A SMALL BUT EXQUISITE ASSEMBLAGE OF Caljmet ^ictures^ RECENTLY CONSIGNED FROM ABROAD. These Pictures (Genuine Private Property) are the elite of whatever has been for many Years procurable in Holland, and are the Perfection of the Art as far as it has been carried in the School of that Country. AMONG THEM ARE: That very celebrated & astonishing Landscape with FigureSj BY P. POTTER, ONE OF THE VERY FINEST IN EUROPE, OF THE MASTER, FORMERLY IN THE CABINET OF MR. V. SLINGELANDT. A LARGE SEA PIECE by DUBBELS, an admirable Chef d’OEuvre ; A Holy Family, Rubens ; AN INTERIOR, WITH MANY FIGURES, A. OSTADE ; A Ditto, Teniers; capital. A charming Cuyp. Two by Rembrandt, WOUVERMANS, Berghem, Ruysdael, Hobbima, Wynants, AND OTHERS BY Du Jardin, Both, Lingelbach, J. Steen, Metzu, G. Dow, Terberg, V. Eckhout, V. DER HeYDEN, Backuysen. IN THE HIGHEST PERFECTION. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. Christie, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 26 , 1806 , AT twelve o’clock. May be Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had (at is. each) in Pall Mall. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I* nP*HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fliall be immediately put up again and refold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Is. Above Five Pounds 2s, 6d. and fo in Proportion. ' t’;.! ; III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafcd, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day aftci the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment lliall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fhall be re-fold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. SATURDAY, APRIL the 26th, 1805. «/ 7 ^ K. DU Jardin . . . 1 C^UTSIDE of a Farrier’s Shop; a Farrier shoeing ! an Ox ; a Peasant and Boy standing by ; painted in a thin but clear Tone ; the Sky silvery and brilliant — a sweet Gem. Lingelback , . . 2 View of an Italian Market_, a Convent^ Buildings and Figures ; painted with a firm and neat . ' Pencil — a lively and agreeable Picture. W. V. DE Velde . 3 Boats and Vessels off a Sandy Coast; a Waggon and Figures on the Beach; the Objects minute, but painted with a delicate Pencil. OldWeenix . . . . 4 The Beturn of the Prodigal ; the Figures elegantly grouped at the Porch of a Palace : a Garden Scene and Sea Port in the Distance. t ♦ ] ¥ 3^ dH /20 Hondikooter ... 5 A Dog, Hare and Dead Game, painted witli great Truth, and finished equal to Weenix. Titian 6 Venus and Cupid, treated with elegance, and high!/ finished. Hobbima 7 A Woody Landscape with Cottages and Figures ; a rustic Scene, painted in his rich and fine manner. V. DEN Eckhout ^ 8 Simeon returning Thanks, the Infant Christ on his Knee. The Elders and Scribes represented on the left as marking the fulfilment of the Pro- phecies. The Subject treated with great Solemnity, and with Force of Effect equal to Rembrandt. BercheM ..... 9 A Broken Landscape, with Peasants and Cattle passing a Ford: the remains of an Aqueduct to the left: a warm Sunny Evening ; painted with a free and spirited Pencil— a beautiful cabinet ^ Picture. V. Toll 10 An Interior. A Woman eating Pottage; a spinning Wheel beside her ; a Barrel, Pitcher, and various Utensils, painted with Truth and admi- ^ rably Finished. A rich and harmonious effect of Light and Shade give uncommon Beauty to this Picture, which is one of the most finished Performances of the Master^ V [ 5 ] Lingelback . . . . ^0 J. SXEEN 11 An Interior. A Cavalier taking a Lady by the Hand and in a respectful Attitude accosting her; other Figures engaged in Conversation behind; a pleasing Composition, painted with Care and Delicacy. The Draperies and Costume. exquisitely finished — a capital Picture, mgvavtd. 12 View of a Dogana, a Harbour and Light House, and^ Vessels in the Distance; Figures in the / Costume of different nations pleasingly grouped, ^ and painted with Spirit, It TK. - W. V. DE Velbe HOTH . tic a Harpsichord, and a Female Servant making a-sign to a Cavalier at the Door. The pencilling of the whole is inimitable. 14 A Calm. A pleasure Yacht at Anchor saluting a * Barge with Persons of Distinction putting off for the Shore ; various Shipping agreeably placed-— painted in a sweet transparent Tone, a beautiful Gem. Id A Mountainous Pass on the Brink of a River ; witli a beautiful distant Landscape, Peasants on the 1 I s J Fore Ground driving Cattle, and one mounted and playing on the Guitar — a warm glowing Scene — very spirited Execution — a charming /■ Y. j)iui Heyde ... 16 A View of the Hague. In accurate and lively Representations of the distinguished Edifices of his Country, this Master is inimitable; his Perspective is true ; the Detail of the Objects depicted minute, yet soft, his Tone clear and transparent; the Effect, perfect illusion: this iT prod’]''- ... Wood, with VV Y NAN IS Figures Hawking, the latter Oy P. Wouvermans. The Trees and Plants in the Front Ground finish- ed with infinite Care and elaborate Execution. 