4 \ ^ ^ THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBR/\RY MANUSCRIPTS IN THE HARLEIAN COLLECTION. VOL. III. A CATALOGUE OF THE HARLEIAN MANUSCRIPTS, IN THE B R 1 T I S H M U S E U M. WITH INDEXES OF PERSONS, PLACES, AND MATTERS. VOL. III. PRINTED BY COM M A N D OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE III. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ADDRESS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF GREJT BRITAIN. 1808 . • - n L-1 - -T.IV, CATAI. OGUS LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM BIBLIOTHECA, HARLEIANA. Num. 3100—3103. C [3ioo. —3116. Folio.] ODEXexmembranaet charta conflarus. Continet Suidic Lcxici magnam partem. Incipit autemhisvcrbi,s,a^7« fx.ic fequitur Wox >\v( in ordine Alphabets, et proccdit, fere ad finem iitera: Iota, definens cum hisvocibus, ’'I(pi*?i3 ts 'E^iaAra. Del'unt autem, inter »5u et voces 'A„(f>!ps, qua: ibidem a Suida notantur. xiv. 3101. Codex Membranaceus, « olim S. Marie et S. Nicholai dc Arcnftcin, quern fcripfit Sifridus,” ut in prin- cipio dicitur. Coiitinentur, I. Johannis Cafliani Collationes palrum, numero 34. 2. Orationes de benedidlioac Ecclefiae. ultimo, “ Cenfus, qui fubferibuntur, ct redduntur fratribus de Arenftein.” xiv. 3 ^ 02 . j. Reraigii Rhem. Archiep. Expofitio Ep. D. Pauli ad Romanos. _ 2. Ejufdem Expof. Ep. prima D. Pauli ad Corinthios, imperfedta. Ad folium 9 j in fronte paginae feriptuin eft, literis Uncialibus, “ Incipit Epla i ad Corinthio- ” et m media pagina, “ Finit Epiftola ad Romanos.'’ Capitum numcn adduntur in margine, manu reccniiore fed obfeura. Procedunt obfervationes ufque ad Cap. xiii. Ver. I. et abruptc definunt, ad verba “ loqueiido demones ejiciendo.” Sequuntur folia 4, fiagmenta exhibentia obfervationum aueftoris, ufque adLap.xv. Codex membranaceus. ^ 3 ^ 03 - 1. Bedae prefb. Expofitio parabolar. Solomonis. 2. S. Hieronymi prefb. Expofitio Ecclcfiafta:. 3. Bedae prelb. in Adlus Apoftolorum expofitio. 4. Expofitio alphabetica noininum piopriorum, abrupte definens in defcripiione “ Siracufs” urbis. Codex memhranaceuf. A Senptore codids dicitar. Liber fanaorur Apoftolorum Petri & Pauli in Glinbcrgc. In folio primo ftribitnr : “ Hoc volumcn deJit P Hicholaus de Spira, Abbas Glinbercen. Jol hldme-io t riori vallis S. Martini in I.ovanio Ipfe vero dedit Bibliothece vallis S. Martini nrt leijpti, A** redo.” ibidetn feribuntur res varitt inter a las, sEnigma vetus de albls ct nigri lapiliis decimandis. Cat. Haru Vul. III. Num. 3104, 3105. 3104. Rabaili Mauri Commentarlorum in S. Matthtei Evan- geiiuni, libri 8 . Subferiptum eft tabulte capitum, et irerum libro toti, “ Ifte liber quondam erat de Abbatia S. Sal- vaiorisVicecomius Conftatientis iJiocefeos.” Codex membranaceus. xii. 3105 - 1. S. Hieronymi prelb. adverfus Jovinianum, Liber. XV. 2. Epiftola Damafi papae ad Hieronymum, fuper tribus qusllionibus libri Genefeos : cum refponfionibus. 3- -Hieronymi ad Tranquillijnura, quoraodo legere debeat Grigcnein. 4* ———ad Darnarnm. “ Multi Riper hoc fermone.” 5- —' ■— de Fide cui in Autiochia cbraunicarc didbct. 6. —— ad Damafum papam, 7- -de Seraphim. et feraphim, et calculo in Efaia propheta. 9 - -de prodigo filio, JO. -de Epiftola beat! Jeronimi, “ Quia “ impoITibile eft.” —;-Jeronimi ad amicum egrotum. “ Quam- quam certifiirae noverim.” •2.-ad Rufticum Monachuin, de fuperandis illecebris. 13 Hieronymus ad Paulum Monachum, de laudibu* Concordia: et de quibufdam libris. * 4--ad Chromatium, JoTinianum& Eufebium. “ Non debet carta dividere.” ij’ -• ad Demetriadem. 16. - 17. - 18. - Lucini. 19. - 20. — - ad Marcellam, de vita ct obitu Afcllce. - ad Marcelium, de exitu Leas. -ad iheodorum, ex Hifpania, de morte - ad Oceanum, de morte Fabiola:. - Auguftini ad Hieron. expoftulantis ct -Hieronymi ad Aug. ut Iterum feribat, 22.-ReferijAa Hieronymi ad Auguftinum “ Anno preterltoper fratrem.” ^2^. Auguftini ad Prefidium, ut deftinafas Hieroiiymo mittere non gravetur. 24. Epiftola Auguftini ad Hicr, exufantis et calum- nidia propcilentis. B 33, Aueufiiiii 2 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3105—3107. 45. Epiftola Auguftini ad Hieronyraum, de 70 inter- pretum fugillatione. 26, _Hieronymi ad Aug. fuper miiTas cpiltolas arguentis. . 27. _Auguftini ad Hier. gratias pro miila epiftola agemis, et eum de quodam capilulo Epift. ad Galatas redarguentis. 2^._— de interpretatione ipiius cc 70. 2g, Hieronymi ad Aug. tribus epiftolis unam rependit. . Hleroiiyiiil ad Marccltinum & Ana- phichiam, opufculorum’fuorum in Ezechielem niemoriam facieniis. , . ___Auguftini ad fandum Hier. de ongmc Animas lufcitantis. n .. c- ^2._ de eo quod icnptum elt. 01 totam legem obfervaveiic &c.” Codex mcmbianaceus elegans. qio6. 1. Gregoriii. papae, Dialogorutn libri 4. _ xiV. 2. Panuntii Evernitie Epiftola adomncs Dei fainulos. Codex meinbranaceusj cum Uteris nujonbus pi^tis. 3107. Auguftirii HIpp. epi, Epiftolarum fccunda pars. xni. Hanc fecundum Epiftolsj-um partem diu luifte a prima feparatani, patet ex fcripto in primapagma fic habcnte. “ Reverendus in Chrifto Pater “ Dominus Nicolaus ex Comitibus, fandli Do- « mini civis et Epifeopus Luceniis dono dica- « vit hunc Codieem Bibliotheca: Convenlus “ Sanfti Petri Ccelicole Ordinis et Obferv-antia: “ fratrum Carmeliiarum, 1491.” Coiitinet autem Epiftoias. 1. Marceliini ad Auguftinum, de qute^inne. Cur Dens, Veteris Teftamenti fpretis facrificis, deletflatus eft novis. o ■ • 2. Auguftini ad Marcellinum, Illuftri viro & elo- quentiffimo. fol. i.b. 3. -“ Epiftolam fuam, quam. 6 . _ad Longmiaiium.‘‘Sol<>reaiunr quendani. 9. cum refponfo.” ^ e.__ad eundem “ Cepi Iruflum refcripti. 10. 6, _ad Bonifacium. “ Oureris a me utrum. ’ 10. b 7. Paulini Sc Tlierafie ad Auguft. “ Caritas Chrifti, Auc-uftini ad eofdem. " O bone vir & bone frater.” ° 14. b. 9. Paulini & Theiafjas ad Lypium. (fic in titulo,eft autem ad Auguftinum.) ‘‘Jam dudum, Irater. 16. 10 Ausuftini ad eoldem. “ Cum literas meas quibus. ’ ‘ 7 - 11. Paulini & Therafix ad Alipium. “ Kec eft vera caritas.” ^ 12. —_-— ad Romanianum. “ Pndie quam ^^13. Seven ad Auguft. “ Deo gratias, frater.” ai. b. J4. AuguftiniadLicentium.“Vixreperi occafionem.” 22. b. 15. Maximi, Gramatici Madaurcnfis, ad Auguftinum. “Habeas crebro tuis affeftibus.” 33. cum refponfo. 23. 16. Auguftim ad Maximum “ Seriumne inter nos.” 23. b._ 17. Auguftini ad Avmentarium & Paulinam. Vir egregius, tilius meus.” _ 24. b. jg._ad Yiiicentium. ‘'Accepi epiftolam, quam tuamefl'e.” .^ 7 * jg, —— ad Deo gratias. “ Ouseftiones tibi pro- pofitas.” b- 20. Incipiunt capitula fex quxftionum. i.Derefur- rett-one. 2. De tempore Chriftianx Keligionis. 3. De SacriUciorum diftindtione. 4* De eo quo fcripiuni eft, Num. 3107.. “ menfura qua menfi.fueritis.”- 5. De fillo Dd fccurt- drnn Salomonem. 6. De Jona propheta. fol. 4c. b. ufque ad 46. b. 21. Epiftola Auguftim ad Paulinam. “I'*Ieraor debiii quod.” _ 48- _b. 22, ___ad Optatum. “ Quamvis tux fandlitatis.” 60. -ad Januarlum. “Ad ea qux me.” 64. b. _“ LfcHs literis tuis.” C7. -Licentii ad Auguft. “ Archanum Vavro- 75 cum refponfo. 7 ^- 23. ■ 24. ■ . ^ 5 - ■ nis iter, 26. ——Auguftini ad Euodlum, de trinitate & columba. _ 77 ’. 27. —— ad HilariunvEpircopum. “ Ilonorabilis fillus nofler.” 7 ^’ 28. - . ad Vitalem.“Cam de temihi efteiit,” 8?- 29. _ad Auxilium cpifcopimi, pro injufta ex- communicatione. _ _ 85- 3c. _ad Confentium de trinitate. 86,b. 31-^ __—ad Dulcitiuni Tribunum. “ Non debuT contempnere.” 88. b. 32. _Hilarii ad Auguft. “ SanGitatis tux gratia” cum refponfo. 9 °- 9 ^- 33. _Auguftini ad Paulinum, Nolaiium epif- copum. Tandem aiiquando providit. 100. 34. Objui'gatio contra faiiGarum Monialium difien- fioiiem Sc poll increpationcm earum regukris infor- inalio. . 35 - Epiftola Auguftini ad Theodorum, de recipiendis Donatiftis. iii.b. 26,-ad Cafulanum prefbyterum, de jejunio Sabbati. **2. 37. _adAlipium,deillatis injurus ab Ipponienfi populo. 118. b. N.B. Omittitur numcratio folii inter 117 ct 118. 38, _ad Albinam. “Doloremanimi tui." 120. 3g. _ ad Crifti-num. “Epiftolam meam defi-' dcrare te.” ad Albinum Pinianum et Melanam. 125. b. Veritas & dulcis eft & 124. _ ad Pancarluin, pro accufatione Prefbyteri 125. ad Florentinum, pro rapto de ecclefia. ib. ad Crefconium, pro fupradida caufa. 125. b. 43._ad Fortunaium epifeopum pro fupradiGa caufa rapti Eavcniii. _ ib. 46. -ad Generofum Comitem, pro fupradiGo Eaventio. 47. -ad Benenatum Epifeopum. 12C. b. 48. -ad Benenatum epm pro tuenda puella coinendatara Auguftino. ib. 49 —— ad Rufticum, jam diGam puellaiu 40 - • . . „ “ Cum habitu valetudmis.’ 41. --ad Komulum. amara.’* 42. injufta. 43 - • 44. petentem filio. 30. — ad Quintianum Prefbyterum. “Nos non dedignamur.’’ ^ 3,._adSanGippum. “ Ofliclo deblto raeritis tuis.” ^28. 32. -ad Celcrem.“Promiftimei& tux.” 128.b. 53. -Alipii et Auguftini ad Caftorium, ut fuccedat Maximiano in epifeopatu. lao. 34.-ad Alipium.“TriftitiaThiavenris ecclefix.” 129. b. 33. -adSeverum. “Sidicamquxme.”^ i3o.b. r(5. ■ __ad eundem “ Cum Subfanam veniflemus.” 131. b. 37. -ad Fabiolam religiofam. Quamquam referipta reddideris. 13** 38. _Auguftim et Alipii ad Naucellionem, de Maximianiitis. 132. b. 3g._ad Palatinum, de perfeverantia conver- fationis. _ * 33 * 60. Epiftola Num. 3107—3109. Co. EpiftolaadFelicIam,*de fcandaiis pafloriim per- ferendis. _ ^ 33 * N.B. Bis numeratur folium 133. 61. --ad plebem Ippone, de collegia facicnda. 63.-ad Paulum epifcopunij ut mores covvigat. 135. b. 63._ad Novatum epifcopiim pro rctinendo Lucillo Diacono. . , * 3 ®- UCIllO iJUltOllU. _ _ *J' 64. Auguftini ad Felicem. “ Novit optime religlp tua. i36.b. 63. - ad Juliariam, de bono viduitatls. _ ^ ib. 66. Gratiairi Solemnia. F.rrore qiiodani, incipit hoc fcriptum in folio, 146. b. proceditad fincm folli i 47 ’ turn regreditur ad fol. i45.b.coIumnam fecundam; pro- cedit iterum ad finem folii 146. a. et concludit in ultima pagina. Subjiduntur tempora dominationis imperatorum quorundam, a Carolo ad Conraduin. Codex membranaceus. 3TO8. 1. Augpflinillipp.epi de Doaiina Chriftianalibri 4. XIV. 2. _de 83 qusftionibus, liber. 3. _——dc libcro abitrio, libri 3 ; qui dicuntur Unde Malum ? 4. _de I a abufivis, liber. _de difciplina Chriftiana, liber. 6. Hugonis de S. Vidore, de Sacramentis Chrifllanae fidei, libri 2. 7. Fjufdem, Ue area Noe, de area Fcclcfia, de area fapientre, de area gratisc liber j in fmemutilus. Codex membranaceus. 3109. 5. Hieronymi Epiftolce. 1. Ad Minervum et Alcxandruin Moiiachos, de tlifficillima Pauli quefltone. 2. Ad Heliodorum monachum dc Heremo crlcfyria: (fic. qu. Ccelofyria:?) 3. Ad Marcellam de converfione Blefilla: virg ils. 4. Ad Aiiguflinum. 5. De fictis Amicisj ad Afellam. 6. De Virginitatc, contra Helvidium. refponfio epiftolaris. 7. Ad Cbid'iani. 8 . 9. Ad Theodoram Spanam de Lucino. 10. Ad ileliodorum Epitanium Epifeopum. 11. Ad Julianum, exhortatoria, 12. De duabusXtinaturis.adPaulam et Euflochium. 1 3. Damafii Prefbyteri ad Hieronymum. 14. Explanatio quaedionum Damafii Prefb. 15. Hieronymi Kpiftola contra Jovinianum. Ter feribicur in hac Ep. Lapitulum rcqitilvr, forfan ut clifiin- guatur in tot capita. 16. H. ad Chrifochomam monachum. 17. De exitu fanedae Paulte virginis. 18. Ad Paulinum Prefb. de fiudio literarum. 19. AdPamachium de opufeulis, contra Jovinianum. 20. Apologcticum, ad eundem. 21. AdEufbehium Virginem. 22. Demifterio Agni in vigilia Pafehm. 33. In die Dominica Pafeha;. 24. Ad quandam de verbis Hebrtcis in Latina verfione, c. g. alleluia, amen, maranata, ephoih, isce. Caret titulo. 31;. Ad matrem et fororem ejufdem (f. cujufdam) fratris, qui exoraverat ut epillolam eis dirigeret. 26. De diverfis Leprarum generibus. 27. Augufiinus ad Hieronymum. 28. Hieronymi refponfio. 29. Augufliniad Hieronymum alia Epiftola. 30. Hieronymi refponfio. 31. Hieronymi ad AugulHnum Epifiola. 32. Auguftini ad Pra^fidium Prefbyterura Epiftola. 33. Ejufdem ad Hieronymum. 34. Hieronymi ad AuguftlnumEp. 35. Auguftini ad Hieron. Epift. 36. Hieronymi ad Auguftinuiu. 37. II. ad Nicaram Demetriadem Ep. 38. Ad Sabinam, de merte Nebridii, fervandiu 39. Ad Calantiam. 40. Ad Theophilum. 41. Ad Defidenum Epifeopum de duodeclui fenp.. toribus. 42. Tromantli er Helicdori ad Hiettmymum de inler- pretatione Eviingelii. 43. Refponfio Hieronymi. Caret titulo. 44. Pr*faiio Rufini Prelb. in Libris Periareon qms (quQs) de Grxco tranftulir in Latin. 4?. H. ad Rufinum de utero mcmoralum. 46. Damafi papre ad Hieronymum. 47. Refponfio lliL'ronymi. 48. Alia Hieronymi ad Damafum. 49. H. ad Marcellam contra Novatianon Eretico'. 50. Ad Rufinum Pr. Romte dc QutElUone duarum meretrreum, et de judicio Salomonis. 51. Ad Magnum oratorem Roma:, cur interdum in traftatlonlbus I'cculariuiu literarum utatur exeinpiis. 52. Ad Vitalem Pro.b. quomodo Salomon et Achat XI annorum gcnuifTc dicuntur filios, 53. Ad Damafum Papam. 5j. Ad eundem. 55 Ad Pauliiiuiii Prtfo. cur non feripfit in Damelem commentarios. 56. Ad Caprariuin EpIfc.Terraconenfem, de Scifmate Vigilantii. 57. Ad Painmachium, de optime genere mterjiretanui, 58. Ad Marcellam de (ab) urbe fecedenda. 50. Ad Edibiam, diverfarum quaeftionum folutiones duodecim. 60. Ad Algafiam undecim quteftionum folutiones. 6 i. Ad Paramachium de morte Paulins. 62. Ad Paulinum Preib. 63. AdDefiderium. Codex membranaceus, ex ele.aantioribus, cum Uteris imiiaUbus pulchre depic'us. 3010. 1. Firm. I.aftantilj Divinarum Inftitutlonum adverfus gentes, libri 7. x''* 2. -de ira Dei, liber. 3. -deopificiohorainis, liber. 4. -inftitutionum epitome. Codex membranaceus, elegans. 311 r. i.S. Auguftini I-Iip.ep.deCivitate Dei,libri22. xni. 2. - -de Trinitate, libri 15. Hujus Codicis poflefforum aliquorum nomina inferihuntur, viz. Liber Thome Dryfteld. Jaco¬ bus Ravenferoft. Dudum D. Nicolai Wotton. Decani Canturien. & Eboracen. in fccretiori con- fiilio R. Ma'‘». confiliarii, qui obiit 25. Januarii. hora 12 noftis, A". Dili 1566. Nunc Johanr.is Sb'meri, figneti ejufdem Ma"’ Clerici, 1567, Nunc Jacobi Ravenfcrnfte, interioris Templi, armigeri, filii Thome Ravenferofte de Foulde- parke in Com, Middlefex, armigeri, A. D. 1636. Codex membranaceus. 3112. Codex membranaceus, in quo habentur Moralia Gregorii i. Pap$. xiii. 1. Capitula librorum omnium. 2. Tituli librorum priorum 14, cum initiis capitum. 3. Moraiia ipfa, cum Prologo Auccoris. Libris 35. 4. Tabula jjil m 4 Catalogus Librorurn MSS, jar Num. 3112—3? 19. 4. Tabula titulorum, &c. in fronte Hbri mchoata, in fine perfef 'a eft. 5. Scquitnr tabula locoriim in Operc ipfo citatorum 2 S- t. Euchariftiarn celebrandl forma: cum Commentarlo, ct prscfatioiie acephal.i. Forma Incipit “Per omnia fecuia feculorum. Amen.” x. 2. Petri Cantoris Summa. Codex Memb. olim Sands MariaeVailisSanfli Lamberti. 3126. Sermoncs Domhiicales, per anni curfum. xv. Liber areAtro,- ad Dom. 22 poll Trin. perdudu*. Con'lat charta et membrana. 3127.3128.3129. Theologia Scholafticc difputata. xvr. I. Dc Trinitatc. 2. De Bibiiotiiecae Harlelanas. Num. 3130—3140. 2. De H^uchariftia. 3. De Sacramentis. Libri olim Ilaaci Herbert: poftca P. Blafi, a°. 1647. Traftatus de Sacramentis, cum Sacr. Matrimonii abrupte dcfinic. Codices pulcherrime fcripti, chartacei. 3 > 3 °- Hoinlliarum liber, mutilus, et varic fcriptus. Cod. chart. XIV. 3 ' 3 T- T. S. Pauli Epiftols ; cum Glofftu Accedit epiftola ad Laodicenfes, unius paginse, et Kpiftola ad HebrtEOs. XII. 2. Argumenta &c. omnium Pfalmorum. 3. Exccrpta ex Evangeli-' Johannis. 4. Excerpta ex libris Regum: & allegorice & moraliter expofita. Cum obfervationibus in varies libros, inter alios, in Librum Judith, in Machaba:os, in Evangl. Johannis, iic. Codex Merabr. 3132. Gefta Romanorum. xv* Dcell titulus. Codex arEXiro;, chartac. Continet folia 187. 3 ^ 33 - 1. Homillarum liber, pro diebus foens. xnr. 2. Alexandri (Nerkam ?) expofiiio in Symbolum Athat'afii. Cum hoc colophone. “ Explicit fides Cath .lica Athanafu Epifeopi, expofita a Magiftro Alexandro de Sando Albano.” Codex Memb. 3134- Jacobi de Theramo, vel Tranenfis, Canonic! Aprucini, Bcl'id •. live, Dialogus de redemptinne generis humani: five, Confolatio peccatoris. Script. A. D. 1382. Codex membranactus. xiv. 313s- S. Bernardi Clar. Abb. Sermonum, liber. Codex cbartaceus. xiv. . 3J36. S. Johannis Evangellum gloflatum. Cum Argumento antique de Johaiine. Liber quondam S. Marie vallis 5. Lambcrti, membranaceus. xii. 3 ’ 37 - Hugonisde S-Vidore, de Sacramentis, liber 2'^'” £»!Tl^£rof, continens quindecim partes ex ododecim. Olim adjeda eft vita et paffio Bead Thoma: Cantuarienfis Epilcopi. Cod. Memb. xii. I. Bnnaventurae, Pharetra, 4 Libris. Scripfit frater Rogerus Albon A. D. 1424. a.Poema Rhythmicum,“ Vos qui concupifeitis ftatum veftrum Scire.” 3. Nicolai i’ rivet, de officio Mifla.', Trad, in 7 partihus. 4, Incipit tradatus religiufus, extradus de didis Doc- torum &c. fed ad pag. 2. abruenpitur. Codex Meiiibr. 3 * 39 - Exodi Liber cum Glofla. Codex membranaceus. xiv. [3 HO-—317‘-Mo.] 3140. 1. Johannicii Ifagogead Galeni regimen : cum glofla. continens folia 6. xiii. 2. Galeni Regimen ; cuingloffa. 13. 3. Hippocratis, Aphoriftnorum liber: cum Glofla. 8 . Cat. Harl. Vol. III. Num.3140— 3143. 4. Hippocrads Prognofticoruni in acuiis ffigritudinlbus liber. _ 5. Theophili, de Urinls, liber. “ a Voce Theophili editus.” £• 6. Philareti de negotio pulfium liber. Alluditur ad Kune Philareti librum, in fine Poematis iEgidii de pul- fibus. (infra art. 13) J* 7. De regimine Acutorum, liber. Non diciiur Philareti. 7 - S Ifaaci, de Uriiu’s, liber. 24. 9. Conilantini African! de dia:tis, libri 2. 60. 10. Ilaaci de febribus libri 5. 59. 11. Viatici, libri 7. a Conftantino Latinc redditl 59. 12. Nicolaus (manu recent, fuprafer. Salernitanus') de modo conficiendi ^ difpenfandi Mcdicamenta. 18. 13. iEgidii Tradatus metric! deurinis, et de pulfibus. 4 ‘ Codex membranaceus bonus. Vide Nura. 3849* 3I4I: . Mammotredus, five Lexicon Biblicum. xv. Audoris nomen incerium. De libri appellatione in prnlogo h. Viefore, I xplanatio in Canuca Canucorum. Cedex incmbranaceus. ^v. 3149* 1. Tradatus duoFlieronymi preibyteii, de Caniico Canticoium, port Origenetn. _ _ _ xv. 2. Orii'‘cnis ipfius expolitio major Canlici Canlicoium, Laiine i-iTddiia, a que ad Cap. ii. ver. 4. aT£^fr9^. “ Codex SandtE Maria: ad Mariires, fuper litus “ Moiellre, extra Muros 'j'revittnfes, Ordinis ‘‘ Saudi Bcnedidi.” Codex menibranaceus. 3 ' 5 °' 1. Cilberli [forte Folioth Lend, ep.] Sermones 39 poflcri res in Cantica Cantirorum ^riXt-rn. xv. 2. S. Bernardi Abb. Clar. ad B. Virginem Oratio. Codes niciubranaceus. 3 'i'- 1. Liber qiil voca’ur Animarum regimen, compilatus A. i). 1343- ii'.qierkdus. _ xiv. 2. De Mulica & Aitronomia, hbri 2. impcrfedi. litulus habet “ Teriius liber Ifidori de Etymologia,” See. 3. Fragmenta varla ex Pcolemreo et aliis j cum tradaiu Anglico “ de alluminaiura.” (on the illumi- naliug of books y eiiam imperfedo. Codex mixtus, ex charta et membrana compefitus. De dodrina five prxparationc Cordis, liber. « Preparate torda vcilra.” Cudex Membranac. us. xv. Num. 3153—3163. 3153- A Paper Common Place Book, of Divinity, Morality, &c. alphabetical. xvi. 3 ^‘ 54 * L. Ccel. Ladanlii Firm. Inftitutionum Hbri 7. Codex mixtus. Subfcribiiur, xv. “ Johannes de Hollandia feripfit hunc librum, ad “ petilionem .Antonii Johannis deLauro, Ordinis “ Minoruin, B.D. 1433.” 3 » 35 * 1. Hieronymi Strid. preib. adverfus Jovinianum, libri 2. cum Apologia ad Damafum pro his llbris. xv. 2. -Epillolae ad Pammachium Rufinum. -- Fpit.aphium Pauli. _Pauli priini heremitts vita. 5. -deviris illudribus, liber. 6. Gennadii Maflil. Prelb. de viris illiiftribus, liber. 7. Ifidori Hifp. ep. de viris illudnbus, liber. 8. Sigeberti Gemblacen. de viris illuitribus, liber. 5. Anonymi, de viris iliullribus, liber. Codex cliartaceus. 3156- I. Nicolai de Lira comment, luper 4 Evangelia : fenptu* A. D. 1459. 2 Amicus, liber fic diefus: qui incipit, “ Nota quod homo habi t tiiplicem amicum.” 3. HomihiC dua’ breves ; una in Pfal. cxviii. 24’ inCaiit. iii, 11. Codex Chartaccus. 3 ^ 57 - 1. S. Hieronymi Strid. Comment, in S.Matihari Evan- gclium. _ 2. Annotationes in Pfalmos. Scriptc: 1487. Liber chartaccus. 315^- I. Fragmenta brevia Sermonum. xv. a. “ Incipiunt Ordinationes evangelifiarum et con- “ cordantire compilatx ex hilloria Scoladica, canoiiibus, “ et Eufcbii Epife. Ci-erarienfis : et ex didis Rcniigii, “ Bernhardi, et Augufiini. fecuiuluin proceiTum et “ ordinem faftorum ct gcflorum prout ibi in tempore “ fucceficrunt.'’ Sermones varii, pro diebus ftatis. 4. Expofitio Mirta; Allegovica, p. 132. 3. Iterum Sermones ulque ad fiueni. Codex chartaccus. 3159. 3160. PeiUateuchus Mofis glufliitus. xv. Codices nicmbranacci. 3161. 1. L. Ctel, Laclantii Firm. Lifiituticnum hbri 7. XV. 2, _—— Inftitutionum Epitome. __dc Ira Dei, liber; ad Donatum. _de opificio Dei, vel formatioiie liominis, liber; ad Demetrianum. 5. Carmen de Phcenice. facriptus erat Codex Bononitc, 1427. partim m Charta, partim in Membrana. 3162. Johannis Lcaoris, Sumnva Confefibrum, 4 libris. xiv. Acceditcompendiolacolleaioquorundamflatutorum ex lexto Decretalium, aduita ad Summam Con- fedbrum, ct liidci^ alphabeticus. Memoraaduni Bibliothecde Hurleianss, 7 Num. 3164—3169. cfl ia iniiio, “ I’reclam hujus Iibri quinquaginta “ flor. de Floreatia antiquorura. Hie liber eil “ doinus capelle 13 . Maria: juxta Hci'ne, Ordinis “ Cariazicnfis, Diocef. Caineroccn. Et fait “ enip'.us Bruxelle cum pecunia elemolinaria, “ circa annum incarnationis 1340; tali intentione “ ut noil venderctur, nec alias aiienaretur, fed “ ad uluni hujusdoinus in perpetuunirLinaneret.” Codex inembranaceus. Ezci-hialis & Datiielis proplietiie gloiTata;. Codex meiubraiiaccus. xv. 3164. S. Hiercnymi StriJ. prefb. Epiftohe. Codex mixtus, ex charta et membraiia. xv. Genefis, Exodus, Levitici, Numeti, & Dcuteron. glolfati. Cudex a cap. 4. Gen. iiicipiens 5 in fine eliam mutilus. Cod. memb. xv. 3166. Ofllcium defundorum, liteiis grandioribu?, in mcm- braiia I'ciiptum. xiv. 3167. Petri Herentalii Catena in Pfalnios. xiv. “ Liber erat Richardi White tedis Chri/li Oxoii. “ Alunipiii Av. 1C09.” Codex mcmbrunaccus. 3168. Parabolte, Ecclefiaftes, Cantica, Sapientia, 5 c Eccle- fiallicus, glofiati. Codex niciubranaceus. xv. 3i6q. Codex mcmbranacGus pulcher, at impcrfcftus ; a ful. 70. incipiens. 1. Fragmentura cxplicadonis Pfalini xiv. 10 ad Virginem quandam. xv. 2 . S. Hicronj-mi 5c Auguliini difiputatio tic aiiinia. -ad Afellum Ep. dc fiolis aniicis, qui fibi detrahunt. ' 75. jj.-Sermones, de Natali Dhi, niyltcrio Agr.i Pafehte, 5 c de Uominico Palcha:. 7.;. b. 5. —--Altcrcatio Luciferiani 5 c Orthodox!. 77- b. . _ . . XV. 6. -ad Calcnlium, quahier vivere debeat, 5 c Dt-u I'ervire. 84. b. 7. -ad Therifontem Urbliuni, qua: fibi vitanda fint, et de libero arbitrio. 89. S.-ad Marceilam, de tranfiaiflis muneribus, ic dc nominibus Webraicis. 93. 5. Auguliini llieronyino deprccativa. 73-b. 1C.- dc 42 Manfionibus Ifratlitarum. 94. 11. -ad Rullicum Narbun. ep. de feptem graulbus Ecclcfia;, iiber. 101. 12. -Vita S. Pauli, primi hcreinitic. 106. 13. -Vita S. Hdarionis, Moiutclii. 108. 14. -Sermo pro vigiliis. 114. b. 15. -ad Militeni Icculi cp. exhorfatoria, ut Deo militet. iifi. 16. S. Auguliini, ad Optalum., liber dc o.dgine aniinaj. 1x7. 17. S. Hicronymi, de efll-ntia Triiiitatis, five, de membris Doniini, liber. 120. b. j 8. — ad Propanum ep. ut in bono opere per- fcverct. 123. 19.-ad eum qui dicit fe pccnitentem, 5 c adhuc ill feculo vcrfaiur, 123. b. Num 3li')q—J178. 20. RulTuu, Controverftavuni adverfus Ilicronymum, libri 2. \2.\..b. 2 1. S. Hieronyini, defenfionis contra Ruifinuin, lib. 2. . . H 7 - I 22. _ Speculi virginitatls, liber. 164.6. 23. S. Auguliini, Regulaad Virgines. 177. 25. S. Hicronymi Vita. i8o. 26. I-Iieronynii Je 10 tciitationibus, quibus filij Ifra-.I tentaverunt Dominum. i 84. 27. _de celubratinne Pafehee, liber. i Sj. 2g. --Struio, de liiblbnda Patris 5 : fiiii 5 c S. Spiritus 192. b. PiL 195 mulilumell; et foiiu;n eihni ig6, plufquaui dimidlo. 'i'um dclunt folia ufque ad 244. 