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London, Jum 25, 1858. list of |]lati'S anb Ploobcuts. SCULPT URE. PLATE. SUBJECT. OWNER. DIMENSIONS. I. Half of a Roman votive diptych. Subject, Hygieia and Cupid. Second or third century. Half of the diptych of the consul Flavius de- menti nus. Sixth century. Imperial diptych (Roman) of the Emperor Philip the Arab. Third century. Joseph Mayer, Esq., Liverpool. 12£ inches by 5f inches. 15£ inches by 5 inches. 11^ inches by 4f inches. IT. Lid and side of an ivory casket. Ascribed by the late Sir Samuel Meyrick to the seventh century. Col. Meyrick, Goodrich Court. Herefordshire. Length, 18 in. ; breadth, 8 in. ; height, 5\ in. hi. An ivory tenure horn, richly carved with foliage, inclosing animals, ornamental bands, «fec. An ivory tenure horn, elaborately carved with animals, snakes, &c., mounted with steel bands and bird’s-leg stand. The Royal Society of Scottish Antiquaries. H. Blackburn, Esq., Eaton Place, London. Length, 2 feet 4 inches. Length, 2 feet 3 inches. 1Y. Lid and side of an ivory casket. Fourteenth century. Subjects, a Joust, and the Lay of Aristotle. C. Warde, Esq., Westerham, Kent. Length, 9 in. ; breadth, 5^ in. depth, 3f in. V. A carved ivory plaque. Early fifteenth cen- tury. Subject, the History of Christ. G. Field, Esq., Ashurst Park, Kent. inches by inches. VI. Casket, in ivory and wood marquetrie. Pro- bably Venetian, of the fourteenth century. Subject, the Story of Susanna. Col. Meyrick, Goodrich Court. Length, 1 foot 8 inches ; height, 12^ inches ; breadth, 13 inches. VII. A statue, in wood, of a female. Fifteenth cen- tury. Rev. G. W. Brackenridge, Bromwell House, Brislington. About 2 feet high. I VIII. Luca della Robbia ware. Subject, Madonna and Child. Soulages collection. Diameter of circle, 1 ft. 9 in. IX. The Flagellation, in bronze. Three separate figures on wooden stand. Sixteenth cen- tury, Italian. The Earl of Cadogan. Height, 9 inches. X. An ivory tankard, with original silver parcel gilt mount, by Bernard Strauss. South Ger- man, seventeenth century. Subject, Tempe- rance and Drunkenness ; cover, Hercules and a Centaur. Belonged to P. H. Howard, Esq., of Corby. Now at the South Kensington Museum. Height, 18j inches ; diameter, inches. XI. 1 Two ivory hanaps : one carved with a triumph of marine deities, the other with boys repre- senting a bacchanalian subject. Seventeenth centu ry. An ivory vase, in silver gilt mount. Subject, Dance of wood-nymphs. Seventeenth cen- tury. A powder-horn, ivory, and silver-gilt mount, carved in low relief on a pounced ground. Subject, Hercules and the Centaurs. Six- teenth century. R. Goff, Esq., ftyile-Paik Terrace, London. •T. Lumsden, Esq., Glasgow. The Duke of Buccleuch. Height, 11^ inches ; breadth, 1 foot 7f inches. Height, 10 inches. Length, 7 inches. B J’ist of Jjlatrs anb OOloobcuts. SCULP T IT R E. PLATE. SUBJECT. OWNER. DIMENSIONS. I. Half of a Roman votive diptych. Subject, Hygieia and Cupid. Second or third century. Half of the diptych of the consul Flavius Cle- mentinus. Sixth century. Imperial diptych (Roman) of the Emperor Philip the Arab. Third century. Joseph Mayer, Esq., Liverpool. 12^ inches by 5f inches. 15£ inches by 5 inches. 