19 A Wood Scene. — a Torrent rushing over a rocky Bed and carrying with it Fragments of Pine Ruysdael / and other Timber Trees — a grand and solemn Landscape, the Sky beautiful, and painted in. a sweet transparent Tone. — A charming Picture. [ 7 ] 7 ^ 4 /- 74 ^ Portrait of a Greffier, seated in a Chair — an ani- mated Character, painted with Warmth and Spirit. Parts of this Picture are replete with Delicacy: it is altpgether an admirable Spe- cimen of the Powei's of this great Master Portrait of a Princess of Bavaria : a surprising Effect of Light enlivens this Portrait, which is painted with great Force and Richness of Colour. View of a Village and River ; a Winter Scene, with Figures Skaiting ; a charming Picture. A white Horse with a Sledge and Figures descending to the Ice, on the left Hand, is perfect Nature. The Whole is tinted in a warm Tone. It may be considered one of the nrost interesting and agreeable Performances of the Master. J SxEEN . . . . ^. 23 Le Roi bolt.” A domestic Scene of Mirth and Noise ; recommended by Diversity and Strength of Character and infinite Humour. The Ex- ecution is in his most vigorous Style — truly capital. G. Metzu 24 A Woman selling Fish and Vegetables, at a House Door, on the Lintel of which is inscribed the Name of the Artist; the Characters are pour- trayed with Truth, and both the Figures and Still Life exquisitely finished ; — the Whole is in a sweet and delicate Tone — a charming Chef Rembrandt .... 20 Ditto : .... 21 Is. Ostade 22 ' > d’CEuvre. [ 8 ] G. Dow TEiNIERS WoUVERMANS A. Ostade 25 St. Jerome at his Devotions, kneeling at the Ap' proach to a ruined Amphitheatre : an Umbrella, ingeniously placed, gives admirable Effect to the Face of the Saint and the Objects on the Foreground. To the left, a leafless Tree, as also a Lantern, rosary, and various Utensils, are finished with exquisite Care — an elaborate and precious Cabinet Gem. 26 An Interior with Boors smoking, and others regaling in an inner Apartment ; very spirited — for Character, smartness of Touch, and silvery Tone, this charming Picture may be placed in competition with the most celebrated Pro- ductions of his Pencil — truly capital. 27 Halt of a Party Flawking, Figures descending to the right, and others refreshing themselves by the Side of a Streamlet; with a View of a beautiful distant Country — a chef d’CEuvre. — The Figures designed with Elegance, the Animals very spirited, and the Whole painted with rich Eflfect in his fine enamelled Style. 28 An Interior with many Figures dancing and re- galing ; an open Door in the Distance admits a View of a beautiful Landscape. This ad- mirable Specimen of the Powers of Ostade, displays the Gaiety of his colouring, tempered \ , V ■k- [ ® ] 2M -D C B ] and harnionised by a correct Knowledge of the chiaroscuro, and exquisite Feeling. The Figures are charmingly grouped, the Characters lively and natural, and the Whole is finished with Neatness and infinite Care — a chef d’ceuvre. 29 A Landscape with a Road at the Foot of a moun- tainous Pass, and Peasants driving Cattle; on the left a Cavalier and Herdsman on the Brink of a River; a warm glowing Scene, painted with rich and beautiful Effect ; a rare and beautiful chef d’CEnvre, in which the Artist has combined the Execution of Both with that Richness of Tone for which he himself was unequalled. 30 A Holy Family ; the Virgin with the Infant Christ sleeping in her Lap, St. Joseph and St. Eliza- beth ; a grand and elegant Composition, replete with that Dignity and Grace, and Power of Colour, which distinguish the noble Produc- tions of Rubens’s Pencil. — Capital. 31 A \ iew on the Mouth of a harbour, with Vessels sailing out, — a surprising Chef d’CEuvre. The Water breaking on the Shoal Beach, and stretch- ing it’s glassy Surface to the Front of the Picture is expressed with that Truth which could only h;!ve been attained by a happy Observation of B [ 10 ] P. POTTER dy3 3 Nature. — The Agitation of both Elements is finely expressed ; the Science and Execution in every Part are admirable. It may be justly asserted, that in this Performance Dubbels has proved himself equal if not superior to every Painter of his School in the same Line. Se A FARM YARD with CATTLE and FIGURES; strong effect of Evening Sun Shine : that wonder- ful effort in the Art, acknowledged by the Painter himself to have been his Master Piece, which he ^ originally painted for the family of V. Slingelandt. The Artist has chosen a plain and natural Subject, into which he has thrown all the Power of his Art, and the Magic of his inimitable pen- cil. Suffice it to say of a Picture that is above all praise, it has ever been considered on the Continent as unique and invaluable. FINIS. \ C J.Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’iLane. 'r ^ * i -' ' i,. '■. ' " . ■ ' ' ■ ' ,( <-t-- ^ " * ' ' ' '* ^ * ■ ., t^n ... ,: -.- . -v ..,.-. . ■ ^ ^ ‘ .■^'' -3 .vV'' '’ ., ', - . i\ kf' . \ " .-■' Vv^^ #i ■£-J‘Tfai io 'j.'gfcM jnlf i(ji4 ^n/ ni- 'i^. ‘ ' ■"-•■V. . / i-* T''t>-;t''>i^f ■^, • •;;^, ;.f _■■ ._ - 4 .yir.tsv k»’fviw.-i.‘.3, r-t.i >»<»-. .■i^(t i^?3 • ■■ - ' ■ . . ■ '■4', ' ' ' ^'’J''.- - -^ ■ ■ ■ ' ii' Tz’: ' ■ .'^ 4 ;:- . . 4 - .' .'f-' " \ ' : , ■'■§■ ■ \ ' ■ " ■ -: ■ "■■ ,■ ■ ■ '.: . ’. ' 'V ' - ' ■ ■ -' ■• ..^ ., ’ ^ ^i'-^ . . ' 4 ' /. i:" > • " r ' ’ J, ■»«*.i «•<■»». W %«ta»>r Itifmm-.-’