2 (. Nicolai de t-ufa, Cardinaiis, dc inalheniaticis coin- pleinciitis, liber'. ad Nicolaum :. papam. 30. F.jufdcm libcliui, de apj licatione prioris ad Theo- logikim, valdc itnnOrfeclUs. Alia prorlus manii, a pnoribus divt-.-Ci, fcn'pti funiT ti-aihi'.us duo polteriores. 3 J 70. Job. ChryfoUomi Cnnfl. Archivp, ll'-miliae in Matthtcum. Privniittitur tabula rcruin prxcipuuruiu, iinpetfcda. Cudex mcmlr-naccus. xiv. S. Au'^urdni Hip. ep. Sermones 70 in S. Johannis eva.n- geiiuin. XV. Ha:c ad fiiiem manu recentiore annotantur. “ Ho- ndliie hie ponuntur hoc orJinc i — 22. 32. 33. 34. 3‘i* i?- (Hel'unt autem aliqua hie, qua: invenies inter 30 et 51.) 39—45. 24. 25. 26.27. 28. 30 (Rcliqua pars 38.) 51. 52. 53. fimperfeda) 31. 29. 49- (P^"s nltifua) • 47. 48. 49 (i>ars priina) Delunt i'aque 23. 50. 54.” Infra fiuiili luanu ; “ Uabetur hoc opus in Edit. Commelin. 1603, poll Iloniilias Crscas in Maithaiuni; ei in idem fatis accurata animadverfio.Quidar.i /Jdamnant, velul! flccrefi- bus Montniii, Aril, Dunaii, Manichsei, Ptiagii })lenuin, et ab ecciefia explodenduin cerdeiu, nenipc a Paulo pap iv'. fulptftx fidei babilum. Alii allegant ipiani Apo''o’icani Eccltfiam in ejus favorem, niinirum qux publice legit Ik.milias excoexcerptas; itemauihorts gravesqui hoc opus in feriptis fui.s laudant. Ergo niuliis Iceculis com- muni Ecciefia: aflenfu coniprobatum. An vero cxetnplatia piinuiin orthndo.xa et deinde ab Ariunis intcrpolatH, an IL'eretica primum et po!!ea ab rdiis cadrata fucrint judicent me deplores. linprhnitur hue opus ub Ananifacibus purgatuni S'* . Pariids. apud Joan. Roigny 1547-” Codex niLmbraiiuceus fer plus A. D. J477. [3172.—3215' Duodecimo.j 317:. Contvoverfarum fiber, de Vcibo Dei, Fcclefia, Confilii-y Papa, Clericis, Rcligiofis, Iviagillratu civili, Purgatoiio, 5 c Beads. Liber eiiariaceus. xvi. 317.3* 1. Remigii Antiffiodor. Monachi, Expofuio Mjfi.e. cum Oratiuiie Doiniuki, 5 c Syinbolo Apollolorum. xi. 2. S. Bermudi Abb. Ciar. Apologia erga Monachus Cluniaccnles. 3. Ivcnis Cam. ep deSacramentis, liber. 4. Fragmenta quadam. Cod. memb. 3 ' 74 - 1. Bonaver.turae, Cardinaiis, Meditationes dc vita Chrilti. “ life Fiber ell ad ufuin fratris Jacobi de Parma, qui feripfit A.D. 1454." xv. 2. Meditauo Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 3i7i--3i85. 2. Mcditatio in illud,“ Septies in die laudeni dixi tibi.” Liber chartaceus. 31 . 75 ; Loci communes Latine feripti. Liber chartaceus. xvii. 3 I 7 . 6 - Codex mcmbranaceus, in quo habentur, T. Marialc, five Colleclio Sermonum 13, in laudes B. Virgin!' Maria:. Subferipta fuiit h$c ad fol- 65. verfu Leonino, femibarbato. xiu. Ne quitras nomeii, cui gratia fancta fit omen, Utilis et dulcis et fine mole levis. Nam Siudii flores. morumque propino fapores. Ergo non dubitoquod placeum, legito. 2. Expofitir.ne' in verba quzedam pfalmorum. 65. b. 3. In boatitudines Sermonis ChrilH in Monte, f. S2. 4. Sententia? ex Auguftino &c. cum collefliione diclionum proverbialium, fubjedlis commentariis. f. 83 ad finem. 3177- Sermonum Dorainicallum liber, vetus, membranaceus. XIV. 3178. tiarti D.D. Commentarius in Arifiotelis logicam. “ In- choatus A. D. i' 28. abfolutus, 1629.” Liber char¬ taceus. XVII. 3 ^ 79 - Rev. D. F-dmundi Stratlord Commentarius de Deo, 1632. “ Annus Sccundus. A quaeftione 13 ad quaifi- “27.” Lib. Chart.; xvii. 3180. Ereviariura, cum Calcndnrio ; in membrana fcripium, et illuininatum. xiv. 3181. Breviarium: cum Calcndario Si Pifiuris multts, fumma cura claboratis, in membrana. Codex clegans. xv. 3182. A Paper Book, of Ihort Notes, collected out of vaiious Authors. xvii. 3 ' 83 - A Manual of Devotion, in an old dialedt of the South of France. Written on Vellum, and illuminated. 3184. A Method to converfe with Cod: tranfiated out of French into Lngliili by Catherine Holland, 1683. A Paper book. xvii. 1. Infantia Jefu Chrilti. “ In diebus illls venlt Angelus.” 2. Gcfta qujedam cjufdem, que Tleodofius M. invenit pretorio Pontil Pihui. fol. 16. 3. Viriutcs 12 cardinales. 4.]. Signa 15 dieruni ante diem judicii, fecundum Ill-.roiiymum. 46. c. Relalio cujufdam, quoinndo Aibor fanfta primilus n: vif, in qua falus munui pepeiulit. 47. 6. Qute trahunt ad fiiperos, et qua2 ad infiros. 69. Prelbvtcri johannis I’.pillohi ad Einanuelem Imp. . 79 - 8. Salutatio Angelica ad civitatem Confiandnopolita- nrT, quando R. Maria e.xtendit pallium luum iuper muro cuntia Saracenos. 92. Cedex Chartaceus, folia habens 92. Num. 3186—3199. 3 > 86 . Commentaria & difputationes de Juftificatlone impii. Liber chartaceus. xvii. 3187, 3188. “ Mufick for the Mean & Bafe Viall.” Oblong old mufick books, ill written ; the books bought of Play- ford. XVII. 3189. John Maulyverer, his Theological Obfevvations, written in Jonas Moore’s Almanack, for 1677, at each end. 3190. Adverfaria ftudentis in Jure civili. Xvii. 3 ^ 91 - Adverfaria imperfefta ; fuper folia 87 feripta, et com- pa£ta cum numero 6636. xvii. 3192. Colleftionura Thcologicarum, liber. xvii. 3 * 93 - 1. De poteftate regia, Traefatus. xvir, 2. A Sermon on 2 Pet. i. 19. A paper book j the chief part blank. 3 ^ 94 -* “ F-nchlridion Pradllcum Medicum.” Libellus hunc titulum tiabens, et adverfariorum forma digeftus. Paginse 406. xvii. 3 > 95 - De Ele£tione Sc Reprobatione, liber, Chartaceus. xvii. 3196. Pliines Fletcher “ Locuftic,” Poema Latinum. Auctoris ut videtur exemplar, et forfan Autogiaplium. Poema paginas hahet 57, prefer dedicaliones. Dedicatio profaica inferipta elt, '• Optimo et “ mihi colendillimo femperViro, ThomsMur- “ reio.” Sequitur inferiptio Verfibus Hexametris, “ IlluflrilUmo Principi Wallije Carlo,” incipiens, “ 0 decus, o fcvi, et gentis fpes maxima nofirm, “ Delicia: Anglorum, faufti faulliifima Patris “ Progenies,” See. Libellus manu eleganti deferiptus in cluit-i, et com- paStus cumnumeris 5024 et 7358. 3197,3198. Receipt Books of Elilha Coles, Receiver general of the monthly AlTcfFments in the County of Oxon, of the feveral Sums by him paid to the Treafurers from 7 Feb. 16 q ^ I , . ,5 ijan. i6i;l N.B. There are three volumes of ihefe receipts numbered 3197, A. 3197,3. Sc 3158. 3199- 1. De computo teraporis, liber : faftus A” 834. xi. Incipit, “ Tempora igitur a temperamento nomeii accipiunt.” 2. Alius: “ Aimus folaris, ut majorum confiat folertia.” 3. De confiltutionibus in hlirlca, liber. “ T.mp-’ribus noftris fuper omnes homines faiui funi Cantores.” 7 4. Iicrum Bibliothecas Harleianas. 9 Kum. 3199—3204'. Tterum de anno et computo. £. De tonis in lej^endo vel dicendo. 6. Guidonis .Aredni de Mufica, liber impcvfectus; ad initium cap. xiv perduftus. 7. De int'antia Chrifti, liber. “ Cuinq; ftaret humilis.” Imperfectus. xiv. Codex membranaceus. ’ 3200. T. I.aurentii de Dacia, “ Stella Clericorum ” Ap- pellari videtiirin fine tradatus, “ L. Johannis de Dacia,” fed fimplicitcr de Dacia in Catal. MS ". Bibl. Reg. Paris, n" 3464. 3. De peccatis inortalibus tradatus, Arbor mala frudus itiaios facit.” 3. Tiadatus brevis, paginas 7 extremas libelll occu- pans, incipiens, “ Quanti fit perlculi, k quam contrarium vera: ialuti, pliira beiieficia ecclcfiaflica retincre.” Liber membranaceus. 3201. Controvei'fiarum liber, de vera Ecclefia, Vcrbo Dei, k in quscltiones varias 'I'homfe Aquinatis. xvii. Libellus chartaceus, de quo ait PolRflbr anonymus, “ Hunc Hbrum mihi dono dedit I’h. Mouf. e S. “ J.anno 1666. tentandi gratia ut in partes me “ fuas perveteret.” Qurc verba fcripta vidcntur flCioveilo, qui lua manu indictm ctiam qua;ftio- num praifixit. 3202. Codex membranaceus, non male confervatus, continens, XII. 1. Poemata qusdara Latina, feqnioris asvi, quorum primum incipit “ Nuper eram locuples.” Alterum “ Die age mors, quid agis,” &c. 2. Laureniii, Monachi Dunelmenfis, Hypognofllcon Veleris et Novi I'eilamenti, libri novem. De quo vide Fabr. Bibl. med. et inf. Lat. lib. xi j cum argumento metrico, fol. 8. 3. Prnfaica etmoralia quiedam. f. 113. 4. Verfus rythmici de Troja; excidio. “ Pevgama flere vnU, fm-m-nanaviuL data folo ; “ Solo capta dolo, capta redada lolo.” f. 114 b. 5. Poema aliud, “ Corpus opus ftudium,” &c. in quo duze paging fere oblitcrantur. 6. Epitaphia, Epigrammata, &c. 3203. Libellus membranaceus in quo habentur, 1. Paflio 10,000 Martyrum. xiv. 2. Sermo de S- Johanne Baptiila. 3. Aphorifmorum Theologicorum liber. 4. Narratiunculx de Sacerdotibus. 3204. Libellus chartaceus, manu non ineleganii fcripius, con¬ tinens initia Pfalmorum Davidicorum, cum Oratio- nibus, et fignis Arcanis. Paginas habet 14.}., prstcr tabulam Pfalmorum. Tituli, qui longiffimus eft, initium fie fe habet, “ In- “ cipitPfalteriumDavid propheteC cum luisphila* “ teriis, (philaderiis, in fine) caraderibus, ora- “ tionibus, et virtutibus. Unde in pfalterio “ invenies (fi intenta mente perfeveraveris, et ad “ fpiritualem intelledum perveneris) domiiiici “ verbi incarnationem, palfionem, mortem, rc- “ furredionem, atque afeenfionem,” &c. In fine pag. 2''*. “ Htec eft tranflatio pfalterii “ David de Conftantinopoli civitate, in anno “ Dorn. 1151. Indicatione 9.” Subferiptio ad finem Pfalmorum eadem fere cum titulo. Harleio datus a Doc. Hickes. Cat. Harl. Vol. Ill, Num. 3205—3213. 3205- 1. Numerus Ecclefiarum, Villarum, k feodorum Militum in Anglia. _ _ _ xiv. 2. Pondera, k menfura: longitudinis. 3. Statuta R. Edwardi tettii. 4. Statutum 110. Ricardi 2. editum apud Cantebr. 3206. Statuta R. Edwardi tertii. xiv. 3207. Loci communes Theologici, ordine alphabctico ufq; literam S. in qua deficiunt. xiv* Codex membranaceus. 3208. A '^paniflr tranflation, moft elegantly written on paper, of Plutarch’s trad, ‘ whether a Prince ought to apply to Learning.” A Latin Epigram is fubjoined, with two Spanilh Verfions, the one in Odava Rima, the other in what is called a Redondilia. 1 he Epigram is this. “ Alma Venus prtegnans, cum jam prope partus “ adelTet, “ Confuluit Parcas quid pariiura foret. “ Tigtim inquit Lachefis, filicem Clolho, Atropo* “ ignem, “ Ne rcrponla forent irrita^ natus Amor.” 3209. Reports, par Mr. Andrewes, Bencher de Lincoln’s Inne. An old paper book, clofely written. 127 leaves. xvii. 3210. Libellus membranaceus, conftans fragmentis, prtEcipufi theologicis, fed valde imperfedis, et tetatc diverfis. Ad folium 57. b. incipiunt verfus Laiino-barbari, quorum divifiones, feu capita, ferie literarum in alphabeto notantur. Iniiium fie fc habet j " A Cum principio tres errores fiigat uno, “ Qui creat ille facit, ft vitas Iinproprie fit “ Elt domino facere cum res nova prodit in efte, “ &c.” Procedunt, per quinque ve! fex capitum feries, ufque ad fol. 68. ubi alia manu fubferiptum eft, “ li feconde “ coniandement eft cieux, tu ne prendras mie le nom de “ ton dieu en vayn. C’eft a dire tu ne,” kc. quod praecipue notandum eft quia mandatum hoc, refor- matis tertium, hie diferte fecundum appellatur. Libellus contradionlbus prseter modum abundat. 3211. Sumina Theologise, 4 libris: cum Indice. “ Queritur “ utrum Theologia fit Scientia.” Liber quondam Perri de Polonia, Ordiiris Predicatorum. Videtur tamen effe pars fecunda majoris operis. Cod. memb. xiv; 3212, Sermones pro diebus facrls 1 quorum primus eft pro die cinerum, in Jer. vi. Cum indice. Sequuntur queedam diversa manu fcripta, cum tabula textuum et aliis fragmentis. Codex membranaceus. 3213- Codex membranaceus, cum hoc titulo ; xi. “ In hoc libello coniinentur excerpta de commen- “ tariii bead Hieronymi fuper Matth^um et D “ Marcum 10 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3213—3222. " Marcum, er alia plura, fatis utilia, de dlverfis “ onufculi? fanclorum Patrum.” Ad fincni, verfus Leonini, “ de diuriiis et no£turms “ horis, et fignificatione earum.” 3214. Johannis Apncalypfeoi expofitio : cum Indice. xiv. N.B. ad caput xxi. quinque folia interpolantur ex aiio gloflatore. Codex membranactus. 32 ^ 5 - 1. Sermones Dominicales. xiv. 2. Comment, in Apocalypfin. “ Chrlflus dicitur ftella.” 3. Iteriim, Sermones nonnulli. 4. Fratns David. Pormulat Novitiorum, pars 2’. 5. Fragmentum DicIion;.rii veterisa liieris Ab. ad Con. C. Loci communes Thcologici. 7. Fragmentaalia. Codex mcmbranaceus. [3216—3227, Octavo.] 32r6. Codex mcmbranaceus, elegans, pifturas habens, alia* in pagina deliiieatas, abas gkitine affixas. Folia habet 192. Occurruntin hue Codice : xv. 1. Johannis Oerfem ^ut e.ft in n". 32231 “ Oe perfedta “ Anima; Philofophia,” libri 4. Idem libellus, vulgo diftus “ de Imitatione Chrilti,” Tub nomine 'I’homac a Kenipis pafliin circumfertur, et fepiffime editus eft. Ucri potius attribui Jebet, difpuiarunt vidca' apud Fabr. Bibl. med. et inf. Lat. ad nomina Gerson, et KhMPis. iVIontf.mconus eundem rractatum inter opera Gerfeni invenit Diar. Ital. p. , 73 Codex ille anno i 66 Scriptus ; nofler, anno '454.. l-uio tamcn Elezevcriana dicitur efle recenfitus ad hdem autographi (Thomjc a Kempis) anni 1441. Quid verum in hac qusllione, videant eruditi. 2. Libellus cxcerptorum ex diverfis operlbus S. Hiero- nymi.” f.ioi. 3. Cardinalis Bonaventurx “ dc triplici vita” liber, f. 172. 3217. Juliani Toletani ep Prognofticorum futuri faeculi, ISbri ?. F'olium ultimum rccentiore manu fuppletum. Cod. memb. 3218. Sermones Dominicales per totum annum. xiv. Codex membranaccus. 3219. Willielmi AntlfTiodorenfis Opera, 4 libris: in compen¬ dium redaCia ab Herberto Archidiacono Antiffidorenfi. Codex mcmbranaceus. Cum iadicibus capitum. xiv. 3220. Traftatus Theologici libri 4. 5. 6 . 7^’. Incipit 4'^'. liber, “ deincarnationeverbi.” xiv. Ad finem feribitur diftichon, “ Finis adcfl metae, mercedem ppfco dletae, « Quam nifi jam dederis eras minus aptus cris.” Codex mcmbranaceus. 3231. Sermones feuPoItillsc de tempore"; hoc eft, ab Adventu, ufquc ad Domin'". 21 poll Trin. In Epiftolas et Evangelia. Codex memb. xiv. 3222. Codex membranaccus, in quo invcnluntur hac, I. De Gallo fuper Eccicfiam pofito, fignificatione hararum, atatibus, beatitudinibus, &c. liber. x. Num. 3222—3227. 2. Liber Scintillarum. De Caritate. Dominui “ dicit in Evangdio.” 3. Epiftola de monachoruniofficiis,incipiens,“ Primum “ omnium caritatem veftram admonco.” 4. Fragmenta varia theologica. “ Vox Sponfe,” Sec. 5. “ Incipit fententia fandi leronimi de eiTentia “ divinitatis Domini, ec de invifibilitate atque iinmen- “ fitate ejus.” 6. Verfus de decern plagis Egypt!, et de ccclefll pane; cum aliis fragmentis. 7. SencenticC ex Ambrofio et varlis fcriptoribus de- fumptae. 8 Confcilio fidei. “ Credo facrofan£l$ divinitatis cternam unitatem. Credo in eadem unitate coeternam triniiatcm.” 9. Fragmenta viria, pleruraque mytila. 1'^. Merovingi cujufdam Vcrfiiicatio proverbiorum Salomoiiis, de quo Argumentum opcri< ha:c habet. “ Verfificator ifie Merovingus fertur fuilfe, et ficut “ pofterioribus pandit cucul! itus veraciter fuir. Iftefub- “ dialogo componens ilium libellum, nonnulla Salomo- “ nis perferutando librorum aliquot ad.idis ex quo* “ rundam aucloritatj dodorum, ilridim Lxeerpfir pul- “ chenima proverbiorum.” Henric'i imperaiori in- feriptus eft liber, et iniiio thulum hunc gerit, “ lucipic “ Liber qui vocatur Cicri d.licia.'’ 3223 - Liber idem qul fupra, ad numerum 3216. i. deferiptus eft. Poll capitum tabulam, occunii hiec inferiptio : “ Incipit libellus dev.itus et utilis, compofitus a D. Johanne Gerfein, Cancellirio Pa iftenfi.” Codex eft membranaceus, elegans, feriptus anno 1478. Vide quse dida lum ad numerum 3216. xv. 3224. 1. Ahni de Infulis, “ de pla.idu naturtc,” contra Sodomite vitium. V 3234. i, xv- 2. Forma didandi. “ Cum inter jocunda familiaricatis colloquia.” RicardideBury,Dunelmenfis Epifcopi.Philobiblion. 4. Contra luxuriam, liber. “ Cum fecundum Se- “ necam.” 5. “ Soinpniale dilucidarium Pharaonisper Joh. Leuionicenfcin. Codex mcmbranaceus. 3225. 1. Commentarius in Apocalyplln, Zachariam, et Can- tica Caniicorum, x. 2. Apocalypfeos 8 folia, fecundum Vulgatam Ver- fionem, a cap. ii. 13. ad xiv. ii. Cod. membr, 3226. Rofarium Theologia:, ordine alphabetico. Sive Didlo- narium thcologicum locorum cominunium. Cum indice a manu recentiore. Cod. membr. xiv. 3227. 1. BonaventurK Card. Itinerarium hominis in feipfum. 2. de ligno vitte, liber. 3. J. Lotharii (poftea Innocent. 3.) de miferia con- ditioiiis humantc, liber : five contemptu de mundi. Codex membranaceus, de elegans. Bibliothecae Harleian^. II Num. 3228—323B. [3228.-3247. Quarto.] 3228- L. Ctsl.Laclantii Firm. Divinarum Inflitutlonum, libri;. Couex Juriaceus, iUuminatus,fa:culo i5vixlerior. XV. 3229. Lecenda d« S. Francifco. “ F.xpletumpcr mefratrem Aluxandrum Ih'iionienlcm, Ordinis S. Auguftim, m hofpitulc S. Pauli de Fioreiiiia. A. D. 1 ;o4.” Ornatur Piologus iiluuiinauone pcrquam eleganu, et arniis pofTciToi-is. Cod. meinb. pulc..crrimus, folia habcns go. 323'^* A Common Place Book of L ivinity. fli^ory, Rheroric, Lo de, &c. with an analyfis of fooe books or the ou paper, in variou.> hands. xvii. 3231- Elucidarius liber. Dialogus inter Magiftrum et Difci- puluin. vid. 3244- Codex meinb. xvi. 3232- 1. De poenitentia track. “ Peccator debet habere « conrritioium.'’ f. i. • . r , 2 Quindccim figna diei Judicii. f. i. b. 3. Lxpoiiiio Miffae. f. 2. IIxc in meinb et vetuflior. :-pcculum Laicorum, 93 capkibus. Super charia fcriptuni. 3233- S, Hieronyml Epiftola: quasdam, ct alia ex operlbus cjus cxcerpta. Codex chartaceus, non inelegans, fed im- perfedus a feriba relidus. xv. 3234- t. Alanl deinfulis, deplancluNatura, liber. 2. Macrocofmus, Microcofmus, & Scientix. Inhujus •peris priiiio tibro f. 43. “ Congeries informis adhuc cum filva teneret Sub veteri confufa globo primordia rerUm. In folio prhno Icriptum elt. “ 1440. Johannes “ MarchanovaArtium et Medicinx Dodor. P. S. “ Fee. em. Patavii.” Ad finem, “ Hunc libriim “ donavit eximius arfium et meJicinx dodop “ Mr. Joh. Marchanova, &c. 1467.” 3. Pub. Ovidii Nafonis, de Ponto, libri 2. 76. 4. De vita Philofophorum, liber. “ Thales Philufo- phus Afianus.” 1 13 . 3235- . 1. S. Joh. Chryfoftomi, Commentariorum in S.Mat- thxum Homilix. 55 cum indice Alphabetico. _ xv. 2. Sermones quidam Dominicales, & de Sanftis. Codex membranaceus. 3236- 1. S. Job. Chryfoftomi, Commentarior. in S. Mat. Homilix 55. cum indice alphabetico. ^ 2. Expofitio in Boetii libros 5 de confolatione philofo- phix. Codex membranaceus. 3237. 1. S. Hieronymi Refponfiones ad Damafuin papam, fuper quxftiones in librum Genefeos. xv. 2, __ ad Damafum, Auguftinum,&c. Epiftolae tarix. Codex chartaceus. 323S. 1. Jacobi de Ccfulis Liber, de moribus homlnum et ofHciis nobilium, fuper ludum Schaccorum. Vide num. 5440 . Num. 323S—3244, 2. “ Ragginni g per le quali non fi ha da pcrnicttcr “ alii Veneliani qucllo che recercano iiiiomo alia efclu- “ hone della compagna delie Giefuiti delli loro ftati.” Manu inulto recentiore. Liber chartaceus; a fol. i6r. ad 195. XVII. 3 = 39 - 7. S. Thoiiix Aquinatis, Compendium thcologicx veritatis. xv. 2. -Symboli cujufdam veteris expofitio. Sym- bolum hoc itaincipii, “ Firmiter crediimis, ct fimpliciter “ confitemur, quoil unus, folus et verus Deus, eternus, “ iinmenfus.” &c. 3. Brcviloquium inS. Scripturain. “ Fle^lo genua mea “ ad patrem.” 4. De 4 noviflimis, liber. “ Mcinorare noviflima tua.’' Defunt folia duo in iraiftatu medio. Liber quondam Johannis Jofepli, Ordinis Mlnorum Conventus Wigornic. Codex chartaceus ; at folium primum membranacemn, ei ornatum. 3 240- Speculum humanx Salvationis, verfibus rythmiris bar- baris; cum pitturis pluriinis; compledlen.^ hiftoriam facram. Xiv. Codex membranaceus. 324T. Petri Lombardi, Sententiarum libri 4. cum arbore con., fanguinitatis. Cod. memb._ _ _ xltt. Liber aliquando D. Henrici Spelman, &: etiam Joh. Maiinyng. 3242* I. M. Aur. CalTiodori, Iliftorix F.cclcftafticx tripar- titx Sozomeni_^ Socratis, & 'rheodorki compendium; lalibris. . . Scriptum per fratrem Michaelem, irevens, A. ii. 7: Eutropi’l Illlloria Romana ; ernn craitinuatlons Pauli AquiU-gcails Diaconi, £c poftea Laudolphi, ad tempos imp. Leonls. Scripta per eundem Michaelem, A. D. 1520. Liber chartaceus. 3243- RogeriNotingliara,AdamiWodham,&fticarJiCamafrale, Quxftiones varix philofophicx & theologicx. Cod. meinb. Numerantur folia manu antiqua 159. Ad to!. 56 feriptum eft “ Expliciunt infolubilia.” xiv. 3244- I. Elucidarius Liber. “ .Surplus rogatus a ctmdrrci* ' pulib.” Idem qui fupni 3231. £. Alani deinfiilis, Poenitentialc. 3. De vitiis, Liber. Tratlaius ifte rontinet 9 partes. Cum picturis allegoricis infignibus quatuor. 4. De natura Beltiarum, & dc gcncribus Avium, Pifeium, & Lapidum, liber. Cum pitftis animabum figuns. 5. Narraliones & exeinpla quxdam edmeatona. ‘ Ouidemprinceps Saraesnorum.” 6 . Sumiiia de vitiis. 7. S: eorum fpecxbus niultimodis. 7. S. Bernardi Abb. Clar. de mteriore homine, liber. S. “ Expofitiones nommum Bibliutece. i. e. Bib- liorum, five ferip. SS. ^ , ,, n- 9. Tratlatus qui vocatur Templum. lemplum ‘ Dei fanclum.” , . . « 10. Guhelmi de Montibus fumma. “ Incipit Sumina ‘ maciftri Wilhelmi de Montibus, in qua contineniur, = 12 Artif^li fidci, 7 petitiones, 7 doua, 7 vitia, 7 bacm- i Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3244—3252. menta, 2 prscepta domini, mercedes juflorum, pens “ malorum. errores Laicorum.” 11. TraQatus duo breviores de mifericordia et boni confdemia. llx Sando Bernardo. Num. 3255,—325S. 3253- Expofitio Epidolarum D. Pauli. xii. Liber aliquando Johannis Drydcn. Codex membra- 3245- Bcrtrandi Alvemtnfis, Tropologia Taper 12 prophetas minorcs. Codex membr. xiv. 3246. I.Vercellenfis, Expofitio In Canlica Canticor. Ou. An Thom® monachi fand® Man® de Vaucel!’'. de" quo vide Catalogum MSS'" in Biblioth. Reg. Parilienfi ad nuni. 475 ? 2. ITugonis de S. Vidore, Expofitio Regulx B. Auguftini. Codex membranaceus. 32+7- Codex membr. in quo habentur, 1. Pfiilterii Expofitio . 2. De matrimonio Liber. “ Quonlam frequenter in “ foro.” f. 29. poll fol. 39, manu diverfa. 3. De naturis ciborum, liber. *• Quod in prlmis coegit “ antiques difputare naturis ciborum.” Mutilus, et non- nullis in tocis confufus. f. 50. Poft fol. 61 occurrit folium ex indice quodaiii. [3248—3292. Folio.] 3248. RationaleDivinorum “Quecunq; inEcclefiafticis officlis.” Scriptum Suptib® niri Willi. Vauce, 1462. Codex grandis, membranaceus. xv. Argumentum et divifio operis. ab audore, “ Dif- ‘‘ tinguitur autem in odo partes, quas feriatim, “ Domino favente, perfequamur. In quarunr “ prima, agetur de Ecclefia, et de ecclefiafticis “ iocis et ornamentis, de confecrationibus et " Sacramentis. In fecunda de ecclefi® minifiris, “ et eorum officiis. In 3“ de Sacerdotalibus et “ allis indumentis. In 4" de Miffa et fmgulis “ qusin ea leguntur et aguntur. In 5* Dealiis “ divinis officiis in genere. In 6“ fpecialiter de “ fingulis dominicis et feriis, et de feftivitatibus “ ad dominum pertinentibus. In de feftivita- “ tibusfandorum, et officio dedicationis Eccle- “ fise ac inortuorum. In 8“. de compute et “ calendario.” 3249- S. Pauli Epiftol® gloflatte. “ Liber communitatis fratrum “ minorumExonenfium, dedono fratris Radulfi, quon- “dam EpifeopiHerefordenfis.” Continet, loco ultimo, Epiflolam ad Hebrccos. Codex pulcher, membrana¬ ceus. XIV. 3250. S.Malthai Evangelium, cum variorum commentariis; in centum capita diftindum qu® in initio recitantur. Codex membranaceus. xiii. 3251- Regula S. Benedidi. Cum calendario et cjufdem illufirationibus. Cod. membr. Uteris grandioribus gothicis feriptus. 3252. Adus Apollolorum, Epiftol® Canonic®, et Apocalypfis: cum jjlofla. Codex membranaceus. xiv. 3254* 1. Hugonis de S. Caro, Cardinally, Commentariusin Parabolas Solomonis, Ecclefiaften, Sapientiain, Can- tica Canticorura. xin. 2. Expofitio Prophetaruni minorum. “ OlTa 12 “ Frophetarum pullulant.” Cod. memb. folia habens 235* i 3255- Ricardi Barre, Elienfis Archidiaconi, Compendium V. & N. Teftamenti. Codex forfan S®culi xv. mem¬ branaceus. 3356. Gratiani, Decretorum Canonicorum colledanea; five, Concordia difeordantium Canonum. Codex mem¬ branaceus. XII. Ex Bibliotheca Collegii BuffidianI, Lovadii. Liber, ut videtur, ex variorum cxeniplarium fragments confutus, ncc oniniiio pertedus. 