ' 70 S) *739 //• a?. 6 T 54 I Privileges of the Baronage in Parliament ^ Womock’s Right of the Bifhops to judge in capital Cafes l 7 024 1642c i68o{ < 2 , / — / :L 3455 / Lord Holies of the judicature of the Peers in Point of Appeals, 167^/ Privileges of the Baronage in Parliament 1642? Lord Anglefey’s Privileges of Parliament -- ■■■ 1702 f 1669 — 76/ Lord Holies of the judicature of the Peers, 2 vol. 3456 Remembrances of the Houfe of Lords , in moroc « 34^7 Ditto, ditto v ^ 3458 Parlimentary Debates, publifhed byTorbuck, 2! vol. 3459 ■ ■ ■ — - — Chandler, Vol. 1, 3460 — — from 1667 to 1694, collected by AnchitellGrey, Efq; 10 vol. — — — — - " - - 1763/ ' 3461 Protefh of the Lords — *— *737 — 3 * *74* / 17+1 /• b si 'it //, — / — A R T O . Parliamentary Treatifes , &c. 3462 The Rights of the Kingdom, or Cuftoms of our Anceftourr, touching our Kings and Parliaments * — ■ — — — *649 5463 Another Copy, - - — - reprinted r688 2 , / / r The Manner of holding Parliaments in England 1 \ Raleigh’s Prerogative of Parliaments 3464 < Privileges and Pra&ifes of Parliaments 1641 4 1640/ 1 64 1 v I Fannant's Narration of that Parliament, 10 Rich, If. An. 1386,/ t which wrought Wonders , 1 64 1, and other Parliamentary Trails 3465 Prynne’s Parliamentary Writs , 4 parts, 2 vol. 3466 1659— 64 *3 3467 Notes by the late Browne Willis, Efq; Bre-via Parliatnentaria redinjhva part 4. 1 . p. with a great Number rf MS. 1664 1662 - & -1+ 6 o I o. Reports, &c. in Law and Equity —Law -Antiquity — Records — State T rials, &c. — Revenue — Ancient Conjlituticn of England — Summons , Privileges, Proceedings, and Journals of Parliament — Proclamations — Treaties. . i 3468 Reports by Croke, 3 vol. 3469 —————— Carthew 1669 1712 A 2 3470 Rs- -12 - t /S- ■ s — r - 6 /' * a- ' 6 kr £ 6 / , /O-o 7 - g V" • . C >7« ! 3470 Reports in Chancery, K. Ch, I. to Qu, Anne, 3 vol. in 1. /- * O 3 - - /~ 4 ~- / • /--£-• lk-t> *-£ £-6 /■3 &-■ £-6 Hi 3472 . 3473 ■ 3474 1 347; 3476 ■ 3477 ■ 3478 ■ 3479 3480 34 s * J3482 0483 /34H 154^5 ,3486 , 0487 3488 3489 349° S49: 349 2 3493 3494 3495 3496 3+97 349 s f 3499 3500 by Davies Lord King’s Time Dyer, bef edit. Fitz-Gibbons Forrefter Gilbert Hetley Hobart Holt Jenkins Keilwey Kelyng ■ Ley Latch — Leonard, part 3 — Levinz, 2 vol. — Lucas — Moore (modern) vsith Farrefley, 6 vol. by Peere Williams, 2 vol. — Raymond (Sir Tho,) (Lord) 2 vol. heft edit . 2 vol. in 1, 1736 1740 DubL 1 6 » 5 Lond, 1628 1688 3 - 6 ' S' 1- 2- o /s'-. 6 r 350 1 3 5 02 3 S°3 35°4 35°5 Siderfin, Salkeld, Ventris Vernon, Vaughan Yelverton — — ——Owen 1650 — Hutton 1656 — 1657- — —Lane 1657 Year Books, ‘with Maynard, bef edit. 10 vol. Bacon’s Abridgment o.f Cafes in Equity, 2 vol. Precedents in Chancery - — — — — Hale’s Pleas of the Crown, 2 vol. — Hawkins’s Pleas of the Crown — — Winch 2657 — Noy 1679 173* — *75 6 1733 1736 1 739 6 - /O 3506 W'aterhous’s Commentary upon Fortefcue, ‘with the ■portraits by Log- gan and Faith orne i 663, a fine copy , ruled , and bound in moroc* 3507 Seldeni Opera omnia, a Dav. Wilkins, 6 parts in 3 vol. ch. maj, inrujfa » — - — Lond. 1726 3508 Spel man’s (Sir Hen.) Inglifn Works, relating to the Laws and Anti- quities of England, ‘with his Life by Gibfoo 1723 /- V- 35 11 — - — Glojfarium Arcfraiologicttm , Edit. opt. 1687, ‘with great number of ELS. Notes by Bp. Kennett Dugdale’s Origines Jurid'tciales , 1 . p. ‘with fne imprejjions of the Por- traits by Hollar and Loggan 1666, an elegant Copy , withfome additi- onal Papers in Print and MS, Bowyer’s (Rob.) Abridgment of the Records in the Tower, pub- lijhed by Prynne as the Colledlion o/Sir Rob. Cotton, l. p. 1657. This Copy was prefented by Mr. Prynne to K» Cha. IT. on his Re- iteration; it afterwards belonged to White Kennett, Bp. of Peter- borow ; 35 12 3 S 1 3 35 H 35 1 5 35 1 6 3 . 5*7 3518 35*9 35 2 ° 35 2 * 3522 35 2 3 35 2 4 35 2 5 3526 35 2 7 35 28 3 5 2 9 3530 353 * 353 2 - — ^533 t 3534 -^535 [ 179 ] I borow ; who, as well as Geo. Holmes, Efq; have made many Cor - re SI to ns and Additions. J. W. y/ ColleSiion concerning the Office of Records in the Tower of Lon- l don, MS. Prynne's Records , 3 vol. a fine Set , 1666 — 65 — 70. O/' the fecond Vo- lume (1665) of this rare Work, only twenty-three Copies remained ; reft having been burnt with Ratcliffe the Printer’s Warehoufes, at the Fire of London, An. 1666. R.Rawlinfon. Madox’s Hift. and Antiquities of the Exchequer, l.p. 17 1 1 Formulare Anglicanum, 1 . p. I 702, with MS. Notes by a curious and diligent Man , fays Mr. Weft Baronia Anglica « 7 J 6 | - Index to the Hift. of the Exchequer Collins of Baronies by Writ and other Honours — 1734 Dictionary of Decifions in the Court of Sellion of Scotland, 2 vol. l.p. in turkey -■ ■ — — ~ Edinb. 1 74 1 State Trials, 8 vol. 1730 — 36, with a MS. Catalogue of Trials omitted in this Colle.ttion, digefed Chronologically from Edvv. il. to Geo. I. incluf. State Trials, compiled by the Ediior of the jtrftfour Vol. of State Trials, ( publijhsd by Wilcox) — ■ 17 4.1 Rulhworth’s Trial of the Earl of Strafford — 1700 Proceedings at the Oid Bailey, Dying Speeches, &c .'from the Aceef- fion of K. Geo. I. in 171 \ to 173 2, incluf. 3 vol. Fol. - — : — Ditto from 1730 (the Mayoralty e/'Sir Rich. Brocas) to 1740 incluf ve, with fame Admiralty Seffions andSn rry Affizes, 6 vol. 4*0. Trial between Mr Anneftey and Lord Anglefey Trials of Captains Burriih, Williams, Ambrofe, &c. Trial of Simon Lord Lovat Another Copy — — Trial of Admiral Byng — — Sundry Law Tracis —Ditto on the Revenue, public Debt and Funds Carevv’s ReirofpeSi into the King’s certain Revenue annexed to the Crown, under the Survey of the Court of Exchequer, /. p.- tided 1661 Crouch’s Guide to the Officers of his Majefty’s Cuiloms 17 32 Philips (Fab.) of the ancient Government of England 1686 Tyrrell’s Bibliotheca Politica, an Enquiry into the ancient ConlHtu- tion of the Englifh Government 1727 The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England afferted (commonly called Bedford’s) with MS. Notes by Bp. Kenuett 1713. The true Au- thor of this Book was Mr. Harbin, Chaplain to Bp. Ken, as him ft If acknowledged to Mr. Weft, whofe Note is very curious. “ Upon fliew- ing the above Notes, wrote by Bp. Kennett, to Mr. Harbin, he told me he was the Author of the annexed Booh, and immediately pro- duced the Original Copy of the fame, together with three large Vo- lumes of Original Documents, from whence the fame was compiled : He was Chaplain to Ken, Bp. of Bath and Wells, and was the Head of the Clergy of the Nonjuring Perfuafion at that Time, An. 1742. A Man of infinite Knowledge and Reading; but of a weak, pre u- diced and bigotted Judgment”. J. W. Dugdale’s Summons to Parliament, with MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett, 1 D’Ewes’s (Sir Symonds) Journal of all the Parliaments of Qu. Eliz. with the Front if piece *^93 A a z 3556 Bo- G Vi j'-ZO - D 4 y ~ z ^ 6 ■ 6 3537 . 3533 A f M ls 4 - % / J ~- 3541 ■ /*> "3543 ■4 3544 f/> . /f~ 3545 [ 183 ] Bohun’s Rights of Elections Ry ley’s Pleadings in Parliament, l. p. — » 1 66 1 Shower’s Cafes in Parliament 1698. Churchill the Printer, ordered to attend the Houfe of LorHs, for printing this Book without leBrve ef the Houfe 39 Appeals, with the Determinations of the Lords thereon* 8 vol 1704 to 1740 — Ditto, in the Douglas Caufe, 2 Books 1769 — 70 3540 Bills, Cafes, private Afts, See. 24 vol. includingmany fcarceTradls', and a large Bundle of ditto from 1710 to 1760, but chiefly between 1710 and 1720 : Votes of the Houfe of Commons, 5 vol.— A Bundle of ditto Journals of the Houfe of Commons, with Indexes and Reports* 34 Vol. Journals of the Houfe of Lords, 13 Vol. Proclamations from 1625 to 1698, inclufl^ve, 8 vol. the Originals Rymer’s Foedera, 18 vol. in ruffla Bond. 1727 F O O. Chronology , &c, Hifi . of Spain and Italy. — >3546 r- C 3547 \3S4 8 I — 3549 3 7-355° <2 . b 355 1 / <, 355* A / ' " ~ Ifaacfon’s Chronology Cavifii Opus Chronologicum 1633 , Franco/. 1650 ParivaPs Hift. ef this Iron Age ( the Warscf Europe from 1500 to 1656) with portraits • 3 Another Copy — — — - . 1656 A Chronicle of Europe, in Dutch , with portraits — - 1613 Turquet’s General Hift, ofSpaine, by Grimilon - ^ 1612 Prudencio de Sandoval, Vida y Hechos del Emperador Carlos V. con fguras. 2 tom. ~ — » - Amber. 1681 .3553 El Conde Trivulcio, Elogio de Alvaro de Bacan, Marques de Santa Craz — — — — 1586 /• *y ^ — - 3554 De Solis’s Hift. of the Conqueft of Mexico, by Townfend, cuts vV --- 3555 ~ 2. ■{? 355 b A C $557 / v 35 5 ^ 172 - 3559 / 35 6 ° A - 4 355 * .5 . 6 3562 Davila, Featro de las Grandezas Madrid — Madr. 1623 Fr. de los Santos * Defer ipaon del real Monofterio de S- Lorenzo del Efcorial — - - — ib. i 63 r Muratsrii Rerum Italicar. Scriptores, torn. 6. MedioL 1726 Blondi Flavii Forlivienfis Italia illuflrata Venet. per Bernard. Venetum de Vitalibus 1503 Fontana Templum Vaticanum & ipftus Origo, Lat. & Ital. a Jo. Jof. Bonnerve de S. Remain, c . m. fig. — ■ — — Rom. \ 694 Bonanni Templi Vatican! Hift. r. m. fig. — ib,\bg 6 Rafponus de Eafilica &: Patriarchio Lateranenli, fig, ib. 1656 Fontana, Difcoflo fopra il Monte Citatorip fiiuato del Campo Ivlartio, fig. * — — ib. 1694 Giannone’s Hift. of the Kingdom of Naples, by Ogilvie, 2 vol. i 7 2 Q— —3 I D’OrviUe Sieula Burmanni Secund i. ««— — — cum Fig. id Numifm. 2 tom. in — ■ ■■— Amfl. 1764 - — V enet. 1 6 8 1 Tore Hi Saraynse de Origins Sc Ampluud’ne Verona?, fig. Veron . 1 540 3567 r J Nori; Cenotaph ia Pifana v C J 8i 3 3567 Paruta’s Hilt, of Venice, by Lord Monmouth 5568 Portenari, della F elicit a di Padoua, fig. 1658 — T P*d.\bi$ Q__ L & n jfgt || fit it -*> *** ■*** Twentieth Day’s Sale, Tuefday, April 20. OCTAVO (A Infra. Lot — 45 357 ° 357 1 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 35 *‘ 3582 35 8 3 35 8 4 3585 35 36 lleraldical and Genealogical Hifioiy and Antiquities -!'. , O Bfervations Hiltorical and Genealogical on the Sovereign Princes of Europe — — 1693 — Wharton’s EBay on the true Rife of Nobility, 2 vol. Dugdale’s ancient Ufage of bearing Arms — — Oxfi.i6t2r~^- Another Copy 1 68a — • - Ditto, interleaved 1682 — Dawfon’s Mem. of St. George, and of the Order of the Garter 17 14 Alhmole’s Hilt, of the Order of the Garter, cuts, l.p % 1715 — ' The Laws of Honour — — — 1 7 2 The Boke of Noblenes , tt anfiated Into Englysfhe by me Johan Larke, b. 1. — - the date tom off - ■ The Debate betwene the Heraldes of Englande and Fraunce, compyled by Johan Coke, Clarke of tlye Kxnges Rccognifaunce , b. 1 . impr. by ■dcjrfEff — — rne RychardeWyer 1550* A Synopfisof Heraldry, cuts 1682 Carter’s Analyfis of Honor and Armory, the Portraits and Arms neatly illuminated — — 1 65 5 Welt’s (Rich. Lord Chancellor of Ireland) inquiry into the Manner of creating; Peers 1729, with a great Number of MS+— Notes by Peter Le Neve, Efq; Norroy St. Amand’s Animadverfions on Welt’s Enquiry, about Py rating in Learning ^ Bird’s Magazine of Honour with fiome hints J 7 H 1642 1642 _ A Treatife of fhe Nobilitie of the Realme Segar’s (Sim.) Honor es Anglicani , the Temporal Nobility of England, interleaved, with MS. Notes 17IA 5 Walkeley’s Catalogue of the Nobility 1642 Catalogue of the Baronets of England to 1667 ■ - — ■ . — Philipct’s Catalogue of all Knights Batchelcurs, made by K. Ja. I. with his portr. by Chauntry 1660, MS Additions Dale’s Catalogue of the Nobility 1697, with MS. Notes , in- ter leaved . Philips’s Titles and Honours conferred by K. Geo. I. and JC Geo. II. £728, ditto r Davies (John of Llan-Silin in Denbighfli. Antiquary) his Difplay of Herauldry, of mofi particular Coat Armours, now at Uft in the fix Counties of North Wales ; viss. of the 15 Tribes, See. Z 6 3 — us /..U A& < whereby any Man knowing from what Tribe he is know his particular Ccat _ Is defeended , may ffl -A / ^ / a\ A X- f >> ^ r isz 3 A Welch Almanac for 1693 Bp. Beveridge’s Sermon on the Excellency of the Common Prayer, tranflated into Welch — — 1693 35 Lord Egmont’s Genealogical Hiftory of the Houfe of YVery ; in its different Branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval and Gournay, embellifloed with Portrait s, Views, &c. 2 vol. — ■, . 1 7 42 ^589 Edmonfon’s HiRor. and Genealogical Account of the noble Family of Greville, cuts - - 1766 3590 Hornby’s imall Specimen of the many Miftakes in Dugdale’s £a--_ ronage, in 2 Letters — — - 1730 359 jg^nother Edition, in 3 Letters — 1738 359 ff®fc inec fy ,s ( Matt 0 Chronolog. Genealog. and HiRorical DiBertat. of v the Royal Family of the Stuarts printed in Paris 1705 3593 Lefley (John, Bp. of RofTe) his Treatife towching the Right, Title and Inter eft of Marie, Queene of Scotland, and King James her Graces Sonne, to the Siicceffon of the Croune of England, with a Genealogie of the Competitors, iAc. 1 584, with their portraits in wood Another Copy, without the Addrefs to the Emperor, Kings and Princes of Europe An Exhortation to a faft League of Amity betwene the Englilhe and Scottifhe Nations 3595 Hume’s HiR. of the Houfe and Race of Douglas and Angus, 2 vol. E dints. 1748 3596 Budgell s Memoirs of the Family of Boyle — ~ — 1732 597 Memoirs of the Fam'My of Butler — 1716 8 Lord Egmont’s QueRion of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland 3594 in England > /, p. Dull. 1 739 Hearn e’s Antiquities . OCTAVO. 3599 - /dX f° 3603 Avelbury (Rob. de) HiR. de mirabilibus GeRis Edw. TIT. c. m. (dAa^tyxjk Qtcon. 1 7 2 O Aluredi Beverlacenlis Annales, c. m. -Q -» ib. 1716 Benedi&us Abbas Petroburg. de Vita & GeRis/rlenr. II. & Rich. I. 2 tom. o w. t -y- 1 73 5 Chronicon, live Annafes Prioratus de Dunftaple, * tom. c. m. ib. 1733 Caii (Tho.) Vindicise Andquitatis^ilcaden 2 tom. c ' m ‘ ~~ rr ^.1720 Camdeni (GnilT) Annales Elizabeths, 3 tom. c . m. 7 ifgyff ib. 1717 /^.w- 3 6o 4 f y ^£605 Domerham (Adami de) HiR. de Rebus GeRis Glaftdni^fibus, 2 tom . 7 /* c. m. Dodwell (Henr.) |Neli JEdif riorum c. m. * •/ ib.1727 arma EqueRri Woodwardiana, accedit Tho, Academ. Oxonienf. Topographica Delineatio , V- 3^07' Elmham (Tho. de) Vita Sc GeRa Henrici V. 3608 „ 3 6o 9 6 10 61 1 Fordun (Jo. de) Scotichronicon, 5 tom. c. m. — GlouceRer’s (Robert of) Chronicle, 2 vol. /. p. GlaRonienfis (Joan.) Hift, de Rebus GlaRonienfibu s, a — ----- . Hearne’s ILli:, and AnUquities ib-ipzz f 3613 HearneV tu f^ 36'3 O—3614 /' 3 6 3 * ^7 3 fi 33 5,43634 »£. 1720-^ Z^W.177; Oxon.i 7 2 $ /( p Edw. II. & ^ z'^.i73il_ /i ib. 1729^ ^ , — >3.17*4. ,,4,, — • o*/. 1710— 3 — *^•■745 P »'*• ' 71 ?-'. 1770—/ / 0^.172^-^, ► ib. 1 7 1 1 onica Regum An- »*• ' 73 ^" z'£. 1 7 1 6-7* *£. 17 1 6—- - /*. ib.\ 7 l&— Roperi (Guil.) Vita D. Thomse Mofa, cdm. j n f fi +r-Q” ib.i 7 i(r~ Spe!man ? s (Sir Jo.) Life of Alfred the Great-~_^^^ O*/'. ijo^ 3646 Another Copy, the Author's Prefent to Sir Will. Dethick ; who fays* this Booke may he tailed the Record of the Hfcahors of Knighthood, and Glorie to the Order of the Garter. There, are lejides a great Plumber of MS. Notes by Sir Will. Dethick, upon a variety of He - raldical Subjects; in which his own honourable Defcent is fet forth, in contrail to Sir Will. Segar’s Garter , whom he invidiouily lliles, m poore Paynter , Sonne of a bafe Fteminge , and Spawne of a Jew, uneligibie by Statute for his Office, &c. { Anllis on the Knighthood of the bath 1725, with MS. Additions, copied by Mr. Weil from a MS. in the Aihmolean Mufeum Statutes of the Order of the Bath, bjr Anftis 1725. Of this Traci only 50 Copies were printed in 1725 Another Copy of the Statutes of the Order of the Bath, continued to 1727, Up.. Stemmata Chicheleana , a Genealogical Account of fome Families derived from Tho. Chichele, of Higham Ferrers, Northamptoniln Up. , — — Cw.1765 Collinses Engliih Baronage, /. p. — — * , ' 1727 faC 3647 The Pedigree and Defcent of his Excellency , General George Monck ; Jetting forth how he is defended from. K. Edw. III. by a Branch and Slip of the White Rofe, the Houfe of York, and of his Extradiion from Rich. K$^f the Romans — ^ 1659 Collections relating to the Precedency of the Peerage, by Henry, Earl of Clarendon, MS. the original * George, Vifawnit of Tar bat, c. f his Vindication of Robert III. King of Scotland, from the Imputation of Bailardy, by the clear proof of Elis. Mure (Daughter to Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan) her being the firfi lawful Wife of Rob. II. then Steuart of Scotland and Earl o/^Strathern — Edinb. 