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Forty Qf/ejlms
— . of the
^^"■^ Sou I^'^^"
concerning its
Original, Eflence, Subftance, Na-
ture or Qnality, and Property,
vohat It jVjfrom Eternity to Eternity.
Framed by a Lover of the Great Mvftcrics
and Anfvvered in the Year, 1^20.
Jacob Behme
Teutonicus Philofophus.
Engiiflied by John Sfarrovp,
Inthefirft Qyeftion is contained, an £a'-
jfUnationy of the Philofopbick Giobe,^r Won-
der-Eye of Eternity , or Looking-Glafs ot
Wirdom.being ONE half Light or DarkGlob
or half Eye with a Rainbow about it, parted,
with thcHaIvesreverfed,A Crofs,and Hearty
appearing in theCentre,with the Abyfs every
where, within it^ and without it, in Infinity,
b:ing all ^jjj:^ Looks»g.C/a{s.
rrintcd for U LhjfdfU ihe Caftic in Cmbif, i66^l
To the Earnejl Lowers
of IFijdom.
THE whole World
would not contain the
Books that fliould be
wriiren of Chrift, if all that
hedid^ and fpake, fliould be
Written of him, flowing from
that Fountain of Wifdom
which dwelt in him' ; What
then can be expeiSed in a little
Preface? but fome few Ob-
fervations of the foot-fteps ^
and Paths of Wifdom, and
they are fet down here , as
they occafionally prefented
themfelvcs to the Thoughts of
him, who defireth to be made
A Z fie
To the earneft lowers
fie for the acquaintance wich the
Lowcft Scholar in her School.
Many have been her Scho-
lars in their own way, which
Nature hath inchncd them to ;
or God y in them that have
kindled the Divine Natnre,and
fo have been made parrakeis of
it in their Souls : We m?.y per-
ceive the Ixccllency of every
one of them by that which hach
been left for a Record behind
them, and their ficnede to be
followed in Order till we fhall
attain the higheft Pitch we are
Ciipable of.
Since the true Grounds of
the ancient Wifdom have been
of JVifdom,
hidden in the Dark Writings
of the wife Men of former
Ages, fome in this latter Age
have endeavoured to reform
the Errors that have rifen from
the want of knowing thofe
grounds from which they
wro:e : The Writings of that
Learned S E L D EN, are e^
rainentin this kinde, among
others, by which means, the
true Fame, and Glory of Learns
ing^ hath been in feme good
part reftored again; as alio by
contriving means to dire(5tthe
way, to raife the feveral kinds
ot knowledge fromtheirown^
true Balls and Foundation.
The Renowned, Sir Framis
A3 Bacon
To the earnefl lowers
Vacon Lord Verulam Vicount 5c.
Jlbms , laid his foundation
lure, and raifed his building
high J by his Inflauratio Magm,
be caught men , firft to free
themfelves from the Ido^a Men^
tis human^^ and then laid down
the whole procefs of the Mind,
from a Natural and Experi^
mental Hiftory, to raife a Na-
tural Philofophy : which doth
iliew the way to compofe a
Divine experimental Hiftory^
to the building of a Divine Phi.
lofophy, or Myftical Divinity.
Comenim alfo, by his Panjo-
phia^ dehgneth the bcft way to
educate ail from their Child-
hood [oj that in the fhorrcil:
of Wifdom.
time they may get the higheft
Learning their Natures can at-
tain to.
^ellms in his Platform con-
cerning the Mathematicksy doth
defign to raife the Principles,
or whole Strudure of thai Art,
out of every ones felf, without
the help of Books or Inftru-
ments, by a Treatife he callcth
M^ithematkus ^*uTcl{m • which
may well be transferred to a
^hilofo^hu^j Medicns^ LegiflMory
Jurtf^erktiS, PoHticus, Theologus,
ThcofiphtiSj ^'i/t/p^.j?^
Alio chat ftridl inquirer into
Truth 3 Comes Cajlri InfuU in
his Book De Ventate^ teacheth
the true progrefle of the Mind
A 4^ ia
To the earnejl foyers
in finding the certain infallible
truth in all things.
Des Qhartes doth hy the foun:::
dation of his Philofcphy in
fuch Grounds^ and Principles^
as^rc undeniable to him that
doth but confider what is in
bis own Thoughts.
Thcfe and ibme others in
their kind^ have gone as far, as
the Natural faculty of Mans
outward reafon can reach ;
This Author Jacob Sehme^ e-
fteemeth not his own outward
Reafon, but acknowledgeth to
have received a higher Gift
from God, freely beftowed up*
on him^and left in Writing, for
the good of thofc that fhould
live after him. And
of JVifdom.
And in his Writings he hath
difcovered fucha Ground, and
fnch Principles, as do reach
into the Deepeft Myfteries of
Nature, and lead to the attain-^
ing of the higheft Powerful
Natural Wifdom, fuch as was
amongft the Ancient Philofo-
pherSj Hermes Trisme^ijius^ Zo-
roajler , Pythagoras^ Plato^ and ■
other deep Men, converfant in '
the Operative Myftcries of
Nature^ and the Modern^ Tre-
VtJMHSy Raymundus LuUm^Para"
celfuSj Sendivo^mSy and others : .
by which men will befatisfied,'
that not only they havegottCH;, ,
but that wealfo may get that
Lapis ?hilofophorum'^th^ PhilofGr-
phcrs Stone^, indeed, . Tfeofe -:
To the earnejl lowers
Thofe Principles do alPo
lead CO the attaining fuch wif-
dom as was caught in £grp/^in
nil which Learning Mofes had
skill-co the Wifdom alio which
was taught in Babylon among
the Caldeans^ Jfirokgiansy and
wifemen or M^^i, with whom
Vaniel was brought up : Alfo
to that Wifdom of the Eaft,
from whence came ihc Three
M^^/j Mat, 2. 1, who faw the
Scar that led them to Jemjalem^
and to Bethkm, where they faw
the Child Jefus, and Woi (hip-
ped, and fo returned, with
wfaomGod himfclf vouchfafed
to fpeak and dired: them what
to do.
of TFifdom.
The Ground and Principles
in his Writings, lead to the at-
taining the wifdom, which ex-
celled the wifdom of theEaft,
I K}ngs 4. 3O3 31. which Solomon
had, and wrote in the Proverbs^
and in a Book Cwhich hath noc
yet been extant with us in Eu-
rope^ but is reported to be found
in the Eaft Countrey^fome few
years fince^) wherein he wrote
of all Plants, from theCedar^ta
the Mofs that groweth upon
the Wall, and of all Living
Creatures^ l things 4. 33^
His Ground difcovereth the
way,to attain not only the deep-
eft Myfteries of Nature^ but
Divine Wifdom ^Co^Theofophie'
To the earnejl foyers
the Wifdom of Faich,which is
the fubftance of things hoped
for, and the evidence of things
not feen with the ouiw-^td Eys :
this Wifdom bringeth our in-
ward Eyes CO fee fuch things, as
Mofes law in the Mount, when
his Face (hone like the 5un,that
ir could not be beheld : fuch
things as Geha:^if^w^ when his
Mafter ElijJ?a bad prayed thac
his Eyes might be opened, (his
inward Eyes, for his outward
were as open bcfore^if not more
then any of Ours^being he was
Servant to fp great a Prophet)
fo chey were optned^and he faW'
Angels fighting for Ifrael : fuch
ihijsgs ^s Stey0^ who fa w Jqfu5
of JVifdom.
fitting at the Right Hand oF
God ; when his Face fhonelrke
the Face of an Angel at his
ftoning : A nd Paul^ who faw
things inutterable in Paradife^
when his outward Eyes were
ftruck blind : fnch Wifdom as-
this, feeth and knoweth all
Myfteries/peaketh all Tongues
of Men & Angels, that Tongue
which Jdam named all the
Creatures by in Paradife, alfo
it can do all Miracles: for the^
enjoying whereof, men wouW
give all their goods unto the^
Poor^ nay give their Bodies lo
be burned • ib dcfirable a thing
k is, to enjoy it in this Life, but
while corruption fticketh :»
To the earnejl loyers
the Soul, it muft have Charity^
or elfe this Seed of Faith will
not bear the Fruit of Eternal
Life in Paradife for everywhere
there is Nothing but an Eternal
Miracle, of which all Miracles
on Earth are but in Part ; but
when that which is perfedt is
comej then that which is im-
perfed (hall be done away.
This is the Wifdom by which
'Mofes wrought his Wonders
above Nature . and all the
Prophets from theFiifl: along
to Chri/i^ and it is that which
Our Saviour Jefus Chriflhim-
fclf taught to his Apoftles and
Difciples^and which the Com-
forter doth condnually teach
of JFijdom.
the Holy Servants of God ever
fince : and by what is written
by this Author, it may be be-
lieved chat both the fame Wi(^
dom may be attained now, and
the fame Power of the Holy
Ghoil, by which they fpeak
and wrought their Miracles^
and the Caufe difcerned why
fcarce any hath been wrought
for fo long a while : yes-men
will believe that greater things
fhall be done^ as our Saviour
tells the ApoftieSj then they
faw him do : for it will ap-
pear , that the Power in one
Man, even of one Thought \a
a Man, is able to change the
whole UnivejdTe in a Moment :
To the earnejl lowers
This Power was in pare in the
Prophets and Apoftles , who
could raife the Dead ; and
when the time appointed is
conae, that all* the Dead fhall
rife, that Power will do it,
though it fliould be but as a
Grain of Muftard-Sced in one
Man 3 and reftore the whole
Creature to the Gloriou? Liber-
ty of the Sons of God ; Sure-
ly it will be worth our pains,
to find fuch wifdom as this.
By the fludy of thefe Wri-
tings, men may come to know
( every one according to his
condition, property, and in-^
clination ) how all the real
differences of Opinioas, of all
of Pf^ifdom.
forcfjmay be reconciled'^ even the
nice ft Differences of the moft
J JLearned Critieks in all Ages ;
th.u which feemeth different
in the Writings of the Pro-
found Magical Myfiical Chjmick,
Philofoi>hers 3 froai that which
we find in the Experimental
Vhjficians, Vlnlofo^hers ^ J/lro::
nomers, may be reconciled by
Conlidering what this Author
Teacheth, that the N^mes
which were given to the Seven
Planets^ do fignifie the feven
Properties of the Eternal JSra:^
cure, and are the caufe of all
chofe things, which are by Ex-
perimental Men accounted the
firft and deepeftcaufes of all.
To the earnesi lovers \
Alfo thereby the differences
in Religion, may be fo recon-
ciledj that the Minds and Con-
fciences of all doubting per^
fons may be fatisfied about
Predeftination,Ele(5tion, Crea-
tion 5 Corruption , Salvation^
and Reftoration 3 fo clearly,
thatall will love one another,
& that hard Leffon, to love our
Enemies^ willbc readily learnt,
and Men will quickly Contri.
bute to the ftudying that one
neceffary thing, that Treafure
hid m the Field, that Gold of
the Kingdom of Heaven, that
Precious Pearl, that All in All,
Faich and Love , and Chrift,
and God, when they fliall per.
of VFifdom.
'^^jeive that all this lyeth hid in
^j:very Soul, in oneMeafiire or
''pthcr, and may be founds and
he way fet down fo plain^ thac
every Soul may find it.
Thereby the Writings of all
Vlen will be underftood, even
the very darkeft Myfteries^,
conteined in the VVritinsrs of
the Prophets^ and Apoftles ^
will be made plain and eafie to
the fimpleftThirfty Soul : and
then when that appeareth
which is now hidden, that Ex-
cellent Glory, every one will
not only fee it, but walk in the
way that leadeth to it, and fo at-
tain it in the higheft Degree of
every ones capacity and capa-
bility. While
To the earnejl lowers
While this Wifdom \%¥
growings it will {o reform
the Laws^the degrees in eve
ry Nation^ that at lengthy
the whole World will be.
governed in Peace to the joy
of all.
Perhaps fome will think
this impofl^ible^jlet them con-
fider^ that if they be told of
a Curious City^ and of the
incredible things that are
done there^ by him that hath
been there, and feen what he
relateth^ and he defcribe the
wayfoplain^ that they may
come thither themfelves^wil
they not go ? that they may
know as well as he that told
of VVifdom.
lem : do {o by this Auchor;
Lead this Book diligeiirlv^^
nd lerioully^ till youappre-
end the meaning but o? fomc
art of the way he herede-
:ribeth,which may eafily be
one.and you will be fatisfi-
d the things are true^ and
!iat the way he fheweth is
rue^ and be able to walk in
z^ andalfo be very thirfty to
ibour in that way.more and
lore^ till you attain your
/hole defire : and then you
/ill keep it as the bed: Jew-
I3 a Memorial of all Myfte-
But let every one read it
lemfelves^whccheritbe the
To the earnejl^ Sec.
highell King that fitceth up
on a Throne^ or the mcanc{
Maid that grindeth in aMill
or hear it read with thei
own Ears^ if they mean t
partake of this fo high a gi!
from the moll Hi2;h^ or ell
the Devil may eafily bereav
them of it^
To the Reader.
IF we knew the pretioufiiefs of our
ojvn Soul Si rve vpould confejs and
acknowledge within inward feel-
ingnefs , the Anfwer to Chris's
§luejlton, v^henhe Jatdi Whatfliallic
profit a Man to gain the whole World
and lofe his own Soul > Or, what
Hiall a Man give in exchange for his
Soul ? The Soul IS fo pretious that No-
thing can truly be valued at fo high a
J^te. To fave it is the greatest Gain,
to lofe it is the greatefi lofs : then who
will not highly prz:{e the fludy and un^
derflanding of the way to fave it ? Chrtfl
faith. He that will lave his Soul (hall'
lofe it, and he th^c will lofe his
Soul {hall fave it : hut who under [land-
eththis? We know it is the earnefi de-
fire of every Soul to be faved , and to
k^ happy and glorious i but the way is
To the Reader^
very unknonn to us poor fallen Soulf
for ire can hanlly fi^pofi that lojm'g
will he the Javing of our [elves : Chtiji
af/6 taught that the way to Glory wa
tlirough many tribulations & Death ;
this nay he entered into Glory y and fi
have all the Blejfed from the beginning
of the World, and can no otherivije tt
the end thereof: but hojv JhalL a Soul
knoiv the way to loje and deny it filf
fi that it may ajfuredly attain Etemai
Salvation f Let it lijlen, in its Heart
and Conjcience tnrvardly to that Teacher,
rvhich It /hall find there ^ rvho is Goa
hmfelf: IFe have the Tejlimony of Mo-
its for this y vpho told the Jfraelites^
The Word , the Commandment is
nigh thee, in thy Heart and in thy
Mouth {net the outward but the iuwara
Heart a nd Mouth.) As alfo the Jp
file Paul faith to the F^mans , That
Chrifl the Eternal Effcntial Word oj
God, the Word of Faith which they,
the Apoflks preached, is nigh us, in
To the Reader.
our Hearts and m onr Mouths : and
in another place he faiths Do J^ou not
know that Chriftis in you, except
you be paft reproof,
andfaid. We are all of his OiF-fpring,
as the Apoftle mentioneth it : Nay vpe all
knofv that he that doth well is the Ser-
vant of God, but he that doth Evil is
ii the Servant of the Devil who ruleth in
his Heart : And though there is none
CI that doth Good, no not one, nor can da
III' of himlelf, ivhtle he is in this MortaU
4 Life, yet through Chrijl in him, he can de-
«| fre to do well, andheforry when he hath
:fi beendraxnawaytodoevil by the Lufls
10 bf his own Heart ^ by which the Devil
n a temp'
To the Reader.
tcmptet]) us to do Evil J but if we will
rejijl the Devil he rvill flte from us^ if
rve will leave off to do evil^ and dejirey
trie 9 and learn to do rvelly without doubt
ive Jhall be able throng God that dwell-
eth in us : a?id then he will teach us all
things y and lead us into all Truth by
his Spirit, JU this we (hall fully un-
derfiandy and all Myjleries ^ when God
Jhall manifefl himfe^. in usy if we ear-
fiejily defire it with all Humility y felf
denyaU lofingof Our Souls ^ and being
Nothing in our /elves ; for then God
will be All in Ally and nothing is tm-
poffible with God: All thisy and much
morehath the Author of this Anfwer to
thefe §heJlions concerning the Sou/,
found true^ and hath out of Im inward
"Myftery manifeftedmany things in this^
and other Wntirigs of Imy the J^owing
whereof will be exceeding ujeful to the
furtherance of the Salvation of every
Soul j which when I had ready I was
very much fatisfedin my own Soul, and
To the Reader.
do defre that others may be made fartO"
h^rs of them ifo far as lyetb in me: I hate
ti)erefore taken in hand to put this Trea^
tife into EngUJh^ which I chofe to do ra"
ther out of the Original then out of any
Tranflations, becaufe they many times
come Jhort of the Authors own meanings
and becaufe I found many Err ours in
fome of them, and he is fa deep in his
Writings, that rve have need to defire
that our Souls may be put into fucb a
condition as his was in^ elfe they cannot
be fully under flood : But the fame God,
that fatisfied his defires , voiR fattsfie
ourSi if we cajl our f elves upon him in
Our Souls, and let him do with us what
Concerning the Author, I have now
puhUf^jed the Brief Tranflation of bis
Life^ written in High-Dutch by Abra-
ham Van Frankenberg, who was long
his acquaintance and continued fo till
his death. The J{clation is as foUowetb.
a 2
J hrief Jccount of the Life and
Con^^erfattonof JsLcoi:) Behmc,
afterli>ards by Learned Men in
Germany called Tcuconicas^
Written in High-Dutch> by Abraham
van Franckenberg, one very much
acq uainted ivith him,
JAcoh Behme was born in the year, 157 y,
n Old SeUenbHrg^ diftant about two
Miles from Geriitjc^ a City in Upper
Lufatla^ highly Eftccmed by Learned
Men : His Parents were J^f^?^ his Fa-
ther, & Vrfiilahis Mother, both Countrey
people. In his youth he kept Cattel, and
at length by advice of Friends was fent to
School, where he learned to Read and
Write, togethet with the Pear of God ; at-
terwirds was put to the Handicraft Trade
of a Shoemaker ; when he became Ma(kr
of ' his Trade in the year, i ^94. he m^rry
cd a Maid, one Catharine the Daughter of
jF/)« KmjhmaH a Butcher of Gfriitz., with
^whom he lived . Anno idoo. when
he was a fecond time touched by the Di-
vine Light, and by a fudden Glimpsof a
Pewter Veflel,he was introduced into the
Inward Ground or Center of the Hidden
He not being yet fufficiently fatisfied
with this, went forth into the open fields,
and there perceived the wonderful or won-
der-works of the Creator in the Signai
turcs. Shapes, Figures and Qualities o:
Properties of all created things,very clear
ly and plainly laid open ; whereupon be-
ing filled with exceeding Joy,kcpt filence
praifmg God , and fo contentedly fatisj
ficd himfelf therewirh for a while. I
But according to God's Holy Counfelf
and Determination •, who mansgeth hi
works in fecret, about Ten years after^z'/;?
in the year, \6\o, by the overfliadowin
of the Holy Spirit, he was a third time flii
red up and renewed by God, whercupc
being fo enlightned, with fuch guat Grac
(?/ Jacob Behtnc.
beftowed upon him, he could not put it cut
of his mind, nor Ihivc againii his God,
therefore did by fmall means, and without
the help of any Books, but only the Holy
Scripiures, wiite fecretly for himfelf thefe
Books following, viz>,
(i.) ji',7y}o^i6i2. the firft Book called
^uroray the Aforning Rednefs^ or Rifiyig of
the Spin I and being complained of to the
.i(|Magilhates of Gerlitz,^ for being the Au-
thor thereof, the Book was taken and laid
up in the Councel Houfe, with command
Jtohim, that he being an Ideot or Layick,
(hould from thence -forth forbear fuch
Jwriting of Books, which did not belong to
It his condition and employment, upon which
he abftained for feven yearsjbut after that,
u, being in like manner flirred up again by the
)«, moving of the Holy Spirit, and being ex-
lorted to it by the entreaty and defire of
ijjrome people that feared God, he took Pen
m hand again, and wenton to wiirc, and
'{Ipcrfeded with good leafure and delibera-
lijdon thefe that follow.
2. Akho, i<5ip. The fccond Book coq-
zerning the Three PriKciples^ with an Jp-
undix concerning the Three-fold Life of
,£^ 3. Anno, 1(^20. A Book of i\[zThree^
]^9ld Life of Mar;, ^. The
Of the Life afftl Converf-iltno
4. TheAnfvYer to the Forty Q^i eft ions
of the Soul, propofcd by Dr. Balthaz,er
y^alter ; in the firft Chapter whereof i$
contained a Treatife of the Reveried Eye,
or Philofophick Glebe ; with an Appen-
dix concerning the Soul, the Image of the
Soul, and the Inrba or detlioyer of the
J. Three Books. Firft, i. of the becoin-
ing Man or Incarnation of Jcfus Chiilh
Second. 1, Of the Suffering Dying and
Refurre6lion ofChrili Third. 3. Of the
Tree of Faith.
<5. A Book of the fmall fix Points, anc
a Book of the Great Six Points.
7. A Book of the Heavenly and Earth-
8. A Book of the Laft Times, orofth<
looo. years Sabbath, being two Epiftle
to Pistil. Kejm,
p. Anno, 1621, De Stgyiatura Rernm
of the fignification of the Signs or Mark
of All Things.
ic. A ConfoUtory Book of the fou
1 1. An Apology to Bahhafar Tilkjn cor
cernlng the Aurora, and another to hi!
concerning Prcdeftination,and the Pcrfo
of Ch rift and oi Marj,
12, Coi
of Jacob Behmc.
i'^. Confiderations upon Efalas Stlefells
13. Anno, 1621, A Book of True Re-
14. A Book of True Refignation.
15. A Br>ok of Regeneration, or the
New Birth.
i or an Expofition of the Three-fbld
World, to J(7^» Sigifmnnd o{ SiglfmHnd^znd
to Abraham van Frankenhergy being at
the End of an Epiftle concerning the True
iand falfe Light.
2p. A Book of the Errours of the Sefts
of Ex^ekicl Meths xo tA^ T. A,^i an
'Apology to Sjaias StlefeL
30, ABookof the Laft Judgment.
31, A Book of feveral Letters written
at feveral times.
32, A Clavis or Key of hi$ Wiitingj^bc-
i!3g the Expofition of fome words.
The Books which the Author finidiec
not, are marked thus. ( ) In thefe he
hath left fo Noble and Pretious a Talen
and Treafure, for the fetting forth God'i
Honour and Glory, and for the promotinj
Man's Salvation, both for the prefcnt am
for the future times, that fince the time
^f the Apoftler higher and deeper ground
of Jacob Behme,
ed Myfteries concerning the Deity have
fcarce been revealed i his acquaintance
for the moft part was with Godly Learned
People, and fuch as were experienced in
the knowledge of Nature, with whom he
converfed, as alfo with fome of the Noble
men of LufatU and Sllejia^ in all fear of
God ; though fonae of the Common
Preachers, have not forborn, as their ufu-
al manner is, to caft forth theic venom
againft his Writings, and to ftir up thi
Rude and fooliili People with all manner
of Reproach and Scandal : yet the Truth
JivethlVill, and hath prevailed, and will
at length Tryumph in fecret.
But he the blefled Jacob Behmg the Tett^
tomcJ^j at Gerlitz, in his Houfe, near the
Water-fide of the River Neifg, Anno.
1^24, the 18. Day of the Month of No^
'vember^ new-ftile, about the fixth hour in
the Morning, being the 24. Sundy aftec
Trinity^ after he had heard moft exceeding
lovely Tweet Mufick without his Chambeij^,
and being refreilied with the Holy Ufe of
the Teftament of Chrift at his Supper, his
'Sons and fome Good Friends praying and
\ iwceping about him, with thefe his laft.
^ and Comfortable Words,
"r NoTfi go I hmf im Turdife.
,, Meeklj
Of the Life and Convtrfation
Meekly and gently fighing, bleffedlyi
departed in the fiftieth year of his Age;
After the Preaching of the Funeral Scr-
mon, he Was buried in the Church-yard at
(j^r//V;?:,i& upon the Grave a Wooden Crof$
was fet with this Myftical three- fold Fi-
gure graven upon it, VIZ,,
An Eagle with a Lilly. Twig*
A Lyon with a Sword.
A Lamb with a Mitre.
The Supexfcripdon over the, Crofs w«
V. H. I. L. L C. I. V.
That is,
Vnfei.Heil Im Leben Jefu Ghrifti In Vwi
In English thus.
Oat Salvmon is Jn the Life of Jefus Ckrift In K/.
Vfhieh w^s J.B.Motto,or uTual fpecch
and Superfcription in his Letters.
AUo thefc words- were the Infcriptio:
qS the Crofs.
Born of Gd.L
Dfad In Jefu,
Sc^leii mth the Hdy Spirit.
Refteth here Jaco!^ Bfhms of Old Sh
Hot and vrith its B:;ak re-
ceived a Lilly-Twig reached forth out of
the Sun.
2^ The Northern Lyon was Crowned,
and figned with a Oofs-, and held in thfe
Right foot before, a fire-flaming-Sword,
and in the Left a fiery Heart, and refted
with the hough'Oi'hitider part of the Right
Foot behind upon jtCube, and -with the
Left upon a Globe.
3. The Lamb with a Mitre , walked
meekly and quietly between them both in
the Meadows, and by the Brooks and Ri-
vers of Grace.
His Seal or Stamp was a Hand out of
Heaven with a Lilly-Twig.
In the Memorial Books ofgoodfileody,.,
he ufed to write thefe Verfes.
Text, JVeme Zch ifi me Ewigkeit^
Und Evfi^ks'n rvle die Zclt^
Ptr ift kefrcj/t V9» allemftnit. .
To vohtm Time is 06 Sternitjy
And Etermtj M Time^
^4s- freed frcmallfirlf^^'
Of the Life artd Converfatlon
The outward Form of his Body was al-
moft of no Peifont^e, he was lean and
little of Stature, with a Fore-head very
much inbowed, high Temples, fomewhac
Hawk-nofed, his Eyes were Grey and ve-
ry Azure, otherwife as the Windows of
Solomons Temple, he had a lliort thin
Beard, a fmall fliril Voice, an amiable
pleafing Speech ; He was modeft in his
Behaviour, humble in his ConverCation^
and meek in Heart; his highly cnlightned
Spirit is to be difcerned by his Writings-
in the Divine Light.
The following J^latton was taJ^en out of
a Memorial of Michael Curtz, con-
cerning what happened at the Depav
tureof theBleJfed Jacob Behme.
ON Sunday {November i^ .) early in
the Morning, he called his Son 71?-
hia4y and asked him: If he heard the Ex-
cellertt Mufick^y he fa id , No ; then he
fpakc that the Door (houJd be opened,
tbatthefinging might be the better heard ;
afterward he asked what the Clock had
ftuck, and was told it had ftruck Two,hc
faidj/r ^ not )(t mj time^thrcf h^nrs hence u
of Jacob Behmc.
mj time ; In the mean while hi: fpake thefc
vroids once.
O th$u fi^ong Cod of Hvfis^ deliver me
according to thy H'lll,
O thou Crucified Lord Jefus ^hrlfi^have
Mercy ufon me^ and receive me lftt&
thy Kingdom,
When it was near about [\^^ he took
leave of his Wife and Sons ; bleffed them,
»nd f aid , Now go I hence Into Paradlfe ; He
'did bid his Son to turn him about, fighed
'deeply, and fo very meekly and quietly
?,^cparted from this World.
I ■
Thin followeth in the. former Pre-
face fr'tnted:,^ 1647* Thus.
IF it were not for the great Fruit that
I conceive may grow to every one
that ^udieth tt> IJhould be firry that
1 am the hi^rument ito mahejuch things
known in my Native Language s and\
much more unwilling it jhould be pub-
lifloed to the view of fi many various^
MindSy as are now fp^ung up : But
my hope Uy Goodnejs will get the upper
Hajidy and that the Fruits of the Spi"
rit will prevail to the fiibduing of the
tufts of the Flefh : Now I readily fub-
mit to thsCenfiire of thofi rvbo have that
good delirti and of tboje who are not
proudly and perverjly wedded to their
ewn conceits^ (when they have conjidered
this Authors meaning) whether this niU
not be c^ beneficial to us as it bath been
other Nations : Indeed fny Mi fid ^
led to thinj^i that our troubled douk-
ing Souls may receive much Comforty
leading to that fnirard Peace nhich
pajfeth ail under fianding s that all the
di^Ufbijig SeEls and Herejies arifing
froni the Darl^nefs andAIalice of Men
w and Devils, mil be made to van? Jh and
eeafiy by that underflanding which may
be kindled in them from it : they that
ride will perceive how to effeH all their
t good pur pofesy to the joy andhappinefs
11 ef them that are fubjetled to their Go-
vernment s jindSubjeiis will foon learn
to obey in every things as the Primi^
tive Martyrs did-, though they fhould
live under fuch Governours as they bad :
So God fhall beolorified by all mens
love to one another ^ and Peace will flour
rijh over all the Earth,
It may be fome wiR thinJ^ it fo hard
to attain the underflanding of this Au-
thor , when they read the Anfiver to the
Firfl ^luefiion (which is far more diffi-
^ cult
Cult then any of the others becaufe ii
contains the fum of them all in brief]
that they will forbear to take fo much
pains as they fupfofe is requijite j but
if it Jhould prove a little harder then
other writings -, the profit vpill counter-
vail the Labour with a hundredfold ad- 1
vantage > yet let every One read it
themfelvesi or hear it read with their
own EarSi that others mifeporty hin-
der them not from fo great a benefit j
and they jhall no doubt attaimty for I
am convinced by my own Experience^
that every one may receive according to
their vafi or narrow Capacity^ who have
according to my own Meafure been fa-
tisfiedi though 1 be
One of the unworthiejl of
the Children of Men,
J. s.
Before the Catalogue to the 40. ^e[fi'
ons was this Preface to the leader,
kihrlUc Author wrote this Anfwcr to
tkii\ I thcfc Q^cftions, chiefly for his
Fiicnds lake that fent them to him,
J as alfo for the Benefit of all fuch as love
'■' the knovyledgcof Myfteries : this Friend
]hoi his was Dodor Bahhafar fValteVy who
4 travelled for Learning and hidden Wif-
//j-idom, and in his return home , hapncd to
(^, hear of this Author in the City of (jerlitz,^
^j and when he had obtained acquaintance
^ f with him , he re joyced that at laft he had
'' found at home in a poor Cottage , that
^^ which he had travelled for fo far , and not
'^i received fatisfa^^ion : then he went to the
J. jfevcral Universities in Gtrmany ; and did
there colle(^ fuch Qucftions concerning
the Soul, as were thought and accounted
i ImpolTiblc to be rcfolved fundamentally
'^ and convincingly : which he made this
Catalogue of, and fent to this Author,
from whom he received thefe Anfwcrs ac-
cording to his dc(irc,wherein he and many
others that faw them received full fatis-
The Preface
When this Book was firft Printed,! crv
dcavourcd by a Fiiend to prefcntoncol
tbcm to hif Majefty KingC/?4r/fj that ther
vf as,who vouchfafed the peiufal cf itjabou-
a Month after was defircd to fay what he
thought of the Book, who anfwcred tha«#^
the Publifhcr in Engiidi feemed to fay ot
the Author, that he was no Scholar, and
if he were not, he did believe that the Ho
ly Ghott was now in Men, but if he were
a Scholar^ it was one of the bcft Inventi-
ons that ever he read. I need not add the
Cenfure of any other Perfon : kstwing
none to coaipare with this one way or o-
'his Author may be eafily wider jioodtn
every tht7igy by fuch a Confiderati-
on as thti which followeth,
tH His outward World is to the out-
I ward Man, the bcft Looking-Glafs to
fee what ever hath been, is or lliali
: in Etcrniry. Our Minds and the Co«
rations therein, arc our beft Inward Look-
g-Glifs, to fee Eternity exa(S^ly ia : In
od are all thlyjgs^ therefore every thing
ithbe^nin all Eternity in God both un-
lanifefted, and manife(ted only to himfelf
I himfclf: but in the ivorld and in our
linds they arc unmanifefted and hidden,
nd alfo Manifeft or capable of being ma-
ifefttd in their real Truth and Exift-
3cc,both as they areuncrcaturally inGod,
id Crcaturaily in all things. Accord-
igly one Text ^lys^ Rom. 1,20, The Invlfi.
UthlKgs ofhimy that isy hk Eternal Popper
•ii-fjodhead or Deity are feen by the Crea^
on of the fi^'orldy bet Kg conjidered in his
orkj, Rom. I. ip. And another h^t^what^
ever is pojjihls to he k^own of Gody he hath
^anifejied in Man.jobn 17.3 . And it is fife
ternalto know ihsc the onlyTrne God^ and
To the leader,
him whom thou haft fenty fayes the Son c
God bimfelf Chrilt Jefus. The Ecci
nal infinite Powers both of Light ar
Daxknefs in their own Immenfitiesin Gc
have alwayes been the fame, and ha\
Eternally wrought the fame effcdls, ac
produced the fame Subftanccs Spirituall]
and Invifibly to any thing but God hire
feif, which they are Manifefted to do i
the inviTible inward world of God, Spiri
and the Minds of Men, and in this vifib'
outward world ;So that we may truly leai
to know him who is all things, inour ii
ward and outward World : ail things th
are manifefted come out from him, ar
when they ceafc to be manifefted, they ei
ter into him again as into their Center m
manifefted : So he is the caufe of all Cai
fes, and when we know how he caufes ar
thing to be, as it is manifefted to be in
felf, then we underftand the Thing, ai
him that is the caufe of it : his works
all things whatfoever arc good, and cai
not ceafc to be fo, but when tCieatu
to whom he has given the power of tl
World to come, doth ufeitotfaerwife th<
its true property requires, that only b
comes evil inand to the Creature not
To the l^eader,
Jod. But God being everywhere pre-
[-;nt in his Tottl fulncfs, as himfelf fayes,
ji Jm not I he that fUeth all things ? therefore
ic highcft ctufc of every thing muft needs
: in the thing it fclf.Thc inward heavenly
nd Hdiifli Looking-Glafs is in all our
lindf , & outwardly we want not a Corpo-
IJial Looking-Glafs of whatfoever is Eter-
lil to inftrud^ our Minds withal. So that if
|c confider all the Works of God in the
•jVoild, both inwardly and outwardly, we
Innot but find and know him, and fo
Iiow all things in our fclves and in Him,
.Sid hina in our felves>&in all things elfc.
ihis I thought convenient to hint in brief
J an Introdu(^ion of the nfiind into the
kntcrof AllMyftciies.
J John SparroTV,
' Tinday, Decern^
%r, i8.iS<54.
*^ ^ E^V^ATA,
El^J^Ar A.
T^-Orty Qucft ons, Jacob Bcbme p. 2. 1. 7. r fuch net
x- Preface v. ^. r. Learned Ci'.dcaol. ?. 9. 1. 10. r *lto
that V. 10 1 8 forBc^icraer. Behme. Qucftiont. v. 3
9.r.M?ftcrie,tov. 22 1. i, r. Pirft, there w. f, 66. I. 6.
one r. n ne. v 77. 1. 3. f. dikcrnethr. difceYCfcrh.f . 17
J. 10. t in r. into, v 183.I. 7. for f r. •»«. V.190.I. l*Jt
own fcif Art and m\t. v. 216. 1. lO. Marg. r. half CircJ
1. 12. f. OIK r.on. f. 222. 1. 17. f. world r. word. ?. 2f
1.2 r.^' One. Margin 4«. »JC I. ^. f. turns rtumt
V. 25:4. I.I. r or the tctal.l. 19. Marg. I. 7. Cor part*;
Parrots v. 2f 6. 1. 7. r. Sulphur. J. 9. r. Magia. ?. i^/o
4.f Ma?.iakr.Afagfck. v a6o. I. ^.f. bcarcthr. bowc
». 278. i. f . f. right r. Light, t. 287. 1. ^. r. ChdftsFie
v.327.1.8.r. God put out the Inward. Q. 4. v. 9. 1. a
breathethr.bFeiihcd. ^'6. V. 10.1.8 f Natuer. Natu
q.6. V. 14. 1 4. f conanteth r conccnttth. ▼. 1 5 . !» 4. Mar;
f Stolyen r Stoltzcn. q.7.v.9.1,5.Marg,f W«ndclcr W
dclt . q. I i.r.r.1.4. f Carnal r Counccl. 1 6. f Prime r Prir
q.il.v6.l4.rMymick. q- U. v'ly.U.r ftouldft. I3.!
fill, qix V 3x19. f haver bear. v^ol6f CbarityrcJar
o 14 T I ? 141 Sclf-Dt fire, q 17 1 19 1 2 f yet r let. v 20
t tba r Tbce. 1 6 f thrm r thou. ▼ a 1 1 4 r to, and depe
f j5 1 ^rihcHarrcii. qi8 v 5 Iif thcyrthen- \6 I
rand, v «i l4rrcceiTCth q »i» 3I if Scckethr^ceth
a^ l^r taken in. q 13 v 7 I4 rthereby- vio In f cca
tftifcth. q 24V 17 14^ Chert, VTC lay. 926^19 17 ft'
rthcm- y 2il2raGeth. q307 17 ref the world. V31
f breaking r breathing. ? ^ol 8r fuch fliort words or
fyref. ¥5617. t been rhccre. q32vK I3 f Magiar k
na- ¥ 20 f keep r know, q 35 vi 1 5 rfcctein- v< '
Diflinguifli. v ?7 UrSclfup- q36vi8 1 2 Marg. f
ftcrr Wafler V 26I3 f ana ras. q;7f ^14^ ^inkt
working, c 40 v iol ^ r Lifes-Eilenc'cs. A?pendi» v (
ritis. V19 I 3 r Imaged, v 31 1 9 t or !•• » 33
r Imaging. V34 1 I i Men r Mao.
The Table of the
Forty Quejiions,
'J. T Y 7 Hence the SoxAexipd at
i VV ^^^ beginning.
^ _ ^ What the Souls Effence,
Subjlance, Nature i2Lnd Property ^is.
How the Soul was created to the
Image of God.
What the Souls breathing in, was,
(3 and rvhe?i it was eiFedied,
I \ How the Soul was properly forw^^
\ and fafhioned.
fi i. What the Souls power or abilhy.\%.
\\ Whether the Soul be corporeal or
J! not corporeal, ^ ,
"). In ^\i2X. manner the Soul Cometh
«J into Man, or into the Body. ,
. How the Soul doth unite it felf with
the Body,
o. Whether the Soul be Ex Traduce^
and propagated humanely and cor-
poreally^ or every time nerv created
\ and breltthed in from God.
B I i-o How
^ The Table of the Forty ^uejlions.
I j, How^nd in what place the Soi
1 2 . How the enlightening of the Soi
13. How the Soul feeds upon tl:
Word of God.
1 4. Whether fuch a new Soul be 2v/>/
.out Jin »
■I J. HowvyZ/z Cometh into the Soa
feeing it is God's Work and Creij
.1^. How the Soul is kept in fuch un
c^« or connexion, both in the Adi
mical and Regenerate Body.
•17. Whence and wherefore the of^pt
fition of the Flefh and Spirk is .
18. How the Soul departs from tfc
£ody in the Death of a man.
I ^. Whether the Soul be mortal or in
zo. How the Sonl retKrneth ti> G%
,^i. Whither the Soul goeth when
•" parteth from the Body, be it hapf
22. Wh
The Table of the Forty S^eflionf. }
z. What every Soul doth, whether
itenjoyeth orrejoyceth it felf till
the Day of the Lail Judgment.
J. Whether the wicked Souls with-
out difference in fo long a time
before the Day of Judgment, feel
any eafe or refrefhment.
4. Whether mens wiflies benefit them
orfenfibly r^w^ where they are.
i^. What the /i/^iw^of God and the
.Bofom ofyfbrdhamy is.
6. Whether the Souls departed, fa/^^
r^r^ about men, their friends, chil-
dren and goods, and know, fee,
^ Jike or diflike their undertakings. •
7. Whether they know ^underftand
I this or that art or bufinefs, whereof
'in the body they had good skill.
M. Whether alfo they can certainly
know and get ««y;7z^r^ skill in Di-
^^ vine. Angelical, Earthly, and Dia-
bohcal things, than they had in the
p.; What their 7^^jf,wf2^4^fw*g, and
CUnfivati(m, isj jur-) ' •
B 2 30. What
4 The Table of the Tarty ^ejlims.
30. What the difference ef the livin 3
and deads Refurredion of the/7o
and of the ^Sc?/^/, is.
3 I . What kind of new glorified Bo^t
they will have. ;i. ( >
52. What furthermore in the othr
life, their /irw, condition, joy, ail
glory, is.
5l. What kind of ;?za^^r QurbodiB
will have in the other life.
34. Of the mifcrable and horrilc
condition of the damned Souls,
-3f . What the Enachian \\i^ is , aii
how long It will continue.
3^5. What the Soul of the Meffiah 1
<:hrifl n,
37. WhatthCiy/^/mofChrift is tit
wa5X3bedient,which he coramen
ed into his Father s hand ?
38. Of thofe things which fhall \
done at the Endoi the World.
3 9 . What and where Paradife is, wii
it% Inhabitants f
40. Whether it be mutable, and win
it will come to be hereafter ?.
\fk Prefac EofJ.B.to
Dr. Belthafar Walter.
BEloved Sir, and my good Triendj
It is not pojjihle for
uj •^••Reafon to avfwer " Outvyard
I) your Quefltons ; for they ^^^J:^"' ^^
liir^ the greatefi Myfierm, , . ^^
i^hicb are alone J^oa>n to ^^^005 dif-
tfW» . cerned no
i . 2. fa^'YZj: Daniel faub further than
li)^ X?;2^N€buchadiiezzar, by the out-
jiThat which the King ^^^f/^'^^^-
lisketh and dcfireth of "^^^^^030/
he Learned Chaldeans,
hVftroldgians, and Wife ^^ ^
cioen, '"is-not in their po- ^
ireri only the God of Heaven can
feveal ormanifeft the hidden Thing.
I t3is not ia my Reafon to anAver the
rf^ag i biitthat theKing may perceive
he Thoughts of his heart, God hath
?b'evealed it , not that my Reafon is
greater than of all them that live.
F B 5 3. So
^ The Preface. !
3. So/ayla/fotoyoui youjhallh
Aiifweredi not that my J{eaJonis greatk
tkan of all them that live, but that yo^ ^
might perceive and obtain the thought!
of yoMr heart, your earnefl feeding ari^
difiringat ij given to rae taan/weryo
And you Jhould not tn ■\ Jiich
way fi eagerly Jeek ^/'
tAccoFdingto terfuch things, for\
•u- -. J Itandeth in no out ware
the ouiYvard- ''j> r i . . .1 c %
u^ ji,^ J\eaJon i but to the Sp* ^
fit of God mthiiig i
impojfible : and fe wig rvearetheChm
dren of God, andmChrt^ born again i
God^furely the Son muji needs fee ver^
n>ell what the Father doth in his hiufe^i
and aljb learn his skill and wor/^ •
J. And feeing rve our f elves are th
Myfleries of God, Jhallj»enot fi miic
as looh^ ttfon them, as if we ought not i
meddle with fucb Myflenes, as Anti-
chrift tn folly for biddeth us ifor none a^
frehendeth any thing of Gods Myflertei
unlefs it be given to him : andSt.j^mci
Jattbi chap, 1.17. Every good and per-
The Preface. 7
IcaGift Cometh from above from the
ather of Lights , in whom tliere is.
D alteration nor fliadow of change.
6. But feeing you feeJ^tbefe things Ji
rhemently, you are even become ths
\u[e of finding them y for Godgiveth his
lyjieries both by means and withoui;
cans > but that none might boajl, he of-
:ntimes ufeth very mean ^^eoj^le in tty
tat it may be hriomi income from His
7. Toujhallbe anfiperedrvith a very
rmanddeep AnfweTi yet compriT^din
rief not according to outward I{eafhny
ut according to the Sprit of Knonr--
8. Andthough 1 couU have fully de*
fionflrated thefe things , and fet them
lorvn in a larger defcription > yet feeing
hey are all plentifully enough defer i bed
ind explained in my other Writings > I
^afi them ever now briefly for the delight
f the J^eader^ and that this may be a-
jrief Memorial of the great Myfie*
B 4 9.Bu1^
8 The Preface.
5>. But hethat defireth to IqiovpthtJ^
things fully i and from the ground if
them, let brn feck^ ^
* The Aurora, u fhe'''^ foregoing ?rrz-
Three Principles, 2, ^- /i // .r^
i Ihiedold life, 5. f^^^'^ efpeciaHy m thi
t Third Parr, txheil
he hath the rr hole ground of the Di\'ino
Subflance i as aljo of the Creation o^
all things^ of that which is Eternal j an A
a I fo that which u temporary or tr an fit ok
iy 3 and how all hath come to he, and
acf as n doth i mdvfhat it will comett
be at lajl.
10. Wherein lyeth the Myfteriunj
m^Lgux^Td the great Myftery^ fo far as ^
Creature is able to apprehend or bear,*
Thither 1 would have you dircffed for
further Explanation, and commend m^
to you in Chriji, into the Brotherly Love,^
AnnpChnlli, i6iq.
Jacob BehemCj
The Firft Qneftion:
Vhence the Soul T^\9ccA from the Be^
giytniyt^^ ths World.
WE have fufficiently in th^
* Second and
explaift'd the f/f/^^
Wl.yftery of the Soul, by the -[Thnefold^-
three Principles of theDi- Life,
i^ine Subftance ; where we
lave defcrihd the Eternal Centre of the
Bternal Nature ; as alfo the Number Three
Df the Divine Subftance, with manycir-
:urnftanccs ; -and what Eternity hath ever
Decn ; and how the beginning of theCrea*
:ion came to be ; what an Angel and Sout •
is; as alfo the heavy Fall of Lttcifer^ and
htH both the Mothers that havelo brought
;t forth ; the one generating the Heavenly
SubR:antiality,the other, the
Hellilli fAbomination ; aI[o ^or^Ahomlna^
of Light and Darknefs. l^Ie lfd>fia'/2ce^. .
2. Therefore in this Trea-
rKe'Wc are not fo very eafily to be under*,
ftood, Hnlefs the Third pfarc of'our wiiting^j^
tavc been read .and.v«feity is Naiure, but
Majefty in ihe number Three ;yec wetnull
fay^ (hat God is /« Nacurej though Naiure
doth not contain or comprehend hicp, as
litih as .the Air can contain or compiehend
ths glaac^.ox IhiQing of the Sum^ yet w^
{tteft.f* from the Beginning* t}
A .tuft needs fay, that Nature \$ ga-^trated in
\% Will, and is a Seeking, proceeded out
f the Eternity :
6, For, where there is no Will> there is
Ifo no Defiring : But there is in God, an
'^'Eternal Wr*/?, which is" Himfcir, to generate
1 lis Heart or Sonne ; atid that ^^///jm^keth '
!'^J:he ftirring or the exit out of the mil o£
.he heart, which is- a Spirit :
Vo that the Eteinity ftandeth ' * Drfhmi cr- ^
;"[in ^^'^^ Eternail * Forms, dijhna krn^r-
iltl i. I 11^1 n r ■ or manner s^j
/which are called Performs, as subftjUnccu
;j' we have very exa<^ly explain- ■\ jheefild^'^
' ' cd it in the f third B ook, Hfei ■
2 Aftd fince we fee- and kriow; that there is^* •
'^' not only Light and Majefty,but alfo Dafl^\
^ ^f/>, as is plain before cur eyes, . -
"I '8. Therefore we ought to know/■fr6[n•■
'''. whence D/?r/^>/f/jr originateth; for in the*
* Eternity without or b^fides Natrre , K9
, E^knefff can be; for there is nothing that^
* can afford it; we muftonly look into the
'! Win,andintotheE)efiriDg5 foi a Defiling,;
^ p.-And whcreas^yet inthc Eternity ir i
f hath nothing, buroirly it felf; iiartr^Stsit
I felf m the Will, and makcth the ^f^knI^l i ;
; itnd,xhaa5-utSiDirknd^t-o-.
12 ^i^lenc^ the Smi: exipd Qi?«ft. I^W
10. Whereas otherwife if it were notl 'i
defirxmx it Would be ncrhing but an Eternaifc
ftillnefs without Being ox Subftance ; thw
attra(5ling therefore maketh Mobility andfii
ElTence, which otherwife in the ftillnefji itk
cannot be ; and therefbre alfo it makethnii
auftere aftringeney, bardnefs, and grofncfs>, i^
as alfo Hiarpnefs. t\
1 1 . Yet we cannot fay neither^ that the: im
Darkncfs/jv^/^ow^iT/; up the Light, viz,,, the; u
Eternal Liberty : for that which is Eternal^! \
fuffercth not it felf to be altered or changed:
kutwemuft fay, that Light and Darknefs,
are JN One another,
12. Now the Light is good, and hath
pkaCant vertue or power ; and the Dark^
Bcfs hath auftere or aihingt^nr, hard, cold i
and the Wills Defiring, makech Hflences
and mraBlngy that is, a (Hrring in the
bardnefs ; thus the attra<5>ed ftirreib from
rhc drawing, and is a whirling, whereby
in the /hiipnefs^ Light and Daiknefs be-i
coitlt mi filled,
.13, And thus we are to confider, how
Ae free Light in the lliarp ftir>ring, in the
Subliance Is alio, (liarpned, where we un<,
derthnd the Fire-iafh of Lightning, and
the eaittoii feveiity, and yet cannot fa^
thac any rending aiunder is ihere :
I iu eft . I . from t h Begimt/i^. 1 3^
i 14. For that which is Eternal from no
eginning, hath no farting of
ne fiom another, but ftand- "^^heehrOrby
th as a*^A^^.(j/^y>.
finailitude of it,in the Mlrid
fa man, where there is indeed a will of ri-
ing and flying, but no departing away ;
nd the greater the will isj the greater alfa
Sihtfuh^aKce^ and the more
potent IS the matter 01 the f Or^ cx^
hingreprefented^ feeing it is frep^ '^'
I J. Thus feeing the ftill liberty, wliich
s. neither Light noi Darknefs, becomcth
harp/ted in the I'harpdeGring U attracting,
o that it appearctL as a flalli of Light-
ling that Uaineth,
16, Therefore alfo we cannot fay, that
:hc Liberty holdeth or captivateth the
Light, for from Eternity it hath had w-
f)ifig : but we may well fay> that the Light
i;id the Glance fkineth in the Liberty,
• 17, For that which is
*free, lecteth in the Light ; ^Or^tramm
but that which is not free, as ^arcmf^.
the bar/Kor aiiftere al^iingen-..
Cfy which m^keth Darknefs, and ilMate^
lial ; fpokeaaftes a f^iritualimnn^h^^^t
fc^dL.'te.tix a^ the Xa^hc^. ^ ,£a^.
X4 H'hence the Soul exlftei Qj^ieft.x.'
i8. But vre may well fay, that which i$
meek, and not holding or concradin^, re- .
cciveth the Light: as ye fee in water,which|
receivechthe Light^ and ths haiihaftrin-
gent Earth, A;fff.
Alfoye have in FIRS a fufficicnt \af^ \
. - ^ / F^^^^fi^^of the Subftance of
or U^a^l \ *^^ Subftances ; for ye fee thatj'
the Fire burneth out of a har^^'
a(Jringcntjtart,matter> for it is the fharp!^
Defuing, which thus as a great j^ngmfhy
entereth into it felf, and grafpeth after
the Liberty, whereby it catcheth the Liber-
ty as ipjhy and with the Lightning ki-nd-s
lethit felf> fathat it burneth oxflamnh.
. 20. And though in the Eternal Sub*
ftance no fuch Fire is to be underftood, a?
fliineth in the Outward, yet itis fo in
the Inwariy in the haifh aftringcnt Defii
ling, and the outward remaineth a dark*
acfs.: therefore is the Eternal Fire in thd
OHtwardy dark ; and within in it felf^ in the
will of the Eseroal Liberty, itisaLightj
^hich ihineth in the ftill Er crnity>'
2j^ NoW;-we underft^d iiv-thc Firej
Ten^'Foirms^ which
*CrilfJfinctm^^-. "^^", Yin th«l
mpfiifremsA.. arc all generated. }° *"*^
ueft . I . from^ the Btgwmn^^ 15
iHy and arfi ail the Eternal Wills frofrie^
j therefore wc rightly fay,it is God*$;
nd the Likrtjy which hath the will, i$-
'i>D himrelt'; for it is the Eternity, and
;i. Ihe Firji ForrHi
Tinrfi^ Then there is the Eternal Liber*.
y,,which hath the Will, and is it felf the-
yjU. Now -every will hath a feekingto
o or to defue fomewhat ; and in that, it >
eholdeth it felf, and feeth in it felf in the'
kernity, what it felf is ; it maketh to it
slf th^ Looking'GUfs of its like ; and then
Lbeholdeth it felf, what it felf is : andfo*
iiiding nothing eUe but it felf, itdelireth; .
The Second Form. ,
The Second Forni is, that it is Befirom^
nd yet hath nothing but it felf ; therefore
isdefiringdraweth ^ or Keprefentatitn, ;
lie * Mmiel of its t Or^ a f^i^ov^ng evsTf
¥lllinit felf, and where, to^mak^ the repre'
«,«r-r,r, ,^^f u L V-ic fttitanon if figures, as blak,
mpregnatethlt.felf, 'if,aJ,y,ir,s'^ir drar^ini/om
.j-o-ihat a darknefs or white-.^r fhadoi9ingsofaB -
:\ovfrjhadowhg cam- ^ colour s.,t 9 reprtjentthingif .
;, Kth to be in the will> ^I'^h h^n^ thk it d^$
fipiQh. mmn yet ^,e[ent^,j^pj. .
t6: whence the Soul exified Queft^'i
would not have ; but ihe DeJirift^^xhQ Seek^
ing makcth it, and there is nothing that cai
confumc or drive away the Defiring.
24,, For that which is before the Defi
ring, beyond or befides the feeking, i
Free and a Nothlngy and yet it Is ; but i
it were any thing appreheniible or compre
^ hcnfible, itwereaSubftance, andftooda-
^^ain in a fubiUncc, that did afford it : B«.
^elng without Subftanc^, it is, the Etermty
that is the ^OOD y for it is no fourc^ a
pain, and hath no alteration or change, bu«
i* a Reft, and an Eternal Peace.
25. But feeing the great Sface 1% withou*
ground or foundation, where is no numb^
nor end, and alfo no beginning, therefore
it is llks a Looking-Glafs. It is ALL, anc
yet alfo as a NOTHING:
"^AVge ftgnijes an it beholdeth it felf , anc
E).e in the German .yet findeth nothing but ar
^^«»*'* A,.that isits eye i *AVge.
A A A/ ^^- ^^* T^^i^iSy thqi
jf\4^nf Eternal Original ^ tha«|
A / /\ \ fomethingh'^ foritisthe
^^ y/ S/ Eternal Beginning, and
the Eternal End. Thus
the.Abyffe feeth.in it felf,
tj^dEndethit ielf.
2.7, The
-s, AVge, the Eye,
^' md yet is in it lelf
'' 10 Sublknce ; but
"^ bus is the Original
5")f Subftance: there
'^ s neither bebw nor above , onely its
^' -ooking-Glars in the AV is thus zfeew£.
"0 28. But fince there is no ground, therc-
'' brc its Lookjfjg-Giafs is fuch an O Eye
^Wge.-ForGodbimfclf ^ ^ ' ^
.^i^^jntheApocalips,;/ ;j-^J,/r.„^,
^ 11!^ A and O, the begmmng Q.^eg^.the BeiJning^
'^ wd the end 5 the frfl and and the End,
'^ h Ufi.