3257- Codex membranaceus, in quo habentur partes fecunda et tertia libri qui didus efi Pantheologus; a Petro quodam, Ecclefi® (ut ipfe feribit) “ .''and® Trinitatis “ Londoni®.” Pars fecunda dicitur Salomon, et tertia Propheia. Fuerunt quidem, ut ex auftoris prologis fatis liquet, du® ali® partes. Prima fcilicet qu®, David appellata e(l ; et quarta, nullo, quantum video, fpeciaii nomine infignica. Mens audoris in his nominibus atlignandis hoc modo ab ipfo explicatur. “ Prima igirur pars nominatur David, eo quod in ea .fcr. eo) fola verba David exponuntur, cum quibus “ tamen verba aliorum facrorum librorum enodantur. “ Secundam autem partem Satomonem, et tertiam Pro- “ pbetam nominavimus, (qu® nunc pr®fcriptione “ nominis tui nobiliiantur; eo quod in fecunda parte “ verba tantum SalomoTila or Sapj.'ntia;, ct in tertia “ verba tantum prophetarum difiinximtis. Quarta “ autem pars omnis facr® Scriptur® audoritates, fer- “ monibus et d daminibus aptiores, quas reliqu® “ partes omiferant follicite colligit. Qu® tanta auc- “ toritatum copili fuperabundat, ut qui fine ea credit “ fe pofle verbis audoritatum copioluin efle fe ipfum “ invideat. Valete.’’ H®c in fine prologl fecund® et terti® partis, qua.s Radulpho Archidiacono Cokcefiri® audor dicaf. In Catalogo Parificnfi videri potell Petua Archidiaconus Londinenfis, qui forfan idem efi cum audtore Pantheologi, ut ex limilitudine argument! confirmatur. Notatur cniin ibidem “ Remediarium converforum, five Summa theo- “ logi® moralis,” ut opus Petri Londinenfis. 3258. Liber chartaceus in quo continentur, I. Poemata varia, De Deo, Chrifio, Maria, & Apof- tolis ; cum multis aliii diveifi argumenti, inter qu® notari forfan debent fequentia. 2. Poemata in laudem Joh. Fecknami, AbbatisWefimon. 3. in mortem Barnnis Pagetti, ob fidera exulis ; Sampionis Loni, & Henr. Copltei- 4. de feedere inter Eiiz. Anglam Henri- cum HI. 5. de fortitudine D. Guifi®, ignavia et alits Vitiis Henricilll. Epigrammata. 6. de ortu Elizabet®, Angli® R. h®retic® iSc perfecutoris, epigrammata. 7. Carmen, cujus thema “ quod omnia mutationi ob- noxia.” 8. q". Mors omnibus inevitabiiis. 9. q". Mundus Bibliothecas Hafleianas. 13 Num. 3258—3264, Mundus eftimpoftor. lO.VerusPhilofophns. ii.S. Beda ]au« Alcuini, & Ebbae. 12. in laudcm Joh. FiHieri, Roffenfis epi & T. Mori 13. in laudcm ComitisFontani, qui cepit Dorlendiain & Cameracum, et alia poematia muka. Auftor certe Papilla acer, non verb optimus poeta ; at quis fuerit non apparet. 3259* 1. Werncri Roleulnk de Laer, TeutonicI, Paradifus Confeientiffi. xv. 2. De afeenfu in virtutc, liber. Bsatus vir cujus.” 3. De vita obitu et miraculis B. Hieronymi; Epillolte Euiebii, Augui'lini, et Cyrilii. Scriptus ell Codex per f'ratrem Petrum Treverenfem A. D. 1484. De audore, haec feripta habemus, in folio prlrao, manu non admodum recenti. Frater Wernerus Redeuinckde Laer, nations Theu- tonicus, patria Wellphalus, ordinis Cartufienfium “ domus fanfbas Barbara; in colonia Agrippina, vir in “ divinis feripturis erudiiiflimus, ingenio exccllens, lliio ** admodum dulcis, vita et converfatione devotus, ut in fuis liquet opulculis, inter quas et prsefentem edi 'it “ librum, quern prtenotavii Paradi/im confeientia. Liber utique omni laude dignus, quern qui It gerir admi- “ rabitur et lenfuuni elcgantiam, et viri devotionem. “ Scripfit et alia multa, videlicet, Opus grandefitper omnes “ e^ijlolas FauU, libros xilil. De ’uiia fanFli Pauli. “ bb. VII. DeValore Mijfarum,\\b.l. De reginii„eprin- “ cipum,\]b. I. DeJ(uJioTljeo/ogica,\ib.i. Fafckidus tnn^ “ porum, lib i. liermonesmuUts,t\ alia complura. Floruit “ fub M.'iximilianu Imperatore fempeiquc Augullo.” Codex membranaceus. 3 260. Loci communes, de Sanclorum invocatione, confelTione, fatisfaftione, pcenitentia, &c. vii. “ Num. Co, in Catalogo MSS'". Libr. Domini Nort. Knatchbull,Londini venditoruni Juki i6g8.” 326r. Platonis, de legibus, libri 12: I.atuie redditi per Gre- gorium Trapezuniium. xv. Liber quondam S. Nicolai prope Cufam Treveren. Diocef. Codex pulchcrriraus, membranaceus. 3262. 1. Procli, de theologia Platonis libri 5 . xv. 2. Bonaven'urK Cardinalis Centiloquium. 3. -de redudlione Artium ad Theologiam, traflatus. Liber chartaceus. 3263. .Tohannis Temporarii, Organon Allronomicon, ex hypo- thefibus Copernici exllruflum. xvi:. Cum tabulis, et frguris, muka arte et labore conltrudlis. Liber chartaceus, 3264. A Paper book, containing various Poems of Petrarch, •with many marginal notes; taken, as appears, from -an ancient copy written by the author. xvi. The Volume contains the following Poems of Petrarch; Canzone t. Sonetti 27. 31. 36. 38. 41. 45. 46. 49. 53. 57. 113. 115. 117. 118. 119. 121. 122. 123. 126. 140. 127- * 55 - *58. 139. 160. i6i. 163. 164. 11.6. Canzone 20 imperf. Sonetti 1 74. 226. Canzoni 22. 23. a “ puoi tu “ farnie.” Sonetti 257. 258.260.263. 282. 282. Canzonet Cat. Harl. Vol. III. Nurti 3264.—32711. 24. Balatay. Trionfod’Amore, Capitoli. t. 3. 2. 4. Tri della Callit;!. Un ’altro principio del p“ cap" della Morte. Trionfo dellaFama, Capp. i. 2. Tr. della Divinita On the Trionfo d’Amore, is the following note. “ Nota che la diverfa lettione et correttioni di queflo p" cap" e (lata trdtta da duo originali di mano dc Pctrarca, I’uno de quali pareva i! pokerior, et feritto con manco litture, et le tnutationi di quello fono le notate nel 2” cap" et in queflo ove fia quefto fegno 4- j I'alfrc Ton tratte da un fcavtafallo che fu forfe la fua prima com* pofitione di quello Cap“ et del a”.*' Some fragments follow, probably from the fame old Copy, which appears to have had the dates of 1371 & ■ 374 - 3265. Colleftio Regularum & Prasferiptionum Medicarum. xvil. Liber quondam Hugoiiis Wilcox, Oxonienfis. Prsc- mittuntur Carmina quasdam ab ipfo H. \V. ut videtur Icripta. Libellus chartaceus, cum numeris 130, et 6024, compaclus. 3266. Index Numirmatum. OptimS feriptus, et divifus in Cladcs. Forfan ab Humf. Waiiley. Compaclus cum num. 2246. xvn. Catalogus Librorum AVilhelmi domini Paget, Baronis de Beau-del'ert: ex ejufdem Bibliotheca Draytoniana de- feriptus A. D. 1617. a Jo. HalTall. la prima p gina Autogr. Hear. Digby. xvii. 3 26R. Leonis i pap$ Epikolffi. Cum Vita ejufdem et indIce Epiltolar.im prmilxis. “ Iftc Liber eit ad ufumfratris Evangelika; de Cortona.” Cod. memb. xv. 3269. Arifloteks Etbicor. libri 10 ; Lat, per Leon. Aretinu. Codex membranaceus, elegans. xv. 3270. 1. Arikotelis Ethicor. libri 10 : Latine, perLeonardum Aretinum : cum multis notis msrg. xv. 2. Oeconomicorum libri 2 : cum comment. Leonard! Aretini. Codex membranaceus. 3271. 1. Fragmentum de generibus Nominum & Pronomi- num, et conjugationibus Verborum. i. x. 2. De Numeris Hydarum in Anglia, Saxonice. 6. b. 3. Charafleres Gentium, ib. 4. Aelfrici Grammatica. 7. 5. Accedit ad finem, de triginta argentels, Area Noe, dicbiis malis& feftis, deEpa£tis,Cuncurreniibus, Alleluia, &;c. Saxonice, 8g. 6. Dialogus de 8 partibus Orationis. 92. 7. Inventio Corporis S. Stephani. 113. 8. Abbonis Parinenfis liber: Latine & Saxonice. 115. 9. MilTa pro facerdote. “ Exaudi me Domine. 120.” 10. Verfus ad dies Egyptiacas inveniendas. 121. 11. jMedicina Ypocratis. 122. 12. Be jjam halgan gafle on Englifc. 123. 13. Invedtiva in Judteos pro crucifixione Xpi. Saxonice. 124. b. I .j,. Hieronymi, hifloria juvenis Apollata; a S. Johanne reclamati ; Saxonice. 125. 15. Computus Annorum, a creatione ad A. D. 948 quo feriptus erat Codex, qui membranaceus ell, et folia habet 128. E Num. 3272. 14 Catalogus Librorutn MSS, Kum. 3272—3281. 3272. I» Porphyrii Ifagoge in Ariftotelis Categorias. xiv. «. Arillotelis Prsedicamentorum liber. 2* —--deinterpretatione, liber. 4. -fex principiorum liber. 5. M. Ann. Boctii Liber divifionum, fiveTopicof. 6. Ariftotelis, Priorum Analylicorum liber : Pofterioru libri 2. Elenchorum libri a.Topicoru libri 8. &DeAiiima libri 3. FermanusVolperti de Wolmarkufen, A.D. 1303* Codex membranaceus. 3273- Alexandri Magni Hiftoria, verfibus Turcicis. xiv. 3274. 8c 3275-. State of the public Revenue, in the Reign of W. 3, froin5 of Nov. i688 to Mar. 25, 1702. And continued to Mich. 1710. XVIII. 3276. 1. Leonardi Arctini, de bello Italico adverfus Gothos gefto, libri 4 ; ad Julianum Cardinalem. 2. __— .. Oratio funebris, per Poggium. Elegia, per Carolum Aretinum. Epigramma in eum, per Maffeum Vt.gium. 3. Alia prorsiis manu, Sophise Imperatricis contra Narfetcm liters : cum refponfo. Codex membranaceus, pulchcr. 3277- A paper book, with the following Title, “ a Looking “ glafle forXoovers; Wherein are conteyned two “ fortes of amorous paffions; the one expreffing the “ trewe eftate and perturbations of hym that is over- “ gon with love j the other a flatt defyance to love and “ his lawes.”. xvi. The work confifts of 78 pafllons, or chapters, com- pofed of profe & verfe, wherein are many imitations of French & Italian poets. Introduced by a “ Protrepticon “ Authoris ad libellum fuum,” in Latin Hexameters. The whole is the work of no mean poet. In his Pro- trepticon he fpeaks of a learned Queen, doubtlc^'s Eliza¬ beth, 2 c a Patron whofe name was Vere, namely the Earl of Oxford. 3278. Offices & Officers of the Exchequer, the Patrons and Duties. XVIII. Note in the firft leaf. “ This account of the Exchequer “ was drawn up by Mr. Lionel Herne, firft Clerk to one “ of the Tellers. He gave this account to my Lord Dupplin, & from him I had this Copy. Mr. Herne had the reputa’ione of being a moft exaft Clerk, & excellent Officer. He died in 1714 ,1 think.” 3279 ' Alcorani pars, literis Mauritanicis; Codex chartaceus, initio ct fine mutilus. 3280. Humajun Name, i c. Traclaius Regius: five, Inftitutio politico-movalis Prmcipum, fcu Faliula; Pilpai. Autore zc Inicrprete Ali Cialibi; qui ilium Adrianopoli fcripfit, k Iinperatori Murad dicavit. Turcicc. xv. 3281. Very accurate Draughts of feveral curious Mechanical and Mathematical Inftruments, on vellum. The Author’s Name is obliterated. There is a ftiorc intrcduclion in Latin, & fome remarks here and there in Italian, written with a pencil. xv. Num. 3282—3290. 3282. “ JohannisClimaci, Scala Paradifi.” In Italian, onvellunti XVf. 3283- A Year Book of the Reigns of Edward ^ &c. In law French. On Vellum, imperfect at each end. xiv. 3284. A Life of Chrift, in the Chinefe Language, with cuts, continued from the Annunciation to the laft Judgement. Apparently, a work of Ibme Jefuit, to inftruft the Chinefe. xvii. 3285- Liber Theologico-Moralis, Myfticus & Allegoricus; AuClore Ferid ’eddin Attar, celeberrimo apud Perfas Scriptore. Lingua Perfica, Tiiulus Mintuk al tairyvel Ehqitentia Avium, 3286. Mahumetis Alcorani, libti 4. Arabice. Super chartam bombycinam feripti. xv. 3287. A neat paper folio (bound up with 5183) containing, 1. The names of the five Conquerors of this Ifland, with their Arms well coloured. xvii. 2. “ The Names and Arms of the Saxons that divided this Ifland into feven Kingdoms.” 3. Barons of England, from the Time of Edward the Confeflbr to the Year 1608, with the Arms blazoned, 2 c a ihort account. A little mutilated at the end. 82. 3288. 1. Nomina Jufticlarioru in Com. Devonia;, a'' 1622. fo. I. one page only. xvii. 2. An Herald’sVifitation of Devonihire & Cornwal, 4 £liz. w ith an alphabetical Index of Names. fol. 25. 3. Officers of Arms, Anno 10 Jacobi Regis Anno- que Dili t6i2. 4. Nature of Beafts, Fowls & Fifties, borne in Arms. 173. One page only. This Book belong’d to Nic. Jekyll of Caftle Hedington, in the County of Eflex, Efq. 3289. 1. An Italian Tranflation of Salluft’s Jugurthlne War. XII. 2. An Italian tranflation of Boethius de Confolaiione Philofophia;, with a preface by the tranftaior. On Vellum, the initial Letters illuminated. 3290. 1. Claudii Ptoloinici, Cofmographia: libri S. Script! A°H4S. XV. 2. Petri de Alliaco Compendium Cofinographiae, cum hoc titulo, “ Compendium Cofmographise, in duobus traftatibus “ Dni Petri de Alliaco, Epifeopi Cainerarenfis, et Cardi- “ nalis. pra:ceptoris Johis de Gerlbii, qui ambo fuerunt “ cancellarii univerfitatis ftudiiPariiknfis. Perfonaliter “ ifte Petrus fuitin Confilio ConftantiiKnfi, 1416.” Codex pratcipuc chartaceus, fed cum nonnuUis foliis membranaceis. Liber oliin fratrum S. Crucis, mentis S. Helena:, prope Welfch bikb, Treverenfis Dioc. Num. 3291, Bibliotliecas HarleianaS. Num. 3291—3299. S. Chi-yfoflomi, Homilia: in Matthseuin, 57 ; ab his verbis “ non refiilat Abrahe cum vcllet.” Codex membranaceus. xv. 3292, 1. Petition of the Subjefts of Ireland, to the L- Deputy, for redrefs of certain grievances, in number, 32. XVII. 2. Sir John Perrot’s Difcourfe, for reprcfling the Rebellions IHrred up in Ireland by the E. of Delmonde Si Vifeounte Baltinglafie; & for reforming that Realm : A" 1581. 3. Report of the following CommilTioners Wilmot, Tho. Cromwell, Tho. Caulheid, Henry Docura, Francis Blundell,Richard Morifon, Joh. Jephfon, Hugh Montgo- nieryc, Rodger Jones, James Hammilton, Dudley Nor¬ ton, to James I. on the grievances of Ireland, dated 16 June 1621. 4. Reafons for the Plantations in Ireland, A° 1622. 5. Order of Council in Dublin dated 24 November 1591. refpe£ling Mr. Bryan Hugh Mac Oge. 6 . Nine Articles to be confidered by the Deputy and Council in Ireland, A" 1591. 7. L. Grandifon’s Letter to the Council. That the Rebels of Lextrim readily fubmitted ; but not fo thofe of Lemller, which he imputes to their Leaders. 8. Accounted fix Plantations in Ireland, before the Year 1622. 9. Inftru£Hons for Sir Arthur Savage, Receiver general in Ireland. “ Irrotulaf. in officio rememoratoris “ Regis,” &c. 1616. Extr. per Will. Marwood dept. RRS. A paper book. [ 3 ^ 93 —3307- Quarto.] 3 = 93 - Polybii Hifloriarum libri 5. Latino, a Nlcholao Perrotto Juffu Papa: Nicholai V. traduSa. Cum Epiffola Perrotti ad Papam dedicatoria. Prainittitur alia ad Auflorem, de procemio fuo, fed anonyma. Codex membranaceus, puicher, et forfan ipfi papse ab auflore donatus. 3394. A. du Val, Summa Theologia:, A" 1608. Codex chartaceus. xvii. 3295- Rob. Politiani, Itali, Diclata in fecundam Secundas Thomas Aquinatis, A. D. 1547. Scripta Duaci, a" 1577. Liber chartaceus. xvi. 3296, Palladius dc re ruftica, in Italian, imperfect. On Paper. xvi. 3297- S. Joh. Chryfoffomi, Quod Deus eft incomprehenfibilis, Sermones c,. xv. 2. ■ . conira Judaeos & Judaizantes, Sermones 6. Liber chartaceus. S. Jo. Chryfoftoini Homilia: 88 in S. Johannem. Latine verfas a Burgundione (feu Burgundio) judicc, Pifano civeA. D. 1178. Codex membranaceus. xv. Nota eft de Burgundio in primo folio, a manu recentiore. 3299- A Vellum book, ornamented with colours & gold, containing, I. The Statutes of Ghent, in Dutch. Num.329g— 3313. 2. Annals of the place, in the fame Language. 3. Names of Perfons admitted to their Fre^om of the City. 3300- Formula Inftrumentorum in Curia Exonienfis Epifeopi ufitatorum ; cum Indice prsefixo, Liber chart, xv. 330^- I. Commentarius in Juvenalis Salyras; cum Vita Aucloris ; }. Com. in Perfium, impcrfeftus, nec adfinem prima Satira perductus. Liber chartaceus. xv. 33 ° 2 - An. Man. f'ev. Tor. Boetii, de Confolaiione Philofophias, libri 5. Codex membranaceus, puicher, literis gothicis, fciiptus. XV. 33 '^ 3 * iEnea Sylvii (poftea Pii 11. papa) Dialogi, cum Fredefico III. Imperatore. Liber chart. xv. 3304- Diflionarium Juridicum. Liber chartaceus, ad fineia mucilus, foliis 4 exfectis. xv. 3305- Ariftotelis Ethica, per Leonardum Aretinum tradufla. “ Ifte liber datus fuit mihi Ynico de Davalos, per “ fpeftabilem Jacobum de Ardiciis, Ducalem Came- “ rarium ; die Jovis 27 Aprilis Anno 1440.” Codex membranaceus, auro ct coloribus ornatus. 33 ° 6 - Cl. Ptolomai, Harmonicorum lib. 3. Interprete Nicolao Leonicenu. Scripfit Fr. Gafurius, Mufica prufeflbr, A° 1499. Codex membranaceus, elegaiis. xv. 3307- Johannes de Laef, Expofitio Epiftolar. D. Pauli i. ad Corinthios. Cum illuftration'ibus locoruin quorundam, a Salmjfio ad auiftorem miflis, et e libris extradis. Liber chartaceus. xyi. [ 33 ° 8 — 33 = 4 - Folio.] 33 °!*- Eufebii Pamphili, de Prcejiaratione Evangelica, libri 14 : Latine per Geo. Trebifontium. xv. Codex membranaceus, clegantilTimus, cum imagine, forfau, tradudtoris in priina litera. 16 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nura. 3314—3318. 3314- The Philocolo (or Philocopo) of Boccaccio, in Italian, on Paper { with the initial Letters coloured. There is a chafm in the 5th book left by the tranferiber. xvi. 33 M- A colleftionof Papers On the State of Spain, about the year 1377. Originally in two Volumes. Before N® 10, which began the fecond volume, is an exaf\ table of the Content*, in Lnglifh, referring to the pages, but tr.e firlt volume is not paged. The papers are in Spanifli, & bear the following Titles. I. Gentcde guerraen Reynosde Caftilla, y las fron- tcras, y la yfla de Menorca y Yvica. i xvi. 3. Ga!crasdcEfpaha,Napoles,Sicilia,yparlicolarcs. 4. 3. La gentc de guerra ordinaria que el Rey de Efpanatiene end eftado de Milan, &c. A® 1577. 4.b. 4. Salaries que el Rey da en fu cafa, &c. 16, 5. Todas las Rentas que el Rey de Efpana ticne cn Efpaha, Napoles, Sicilia &c. A° 1577. 6. De io que fe pratico y proveyo en Cortes para defempCnar al Rey las Rentas realei. 7. Officios en la cafa Real. 8. Ordenque tienen cn la governa^ion de Efpana. 9. Embaxadc-res del Rey, & que refliden en .a Cortc. Part. 2. 10. De los Confefos que fu majeftad tiene enfu Corte. II. Chancelerias y auJiencias reales. 12. Galeras de E^■p^^.a, Napoles, Siciliay Particularc'. 13. Governadon de la Jufticia. 14. De los Juefes de facas y de los derechos que los Tnglefes pagan cn Bifcaya. i;. Los Reynos, Cividades, Cavallero', Senores, Src. 16. i.as Audiencias Reale'que hay en las Yndias. 17. Cedula y Orden que el Rey de Efpana dioa“ 1575, &c. 3316. On Paper, an old Hiftory of the world in French, be¬ ginning from Seth the Son of Adam, & continued to Alexander the Great. Imperfect at each end. xv. 3317- t. Georgii Hickefu Inllitudones GrSmaticse Anglo- SaxonictE. xvti. 2. Catalogus Librorum Anglo-Saxonicorura, impref- forum et MSS. Nov. 11. 169'. 3. Somner’s Saxon Dictionary, abbreviated. Liber “ Humfredi Wanley & amicorum, Odobr. 15.1691.” (Vide 378 . 28 ad 161. 4 cc.) This Abr dgement of Somner’s Diftionary feems to have been made by Mr. Wanley between May 3, 1692, & Augull 31 the tame Year. A fhort note aifo fays, “ I allowed myfelf lime to abbreviate it, tiil January “ 14, That is nearly half a year more than heem- ployed. He writes alfo, “ NB that I have been hindered “ all whitfon week, when I was at Caufton, Sz a fortnight “ by doing fome things for Major Aftley, & a week by “ copying the charters of Kenilworth for & a *' week by writing fome Things for myfelf in my blew “ turkey leathered Paper Book, befides feveral odd “ days.” It is moft diltin£tly written. 3318- Liber chartaceus, ex variis libellis, variis manibus feriptis, conflatus. Infant vero qua fequntur. I. Philippi Melandthonis Carmen Graecum, de Babylonica Idololatiia. xvi. 2 In Dionyfii Periegefm, ed. Steph. 1576, nots Craecse. Folium unicum. Num. 3318, 3319. 3. Jof. Scaligcri Caftigationes in Strabonem, in An- tonini transformationes, Theophraftura, & Athenarum. 4. Damafcii Stoici, de primis principhs liber Gr. & Lat. 5. Dexippi, Platonici, in Categorias Ariftotelis, pagina. Gr. & Lac. 6 Georgii Logotheti Chronicon. Grasce. folia. 2. 7. Fragmcnta Poetanim, Comicorum &c. ex Jo. Stobato, Athenaso, Dicccarcbo, ctjEliaiio, cum nolulis. 8. Dictcarchl fragmentum. Folia 2. 9. In Caliimachum, Obfervationes. 1C. Porphyril Operum qus defiderantur fragmenta, ex Theodoreto Sc Euefebio. Gr. & Lat. I!. Jnh. Mcuvfii, de Pnrphyrio Philofopho. ejufq; feriptis. Syntagma. Gr. S; Lat. Manu, ut credibile clb, ipfius Meurfii. 3319- A Colleflion of Patents, a few other Papers, viz. I Patent for Geo. Moncke to be Duke of Albemarle & Captain General ; :2 C 2. 2.-Rog- L. Boyl to be Baron of Broghil, 12 C. 2. • 3 h. 2. Patent for Joh. Clotworlhy to be Baron of Lough- neah, 12 C. 2. 14. 4. -Tho. Smith to be Baronet of England, 12 C. 2. • 16. 5. ■ ■ -— Albr. de Vere to be Earl of Oxford, 16 R. 2. 22. 6. -Arthur Capell to be E. of ElTex. C. 2. 23. 7. ■ Ed. Hyde to be Baron Hyde. C. 2. 23. b. 8. -Hor. Townfend to be Baron J owne- fend. 24. 9. -Tho. Crew, Baron Crewe de Steane. 24. b. 10. -Tho. L. Brudenell, Earl of Cardigan. mondley. 14. -- Sir Arthur Annefley, Earl of Anglefey, 25. b. -Fd. Montague, Farl of Sandwich. 26. -Rob. Choliiiondley, Vifcouiu Chol- 27. - Ja. Butler Marquis of Ormond, tarl of Brecknocke. 27. b. 15.-Ant. Aflilcy Cowper, Baron Coote de Caft'le Cuffe in Hib. 28. , (5. ■ Ric. Coote, Baron Coote de Coloone in Hib. 29. 17. ■ —— Eliz. Lodovic, Countefs of Guilford. 29. b. Heneage E. of Winchelfey, Baron ib. Sir Geo. Booth. "o. Mary Countefs of Kent, Baronefs 31 - Fitzherbert. 19. -- -John Grenvill, Baron Grenvill. 33. -Ric. Arundel de Trerife. 35. —- Sir Geo. Howrne, Baron of Scotland. •• Th. L. Howard, Earl JO- of Suffolk, Lucas. 21. 22. 23- ij. I. 24. 1 J. I. »J- 2 J. I. 26. 4C. I. 27. -Eliz.Vifcountefs de Maid- ftone,21 J. I. 56. 28. Ann Rochford, Marchionefs of Pembroke. 57. 29. Between the leaves 63. & 64. ate inferted feveral imperfedt Papers, and among them a Iketch of I the • Mary Fane, Baronefs le Defpenfer, 52. - Cath. Cavendilh, Baronefs of Ogle, 54. Bibliothecas Harleianae. Num. 3319^-^3326. the family of the Howards. Then from foi. 64. to 344. the whole is left blank. 30. Commiflion & Inflruftions for James E. of Suffolk, Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Suffolk & Cambridge. 12 C. 2. 244. A large, ^paper book, with the following Title ; A book of the Baronetts of the Kingdom of England ' untill the fixteenthe Year of the Raignc of our Sove- raigne Lord King James (lft,\ “ Conteyning, The Patent of the Creacon of the Baronetts, and the txplicon thereof, with increafe of honour, togeather with their names, places of habitatbn quartered coates & creafts. Begynnvng fol. 1“ & 23.®. Alfo, “ The names, fingle coats and creaOs of the Knights of the Bathe. Begynnyng fo]. 225. Laftly, . “ An Alphabet of the names of the Bachelor Knights, places where daye of the moneth, yeare of our Lord when, they were made, Begynnyng fol 407, With a table alfo to the'twd firlt.” . xvji. The Arms are coloured. 3 2 T ■ Johannis de Laet Gloffarium Latino-barbarum. Codex chartaceus, cleganter feriptus, et ab auctorc fubferiptus. XVI. 3322. Letters of the Spanifli ambaffador at Rome in 1548 S: i549,inSpanifh. See Nos. 3312 & 3313. xvi. 3323- Summnnfes to Parliament, from 49 H. 3, to 13 C. 2. with a complete index of the names. xvn. 3324- 1. Sir Edm. Uvedale’s Lift of the Hundreds, Liberties, Burrowes, Manors, 'I'ownfhips 5 c Tythings in Dorfei- ihire, 159S. xvi. 2. Orders of Council about fortifying of Plymouth, & the Ifle of Wight. 3. Sir Edm. Uvedale’s Commiflions to be Serjeant Major, & Colonel, 1599 : with direftion for lodging the Army, 100. - 4. Commiffion forMufters. 104. 5. Means ufedfor quaffing the'iriff Rebellion, 1600. 108. 6. Sir John Norris, his account of the ftate of Dnrfet- ffire, its foruftcatlciis, &:c. A ‘ 1588 : with feveral fub- fcquent Orders for training the Militia there, &c. 7. “ The Copie of a certificat of the forces of Dcrfet- ffire, viewed by Sir Edmund Uvedail Knight, & by him delivered ac Greenewiche to the Lords of Her Ma'"’ moft honnorable pryvie Counfcll with other Noates hicraflcr followinge The 14th of Maye i59^!.” C3225— 335 ! 1 - Duodecimo.] 3325* 1. A ffort Hiflory of Wales, from the Year 638 to 936* _ _ XVII. 2. Epitaphs in feveral Churches in Wales. 24. 3. Weiff Genealogies. “ Bequeathed to my Lord Oxford, by Mr. Hugh Thomas.” 33s6- Armesof 98 Knights Baronetts created fince the Year 1611,” ending with Sir Thomas Blaxton of Durham. XVII. Cat. H.-tRL, Voi.. III. Num. 1327- ExpHcation of the feveral Cafes in the ? firft Books of Reports. 