K WAmmousE CECIL GEORGE SAVILE, 4.TR EARL OF LIVERPOOL. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL, BY THE RIGHT HON. CECIL G. S., 4th EARL OF LIVERPOOL, F.S.A., Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household, etc., etc., AND COMPTON READE. HEREFORD: Jakeman and Carver, High Town, 1908. To H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES (as Duke of Cornwall), This Volume is Dedicated by Special Permission, with the grateful acknowledgments of the Authors. PREFACE. T HAD hoped and expected that my learned and most sympathetic collaborator would have written the preface to this book. That, alas, was not to be. While the earlier sheets were yet in the press he was called away, to the profound regret of all who enjoyed the happiness of knowing a man of rare amiability and modesty, of sailorlike simplicity, of singular unselfishness and gentleness. I shall ever remember our partnership of nearly four years with feelings of reverence. It was indeed an honour to be associated with one so capable and so enthusiastic in a self-imposed task. As things are, it falls to my lot to render an explanation in a degree personal, for the initiative rested with me. I had already written two genealogical works, viz., on the family of Reade and on that of Smith. There was much to attract me towards the Cornewalls of Burford, because, not only were there five inter- marriages between that family and the Reades, between the reigns of James I. and Charles II., but it happened also, owing to a family difference, that Burford Castle afforded a home to my lineal ancestor and his descendants for two generations, whereby the Burford Registers of that period contain no less than twenty Reade entries. My first act was to consult an ever congenial friend, the late Dr. Marshall, York Herald, who proffered his assistance with a warning that I must allow myself ten years to accomplish the work. As a matter of fact, it has occupied nearly half that period — this with two compilers, so that his forecast was not much at fault. Then my kind neighbour, Sir George Corne- wall of Moccas Court, placed at my disposal the pedigree laboriously drawn up by his father-in-law, the late Judge Bayley, and Miss Isabel Cornwall of Burghope not only lent me t-hat compiled at the expense of the late General Cornwall, Equerry to the Prince Consort, but further also a number of references to the Patent Rolls and her own able monograph on Lord Fanhope. Dr. Marshall supplied me with some MS. notes of his, relating chiefly to the Barons of Burford. The Rev. Albert P. Cornwall of Chichester volunteered his aid in researching THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. V. that mine of information, The Gentleman's Magazine ; and I worked up Mathew Paris and other authorities. I had already written the two biographical essays, whereto I have assigned separate chapters, viz., on Earl Richard, King of the Romans, and on Sir John Cornewall, Lord Fanhope, who married a sister of King Henry IV., when un- expectedly I received an offer from Lord Hawkesbury (as he then was) to forward his researches on the Berrington line of Cornewalls, whereof, as representing Speaker Cornewall, he was the senior representative in the female line. My researches had been confined to the Barons of Burford, my own ancestors ; and following the Heralds and all the pedigrees, I regarded the Berrington line merely as distinguished collaterals, concerning which more presently. I was rejoiced, therefore, at the prospect of my task being lightened, but after a brief correspondence perceived at once that if I closed with Lord Hawkesbury's generous offer, I should virtually be putting my name to his elaborated research. Briefly, I ventured with no small diffidence to suggest that we should work in collaboration, and to my satisfaction this proposal met with his acquiescence, subject to the condition that I would write the text. In consequence he visited me on more than one occasion, besides corresponding almost daily and making pilgrimages to Burford, to Mrs. Baldwyn Childe of Kyre Park, who had already written on the Barons, and lastly to High Legh, where Colonel Cornwall Legh, the senior representative of the Barons in the female line, possesses two ancient pedigrees — one by Vincent, Rouge Croix, temp. Jac. I., the other by Townshend, together with an invaluable pedigree of the Wogans, by his kind permission herewith reproduced. Before enjoying the help of Lord Liverpool I had awakened to the fact of the tall Tree containing a number of exceedingly tough knots. Among these may be mentioned first the problem of a legitimate descent from Earl Richard. This engaged our immediate attention. We were both impressed by the argu- ment of Sir Thomas Cornewall with Vincent, that up to that date, 1623, illegiti- macy had never been urged. On the other hand Mr. Barron of The Ancestor had warned me against this view, and my collaborator, to whose thoroughness I bear testimony, consulted Mr. Horace Round, whose opinion coincided with that of Mr. Barron. There was more to be said on the side of legitimacy than its opponents presupposed, but also very much more against it than I for one anticipated. The case has been stated judicially, and after a prolonged sifting ; VI. PREFACE. while candour compels me to add that the balance of proof tells fatally against the legitimate theory. Our next knot proved eventually soluble — albeit, it came as an unwelcome surprise to the descendants of the senior, or Berrington, line of Cornewalls. The published and M.S. pedigrees asserted that Sir Rowland Cornewall was either father of Sir Richard Cornewall of Berrington, or identical with him, the said Sir Rowland* having been the 4th son of Thomas, the attainted Baron of Burford, temp. Hen. VI. — Edw. IV. This theory presupposed that Sir Thomas Cornewall of Berrington and Thonock died without issue, whence his estates, after eight generations, reverted to the attainted Baron, who settled them on Sir Rowland, his youngest son ! The marvel is that such a legend should have been endorsed by the visiting Heralds, and it was aggravated otherwise by making the attainted Baron knighted at the Battle of Tewkesbury. This last error aroused my suspicion. It appeared evident on the surface that it was Sir Thomas of Berrington, and not the attainted Baron, who fought at Tewkesbury on the Yorkist side ; and in consequence I requested Mr. Sherwood, the Record Agent, to search for the Will and Inquisition p. mortem of the said Sir Thomas Cornewall, alleged to have died s.p. The result settled the question finally. Sir Thomas was shown to be the father of Sir Richard Cornewall of Berrington, and Sir Rowland, whose will cannot be found, vanished into the realm of myth. Thus the Berrington line of Cornewalls, in lieu of being collaterals of the Barons of Burford, became the senior Cornewall line, tracing back direct to Sir Edmund De Cornewall, the elder grandson of Earl Richard. I add in deference to Lord Liverpool — though contrary to my own view — that the first wife of Sir Thomas Cornewall may have been a daughter of Sir Rowland Cornewall, in which case the Berrington, Moccas, and Delbury Cornewalls would descend in the female line from the Baron of Burford. The only Cornewall surviving in the direct male line is the poor little boy, who, but for the extravagance of an uncle, would now be Squire of Delbury. There were many other knots more or less puzzling f, but none of such im- portance as that of the legitimacy of Humphry, son of Sir George Cornewall of Berrington, who lived in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and * A pedigree certified by The Heralds has inscribed over Sir Rowland Sir Richard, thus iden- tifying the former suggestively with a man at least forty years his junior. Confusion worse confounded ! t Including the devolution of Hampton Court from its founder, Sir Roland Lenthal, not settled as yet. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. VII. Elizabeth. This problem had been handled incisively by Sir Harris Nicholas, and in the text of the book we have been content to follow him. Among the many services rendered to this volume by Lord Liverpool I may reckon that of obtaining the permission of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales to accept our dedication as the chief est. The Heir Apparent is also Duke of Cornwall, and the Cornewalls derive the name they bear from the Duchy. If I may be permitted, on behalf of one who " has gone down into silence," as well as for myself, I would express our fullest sense of the honour conferred on this book and its authors. May it serve as the memento of a House that has contributed a long series of worthies to Court and Camp, to Church and to State, for more than five centuries. It remains for me to express our cordial obligations to very many, over and above those already mentioned, who have rendered valuable aid in one way or other. Among their number to Mr. R. E. P. Norman, who shares the Cornwall blood, and has not only relieved me of the labour of compiling an index, but further expended much time in research ; to my former colleague, Rev. W. D. Macray, Fellow of Magdalen ; to G. E. Cokayne, Esq. ; R. B. Croft, Esq., of Fanhams Hall, Ware, for several valuable escheats ; Professor Oman of Oxford ; Professor Tout of Manchester ; W. E. Lenthal, Esq., of Boar's Hill, Oxford ; Rev. W. H. Hutton, Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford ; R. F. Scott, Esq., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Mr. Eliot of Tenbury ; Mr., and Mrs. South, nee Cornewall, for the use of the Delbury deeds ; The Earl of St. Germans, for his pamphlet on Cornwallis ; the Rev. C. Moor, the Historian of Gainsborough, for the loan of MS. notes relating to Thonock ; Rev. E. E. Lea, Vicar of Eastham ; Rev. E. C. L. McLaughlin, Portioner of Burford ; Count Bodenham Lubienski, for permission to make extracts from his illuminated pedigree at Bullingham Manor ; H. F. J. Vaughan of Humphreston, Esq. ; Rev. R. B. Burton, Rector of Bitterley ; The Hon. Mrs. Spencer Lyttelton ; Mr. Cornewall Jones of the War Office ; Rev. E. Gedge, Vicar of Marden ; Mrs. Leather, Castle House, Weobley ; Mr. W. R. Woolrych ; Rev. W. H. K. Ward, Vicar of Asthall, Oxon ; Rev. W. E. Carter, Vicar of Shipton-under-Wychwood ; Rev. H. L. Kewley, Rector of Presteigne ; and among others in a marked degree, to Mr. E. T. Sherwood, our indefatigable Record Agent. Last, not least, to Mr. E. Sledmere, the Publishers' manager, whose assistance has been as generously accorded as it is here gratefully acknowledged. VIII. PREFACE. As regards the illustrations, the most ancient surviving Cornewall portrait painted actually from life is that of Mary, daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall. This, with that of her husband, Sir Compton Reade, the Cavalier Baronet, by Mrs. Beale, the Court painter of the Restoration period, was in the possession of the late Sir John Chandos Reade, Bart., of Shipton Court, Oxon. The portraits of the last Baron of Burford and his wife are from High Legh Hall, the seat of Colonel Cornwall Legh. From Delbury Hall come those of The Speaker, the Bishop, Captain Frederick and Captain James Cornewall, as also the Lords Folliott and Mr. F. Herbert, now in the possession of Mr. H. F. J. Vaughan of Humphreston. The portrait of Sir Velters Cornewall is taken from that in the Civic Buildings of Hereford, and I am indebted to Sir George Cornewall for the portrait of Lady Cornewall by Gainsborough. Lord Liverpool possessed other of the Delbury Hall portraits, but as they could not be identified we decided not to reproduce them. The picture of Lord Fanhope having been painted a century after his decease is, it need not be said, unauthentic — at best only a traditional likeness. It has been reproduced for what it may be worth, i.e., as the only reminiscent presentment of the greatest of the Cornewalls. COMPTON READE. INTRODUCTION. THE DEVOLUTION OF THE EARLDOM OF CORNWALL. T NASMUCH as the Cornewalls, Barons of Burford, with the senior branches of the family seated at Berrington, Delbury, etc., derive from Richard, King of the Romans, a man in every respect the most distinguished among the illus- trious holders of the Earldom of Cornwall, it may not be uninteresting to give a succinct account of the twelve Earls of that fief, from the Conquest to the reign of King Edward III., when, in favour of The Black Prince the title was elevated to a Dukedom, and at the same time constituted the appanage of the eldest son of the reigning Sovereign. It was at the outset an Earldom conterminous with the County of Cornwall, the Earls being territorially " Counts " in the Norman sense of the term, and enjoying within their demesne the privileges, and indeed the rights, of reigning Princes. Add to this the vast mineral resources of Cornwall, and its importance in the middle ages can hardly be over-estimated. Suffice it that during Earl Richard's tenure its value became largely enhanced owing to his organising capacity and business aptitude. Whatever he touched turned to gold. The Earldom itself from the first had been held by investiture, being also terminable at the pleasure of the Crown. Although in some few instances a son succeeded his father as Earl, this was not as of right but by favour, and we remark, that of the twelve Earls nearly all were more or less of royal blood. Soon after his entrance to the Kingdom, i.e., 1068, William the Conqueror bestowed the Earldom on (1) Brian de Bretagne, but in 1075 removed him in favour of his own half-brother, (2) Robert, Count of Mortain in the Avran- chin, Normandy, a title granted by the Conqueror in 1051. This Robert was one of the two sons which Herleve, or Herlotte, mother of the Conqueror, bore to Herluin de Conteville, and throughout retained his Norman, in 2 INTRODUCTION. preference to his English, title, being known only as the Count of Mortain. His own brother, son of Herlotte, was the fighting Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, created by the Conqueror, Earl of Kent, who died s.p., February, 1097. Robert was born in 1031, and married before 1066, Maud, daughter of Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, by Mabel, his first wife, daughter of William, Count of Belesme. At the time of Domesday, he was possessed of 797 Manors in various counties, besides the borough of Pevensey in Sussex, &c. He joined his episcopal brother in rebellion against King William Rufus in 1088, espousing the cause of Robert Curthose, but obtained a pardon and retained the Earldom until 1095, when he is said to have been slain in Northumberland. Robert Count of Mortain was succeeded in the Earldom by (3) his son and heir, styled variously William Fitz Robert and William de Mortain. After the tenure of a decade he followed his cousin Robert de Belesme in rebellion against King Henry I., and being taken prisoner, April 24th, 1106, at Tenche- brai, was attainted, his eyes put out, and his honours forfeited. He died, later than 1140, as a Cluniac Monk in the Monastery of Bermondsey. Apparently the Earldom having thus escheated to the Crown, was held by the King until the decease of William Fitz Robert, or de Mortain, when King Stephen invested (4) *Alan of Bretagne in the Earldom, but withdrew ♦The following is the Bretagne pedigree so far as it relates to the Earldom of Cornwall :— Eudo, Count of Penthievre=AGNF.s, dau of Alan Caignard, Count (d .7 January, 1079, aged 80), younger son of Geoffrey, Count of Brittany, by Hawise, sister of Richard II., Duke of Normandy of Cornouaille in Brittany I Brian de Bretagne, Earl of Cornwall. Alan de Bretagne, Count — surnamed Le Roux — 3rd son, had a grant of the Honour and Castle of Rich- mond, Octr., 1069, d.unm. 1089. Buried at Bury St. Edmunds. Founded St. Mary's Abbey, York, before 1080. Alan, Count of Brittany, called le Noir, next brother. Suc- ceeded to the Honour of Rich- mond, 1089, d. 1093. I Stephen succeeded to the Honour of Richmond, 1093, m. before 1115. d. 1 3 April, "37- Hawise, Countess of Guingamp. Alan, second son of Stephen,— born before 1116. Invested with the Earldom of Corn- wall 1 140, and with the Earldom of Richmond 1144. He m. before 1137. and d. in Brittany Sep. 15, 1146. Buried at the Abbey of Begar. Bertha, heiress of Brittany, dau. of his second cousin, Conan III., called Le Gros (who died H48,aged 59),by Matilda, illegitimate daughter of Henry I. She m. (2) about 1148, as his 1st wife, Eudo II. Vicomte de Porhoet, who in her right was recognized as Duke of Brittany. She died about 1163. Her 2nd hus- band was living in 1185, having married (2) Eleanor, daughter of Guiomar V., Vicomte de Leon. INTRODUCTION. 3 the grant in 1141, bestowing it upon (5) Reginald de Dunstanville — although Alan de Bretagne survived until March, 1146. This Reginald* was third of the fourteen illegitimate children of King Henry I., his mother being Sibell, daugh- ter of Sir Robert Corbet of Alcester, which lady subsequently married Henry Fitz-Herbert, the King's Chamberlain, who was said thereby to have rendered his master a signal favour, f He married Beatrice, daughter and heiress of William Fitz Richard, and dying at Chertsey, December, 1175, was buried in Reading Abbey, being succeeded in his Earldom by (6) Baldwin, styled Consanguineus Regis, and supposed to have been a son of Reginald. He died in 1188, when in the following year, 1189, King Richard bestowed the Earldom on (7) his brother, afterwards King, John, who, from his accession to the throne in 1199, to 1215 retained it. In the latter year he bestowed it upon (8) Reginald Fitz Count — sometimes written Fitz Earl — a natural son of Reginald de Dunstanville, the fifth Earl, by Beatrix de Valle or de Valletort. It was con- firmed to him by Henry III. 7th February, 1216-17, by patent dated at Glou- cester. In 1220 this nobleman resigned the Earldom in consequence of taking the Cross, and died during the Crusade in 1222. After a vacancy of five years King Henry III. on 13th February 1224-5, invested his brother Richard (9) with the Earldom, assigning to him the whole of the County of Cornwall with the whole of Poitou. Of him and his son and successor (10) Earl Edmund, who was invested with his father's Earldom 13th October, 1272, a full account will be given in the succeeding pages. On the decease of Earl Edmund s.p. in 1300, the King was served his heir, and seven years later, viz., 6th August, 1307, King Edward II., immediately upon his acces- sion, invested with the Earldom his favourite (11) Piers de Gaveston. He died without male issue in 1313, when the Earldom was declared to have reverted to the Crown, and so remained until December 1, 1330, when King Edward III. created his younger brother (12) John of Eltham, he being then fourteen years of age, Earl of Cornwall, with remainder to the heirs male of his body. As he died s.p. at Perth, October, 1336, the newly created title became extinct, to be revived as a Dukedom in the year following, when Edward Prince of Wales, commonly called the Black Prince, was so created, i.e., March 17th, 1337, the title to descend to his heirs, viz., the eldest sons of the Kings of England. This, the first Dukedom created in the Peerage * Reginald, sometimes styled Fitz Henry, had a sister Rohese who married Henry de Pomeroy. t He endeavoured to reconcile Henry II. and Thomas a Becket. 4 INTRODUCTION. of England, has followed precisely the terms of the patent to the present day, remaining still as of yore, a territorial honour, the estates of the Duchy being attached irrevocably to the title, and forming a handsome endowment for the Heir Apparent. It is perhaps needless to add, that the powers of the Dukes of Cornwall have been abridged and limited, and that the present Prince of Wales does not rule the County of Cornwall as a petty prince like Richard, Earl of Cornwall and King of the Romans. In the thirteenth century the natives of Cornwall retained their own language, whereof now not a vestige remains. To-day in every detail the Duchy is as English as Yorkshire or Kent, and far more so than the titular Principality of Wales. In 1225 Earl Richard, whose mother tongue must have been Norman-French, could only communicate with his Cornish subjects through an interpreter, and it speaks volumes for his tact and judgment that he should have assimilated so excellently with a tribe differing from him alike in blood and in speech. Of the twelve Earls who reigned in that remote and isolated angle of the island he and his son alone seemed to have brought prosperity in their train, a condition of things without a parallel, until our present gracious Sovereign succeeded as Heir Apparent to the Dukedom, when, in Lord Portman (who was from 1840 a member of the Council for the Duchy of Cornwall, and from 1865 to his death in 1888 Lord Warden of the Stannaries) a firm and liberal hand was found to administer its vast estates. For these great services Lord Portman was advanced to the dignity of a Viscount in 1873. The same sound business principles continue to prevail under the present Heir Apparent in the administration of the Duchy. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. MONG the many picturesque figures which the ages of chivalry present to the eye, few display a more gracious front than the second son of King John, by Isabella, daughter of Aymer Taillefer, Count of Angoulesme. Born in the Palace of Westminster, Jan. 5, 1209, he was left an orphan at the decease of his father in 1216, and, his mother's dower-house being at Newark, his early education was entrusted to Peter de Mauley at Corfe Castle. His elder brother, King Henry the Third, displayed some of the characteristics of a weak and unlovely sire, among others, indecision and lack of backbone ; whereas Richard took after his mother, and very early in life obtained the mastery over the feeble king, who on one occasion confessed, that he had rather perpetrate an injustice than brave the ire of his brother.* At the death of King John, William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, became Regent of the realm and guardian of the royal brothers. He was succeeded, on his decease in 1219, by Hubert de Burgh the Justiciar, who was created for his services in 1226-7 Earl of Kent. Attracted doubtless by the manly disposition of the boy Richard — then heir to the young king — he exerted all his influence in order to provide him an income adequate to his position.f In 5 Hen. III. (1221) Richard had a grant of the Honour of Eye to * Hume makes the prime cause of dissension between the Royal brothers to have originated owing to Waleran de Ties having laid claim to the Earldom of Cornwall, which claim Earl Richard resisting, Waleran carried the matter before the King, who gave judgment against his brother. Mathew Paris, however, makes the ground of quarrel to have consisted in the withdrawal of the Princess Eleanor's dowry. Probably the King had resolved to curb his powerful brother, but very soon found more than his match, for not only did Waleran de Ties gain nothing by the King's verdict in his favour, but the verdict also was set aside. Similarly, when the King's chief partisan against Earl Richard, viz. Earl Siward, appealed against a sentence of banishment, the King had to plead dread of his brother as an excuse for betraying his best friend. t It has been alleged that the young Prince Richard, while yet a child, was betrothed to Rohese De Dover, one of the richest of heiresses. She married another Richard, viz. a natural son of King John. Hence the confusion with Earl Richard. Chapter I. RICHARD, KING OF THE ROMANS. 6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. hold during pleasure, (which shortly after was restored to the Duke of Louvain, the right owner thereof), and in 1225, when only sixteen years of age, was knighted. This was followed by the grant of the wealthy Earldom of Cornwall, which had escheated to the Crown, with all its vast emoluments, while at the same time, 13 Feb., 1225, he was given the whole of Poitou, whereby he was styled Earl of Cornwall and Count of Poitou. The Earldom of Cornwall was subsequently confirmed to him by Charter, 10 Aug., 1231. He was made Lieut, of Guienne in 1226-7 ; Chief Commissioner for negotiating a truce with France, 1230 ; Keeper of the Honour of Wallingford, 1230-31 ; Keeper of the Honour of Knaresborough, 1235 ; and Lord of the Forest of Dartmoor, 1239. On the decease of his mother he inherited the English estates of the Count of Boulogne, including the lands and Castle of Hayles, Gloucestershire. See Close Rolls, under " Thonock," 1225. — "Feb. 13, the King gave to Richard, Earl of Cornwall, the County of Cornwall, with all that pertained to Reginald (i.e., Reginald FitzCount, the natural son of Reginald de Dunstanville, fifth Earl of Cornwall, by Beatrix de Valletort)." Again, 1227, Aug. 21, the King (Hen. III.) gave him all the lands which his mother held in dowry (this apparently in consequence of her re-marriage), including the Manor of Winterslow, Wilts. Further as regards the Manor of Kirton in Lindsey, held by Earl Richard in 1235, its devolution is thus stated : — Eustace, Count of Boulogne— Mary of Scotland. Matilda, Countess (d. ii52)=King Stephen. Mary, Abbess of Romsey. *=Mathew (of Alsace) styled of Flanders, who attempted an invasion of England, and had his lands forfeited in 11 73, when he died. He eloped with his wife, then a Nun at Romsey. She afterwards left him and became its Abbess. Ida, Countess of Boulogne=CouNT Reginald Dammartin. Matilda =Duke of Louvain. Entering into alliance with King John by the Treaty of Chateau Gaillard, he obtained the restoration of his wife's English Manors, including Kir- ton, but subsequently joined Philip of France, and they were again forfeited, when Henry III. bestowed Kirton on his brother, Earl Richard. * For a dramatic rendering of the Princess Mary's career see " Vera Effigies, and other Stories in Verse," by Compton Reade. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 7 Mr. Baring Gould has narrated how at the very outset the young Earl set to work to develope the mineral resources of Cornwall, and a little later those of Devon, his area of operations extending as far as Dartmoor ; and when Lysons catalogues the numerous benefits he bestowed upon what was then literally " The County," of Cornwall, he omits to mention, that among them some at least were very much a matter of self-interest. Thus he constituted Lostwithiel the sole market for tin, erecting for himself a palace there, and enfranchising the borough. He went further, and transferred the Assizes from Launceston to Lostwithiel, until a strong Cornish remonstrance induced him to permit them to be retransferred on payment of a fine. Then, in order to escape the charge of undue partiality for Lostwithiel, he showered benefits on other boroughs. Bodmin was granted the right of " Guild Merchant " for all Cornwall, i.e., the privilege of buying and selling free of toll. Camelford was made a free borough with a market every Friday, and a fair on the festival of St. Swithin. He enfranchised Launceston, assigning a plot of ground for the erection of a Guildhall by the annual render of lib. of pepper ; also Helston, and Liskeard, where he founded a nunnery of poor Clares. According to the stan- dards of that epoch he was regarded as a man of religious temperament, and in truth throughout displayed a singular liberality towards the Church. Thus, for the benefit of the Prior and Convent of Marazion, he permitted the fairs, held by statute at Marges-Bigau, to be held at Marchadyon on their own land. These fairs brought in a considerable revenue, lasting for two days each at Mid- Lent, Michaelmas, and on the Festival of the apparition of St. Michael on the Mount, which event occurred in 495 A.D. Lysons further records his numerous residences, among others Tintagel Castle and Restormel, both of which he enlarged, utilising the former as a refuge for the rebel Prince David of Wales ; and the Valletorts' stronghold of Trematon. If his earldom enriched him, he also enriched his earldom with a more than princely munificence. In an age when valour was esteemed the loftiest among Christian virtues, a Prince of the Blood owed it to himself and his rank to display prowess in the field ; and this the young Earl accomplished fairly to his credit. In company with his uncle, the Earl of Salisbury, he set sail on Palm Sunday, 1225, in order to recover revolted Gascony* for the Crown of England. Here he found himself unexpectedly thrown on his own resources. Robert De ♦In the Index of Petitions preserved at the Record Office there is one from the mariners of the ships arrested for the passage of Earl Richard to Gascony. 8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Dreux and Peter, Count of Brittany, who had both promised aid, failed him, while the Earl of Salisbury returned home. It speaks volumes for his virility and force of character that single-handed, and while yet imberbis juvenis, he should have conducted the campaign to a successful issue. Among the Royal letters in the Record Office, is one dated May 2— probably 1226 — from St. Macar, wherein he informs his brother, King Henry, concerning the surrender of Bazas, stating that all Gascony, except La Reole, had been cleared of his enemies. He remained in command of the English army until May, 1227, when the King, the entire Province having been subjugated, recalled him home. In the following August a Parliament was held at Northampton, and Henry, after publicly announcing his successes, bestowed upon the young and victor- ious Earl the lands of the treacherous Peter of Brittany with the custody of the sequestrated lands of the Count of Dreux. As so often happened in the middle ages, when estates were taken from one man and bestowed upon another, the beneficiaire only retained possession until the sequestrated proprietor had made peace with his overlord, but the ad interim revenue must have been considerable. Three years later King Henry undertook a further expedition to France, being incited thereto by Peter of Brittany, to whose son he had restored the forfeited lands. Accompanied by Earl Richard he landed in France, and wasted time, blood, and money. The expedition indeed would have proved an abject failure, but for the strong measures adopted by Earl Richard in order to secure the allegiance of Anjou, Poitou, and Gascony. This military episode, as it happened, was rendered eventful mainly by the death of Gilbert De Clare, Earl of Gloucester, whose Honour, stretching as far as Northampton- shire, was one of the wealthiest in the Kingdom. On 30 March, 1231, Earl Richard wedded this nobleman's widow, a daughter of William Earl of Pembroke. Isabel De Clare was already united with royalty by the marriage of her brother, the Earl Marshal, to the Princess Eleanor, sister to King Henry and Earl Richard. In all likelihood this beautiful lady, whose golden tresses the chron- iclers upheld to the admiration of future ages, brought Earl Richard a consider- able fortune, but unhappily their union, otherwise so auspicious, produced a rupture between the bridegroom and his royal brother. The latter had refused to pay the Princess Eleanor her dower, and Earl Richard had now a double motive for espousing his sister's cause. Remonstrances remaining unnoticed, he summoned to his side those of the barons who were his allies, and by way THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 9 of reprisal for the unpaid dower harried the lands of Basset and Siward, the King's chief supporters,* who in turn ravaged his lands around Wallingford. In 1234 the young Earl Marshal died and the royal brothers became reconciled. Siward was temporarily banished, and by way of solatium, Earl Richard was constituted custodian of Bramber Castle, besides being granted the Honour of Knaresborough. Further he obtained license to amerce his tenants in Bucks, Beds, and Rutland, so as to recoup himself for the cost of an imbroglio, wherein he had been practically victorious. King Henry had married, on 14th January, 1236, Eleanor, 2nd daughter of Raymond, Count of Provence, by Beatrice, daughter of Thomas, Count of Maurienne, a woman of remarkable beauty. Eleanor's sister had also married the King of France, and now the monarchs of Western Europe were united in blood by the marriage of Frederick the Second, Emperor of Germany, to Isabel, sister to King Henry. Notwithstanding, at that, as at the present, date, matrimonial alliances afforded no guarantee of peace, and the first act of the Emperor after his wedding was to invite Earl Richard to join him in invading France, f all of which jars with the ordinary canons of good feeling, not to say of common morality. Fortunately the Emperor's sinister proposal met with a diplomatic refusal, on the ground that his brother the king not as yet having issue, Earl Richard was heir to the English throne. Apparently, it was King Henry himself who interfered for reasons of state, inasmuch as it directed the eye of Earl Richard towards Germany. It may be conjectured that the King's embargo could not have gratified his brother. Anyhow a fresh cause of difference cropped up, and one of more serious import. Queen Eleanor brought in her train from France a crowd of hungry foreigners, and already had induced her feeble husband to provide places of emolument in church and state for these adventurers. Conspicuous among this needy skein stood a man of character and resolve in Simon De Montfort. In order to secure a footing in the country with the leverage of a solid income he obtained the King's consent to his union with Eleanor, the royal widow of the Earl Marshal. The Queen indisputably had been the abettor of De Montfort, and as the nation was growing indignant because of the favours showered on foreigners, * Hubert de Burgh, Justiciar of England, took the King's side at the time of the breach between the brothers. f Another account affirms that the invitation of the Emperor related to his wars in Italy, and not to France, but we have followed Mathew Paris. IO THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. when Earl Richard took up arms he might easily have become a popular leader. He was joined by Gilbert, the young Earl Marshal, and the Papal Legate in vain strove to pacify him. Eventually a compromise was effected, as Mathew Paris hints, per the leverage of Earl Richards' purse — Crede mihi, res est ingeniosa dare. Simon de Montfort humbled himself to the Earl, and under- took to obtain the Pope's sanction for his marriage, as indeed was necessary, inasmuch as on her husband's death the Princess Eleanor had taken a vow of perpetual celibacy. Nevertheless, the Earl shared the general discontent caused by the action of the King in pushing foreigners over the heads of the Norman-English, and even more by the subsidies granted so profusely to his brothers-in-law, the Emperor and the King of France. According to Mathew Paris, he is alleged to have said : " England has become a vineyard without a wall, wherein all who pass along the road pluck the grapes "* Inasmuch as his opinions were openly expressed, the Emperor sought by every means in his power to conciliate him. We find him inviting his sympathy when the Pope placed him under anathema. To both royal brothers he sent presents in 1236, and at the conference of Vaucouleurs Earl Richard was asked to re- present England. The Emperor went even further when, in lieu of addressing King Henry, he indited a letter to Earl Richard, informing him of his victory over the Milanese, and announcing the birth of an heir to the imperial throne. Lastly, it was the Emperor who, when in 1236 the young Earl was despatched on a special Embassy to Germany, directly incited him to join the projected Crusade. In that year Edward the First was born, and we read of Earl Richard having been one of those who " lifted " the Royal infant from the font — an indirect evidence of baptism by immersion. There being now an heir to the Throne of England, Earl Richard's hands were freed. He was more than dissatisfied with the condition of affairs at home, and when on 19th January, 1239-40, his beautiful Isabel de Clare died in childbed of jaun- dice — the chroniclers narrate sorrowfully how her golden tresses had to be sacrificed — he decided definitely to take the cross. He was strongly imbued with the religio-chivalric spirit of the age. His vast wealth enabled him to enter on a crusade under highly advantageous conditions. He had already proved himself to be a strange blend of soldier and financier, while a cool judgment, and much force of character augured not unfavourably for the success of a rather hairbrained enterprise. Moreover, the dark shadow of * Mathew Paris states that in 1237 Earl Richard reproached the King sharply for his extor- tion and subservience to the Papal Legate. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. II bereavement had rendered life less worth living ; hence, as soon as he had consigned the mortal remains of Isabel de Clare to their last resting-place in the Abbey of Beaulieu* he was ready to accept the cross as his portion. With the design of setting an example of devotion he went so far as to order his woods to be cut down in order to raise an adequate sum — probably a mere brutum fulmen, inasmuch as he was rich enough to join the King in entertaining the Emperor of Constantinople, who visited England in the hope of obtaining largesse ; nor indeed was disappointed, King Henry giving him 500 marks, and Earl Richard, according to Mathew Paris, a large sum — indeed at every turn we perceive ample evidence of the young Earl's colossal wealth. A Crusade had thus been contemplated in 1236, but it was not until three years later that the project was realized. In 1239, on the morrow of St. Martin, the Crusading Lords met at Northampton to swear fidelity to the Cross, and the first to take an oath which bound him to lead the expedition was Earl Richard. Not until the year following did he leave for the Holy Land, for we find him pressing successfully the claim of Baldwin de Redvers (or Rivers), 7th Earl of Devon, his stepson (who had married Amicia, daughter of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by Isabel, daughter of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, his late wife), to be Lord of the Isle of Wight. About Eastertide 1240 a Parliament assembled at Reading. Thereunto came Earl Richard to take a solemn farewell of his peers and to commend himself to the prayers of the Church. The Bishops with one accord implored him not to leave the country, where his presence was sorely needed. Accord- ing to Mathew Paris he replied to the Archbishop, " My Father and Lord, of a truth, even if I had not assumed the Cross I would still absent myself, so that I might not behold the desolation of the Kingdom, which it is believed I am able to prevent, though I cannot really do so." Not content with the prayers of the Episcopate, Earl Richard hied him to the great Abbey of St. Albans to beg the intercession of its Religious. Then, having secured the favour of the Church upon what had been considered, even by men of such Puritan temper as St. Bernard, in the light of a Christian Mission, he set sail with his brother nobles from Dover, being accorded a valedictory benediction by his former enemy, the Papal Legate, who possibly may not have felt chagrined at the * Her heart, enclosed in silver, was placed by her special request in Tewkesbury, whereof her brother was Abbot. 12 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. departure of a strong man who had proved the only capable corrective of a system of criminal wastefulness. Earl Richard took with him as adviser Theodoric,* Prior of the Hospitallers, who is stated by Mathew Paris to have already fought for the Cross in Palestine. On landing in France the Earl was received with open arms by the French King, who loaded him and his comrades with presents, and accompanied the party as far as the Rhone. Here, however, an unpleasant incident occurred. The citizens of Vienne were much attracted by the boats the Earl had provided for his transit by water and wished to purchase them. On the Earl point-blank refusing their request, stating proudly that he was no huckster, they seized them by force, and the band of Crusaders, humiliated at the outset of their expedition, were fain to pursue their journey to Aries on land. In the meanwhile the citizens of Vienne began to repent of their brutality, the Count of Toulouse loudly expressing his indignation at such lack of hospitality. In fear of reprisals they despatched the boats in all haste to him at Beaucaire. His response was to burn them ! This action displays more than any circumstance in his career the temper of the man. Earl Richard was before all things magnanimous, the counterpart in many particulars of his illustrious uncle, the Lionheart. Nor did he con- descend to vindictiveness. When in the face of this situation the Count of Provence hurried to Tarascon in the hope of inducing him to join forces and chastise the Count of Toulouse, he met with a cold rebuff. The Count and his people were equally beneath the notice of a Soldier of the Cross. Instead of turning aside on a petty feud, the Earl hastened to St. Giles there to implore the favour of the Saint against marine risks. At this point he found himself confronted by a Papal Legate with a prohibition from the Pope against his setting sail. He replied that his preparations had been made, that he had wished farewell to England, and had despatched in ad- vance both money and arms. He was next advised not to embark from Marseilles. This interference he rejected, and in defiance of the Church set sail accordingly. Earl Richard had been preceded to the Holy Land by Theobald of Navarre, who apparently underrated the enemy, and came ill-equipped. The result was a crushing defeat of the French at Gaza. When therefore the English * We follow Mathew Paris. This Theodoric may have been Thierri de Nussa. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 13 Earl landed at St. Jean D'Acre he was welcomed rapturously — albeit, as soon as the Knights Templars discovered that he had identified himself with their rivals, the Hospitallers, they turned cool. He had, however, learnt the power of money, and as soon as all comers willing to serve were offered liberal pay, the Templars rallied round him. Moreover, with the design of influencing the Saracens, he boldly gave out that he was a son of Cceur de Lion — a diplomatic falsehood not redounding to his credit, but carry- ing weight with an enemy who had in remembrance the prowess of the great English King. The deception moreover proved to have been unnecessary, for the Saracens had already anticipated his arrival by casting lots in order to discern the immediate future, and the die went against them, the necromancer whom they consulted stating that Earl Richard was grandson, not son, of the Royal Crusader who struck terror into the Saracen host. This augur further told them that, while equal in valour to Cceur de Lion, his prudence was greater, and that his force was daily augmenting. In the same breath he warned them not to despair, because the Christians would be entangled in their sins and so lose the favour of their Master. How far the result was attributable to Earl Richard's prestige, how far to the omnipotent leverage of his purse, can only be surmised. Enough that it proved to be a Crusade without a battle. The Sultan of Damascus sent messengers to meet the Earl on his arrival at St. Jean D'Acre, where also were assembled the Bishops and such Knights as survived of the King of Navarre's beaten army. Their astonishment must have been over- whelming when they learnt that the Sultan avowed himself ready to restore to the Christians all the country from Jordan. He, however, was not, as it will appear, plenipotentiary, nevertheless, his missive showed the Saracen temper. The enemy indeed proved less formidable than false friends. The King of Arragon, the Count of Brittany, and the French nobles generally dis- played jealousy and contempt for the fame of Earl Richard. They accused him of effeminacy, ridiculed his English birth and lack of experience, but none the less accepted without scruple the English gold he tendered them on leaving. It is not impossible that he was glad to see their backs ; neverthe- less, in a letter addressed to the Earl of Devon, the Abbot of Beaulieu, and other friends at home he complained bitterly of the perfidy he had experienced. The King of Navarre and Count of Brittany had patched up a ten years' truce with the Sultan Nadir, and then abruptly retired. This truce was vitiated by 14 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. their departure and Earl Richard states that he went to Joppa and made a fresh treaty with the Sultan of Babylon, under the provisions whereof Jerusalem was surrendered to the Christians, as well as Beyrout, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Bethlehem, and all the villages lately belonging to the Knights Hospitallers. It is pleasant for the descendants of Earl Richard to reflect that — albeit but for a few short years — the Holy City was recovered for The Cross by their ancestor, who indeed exerted himself to the utmost in order to render the Christian tenure permanent, his followers being permitted to erect fortifications, while as a preliminary, the great Treaty having been formally ratified at Candlemas, he set to work to fortify Ascalon strongly. The Saracens moreover released their French prisoners,* and Earl Richard caused the bodies of the Frenchmen slain at Gaza to be rescued from the vultures and accorded Christian burial within the walls of Ascalon. Veni, vidi, vici, might have been his motto, though his victory was peaceful. Between Michael- mas and May he had accomplished either by prestige, largesse, or by both, more than any Soldier of the Cross, save only one. He left as Governor of Pales- tine Ralph, Marshal to the German Emperor, and setting sail landed in Sicily, where at the moment the Emperor was residing, and at his request journeyed to Rome in order to obtain reconciliation for that Monarch with the Holy See. In this mission he failed, but his reception in Italy resembled that of a triumphant conqueror, and he came attended by many of the French nobles and knights whose release he had effected. He landed at Dover Jan. 7th, 1242, and London was decorated to welcome him. In the meanwhile the King of France had seized his fief of Poitou. King Henry indignant, and relying on the aid of the Comte de la Marche — who had married, as her second husband, Isabella his mother, who none the less intri- gued against her own sons — headed an expedition to Bordeaux in the hope of recovering the lost territory. The Earl accompanied his Royal brother, but the affair ended in disaster, indeed he would have been taken prisoner but that, in consideration of his services to the French prisoners, he was granted a truce which enabled him to reach Bordeaux. Here King Henry was vainly striving to win over the Poitevins by bribes, while quarrelling with his own English followers. In sheer disgust Earl Richard quitted Bordeaux, and during the voyage home narrowly escaped shipwreck. While thus in the extremest peril of waters he registered a vow to found a monastery, whereof * The total consisted of 33 Nobles with 500 Knights and Pilgrims. — Mathew Paris. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 15 more anon. The King soon followed him to England, in his train Beatrice, Countess of Provence, who brought her third daughter, Sanchia, as a bride for Earl Richard. The marriage at Westminster on 23rd November, 1243, was signalised by a prodigious banquet, no less than 30,000 dishes being provided for the guests. At Christmas festivities were held in Wallingford Castle, the King being present. Directly after this his second marriage, Earl Richard set to work in good earnest to fulfil his vow of founding a monastery. The spot selected was Hayles, lying under the Cotswolds, a manor which had formed part of his mother's dowry. Here he lavished resources, creating a Cistercian foundation worthy his princely reputation, and an edifice of great beauty. So enthusiastic was he over this work that he is reported to have regretted his folly in having expended on Wallingford Castle treasure which might have been better devoted to religion. The Church of the Monastery was precisely the same length as that of Glou- cester — now the Cathedral — viz. : 320 feet, if we exclude the Lady Chapel of the latter, the style being partly Early English, partly transitional. It was consecrated* but by no means completed, in 1251, in the presence of King Henry and Queen Eleanor, Earl Richard and his consort Sanchia, twelve prelates.f and a host of nobles and knights. The ruins afford the archaeologist sufficient evidence of the lines of this superb and most costly structure, destined to attract pilgrims from all quarters, inasmuch as in 1267 Earl Richard's heir, Earl Edmund, presented to the Abbot a portion of the Holy Blood with a fragment of the true Cross, relics certified by Pope Urban 4th when Patriarch of Jerusalem. \ The Shrine erected * The Chronicle of Hayles — British Museum — fixes the date of consecration at 1246. t The Bishops present were Ely, Lincoln, Worcester, London, Norwich, Salisbury, Exeter, Chichester, Bath and Wells, St. David's, Rochester, and St. Asaph. % THE HOLY BLOOD OF HAYLES. From Dr. Gasquet's "Hen. VIII. and the Monasteries," II, 536. The following portion of a letter from the Abbot of Hayles to Cromwell (E. of Essex) upon the subject of the celebrated relic preserved in his Abbey is of considerable interest : — " It is not unknown unto your honour how that there is in the Monastery of Hayles a ' blood,' which has been reputed as a miracle a great season. And now I come to tell your Lordship plainly that I have a conscience putting me in dread lest idolatry be committed therein, giving the very honour of the blood of Christ to that thing, which I cannot tell what it is. For to put it away of my own private authority I feared to do, lest I should condemn myself to be guilty in misusing of it, as changing and renewing it with drake's blood, wherein I offer myself to surfer the most shameful death, if ever it may be proved that it was either changed or renewed, or even looked upon to try what it is, to my knowledge ; but it is there still, as far as ever I can learn or know, as it was brought thither." [After this protestation the Abbot — apparently to adapt himself to Cromwell's mood — begs him to " send hither his commission, sc. of enquiry."] In reply to the above communication the King's commission to examine the relic was, Oct. 4, 1538, directed to Bishop Latimer, the Prior of Worcester, and the Abbot. On the 28th 1 6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. to cover these objects of adoration is said have been an ark-like structure with a vaulted roof and adorned with canopied figures. It was a coincidence that within four years of this donation the Church was all but destroyed by fire, and not until 1277 was it finally consecrated by Godfrey, Bishop of Worcester. In consequence of this relic of the Holy Blood having brought great riches to the Abbey, the foundation excited the extreme wrath of the reformers, and a vessel of stone was recently discovered, which had been used for melting down the lead of the roof. Hence, while fragments of the beautiful tomb of Earl Edmund have been discovered, not the slightest trace exists of the last resting-place of the Founder. Tiles alone among the ruins perpetuate his memory — albeit, what remains of a foundation, once the glory of Gloucestershire, reveals his more than princely munificence. Unlike Tintern or Netley, the ruins themselves convey the notion of pure wreckage rather than the grace of decay, but to one standing they went, together with Richard Tracy, to the Abbey and viewed " a certain supposed relic called ' The Blood of Hayles,' which was enclosed within a round beryl, garnished and bound on every side with silver, which we caused to be opened in the presence of a great multitude. And the sup- posed relic we caused to be taken out of the said beryl, and have viewed the same being within a little glass. We judged the substance and matter of the said relic supposed to be an unctuous gum coloured, which being in the glass appeared to be glistering red, resembling partly the colour of blood. And after we did take out part of the said substance and matter out of the glass, then it was apparent glistering yellow colour, like amber or base gold, and doth cleave to as gum or birdlime." Baker follows this account verbatim. Speed says "Time proved it a mere counterfeit "; but, speaking of the relic of Christ's blood at Ashridge College, Bucks (really the larger of two portions of one great relic) he gives the same account as Hollinshed (i.e., clarified and coloured with saffron). Later historians take a different line which does not agree with the real facts. In sub- stance the story, variously embellished is this : — "The Holy Blood was really the blood of a duck renewed every week. It was kept in a crystal very thick on one side, and thin and transparent on the other. If it was a wealthy person who had to confess, the thick side was turned to him, and when he had paid for a sufficient number of Masses, ' One in a secret place behind the altar, near which the relic was placed, turned the thin side, and then the blood appeared.' " This account is given by Lord Herbert and Burnet on the authority of William Thomas's II Pellegrino Inglese. What Thomas says is interesting. The relic was brought, he tells his readers, " many years agohe out of the Holy Land of Jerusalem," and adds " see here the devilish craft of these soul-quellers, for these Monks every Saturday killed a duck, etc." Hollinshed (p. 275) gives an accurate account of the first coming of the relic. The Annalist of the House of Hayles, who was contemporary of the event which he chronicles, writes under the year 1267, in regard to his founders and patrons (Pertz. Scriptt xvi. p. 483), that it was they who enriched the Abbey with the relic. Richard of Cornwall, the founder, was King of the Romans, and he and his son Edmund were in a position to obtain in Germany for such an object even a relic held in the highest veneration. We may be quite sure that for the great relics of their houses of Hayles and Ashridge they would do the best that in them lay. I have been unable to identify the locality from which Edmund obtained the relic. It is called by the Monk of Hayles Doilaunde (so the M.S ; Pertz prints Dilaunde) but in all probability he never saw the name written but took it down from the lips of others. Still we may conjecture that the relic of The Holy Blood obtained by the Earl of Cornwall was one of the numerous relics, the spoils of the Imperial Chapels and great Sanctuaries of Constantinople, brought into Germany after the sack of that city by the Latins in 1204. It may be mentioned that Conrad von Krosigk, Bishop of Halbertstadt, one of the chiefs of the Latin host, brought back, as apparently the chief of the relics, Sanguis Domini Nosiri Jhesu Chrisii, till then preserved in the Church of St. Sophia, and that this relic was not among those which on his resignation of the See in 1208 he bestowed on his Cathedral. Knowing thus how the relic was obtained by the Monastery, and that, whatever may be thought of the blood, the relic and reliquary were known to the Monks of Hayles as a venerated trust and memorial of their founders, there can be no doubt among reasonable men that the object which was opened and examined by Latimer was the same which had been placed in the Monastery by Edmund of Cornwall and his father, and that it was no " craft of devilish soul-quellers." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 1/ beneath riven arches on broken and bestrewed ground, it might' well be whispered concerning forgotten Earl Richard, Monumentum si quceris circum- sfiice. There he sleeps by the side of those nearest and dearest to him, we know not where, but memories of the glories that were protest silently against the cruel vandalism that could deprive the realm of England of one among her noblest edifices, and in the sacred name of religion desecrate the tombs of royal personages, who followed the inner light at least as faithfully as those who broke down all their carved work with axes and hammers. It should be noted that prior to the commencement of Hayles Earl Richard had displayed his zeal for the Church by completing the Cistercian Abbey at Beaulieu, where lay the mortal remains of Isabel de Clare. From that Founda- tion he selected the first Abbot of Hayles, who took with him twenty brethren of Beaulieu, and dedicated the daughter Foundation to the Blessed Virgin. On the day of consecration the Earl handed to this band of ecclesiastics iooo marks, with an earnest wish that all his expenses on Wallingford Castle had been as wisely bestowed. In the meanwhile, i.e., 1239, tne King, doubtless impressed by his brother's splendid munificence, added yet more to the grants he had already given, in the valuable forest of Dartmoor, with the Manors of Bensington, Lechlade, and Oakham. As for the Earl, he verified the proverb " There is that scattereth yet increaseth." He bestowed £1000 on the military orders in Palestine, and when he paid a visit in 1250 to Pope Innocent 4th* at Lyons, the magnificence of his train and equipage excited both the admiration and the envy of the French. He let them see that he could afford the loss of Poitou, a poverty-stricken fief which he had never valued. This was true. His wealth accumulated rapidly owing to a bargain struck with the King, whereby for a sum down he was granted the privilege of amercing the Jews. The evidence of his having utilised this leverage harshly is untrustworthy and altogether foreign to his character, indeed Mathew Paris accuses him of sheltering the Jews, especially those who were falsely accused of crucifying an infant at Lincoln. On the other hand the sorely oppressed Children of Israel were always more than ready to display gratitude for protection in a practical form, so that the good Earl's clemency must have proved in the long run profitable. They had fared worse under the thumbscrew of impecunious King Henry. * It was probably in consequence of the impression thereby created that in 1254 he was offered the Throne of Sicily by this Pope — a worse than barren honour which he wisely declined ; but the King accepted it for his son Edmund (Crouchback), then only nine years of age. i8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. The time approached when that uxorious King and his Barons came into collision. The occasion, as described by Mathew Paris, reads like a repeti- tion of the scene at Runnymede, and Earl Richard, as a possible heir to the Throne, had to profess allegiance to the great Charter. We next, i.e., 1253-4, find him acting as Regent of the realm during the absence of King Henry in Gascony. These were but preludes to a grander episode in his career, one that invested him with a picturesque, if somewhat shadowy sovereignty. In 1250 the Emperor died and was succeeded as King of the Romans by William Count of Holland, who indeed had been crowned at Aix by Conrad, the powerful Archbishop of Cologne, two years before the Emperor's death. His reign proved by no means tranquil, and at length he was killed in an attempt to subdue the Frieslanders. At this juncture the wily Archbishop, aided by the Archbishop of Mayence, resolved to sound Earl Richard. An emissary accordingly having been despatched to England met with a gracious reception from the Earl, who however with becoming caution sent the Earl of Gloucester on a diplomatic mission to Germany in order to learn whether the electors could be manipulated. He was quite astute enough to realise that his success depended on largesse rather than on personal preference. The French failed in an attempt to capture Earl Richard's envoy, and their hostility evaporated in the mordent sarcasm : Nummus ait pro me : nubit Cornubia Romce. In the end the Archbishop of Cologne accepted 12,000 marks for his vote ; the Archbishop of Mayence, 8,000 ; the King of Bavaria, 12,000 ; and similar sums went to the other electors. That was in Dec, 1256. Thus Nummus ait, but the Archbishop of Treves with a few other electors chose Alfonso of Castille, who in consequence styled himself King of the Romans, but was never more than a roi faineant — indeed later on, when the King of Spain threatened force and appealed to the Pope, he received the sarcastic reply, that as soon as Alphonso had been crowned at Aix, like Earl Richard, His Holiness would be in a position to decide their rival claims. As King Richard — to give him his title — was at the moment in Rome, and invariably acted on the principle res est ingeniosa dare, we may surmise that the Vatican may have benefited. The Pope had previously met with a rebuff, when he tried to borrow from Earl Richard, who however, while unwilling to lend without a chance of repayment, may not have been indisposed to give. To give indeed seemed his fate ; e.g. when THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. ig the Archbishop of Cologne with other prelates and the Regent of Holland came to do homage, they were loaded with presents, Conrad being awarded a mitre stated by Mathew Paris to have been of pure gold. After he had landed at Dort his progress was signalled by lavish largesse. He was crowned at Aix, with his Queen Sanchia, on Ascension Day, 27 May, 1257. Concerning his rule in Germany, he may be said to have purchased a temporary popularity. His chief minister was Archbishop Conrad, his military adviser a veteran warrior, John d'Avesnes. The King of Spain in the meanwhile striving to detach his supporters, in order to secure the Archbishop of Mayence he had to pay 10,000 silver marks, when that prelate had been taken prisoner by the King of Saxony, after having invaded Gottingen. That he was a wise ruler appears chiefly from his attempt to put down brigandage, while endeavouring to introduce into the German cities, which were hopelessly in debt, a sounder system of finance. His loans, however, indirectly proved a source of peril to himself, inasmuch as if he could be got rid of, they might be repudiated. More- over Conrad's gorge could not be satisfied, and when he demurred to subsidising that most avaricious of prelates, he found in him a double-faced friend. His crown in two short years had become already insecure, when in 1259 events in England summoned him home. Shortly after his return his Queen Consort died at Berkhamstead, 9 Nov., 1261, and was buried at Hayles. Thus once more he found himself a widower. King Henry had now become almost the serf of his Barons, who objected to the King of the Romans coming to his brother's assistance. He contrived to reassure them, and though watching the trend of events, occupied himself chiefly in raising money to support his German Crown and preserve the counten- ance of the Pope. His ambition was to become Emperor, but in spite of the grace of his gold, French intrigues and the pride of the German Princes, who looked down on England, thwarted him. True, he performed a single sovereign act by investing the King of Bohemia in the Duchies of Austria and Styria, but mere money could not outweigh a sentiment of patriotism, and he returned utterly impoverished to England to find a crisis between the King and his lieges imminent. At once he set to work by his usual diplo- matic methods to avert civil war, but the arrogance of his nephew, afterwards Edward the 1st, precipitated it. The citizens of London wrecked his Palace at Westminster and plundered his Manor of Isleworth. Early in 1264 we find 20 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. him fighting at Northampton, where Simon de Montfort's son was taken prisoner, and a month later commanding a wing of the Royal army at the fatal field of Lewes. Defeated, he sought shelter in a mill,* and from that hiding-place found himself ignominiously dragged forth to lie in the Tower f for a year and a half. De Montfort captured his Castle of Wallingford, imprisoning his son by Isabel de Clare, Henry of Almaine, as he was styled, and his nephew, the future King Edward, in Dover Castle. Thanks to the prowess of that valiant young Prince the victory at Evesham and death of de Montfort released him from captivity in August, 1265. At once he displayed a chivalrous spirit — destined to be requited with the basest ingratitude — by befriending J the young de Montfort, and as an act of thanks- giving for the fortunate turn of events founded a Nunnery at Burnham. Peace however was not yet restored, the Earl of Gloucester heading the mal- content Barons and Burgesses, and with the consent of the latter assuming possession of London. This Earl however proved easier to manipulate than * According to Levien — " Barony of Burford " — an offer of £30,000 was made to Earl Richard, if he would reconcile the King and the Barons, but that he demanded a higher price. Now Professor Thorold Rogers put the multiplier of the valor Ecclesiasticus — Hen. viii. — at 20. Dating back to Hen. III., it could scarcely have been less than 30. The offer therefore, from whichever side it came, approximated a million sterling, and, inasmuch as peace was the highest of his own interests, it seems incredible that he should have haggled over so beneficial a bargain. Be that as it may, the winning party produced from the pen of some North-country scribe a scur- rilous ballad reviling Earl Richard in the coarsest terms. We subjoin three of the stanzas of this, said to be the earliest piece of satiric verse in the language : — Sitteth all stille and herkneth to me, The kyn of Alemaigne, by mi leaute, Tritti thousent pound askede he Forte make the pees in the countre And so he dude more. Richard, thah thou be euer trichard, Trichen shal thou neuermore. Richard of Alemaigne, whil that he wes kyng, He spende al his tresour opon swyuyng. Haveth he nout of Walingford oferlyng (i.e., He has not one furlong left of the honour of Wallingford) Let him habbe, as he brew, bale to dryng Maugre Wyndesore. Richard, thah thou, etc. The kyng of Alemaigne wende do ful wel He saisede the mulne (mill) for a castel With hare sharpe swerdes he grounde the stel, He wende that the sayles were mangonel To help Wyndesore. Richard thah thou, etc. We remark also that Robert of Gloucester, in his poem, tells the same story, " The King of Alemaine was in a windmulle inome," etc. t Another account makes Kenilworth the place of his imprisonment, but was that Castle built in 1264 ? t He also interceded on behalf of Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, who had fought against the King. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 21 Simon de Montfort, and once more Earl Richard could cry, Nummus ait pro me! The Earl of Gloucester surrendered, promising to join the 7th Crusade, and the King of the Romans, virtually master of the situation at home, felt strong enough to levy a tax on his numerous tenants, the upshot being that he returned to Germany with a full purse, and to secure the powerful interest of the Archbishop of Cologne, married 16th June, 1269, as his third wife, Beatrice, daughter of Thierry de Fauquemont* (Valkenberg, near Maastricht), by Jane his wife, daughter of Arnoul Count of Looz, and niece of Conrad's suc- cessor, Engilbert de Fauquemont, Archbishop of Cologne. The result amounted to utter disappointment, and in sheer disgust he turned his back for ever on Germany and the Germans, a poorer and a wiser man. From 1268 to 1272 he occupied himself in acts of benevolence. The young Prince Edward with his own sons Henry and Edmund having assumed the Cross, he became guardian of the sons of the former during his absence in the Holy Land. Unhappily, as his own heir, Henry of Almaine, was on his way home and engaged in devotions at Viterbo, he was assasinated by Guy de Montfort in revenge for the death of his sire at Evesham. The young man's ,, heart was consigned to the tomb of Edward the Confessor, his body being buried at Hayles. Edmund, however, reached home safely to become his father's heir and Earl of Cornwall. On April 2, 1272, f the King of the Romans, " Semper Augustus," as he is styled on his seal, passed away. He was stricken by paralysis at Berkhampstead, where two of his three wives had breathed their last. They carried his body to Hayles for interment, but his heart was consigned in 1280 to the Monastery of the Grey Friars Minor in Oxford. In Capgrave's Chronicle we find the following brief description of the actual cause of the King of the Romans' departure, almost in his prime. " And in this year Richard Emperoure (?) of Almayn died in this Maner. He was let blede for the agu, which he had ; and that blod lost smet him in paralise, and after that he dyed and lith at Hailes." According to Ingram (Memorials of Oxford) the King of the Romans by will bequeathed enough to found a Monastery for three secular priests to pray for his soul. Earl Edmund exceeding his father's instructions, created a large Cistercian Abbey under the shadow of the greater Abbey of Oseney. The sole relic of that foundation is a gateway, * Commonly, but erroneously, styled Von Falkenstein. t According to Dugdale's Baronage he died on the 4th of the nones of April, 1272, which would be the 8th of April. 