^ Obfervethis according to its ptctiour
^' mimate iublinfilty ; for We fpeak not here;
^' ti Nature, in zform^hixt in the
i^ Spirit above Nature, in Chara- GOTT in the
■ierGOTTts, in God^s Cha- C^^;^«-'';.^"^»'
•* ratter or Letter. T.
* 30, The O is, GOTTes AVge, Cod's
Eye> the Eye of Eternity, that maketh
ipd is a Lookiytg'Glafs^ and is a round
circle like a globe, ©, not a ring , O.
Since we canna; Qtbciwife defciibe it,
1 8 whence the Soul cxljltd Qu eft . r^ i ^^
thus underrtand hereby; the Globe 0of|.|
the Eternity, wherein {iandeth the ground'*
of Heaven and Earrh, and of the
\Whee}y, Elements, together with the /^^r-
tt:^,.7t Wheeler Sphere-
31. For that IS a Globe like^
an ey^, and is God's Wonder-Eye, where
infrom'Eternity all Subftances or things]
hive been feen or dilcerned, but mthoiit^.
fubftance, as in a Looking-Glafs or Eye j|
for the Eye is the Eye of the Ah)jfe ;. of
which we have nopen or toiiguc to v\ritc
or rpeak,only the Spirit of Eternity biingcth
the Souls eye thereinto, and To we fee it,
clfe it would remain in flencc mute, and
undefcribed by this Hand.
l^\ Thus there is in the Eternity fuch
an Eye, which is God himfelfi and yet is
not vaRd GOD, bu t Eternity ;-: yet as to
the Eye, is A and O. B.efore the A there is
NOTHING, and in the O there is ALL ;
and in the A and O be^lnniyig and end :
therefore we fundamentally apprehend,
that in the O there is a Will, and the mil
is the O it fclf, and maketh the A; W
D that it ij the Eternities fimilitude, that
tin it felf^W it felt; for in the Abyffe
here is no finding , for there
S no * place or //w;>,but only *0r Circnnf*
he Abyfl'e • and when thus [crlption,
t findeth it felf in the Eye,
?€t then it findeth nothing but the £;tf,that
$ the Globe.
34. Now the Eye maketh the Globe,
tnd is the Globe ; and all this is together
Si the mil to fcek it felf, and fo to fee
what the Eternity is, which becometh aia-
aifeft or revealed in the Eye.
;. 35. For the Eye maketh a beginning
aiid an end, and yet there is nothing that
ittordetli it, but it giveth or affordeih it
felf, and is from Eternity in Eternity,and
xht Eternity it felf-, it toucheth nothing,
for it is in nothing, but in it felf.
16, Nowbeing there isa WilljWhichif
the Eye, which f holdeth or re-
taineih the eye , therefore that \0r con-
holding is a Dejirlng^ viz,, of t^ineih.
the Eye, and fo the Defire is at-
iri6ling into the Eye, and yet nothing is
there but the Eye, and th^ Oefning only
i*: . diaweth
20 whence the Sotil exifled Cjl^eft.i.^ I
drawith it felf in the Eye, and impregna- \
teth the Eye with that which is attra^ed,
fo that it IS full, and yet is nothing but a
daiknsfs oF the free Eye, although the Ey&
becometh not dark , but the Defiring itt
the Eye, impregnateth k felf in it fclf.
3 7- The will of the Eye is filH or quiet,
and the deliring of the will maketh it full,
and the Eye remaineth free in it felf ; for
it is from Eternirvj/r^f .• and that we cjU
the Eternal Liberty inall ourWiitingj.
- .'1 .•
Jhe Third Fornix
Now a Defiling is ftiarp and dramng^
and maketh the third Form ; via;,, zfiirrlng
in it felf, and i$ the original ^ , ,
of the^ EJTenccs, that in the ^^^^^.^f
Eye and Will, Sjfenceszifi. ^^^^"'*"^^'
39. And yet the Will cannot endure
that it be drawn, for its own right proper-
ty is to be ftili, and hold or retain the Eye
in the Circle in the Globe, and yec cannot
defend it felf from the drawing and the//-
ling^ for it hath nothing whereby it can de-
fend it felf, but the Dr firing,
40. And here originateth the Eternal
Enmity and ofpofte WilK The Will, wiU
■ 3jcft.l, from the Beginning. 21
leth not to bs dark, and yet its dsllring
- maketh it dark, it cnduretb tbxzfiirrirg rea-
••dily, for it is its manifefhtion orrcveU-
■ tionybut. the indrawing and darkning it doth
" mt love ; though indeed the Will b^cometh
aotdrawen notdarkned, but the Defiling
■ in the Will impregnate th it /f/f.
But now being the Deliring iHckcth in
'ijde darknefs,thcrefore there is a great ^«-
ijhy for it become th ftirred and drawn->
and alio darkned, and vcxeth it felt in it
felE, anddelireth the Liberty,and draw-eth
fo eagerly after the Liberty, and wiileth
to draw it felf into the Liberty, and yet
% maketh it felf onely the wore eager rough
i and hard, and is like a horrible fharpnefs,
which is ccnftuningi viz,, of the Darknefs.;
42, For it grafpeth the Liberty into it
felf, bcit isfo fharp, that it appeareth in
[C the Liberty as a fl?.lliof lightning, which
r«. -confumcth the darknefs, together with the
ti cagemcfs.t Therefore faith
* -God, ^ i AM a confumlna ^^^ut^^- 24.
43 . Here underftand, how
all Matter ftandeth in the
1 fight Fires, Might ; and f;^<^3, 12: :
•! -hwv the f ^^^^ i^iW once
2-2 fVhsfice the SohI exlfted Qucft j|(
h f urged y for that is the original of the
Fire> which ha:h ALL Might and PowcTV
for it confumeth whatfoever the defire hatb
made, be it Stone or Earth: for it is the
(hdrfnefs of the Eternal Liberty,and giveti
or affordeth, Centrum Nat ur a, the Centei
of Nature.
44. But that you may fearch yet dceperj
know that the fire in it fclf originally
(landeth in Three J^orms jviz.,Firft^ Inthc
Defiring ; And thzn^ fee on d/j^ln the Mattel
of that which is attra6led , viz., in tlw
Darknefs, in which is Subftantiality frotti
the attra6ting: And Third! jy InthcAn-
guilli-fource or Pain.
The Fourth Form.
And the Fourth Form maketh it felf
viz,, the FUfl^ of Lightning, for the Li-
berty caufeth that, and that is the kindlcr
of the Anguifli-fource : for the De(iring in
the Darknefs willeth only to have the Li-
bexty; and the Liberty being a light W/^-
ofit fliining> is therefore like a vzry deej.
Blew Colour mixed with Green, fo that it
cannot ibe difccrned plainly what colour
it is of, for allCototirs.ziz in it ; and the
X^J eft . I . from the Beginning, 2 3
:firing in it felf in its eager anguifli and
harpncfsjbreakcth the colours^and maketh
n it felf the terrible confuming Flafh of
lightning, and changcth it according to
he Anguilli, fo that it becometh Rc^,
46. "Yet the Liberty in the Defiring,
ufFereth not if felf to be bound or hM-,
)utaltereth it felf from the Red flailiof
Lightening in the Light,
nto a \gUnce of the Ma- f whoft Colour
fcfty : and that is in the is Tellow.
Liberty,an exulting great
47. For in the Light, the Eye becometh
llanifefted or revealed ; as alfo the 5«^-
^antiality in the Will, where then it be-
cometh apfrfhended what Light 01 Dark-
ncf$ is. And thus the Eternity becometh
apprehended, And thus originateth God's
HoUnejs into Wonders continually ever-
more>and from Eternity, and hath neither
{! limit nor beginning ; for it is an Eternal
ii Beginning, comprifed and framed into
i' Nothing but into the Wonders, which arc
its QYfnful?fiancej wherein there is neither
limit nor number,
48. And thus in the ftill Eternity, is
iilcothing apprehended but the glance of the
tM^jepy^ and the Spirit which is generated
^■' iu
-24 H'^htnce t he Soul exlfied Q^i e ft . r
in the Will, and is the Government ii
the Majefty.
Beloved Sir and Friend, underftand thi
fence aright ; we mean not that the Birtt
or Geniture taketh hold of the Liberty ex,
rcrnaily without it felf, but in it felf in th«
Center, it taketh hold of it felf initfelfi
and maketh Majefly in it felf; and ydfc
there is no barring in, but is as when oui
of Death or Nothing a //f^? cometh to
that thus dwelleth only in it feif ; and th;
iscalleda PnW;j/f ; and that wherein
dwelleth, is called Naturcy and hath Scvei
Spirits or Forms : as i
! l^/'^Fyj'f^^J''' to be fcen in our * Sc.
50. Yet the Principle hath but one Spi-
rit, which is the life of the Principle ; anc
hath alfo but one Will, which is tht filling
of the Eternity , with the glance of thtj
Majefty. ^ rrji •.
y I . For the Principle is the po^er o)
vertuc, generated out of the will of th<
Eternity : and the entrance or eternal be-
ginning of the Power, is the Powers Lift
and Spirit, which bringeth xhtEffeyices o!
the Genetrixy and openeth the Original oJ
the Majefty.
neft. I. from the Bi^tvfiiff^, 25
52. And the whole Eye which hath thus
►mprifed or framed it fell: into a Looking-
Ufs in the A and O, is ALL : it is the
tcinity,and bringech forth in it felf in the
\ft^x\[t Majefljy which is the heart and
>wer or vertue cf the Eye ; and alfo
ingeth forth the 5/?/nr,which in the heart
eth forth out of the Power, cue of the
:ry-lighc-ftaming Effences.
5 3. Thus you underftand the holy Num-
:r Three in one Subftance ; that the Father
the Eternity without ground, where is
OTHLNG, and yet there is ALL ; and
the Eye of his glance or lulire h^feeth
mfelf, that he is All : and in the Power
' the Majerty, he feeleth hiinfelf, and
fleth himfelf, and/w^/Z^r/j himfelf, that
! is GUT, GOOD;
ut is, that he is "; ^^f ^au .r Cro/..
'^ ^J\^ X.^' ?^' h:irdnefs,beavinefsy f^
^OUgh the *T, viz.. Hdhy, xicnfit), or pom^,
fVetght Inef s^on^inZ' derefity*
ith in the Center.
y4» And in the Spirit^ is the ftirring in
te Power, and the Mul:iplictty without
ound and nu[nber,wherein an eternal un-
;archable Multiplicity doth exift, and nil
the Power.
ry. For that which hath no ground, hath
C no
2.6 iVhcKCt the Soul exi/led Que ft
no number, and is no clefing up, or cor
prehenfion, or iliutting in ; and that whi
is within it lelf, is not apprehenfibie out
it felf ; but as to the Spirit u^s feeling i
deed. Thus the Inward diri^eth forth o
of it felf, andmanifeftethorrevealeth;
felf in F/j^;/rf/, elfe God would NOT
known or apprehended.
Thus God is together ONE Spir
and ftandeth from Eternity in THRI
Beginnings and Ends, a
* 7^r 23.24. only inhlmfclf; * There.
J-to.8.23,27. no fUce found for Him I ^
t FfnU 8^. 8« he hatk aifo nothing in hit
felf that is j- likj unto Hit.
alfo there i^ Nothing that can feek or tr
nifeft any thing more, than HIS Sfir
which alvoajes it felf, from Eternity in
ternity manifefts it Self.
f 7. He is an Eternal Seeker and Find
tSyviz,, of himfelf in great Wonders: a
what he findeth, he findeth in the: g
Power : he is the opening of the Powe
nothing is like unto Him, and nothi
findeth him, but what wdlneth or givetfc
felf up in him, thatgoeth into him, tl
wh'ich denyeth it felf that it \^, then
God's Spirit therein ALLj far it is A w
n eft . I . from the B'e^^lmtng, 2 7
the eternal NOTHING ; and y^^t b in
LL, as God*5 Spirit it felt IS.
And thisiift bdloved Sir, is the Bighe^
(jBery\, and therefore if you will find
is, feek it not in me, but /« your felf'^
t not in your * Reafon^ that mult
: zs dead, and your defuous ^Outward
11, in GOD, and fo it is f the ^ /j,'?; ^^
7/ and deed, in you, and fo the 15. * *
»iritofGod bringeth your will
to it felf, and fo yo« may Well fee what
OD is ; and what Spirits child this
Imd is, out of which Spirit, it wrifeth.
fp. And I exhort you bro.herly, thit
lu would not fo toylfomely feek it ; you
II hot fathom it fo with fearching, al-
'' lOugh you are known and beloved of
1 k)d : and therefore alfo this is given you
•r a Rule or Meafuring-Une.
'■•' do. Yet I have no power without me to
■^ veydii ; only follow my advice, and go
'" Jt from your toylfome fecking in Reafon^
'^'ito God's Will, into God's Spirit, and
•■'ift the outward Reafon away; then is
iiiour Will God's Will, and God's Spirit
, i" ill feek you' r*ithin you .
-'' ^i. And then finding your Will in it
^^ :lf, it reveakth it felf in jonr Will, as ia
C 2 its
.2.S ivhsncs the SohI exljkd fQuef
its own ; fcr if you give up that, then d
is its own, for it is All j and when it j
cth, then go you forth, for you have divi
,' Power ; all which you then' fearch, IT'
there IN,and nothing is hidden to it j rt
you fee in its Light, and arc us own. \
" your labour, fee that you receive it and''
'! Uc aright, and f caflnot
"^ i Fearl before Swine^'HWich f Mat, 7, 6,
^' : not worthy of it ; alfo in
;! trnit^ will «^r be worthy of it.
'■ 5 J. For that which is herein revealed
,^, to you, beJongeth unto God's ChlUreni
'J rrefore be faithful, and trade with ic
•ording to the 5p/r/f,and'
1 1 according to '' Rfcafon. " "ike Reafon o?
^66, Forit is fofubtile, theearthlydefift
r..t it endureth not that 1^/^/
rt ich IS earthy generated, w^rtal corrupt
S< Covetoufnefs, Piide,oi fiefhand blood,
in boaftingand glorying
i fclf : although you are one of them,'
tlook into whon:i you pour Oyl, for ic
9yfon to many ; let thcmfeJves feek as
have done ; but give the Children
iir bread, that they may eat, and praifc
,1 r Father in Heaven : to that end it i^
: ^cn yoB.
The Fifth Form of Fire in the
Eternal WilL
filThus having opened to you an Entrance
^id Lookl»g'g/afs of the Eternal Gnginal,
C 3 whence
30 PVhefice the Soul exlfleii Queft
whence thi Eternal F/V^ originateth, ai
what it is ; To it is necelTary alfo fuichei
lliew you, according to the hi^heft D^pi,
what the Eternal Nature in its propag
lion is.
<5H. Wherein then T)i'(7 Kingdoms ?
to be underliood ; the one a good and pk
faiK one, the other an evil and fiei
wrathful one> an eternal envious fad or
After which two, the Philofcphers fr(
the beginning of the world, have contli
ally fought and laboured i but the time
finding hath not been yet born,
dp. But now it is, fo.xhat the hlk
thing fhall be found, not by me alone, I
by many who will be faithful, and hum!
tlkmfelves in God, and feck in his Spi
and Will. It will only be found in Go
Eye, elfe no where : therefore let ne
enter into any other thing with feekii
clfe he findeth the Devil.
70. Seeing then the Eternity is th
which yet is NOTHING ; but thereir
Light and Darknefs,Life and Spirit, wh
is ALL ; therefore there is and mull
in boih a feeking, viz^, a deiiring contii
ally to find it felf, where yet there is 1
thing that can find but the Sfirit,
71. Now fceins; it hath nothing iha
^ find
tei ^eft. I . from the Beginning, 3 '^
idcth, and yet alio the Defuing etcrnal-
goeth forward, therefore the Dsfning is
^gure of the feeking Will, a fimilitude
Ofi wording to God's Eye, and is a Looking-
:afs of the Eternal Eye, which is called
72.. Now this is in Two wayes, one ac-
k ording to the Light ^ and one accoiding
D the Dark^nefs ; for the Seeking is in
thy and yet there is no departing of
ne from the other : thus the Light is in
e inward, and the Darknefs in the out-
i^ard; whereas yet the moft inward of all,
;<■$. alfo the m-oft outward ; but the Light is
e, be middlcmoft.
ili 71* For it is in nothing, therefore it
Sj ;annot be the inntrmoft of alljfor it hath no
^ tlace or limit ^ it is its own finding, which
H he Darknefs find eth not ,• but the will in
yJie Darknefs, which dcfireth the Light,
hat goeth forth out of the Darknefs, and
IB hat Ihndeth Eternally in the Light.
ii 74. Now the Light's defiling, fetteh be-
'li ore it felf a Model of its likenefs, wherein
1 the Eternity ftandeth revealed or mani-
iifefted, viz.. all and every thing which the
il-Spirit in the Eternal Power of God from
lEteinity in Etzvmi) findeth in it felf.
7 J. That Model is not God,ihe Eterni-
C 4 ty
^2 . Whnce the Soul £X\fled Qu e ft . il^
ty itfelf, for it bsginncth it felf in thi
Spirit, and is the Spirits wonder, which ii
from Eternity fecketh and findeth ^ an<
ftandethin Gods Eye as a Ft^nre^ and a]
Wonders of the AbyiTe of Eternity an
therein, and become feen in the Lii^hto
the Mijeliy, as one Wonder in many end
leis Wonders.
7efinng,where the Deiiring anraBith into
t felf, and impregnateth it felf,- fo that it
s -a ftinging bitter aflrin^ent> or harfli,
urd, cold, fierce, wrathful fire-fpirit >•-
or the Deiiring miketh aftringent, auftere-
n harfh from the attracting in the Wilf,
md the attracting is Ringing, and the.
.uffering is bitter, which the Will willeth
not^ and thereupon in it felf goeth forth
from the fling, and makzth a Principle of
it* own; in which the Mijelly app^areth*
82. Thus exi'Jeih in xhz bitter fufferin?,-
tbcgteatAagulfn," whereas yet nothing is
there that fuffcreth, but it is in it feM".^i«^,i
oj G 5; ; tnd
5 4 1^'hemt the^ Soul exificii Q^el1:i.
and it is its own Life ; and if this m
no'-, the GUnce of the Majelty would n<'
be neiche% the one is the caufe of nF|
other^ for in the DaikneCs is the fl^rk/<
Lightning, and in the Liberty the Ligl
with the Majefty; K'u-^r.
8^. And this now is the parting, th
the Liberty is a ftill nothing ; which L;
berty receiveththe Light,and maketh th
Darknefs M^terialy whereas yet there i
no fublhnce of palpability ; but dark fpi
Jit and power, a filling of the Lib:rtY ii
it felf, underftand in the Defiling no
without, for mtkom is the Liberty.
84. Therefore is God the moft fecrer.
and alfothe moft revealed ; and that ij
MyPerinm mugKHm^ the great Myf^cry,
Thus the Abyff* is alfo fecrer, and yei
revealed, as the Daikiefs is before qui
eyes ; bur the fourceor pain is unfearch-
able, or unperceptible, till the
\ImmtY- wili|diveth thJereinto, then
^eth, ic become th iaXi and found,
when the will lofeth the Ligh*:
and herein lyeth the ground of right be-
leeving, or true Fairh. Let this be told
you ye Teachers in ^ahd,
8 J. Since then there is an Aby(l",vyh:ch
is called dkGromidjinrerpei^ of the coin-
V .j ijueft. I . /o/?/ the Biglmlr,^, 3 5"
; vji nehenfion of the Dajknei's ,' where the
;. ourceorpain is as a caufe of th* Lifs
• nthtn: for the fierce vvrathfull flalli o£
lightening, is the awakening of the Life;
_ vhereas there is nothing there but in it
elf, therefore it is alio a DeHring, and
he Deliringis a Seeking, and ^et can find
" lOihingbut a Looking-gU^s^ and a finr/ili-
ce of the darkjhercc^ wrathful fource or
uin, wherein KQthiyig is.
8d. For ir is a f ii.gnre of f Or^ Re}rc^
.he eaineft, fevere, fierce, fentatkyj,
• vrathful flalli of L'ghtning,
md of the limp and ftrong Might, which
.. s God's, according to which
,,.ie calleth himfelf, "* aCon- *'DeHt>^.i^
J ''timing Fire y a n d z?;^ ^^^J >
i; 87, This Looking-glafs is ^//i? wiihout
.Ground, without Beginning and End, and
I pet hath an Eternal Beginning and End,
Jmd is the Eternal Only Caufe that the.
Abyffe is Blew Dusky and Fiery. It is the
Caufe. of the Stars and Elements ^ for the-
Fiiniim^nt is the o:her or feccnd Look-*
i.ng-gbfs generated cut 0^ .this,
88. Since then there is i^ all thing? a
ThreefoldSouice,one vf hereof is the bihers
Lobking^gla^y GenaatiiJg.and Caufe, no-
^6 H'Unee the Soul exited Qi^cft. Xtl
thing excepted, All ftandeth according to
the Subfhnce or Working of ihe Numbef
Novy feeing there is a Looking-ghfs id
th:Aby{le, wherein the fource or quali^
ty beholdeth it f elf, therefore that alfois
a tigure and image of the fource or quality,
which ftandeth before the fource or quali-
ty> and^^^^^or generateth nothing, but is
a Virgin of the fource quality or pain,
wherein the fierce Wrath of the fladi of
Lightiiingdifcoversitfelf in injimtym:h^
out Number, and continually openeth it?
wonders therein, wi^th the bitter fpirit of
the ftirring Effences, which in the flafh of
Lightening hath its Life, fo that it goeth
fppifcer than a Thought.
po. Though indeed the THOUGHTS
of the Creatures ftand and move herein ;
and the Spirits of all living Creatures are
wi^h their Rooclhnding herdn^every Life
according to its Principle.
pi.. And in this Spirit of the fire-fla/?),
ftandeth the Gre^t Omnipo*ent Life, for ic
is confuming^as the fUlh of Lighcning con«.
fumeth the Darknefs , and that Fire all
things, and jet continueth a Life in it felf,
but^it is an Hunger and Thiill, and m^ji
ueft . 1 . from thf Beginning, 3 ?^-
e Subftantiality , clfe it continueth 4
aik Hunger-fire,a will of devouring and,
living Nothing, a will to rage, prick and.
nd nothing, but it felf, out of which
luf^ the Subftantiality, vlx,.. the Water,
J alio Sifiphfir is generated and generatetk
; ielf, from Eternity to Eternity.
92^ Here feek tht firj} Root of the Soul,.
Iz,. in the FirerLife, and ih^fecondy in?
le Light-Life in the Majcfty, and then
au will find God's Image and (imilitudey
nd the greateft Myftery of. the Deity ly-
ng therein.
^ Since then there is fifchan Eye of the.
iercc Wrath, wherein th^ earneftfevere
tern fire-life originateth, yet is not at all
"ffxdred from theTire-Life, it is One and
ibefame Life, and hath Two Principles ;
'or it burneth in a twofold fource or qua-
ity, one within another,- and is One Spi-
rit in Two diftir^tions with two Willsjthe.
:>ne dwdling in the Fire, the- other in the
94* And know foi certain alTu redly that^
the. Dark Fire-Life is the the Abyffe of
Hfily for .it is the ftesn fevere Aii^er of
\Pj, And feek, it ..not.fo, as B^hl the.
3 8 fVhence the Soul exlfted (^i eft . i
great City of Confufion upon earth Z^^ri
foptghty which yet wc blame for nochinc
elle,but her negligence and inconiiderate-
Hefs, feeking felf-honour and power, and
fo hath captvatei her fclf in the fierce
wrathful Anger of Cod, which hath had
her a long time under its Wonders, an4
^ drawn many fouls into its fource or qua*
lity. Confiderwell of it. i
\rhree^fdd P^- In tjief Third Part
of our Writings, it is lar^e*
ly defcribed, for that is
fomewhat eafi^r to reach than this ; but
this is the deepeft Ground of Eternity, as
much as a Spirit can be capable of, for
more it C A N N O T b2ar, yet it may be
expreffcd much more at large , but not
more deeply, for it is comprized in the
Abyffe in both Principles; as indeed a
Soul oiiginateth in the Abyife in both Prin-
ciples, and in the fpiritual Will in the
97. And therefore if it be not circum-
fpec}^ the Devil may eahly ride upon ir3
Chariot, viz.. upon us Will ; but if it bi
^ r n 1 circumfped, and c;lkth it
Into Good. r \c ■ u * r>x-/y c L
-p. ^ felf into the * fi^lL of the
^'J''^^- Majerty ot God, then the
holy Spirit of God ridcth upon its will, and
it is his Chariot. ^ S . Here-
i2,cft • ' • from the Beginmng, 3 9
I 98. Herein you may clearly difcern
■leaven and Hell, Angels and Devils, Evil
nd Good, Life and Death, if you but
mch after it, as weihall further mention
The Sixth Term of Fire,
Thus then feeing Two Principles ftand
n Oyje Subliance, as none vvith reafon can
Beak againft it ; for every Life /ian^eth in
foyfon and Light, every one in its own
Principle, according as it bath the Source
ff Fountain Quality, fo hath it alfa its
irght. Thus it may be difcerncd concern,
ig theSurtenance of the Life ; what that
which fuftains or preferves tfaeLife,that
fiarve or famillinot, and whatdiiveth
:>rth its Source or fountain Quality ^ that
mz'j.fMbfijiEtrrtjally, ."
100. Now this alio is inTV^jdiftiniS^i-
ii^ ;- for'the Light-Life hath its fource or
aim tain quality, and driving forth ; and
le Fire-Life alfo its fource or fount^ir^
uality, and driving. forth, each in it felf ;
ic the Fire- Life is a Canfeo^ the Light-
ife ;' and the Light-Life is a Lord of the
*i»e^-Life : aixd heicin lydtk the/^/fn-
4P wheKce the Soul exifled Qaeft.l
urn magmm, the great Myftery.
10 1. For if there were no Fire, then
would alfo be no Light, and alfo no Spi
rit ; and if there were no Spirit that di(
blow up the Fire> then the Fire w®uli
fmother and extinguidi, and would be
Darknefs ; and fo one mthoftt the othc
would not be; thus they belong both t(
one another> zxi^ yet they fever one fron
the other, but without /;»«^ away ,» anc
yet iherc is a flying of the Spirit.
102. To be underftood, thus look uponj
a glowing red hot Fire ; F/Vy?, There ii
the Matter 'OMX.oi which it burneth ; an
that is the aftring^nr auftere fourcc attra-i
^ed bitter Subftancc, which {iandeth in ar
anguilli Source or Quality> whether it hx
wood or whatfoevet elfe, which isadari
103. Now when that is kindled, then j
Man fees three Principles ; i. Tht
Wood in the Darh^efs^ with the outwarc
Source or fountain Quality of this World
2» Which aifo' hath its. life, elfeitwoulc
not take fire,
Now the Flr^ hath a fierce wrathful,
aftiingent 01 four, ftrong orftern, bittej
thiyfty^-d^firousSouiceoxQ^lity, a de-
l"f' jiieft, I . from the BegiKnln^^, 4 1
f' Iturin^ Confuming, and the Great Bitter-
t«rs is its right Lifv:,a rager aod a vpah^ner^
^■athith all tflencesof Lifcinit, andis
'«ilro the power of the Life, and of the Dri-
^«ng forth, el ic there would be noBurning:
iifioj'. And that rnaketh the great An-
»-'i liili- reeking after the Liberty, and in the
)a :re it attatneth the Lihertjy for itcon-
lio oieth in the fierce wrath, the Darknefs
5 id alio the Muter of- the Fire, from which
leFirebuineth, ,
ip( 106,
And here we apprehend the One only
pirir, which parteth it fclf into Tvfo Pr in-
.ples> into Two Spirits, yet not affunder,
t one flying from the other, and yet the
e comprehendeth not the other ; and one
the Life and Caufe of the other.
107. And therefore it is Two Princi-
cs, fince it giveth or affordeth a tvvo-
i>ld Source or fountain Quality and Life ;
nd is but one Root which affordeth that ;
ne one giveth Life, the other giveth food
the Life ; and this is a wonder, and yet
4ot a wonder, for there is nothing that ic
If can wonder at, for it is it i^U allthifigx
Q Oxe Suhftance-.
ic8. Now biihold, the Fire isfiiftthe
eeking, todrawinto it;lelf; that is-the
4 2 whence t he Soul extfied Qu e R . i
SubiUntiality, the Phnr ; for the Seekinji
maketh that in the D^firing, in refpecl c
its dram-rig^ elfe Nothing would be ; am
the Drawing is the bitter rting, a Breaker
which cannot endure theSublhntiality ,na
vflllnot endure it ; and that not willing t<
endure, is an angui/Ii in the will, to oven
pow,:r the Subliantiality with the bitte
Sting; and the Anguish penitrateth or preC
feth intoitfelf, and reacheth after the LI
berty, and the Liberty \s efteemed a Ligh
in refpev^: of the-Darknefs.
109. Now the Anguifh is a horribles
Sharpnefs ; and thus is the Liberty capti
vated and (harped^ fo that it is a Fire-fl^d
of Lightning ; and the Anguifh Will ii
the fliarpnefs of the bitter Flaili of Light
ning co»fumeth the Subftintiallty , be i
wood or any thing elfe.
no. And when it hath confum^d if
then is the Anguifh again a Da-rknef^, am
tbePladiof Li^htnin^ rcmaineth bidder
in ic feif again, and i? an extrngftiihinj^
and the Anguifh is in the Darknefs, viz,
before the flilli of fire, and (Undeth no7
in a terrible Source or fountain Quality
where the Blcternefs in refpecft of the rougl
artradling, becometh continHdlly generate(
the more terrible
III. Nov
^^'^' J^ieft.i. fromtheBeginyilu^, 43
^ .Now cbicrve, thi-s is thus according to
he outward Principle of this World, as is
^''^ mdeniable before our eyes : andlother\
there is in the 6termtjiuc\\ a continual
(tibfifting SublUnce, which we deinonftrate
^^'2fco you thus. Obferve and confider the
"tteepth, and read here diligemly.
'rtl X12. Jhtfi/ikingdovonoi the Angtiiih in
t the eternal Darkners,is an eternal Hunger
'aland Thiift, and an eternal D^firing, and
die Daiknefs in itfelf, attaineth in the E-
'''|'teniiy,iV that in every will of eve-
ry Effence, there is again a C'>:nter of a
whole Subftancc.
11(5. And
jMCft.l. fromtheSeglnnln-g, 45
116. And that is the Caufe of the
Creation of this World, in that the Mo-
el hath thcs appeared in A Looking-Glafs
rem Eternity, and hath Itood in the Eter-
^ .f nal Eflences in the * Fi-
. '^ ■' g^''- y ^^ inaVigmwitn-
Totioft, out generating, and hath
>cen feen in the Light of God : And thence
>riginateth the Matter of the Earth, of
be Stars and Elements, alfo all Art, Wit
)r. Ingenuity, Craft or Subtilty> l^eceir,
?aI(hood,Covetourners and high-minded-
jefs, in the Creatures of this World. .
117. For this World is a material feek-
tflg out of the Eternal, and is in the Crea-
tion, vtz,. In verho Viat^ in the word Tlat^
tl^rough the Water- Heaven, become ma^
serial and palpable ; as is to be feen in
Eaith and Stones : And the Firmament
with the Elements is ftill ihtfeeklng^ and
feekech the Earthly., for it cannot reacjh
back i-nto the EternaL
118. For every fubftance or thing-goes
forward, folong, till the End findeth the
Beginning ; then the BeginniRg fwaliow-
€thuptheEnd again, and is i^'weternd"
ly wlis,except this, that the Model remain-
eth ; for the Model is out of the Eternal,
out of which the Creation weivt forth into
4^ M^'hencethe Sonlexiflei Qiieftj^jr
zSHhjla^we^ like the Wonder-Eye of Goi|^
1 19. Alio ic is mentioned to you, tbi*-'
the sp''i^it-^ir> ^hus originateth out of thi'i
bitter eternal Fire-Spirit, which alfo gcjil^'
cth forward after the Wonders in the WilfN"
of the feeking of the Eflences, as of tlu '^'
Stars, and therefore it maketh a whlrliM^ ^
aboHt^ and cometh from many places ; aM
from above, from beneath, from this (idi
and that fide, and often as a Wheel, al)f
. iCcording as the Fire-feeking, with th«|
Effences of the Srars> become kindled,
120. And this is together as a wheel
the Mind, and hith its own Will-Spirit j|
and an Own Self-Life, and an own Witf
^nd therefore it is a Principle, and ftant
ethp long^ till the End findcth tlie Bcgii
ning ; then the Beginning taketh the Eni
into it felf, and maketh the Middle, anc^
whatfoevei was done therein, manifcftoi
revealed: as you lliould, and will well
confiderof this, unkfs you be FooUili Vir-
121. Alfo this Dominion ftandeth no
longer, then it is in the Number of the
Creation ; for every Day of ibtCrean-
cffy is a Circle of a %evolfition in tie ^jCy
jefl. I. from the Beginning, 47
d hath its Number ; whereof ^
en is the Crofs X, the higb:ft ^^
umber : and Man hath the Kum-
r Ten^ 10 times Ten, viz,, A
ndred 100. and in the Ctovvn of
dradife, the number Thoufand,
Qoo. and in the eternal Subftan-
ality in the Divine Center of
e Majetty, it hath No Num- ^
r, o. "
122. Now fee aright with good clear
yes; Godcreatei in fix Dayes this World,
ith all Subliances o:Tki>;gs^ and it was
nidied in the middle of theSix:h Day,
aft Noon, towards Evening ; then began
he ^^/on the Sixth Day, and the Sabbath
vas the Seventh Day : Thus the Eternal
left jomi the Beginning of the Creation
>n the Sixth Day after Noon, that was the
?nd ; there came the Beginning and £nd
:ogether into one, and it was marnfejiei
YhatGod had made in the Dayes.
'Now fince Man hath deftroyed theAnge-
lical Body through his IlTiagiratlon^
^d hath introduced it into a cor-
ruptible Number, viz,, into the Outward
Pimciple-; therefore he is alfo therein, for
4^ fPhcKce the SohI exiJJcd Q;^ieft.
he hath loll the Paiadiiical Number, ai
15 fee in the hundrech,ioo, Number,whe
'indeed aiio in ih^Ofitward Life, his Lead
or ConduBrr is given to him ; that is, I
hath given himielF tohimfelf; thercfoi,
his Number of ^nifhingin the Circle
the oucward Principle, is clearly appr
hcnhble to us.
124. If we fundamentally know, it
HoHr of the Sixth Day, in which the Cre;
tion was finifhed, we would fet you dow
the Year and Daj*^ undeiftand of the la
Day, for it ftayeth not one Minute over
it hath its Limit, which ftandcth hidde
in the Inivard Circle.
lay. Therefore know a{luredly>that th
time is near^ for in the lixth Day af cej
noon, began theRert of the Eternal Daj
and therefore hath God inlUtuted the Sat
bath of the Seventh Day for a Reft, an
continual perpetual Remembrance^
126, And as on the Sixth Day toward
Evening, began the Reft and the entranc
<>f the Revelation of the Works of -th
Creation,where the £nd hath received th
Beginning in again, and fo the Six Da ye
in the Circle have ftood as a f^onder : S
know this,tha.t ye were created inParadife
hwi are gone out of it, and entered in:^
ic Spirit of the fierce wrachfull Death,
>hich hath now wrought its Wonders in
ou al;ove the half iixt thoufand yeatjabovc
1 jco years.
' 127. And now the End hath found the
leginning again, and yc i\\i\\ fee, alfo
:el and tind W^at theParadife hath heett^
tlz., all thofe that become generated or
lornin God,
128. For the Paradife is become genc-
ated or horn again ; thus Tpoken after the
nanner of Reafon, and not in God : but
•e cannot efcape mortality, alio the fierce
Ivrath ihtheFlerh,bat in the Mind and ia
' he Soul the Paradfie ftandeth now more
ind more manifefted or revealed to the
Mphildren of God, and they have the right
Jlalic of the Power.
^ i2p. And, no Craft or Subtilty nor
[jvlight and Power can keep it back, no
jubtilty can tak^ It ayoaj or quench it, not
j;io Devil deftroy it ; for the End hath
.j'ound the Beginning : there is rw preven-
jingofit, the Might or Power, and Falf-
jood hreaV^th j and there is moreover a
^vattingfor the Bridegroom^ for the Chil-
jiren of God iliaU become found in Para-
dife, when the TVr^^ in the fierce wrath
JOiall be fwallowed up. We fpeak what we
J D deaily
JO whsnectheSo^iexJjki Queft.^V
del ly and pretioafly apprehend and affu
ledly know in the Wonders.
130. Thus as above-men cicned, (un
dcrliand us aright) there Is generai^doa
of the fierce wrath of the Angcr,f)iit.of .ih
Eternal Center, out of which ihisVVoiit
is become generated and created , as,
feeking of the Eternal in the Spirit of thi
World, in this Principle wherein we no\
live> and there will continually be gene
tated, Faliliood, Covetouinefs, Ciift q
cunning Subtilty, Deceit, Enmity m th!
will, Lying, Murder, High-mind^dneCs
defire of Honour, cwn Self-m'ght an
power. Art, Wit, the VVifdom^cf thi
World proceeding from Reafon ; for all \
out-of this Root,and ftandcth in Gods Ar
oer- Wonders,' And how firjc foever Reaio,
and own Sslf-wit,-is,yet.it is .iatheAngc
of God, and fpringeth out of the Abyfle.
131. Here behold thy felf thou fai"
World, it is no conje^nre^ as thou holdft 1
to be, it is apprehended in Temario.fa'Mi
in the. holy Ternary or Number" ■//-.
And they that cannot re:ch this" Col,:
Limit zrQ, captivated of Antichrifl, n
bekngat hrt to this Like, out c^ w ^
thev are grown : there is no lim.e m
lin^ ing) ^^^^ Doors 0. GaCv^s flana opeii
%: Turha will fwaJlow up wiih ic I'clf
f latfoever is grown up in it.
132. rhus'now obferve us, farther^
Cncerning the Eternal Fire, and take a
fulitude from a!l fire in his world, for
liat is in the Ete^niiy, ^ Sfirity that is in
iS "^oMzSuhfiance : Thus ye fee (hat
e, m it felf, is an anguishing fierce
athful climing up, bitter fubli.^.nce and
irce or foDntain-quality> and yet ye fee
the Fires ownForm^nothing elle buc the
fh of the ihiningjthe fource or fountain
ality of heat ye fee not, you muft only
133. Now ye fee alfo that the burning
e fendeth a Smokf up from ir, and in the
^(loke is a Water, whence Soot cometh to
^which cleaves to the wall, efpecially
?|the fire be clofcd In that it is not free,.
isnis the Soot manifeft as in a Furnace :
illis is Soot and Water mixed one in ano-
l^ler, by which, underftand ihe Material
"hnh out of the Eternal Fire, which Lh-
'^er kindled, where then in the fierce
^Irath, Time began, and- the
•ireation proceeded, as in the T^W''^^'
vThira Pare is mentioned.
1134. Now underftand the Great My-
::^':ry ^^jflerlum Magntim funher : ye fee
^1at every fire give th light, and then ye
P a fee
5' 2 IVhence t he Soul exijfed Q;i ? ft . L
f^c that Mr gosth forth out of the Firfe*
fourcc 01 Quality : and ye underftand x^'eS
ry well, that if the fire had r^ot Air a^ain^
it would fmoih:r or go out, as alffires
ftnother, if they have not Air, and yg
they alfo generate Air; the Air is the Fira
life, which originateth out of th: anxiolf
bitter ftirring Source or fountain Q^ialil
of the Eflences out of the Will, ;
135'. Now ye fee alfo well, that Fiji f
muft have fomewhat to conftimey clfe itl
a Darknefs ; and though it devoureth •?
felf, viz.. its (hong or fiern attradiion, yi
that very fire is only a fourceor fou
tain^«4//>7in the Darknefs, whereby
iinderftand the Abyfs of the Anger ; whi
in God, is not revealed or manifelled, bid
only as a Canfe of the Life in the Kingdojl ^'
cf God. ' K
1^6, Ye fee this, thit every Fire mm
have fubftance, if it murt hnr/t : undet
itand this thus, the Fire affordeth Air, thii
Air, Water; and itdraweth the Air (irong-!!"
ly^^ain into it felf with the watcr,whenc('
the Fires lource or fountainquality of hea|
becometh mltilgated or mcekned, i?o thaij
it Aiineth.
* or ir>.r •, ^^J- For without * Wat«
thit iiO^L ^^ ^^^^ fhineth, where iri ■
thing, the Water is mt to '
left. I. from the Beginmng, f J
vi;W, there is no/hinirg of iheFire,
tonly a glimps ; as is lobefeen in a
owing or red hoc Scone, whit h huh the
urce or quality of Fire;6c of ih^ /Lining
hath nochingbut only aglin:ips, it may
: not that : but in the Iron ye lee a giimps^
herein the Fire attainech the Wa^er,
berefore alfolron is at length <:5>»/j«w^^>
,^d getteth ruft) and a Stone Not* This is
jius to be underllood according to the out-
•ard Principle of this Woild. but accor-
,ing to the inward, W;?>. according to the
ringdom of God ; obfcrve this underftan-
ing : the Eternal Fire burneth Eternally,
.utlt is a Spirit, and in the Kingdom of
3od, r>ot mmifefted or revealed in a fierce
riathful manner.
138. Obferve this thus, the flalnmaketh
(hining, which originatcth from the fire,
pd dwellech not in the fierce wrath of
;he fire, but it fatiateth or fulfiUeth the
,ire totally, and giveth light alfo extein^l-
iy out of the fire, and is not held or de-
tained by the fire, and bringeih alio a fe-
vcralfource orquallity, as MeeknefSjand
hath yet the Fires venue or power. Wit or
Ingenuity and Art;for in th;i Light is fiift^
the Fires Source or Quality in ih^ ElTen-
ces, manifefted or revealed,
C 3 . 130. Now
:5'4 Jl-ijence the SonUx'fled Qnt{^,\<
139. Now [he Li?,ht miketh no fourc'
orp/.7, but§02thin itfelf in:o a Meek
nils, and is alio dv^firous, proceeding frdllf
"the Fires fouiee or Qtality > anditsckjf
liring is -alfo xn attracting, as viz.. of t^f
,meek'iers ai^d vertue or power into it feW
and ifnprogna:th it felt' with meek^efs. jl
140. For ihe Light is alio a fire, a ve||
yearning Hre, a difirous Fir.*, and a con
nuaiyj.^i;^^^ fire, which coniinualiy findeihj
what is generated in the Original. '!
141. All the vertue and power whict
oiiginateth in the fierce wrathful Fire, fi
manifefied. or revealed in the Light, and tl«i
light defireth that, inmeeknefs; for th^
Files ^ficrce wrath fulnefs and the Lightj
(Inning, are Two Principles of a twofold
Source or fountain Qjality, eachdwelletl:
in it felf, and the one comprehendeth mt
the Other, in Eternity, and yet the One
is the others Life and Caufef Underfland
it thus :
142. As we cjonfider,that a horrible an-
xious Soarce or Quality, makech zJiKkJiig
d(^wn\n it feif, like a death, where then is
the partit^ lltKlt.^ and yet the Anguilli in
it'fclf retameth its fource or quality, bit
the fincking into it felF, as a Death enrer-
e^h. into its AEtha ; where then the An-
ivheytce the Soul exlftei Q^eft.i.
ifli-Life is no more apprehended, for the
nkitr^ break^th it felf forth out of the
fnguiili-fource, like a dying, and is a dy-
iig, whereas yet in the Eternity is no dy-r
g, bjt luch an Entr:':nce inco another
jVorld of another Principle, of another
ource or fountain-Qijality.
143 . For the hnking goerh into the ftill
irernity, as into the Liberty, and being
fie fierce wrathful fires-Source, continu-
trhin it felf in its life,* therefore is the
inking a going forth out of |hc Fire-Life,
nd yet is from the Fire-Lifejbut its iourcc
^T fountain-fpirit it hath not^ for it is brok-
noff in Death, and is the parting-limit
in Death, that fo the finking prefieth
ehtough Death, and hath another Sublhn-
liality, W^. another Water wherein the
Light diineth, wherein no fierce VYrathfuI-
144. For in the Eternity is no Death
that with-holdeth, but only fuch' an en-
trance in; for that which hath no begin-
ning, that hath alfo no end nor ground:
and thus orlglmteth the Light out of the
i4j.FortheLi^htdwellethin the Fire,
& alfo not in t^eFire,it is in anotherworld,
ZVii\%an9thsr^'ut^ which i^ called Love,
D 4. \^rtue
5^ lyhencefhc Soul exlficd Qucft.
Vcrtuc or Power, Wonder, Sweer, Mi
or Gentle, Pure or Clean ; and is no Sull
Ihnce, and alfo not Nature, butwiihoij
f>i /'f/ii^i Nature in another Principle.
1^6, Ic is nothing elfe but a Light-fli
m\r^^ fi?rv erf ui MajelTy, and hath its ow
'fpiii!, which bringeih the finkin^ throus
Deith ; which from the Anguiili is tl;
(inking through Death, which maketh th
[froHt'wgoui through Dc:a h.
147. It is ir ic ulf free, both fromth
Fire and from ihe Light, and is held c
del, lined bj n(^.e^ as UrtJe as the fire hole
eih or detaineth rhe Air, and it goet
for \h out of the Light, out of the Powc
of the Lighf, and ppeneth all whatfoeve,
is inthe Fiie-Source orQ^ulity, andaK
in ih: Lights. Source or Qiiality.
148, But it hath no perception in it fe
of the Fire, but it is a blower up of th
Light-Fire> a brlnger cf theLove-Eflen
CCS into thz defroHs power orVcrcue, a:
Opener of the Love-Effenccs*
149. And yet that we may be un
deiftood when we fpeak thus of the Love
Eflence^j as oianother Fire ; Obferve it
Behold, when the Li^ht h^comcth thu
generated through the fierce wrathfulnefs
To that the one Fire "oeth forth ou
^ ■ i in e ft . K trcm the Benrr/tltt^ . f 7
•> f ihe«r/> the one alwdyes calling the other, there
•LS a mv^re ft'ire defiring and farisfyirg 01
•"fulfilUng , whereas yet there is nothing
"^^hat theLove defiring can draw inro it felf;
^'•therefore it draweth it felf into it feif, and
l^impregnateth it felf out of the Pow^roi
the Majefty , fo that, that very will is full,
''and yet alio nothl>;g is there, but fuch pow-
i^'erand vertue, anlmigeof theWondeT,ic
f rs a Similitude of the Birth or Geniture,
•''and is the power and vertue it felf ; It is
the Sabjlance of the Spirit, whence the
^' Spirit hach its food, for it goeth forth out
'of the Image, and flow^thor bubkth, a»
': the Air in this World doth.
^- lyi. But now, if the Spirit findcth «o
^: Similitude, wich is without or befldesir,
'•; and yet findah. it itelf thus in the Fcrvcr
^ D 5 and
5 & . h^'henee the Soul exited Qiicft.W
^nd Vertue, then it is alfo deiirous, fci''
it dwelech in the powers or vertues grounc
and is not it f^lf the power or vertue.in the Power or Vertue
and in the Light of thi Majefty; and is ait
Jm4ge according to the Spirits Property
• 1 3 J". Not that the Spirit is the Imtg^;
but the Seeking & lisVe firing is the Image
foricdwelleth in its felf, in its ieeking
and is another /'^r/e;? in its Figure, vIk
the Powers or Vertues Figure ,• and accor
ding to this SublUnce is. God called, TW
fqU in Pecfons^
But that we may open your eyes wide
to fee ALL the Ground of the Deity ^ as i
now wlU and rnuft be ; therefore behol
now ihe great wonder, whkh we - had lo(
with going o^i of Paradife, where we vrwti
labour in ihe.Six. Dayes Woiks of thi
World, and^fo fee \r/hat and where we are
and ye vvill find here fueh a thing, as hac
iipod hid v'.eii :.=Yea la Nature. -•.
}5h Ce
!lJjiltL»e{t.i. from the Be^\ny^i»£, 5^
%^55' Bshold,vvhen you will a £ i q V
^roi4eakof tbelr/.v/V^jlookupon t p q v \
cc.Iie firft Number upon A, up-
i;«liv the Eternal Beginning,wbich is tie Fa^
\'^mPer^zv\di then look upon the O in [\\z mid-
:tille, which isihe 5o«;then look upon the V,
^iJrhich is the Exit of ihs Holy Spirit^ which
ileJocth into itfelf with thQ/t/Jckj^^ through
liijlh-e ill arp fierce Wrath into the fecond
ififfrinciple, which hath E,and goc^h through
islhe Power or Vertue fonhas i light-tla-
ning F/ajhy which hath I.
1 j6.Now take the/w//r-^^/;?^ of thefli ra-
ng Flafh to iCjVvnich is T, Allmach T, de$
Ewlge/idOI^YL^yths Omnipotence of the E-
\trnd ^oi;which there in the fierceVVrah,
asaftilh, deUfoye;h; and in f/^rLIEB,
in the Love, in ihi I, as a Mitihcy loving
God, exnlieihy thi-oUj^hprefl'eth^ aid pav-v-
erfuUy exaltcih or rifeth up; anj if you put
the L ihereinro, then hive you the M^.:teT
oF the Divine S'jbiiance; inthePo.ver or
Vercue, it 'wElnEngel^ ^n Ax gel ^ and
in the Onc-Blnh^ out of the Ccn:er, it
I J 7. The vVoild is covetous, snd full
of boalHni', prpi^cialiy ihofeihat would be
accounted Mattets^af Arcs v and fay, they
ky^Tv Cj.U^ and iii&.blind Pecplej why fee
6o whence the Soul exlfiM Qucft
you it not ; thou wile fay, How ? Go m\
the omvoari life into death, there mulht
outward life die, and in the Anguilli,gi\
it felf forth into the Number of the Crovf.
viz., into the Thoufand Nunib^r, ioo(
there is th^Eni, and Death aiifeih ar
ftandeth up to a ^lor'iom Life^ with a N.
fair Body, and you ncedo^vvz nothing to
bur the Soul, it biingeth forth minifoJ
fruic ; there thou haft m Angel which
free from the fierce Wrath, for it is total!
clean & purejCeik ir^and thou wilt find i
.1^8. But thou fuppofeft perhaps to fin
it thus in thy 0/(i Garment ; no friend-
we will nov teach you another A, B, C
learn that fifft, then feek, if you will the
have a love to it, if not
\G01T,God. leave it; for the * O:,
GOLT, GoUy muchnobler and more pre
tious than the L.
159. Obferve, tak
the*A,t//:c.the Begir
ningof the AVge>Kye
with thcVjWhichis th
Spirits mark, and g
with it through the O
then you will make
firo^M.tLVCiiA throug
ihe O, thus, /T\
I do. Mqdv
ij^eft.l. from the Beginning, ^l
li^o.Novy part the t /Tn/^I'x -^^
Tom another, feeing
hey part themfelves, x-v ,
■ ind fet one by ano- V^
;'(her, each whha half O likea Reinbow,
, ^h"5) D C 5 for fo they ftand in the Fi-
Set the fierce ^r^rib at the left D and the
Lliht at the righr C, for otherwife a Mm
cannot defciibe ihem fo exactly, but they
are One Globe.
\i 1(^1. And* take
t the Spirit y which is tJ ^ D\
i. generated in the ->Iy^
u Fire, and go with liW^ -Hp
it out from the . -^'^•
:t fierce Wrath, into the fink}^^ down,
I- threugh Deith, into the other haJf Eye,
:; v/zm into the fecond Principle, then will
J ypu fee this Figure, which ftandcth thus i
ExpoficTorr of the Phlofophicl^ Globe ,
Eye, of both the Three fold * Circles,
ivhich efpecially fignifie the two
Eternal Frina^les > wherein
yet the Third alfo is clear ly .
under flood y And how -
* Or halves a llanfhould tin-
of Circles as t n i ^i
4« Ihough bete
P C^<^> which is the Looking.
Ghfs of \Ni^6o'Xi^ whireh
from hternity all Wonder
have been feen : andheiebj
isdelinaied hovv it came in
to fttoRance, for f he-Reader of this book to
Thi nk a n d c n hd e rt)f ."'" •
163. Noc in tuch a vv.iy, i>s if a Man
could fulJydeicribe or dcimea.. it, for the
jjnefl:.!. An Exfofnion- of ^S
k\nd oxlhought only can apprehend it,ind
9nly that Mind which can walk in the Di-
: ine Myftery,not through Art
' r • Realon, bi^t through the . ^^^''^''^
nderjUndlng which thi Spirit
i Gcd opcneth to the humane Souls-Spi-
lt in the Great Myftery^.elfe U can NOT
le apprehended.
The Reader mould take connderation of
:heNt3[nber, and ihen of what lUndeth
mthin or wlih^Ht the f Cir-
cle, or where every word
in the * Circle be-ginneth
an.d endeth, it hath all its
afl'ured certain fignifi cati-
on ; for every word Rand-
Cth in icsexav!:1 place*
KTy. That which is
ypifhoat, the t Circle or
Wh:el, figniHeth the Ll-
birty of the Abyfs with-
ofit or bsfides the Piinciple.
Numhcif'. I. Ahyjfe-,
166, The great Myftery of the Ai^fjfey
wherein the Divine SubRance in- rhe
Looking- GJafs of W\idon\^ ■ general eth it
\ felf in ths Graund; is-ni^cd witii iVH.ti-
bvr I,
+ Or two haife
Circles, as jojn-
* Or two half
•\ Qr two hali/es
cf one Wbtel, 4s
Qiieft. I . the PhyUfophicl^ Ghhe. 6
^-^r I. and Number 2. ftandeth by it : ij
al^o round about the wbok * Circle is 't
be undeit^ood*
Of the three '•' Ctaks,
The Three * Circle
* Or tw9 threefold ^rawn aboat one an©
hajfarcUs^aspyn- ^^^^^ uamfic the Etef
the Divine Subfence, together wi-th All E
ternal Myfteries, without and within Na-
ture ; viz,^ the Ofigioal of all Things
Sublhnces as they are here marked. .
Of that half of the Threefold \. Circle m
the left band,and of Numb, 1.
f OrUlfclrclety jhe Threefold f Clr-
""w'"^' ^""^ ^^' ^^^ *^ ^^^ ^'^^ ' ^^^^^
%'rWearchabIe' ^J^kf\ the + ^^^C^^
nefs in the 7ext* ftandeth Nu wber 2, The
Myftery vpUhotit or bc-
fides Nature, fignifieth how the profundi-
ty or * ground lelhefs, bringeth it felf into
a Ground ; W;&. the Eye of Eternity, the
firft WiJi, which is called Father cf Eter-
ternity, and of all Beginning?^ how in the
Triniijfj 'm the Wifdom, he introduceth
An Expof[io»of Qicft.I.
Ilfcir into an Eternal Ground,and dwcl-
Ih in himfelf, and poffeffeth himfelt. and
he brtngeth himfelf into Nature ; and
|w Sublhnc-i oiiginateth, as alfo Pcicep-
)ility and Perception,
If that half of the Three/o/d: ''^' Cir^
cle at the right hand.
•he other Threefold * Cir- * , 0' ^.'^f
at .he nV., , fionifi^h ^^^
Divine Subitance of the parted.
>ly Trinity, together wirh
lie Angelical World, which originatcth
[at of the Great Myftery of theEteinity,
id is manifeftedor revealed ihiough the
[Uiflciple of the Fire.