11^ inches by 4f inches. II. Lid and side of an ivory casket. Ascribed by the late Sir Samuel Meyrick to the seventh century. Col. Meyrick, Goodrich Court. Herefordshire. Length, 18 in. ; breadth, 8 in. ; height, 5 \ in. III. An ivory tenure horn, richly carved with foliage, inclosing animals, ornamental bands, etc. An ivory tenure horn, elaborately carved with animals, snakes, &c., mounted with steel bands and bird’s-leg stand. The Royal Society of Scottish Antiquaries. H. Blackburn, Esq., Eaton Place, London. Length, 2 feet 4 inches. Length, 2 feet 3 inches. IY. Lid and side of an ivory casket. Fourteenth century. Subjects, a Joust, and the Lay of Aristotle. C. Warde, Esq., Westerham, Kent. Length, 9 in. ; breadth, 5i in. ; depth, 3| in. Y. A carved ivory plaque. Early fifteenth cen- tury, Subject, the History of Christ. G. Field, Esq., Ashurst Park, Kent. 7f inches by 5^ inches. VI. Casket, in ivory and wood marquetrie. Pro- bably Venetian, of the fourteenth century. Subject, the Story of Susanna. Col. Meyrick, Goodrich Court. Length, 1 foot 8 inches ; height, 12£ inches ; breadth, 13 inches. VII. A statue, in wood, of a female. Fifteenth cen- tury. Rev. G. \V. Brackenridge, Bromwell House, Brislington. About 2 feet high. VIII. Luca della Robbia ware. Subject, Madonna and Child. Soulages collection. Diameter of circle, 1 ft. 9 in. IX. The Flagellation, in bronze. Three separate figures on wooden stand. Sixteenth cen- tury, Italian. The Earl of Cadogan. Height, 9 inches. X. An ivory tankard, with original silver parcel gilt mount, by Bernard Strauss. South Ger- man, seventeenth century. Subject, Tempe- rance and Drunkenness ; cover, Hercules and a Centaur. Belonged to r. IT. Howard, Esq., of Corby. Now at the South Kensington Museum. Height, 18} inches ; diameter, 6^ inches. XI. Two ivory hauaps : one carved with a triumph of marine deities, the other with boys repre- senting a bacchanalian subject. Seventeenth century. An ivory vase, in silver gilt mount. Subject, Dance of wood-nymphs. Seventeenth cen- tury. A powder-horn, ivory, and silver-gilt mount, carved in low relief on a pounced ground. Subject, Hercules and the Centaurs. Six- teenth century. R. Goff, Esq., Hyde-Park Terrace, London. J. Lumsden, Esq., Glasgow. The Duke of Buccleuch. Height, 11^ inches ; breadth, 1 foot 7f inches. Height, 10 inches. Length, 7 inches. B PLATE. XII. XIII. XIY. XV'. XYI. XVII. XVIII. LIST OF PLAT E S AND WOODCUTS. SUBJECT. OWNER. DIMENSIONS. Two salts, in ivory, supported by allegorical figures of children. Ascribed to Fiammingo. George Field, Esq., Asliurst Park, Kent. About 8 inches high. Seventeenth century. Ivory bonbonniere, boat-shaped, supported by figures of Venus and Adonis. Seventeenth century. A. J. Beresford-Hope, Esq., M.P., Bedgebury Park, Kent Height, 12 inches. Ivory liana]) and cover, with silver gilt mount. Her Majesty the Queen, Height, 1 foot 9^ inches; Subject of the body, the .Rape ot the Sabines ; Windsor Castle. diameter, 5 inches. stem, the Three Graces, on stand of boys, typical of war ; cover, a Roman general stand- ing above Romulus and Remus, children, and trophies of arms. Seventeenth century. An ivory liana]) and cover, elaborately carved ; R. Goff, Esq. Height, 1 foot 7^ inches. stem of vine-leaves and grapes ; body, a bac- chanalian subject ; cover, amorini with a wreath, surmounted by an infant Bacchus. Seveuteenth century. From the Bernal col- lection. Adam and Eve, by Schuler J. Tennant, Esq. Life size. Venus, by Laurence Macdonald The Hon A. D. Willoughby, Caen House, Twickenham. Life size. Ophelia, by W. Calder Marshall, R.A. ... W. Calder Marshall, R.A., Ebury Street, Pimlico. Life size. Ino and Bacchus, by B. J. Wyatt The Marquis of Abercorn, Chesterfield House, London. Life size. Woodcuts. Ivory plaque, open-work ground in chequers. J. Mayer, Esq., Liverpool. 