22 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. the major portion of the site of Rewley Abbey being absorbed by the L. & N.W. Station. Beatrice de Fauquemont could not have proved acceptable to her step- children, for she was compelled to sue Earl Edmund for a portion of her dower. She died s.p. on the Vigil of St. Luke, 1277, and was buried at the Friars' Minor in Oxford.* Earl Richard, prior to his kingly dignity, elected to bear the arms of Poitou, viz. : Arg : a lion rampant gu, crowned or, within a bordure of the ancient Earls of Cornwall, viz. : sa. besantee.f He thus included the ensigns of either Earldom in a single escutcheon. J The wreckage of the Re- formation and civil war destroyed monuments of all kinds and stained glass windows. There remain for identification encaustic tiles which religious vandalism overlooked. Thus we have a tile at Tintern in red and yellow giving the arms borne originally by Earl Richard, and at Worcester Cathedral in chocolate and yellow the same, except that the lion rampant is not crowned. Doubtless others of the same type, if not of the same pattern, could be found in village Churches were a diligent search made. Tiles with the Imperial arms are rarer. Such exist in Exeter Cathedral, among the ruins at Hayles, and at Great Malvern Abbey, while at Warblington, Hants,the coat of the Earl of Cornwall is impaled with the Eagle displayed of the Roman Empire, and in Dorchester Church, Oxon, the original coat of Richard as Earl may be seen in a stained glass window, and also at Harwell, Berks, but whether these refer to Richard Earl of Cornwall, or to his son Edmund, also Earl, can only be surmised. The latter showed himself as munificent to the Church as his father, and withal being childless had ample resources. We have before us an imperfect catalogue of the possessions of Earl Richard. It is not easy to fill up the blanks, which obviously exceed the total of those * Another account makes her burial-place to have been S. Ebbe's Church in Oxford. t This coat is in the Chapter-House and Nave of York Cathedral, and also given as "Argent ung lion de goulz cronne or, ung horde de sable besant d'or," in a roll of arms of the reigne or tyme of King Hen. III. stated to have been in the hands of Mr. Harvy of Liecestershire, A. D. 1586. — Re- printed. London, 1829. t In the Cottonian MSS. — Julius C. VII., fo. 239 — is the following with an illustration of the banner, the border whereof bears alternately the arms of England with those of the Earls of Cornwall and Provence. Rot. Claus. 28 Henry III. The King sendeth to Richard Fitz Odo a certain cloth of silk starred with gold. To whom it is com- manded, that he do cause the border thereof to be made of green cendal with the arms of the King and the arms of Earl Richard, and the arms of the Earl of Provence. So that when the Church of Westminster shall be ornamented, it shall hang at the back of the Cross. Tested at Reading, 1st Feb. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 23 given. Briefly the following list may serve as an index to show the extent of possessions which yielded 400 marks per diem : — Bedfordshire. — Bychendon. Berks. — Stanford, Harwell, the Honour of Wallingford with the Manors included therein. Bucks. — Hartwell, Horton, Ashridge, Burnham, Quainton. Cornwall. — Helston, Launceston, Lostwithiel, Brannel, Restormel, Tintagel, Trematon, St. Wendron, and many other Manors, besides mineral royalties. Devon. — The great Forest of Dartmoor, Exeter, King's Nympnet, Exmouth, Lydford, and mineral royalties. Dorset. — Fordington, Forsall, Knighton, Whitwell. Essex. — Newport. Gloucester. — Lechlade, Longborough, Hayles. Hants. — Deepdene, Norton, Warblington, Beaulieu. Herts. — Aldbury, Berkhampstead, Hemelhempstead. Hunts. — Glatton, Holm, Yateley. Lincoln. — Ingoldsby, Kirton in Lindsey, Thonock, Laughton. Middlesex. — Isleworth, Whitton, Twickenham. Norfolk. — Baketon, Hemmings, Witton. Northants. — Rockingham, Cosgrave, Carleton, Althorpe. Oxon. — Beckley, Asthall, Mixbury, Dorchester, Nettlebed, Erding- ton, Bensington, Studley, Cassington, Honour of St. Walery, Henley. Rutland. — Casterton Parva, Oakham, Wrangvike. Somerset. — Ilchester. Suffolk. — Hadleigh, Wangford. Sussex. — Old Shoreham, Bramber. Wilts. — Corsham, Mere, Stourton, Wilton. Yorks. — Knaresborough, with the Manors included under that Honour. To this must be added the profits of farming the mint, and of amercing the Jews. Moreover, when the Saracens broke the truce or treaty he had concluded with them, and a new Crusade was launched to recover Jerusalem, many Knights applied for a dispensation from their vow of the Cross. For a sum down the Pope farmed these dispensations to Earl Richard, who is said to have profited largely by his bargain. 24 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. It remains for his descendants to turn a deaf ear against such scurrilities as the doggrel quoted by Levien, and to meet with reserve other legends reflecting on his conduct and character. The custom of the period tolerated patriarchal relations with the opposite sex on the part of a Prince of the blood. Hence the legend of Joan De Valletort, whereof more anon, and that of a fair German Fraulein of Gutenfels by Caub on the Rhine.* But to accuse a Crusader of cowardice, and that in order to bolster up the cause of Simon De Montfort, is to outrage probability. From such a distorted portraiture we turn to the romantic devotion displayed towards Isabel De Clare ; to the piety which founded the magnificent monastery of Hayles ; to the sublime truth, that the Holy City of Jerusalem was won for the Cross by the prowess of the heroic progenitor of The House of Cornewall. * This legend is embodied in a Volkslied of contemporary origin, called " Der Grausame Bride," e.g., A Pfalsgraf on the Rhine finds that his sister, though unmarried, is in the throes of parturition. He kills her under circumstances of the most revolting barbarity, but the child, a boy. is spared. Then there appears on the scene the King of the Romans, styled in the song. King of England, who pierces with his sword the Pfalsgraf's heart, and carries the new-born babe to England. Mr. F. P. Weber (1893), commenting on this Volkslied, printed with others under the title " Jung- brunner ", in the Library at Aix, writes, " Considering that (Earl) Richard, in addition to his own, inherited some of Cccur de Lion's popularity and fame ; that his power was chiefly on the Rhine ; that even in this century he has been spoken of (e.g., by Goetz and Cappe) as King of England ; it seems not unlikely, that the people among whom this Volkslied originated introduced an English Piince into it by reason of confused tradition of Richard, King of the Romans, and his actual power on the Rhine, and Richard I. with his widespread reputation. Jean De Notre Dame in " Les Vies des plus celcbres et anciens poetes Provensaux," published at Lyons, 1875, falls into the same error, inasmuch as he commences a Chapter (p. 139) thus : — Richard, sur-nommi C married twice ; wall, Baron of Burford, b. 1370. his dau. Isabella who died 1435. Countess of Sir Richard=Elizabeth Morris. Devon. De la Bere Thomas, Baron of Burford born 1418. of Berrington. d. 1421. Elizabeth=Thomas Berrington. Edmund Cornewall= Elizabeth, dau. of b. 1418. of Berrington. I Walter Hackluyt, b. 1410. I of Eaton. Sir Thomas Cornewall = (1) of Berrington. (2) Elynor Mole s.p. 1 Sir Richard. 1 Matilda=Nanfan. 1 Joan=Barrowe Eleanor 7 o THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. where he served under the lances of the Earl 5 of March. Being abroad, he assigned his estates in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Lincolnshire to Trustees, of whom Sir Richard De la Bere was chief. An Inquisition post mortem held in 1421 shows-jhim to have been the son of Peter de Cornewall, that he died in France, November 30, 1418, and that Edmund was his son and heir. He held Thonock, in Lincoln ; Ashton, in Hereford ; Hampton Lovett, in Worcester ; and Stanage, in Radnor. His son and heir, Edmund, married Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Hacluyt of Eyton, (see Visitation of Hereford, 1569, where he is styled Edward ; the two names being frequently confused), and died December 3, 1453, seized of the above manors, his heir being (Sir) Thomas, then nine years of age, born 1444. This gentleman, by a wife whose name is unknown, had issue a son and heir, Sir Richard, concerning whom we treat in the next chapter, with three daughters, viz., Matilda, Joan, and Eleanor. Joan married Richard Barrowe, of Bullingham (see Visitation of Hereford, 1569) ; Matilda (see Visitation of Worcester, 1569, where she is mentioned as daughter of Sir Thomas and sister to Sir Richard), William Nanfan ; and Eleanor, probably Thomas Lee, of Langley.* For the Inquisitions post mortem of Bryan De Brampton, Peter De Cornewall, Sir Louis, Edmund, and Sir Thomas, with the will of the last named, see Appendix. He was knighted on Tewkesbury field, being a partisan of the White Rose, and deceased in 1500, when the patronage of Thonock Chantry, which he had exercised in 1499, fell to his son and heir, Sir Richard Cornewall, of Berrington. In his will, dated Feb. 29, 1500, he appoints his " Cousin," Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, as Supervisor. This seems to suggest that his first wife may have been a lady of the Burford line.j His second wife was Elynor, and in her will, dated March 12, 1510, she leaves money for prayers for the souls of her four husbands, viz., Richard Lowe, Hugh Mole, Sir Thomas of Cornwall (sic), and Sir William Houghton. It is a noteworthy circumstance that in the record of Thornock Manor the direct male heirs only are mentioned. In four generations it might have been supposed that there were other children besides the series of heirs, and the name of Cornewall lingered near Gainsborough for two centuries. * The wife of Thomas (or Fulc) Lee, of Langley is variously given as Anne and Alice. All accounts make her marry a Cornewall of Berrington, but the accounts are contradictory. t Sir Rowland, 4th son of Thomas, Baron of Burford, is stated in the Harl : MSS. to have had three daughters. Of these ladies one may have been wife to Sir Thomas Cornewall, whence the asserted cousinship, but the statement of Sir Rowland having had issue rests solely on the Harl: MSS. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 71 It may be remarked here that the common spelling of the name in the fifteenth century was Cornewayle or Cornewaile, the prefix " de " having suffered a regrettable elision. The only sister of Sir Edmund of Kentwell, Bryan of Kinlet, and Peter, was Joan de Cornewall. Her story goes to illustrate the obvious fact, that in the middle ages marriages were arranged on social and pecuniary grounds, a mesalliance being the exception to prove the rule. Seldom, none the less, do we meet with a more equivocal union than that of Joan de Cornewall with John, son of Sir John de Brewes or Braose by Margaret his wife. This John was shown to have been an idiot from his birth, as appears from Indentures, dated at Westminster, May 8, 1359, and July 6, 1367, thus : " Whereas was committed to John Cobham the custody of the Manor of Lea with its mem- bers, Gaytburton and Sco thorn, Com. Lincoln, for that John de Brewes hath been from his birth an idiot, so that John Cobham should find £20 with necessaries for John de Brewes, his wife and children.* As John Cobham did not carry out this, the Council ordained that he should pay forty marks with arrears, and as he had not done so, power to distrain was granted to Joan, wife of the said John de Brewes. A second Indenture is between John de Brewes and Norman Swinford.f The King had taken over the Manor and Sub-Manors of Lea, Lincolnshire, and also * The suggestion of children does not necessarily imply issue of this abnormal marriage. The clause appears to have been prospective. t In Sir Charles Anderson's " History of Lea, Line," we find the following: — Galfredus de Trehampton. Roger, Sheriff of Lincoln, 1196.= . . . Peter, Sheriff 1195. Sir Ranulphus, confirmed his father's gift to Revesby Abbeys . . . John, Sir Ranulphus. = Joan, daughter of William De Dive, widow of Sheriff 1293. Sheriff 1292. | William Disney, of Norton Disney. John, Margaret, = (1) John de Braose or Brewes. Sheriff 1334 — 36. | (2) Norman de Swinford. M.P. 1336—48. 1 a son born 3 Edward III. John of Gaunt was then overlord of Lea, which Margaret inherited from her brother John, so we may infer that Norman de Swinford was related to John of Gaunt's third wife, Catherine de Swinford, who is buried in Lincoln Cathedral. Arms of Trehampton — Arg. a bende gu. Arms of De Braose — Arg. a bende gu. within a bordure Chequy or and ar. There is a cross-legged effigy of John de Braose in Lea Church with the arms on his shield. 72 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. the Manor of Westbourn, Notts. An agreement was entered into whereby the said Norman Swinford should enjoy possession of the above Manors for the term of his natural life, he paying twenty marks and surrendering to Esmon de Cornewall, brother of the said Joan, all deeds, muniments, and other docu- ments. John Cobham was outlawed for non-payment of the sum ordered by the Council, but subsequently pardoned. At a special Inquisition held at Lincoln, the Jury found that John de Brewes was an idiot (42 Edward III.) At the decease of the said Norman Swinford it was further shown that John de Brewes and Sir Edmund de Cornewall had entered upon the above Manors, and that Sir Edmund de Cornewall and his sister Joan, wife of the said John de Brewes, in the name of the said John, were receiving the profits — by what title the Jurors show not. It does not appear that the Cornewall family benefited by this arrangement, and Sir Edmund evidently acted merely as receiver on behalf of his sister, whose interest died with her. The entire incident, as put on record by the late Dr. Marshall, York Herald, presents an item in the family history which cannot be ignored, yet according to our existing code of ethics could not possibly be justified. Indirectly it shows the close connection of the Cornewalls of the 14th Century with Lincolnshire. Thonock was their second seat. Sir Edmund de Cornewall and the Cornewalls of Kinlet, so far as the evi- dence of sepulchral monuments goes, bore the identical arms of Richard Earl of Cornwall, viz., Arg. a lion rampant, gu. crowned or within a bordure sa bezantee — this without any difference or mark of decadency ; but in the roll of arms at the Tournament at Stepney, 2 Edward II., 1309, as given in Nichol's Collection vol. 4, the arms of Edmond de Cornewaile were Arg. a lion rampant gu. crowned or, debruised by a bende sa., charged with five bezants. We have already noted another variant in Glover's Roll com- piled in the reign of Edw. III., 1337-1350, and reprinted in London, 1828 by Sir Harris Nicholas ; moreover among the quarterings allowed by the Heralds to the Blounts at the Visitation of Salop, 1623, are the arms of Cornewall with a bordure engrailed. The Seal of Sir Edmund de Cornewall, the elder, was " a lion rampant and over all on a bar 3 bezants." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 73 Chapter IV. The Berrington Line. Sir Richard Cornewall = Jane, dau. of Symon Milbourne. (1479-1533). I Sir George = Mary a'Bruges = F. Lovel (1509-63) (d. 1606) I Joyce s.p. Humphry (1550-1633) Elizabeth Bradshaw Bridget (d. 1645 ,■ (d. 1634) (d. 1636) 1 Humphry- 1 1 =Anne . .. Frances James= . . . i Anne=;J. Davies of Moretou (d. 1658) (d. 1673) (d. 1652) | (d. 1670) a daughter 1 1 Mary=R. 1 Bluaden Elizabeth s.p. (d.1636) I I I II Thomas John Charles Arnold Elizabeth (b. 1632) (b. 1635) (b. 1643) (b. 1645) (b. 1631) I I I I I I I Humphry=Theophila Skynner Coningsby Edward Gilbert George M.P. (d. 1688) Mary Anne (1618-21 (d. 1718) (b. 1620) of Moccas (d. 1684) (see Chapter Thomas Catherine on Moccas) John Elizabeth— W. Geerse I I I Robert =Edith Cornwallis Cyriac = Martha Bezant= J. Davies Humphry Edward (1647-1705) (d. 1696) (1652-1718) s.p. I Theophila=A. Vaughan I Theophila^J. Radford Elizabeth Humphry=Wolfran ^Elizabeth Devereux Theophila= . . Agboro' I (d. 1713) I (d. 1741) Rose= R. Forder Elizabeth— Jacobs Cornewall (vide infra) I I Amarantha=Co1. C. Jenkinson Bette (1700-85) (r693-i75o) (b. r705) (Whence the Earls s.p. of Liverpool) I I I Bridget a dau. —Whitney Caroline=Roborow Charles ■ Vice Ad- miral, M.P. (1669-1718) Dorothy Hanmer Edward Robert (b. 1671) (b. 1673) Robert (b. 1676) I Rev. Frederick (b. 1677) (See Chapter on Delbury) Henry (b. 1679) James (1685-6) George Frances Elizabeth (b. r6io) (b. 1675) Henrietta^Governor Proby A THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. A L Henry Thomas Sir Robert, Bart. Cyriac Charles Job Jacobs = Elizabeth (b. 1698) (b. 1699) (1700-56) (b. &d. (b. &d. (1705-28) (1709-38) I Forder M.P., s.p. 1703) 1704) I (vide supra) Charles Wolfran= Elizabeth Jenkinson (1735-89) (Speaker of the House of Commons) Henrietta Theothila Jane Emma—Thomas Vernon Edith Annabella Mary (1701-28) (1706-21) (b. 1708) (1712- I (d. 1771) (b. &d. 1712) (1713-12) (b. 1704) 1777) I Emma=(i) Henry C, Marquess of Exeter =(2) Rev. W. Sneyd INASMUCH as the Visitations of 1623 and 1634 virtually assume that a junior branch of the Cornewalls of Burford was established at Berrington early in the sixteenth century, we deem it best for the sake of perspicuity to style the descendants of Sir Thomas Cornewall of Berrington and Thonock the Berrington line ; albeit we have established, by the will of the said Sir Thomas and by his Inquisition post mortem, the continuity of the Berrington Cornewalls from Sir Edmund de Cornewall, who became jure uxoris lord of that with other Manors in Herefordshire, Salop, and Radnorshire. From the point of view of descent the term " Berrington line " is a misnomer. We have adopted it as a matter of arrangement. The Visitation of 1623 commences in error with Sir Rowland, alleged to have been son of Thomas, the attainted Baron of Burford (who died 1472 and was never knighted), and has been confused with his contemporary, but junior, at Berring- ton, Sir Thomas Cornewall. This Visitation makes Sir Rowland the father of Sir Richard Cornewall of Berrington — a statement at variance with the above- mentioned will and Inquisition, both of which prove the latter's paternity. In 1634 the Heralds appear to have suspected this blunder, which has formed the basis of erroneous genealogy for nearly three centuries. This 1934 Visitation ignores Sir Rowland, the spurious founder of the line, and also Sir Thomas, who, inheriting the Manor of Berrington from his father, passed it on to his heir, Sir Richard, whose name stands first in the 1634 pedigree. But in some respects the legend of Sir Rowland has an earlier origin than 1623, for Leland, temp. Hen. VIII., wrote thus : " From Eaton I rode towards Ludlow and sawe a mile off on the right the Manor place of Cornwall that descendeth of a younger house of the Cornwalles, Barons of Burford." It may be needless to add, after the THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 75 evidence already adduced, that Leland is wrong, the Barons of Burford being the junior, the Cornewalls of Berrington the senior line. Although the ancient manorial mansion, in the 18th century styled by Sir Robert de Cornewall, Bart, (he resumed the prefix " de ") " Berrington Castle " was demolished less than 150 years ago, there exists no sketch whereby to give so much as a bare outline of its beauties. Doubtless it was one of the domi defensibiles so common on the Welsh border, whereof Kentchurch, Treago, and Urishay survive. We are also ignorant of its date. That it existed when Sir Edmund de Cornwall married Elizabeth de Brampton may be conjectured from the circumstance of their third son, Peter, having resided there. It was replaced by a more grandiose structure, in the style of the period, to the loss of the shire. Sir Richard Cornewall was born, as the Inq. on his father, Sir Thomas, showed, before 1479, and succeeded him as Lord of the Manor and Patron of Thonock Chantry, to which he presented in 1506, 1507, 1521, 1531, 1532, 1533* ; also in the Herefordshire and Radnor estates. He served as Sheriff of Herefordshire, I 5°7» !520, 1527, and was M.P., 1529. Among Brewer's " Papers illustrating the reign of Hen. VIII." are many references to Sir Richard Cornewall, which show the high favour in which he was held at Court ; e.g., " 2 Hen. VIII., June 29. For Richard Cornewall, one of the Kinge's Spears — To be steward during pleasure of the Lordships of Orleton, Pembridge, Erdisland, Malmeshallacy (Mancel Lacy), and Fencot, with £2 a year." Again, April 4th, 1511. " To the Master of the Rolls — To cancel a recognizance made Jan. 6 last by Richard Cornewall of Beryngton, Hereford, etc. — so far as the said Richard not going more than 2 miles from London." Again, under date June 13, 1513, " For Richard Cornewall, Squire of the Body, to be Steward of the Lordships of Clifford, Glasebury, and Winforton, in the Marches of Wales, and Constable of the Castle of Clifford as Ralph Hackulust (query Hacluyt ?) held the same." Again, Nov. 15, 1513, " For Richard Cornewall, Squire of the Body — grant of the Manors of Condover, Biryngton, and Ryton, Salop, late of Francis, Viscount Lovel, attainted temp. Hen. VII." We note also a further grant in the same year of the Stewardship of the Lordships of Clifford, Glasebury, and Wynforton, and the office of Constable of Clifford, but to Richard Cornewall and Ralph Hackulnet * In a letter addressed by a Mr. P. Prattinton to Bishop Cornewall, the following passage occurs : — " Sir Richard Cornewall, of Berrington, your ancestor, was a feoffee in trust for the settling of land from Richard Archer upon Maud De la Mare for her jointure." This he states he found among the muniments of Sir Symon Archer. For Delamarc, see p. 69. 7 6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. in survivorship. In the year following there is a further grant, i.e., July 20, 1514, to " Richard Cornewaill, one of the King's Spears — To be Steward of the Lord- ships of Orleton, Pembridge, Erdisland, Mancel, and Netherwood, Herefordshire, vice Sir Richard De la Bere." On St. Thomas's Day, 1517, there was a grand banquet at Greenwich to the Queen of France, and Richard Cornewall was appointed to attend upon her retinue " at the third mess." In the summer of 1520 occurred that famous meeting of the Kings of France and England, styled " The Field of the Cloth of Gold." Here we have a memorandum, " Besides the Household and the Guard the 100 nobles and gentlemen are appointed to attend." Among them we note Richard Cornewall, who was present at the inter- view, and also at the meeting of Hen. VIII. and Charles I. at Gravelines on July 20 of that year. Richard Cornewall is entered among the Knights, albeit apparently only a squire, for he was Knighted by the Earl of Surrey after the capture of Morlaix, July 1, 1522. Fuller writes : " He was a prime person among those Knights who attended the Duke of Suffolk into France at what time they surrounded and took the Town of Rey ; and Sir Richard was sent with 400 men to take possession thereof, the only service of remark performed in that expedi- tion, [vide also Lord Herbert's Life of Hen. VIII., p. 157]. In consequence of this service further benefits were showered upon him, e.g., April 17, 1523, " Sir Ric. Cornewayle — Grant in Tail Male of the Manor of Woodmancote, and the advow- son of the churches of North Cerney and Rendecombe, Glouc, lately belonging to Edward, Duke of Buckingham." As Marshal of the foreward during the war he was paid 6s. 8d. per diem, i.e., about £6, and on June 12, 1525, he became by Royal grant Keeper of the Forest of Bringewood in Wigmore, with the custody of the Forest of Prestwood, then held by Sir W. Uvedale. In the same year, as Knight of the Body, he was granted the Manors of Kenllagh Ryngyld, also Kelleugh Owen in the Lordship of Chirk, lately belonging to Owen Glendordy (sic.) i.e., Glendower, attainted, and after to Margaret, Countess of Richmond. In 1526 he was appointed Seneschal of Hereford, with a salary of £7 3s. 2d. There is also an undated letter in Brewer's papers from Sir Richard to Cromwell asking for his interest in the matter of a patent. In 1553 we find grants to Thomas and John Vaughan of the Stewardships vacated by Sir Richard's decease, and to Urian Brereton of other Stewardships. The line therefore opens with Sir Richard Cornewall. He married Jane, the nth coheiress of Symon Milbourne of Tillington, Herefordshire and Icomb, THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 77 Gloucestershire, by Joan, daughter of Ralph Baskerville. In the Chancel of Burghill Church — whereof Tillington is a hamlet — stands a magnificent recumbent effigy of the said Symon and his lady which has been defaced and covered with names, including " Jesus." In a tablet beneath their heads is a repre- sentation of their 13 daughters.* Sir Richard Cornewallf died 1535, and was buried in Eye Church. M.I. Inquisition post mortem October 17, 1533, which recites the terms of his will, wherein he mentions Joyse (sic.) his daughter, to whom he bequeaths 300 marks to her marriage ; Jane his wife ; and his son, George, whose age is given as 24 years. [See Appendix.] Inasmuch as his widow — styled in the Thonock entry " Johanna, widow of Richard Corwell, Knight " — presented to Thonock Chantry on the decease of William Pekyng, Jan. 28, 1543, she must have survived her husband. By her he had Sir George, his successor, and Joyce, unmarried. The Harl. MS., 1 140, has the following entry: "Sir Richard Cornewall, Knight of the House of Berrington in Herefordshire, married Jane daughter and one of the heires of Symond Mylborn of Telington, and they had George and Joyce, with an illegitimate daughter, Elenor, who married John Blunte, of Bromyard." We note further an entry in the Cotton MSS. Rolls in the Tower, temp. Elizabeth, viz., " Richard Cornewall, son and heir of Thomas Cornewall, died 29 Hen. VIII." This entry gives Sir Richard's father; it confirms the will and Inquisition of Sir Thomas Cornewall of Berrington and Thonock. The following shows the descent of the Lady Jane, or Johanna, from an illustrious line of ancestors : — * It is a coincidence that Eleanor, another of the coheiresses of Symon Milbourne, who married John Moore, of Dunclent, was great grandmother of the first Lord Folliott, whose granddaughter, Rebecca, married Walker of Ferney Hall. Bishop Cornewall derived his names from these families, viz., " Folliott, Herbert, Walker," Mr. Walker's mother. Mary, having been daughter of Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels to Charles I., and brother of Lord Herbert, of Chirbury, and of George Herbert, the poet. t A.D. 1516, we find in the Record Office an account of an assault on one of the priests of the Thonock Chantry, which led to a lawsuit in the Star Chamber. Richard Cornewall, Esq., — he had not yet been knighted — joined the chaplain, Sir William Pytyng, as plaintiff. The recital showed that three priests sang daily in Thonock Chantry for the good estate of Richard Cornewall. and for the repose of the souls of his ancestors : item that one Richard Wawyn, otherwise Richard Leche, of Gainsborough, gentleman, bearing " grette grugge and malesse " against the said Richard and his Chaplains, of his " high, malicious, and cursed mynde, and to the great hurte, damage and disherison of Richard, came to the said Chapel, and would have cast down the wall thereof." It transpired that after a remonstrance from Pytyng Leche assaulted him while at his prayers. He further assaulted with bows and arrows five friends of Richard and kept them in terror of their lives. Whether this was an ordinary feud or the result of odium theologicum does not appear. 7 8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. John de Lovetot according to some, son of Eustachius, Vice Comes of Huntingdonshire in 1080. Ralph Baskerville, of Eardisley, Co, temp. H 2 ; living 1194. Arms : Argent a chevron gules between 3 hearts Hereford— Anne, d. of St. Owen Sir Roger Baskerville of Eardisley=BRiDGET I William de Lovetot= Emma I Thomas Baskerville, of Pickthorn, co. Salop Lord of Hallamshire, and Lord of Worksop. Founder of Worksop Priory. I dau. & heir of Roger, the tenant of Roger de Burli Richard de Lovetot=Cecilia Lord of Hallamshire and Worksop, living 1 161. Walter Baskerville, of Eardisley=ELizABETH, dau of Sir I Richard Pembridge Walter Baskerville, of Eardisley.living i272=Susanna, dau. I of Sir John [ Crigdoa Robert Sir Walter =Sibilla Sir Richard^ Baskerville Baskerville of Eardisley, 21 H. 3, d. 1290 Baskerville of Eardisley, High Sheriff of Herefordshire, 8 E. 2 dau. of Solers George Basker- ville, of Lawton & Pick- thorn T« • ■ Gerard- de Fur- nival, temp. R.I. I =Andel William de=Matilda Lovetot, Lord of H. &W. dead before 1181 dau. of Walter Fitz Robert, of the House of Johanna Basker- ville, d. & co-h, m. Roger, s. and heir of Roger, Clare, aged Lord 24,27 H 2 Clifford I SlBILLA Basker- ville, d. & co-h, m, Hugh de Kynar- disley Sir William =Sibella Baskerville of Eardisley, died circa 1232 dau. of Peter Corbet, of Caus. I Richard Basker- ville, 2nd son y ... Gerard de Furnival: died at Jerusalem, 3 H 3 ^Maud de Lovetot dau. and heir, aged 7, 1181, living 1249 Sir Richard Baskerville=Jane, dau. of Sir d. circa 15, E 3 I Nicholas Poyntz, I mar. 14 E 3 Eldest son, whence the D. of Nor- folk, Lord of Hallamshire, and until 1838 of Worksop Sir Gerard Furnival=Christian, dau. Richard Baskerville=Isabella, dau. of 2nd son Lord of Mun- den Furnival, co. Herts ; living 1265 and heir of Guiscard Ledet, and widow of Henry de Braybroc living 46 E 3 Sir Richard Hampton Sir Gerard Furnival=Joan, dau. and co-heiress j of Hugh de Morvill Christian, dau. and=SiR John Eylesford = Isabel Richard Baskerville=Joan, dau. of Adam d. 16 Sept. 1394 I de Everingham. co-heiress of Gerard, son of Gerard, brother to Lord Furnival, 1st wife of Burghill, co. Here- ford, 19 R 2, 1396 2nd wife, mar. 2nd Richard de la More Sir John Baskerville=Elizabeth, dau. living 4 H 4 and heiress of Johna'Bruge, of Letton and Staunton Piers Milbourne =Elizabeth Eylesford Sir John = Elizabeth of Burghill, co. Hereford jure ux dau. and heir of Sir Baskerville John Eylesford and born 12th Feb. Christian, his wife 1408, died 23rd Dec, 1455 V Ralph dau. of John Baskerville Touchet, born 21st LordAudley Oct., 1410 John Milbourne=Elizabeth dau. of Sir Walter Devereux, of Tillington, in the parish of Burghill, born circa 1420 by Maud, dau. of Sir Thomas Bromwich, Kt. :Anne, dau. and co-heir of Sir John Blakett Symon Milbourne, of Tillington aforesaid, Sheriff of = Jane Baskerville, daughter and heir Herefordshire, 4 R 3, had 13 daughters and I co-heirs. He was born circa 1450. Sir Richard Cornewall, Kt. of Berrington, b.1480 Jane Milbourne, nth of the 13 daughters and co-heirs. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 79 Sir George Cornewall, son of Sir Richard Cornewall by Jane Milbourne, was born in 1509. The earliest notice we have of him is in the State Papers, vol. 8, p. 149, where he is alleged to have murdered John Ode, al's Wode, Serjeant of the Mace, in West Smithfield, on Feb. 28, 1532-3. A pardon was granted to him and to his accomplice, John Stoughton of Stoke by Guildford, Jan. 31, 1535. In Gairdner's Papers, temp. Hen. VIII., is a letter from the Duke of Suffolk to Cromwell, desiring that George Cornewall and his servants may be bound over to keep the peace, stating that he had dismissed him for various assaults and affrays, and that he had caused a servant of the Duke's Treasurer to be sore hurt. That was Sep. 21, 1532, and it seems to indicate the character of Sir George in his early youth. Knighted at Boulogne by the Earl of Hertford, 1544* (see Metcalfe's Knights), in the last year of Edward VI. — 1553 — he was appointed one of the Commissioners under Sir John Scudamore for Hereford and Salop to ascertain particulars as to Ecclesiastical Vestments and Ornaments. As a Commissioner of the Peace in 1543-4 ne was ver Y active in mustering men for the rearguard of the army in France. In the hamlets of Ashton and Moreton he raised 27 men. Mr. Gairdner gives a letter from George Cornewall to his servant, Richard Capull, commanding him on pain of death to prepare his men to be at London so as to be at Dover by the last day of May (1544). He shall make the tenants find horses to bring them to London, where at Lady Bruggys he will find his brother, etc. In 1558-9 he served as High Sheriff of Herefordshire. His will, dated March, 1562-3, was proved Oct. 8, 1563. He married Mary, daughter of John A' Bruges, or Brydges, daughter of the first Lord Chandos of Sudely, who was buried at Eye, Dec. 18, 1616. M.I. * Richard Lee and George Cornewall laid an information against the Secretary of the Bishop of Chester, presumably for concealing ecclesiastical ornaments. At the meeting of the Privy Council in 1541, Richard Germyn, the above Secretary, appeared and confessed the things deposed, but as they appeared of no such importance as was thought, he was remanded. It was possibly owing to his association with Lee and his zeal for the new learning that Sir George owed his appointment under Scudamore. That he must have been an active partisan would seem certain from the following grant dated July 8, 32, Hen. VIII. : "George Cornewall, Lease (1) the site of the late Priory of Leominster, late in the tenure of Ric Apryce, and (2) two meadows called Sornergilds, (3) the orchard of the late Prior and a pasture beyond the walls of Pyningsley, with a garden called Horswall, and fishery within the pale of the same, late in the occupation of Will Cocks, in the Manor of Ivington. All which premises are in Co. Hereford, and are parcel of the lands of the late Monastery of Readyng, Berks, in the King's hands by the attainder of Hugh the late Abbot, with reservations for 21 year rents (1) 29. s., (2), £4, (3), 43s. 4d. 8o THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. This marriage ended unhappily. To arrive at the truth when the husband is jealous and the wife shows incompatibility of temper cannot be easy, especially when we find ourselves confronted with discrepancies. According to Dr. Nash, the historian of Worcestershire, whom Dr. Marshall follows, Thomas Meysey of Shakenhurst had a natural son, Humphry, begotten on the body of Dame Mary, wife of Sir George Cornewall of Berrington, Co. Hereford, Knight. Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal, on the complaint of John Nanfan of Birtsmorton, alleged heir at law to Sir George, commanded the Heralds to make proclamation of the birth of Humphry at the Visitations of Herefordshire and Worcestershire, 1569. Nash, however, omits to mention that two subsequent Inquisitions proved the legitimacy of the said Humphry, who remained in undisturbed possession of Berrington. Sir George, nevertheless, bequeathed Thonock and his other Lincolnshire estates to his cousin William Nanfan, or Nanphan, whose son, Giles, was found by Commissioners appointed to make a survey of the estates of the Duchy of Lancaster to hold the Barony of Thonock under the Queen by military service ; item, that he also held the Manors of Laughton, called respectively the East and West Hall (Moor's Gainsburgh). About that date Giles Nanfan aliened the Lincolnshire estate partly to the Towers family and partly, so Camden affirmed, to Justice Wraye. This, however, refers to Laughton only. With regard to this bald accusation of Nash, we may fairly contrast it with the careful vindication of the legitimacy of Humphry Cornewall by Sir Harris Nicholas in his learned Treatise on Adulterine Bastardy. He commences by stating the common law principle, that marriage gives proof of paternity — pater est quern nuptice demonstrant — and then proceeds as follows : " Sir George Corne- wall of Berrington in Herefordshire married in 1543, Mary, daughter of John Lord Chandos, but she is supposed to have afterwards cohabited with a gentleman of the name of Meysey (Sc. of Shakenhurst) and to have had a son by him called Humphry. Sir George Cornewall made his will Octr. 8, 1562, by which he gave his wife £40 a year out of the Manor of Berrington, if she consented to remit, and not pretend to any right to dower in his other lands. She is not again mentioned in that will, but as the Exors. refused to act, she obtained letters of administration in March, 1562-3. The testator bequeathed all his lands in the counties of Here- ford and Lincoln to his cousin, William Nanfan, Esqre., and the heirs male of his body, with remainder, in default of such heirs male, to the Queen and her heirs and successors. He also left legacies to his relation, William Cornewall, and to THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 8 1 Eleanor Blunt (Blount), his base sister, to many of his servants, and to several other persons, but he did not take the slightest notice of any child of his own. William Nanfan, to whom he gave his lands, was the eldest son of his father's sister (i.e., Matilda, daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall), and if the testator had no issue was his heir at law. (This is an assumption ; the will of Sir Thomas and the Visitation of Herefordshire, 1569, shew that one at least of the two other daughters married and had issue, viz., Elizabeth, wife of Barrowe, or Berrowe, of Bullingham). Sir George Cornewall died in October or November, 1562, and, according to the Heralds' Visitation of Worcestershire, 1569, without issue. On the 30th of November following an Inquisition was taken at Llansyllyn in Wales, by which it was found that he was seized of Kenleigh, Reyngeld, and other Manors in North Wales, with reversion to the Crown, and that he died without issue male, and that the said Manors reverted to the Crown. Another Inquisition was taken at Horncastle in Lincolnshire respecting the lands which he possessed in that county on March 15, 1563, about two months after the first Inquisition. The Jury found that he was seized under certain deeds executed on Oct. io, 1562 (two days after the date of his will) of various Manors for life, with remainder to William Nanfan and the heirs male of his body, remainder to the Queen and her heirs, and that Humphry Cornewall was his son and heir, and of the age of 12 years. This Humphry bore the name and arms of Cornewall, and by that name was Sheriff of Herefordshire, 9 Jac. I. Lady Cornewall married as her second husband Francis Lovel, Esq., and died Nov. 15, 1606. By an Inquisition held at Leominster, Oct. 3, 1607, Humphry Cornewall, alias Meysey, was found to be her son and heir, and then 48 years of age. The legitimacy of the said Humphry, thus recognised by two Inquisitions, though contradictory to a prior Inquisition, and opposed by the non-recognition of his father and by the settlement of property on a cousin, was never successfully impeached, and his descendants have always borne the name and arms of Corne- wall. Presumptive evidence of a remarkable kind exists to show that Humphry Cornewall was considered to have established his legitimacy. In the original Heralds' Visitation of Worcestershire, made 1634, a pedigree was made signed by a son of that person ; and, as it was first written, Humphry was connected with Sir George Cornewall by a wavy line of filiation, which is the usual mark of illegitimacy, but the wavy line was afterwards converted into a straight line, the mark of legitimacy, and though some words were appended to his name, of 82 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. which " son of Sir George " only is now legible, the filiation line and the writing have both been covered with pieces of paper, as if it were wished to obliterate all indications of the first statements, and upon the paper thus pasted over them Humphry is connected with Sir George Cornewall by the straight filiation line of legitimacy.* These facts prove that although Humphry was, in the first instance, recorded by the Heralds as a bastard, they were afterwards convinced, and probably by some decision in a Court of Law, that he was de jure legitimate. Nothing can be added to this singularly lucid statement on the part of a great genealogist and jurist. Nanfan, the calumniator, was an interested person, and Lady Cornewall's second marriage, not with her falsely alleged paramour, Meysey, but with Francis Lovel, affords indirect evidence of her innocence. Moreover, in proclaiming Humphry bastard, the Heralds acted ultra vires. They took upon themselves to usurp the province of a Court of Law. Judge Bayley, who had evidently perused Sir Harris Nicholas' able vindica- tion, none the less fell into the error of constituting John, the father of William Nanfan, brother-in-law of Sir George Cornewall. Had he been so, then William would have been nephew, not cousin. Apart from that, Sir Harris Nicholas has drawn up the descent accurately, whence it seems evident that William Nanfan could only have claimed to be heir under the will, or as eldest son of the senior co-heiress. The Nanfans, a Cornish family, acquired Birtsmorton by marriage. That ancient house had other and more fragrant memories, being associated with the sufferings of Sir John Oldcastle and later in our history as a refuge for persecuted Papists. The following shows the descent of the Bruges, or Brydges, or A'Bridges family, whose exquisite half-timbered Manor house, The Ley, at Weobley, has survived the short-lived splendours of Cannons. Sir Simon Bruges,=Mary, heiress of the family of Solers of SoJers, co. Hereford probably Temp. H 3 | Henry de Solers, Sheriff of Herefordshire, 19 Ed. I. John Bruges, son and heir =Sarah . . . of Bruge Sol ers, co. Hereford | * Mr. William Courthope, writing from the Heralds College to Sir Harris Nicholas, 5th November, 1834, after verifying the latter's statement, adds : " It seems more probable that his, Humphry Cornewall's, legitimacy was established by the Visiting Heralds, i.e., of 1634. He states further in this letter that Mr. Pulman, an officer of the College, who so successfully demolished the claims of the spurious Reade baronet, fully concurred. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 83 Sir Baldwin Bruges, son and heir=IsABEL, daughter of Sir Piers Grandison. I Sir Thomas Bruges, son and heir=ALicE, daughter and co-heir of Sir Thos. Berkeley and seated at Cobberley, co. Glou. I Elizabeth, elder sister and co-heir of Sir John I Chandos, Lord Chandos, K.G. Sir Giles Bruges, son and heir=CATHERiNE, daughter of James Clifford, of Frampton, Sheriff of Gloucester 1430 and I co. Gloucester. 1454, knighted by Edw. 4, d. 1466 | Thomas Bruges, only son— Florence, daughter of Wm. Darrel, of Littlecote, co. Wilts. Sir Giles Bruges, son and heir=: Isabel, daughter of Thomas Baynham. Knighted at Battle of Blackheath, " 17th July, 12 H 7 ; Sheriff Glou- cestershire 1499; d. 15 1 1. Sir John Bruges, son_and heir— Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund, 9th Lord Grey of Wilton, by Hastings Knighted at Battle of the Spurs 5 H 8 ; Knight of the King's Body 1533 ; Constable of Sudeley Castle 1538 ; created Baron Chandos of Sudeley 8th April, 1554; d. 4th March, 1557, buried at Sudeley. Florence, daughter and co-heir of Sir Ralph Kt. ; d. 1559- Edmund Bruges, = Dorothy 2nd Lord Chandos, made Knight Banneret after the Battle of Mus selburgh, 27th Sept., 1 E. 6, mar. 1557, K.G. 17th Jan., 1572, d. 1573, buried at Sudeley. dau. of Edmund, and sister and co-heir of John, Lord Bray, d. 1605. Sir George Cornewall=Mary Bruges, of Berrington, (d. 1562). sister of Edmund, Lord Chandos, (d. 1606). I I I I I I I I I Six other sons and three daughters. In the inquisition post mortem of Mary Bruges, widow of Sir George Corne- waU, and wife of Francis Lovell, dated 1609 (vide Appendix), mention is made of her daughter, Bridgett CornewaU, but her name is omitted from that of Sir George CornewaU,* her reputed father. She may have been a posthumous child. With respect to the sisters of Sir George, there exists some little doubt, e.g. : Judge Bayley added to Joyce (i) Anne, whom he gave as wife of Thomas Lee of Langley. (2) Matilda, wife of John Nanfan of Birtsmorton. (3) Elizabeth, married to . . Jones of Wrexham. (4) Jane, wife of R. Barrowe of Bullingham. In the Inquisition on Sir Richard 1533, only one daughter is men- tioned, viz. : Joyce, then unmarried, who died s.p. Matilda and Jane have * In the Court Roll of the Manor of Stepleton and Lugharnes, date March 31, 6 Elizabeth, we rind the following entry : " Obit Sir George CornewaU of Stannage." In the same Vol. Humphry CornewaU held Stannage, 9 Car., 1. 84 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. been shown to be the daughters of Sir Thomas Cornewall, i.e., of the previous generation. Concerning Alianor, the third daughter of Sir Thomas,* who was unmarried in 1500, there seems no doubt that she is the same as Alice, given in the Visitation of 1623 — Salop — as wife of Fulc Lee of Langley. This visitation supplies some dates, e.g., that Richard Lee of Langley, who married Margaret Sprencheaux, was Sheriff of Salop, 1479, and that his eldest son Richard was living in 1485. Fulc, the third son, by Alice or Alianore Cornewall had a son Thomas, f who married Jane, daughter of Robert Corbet of Moreton Corbet, Sheriff of Salop, 1501, whose sister Anne married Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford. These dates, if placed in juxta- position indicate, that Alice or Alianore, Cornewall was a daughter of Sir Thomas, and sister of Sir Richard, Cornewall, of Berrington. * The confusion of Alianor and Alice is not very easy to account for ; but that such confusion of names was not uncommon may be inferred from the fact of Agnes and Amies, Annes and Anne, having been almost convertible terms in the Middle Ages. Joyce would appear to be more likely to be written Alice in error ; but, if Joyce had been wife of Thomas Lee, and the mother cf his children, she or her children would have been Sir George's heirs in priority to the Nanfans, who were of the previous generation ; whereas it was the Nanfans, who asserting the bastardy of Humphry, obtained the Earl Marshal's proclamation, and so worked upon Sir George as to obtain a will in favour of William Nanfan. On all grounds, therefore, we are justified in giving Fulc Lee as husband of Alianor Cornewall — though whether she was his first wife seems open to doubt. Vide a deed printed in the Harl. Soc, Visitation of Salop, 1623, of the reign of Edw. IV., wherein Fulc's wife is styled Elizabeth, i.e., Elizabeth Leighton, his alleged second wife. t Bank's Baronia gives in part the following descent : — Alice Cornewall=Fulc, son of Thomas Lee of Langley. ( i.e. Alianore) | Thomas Lee=Jane, daughter of Sir Robert Corbet. Jane Lee= Edward Giffard, of White Ladies. Jane Giffard=Humphry Sandford, of the Isle of Rossal. Matthew Sandford=Mary . . . Humphry Sandford=Elizabeth Evans. Humphry Sandford=Rebecca, daughter of J. Walker, of Ferney, by Rebecca, daughter I of Lord Folliott, J. Walker's mother, Mary, being a daughter of Sir H. Herbert. Mary Sandford=Jonathan Scott, of Charlton Hall, Salop. Major Scott, M.P., who assumed the name of Waring=ELizABETH Blackrie. Anna M. Scott=John Reade, of Ipsden, Oxon. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 85 Humphry Cornewall, son of Sir George by Mary Bruges, was stated in the Inq. p. mortem held at Leominster in 1563, after his father's death, to be 12 years of age, and by the Inquisition on his mother in 1606 to be 48. These figures, it will be remarked, do not correspond, because had he been born in 1550, he would have been in 1606, 56. He served as Sheriff of Herefordshire 1611-12, and was buried at Eye, May 30, 1633. His will is dated May 23, in the same year. Therein he gives to his son, James, 20 nobles a year, a reserved rent to his grandchild, Elizabeth, daughter of his son John. To his daughter, Elizabeth, his lands in Stanage, Radnor. To his son and heir, John, his furniture, but not to his wife, Mary, in the event of her surviving him. His wife, Elizabeth, and his son, James, joint exors. [For the full text of this will, see Appendix.] He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Bradshaw of Presteign. She survived her husband three years, being buried at Eye, April 4, 1636. By her he had John, his successor, Humphry, Francis, James, with three daughters, Anne, Mary, Elizabeth. The Bradshaws were of Bradshaw Hall, Derbyshire, a junior branch settling at Presteign, e.g., John Bradshaw=Cicely, daughter of Thomas Foljambe, of Walton, co. Derby, by of Bradshaw I Margaret, co-heiress of Sir John Loudham, by Isabel, sole heir of Sir Robert Brito. I John Bradshaw= . William=A daughter of Kyrke. eldest son I John Bradshaw = Daughter of William Garret, of Presteign 1 Henry Bradshaw— of Bradshaw. A Elizabeth=Humphry Cornewall James =. of Presteign A Price I I I John Thomas William I Henry born 1561. Entered at Lincoln College, Oxford, 1580. Of the issue of Humphry Cornewall by Elizabeth Bradshaw : — Humphry of Moreton, in the Parish of Eye, the 2nd son (buried there April 11, 1670), by Anne his wife (buried at Eye Aug. 31, 1658), had the following issue, all baptised at Eye : (1) Thomas — Nov. 18, 1632. (2) John — Nov. 1, 1635. (3) Charles — March 30, 1643. (4) Arnold — May 15, 1645. (1) Elizabeth — July 17, 1631. 86 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Concerning this family we have no information. They do not appear to have remained in the county. The third son of Humphry Cornewall by Elizabeth Bradshaw was Francis. He was living in 1646, and was buried at Ludlow, Dec. 27, 1673. The Gentle- man's Magazine, 1823, contains " Owen's Account of Wales, 1602," wherein is : " Radnorshire — Generosi : mansions : uxores ; Francis Cornwall ; Hanage ; Fil. John Bradshaw." But this must be in error for Humphry. The fourth son, James, was living in 1646, and buried at Eye, October 20, 1652. By a wife unknown he left a daughter (Judge Bayley's pedigree). Of the daughters of Humphry Cornewall by Elizabeth Bradshaw, Anne, the elder, married at Eye, April 22, 1617, John Davyes of Lymebroke, gentleman ; Mary, the second daughter, is said to have married Richard Blunden of Bishop's Castle ; and the third, Elizabeth, was buried at Eye, April 4, 1636. Her will, dated March 24, 1635, was proved at Hereford, 1636. Their eldest brother, John Cornewall of Berrington, married Mary, daughter of William Barneby of the Hull, or Hill, in Bockleton, Worcestershire. This lady's brother, John Barneby of the Hill, baptised March 9th, 1595, married Jan. 27, 1607, Katherine, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, by which alliances the two lines of Cornewalls were connected. The Cornewall connection with Barneby stands therefore thus : — William Barneby— Bridget Tovey John Barneby, of the Hill=KATHERiNE, d. of Sir Thomas Cornewall j John Cornewall^Mary Barneby of Berrington I I Sir John Barneby Ursula= . . . Phillips of The Hill I Humphry=Theophila Skynner I A By Mary Barneby (buried at Eye, April 6, 1634) John Cornewall (buried at Eye, Nov. 29, 1645) had seven sons and four daughters. Of these Coningsby, the second son, was baptised at Eye, 1620 ; Edward, the third son, became jure uxoris seized of Moccas, and will be treated accordingly in the Chapter on the Moccas line ; Gilbert, the fourth son, so named after his mother's brother-in- law, Sir Gilbert Cornewall, Baron of Burford, was buried April 16, 1684 ; George was the 5th son ; Thomas the sixth ; John the seventh. Of the two elder THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 87 daughters, Mary and Catherine, nothing is known ; Anne, the third daughter, was baptised at Eye, Feb. 17, 1618, and buried there June 2, 1621 ; and Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, married William Geerse of the City of Worcester — pos- sibly a relation of that distinguished family, Geers of the Marsh (more anciently " Marche, " i.e., the boundary created by Offa's Dyke). The will of John Cornewall, of Berrington, was dated Nov. 13, 1645. To his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, £100 each. To his wife £40. Son John £5. Son Humphry, exor. Proved in London, July 16, 1647. [See Appendix.] The eldest son, Humphry Cornwall of Berrington, was baptised at Eye, July 14, 1616. According to Williams — " Herefordshire members " — on Oct. 20, 1646, he compounded for delinquency in the previous August. Being in arms in his own defence against the King's soldiers, Sir Barnabas Scudamore, the Royalist Governor of Hereford and Sheriff, summoned the posse comitatus to attend him, and by colour thereof he drew them to Stoke Castle, a garrison for the Parliament on the confines of the County, 1 July, 1647. Fine at one-tenth, £222 ; 15 Dec, 1649, suspected of complicity in Sir George Booth's rising. A Deputy Lieut, for Herefordshire, and as such wrote from Hereford, Jan. 26, 1664, to Thomas Price, one of the Members for the County in 1661, " Has received the Lord Lieutenant's orders to levy the month's tax granted for three years on account of the late plot. All are amazed, considering the arrears of the county and extreme poverty. Mr. Scudamore has stolen away." (Calendar of State Papers). He represented the Borough of Leominster from 1661 to 1679 ; had a pension of £200 granted him in 1677, and was made Captain in the Admiralty in Sir Charles Lyttel ton's regiment of foot, June 8, 1672; e.g., "The Hatton corres pondence," published by the Camden Society, p. 67. " Sir Charles Lyttelton to Christopher, Viscount Hatton — The Duke of York lost four of his Captains in the battle with the Dutch Fleet, May 28, 1672 — I mean of his own regiment — and has put in their places Mr. Bagot, Lady Falmouth's brother, my brother, George Vaughan, Lieutenant, old Humphry Cornewall of the House of Commons, and Mr. Churchill that was ensign to the King's Company (i.e., the great Duke of Marlborough.") Judge Bayley identified this Humphry with his third son, also Humphry, but apparently in error. He married Theophila, eldest daughter of William Skynner of Thornton (or Thorncomb) College, Lincoln — by Bridget, daughter of Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke — who was baptised at Thornton Curtis, June 5, 1622. 83 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Thornton Abbey at the Dissolution of the Monasteries was converted tem- porarily into a College by Hen. VIII. Later the College was suppressed, becoming the property of the Tyrwhitts of Kettilby, from whom it was purchased by Sir Vincent Skynner, described as of Westminster. A descendant of his, Edward Skynner, sold it to the Sutton family, Baronets. The following shows the Skynner descent : — Skynner= buried at Allhallow's Church, Waynfleet, Co. Liuc. buried in Spilsby Church, Co. Line. Robert Skynner=Alice, executrix of her husband's will, 1536, of St. John, in Wykeford, in the City of Lincoln, born at Thorpe in the Marsh, Co. Line. Will dated 2 J any., 1535 pr. Line. 24 May, 1536, buried St. John's Oxford. I John Skynner: had lands in Thorpe in the Marsh and Waynfleet by his father's will, date 1535, ("when at lawful age,") was of the City of Line, mer- chant, at the date of his will 30 Sept., 1545. Died ir Oct., 1545. Inq. p.m. 4 May, 1546- with her sons John and Richard. Elizabeth Fairfax, daughter of John Fairfax, of Swaby, Co. Lincoln, who was a son of Sir Thomas Fairfax and Elizabeth Sherburne. Sir Vincent Skynner: of Thornton College, Co. Line., which he purchased in 1602 from the Tyrwhitts, eld. son, b. 1542, aged 3 or more, May, 1546, was also of Bolingbroke, Co. Line. M.P. for Barnstaple 1572, for Boston 1584, again 1586, and a 3rd time 1588, for Borough- bridge, Co. York, 1592-3, for St. Ives, Co.Cornwall,i597. Knighted at Theobald's by Jas. I., 7 May, 1603, buried at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 29 Feb., 1615-16. Elizabeth Fowkes (2nd wife), daughter of Wm. Fowkes, of Enfield, Co. Middlesex (son of Robert Fowkes, of the same), and widow of Henry Middlemore, of Enfield, Groom of the Privy Chamber to Queen Elizabeth, buried at Thornton Curtis, Co. Line, 16 Dec, 1633. William Skynner, of Thornton=BRiDGET Coke, 2nd dr. of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Coll., Co. Line, Esq., only son, and heir, born 1595, Adm. Line, born 6 Nov., 1613, died 7 August, buried at Thornton Curtis, 8 August, 1627, aged 32. M.P. for Great Grimsby 1625. Justice of England, by Bridget, daughter of John Past on, of Huntingfield, Co. Norfolk, son of Sir Wm. Paston, of Paston, Co. Norfolk, and Bridget, daughter of Sir Henry Heydon. Sir E. Coke was son of Robert Coke, of Mildham, Co. Norfolk, by Winifred, daughter and co-heir of William Knightly and Marion Knightly, Co. Norfolk. Her will, date 26 Sept., 1648, pr. in London 18 June, 1653- I Anne, d. of Sir Wm.= Edward Skynner ; Wentworth, brother to I sold Thornton C. the Earl of Strafford. to Sir R. Sutton. Humphry— Theophila Skynner CORNEWALL, of I Berrington | Humphry Cornewall of Berrington was buried at Ludlow, July 7, 1658. Will, Feb. 11, 1686. Codicil, Feb. 13, 1687. Proved Aug. 3, 1688. [See Vol. I., THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 89 Misc. Genealogica et Heraldica, p. 57]. Therein he mentions his daughter Agborough, his daughters Bridget, Caroline, and Whitney, and his four younger sons, viz., Cyriac, Wolfran, Humphry, and Edward. Codicil, Feb. 18, 1687 [3 Eyton 165]. [See Appendix.] His seal bore a Chough behind the lion. His wife, Theophila, was buried at Ludlow, April 25, 1718. Of this family of children, Cyriac, born in 1652 and baptised at Thornton Curtis, became, in 1687, a Captain in Colonel Cornewall's regiment of foot (i.e., Henry, son of Edward Cornewall of Moccas) ; was resident at Castleton in Eye Parish, 1716 ; buried at Eye March 1, 1718-19. Will dated March 11, 1717, was proved May 8, 1720. He therein mentions his wife, Martha, alias Bezant, who was named Exor. On Nov. 29, 1743, power was granted to Theophila Vaughan, wife of Alexander Vaughan, and daughter and next of kin of Martha Davies, alias Cornewall, wife of John Davies, Exor. and residuary legatee of Cyriac Cornewall of Eye, etc. On Aug. 5, 1721, a Commission was issued to said John Davies, husband of Martha Davies als. Cornewall [79 Browning] [Pulman's Wills X., 13, 560, Heralds College]. [See Appendix.] In Judge Bayley's pedigree Theophila, wife of Alexander Vaughan of Kington, is given as daughter of Cyriac Cornewall. This is erroneous. She was the daughter of Martha Bezant, or Bayzand, by John Davies, as appears thus : . . . Bayzand=Ann, d. 1727 Nicholas Davies, died 1737, insolvent and intestate. I ! (1) Cyriac Cornewall = Martha( July 27, 1720)— John Davies (2nd son), died in d. Feb. 21, 1718 Jamaica 1729. Will April 25, s.p. I 172 2, proved by his father. I THEOPHiLA=(July, 1742) Alexander Vaughan, of Kington. Theophila=i776 John Radford, of Smalley, Derby. The third son of Humphry Cornewall by Theophila Skynner was Humphry, concerning whom nothing is known. The fourth son of Humphry Cornewall and Theophila Skynner was Edward. He is mentioned by Judge Bayley as Captain in Colonel Cornewall's Regiment, the 9th foot, in 1687. The fifth son was Wolfran, who was born about 1653, but not baptised at Eye. He entered the Navy and commanded " The Dartmouth," 1688 [see Hist. MSS. Commission Report, part V., pp. 138-223]. go THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. In the State Papers of the reign of William and Mary is a letter from Admiral Russell to the King, dated 18th February, 1691, in which he says : — " I have a request to make you on behalf of Capt. (Wolfran) Cornwall, one of the officers on whom you showed your displeasure, in giving command to dispossess him of his ship, which has been so great a punishment to him. He is not only a very good officer, but an extremely gallant gentleman. I hope you will allow me to put him into a noble ship for this summer's service. He was one of the first sea officers I trusted with your coming over, and he is a man of merit, and I will answer for the character I have given him." Abstract of will of Wolfran Cornewall, Winchester, Hants (P.C.C. 26 Shaller) — 1719, Dec. 5. In the name of God, Amen. I, Woolfran Cornwall, being of perfect mind, etc. I give to my dear wife Elizabeth Cornewall, for her life, my Annuity of £119 per annum " in the Exchequer on the Million Act," also one third part of my dwelling house and goods, plate, and jewills. To my two daughters, Amarantha and Bette Cornewall, my annuity of £200 for the remainder of 99 years, when they attain the age of 21 or are married, and two other parts of my dwelling house, goods, &c, £100 in the South Sea Stock, and the arrears of my Pention. My two tenements in Avinton* to be sold. To my sister Carolina Robrough, £5 a year for life.f To my daughter Forder, £300, and to my two grand-daughters Rose and Elizabeth Forder, each £100. To Mrs. Carter, widow to the late Admirall Carter, living at Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, £100. To Robert Young, £50. My wife sole Executrix, and I give unto her all the rest of my goods and chattells. In witness whereof, &c, (Signed), W. Cornewall. Wits., John Pretty, Richard Woodberry, Jone Dubber. Codicil (same witnesses) proved at London, 24 Feby, 1719-20, by Elizabeth Cornewall, the relict and Executrix named (P.C.C. 26 Shaller). [Note — Testator of Winchester, Hants. Vide Probate Act Book]. Captain Wolfran Cornewall was comemmorated by a stone in the Nave of Bath Abbey, which gave his age as 61. He married first Elizabeth Humfrey (Judge Bayley's pedigree), and by her bad Rose, who married Robert Forder, of * N.B. — Avington is five miles N.E. of Winchester. t Robinson's " Mansions of Herefordshire," in the pedigree he gives, makes Carolina Roborow, the sister-in-law of Captain Wolfran. She was his sister. ELIZABETH, WIFE OF CAPTAIN WOLFRAN CORNEWALL. ROBERT BANKES, 2ND EARL OF LIVERPOOL AND PRIME MINISTER. CAPTAIN WOLFRAN COR NEW ALL, R.N. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 91 Barton Priors, Hants. Their daughter, Elizabeth, married Jacobs Cornewall, of whom presently. He married secondly Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Devereux, of Cefn- gwarnfa in Forden, Montgomery, by Mary of — Saithon, who was buried at Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon [for her will see Appendix], as of Burford Lawn Lodge, Wychwood Forest, Feb. 18, 1741, and by her had (1) Amarantha, baptised at St. Thomas, Winchester, June 12, 1700, who married at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Sep. 2, 1725, Colonel Charles Jenkinson, Major in the Blues at Fontenoy, who was born in 1693, and died in 1750. She died 1785, and was buried at Winchester. The Jenkinson descent is given by Judge Bayley, who, however, omits the second marriage. Elizabeth Humphrey=Wolfran Cornewall=(2) Elizabeth Devereux b. 1658, d. 1720, buried in Bath Abbey, 21 Jan., 1719-20. buried at Shipton-under- Wychwood, 1740-41. Rose= Robert Forder Rose = Jacobs Cornewall Elizabeth Henry (b. 1707, d. 1783 or 76) (vide infra) Forder (b. 1712, (2nd dau.) d. inf.) Elizabeth Jenkinson=Charles Wolfran Cornewall, d. of Col. Chas. Jenkin- Speaker of the House of son, and sister to 1st E. Commons (d. 1789). of Liverpool (d. s.p. 1809) Col. Charles J enkinson= Amarantha Cornewall Betty, baptised at St. (b. 1693, d. 1750) (b. 1700), bapt. at St. Thomas, Winchester, Thomas/Winchester, 12 June 4, 1705. s.p. June, 1700, buried there 31 July, 1785. (1) 1769 Amelia Watts=Charles Jenkinson=(2) 1782 Catherine, d. of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Bart, (d. 1770, aged 19). I 1st Earl of Liver- I (d. Oct. I, 1827)- I pool (1728-1808). I Robert Bankes, Charles Cecil Cope, 2nd Earl, Premier 1812-1827 3rd Earl. (1770-1828). Theophila, eldest daughter of Humphry Cornewall and Theophila Skynner, baptised at Thornton Curtis, 1644, married Agborough of Ludlow, and is described in the will of Vice-Admiral Charles Cornewall, 1716, as his aunt and a widow. She is mentioned also in the will of her father Humphry as his daughter, and was buried July 9, 1731, at Eye. 9 2 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Bridget, the second daughter, was also mentioned in her father's will, with a sister*— name unknown— who married Whitney, and the youngest sister Caroline, who later than 1687 married Roborow. Robert, eldest son and heir to his father, Humphry of Berrington, was baptised at Eye, June 17, 1647. On June 13, 1667, he became ensign in Lord Worcester's regiment, and Feb. 22, 1678, Captain in Sir John Talbot's Dragoons, Captain of an independent troop, June 18, 1685, Captain-Lieutenant in the Queen Dowager's 9th Regiment of Cavalry, July 31, 1685, Captain, 1687. He was elected M.P. for Leominster, March 23, 1685, and dying suddenly was buried Nov. 9, 1705, at Eye. Will proved at Ludlow, Jan. 22, 1706. Therein he mentions his eldest son Charles, who is plentifully provided for. To his son, Frederick, Barneby House, Ludlow, with the Close. He to be sole executor. [See Appendix.] He married Edith, daughter of Sir Francis Cornewallis of Abermarles, Carmarthen. Marriage License, July 24, 1668, wherein he is described as of Berrington, Co. Hereford, gentleman, and she of St. Andrew's, Holborn, spinster, about 20 years of age — with her father's consent. To be married at St. Bartholomew the Great, or Less, or at St. Botolph, Aldersgate. She is stated by Judge Bayley to have been buried July 15, 1696. He omits to give the place of her interment. By Edith Cornwallis Robert Cornewall had Charles, his heir, of whom presently ; Edward, baptised at Eye, Oct. 17, 1671, of whom nothing is known ; Robert, baptised at Eye, Oct. 14, 1673 ; and another Robert, baptised at Eye, Aug. 29, 1676 — from which it may be inferred that the previous Robert had died ; Frederick, baptised at Eye, Dec. 13, 1677 — of him full details will be given in the Chapter on the Cornewalls of Delbury ; Henry, baptised at Eye, April 23, 1679 ; James, baptised at Eye, Oct. 19, 1685, and buried there Aug. 5, 1686. To these Judge Bayley adds the name of George, living in 1716. Of the daughters, Frances was baptised at Eye, Septr. 22, 1670 ; Elizabeth was baptised at Eye, May 4, 1675, and Henrietta is added by Judge Bayley, who mentions also that she married William Proby, Governor of Fort St. George. She was not baptised either at Eye or Ludlow. * There may be some confusion here, inasmuch as Mrs. Bridget Whitney is stated in the Eye Register to have paid the burial fee for Mrs. Theophila Agberrow, 1731. Both Mrs. Theophila Agberrow and Mrs. Bridget Whitney may have belonged to a later generation, although this seems improbable, inasmuch as a first cousin would not have been likely to pay the burial fee of a first cousin. We note that a Mrs. Bridget Cornewal (sic) was buried at Eye Nov. 19, 1738. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 93 The eldest son of Robert Cornewall of Berrington and Edith Cornwallis was Charles. He was baptised at Eye, Aug. 5, 1669. This gentleman entered the Royal Navy in 1683, and commanded " The Portsmouth " Sloop, Sept. 19, 1692, and " The Adventure," of 44 guns, 1693, serving under Admiral Russell in the Mediterranean till 1696, and under Sir Cloudesley Shovel. He was appointed Commodore of a Squadron off the Norfolk coast, 1707, also in the Downs and off Dunkirk, 1709. He became Comptroller of the Navy Nov., 1714-16, Rear- Admiral, June 16, 1716, Vice-Admiral, March, 1717, and Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean, 1716. He represented the Borough of Bewdley, March, 1709-10, having previously stood in the Whig interest for Weobley against his cousin, Henry Cornewall of Moccas, but unsuccessfully at the poll and on petition, viz., Jan. 9, 1701. On Feb. 1, 1715, he was returned in the Whig interest for Weobley, and continued to represent that constituency until Nov. 7, 1718, when he died, at the age of 48, at Lisbon, on his way home. On Nov. 27, he was buried at Westminster Abbey, near the tomb of Sir Cloudesley Shovel. His will, dated Dec. 22, 1716, was proved in C.P.C. by his eldest surviving son and heir, Robert, Jan. 26, 1718. Therein he is styled The Hon. Charles Cornewall of Berrington, Vice-Admiral. Mentions daughter Henrietta, son Job, brother-in- law William Hanmer, uncle William Hanmer, Rector of Worth, Salop, uncle Cyriac Cornewall of Castleton, parish of Eyre (sic), aunt Agberow of Moreton, widow, brother-in-law John Hanmer of Lincolns Inn, son Robert and issue male. Remainder to brother Henry Cornewall and brother Frederick Cornewall. Son Robert sole Exor. Dated 2 Dec, 1716. Proved by Robert Cornewall, son. [Browning 4]. [See Appendix]. He gave £10 towards the restoration of Leominster Church. His widow gave two Tables of the Decalogue to Eye Church on New Year's Day, also a white cloth and napkin for the sacrament, woven in flowers. According to Williams' " Herefordshire Members," he was married twice. Of his first wife, supposing Williams to be correct, nothing is known, and she is not entered in Judge Bayley's pedigree. The lady who became the mother of his children was Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Hanmer, Esqre., of Hanmer in Flintslure. For the pedigree of that ancient and distinguished family, of Plantagenet descent and allied to Owen Glendower, whom they actively supported, see Lipscomb's Bucks and Burke's Peerage under Hanmer Baronet. Q4 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. This and the following letter are from the muniments of the Duke of Portland at Welbeck Abbey : — Nov 14th [i]70i. S r As soon as I heard of y e dissolucon I made all y" haste I could to Lempster where Mr. Recorder's friends are very Industrious : I have press'd my little interest and hope all things stand fair : I shall meddle in no other place but by y 1 commands w h you shall be pleas'd to lay them upon y r most Dutyfull and most obed' serv* C CORNEWALL. [Addressed " To the Hon ble Rob. Harley esqr. Speaker of y e house of Commons, London.] To Robert Harley [afterwards Earl of Oxford] [About the election for Hereford County.] Berrington, Dec. y e I st 1701. S r In obedience to y r Commands, I have prevail' d with Cor : Price to Desist, whose standing I protest I knew not off, till accidentally meeting him with L d Conin[g]sby at Leominster as I was goeing on this day sevenight to Weobley at the request of Coll : Cornewall to favour his Election there. Y r hint to me of y r intentions to Espouse S r J. Williams was so sufficient y* for myself I thought no further on't, but Mr. Price claiming a promise I had made him, tis assur'd you'l not condemn my observing, but believe me for the future, will reserve myself wholy for y 1 ' Dispose, and therefore humbly beg y r upon all oc[c]asions you'l be pleas'd to comand him who is with the greatest respect Imaginable. Hon rd S r Y r most oblig'd and most faithfull ser* & kinsman, Cha. Cornewall. By Dorothy Hanmer Admiral Charles Cornewall had (1) Henry, baptised at Ludlow, April 13, 1698 ; (2) Thomas, baptised at Eye, July 21, buried July 28, ID 99 '■> (3) Robert, his eventual heir, of whom presently ; (4) Cyriac, baptised at Eye, July 15, 1702, buried there May 16, 1703 ; (5) Charles, baptised at Eye, CHARLES, 1ST EARL OF LIVERPOOL. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 95 March 12, 1703, buried there March 14 ; (6) Charles, baptised at Eye, Dec. 26, 1704, and buried Dec. 29 ; (7) Job, baptised at Eye, Nov. 25, 1705, and buried there Sep. I, 1728 ; (8) Jacobs, baptised at Eye, Nov. 6, 1709, died Aug. 8, 1736, and buried at St. Thomas in Winchester, M.I. In St. Thomas's, a new church for the united parishes of St. Thomas and St. Clement, built in 1840 to replace the old St. Thomas's, but not on the same site (the graveyard alone remains of the old one) is a monument removed from the old St. Thomas's Church with this inscription : — In Memory of Jacobs Cornwall Efqr. Son of Vice Admiral Charles Cornwall of Berrington in the County of Hereford, Who died aged 26, Auguft 8, 1736 ; And of Rose his wife, Daughter of Robert Forder Eqr. of Barton Priors ; Who furviving her Hufband many years, Had her maternal care and tenderness amply repaid By the duty and affection of her only Son, The Right Honble. Charles Wolfran Cornewall, And the fatisfaction of feeing him before her death . Speaker of the House of Commons. She died Aged 76, December 13, 1783. This Monument is on the North wall of the North aisle of the new Church, close to the west end of that aisle. In the Registers of St. Thomas's Church : — Vol. 1. Amarantha y e daughter of Captain ) • ■ ,,„„.._ , _ _ . Cornwall was bapt y° of June J. — - l " jenklnson oF the Blues. Betty the daughter of Captain Cornwall was bapt : the 4 of June 1705. Vol. 2. Amarantha y e daughter of Captain Cornwall was Bapt: y e 12 of June 1700. Betty y Daughter of Capt : Cornwall was bapt : ye 4th of June i7<>5- These are duplicate entries of the first two. Vol. 2 is partly a copy of Vol. 1. Vol. 3. Charles son of Charles Jen- 1 m.- * * t j „ , . -kison Esq- and Ammarantha (sic.) I Thls 13 the iut ™ e Lord Hawkesbury and his wife bapt = May 16, 1729. f 1st Earl of Liverpool. Elizabeth Daughter of Charles ) JenkisonEsqer. & Ammarantha (sic.) V Afterwards the wife of Speaker Cornewall his Wife was bap : Octr. 15, 1730. j Anna Maria daughter of Charles Jenkison Esq 1 ' & Anamirantha his Wife bap : Mar: 27, 1733 [i-e. i7jlf] admitted into y e Congra- -gation Apr : 28. Charles Woolford (sic.) son of ) Charles Wolfran Cornewall (Speaker), Jacobs and Rose Cornwall V and the last Cornewall of bap: June ye 25, 1735. J Berrington. Vol. 4. Jacob Cornwall Gent was » Affid. made before buried August 9th, 1736. ( Thos. Barefoot, Esq. Vol. 7. Mrs. Cornwall was buried the 20th Dec r 1783. Burial 1785. Mrs. Amarantha Jenkinson, 31 July [1785]. 9 6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Jacobs Cornewall married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Forder of Barton Priors, Hants, and (vide supra), granddaughter of Captain Wolfran Cornewall by his first wife, Elizabeth Humphreys, and by her had a son Charles Wolfran Cornewall, baptised at St. Thomas's, Winchester, June 25, 1735, Speaker of the House of Commons, who married Elizabeth Jenkinson, sister of the first Earl of Liverpool. The subjoined extract is from The Gentleman's Magazine, Jan. 2, 1789 :— " About nine o'clock in the morning, at his house in Priory Gardens, White- hall, the Right Hon. Charles Wolfran Cornwall, Speaker of the House of Commons (in which place he succeeded the late Lord Grantley), M.P. for Rye, in Sussex, one of the Cinque Ports, and Chief Justice in Eyre of his Majesty's forests North of Trent ; one of his Majesty's most honourable privy council, and a bencher of the honourable society of Gray's Inn, — Mr. Cornwall was very well on Dec. 27, 1788, and dined with a friend, to whom he facetiously observed that he should " weather out this storm." — He was attended during his illness by Dr. Warren ; and his apothecary was Mr. Stone. On Jan. 1, at 8 o'clock in the morning he was considered as out of danger ; and a message to that effect was sent down to the House. At 12 the disorder took a fatal turn, and he was infinitely worse. He expectorated a great quantity of matter, which at last overwhelmed him, and, in spite of every effort, he expired the next morning. His body having been since opened, near a pint of matter was found lodged in the right side of the thorax, which rising to his throat suffocated him. Mr. Cornwall was bred to the bar ; but marrying Lord Hawkesbury's sister, left the bar and came into Parliament. From his matrimonial connection he was supposed to be one of the Confidential Junto. After the peace of 1763 he was appointed one of the persons to liquidate the German accompts ; for which service he had a pension allowed him. Some time afterwards he either differed, or affected to differ, with his brother-in-law, joined Lord Shelburne's party, and was with the Opposition in all the questions concerning the Middlesex election, the prosecutions respecting Junius's Letters, etc., etc. But in 1774 he was made a Lord of the Treasury, which place he held till the general election, 1780. Sir Fletcher Morton, who had been Speaker, having given some offence to the Court, when the new Parliament met, was refused the Speaker's chair, and Mr. Cornwall appointed in his room. After the appointment he was made Chief Justice north of Trent, which place he held when he died, together with a pension of £1,500 per THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES WOLFRAN CORNEWALL. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 97 annum. As Speaker, he uniformly conducted himself with an affability, dignity, and rectitude of conduct highly becoming his elevated situation. In private life his behaviour was always that of a gentleman. His remains were interred at the family burial-place at St. Croix, Co. Hants, on the 12th instant." The following is from the Parish Register, St. Cross, Winchester : — 1789, Jan. 9. The Right Honourable Charles Wolfran Cornwall, Speaker of the Hon. House of Commons, Member of Parliament for Rye in Sussex, Chief Justice in Eyre of His Majesty's Forests North of Trent, one of His Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, and a Bencher of the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, was buried in the great Western He of Chapel, between the four large Pillars : aged fifty-four years. Mem : Mr. Cornwall died Janry. 2d, about half-past nine in the morning at his House at Whitehall after a very short Illness. His death was very unexpected till within a few hours previous to it. On opening his Body, a large Quantity of cold water was found in his Stomach ; and one of his Collar Bones turning with a sharp Point to his Lungs, had formed an Abcess and occasioned his Death. He was first chosen Speaker of the House of Commons, Octr. 31st, 1780, and again by the succeeding Parliament, May 18th, 1784. He filled the Chair with uncommon dignity, etc., and sat in it for the last time Deer. 29, 1788. During the Recess of Parliament, he lived in the Master's Lodgings, as his own House at Barton Priors, his former Residence, was too small for his Retinue since his Advancement to the Chair. The Speaker in his Person was handsome, tall, and comely ; and in his Manners extremely affable, polite, and engaging. Wm. Rawlins, Chaplain of St. Cross Burial. 1809, Mar : 16. Elizabeth Cornwall, widow of the Right Honorable Charles Wolfran Cornwall, Speaker of the Hon. House of Commons. Speaker Cornewall's mother being a Hampshire lady, and his uncle, Captain Wolfran Cornewall having settled at Winchester, may account for the regrettable circumstance of his having aliened the ancient Manor and Mansion of his ancestors to the Right Honble. Robert Harley. The following abstract of will seems to show that the Speaker was by no means wealthy. He occupied the Chair of the House at a period of singular unrest, 9 3 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. e.g., when the revolt of the American Colonies was in progress, as also the long Hastings trial. At such a critical period the Speaker of the House required qualities of the highest order, and these were possessed by Speaker Cornewall. 1787, May 1. I, Charles Wolfran Cornwall do make my last Will and Testament etc. I do appoint the Rev d . Dr. Sturges of Winchester, John Downes, Att 7 . at Law of y e same place, and Samuel Dunn my Secretary to be my executors and I do give them £500 each. All the rest and residue of my landed or personal property I give to my executors in trust to the use of my dear wife for life in bar of all dower and settlements, and after her decease I give to Dr. Sturges £5000 and the re- mainder to be equally divided between such children of Sir George and Lady Cornwall as shall be living at the time of my wife's death. In witness whereof, etc., (Signed) C. W. Cornwall. I direct that not more than £500 be expended on my funerall inclusive of any monument. On 8 Jany. 1789, appeared personally the Rev. Philip Williams of Compton, Co. Southampton, clerk, and John Beardwell of Whitehall, Westminster, Middle- sex, serving-man, who deposed that they were well acquainted with the testator late of Whitehall, Esquire, and with his handwriting, etc. Proved at London, 16 Jany, 1789, by the executors named. (P.C.C. 15 Macham.) We now revert to the daughters of Admiral Charles Cornewall by Dorothy Hanmer. Of these Henrietta was baptised at Eye, May 13, 1701, and buried there Sep. 29, 1728. Her will was proved at Hereford, Jan. 1, 1728. Theophila, the next daughter, was baptised at Eye, Dec. 3, 1706, and was buried there Feb. 2, 1721. Jane, third daughter of Charles and Dorothy was baptised at Eye, Aug. 7, 1708. She was unmarried in 1745. The next daughter, Emma, was baptised at Eye, July 17, 1712. She married after 1745, Thomas Vernon, Esq. of Hanbury Hall, Worcestershire. By him she had an only child, Emma, who married Henry Cecil, from whom she was divorced in 1791. In 1793 he became Marquis of Exeter and married Miss Sarah Hoggins, whence Tennyson's " Lord of Burleigh." His divorced wife re-married the Rev. W. Sneyd, her favourite preacher. There are monuments at Hanbury to Thomas Vernon, who died Dec. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 99 9, 1771, aged 48, and to his wife, Emma Cornewall, who died in 1777 — [see Nash's Worcestershire]. The next daughter of Charles and Dorothy Cornewall was Edith, who was baptised June 15, 1712, and was buried at Eye, June 20. Annabella, the youngest daughter but one was baptised at Eye, Dec. 15, 1713. Her will was dated Dec. 11, 1782. The youngest daughter, Mary, was baptised at Eye, Oct. io, 1714, and was unmarried in 1745. Of this large family, Robert, by the decease of his two elder brothers, became senior and heir. He was baptised at Eye, April 21, 1700, and dying s.p. was buried at Eye, April 17, 1756. He resumed the prefix " De," which had fallen into desuetude since Sir Louis de Cornewall, and was created a Baronet by George II., but died before the Patent was signed. Sir Robert De Cornewall was appointed Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons of the Western Shires, 1753, by the Earl of Carysfort. High Sheriff of Radnor, 1738, defeated at Leominster in 1734 and again in 1742, but represented the Borough in the Whig interest, 1747-54. In the latter year defeated at Bishop's Castle, and died April 4, 1756, having foretold his own death. The Gentleman' s Magazine wrote : It is remarkable that a few days before this gentleman's illness he foretold that he should soon be taken ill, and that his cousin General Henry Cornewall and another would also be taken ill at the same time, and that they should die within a short space of each other. The General was accordingly taken ill as Sir Robert had predicted, and not knowing what he had said concerning their illness and death, told his friends to the same purport. The two cousins died within a few minutes of one another, and their friend who was taken ill about the same time recovered. His will, wherein he was described as Sir Robert De Cornwall of Berrington Castle, Co. Hereford, Baronet, was dated April 8, 1756, and proved April 22, by Charles W. Cornewall, his nephew, sole legatee, and Exor.,who, as has been stated, aliened Berrington. Apparently the only representatives in the male line of the senior line of Cornewalls are first, the sole male survivor of the Delbury line, whereof more in a future chapter, and next the descendants, if any, of Humphry Cornewall of Moreton. In the female line the Cornewalls of Berrington are represented by (1) Rev. Sir George Cornewall, Bart., of Moccas; (2) by the Earl of Liverpool. TOO THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Chapter V. THE MOCCAS LINE. Edward Cornewall=Frances, d. of Sir Walter Pye, and widow of 3rd son of John Cornewall, of Berrington ( 162 1 -1708) Henry Vaughan (1621-1701). M. L. Huyssen=Henry=Susanna, d. of (d. 1692) Henry, M.P. 1685-1755). s.p. fd. 1716/. William Henry (b. and d. 1687-8) Sir J. Williams Frances=W. Lingen. s.p. Mary=G. Nicholetts (d. 1702). (d. 1691), (2nd) (1st) I (3rd Jane, d. of=JuDiTH, d.=VELTERs, M.P.=Catherine, d. of E. Bray, s.p. of Sir H. Powell s.p. (d. 1768) Frederick Henry (b. and d. 1749) W. Hanbury (d. 1777) Captain James (1698-1743) s.p. I Mary=Hon. James I Berkeley Catherine- Sir George Amyand, Bart. (1752-1835) DWARD, third son of John Cornewall of Berrington and Mary Barneby, was -L' baptised at Eye, December 3rd, 162 1. In his early manhood he took part in the civil war on the side of the King, and apparently in opposition to his elder brother. For this he was fined £5, with the loss of his charger and arms, in 1645 — Webb's History of the Civil War — and it was owing to this incident that the Cornewalls of Berrington were ranked among the supporters of the Crown. This — vide previous chapter — would seem to be erroneous. It was owing to his Cavalier quality that he won — under romantic circumstances — the hand and heart of Frances, daughter of Sir Walter Pye of the Mynde, and widow of Henry Vaughan of Moccas, who was baptised at Much Dewchurch, December 9th, 162 1, and married Henry Vaughan of Moccas, her first husband, May 20th, 1635. Left a widow with one son, she married Edward Cornewall, 1650- 1, and was buried at Moccas, September 8th, 1701. M.I. A very vivid account of the imbroglio which led up, first to his capture as a common poacher, and next to his singular good fortune in gaining the possession of a splendid demesne, was written by Mr. H. F. J. Vaughan, S.C.L. of Ch. Ch., Oxford, for " Memorials of Old Herefordshire," being part of an able genealogical paper on the Vaughan family. This is too long for quotation, and we therefore append the version given by Robinson in his " Castles of Herefordshire " : — THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. IOI " Tradition affirms that it — the Manor of Moccas — went from them — the Vaughans — in the following manner. Henry Vaughan of Moccas married at Much Dewchurch, in 1635, Frances, one of the daughters of Sir Walter Pye. She was left a widow, and continuing to reside at Moccas with her son, Roger, found a second husband in a young man who was caught hunting deer in the park. The story goes that she was so much struck with the prisoner's appear- ance that she not only forgave the offence, but permitted him to condone it by marriage with herself — a result which is rendered less surprising by the fact that the poacher was a cadet of the ancient family of Cornewall of Berrington, and may not improbably have intended his shaft for nobler game than ranged in the park. Her son by the second marriage not only succeeded to Moccas, but acquired the rest of the Vaughan property." The subjoined letter is from the muniments of the Duke of Portland at Welbeck Abbey: To Sir Edward Harley, K.B. [who was elected M.P. for Hereford County, 8 Feb. 169I] Deare S r Not hearing any thing from y u since the death of that uncertane man, S r John Morgan, I have taken the fredom to give y u the truble of these lines, which I hope will find y u and y ors well. I desire to know whether y u have any thoughts to stand for Knight of the shere, if y u have, let me receve to lines from y u , that I may lose noe time in serving y u , if y u doe resolve to try y° mungrell Gent, of this county once more, then I thinck it will be very proper for me and my nephew Robin Cornewall to wait on y u suddenly, if y" pies to name the day the next weeck, and give Robin Cornewall notis hee will not faile to wait on y" who is Y or faithfull kinsman and servant Mockos Edw: Cornewall. January the 14 ~92 Edward Cornewall died January 5, 1708-9, and was buried at Moccas. The following is the inscription on his monument : — Here Lyeth ye body of Edward Cornewall, Esq., of the family from Berrington, who departed this Life the fifth Day of January, Anno Domini. 1708. Aged 95. 102 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Edward Cornewall had by Frances Vaughan : (i) Henry, his heir, of whom presently ; (2) Edward, buried at Kyre, September 1st, 1663 ; (3) Frances, who married William Lingen of Presteign, in 1695, and died s.p. ; (4) Mary, born in 1668, and buried in Hereford Cathedral, May 20th, 1702. She married Guilbert Nickoletts of the Hill in Bockleton, Worcestershire, and of Hopton Sollars, Herefordshire. He died July 4th, 1694, and was buried at Carfax Church in the City of Oxford. The eldest surviving son, Henry, was born about 1655. We avail ourselves again of Robinson's " Castles of Herefordshire," which gives a brief account of his career, e.g. : — " At the restoration, Henry, son of Edward Cornewall of Moccas — the husband of Mrs. Vaughan — was made page of honour to the Duke of York. He was not 14 when he went on board the same ship with H.R.H. to Holland, where he formed an acquaintance (this refers to Henry Cornewall's first wife, Margarita Laurentia Huyssen of Middelburgh in Zeeland) which in process of time enabled him to purchase Bredwardine, adding the Weston to it ; and his mother lived to see a son by a second husband in possession of a better estate than her eldest son had squandered in drunkenness. — Vide a letter addressed to Catharine, daughter of Velters Cornewall, M.P., in the possession of Rev. Sir George Corne- wall, Bart." The charge of inebriety here hurled at Roger Vaughan, Mrs. Edward Corne- wall's son by her first husband, may be largely discounted by a not indistinguished career, thus summarised by Mr. Williams in his " Herefordshire Members " : — " Roger Vaughan represented the City of Hereford in 1662. He was the eldest son of Henry Vaughan of Bredwardine and Moccas, and married (1) Anne, daughter of Thomas, Lord Arundel, with a dower of £4,000, whereof two-thirds were sequestered for recusancy. That was in 1652. In 1657 ne married (2) Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Tompkins, M.P. for Weobley, 1640, and sold her property in Weobley to Col. Birch. He represented the city until his death in 1673, holding a Captain's Commission in the Admiralty Regiment, and serving as High Sheriff of the county in 1636." The following, also from Williams's " Herefordshire Members," gives a fuller account of Col. Henry Cornewall's career, e.g. : — THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 103 " Henry Cornewall of Bredwardine Castle, only son of Edward C. of Moccas, b. 1653 (this is wrong ; he was born circa 1655) was Page of Honour to the Duke of York, appointed Ensign in Captain John Churchill's (the great Duke of Marl- borough) Company of the Admiralty Regiment (Col. Sir Charles Lyttelton's), June 10th, 1672 ; Captain in ' Our Holland ' Regiment, Jan. 1st, 1677 ; Captain- Lieut, in the Earl of Oxford's Regiment, August 31st, 1682 ; and Captain in the same Regiment, November, 1682 ; Captain-Lieut, in Lord Oxford's troop of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, October, 1684 ; Captain of the same, November 24th, 1684 ; Captain of a Company in the above Horse Guards, February 19th, 1685 ; raised the 9th, or Norfolk Regiment in Monmouth's rebellion ; Colonel thereof, June Tgth, 1685, but was superseded, November 20th, 1688 ; Master of the Horse to the Princess of Orange until James II. 's abdication. Honour forbade him drawing his sword against the King whose officer he had been, yet personal interest drew him to the side of William of Orange, besides the large possessions he held in Holland jure uxoris. He, therefore, withdrew from the army, but took no part in the Revolution, and never after held a command in the army or post in the Royal Household. He married (1) September, 1683, Margarita Laurentia Huyssen of Middelburg in Zeeland, and (2) April 27th, 1695, was licensed to marry Susanne, elder daughter and co-heir of Sir John Williams, Bart., of Pengethly. He was M.P. for Hereford, 1689-95,* for Here- fordshire in the Tory interest, 1698-1700 ; for Weobley, 1685-87 ; and January to November, 1701 (when he failed and petitioned against his cousin Charles, who was returned in the Whig interest), and again in 1702-8. He gave £10 to- wards rebuilding Leominster Parish Church in 1700, and died February 22nd, 1717, aet. 63, being buried, February 28th, in Westminster Abbey. His will, dated July, 1707, was proved March 9th, 1717." Dean Stanley, writing to Rev. A. P. Cornwall of Chichester, under date, October 16th, 1879, states : " There are no inscriptions on the present grave- stones of the Cornewalls, the whole Nave having been relaid in 1835 ; nor are any records of such in the register ordered at that time to be kept of such in- scriptions as remained on the old stones when removed. In Durst's " History of Westminster Abbey," 1723, is the enclosed inscription, which at that time * On June 26, 1689, Edward Gwyn, the Whig Candidate, petitioned against the return of Henry Cornewall, having been violently assaulted on the morning of the election, when several swords were drawn against him, his voters and friends were threatened and discouraged by the Mayor and Town Clerk (Mr. Gwyn's father) in favour of the Tory Candidate, threatening that they would ruin them and make the town too hot to hold them. On Aug. 6, 1689, the House of Commons decided that Henry Cornewall was duly elected. 104 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. was to be read on the grave of Henry Cornewall, i.e., 1716, February 28th, " The Hon. Colonel Henry Cornewall in the South Aisle." To this the large Register of Funerals adds : " Buried on Thursday, the 28th of February, 1716. Died February 22nd, in the 64th year of his age." The said enclosed inscription runs thus : " Here lyeth the body of Henry Cornwall of Bredwardine Castle, in the County of Hereford, Esquire, whose first wife was Margarita Laurentia Huyssen of Middleburg, in Zealand. By whom he had issue Henry, his eldest son and heir, now living, and William Henry, who died an infant. To his second wife he had Susanna, one of the daughters of Sir John Williams, Bart., and by her left issue two sons, Velters and James, and one daughter named Mary, married to the Honourable Henry Berkeley, Esquire, Brother of the Right Honourable James, now Earle of Berke- ley. He departed this life the 22nd day of February, 1716, in the 64th year of his age." Will of Henry Cornewall of Bredwardine (as dated July 1st, 1707). To be buried in the Churches of Moccas or Bredwardine, or in the S. Aisle of Westminster Abbey, near unto where the arms of my family are set up and some of my relations were formerly interred. Lands in Middlesex, Surrey, Hereford, Radnor, Cardigan, and Carmarthen. Lands in the two latter came from Susannah, his wife, on whom he settled Bredwardine, and to her issue. Devise of lands in Bredwardine, Moccas, Wilmaston, Dawson, and Cusop, except Weston, to Trustees for his son Velters in tail male. Remainder to his son James in tail male. Remainder to Henry Cornewall. Lands in Radnor to his father for life, remainder to his son Henry. Lands in Wales to son James, remainder to Henry, remainder to Velters. A charge of £2,000 on the Manor of Weston for his daughter Mary — remainder to Velters, remainder to James. Devises to his father Manors of Thingen and Crosswell, Hereford, and lands in Builth, Radnor. All jewels, plate, etc., to son Henry, he to be residuary Legatee. £40 to the poor, etc. Proved March 9th, 1716. The first wife of General Henry Cornewall was Margarita Laurentia Huyssen, of Middelburgh in Zeeland, Lady of Welden, whose great wealth enabled the Cornewalls to obtain by purchase both Bredwardine and Moccas with the residue of the Vaughan inheritance. She was daughter and heiress of Laurentius Huyssen, Lord of Welden, by Clara, daughter of Abraham Velters, by Helena De Haze. The father of the said Laurentius was Johann Huyssen, who married THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 105 Margarita, daughter of Johann de Knuyt, Verste Edele van Die Provincie van Zeeland (by Cornelia Jenys,) whose father, Sir Johan Huyssen, President of Zeeland, was knighted by James I., 1634, his father, Hugh, having been Pen- sionary of Rotterdam. She was naturalised June 25th, 1685, having on the previous June 14th received the sacrament in St. Paul's, Covent Garden [see nth Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, Appendix 2, p. 320]. She married General Henry Cornewall, October nth, 1683, and made a will on October 16th of that year, which was proved in London, May 5th, 1692, she having died on April 26th, of that year. She was buried in the Dutch Church, Austin Friars. M.I. " Appeared at The Hague before Adrian Van Storrwett, Notary, the Right Noble Lady Margaret L. Huyssen, married to the High Noble-born Lord Henry Cornewall, Captain under the King of G. Britain, Chief Stable-Master to Her Highness the Princess of Orange. She revoked a will of July last, also a matri- monial contract made at Middelburgh in September, 1683. In lieu whereof in case of her dying before her husband, the Lord Cornewall, by reason of her pure love and affection she bears for him, he to be constituted her sole heir. [This will is of great length, and by reason of tautological verbiage, almost unintelli- gible. She confirmed it with the words — written in capitals — " Through the mercy of Christ we have an entrance to Almighty God, Which Christ is the sole true and complete satisfaction for the sins of men " — this apparently, according to Dutch law, was then necessary for the will to be valid.] Date October 16th, 1683. Proved May 5th, 1692 [Fane 87.] By her General Cornewall had (with William Henry Cornewall, born January 4th, 1687-8, who died in the following April) Henry Cornewall, born June 12, 1685, Lieut. -General and M.P. for Hereford, 1747, in the Whig interest, having previously, i.e., in 1741, been defeated. In 1711 he was Cornet in the Horse Guards, and rose to be Lieut. -Col. of the Life Guards ; Col. of the 7th Marines December, 1740 ; Brigadier General, November 8th, 1735 ; Major-General, July 2nd, 1739 ; Lieut. -General, February, 1743 ; Governor of Londonderry until his death, April, 1756. He is styled of Byfleet, Surrey, and never married. His will, dated May 20th, 1755, was proved by Mary Cory, Executrix, April 12th, 1756. Therein he leaves £2,000 to Mr. Thomas Cornewall, Lieut., R.N. — apparently identical with Mr. Thomas Cornewall, the illegitimate son of his half-brother, Captain James Cornewall [vide infra]. Legacies to servants. General devise and residuary bequest to Mrs. Mary Cory, widow, " now io6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. being in my house and called in my family by the name of Mrs. Mary Rafter." His executrix paid £5 penalty to the poor of Byfleet for his not being buried in Woollen, according to the statute. Although following Judge Bayley, we treat the Thomas Cornewall, Lieut. R.N., mentioned in General Henry Cornewall's will, as being identical with the illegitimate son of Captain James Cornewall, it is only fair to add that of this there is no proof, while according to tradition there was at this time a naval officer of the same name who died in Westminster, and was ancestor of the Cornwalls of Chelsea and Chichester. We have already, on page 99, given details of the strange death of General Henry Cornewall, which synchronised with that of his cousin, Sir Robert. It may be added, that the third party in Sir Robert's prediction, who, as stated, recovered, had not uttered any prediction. His name is not known. The second wife of Henry Cornewall was Susanna, daughter and coheir of Sir John Williams of Minster Court, in Thanet, and jure uxoris, of Pengethley. Her father, Sir John Williams, was son of Sir Edmund Williams of Marnhull, Bart., heir of his uncle, Sir John Williams of Minster. He married, April 30th, 1673, in Westminster Abbey, Susanna, daughter of Sir Thomas Skipwith of Metheringham, Bart., and dying intestate left two daughters, viz., Mary, who married (1) Charles Petty, Lord Shelburne, (2) Lieut. -General Henry Conyngham, and (3) Col. Robert Dalway ; and Susanna, wife of Henry Cornewall. November 22nd, 1680, adminstration to the estate of Sir John Williams was granted to his widow, Susanna. By her will, dated September 15th, 1689, she made her daughters general legatees, and appointed her father, Sir Thomas Skipwith, Sir John Bankes, Bart., and Martin Holies, Esq., executors during the minority of her daughters. Will proved January 13th, 1689-70, by her father, and after- wards, viz., January 7th, 1692-3, by her daughters, Mary, Lady Shelburne and Susanna, then unmarried. On partition the Minster estate went to the Conyng- hams, whose second title is Baron Minster (creation 182 1) and the Welsh estates to Mrs. Cornewall. Sir Edmund Williams of Marnhull, Dorset, first Baronet, by his will, dated December 15th, 1643, directed that his Manor of Marnhull, Dorset, should be sold, £6,000 to be paid to his widow, and the rest to his son John, if living ; if not, to his brother, Sir John Williams. He mentioned Thomas and Carew Williams and his sister Annie, wife of John Clarke, also his mother-in-law, THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. IO7 Elizabeth Lady Beaumont of Gracedieu. The Beaumonts descend from a brother of St. Louis. He desired to be buried in St. Peter, Cheapside, a church which was burnt in the fire of London. Judge Bayley suggests that, as they bore the same arms, they may have sprung from the Williams family of Herring- stone, Dorset. The will of Susanna, Lady Williams, led to much heart-burning. She settled her considerable estates on her younger son, James, with remainder, not to her elder son, Velters, but to his half-brother Henry [see his will supra,] which, so Judge Bayley says, may be accounted for by the fact that the Moccas estate was acquired by the fortune of Margarita Laurentia, Henry Cornewall's first wife. This disposition of the lady's property was resented, and led to bad feeling between the brothers in half blood [vide infra the will of Captain James Cornewall]. The said elder of these sons, Velters — so named probably, as being eventual heir of Margherita Huyssen's fortune — was born in 1697. He matri- culated at Ch. Ch., Oxford, July 8th, 1714, entering at Lincoln's Inn in the same year. He was elected in 1722 as member for Herefordshire, in the Tory, or Country, interest, and continued to represent that constituency for 46 years, being the idol of all classes. It was said of him that he was one of those steady patriots whom no promises, rewards, titles, or expectations could seduce from the true interests of his country ; also that he lost a great estate by refusing to vote with his brother James in Parliament — a statement that may be received with some qualification. He was a fluent and capable speaker in a House where gifts of oratory were rare, and won the regard of the county by force of character and sterling honesty. It was, however, late in his long Parliamentary career that he aroused an ebullition of enthusiasm by his steady and successful opposition to the tax on cyder and perry — an impost passionately opposed by the con- stituencies of the West and South West of England. Mrs. Leather in a piquante article on Herefordshire folk-lore, prints in extenso a " Song written on the Repeal of the Cyder Tax," obtained by the strenuous exertions of Velters Cornewall, who represented the county in seven successive Parliaments. After apostrophising Rockingham and Pratt (Lord Camden), Pitt and Dowdeswell, as champions of Free Cyder, the local rhymer winds up with " We'll stretch our throats still wider, Till all the Moccas Hills shall echo back Old Cyder ! " She mentions further that at the funeral of Velters Cornewall twelve women of the county walked carrying apple boughs to show that Herefordshire was in mourn- ing for its champion. io8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. He was appointed a Trustee of the British Museum in 1768, and on June 6th, 1763, the High Sheriff, Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders presented an address to Mr. Cornewall and Sir John Morgan expressing warmest thanks for their diligence and steadiness in opposing the late tax on Cyder and Perry. On the 25th of June following Mr. Velters Cornewall, on his way to take his seat in the House, was met by a numerous body of horsemen, who accompanied him from Moccas to Hereford, the cavalcade accompanying him as far as Ross. The roads were everywhere lined with people, the bells rang, devices were set up, and every demonstration of approbation and respect was shown to their worthy old member. The subjoined is from the muniments of the Duke of Portland at Welbeck Abbey : — [To Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford.] Hereford, Monday Noon. [i.e. March 20, 172J.] My Lord, The particularity of the occasion is the only excuse I can presume to offer to y r Lords p for my Doing myself this very Great Honour, and I will rely so much on y r Lords p '° Goodness and Condescension as to come directly to the Affairs, nor trouble you with the Addition of one single Iota more by way of Prceamble, nor had I presum'd to have paid my Duty any other way than in person to y e Great Self had not the High Sheriff (before I had these thoughts) obliged me to serve here as a Grand Juryman. Your Lords p is sensible that a few days will determine who is to have the Honour of being Elected as representative for the Borough of Leominster, and I am told, My Lord, that the Noble Lord, y r son Declines it ; If so, I most humbly offer myself as a most unworthy Candidate. His Grace of Chandois, I have strong reason to think will favour me with his Interest. My Lord Duke on Wednesday last in Town promis't me more Friendship than I could expect or meritt. I doe not mean as to this affair, for I beg leave to acquaint y Lord- ship that it has not been in Embrio with me above an Hour, nor is it att present a Chimcera of my own forming, it owes its birth to some of my own very good friends andy r Lords ps very humble servants. I have had too a short Interview with some of the Gentlemen of that side the County, and I'm sure, my Lords, there is no fault in our will though there may be an Errour in our Judgment. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. iog I humbly submitt everything to y* Lordship and beg I may be Honour'd with Leave to subscribe myself, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, most devoted humble serv*. VELTERS CORNEWALL. P.S. — I am with my Coz" Bridges, who desires his Duty. I shall write to my Lord Duke Imed'ately. [Lord Oxford's answer is dated March 21st, 172J. He regrets that he has promised his interest to Sir Archer Croft. He continues, " I have the greatest respect for your Family, and should be glad of any opportunity to shew the esteem for Your Person, wherewith I am s r your most humble and obedient servant and kinsman, Oxford."] No doubt his manful exertions were the more appreciated because in 1763 he was far from robust. Thus, Berrow's Worcester Journal, September 18th, 1755 : " We hear that Velters Cornewall, Esqre., of Moccas, in the Co. of Hereford, through his ill state of health, intends to dispose of all his valuable stud of horses, mares, and foals. The sale begins on Octr. 13 next, and will continue one week, and there are among his stud 30 or 40 horses that derive their pedigree from the best stallions and mares that have been in this kingdom since the Restoration, and from the Bierley Turk to the Godolphin Arabian." Velters Cornewall married (1) Judith, daughter of Sir Herbert Powell of Colebrook, Bart. Marriage License, April 22nd, 1722. By her he had a son who died in infancy. She was a cousin in half blood, his mother's father, Sir John Williams, having married, apparently as his second wife, Mary, heir of Sir William Powell of Pengethley, in consequence of which alliance he represented Herefordshire in 1701. In October, 1734, Velters Cornewall was licensed to marry (2) Jane, daughter of Edmund Bray of Barrington Court, Gloucestershire. She died April 10th, 1735, s.p. ; and (3) Catherine, the youngest daughter of William Hanbury of Byfleet, Surrey, and Little Marcle, Herefordshire, by whom he had Frederick Henry, baptised at Moccas, October 10th, i74g, who died in infancy, and Catherine, baptised at Moccas, November 17th, 1752, who married at St. George's, Hanover Square, July 18th, 1771, Sir George Amyand, Bart., who assumed the name and arms of Cornewall. Concerning Catherine, her husband, and descendants, an account will be given in the chapter on the Corne- wall Baronets. The full-length portrait of Velters Cornewall, by Gainsborough, is in the new City Buildings at Hereford. no THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Velters Cornewall, M.P., who died April 3rd, 1768, was buried in Hereford Cathedral, wherein was erected a monument to his memory, on the South wall of the Nave. When the Cathedral was restored by Sir Gilbert Seott, R.A, Dr. Dawes being Dean, this monument was removed to the Cathedral Cloister. It bears the following inscription : — To the Memory of Velters Cornewall, Esqr., of Moccas, Who represented this County during Forty-six Years in Seven successive Parliaments. Encomiums upon the Dead are often the dictates of Flattery to the living, But the Faithful Friend who Inscribes this marble (Though he cannot but Blame that Excess of Patriot Jealousy which too Cautiously with-held the deceas'd from Engaging in Employments of State) Yet does Justice to those generous and unshaken Principles which alone directed his conduct, In opposing whatever seem'd to interfere with the True Interests of his Country. By his late Wife, Catherine, Youngest Daughter of William Hanbury, Esqr., of Little Marcle, he had Two Children, Frederick Henry, Who died an Infant ; and Catherine, who (with her surviving Mother) Has caused this Monument to be Erected. He died at Moccas, upon the Third of April, 1768 ; in the Seventy third Year of his Age. Just when his Constituents were Preparing to reelect him To an Eighth Parliament. The only sister of Velters Cornewall and Captain James, his brother, of whom presently, was Mary, who married the Hon. James Berkeley, Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, son of Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkeley, and M.P. for Gloucestershire. She died April 25th, 1741. He, May, 1736. By him she had (1) Henry, Captain in the 1st Foot Guards, who fell at Fontenoy, and Lionel Spencer, who by Margaret, daughter of James Whitfield of Twickenham, had Velters Cornewall Berkeley, Captain, R.N., who died April, 1804 ; Nicholas Lionel ; with three daughters. VELTERS CORNEWALL, M.P. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Ill We now come to a member of the Cornewall family, who won for himself, by splendid heroism, a place among the English immortals. His achievements aroused an enthusiasm in the county paralleled only by those of Lord Nelson, and the vote of the House, at a moment when money was sorely needed for the seven years' war, gave him a noble monument in Westminster. This, after partial mutilation, it was proposed to remove in favour of a monument to Lord Salisbury, the Premier. The Navy, however, was not prepared to view calmly any such desecration, and in the end the project was dropped, never again, it may be hoped, to be resuscitated. Baptised at Moccas, November 17th, 1698, he joined the Royal Navy, com- manding the Sheerness Frigate, 1724 ; the Success, 1732 ; the Bedford, 1743 ; and the Marlborough of 90 guns and 750 men in the battle of February nth, 1744, off Toulon, against the combined fleets of France and Spain. He lost both legs but continued fighting. In a " particular account of the late action in the Mediterranean " by a Marine Officer, London, 1744, the writer says : " The losses sustained in this fight are very inconsiderable, excepting the Marlboro', who had 52 killed, and 150 wounded. Among the first was Captain Cornewall, who lost his fife in keeping the place allotted to him with great intrepidity, without any relief worth mentioning from the incessant fire of The Real, and her two seconds. He was a gallant gentleman, affable and of a fine address, an honour to the service, the darling of every man who knew him, perfectly sweet- tempered and well-bred ; in whose death The King, our Country and all Officers and Seamen have had a great loss. Among the wounded was Lieut. Cornewall, his kinsman, who lost his right arm in this action, an old officer of great merit. The Marlboro' had 90 guns and 750 men ; The Real 114 guns and 1350 men." Thou cam'st at honour's sacred call, Thou cam'st at once to conquer and to fall, To die a victim to the British name, To die the Hero's death and live to fame. Above the rest, brave Cornewall, shines thy part, Strikes every eye and gains on every heart. He was elected as a Whig for Weobley in 1732, but defeated in 1734, being, however, returned on petition. By order of the King, and after the unanimous 112 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. vote of the House of Commons, a monument was raised at the public cost to his memory in Westminster Abbey.* The monument stands just within the West door, and is partly formed of red veined Sicilian marble — a heavy pyramidal structure, designed by Sir Robert Taylor. It displays a large standing figure of Britannia in the character of Pallas, attended by her lion, and another of Fame under a palm tree and laurel. The figures are poised on rocks adorned with anchors, flags, and armour, and these surround an admirable bas-relief of a naval engagement. Above is a coat of arms — a lion rampant in a bordure besanty — and a medallion representing the head of a man crowned with laurel. It cost the nation £3000 — as is evident by an item in the Estimates for 1756. Subjoined is the scholarly epitaph, which in elegant Latin alike commemorates the hero and tells the story of his death. Inter pristince virtutis monumenta hac in cede sacra, conservetur nomen JACOBI CORNEWALL de Castro Bredwardino in agro Herefordensi, Armigeri et Filii natu tertii qui de pervetusta et illustri Plantagenistarum stirpe, Animum vere priscum ducens, verum navalium Dux evasit facile peritissimus ; Britonum Atque lachrymis, atque applausu merito, decoratis, Quippe qui patrice causam, in Navali illo, Telonem juxta, certamine strenue propugnans plumbi jugalis ictu utroque pariter truncatus crure, ardorem suum conmilitonibus supremum munus morientis legans occubuit invictus III id. Feb. A.D., MDCCXLIII. ^t suae XLV. cujus eximia virtus, Ampliori elogio ad posteritatis incitationem commendari nequiit, Quam honoris exemplo plane singulari, quam unanimi suffragio Publicis Expensis hoc monumentum viri fortissimi memoriae Senatus Britannicus consecrari voluit. * The Monument was paid for in the Estimates of 1756 when the Country was entering upon the Seven Years' War. The item runs : " For erecting a Monument in S. Peter s, Westminster, to the memory of Captain James Cornewall, £3,000." The next item shows the situation in which England was placed, e.g. " upon account to enable His Majesty to concert and take all such.measures as may be necessary to disappoint and defeat the designs of His enemies." THIS MONUMENT TO CAPT. J. CORNWALL, IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, IS THE FIRST EVER VOTED BY PARLIAMENT FOR NAVAL HEROISM. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. "3 Of this epitaph Mr. A. P. Cornewall has given the following translation : Amongst the Monuments of pristine virtue Within these walls be preserved the name of JAMES CORNEWALL, The third son of Henry Cornewall, Esq., of Bredwardine Castle, in the County of Hereford, Who deriving a truly heroic soul From the ancient family of the Plantagenets, Became a most able and expert Sea Commander, Honoured with the united tears and applause Of a British people. For while he was defending his Country's cause In that Naval engagement near Toulon, A chain shot having cut off both his thighs, He fell unconquered — Bequeathing in his last agonies to his fellow soldiers His native military ardour, xi. Feb. A.D. 1743 ; Of his age the XLVth. His admirable valour Could not by a more ample eulogium be recommended to posterity — Than when from a singular honour paid to it, This Monument was voted to be consecrated to his memory at the public expense By the unanimous suffrage of a British Senate. To this may be appended an account given in the Gentleman's Magazine, February, 1755 :— " The scaffolding was taken from before the mausoleum in Westminster Abbey, raised in memory of Capt. Cornewall, Commander of the Marlborough. This monument, which is near 36 feet high, has a bold base and pyramid of rich Sicilian jasper ; against the pyramid is a rock (embellished with naval trophies, sea weeds, etc.), in which are two cavities. In the one a Latin epitaph is in- scribed ; in the other is a view of the sea fight off Toulon in bas-relief ; on the fore-ground of which the Marlborough of go guns is fiercely engaged with Admiral Navano's ship, the Real, of 114 guns, and her two seconds, all raking the Mail- er H4 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. borough fore and aft. On the rock stand two figures. The one represents Britannia under the character of Minerva, accompanied with a lion ; the other figure is expressive of Fame, who having presented to Britannia a medallion of the hero, supports it, whilst exhibited to public view. The medallion is accom- panied with a globe and various honorary crowns, as due to valour. Behind the figures is a lofty spreading palm tree (whereon is fixed the hero's shield or coat of arms) together with a laurel tree ; both of which issue from the naturally barren rock, as alluding to some heroic and uncommon event. This monument, designed and executed by Mr. Taylor, and erected by order of His Majesty, upon the unanimous vote of the House of Commons, is an illustrious instance of national gratitude as well as of good policy, in being devoted to the honour of a greatly distinguished naval officer." The victory off Toulon, won by Captain James Cornewall, was tarnished by the cowardice of the Admiral and of his second in command. Out of 26 Captains 12 were Court Martialled, one died, one fled the country, two were dismissed their ships, and five cashiered, including the Commodore, Admiral Mathews, while an epigram crushed those who failed Captain James Cornewall, e.g., Spare the fond sigh ! Let Briton's tears be shed For dastards living, not for heroes dead. On the death in action of our hero, his cousin, Captain Frederick Cornewall of Delbury — of whom in a following chapter — assumed the command of the Fleet, which had been deserted by its chief officers. Mathews thereupon offered him the command of a frigate. He replied with scorn that he had fought the Marlborough, and would command her or none, and his demand was at once conceded. Eighteen years later he was selected to command " The Cornewall," on her launch at Deptford, a man-of-war carrying 74 guns. She was so named after Captain James Cornewall. In an age of epigram and of verse the superb exploit of the Marlborough and her Captain awoke an enthusiasm which found vent in lines of somewhat unequal merit. Thus W. Rider : — One tomb alone my ravished view excites And fires my rage, and as it fires delights. O Cornewall ! at thy name my bosom fires ! Thy name, to every Briton ever dear. CAPTAIN JAMES CORNEWALL, R.N. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 115 Immortal vengeance 'gainst thy foes inspires, Thy fate at once I envy and revere ! Who would not die like thee in glory's prime, And die applauded by the mouths of endless time ? Here we have others : — From the Gentleman's Magazine, February, 1755 : — The following inscription, which was written some years ago, having been incorrectly printed in the papers, then by mistake ascribed to a right honourable gentleman, you are desired, in justice to the Author, to give the public a genuine copy. ON CAPT. JAMES CORNEWALL. Tho' Britain's genius hung her drooping head, And mourn' d her ancient glory fled, On that fam'd day when France combined with Spain, Strove for the wide dominion of the main, Yet, Cornewall, all with grateful voice agree To pay the tribute of applause to thee. When his bold chief, in thickest fight engag'd, Unequal war with Spain's proud leader wag'd, With indignation moved he timely came To rescue from reproach his country's name : Success too dearly did his valour crown, He sav'd his leader's life — and lost his own. These fun'ral rites a grateful nation pays, That latest times may learn the hero's praise, And Chiefs like him shall uncomplaining bleed, When Senates thus reward the glorious deed. CORNEWALL'S GHOST. From scenes of bliss — Elysian fields, Where Drake and Raleigh rove ; The Ghost of Cornewall took his flight, And sought the realms above. In that famed place where heroes sleep, And saints and sages lie, He saw the marble columns rise, And thus express' d his joy. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. " Such honours patriot kings erect, " And Senates have decreed, " For those who bravely meet their fate, And for their country bleed." When Britain calls, and virtue fires, There's ecstasy in death ;* Who would not bleed in every vein And die at every breath ? Yet one more, sheltered, happily, under the veil of anonymity :— - Who'd wish an ignominious life, And for a moment's pain, Give country, conscience, honour up, And still that life sustain ? The slaughtered ghosts at Fontenoy, Mourn that inglorious day ; When English honour droop'd her head, To France and Spain a prey. But, soft ! I hear war's loud alarms, And the brave sailors' cries ; Once more I see the flag displayed, And Britain's genius rise. " Now — now, intrepid sons of war, " Regain the honour lost ; " Now — dart your thunder to the foe — " Revenge my slaughtered ghost. " Britons, strike home ! — Cornewall commands — " To fame, to conquest fly. Brave ghost — the navy all reply'd, " We'll conquer, or we'll die ! " The will of James, Commander of H.M. ship Marlborough, now lying in the bay of Hieres, dated February 6th, 1743-4. Devise of my estate in Cos. Carmar- then and Cardigan to Brother Henry (of Byfleet — vide supra) though, as it was devised to him by my Father in case I should die without issue, this expression Duke et decorum est pro Patria mori. 1 CAPTAIN THOMAS CORNEWALL, R.N. 0 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. II7 of my intention may be unnecessary. And I earnestly entreat him out of affection for our family and brotherly Love, and that charity which our Blessed Saviour solemnly recommends to us, that he will be reconciled to our brother, Velters, and leave the estate to him at his death. £4,000 to my natural son Thomas, by Mrs. Hannah Southwark of Boston, New England. £1,000 to Cousin Frederick, late my first Lieut. £500 each to the 2 sons and 3 daughters of my sister, Berkeley. Proved May 6, 1744. Thomas Cornewall, the legatee of Captain James and General Henry Cornewall, died at Chart Place, Dorking, in 1796, aged 65, and is described in the European Magazine vol. 30, p. 71, as the senior superannuated Captain R.N. Apparently he was never married. The following is from The Gentlemen' s Magazine, January 29, 1784 : " At Thos. Cornewall's, Esq., at Chart Place, in Surrey, in her 97th year, Mrs. Talbot's, relict of the Rev. Edw. Talbot, Arch- deacon of Berkshire, and next brother to Lord Chancellor Talbot, whom she survived above 63 years. — To this gentleman's interest with his father, the Bishop of Durham, the late Archbishop Seeker owed his introduction into the Church and his preferments. Mr. Talbot died in December, 1720, and on Mr. Seeker's marrying, in October, 1725, Mrs. Catherine Benson, the friend and relation of Mrs. Talbot, she and her late excellent daughter consented to five with them, and they continued to do so with the late Archbishop till his death in 1768, when he left £13,000 in the 3 per cent, annuities to his Chaplains (of whom the survivor is now Bishop of Chester) in trust, to pay the interest thereof to Mrs. Talbot and her daughter, during there joint lives, or the life of the survivor, and after the decease of both these ladies (an event which has now taken place, Mrs. Catherine Talbot having died January 9, 1770), £11,000 of the said £13,000 are to be transferred to several charitable purposes." Archbishop Seeker was accused of having transferred his patronage to Mrs. Talbot. This no doubt was mere slander. n8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Chapter VI. THE CORNEWALL BARONETS. Velters Cornewall, M.P.=(3rd) Catherine Hanbury. ! I Frederick Catherine=Sir George Amyand, Bart., who changed his name to Cornewall (1749) I (1748-1814). Sir George Cornewall,: Bart. (1774-1835) Jane, dau. of Catherine F.=S. Peploe Hannah Anne M. Wm. Naper (1773-1823) of Garnstone died in (1779-1872) (1790-1853) infancy Frances E.=HenryF., Charles A. Harriet=Sir T. F. Lewis, (1783-1864) I Viscount (1785-1822) (b. 1787) ) Bart. I Hereford I I I I Robert, 15th Right Hon. Sir G. C. Lewis, Bart., M.P. Sir Gilbert Viscount. Caroline = Sir W. D. Gordon, Bart. (178 9-1875) I I Sir A. D. Gordon, Bart. I I I Sir Velters, Bart. William N., R.N. Rev. Sir G. H.=L. F., dau. Catherine E. = Thos. C. (1824-68) (1832-62) Cornewall, I of Francis (1821-40) Master Bart, (b. 1833) | Bayley. Amy (1868-88) Geoffrey (b. 1869) Mary L. (b. 1870) I William F. (b. 1871) George A. (1874-86) Mary J. (1822-39) Selina M. (1825-27) Francis A. (b. 1826) Henrietta^ Rev. A. C Master (1828-58) Caroline S. (b. 1829) CATHERINE, only daughter and eventual heir of Velters Cornewall by Catherine his third wife, youngest daughter of William Hanbury, Esq., of Byfleet and Little Marcle, and coheir of her brother, Thomas Hanbury, who died August 7th, 1742, and is buried at Moccas, was baptised at Moccas, November 17th, 1752, and married, at St. George's, Hanover Square, July 18th, 1771, Sir George Amyand, Bart. Elizabeth Neale, sister of Catherine Hanbury, by will proved 1780, left her diamond earrings to her niece, Catherine, Lady Cornewall, and Frances Barrell, another sister, bequeathed to Lady Cornewall, her niece, three pictures of the Hanbury family* — will proved 1786. Catherine, Lady Cornewall died March 17th, 1835. Her will, dated March 17th, 1822, was proved by Samuel Peploe of Garnstone Castle, the husband of her eldest daughter, and executor. In Moccas Church is this monumental inscription : — * John Hanbury, of Hanbury, living a.d. 1400, had three sons, William, of Hanbury Hall ; John, ancestor of Lord Bateman ; and Richard, ancestor of Capel Hanbury Leigh, of Pontypool. CATHERINE, LADY CORNEWALL. {From the portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds.) THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. II 9 To the Memory of Catherine Cornewall, Only child and sole heiress of Velters Cornewall, of Moccas Court, Esqre., And his wife, Catherine Hanbury, Born on the 15th November, 1752, Died on the 17th March, 1835, In the 83rd year of her age. In 1771 she married Sir George Amyand, Baronet, And by him had 7 children. Catherine Frances, born in 1774, married in 1796, to S. Peploe, Esq., of Garstone, in this County. George, born 1775, married in 1815, to Jane, daughter of W. Naper, of Loughcrew, in Ireland. Anna Maria, born 1779, Frances Elizabeth, born 1783, married 1805, to Henry, 14th Viscount Hereford. Charles Amyand, born 1785, died 1803. Harriet, born 1787, married 1805 to the Right Hon. T. Frankland Lewis, of Harpton Court, County of Radnor. Caroline, born 1789, married 1810, To Sir William Duff Gordon, Bart. " This monument, which, but for his untimely death, would have been erected by her son, is placed here to commemorate the many virtues which made her beloved by her children and the delight and ornament of her domestic circle." Her husband, who on his marriage in 177 1 assumed the name and arms of Cornewall, was born 1748 and represented Herefordshire in the Whig interest, 1774-96, in which year he was defeated. He matriculated at Ch. Ch., Oxford, April 5th, 1766, aet 17, proceeded M.A. March 4th, 1769, and D.C.L. July 8th, 1773. He presented to Monnington, 1792, was Captain in the County Yeomanry, 1794, Major 1806, and Colonel of the County Militia, 1805. He was also a Family Trustee of the British Museum from 1788 until his death, which occurred September 26th, 1819. Buried at Moccas. The following is his monumental inscription : — 120 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Sacred to the Memory of Sir George Cornewall, Bart. He died Sep. a.d. i8iij, aged 70. During a considerable part of his life He represented the County of Hereford independently and honestly. In the character of a provincial Magistrate He was greatly serviceable to his neighbourhood ; As a friend esteemed ; by his family beloved, And by the poor around him Lamented he died. The Amyand* family, refugees from Mornac, after settling in England and becoming naturalised, assumed at once a high social position, inter-marrying, as will be shown, with some of the leading families of their adopted country, and * Isaac Amyand, — Anne Hottot. Refugee from Mornac, naturalised Oct. 10, 1685, died Sept. 18, 1782. Will dated April 5, proved Sept. 28. Exors., sons Daniel and Theodore, and brother Daniel. Rev. Daniel Amyand, described in the marriage license of his niece, Magdalen, Dec, 1683, as Rector of Hol- denby. I I I Charles Isaac Claudius, = (Nov 6, 1717) Mary Rabache natur- natur- F.R.S., born in alised alised Paris, Principal 1699 1699 Surgeon to George II., Oct., 1729. Killed by a fall in Greenwich Park, 1740. Naturalised 1699. I I John Daniel naturalised Exor. to 1699 his father I I Theodore Benjamin Exor. to his naturalised father, natur- 1699 ised 1699 Magdalen= Jeremy MORIN (1683) Mary natur- alised 1699 Sir George Amyand, Bart, (b. Sept. 26, 1720, d- Aug. 16, 1766) created Baronet Aug. 4, 1764. M.l. Carshalton Anna Maria, dau. of John A. Korten (d. June 30, 1767), M.I. Carshalton I Rev. Thos. H.= Rector of Ham- bledon (1728-62) Rachel M. Claudius=(i76i) Frances Payne, (1730-53) Secretary of widow of George, State, 1756. Earl of Northamp- (1718-74) ton (1719-1800) =(1751) Frances, dau. Anne = John Porter, of Thos. Ryder. (b. 1719) M.P. (d. 1756) I Frances=:W. H. Haggard, of Bradenham I Hall, Norfolk. Mary C. = Sir R. Adams, (b. 1726) Baron of the Exchequer I Judith = (b. 1732) (1760) Rev. Dr. Ashton, Fellow of Eton, R. of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate. Charles, M.P. James, M.P., Lord of the Admiralty. Sir George Cornewall (vide supra) I John M.P. for Camelford (1751-80) Anna M.=Sir G. Elliot (1752-1829) Earl of Minto Harriet M. (1761-1830) =James, Earl of Malmes- bury THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 121 obtaining favour with the Courts of George I. and George II. The preceding pedigree shews the devolution of the family, which is represented now in the male line by the Cornewall Baronets of Moccas Court, Hereford. By Catherine Cornewall Sir George Cornewall had (i) Sir George, his successor ; (2) Charles Amyand, baptised at Moccas, June 13th, 1785, and died s.p. June 26th, 1822, M.I. Moccas Church ; (3) Catherine Frances, baptised at Moccas, June 10th, 1773, who married Samuel Peploe of Garn- stone Castle, Weobley, and died without issue, 1823 ; (4) Hannah, died young ; (5) Anna Maria, baptised at Moccas, April 30th, 1779, who died unmarried, August 23rd, 1872 ; (6) Frances Elizabeth, baptised at Moccas, May 20th, 1783, who married at St. George's, Hanover Square, December 12th, 1805, Henry Fleming, 14th Viscount Hereford, to whom she bore Robert, 15th Viscount, and died February 20th, 1864 ; (7) Harriet, baptised at Moccas June 9th, 1787. She married Sir Thomas Frankland Lewis, Bart., of Harpton Court, Radnor, and by him had (1) The Right Honourable Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart., and Sir Gilbert Lewis, Bart. The former occupied a foremost place alike in politics and letters. He was born in 1806, educated at Eton, and became student and double first-classman of Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1829 ; M.A., 1831 ; D.C.L., 1837 \ ca Ued to the Bar of the Middle Temple, 1831. He married in 1844, Lady Maria Theresa, widow of J. H. Lister, and sister of the Earl of Clarendon. Poor Law Commissioner, 1839- 47, in which year he was elected as a Liberal for the County of Hereford. Secre- tary of the Board of Control, 1847-48 ; Under Secretary for the Home Depart- ment, 1848-50 ; Secretary to the Treasury, 1850-52 ; Editor of the Edinburgh Review, 1852-55. Defeated for Herefordshire, 1852 ; elected for Radnor, 1855- 63 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1855-58 ; Secretary of State for the Home Office, 1859-61, and of War, 1861 till his decease, April 13th, 1863 ; Chief Steward of Hereford City, 1859-63 ; Author of the " Origin of the Romance Languages " and of various essays. He formed one of Lord Palmerston's Cabinet, which, with the exception of the Premier, consisted entirely of Oxford first classmen, and had he survived would have succeeded that nobleman as Prime Minister. His statue in bronze stands in front of the Shire Hall at Hereford. The youngest daughter of Catherine Cornewall and Sir George (Amyand) Cornewall, Bart., was Caroline. She was baptised at Moccas, May 20th, 1789, and married, February 5th, 1810, Sir William Duff Gordon, Bart., by whom she had Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, Bart., who died October, 1872. She died April 23rd, 1875, and was buried at Hendon. 122 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. The eldest son, Sir George Cornewall, Bart., was baptised at Moccas, January 16th, 1774, and married, September 26th, 1815, Jane, only daughter of William Naper of Loughcrew, Co. Meath. She was born February 5th, 1796, and died February 13th, 1853 (M.I. Moccas Church), having borne her husband, who died December 27th, 1835, (1) Sir Velters, born February 20th, 1824, who succeeded his father in 1835, an d died unmarried October 14th, 1868 ; memorial window in Moccas Church; (2) William Naper, baptised at Moccas, February 28th, 1832. This gentleman became Lieut. R.N. and was killed, May 10th, 1862, at Ningpo, China ; memorial window in the Chancel of Moccas Church ; (3) The Rev. Sir George Henry, who succeeded his brother, Sir Velters — of him presently ; (4) Catherine Elizabeth, born January 5th, 1821, and married, April 7th, 1840, to Thomas Chester Master, Esq., of The Abbey, Cirencester ; (5) Mary Jane, born November 23rd, 1822, and drowned accidently in the Wye, August 5th, 1839 ; M.I. Moccas Church ; (6) Selina Maria, born May 20th, 1825, and died 1837 ! (7) Frances Anne, born November 3rd, 1826 ; (8) Henrietta, born June 14th, 1828, and married, July 29th, 1858, Rev. Augustus Chester Master, Vicar of Preston All Saints', Gloucester; (9) Caroline Selina, born October 9th, 1829. Sir George Cornewall died Dec. 27, 1835. The following is his Monumental Inscription in Moccas Church : — To the Memory of Sir George Cornewall, Baronet, Of Moccas Court, Colonel of the Herefordshire Militia, Whom it pleased Almighty God To receive from this world In the sixty second year of his age. He married, Sep. 26, 1815, Jane, The only daughter of William Naper, Esq., Of Loughcrew, in Ireland, By whom he had a numerous family, Of whom 3 sons And 4 daughters survived him. He died on the 27th of December, 1835, Deeply lamented by all his relations And the numerous friends Whom his uprightness, benevolence, And uniform kindness Had attached to him. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 123 The Rev. Sir George Henry Cornewall, Bart., M.A., born August 13th, 1833, was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and is Rector and Patron of Moccas and Patron of Monnington. He married, June 4th, 1867, Louisa Frances, daughter of Francis Bayley, Esq., Judge of the Westminster County Court, and by her has (1) Geoffrey, born May 7th, 1869, his heir apparent ; (2) William Francis, born November 16th, 1871 ; (3) George Arthur, born August 14th, 1874, and baptised at Moccas, who died March 10th, 1886 ; M.I. Moccas Church ; (4) Amy, born May 5th, 1868, died November 2nd, 1888 ; M.I. Moccas Church ; (5) Mary Louisa, born July 2nd, 1870. Lady Cornewall died Feb. 2, 1900. M.I. Moccas Church. Sir George H. Cornewall is a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for Hereford- shire ; a Steward of the Festival of the Three Choirs ; Patron of the Hereford- shire and Worcestershire Agricultural Society ; and generally has taken an active part in the affairs of his county since his accession to the title and estate in 1868. 124 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Chapter VII. THE DELBURY LINE. Rev. Frederick Cornewall, M.A.=(i) Elizabeth Trice=(2) Mrs. Elizabeth Butcher (1677— 1748) j (d. 1730.) (1683— 1772.) I I i ~ ~~ I Robert Charles Captain Frederick, R.N.=Mary, d. of Francis Herbert, Elizabeth (1702—3) (1704—) (1706— 1788) I (1719—66) M.P. (b. 1709) I I I Mary Henry James Frederick, M.P. Bishop Folliott Herbert Walker— Anne, d. of (b. 1711) (b. & d. 1747) (1752—83) (1753— 1831) I Hon. G. s.p. Hamilton. Frances . i d. 1795. (1713-1779) I Frederick H.=Fanny Harriet, d. of (1791— 1845) St. George Caulfield (1803. 1887) I I Marianne Herbert=Charlotte, d. of (1793-1865) (1794-1863) Henrietta=Hon. Spencer Lyttleton (1818-1889) I Mary Fanny=F. B. H. Carew A Lord Charles Somerset d. 1864. Herbert, S. H.=Ellen Wood (1826-1902) (1845-1891) Col. Frederick T.: (1828-1893) ;Elsie B. Edwards (1) Caroline T. Ker (2) Charlotte H.=Dr. J. W. Walker I Elizabeth Cecil=W. G. Mitchell, (d. 1870) Esq. Charles, S. H. Henry, F. H.=Ellen, d. of Morris (1863-90) (1864-1901) I Emekton, Esq. I Henry Hamilton (b. 190 r) Ada M. C.=Andrevv South, Esq. (b. 1865) HHHE Rev. Frederick Cornewall, son of Robert Cornewall, of Berrington, •*- by Edith Cornwallis, was baptised at Eye, December 13th, 1677. He pro- ceeded M.A. at St. John's College, Cambridge, and must have married — possibly at or near Cambridge — shortly after taking Priest's Orders, inasmuch as his eldest son, Robert, was baptised February 2nd, 1702. His wife was a Huntingdon- shire lady, her parentage unknown, her name Miss Elizabeth Trice.* In the * The following is the Pedigree of Tryce — als Trice — from the Visitation of Hunts, 1613 : — Thomas Trice de Goduianchester = dau. of Richard Robyns, of in Coun. Hunt. Godmanchester. Richard Trice=Ama, dau. of Jasper Trice=Margaret, dau. of Robert Trice=Maria, dau of Stukely Magna John Baude, of Lines. I (i.e. of Somoly) Reginald De Chartres, in the I. of Ely of God- manchester of William Judde, of London Anna=Leonard Hyde, of Herts. Richard, ast 24. Thomas Marie Robert aet 22, Thomas son and heir. Arms, granted by Cooke Clarencieux, Ermine, a chevron sa charged with a lion rampant, on a chief gules, 3 mullets or. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 125 Register of Bromfield, Salop, is the following note : " These are to certifie whom it may concern y* Frederick Cornewall, Vicar of Bromfield did read y° thirty-nine articles of y e Church of England, and gave his unfeigned assent and consent to them in y c presence of us whose names are subscribed, and also to y c Liturgy of y c Church of England, y e gth day of June, 1702. Witness our hands, John Stedman, y e mark of Charles Powell, Thomas Lewis." By Elizabeth Trice he had Robert, baptised at Bromfield, February 2nd, 1702, and buried at Eye, May 24th, 1703 ; Charles, baptised at Bromfield, March 2nd, 1703 ; Frederick, baptised at Bromfield, August 3rd, 1706 ; with daughters Elizabeth, baptised at Bromfield, March 24th, 1708 ; Mary, baptised at Bromfield, October 28th, 171 1 ; and Frances, baptised at Bromfield, October (no day given), 1713. On February, 28th, 1729, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. F. Cornewall, was buried at Bromfield, and on November 12th, 1731, " Mr. Frederick Cornewall, widower, and Mrs. Elizabeth Butcher, widow, were married by license." By his second wife, who was buried at Bromfield, October nth, 1772, he had no issue. He was buried at Bromfield, March 23rd, 1747. In the churchyard of Bromfield, about six yards N. West of the Tower, and due West of the pathway, on a slab, 5 feet 6 inches long by 2 feet 6 inches wide, is a monumental inscription surmounted by the Cornewall arms with the field argent, the bezants of the bordure almost obliterated, but the lion rampant still distinct ; and for crest on a cap of maintenance a Cornish Chough, thus : — Hie Situs est Fredericus Cornwall, A.M. Hujusce Ecclesiae Per quadraginta Sex annos Vicarius indignus. Obiit i2mo Calendas Apriles Anno j ^ 1747 ( ,Etat. 71 And beneath : Mrs. Elizabeth Cornwall died Octor. ye 8th, 1772. Aged 89. 126 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Among the muniments of the Duke of Portland at Welbeck is the following. Frederick Cornewall to Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford. [Extracts]. Surrey Street, July 13th, 1711. " I should think myself extreamly happy if I could prevail upon your Lordship to interpose your entreaties to induce my La Keeper to promote me to a Benefice worth Sevenscore or eightscore pounds p annum in city or countrey, or a Prebend, w'h is consistant w 4 the Preterm* I now enjoy." Bromfield: Apl. 9, 1714. "I humbly beg your Lordship's mediation with my Lord Chancellour in my behalf, who was once pleas'd to look favourably upon me upon y e account of your Recomendation, but seems now entirely to have forgotten me." Bromfield, Aug. 2, 1720. [He pleads relationship and asks Lord Oxford to present him to Brampton. Lord Oxford answered him on the 27th December, regretting that he could not accede to the request.] Bromfield, Jan. 10, 172?. " Your extraordinary Condescension in giving a reason for your disposing of the Benefice of Brampton to another Person lays me under as great an obligation as if you had actually granted it to myself." Bromfield, Ap. 20, 1724. [Hoping that Lord Oxford will be at Brampton in the course of the summer ; he continues : — ] " If your L d ship would be pleasd to use y r endeav rs with my L d Harley to secure me some honest retreat in my declining years it would be very gratefull, and honourable too, as coming from one of y r Distinction and Judgment." These petitions were one and all unsuccessful. Of his numerous issue by Elizabeth Trice only one, viz., his third son, Frederick, has left a record, and that a very brilliant one. Entering the Navy he became, as has been recorded in the previous chapter, associated as his first Lieut, with the brilliant exploit off Toulon of his heroic cousin, Captain James CAPTAIN FREDERICK CORNEWALL, R.N. MRS. FREDERICK CORNEWALL. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 127 Cornewall, whom he succeeded in the command of the " Marlborough," being also a legatee under his will and his executor. Although he lost his right arm in the engagement off Toulon, he none the less continued in the service. An account of this famous sea-fight was given by a marine officer of the Fleet and published in London, 1744. After premising that the " Real," which the " Marlborough " engaged, came into action with 114 guns and 1350 men (against the " Marlborough's " go guns and 750 men), he says, " The losses sustained in this fight (i.e., of the entire Fleet) were inconsiderable, excepting ' The Marl- borough,' who had 32 men killed and 150 wounded. Among the first was Captain Cornewall, who lost his life in keeping the place allotted him with great intrepidity, without any relief worth mentioning from the incessant fire of the ' Real ' and her two seconds He was a gallant gentleman (like Nelson, a clergy- man's son) affable and of a fine address, an honour to the service, the darling of every man who knew him, perfectly sweet-tempered and well bred, in whose death the King, our country, and all officers and seamen have had a great loss. Among the wounded was Lieut. Cornewall,* his kinsman, who lost his right arm in this action, an old officer of great merit." The Gentleman's Magazine of May, 1761, contains the following paragraph : " A fine new ship of 74 guns was launched at Deptford and named the ' Corn- wall,' in honour of that brave Commander who was killed in the last war in the Mediterranean. The stern is the figure of a hero with his sword drawn, and the command is given to the present Capt. Cornwall, who lost his arm in the same engagement." He married, at Bromfield, by license, May 2nd, 1746, Mary, daughter of Francis Herbert, Esq, M.P. for Montgomery, of Oakeley Park, Ludlow, a cadet of the noble family whereof were Lord Herbert of Chirbury ; Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels to King Charles the First, who endeavoured to protect Queen Henrietta Maria's French players, when they were " pippin-pelted " off the stage by the Puritan prentices ; and George Herbert, the poet. This lady was born in 1719, and died in 1766, after having borne her husband three sons, Henry James, who was buried at Bromfield as an infant from Ludlow, in 1747 ; Frederick, M.P. for Ludlow, who died in 1783 ; and Folliott Herbert, his father's heir, of whom presently. * Captain Cornewall's commission was made to bear the date February ir, 1744, being the date of the action off Toulon. He gave evidence at the trial of Admiral Byng, and assisted Captain Coram in establishing the Foundling Hospital. 128 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. He purchased in 1752 of the family of Bawdewin, who in the reign of Charles the First had purchased a portion of the estate from the Earl of Arundel and Surrey, i.e., 1628 [deed penes Mrs. Andrew South], the mansion and manor of Delbury (or Diddlebury), Salop, and dying at Delbury Hall, 1788, was buried there. On a large Mural monument against the west wall of the Cornewall Chapel in Delbury Church, below the arms of Cornewall impaling Herbert, is the following inscription : — Hie jacet Fredericus Cornewall Genere oriundus antiquo et illustri, Animi in bello invicti, in pace benefici, simplicis, pii ; Post multos annos inter maris procellas et discrimina, Interque arma hostium consumptos, Tandem, mutilato corpore, non inhonoratus, nec inglorius, In regionem hanc concessit, et hoc quasi portu Tranquillitatis placide senescens, Mortem obiit anno aetatis lxxxii., m.d.cc.lxxxviii. Uxorem ducit Mariam de nobili stirpe Herbertorum, Quce prudentia, fide, pietate, eminebat, Cum elegantia morum, turn dignitate Exornata egregie et perpolita, Mortem obiit anno aetatis xlvii. mdcclxvi. Ex tribus Liberis duos Mater Superstites Sibi Cum Marito relinquit Fredericum, et FoUiottum Herbertum. Fredericus in brevi vitae curriculo Senatoris quandum bis assecutus Jam spe votisque omnium Ad honestissima civitatis ofheia designatus (Eheu, spem et vota mortalium) Mortem obiit anno aetatis xxxi. MDCCLXXXIII. On either side of this monument is a hatchment. That on the left, of the Bishop of Worcester : the arms of the See impaling Cornewall quartering Walker and Herbert. That on the right, of Frederick Hamilton Cornewall, The Bishop's THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 120, eldest son, the dexter side being black. The arms of Cornewall, Herbert, and Walker. Crest, on a wreath or and gules, a Cornish Chough proper. In Delbury Church the East portion of the North Transept is called the Cornewall Chapel, as having been absorbed by the family monuments and tombs. On the East wall, the former have been treated in tabular form, e.g., three above and four beneath. Underneath lyeth the Body Here lieth the Body of Here lieth the Body of of Frederick Cornewall, Esq. Mrs. Frances Cornewall, Mary, the wife of who died August 4th, 1788. who died Feb. 18th, 1779. Frederick Cornewall, Aged 82. Aged 65. who departed this life Feby. the 4th, 1766. Aged 47 years. Here lieth the Body of Frederick Cornewall, Junior, Esq., who died the Twenty-eighth of April, 1783, Aged 31. Here lieth the body of Anne Hamilton, wife of the Right Rev. F. H. W. Cornewall, who departed this life On the 18th December, 1795- Aged 41. Here lieth the Body of The Right Rev. Folliott Herbert Walker Cornewall, Lord Bishop of Worcester, who departed this life on the 5th Sept., 1831. Aged 77. Htre lieth the Body of Frederick Hamilton Cornewall, Esq., who departed this life On the 30th December, 1845- Aged 54. Iron railings surround this burial place. There is also a special monument to Bishop Cornewall on the North wall of the Cornewall Chapel under a two-light square-headed window. It is of white, with a border of black marble, an escutcheon at the base with the arms of the See of Worcester on the left, and on the right, Cornewall impaling Walker and Herbert. The inscription, most probably written by his own hand, runs thus : — Quisquis es ! Qui monumenta haec undique intueris, Et ipse brevi moriturus, Ssepe sit in te contemplatio mortis ; Nam ad bene vivendum Auctoritatem affert gravissimam. Abi nunc et vale ! Cum ante tribunal caeleste erimus Tui misereatur Jesus meique ! Marmor hoc poni inscribique volui F. H. W. Cornewall, Episcopus Vigorniensis. Mortem obiit anno statis 77 A.D. 1831. 130 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Optimi et amantissimi Patris Haud immemor Supremum Eheu ! mandatum Exsequendum Curavit F. H. CORNEWALL Filius Nat. Major. On the North wail of the Cornewall Chapel, but Eastward, is the monumental inscription of the above Frederick Hamilton Cornewall. J^acrco ®o tlje Memory of ^rcocrick Hamilton ffiornetoall, tabu 6«fi ■ Suggearke Larkys Rysshewes (rissoles) Vyandys couched wt. lyons (decorated) Leche of his armys The latter item appears to have been a mould in sugar of the Royal Arms. It is evident that the confectioner had a larger part to play in the preparation of this banquet than the cook, the white custard diapered with little birds of sugar being in itself a work of art, while such rarities as heron, kid, and cygnet may well have tested the capacity of Sir John's cordon bleu ; but no doubt his Princess must be held responsible for many of the details of a superbly artistic feast. In the middle ages the highest ladies in the land were by far the most capable. This may be considered the climax of a brilliant career. Sir John Cornewall had excelled all knights in battle and in tournay. He had wedded the King's sister, and wore the ribbon of the Garter. Great riches had poured into his lap, enabling him to erect a castle worthy his royal consort, who had given him an heir promising to be his counterpart alike in court and camp. We have now to mark a change in the trend of events. We learn from Hollinshed that holding command in the province of Maine was Sir John Greene Cornewall — thus unintentionally adding this sobriquet to his surname — indeed he was always the Green Knight, and, as has already been remarked, the bordure of his coat was of that tincture, albeit not the normal vert of the Heralds, but a hue not elsewhere to be met, a sage green. From the festive board at Westminster he fared forth as a soldier to a soldier's duty, his brave son by his side. That young man had attained his 18th year, and appears to have been filled with the military ardour of his sire. It was probably owing to reckless valour and the inexperience of youth that at the siege of Meaux, Dec, 1421, he came within the range of cannon fire, falling, much as Richard, son of the King of the Romans, at the siege of Berwick. The Cardinal des Ursins wrote thus : " During the siege a young knight, son of Sir John de Cornewall and Cousin German to King Henry, was killed by a cannon shot to the great sorrow of the King and other Princes, for although he was but a youth, THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 179 he was very well behaved and prudent."* The effect on Sir John can only be described as electrical. He who but yesterday had been feasting his nephew and comrade in arms, King Henry, exclaimed in his grief and anger, " The King brought us here to recover Normandy, and now he is attempting to deprive the Dauphin of his throne ! " — thus testified the Cardinal. Probably these hasty words never reached the King's ears, but Sir John's action in throwing up his command and leaving without a word for England and Ampthill told its own tale. The blow in truth fell with greater force on the bereaved Princess, who survived the shock barely four years, going down to the grave mourning. It was characteristic of the Cornewalls — up to the last melancholy episode in the long story of the Barons — that they turned to Burford as their proper home. Sir John Cornewall had acquired vast estates elsewhere, with a Castle in Bedfordshire, and his Princess might have been laid to rest by the side of The Confessor in Westminster Abbey. This in virtue of her royal birth. But when she was taken from him, a spirit of loyalty to the old and proud home, redolent of such mighty memories as De Say, Mortimer, and Fitzosberne — princely in all but name — induced him to remove her mortal remains to the noble Church by the rushing Teme. There he erected to her honour a recumbent efftgy in alabaster on the north side of the Chancel, life-size, her hair surmounted by a ducal coronet — strawberry leaves with pearls — the mantle bordered with ermine. Two angels support the cushion whereon her head rests, while couching at her feet a dog lifts the fringe of her robe. It is pleasant to reflect, when compared with the methods of modern science, of the loyal return made by loyal natures to the love of a faithful hound. On the canopy are displayed the arms of England quartering the lilies of France, and the lion rampant of the Cornewalls with the following inscription of later date : — " Here lyeth the bodie of the noble Princess Elizabeth, Daughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and own sister to King Henry IV., wife of John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon and Duke of Exeter, after married to Sir John Cornewayll, Knight of the Garter and Lord Fanhope. She died in the fourth year of King Henry VI., A.D. 1426." King Henry V. passed away soon after the tragic event of the siege of Meaux, and in Hollinshed's account of that marvellous funeral procession on * See Warvin's Chroniclu — vol. I., p. 371. r i8o THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. foot headed by James of Scotland from Vincennes to Westminster we note the name of Sir John Cornewall as one of the twelve chief mourners. Anstis' Register of the Garter, vol. ii., contains some entries of interest referring to Sir John Cornewall, e.g. : — 7 Hen. V. — Sir John Cornewall absent with the King in Normandy at the Feast of St. George. 8 Hen.V. — Sir John Cornewall again absent with the King, who was taken up with his marriage in France, and preparing to go to Milan. 9 Hen. V. — At a Chapter of the Garter Sir John Cornewall was present. 10 Hen. V. — He was absent, and not excused, because being in the Kingdom he had not sent the cause of his absence. 1 Hen. VI. — He was present to elect the Duke of Austria a Knight of the Garter, vice The Emperor Sigismund deceased. 2 Hen. VI. — Present and pardoned for previous absence. 12 Hen. VI. — Payment made by the Dean of Windsor for the expenses of Lord Fanhope and others on the Feast of St. George. In 1430 on the Feast of St. Gregory, so we learn from Testamenta Vetusta' p. 219, Philippa, Duchess of York, appointed Sir John Cornewall one of the Exors. of her will with a bequest of £20. He had escorted the corpse of her husband from France. In the same year, on May 18th, a warrant was issued to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer to pay to Sir John Corne- wall for the custody of the Duke of Orleans at the rate of 4000 marks per annum — to have of the King's gift by way of reward for the great labour and expenses which he has taken and will sustain respecting the custody of the said Duke. — Cotton MSS., Cleopatra. In the same MS. under date July 8, 1434, John Cornewall, Lord of Fownehope, before the King's Council consented to the release of William Botiller, Knight, in exchange for Thomas Rempston, Knight, the said William being one of the hostages of the Duke of Orleans with the Count of Angoulesme. Provided that the other hostages do not leave before the said Lord of Fownehope be satisfied of 2000 crowns and other sums due. In the British Museum (Add. Charters 12074) is an acquittance from the King dated Nov. 28, 1440, and bearing a seal with the Cornewall arms. This document acknowledges the receipt of 8,700 golden crowns from Charles Duke of Orleans, being part payment of his ransom of 10,000 crowns, for which his brother Jean, Comte d'Angouleme was detained as hostage for thirty years after Agincourt. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 181 The Duke appears to have remained under custody until 19th Hen. VI., when the Rot. Pat. mentions an acquittance to Sir John Cornewall, Lord Fan- hope, on the discharge of Charles Duke of Orleans. Sir John Cornewall, on July 17, 1433, in open Parliament was created Baron Fanhope, or Fownhope, of Fownhope, in the County of Hereford (vide Courthope's Historic Peerage, p. 184), although, so Dr. Marshall states, he was always summoned to Parliament as Lord Cornewall — a circumstance to which we have already adverted. And on January 30, 1442, he received again in open Parliament, a fresh patent as Baron Milbroke, of Milbroke in the County of Bedford — the intention or inner meaning of this second patent being obscure. Anyhow his arms, surrounded by the blue ribbon of the Garter are still to be seen in one of the clerestory windows of Millbrook Church.* These honours were conferred in consideration of his great services in England, France, and Normandy. No special mention being made either of Wales or Scotland, we infer that his part in the Welsh and Scotch campaigns was unim- portant. In 1433 he was appointed Governor of St. Selerine, and in 1437 a long- standing feud with Lord Grey of Ruthyn, a near neighbour in Beds, led to high-handed proceedings on his part. We have before us some details of the trial which ensued in the Star-Chamber, with the evidence of witnesses which went to show that he had interfered with the King's Judges of Assize. These written reports with such headings as " Knowledgeth Enderby," " Know- ledgeth Pekke," convey no clear account of what occurred. Suffice it the Lord Fanhope was too powerful an element in the state to be crushed by an indictment, while eventually, as will appear, Lord Grey of Ruthyn obtained more than ample compensation. The Rot. Pat., 17 Hen. VI., contain a grant of pardon to Sir John Cornewall, Knight, Lord Fanhope, for having threatened the King's Justices at Bedford. The Cotton MSS. — Cleopatra — give indirect evidence of the paramount position held by Lord Fanhope, e.g., "At a great Council at Westminster Lord Faunhope (sic.) was present, in consequence of observations made by Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, respecting the conduct of the war in France, * Levien remarks that he was always summoned as Sir John Cornewaylle, Chevalier, and when receiving his second patent — Baron Milbroke — his previous creation as Lord Fanhope was ignored. On the surface this appears unprecedented, but he may have been held to have inherited the peerage of Cornewall, or de Cornewall, granted his father in 1365 — a circumstance that seems to have escaped the notice of his biographers. 182 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWAI.L. which observations his brother John, Duke of Bedford, considered derogatory to his honour. The dispute terminated by the King's declaration ' that he considered both to be his affectionate and faithful uncles, and commanded that no dissension should exist between them.' " Again in the same MSS., 14th Feb., 1436 : " This day a letter under the great Seal was issued to Le Sire de Fownhope informing him of the King's intention to send an army under the command of the Duke of York, into France in the ensuing month of April, for the purpose of putting a speedy end to the war there, and praying him to lend £100 for the purpose aforesaid. — ' This as you will take right well to heart.' " Ibid. April 9, 1437 — The following were appointed Commissioners to treat for peace with France. The Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Lincoln, Earls ol Warwick and Suffolk, Lords Hungerford, Tiptoft, and Fanhope. Ibid. April 16, 1437* — At the Council Lord Fanhope agreed to lend the King 250 marks. And on June 18 a warrant was issued to pay 20 marks to Lord Fanhope ; while on July 23 summonses were issued by the King to " The Funeral Solempnities at Caunterbery " of our graundmoder, Queen Johane, whom God assoile. To be there August nth, e.g., * Membrane 6. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VI., Vol. 3, p. 195. 1437. Whereas by the petition of John Cornwaille, Knight, to the King and Feb. 14. Council, it appears that the King's father when Prince of Wales and Duke of Westminster. Cornwall, and within age, by letters patent granted to the present petitioner and Elizabeth, late Countess of Huntingdon, then his wife, for her life, the castle and manor of Trematon, the manors of Calestok and Assheburgh, the castle and park and manoi of Rostormell, the manors of Penlym and Penknyth, the boroughs and towns of Lostwithiell and Camelford, the whole fishery of the water of Fowey, the manors of Tewynton, Moresk, and Tyntagell, with all knights' fees, chaces, parks, offices, mills, weirs, ferries, woods, warrens, fisheries, moors, marshes, meadows, pastures, fairs, markets, franchises, liberties, customs, wardships, marriages, reliefs, escheats, services of free and bond tenants, and reversions to the premises belonging ; which grant was confirmed by the same prince, when of age, who afterwards further granted the petitioner, for his life, 400 marks a year out of the premises, which last grant was confirmed by the present king [Patent Roll Calendar, 1422-9, p. 59] and on r8 March, 4 Henry VI., by letters patent [not enrolled], the king granted to the petitioner the castle, manors, park, &c., aforesaid, to hold during pleasure, instead of the 400 marks a year, from the death of the said Elizabeth, at the yearly rent of 100 marks, payable at the Exchequer ; and afterwards, to wit, on the same 14 February, on which these presents are dated, the king by letters patent committed to him upon certain mainprise the keeping of the premises for seven years at the same rent, in which last named letters, however, the manor of Rostormell was accidentally omitted ; and he having besought the king's grace in this matter and surrendered the letters in question, the king now grants him the provinces, with all appurten- ances, in lieu of his said annuity of 400 marks, to hold for life, as fully as he and the said Elizabeth held them, but at the previous rent of 100 marks, with the addition that he may deduct from the said 100 marks the annuity of £60 hitherto payable at the Exchequer, which he has been holding by grant of Richard II., subsequently confirmed. — By P. S. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWAI.L. I8 3 My Lord of Gloucester. My Lady of Gloucester. The Earl of Huntingdon. The Earl of Northumberland. The Earl of Oxford. The Lord Fanhope. The Lord Poynings. We also note from " Proceedings of the Privy Council," vol. v. — that Lord Fanhope attended regularly from 1437 to 1443. In that year, Dec. 14, Henry VI. wrote concerning him that he " passed to God." By his will he directed that he should be buried, not beside his royal wife, but in the Chapel of the B.V.M., which he had founded in the Churchyard of the Friars Preachers, by Ludgate in the City of London. We may assume that in his old age he had become a Tertiary of that Order, and was therefore entitled to be interred wearing its habit. This was regarded as a sort of prophylactic, and Leland, writing in the reign of Henry VIII., stated that " the Lord Fanhope lyeth at the Black Freres, and his wife on the right hand of hym and a child." He appears to have assumed, because, as was usual at the time, wife and child were associated with the father and husband in the same monument, that therefore one tomb contained them all. This is a non-sequitur, but the account is otherwise of value, for no doubt Leland had seen the Chapel and its monu- ments. Both were destroyed in the great fire of London. There would appear to have been several monuments to the Princess Elizabeth. Dr. Marshall mentions one at Ampthill, but the legend at Burford indicates positively the place of her interment. Pennant names among illustrious personages interred at the Blackfriars, Hugh de Burgh, Earl of Kent and his wife Margaret, sister of Alexander II. of Scotland, also the heart of Queen Eleanor. The Black Friars benefited by Lord Fanhope's burial in their Chapel, for he bequeathed them a rent-charge of forty marks, due from the Fishmongers' Company, for the celebration of the usual divine offices. He had previously bestowed upon that Company a large tenement in Thames Street, subject only to this comparatively small ground-rent, and it still forms part of the site of their magnificent Hall. When the Fishmongers and the Stock Fishmongers amalgamated in 1504, they passed a resolution to surrender all other tenements in favour of the great house in Thames Street, the gift of Lord Fanhope. The 184 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. ground-rent was duly rendered to the Friars up to the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries, when it escheated to the Crown and was redeemed by the Company at twenty years' purchase. Since then the premises have been held free, but the site presented by Lord Fanhope represents a very large capital value, and he has always been held in memory as one of the chief bene- factors of that ancient, honourable, and most useful guild. The portrait of Lord Fanhope by Cornelii, painted in the reign of Henry VIII., at Queenborough Castle, represents him as a venerable old man, in appearance not unlike his brother-in-law, King Henry IV. Therein are per- ceptible but few traces of the bright and brave youth who trampled under foot the lilies of France and won the heart of the usurping King's sister. It is the visage of the statesman rather than the warrior, and doubtless, in a great measure a fancy likeness. This portrait forms one among those of the sixteen Governors of Queenborough, Lord Fanhope having been the sixth, and its leading characteristic has been well styled disappointment. Of all his honours, all his possessions, not a wrack remains to those of his blood, indeed his only material memorial is the stall-plate of the Order of the Garter in the Chapel of St. George at Windsor — the last but two on the south side. It measures eighteen inches, and unlike the later stall-plates is not square but moulded to the shape of his shield. The scroll bears the legend " Mons. John de Corne- wall." He appears to have solaced himself with a mistress after the death of his wife, by whom he had two sons (i) John, (2) Thomas. One account gives him an illegitimate daughter Constance, married to John Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, but the fact of her not being mentioned in the will throws considerable doubt on this legend. It is not impossible that she may have been legitimate. Here we meet with a further elucidation of this question from a letter contributed to Notes and Queries, 1875, by Mr. R. W. Greenfield of Southampton, as follows : — " Sir John Arundell de Arundell, Chevaler, Lord Mautravers, Earl of Arundell, Duke of Touraine and K.G., who was born at Lychat Mau- travers, Dorset, 14 Feb., 1407-8 (Escheats, 7 Hen. VI., No. 78). He received writs of summons, dated 12 July and 3 Aug., 7 Hen. VI., 1429, as a Peer to the Parliament ordered to assemble at Westminster in the Sept. following. He died at Beauvais 12 June, 13 Hen. VI., 1435. His first wife is said to have been Constance, daughter of Sir John de Cornewall, K.G., Lord Fanhope." SIR JOHN CORNEWALL, K.G. LORD FANHOPE AND MILBKOKE. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 185 [Book of St. Albans, as quoted by Tierney"]. If this was so, they were more likely contracted in marriage only, while both were under age, and probably she died a minor, for in the year that he attained his majority his only son Humphry by his wife, Maude Lovell, was born, viz., 30th Jan., 1429. If this account be correct, then the absence of the name of Constance from Lord Fanhope's will is accounted for. The writer proceeds to state that the Earl's estates went to his uncle — patruus — William Fitzalan, so that apparently he is in error in styling him, the Earl, Sir John Arundell, instead of Sir John Fitzalan. The following is the exact text of Lord Fanhope's will, as given by Gibbons in his " Early Lincoln Wills." It will be noted that the document is partly in Latin, partly in English : — Page 166. Bishop Alnwick's Register, 1436-1450. John Cornewayll, knight, lord of Fawnehope. Dated at Ampthill 10 Dec. 1443 (fo. 3 and 22). To be buried in the Chapel of the B.V.M. founded by me in the Churchyard of the Friars Preachers near Ludgate, London. Item lego cuilibet bastardorum meorum modo exislentium in Ampthull, viz., Johanni D. marcas et Thoma CCC. marcas. John Coke to have the guardianship of John, and James ffenaunte that of Thomas till 21. Exors. John Archbishop of Canterbury, Ralph Lord Cromwell, Nichs Assheton and Walter Moyll Serjeants at law, John Wanlok Esq. and John Homwell and John Gest citizens of London. Witnesses: — John Malcote, rector of Ampthull, Rob. Weer, rector of Mylbroke, and John Basse, rector of Stepyngley. Schedule of Legacies. Thomas Gazzard Thomas Pays John Gregory Wm. Pynchester Thomas Larkyng Thomas Byrdde Thomas Yonge John Hoton James Frere John Fferrow Richard Warbolton Rob. & John Catour Robert Waas John Sturmyn Peter Worsley Symon Godard Robert Purflew John Leggerd Richard Fflete Adam Alford John Hamwell Walter Pegeon John Skydmore John Clopham John Padyngton Isabel Lawnder Wm. Striklond Thomas & Nichs Bower John & Katherine Gryff John Wagstaff John Geroys Thos. Langton John Hynton and a few others. i86 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Proved 6 January, 1443, before the Bishop of Lincoln sitting with the Archbp. of Canterbury in quandam earner am rctrattu videlicet ad magnam ei principalem cameram infra manerium sine castrum de Ampthull in fenestra occidentale ejusdem retraltus, when witnesses were examined and the seal of arms of the deceased engraved in silver, and his signet engraved in gold, with which the testament had been sealed, were produced to and examined by the said Archbp. and Bishop. We now approach a problem which centres round Ampthill Castle. First, in describing the Battle of Northampton, 1459, i.e., sixteen years after Lord Fanhope's decease, Leland, temp. Hen. VIII., writes, " The Lord Fanhope took King Henry's part. The Lord Gray of Rutheine did the same in countenance. But a little before the field he practised with King Edward and other, saying that he had a title to the Lord Fanhope's landes at Antehill and thereabout, or depraving him with false accusations, so wrought with King Edwarde that he with all his strong band of Walschemen felle to King Edwarde's part, upon promise that if Edwarde won the fielde, he should have Antehill and such landes as Fanhope had there. Edward v/on the fielde, and Gray opteined Antehill cum partinenciis, and still increasing in favour with King Edwarde was at last made by hym Erie of Kent." This legend, as we shall see, was improved upon by Old Fuller, e.g., under the Sheriffs of Staffs, 1 Hen. IV. (in error probably as regards this detail for Sir John Cornewall of Kinlet) he quotes " John Cornwall Miles — a person remarkable on several accounts :— (1) For his high extraction — descended from Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and King of the Almains, his arms do evidence. (2) Prosperous valour under King Henry the Fifth in France ; there gaining so great treasure as that therewith he built his fair house at Amp-hill in Bedforshire (Camden's Brittannia in Bedfordshire). (3) Great honour, being created by Henry the Sixth, Baron of Fanhope and Knight of the Garter. (4) Constant loyalty, sticking faster to King Henry the Sixth than his own Crown did, faithfully following after all forsook him. (5) Vigorous vivacity, continuing till the reign of King Edward the Fourth, who dispossessed him of his lands in Bedfordshire. (6) Cheerful disposition, pleasantly saying that " not he, but his fine house at Amp-hill, was guilty of high treason " — happy that .he could make mirth at his misery, and smile at the losing of that which all his prowess could keep no longer." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 187 Once more as showing the crescendo of this legend. From an Encyclopaedia entitled " Magna Brittannia Antiqua et Nova, 1738," we extract the following : " Ampthill, a pretty market town, seated very pleasantly between two hills. A large house was built here in the reign of Hen. VI. by Sir John Cornewall, Baron of Fanhope, out of the spoils taken in France. In the reign of Edward IV. it came to the Crown by forfeiture, Fanhope siding with the House of Lancaster. King Edward gave it to Edmund Grey, Lord of Ruthin, whose grandson made it over to Hen. VIII. By this means it was assigned to the Crown and made " The Honour of Ampthill." It deserves to be remembered that Queen Catherine, wife to Henry VIII., retired hither after she was forbid the Court on account of the divorce. It was given by Charles II. to Lord Bruce, created Earl of Aylesbury ; he had his title of Viscount from this place, and was made " Hereditary Steward of the Honour of Ampthill." Had these Genealogists referred to the Escheats of 22 Hen. VI., No. 21, they would have read as follows : — " The grants made to Sir John Cornewall, Lord Fanhope, of the Manors of Calistoke, etc., in Cornwall, and of the Manors of Ampthill, Milbroke, Haughton, Tyngreth, Flytwicke, and Pelyng in Beds, were only for term of life by the King's gift." So that they reverted to the Crown on his decease in 1443. The question arises whether there was a second Lord Fanhope ? Inas- much as Sir John, the first Lord, left no legitimate issue, his successor to the title — albeit, as we have shown, not to the estates — could only have been his cousin and heir at law, Thomas, Baron of Burford, who certainly was attainted in 1460, suffering the temporary loss of his estates, but there is not a shred of evidence to show that he assumed the title of Lord Fanhope, neither was a second Lord summoned in the reign of Hen. VI. or after. Moreover, the entire legend of Leland, echoed by others, hinges on Ampthill Castle, which may have been a bait to allure Lord Grey from his allegiance, but which cer- tainly was not in 1459 in the possession of any Cornewall. The notion of either of the bastards calling himself Lord Fanhope is too absurd. From the very small legacies assigned to them we can but infer that they were the sons of some woman in humble circumstances — indeed the entire legend may be termed nothing short of fabulous. Ampthill Castle would seem to have fallen to ruins before the reign of Elizabeth, when an architect named Thorpe undertook to create a seat in its stead. In a letter to the Countess of Ossory, Horace Walpole mentions that Thorpe's MS. was in the possession of Lord Warwick, and contained his Plan of Ampthill. " Did I ever tell you," he further writes, " that Elizabeth, Duchess of Exeter, sister of our Harry IV., and her second husband, Sir John i88 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Cornewall, Lord Fanhope,* lived at Ampthill and died there ? Their portraits in painted glass were, in the Church, whence there is a pretty print in Sandford's Genealogic History of the Kings of England, etc." The oaks of the park, possibly planted by Lord Fanhope or by his Princess, in 1796 were still standing, and of marvellous size. An article in The Gentle- man's Magazine of August in that year gives a full description of them, the circumference of the largest measuring 36 feet, and its diameter from bough to bough 96 feet by 88 ; while another, though its circumference was only sixteen feet, measured from bough to bough 106 by 102 feet. *We remark with surprise, that The Dictionary of National Biography, which includes a host of nonentities, has omitted to mention the name of Lord Fanhope, whose reputation, however, may not have suffered, inasmuch as it thereby has escaped the slander which, in the teeth of the verdict of such giants as Algernon C. Swinburne and Walter Besant, assailed Charles Readewith little short of malignity in the pages of that unequal publication. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. l8g Chapter XI. BARONS OF THE I5TH CENTURY. Richard Cornewall, 5th Baron of Burford^CECiLiA, d. of Sir John Mcrbury of VVcobley. ^360-1443) j I I Edmund=(i) Alicia, Cornewall d. s.p. 141 7 died 1435 vit. patr.= (2) Elizabeth, d. of Thomas dela Bnrre William (?) Matilda=John Walcoi M.P. for Hereford. ot VValcot. Thomas==Elizabeth, d. of Sir CORNEWALL 6tb Baron of Burford ■died 1472) Roland Lent hall (died 1489) I Otis- Katherine M.P. for Hereford 1459- s.p. Richard s.p. I Eleanor— (i)Sir Hugh Governess Mortimer to the (2) Sir Royal Richard Princes. Croft. fa Sir Edmund=Mary, d. of Sir T. Hoorde Cornewall died 14S9, 7 th Baron of Burford. Giles John Sir Roland, stated in error to be father ot d. inf. d. inf. Sir Richard Cornewall of Berington, in the Visitation of Salop. 1623 (Harleian SocVol. 28, p. 147), where he is placed as the eldest son. He is also given as eldest son in Harl. MS., 1948, fo. 199b, and is stated there to have married and left three daughters. This may have been so, but he certainly left no male issue, and must have died young and in bis father's lifetime. I Sir Thomas: Cornewall 8th Baron of Burford (1468-1538) I Anne, d. of Sir R. Corbet. (1470-1548) I I Anne^Peter Blount. Elizabeth =Thomas Cresset. I Edmund Richard Elizabeth; Cornewall Cornewall (1488-1508) 9th Baron of Burford s.p. (see next Chapter). I j daughter — ;Artiiur Newton Wigmore. Eleanor— Roger Vaughan of Haugest. DICHARD who succeeded Sir Bryan, his elder brother, as fifth Baron of the Cornewall line, was born in 1360, being served forty years of age when his eldest brother died, January 17th, 1400. As has already been stated, in 14 Rich. II. — the Thursday after S. Martin — Bryan de Cornewall, Dominus de Burford, Knight, granted to him and to his sister Elena for their support £10 per annum. He married Cecilia, or according to some, Alice, daughter of Sir John Merbury, of Weobley, Knight, and by her had issue, with Matilda igo THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. who married John Walcot*, of Walcot, Salop, a son, Edmund Cornewall, and probably a second son in William Cornewall, who was elected member for the City of Hereford in 1427. Of this latter gentleman nothing is known, and he is not included in any MS. pedigree, but as will appear, the grandson of this Richard, Baron of Burford, represented the same constituency and both are * The subjoined is the pedigree of Walcot : — John Walcot=Maud, daughter of Richard Cornewall, Baron of Burford. (living Hen. V.) of Walcot, 5 th in descent from Sir Richard Walcot. Roger— Margaret. I Edward=Alice, daughter of Sir Thomas Englishe. John— Mary, daughter of Sir Peter Newton of Highley, Salop. Charles of Builth-Beatrice, daughter of Sir Humphry=Alice, d. of Richard Hale. I Anthony Girling, K.G. of Walcot. | Beatrix, d. =Charles=Elizbaeth, d. of Sir Humphry=Anne, d. of Thomas of John Digby, I John Games. Earl of Bristol. Docwra. Thomas=Jane, niece of Lord Blayney. Mary=John Minciiin. of Crough, Executed (Whence Rev. Mackenzie Walcot, 1638. the Antiquary.) John^Elizabetii, d. of Sir Thos. Lucy Thomas=Mary, d. of Sir Adam of Walcot. I of Charlecote. of Bitterley. Littleton, Bare. Humphry=Edith, d. of Sir Geo. Gierke. I (1) Elizabeth, d.=CnARLES=(2) Hon. Anne Brydges =(3) Bridget, d. of Andrew Hacket, of Wyndham d. of James widow of Morgan of Aberharris of Dinton I Lord Chandos. 1 i John— Mary, d. of Sir Francis Dashwood, Bart. Anne. I Charles--Anne, d. of Rev. John Levett, by Catherine, d. of Charles Walcot. of Walcot and I Bitterley. I Rev. John=Sarah, d. of Sir John Dashwood, Bart. William— of Bitterley. I Rev. Thomas=Anne, d. of William Walcot (1st cousin), of Bitterley. | I I JonN=d. of Sir THomas Phillips. William H.=J. E. Burton. Owen Walcot, C.B.=Charlotte Halliwell. Mary=Rev. J. R. Burton. I I I Cathekins= Rev. C E. Blencowe. John C. P.- Catherine Halliwell. Louisa=Rev. Canon Blencowe, The ancient arms of Walcot of Walcot and Bitterley were Arg. on a cross flory az. 5 lleurs de tvs ot ; but in a pedigree temp. Elizabeth, the following incident affecting the original coat is placed on record. "This John Walcot, plainge at the chese with Henry fift King of England, gave him matte with the rooke. whereupon the King gave him the rooke for his coat of arms in place of the cross with lilki." [Vide Harl. MSS., 1396, fol. 429, 3. Hen. V.] THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. igi given in "Williams' Herefordshire Members "--a volume which includes the M.P.'s for Leominster, Weobley, Bromyard, as well as for the City and County of Hereford. His marriage must have taken place prior to 1394, as in an escheat dated 3, Hen. V., 20th October, 1415, Thomas Wretton — or as Robinson gives it, Whitton — with other trustees granted to Edmund, son of Richard Cornewayle, and to Alice his (1st) wife, half the Manor of Norton, Co. Northampton, to hold by said Edmund and Alice in tail ; remainder to said Richard in fee ; while 4, Hen. V., 2nd June, 1416, Ricardus de Cornewalye, Armiger, Dominus de Boreford, ratifies the said grant. In 1429 (7 Hen. VI.), 5th November, Richard Cornewayle of Boreford appoints Rickling and Fox his attorneys. This document is .sealed with the Cornewall arms, but with a bordure engrailed — as also was the coat of his illustrious cousin and contemporary, Lord Fanhope. In 1429 (7 King Hen. VI.) — Thursday next after the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, Edmund son of Richard Cornewalle, and Elizabeth his (2nd) wife, daughter of Thomas Barre the younger deceased, appointed certain attorneys to receive seizin of the Manor of Cornewaile Ever, Bucks. Here in this seal the bordure was not engrailed, being the Cornewall arms with a label of 3 points. Legend S., Edmund Cornewayle, Esquire. And of the same date and seal a similar power of attorney for the Manor of Norton, etc., Co. Northampton. Another escheat, dated Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Valentine, 1432, delivers seizin of the Manor of Corne- wall, Ever. In 13, Hen. VI, 1435, Thursday after the Invention of the Cross, viz. : May 3rd, Edmund Cornewayle de Burford, Armiger, and Elizabeth his wife grant a power of Attorney. Seal the same arms, but without the label, and no legend. Two birds — Cornish Choughs — in place of supporters. Crest — A demi-man holding a sword in bend. Richard Cornewall* died January 10th, 21, Hen. VI. (1443), being as will appear, succeeded by his grandson (vide infra), the elder son of the above * We are here following Baker, alike as regards the marriage of Richard and of his father Geoffrey. Robinson, however, who is followed by J udge Bayley and Dr. Marshall, gives the descent thus : — Sir Geoffrey— Cecilia . . . who re-married Ingelram De Couci, Earl of ' I Bedford, and died J uly 20, 1370. I T Sir Bkyan==Matilda Richard =Cecilia, dau. of Sir John Seymour. I ; Edmund— (i) Alice, daughter of Sir John Merbury. 192 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Edmund, who had married first Alice, said by some to be daughter of Sir John Merbury, of Weobley, M.P. for Herefordshire, 1419-1427. This lady, as has been shown, was living in 1417 (Vincents MS. vol. VII., Heralds College) but died in that year without issue. The Merbury family were originally of Lyonshall. There is a recumbent effigy to John and Agnes Merbury in the north aisle of Weobley Church* — Vide "Weobley and the Timber Houses," by George Marshall in " Memorials of old Herefordshire," and " Robinson's Castles of Herefordshire." Arms of Merbury : Sa. a cross engrailed between 4 passion-nails arg. The second wife of Edmund Cornewall was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Barre, or De la Barre, the younger, a family of antiquity whose name sur- vives in Barr's Court, the site of the Hereford Railway Station, and in the recently extinct family of De la Barre Bodenham of Rotherwas, one of the great mansions of the shire. The following is an excerpt from the magnifi- cently emblazoned pedigree of De la Barre and Bodenham in the possession of Count Bodenham-Lubienski, of Bullingham and Rotherwas : — De La Barre. Arms — Gu. 3 bars paly of six arg. and sa. Walter de la Barre = . . . of Barr's Court, Hereford, i died 31 Ed. I. [1302-3.] I i ' Thomas de la Barre— Isabella, buried in St. Etheibert's, Hereford, 1338. of Barr's Court I Walter de la Barrel-Elizabeth, d. of son and heir, M.P. for Hereford, 1336 died v. p. Sir John; Bodenham, of Dewchurch. He had married lirst Margaret, d. John Ragon, Lord of Walterstone and Cheniston Co. Hereford. Sir Peter Clan- nock, one of the co-heirs of Thomas Clan- vowe. She mar- ried (2) Sir John Poines, Knt. Isabella=Walter Coylein, I Richard. Canon of Hereford, died 1385. I Thomas de la Barre of Todington, M.P. for Hereford, 1355, buried with his wife in Todington, 1385. Hawise, d. of Sir Richard Pem- bridge, Knight of Clehonger, sister and co- heir of John Pembridge. only dau. and heir. died s.p. Edmund - William . Lawrence. Roger. Isabella. Sir Thomas de la Barre=Alice, widow of Richard Knight, M.P. for Hereford, 1386 and 1402, died 20 Hen. VI. [1441-2]. Delamare. Sir John de--(i) Idonea, d. Joiianna--Kvnard la Barre, Knt., M.P. for Hereford T447. Died 2 Rich. III. (1484-5]- I and heir of JohnHotoft, = (2) Joan, widow of Robert Greyndour. co-heir of her niece. m.( 2 ).. Catesby. DE LA Bere I Elizabeth^ co-heir of her niece. :Edmund Ankaret— John Corne- co-heir of I Hanmer wall. her niece. 1 zh. Edward Hanmer, of Houghton. Richard de la Bere. * In the Exchequer Grants, 5 Hen. IV., is one of £10 to John Merbury, for good service, and because he married Alice Oldecastel. This lady was a widow, her first husband having been Thomas Oldecastell, by whom she had a son, Richard, who inherited her Manor of Eton. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 193 (1) I (2) Humphry Stafford=Isabella = Sir Thomas Bourchier, 5th son of Henry, Earl of Essex, by born 1439, son and d. and heir. Isabel, sister of the Duke of York, father of King Edw. IV., heir of William Died s.p. and daughter of Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cambridge, Stafford of Hook, March i, by Anne, d. of Roger Mortimer, Earl of March. He was and of Suthwyke, 1488-9, buried at Ware, 1491. in N. Bradley, M.I. Ware Wilts, by Katherine, Church. d. and co-heir of Sir John Chidiock, Knight. He was aged ten and over at his father's death, June 18th, 1450, was summoned as Lord Stafford de Suthwyke, from July 26th, 1461, to February 28th, 1462-3, and was then created by patent Baron Stafford of Suthwyke to him and the heirs male of his body, April 24th, 1464, and was further created, May 17th, 1469, Earl of Devon, with like remainder. He was beheaded, August 17th, 1469, at Bridgewater, having been Earl for 3 months only. Buried at Glastonbury Abbey, having died s.p., when all his honours expired. At Bullingham Manor in the possession of Count Bodenham Lubienski, heir by bequest of Mrs. De laBarre Bodenham, nee Lubienski, is a portrait of King Henry IV. originally at Hampton Court. It is painted on panel, and measures 22 by 18 inches. An inscription which obliterates part of both arms, and is obviously of later date, runs thus : " Henry the fourth, King of England, who layd the first stone of this house and left this picture in it when he gave it to Lentall, who sold it to Cornewall of Burford, whoe sold it to the ancestor of the Lord Coningsby in the reign of Henrv the 6th." This is incorrect, for Thomas Cornewall did not purchase Hampton Court. The De la Barre pedigree is verified further by the Deed of Foundation of St. Anne's Charity, Clehonger, by Sir John De la Barre [vide Robinson's " Mansions and Manors of Hereford- shire," under Clehonger,] Sir Richard Pembruge=Petronilla. Sir Richard Pembruge, K.G.= Mont., S. Transept, Hereford I Cathedr al, d. 1375- | I Henry, d. s.p. 1375. Sir Thomas Barre =Elizabeth (called Hawise in the Bullingham pedigree.) Sir Thomas Barre=Alesia, widow of Richard De la Mare=RiCHARD Delamare. Knt., junior. Thomas Delamare Margaret Ann Sir John Barre=Edonia, d. and Elizabeth =Edmund Cornewall. Joan, wife of Kynard Delabere. Akkaret, wife of John Hanmer. Knt., founded a heir of John charity at Cle- Hotoft. honger, Feb. 15, =(2) Joan, widow 13 Ed. IV., — of Robert 1473. Greyndour. Humphry=Isabella=Sir Thomas Bourchier, son of Henry, Stafford s.p. Earl of Essex (2nd husband). Earl of Devon. Further, the Pembridge pedigree shows how the De la Barres came to Clehonger ; Ralph de Pembridge of Pembridge Castle and Newland= . . . circa 1200, was not living in 1219. | Henry, 1219, of Newland and Clehonger= Henry of Newland and Clehonger, 13 Ed. I., 1284-5: Henry Richard, founded a Chantry in Clehonger =Petronill a, s.p. died ante 1346. | living 1336. I I Sir Richard, K.G.= . . . daughter=BuRLEY. In France with Ed. III., 1346. | | d. July 26, 1375. Sir Richard Burley, Mont. Hereford Cathedral. | inherited Newland. Henry, died 1375, s.p. I daughter=BARRE. Sir Thomas Barre. inherited Clehonger. 194 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. According to a legend cited by Philipot, Edmund was compelled to flee the realm in consequence of having slain two of the Whitneys ; but the more probable account is that in order to purge his offence he undertook a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Whatever may be the true version, he died at Cologne, apparently on his homeward journey, in the 14th Hen. VI. (1436), and in the lifetime of his father. Following his last instructions, his Esquire buried his body at Cologne, but brought his heart to Burford, where, encased in a leaden casket, it was deposited under an arch in the Chancel of Burford Church — a reverent nostalgia which gives evidence of the profound attachment of the earlier Cornewalls for the proud ancestral demesne of their illustrious ancestors. Blakeway informed the late General Cornwall that the heart of Sir Edmund remained in situ up to 1819, when it disappeared. This, if accurate, would seem to have been coincident with the sale of the Barons' armour, suspended at the West end of Burford Church, by the Churchwardens. But the tomb itself had been tampered with much earlier, and was scarcely em- bellished by the following doggerel epitaph : — 0 Lord, my contrite heart and meek Do not refuse, I Thee besek. The monument as renewed by Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, 1630, is thus described by Gough : — " Under a sharp pointed arch in the south wall of the Choir (sc. of Burford Church) is a stone seat with round holes cut in the stone, and in one of these three fragments of a leaden case about three inches long which once enclosed a human heart." Within the arch (below the couplet), " Here lyeth the Heart of Edmonde Cornewayle, sonne and Heyre unto Syr Richard Cornewayle, of Burford, K'nt, who travelling to know forraine countries, died at Colenne, the XlVth year of Hen. VL, and willed his servant to bring his body there, and enclose his heart in lead and carry it to Burford to be buried." His wife Elizabeth must have lived to a great age, inasmuch as the Patent Rolls, 1474, contain this — " Edmund Cornewaile and Elizabeth, uxor., license for John Barre, Knight, his heirs and exors. to found a chantry in the Church of Clehungher (Clehonger). His wife had been Joan, wife of Robert Greyndoure, Esquire. Thomas Bourchier, Knight, had ux. : Isabel, Countess of Devon, daughter of John Barre and Edonia, his (first) wife. Edonia, late wife of John Barre was heir of John Hotofte, etc." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 195 By Elizabeth De la Barre, his second wife, Edmund had Thomas, Otis, Richard, and Eleanor. Otis is stated to have been Mayor of Hereford in 1467, but this appears to be uncertain. He was M.P. for that borough in 1459, and is stated to have left by some one unknown a son, Thomas, who married Margaret Clifford, and by her had Lawrence, who by Amy, daughter of Elrond, or Stronder, described as of the North, left William. But this, though given on the authority of the Visitation, is impossible, inasmuch as Otis, and his brother Richard, both died s.p.l. The actual descent is set forth in the Star Chamber proceedings as follows : — [Abstract.] 1509— 1547. Sir Edward Croft v. Sir Thomas Cornewall. The Manor of Brymfield, Hereford. Bill of complaint of Sir Edward Croft, Knight, states that Sir Thomas Bromwiche and Walter Mills (?) were seised in their demesne as of fee of and in the manor of Brymfelde, with the appurtenances in the county of Hereford, and thereof being seised gave the same manor to Edmund Cornewall and others to the use of the said Edmund to perform his last will. By this last will he willed the said manor to Otis and Richard Cornwall, his two younger sons, evenly to be " departed " between them and their heirs with benefit of survivorship, and with remainders to Elynor Cornewall, daughter of the said Edmunde, and her heirs, to Richard Cornewall his brother and his heirs, to Bryan Cornewall his brother and his heirs, to Thomas Cornewall his son and heir, and his heirs, etc. After Edmund's death Otis then became possessed of the one moiety of the said manor, and being thereof seised in fee tail he enfeoffed Sir John Barre, Knight, and others to the performance of his last will, by which he left the said moiety to his brother Richard Cornewall and his heirs, with remainders to Catherine his wife for term of her life, and to " Dame Aliano r ," late the wife of Sir Hugh Mortymer, Knight, and now wife to Richard Crofte, esquire, " my sister," and her heirs, and to "Edmonde Cornewalle, my neveu, son to Thomas Cornewall myn eldest broder," and his heirs, etc., " so that the soules of the said Edmond fader to us and Elizabeth our moder . . . may be prayed for in witness whereof to theise presente indentures I have put my seale the xv. day of january," 8 Edward IV. [a.d. 1468-9]. ig6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Afterwards the said Otis died without issue, when his brother Richard took the profits of the moiety of the manor. And after the said Richard died without heirs of his body lawfully begotten the said Katherine took the profits for the term of her life. And after the said Katherine died the said moiety came to the aforesaid Eleanor by virtue of the will aforesaid and she took the profits during her life, and after her death the use of the said moiety descended to Sir Edward Crofte, knight, now complainant, her son and heir. Bill recites the course by which the other moiety of the manor comes to Sir Edward Crofte, knight Notwithstanding that he, his mother and uncle by the aforesaid title have taken the profits of the said manor by the space of eighty years or more, one Sir Thomas Cornewall, knight, has forcibly entered into possession, and not only wrongfully keepeth the possession of the said manor, whereof late your writ of diem clausit extremum was directed to the escheator of the said county to enquire what lands the said Eleanor had at the time of her death, but the said Sir Thomas hath made and unlawful labour and means to Richard Cornwall, squire, his cousin, made now sheriff of the said county, and so thoroughly the said Sir Thomas [and] Richard Cornwall have [worked] that " the true fyndyng of the said office after the dethe of the said Elyno r is untruly letted." Eleanor the sister of Thomas, Otis, and Richard, married first, Sir Hugh Mortimer, of Kyre Wyard (a cadet of the house of Richard's Castle, whose monument is in Hartley Church, Worcestershire, and whose brother, Sir John Mortimer, married the Duchess of Suffolk), and secondly Sir Richard Croft, of Croft Castle, erroneously confused with Sir A. Crofts, of Eldersfield, near Tewkesbury. She was governess to the young Princes in Ludlow Castle, and her tomb in Croft Church is one of great beauty. The Gentleman's Magazine, Nov., 1808, contains the following paragraph : — "The said Edmund married Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Thomas Barre, Knight, of Hereford- shire, by which Elizabeth the said Edmund had a son named Thomas, and a daughter Elenor. This Thomas married Elizabeth, daughter and heyre to Sir Robert Lintall (sic) Knight, of Hampton Court, in Herefordshire, by his wife Dame Lucy, one of the cousins and heyres unto the last Lord Grey of Codner, and had issue by her Sir Edmund Cornewall. The daughter named Elenor was married unto Sir Hugh Mortimer, of Cwyre Ward (sic), by whom she had one daughter and heyre, who was married unto Sir Thomas Worst THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 197 (sic), Knight, ancester to the Lord Delaware, now living, who had by her a daughter married to Sir Edward Guildford, Knight, who had issue by her Ann, the most beautiful (sic) lady, wife unto the valiant Duke of Northumber- land, father and mother t o the noble Ambrose, Earl of Warwick and the Right excellent Robert, Earl of Leicester, and to the lady Catheryne, wife of Henry, Lord Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, and to Lady Mary, wife of Sir Henry Sidney, Knight of the Garter, by whom she had issue, Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, and Sir Robert Sidney, created Earl of Leycester." Up to this point in the story of the Barons of Burford we have had to record both military distinction, and also its corollary in those days — prosperity. We now approach the point of devolution. Thomas, who succeeded his grandfather as sixth Baron of Burford, espoused the cause of the Red Rose, and as was the rule in the Civil wars which distracted the realm throughout the middle ages, had to suffer for not being on the winning side. We have referred already to Leland's account of the victory of King Edward IV. over the Lancas- trians at Northampton, which he ascribes entirely to the defection of Lord Grey of Ruthyn, who had been bribed with the promise of Ampthill Castle and its Manors. Leland, and Fuller, who embellished Leland's legend, make Lord Fan- hope to have been present in person at the battle. That of course is impossible, inasmuch as Lord Fanhope was not living in 1459. It seems more probable that the House of Cornewall was represented by its Baron. The Cornewalls were allied to, and had received benefits from, the Lancastrian Kings : indeed, as will appear, Thomas, Baron of Burford, by his marriage became connected with King Henry IV. Be that as it may, the nemesis which befel this Baron implies active partisanship on his part ; he may have been especially favoured in having escaped Edward the Fourth's gibbets, erected far and wide over the land ; as it was, his advocacy of the House of Lancaster included him both in attainder with the seizure of his estates and in imprisonment for life. The date of Thomas Cornewall's birth cannot positively be determined. His father died in 1435, having had by Elizabeth De la Barre, his second wife, four children, he being the eldest. The escheat above quoted of 1429 shews that Elizabeth was then his wife — indeed there is evidence she was so some years earlier — and that the Manor of Cornewall Ever, was settled for their joint use. Apparently the eldest son was born prior to this date. 198 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. He served as Sheriff of Salop in 1459, and his attainder was dated 1, Edw. IV., 1461. Thus, Rot. Pat., 1., Edw. IV., Grant to David Gogh, of the Castle, Lordship and Manor of Stepulton, in the Marches of Wales, late belonging to Thomas Cornewaile, Esq. Again Rot. Pat., 2, Edw. IV., Grant to Richard Croft and his heir male of the Manor of Burford, Salop, and all hereditaments in Karkedon — Vigorn — and in Lentwardyn, in The Honour of Wigmore, late belonging to Thomas Cornewayle attainted.* Again, Rot. Pat., 5, Edw. IV., Grant to John Shirley, of the Royal House- hold, of the Manors of Norton and Thorpe — Northants — and of Rochford, Herefordshire, late belonging unto Thomas Cornewaile attained. Ibid., Grant to Thomas Herbert, of the Manor of King's Nymington, and other lands in Devon belonging to Thomas Cornewayle f attainted. By an escheat of the date 5, Edw. IV., Thomas, Baron Burford, was found to be kinsman and heir of Geoffry, viz : son of Edmund, son of Richard. This escheat was probably taken in order to ascertain the entirety of the estates which had been forfeited to the Crown under his attainder. He himself was at the time a prisoner of State in Ludlow Castle. In 1467, July 15th, a general pardon was granted to Thomas Cornewayll, Esq., of all offences whereof he was convicted, by authority of Parliament, 4th November, 1, Edw. IV. This by privy seal [Patent Roll, 7, Edw. IV., part 1, m. 10]. This pardon may have been due to the influence of his sister, Lady Croft. It did not include the restoration of his estates, and on the surface it militates against the statement that he was detained in Ludlow Castle 12 years. But among the deeds and documents catalogued by Sir Thomas Cornewall in 1623, as having been sent to Vincent, No. 14 is an " Exemplifica- tion of the restitution of Thomas Cornewale, 12, Edw. IV., and his bond of one thousand marks to save the Bay-lyfe (sic) of Ludlow and others harmless from * Edward the Fourth's attainder was ratified by Act of Parliament. Hence, probably, the following duplicate grant from the Patent Roll, 5 Edw. IV., part II., m. 14., e.g., Grant to the King's Servant, Richard Croft, the elder, Esquire, and to his heirs male, of the Manor of Burford, etc., in the King's hands by reason of an Act of Parliament, 4 th November, 1 Edw. IV., and late of Thomas Cornewall, a rebel. t In the Cotton MSS. — Claud C, quoting from the Rolls in the Tower, temp. Elizabeth, there is the following confused descent, e.g., " Thomas Cornewall, son and heir of Edmund Cornewall, Knight, and Cousin and one of the heirs of Isabella, late Countess of Devon, daughter and heir of Sir John Barre, viz. : son of said Edmund, son of Thomas, son of Elizabeth, eldest of the three daughters of Thomas Barre, father of J ohu Barre." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. I99 the Duke of York." This would seem to imply that the general pardon above quoted had not taken effect five years after it was issued. It may have amounted to no more than a remission of the death penalty for having borne arms against the King. Again, there is a Chancery Inquisition — among the list of Inquisitions post mortem — of the date 5, Edward IV. — 1465. This was taken at Munslow, Salop, by Hugh Harnage, the King's Eschcator, but does not mention the death of Thomas Cornewall, as is the invariable rule in Inquisitions post mortem. Being attainted however, Thomas Cornewall was dead in the eye of the law, and this Inquisition merely sets forth the fact of his having held the Manor and Advowson of Burford with lands in Adforton and Leintwardine. A similar Inquisition of the same date was held at Daventry in regard to the Manors of Norton and Thorpe. It will be noted that during a portion of his long captivity in Ludlow Castle he enjoyed the society of his sister, Lady Croft, who was there with the young princes. He died before 14, Edw. IV., 1474, in which year his son and successor in the Barony, Sir Edmund, was restored to the estates by Act of Parliament. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Roland Lenthal, Knight, of Hampton Court, by Lucy one of the co-heirs of the last Lord Grey of Codnor. This is shown by an inq. p. m., taken at the decease of her husband's grand- father, Sir Richard Cornewall, 21, Hen. IV. She had by grant of King Henry VI. a tun of wine annually for life from the Royal cellars, and may possibly have been co-heiress of the demesne of Hampton Court, whereof the first stone was laid by King Hen. IV., her grandfather's uncle by marriage [vide infra], while the spoils of Agincourt, at which Sir Roland was present, enabled him to complete his mansion on a larger scale. [For the devolution of Hampton Court, see Appendix.] The subjoined pedigree shows the descent in full. We follow in part of Bankes' Baronia Anglia Concentrata : — Fulbert, Lord of Croy in Picardy = . . . I I Reginald^ . . . Arlotte, mother of William I. John— Adela, daughter of William Fitzosbern, Earl of Hereford. A 200 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Raynald de Cracci=Joan, daughter of James, Seigaeur of Pont del'Arche. of Eton (d. io, i Will. II.) | Henri, Seigneur of Port del' Arche= Ellen, daughter of Humphry de Bohun. (d. 33, Hen. I.) | J ohn= Eleanor, daughter of Roger de Clare, (d. 2, John) Henry, ist Baron Grey of Codnor— Isolda, coh. of Robert Bardoph, Baron of Codnor. (d. 3, Henry HI.) | I Richard, Lord Grey= Lucia, daughter of John de Humet. John, Lord Grey=LuciA De Mohun. (d. 36 Hen. III.) | Edward I.=Eleanor of I Castille. Henry, Lord Grey= Eleanor de (d. 2, Ed. II.) Elizabeth=Humphrey John Leinthal=Joana !de Bohun, 38, Edw. III. died Earl of of Roghton, f before [Northampton. Salop. 1365. I Roger, Sheriff of Hereford, 1252. I William de Bohun= Humphrey, Earl of Hereford and of Northampton: I Roger I Walter of Leinthal Starkes Rogers . I John Walter= Isabella John^Christiana Foxe of Wigmore (whence the Oxon and Berks Lenthals) ALiANORA=The Duke of | Gloucester. Mary=Henry IV. (ist wife) COURTENAY. Richard, Lord Grey =Joane . (d. 9, Edw. III.) I Elizabeth=Richard FlTZALAN, Earl of Arundel. (1) I Thomas, Lord Grey=ALicE de (d. 16, Ric. II.) Lisle, of Beedon, Berks. Henry Grey=Joan Cobham. Richard, Lord Grey= Elizabeth, I d. of Ralph I Lord Basset 1(2) B ♦The Visitation of Devon makes this Walter son of Roger, and the Pedigree of Mr. Lenlhall of Boar's Hill, Oxford, follows this. But it is disproved by the Inquisition on Edmund Lenthall [see Appendix]. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 201 A (i) , B(2) I ' I Lady Margaret =Sir Roland Lenthal=Lucy Grey. d. 1423. Fitzalan J d. Nov. 25, 1450. i Ed mund= Margaret, d. of Lord Zouche=(2) Tresham . . d. 1447, d. 1484. I s.p. Thomas His cousin J ohn, b. 1456. son of Roger, his heir [see Appendix] Roland =Isabella, d. of Sir Walter Devereux John Alianora Elizabeth=Thomas d. 1488. d. s.p. s.p. I Cornewall s.p. 1498. V Katherine= William, Lord Zouche I John, Lord Zouche. Dugdale, 1797, writes : — " Hampton Court was built under the immediate auspices of King Henry IV., by his favourite Sir Roland Lenthal, Yeoman of the robes. According to Leland, he being a gallant fellow, a very near kins- woman of the King was wedded unto him — co-heiress of Richard Fitzalan, heir to Arundel, whose arms are on a medallion in the original picture. This Lenthal was victorious at the Battle of Agincourt, and took many prisoners there, by which prey he began on the new buildings of Hampton Court. The Coningsbys purchased the estate of the Cornewalls, Barons of Burford." We presume that the words " new buildings " have reference to additions made to the original plan after Agincourt, the first stone having been laid by King Henry IV. in the previous reign. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Cornewall, as has been stated, may have been in her issue co-heiress, her elder brother Roland having died s.p. in 1443 ; her younger brother, also s.p. in 1498. It is not a little remarkable that in the inquisition on the latter gentleman [vide appendix] John, Lord Zouche, son and heir of his youngest sister, Catherine, Lady Zouche, of Harringworth, is named as his right heir to the Manor of Kemberton, Salop. There were — vide the above pedigree — three daughters born to Sir Roland Lenthal by Lucy Grey, his second wife, viz., Alianora, who died s.p., Elizabeth, who married Thomas Cornewall, and Katherine, wife of Lord Zouche. See below on Sir Thomas Cornewall, Elizabeth Cornewall's grandson. By Elizabeth Lenthal, Thomas Cornewall had (1) Sir Edmund Cornewall, his successor (2) Giles, who died s.p., (3) John, who also died, s.p., and (4) *Sir * The existence of this Sir Roland Cornewall seems doubtful. 202 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Roland Cornewall. Williams' " Herefordshire Members," adds a daughter, Elizabeth, married to Sir John De la Barre. This apparently is erroneous. In- asmuch as during his lifetime the estates were not restored, there occurred no Inquisition on the decease of Baron Thomas ;* hence we have no record of the date of his decease, which, however, must be fixed not later than 1472. The will of his widow Elizabeth is dated January 3rd, 1489, and contains the following items : — " To be buried within the Church of St. Mark, within the Chapel of St. Nicholas, Bristol ; son Sir Edmund Kornewelle ; my daughter, his wife ; his eldest daughter and his youngest daughter ; Janet Ive, Elizabeth Chippenham Marryon Kachema (probably Cachmay) Jane Ap Hopkyn ; son Sir Edmond Kornewelle, Sir John Randolf, and Richard Went, Exors. Proved in C. P. C, June 6th, 1489. [See Appendix.] Sir Edmund, circa 1472-3, succeeded his father as seventh Baron. We cannot determine the date of his birth. He is styled " The Strong Baron " by Baker, — for what reason does not appear. In 1473, i.e., shortly after his father's death, he petitioned Parliament for the restoration of his father's confiscated estates — this, 14, Edw. IV. sucessfully. In 1483, at the Coronation of King Richard III. he was made Knight of the Bath [Anstis Order of the Bath]. According to a pedigree MS., by an unknown hand he is stated to have married (1) Mary, daughter of Thomas Hoord, of Bridgenorth, by whom he had no issue, and (2) Margaret, daughter of William Hody, Attorney General to King Henry VII. But Judge Bayley and Dr. Marshall both assign him for wife Maria, daughter of Thomas Hoord, who was Attorney General to Henry VIII., and this we assume to be the correct account. From a letter addressed by Mr. Blakeway to Bishop Cornewall we quote the following. " Sir Thomas Hoorde was Attorney General to King Henry VIII. The Hoordes were an ancient family who ranked among the chief gentry of Salop for many centuries. Their seat, a mile from Bridgenorth, is now the property of Mr. Whitmore, of Apley." By Maria Hoorde, Sir Edmund had a son, and successor, Sir Thomas, with two daughters, mentioned in his mother's will 1489 ; viz : Anne, who married Peter (Townshend calls him Richard) Blount, of Sodington [see Visitation of Worcestershire, 1569], and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Cressett, of Stanton Lacy, Salop, by whom she * An Inquisition, styled post-mortem, was held on Thomas Cornewall, attainted in 1466. It omitted to state his death, and, as a pardon was granted this same Thomas in 1467, he must have died later. As attainted he was in 1 465 dead in the eyes of the law. Hence the inclusion of this Inquisition among those held post mortem. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 203 had a daughter, who married . . . Powell. He died December 8th, 1489, and elected to be buried in the Church of the Blackfriars, Ludgate, in the City of London. It will be remembered that his cousin, Lord Fanhope, chose that as his last resting place. His wife Maria survived him [see escheat 5, Hen. VII., No. 62]. Sir Thomas Cornewall succeeded his father as eighth Baron. He was born in his grandfather's time i.e., 1468. In 1505 he alienated the family estates at Norton and Thorpe, Northants, and in 15 10 the Manor of Cornewall Ever, Bucks. Escheat 10, Hen. VIII., March 7th, 1510. " Sir Thomas Cornewall, of Burford, Knight, suffered a recovery of the Manor of Evere Cornewaille, Bucks." Again escheat, 1519, 18, Hen. VII., the Manor and lands of Evere granted by Edmund, Earl of Cornewall, to Geoffrey de Cornewall, nepoli nostro, are at this day called Cornewall's Manor, in Evere, and remained in the family of the Cornewalls till the reign of Hen. VIII., as appear by a deed of sale thereof made by Sir Thomas Cornewall, 7th March, 10, Hen. VIII. He was Knighted, June, 1497, at the Battle of Blackheath, assisted at the funeral of Prince Arthur, and was made Knight Banneret at Tournay and Terouenne (Cotton MSS., Claud C). He was appointed one of the Council of the Marches of Wales, 1520. Blakeway, " History of Shrewsbury," gives the following extract from the Bailiffs account of that Town — " For wine given unto Sir Thomas Cornewall, Knight, the Commissioner of the Lord King Henry 8th," and adds, " Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, 10th in lineal descent from Richard, Earl of Cornewall, younger son of King John. He married the daughter of Sir Richard Corbet, of Moreton, and was, as we see by his title here, a member of The Council of the Marches of Wales." Ibid. " In the bailiffs' account of Shrewsbury, 1530-1537, are entries of payments made to the Minstrels of Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford." He was Sheriff of Salop, 21 and 23, Hen. VII., and 16, Hen. VIII ; also of Herefordshire, 18, Hen. VII., and was Member for Salop 1529. In Brewer's Papers relating to Hen. VIII. we find several references to him, showing that he was actively employed in the King's Service, e.g., Vol. I., 3166. Discharge of Sir Thomas Cornewall, of Burford, Salop, of all fines, as he is going in the suite of the Marquis of Dorset, 30 April, 4 Hen. VIII. Again, under " Appointments for the war, Names of those appointed to join their own persons with the number of men which they have granted to bring with 204 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. them to serve the King's Grace by Law. The Lord Marquis (Dorset). Sir Thomas Cornewale — 100 men." Again, 4253, "Names of the Captaynes and Petty Captaynes of the Army and Vanguard of the Kynges Lefftenant enterying into France the 16th June, 5 Hen. VIII., Shropshire Banneret, Sir Th os. Cornwall." Again, p. 1460, " March 10, Hen. VIII. King at Greenwich. Th. A. Cornewall conduct money for his returne, returning from Gaienne, £38 12s. od." Vol. II. Sir Th. A. Cornwayle appointed Commissioner as to " imperking " of Lands, 28 May, 15 17. (i.e. Domesday of Enclosures.) Vol. III. "Field of the Cloth of Gold," 1520. "Besides the Household and Guard, the following 100 nobles are to attend : Sir Thomas and Sir Ric. Cornewale." Again, " Names of Noblemen to attend the King and Queen at the interview with the French King : Sir Thos. Cornwale." Again, "Noblemen appointed to attend upon the King at Gravelines (meeting of Hen. VIII. and Charles V., 10 July, 1520.) Knights : Thomas Cornewall, Ric. Cornewall." Again, Vol III., 2416, " Commission of Peace, Sir Thomas Cornewale, appointed for Gloucester, Salop, and Hereford." Vol. IV., 6043. "Nomina Militum, 1529, Knights of the Shire : Salop, Sir Th. Cornewale." Vol. V., p. 1715. " Debts to the Crown, 1532. Sir Thomas Cornewale, by statute and other obligations, £286 13s. 4d. (This, according to Professor Thorold Rogers' estimate of the comparative value of money would exceed £6,000). His lands to be aliable (sic) thereto." Vol. VI., 1533. " Coronation of Queen Anne Boleyn. Among the Knights to act as servitors at the Banquet in Westminster Hall, Sir Thos. Cornwale (sic), and he was specially ordered to wait on the Queen and the Bishop." Vol. VIII. "Commissioners of ioths and Spiritualties. Salop, Sir Thos. Cornewayle." Vol. IX., 1536. "Names of Noblemen to attend on the King at the Northern Rebellion. Heref. : Sir T. Cornewale, 100 men." This order was countermanded. In 1537, Will. Wigmore apppointed Steward of Staunton Lacy and Richard's Castle, vice Sir Thos. Cornewale, deceased. His wife was, as has been stated, Anne, daughter of Sir Richard Corbet, of Moreton Corbet, by Elizabeth,* daughter of Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers of Chartley. Royal descents are often too circuitous and remote to be of any real genealogical value, and the protest of Juvenal, " Stemmata quid faciunt ? * By Sir Richard Corbet she had a son, ancestor of the Corbets of Acton Raynold. She re-married Sir Thomas Leighton, by whom she had a son, John, ancestor of the Leightons of Loton. She died 1516, and to her memory there is a slab in the Chancel of Burford Church. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 205 Quid prodest, Pontice, longo sanguine censeri ? " might well apply to many. But the Corbet royal descent cannot be condemned as romote, although thereby the Corbets of Moreton Corbet, one of the very few genuine Norman families extant, do not possess apparently the privilege of quartering the Royal arms : e.g. : Edward I.=Eleanor of Castille. I Joan of Acre=Gilbert de Clare. I Eleanor de Clare=Hugh de Spencer. I Edward de Spencer=Anne Ferrers of Groby. [ Edward Lord de Spencer, K.G,=Elizabeth Burghersh. Margaret de Spencer= Robert Ferrers of Chartley. Edmund Ferrers= Ellen de la Roche. I William Ferrers= Elizabeth Belknap. I I Anne Ferrers— Sir Walter Devereux, K.G., Lord Ferrers of Chartlev. I Elizabeth DEVEREUX=Sir Richard Corbet. I Anne Corbet— Sir Thomas Cornewall. Baron of Burford. Another Corbet descent may be regarded as no more than a curiosity, but is of some value as showing the relationship of the Cornewalls through the Corbets to the Talbots, who had been ten generations earlier co-heirs with them of the Mortimer estates. Charlemagne is really the apex of every Royal descent ; the following however possesses the merit of not tracing back through the Royal House of England, but on independent lines, and is therefore in character less commonplace. Like all descents, whether royal, noble, or merely gentle, it may possibly afford a casual clue to the genealogist, and therefore be worth preserving. Charlemagne, Emperor (d. 814)— Hildegarde of Suabia (d. 782). I Louis de Debonnairex=Judith, dau. of Guelph, Count of Bavaria. Emperor and King of I Aquitaine (d. 840) I Gisele= Everard, Due de Frioul. I Berenger, King of Italy (d. 924)=Bertile, d. of Suppon, Due de Spoleto (poisoned 910). I I Gisele=Adalbert, Marquis DTvre6. I A 206 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWAI.I.. A I Bgrenger II., King ol Italy (d. 9G6)=Wittc, d. of Boson, Duke of Tuscany. Adalbert, Le Captif, King of Italy =Gerberge, d. of Lambert, Count of Chalons. I Otho, Count of Burgundy=ERMENTRUDE, d. of Renaud, Count of Rheims. (d. 1027). I Renaud=Alix, d. of Richard II., Duke of Normandy. Guillaume, Le Grand, Count of Burgundy =Etienne, d. of Raymond II., Count of Barcelona, by (d 1087). I Sanchia of Navarre. Gisette= Humbert II., Count of Maurienne and Savoy (d. 1108). Adelaide=Louis III., Le Gros, King of France (d. 1137). Pierre, 4th son, father of Courtenay,=ISABELLA, d. of Reginald de Courtenay. Emperor of Constantinople. | Allix de Courtenay=Aymer, Count of Angoulesme. [ I Isabella (d. 1246)— (2) Hugh Le Brun of Lusignan (d. 1249). (1) Wife of King John. | William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke =Joane, d. of Warine de Montchensy. (killed at Bayonne, 1296). | 1 s abel = John, Lord Hastings, Lord of Bergenny, Competitor for the Crown of Scotland (2nd dau.) I (d. 1313). Elizabeth Hastings= Roger, Lord Grey de Ruthyn (d. 1353). Gratiana Grey=Sir John Talbot of Richard's Castle. I John Talbot of Richard's Castle— Catherine (d. 1381). Elizabeth Talbot=Sir Warine Arcedechne of Langherne. I Elinor Arcedechne=Sir Walter Lucy of Cublington (d. 1445). I Elinor Lucy=Thomas Hopton. I Thomas Hopton=Joane, d. of Walter Mortimer. Elizabeth Hopton— (i) Sir Roger Corbet, (2) John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, (3) Sir William I Stanley — both beheaded. Sir Richard Corbet (d. 8 Hen. VII.)=Elizabeth Devereux, d. of Lord Ferrers of I Chartley. Anne Corbet=(i) Sir Thomas Cornewall. In the Cotton MSS., Cleopatra, C.V., we find " A list of Captagnes with the flagges of the Army entering into France in the fifth yer of the reigne of Kynge Henry VIII. — Syr Thomas Cornewell, Baron of Burfford, bayrith sylver a lyon gulls powderyd with besaunts, a crown upon his head gold and Cornish Choghes." There is an illustration of this standard in the Had. MSS., 4632. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALI.. 207 The above details concerning the career of Sir Thomas Cornewall gave evidence of prodigality, and we note especially that late in life he owed a large sum to the Crown. But they do not account for the devolution of Hampton Court, which was purchased by the Coningsbys in 1510. It may be that this splendid Mansion on the death of Sir Roland Lenthal in 1450 devolved upon the children of Lucy Grey. Inasmuch as Alianora, the elder sister, died unmarried, the co-heirs in 1499 would have been Sir Thomas Cornewall and Lord Zouche of Harringworth. Now one account makes the Cornewalls purchasers of Hampton Court, and it may be surmised that Sir Thomas sacrificed the Manors of Norton and Thorpe, as well as of Cornewall Ever, in order to purchase it. If that be so, it seems the more strange that he should have aliened Hampton Court so soon after, and it may be that the transfer to the Coningsbys affords no evidence as to the devolution of Hampton Court. It remains on record that Sir Thomas, in high favour with the Court, reduced the Cornewall acreage by more than one-half.* [See Appendix.] Sir Thomas Cornewall by Anne Corbet had (2) Richard his successor (1) Edmund (3) Elizabeth, who married Arthur, son and heir of Sir Peter Newton, of Beverley or Petton, Salop, (4) a daughter married to John Wigmore (5) Eleanor, married to Roger Vaughan of Hergest. We reserve mention of Richard, inasmuch as he does not belong to the Barons of the 15th Century. Edmund died January, 1508, get 20. Gough, " Sepulchral Monuments " thus describes his tomb in Burford Church. " Life-size monument in oak. His head supported by two angels on a helmet, his hair cropt, armour plated ovals at his shoulders, hearts at his elbows, at his feet a lion crowned, with an iron tongue. A ledge of oak-leaves runs round the chest (i.e. coffin) which is hollow and empty. At the east end of the tomb the Cornewall arms, between the whole lengths (i.e. figures) of Edmund, and a ' female saint holding an arrow.' Dr. Nash adds to this too technical description : " In the Baron of Burford's seat is seen the figure of one of his family, and the inscription following, thus spelled in Roman capitals : " Heare lyeth the body of Edmonde Cornewayle, sonne and heire aparante of Syr Thomas Cornewayle, of Burford, Knt., which Edmonde dyed in the yeare of his age XXL, in the yeare of Our Lord God, I5Q3-" *It may 'be added that about 1500 the Mortimer's Manor of King's Nympnet, Devon, inherited from Margaret de Mortimer, was aliened to Mr. Pollards. The statement that this sale occurred temp. Hen. V. is disproved by the Manor having been one of those assigned by Edward IV. under the attainder of Thomas Cornewall. 208 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. There seems to be some discrepancy as to dates, the pedigrees stating the death to have occurred a.d., 1508, and the monument 1503. Sir Thomas Cornewall died at Acton, as Weaver, " Funeral Monuments " states, on his way homewards from London, being " casually interred " in that Church, where was engraved this epitaph : " Pray for the soul of Sir Thomas Cornewal, Baron of Burford, in Co. Salop, Knt. and Bann't, which took to wyf Anne, the daughter of Sir Richard Corbet, of the same County, who departed this lyfe XIX. Aug., 1538. On whose soul Jesu have mercy."* It has been stated, on what authority cannot be determined, that he had a first wife named Catheryne, who was buried near the tomb of the Princess Elizabeth, in Burford Church, both the stone and its effigy having dis- appeared. Be that as it may, his wife Anne Corbet survived him by ten years. Above her son's tomb in Burford Church, she is represented as kneeling at a desk with an open book upon it, and the following inscription : — " Here lyeth Dame Anne Cornewayll, wife unto Sir Thomas Cornewayll, and daughter unto Sir Richard Corbet, of Morton, Knt., by Dame Elizabeth, his wife, Daur unto the Lord Ferrys of Chartley, after married unto Sir Thomas Leighton, Ano. Dom. 1548, Mtatis Sux 78." Sir Thomas is represented in full armour with this inscription, " Sir Thos. Cornewayll of Burford, Knt., lyeth buried at Acteon, nere London, who dyed about A'no Dom. 1537, A'no aet., 70, whose father, Sir Edmund was buryed in the Black Fryers, at London, in the Chapel of Sir John Cornewayll, Lord Fanhope." * Weaver adds : — " Learned Camden, speaking of the Ancestors of this active strong family of the Cornewailes, hath these words : — Upon the river Temd (sic), (saith Hee) is Seene Burford, which from Theodoricke Saie and his posteritie came unto Robert Mortimer, and from his posteritie likewise unto Sir Geoffrey Cornewaile, who derived his descent from Richard, Earle of Cornwall, and King of the Almaines ; and his race, even to these days, hath flourished under the name of Barons of Burford, but not in the dignities of Parliamentarie Barons : whereas it is holden of the King for to finde five men for the Armie of Wales, and by service of a Baronie. But more of these Cornewalls when I come to the usual place of their buriall, for this gentleman was casually here interred, dying here in this Towne, as hee passed from London into his own country." The stone tablet in memory of Sir Thomas Cornewall is now fixed in the wall of the porch of Acton Church, and in 1866 was restored by a Dr. Rogers. It appears originally to have covered his remains at some spot within the Church. This we infer from Norden's " Speculum Britannia?," 1593, a much earlier authority than Weaver, e.g., "Acton West. The Baron of Burford died there as he passed from London, and is covered with a marble stone in the yeare of Christ 1527 " — this of course should be 1537-8. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 209 Chapter XII. I Edmund Cornewall, 10th Baron. (1537-85) s.p. The Barons of the Sixteenth Century. Richard Cornewall, gth Baron=jENET, d. of Henry Wogan of Wiston. (1493 1569O I (1507-47-) Thomas Cornewall= Katherine, nth Baron. (1538-1615). d. of John Harley, and widow of John Cresset, (1539-1623). I Mary=James Warne- COMBE, M.P. Anne=Francis Walsh (d. 1596) Sir Thomas=Anne, d. of Cornewall, 12th Baron. (1573-1636). Sir Gilbert Lyttelton. (d. 1566) I I Sir Francis=Joyce, d. of Edward-- Cornewall. | Edward Cornewall I Combes. (d. 1645) Mrs Mary Hopton. Thomas (d. 1627). I Richard (b. 1603). Anne=Anthony Woodhull of (d. 1678). Mollington, Oxon. (1607-75)- Rev. Richard Cornewall (1581-1610). f\F Richard who succeeded his father Sir Thomas, as ninth Baron of " Burford, little is known. Fuller wrote : — " He was a Knight, howsoever it cometh to pass that he is here (i.e., as Sheriff of Salop, 1519, and 1526, and of Herefordshire, 1547, 1560) inadditioned. I read how, i.e., 1523, he was a prime person among those many Knights which attended the Duke of Suffolk into France, at what time they summoned and took the town of Roy, and Sir Richard was sent with 400 men to take possession thereof, the only service of remark performed in that expedition." Here Fuller is confusing Richard, the Baron, with Sir Richard Cornewall, of Berrington, who was Knighted by the Earl of Surrey after the capture of Morlaix, July, 1522. There can be little doubt that the former never received the accolade, and we have no evidence of his having performed any military service.* He is recorded to have been born in 1493, and to have married Jenet, daughter and co-heir of Henry Wogan of Wiston in Pembrokeshire, by Catherine, one of the co-heirs of David Mathew, of * His name, however, occurs as having in 1542 presented to the Privy Council "a view of Muster," taken of the Hundred of Munslow. Also that of Ludlow. These documents were signed by Rychard Cornewall and William Foxe. And in 1544 in a document relating to "The arms against France," he is stated to have certified to My Lord of Suffolk. And in the Book of Aug- mentations, 34 Hen. VIII., he is mentioned as leaseholder of Meadows in Richard's Castle. 210 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALT, Rhayader. This lady, as is evidenced by an Inquisition taken at Wootton- under-Edge, 16 Hen. VIII. (vide Appendix) was sixteen on Aug. 18, 15th Hen. VIII. — the date apparently of her marriage. The Wogans then were in possession of Tortworth, near Wootton-under-Edge. Richard Cornewall* died in 1569, aet 75 ; his wife in 1547, aet 40. Inquisitions p. mortem on him 1569, and on her 1570. [See Appendix]. There is preserved at High Legh an illuminated pedigree of Wogan, the text whereof we here append. Although his career seems to have been undistinguished, filial piety accorded to him and his wife one of the most striking and original monuments — a work of art altogether unique, not to say eccentric. This monument, painted on wood, stands on the north side of the Chancel of Burford Church, bearing the signature of Melchior Salaboss, who was better known by his Italian designation, Gerardino Milanese. The effigies of Baron Richard and his wife are here represented larger than life-size, within folding doors, on which are depicted representations of the twelve Apostles. I As originally constructed by Salaboss the Apostles were on the inside, but the doors have been reversed, and instead the Apostles alone are now visible, while within, four panels in- tended evidently to meet the eye, can only be seen at present by opening the doors. These panels are painted with coats of arms. [See Appendix.] Two inscriptions adorne the frieze of the frame : — (1) Here lyeth Richarde Cornewayll, Esquier, and Jenet his wife ; which Richarde was sonne and heire to Sir Thomas Cornewayll, of Burford, K'nt ; which Jenet was doghter and heire unto He'ry Woga', Esqre, and Katherin his wyfe, one of the heires of David Matheu, of Rhaidre, by his wyfe, which was heire to Viell of Tortworth, which He'ry was son and hayre to Sir John Wogan, of Wiston, K'nt. Rich, died A 0 - D°- 1568,! aet 75. Jenet died A°- D°- 1547, set 40. (2) Here lyeth Edmonde Cornewayll, son and heyre to Richard Cornewayll and Jenet his wyfe, who being never marryed died wythoute issue in the yere * The following entry in the Burford Register follows immediately the first entry in the Volume, viz., 1567, the marriage of James Warnecombe to Mary Cornewall; e.g., 1569 — Buryed R chard Cornewaill, Esquior, the nineth day of June. t As given by Salaboss the order of the Apostles was as follows : (1) St. Matthew, (2) St. Mark, (3) St. Peter, (4) St. Paul, (5) St. Philip, (6) St. James, (7) St. Luke, (8) St. John, (9) St. Andrew, (10) St. Thomas, (11) St. Bartholomew, (12) St. Simon. J This date, as is shown by the Burford Register, should be 1579. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 211 of his age 50, in the yere of Our Lord 1585,* leavi'g his lands and goods u'to his well-beloved brother Thomas Cornewayll, now livinge, who hath caused this monume't to be made for the memory of his worshippful pare'ts, and most lou'nge brother in the yere of Our Lord 1587.-]- Although according to modern ideas the figures of Apostles may form a more appropriate embellishment of a Chancel than the legend of ancestry embodied in heraldic devices, none the less coat armour has always been held to be permissible in monumental decoration. Salaboss, who was not a Pro- testant, placed his Apostles inside as guardians of the deceased, and therefore it was nothing short of a well intentioned error in taste to convert ancestral shields into patrons. The doors should be re-reversed, and the monument restored to its original condition. On the Triptych above the Apostles is, inscribed, doubtless by a later hand, " Regard not these pictures, but follow the Lord, as did the Apostles in lyffe and in word." Under the Apostles : — Syth death so certain ys and shoer, And so uncertain ys the houer, Regard the concell whych I gyve, Lyve well to dye, dye well to lyve. For as you are, so once was I, And as I am, so shall you be, Altho that ye be fayre and younge, Wyse, welthy, hardy, stout and stronge. Your debt you shall to nature pay, Theyrefore thynke on the latter day, And pray to God that He may send You grace to make a godly end. * The followng is the entry in the Burford Register, 1585. Buryed the worthy man Edmunde Cornewaile. Esquior, Baron of Burforde, the xvith daye of Julye. t The almost total elision of the letter " N " in these inscriptions may have been an idiosyncrasy of Melchior Silaboss, but seems suggestive of Spanish rather than of Italian, as also the name Melchior. We note also that he employs the letter " U " as a substitute both for " V " and for "W." 212 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. O Lord our sowles receave, And ek our sinns forgyve, With joye this world we leave, And hope with Thee to lyve, Through Chryst Our Lord. Amen.* By Jenet Wogan Baron Richard had (i) Edmund, his successor, (2) Thomas, who succeeded Edmund (3) Mary, who married James Warnecombe of Hereford, (4) Anne, who married Francis Walsh, of Shelsley Walsh in the County of Worcester. It is noteworthy that whereas he is the first Cornewall in what was then the novel Parish Register, his title was not given him, his son being nevertheless entered as Baron. The epitaph on his elder son, Edmund, the tenth Baron, gives a very im- perfect presentment of the man, around whom rapidly aggregated a series of legends. He was born in 1537, and had livery of his father's lands, 12 Eliz., 1569. Jones in his " Index " erroneously calls him Edward, thus contra- dicting the testimony of the monument above quoted. In consequence of his height and strength he obtained the name of the Stout Baron. Nash — " History of Worcestershire," Blakeway — " Sheriffs of Salop," and Gough — " Sepulchral Monuments," all narrate instances of his power, whereof not a few are absurdly apocryphal e.g., that he lifted a waggon loaded with hay on Burford Bridge and landed it into the Teme, and that he could walk from Burford to Tenbury — two miles — in three strides, the last reaching the Castle Tump. But that he was a giant may fairly be inferred from his walking stick. The late Rev. J. Wayland Joyce, Vicar of Burford, wrote concerning this huge weapon : — " The walking stick of Edmund Cornewall, called ' The Great Baron ' (this is incorrect), who died in 1585, is at this moment in the possession of a friend of mine in this neighbourhood. The enormous stature of Edmund Cornewall may be learned from the fact that the hook of that stick reaches almost to my shoulders. That height will designate the position of his waist. Report here says that he was seven feet four inches high, and this report is * An equally simple, yet finer specimen of contemporary verse is engraved on one of the ancient bells in Burford Church, e.g. : — At service time I sound, And at the death of men ; To serve your God and well to die, Remember then." Lines suggesting somewhat the reflective vein of George Herbert. [Refer to Pettigrew's " Chronicles of the Tombs.") THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 213 lortified by the fact that this is the exact length of his recumbent figure as depicted on the triptych at the north side of the altar here. The figure is believed to be the exact representation of his mortal size." Another and possibly more accurate account, given by Miss Isabel Corn- wall, makes this monster staff to have hung from his girdle, being in length 5 feet, in weight 8 lbs., and constructed of wood and iron. On the head are inserted the letters " E. C," and for motto, " In my defence God me defend ! " Engraven also — probably at a later date — are the letters " H. B."* This curio is stated to be now in the possession of Mr. Wheler, of Newnham Court. The recumbent effigy of Baron Edmund is in solid oak. Gazing upon his gigantic proportions we can well believe that the legend of his having flung a man bodily over the park pales of Burford Castle is no romance. He served as Sheriff for Salop, 1579. In the High Legh pedigree another sample of local doggrel appears. In hawks and hounds he took delight, And eke in temed wayne. Both horse and man for service fit, He likewise did maintain. In spite of these preferences which must have cost money, we find him enlarging the area of The Barons' Estates by the purchase of the Manor of Tenbury, from one Hall of Henwick by Worcester. This purchase included a Manor House, said to have been situate in the grounds of the present Court, and with that a Dower House in Cross Street. In this there remains an alcove cupboard painted in the style of the memorial triptych in Burford Church, and possibly by Melchior Salaboss. Yet another mansion in Tenbury owned by the Cornewalls was styled Plantagenet House. This was demolished about a century ago. These residences will account for the Cornewall entries in the Tenbury Registers. While thus proving a benefactor to his family, Baron Edmund further displayed a public spirit in obtaining a licence to widen the bridge over the Teme at Tenbury. This entirely at his own cost and charges. Being unmarried and childless he was able probably to economise, and it may be remarked that while an athlete of no common powers, and the idol of the surrounding country, his tastes were much the reverse of Philistine or bucolic. * Query Barneby ? 214 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Thus Habington, in a vein of genuine admiration : — " He was in mind an emperor, from which he descended in wit and style so rare to comprise in a few words, and that so clearly, such store of matter as I scarce ever saw any to equal him, none to excel him. He was mighty of body and very comely, and exceeded in strength all men of his age. For his own delight he had a dainty touch on the lute, and of such sweet harmony in his nature, as if ever he offended, were he never so poor, he was not friend with himself until he was friend with him again. He led a single life, and before his strength decayed entered the gate of death." The late Sir F. A. G. Ouseley, whose beautiful college has added so great a charm to Tenbury, remarked on this testimony of Habington to Baron Edmund having been a lutenist, that in the Elizabethan age every gentleman could play an instrument or take part correctly in a madrigal, while at the present day it is an exception to find men, otherwise of culture, proficient as instrumentalists, and still more rare to meet with one capable of singing at sight the intricate parts of the Elizabethan " Triumphs of Oriana." Baron Edmund was alike splendid man, and gentle gentleman ; neither can the enthusiastic panegyric of Habington be deemed excessive. Of Edmund Cornewall's sisters, Mary married, July 14th, 1567, at Burford Church, James Warnecombe, of Ivington. The Harl MSS., 1140, f. 14, mention that he had been previously married to Eleanor, daughter of . . . Hyatt. Insomuch as the father of Mary Cornewall is here stated to have been John — an error iterated by Williams in his " Herefordshire Members " — the accuracy of the pedigree lies open to doubt. It is thus given : — Johannes Warnecombe= . . . Margaret. Richard^Anna filia Rici Broomwich. Elizabeth. Matilda =John Harlev. Margaret, Johanne, Anna, Richard, tertius fil duxit j ux. ux. ux. Elizam fil Johis Blount K atherine=Joiin Blount. Jacob Philip Thomas De Grcndon Waryn. Berrowe. Scudamore. Wood of London . | . j j J ohannes= J anam, d. of (i) William= Alicia=<2) Sir J as. Croft. J ames= (i ) d. of Hyatt . fil et hoeres. John Scudamore Wigmore. =(2) Mary, d. of John Cornewall of Burford. James Warnecombe, husband of Mary Cornewall, was, as stated above, second son of Richard (M. P. for Hereford City, 1529). With his brother-in-law, Sir James Croft, he represented the County of Hereford in 1562. A Barrister THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 215 of the Middle Temple ; Recorder of Ludlow, 1550-61 ; M.P. for Leominster, I 536-9 ; for Ludlow, 1554-5 ; and for Hereford City, 1571-83 ; Mayor of Hereford, 1571 and 1578. In Townsend's History of Leominster, he is represented as Recorder and Standing Counsel for that borough, and a Member of its Corporation. A daughter of his, by his first wife, married a Harley. The second daughter of Baron Richard by Jenet Wogan, Anne, married Francis Walsh of Shelsley Walsh, Worcestershire, heir of John Walsh, by Alice, daughter of Sir Christopher Baynham, Kn't. He died July 19th, 1596, his wife having borne him three sons and six daughters, whereof one married Cornewall of Buckland. M.I. given in Nash's " Worcestershire," vol. II., p. 350. (See Genealogist II, 347). Although his name is omitted from all the pedigrees, it seems far from impossible that Robert Cornewall (alleged by Blome — " Magna Brittannia," to have stolen the heiress of John Bockland, of Bockland — later Buckland in Docklow — in the reign of Henry VIII.) may have been a son of Baron Richard and Jenet Wogan. His descendants bore the Cornewall arms, and their pedigree was entered as of Brockhampton at the Visitation of Herefordshire, 1634. (See Appendix). At the decease of Edmund Cornewall, July, 1585 [for his Inquisition post mortem see Appendix], his younger brother Thomas succeded as nth Baron. He was born not earlier than 1538, and served as Sheriff for Salop, 1587. He married Katherine, daughter of John Harley,* Esq., of Brampton Bryan Castle, whose ancestry from the De Bramptons have already been stated. She had previously married John Cresset, Esq., of Upton Cresset. To Thomas Cornewall she bore four sons, viz : — (1) Sir Thomas, (2) Sir Francis, (3) Edward, (4) Rev. Richard. She died, 1623, aged 84, and was buried at Burford, February 17th of that year. He died, May 21st, 1615, age, as stated, 81. The piety of their eldest son accorded his parents a handsome monument in the Chancel of Burford Church, on the south side of the Altar. He is re- presented in armour, she in a black costume in the formal style of the Jacobean * John Harley's grandson, Sir Robert Harley, M.P. for Herefordshire played an important part in the Civil War, as also his gallant wife, Brilliana, daughter of Viscount Conway, the Minister of James ist and Charles ist, who was instrumental iu deposing Archbishop Abbot in favour of Laud. Unlike her father, she was a strong Puritan, and her defence of Brampton Bryan Castle, her published letters, and the tragedy of her death, are historic. Mention will be made later on of the Conway family. 2l6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. period. Both kneel, vis-a-vis, at a desk, with hands clasped and upraised in an attitude of prayer, while upon the desk on a Tablet are the lines, as given on page 212 :— O Lord, our Soules receive, And eke our sinnes forgive. With joy this world we leave, And hope with thee to live. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. On the arch above is inscribed : — " This monument was made by the appointment and charge of Sir Thomas Cornewall, Knight, in the year of Our Lord God, one thousand six hundred and thirty." And beneath it this epitaph : — " Here lyeth the bodie of Thomas Cornewayll, sone of Richard, and brother of Edmonde Cornewayll, Baron of Burford, who took to wyfe Katherine, daughter of Sir John Harley, of Brampton Bryan, in the Co. of Hereford, Esquire, by whom he had issue, four sons, videlicet, Sir Thomas Cornewall, Sir Francis Cornewall, with Edward and Richard Cornewall. Sir Thomas the father, died the 21st day of May, 1615, and in the year of his age four score and one. Katherine died Feb. 16th, 1623, in the year of her age four score and four." It will be remarked that Sir Thomas, proprio motu, conferred the honour of Knighthood alike on his father and on his grandfather Harley, qualifying the former also by mentioning him as " Esquire." A portrait after the manner of Holbein, and in the costume of the Elizabethan era with ruff and slashed sleeves was among the collection of family portraits at Delbury Hall, Salop. This has been erroneously attributed to the above Thomas. Also the portrait of a lady, whose costume is not quite so distinctive, and may be possibly that of Catherine Harley or of Anne Lyttelton, the wife of Sir Thomas Cornewall, the eleventh Baron. Of the issue of Baron Thomas by Catherine Harley the two elder obtained distinction. The second son Francis, stated to have been a great benefactor to Tenbury and to have presented one of the bells to the Church, was Knighted at Chatham, July 4th, 1604. He married Joyce, heiress of Edward Combes, Esq., of Wasperton, in Warwickshire, who was buried at Burford, July 16th, THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 217 1603. (Had. Soc. XII., 231.) He also was buried at Burford, July 7th, 1622. By her he had (1) Thomas, who being Serjeant Major in the expedition to Rhe, was killed there. (2) Richard, who was baptised at Burford, July 8th, 1603. Judge Bayley in error identified him with a Richard Cornewall apprenticed to the Merchant Taylors' Co., in 1607, and afterwards trans- ferred to the Haberdashers Co., the entire term of service being reported in 1615. But first, a child of four years could not have been apprenticed ; and secondly, in the entry at the Merchant Taylors' Co., this Richard, the apprentice, is described as son of John Cornewall, lately of Burchard, in the County of Hereford. Probably this John was one of the Cornewalls of Buckland (see Appendix) ; (3) Anne married to Anthony Woodhull, of Moll- ington, in Oxon, who died September 1st, 1675, aged 67. She died May 15th, 1678. M.I., Mollington Church (see Harl. Soc. v. 266.) The third son of Baron Thomas Cornewall by Katherine Harley was Edward, who was married, by licence, August 31st, 1637, at Eastham Church, Worcestershire, to Mrs. Mary Hop ton.* She is mentioned in the will of her sister-in-law Anne, nee Lyttelton, widow of Sir Thomas Cornewall as " my sister, Mrs. Mary Cornewall." He was buried at Burford, September 16th, 1645. The youngest son of Baron Thomas Cornewall by Katherine Harley, was Rev. Richard Cornewall. Born in 1581, he entered Hart Hall, Oxford, May 13th, 1598, graduated as B.A. from Oriel College, April 20th, 1602, and proceeded M.A. from Broadgates Hall (now Pembroke College) May 20th, 1605. He became Rector of Burford (1st portion) 1608, and was buried there March 23rd, 1610, dying unmarried and s.p. The eldest son of this family, Sir Thomas Cornewall, succeeded his father as twelfth Baron. Perhaps, owing to his prominence at Court, or it may be on account of a certain natural dignity, he was styled " The Great Baron." He was born in 1573 and matriculated, as " arm. fil., at Ch. Ch. Oxford," July 24th, 1590. On the nth of May, 1603, he was Knighted at the Charter- house, being then in attendance on King James I. In the same year he was sworn servant to the King, and gentleman of the Chamber to Prince Henry, the elder brother of King Charles I., who entering Magdalen College, Oxford, * It is impossible to identify this lady in the genealogical record of the Hopton family by Miss Madeline Hopton, entitled " Froma Canonica." 218 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. was so charmed with the urbanity of the Demies, as to have addressed them on leaving as fratres fraterrimi. Sir Thomas must have been a favourite of that most amiable Prince, inasmuch as he presented him with a jewelled Tablet containing the likeness of his royal sire. The King himself displayed appre- ciation more substantially by a grant of lands in Ireland. These he sold to Davies of Tressaney, in Flintshire. On the decease of James I., Sir Thomas became gentleman of the Privy Chamber to King Charles I. * We have already given a precis of his letter to Vincent, Rouge Croix, wherein he indignantly repudiated an illegitimate descent from Earl Richard, King of the Romans, appending by way of proof very many details which have since proved land- marks in the history of the Cornewall family. Vincent, so Judge Bayley affirms, on receipt of this counterblast, burnt the pedigree already drawn up with the assistance of Milles. That may be, in any case no such pedigree by Vincent remains in the Heralds College, and the only pedigree of his com- pilation is that at High Legh. He served as Sheriff for Salop, 1634, and married Anne, daughter of Sir Gilbert Lyttelton, of Franckley, Worcestershire, Knight, circa 1596. This alliance gave to his issue a clear descent from John of Gaunt, and the Fair Maid of Kent, daughter of Edmund of Woodstock ; e.g. Edward I.=Margaret, daughter of Philip III. of France. Edmund, of Woodstock =Margaret, daughter of John, Lord Wake. Joan (the Fair Maid of Kent)=THOMAS Holland, Earl of Kent. Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent— Alice, daughter of Richard, Earl of Arundel. Margaret Holland=John Beaufort, eldest son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, by Catherine, \_ daughter of Sir Payn Roelt. * In a volume of Documents relating to Ludlow by the Hon. R. A. Clivc, is an account of the performance on Nov. 4, 1616, of a drama entitled "The Love ot Wales." Among the Lords Marchers present on that occasion, apparently on business as well as pleasure, were Sir Thomas Cornewall, described as one of the gentlemen of His Majesty's Privie Chamber, and High Shcriffe of the County of Salop. Each Lord Marcher received a fee, £6 13s. 46.. (see the Cotton MSS., Vitcllius, c. i., 156). Howes, in his continuation ot Stowe's Chronicle, referring to "The Love of Wales," and the presence of the popular and refined Prince Henry, writes: "In honour of this joyful! creation there were solemn Triumphs performed at Ludlow and published by Daniel Powell. The author of the complimentary Latin verses addressed to the Prince was Humphrey Herbert, Master of the Free School at Ludlow, the English translation being by Richard Fisher, an Alder- man of the town. Among those also present were Sir Thomas Chamberluyne, Chief J ustice of Chester and Attorney-General of the Welsh Marchers, Sir Robert Harley and Sir Francis Cornewall. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 2IO, A I Edmund Beaufort— Alianor, daughter of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Anne Beaufort=Sir William Paston. Anne Paston=Sir Gilbert Talbot, son of the 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, by Elizabeth, daughter of I James, Lord Ormonde, by Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Scrope of Bolton. I Elizabeth Talbot=John Lyttelton of Franckley. 1 Sir John Lyttelton=Bridget, daughter of Sir John Packington. I Sir Gilbert Lyttelton— Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Humphry Conyngsby, of Hampton Court. I Anne Lyttelton=Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford. In virtue of the descent of Sir Gilbert Talbot from John of Gaunt, the Lyttelton family enjoy the privilege of quartering the arms of England with those of France within a bordure gobony. The name of the family was originally Westcote, e.g. Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Thomas de Lecttleton=THOMAS Westcote, who assumed bis of Franckley. ( wife's patronymic. I Thomas Lyttelton, C.B., Judge of Common Pleas — Joan, coheir of Sir William Burlcy, widow of (the great lawyer and author). | Sir Philip Chetwynd. I Sir William Lyttelton =(2iidly) Mary, daughter of William Whittington of Pauntley. I John Lyttelton *=Elizabeth Talbot (ut supra). Sir Thomas Cornewall had livery of his lands in 1617. He would seem to have been the first to bear on his seal the motto "La Vie durante," — borrowed from the rhythm of St. Bernard, or perhaps from " 0 Salutaris Hostia," and he evidently took a vivid interest in the family whereof he was head. The Burford Register under date January 12th, 1635-6, contains this entry: " Buried that worthy man Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford." He not only restored the monuments of his predecessors, which in lapse of time had fallen into decay, but further erected others, notably to himself and his wife during their life- time, thus inscribed : — " These statues represent now living the forms of Sir Thomas Cornewayle, K'nt, and Anne his Lady, and daughter of Sir Gilbert Littleton, of Frankley, in the County of Worcester, by whom he hath issue : — Richard, Sir Gilbert, * The Lyttelton family have held the Baronies of Mouuslow, Hatherton, and Lyttelton. The latter is held by the present Viscount Cobham. 220 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. K'nt, Thomas, George, Robert, James, Alfred and John, twynes — and 5 daughters, videlicet Katherine, Mary, Anne, Elizabeth, and Margaret. This memento was made by Sir Thomas Cornewayle, K'nt, in the year of Our Lord 1630, and in the year of the age of himself, 58, and of his lady, 56. To the said lady was subsequently paid an even higher tribute. On a small circular marble tablet surmounted with the Cornewall arms, is this inscription : — In Memoriam Elizabeths, Thorns Cornewel Militis et Baronis de Burford, et uxoris ejus, filioe natu quartoe hie depositee, vicesimo sexto die Octobris Anno D'M, 1675, Si pietas et prisca fides, et Virgine digna, Et senis et juvenis mira pudicitia ; Si caritas inopes pascens, medicansque cubantes Consequitur laudes justaque ferri rogi ; Hanc merito celebrent prassens et postera sascla Prcebentem haec oculis conspicienda suis. Sex nempe undenos et tres impleverat annos Sanctaque fide manens, castaque larga manu ; Nunc linquit mundum immundum casloque potitur, Et Christi sponsa semper amore nitet. Heu fuit ! Heu Vitarn consumpsit flamula febris, Viva ast virtutis gloria morte caret. These lines scarcely give evidence of erudition, being in fact rather below the conventional standard of the period. They betray an academical origin and render no more than was due to a lady of the Court, who was venerated by her contemporaries, and not least by her own blood relations who placed a brass to her memory in Hagley Church. Although her husband in anticipation had erected so handsome a monument to his wife in conjunction with himself in Burford Church, she was actually buried at Eastham, as appears from the register of the parish ; e.g., 1656 — The Lady Ane Cornewall, of Eastham, widow, was buried the third day of ffebruary, Anno p'dict (1656-7). According to Nash — " History of Worcestershire," vol. 7, p. 364 — there were in his time (sc 1781,) two slabs with ths following inscriptions on brass plates in the Chancel of Eastham Church. (1). " Here lieth interred the body of Dame Anne Cornewall, wife of Sir Thomas THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 221 Cornewall, Kn't., and Baron of Burford in the County of Salop, and only daughter of Gilbert Littleton, of Frankley, in the County of Wigorn which said Dame Ann being of the age of eighty seven years, departed this life Anno Domini one thousand six hundred fifty six." No trace of either of these memorials remains at the present time, the slabs as well as the brasses having disappeared. Eastham Court, the Dower House of the Barons of Burford, was originally held by the Porter family. It came to the Cornewalls by purchase* and remains to a certain extent the same as when inhabited in the middle of the seventeenth century by Dame Anne Cornewall. Her will, as Dame Anne Cornewall, of Eastham, in the County of Worcester, widdowe, is dated June 23rd, 1654, and contains the following particulars : — " I leave unto Sir Gilbert Cornewall, my sonne, a tablett or jewell given unto my late deceased husband, Sir Thomas Cornewall, by Prince Henry. And from and im'ediately after the decease of my said sonne, Sir Gilbert Cornewall, I doe next by will devise the said tablett or jewell to Thomas Cornewall, Esquire, my grand-sonne, eldest sonne and heir apparent of my said sonne Sir Gilbert Cornewall. Residue to son Robert Cornewall, Esquire, and appoint him executor ; Witnesses, Mich. Acton, John Barneby, and Edward Benson. Codicil dated June 24th, 1655. My grand-son, John Barneby, to be executor (as well as sonne Robt. Cornewall) Codicil dated Jan. 20th, 1656. To be buried at Eastham ; £20 to daughter Mrs. Mary Reade ; To my daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Cornewall, three of my best bedds, etc., and my picture which hangs over the parlour and my wedding ring; my sister Mrs. Mary Cornewall ; my niece Mrs. Elizabeth Barneby ; my niece Mrs. Anne Hare ; To grand-son, Mr. John Barneby, my husband's picture from head to foot, being in the parlour ; My grand-child, Mrs. Ursula Phillips ; my esteemed friend and kinsman, Dr. Harford ; grand-child, Mrs. Mary Cornewall ; grand-child Compton Reade, Esquire ; f my son-in-law, Mr. John * Nash — " History of Worcestershire" affirms that Eastham Court was acquired by Sir John Cornewall between 1395 (when William Wasteney presented to the living) and 1404, when the said Sir John was patron. There is some uncertainty about this change of ownership from the Porters to the Cornewalls. Nash further is responsible for the statement that the Rectory of Hanley- William was united to that of Eastham, in 1560, when Richard Cornewall presented to both, though not the Lord of the Manor of Hanley William. Eastham Court remained in the possession of the Cornewalls till 1702, when it was aliened to Salwey Winnington. In the Parish Book of Eastham are the following entries: — (1) "An order agreed on at the General Sessions primo die Octobris, Anno D'ni 1639. It is ordered that the Assessm't underwritten shall stand." (2) " The Ladie Comewaile for her joynture land in her possession in Eastham, one yarde, one nooke, one halfe nooke." It would seem therefore that on her marriage, Eastham Court was settled upon her for life, t Afterwards, i.e. 1661, Baronet. 222 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Dansey ; grand-child Mr. Gilbert Hais, my watch and the millstones now fixed at Brilley ; grand-children Mary and Hester Dansey ; old servant Edmond Nott ; My daughter, Mrs. Anne Knight my diamond ring which I do usually weare ; Bishop Andrews, sermons to my cosen Phillips ; Great Church Bible to his sonne John ; Quarto Bible to Edmund Cornewall." Proved in C.P.C., April 24th, 1657, by Robert Cornewall, and power reserved to John Barneby (Ruthen 142.) The will of her husband, Sir Thomas Cornewall, was proved at Hereford, 1636, but is missing. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 22"} Chapter XIII. THE CIVIL WAR PERIOD. Sir Thomas Cornfwai.l-Annb Lvitleion. (i 5 73-if>36). I (1584-1656). Sir Gilbert (1508-1671) Elizabeth Reade (died-1671) Thomas George (1599) (1602-33 ROBFRT— (1607-76) Richard (d. 1610) Humphry (1611) I I Geoffry John (1614) (1614-1653) Mary James (d. 1698) v'6o8) Katherine=J. Barneby (1595) 1111 > I i Robert Robert Anne= Burgh Tathwell Elizabeth Martiia=Holland (1654-5) (1655-9) I (1636-82) (1658) Cornewall Tathwell s.p. Hannah (1661) I I Mary Sarah (1663) (1666) Mary=Thomas Reade. Anne= Elizabeth. Margaret=(i) H. Hare (1600) (1606-36) (1603).. Knight (1605-1675) (1613-S5) (2) J. Dansey Major Thomas=Anne Reade Francis John =Mary Reade (d. 1686) Edmund— G. Clarke (d. 1709) (1629-91) (1629-1716) (1633-85) I (1635) S^Pj I I I I I II Edmund Gilbert John Elizabeth=Wm. Rogers Anne Martha (1654) (1658) (1660) II III Thomas Susanna=Johnson Gertrude Caralina Elizabeth=R. Shepherd (d. 1704) I III. Mary— Sir Compton Reade Anne Elizabeth Hannah Ursula Susanna (1627- 1703) (1627-79) (1636-67) (1639-75) (1642-75) DOROTHY=R. WlLMER MARTHA RACHEL (I643-78) (1648-73) Thomas Anne Gilbert Mary (see next Chapter) (1653-71) (1655-76) (1661-1715) Elizabeth=Thomas Invvood (1663) ON the monument of Sir Thomas Cornewall, the 12th Baron of Burford, and of his lady, Anne Lyttelton, their offspring is duly catalogued in the follow- ing order : (1) Richard, (2) Sir Gilbert, (3) Thomas, (4) George, (5) Robert, (6) James, (7) Alfred and John (twins), with five daughters, viz., Katherine, Mary, Anne, Elizabeth, and Margaret. 224 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Here we meet with absolute discrepancies. The monument gives one version, the Parish Register of Burford a version altogether different. We may take it for a matter of moral certitude that the latter is correct, and can only infer that the list of names on the monument must have been appended after the decease of Sir Thomas and the departure of his widow to Eastham Court. It will clear the ground if we give the entries from the Burford Register seriatim. e.g., 1595. Baptized Katherine, daughter of Thomas Cornewaill, Esquior, Baron of Burford, the xvith daye of Julye [Katherine, therefore, was the eldest child of the family]. 1598. Baptized Gilberte, the sonne of Thomas Cornewaill, Esquior, the sixth day of June. 1599. Baptized Thomas, the sonne of Thomas Cornewaill, Esquior, the xxxth day of September. 1600. Baptized Marye, the daughter of Thomas Cornewaill, Esquior, the xvith day of September. 1602. Baptized George, the sonne of Thomas Cornewaill, Esquior, y° first day of August. 1603. Baptized Anne, the daughter of S r - Thomas Cornewayle, Knight, the xviiith daye of December. 1605. Baptized Elizabeth, the daughter of S 1 ' Thomas Cornewaille, Knight, the 23rd daye of Marche. 1607. Baptized Robert, the sonne of S r - Thomas Cornewaile, Knight, the xxiiird of August. 1608. Baptized James, the sonne of S r Thomas Cornewaille, Knight, and Dame Anne his wief, the xvith daye of October. 1610. bur. Richardus Cornewaile otrus sepult. fuit xxiiid die March [this may be the Richard of the monument]. 1611. Humfridus filius Thomas Cornewaile militis et Dom. Annce ux. ejus baptizat fuit quarto die Augusti. 1613. Margareta filia Thomce Cornewail militis baptiz. fuit xxix die Auguste. 1614. Galfridus et Johannes filii Thomce Cornewaile militis baptizati fuerunt vicessimo nono die Septembris. [Concerning this last entry, unless Galfridus be in error for Alfredus, we have no record of the Alfred mentioned in the monument]. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 225 We have, therefore, in the order of birth : (1) Katherine, (2) Sir Gilbert, (3) Thomas, (4) Mary, (5) George, (6) Anne, (7) Elizabeth, (8) Robert, (9) James, (10) Richard, but query ? (11) Humphry, (12) Margaret, (13 and 14) the twins Geoffry (or Alfred) and John. The difficulty, however, does not end here, for in the Burford Register we find under date 1639 tne following entry : " Baptized Maria, the daughter of Arthur Cornewall, gent, and Anne his wife, the fourth of August." And again, 1641, " Arthur, the sonne of Arthur Cornewale, gent, and his wife, was Baptized Aug. 2." Giving priority to the sons of this numerous family, Sir Gilbert, the eldest, succeeded his father. Of him presently. Thomas is said to have died in the Low Countries, s.p. George became a member of the Grocers' Company in the City of London and a Levant merchant, who, but for his early death might have attained opulence. His will is dated Nov. 19, 1627. Therein he mentions his brother James, his sisters, Mrs. Katherine Barneby, Mrs. Marie Reade, and Mrs. Anne, Elizabeth, and Margaret Cornewaill, with " Cosen," Mr. Charles Whitchcott, and his Brother Robert Cornewaill, whom he appoints executor. Apparently he had settled in Aleppo, for in a Codicil there dated, Oct. 4, 1630 (Seager 20) he appoints one Edward Procter assignee of his business. He in- structed his executor as to a bequest to Burford Church, inasmuch as in the Parish Register there is this memorandum, " That the 12th day of October, 1635, there was given to the parishe church of Burford, a faire Turkey Carpett of the value of five pounds twelve shillings, for a coveringe of the Communion Table, by Mr. Robert Cornewall, sole executor of the last will and Testament of Mr. George Cornewall, Merchant of London, his natural brother ; deceased att Alleppo in Syria ; the 7th of October, 1633." This is signed by the Burford Portioner- Vicars of that date, viz., Robert, the fourth son, is described as of Spertrey, or, as it was more recently styled, Spertree, a hamlet of Burford. His wife's name was Mary,* and from her will she would seem to have held in her own right a moiety of the tithes of Wolverlow. By her Robert Cornewall had (1) Robert, baptised at Bur- James Heringe, 3rd portion. Thomas Bannister William Hughes Portionaries. * Styled in a pedigree, the author whereof is not named, " Mary of Tenbury." 226 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. ford, May ioth, 1654, and buried there April 13th, 1655 ; (2) Robert, baptised at Burford, October 24th, 1665, buried there April 2nd, 1669 ; (3) Anne, born Nov. 30th, and baptised Dec. 27th, 1649, at Burford. She married Burgh Tath- well, Esqre., of Raventhorpe, near Louth, Lines., and had issue Cornewall Tath- well, baptised at Burford, October nth, 1678. The following entry in the Burford Register gives the date and circumstance of her death. " 1698, Buryed Ann Tathwel, widdow, a stranger, Aug. 28. Affidt. from The Baron." In the possession of the Rev. Alan Kingscote Cornwall of Burghope, is a correspondence between Cornewall Tathwell and a lady of the name of Cornwall. The date is Aug. 26, 1747. He writes, " I would call you cousin, but am in doubt whether this (enclosed) genealogic Table will entitle me to that honour, and beg you will let me know when you have examined it." He mentions the story of Baron Edmund having thrown a wagon loaded with hay from a bridge into the Severn (!) and a man over the Park pales ; also his father's grandfather, Robert, 4th son of Sir Gilbert Cornewall (!), and goes on to state that Sir Gilbert, his brother Sir Thomas Cornewall, and Thomas, a son of Sir Thomas, were all living in 1630. There is no mention in his pedigree of Robert Cornewall's wife, by whom he had a daughter, who married Burgh Tathwell. But he says that Sir John Burgh, Burgh Tath well's uncle, objecting that in marrying a Cornewall he had married beneath him, he produced this pedigree. With this very confused account he enclosed a letter from Mr. Robert Tathwell of Louth, who sent the Cornewall pedigree, stating that his grandfather " Gott it done at the Heraldry Office, and it cost him 40 broad pieces." This latter seems the more extra- ordinary from the terms of Robert Cornewall's will, concerning which presently. The fourth child of Robert Cornewall of Spertrey was Elizabeth, baptised at Burford, May 1, 1656, and possibly identical with Mrs. Elizabeth Cornewall, who was buried at Burford June 6, 1682. The fifth child, Martha, baptised March 24, 1658, at Burford, married a Mr. Holland. The sixth child was Hannah, baptised at Burford, March 28, 1661 ; the seventh Mary, baptised October 8, 1663 ; the eighth, Sarah, baptised February 21, 1666. She is probably identical with the Mrs. Sarah Cornewall who was buried at Burford, July 25, 1678. Robert Cornewall of Spertrey was buried at Burford, March 25, 1676. In his will, dated November 25, 1675, he mentions daughter Anne Tathwell. To THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 227 daughter Elizabeth Cornewall, my signet ring. My five daughters, Elizabeth, Martha, Hannah, Mary, and Sarah. To my wife, Mary Cornewall, my diamond ring. I also give to my wife Mary Cornewall, the " Pettigree " of the family of the Cornewalls, Barons of Burford, which I desire her not to sell or dispose of, but to leave the same unto my children. [Evidently she did not bequeath this pedigree to the Tathwells, or they would have been spared the forty broad pieces alluded to in Mr. Cornewall Tathwell's epistle]. To my daughter Elizabeth Cornewall, my ivory lute. [This is supposed to have been the lute of Baron Edmund, whose skill as a lutenist was praised by Habington]. My wife executrix and residuary legatee. She proved in the C.P.C., June 16, 1678 (Bence, 109). Mary Cornewall survived her husband more than twenty-two years, being buried at Burford, but as " of Tenbury," June 8, 1698. Her will, as widow of Tenbury, bears date June 4, 1698, wherein she desires to be buried in the Chancel of the Parish Church of Burford. To daughter, Martha Holland, of the Parish of Tenbury, widow, a moiety of the great tithes of Wolverley, co. Worcester. Granddaughter Ann Holland, daughter of the said Martha. Grandchild Jane Holland. My two grandsons, George and Samuel Holland. Grandchild Mary Tathwell, the daughter of Ann Tathwell of Ravensthorpe in the County of Lincoln, widow. My daughter, Ann Tathwell. Grandsons Thomas Holland and Cornewall Tathwell. Appoints Martha Holland executrix, who proved the will in C.P.C., June 5, 1699-1700 (Noel 4). The fifth son of Sir Thomas Cornewall by Anne Lyttelton was J ames. Beyond the fact of his baptism, 1608, and mention of his name in the will of his brother George, the merchant of Aleppo, nothing is known of him. He is not mentioned in his mother's will, and may have been associated with his brother in the Levan- tine trade. Richard, the sixth son, appears to have died in his birth, 1610. Of the seventh son, Humphry, we have also no record beyond the entry of his baptism in 1611. He is stated to have died s.p., but this lacks verification. Again, of Geoffrey, the eighth son and senior of the twin brothers, we have no record beyond the entry of his baptism, 1614. He has been supposed to be the Alfred of the monument, who again has been transferred to Arthur. The second of the twins and ninth son, John, styled as of Eastham, died s.p., and was buried at Burford, February 7th, 1653. Of the daughters of Sir Thomas Cornewall by Anne Lyttelton, Katharine, the eldest, is thus entered in the Burford Register. " 1607, Married John 228 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Barnabye, gent.* and Cathere. Cornewall, the daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall., Knighte, xxviith of Januari. Witness, ffrancis Hill." Having been baptised in 1595, she was only twelve years of age on her marriage. He was a son of Sir John Barneby of the Hill, in the Parish of Bockleton. They had issue (1) (from the Burford Register), " 1616. Katherina, filia Johis. Barnaby Ar., bapt. fuit primo Augusti " ; (2) " 1617. Baptized Joyce, the daughter of Mr. John Barnaby and Mrs. Katherine his wyf, the second of September, 1617." The second daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall, Mary, born in 1600, was married at Burford. Thus. " 1624. Married Thomas Reade, Esqre., and Mary, the daughter of S r - Thomas Cornewall, Knight, the eighth day of September." Thomas Reade, who was eldest son of Sir Thomas Reade of Barton House — the Palace of the Mitred Abbots of Abingdon — by Mary, 5th of the coheiresses of Sir John Brocket f of Brocket Hall, Herts, was born February 22nd, 1606, and, * This marriage forms the only link between the Cornewalls of Burford, and the Cornewalls of Berrington — vide supra. t The following Royal Descent came to the Cornewalls per Mary Brocket : — John of Gaunt — 3rdly Catherine, daughter of Sir Payne Roelt, widow of Sir Otis De ^| Swynford. I Joan De BEAUFORT=2ndly Ralph Nevile, E. of Westmoreland. Joan Nevile=Thomas, Lord Fauconberg. Joan De Fauconberg=Thomas Brocket. Sir Thomas Brocket^Elizabeth, heiress of Philip Ashe. Edward Brocket=Elizabeth Thwaites. Sir John Brocket=Lucy, daughter of John Poulter of Hitchin. John Brocket=Dorothy Huson. Sir John Brocket^ Margaret, daughter of William Benstede, of St. Peter's, Herts. Sir John Brocket=(i) Helen, daughter of Sir R. Lytton, of Kenilworth. Mary Brocket— Sir Thomas Reade. ! _ I I Thomas Reade =Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall. Elizabeth Reade— Sir Gilbert Cornewall. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 229 therefore, six years and a half his wife's junior, he being at the time eighteen and she twenty-four. He had entered in the same year as Gentleman Commoner of Magdalen College, Oxford, and it would appear that his union with an almost portionless lady, while yet in statu pupilari, gave great offence to his parents, inasmuch as he resided permanently at Burford Castle, his second sister, as will be shown, having married Sir Gilbert Cornewall. Their children and some of their grandchildren were born at Burford, and three intermarriages in the generation following brought up the total of Cornewall-Reade alliances to five. This within thirty years. The families had become at the Restoration almost amal- gamated. Sir Thomas Reade, Knighted by James 1st at Royston, was grandson of Thomas Rede, who having inherited from his Aunt, Catherine, widow of John Audelett of Cumnor, manors in Oxon, Berks, Wilts, Gloucester, and Northants, purchased of Sir Richard Lee, the grantee on the dissolution of that Monastery, the Palace and Great Manor of Barton by Abingdon — subject to the condition of entertaining the King. This duty devolved upon Sir Thomas on at least two occasions, when Charles I. and Queen Henrietta Maria visited Oxford prior to the Civil War. He married Mary, fifth of the coheiresses by Helen Lytton, his first wife, of Sir John Brocket, of Brocket Hall, a gentleman who showed the Princess Elizabeth much attention when she was in confinement at Ashridge and afterwards ; indeed, she was his guest when the Lord Mayor arrived to carry her to Westminster Abbey for her Coronation. Like himself, Sir John Brocket's first wife, Helen Lytton, of Knebworth, was strongly Protestant. It seems strange to associate the Victorian Lyttons of Knebworth, who are Lyttons in name only, with Puritanism, but the Lyttons took the side of the Parliament in the Civil war. These sentiments were shared by Sir John Brocket's daughter, and when the Civil war broke out, religious antipathy led to a separation between husband and wife. Shortly after his marriage Sir Thomas bought out the other four coheiresses of the Brocket estates, viz., the representatives of the families of Cuttes of Childerley, Cave of Bargrave, Barts, Carleton of Brightwell, Oxon, whence the Lords Dorchester, and Spencer of Yarnton, Oxon.* On the marriage of his third son John, who had been created a Baronet by Charles I. in 1642, he settled Brocket Hall, the Herts estates of Minsden and Hitch, and the Manor of Dunstew, Oxon, on that son, obviously a favourite, who shortly after espoused the cause of the Parliament, and gave his mother a home. Sir Thomas then joined * The deed of partition of the Brocket estates is in the possession of Herbert Vincent Keade, Esq., of Ipsden House. 230 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. the King in Oxford, and while carrying despatches to the Earl of Northampton, being captured, was remitted for trial to the Committee for Herts, whereon sat his favourite son, Sir John Reade, Bart., and his wife's relatives, the Lyttons and Spencers. In the end he was permitted to retire to Dunstew, and then, having experienced the ingratitude of a favourite son, he bethought him of his own flesh and blood at Burford Castle. In his will these only are mentioned. Concerning which more anon. The narrative is one only too common at that period of inter- necine strife, viz., of a house divided against a house. [Authorities : The Civil War Tracts and The Ipsden and Kirtlington Muniments. ] Thomas Reade, husband of Mary Cornewall, died intestate at Burford Castle, vit. patr., and was buried in Burford Church, Dec. 14, 1634. Of the date of his wife's death we have no evidence. She was living in 1656, at the date of her mother's decease, and in 1668, the date of her sister Elizabeth's will, but is not mentioned in any later will. To Thomas Reade she bore (1) Sir Compton Reade, Bart., baptised at Burford Jan. 24, 1626, of whom presently ; (2) Edward Reade, baptised at Burford, May 27, 1627, who was bequeathed the estate of Ipsden by his grandfather ; (3) Thomas Reade of Appleford, Berks, baptised at Burford, August 10, 1628; (4) Cornewall Reade, baptised at Burford, Jan. 6, 1632, and buried July 11, 1642, at St. Helen's, Abingdon ; (5) Geoffry, baptised April 20, 1634, a t Burford ; (6) Anne, baptised at Burford, Feb. 7, 1629 — of her pre- sently ; (7) Beatrice, baptised at Burford, Feb. 20, 1630, buried at Dunstew, Oxon, March 18, 1647 ; (8) Katherine, baptised at Burford, Feb. 14, 1631. She married, later than 1650, when she was described in the will of her maternal grandfather, Sir Thomas Reade, as unmarried, Bridstock, son of Dr. Bridstock Harford, the Parliamentarian Commissioner, by Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Hereford, Esq., of Sufton Court. To him, who represented the City of Hereford, in the Cavalier Parliament, she bore a son, Bridstock Harford, Mayor of Hereford, 1697. There is a small brass in Hereford Cathedral to Bridstock Harford, M.P., his wife Katherine — described therein as sister of Sir Compton Reade, Baronet — and his second wife, nee Jones, with the arms of Harford — sa, two bends arg., on a canton the arms of Scrope, viz., az., a bende or — impaling Reade — gu. a saltire between 4 garbs or. Katherine Harford was buried in Hereford Cathedral, March 5, 1665. (9) Mary baptised at Burford, July 1, 1635. She was a posthu- mous child. Of her presently. The third daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall by Anne Lyttelton was Anne, who was baptised at Burford, Dec. 18, 1603. She married a gentleman named Knight, of whom nothing is known. SIR COMPTON READE, KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL OAK. FIRST BARONET, THIRD CREATION. (1626-79). (From the original porttait by Mrs. Beale, in the possession ]of the late Sir John Chandos Reade, Bart.) THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 231 The fourth daughter, Elizabeth, was baptised at Burford, March 23, 1605, died unmarried at Burford Castle, October 24, and was buried at Burford Church, October 28, 1673. Her will, dated November 20, 1668, describes her as Elizabeth Cornewall, daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall of Burford, Knight, deceased. She desires to be buried at Burford. To my brother, Sir Gilbert Cornewall, Knight, my Lady-mother's picture from head to foot. Twenty nobles for a convenient monument to be placed over my dead body. My brother, Robert Cornewall. My sister Reade. To my sister Knight, my silver tobacco box. Land at Eastham, bought of Richard Walker of Eastham, to Edmund Cornewall, eldest son of my Nephew John Cornewall, in fee, but to pay his brother Gilbert £10. Residue to Aunt, Mrs. Mary Cornewall, and my niece, Anne Hare. She appointed as executors her good friend, Mr. John Smith, her nephew John Corne- wall, and her nephew Bridstock Harford.* Proved in C.P.C. by Mary Cornewall and Ann Hare, als. Smith, Jan. 15, 1675-6 (Bruce 2). M.I. Burford. The fifth daughter, Margaret, was baptised at Burford, Aug. 29, 1613. She married (1) Humphry, son of Humphry Hare of Orleton, and by him had Gilbert, baptised at Eastham, Oct. 28, 1641, and (2) Anne, baptised at Eastham, Dec. 27, 1640. She married (2) John Dansey, Esq., and by him had (1) John, baptised at Eastham, June 13, 1647, an d was buried there Nov. 4, in the same year ; (2) Roger, baptised at Eastham, March 29, 1649 ; (3) Anne, baptised at Eastham, July 25, 1650 ; (4) Heaster, baptised at Eastham, Feb. 6th, 1652. She was buried at Eastham, Nov. 1, 1655. It is probable that her daughter by Humphry Hare is the Anne Hare als. Smith mentioned in the will of her Aunt, Elizabeth Cornewall, and that this Mr. John Smith became Vicar of Tenbury. [Vide supra]. Gilbert, the eldest son of Sir Thomas Cornewall, who succeeded him as 13th Baron of Burford, was baptised at Burford, June 6, 1598, entered at Lincoln College, Oxford, May 5, 1615 (Foster in his Alumni Oxonienses erroneously gives his age as 15), graduated as B.A. March 21, 1616-17, was Knighted at Theobalds Dec. 1620, and elected member for Bishop's Castle, 1621-2. To ascertain the part he took in the Civil War is difficult. It has been wrongly asserted that he sided with the Parliament, His son and heir, Thomas, espoused the King's cause, as also his Nephew Compton — later Sir Compton Reade, Bart. Here we may note a singular coincidence, viz., that the Corne- walls of Berrington and Cornewalls of Burford throughout were opponents, e.g., while the former were Yorkists the latter were Lancastrians ; while the former * Bridstock Harford, M.P. for Hereford in the Cavalier Parliament. 232 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. in the person of Sir George Cornewall, were active supporters of the New Learning, the latter were High Churchmen. In the Civil War something of the same antagonism showed itself, for the Berrington Cornewalls — excepting Edward of Moccas — were Roundheads, and, if Sir Gilbert Cornewall, as seems probable, took up an attitude of neutrality, the juniors of his household were Cavalier. That he was not a partisan of the Parliament we may infer from the extreme rancour exhibited towards him by heroic but fanatical Lady Brilliana Harley — this although she acknowledged him as her husband's cousin* and regarded one of his sisters (probably Elizabeth) as her bosom friend. She was named Brilliana owing to Brill in Holland, where her father was Ambassador, having been her birthplace. There she passed her childhood, having imbibed the ultra-Calvinistic tenets of the Dutch, and being in effect — as her amazing spelling and grammar shows — more Dutch than English. Her father, created by favour of James I. Viscount Conway, became an active ally of Laud in obtaining the deposition of Archbishop Abbott, and like that ambitious prelate, displayed towards King James and King Charles I. a spirit of sycophancy which contrasts strangely with his daughter's independence. That lady's partisanship was more than vehement. It could brook no contradiction, and we may fairly gather from her attitude towards Sir Gilbert Cornewall that he must have held views on religion and politics to her nothing short of detestable. From her letters we extract the following paragraph, dated Nov. 30, 1638, and addressed to her son Edward, at Magdalen Hall, Oxford : " Your father was yesterday at Loudlow, wheare the caus was hard between Sir Gillberd Cornewill and his sisters, and it went against Sr. Gilberd Cornewall to his shame." Again, " Jan. 19, 1638-9. Your father is well. Yesterday he came from my Lady Cornewell's, wheare he was about the spute which shee and her daughters have with Sr. Gillberd Cornewell." Again, " Brompton Castell, April 11, 1640. My Cosen Cornewall is goon to her mother whoo is very sike." And, Dec. 11, 1640, " My Cosen Cornewell is heare ; but I think when the Ember fast is past shee will be goone." None the less, Jan. 2, 1640-1, " My Cosen Cornewill is yet with me." And " Pheb. 17, 1640. Your friend, my Cosen Cornewell, is no * Sir Robert Harley, son of Thomas Harley by Margaret, daughter of Sir Andrew Corbet, who was born in 1548, had a grant of the Honour of Wigmore from James I., and was a member of the Council of the Marches, under the Presidency of William, Lord Compton. He died in 1631, and was succeeded by his son Sir Robert Harley, who was born in 1579, and educated at Oriel College, Oxford, his arms being in the College Hall. He was successively M.P. for Radnor and for Herefordshire. Made Master of the Mint with a salary of £4,000 (equal at least to £20,000 of our money) he was ejected for refusing to concur in the death of King Charles. The Lady Brilliana, his third wife, was born circa 1600, and married July 22, 1623. Her defence of Brampton Bryan Castle, which cost her life itself, is historic, and is narrated in Webb's " History of the Civil War." THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 233 changeling." But " Pheb. 5, 1641, Your Cosen Cornewell dous not remember her love to you." From which it may be inferred that the future Sir Edward Harley's suit had not prospered. A further reason why Sir Gilbert Cornewall may have secretly, if not openly, sided with the King is to be found in Skeel's " Council of the Marches," which mentions his nomination by Charles II. as a member of that Council. That he took no active part in the war may be inferred from his not having been placed among the Knights of the projected " Order of the Royal Oak," and his im- munity from sequestration. His only overt act on the King's side was by granting permission to Woodhouse, the Cavalier Governor of Ludlow, to dismantle Burford and Stepulton Castles. In this matter he may have had no choice, and he so far benefited that his home at Burford was not garrisoned by either side during the war — no small gain for a man of peace. He married, about 1626, Elizabeth, second daughter of Sir Thomas Reade, of Barton House and Brocket Hall, who was baptised at St. Helen's, Abingdon, Aug. 15, 1599. Mary, her eldest sister, married Sir R. Dormer, of Crendon, Cavalier, and among the muniments of the Cottrell-Dormer's at Rousham Abbey, is that lady's marriage settlement showing that her dowry was £5,000. Her next sister, Frances, married Sir William Russell of Strensham, Bart., Governor of Worcester, the heroic Cavalier who offered to give his life for the City of Worcester when it was beseiged by Rainsborough ; while her youngest sister, Anne, married Winwood of Ouainton and Ditton Place, a relation of the Conways and a Parliamentarian, whose father had been King James ist's Finance Minister. It is more than probable that the dowry of Ladies Russell and Cornewall and of Mrs. Winwood was the same as that of Lady Dormer, Sir Thomas Reade being a man of great opulence ; but of this we have no evidence. It will appear below that Sir Thomas Reade in his will was liberal towards his Cornewall grandchildren, and Mrs. Winwood also during her lifetime. Sir Thomas Reade's aunt had married Martyn of Shinfield, and their daughter married Wollascott, of Woolhampton, whose descendant in the 18th century married the Earl of Fingall, created afterwards Baron Woolhampton. Blount of Orleton narrates that Thomas Wollascott held lands in Richard's Castle at this period — the dower, apparently, of Sir Thomas Cornewall's mother — which lands had been aliened by Sir Gilbert Cornewall to his wife's Cousin, viz., Thomas Wollascott. It may be further remarked that another Cousin of his wife, John Brocket of Cayswell, Herts, married a daughter of Lacon, of Willey, Salop, and 234 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. is mentioned by Webb as one of the gentlemen of Herefordshire, who took the side of the Parliament in the Civil War. Further, a pedigree, penes Mrs. Baldwyn Childe, accredits Sir Thomas Reade with the possession of Bircher, near Eye, but this lacks verification. Like his father, Sir Thomas, Sir Gilbert afforded house- room to his numerous Reade relations at Burford Castle — as the Registers show — and this even after the death of Sir Thomas Reade in 1650. Sir Gilbert Cornewall was buried at Burford, Oct. 5, 1671. His will dated April 24th, 1671, was proved at Hereford by sons John and Edmund, with power to son Francis, on Oct. 13 following. Therein he is styled Baron of Burford. He mentions his wife as Dame Elizabeth Cornewall. Daughters Anne, Hannah, Ursula, Susanna, Dorothy, and Martha. To grandchild Thomas Cornewall my " signett seal of armes." Eldest son Thomas. Sons Francis, John and Edmund, executors. His wife, Elizabeth, was buried at Burford, Dec. 24, in the same year, 1671. Will, dated Dec. 15, proved at Hereford, Feb. 6, 1672, by her son Edmund. Therein she mentions son Edmund and daughters Hannah, Ursula, Susan, and Martha Rachel. By Elizabeth Reade Sir Gilbert Cornewall had (1) Major Thomas Cornewall, his successor, of whom presently ; (2) Francis, baptised at Eastham, Jan. 19, 1629 — died s.p. 1716 ; (3) John, described as of Rochford, but in his early life tenant (Robinson says owner) of Stepulton Castle under his brother, the Baron. He was baptised at Presteigne, August 5, 1633, and married his first Cousin, Mary, daughter of Thomas Reade, by Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall, who was baptised at Burford, July 1, 1635, being a posthumous child, and is mentioned as still unmarried in the will of her maternal grandfather, Sir Thomas Reade, dated June 28, 1650, who bequeathed her £1000. In the Ipsden muni- ment chest is a receipt for this sum given by John and Mary Cornewall to Sir Compton Reade. By her he had (1) Edmund, baptised at Burford, May 12, 1654 ; (2) Gilbert, mentioned with his elder brother, Edmund, in the will of his great-aunt, Elizabeth Cornewall — he is probably identical with the Gilbert Cornewall of Pidleston (Puddleston), Co. Hereford, gentleman, who was licensed in the Faculty Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Oct. 19, 1676, to marry Margaret Powell of Pidles- ton, with consent of parents — " to marry at Piddleston or Laysters " ; (3) John, baptised at Burford, April 21, 1658 ; (4) Elizabeth, baptised at Burford, Dec. 6, 1660, licensed, May 30, 1682, in the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canter- bury, there described as of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and daughter of John THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 235 Cornewall, of Burford, County Hereford (sic.) who consents to marry William Rogers, of St. Mary Abchurch in the City of London, at St. Margarets', West- minster, St. Mary Savoy, or St. Clements Danes ; (5) Anne ; (6) Martha. John Cornewall was buried at Burford, Aug. 6, 1685, and is described as of Rochford in his burial entry. Admon. granted in C.P.C. to Edmund Cornewall, his brother — Edward (in error for Edmund), his son; Elizabeth Rogers, als. Cornewall, Anne Cornewall, and Martha Cornewall, the lawful children of the deceased, having been duly cited.* The fourth son of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade was Edmund of Eastham, and later of Ludlow. There is no evidence as to the date of his birth and baptism, but on July 15, 1674, he married Gertrude Clarke by license at Tenbury. She was buried at Ludlow, Nov. 30, 1685. By her he had (1) Thomas, who described himself in his will, dated March 30, 1706, as Thomas, son of Edmund Cornewall, late of Ludlow, gentleman, deceased. He bequeathed " one third of what is in my uncle Cornewall's hands to Mr. Thomas Inwood of London, Colemerchant (sic), for the use of my sister, Susanna Johnson, intrust that her husband may have nothing to do therewith, the other two thirds to be divided between my sisters Caralina and Elizabeth, appointing Caralina sole executrix." Proved in C.P.C. Jan. 13, 1707-8 (Barrett 4). (2) Susanna, who appears to have made an unfortunate marriage with " one Johnson." (3) Gertrude, buried at Eastham, Nov. 11, 1704. (4) Caralina, administratrix de bonis non to her uncle, Francis Cornewall, May 1, 1716. (5) Elizabeth, who married at Eastham by license, April 15, 1705, Richard Shepherd. Of the daughters of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade, Mary, the eldest, is stated by Dr. Marshall to have been born in 1627. She married at * A monument in Hendon Churchyard, Middlesex, has this inscription : " John Cornwall, of Hendon House, in this Parish, Esq., eldest son and heir of William Cornwall of Kingston upon Hull, and of N. Frodingham and Headon, Co. Yorks, Esq., by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Watson, Esq., Co. York ; and descended from John Cornwall, Esq., a younger son of Sir Gilbert Corn- wall, Knt., Baron of Burford, Co. Salop, by Mary, sister of Sir Thomas Reade of Barton, Co. Berks. Born Dec. 21, 1713. Died Jan. 27, 1800." This carries error on the face of it. Mary, sister of Sir Thomas Reade, mnrried Henry Bulstrode, of Bulstrode, and Sir Gilbert Cornewall's mother was Elizabeth, daughter, not sister, of the said Sir Thomas Reade. Apart from that the Cornwalls of Headon were represented there by a Clergyman, married and with children, i.e., about the date of the birth of John Cornewall of Rochford. Moreover, the statement of the late General Cornwall, that the father of the above William Cornwall of Hull was William, eldest son of John Cornwall of Rochford, is doubly erroneous ; first, because we have no entry of the birth of any such son, and next because John Cornewall's wife, Mary Reade, was born in 1635, and was under 19 years of age when her son Edmund was born. Had she had a previous son, the date of her marriage would have been 1652, when she would have been under 17. Further, in the will of Susanna, sister of John Cornewall of Rochford, mention is made of his 3 sons and 3 daughters — no allusion to a fourth son. This was in 1675. There is every reason to believe that the Cornwalls of Hull descend from the Berrington or Burford lines of Cornewall, but not in the way indicated by the inscription on the Hendon monument. 236 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Dunstew, Oxon, 1650, Compton, eldest son of her uncle, Thomas Reade, by Mary Cornewall, who was, therefore, her first cousin. Her grandfather, Sir Thomas Reade, who in 1645 at the age of 70 took up arms for the King, after the destruction of his great mansion, Barton House, the Palace of the Mitred Abbots of Abingdon, in 1646 (being, as has been stated, owing to political differences, estranged from his wife and his favourite son, Sir John Reade, Bart., of Brocket Hall), retired, on being released from captivity by the Parliamentary Committee for Herts, to his Manor of Dunstew, Oxon, where his grand-daughter, Mary Cornewall, acted as lady of the house, and probably also as nurse to a dying man. He passed away in December, 1650. His will, dated June 28, 1650, contains the following clause : " My lands in Collicke (Colwich), Bucks, and North Aston, Oxon, to my grandchild, Mary Cornewall, daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall, Baron of Burlord, Salop, she to be sole executrix and legatee." Colwich is a sub-manor of Waddesdon, and as holding that manor jure uxoris Sir Compton Reade served as Sheriff for Bucks. That gentleman was heir (his father having died in 1635) to all the estates of his grandfather, Sir Thomas Reade, that had not been settled otherwise. He was baptised at Burford, Jan. 24, 1625-6, entered at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, July 1, 1642, aged 16, but soon exchanged the academic toga for the soldier's uniform, raised a troop of horse for the King, and defended Barton House against Fairfax in May, 1646, until it was burnt. For these signal services to the Royal cause he was created a Baronet by letters patent, dated March 4, 1660-61, and placed first among the gentlemen of Berks for the projected Order of the Royal Oak. After his grandfather's death in 1650, he and his wife returned to Burford Castle, where they remained until the Restoration, shortly after which, viz., in 1663, he purchased Shipton Court, Oxon, from Sir Rowland Lacey, a mansion which remained with his descendants until the decease of the late Sir John Chandos Reade, in 1868, when a person who had been his butler took possession. By Mary Cornewall he had (1) Thomas Reade, of Christ Church, Oxford, who died vit. patr. and s.p. The following is the entry in the Register of Burford : " 1653. Thomas Reade, the sonne and heir apparent of Compton Reade, Esq., and Mary, his wife, was borne the thirtienth (sic.) day of December, being Tews- day, about two of the clock in the morning, and was baptised the twentith (sic.) day of the same month being tewsday." (2) Sir Edward,* his father's eventual heir and successor at Shipton Court, born June 30, 1659, an d baptised at Burford, * Sir Edward Reade, Bart., of Shipton Court, as High Sheriff for Oxon, proclaimed King James II. at Oxford. MARY, DAUGHTER OF SIR GILBERT CORNEWALL, BARON OF BURFORD, WIFE OF SIR COMPTON READE, KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL OAK AND BARONET (1627-1703). (From the original portrait by Mrs. Beale, in the possession of the late Sir John Chandos Reade, Bart) THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 237 July 6, of that year. (3) Anne, baptised at Burford, June 22, 1652. She married Cornelius Vermuyden, Esq. (4) Mary, baptised at Burford, July 16, 1656, s.p. (5) Elizabeth, baptised at Burford, October 11, 1657. She married Sir Fair- meadow Penyston, 4th Baronet of Cornwell House, Oxon. Sir Compton Reade, Bart., died at Shipton under Wychwood, having received a spontaneous tribute to his generous character from Dr. Plot, the Historian of Oxon, Sep. 29, 1679, M.I. His wife, Mary Cornewall, died at Shipton, April 26, 1703, aged 76, and was buried there, M.I. Her portrait by Mrs. Beale is supposed to be the most ancient portrait painted from life of any Cornewall. The second daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade was Anne, who is mentioned in her father's will. The third daughter, Elizabeth, was baptised at Burford, May 1, 1656. Her father being in very impoverished cir- cumstances owing to law suits, a huge family, and possibly also to the general depreciation caused by the Civil War, she obtained a home with other of her sisters at her mother's youngest sister's, Mrs. Winwood — Sir Thomas Reade's youngest daughter — first at Quainton, Bucks — the Winwoods' seat, where there exists still a handsome almshouse with the arms of Win- wood impaling Reade on its gable — and later at Ditton Park, which appears from a deed in the Ipsden muniments to have been then the joint- residence of the Conways and Winwoods. It passed subsequently to the Dukes of Buccleuch, and more recently to Lord Montagu of Beaulieu. Mrs. Winwood, who was childless, left a reputation behind her for benevolence. She would seem to have adopted four of the Cornewall ladies as well as Miss Mary Reade, Sir Compton Reade's niece, who married Brigadier Mackintosh, the General who commanded the clansmen in the rising of 1715, under the Earl of Mar. From the wills of these Cornewall ladies we may fairly assume that they regarded " Aunt Winwood " as their second mother. Elizabeth Cornewall died un- married, and was buried at Quainton. Will dated May 2, 1665. " To be buried as my Aunt Winwood shall think fit." Mentions sisters Anne,* Susann, * Sir Compton Reade's grandson, Sir Thomas Reade, Bart., contested Oxon in the Court interest against Sir R. Jenkinson in the Country or Tory interest, and was defeated. [See Davenport's "Sheriffs of Oxon"], but represented Cricklade in six Parliaments, being also in the Households of Kings George I. and II. ; his brother, General George Reade, representing Tewkesbury, and both supporting Walpole. Sir Thomas married Jane, the youngest of the coheiresses of Sir Ralph Dutton. The husband of the elder coheiress was James Naper, of Lough Crew, and the story goes that old Sir Ralph summon d either to his presence, enquiring what book they had been reading ? Sir Thomas Reade was not prepared with a reply, but his quick-witted Irish brother-in-law — ancestor of the present Sir George Cornewall, Bart., — avowed that he had been studying the Latin Grammar. That sufficed. He became Sir Ralph's heir, assumed the name of Dutton, and his son was created Lord Sherborne. 238 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Hannah, Ursula, and Dorothy, with brother John (of Rochford) and his children. Brother Compton Reade's 3 daughters. Brother Edward Cornewall. To William son of Sir William Booyer (Bowyer) the bond left me by my grandfather Reade. My uncle Winwood. My sister Martha Cornewall sole executrix. Proved in C.P.C., March 18, 1667 (Hene 29). Hannah, the fourth daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade, was baptised at Burford, May 19, 1639. She, too, appears in early girlhood to have found a home with her aunt, Mrs. Winwood. She died unmarried. Will dated September 28, 1675. Proved October 25, in C.P.C. (Dycer). Administra- tion October 22, 1678, to Randall Willmer, husband and administrator of Dorothy Cornewall, als. Willmer, who during life was sole executrix of the goods of the said Hannah Cornewall. She mentions Brother Thomas' (the Baron) 4 children. Brother Francis Cornewall, £50. Brother Edmund Cornewall's daughter when 21. Brother John Cornewall's daughter, Elizabeth, when 21, £30, and if she died under 21, to her sister Anne. Edmund and Gilbert, sons of Brother John. God-daughter Hannah, and her sisters Elizabeth and Martha when 21 (daughters of Robert Cornewall of Spertrey). Sister Anne Cornewall. Brother and sister Jeffreyes.* My sister Jeffreyes all plate in London, Burford, Spertrey, Bristol, and at uncle Winwood's, at Ditton Park. The Parish of St. Nicholas, Bristol. Cousins (i.e., nieces), daughters of Sir Compton Reade and her sister Mary. The fifth daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade is alleged to have been Ursula. An Ursula is mentioned in the will of Elizabeth Cornewall as " sister " [vide supra], and an Ursula Phillips in the will of Lady Cornewall, widow of Sir Thomas Cornewall, as god-child. There is, however, no entry of an Ursula Cornewall in the Registers of Burford, Tenbury, Eastham, or Presteign. The sixth daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade was Susanna, baptised at Burford, March 14, 1642. She was one of the Cornewall ladies adopted by aunt Winwood, and would appear to have resided with that lady at Quainton, prior to her removal to Ditton Place, a move possibly occasioned by sanitary reasons, Quainton, which lies low, being to the present day notorious for epidemics. Her will was dated Sep. 21, 1673, wherein she is described as one of the daughters of Sir Gilbert Cornewall, Baron of Burford, deceased. She men- tions sisters Anne, Hannah, Ursula, and Martha, brothers Francis, Edward, and sister Dorothy ; Brother John's children, being six in number, three sons and * We cannot determine this relationship. Anne, daughter of John Barneby of the Hill in Bockleton, by Joyce Acton, married (1) John Coningsby ; (2) Henry Jeffreys. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 239 three daughters (which negatives the Hendon inscription). Rings for Brother Thomas, Sir Compton and sister Reade, Uncle and aunt Winwood, Uncle Robert, Brother John, and Cousin Champneys. Appoints Brother Edward and Sister Dorothy as exors. Codicil — nuncupative — June 18, 1675, appoints Sister Anne executrix in lieu of brother Edward. Proved in C.P.C. by Anne Cornewall. Power reserved to Dorothy Cornewall, June 25, 1675 [Dycer]. She died between June 18 and June 25, 1675, and was buried at Quainton, Bucks. The seventh daughter, Dorothy, was baptised at Burford, Jan. 2, 1643. She married later than June 25, 1675 (when she proved the will of her Sister Susanna as Dorothy Cornewall, spinster), Randall Willmer of Stratford atte Bow, Middlesex and Upper Helmsley, York — of which manor he was Lord — also Lord of Bloys and Grassalls, son of George Willmer of York. He held the office of Collector of Petty Customs on Strangers in the Port of London, other- wise called " The Cocket Seal " — a grant for life dated July 4, 1670. By him she had an only child, George Willmer. She died September, 1678, letters of administration to her husband being dated Nov. 19, 1678. He married, secondly, Sarah, youngest daughter of John Stanforth of York, and by her had two sons and a daughter. He married, thirdly, at St. Mary's, Castle Gate, York, Aug. 6, 1717, Isabel Wood, who bore him one son and one daughter. Buried at Castle Gate, March, 29, 1712. Will proved May 15, 1712. During the lifetime of Dorothy Cornewall Randall Willmer* resided at Brentford, described as in the Parish of Ealing, where she died and was probably buried. The eighth daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall by Elizabeth Reade was Martha Rachell, who was baptised at Burford Feb. 14, 1648. She died unmarried in 1673, and being one of Anne Winwood's adopted daughters, was buried at Quainton. Will dated July 2, 1670. Mentions Brother Thomas (the Baron), sister Elizabeth, deceased. Brother Edmund. Sisters Anne, Hannah, Ursula, Susanna, and Dorothy. Niece Martha, the daughter of Brother John. Money in Uncle Winwood's hands. Cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Uncle Robert. Niece Elizabeth, daughter of Brother John. Nephews Edmund and Gilbert, and niece Anne, his children. Brother Sir Compton Reade and his Lady, and their 4 children,! Thomas, Edward, Anne, and Elizabeth. Codicil, Sep. 30, 1673, revokes legacy to Cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Uncle Robert. Proved in C.P.C. * Arms of Willmer of Upper Helmsley : Gules. A chevron vair between 3 eagles displayed or. Crest. An eagle's head or between two wings expanded vair. t Beatrix, the fifth child of Sir Compton Reade and Mary Cornewall, had died prior to that date. 240 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. by Anne and Susanna, sisters of the Testatrix, being the Exors. mentioned in the will (Bunce 10). We now come to the eldest of this numerous family, viz., Major Thomas Cornewall, who succeeded his father, Sir Gilbert Cornewall, as 14th Baron of Burford. He espoused the Royal cause in the Civil War, and was nominated one of the projected Knights of the Royal Oak for Salop. He married his first cousin Anne, daughter of Thomas, eldest son of Sir Thomas Reade, Knight, by Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, who was baptised at Burford, Feb. 2, 1629.* We have not the dates either of his baptism or marriage, which, however, must have taken place prior to 1651. During his father's lifetime he occupied Stepulton Castle, which, though in Herefordshire, formed part of the Parish of Presteign in Radnorshire. There, according to the Register of that Parish, the following children were born to him and Anne Reade : (1) Thomas, born March 4, and baptised April 1, 1651-2 ; (2) Anne, baptised July 26, 1653 ; (3) Gilbert, born March 9, baptised April 8, 1654-5 ; (4) Mary, born and baptised Nov. 10, 1661 ; (5) Elizabeth, born and baptised Oct. 16, 1663. Of these Thomas succeeded his father — of him presently. Gilbert Cornewall, the second son, entered at Ch. Ch., Oxford, Feb. 4, 1672-3. He died Nov. 10, 1676, and a Mural Tablet on the North Wall of the Nave of Burford Church tells his brief story, e.g., A circular shield. The arms of Cornewall, and below the following inscription : — Here lyeth Body of Gilbert Cornewall, Second Son of Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, and Anne His Wife. Departed this Life, Nov. 10, Anno Dom. 1676. Anno ^Etat. Suae. 21. In Com. Salop. * The Cornewall- Reade marriages in all were 5, e.g., (1) Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Corne- wall, married Thomas Reade ; (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Reade, married Sir Gilbert Cornewall ; (3) Mary, daughter of Sir Gilbert Cornewall, married Sir Compton Reade ; (4) Anne, daughter of Thomas Reade, married Major Thomas Cornewall ; (5) Mary, daughter of Thomas Reade, married John Cornewall. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 24I In the centre of the Nave is a slab on the floor covering the grave, with this inscription in Capital Letters : — Heere lyeth the Body of Guilbert Cornewa yle The Second Son of Thomas Corne wayle Baron of Bur ford. The Yeare of His age Twenty I., who Died of the Smale Poxe, the 10 of November and in yeare of our Lord God 1676. Anne, the elder sister of Gilbert, died of small pox at Stepulton Castle, June 11 (Whit Sunday), 1671, in her 18th year, and was buried at Presteign, M.L (See Broomhill's MSS., 42, folio 261-6.) Mary, the next daughter, was mentioned in her father's will 1686. She died unmarried in Nov., 1715. Will dated Nov. 13, and proved at Hereford in C.P.C. on Nov. 29, by Hannah Watts of Boraston, exor. and residuary legatee. Therein she is described as of Burford, spinster. She mentions Thomas, Baron of Burford, her nephew, nieces Anne Cornewall and Elizabeth Fox, sister Elizabeth Inwood, Nephews George and Richard Cornewall. The youngest daughter, Elizabeth, married by license at Burford, Feb. 24, 1685, Thomas Inwood, Coal Merchant, of London. Major Thomas Cornewall was buried at Burford July 22, 1686. His will, dated July 10 of that year, was proved at Hereford Feb. 22, 1687, by his widow, who was sole exor. He bequeathed all the standards at Stepulton Castle, in the Park House, and in the house at Burford, to his son and successor, mentioning his surviving daughters. His widow, Anne Reade, was buried in woollen — at that time regarded as an indignity* — at Burford, March 14, 1691. Will dated June 10, 1689, as of * Refer to Pope's Moral Essays, e.g. : " Odious ! In woollen — 'twould a Saint provoke " — Were the last words that poor Narcissa spoke. " No. Let a charming chintz and Brussels lace Wrap my cold limbs and shroud my lifeless face ! " 242 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. " Tembury," in the County of Worcester. She desires to be buried by her husband in Burford Church. Mentions her son Thomas and his wife, daughters Mary, and Elizabeth (Inwood). Son-in-law, Thomas Inwood, whom she appoints exor., and his daughter Roseanna. The will was proved in C.P.C. at Hereford, April 4, 1692. We reserve mention of Thomas, the penultimate Baron of Burford, to the following chapter. Inasmuch as Major Thomas Cornewall spent more than half his life at Stepulton Castle, and his brother John occupied the Castle for some years, the statement of Robinson that, when the Castle was slighted in the Civil War by Woodhouse, with Sir Gilbert Cornewall's assent, it was made ruinous, can scarcely be credited. No doubt both Stepulton and Burford Castles suffered from the process of dismantling, and it may be surmised that " the Park House," mentioned in Major Thomas Cornewall's will, was the old Castle, and " the House at Burford," a new house into which the family had moved owing to the Castle being no longer tenable. But the work of destruction was not immediate in its effects, and as regards either Castle the damage effected by Woodhouse must have been supplemented by the action of the weather. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 243 Chapter XIV. THE LAST BARONS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. Thomas Cornewall (15th Baron) =Katherine, dau. of William Read, of London _ (1651^724) I (d. 1711) I I III Francis=Mary Woodhouse George James Edward Richard (l6th&last| (b. 1688) (b. 16S8) (b. 1691) (b. 1695) Baron) ( 1685-1727) I I I I Woodhouse Francis Anna Maria=George Legh (d. 1709) (1712-14) (1711-41) (1703-90) Thomas Anne=Poston Stacey Catherine=. . Fox (d. 1723) (b. 1692) (b. 1693) 'pHOMAS, son and heir of Major Thomas Cornewall, the 14th Baron of Burford, succeeded his father as 15th Baron in 1686. He was born at Stepulton Castle, March 4th, 1651-2, and baptised at Presteign on April 1st following. In 1706 he sold to Auditor Harley of Eywood, son of Sir Edward Harley of Brampton Bryan, the Stepulton Castle estate. He married Catherine Read, daughter of William Read of London, who probably was a relative of his brother- in-law Inwood. Her name was not spelt in the same way as that of his mother's family, which in the 16th century (as is testified by the deeds in the possession of Herbert Vincent Reade, Esq., of Ipsden, and also in the Muniments at Kirt- lington of Sir George E. Dashwood, Bart., who represents the Reades of Brocket Hall in the female line) was invariably Rede, without the " a ", in the 17th century being changed to Reade [vide the Registers of Burford and Bockleton Churches as well as those of Hatfield, Herts, Shipton and Ipsden, Oxon, and of St. Helen's, Abingdon]. In the " Record of the Redes " there is no mention of any member of the Reade family at that date bearing the name William, and it may be stated positively that Catherine Read was not of their blood. It has been surmised that she belonged to the family of Read of the Forge in Cleobury Mortimer, of whom one, the Rev. William Read,* became Portioner of Burford * A document exists in Registers' Chest of Tenbury Church, wherein it is stated (date 1827, signed by Mr. Hall) that Thomas Read, gent., purchased the advowson of Tenbury from Lord Mollineux — date 1716. Further, that William Read (sic), from Brocket Hall, Herts, was presented to the above Vicarage of Tenbury, March 17, 1716, by William Bradley, as Trustee for the Read family. Foster states that this Rev. William was son of Thomas Read, of Cleobury, and that he matri- culated at Balliol College, Oxford, April 10, 1712, being then 17. Dr. Marshall, York Herald, further stated that he was presented to Tenbury in 1718 — not 1716 — and that he was also Rector of Burford 1st portion — in 1727. There never was a William Read, of Brocket Hall, in true, though there may have been in base, blood, but of this there exists no evidence. We may regard Foster's account as being accurate. 244 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. in the middle of the 18th century, and from him descended Sir Thomas Lawrence the artist. But a careful search in the Cleobury Registers nega- tives that supposition, and it is more likely that the marriage may be attri- buted indirectly to the Inwood connection. She was buried at Burford, April 28th, 1711, where also he was buried January 14, 1724. Administration de bonis June 4th, 1728, to Vincent Wood, as executor of the will of his son, Francis. It was probably owing to his marriage with a portionless woman of obscure origin that this, the penultimate Baron of Burford, ended his life in debt and poverty, if not in disgrace. By her he had (1) Francis, his successor, baptised at Tenbury, Ootober 2nd, 1685 ; (2) George and James, twins, baptised at Burford, April 19th, 1688 ; (4) Edmond, baptised at Burford, November 18th, 1691 ; (5) Richard, baptised at Burford, January 12th, 1695-6 ; (6) Thomas, described as " an ideot," buried at Tenbury, February 28th, 1723 ; with daughters (1) Mary, baptised at Tenbury, January 19th, 1686, and buried at Burford, August 1st, 1705 ; (2) Anne, baptised at Burford, November 8th, 1692, married at Hereford Cathedral, October 29th, 1722, to Poston Stacey ; (3) Catherine, baptised at Burford, January 6th, 1693, who married a gentleman named Fox. Francis, the 16th and last Baron of Burford, in 1708 married Mary, daughter of James Woodhouse of Woodhouse near Leominster, supposed erroneously to have been an heiress, under circumstances which will be explained. By her he had (1) Woodhouse Cornewall, who was buried at Burford, March 17th, 1709-10 ; (2) Francis, baptised at Burford, September 22nd, 1712, and buried there March 12th, 1714 ; (3) Anna Maria, baptised at Burford, May 12th, 1711, his eventual heiress. With Baron Francis, who died in the Parish of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, 1727, being described as " late of Tenbury," the story of the Barons ends in squalor. It is not easy to apportion the blame of this lamentable collapse between Baron Francis, his wife, and his father. The legend that he died in Worcester gaol is negatived by the probate of his will, which will cannot be deemed creditable. It is dated from Tenbury, February 2nd, 1726, and he styles himself Esquire. Therein he bequeaths to Mrs. Eliza Mansfield, " who now lives with me," an annuity of £40. To Mrs. Mary Cornewall, " my wife," one shilling. To my daughter, Anna Maria, £10 over and above her fortune as settled by Act of Parliament. He appointed John Greene of Tenbury Residuary Legatee and Executor, but this person, as also Mary, relict of Baron Francis, renounced, and administration was granted eventually in the C.P.C. to the Guardians of THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 245 Anna Maria Cornewall, viz., John Castell and Vincent Wood, Esq., she being a minor. A further administration was granted, May 23rd, 1732, to the above Anna Maria, then the wife of George Legh, of High Legh, Cheshire. Con- cerning this lady presently. From the recitals of an Act passed 4 George L, No. 35, and styled " An Act for exonerating and discharging the Manors, etc., of Francis Cornewall from certain articles of agreement made before the marriage of the said Francis," it seems clear that his marriage must have proved unhappy. Its preamble recites that whereas, by certain articles of agreement dated August 31st, 1708, between Francis Cornewall of Burford of the first part, and James Woodhouse, of the Woodhouse, Co. Hereford, Esq. (since deceased), and Anne, his wife, and Mary Woodhouse, spinster, their only daughter, of the other part, the said Francis, in consideration of a marriage portion, conveyed his estate to Trustees (a part to be charged with an annuity of £200 to his father, Thomas Cornewall, and after his decease with a further annuity of £50 to Katherine, mother of said Francis), to the use of the said Mary for life, remainder to heirs in tail ; and further that the said James Woodhouse settled his estates on his daughter Mary ; and, whereas the marriage took effect and they have issue Anna Maria Cornewall, their only child then living ; and whereas, said James Woodhouse was so encumbered that he could not perform his covenants, and died sometime since in Jamaica. — And, whereas, said Mary Cornewall, wife of Francis, by Indenture dated May 27th last past, in consideration of £40 to be paid to her yearly during the joint lives of her and said Francis Cornewall, in case they should live separate, and of an annuity of £100 after the decease of the said Francis ; And further, whereas Francis Cornewall contracted great debts, so that he is in danger of being ruined, and that he desires the sum of £3000 to be paid to his daughter Anna Maria at his death, with the above annuities to his wife ; The Hundred of Overs and Park of Burford to be exonerated from the above articles, i.e., of marriage settlement dated August 31, 1708. This act in effect enabled the entire Burford estate — amounting at the time to barely 1000 acres — to be aliened, subject to the annuities named and to the paltry sum of £3,000, to Anna Maria Legh. The estate was sold to Humphry Bowles, a glass manufacturer of London, from whom it passed to the Rushout family, and is now in the possession of Lady Northwick. The Castle at Burford was demolished by Mr. Bowles ; the late Mr. Wayland Joyce assigning as its 246 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. site a farm called Dean Park. Not a wrack of the old Barons remains, saving and except their monuments in Burford Church, from whence even their ancient armour was removed to be desecrated or destroyed. To those who have followed these pages it will be evident that the family never recovered the attainder of Baron Thomas. In consequence, not only was the splendid demesne of Hampton Court lost, but within two generations the Bucks and Northants estates also. Enormous families and injudicious alliances completed the work of devolution, which needed but the recklessness of Baron Francis to culminate in irreparable disaster. With the sale of the Burford estate the Barony itself, dependent on tenure, terminated finally. The Act, it will be observed, ignored the Barony altogether. Had the Castle — probably in ruins — and its Park with the manorial rights, been assigned to Anna Maria Legh, her husband would have become Baron jure uxoris, and the honour itself — preferable surely to a modern Peerage ? — would have been continued in her descendants. Her interests, however, were obviously and inequitably subordinated to those of her father's clamorous creditors, in whose favour the Act was passed. The doctrine, Lex abhorret per- petuitatem, has been pressed in defiance of the rights of heirs under remainder too frequently in Parliament, until the opposite doctrine, Summum jus summa injuria, has got to be regarded as a truism. It was inequitable to deprive the heir of her estate, wherein her father had only a life-interest ; it was unrighteous to rob her of a title which Parliament did not bestow and had no right to forfeit. The alliance between Anna Maria Cornewall and George Legh of High Legh in Cheshire may be referred to the fact of the uncle of the said George having been Rector of Eastham in 1718, in which year Jane, his daughter by Anne his wife, was baptised April 25th [Eastham Register]. In 1702 Baron Francis had signed his name as witness to the Induction to Eastham of the Rev. Ambrose Sparry. He also signed affidavits in the Tenbury Register to three deaths in 1723, but no longer as Baron, simply as Mr. Cornewall. By George Legh, (heir of Henry Legh of High Legh — born 1679— by Letitia, daughter of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart., of Norton), born July 10th, 1703, Anna Maria Cornewall had Henry, heir to High Legh ; George Langton, died in infancy ; Letitia, who married the Hon. Egerton Leigh ; and Anna Maria, unmarried. She died in 1741 ; her husband in 1790. They were buried at Rostherne. Henry Cornwall Legh was born May 24th, 1734, and served as Sheriff of Cheshire 1791. He married, 1761, Elizabeth, coheir of Robert Hopkinson of Heath, Yorkshire, and by her, who died April, 1808, had THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 247 George John, his successor at High Legh ; Henry Cornwall, who died s.p. 1793 ; Elizabeth Dorothea, unmarried ; and Anna Maria, who married, January 3rd, 1788, Thomas Pitt, Esq., of St. James', Westminster. George John Legh was born 1768, and served as Sheriff of Cheshire, 1805. He married, July 14, 1803, Mary, daughter of John Blackburne, M.P., of Hale, and by her had : — (1.) George Cornwall, his successor. (11.) Rev. Henry Cornwall, Rector of Welsh Hampton, born 181 1, who married, 1839, Mary, eldest daughter of Martin Williams, Esq., of Brynwyn, Montgomery (who died 1887), and died in 1847, leaving (1) Henry Martin Cornewall eventual heir to High Legh ; (2) Gertrude Mary, who married, August, 1875, Charles Walker, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, son of G. T. Walker, Esq., of Norton, Worcester ; (3) Evelyn Cornwall ; (4) Francis Elinor Cornwall ; (5) Maria Agnes Cornwall, who died 1862. (in.) John Cornwall, born June 8th, 1814, died March, 1815. (iv.) John Cornwall, born July 27th, 1815, died October, 1823. (v.) Richard Cornwall, born June 10th, 1818. He married, June 28th, 1852, Thomasina Antonia, daughter of Frederick Sedley, Esq., and died at Malta, January ioth, 1876, leaving by her, who died March 21st, 1884 : (1) Herbert Cornwall, eventual successor to High Legh, Colonel, King's Rifle Corps, born March 21st, 1858, married May 24th, 1893, Edith Selina, eldest daughter of Henry Cavendish Cavendish of Chyknell, Salop ; (2) Sydney Cornwall, late Lieut. R.N., born October 31st, 1862 ; (3) Arthur Cornewall, born July 24, 1872, married, December 14th, 1895, Harriet Beatrice Lucy, daughter of Rev. Dr. Jones, Vicar of Carington, Cheshire ; (4) Edith Cornwall, born 1854, died 1855. (vi.) Edmund Cornwall, C.B., late Colonel of the 97th Infantry, born October 14th, 1821, married, July 20th, 1852, Julia, daughter of Neville Parker, Esq., Master of the Rolls at Frederickton, by whom he had Neville Edmund Cornwall, born January 16th, 1854, an d Mary Helena Cornwall. (vil.) Mary, died 1886. (vm.) Anne Elizabeth, died in infancy. (ix,) Anna Elizabeth, married, 1832, Sir Philip De Malpas Grey Egerton, who died April 5th, 1881. (x.) Frances, married Rev. Beilby Porteus Hodgson, son of the Dean of Carlisle. 248 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. (xi.) Hariet, married Captain Herbert Taylor, 85th Light Infantry, eldest son of Edward Taylor of Bifrons. (xn.) Emma. (xm.) Caroline, died March, 1883. (xiv.) Elinor, died in infancy. The eldest son, Major George Cornwall Legh of High Legh, born 1804, B.A., Ch. Ch., Oxford, High Sheriff of Cheshire, 1838, Colonel of the Cheshire Militia, M.P. for Mid-Cheshire, married, 1828, Louisa Charlotte, second daughter of Edward Taylor of Bifrons, and died in 1877, s.p. A strong Tory, he was popular in his county and High Legh enjoyed during his long tenure a reputation for hospitality. In early life he held office in the diplomatic service as Attach6 at Vienna. He was succeeded at High Legh by his eldest surviving Nephew, Henry Martin Cornewall Legh, Lieut.-Colonel Grenadier Guards, who was born in 1839, served as High Sheriff for Cheshire, 1884, and married, January 22nd, 1896, Constance, daughter of John Ashton Case, Esq., of Thingwall Hall, Lan- cashire, and widow of Philip Ainslie Walker, Esq. He died in 1904, and was succeeded by his cousin, Colonel Cornwall Legh — vide supra. As representing the Barons of Burford in the female line, the Leghs of High Legh enjoy a privilege unique among Commoners, viz., of bearing supporters, i.e., two lions rampant ducally crowned or. They are a family of great antiquity in Cheshire, deriving directly from Thomas De Lega of East Hall in Rostherne, living in the reign of Richard II. They espoused the Royal cause in the Civil War, and throughout have held their own in a county above all others illustrious for its old families. In 1886 Mr. Earwaker, F.S.A., contributed to the Cheshire Archaeological Society a valuable paper on the ancient Charters and Deeds at High Legh. Among these some relate to the Cornewalls, albeit three only antedate the year 1700. This paper has been reprinted in pamphlet form and with a coloured illustration of the Legh arms as confirmed by Glover, Somerset, in 1580, and endorsed in 1613 by St. George, Norroy — a coat which may thus be described : Quarterly, 1 and 4 Legh, arg. a Hon rampant, gules ; 2 and 3, az. 3 eagles displayed, 2 and 1, or within an orle of 8 cross croslets of the second. Alpraham. Crest a demilion gules langued and collared or. For some centuries two branches of the same original stock have been situated at High Legh, in the parish of Rosterne, their demesnes being styled respectively THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 249 East Hall — Cornwall Legh, and West Hall — Egerton Leigh. A high wall separates these demesnes, each of which possesses its own Chapel, its own Chaplain, and its own Hall, while the Lords of East Hall, the Cornwall-Leghs, spell the parish as High Legh, and those of West Hall — Egerton Leighs — render it as High Leigh. In past days these close neighbours were at feud, and Mr. Earwaker remarks that the Egerton Leighs bear in error the arms of the Leghs, but with the field or instead of argent, whereas their proper coat is gules a pale fusille argent. In 1582 the two families of High Legh disputed concerning their respective coats, and the matter was referred to the Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., then Earl Marshal, who summoned the parties with their witnesses to attend a cock-match at Chapel en le Frith. He had in charge at Buxton Mary Queen of Scots, and ordered Garter to attend this singular rendezvous, who, however, being engaged on Queen Elizabeth's service in Denmark, could not be present. Norroy and Somerset were then deputed to represent Garter, and the latter eventually gave a verdict in favour of the Leghs.* The total number of deeds and documents at High Legh consists in all of eleven hundred, whereof three are Cornewall pedigrees, viz., by Vincent, Town- send and another, and in the same collection is the finely illuminated pedigree of Wogan. Townsend alleged that the Cornewall alliance gave the Leghs 86 * The following skit on the Leghs and Leighs was penned by Rev. A. J. Richardson, in 1879, and was received by either party with good humour. His bias was Occidental. " T'is an odd state of things a stranger would see, If he came on a visit perchance to High Leigh ; To his mind it would cause great confusion and bother, To find things so mixed the one with the other : Two establishments separate, two Halls and two Squires, Two parsons, two chapels, two bells, and two choirs ! Whilst the magnates themselves could not fairly agree. As to spelling correctly the name of ' High Leigh ' ; One stoutly insisting on ' i ' with the ' e,' The other on nothing betwixt ' e ' and ' g ' ; On map and on sign-post you'd meet with the ' i,' P.O.O. were without it, and folks wondered why ? Then the Agent found out when he took the big ledger down, The estates all mixed up with the farms of Lord Egerton ; And directions for letters and parcels were wrapped in A regular muddle 'twixt Colonel and Captain ; For if to the Hall they should chance be addressed, It was doubtful if meant for the ' East ' or the ' West ' ; But for rights of precedence 'twas doubtful which had 'em For neither could trace up much further than Adam ! So what you're about be particular, please, For Cheshire is full of cats, cheeses, and Leighs, Leghs of Lyme, Leghs of Adlington, everything Legh, From the innermost bounds to the banks of the Dee ; And for dropping a letter what comes there's no telling, So you'd best mind your ' i ' and look after your spelling." This effusion is dated " High Leigh," which perhaps accounts for the writer's antipathy to " Legh." 250 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. quarterings. Two deeds of the 15th century have five armorial seals of the Cornewalls in good preservation, and we remark that a deed relating to Adam De Legh, or De Lega, of the date 1230 is witnessed — with others — by Lawrence De Merbury. In 1673 this entire collection of deeds could not be discovered. Sir Peter Leycester desired to refer to them for his History of Bucklow Hundred, but they had been secreted for safety during the Civil War. Towards the close of the 18th century, i.e., in the time of Townsend, they had been unearthed by George John Cornwall the then Squire, and Mr. Earwaker in the seventies sorted and classified them. As a treasury of family history they must be deemed of priceless value, few muniment chests being of such magnitude and importance. By the courtesy of the present Colonel Cornwall Legh we are enabled to give illustrations of two of the family portraits at High Legh. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 251 Chapter XV. UNLINKED LINES. CORNEWALL OF BUCKLAND. JN Blome's Brittannia (1637) it * s stated that a younger son of a Baron of Burford " stole " the heiress of Bockland of Bockland (Buckland in Docklow). This in the reign of Henry VIII. In Burghill Church is a brass mural monument : — Here lyeth the body of Robert Masters, Gent., late Lord of the Manor, who travelld with Thomas Candish, Esq., to Virginia, and afterwards about the globe of ye whole worlde, and after his returne marryed Winefrid, ye daughter of Thomas Cornwall of Buckland, Gent., by whom he hath 2 sones and 7 daughters. He departed this life the 3d of June, Anno Dom. 1619." Arms, arg. a lion rampant holding a rose, impaling (Cornewall) erm. a lion rampant ducally crowned or within a bordure engrailed sable. By the side of the coat of arms is a globe with a bende and fesse. These arms bearing the field ermine show a connection with the line of the Barons of Burford, and not with the Berrington line of Cornewalls, who bore for the field of their coat argent. The earliest mention, however, of the Buckland line is found in the Visitation of Herefordshire, 1634, when the pedigree was entered by Richard Cornewall of Brockhampton, a younger son, who may be identical with the following, erroneously attributed by Judge Bayley to Richard, son of Thomas Baron of Burford, which Richard was in 1607 only three years of age, e.g., Merchant Taylor's Company. " Rics. Cornwall filius Johes Cornwall nuper de Burchard in Com. Hereff. generosi defuncti pro se apprend Jacobo Shawe de Ludgate Hill pro novem annis a festo Sr Johes Bapte ult prefer Dat vicesimo nono die Junij Anno Dom 1607." (Apprentice Book, vol. V. p. 113). " Richard Cornewall made free by his service with James Shawe deceased, afterwards translated to Humffrey Lee, Haberdasher, and the whole service reported by the sayd Humffrey Lee. (Court 9 October, 1615). ' 252 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. The following is the 1634 pedigree : — Robert Cornewall=Jane, of Buckland. | d. 1585. ! III I I Avis William Thomas, of=ANNE, d. of Wm. John, George, Anne Buckland, ' Joan eldest son. Berrington of 3 son. 4 son. Avias, in Hereford. I ! I John C. = . • • Winifred=Robert Masters, Eleanor— Thos. Baugh, of B., eldest son, of Nurfield. of Lyde. living, 1634. I (1) Mary, d. of Geo. Bray= Richard, of Brockhampton,=(2) Margery, d. of of Brockhampton. 2nd son, living 1634. Hossey, of Wellington. I ill Editii=George Gardner, Jane Richard, aged 9 in John, 2nd son. of London. 1634. Signed, Richard Cornewall. We note further in the Visitation of Worcestershire, 1682, that Anne, daugh- ter of Richard Walsh of Stockton, who died 1682, married John Cornewall of Buckland. The Parish Church of Buckland is not Docklow, but Humber. We append the items given in the Registers of that Parish, which we are unable to fit with the Visitation, or with the pedigree of Mr. Wolrych of Croxley, Herts., e.g., Extracts from Register at Humber. Wedded. John Cornwall and Anna Wall (?) of (utterly illegible). 1588. Wedded. Richard Stubb ? and Jane Cornwall. *5&9- Married. John Cornwall, Gentleman, and Elizabeth (undecypherable). 1594. Married the 18th day of September (?) Head and Anna Cornwall, by licence, 1630. Married. Wm. Cornewall, Gentleman, Margaret Loxley ? Nov. 24th, 1632. Baptized. George, the son of Richard Cornwall, gentleman, and Grace hys wiffe. 5th Feb., 1632. Baptized. Frances, the daughter of Richard Cornwall and Grace his wife. Feb. 14th, 1633. Baptized the 5th of Feby., 1635. Anne, the daughter of Richd. Cornwall and Grace his wife. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 253 Baptized. The 16th Oct., Elizabeth the daughter of Ricd. Cornwall and Grace his wife. 1636. Buried. John Cornwall, Gent., 28th day of Oct., 1628 (query 1638 ?) Buried. Margaret, the wife of Wm. Cornwall, Gent., 1634 (query 1644 ?) Feb. 12th day was baptized the son of Richard Cornewall, Gent., and Grace his wife. 1650. John, the son of Jane ? Cornwall of Burford (?) (illegible). Born the 1st day of J any. 1655. Jno. Cornwall of Wickton was buried upon the 23rd June. 1 &79- Cornwall of Wishton (? Wickton) was buried the second of ID 79- John Cornwall and Ann (query Walsh ?) were married the 12th day of July. 1680. John Cornwall of the Parish of Marden, Gent., was buried J any. 8th. 1696. Mr. Geo. Cornewall was buried Sept. 2nd. 1700. Mr. Wm. Cornewall buried Deer. 18th. 1710. To these items we are able to append from the Register of Marden the following : — " 1725. Mr. James Cornwall of ye City of Chester, Gent., and Mrs. Catherine Cornwall of Kyperknowl were married Oct. 16th." And in the Register of Waltham St. Lawrence, Berks, in 1694-8, four children of Humfrey and Elizabeth Cornwall were baptised, one being also buried there in 1695. In 1706 Elizabeth Cornwall married John Cresswell, and in 1711 Elizabeth, wife of Humfrey Cornwall, was buried. We have also perused a deed of July 15, 1740, between Robert Unett of Birchend and Thomas Cornewall of Buckland, who signed with the Cornewall arms. About 1750 the estate of Buckland was aliened. Another deed relating to land in Great Marlow, and dated 1636, showed that a Robert Cornwall was of Thame. Lastly, the Register of Brimfield, Herefordshire, gives details concerning a branch of the family who settled at Nun Upton in that Parish, e.g., Richard Cornewall of Nun Upton gave the Register to this Church, 1671. [It ends 1812]. 254 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Hellen, daughter of Humphrey Cornewall, and Mary his wife, baptized July 18, 1733. Humphrey, son of Humphrey Cornewall, and Mary, baptized Nov. 2, 1734. Humphry Cornewall buried July 5, 1752, aged 17. Humphry Cornewall, gent., buried July 4, 1754. Mary Cornewall, widow, buried Feb. 17, 1763. Thomas Cornewall Pitt of Nurton, Middleton, buried April 5, 1845. [A stone in the Chancel floor marks the grave of Thomas Pitt, late of Nun Upton, who died in 1811.] The lacunae in these entries are numerous. Mr. Wolrych of Croxley, the descendant of the Wolrych family of Dinmore, has favoured us with the following, which, however, does not account for all of the above details, and passes over the Brockhampton line entirely. Robert Cornewall=Jane . . . of Docklow. I Bur. 22 Nov., 1585. Thomas=Ann Berrington. born 1613. ] Richard, of Docklow, d. 1686. (Will proved Hereford) s.p. I John=Joyce Jones, mar. Nov., 1626, Reg. Marden. I John Cornewall,=Fortune of Marston, in Pen- comb, Hereford. (d. Stoke Prior, 1679)- John, bapt. 1682, d. 1697. Will proved at Hereford by his brother Humphrey, bapt. at Stoke Prior. Bapt. at Humber, 1697. Reg. Marden. William of Marden, bapt. 1655, d. 1710. Will proved 26 March, 1710, by his brother Humphrey. Eleanor, his wife, wife of Wm. Cornwall, of Kippernoul, now of Humber, 29 April, 1707. I Humphrey, of Kippernoule, bapt. 1669. Will proved C.P.C., 6 Nov. 1724. He devised his Nunupton Estate to his son Humphrey. Residue to his 2 daughters. I John, he had a legacy of £50. I Helen, wife of John Woolrych, of Kip- pernoule, born at Dinmore, 10 J une, 1757. Reg. at Mar- den. Catherine, sole exix. of her father's will, mar. 16 Oct., 1725, James Cornwall, of London, gent. Reg. at Marden. Humphrey, " of Nunupton," parish of Brimfield, nr. Tenbury, and " Little Hereford," admon. 14 Oct., 1754, to Mary Cornwall. She was married, 1760, to Thomas Pitt, and their only son, Cornwall Pitt, was a lunatic, and the estate held in trust by his brother-in-law, E. S. Pntchett. Humphrey Cornwall, =Elizabeth, d. 1711, Waltham, St. Lawrence, buried in grave there. Berks. She was maternal guardian of Edmund Woolrych. A bend between ) 3 roundels. f wife s arms. This John Woolrych was ancestor of Woolrych, of Croxley. [See Burke, Shirley, Foster, &c, &c] THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 255 THE CORNEWALLS OF ELSTEAD. This line was for long supposed to have been linked with that of the Barons of Burford, through a William, alleged to have been eldest son of John Cornewall of Rochford by Mary Reade. Recent researches, however, have shown an earlier origin for this distinguished line of Cornwalls, while the following epitaph in Hendon Church is manifestly erroneous in other details, e.g. : descended from John Corn- wall, Esqre, a younger son of Sir Gilbert Cornwall, Knt., Baron of Burford, Co. Salop, by Mary, sister of Sir Thomas Reade, Knt., of Barton, Co. Berks. Born Dec. 21, 1713. Died Jan. 27, 1800. S. Side. John Cornwall, of Hendon House, in this Parish, Esqre, eldest son and heir of William Cornwall, of Kingston upon Hull, and of N. Frodingham, and Headon, Co. York, Esqre, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Wat- son, Esqre, Co. York, and Susanna Cornwall, daughter and co-heir of Stephen Peter Godin, of Cullands Grove, Southgate, Co. Mid- dlesex, Esqre, relict of John Cornwall, of Hendon House, Esqre. Born 17 Jan., 1735. Died 7 Aug., 1801. N. Side. John Cornwall, &c, &c. Honble. Susanna Hall Cornwall, &c, &c. B. 17 Oct., 1772. D. 21 June, 1802. William Henry, &c, &c. Louisa Grace, second daughter of Lord Robert Kerr, &c, &c. Susanna Caroline, &c, &c. 256 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. The first of the line appears to have been the Rev. William Cornwall, minister of Heddon, or Headon, Yorks., 1642, who seems identical with the William Cornwall who graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1639. His relative, William Cornwall of North Frodingham and Headon, co. York, was a merchant of Hull, and rose to great eminence in that city, being four times elected Warden of the Trinity House — 1691, 1699, 1704, and 171 1. Unfor- tunately no more is known of his wife than that her baptismal name was Hannah, and that she was buried in Trinity Church, Hull, three months after her husband. He died January 29, 1716-7, and also lies in Trinity Church. He had a brother Thomas, who married Mary Bailey. William and Hannah Cornwall had three sons and four daughters. Of these Esther and Mary died shortly after birth, and Elianore after four years ; Anna attained the riper age of thirty, and had become the wife of Thomas Ellis. Of the three sons, John, the eldest, was baptized at Trinity Church, Hull, 1679, and in 1711 married Mary Hydes. Their two infant children died respec- tively in Nov. and Dec, 1714, and John himself died in the previous October. Perhaps they were the victims of small pox, or some such fell disease, but the inscription to their memory in Trinity Church gives no details : — " Here lies interred the Body of Mr. John Cornwall, merchant, who departed this life in the Faith of Christ, the 20th of October, 1714. He marryed the Daughter of Alderman Hydes, by whom he had one son and one Daughter, who are also here interred. /Etatis suae 35." William, the second son of William and Hannah Cornwall, was born in 1683, and died two years later. When a third son was born in October, 1686, he also was named William, and he and Anna alone survived their parents. William was left sole executor and proved his father's will at York, February 12th, 1716-7, all lands, tenements, houses, and estates being bequeathed to him, besides all " goods and chattels and personal estate." The only exceptions in the will are to " my cousin, Mary Raven," £5 ; to " my son and daughter Thomas and Ann Ellis," £100 ; and the payment of a debt of £60 ; besides " one silver tankard, ye gift of ye owner of my ship Headon to me." The tankard was engraved with the following fines, which may be full of hidden meaning, but are hardly in the style of the Spenser of a century before ! THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 257 " The gift of R. Spencer to W. Cornwall, 1685. Hands off, I pray, handle not, For I am blind and you can see. If you love me lend me not ; For fear of Breaking bend me not. No cut to unkindness, no woe to want, When means fail, friends grow scant." William Cornwall undoubtedly found himself well endowed with this world's goods on the death of his father. He was already a widower, for his wife Eliza- beth, daughter of Samuel Watson, Esqre., had been buried at Hull on August 25th, 1714, leaving him at the age of thirty with three little children, Sarah,* John, and William. He subsequently married Sarah, daughter of ... . Brooksbank, Esqre., and had by her seven children. Four of these, Joseph, Sarah, Hannah, and Bathshua, were buried at Hull, between the years 1721 and 1730 ; another Sarah married . . . Leggatt, Esqre., and the two youngest, Judith and Mary, appear to have made a home together at Westerham in Kent, a far cry in those days from Yorkshire. They are buried in a brick grave in the Rectorial Chancel in Westerham Church, under a white slab bearing this in- scription : — " Mrs. Mary Cornwall, Daughter of William Cornwall, Esqre., of Hull, Yorkshire, by Sarah his wife, died 14 Aug., 1798, aged 62 years. " Mrs. Judith Cornwall, Daughter of the above William and Sarah Cornwall, died 23 January, 1807, aged 76 years." From another source we learn the pathetic fact that Mrs. Mary Cornwall was burnt to death by her veil catching fire while she was sealing a letter. William Cornwall buried his second wife at Hull, Feb. 3rd, 1732-3, and married Elizabeth, daughter of . . . Wood, Esqre., about the year 1734, as appears from a deed of assignment in trust, made previous to his marriage. A letter from him is extant, dated from Hull in 1739, and addressed to his daughter " Sally " — presumably the lady who became Mrs. Leggatt. She was visiting her dead mother's friends in London, and the anxious father begs her to remember " They will expect you to resemble her, and this will be ye best * She married — . Robinson, Esqre., of Redhall, Co. Lincoln. 