What tht Croft /Ignifieth.
The Crofs + through tht
Twof Circles, ^1^ hgnifi-
MbthePeifons ^^ of ihe
Oeity, how they part ihem-
civei in the Eternal 0»c on-
ly Birth or Ceniture, as fur-
'ther is mentioned according
to the Numbers.
t Or half
threefold Cir-
clejybeing tne^
6-6' the Fhjlofophick^ Gkhe. QueftI;*'
Of the Eye in the Circle,
The * Eye in the CIbcI
* MatfEye , , . ^
it fht half Where the Crofs
with an Angle.,
which turn^ih
are a whole
E\e,(^ whole
threefold Cir-
cle thlity
Point and Line , fignifid
each of th.'«?a VVoildj bcj
at the left and right : At t
life itngnifiith th: grearVl'
(lery of theD^ri^ World, whj
th: Wonder-Eye introducol
it felf in Nature; At the rid
It fignifieth the Light- worlT
^ where the Divine • Myftsd
^hath through the Fire,broug|
it felf forth, and dwclleth ,
f}m^ ^•'f^ the majeftickLightjWithtr
fiift Myrtery of Wonder.
Of the Heart in the Ang
of the Crofs.
The Keart/>n in the Ang;
or Center \/ of the Gtof:
Globes J and
whole Globe-,
yet each bein^
.every where
Hgeihcr^ they
makj each a
'whole Globe
ef dark sr
light though
bqth together^
every where
aljo parte i(H t9 the Eternal Manifejlation, virtH^'
into half Globes, though whole.
L^ do fignifieththegroun
I "l^or the Cfwrfr of th
Duiry, not in fuch a manns
]hcft. i. ^nEx^fttlonof- 6y
fit wsre partible, and did poffiefs a j?-
irr^/ place, for it is i*: lelt" th^ place or
ground of the Deity , and is every
here all over the middleiiiolt ; but thit
inan rriiy learn- to difimguil'h oidiffe-
nee the Deity fiom Nature; and that
'hriltians may leun co u-^derfia^d the Re-
:neration or the New Birch, how God in
hrift ha.h reg^^neraced us out of his HeaJt
pon the Crols : for which thi^^s fake>
is Figure hith been thus delinaced, that
t Reader (hould conlider and think up-
n it ; for this F 1 G U R E comprifeth
/ whatfoever God ^nd the Eter-
dn Expojjtion of the Circles at the left
hands Numb, 3, 4>y.
Th: three Ghara6lers or Letter?, A O V,
barked with Number j(, 4, 5, Tignifie the
Mj^ery o£ the holyD:ity, ^flthonc or he-
Ides Nature^ how it minifefts 01 reveals
tfelf in Nature.
'^fAyNnm,'}. audTi77Hu,e-y NMm,6.
174. A, (ignifiech the iiilt profound or
^S the Phjlofcfhick^Glolre. Queft
ground-lefs or unfearchable Will, whidl
called Father: go about that * Circle to i'
nether point of it, there ftandethTi«^J
Or hdf Circle, ^j^'^^'l^' ^^\'^}'i
\ Wills £«x, and the fit
^f^/W;;^^ to Nature ; for the Divine Ml
ftcry of the Trinity ftandeth above, a
the Myftery of Nature beneath ; cal
Circle fignifie.h o/;^ Per f on of the Dei]
in the fiiii Myftery.
Of the O, Nmi.4, and of Trinctn
and df Fire > Numb. 7,
The O, with Number 4, fignifieth t
Grou.:d of \he MNlkry, W^. the Get]
tare or Biiih of the Heart or Word
God, which the firl^will, viz,, the Aj
the Looking-GJafs of Wifdom , compilj
feth and hoWetb it in felf^ as a ground
its fubftance. For the Ojfignifieth alfo t)|
Eye of the Looking-Glafsof Ar//r/^w; ftl
in the Wifdom is the Eternal H'ord compil
fed, which manifefts or rcvealeth Itfel
through the Piinciple of the Fire, in tl
Light World. Go from the O, about th
Circle, and fo thou findeft beneath, Prii
c'lfUy and Fire Number 7,
(\,i, j4n Expfttlon of 6^
If V, Numb, f . and of Snbjlance^
i Numb. 8.
.||ThcV, with Number ^* fignificrh the
irh of the Myftery without or befides
iture ; vlz>, the fiift eternal profound
Dundlefs or unfcarchable Wili-Spirit,
lichoriginateth out of the iViH, and in
e Power or Vcrtue of the Word, in the
reat MyOery ; and goeth forch out of the
^ill and Word, and its Sxit msketh Sub-
lnce,^'/^. Wonders, of the Power, Co-
urs, and Vertue, whereas yet in the My-
:ryof the Profundity Groundkrnefs ox
*ifearchahlenefmi\\o\xi or befidcs Nature,
> colours are apprehended : for they lye
I in ONE, and it is the twincklipaof 1
reat Wonder, and that is called a^Stb-
ince of the Wonder,
Go about from V, on that t Or half cir-
Circle, 2nd thou findeft «^/^
cncath at Nnmber 8, Sub-
4nc€ I fignifying that all Scibftance is be-
neath the Spirit of the N; mber Three, or
j'tinity ; and that men muft alwayes dtftirj-
" mfh Subftarce from the Deity,
'^' 177. For in Subftanceoriginateth Na-
i ur€,with its feven Forms ; for the Num-
70 the Phjlofiphlck^ Gkhe, Qneft.
ber Three is only a Sflrlt in SLibft.!nce,ai|
yet ihiie is alfo no-Subftancc wirhouid
Number Three : for the Dwiire ot til
Numbjr Three is rht Eternal Magla^ a
maketh Subl\Ance,it bringeth inro a ^rounl
according to the Model which rhe Spi
openeth in the wlfdcm, outoF h:rist
Creation proceeded according to the M\
dd of the virgin-like Wifdom.
Further Information
Concerning the Firft Prineiple, and t,
Myjtery of the Begmning7n the Crea-^
tion^ and of the Dark World, ho^v
the Jngle or Point of the Crofs^
rvith Number 9 . at the lefty
. rvith its upper and
neather Space is
O/FATHEPv. Numkr%
Number p. there ftandeth before th
Angle or Point of theCrofs, FATHER
and before that the Abjjfe^ fignifying th
(JHyjiery of the Father withottt or he/idc\
NAt,Hre : for with th
-fOryohior end -f Angle of the CroffI
of the Am oj the ^atute beginneth. T
|ieft,l. ^« Bxpofiionof 71
t and Greatelt M^Ikry is the ^l^jjfe^
,£rc the Nothing intiocKiceih it felt inta
[nWy which ^s called FATHbR, or the
Uginjl to lomevvhac : Outof the My-,
iry ofihe Fathei is the Creatio?j^ throuj^h
:iture, oiiginated : A Man is here to
t' de.dmd the ^/^rK-^/NaturCjWith its Se*
a^Forois, wiih or by this Mylkry.
Soul i ]S:mib, 10.
^ ly.pf At the Angle or
?^oint ot the line, ftandeth ^ Or end 0}
kNurnbeno.hgnifying '^;J^^;^;1^,
\i Original of the Eternal /^^^j;/
|iiics,'3^/^. Angels & Souls
Men : the Angle or Poinr,fignifieth the
bncer in Naiure,vvhere the Threefold Spi-
|rfx/f^/f.'^or manifclts it felf with or by
lature, fignifying the Ma^UkJlre^ in the
Lthers Property, out of which the An-
Is have their Oiiginalj as aUb-ihe Souls
!(:3^8o. A man .iliould here underftand
[, iC Grqund ar^ Original of an Eterml Spi-
Hi:,- for nothing is Eternal, unlefs it hath
(ij, orfginal oat of the Eternal Magick
ii^.re. This Original is not underltood to
|: the true or lighr Spirit, bitt to be the
i;):5f»;er, viz., th? Caale of the Spirit,
i'r •■; SohIs
72 th Phjlofophick^ Globe, Q;icft.]
Souls Willi Numb. 1 1.
18 1, Every true or right Spirit is undd.
ftood with the underftanding in the L'ul
of Life : for in the Fire th^re can bci
right or /r«^underftanding, but in thee
fire of the Light. Therefr
* rurntobe ^^^ ^^^ (^ ^^U . ^^^^
hk thtUihu ^^j^ ^^ ^^^ Heart of God,t..
to the ?oT9er or Vcrcue of the Light 1
underftanding, as here is to be feen,whc'
upon the line of the Crofs ftandeth \
Souls Wili^ marked with Number 11
there it rcceivetH Powii and Vcrtue frc
the Heart of God, and is generated or be
an Un^er ft anting Spirit.
Will, Numb. 12 . and SoulN.umb, i
1 82, For it receiveth the Power or V<
tue of the Light, in the A/ipf)^«^/j and /^
milltjy and goeth with its Will- Spirit, t/j
with the noble or pretious Image & Sin
litudc of God, through the Power or Vi
tue of the Heart, into the fecondVnvi^
c\^\t^viz.. into the Light World, as h«
at the right beyond the Heart in the otk
or fecond Circle is to be fecn, where flar
eth Ar/7/Numb*r ii.andihen 5o«/Numt
13^ fignifyiug, how the Soul out of t
icft. I . the Hilofdfhlck^ Globe . 7 3
:s fource or quality out of the Fathers
operty, entereih into the Sons Power or
:rtue and Property, and dwelleth in the
vine Power or Vertue in the Light-
t Or End of
i8j. the Amcf
ithout or beyond the Angle 'f ' ^''f'f
t Point of the Crois, (iand- f/^^ ''^^''
b HOLY SPIRIT, Number ^ Beyond the
i, fignifying the holy Spirit, endcfthearm
nich from Eternity originat- ^/ ^^/ ^^ff^
hintheWilloftheFatherat «^ ^^^ ^^/^
e left at the Angle 01 f Point^Number p,
idbringeth it felf through Nature, through
c Heart and Divine Power or Vertue ac
e right without or beyond Nature ,• alfo
rough the Angels or Souls-«Spirits, Pow-
or Vcrtae, forth, and dwelleth in the
iherty in the Glance of the Power or Ver-
e and Majefty, and is in Nature, yet of
'ature unapprehended, but only in the
Hvlne Power or Vertues Property.
' Image y Numb, ij.
r Beyondtbe word HOLY SPIRIT,
'•lumber ijt ihndtthlmage^ alfo without
74 -^« Exp fit I OK of Queft.
or b*yond Nature, fignifying that the n
ble or pretious Image fprouteth forth o
of the Souls Fire, as a Bloffome or Flow
out ef the Earth, and hath no feeling
fenfe of the Fain of the fiery Prcp^it
for the Fire ftandeth In it as it were fw.
lowed up, and yet it is there but in an
ther fource or fountain quality, W^. a d
fire of Love, a light-flaming Fire
Divine Property*
MyJJe, Numb. 16,
1 8)-.
Beyond Image, ftandech v4^7/^, Nu^
ber 16, fignifying, that the right m
Image ftandeth in the Abyfie, withou,t
b-yond all fource or pain, anddvvelletb:
Nothing , but only
..* ^ui ^T^''l it felf,& with or throw
1::^:^t it, ^ ^OD Therefo^
fveuwherc in it- there IS Nothing that G;
find touch or break it, b
only the Divine Power or Vertue ; for
ftandeth not in Nature, although indee
with the Root it proceedeth from Natur
r.nd yet it is another thing ; as an Apy
is another thing than the Tr^^, 'though j
i\ixA Hf9n the Tree, and receive pov
'• ' (I
lefl. I. the Philofophick, Globe, 75
and'vertuc from the Tree, and yet the
n giveth It ilfo power and vertue i So
bthe Divine Sun, viz,. theMajelty," gU
fh the Image power and venue.
^ the Word Omnipotence J Numb ,17.
and Wrath s Numb,i%.
Further at the left ftandeth Number 17.
itnifottnce'y and it ftand-
i alio without or beyond I OrhitfOlote
: + arde/,gnifymgche ^^'l^:^
hthers Myftery , which, ^^^,
i:h the Ma^'ia^ vlx,, with
% Defire , introduceth it felf into the
'\ct Wrath, where then the ftrong loud-
Vndinglife, and ftrength, isunderrtood
ithe entrance of Nature in the firft Three
^rms,r/^. the aftringent>
)ter, andanguifh, as the ^ Of fierce
■\ ;d * ^Vrath ftandeth in the ^ratb.
]ce under the j Lin-e, i^'f7,f{
^ , or -r ' , ^ the Crofs at the
•imber 1 8. fignifying that /,/, j^;,^^
fv fierce Wrath, doth mt "^Or end of the
^^ich the Angle, or * Point ^^^ of ^^^
■ the "Nambcr Three, but Jy^^^' ^^^{j
-ncrat^dcrborn in the. 'ArZf.gJfitthe
•E 3 Crafty
yS An Lxpfimnof Qtieft.:;
Craft '^ Numb. 19.
^ _ Under the word 0/»«/p5r(f;if
fling sut' Number tp. ftandeth * Craf
tiety^ li?nifying the fclTence out •
the Looking-Glafs of the M;
ftery: which Craft or Suttlety in the fi
cond. Principle is changed into a righ^.
reBtfied underftanding , and here in fl
Magick Fire it is only Crafc or cunnii
Suttlety, for it is accute or pointed aii
fnarp, and a cafife of the Underilanding
Devil i Numb, 10,
Over againft it rtandeth,Dm/, Numt
20. in the fpace | of
j Or within the Dark World/ignifyingt
place of (hfD^ri gvilnefs malignity or ir ,.-
7/1 the lower ne IS gone away from t
fpACe oftbatjrom Angle or Point of theNui
the middle ber Three, and hath fet
frpn-ward, ^^^ ^^^ ^-jj j^,^^ ^^^ fj^,
'Wrath Craft or Suttlety, in willing the)
.iHrithto rule or lord it over God's M
nefSj and h'imfelf to ufe thertrength
2^eft. I . the PhiIofophick.Gl^e. 7 7
light or potency of the Fire, and of the
Devils Art '^ Numb.zi, 12I
189. Under the word Cr*j//r, ftandet^
yivils : : : : : Art^ Number 21, 22. Dtf-
'i//,ftandeth wiihout the * Cir-
le of Nature; and^rr,ftand- ^^,^-^'^^
th within the* Circle of Na- ^^'^''
arc ; Cgnifying, that the Devil "n^s crea-
id, as well out of the Mylkryof theFa-
fier, upon the Line or 4- Stroak
thcCrors in the Eternal ^^'^'""^
Mature as the other Angels. But he hath
rained or created to himfelf his Art\,
lumber 22. in the magick feeking of Na-
jrc in the Center of the dark. World,
rkreasyct he (liould have gotten fiamed
rcreated it in God's Heart and Power or
^CKue, and that is * his
:aufe of his Fan and of his / ^^ f « '''''
:nvy, or^ Hatred and Ma- ^rl^/
W'lll i Numb. 2f,
Above the [ Line, Num- + (Trflroak, or
!er23.ftandeth,^///, figni- ^'""l 'f '^•'^
ying, that the Devil .hath ^^'■^^'
E 3 fwung
78' ^nExj^oJitlonof Queft.'
hath fwimg himfell? aloft above the Blvi
Line, upon or in which he was created}
a proud or haughty (lately Spirit,that woul
hioifelf have been Lord, andhave ^o'^t
ned in own Self^ Ait and Wit.
i n
ipi. As now at prefent, the prid^
ftate and haughtinefs^ and cunning fuefllf
Policy and Prudence of Men doth, whi^ ^
fwingeth it felt alfo thus, fromxh^ Line< w
God, np into own felf, wherein it cam ^
reach or attain the Divine Power or Vet
rue and Light within, but fMlieth in it fe
into the Dark anguifhing Magkk^ Fire , J
above the word Will is marked Numbi
Firft into Varknefs ; for Rcafon Jofet
the Divine Underftanding and 'Defri
wherein it can take hold of ^nd receiv
God's Subftance, and fo impregnate it fe'
with Power and Vertue out of or fror
Fire, Numb, 2^,
^ r- ' c ip2. And then th^
/ C,atz.fewer, ^^.^^^^ „ ^f Cove
felf, in thjt it wiUjth to have much, ani
j::eft.T. thc?h)lo[ofhu:}^(jlohe. 79
y : bath not enough ; as here Number 25-.
iP3. And when jt hath filled it feir with
Cvetoufnef?) then beginneih the Maglck,
If in the Anguifh, Number z6, to burn.
ir that which'is brought in by the Cove-
iifnefs, and laden the fire with, is the
y,glck^ fires wood or fewel wherein it
jrneth : and there is P^^^^ generated or
I'n ; which muft feparate what the Cove-
if^iels hath laid in.
Death i Numb. 27,
(X5>4. And here is alio the c.u^^rp .
eavy Fall cf Adam, who ^^^^;\ '
agined as the Devil did, ^ ^^^ ^*
d defircd the multiplicity of this world
rJris own ; he would be wile or futtle and
ident, and get much VVit or cmfiy Inge-
ity,and alfo the earthly &: heliifh iburce
fountain quality in the wit. Had he re-
clined upon the Stroak cr Arm in God's
Ine, then he had KOt become earthly ; for
b; wiil-fpirit had dwelt in God, and had
l:roduced Vlvlnc food inro the Body ; but
rwhe ftandeth in thz A tjgHijh, Number
12', and muft again go through the Princi-
into Df. entereth
e, into Death \.\y^ov\ th^ Crofs, then it diaweth
lel again Divine Subftantiality, viz., Cbrift's
OB Fiefh to it ielf, and biingexh the fame with
4it felf into the Light into ihe Light world,
there tht Divine Life fprouteth again into
! the holy Body, and the Image ftandeih free
Jfagain. As here Number 32. istobefeen,
and dwelleth in C:?.'/, Number 33. andeat-
eth of God's Word 01 Subftance 1 for the
{Image is here without or beyond Nature in
lijthe Liberty; hut \\i^ Humanity is within
[jNature, as is dcfcribed.
3 19 8. But as to thofe Scvils which (tick in
;i- their proud or (htely ?nd haughty ecvetcus
■ Works in the Ar.gulfhy Number 26. they
J IHck indeed ir. the Afaglck /if^gHl/h-Flre^
J and their wcrkj are wood, or fueJ^ to or for
f the Fire.
I - 35)'^^^ But if ihzWiLfpWlt do yec turn in
it felf a little into the Death of Chrirt, ai
yet alio is faft bound to the fierce ^rat,
that foul hang<:ch as by athred to ihtDem
ofChrirt. .
The Ninth Number y N/mh.;^.
200. This Soul may well thus burn
while, till the mlLSpirit can enter in
the "Death of Chrilt, till its iydereal wooij^'^
or fuel be burned up : when the earthli
body dyeth, then mal-l the Image bathe
which the. prefent too wife and fubtl
world conteinneth, but in Death doth fin ^'^^
it by woful experience : There mulHhi
little fparkl^, which haxigeth only by
thredjWind it felf inco the Death of Chrif*
for it hath Icil body and fubfhnce,and ftan ^^
deth naked and bite /vithout Dhiyje Sub
ftance or Body in God's Mercy or Compal
fion in the Divine Tinfiure, viz.. in th
Ninth Ntimber^ Number 34.. and waitetl^
tor the lart Judgment ; wherein God wil' ^
in the Tincture, bring and reftore agaii
whatfoever Adam\o?i ; but its here-actec
works^wiil not go or pafs thro:jgh the Fire
but the dark Magick Fire^ hath fwailowec
them, up into its Mylhry into the Darl
VZorld \ Lee thla be Uid ro thee,0 Man.
hi 2i^ft.i. ih2 PBjIofophick Globe. 3 3
Souls Eternal Habitation)
Numb, 3f.
201. After Ninth Namhrfizndtih the
hnis Eternal tJabitation^ Number 37. iig-
lifying, thatthefe efcaped Souls arenor-
iiifjfhhftanding in God , in the Angelical
riii ^orld, but without their works, and cm-
lot io highly attain the Ghncc or Lalhe
Df the Majefiy, as thofe Souls which have
lere cloathed themfelves with God's Pow-
;iill:r and Vertue. The word Habitation go-
k Cth into the Liberty without or beyond Na-
Li tuie, as alio above, Ima^e, doth ; for the
J. Sotplm\x{\ (land in Nature ; but the Images
a Mnhitation is wi:hout or beyond Nature m
II the Divide Liberty,
Angelical Worldy Numb. 16.
Wiihcut or beyond this Habitation, flan-
(3eth the Angelical ;^'f>r/^, Number 36. fig-
tiifyins the Angels Courts and Quires, or
Princely Thrones, in the Liberty of the
Pivine Majeily, where yet their 10 jt alfo
ftandeth IN Nature^ but is not appjelien-
i4 ^J^fi Exfofnlon of Qu eft j
Proud Devil, Numb. 3 7 • ^^"^ ^f^^
Devtl Lucifer, Numb, j 8 . ^
203. At the* left in t
upper rpace,Number 3;
(^andQih Protid Devily C
ftubborn Devil, withfj*
4- Lines, one reaching 11
upon the Chara6lei a
Letter O , Number ^\
and th^ other rcachinf
up * above the Gje»
Myfteiy of the Mumbe
Three , where Handed
fVill of the Devil Lucifer
Number 38.
204. Here is the Devils Fall to be corti
fidered, he hath brought his frond or rtub«.
born Will up from the Line or Stroakoi
the Crofs, aloft, and hath willed to rule
over or above the Mydery of the Divine
Wiidom, in wit and cunning, futtJety and
fierce wrath in the Fires might or power,
and to kindle the Myliery of the Number
Three, that he might be Lord : As indeed
he then kindled the Suhjlantiality in the
Myftery ; whence Earch and Stones have
come to be, and hath willed to fly cut above
tbeMyi'l^ry of the Number Three, Num-
* At the left hand
tr left half Ofote $r
Eye or Loo{hg-
Glafs, in the upper
fpact or quarter §f
it above the left
Arm cfthe Crofs^
t Stroaks or
legi dravpn with
* Above the three
half Circles of the
left haljOtcbe, Eye
or Looking- Olaff<,
aeft. 1. the VhllofofhlckGhhe. 85^
r 3 8. as ftill at (his day he defiieth to fly
t above the Angelical Piinces-Thrones,
ffyjfe of the Dark^ Worlds 'dumber 39.
Eternal Hell of Devils ^ 'SumbeTi^o.
2oy. And upon this hath followed his
rnfiifig out from the Divine Myftery, fo
at he is Thruft out from the Superiour
hrones into the D^ri^ Magick fire, and
Thiuft down below, that is, into the
hf^^f ^^^ 1>ArkT^orld;¥ox he muft dwell
UernaHy without the Principle in the
ire-crack, liz., in the fiift Three Forms to
ire in the AKgmjh^ there he hath his HeH^
below at Number 40. is to be feen, and
lereinco alfo the Damned fouls fall back,
} that Eiernally they cannot fee or behold
The fecond Crofs Line upwards thus *{'
Over the line Numba i. above aloft,
andetb, Myjfe^ Siermtj^ (tgnifying the
■iberty, wichout or beyond the Principle 5
nd thereby is underfiood the Myftery of
Jhe Eternity , wherein every Creature
tandeth in its [onrce or fountain Qnality^
^n its own Fire, be ii in Darknefs or Ljght^
^ncthath therein no other Li^ht than iljin-
B <^ AnExpofitlon of Q^wfll
eth within it,which light alio ic apprehej
eth Externally without itfelf; there
Both worlds, vir^. the Light-world,
Dark-worId,are there in one another, ii
the Light becometh»i)f attained, unld
creature be capable of it.
207. There are Angelical Throni
which we know nothing o^Experimental'
our knowledge reacheih but only into
Extent of the Place
this world, fofarasil
klndliKg in the Creatit
leached, and of TTfy^
is this t wheel mai
with the Crofs.
+ Or theft two
halves of the whole
fnbackio back with
the Crop appearing
in the midfi.
S O N, "Numk 4 1 . a?id of the Hea^
Above the upright Line,ftandeth SOI
and at the Left Angle or Point, Numb
p. FATHER, and at the Right Lin
Number 14, HO Lr SPIRIT, fignifyii ,
the Birth or Geniture, zvid Per[onsoii\
Holy Trinity. The Heart /V^ *^" ^^
Crofs is the Center , and \/ /^gnifyc'
A ri ^-L r the Eternal Band of i\
^^z(\.i. the Fhylofofhlck^ Ciohe. ^7
The Word SON^ Number 41. Hgnifieth
i: fVORD, which the Eternal FATHER^
c.itinually and from Eternity, fpeaketh
i the Lighc and Dark world, according.
t each worlds fource or fountain Qua-
ly or Property.
'10. But in that the Thrte Perfons at
Crofs are free, and touch not the Line^
ijinifieth that God is free from Nature,
not t iniheappiehenhon .^ . ,.
vT L L J 11 L J Or I, able td
Nature, buthe dwelleth the apprehen^
um[flf^ indeed in Nature, fion ofmture
unapprehended, by that
.^ch doth not give up it fel£/W Kim,
k Of the Heart in the Crofs ,
The Heart In the Crofs fignifieth, that
I Sod's Heart hath raanifefted it felf in Na-
Kurc, by or with the Principle of the Fire,
'^ncethe Majeftlck Light originateth,
; . :ond 1 y , 1 1 hgn rfie th th e Aiamfejlatrnj. ox
n;ijeveIation in the Humanity, wherein
^God's Heart hath niinifefted it felf by or
• tvith a HftmaK^ Heart, and how that Hu-
i tnjne Heart ha:h attained the comprehen-
fion of the Holy Trinity . As indeed it
is t-hs Csrjtsrx'mih^ Crofs, by which a Man
88 An Exf§fitlon of QuC]
is to underftand the Inward Man, viz]
Inward HeaK.
212. And you fee, that the HQ\
SPIRIT zi the Right, on or in the Li
and at Nuniber 14. goeth forth from
Heart into the Light World, fignify
that the Holy Spirity dwelleth in the I
generate or New born Heart, -z//;?.* in
Image ^ and continually introduceth
Images Will into the Divine Light-wor
And as this Heart in the Crofs is unit
with the Holy Ternary; fo mutt the b
mane Heart, undeiftand the Inwari-Mi s^^'?
be united with the Deity : that God m ^'^^\
be in it, ^11 In AU^ its Will and Deed, '^^^
213. But that the word SON, Nuift^'^
ber 41. above the Crofs Line aloft ftanj^^l
eth diiiinguifhed from the Heart,fignifi
thit ihzMan Ckrift is bccomeLord over a
and is the King over t
t or two haji J Circle : for, God ha
CiT les or Gbbet ' t n. j 1 • r ir •
medinone. ^anifcfted himfe f in t
Humanity, and this
comprifeth the ir/jj/tf Divine Sublhnceil^
himtelf, for within him and Excernallfc
v^ichout him is one and the f»me fHlnefm^\
One God and Divine Subilance : there ilw
no orher place, where we ran be able tJ
ap'prebt-nd God ihcn in the Sril^f>>'C.e aj
ijicfr.i. the Ththfofhlck^ Clohe. %9
vlirift, x.\\tit\%thewkokfulne[softheG(d'
^^; HI 4 or Deity Bodily oi Corporeally.
3;M Heaven, dumber 3 4^2^
f'iid ai4. The Word, Heaven^ on the up-
^'cjghx Crors-linc : Number 42. hgnifieth>
Miat the Heaven is in the Man Chiift, and
'^lliro in us, and that we muft through his
. \AWo{s and Death go to him imo his Heaven^
':.il«bicb himfelfis ; for on theCrofs is Hea*
ivJfCD become opened to us again, or New-
oj^oin and Regenerated to us. Secondly,
J flit fignifieth that the right or true Vivm
.^MHcaven is an Habitation of theDivinc Dc-
JiixCi-Wx;. of the Divine ^-!«^/^; therefore
dit is called not aningoing, but an ingene-
:4i|ation of God's Fire, into Divine Subftan-
fjtitlity, and that even only on the Crofs^
i/inu. through and in the Birth -
or Geniture of the Holj 4- rn- ^^^^^^
Pure Element, l^u misery 34.
The ^oidyPiire Elemr^t ^on theCroffe's
upper Line, Number43. fignifieth the in-
ward world, out of which this outward,
with the Four Elements, is become gene-
rated forth, and ftandcth in the Inward
^n Expftlon of Que ft.
the SubRance thereof.
Holy Siiriti Num,4^, Sen, Num,^\
21(5. Moreover it is to be obfervcci e:]
sclly, how the Words ftand, hgi/t anl
end) for they begin on th|
|0r half Circle, ourward" 1 Circle at
Lcfr, where above Nui
ber 5. the Holy Spirits Characleroi Lett(
V. ftandeth ; and beneath Nunnber SJ
Subft^nce y and goetl
*0r half Circle, through the two * Circiti
at the Right, even int(
ihe fecond Space, which fignifieth th<
Ture Divine Elements Original, its ii
dwelling and Subftance, whence it Origi*
nateth,^/^. from the Spirit of the Etert
nalMyfteryin the Divine Subftantiality,]
viz.. in the Subftance of the Great Myftc-
ry, and yet is only manifeftor revealed
in the fecond Principle, viz>, in the Sub-'
ftance of the So-4 and Holy Spirit^ as above
one the 4- Circle at the
\0r half Circles, Right is to be feen,Num—
ber 44, and 45".
^'■eft. 1 . the Thjlofophlck^ Globe, ^ pi
ii^^ihero Numb. 4^. Holy Spirit ofDi-
vine W^jHom and Underjlandinvy
oir" '
''»aji7. Thz Pare Element is the working
^'■irhe light true Heaven, and fhuttcth it
if in and out with or by the Crofs, it is
e fpringit5g or flowing & n:ioving in the
'tfc and Lighr-Heaven, from or by with
« Divine Subftantiaiity,anderliand Sub-
cc, and not the Spirit, of Godjis a life;
I it reaeheth not into the Subftance of the
hcr^ Number ^6, where beneath on the
ircle, ftandethP;t/m mt or Uftderfia/jd-
]gy for the -Element giveth 01 afifordeth
«t divine Wit, but the Holj Spirit y^\im^
er 47 .giveth Divine apprehenfion, know-
sdge.or skill and wit or underftanding,
218, The Element is a Subihnce in re-
peal of the Deity ; as the Life in the tlefh
runderftood to be,in refped of the Soul ;
fer the Tin6lure is higher, and giveth the
:NS of the Spirit, wherein the Light-Fire
Humanity i FleJ7j, Numb^^S.
219. Under the word, Pftre Element^
^ m/f Circle.
p2. An Expoj4tlon$f Queft
ftandeth at Number 27. on the ftroak of
upper. Line of the Cre
beath^^nd the word beg
netk laying hold omhe lefc *Circle,and |
eth through the Crofs through xhtfirfi ri
* Circle ; There obleive both the outw'-
Circles at the left and at the right, abic!
and beneath, and then thou wilt foon
what the right or authority of "Death is,«
howit is the dying (ource or fountain q
lity in the O^agich, Ftre^ and holdeih t
Subftantiality captive in itfelfj as att
left beneath at Number 8. & at the rig"
beneath at Number 48. is to be fecn ;
then above on the fame Circle at Numbl
44. and at the left above, at Number
thtre a man feeth, how the fpiritual
goeth and fprouteth forth through t
Veath^ and poffeffeth tUk
i Theoutward- ^^g^gft | Qrcle : F
allwhatfoever willethi:
reach or attain theD
vine Life, muft go through the Djri>7g Mt
gich^ Fire, and ftand or fubfift therein ; i
the Heart on the Groi
^Enctwrex everla- j^^ft ^nd doth ftand C
^ ^ God. ^
220. Furthcl
circle being ac
counted whole.
jft.i* the Philofcphlck^ Globe, p^
^"'5|?Hrtheri-t is to be known, that- we in A-
I have turned our i'elves away from the
f;)fs, and are wich the Dedre of Luit or
ifure, gone with our vpUI above the
>fs at Number 23. into an Own felf
ilc or Government ; and now Death
:h captivated us in it felf, therefore we
ift now fink down out of Death or* the
ofs at the Line of Chrift again into the
art, and become new born or regem*
e in the Heart, elfe Death holds us cap-
e in it felf. For now !)<«: ^ (iandeth on
cCrofs-Line: but at the Judgement it
ill be given to the Dark 'vVorld : For
n fi'lli muft now enter through Death on
Crofs, into Reft; but the oHtrvari
rofs iliall be taken away ; and then
Death i^ a [pelade or fcorn ^ ^ , ^ , ^
od derifi^n; ^'^' ^'^^'
221 .Thirdly,it fignifieth that the Life of
ijod in Chrift, bare' i)^^ri& m afhew or fpe-
hde of Triumph on the Cr^/j,when Death
»ecame broken on the Crdfs in the dying
>f Chrift, where the Life fprouted through
Death, and the Heart.gave up or yeelded
Lt felf into. the middle, . ^
i'/i. into the Center, as ■** ^ ^or.\^,^^.
iviftoiious Lord ox Conqtceronr ef Death.
AnExfofition of QLicftJ
Paradife-iNumb, 49.
Under the Heart at Number 4-p. ftai
eth Paradife; the Word beginneth at
left on the outward Circle, where abo]
at Number 5* is marked, the Spirit of
Great Myftery of the Profundhy or
fearchabienefs of Eternity, viz.. V. aJ
*,, / ; '/•.' it goeth through theCj
Vlfi^'t'^ atthe right, through
whole Circles, ^u tl * ^>- 1
the Three * Circles, e^
"into the Liberty : this fignifieth the coni
I tuticn or cxljlence of Paradlfe ; it origin^
'teth in the Myftery of the Eternity, ai
fprouteth through the outward, and all
through the Light World, hidden in tl
outward World, and manifefted or rcvej
led in the fecond Principle, in the Ligl
World, as therefore the World penetn
teth through allthe Three Circles, Hk
ing the humane Bodies original.
Divine Subflantiality, Taiumb.^io.
223. For in or at this place, out of thh
fubftance, Adams Body ( unckrftand th<
mtvpard Body ) was created according t<
the Third Principle, and thzinrvard Body,
( underftand the Images Body) out of th<
( .'left. I. the Phylojofhick^ Globe, pj'
;vine SuhjlHmalityi as at the righ-'-j near
radile, is marked with Number jo,
t;224. That very Divine Subftance, un-
[fftand * Syybfiance, not Spirit, * jst ,
fincluded in the Wifdom of ^'^'
[)d ; and therein is the heavenly Tin-
jixc : For God's Word that became Man,
Imght thi6 Subj}&nce into t^iary\nio her
iDeathinclofed Subf^actiaiity, 't//'^. into
Images Body, and thereby God and
m became One Perfon,
225 . For this Flefli is Chrifis Flejh^ ac-
:ding to the Heavenly pare ; therefore
7ond Subftantiality, ftandeth, Chrifi's^
•fhy Number 51, 52. Chrift bare fuch
;/h in the Inward Man, as Ad^m had be-
z his.Evs was, when he ftood in the Di-
.e Image in Purity. Therefore can no
m go into PiradifejUniefs he attain chat
ill again, that Adant had before th«
1, and Chrift attained in the becoming
morlncarnatioti. Therefore muft we
, become born out of the > « ^ , , ,
art upon the Crois, and (J4/.5.27,
■t OH Chrifi,
^6 An Ex^ijiuon of
V 5
Myjiery, Isiumbj^i*
UndQiParadiJey Numbery^ .fta?
4.t)r half of the ^^^ he word beo{nnc
Circle on the left 1 1 r • . ^^
y;^f. at the left in the feco
-j- Circle , where abo
on the fame I Circle, Number 4. the CI
raEier or Letter, O, ftandeth, and benet
Princlfle^ and PirCy Number /♦ and gof
to the right, through the CrofSjthrough ii
firft \- Circle at the right. This fignifit
rightly and exa(5lly Mans Creation ace
ding to the Boh,
227. For the Body, is a Myflery^ tal
out of the inward and outward World^Frj
above and from beneath, underftand out
the Earths M.nrix; This is the Earl
Matrix ; out of this Myftery was it crl
ted, and a Man feeth how it was creaj
out of the inward and outward Subftai
'viz,, out of the dark and light World,
is mixt with evil, viz,, with fierce-wi
and alfo with Good.
Wonder , l>iumb, 5'4. Anget,
yf, Spiriti 'Humb, j6,
228, But Man was out of the MA
(jeft.i. the 'PhMofophick^ Globe, p7
c:ated, an Ima^c and Similitude of or
a:ording to God,to or for God*s fVonder ;
1 ircfore at the right, Number 54, Ihnd-
1 fyo»der. For he was a ^Vo»der of all
ngs or Subftances, a Lord of All things
Sublhnces, taken out of all things or
bftances, and was in the Inward Image,
Angel, As next iVondcry in the Liberty,
;ndethv4«^ and thereby Loft hiis
igels Form. For the Four Elements
'E)Dld ftand hidden in him, and he ihould
'Kc only in theO;?^ iE/^;«^;/r,inGods Power
•ydVertuej and know or experiment no-
1 ng of the Evil : As at the Right, in the
'f-berty, Number fp. ftandeth, the SprL
'^''d Marts Hahitatioriy there iliould the I-
:iges*Body dwell, viz,, the Souls Body,
:t that became hindred from it; itmuft
tw under the Earth, and become includ-
^JorfliHt up in the Earthlinefs.
Earthy Number 6(\
fl^iS' "Under the Fonr Elemr^n^ ftand-
••^,eh E4rf^,'Number 60, fignlfying that the
'""^irtb is wholly fallen back to the Inner
F a world.
4 7he left $r the
j^ight half Gf
Phe one Circle.
doo Ah Exf!?jict9n of Qnt^}i^
VVorld.For the word tou(
cth neither the 4- Lefc«
the Right Circle, it is 4
-Dsath, but the Crofs gQ^
through it, {\f;^\i)\v\%nsReflaHrationy
bringing again to what it waj?, that t
Hptmnne Earth is new- Born or Regenc
ted on the Crofs, and that the Heaver
and Divine Subftancc, fhall be ftvei
from the Dark, worlds Subftance, throi
the Fire of God, where then (liall be n
Earth in a Heavenly Source or Fount
•Qtiality, Form> Effence and Propeit
and that which is hidden in the Earth> J
the Heavenly Part, fhall fprout or rpri|
again* Further is to be Confidered, t
ih^ Earth ftandeth thus upon or in the
byffe, for it reacheth no Principle, thq
rfore ic murt pafs away, or vanifh.
Earthly Man^ Numb. 61^
Underneath ftandeth Nunaber,
■Earthly Man , where the Crofs g
^through the midft of the Word, which
nifiech the fallen Earthly tJHan^ whi
^fallen under and into the Earth, that isJ
iz fallen hoTie or back to the E^rth^
the Crois ,parte:.h or feparateth the wojj
fieft.T, thf Thllofofhlck^ Glohe, lor
hrthl) and C^tin ; for Man fhall again
pme feparated from the Earth, and en-
into his Eternal Flirty either into ths
Wonder, Numher 61,
ijf. Under the Crofs Line ftandeth
V! jmber 6z, pyonder^ fig- I /, ,xr J
. . . . L ^ I + ^^ Wonders , ct
r.^rying that the evil w.rk^s.gr Fr^duas,
n kVonder, alfo the Evil
)hx of the Earth, flialJ in the Judgement
:| God, vvheo God will make feparation^
:|il home or back to the ^hlf^ ^f ^^rk^.
\ fs, and that fhaJl be to All Devils and
:• ;il Men their Earth, on which they fliall
; veil one among another, for the -^^;/r
mdsth under it below, at Number i.
;i Babeh Number 6;.
1 23 (^. Near JVoncin ftandeth B^^f/,Nufn''
I'T 63 . fignifying , how Babd is only a
\'onder of the Mjjfi, and worketh only
ronders in the Abyjl^,
\OwnB^afonin^dbdi Kumli. 64,
Further , above under the 4- Circle
.: the Ri^ht, after E^rr/?- . ^ , ,/:
ay tJt L ^ n J I Or half eut*
' Man, Number (^4.ftand. wardCircU at
th Own or felf Reason in ths Righu
102 ^n Exfofit itm of Qj cft . i
^';^^tf/, which goeth round about the ot;
iide of the Ciicle of the Second PrincipiL
and goeth in own felf Authority under i
Divine World, backward, and fuppofe
She is in God, and ferveth or worlliippe
him> but is wichout God in /f/f, She
it Teacherh, and doih only i^s own Thin
or Matters for itfelf, for its own Em
H Ruleth ihe ouiward world in own fe
K.!^fon, without Gods Spirk and ^i//, 6>
iy according to its o,fin PVUL Therefore
goeth about the Light worlds diflemblk
in Hypocrilie, and giveth God gck
Words, and cofttinueth only without Gd^ ™^^
upon or in the Abyffe, and thereinto alfo:
falleth back and entereth,
■•■. ¥
Wonder of the Great Follji Num. 6-\ i
238. Under Ojv^ ^f^/e?», Number f: f
ftandeth, mndcr of the great Folly^ figa ?il
fying Bdel^ who hath found ail Art, Sti
telty and Cunning, Politick Devices, ar
LofUtfelf; It leeketh Gold, and lofet
God ; it taketh Earth for Gold, Death fi
Life : and that is the Greatert Folly that
found in the Subftance of All Subftances
as is fufficiently naentioned in other Pla
. Cieiii. thff Phylofofhick. (jlohc. icf
The Cunclufon,
Thus we fee, when we arc at home, net
this World , but in the two inward
orlds ,• in which foever we labour here,
that we enter when we die : we muft
fe ihz outward, we muft only be ncw^-
rn or Regenerated on the Crofle.
Abel hath turned it felt wholly away
m the Croffe,w-hich (ignirieth the Pioud
n felf Reafon-Wife, Snbtle Men, who
e and order themCelves in or according
the ivit or Ingenuity of Fcllyi
241. The Earthly Man on the Croffe,
umber 61, fignifieth the fim^le heap or
>mpany, which yet hang to the Crcfle of
arift, and become at /^;?^f^ new-boinor
generated through the Croffe.
242. But^ Reafonhath * autw^rd [elf
rcn rent and torn it felf ■^^'^M
F from the Crofs in its own felf Pleafure
id Voluptuoulnefle, in its own Pomp,
iight or Power and Laws, and that is a
.ATonder of Folly, which even the Devils -
ofcorn and deride.
[l 243. This the Reader iliould further
F: 4. conhder-
1 04 whence the Soul exlfled Queft
confidei of, for there lyeth much under
it hath the mdnfitrndingoi all the 77j;
H'orlds. Sec thy felf therein, it is a rij
tme Looking-Glafs^for theNumber Thi
is a Crofs, and hath Two Kingdom^
One, farting x\\tm{tU^ forth throu
Deaths that is^it efteemeth it felf as dea
and finketh down in it feh\like Death, ai
fo falleth with its will through the fir
Principle into God's Lighc-Eye, and th(
it is the holy Spirits CW;V, on which
H^. Bi
^'"i tueft . I. from the Begmnhg, \o^
-\^^^* But when it will go ot' it felf, ic
'^jcn contimeth in its own Fire-Neft in the
'"'nginaJ, where it was awakened, like Lpt-
. 'cr: for it was awakened at thebegin-
■ ng Point of the Crofs, at the left, as in
"is Figure is to be feen; that isitsoii-*
nal, as lliall be further mentioned.
', 247. The Soul is a total Figure of a-
'' roiSy and is- like a Crofs-Tree, according
l'\ the outward Image of the Body, the Bo-
t'ly having two Aims, which fignifie two
J; rinciples,the Body ftanding^n the midft,
I, a yfhole Pvirfon ; the Heart is the Firil
iincipJe,the Brain the Seond • the Heart
I ith the Soul, and the Brain the Souls- Spi-
Xy and it is a new -Child, and yet not a
cw one ; the Stock^h from Eternity, but
ic. Branches axe born or generated out of
le Stock..
248. Though indeed it hath not been
.5oul from Eternity, yet it hath in the
^rgin of the Wifdom of God upon the
koisfrom Eternity,. been k^own ; and ii^
ac'2^*:belongeth to God the Father,and
a the S9ul to God the Son, &'in the Will
© God the holy Spitjit.
[ 245>. -And beiri^ it could not flandin
heFather inlts wiflV whe4% it Ww)u!d-?uie
n its will) and sh^p/Mlm^xatM^ ■
106 whence th Soul exlfleii Qucft^ f
©f the fierce VViath,* therefore the Fitb »F
gave it to the Son, and the Son tcoki K»^'
into himrelf,and became in it,a Man -at kf
brought it again with, or by the wcrd-F?4
into the Majeity, into the Light ; ForitT
Son introduceth it through the Anger it!--
Death ^^^/« into tlieEye of Holinefs at tt l^^\
light, into another World, in God, toil iCie
Angeh • of which beie-following fti
be mentioned further.
Now come we again to the Sixt Fon ,.
of Fire : and it is to be known,why wcfe itwe
the Crofs here^ which elfe is the Tern li^
^ ^ Number, accountirigac kiOie
^ Outward Compw Cording to the ordcrt em«i
mien in the Ko- Way of * Reafon, bb 'Jitli
rmnmrnbTinzmtb according to the m sCi
Capual Utters. p^jn^ipj^,^ the Eye af i^t
pearing parted, the Crofs belongeth to th u
place between the fift and the fixt Foro; 'k\
wherein Light and Darknefs yart, ] sdl,
25* I.: ■ A
But know, that God is the Begin nifljsipi
and the End, therefore we fet the Crdi
according to reafon 3"! I'hi End,,, for the/
we go through Dei^ in^oViiz y it i
3J2. TW
left. I , from -tht Be^iiiKi'/ig,
pfz. The Tenth Number, lo.
gain the fiift, and alfo the laR,
Abeyond through that is Death, and af-
f or. beyond Death, the Hell, that is, the
irce WrAth of Darknefs, that is exter-
;lly without or beyond the Crofs, for ic
llleth again into the A ; and in the A is
c Creator, into which Lucifer would
ve flien back,but was ihruft out into the
aiknefs, and there is his Kingdom in the
iurce or Torment.
2f3. You iliould underftand us thuj,
aat we by the Twofold Eye mderfiarjd one
■)und Glob?, thus parti-
kjor each haif divided
iTunder,and turns away
•cm the other, where
?}e Crofs is landing
om Eternity within it :
man cannot fully de-
fcribeit with any pen or
•cncU, for iris fo in one
.notherjit is but ONE only, ec yet TWO^.
he Spirit underftandeth it only; and who-
bever doth not enter into the Regenera-
[:i^n, through the Death upon the Crofs, as '
[5//«:..intoGods Body, he underlhndeth not
this, an-d let him leave it uncontrouled^ .
oihcmll be a Mater and Conc5oukr*I>€- -
viL .
oj me round Qtobe^
CQnceived thm vir^
t unify partible^ and
yet alwayes rphols
anS entire* .
io8 ivhence the SouUxl^d Qucft,
vil. We would have the Reader faithfe
ly warned, and ii is in earnert Sinceri
and true Zeal.
25:4. For this Rgure. hath All, orto-
CrouTid, or the Foundation of All thin§
as deep as -I- a Spirit isin it felf, and is n
apprehenhble or knowabk to the Read
•\Of anj.
without Rioht or "Tr
* truf spiritual £yes, alfo a man cani
4. Every ^ord
flands as it doth
MTid every n*here al-
fo ^ therefsre it if
imp^fjible to expreft
it with am wdrds-
iti \idonnin due ^ Ca
aB Order aright wij
4. any words, for the fir
is alfo the laft, and tl
middle goeih throuj
All, &.yetisnotkno^|
or apprehended but iNicfelf : Therefoil
fearching is not the chief or moft efpeci
means to know or apprehend the MyJ}er\
but to be born or geneia
is the right ° InventicI
or finding ; for yvitk
that is ' BAhel.
25-f. Alllyethintll
Will and in the earncj
Sincerity, .that the Wi
* Or the very In-
vention it f elf ^
^JI/ ii but hahel
ike Knowledge of
all yi) fieri es\ right
I) at the Apoflle
me ntiisni, Wnhout
Chariry,»'/;/r/; h the New Birtht is tut a tincklhl
Cyrbal \ or Babtl atnere babble^of parts, words]
n«t undtiftoodb) th^m that /pca^tj^^m, in the n
t?cpenmin^alfen(g p/ the Spirits
Liieft. I. r^^ ^^^ Beginning. i o^
Iter into the CMagU, for the Eternity is
igie»l, All is out of the Mag^a come m-
iSubftance, for in the Eternity, in the
byfle, is Nothing .; But that which is, i$
le M(tgi^»
7,^6. AndoutoftheMagia^exifteth
^hylofophy, which fenchcth out the
Magla, and feeketh therein, and findeth
iftrology Eternally ; and Aflrologji,
ceks again,its mafter Preceptor or Teach?
jrand Maker,Gompofer or Producer, ^;;c.
iftronomy, the Salfher ac the Af^r-
^my, which hath a Principle of its own,
-i!nd the third MagU is therein i viz.. the
;;Medicus the Phyfician^ who feeketh
', the Corrupter or Difeafc, a:nd will heal or
■:nrc\ii but he findeth the fourth i^^j/^,
;^f?/i;c.theTheologUSjthe Divine, who
fsekcth the Turba in all things, and will
ctheal the Turba ; but hefindeth the Eye oF
i::ihe flrft M^gla^ and there he feeth that all
Ui* the wonder of the Magl^^ and there he
r leaveth feeking^ and becom^th a MagUS
in the firft Will, for he feeth that he hath
' ^ all-poweivto find &; xo make what be will y
X lo fVhence the Soul exi/Jed Qijeft.l '
and there he maketh of himfelf an Angcis
and continucth in himfelf ; and thus he
free from all others, and continueth ftanj
ing Eternally ; This is the highefi Groui
of theSubftanceof all Subrtances.
2.^7, And though indeed, the fvhdre
Btubel will not lelilli this; therefore t
fay with good ground, that Babel in h^ or great Mylkry contained c liift
included. ^
2.C6. Biu now will the Middle in th '^
Deiiring have a fatiating or fulfilling '^,
wherem it may reft^elfe all would ftand o %^^
hz in an Anxious Source or Torment ^ an(
the Ddiiingdraweth xhz MaidL'e-owt of al
Forms, wherewith it fiUeth or fatiateth it %
hanger, wherewith oi whereby in it felf
•it ftandcthin Perfeftron in Joy,and foou
4>£ the Anguifb, a Love cometh to be,,.;
fatiating fulfiUirgoj: ffifingoi thcSouxci
2ft. I-. fr&»f the Beginning, 1 1 ^
'ountain Quality of Pain, and the mid-
is Sulphur; with that, the Spirit re-
ilicth icfelfin the Will; VoiSHlphar
two Forms in it fe if, viz.. Power or
rtueand Light.
67. And that is together, the Sub^
c B^ce generated out of All Forms, it is
'^'•i^r^r, Subftantiality, Corporeity, God's
'' ldy,Chrift'sFk{li, the Heavenly, and
^;^the total or univerfal fulfilling orfatia-
ig of the Spirit in the O; it is the Reft,
d Mamfe-iatisn or Revelation of the
•Jleity, and Ihndeth in the Virgin of Wif-
^f 268. The Crofs is its limit, and is the
uhllantiality, which goeth with thefink-
!ig into Death as above mentioned, where
e fierce Wrath remainech in Death, and
is Hill & qtiiet as a Death or a Nothing,
nd the Life fprouteth out of it into ano-
her Principle,
2-^p. It is not the Principle, only the
Principle becometh ^e^erated in it, in it
Jre all Looking-GiilTes of the Mugla^
manifefted or revealed , moreover the
'Wonders of xhtGenetrlx : It containeth
• the Mjfler'iHm Magmm^ the Great Myftc-
ry, and out of it, the Spirit opencth the
Wojidcrs.of Eteiniry, the Spirit giveth it
1 14 whence the SohI exited Queft
the Effences, for that is its food forft'f
270. Itis afubftanceofvYonders vvi
out number and end,' and is alio of no I
ginning ; for the Splnt in the Defiring I
ginnethit fromErernity, andcontinu
in Eternity, itis a Body of the Numt
Three, which is called God, and a Be t^iic
of Angels, fo that the Spirit liandethoijli
in an Image, elicit would NOT bi^pp:
headed or known.
271. Thus k knoweth it felf intBU
Image it felf> and leeketh the beft Mag
and whatit fewketh, that it findeth,
eateth it, and therewith or thereby giv^
to the Body of God, its will, fo that th
is an uni^y in the holy Piinciple.
272. For in the Will of the corpor
Spirit rife up the Wonders, thofe the S]f
lit of Eternity, viz.. the holy Spirit
ceiveth or af^nhendeth^ and fo there is
ringing and fong out of the eternal Woi
dersjfor the corporeal Spirits will is ther
273. And in thefe feven Forms the Jc
of the Deity, becometh multiplied and pe
fe6l,for it is a fulfilling of the eternal D(
iiting, and is the Eternal Food.
274. But' feeing all things or every Sue
f J *■
left. I . from the Begt/imn^, 1 1 j^
k nc« orif,inateth from the Firey we vvill
arly Tet before you the Myfiernm Mag-
m, the Great Mylkry, and plainly ilievv
ii Paradife, if any will be blind, to him
5 told and difcovered ; let him go away
;h BabeL
-.. Ye know that in Fire A and Water Vy
•'orjil Life ftandeth or conffteth^ and the Sub-
™ptiaiity is its Body, and the Body is or
Ittfteth out of the Power or Vertue of the
itlpirit,. foi it is the Spirits Food^ and the
f'pirir is again the Bodies FW, and the
J%heli & greatett Nutriment is in it felf j
^'ilMTthe outward would not hold oiret^in it,
iJi: the right or true Life were not in it felf,.
276, Therefore now the Fire,is the^r^
«aufeof the Life, and the Light thereof
iixhzfecond caufc, and the Spirit the thiri
vjufe, and yet is but one fubftance or
hing, which clofeth it felf into a Body,
Und manifeikth, and fo with feeking find-
277. And every Subftance is or confi-
ieth in two Subftances, viz.. in an outward
and inward, the one feeketh and findeth
the other; x.\\tot4tf the iV-
vpard is Spirit above Nature, and yet there
is no fchiim or rending aiunder, but only
' I ^ fVhence the Soul exlflecl Q^eft
1^ that which is included in a time, ther
j^ the time fevereth the limit, fo thatt
Endfindeth the Beginning.
278. Thus ye fee alfo, how out of t
Light, the right or true Subflantiality,c
iBs ; for it is a fulfilling or fatiating
Will ; The Water ex^fteth out of
Meek»efsof the right, for the deliring la
ethholdof the Meekn^efs, and retain
it, for it is a good relifli ; thus is t
Meeknefs Subftantial, and aSubftance
the Fire, a fulfilling of the defirous fieri
Wrath, an atiaying of the fierce Wra
and a corporeity of the Time ; for w
th^ Body falleth away, then is its Spirit \
the Beginning, in that which hath given
forth,^ in thatlooking-glafsitis.
So then- feeing the Source or fountai
QHallty is twofold, therefore is the Wat
alfo twofold, Wii,, an outward and an i
ward ; the one belongech to the Spirit,t
other to the outward Life; the outward
accompted a Death, the inward is its Lif(
the outward ftandeth between the fier
Wrath and Paradife, in the in-funk do
Death ; and the inward is the Paradife i
felf, for the Spirit fprouteth therein o\xco:
the Eternity.
280. Ai
ueft.'i . from the Begivnlyjg,
zZo, And you may lee that this is true
js ; Confider Winter and Summerjalfo
)ld and Heat, and you will foon perceive
if you be born or generated internally
dnot externally only, but with xh^firfi
gick Will or Dcfire to find God, for
lisdone in the twinckling of ajieye.