209 leaves. Continued at N® 3920. xvii. 3328- Iphigenia Comcedia Latina profaica. Vide num. 556S. Argumentum ComcEdiEe, cx cndice. xvi. “ Ephigeniam cum amaret ephebus perditc, fuafu ec prccibus cam no6tu tandem doino abduxit, ct clam parentibus. Cumquc qinereretur tota urbe ad Ephomium traduaa eft, porro ad atium, ut lateret. Hoc ubi vidit ephebus, Ephigeniam apud fe effe non poffe diutius, banc pro virgine Gobio dat uxorem, aftu fuo, ct Servis Lenar figmentis. Itaque def'pnndctur Ephigenia, ct Gobius ca potitur uxore.” Codex mcmbranaceus, elegaus. 3329 - In Biblia Grasca Scholia M'ta Abrahami Selleri. Liber impreffus, interfoliatus, editus a Rogero Daniel, Lon- diiii 1633, ^ cunlinens Scholia a inargine Editionis Septuag. RomaniE, 1587. Scllcrl notce in interfolia- tione feriptte lunt. In tiiulo, eadcminanu, “/ibr. Selleri ** Sum.*’ xvn. Ab. Selleriis edidit, “ Remarks relating to the State “ of the Church in ihe two firft Centuries’’Loud. 1680. S'", ec, “ The Antiquities of Palu.jTa.” Lond. 1636, S'®, 3330- Axiomata & Obfervationes varim, ex Seneca, Bacono, Grotio, defenfione Regis, &c. xvn. Adverfaria viri cujufdam do£ti. 3331* Joh. Joviani Pantani Hendecafyllaborum, feu Baiarum, libri 2 : ad Marinum Tomacellum. Extant editi ab Aldo, ct aliis. Liber mcmbranaceus, elegans. xvi. 3332. P, Cornclii & C. F’aminii, de vera nobilitate, altercaiio. “ Donum D. Johannis Gibfoni Scoto-Britanni, 5 die “ Oclob. A. D. 1772.” XVII. Libellus mcmbranaceus, elegans j cum numero 2708 cpmpadlus. 3333- Poggii Fiorentini Facetiarum liber, 1456, per Sp. Paiari. num. Codex mcmbranaceus, pulclier. xv. Rolandi Chirurgia : >•,' ^TiAfrof. Videtur in initio deeffepars exordii tantum,quiJin fine incertum. Libel- lus meinbranaceus. xiv. 3335- Ordinale. ^ »Ti^£r^^. Cod. memb. ilium*, xiv. 3336- Meditata & diftata ad Befoldl Synopfm Politices. Ledlioncs privatim habita; annis 1660, 1661 ct 1661. Cod. chart. xvii. 3337- I. S. Aiiguftini Hip. de difeipHnaChriftiana, Hb. xir. 3. —-Unde Malum, lib. 3. S. Bernard! Sententijc quaedam contcmplaiiya. 4 S. Auguftini Meditationes. E ?. Anfcirni Catalogus Librorum MSS. i8 Num. 3337 — 3344 - 5. Anfeltni Cant. Archiep. Lamentationei. Ccdex membranaceus. 333 *- An Account of the Law; with References to the Statutes, under the Heads, i. Treafon. 1. Petty Treafon. 3. Mifprifion. 4. Felony. 5. Felony by Statute. 6. PettyLarceny. 7. Prsemunire. 8. Prifon, A-Prifoncrs. 9. Bail & Mainprize. 10. Juftice of Peace, ii. Supcrfedeas. la. Service Sc Sacraments. 13. Sabbath-day. 14. Swearing & Curling. 15. Re- cufants. 16. Surety of the Peace. 17. Good Be¬ haviour. 18. Forgery. 19. Perjury. 20. F.xtortion. 21. Cheaters. 22. Night Walkers. 23. Unlawful Games. 24. Pun-eyors. 2J. Foreftallers, Regraters^ IngrolTers. 26. Aflaults & Affrays. 27. Riots, Routs, & unlawful Affemblies. 28. Forcible Entry. 29. Re- flitution. 30. Highways. 31. Bridges. 3 . Guns & Shooting. 33. Hawks and Hawking. 34. Deer, Hares, & Conies. 35. Partridges, Pheafants, Pigeons & Swans. 36. Fifh and Fifliing. 37. Cloth k Clothiers. 38. Fain & Markets. 39. Weights & Meafures. 40. Butchers. 41. Bakers & Brewers. 42. Malt Sc Mahers. 43. Vifliual k Viftuallers. 44. Inns & Alehoufes. 45. Drunkards. 46. Con- ftables & Tithingmen. 47. Poor k Overfeers of the Poor. 48. Labourers k Servanis. 49. Apprentices. 50. Baffards. 31. Inmates k Cottages. 32. Rogues & Vagabonds. 53. Rates and Taxes. xvii. Very fairly written & paged. Once in the polTef- fion of the Duke of Newcallle. 3339- Jok. Mic. Dllheri, ProfefToris Jenenfii, circa A. D. 1638, Notula: in Horatium, Arnobium, Petronium. Liber chartaceus. xvii, 3340. Guarini Veronenfis Epiftola ad Pogglum. “ Remeante “ proximis diebus.” Cura Epiftola brevi ad Lconellum Effenfem. Libcllus membranaceus. xvi. 3341- Statutes of Edward 3. k Ric. 1. on vellum, xir. 3342- Pet. Senverii Adverfaria. In quibus continentur, i.Frag- inenta e Varrone et variis audoribui colIeQa. 2. Ver- Tms Lalini ipfms Scriverii. xvii. 3343- Syntagma Logicum. Codex chartaceus, optime feriptus, fed a quo non liquet. Procemium agic, “ de origine natura:, ct partibus Philofophis,” et de Logica conclu- ditur non effe Philofophias partem, fed inftrumentum. Opus in duas partes dividitur, quarum prior in quatuor hbros feu feaiones, poflerior in tres libros. Opus ab- folutum, & prelo paratum, fit modo imprelfionc dignum, quod probabile videtur. xr. 3344- * Jacobus Cafielvetri, his Album and Diary, who U (probably) died, in Sir Adam Newton’s Houfe [1615]. “ Ihe Italian MSS. did, I fuppofc, belong to him, lome of them being written in his own hand. “ Several of Sir Hen. Puekering’s Books at Trin. 1..0U. have Caltelvcm’s name upon them.” This account is inferred at the beginning, in the hand of Mr. Kaker. " Num. 3344—3353. Jac. Caftelvetri was paternal Nephew of the famouf Ludovico C. & was bom at Modena, as he himfelffays (p.47. b. of this book) March 28. 1546. He feems for a time to have taught Italian at Cambridge. The book contains various memorandums. 3345- Statuta Ordinis Domus Hofpitalis Jerufalem: fafta Aufpiciis et Juffu Claudii de la Sengle, eius ordinis Magifiri. Senbebat Claudius des Molins Parifienfis, A” ic 5 /. Cod. chartac. folia habens 488. 3346. Libellus membranaceus, eleganter depldus, in quo habetur, Georgii Hermonymi colleftio Sentemiaruin aurearum, Gcorgio (Neville} Archiepifeopo Ebor. in- feripta. Errore picloris, Arraa Cantuarienfis fedis, pro Eboracenfibus inferuntur, et perperam in clvpeo difpo- nuntur. Neville Archiep. fuit anno 1465. Vide etiam numerum 3348. Difiichon hoc in initio rainu recentiorc feriptum. " Aureus hie liber efi, qui continet aurea didla “ Auratum redder, qui legit et faciet. ’ R. R.” 3347- A Lift of the Magifirates, k other public Officers of Venice, divided into two parts. 1. “ Officij c Magiftrati che afpettamio da eflerfatti per lo ecC"" cons ■ de X.” ^ 2. “ OfEcij c Magiftrati chc afpettanno da effer fatti par lo ecc'®'' Pregadi.” With a lilt of the noble families at the end. In Italian, 112 leaves; bound with the numbers 994 and 3363 On XVII. 334 S- Colleftio Sentemiarum aurearum. Idem fere liber ac 3346; eundem nempePrologum(quamvisimpcrfe£tum) habens, ct Epilogum eundem. Sentencite tranlbofita ct adauflx. Cod. memb. xr 3349- Hcurcs Nouvclles : a colleaion of Prayers, chiefly in French. Written on Paper, with a coloured border to each leaf, k other ornaments; 96 Pages. xvi. 3350- Notulx in Juvenalis Satyras. Scripts in Editione E. Redmayne 1686, interfoliata. xvii. 3351 - A Treatife againfi Ads of Refumption. On paper, in a neat, fmall hand. xvii. 3352- Formtil* rnfirumentorum Juridicorum. xv. Liber olim erat Edwardi Ducis Ebor. Codex Latine feriptus; cum titulis Formularum majoribus literis dc- feriptis. 3353- Codex membranaceus, in quo habentur ; I. Macri Floridi (Pfeudo.) de Viribus herbarum, Poema ; (de quo vid. Fabric. Bibi. Lat. Lib. IV. c. viii. S 7-) Auftoris vcnim nomen, fecundum quofdam, fuit Odo five Odobifiui, medieus. Vixit poll Carolum Mag- 9 num Bibliothecas Harleianae. 19 Num. 3353--3357. num Imp. Defunt hie (nifi forte tranfpofitl fuerint) verfus 126, fecundum edit. Paris. An. lyi. Defmit enim cum hoc rerfu, “ Et nimiam bibiti vini depellit odorem,” quod de Z^- dicitur : poft quod, dc gariofilo, de Cinnamono, dc cojloj de fpUOf de thure^ dc aUe, in impreffo agitur. vide ad Num. 4346. xiv. 2. Marbodi, five Marbodei Galli, Pocma de Virtutibus lapidum, cujus inidum, “ Evax Rex Arabum legitur feripfifle Neroni." Dehoc vid. Fabr. loc. cit. § 8 : Et in Bibl. Med. et inf. Lat. Lib.XII. fub. Marbodo. vid. 3969. n. 3. Ovidii (fi Diis placet) dc rairabilibus niundl, trafta- tus. “OmnipotensOpifex prcreiisaboriginemundi.” Dc hac fiippofitida Ovidii prole nihil habet Fabric. 4. Summa Chiromautix. “ Benedidus Deus omni- potens.” 5. Dc 4 temporibus anni. “ De intendone noflra.” 6. “ Dodrina Henrici libello de jmagiiie inuiidi.” Prx- figuntur hi Verfus pro fanitate tuenda, ex initio Schols Salernitanae. “ Si vis te coluinem, fi vis tc ducere fanum, Curas tolle graves, irafei crede prophanum. “ Parce mero. Cenare cave. Nec fit tibi vanum “ Surgere poft eputas. Sbpnum fuge mcridiarmm. “ Nec Mindum differre velis, nec cogeris anum 7. Matutinae dc contemplatione B. Virginis fiiper pafiione Chrifti j pro quibus multae & magna: dicendbus dantur indulgentix. 8. johannis deSacro Bofeo, Algorifmus. 9. De Arithmetica tradatus. “ Eorum qux funt, aliud continuum, aliud dilcretum.” 10. Compotus, (i. e.) Computus. “ Compotus eft feientia confiderans tempera, ex folis et lun® modbus.” Ad finem “ Explicit Compotus valdc udlis.” 11. ‘‘Verfus Ovidii de Vetula, libri4in fine. O udnam ludus.” De poemate hoc (Ovidio ridicule adferipto) fufe agit Fabricius, Bibl. Lat. I. c. xv. § feruntur vulgo tan- tum tres libri. 12. Rythmomachia.‘-Septem funt Capitula editionem novam rithinomachle contliienlia” Rythmomachia fpecies eft ludi latrunculorum, de quo agitur in verfibus prx- fixis. (n. II.) 13. “ Incipit vetus editio Rythmomachitc.” 14. NarratioGallicadc morboet confeflionc cujufdam. “ En I’an de grace mil cc quartre vins et onze.” (1291) In fine, “ ^ui legit emendat, feriptorem non repre* hendat.” 3354- A common place book, written at both ends, & in dif. ferent parts. At one end, Sentences fiom Juvenal, Perfius,&c. fragments of declaraations|& LatinGreek Verfes. At the other, receipts ; and Englifh verfes from various authors ; Epigrams, Epitaphs, kc. Interpreta¬ tions of names, U mottos, &c. xvii. Num. 3357—33fii. “ one of his Majefty’s Serjeants at Law.” The Title at length ftands thus, “ A handful of Celeftlal Flowers, viz. 1. Divers fcleflcd Pfalmes of David (in Verfe) dif¬ ferently tranflated from thofe ufedinthe Church. 2. Divers Meditations upon ourSaviour’s Paffion. 3. Certaine Hymnes or Carrolls for Chriilmas daie^ 4. A Divine Paftorall Egloguc. 5. Meditations upon the ift & 13th Verfes of the 17 Chap, of Job. Compofed by divers worthie 8c learned Gentlemen. Manuferibed by R. C.” xvii. The principal part are by Francis Davifon: but foinc by W. Bagnall, Rich. Gipps, & Jos. Brian. A note in this book explains how this, & many other MSS. came from the Newcallle to the Harley Family. Firft is written, “ Henrietta Holies her book Given “ by her father.” Then, in a later Hand, “ John Holies “ the laft Duke of that name. She married, the late “ Edw. Harley Lord Oxford, Son of Robert Harley, “ firft Lord of that Family.” 3358 . Arthur! Hurte Prxfcripiiones Sc Obferrationes medic®. “ Ex libris Phillippi Peare, Authore Arthur Hartc.’* Libcllus chartaceus, paginas habens 376. x-vil. [3359— 34 'S- Quarto,] 3359- A Colledfion of Letters in Italian wi:h this general Title.* “ Secretaria del Sig. Conte Catalano Alfieri, Co- “ mandante dell armi col Sereno Duca di Savoia “ reftata in Cafteluccio, quando L’armi de'laSer""' Ke- “ publica di Genoua riportarono la gloriofa Vittoria “ con fi gran numero de morti, feriti, ct Piiggionieri, “ I’anno 1672. 5 agoft. Giorno della Virgine fantis^* “ Patrona c Prottetrice dela Ser. Republica di Cenoua,” On Paper, 2 13 leaves. xvii. 3360. An unpubiifiied work of Hobbes, on Optics. In his dedication to the Marquis of Newcaftle he promifes to make it more perfect, when he ftiall turn it into Latin j but it does not appear in his Works. The Title is, “ A minute or firft Draught of the Optics in two . -v. S firft 2 r Cillumination. parts, the ^ j r 01 s tr-r ^ I lecond 3 I Vifion. By Thomas Hobbes at Paris 1646.” It is fairly written, as for the prefs, with diagram* beautifully drawn. In his dedication he fays, that his objcdl i' to prove “ that Light is a fancy in the mindc “ caufed by motion in the braine, which motion again “ is caufed by the motion of the parts of fuch bodies, “ as we call lucid.” xvii. 3355* Devout Poems, m Italian ; with an alphabetical index of the initial words prefixed. On Paper, 243 leaves. Something refpefting the Author or Authors feeins to be written on the firll leaf, but in an obfeure hand. xvi. 3356. Libellus chartaceus, non ineleganter feriptus, in quo leguntur, 1. Auguftini Dathi Eleganti®. Incipiunt autem a fecundo auftoris prxeepto, fecunduin editiones. xvii. 2. Formal® Epiftolarum. f. 48. 3. Traftatus brevis de menfibus. 33,S7* A fmall Paper book, very neatly viTitten by Ralph Crane, and dedicated by him to Francis Afliley Knight, 3361. 1. Jonas Proaft, his Argument, that the Warden of All Souls College has not authority to difplace the Chaplains at pleal'ure. xvii. 2. Rich. Smith’s Catalogue of his Acquaintance, that died between 1628 & 1 ^ 75 * This notice is prefixed. “ A Catalogue of all fuch pcrlbns whom I knew in their “ Life, wherein are fet downe the feveral years of our “ Lrf & the Days of the Months from the Yeare 1628 to “ 1675.” So far feems to have been the original title. Then follows, by the tranferiber ; “ By Mr. Rich. Smith “ who departed this Life March y, 26 aged 85, & was “ buried in Cripplegatc Church on the ill of April “ following. The Colledlor of the forefaid Cata!. and “ of many more excellent books. He was a juft man and “ of Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num, 3361—3367. “ of good Report; he was a fecondary of the Poultry “ Compter about 20 years. By Augullin Newbcld. 34 “ pages in folio.” The tranfcript, however, occupies only a Jew pages in quarto. The firft name is Jo. Bill, the King’s printer, who died Ap. 13. 1630. 3. Abftraft of the Paridi Regiller of Denham in the County ofBucks, A® 1564—1695. 4--of Bromley Church from 1651 to 1698. 5. John Ilamerfley’s fecond Tflay toward> a folution where Birds go to make their Burial, and where they are when alTeJit from our Climate. 6. .A b icf Survey of Jamaica. “ Thomas Lynch tenet ‘‘ liuiic I,ib:uin 14 Nov, 1660.” 7. Harriots of the Cop) hold of the Manor of Sewa- reilon. 3362. Liber chavtaceus, in quo li.ibentur, 1. Carminum Sc Rythmorum colkdio; de moribus ; lit te gcr.as ad menfain ; Proverbialium, Jocoforum, Chronologlcorum ; Alnigmata; de fainiinis, &c. Ver- fibus Lconinis. xvi. 2. “ Laft Words of Thomas Crumwell E. of Edex.” 3. ReguliB quadam Grainmatica:. In locis multis, reanu rtcentioTC; inferibitur J j. Carlandi nomen. 3363- 1. Meditationum liber. “ Memento, mifer homo, quod cinis es.” xv. 2. Speculum Sacerdotura. “ Sanflus Edvardus Rex.” .3. Idem ; in fine mancum. 4. Speculum peccaiorum “ Quonla, karifiimi, in via hujus vite.” 5. Docirina laicorum C. i. “ Contra ignorantes 5 t vcr. i coniempores.” Defunt nonnuila in fine. 6. Decem Signa Divini Amoris, et de mails facerdo- tibuj. 7. E’orrauluria Iriftrumcntonim JariJicorum. Deed; Initiurn. I.ibeili majori parte cl..irtacd, prater num. 2. Ed. Payton’s Direourfe of Court and Courtiers, 163?. Dedicated to James Duke of Lenox. Fairly written. Sc illiiilrated by examples from modern hiltory. Bound with 537. XVII. 3365- A book entitled “ The Ambadudor’s Idea.” Fairly written on Paper. In the firll leaf is “ T. Rogers. “ A Manufeript for the Right honor’ ’' Jerofme Earle of “ Portland. Coiifumatum i,'°Julii 1638.” Then follows a dedication to the L-arl of Portland, figned by the Author T. Rogers, with Verfes to the Author Sc a Table of ihe Contents. All apparently tranferibed for the prefs. xvii. 3366- Dc S. Trinitate, Liber. Incipit “ a Quadionc 27 De “ procefiione Divinarum Perfonarum ; ” et procedit ad quatitionem 50. 1. Traffatus de Trinitate. 3. De incarnatione Verbi, Qusedlo-’e.^ vigintiquaruor. Ad finem, “ D. Antonii Martini monachl ordinis • S. B.nedifti.” xvii. ' Cedex chartaceus, non ineleganter feriptus. 3367. Dcnfclloruni, five de Denzel), profapia : ex r.rchivis fuis. Libcllus chartaceus, compacius cum num 1830. 6862. Num. 336S--337-3. 3368. Michaelis Medlolancnfi.^, Ordinis Minorum, Sermonariu. Sic appcllat librum Sermonum fuoruni pro Doininicis & Fcltis. Libermerabranaceus. xv., 3369- Theorka Tcflamenti Raimundi Lullii, Tranflata de Hif- ^ panicain linguam Latinam, a® 1446. xv. Capitibus97, Cum tabula Capiium. Cudex chartaceus. MSS. Arabica, a Solomone Negri collccta & feripta, viz. xviii. 1. “ Proverbia 50 Arabica, nunquam edita; qu£c Fri- dericus Roftgaard Danus habet Latiiic verfa j Sc aliquando in lucem edere promifit.” 2. Homiiia de terra: mom, in tcmplo S. Petri Roma: habita : ex Latino in feimoneiu .\rabicum a Sol. Negri- trandata. 3. Nodtia Imperii Otlinmanici. 4- Catalogus librorum Arabicor. MSS'" ; qui in Bib¬ liotheca regis Gallia; refervantur. 337 f- 1. Yfaac, de ITrInis, Traedatus. xv. 2. Guniteri dofeos Medicinaium, folium unicum ; duo deede videntur. 3. Aniidoiarii Flores. 4. Johannis Ardcrne, Chirurgifc liber. 5. Confiiium dc peftc, bis repetilum, ncc ut videtur fuo loco. 6. Prseferiptiones medicamentorura pro variis morbis.' folds 3. LatiiieetAngticc. 7. Medicainina pro inulierum, et poftea virorum morbis. 8. Fragmentum traflatus de laplde, et aliis rebus. 9. Tradatus Mag.Joh.de Ardcrne, de cura fiflulsc in Aiio. Imperfedus. 10. Prsferiptiones alix, etindiculus alphabcticus. Piurima in codice hoc manca, et tranlpofita, fed eluci- danrur quodammodo annotaiionibus marginalibus dodi cujuldem poireiuoris et medici, recentiore manu feriptis. Liber chartaceus. 3372 * 1. Liber medicus, aitiyaXof. “ Expeditis virtutibus medicinarum compofitarum.” ad fid. 123. xv. 2. Tabula medico multum nec'-iTdria. “ Cum non fit “ medicus, nifi adminiftrator rerum. 3. De digeflicne & cvacuatione. Trad. “ C^eritur utrum eleduai-ia debent dari ante cibuin ve! puft.” Cum adnotatlonibus ejufdcm viri dodi : quarum qux ad tertium tradatum pertinent hie adferibimus. " Hoc caput mutili de matcriie digcflione libelli ulti. mum efle divino, nam caput proxime fcquens fufiorem tradatum dc eadem re priefupponit (ut cum fchola ioquar) porro quia ibidem tradaiidornm capita prs> mifif, ita et in hoc de digeftione fuiiTc baud dubium cfTe judico.” _Ad fol. 33, b. hujus tradatus. “ a linea (rubra fcil.) hanc fecante pagcllam, ufquc au finem libri fequ- uiitbr, cujufpiam Cunt colledanca, r.cc ad pra:cedcntcm dc cvacuando tradatum pertinentia,” See. Codex chartaceus. 3373 * 1. Chiromantia: Trad, ^clavonice. xvi. 2. Chryfoftomi Homiiia. Sclavonicc. 3. Hifloria Bibliotheca Harleianas. ZK Num. 3373—3375- 3. Hiftoria Ruffica. Slav. Huic parti adfcribitur, “ Humfredo Wanley hunc Codicem D. D. Jacobus “ Seniawicz Kiovio Polonus. A, D. 1713.” Cod. chart. 3 .^ 74 - 1. Collcftanea ex Regiftris Monafterii de Thurgarton, de Welbeck, Com- Netting, ex Placitis & Rotulis In- quifidonum; ex Libro feodorum militum in Scaccario &c. et libro rubro in Scaccario, &c. de Scutagiis in Com. Derb. 2 H. ii de faniiliis de Vilers vel Velcers, de Brokefby Civ. Lcic. Curfon, & Wortley deKeddelfton, Sc Croxhall C® Derby. xvii. 2. Rotulo inquifuionum Dilm Regem tangentium A°4. E. 1. Ilundrcdo de Grofecote in Com. Leiceftria:. ^ 9 - 3. Fin ilis Concordia faeba in curia Dni Regis apud Netting. 10 KJolin. coram Simone de Pattefhull, &c. Juft. Dili Regis inter Aliciam de Sumervill et Ricm deCurzun filium, et warantuin iplius Alicia; de dote, &c. et Thomam de Curzun rciienteiu de Villa de Ketelelton, &c. quod fil. Roberti de Curzun quondam viri fui. See. Et pro hac de Rich. fil. et hreres Alicia: conceHit, &c. in Twyford, Stenfton, Edinghall, Croxhalle, See. Derby 37. 4. Einalis Concordia fatfta apud Weft. 23 H. 3. inter Priorem de Rapendon et Rob. de Curcun de Croxhalc, dc advocalionc ecclefia; de Croxhal. 44. 5. Charta Edw. m. de lioera warrena Rogero Brabazon in mancrio fiio de Croxhale. 50. 6. Charta E. I. Nicho de Worcleye quod habeat mer- catum et feriam apud manerium fuum de Wortleye Com. Ebor. &c. Liber Chartaceus, 36. 3.S75- Colledtanea Saint Loi Kniveton, circa Famllia de Frefchevill, in Com. Derb. 1. Ex libro Cenfuali Guilielmi Conq. yulgo Domef- day. Derbyfliire. i. 2. Ex eodem libro. Snotinghamfhire et EJerbyilnre. 7 * 3. Ex libro Monafterii de Thurgarton, et Regiftro Abbalifc de Welbeck, Com. Not. 17. 4. Ex Chronico quodam clauftri Roffenfis cujus Author erat Edmondus de Hadcnhain,.&c t. E.i. 20. 5. Charta Amicite Frefehenvile de Stavelir^ Wode- thorp, &c. • " Derb. 'rdl. Dno Theobaldo de Verdon, Nictio de Verdon, Ricardo Wilto de Wodecote, See. 21. 6. Finalis Concordia, apud Evefham 11 Joh. Regis coram de Simone de Patediull, See. inter Robm Priorem Holpitalk Jertm ac et Hubert fil. Rads 8cc. jn Dauby de Wauz in Com. Leic. &c. 24. 7. Finalis cortcordia 2 1 H. 3. inter Rob. de Saundford magiftrum Milit’ Templi in Anglia, See. et Radm de Frel'chervill dc 4'' parte feod. milit. See. in Buckthorn, in Lee, Wetecroft, Holewey et Watfbrig, See. Derb. 27. 8. Finalis Concordia 41'’ H. 3. inter Anjeerum de Frefchervill et Walter Abbat. de Derbye (juxea Derb.) See. de advocatione eccleiia: de Alwoldefton, 6fc. 30. b. 9. Ibid. 24 H. 3. inter Radm de Frefchevill et Radm Abbatem de Derby de lib. tenent in Rippell Pentriz, Chiilwcii, et Ulkertorp, Sec. 32. 10. Ibid, de raanerio de Ailwafton, Chefterfield, See. 38. 11. Ex libro Abbathias de Derby, Com. Derb. de Ec- clefiEcdeCruch, &c. 41. Ex Regiftro Abbathia: de Burton A® 1132. dc terris in Wlfrichefton, See. (^Vide Hift.Staff. Vol.I. p. i. Sec.) 42. 12. Rot. de Inquifit. 4 E. i. tangent. Wapp de Scar- yedal Lutiechirch, &c. 45. 13. Placit de Banco 4 E. i. Prior de Chcleford et Amicia de Frefehevil tangent maner. & ecclef. de Athe- ^aldyfton. 46. Cat. Harl. Vofc. III. Num. 3375—3380. 14. F.rcaer. 17 E. 2. dc terr in Ambreton, Egintoa^ C® Derb. et de inanerio de Staveley. 52. IFin- 18 E. 2. Inter Rogeruin Beler et Radm de Frechenvill, de manerio de Boneyc, Co. Notl. &cs, Cruch Derb. 53 - 16. Placita de J ur. et affis. corain W. de Herle, Sec. Juftic. Itiner. apud Derb. 4E. 3. &c. de maner. de Stavelev. Jo* 17. Pariicula; compoti Willi de Gray de Sandiacre et Robti de Souch Collect, auxilii 40- Regide fmgulis feod. milit ip Com. Derb. 20 E. 3. 60. 18. Chartcc 36 H. 3. Radulfo de Frefehevil quod habeat liberatn Warennam ex omnibus dominicis terris fuis, ^ce. dc Boneye, Com. Not. Cruch, Scardeclive, Ahvodellon, Chclardeftoq, kc. Co. Derb. et Cuffe- wortham. Com. Ebor. 66. 19. Kin. 48 H. 3. m. 4. Rex Johi de Grey Vic. Nott. et Derb Cum par Simon de Montefort, Com. Leic. A'c. Archeium, &c. Frefchevill, Stc- averfantes qqi Caft»um et Villa Northorp. nuper hoftiliter qobis detinuerunt, graviffima turb.atio, SvC. pro.pter quod o.jnnes terr. &g. pra;di£l. Archeri in nianum noftram, See. prseciperimus. Tell. Rcge apud Notting. 6;. 10. Cliaita Hugonis Abbat- de Parco Stanle, See. de Aldeldeftoo, Aylwaldcfton, 'Thurlefton, de Okebrok, See. 'redes de A" 1261. 70. 21. !• X libro de feod. milit. Com. Ebor. t. E. I. 73. 22. Ex Rogiltro Abbaiia; de Wcllbeck C“ t^ott, 74. 23. Efcaet 14 R. 2. De Manerio de Staveley. 99. 24. Genealog. dc Frefchevill, &c. 107. Liber Chartaceus, manu eadem cum pra;ccdente fcriptuio. 112. 3376, Vocabularii Latini pars, ufq; ad Htcram P. later Hneas Icripta; funt hie illic, interpretationes alitc, plerum- que Latinc, nonnunquam Anglo-Saxonice. Codex membranaceus, venerabilis. st, 3377 > Liber chartaceus, eleganter feriptus, paginas feriptas habens 42.^. Titulus lie fe habet, “ Nummi antiqui aerei, argentei, aurei, qui in thefauro S. R. M. Chriftina; Suecorum, Gothorum, Wanda- lorumque Regintc affervantur.” Subferiptioqua; i'equitur lingua Iialica,ad paginam4i9, Catalogunr pro authentico vindicat. “ Jo Fra'ncefco Cameili ho ricevuto in confegna le retroferitte medaglie per dovere renderne conto in ogni tempo a chi fua M’ ‘ comandera. Jo fudetto mano proprio.” Sequuntnr pp 420 ct 422 “ FJummi Aerei Veteres prima: magniiudiiiis” et Nummi Aerei veteres fccundas magnitudiins j ” alia maiiCi, xvi. 3378- j. Formula; liiftrumentorum in Curiis Ecclefiafticis ufitatorum ; utrinque mutila;. xv. 2. Direftorium Sacerdotum, ad dies fell os per annum celebranJos. Liber membranaceo-chartaceus. 120. 3379t Ariftotelis, Ethicoruin libri 10. Latine vertit Leonardos Arstmus : Se icripfit Belliis Alchainus, a“ 1448. Pra- mittitur Epiftula L. Arctini. Liber chartaceus. xv, 33 ^ 0 * Some of the \vorks of Luigi Alamanni, in Italian j beau¬ tifully written un vellum, with foine illup^ations. They confift ot I. Sonnets, and Ballads. 2, a. Ten Elegies. 