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JNT O AAT O IST EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING. AT THE Leavitt Art Galleries, No. 817 Broadway. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, FEBRUARY llth and 12th, f; ay COMMENCING AT 7 1-2 OT'LOCK. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Auctioneers, ^ U xAV j. Conditions of Sale. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five percent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required , in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satis¬ faction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in default of which Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges at¬ tending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. G-EO. A LEAVITT & CO. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Schreyer. Lambinet. Alcazar. Jimenez. Bombled. Vibert. Toulmouche. Marechal. Innocenti. Glaize. Egusquiza. Meyer von Bremen. Troyan. Lassalle. Pecrus. Gir circlet. Epp. Robie. Jacquet. Delort. Munkacsy. Trayer. Giceri. Desgoffe. Coomans. Campriani. Voltz. Goupil. Serrure. Wahlberg. Theo. Frere. J. H. Beard. Schneider. David Johnson. Pecrus. Emily Preyer. Fritz Muller. Rozier. Roszcezeivsfci. Lesrel. Doyen. Etc., Etc. J. B. Irving. EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING — AT THE — Leavitt Art Galleries 817 Broadway. THE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE — AT THE — Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, FEBRUARY 11th and 12th. FIRST EVENING'S SALE. WYNGAERDT (P. J. Van), Antwerp. i Landscape, View in Holland. 2 Landscape, View in Holland. GAM BA (cle Preydour), Paris. 3 Spring Time. 4 Industry. BAIRD, 5 Chickens. Paris. Paris. FRERE, (Charles), 7 Labor Lost. KNIGHT (D. R. of Philadelphia) Paris. Pup il of Meisson ier. ■ /// 8 View near Paissy. VOLCKERS (E.), Dusseldorf. 9 Interior of a Stable. BRUCK-LAJOS (Louis), Paris. Pupil of Munkacsy. io La Marquise. ROUGERON (Jules), Paris. sf* 11 The Billet-doux. FRIEDENBERG (W.), Frankfort. 12 The New Song;. DOYEN (E.) 13 The Waitress. Paris. EIECK, (Robert), Stuttgart. H Among the Ruins. BROOS (J.), Paris 15 Kirmess-Time. MEISSNER (E.), Munich 16 The Two Mothers. Paris. ROSZCEZEWSKI, Sf/- i 7 Flowers and Objects of Art. GARAY (M. de), 18 Jealousy. Paris. IRVING, (J. Beaufain), Deceased New York- 19 At the Confessional. JIMENEZ (Louis), Pans. 20 In the Park. ENGEL (J. F.), D usseldorf. Weimar. PILTZ (Otto), 62 Fresh Cake. ARNOLD (H.), Munich. 63 Devotion. MONTEMEZZO (A. D.), Munich. /A 64 Rural Scene. LOSSOW (D.) ; Munich. 65 Day Dreams. CARBANERO, (J. Morero), Paris. 66 Improving his Master’s Absence. Paris. BRUN (Charles), Medal of 1808. /67 The Flower Girl KAUFFMANN, (Hugo), Munich. ’68 The Country Inn. t-yS EGUSQUIZA (R.), Pupil of Madrago. 