2S1. For the Water in the Deep,origi-
uethfrom the Fire, yet not from the
irce Wrath, but from the Light, for
|ie Light goeth forth from the Fire, and
ith its own feeking or longing, it fecketh
)it felf a Lookirrg-Glafs, that it may he-
ld it felf, and have it for a habitation,
od draweth it in the Deiiring into it felf,
nd dwelleth therein ; and that which is
I in, is fVater^ which apprehendeth
he Light, elfe the Deep of the World
ould not apprehend rhe Light, if the
L-ight didnot dwell in the Water : the Wa-
er is the fulfilling or
ighr, inics defiring.
i 282. And the Water feeketh again a
Looking-Glafs, and willeth to have a ha-
Ditation, which is Flejh, as ye fee, that the
Water, rsx:eiveth the glimps or ihadow of
all Subflances or Things m their Body, fo
that the Body it felf is reprefented in the
Wat.-r, which is becaufe the feeking of the
Fire hath taken hold of it. 283. Fur-
fatiating of the
1 1 8 Whc?ice the Soul exified Qu^:
2S3. Further herein is feen the End
Nature, foi the Eye findeth its Life in.t
Water, and thus it goeth back into thei
venth Form, and teeketh its Body in,t
Water, and there is further no defire mc
in the outward ; this Body defireth no'
ther Body more in the outward, but it loo
eth hck^ after its mother, of which
have a right and true Example in a Loo/.
ing-Glafs, which is Fire andiVater^ ai ^i
that receiveth the Image very clearly ^"°
2 to
184. And thus ye fee,that the End g(
»' 'ilttii
eth back again,and feeketh the Beginninj
and nothing further in the outward : f< , ,
this World is at the limit ^ and is includi |"^'
in a Time, and runneth on to the Limit ^'
and then the End findeth the Beginninj f""
and this World ftandet ',
* Or Refreltn- as a * Msdel^oi as a Looi '
tation, ing-Glafs, in the Begii
ning. Let this (ervc yo ??|
to the finding of the Myftery, and rem
your felf righrly into the Beginning, th
ye may be apprehended or known to be
wonder in God's Love
28 f. And thus ye are to know, that thi
the fecond Form of theWatcr,confifteth ii]
the Spirit ^[t is its Fathers Looking-Glafs
its Makers, which dwelleth in the Spirit
3 •(!. I . from the Begiiinlytg^ 1 1^
^ is found only by its Makerjic felf find-
not it felf ; for fo long as a thing go-
forward externally^ there is no finding
he Inward internally, only the Spirit
ch dwelleth in the Inward, findeth it
in the Outward.
28 d. But the outward Life findeth not
inward, unleCs it have the inward Spi-
then is the finding, and it is done ac-^
"ding to the inward Spirit^ and then the
ward Life fpeaketh of the inward, and
knoweth it not ; only the inward Spi-
filleth the otitward, fo that the outward
I Mouth, and the inward haih and pro-
ceth the Word,fo that the inward King-
tn, ftandeth manifeft in the outward
the found, and that now is a wonder.
287. The inward is a Prophet, and the
tward apprehendeth it not, but if it do
me to apprehend it, then it hath God's
thfiantiality in it, viz,, God's Flefh^
irift'Fiefii, the Virgins Flefli, and yet
: Prophet fiandeth or confilleth in the
iirity but that Flefh co«ceiveth its Pow-
or Vcrtue, and affureth the outward
m, that he doth even that which his
jlaker willeth ; as indeed this Pe^i is in
:.ch a condition, and 00 oiherwife.
^88, Thus we apprehend ^he giound of
120 from the he ginning, Queft,
thiJ World, that it is
* Or Reprefen- * Figure of the inWard^i
tAtioft. -cording to both Mother ' i
that is, according to bo 'J
>rding to the Fire of ficr
Wrath ; and according to the Fire of tl
Fires, t//x.. according to the Fire of ficr
Light; as the Model, W;?:,. the Lookinj L
glafs of the Light of Eternity, is theSu ;,
and the Looking-Glafs of the fierce Wm ;
is the outward Fire, and theSubftantialr '"'J
of both is the Water and the Earth, t j^'
JE^r^^ is the fierce Wraths, Subftantialit ''^'
thz Water ^ the Lights ; the^*>, the Et^ '"^,
nal Spirits^ which is called God the hi ^''
Spirit. ? *
28p. Yet ye are to know, that tl "'.
World, is not the Subftance of the Et< |
nity,buta|F/^«r^,aLoo r
4- ShadoTVj Re- ing-Glafs, therefore itf f ;
frefentatloHy or called aPrincipIe of or
Mefemblance, it felf, becaufe it hatl
peculiar Life of its ow
and yet ftandeth in the Maglck^ Seeki
of the inward.
The Word Flat is the Mafter of the oi
ward, for it holdeth the outward in its co
ceived or framed Looking-GIafs, it is n
xhz LookiDg^Glafs it felf, but zSiml
eft. !• frotn the Beginmrj^, 121
f, in which its Spirit difcovereth it felf
ieeds of Wonder, to behold the Won-
s of Both Fires, viz., of the Wrath and
he Love; and thus continually bring-
the SubUance of all Subftances into
Beginning : And there-
eis this World turning as * Sfhear or
Wheel or Oib, for the Globe.
d feeketh continually the
ginning, and when it findeth the Won*
s, then the End giveth the Wonders to
Beginning ; and that is the Caufe of the
cation of this World.
2p I . The Life of all and every Creature
I Wonder before the Beginning, for the
>yfs knew nothing of it, and the begin-
igof the Eye findeth iiall^ and fettet^
placeth the Model in it feif, fo that in
:h an Eternal Number, and recreateth it
f in the Number of the Wonders.
The Eighth Form of Fire,
Seeing thus there is ONE Subftancein
Vf O Forms, one that taketh on an un-
tirchableBeginning in it felf, and holdeth
Eternally> and another that- is the Eter-
ilMod.el, which comprifcth,and with its
[:* G Body
122 H'hence the SohI exlfle^ Qi^ieft,-
Body is incJudcd in a limit'; therefore \
are to confider of the Turlra^ which brea.
etii the included compriied Lifc,agai,»
and fetteth the Model of ihi comprif
Wonders in the Be^imin^^ and prefentc
fuch things to the Beginning as were r
from Eternicy, but came to be in the wi
pr// and at laft the Serpent begnile
f€ Again.
Let there be no fair glofs in you, but
lak roundly or fincerely with youi
outh, with Yea and Nay ; alfo fearnot^
f |hat which is Eternal, remainerh ftand-
g, and it is only the filth and vanity^xhtt
ufeih^ that the Tmha together infinua-
G 2 teth
.224 ivhence the SohI exljled Queft,if
ceth it felf as a breaker or corrupter ; havff''
a care of that, for the Old Serpent is fu'
tie, that ye may be p«r^ in the Beginnir
and in the End.
300. For,thiswork^fufferethnotmu(
G/'JfwffupoUy it hath a clear ground, ;|li
it belonge[h not to the Tnrba^ but in
to the Beginning of the Clarity, or bri
Transfiguration or Glory : Therefore; rtllig'
heed of thofe who ate born, or becomij
a vvolfilli difpofition, whofe Sfmt is a'
tie Serpent ; this we fpeak out of G(
will towards you.
Every thing that beginneth it felf/JWi
fought of the Beginnin^,for the Beginnwb
feeketh through xhzDeefy and willctbr
find the ground ; If now the Beginning Wi
find the ground, that there be a limit iiIiIk:
Thing, then the Beginnings flips into wiroi
limit,and leaveth or forfaketh the firR,-a u\
"'''""' ■ " ■' ' I \n\
feeketh further fo long, till it findeth
^hyfs^ -and there it muft ftand in it fe
and can go no further, for thireiis'noi^
But if the firft b^forfaken of • the B^g
ningj then it is faUeis h^me totclje T<^{;ilt
which bicakcthit^vta^ makstiau i^^^gi ink
(j eft* I . fro^ the Beginning, 125
ikx it was in the Beginning.
103. And then if the Thing be broken^
n the Tnrhi^k ftandeth naked without a
;y, and it ielf alfo feeketh it ielf, and
leth it fe!F, but without Subftance, and
it chtereth into it felf, and leeketh
rlf- even in the Abyfs, and then the firfb
: becometh found, out of which ic br-
ie generated.
»ut being it is bare and raw without
ftance, theiefore it is put l^ack^oi home
he Fire, for it putteth it felf therein,
15 in the Fire a Deiiring, viz,, to feek
Body again, and fo the Fire of the Or/-
i/becometh awakened.
;of. And hereby apprehend we the lafb
gem:m in the Fire, and the Re^nrreEli-
)f the Fiefh, for the Turha in the Fire,
efirous of the Body which ic hath had, .
was broken in the limit ; and its defi-
§, was the Bodies Life, viz.. the 5W. .
rhsrefore b^ing the Fires are TWO/
Turh^ alfo mult be apprehended in &
ofoU Former Kind, 1//^. in a corrupti*
Body, and in an incorruptible Bodyj
•♦ one in the tierce wrachfu I Fire, and
: in the Ligh.CrFiic,. wherein 0: where-
xi6 fi^?eKce the Softl exijled Qucft
by we underftand God's Body, and in
fierce wrathful Fire, the Earthly Bo«l
which the Turba corrupreth or breakc
fox itfindeth its Limit.
307. Therefore now the Etefndl
in God's Hye,is,to be iinderftood,bothf
fierce wrathful, and alfo theLigbt-Lo
Fire : And we give you to underftai
that the Spirit without a Body, muft
main in the Herce Wrathful Fire, for itb
^//i:s Subrtantialicy, the Turba hathfwi
lowed it irpin the Fire.
308. But the Spirit with a Body, whi
the Turba is not able to devour, remaini
Eternally in theSubftantiality in Goi
Body, wherein his Spirit ftandeth:; v\
the Body in the Love of God, which ist
hMen Man^ in the Old Adamical, whi
there hath Chrift's Flefli in the corruptil
cr fragile Bodj^
309. Thus we underftand the Soul to
an awakerved Life out of God's Eye,
Original is in the Fire, and the Fire is
Life ; and fo if it goeth not omx. from t
Fire with its Will and Imagination in
the Light, viz., through the fierce wrathf
Death into the Second Pri»cip/e into t
Love-Fire, then it reinaineth in its ov
Origifial F'lre^ and hath nothing but t
ucS.r. fromtheBeglmitA^, 127
irba for a Body , viz., the aftrlngcnt
rce VVrath, a defiling in the Fire, a con-
ning and a hunger, and yet an Eternal
iking, which is the Eternal Anguilli.
310. Bat the Soul which with itsdefi-
jswill, entereth into it feJf, and in its
ifon, that is, in its de(iring,yr;?i^;^ down^
d feeketh not it felf, but God's Love,is
its Fire as it were de^d^ for its will
lich awakeneth the Fire, is dead to the
re- Life, and is gone out from it fclf,into
e Love- Fire; that Soul is fallen horr.e
the Love-Fire, and hath alfo the Lovc-
res Body, for it is entered thereuxnto,
d is a great Wonder in God's Body^ and
is no more.it felf, for it hath killed its
ill, and fo its Turba alfo is as it were
ad, and the Love-will filleth or fatia-
th the Fire of the Original, and thers-
it//W/> Eternally.
311. But thofe Soulsi^whlch have awalc-
:d the Tnrha^ they have loft the Image :-
)r the 7*/;W/-,itbiea
ethic, andgoeth intoit, and feeketh fu
ther into it felf, and findeth at laft tl
Abomination of that, whIch the Soul ki
done here in this life.
3 14. And then we utvderftand here^tPl:
Fire which at the End jhallfHrge the Floa
and the earneft fevere Judgement : At
we underftand how every Fire, will r
ceivc its Suhflance from the THrba^ i§^^^
what that is. i
31^, Where then the Fire, will fwa
low up the Earth, and draw theElemen
with the Hinders in them into the Begii
ning, where then the Firll vviil beagiii
and the Elements in One ; And evei
thing will fet forth its wonders therejev<
rv thing in its own Fire, into which tt
Will is entered.
3 1.<5. L^t this be fisidto you yc Child
C left. X . from the Beginning, i ip
o.Mfin, it concerneth you, for No Beafi
:ome out of the Eternal Beginning^buc
: of. the Mod^l of the Eternal, and in
Spiiit rcacheth not the Eternal, as the
#/of Man doth.
Mfo the corrupt or perifhed i?ody, can^-
t pofl'eis the Eternal, it is fallen honne
:k to the TurhA^ but the New Man ge-
tated or born in God, will poflefs the
ernal, for it is gone forth from tbe cor-
3tible, and hath put on God in Chrii^^
(ich hath God's Body in the Old Body.
318. Thi earthly fource or fountain
ality, xht'TurhA taketh that along vviih
the outward Body from the E^rth, re-
ineth with the Earthy but the will tak-
1 its Subftance doings or works along in-
it felf, for they rtand in the Ne^v Body^.
d follow afcer ir, therefore a Man iIlouU*
ii/c/^r-what he doth in this Life.
The NirJh Form of Fire,
The' great earneji Seventy.
ThuS'We underf^and that all proceedcth
tt-of the Be^inni3g> and Co one 20^1 h ouc
G'5 . ^ cC,
130 IVhcnce the SohI exlfid Q^^Aup,
of the other; andweundcrftand,howtli , intO'the Eternal Nothing ; where there
s no fource or quality or jfaif7y nor nothing
iat ca?i either give or receive it.
32J. But now there is in the funk-
ilown will, no dying, for it is gone our from
the fiery Beginmyig in the Eye>and fo bring-
eih its Life into another Principle, and
dweileth in the Z./ifrf/, and yet huh all
f Forms of the Effaces out of the Fire in k
1-5^ f^hcrnii the Si^ul^xl^U QucJl
felf, but mperce^tlhly^ for it is gone qui
out from the Fire.
32(J, Therefore its Life of its EiTenc
are in the Liberty, and is alfo defirou.
and receiveth in the Defiring into its E
fences, the Power or Vertue of the Ligh
v^hlch jhi?ieth in the Liberty, thatis,Powr
or Vertue without Tfirha : for that Fire
only Love; which confumeth not; bf
continually defireth, and fatiateth, fo th»
the will of the Soul attraUeth a Body.
327. For the Will is a Spirit, andth
Soul is the great Life of the Spirit, whic
upholdeih or preferv*th the Spirit, & thu
the Soul becometh indued with Powe
and Vertue, and dwelleth in Tvpo Princi
pies, as- God himieJf doth ; and accord
ing to the outward, in 7/?r^^ Principles
and is th;: Similitude of God, the inward
3 28.. The inward Water in the Spirit
t!)e Soul, is the Water of the Eternal Life
concerning which, Chril
■'^ J^/tj 4,14. faith, * y/ho[oevcr drlnketi
of the Water that I ^Ive hiff^
he mil *;ez'er thlrfl more '^ this is that Wa-
329,. The Subdantiiliry of the Spirit,
'^yiuvh become th put on to the Soul,isGods:
eft.i* from the Beglnmng. i33
Chrifts Body ; concerning
.John6,<6, which, he faith, \. yvhofo-
ever eateth my Flefh and
linketh m} Bloody contintieth in Me^ And I
I Hinf,
But the right true Life in the Light of
\z LMajefly in the Ninth-Number, is the
irgin Tintiure ; it is a Fire, and yet not
tFire, itburneth, butconfumethnot ; it
i the Love, the Meeknefs, the Humility:)
IS is God's Llfe^ the Holy Souls Life, an
icorruptible Life ; and an unfearchable
fe, for it ftandeth in the Al>y[s in it felf,
ere is a Center therein, which Center is
\ Firft Life, and yet it doth not comprc-
•nd it, as the Fire doth not comprehend
5 Light.
331. Thus the Ninth Number is the-
fc in the Fire of God, and is called the
fe in the prefence of the Number Three;
! an Angely which ftandeth before the
tofs to or for God's Deeds of Wonder,
id to or far the Mar/ifeflAtlon of the He*i- ,
^nly Honour and Glory.
134 ffieffce the SohI exijlei
the Tenth Number and Form of Fir S it
The Gate into the Holy Ternary. \
332. »
V/e kBOWMnRealcn, that where the f
is a Root, therein alloisadefirouswii v
as, viz., the Noble TlnBHrc^^\\\Q\\ drivci ".'^'
upwards and forwards, andfeekethaS ?!
militude according to its Form.
333. The Tincture is a Virgin, and !^'J
known 01 apprehended in God's ^//J/e (5
in the Wonders ; It is no Genetrlx^ but i 1^
opener or manifefter of the Wonders \vhi<
ftand in theWifdom, it feeks no Loekir^: ^'"
Glafs, but meerly openeth 01 difcoven
the Eirenccs,that fo a total Similitude m^
generate or produce it felf out of theEffit;
ces, it driveth the Twig or Branch out
the Tree.
This we undeffiand as to Angels, at
Souls, which are proceeded out of Gojd
EffenceSjOut of the total Tree, the Ange
out of tvpo Principles ; and the Soul wi
the Body of the outward Life out of Tk
Principles : And therefore Man is high
dignified than the Angels, if he contim
in God. 3 3 J
C eft. * . from the Beginning, 1 3 J
J35. And in the Tenth Number upon
ll; Crofs> arc the. Angels and Souls awak-
t\y and become corporifed in the Hca-
. vnly Subftantialit/, although the Tenth
timber belongcth to the place, between
t: Fift and the Sixt ; but in a Globe,to be
iderftood fo, that the Heart is in the
i'dft in the Center^ which is God*s Heart,
tac is, God's Word', the Power and Ver-
te in or of the whole Tree, as the Kernel
^ Pith in the Wood, hath the Effences,
.iertue or Condition of the whole Tree-
■^S^^ Thus God is a Spirit,and the Word
his Heart,which he fpeaketh forth out of
1 Powers or Vertucs and Wonders 5
lerefore Ifalab callcth ir,.
fyonder , Council , ^orvery Ifa, p. <^.
rlnceof Peace, viz. aPici-
er of the Anger, and an Eternal Power
f Wonders, a Counfellour of iht Gene^
;337. For the Word upholdeth or pre-
frveth the Cf^r^r of Nature, & is a Heart
nd Lord of Nature, it is ihzGenetrlx in
tod's Eye,a Giver of the Power and Ver-
ue, and the ftiength of the Omnipotence :
t holdeth the Fire-Center captive with
J)c Love-Fire, fo that it mul^ be dark in it
elf, and the Word hath only the Lights
Mfe. 35^* We
f 3 ^ H^hcncc the SohI exifitd Quefti
538, We cannot apprehend the Teniijf
N\jmber any otheiwiie, then that itii i^'^
Crofs, and is the Original of the Subliaiii i^ii
of all Sublhnces ; which Subftancc pai 1^^'
cth it felf into Three Beginnings, as abo
mentioned, whereof each hath its Subftan(
and are in one another, and have no mo
than one Spirit^
33P. And in the middle of the Point
the Center^ which is the Caufc of the Lifi
and in the CenteVy is the Light of tl
Majcfty ; out of which the Llfcy as an
tberPrincipJe, exifteth, out of which tl '%)
Tree of the Eternal Life hath ever coi^ li
tinmlly grown from Eternity , and tl
Twigs 01 branches grow out of ti l\
340. Which are the Spirits of Angel
which indeed have not been corporeal froi
Eternity, but the Effences or Qualitl
have been in the Tre
*Or%efre[en and their * Image hai
tar'ion, been 1 dlfcovsred^^ hav
4- Shone forth., appeared in the Virgin c
the Wifdom from Etet
nity: for they have been a * f ;^«rf frort \M
Eternity in the Tin6lure, yetnotCorpo 4i
lealj but EjfentUl^ without Corporifatiofl
34^1,, Am
eft . I . frof** ^^^ Beginning, 137
^iji.541. And therefore this is the grcatel^
'••ndet that the Eternity bath wrought,
^^itit hath created the Eternal into a Cer-
eal Spirit, which no Reafon apprehend-
nor no Mindfinderh, alio it is not
oughly fearchable or fathomable to us.
For, no Spirit can r/?r<7^^/»/)'rearchout or
:hom it felf, it feeth its own deep very
5II even into the Abyfs; but its framer or
[ and no-
For a Child knoweth its Father and
lother well, but knoweth not how his Fa-
!/jer hath made or begotten it ; icisalfo
ifshigh in Degree of Nature as its Father j
lit it is hidden to \ihowlt wasin the Seed;
, nd though it fearch that, yet it knoweth
iiotthe Time and Place, nor did not ;
:br it was in the Seed, in the Wonder ;
■ind in the Life a Spirit in the Wonders.
And here it is forbidden us to fearch
urther, and commanded us to reft from ic
md to be filent, for we are a Creature^ and
138 pyhence the Soul exl/^cd Qucfc
fliould Tpcak. fo far as the Creature rcac
eth, both in the inward and outward,
body and foul, in God, Angels, and Me
and DviviIs,alfo in 5ea(h,Fowls, Woroj
in Leaves and Grafs/m Heaven and Hcl
all this we can fcarch, only our ojy«.yWfcei
ki^£, not.
YetofthatjWe knovvthe Fw^,and kno
how w^ are made, yet we know riot the fii
moving of God to the Creation : Tl
making of the Soul, we know well, b
bow that which hath i^ood /;k-nn its Sal
ftance from Eternity, is become moveable
of that we know no ground,for it hath nc
thing, that hathftirred it up, and it hat
in- Eternal will, which is without begic
ning and unchangeable.
But if we (hould fay, the Angels an
Souls, havebeen from Eternity in the Spi
lit ; the Propagation of Souls will not pci
mit that, as it is before our eyes 7 Therd
fere this is God's Myftery alone ; and th
Creature fhould continue under God i
humility and obedience, and not elevat
it felf further; for it is not altogether a|
Godhimfelf is.
347. God is a Spirit from.Eternicy|
vByeft . I . from the Beginnirjg^ 1 3 p
thou t Ground and beginning; butth-e
uIj and Angels Spirit, hath an Original^
-A ftanderh inGods hand^thcThirdNum-.
{Wty hath the cafting rbovle,, and purgetb
Floar ; Only Patience and Humility in
bcdience is requifite, elfeit avalleth m-
ing to be or exiil from God : The Devil
as alfo an Angel, yet his highmindednefs,
rovveth' him notwithftanding into the
larknefs : Let none climbe up abi,vex\\z
iiofs, clfe he f^lleth into.Heli to the De-
i^i^^. God will have Children, and not
dly ones about him ; he is
ord and none elfe, * ofhu *Joh,i.i4»
'ulnefs have vfie received^ out
his Eirences are we born or generated,
'e are his right and true Children,«fi»t ftep-
hildren, of a ftrange Looking-GIafs, alfo
otonLy a (imilitude, but children; yet the
tody is a (imilitude, and the Spirit is a fi-
rilitude according to God's Spirit, but
he right and true Soul is a ChiU born or
eneratedoutof God.
[ ... ^49..
f -* God's Sfiritglveth witnefs
^ our Sprits ^t hat r^e are God 's * Rom, 8,
'^hildren^ not in that kind as 16.
hhlmzk^s a rumbling noife,.
H^ whence the SohI exl/ied Q^ieft.
which Co would fain bt God upon Earth
3yo. No, butourfelves are Childtl'i^''^
hgotten ot God's Seed, our heavenly B|il^
dy is out of or frooi God's Body, whl
the holy Soul /give you fummary An-
trs apon the Queliions, bccaufe you fee
[this defcription clearly all your Quefti-
p^Anfwered; yet to pleafure and accom-
late the fimple, and fuch as have not
knowledge, we will go through with
|un particularly.
The Second Queftion.
What the Soul is in the EJfence^ St
JiancC') Nature (3 Property^ i
TH E Souls EfencesziQ out of the G!
r^r of Nature, out of the Fire, Wi
all Properties cf Nature ; All the Tim
Principles lye therein ; All whatfo^^
God hath, or can do, and whatfoever G
is in his Number Thiee, that, the Soul
in its EfTences, as a Branch out of t
Power and Vertue of the Tree, its Su
ftance is heavenly created,out of the ht
venly Divine Subftantiality,
' But it5 Will is Free^ either toji:
down in itfclf, and to accompt it felf N
thing, but tofproutas abranchoutof t
Tree, and to eat of God's Love> or
climbe up in its Will into the Fire, and
its own Tree of it felf, and of which {
ever it eatcth, of that it gets Subftantial
ty ; 1//2:.. the :Body of the Creature.
• 3 . Ics Natnre is the Center it felf, viri
Seven Spirits to generate or propaga
with^ It is a Total Subftance out of A
,H4!atthe SoHlislnEpncey&c, 14.3
[hncc?, and 1 Similitude of the Num-
Three, if'u h irt God ; If not, it is the
ilitudcof Lticifcr^ and of all Devils ;
fuithertnore according to their Proper-
Its Trofsrty^ was in the Firft Sotil
ated according to hoth Mothers, upon
.ch followed the Command, and the
nptation,that it ftiouldr.otfufferic felf
ttift to Eat of Evil and Good ; but of
avenly Paradincal Fruit only,-& lliould
h its Will •&; Property be directed and
lined io be in God.
j?. ^utall Properties lye in it; it may
iken and let in what it will, and what-
:ver then it awakeneth and Jetteth in,
iris acceptable to God, if It ftand con-
ned with its will into Humility, and in-
Obedlence into God's
)vejrhen may it do what * Alhutrvard
vonders/rW//, it ftand- ^''S' ^'S '^5
h or ferveth all to Gods ^ ,.^^ ^^/^^^
onofir and Glory.
HS Qiieft ,
The Third Queftion.
IJow the So til is created to the Iim
of God,
IT \s clearly {hewn , that the Numl
Three, with all the Three PrincigJ
hath pleafed or longed to have a Total ,
wilttfide in Subiiance and Property, acci
ding to th^ Surtance of all Subftances.
2. And the pleafure or longing to hf
th»t,hath beconie nivakend in Gods Hen
as a Great Wonder.
3 . And that awakening was the harjh
aftringent Fiaty viz,, the defirous attra^
on, which hath drawn out of ALL it
ONEy and is become an Image accordi
to the Similitude of God ; according.
Heaven and this World, and alfo accord)
to the Anger- World ; It hath createda
viz,, the Tetal Fiatyin- verbo Doml»ly[n t
Word of the Lord, out of God's, andc
of the Anger- Kingdom.
4. And as there \% nothing higher th
the Soul, fo there is nothing that can bre
itj for all is under it and in it ; it is a chi
ift.5. Hovo the SffHlls create d^&c. 14J
the Total Subftance of all SublUnces :
jsic was created.
The Fourth Queftion.
iat the Breathing in of the Soul is^
and rvhen it is done.
Very Spirit vvithout a Body is raw or
void, and knoweth not it felt : there-
c every Spirit defireth a Body^ for its
id and for its habitation.
2. Now being God had before the Soul
rated the Third Principle, as a Looking-
ifs of theDeity,thereforewas theLook-
j-Glafs clearly appendant to the Eter-
1, for it was generated out of thzEter-
fVonden^ and fo created : Therefore
b the Third Principle w^W^»(?r leave the
ul free, being it alio was created out of
iid's Wonders, and i^ood in the Begin-
Qgas a Figure \v\ God's Wifdom ; and
fired, feeing it was material, that ic alfo
ight have a w^r^nW Similitude in or on
« Soul,& fo ftirred up in the SoulsCrea-
)n,allo its Spirit, together in the Flat.
3, And there was the outward Image
H according
1^6 WhAt the Breathingln Qt,icft.i|i furround i
the Souls Spirit firfl with heavenly Su %
rtantiality, with heavenly Divine Flei (in
and the holy Spirit gave the hfl
venly TinUnre , which made heaver
Blood in the Water ; as
* Three^foU our * Third Book is men
Life, oned at large.
6. Thus Rood the inward Man in H(
ven, and its Efl'ences were Paradifical,
glance in the inward Eye, was Majefty,
incorruptible Body, that couJd underlia
.Cod's and the Angels Langudge^ the L«
|ge of Nature, as is to be
^r\'in Mam^thn* he^4ve *Gen.2.ipj
t^ Creatures their Names ^ 20,
§^rj vne according to Its EC-
ftce and Proferty; he ftood thus in the
aif/ard Image, and yet knew not the out-
jird Image by Experience, as indeed the
ward Body hath no apprehendon,
^7 I In this Twofold Bo. ^^^,,^^^,
,which was created on the ffour when
[t Day on the Sixt hour of cbrifl wa
I Day, even * In the Hour ^m*^ on the
tn Chrtft wa4 hantred on the ^ ^^(' ; , ^ .
»//, was the Kmgly or MarKiS^ti^i
►yal Soul,aftcr the finiQi-
»of the Body, breathed mby the holy
irit, into the Heart, into the holy Man,
:p its Principle • like an awakening of
: Deify.
8. TheThitd Number, hath moved it
f with the Soub breathing in> for it was
^n the Certter in the Seed, as a fprout o£
sfpringing of the Efl'ences ; thus it was
cathed in into the inward C^^rrr^into the
h ward Man, into the Heavenly Heait-
:; Dod, into the Water of the Eternal Life,
1^ th all the two inner Principles.
- p. And the Outward Spirit, viz,, the
1 ;V,with the total outward Principle^with
H 2 Stars
'14^ f^^hattheBreathlngin Queft„L
Stars and Elements hung to the InwaM^
and the outward Spirit breathcth intohi-y
its life^together alio with \\ji
* (^ en, 2,7, Soul, * thraiigh the Nojln
into the Heart, into the.oir
ward Heart into the Earthly Ficfli, wbii
yet was not Co Earthly ; for it became c«i
poreal out of the Matrix out of the feekbi
out of which the Earth came to be.
10. Thus the Holy Spiric.rode upoiTvd*
Souls Chariot upon t^e l^iwarci Majef^jj
Will, and moved upon "the Water ;|
the Water comprehended him not, theji
fore he moved upon it and in it, it ij,<
one ; and the Soul did hnrrf oi flame oujCji
the Heart-blood, as the, Light, out. ot
Candle, and went throii^h all the.TJ^J
Pii'nciplcs, as a King.ovet his Country
11. It could potently rule over the (fl
ward Piincipie, if it were with, its v?
entered again into the H^ait-p£-fiod, i|
the Word of t-he Loftlit
Alio the Source or Q^iality of the fiej
Wiath did thus together prefs in with
Breathing in^ viz,, with the Original oi
:»5. And the SduI could not other vt
eft.4» of the Soul js J &c, i4p>
itinue to be God's Image, iinlels
cominue. in Hamiltty and Obedience,
i incline or fe^t its will into God's Will;
crein it was an Angel and God's Child,
• there was great danger, for a Creature
over-power two Principles, viz*, the
gry^and the Outward, which was gene-
cd out of the Anger,.
Therefore its Temptation, was not the
re biting of an Apple>and hath endured
a few hours only, but Forty D^yesy fo
ig as Chrift voas temfted in the mlderneff^
deven by all the Three Principles, and
'ael in the iVildernefs^ when Mofes rvas
ktj Vayes ufm the Monnt ; when they al-
iftood not J but made a Calf,
Q^eft.5^. Hovf the Sofil is \%
The Fifth Queftion.
IIqw the Soul is peculiarly formed a
fp^Jhione d er framed.
WHen a Twig or Branch growc
out of a Tree, then its Fafi
on or Shafe is from the Trce,it is not t
Stocic 01 the Root, but yet ics Form is U
the Tree j So alfo when a Mother brecde
a Child, it is an Image of hn.
i. And that cannot otherwife be, i
there is nothing elfe. that can.mjke
otherwife, unlds it be fallen back home
xhtThrha^ which often awaketh a Mo
fter, according to the Spirit of this Wor
according to its beginning or inceptr
Maker ^ viz,, the Moo;
^er 4 Menflrmm where, the f Mf,makc
mvftex' a * Moon-Monfter :
the lurba,
3. Thus we are to apprehend and kn
in what Form it is, vi^^.. of a round (jlo^
according to God's £;f, through which tl
Crojs goeth or piercetb, and parteth it fi
\. At trvo Halves
of cne whole
CircUi Rftin^
Icft.f. fecuHarl) formed J &c. ij^
Jo two * parts>^ into ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^.^
U I £;^j, which Itand ^^;^,^ y^^ y^^-^
Tt?^^'*^'^^ as we have ward are twoEys^
[de the Figure above -j*
th a t|Vofold|/?rf/«-/'cjv,
ere the Crois gocth or
;rccth through both, and
the midd between the
^ws, one Arm or Point
the Grofs reaching uo ^ow.
ff, which fignifieth a 'Ortr^ Kdu^
tout through the bire,
tough the ADgui(h, viic. through D>iarh,
d yet it is no Death, but an Exit out of
fclf, into another fource cu- fountain
ality, where it ftandeth thi^fe^fore the
I '0 Bows in the midfi as a fprout out of th©
Li 4^ And the Arm of the CrQi*s at ths
\f£ht hand, fignifieth its Spirit, which en-
icth into the Light of the Majefty ; and
ittethontothe Soul, viz.. to the C^^r^r^
ivine Subftantiaiiry..
y. And the Arm, at the /f/^ of the Crcf*^
gnifieth its Original in the Fire, and
oldeth or containeih in it the firft Princi-
lic ; that it belongeth to the Father, and
andeth in the Original Eye, in the lirong"
H 4 and
iy2 Hovfthe SohUs
andy?fr» power and might; as a Lordai Ji
Potentate or Ruler of. Nature, , „oi
And the «W^r Part or Arm of the Cioi jjn,
fignifieth the Water, 'z^/*. the Humility; j^,
the Death, fo to refcmble it, that it Ihou l^
not rule in Fire, nor kindle that, butfi
down in it felf and under it fclf, befo jjdi
God's MajeRy,'and accompt it felf as dt; ^j i
in its will> that God might live in it, ti ,jte
the holy Spiiit condu^l its RegimenV .u
Government ; that it may not d^ what tl •,,(
Will of the Tfirba in the Fire, willeti j^j^
but what the Will in the Light willeth^ \^^
7. Therefore fliould its Will fink doi \^
under it^lf^into the mttkHumlUty befo
God ; and 'fo it goeih out from the TV.
of the Fire, for its Will is not therei
and fo alfo there can no Imagination I
aded out of which, that Looking-Glasf
can be born or generated, fo that it can ti
hold and apprehend it felf experimental
in the Fire, that it is Lordly^ whence it b
Cometh proud, arrogant or (-iubborn, a
will rule it felfinor according to its owL
mii^ht or poWv^r 5 as Lticlfer did, and AdS^^
in Paradifc.
Underftand us aright, thus j The Soul
"" f aeft. y . ptcnllarly formed^ & C . i J 3
|ilf, is a Glohy with a CW/r, wich two
iesy one Holy Divine, and one Hellillk
Y f rathful one in the Crofs ; thu- it ihould
jt up,and rule hiddenly through the An-
iiJijW^:,. through Death in the Second
LMiflciplc there/mh in the Love,
And if it conceiveth or ^pprehe-ndeth the
ve, then is the fierce wrathful Fire as
were dead, 2fid imfercepwle : But it is
Jc Joy-Life of Paradire>ehe ia.the Meek-
;& would be no Life and Government or
ominion, if the Fire did mt give it fclf
crcinto- but it would remain the ftill
terriity without Subftance, for all and
ery fuhjiance . 01 thing exi^eth in ths
And thirdly, the Soul is formed, accor»
mg to the Total Body with all its Mem-
1 1 . Which nnderftand, thus ; The Soul
whe Stock, v'lz.^ the Root, which appear-
ith like the CeKter of the Number Three, ,
s an Sjs a GUbe a Crofs^ and then its will,
ifbich oiiginaceth our of the Eternal V/ill,
1. a Spirit, which the right or true Soul
uith in us power, and that. ^'///nV openeth.
he I '^Y.^CwS in the Fire and Water.:
}±4 i 32, So ^
5'4i HowtheSmlis Qiieft.fj ^'l|
12. So that its whole Form appearcfl ^^^^
//i^f a Tree with many Twigs & Bianch«l ^'^"J
and is dlflrlhutefl into all the BranchcS'dt '^'^
the Tree. f ii'^!*
13. Which is thus to be underftood,thii ^';^\
Spirit dirtributech them into the wholeB© f"^
dy, underrtandin theTin(:rl:ure,intoall th« ^j'^
CMtmberSy they arc all its Branches,it ap ifr
peareth in its Sflrit no orherwi.re thani) »^^^
the whole Man with all Members. ¥
14. And herein it is alfo the right tru< s^^j
Image of God : foi the Holy Spirit dwct '^^^^
ieth in the Spirit,if it be true and faithful «^''^
if «of, the Devil dwelleth therein; to whic ^^*
foever it giveth upit felf or inclincth i J'l
felf, whether to Covetonjnefs and High-
mindednefs, o-r to Love and Humilityj
that's own it is.
if.^utif it perfiftin A-l
\Or'Goodnt[s, bomination and lofctlj
I God, thenit lofeth tJ
Crofs, and itsEyeis a HeHifh Eye, whei
by the Tptrta introduceth the Form Shaj
and Model of an. Abominable J5f-^y? inl
the Eye, into the Will and Spirit,
16. Therefore did Chrifj
\M/iKi2,i^, call the Pharirees|5tfr/?«r[
find Genemiion of Pilfers ^ foij
& ftood their Figure before- him, id theij
CiCft.y t pecpf/iarly formed^ (S^r. i)S
irit> in refpedl of their Pride State and
vetoiis Will, that they would be Lords,.
d next Servants of God in Love and Hu-
17, And thus alfo ftandeth the Figure of
tichrift in Baheiy as a "Dragon with Seven
iki/, which are fevea Spirits, upon which
Hypocritical Sfiritrideth in Mans Image^
to the Abyfle, u will needs be an Angela
ad yet is a Moniier^ in lefpe^^ of a right
ue Child of God; it beareth the A^^w^
ideed, but its Heart is that Beaft in the.
vclatiort of John : It Would have God and
e> Devil too,and therefore is Uich^ Men--
ier, asis like a Mm, and yethideth the
Devil in and under it felf.
. i8. O Child cf 'Kknjfly away,the dooi
s open, the Turbo, is conie, which will de-
stroy the Image ; if you will no: go away,
you mul^ along wich it ; there is neither
counfcl nor remedy, but only tofeekthc
light and true Image in the Love^ or elCe
there is nothing further to \q. expeded but
neceiTity and calamity and death, faith the
Spirit^f Wonder;
This now is cur diref^ Anfv7er; That i be
SoDiln ih(i Firjl Principle according to the
Oiiginal, hath the Form of as -Ej^jand yet
15 (^ Hov:> the Soul Is^ &c. QueftJ
twofold like a Heart, wheidin the Cr\
20. And in the 5^co»/*Pjinciple itisi
Spirit, and a total intire Image, (uch a ojj
as the outward Man is.
21. And in the Third Principle, it is|
Looking-Glafs of thtwhdeHorld^ zWV
eth therein, whatfoever is in the Poteil
tiality of Heaven & Earth, even the Pre]
perties of ail Creatures : for that Lookinj
Glafs is as the Firmiment and the Stai
and Conftellations.
22. It is fuch a Crown as thar,and therel
in ftandeth the Outward Mans Numbctj
the end and terminatwn of his Life,witha|
Profperity and Adverfity, if theoutwar<
Life be ruled by the Spirit of this Woildi
The Sixth Queftion.
I;at the Abtlity or Potentiality of ths
T is apprehensible to us ; thttwhatfo-
ever Gomeih out of the unfearchablc
ofundity, and is the Ground of irfelf^
it it is able to ip all things ; for it is irs
m Subftance, and nfiaketh it felf.
And though indeed the Soul be a
/fig or Brarvch fprung out of this Tree,
viitit is now come into the Being of a
Ifeaturey and is its own ; it is now an
jwgtf of the whole, and a Child of the
bole; for when a Child is generated or
►B3, then is the Mother and the Child
HO, they are two perfons ; but whilH it is
- :t in the Seed in the Mother, then the
:edis the Mothers, and the Mother bath
)minion over it; for when the Child is
neratcdyihtn it hath its own life in it felf,
id hath the Csntero't Nature in its own
3 nm^ it ruleth not only in it felf, but al-
\ t externally without it fclf,in wbatfoever
4* Wti?
If? M^'hat the Ahilltj or Potemality Qu \,\
4. Underfhnd us aright, thus ; Gcu'
Spirit &., the Soul's Spirit arcm4f, feeing a Man knoweth not who vU
be ihe Reader.
8. But to the wicked and ungodly,
fay, that thej belong to the Devil, d
ihiW have no part in our Writings, we ( :t
ihem out with a thick wall cvr enclou:,
and ftiong fortification or,bullwark,
thry w^y be bliKdyznd not know oui5pi
l:i^. (^; of the Soul Is. ifp
ovc- would not fct the Serpent therein*.
>twill and mind is gone out from theiU|
efore fhall they not know us, though
. ,' carry us in their hands, thereis a faft>
'([ upon it,
thrift faith,- * If ye have
f.th as a grain of mttftard * Mat, l/^
:f i, then ye might fajf to the 20.
i ioHHtams^ he ye removed and
izcUnto the Sea; that is not an empty void*
' :>rd, without truth and eff^c^.
: Tke Firji F&wer of the Sauls WilL:
:: 10, The 4- W// if it go
fongly forward, is Faith ; -j- Thefirong
'"' :£rameth its own "^form in defae u faith,
^e Spirit-; it hath alfo the
.: light or Power, that it can * Or Refre^
' Mm or ii^mdaKotherlmigz fetitation,
n the- Spirit , out of'-the- •
'entered Nitue.
, ! II Jt can give to ihz- Body another Form,
,!:iccording to [hzontivard Spirir, for the/»-
:' -^ard is Lord of the Outward, the oatward
. mujft be obfdient to h\^M can fet the out-r
ward in anotiver Image, but not prmaKem.
S2^ .Fox^^4^?v rSoul h^ kj in the Tht-
i<5'o f^hat the AMlty or Potentiality Qi
haoi this VVoild, fo that the Turh^M
feeth a ftrange Child, is fuddenly upp.
moft, and breaketh or defirtyjeth it ; onlj
continueth fo long, as the Inward Spj
can tame and over-power the Outwardi
13. And this Forn:i Kind or Manner
Power, is called, Nlgromaney^ a tranfnc
ration of changing, where the Inward dc
over-power the Outward ; for it is nai
ral,as we con{ider,that w^
* I Cor.iy. * rve jhdl he ch^figed^ it
J I, done by that very Turk
which hath the FirR F/W
14. For the Body is Sul^hnry and ftic
eth in the TlnElure^ and the Spirit co
dudeth the TinUure ; therefore now if ~
Firft willeth therein or couantetb therct
viz., the Soul, then canthe Spirit of t
Soul, .make another Form or Manner
Image in the Su/phtir ; but the Devil mi:
eth himfelf readily therein, for it is t
Abyflcs Wonder, wherein he. is Lord,
The Secoitd Power of the SouhWilL]
Alfo underftand us, thu-s ; Theearn(
will, which otheiwu'e is called Faicb, ci
with the Spirit dc great things : the Wll
^mky. or put the J>piat ioto anotba Fori
icft.<^. of the Soul Is, 161
[Condition, which is thus : It theSpi-
were zr\ Angela a Similitude of God^
jt the Will can make of it
hroud or 4- ftubborn Devil ^ \ Stoltyen,
dalfoof a Devil znAn- Ohfilnate,
[/, if it finkdown itfelf
]loDea»h,into Humility und^rtheCrofs,
udcaf^ it felf again into God's Spirir^that
J, J^inay lead it by his government, then it
j.JAeth down into the ftlll Eternity, quite
/Jut from the fource or quality of Torment,
to the ftill or quiet NOTHING, which
y^lctis ALL, and then it ftandeth in the
icginning where God created it, and tfee
ford Flat receiveth or embraceth it again,
ihich containeth God's Image.
The Third Porver of the Souks Will
And then thirdly, the Sotils Spirit, hath
'ability or power, to enter into another
Mans Marrow and Bones, viz., into the
Sniphfir, and if he be falfe or wicked, to
introduce the Tnrhd into him ; fo far as
any is not armed with God's Spirir> but
that he be found naked in the Spirit of this
World ; as is to be feea by the bewitching
Whores or Sorcerers. The
ngs. I.
^ Ex{>d,7.and
i<^2 J^VhAtthe Ahilitj or Votentlalltj Q^
The Fourth Power of the Souls Will.
Fourthly, It hath poYfcr, if it beGocI
Child, that it can lead the Turba captiv|
and can pour it out upon the houfc of tl
•zKini^s. I. W'fked and ungodly ;
flias did With the Ftre ;
^ Aiofes before Pharos
for it can throw don
Mountains & break RockJ
1 8, This is underftood, to be, fo far ;
a place is capable of the Tftrba^ihn it hat
rmdt i\it Anger jiirrlng^ then it can bcj
but if not, and that God*s Spirit be in'
thing, then it cannot be ; for fVater will
poured into the ¥iicsTurbay and it is as
were dead, and its. ability or power lyetj
in the dirt.
ip. And therefore is the Heaven tl
niiddle or medtum^bziTictn God and HelJ
viz,, between Love and AnI
** Geft.i, 6, ger; which *" Heaven iscre^
ted out of the midj} of the ff^a\
tersj fo that the Devil cannot ruJe witl
his Turbay the Water turneth his purpc
into fcorn and dcrifion ; as therefore thell
falfe or wicked Magia
^ Blendung, drowned in the Water witl
its inchantmcnt & ^ deiufi-
on, Tbi
if tie Stul is.
Tie Fifth Tower af the Souls Will
or Spirit.
i(if§FifthIy, The Soul hath might or ability^
{r> it may and can feek or
* InventloHS^
irtmjch out all Wonders or
umVoi)iSy which are in Na-
J, vt\. Arts and Sciences, Language*,
RcJiilding^Tilling or Pian(ing,and Ddhoy.
)fii|Jo i< can fubdue the Starry
wvcn^as ^ Jofhua commAnded ^ Jojh, i o^
i Sh» that it flood Jilllj and 12,13,
(ofcsthe Scay that it Rood
I, alfo he commanded the Darkpefs^ ani
csme ; alfo it can make or
educe the- Earthiy Life ;
IS M&fes the^ Lice & Fr^^-f ,
tiif/i Serf cms And other IVon^
It 21. Alfo it hath Death in its power or
lights that it can over- power that, if ic
dc upon the Brides-Chariot ; it can fub^
ac and over-power the Dm/, if it be in
; 22, There is- nothing which it cannot
f.jbdue : only, underhand it aright, The
oul hath fuch might or ability from its
)rigi?7aly and fach a Spirit it could have
""Exod, 14.
21. 10.22,
7.^2, (^r.
1^4 ^hat the Ability or Potcmallty
given forth out of it felf, if it had not
in thd Ear hly Gxtzi Turba, which ni
giverh theftop : unlcfs it be fo, that
holy Spirit rideth upon its Chariot ; as wi]
Mofes^ Ellas^ and all the Prophets^ tfi
Chrift and his Difcip/es^ ajfo llill continw
lyj with the holy Children of (Jod : th\
have all this Power or Authority, theyc
awaken or ralfc the Vead^heal the Sick^i
exyel all Difeafesy it is natural, the Sj
only ruleth therewith, over the Tftrba, ,i
But there is this on the other fide to^l
confidered, that the Soul knoweth vei
well what covenant, compiA ox^gree?n!f\
it hath wifh thi Devil, and what proprifii
01 part he hath in it ; it goeth not mkt(
uniefs it be fo, that the Spirit otGod coijk
du^S ir, To that it hath him for a fhieldi
defence, fo that the Devils futtlety cann\
preCs or flip into it.
25". It makes no wonder, uniefs Godi
5pirit awaken or ftir it up, itgiveth Go]
the Honour and Glory, and Attribnteth t\
might & power to him ; it doth as a huBll,
bk Child, and remaineth (Unding undcfi
the Crofs, and letreth the Devil bluftaj
over it, but it felf fprouteth In Humilit]
and Meeknefs through: Death into the E
a be
ft. ^»/W^r, up*
this Q^efiioMy that the 5oul in its
ft'iginal is giearly powerful^ it is able,
*.dcando4nuch, but only in that P:in-
f ciplc
1 66 what the Ability ^ &c. Queft.vl
ciplc into which it looketh or ftandc
is its power and mighty for the Dc
cannot riile over God : Its might
fojver is not given to it, as a King giv
/T/ight, Power, Authority or Fav
to any, but it ftandcth in Natures-rig
therefore we arc Children of the 0mm
rrw^jof God, and inherit hi^ Goods in^
I The Seventh Queftion.
ether the Soul be Corpo/eal ornot
Thing which is from no Beginnings
hath alio nathing, that can give it
thing ; and if it be fomething^it muft
i, the Beginning in it felf/or every /p/-
iwelleth in the dcefejl Abyfle of \\%[tib-
ce^ but if it muli make the fubrtance to
"elf, it can dwell in Nothing that is
ngc to it, but in it fdf in its ovfn fub-
I. When God created the 55«/,the ho-
^Irit I'urrounded it with the TMare^
I it ftood therein, as to one part in it felf
vas raw or red as the glowing of the fire
•aw or red, and is furrounded with the
J. As you underftand^ that from the
Jrmth the growing exifteth, that is a dri-
iigof the Ttn^firc; which driveth the
|rig or Branch out from the Root, viz.»
jtof thepTw^.Fire, be itcold or/?^r.
.4. For theDarknefs hach a Co/dFitQ^(o
jig till it reach the AnguiiTi, and then it
1(^8 M'hnher the Soul h corporeal Qu^'
kindleth it felf in the hot^ as is to be fo
in an Herb^ if it come into another qu
5*. Thus we give you to undcrftand,th
the TlnUurey is the right and true ^jj
Body : for the .^oul is Fire, and the Ti
Bfire ^ozth forth out of the Fire, which t
Fire draweth again to it felf, and m
neth or alUyeth it felf therewith, fo tha
fierce Wrathful fource or qiality c
6. Thus the TlnUure ftandeth in m
nefs, and it hath no fubftance or mig
povv jr iri it felf, but the Water is its mi
or power, there cometh out of them
nefs of the TinUtire^ water to be.
7. For the Fire is dcfirous, and w
there is a defiring of the Oiiginal, therS f'.
alfo a finding of the Original, thus the Fi
findeth in the TinBure^Wixtf^ and tur
eth hat into 5«/pW, according topovi
orvertueof all the 5^1/^^ Spirits of N
ture, that is a Water of Life.
8. For the TlnBtire driveth upint
Water as a fprout, and the Fire in the',
byfs caufeth that.
p. Thus is the Water in the Snlfhur
the 5even Spirits changed into thc/W
fiery ^ and the^reat Arcanum or Secret 1
eft+7. or Kot CorporeaL i<^P
thereni, Whatfoever God and
» Eternity can do : Thus the
ftery concaineth Two
cmSiviz^.^ht &c VVater, * mud flu
1 *chaHgeth ic felf aceor-
ig to Both^ viz,, according to the Flre^
Pved, and according to the TlnUtire^
o White 'y fo that a dear lliining^.or
ce; exifteth from the Fire ; fo that the
e- Teeth or knoweth it fslf, out of which
id [on and Thoughts exili, and the Mini
n the Wheel or Orb of the Anguifli in
: Fire, t>uc of which the Effences exilt,
xo. And thus you fee whit the Blood-is,
t. a Hoitfeoi the Soul, but the Tinduie
its Body,
.II. The light or true Soul hath no pal-
ble Body which is called Soul, but in the
nEiHre grovveth the -Body in it\z SyJphnr
t of Su'p'hPir^' th.u is,every Spirk of the
yen Spirits of Nature defireth Subftan-
ilicy, Avhich is together Sulphtir^
12. For Sfd is power and vertue out of
e Light, and Th^r is power and ver:ue
t of the Fouf Forums of
ures OriMai j as in ^ Tloree-fold^,
'T/o J^hether the SohI he corf or cat Qu . ! j,;
13. Thus the PWdefireth Fledi, thifi
is a Mixture out of Fire and Water,and
in the Ti-aEinre conceived and generated
14. And the TlnElnre is the growing
the Body.j and the Fire is an O'iginaf
'.thz Spirit through the TlnEitire : For in t
TlnElnre the Souls Spirit taketh its Ori^
nal, which, z'/a:,. the right true Image-
gureth according to God's Image, that 1
according to all the Three Principles ^' {
in the Fire the Soul is no Similitude;
God, but in the Spirit, itis the Ima^c
1 5*. For the Firft Soul was together i
forporated with the Divine Subftantialit
{o that it had God's Body in ihe Virgin 1
WiL'dom, in which the Tin^nre ftandetl
this is the Angels Image.
And I give you for A^fwer ; that as
what concerns the Soul merely and purel
by which we undcrRand not the Spirit
is a Fire-Globe with a Fire-Eye, and m
z Light-Eye, which rum back to back,a;
one within another, '
^ Awheel yvlth-. ° the fi^heel i/^ Ezekj
in a M^heeL that can go on all fide
Ex^ck: ^- ^^« though ^*i^^/ have ma
<:.aeft.7. or not Corporeal, 17^
(Z3in another underftanding upon it, but
jjlind one without Spirit.
17. But as to what concerns its 7"/«-
iire out of the Light, which cxifteth out
< the Fire and Light, it is a Spirit, where
ie Original oi the Soul and of the Spirit,
i Eternity cannot fcparatc oat.
aunder, ° it is an Eternal
\ND; and when the Blood goeth away,
,d the Body dyeth, then this Bandcon-^
lueth in Eternity.
18. The Body, as to what concerns the
)ul purely,belongeth not to the Subftancc
the Soul, they are Two Subliances, for
z Body is the Souls Looking-Glais and
veiling HoufeyiUo its proper portion, and
is alio the caufc that the meer pure Soul
tereth or changeth the S^'uit^viz., accor-
ng to the Pleafure or Longlngoi the Bo«
f ^, or of the Spirit of this World.
> ip. By which then the /wwr^^ in the Spl-
■ t becometh altered^ all according to what
contained in the Will, which the Soul
^ ith framed or contrived, 01 brought forth
■ it of the Centery glfo out of the Fierce
• /rath into the Light, viz,, accordingtothi
I 2 20. And
■7 7* Whstherthe Soul hecorpreal Qu
.20. And we give you to undei ftand,tb
the Spirit can alter it leir in this Time
the Body,\vhich is done without its knov
kdge or appreheniion through the Ima^
iirJiohy viz,, through the feeking Lult -
Longing Pleafure and Delight, where tl
(^eftrt'r>g figureth fuch a Form in the Souj
Will, as the luft or longing Pleai'ure is>
Evil) or Good.
zi. And we fay, that the pure iSouI,,
7:ot corporeal, but there groweth a Sody.
the Tii'Mure either heavenly or helii(h,a
yet it is no palpable body according to i
outward, but a Power-Body^ Gcd's T
ChriiVs Heavenly ^ody, heavenly Fief,
hrrr T J, which Chrift "iveth us
^.7 he Lords eaciniis^Tdhment
>2,2. It is a ;Body which the Tarhaa
not touch, ox apprehend, itisimmort
unfadable^ comprifed in Nothing but or
in the noble or pretious Tz«(^»rf, which
vvi-hout fubftance ; and this body is toi
fiiimarA Flelh imomfrehenfible.
