, ; r m y 1 ' ' K i if" 1 ir? mmm 3?HESSlS3"'r3333 TO THE IRAHKUH IHSTiTCTS library, BY 1BWIS JS* 30 N ’98. ■(jiMY’S pEiRT M iPIPTWMQ MK warns. Co Eo HOEPSOM if PHILAbELFHIA. MEW YORK. P^LTIMOHE. CHIQ4Q0. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/graysferryprintiOOcero — International! E^hibitior Philadelphia, 1876. The United States Centennial Commission has examined the report of the Judges, and accepted the following reasons, and decreed an award in conformity therewith. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1876. Report on Awards. Product — Printing Inks. Name and Address of Exhibitor — C. E. Robinson &* Bro., Philadelphia , Penna. The undersigned, having examined the product herein described, respectfully recommends the same to the United States Centennial Commission for award, for the following reasons, viz. : The good quality of Printing Inks and Gloss Varnish exhibited. A cheap Black Ink is particularly deserving of notice and commendation. J. W. MALLET ; Signature of the Judge. drag’s perry prir\fin| Ink 09orks. To Printers and Publishers To insure the very hest effect in printing, and to won \ wit f tfe least difficulty and least waste of time and material, the W®,hs used should he suitable for the paper to be printed on, and the paper suitable for the infs to be used. ^ s the cost of the ft n f is small in proportion to the cost of any job, it is true economy to buy good infs of their find, front} skilful ayd reliable manufacturers, in quantities suitable to present wants and the find of worf and the season of the year. To (country Jlfewspager ‘fdublisfers and printers, we would suggest that they should supply themselves as frequently as four times a year with newly ground inf 5 adapted to their wants. “insufferable annoyance” generally attends' inf s bought in excessive quantities, on favorable terms from traders. (rare guarantee all the goods we mafe, and will return the rqoney for any brought bacf to us in tfe condition we seqd them out, but when mitfed witf oils or lint or dust we cannot receive tfem. (olainqs for paper spoiled in priqtiqg we cannot consider- careful griqter should stop his press when doing bad worf. C. E. ROBINSON & BRO., 710 Sansom Street, 27 Beekman Street, New York, 124. Hopkins Place, Baltimore, 198 Clark Street, Chicago. Phil a Delphi a . Ferry Printing Ink PRICE LIST: News Ink, No. 1, Power Press (in bbls.), “ No. 2, Fast Presses, ‘‘ No. 3, Small Daily Papers, “ No. 4, Hand Press, . Book Ink, No. 1, “ No. 2 “ No. 3 BLACK per lb., $ .08 “ .10 .12 “ .15 “ .25 .30 .40 INKS. Book Ink or Job, Fine Book Ink, Wood-cut Ink, Card Ink, Proof Ink, Photo. Black, . Blue Black, QUICK- BUYING INKS. Job Black per lb., .50, .75, 1.00 | For Sized and Calendered Paper, Heavy English Ink, per lb., $2.00, 3.00, 4.00. VERMILION RED INKS THAT DO NOT FADE. per lb., $ .50 . per lb., .75, 1.00 per lb., $1.00,^.00,3.00, 4.00 “ 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 4.00 2.00 " 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 per lb., $1.00, 2.00, 3.00 Vermilion Bed, per lb., .50, .75, 1.00 | Genuine English Vermilion, Fine Vermilion Red, per lb., $2.00, 3.00, 5.00. per lb., $1.50 — — NEW RED INKS. New Red, per lb., .50, .75, $1.00 I New Fine Red per lb., $2.00,3.00,5.00 COLORED INKS, SIZES, Etc. Fine Cochineal Carmine, per lb., . $12.00, 16.00 Lemon Yellow per lb., $ .50, .75, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Cochineal Lake . 