22. ^ 3. Fouf G 2.2 Catalogus Librorurti MSS, Num. 3382—3386. V Four Satires f. 45. b. The fecond Satire “ A 1 Bruciolo,” (at fol. 50) is erroneoufly numbered iv. 4. The Tragedy of Amigono, with the argument of Antonio Brudolo. 62. 5. A Poem in ottava rima, to Madonna Batina Larcara Spiiiola. 107. 6. La Storia di Narciffo, alfo in ottava rima. 125. In all, 144 leaves. 3381- Codex chartaceas, compafius cum numero 4444. “ De imperio & fubjeClionc civili, liber.” “ Animal “ omne, fimul atq; natum eft.” Opus imperfedum j cujus caput primum, tranfversa penna notatum in initio, ad fincm repetitum eft. xvH. 3382- Codex chartaceus j cui tilulus, tS c-oauTxrif AEONTOS Tc. (3cs(rj4f&)f 0PNE0 j;0^»10N TTipi Iipdxuy, |3i(3Ai«. (3. Sub titulo, recentiore manu, “ Editus eft hie liber “ inter Rei accipitraria; Scriptorcs, nomine Demetrii “ Conftinopolitani (fic} de re accipitraria, a Rigaltio. “ Lutetia: CIO CIDXII. xvi. Ad finem, (3i£aiV, duplex.—Opus tamen non eft omnino perfedium in hoc Codice. 3383- A Book of Medical Colledions; on paper: marked by the fame learned man who had annotated N" 3371 and 3372. According to the old marks on the leaves, fol. 4. is followed by fol. 23. which is thus accounted for by him. “ Anrovi folia plurima in loca aptlora, “ qute alteras ad provincias pertinere deprehendi, “ hicque ab eo qui Hbrum compegit male inferta “ fiiifl'e.** The book contains, xv, 1. Some old preferiptions in Englifti. 2. Burgon (Jo.) on the plague. 5 pages. 3. A Treatife on Wounds, a pages. 4. Another on Sores & Wounds. 17 pages. 5. Various Colleflions & Receipts in Englifti and Latin. The whole appears to have been the common- place book of fome diligent Phyfician in the ijth Century. 3384- Sir Balthazar Gcrbier, his Admonitions Sc Difputes with his 3 Daughters, retired into the Englifti Nunnery at Paris, 1646. Very fairly written, Sc dedicated to the Countefs of Clare. It contains his Endeavours to recall his daughters from Popery, & their anfwers. It appears, at the end, that he had three Sons, George, James, & Charles, and two d.aughters, Katharine & Deborah, who continued Proteftants. It appears alfo, that he had prepofed a conference between thePopifh Sc Englifti divines at Paris. It is a curious traft. xvii. 3385- Elegantly wTiiten on Vellum, Sc ornamented ; Petrarch’s Triumphs of Love, Challity, Death, Fame, Time, Divinity. In Italian. xvi. 3386. The Spanilh Comedy of “ quercr por folo querer,” by Don Antonio de Mendoza. In Spanifli, written on Paper. A tranllation was publiihed by Sir Rich. Fanftiaw in 1670. 4'". xvii. Num. 3387—3395- 3387. “ F.l libro di perfeefta penitentia.” An Italian Work on Penitence. On Vellum. Belonged to Camilla de Guicciardini. xvi. 3388. 1. Pmiftica Medicina:. “ Incipit praQica de dolore “ capitis.” ad finem, “ Explicit pradica de omnibus morbis.” xv. 2. Chirurgia Rogeri. « Quot modis caput vul- “ neratur.” 3. Fragmentum Commentarii Antidotarum, &c. 4. Fragmentum aliud medicum; cujus pars perfeda incipit a curatione Fi/iu/a, et dcfmit cum Pajionibus matneis. 5. Fragmentum demcdicamcntis i. puhis arceticon. 6. “ Incipit liber quidam lecretillimus de oniatu “ mulierum.” 7. Synonyma Herbarum j alphabeticc pofita. Liber chartaceus. 3389- Pfalterium in lingua Slavonica. xvi. Liber chartaceus. 3390. An Italian tranllation of Suetonius, by DunthePopolefchi, of Florence. Beautifully written on Vellum Sc illu¬ minated ; with a Dedication to Francis the firft of France. At the end an alphabetical interpretation of Antiquarian terms. 317 leaves befides the Table. XV. 3391 - Arms of Families in Cumberland, Eflex, Gloucefter- fliirc, Hiilingdonfhire, Lancafhire, Middlefex, Nor¬ folk, Northumberland, Rutland, Shroplhire, & Weft- moreland. By various Heralds fpecified within. xvn. 3392. Regula B. Auguftini: cum expofitione Hugonis de S. Vidore. Latine Sc Italice. xv. Codex mcinbranaceus. 3393 - Statuta Relpub. Venetiarum. Lat. & Italice. Dceft fol. ult. et libri et indicis. Codex elegans, membranaceus. Folia i8g prster Indicera. xvi. 3394 - A Spanifti work on Dialling, entitled “ Fabrica Floro' “ loga Univerfal. Por el Padre Fr. Andres de Vega> “ Confeftbr del Orden de los Menorts,” &c. 1627. In fix books; carefully written on paper, with diagrams & moveable Scales admirably drawn. 144 leaves, befides the Index Sc Introdudion. Part of the Dedication is wanting. xv:i. 3395 - Venetiarum Duels Commiftio authcntica, conftituens Joannem Mariam Contarenum, Capituneum Civitatis juftinopolis; et leges per quas gubernet: a° 1551. “ Nos Francifeus Donato, Dei gratia Dux Venetiarum, Commitdmus, &c,” xvi. Codex membranaceus, cum iiluminatione in fronte elegantiflima. vide num. 3403. Nura. 3396. Bibliothecas Harleianae. ^5 Num. 3396—5405. 3396- 1. Ariflotelis Ethicorum Nicomachicorum libri lo. XV. Ad finem Ethicorum, eft Arbor virtutum etvitiorum, fecundum Ariftotclem, egregii pidta ; oruata, in angulis folii, infignibus Regiis Francia: et Delphinaths, et duobus aliis. 2. Scnecge, de 4 virtutibus, libellus. Codex membranaceus, elegans. 3397- T. Hefiodi AfcrtEi Theogonia; ex verfionc metrica Bonnirii Mombritii Mediolanenfis. Theognnis prte- figitur hsc Dedicatio. “ Bonniiii Mombriiii Mediola¬ nenfis ad 111 . et Excellen. d. d. Borfiuin Ducem Mu. tinas et Regii, Marchionem Eftenfem, Comitcmqiie Rodigii, in Hcfiodi Afcrsi Theogoniam.” Sequuntur Verfiis Mombriiii ad Borfium. xv. Ad finem, leguntur hzc ; Ad Decu.s gloriamque illuftrifiimi quondam Diicis Borfii: ExcellentilfiiiiKque Domils Eftenfis: Bonnini Mombritii, Hefiodique dociiflimorum virorum Fainam perpetuamque mc- moriam : Peregrini Prifciani nobiiis Ferrarienfis opera, per Andream Galium Ferrarienfem hoc opus im- preffuin eft. Anno regis gratias Mcccclxxiiii.” 2.-- Opera & Dies ; 2 libris : ex ver- fione metrica Nicolai de Valle. Hasc Verfio Nicolai de Valle edita eft Parifiis in 4'''. Codex chartaceus, folia habeas 54. 3398- 1. Plutarchi Chajronenfis Apophthegmata, ad Tra- janum Casfarem, Latinc per Francifeum Philelphuin; cum Epirtola cjufdem ad Philippum Mariam Anglum, Mantuanenfem ducem. xv. 2. -Apophthegmata Laconica, per eundem Philelphum; cum Prsfatione ad Nicolauni quincum, Surainum Pontificem. Codex chartaceus. ’ 3399- Arlftotelis Oeconomicorum libri t. ex verfione. Sc cum Commentario Ceonardi Aretiiil, ad Cofinujn Medicem. Codex elegans memb. xv. 3400. Euclid’s Elements, the three firft books, in Italian. On Paper. xvn. 3401 . Eight Chinefc Books. 3402. The chief part of the EpiiUes of Ovid, in Italian profe, with introduaions, by tlie tranflator, and the poem de Pulicc. Elegantly written on Vellum. xv. 3403 ' Venetiarum Ducis Commiflio autographa, conftituens Fran. Barb.idicum Capitancuni civitatis Feltri: cum legibus gubcrnaiionis, 1519. xvi. In membrana 5 cum litulo exquifite piflo: vieje num. 339 j. 3404. Alexandri Dolcnfis, a!, de Villa Dei, Doarinale Gram- maticcs : cum Commentario. xv. Libeilum fine Commentario, vide 2377.4. et 3584 Dciunt Regulffi de metris ct accentibus. ‘^Codex membranaceus. 3405- I. Fragmentum Canonum, de Sacerdotura conjugiis. XJt. 3. llyranus, cum notulis muficis. Cod. membr. x. Num. 3406—3408. 3. A Ihort Ordinary of Arms. The names are alplia- betical, but the devices have no fimilitudeto any known arms. ^ xv 3406. A paper book of 185 leaves, containing a large col- ledion of Italian Sonnet*, & other poems, with an alphabetical table of the initLI lines, prefixed. The Author’s name does not appear. The firft Sonnet begins, “ Amor, fortuna, e mia natura in parte.” The contents are princ^ally thefe. 1. Sonnets. j, 2. Epiftles. 3. Two Elegies, with a dedicatory Epiftle in Profe. loi. b. 4 - Epiftles again. 107. b. At i42.b. is another dedii cation in profe : and alfo at 148. b. 5 Canzoni, and other Sonnets. 166. 3407. vcl potius Trctula, de paflionibus mullerum. iraftatus hie, ut et aucftoris nomen, in MSS. et libris varie dellgnatur. Fabricius hxc habet. “ Trolulci, qum etErotis dicitur, cujus curandarum tegritudinum miilie- bnum, ante, in, et port partum liber, extat cum Medicis antiquis Venet apud Aldi filios, 1547. fol. p. 71.” In CatnI. Reg. Paris deferibitur ut fupra. Ad finem Isaac annotavit vir quidam doftus, quiet alia medica videtur infpexifle. “LetftoriSam.Kanutus. Perlegitotumhunctraefatum ab ovo ad mala, quern tton unius librard -I'itio mifere depravatum, additis ad marginem notis, magna ex parte prillinai integritad reftitui, quaadam obl'curiora et quae Jedlorem tametfi non indofbum remorari polTint illuftravi, omillls aliquot vel nxvis vel nodis, data opera, ne aut plus otiofo aut raagis perito nihil non relinqucretur explicandum. Cseterum medije authorem JEtatis fuiffe vel hinc conftat, quod ex Arabibus nullum, ex Latinis recentioribus folum Cofonem (fic) ac Ferarium agnolcat, Graicis foils, aut Latinis antiquiori- bus, llippocrate, Galeno, Oribafio, Paulo, Rufoque contentu.s. Tu vero quicunque ha:c legis paucaruni horarum feftinum unius femidiei Laborem, bout confule ac vale.” 2. Prognoftica qujedam temporum, a fefto nativltatis dedufta. 3 - . Eragincntum librorum Ivyramidis cujufdam, de Iicibjs,^lapiUibus ct animalibus, i32ufque ad 143- 4- I'ragmeiita e Schola Salernitana ; folio unico. . S\ y^rfus medici aiii, fequioris etiam ajtatis, falfo mfcrjpti, “ Schola Salernitana.” 6. Fragmciita libri de Urinis. 7. Medicamyntorum formula;, Anglice. Fragmenta colkiftionum diverfarum. 8. Conftantini A fncani Viaticum. Pars libri priml. 9. 1‘iagmcntum de menfuris, &:c. folium unicum. 16. Fragmentum libri de locis habilalibus,&c. a capite. XVJI. 11. Aiiud, de fignis fanitatis, &c. partim Latine, partiin Anglice. 12. Fragmenta Theologica perobfeura, a pag. 3. aJ 22. Codex priori parte chartaceus, poftea membi'anaccus. 3408. A Papei book, containing the following two trafts in Italian. xvii. ^ I. CompendioHiftorico delle cofe pin degne, occorfe m Itaha dopo la declinatione dell’ Imp" Romano. dell’ anno CCCLXXX, fino al’ anno MDLX. Ove s’ intende il nuniero de’ Tiranni, Capi. tani, origme e valore de’ Barbari, Le fcofle della 9 Religione, 4 Calalogus Librorurn MSS. Num. 340S—34.13. Religione, e dell’ Imperio, variatione della fua fede, e le Miferie grand! chi pad Roma e tutte le citta d’Italia, finche piacque darle ripofo e quiete.” This contains 83 leaves, but appears imperfect at the end. 2. Relatione della Citta di Coflantinopoli, dove fi tratta di tutta la forma della Citta, Colline, Valli, Fortezze, Porte, Piazze, Palazzi, Mofchee, Fontane, Bottege, Luogi mercantili, Ailoglamemi di’ foreflieri, Hofpitali, e Coilegii, e luoghi de monitioni. “ Si narra anco le regole che fi ufano in elFi Citta, nel governo, nella giufUtia, ne i Datii, ncl viyere lU gran varieta di genti d'ogni Statione. “ Si narra anco della gran potenda et commodita, che ha ivi il Gran Turco Qttomano, fi gran numero di genti che lo fervoiio in varie forti di fervitii, ft della gran commodita e bellezza dclli fuoi alloggiamenti c habitationi, ft della gran richezza e entrata che lui ha, il modo dell’ entrar a fedcre nella fedia ogn* uno di effi. “ E al fine fi narra anco parte delle regole della legge Mohomettana, e la oft'ervadone della fiia fidfa fede, et in pardcolare li Turchi habitand in ella Citia Regale. “ Narrato da Domimco Hierofolimitanot gia Medico della perfona di Sultan Murath Avo del prcienie GranTurco, che regna bora nell’ anno 1611.” The whole neatly tranferibed. 3409- An Account of the new Seraglio at Conftantinople, In 1665, in Italian ; by Alberto Bobovio ; with this title. “ Serai en derum, cioe. Penetrate dclP Seraglio detto nuovo dei G. S". e Re Ottomani, la deferittione del loro vivere e coftuird, et altri eftercitii, da me Alberto Bobovio, Sequolitaiio (fic) Poiaccho. Fatta al qual tempo di Sultan Ibrahim ftrangolato, et nel tempo del prefente G. S. Sultan Memetto, Figliolo del predetto Sultan Ibrahim, ha qui con ufficio di Paggi di mufica parecchi anni habitato.” A Paper book, of 93 Pages, ftgncd & dated at 'the end. zvii. 3 + 10. The Sonnets & Canzoni of Petrarch, in Italian, elegantly •«Tirtcn on Vellum, & ornamented ; with a table of the initial lines prefixed. xiv. The Sonnets, Canzoni and Triumphs of Petrarch, in Italian, on Vellum with ornaments. Written by Jo. Andrea Muftblini 1465. xv. 3+T2. Arms of 48 illuftrious families in Florence. With this title. “• Conftgli e Senate de 48, incrodotto nella citta di Firenze fotto il principato I’anno MDXaXII di famiglie per antichita e richezze nubile e illiiftri, ,0 per lor meriti riguardevoli: dal Principe a ft nobili et honorato Configlio tore cllette, lino a I’anno prefente MDCXVDl in Firenze.” xvii. 3413- Codex membranaceus, conlinens, Ariftotelifi Ethicoium libros 10, ex verlione Leonardl Aredni: cum conclufionibus (five argumentis) capitum, fecundum Burleum, et notis multis in margine. xvi. Prsemititur Aretini Epiftolaad Florentines. Num. 34.14—3417, 3414- Theophrafti, de Hiftoria Plantarum, libri 10; e.x'Var- ftone Theodori, Grteci, Thelfalonicenfis. Cum pras- fatione ejufdem ad Nicolaum Quintum Pont. Max. Deeft liber decimus, praiter nieruiu initium. xvi. Liber chartaceus. 34 ^ 5 * An Italian MS. on vollutn. xv. In the firft leaf is written, “ Quefto libro ficliiaoie Ovidio darte am.mdi,” and the author lays “ A molti e diilicile la lectura Di quel Ovidio I’opra alta e fublima ; “ Dipaftu pill legieri alchun prochura Choiiietu vedi in qiiefta terqa rima Apeno for.eromi tranflatare.” Neverihelci^ it i-s nu traiiflation, or a very loofe & re¬ mote one. Towards tiie end, 10 Paris, Jafun A other woriliies, the writer adds David Sc Solomon. Subjoined is aC'anzijiie morale, beginning” Veneteponzclete ; ’ and a fliort P<;em in utiava rima, apparently imperfect, Ih-- giiuiing, Gia le I'ue chioine d’oro.”* U4>6—3433- Folio.] 3416, Ile-nrici Bractonj, de legibu.s Si coiifuetudinlbus Angliie, iibri5. Defunt iniliofolia 15. Cum notismarginalibus, recentiore manu Icriptis. Codex membranaceus. xiv. 3417- Petri Scriverii, et alioruin Nota:, in j'uvenalem, Senecam. Ovidium, Martialem, A. Gellium, Lucanum, See. Liber chartaceus, continens, xvii. 1. F.xccrpta Annotationum in Juvcnalem, nempe, I'a.) Fragmentum Lett. varr. in Sat. viii. (b.) litulus Editionis Scrivtriani, cum extraSlis a BuJajo, Ulpiano. See. turn Hexalticoii in Uieiibogardum quendam, fub- feriptum II. O. ” Utenbogardi fiinus qum prima celtbret “ Virtiicum, cercat I'ancta frequenfque cohors. ” Pacis amor patriarqiie, pun prudentia mentis, ” Ingeiiiique ingms, eloquiiquc vigor ; ” Attamen has omnes fperat Palientia laudes ” Mnccre, per Batavos ft licet ilta loqui.” ; Hs’C et plura inferioris notai in fol. 2. (c.) Excei'pta variarum Lectionuin in .Juvcnalem, cum nctis e Laur. Vullictalli’coilectis, at nullo prnrsus ordine. Potelt fane in Iterquilinin hoc latere gemma, fed omnia ita confiifa, ut vix Icias ubi ineipiat pars ulla, vel ubi deftnat. Noinen Scriverii inCaialogum priurem irrepfiiTevidetur, ex inero titulo apofleiroredercripio, in adjumentum memorimlua:. 3. Excerp^a ex Marii Ploiii, Sacerdotis, Artiom libru qui fit de Metrls. Idcip infra dicitur Marius I'io’ius vetuftus Grainm.idcus. 32. Excerpta e Servio, et uliis. 23-h- 4. Loca nonnulia A.Gelli a GlofTemati.-; liberata. 33. 5. “ De Claudiano, pnela cUriliimo.” 37. C. Sequitur tiiuliis hie, ” Petri Scriverii in Decil ‘‘ jiinii JuvL■nali^ Satiras Caftigationes.” Sed occurrunt t.uiium excerpta,confulb itenun urdiae exnotis variorum adjuvenalemct Pcrfiiim; interpolitis ' fol. 57._;8.j verft- bus Latiuis quibufdam, et Beigicis. A. D. 1627. 7. “ Alberti Rubenii Critica: Nota:, in loca quasJam ” Claudiani et Ovidii.” ^3- 8. “ Nota: ad Senecam.” Sell, in Libros de Ira, Coufolalionem ad Helviam, Polybium, Marciam ■, in Libros de Providentia, Conllantia, Cletnentia, oc alia Senecas Opera. Satis lucide feriptae ftint has annota- tiones, et udlit.uis multuin promittunt, ex coliaftone MSS. quovundam. See. 7 -* II c. Nots Bibliothecse Harleianse. Num. 3417-3423 9. Notse (breviffimse) in A. Gellium, Macrobium, Lucretium, Fetroniuni, Lucanum j fere omnes de variis Jectionibus. 10. NotcC ali$ (paulo prolixiorcs) In Lucanum. 11. Lucani loca a Grammaticis Probo, Valerio, el Prifciano citata. 12. Var. Lect. in Paulli Aquilegienfis Pliftoriam Mifcell. Ingolltailii 1603108'°. 14^. 13. In Noniuin. Plant. 1566. 144. 14. Annotaiiones in Martialem. 3418. 147. Ifaaci Abarbanclis, Maflimiah Jeihua: i. e. Prcedicator Salutis. Latine. Exemplar, efl, quod Prelo Ainfteloda- meufi parabatur, A° 1644. xvn. Titulus in ipib Codice. “ Liber [dicTus] Prsedica- tor Salutis (Jefa. LII. 7.) Quern compofuit magnus ille, profapia. gcnere infignis, notus in Portis Prov. 31. 23J nomine Dominus Don Ifaac Abarbanei. Oui quidem Liber ante complures annos typis jam feniel cxcufus fuit: nuiic vcro, prout prasfentis temporis ratio poftulat, er pro ejus inaterlse dignitate vifum fuit nobis ilium de novo recudere, meliore forma et typis elegantioribus, qucmadmodum videre efl: oculis veltri.s. “ Corrcftus autem fumma diligentia a pluribus mcndis qufe in priorem Editionem irrepferant. Iin- preflus fuit in asdibus Eminanuelis BcnevenifU, hie Amftclodami, Anno 404 n*? Res San£la LnuJationes Jchovcs (Lcvic 19. 24.) [JErs Chriftianiii 1644.')” Codex chartaceus, optime fenptus, ufque ad p. 41 9, pofiea. obicurius, ufqiie ad 771. ubi finis. Subjundtse I'unt notulce breves, alu manu. 3 + 19- Index Rcrum, at non alphabeticus, in Petroniuin Arbi- trum. Cum fragmeiitis exiguis emendationuin. Libellus oblongus, chanaceus. xvn, 3420. Joannis n.iptifla; Grofeheddii, Dlfpofitio N’umerorum mugica ab Uiiitate ufq; ad Duodenariuin, A" 1614. Liber chanaceus ; cum figutis coloribus diftindtis. XVII. Titulus ipflus Cod’cis; “ Difpofitio numeronim Magic.i ub unitate ufque ad duodenarium. Culledla fingulari induflria, conipilatione diverfa, magno labore, et invefligationc fibi I'uifque, a Johanne Baptifla Grofchedelio, Equite Romano, ab Aicha Pliilomago, Lucifque et Gratirc, ct Naturx indaga'ori vigilan- liflimo. Anno 1614.’’ Opus fcil. Artimagicte et Aftrologim judiciali (ut loquuntur) infetviens: et in fuo generc fatis curiofuin. “ Viglii Zulchcmi, I iterre ad amicos feripta;, ab menfe Januario 1576, ufque ad xxi Aprilis 1577.” Obiit inagiiilicus dus pnsfes viii Maij 1577. Liber chanaceus. j-vi 3 + 22 . Henrici dc Braclon, de legibus & confuetudinibus Anglia, libri 5. Idem ac n. 3416. fed perfedtus. Codex nicmbranaceus. xiv. 3433- Loci communes, vel potius capita pro locis communibus non omnia theologica, Occurrit euim ad p. %y. tradlatus de armis, feu fytnbolis feutorum, fatis dodtus. Liber chartaceus. xvii. Cat. IIarl. Vol. III. 3424 & 3425. Hiftoria Anglorum, ab a“ii8i ad 1346: excerpta ex Gul.Malmfburienfi, Henr. Herefordenfi Archidiacono, Gilda, Gilberto Monumetenfi, & Helinando, per quendam Canonicum de Lanercofl in Com. Cumbriac. Et eft Tranferiptum ex Codice Cottoniano Claud. D. Tii. 13. Incipit. " Vicefimus feptimus annus Regni Regis Henrici filii Matildis hnperatricls.” Codices chartacei, pulchre feripti. xviii. 342C. Codex membranaceits, in quo habentur nonnulla c Grteco in Latinum tranilata, per Lconardum Areti- 3 4 5 viiK 6 nuin, cum prologis. Scilicet ; Plutarchi, Vita Marci Antonii. - --Pyrrhi regis. ■ ■—-P. ^Emilii. -Tib. et C. Gracchorum. 37- 56. b. 73- -Sertorii, h’9. b. Deeft finis hujufee et fequentis initium j inter folia 98 et 99. - - - M. Catonis. 99. -Demofthenis. 123. -Ciceronis. 133. b. Magni Bafilii ad Juvenes religiofos, quibus ftudiis opera danda fit. 136. 10. Xenophontis Liber qui dicitur Tyrannus. 164. Folia omnino 174. 3427 & 342S: Jacobi Aben Amram Judai, Porta veritatis : five, Com- pendiaria via ad Beatitudinem, duobus tomis. Poft nomen audloris alia manu feribitur forte Mcnaffeh Ben Ifraelis. Subjicitur Lidcx locupies. Codices charracei. xvii. 342 q. Judaicorum Scriptorum fragmenta. Incipiunt a p. 0. unde ad p. 236, lunt dii'putationes contra ChrilHanos. Liber chartaceus. xvi. 3430- A Paper MS. in Spanifti, containing, 1. “ Prcrenciones Divinas contra la vana Idolotaria dc las gentes: lb. 2; por el Doctor Ifliak Orobio, de Caltro.” A® 1769. xvn. 2. “ Refpuefta a un Eferipto que prefento un predi. cante Frances a el autor, contra !a obfervancia de la Divina leg. de Mofeh. Por. el Doctor Ifhak Orobio.” 3. “ Epiftola inveftiva contra Prado, un phllofopho Medico, que dudava o no crega la verdad de la divina Ei'eriptura, y prettndio encuvbrir fu malicia con la afetlada confeflion dc Dios y leg de naturaleza. Por. el Doctor Illiak Orobio.” 165. 3431 - S. Matlhati Evangelium, cum Glufla ct prafationibui. Codex membranaceus, pulcher. xiii. 343 “ Orcherd of Syon,” in 7 parts or Books. Religious “ modir &deuoute fuftren, clepid &; chofen bifily to labourcat the hous of Syon.” On vellum, with ornaments of gold and colours, xiv. 3433 - Hexaeineron, five De principiis rerum naturalium, “ Principiuin Deus elt: fine quo nichil.” Poeina Latinis verfibus feriptum, cum annotationibus; fed feriptura perobfeura. Liber chartaceus. H fNum. 3434’ 2,6 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3434—3439- [ 3 « 4 -— 3457 - Quarto.] 3434- A ChinefeBook. 3435* T. A r.eat iranfcript on Paper, of the Account of the conclave held at the death of Pope Gregory 15, in which Urban 8 was eledled ; beginning thus, Fatte fecondo I’antica confuetudinc I’eiTequie al mono Pontefice Gregorio Quinto decimo, li Cardinal!,'’ “ &c. 6upcrrcribed“ Conclave di Urbano 'VIII. 1623.” xvii. 2. Datorum five Gabeiiorum Placentia, ab Anno 1465 ad 1466, liber autheiiiicus, membranaceus. xv. Cectera in priore Catalogo recenfita defunt, fine ullo mutilationis vclligio. 3436- t. S Ilieronymi Tranfitus gloriofus: per Eufebium Crenmnenfem, Auguflinum, & Cyrillum. xv. 2. Pauli hercmiite vita: per Hiernnymum. 3. Leonardi Aretini, in hypocritas inveftiva. 4- T-im. Maffci, MediolanciifisEpifcopatus renunciatio, ad Nicolaum 5. Fr. 1 L'trai chx Epiltola ad Nic. Azaiolum. 6. Liber de utriufque fortuna: remedio, Seneca faifo adfcriptus. Dceil iiiitium. Codex chartaceus, olim Stephani Spinohe. ’ 3437* WmTclhc, his Verfes to O. Elizabeth, 1582. Beautifully written on vellum, with Arms emblazoned on each Leaf; figned_ ^at the end W-Tcjhe-, h a iitile lower, “ Giihermus Tc(h£u.4 Cnmpofuit, feripfit ct ptnxit: An' Doni 1582.” 'J'he Verfes arc addrelTed to the gucui, & the principal nobles of the Court & are m Ilexaltic Stanzas, ot four lines rhymed alter- narclr, & a coupKt, each. 'J he book at prefent con¬ tains 21 Leaves, but feems originally to have had more. The Arms there blazoned are the Sovereign, the Families of Linoiln, SufTex, IMontacute, b'lTex, bhrewlbury, Warwick, Hunfdon, Bedford, Sydney’ W orceller, Ilaftings, Cecil, Gray, Derby, Pembroke^ Howard, one more ; in all and as the Knights with the .Sovereign arc always t6, there are probably i leaves wanting. 343 s. l>:blia facra, Ladna. xiv, Prsponirur F.piflola fanc'tf Mieronvmi ad Paul'inum' predwterum, de omnibus divinis hidorix libris ; in ofto capita ditifa. Sequiiur Prefatio Hicronymi in Pentatcuchuin : alitc fuis locis infcruiitur. Codex mem- braiuiceus pulclierrimus. Scripta eit in primo folio bre\is intrnduaio, manu paulo receniiorc, in qua cornparaliir numerus librorum facro- rum cum numero literarum Ilebraicarum. Comparaiio Ilicronymo et aliis ufitata. 3439- M. Acci Plauti ContoeeJia; S. Sdl. Ainphitruo, Afiiiaria Captiv, Curcuho, Calina, CiAellaria, Epidicus, Aulu- laricu pars. Codex chartaceus, uhimainmanurafcribcniis defideranc. Defunt Scenaruin perfonte in Aulularia port A. 2. S. 5. ctabrupte chuditur ad A •?. Sc 6 ver. 36. “ Nolo herds nam mthi blbere decretum aqua ert.” XV. Num. 3440.—3445. 3440. 1. Virgiiii Bucolica, cum Sclioliis brevibus e Sen'io, ct aliis, ut videtur, colledis. 