5at the Outward Spirit, iF the S'oul
not hinder it, but letteth it in, bringtth
Imagination thereinto, arid covererh, v
'ieih or obtcureth it, fo .that another Ihai
X Jueft.7. or not CorforeaL 1 7 J
nige coaieth to be in the Spirit,: in tha
:?; lity, Corruption and Dsath Began : and
Mam could not then generate, for his
•••♦mniporency was loft»
6, And would indeed for ever have
-lifsen loft, if the Heart of God had not fud-
i:|enly with the Word of Promife, turned in
i3l felf into Adams Soul, which fo prefer-
' it, th.it fo Ada-rns l[ri3.oz mull break ;
lathe Soul with the heavenly Body, Hnk
fiiown throu^ Death in^o the New-Life,
:. ^hereits Spirit became reney/ed a^^ain.
"" 7. Thus- Adam fell into inability into
1 4 i^^eep,
1 7 ^ In rvhat Manner^ <>i e ft .
lleep,and the other or fecond Crearinn b
gan; for, God took the Waters T/W
*C7(?;7.2.2r. ^^^" ^ Twig or Branch '
'of /^da?ns Sou] yZnd a
out of Adam, ; and the '^ Half Crofs in.i
d(^m^ and framed a ^i?^^;; our of ir.
^. As ye know that the Woman hal
''VrScHll. ,^^f/"/ half Crofs in ,h'
^ Head, and the Man.j;.]
^ ® orher ; for in the//mi,v
the Brain dvveileih the Soil)
Spirit, out of which God hath taker]
Branch ^vlz,- a Child, out of ^dams Sqij
Spirit, and given it tothe VVomaa,that'/)
/liould not generate or biirg forth Devil
9. And the Man hauh the Fires T\
Bnreyviz,. the right true Original of t|
10. And therefore bath the Wor
gotten the CA^Utnx y vi:^, l^e-^tfs^s Tjl
dure, and the Man the Fire?-Tin»5lLi[
underftand, the Woman hath the Ligh
Tindurej which can awake^j kq Llfe^ j|
Life liandech in the Fires-Tindure.
I r. But now being ic could not beoth]
wife, they muft propagate in ^ Beaj
MdnniYy in Two S^eds ; the Man fowci
Soul, and the Woman Spirit, and is,bei|
it is fown in an Earthly Soyi or Field, c([
Jueft.3;> th: Smiertteredinto AiAn. 177
eivedor hatched, 1^^^^^ ^^^ ^ind and man-
f all Beaih,
12. And yet neverthelers,all the Three-
principles are in the Seedy but th^ Inward
! not knowable or apprehenfible to the
)utward ; for in the Seed there is no li-
ing Soul, but when the Two Tinif^ures
ome together,, then it is wholly in Sub-
ance, for the Soul is in the Seed, tfien-
al, and in the Conception or Hatching
tb^cometh Sublhnciah.
I ? . For, fo foon as the Fire is Hruck up,
»y Fulcayiy then is the Soul in the Subllance
wholly perfedl, and prefently the Spirit
;peth outof thi Soul in the Tindureforth^
lid diawcth x\\t omiVArd Dominion, -z/;^,.
ihe Stars wirh or by the Air.
14. And thusis an Eternal Child, and
l indhath alfo the frail or corruptible Spirit
srith the Ttrrha hanging to it ; which uddnm ■
hroiigh his Imagination took in.
Tj. And there ihzTurha inlbntly feeth
^ Linnlc in the Spirit of this World, and
; will enter into the iiniit,& then, is \hQ.Bod-^
;!sld enough,as foon as theSoul hath itsLife,
' ro 6fz : ahb many^a Soul perifhech in the
: nee while it is a Seed in the Sulphur^
f Byt.ycHj.are to obieive this, that the; :
I -f •; Mai*.."
178 In what Mamer^ &c, Qvicft.J
Man hath the Fires TlMftre^ and the Wo
man the Lights TlnUnre in the Water,t;/«
Ventus Tin6lure, as is to be undvjrlloo.
by both their vehement Imagination on
towards another ; for the Seed in the El
fence fceketh vehemently the Life : th
Mafculinc in the Feminine in Vmu^ an
and the Feminine in the Fire, in the On
^ Three-fold P°^^ ^ ^^^ ^\^^' f"'"^
j-r •' have very clearly explamei"
^^^' it in the " Third Part, t
which we refer the Reader.
17, And we give you for Anfwer, thi
the Soul comsth not at all or is breached i
from without into the Body, but the Thre
PfincipleSihavc each of them its own worli
mafter, the one forgeih 01 ftriketh Fire i
the Centery and maketh the Center of Ni
ture, and the other, Tindlure and Fire, an
the Third Myfierlum LM^t^num ^ihtGi^t
Myftery, Earthly.
18. And yet is nothing new, buttb
Seed of Man and of Woman, is that v
r/ thing, and in the Mixture it become
conceived or hatched, there growetho
a Twij^ or Branch out of the tree.
"•* The Ninth Queftlon,
what Mafiner the Soul uniteth it (elf
ivith the Body,
AsItPHIs is explained above, that all the
m'X Three Principles arc in one another,
t,liid they generate a Child like themfelves,
"ill ftand^one in another, till the lurba
)reaketh the Body, and then the Soul ftaii-
" icth in the inward Body, vlz.^ in God's
■': Sody ; or if it be falfe or wicked, it is in
the Tarba^ which giveth it a Body accor-
• ding to the Imagination, all according to
' tnc the hcre-a^ed or committed Abomlna-
'' tion5.
'■ 2. The Soul ftandeth in the Blood of ehe
Heart, there it hath its feat and original^
f: the outward Water and Blood mixeth it
'f:felf, but it doth not wholly captivate the
:ii Water of the Blood, but with the Inaagl ■
tl nation it is captivaced,
3. Indeed it naturally captivateth the
i! iflward Water, but the Light of the Mi»
jefty, together wich the Lights-Tin(5ture,
' it captivateth not^ but only thiougbthe
^ J)0 In rvhat mamer the Souly ejrc, Qu.!
Imagination ; therefore a Child is oft<^
more blefled than one that is old, who ha|
the Devil for an Inmate.
4. But there are not many, born hoi]
but only out of or from good feed, vvhb|
yet oftentimes according to fome pote!
or mighty ftrong ConRellation, a fier(|
wrathful Turha infinuateth it felf ; as
to be feen, that often honelt or godly -^1
ients, have evil Children, but God kncjij
eth who are his.
7. This a Man may fee by Jacob ai
Efau^ who ftrove in the Motheis Won
ailbby C^/« and^^^/, Ifa^c 2iVidI[l^mm
and many others.
ieft.io. i8i
The Tenth Queftion.
lather the Soul be Ex Traduce, by
Produilion.and humanely Corporeally
propagated , or every time nexvly
created and breathed in, from God, .
T is a hi^b Wonder to me, what kind oi
Under j} and: ng & Philofophy the World
th, that it cannot refolve this, though
ireby 1 do not blame you^for I know that
ch Qiieftions pafs among the Lear^ed^in
e SGhoois, where Men continually dif-
ite & contend ; and thdr arrogant blind-
:fs mutt needs be a wonder
)^e,that there is aitoge- * ^J^foncf
ler no knowledge of God '^.J'"''''^
^* Rea[on,
2. Here behold your felves ye wife
ten, what ye are, or rvhat ye underilandy
Isren nothing at all of the Mylkry ; how
'! vou then b;; Teachers f a Shepherds
jk were better, in your hands,, then for
ou to put on the Carm^^it of^ Ghmft.
3.0, ye lliall give a fevere; accompt,^
or fcdticin(j the World & kadin? i: aRray^
1 82 lyhethsr the Soul he Qucft;
and yet ye boaft, and let up your felveij
if ye were God, aod afcribe to your fel*
Divine Power & Authority ; fee what;!
do, you fhail fee againfi whom you have k^
ed ; I fear that ye are for the mofl par-
you in BM; awake, it is day.
4. But to you my beloved Friend, i I
anfwercd, that the Soul is fn^t every t\:
-newly created and breathed in, but is i]
mmdy propagated ^ as a Branch gtowc
out of a Tree; or as I may better render'
as a Man fettcth Grain or foweth Co^
and fo a Spirit and Body groweth or fpr<
teth out of it,
5:. And ?/?» only is the difference, t\
the Three Principles are ever wrefild
about Man, each of them would fain htl
him, fo that many times a wonderful Tt\
bay becometh introduced, while itis yc|
<5. But where the ParentSjhave Chri{|
Flefh, God's Sublhntiality in their Soul
fo that Father ani Mother are fo, therel
canno: be ; for Chri(^ faithi
A good Tree cannot brirjgfm
"^A^ing accor-
ding tQ felfrfff
Keafen of the
eutrvard fldA-
had Fruit ; but the 7'wbac\
with or by * Reafon^ in
time get or enter therein!
7. J|
(.^,10. Ex Traduce. 183
So alfo "^ An evil Tree can- ^ ^
ing forth good Fr Hit 'y that o
en the Parents are both
and captivated by the Devil, thea
Ivtl Soul is fowen ; But the Principles
not yet judge it, nor the Turba can-
, it is indeed an evil Child ; but CAN,
'^f!it convert, through its Imagination, en-
^ ■'* ^rr^^w Domini y into the Word o£
But it is rare, and feldom done, that
of a black R^ven a white one comes
yet where it is halfe in halfe,there
"nay more eafily be done, yet it ispojfihi^
') jimay well be done ; God cafteth no foul
■;|riy, unlefs it caft it/elf away, every foul
" !?its own judgement.
p. Obferve this ye evil Parents, ye ga«
^■■et or procure y^<7»^7 for your Children,
Mther or procure Good Souls [ot thena,that
i* .more neceffary for them.
H Qieftj
The Eleventh Quellionl'^"
Hoiv and in What Place the Souls
in Man is.
A Thing that is wichout Ground,
yti feeketh and maketh a Ground
it felf, hath its original and feat in thefi
comfaBlon or comprehendon 5 whecc
comprifeth it felf in it feJF, there is th^
mit in the mdHnnermoit, and it goc
forth out of it '^d^^ and feeketh forvvai
where then itw^^i^^r/^one Looking-GI
after another, till it findeth the firli agai
viz,, the unfearchable limit, .
2. Thus alfo is the Soul, it iscompi
zed by God in the Hearty and the Wo
which comprifeth it,\Yas in the Heart,i//
in the Center ; thus it continued in tl
Figure and Seat, as it was compiifed I
the Fiat^ and is fo to this day.
5. It dweliethin the Three Pfinciple
but the Heart is its Original, in the Heai
therein, in the inward Blood of the Heari
it is. the iytward Fire, and in the Ti>iBfsrt \
it5 Spirit, which hathaClimps fromtb-l
'■' ''Tf'^^ SoSloveth upon the
•re the two P''"<^'fJfT-i„4re, as a
m(ior.e-l.i2,Wj ^""^ "/„ , in^o all the
.her forth in the vvhkBody^^^^
■mbets : foi *« '' "'"'"^* °
5- ^"' ^^' rlt^h on the Hf-»« ,and "i-
the Cf«t«r,f «t''0"."'; . the Spirit,
tth hisdoT.inton "'';^^°^J,ihou(-e,
to theH..tur« -^^^^^^^
and if it be not a ^1^^''\^^;'-^-,, pow-
ah it felf to be '''F'^^^:''j„;;,^7, and the ,
«fta enough ov-erh^utwar ^^^^^^^^^^
156 How ar.d tn rob At Flacey&c. Qiieft
Cometh upon the Chariot of the Bi
again into the outvf ard,that it hath the
ly Spirit for an ajfiflant,
7. Then no hinderance from the D«
availeth any thing, it de(hoye;h hisn*
and diiveth him out, he muft ftand in fc
8. And this is our Inftrudllon and-*
[iver to thisQueftionjthat it is not fo to
underflood, that when a mans Head is \
off, and the Blood rnyineth out^^nd the 01
ward Life breaketh, that it hitteth andk'
leth the Soul.
9. Ng, it lofeth indeed one Principl
but not the Sub(^ance of that Principl
that foUoweth after the Soul, in the 71
tinre in the Spirit,as a Shadow ^^01 the 01
wardSubftance reacheth ^ot the inward
the Soul, but only through the Imaglna
10. Elfe there is nothing in this Wor
that can touch or kill the Soul, no Fire m
Sword, but only the Imagiliatior
that is its Poyfon ; for it is Originally pre
ceeded out of the rmagination,and conti
nuetn Eternally THEREIN.
f|The TvvelFt Qiieftioii
low the Souls enligbteningis.
VE are to confider, that if the Sun
were takjn away out of this
'"'1>ilcl, then all things would be in Dark-
(j;, and then outward Reafon migh t fay,
irc in Dark^ Deaths and in the fierce
tbfulnefsof the Cold, and it wef€ fa
. Now behold, O beloved Mind, con-
er when thy Body peri (heth, then thy
mt alfo lofeth the Sun i and then how
Im wilt be in the Light, and by what
ans thou wilt fee , I offer to you in fim-
jxity for your mind to confider of.
5. A thing>thatisintheEcernalLiber-
'^, if it continually emereth into the Eter-
^'U Liberty, hath no Darknefs,for it dwel-
' th in nothing which affordeth that, it is
• sc, as the Eye of God, which feeth into
felf by or through the Suhfl^r^xe.
4. When it imagineth in or according
) the Luft> Pleafure or longing after any
Hng, then the fVill goeth into that things
x88 How the SohIs Qiieft.
which thedefirous Plealure or longin
Telf, miketh, that very thlug recsivstl:
taketh in the: will into it lelf and ov
fludowech it, I'o that it dwclle.h in
Darknefs, and can have no Light, unl
it go out again into the Liberty.
5". Thus we give you, eamelUy to!
dcrlianJythat in all our matters and do%
we have no Light, if w^ enter with the?
into that which is done or acled^ if we'
. our Heart and Will, * h
Hab;i. Id. upon Covetoufnels. T
we are in our Souls total
blind, and' have no Light in us, but o
the outward Light of the Sun, which
verb light to the 'Outward Body: if t
breaketh or psrillieth,then is the Soul ct ^^^
tlvated with that. thing. lif
<^. Undeiftand here ; The Souls SpL
and ;f///, for the Rock or ftem of the So
isadaik'z/^//f)',it hathno Light, and if pe '''^
haps it lift up tc kindle it felf, yet it is b »
a fierce wrathful Fire-FUJh^ and is like tl
Devil, and cannot attain the Divine Lig
in it felf.
• 7. The Caufe is, it hath introduced A
bomi nation into its fVill and Spirit, whi
d^rkneth the Spirit, andholdeih ic c^pti
:ft, 12. EnllghtemKg ^*. ^^9
I the Ttirha, for God's Light goeth
hack.^%dAr\y h\M forward into the Eter-
\ And therefore is God's Eye twofold
I two parts, and (hndeth
to h^cl^) as is ihevved * ;^
/e in the * Figure ; One ^
goeth forward into the
Eternity, into the Eternal Nothing,
into the Liberty.
. The other goeth back a^ain into the
iring, and makethdarknefs in the De-
g, and therein the Center of Nature,
driveth on to the great Ar^gu'fh and
o. Where then the Will finketh down
n out of the Anguiili, through the
knefs into the ftill or quiet Liberty^and
Dringeth along with ir, out of the An-
ill, the fierce wrath of the xMobilltyj
. the eaineft fevere Sharpnefs.
l'i. In which Sharpnefs, the Libitty
hen the will bringeth the fharpnefs
reinto) becometh a. high Trimn^hant
jeftick Light, which is called God's
ght, which giveth Jight Eternally, and
I be barred in by nothing, for it giveth
;ht in the Eternal Liberty, and defireth
hing more.
190 Hew the Souls Qucfti
And now if thou earthly Man ll>oi
think, that God would receive thy S|
into his majeftick Light,whilrt thou in
duceft Abominations, viz., Covetoufr
-which hath pride and ftitc, which ij
Fire-Life of Covetoulnefs, into thy a
then thou would ft thereby darken G
Majefty, and thy will and ipirit, m
ftick ftiil only in thy Covctoufnefs,
would burn with the fire-fource or qus
of the Soul, in the glance of a looki
ghfs, vU,, inpiideor ftate, and cou
ft'jt reach or attain God's Majefty.
13. And if thou didft fit in the Cr?)
the holy Number Three^and wert furrc
ded with 3II the holy Angels,yet thou c
but (it in the daiknels,and thy fpirit wc
give Light only into the Lookin^-G
of that lubftanceor thing, which thou
felf haft iMrodnced into the Spirit.
14. Therefore now if the Soul wit!
Spirit in its Image, will behold God,
fee into God's Majefty and Eternal Li^
then muft it in this world go tytfo way
and then it will retain the Eternal Bci
viz., God's Image, as alfo the out
Life, together with the Earthly Body,
will introduce the Wonders /^^r rvhich <
bmh created it in the outward life, wh|
J lEril'ightemrtg if, Qn^eft. 12,
wWawakjn in the outward life, even
\^ of them into theinvvird life, and eter-
1/ re Joyce it iditherem^^viA have them
I Looking-Glafs, and the right and true
'3 is asfolloweth.
t highly pretions Gate of the Mor-
nmg I^dnefs or Aurora.
fchold thou beloved Soul, if thou wilt
: God's Light,and/"^^ with God's Eye,
wilt alio hive the Light of this world,
Dourilli thy Body, and jcekjhz Won-
of God, then do it as God himrelt
Thou haft in thy Soul Tvpo Eyesy
:h are let back to back one of another,
feech into the Eterni y, and the other
; into Nature, and goerh alwayeson
\\ and feeketh in the Defirlngy and ma-
ne looking-glafs after ano.her, let it
|j, It (hculd be fo, God would have it
Lit' '
";! 7. But the other Eye, turn not that
c into the fcekjffg^ but with the right
alwiycs draw the left backwards to
, and let the Eye, together with the
of the wonders,not go from thee,froni
^ the
ip2 How the Souls . Qiieft.jj
the Eye which is iK-turKcd Into the Lil i
*n 1 fy ; dravvits opened & ml
* Or works. jL n I * J .
^ dr acted wonders to th .
1 8. Lstthat very Eye, i^cQk food i^or t
eaithly Life,bLitlctit notgoinro thefc:
W^. into covetoufnefs, but draw ic ij
ai^d c/ofe to the feeing Eye> and let ii
ip. But let the hands work and rrj
or procf^re foody and kt the Eye draw
Wonders to ic, but ;?(?f niacter, elfe.j
which is drawn in will be darknefs to t
20. Let the Devil behind thee roa
fore thy left Eye, he cannot enter in,
lels thou /ettefi thy Eye take in matter
21. Thus wilt thou, when thy
Body breaketh, fee all the wonders ir
left Eye with the rl^ht^ which thou
made or adVed and found her^ In this
time: and fo when the- earthly Bod v
\ -c I r , Isth away, then is
P.^-:' W«^. fNat^reofthefiercew
22. And though it hath Nature, f
is Nature it felf, which awakeneth an
taineth the wonders, yet it ftandeth
with the wonders in the Eternal Lib
being it haih let in nothing of m;
therefore it is free,
ijElieft.i2, Enlt^hteningis, ip3
13. And Nature with the Wonders, is
^re-jh.'.rpr^efs^ and layeth hold of the
:rnal Liberty, and lo make^h Majel^y
:he Liberty in the Wonders, from vVhich
: light Eye, which accounteth it feif
re in this life as dead^ becometh en-
htcned, and rejoyceth itfelf Ecernally
:h the left Eye in the Majei^y of the
jhly joyous Kingdom, and eternally feet b
)d With BOTH Eyes.
his is oneGatejwbofoever rightly in the
rit apprchendeth & feethTHIS,herceth
. L L whatfoever God I S^
id CAN do : He feeth alfo there-
th or thereby, through Heaven, Hell
d Earth, and through the Subftance of
Subftances ; and is the whole Seripture^
whatfoever hath been written from the
ginning of the world; but it is a preti-
8 fight : the Old Man knoweth it not,
; feeth it not, but the New Man born or
Derated in God.
lUt being we are fo hard to be underftood
' the purblind mind, therefore we will
,adeiit moxc fimply : behold when thou
K wile
ip4 How the Souls Qucft.i
wilt with thy Soul, fee God's Light, t\
wilt that it hi enlightened from God,th
doit thus.
25. Thou art in this World, and if th<|
haft a lawful honeft Calling or S^m^hymA
without fallTiocd or wiciednef?, contin .
therein, work, labour trade and managA
^ curious works f necdfuy requircth icI
of Artifice. Wonders both in the \
lements and in the Earti
be it in what Art, Science or Employmc
it will, it is all God's fVork^*^ feekint
Earth Silver & Goldjtnakc artificial wor
thereof, build, till & plai
\God^fWork,s It is all to God -3^ Deeds:
27* But liften to this A. B.C. th
ijiould not fuffer thy fpirit to enter thcj
into,fil or fatiate it felf therewith,8c mj
a {jii^mnton of it,and to fet thy felf thci
in as in a Darknefs ; elfe it is but Go<
Fool therein, and the Devils mymtni
Afey and fet teh its will therein.
28. And thy noble Image becometh;
tered according to thy Imagination in t
Spirit, according to thy will which is
Covctoufneis ; thou lofeft God's Image,<
it is Magical, it is as fubtile asaSpir
and much fubtilcr, yea much lubdlera;
tibinner than the Soul it felf, 29<
C 1 e ft . I ^ . -E r] lightening is, I p j
?9. IcisasGod is,VYhodwelleth in the
E:rnal Liberty unapprehended by any
tnS) for it is thinner or purer then
a ; thing ; and fois alfo thy noble or pre-
t^js Image, which yet ftandeth in Hea-
vily Flelli and Dlood, and is the Stibfian^
ti'ity out of or from God's Body.
7,0, It is Chrift's Flelh and Blood, and
r 5Wdvveileth therein, it is theF/r^of
t Majefty therein.
31. And the holy Spirit fitteth in th*
}4rt of the Image, and gocth out of the
I age forth , with Voices , Language?,
VDnders, Songs and Sounds ; Into this
'' i'age thou bringeft thy Wonders, if thou
I true and faithful ; and do it tht£4,
' 32. Put thy left will into the work
I'>lch thou doft ; and conhder that thou.
'^ I God's Servant in the Vineyard of Go;^,.
.:i\ labour faithfully,and put thy right will
i:o God, into that which is Ecernal, and
r that thou b: at no time fecure or care-
Ij, but confider that thou art only in
t ' day labour, and fhouldd continually
r"« to have the voice of the Lord, cal-
: thee to come home; give Re.-fo}i
h pUce to fay, this is my Treafure, it is
■ nne ovfn^ I have enough, or I will get or
" £:her much, that I may come to honour
K 2 ia
How the Souls Qiieft. i it
World, and leave wiich to my Ch' :
in the
3^^ Confider, that thj Children ^ a
-God s Children, and thou God's Servar
that thy worl^is God's work ; and that ti
Money, Goods, .Labour and Blood fta©
eth in God's hands.
34. He may dowith them what he m\
when he callcth thee to go home intot,
own Country, then hemaytak^ thy La
and give it to another.
3 J. Anjdgive thy heart no place to i
troduce into thee the WilUipirit of Hi,
mindednefs, into the Image
^6, Sink down thy Will-rpirit alwt.]
•into Humility before God, and fo thy'
jnage goeth alwayes in the HHmilitj w
thyTwill intoGod's Mtfjefty,and thy Im
becometh continually enlightened
the high-triumphing Light of God.
37. O howchearful is theSoul, wb
* r /? ^^^ Anguith Source or Qual
^'^^'^^ of the Fire,* tafteth Gods Lig
how very friendly kind and court eom is
how it boweth it felf before God [ Tli
-ftandeth the Soul and alfo the Image in
Spirit, all three one in another : for it.i!
Sublhnce according te the holy Trinit
rt||ucft.l2. Enllghtemng ^. ip7
Thus my beloved Brother, we give yoa
\infwer to this Qucftioiijthat the Soul can
thermfe be enlightened than thus, this
iS enlightening : It is in this world,
-alfo in God ; it is here in this life,
'€rv4nt to the Wonders of God, thofe
ijiould open with one eye, and bring
with the other into the Beginning,
j]|bre God, and put all its fubi'iance and
Bgs into God's Will, and by no nieans
■of any thing in this world, this is mincy
in Lord over it, for it lyeth, if ic fay
3t5*. It vs all Coi's^ it felf is Servant, and
>uld converfe in Love and Humilyto-
trds God and its Brother, for its Bro-
|:rsSouIisa Fellow-Member of it felf,
f Brothers Joy in Heaven with God, isi
lo ITS Joy, his Wonders ^ , ^^^ ^^^ ^^
k ITS Wonders, for in chap.\s.2^\ ,
fcaven * ^od is Ml malty col-^.ii.
WefiUethall. 4- £/)/;^/. 1.25.
40. The holy Spirit is the Life in all,..
lire is mere joy^noforrow is there known,
Ure all is God's, and all belongeth to the
itage of God, there all is common and, uni"
'^/^/,one rejoyceth at anoihers vertue and
I'Wer, charity or glory, biightnefs and
K I beauty,
ip S How the SohIs^ ^c. Queft,
beauty, there is no grutching or envy,
ihat icmaineth in *Death and in HeU.^
Therefore ye Ekit Children of i
Regenerated in Chrili, take this into c
ildcration, £o cm from Covetoufnefs
own Sclf-wiil, ye have been along t
* TUv.i^ 4 ^^<^ ^^'^"^^foldin BabeJj
'^* oHt from her; ye are cl
vviih a ftrong loud voice, it will iL
aiv,,k^n 01 raife the Dead^Xti it prevail v
you, that you may attain Eternal Jo;
The Spirit fignifieth dearly, that w
foever will not grow forth together t
^ eth forth m the Mott
• ihall and vawi^go into the Lake of Fire
Brimfto^je jto^Qxhzr with ihe Dragons Wl
in Babel.
43. It is a time of earneft Sever!
look not upon it with earthly eyes, i.r
cerns thee nearly, thou wilt well f<
thy Deaths what kind of Judgement it
in what time and under what T«r^/i ti
haft lived ; this we fpeak moft came;
as we ought.
left. I J. ^9P'
^'' rhe Thirteenth (>aeftion.
I orv the Souls feeding out of the Jf^^d
!• of GodiJ.
TT THcn the Soul cnterreth inta the
f V majeftick Light as above men-
^ned, and receiveth the Light of God,
li sn is it altogether longing ^ ^ . , ^
id ' renting after it, and ^M4^->
intinually draweth into i^s defire, God's-
iwer and vertue> that is, God's Body,.
fto it felf ; and the holy Spirit is the pow-
r*and vertue of God's Spirit ; thus it ac-
tiircth God's Body and Spirit, and eateth
;|i God's Table; all whatfoevei the Fa-
;;ikrhath is his Sons, and whatfoever the
jIn hathis ^'ij Images,
jteJt eatethGodsFle(li,Chrifts,Flerh and-
■^m that eating,God's Body growech in ir,
i?Mhat it alio hath God§Body,and is Gods
ihild, not W7 his hniilicude, but Child,
. is born in God out of God's Eflence^
idliveth in God.
5-. When it hearcth in this v/orld God's
K 4 Word
200 Hovif the Souls feeding Qiieft.
Word taught or fpoken from or by g\
Children^ then it iayeth hold of the fan]
aoi eatethir.
4. The outward Man cateth em\
Bread, and the Soul eateth God's Brc;
^7nU^^n-y concerning which Ch
John 0.27. r • A h L 11 ' I
•^ laid, he wohU give hs\
Body for food.
J. And his.Teftaments are nothing ^j
we eate net fpirit mthout body, forvj
Soul is Spirit beforehand, it would hav
body, and thus it getteth Body and Spi
^. Letthi^be told thee, O ^ the Soul hath anotl
Mouth, and receiveth it under the outw
Element; the outward receiveth the 61
ward, and the inward receiveth thci
8. Chrifts laft Supper with his Difcipt!
1 J , I j^ • otttofthe y/ard 0/ Cod Is. 20 x
MS even fOithe outward is a RemembrAncfy
Ih inward is the SnhftAKcVy * ^^^^ ^-^
f *//?r Kingdom of God con^ • i- / »
:/? or fta-ndeth /« ?^E Suhft^mc/^
;c that defirech to know more
1 thisjc: him read our ^ Third ^ ^^^« Z"'^-
artot Book^, where he ihall ^^'^*
jnd the Circumrtances concerning the
Duisjeating, and of. Chulis Tcliimems.
The Fourteenth Queftionij
Whether fuch New Soul be withi
WE underftand here the PropagM
Soul in a Child nevifly born;
b J loved Friend, this is a very acute Q
iUon, but to you my beloved JFriendJ
jhall be anfvfered, that the time of •
opening is born or generated, the (
dawneth or breaketh, the night Is j>a.
* Co! I 12 ^^"^^ ' P^^^^^ ^^^ *thii^^
• * ' given to God for \ty that A
genrrated m again to the Light , to an lim
rn^tlble or unfadable Inheritance^ and h
received us for his beloved Chiklfen.
You my beloved Friend knowvvelt
h^avy Fall of v-^/^sw ; as wehaveexa^
iet it down in all cur Writings, viz,.
the 5(?;//wich its right Eye, hath tarn
felt away from God i«/i> the Spirit of t
World, and is become difobedient to G|I7
and hath -deihoyed its noble and preti< s
Image, and hath introduced a 7f/o»ft7ii
' «'iieft.T4* whether fuchNerv Soal^&c. 203
^lage, and let in the fpirit of thfs woild,
ncreas it lliould with its will, have ftrong-
1 ruled over it, and nDt at all, with the
liiil, have eat ert Evil and Good,
7, But. now it hath done avalnft God's
'omoiand, and put its Imiginacion inro
eEirthly Spirit, where fuddenly ihiTur*^
, captivated it,which hath introduced the
arthly C^fonfler into the noble Image.:
nd thus the Tnrha fuddenly fought and
< .und the Limit, in which the Image ht-
imc broken ; and if the Word had not
ilhntly fetitfelf in the middle, it had
:ernally remained biokzn.
4. And novvalfo the Tarifa is become
. i^ted in the earthly Ab-yfs, and hith ap-
' 'vated both 5ody and Soul, and biingeth
leBody continHnlly io the Limit, where
len ic breakech it and cafteth it avvay^and
len the poor Soul remainech raw and na^
ed without a body.
5. Therefore it is neceffary that it con«.
ert and turn with its right Eye into the
•ATord again, and acquire again a Body
■ ;enerated or born of Goi, eUe it is raw.or
uked, and hath the Ti^rUm ic, which the
rirc aWikeneth in its great Anguiih, for
.tis a vehemenc hrnger^ a feeket and a
findetc .
6. Thus
204 PVhether ftich NervS^Hl Queft.iw|r
6. Thus it is now very apprehenfible i 'J'
us, that we are tyed and bound to theSp V
lit of this World with the Soul, for \\
Turha holdeth us captive in the ficM
wrathful Anger of God. '"'
7. And though our Soul do go forth,af ^'
become generated in God, yet it hath tl: '^
Tmha belonging to the mtrvard J^^^^j^jWhic '"''
confumethir, for it learcbeth through "^^
even into the Abyfs, and there it findd
that it is only a Looksng-CUfs of the Ete
nal : and then it goeth forth out of rf
Looking-Glafs into the Eternal, and ie ^\
the Looking-Glafs lye in the Nothing, i^si
8. Thus you know very, well, thattl ^
Soul with the Body in the Seed, isArf fli!)i
earthly, for it is Sulphury that is Phi m
and Snli one among another, and the Tm mo
h is therein, which hith indeed migl ?t(
and power enough to break or deftroy tt I'S.
Seed. I]
p4 How then can a pure clean Soul t
generated ? It can»u be : It brinpeth th
Tarlhi abng with it into the worlds and i
/?.?/«/ tn the Mothers fl^omk.
lo. But know , th?t God is becom
Mtn, or Incarnate, and hath put the wof
Flat again into. the Seed, though nowtll
77^r/'^ be alfo in the earthly part; f o t]U
the Seed is not ^//^^fr^^r free,. xj.1S$
|iCft'.i4» he without Slti, 205
.11. Yet it is in this manner with the
ul, fofar as the Father and Mother are
ne(t and vertuou5> and in God, that the
ul is not left or forfak^n of God, for it
iceedeth out of the Fathers and Mothers,
ul ,* and though a Child die in the Mo-
rs Womb, as it were without Baptifnij
t it is baptifed with the Fathers & Mo-
ers Spirit, viz^. with the holy Spirit,
ich dvpelleth /« them^ and the Turha will ,
broken off in deaths for the Faiths part
reffech into God,
12. But with vpicked and ungodly Pa-
ints it is in another manner ; The Soul,
the Child dyeth in the Mothefs
mb, fallethhome to the TurUy and in
ternity reacheth not toGodjalfoitknow-
ih nothing of him, but is a Life accor-
ing to the Effence ^.Property of the Pa-
13. Where yet it doth not reach to the
indling or burning, for thi Soul had not
tfelf4(^/^ or commit red fin, but is a foun-
ain-quality-Spirir,wiihou: feT^, defire and
\K)nders,.like the flame of Boimftone, and
^ike an I^nis F'atf4Ufy\vhkhc^r\novfe2ichto
3od,- b^tremrin 10 b.^iWc^n Heaven and.
^eil,'in rh ■ Myricry^ nil the J;uigmeni of
^od^^ which* will ga,ibei in i<8.haryel^,andr
pyhcthir fuch Netv SohI Q3jeft,ii *^}'
give every thing its right and true place '"^
g^epofitory. : fjj
14. Though perhipj our learned M %
fters in this may have another kind of Pi "1
lofophy ; but we enquire not after the ? J
Arc, we have eyes, th^y hive Arts, \R '
fpeakwhat we fee.
I J*. Thus Wi give you to underftan
that no SouLis i^enera^ted or bom into
wwld, withofit lin, how honeft vertu
and godly fo^ver the Parents are, for it
conceived and bred forth or hitched
earthly Seed, and biingeth the Tnrba oft
Body along with it, and that hath alio {\
founded the Soul
\6. Therefore in the Old Teilatn«|f
> c L • p J God made a Govena
Cl 1
cumcifion, and fo * ord(
red in the Covenant that they muft /hi
their Blood, and drown the Tpirh;i of tl
the Soul therewith.
17. And in the New Teftament thei
is the Baptifm, wherein the holy Spiii
with the PVater of Life, wafhethoff tJ
TurhA of the Souls water, that it may com|^
to God, and become God's Child.
x8. Butif any will fay, that every 01
th^iiath not baptifm, as J^m^ni T3»r4j
(i,:ft.i4i he without Sl». 207
afi other P,;ople, with whom is not x\iz
1ft wlcdge thereof, who have not the Can-
i^;Vj^ among them, that they are all re-
I* ;ed of God, although they never fo ve-
.lenily prefs with their teaching, Life,
I Death into the Love of God, that is a
,ncy and Babd-Uke fpoken without
ip. ^ieifedncfs and Salv^ation lycth not
la^.in i\\zofit:^(iri. Word, but in the Povf^
kndVertue : Who will exclude thofc
It enter into God ?
20. Is it not Babel who feduceth, and
nfoundeth the whole world ; fo that they
'vc devided People into Opimons^znd yet
|;heir wills go but one way ? who is the
aufe of this, but the Antlchrift^^\[tn he
rcw the Kingdom of God into his might,
ithoiity zv^dfower.^ and mi<^^ftilons con-
uning the Regeneration, of which when
jcomes to be day, the very Children will
t alliamed of them ?
I 21. A Man may fay with good ground,
aat AntichrUh Doc'^rine , is a fighting
fith a fhido'.v as in a looking-gUfs, and a
allhood and wickednefs ot the Serpent^
vhich continually ^^^«/VWj ^^'f,
' 22,
Tiu3:itis apprchenfible to.us^ tbatno
2o8 IVhether fach Nevf Sod Qucft.'
Soul Cometh into this world without S
every one bringeth the TwrbrnXono^
it ; for if it were without Sin,thcn it nr
dwell in a totally pure body, which h
no evil will or inclination at all, in wh
there is no earthly feeking ordefirc.
23. Bm thus indeed is every bodyj
foul tyed and united together,till the T
ba findeth the Limit of the Body ;and tt
the Tnthif, feeketh the works ot ABhm^
the^i^bj as hath been mentioned ab
The Fifteenth C>ue(lion.
^^Mjw Sin Cometh into the Souly being
'"»!/ ts God*s IVork^andCreature,
is in fuch a manner as is above menti-
oned 3 The Tnrba together with the
ithly reeking, came along with it into
1$ world : and fo the Soul becometh vc-
mently drawn b^j two parties', firfi by the
^ord of the Lord, which is paffed into
c middle, which there cf Love is hcome
fun or incarnate^ that dravYeth th$ ^<^{
mtinualiy into God's Kingdom, and fet-
ith theT^r/-.^ before the eys of theSoul,ro
lat the Soul feeth in Nature what is falCc
imcked and fin ; and if it fufFereth it felf
be drawn, then it bzCQm^thregs'/jer.ued
ithe Word, fo that it is God's Image.
2. And fecond/ji^ ihzTfi'da alio draweth
he Soul mightily with its bands,and bring-
th the Soul continually back into the
arthly feeking or longing, efpecially in
'/outh,when the earthly Tree (Hcketh full
)f green fprouting driving Effences and:-
.^oyfoD, and then the Tftria thus flyeth
210 How Slncomsth Qficft.rifi'i'
ftrongly or mightily injfo that miny a foui,'^^^'
in eternity cannot become freed and loo i.-'^^
edtiomit. i:;ii'
A thing which is from two begin niugiKuncSi
which ftand in ^^^rf/balJance or weiglvljhoce
doth by putting in more weight on thew|itoft
part fink down, be it either by evil (fitd,!
good. I;'.
. 4. Sin maketh not it fclf, but the will
makethir^ it cometh from the Imaginatilftus'
on into the Spirit,and then the Spirit g02i.| J co:
into a thing, and becometh InfeUe^ fronjiri
the thing, and fo the Turbo, of that thimy|Oii
cometh into the Spirit, and deihoyethjBjjjJi
the Image of God. jiiot
y. And then itgocth further, feekctl(jii(|ii
deeper, and fo it findcth thcAbyflif, w»ittip[
the Soul ; and feekcth in the.Sfeul, and f(Lo
it findeth the fierce wrathful Fire,by whicta^i
it mixeth it felf with the thing introducecko.
into the Spirit : and fo now (in is totaV^L^
generated or born : and fo now all is (in"
which defueth to bring that which is out-n^(
ward into the Will.
6, The will (liould ftm^lj or fingly be in
clmed and exerciled in Love & Meeknefs
as if it were a nothing^ordead ; itfhouli
only defire God's Life, that God may
2ft.i5'. into the SohI, 2II
k, a6l or create m ir,. and whatfoevei it
th befides, its willlliDuld be inclined or
:nded to, as to do i t for God .
?.I3ut if it put its will into the Thltigoi
)lhnce, then itbringeth that thing or
5j)ftance into the Spirit, which pofleiV::ih
il Heart, and fo the Turha become th ge-
f ated, and the Soul captivated with that
Thus we give you for an anrwer,that no
■il coineth pure and clean out of the
thers body or womb, be it begotten by
y or unholy Parents.
For as the Abyfle and Anger of God,
I alfo the earthly world, do all cleave to
iddepend on God the Father,and yet can-
I I apprehend or touch his Heart and Spi-
1 ; fo it is alio with the Child in the Mo-
i:r Body or Womb.
'lo. If it be begotten of godly pious Pa-
nts, then each Prirvciple, itandeth in its
fn part, by it felf ; when the Turha ta»
:th the earthly Body,then the Heaven ra-
th the Spirit, and fo the Majcfty filleth
c Spirit, and Co the Soul is in God, and
free from pain.
II. But
212 Horv Sin Cometh y &c, Queft.i
It. But while the Souf fticketh
the Earthly Life, it is not free, and
is becaufc, the Earthly Spirit contin
ally bringeth its Abominations, w5
its Imagination, into it, and the
rit muR continually ftand in flrife agtii
the Earthly Lrfe.
The SLxtcei:th Qurftion,
ftm the Soul both in the Ada-
nical Body, as alf^ in the New-
born or l^rgcnerare Body is held
Or prefe-^ved in fiich union toge-
I ^•
mj\ JE have mentioned abcve> that
V there are Three Piinciples,
l»ich moreover are all Three in the Scui,
(hnd in one another as one thing : and
I offer you this, that the ftrife in the Soul,
.;inneth in th« Seeds while they yet lye
t up in both fexes in the Man and in the
fe, then clearly the Turha ftirreth it
f, in that the Eflence of the Seeds drive
to a falfeor mcked Imagination, to a
fe or wicked deftre.
'2, And though indeed the Spirit dot-h'
3due the Bodvj yet * it imagi-
tb, and that the Turba ca^ifcth * Note.
the Seeds, and no Man can
ill deny, but that to many th.it very Ima-
utionkrdf is ofenf.vey and they willi
2-1 4 Hoiv the Soul and Body Que ft . 1 1
itbaniil-ied from them, where there is
right fincere Spirit; therefore ye ire'
apprehend that the Souls Spirit ftickeih ,
a miferabJe Pinch, ard cannot be freed r!
loofed till the Tnri^a ta4ccth the Body
3«* There is no full union or agreeme
between the outward and the new-born
regenerate Man : the outward would coj
tinually devour the Regenerate, for tRi
ftand in one another, but yet each hathi
own Principle, fo that the outward cann
over-power the Inwardyii the Spirit do h
continue in ftrife.
4. And they can thus well cleave oi^"'^;
to another : for they all three ftand i ^'^^
ferve to God's Wonder^j if they ftandi ^"^^
their right and due order or fubordinatio' ^^'^'
each ftanding or continuing in its o)J V
Principle. ''i
5^ For the Soul hath the fire-Domin ^^_^
on, and is the caufe of the life of all tht(
[Principles;] and the Spirit hath tl|';''
Lights Dominion, in which the noble
pretious Image ftandeth together wi
God's Love ; and the outward Spirit ha'
the earthly Lifes dominion, which fhoulP^
ieck and open the Wonders, and the invvaip
Spirit fhould ^ive it wifdom wit & und
lianding to do it i and the Soul fhould mi§it
. nife
{k,i6, u held and prefcrved^ circ, 2 1 J
lor reveal to ic the Abyfs, W^. th^
Sec rely.
The So'jI is the Jewel, and the Souls
tis the inventor orfinder of the Jew-
hc earthly Spiiic is the Ceek^r^and the
ily Body is the Myftery wherein lyeih
ircanuni of ihe great hidden Secrefy ;
K Deity hath manifcfted or revealed
f, with ot by the Earthllnefs^ as in a
")rehenrible Subftance ; therefore now
L'EE Seekers belong to the Soul.
And you inould not look upon it fo,
we undervalued the outward Life,for
ithe mofi profit ahle for us of all, as to
;reat Wonders of God ; there isno-
5 more profitable to the whole Man,
that he [landjliil in his Threefold Do-
on, and not go back with the outward
the inward, but go with the inward
I the outward.
For the outward iszBeaJ}^ andbe-
eth not to the inward, but its VVon-
which are generated forth out of the
Hrd, and have opened or difcovcred
ifelves in a comprehenfible Subftance,
belong with their Figures^ not with
r Subftance to the inward, thofe fliould
nward Spirit receive and take in, viz,,
.*s Deeds of Wonder) for they will
ricinity be its JOY. But
2 1 6 HoTV th Sotil aH(i Body Qj e ft j||^
But we fay, thitrhe Soul, can very w
ht retained or held in the New Man, if i "'
TlnElHre Spirit do bat hinder the it^ ^^
and Illiagirjation ^ and ihough jfe
outward Spirit be Beaftial, yet the inw toe
undcrftanding Spirit can hold the out# ij. ]
and fubdue it, for that is its Lord^ bm \\t
that letteth the Beaftid Spirit be Lord \%
is a Beaft,and hath alfo a Beaftial Imagf ijl;o
the inward Flgnre in the Ti-Mnre. , j;^^
10. And he that letteth the Fire- Spi jfey
viz,, the Turba^ be Lord, he is a ft^yflan, « i
Devil in the inward Image ; and then i ^jdn
neceffary, for the outward Spirit top ^^\
water into the Fire, that it np.ay hold -v (
ftcrn Spirit captive, whereas (whiles it \ u
not be God's Itnage)it is a Beaft accorc , \
to the Invpard Image. » i
11. And when we confider our fc .^^
in or as to the miony the outward Spir |(,^(
very profitable to us : for many a \^^
would perilli, when the Beaft- fpiri t zS, * (
which yet holde.th the Fire captive, .^j
fetteth the earthly beaftial Labour and ]^
before the Fire-Spirit, wherein it r4» < -j
Mght it felf, till it can through the W j,
yers fomgvphat dikow^t its noble or pi ^J;
1 6, ii held and freferved^ dre. .217
Image in tha Lnigination again, fo
c it feckech itfelf again.
£2. You my bc^loved Children who are
erated in God, to you it is faid, that
5 not done wlthom caufe^ that God hatk
ached the outward Spirit into Adam^
the outward Life into his Noftrils.
13. It was danger opu for this Image,
d knew how it went with Lticlfer^ and
It the great eternal Magla C2ix\ do ; A^
I alio might have become a Devil, but
outward Looking-Glafs hindered that,
where water is it quencheth the Fire.
[4. And many a Soul in ii% malice itiA
kednefs would in a little while become
♦evil, if the outward Life did not hin-
ir, fo that the Soul cannot quite and
illy klndli and enflame it felf.
(f . How evil wicked and venomous is
ly a one, that he would muttherand
imit abominable evil and wickednels ;.
that his Fire hath Water, elfeit would
ione and committed : as is to be feen
':hc Gall which is a fire poyfon or ve-
ne, but is mixed with water, fo that the
ap and fury of the Fire is allayed.
t(^. Thus it is alfo with the inward Sub-
ice ; the Spirit of this World hath in-.
lated it felf in the Ab^yfs into the Soul,
L and
£ 1 8 Wherfore there is Contrariety (V i
and hath in its Source or Qna/lty mortii
Water, wherewith it ofcen moilkncth tti „
Soul, when it would fpicfirc. %
17* Alio the outward Spirit cculda
without the Fire have a Life , and thott
it hath Fire in all Creatures, yet the Fi
isonely the fieicc Wiath of the inw
Fire, ,^,
iS. The Inward Fire, confumeth Ej
and Stone, alfo Body and Blood, as alfo,-!
Noble and precious Image^ if it beco
} then the Will coineth i
great Anguiffi, like a dying, and fu
cown in it felt, out of the fierce VVratljJ
to the Eternal Liberty, and yet it ij
Dying, but thus the other or fecond
Cometh ro be out of the firfi.
8. For the Will now fprouteth
the other WorJd, as a Sharpnefs out of.
Fire ; but without fuch Quality flowj
forth, in the Eternal Liberty, and il
moving, driving, and apprehending ofl
Anguiih Nature ; it hath all Efien(
which are become gen: rated in the
{liarp Fire-world in the Anguiili ; but <|
are as onVthat goeth out of the Fire;
the Water, whiire the AnguiQi of the J
rfi?!filneth in the Water.
V] , of the FUjh and Spirit . 2 2 b
i, Underftand us thus ; Concerning
5 Life of the Soals Spirit-Life ; the Soul
he Cf>;rfr of Nature, The Spirit is the
cious Noble Image, which God created
[lis Image, herein ihndeth the High-
Figiy and preclopu Image of God, for God
"ifiifo thus,and comprehended in the fame
Les quality or fource.
10. The Spirit is not fevered from the
S.l; No; as ye fee that Fire and Shining
lot feveredy and yet alfo is not one and.
tfame ; it hath a twofold iource or qua-
fy^ the Fire, fierce wrathful ; and the
,ht, meek and lovely ; and in the Light-
he Life, and in the Fire A is the Caufe
the Life.
Thus you may very cafily and without
ch feeking find the Cauje of theContra-
ry of the Flcfh and of the Spirit, for the
Iward Spirit hath God's Body, out of or
|in the Meek Subftantiality , and the
iitward Spirit, h.uh the fierce^wrathful^
res-Looking-GlaiT^^s Body , 'viz,, the
Juls Looking-GlafT^iS Body, which would
([itinually Awaken the fierce Wrathful-
if$, W^. the Great Wonders which lie
\i\\t^rcAmmoi' fecrelle of the Souls^
'irnnefs, therefore the Inwaid Love-
L ^ Spirit,
.222 H'hereforc there is Contrariety Q\
Spirit, hindereth it, that it tliould not
up if felt and kindle c^r inflame the Scl
elfe it would lofe its Love-habiration
Image, and the Souls Fierce- vviath wo|
deftroy if.
12. The Contrariety is thus ; the
ward Spirit would be Lord, for it Subd^.
the outward; and the outward would!
Lord, for it faith, I have the Great PVonl
and the Arcanum or Secret, and thus CJ
lieih about the Myftery, and yet is bi
Looking-Glafs of the Myftery.
13. It is not the Sublhnce of the
fiery ; but zSeekj^x ^^ Searching, lil]
palpable Looking-Gjafs , in which
Myflery becometh feen,he will needs ll
Mafter, being he hath attained one PJ
ciple, and is an own Self-Life ; but hj
to be accounted! a Fool in refpe^ of
14. Therefore loving Brother, if
would feek the Myikry, feek k net ioBftoc
outward Spirit, for fo you will be de»
ved, and get but a Giifvps of the Myih
go in even to the Crofs, then feek Q
you will ffot be deceived, you muft feck ih ]
pure Child without blemilli> in anol j[ye
World, iathis world you find only
Rufty or Drofy Child, which is altogei
17. of the Fltfh artel Spirits 2 2^
perfed, and now take this right thus,
1$, Go from the Crofs back into the
rth Form , there you have Sun and
oon one in another^ bring ic into An-
iih into Death, and drive on the made
• I framed Magick body fo far, till it be-
'^^ »me again, what it was before the Certter
'^^ I the Will, and then it is Magical and
''« mgry after Nature ;
-5( 1(5. It is a feeking in the Eternal Seek-
J^ ig, and would fain have a Body^ there-
negive him for a Body,. Sot^ viz. the
oul , and then it will fuddenly make
a Body according to the Soul, for the
^Till fprouteth in Paradife with very fair
iavenly fruit without fpot or hlemifh,
^' 17. There you have the fair noble and
Tccious Child, you Covetous lliff-necked
^crfba, we mult indeed tell you, feeing
t is together born and generated with the
ime, and yet we' will hereby only be un-
crftood by thofe that are Ours,
i8. For we mean not A Looking-Gl^fs
H Heaven,' but Gold; wherewith yoii
x>aft, that hath fo long time been your
Idol : That is born or generated, and purs
':he Eyes of the blind Cow or Beetle ^.'^/>f
m atjali, fo thar it feeth lefs ilian before;
but the Children iiul.l fee, ear an/J be
L 4 far,
224 ^'herfore thercis Co'Mrmeix Q^i
fat, that they may praiie God.
VVel^^eak wonderfully here, yet one] .I^ji
that, which we ihould fpeak, which yc
none wonder at, that he knoweth tlie My
iiery, who never learned it. Doih not,a
H*rb grow without your couniel or ad
vice> it enquireth not after Art ; fo al{
is the MyHery grown without your Ait
it hath its own School, like the Apcftlc
on thedsyof Penrecofi, who fpake wif
many Tongues and Languages withoLit x
preco^mta or the forc-skill of Art, and f '
ihis ^ imp/ Icii J.
20. And it is a forerunning MefTagel ^
the Babel of thy Overthrow, that tho
mayeftknowit, no fierce Wrath C)rAng^,
will az-^il ; the Star is born or generatecl n.
which Ufideth the H'^c-mcn cut of the Eafi
but feek them only where thou art, and fiD<
thy felf, and caft the Turi^a away froD
thee, and fo thou wilt live with theChil
dren ; this we fpeak earneftly, there is n
other Counfel or Remedy, thy Anger i 'J'
the fire, which wiiUfi^«?«r thy felf.
21. Or doft thou fuppofe chat wear
blind ? If we did not fee we fliculd be/.
ient; how would a Lye be fleafiKg to God»
and fo we fhouid be found in the Turbn^^^
f 17. tftke FIeila»d Sfrlt. ^%
tiich fifceth through the work and doingsT
1 1 Uibftance of all [nen;or do we this ier-
V e forW^ges? is it our livirg?why do we
: hold to, dcfsyJon Bread according to
22. If itbe our day Labour, w^rhould
as the Father will have
For f w€ (hall give an Mat. xo,%.
'ount of it In t he evening'^
s we fpeak dearly and earneflly with
:cp ferioufnefs.
Thus we can certainly underftand the
ontiariety of the Spirit and of the Flelli, .
d apprehend very well, how Tiro Spi-
;s are in one another,one ftriving^ againll
eother ; for the one would have God,.
,d the other would have Bread, and both-
c profitable and good.
24. But let this be faid to thee O Child
Mao, lead thy life Circuoifpedly, let
ly Souls Spirit be Lord,
id then thou wile * have * iTlm.^,7,
»ght a good fight here, for
,ire it is a very ffiort Time,
25*. We ftand here in the field or foylj
nd grow, let every one have a care what
'Hit hebeareth;at the End of H/iri^f/?, eve-
yones work, will be put into its own Barn .
L 5. 2.<5.. !t
2 16 irherefore there is Contrariety Q^
2(J. It is better to labour a little wl
in irkfomnefs and Toyl, and expe6^
great reward, wages and refrellimsntjtl
10 be here a little while a King, and aft
wards to be a Wolf, a Lyon, a Dog^
iOrfha^e. ^?^> ^ Tod, a Serpema
' ^ ^ Worm in f Figure.
27. O Child of Man conhder it,^j
Warned, forwefpeak prctious thing$(
of a Wonderful Eye, you will fuddei
know it by Experience ; there is yet bu
iittle Time, For, the Beginning hath cla
^ ji p.r L J ly found the End , S
iARofa.d. /hisisaf/'W.Vout
the Beginning, pray become feeingj p
away Covccoufnefs from your Eyes, c
you vvili wail and lamei
-fCal, 6, 7, 8. and none will have pit
on you ; f for that whi
anyone foweth^ th^t he will alfo rs-op^ at
then what will Pomp and Honour ay
you, when it fallethaway from you.
z8. Ye are here very Potent, and j
terwards very Impotei
\John 10. 34, ■\ ye are Gods^ and y
3.5. your felve? run to tl
Devil; cake piety of ypi
Life, and of yourfalr Heavenly Image
25?. You are God's Children^, bi-^c
.J7. of the F/fjh a>d Spirit, I'^-J
Devils ; let not the Hypocrites with
M(e and fljittery keep you back, they do
tor their Belly and Honour lake, tor
oneys Take, th-^y are the Miniltcis or
rvants of , the Great Bahl ?
30. Search thy lelf, ask thy Coyifdincey
\itihti it be in God, it will complain
rainlt thee and fay, drive the flicrerer
d hypocrite away from thee, and feek
e clear Countenance of God, fee not by
31. God is for you> he is IN you,
orfhip him, come with the lolt or pro-
gal Son, to him, elfe none can take the
'tirlra from you when you give him good
ores ; you mui^ only through Death go-
to the other worldj whereinco your hy-
crihe and flattery cannot enter, elfe there
5 no forgivenefs of fins ; and if you give
11 to the Hypocrites or Flatterers, yet ycit
It at one time as well as the other, capti-
Hited in the Tttrha,
32. Itisnotfo, as if one ftood by and
iid take away the TurbA from you, if you
♦ive him good words, No
po, it is Magical, f you | John 3. 3,
\mfihe bom Again, as Chrirt
.aith, elfc yon camtot attain Gody do what
fou Willi all Hypciciiiie 01 flattery is de-
;cir,. ' 33. It
22 8 f^yberef ore there is Contrariety Q.I
33. K you would ferve God, then yi
murt do it in the New Man, the Earth
Mam can do him no fervice, which is a
ceptablt to him, Sing, Ring, Cill, Cri
Pray> and whac hewill> and whattbcv
he doth, it is but fighting before a Loo
ing.Glafs, the f^vill muQ be in it,the He
murt give it lelf into ir, eiie it is a Co
jedtire and a fable or fidion of Antichri
which fllleih the whole world
34. The jyILL is Greater and Mig
tier, then much Crying, it can deftroy t
Ttirha^ and enter into the Image, it ha %
might or power to be God's Child, it c
caft away Mountains, and raile the Dea
if it be born or Generated in God^ and tt
The Holy Spirit give it leave.