3.00, 5.00, 8.00 Medium Yellow, .... “ .50, .75, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Rose Carmine, .... 12.00, 16.00' Orange Yellow, 1 “ .50, .75, 1.00, 1-50, 2.00 Rose Lake, . 2.50, 3.00, 5.00 Deep Orange Yellow, j Cardinal Red, .... . 3.00, 5.00, 8.00 Light and Dark Brown, .50, .75. 1.00, 1.50 Purple Ink, 5.00, 8.00, 16.00 Fine Light and Dark Brown, ... 2.00, 3.00 Violet Ink, • 5.00, 8.00, 16.00 Violet Brown "... 2.00 Ultramarine “ net, .30, .40 White Ink, " . . .50, .75, 1.00 Ultramarine . ■ .50, .75 Magnesia Ink, .... ... .75, 1.00 Fine Ultramarine 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 Brown and Yellow Gold Size, . "... 1.00, 1.50 Deep Ultramarine, 1.00, 2.00. 3.00 Orange and White Size, "... 1.00, 1.50 Oriental Blue. .... . . . 3.00 Flock Size "... 1.50 Light and Dark Blue, . . 50, .75, 1.00 Umber, Ochre and Sienna Inks, " . . 1.00, 1.50 Fine Light and Dark Blue, . 1.50, 2.00 Tints of all Shades, "... 1.00, 1.50 Fine Bronze Blue, ■ 1.50, 2.00 Gold Ink, "... 5.00 Light and Dark Green, , . .50, .75, 1.00 Copyable Inks, .... ... 4.00 Fine Light and Dark Green, . . 1.50, 2.00 Silvering Solution, per bottle, . . .75, 1.00 Fine French Green, . 3.00 Bronze Powders, per ounce, .25, .50, 75, 1.00 'r &- — g g g POSTER AND BAG INKS , IN KEGS, Red per lb., . .20, -25, .30, .40, .50 | Green per lb 25, .30, .40, .50 Blue, ...... “ . .20, .25, .30, .40, .50 Brown “ .25, .30, .40, .50 Yellow, • “ . .25, .30, .40, .50 I Black, in barrels, . . .08, .10, .15, .25 LITHOGRAPHIC INKS AND VARNISHES. Black Ink for Power Presses, per lb., .75, $1.00 to $3.00 Magnesia White, per lb., .75 to $1.00 “ “ Transfer Work, “ 1.50 ‘ ‘ 2.00 Red • 2.00 “ 10.00 “ “ Crayon Work, 3.00 ‘ ‘ 5.00 Lake 3.00 “ 10.00 Light, Medium and Dark Blue Ink, 1.00 ‘ ‘ 3.00 Carmine 12.00 “ 16.00 Ultramarine Blue, .... 1.00 ‘ ‘ 3.00 Purple, 8.00 “ 12.00 Milori Blue 1.00 ‘ ‘ 3.00 Siccative Varnish, .75 Light, Medium and Dark Green, 1.00 " 1 3.00 Varnishes, Nos. 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, .50 “ .75 Lemon. Medium and Orange Yellow, 1.00 11 ‘ 2.50 “ “ '• per gallon, 1.25 “ 2.00 Brown, various shades, 1.00 ‘ 1 3.00 Copper-plate Varnish, 1.25 “ 2.00 White .50 “ ‘ 1.00 “ Black Ink, . . per lb., 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 COLORED INKS MADE TO ORDER AT LOW PRICES. « — — — GLOSS OB BOOKBINDERS’ INKS. Black per lb„ . $1.50, 2.00 ] Blue per lb., . $1.50, 2. Red, “ . 1.50, 2.00 i Yellow “ . 1.50, 2. Green, per lb., $1.50, 2.00. Quick-Drying Deducing Preparations, Varnishes, Etc. For Poster Inks, Nos. 0,1, . . per lb,, . $ .40 I Robinson’s Dryer, .... per lb., $ .75 For Card and Fine Inks, No. 2, “ . .50 Printers’ Varnish “ . .40, .50 Per Gallon, “ . 2.00, 2.50 I “ “ .... per gallon, . 