2. Liber de Reraediis fortuilorum, Seneca: falfo ad¬ fcriptus. Pramittitur hasc inferiptio. “ Incipiunt Ru- bricte in librura Seneca: de reinediis fortuitorum, ad Junium Gallionem fratrem magni Seneca: ec Anntei Melc patris Lucani. Scripfit Seneca hunc librum de remidiis fortuitorum ut teftutur Corndius libro 15.” Libcllum vero hunc, “ Senectenon efi'e, vel ca;co per- fpicuum efle” affirmat Lipfius. vide Kum. 3436. g. Codex mcntbranaccus. xv. Codicis Juftliiiani libri pviini fragmenta duo; tuin liber 7. ab his verbis, “ veniunt ciinabulis 5 cum in “ ambiguis fenfibus,” non longe ab initio, ad finem ; liber 8'-"^ totus, et 9 iifque ad htec verba, “ Si quis “ te reum legis Cornelis de ficariis fecerit,’’ in capite cui titulus “ ad legem Corndiumde Sicariis.” Codex membranaceus. xin. 3442. The Poems of Petrarch, in Ualian, in their ufual order ; concluding with his Triumphs, The titles have been written at a later period, and arc fj'cqueiitly falfe : particularly that prefixed to the firlt Soimet, which mifltd the former deferiber of the I\IS. xv. Written on Vellum, & ornamented. 3 443 * C.SallufliijBellumCatllinarium, et BdlumTugurthinum. Libri a Scripture non dirtinguuntur. Subl'cribitur aJ Calcem hoc tctrartidion. xiv. *• Q^ii cupit ignotum Jugurthe nofeere letum, 'J arpeie rupis pulfus ad ima ruit. Hirtorie feriptor negat alt Orofius iftud Carcere nam neitus fed lie pro crimine fertur.” Codex membranaceus, cum notulis muUis inter lineas. 344 r' JMyles Huggard’s Poem to O. Wary. xvi. In the firlt leaf, in Mr. Baker’s liand, Liber oliin Reginx Marisc.” and below, *• v. Baleum Cent. Cent. 9. _p. 728. Cent. 1: B. iii.” The Author addrefles his Book “ To the m'llt highe 3 c myghtye prynecs Mary, by the grace of C^od Queue of'Eng¬ land, France, and Ireland Stc. the compiler hereoff wilheth loiige hcalthe and prolptritie with moche honour.” Next follows a metrical addre.^s in 8 Stanzas, figncd youre highnelTc huntble Servant Myles Iluggard.” Then a preface to the Reader, in 18 Stanzas. Lartly, the poem, containing 113 Staitzasof 7 lines each ; of controveriy agaiurt the Reformers. See Tanner, under Hoggard. Written on Paper, in a fingular hxid. Tlie Royal Arms 3 >; M. R. arc on rtie Covers. 34-15- I. Gregorii Nazlanzeni epi, Apologeticus de fuga fua. in Latinum tranllncus perRufinum. Cum Prologo tl-anflatoris ad Apromanen. xv. --— in proverbia Solomonis, Sermo, queni dixit cum eflet Prefbyter, juoente Epifeopo. 3. Excerpta ex fermone ejufdem de invidia, cuin notis marginaiibus. 4. ---de Fide, Sermo. 5. De Jejunio, Sermo ejurdein. 6 . Ejufdem in nativitateUomini, Sermo. 7- -de Graiidinis vaftatione, Sermo. 8 . Ejufdem Bibliothecas Harleianas. Niim. 3446—3450. 8 . Ejufdem, “ de luminibus, quod eft de nudis epipha- niis, id eft deBaptifmo Chiifti,'’ 9 - -- de Pentecofte, Sermo. “ Scripfit abfolvitque Nicholaus, 3 Kal. maias Mccccxiviij. laus Deo.” 3446. Codex elegans, membranaceiis. Tars prima Libri, cui ■I'itulis eft “ Al-Takniela fi Elm adogap i. e. “ Pcrfcelio” feu “ Complemcnturu Sciendffi, Lingute” [Arab.] Eft iupplemcntum Diclio- narii didi “ Sahah Al-Iogac,” i. c. “ Puritas Lingua::” ciijus Audor^ fait Abii-Nafr Ifinael, filins Hamad AJ- Farabi, Al-Turki, cogiiomeiito Gi avari, i. e. Gem- marius; qui obiit anno Hegirre 398, Chrifti 1007. Aiidor luijus Supplemcnti eft Sherfo’ddin AI-FLifan, filius iMohammediscogiiomento Al-Sagani. Mulcaaddidit vocabula cx variis Auctoribus, qua omill'a fuerant a Giawario. Obiit aMIegira: 606, Chrifti 1209. xiii. 34 - 47 - Compendium Thcnlogica: veritatis, 7 libris. “ Verifatis Theologice fublimitas.” Cum hidice alphabetico fatis locuplcte. j,jjj Libroruni titiili. 1. He natura Divinitatis. 2. De creaturis. 3. De peccatis. 4. De naiivitate Chrifti 5. De virtutibus et gratia. C. De Sacramentis. 7. De hnc mundi. Audor cnnjicitur efle Aiigidius Romanus. Codex membranaceus. 3448. “ Flore de -rirtii e de coftutni.” A curious trad in Italian, containing -6 Chapters, rvith many fingular illumination.-. It lecnis to want a very little at the end, Written on vellum. xv. 3449 - Quatuor Evangelia, Saxonice, ex Codice Ruftnvorthlano, ill liibL Boclleiaiiu. XVJli Prmmfttuntur Teftimooia T. Mtirefchalli, Camdcni, T. Sinithi, |o. Seldeni et aliorum, de Codicibus Rufti* worthiat'O et Cottoniano. Li:iev chirtaceus, elegtintcr fcriptus, olim oencs dodifs'" G. Hickcs. P 3450. Eighteen very curious Geograpliical charts, elegantly drawn on vellum, in colours and gilding, by John Martincs of Mcffina, iiuhe Year 1578. Chart 2d. is fubfcribcJ, “Joan Marlines enMeirma i6i8,” but the two middle figures have evidently been altered ; and the charts are cltarly by the fame hand as ihofe in N". 54S9, where the date in the original writing is 157S. The names are marked in Italiam xvj. 1. A PUnifphere of the World. 2. 'l-hc two Hcmifpheres Eaft and Weft, on a fpherical projedion. 3. Ihe world projeded, as for applying to a folid globe. 4. China & Japan. 5. The Sea of China, & Eaftern Archipelatro. 6. India, 5 cc. ° 7. Arabia & part of Africa. 8. I'he Southern parts of Africa. 9- The Weftern Coaft of Africa. ic. L'P«i, with the Weftern Coaft of North America. 11. The Weftern Coaft of ^imerica continued. 12. The Soutiicrn extremity of America, with the Straits of Magellan, ^7 15- oppofiti 16. W- 18. The pages Num. 345 o_3453. North Eaft Coaft of South America. The Weft Indian Iftaiids. The Weftern Coafts of Europe & Africa, witij the :e parts of America. S' of Furope, & part of Africa. 1 he Ealkrn parts, with Afia Minor, Syria, &c. lartar}’, wiih Syria, &c. Maps arc bound in quarto, one Map making two the backs palted together. 3451- An Aiithenttc Copy of the Statutes of the Order of the Garter. Signed .< Greg. Hafcard Regifler of the N r' the anus of John Duke of Nctvcaftle ; Holies m the ill quarter. On Paper. xvn. 3452. Euftbii Pampliili, Ctefaricnfis ep. Hilloria; Ecdefiallicic libriio: ex verfione Ruflini. xv Codex membranaceus, olim elegans, fed macuiis derormatus, et raultis in lods caric exefus. A An Italian lyork, by Ruggiero Gaetano with this title written within an engraved border. “ Le memorie de I Anno S.imo MDI,XXV. celebrate da Clemente X. brmag™.D|enr„r‘LprSa;:reil%Se,lfSS Rotul'^O^'^rpt^" Koggiero’c^J: 1 he Arms and Mottos of James II. are alfo added ciement'xi V™'’ “Sra'-od head (perhaps Clement XJ with a View of the Lateran Palace • a a Jo. Jacobus deRnbcis: a dedication full of high compliments to James, hgned by the Abhatc Ruggiero Gaetano ; and 5. another engraved head, which probably reprefents Gaetano. In this form it was no m ■’““'m'*?"’ “ wears evidently by the .fuiiig addrels enittled, “ Lo Stampatore a chi leggc.” Ihe whole IS very clearly svritten, and the book bear- piyenled to him as it is. In the laft page f 2,,) are he fol owtng mfcriptlons and fonuet to tte QnLt, Maria dEJte, outhehirthol her Sonin 16SS ; Tliich proves of Rmnc M the Court “ AlleGIoricImmortali _De la Real Maefta Dl hlARJA EsTHNSI StuarDA Regma de la Gran Uretagna. Per il Regio Infante dato m luce del 168S in Londra.” Supeine Sfere, or fi vi veggio unite, - ogn un che lia nei Ciel Pianeta errantd (.oninflu fo beiiigno, e in un coflante, AscoriiodiPluton, inoataiDitc Veggio Beata 1' Ihnocenza mite l-.angiarle mefe idee in un’ i(I.ante Licta baciar al Craator le piante Render con ciglio umil grade infinite. ’ Belli Doni del Ciel, veggio disfatte I renta e pm Sette, e d’un Garvin la fed., E le Lcggi d un Dio rc(l.in’intatte. Al Britannico Re nato e I'Eredc, Caiidide falce, c da fue Poppe 11 latt. Al Bamiino Rear doni la rEDR.” Tills is followed by an Index of names. ifuni. 34^,, .J (( f Num, 3454—3459. 345+- Francird Pctrarcha: opufcula quxdam Latine fcripta. XV. 1. Vita I'oiitarix libri duo. Prjcfatio hie dcfinit ad voces, “ feu prodeuntibus in publicum, feu domi feden- tibus, apparendum ed.” Reliqua prxfationis par?, ad •verba, “ tranquillxque mentis afpicias,” ut in Edd. habetur, hie prlnio capitulo prxfigitiir. Liber primus in decern capita dividitur, fecundus in quindecim. At in fecutido hiatus eft ab his verbis, “ in deferto manens, ct lemper in aert armaius,” in primo capitc, ufque ad caput S'" (Editt. xi) ad hxc verba, “ habiturum credimus fi manfifliet affifii.” 2. Lombardi (potius Larbardi) a Sirlco ad Peirarcham, dc difpofitioiie vitae fux, Dialogu?. 3. Epiftola refponfiva Petravcha: ad Lombardum, et exhortatio ad iiiceptas vita: perleveraiitiam. Epillola ha:c eft in Editt. 4" Libri xiv. fed Lorbardi (ut vocatur) Dialogue, ibidem non extat. 4. Epiftolarum Petrarcha: Liber fine titulo, continens, Praifadonem, et Epiftolas i ad 14, et 15'"' imperfedtam, ct cum mutatione nonnullA verborum, prope finem. Definit his verbis, “ laudo approbo, modo ne redeas.” Codex mcmbranaceus, itiodice ornatus. Num. 5459—3462. The title, in this place, is thus exprefled. “ Quefto he il prolagho del p” libro di dante alighieri detto Inferno, il purghatori, e il paradifo, fatto per Jachopo fuo figliolo.’’ 3. A fort of Argument to the Inferno, in Verfe “ Chamino tii mortcabreviato Inferno,” SfC. 4. The fame to the Purgatorio, “ Chamino di Purghatorio abreviato.” c,. Arguments in Profe to each Canto of the Paradifo. 6. Chazona di Dante. “ Ghuai a chi nei tormento.” A Paper book, ofhandfome form, but not very clearly written. 3460. Another Copy of the fame woik, more clear inWriting & more modem in Orthography. Some introduffory Verfss are prefixed ; the fecond copy of which is the Prologue of Jacopo, fubjoined alfo to the other MS. As far ihe 20th Canto of the Inferno, this MS. is adorned with delineation.s of the' Subjefts in the margin, but drawn rather in a rude Ilyle. xv. At the end is this Colophon, “ Explicit tcrcia pars comedie Dantis, traflans de paradifo, fcripta et finitaper me Martiimm de bon''egnoribus de Archuii laudenlis, anno i-.bp die xx meniis oftobris in die Veneiis ike. Deo Gratins Amen.” Subjoined is a Copy of Verfes,be» ginning. 3 4 5 .? • A large Paper Volume in Italian, with thefe tides to the feveral part'. 1. “ Relatione dtllo ftato dtli’ Imperio, e dc-lk Germania; fatta da Monfig'Caialfa vcfcovo d’Averfa, dopo il riioruo della fua Nunriaiura app" ri.uper.tore I'anno 1633 ” XVII. 2. h elati.ine di Venetia, fatta del Marchei'e di Btdmar, gia Ainbas" per il Re C Ulol ® appreffo da Rep“hoggi dettn il Card* della Cueba.” 3. Rela'ione di Spagna, fitta dull Ecc® Sig” Leonardo Moro .\mbas' Vencto prelfi il Re Ca;t" del i6;!g.” 4. Ciuiclave fa'to nella .S-'d,'vacantc di Gregorio 14: nel quale tu creato Poniificc i! Card'* Mafteo Barbcriiio Fiortut'*® detto Urbano VITI. 345'^: Alcoranl llbri 4. Arabice. Primus liber in principle miitilus. XV. Codex fuper chartam bombycinam feriptus, et auro ornatus. 3457 - A familiar Converfadon concerning Confucius the phi- lofopher, in the Chint.fe language. [3458— 3495 M».] 345 A folio volume, containing an Italian tranflation of Poggio’s hiftory of Florence (from the original Latin) by his Son Jacopo Poggio. In eight books. 'I'his tranllation was publifhed at Venice in 1476. Fol. The MS. is clearly and beautifully written on Paper. The firll leaf, & the initial letters of thebooks, handfomely ornamented with gold & colours. xv. 3459 - r, TheCummedia of Dante complete; with a Com- mentaiy fubjoined to each Canto. xv. 2. At the end of the Paradifo is placed the general Prologue of Jacopo, the Son of Dante, which occurs alf^ in N= 3460, and again more diftinftly written in 3513- 2 Jo fcripfi gia d'amor piu volte rune, m terza ri iia. A Paper book, wilrten in a ki.id of print hand. 3461- 1. A book of Chronology in Italian, from Adam to ia4C, with ne.t drawings of the Creator, Abraham, Mofes, &c. I his bonk w.iS intemled to be continued, but breaks off abruptly. At the end are fome Sketches ol an Artiit, probably preparatory to defigns lor pictures. xv. 2. An Italian poem in Olfjv^rima on Aftroitoiny, Aftrology, S; Geography. lu four books. On Paper. 3462. Liber chartaceus, in quo extant qun: fequuntur, Latine, et Italice. 1. Deferiptione della pompa fatta in Roma il di che Juliano di Medici fu fatto Baron Romano : da Fr. Chierc- gato, a'' 1 5 I 3 . XVI. 2. Epiftola Ilieronvmi Donati Veneti hortatoria, ad Jac"* Bonifium, ut Ca:lar belluin capeftat contra Gallos. 1513. 14. 3. Littera di Aurelio Augnrtllo I’anno 1511, del feriver vulgar, Et apprelTo uiia Cauzon fopra il Cupido marmorto. 16. 4. Littera di Vincenzo Calmeta: in h quale fc con- tengono alcuni precetii al componar verfi volgari. 19. 5. Littere di Alexio AmbaiTator del Gran Turchi, I’anno 1492, iie le quule fe contengoiio il v'aggio, gli honor! & dor.i. 23. 6 . Henrici 8 R. Anglia Liters: ad Cardlnalem Angii- cum Roms coramorantem, a". 1513^ in quibus invehit contra Gallorum Regem & Card-nalcs Ichilmancos. a8. 7. Liters- Oratoris Ri-gi> /mglice in Flandri.i, apud illus" D'" Margaritam de apparatu Belli ejufdein Regis contra Regem Gallorum. 32. 8. -de victoria Regis Anglis fecsede Regis Scotorum. 32. 9. Capitula publica inter fuinmum Pontificem futurum & Cardinales, a". J5>35 pro dcfenficiie Fidei, libertate Ecclefiaftica, S; reformauune LcclcfiK in Capite & in Membris. 33. ■j 10. Lit«;je Num. 3462. 10. Litera: communitatis Bononix ad Julium a'" Pont. Max. quibus ab ejus fand 'veniam petit, poft expulfo^ ultimo Bentivolos. ^3 11. Forma juramenti Ser'Maximiliani e£ Philippi Regem fcedere ido cum Ser" Francorum Rege. 4R. b. ! 2. Philippi BeroalJi Ode Latina ad Fed'" Gonzagain II Marchinnalem Mantuie primogenitum 50. Ejurdem, Ode ad Bononienfes de Jo Medice Cardinali Legato. 50. b. Fjufdem ad Imperiam. 51. b._ad'Pru- demiam. ^52.-ad Floram. ib.-De obitu Coriolani lrivultii,ad Aoguftum Trivultii fratrein. 52. b. —-In cepas. 5j.b.-- ad Margari- (am C.aiUclniam, de obitu Herculis filii. 54._ in obitum Jo. Cotta, ib.-Federico ec Odaviano I'regufiis frarribus demum in patriam reftitutis. 54. Ueinanueli J^ufiiano Kegi ob devidam auream Chtrfonefum. 55.-- ad Annibalent Rangonem, comitem Mulinenfem, 13. Capiiula coiilbederationis Canieracenfis, a" 1508, 56. 14. Abrogatio Concilii Pifani per Chi'" Regem & ap- probatio Lateranenfis, noiiune fuo, et fotius LcctefitE Gallicance 15. Baptifla; Scalonte, Silva; Pocma, cui Titulus Pietas. Cum Fpiltolib prieiniflis. gS, 16. Abiuratio Conciiiabuh Pilimi, et comprobatio Lateranenfis ; per Bernardinum de Caravaial, et Federi- cum deSando Severino Cardinalcs. b. 17. Defcriptione de la F.iurata in Roma de gif Ora- tori del Re di Portugallo, a°. 1514. 77. 18. leiri Bemb Hymnus ad D. Stephanum marty- rem; ejufdem de Quercu Julii 2. Pont. Max. 79. b. Ejufdem Gallus, ib. Ejufdem Faunus ad Nympheum flumcn. 80. ■ ' —— ad Melinum. 81. —ad Galium Epiftola. ib.-ad Lycorim, de Hifpo Conjuge. _ 19. Prodigla quc acciderunt a". 1511; fcripta ex verfibus Virgilii, per Baptiftam Scalonam. 87. b. 20. Acci Siiiccrii Fpigrammata qufcdain. 89. b. 21. Camilli Paleotti Silva, ad Regem Anglia:. De Ovidio. ® 22. Ordinein la morte et exequie de la Regina di Franza. 23. Pompa de la entrata in Napoli del Re & Regina di Hifpagna, a". 1506. ,03. altra. 106. b. _ 7.4. Ordme de la entrata in Milano' del Re Chrillia- niflinio, latino i 539 > da poi la vittoria haviita contra Venitiani. b.. 25. 'I ituli quibus utitur pio fe Soldanus. et quibfis fcribit ad Papam, ad Regem Cath " ct Ducem Venetiarum. 110. afi.Expofitiones litterarum antiquarum abbreviatarum. 111. 37. Literte Emanue’is R. Portugallia:, de vicloria ejus contra Saracenos, a". 1 ^07. ji^ 28. Liters Venetorum, quibus veniam petunt a Julio 2. j^g 29. Littci-a di Sabba da Calliglion, de h origine coftumi, et progrefli del S. Sophi. 120. ’ 30. Publicatione de la pace tra gli Re di Franza et di Anglia, Anno 1514. 31. MododiconfummarMatrimonio, abfente il fpofo per procurator ; fervato in le fpofaglie del ReChrifiianif- fimo, & di Maria lorclla del Ke di Anglia. 1,2 32. Hcnrici 8. R. Anglis liters ad Leonein x de pace cum Rege Francorum. 1^2 b 33. Capitula ejufdem pacis, a". 1514. 143.'b! 34 - H.8. Liters ad Marchioncm Mamus, quibus amt gratis pro equis ad fe miffis: cum refponfo. 147° 3<;. Defcriptione de la entrata in Milano del Duca Miiximiliano Sforza. ..q u Cat. Vol, IIL 36. Defcriptione del conflitto fatto a Ravena tra le geniiEcclefiaftice conSpagnoli &Francefi, a'’. 15 1 2. I50. 37. Ceremonis in coronatione fummi Pontificis. 38. Modo de la cleaion del Duca di Venetia!^!'r7. 35. Capitoli conclufi tra Julio 2. et la Maefta Cclirea. „ i6o. b. 40. Pompe celebrate in le nozze di Monf. di Lanzon et de la damifella di Anguleme. i fii. 41. Defcriptione d'uno Palazo del Cardinale di Am bola m Normandia. jgg 42. Breve Julii 2. ad Alfonfum Ducem Ferraris concedens falvum condudlum Romam eunti. 171. b. 43. Lmera di Giov. da Gonzaga, fulia Vittora del Duca di Milano contra Francefi, a*" 1513. (deed folium ^ ^ 174. 44 - Breve Julii 2. prscipientis ne Bentevoli rccipi- antur a quoquam, intra centefimum ab urbe Bononis lapidem, a" 1506. 178. b. 45. Breve Lconis x. pro componenda pace inter Kegcm Francis, Ducem Mediolani, atq: Helvetios 46. Pompa celebrata m la citta di Vienna, quando conveneroivi gli Re di Ongaria, Boemia, & Poionia- et gh fpofaiicii celebrati 183. 185. b 188 47. Capitoli di paiti tra il Re di Franza et Max. Slorza fam m Milano, a* 1515. ,0, g 4S. L’ordine de la entnia in Milano del Re di Tranza, a" IJ15. 49. Archi etfpectaculi preparati a Fiorenza, per la entrata del Papa Leone x. del anno jcir. iq. jq- ,SC. Entrata del Re Chrilt''‘“in Bologna, a".'r5i5.^' I P^''Trivulilo, nel tempo de la obfidion di BrefTa, a". 1515. 199. b 52. Oidme de la confecratione & coronatione del ReFrancifcodeValoys, a''. 1515. 202 b 53. Capitoli del Teftamento del Re Fcrraiulo di Arragon. ^ _ 54. Liters R. Henrlci 8. ad Imperatorem, a". ici 5 de foedere coufirmando. ^oo 1/16 Marchionem Manlui. 56 La Pompa de le exequie del Re Catholico"fa°M in Ftandra ,j,6 22,.b. 223.b. Helvetii in .'ervitio de la S^v. de laM' “ 5 ^ Capitula Venetorum obligationum ad fedem Apoitolicam, quando fe humiliaverunt Julio 2. 59. Copiadcl delS"Soffio al ReV” Grande M'" di Rhodi. a” ^i°'i fP""' Franza i Ifpa^a, 61. La entrata dl Monf. dl Lotrecho In Verona’a" 1517. ’ 62r Summario di cofenotabili accadute in Italia dal anno 1328 fin al anno 1462. , 243 b 63. Lcchioftre,&c. celebrate. In gli ,quail interveM Fredenco Gonzaga. 64. Capitula Confoederationis inter Reges Angiis Se Hifpanis. ® 2'c b 63. Defcriptione del modo fervato peril Re dl Franza in accettarc I’urdine del Tofon dal Re Caiholico, a“. ■ . 264. b. j TTT-re^evere li Ambafiktori Cefarei et del Re Catnouco. 26 c b 67. Mandatum ilL" Dominii Venetorum, in peifonls fuoriim Oratorum mifibrum ad capimlandum cum S™» Julio Pont. Max”, vid. num. 58. *66. b. tS. Cardinalipublicati in 1513. ed aJere notide. 273. ^ A Paper Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3+63—3+65. 3+®3- A paper book, containing the following tracts, in Italian. xvi & xvii. 1. Inftrudone al .Arcivefcovo di Patras, Nuntio in Fiandra, a" 1621. 2. -a M- Lancellotti, Vefcovo di Nola, Nuntio in Polonia. 3. -a M. Albergati, Vefcovo di Bifdl, Col- lettore in Portugallo, a". 162.’. 4. -Vefc. d’Avverfa, Nuncio a Cefarea, a”. 1621. 5. -al Petro Aldubrandino, per la levata da farfi in Germania d’un Regimento, per aiulo dell’ Im- peratore f erdiiianiio, a". 1621 6. -all’ Anibafiiatore dell’ Iraperatorc al Re di Spagna. 7. Breve informatione dei Cantoni della Lega Hel¬ vetica, et del ftato de la Religione Catt"- in efla, et nelli paefi contenuti nelh Nunciatura de Su'zzcri, Grifoni, et Confederati. I'-oo 8. Difcorfu dell’ anrlchita di Bologna, contrn I’opinione di F. Aimio Viterbo ; con una Lciera precedeme a d materia. 162 9 Difcorfi politici di Tomafo Campanella alii Pren- cipt d’ Italia, die non debbono contradire alia Corona di Spagna. 10. Succein della guerra fra il Turco et Perfiano dall’ anno i5;7 fino al 15 7. 11. Difcoilb lopia la Corona d’Ariadna, Imprefa per dinotare la gratimdine del i aderetto di Bclpoggio. del Sig' BarfDolcini 1628. 12. Difcorfo d’lmjnefe, in una lettera in lodi delle doti e qualita del Bar’oloineo Dolcini, etiJftorIb fopra le Corone dell’ arma Uel LSig Bartul Dolcini. 13 Imprefa per rapprefentare la Madda’ena doleme e piangente al fepolcro di Crilio cun la fua dichiaratione : in una lettera al Sig' Dolcini. 24. Difcorfo in lode del Bernard"'* Vanetti. 15. Per dipingere L'hidoria d’Erminia, che fi racconta ncl principio de 7 Libro del Gofiredo del Tailb. 16. Difcorfo fopra I’imprefa per la Pittura dell’ Er- minia, favola del 'I'alTo. con ale Lcttere pertenenti ao efla Pitlurra. 1603. 17. Sentenwse & Axiomata, a Doraico Ctefario foro Sempronienfi, &c Profefibre Bouonienli, collecta. 3 -i- 5 +. A paper book, in Italian ; with the following title, “ Relatione che contiene la molTa del primo Vifire da Conflantinopoli, il fucceflb di tutto quelto, e feguito di la per il viaggio fin a Vivar, 6 Neuheufel; pariinente I’alfedio, e cainpo fotto detto piazza. “ Varii difcorfi del Vifire, et altri Bafla, I'humon flravaganti di qutlli, diverlita di f«ldatefche di quel paefe, ordine, paga, fervitio d’elTe, loro enirate, maniera di combatterc, &c. “ Il che vien tutto raccontato per i Capitoli, fenza pero di Data, per effer ftato privo del Calendario noftro. “ Fatta per me Andrea Holtzl, I’anno 1664.” xvii. 34 ^;- A Colleflion of Papers, in Italian, with thefe titles. 1. Lettera del Re Enrico di Francia alii Stati di Ger- • mania, a". i5;2. 1. 2. Articoli fra Julio 3 e’l Re di Francia. 3. 3. Relatione del primo congrelfo fatto dalli Deputati deU’Imp' e’l Redi Francia preflb Calcs, per la Pace. 5. b. Num. 3+65, 3+66. 4. Negotiato di Pace tra I'Imperatore C. 5. & Fran* cefco Re di Francia. 6. 5. Inftrutione al Fantticcio mandate in Inghilterra; al Stella; per Polonia al Vefcovo di Viterbo, et Stra- foldo. 28. 6. Difcorfo di Paolo 4 al Cardinale Caraffa. 42. 7. Copia della Pace fra fua oancita et la Maefta Catolica. 50. 8. Capitoli dell accordo di Francia coli Ugonoti. 51- 9. Inftrutione del Caraffa & Conte Moncorio al Duca di Somma, 1556. 54. 10. -al Saccheti, per negotio col Duca di Paliano. 56. b. 11. -al FinolarJo, di trattare in C'orte del’ Redi Spagna. 60. 12. -a Don Pietro, intorno allc cofe di Pa* liano, &c. 66 . 13. . ..a Monf. Teraccina, per Caraffa. 73. 14. -al Commend, magg. di Alcantara, a". 1562. 84. ij,-a don Ant. di Toledo, per Francia. 86 . 16. -- del Ferante Gonzaga al Caftiglione, fopra le cofe della Mirandola. go, 17. Memoiiale di Julio 3. al s'” Afeanio, per il Redi Francia, a". 1551. 93. 15. -al Cardinale San Vitale, per Duca di Finrenza, a''. 1554. 91;. 99. 19. Inltrutione per Cardinale Loreno & Coneftabile. a". t554. 96. 20. -a monf. d’lraola, per I’Imperatore, a” -551. _ _ loi. 21. ■ —a Pietro Camaini, per riraperatore, 105. 3466. Italian papers, with the following titles. 1. Letera di Cardinale de Perona al Re . . . . a*. 1607. 2. “ Volume primo delle Rime et Profe di diverfi, ne prefenti difpareri tra ilPapa et la Republica. Pafquinate” See. 3. Le convention! tra Paolo 5. et Veneda, 1607. Imperfeft. 4. “ Lecagione che hanno pntuto munvere la pia mente di Papa Paulo V“. a far la pace con Sign” Vene¬ tian!.” 5. Relatione dell’ Ambafliatore d’Inghilterra, delle cole piu notabili nel viaglo di Ungaria ; al Gran Sultan Rlehemet. 6. Sommario di quanto diffe Franc® di Caftra Ambr. del’ Re di Spagna nella i^'audienza; et rifpofta del Pnpe di Venetia. 7. Difcorfo dell’ Ambaffiator d’Inghillerra alia Rc- publica di Venetia. 8 Oratio ad Paulum 5 habita, a Thoma Hollis, Caihalano Sec. cum Hifpaniarum Regis nomine obedien* tiain prteftaret Gometius Su&rez. a°. 1607 : cum refponfo. 9. Comparatione delle rifpofte fatte del Re di Francia & di Spagna al Papa, fopra I’avifo della Scomunica de gli Venetian!. 10. Inftruttione al Nontio di Venetia; con difcorfi pardcolari all’ adminiftratione di detta Carica. 11. “ Volume fecondo delle Rime di diverfi, ne pre¬ fenti difparei nati fra il papa et la Rep.” Imperfetft. 12. Lettera dclli Marchefi M.ilafpinj alii Prencipi d’ltalia, della citatione fatta loro dal Magiftrato ftraordi- nario di Milano, 1605. 13. “ Volume terzo di Verfi” (e profi) “ Latin! di diverfi Autori.” With fome alfo in French & Italian ; imperfeft. 14. Conclave della ScdeVacante di Papa Clemente 8. 