69 On the Balcony, Venice. Pari: / LENGO, 70 Evacuation Day. Pari s, MEYER VON BREMEN, (Prof. J. G.), Berlin. Various Medals and Decorations. 71 The Well-Learned Lesson. MOULINET (Ed. Joseph) Paris 7 2 Dividing the Spoils. PICOU (H enri), 73 Her Dolly. Paris. BEINKE (F.), Dusseldorf. 74 Devotion. O KELLY (Alois), Paris. 75 Brittany Peasant Girl. GROSSLER (W.), 76 Demand for Payment. Munich. Rome. RALDONI, 77 The Cobbler. LAWRIE (A.) 78 Landscape. 79 Landscape. NORDGREEN, (7 New York. .) Dusseldorf 80 Landscape. Second Evening’s Sale. o GIRARDET (Henri), Paris. 81 The Monkey’s GROLLERON (Paul), Paris. 82 Desirous to Share. LASSALLE (Louis), Paris. 83 Spring. 84 Winter. PECRUS (Charles), Paris. 85 Graziella. MULLER (Fritz), Dusseldorf. Pupil of his father, Prof. Carl Muller. 86 Cherub. 87 Cherub. VELTEN (W.), Munich. 88 The Hunting Party. BRELING (Hans), Munich. 89 The Wayside Inn. VALLES (A.), Rome. 90 The Sentinel. BAKER (George A.), New York. 91 Female Head. Paris. LASSALLE (Louis), 92 At the Well. JOHNSON (David), New York. s'S# 93 Esopus Creels. HEKKING (J. A.), New York. 94 New England Scenery. JOHNSON (David), New York: /SS 95 Wallkill River. LAMBINET (Emile) Deceased. Paris. Medals 1843, 1853. 1857. Legion of Honor 18G7. Hors concours. SS~ 7 > 96 French Landscape. SCHENCK (A uguste), Paris. Medal of 1865. 97 Sheep in Winter. BRUNERI (F.), Pans. /ft 98 Tenderness. 99 Paul and Virginie. JACQUET (Gustave), Paris. Medal 1868 and 1875. Hors concours. 100 Sad and Weary. EPP (Rudolph), Munich. 101 Bavarian Peasant Woman. ECKSTROM (M.), Paris. 102 River View. BECKER (Georges), Paris. Medal 1870 and 1872. Hors rancours. tfi- 103 Oriental Maiden. SCHLESINGER, (Felix), Munich. .'j) ro4 Fisherman and his Grand Children. r>*' BE>rR-EHJ. H.), 105 Mischief. HALL (Geo. H.), New York. i 06 Spanish Boy. LEYENDECKER (Paul), Paris 107 The Twins. Brussels. ROB IE, (Jean), Medals of 1851 and 1863. 108 Flowers. MESZOLI (E.) Munich. 109 On the Danube. 110 Early Morning. LASCEl (C.), Dusseldorf. 3 &C/ 111 Playing Nurse. SERRURE (A.) 112 Spring Time. Brussels. POILPOT (T1 leo), 114 The Sleigh, (Gallic Roman.) Pans. EBERLE (Adolph), Munich. * i 15 Children and their Pet Lambs. PI ET RASA NT A, Rome. isr " 6 Madame la Marquise. KAISER (E.) Munich. liv 117 Children at the Brook. M U N KACSY ( Michael), Paris. Medal 1870 and 1874. Legion of Honor 1877. Grand, Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition of 1878, at Paris. Hors concours. The Lazy Apprentice. TRAYER (Jean B.), Paris. Medal 1853 and 1855. jZ'S'S ■ 119 Mother and Child. HUMBERT (Ferdinand), Paris. Medal 1866, 1867, and 1869. Hors concoars. i 20 A Head. DELORT (Chas.), Paris. Medal 1875. if* i 2i The Marauder. RAUBER (William), Munich. /f?' 122 Traveling Acquaintances. VOLTZ (Frederic), Munich. //fp 123 Driving Home the Cattle. DESGOFFE (Blaise), Paris /frt 1 2 4 Objects of Art from the Boudoir of Marie Antoinette. DESGOFFE (Blaise), Paris. 