1.25, 1.75 Poster Varnish, per gallon, $ .50, .75. Quick-Drying Reducing Preparation. For reducing the strength of Printing Inks without dissolving them or destroying their tenacity, gloss and adhesive qualities requisite for producing well-finished printing. This preparation is an article which printers have long felt the want of, and for which ordinary Varnishes and Balsams furnish a very indifferent substitute. We offer it in confidence, it having been thoroughly tested and approved of by practical printers. PRINTERS’ GLOSS. Per Lb., $1.00. This article adapted to Lithographic and Type Presses, printed over colors, increases their brilliancy, dries hard in a few hours, and is very desirable for Labels and Show Cards, making them water-proof and durable. 8§ BLACK INK, 15 CENTS PER POUND. GRAY’S FERRY Printin g Ink Works. C. E. ROBINSON & BRO. 710 SANSOM STREET, 27 BEEKMAN STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. BOOK INK, 25 GENTS PER POUND. GRAY S FERRY Printin g Ink Works. C. E. ROBINSON & BRO. 710 SANSOM STREET, 27 BEEHMAN STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. UMU/Uiin BOOK OR JOB INK, 50 GENTS PER POUND. GRAY’S FERRY Printin g Ink Works. C. E. ROBINSON & BRO. 710 SANSOM STREET, 27 BEEKMAN STREET. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. .GMUOH Jffl 8TM3D 08 , MI SOI HO HOOH .T3HST3 MQEHA3 Oi? mam MHX3H8 ?s MOY W m JOB INK, 75 CENTS PER POUND. GRAY’S FERRY Printin g Ink Works. C. E. ROBINSON & BRO. 710 SANSOM STREET, 27 BEEHMAN STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. .T21HT8 1081A8 01? rMEWMMlWl « mgTg “w® ra .mot wm (D . & (-fc 27 7^ee^<>^i€^t -77^4^6'^ A ^ 7 /u & (Ja^. <$/te |//. 00 ^au'nc/. oS'/ac'/v <$ y / . & 0 is. 00 foz.00 J rrr // LABEL RED, 50 CENTS PER POUND. 50 CENTS PER POUND. LABEL BLUE, LABEL YELLOW, 50 CENTS PER POUND. LABEL GREEN, 50 CENTS PER POUND. YELLOW GOLD SIZE, $1.00 PER POUND. GRAY’S FERRY Printin g Ink Works. C. E. ROBINSON Sc BRO. 710 SANSOM STREET, 27 BEEEMAN STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. ' THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PRINTED WITH TYPE WRITING INK FOR PRINTERS’ USE, $1.50 per pound. We give below a few recommendations for our News Ink. Advertiser We consider your ink equal using it for a great many ye, Printing and Pub. Co., London, Ont (Scott Web Press.) to any make in America, and have been r s . L. K. CAMERON, Manager. Local News, West Chester, Pa. We have been using your News ink on our Type Webb Press for the last two years, and it gives good satisfaction. W. H. HODGSON, Prop’r. Binghamton Pub. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Our pressmen on News presses invariably call for your ink. We have used it for many years. In the main it runs more even, lasting longer and more economical than any we have yet found. H. A. STANLEY, Manager. Courier Co-, East Saginaw, Mich. We use your News ink with perfect satisfaction. COURIER CO., per Evans. Baltimore Daily News, Baltimore, Md . We use your News ink on our fast press with satisfaction. DAILY NEWS ASSOCIATION, per Carter. Media, Pa. We have had your News ink in constant use on the ‘ ‘American’ ’ for upwards of ten years, with the exception of two or three brief periods, when we permitted others to put in sample lots on trial, which trial invariably resulted in our going back to the old standby. Your book and job inks have given us good satisfaction for a number of years. COOPER & VERNON, per Appleton.