3f inches by 24 inches. Merovingian. Subject, the Tribute-money. Leaf of a diptych, in ivory — the Crucifixion and 6 T g- inches by 4£ inches. Resurrection. An ivory Romanesque triptych— the Crucifixion. About 5 inches high. Ivory plaque, figure of a saint holding a scroll. Byzantine. 9^ inches by 4 inches. Ivory situla, with inscription in honour of the Emperor Otho the Great. Tenth century. Mr. Attenborough, Strand. Height, 7 in. ; diam. in. Subject, the Life of Christ. An ivory situla. Subject, Christ and Apostles Rev. W. Sneyd. before the Sepulchre. Six Apostles, in ivory, beneath an arcade, pro- bably portion of a coffer. Lord Hastings, Melton Constable, Norfolk. inches by 3 inches. The Clan Clephane tenure horn The Marquis of Northampton' Length, 2 feet. Pastoral staff-head, in ivory. Fourteenth cen- tury. P. H. Howard, Esq., Corby Castle. Height, about 7^ inches. Pastoral staff-head, in ivory. Thirteenth century. Ashmolean Museum. Oxford. Diameter, 5^ inches. Three Apostles, in ivory. Italian (?). Four- Rohde Hawkins, Esq., Height, 5^ in. by 2^ in. teenth century. Stanhope Street, Hyde Park. The Judgment of Paris, ivory. Thirteenth or fourteenth century. Ditto. Height, 6 in. ; width, in An ivory triptych — Death of the Virgin. Four- teenth century. H. Bowdon, Esq., Chesterfield. 9^ inches by 4£ inches. Oriental ivory powder-horn, carved with ani- Lord Hastings. Length, 11 inches. mals, &c. Back of a mirror- case, in ivory. Fourteenth century. J. Mayer, Esq. Diameter, 5 inches. Ivory spoon, with allegorical figure of January | G. Field, Esq. | Length, about 4 inches. An ivory cane-head. Eighteenth century ... j Length, 6 inches. An ivory carved sword-hilt — Perseus and Andro- J meda. Her Majesty the Queen. 7$ inches by 5f- inches. LIST OP PLATES AND WOODCUTS. PLATE. SUBJECT. OWNER. DIMENSIONS. Folding spoon, carved in box-wood. Early seventeenth century. Rev. S. Titlow, Norwich. Length, about 4£ inches. Carved ivory comb. Seventeenth century W. Tite, Esq., M.P„ Length, about 8f inches, A head of Christ and caput mortuum, ivory. Seventeenth century. Lowndes Square. by 3 inches. C. Bradbury, Esq., Salford, Manchester. Length, 1^ inch. CERAMIC ART. T. Vase, Hispano-Moresco lustred ware, manufac- tured in Spain or the island of Majoi-ca. Fif- teenth century. Soulages collection. Height, 20| inches. U. Vase, ewer, and cruche or water-pot. Red-glazed earthenware of the south of France, — Faience d’ Avignon ; supposed to have been manufac- tured in the Comtat Venaissin. Seventeenth century. Soulages collection. W. Stirling, Esq., of Keir, M.P. Height of vase, 15£ inches ; of ewer, about 14 inches. III. Majolica lustred-ware plate. A gift- piece (Majo- lica Amatoria). Manufacture of Gubbio (1). Circa 1530. S. Addington, Esq., St. Martin’s Lane, London. Diameter, 9£ inches. Majolica-ware vas e,/ubr!que of Urbino or C'astel- Duraute. Circa 1540-50. Supposed to be the work of Orazio Fontana. Mark riiillips, Esq., Snitter- field, Stratford-on-Avon. Height, 8f in. : diam. 4£ in. i IV. Ewer in Persian enamelled faience. Sixteenth centuxy. Flask, or pilgrim’s bottle ; faience of Nevers. Seventeenth century. Messrs. Minton, Stoke-u pon-Tren t. R. Napier, Esq., West Shandon, N.B. Height, 10^ inches. Height, 11| inches. V. Majolica-ware salver ; manufacture of Faenza or Oastel-Durante, bearing the arms and devices ot the Dukes of Urbino of the Della Rovere dynasty. Circa 1500. Soulages collection. Diameter, 17 inches. VI. Majolica-ware plates : — 1. Faenza- ware plate, painted sopra azzurro. In centre, a shield of arms, with border of arabesque ornament in grisaille. Faenza ware. Circa 1525. Lord Hastings, Melton Constable, Norfolk. Diameter, 93 inches. 