15 15. “ Relaiior.e Bibliothecas Harleianae. 2 T Num. 3466—3475. 15. “ Relatione del Clarm” Sig. Gio. Coraro, nella Legatione al Chrillianifs° Henrico 3° Re di Francia”. Tiie 41 laft leaves put firft, & the 20 firft, lad. 16. Fragmentum orationis Latina:. 2 fotiis. 17. “ Dialogo tra Pafquin el Gobbo da Rialto.^’ Imperfe£l at the end. 3467- Statuti, Ordini, et Riforma dell’ Arte, et Univerfita di Por(an-Picro di Firenze. Written on Paper : imper- fedt at the end. 3468. State papers relating to Sa.xony A. D. 1711, in German. 3469- A Book on the Philofophers Stone, in the old German Language : finely written, & moft beautifully painted. A. D. 1582. It contains 48 leaves, and 22 finely executed paintings. In the firft leaf is written. “ This fine Book was given me by my jn /7 It was bought of M” Priemen, who was Neice to the famous M' Cyprianus, whofe book it was.” A book of uncommon fplcndour & beauty, executed en vellum. xvi. 3470* Dc re mihtari populi Romani, Commentariorum Liber 3''‘. Vel potius, Adverfaria viri cujufdam dodli, materiam iftara meditantis. Liber charcaceus, folia habeas i 83 . xvii, 3471 - Gepealogix et arma Domuum Auftriacffi, Saxonicte & Palatine. Incipiunt ab Othone 11 . et ad pag. 13. Defunt cum Alberto IV. Duce Boruffis. Liber chartaceus. 3472- A book of Arms coloured, on Paper ; entitled, “ II Feciale di tutta la nobilita Fiorentlna.” 247 leaves, with two Ihields on each, and the family names fuper- icribed. xvni. 3473* 1. “ Lavifo all’ Ambafeiatore di Spagna, in Roma, del tempo di Paolo V. come haveva da fervire a S. M. Cat=^ fede vacante per Eleftione d’un Papa a fuo gufto.” 2. Inftruttione all’ Lodovico Orfino per la Corte Cattolica mandate dal Duca di Bracciano. 3. Relazione d’Inghikerra, del Mich Suriano a gli Vencti. 1556. A paper book, fairly copied, but in various hands, xvi. 3474. “ Armes for forayne Countreys.” xvi. I. Of Germany. *. France. 3. Emperors. 4. England. 5. Sundry Kingdoms. 6 . Poland. Many other arms are enumerated in a table prefixed, extending as far as p. 294. but all are now wantingbeyond p. 67. Drawn with a pen on Paper. C. Plini fecundi Hiftoria: Naturalis Epitome, per Pla- tinam ; cum Epiftola PIadn$ ad Maffeum. Liber chartaceus, imperfeiftus, in libro quinto definens. xv. 8 . 17- 20. b. 38* 30 . a. Num, 3476^3480. A paper book fairly written, in Spanifii, & containing ; 1. “ Capitolo general de la Orden de Alcantara. Del anno deMDC.” xvi. 2. “ Principio del Capitulo difinitorio de la Orden de Alcantara, que en continua9on del Capitu° General de la dicha Orden fe comen^o a profeguir y celebrarcn la Villa de Madrid a xxiii de Deziembre de MDC. Anos, en lasCafas del feiior Frey Don Franco de Roxas Marques de Poza, Cavallero profeflb de la dicha Orden, Prefidente del Confs“ de hazic de y Prefidente nombrado porfu Mag** para el dho Capitulo difinitorio.” At the end, “ Adtos Capitulares delos Capos General y difinitorio que de la Orden y Cavalle' de Alcanr.> V. M. mando celebrar en la Villa de Madrid, el Auo de 1600 y fe difolvio en Vafiid. a on9e de Abril delde 1604.” Below, “ Correg".” This title may be confidered as the proper one for the whole book. 3477 - Eufebii Evangelica PwEparatio, a Gregorio Trapezuntio in Latinum tradutta. Cum Priefatione ejufdem ad Papam Nicolaum V™. Libri funt 14,cum fint in Gr^co 15. Confullo enim omifit traduftor, (ut ait in prse- fatione) quas fibi hserctica funt vifa. xv. Codex membranaceus, elegans; fciiptusA. D. 1467, A Johanne Mervclt; qui opus fuum his verficulis celc- bratit. “ Cul perenne decus maneat Weftphalia cundtis Infignita bonis, patria eft mihi grata, Johanni Mervelt : quern ledtor celeri fcripfiffe tenento Hunc librum digito: Fefla quiefee manus.” 3478. A paper book, containing the following Italian poems. XV. 1. Canzoni, ballate, & other poems of Dante, of which forae of the former are not in the Venice edition: namely the fecond, third, fourth, j6th, l 7th, Sc iSth. 2. Sonnets, canzoni & other Poems of Petrarch. 25. 3. The Triumphs ofPetrarch. 126. Written in 1429, as appears by the fubfeription at the end. 4. In a more modern liand, three Sonnets, two of them by Petrarch, on the laft leaf. 253- 3479 - A paper book, containing, in Italian, the letters of Caro Vifeonti, from the Council of Trent. Written in 1563. 127 leaves. Prefixed is a good print by John Aymon Craveta. xvi. 3480. In Italian, the Epiftles of Katherine of Senis, written to Pope Gregory XI. Sc others. The title is in Latin, as follows: “ Incipiunt epiftole gloriofe virginis beatifiime Ka¬ therine de Senis, recolledke per reverendum; in Chrifto patrem dominum Stephanum de Senis, Priorein Mo- nafterii fancle Marie de gratiis, per Pctruin Papiani, ordinis Cartufiane.” The feribe adds; “ Quefto fu nell anno Mccclvi. la quile io feripfi.” ” XIV. The Works of this Lady were publifhed in four volumes 4ro 1707—1713. See Fabricius Bibl, M. et inf. Lat. under Catherina Senenis. It is a handforae book, well written, on vellum. Codes ; I Catalogus Librorum MSS. Codex membranaceus, cx elegantioribus et ornati/Timis, continens Flatonis Operum partem, a Marfilio Fidno Ladiie redditam. xv. Prasmittitur tabula, in qua enumerantur libri Platonis 37, quorum 27 in hoc Cudice inveniuntur. Infra an- notatnur hasc. ‘‘Prtmi decern libri ad Cofmum Medicem, ex reliqui' autem novem quidem ad Petruin Medicem ; fc'tein vero atque triginta (inclufa, fcilicet, Platonis Vila, a Picino) irnmo vero cun£bi, ad Laurentium Me dicem.” In prima pagina, carmen panegyricum in Platonem et Ficiiium, a Naldo Nandio, Florcntino. In fi’cunda, intra circulum pulchre coloribus ornatum, apparet hxc infcriptio, literis unc'alibus exarata. Linens altcrnis auro, et colore cauruleo notatis. “ Prccmium Marfilii Ficini in Libros Platonis, ad Laurentium Medicem, virum magoanimum; quos feliciffiuii Mufarum antiflitis, fapiemilliinique virtutum ac p>'pulorum regis, et pace, belloque florcntiffimi monarchte, arque peipetui tiiumphatoris, Ferdinandi Arragonii nwndatn, Petrus Hippolytus, Lunenfis. exemi-hris depravaiiones cafligans, magno omnes dili- geniia tranfcriput." Supra, litei'is majufculis deauratis, ponitur Divus, et infra incriptionem, Pi. a i o. Codex cum 1 lixdro definit. 3+82. Codex membranaceus, ut prsccedens, fplendoris eximii; coinplectens, non verfionem Platonis, led theologiain Platonicam a Marfilio Ficino digeftam in libros •xviii. Voluit Audor, ut ait in przefatione ad Lauren- lium Medicem “ Platonis ipfius fimulachrum quoddam chriftiana; veritati (imiilimum exprimereP'—*' Ideoque univerfum opus Platonicam theologian! de immortali- tace animjc” infcripfit. “ In quo componendo, id priecipuc confiliuin fuit, ut in ipfa create mentis diviiiitaie, ecu fpeculo rerum omnium medio, crea- toris ipriu> turn opera I'peculemur, turn inentem con- templciuur, atque colamus.” Ad finem prarfationis hme ait: “ In omnibus qux aut liic aut alibi a me iraclantur, tantum adlrtum efle volo quantum ab ecclefia comprobatur.” xv. Infcriptio prxf.jtioni prsemilTa, et alia fubjunda, fingulari contradionis lormi iia Icripta ell ut literje altcrnte, hie miiioribus t) pis inferia:, omniao omit- tantur MaRfiil FiCiNi FiOiEnTiXi PrOccMiUm In I'l ^tOiiIcAin TliIu>LoGi.-\m Dc AnlmOrUm ImMoRtA- lltAtE- aD lAuReNtluM niEdlcEiii. Incipit Prasfatio eodem modo, “ PlAtO I’hllOsOpHoB piitcr ” Poll prasfadoueni, operi prxilxa ell li.xc qua fequitur infcriptio. Madslli FiCiNi FIOrEnTiNi PlAtOiiIi A rticOlGgla Dt ImMuRcALil'.i I e AiilmOrVm. 3 ' 4 -^ 3 ‘ VaticinLi five Prophetiic Abbaiis Joachimi & Anfelnii I p fcopi Marftcani. I.atinc & Indice. 1589. xvi. Codex cliariaceus, pulchrc feriptus, et pidoris manu elegantiflima iduflratus. Dedicatus D. Francifeo Cor- neliii, Epilctipo farvicenfi, a Palcalino Rcgifelmo, qui et Prxfationcni ad Ledortin addidit. Sequitur Vita Joachimi Abbatis, per Gabrieleni Barium Fraiicifcanum j omnia La'ini etltalice. Vaticinia numero funt triginta. Singula pidura alle- gorica, '^at non colorata; illuflrata. Addumur in margine Lediones variantes. Num. 34='4—3486. Subjicitur, “ Oraculum Turcicum Magn® Con* fiderationis,” ut dicitur j et fequuntur Annotationes fupradidi Pafcalini. F.xtant htcc vaticinia in Editione Venetiis imprelTa A. D. 15''9- in 4i'>. 3484- Novum lefiamentum. Hifpanice. Scriptum a”. 1654. Liber olim Gulielmi Sancrofe. xvii. 34 ^ 5 - Vitarura Plutarch! Chxronenfis xxvl, Latine, a diverfis audoribus converfx. Scil. i. Eumenis, a Guarino Vcroneiifi. 2. Seriorii, a Leonardo Aretino. 3. Pelo- pidx. ab Anionio Tudeflino. 4. Marcelli, a Guarino. 5. Cimonis, et 6. Lucuili, a Leonardo Julliniano, Veneto. 7. Nieix, et 8. Craffi; ab Alanianno Rinuccino, Florentino. 9 Deinoflhenis a Leon. Aretino. 10 Ciceronis, feripta ab eodem II. Dionis, a Guarino 12. Bruti, a Jacobo Angelo. 13. Agefilao, ab Alamanno Rinuccino. 14. PompLii, a Jacobo Angelo, ij. Demetrii, a Donato Acci- aiolo. 16. Antonii, a Leonardo Aretino. 17. Arati et _iR. Artaxerxis, a I.apo Caftelliunculo. 1 9. Pho- ci''nis, a Leonardo [ufliiiiano. 20. Catonis Ulicencis, a Leon. Aretino. 21, AgiJis et Cleomenis, ab Alani. Rinuccino. 22. Tib. et Caii Gracchorum, a Leon. Are¬ tino. 23 AL-xandri Magni, et 24. C. Julii Cxfaris, a Guarino Ver. 25. Galbaon, et 26. Oihonis, a Fran¬ cifeo Philclpho. XV. Codex membranaceus fumina; pulchritudinis, optime feriptus, et confervatus. Ad finem ell hxc Epigraphe. “ Anno Dominicx incarnatioiiis M.CCCC. LXS®, et VIP Decembris Opus hoc coiifummatum ell: die autem veneris fummo mane. Laus et Gloria fit omni- pocenti yhu xpo per infinita fecula.” In folio averfo ; “ Omnium rcruin vicilfitudo eft.” Pro quo feriptus fuii Codex, ex armis in priino folio depidis inveiiiri poieft. 3486. John Boccace, his 9 Books of the fall of Princes : tranflated into Englilh by John Lldgate, Monk of Bury. On vellum. xv. Sec NT 12417. where another MS of this work is properly deferibed, wi h a reference to Laurence’s tranilation '41. B 10 now N"62i.) This work 01 Lydgate’s was printed at London by John Way- l.ind in folio, without date. Of the original Latin Work there are feveral Ediiions extant. It is in profe, though Lydgate- has tranflated it into VTrfe. He mentions Laurence at the beginning, but does not fav that he tranflated from his French. ''Humphrey Duke oV Gloucefter, he fay.s, commanded liim to tranflate the book of Boccace ; & particularly, “ Hebadclfhouldein efpcciall Folow mvne Audhoure, written as I fyiide And for no favour be not parciail.” And at the end of his Prologue “ Upon Boch as ryght thus I will proceeJe.” Several other MSS. of this work are in this colledion. The prefent is damaged in fome place-, apparently by damp i anJ is not quite perfed at the end, finilhing ab¬ ruptly with the 6th Itanza of Chap, xxxvi in the ninth Book. So that the reni'dinder of that chapter, with the 37th & 38th is wanting The French tranflation by Laurence fN” 621) is in Profe alfo; it begins with Chap. 2. of the firft book, and eiids with Chap. 24. of the ninth i fo that the deficiency is very fmall. That MS. is the fame in¬ tended to be referred to above, by the old mark, 41B. 10, which itill remains on the firft leaf. See alfo 4197. 4203. Bibliothecse Harleiance. 33 Num. 3J87—3492. 3 35 * ■''■'th a copious commentary. Written on vellum in the Gothic Letter. xv. Ahandforae book, of large fize. 3489- A Colleflion of Maps by John Martines, very fimilar to thofe in N 3450: but larger. '1 he infcriptron under the firft Map is here diflinftly, “ Joan Martines en Mefiina Aiii 1578.” there are 7 Maps. xvi. 1. 1 he Eaftcrn & Wellern Hcmifpheres, fpherically projefted. 2. Sicily, on a very large Scale. 3. Part of the Wellern Coafi: of Africa. 4. The Northern parts of the fame, with the Straits, &c. 5. The Britilh Iflands, Spain, part of France, &c. 6. Italy and the oppofite Coaft of Africa, kc. 7* Greece, the Black Sea, Alia Minor, Syria & part of Egypt. 3490. A large vellum book, fairly & well written j and containing xv. 1. “ Speculum Religiolbrum,” S. Edmundi Cant. Archiepifeopi j capita habens 30. 2. J. Gower’s “ Confeflio Amantis,” in eight books : With various arms, k other ornaments, at the beginning of each book. 3 + 9 t- “ FrancifciPatricii, Senenfis. de Inftitutione rci politico libri 9.” Ad Sixtum 4’" Pontificem Maximum, xvi. Codex membranaceus, pukherrimus ; fcriptus A. D. 1512. Idem liber editus eft A. D. 1491. vide Fabricium. 3492. “ Raccolta di Frafi Italiane.” A CoIIeaion of Italian Phrafes, under their alphabetical heads in Englifh, 1686. Fairly written for the prefs. With a dedica¬ tions to three noblemen, fignedB.S. The Author fays he had long been a teacher of Italian. xvu. There is in the Book a diredtion to the printer, to print it in a good large Quarto. “ The Engiilh to be printed in an upwright Roman Charaflicr, the Italian in a round Roman Hoping Charadler.” Very fairly written, on Paper. Cat. Harl. Vol.IH. N«m3493^3496. 3493- A paper book, containing the following tradls; 1. Les Amours de Chriftine Duchefle de Savoye, traduits de I’ltalien en Francois, 1640. xvii. 2. “ Relation veritable de ce qui s’eft paiTe a la mort du fr Monaldefchi, grand Efeuier de la Reine de Suede.” i6j7- 3. “ Coppie d’une Lettre eferite de Bruxelles a la Reyne, touchant la Reyne de Suede.” 4. “ Difeours que le Marq. de Puentes Amhaftadeur d’Efpagne fill, a fa Maj'" en la premiere Audience qu’Il cut. le 24'”' Mars 1662.” 6 . La difference des humeurs dcs Francois, Itaiiens, Efpagnols, Anglois, Allemands. 7. Deux Centuries de Noftradamus j un Sonnet fur le Miniftere de Colbert; une Satire; et une Cenfure en profe fur la morte de madame de Lorraine. 8. Lettre du Roy au CarJinall de France a Rome, 1662, et au Pape; fur la Milice Corfe du Pape. 9. “ Billet delVL Maridor, Prefident de la Cour des Aydes, aM‘ leProcureur General."’ 10. Lettre du Roy, 1662, a ia Reyne de Suede, en forme de Manifefte fur 1 ’Affaire de Rome. 11. Difeours au Roy, touchant fes grandes aftions, kc. 12. “ Kftat des pauvres Eglifcs Evangeliques des Valle'es de Piemont, depuis le Maffarredu 1655 jufqu’a la fin de Juillet ;i 56 s; recueilli, Prcmicremenr, des remarques kites fur la Patente drefsee a Pinerol apres dites Maffacres, cr apportee mot a mot. En fecond lieu, -Des refponfes faites a une lettre du 20 et 9 Juillet fufdit* parlaquelle S. A. R. deduiift aux Trelhautcs et TrefpuiL lants Cantons Evangeliques les crimes dont on lui a perfuade' que font coulpables ceux des Valiees, et qui fervent de pretexti aux vexations; qu’ on leurfait fouffrir.” _ 13. Articuli Confoederationis inter Angliam & Bel¬ gium, poll reditum Caroli 2 in Angliam. 14. A political difeourfe, in Portuguese, a”. 1635. “ Es tanforcefo enclcurfo natural feguir los efetos.” 15. Nota: Philofophica;, Latine et Grace. In tribus fqliis ; prioribus duobus fubferiptis per Allen Anfteyfut videtur) Locum tenentem Tunis, ut fe defignat. ^ '' 3494* The Letters of the Mantuan Legate at Madrid, in the Years 162S k 1629. Written on paper, in Italian. On the firft leaf is written in the fame hand, “ ^Dco in_ primis, quo dante ha:c prodeunt, cceptis noftris ad- fpirante, ac fantifs'"-' Dcipara, e ctelo, ut petimus nobis fuffragante.” 3495* “La Liturgia Inplcfc: tradotla da Aleffandro Amidci Fiorentino. A. D. 1661.” Well written, & prepared for the prefs. [3496—3500. Octavo.] 349 ^- 1. Litterx de eledtionibus Paparum feripta annls * 37 ^> *394 & * 395 * XVI. 2. Melvinus dclirans; five Satyra edentula contra ejufdem Anti-Tarai-Cami-Categoriam ;Gul". Laud ftunc temporis) Decano Gloceftrienfi, et Coll. D. Joan Bapt. Prafidi inferipta, perThomam Atkinfon. Sub titulofcrip- turn eftjSumelibrisReverendifs. inChriftoPatrisGulielm. Archiepifeopi Cantuarienfis, totius Anglia Primatis et R Metropolitani. I < , ( Catalogus Librorum MSS. Kum. 3496-—3500. Meiropolitanl. “ nj'g/’ Poema Verfibus iambicis fciiptum. 3. Chriftiani Ravii, de lingua Turcica, Traftatus. 4. Quorundum Cafuuni naiionis AngHcana; Refolu- tiones. 5. Annalium Beccenfium Ppicome, per Fran. Careum Lexovium, Beccenfem Coenobitam, a”. 1562. 6. The Triumphs of Petrarch, beautifully written on Vellum. The firlf leaf is wanting, probably taken out for the fake of an illumination upon it. The reft of the Volume is Paper. 3497- Loci communes, alphabetice difpofiii: titulus, “ Promp- tuarium, vel Apparatus Theologicus et Philologicus,” A°. 1637; per Laz. Seaman. xvii. Liber chartaceus. 3498- A Compendium of the 20 books of John Baptifta Porta “ de Magia naturali,” in Spanilh. A paper book, written in a loofe hand ; the author’s name appears to be Sam. de Pelis, The book formerly belonged to Thomas Hearne. xvi, 3499- An Account of the prefent eftate of Chriftendom, in the time of Q.Elizabeth; by an Englifli F.xiie. “'i'he introductory difcourfe begins thus, '• After that I had lived many years in voluntary exile & baniftiment.” Neatly written on paper, in a finall hand, on 384 leaves. xvi. 3500 - Liber chartaceus, eleganter fcriptus ; cum titulo hoc, “ Vetuftiilimce ac peregrins plumbi laminarum fcrip- tura2, in Sanfto Granatas monte nuper patefecbarum, In- terpretatio Latina : per fratrem Bartholomeum a Pecto- rano, Ordiuis Seraphici, ftridfioris obfervantia;, et in fua Provincia Aprutina, Rcgni Neapolis Provincialem miniftruin, de mandate Sancbiflimi, ac faers Congre- gationis univerfalis Inquifitionis Romai, fideliter edita.” in qua continentur, !. Liber fundamentorum Fidei : per Thefiphonein Abenathar, dilcipulum Jacobi Apoftoli. pag. 1. xvi. , 2. Liber de elftiitia vencranda : per eundem, 12. 3. Liber Ordinationis MilTtc Jacobi Apoftoli, per manus fui Notarii difcipuli Theftphonis jEbenathar. 17. 4. Oratio et defenfivum JacobiFilii Sciamachi Zebedci Apoftoli per cmnes adverfitates, qua et deprecabatur Dominum fuum. Defenfivum autein, quo defendit ab omnibus malis, docuit eum Jefus filius Marise, magifter ejus. 29. 5. Liber pra:d:cationis Apoftoloruin, Jacobi Apoftoli. 35. 6. Plancfus Petri Apoftoli, Vicarii, poll ncgalionem Domini. 4^. 7. Liber iRfignium aefionum Jefu Chrifti, ac iniracu- lorumfuorum Sc Maria: matris ejus : per Thef. TEbe- nathar. 52- 8. Liber hilloria: veriiatis Evangelii: fcriptus de man- dato ipfiU'Jacobi per eundem. 117. 9. Liber Preemiorum credentibus, & Malediclionum non credentibus Evangelio debitorum. 143. 10. “ Liber Myfteriorum magnorum qua: vidit Jaco¬ bus Apoftolus in monte fancto ob concilium maximum. Scriptus de inandato ejus per manus Cecilij fui difcipuli.” 11. Liber arcanoruin magnorum, qufc patefecit Deus illi quern voiuerit ex fervis fuis, qui Deo fe totos devove- runr, et eric fjgnaculura proprii mentis, cum Veritaie Evangelii. 187. J <• nem. Niims 1500—3503. Liber col'oquii S. Manx virginis. 201. S. Marirc Liber Senceniiaruin circa Fidem. 281. Hiftoria Sigilli Salomonis ; per S. Mariam Virgi- .. 15. Liber notitix divina: potentix, benignitatis & Juftieix circa creaturas : per Cecilium Eberradi, difei- pulum Jacobi, duabus parfibus. 341. 16. Liber denntura Angeli: per eundem. 40 c. 17. Liber Relationis de domu pads Sc vindiclx ; per eundem. 421. 1 8. Liber prrcclararum Aefionum ac mirabiliuin Jacobi Apoftoli; per eundem ; duabus partibus. Vide num. 35 ^ 7 - . 449 * Codex paginas habet 56s. [ 35 ®i—Quarto.] 3501- Libellus chartaceus, in quo habentur opufcula nonnulla Socini. Scilicet, xvii.- 1. Sneini “ An Ilomini Chriftiano Baptifmo Aqua carere liceat,” Difputatio. Gap. xvi, AJfinem ; “ Cra- covix 15 Aprilis An“ Dni. 1580. Deo et Chro Gra.” 2. “ Nota in appendicem errorum pxJo-baptifmi, a Martino Czechovitio editorum, quatenusin ilia Czecho- vitius fententiam de Baptifmo aqua non neceffario labe- faebare conatiis eft ” 3. Epiftola Socini \ alentino Smal. 1603. Extat apud Ep. Socini. 4. Epiftola ad Socinum de baptifmo. A Simone Ro- nenbergi."), ruin refponfione Socini. 5. Kpift. Socini ad biemiclioviam. 6. Ad pHores notas Andrea Dudifzii, in librum de Baptifmo, refponfto. 3 S° 2 ' A Paper book, with this title, “ Manlfefte du Sr Robert de Valois (Walfhj Chevalier et Bar^‘ Touchant fon Voyage de France, en Angleterre, & fonFinprifonnement a Bruxelles. 1657.” xvi. In the begining is written, “ Wimpole Dec. 14 1733. This MS was font me by my worthy good Friend D' Zach. Grey. Oxford.” At the end. the following notes, apparently by D’ Zach. Grey. “ This M.S was given me by my Friend the R_ev'‘ M EdoiH Whitehead Vicar of Bucknal in Lincoln- fliire, who was Chaplain to the Relid of Sir Jofeph Williamfou, & found it among fome Wafte Paper, after his Library was removed to Oxford, & is the MS quoted by Eachard, Vol. ii. p. 80S. The word 'Walfh, the rranflation of ['cthis [was] wrote by M F.achard. Bdhop Moor had it in his cuftody foruetime fmee, & had a tranfeript taken.” 3503- Excerpta de Horatio, et ex Horatio, In pj-in;a paginu nota in “ .Audax lapeli genus.” In fecuncia, Vita Iloratii, incipiens; “ (Juintus Oratius Flaccus 6* idus Decembris Torquato ct Cotta Cnnfulibus, humili fane loco, utpote parente prxconc ac liberfina; conditionis natus.” Poft Vitam Audoris, duabus pagiiiis comprehenfani, de metris ejus agitur. Sequunturnota; in Odas nonnullas ; turn Odarum primi libri pars, fine notis ; deinde feleda ex omnibus aiidoris libris. Poft laudes Vitx Rufticx, in OJe ilia celeberrima “ Beatus ille qui procul negotiis,” fequitur parodia in laudes Vitx Monafticxj a Francifeu Scanzo Novarienfi. “ Beatus ille qui procul negotiis Utpri-^'ca gens inonattica, Paterna linquens, migrat ad Cxnobium Solutus omiii vinculo.’’ &:c. Codex chartaceus, abrupte definens, in Oda i. Lib. 3. nondura exadi, fed poft citatas Epifiolas, Satiras, &c. 11 A manulcript. Num, 3504- 3504- * A manufcript being, Treatifes of feveral parts of Heraldry & Creations, with the manner of keeping parliament &c.” Such is the Inkription prefixed. The book has the appearance of being imperfefl’, from the tranfpofition of the leaves in binding; but on examination they are all there. The Contents are 1. “ Traftatus de Artnis Nic. Upton,” ike. in four Books, extending to igS leaves. Liber i. De Coloribus in Armis depictis, et eorum nobilitate et dilferentia. 2. De Regulis in fignis et Armis depiclis. 3. De Ani- malibus et avibus in Armis portatis, et eorum proprietati- bus. 4. DeVeteranis quos modo Haraldos appellamus. 2. Manner of keeping the Parlianrent of England. 2or. 3. Ufage of Gilbert de Strogell, Sc Tho. Brotherton, Marfhalls of England. 214. 4. The Oath, & Fees in the Starr Chamber. 227. 5. Forma baptizationis R. Marim & Elizabethx. 232. 6. Forma Coronationis R. Ed. 6 " ■, Edwardi 2, & Reginaj, & Ricardi i. 238. 7. Ordo novum Regem in regno conllitucndi. 252. fi. A Booke of Armes. “ Here followinge is deter- mined.” 257. 9. The funeral procefiion of K. Henry the 7th. 2^15. 10. The manner of a Queens lying in; and of bap¬ tizing the Chi'd. 272. 11. The Chriftning of Henry Earl of Lincoln. Son of Charles Duke of Suffolk & Maty the French Queen. 274. 12. Verfes of the Coronation of H. 7. 277. A Book of Memorandums, Orders & Laws of the Admi¬ ralty from the year 1671 to 1677. -^ftnall paper 3 506. F. Socini, in epiflolam 1 Johannis, Diciata, five Comen- tarii. t6o2. Kracovia;. Liber chartaccus. 35°7- Continct Codicis 35C0, traftatus i, 2, 14, 9, feriptos charaCtere, a Kirclier Agareencnfi, five Saravenenfi, in Africa vocato. v. prodrom. Copt. In noftro Codice Salomonis dicitur. Cum interpretatione latiiii inter- lincari. Liber totus eft Apographus ipfius Bartho- lonijci a Pecfonuio.Romjc iuConventu S. Ifidori Scrip- tus. 1644, ut videndum eft infra. Pagina 69 et ultima fic inferipta eft, “ Librum iftum de donis largiendis fervis Dei credentibus in veritatem Evangelii, ex Arabico, charadleribus, ut aiunt, Salomonis plumbeis laminis confcriptuin, fub facri montis Grana- tcnfis cavernis repertum, ego Frater Bartholomcus a Pedtoiano, ordinis minorum ftriftii-ris obfei vantise, Pro- vincite S" Bernardini regni Neapolis, ad majorem Dei gloriani, a Superioribus ad hoc niunus peragendum deputatus, inLalinumdeverbo adverbumfidelitertraduxi. Roma in Conventu fandti Ifidori ejufdem inftituti Anno 1644.” Et infra. “ Ego frater Bartholomeus a Pec- torano’ feripfi manu propria totam feripturam hujus Libri.” Hjec atteftatio fingulis Libris fubferibitur, et nomen feriptoris infuper, in omni pagina feribitur. 