35. For it muR converfe in Obedien
and great humility, and Only caft itsw
into God's Will, rhatCodinit, may
the Will and Deed , that ts the way
Bleilednede and Happineflc, and to t
Kingdom of Heaven, and ;?5 ^//?:th the Proud Rider with the Horfc
the Ground.
2. My beloved Friend, that is a very
arpqueftion, and needeth the Eyes of
I the Three Principles, which can fee.
irywell, they muft not die in Death, if
fey will enter in and fee this, it muft be
'on to Dcath,and aPeftilence to Hell,
(1 take Death Captive^ if it will fee,
ir gets no underftanding, unlefs it felf
z into Death, then it will well feel
. ,: Death is , ic will well taft, what
ihat Is, when one Principle breakethj'z//;?:^,
D DC Life.
I 3. You have perceivecl above, that all
j.ubftances or Things aie Magical^ one be-
'ing the Looking-Glafs of the oihci;; where
230 Hoiv the S^iul Q. I
in one Looking-Glafs the defire of the fi
Looking-Glals, becometTi opened ai
Cometh into Subfhnce, and then asinj
fublhnces or things, the TurhJi is, whi
breaketh or de(troys all to the firltfu
ftance,and that is alone and hath no brea
er or deltroyer.
4. For, there is nothing more, itca
not be broken or deftroyed, itftandeth
it felf and out of it felf,and goeth whitb
it will, and then it is everywhere ini
place ; for it is in the Abyfle> where the
is no place of Rtft, it muft only relt in! 'nt^'
felf. ^i
f. They feeing all Subftances or Thing
are come or proceeded out of One, then \^
fore is the Begmning alio in the Laft Su
ftance or Thing, for the La(t is again tun
ed back into the fiirt,and feeketh the fir!
ontfiyideth it in It fe/fy and when it finde ^tc
the hift, it leiteth all the other go, ai
dwelleth in the Limit, and there ic can I
without fource quality or pain.
6, For, there is nothing that can gi^
k fource quality or pain , it is it felf, tl
thing of the firfl Subllance ; and though
be another thing, yet ii is but its Twig,
Branch, and hath /fi will, and none oth
^r thei^ is nothing that can give it amk
^i&. departs froM the Bod)^ tec. 251
We give you to undeiftand concerning
in^, thus ; the beginning feeketh the
/Wf, and when it tindeth that, it cafteth
e reeking away, that is the Earthly Life,
at will be call aw.ay,it niuft break 01 de-
:oy itfelf.
8. For, the Beginning, '^.';::,. the Soul,
.ntinoeth in the Limit, and lets theBo-
/ depart^ and there is no complaint about
alio the Soul dehreik it no more, it
ul^ go into the Limit , viz^ into the
ITdnders-of that which bach been done or
p. The Souls Spirit hath no woe done
it, when the Body departeth, but woe
dune to the Fire- Life ; for ihQ Matter
'the F/r^, which hath generated the Fire,
at breaketh away, but only in the. Sub-
10. The Figure, remainetbftanding in
le Will, for t"he Will cannot break, and
5 Soul muil continue in the Will, and
keth the Figure for Matter, and burn-
fa. in the Will - for the firft Glance of
! Fire, goeih not away, but its Matter-
the harthly Life,W;i. the Phtir^ will be
^ II. Thus-the Fir§:be£oaieth.iir^€>tent^
232 Horv the Soul Q.xl
and paffeth Into the Darknefs, unlafs it t
fo that the Spirit have Heavenly Subftant,
ality, viz,. God*s ^ody, then the Fi]f<
vix.. the right or true Soul, received ttn
fame meek Body {o'i^SulfhHr^ then ft*
Soul burneth in the Love- Fire , and
wholly gone away out of the firft Fin
12, It is now in God's Principle, tf
firit fierce wrathful fire cannot touch it i
Eternity,for it hath gotten another Sour(
or Qiiality, and is rightly and truly Ne
born or Regetierated^ and knovveth no m"(»
of the firft Lix^e, for it is fwallowed up^^
the Magta,
13. rheT«r^««remainethin theEarti
ly^ody, and becometh that again whit
it was before the Body was, viz., a Nf
thing, a /l/^^^?, wherein all i is doings ma
ters or fubltances ftand in Figure, as in
Looking-Glafs ; but not Corporeally, b
according to the Manner of the Eternity
as we apprehend that all Wonders, hef6.
this world ftood in a Myftcry, asintl
Virgin of Wifdom , but wichour Sul
Thus now we apprehend alfci here, th
that very Myfkry, in its parting becaff
. S. departs from the Body^^c, 235
lilinifetted, that Lt cannot in Erernity
'XtingHil^jed^ hut remaineth Eternally
ding in the DlftiKcilomnd in the Sepa-
on, and is feen in the ManU^ in the
aration or Parting, after tnat n:iannei*
t hath here t'ormed it feltV
.5. Thus it is apprehenlible to us, wh.it
Separation or partirt: is, viz,. This-,
Turha hath found the L mlt of the Sub-
icc, for ficknefs to Death is nothing
tut that the Turba hath kindled it
', and will break or deftroy the Sub-
ce ; It is at the Limit, and will caft
ly the Introduced Medium or Mid-
6, And this is alfo the Caufe that the
iy Dyeth , the THrha pafleth into it
into the Fire^ and fo the Outward Life
inguillieth, for the Lifes fire b^com-
withdrawn fromit, and thenit goeth
b its Aether, and is at its Limit,
17. And fo now if the Souls Fire hath
;« its Spirit, Gods Body, norinirs
I, in its D^fire, then it is a Dark Fire,
'ich hnr/ieth in Anguiili and in great
irrour,for it hath only the fiifi four forms
DNature in the Angulfh,
18. And if [he Will hach nothing of the
[wer or Vertue oiHiimility^ then there
2j4 Horv the Soul Qj
is no finking down or into it felf, thr©i
Death into Life, but it is like an anxk
furlcHs Wheel, that would fain alwayer
upwards, and yet it goeth downwardS'
the other fide ; It is^ a kind of Fi re, 4
yet it hath no Fire burning or ilanning.
i5>. For the Turha is ihe very l^erff i'''^^
ftrong Aufterenei's or Aftringency and B 'f^
ternefs, where the bitternefs alwa)
feekcth the Fire, and would t^rike iti
and the harili Aftiingency holdeth it O
tivCj fo that it is only a horrible AnguU itili
and goeth alwayes in it felf as a Who U
and Imagineth ; yet itfindeth nothing!; ii.'
'it felf, It drawethit felf in it felf, a W
impregnatethit felf, it devoureth it fci Mi!
and is its own Subftancc. ' tJ
20. It hath no other Subftance but «i 4
Wx-. what the Souls Spirit hath made k
a6led in the outward Life, as Covetoi K,
neffe, or High-mindedneffe , Curfin;. d
Swearing, Scorning, Jeering, Difgrac Hi
ing or Back-biting, Slandering, Env »(
and Hatred, Fierce Wrath , Ang2|ij
Faliliood or Wickednefs, that is its Fa
and the paftime of its Exercife, fort
Turha taketh its Subftance Matter*
^ ^ thewill, //jjv^rJt^p
i9i» after ir^ 2 1
8. (if part from the Bodj^ cc, 23 ^
|.i. And though peiha-ps it hath done
cd fomewhat that is good, yec that
lOne but in a Giymps tor a jhgiv in ap-
ance, out of a vain Glorious or Hypo-
ical Mind; and lo ic ttandeth after-
ds in a continual Climlng up, it Ele-
eth it felf continually, it wonld alwajes
[above the Meeknefs, and yet appre-
deth or knoweth it not, norfeethit,
$ a Continual Elevation above God^
yet is but an Eternal fy^k^rig down, it
keth the Ground or Foundation^ and
re is None, and this is its Life.
22. And if it hath in its life-time, laid
Id of any thing that is pure of the Love,
•many that at Laft convert in the End,
ofe hnk down thus in themfelves,
rough the Anguifli ; for the Humble
arkle, goeth down through Death into
ife, where indeed the Souls Souixe or
uality and Pain taketh itsExid ; but it
If is a little Branch or Twig Sprouting
23. Now what Tnrifyi>ig^Fire or Pur-
atory, the Soul hath, before it can enter
nto it felf with the little Sparkle, cannot
ufticiently be written or exprefled, and
low it is then detained and plagued by the
Oevil , which the too wife and politick
2^6 How the Sotd Q^i;
world will m_ believe, it is fo Cunnir'
and yet fo blind, it underftandeth it n*
and yet continually hangeth or dependc
upon the LETTER. Oh that none mic
come into ir, we would willingly bi
2-4% But we fp^ak of no ftVange fouf
quality or fciin^ but only of that which
in the Ttirbay alio of no Power of the K
vil over the poor Soul, but only its fi
rour and horrible Apprehenfion of wha
reprefeffted before it, fo; that the Souls I
gination is fufficiently terrified therein
It is not by far in fuch a manner wi
the Soul, as Bal^el teacheth, faying^ tl
Devil beats and torments the Soul ; th
is very blindly fpokcn ; the Devil is n*
at Odds with his Children, they mnfl a
do hts will I the Hellifh Anguiili, a
horrour is torment enough to them, evo
one in his own abominations ; Every or
hath his own Hell, there is nothing el
that layeth hold of it but iis own Venoi
or Poyfon.
The Four Forms of the Original of M;
ture, is the Common or Univerfal fourd
quality or Torment^ which every one fee!'
Q^ 8. departs from the Boiy^^c. i^j
ct according to his Ttir^a^ one diffv^renc
mother ; as a Covetom one hath FroR,
irigrj one Fire, an Envlom one Bitter-
, a Prouil (btely one, hath flying up
yet Eternal finking down, and falling
•the Abylfe ; ABiafphewer fwalloweth
ntohiinlelf thzTurhao^ his belched
h Aboininations : A falfe or wicked
eitf/il Heart hath the fourth Foimyviz^
great Anguilli.
17. For, the Turkt y the Fire -circle
ftideth In the Fire *Cir- or the Glo6e,ma{er
r Globe, viz,, in the ^^^^ ^'"^^^ 0^ ^^
.lit of the Soul, and fi'^^J^M' ^/^'''
., r , . ' T and Circumference
faeorevilfpeaking,Ly- ,, ^j^ ^„e ,^,,y
w and untruth or un- where.
[hrulncfs are an hor-
j or abomination and Gnawing , t
ifing or Anathema in it felf, and fo
8. A Potentate, who hath oppreffed
• poor and Milerable, and confumed his
jiat 01 Labour in Pride, he lideth in the
life of the Miferable in the £\x\\ height
the Fire, for the neceffities and di-
efles of the Miferable iVick all in him.
29. He huh no Reft ; his Pride climb-
!^ up Continually, he doth in his condi-
iun th:rei as he did here, he fcekjth con-
S tinually,
238 HoTV the Sofil (yw
tinually, and yet wanteth all things ; t-
which hi had too much of, tliat he fc
now too little of; he devoureth himl
continually for Sublhnce to feed on, t
yet hath none, for he is Magical.
30. He hath loft his right true Inia|
and hath as it were the Image of a Ptc
Prancing Horfe, or 0^ thac which he h;
here been Converfant about, that wh^
hetakcth with him in;
* Mat, 6, 21, will, that is hislmafe
* where his Heart is^tk ^"^
is his Treajure alfo^ and that in its Eteii
ty. But Sir, fmell and confider, fli
the La(t Judgement bringeth with^
wherein all fhall pals through the Ft*'
when the flour fhaU'
* Mat. ^, 12, fHrged ^ * and every
00 into his own place,:
which the very Devils do Tremble
"he Nineteenth Queftion.
the Soul ts Mortal i or horv it is
Thing which hath an Eternal Begin-
L ning, hath alfo an Eternal End; as
[Ejfe'^'ce of the Soul hath.
But as to what concerneth the Image
[:h God created, which hath a Tewpo-
[beginning, that is generated out of
Eternal, and will be fet in the Eter-
Subliance without fource quality or
And where there is no fource qua-
or pain, there is no Death;and though
re be fource quality or pain, as in Hca-
i there is fource quality 01 pain, yet it
n One will or in Harmony^ and thu is
unded or founded in the Eternity :
ere is nothing that findeth ir,and fo no-
ng can come into it.
4. And now where there is one will, a?
God, who is all in allj there is nothing
cthat can find the wii, there is noTurl^a
;^e, for the will defireth nothing elfe,
240 H91V the SohI Is Mortal^ Q^
but only it felf and its Twigs or BraȤi !,ti
which all ftand in one Tree in one Eflet
the Tree is its own Beginning and us c
5. The Soul is proceeded cut of 6
Mouth, and goeth in the dying of the mw
dy, again into God's Mouth> it is in ing
ivord^ the Sublhnce, and in the mll^
6, Who will now judge or cond^tia
that thing which he hath in his own Bo
as the Souls is, which is in the Bod
Gcd, it is /?/^^f^ from all Evil, in G<
H'ho will find it ? none but Gods Spi
and one Soul another, andtheCommi
on and Fellowiliip of Angels.
But the wicked Soul hath lojl its Im|it[ii
in the Limit, for it is entered into
Limit, and the Limit is the Endo^
Tmige ; the Ttirba deftroyeth the ilV^
Image, and draweth the Wills Subfta m
orAdingsto it for an Image, and tl loit
2 re alfo Immortal, for the Eternal 1
ture dyeth not, for it is from no Be^ fcilill
8l If the Eternal Nature in the Am
fire, ^ould die, then alfo God's Maj
would Extinguiili,and of an Eternal foi
left. ip . or how If is IrKfaortaL 24 1
ng, there vvould be an Eternal Nothings
i that cannot bejthat which is fiorn Etci-
y contirtHeth'EiZinzW'j ,
9. TheFalfeor Wicked ^Sou I can awa-
1 no other Source or Quality, bur on-
that which hath ftood from Eternity in
: Anger-EyCji/Z^,. in the Centtr of Na-
10. AH hath been from Eternity, but
fcntiaHy in the Effence,not in the Sub-
Qce of the Eftcncc ; not Subihntial Spi-
S but Figured Spiriti, without Corpori*
g, have been from Eternity, as in a
igtAy where one hath rwallowed up the
i^ci in the Magla.
1 1 . And out of Both,thc Third is come
be, according to the Form or Manner
14 them both : there hath been a ftirring
to I from Eternity, and a figured Subftance,
3f id the Creation hath fet all * ^^ worh
; fi * Wonders, fo that in the rZ, f f^
:liJ:crnal Magia now and in I ^^ •
thiicrnity all Itandeth in Wonders,
, i> 12. If the wicked Souls had introduced
kgirSublhnce in their will, then there hai
tn no Woe in them, there would have
,:£i5en no feeling or perception of pain but
'0itgi(i ; but the Subftance is an Image,
"ojid is in the THrba^ and fo there is a
M per^
242 Hovp the Souls is Mortal^ &:c. Q^.i
perceptible fource quality or pain.
13. Ic is a dying and yet no dying, but
will of Dying, W2:,. an Anguiili in that fan)
Subihnce or Thing, which is introduce
into the will.
14. And that caufeth that all thinj
pant after God, and yet cannot reach hhi
and that makeih Angui/Ii an f
* Note. Sorrow for the Introduce
Evil , * the Soul continual]
thinking, if than hadfi not do^e this orth^ %
thou mighteft have attained the SalvatU re
of God, and fo the EvU Subftance Matti d(
or Thing done or committed, maketh i\ m
Eternal Defpair. Jl
I J. Therefore we fay , that no Soi |iitc
Dyeth, be it in God, or in Hell, andi bl
Subftance or Doings remain ftanding \ js]
ternally to the Glory of God's Wqi
{ieft.2o. 24J
The Twentieth Qiieftion.
ojv the Soul comes or returns to God
again s
rHis is clearly enough explained al=
ready, that it hath been fpoken out
)in God*s Mouth, and by the Holy Spi-
ideated into the Image of God.
^.Therefore if it continue ro,then,when
paffeth out of the Earthly Life, it
clearly in God*s Mouth ; for it is in
od's Body; No Source Quality or p^/»
ucheth it.
M 2 The
244 Qiieft.aa ;:-
The One and Twentieth
%0jither the Soul goeth when it depan
etb from the Body, be it Saved i '|J^
not Saved,
HE that mderftandeth rightly the th
Principles , hath here no furtl||'«
queliion : for the Soul goeih nor out atti K'^
Mouth, for it wenrnot in at the MoutH «)"
but it^^jf^rf/j only out of the Earthly Lifi 'I'
the TmhA breaketh off the Earthly Ltf.
end then the Soul remaineth Ihnding
ics Piinciple.
2. For, the Body doth not lay hold Itk
ir, no Wood nor Stone layeih hold of r
it is thinner than the Air, and if it hi' t;«
God's Body, then it goeth directly as \&
Conqtierer quite thiough the Turhm, vrl 5atii
thiough the Angei of God > and qui
tiirough Death, and when it is througfc
then it is in God's Body : ■(
3. It continueth with its here-mad Jiffl
Winders and Subihn^e or Matters a
Hi whither the SoHlgoeth^Ut. 245^
it feeketh God's Majefty and the
jgcls Face to Face*
Where it is, ills in th^u^f ear cha^U
Drld; where there is no End noi Li-
, whithcrcan it then *,^,^,^q
away from thence? r l
vherctheCarcafeis.thl^ i<^ 17 37.-
r the Eagles gather together : It is in
riih Flefh and Blood , with Chiift its*
I5'. And though it fliould go a Thoufand
lies, yet ic would be in that Place where
was when it went forth, for in God
ere is no Linaity near and afarofF is zU
3e> in him.
6. It is as fmft as the Thought of a-
an, it is Magical , it
vclleth in its*Wondeis,
cy are its f Houfc or
ianfion or Habitation.
7. The SubftantiaJity
xterndlly without it, is
aradife, a fpringing or
♦routing, bloflbming and
rowing, of all bright fair
Jcavenly Fruits : As ^q
ave all forts of Fruits in this World,
Hiich we feed on in an EAnhly Manner :
a alfo there are all manner of Fruits in
M 3 Paia-
^er Works and
Aliual Thoughts^
Words and Deeds
which it Exercij*
ed in this Life:
•f Therefore in onr
Fathers hcufe are
many Manjions or
dwelling places or
particular Ifoufer
2^6 Hiyhher the Soul goeth Q»jeft,a •'•
Paradife, which the Soul may Eat of, ihei '; t
are in Colour and Vertue and Power as. a) '^"j'
ib in Subftancej nor as a Thought, thoug r'
they are as Thin and *S/<^f //^ or pure a* ^."'^
Thought, yet Sublhntial, comprehenfiM "'^l
to the Soul, falj>ahle to be felt and hand '^ !
led, full of Vertue and Power, alfo Jut '^*
or /j*//ofthe Sap of the W'ater of Life,xtj '^h^
froai the Heavenly SubftantialirVv jr' ^^
8. ' •• il^
The Uenvtrily Body of the Sou J, is frorl^? ^
the Pure Elemenrj out of which the Foii|4
Elements are generated, and that givc^^'*;U
or affordeth fl£l}i,and the TinUnre^ Bl
the Heavenly Man is or confifteth of B
and Bloodjand the Paradife is the pwtr
virtue of^ the Subliantiality: It is Heavcal'
Earth, »c^rcompreheniible to our outwaf^P^^
Reaibn. ■ :*M
p. But we will now once more x.tzS^^
another A. B. C. All have not Chriftf
Flefli on them in this World hMen in tli
Old Adam^ indeed of very many fear
one, onely the Regenerate, who are go:
forth from their own Will into Gods W:
^ , in whom the Noble a«L
Mat, 13,31. p j^^i^u5 * Grain ofMnfttA]
T \ ^^' ^^' ^^^"^ ^^ ^°^"' ^^^^^ ^ ^'Hl^'
l^Hke 17. 0. -g fpfung up and grown.' Ki
10. Molr
(21. vphcn It departeth from the Badj, 247
Moft Souls go from the Body with-
g by a
Chrift's Body , but they ban
reed, and are in their Faith at lad en-
cd into the Will, which Souls are in-
d in the Spirit in the Image, but not in
1 1 . They wak for the hft Judgement
'ay, wherein the Image, vl^, the Body
ill go forth out of the Grave out of the
Image, for God will awaken or raife
up through Chrift's Voice, even that
age which Adam.hzd in his Innocency^
hich is fprcuted or grown with or by
hrilVs Blood.
12. But the Earthly Body ihall not
ouch it, that muft alfo in the Turi^a come
fore the Judgement, but after the Sen-
cnceof the Judgement the TnrU fwal-
■oweth it up5 and the wonders only remain
Underftand us arighr thus-; Thofe Soub
hich muft thus 53?^;V for their Bodies at
,e Laft Judgement Day, they continue
ith their /bodies ifl theliiU Reft vvithouc
•feeling any pain, till the Lift Judgement
Day, but in another Pnnclplc,
14. They have in the Earth no Daik-
nefs, alfono^Majefty, but they are in the
M ^ One
24S whither the Sonl goeth Q^t?i,x^y^^
One onely ftill Liberty in Reft, wirhoi^i;J)^'^'
p^i//;, withoot touching of the Body • '^^^
ij-* But they fee ihcl;!^^"'
w/^'''' ^i'^^^y * Wonders, yet they peftii^^'
Words andT>eids r .wl-.- l rl .t]
iut Aa nothing form nothing in them,f(,ic:otl
with them, they wait upon Godjiihell
and are in Humility ; ft 1^. T
they are fnf?}^ dorvnxhiou^h Death and at iiti,tfe
in another World ; but there is yet a Cli iita
or Gulf, between them and the Holy Sout jcipk
jii Chrifts Fle/h and Blood, yet not a Piin jiUw
i^^^iple, for they are in one and the fatti fuci
Principle. Ina
16. But a Spirit without a Body,, bat! '
not that Might or Power, as that SpiiL|
which is in the Body, therefore they arc
the Reft, they are »»^ God*s Altar ;
17. When, the Laft Judgement Da]
cometh, it will then go forth, and eat oj]
God*s Bread, and put on God's Body>
is mentioned in the Revc-
* Rev, 6, p, lation of John , where thc|
iCj J I. Souls * l» y^htte GAYTHentA
unhr the Altar ; fay, Lori^
i»hen avenge^ thou onr Blood ? and it is faid|
to them, that they fhouUrefi a little vphile^
till their Brethren come to them^ which jhaH\
be flaitt for the Witnefs of Jefm.
18. But the wicked Souls have anothci]
of the 5ody, in theAbylfe of the Soul, riis?
^ 22. Though indeed it is not dl^f cult {(WiM
him to put on a Deceivers Hypocritict-''
Garment, he can eaGIy put on itnOui:^i
ward Garment, to fcduce arid toteiriBfa
Man. ,. ,iiLY;
2 J. ^|Kb
5ut this we muft complain againft ^atm'
that ilie is lb altogether blind, and hatWIfH'
little knowledge of God : l>ie hath'flgts:
^rvajfths true Ma^U and Philoibphy, '4v^.
taken,in the Antichritl ; now fhe wantBliel
Wit Ingenuity or Underftanding ; ilie hBC/r/
Art, but only Wit and Underftanding f^
cth her andbrcaketh, (lie hath ^r%>7 tyiiao
Looking-Glafs , and feeth with Spcc^ej
24. What fliall a man fay ? the Woll pu
is blindfold, men draw it into a Snare, alH m
lead it captive, and it feeth it nor, and^ sBo^
were indeed free, if it did bat fee \xi thew m
is wicked knavirfi Cunning in the String 6/
men bind itwi:h : Tbou I
* P[al. 44.23. wilt foon become feeing, m
121. 4, y. it is hriq^ht day, only * M itvi
wak^e thou kfefcr of Ifracf; Bcip
25 . Thus beloved Friend, be informefl
of this, that there is great difference oJ 15. '
Place and Condition among Svi.'.s, ailac- y
i2i, whc^yi Itdiffi-tn^h from the Bo.iy, 25 1
rding to that into vvhicti a Soul is cKtred.
it holy and born anew or Regenerate ?
:n it hath a Body, which waiteth only
^the Wonders of the Body, at the hit
igenaent Day ; it hath comprifd them
rally already in the Will, but ihey lliall
nd before the Judgement at the Laft
iy : All Souls the Good and the Evil,
♦7 o»e lliall receive its Sentence and
I'^es I
16. The Holy ilull befet in the fight
the Wicked, that they may fee and taft
Caufes of their Source and Torment.
27. '
If any fhall conceit a feveral place or
,Ce, where they fliall fit one among ano-
, that is quite contrary to the Magia ;
ry one is in its own Land Soyl or
untrey, and not bound to the place of
t Body, but it may biwhere it will, and
d then wherever if is, it is there citherin
Dd or in the Darknefs ;
28. God is every where, and the Dark-
^s is alfo every where ; the Angels are
.0 every whery ; every one in his own
inciple and in hisown fourceor quali-
29. The Conceits of outward Realon,
^thoHt apprehenfion and knowledge of
ap PVhlther the Soulgoeth Qaeft.i i . r
the Pcinciples i$ a fighting with a l'hadov"'if
in a Looking-Glafs ; If 1 did ask a Thou I '^"^^
land times> and ilioujd be alr»4yss anCweri ?' .
ed foinething concerning God , if I vvcri'-' 'j !
but ftiU in Ficlli and Blood ; I ll^iould loaH^'^''
upon it as Babei doih, which luppofethtbl''^^^
Soul goeth up into a Heaven above i\^i''^^[
Stars ; I know, nothing yet of ihat Hca
ven, and I. can well foibear being there,
30. It is indeed above, andchereati
^ ^ ^, , the Angelical. Prince
^ Eie,r Globe. jhrones, but this* Eye c
this Aether, is OUR Principality uv
our Kingdom.
31. Indeed it is all one with them
arc in the UPPER Heaven and vvuh thci
that are in OURS, but our Creation ani k
Subftance or Doing? is in our Aether ; i\ j
Soul may well go thither // iV dejireth; i|( ■
will be very lovingly received and entei|/
laincd by Gods Angels, j
32. For there is the fameSubftance cl'T
God with them as with us, and this onl|l (
is the difference, that they have Angclic|':i J
works among them rvholl)^ pure withoiI'Vi
fpot or Blemi{h, and we have the Grc«Si
Wonders, therefore they delight alfo tl 2.
4.U u T ^ ^^ ^^^^ "^ > ^"^ ^^^y '^w^
Q:/. when It defarteth from the Body. 25*3
jk?^ Servants during the Life of the Bo-
Jk andrefilt theDeviL
» I53. Now being the Angels are in this
Mid in the Holy Principle, whither
)uld the Soul then firft go ? perhaps into
ide as Lucifer didy might 5^^^/ think ;
( no >- it reraaincth in Humility , and
i)kcth upcn Gods t Won- . ^^ ^^ , ^
jrrsj^s God's Spirit goeth, ' ^*
The Two and Twentieth
Khat every Soul depa/'ted doth, whe*
ther It rejoyceth or no^ till the Day
of the Laji "judgement.
n^His Queftion comprifeth or treateth
of the richly Joyful GUrloHS Gate to
the apprehcnhon of, the ¥ Or SmldUili
* Victorious Garland of triHtnphantfrJ^^r
(the Soul. Garland.
2. When a beloved Soa travels abroad,
for Arts and Sciences and Honour into a
rang£ CoujD trey afar offj he often thinkr
2^4 ^hat every defartei SohI doth Q,
ethofHotne, and of the time of returr f
enjoy his Parents and Friends ; he rej
ceth at the thought of that day, and wait
for it with Inward Joy a
t^r^'f r 'r Longing > and exercif
Matters dufii.efs ,. P.^P ',• . n- • ,
and employment, himlelf m his f aftairs,tl
he may get alfo Art 2
Ingenuity or underlianding and expcrien,
wherewiih he may rejoyce his Paret
Kindred and Friends.
3. In like manner we offer to yo
Mind, and give you this to Coniider
that the Soul without the Body, hath grc
inward Joy, and waiceth for the laft Judgi
ment Day, with great Inward delire, wh
it fhall getjts bright fair Holy Body wi
the wonders agai»,
4. Alfo its reft in its Will, where th
it feeth its works according to the kio
and z«v
% . And they that have been for Chrifts
Dcbine and Truths fake, dcfpifed perfe-
ted and (lain, their Tryumphal Vidory
Ixfore their Eyes, like one that hath 0-
:rc6mc his Enemy in Fight, and re^refents
z y^iUory before his King and Prince,
hich he hath in Great Honour andGlo-
, where his King receives him with great
3y, and keeps him by him as his faithful
p. Now what jay is in thefe, we have
?Pen to Write ; only we apprehend that
lofe for the mcli part, in this world have
ut on God's 5ody, and fo are in greater
^erfe6lion then the other ; they wait for
)e Laf^ Judgement Day, with C^rear Joy
ioncui and GlorVj when their Woikj in
2.5 <^ ^'hat evtry defarted Soul doth (Ta.
the Heavtnly Fignre dial I pafs before the!
tyes, and the wicked dial
f AUs 9 , y ^ fee f againji whom they ban
Every fuch Soul re joyceth in great H»
before the Face of God, at that which fhji
befall it : for it apprehendeth its wage?
but cannot receive that without the Btd^ \i
for it hath done its Labour in the Boi^
therefore it will get that again alfo whji^ftiw
will follow after it in the New 5ody.
11. For although the highly pretiou
Holy Souls have in this world put
Chrids ^ody, fo that they ftand asaijde:
Image of God in Heaven^ yet all thei ,|i
works have been made or wrought in tb
Old j^ody , which was God's Lookinj
Glafs, and they (hall in the Refurredtip
be frefentedto them, in the Figure exa6lj
Heavenly in their ^ody.
1 2 . For the firft IwAge which Adam m
before the Fall, is become Regenerated i
Chrifl, and will be put on to the Soul agai
with its Wonders,and though it hath God
JBody afoiehand, yet the Wonders ftand t
the /r/? Image.
13. ^utthe Turba^ with the out wan
Kingdome of the outwaid fource or quali
2, untiltheDAjofJuigmeyit, 257
15 gone, for it was a Looking-Glafs,
IS novs be.co?ne z Wonder ;. It Jiveth
out Spirit as a Wonder, and will be
upon the Sou] in great claiity or
rhtnefs from the Light of God : which
Holy Souls lejoyce at exceedingly, and
for it vuith great longing-*
nd we prefent to your appreken^on,
every blcfl'ed Soul
Immeth its Ump^xhzt \Mat^i^. 6\ 7,
may go to meet In
degroom ^t the Laft Judgement Day>
y renew their Wills continually, and
sfider how they fliall rejoycc in their
Jw bodies in the Wonders with all holy
in and Angels ; there is a Continual ri-
^ up of Joy in them, when they think of
it which is to come, every oiye accord*
^ to their vcrtue or capacity.
y. As their works have been different
bn Earth, fo alfo is their Hope ; for a
/ Labourer, who hath done much fer-
:e, rejoyceth at his. wages, foaJfohere
trcis a friendly Subftance oi SoUce^-
)ng them and in them.
16, All fcorn and blafphemy laid upon
;iii, which they were not guilty of, is a
;at Vi^lorious Honour and Glory to
2f8 pyhat every departed Soul doth Qi
them, that th-us have fuffered in Innoc
cy wrongfully, and put on Patiena
Hope, and this they have moreovery,!!"';''!
death cannot take from them nor adc
them, the Soul taketh along with it wha
hath comprehended.
17. Their often /j^/zrr; Players V
williing and well doing to their Nei
hour, is their food, which they eat, j
rejoyce ihemfelves, till their New Bi to
iliall eat Paradifical Fruit. • '0-
18. H^il
But thofe which have put on God's i a. 1
dy here, they eat without Ceahng at G irii
Table*, but the Paradifical Fruit belongs tt
to the Body of the Wonders, which fliall vk
rife out of the Grave, which was creat b c
in Paradife : For it was made out of t itlii
beginning, and brin^eth the Sndm\\\\ k\
Wonders again into the Beginning, . lin
ip. ■ \i
And wonder not, as if we fpeak, as lil ij.
Jy we are underl^ood in your Eyes, cg i\
cerning TWO Bodies of the moli hfcpw
S^nts, indeed there is not two of thsii
It is but ONE ; confider only how Goc
Sublkntiality filUth all, and that is Goc
Body, which is in this Life, put on to i
holy Souls.
20. F
^2, until the Day of judgement, 259
»:?. For they caft their Will into God's
ill, and fo they receive alio God's Bo-
ih'ichfilieth Ail : their Will dwelleth
od's Body, and eateth in God's ^o-
of God's Word, of God's Fruit, of
li's Powir and Yertue, and Chrift is
jod, God is become Chrift :
f. Thusthey carry about them Chrifts
y in God, and yet never theiefs vpalt
their Flrft Adams holy 5ody with the
onders, which fhall be put on them
k Paradifical fource or quality.
For, God's pnrpofe muli ftand, he
atedthe firft 5ody in and fpr Paradife,
on Id remain eternally therein; It muft
in thither again, and the Soul upon the
fs of the Number Three , into the
)uth of God, from whence it came ; and
dyet the whole Perfon with Body and
ul remulneth one in another ; but God
23. O that we had a Humane Pen, and
old according to our Apprchenfion write
jdown in your Souls-Spirit : How would
)any convert out of Sodom and Gomorra^owX.
'• Bahel and the Covetous proud valley of
iiijfery> which yet is but Anguilli and
puree Q^iality or Torment , full of fear
ain and teiiour.
24* Thus
2 do what every depmrtei SduUotk Q^j
Thus wc give you to apprehend, t
give you highly to confider of,the Lame
table and Miferable State and Co»<^mW
the Damned Soulsowhat they have to E
pe^Si, and but briefly, becaufe the nc
queiiion doth it at large. licoD
2 J. Their Expectation is like a Capti) tlieit
imprifoned Malefador that continually^ Lfo
fteneth, when any x\\m% ftlrreth\ when« jdji
Executioner iliould come and execute | \m
ftice,8c give him his Reward ;fo aX^otki vcif
2(5. They have a falle evil or wicta i n
Confcience, which' gnaw<;th them, the
fins prefent themfelves continually befal, T
their Eyes, their works they fee alfo M\i\
glcally, they fee all the injuries and u:
lighteoufnefs they have ioncy their Vi
ty arvd voluptuous wantonnefs ,
unmeafurable Piidc pomp ftate and furij
highmindednefs, they fee their Oppreff
on of the Needy and Miferable , the
fcorning and domineering Implacable!
27. Their ■ fal-fe or wicked Refui
Confrdence and relyances fiyeth fror
them'> their Hypocrite and flattery
was but a fighting with a fhadow as '
a Looking-Giafs, it did not teach
(2. HHtd the Day of Judgement, 2<^i
jirtofGodjthcfeftand * the Heart of
ed before them in the ^^ods Love fhed
na,v\z, in their Will ^^'""i ^» '^«>
f- I TLi L ^ L own Hearts,
Imd-vifibly, but when
fcekaod fearch therein, then they ftit
e Turha of the Fire, which will lU
$ confume the Looking-Glafs, and
there is fear and terror.
For, they fee andl(now, that at the
Judgement Day, all {hall bctryed by
Eternal Anger- Fire of God, and they
Arcry well, that * thtlr -
L •// • ' .L. ^ I Cor* 2, Ifi
Kj mil remain tn the ' '
This doth afloniili even the De-
\j when they confider their Fall, which
r ftandeth in, or lyable ^o,God*s Judge-
bt, exfeEilng what he will do, which
Holy Scriptures mention fufficiently
f-, efpecially the Judge Chrilt him-
jo. And thus we give ycu to under-
id the total Miferable Elhte and Con-
ion of the Damned, fo that when they
iuld trim their Lamps for the 5ride-
iom, then they tremble, and their work5
kund them, which yet the Ttirbtt conti-
illy fets before their Eyes.
31. ISIovv chofethat-are^^/; Damned
if Souls,
z62 H'hat ivery drparteii Sotil^Uc, Q. ''
Soulf, are D^lperace, they renounce G
they Curfe and BUfpheme him, and
his Enemies to the utmofl.
32. They hold their Caufe to be- \y
they refolutely fet thcmfelves aga:
God, and think thus with thcmfelves,,
there Fire with him, fo are we Fire
there fource quality or Torment
him, fo will we climb up in the F/re.^if/j;
Uty or Torment above God and Heavi
what care we for humility, we will bf
the Might Power and Strength of the Fi
we will be above God, we will do W<
ders by our own Power Might and A
33. We have the Root^ God hathi
the Glance ; let us be Lord Paramoi*
God (hall be our Servant ; our Mothe
his Life, we will at once deftroy his ftrc
City, and Fortrefs. .\ '
34. They have the fame thoughts t
Souldiers have, who ftorm Walls Fc
and Towers, and think the City is th
own,though it coft them their Lives. VT
deiftand us thus,as there is a HeU,fo th(,
IS a Heaven, and as there are Inhabit
in the one, fo there are Inhabitants in t
other,and that in God is a Great Wondi
all ftandeth or ferveth to his Glory
e Three and Twentieth
ther the Wielded Souls without
ifference in fo long a time before the
)ay of Judgemem, find any Mi-
'gat ion or Eafe,
Thing that goeth into an Eternal En-
trance, that is alio at the Eternal
; who will or can give any thing into
nand of him that is a far off, and is not
ent, that To he might have the thing
;n him ; furely that onely is given to
, which is in that place where he is; and
ing that goeth forth with its Will out
s Telf, can receive nothing within it
^, for it delireth nothing within ic
. Thus is the Wicked in this World
Ifiei , he is gon forth with his Will out
nhimfelf, into Covetoufnefs^ into
r.p Pride and Voluptuoiifnefs , into
fphemy, Gluttony and Drunkennefs,
loredocn and Wanconnefs, his Will is
26*4 ^^'hether the mcked Souls Queft; J;
continually CoHverfant in fcorning and
fpifing the Miferablc, in difgracing
Contemning , plaguing and vexing
Righteous, and to ttead him under j
wiihT^ower and Authority.
3. The Right and Truth he hath m^
with Lies and Falfiti
* Job ij. ithat he might gain foi
!vhatto himfelf, that he might beabl
eft . 2 j . fi/id any Eafe . 25r J
what he will, thus artificial is he and
[rofis , and fiandeth in Great VVif-
). All this and niuch more he hath fra-
d in his Will and A'(iy?d^znd therewith
: h he tilled the Image of his Souls-Spi-
;:; , and all (hndeth in its Figure, and now
^e net your\ery_fla.v^)-:l/vypu-^UJ|
coiw&rt ., away, ,' Vn'4 -rake that whic|j
yours with.you,aDd we will take that.vvh
js ours, and fo we i^^.S^tcnuytl)- partecy
2,1^ -We. will 0ill,vyork' in our Diy-J
1 ; ■ ~ \ ionr, and do what. w^
* Mat] 13.. 50. ' ^(^cjnmajnded to4c>."'^/«:
Harvejiy we fliaU; ^9
p^li^Tore another, and there you will
|d\V'US, ahd do that to your felvcs, which
|j had done unto us here, this vve pjotild
hide from you, but fpta?: what we fee;
The Four and Twentieth '
'hether 'Mens Wipes profit them any
^hingi 9rJenJlMy come where they are,'
ornor. ' '■"
MY betoved Friend 3 f Luks i<^.
^X ^C-'^^ ^'P^° th'f.iv;V/j 20. t0 24i.
Uk^ and Poor Lazxirui ,
d fo you fhili find that there is n Gre4t
iff or Gulf^ hetween them and us : [0 that
ffe that Tvchld with their Prayers and
ill, ^^oto thcm^ cariKot^ neither can they
me to Us ; there is a Principle between
2. The Prayers- and Widjes of the
igh:eou to him 1 iF
the Gitvc, that gocth to the wicked Sou li\
that is the Wi(h that cometh where th< k
arc, that they muftfwallow up into then :iti
felves from their here-made, adied . iiV^
committed. Abominations, that is tht 'k
food, which the Living /
iketh down in it felf, and prelTeth aftei
od's f Mercifulnefs, and
veth it felf patiently in- \^rmhertyg^
theD.athofthennkirg ^m-W^,
c>wn, out of the Anguidi, J^g^^^
id tbac JiKkifh down out
N- 4 of
yoi whether Mans M(h€S^ Quefl,!! un
of the fource quality or pain into t: ,j [
Meeknefs of Heaven : , j.
p. And though many a Soul be deteiqH "JjJ^
a I competent time, yet can , ^ .v l^^
the Anger not devour ihat lit- "• /.,''* ,'■
tie Faith, but muft at Uft, let ""^'^ ^'jl
it go. " ^^p^
10. But whatthat is,. I leave tothei|i ^,
to try, who wilfully and obftinately p^ Aj
fevere or condnirt in fin, till their Eai /
and will thin firfi be Blefled, /' ^^^^'
then the f Pneit muft make » ^''*- ?
him Blefled, he ihould confider it, , '"^'^.
I J -i^'"'
But this we fay, that a Mans Hearty ^ ! '
ry or Zealous Prayer comet h to themy foj *
Faithful Earneft Prayer hath Might a( '?'!
Power to break open the Gates of tl !•
Deep : it breaketh open a whole Principle !
and feekcthor feaicheth, and if there i '
any thing therein that its Will or Mind ^^
capable of, then it taketh hoUoi that,v.7 ^^^
the Poor Soul in its iin fource quality- ?•
falvy layeth hold on its loving Brothc ^
divine Earneft Will ; fo that it becoc ^r
cth flyengthened^ and can fink down out "f
the Angui{h in his Brothers Spirit ailjj^
mil ^ through Death, and, attain. God|
Z2. B^
^^4- profit the f-Ficlyd SohIs deferred. 3®3
12. But into its Gloriiicacion he can-
help ir, for that (Linsch out of the
djlsown Sublimceor 'Z)(?/;?^-fand,VViiI:
^"6[) thi Soul of a Neighbour goeth no fur-
cr wich him, though that is not the Soul,
Vt the S9hIs 5/3 ;m that doch this, then
to Death, wnc:re theAngef feverethit
[df ; vvh-ve it is freed from the fierce
Vrath, and then the Spirit pafleth or en-
reth again in.o its Soul :
15. Here in Popery
luch Jugiing hath been
bntiivedjWithj Maftcsfoi
uls, only for the fake of
'loney ; biuit hath been- a
^lols deceit of the Babylo-
idi* Prieib, for earneflneff is required
oibive. with and Overcome th
14. VVe fay affuredly, and feadily
cknowledge. \i , that the Congregati-
m of Chrl(i hath great Power and
Vuthoricy, to -Ranfoine /«£■/>■ a Soul : ific
t. fervent y\\\?efxple ^'Holy\Vd(L[\s^ k f Priifier.
flfpofe Service and Miniftry v
N.5 > :£5^:They
Angci of
3 04 H^ether Mens fv!jhcs^ Qlieft.2i|^'' •
If. They have indeed effcaed fom '"
whaty but not in fuch a kind ar
I Bapfi. way as the f Pope Boafteth, th
he hath the Key, he can let
Soul out with his Blelfing when he will,
a man will give him Money ; but til at i»
i6. IsheHOLY? thenhebearethtl
Great Myftery, and is Chrift's Shephci
ever his Sheep^ and then he (hall with tl
Congregation, in Great Earneftnefs^prcL
into God in great Humility, and comet ^
the Place of th^ Poor Soul, but NOT/« P^
Money. ' !^^|
17. In Money there is alwayes Cove ""
toufnefs, and it never reachcth the Eat' '''
neft Principle, the Prayer of the Cove ^^'
tous enter eth into his Cheft we fay, that al P
whatever is done and adminiftred in th< ':"
Churches of Chrift for Money ^ belongctl]
to Antichiift in Bahel\ for they hang thei'
Hearts upon it ; it were better Men dicj
give them Meat *nd Drink, and other
Neceffarics ,. and no Money > and thcrl
they would not fo Cet their Fkatts upoc|
18. What can that Spirit feek ai^
find in the Myftery> which is net it (elf ip^
the Myftcry ? O^ thcic is a great dectti^
1 24* frvfd the Wicked S^ghU defarted, 305*
jcin, when it comes to be Diy> you will
that it is fo ; you are ftili in Dirkncfs
[the My(kry , Bahel hath fo blinded
ip. And therefore it is, that you have
td upon Art and Favour, and nGt upon
/ Sflrlt ; are not ex-
ding errourStf- WyFr^?;?^ \zThef.2^
Injio-ns come upon yort^ thai 11, 12,
believe lying Spr-its^ who
ah^i/i Hypocrifie and Dw'ccir, and ye de-
ind hang and cleave to them,and commit
procrifie with Errour, and exercife flar-
ry with delufion ? See what the Revda-
of Joh»^ and Darnel fay to you ; It i$
ay, the VV^ages will foon follow.
20. You have now Teachers, which
pprefsand throw to the ground the Firll
■r Primitive Church with its Spirit ; prove
d try them, and you will find, that for
emoftpart they are Wolves and Har-
ts, which firrt fprung up and were ge-
trated in the Primitive Churches, wh;:n
en^y2fpf),and they will indeed devour the
21. B\it prove and try them, they are
Wolves >. fent from the Turha , they
muft do it, God [njf^rs it to be done, and
■mill have it done,
that fohemay with on;
io6 n^hether Mem f^ijhes^ &c. Queft.:»'^i
Befomfweep out the other; but they
Befoms, and will after the pnlfhing of \
VVonders of thi Anger^be given up to t
Thrba together.
2 2. Suffer this to be faid to you by tl
Spirit, it is your 0.vn Prophet, itisg
nerated out of your Turha upon t
Crown, awake or elfe yg^p muft thus I
devoured by one another.
23. For No Granger confumeth youl
but your own Turha^ which iscomt'i|f^^'
the Limit; boaft mt your felves of a Gftl^l'
den TinriCj it is a Time of Wonders, ^ ^H'l
Tlic Five and Twentieth
7hat the Hand of God, and the Bofom
f Abraham are.
rHis is indeed lufiiciently explained"
already ; for it is the AU-Subftantial
( x\ll-B:ing,^t;tfrj-Tv/?^r^*prerence of God;
1 c m its own Principle: as the %tch Mun^
'no wmin Hdl^ couUrsot prevail B'i//? Abra-
I m to ferd Lazarus to hint veith a, Drop of
I Id PVAter^ to cool his Tongue In the V lames ^
i)raham/t/V there vi>as4great Ciiif or Gulf
vweeh them, that is a whole Principle.
2. The Boforn of ^^r^/j^w is thus to
undeiftood ; Ahraham- was the Father
the Faithful, and God gave him the Pro-
tfe, that In his Seed all people of the Earth
mU he Blejfed ; this Was to be underwood
-the MeHuh Chrift, who would become
an in the Faithful ; . and as in Abraham's
ed hi became Man, fo he would alio he-
me Man in the Children of-theTaith-.
3^8 IVhattheHandofGod.ani Q^t.
3. And this is now the HolyChriflh
Congregation generated in Chrift, that
the Bofom oiAhrakam^ti we are in Chij
all one Body^ and to Abraham w.-is the Pr
mifeGive^j he was the Patriarch, or Aid
Father; and we are all become gen crati
in that Piomife, undeilhnd, in ihe Nev»; lin
birth in Chrill, and are in thai Bofoti
which taketh us intoir.
4; When we through earnsll Re
tance, enter into Abrahams Pronnile, t
we go into the Bofom of Abrahdm.
into Our Promi[e^ and in the Bofom «
Faith Chrilt becometh generated or bo)|Ni
in Us, and that is the Fft/fillifi^,
f. Thus we are in Humiliiy with L\
zartu in the Bofom of Abraham ; fi
Chrift is Abraham^ and to Abraham w
Chrift Promifed, now he hath h^m? ai-
we with him, and thus we come intoh
Bofom, and are his Children in the Pi
mife, And CHRIST is iht Fulfilli,?^.
6. Thus we fit in the fulfilling inti
^ofom of Abraham^ and are Abraham
Seed according to the Sprit, Here ;
blind Jews, open your Eyes,, what d
Abrak^^m in the Circumcifion fignifie? n< ,j
tbinj^ el;;c,but that Sin fhould in the 3M?
t5idb:a:ho£Chiift3, ^^hoUi^d hia Blat
Iif. the Bofom of Abraham are. 309
the Children of the Faith oi Abraham^
\x(row^edy and in that Biood as in 3 Hea-
dy Tindlurc become Regenerate a-
. AhrahAm and his Children drownea
in thei{ ^lood in the Faith on Chrift,
3 in their 5lood was to become Man^ and
V it is fulfilledj and therefore hath God
the Seal of Faith in the Subftance, and
n we are and diould be born anew or
fenerate in the 'R^d 5lood of Chrift.
. Chrifts 51ood taketh away the TurbA
mus, and we rife again "in his ^lood^
New Man oat of the Old, and bear or
ry Chrift's Image, Chrift's FleQi and
fcod /««/ in Our Image, if we are the
dildren of Abraham and Not Iflimaels,
9 . For to Ifaac belong the Goods of the
liage of the ^ody of Chrift ; the Circum-
lon is Ifhmaels^ for he convcrfeth about
^rks^ but the Goods are Ifaac' s^ and Ifh*
Hi (hall at Laft dwell in ifaac's Tents y
t the Kingdom belongeth. to S(^»
18. t Not out of Merit by . r,^^ , _ ^
rksh^cweUuc'sGo^ds, i^'^'^'^^^
it oHi afGr^e yont of Gods
bvc, wc cannot attain it
ith the work, but. in the * j^-; ^ . ^;
iith/x'« thmWanlDesd^ - m^A^^^
kthcEnLcxingin-;. 3r>
3 %0 what the H^ni of Gqa^ a?7d Q^%
II. But rt: thatenti
■\ Herrfchajfc , cth into f a Dominli
which is not his own
theiighfof Nature> he entereth into it
the Grace a»d favour of the Giver or D
not; why is the Se-rvant in the Houfe A
gry and Difcon tented at it that the Lo
is lb Good and Gracious, and giveth
flran^er i he Dorninlsn ?
12. We were Strangers, and the
was in the Family, but the L')rd hat
ven us the P/oinife in Paradife, he w
beftow upon us again his Kingdom o,
Crjice ; he Ir.ft C^i»s Offe:ing,but to
he gave the Kingdom of Grace , for A
fought it in the ODir lt_j and Calf2 [nM
13. Thus underftand how God *s Kinj
dcm is Magical, for, the fiift Will attaii
eihif, and the Will in the Subliancc.
Work NOT, for it rcmaineth in the Sij
ftanceorWork ; but he that goech fra
findeththe Eternity, znd^ the Kingdom
Gvace therein, and the Promife with ti:
Subftance 01 Work tegether ; and then th
Work dwelleth in the Will^ and is th
Wills Houftiold Servant ;
14.. Thus ye undexftandj.. if ye befpc
C2^. tl:e B'jfomof Abnh^mare, ^n
i :, the whole Did Teftamenr, this is the
(ily Ground, biitcomprired ^n^/I; ; and
ve come to write upon Afof's^ you tliail
|d it wholly : and thus we have lliewen
ju the right and true Ground of the Bo-
rn of ^haham^ and of the true Chri-
[an Religion.
fij". VVhofoever teacheth otherwife is
f^Babel, beware of /j/w, he hath noc
irifts Spifit, but he is Ijhmaei^ and feek-
01 gropeth in his own conceit.
16. O thou VVocfby and Pretious
[hiiftendom, be yet feeing^ elfe it will
more fhinc fo clearly to thee, go yet to
t3jarHs into Ahrtihuins Bolom,
312 Queft.zl
The Six and Twentieth
Whether the Souls of the DeceajedyU
care about Men , their Childn
Friends and Goods , and kpoiv Ji
/% or dijl%]^ their Furpofes andU\
MY beloved Fiicnd, this Queftion ii
above all humane Reafon,and kno'
ledge according to OutrvArd Reafon
being we are Abrahams Children, then
fore we have Abrahams Spirit in Chrift
And as Abrah^im looked backward upoj
thePromircinParadife, and forward u
on the fulfilling of the Promife, fo that fc
faw in the ivhoU Body of Chrift, what Wi
+ T A Q < to be in thcMiddle^f rf;?^/4]
'\r^^'^'5^' Chrifiafarof; fo allb we,
And being you To vehemently loDj
after the Great Myfteries,and defue thci
with earned feeking, giving God the Glo-|
ry, and accounting yon: felf in your higt
knowledge very mmorthj of it , and fo
humbling your lelf before God, therefore
.6, Hiiether the Souls of Dfceafedy 31 j
Id alfo giveth it you, though by {0 flight
wean an Inftiumenr, who accounts
krclf much more unworthy, yet doth not
lire to rchrt his Will, thus joh are the
ping in this Hand, and the Caufe of at-
o ir
For this Hand, knew nothing of the
fftery, it fought only Abrahams Faith>
: Abrahams underftanding was alfo gi-
ll to it, which you have caufed by jonr
%, Now fee that you attain alfo AhrA^
ms Spirit, which hath written in the
lowlcdge and Apprchenfion of this
md : we will fet you it down in 1 Bro-
:rly nnanner, for we arc not your Lord
the Myftery, bm your Servant.
^, Apprehend us aright, we are Lax^tt*
^, and you are in refpe(ft of us to be ac-
unted Abraham ; you have laboured
uch more then we, but we are fallen
to your Harveftj not of Merit but of the
race of the Giver, that no Tongue m'.ght
^fl before God^ and fay, this hath my Vn-
rftandlngione ,
6. You ask a high QuetHon, I under-
ind it not ; for if I fhould apprehend ir,
Icnmurtlbein the Departed Soul, and
ttfl be in that Souls Spirit U affrehe»fion,
7. N>
314 take care about Men, Queft.2 f.^tf{
7. Neverthelers,bjingweareinCbr .jtlief
one Body,& have alfo Chrifts Spirir,thdi ^jisxii
fore we Tee all in Chrift, out of one Spij i,^ife
and have Its /ippreheKfioij- for he is in ush l^i
come Afan, and «// //^/; Souls arc our fg J^ ^%
low /l/embers, ALL begotten from or ^ ,^nli
of ONE, and we have all, one Will. \^p[Jo
Chrift, and the right_ and true Bofomli\'^^^
Abraham, - ) ^^^^^^
8> And/o tiovp "J^z have gotten M^^^,^^^^,
and Power to A/anifeft or Reveal unto|(5 ,.|.*jj
j/? luppo-
; thtrd'j to get the BidTmg of Holy
)ple for theii R^l^ and Quiet.
[3. And if their Earthiy bufmefsand
ploymencUick in them and Cleavexof
imir.ll, rh^n indeed ih^y take cars
^ut their Children and Friends , and
$ continueth io lon§;, till rh^y link down
their Red, fo thic th:ir St'rry Spirit
cpKJHmeil^ then ?.ll is gone as to all care
d perplexity, and the^y have no more
tlinii. knowiedi?e thereof, bat meerly
w they lee it in rthe' Wonders in the
'eg' a, . .