1695 Hay’s Vindication of Eliz. More, from the Imputation of being a Concubine, and her Children from the Tache of Bailardy Edinb. 1 723 Geo. Owen Harry, Parfon of Whitchurche in Keirr^, his Genealogy it ^h^Noah, by 1 Brutus, from him to Cadwaladcr, &c of K. Jamg,s, with his lineal Defcent eim%, Noah, ty dir e& lynes to ~ Scot (Capt, Walter of Satchels) his true Xli BrToTlevcr^l hon. \ Emilies of the right hon. Name of Scot, bjth parts Sanfovino, Grigine e Fatti delk Famiglis illujfn d'Xtalia / Venet. 167737^ FOLIO. d H&raldical and Genealogical HijT. and Antiquities « 3^54 Colledlanea Genealogico-Hi ilorica, fe, <2 — 3655 Sanfovino, VHifl* di Cafa Orfina , con It Vien . A uft r. 170$ <2 — 5 banlovmo, i'thjt. dt Laja Vrjina, con It Riiratti Ven> 1565 < f/Tfln 77 1 1 3 6’5 § Storia Genealogica della Famiglia del Ponte, da Fra. Girol. Maria di JjfjU* Ir' t y Sant anna, eon molt e Ritratti ed altri Figure, ch. gr. Nap cl. 1708 ' 36^7 Anderfon’s Royal Genealogies — — • 1732 Sand- 3^5 8 3659 '3 660 ^ C >85 I Sandfcrd’s Gen&ilog. Hift. of the Kings of England, with Hollar’ f cutt // . — /■— . *^77 The fame Book, continued by Stebbing, cuts /// Nr^lJ * 7°7 pSlatyer's Genetbliacon » the Genealogy of K. J a 1 & c . — — I Mills’s Catalogue of the &in^s of Scotia 662 -xi.r 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 Armes, Wives and IfFuc j Tracts on the Succefiion L of Wales 1 688, &c. ImhofF Regum Pariumque, Magna: Britannia: Hiftoria Genealogica Q Norimb . 1690 Howel of the Precedency of Kings, with the portr . of K. Ch. II. by Loggan, and of the Author by Melan ■ 1664 Upton (Nic.) de Studio Militari. Joan, de Bado Aureo Tra&atus^ ^de Armif. Henr. Spelman Afpilogia Notis Biilaei, J7%-. Lond, 1654. Segar (Sir Will.) of Honor Military and Civill, L p. with the r abits, among which are original portraits , a head of the Author by Delaram, aad various MS. Nffts 'iJT\a fair hand , ded. to Qu. ^ A — i6ot Markham’s Booke of Honour^ SL/' Selden’s Titles of Honor mm -- U* t, 162; — 2 . 163 « r 2 .—, Par.i 63 i_ - 'Z • O _-/3 7 Author, and Notes by ^ f %$* 3 . iffMS) by the P. Le Neve, Norroy « — fAf, R ' s— 3670 Guillim’s Difplay of Heraldry, heft edit . v \yi\la finF 7 o i 3671 The Armes of the Knights of the Garter, from the Inftitution, o£ that Order to K. Cha. I. incluf in colour s, bound in moroc . /O /> ys Alhmole’s Inftitution of the Order of the Garter, cuts i6lt^ Anftis’s Regifter of the Order of the Garter, cutsy 2 volT"in 1. with original Papers , Petitions , &c. by Mr. Anftls, Garter, and MS. Notes by P. LeNeve, Efq; Norroy j n 7 /t ■- 1724 74 Milles Nobilitas Politics & Civilis, figj c.m.ft' 75* ’s Catalogue of Honor, cuts 1610, with MS, Apothec Copy, l. p . 1610, with MS. Note. Vin^entT Errours in Brooke’s Catalogue of the Nobility 3678 Another Copy, with MS. Notes by Sjir Will, Dugdale and o. JfiJ 3679 Cleaveland’s Genealog. Hift. of the^noble Family of C'ourteftay . 7 a Exon. 1735 n >3680 Collins’s Hiftorieal Collections of the noble Families of Cavendifh, Holies, Vere, Harley and Ogle, with Portraits and Monuments by Vertue / ,754 3681 Dugdale’s Baronage of England, 2 vol. /. p. in morotL \ 1675, fevered MS. Papefs relating to the Peerage ^ w / • 2 [ i86 ] Wfi. and Antiquities of Various Nations — France, Germany, rhe ISetotrlands, Denmark, Sweden, Ruftia, Poland, Turkey. 4 Paris 1719 Fran 2 tom. en I. Imprime a yf 1 s [7 p7jV*Eukzbl, in morcc/u ■ / 2, 3693 F 0 L 10 .. G*> Le Long, Bibliotheque Hiftorique de la Fiance La Mer chs Hyjioires C5 Cronicques de Fr^nc^f 2 Paris, far Michel le Noir 3684 Mezeray’s Chronolog. Hift. ofFrancj 1713 3686 Petavius 3 vers PEmp. Paris 1667 ib. 1649 i6co tom. Par . 1660 — V f S7 Sceaux de France, 680 jL . 0 3698 Hid. of the Adminidration of Card. Richelieu / 1 / 3699 Du Chefne, Hid. des Chance Hers & Gardes de6 ^ ^ fig- P a P ier , ; * j j „ — 3700 Hill, des Conquetes de Louis^XV. Jig. - - 3701 Les Hommes illudres Francois, avee leurs Portraits uui ium c j ans | a Galerie du Palais Rovale, ib. 1690; with ib? Maid of Orleans--* ip f '(3702 Le Trefor des Merveilles 'de la Maifon Royale ae Fontainebleau^^ foL< ib : l6 *l 'its L 37°3 Eelibien, Hid. de PAbbaye Rovale de Saint Denys, Jig. Paris 1706 3704 Chi fie this de Ampulla Remei fi & de Un&ione Regum Jnt-v. 1651 Paris Paris I 759 _X< Portraits qui font peintl*- *(J . -r~ 57 °$ Saint Aubin, Hid. de la Ville de Lyon, Jig. £/* j Lyon. 1606 ''J, / 3706 De Ruffi. Hid. de lo Vide de Marfeille, en moroa. fr fl/ {p Marf. 1697 JyfOZloy Dd Moulin, Hid. generate de Normandie*/^)- Rouen. 1631 \Vfes a.Aj&bPtWtyXpH 0 Northmanno Britannicus , / • _ — Rot bom. ]66o >* 3709 Idem / — j — ib. 1660 Catalogue 37* c 37*0 ^ 7 u t 37’ 2 — 57 » 3 37*4 37*5 3/* 6 37*7 3 ?** 37*9 3720 37 21 3722 3723 37 2 4 3725 3726 3757 37 2S 3729 373 ° 3737 ' 373 * 3733 373 + 3735 373 6 3737 . 3738 3739 374 ° C + t »&7 3 Catalogue des Rolles Gafcons, Normans & Francois, conferves dans. ^ /rt les Archives de hi Tour de Londres, 2 tom. Lond. (Pans) 1743* - interleaved i *4 /fin'* ■ — —— ffL- ^ — Lobineau, Hid. der Bretagne, fg/ML ton^ TSit x £*'" 1707" Mid ExtraSis des Regifires de Bretagne, A^nm^fur Velin & rdie en maroq. Q/i • Les Annales d' Aquitaine, par Jehan Bc/icbet S Poidtiers 1 5 4 augment ees parfiAownn «- ib . 1644.— — — ^ HiiL de Dauphine & des Princes qui ont porte le Nom. de Dauphins, y' 2 tom. en 1. Jig. - Gen. 1722 y w ^ Le Recueil ou Croniques des Hyjloires det Royaulmes Dauftrafie, ou France Qrientale elite a prejent Lorrayne, de Hierufalem, de Sicilc, lAc. par Champier, avec/ig. Nancy I5I0 . Ville^Hardouin, Hid. de PEmpire de Conftantinople, fous le« Em- y s / pereurs Francois, par Du Frefne, relie en maroq. Paris, de PImpr % / c / (p « / / i-L Royale i6 37 Lijcb\ibrogii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum_Septentrionalium Fa-* • > — - bricii ^ ) ' v Hamb. 1706 r * Schannat VinS^miae Literariae — Lipf. 1723 1 Priorato, de!le t Njo^m^elP Imperial ^ Vien . 1674. V* / _ — Jus AuftriacumirLMonarcmam Hifpanicam aftertum ib. 1701/ Pufendorf de Rebujs Geftis Frid. Wilhelmi Magni Eledtoris Branden- q burgici, 2 tom. ^ipf. 1 7 3 3 Verheiden’s Effigies, Eulogies and Works of the Reformers, Lot.- y f . 1602, including the Portraits of Wicliff, Cranmer, Knox 'S and Bale Haf C. t . Sanderi Chorographia Sacra Brabantise, fg iurc. . 3 tom. cb. maj . in cor. — Hag. C. ijz6 Le Grand Theatre facre Sc profane du Duche de Brabant, fig* 3 tom..* / gr. papier ~ ib. 1 729-30^ t> ffr* ) Van Geftel Hid. facra Sc profana Archiepifcopatus Mechlinienfis, fig. f / sb. 1625 ^ Z - & De Wree, les Seavx des Comtes de Flandre — Brug. 1^41 ^ Becani Origines Antvuerpianct Antv. ap. Plantinum I $tg ' / - - Strada’s Hift. of the Low-Countrey Wars, by Sir Rob. Stapylten, /ft cuts 1650 \\ Bochii Hidoria Narratio Profedlionis & Inaugurationis Alberti Sc ' ~ Ifabell® Auftrias Archiducum, fig . ■ — - ' ' . Antv. 16c z >7 — t? > C Barlandi Hollandiae Comitum Hijl. IS leones L. Bat. 1584 , ^ O l Hort. Mon tfortii Rerum Ultrajedtinarum, Lib. 7. Baf. /.A. / Heinfii Rerum ad Sylvam-Ducis, &c. Hid. Fig L. B. ap. Elz. 1631 7 Commelyn, Hid. de Fred. Henry de Naffau, Prince d’Orange, Fig.f Amjl. 165^/- Het Leven van den Admiral de Ruiter, groot papier , met Jchoone koperc V- plaaten van Stoopendael Amjl. 1OS7 Van Campen’s Stadt Huys van Amderdam - ib. / — Architedlure, Peinture Sc Sculpture de la Maifon de Ville d’Amfter- ^ dam, log p fancies - ib. 171 ^ — * Hift. Abrcgie Metal h'que des Provinces Tonies Jo. Ang. a Werdenhhgen de Republics Han Merianl i ^ Meurfii Ii ftor. Danica Sc Belgica Olai Wormii Monumenta Danica, Fri ib. 1701 -Vf 7. ifeaticis, cum Figuris J*. / * \ Franco/. 1641 ft)#/ f—f Amfi. 1738—* r — " / "T HaJ'n. 1643 *** ^ 37 f ib. 1641 — j Bangius de Aureae Regj^ Turris Infcriptione — — ib. 164 & — y 3746 Meftenii Scondia illujlrata , feu de Rebus Geftis Sueciae, Danise, Nor- ^cgiap/ Iflandi*, Gronlandiasque, cum Obfervat. Jo. Peringfkiold Stockh. 1700 Peringlkioldii Monumenta Sueo-Gothica, feu Uplandica, per Thiundiam, Fig. c. m. — ib, 1710 f Monumenta Uplandica , fig. ib. 1 7 1 o Fig. Monumenta Ulltrakerenfia , cum Upfalia nova illuftrata, 1719 374 8 3749 /. / 375° Hift. Hialmari Regis Biarmlandias atq. Thulemarkiae, Fragmento Runici Manufcripti , Literis recentioribus defcripta, cum gemina Verfione Peringfkioldii Rudbeckii Atlantica , five Manheim vera Japheti Pofterorum Sedes ac Patria • * Up/al. f. A. Pufendorf de Rebus Suecicis ab Expedit. Guft. Adolfi ad Abdicatio- nem Chriftinae ■ . . Franco/. 1705 2 -^375 Hift. du Regne de Cha. Guftave, Roy de Suede, Fig. Nuremb. 1697 Hift. of Peter I. Emp. of Rufiia 1 719 a u 375 2 3753 3754 . / A k 3755 Cromerus de Origine & Rebus Geftis Polonorum Jo. Herborti de Fulftvn Statuta Regni Poloniae { Principum UP Regum Polonorum Imagines Broniovii Tartaria. Item Tranfvlvaniae Sc Moldavian Chorogra- phia Geo. a ReicherfdorfF, & Werneris de admirandis Hungarise Aquis . - ib. 1595 Baf. 1568 Cracow. 1567 Col. 1994 <2 ~ L 375® / P' to 3759 —73757 J-J1 5 * Fowler’s Hift. of the Troubles of Suethland and Poland, with the Life and Djaaj h of Sir Geo. Duglas, 1656, ded. to O. Cromwell f Ville-Ha^BBj|^ la Conquefte de Conftantinople par les Barons < ^fancdisTli'it Fig. — Lyon. 160 1 £ Nicete Coniatesi de la Prinfe de Conftantinople ib. 1601 Crufii Turco-Grcecia, Gr. & Lat. Baf. 1584 Marfigli (le Comte de) I’Etat Militaire de 1 ’Empir© Ottoman, Fr. & Ital. Fig. - Haye 1732 De la Chapelle, Recueil de Portraits des Dames de Conftantinople Paris 1648 Twenty- [ m ] ✓ 9to«oioooo6to6otoioobiooooooooaoot6KMOfOKBio>c» GOOtQ# T wenty-firft Day’s Sale, Wednefday , April 21, 0 C f A V O, (A Infra. -> * EngliQi Hiftory and Antiquities* including fome of the earliejl Writers Chroniclers. LOT 376° T Eland de Scriptoribus Britannicis per Halil, 2 tom. ift 1. Oxon. jL/ . 17° 9 — “Gildae Sapientis Epijlola , ad Matt. Cantuar. Archiepifc. Prasfau"? Jo. Joflelini, Lond. apud Daium 1568 / ^ Teftimonie of Antiquitie , fhewing the auncient Fayth in the V Church of England, touching the Sacrament of the Body and 1 Bloude of the Lorde, here publikely preached in the Saxons J Time, Sax. and Eng. Lond. impr. by Jo. Day 1568 ^ ^ - 3762 Gildas’s Epiitle, nvith his portr. 1638 — 3763 Britannicar. Gentium Hijlories Antique Scriptores tres , Ricardus 3761 /z. Corinenfis, Gildas, Nennius Benrami, cum T abula Geogr . Haun. 1757 3764 Byddell’s Cronicle , b. 1 . impr. by Johan Byddell 1542 3765 Marlhe’s Briefe Cronicle , b. 1 . impr. by Tho. Marlhe 1553 t — /& - £ 3766 Grafton’s Abridgement of the Chronicles of England, b. 1 . impr. by Tottyll 1562 ' 3767 Manuell of the Chronicles of Englande, b. 1 . impr. by Jhon Kyngfton 1565 3768 Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande, b. 1 . impr* by Tottell 1572 3769 Another Copy, b. 1 . — *572 3770 Stow’s Summarye of the Chronicle’s of Englande, 377 3772 Another Edition, b. 1. no title Another Edit. b. 1 . — 3 773 Another Edit. b. 1. 3774 Another Edit. b. 1 . Another Edit. b. 1. b. 1. impr . by Marlhe 1565 1566 title impr. by Marlhe 1570 impr. by ditto 1 573 5 -4 — 2 . — & £ . S~ L 2 . C -fit A 3775 3776 Another Edit. 3777 377 8 Another Edit. b. 1. b. 1. impr. by Tottlc and Binneman 1579 1,-87 no title — — impr . by Bradccke 1598 Another Edit, being the lajl Summary publilhed hy Stow, b. 1 . impr. by Harrifon 1604 A — t t { E. S. de Rebus Geftis Britannia Commentarioli tree, Lond, ep. Binneman, f. A . Twini de Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis, a‘q. Anglicis Comment.^/ ib. ap. Bollifant 1590 3780 Twini Comment, de Rebus Albionipis, &c. 3781 Idem, 3782 Idem, C c 37S3 / - ib. 1590 ib. 1590 ib. 1590 Humtrev aT < 2 . — // ■ -lb 3 - (? 8 - b (p S' 1 /. / ' • b'b A'- C? / e - 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 379° 3791 379 2 3793 3794 3795 IS- • 379 6 /V 6 379 £ J 3798 7 ' "a . /- 6 3799 //-(S 3800 • 3801 3 - - 3802 2 - G> 3803 [ *94 ] Humfrey Lluyd’s Breviary of Britayne, englilhed by Tho. Twyne, b. 1 . ded. to the Erie of Oxenford impr. by Rich. Johnes 1573 CR, Viti Raiinftpchii Hift. & Antiquitates Britannica?, 2 tom. < Atreb. 1597 — Duac. 1600 ( Tra&atus Juris Civilis. Atreb. 1597 Sheringham de Anglorum Gentis Origine, Cant. 167a Langhornii Chronicon Regum Anglor. Lond. 1679 AiTerii Menevenlis Annales JElfredi Magni, per Wife, c. m. Oxon. 1722 Powell’s Life of Alfred * — 1634 Triveti Annales fex Regum Anglic, cum Contin. per Ant. Hall, 2 tom. — - — — — — — Oxon 1719 — 22 Mufgrave Antiquitates Britanno-Belgica?, prascipue Romans?, Fi- guris illufirata , 4 tom. — Jfcae Dunmon. 1719 Malcolme’s Tra&s, iiluftrating the Antiquities of Gr. Britain ana Ireland, with a Specimen of an Irifti-Englilh Dictionary 1744 Difcours des plus memorables FaiCts des Rois et grands Seigneurs d’Angleterre, depuis 500 Ans\ aufli la Guide des Chemins d’Angle- terre, par Jean Bernard, — — — Par. 1579 Camden’s Remains concerning Britain, with his portr. by White, heft Edit. — * * 1674 € Smith de Republica Anglorum Lond. apud Norton l — ’s Commonwealth of England — — *633 Heylin’s Help to Englilh Hift. beji Edit, by Stebbing, interleaved , in 2 vols. nvith MS. Notes — — - 1709 Another Copy, 1709, interleaved, in 3 vol. with MS. Notes Le Neve’s Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vol. in 2, 17 1 9 Willis’s Hift. of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, and Conventual Cathedral Churches, z vol. Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciofum with the Coins , vol. 3 to* 3 - £ A 3804 380s 1718 1 7°7 1 7 45 . 1726 J 7 2 4 1723 Haye, 1719 l 6 53 1733 3806 <-■ 3807 /-6 3808 /_ , 3809 f38lO Oldmixon’s Critical Hift. of England, 2 I Ditto, vol. 1. with MS. Notes by Le Neve \ Higgons’s Short View of the Englilh Hift. I. p. fD’Orleans, Hift. des Revolutions d’Angleterre, { Metamorpholis Anglorum, five Mutationes Anglia?, Salmon’s Chronological Hift. of England, Cuts , — Gent’s Compendious Hiftories of England and Rome, Cuts , 2 vol. York 1741 Higden’s View of the Englifti Conftitution 1716 Squire of the Anglo-Saxon Government 1753 Cleaveland’s InfuneCtion of Wat Tiler, 1658 — Another Edit. 1634 Baudier’s Hift. of Marg. of Anjou, Qu. of England 173,7 Marfolier, Hift. de Henry 7, Roy d’Angleterre, 2 tom. Par. 1725 Filher’s (Bp.) Funeral Sermon of Marg. Countefs of Richmond and Derby, with her Foundations iri Camb. Sc Oxf. by Baker 1708 QU A R T O C 1 95 3 Q U A R r o. Old Chronicles — Englifh Iiijlory and Antiquities , including fever al of the early Writers — General and Biographical Hijlory of England — Hijlory of England in a Chronological Series from Hen. 2. to the prefent Time — Medallic and Nit - mifmatic Hijlory of England . 