258 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. way to maintain their good opinion." Then follows a fond reminiscence of her character : — " High grace, the dower of queens ; and therewithal Some wood-born wonders sweet simplicity." And the letter ends with a few words of fatherly affection : "I often want you and am ready to call for you, nothing but ye hopes of your advantage should separate us so long." We catch a glimpse here of happy family life, and a letter written by Sally's half-brother John in 1732 displays nothing of the servile deference usually expected of sons in those days. He had sailed from Hull to London in so rough a gale that the ship was nearly driven ashore, and the voyage unduly prolonged ; none the less did he appreciate the cakes and pie provided by a thoughtful aunt, and notes that he took good care of them ! It was probably through his relations in London that he became acquainted with the Godin family, who lived at Cullands Grove, Southgate, co. Middlesex, and he eventually married Susanna, daughter and co-heiress of Stephen Peter Godin, Esqre., and selling his estate in Yorkshire, settled in his wife's county. At Hendon, about a quarter of a mile from the Church, they found on sale the old mansion of the Whichcote family, and here they settled down to many years of prosperity and benevolence. Lysons in 1795 describes the house as " the property of John Cornwall, Esqre.," and adds " there are 60 children in a Sunday School, 30 of whom, being girls, are clothed at the sole expense of Mrs. Cornwall." John Cornwall died at a ripe age in 1800, and his wife some 18 months later, and both are buried in the Churchyard at Hendon in a vault over which their family have erected a tomb. They had one son and seven daughters, of whom Sarah died in infancy, and of the others, Rebecca m. Sir John Simeon, Bt. ; Susanna m. Samuel Heywood, Esqre. ; Elizabeth m. Baron Rendelsham ; Augusta m. James Stanley, Esqre. ; Sophia m. Edward Boldero, Esqre ; Mary Ann m. Hon. Herbert Gardner. John Cornwall, the only son and seventh child of William and Elizabeth Cornwall, was eight-and-twenty when his father died, and had for six years been married to Susanna Hall, the only daughter of Admiral Sir Alan Gardner, Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter, co. Stafford. The happiness of this union is shewn by a letter written in 1802, in which he says : "I have not a thing to wish for, a charming wife whom I love from my heart, a fine family full of health and strength THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 259 . . . money enough to accomplish every wish in reason, and friends to use, I hope, if ever misfortune should befall me. ... A happier and more thankful man does not exist on God's earth." It is tragic that, two and a half months after this letter was written to his wife, John Cornwall died suddenly at Hendon, from an injury to his head on the staircase while coming down to dinner. He was buried in the family vault at Hendon, being but thirty years of age. His young widow cared no longer for her once happy home, and quickly selling it, took her six little children to London, where she is remem- bered as a grande dame in Grosvenor place. She died more than fifty years later, and was buried in the vault at Hendon, having remained a widow for her children's sake. She devoted her life to them, and would often tell them of an event that occurred when she was five years old. She was taken to Portsmouth for the rejoicings on the return of Rodney's fleet, victorious over the French, and the captive Comte de Grasse put her on his knee and praised her brother,* a boy of ten who had fought under their gallant father on " The Duke," and had been wounded. "If all my men had fought as well as your little broder," he said, " I should not have lost the day." One little daughter of John and Susanna Cornwall died in infancy, and another, Susanna, at the age of twenty-three, having been married for sixteen months to John Ashley Warre, Esqre., of Cheddar Fitz Payne, co. Somerset. She is buried at Epsom, where a beautiful monument by Chantrey represents her with the infant son, who survived her but seven months. Of the other two daughters, Augusta m. Francis Boyle Shannon Wilder, Esqre., and died childless in 1858, and Sophia (d. 1875) m. Rev. Robert William Shaw, youngest son of Sir John Gregory Shaw, Bt., and had six children : Robert John (d. 1903), m. Ella de Visme Thomas (4 sons, 2 daus.) ; John Monson, m. Sarah Pain Francklyn ; Hugh Cornwall (d. 1881) ; Sophia Anna, m. Rev. Harry Lancelot Wingfield (6 sons, 4 daus.) ; Ellen Frances (d. 1854) ; Margaret Augusta, m. 1st Rev. Spencer Philip Harvey (1 son) ; 2nd, William George, Esqre. (2 daus.) The three sons of John and Susanna Cornwall entered respectively the three leading professions of their day. William Henry, the youngest (b. 1799) was given a commission in the Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards by the Duke of Cambridge, and was then selected by William IV. to attend upon Prince George of Cambridge. He accompanied him in various foreign tours, and later * Afterwards 2nd Baron Gardner. 260 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. became equerry to the Duke of Cambridge, and also to the Queen Dowager Adelaide. His wife, Louisa, 2nd daughter of Lord Robert Kerr, was appointed one of Queen Adelaide's Bedchamber Women, and together they accompanied her majesty to Madeira and were with her in devoted attachment till her death. Major Gen. Cornwall was then selected by Queen Victoria as her Marshal, and afterwards as her Assistant Master of the Ceremonies. He died without issue in 1855, and is buried, with his widow who died a year later, in the family vault at Hendon. He excelled in the arts of heraldry and painting, and exhibited in the Royal Academy. Alan Gardner Cornwall, second son of John and Susanna Cornwall (b. 1798) was M.A. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, and took Holy Orders. He was Chaplain in Ordinary to Queen Victoria, and in 1827 became Rector of Newington Bagpath cum Owlpen, and also in 1839, °f Beverston cum Kingscote, co. Gloucester. In 1828 he married Caroline Marianne, youngest daughter of Thomas Kingscote of Kingscote, Esqre. He died in 1872 and she in 1875, and both are buried in the Kingscote family vault in Kingscote Churchyard. Their 44 years of married life were spent at Ashcroft House, co. Gloucester, and their children numbered fourteen, three of whom (Susan, Robert, and Ashley) died young and are buried at Kingscote. Their eldest son, Alan Kingscote (b. 1830) m. Sophia Ann, dau. of Robert Whitmore, Esqre., and had four children : (1) Alan Whitmore, b. 1858, m. Alice Louisa, dau. of Edward Cripps, Esqre. (4 sons and 3 daus.) ; (2) Archi- bald Robert, d. inf. ; (3) Minna Elizabeth Mary ; (4) Isabel Josephine. The remainder of the family of Alan and Caroline Cornwall is as follows : Caroline Augusta (d. 1898), m. John Bengough, Esqre. (6 sons, 4 daus.) ; William Henry Gardner (d. 1897), m. Margaret Campbell (1 son, 5 daus.) ; Clement Francis, m. Charlotte Pemberton (4 sons, 2 daus.) ; Henry Pennant (d. 1892), m. Mary Eyre (3 sons, 1 dau.) ; Robert Hugh Wilder (d. 1881) ; Edmund Septimus ; Harriet Louisa ; John Fitzalan, m. Louisa Young (1 son, 1 dau.) ; Gilbert Edward ; Emily Susan. Two of the above, Clement and Henry, settled in British Columbia, where their families still reside ; Clement rose to eminence as Lieut. Governor of the Province. John Cornwall of Burford Lodge, co. Surrey, eldest son of John and Susanna Cornwall, was born in 1795, entered the navy in 1809, and was wounded at the destruction of ten armed vessels in the Gulf of Policrasto in 181 1. He joined in due course the " Repulse," the " Thames," and the " Gloucester," and in the latter THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. 26l conveyed the Duke of Devonshire when Ambassador to St. Petersburgh. During the conflagration at the Arsenal at Cronstadt he, as senior officer, so materially assisted in subduing the ravages that the Emperor in acknowledgment presented him with a handsome ring. He was posted in 1851, and became retired Rear- admiral in 1870, a few months before his death. He married in 1822 Charlotte Susan, daughter of Sir John Gregory Shaw of Kenward, co. Kent, Bart., by whom he had seven children : Susan Charlotte ; John (b. 1826, d. i860) ; Augusta Caroline (d. 1899) ; Edmund William, (d. inf.) ; Edmund William (b. 1836) ; William Wolfran Gardner (b. 1840) ; and Anna Louisa (d. inf.). John and Charlotte Cornwall are buried in Elstead Churchyard, and the residence they built stands in Elstead village. The eldest living son, Edmund William, was disinherited on account of his marriage with Ann Greenfield, which his father disapproved ; he and his wife then made a home in New Zealand for their two sons, but all children by the marriage are also disinherited. Burford Lodge is now inhabited by the younger son, William Wolfran Gardner Cornwall. He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1861, and retired in 1887. He married, 1st, Emily, dau. of George Banister, Esqre., and 2nd, Emily, dau. of Fredk. Haggard, Esqre. By his first wife he had two children : (1) John Wolfran, b. 1870 ; entered the Indian Medical Service ; m. (1904) Effie Esme, dau. of Surgeon General Sinclair, I.M.S. (1 dau.) ; (2) Clare Emily. [For the above account we are indebted to Miss Isabel Cornwall, of Burghope, Winsley, Bradf ord- on-Avon.] CORNEWALL OF BATH. James and Thomas Cornewall of Bath are alleged to have been sons of Henry, son of Robert Cornewall of Berrington, by Edith Cornwallis. Of this we possess no evidence. Thomas Cornewall died in 1782 and was buried at Walcot Church in Bath ; James, who was born in 1713, died June 13, 1785, having married Miss Carey, said to have been a member of the Devonshire Careys. By her he had Thomas, born at Bath, December 22nd, 1777. He joined the Apollo Frigate, at Yarmouth, August 9th, 1799, and subsequently became a member of the Hon. E.I.C.S. He married at Rome, June 30th, 1804, Elizabeth Mellor, and died August 14th, 1856. By his wife he had (1) Charles Herbert, his successor ; (2) James, died in infancy ; (3) Lucretia Harriet ; (4) Harriet Elizabeth* ; (5) * So named after her godmother, Lady Harriet Elizabeth Herbert, sister of the 3rd Earl of Carnarvon. 262 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Elizabeth Carey. The eldest son, Charles Herbert Cornewall, was born Sep. 3rd, 1816, and died Nov. nth, 1852. By his wife Julia Garland he had an only child, Julia Agnes, born Dec. 26th, 1852, who married, Aug. 1st, 1872, R. J. Cornewall- Jones, Esq., and has issue (1) Percy Richard, born May 24th, 1873 ; (2) Mary Agnes Cornwall, born May 24th, 1873, a nun of the Order of the Immaculate Conception ; (3) Basil John Baptist Cornewall, born April 24th, 1876, late an officer in the P. and O., now a Josephite Father at Weybridge ; (4) Edith Julia Cornewall, born Sep. 17th, 1883. Other unlinked lines deserve mention, more especially the Monamy Corn- walls, settled at Chelsea in the 18th century, and now represented by Rev. A. P. Cornwall, M.A., of Chichester. Also the Cornewalls of Worcester, allied to the Carpenter family, of whom was Lord Carpenter. They are represented by the Ritchie family, of Brentwood. « « goo " -a (j «) o g 3 *> Ct3 in a> rvi ^ « a a • • "5?T3«— « g? s «j g- a "s§§° o S § «2 g Sr? lis » •- su w g 3 SJllf H g «-a"d d ^ co o (i, ~. 1 1 "id APPENDIX. 263 APPENDIX. Part. I— INQUISITIONS POST MORTEM, etc. [N.B. — The order of the Text is followed.] BRYAN DE BRAMPTON, [23 Ed. I., No. 136.] Held at Leominster, 1294, on the oaths, with others, of Henry de Cornewayle. He held the Manor of Ayston of Edmund de Mortimer by one Knight's fee, viz., for doing ward in Wigmore Castle and providing one fully equipped horse for 40 days during war between the King and the Prince of Wales. The next heirs are Margaret, aged one year and more, and Elizabeth, 9 weeks. Held at Brampton, for lands and tenements of said Bryan in Salop. He held 20 acres in the Park of Kymlet in chief from the Lord King by the 20th part of one Knight's fee, for which he did homage. Also 3 acres in chief of the same park by service of paying to the Lord of Scotesdon 1 brick yearly. He held in the Manor of Brampton of Lord Edmund Mortemar by service, i.e., by providing one horseman at Wigmore during war for 40 days. Item, that said Bryan held lands in Brockton of Lord Edmund Mortimer by service of providing one horse and man at Wigmore during war time. Item, said Bryan held rents in Weston of the Lord of Clone by service of making 2 appearances at the hundred of Josselowe. Also rents in Stonive of the Earl of Arundel by service of six shillings yearly. And they say that said Bryan held ten acres in Stannage of Robert de Mortemar by service of suit at Stepulton providing one footman with bow and arrows. Margaret and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs. Margaret on the Vigil of St. Jude, 22 Edw. I., aged one year. Elizabeth aged 5 weeks on the Thursday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 23 Ed. I. PETER DE CORNEWAILL. [Chancery, No. 10.] Held at Orleton, Hereford, a.d. 1386. Jurors say the said Peter held at his death of fee by service to Roger de Mortimer lands in Ashton and Buryton. Edus, his son, aged 12$ years, his heir and ward of Bryan de Cornewall, Knight, Lord of Bereford. LEWIS DE CORNEWAILL. [Chancery, No. 76.] Held at Gaynesburgh, April nth, 1422. Jurors say he held the Manors Thunnak and Laghton with other lands. That as heir of Peter de Cornewaile he THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. granted to Richard de la Bere and others in trust said Manors and lands under the Honour of Lancaster, charged with a rental of £20 to a Chantry in Gaynesburgh founded by Edmund de Cornewayl, Knight. He died November 30, 1421. His son Edmund, his heir, aged 10 years. IBID. [Chancery, No. 76.] Held at Leomynster, April r, 1423. Jurors say that Lewis Cornewaill closed his last day in the parts of France. That he was seized with Agnes his wife of the Manor of Ash ton and Stanage in the Marches of Wales, and being so seized granted to Richard de la Bere and others the said Manor in Trust. Said Manor of Stanage is held of Richard Come wayle, Lord of Stepulton. Edmund his heir. EDMUND CORNEWALE. [Chancery, No. 38.] Held at Worcester, 1453. Jurors say he was seized of a 4th part of Hampton Lovett, and being so enfeoffed Walter Devereux, Kynard De la Bere, and Edmund Ruding. He died Dec. 4, 1452. Thomas Cornewayle, his son and heir aged 9 years. IBID. [Chancery, No. 38.] Held at Bromyard. The jurors say he was seized of a moiety of the Manor of Ashton with appurtenances and of the manor of Stanage in the March of Wales held of Thomas de Cornewaille as of his Castle of Stepulton. They say also that a fine was levied in the 4th year at the Court of King Edward III, between Edmund and Elizabeth his wife, plaintiff, and Robert Russell of Deynesham [Strensham], deforciant, as to the other moiety of Ashton, which William Lychefeld, Knight, lately held, by which fine Edmund and Elizabeth acknow- ledged the said moiety to be the right of him, Robert, who surrendered the same to Edmund and Elizabeth for life, and after to remain to Edmund, son of Edmund and the heirs of his body. Remainder to Bryan, remainder to Peter and his heirs. Aforesaid Edmund, son of Edmund and Elizabeth, died s.p. Bryan entered and had issue John and Isabel. At Bryan's death the moiety descended to John, at whose death his daughter Elizabeth succeeded, which Elizabeth married William Lychefeld, Knight, and by him had Margaret, who died s.p., the said William holding the moiety by the Law of England. After, said Isabel mar- ried John Blount and had issue Humphry Blount, who at the death of Lychefeld entered as a cousin and heir of Elizabeth, wife of William Lychefeld. Said Humphry enfeoffed John, Lord Dudley, and William Sandy, by which enfeoffment they were seized until Edmund Comewale unjustly disseised them. Upon which John, Lord Dudley and William Sandy re-entered. Edmund died on Monday after S. Andrew. Thomas Cornewaille, aged 8 years and more, his heir. APPENDIX. 265 IBID. [Chancery No. 38]. Held at Lincoln Castle. J urors say that Edmund Cornewayle was seized of the Manors of Thunnayke and Laughton, etc. : That he enfeoffed Walter Devereux, Kynard Delabere, and Edmund Ruding of Wyth, Vigorn: That Thunnake is held under the Duchy of Lancaster, and Laughton of Robert Petwardyn. Thomas Cornewayle, his son, aged 9. THOMAS CORNEWALL, Knight. [Exchequer File 210. No. 1.] Held at Hereford, Nov. 19th, 1501. Jurors say that Thomas Cornewall was seized of a moiety of Ashton in tail. After whose death the same descended to Richard, his son and heir. It is held of the King by the Honour of Wigmore. Also of Stannage in the Marches of Wales, held of Thomas Cornewall of Burford, Knight. Richard, heir of said Thomas, aged 21 and more. [Another Inquisition to the same effect, viz. : Chancery, Vol. 15, No. 97. Writ at Westminster], RICHARD CORNEWALL, Knight. [Exchequer. Series II. File 431]. Held at Leominster, 1533. Jurors say that Richard Cornewall held a moiety of Ashton, and the Manor of Stannage, in the Marches of Wales, and enfeoffed Thomas Cornewall, Knight, John Russell of Sraynesham, Knight, Thomas Lee of Langley, John Nanfant, and William Cornewall as to his lands in Ashton, Moreton, Byreton, Stoke, Leominster, and Stannage, to the use and inten- tion of his last will and testament. To levy 300 marks for Joyse his daughter. Mentions Jane his wife, and others. George Cornewall, his heir, 24 years of age. GEORGE CORNEWALL, Knight. [Chancery. Part I. 123]. Held at Llansyllyn, Denbigh, 1562. As to the Manors of Rengild and Kenlleth Owen, sometime belonging to Owen Glendordy (Glendower) attainted ; after to Margaret, Countess of Richmond. The late King (Henry VIII.) granted the above to Richard Cornewaile of the body (guard) of the said King, from whom it descended to George Cornewall, who died at Lempster without heir male law- fully begotten. Whence the aforesaid premises reverted to our Lady, The Queen (Elizabeth). GEORGE CORNEWALL, Knight. [Chancery. Part II. No. 28]. Held at Horncastle, 1563. George Cornewall held the Manors of Thunnock and Lawghton with lands in adjacent villages. Shows that he leased for 7 years the Manor of Thunnock to William Towers. Similarly he leased the Manor of Laughton to Christopher Wraye of Glentworth. Further he enfeoffed John Blunte and Richard Smythe to the use and behoof of himself and after to the use of William Nanfan of Brutes (Birts) Morton in Vigorn, and to his heirs. And, in default of such lawful issue, of the Queen. William Nanfan survived him and entered. Humphrey Cornewall, son and heir, age 12 years. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. MARY CORNEWALL. [Chancery. Part II. No. 144.] Held at Leominster, 1609. Mary Cornewall, late wife of Francis Lovell. George Cornewall, after Knight, was seized of Berrington, Castleton, Ashton, and Moreton. He married said Mary at Eye, May 6, 35 Henry VIII., and enfeoffed Richard Palmer, John Abrahall, and Richard Hereford, that they should enfeoff said George and Mary. Mary survived, and was sole seized in her demesne. She enfeoffed Thomas Blunt and J ohn Gore, who granted the premises to her for life, and at her decease to Humphrey Cornewall, otherwise Meysey, her son, and to his heirs lawfully begotten — remainder to her daughter Bridgett, remainder to the right heirs of her, Mary. Afterwards she married the aforesaid Francis Lovell. The Jurors say the said Humphry Cornewall of Berrington, is son and next heir of Mary, and son and heir of said George Cornewall, Knight, of their bodies law- fully begotten. And the said Humphry is 48 years of age. HUMPHRY CORNEWALL. [Vol. 471. No. 120]. Held at Hereford, 1634. He died seized of Berrington, Ashton, Moreton, Castleton, held under the King by his Earldom of March. John Cornewall, his son and heir, 40 years of age. [The above Inquisitions refer to the Berrington Line of Cornewalls. Those which follow to the Barons of Burford]. SIR JOHN HOWARD. [5 Edward 3, 2nd, No. 80.] Held at Norwich 5 Edwd. III., to enquire concerning the lands and tenements which were of John Howard, knt., of the county of Norfolk. Jurors say by their oath that John Howard, knight, the elder, gave and by his charter confirmed to Richard de Cornwall, parson of the church of Walsoken, the manors of Estwynch, Estwalton, Wygenhale, and Thyryngton, with their appurts. in the 15th year of the reign of King Edward, father of the King that now is. To have and to hold the said manors, lands, and tene- ments for the whole life of him Richard. [Here follow the values of the properties]. And that aforesaid Richard was seized of the aforesaid premises and had seizin thereof until the Tuesday next before the feast of The Transla- tion of St. Thomas the Martyr, the fifth year of the King that now is, on which day the premises were in the hands of the lord King by occasion of an excess (excessum) of said John Howard before John de Stonor and John de Cam- bridge, justices assigned to hear and determine divers felonies, &c. And that the aforesaid Richard, on the 9th June, 16th year of the King Edward, father of the King that now is, made there his letters patent to one Master William de Rudham then his attorney, that the aforesaid John and Joan his wife should dwell in the aforesaid manors in these words : "To his beloved friend, Master William de Rudham, Richard de Cornwall, Rector of the church of Walsoken, greeting. Know that I have granted to Sir John Howard Knight and Joan his wife my sister, that APPENDIX. 267 they may dwell and remain in my manors which I have of the gift of the said John in the county of Norfolk. And therefore I charge you not to fail to deliver [The remainder the said manors to the said John and Joan by indenture without delay, ratifying mutilated.] whatever is necessary therein. Given at Laghton." GEOFFREY DE CORNEWALL. [9 Edward III. First Numbers. No. 14. Chancery]. Writ dated 1 June, 9 Edward III., 1335, to enquire after the death of Geoffrey de Cornwall [no title], for Essex only. This is taken 2 October, 9 Edward III. [a.d. 1335]. Richard de Cornwall, son and heir of the said Geoffrey, aged 24. In the Escheators Series there are Inquisitions on the above named Geoffrey [no title] for Worcester and Salop. RICHARD DE CORNEWALL. [17 Edward III. First Numbers. No. 50. Chancery.] Writ dated 24 October, 17 Edward III. [a.d. 1343], to enquire after the death of Richard de Cornwall, son and heir of Geoffrey de Cornwall. [No title given to either person.] IBID. ; [Patent Rolls. Part II. M. 19.] 1 November, 1343. Grant to William de Cusancia of the marriage of the son and heir of Richard de Cornubia, tenant in chief, the King's Ward. Mandate to Sibyl, late the wife of the said Richard to deliver the body of the heir to the said William. IBID. [17 Edw. III. ist Nos. No. 50. Chancery.] Held at Dauentre, 30th Oct., 17th year of Edward III., Richard, son of Geoffrey de Cornwayll, deceased, and Sibil his wife conjointly held the manor of Thorp with appurts of the fee of Chokes by the service of two parts of the moiety of a knight's fee, and a moiety of the manor of Norton, on the day the aforesaid Richard died, of the grant of Geoffrey Cornwalye and Margaret his wife, by virtue of a fine in the King's Court at York levied in the second year of the aforesaid King's reign. To have and to hold the aforesaid manor with appurts. to aforesaid Richard and Sibil and their heirs for ever. Rendering therefrom per arm. to aforesaid Geoffrey and Margaret for the whole life of him, Geoffrey £40 sterling, and to the heirs of him Geoffrey one rose for all services. And if it happened that the said; Richard and Sibil die without heirs, then after the death of them Richard and Sibil the aforesaid manor of Thorpe shall wholly remain to aforesaid Geoffrey and Margaret and the heirs of him Geoffrey quit of the other heirs of aforesaid Richard and Sibil. And the aforesaid Richard held in his demesne as of fee on the day he died another moiety of the manor of Norton with appurts. 268 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. of the grant of Joan who was the wife of Richard de Cornwayll (the elder). To have and to hold to the said Richard and his heirs from aforesaid Joan and her heirs by the service of a rose yearly. Geoffrey, son of aforesaid Richard, is next heir and . . . years old at the Feast of Nativity of Blessed Mary last past. And said Richard died on the Monday next before the Feast of St. Dionysius last past. [Patent Rolls. 21 Edward III. Part I. M. 18. d.] 18 April, 1347. Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, William de Chiltenham, and Laurence Bruton, on complaint by the abbot of Hayles that John, son of Geoffrey de Cornewayll and others broke his close at Hales, county Gloucester, carried away his goods and assaulted his men and servants, whereby he lost their service for a great time, [i.e., Sir John de Cornewall, father of Lord Fanhope.] [ENROLMENT OF INQUISITIONS. No. 6i]< Inquisitions made in March and April (sic.) 22 Edward III. [a.d. 1348] ; one is as to the lands which were of Margaret who was wife of Geoffrey de Cornwall, [no title given to him], and which she had of the inheritance of her father Roger de Mortimer, and which are in the hands of the King, by reason of the minority of Geoffrey, son and heir of Richard de Cornwall, son and heir of Geoffrey de Cornwall. The manor of Burford is amongst those lands, as is Cur- wyard, in the county of Worcester, held by knight service of Burford by John Wyard. N.B. — This is not an ordinary inquisition post mortem, but one of apparently a series of inquisitions as to lands of deceased persons in the hands of the King for various reasons, chiefly by reason of minority of heir. SYBIL DE CORNEWALL. [Series I. Chancery. File 95. No. 37]. (Original much faded.) 10 June 23, Edward III. [a.d. 1349]. Sybil de Cornewaille held nothing in demesne of the King in chief in the county of Northampton on the day she died, because on Monday next after the feast of Saint Valerian, [a.d. 1347] the said Sybil gave the manor of Throp' and half the manor of Norton to John de Botryngham (?), brother of the aforesaid Sybil, and John de Vydston, to hold for the term of the lives of them or the longer liver of them, of the aforesaid Sybil and her heirs, by the service of one pair of gloves value id., etc. The manor of Throp' is held of the lord in chief as of the fee of Chokes and the moiety of the manor of Norton and the two messuages and half virgate of land are held of the lord Thomas de Beauchamp, late Earl of [Warwick ?] The aforesaid Sybil died on Saturday next after the feast of the Ascension last past [a.d. 1349], and Geoffrey de Cornewaille, who is of the age of 13 years, and under the guardianship of the said Earl, is the next heir of the said Sybil. APPENDIX. 269 IBID. [Patent Rolls. 23 Edward III. Part II. M. 13.] 5 August, 1349. Presentation of Master John, son of John le Ferour of Northampton, to the portion, with cure, which Geoffrey de Burford (sic) lately held in the church of Burford, in the diocese of Hereford, in the King's gift, by reason of his custody of the lands and heir of Richard de Cornewaill, tenant in chief. IBID. [Close Rolls. 26 Edward III. Membrane 31.] To Robert de Hadham, escheator. Order to retain in the King's hand the manor of Throp near Daventre, and a moiety of the manor of Norton, and not to intermeddle further with the other moiety of the manor of Norton, of which Richard, son of Geoffrey de Cornub [ia] was seised alone, restoring the issues thereof to Thomas de Bello Campo, Earl of Warwick, as the King has learned by inquisition that Richard at his death held a moiety of the manor of Norton in his demesne as of fee, and that he held jointly with Sibyl his wife the said manor of Throp and the other moiety of the manor of Norton for them- selves and the heirs of their bodies of the gift of Geoffrey de Cornewaille and Margaret his wife, and that the entire manor of Norton is held of the said Earl by knight's service, and the manor of Throp is held of John de Molyns as of fee of Chokes, and the earl has besought the King to order his hand to be amoved from the said moiety of which Robert alone was seised, and to cause the issues thereof to be restored to him, as immediately after Richard's death he obtained the wardship of the body of Geoffrey, Richard's son and heir, and of the said moiety of which Richard alone was seised, and the said moiety was taken into the King's hand among the lands of Margaret de Cornewaill, grandmother of the said Geoffrey, son of Richard, whose heir he is, who held in chief and who died long after possession of the body of the heir, and the said moiety was obtained by the Earl, together with the manor of Throp and the other moiety, after the death of Sibyl, who survived the said Margaret. GEOFFREY DE CORNEWALL. [Series I. File 135. No. 67. Chancery.] Proof of age of Geoffrey, son and heir of Richard de Cornwall, kinsman and heir of Margaret de Cornwall, both deceased, taken at Wystanstow, before the escheator of Salop, 12 September, a.d. 1356]. William de la More [Mere ?], aged 60 years, says that the same Geoffrey was of the age of 21 years and more at the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary last past, because he was born at Stepelton and was baptized in the church of St. Andrew of Presteind, on the aforesaid day of St. Mary, a.d. 1335. He remem- bers because he says that he was then with the said Margaret in the place of squire [armigeri], and was sent to Richard de Turpeton, then Abbot of Wyggemore, to pray the same abbot to be godfather to the aforesaid Geoffrey. John de la Rode, aged 40 years, says that the said Geoffrey was of the age of 21 years and more at the feast aforesaid last past, because he was born at 270 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Stepelton and baptized at St. Andrew's on St. Mary's day, a.d. 1335. He remembers because, on the same feast day that the said Geoffrey was born, he married Rose, daughter of Roger de Weston. Peter de Calweton, Richard le Baillif, and John de Egadon likewise agree as to the age of the aforesaid Geoffrey. They remember because they say that on the said day of the birth of Geoffrey they were at Stepelton and saw the same Geoffrey carried to the church aforesaid, and baptised and carried back to the Castle of Stepelton with chanting and a great escort of many praising God for the birth of the aforesaid Geoffrey. Roger de Auldon and John le Theyn of Bromo, likewise agree with the aforesaid jurors as to the year and place. They remember because on the day of the birth of the aforesaid Geoffrey the town of Stepelton was destroyed by fire. Thomas le Wodeward, aged 54 years, agrees likewise. He remembers because he says that Joan his wife was nurse to the said Geoffrey immediately after his birth. John Jones, aged 60 years, agrees with the aforesaid jurors. He remembers because on the same day his eldest son John was born, and the same John has been reputed to be of the same age as the aforesaid Geoffrey. SIR RICHARD DE CORNEWALL. [31 Ed. hi. ist. Nos. 6. Chancery.] Held at Burford, the 24th September, 31 Edw. III., according to the tenor of a writ of the lord King. Richard de Cornewaille, knt., held no more lands or tenements in the said county on the day he died than those returned into the Chancery by inquisition, except a moiety of the bailiwick of the hundred of Oueres granted to him and his heirs by the charter of the lord King by the service of rendering yearly into the King's Exchequer 6s. 8d. Geoffrey is the son and next heir of said Richard, and is 22 years old. [This is the only Inquisition wherein Baron Richard is styled Knight.] GEOFFREY DE CORNEWALL. [39 Edward III. First Numbers. No. 12. Chancery.] To enquire after the death of Geoffrey de Cornewall. [No title]. Inquisitions attached for Hereford and Essex. In those for Herefordshire it is found that Geoffrey died abroad on 18 May "last past," i.e., 1365, and that Brian was his son and heir, aged 10. In the Inquisition for Essex the age of the heir is not given " because he lives away and in the county of Salop." Attached to the same writ are several further inquisitions [all taken about the feast of the Epiphany, 1366, a few months after those noted above, and all as to the custody of the lands of the deceased during his heir's minority] for Hereford- shire, Northampton, and Devon. In all those the deceased Geoffrey is called " chevaler." 23 October, 1365- APPENDIX. 271 CECILY DE CORNEWALL. [43 Edward III. First Numbers. No. 22. Chancery.] Writ to the Escheator of Salop and the Marches to enquire after the death of Cecily who was the wife of Sir Geoffrey de Cornwall, knight. Inquisition attached, taken at Burford, 24 August, 43 Edward III. [a.d. 1369]. She died 26 July " last past," i.e., 1369. Brian de Cornwall is son and next heir of the said Geoffrey and Cecily, and aged 14. And writ to the same person dated 10 February, 43 Edward III. [a.d. 1369-70], to enquire as to knight's fees, etc., of said Sir Geoffrey de Cornwall, " chevaler." THOMAS CORNEWALL, attinctus. [5 Edw. IV. No. 46. Chancery.] a.d. Held at Monslowe, co. Salop, 20 April, 5 Edward IV., before Hugh 1465.] Harnage, the king's escheator in co. Salop and the marches of Wales, by virtue of his office, and upon the oaths of Thomas Hanlyn [and others] who say that Thomas Cornewall late of Berfforde in the said county, attainted in Parliament, 4 Nov., 1 Edw. IV., was seized in fee on 4 March, 1 Edw. IV. of the manor of Burford and the advowson of the Church of Burford, and the hundred of Overs, and of 20 acres, &c, in Lentewrdyne and Adforton in the honor of Wigmore, &c. Inquisitions taken at Daventre, co. Northtn., 16 April [5 Edw. IV.] the jurors say that the said Thomas was seized of the manors of Norton and Throp juxta Daventre, &c, co. Northampton. [Both documents very stained and faded.] SIR EDMUND CORNWAILL, Knt., Hereford and the Marches of Wales. [5 Hen. VII. Files 407 and 415. Exchequer.] Inquisition taken at Hereford the 28th April, 5 Henry VII., before John Abrahale, esquire, the King's Escheator, in the county aforesaid and the Marches of Wales, by virtue of a writ of diem clausit extremum after the death of Edmund Cornwaill, Knight. By the oath of George Scudamore and others, that aforesaid Edmund Cornwaill was seized of the moiety of the manor of Rathford, in the County of Hereford, with its appurts., in his demesne as of fee, and he also died seized in his demesne as of fee of the hamlets of Attercrofte, Wapplich, Combe, Tytteley, Roode and Kasstopp in the said county, parcel of the manor of Stepulton, in the Marches of Wales. And he took to wife Margaret, daughter of Thomas Hord, esquire, who is still in full life. And aforesaid Edmund Cornwaill died on the day or feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the 5th year of the King that now is. And that Thomas Cornwaill is son and next heir of aforesaid Edmund and is 16 years old and more. a.d. 1490.] or Rochford] or Rodd] 272 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. SIR THOMAS COREWALL. [Exchequer Inquisitions. File 434. 1537.] a.d. Inquisition taken at the City of Hereford, 22nd Oct,. 29 Hen. VIII. I537-] Before Richard Wallewyn, esquire, the King's Escheator in the county afore- said, after the death of Thomas Cornwall, Knight. Thomas Cornwall long before his death was seized in his demesne as of fee of and in the manor of Stepulton, with members and appurts. in the county aforesaid. And of and in the manor of Leyntwardyn in Wigmore's land in the county aforesaid. And so seized thereof by his deed to the Jurors in evidence shown dated at Stepulton 21st Jany., 18 Henry VIII., gave the same manors with appurts. to John Leygton, George Corbett, esquires, and John Adams, gent., to the use and behoof of the aforesaid Thomas Cornwall and Anne, then his wife, for term of the life of said Thomas and Anne, and the survivor; And after, by virtue of the Act of Parliament, 27 Henry VIII., for transferring uses into possession, the said Thomas Cornwall and Anne his wife were seized of the premises in their demesne as of freehold reversion to the right heirs of said Thomas. And afterwards on the 19th August, 29 Hen. VIII., the said Thomas died and said Anne survived him and kept herself within by right accruing. And after the death of said Thomas the reversion of the premises descended to Richard Cornwall, esquire, as son and heir of said Thomas. And said manor of Stepulton is held of the King in chief as parcel of his Barony of Burford. And the manor of Leyntwardyn with appurts. are held of the King as of his honor of Wigmore by the service of a red rose per ami. for all services. And that Richard Cornewall, esquire, is his son and next heir and 38 years old and more at the time of the death of said Thomas Cornwall, Knt. RICHARD CORNEWALL [vide Calendar.] [16 Henry VIII., No. 109. Chancery.] Inquisition taken at Wotton-under-Edge, co. Glouc, 29 Oct., 16 Henry VIII., of proof of the age of Johanna, wife of Richard Cornewall, Esq., dau. and heir Wogan.] of Henry Cogan and Catherine his wife, &c. The Jurors say that the said Johanna was of the full age of sixteen years on 18th August, 15th year of the lord King that now is [&c, &c. Gives evidence of witness as to date of birth, &c] RICHARD CORNEWALL, Esq. [11 Elizabeth. No. 161. Chancery.] a.d. Held at Ludlow, Salop, 4th August, 11 Eliz., The jurors say upon their 1569. oath that long before the death of Richard Cornewall, named in writ, another Richard Cornewall, esq., was seized in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Boreford and of the hundred of Overes, and by his deed dated at Boreford the Monday next after the feast of All Saints, 15 Hen. 6, by virtue of letters patent and license under the Great Seal granted inter alia to Edmund Cornewall of Bore- ford, and others, the manor of Boreford and the hundred of Overers, and enfeoffed them of the same. To have and to hold to the aforesaid Edmund Cornewall, &c, APPENDIX. 273 and the heirs of the body of said Edmund and Elizabeth his wife lawfully begotten. And the aforesaid Edmund Cornewall had issue of his wife Thomas Cornwall, esq., and after the death of said Edmund and his co-feoffee, the said manor and hundred descended to said Thomas Cornewall as son and heir, who entered and was seized of the same. And that said Richard was then dead and said Thomas died seized thereof, after whose death the premises descended to one Edmund Cornewall, Knight, as son and heir of said Thomas Cornewall, esq., by virtue of which the said Edmund entered the premises and died thereof seized, after whose death the premises descended to Thomas Corne- wall, Knt., json and heir of said Edmund, son of Thomas, and said Thomas Cornewall, Knt., entered and died seized of the premises, after whose death the premises 'descended to aforesaid Richard Cornwall, esquire, named in writ, as son and heir of aforesaid Thomas Cornewall, Knt., by force of which the said Richard Cornewall, esq., entered into the premises and died hereof seized. And aforesaid Richard Cornewallis named in writ died 14th June last past. And that Edmund Cornewaill, esq., is son and heir of aforesaid Richard, and 33 years of age and more. Jane, late wife of RICHARD CORNEWALL, Esq. [12 Eliz. No. 154. Chancery.] a.d. Inquisition taken at Stone in the County of Gloucester, the 2nd March, 12 1570. Eliz., before Will Morwent, esq., escheator of the county aforesaid, after the death of Jane Cornewall, late wife of Richard Cornewall, esq., daughter and sole heiress of Wogan] Henry Ogan and Katherine his wife, late deceased. Jane Cornewall was seized in her demesne as of fee of and in a fourth part of two messuages, two carucates and one virgate of land, xxti. acres of meadow, twenty acres of wood in Oldbury, Thornbury, Tacham] Tatham, and Valefild, in the county aforesaid. And of a fourth part of the manor of Tortworth, and a fourth part of the advowson of the church of Tortworth. And of a fourth part of the manor of Charfild, with a fourth part of the advowson of the church there, and of a fourth part of the manor of Huntingford, and a fourth part of the advowson of the church there in the county aforesaid. And so thereof being seized married Richard Cornwall, esq., and had issue by him Edmund Cornwall now living, by virtue of which the said Richard was seized in fee of the premises in right of his wife. And aforesaid Jane so thereof seized in her demesne as of fee the 10th August, 37 Hen. 8 died. And Richard survived her and was seized of the premises in his demesne as of freehold from the day of her death to the 23rd July last past before the taking of this Inquisition, on which day he died, after whose death the aforesaid premises descended to aforesaid Edmund Cornwall, esquire, as son and heir of said Jane. Edmund Cornwall at the time of the taking of this inquisition is thirty-two years of age and more. EDMUND CORNWAILL, Esq. [27 Eliz. No. 69. Chancery.] a.d. Inquisition taken at Ludlow in the county of Salop, 14th September, 27 J 585. Eliz., after the death of Edmund Cornwaill, esquire. Long before the death of THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Edmund Cornwaille, Esquire, named in writ, one Richard Cornwaille, esq., one of the ancestors of aforesaid Edmund was seized in demesne as of fee of and in the manor of Boreford, and of and in the hundred of Overs and by his deed dated the Monday next after the feast of All Saints, 15 Hen. 6, by virtue of Letters patent, &c, granted to Edmund Cornewall of Boreford, and others, the aforesaid manor and hundred, and enfeoffed them of the premises. [Remainders and descents as on Inquisition of Richard Cornwall, 11 Eliz.] And aforesaid Richard Cornwaill, esq., son of aforesaid Thomas Cornewall, Knt., died thereof seized, after whose death the aforesaid manor and hundred descended to Edmund Cornewall, esq., in the writ named as son and heir of afore- said Richard Cornwall, and he died seized thereof. And that aforesaid Edmund Cornewall in the said writ named died the 13th July last past before the taking of this Inquisition without issue of his body lawfully begotten. And that Thomas Cornwall is his brother and next heir, to wit, son of the aforesaid Richard Corne- wall, esq., of his body lawfully begotten, and is of age at the time of the taking of this inquisition forty-six years and more. JOAN, wife of JOHN DE LEYNTHALE. [Exchequer. New Series I. File 27]. Held at Roghton, Salop, 1387. She held of the King a messuage and virgate of land in Roghton, by service of keeping a moiety of the King's forest of Morff. Said John is living, and holds for the term of life. Katherine, their daughter, heir, aged 8. MARGARET, wife of ROLAND LENTHALE, Knight. [Chancery, i Hen. vi. No. 38.] Held at Arundel, 1423. Thomas, Earl of Arundel, was seized of divers manors in Sussex derived of Richard, late Earl. After, and before he married Beatrice, said Thomas demised said manors to said Margaret for life, at whose death they came to John, Lord Arundel, and Mautravers, cousin and heir of said Thomas. Reference to other manors held by Margaret Lenthale. John, son of John, heir. Margaret died April 30, 1423. IBID. [1. Hen. vi. 35.J Taken at Shrewsbury, 1423. Thomas, late Earl of Arundel, was seized of the Castle of Dalylee, of the grant made to Richard, late Earl, grandfather of said Thomas, to wit, father of Richard, father of aforesaid Thomas and his heirs made of the body of Alianora, daughter of Henry of Lancaster, the elder, late Earl of Lancaster. The same granted the above and other lands to Margaret, named in the writ for term of life, with reversion to said Thomas and his heirs. Said Margaret died March 7 last past [this date does not agree with previous in- quisition]. John, son of John Arundel, heir. APPENDIX. 275 EDMUND LENTHALE, Surrey and Sussex. [Chancery. File 129. No. 34]. Held at Dorking, 1447. Edmund Lenthale died April 18, 1447. John Lenthale, his cousin, heir, to wit, son of Walter, brother of Roger, father of Roland, father of said Edmund. Said John, 21 years of age. [Another inquisition : At Lewes identical, and also a third at Chelmsford]. ROLAND LENTHALE. [Chancery. 29 Hen. VI. No. 27.] Held at Hereford, 1451. Rouland {sic) Lenthale and Lucy his wife, held the manor of Monklane conjointly. Lucy died, and Roland continued to hold. At his death the manor came to Rouland their son. Mentions a grant to father and son of £40 annually, per the Mayor and Bailiffs of Hereford. Rouland, the elder, died 1450. His son Rouland aged 25. IBID. [Salop]. Held at Ludlow, 1450-1. Roland Lenthale, Knight, and his wife Margaret, sister and co-heir of Thomas, late Earl of Arnndel, in right of said Margaret were seized a 3rd of two parts of Holt Castle and lordship of Bromfield and Yale. Margaret died and Roland continued. Afterwards Edmund, their son, enfeoffed William Bishop of Sarum and others by Royal license. At the death of Edmund s.p., the lands, etc., of his mother reverted to her next heirs, John, Duke of Norfolk, and George Neville. Roland died on the Sunday next before St. Katherine, 1451. Roland, his son, age 25 years. [A further inquisition to the same effect held at Reygate, i.e. Reigate, Surrey, and a third at Stratford, Essex. J IBID. [Marches of Wales.] Held at Hereford, 1451. Shows that Henry V. granted Sir Roland Lenthal and Margaret his wife, the Castle and Town of Haverfordwest. IBID. [Hereford]. Held at Leominster, 1455. Shows that Hen. VI. granted Sir Roland Lenthal the Priory of Wotton, Warwick, the manors of Munkelane, Hereford, Westwortham, Norfolk, and Molkely, Warwick; Monkelane being part of the alien Piiory of Couches. Reversion to John, his son and his heir (by Lucy Grey) then to Alianora and her heirs, then to Elizabeth and her heirs, then to Katherine and her heirs, then to the right heir of Roland. This (the inquisition being partly illegible) as regards the payment of £20 annually from the " issues" of the County of Hereford. Roland, brother of John, heir to Sir Roland Lenthal. THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. ROLAND LENTHALL, Esq. [Exchequer. File 406. No. 2.] Held at Hereford, 1488. Said Roland was seized of Hampton by Hope with appurtenances, held of the King as parcel of the Earldom of March. He and Isabella his wife held the Manor of Munkelane conjointly. Roland died and Isabella survived him, and now holds the manor. Roland died s.p., John, his brother and heir, is aged 50 years. JOHN LENTALL, [Chancery. Vol. 13. No. 15. Salop.] Held at Bridgenorth, 1498. Elizabeth Beauchamp were seized of the Manor of Kemburton, and married Edward Nevill, and had issue George, Lord Bergavenny. They demised said manor to John Lentall for life. John, Lord Louche, is cousin and heir of said J ohn Lentall, to wit, son of Katherine, daughter of Lucy, mother of aforesaid John Lentall, and is 24 years of age. APPENDIX. 277 APPENDIX. Part II.— WILLS. [Following the order of the Text.] Sir Thomas Cornewall. 1500, penultimo die February." 16 Henry VIJ. Thomas Cornewall of Buryton in the parish of Eye, co. Hereford. To be buried in the chancel of the parish church of St. Peter the Apostle of Eye. To my three daughters, Matilda, Johan, and Alinore, I give one hundred marks apiece towards their marriage. The residue I give to my son Richard. The said Richard and Master Thomas Morton, Archdeacon of Hereford, I make executors, and Sir Thomas Cornewayle, Knight, Lord of Burford, my cousin, supervisor. Proved 13 May, 1501, by Master Thomas Morton, Archdeacon of Hereford, Thomas Cornewalle, Knight, Christopher Throkmerton, and Richard Cornewaile. P.C.C. 22 Moone. Dame Elynor Houghton, formerly Lowe, Mole [and Cornwall ?] Fryers Prechurs, Worcester. 1510, March 12. I, Dame Elynor Houghton, being of hole and perfyte mynde, &c. My bodye to be buryed in the church of the firyers prechurs in Worcester. I bequeath to the Greyffryers in London to pray for the soulle of my husband, whose body lyeth there buryed xxs. [Bequests to church and poor]. My nevew, Henry Knyght. An honest priest to sing in the parishe church of Envylde to pray for soule of Richard Lowe, Hugh Mole, Sir Thomas of Cornwall, and Sir William Houghton, my husbandis. To the Trinitie Chappell of Worcester, to John Wesborne the yonger, Anne Wesborne, his sister, Edmund Yate, and William Coke, my servants and Master Thomas Frethorne [sundry small bequests]. The residue to Henry Knyght, my nevew, and Master Thomas Frethorne, executors. My good lorde Bisshopp of Durham overseer. In witness whereof, &c. Proved at Lamehith the last day of May [1514], by Henry Knyght. Power reserved for the other executor. P.C.C. 34 Fetiplace. Sir George Cornewall, Knt. Hereford, &c. (P.C.C. 13 Chayre). Sir George Cornewall, Knight. I give to the Cathedral Church of Hereford iiijs. iiijd. To the church of Yee iijs. iiijd. To my cozin Willm. Nanfan, Esquire, and to the heires males of his a.d. 1562, Oct. 8. i.e., Eye. 278 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. bodie lawfullie begotten all my manors, lands, &c, in counties Lincoln and Hereford, except one yerelie rent of vjli. xiijs. iiijd. reserved out of my manor of Howton, co. Hereford. I will unto Marie, daughter of Sir John Bruddgs, late Lord San- dose, deceased, xli. yerelie out of my manor of Burington. To Elenor, my base sister, the wife of John Blunte, of Bromyard, junior, gent., the said yerelie rent out of the manor of Howton. To Raffe Eaton and Jane, his wife, xxli. yerelie during their lives, out of my landes, &c, belonging to the manor of Thonnocke, co. Lincoln. To Anthonie, daughter of the said Raffe Eaton, xxli. To Thomas Appowell of Whitchurch, gent., a house called Thambertofte, within the Forest i.e., Bicknor of Deane, and all my right, &c, in a tenement, &c, in Englishe Lycknor, at the yerelie rent of xs., to be paid into Monmouthe, his heirs, &c. Unto John Baker, als. Davies, my interest, &c, in two come mylnes, &c, of the Queenes lordship of Leomynster. I give unto Willm. Cornwall, gent., a yearly rent of ? Thonock, blank xxli. out of my manor of Th .... A deed of feoffment made by me of all in Register] the said manors, lands, &c, unto the use of the said Willm. Cornwall, delivered to the hands of Sir James Baskerville, Knight, safelie to be kept for diverse good and resonable considerations not to be delivered to the said Willm. To Edward Chell, my servante, Lowry, my servante, xls., &c. To John Blunt, junior, and Ealinor, his wife, all my estate, rights, &c, in the tithes of Westharnes, otherwise called The Grange, co. Hereff. To John Abbruggs, gent., my estate in the tithe of Bryreley. To Roberte Hyde, scholmaister of Lempster, my estate in the tithes of Stoke. Unto Thomas Dallowe my estate in the tithes of Stockton. To Sir James Baskerville, Knight, my estate in a house, &c, in St. Augustine's Greene, Bridstow, paying unto the Ladie Herberte, widow, vli. xs. Unto the said Willm. Cornwall my tente, my awnsinge, and my drome. The residue to Sir James Baskervile, Knt., John Baskervile, Richard Harforde, and Willm. Tomkens, Esquier, executors. Sir Roger Vaughan, Knt., and Thorns. Herberte, Esquier, overseers. Memorandum. That the executors hathe relinguished and yelded upp the probacon of this will to my Ladie Cornwall, the xxijth of November, 5 Elizabeth, in the persence of Edwarde Hexton, gent., Leonarde Maysey, Thomas Vaughan, Willm. Leighton, Willm. Adams, Richard Hill, James Baskervile, John Baskervile, Willm. Thompkins, Richarde Harforde. On the nth March, 1562, a Commission issued to Dame Mary Cornewall, the relict of the said deceased, the executors named renouncing. (P.C.C. 13 Chayre.) a.d. John Cornewall, of Berrington, co. Hereford. 1645. Nov. 13. (P.C.C. 164 Fines.) I give to my daughter Mary Cornewall, £100, and to my daughter Katherine Cornewall, £100, out of the £400 which lies in the hands of Sir Robert Cooke, of Huntingfield, which shall satisfie them for the £200 of theirs which was in the hands of John Powell, Esqre., of Bedsne. I give to my wife £40. To Anne APPENDIX. 279 Lettwicke £10. To my sonne John Cornewall £5. To my servant Edward Powell £5. And I doe appointe my sonne Humphrey Cornewall to be my executor. In witness whereof, &c. John Cornewall. Proved at London, 16 July, 1647, by Humfrey Cornewall, the son and executor named. (P.C.C. 164 Fines.) Humphry Cornewall. Humphry Cornewall of Berrington, May 23, 1633. To the poor of Eye £20. To James Cornewall, son, 20 nobles a year from Culner Meadow. In default of payment he to have right of entry. To Elizabeth Corne- wall, his grandchild, daughter of son John, the rent reserved on a Lease granted to Richard Jeffreys of Overton lands in Moreton. She to have " muntions " of said lands to her and her heirs provided she be ruled by my executors and her father ; if not £10 only and the lands to my right heirs. Daughter Elizabeth all lands in the manor of Stannage in co. Radnor, and all lands that belong to War- burton's farm, but if she die sans issue then said lands to revert to my right heirs. To each of his younger children £20 for a ring. Executors not to remove the " Standerds of my household table, and other articles of furniture, and to leave the ' Greene Chamber ' furnished to John," his eldest son. If said John pre- decease his wife Mary, then furniture to be hers. His wife Elizabeth and son James, Executors. Legacies to servants. Humphrey Cornewall of Ludlow, co. Salop. (P.C.C. 105 Exton). 1686, Feb. 11. I give to my daughter Egberow £5. To my daughter Bridgett £300. To my dau. Whitney £300. To my dau. Carolina £300. After my debts and legacies are paid the rest of my goods to be divided equally amongst my foure younger sonnes, viz., Cyriac, Wolfhran, Humphrey, and Edward. My house in Broad Lane, Ludlow, which I purchased of Mr. Bottrell, and the orchard I bought of William Pigg, gent. A plock of pasture ground, called the Wellins, in Sigmore field nere Moreton, co. Hereford, which I purchased of William Vale, of Moreton, and half an acre near Easebrooke gate in the Parke field which was purchased of Christopher Vale of Moreton. To the poor of Ludlow £5. My daughters Bridgett Cornewall and Carolina Conrewall executrixes. Codicil : To my son Humphrey Cornewall £8 a yere out of my house in Brand Lane, &c. My daughter Agborrough to assist my executors. 18 Feb., 1687. Proved at London, 3 Aug., 1688, by Bridgett Cornwall and Caroline Corn- Wall, the daughters and executrixes. (P.C.C. 105 Exton.) 280 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Vice-Admiral Charles Cornewall. of Berrington, co. Hereford. (P.C.C. 4 Browning.) 1716, Dec. 22. I give to my daughter Henrietta and every other of my daughters £1,000 at marriage or age of 21. Unto my son Job and each of my younger sons £40 a year. My brother-in-law, William Hanmer, of Fenns, co. Flint, Esq., my uncle William Hanmer, rector of Worthen, co. Salop, my uncle Cyriack Cornewall, of Castleton, in par. of Eye, co Hereford, Esq., my aunt Agberow, of Mooreton in said par. of Eye, widow, and my brother-in-law Job Hanmer, of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, Esq., trustees. My sons Robert and Job. My brother Henry Cornewall £50 a year for life. My brother Frederick Cornewall in remainder. I appoint my son Robert sole executor. Proved at London, 26 Jan., 1718-9, by Robeit Cornewall, the son and executor named. In margin : Honorabilis vivi Caroli Cornewall, Arm, Vice Admiralli. (P.C.C. 4 Browning. Cyriac Cornewall of Eye, co. Hereford. (P.C.C. 79 Browning.) 1 717, March 11. In the Name of God, Amen. I, Cyriac Cornewall, of Eye, co. Hereford, being in perfect health, &c. I give to my nephew Fred. Cornewall, clerk, £500 if I die without child. To my wife Martha Cornewall alias Bezant all my freehold during her life and after her decease to my said nephew, &c. My said wife Martha sole executrix and residuary legatee, not i720[ Proved at London, 8 May, 1719, by Martha Cornewall, widow, the relict and executrix named. On 25 Aug., 1721, a commission issued to John Davies, the husband and administrator of the goods of Martha Davies alias Cornewall, deceased, whilst living the relict and executrix of the said Cyriac Cornewall, to administer the goods left unadministered. &c. On 29th Nov., 1743, power was granted to Theophila Vaughan (wife of Alexander Vaughan), the daughter, next of kin, and administrator of the goods unadministered of Martha Davies, otherwise Cornewall (wife of John Davies), deed, (whilst living) the relict and executiix, &c, of Cyriac CorNEWALL, late of Eye, co. Hereford, deceased, to administer the goods left unadministered, &c. (P.C.C. 79 Browning.) Robt. Cornewall, of Ludlow. To be buried at Eye. To my eldest son, Charles, who is plentifully provided for, 20 shillings for mourning ring. To my son, Frederick, his heirs and assigns, my house in Ludlow, Barneby House, with the Close adjoining. He to be soleExor. To sons Henry and George £20 to buy mourning. Poor of Eye £8. Poor of Ludlow £5. To my servant Mrs. Elianor Phillips, £20, with sundry goods and furniture. She to occupy my house for 3 months after my decease. Dated Oct. 18, 1704. Proved at Ludlow, 1 Jan. 22, 1705. APPENDIX. 28l Coi.. Charles Jenkinson, d. 1750, and Amarantha, his wife, d. 1785, father and mother of the 1st Earl of Liverpool and of the wife of Speaker C. W. Cornewall. Charles Jenkinson, of " Whitchwood Forrest," co. Oxford, Esq. Proved 26 March, 1751. (P.C.C. 83 Busby). ' 1749-50," Feb. 14. I, Charles Jenkinson, of Whitch Wood Forrest, co Oxford, Esquire, " weak and infirm," &c. To be buried at the parish church of Shipton-under-Whitch Wood, if I shall happen to die at my Lodge in Whitch Wood Forrest. I do confirm the Deed of Settlement made upon my marriage with my beloved wife Amarantha, and give unto her all my freehold lands, &c, whatsoever, and all my goods, &c, whatsoever, not the least doubting of her care of our children, &c, and I make my said wife sole Executrix. (Signed) Chas. Jenkinson. Proved at London, 26 March, 1751, by Amarantha Jenkinson, widow, the relict and sole Executrix named. (P.C.C. 83 Busby.) Amarantha Jenkinson, Winchester, Hants. Proved 9 August, 1785. (P.C.C. 428 Ducarel. 1770, Jan. 5. In the Name of God, Amen. I, Amarantha Jenkinson, near the City of Winchester, co. Southampton, widow, &c. To be buried in the parish church of St. Thomas in Winchester, near my dear daughter. I give to my daughter Elizabeth, wife of Charles Wolfran Cornewall, £2,000 Stock. To my son Charles, he having had already his aunt Betty Cornewall's legacy, £100 and my silver cup. To my son John £700 Stock, he also having had his aunt Betty Cornwall's legacy. My executrix to put up a Monument to my late dear husband and mother in the parish church of Shipton in Oxfordshire. All the rest and residue I give to my daughter Jane, sole executrix. (Signed) Amarantha Jenkinson. Codicil, 15 Jan., 1780. The sums bequeathed to my daughter Elizabeth and son John to be understood as in Stock at the average price at which it shall stand, &c. Proved at London, 9 Aug., 1785, by Jane Jenkinson, spinster, the daughter of the deceased and sole executrix named. (P.C.C. 428 Ducarel.) [The above are the Wills of the Berrington Cornewalls. The following relate to the Barons of Burford. Elizabeth, Widow of Thomas, Baron of Burford. 1489, Jan. 3. In Dei Nomine, Amen. I, Elizabeth Cornewell in my good mynde and remembrance make my Will, &c. My body to be buryed in the churche of Saint 282 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Bristol.] Marke, within the chapell of Saint Nicholas. To our moder chirch our Lady of Worcetr. iiijd., &c. To the Abbey of Augustine, vjs. viijd. Unto the bilding of the tower of Boroughford, &c, xxxli. To the house of Saint Marke by Bristowe, &c, xxli. Unto my son Edmund Kornewelle, my daughter his wif, his eldestd daughter, his youngest daughter, to Jenet Ive, my god daughter Elizabeth Chip- peman, Maryon Kachema, Jane ap Hopton, Margaret Dolle, Anne Went, Johane Blewet, Ser John Randolf, brother of the gauntis, my servant Richard Went, Ser Philip A. Beynam, my godson Moryce Holyday, my servant John Penson and his wif, Thomas Penson and his wif, my godson Edmond Penson and his wif [sundry small bequests]. The residue of all my goodes I bequeth unto Ser Edmond Cornewell, Knyght, Ser John Randolf and Richard Went, to dispose as it shall seme nedefull for my soule, executors. Proved at Lamebith, 6 June, 1489, by Humfrey Holt, proctor for the executors named. (P.C.C. 23 Milles.) Thomas Cornewall, of Haverhill. 1497, Jan. 20. To the parson of Kedyngton and the parson of Littel Woothing, xs. &c. To John my sonne my place in Litell Walden to him and to his sone that he hadde by his first wif. To Robert my sone my place in Haverhill, lands, &c, in Haverhill, Sturmer, Kedyngton, and Woothing, remainder to Edmunde my sone, Thomas my sone, and Henry my sone. To Nicholas my sone my lands, &c, in Thaxstede [Essex.] To Agnes and Elizabet my daughters xiijs. iiijd. apice, &c. Sir John Frankelyng, Robert Cornewall, Thomas Newman, and Nicholas Cornewall my sone executors. Writen by the hande of Thomas Cornewall. Proved at Lamebith, 14 Nov., 1499, by the executors named. (P.C.C. 7 Moone.) Rev. Richard Cornewall. 1566, March 8. I, Richard Cornewall, clerk, being sick in boddie, &c. To be burried in the chauncell of Humber. I give my kinsman Edward £10. To Richard his yonger brother £10. To Alice my kinswooman £10. To Ursula my kinswooman £10. To Jane my kinswoman, Elizabeth my kinswoman, my kinsman Ellis, William my kinsman, Johan my kinswoman, John my kinsman, Richard my kinsman and Thomas my kinsman, £10 apiece. Moreover, I doo nominate and appoint the said Thomas my sole executor to gather and receive all theis my legacies of Master Richard Hereford, Esq., and Mr. Blande of Worcestour for the rents of my prebend of Ynckeborowe. I give to Henrye Robbins £10. Theis beinge witnesses, Richard Cornewall, Henrie Johnsons, clerk, GEorg Harford, laborer, and Elinor the wife of William Yvers. Proved at London 15 May, 1566, by John Cornewall, proctor for Thomas Cornewall, the executor named. On 28 Oct., 1566, administration with the will annexed was granted to Richard Robins. [No relationship or reason stated.] (P.CC. 12 Grymes.) APPENDIX. 283 APPENDIX. Part III.— ADDENDA AND ERRATA. Page 1. — " Cornwall " is evidently the Saxon rendering of Cornouaille. There is still a Cornouaille in Brittany, opposite Cornwall, and the Bretons, like the Cornish, are Celtic. We remark that the name Comewall was more frequently spelt Cornewaile, and sometimes Cornouaille itself in old documents. Page 28. — Footnote. Concerning the identity of Richard de Cornewall and his sister Joan, wife of Sir John Howard, refer to page 161. Page 51. — The statement that the evidence of arms tells in favour of the legitimate theory must be largely qualified ; for in Sir Harris Nicholas' Roll of Arms, r3o8, the arms of Edmund, Earl of Cornewall, are given among the list of peerages abattu, i.e., extinct. This tells against the legitimate theory. Page 70. — It seems tolerably certain that it was Fulc Lee, not Thomas Lee, who married Eleanor Cornewall (refer to page 84). The inquisition and will of Sir Thomas Cornewall of Berrington and Thonock have already been given. For Thornock read Thonock. Page 74. — For Visitation of r934 read 1634. Page 80.— A William Cornwall mentioned in 1640 as a recusant. Query of Buckland ? Page 84. — Footnote. " The spurious Reade Baronet." This refers to the Baronetcy of Reade of Brocket Hall — date of Patent, 1642 — extinct, not to that of Barton (or Shipton Court), which still survives in Sir George Compton Reade, ninth Baronet — creation 1660. Page 85. — Sep. 18, 1620. Sir Robert Harley wrote to Humphry Cornewall and others reminding them to nominate a Collector of the loan for Bohemia in the Hundred of Wolphy. — Hist. MSS. Comm., r4th Report, Part II. Page 90. — Elizabeth Humphreys was of the family of Humphreys of Pennant in Montgomeryshire. The heiress of that house marrying Richard Price of Knighton became ancestress of Sir Richard Green Price, Bart. Page 91. — In the key pedigree the descending line from Col. Charles Jenkinson should fall on Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool, and not on his first wife, Amelia Watts. Page 93. — March 6, 1700. Letter of Charles Cornewall to Robert Harley at Westminster, announces his intention to stand for Herefordshire at the next election. — Hist. MSS. C, 14th Report, Appendix, Part II. Ibid. — Nov. 2, 1700. Lord Weymouth to Robert Harley, " I hear there will be a contest in your County, and that you are inclinable to Captain Cornewall, which will go a great way with me. I beg you let me know which side is most likely to prevail with your freeholders." — Hist. MSS. C, 14th Report, Appendix II. Page 93. — Charles Cornewall to Robert Harley, at Lincolns Inn, writes concerning which of them should stand as Knight for the County of Hereford. — Hist. MSS. C, 14th Report, Appendix II. 284 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Ibid. — Viscount Weymouth to Robert Harley, Nov. 15, Longleat. " The affair at Weobley has hitherto noe ill prospect, but Mr. Birch threatens law. Colonel Cornewall concerns himself much there in opposition to me, which I have not deserved of him, nor shall much apprehend." — Hist. MSS. Commission, 14th Report, Appendix, Part II. Ibid. — The same to the same, Dec. 3. " By the mismanagement of my agents our cake is dough at Weobley, etc." Page 94. — Charles Cornewall to Robert Harley, 1700-1, Jan. 5, Moccas. " Since by a letter from Lord Coningsby I observe you cannot be prevailed with to declare for me, I have consulted my friends and have resolved to poll it to the last man, provided you will give me an assurance that you will not be against me, and thereby give friends a liberty to dispose of themselves, and me to engage what I can of them." Ibid. — Sir Herbert Croft to Robert Harley. " We shall have no contest in the County as Captain (sic) Cornewall has resolved to desist, etc." — Hist. MSS. C, 15th Report, Appendix, Part. 4- Ibid.