14. But they touch not the Turbay noi
;k whac is in this World,- for they are
jce funk down fiom the THrha through
iath, they dehre r/>./r no raore> neither
ib^ytal^^ any mx)recare, for in carc«»
3 1 <5 take care ahottt Men . Qj i eft. :
the Turha is ftirring ; for the Souls Wi *j'f
muft enter wich its Spirit into Eartlr
things, which it would fain forfAkfy
ith-uJlygot rid away from thembefo
it would not cumber it felf to let in \
Earihly Spirit again.
ly. This is an Information conccrnil'^-^'^'
that cne part or fort of Souls : and we fpc ' ^^*
freely and certainly, that this Part or fo: ^'^•
do no more, after they are come to Grai V"
purpofely, take care about Humane Eart] ^4'
MntzTs : but about Heavenly /T/attei ^^"'
which come to them through /l/ans Sc ^^^
fi«-, they fee them, and have their j ?• ^
t'lwrein. *. !Wt
But there remains this ftill to be faf« i^^
that a Living MuTi hath fuch Power at ^,
Authority, that he can with his Spii i!»i
re^ch into Heaven to the Souls departe« i^(
and itir them up, often in a Qjcftion, • "ii^
a hearfy Dehre : but it muft be Earne^ be!
there belongeih Faith to the breaking ope fe
of a P/Inciple. •
17. Such a thing we fee in Samuel ti
Prophet-, whom the King of Ifrael raift
up, that he might manifeft his Will ♦
him ; though fome look upon it othermj
of ffhom we fay they arc blind without a)
.5. fVhither the Souls of Dsceafed^ 317
cnfion or knowledc^e, and Ipeak their
iol- Conceits, and make meanings and
nions, about that they hive no knoiV'
of in the Spirit, and that is Babel.
A-\d fecoKd'jf, il. Thz fecofti Part or
w'lich Unk down in their Dying mth-
i B>dy, they are with the firfi Tort,
;h ne now funk down f 'Art her thin vhcy
:, all in one and the Tame Place oFchc
%c\.;\t , ihofe ail take upon them m
bunn^i's or Matter,vvherein the TptrbA
L'lh :
-). But 35 concerning the Living ho-
ver tuous Souls which fend their woiks
1 trclr Spirit and yylHio thim,ihey rc-
ce (herein, and are To Courteous and
sn.lv .md Ready, thatthsy appear to
n Mn^-iwal^y in their fl:ep, and ih^w
r (.;or;c W \y ;fs, and of cen reveal Arts
Sk U CO them^ which He deep hidden
he Secret or Arc^umy\z, in the Souls
10. For, while the Earfhly "^pi Jit draw-
the Mylkry before the Soul, and hoi 1-
the Soul Captive in :he Myftjry, thi
1^ Spirit cannot Ahyajes reach ih^
cpel^ fecret or Arcammo^ the Soul :
t after the departure of the Body, the
318 take care ahoHt Men, Qi^ieft.:
Soul is free, and efp-cially without aN
Body, thatSouJ feethit IclF, and alfo
Wonders , ic can indeed to one thai
living,f]ievv iomewhat in the fleeping A
j^.'^ 5 if the Man be honelt or venm
and hath mt awaked the Tnrh^i :
Dreams are all Magical, and thus the'S
without a Body is in the ^JiiaaU
21. Thus know, as concerning w^
Matters or Doings, the Soul which irt '"'|
parted from the Body? entereth mt^
them, unlefs itbe a Damned Soul, I
that Soul goeth Magically into them, 'j
hath its recreation therein, and teach
many in Dreams gr^at Mafter-fiecn
wickednefs, for ic fervech the Devil.
Now, that which an Evil Man defirc
.that the Devil a6led for him very readi
for he can better do it by or through a \
mane Soul, then I>y or of himfclf-, he is
rough, and terrifyeth the Magluy wb
aflonilKeih the Elementary Spirit » i
awaketh the Body: and we acquaint y
that all is done Magkally in the W'
withcAit awakening or (Hrring up of ■/.
Source Quality or p^/V; ; for. No SJB
awakeneth or liirrcth up its HlVenct
icft.2(^. take care ethdHtMcnl^C, jrp
aCe Man, unlefs a Man awaken them
ddilquiet them himfelf.
24. Alfo there are many peces of vvick-
Dcffe in Nigromancy,which many times
1 torment the Spirit of a Man, but of
3 Soul which cariieth about him Chrifts
bftantiality, for that Soul is Fne,
The Third. Part or fort of Souls Depar»
arc thofc which are in the Bofomof
Jfrahamy in Chrili with Heavenly Sub-
ntiaiity, thofe ^i?»^ can ftirunlels they
il themfelves, that they bear favour, to
Soul> which is likeitfelf, thcfe take
t upon them any Earthly Thing at all^j
lefs it ferve to Gods Honour and Glc«
, and then they are very diligent and
rtlefs to reveal lomewhat in a Magical
26. But they let In No Ti^r^^, neither
I they pray for us, in the prefenc^
God; what comcth to them, thatth^
vc Joy in among the ■
ttgels of God^for xhzAn. f Lnkp if .?•
// rejojce at a Sinner that
^fentethymnch more the Souls ;
27. What (hould they pray foi to'God
}t us ? It l;eth fjotin their Prayer, buc
^MansEntiing into God, whcnhe^put-
y~o lihether the Souls ef Dcceafed, Qjii^i^
tech his Will into God, then God's SpixijjGie
hcl^Qih h\jJiHnpra)erl to by ihem ; |,,:i}i
♦ p 28. ^ For his Arms mrMti
Rom, 10. 21. /7 f , r , T^ T
jtretchid fonh Day Mum
Night to help Man, what ne^-d (hen thcijjiiai
Praying ? Ic is the Will oi God,tnat Ma)»Mi«
iliould come co him. " i, C
2p. Why then fliould a Soul be fo peffdi;
veifc, as to account God to be {0 fevm |j. i
judge, that he will not recieve a Convcrtji
ing Sinner? fuchaihing were not agi^ej'^il
able with the apprehenhon and knovviedgj.jffi
of God : but il: the Bleded Souls fee tblq.
a Soul with the Spirit prefleth to Goj,thc] ^e J
they re Joyce that God's Kingdom is i:Q|t!ic[
50. The Heavenly Soul hath God
Will, what God willeih, that it willcit |^_
alio ; but it is Gods Spirit it felt, ihat w4
help a Converting Sinner.
$1. The Soulsfee very well how God
Spi'rit pene-rrateth into a Soul, it the Soul
Will do but give Way and Place
nee.kJy not the Prayer of any Angel, tht
all wilh that God's Kingdom may com: irtt
us, and God's Will to be done^ butin^tilj^j,
I^omi it is Envious Pride, foraMantj^m
ftandupand Cry,Comj|i5(]
f Mat, 24^ 2j. ye all to me, f here «,
Mark^ 13. 21. Chri(i^ here is the Go i.
X;/i^. 17.21,23, Tpel ; Indeed iherc i
Pride, GovecoufneflCofj,^i]
feeklng of Honour and Vain Glory, ow
felf Will , am Exalting of Proud OMti
nate Babel :
38. Ic is even the Old Antichril^, the
are 7«>?^ Branches fprung out of the 01
Tree, they have awakened rhe Tarha wii
their Rrongherce wrathful fap, which wi ^'^^
root om the whole Tree , for God hat ,j^
f aid it, it is altogether evil and Worajjjj
39. For it felf is a Tau?fg Tree fprur ^^^,
out of the Root, even out of the Old Ro
which will make known the Old Trelj!^'
what it hath been in its Wonders.
But we would hereby defplfe none, bi
we fpeak thus of cnr Wonders and fa; li^'
th4t the Servant iViall enter into d J'l
Houfe, and become Free ; for the time ^^^
C:eft.2(5. take can ahoHt Men ^^C. 323
n r, f that the Servant fhouU . ^ ,
K nnth the SoKne^a-^i he Mer- ' ^ ' *
r '>si rejoyce rvirh him, * ^ *
-\nd thus we give you for an An f we r
tf:his Queftion fummaiiJy, That indeed
I Holy Souls, kj^ow and likf our Holy
\ Drks ; but th^y do not meddle about our
ffeor wicked woik?, for they dwell in
a:)ther Principle: No evil woikcometh
t ther, neither do they look upon it cr
r-ard it, what belongs to the Devil they
t.e no notice of, only of what belocgcth
t their Principle.
4.2. Their Children Parents Friends
I all alike to thsm with Grangers, for in
raven we are all Brethren^ they have no
later care about their Children and Pa-
its, then about others, unlefs they woik
d Acl in God, and then indeed their
rvice of God is much more full of Joy
them : but they enter not into their
43. For after the Laft Judgement Day,
ehonefl Parents, will Know Nothing of
cir Children that are in Hell : And lo it
ftiflRcicntly apprehenfible toes, that they
»w take no care about their Wr^d Mai-
TS or Doings,
O 3 Th:
5 24. fVheiher Souls in Death Qweft.af ;' '
T:he Seven and TwentieCi
Whether the Souls in Deaths kfioro t jiSoi
underjlandtbis or that Bufirnjs an iki
Art, in which they mre stalled jphi »«'''
they vrerein the Body, »2ili
I. But
THisisas in the following Q^eftion,* ^^
their Subihnce, or Matters and Di \ ^
hfgiy appear- to them in their Will < ^ivc
Mind, in a Magical kind or manner, tht ^'lii
fee it, but the Figure ox Frame of thci ^'^^
will firft b^ given to them in the Day < ^'^t
theReftoration> that they may be able i i^^
Jopk upon them 4r/^/>f, iovtheyn;n(i^i j.
he.tryedbytheFlre^ andthn which u fal Na
or mckjd muflremMn with its Taripa Inti
Fire, according to the parportof the Woi ^^ei
©fChfift. 're,
2.-. But, if the Qi^eftion be concernit b
ArtSjVyhether they know them: furely the k
know all Arts, though never fo Deep! i
founded, but they dare not awaken or ft' Kii
them up, that they ihon\
O 4 thwic
32^ fFhether Souls can get more skill Q^
there arc meer Wonders, they live all i
WonderSj and are all xh^ Art of God, thejljj
skill and knowledge, bt ;1
fimple Childrenslrife. V,,
have all great
in a Paradifical
The Eight and Twentieth \k^
Queftion. ^'"
^-- 'Jive
Whether they have, any mere sJ^j/loiU
knowledge of Divine AngtUcal am\ix\
Earthly things, andaljo of Devihjhl^^t
and can have more certain Exferi-S^^^
ence and K^norvledoe ofthim then\]\
they hadtn the Body. J^^
Concerning Divine and Angelical Skill >^^
and Knowledge, they have certainly
Tfmchmorey for they are in the Principle oj
God: and the Son feech very well ^^hat the' ^
Father doth in his Houfe, To alfo the Soui\
leeth what is in Heaven.
2. Their skill and knowledge, is very
various ; for the highelt skill and know^
ledge is apprehended in the Majcfty, and
there muft mofl Souls voait till the Laft
Judgement Day^when they fhall get their;
Ncw,Bodies : ' 3. Biit
OelL 1 8^. tfje» the) had in the Body, 5 27
3. But the highly Enlightned Holy
I Ms, that are in God's Body and Power ^
:y have furpairing overflowing skill and
kowledge of God, and of the Angels,
f. they are in the Wonders of Gody till
UixovfH Wonders fnall be prefented alfo
4. The Sooils without a Body, are in
haven in God, as it were Magically, they
j^aken or ftir up no Won- •
«rrs, but are under Gods faT/^;. 4. i,
Itar ; and wait for the Th, 2, 15.
bonders at j the daj of i Pet, i. 7.
Ip fearing,
^. They take no care about Devililk
lings, for thathelongeth to the Angels to
rive with the Devil, and dtfend Men,
^0 Soul Imaginethinto Hell, it. is Enmity
0$) Thb---
Qin:ft.2;; .iM^'
The Nine nnd Twentieth .
JFifaC tie Souls I^fti- arvakening am M\
Clarification are.
^""f^Is is alio clearly enough ExpUindC
A Vits Reft is without f Sublbnce in th
^ . ^'^ God's Hand, and no fourci
or pain toucheth them, they have no feel'
ingof any pain, but it is as one that Jy
eth. in ,a iw.cet fl<^ep, and rcfkih quiJ
Lr^ r-i c r • 2. Their f Clarifi-'
5 I ' '-' cation Gil ring /^^^- nni
is \vhen ihey think and confider of the Joy|
tajCome, then the Spirit entereth ini
tch^Majdly-of God, whence they have Joy
and.Claiii;y or Giojy, and fo during n.lll
I ,\ ^ the - time ihey f triml
yjA.yJe.rcaciy in their HiW Body /sif rrcf/- '
fed bi^helr Biidc^'Aom^i -.
^.' There is a ve y fweetrParadificat
Joy;Ai^4kn,>,bvH';ParjLiKieAS npvliiirit^^.
liieft.jo. ^h^t the Souls Refl^tLC, 52^
them, with /«//pcrfei5lion, for that be-
ngeth to the Nc:w Body out of the Earth,
he Firl^ Body which God Created,whlch
hri(t hath redeemed by his Death, that
ill bring itie Wonders, and enter again'
CO Paradiie^and be furroundcd oiCloath-
i withwod'sMajelly, and , ^
lenis t the fah^rnacle of \^^^^''
odmthMe^. i^^x'.2i.3.
The Thirtieth Que ft ion.
^iat the difference of the Livings and
Deads /{efurreciion of the Flejh,
and of the Soul is. ■
KOncerning this faith Chiift , thera
(liall be great difference, wherefore
¥c remit you to the Scripture, for it Hiali
«Kbe accoiding to the Scripture.
2. But feeing this is unlearchable ind
itiipprehenfible to Mans i?^.^/^?;/, therefore
Lknow not how to anfvver vou more then-
he Scripture faich, but feeing you long
and defire to know thefe things, therefore
you are alfo in your feeking, the finding •
;and I ztionl^ the Inthumenr, •
3. -'And
3 3^ ^y^f^t- the difference of thr Livings Q.3<; ?'J^'
3. And though it be given and opened "^""11
tome, yet it is not from my 0x9 n under-! A
landing and-knowledge,but the knowledgo^^f"
ftmdeth in the- Spirit of Chrift, accordin^M' '*',''
«o which i this Hand calleth it felt: T»o.t«'f^
foU^ and faith WE, for it fpeaketh froirif
Tvvo Perfons ; and two Perfons fay not Ji^p
but Wcj and fpeak of Two ; as a Lorcfwtiw
that fpeake;h of his Peifon and of his DoJ^i^^
minion.' \i^k
4. And To Gods Children and Ser.vants,lAJ2^^(
4ljoul,d not fay, the knowledge is Mincj"ie
the underftanding is Mine, but give themo;
Honour and Glory to God, and in theii! /J
opening or manifefting theib
* Wopdeisof God, fbauldjiri
fpeak of two, viz., of the G\
ver and of the Recnvcr,
^, Neither (liould any underlhnd o
VVtiting fo,a$ if the- hand did hoiifl or Gl
iry.of it felf, according- to the Author it
and worthinefs of Afan, though indeed *
Ckrif} -ffc are worthy : but according t
ih»? Outward Min , w^s would have nol
boaiiing or praifeand honour , for .th
Piairc.is Gods. .
6. .We. are Children of the Fath .!r>an
fc^pjd.do that,)r(hich he would have .us do.
* Ordecliring.
the Worlis of
^04. -
(ii,eft.30. artdDeah RefHrrcBlonis. 33,1
J d no[ I hide or bury In the , ^
irth^ the Talent which he ' o ^'
,i:h given Hs^ for the Fa- ^'
tfr »7/i/ re quire it of lis with Increnfe^ and
nothing be Increafed with It ^t hen he taketh
^galn from him, to whom he had given Ity
idglveth It to him that hath gained mnch ;
hicti would be a Milerable taking away
om me, to have God, and to know him,-
nd lofe that again , it were better to-lofe
he World and the Outward Life, then to
-ofe God and the Kingdom of - Hea^
7. It is not a thing to be dallied wrth,
be dilobedient to God , fee what befel
^.orah Dathan and Abiram^ about Mofes^
:he fame will befal the Difobedient and
korners: ■
8* Indeed the ScQrner feeth not hi^
punifhment prefently, h\xx. \\i% Turba ta-
keth it in ; nowh-athhe laughed any to
fcorn in deiihon, and would fain be freed
or releafed from the Tnrba thereof? then
he muft in Sorrow & Lamentation grieve
before God for ir,or elfe he will bring his
fcoin along wi.h hi^i into the Anger-
Fi^e, z-rA that will Eternally' gnaw htm^
this we. would have faid. foe a Wain-
5), Fc.
-^izHhiit the dljferenceofthe Livings Q.3<v'7 ano according to the Anger, in the
ieulfk anguiOi I'ource quality or Torment,
tici ^ccord'ng to the Wonders, in the 5p/'-
ttof this World.
16. He wa-? rhe Woik-msfter of All
?:lifng^ or Sublimcis, wrA he it is aiTo
hat wii! rve to EvjT'y woik its Eternal
^ / • ' '^ y i Mat, 12. ^o.
V^^yjlnny trHo iishaKti^ ,. ^ ^ ^
17, F. T
3 34 ^^^t the dtfcrence of the Livings Q. jc, .jjijC
17. For he hath many helpers, for the, ^;for
Angels ihaii fever and feperate all thingsij |;o3t
and then will the Mouth of God the Fa-j aDijli
ther with the Word of the Lord> through ;
the Mouth of Chriil fpeak the Sentenceyin^ ^I^'ki
then Beginneth the burning World, and;i;f/ii,
the Entrance of Every thing into its Bar»| |j,v
and Refervatory. jlfoia
I Sr For the Refervatorics will be w^w-wfjoc
foU^ not only two, W;c. in two Principle»^j,||l)ji
yet in two Principles , but in many di-(i.j.
ftindions all according to the feveral pow«i!]
er and vertue. rfajl
ip. For every work ftandeth in a MaXdi
gick Principle as a feveraJ dlftM V^oxMi\
der, both in the Heaven and in the HellX[jii
ev-ery one according 10 its Spirit 5 and fGiy
will its Form or Condition be and appcafJtJiei
according as ic is ^ood or evil, and fo will
its Power and Vertue be, like the FloKven
or Blofloms of the Earth in their Varieties^ \{^,
and fo will Man alio have Joy and GIorL- [jn
fication all according to his here- wrought ;«,}
aJled Subftance or Woiks,
But we underltand Subflanceor Worlealjipi
of Faith, the Power and Vertue in thc^
Love-Subftance or Works, not of the|
oHmiird'NQi]^^ ^ for all ihall be prefented
f icft . 3 o . ^»^ Deads RefurreBion is, 3 3 f .
cfet forth in the Figure in the Wonders,
ad that will be To with its Beginning and
When the Laft Judgment Day (hall
lawn, then all ihali open it felf once
!3re, viz., the Third Time, theD^icy in
;l forms in Love and Anger ; then will
i ft and ecjHally manlfefted at oncCy and vi-
,)ly before all Creaturesjand that is done
The Beginning of the Creation, in the
/"ord Fiaty hath included this World as a
lodel in it felf, and founded the limit,
herein now the Wonders are become in-
luded,whichy^^/^ Be mamfefled or opened
1 the middle and in the time, and come
) Subftance or Effcdl , which were feen
oTi Eternity in the Wifdom of God's
Magia^ and fo thole Wonders are then
U in the Subftancc or Work, and then the
Vimit is at hand, and no time of feeking
aore ; for it is finifncd, whatsoever God
lath in his Eternal Counecl, that he hath
.'omprifed and opened in a Time.
23 . And now is the End of Time, and
:he beginning hath then found the End,
lad the End is thenxhc begmmng^'U paffetb
y^6 fi'hat the difference of the Livings Q. 3] j-lj^'
again into that which it was from Etcii^t:s»
nity. v<^
24, But the middle in the time, wiim:"!^
its opened wonders, rcmaineth Eternall i^^
in the beginning and in the End, as a oiiiii'
Eternal Middle with its Wonders, vlx
with Angels and Men in their Sublhnccc i'<^'^^
Works, as alio the figures of all Ocs its^'
tures, as alfoall Creatures, and all whii {my
foever hath become Sjfentlal at any timwiS. '
the Earth with its Mettals Stones and ^tlrt
material Subftances things or works, as ankr, i
fa Trees Heibs and Grafs , all of themm
ftand ia the Figure in the middle and iji^i
the Wonders, but without fnch EffenccliMti
and Life [as they have here.] k1)
25 . For no Bealt cometh again, but \t i\
Figure in the OM'a^la remaineth ftanding i, li
for it is originated out of the Eternal Look |tD
ing-Glafs, therefore alfo it muft now wbci jc
the outward Earthly Looking-GIafs break 4c
eth, (land in the Eternal as a Wonder H \k
Gods Honour and Glory : lill
2.6. And thefe very Subftances belonf ^n
all to Paiadife, for it will be the Holy Pa- ^
radife, wherein thz Heavenly Elemeni
will b^ar Sublhntial palpahU Fruits. If
27. And as we here in this Life, ac-ft.|
count the Fruits of the Earth, out of itsj
iCcnce , as dead things without under-
imding , fowill alfo the BealUal and
irthly Images of this world appear as
cad' Subihnces things or works, as aifo
I orher Creatures Subftanceor Work, it
11 Ibnd as a /h.tdow, but the Paradifc
th and beareth Fruit out of the Erernal
fcs Power and Vertue, viz,, out oi God's
28. This all, which for the moft part
eth hidden to us, is included in the word
'fiaty in the beginning and End, and lycth
'ereln as a great Wonder,
25>. And now wi41 the Spirit of the firft'
reation, move all cbeT/?r^^ Principles,
md before that is done, the Word of
jod.comprifcth it felf with or by that Spi-
lt, like an Elevation, or M^mfe[iatim of
the Deity.
30. For, the Spirit ftirreth up the T«r-
ia of all things or Subilances in all the
Three Principles, and thsn in one hour all
will ft and manifeft, whatfoevcr is in Hea-
ivcnHell or this World.
31. For the Tnrha ftirreth up all things
' fubftancesorworksof all Creatures, and
all will be vlfihlc^ whatfoever is in Hea-
vcn or Hell, and every one will fee the
work, of his Heart good or Evil.
32, And
338 f^hat tht difference of the Livings Q^y^'\\
32. And in this hour appeareth alio th' ;.' \[,(
Jt*ige Chriji^ upcn the f Bow c 'jj^j
the Number Thrce,like a Rain "
Boy» ; for according to the Prin
ciple of this World it is a Njtl
tural Rain-bovvjbut according to the Pritt
ciple of God, it is the Number Thro
The Crofs with a Doubled Rain- how ^ on
part whereof Ihndeth turned into the In
ward Principle^t//-?:.. into the AbyfTe of tb
Anger, there he fits upon God's Anger,
and that the Devils and all wicked Met)
fliall fee ;
33. For that Bow is included in all th
Three Principles, and this Judge Chrifl
litteth upon and in the Omnipotence
the Eternity, ^^e^-z/tf ^// whatever is calkd
Subftance or Thing.
34. And there will rife u^ the lamen-
table borrour of ail Devils and wicked
Men, and they will trem*^
blc yell and cry, * and faj
to the wife Virgins y give uf
fome of jotir j O;/, comfort
us a little, and teach us
what we /hould do , givd
us fome of your Holinefs, that we may
ftand before the Angry Countenance of
God, for the Eye of Hell ftandeth wid«
* J/^r.25'. 8.
'\ Ojl ef Jcyand
Heb, I. p.
Ci eft . 3 o . ^«<^ Deads RefHrreUion is, 339
o:n,vyhithcr lliall we fly from this Anger?
35:. And the wife Virgins, viz,, che
(iildren of God will fay, * ^^^
Jiway to your Sellers, akcL ' ^'^'
ly of them^ivg have Oyl only enough for uSy
ll yoH and we bqti) want ; away to your
lypocrites Flatterers and Deceivers, who
ivc tickled your Ears with Hypociifie for
'ur Money, buy of them, we have «ff for it is from Eternity and the Create
of all things.
47. It hath trvo Eternal Beginningi
viz.. in the Fire and in the Light, and th
l^hird Beginning hath been a Lookinj
Glafs of the Eternal^ viz.. the Spiritc iHjj,
this World ; It hath been as a Wonder.i
this World> and through it the Wondci ^i
«fc become manifcfted or revealed> ap* ^^
^ I e ft . VO . and Deads Re f arret} ion if. 343
lilt it is which poffelTcth the laft Judg-
r:nt, its Motion is the Laft.
48 . For in the Creation it moved the
I cher, and in the Incarnation or becoin-
i^ Man, it n:iGved the Son, and now the
It moving and Judgment is its own, it
\ I brmg hom<: every thing into itsEtemal
. Ace ; andihis is done through the Voice
( tne VVord out of the Mouth of Chiift.
49. And the Spirit goeih forth in God
• Two Principles, viz,, in the Anger,W^.
the Fire, it goeth forth as the Earneft or
vere fierce wrath of the fire-life ; and ia
e Light of the Lovcj it gocth forth as t
ime of the Divine Ma jefty, and in the
pi lit of this World, as a iVonieroi Life,
; indeed all this is undeniabie.
JO. And if there were one that would
cm to be fo highly Learned as to deny
■, he is required to fhew it in any thing j
e will not have any thing in this World
xcepted, but it fhall give teftimony to
1$, let him c5Wf when he will, he ought
6t to forbear and fay, H'e are Mad^ fuch
(hort words antwer are not enough, we
fill demonftrate it to him fo, that he (hall
ind himfelf , and fee, who he is, and
boughthc Devil (houla buift for Anger,
^ct we wili fc. it before hiS Eyes.
P J I. And
344 ^'^^^ th^ difference of the Livings Q. : p
yi. And being that Spiiic hach th
WomFiat^vlz,, God's VVord,withih
Center of Nature, out of wnich it hath or
ginated froT* Eternity, and as th^ Spii
of the C^;;rfr goeth torch mtwo wayes,W^
one in the Fire, in the Elfences of \\
I/fes Original, in the Ground of (he Sou
Original ; and then fecondly in thr^Ligt
of the FirSi viz,, in the fecond fource <
quality, which fpiouteth through D^wl
and is called God's Kingdom, where in^rblf
Light Itis the Flame of Love and inth q^
Fire, the Flame of Anger ; i |ljj
j2. So nt will alio (hake the Gates ,< '£
Diath, and awaken or raile the Dt:A, af ,jj!j
it hath the word Flat in it, and that ^»V
IS in the Soul and alio in the Body, ani
though it hath confumed the Body lorfcij'j
agoe, yet the Turha with the Wonders <
tnc Body are remaining in the Fl^t,
^3. And now muft the Elements gi
the Subftance or Works, which they ha\
fwaliowed up, again to the F/W, for ^
Word of the Lord is therein^ but in i
own Principle, every one of them mu L
render or give up what it hath receivqc
W«.. the Earth, the Body. v'lx,. the Fbi^
and the Water alfoits Eflbnces; the A
the /i^;^^«^ of the Voics of V Voids; an "^y
< 1 e rt . 3 o . afid Dead s RefHrretlloK u, 345
te Fire,thc£j(r^;7^n, which the Air hath received into
i.elf, and the ^ords which it hath fetvcd
■ inake^th jfe the Air llull fet forth again,
I repreienr again, for it is the Looking-
Ufs of the Eternal Spirit; the Spirit
eth all in the Looking- Glafs.
J J. And now will Man in Heart Mind
d Thoughts be proved and Judged ; for
le Turba (tandeth in all Evil, Malice, or
ickednefs, which is againft the Love,
id'therewill not much excuje be made,
r every one complaineth of, or accufeth
Imfelf, his Turba accufeth him.
f 6. Underhand us thus , that Spirit
hich is all in all, will awaken and raife
/ery Life that hath been immortal, an-d
ith or by the F/^r, give it to the Body,
\\ the FUt draweth the Body to the Soul,
ith all its Deeds and Wonders, with
II whatfoever it hath been done, with
Vords 01 Works ; all whatfoever hath
•ached the Souls AbyiTe, th^t mufl come
5*7. For in the ftill or quiet Eternity,
here (hiW be nG T*«r^^more, and therc-
Stfe ihali ail things orSubliances,be tryed
P 2 bv'
34<^ H'hat the differojce of the Livings Q^jcli''^-^
by the Fire, and x\\z Tur'^a, iluli lemiirj^lf'
in the Fire, with all wh/'tloever hath bce#''^
Evil and capable of tho r«r/'4, unleisii)^^'
the Time, ic hath been walLcd in the Wa
tcr of Life by the Souls Convnfon^ elfe i
muft remain in the Fire :
I I Cor. 3 . 1 J. virig [oven in the Fire^nhi ^j-
us, that the works of the wickeH vvill rr^fo-fo
mai/j in t he Fire y and he will [uffer lofs. i:
jp. Underfhnd us angnt tnus ; rh<
Body whi^h hith converged here upor; thi
Earth, rhat evil perlChtd Booy, which hailf Soui
fwallowed ap that Noble piecious aiM^ltlifu
fair or bright Imi^e ot Paradiie , ili^ftln^
come, and prcfenc it fdf, 'with the Pic
cious Image in it, and give an accotint
God's Image.
60, Now it is well with thofe, wljlrk"
hive Chiift's Spirit, they have their /»» ^ will alfo the
fee wrathful FUtoi the Darknefs, pre-
irthe Devils, which now zUo fiallre-
vg their J^Vages^nA Habitation, at which
'icn they heir of it they Tremble.
i<^3. And thus will all the Dead both
n\ and Good arlfey every one in bis
vo-fold Body, and will have the Soul
th the Spirit in the Body.
"^4. One will have the outward Earth-
Life, and therein, a Beafid Image in
ff Souls-Spirit, and will have the fierce
"athful Ayjgers Subftantiality or f^^rkj in
e Inward Image.
6y. And another will have, the out-
ard Body, and therein Chrlfl's Image,
d in the Souls-Spirit will God's Love-
Miit give Light, on ro thefe the Word
iat draweth the right and tiac Adamical
reIinag.*,^^4/« ;
66, For the pure Image ftood in God
dden in the Word, which was Incarnate
became Man ; And now when the Soul
andith at the llmlt^ itgettcth that agair,
lith the fair Virdn of the Wifdom of
67* Fji the Noble md Precious Image
P ? was
348 PPhat the difference of the Livings Q^ 30
was deflrojed in AdaWy when the Worn-Ah
was made out of him, fo that he only WiJ'
tained the Fires Tincf^urc, now each of ''^
them cometh whole home agiin j
68. For the Woman will in the Fire
of God receive the Fires Tin<^ure, fo that
flie will be as Adam^ neither Woman not .
Man, but a Virgin full of Chaftity and Mo-*"
defty , without Feminine or MafcuUAcJ^
fliape or Members : ''"
dp. Andhereitwillnomore be, asirt"!'
are, and fay, thou art my Husband, thbul^'^
art my Wife, but they are Brethren : W^^^
the Divine Magical Wonders, fomewhk^'^^
of it will be apprehended, but none will^^
regard f/;/ff, but there we are all only Godl'^'^'i
Childrcn,in a Life and Love Sport of Chil- ^^^
drcn. 7].
70. '^r
All this will be done hefore the Sc*^»|
tcnce, for the Sentence will firft be ti^^
the Laft Day of the Judgement, andtWif"
Living will not then Dicj but be with thj^'
Voice of God prefented together bef "'
the Judgment of God.
71. For the word F/>, will bring th ^
all thither, and all will be prefented in it
order by the word F;V, viz. a Kingam|i^'i
Empcrour with his. Subjeds over who4 74
■ hc|
|ii:lh;c. and Ds ads EefurrcBlonls, 349
hath Ruled , a Prince, Nobleman ,
rpo-narter and Superiour Magiihate,
tkh inhis oven Cjjice and Employment.
J72. And here ihall every one who have
i themfelves up for Shepherds of Chrift
I xhout God's calling, ftand with the flock
( their Sheep, and give tn account of
t lir Doings and Dodrine, whether they
ilve b^en Chrift's Shepherds, and hav^i
piured the Sheep ; or wh«thet they have
^^en their Belly-Shepherds ; here will the
irii make enqairy after their calling and
ice, whether they have from hij Ek6li.
and power or venues entered inco
I Office of a Paftour or Shepherd, or
rough Mans favour, mihout God's Spi-
t: and Ele6lion.
V3. For the Judge mil ,^,^^^^
^'. Now cive an account of ,, ^
.ir Z„W, of your words ^'"•'^■l^-
^orks,Dicds and CMatters or Subftancc;
f:en will the Tnrba tell every Man, whac
Subftanceor Matters have been : for
)W will all within them and without
lem tUnd in the Figure before them, that
there may be no dcnyai ; for the Spirit
7eth with the Turha^ Soul Spirit and
[kill, here all is manifeli
\ 74. The Kings and Princes fliall give
P 4 an
$^0 PVknthedijfercHceofihe Lhl>igsQ^:^^
an account of their 5ubjeas, how thcl^!
have governed and prote6l:d thsm, wha* '"
Government they have exerciied, rvhy the) -,
have taken away the lives of Many ii/"^
Tyranny, and (lied innocent Blood, wbfV"
they have made War for their Covccou()»i ^'
nefs and pieafure fake : jiJfl'
7y.In like manner other 5uperiours,w»
they have intruded themfelvcs, and hivfe
fct thcBifelves up for Lords over the linuft'
pic, oppreCfed and fqueezed them andta^nti
ken away their I'weat and labour from thcutod
and Cofifumed it in Pride. B
76. Now will the 'Koot of every thin
be enquired after whence it comes, an' (
out of what it is grown, whether it bci ft
God's Ordinance, and whether it Origi k
jiateth in the Heavenly Fiat y or in the Hci [on
lip? out of the Anger, th?;re (hall ever Ho
one give an account of his State and Con iii(
dition, whether he have intruded out c Ir
Covcroufnefs and Pride, and made him i[
felf a Lord and Mafter, or whether his Go idi
vernment be ordained of God. \\
77* There fee O ye fVorldlj Rulers,, f
Potentates, whether ye be God's Orcu-
nance ; whether ye fit in a right and trui
Divine Ordinance ; what you do with thi
miferahlc and needy ; now they ftandbc
lueft.jo. AndVeads RefurreUionis, 3Ji
J re your eyes, and complain of you,
at you have been the Caufe of their lins
id of all their Evil ;
7 8. For there one wilJ cry and complain
^ainll the oth.:r, that he hath canfed him
) commit fuch and fuch abominations,
nd will curfe him ; the Inferiour the Su-
eriour, the Superiourhis Superiour, the
'rince his falfe or wicked Counfellours^
he Counfellours, the Priefts, who have
ot reproved their Courfes, but foothed
nd flattered them for advancement and
ion ours fake,
Oh how will you now fubfift ye high
schools and Doftots, all you that have
'?rff«inChrift's Sear, that you have fo
contended about ChjilVs Cup, about his
Honour Glory & Do£lfine in your Pride^)
and have irritated or ftirred up and con-
ftrained the Princes of your Countreys,
who are the Ordinance of God, to Wars
and Blood-{hed, for your Words fake^
which you year fehgshzwz forged.
80.WhereisnowChrifts * ^' .
Spirit, in the Love, which ^-^M?-
faith, * Love o»e another J H)^^''
thivehy men jh^ill k^ew that yofi are my 'Dif-^
ciples ?.whete is now your Love ? feeyour
B 5^ Bloody.
' id
5 p pyhat the difference of the Livings Q^y^:
Bloody provocations wherewith you hav'y[
involved cheiii in War, and led the Worl'
aliray from Love and Condef cent Ion ; \
8 1. You have madv: Rents and Dlvif'
ons, fo that Kings have divided, and bee
at tnnity for yonr Trlde fake, in tha
you have drawn Chrift's Word about b
the Hair, and not confidered , whcthc]
"you have Chrift's Spirit and PFlll or no
there you above all others /hall give a fcC
vere account, for you have known tt
Lord's Will and have not done it: you hav<
.run,and intruded your felves into Chrift
Ofrice, only for Gain Favour and Honou
fake : you have not regarded God's Spirit
therefore the Spiiitcailcch you Babel, j
Ccnfujton of all that live ;
82. You have fet the whole World a
O ids, you fl^oM teach them Love, anc
you have taught thtmfirife andConcenti-.
CD, fo that one Brother hateth and perfe-f
cuteth the other for your contrivance!
fake ; how is the Name of Chrift defpife'dt
for your Contentions fake 1 whither will
you go, and where will you abide when the|
whole World lliall Cry , Wo, wo, on
fi^re the Aogels will be ihe Dividersy
iueft.jo. and Deads RcfHYveBlon is, ^^^
hefe will feperate them into two Heads^
nd fet the Honcft and Godly at the ri^hr>
nd the evil and wicked at the Left,^'/^.ac
he Anger-Eye:Fof the right is here called
he Lights Principle, and the Left, the
ires Principle •
84. And there will the Judgment be
;t : all the Great Shepherds which God
[iath lent for Lights imo the World, who
lave reproved and taught, viz.. the Pa-
;riarchs,concerning the Promife of Chrift,
together with the Prophets and Apoftles,.
.t the right hand of the Judgement ; and
y^ofes and all teachers of the Law, at the
left hand of the Judgement :
8f. For LMofes and Slloi^ have the
|Fiie.-Sword, together with all highly wor-
thy Teachers: of the Law, and require
God's Jnftice and Rtghtcoufneffe ; and,
thofe at the Right , God's Mercy,
8<5. And in"this hour is the Latt Day of
the Judgement, when the
Judge will fay , f Come ye f Mat, 25.'
'BUjfedof my tathery inherit 34, 3 5, 3 <^.
the Kingdom prepared for joh
from the BeginrjiKg ; for I have been hungry
'jthirjly Koked fick-, find in Mifery^ and yon
have ferved or Minijhed mto me»
I7. And
^y4 ^^^^ ^^^ difference of the Livings Q^ja]^'
^ ' ^'* knovp joH not ) into the fffr.j'W
nalFtrei For I have h^ en hungry y thirflf\0
fick^ naked and in Prifon^ and je have noi '}];
ferved or Minifired unto me, |kfi
8? , And then they tv i II excnfe themfeheiWz
as to the Judges Pcrfon , Lord we havilAi
notknovpn thee : and he will fay, vphat yoik^\
have not done to my Children in M'f^rj , y(m^^)^
have not doyie unto- me, , ' I'h
And here will the Spirit of God fliftl 9-
move himfclfto Juftice in /«// the T/?rwijliig
principles, and awaken.thcCf;7ftfrof N-a-itd,
ture-, that it may bi^in in the Anger-Fire jj«r
for All will rtandin the Fire, both Heaven lii
Earth and the Firmiment ; fk
po. And the Turha will fwallow up tbfe ^o
Earthly World into the Fire, and let it 1
in xli^t condition again,as it \v2shef0re the }i
Creation ; onely the Wondtrs remaitjj iIk
ft^ndiRg in both Principles; the Third; lo
pa^ethiftWiy all to the Wonders^ whiohl
wil I be fe t i n -t he Beginning again.
5>-ii And there- will the Earthly Life
mch"theEarchfy Body fall- away, and the
jfiSre, wi 1 1 • ff M?/«a« t b e Ti . .
^?;, Aod ixx.the. Righteo-is , will xh^
(Mieft. 30. ^»d Deads RefurreEiion ts. 355
llorious bright Paradiflcal Body pa(fe
1 rough the Fire with its Hondcrs or Works y
hlch will follow after it ; and that which
; falfe or wicked vfill remain in the Fire.
\ 93, And they will be fnatched through
■^z Fire in the twinckling of an Eye, al-
nough the Fire will not take hold of them;
s little as the Fire can detain the Light
r the Wind, fo Utile alfo can it hold the
-ight of the Holy Men or Saints : for
hey caK dwell in r/;rFirr without feeling
.ny pain.
94. And then inftantly with the kind-
ingof the Fire, is God's Majeliy prepa-
ed, and the Paradihcal Life, into which
hey go as Children , and live Eternally
'viih their Fathri^ in one Love, in a (im-
ple Loving Childs Life, and there is a
Communion of Saints or Holy Ones.
9 5". No Dayesand Nights^ for the Sun
pafTeth away, and the Stars pafs away, and
I heir PVonders W^ftand in the great Magia
to the Honoui and Glory of. God : t&is
;they will fever themfelves.
The wicked murt alfo go into the Fire,
i«nd their Earthly Life alio fall away, and
in their Sjtirit will be fetn their Vizard-
lixug,^ : according p all manner of Abo*
minable Beafts like the Devils*
97. For they dw^ll in one and the farap ,
Principle, and Lucifer li their Greatly
Prince, whom they have here fcrved a«i|
minirtrcd unto : and it was fo that the!
did hang to their flattering HypocriMik
for the lake of the Toy of a Fools Paraf '
difC. : J^
98. .J
Thus beloved Friend ye have a jh»\r
explanation and information concernini|
the Lart Judgment Day; for all in rfnje
World will paCs away : tfi
pp. The Earth and all Rocks and th ji.
Elements, will melt away, and THAti i^
only will remain which God would haxre 2
for the fake of which he created tin lo.
World. jle
100. There hath before clearly botj^^
Good and Evil been feen in Eternity, an
hath in this World been only brought t
SuMance, and that is a Wonder, and.i
ihndeth afterwards fo in Eternity.
Jueft.3i. 3f7
The One and Thirtieth
Vh at manner of New Glorified Bodies
the Souls will have,
^TpHis is alfo fufficiently declared aU
jL ready : For according, as any is in-
. lied with the Power of Love, Righteouf-
lefs and Purity, he will accordingly have
air bright Works of Faith, and fo he will
hine and give Light.
2. Butthis will be very different, thi
Voiks of Many will ^Imofi all remain in
he Fire , and themfelves will fcarce
tfcape, and fuch a one is not fo fair and
Might as the Holy are.
3. For, as the Scrip-
:ure faith, f They will ex- f i Cor,i$*^i.
^tl one another as the Stars
if Heaven, but there will be no difrefpedl
or it, but one will rejoyce at the beauti-
es brightnefs of another, for there is no
other Light but this, viz,^
that * Gq^ filleth all m *Efbef.i.2^,
4. And
3jS yvhatmamerof New^^cQ^z^.lt
4. And thus every one will receivi
God's Glance or Luftre and Majefty, ac
cording as his vertue or power will be ca
fahle of the Light, for after this Life ther
is no bwttering, but every one remains ai
he entered in,
-|-iC(^r.ij.24. ju^g^i ^i^y^ji^ deliver H
the Kingdom to Lis Father ; r.nd then W
{hail need no Teachers and Condudor^
more, but he is our King and Brother
there is no intercejftoyi , but we are wit
him as a Child with the Father, and wha
we do then is good, for there is no fall
hood or wickednefs more.
The Two and Fnircicch
1}at other Form , State and Con-
dition j Jay, and Glory ^ there will
be, to Souls y tn that other Life, y^i
IN this Queftlon Paradife is to be Con-
fidered by us : For this outward World
Hfiih its Fruits and Colours hath been t
Figure Type or RefccnSIancc of Piradife,
for Paraaife TP^ /« /«, and the Outward
Spirit robbed us of it, and drevy us into it
fclf ; when Adam lufted after that, then his
l\ii\ laid hold of him :
2. But now we (hall be in ParadiCc a-
gain, and Eternally Rcjoyce therein, anJ
enjoy the fair bright fpringing of all man-
ner of Flowers and variety of Forms, as
aho of Trees and Herbs, and all forts of
Fruits ; but mt fo Earthly, Thick or Grofs
md Palpable :
3. For our Bodies fhall not be fo, how
then iliall the Subflancc of Paradifc be fo?
All is Aogelical : Thofc Fruits are all
^6o fi'hat other Condition the SohIs Q^32tA]
Clearer and Subciler, then the outwarff^
Elements now are : we /lull have no ini &
trails into which vye (hall need to ftuff ou| :Eii
ftomacks 06 here in this fack of Worms o ; b'
Carcafs : but all is in power and vertue U
we eat in the Mouth, not into the Belly It,
we ihall not have need of Teeth to Che\R If
with, all is vertue and power, and yet it h
a light and true natHral form and (h^f^ iioi
with clear bright Colours.
5. J
f Rom^t^^j^. Alfo f the Kingdom tijfii
Heaven conjifleth not
Eating And 'l^rinking^ but in PeAce and ^
in the Holy Spirit^ with iinging and found
ing forth God*5 Deeds of Wonder, con*;
cerning the Corporiety of Paradife
<^. We lead there a Cbilds Life, and
like them when they rcjoycc and ar^
chearly upon a Mount ; for then there i
no jorrovp in our hearts, nor fear of any
thing, but a fporting with the Angels
7.This World will be no more regardedy
for all earthly knowledge and skill and
thoughts remain in ih^Turl'H of the Earth-
ly Body in the Fire.
8. We are concerned no more in'know-
ing of our Parents ox Children or Friends
Tphich are in HeK.
p. But
[ifsft. ^ 2. will have In the other Life, ^6i
p. But we fhad all know one another
f^ Name that are together , though yet
Earthly Name will remain in the 7«r^
^■i; but weihali have our firft Name, a
^'•ame according to the Language of An-
^fl-//, which here we do not underibnd
lly ; in the Language of Nature we un-
iftand [omevphat of ic, but we hav^ here
tongue to cxprefs it wichall.
None faith to the other, thou art my
usband, or thou art my Wife, thou ait
y Sonne, Daughter, Man-Servant or
laid-Seivant, all are alike as to that, we
■re all Children, not Husband nor VVifc^
children nor Man-Servants, nor Maid-
Jeivants, but all free, EVERY ONE
ALL ; and yet there is but one St^^viz.^
Heavenly Virgins, full of Modefty, cha-
rity and purity.
11. IVe all are God's Spoufe an d Wife,
ti^ is our Husband, he foweth his power
and vertue into us, and we generate or
bring forth to him, praife and honour ;
12. There are alfo Dancings round and
Singings, as Children ufc to do, which
take hands and ling, and dance a Ring tv^
13. All Art will not be regarded t but
$62 PVhat other CoKclitlort the Sofils Qij'pM'
know, that thofe who here have borlj^^^'
the Myrtery, and have had it opened tii»^"
them, they have great Ingenuity or Wii j lU
dom and underjiandlng above others^ anj 0*
exceed others. i;ji^
14. Indeed not in Contention & Do6lrine ^^
but their Wifdom beginneth all manner oj d
Exerclfe out of the MylUry, To that th-i 19.
joy isliirred up ; for as Children run to- flic
gether when one beginneth to fport, fo tl< Gi
fo here. ^ici
If. And little Children are our Schooll
Mafters , before they Meddle with Evil,
that the Turh MagiA the Great Tuib
layeth hold of them, for they bring theii
fport with them out of their Mother!
Womb , which is partly from Paradife.
clfe all is loft, till we attain that again
i5. A King avails no more there then a
Beggenif he hath ruled »f//>then his vertu
followeth him ; and he will have Glory oi
it in the Majefty, for he attaineth a bright
Glorification, as a Shepherd over hi$
17. But if he hath been Evil, and yet
at U^ become converted, and enter in as!
it were by a Threed , then his Kinglyi
Royal Works remain in the Fire , ani
htre\iz will avii no more then a Beggar *
ieft . 3 2. will have In the other Life. 3 ^3
lo hath been honeft, nor be fo beauti-
s neither.
18. In the works of every on-, men will
iprenend what every one hath kieen^ when
ey ihall open their Pickets and prefent
;em in the Heavenly Magia^^s the Chii-
en do in their Sport,
19. Yet know that it will not be a King-
:)tn of Sport, onely, for Men will fpcak
i God's PVonders and Wifdom, and of the
iicat Myikries of the Heavenly Magia*
•he t Song of the Driver . ^,^
fill lemain to the Scorn » * ''^*
nd leproach of the Devil , and to the
*(aii"e and Glory of God.
. 20. Yet men will keep fomewhat of
-fell, but lee it no otherwife then m the
Mfigia in the Myftery j for the Devils
nult dwell in the Darknefs , the fierce
wrathful Fire in them is their Light, they
nave Firc-Hyes with which they fee, elfe
all Fire is ^one, for the Majel^y harh
diffufed it all, that it may burn in Love.
21. Although yet there is Fire in the
Center^ from whence the Maje(^y Origi-
naieth, but that will mt be aforded the
Devils, they will be thrhfi out into the
darknefs^\where vpili behov^U ^ ^
ngand gn^Jhing of Teecth, T^-«^-^-^^-
where there is more fioi\ then Heat. The
6^ fVhat Mat ter our Bodies Q^i e ft . 3 ,
The Three aid Thirtieth
what hind of Matter our Toadies Jba^ am
baVBy in the other Life,
MY Beloved Friend this is a haf^^'
Queftion, which the outward Mai
ihouid do well to Ut alone and not meddl ?
with it, for it is not worthy of it.
2. Ye know very well, that God is bi^ '^"
come Man, and hath taken upon him ou
FlcHi , Blood and Soul :
But now faith Chrift; */ *J&hn^,il
Atn from above ^ none goeth
to Hea'ven htit the Son of Man rvhlch u com
from Heaveny and who is in Heaven .
3. Underrtand ye that which he faith
that he rta^ then in Heaven^ he fpake nq
only of his Deity> vl^, of the Word ; bu
of the Sonne of M,in, of the Word thai
became Flelli, that is now to be coniider
ed by us : for in that FleQi and Blood m
fliall live Eternally,and muft have Chrilfc
Body if we will fubiift in God.
4. Y9<
{[\t(\. 53. rviil have In the o:her Life. ^6^
4. Yet vvc know of no other Body that
; lliali have, buto/rr Otv;? out of theOld
:y, as the Blade groweth out of the
uam : and luch a Body ah<) Adam had in
ie Creation , but he became captivated
i iheKingdomof this World, To thathe
a^ie Eaithly , and that was his Fally
, :hac caufed God that he divided Adam
fiamed 3 Woman out of him, as is
iictenvery largely incur ... ,,. ..,
Third Book. , ^meefcULrfe.
5 . Now we know v^ry well that Adam
i then it remained lUndlng in its Pxin-
,ple and Adam went out fiom it :
7. And know chat Chrift is in tint very
"irgin in the Earthly Mary Incarnate or
ecome Man, for the Word of the Lord
rought r^^f with ii\x^ Maries Body or
Voaib. : ; : .-
8. And undeilland ivs thus, that Cbrift
s become Flefn in the Water of the Eter-
3 66 what Matters our Bowles Qii eft . 3 ;j11''
+ rfl/ -y. o nal Life, f which f^e w^o'l^^
' • ^^- Velty filleth , and even iP
the E fences of the Earthly tJMarj, p;
p. BucA//«r;vYasbIe(led wiihtheHe^P
venly- Virgin, fo that Chrift became Mt^
in a /)«^^ Veffcl, and fo the outward Ma%
hnrg to htm, |;CC
10. For it was for the fake of the Sol' )
which he !L({umzd from Mary ^ that hemuj
t3i\it Maries Flefh, but in the Blejfing c
the Heavenly Virgin.
11. The TinUnre of the Blood in th
Heavenly Virgin was Heavenly, for ii
Earthly had, not heen able to go through th
Anger of God and Through Death,
i8. ' I
We /hall here indeed be hient to %e4. \
fon^ but to out Brethren Incelligible e-
nough : it belongeth to the Children, x
Wolf would have his Mouth filled with i
piece of Ficili that he may ^evmr into his
Guts, of fucha One wefpeaknof, but of
fuch a one as Chiill hath
* ^'^' ^'-f^ '^'^PP'"' given us in his * lefta-
+ T/ 6 ^S ment andleftusatLaft,
I Uef. 4. 17*. vvhich is,t {hat he will rr-
John 15.4. Tftatn mth m Eternally^ wt
in him and he in us,
19. Thus we fay, that we fhall have
Chiift's and God's Body , which fillcth
the Heaven ; not that we ilia 11 ftlck\n his
Creatute,but be one with another as mem-
bers Brethren and Children:It is all ONE
Life in US, not Mortal^all out of the Eter-
nal ; nothing that beginneth but only the
Wonders : out Subftantiality is come to
be out of the Eternal ; we are as Gods^
God's ri^ht and true Children out of his
Sfeacigs in Body and Soul,
Tlie Four and Thirtieth
f the Lamentable Horrible Miferable
Condition of the Damned.
rHis is alfo fuflRciently mentioned a^
bove : for God's ^»ger is their Habi-
ation in the Darknefs i ihcir Light iliin-
th out of their Fiery EyeSj that glimmer
>at of rhc Fire-fla(h, elfe they have no
^/^k ; for they dwell in the oure-rmoft^
nd fly out of Highmindednefs above the
fhrones as Potent Commanders, and yet
)ne othermfe then the other^ all according
IS hi$ Spirit is.
2. For a Dog a6ls in a Dogifli manner^
\ Wolf in a Wolfilli^alfo a Horfe, a Fowl,
Todes, Serpents, after their Manner ; but
they are all flying znd fmfc 04 a Thought,
3. They have yet their Joy in theit
AbomlnAtioHs and that is their beft Joy,
that they reproach God, and fay that they
are Fire-Spiiits, and God^ a Light-Spi-
4. Their boa»^ is alwaycs of their /?r(»>f^
Q^i • fircf
370 OftheLunr.ntMe Q,ie(l.34
fires Mighc ,• as a Dragon thac Tpi i techl"'
Fire ; To alio chey, tbcy icek Pcidition and
iiv^d Abomit7iicion :
5. Aho Fr;<;V groweth to them out of
their Principle, all accoKiing to the Abo-
minations of cheir Will :
6. They have a fport, like that of
Fools, thac fpit fire out of Rockets, Jug-
ling and Fooling is their fiiftlmey ciiougb
indeed there is no Time; and alfo after;
theLalt Judgment Day no fear more of;
any other Souiceor Qi^ialityor Torment
then they have, but their vvnule Life is ai
continual fear, a Horrour and LaiTis^ncati*'
on, every one hath his yvorkj in the Figure,
what he hath here done ; and then it awa
k;:neth the Tnrha and ridech in the Fix*e.
7. The Soul hath no feeling, for ic is
vrithouc the Fire ; only the Tnyha with ihe
Introduced Abominations, fUgucih it;
there is an Eternal Defpair in them, and
therefore they are alCo God's Enemies. .
8. Whatlbever belongech to Blafy h:my
and Curling, that is their heft p(?jv, Qu eft . 34-1 '^
Hellifh Abominations ; and we will i}9 ]■
further mention them, for they are aq: i
worthy to be named, . n *1^
The Five and Thirtieth ^I
Queltion. ;/' ^
what the Enocbian Life is , and him k^
lo/igitlapth. . p|<
T. lie
THis is alfo above Humane Reafopj , :
and which no outward Reafon cd$ tj
Comprehend : but feeing it is born oi ^^
^crfcr^ted^ th?I<:fPie it fti^U ft^nd open ,
tor there 'Jlick fuch Myftcrle5 hrcy thai
the World cannot comprehend, and wc
ihail not mention them at large, for i^
hath its limit, how far it j^-*^ go; for ill
this [Time] {hall Wonders be done upoa
Earth, for which caufeour fpeech is taken
from us that we mufi be filent.
2. Yet we rhall fhew what kind of Lille
it is, or whither E»och is gone, asalfe
Eii(ti and CMofes : It is noConjefturc,we|
ipeak what here is ^Iven us, we (hall fur*
ihcr be filent, and not believe Reafon, it|
is a Fool herein.