3812 Florentii Wigornienfis Chronicon, ex Chronicis ab Init. Mundi, ad Ann. 1 1 18 &Contin. Lond. ap Dawfon 1592. ded. to the Lord Treafurer Burghley by Will Howard 3813 Carion’s (Jo.) thre bakes of Croxicles, continued by Jo. Funckeof Nurenborough, englifibed by G waiter Lynne, b. 1 . 1 550. ded. to K. Edw. 6. fine Copy FYl sx^d 3814 Lanquette’s Chronicle* continued by Th. Cooper and Rob. Crowley, b. 1 . ded. to tie Protestor Somerfet itnpr. by Marlhe 15^9 3815 Another Edit. b. 1 . — — — impr. 1560 3816 The Chronicle of Jhon Hardyng, b. 1 . ded. to Tho. Duke of NorfFolke by themprinter, Rich. Grafton 1543 with an original G rani of K. Henry 6. to Hardyng, upon Vellum. This Copy for- merly belonged to the famous Dr. Dee, Aftronomer to Qu. Eliz. and the confiant Friend and Admirer of Lord Burghley 77^1 ftSp-yx, 3817 Galfridi Monemutenlis Britannic utriufq. Regum & Principum Origa & Gefia infignta — ■ Paris, ap. Afcenfium 1508 C Prifei (Jo.) Hift. Brytannic# Defenfio, Lond. ap Binneman 1573 3818 l ded. to the Lord Treaf. Burghley C Lluyd (Hum f ) de Mona Druidum Jnfula - — 1568 3819 Another Copy — — 1573 f Ditto — — — ib. 1573 3820 s Reggii de Statu Hcclefiae Britannicae hodierno Comm. Bant if L 1647 3821 Harvey’s (Rich.) Philadelphia , or a Defence of Brutes, and Brutans Hiitory, b. 1 . ded. to Rob. Earle of Efiex impr. by Jo. Wolfe 1593 3S22 Lelandi (Jo.) AJfertio Arturii Lond. ap. Jo. Herford 1544. ded. to K. Hen 8. 3823 The Life of Merlin, furnamed Ambrolius, and his ftrange Prophe- fies, with the Cut 2 ST X 164 1 3824 Chronicon Saxonicum, Sax. & Lat. Gibioni, Oxon. 1692 3825 Another Copy, with MS.. Notes by Bp. Kennett ib. 1692 3826 The Kalendre of the new Legende of EngLande, emprynttd to the Honour of the gloriouft Seyntes therin contemned by Kich. Pynfon, Pryntcr to our Sower aygne Lorde Kynge Hen. vm, with the Lyfeof Seynt Birgitte, b. 1 . 1516 fine Copy 3827 Godwyn’s Lives and Memorable Aflions of the Bilhops of England, b. 1 . impr. by Bilhop, 1601, ded. to the Lord Treaf. Buckhurft 3828 Godwinus de Prtefulibus Anglice, Lend. 1617, with MS. Notes by Mr. Anllis* Garter ; and Dr. Drake, Editor of Matt. Parker C c 2 3829 Another . — /a — S /- /- ■ . G-C / .-/ (P . ‘ ; ~ Lond. ap . Vautrollier 1579, with a portr . o/'Sir Tho. Chaloner in Wood 38c 4. Harveii (Gabr.) Smithus, vel Mufarum Lachrymae, Lond. apud /Ti Bynneman 1578 3855 Wheftones (Geo.) his Remembraunce of the Life , Death , and Virtues of Sir. Tho. Ratclif, Erie ofSuflex, &c. impr. by Jo. Wolfe, 1583 3856 A Watch woorde to Englande y to beware of Tray tours and tr etcher ous pradifes , by A. M. ded. to Qu. Eliz. b. J. — • 15S4. A Declaration of the Earl of Northumberland’s Treafons , and of the mod wicked and violent Murder committed upon himfelfe with, his owne Hand, in the Tower of London — 1585 The Recantantions of Wyll. Tedder and Ant. Tyrrell, fometime feminarie Priefts, b. 1 . impr. by Charlewood 1588 "Ryther’s Difcourfe of the Invafion of England by the Spamfhe Fleete, tranfated from the Ital. o^Ubaldino, b. 1. ded. to Lord Effingham impr. by Hatfield, 1590 Advertifements out of Ireland, concerning the Lofles and Dif- trefies of the Spanifhe Navie, b. 1 . impr. by Vautrollier 15 88 An Anfwer to certaine Spanilh Lies impr. by Jackfon 1589 3860 Dif ours politique contre V Alliance avec /’ Angleterre, 1588 3861 A libell ofSpaniJh lies , found at the fack of Cales, by Capt. Henrie Savile impr. by Windet 1596 Barlow Vita & Obitus Richardi Cofin Lond. ap. Barker 1598 Sir Rob. Cecill (afterw. Earl ofSalifbury ) his Declaration of the pra&ifes and treafons, of the Earle of Eflex and his Complices — — - — impr. hy Barker 160 1 3864 Epicedium , a funerall Oration upon the Death of Qu. Eliz. with the Order of her Imperial Funerall 1603 «___g-$&5--Darcie , s Hilt, of the famous Emprefs Elizabeth, with her portr. and thefrontijp. - 162 386 6 The joiefull and blefled reuniting of England and Scotland intoihctr antient Name of Great Brittaine Oxf. 160^ Dekker’s magnificent Entertainment given to K. James, Qu. Anne, See. in his triumphant Paflage thro’ London 1603 f A Fourme of Prayer for the fift of Auguft, the Day of the Gowry confpiracy againft the Life of King James, b. I. impr. by Barker* 60; Ditto, for averting the plague, b. 1. — ^Ditto, for the Gunpowder Treafon, b. 1 , 1605, frfi editions Ayfcu’s Hift. of the Warres, Treaties, Marriages, See. betweene England and Scotland, from theCanqueit to the Union impr. / . • -,-r- e /o . 8-G 3862 3863 3867 3S68 3869 ' I Dit by Eld 1607, ded. to Prince Hen r Y f Forde’s Fames Memorial of the Tarie of Devonlhire 1606 3870 < Clelande’s Monument of Mortalitie upon the Death and Funerals (_ of Lodovick, Duke of Richmond and Lenox 1624. f Roberts’s Royall Entertainment given to Chriftiem IV. King of 3871 -J Denmarke 1606 C Orofius de Bello Danico-Anglico, ad Exemp. Paris, impr. 3872 Heavens BleJ/ing and Earths Joy , a relation of thefuppofed Sea fights, Fireworkes, &c. at the Mariage of Freder. Count Palatine^and tjie Prjncefse Eliz. by John Taylor, the Water ‘poet 1613 3873 Garrard’s . . - 8-6 -S' . / , .- 3 - 6 t . 3873 Garrard’s Country Gentleman Moderator ; Collections of the inter- ' marriages betweene England and Spaine, from the Conqueft, &c. 1624 - /2 - • 3874 The arrivall and magnificent Entertainement given to Prince Charles of Great Britaine at the Court of Madrid — 1623 , ,-j. 3875 Rofa Hifpani- Anglic a per Mich. Duval, no date, The Frontifpiece exhibits the portraits of Prince Charles and the Infanta ; Jefus Chrift, in the Office c/' High Pried. uniting the Royal Pair v - ft -x 3876 Orders, with advice of the Phyficians for (laying the increafe of the Plague, b. 1 . — — 1625, (2 Cop : es bound in 1) f The Five Teares of King James, by Sir Foulk Grevill, Lord Brook 1 . 1643 , - /6 _ , 3877 \ The Court of the mojl illujlrious and magnipcent King James, voith | divers rules, pure precepts. See. ded. to Geo. Marq. of Bucking- ham by A. D. B. - — 1620 Truth brought to light hy Time, an Hift. Narration of the firft 14 Yeares of King James, voith the Frontfp. and the Portraits of Sir Tho. Overbury, Car, Earl of Somerfet and Lady Fr. Howard 1651 Holland’s (Abr.) Elegie for King James, Ditto for the magnanimous Henry, Earle of Oxford and other Poems by Holland 1626 f Lever’s Hift. of the Defendors of the Catholique Faith, voith the ) Frontifp. — — — 1627 \ Cabala , Letters of State in the Reigns of Qu. Eliz. and K. James L ' ‘663 Articles of Marriage between K. Cha. I. and Henr. Maria of France ' in Italian — Paris 1625 Abp. Laud’s Speech in the Star Chamber at the Cenfure of Baftwick Burton, and Prynne, voith annotations, 1 . p. 163 7 f Prynne’s difeovery of the Prelates tyranny, voith a Portr. of Hen. < Burton 1641 £ Wren’s (Bp.) Anatomy, voith the cut 1641 Philrpot’s Catalogue of the Chancellors and Lord Treafurers of England — 1636 The Effigies of EL, Cha. Qu. Mary, and their Royal Progeny , by Hollar 1641 Diurnal Occurrences of the Parliament 1640 — 41 Hufbands’s Collection — >. , \ 1643 Worcefter’s Elegie and Eulogie — 1638 The Life and famous Adtons of the incomparable Major General Smith * — — Oxf. 1644 The Life of Sir Hen. Gage, late Governor of Oxford 1 645 Vines’s Hearfe of the renowned Rob. Earle of Eftex, voith his portr, 1646 "The Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, voritten by himfelf ; with his portr. after Ja. Oliver, by W alker , publijhed by Mr. Walpole. Strawberry- Hill, 1764 Tvoo original Latin Letters from Lord Herbert to Ger. Jo. Voflius Amo 1645 An Original Letter from Dr. Ger. Langbaine to Mr. Selden, re- j fpedting two Boxes of Books received by the Univerfity of Ox- j ford, from Sir Hen. Herbert, as the Legacy of Lord Cherbury, ] U) their great Difappointiuent ; his Lordftiip having often ex- prefted 3884 , _3 . , 3« 8 5 . 3886 c-ffi 3887 389® •* ■ 1 3891 /- G 3 8 9 2 2 - /2- ^3893 •> [ *99 ] prefled his intention of leaving them his whole library , &c. Coll. 1 2 Sept. 1648 3^97 3898 3 S 99 3900 ns, Taxations, &c. during this un- natural Warre ■ 1647 John Fry (Member, of Pari.) his pair of Bellows to blow off the Dull call upon him by Col. Jo. Downs, M. P. who accufed him of Blafphemy to the H. of Commons ; with a Ventilation of that chafHe and a’ofurd Opinion of three Perfons in the Godhead 1 648 The Bloody Court, or fatall tribunall, with the folemnity of the murder of K. Cha. I. Printed in red Ink 1648 f Goodwin’s Defence cf the honourable Sentence pafled upon the < late King, with his portr. - 1649 t Strange and wonderful prophefles of Lady Eleanor Audeley 1649 Walker’s Hift. oflndependency, 2 parts, with the cut 1649 Another Copy, with Cromwell’s New Slaughter Houfe . True Information of the Caufe of all our Troubles, Cuts 1648, printed for pofterity Parliamentary Tranfe&ions, Cuts, ; 1640 to 1651, printed for Pofierity Another Copy, continued to 1656, with various portraits , and other prints As you were, or the Lord Gen. Cromwell, &c. their Remembrancer 39 QI 3902 39°3 3904 The Lord Craven’s Cafe, concerning his Intimacy with A - - - - G 1652 K. Cha. 2« i6 54 39°9 3910 3912 39 1 3 39-4 5 for which his EJiate was confifcated Peck’s Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, with portraits of Cromwell, Eflex, Fairfax, Hampden, &c. * 74 ° — Hiftorical Pieces, with his portr* — — — *74° Burrow’s Anecdotes relating to O. Cromwell 1763 Articles of High Crimes againft Col. Tho. Kelfey, Governor of Dover Caftle 1659 A Colle&ion of Trails printed, chiefly, during the Grand Rebellion, (many wry curious ) 29 vol. Puleflon of God’s efpecial Providence over the Briti fh Monarchy, more particularly over the Stuart Family - ■ ■■ — 1661 f Law unknown and 'Judgment unjujl y a Relation of fome arbitrary j Proceedings, the Killing of John Townfend by M. jor Crolby ^ at St. Albonesy &C, &c. — • 1662 J Trial of WilL Stayley, Gcldfmith, for fpeaking treafonable [_ Words •' 1678 Bird c Oficnta Carolina , the Rekets to be eradicated by the Finger or God, thro’ the Means of K. Charles 2, and the faid King to be th lad of Kings who Avail fo heal the King’s Evil, di hovered by the Hand of the Lord upon his unworthy fer-v ant John Bird 1662 Eaflon’s Narrative of the Death of Lord Cornwallis, who died of the Doctor . — — { North’s Life of Lord Keeper North — Lives of Sir Dudley and Dr. Jo. North S.uobe’s Trails on the Dutch War, Cuts , 2 vol. — Cambridge Verfes on the Birth of the Duke of Cornwall Dahymple’s Memoirs of Gea: Britain and Ireland, Edinb. / j. 3 - -// /P 3 - 13 -7 3 y me /> ^ f '74* S —f/G “ 6 *744 167 3 1688 -Z, 1771 Ki ig WiiLam’s Campaigns in Flanders, 1692 to 1697 inclvf 39*7 a. //- 4 - 2 - Q 39 1 7 " 39>8 [ 200 ] A View of the Court of St. Germain 1696 Leven van Willem de darde , Koning van Groot Britannie { Four Pieces in Vindication of his Pruffian Majefty 175 6 Papers relative to the Rupture with Spain 1762 Memorials pf the Engliih and French Commlffaries, concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia, Fr. & Eng. 2 vol. 1755 Stukeley’s Medallic Hiftory ofC araufius, 2 vol. interleaved, 1757* — The Author’s Copy, with MS. Notes in bis own Hand-writing , and federal Original Letters and Papers - Palaographia Britannica, No. 3. Of Oriuna, tbs Wife of Caraulius 1752 —Fourteen Plates of Britifti Coins, containing 140 Coins, tbe Editor’s Copy , interleaved •Pettingal on tbe Tafcia, or Legend upon the Britifh Coins of Cunobelin and others — - — 176 3 'Clarke’s Conje&ure upon a veryantient piece of money 1752 Browne’s (Sir Will.) Propofal on our Coin, to remedy all praefent and praevent all future Diforders ; to which are praefxed prae~ ceeding propofals, &c. , 77 I Clarke’s Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and Engliih Coins, 1767 with the cancelled leaf Folkes’s Tables of Engliih Silver and Gold Coins 17 45 Another Edit, withplates and explanations , by the Society of Antiqua- ries, 1763, an elegant copy , in Rufjia Pegge’s AlTemblage of Coins, fabricated by Authority of the Arch- bilhops of Canterbury 1772 Pettingal’s Diflertation upon the Tafcia 1763 Snelling’s Seventy-two Plates of Gold and Silver Coins, moftly Engliih, fome never before publifoed 1757 Mr. John White’s Plate of antienc and lingular Corns, found near and in the Ille of Thanet T welve Plates of Engliih Silver Coins, publijhed by Withy and 3929 Ryall 1756 Pegge’s ElTay on the Coins of Cunobelin, cuts 1766 Simon’s (ja.) Hillorical Account of Irifn Coins, cuts, Dubl. 1749 Ducarel’s Series of above 206 Anglo-Galjic, or Norrnan and Aquitain Coins of the Kings of England, cuts 1 7 S 7 Forty-live Plates of rare Engliih Silver Coins ^Eight Ditto, publijhed by Snelling / ' 7 ' 393 ° Simon’s (Tho.) Medals, Coins, Great Seals, Iropreffions, by Vertue, ded. to Mr. Weft, at whofe Inftance and by whofe Afliftance this elegant Work was undertaken and perfe&ed, 1 75 3 //‘Ht'A 393 1 AnotherCopy — — *753 3932 Another Copy bound in moroc . 1753, with two imprejjions of Mr. Hollis’s fne Crown Piece , by Simon Eight Original Letters by > Brown Vvillis, Vertue, &c. and other Papers V 'S- 6 39 2 4 * 3925 .'-S- 6 39 2<5 2 -f-' 3927 , _ 7 , 3928 ,3 , 73 , <> Arckeeologia, or mifcellaneous Traits relating to Antiquity, pubhfoed by the Society ^Antiquaries 1770 FOLIO . 1 [ 201 ] FOLIO. Ecclefiaftical and Monaftical Hift . of England. 3934 3935 393 6 Becfae Hift. Ecclcfiaft. Maj. 3937 39 38 3939 394 ° 394 1 3942 3943 3944 394 ? 3946 3947 3948 3949 395 ° 39? 1 395 2 3953 3954 3955 Gentis Anglor. Lat. If Sax . per Smith, Ch . — Cant. 1722 Eadmeri Monachi Cantuar. Hift. Novorum Seldeni, Land. 1623 Parker (Matt.) de Antiquitate Eritannicaj Ecclefiae Sc privilegiis Eccles. Cantuar. cum Archiepifcopis ejus 70. A.D. 1572, Lond. in ^Edibus J6. Daii This Edit, of which there are very few copies, contains more than any other fingle one, with the Life of Auguftin in four Columns [of which there are not yet five known ) the long Life of Matthew, with fiver al of the Original Proof Sheets corrected by the Archbi (hop’s own Hand, from which Corrections all the other Copies are print- ' ed : with his portrait finely engraved at Lambeth by Mr. Lyne, cr rather Remigius Hogenberg, his grace’s retainedEngraver, with the' Arms of the feveral Colleges of Cambridge, the Scho Is, Sec. printed upon Vellum Leaves — Alfo the Atteftations of Mr. Rawlin- fon and Dr. Drake refpCdting this curious Copy Matt. Parker de Antiq. Britan. Eccleftae Hanov. 1605 Idem, per Drake, fig. Ch. Maj. Lond. 1729 tjfterii Brittarinicar, Eccleftar. Antiquitates — Lond. 1687 Fuller’s Church Hift. ofBritaine, with the Hiftories of the Univer- ftty .of Cambridge and of Wahham-Abbey 1635 Appeal againft Heylin 1659 Father Crefsy’s Church Hift. ofBrittanie, permijju Superior. 1668 Alfordi Annales Ecclefiae A nglicanas — Lond. 1663 Wharton Anglia Sacra, 2 tom. Lond. 169 1. cum notis MS. V/h.Kcnna:. Idem. 2 tom, Ch. maj. ib. 1691 Dugdale& DoMworth Mcnafiicon Anglicanism, 3 tom.^.Lond. 1655 — 61 — 73 with a great Number of MS, Notes , by the truly learned and indufirious Bp. Kenneth alfo fame MS. Papers , Prints, Sec. relative to the Work Ef Idem, vol. 1 .fig. * — * — Lond. Stevens’s Continuation of Dugdale’s Monafiiccn, 2 vol. cuts 1722 Bp. Tanners’s Notitia Monafiica 1744, with two Original Letters cf the Author to Bp. Kennett — 1720 — 1723 Bartoli, dell Ifioria della Compagnia di giej'u /’Inghil terra parte dell * Europa — — — Rom. 1667 * ( Spelman Concilia, Lond. 1639, with MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett Wilkins Concilia Magnae Britannias & Hiberniae, 410m ib. 1737 a MS. touching antient Britifb Councils Foxi Hift. Martyrum Baftl. 