— Abigail Harley to Edward Harley at Ch. Ch., Oxford. " I wont pretend to say who will be chose at Weobley. To the great joy of that noble Corporation there are 3 Candidates. Sir John Germain has sent an agent who with the help of Captain Charles Cornewall hopes to do wonders." Page roi. — Letter of Sir Edward Harley. " I received great civilitye from Sir J. Morgan, Sir John Barneby, etc., and particularly from Captain Edward Cornewall." — Hist. MSS. C, 14th Report, Appendix, Part II. Page ro3.— Robert Harley to Sir Edward Harley. " Colonel Cornewall and his little son are at Moccas."— Hist. MSS. C, 14th Report, Part II. Page 125. — Richard Knight to Robert Harley, 1710, April 4. "Sir Joseph Jekyll had no respect showed him, but was affronted rather, and suspected somebody put aquafortis on his coach traces, for it fell in in Bromfield ; and to gain more respect he ordered Mr. Cornewall to be prosecuted for the sermon he preached at Poole, but the Grand Jury refused, though Sir Joseph pressed it with some zeal not becoming his high station. Mr. Cornewall preached the same sermon before the Judges at Salop with applause. The text, Psalm 94, 16, " Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers, etc." — R. Hist MSS. C, 15th Report, Appendix, Part IV. Page 144. — The relationship between the Mortimers, Barons of Wigmore — later Earls of March — and the Mortimers, Barons of Richard's Castle, has been deemed obscure, if not doubtful. It is suggested that Robert de Mortimer, who by Margaret de Say, obtained the Barony of Richard's Castle, was son of Hugh de Mortimer, Baron of Wigmore by Matilda, daughter of William de Longespee, and grandson of Ralph de Mortimer, Baron of Wigmore, Temp. William I. If that be so, he was the youngest brother of Roger de Mortimer, Baron of Wigmore, who died in 1215. This remains sub judice. Page 160. — The escheats relating to Geoffrey de Cornewall referring to the Manors of Thorpe and Norton are dated 17 Edw. III., and that relating to Margaret, his widow, 22 Edw. III. Page r6o. — The various escheats seem to indicate that Baker was wrong in assigning Geoffrey a wife. Richard, or Sir Richard — his knighthood is doubtful — was, as stated, served heir of Margaret, but that was of his mother, Margaret de Mortimer, not of a supposed sister-in-law. Dr. Marshall and Judge Bayley were therefore right in assuming that Geoffrey died unmarried and probably also young. The key pedigree, p. 154, is correct as regards this item. APPENDIX. 285 Page 162. — The Seymours at this period were Lords of Brockbury, now Brobury, aad also of Yatton, a Sub-manor of Much Marcle. (Refer to Duncumb's Herefordshire, and its continuation by Judge Cooke.) Page 189. — Key pedigree. For the statement that Sir Roland Cornewall had three daughters, refer to Harl. MSS., 1984, fol. 199, 6. But this may be in confusion with Sir Thomas Cornewall of Berrington, who also had three daughters. Page 199. — The grant of wine to Elizabeth Lenthal, wife of Baron Thomas Cornewall, was from Hen. V.— not Hen. VI. Page 199. — The inscription on the ancient Hampton Court portrait of King Henry IV. states {vide p. 193) that he gave the picture to Lenthal, who sold it to Cornewall of Burford, who sold it to the ancestor of the Lord Coningsby, temp, Hen. VI. So far as the portrait goes this may be correct, although it is most unlikely — indeed, impossible — that the attainted Baron of Burford could have sold it to a Coningsby. The portrait went with the Court, and the devolution of that mansion and demesne seems obscure. The Inquisitions cited above show that Hampton Court passed from Sir Roland Lenthal, its builder, to his eldest son by his second wife Lucy Grey, viz. Roland Lenthall, who, dying s.p. in 1488, it passed to his brother, John Lenthal. He died s.p. in 1498, and as to Kemberton Lord Zouche, heir of his eldest sister, Lady Zouche, was served his heir. This we learn from the Salop Inquisition. Unfortunately there can be found no Hereford Inquisition on John Lenthal, and also no will. It is possible that the Hampton Court estate may have been divided between his three sisters, in which case Sir Thomas Cornewall, as representing his grandmother, would have inherited a share which seems to have been purchased by the Coningsbys, circa 1510. He must have had a motive in aliening his estates of Cornewall Ever, Bucks, and Norton and Thorpe, Northants. We know, however, by evidence already adduced, that he was ex- travagant, and no doubt to be attached to the Court of penurious Henry VII. involved heavy expenses. It seems virtually certain that at least a moiety of Hampton Court was owned by Sir Thomas Cornewall between 1498 and 1510, but whether by descent, or, as the inscription on the portrait suggests, by purchase, cannot be determined. Page 201. — 1443 as the date of the death of Roland Lenthal is an error for 1488. Page 201. — John Lenthal, who died s.p. 1498 (vide key pedigree), married Anne Bessils of Bessilsleigh, Berks. Page 202. — Footnote. This accidentally repeats what has already been stated in the text. Page 207. — Lysons — Devon — asserts that the Pollards purchased King's Nympnet temp. Hen. V. This is erroneous ; we have not been able to assign a date to the transfer from the Cornewalls to the Pollards. It may have been as early as 1473, but more probably the Manor was one of those aliened by Sir Thomas Cornewall, prior to 15 10. Page 207. — In the Feet of Fines, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, is a final concord between Edmund Corne- wall, Richard and Edmund Wygmore, complainants, and Roger Hopwood with Katherine his wife, deforciants, concerning the Manor of Milton with appurtenances. Deforciants owned the premises to be the right of Cornewall as those which he and the others had of their gift. For this quit-claim Baron Edmund Cornewall gave £40. He was apparently first cousin of the Wygmore complainants. Page 207. — In the pedigree of the Hopwoods of Pembridge Eleanor Cornewall is given as the wife, not of Roger Vaughan, but of John Wigmore, who died in 1545. Roger Vaughan may have been 286 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. her first husband — but query ? She is entered as wife of John Wygmore and as "Eleanor filia Baronis De Burford." — Refer also to Eyton's Salop. Page 215. — For " have already been stated " read " has already been stated." Page 215. — " whose ancestry from the De Bramptons have." Read for " have," " has." Page 216. — " wife of Sir Thomas Cornewall, the Eleventh Baron." For "eleventh" read "twelfth." Page 217. — In the Life of Prince Henry, by Dr. Birch, Secretary of the Royal Society, Sir Thomas Cornewall is styled " Gentleman of the Privy Chamber Extraordinary." Page 223. — Key pedigree. For " Lyttleton " read " Lyttelton." Page 223. — The key pedigree unfortunately is confused owing to the retention of horizontal lines, which should have been omitted, e.g., omit horizontal line from " Martha " (line 3) and from " Sarah " (line 4). Omit horizontal line from " Margaret " and perpendicular line between " Hare " and " Clarke," and insert perpendicular line from " Susanna " to " Rachel." With these too numerous corrections the key pedigree will be found to give a correct precis of the descent. Page 227. — For " Ravensthorpe " read " Raventhorpe." Page 228. — Royal Descent. For " Sir R. Lytton of Kenilworth " read " Sir R. Lytton of Knebworth." Page 233.— The date of Elizabeth Reade's birth must have been later than 1599. The EUzabeth Reade baptised in August of that year at St. Helens, Abingdon, was daughter of a gentleman of Wallingford resident in that town, and not of Barton House. He was ancestor of the Berk- shire Loders, but was not related to the Barton Reades. Page 235. — Footnote. For the Hendon monument refer infra— Unlinked Lines — to " Cornwall of Elstead." Page 235. — Footnote. For " Sir Gilbert Cornewall's mother " read " John Cornewall's mother." Page 237. — Footnote. This should be starred to Sir Compton Reade — line 4. Omit star to "Anne " on the last line of the text. Page 243. — Hist. MSS. Commission, 14th Report, Vol. III. Portland MSS., p. 401. Robert Harley to Sir Edward Harley, Sep. 5, 1687. " I hear, the Baron of Burford is not Knighted." This was Thomas, the penultimate Baron whose mesalliance may fully account for his having been passed over. There remains the problem concerning the date when the field ermine was assumed by the Barons. It appears to have been borne by Sir John Cornewall, father of Lord Fanhope, who also bore it. But it did] not displace the argent of the original field with the Barons for several generations later, and at the " Field of the Cloth of Gold " Baron Sir Thomas Cornewall's coat is given with the field argent, not ermine. The arms of the Barons of Burford are absent from Glover's and Charles' Roll, also from the Second Calais Roll of Notes and Queries, Oct. 23, 1875. INDEX OF PERSONS. INDEX OF PERSONS. 287 Adams, Charles James Mary C. Sir R. . . Aogar, Mary Agberow, Alexander II., King of Scotland Alfonso, King of Castile Almaine, Henry of Alneto, de, Amice Jordon Ampthill Amyand, Anna Maria (Lady) Anne Benjamin Catherine Charles Claudius (Rev.) Daniel (Sir) George Harriet M. Isaac John Judith Magdalen Mary Mary C. Rachel M. Audelet, Catherine John Andrews, Bishop Angoulesme, d' Aymer Taillefer (Count Isabella Jean (Count of) Arragon, King of Arthur, Prince of Wales Arundel, Anne Sir John Richard (Earl of) . . Sir Richard Thomas (Lord) Arundell, de, Arundell, Constance Humphry Sir John Maude Arvennes, d', John Ashton, Judith Rev. Assheton, Nichs. Avesnes, d', John Bailey, Mary Baldwyn, Anne Richard Mrs. Balliol, de, Alexander Hugh PAGE. 120 I20 I20 120 133 93 183 18, 19 20, 21 56 56 100, iog, 100, 109, 118, [8, 119, ig, 120, 288 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Banister, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 George .. .. .. .. .. .. 261 Bankes, Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 Bardolph, Isolda . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Barneby, Bridget . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. .. 221 John . . . . . . . . . . . . 221, 222, 223, 228 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 86 Joyce .. .. .. .. .. 228 Katherina . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Katherine . . . . . . . . 86, 223, 225, 228 Mary . . . . . . . . . . 73, 86, 100 Ursula . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Barre, Alesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Elizabeth .. .. .. .. 48, 189, 191, 193, 196 Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Joan .. .. .. .. .. • 193 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 194 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189, 191 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 193 Barre, de la, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Ankaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Edmund . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 192, 195, 197, 202 Hawise . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Idonea . . . . . . . . . . . . 192, 194 Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . 192, 193 Joan .. .. .. .. .. .. 192 Johanna .. .. .. .. .. .. 192 Sir John . . . . . . . . . . 192, 194, 202 Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Barrell, Francis. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 Barrington, John .. .. .. .. .. .. 135 Barrowe, Jane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Richard . . . . . . . . . . 70, 83 Baskerville, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Bridget .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 George . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Jane .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Joan . . . . . . . . . . 76, 131 Johanna . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sir John . . . . . . . . . . 78, 131 Ralph (Raffe) .. .. .. .. .. 76, 78 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sir Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Robert .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Sir Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sibilla .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Walter .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Sir Walter .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Basse, John . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Bassett, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ralph (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Baugh, Eleanor . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 INDEX OF PERSONS. 289 PAGE. Baugh, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 137 Rowland . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 137 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Bayley, Francis .. .. .. .. .. .. 118, 123 Louisa Frances .. .. .. .. .. .. 118, 123 Baynham, Alice .. .. .. .. .. .. 215 Sir Christopher . . . . . . . . . . 215 Beauchamp, Eleanor . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 John (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Margaret .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Richard (Earl of Warwick) . . . . . . . . 176, 219 Sir Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Thomas (Earl of Warwick) . . . . . . . . 152, 162 Beaufort, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Edmund .. .. .. .. .. .. 219 John (Earl of Somerset) .. .. .. .. .. 172 John .. .. .. .. .. .. 218 Beaumont, Elizabeth (Lady) . . . . . . . . . . 107 Beaumont de, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Bedford, George (Duke of ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 John (Duke of) .. .. .. .. .. .. 170, 180 Belesme, de, Mabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Belknap, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Caroline Augusta . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Benson, Catherine .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Bere, de la, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 69 Johanna . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Kynard . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Sir Richard . . . . . . . . . . 54, 69, 70, 76, Berenger L, King of Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 II., do. . . . . . . . ■ . . . . 206 Berkeley, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Charles (Earl of) . . .. .. .. .. .. no Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Eva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Henry .. .. .. .. .. .. no Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 131, 132 James (Lord) .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Hon. James .. .. .. .. .. 100, 104, no Sir James .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Lionel Spencer . . . . . . . . . . . . no Margaret .. .. .. .. .. .. no, 132 Mary .. .. .. .. .. 100, 104, no Maurice (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Nicholas Lionel .. .. .. .. .. .. no Thomas (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Velters Cornewall .. .. .. .. .. no Berkeley de, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 39 Maurice (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 39 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 39 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Berners, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Francis .. .. .. .. .. .. 164 Joane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164 Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 29O THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Berners, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Berrington, Ann .. .. .. .. .. .. 254 Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Bezant, Martha . . .. .. .. .. .. 73, 89 Bigod, Roger (Earl of Norfolk) . . . . . . . . . . 28 Blakett, or Blackett, Anne .. .. .. .. ..78, 131 Sir John . . . . . . . . 78, 131 Blackburne, John . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Blackrie, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Blencowe, Rev. C. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Rev. Canon . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Blount (Blunte / Anne .. .. .. .. .. .. 189, 202 or Blunt) \ Eleanor (Elenor) . . . . . . . . 77, 81 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 132 Humphry . . . . . . . . . . 68 Isabella . . . . . . . . . . 54, 68 John . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Sir John . . . . . . . . . . 54, 68 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . 189, 202 Blount, le, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Bluett, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Blundell, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Bockland, John .. .. .. .. .. .. 215 Bodrugan, de John .. .. .. .. .. .. 161, 162 Sir Otho . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Sibilla . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 162 Bohun, de Alianora . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Humphrey (Earl of Northampton) . . . . . . . . 200 Humphry (Earl of Hereford) . . . . . . . . 200 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Boldero, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Sophia . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Boleyn, (Queen) Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Booth, Sir George . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Botetort, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Joyce.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 Botiler, Sir William . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Boulogne, de, Ida . . . . . . . . . . 6 (note) Matilda . . . . . . . . . . 6 (note) (Count of) Eustace . . . . . . . . 6 (note) Reginald . . . . . . . . . . 6 (note) Bourbon, de, Louis (Count of Vendome) . . . . . . 173, 176, 177 Bourchier, Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 193, 194 Boure, Matilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154. 161 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 154, 161 Bowyer, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Sir William . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Bradshaw, Cicely . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. 73. 85, 86 Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 James . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 John . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 86 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . • • 85 William .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Brampton de, Alice . . . . . . . . . . • . 5*> (Brompton) Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 INDEX OF PERSONS. Brampton de, Brian (or Brien) Sir Brian Elizabeth Emma Henry Hugh Joan John Margaret Margery Matilda Maud Roger Simon Walter Sir Walter . . Braose, de, Eva (Brewes) Joan John Sir John Matilda Maud William Bray, Dorothy E Edmund George Jane (Lord) John Mary Brayboc, Christian Henry Brereton, Urian Bretagne, Alan Bertha Brian Ha wise Stephen Breus, Johanna. . John Brito, Isabel Sir Robert Brittany, John (Duke of) . . Peter (Count of) . . Brocket, Helen Sir John John Mary Bromwich, Maud Sir Thomas Brooke, Letitia Sir Richard Brooksbank, Sarah Bruges, a, / Alice (Brydges) (Anne Sir Baldwin Catherine Dorothy Edmund Elizabeth Florence Sir Giles Isabel Joan Johanna John 291 PAGE. 56, 57 57, 58, 59 54, 57, 60, 65, 69, 75 57, 58 57 57 57 56, 57, 58 56, 59 56 56 57, 58 56 56 59 57 58 54, 71, 72 54, 7i, 72 54, 7i 56 58 58 83 100 83, 109 252 100, 109 83 252 78 78 76 (and note) 3 2 (note) 1, 2 (note) 2 (note) 2 (note) 64 64 85 85 166 8 229 229 233 229 78 78 246 246 257 257 83 190 83 83 83 83 78, 83 83 83 83 131 64 64, 78, 79, 82, 131 292 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Bruges a, Sir John Mary Sarah Sir Simon Thomas Sir Thomas Brun, le, Hugh . . Isabella Burgh, Sir Thomas Burgh, de, Hubert (Earl of Kent) Hugh (Earl of Kent) Margaret Burghersh, Elizabeth Burleigh, Sir John Burley, Joan Sir Richard Burli, de, Roger Burton, Rev. J. R. J E . . Butcher, Elizabeth Bykenore, de, Joan (Bicknor) 1 Sir Thomas Campbell, Margaret Canterbury, John (Archbishop of) Capull, Richard Carew, F B H Mary Fanny Carey, Case, Constance John Ashton Castell, John Cater, Edward Hyde Rose Caulfield, Fanny Harriet Francis St. George Cavendish, Edith Selina Henry Cecil, Henry Chabanes, de, Sir John Chambernon (or / Sir Henry Champernonne) \ Joan Sir Richard Chandos, Edmund (Lord) . . Elizabeth John (Lord) Sir John (Lord) . . Mary Charlemagne, Emperor Charles I. (King of England) Charles VI. (King of France) Charlton, Sir Francis Chastel, de, Thanequy Chilham, de, Richard Clannock, Elizabeth Sir Peter Clare de, Amicia Eleanor Eva Gilbert (Earl Marshall) Isabel Margaret (Countess of Cornwall) Maud Richard (Earl of Gloucester) do. (Earl of Hereford) Roger Clarke (or Clerke), Annie PAGE. 83 73, 79, 82, 83, 85 82 83 83 83 61, 206 61, 206 62, 65 5 183 183 205 59 59 193 78 191 190 124 145, 151, 156, 160 145, I5i, 156, 160 260 185 79 124 124 261 248 248 245 139 139 124, T38 138, 139 [24, 138, 139 247 247 98 177 37, 4i 34 34, 37, 41 83 83 83 80 80, 83 205 229 [71, 172, 176 134 171 61 192 192 11 8, 10, 200, 25 8, 10, 11, 25, 58, 8, 10, 11, 17, 20, 25 25, 27, 28, 29, 52, 53 25, 202 , 58 205 , 58 , 55 25 27 25 200 106 INDEX OF PERSONS. 293 Clarke (or Clerke), Edith . . Sir George G John Clarell, Sir Thomas Clarence, Lionel (Duke of) Clanvowe, Thomas Claveryng, Sir Alan Clifford, Catherine James . . Margaret Clifford, de, Lucy Rosamond Walter Clive, Edward (Viscount) Robert Henry Cobham, Joan . . John .. Codrington, Mary Thomas Coke, Bridget . . Sir Edward John Robert Winifred . . Combes, Edward Joyce . . Comyn, Alexander Alice . . Joan . . John . . Conrad (Archbishop of Cologne) Constance, Robert Conway, Viscount Conyngham, Henry (Lieut. -Gen.) Corbet, Anne Beatrice Eleanor Elizabeth Emma . . Isabel . . Jane Margaret Peter . . Sir Richard Robert Sir Robert Roger . . Sir Roger Sibill or Sibella Thomas William Corbyn, Margaret Thomas Cornewall (Cornewayl f Ada Mary Cecil Cornewaile, or < Alan Gardner Cornwall) (, Alan Kingscote Alan Whitmore Alfred Alianore Alice Alice Louisa Alicia Amarantha Amy Ann Anna PAGE. I90 190 223 106 63 166 192 l62 83 83 195 .. I44, 152 I44 •• 144, 152 138 138 20O 71, 72 34 34 87, 88 87, 88 185 88 88 209 209 61 61 61 61 . . 18, 19, 21 48 232 106 205, 206, 207, 208 58, 59 59 54, 206, 208 57, 59 59 84 132 59, 78 203, 205, 206, 208 84 3, 189 54, 59 206 3, 78 57, 58, 59 132 132 132 140 260 226, 260 260 220, 223, 225 84 84, 191, 192 260 189 73, 90, 95 n8, 123, 195 •• 253, 254 252, 256 294 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Cornewall (Cornewayl Cornewaile, or Cornwall) Anna Elizabeth Anna Maria . . Annabella Anne 73, 83, 85, 86, 87, 1 PAGE. *.* .. 247 95, 118, 119, i2i, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247 .. .. .. 74, 99 202, 207, 208, 209, 212, 219, 220, 22r, 73 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 231, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244 247 129 260 258, 259 261 257 73, 90, 91, 95 73, 89, 92 195 191 223, 225 73, 89, 90, 92, too, 118, 119, 121 260 260 118, 122 102 119, 121, 195, 228, 243, 244, 254 118, 122 118, 119, 121 140 189, 191 74, 85, 92, 94, 95, 103, 124, 125 73, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98 Il8, 119, I2T 26l, 262 140, 141 Commons) 74, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 137 124, 138, 260, 261 139 140 261 261 260 73, 74, 89, 93, 94 73, 93, 98, 99, 223, 234, 238, 239 73, 74, 92, 247, 252, 261 247 193, 194, 198, 207, 209, 210, Anne Elizabeth Anne Hamilton Ashley Augusta Augusta Caroline Bathshua Bette(y) Bridget Bryan Bryan (Sir) Caralina (or Carolina) Caroline Caroline Augusta Caroline Marianne Caroline Selina Catharine Catherine . . 87, 109, 110, 11 Catherine Elizabeth Catherine Frances Cecil Cecilia Charles (Vice Admiral) Charles Amyand Charles Herbert Charles Somerset Herbert Charles Wolfran (Speaker of House of Charlotte Charlotte Augusta Charlotte Henrietta Charlotte Susan Clare Emily . . Clement Francis Cyriac Dorothy Edith Edith Selina . . Edmund (Edmond) 1 190, 191, 192, 2TT, (note), 212, 2T3, 214, 215, 216, 222, 223, 226, 231, 234, 235, 238, 239, 247 (Sir) . . 189, 196, 199, 2or, 202, 203, 207, 208 Edmund Septimus . . . . . . ■ • 260 Edmund William . . . . . . . . 261 Edward 73, 86, 88, 92, 100. 101, 102, 103, 164, 209, 215, 216, 217, 232, 238, 239, 243 Effie Esme . . . . . . . . ■ ■ 261 Elenor, (Eleanor, or Elinor) 77, 189, 195, 196, 207, 248, 252, 254 Ellen . . . . . . . . . . 140 Ellen Frances . . . . . . . . 259 Ellen May . . . . . . . . . . 140 Elianore . . . . . . . . . . 256 Elizabeth 73, 74, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92, 96, 97, 124, 125, 140, 164, T89, 191, 193, 194, 195, 199, 20T, 202, 207, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 233, 234, 234, 237, 238, 239, 240 (note), 241, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 261 Elizabeth Carey . . . . . . . . 262 Emma Emily Emily Susan Esther Evelyn 74, 98, 99, 248 261 260 256 247 INDEX OF PERSONS. 295 PAGE. Cornewall (Cornewayl Fanny Harriet . . . . . . . . 124, 138 Cornewaile, or Frances .. 73, 100, 102, 124, 125, 129, 135, 164, 247, 252 Cornwall) Frances Anne .. .. .. .. 118, 122 Frances Elinor . . . . . . . . 247 Frances Elizabeth .. .. .. 118, 119, 121 Francis . . 85, 86, 223, 234, 235, 238, 243, 244 Francis (Sir) .. .. .. .. 209, 215, 216 Francis A .. .. .. .. 118 Folliott Herbert . . . . . . . . 127, 136 Folliott Herbert Walker (Bishop of Worcester) 124, 129, 133, 134, 136, 137 Frederick 92, 93, 118, 124, 125, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 171 (Lieut., R.N.) 111, 114, 117, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 145, 146, 148 (Rev.) . . . . 73, 124, 125, 126, 127 Frederick Hamilton (Colonel) .. 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139 Frederick Henry .. .. .. 100, 109, no Frederick Talbot . . . . . . . . 140 Frederick Walker . . . . . . . . 135, 136 Geoffrey or Geoffry .. .. .. 118. 123, 191, 223, 226 (Sir) . . . . . . . . 191 George 73, 77, 79, 86, 92, 164, 220, 223, 224, 225, 227, 241, 243, 244, 252, 253 (Sir) 73, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 99, 102, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 232 George Arthur .. .. .. .. 118, 123 George Henry (Rev. Sir) . . . . . . 118, 122, 123 Gertrude . . . . . . . . . . 223, 225 Gertrude Mary . . . . . . . . 247 Gilbert . . . . 73, 86, 223, 224, 234, 238, 239 (Sir) 86, 219, 221, 223, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 255 Gilbert Edward . . . . . . . . 260 Giles . . . . . . . . . . 189, 201 Grace . . . . . . . . . . 252 Hannah .. .. 118, 121, 223, 227, 234, 238, 239, 256 Harriet .. .. .. .. 118, 119, 121, 248 Harriet Beatrice . . . . . . . . 247 Harriet Elizabeth . . . . . . . . 261 Harriet Louisa . . . . . . . . 260 Hellen . . . . . . . . . . 253, 254 Henrietta .. .. 73, 74, 92, 93, 98, 118, 122, 124 Henry 74, 89, 92, 93, 94, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 113, 247, 261 (Col.) .. .. .. 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 113 (Lieut. -Gen.) .. .. 105, 106, 107, 116, 117 Henry Folliott Hamilton . . . . . . 140 Henry James .. .. .. .. 124, 127 Henry Pennant . . . . . . . . 260 Herbert .. .. .. .. 124, 138, 139, 247 Herbert Somerset Hamilton . . . . . . 138, 140 Hugh .. .. .. .. .. 259 Humfrey, Humfry, or Humphrey 73, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 99, 164, 223, 224, 225, 227, 253, 254. Isabel Josephine .. .. .. .. 260 Jacobs .. .. .. .. 74, 91, 95, 96 James 73, 85, 86, 104, 127, 220, 223, 224, 225, 227, 243, 224, 253, 261 (Captain, R.N.) 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, no, in, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 126, 127 Jane .. 74, 76, 77, 78, 83, 98, 100, 109, 164, 252, 253 Jefferie (Sir) .. .. .. .. .. 33 Jenet . . . . . . . . . . 209, 210 Joan .. .. .. .. .. 252 Job .. .. .. .. 74. 93> 95 Johanna .. .. .. .. .. 77 John 73, 85, 86, 87, 100, 164, 189, 201, 217, 220, 223, 225, 227, 231, 234, 235, 238, 239, 240, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261 296 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Cornewall (Cornewayl Cornewaile, or Cornwall) John Fitzalan John Monson J ohn Wolfran Joseph Joyce Judith Julia Julia Agnes Katharine Katherine . . 86. Knight Lawrence Louisa Louisa Frances (Lady) Lucretia Harriet Margaret Margaret Augusta Margery Maria Agnes . . Marianne Martha Martha Rachel Mary 73, 74, 79, 8o, 133, 164, 202 226, 227, 230, 247, 252, 254 Mary Ann Mary Fanny . . Mary Helena . . Mary Jane Mary Louisa . . Matilda Maud Minna Elizabeth Neville Edmund Otis Reade Rebecca Richard 75, 76, 18c PAGE. 260 259 261 257 73, 83, 209, 254 • 247, 257 91, 100, 262 262 227, 228 196, 209, 215, 220, 223, 224, 225, 243, 245 231 195 260 123 261 195, 202, 220, 223, 224, 225, 231, 234, 253 259 252 247 124, 140 89, 223, 226, 227, 234, 235, 238, 239 223, 234, 239 85, 86, 87, 99, 100, 102, 104, 124, 127, 129, 209, 212, 214, 217, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 231, 231, 234, 235, 236, 240 (note), 244, 245, 255, 257, 260 258 124 247 118, 122 118, 123 83, 189, 191 190 260 247 , 195, 196 231 258 190, 191, 195, 196, 198, 207, 209, 210, 215, 216, 217, 219, 223, 224, 225, 227, 241, 243, 244, 251, 252 253 Sir Richard 64, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 84, 194, 199, 204, 209, 212 Robert 73, 92, 93, 94, 99, 124, 125, 215, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 252, 253, 261 Sir Robert . . . . . . . . 74, 106 Robert Hugh Wilder Robert John . . Sir Roland (or Rowland) . Rose Sarah Selina Maria . . Sophia Sophia Anna . . Susan Charlotte Susanna 100, 104, 106, Susanna Caroline Susanna Hall Sydney Theophila Thomas 73, 199 231 260 259 74, 189, 201, 202 73. 90, 95 223, 226, 227, 257, 258 118, 122 258 252 261 223, 234, 235, 239, 240, 255, 258, 259. 260 255 255 247 73, 74, 87, 88, 89, 91, 98 74, 85, 86, 94, 105, 117, 164, 189, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201, 209, 210, 215, 216, 217, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 234. 235, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 261 Sir Thomas 64, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 84, 86, 146, 147, 189, 195, 196, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 234 INDEX OF PERSONS. 297 Cornewall (Cornewayl Cornewaile, or Cornwall) Lieut. Thomas, R.N. Thomasina Antonia Ursula Velters 100, 102, 104, Sir Velters Whitney William 80, 164, 189, 190. William Francis William Henry (Major General) William Henry Gardner . . William Naper William Wolfran Gardner Winifred Wolfran (Woolfran) Capt. Wolfran, R.N. Woodhouse Cornewall, de, Agnes (or Corunlia) Alice Bryan Sir Bryan . Cecilia Cecily Edmund Sir Edmund PAGE. I05, I06 247 223, 234, 238, 239 107, 108, 109, no, 117, 118, 119 122 89 195, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 Il8, 122 255, 259, 260 26o Il8, 122 26l 252 73, 89, 90 89, 90, 96, 97 .. 243, 244 54, 69 48 54, 60, 65, 66, 68, 163, 189 48, 69, 154, 162, 163, 165, 189 154, 162, i£ 48 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 72 34, 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 7r, 72, 74, 75, 142, 154, 157, 165 189 54, 7o 48, 54, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70 154, 162, 165 70 72 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, 203 Sir Geoffrey, Galfridus, or Jefferie 34, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 142, 145, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166 65 54, 61, 64, 68, 69 37 34, 41, 47, 54, 55, 60, 70, 71, 72, 154, 156, 157, 160, 161 60 34, 35, 36, 44, 54 54, 66, 67, 154, 155, 160, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 197, 208 Sir Lawrence . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 41 Sir Louis . . . . . . . . 54, 64, 65, 69, 70, 99 Margaret 45, 47, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, x 58, 159, 160, 165, 166 Matilda .. .. .. .. .. 54, 67, 70, 154, 160 54, 60, 65, 69, 70, 75 64, 65, 156, 187, 160, 161, 162, 165, 191 50, 54, 55, 64, 70, 154, 156, 157, 160, 161 75, 99 Elena Eleanor Elizabeth Ellen Elynor Esmon Geoffrey George Isabella Isabel Joan Johanna (Lady) John Sir John (Lord Fanhope) Peter Richard (or Ricardus) . . Sir Richard 33, 36, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48 Sir Robert Sibilla (Sibyll) Thomas Sir Thomas Sir Walter .. William Sir William Cornewall-Jones, Basil, John, Baptist, Cornewall Edith Julia Cornewall J ulia Agnes Mary Agnes Cornewall Percy Richard R J Comwallis, Edith Sir Francis 154, 161, 162 64 47, 48, 54, 64, 70 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 54 157 34 262 262 262 262 262 262 73, 92, 93, 261 92 298 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Cory, Mary Couci, de, Ingelram (Earl of Bedford) Courtenay, de, Eleanor Courthose, Roger Coylein, Isabella Walter Cresset, Catherine Elizabeth John . . Thomas Crigdon, Sir John Susanna Cripps, Alice Louisa Edward Croft (e), Anne Sir Arthur Sir Edward Eleanor Sir James Richard Sir Richard Crofts, Sir Cromwell, Ralph (Lord) Dalway, Col. Robert Damascus, Sultan of Damory, Richard Dansey, Anne . . Hector John Margaret Mary . . Roger . . Darrell, Florence William Dashwood, Sir Francis Sir John Mary Sarah David, Prince of Wales Davies, Agnes . . (Davyes), Anne J John Martha Nicholas Sir Robert Somerset Delamare, Alice Ann . . Margaret Richard Thomas Delaware (Lord) Dennis, Agnes . . Anne . . Elenor Sir Gilbert Katherine Margaret Morris William Despenser le, Elizabeth Hugh Devereux, Edward Elizabeth Isabella Margaret 73, 78 PAGE. 105 191 200 55 192 192 59 189, 202 209, 215 189, 202 78 78 260 260 59 109 195, 196 198, 199 214 195, 197 196 196 185 106 13 , 14 49, 156 231 222, 231 223, 231 223, 231 222 231 83 83 190 190 190 190 7 132 86 73 86, 89 89 89 132 134 192, 193 193 193 192, 193 193 197 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 91 205, 206 201 145, 158 INDEX OF PERSONS. 299 Devereux, Mary Maud Walter (Lord Ferrers) Sir Walter Walter William Sir William Digby, Beatrix John (Earl of Bristol) Docwra, Anne Thomas Dormer, Sir R Mary Dover de, Fulobert Lora Rohese Dreux de, Robert Drummond, Anna M . . Hon. R A J- Dunstanville de, Alan Baldwin . . Beatrice . . Reginald . . King of England Edward I. II. in. „ -iv. „ - The Confessor - The Black Prince Edwards, Elsie Edmund, Earl of Cornwall . . Egerton, Anna Elizabeth . . Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Eleanor, Queen Princess Elizabeth, Princess (see Holland) Elliot, (Lady) Anna M Sir G (Earl of Minto) Ellis, Anna Thomas . . Elrond, Amy Emberton, Ellen May (Emerton) Morris Englishe, Alice Sir Thomas Essex, Henry (Earl of ) Everingham, Adam Joan Ewelly, Joan of. . Eylesford, Christian Elizabeth Isabel Sir John Eynsford, Sir John Eyre, Mary Fairfax, Elizabeth John . . Sir Thomas Fairfield, Sir Edward Elizabeth Fanhope (or Fownhope), Lord Fauquemont, de, Beatrice . Engilbert Thierry . Ferrars, de, Hugh Margaret Ferrers, Anne . . 3, 10, 44, 45, 46, 48, 155, 156, 200, 3, 44. 45. 46, 48, 155, 156, 1, 3, 158, 186, 187, 193, 3. 2 (see PAGE. 91 78 204, 205, 206 64, 78, 201 56, 131 158 145, 154. 158 190 190 190 190 233 233 61 61 61 8 133 133 59 3 3 3, 6 205 157 159 197 142 1. 3 13. 124 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 219 247 247 183, 200, 205 155, 157 120 120 256 256 195 124, 140 124, 140 190 190 193 78 78 57 78 78 78 78 131 260 88 132 132 Sir John de Cornewall) 21, 22, 25, 31 21 21 144 144 205 300 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Ferrers, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Edmund . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Henry (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Isabel (Lady) . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 William (Lord) .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Fitzalan, Constance . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 (note) Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 31 John (Lord of Clun) . . . . . . . . . . 30 (Lord of Arundel) . . . . . . . . 30 (note) .. .. .. .. .. .. 184 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 184 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Matilda . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 (note) Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 (note) (Earl of Arundel) . . . . . . . . . . 200 Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 William .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 Fitz Count, Reginald . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 6 Fitz Gerald, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Maurice . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Fitz Henry, Reginald . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fitz Herbert, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sibell .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Fitz Osborn, Adela . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Hugh .. .. .. .. .. .. 153 William (Earl of Hereford) . . . . . . . . 142, 199 Fitz Richard, Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Osborn . . . . . . . . . . 142, 143, 153 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fitz Robert, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fitz Unspac, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Fitz William, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sir Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sir William . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Foljambe, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cicely .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Sir James . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Folliott (Foliot, Anne .. .. .. .. .. .. 131, 132 or Folyot) Annie .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Audrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 131, 132 Frances . . . . . . . . . . . . 132, 133 Francis .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Forder, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 74, 90, 9 r Fowkes, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Robert .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 Williams .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 Fox, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Foxe, Christiana . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Francklyn, Sarah Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Frederick II., Emperor of Germany . . . . . . . . . . 9, 10, 14 French, Rebecca . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Furnival de, Andel . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sir Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Gerard .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 INDEX OF PERSONS. 301 Furnival de, Joan Furnivall, Edward (Lord) . . Gerard Maud Thomas (Lord) . . Games, Elizabeth Sir John Gardner, Admiral Sir Alan . . Hon. Herbert Mary Ann Susanna Hall Gardener, Edith George Gaston, Abigail William Gaveston, de Piers Geerse Elizabeth (Geers) William George, Margaret Augusta . . William Girling, Sir Anthony Beatrice Godfrey, Bishop of Worcester Godin, Stephen Peter Susannah Gogh, David Gordon, Sir Alexander Duff (Lady) Caroline Sir William Duff . . Grandison, Isabel Sir Piers Gra vile, de, John Greene, John Greete, Katheren Peter Greville, Margaret William Grey of Conder, Alice (Lady) Eleanor (Lady) Elizabeth (Lady) Henry (Lord) Isolda (Lady) Joane (Lady) J ohn Lucia (Lady) Lucy Richard . . Thomas of Ruthyn, Edmund (Lord) (Ruthin) or Rutheine) Elizabeth (Lady) Gratiana Roger (Lord) of Wilton, Edmund (Lord) Elizabeth . . Florence . . Greyndour, Joan Robert Griffiths, Thomas Grosvenor, Sir Robert Guelph, (Count of Bavaria). . Guildford, Ann Sir Edward Hacket, Andrew Bridget Hackulnot, Ralph PAGE. 78 131 131 131 131 190 190 258 258 258 258 252 252 133 133 3 , 52 87 87 259 259 190 190 16 255, 258 255, 258 198 118, 121 118, 119, 121 118, "9. 121 83 83 174, 175 244 131 131 132 132 200 200 200 200 200 200 20 200 201 200 200 62, 196, 199 181, 186, 187, 197 206 206 206 83 83 83 192, 193. 194 192, 193. 194 134 146 205 197 197 190 190 75 302 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Hacluyt, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 70 Jane .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5g Walter .. .. .. .. .. .. 54, 70 Haggard, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6i Frederick . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Hais, Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Hale, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . igo Richard 190 Halliwell, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . zgo Charlotte 190 Hallowfll-Carew, Ada .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Constance . . . . . . . . . . i 3 g Coralie Edith 139 139 Francis .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Francis B . . . . . . . . . . 139 Guy .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Magdalen . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Mary .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Norah Louisa .. .. .. .. .. 139 Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Vii-let . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Halsham, Sir John . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Hamilton, Anne . . . . . . . . . . 124, 133, 137 Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Hon. George .. .. .. .. .. 124, 133, 137 Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Hampton, Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Sir Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Hanbury, Catherine .. .. .. .. 100, 109, 110, 118, 119 Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 William .. .. .. .. .. 100, 109, no, 118 Hanley, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 69 Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Hanner, Aukaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 192, 193 Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 93 Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 192, 193 Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Harcourt, a, Sir J ames .. .. .. .. .. .. 174, 175 Hare, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Anne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 221, 231 Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Humphry . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Harford, Bridstock . . . . . . . . . . . . 230, 231 Dr. Bridstock . . . . . . . . . . . . 221, 230 Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . 230, 231 Harley, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Lady Brilliana . . . . . . . . . . 58, 232 Bryan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 Sir Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Eleanor . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Geoffry Isolde Jane Joan John 59 59 59, 131 59 59, 209, 215, 216 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 Katherine .. .. .. .. 209, 215, 216, 217 Margaret .. .. .. .. .. 57, 58, 59 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Sir Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Robert .. .. .. .. .. 57, 59. 97 INDEX OF PERSONS. 303 Harley, Simon Harman, Edmund Harnage, Hugh Harry ap, John Harvey, Rev. Spencer Philip Hastings, de, Catheryne (Lady) Elizabeth Florence Henry (Lord) Isabel (Lady) John (Lord) John Sir Ralph Hay, de la, Reginald Haze, de, Helena Hendower, de, David Katherine Margaret Richard (or Thomas) Hengate, de, Nicholas Henry I., King of England III. . . . . . . 3, 5, 6, S IV. . . . . . . 168, 169, V. . . . . . . 170, 172, VI. Herbert, Abigail Folliott Francis George Sir Henry Henry . . Margaret Martha Mary . . Matthew Richard Thomas Hereford, Frances Elizabeth (Lady) Henry Fleming (Viscount) Robert (Viscount) Heydon, Bridget Sir Henry Heywood, Samuel Susanna Hill, Thomas Hodgson, Rev. Beilby Porteus Frances Hody, Margaret William Holland, Ann Alice Elizabeth . . . . 166 George Jane . . John (Earl of Huntingdon, Duke of Exeter) Margaret Martha Samuel Thomas (Earl of Kent) Thomas Homwell, John Hoo, de, William Hoorde, Sir T Hoord, Maria Mary Thomas Hopkinson, Elizabeth PAGE. 131 157 199 59 259 197 206 83 197 206 206 61 83 85 104 34 34 34 34 49i 156 2, 3 9, 10, xi, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 46 178, 179, 184, 187, rg7, 199, 200 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 186 183, 186 133 133 124, 127, 133. 137 127, 133 127 133 133 133 124, 127, 133. 137 133 133 198 118, 119, 121 118, irg, 121 it8, I2r 258 258 134 247 247 202 202 227 218 187 227 227 171 218 227 227 218 227 185 158 189 202 202 202 246 168, 169, 170, 178, 45. 79, 183, 66, 169, 223, 226, 48, 155, 304 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Hopkinson, Robert Hopkyn, ap, J ane Hopton, Elizabeth Joane Mary Thomas Hossey, Margery Hotoft, Idonea (Edonia) John Hottot, Anne Houghton, Sir William Howard, Sir J Joan Humet, de, John Lucia Humphrey (Humphreys), Elizabeth Rev. Hungerford, Lord Huyssen, Abraham Clara Cornelia Hugh Sir Johann Johann Lawrentius Huyssen, de, M— — L Margarita Margarita Laurentia Hydes, Alderman Mary Inwood, Elizabeth Roseanna Thomas Ivree, d\ Adalbert (Marquis) Jellibrand, Edith Jenkinson, Amarantha Amelia Anna Maria Catherine Col. Charles Charles (ist Earl of Liverpool) Charles Cecil Cope (3rd do.) Elizabeth Robert Bankes (2nd Earl of Liverpool) Jenys, Cornelia Jerningham, Adolphus Frederick James Coralie Stafford Henry John, King of Eltham of Gaunt J ohns, Thomas Johnson, Susanna Jones, Elizabeth Joyce Robert Katherine, Queen of Castile ,, England Kellaway, Joan John Kerr, Caroline T Louisa Grace Lord Robert Kimber, Rev. Kinchant, Rev. Francis King, Frances . . PAGE. > • 246 • • 202 ■ > 206 206 217 . ■ 206 ■ 252 252 1 9*» 193, 194 TOO T r\ O T f\ A I9Z, 193, 194 • ■ 120 70 157 157 200 . • 200 *70 m nf\ 73, 9 1 , 9° 134, 135 162 ■ . I04 105 105 . . IO4, 105 104 104 102 I03 J.U4, lUjf 107 • • 256 • • j"-' 0 *y g 0 a t • • j, -141 zz 3> z 4* 205 *39 9 1 * 95 91 95 91 73, 9 1 , 95 nr n< nfi 9 1 , 90, 9° 91 *f A 74> nT r,c f\f\ f\1 9*1 95, 9°, 97 91 105 139 139 139 3> J 3r 4°» Oj» 1 J/f S -J { J TfCfl Tin otS ido, 1/9, 2±o J 33 ■ ■ *Jt 134 169 176 34 34 124 255 255 •• 134, 135 134 132 INDEX OF PERSONS. 305 King, Sir Robert Kingscote, Caroline Marianne Thomas Kinlet, de, Ricardus Robert Knight, Anne Knightly, Marion William Winifred Korten, Anna Maria John A Lacey, Sir Rowland Lacon, Elizabeth Sir Richard Ledet, Christian Guiscard Lee, Alice Anne Fulc Margaret Richard Thomas Lega de, or Legh, Anna Maria Constance Elizabeth Elizabeth Dorothea George George Cornwall . . George John George Langton . . Henry Henry Cornwall Henry Martin Letitia Louisa Charlotte . . Thomas Leggatt, Sarah Leicester, Robert (Earl of) . . Leigh, Hon. Egerton Letitia Leighton, Sir Thomas Lendermean, John Lenthall, Alianora . . (Leynthall, or Christiana Lintall) Edmund Elizabeth Isabella . . Joana John Katherine Dame Lucy Margaret Sir Robert Sir Roland (or Rowland) Roland Roger Walter Levett, Anne Catherine Rev. John Lewis, Caroline Sir George Cornewall Sir Gilbert Harriet (Lady) Maria Theresa Sir Thomas Frankland Lewkenor, Johanna 48, 189, 196, PAGE. 132 260 260 56 56 222 88 88 88 120 120 236 59 59 78 78 84 83 84 84 84 70, 83, 84 245. 246, 247 248 246 247 .. 245, 246 248 247 246 246 246, 247, 248 248 246 248 248 257 *97 246 246 208 177 201, 207 200 201 196, 199, 201 200 200 200, 201 2or 199, 201, 207 201 196 199, 201, 207 201 200 200 190 190 190 118 Il8, 121 . . Il8, 121 [18, 119, 121 121 [18, 119, T2I 62 306 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Lewkenor, Sir John . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ley, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Violet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Lingen, Frances . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, T02 Isolde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Sir Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 102 Lisle, de, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Lister, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Jane .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 131 William .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Littleton (or Sir Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Lyttelton) Anne . . . . . . 209, 2T7, 218, 220, 221, 223, 227 Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Bridget . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Sir Charles . . . . . . . . . . 87, 103 Sir Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 13T Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Sir Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . 209, 218, 219, 221 Henrietta . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, T39 Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Sir John . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 John . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 190, 219 Mary Fanny . . . . . . . . . . 139 Lady Sarah .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Hon. Spencer .. .. .. .. .. 124, 139 Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 219 William (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . 139 Sir William . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 William Henry Cornewall .. .. .. .. 139 Londham, Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Louis III., King of France . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 (de Debonnaire) Emperor . . . . . . . . . . 205 Lovel, Francis (Viscount) .. .. .. .. .. .. 73, 75 Lovell, Maude .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 Lovetot, de, Andel . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 (or Lovetofte) Cecilia . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Emma . . . . . . . . • . . . 78 John .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Matilda .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Maud . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 William .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Lowe, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Loyd, Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 134 Lucy, Elinor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Harriet Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Sir Thomas . . . . . . . . . . • . 190 Sir Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Sir William . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Luke, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Vyvyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 139 Lychfield, Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. 54, 67, 68 Joan . . . . . . . . . . • • 67 Sir William .. .. .. .. .. 54, 67, 68 Lygon, Anne . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 131 Elenor .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Katheren . . . . . . . . • • • • 13*1 *32 Margaret . . . . . . • • • • • • 132 Mary . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 132 Sir Richard .. .. .. .. 132 INDEX OF PERSONS. 307 PAGE. Lygon, Richard .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Thomas.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Sir William .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 William.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131, 132 Lyte, Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lytton, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Maclean, Mary .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 133 Malcote, John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 183 Malmesbury, Harriet M (Countess of) . . . . . . . . 120 James (Earl of) .. .. .. .. .. 120 Mansfield, Eliza . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Marche, Comte de la . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Marmyon, Mabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Marshall, Eva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Isabel .. .. .. .. .. .. 11, 58 William (Earl of Pembroke) .. .. .. .. 5, 8, 11, 58 Mary, of Romsey . . . . . . . . . . 6 (note) of Scotland . . . . . . . . . . 6 (note) Master, Rev. Augustus Chester .. .. .. .. ..118, 122 Catherine Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. 118, 122 Henrietta .. .. .. .. .. .. 118, 122 Thomas Chester .. .. .. .. .. .. 118, 122 Matheu, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Matthews, Thomas .. .. .. .. .. .. 134 Mauley, de, Robert .. .. .. .. .. ..49, 156 Meade, Isabel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Mellor, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Merbury, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191, 192 Cecilia .. .. .. .. .. .. 189 Sir John .. .. .. .. .. 189, 191, 192 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Meysey, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Middleton, Sir Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Milbourne, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 78, 131 Jane .. .. .. .. 76, 77, 78, 79, 131 Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 77 John .. .. .. .. .. ..78, 131 Piers . . . . . . . . . . 78, 131 Symon .. .. .. .. .. 76, 77, 78, 131 Mills, Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Minchin, John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 190 Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Mitchell, Cecil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 124 W G .. .. .. .. .. .. 124 Mohun, de, Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Mole, Elinor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 70 Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Moncade, de, Constance .. .. .. .. .. .. 25, 26 Gaston (Count of B6arn) . . . . . . . . 26 Montagu, John (Marquess of) .. .. .. .. .. 62 Montbegon, de, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Montenay, de, .. .. .. .. .. .. 176 Montfort, de, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21 Simon .. .. .. .. .. .. 20, 21 Montgomery, de, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 55 Mabel . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Maud . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Moore, Catherine .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Eleanor .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Humphrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 John .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 More, de la, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Morgan, Sir John .. .. .. .. .. .. 108 3 o8 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. Morin, Jeremy Magdalen Mortain, de, Maud Robert (Count of) William Mortin, Stephen (Count of) Mortimer, Anne Eleanor Sir Hugh Margaret Roger (Earl of March) Mortimer de, Alan Alice Henry Hugh 45, 47, i Isabella Joan Joyce Margaret 45, 142, 144 Matilda Richard Robert William William la Zouche Morvill de, Hugh Joan Mowbray, Isabel Thomas (Duke of Norfolk) Moyll, Walter Munegdene (or Munden) de, Henry Nadir, Sultan Naper, Jane William Nanf an, Giles (Nanphan) John Matilda William Navarre, Theobald (King of) Neale, Elizabelh Neufmesnil, Alice Nevill, Sir J ames Joan Newmarch, Bernard Sybil Newton, Arthur Elizabeth John .. Martha Mary Sir Peter Nicholetts, Guilbert Mary Norfolk, Thomas (Duke of) . . Northampton, George (Earl of) Northumberland, Ann (Countess of) Duke of . . Nott, Edmond Ode, John Odo, Bishop of Bayeux Okeston, Sir Alexander (or Andrew) Sir James Oldcastle, Alice Sir John Thomas Orleans, Charles, Duke of . . Pagenham, Agnes Sir Hugh Pardoe, George 147, t4 145, 148, 149, I50 : 49, 150, 1 47, 151, 152, 145, r, 152, 154 144, 146, PAGE. I20 I20 2 I, 2 2 55 193 189, 195, 196 189, 195, 196 132 132, 193 .. 144, 152 152 65 54, 156, 159, 160, 163 144, 151, 156 49, 151, 152, 156, 160 .. 144, 149 155, 158, 159, 160, 163 144 56, 147 47, 148, 149, 151, 155 151, 155, 156 144, 152 78 78 132 132 185 54, 55 13 u8, 119, 122 118, 119, 122 80 83 8 3 70, 80, 8r, 82 12, 13 118 57 .. T54, 161 154, 161 58 58 189, 207 189, 207 133 133 190 190, 207 IOO, 102 IOO, 102 80, 132 I20 197 197 222 79 2 31, 32, 33, 40, 41 37 . . 190 (note) 82 . . 190 (note) . . 180, 181 62 62 135 INDEX OF PERSONS. Pardoe, Robert Parker, J ulia Neville Paston, Anne Bridget John Sir William William Peskyng, William Pemberton, Charlotte Pembroke, William, Earl of Pembridge, de, Edonia Elizabeth . . Henry Ralph Sir Richard Richard Pembridge Elizabeth (Pembruge) Hawise Henry Petronilla Sir Richard . . Pentecost, Osborn Penyston, Elizabeth Sir Fairmeadow Peploe, Catherine Frances . . Samuel Percy, Elizabeth Henry (Lord) Sir Henry Sir Ralph Sir Thomas Earl Peshall de, Alice Hamon Petty, Charles (Lord Shelburne) Lady Mary Philippa, Duchess of York . . Queen of Portugal Phillips, Sir Thomas Pindar, Margaret Reginald Pitt, Anna Maria Mary Cornwall Thomas Thomas Cornewall Plantagenet, Anne Isabel Richard, Earl of Cambridg< Plowden, Frances Francis Poines, Elizabeth Sir John Ponsonby, Elizabeth Sir John Porter, Anne John Powell, John Sir Herbert Judith .. Margaret Rev. Poynings, Lord Poyntz, Jane Sir Nicholas Price, Thomas 309 PAGE. T ?A 88 88 88, I 52 / / 5. 8, 11 58 t n 1 TCkt 193 J 93 x 93 193 192 x 93 z 93 193 237 * * 2 37 1 10, II 1 ), 121 Il8, H9i 121 62 62 62 62 62 39 cn jy 106 106 180 169 190 TOO T'?2 OA 7 ■04 ^ J 136 J 33 124, 140 132 248 3 2, I 33> I 35, *36 13 1 !3I t8"7 107 209 209, 212 215 133 133 133 133 133 133 214 214 214 59. 209, 212, 214 214 INDEX OF PERSONS. 315 Warnecombe, Margaret Mary Maude Richard Warre, John Ashley Susanna Warwick, (see also Beauchamp), (Earl of) Ambrose Washbourne, Elizabeth William (or Norman) Wasteneys, Elizabeth Sir John Watson, Elizabeth Samuel Watts, Amelia Hannah Waulok, John Went, Richard Whitchcott, Charles Whitfield, James Margaret Whitmore, Robert Sophia Ann Whitney, Wigmore, John William Wilder, Augusta Francis Boyle Shannon Willardley, Wilkinson, Coralie Lionel William I., King of England II., do. William, Count of Holland Williams, Carew Sir Edmund Sir John Martin Mary Susanna Thomas Williner, Dorothy George Isabel Randall Sarah Willugby, Sir William Wilmer, Dorothy R Winfry, Elizabeth Wingfield, Rev. Harry Lancelot Sophia Anna Winkworth, Anne Sir William Winwood, Mrs. Anne Wode, John Matilda Wogan, Henry Jenet John Katherine Wood, Ellen .. Elizabeth Vincent Woodhouse, James PAGE. 214 209, 212, 214 59 59, 214 259 259 197 131 131 54, 66 66 •• 255, 257 •• 255, 257 91 241 185 202 225 110 no 260 260 73, 92 207 204 259 259 145 139 139 •• 1, 2, 143 2 18 106 106 100, 103, 104, 106, 109 247 106, 109, 247 100, 103, 104, ro6, 107 106 239 239 239 .. 238, 239 239 64 223 223 132 259 259 88 233, 88 237, 238, 239 237, 238, 239 239 54, 67 54, 67 209, 210 209, 210, 215 210 210 124, 140 257 140 .. 244, 245 .. 244, 245 3l6 THE HOUSE OF CORNEWALL. PAGE. Woodhouse, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 244, 245 Woodhull, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 209, 217 Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . 209, 217 Woolrych, Edmund . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 (note) Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 John . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Wretton (Whitton), Thomas .. .. .. .. .. 190, 191 Wyndham, Florence . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Sir John . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Young, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Zouche, Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . 201, 207 Katherine (Lady) . . . . . . . . . . - . 201 John (Lord) .. .. .. .. .. .. 201 Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 William (Lord) . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Zouche la, Eudo . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Eva .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 Joyce .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 William . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. The Royal Library, Windsor Castle. The Duke of Norfolk (Earl Marshal). The Duke of Portland The Earl of Chesterfield The Earl of Craven The Earl of Verulam, Gorhambury, St. Albans The Earl of Carysfort, Elton Hall, Pererborough Earl St. Germans, 13, Grosvenor Gardens. London The Earl of Plymouth, 54, Mount Street, London, W. The late Earl of Liverpool, F.S.A., Kirkham Abbey, Yorks (7 copies) Viscountess Hereford, Ashford Hall, Ludlow Viscount Cobham, Hagley Hall, Stourbridge Viscount Clifden, Wimpole Hall, Royston, (6 copies) Viscount Llandaff, 6, Carlton Gardens, London, S.W. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Hereford Lord Clifford, Ugbrooke, Chudleigh His Excellency the Right Hon. Lord Ampthill, Governor of Madras Lord Rendlesham Lord St. Levan, St. Michael's Mount, Marazion, R.S.O., Cornwall Lord Sherburne, Sherburne House, Northleach, R.S.O. Lord James of Hereford (2 copies) Lord Amherst of Hackney, Didington Hall, Brandon, Norfolk The late Lord Glanusk, Glanusk Park, Crick - howell Lord Iveagh (4 copies) Lady Foley, Ruxley Lodge, Claygate, Surrey (2 copies) Lord Biddulph, Ledbury Park The Late Lord Aldenham, Aldenham, nr. Elstree, Herts. Count L. Bodenham Lubienski, Bullingham Manor, Hereford The Lady Sarah Spencer, 28, St. James' Palace, London, S.W. Lady Grant, ri, Granville Place, London, W. Lady Northwick, Northwick Park, Blockley, R.S.O., Worcestershire The Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Hereford The Hon. Mrs. Griffiths, Yoxal Lodge, Burton- on-Trent The Hon. Mrs. Spencer Lyttelton The Hon. E. W. B. Portman, Hestercombe, Taunton The Hon. Henry Portman, Buxted Park, Buxted, Sussex Sir J. G. Cotterell, Bart., Garnons, Lord Lieu- tenant of Herefordshire The late J. H. Arkwright, Esq., Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, Hampton Court, Leo- minster Sir H. B. Bacon, Bart., Thonock, Gainsborough Sir George Compton Reade, Bart., Sir Archer Croft, Bart., Lugwardine Court, Here- ford Rev. Sir G. H. Cornewall, Bart., Moccas Court, Hereford (5 copies) Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart., Sledmere, York Sir H. Lewis, Bart., Harpton Court, Kington Sir J. Rankin, Bart., Bryngwyn, Hereford Sir Joseph Verdin, Bart., Garnstone Castle, Weobley Sir A. Scott Gatty, Garter, Heralds Cottage, E.C. Sir H. Seymour King, K.C.I.E., M.P., 65, Cornhill, London General Sir C. Holled Smith, K.C.M.G., C.B., Mirscombe, Bramley, Surrey (2 copies) Sir Edwin A. C. Cornwall, J. P., President of the London County Council, 3, Whitehall Place, London, W.S. The Warden of St. Michael's College, Tenbury Col. Alan Gardner, M.P., Clearwell Castle, Cole- ford, Glos. Doctor George Williamson, The Mount, Guildford, Surrey Captain Percy A. Clive, Wormbridge, Hereford Major Edward Croft Murray, Perivale, Ryde, Isle of Wight George E. Cokayne, Esq., Exeter House, Roe- hampton, London, S.W. (Clarencieux) The late Dr. Marshall, Sarnesfield Court, Weobley (York Herald) Rev. Canon Palmer, Residence House, Hereford Rev. A. P. Cornwall, Chichester (10 copies) Rev. Canon Madison, Lincoln Rev. Preb. M. Hopton, Holmer Hall, Hereford Rev. Preb. C. E. Maddison Green, S. Katherine's, Ledbury. Rev. Alfred B. Beaven, Grey friars, Leamington Rev. W. O. Massingberd, Ormsby Rectory, Alford, Lines. Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher, Oxon Vicarage, Shrews- bury Rev. C. L. McLaughlin, Burford Rectory, Tenbury The Late Rev. R. Wood, Colley Batch, Tenbury Rev. H. M. Horden, Singleton Rectory, nr. Chichester Rev. Arthur W. Hutton, Rector of St. Mary-le- Bow, Cheapside, London Rev. Victor L. Whitechurch, Blewbury Vicarage, Didcot Rev. R. H. Burton, Bitterley Rectory, Ludlow Rev. G. H. Davenport, Foxley, Herefordshire Rev. A. H. McLaughlin, Much Birch Vicarage, Hereford Rev. C. Martin, Dartington Vicarage, Totnes, Devon Rev. H. M. Rooke, Boraston Rectory, Tenbury Rev. H. R. Meredyth Baker, Apuldram Vicarage, Chichester Rev. John Jones, Ystrad Meurig, Cardiganshire Rev. A. K. Cornwall, Winsley, Bradford-on- Avon (2 copies) A. E. Cornewall- Walker, Esq., Bloomfield, Red- hill, Surrey (2 copies) R. J. Cornewall- J ones, Esq., Horse Guards, Whitehall LIST OF SUBSCR IBE RS — Continued, Colonel Cornwall Legh, High Legh Hall, Knuts- ford, Cheshire (2 copies) The late Colonel Cornwall Legh (5 copies) W. W. Cornwall, Esq., Burford Lodge, Elstead, Godalming (3 copies) G. E. Cornwall, Esq., Oakleigh, Brimpton, near Reading Edward W. Cornwall, Esq., The Universlty,Mel- bourne, Australia W. F. Cornwall, Esq., Farrar's Building, Temple, London, E.C. Mrs. E. M. Baxter, 5, Bedford Circus, Exeter Mrs. S. W. Childers, Elmfield, Kingston-on- Thames Mrs. Ernest Hook Buckell, Chichester Miss Mabel Ernestine Bucknell, Chichester Mrs. Baldwyn Childe, Kyre Park, Tenbury Mrs. H. F. H. Cornewall, c/o A. South, Esq. Mrs. Virgo, Melbourne, Australia Mrs. Ewing Ritchie, St. Joseph's, Herongate, Brentwood, Essex Mrs. Henry Daniell, 35, Queen's Gate, London, W. Mrs. L. M. Norman, 16, High View Road, Upper Norwood Mrs. J. Chorley Reade, Glenallon, Sefton Park, Liverpool, (2 copies) Mrs. A. E. King, " Scrope," Ravensbourne Gar- dens, West Ealing. W. Miss Cornewall, Moccas Court, Hereford (3 copies) Miss C. Constance Cornwall, Chichester (5 copies) Miss E. G. M. Cornwall, 41, Church Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea Mias Constance M. Cornwall, Twyfordbury, Bishop Stortford Miss Joyce, Castlemead, nr. Tenbury Miss Honor Stopford Brooke, 10, Marlborough Hill, London Miss M. Hopton, Southwater, Lewes Miss Abney Walker, Milford-on-Sea Miss Kemeys-Tynte, Maisonnette, Bracknell, Berks Miss Marian Croft, Wadhurst, Sussex (2 copies) Sister Anna, House of Mercy, Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia Richard B. Croft, Esq., Fanhams Hall, Ware (4 copies) E. C. Addison, Esq., The Australian Club, Sydney N.S. Wales E. K. Allen, Esq., Mawmead, Ashtead, Surrey P. B. Barneby, Esq., Trewyn, Abergavenny Thomas Barrett-Lennard, Esq., Horsford Manor, Norwich H. C. Beddoe, Esq., Castle Street, Hereford E. Bettridge, Esq., Round Oak, nr. Tenbury C. J. Billson, Esq., The Wayside, Oadby, Leicester A. M. Broadley, Esq., The Knapp, Bradpole, Bridport T. D. Burlton, Esq., J. P., Eaton Hill, Leominster A. G. Burney, Esq., The Weir, Hereford J. Carless, Esq., Backbury, Hereford W. Farrer Ecroyd, Esq., Credenhill Court, Hereford Paul Foley, Esq., Stoke Edith Park, Hereford W. E. Lenthall, Esq., Boar's Hill House, Oxford C. W. Lawrence, Esq., Sandywell Park, Chelten- ham R. E. P. Norman, Esq., 62, St. Martin's Le Grand, E.C. H. V. Reade, Esq., 32, Palace Garden Terrace, London, W. R. F. Scott, Esq., St. John's, Cambridge A. South, Esq., 18, Bellevue Road, Kingstone- on-Thames G. Talbot, Esq., 36, Wilton Crescent, London, S. W. H. F. J. Vaughan, Esq., The Rosery, Ashburton, Devon. W. St. Clair Baddeley, Esq., Castle Hall, Pains- wick, Stroud, Gloucestershire Harry Wyndham Carter, Esq., Crowthorne, Berks D. Darrell, Esq., Trewornan. Wadebridge, Corn- wall James Davies, Esq., Gwynfa, Hereford W. S. Davis, Esq., Stanbrook, Tenbury G. A. Denny, Esq., Yarsop, Herefordshire T. Edwards, Esq., Broadfields, Tenbury F. Edwards, Esq., Broadfields, Tenbury H. T. Eliot, Esq., The Vicarage, Tenbury W. Fuller, Esq., Teme Street, Tenbury G. R. Godson, Esq., The Court, Tenbury Robert Herbert Graves, Esq., 6, Grange Park, Ealing, London, W. W. M. Haywood, Esq., Westfield House, near Hereford J. T. Heywood, Esq., Pinewood, Tunbridge Wells R. Hovenden, Esq., F.S.A., " Heathcote," 12, Park Hill Road, Croydon W. J. Humfrys, Esq., Hereford J. Gwynne James, Esq., J. P., Hereford H. V. Jervis-Read, Esq., The College, Winchester R. Prime D. Jones, Esq., Gibraltar C. Pembridge Langstone, Esq., 41, Bloomfield Road, Shepherd's Bush, W. F. H. Leather, Esq., Weobley The late T. Llanwarne, Esq., J. P., Hereford E. A. Lee, Esq., Fowley Court, Liphook, Hants J. H. Parry, Esq., Harewood Park, Ross Wm. A. Partridge, Esq., Elmhurst, Eaton, Nor- wich Connop, F. G. Perowne, Esq., Southwick, Tew- kesbury Walter Pilley, Esq., Hereford James C. Powell, Esq., Whitefriars Glass Works, London Compton Reade, Esq., (late 5th Dragoon Guards) G. T. Sherwood, Esq., Record Agent, 50, Bee- croft Road, S.E. W. C. Waller, Esq., F.S.A., Loughton, Essex Gordon C. Whitchurch, Esq., Chichester E. T. D. Courtney Scudamore, Esq., Rhymney Anonymous, per A.P.C. (5 copies) New York Public Library Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecti- cut Hereford Free Library Messrs. Wvman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, London National Portrait Gallery, per Mr. Lionel Cust, H.M. Stationery Office The Fishmongers' Company ; T. Wrench Towse, Esq., Secretary (2 copies) GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01451 3887