2. Plate, with interlaced ornamentation on a black ground. Gubbio or Castel-Durante ware. Circa 1520. Diameter, 9^ inches. 3. Plate, with a stag painted in the centre. Early Faenza ware. Circa 1490. Diameter, 13 inches. TIT. Majolica ware ; manufacture of Urbino or Castel- Durante : — Large plateau, painted with a chariot-race, with border of grotesque ornamentation, painted sopra bianco. Circa 1550. D. Davidson, Esq., James St.. Buckingham Gate, London. Diameter, 18 inches. 1 Flask, or pilgrim’s bottle, decorated with gro- tesques sopra bianco. Circa 1540-50. Soulages collection. Height, 14 inches. VIII. Early Majolica wares : — 1. Faenza-ware vase; a gift-cup. Circa 1480. 2. Vase ; early Faenza ware. Circa 1490. 3. Drug-pot ; Faenza or Deruta ware. Circa 1500-10. Soulages collection. Lord Hastings. Height, 24 inches. Height, 91 inches. Height, 9£ inches. LIST OF PLATES AND WOODCUT PLATE. SUBJECT. OWNEU. IX. 1. A candlestick, Henri Deux ware. Sixteenth century. 3. An ewer, with satyr handle ... 2. A salt-cellar ... Sir A. Rothschild, Grosvenor- placc Houses, London. G. Field, Esq. X. A vase in Urbino ware, snake handles, painted with allegorical figures and equestrian portraits of the Emperor Leopold, &c. Dated 1G87. Messrs. Hewett, Fenchurch Street. XI. Talissy ware : — 1. An oval dish. Sixteenth century Soulages collection. xri. 3. An ewer ... 2. A plate, with open-worked border 1. A gr&s de Flandres jug, with pewter lid O. Coope, Esq., Rochetts, near Brentwood. The Hon. A. Willoughby, Caen House, Twickenham. 3. A grfes de Flandres burette, with pewter lid 2 & 4. Flemish stoneware canettes. Sacred sub- jects from the Old Testament, inclosed in grotesque foliage. (Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.) The Earl of Cadogan. XIII. A Vienna porcelain plate. Circa 1/90 11. G. Bohn, Esq., York Street, London. ! xiv. Old Sevres porcelain, pate tendre. Circa 1 / GO : 1. A centre vase, bleu de Hoi ; raised medal- lions round body, finely painted. 2. A vase, with raised spiral flutings, with flowers between on white field. 3. A Rose du Barry cup and cover. Subject, sea-nymph on dolphin. 4. A plateau. Central subject, a gleaner ... Her Majesty the Queen. The Duke of Portland. XV. English porcelain — Chelsea china. Eighteenth century : — 1. Vase, richly painted on gold ground ... 2. Ditto ditto ... 3. A Derbyshire porcelain tripod, surmounted with cupids fighting ; cover pierced as a pastille-burner. Her Majesty the Queen. The Earl of Cadogan. The Rev. E. Trollope, 1 Leasingham, Sleaford. XVI. A Vienna porcelain plate. Central subject, the Dauaides. Circa 1790-1800. S. Addington, Esq. XV IT. A Capo di Monte porcelain allegorical group. Second half of the eighteenth century. Gen. the ITon. E. P. Lygon, Spring Hill, Worcestershire. Woodcuts. A gres de Flandres jug, grey spiral diamond pat- tern, with coloured rosettes, &c. A Franconian apostle mug, enamelled in colours A German enamelled earthenware vase, with coloured figures of woodmen in an open recess, &c. A Majolica cistern or bowl — Urbino ware ; finely painted figures and landscape. An ewer, in form of a dolphin. Mottled Italian earthenware. A blue-and-white Delft pagoda-sliaped bulb- stand. Time of William III. A Biittcher