1559 Foxe’s Bcoke of Martyrs, firfi Edit , b, 1 . ded. to Eliz. impr. by Jo. Daye f Bp. Burnet’s Hift. of the Reformation, cuts, 3 vol. i6Si — 1715 J with MS. Notes by Bp. Kennett } Two Orignal Letters by Bp. Burnet, MS. LA Character of Bp. Burnet with his lait Will, Svo. printed 1715 D d 3956*Strype’s 3 2- 2 - 2 - . # — / — • • \ ■ - £ . „/- 6 ‘ — ' •, /- 6 t - t- , / s - to'o . - /It - , ♦ - 'A - "S • * ~ C 2 - /6 - 2 -~ .-/ 2 - . A f-. fa- S' o. / /- •/ - •, .-//.■ 6 ./- & • -2- * v 2 ? 6 v t& A//- i 7 X 3956 ! Strype’s Mei == £ 202 ] Memorials of Abp. Cranmer, Life of Abp. Parker Grindal Whitgift Ecclefiaftical Memorials, 3 vols. Annals of the Reformation, 2 vols. 3957 3958 3959 Le Neve’s Fajli Ecclefes Anglic an a -■ -- 3960 Walker’s Sufferings of the Clergy by the Grand Rebellion 3961 Another Copy, I. p. — — 3962 George’s Fox’s Journal, with Penn’s preface 3963 Beffe’s Sufferings of the Quakers, 2 vol 3964 Sewel’s Hillory of the Quakers, 1 . p. James Naylor ^ U 1694 1711 1710 1718 1721 1735 1716 *7*4 1714. 1694 — ; — , >753 722, with a fine portr . of T wenty-fecond Day’s Sale, Thurpcy^rAprd.2. 2 OCTAVO, & Infra. Hiftory of England, in a Chronological Series , from Henry 8, to the prefent Time •, Including many rare and inter effing Pieces. L IFE of Cardinal V/ool fey, written by bis Gehtl^l^ ^ gfer; torrefied throughout according to the Original MS. 39 6 5 The Difcourfe of the Life and D eat he of Ca rdymid&J 8 fa 4 fey , dbeirtg a Copy of the Original MS» from which the printed Book is taken, 3966 The Mirrcter of Virtue in worldly Greatnes, or the Life of Syr Thomas More, with his portr, — — Paris 1626 3967 Sir JRalph Sadler's Letters and Negotiations Edinb. 1720 39 §8 7 he late Expedition in Scotlande, made by the Kyssges hyghnys Armye , under the Conduit of the Erie of Hertforde, b. 1 . impr. in Fowls Churchyards by Reynoide Wolte, at the Jygne of the Brafen Serpent 1 544, a fine Copy of this exceeding fcarcsTra.fi 3969 A Supplication of the poore Commons, ' \ ^^ 6 -, whereunto is added, the Supplication of Beggers compyled by Symon Fyfhe 15 24 ” A Svpplycacionto Kynglicmy the eyght, b. 1. enpryr.ted 1 544 The Seditious and blafphemous Oration of Card. Pole, both againjl God and his Country, which he direfiid to themperour , moving him to feke the Defrufiion of England, trarfated by Fabyane Wythers, with the Glofe, b. 1 . impr. by Owen Rogers no date A fupplicacyon to the Queues Majejlie , againft Stephen Gardiner, Bonner, Tunikll, Pole, &c. This curious Trad was printed abroad, though at the Bottom of the Title it fays, 1 m- pryntid at London by John Cawoode, Prynter tho the Queues Mayefie wyth here mojlgracyits Lycence. At the end, Anno 1550, ‘which is a palpable Error Edward f 203 ] I*' '* Edward, Duke of Somerfet, Lord Prote&or (with all his Titles) his Epiftle exhortatQrie, to the Nobilitie, Counfailors, Gentle- men, Commons, Sec. b. 1 . 1548, impr. by Grafton The Acquital or Purgation of the tnoofi Catholyke Chrifen Prince Ed ward e 6, agayrf all fuche as blafphemoujly and traiteroujly infame hym or the Church of Herefe, by John Oide, b. 1 . ■ ' — ■ ■■ impr. at Waterford 1 555 The Copie of a Letter fent into Scotlande, of the Arrivqll and Lan- dynge , and mofe noble Marry age of the mojle illufir* Pry nee Phi- 397 ° \ lippe, Prynce of Spaine to the mof excellent e Prmces Marye j Quene of England, folemnifated in the Citie of Winchefter ; and howe he was receyved and inf ailed at Wind fore ; and of bis triumphyng Entries in the noble Citie of London : with a briefs Qpenyng of the Legacion of Card. Poole from the Sea Apoftolyke, See. by John Elder, written to Lord Robert Stuarde, Bijhoppt of Cathenes and Provof of Dumbritaine College, 1555, impr, by John Wayiande, with the Quenes Magefties Letters Patentee to Waylande for the foie printing of Primers , Manuells of Prayers , See* The Hiforie of Wyates Rebellion, with the Order and Maner of >• r effing the fame ; made and compyled by John Pro&or, b, 1 . 1 5 5 5 The firf Leaf of the Ded. to Qu. Mary is wanting. The Scottilh Queens Buriall at Peterborough, upon Tuefday being Lammas-Day, 1587, b. L A lit el Treat ife ageynfe the Mutterynge of fome Papifis in Corners ; b. 1. - ■ impr. by Bertbelet 1534 A true Difcourfe of the Armie which the K. of Spaine caufed to bt affembled in the Hansen of Lifbon, An. 1588, againf England, the which began to go out of the faid Haven on the 29 and 30 of May. Tranfated from the French by Dan. Archdeacon, fir. 1 . 397 1 Pyers Plowmans Exhortation unto the Lordes , Knightes and Rurgoyfetl of the Parly amenthoufe, b. 1 . impr. by Anthony Scoloker, no date) 3972 An Exhortacion to the Scottes^? conform them felfes to the konourableX expedient , and godly Union betwene the twos Realmes , by James 1 Harryfon, Scouifheman, b. L ded. to the Prote&or Somerfet, withl all bis Titles — impr. by Grafton 1547/ 3973 The Expedicion into Scotlande cf the ntof woorthely fortunate Prince Edward. Duke of Soomerfet, Uncle unto the Kinges Majeftie, Edward 6. Sec. made in the frf Tert of his Reign, and fet out by way of Diarie , by Will. Patten, b. 1 . impr. by Grafton, 1548. This rare Book was fold at Dr. Grey’s Audion in 1729 for £4 5/. 3974 The Title that the Kynges Majefie of Englande hath to the Sovereigntie of Scotlande, by Nic. Bodrugan, otherwi/e Adams, b. 1 . ded. to K. Edw. 6 - — impr. by Grafton 154S 3975 All fuche P reclamations as have been feite furthe by the Kynges Majefie by the Space of 4 whole Teeres, b. J. impr. by Grafton 1 55° 3976 Another Copy, in Ruf/ia — — — — *550 3977 Hayward’s (Sir Jo.) Life and Raigne of K. Edw. 6, with bis portr. by Will. PalTe aud tbefrontfp. by Marlhall ■ — — 1636 3978 Florio (Michelang.) Hif: de la Vita e de la Morte del* illufirijf. Signora Giovanna*Graia, Regina delta e publicata d’lngbilterra 1607 D d 2 3979 Taverner 1 * /• /a 2-/d% — /$~ ' f ~~/a. 6 - 2 - 3 - - /-. 4 o: 5 4 A T [ 206 ] 4025 Montrofe redi'ui’vus, 1 65 2. with his port?. 4026 XJrquhart’s Difcovery of a moll exquiiite Jewel, fouad in the Kennel of Worcejier , the Day after the Fight ; with thi Genealogy of the Urquharts from Adam to Sir Tho. 2 (153 Generations) and from Eve to Lady Chriftian Lond. 1652 f Wolley’s Loyalty amongft Rebels, with the cut . 1712 1724 Cromwell, -K ^ 4027 < Relation of the defeating Mazarine and Cromwell’s delign to (_ have taken Oftend, 166 6, and 2 more o £ 4028 Munfter and Abingdon — — : — Oxf. 1657 4029 Carrington’s Life and Death of his moil Serene Highnefs Oliver, " with his psrtr. —— — - - 1659 f The Perfed Politician, a full view of the Life and Adions of O. / h 4030 s Cromwell, with his portr. ' * £ Vindication of Oliver Cromwell - — f The Life of Oliver Cromwell > An Anecdote of the Birth and Parentage of O. d, from a MS. Hift. of Huntingdonlh.-— He was born in a Friary at Huntingdon — It is ajferted that his Mother kept a Brew- L houfe there Harris’s Life of Oliver Cromwell 1762 he Court and Kit chi a of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell, the Wife ef the late Ufurper, with the portr. 1664 — The Book is very fcarce, the Print rarely to be Setn.SuperfcribedEMz. Bowcher, Daughter of Sir James Bowcher, Knight, commonly called Joan the Protectress 4034 Winftanley’s England’s Worthies, from Conftantine to the Death of Oliver Cromwell, including the latter 1660 Ludlow’s Memoirs, 3 vol. 1722, illuf rated with the Maps of Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland — the principal Battles during the Civil War — Views of Bofcobel Wood, the efcape ofK. Charles 2. &c, embellijbed with the portraits of all the chief Char after s of that Time, for the mof part fins imprejjions , and fome Jcarce Prints » in Number 122 4036 The Duke of Ormond’s Letters, from 1641 to 1660, publilhed by Carte, 2 vol, 1739 4037 Heath’s Chronicle of the Inteftine War, z v. in 1, 1661, with many portraits f Bofcobel , the miraculous efcape of Cha. II. after the Battle of I Worcefter, with the plan of that City in 1 63 1 a ve faithfull Brothers, a true difcourfe between K. Cha.?. L and the Pendrils at his efcape from Worcefter — 1660 \Metamorphofis Anglorum, from the Death of Oliver Lo. Proted. 4039 < to the Di Ablution of the Parliament ■ ■■ — 1660 l Evelyn’s Charader of England — 1659 5' 0-0 V' / a / b f Yonge’s Life and Death of that grand Impoilor Hugh Peters, with 4040 n his p rtr. 1663, ded. to Flenr. Mar. £ Regicides no Saints nor Martyrs — 1700 4041 pLift of the Commiflioners of the Peace, Militia, &c. at the Relloration — - — 1660 His Majefty’s Propriety and Dominion on the Britilh Seas averted 1665 4042 Lord C 207 ] 4042 Lord Clarendon’s Life and Contin. of his Hift. to his Banifliment, in 1667,3 vol. ■- — — Oxf, 1759 — S Burnet’s Life of Lord Rochefter 1680 7 ... . 4°43 l Sir Matt. Hale i 6 Sz$ " M,,h ,ht HeaJ ‘ Tuke’s Life and Death of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey 1682 4044 ^ Life an( j 0 f Wi ii. Lord Ruffel, 1684, with his portr. 4045 Lives of the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, &c. 2 vol. 1708 4046 Anglorum Speculum, an Abridgment of Fuller’s Worthies 1684 4047 Memoirs of Englifh Affairs, chiefly Naval, from 1660 to 1673 by the Duke of York, afterwards K. Ja. 2. 1729 4048 Parker (Sam. Epi/c. Oxon.) de Rebus fui Temp, Comment. C. M. Lond. 172 4049 Sir Rich. Fanfhaw’s Letters, with his portr, ly Faithorne 1701 4050 Harris’s Life of K. Cha. 2d. 2 vol. — ■ 1766 4051 L’Eftrange’s (Sir Rog.) brief Hift. of the Times, 3 parts in 1, 1. p. in Turkey — ■ — 1687 — 88 Pitts’s Weftern Martyrology, or bloody Afiizes, with the Life ancp Death of Lord Jeffery s 170^ ( Coke’s Detection of the Court and State of England from the Death of Q^Eliz. to the Abdication of K. Ja. 2d. 2 vol. in 1 _ 1696 Higgons’s Remarks on Bp. Burnet’s Hift. of his own Time 1725 J Burridge Hift. 'nuperse Mutationis in Anglia Lond. 1697 y - 4 4052 4053 r c /- 3 —7 2 - 6 3 - -A- ~ A - 1 4°S4 4055 ( Hift. des Revolutions d’Angleterre fous Jaques 2. Trial of the Rev. Tho. Rofewell, with his Life CNumrus Inf auftus, the unfortunate Reigns of Englifh Monarch* Lond. 1697J Ami 1689J — / — — 1718 1 4056 L fecond of their Name 4°57 £ Memoirs of K. Ja. 2, during the laft 12 Years of his Life r Sir John Rerefby’s Memoirs from the Reftoradon to the J lution «» — - ■ jWehvoocPs Memoirs from the Reign of Q^Eliz. to the C lution { Another Copy of Wei wood’s Memoirs Pepys’s Memoirs of the Navy, with his portr. 1689 1702- Revo- 1734 Revo- 1713 1718 169a 4058 4059 Arthur, Earl of An glefey’s Memoirs, publifhed by Sir Peter Pett 1693 Maydman’s Naval Speculations, with his portr. 1691 Pepys’s Memoirs of the Navy, with his portr. 1690 'Burnet’s Effay oil the Memory of Queen Mary — 1695 [ Jones’s fecret Hift. of Whitehall, from the Revolution 1697 Fuller’s Tradts on the true Mother of the pretended Prince of 4060 «v 4062 4063 4064 4065 Wales Hift. of the Parliament of 1700 The Duke of Norfolk’s Charge againft the Duchefs Lord Arlington’s Letters, 2 vol. f Life of K. Will. 3. Hluf rated with medals — < King William’s Letters, Eng. and Fr. 1696-7-170 1692 1701 1703 ^ 2 -(> 9 — a - _ / (, — f r- 3 - -/-L 1717 - /_ % rth ability dans fa Qualite de Jaques 3. / Fleming’s Hift of Hereditary Right from Cain to Nero fCol. Hooke’s fecret Negociations in Scotland 1707, in favour J of the Pretender ' 1760 I Le Chev. de St. George L a Whitehall 1713 4066 Dying f' 4c 66 / 2 4067 / r (9 4 o6 8 [ 208 ] T Dying Speeches of State Prifoners for 300 Years previous to' 1708 1 _ . .. * 73 ° / - 4069 1 - 407 0 2 7 * 4071 4 ° 7 2 4° 7 3 / — 7 4°74 2 ^b 4°75 Til ofDr. Sacheverell Trafls during the four laft Years of Queen Anne, 4 vol. C Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough during the War ( Minutes of Mefnager’s Negociations | Life and glorious A&ions of Sir Geo. Rook — l The memorable Actions of Sir Thomas Grantham Broderick’s Hift. of Anne’s Wars, cuts Milner’s Journal of the Duke of Marlborough’s Battles La Vie du Ducde Marlborough et du Prince Eugene Life of Prince Eugene of Savoy * — - Life of John Lord Somers Amfc. 1710 1712 1717 1707 1716 1713 *733 * 7*4 173 6 i 7 i; / . b 4076 Memoirs of the Life and Minifterial Conduft of Lord Bolingbroke, 1 . p. _ ; 1752 fCofins’s Catalogue of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors, &c. who J refufed to take the Oaths of IC. Geo. 1. — 17 45 | Bp. Jvennett’s Letters to Bp. Nicolfon on a new Volume for the P Pretender, The Hereditary Right afferted 1 7 1 7 f A Faithful Regifter of the Rebellion 1718 / — > 4077 Macky’s Memoirs of Secret Service in the Reigns of K. Will. *733 1715 1717 * 7 2 9 *734 4 -fo 78 4°7 9 l,.L 4 ° 8 ° P Anne, K. George 1 { Life of Tho, Marquis of Wharton Sir Stephen Fox f- Major John Bernardi, with hisportr . I — Judge Price, with his portr'. , 7 40*1 /, ( 4082 Q- 4083 < /./ 4084 3 . 6 4085 3 - 4086 % /4087 / 6 . 4° 88 Philips’s Titles and Honours conferred byK. Geo. 1. and K. Geo, 2. interleaved 1728, with MS. Additions and Corrections from the Docuit Bocks in the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, by Will. Sliford fColliber’s Hift. of Englifli Sea- Affairs ■ 172 f | Navy Lifts Chamberlayne’s State of Great Britain 1745. and 2 more 'The Britifh Antidote to Caledonian Poifon, a fet of politico-fa - tyrical prints , 2 vol. — — 1762—63 The Scots Scourge, another fet of fatirical prints , 2 vol. , i 7 6 3 - 6 4 - 6 ; Hift. of the feveral Oppofttions in England, from the Reftoration ofK. Cha. 2. by Sir Myles Stanhope — — 1754 Letters of the prefent State of England, refpe&ing Politics, Arts r 1772 *755 1761 1762 1 7 S 2 and Literature — — — — — - J Biggs’s Military Hift. of Europe (the War of 1739) ^Dobfon’s Chronological Annals of the War of 1755 Oxf. Cambridge’s Account of the War in India Armftrong’s Hift. of Minorca, cuts Army Lifts and Succeffions of Military Officers, 5 vol. Smollett’s Continuation of his Hift. of England, 5 vol. 2748 to •7 6 S FOLIO. t 209 ] FOLIO. Antient Legends and Chronicles — Old Engltjh Chronicles — - General Hijlories of England — Hijtory of England, in a Chronological Series , from Edward 3d. to the prefent Time — Englifh Coins and Medals. 