125 Objects of Art. VAFFES (A.), 126 The Duet, Rome. COOMANS, (Joseph), 127 Glyc&re. Paris. SMITH (T. F.), New York. ^ 128 Sabbath Morning. Rome. CAROSFFFI, ^ yp • 129 Feeding the Swans. PREYER (Emily), Dusseldorf. 130 A Regal Dessert. DE PENNE (Chas. Olivier), Paris. Medal 1875. 131 Hounds. VI BERT (Jean Georges), Paris. Medal 1864, 1867 and 1868. Legion of Honor 1870. Hors concours. 132 Cardinal and Bearer of Dispatches. PERRAULT (Leon), Paris. Medals 1864 and 1876. Hors concours. \ fW 133 At the Church Port. CICERI (Eugene), Paris. Medal 1852 -- 134 On the Seine. — 135 Companion. RAPHAELLl, Rome. 136 The Ducks. ERULI (Eroli), Rome. 137 The Armorer. LEYEN DECKER (Paul), Paris. Louis XIV and the Architeete Le Notre unveiling the Fountain Neptune at Versailles. KUWASSEG (C.), --- 39 View in France. Paris. PACZKA (A.), Paris. Pupil of M. Munkansy. ■— 140 Satisfaction. FRERE (Theo.), Paris. 141 Bazaar in Cairo. W A H L B E RG (Alfred), Paris. Medal 1870, 1872. Legion of Honor 1874. Hors concours. /142 Morning, View near Boulogne. CAMPRIANE Rome. 143 The Vesuvius. /*?■ 144 On the Mediterranean. LA FOSSE (Mme. Cecile Berthe), Paris. 2 re* 145 The Dealer in Shawls. MESGRIGNY (F. De), Paris. Pupil of Rice. /sS, 146 River View. DAMOYE (E.), Paris. — 147 Landscape. GOU PI L (Jules), Paris. Medal 1873, 1874 and 1875. Hors concours. . . 148 A Lady of the time of the Directory REINHERZ (Conrad), Munich. 149 The Coming Storm. LANGEROCK (Henry), Paris. 150 Landscape. SCHREYER (Adolphe), Paris. /fPS 15 1 Bedouins on the March. BRELING (Hans), Munich. -152 Meeting on the Road. METZELAAS (E.), The Hague 153 Landscape, View in Holland. LESLIE, London 154 Scotch View. EGUSQUIZA (R ), Pupil of Machajo. 155 The New Book. SCHNEIDER (F), —-"156 Summer Sports. LETO, 157 Caught in a Storm. STREITT (F.), 15S The Faithful Watcher. LASSALLE (Loui Paris Munich Rome Munich Paris 159 Seeking Shelter. WALKER (J. A ), /fr- 160 Arabs Fording a Stream. Paris. TV ,, ■ A / -7. ■\j, A < v ,y 1 ■ - 'v " ' < \ ' 0{ \ - o ., C ' , - ! r ^ wl V 51 i, V: ', < ;' 4 ' -- ^ VfV 'I’M' V4 - /■ ij.f y-r r • v v ' k -%-■; *cJ : ~ x : f ,,xSy' ^ U v/ J > ; V - ..feU. - y n y ' -- / / ' ■ O. 4 . 4 - - --v *■ - ■' , ^v ,s/ £0>v^' / ■ . ' - ■ . • ■ ■ i ... ' b.j m i? 1 4 •; ;■ v x4' 1 1 -ivy ". .■ ;' v yy : x. .|v vrw 4. , -w, ■ : v „i-: / - X- •„ 4 £■' $ ■■ " ■ _ v • V. : ■ ■ \ : ... I - ■ M * N k - ... k\c v^v ■ ^ 4 '/*'■ ■ : ! 7 , ■ 4 ,x.x ■•"v 'VV. ' ' X. -X' V , ,i V ^d~ ' 4 Vi /’ - r x— ^ V) V) -••-•■ - * ■ .. ' V 1 X • ■ r V V,, " • x 4 , < -4 ' ' .-> x -v v. ,;■] > , ■ i * d \ % a :, - \ t • ' — - vrt. ^ ■>> , l 1 4 -■■ , k> > ■ J »' 'St -V' ■ ..V , ' - ' 'V.3J t v -;c J ' ^ If," '■ - •• ' ■- ; v ^ K L ■, ■ . f V V ; - ,< J hr /' r I H ■■ ' 1 ( - xy; v ' ■ 1 y v h >/;• - . k .< ■ " . X