J. And
3. And vv» may well mention this, for
he Time is Born^ that Enoch fpeakech,
Lnd£//^work;th Wonders, which ^^^^/
jhall try by Experience : For Mofes hath
[■iorns-, and yet is a Patient or M^ek
4. O how wouldcft thou rejoycc , if
[thou wouldft go amongft Mofes Flock : for
ic hath a good Meffage or Embaili;, re-
Jpyce yc Heaven and be merry ye Earth ;
[for Enoch is in the field and kecpeth his
5". What will £//W do ? He had a white
iGarment on, and vpos with Chrlji o» the
\^QHnt^ and fpakc to him concerning the
finiihing the Redemption of Mankiad>
•nd fpake to him alfo of the Ent ranee into
Paradiie , and of the final Deliverance
from the Driver or Perfecutor.
6, He that is born Blind feeth Nothing :
how can a Lame Man run to the limit for
the Prize, and a Deaf Man diftin^uljheth
Words and Languages ? Doth not the
Sun fhin ail the Day, and yet the Mole re-
maincth blind ftill ; Will Baheli\izn come
to fee ? We fay (he is a Scorner , and
therefore alfo (he mufl be bliijd though the
Sun (hineth to her :
7. How can any fee what is in TWO
0:4 Worlds,
374 ^'^^^^ ^^f Enoehian Life is^ Qteft if j,.
Worlds, rhat dwelkth ahvnyv^s bit n
ONt? Or is it fiot Arc and Wir^ iha
hath underttanding, that can fearch th.
T>er^ Gates ? But it flycth aloft like ;
Wind , that holdeth nothing , and ye
maketh fuch a Binder ; fo alio Eahcl.
When we will fpcak of the EnochiaR
Life, we miif^ confider the Scripture, arjci
fee who Enoch was, and what Life he lead •'
and then we may foon find, where he is,
and what his going away and taking up iy,
p. The Scripture faith, his Faher vrof
called Jared: if you underftand the Lan-
guage of Nature, you had thi whole
Orcund ;
10. And Snoch btgit Met htf fa/ ah, who
attained the Highcli Age of any Man ;
and after hi had begotten him, he conti^
Tiued in A Godly or Divine Llfe^ till the Lord
teok^himuMo his Principle.
11. And we are not fo to underftand it,
as if he were wholly perfe6^ in the Light of
God's Mij^fty, and Should not appear at
the Judizmenr Day r He is indeed in God
without necefllry and Dv:ath, alfo in God*s
Love, but in^he Birth of God's Principle;
for he had alfo Adam's Flelli.
12. So you know very well, that th^
3>!eft. 3 5 . and how long, f? 7 f
mrvard Kingdom, with the Earthly Flelli,
kilongeth to the Turba^ though indeed, he
lad in the outward Body, thi Body of
3od's Wonders, as to which he was taken
4p into the Mylkry,. fo that the outward
iBody, was as iiwirerwallowcd up of the
X 13. But nowmuft the My(tery^/x/^»p
again, all whatfoever it hach fwallowed up,
as yc know that a: the End it lliall preTenc
thi outward Bodywich all SublHnces 01
Works, before the Judgment of God, fo
alfo is the Tnrha iUll in the ontward Body
with the Wonders, which (liall be mani-
fededand tryed in the Fire.
V 14. Seeing then EkocI} is taken up, with
Body and Soul, mihhoth Bodies, there-
fore his outward Body is in the Mylkry,.
and the inward Body is a Heavenly Myite-
ly in the Areanum or hlddennefs, and fo:
he Jiveth in two Myfteries-^ invilibly and'
incomprchenlibly to.the omivard World:-
as we give you tounderftand, that Para-
dile is liill at hand and not vanlllied,. but
is as it were fwallowed up by the Curfe of.
God, .and lyeth yet as a ^/;,/?fr7 uncorrup-
tcdin the Curfe.;
15. For we can with good ground of.
Truth), fa y> ; that Paradiie is liiil. upotii
Q^l Earihi;
p 6 H^hat the Enochlan Life is^ Q^eft. jji ^^i
tarth ; but we arc not therein, yet Emc^^^
is therein ; but he hith ftill the Body o
the Turh^ in the Myftery, and in the Hea
vcniy Myftery hehathOod's Body, a Pa.
ridiiical Body, that is capable of Paradifc
thus be is a Wonder, and is a Prophet ou
th: Crown at the limit of the Wonders.
i<^. For ye know, the Scripture faith,
that dftir he kegat Methnfelahy the Man oi
the higheft Age, that afterwards he contin
niiedln a Divine Life : and that is fignifi-?
cant. *
17. CMethufeUh ilicweth the end o£
the Wonders of this World, and Emeh in
his Divine Lifeaficr the Birth of Methttk
fiUhy ilicweth as to hislhree hundreil
years, the opening oiiho, Wonders, arwj
the open M^niitry, viz., a preaching of
Highteoufnef'?, whereby every one hath-
bis Turh ihewen him, and (he E»d of the
Wonders of this World is fhewcd, viz.,.
God's punilhmcnt and reward to the
1 8. And the Time after E^och\\yh^TtiTi-
Enoch lived till the Nurnb^r of ihe^
Qicmn) . when Enoch wir.h iis Pr.-^aching .
was taken up, llicwe.n th.it the ^npchiaa^.
Ligbe, which' appeared in his Timi, . will-
:4f ^u^^^ into, the Principle, and will'
11 eft. 35 • ^^^ ^^^ ^o^g* ^77
[feek the Earthly Body oi Snochy and it
will bt found that the Turl^a is liiil there-
in, fo that there is no feeking more, for
!the Turhn i$ found at the Limit , and
vvoiketh only to the Fire and to the Judg-
ip. Thus rhe End of this World is as
the Dre^^s c( ihz Cup, and worketh in the
Jftrkfy to the blowing up of the Fire^ and
to the Judgment; for the outward Woild
is become gene r a ted^t of the TftrhatZnd
bath taken its beginmfcg in the T«r^<«, and;
the THrha is its proper own> ^hus the Be»
gmning feeketh the End again in the fierce:
20. And as this World is become Cor^
foreal in the fierce Wrath, fo alio will the.
beginning at the End , have the Spirit
again in the fierce Wrath ; for the Begin-
-cing and the End is all one ; therefore you
iee very well, that in the Beginning tbe
Tftrba [wallowed up Adam^ and brought,
vhiminto Anger and Murthered AheL
Therefore ye Ele6^, dehre none of yoa
to live to the^ime of the Endjafrer Eyiochs
taking iip; bucconiider, that when £^o^^
Preacheth, the Sun ihineth, then go out
of B^cl it is a Golden Time 5 but your
37^ what the Enochlan Life Q^t^.i^.W^
Tpirha Qi\x[cr.\{ that Enoch lliall be taken i; ^5
up. p
22. £^pf^ is not fl/en away out of thiip
World, he is palTed into tht Mylkry in P
the Wonders ; for he is Cod*s Preacher^ m
and after tiaat the Turba hath overcome W
the World, then mult he be hi en r, till |.«3i
the fix Seals hive ended their Wonders, ^
atid the Angels of the Turba poured forth |
th^ir Viols, and then are the Wonders p^
of the Anger /T^i^fi^. ics
23. Then coineth Enoch again outof .|0
t^^ Myftery, and goeth inco the Myliery, |K
and teliethwhat hath beendone^ andie- '
prov^ith the World b:caufeof the Turba^
hicaufe they have let the abomination
cQme into. them,, and have not withftood
2.^. And- afcer the world be come th fat
and wonton in the Golden Year, anxi feek*-
ech Sodom atii Gommorrah again, then
will alio their Tpirkz be fat and Wanton,
and {ieekthefieice Wrath and the Limit,
and the Golden Time comeih to an End,
and will' be rvYp.ll.vved up in^ the Turba,
^r\Ai^tVi Mjuhnfelah^ the oldeft Mandy-
ethv 3"^*^ luddeniy cometh the Sin Delnge
in-tl^e Fire ;. thlnk'.of it, it is.an Earndl
25;.. YX^
iueft.3^. and how hp^, $7^
25:. Wc fay not, ihac you Oiall feel.
:noch with your hands>No ! E>79ch preach-
:th not from he Earthly Lifes Spirit, but
rom that which was a Prophet whrch in-
roduced the outward Man into the Prin-
ciple : thus you ihall rrot touch the out-
ward Enochs but he^r the P:*ophet which
ipeaketh out of Snoch out of the MyHery ;
2(5, Bahel holdeth it in deiihon, and
defpifeth EyiQch for a time, then Enoch
caileth Nodh^ but they account him an
Old Fool, for Preaching of the dovenfM of
27. And N(jAh paffeth into the other
World through ihe Warer, and caileth to
Mofesy wich his Wonder>, anrl he Com*-
e:h, for he hath God^s Wonders.
28^ For, he is gone throi:gh Death, and
hath brought his Body through Death",
where then the r«r^4 defl red to confume
it , and the Devil contended about It^ and
would have the Turba in Mofes^ bccaufe
he had been an Angry Man, and brought
the Tnrha on m^ny.
2p. But it was faid to the Dtvil, that
the THrba in the fiie-fid not belong to
him, for it fervf^d to the M^je'ty of God,
and hath ihe VVond -s ; io h.m belonged
the TnrbA. in the. Dark^ejs in the fierce
3 So Hiat the EnochUn Life Clueft. 3 j#'
Wrath, and is without the City, it ^^W%
not dwell in the City in the Piinciple, buP
without it; . I
10, For, God hath not Created himiil ^.^
and for the Fire, he may continue in \!aWI
own awakened fire-Lite, for he hath no-Fj
thing to.do with Mofes Body ; for MofesW^
Wonders in the Anger belong not to \aM^.
TurUy he is an Outcali a Caftaway. IP!
31. And Mofes' s Body is gone througfcP^
Death, his unfadable Body, which hatk|«i^
the Wonders , hath fwailowed up thcl :
Earthly in thcTurl^ay and yet not in afa-iP^
dable manner confumed it i but he is alfolF
in the Myftery : and his Jnrha which killedl^
the fir ft born in Egypt ^ and drowned /'^^-P
r^ch in the Water, and (lew rhe Woi^
ihippers of the Calves, alfo fwailowed up
Corah Dathafiznd Ahlram wich ihe Earth;
that remained in Death ;
32. When he dyed, then went his Spi-
rit and Soul forth out of th-e Turba^ and
he remained in the Wonders in the /My-
33. And now he is become a Lamb,ind
bringethhis works imo //.^-^ff's and Sems
Goods, as a A-Zyftery of ^..lod in his Deeds
of Wonder; But : he Houfcis Jjaac's,
and itey all dwell in Sems f ems, in his
[Qiieft.^^ 4nilhowlong. l%l
IKin^dom: Confidcr that, ye Jews and
\y 34.
Now fecin^^ Mofes is gone from the con-
tention of the Turk^ and of the Devi/,
with Righceoufnels, into the i^yttery^and
hath likcwifc hi*s firfi Body, yet unfadably
pfi him, brought out from the Turba^ but
yecii ihall be tryed in the Fire, at the
End of the Day, therefore his Prophet is
k} the Afyftery :
. 35-. And leeing he is become a Lamb
>fter the Turhy therefore he hath fcnt his
people many Prophets, to Preach of the
jf^yttery, as i-n the Afyfteiy there is nor
only the Latcind fi-'orkjybwt alfo the Lam^
Chrift, into which he alfo Entred and
made his Law to be of ihe houfhould of
the Lamb, fp that his fVondtrs dwell in the
lodging of ihe Limb.
^6, This Mofes ciWzth to £«^r^,feeing
be alfo is inthc Myfterv,& hath the whirc
Garment on . which he gat from the I^mb
in :he o h-r World ; to whofe hQ\pMofes
Cometh, with :ht Lamb's Deeds of f^f^on*
4r»',ieeing.th:».y call Noah Fool, who wiih-
out Wonders -eacheth as an honeft or. ver-
tuou^ .If an.
17. This Will not fi^W W^rf, forfo
^.82 Prhat the EnochUn Life ^, Q^t[\. ^j',
her pomp and loftineCs will hz taken away,
flic lets her felf againft Mo[es and Enock^
and perlecuteth them , (hz would kill
them ; but Mojes is dead already^ and,
Emch is taken up, and none in the oHtxvari^^i^
Life is with them : Th^y fay, well, where y
is Enoch and Mofes^ let us lee their Won*- hjji
ders, and they are blind, and cannot fccLjt
them : thus they rage againft Mofes and
Enoch y and go forth to Battel: i
3 8. Then Mofes calleth to £//<<^, which
went out of this World in the Fire of God, ,
in the AbyiTe of the Principle,, with Body
and Soul, he dwelleth in the Principle
with Ihong Might, and when he cometh
and feethcheCry that Babel flamieth in the
Fire^ then he kindleth the Tftrha^ where-
in the Great Fire Burneth, which conlu-
meth Flcili and Blood, alfo Stones and the
Elements, and then lliall Babel drink her
lafl Drai'ghr.
^0. Andafteithatf^^jrAhathpeKe v
little Time, and it is the Golden Year,
tin my Beloved become fat and wanton,
and (iuffcth his Turba well,lo that it feek-
eth the Limit, and then cometh the End-
t)f all Time, ^
let it not be a Wondei to you, vre m\\
^^'C'^-jJ". ayid hovf long, 583
ay in the mean whil^ with Norjj^ till
iofes and £//^, come ; and then you will
nd ic by Experience, all yau that are the
Children of God,
41. But to the wicked it remaineth
fidden, tiU the Turba dtvourerh thrm ,•
hey look upon it, as the Jevts did upon
thrift, and the firft World upon N)ah\
vhit ihould a fcorner do with the Mylie-
ry ? h: feeketh only for flenty to Eit and
[o Drink, and looketh how he miy fatisfie
nis Pomf^ wherewith he ni'ghc Ride on in
Thus, my Bebvci Fclcnd , Wi hxve
given you a fliort hint of thi EnochUn
Life, aUowhat his Offi:e and C'>ndittoh
is, as alfo of Mofes and Ellas : you ihould
funher confiderof them as a difcerning
Man ; for we dare not fpeak otherwifc oi
it; alfo our Underftanding and Will if
turned intofucha way of Speech, and in
this place at this time I am not allovocd to
wrire more fundamentally with a (implc
43. If God permit, and ^Cenrflsfin-
that it be given to Us , to ^'f'f^'^
write fomewhat upon thc*^r/? ,f:^l^j^Z[
and alCo the f [ccond Book of
3 84 Pf^h^t the Soul of the C^ueft . 3 conceived in Mary in the twofold
4. Though we acknowledge the out-
ward Mortd Life in Mary for no Pure
Virgin, for thit which is Mortal hath the
Anger, and the Turba^ which hreaketh or
corruptcth all purity, fo that no pure Vir-
gin is bom of Lvc^ but all are her Daugh-
J, And Lvt her felf> was but hd^ a
■Virgin, for v4^;i». was the o/^^r half, ac-
cording to the Two Tin^ures, wheiein
man appeared in a total entire Virgin and
pure Love, and God through him, as the
Original through the Creature, which he
made out of himfelf.
6. And thus alfo in one whole or entire
perfon there is a pure Love and Chaftity,
for it fceketh no other Mixture; it is it
felf the Mixture of both the TlnBHres^wit*
of the Souls TlnBure^ and of the Spirits
Tlntlnre^ and therein is power and abi-
lity, that it can generate a Spiiicoutof
385 what the Sonlof the CLeft.jdj.^tM'^'
the Vut%'TlnEtHre^ which is called Sou|
and Spirit i 'm
7. Which AiUm fqnandred away,whcite'^^
he let the Eirthly Life caprivatc him, an« '^^]
therefore he muH be broken and a iVoma) God'^
be made out of him, which muftfet he:' nil**
Love Delight Longing and Imagination liJ«
into Adams TMnrey if ilie would be im"! ioilif
^3regnate with a Soul : |u.
8. And None can fay> that Eve^hdoim^^
the Touching of Adam^ was a pure Chafiliil
Virgin: for as foon as Adam awaked out cA,
fleep, be faw her ftanding by him, andP
imagined fuddenly after or into her, andP
took her to him, and faid, ThU U F/efh ofm
mj FIep9y and Bone of my Bone ; fhe fhalttih^
called a (he-Man or tVoman^ bscaufe fhe '\%\
taken out of Man. |i
p. And (he Eve alfo fuddcniy Imagin«
cd into Adam^ and one kindled the other
in the feeking.
10. And where is now the pure Chiftl-
ty and Modeliy ? hit not Bealiial, is not
the outward Image become a Beaft? As
is fufficiently to be feen in the Will and
Su'^rtance or Doings, that Man doth as a
Bca(^, and more fooli/hly ; for he hath
Reafon, and rideth on in Reafon fo fcnf-
II. But
( icft. 3^. Meffi^ih or Chrift u. 3 87
1 1.
Bat ihat it might ht remedied, and the
jjiage come into 0/^f agiin, therjforc/^
li Word, which ip^ke ihc Soul forth out
(God's Mouth, and by the Holy Spirit,
leathed it into the Image, become Man^
I d is entred into the Earthly Image, x'/-?**.
i CO I he /«r^-*of Dettruclion,
12. And you k^ovv very well, that the
■ ord hath the Water of the Eternal Life,
id the Fire of the Deity, and oat of the
ire, the Tlntinre of the D:ity, and in the
'intli4rc^ the Spirit of God ; which gocth
rth out of God's Mouth, and in the go-
ig forth, is th^ Glance of the Majelty in
u woiking of the Spirit, Manifelied.
13. That very word, ij in the Virgin
■ the Wifdom of God, and ftirronnded
iih thi Eternal Wonders ; and that now
it of the Gieit Love and Humility to^
nrds our Image, which was deltroyed to
|s in tA^-inty is entered into us again,and
\ in {J^Ar)i underhand in the Earthly
Mat)^ but with the Blelling , become
Ian or Incumate.
14. Tne Bleifing is this, that to the
'fl»/ of Mary the Heavenly Virgin
he Wifdom of God was put on, which
Uam had loft, and therefore the Angel
388 HhMthtSoHlof the Queft.l
out of God, and out of the Eternal \ bui kkJ
Mans Body is a Looking-Glafs of the Eter-i u
nai. Thus hath God put on to the Virgic \l
Mary^ God's Virgin ; but in the Souli'
Principle, not in the Earthly Fle{h, a^v^
(he were Deified ; no, fhe muft iicy as al J
mankind doth.
17. Andinthatvery Virgin hath Gods
Word, out of God the Fathers Heart, af-
fumed zhz Seed of the Woman, viz,, the
Souls Seed, and the firft Images Seed
which now hood fo long time in the My-
iiery, broken :
18, And now God's Life came therein-
to, & made again a whole or SHtirelmi^t^
for the Water of the Etcrnil Life> out
Ce(1.3<^. MeJfuhorChrlfiis. 389
ofGod's Heart mixed it * ^ -n ... ^
(if with the Souls *Spi- ^"A'^-M
iJ s Water, for the Spirit exiftcth out of
li; Water, and the Sonl is Fire.
/19. Thus the Word> took hold of the
ills TirMttre^ and the Holy Spirit of the
rits Tltiilnrey viz. of the Waters Tin-
grf, and out of Both became one Soul,
li yet the Creature remained diftindt
fm God's Spirit : but God's Spirit
delleth therein, and To out of God's
Viter and TlyiUHre^ and out of the Seed
^Marj^ out of her Tldlurc and Water
uthe high BleiTmg, came one Flerti and
bod; fo that a Heavenly Man Equally
^Dnce in the Earthly, became Man, or
S Incarnate*.
20. So that a Man might fay^ thisx^
; Womans Son, viz. OHar ies I'l^ht true
iily natural Sonne with Soul and Body,
[h Flefh and Blood, and^iZwhatfoevet
^/an hath ; and alio God's true Sonne,
ich was generated out of God*$ Sternal
bf^ancefrom Eternity^ before the Foun-
:ion of the World was laid, which ftood
the A/a jelly of the Holy Number Three,
i alfo in the Body of CMary equally
ke at Onet :
21. And
3S>o J'Phat the Sonlof the Qjeft.36
21. And (he Soul of Chrili bclongct
ha/f to the Piincipli of this World, ani could ihnd in God, ai
there he was tryed in the Turki^ to f
whether he could rightly ftand in the Thi
Piinciples, and rnJe over the Outwar«
iueft. 3 6, Mcjjiah or Chrtft if. 3 p i
nd therefore his food of the outward Life
Yas withdrawn from him, that the inward
^ife might overpower the outward, and,cat
jf the Word of the Lord, and hold the
^'Jtward in its own power and full Omni-
lour.q^ and alio hold Death Captive, that
t ll-iould not deftroy the outward Life^this
Tiuft iiee^s be a Great Combate.
24. And then the other two Temptati-
on s were thcfe, he was tryed whether
I\ivci would live in///// obedience to God,
and let God work in him, or whether he
would lift op himfelf again, and free him-
felf fiom God as Lucifer did : and there^
fore the Devil muft tempt him, feeing this
A/an was to poffefshis Kingly or Royal
2y. Therefore the Devil complained y
that he was not able to ftand, the Another
of the fierce Wrathfulnefs drew him fo
iiatd ; therefore^ it was now permitted to
him, that he fnould tempt and try It in
this Mmy and lliould fet before him, that
which was fet before himfelf ; and if this
Man did overcome ; he fhould be the De-
vils Judge, who was found to be a Ljar.
26, For he Tempted him in the fecorJ
and third Affault fully to try, whether he
would flleinhlsoYin felf might, and he
R him-
3p2 y.h^tthe SohI, &c. QiL'ft.3^
himfelf had done, and had awakened the
Anger, or whether he woilJ put his frutt
alone in God, and live in God, with Will
andSubftancc or Deed, as a Child in Obe-
dience to the Father ; and this he tryed fa
long with him, as Adam was in the Temp- L
taiion before his pep, ^''^
27. Thus muli weal To Continuallybe
Tempted; but in Chrift who hath over-
come we can have the Vi6lory,for his Soul
is our Soul, and hi? Flelh our Flelli, if wCip
truftin him and give upourfelves vohcMf I
tohim, a$ Chrift gave himfelf up to his .
Father. *^
28. And thus beloved Friend ; von un-
deilhnd what ChritVs Soul and Body is,
viz,. Our Scul and Body, if we cleave to
God ; but if not, then we are rent off,and "
areaccordingto the o«(»7^r^ Llfey fallen"''
home to the Spirit of this World, viz,, to '
theperillied corrupt cyfdamjind accordir g '^'
to the Soul, fallen home to the "Devil m JJ'^
the Anger of God: feek this more at large "
in our otherWrtings,whcre you fhall fini
the whole e round of Heaven and of this
World. ^
Ji; I
3«i f The Seven and Thirtieth
yhatthe Spirit of Chrijlisy which was
Obedient, and nhich he Commended
into bts Fathers Hands.
His is that Great ^svcd, for which wq
highly rejoyce, that wcknowir, fa
hat wc know our felves what vvc are, and
. Jc is more dear and acceptable to us then
"he whole World; for it . ;,x , , ,>r
|s that Pearl t/^^^i^/V^ t^^^^34<^-
e^oU all his Goods and ho fight that Pearly of
hich Chrift fpeaketh.
2, For it is more profitable to A/an
hen the whole World, it is more Noble
d Precious then the Sun, for the Noble
:>r Precious Stone of the Wife Men^ the
Philofophers Stone lyeth THEREIN, it
hath the {^yfierlHm Magnum^ The Great
/^/yrtcry, Heavenly and Earthly; and
there is nothing like it in this H'orld^ but
only the mean limplicity, which ftandeth
ftill, and gcnerateth oi awakeneth no Tur^
^4, this haih the Jewel hidden in it; t%
R 2 the
394 ^^^^ ^^ Chrijls Spirit, which CX.^t
the Gold lyeth in the Stone.
3, And continueth unconrumed, if L
Robber with the Earthly TnrU cometh no
upon it, and deftroyeth it, and yet at
taineth it not, io is alfo the own lelt-Rea.
fon in the Mylkry.
4. Therefore we dare, and can witlL
good ground. fsiy, that a fimple ^^;»Vi^L
which in flmplicity, without much SkilL
and Art cUaveth to God^hzih the Myflerinn ,
Magnum better and furer, alfo undeihoy
ed/then a high le^imsi Do6lor, that flycxt
aloft in his Reafon, and deihoyeth the '{i
jewel and fetteth it in BAbd ; this indccc
will not reliih well, but we are not mucl '^
concerned in that, we fhculd fet forth ihc iul
Truth an i baulk or fLua none. I
y . Now when we fpeak of Chrift's Sjm« jj.
rlr>then Reafon underliandeth the Soul, O) '^
indeed the outward Life's S[irir> whici
ftandeth in power and vcrtue and winkinj
of the Stars and EtementSjbut no,it is^w ^
ihcr thing , wherein the Image of Got ^^
Ikndeth ; the outward Spirit bclongeth ncc ^
to the Deity, but to the Wonders. '
6, We have truly and clearly mcnti .,
oned before, but fince it is hinted expreflji
in the Qjeirion, that Chrift commendcc
it to his Father in bis Dying, thercfow
(37. heComm^Kdgd to hu Father, 39^
v: muit (pzxk thereof how it was.
. You have fufficiently conceived before,
i whitmmner the Soul is the Ceuter of
|ature,the Original of Life, znd the Mo-
hity ; as viz,, a Fiie of God,whichy^^«/(i
I turned and inclined into Gods Eternal
"ijl, wherein it is Originally generated
It of the Magick feekj^gy and out of the
.cerrfal Nothing is become a Great My*
trry , wherein ALL Things lye ; The
)cicy3 with all the Three
Principles, and all whatfoe-
er is or is called Being or
aibftance or Thing,
8. Alio it is explained, how out of the
ire^thc Light is generated, and theSpirit-
Lir, and then how the Fire draweth the
I pirit-Aii again into it lelf, and fo conn-
f u ally i^/ojvrf/j/i/? it felf again, and fo with
he Light and the Air, and the fource 01
[iiaUty of the Fire, ^' the Life of its own
. elf.
9. Wehavcalfo mentioned moreover
irto you concerning the Noble orPrecious
tirMnrey which thus ariieth in the Light,
49 which is the Lif ht*s meel^ncfs, which
R 3 ii>
3P<5 14^'hAt WOi Chrlljts Spirit, which Q^5 7
is Generated out of th
f Therefore Mor- Anguilli,as a f Mortlfica
tife your Mem- ^^^^ ^j killing.and fprour
bers watch are 1 r 1 r l */
#/, theEartij, ^}^ ^^\^^ ^"^ ^^ ^^e Mor
C9I. 3. 5. tification: as another lit
of another iource or qua
rry> whcrs the Fires-fource o-r quality, i
apprehend id to be a Tlrt^pircy like a dri
vip.g f( rth of a Spirit, and yet alio is dc
firoi!S> and fo dra^cth the power and vei
tu i of the Light, inro it fclf, and maket
it b^ a Subflance^ viz. Water,
10. Wherein the two Forms become 4^
frehended^ont according to the Firc-^fourcl
or quality, vlz^. Red, and therein the pov
er and vertuC) viz,, Sulfhur ; and the otb
ns a Thin Mseknefs, and yet SubfUnti;
hty^viz,. H^atCKy which the defirous 77;]
fi^^-^ draweth and turneth into one in
Thing, fo that it bccometh Blood,
1 1. Now in the Blood is the Origin
^f the Fire,Wz,. the Wdrmth^ thit is a Ti
Hurey a Life, and in the power and verti J^^
of the Tln^ftrfyOotih forth out of the Th
Water of Life, the power and vercuco^
of (he po'ver and vcrtue, and the verti
and power rcceiveth that golna forth
exit con;inually again, and that goiit
foi ih IS free from the Fire ; and alio fro ti
» 3 7. heCommrtfded to his F*iiher, jp7
IS power and virtue, for it is going forih
-id yet is generate i out of the Power and'
'ertue :
12. And this is now the right and true
piiit, that beco:neth generated out of the
ul, wherein the Image of God with the
ivine Virgin of the Wifdon:! of God,
ndeth : for in the Spirit lyeth all Wit or
genuity, Wifdom and Underihnding ;
hath the THOUGHTS, and the Noble
r Precious Lifc,which unitcth it felf with
jod,and is fo fubtilcjthat this Spirit CAN
nd may enter into Cod.
' 15. And then if this Spirit do give it
clfup into God; and cafkth away its
lUs Fire-fomp and Wit, then it attain^
\th God's Image and God's Body ; for it
oeth wiih the Will into God, and dwelleth
iih Power and Authority in God ; Thus
it hath God's Subftance on it or in it, and
is without this Woiid in the Life of God.
14. But being this Spirit out of the
Center of Nature, tirl^ originAteth out of the
Fire-Life, though it is not the Fire- Life^
but its Spirit, and the Fire- Life with the
Original in the Abyfie ftandeth in ihe
quality or foarce of the Anger of God :
therefore hath Cbrift notCommended this^
his Spirit^ to th* F;Vr;-Life, but to his Fa-
i ther,into his Hands, 11 4 ly..
59 S fihat Tva^ Chrlfts Spirit^ which Q^ 3 7
If. His Hands are the Lovf DcCvin^^
wherewith he reacheth afcer our Spiiu, '
when we enter into him, and Commit ot
Commend our felves to him :
i<^. For now when hi$'
Note. Bod/ was to die on the
^ff^'Chrijl Crofs, *AndhlsSoHlvPaitO'
H^endcdinto ^0 throHgh HeU, God's An.
ga: then the Devil waited
and thought , we will furely keep hinv-
well enough in our Ttirh.% in the Fire,.
therefore CHRIST Commended his SpU
lic into God's Lot/^.
17. And thm came now the Soul of
Chiili with the Spirit, into God's Hands-
comprifed in the Anger-Fire in Death;
theic Death would have held him, but ic
W.iS hrbken and made a /corn of :
18. For it flew the outward Man,
viz.. the outward Life, and took it away,
and thought^ now murt the Soul needs ftay
in the Ttirba., but there was a llronger, in
the Soul, vlza. God's Word : that took-
Dea:h Captive, and deftroyed the Anger,
and quenched the fierce Wrath with the
L ve 1 n I he Sflrit of Chrift.
19. That was a Poyfon to Hell, that
the Love of God came into it, and flew <
\^7, he C^mmr^dcd to hid Father. 3pp
J. in the Soul, and was ^ to , rr /
Death a Pdiilence and a "f ^'^' ^' '4*
.. D)i>!g^i Breaking and deltroylng : it muft
.now I'utf^r that an Eternal Lite grow up in
20. Thus the Spirit of Chrift, took^the
Devil Captive^ snd brought him out of this
Souls-Fire forth into the Darknefs, and
thrufi him inte D.irkiufs^out from the Souls
Fire, 8c out from Gods Fire, into the fierce
-wrathful harili aufterenefs and bittcrnefs
in the Cold, there he may heat himfelf left-
ie freeze for Cold.
21. Confider the firft four Forms of
.Nature, and then you may be informed
what the Deviis dwelling houfe is ; For,
before Chrifb he held the Soul Captive in
the lurhAmth the Firerand though clear-
ly he doth not hold the Souls Spirit, yet
he had the root in the Turba^ but there
the forbearance was commanded him, and
he was thrui^ out, and brought into the
Darknefs, and hisMilice and Wickednefs
was thppi dsRroyed by Chrlfts going Int^-^
Hd^ and Chriil became his Judge,
12. Thus ye have in brief, defcribed,
what Chrifts and our Spirit is,W^. not the
outward Life, but the Spirit of the Soul,
not the Soul ic felf, but Its Llfes-Splrlr.
K J ^^ As
4vOO ivhat -was Chrifis Sflrlty which Q:J7, \
23. As there is in God,thc Holy Num-
ber Thr^, a DilUndlion, of Three Perfons
in One Sn^hftance^ and yecbutONE Goi^
where the Sonne hath the Spirit, viz,, the
\Mt , proceeding out of his Heart and
Mouth ; and the Heart is^ the Flame of
Love, and the Father, the Source or Qua-
lity of Anger, and is meekned and allay*
ed by his Son in the Love, fo that ALL in
God ts ONE Will and Sublhnce or Deed.
24. So it is alio in Man,, and no other-
wile in one Syllable : whatfoever God, in
Chrift, is; thacare we alfoin Chrift, in
God; his true Children , and therefore
Ihfiuld vpealjs commend our Spirits tnro his-
hands, and fo we m;iV3llo enter through
Dlzi\\ into Life, w th Chrift in Goi.
25". Be not led aliriy and deluded by|
the ucetious pleafant fpecious /hews, a$
Mi^n hitherto have been m B^bel, where
they have c(7//mr^<^ this- and that concern-
irig the Sou), and its Spirit, one thus, ano-
ther o:he' wife ; there is no Gxound but
Conceits and Opinions.
2.6, The Underfl^nilrjg is generated in
God, not in the Schools or Llniveifities,
from-Art,. though rve defplfe ««■ Art, for if
it be- generated in God, ii is a TEN-fold ,
M^iisry^for ixauaineth-aLvaycs the Tensh
J|^'IQ37. he^Commended to hU Father, 401-
;^^^'l Number in Wit or Undcrftanding, more
^5*^1 then the La yick. for it can of many Num-
^Hlbers make One:
III 27. Bucitftandethnot'in ownfclf abi-
^4 lity, No; x\\t Entrance u^on the Ci^ls,
J^l muft be in One is ^z\\ as m the Other^ bt.
PI heDo?5M7, ALL, beforehand,
2* Ojf knowiedi^e, Ihndeth in God's
Spirit and Will, when that moveth, th^in
go you on in the Heavenly z^^^/^, and pafs
into the Wonders of the Earthly : Now is
the Ptophct Born, for h • ftand^th upon the
Crown and fpeaketh Magic^iily, concern-
ing the Beginning of the Wonders and of
its 774;'^;^,and how it fhall come to an End,
a id hreal^ sgain, and come into ihe Fir(i
3. For a'l Prophets fpeak out of the
Tnrha^ rhey declare what is falfe or wick-
ec\. and (hew that which- is heitcr^ which
goethln God*s Will.
^ Theie ore do not burthen us with
Q^^^.Of the ThiKgsrvhUhjhAllJf^.^c.^o^
this Queition, for we ihould be captiva-
ted by the Turha^ you may underftand it
well enough in all the other Qn_el^ion?>
what is to be done, and it is explained
f . We dare not anfw^r concerning future
things, otherwife then after ,^ , .
J. n^r ' r\K J J Or by way of
a tU^^i^r^ Manner, and rimitHude/:
the Cauic IS this, the Future
Wonders are all feen in theTV^^, and
if the Spirit fceth them, then it fpeaketh
clearly out, how the Twha is loaded with
Evil or Good:
6. But it fecth that all is mixed; for
God is become Man, and fettith forth his
Mercy every wherein the Anger, and hin^.
dereth the Perdition, and therefore muft
the Prophet now fpeak Magically, and not
with t plain Words ; for j. „ _,
it coirlech to pars many -f^^^^^'i^^rm.
time^, that a thing that ii Evil in the Sub-
iUncCjVet there groweth fuddenly afmall
Twig or Branch out of ir, which breaketh.
the Tpirha^ and ib there cometh a Convert
[ion into ir.
7. Therefore Cod caufeth you to be
admonil'hed, that you jliouldfubdueand
j'efiiUbe Heaven of the Firmament,, and
then of en,the£t'//,wh'ch the Flrmamen-
404 Of the Things vfhich [hall he^ Q:3^'.
tal Heaven flieddeth abioad , bccometii
turned into that which is Better :
8. Eile, if all mtift netds come to pafs-,
which the Firinamcntal Heaven hach,Men
would need no Teaching, but it woMalUe
a certain ftedfart and Eternal Calender.
9. You know very well, wh a Daniel
Ez4l{iel as alfo Dnivid Mentioneth in hij
Prophecies, efpecially the Revelation of
Jefus Chiid, there ye have all lying in
them, whatioever is to be done^they have
fpoken Magically of things to come,
10. But in our Writings ye have them
clearer, for the time is now nearer the
End, and the Beginning hath found the
End : therefore it appeareth clearer, what
(liall be done at the End.
11. And I would have you directed to
the other Qje(tions, where you fhall find
enoHgh concerning it,for the Evil World
is not worthy of a round clear explanation;
for alwayes the Great Myftery is touched
thcreby,which belongeth only to the Chil-
dren of God:for God would not have men
4- ;i/f /< '\ ccft Pearls hef ore Swmey
T ^f^ ^* \ * ^«^ fo aive Food to the
^ thUdren,
12. Thus do you alfo, it lycth not in
this, that the Myfteiy lliould itand under
Qued.j.S. attheEtidof'theJVorU, 40'f
a f^orldlj Protedion or Patronage ^ that is
a Folly, and God would thereby bereje6^-
cd, ts if he were not able enough to Pro-
te<^ ir.
13 . You onght not to feek the Myftery
among rhofe in power, or rely upon them
above Others, for there comeih a Turboi
fuddenly, tho'einto, viz,, by a Law : and
then is God's Spirit as it were bound or ty^
^d Mp^ and that thin^ be come th an Anti-
14. Look upon Ifrael, when they re-
jected Samnel and their Judges^ and fup*
pofed, when their Teaching itood under a
worldly Arm and Power, and that they had
a King, then they would keep their Law-';
as it came to pafs that their King intro-
duced the Turba thereinto ; and made
Calves for the Service and VVorfliip of
God, and compelled the Congregation or
People, to Honour and VVorihip tkofe
Idslsy this we fay from a good meaning,
I J. And we give you no Anfw^r to this
Quertion particularly by it felf, you will
find enough of it in the other Queliions,
foi wc ought to do ft0 otherwife
^o6 Of Paradift . Qucft.jp,
The Nine and Thirtieth
What and where Paradife is^ mth its^
THis hath been explained to you in the
Enochlan Life, that it is in this World,
but in the Myftery as it were fwallowed
up, whereas yet in it felf it is not altered :
It is only withdrawn from our Eyes, from
out iburce orquality;elfe if our Hyes were
open we lliould fee it.
2, Nay God in his Number Three is
with us, how then ihould Paradife be loft ?
indeed w^ have loft the quality or fourcc
and fruit of it,in the outward Life j as the
Devil loft God, when he with his own felf
will went forth as a proud arrogant Spirit,
and would be Lord,fo it hath gone with U5;
3. 'Whtn Adam would have Eaten of
the Earthly Frui^, Evil and Good, then
he gat alfo an Earthly Life,Evil and good,
and4)ec2me thruft out of the fair delight-
ful Garden ot Paradife, where Heavenly
Fruit greWj into ths: outward Life.
Queft .39. a4d its Inhabitants, 4c 7
Many have written mnder fully of Para-
dife, but their blindnefs appears now in
the Day Li^ht,whom yet we fhall not con-
temn^^ox they have been fcekcrs, every Age
haih had its feekers , who have fought the
My(kry ; but it hath been a iong time very
dark in Babel,
5*. Now within two hti^dnd years it hath
bigun to open it felf agiin, wherein Anti-
charts Fall hath been difcovered, where
Men have begun to (brtn Babel on One
fide, but the ftrong Fort in Babel ftandeth
firm ftill ; Men have revealed or manifeft-
cd the W^ortf indeed, bat her Be a(iy is but
the more grown.
6, Therefore there is yet a Wonderful
time at hand, which ihaU'change all; Ma-
ny-f hiah Msfintains ind , j. , o ^-,-.
Hills [hall he nude a p/ain » ^^f<^3 5.20.
Field ^ and a Fountain (hall floxp out &f Sion^
vp herein the Miferable jhjill drink and be
7, And they (lull be led to Pafture
with a (hff, and the Shepherd will re Joyce
wirh his Sheep ; that God is fo Gracious.
8, For Silver and Gold is as common
as in Solomons time, and hps i'Vifdom Ruleth
over the Face of the Earth, this i?a Won^
der. The
4^S ff'hetherParad'fc will Alter ^ CX.j\.o,
The Forciech Queftion.
Whether Varadife ts Alterable , and
what fhdlbeaftenvards,
AS Tittle as God is alterable, Co little
tlfois Paradife alterable ; for it is a
part of the Deity ; when the ofttward Do-
minion lli all pafsaway, then will in the
Place where this world nowy?Ww^f/Z;^tf
not fly away from the Place of this World,
but continue foinour Native Countrey,
and go home inco another WorId>into ano-
ther Principle of another fource or qH.iU j,
3. For there will be no Froft nor hear,
alfo no Nighr, and we fhall be able to go
through the Heavenly Earth, through and
through,without dividing or dijiurblrg any
+ Rtv,A^'6. 4.. This Earth will be
^Or Works th4t f ^^^ ^ Crtftdlhrie Sra^
have been in wherein all the * Wonders
the W0li. of the World will be feen,
Queft.4^- ^^^ ^"^^ afterwards, 409
ail very Tranfparcntly, and God's Glance
Luftrc 01 hrtghtmfs^mW be the Light there-
in ; and the Holy JerufaUmthe Great City
ofGod^ where Men (hall oflf.:r to God the
Calves of (heir LipJ, there will be Paradi-fe,
* ^mi the'X gbcTn3ic\t ot '^ Note
God wich Mjo : r.<^v-^^u
For it is Written, Behold I ^' ^' ^*
wake all things New^ a Nevo Heaven and a
New Earthy to that Men (hall not regard
the Old anymore; in that will the fair
bright City of God, with the Wondeis
and Wildom, ftand ; and the Temple of
God,the New Jerufdemy wiUftand
upon the New Earthy which is prepared
and made ready out of God*s Power and
Wonders :
5. ALL jv^^//^(?z'^ the Prophets have
written will there bs fulfilled, for God's
Word and Wonders, will fpring and grow
as Grafs upon the New Earth ,•
6. -j- There is no more , «
Death y alfonofear^ or for ^ • * *^*
row or fad»e[sj No ficknefs, No Superiour
Lord but only Chrift, who will dwell with
JUS ; and we rtiall be in one Communion
ivith the Angels '^ Owi Fruits will Spring
and grow to us there according to our Dc-
fire and Willi* 7. There
410 H^hether Paradife will alter & c. QJ{^
7. There will be no old Age there, but
a Man of a Hundred Years, will be as a
Child newly Born, and live in /w^^r de-
light of Love,
8. All whatfoevei is ^oy will be fought
after,' and which way foever one can pro-
cure, Joy to another, to that is his will en-
p. We fhatl lead a Holy Priefxly Lifcy
and rf// fpeak of God's Wifdom and Eter-
nal Wonders ; for the Divine Magla hath
Wonders without Number, the more is
fought, the more is therein, and tha^t is
the Multiplication and increafe or procre-
ation of the Will of (iod ;
lo. And to this End hath God mani-
fcfted himfelf in Images Created, as in
Angels and Men, that / he might have
Joy in himfelf, and lejoyce himfelf with
his LifeSjEflences Eternally. Hallclffjah^
'^1 ■ ♦!• * V,
THus my beloved Friend,
is ftt down a round Jn-
f'ii;er to your ^lejlions ^zc-
cording to our G fcs^ and we
exhort you Brotherly,, not to
defpife us , in refped of our
iimple Speech and Incongruity.
l2. For, we are not born of
Arc but of fimplicity^and fpeak
great things v^kh fimple Words •
take it as a Bounty of God, you
Will find fo much therein and
TworethenintheHigh Artof the
Beft Eloquence, unlefs they alfo
be born or Generated itom this
School^vihom we will not under*
4-12 Conclufton, Qucft.40.
"Value^ buc acknowledge them
for our Beloved Brethren in
Chrij}^ with whom we expecSt
Eternally to rejoyce in theHea-
venlySchool,of which we here
have attfroin
'4/ 'Yet that thing was not SublUntial
but Eircntial ; and was apprehended in
the. Principle in the FUfh of Lightning,
where (:\t Fireoiiginateth : but the Sha*
doivoE It liath fa(bioned irfelf into 1 Fi-
gured. Ima^^e.in the Defirour Will of
God ; and hsch Rood before ihe Number
Thice of God, in the A'fagia'm the VVif-
ciomof God, ^ls i fiMiilcMde o£ thk'Hblf
Trinity ; in which as in-a Looki^g-CSal's
God hath manifefted or revealed himCJt
, y. The Subftance, and Imagaof the
Soul, is tobecoDiidered in a fair -Flower
that fpungcth out of the Earth, and in the
Fire, and Light : as men fee that the Earth
is a Center, and yet No Life ; bat it if
Effcntial: and out of it, .gicwrctha fait
flower, which is not like the Earth ; alfa
it hath not the Smell znd Tl^/? thereof :
much lefs its Flgnr^ ; and yet the Etith if
theAfi'^i&ifroftheFloYrers. l.i<^v i-,.:
6. Thus is the Soul alio difcovered out
of the Center of Nature, out of the Eternal
:C£;,JB(rence with the V Vo«d Fwr,io the VVilt
"lif G6d,and held or prcferved in the Fi^ttj
f& that is a Firc-tye^ and 4 touiicude of
c the
the Image und Turka. 417
:hc FIrft Principle ; difcovercd ift a Cred^
'.Hxelj Form tni Subihncc,
7. And out of this Eye, is gone forth
the Glance of its Fire i as a Light out of
chc Fire, and in that Glance of its own
Fire, vf as the fr^r^r^/ Image feen, which
IS in the VVifaomof God, and compiiled
Dy the VViil of the Heart of God, in the
Tccond Principle : underftand ; by the
Word Fiat^ of the Second Principle, in
the Love and Power or Vertue of the
Holy Trinity ; in which the Holy Spirit
gocth forth.
^. ■ Thus is the Soul become a Tot^l ii-
militiidcand Irrrige of the Holy Trinity,
where a Man is to underftand, the Soul,
to be the Center of Nature ; and its Fire-
Life to be the firft Principle ; but the
Sprout^ orthe Image of the Soul, which
Is a Similitude of God, groweth farth out
of the Soul'; as iFhrver out of the Earth :
. and is f comprifed by the , r •#•
Holy Spirit; fM it is hifHa^ '^ r^^'^n''^
bitatioL ^:.. -^ ; Comfa^eL
9. If the Soul,' puttetb forth its Image,
undcrttand out of the Vitt Source or Qiia-
lity, into the Light of God, then it receiv-
cth the Ligbt,as the Moon doth the Glance
of the Sun : and thus its Image i^andeth
I S 2 in
4^8 Aft Apfendixof
in the Majcdy of God, and it fclf^ vIz^a
the Soul, in the Light of God; md ii«
Fire-fource, become th changed into Meek-
nefs, and delirous Love ; wherein it is
acknowledged for God*s Child.
10. But being the Soul is EfTcntial^ind
its own Subftance a D.hring, therefore it
is apprehenfibie, that it ftandcth in twd
Flats^ threoneisitf Corporeal Propriety'
and the other is the fecond Principle, mx
of the Will of God, whicb Handerh in the
Soul; In which God dclircth IT for his
Image and Similitude. " - -i^H
11. Befidej, God'jDifiring, ft' life a
FiMt in x\itC(nter of the Soul, and it con-
tinually framcth or incliacth the Will of
the Soul, towards the Heart of God : for
the delight or lottgmgoi God willcth to
have the Soul ; on the Contrary tiiC Centrr
in the Fircs-Might,willeih alfo to baveit:
12. For the Life of the Soul Origitiat-^
cth in the Fire : therefore now there it
ftrifeaboutthe Image of the Souljand that
form or q ality that overcometh^ jwrhcthei
it be the Fire, oi the Meekrtefti of. the
Love, accordin|^to that, is the SioaLqua-
Hfied or conditioned ; tftd outof the Soul^
fuchan Imige appcarcth, as the Will 06
the Soul is qualified.
15. And
Xj. And we ^rc to know, that if the
mHo^ the Soul Alterethy tbcn its Form
becometh altered alfo; foiif the quality
or lource of the Soul be fiery> then alfo ap-
peareth i'uch a fiery Image out of it.
14. But if the Soul in the Center^ Ima-
glncthf into the ftcrnharfli- ,^ ,
nefs and bitternefs, then its ^ '* ^^''''''*'
fiir Image bscometh cafti- ^"^ ^°'
vatcd^ with the Dark haiflincfs ; andin-
fefed with the har/h fierce wrath*
If. And then is that fierce wrath be-
come a T«r^^ which poffefleth the Image,
and defirojith thefimilitudc of God,for in
God is Love- Light Mcekncfs ; and ip this
Image, is Darkncrs,Har(linel's and Bitter-
nefs • tnd its Effcntial Quality, is Fire,
out of the fierce wrathful tlfences, and fo
this Image, ai long as it ftandeth in fuch
a Quality and Form in the Darknefs, be-
longcth not unco God's Kingdom,
i.^. Further, inthcF;W, ye have a fi-
militudc of the Soul ; the Soul is an^ Effen--
tial Fire, and the Flalh of the Firc,maketh
in it,the Life ; the Soul lefembleth a fire-
17, Now,thc burning firCjin the fource
<>r quality^fignifi^th the firft Principle and
theLife ; whereas yet the £ic is sot the
S i Lif<^
410 An Appendix of
Life; but the quality or P<^;;7.Splrit,wHich
cxirtcth in the An^uifli of the fire,&: which
goeth forth out of the fire; like Aif, that
is the Right Fountain^ Quality or Source*
Spirit of the fire-Life ; which eontlnUaUj
bloweth up the fire again fo that it-burn-
1 8* Now the fire giveth forth a (hinlng
and Light, forth oat of the quality or
fource, which dwelleth in the quality oi
fource, and fliineth forth from it : and yet
the quality or fource, comprchendeth 'not
the Light, that comprehendeth not the fe^
cond Principle i wherein the Deity dwel-
- ip. For Men 5ppreh?nd,that the Pow^
er arid Vertue li in tht Li^nr, and not in
the fire ; the fire giveth only to the Light
Efe^ces^ and the Life Or the Light, giveth
Meekncfs, and i):it SabflantUllty^iiz. Wa-
20. Now, wcunderftand, that in' the
L'ghtjis an amiable Life withGut fource or
pain : and yet there is a fource or pain in
it, but not perceptihU : it if no other then
a longine Delight, or Lovc-Defire.
2.\s Whei^ew^' apprehend that fonrcc.
<>rquaruytob€ a Tw^r^, in which the
gcoWitvglind^/^'jf^wA^^ of flowers fpri^gr-
the Image and Turl^a. 4^r
cth up : and yet the fire is the caufe of it :
and the Meeknefs is the Caufe of the
Subftantiality ; for the Love-d^firc in the
Light, draweth, ind retaincth it, To that h
is a Subihnce,. but the fifes defire, con-
fumcth the Subrtantiality.
22. And we are to conceive of the Soul
thus : as to what concerns the Soul folely
and purely in the Cefiter^ it is an Effential
fire in the Eye of Eternity ; and yet that
Eye is defirous, -z//-^ a Figure ^ViAlmi%t
according to the Wifdom of God,
23. Andinirsdefiringjinitsltnsgi"-
nation ftandetb the Image ; for the
Word \FiW, haxfa laid hold of ir, that it
might be a fimilitude according to the
Eternal Wifdom of God , in which he
d^elleth, in which he may manifeft bim-
fdf with his Spirit, and whatfoever hath
been in his Eternal Wheel, Orb, Sphere or
Globe. • .'
24. Thus the Mijefty 6f God flameth
in the Image, in the Effential Fire^ if the
•Effential Fwintroduceth its defire into.
theMajeftyi but if not> then is the Image
Haw -and Naked, without God ; and the
^Mure becomcth falfe or evil ,
-'•'^f^ Fbr^ the Itnage ftandeth in the
S A T'lficiHrey
4^2 Ah Apfendlx of
TinUfire^ and Originateth in the Tlnclnre^
iQ the Light, not in the fiic fouice quali-
ty or pain : as God*s Heait or Word tak-
eth hs Original in x\\z Light of the Maje-
fty in the EttirMl-Flres-TMHre of the
Father ; and fo alfo doth the Image of the
2(^. The Image, dwelleth in the Fire
of the Soul ; as the Light dwcUcth in the
Fire ; but it hath another Principle, as alfo
the Light is another fourcc or quality then
the Fire.
27. Thus the right and true Image of
God, dweiJeth in the Light of the fire of
the Soul ; which Light,the fiery Soul muft
frame in the Love Fountain in the Majc-
fty> through its Imaginatiois^ and giving up.
28. And if the Soul doth it not,but Iwa-
glmh in it fclf, in its fierce vfrathful Fnm
to the fire fource quality or pain, and not
in the Love Fountain in the Light of God,
then arifeth its own fource or quality, of
its harfhnefs, fowernefs, and bitterncfs ;
and the Image of God becomcth a T/trUy
which fwallovveth up the Image of God,in
the fierce wrath.
2p , And then the fower Fiat in the fiery
Eflcnce of the Soul, figujeth or frameth in
Image fox the Soul, according to its Ima^
the Image Ani Tttria. 415
glftmon in the Will, Co thit iflrhfttCocvet
the EffcntitI F#rr of rhi Soul dcfrreth, that
bccometh Jm3g'mtd in the Soul , vl%..
Sarthlj Figures : vThercioto the Will ©f
the H^art cafteth it fclf, tnd iuch a*i I-
mige, the Fiat of the 5oul inakcth,undcr-
(Und, arccordiog to the tbi lity o« power of
the Third Priocipte, tccoriding to the Spi-
rit of the Sni% and .Elements.
)o. Seeing the will of the .Soul caffeth
it felf into the Kingdom of thts World,
therefore nt>w the outward Kitjgdom bath
power and «^'AV7 toimtoduce its Intan-
nauon into the Inward Principle : uud if
the ItiwardFtirr dhco vereth that, in the
fire of the 5oul, then it'becometh impreg-^
nated therewith, and retaiaeth the fame.
^x. And now the 5oul Irtth a Bva^itii
Image, according to the tkard PrinciplCj
andit cannot be ixToken in Eccinicy: ua*
lefs the 5oul with its will, gaah om ^if
from the Earthly Luft longing or delight^
and prefs into the Love of God agaio,aiid
then it getteth God's Image a^^in^ which
can only be done in this Life, while the
^oul ftandcth,is in its own Aether or foyT>
in the ffrowing oi its Bl^Jhm or flower,
Effendally ; and after this Life, it can-
not be.
32. Thus,
4^4 >^» Affiniix #/
51. Thus> wc give you to undcrftand,
whttthc 5ouI, 5pirit, Imige, lod TurbM^
is: thc5oDldwellcthinitfelf, indistn
Effentiil Fire : and its Image rtandcth in
it felf in its Imagination ^in its Light ;fo far
as it clcaveth to God ; if not, then it
ftandcth in Anxiety, in the fierce wrath of
the Darknefs, and is a Vifards Image, and
an Image of the Devil.
33 . Its Tnrba^ which, breaketh the Di-
vine Image, is the EJfemial fierce wrath-
fulnefs, and it is done through the Ima-
gination; or falfe or wicked Love and Ima^
fining: therefore it lyeth wholly in th«
Imagination • whatfocver a Man letteth
into his defire,in that ftandeth the Image.
9 4. And it is highly neccffary,for Men
continually to firive againft the Earthly
Reafon in flcfli and Blood, and give up
his spirit and Will to the Mercy zx^d Love
of God, and continually cafthimfelf into
God's Will, and NOT account Earthty
Goods or Pleafure its Treafure, and fa
fct its defire therein ; which deftroycth its
Noble or Pretious Image: for that rst
Turba of the Image of God : andbring-
eth Bcaftial properties into the I-
55- In
the IrpMgc a/td Tt*rta^ 42 y
3^ Infum,Chrrftf»ith,
\i»here yoHrTrcafurc f^^there f Mat, 6, 21,
w jour heart at fo : and ac-
cording to thar, * -^vill God *Rom,2,\6,
'Jndgi^ the Secrets efMan^
ki^d^ and feperate the clean from the un-
clean, and give that which is falfe or wick-
ed fO the Turlfa of the fire to be devoured;
and that which is Holy, which is Entered
into Cod, he will introduce into his King-
do3i; JiMEN^