4090 The Recuyell of the Hiforyes of T roye* compofed and dravoen out of i dyverce Bookes of Latyn in to Frenfshe by Raoul le Fleure, Preeji J and Chapelayn to Phelip Due of Bourgovne, of Brabande, fcc.in I the Tere 1464, and dravven out of Frenjhc in to Englifshe by J W illyam C a xto n , Mercer , cf the Cyte of London , at the Comaundement of Margate, DueheiTe of Bourgoyne, &c. Whiche faid Trandacion and Werke was begonne in Brugis, 1468, and ended and fynyslhed in the holy Cyte of Colen, 19 - Sept, at houfande foure hondr.ede fixty ande enleven (1471). — The firft printed Book in EngliHi ; as may be gathered from what the Tranflator and Printer, Caxton, fays in the Conclufion ‘ Becaufe I have promyfid to dyverce Gentilmen and to my F.rendes to adreffe to hem as hafteiy as I myght this fayde Book, Therefore I have pradiyfed and lernsd at my grete Charge and Dtfi penfe to ordeyne this faid Book , in Prynte after the Maner and Forme as ye may here fee, and is not vureten voith Penne and Trike as other Pokes ben , to thende that every Man may have them at tones, for all the Bookes of thys Storye vuere begonne in con Day, and aljoj fynysfoid in con Day, &c. A fine Copy, in ihcroc . - ' 4091 Polycronycon , after the Compofynge and Geiderynge of Dan Ranulph,^ Monke of Cheftre, fyrfi Author -of this Berk, and aftervoard en- glysjhed by one Trevifa, Vycarye of Barkley, atte Requefi of one ')&■// Syr Thomas lord Barkley, and novo J'ymply emprynted and jette in 'i me William Caxton, ahd a lytel embelysjhcd fro j '«/-/ d f 4092 / /3 *c ■ o 4°93 Forme by me W ilmam C tholde vtdkynge , So c. 1482. A fevo L aves at the Ena are Jup plied by MS. in ti e old print hand ; bound in morcc . Thyftorye and Lyf cf the noble ande Cryfien Prynce, Charles the grete, Kyng of Fraunce and Emperour of Rome, the feconde of the t hr e Worthy s. See. reclucyd into Enghsjhe the feconde Tere of Kynge Rycharde the thyrde, 148.7, and enprynted the 1. Decem. the fame Tere , and the fyrfi ofi Kyng Hairy 7. per Will. Caxton The Boke intituled Eracies and alfo of Godefioy of Boloyne, the vohiche fpeketh of the Conqiiefi of the holy Londe of Jheruiaiem by I . Crifien Min, See. redneede out ofi Frenfshe in tc Fug if she /y me \/o./V ~ Jymple Perjone V\ ylliam Caxton, &c. Prafeuted to K. Euvv 4. J 1481. and emprynted the jame Tere in thabi rx cf Wettmeiter ty J the Jayd Wylliam Caxton* Fine Copy , in 4094 The Pally, rr.e of People, the Crony ties of dyzers R.ahnys, and mod JpecyaUy of the Realms of Englond breve’y compxiyd and cm: in Chepefyde, at the Sygne efthe Mearemavd next to Polly s G^ie, by John Raftell, B. L. with portraits of the Kings of England, from theConqueft, coarfeiy cut in Wood, 1529. anehga :t Cc.y, j in moi oc . E e This ip'P c [ 210 ] This exceeding rare Book (commonly called Raftell’s Chro- nicle) was the Gift of the truly honourable Edvv. E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer to Mr. Weft, 1729. Mr. Weft’s Note and References are too interefting to be patted over — “ This, fays he, is the only perfect Copy of this very rare and curious Book, known in the World. — •— Nicolfon in his Hiftorical Library, fays, he knew not where to find this Book. “ See the ftrange Account of the Murder of Edw. 5. and his Brother- This Book was- printed only 46 Years after their fup- pofed Death, when there muft have been many living who remem- bered them-™ — And the more fo, as John Raftell, the Printer and Publiiher, was a Man of Learning, and of the Law, and intimate with Sir Thomas More, whofe fifter he married. See the comparative Value of Money at the Death of Rich. 2. and the 21 Hen. 8. “ Qu. Who has feen the Cofmographical Chart called Mappa. Mundiy mentioned in the Prologue, where the Story of Brute is very fatisfa&orily confuted ? ' “ See a curious Account of Stonehenge, c. 1 r.— — Alfoof K. Arthur’s Seal, on Edw. the Confelfor’s Monument in Weftminlter Abbey, difcufied, c. in. // j t ffl % 0 4°95 £*^2 Cronicarum , cum Figuriset & Ttnaginibus ab Inicio Mundiy An- thonius Koberger Nuremberge imprejjit 1 493 . This mofi beau- tiful Copy of the Nurenberg Chronicle, finely illuminated, coft Sir Paul Methuen, £ 79. Les Creniques de France , dangkterre , defcoce, defpaigne , de Bretaigne, de Ga/congue, de Flandres , et Lieux circunvoifins , par Meffire Jehan de Froiftart, 2 tom. premiere edit . Paris, chez, le Noir __ 1505. — The la f chap, of Vol. 2. is wanting. ~ “ ‘ Fraunce, Spayne, /f /‘6 4 ° 2 6 j * L* p J°han Froylfart, of the Cronycles of Englande, ' Portyngale, Scotlande,-Bxetayne, Flaunders, and other Places adjoynynge : tranfaied out of Frenjhe into our maternall Englyfche Tonge , by Johan Bourchier, Knight, Lorde Berners, at the Com- maundement of our moof redouted Sever ay ne> Kyng Henry 8. 4 parts, 2 vol .bound in 1. b. 1 . impr. by Pynfon 1 5 23-1 5 25, a fine copy Frere Vincent, le Miroir HyJlorial> 4 tom. en 2. avec Fig. Paris. par Nicolas Couteau 1531. ires propre La Fleur et Mer des Hyfioires, 2 tom. en 1, avec beaucoup des figures , par Poncetle Preux 1548, tres propre Sir Walter Raleigh’s Hiftory of the World, with his Life by Oldys, 2 yol. in 1. 1736. fine Copy , in RuJJia Thirteen MS. Letters (8 Original) oy Sir Walt. Ralegh to the Lord high Treafurer, the Lord high Apmiral, Dr, Howland, Vice-chancellor of Cambridge, Sir Mich. Hickes, Sir Rob. Carr, Sir Geo. Villiers, &c, 1584-1592-1604-1608, others without date An original Wine-licence granted by Sir Walt. Ralegh to Phebe Taylor ofHorndon in EfTex. An original Letter of Sir Rob. Cecill to Mich. Hickes, in which mention is made of Sir Walter. Another of Tho. Lorkin, Greenwich , 1618, giving an Account * of the Arrival and fafe Cuftody of Sir Walter, &c. Sir /. //• 1) 4 ° 9 8 /• O 4°99 /, to. 0 4 >°° 8 - [ 211 ] Sir Lewis Stucley, Vice Adm. of Devon, his Petition and Information to K. James, touching his Behaviour in bringing up Sir Walter Raleigh, &c. printed 1618 4101 Matthtei Wellmonall. Flores Hifiori arum 1 5 67 — 4102 Bale* Scriptores illuilres Majoris Brytannie, Baf. 1557. with his portrait ~ ^ 03 Nicolfon’s Englilh Hillorical Library 4104 Tanner Bibliotheca Brittannico-Hibernica Lond. 1748 — . 4105 Lluyd’s Archeeologia Britamiica — — Oxf. 1703 /(9 - 4106 Sammes’s Antiquities of Antient Britain — 1676 4107 Anglica, Normannica y Hibernica , Cambric a a Veteribus Script a Cam - ' / deni — Francof. 1603 1_ /ft . V 4.108 Spelman ALlfredi Magni Vita, cunfig. tt numifm. Ox on 1678 9 4IO9 Saxon Fortifications A 10 Matt. Paris Hill. Major, per Wats — 41 1 1 Hifi. Anglican & Scriptores decern per Twyfden, 4112 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores , per Gale, 3 tom. 41 13 tom. i. 4114 Hill. A nglicanae Scriptores varii perSparke 4115 Polyd. Virgilii Anglica Hill. ib. Lond. 1684 — 1652 2 - Oxon. 1681-91 2^2 — • ib. 1684 Lond. 1723 __ /fif ^ Bafil. 1557 2 s-s- 3-/0 The Croniclis ofi Englonde ‘with the Frute ofiTimis , b. 1. enpryntyd at Seynt Also ns,, one leafi of the Table is written — — 4117 The Cronycle c/'Englonde wyth the Frute ofTymeSy compiled in a booke and alfo enprynted by cine Jometyme Scole mayfter of Say nt Albons, on whoos Soule God have mercy , and newely enpryntid at Wellme- ltre by Wynkyn de Worde 149 fine copy 41 18 Another Edition of the St. Alban’s Chronicle, enpr. by me Wynkyn 0 de Worde 1515 / jr» fA The Deficrypcyon ofi Brytayne , the which e conteyneth Englonde, Wales 7 and Scotlande wyth the Difcrypcion o/'Irlonde, by Caxton enpryn ted J by me W. de W. 1515* fine copy , in moroc , 9 Faby an’s Chronicle, b. \. impr. by John Reynes — 154®" — 7. //• *120 Halle’s (Edw.) Chronicle; the Unyon of the tweo noble and ilufire Families c/'Lancalter aud Yorke, b. I, ded to K. Edw. 6, impr. by • / O * 0 Grafton, 1548 .ynoroc. 1 Grafton’s (Rich.) Chronicle , b. 1. ded . to Sir Will. Cecill, impr . by y Denham 1561. no title '• ^ 3*4 f sfd, Holinlhed’s (Raphaell) Chronicles ofEngland, Scotland, and Ire- land, cutsy 2 vol. b. 1. the Hill, of England, ded . to the Lord Trea- furer Burghleygh, — o/'Scctiandc; to Rob. Dudley, E. ofLe\celler. — ofi Ireland, to Sir Hen.. Sydney, Lo. Deputie. impr. for Lucas Harifon 1 5 " 7 / * - — ‘ fHolinfhed’s Chronicles, augmented and continued bv J Hooker, alias Voyv 1 4122 4123 ides, augmented and continued by Joir.ii well and others, 3 vol. in 2. b. 1. 1580 y dolinlhed Chronicle, b. 1. — ~ " z) ^ y nfhed’s Cailrations, b 1. 1 7 ’ } — ^ 3 • IT j Papery in RuJJia i^The Callrations to Holi 4124 Another Copy of Holinfhed’s Cailrations, b 1. 1 412.4-^Speed’s (John) Hill, of Great Britaine, ded. to K. James 102^. with a fine portr. ofi the Author by Savery Befides the ufual Prints belonging to the Book, this Copy is further embellilhed with the following Portraits, viz. The 12 Csefars, alter Titian — Heads of the Kings and Queens ofEngland, by Vanderbune and others — Qu. Catherine, An. R-iilen, E e 2 Edwa.d Y /O s'- 2 - & - n, (b—V 2 9 T 212 ] . Edward 6. (very young ) after Holbein , by Hollar — ■ Lady Jane Gray — Qu. Mary 1555— Three of Mary, Qu. of Scots (the ift when the young Qu. of France, by Cock 1559, very fear ce — -Ano- ther, with the Manner of her Execution fames 1. by C. Pajft — - Cha. 5. Emp. and Ph. of Spain, by Van Kejfel— Luther by Stuer- helt-r-'The Protestor Somerfet, Ctanmer, Ridley, S ev. Gardiner, Fifher, Card. Pole— Will. Prince of Orange, by Vijfcher — Eflex, Leicefter, Ph. Sidney. Ralegh. In. Jones, &c. in all 62 Prints 4126 Martin’s Lives of the Kings of England from the Ccnqueft, with the. Con tm. cuts — 1638 4127 Du Cbefne. Hift, d’Angleterre, d’EfcofTe et a’lrlande Pdr. 1641 4128 Churchill’s (Sir Winfton) Divi Britannia , the Lives of the Kings of this Ifle,’ 1. p. in moroc. — j 675 8. b /. //■ b •4 J 3° 4 1 3 1 Hiftorical Account of the Kings of England from Canutus, vuith the genealog. Tables 1648, and other Trades Lewis’s Hift. of Gr. Britain, till the Death of Cad valader, vuith Humf, Lluyd’s Breviary c/'Britayne * 1729 Whifelocfce’s (Sir Bulftrode)" Hid. of England, from the fuppofed 41.32 2 . S- 4533 /- 2 ~ l 0 ■ !° pi b- b 4136 .0 Expedition of Brute ; to the End of K. James i. *witb his portr. J 7{3 Brady’s compleat Hill, of England, with his IntrodufL to the Old English Bill, and Treatife of Cities and Burghs, 4 vol. 1684 — 1700 Tyrrell’s General Hift. .of England, 5 vol. 1696-1704. vuith a great number of MS. Notes in the Margin , and Injertions of curious MS. Papers , in a fair Hand. Whether the Author’s Copy, I cannot take upon me to fay; but it is evident that the numerous Additions and Corrections are the Work of lb me very able Hijtorian. S. P. 4334 Kennelt’s complete Hift. of England, cuts , 3 vol. befi edit. 1719 4133 Rapin’s Hid. of England by Tindal, and Continuation, illufi. with Heads and Monuments , Maps, Plans , PrcfpeSls, Great Seals, Medals , &c. 4 vol. 1 745 Another fine Set of Rapin’s Hift. and Tindal’s Continuation, 4 vol. bound in Raffia — - — - — 1 743 This matchlefs Set of Books, befides the ufual Cuts, is embel- li Died with feveial hundred Portraits, Plans, Maps, Views, pub- lic Buildings, Medals, & c. many of vuhich ~are exceeding fcarce , with MS. illustrations of the Prints, &c. aCatalogueof which 'will be produced at the Sale. 4137 Cartes’s General Hift. of England, ^ol. 1. — — W 47 4138 Barnes’s Hift. of K. Edw. 3. and of the Black Prince Cambr. 16S8 4139 Biondi’s Hift. of the Civil Warres between the Houfes of Lancafter and Yorke, by Lord Monmouth, vuith. the frontifp. 1641 4140 Fiddes’s Life of Card. Wolfey, cuts, 1 . p. — 1724 4141 Sir Fran. Walfingham’s Letters, with the Anfwersof Lord Burghley, Lo. Leicefter,. §ir Tho. Smith, & c. collected by Sir Dudley Digges, vuith the Portraits of Eliz. Burghley, and Walfingham, by fait home 1635 4142 f Lafelicijfima Armada, que el Rev Don Felipe nueftro Senor mando j juntar en el Puerto de la Ciudad de LHhoa. Fecha cm Lixboa, j a nueue de Mayo, 1588, por Anton. Alvarez, lmprejfor Expe - L 213 ] J Expeditionis Hifpanorum in Anglia vera Defcriplio per Rob. Ada- j mum 1 5 88 Tbe/e original Charts (in Number 12) of the } Coajls of England /hewing the different Situations of the Spani/b J Armada and Engli/b Fleet, are coloured, in fine Frejer nation, and E very fcarce Forbes’s View of the Public Tranfadions in the Reign of Q^Eliz. vol. 1. 1. p. *74° 4144 Lord Burghley’s State Papers, in the Reigns of K. Hen. 8. K. Edw. 6. Q. Maryland Eliz. from 1542 to 1596, 2 vol publifhed by Haynes and Murdin 1740-1759 fSir Ralph Winwood’s State Papers, in the Reigns of Q^Eliz. and j K. James, publifhed by Sawyer, 3 vol. in RuJJia 1725 ^ Four Letters of Sir Raphe Winwood (2 Original) to the Earl of Buckingham, MS. 4*43 4*45 4H 6 4*47 4^48 4 1 49 4150 4151 4*5 2 4*53 4*54 {/Minutes of State Tranfattions in 1643—4-5, MS. _ Proclamations from the Accefiion ofK. Ja. 1603, to 1609 Oldys’s Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, with the MS. additions and amendments of the Author, never printed - “ The Sovereigns prerogative and the Subjeds privilege, difeuffed in the third and fourth Years ofK. Cha. — — 1657 Prynne’s Life of Abp. Laud, with a View of the Houfe of Peers, by Hollar ; and the portraits of Laud and Pry nne *644 — Trial and Execution of Abp. (Laud 1646 Laud’s (Abp.) Diary, Troubles, Trial and Remains written by him- felf , 2 vol. publifhed by Wharton, 1695 — 1700 ,with MS. Notes by Bp Ketineit — — — — - May’s Hift- of the Parliament of England 1647 Rufhworrh’s Hiftorical Golledions, from 16 j 8 to the Death of K. Cha. 1. 1648 with the Trial of Lord Strafford, 8vols. 1721 Naifon’s Coll edion from the beginning of the Scotch Rebellion in 1639, to the Murder of K. Cha. 1. 2 vols. — 1628 View of the Troubles, 1 . p. with a portr. ofK. Cha. 1. 168 1 r cz, Dugdaie’s 4*55 4156 4*57 4158 4159 4 *^° t Lord Clarendon’s Hift. of the Rebellion, 3 vol. Oxf. ^ with ATS. Notes by Bp. Ken nett ’ i Several printed Papers relating to Lord Clarendon and his Hift. The Reign*of K. Charles — — — — 1656 Cabala, or Myfieries of State and Government, in the Reigns of K. Hen. 8. Q^Eliz. K. Ja. and K. Cha. , — ("Bp. Hacket’sEife of the Lord Keeper Williams, 1 . p. with his j portr. by White — — 1693 j Minutes ofK.. Ja. his fignifying to the Privy Councell his choice of j Mr. Dodor Williams, Dean of Weftminlter, fomethne Chaplain j to the Lo. Chancellor Ellefmere, to be Lord Keeper, with toe E reafons inducing his Majefy thereto , ms. a. — Walker’s (Sir Edw. Garter) Hiftorical Difcourfes, chieflyrelating to the Hift. of K Cha. i.l. p. 1-05 Violet’s Trads, addrefied to the Parliament, and to his H glur.s Oliver, on the Advancement of Merchandize, againfi the tram- porting of Gold and Silver, on the Mauufadures of Gold and Silver Wire and Thread, the regulating of the Mint, the rev 1 ; Account-, - 2. 6 ./fi- t /- /— 0/ - 6.6 - 2.6 - 6 - -/0.6 - 2 - -3 & - 5-6 /. S-. - 2- - 2-6 - 3 - — A • 6 -3- L /• & 7-1 4 / i66o 1 66o C 214 ] Accounts, Proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie againft the Silver-Ships Sampfon, Salvador, and George, &c. 1651, to 1656 4161 Proclamations, Ordinances, he. of Oliver Cromwell 1 ^ 5 3 >"" 54 ^ 4162 Pifcatoris poemata, vel paneg/ricum Carmen in Diem Inaugura- tionis Olivari, Sec. and other Poems , Orations , he. in Honour of Oliver Cromwell ■— 1655-56 4163 Oliver Cromwell’s State Papers, publilhed by Nickolls 1743 ^4.164 Thurloe’s State Papers, from 1638, to the Reftdration, puhlijhed by - * TJ Birch, 7 vols. — 1742. / 4165 Sir Will. Lower’s relation ofthe Voiage and Refidence ofK. Cha. 2, ^ ^ in Holland, Twenty- third Day’s Sale, Friday , April 23 General Englifh Topography . OCTAVO , £s? Infra. 1 TJAxter Gloffarium Antiq. Britannicar. c. m. Lend. 1719" 2 JL 3 Antonini Itinerarium Tcrini, cum 'Charta Geogr.. Parrhis. 1 5 1-a- 4 ! 9 4192 Antonini Itinerarium Tcrini, cum Charta Geogr.. Parrhis. 151-* "V 7 4193 The laboryoufe Journey and Serche of Johan Leyiande far Englandes / Antiquiues , b. 1 . ded. to K. Edw. 6. by Johan Bale, etnpre. sited by / A Johan Bale 1549. in moroc. /—'r* " 4194 Lelandi Cygnea Cantio cum Comment. Lond. 1658 ' . ^ „ JP 419 S Dejcnpl * 1 r-l-'O 4196 [ 21 6 ] Defcription des Royaulmes d’Angleterre tt d’Efcofle compofe par Maiftre Eftienne Perlin, Paris, cbez. Fr. Trepeau, 1558, dedie a Madame Marguerite, Duchefle de Berri, Seur unique du trefnoble Roy de France, Henry de Valoys, futur Monarque iff Empereur de tout le Monde . The unfavourable Report which this fooliih Frenchman has made of the Engldh, his Defcription of London and fome of its obfolete Cuftoms, the miftakes he has fallen into, the Mifhomers of Perfons and Places he has committed, with his Affedbation of the Language, of which ’tis very evident he never underftood a Angle word, are truly ridiculous. — But the particular Time of his being here, the Influence of the French- Ambaflador Badaulphin , who, as he pretends, had our young King under his Thumb (il gouvernoit le petit Roy Edouart) the unhappy Union of Lord Guilford Dudlie and Lady Jane Gray, the Death of K. Ed. 6. the proclaiming of Qu. Jane, the beheading of the D. of Northumberland, & c. (of which he was an s*ye- witnefs) the Refloration of Popery, the royal Entry of Qu. Mary, a Defcription of her Habit and Complexion, and of the Princefs Elizabeth, &c. render it a very lingular Piece of Entertainment, S. P. Pauli Jovii Defcriptio Britanniae, Scotiae, Hyberniae, & Orchadum Elogia quorund. Anglor. Chronicon Regum Angiorum, See. Baf. 1 5-7 1 C Humfredi Lluyd Commentarioli Eritannicae Defcripiionis Frag- < mentum — Coi. Agr. 1572 (_ Rhithmi vetuftifiimi de corrupto Eccleftae Statu Balei 1546 Bernard (Jean) Difcours des Roys et grands Seigneurs d’Angle- terre, depuis 500 Ans; aufli la Guide des Cbemtns d’Angletene 4197 S'- 419 s /{f Paul Hentzner’s Journey into England in 1589, printed at Straw- Paris / /*Z -^-4200 C - “4^1 f 4202 2*b 4 20 3 /- 4 20 4 ^4 20 5 J W 06 berry- Hill Another Copy, I 7 57 Ens (Gaip) Magrue Britannia Delict a G 9-6 4207 / 0 — 4 2 ° 8 /- 4 2 °9 7^ 4210 1 7 5 7 Colon. 