ware cafetier A Dresden porcelain compotier of grotesque imitation Chinese design, delicately coloured. P. H. Howard, Esq., i Corby Castle, Cumberland. C. Bradbury, Esq., Manchestei D. M. Davidson, Esq. Lord Hastings. S. Addington, Esq. Hampton Court. South Kensington Museum The lion. Ashley Ponsonby DIMENSIONS. Height, 12 inches. Height, G inches. Height, 5 inches. Height, 29 inches. Length, 20 in. ; width, 15 in. Height, 11 inches. Diameter 7 £ inches. Height, 12 inches. Height, 8 inches. Height, 14 in. and 9£ in. Diameter, 9^ inches. Height, 18 in. ; diam. 7 in. Height, 15 in. ; diam. 7^ in. Height, 5 inches. Length, about 12 inches. Height, 11 inches. Height, 1G^ in.; diam. 7 in. Height, 8 in. ; breadth, 5 r ) in. Diameter, about 9^ inches. Height, 21 in. ; length, 21 in. ; width, 17 inches. Height, 8f inches. . Height, G| in. ; diam. 5 in. Height, 13 inches. Height, 8 in. ; diam. 18 in. Height, 7^ in.; length, 9 in. Height, about 5 feet. Height, 12 in. ; length, 15 in. LIST OF PLATES AND WOODCUTS. PLATE. SUBJECT. OWNER. DIMENSIONS. A blue-and-white Wedgwood vase A group of Chinese porcelain, consisting of — J. Mayer, Esq., Liverpool. Height, about 14 inches. A white enamelled compotier, with open- worked cover. Her Majesty the Queen. Height, about 8 inches. A vase of hexagonal form, finely-coloured landscapes, dec., on diaper ground. J. P. Fischer, Esq., Pebblecombe, Reigate. Height, 14 inches. A plate, painted with figures, &c. ... The Rev. S. Titlow, Norwich. Diameter, 12 inches. Coloured teapot, double kylin handle and gilt cover. The Earl of Cadogan. VITREOUS ART. I. An enamelled Arabic glass lamp. Fourteenth century. J. W. Wild, Esq., Upper M on tague-stree t. Height, 10i in ; breadth, 6^ in An early Venetian enamelled glass tazza The late G. Nicholson, Esq. Height, Gi in. breadth, 10 in Another, with nude female figure in the centre Soulages collection. Diameter, about 9 inches. 11 . A blue glass plate, enamelled with white ara- besques. R. Napier, Esq., West Shandon Diameter, about 8 inches. An old Venetian (?) glass vase, enamelled with foliage, birds, sun, «fec. in colour. Ditto. Height, 12 in ; breadth, 5 in. A blue glass tumbler, enamelled with peacock - feather pattern, &c. in colour. Felix Slade, Esq., Doctors’ Commons. Height, 4y inches. A blue Venetian glass tazza, enamelled with harpies, amorini, &c. in colour. Sixteenth century. G. Field, Esq., Ashurst Park, Kent. Height, G,j in. ; breadth, 8 in. III. An opal Venetian glass, with convoluted open- worked stem. The Earl of Cadogan. Height, 11^ inches. A Venetian bottle, with coloured latticinio-work 0. Coope, Esq., Rochetts. Height, 7^ inches. A Venetian goblet and cover, puffed outline, and fine latticinio ornament. The Duke of Buccleuch. Height, 15 inches. A Venetian opal glass burette, touched with colour, and bosses gilt. The Earl of Cadogan. Height, 4 inches. A Venetian wineglass, on open convoluted stem The late G. Nicholson, Esq. Height, 10^ inches. IY. A group of V enetian glasses, of various patterns Soulages collection. Average height, 8 inches. V. A blue glass mug, enamelled with white and yellow patterns, medallions, «kc. The Earl of Cadogan. Height, about 6 inches. A blue glass bottle, enamelled in colour, with saints and foliage in vertical compartments. Felix Slade, Esq. Height, 5 inches. A German wiederkom, enamelled with a coat of arms in colour. 1685. R. Napier, Esq. Height, 12£ inches. A German wiederkom, enamelled with the arms of the Holy Roman empire,