1613 An Epitome of Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Gr. Britain 1676 Spdman, Vtllare Anglicanum — — 1 678 Sorbiere’s Voyage to England, with Bp. Sprat’s Obfervations 1709 C Ogilby’s Roads of England, & c. 8vo. I Britannia Speculum , the antient and modern State of Great C, Britain — — 1683 Brome’s Three Years Travels oyer England, Scotland and Wales 1700 Rawlinfon’s Englifh Topographer, nvitb MS. Notes by Mr. Weft 1720 1720 1741 Artny 1747 1766 Another Copy, large Paper Defcription of all the Counties of England and Wales Journey through Part of England and Scotland, with th< 4 2ii The Englifh Connojfleur, 2 Yol, General [ 217 J General Englijh Topography. QUARTO. 4212 Anecdotes of Britifti Topography, 1768, with n few MS. Reference . by Mr. Weft ( _ # - 'S' 4213 A ntonini Iter Britanniarum Comment, illuftratum Th. Gale, fg. cum / Notts MS. Jac. Weft ^ * Loud. 1 709- — 3 - b 4214 Lambarde’s (Will.) DiSiionarium Anglia Topographicum & HiJioricum r an Alphabetical Defcription of England and Wales, with his portr. 4215 Magna Britannia antiqua & nova, a Survey of the ancient and pre- fent State of Gr. Britain, illujlrated with general and County Maps, by Tho. Cox, Vicar of Bromfield, Eftcx (v. Anecdotes of Br. Ty- pog. pa. 20.) 6 voL^_ — ... ■■■ — — 1738 2 • /O • 6 4216 Jackfon’s Arms of all the Cities and Borough Towns in England- and Wales O j Willis’s Survey of the Cathedrals, cuts, 3 vol. ■ 1742 4 2 1 7 \ Parochiale Anglicanum ■ ■ ■ ■ — - *73T' 4218 , ■ ... — Parochiale Anglicanum ■■ ■ - ■ ■ 1733 4219 Kennett’s (Bp.) Parochial Antiquities, attempted in the Hift. of Am- brofden, Burcefler, &c. cuts, 1. p. Oxf. 1695. The Author’s Copy, with large Additions in his own Hand writing . — Alfo federal Original Letters by Bp. Fell, Sir Will. Glynne, Bp, Kennett (then Vicar of /n s. Ambrofden) &c. and other MS . Papers iff ^ " 4220 A curious Colleftion of Tracts (in Number 24) upon Draining and Im» banking , by Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, Andrewes Burrell, Edm* Scotten, John UfHet, Col. Jo. Lilburn* Sir Will. Killegrew, Col. Will. Dodfon, John Young, Peter Batefon, Nath. Kinderley, and others, the original Pamphlets, federal of them with Maps, as publijbed between 1641 and 1729 t-to General Topography ^/England. FOLIO* 4221 Horfley’s Britannia Roman a, the Roman Antiquities of Britain, cuts * 6 « I ' P • — - *- — ■* ■ 173* ^ i* 9 S — 1722 /« Aj— 7 4222 Camden’s Britannia, by Gibfon, cuts 4223 ■ — — 2 vol. cuts 4224 Blome’s Britannia 4226 Ogilby’s Britannia 4227 Adams’s Index Villarts l. p, the Arm> and Maps illuminated 4228 Stukeley’s Itinerary , cuts 4229 Grofe’s Antiquities of England and Wales, No. 1. 2. 4230 Weever’s ancient Funeral Monuments, with the Table, l. p. intur* kfy 1631, and tkf Psrtr . of the Author and Front if, by Cecill F f 4231 Dug- l6;j - 6 ~ ,6 7 S /■ " -7 169S - o 1690 ~ J t /j '7*r"Zf>-» '77* -J - },3-o [ .218 ] , 1 £231 Dflgdale’s H’ft' °f Itnbankin^ and Drayningy both in Foreign Parts *r 7 * & and in this Kingdom, ‘with the maps 1662 Topography of England, cjigejlpd in the feveral Counties, FOLIO, QUARTO, O C T A V 0 Of infra. \6 # 6 2 Afro /. A 0 U J'y 3 > 4232 4*33 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 *4 1 4 0 4241 7 . (p A - t-A u A » ’ A / S > 4 2 4 2 4 2 43 4244 4245 4246 4 2 47 4.24S Berkshire. Afhmole’s Antiquities cf Berkshire, 3 vol. 8vo. 1723, ‘with his Portr 9 Pote’s Hid. and Antiquities of Windfor Cattle^ the Royal College and Chapel of St. George, with the Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, cuts , 4 to. — — . Eton 1749 News from Reading, a true Relation of the horrible Murther com- mitted by W. H. on his own Father, five Tears hefiore the Difco- .ver.y, 4 to. ■ — — — — — 1676 Buckinghamshire. Willis’s Hid. and Antiquities of Bucking- ham, 4 to. 1755 f Another Copy, 4 to. — — - 1755 < Some Account of Browne Willis, Efq; L.L.D. Sen. Fellow of the £ Antiquary-Society, by Dr. Ducarel, 4 to. 1760 Cambridgeshire. Anonymus Londinenf. de Antiquitate Can- tabrigienfis Academise — Lon d. apud Pynneman 1568 AfTertio Antiquitatis Oxonienfis Academiae incerti Authoris, ib, Caii (Jo.) de rariorum Animalium atq. Stirpium Hill. Ejufd. de LiRris fuis, ib . ap. Serefium 1570, 8vo. The Hill, and Antiquities of the Univerfity of Cambridge, 8vo. Another Copy — — — — 1721 Carter’s Hid. of the Univerfity of Cambridge, 8vo. J 175 3 Bp. Fifner’s Funeral Sermon of Marg. Countefs of Richmond and Derby, Mother to K. Hen. VII, with her Foundations in Cambr. &c. 8 vo. 1708, ‘with a Character of the Editor, Mr. Tho. Baker of St. John's, MS. { Argument torching the Statutes given by Qu. Eliz. tp Cambridge, 4 t 0 . —7— — ■— 1727 A Projecle, conteyning the State, Order and Manner of Govern- mente of Cambridge, An: 43. Eliz. 4to. Camb.i j6g Copies of the Orations pronounced at Cambridge, in the Entertain- ment made to the Spanilh and Auftrian Ambadadors, Don. Cha. de Coloma and the Baron of Boyfcot 1623, 410. A Volume of Tra&s in the Controverfy with Dr. Bentley, as Mailer of-Trinity College, Bvo. — * 1710 Cantabrigia Depifta, Defcription of the Univerfity and Town of Cam- bridge, cuts , l2mo, Raii Catalog-us Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam, i2mo. Cant. 1660 Cheshire. King’s (Dan.) Vale- Royal of England, or the County Palatine of Cheder illuftrated; a lfo an excellent Difcourfe of the Ifiand ef Man, ‘with Hollar’s cuts , Fol, 16^6 Sir Peter Leyceder’s Hiftorical Antiquities of Gr. Britain and Ire- land, with particular Remarks concerning. Chefhire, Fol. . 1673 4249 The C 21 9* ] 4^49 The Controversy between Sir Tho. Mainwaring and Sir Peter Ley^ cefter, touching the Legitimacy of Amicia, Daughter of Hugh Cy vcliok, Earl of Chefter, from 1673 to 1679 incluf. 12 Tracts in 8 vol. 8vo. 4250 -Sir Peter Leycefter’s Sid? of the Argument, 6 Tracts, in 3 vol. one • of which is the Original Manufcript ; the other is replete with his MS • Notes , 8 vo. 4251 —Reply to Sit Tho. Mainwaring 1674 — and Sir Tho. Mainwaring’s Law-Cafes miftaken 1674, 8vo. — 4252 Chefter’s Triumph in Honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George’s Day 1610 in the forefaid Citie, at the Expence cfR ob, Amerie, late Sheriffe, 4U). — — c 1610 4253 The' Arraignment and Execution of Edw. Ludlow, Hamlet Stockley*. Rob. Lefter, Jo. Sutton and Jo. Howlton, Gentlemen, Dwellers in « Chefhire; who were executed at Weft-Chefter, for a Robbery and cruel torturing of a wealthy Yeoman, called Tho. Wo r rail, alias 'Winterftore, whorri they would have compelled to eat his own JFIefh, at Bud worth, near Chefter, 410. the Date is cut off 4254 The Life of Lien. lilidge, 50 Years in the Chefter Militia, i2mo, / lyioj 4255 Jolley’s Mize-Book for the County Palatine of Chefter, 8vo. 1726^ 4256 Cornwall. Carew’s (Rich.) Survey of Cornwall, ded. to Sir Wal- ter Raleigh, Lo. Warden of the Stannaries, See. 4to. 16c-®.- Another Copy 1602 Spelman’s Anglicum 1656 — Norden’s Description of Cornwall, cuts , /. p. 410. 172$ Bbrlafe’s Antiquities of Cornwall, cuts, Fol. ■*— Oxf. lyffr Nat. Hift. of Cornwall, cuts, Fol. jot 1758 a > /- * — & _ / 4257 4258 4259 4260 Aggrawi Venetiani , &c. or the Venetian and other Grievances ; with a Propofal for railing the Price of Tin in Cornwall and Devonfhire, 4to .in turkey ■■ ■ — - . 169 7 Pearce’s Laws and Cuftoms of the Stannaries in Cornwall and De^ von (hire, Fol. — 1725 , Three Papers on the refmelting of Tin, a Warrant for ditto ^ Temp. Car IT. confirmed by the Prince of Wales 1720, in Print and MS. Paper on the Regrators of Tih, MS- -4— m 272- o — A*h - i9 4262 Heath’s Account of the fflands of Scilly, 8vd. * 7 # 1 683 Cotton’s Wonders of the Peake, 8vo. The Defcription of the Cittie of Ex cefter, alias Hooker, b. 1 . 4to. damaged , and ihe date gathered o 1724 4263 Derbyshire. 4264 Devonshire. by Jo. Vowel, cut off 4265 Izacke’s Antiquities of Exeter, cuts , bef edit, in moroc. SvO 4266 Another Copy, l. p. ' 1 — - 4267 The fad and lamentable Accidents, which happened in and about the Parifh of Withycombe in the Dartrfioores 1638, with the cut of the Churchy 4to'. 4268 A true Relation of a Grange Birth, home at Sconehoufe in the Parill) of Plimouth 1635, 4to. with the Cut 4269 Hell opened , a Relation of the POyfoning a whole Family in Ply^ mouth, with the Execution of the Malefa&ors, by John Quiche, i2mo. — * «- 1676 42^0 Prince’s Worthies of Devon, l.p. fol. 170^ F f 2 4271 Thai - / -3*6 -Jr- _ / 2 - h -a -6 - 2 - 2 - . - / 6 - t *20 3 ifijl The Lawes and Statute# of the Stannarie of Devon, with the Charter of the Tinners, granted by Edw. Ill, fol, b. /. impr . by Val. Sims 1600 Dorsetshire. Coker’s Survey of Dorfetfhire, /./. fol. 1732 Blake’s Account) of the dreadful Fire at Blandford-Forum, in 1731, 8vo, Durham. Spearman’s antient and prefent State of the County Palatine of Durham, 4to. — -■■■■■ 1729 Sanderfon’s Antiquities of Durham-Abbey, and Defcription of the County Palatine of Durham, 1 2mo. ■■■■ Newcaf. 1 767 4276 The Legend of St. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham, i2mo. — — — — — 1663 4277 Davies's antient Rites and Monuments of the Monaliical and Ca.- thedral Church of Durham 1672, 8vo. 4278 Eisix. Salmon’s Hill, and Antiquities of ElTex, fol. 19 Numbers, being all that were ever publijhed 4279 Tindal’s Hill, of ElTex, 4to. 2 Numbers, no more publijhed „ C Morant’s Hill, and Antiquities of Efiex, cuts , 2 vol. fol. 1763—68 ~ 42 ° C Hill, and Antiq. of Colcheller, cuts, fol. 1768 6 * — Hill, and Antiq. of Colcheller, cuts, fol, 1748 // , 4282 Silas Taylor’s (alias Domville) Hill, and Antiquities of Harwich ✓ and Dover Court, cuts, 1 p. ^to. — 1730 4283 Farmer’s Hill, of the antient Town, and once famous Abbey of Waltham, cuts, 8 vo. ■ 1735 1717 8vo. ^.185 1 “ Frauds and Abufes at Dagenham Breach « | Perry’s Account of the Hopping of Daggenham Breach, 172I Wenlock (John, of Langham, Efq;) his fupplicatory Difcourfe to his Majellie ; Relation of his Troubles during the Civil War, and Collection of loyal Poems 1662, 4to. A Letter of Mr. Fr. Amyon to the Lo. Treafurer Burghley 1598, touching his Wife's Dower out of the Manor of Tilbery, MS. the Original Treafon and Murther difcovered, a Relation of the Trial and Condemnation of James and Will. Alfop, Father and Son, for Treafon and Murder, at Chelmsford 1674, 4 t0, A true Relation how 1 8 Men were call away at Sea, 6 of which perilhed, with the Hardlhips of the other 12 who lived in the Ship’s Boat at Sea during fix Weeks, by Ph. Hanger . . „ i6 75 4287 Gloucestershire. Sir Rob. Atkins’s antient and prefent State of Glolterlhire, cuts, fol. 1712, with his portr. Gibfon’s (Matt.) antient and prefent State of the Churches of Door, Home Lacy and Hemplled, with Memoirs of the antient Family of Scudamore, cuts , 410. 1727 /— *■ 4289 Certain Speeches made upon the Day of the yearly Election of Officers in the City of Glouceller, publilhed by Jo. Dorney 1653, i2mo. b 4 ? 9 ° Sir. Tho. Overbury’s perfect Account of the Trial and Execution of Joan Perry and her two Sons, for the fuppofed Murder of Will. Harrifon, Gent. 1676, 4to. 4291 The $./o <3 4286 4288 t 2JI I 4191 The two State Martyrs, or the Murther of Mafter Robert Yeoma*» and' Matter Geo. JBowcher, Citizens of Briftoll, committed by Nath. Fiennes, pretended Governor, &c. 4to. — — -■ - 1643 > 2 — 4^92 Charters of the City of Briftol, 4 to. ■ ■ ■■■ 1736 ^ (?> —. 4293 Freeholders and Burgefles of Briftol, nrao, ■ — — * 1734 / ~ 4294 Another Copy, with MS. Additions — — — S I ~ ^ 4295 Randolph of the Medicinal Virtues of Briftol Water 1750* 8vo. 4296 Hampshire. Imbeds Cafe and Cuftomsof the Manor of Merdon gvo. 170 yr 7/ *4296 Gale’s Hift. and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Win- / chefter, cuts, 8vo. - 17 1 5 \ m n r> ... zj .C 1 ) 4297 Hekeford 1 7°9 by a Citizen who continued all the — /— ~Z~ -6- - 2 - Lat . and Eng, I 667 1 667 "’ ■ -*** 1 66 9 1667 1674; an d other Informations concerning the Fire of London, 4m. 1667 * The Papifts Plot of Firing difeovered, an Account of the Fire in Fetter Lane — *679 The Cafe of Margaret Clark, executed for firing her Mafter’s Houfe in Southwark, 1680, and ether Tradls on the Subjett of / £ Fires — Index to the great Plan of London, by Roque, with a Sketch of the fame. '47, 4 to. contracted ^ ~ The Foreigner’s Guide thro’ London and Weftminfter, Eng. and Fr. 8 VO. — « , - r 2 The Boke of the Cujlomes of London, b. 1. no date , very rare, fol. elegant copy , in rnoroc • . 6 a. o 43jz 4 4 -b /- E 224 3 4332 A breefe Difcourfe of the laudable Cufl ernes of London, b. 1 . 8vo. imfir. by Hen. M idle ion — *584 (4353 The City Law, 410 , 1647 ^ 4354 Calthrop’s Reports, with the antient Cuftomes and Ufages of London, gvo. — - — ! — — — — ■ ' 1670 Brydall’s fhort View of London, Svo. 1676 Z J b 2-6 3 - /.(* f-3- 435S 4356 Four Trails of the London, fol. Quo Warranto , brought againft the Charter of 1 68 ? Seafonable Reflexions on diffolving Corporations ^ Rights and Privileges of London 1689 1689 1695 1688 A 4 A-b 1 - 2 - /-l 4- b-b Ditto refpeXing the Choice of their Sheriffs ~ — — ■ Daggett State of Poor in Sion College — — — Turner’s Defence of the Hofpitaller of St. Thomas, Southwark, 16S9; and other Tracts 4357 Proceedings upon the Quo Warranto , touching the Chai ter of London, fol. — — — — — — 11 - — - — — - 1696 ( 4358 Bohun’s Privikgia Londini , 8vo. — — *723 4359 Griffiths of the Jurifdiction and Confervacy of the River Thames, 8 vo. — 1746 4360 The Burnynge of Paule’s Church in London, 1561, by Lyghtnynge, b. 1 . 8vo. » "— .■ ■■ -■ — imp 7. by Wvllyam Seres 1563 4361 His Majefties Commiflion to enquire of the Decayes of the Cathedral of St. Paul, and for repairing the fame, 4 to. 1631 4362 Dugdale’s HifL of St. PauPs Cathedral, cuts y 7 . p. fol. 1716 A very curious Account in 5 Fol. Pages , MS* by Lord Coleraine, of the Ancejlry ofSSx Rob. Braybrook, Bp. of London, and of Sir Gerard his Nephew occaiioned by his Lordfhip’s viflting their Remains in the Chapter Houfe, 10 Dec. 1675; to which Place they were re- moved with other Bodies from St. Paul’s — and of the lingular De- votion of a Lady towards the Remains of the good Bifhop, which were entire, after 230 Years Interment, upon her Ladyfhip’s entering the Chamber, but difcovered to be ftrangely mutilated upon her Departure. Copied from his Lordfhip’s Hand-Writing, by Timothy Thomas 1721 4363 The Tombes, Monuments, and fepulchral Jnfcriptions, lately viflble in St. Paul’s Cathedral and St. Faith’s under it, by Major Payne Fifher, 4 to. no date 4364 Another Copy 4365 Goodall’s Royal College of Phyficians, 1684, 4to. 4366 The Order of the Hofpitals of K. Hen. VIII. and K. Edw. VI. St. Bartholomew's, Chrilt’s, Bridewell, St. Thomas’s, b. 1 . i2mo. repr. from the Edit* of 1 5 57 4367 Another Copy f The Rife, Foundation, &c. of Grefham College, with the Life of 4368 -J Sir Tho. Grefham, 410. — — — - i?Q 7 £ The laft Will and Tefiament of Sir Tho. Grefham, 4to. >724 4369 Gwinne Orationes duze habitae in iEdibus Grefhamiis, in Laudem Civitatis, Fundatoris, &c. Lond, 1605, lamo. 4370 Ward’s Lives of the ProfefTors of Grefham College, cuts , /. p. fol. 1740, 'with an original Letter of Sir Tho. Grefham, 21 Aug. 1572, and other Papers f London's, Dove; A . Memorial of the Life and Death of Maifte r ! Robert Dove, Citizen and Marchant Taylor, and of his feve ra i 1 Almef- ^ [ 2 *5 3 I Alrftefdeeds and large Bountie to the Poore, by Ant. Nyxon, h . l , 4to. ■■ ■ ■■ ' * 16.32 ^ The Charterhoufe, with the laft’Will and Teft. of Tho. Sutton, Efq; ~~ 1 6 » 4 •4372 437 * I Hie lafl Will and Teft. of, Mr. Jo. Kendricke, Citizen and Draper, ^ full of notable Workes of Charity - - » ■ ■ — — 1625 "■ Provijion for the Poore , now in Penurie , out of the Store Houfe of Gods Plenties b. 1. 4to. - — IC97 Nyxon’s London’s Dove-, or, the Mirrour of .Marchant Taylors* b. I — — — — — - 1612 King Janies his Hofpitall; founded in the Charter-Hoafe, at only Cofts and Charges of Tho. Sutton, Efq; 1618 4373 The Charter-Houfe, with the Iaft Will and Tcft. of Tho v Sutton, Efq; 410. — 1614 4374 Burrells Sutton's Synagogue] or, the Englilh Centurion. 4to. 1629 4375 Herne’* Domus Carthufana , an Account of the noble Foundation of the Charter-Houfe, with the Life of Tho. Sutton, Efq; Founder, 8vo. 1677, with his Port?. — r *" 4376 Bearcroft’s Account of Tho. Sutton, and of his Foundation^ Charter- Houfe, cuts, 8 vo. . *737 4377 Browne’s rare Patterne of Juftice and Mercy, the many notable and charitable Legacies of Sir Ja. Cambel, Knight and Alderman, 1642, 1 2mo. 4378 Dunton’s Eflay on Death-Bed Charity, exemplified in 7 vfr. Tho. Guy, Bookfeller, Madam Jane Nicholas of St. Albans, and Mr. Fr. Ban- croft, Draper, 8vo 1 ■ — 1728 4379 Graunt’s Observations on the Bills of Mortality, 1665, Svo. -—P g jj Another Copy 1676' ^ 0 l Petty’s Eftays in political Arithmetic • 1635-87I 4381 The weekly and yearly Bills of Mortality,' from 6 vol. 4to. _/4 - -/* - _/- /- 664 to 1698 incluf _ 4382 The Device of the Pageant borhe before Woolftone Dixie, Lord Maior of the Citie of London, An. 1585, done by Geo, Peele, Maifter of Artes ik Oxford, b. 1 . 410. impr. by Edw. Allde 1585 4383 Two Triumphs of London, in the Reign of K. Ja. I. the Inauguration of Sir Fr. Jones, by Ja. Squire^ 1620 — Ditto of Edw. Barkham, by Tho. Midleton, 1621 4384 Three ditto, in the Reign of Cha. I. Rob. Parkhurft, Mayor, by Jot Taylor, the Water Poet , 1634 — - Ditto of Sir Maurice Abbot, by Tho. Heywood, 1638— -Ditto of Henry Gar way, by Hey wood, 1639 4385 Two ditto, in the Protectorate, Rich. Chiverton, Mayor, by Tathuift, 1657 — Sir Jo. Ireton, by ditto, 1658 4586 Ten ditto. Temp. Car. II. Sir Rich, Brown, by TatBam, 1660 — Sir Jo. Robinfon, 1662— Sir Rob. Han fon, by Tho. Jordan, 167a — Sir Jof. Sheldon, by ditto, 1675 — Sir Fr. Chaplin, by ditto, 1677 — Sir Ja. Edwards, by ditto, 1678 — Sir Rob. Clayton, by ditto, 1679 — .Sir Patience Warde, by ditto, 1680 S.r John Moote, by ditto, 168 i — Sir Jo. Smith, by ditto, 16S4 4387 Five ditto. Temp. Guil. IIL Sir Tho. Piikington, by Taubman, .1689— Sir Jo. Fleet, by Settlfc, 1692 — Sir Will. Aftiurft, by ditto, c * G g 16931 / < 9 - 7 - /o-C f 226 ] 1693 — Sir Tho, Lane, by ditto, 1694 — Sir Jo. Houblon, by ditto, 1695 4388 The Triumphs of London for the Inauguration of Sir Cha. Dun- combe, by Settle, cuts, fob 1708, and 3 more ( Duplicates ) 1638- 78-81, 4to. f The Honour of the Taylors, the famous and renowned Hift. of Sir John Hawkwood, cuts , b. 1 . 4to. ■ 1687 8 1 . i The antient Honour of the famous City of London, reftored by Sir fy (r> 4389 ^ Jo. Robinfon, Lo. Mayor, in the truly Englifh and manly Exerci fes of Wrefling, Archery , and Sword and Dagger, 4 to. 1663 London, King Charles his Augufta, or Citie Royal, a Poem, 4to. 1648 4390 Ogilby’s Entertainment given to K. Cha. II. in pafling thro* London to his Coronation, cuts , fob - 1661 4391 A Dialogue between the Crofle in Cheap and C'haring-CrofTe, by Ryhen Pam each, 4to. Anecdote of the Author. This Dialogue was made by Henry Peacham, Author of the compleat Gentleman ; who was reduced to Poverty in his Age, and wrote penny Pamphlets. Signed, Johan. Gibbon, Blevvmantle Two Centuries of Paul's Church Yard, !2mo. i' 2 /a 439 \ Axaltatio Ala, the Ex- ale-tat ion of Ale 1666 I 4393 Conftitutions of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, 8vo. 1 708 2 - /- /./<- 4400 4401 /- 44°2 /- 4403 A- 4404 4394 Another Copy, with Mf References, 1708— Abftrad of ditto 1708 4395 Hift. of the antient Corporations of London for the Mines, the Mine- ral and Battery Works, 8vo. — —— 1713 4396 Charter of the Eaft-India Company, 1702, the ift of Qu. Anne, and 26 of K. Geo. II. 4to. 4397 Widmore’s Hift. of Weftminfter Abbey, 4to. 1751 — Ditto Enquiry into the firft Foundation of Weftminfter Abbey, 1743 fWidmore's Enquiry into the firft Foundation of Weftminfter Abbey, j 4 to. # >7 43 I Highmore’s Examination of the Paintings on the Cieling of the 4398 \ Banquetting-Houfe, Whitehall — — * *754 The Ornaments of Churches confidered, in Reference to the painted Glafs Window in St. Margaret's Church, with a Portr . of Arthur Onflow, Efq; Keepe’j Monument a Wefmonafi erienfa, 8vo. ■ 1682 Dart’s Wefmonaferium', the Hift. and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Weftminfter, 2 vol. fob whh his Portr . by Faber Gwynn’s London and Weftminfter improved, illuf rated by Plans , 1766, 4to; Afts for building a Bridge at Weftminfter, 8vo. * 735 ' 3 ^ C Charters and Statutes of the Royal Society, 1728, 8vo. \ Ditto of the Society of Antiquaries — — 1752 f Adi for the Purchafe of Sir Hans Sloane’s Mufeum, and of the < Harleian Manufcripts, 1754, 8vo. 4 Letters on the Britifh Mufeum, izmo. » - 1767 4405 Trad* [ 2 ' 2 7 3 4405 T ra&s on the Foundling Hofpijtal* &c. 8v«. ■ * {"Narrative of Eliz. LilJyman, the Murdrefs of her Hufband, 4to. i6 7S A hellijh Murder committed by a French Midwife (Marie Hobry) on her Hujbandy 4U). — — ■ i68fr , God’s Judgment upon a Nobleman of Loraine, who was wonder- 4406 ^ fully transformed into a Dog *675 Strange and terrible News from Oakingham, in Berks, of a Thun- der Clap, &c. — ■ *675 Narrative of the bloody Murder of Mr. Jo. Talbot, Minifler ; for which four Perfons were executed — 1 ■" 1669 _Charafter of Holland ■ " - 1672 Relation of a Robbery and Murder by 5 Highwaymen, near Coin* brook, 2 Trafts, 4to. 1674 More Devils, or the Devil of Moor- gate \ a Relation of the wonder- ful and mifchievous Praftifes of .an Evil Spirit, haunting a Widow’s Houfe, in White Lyon Court, oppofite Moorgate 4407 «< 1674 The Life and Death of an unfortunate young Maid, in the County of Defmond, in Ireland; whofe Lover, an Englilhman, was murdered by the Virgin’s Father * . 1674 The Murder of Mr. Jo. Dent, reforming Conftable, in Covent Garden, in doing hi Duty, 8vo. — 1732 4408 The Life of the notorious lmpollor. Will. Morrell, alias Bowyer, 2 p ar ts — * 1692 4409 Hanway's Account of the Society for the Encouragement of the Britifh Troops, 1760, 8vo. 4410 Trial between Tho. Neale, Efq; and the Lady Theodofia Ivy, - 1684, before Lo. C. Juitice Jeffreys, for Part of Shadwell, fol. 1696 ' The Free Culloms of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney, 4to. 1*75 44 * 1 Inftruftions to Apprentices, placed out by the Stepney Society, 8vo. >755 'The Turnament of Tottenham; or, the wooing, winning, and 4412 *! wedding of Tibbe, the Reev’s Daughter, 1631, 4to. Bedwell’s Defcriprion of Tottenham High-Crofle 1631 4413 The Glory of Cheifey College revived, by Darley, with the Model, l p at it was intended to be built , 1 602, 4to. f Haworth’s Defcription of the Duke’s Bagnio, and of the Mineral c Bath and new Spaw, with his Portr . 1 1> 8 3 , i2mo. ( Byfield’s Account of the Balfamic Wells at Hoxdon 1687 Bickham’s Delici# Britannic# ; the Curiofities ol Kenfington, Hamp- ton Court, and Windfor Caftle, cuts, 8vo. 4416 Ifleworth-Syons Peace ; Articles of Agreement between Alg. Earl of Northumberland, Lo. of the Manor of Iflleworth-Syon, Peter Dodfworth, Hugh Potter, and Rob. Scawen, Efq; of the one Part, and Sir Tho. Ingram, Sir Tho. Nott, Sir Jo Sydenham, &c. Copyhold Tenants of the faid Manor, 410. 1^57 4417 Norden’s Defcription of Middlelex and Hartfordfhire, 4to. tht Author's Edit, G g 2 44*8 Another 1 ^ 4414 4415 /- 7 ' / - _/ - 2 . b ■S ' 6 /- 2-6 /. / C *2l") /j? 4418 Another Copy, with the Maps / 4419 Another Edit. — — - — ■ — ■■■ repr' 1723 if 4420 Antiquities of Middlefex, z Numbers (all that were ever publijhed) 3 fob — — 17 06 — (p 4421 Poll for the County of Middlefex, interleaved, 8vo. 1705 q ^ 4422 Newcourt’s Repertorium , an Ecclefiaftical Parochial Hift. of the J Diocefe of London, 2 vol. fol. 1708- — 10, with MS, Additions by Peter Le Neve, Norroy in _ 4423 Another Copy, 2 yol. /. p . Af$. Notes and Additions by Bp. 'A Kennett Twenty -fpurth Day’s Sale, Saturday , April 24. ’typography of England, iigefted in the fever al Countier, continued. FOLIO, Lot J. **♦ 3 — 44 Z S /0.^» 44 z6 / , . / 0 ‘b ffj aom- 443 * A R T O, Infra. OCTAVO (3 N ORFOLK. Blornefield’s Hift. of the County of Norfolk, cuts, 3 vol. Fol. Fersfeld 1739 — Norw, 1745 [* e\ 4 / 0 . f- y ( 443 2 /- 4433 /o-J‘ |Nevyllus de Furoribus Norfolcienfium Ketto Duce. Ljufd. Norvicus IiGnd qp. Jdinneman 1575, 4to. Sir Tho. Browned Pofth. Works, including the Antiquities of the Cathedral of Norwich, cuts. Up, 8vo. — 1712 f Hift. of the famous City of Norwich, 8vo. 1728, with the Map < and Appendix l Antiquity of the Caftle of Norwich, 8vo. 1728 MackerelPs Hift. and Antiq. of King’s Lynn, cuts, 8vo. 1738 Badefiade’s Hift. of the ancient and prefent State of the Navigation of the Port of King’s- Lyn and of Cambridge, <1 vith snaps, Fol. 1725 f Difco.urfe of drayning the Fennes of Norfolke, Suffolke, Sec. < 410. -■■ ■ — 4 17 2 9 { Narrative of the great Level of the Fennes, 8vo. 1685 ! In the great Levell of the Fens in Norfolk, Suffolk, Sec, are de- creed to the Earl of Bedford 95000, 4to. with neat Drawings of the Lands Narrative of the great Level of the Fens, 8vo. 1685 Walpole’s JEdes Walpoliana, cuts, $to. 17 47 . fubferibed by Mr. Weft, The Gift of the ingenious and elegant Author Poll for the County of Norfolk, 4to. I 734 Northamptonshire. Norden’s Delineation of Northaropton- fnire, 8vo. — * — — 1 — 1720 Aubrey’s Jntrodu&ion to a Survey and Natural Hift. of North Wilt* 4434 ^ fhire-^Proceedings againft Ant. a Wood ; and other Mifellanies by Aubrey, Selden, Afhmole, Langbaine, Plot, &c. 8vo. 17*4 Infcnptians in the Diffsnters Burying-Piase near Bunhill Field* 1717 4435 Mor - , t 2 2 9 1 , 44.35 Morton's Natural Ll'ift. ^Northampton fllire, cut;, l. f. Fol. 171 2 /• /! • (o 4436 Bridges’^ Hilt, and Antiq. of the County of Northampton, cubs, _ Fol. ~ ^ 4437 Whailey’s Hill, and Antiq. of the County of Northampton, Vol. j. + 8- Fol. 4438 Gunton’s Hilt, of the Church of Peterburgh, cuts, Fol. interleaved _ n * 1686, . { Hilt. & Anti < 1674, w// A fhort Acc< and other 1705 Oxf. 1734. Fol. Oarc*. 445 2 many MS, Notes' by Bp. Kennett Account of the Univerfity Library, copied by Mr. "Weft, MS. Papers relating to Oxford ’ Wood’s Athense Oxonienfes, 2 vol. Fol. /. p. interleaved 1691, nvitfr a great Number of MS, Notes, Corrections find Additions by Bp. Ken- A . /& nett v/‘»/ . Maittaire Marmora Oxonienfia, cum Append, Fol. Lond. 1732 \-6 /fit 6 4453 Ilium | in halt Marmora Oxonienfia, cum Append, Fol. Lond. a /j4 — . . ^ . 33 — 3 * t' O*' Oxoma ad Prote&ionem Regis fui, 8vo. Oxon. apud Barnes 1 60S - A T 4454 Twini Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniends Apologia, 4to. ib. 1608 4455 Fulman Notitia Oxonienfia Academic, 410. — Lond, 1675 4456 Smith’s Annals of Univenitv College, 8vo, Nevocajl. 1728 4457 Savage’s Batliofergus, a Comment, on Baliol College, 4to. Oxf. 1&6* 4458 Reliquiae Bodleian re, the Life and Remains of Sir Tho. Bod ley, 8vo. 1703 4459 Ayliffe’s State of the Univerfitv v f Oxford, 2 vol. 8vo. *7*4 4460 Barnard’s Life of Lady Elia. Hadings, with her Deviie of Lands to Queen’s College, Oxford' Lefdts ij 42, i2mo. — z r 6 Z fcz -S.T 4461 Poia- A ~ 44 6 ' / - 4462 4+63 f. ^4464 /• 6 44 s > ^-4466 /-/- 4467 /.?- 4468 6 4469 f 230 ] { Pointer’s Antiquities and Curiofities of Oxford, 12m©. 1749 Pocket Companion for Oxford, i2mo. f Oxford Graduats, from *659 to 17 27, 8vo. < Catalogus Horti Botanici Oxonienfis Stephani & Brounei, i2mo. t Oxen . 1658 Thirty- fix T rafts and Papers (fame in MS.) relating to the Univer- fity of Oxford, 7 vol. 4to. and 8vo. Huddesford’s Catalogue of Wood’s Collections of MS. depofited in the Alhmolean Mufeum, Oxf. 1761, 8vo. Vindication of Rich. Coxeter of Bampton, Efq; izmo. 171 4 { Pointer’s Account of a Roman Pavement found at Stunsfeld in Oxfordfhire, proved to be 1400 Years old, 8vo. Oxf. 1713 Difcourfe on the Stunsfield teffelated Pavement, with the Cuftom of the Manor of Woodftock, 8vo. Schola fhamenfes ex Fundatione Jo. Williams Mil. Domini Williams the Cotin ty of Fol. Wright’s Hid. and Antiqi interleaved 1684, 'with MS, Notss cy Bp. Ken de Thame, Rutlandshire. Rutland, t^p. Fol nett Somersetshire. A Colleftiofi of Treatifes concerning the City and Waters of Bath, 8vo. — — — 1725 Peirce’s Hilt, and Memoirs of Bath, 8vo. 1713 Baylies of the Ufes and Abufes of Bath Waters 1757, 8vo. Wood’s Defcription of Bath, cuts , 2 vol. 8vo. 1765 Origines Di'vifance, the Antiquities of the Devize?, 8vo. 1754 Staffordshire. Plot’s Nat. Hift. of Staffordlhire, cuts, * *♦ Fol. — — — Oxf. 1686 Erdcfwicke’s Survey of Staffordlhire, 8vo. }L ■ 1717 Suffolk. Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller, 8vo. Ipfw. 1735s damaged Gardner’s Hiftorical Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh and South- wold, cuts, 4to. — — - — *754 Tho. Churchyarde’s Difcourfe of Qu. Elizabeth’s Entertainment in Suffolk aud Norfolk., and a Rehearfal of bis Highnejfe Retourne from Progrefe ; with a Commendation of Sir Humfrey Gilberts 4477 fi/fjcct t—- 4478 ——448' ft- 4482 2 • ^4484 3 f~0 [ 2 3 * 3 Robert Langham his ^Letter unloo 'Ins gssd ft send Mafter Humfrey Martin Mercer, whear in part of the entertainment unto the Queen* Ma~ , ^/ 7 ) r i jefly at Killingwoorth Caftl, in Warwick Sheer, in this frrrirfl jjf, j" yy\\ 4 ^ Progrefs 1575, iszfignifed, b. I. 8 vo -mtm — — - -* 44S6 Walter Bay ley, his briefe Difcours of certaine Bathes or Me did nail W eteril in the Countie of Warwicke, neere unto a Village called New name f Regis, 8 vo. * ■■■ ^ 45*7* /£. 4487 Derham’s Account of Ilmington Waters, 8vo. — Oxf. 1685 4488 Westmorland. Robinfon’s Nat. Hift. of Weftmorland and Cum- > . berland, 8vo. - ! 7°9 — 0-0 4489 Wiltshiri. Antiquitates Sarisburienfes, 8vo. Salisb. 177* — — . 4490 Hift. and Antiq. of the Cathedral Church of Salifbury, and the Ab- bey Church ot Bath, cuts, l. p. 8vo. 1719 4491 Price’s Obfervations on the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, cuts, * 4 to. — — — /P^ A Declaration of John Ivie, Alderman, of the Service he hath ~449 2 4497 done to the City of New Sarum for above forty Years, 4to. 1661 r-C Avona ; a tranfient View of the Benefit of making Rivers naviga- gable, by obferving the Situation of Salilbury upon the Avon*-w 8ur>. — - — ■ — — — 1 A«t ig_ ^ A / / - -rjfi f him\ \-iZ— . 1604.' 3 &r~. 8vo. — - — - — 1675- O. Cromwell’s Letter to Lenthall, of the Surrender of Langford Houfe near Salisbury, 4 to. 1645 4493 Charleton’s Chorea Gigantum , or the mod famous Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, reftored to the Danes, 4to. 1663, with afcarce portr. of Y) r. Charleton 4494 Inigo Jones’s notable Antiquity of Stone-Heng, Fol. 1655, with hi* portr . by Hollar, fine imprejfion f Another Copy, with the portr . 1655, and a Jhort Account of 4495 ] MS - i Tanner’s Scheme of his intended Hift. of Wiltshire, Ox. 1694 4496 Webb’s Vindication of Stone Heng, Fol. — — 1665 ^ Stukeley’s Stonehenge , a Temple reftored to the Druidf, Fol. Abury u a Treatife of the Britilh Druids, cuts. 4498 Cary’s Creed’s Statues of the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton, 4(0. 4499 Kennedy’s Defcription of the Antiquities and Curiofities of Wilton- / Houfe, cuts , 4to. 1769 — / 0 -~O 4500 Worcestershire. Green’s Survey of the City of Worcefter, 8 vo. A- Worceft. 1764 ^-6 4501 Abingdon’s Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcefter, V. 8vo. , -7 t — - Cr — 4502 Thomas’s Survey of the Cathedral Church of Worcefter, cuts, 410 4503 7*7 Antiquitates Prioratus majoris Malverne, fg. c. m. 8vo Lend, — , Reliquiae Eboracenfes, 4(9. Ebor. 174^ 4504 Yorkshire. 4^05 Burton’s Monafiico * Eboracenjes , and the Ecdefiaftical Hift. of Ycrk^ (hire, cuts, Fol. . — — 2 orb 175$ 4 ^ 4506 Regiftrum Honoris de Richmond Reg. Gale,, fg. ch. xutj. Fol. Lend. 17 i* / % •; x 4 507 Drake’s C 232 ] 4507 Drake’s Eboracum, the Hift. and Antiq.of the City of York, cuts, /./. Fol. — — — - 1736 4508 Gent’s Hift. of the famous City of York, cuts , i2mo. 1730 4509 Thoresby’s Topography of Leedes, nvith a Catalogue of his Mafeum, &C. CUtSy Fol. ^4.310 - Hift; of the Church of Leedes, cuts , 8vo. JX i>‘. S' 4S “ •3 ‘- 4 - 45 * 2 /- 45' + 8 - 4S‘5 Gent’s Hift. of the Royal and Hull, cuts, 8 vo. 1715 1724 Ur£- beautiful Town of Kingfton upon Tork 1735 Wright’s Antiquities of Halifax, nmo. Leedehy^Z Bendy’s Hallifax and its Gibbet Law, with the cut , 1 zrtlo. 1708 Wittie’s Scarbrough Spaw, 8vo. — * 1 660 { Newes out of Yorkfhire, an Account of the Difcovery of Knares- brough Spaw, by M. S. 4to. - — — 1627 State of that Part of Yorkfhire, adjacent to the Level of Hatfield Chace, *to. 1701 flf-. . 4516 The Praife of Yorkfhire Ale, 8 vo. »— — 1697 Wi?-« 5*7 Wai« s and the Isles. Enderbie’s Cambria triumphant , The an- - cient and modern Brittifh and Welfh Hiftory, Fol. 1661 fy 45*® Pontici Virunnii Britannicse Hift. Lib. 6. per Day. Povelum, 8vo. Lend, apud Bollifantum 1585, ded. to Sir Hen. Sydney "Caradoc of Lhancarvan his Hiftorie of Cambria, now called Wales, wrytten in the Brytijh Language above two hundrethYtares pafi: tranf- lated into Englifh by H. Lhoyd augmented and continued by Dav. Powel, b. L 4to. ded. to Sir Philip Sydney, impr. by New- 3 J 3>6 berie and Denham 1584 Smyth (SirTho.) de Republica Anglorum , b. 1 . impr. by Midle- 4519 -( ton 1584 Politique Difcourfes, treating of the Differences and Inequalities of Vocations , from the French, by iEgremont RatclifFe, Efqj b. 1 . ded. to Sir Fr. Walfingham, impr. for Edw. Aggas 1 578 Merbury’s (Cha.) Difcourfe of Royal Monarchic, ded. t$ Qu. Eliz* with a Preface by Hen. Unton, impr. by Vantrollier 1581 Merbury’s Italian Proverbes, ib. 4520 Powell’s Hift. of Wales, by Wynne', 8vo. 1697 4521 Vaughan’s Britilh Antiquities, 4to. Oxf. 1662 4522 Dodridge’s antient and modern Eftate of the Principality of Wales, Dutchyof Cornwall and Earledome of Chefter, 4to. 1630, with an Abflretdl of the annual Revtnue of Cornwall, MS. { Vaughan’s Prattica W alii a, Proceedings in the great Seflions of Wa’es, I2mo. 1672, veryfcarce Articles of Agreement between Prince Rupert and divers Noble- men, Sec. for working the ^flines Royal in Cardiganfh. and Me» rionethlh, 4to. — — * »- 1670 ^ 4524 Llwyd (Humfr.) Britannicse Defcriptionis Commentarioium : nec non / de Mona Infula, &c. GulielmiL 4:0. — * Lond. 1731 Q fo 45 25 Rowland’s Mona etntiqua refaurata, the Antiquities of the Ifle of An* glefey, cuts, 4to. — — Dubl. 1723 / 2 - 9 ~ JT.b 45*3 / *J ^ 4326 Willis’s Surveys of the Cathedral of Wales, St. David’s (interleaved) ■ 1717, Latidaff 1719, St. Afaph s cuts, 8vo. 1720, Bangor 1721, 4 vol. in 5+ 27 Wallography , or the Britton deferibed, by Will. Richards, a mighty Lover of Welch Travels, 1 2 mo. i68i 45 2 f Lot* • 4528 45 2 9 453° 453* 453 2 4533 4534 4535 453 6 4537 4538 4539 454° 454* 454 2 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 454 8 4S49 455 ° C *33 Letters from Snowdon, 8vo. C Another Copy 1770 770 < Hilt, of the Gwedir Family, by Sir Jo. Wynne, born in 1553, L *77° Sacheverell’s Account of the Ifle of Man, 8vo. — Falle’s Caefarea, or an Account of Jerfey, cuts , 8vo. Dicey’s Hillorical Account of Guernfey > fine paper % i2mo. Hiftory and Antiquities of Scotland. OCTAVO £s? Infra. -‘734 z%u 1751 — / _ Edinb. 1702 1729 1706 Letters to Bp. Nicolfon on his Scotch Hiftorical Library Jnnes of the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland, 2 vol. Maule of Melgum’s Hlft. of the Pifls ■ Another Copy, very neat : Buchanani Rerum Scotiarum Hift. Edinb . 1727, bound in 3 vol. and embellijhed with 108 portraits of the Kings ©/'Scotland — : Monypenny’s Sum marie of the Scots Chronicles and Defcription of Scotland — Edinb. 1633 Dalrymple’s (Sir lames) Collections concerning the Scottifh Hilt. preceeding the Death of K. David I. in 1153 Edith. 1705 The Life of St, Margaret, Queen ©/'Scotland, with Eulog turns on her Children , St. David K. of Scotland, and Mathilda Queen ©/'Eng- The Life and-A&s of Sir Will. Wallace, Maintainer of the Liberty ©/'Scotland — Glafg. 1743 Another Edit, by Hamilton — ib. 172* Mifcdlanea Antiqua, the Life and Death of K. Ja. V. his Navigation round Scotland, See. ■ ■ — ■ 1710 Another Copy 17/0 Hilt, de Jacques V. Roy d’Ecofle, enjemble VHift. deplorable de la belle Dunglas, vray miroir de Confance deChafiete Par. 162 1 Account of the Affairs of Scotland, from the Death of K. Ja. V. to the tragical Exit of the Earl of Murray * — 1705 Buchanani de Maria Scotorum Regina, tetaque ejus contra Regem Con - juralione , foedo cum Bothuelio Adulteria , &c. Hiforia — - — f.Ane Detriiioun of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes, touchand the Murder of hir husband y and hir Confpiradc y adulterie % and prefenfed manage with the Erie Bothvvell, £c. tranjlatit out of the Latine quhilke was written by G. B. b. 1, no date. The Tranflation contains many Pieces not in the Original of Buchanan A mervaylous Difcourfe upon the lyfe , deedes , and behaviours of Kathe- l - rine de Medicis, Queene Mother of France Heydelb. 1575 Buchanan’s Detection of Mary Qu. of Scots, and Difcourfe of the Government of Scotland 172 r Joh Lefley, Byfhop of Roffe, his Treatife towhing the right , title arj Interejl of the mojl excellent Princeffe M arie, Qu. of Scotland, and she tnojl noble King James, her Graces Sonne to the Succejfion cf tie Cr oune of England 1584, with the ptr *aits c? Qu. Mary and K. ja. Vi. inWpcd H it -i'J -4 - ~ 2-h - 4 - -f -6 '3 - - 8 -b /-A— d/O- 4551 V lnr. 9 ^ [ *34 3 <2 / jr r i V Innocence de la trefiUufre ires*chafe> IA delonnaire PrinceJ/e, Madame «J *0 Marie Rovne d’Efcolie - ■ — — 1572 F- /- 5 '-' 45 5 2 4553 Autre Exemplaire . * 5 72 This rare Book /H /• 8 (3 4556 / 2 - 4557 < 2 - s ha Mort de la Royne d’Efcofle, en maroq. rouge I 589. is embellijhed with four elegant Wood Prints , reprefenting the Manner of tbe Queen’s receiving the Meffenger of her Death — her pafiing the Night in Prayer with her Ladies — her being led to the Place of Execution — and her Decapitation 4-^4 Hifoire & Martyre de la Royne d’Ecofle, Paris, chesc Bichon 1589, en maroq. rouge 4555 Geo. Conrei Scoti Vita Marias Stuartae Scotias Reginae, &c. ad Urb. VIII. Pont. Max. in cor. turc. Rom. 1624, with a farce portr . of the Queen The Life and Reign of Mary Qu. of Scots, with her portr. by Vertue 1725 _ Ane Declaration n of the juft ond necejfar c&ufs, moving vs of the No- billitie and uthers ye Kings Majefteis faithful S ubjcdis to repair to his Hienes prefence, and to remane with him, &c. DereSiit from Striviling with fpeciall command and licence to be pr entity Anno 1582 7 ’he Recantation of Mailier Patrik Adamfcne, fome time Archbifhop ij/'Saint-Andrewes 1598 4558 Johndon’s Hill, of Scotland during the Minority of K. James 1646 4559 Geo. Cromerty his Hijtorical Account of the Confpiracies of the Earls of Gowry and Rob. Logan of Rehalrig againjt K. James VI. with a Vindication of Robert III. King of Scotland, from the Im- putation of Baftardy — — — — — Edinb. 1713 4560 Another Copy — 1713 4561 Sir John Scot of Scotftarvet his daggering State of the Scats States- men from 1550 to *650 — Edinb. 1754 4562 Memoirs of Lord Vifc. Dundee, the Highland Clan , and the Maf- facre of Glenco — * — *— 1714 <2 4563 Another Copy, with a Portr. of Lord Dundee ^ ■ r . -c . t /-./-irtiovt’c A/l^mmrc nf ^rrn-Janr! from the Acceflion of Qu. Anne to >714 4 * h J l- /456I Lockhart’s Memoirs of Scotland, 1 the Union u * ^ . — or iviona’-cny - — — 1054 4566 Atwood’s Superiority of the Crown of England, over that of Scot- W 6 * \ Sir Geo. Mackenzie’s Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, with the Defence, 2 parts — 1685 — 86 of Monarchy — 1684 W1JU 1704 O 4567 The fundamental Charter of Prefbytery eftabliihed in Scotland 1 695 7 . / 4568 Memoria Balfouriana Edinb. 1699 4 ? ' r Mackaile’s Moffet-Well; alfo his Defcription of the Oyly-Well < at St. Catherine’s Chappel in Libberton Edinb • 1664 ( — — Eons Moffetenfis ib, 1659 M‘Ure Campbel’s View of the City of Glafgow Gtyg* 1736 5 ~. 2 -h u 2 - 45 6 9 457 ° 457 ' 45 7 * 4573 Monteith’s Theater of Mortality , the iilulirious Funeral Infcriptions of Edinburgh — Edinb. 1704 Another Copy ■ — 170 4 Martin’s Defcription of the We fern Ifands of Scotland 1716 f Memorials for the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland | Aberd. 1685 4574 Black’s 4574 4575 4576 4577 457 « 4579 458 ° r 235 ] Black’s Privileges of the Royal Burrows — Edinb 1707 kSpotifwood’s Law of Eledion of Members for Scotland ib. 172a Trial of James Stewart of Aucharn, for the Murder of Colin Camp- bell of Glenure EV*-8 4594 Hedori Boetii Epicopor. Murthlaceni. Sc A berdonenl. Vitae PuT. ap . A feen li u m 1 ^ 2 2 H h z +595 Ca- //- "-6 fa _ /d' b ^./a .6 6 A //<6 2- '1x16 £ s 4595 Camerariin de Scotorum Forfitudine, Do&rina & Pietate ib. 1631 4596 R*olt’s Memoirs of John Lindefay, Earl of Craufurd, cuts 17 53 Hijlory and Antquities of Scotland* FOLIO. i 4597 Hy fiery and Croniklis of Scotland, with the Cofmography and ^ Dyfcription t hair of compilit be the noble Clerk Maiffer Heftor Boece Channon of A berdene, tranfiatit be Maiffer Johne Bellenden Arche- dene of Murray, b. 1. impr. at Edinburgh be me Thomas David- fbn, Prenter to the Kyngis nobyll Grace , fine copy , no date Another Copy, imp erf ed Abercromby’s Martial Atchievements of the Scots Nation, 2 vol. Edinb. 171 1- — 1 5 Duff’s Hill, of Scotland, cuts 1749 Melvill’s Memoirea, by Scott — 1683 // --4603 /0*b 4 6 °4 3-/0 4603 /•S'- 4598 /$- «99 f ~ 7 4'6oo q cy 4602 fhe lamentable Efiate and difireffed Cafe of the deceafed Sir Will. Dick, his numerous Eatnily and Cr editors , for the Commonwealth, with cuts l>y Vaughan — 1653 A Volume of Trades chiefly relating to Scotland, from 1669 to 1704 Spotfwood’s Hift. of the. Church of Scotland,, with his portr • by Hollar *655, in moroc . Slezer’s Theatrum Scotia, the profpedls of Scotland, 57 plates, fine imprejfions — 1 693 Sibbald Scotia illufirata , five prodromus Hiftoriae Naturalis, fig . Edinb . 1684 Vindiciae Scotise illuflratae Edinb. lyio, with an Original Letter from Dr. Pitcairne to Dr. Gray, Edinb. 6 Jan. 1711, containing a Character of the Author of the Vindiciae Sir Rob. SibbakPs Hi#, of the Sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinrofs tb. 1710 — — — — Treatifes concerning Scotland, wts. Roman Monuments and Antiquities, cuts Sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinrofs— -—Roman Ports, Colonies and Forts Sheriffdoms of Linlithgow and Stirling — Defcription of the Ifles of Orknay and Zetland* — —Writers of Scotland, antient and modern, in Print j) f 4606 j) - 4 6 °7 4 ^08 (9 A ' ^4609 /. /. 4 4610 /of 46,1 and Manufcript Torffaei Orchades Edinb. 1713 Haun. 1697 Gordon’s Journey thro’ Scotland, with the Additions , cuts 1726 — 32 Maitland’s Hilt, of Edinburgh, Edinb. 1753 Anderfon Diplomatum & Numifmatum Scotiae Thefaurus Edinb. *7 39 An Original Charter of William K. of Scotland, with the Seal, the Jame which Anderfon has copied, plate 27 Copy of another of K. Malcolm, and other papers relating to Scotland Mackenzie’s Lives and Charters of the Scots Writers, 3 vol. Edinb. 1708—22 [ *17 1 Hift. and Antiquities of Ireland, OCTAVO & Infra. 4615 Another Copy 4616 Malcolm’® Rfla /o 4614 The lrifh Hiftorical Library, by Will. Lord Bp. of Derry Dull. * 7 *+ - ?> « 7«4 _ ElTay on the Antiquities of Gr. Britain and Ireland, with % / / « Specimen of an Irifh-Englilh Di&ionary Edinb. 173! — * u ~ 4617 H'lbemica ; or, fome antient Pieces relating to Ireland /)#£/. 1770 V, ^ 4618 Wallh’s Profpe&of Ireland from the Year of the World 1756 to the • Year of Chrift 1652 — * ■— ■ f6S2 — — 4619 Vita San&orum Fratrum Martyrum Luglii Archiepifc. & Lugliani n / Regis Hybernia; Atreb. 1597 — 4620 Newe Newes, contayning a fljort Rehearfall of Stukeley and Morice’s / / Rebellion, b. 1 . O' O^. 4621 Poncii Scotus Hibernia; reftitutus "ir Jo. Davies’s P :r ~ entirely fubdued Pari/. 1660 4622 Sir Jo. Davies’s Difcovery of the true Caufes why Ireland was never v / * ’ * 1 Dubl. 166+ **•'/« 0 -4^ .3 The unkinde Defer ter of toy all Men and true F rinds > Paris 1676-J7 — This rare Book throws great light upon the Rebellion in Ireland, atulVl/2 f particularly on the Conduct of Glamorgan and Ormond, written by at ft IJ banijhed Catholic * ) 4 ^ 4624 Memoirs of the Marquis of Clanricarde, /. p. in moroc. 1 722 , f Petty’s Political Anatomy of Ireland 1719 46 z 5 | Molyneux’s Cafe of Ireland 169I C Hamilton’s exemplary Lifeof James Bonnell, Efq; 17 ©7 4626 < Wilfon’s Account of the Royal Military Hofpital near Dublin ( 1713 4627 Harris’s Hift. and Antiquities of the City of Dublin, cuts 1766 4628 Smith’s Natural and Civil Hift. of the County and City of Cork, cuts, 2 vol. <£>«£/. 1750 4629 Antient and prefent State of the County of Down Dubl. 1744 4630 A Tour thro’ Ireland ■■■■■■ ■■ * 74 ® Hifiory and Antiquities of Ireland. QUARTO. 6 - -i -S ' 6 -< 9 - 4631 { Waraeus de Scriptoribus Hibernia; de Prsefulibus Hybernia; - - Dubl. 1639 / — ib. 1628 ^/' V 4632 O’Flaherty Ogygia, feu Rerum Hibernicar. Chronologia Lond. 1685 — O. O 4633 Pet. Lombardi Hiberni, Archiepifc. Ardmac. de Regno Hibernia; San&or. Infula Commentarius - « — Lon/an. 1632 — 4 - — 4634 Tho. 1 Tho. Carve Lyra, feu Anacephalaeolis Hibernica, Ejufd. Annales Hiberniae I 148 ad 1650 Vie*. Aujlr.ibt \ Ware de Praefulibus Provinciae Dublinienfis Dubl. 1628 Ryvii Regimims Anglicani in Hibernia Defenfio Lond . 1624 P. Cornelius de Sandlo Patricio Soc. Jefu, de Jure Regni Hibernia pro Catholicis Hibernis advQ. C 773 -o L <\vJ °>l- D 5o£t> thegettv center U6RA RY