3509* 1. M. TulHi Ciccronis, Rhetoricorum, five de inven- tione Rhetorica. libri 2. xli. 2. Topicoriim, aucloris incertij quartus liber. “ Si quis operis tituluin diligens examinator infpiciat, cum de topicis difierentiis conferibamus.” Auclor in fine, Ciceronis et Ariftotelis Topica nominat. “ Omnibus igitur quse propofuimus fuperius expeditis, illud arbitror apponendum quod M.Tullius Topicoriim qua: ad C.Tre- batium peritum juris edidit,noneo modo quo de ipfis dif- pucari pofiit difcrevlt, fed quemadmodum rhetoricte facul- tatis argumenta ducerentur. Quod in his Commentariis dihgentms expedivimus, qui a nobis in ejufdem Ciceronis Topica conferipti funt. Quo autem modo in his dialefticis ratioiiibus difputetur, in his comTuentariis quos in Arijiotetis Topica a nobis tranfluta confcripfimus expe- dituin eft.” . 3 - M-lullii Ciceronis, Rhetoricorum, ad C. Heren- nium libri 4. xn. Q^ Horaiii Flacci Opera. Ars Poetica Epodis et Satiris interponitur. Liber olim Alexandri Striggii Mantuani, meinbranaceus, et adprime elegans. xv. 35ir- A Colleftion of mlfcellaneous Poems, neatly written on paper, as far as 176 pages. 'Phe remainder left blank. After page 77. the paging has been inadvertently- carried back to 68, which is accordingly marked with an Afterifk, as arc the folio-wing pages to 78. xvii. Of thefe poems, many are from the printed works of old poets, as Donne, Cleaveland, Drayton, Carew &c. At pag. 15. is “ Beat on proud billows,”— printed inPercy’s Rehques, Vol. ii. p. 33 1.4.0 Ed. and there faid to be traditionally attributed to Sir Roger L’Eitrange. The title here is, “ M' Lc Strange his Verfes in the prifon at Linn.” From page 87. to 98, the greater part are from Habington: thence to 127, and a few afterwards, are principally from Carew. A few are not com¬ monly found in other Colledtions. 3512. I. II. Earl of Clarendon’s Letter concerning Indul¬ gence to Difll-ntcrs; & of K. Charles his difclaiming the power todifpenfewich penal Laws in matters Ecclefra^ical. P' XVII. 2 --againft the Bp. of Oxford’s Book, entitled Reafons for abrogating the Toft impos’d on all members of Parliament. ^ 5 * 3 *-Letter to Dr. Tenifon, 9 Apr. 1689 ; concerning the Bill of Union amongft Proteftants. A Paper book. 7^, 35 * 3 - The Commedia of Dante, elegantly written on vellum. Sc ornamented. xv. At the beginning, & in the margins of the firft leaves of the Inferno & Paradifo, are copious notes in a modern hand. Some alfo at the end. 2. Subjoined r;*i\ i Catalogus Librorurn MSS. Num. 3513—3517- 2. Subjoined to the Commedia, is a CapitulOj written by Jacopo fon of Dante. 3 * The Life of Dante by Leonardo Areiino, publilhed infeveral Editions. 3514- Diftys Cretenfis, Hiflorla belli Trojani. xr. Deeft Prjcfatio fecunda, qua:fpuria habeturab cdicori- bus. Codex membranaceus. 3515- A neat paper book, containing : Ihe Italian Poems of Cefare Marcelti da Fano, written, (as appears by his firft Dedication) in the Pontificate of Paul III. that is, bet^veen i534and 1550. The fecond Dedication is addreflcd to Duke Octavio Farncfe. The Contents are, 1. A long Poem on the Succellion of Roman Em¬ perors, from Julius C^far to Charles 5. in terza Rima, three Verfes being allotted to each Emperor. 2. A fimilar Poem onthe Emprefles. 3. Another on the Kings of France, from Pharamond to Henry II. which brings the author down to 1547, & limits the date of the poems to between that and 1550. 4. Delle Lodi della Fatica. 5. Della Pieta di Chrifto. 6 . A Jefu Chrifto. 7. Capitolo trionfale. 8. Cap* de I’alma Natura. 9. De gl’infortunii de grhuomini illuflri. 2 parti. 10. Lodi della padeila. 11. Lodi del domandare. 12. Stanzi dela Povertade Cefari Marcelii. Warcelli complains much of his Poverty. Perhaps he had not talent enough to obtain the rewards allotted to Genius in that age. He does not appear to be mentioned by Crefcimbcni. 351 ^- Tho. Penfon (Arms-painter) his Progrefs into Holland, Flanders & France, a". 1690 : with Remarks. In the beginning is a Lill of all the Perfons to whom it had been lent, from 1691 to 1698. It appears by his Journal, that Penfon fet out on June 30 1687, and returned November 20 the fame year. In the latter part he dates by both Styles, the Englifh and Foreign : thus Nov. 3517* The 6 Triumphs of Petrarch, divided into a regular fuc- ceflion of Chapters. Written on vellum & orna¬ mented. XV. 1. 'I'he “ Trionfo d’Amorc,” in which the ufual chapters are thus tranfpofed. i- 3. 4. 2. (In N’ 3264 they ftand i- 3. 2. 4.) 2. Trionfo della Caflit'i,” entitled “ Capitulum quintum.*’ 3. “ Trionfo della Morte,” with the beginning, con¬ fining of 21 Lines, which inN° 3264 is entitled," un altro principio del primo Capitolo della Morte.” As that Copy was correfted, profefiedly, from an original manufeript ofPetrarch, it is probable that, after giving out fome Copies with this beginning, he fubfiituted for it the three lines which are now in the printed Copies. " Quefta legiadra,” &c. This original beginning opens thus, “ Quanta gia nell’ eta matura etacra Triumphi ornaro il gioriofo coiie, Quanti prigion paflaro per la via ftrata.” or facra. Num. 3517—3521- and concludes “ Q_uella per cui ben fare prima mi piacque.*' The two chapters of this triumph are entitled cap. 6. & 7. 4. " Trionfo della Fama.” Thefin'l 24 Verfes of this Copy differ from the printed Editions, and from that in N“3264. They begin. “ Nel core pieno d’amarilTima dolcezza,” and end, “ Ma qual piu preflb a gran peiia fi'Iina.” Inltcad of thefe, an equal number are now fubiliiuted, beginning " Dapoi che morte, &c.'’ The three parts of this Triumph are m.arked Cap. 8. g. 10. See No. 3^67. j. “ Trionfo del Tempo marked Cap. 11. 6. “ Trionfo della Divinita.” Cap. 12. 3518- Pub. Virgilii Maronfs fEneidos libri 12: Scripti A*. 1454. PnemittunturEpigrammata Ovidii (ut dicuntur) Argumenia fcil. in .Oneida. Subjicitur ad finem nota de verfu in libro vi.—" Principio cailum ac terras.” &c. Codex Chartaceus. xv. 3519- Rufllfe hifloria; per Abbatem S. Syrije & fratres in lingua Ruflica Icripta. Imperfeifta, ut videtur. xvii. Inferitur prope finem Charta, in quaferibitur, " Brc- viarium Hifloria; Theodori Twanowitz,” in parte averfi ha:c verba, quee de libro ipfo forfitan agunt. “ Written by tlie Abbot of S'. Syria & his Brethren.” " The lall chapter wanting is concerning the build¬ ing of a Church.'* " In it is a wonderfull apparition of a pillar of fire reaching up to Heaven.” 3520. In duobus Tomis, Signatis 3520 A et 3520 B. 1. Fefii Pompeii, de verborum interpreta-J tione. Liber. xv. | 2. Ovidii Amorum libri, et pauca ab aliis | operibus, ex edit. Plant. 1567, cum Codice I MS collati. XVII. |rTom.i. 3. Epigrammata, Epitaphia, & ali$ In- | feriptiones, qua: Roma: & in locis adjacent!- I bus occurrunt. xvii. I 4. A tracb, in Spanifh, on the precedence' of the Spaniards before the French : being the conclufion of a book by Augullin de Craralizj cn Roma. 5. Les Nuuvelles Lumiercs pour la com- pofition de I’lliftoire de I’Kglife : parLouis dii Moulin, cydevant Prof'efleur en Hifloiie dans Puniverfited’Oxford. i6Si. ,Tom.2. 6. QuasHia Miffionarura China: feu Si- narum, S. Congregationi de propaganda fide exhibita : cum rerponfis, 1645. 7. D"‘ Sheldeiii, de potellate Clavium, [ CoBcio in Joh. x.x. 23. " Inea incidimus te:n- j pora,” &c. J Codex mixtus, fed majcrl parte chartaceus. 3521. Codex papyraceus, ex variis fragmentis conflatus, qua hie enuinerantur. i. Dionyfii Catonis Pra:cepta moralia et Di'licha ; libri quatuor. Cum metaphrafi Graci Jofephi Scaligeri, 2. Adverfaria Grreca, " viri cujufdam dofti, fed ignoii,'* ut ait 'I'yrwhittus, qui hinc extraxit Babrii “ fabulam Bibliotheca Harleianse. 57 Num. 3521—3524. fabulam, verfibus lo Choriambicis conceptam, quam diiTertationi fuse de Babrio fabnexuit, ad pag. 4?. Ztv( ly ra 2rak?« (TuAAffaf, &C. Adverfaria rebus admodumdiverfis conflant, verborum fcil. interpretatione, rcmporum computatione, formulis diplomnium, et juramentorumpro niagiftratibus Conftan- tinopolitanis. 16. Leibioncs Varias Apoftolii Parrtiet'iarwn, Codicis MS. amplifs'"'Bongarfii. 28. 4. Excerpta Grteca, ex Codice imperial! (Jiiflinianij forfan'' legum Roniananim. ' ^2. 5. Excerpta Editionis Luca: Antonii Junta: Venet. 1585, et AIdi Manut. 1503, ut et MS. Cottoniani in Philoftrati imagines. 6. Excerpta, cc varife Lefliones ex MS. quodam Eiuftathii (vel Eumathii) de Ifiticnia: ec Ifmenes ainori- bu.s, quern Codicem perlegerat Marrinus Crufius, m ex annotatione ad fextum librum difcimus. Scriptum eft enim “ aV,«ii.ja p.Sx.ov ixlov. fet adfcriptum) V.v TuS.yy» TO 0 ,gAio» roSt, MapUo; 0 Kpafiot, (1584) it-rvi iTfwlffiCplw.” Jam hoc ipfo anno 1584 Martinus Crufius opus egregium edidit, et doftrina Graeca rcfertuin, cui titulus Turco-Gr$cia. De quo Vid. Fabric. Bibl. Grtec. L.V. cap. 5. §28. p. 692. Pra:mifia his Excerptis ellEpiftola viri cujufdam dofti, qui de edcnda verfione Euftathii de Ifmenia cogitabat, ait enim “ Euflatbii verfionem hac hicme, iruy Of.’, abfo- lutam dare cogito.” De I.ongo, ut a fe edito, infra agit fcriptor. Dc nomine Eufiathii, ut et multi alii, hreret. Tituli fequuntur varii. Ex. gr. UoiKfAa *-^fc'T«vcffAiirjf4j! fvox Latino-Gr.'Kca) xai lA.iya.KH T8 2r«ffueoAiTa &C. to xai' Cfuniay u^fj-nny Spapta. x. t. A. Al. Eu/^aSiHTB fA,axpifA.Si>Xirx vnrifia &C. 4^. 7. “ Caftigationes Jofephi Scaligeri in Eurlpid'em, qiias margini libri fui alleverat, et Vir Cl. Francifcus Junius Fr. F. mecum communicaverat Amfielodami 16 ax 3 April.” 8. “ Emendationes Morini in Eufeb. Hifloriam Eccle- fiaft. Citantur folia Editionis Parifienfis Roberd Steph annii 544 .” _ 9. Eufebio Pamphilo suoyy. -xpo-^op. adnotata manu H, St.” forfan Henrici Stephani. 75. 10. “ Afclepii Philofophi Tralliani in Nicomachi Arithmeticam Ifagogen, feu Introduaionem, Scholia.” Gra:ce et Latine. 11. Annotata qua:dam in Au^Jores Latinos. 85_87. Sequuntur folia plura, fed plane vacua. Vide num. 3 ^ 37 j forte ab eodem viro dofto compilatus efi. 3522. Regni Anglia: Religio Catholica, a“. 1652. Titulus in ipfo libro, « Regni Anglia: Reiigio Catholica, pvifca, cafta, defaecata. Omnibus Chriftianis Monarchis, principibus, atque Ordinibus Ollenta. Anno mdclii.” Continet Capita 20: cum Appendice Capitum 9. Codex pulchre Icnptus, pro prelo ut videtur, contra Papiftas. Pamnas habet no. re 3523- Memorial to the King, on the Affairs of Scotland, i the fix hril Years after the Revolution by Lit. Balcarr 189 pages, very fairly written. „ 3524- I. Poftilla: in N. Teftamentum. 3. Tabula Leftionum. Cat. Harl. Vol. III. Num, 3524—3527. 3. Extrafta ex S. Auguftlno, Rhabano, Cafiiodoro Damafo, Bernardo, &:c. 1390. I.iber Sam Ranuti, Reftoris de Combe Rawleigh in Devonia. 3525- Wtllli Pedigrees, written a", j aSo. xvi. Written in WelOi, with a Copy ofEnglilh Verfes prc- ’ fixed. ^ 3526. I. -Arme.s of thf'fe of the name ofSmith, 18 folios. 2 --of Spanifh, Irith Sc Scotts Noblemen, in 21 folios. 3 ' -fi^veral Engii/hmen, mixed. 14 pages. 4. A Book of the invention, nature, & feveral bear¬ ings of Amies, in 53 quarto page.s, ^ 5. Another mifccllaneous coileclion of Encrlifii eentrv in 33 pages. 05/ At the beginning is written, « This book is M\ ^omhycs .by Alderfgate.” 6. A Bdlad on the Battle of Flodden Field, with the fo lowing title. “ Heare is the Famous hlftoric or Songe called Floodan Field, and in it lliall declare how whOe Kinge Henrie the Eight was in France, the King of xScoots called James, the fowenh of that name invaided the Realme of England, And how he was incountered with all, att a place called Bramon, on Floodan Hill, by the Earle of Surry Live tennant Generali for the Kinee w'' his Son Lord Thomas Haworth, the great Admiral of Lngland w‘" the helpe of dyvers Lords & Kiiiahts in the North Coiuurie, As the Lord Dakers of the North the I^rd Scroope of Bolton, with the moft Corradous Knight Sii-Ldward Standley whoe for his prowis and valliantnes fiiewed att the faid Battell was made Lo’d Mount Eagle as the fequeil declareth.” The ballad confite of nine fits or parts, and occupies 69 pages of the MS. It is referred to by Mr Ritfon in his Volume entitled /Imient Songs p. 1 15 . and it is there reported to have been three times publiHied. n In 1664” he fays •' was puhlillied “ A metrical Hiiiory of tile Battle of Flodden,” the compofition, as it is conjeftored of fomc North-Country Schoolinadei- in the time of Q. Elizabeth. Two different editions of this old niece appeared in the year 1774. One is a linall 12- with the name of J. Benfon, Philomath. The other was printed at Bcrw.ck, from an old MS. and attended with a number of annotations and hiftorical remarks, with other imereffmg ufeful & curious communications, by the Reverend Mu Lambe, Vicar of Norham upoi Tweed, it was hkewffe printed, though verv iiKorredly, by old Gent of York. And there is “ he adds," a MS copy of It m ihe Britifh Mufeum {Harl. Lib. rcabl." ^ 7. Ra. Brook’s Objeaions agaiiift Ibme of the Armes, given by Delhick, Carter K. at Armes. 8 pages Quarto with a pretatory addrefs, &c. thus emitted “ To the Right Hon’* the Earle Marlhall of England.” Here the Divell vice correas “ One Knave the other’s faults deteas.” „ the Sees of the Blffiops ofEngland, by Ralph Brooke, m 24 pages. ■' 3527- I. Epiftola qusEdam Hippocratis et de H’ppocrate, Latine reddita: per Rynucium Verdenfem, five Cafiilio- nenfem, (utrumque enim fe appeliat;) cum Epiftola ad Cardinalem quendam,_et dedicatione ad Papam N. (Nicolaum forfitan) quintum. Opus inceptum, ut ait auftor, hortatione Philippi, medici Mediolanen'fis. ^ Epiftol^ Catalogus Librorum MSS. SS Num.3527—35 "o. Epiflolar funt in Editione Vander Linden, i. Ar- (axerxis ad PstumVol. i.p.8g6. 2. Pali ad Artaxerxem. Artaxerxes Hiftani, Hellerponti prafedo. 4. Hlftanis Epiftola Hippocrati. 5. Hippocrates Hiftani. p- 900. 6. Hippocrates AbderitarumSenatui. p. 904. 7. Hippo* crates Philopcemeni. p. 906. 8. Hippocrates Dionylio. p.910. 9. Damageto. 911. ic. Philopcemeni iterum. 908. 11. Hippocrates Cratue$. p. 928. 12. Damageto iterum, de Democrito. p. 913. 13, Democritus Hip¬ pocrati. p. 935. 14. Refponfio Hippocratis. p. 933« 15. Hippocrates Theflalo filio fuo. p. 934. 2. Epiftola dedicatona vita; Ariftotelis, ad patronum quendam cujus nomen non adfcriptum eft. Rynucio eodem ut videtur Autlore. 3. Oratio Cyri Magni ad Milites fuos. 4. Ejufdem Oratio ad ftlios fuos ante mortem. Dtra- que e Xenophonte. Extant in Bibliotheca Parifienfi atife traduciiones Rynucii ab autoribus Grsccis. Sell num“ 8729, &c. Vero fiinile eft ergo, totum hunc librum a Kynucii manu efle profeftum. 3528. I. Ars Alchemica : extrafta ex Rog. Bacon, Arnuldo de villa nova, Tho. Aqulnace, Ariftotele, Toleiano phi- lofopho & Jo. de rupe feifla. 2.Holcote Tradatiis de ferpentc. 61. 3. Expofitrones ftatus Jofeph. 75 ' 4. Septem conditiones qajc requlnintur ad magifteiium Fhilofophorum. 90. 5. Geberi, fumma perfcftioiiis libri pars. 97. 6. Hermetis Tabula- 123. 7. Johannis Daftyn Vifio. 1 29. 8. Avicennas Declarafio lapidis Fhilofophorum. 133. 9. Speculum Alkemite. R. B. 149. 10. Pradtica Rafts. 163. 337. 11. Roger! Bacon Epiftola ad Jo.Parifienfcin dua. 174. Et tertia. 219. 12. Edward! Chemici Vifio. 191. 13. Dialogus, de lapide Philofophorum. 198. 14. Metaphora Belini philofophi, de Sole. 210. 15. Hortulani Traft. Chemicus. 214. 16. Ignium diverforumfpecies. 217, 17. Johannis de Porta Claudorum (Cripple gate) de lapide Aquil* liber. 226. 18. Rog. Bacon, de lapide benediebo. Trad. 249. 19. Hermetis, de lapide philofophico, Traci. 253. 20. iEgydii de Vadis, Artis complementum. 257. 21. Senioris philofophi. Tabula Chemica. 365. 22. “ Carmen perpulchrum totum opus enuclcans.” Opus, fcilicet, Alchemia : Manu recentiore adfcriptum eft “ Cantilena Georgii Ripley.” De quo vid. Fabric. Bibl. Med. et Inf. Lib. vii. Edita funt Riplai Opera in 8''"Ca{reI 1649. Subfcribltur .^gidius de vadis, fed perperam. 23. Rofarius magnus Johannis Dauftini,fiveDaftini,de quo et Rofario fuo, “ fecreta fecretorum coinplexo,” vid Fabr.Bibl. Med. et Inf. Lib. IV. fub JohannesDajlyn five Da/linus. Cons, etiam Tanner Biblioth. Subferibitur hie etiara nomen .^gidii de vadis, qui Cotlicis magnam partem forfitan confcripfit. xvii. 3529- Dei fecretti del R.D. AleftioPiamontefe, prlma parte. A large book of Italian receipts ; from a book of Alexius publiftied at Venice in 1364. “ Written out in 5 days & nights.” xvi. 3530- 1. Flores ex Hleronymo excerpti Capp. 31. a. “ Utiliftima quadam documenra a gloriofiifimo ac Num. 3530—3535. beatiflimo Temper Hieronymo, Dilcipulis fuis in hora fui tranfttus tradita.” capp. 20. 3. Eufebii ad Damalum Portuenfem Epiftola Je Hiero- nvmo. 4. Vita Sancll Makhi Monachi, ab Hieronymo. 5. De Caftitate feu Pudichia. 6. Dicla Santlorum. 7. “ Li Dodcci Anictili de la fede noftra ordinati per el prefatn Meflere Frate Antonio.” Verfibus Itaiicis. 8. Li Diecj Cominandamcmti de la lege Chriftiana Dati da Dio a Moifes in fufe el Monte Sinay. E voigari- zati dal Veneralsle Mefterc Frate Antonio da Eettonte, exiiuio predicatore.” fltiani metrice et Italice- xv. ^ Omnia ha;c eadein manu feripta, ut coileCtio fiorum, I cum hac fubferiptione. Ego Matheus de Scachabo- rociis fcripfi hos Hores, mtilefinio quadringeniefimo fexagefmvs tenio (AnnoomittO die 23 menfis Augulti felicicer.” 9. Alii manu, et in membrani, cum codex fit ad hunc locum chartaceus, fcribiuir, S. Bcrnardi Epiftola ad Raymundum D"'Caftri Ambrofii. duobus foliu. 10. Verfus Rhythniici incipierites, “ Liirgitas non durat, Seiifus nonfefecurat.” &c. 353 «- ITie Corhaccio of Boccace, wriiicn on paper, in r44S, from an original copy by the Author. At the end is written. xv. “ Scripto d'aprile 1448, tratto d'uno di proprio mano delcopioliflimo Jo. Boccacci,dicui opera fa x".” Epirafo di Jo. Bo. fafto dallui. “ Hac fub mole jacent cineres acofta Joliannis, Mens fedet ante Deum, ineritis ornata laborum. Mortalis vitae genitor Boccacius illi, Patria Certaldum, ftudium fuit alma poefis.” This Epitaph is ufually printed in the Life of Boccace. 3532. A fmall badly written, containing 1. Heraldical Colledions, & other things relating to families, &c. xvii. 2. The Analyfis of Honour. 3. Some Abilrafls out of BofTers Armory. 4. Alphabet in Blazon. 5. Names & Arms of Knights A: Baronets, &c. deferibed. “ The Names, &c. arms and bearings of divers Noble & Roval famityes in England,” &c. 7. “ How long coate Armour began before the Inf- carnation of Chrift,” &c. 3533- “ Difeorfi di Niccolo Machiavegli, cittadino et fegre- tario Fiorentino, fopra la prima Deca di Tito Ovio ; a Zanob] Duondelnionti, et Cofitno Ruceilai.” xvt. Neatly written on Paper. 3534* Q.Horatii Flacci Opera ; Ordinehoc; Odarum etEpodon Libri ; Ars Poetica; Epiftolarum Libri j Sermnnum Libri. Codex mtmbranaceus. xn. 35 3 5- An old medical CoHeclion, written on Paper. I. A Tradl more ancient than the others, in two Bonks, on the difeafes of horfes. The chief part of Chap. I. Book. i. is wanting, It occupies 37 leaves. Tlie Language Is fmgular. The introduflion to the fecond book is “ Iza incumenzanu ii capituli dilu fecundu librii di hcrodeu perlandu, dili plalzi b avennu ali cavalli” at the end the outiior fays. “ Et Bibliothecse Harleianae. 39 Num. 3535—3541- “ Et certamenti tutd kill! cofi ki eu pinfay ki fuffiru necelTari ali cavalli fcripfi in kiftu libru baftivilimenti.” 3. On the 13 figns of the Zodiac. 38. 39. 40. 3. Another book, in the fame language, on the Difeafes & cures of horfes. xiv. 3536- Various unconneded trafts, bound in two volumes, marked A and B. A. I. A French traft, on Magic & judicial A Arology ; entitled, “ La Claviculede Salomon*” Neatly written on Paper. ^ xvii. 2. Libellus de hiAoria Italiie, qu*c brevicer deducha eft k filiisNoas, ad 1391. Ticulus, “ Cronica provintie "italic.” Primum folium mcmbranaceum, et ornatuin; caztera chartacea. Scriptura non inelegans. xiv. 3. An hiftorical trafl, in Italian, on the Grand Dutchy ofTufcany, entitled, “ Relatione del Gran Duca di Tofcano, fatta I’anno 1617.” Neatly written on Paper. __ XVII. B. 4. A Comparifon of the genealogies in S' Mat¬ thew & S'Luke, &c. in Portugueze. Beautifully written on Paper. ^ xviii. 5. On Vellum, & In Oftavo fize, an elaborate trad on Confeflion, in Italian. With a complete table of the Contents prefixed. It contains 6^ leaves. xv. 3537- Sermones domimcales. 3cv. Codex partim chartaceus partim membranaceus. 3558. A fmall 4t„ incorreftly bound, containing, t. Wellli Pedigrees, in detail, badly written & lorn, A'c. 3. Monuments, Sc draughts of Churches in Wales, only a few very rudely fketched excepting one in Llan- vronach Church. 3. The Genealogy of the Family of Maxwell, Earls of Nithfdail, Sec. with 39 pages well written. On the binding is marked “ Colleftions by Mr. Hugh Thomas.” xvii 3539- Liber de virtutibus Philippi Burgundiw Sc Brabancia: Ducis: per Johannem Germamini, Cabiloniorum Epifeopum, 1452. Ad finem “ Ex Cabilone, die Iccunda Menfis Noveinbris Anni D. 1432. Cap. 73. Codex chartaceus. xv. 3540- The Proceedings in the Starr-Chamber againft Henry Sherfield Efqv; for breaking a Giafs Window in the Church of St. Edmunds at SaKlbury, a°. 1632. “ The Sentence of the Courte is (after the fettinge lofthof the offence, and the declaration of the opinion of the Courte to bee againft Popilh fuperftition, and yet for the maintenance of the Church Government by the Sherfield Efq. “ Ihall Hand and be committed to the prifon of the Fleete. & Ihall paye a fyne of^oo to the KingsdVIa”' and make acknowledgment of his offence before the right reverend father in God John Lord Bpp. of Sarum, & before fuch rerfons as he Ihall bee pleafcd to call unto 3541- An Italian Paraphrafe of the 42 firft Pfalms, by Flaminio. Elegantly written on vellum. xvi, A Paraphrafe & Commentary by M. Ant. Flaminio, was publilhedat Paris in 1549. 16^". Num. 35,).i—35+6. 3542. Traftatus Alchemici, Medici. & Chirurgici Roger! Baconis, Alberti, Raim. Lullii, Johannis Sautre, Sec. XIV. -At fol. 82 is “ the ufe of the two hand fworde,” in Engli/h ; which is given alfo in verfe, at fol. 84. b. 3 543- A book of Italian hiftor)', beginning with the Expulfion of Savieilo, a Roman Senator, from the Capitol, by the people, to the crowning of the Emperor Charles V. at Rome. But the book is incomplete, and Tome of the chapters are ftrangely tranlpofed, not by mif. placing the leaves, but in the writing; as appears by comparing the book with the table of chapters. It is written in a dialedl of Italian. The Author fays he had compofed it alfo in Latin. “ Dunca per commune utilitale, e diletto, fo quefta opera vurgare: benche io I’haia ia fatta Latina, co ’un Latino moiiolegante: ma I’opera no’ e tamo ordinata, ne tanto copiofa come quefta.” I he Author profeffes to have been an eye witnels of what he relates, Sc therefore deferves the more attention. Written on Paper, 302 pages. The lyth (p. 164.) and many other chapters are wanting. Chapter 27 occurs at p. 2^4. Chap. 26 after “^^2735 Sc C:hap. 23 later than either at p. 293. xv. 3544- Annals oflreland, from the year 1594 to 1613. Run¬ ning title “ Chronicles of Elizabeth Queene of Ire¬ land”—“Chronicles of James King, ike.” 'I'hey are digefted into Annals, & begin abruptly, with reference in the firft page to former parts of the work. ^ It does not appear by whom thefe annals were com¬ piled, unlefs the following infcripcion, on the laft leaf but one, bears any reference to the whole book, which is doubtful. ‘‘ Certayne Oppofitions whear in the Lis. Knights, Cytizens and Burgeflis recufants againft the Lo. Dep. and his poceedings (in his ma“ bthalfe) to the late High Courte of Ptmente. _ Collefted and gathered by William Farmer Chyrur- gian : and are fett downe in this maneferipte onely to the vewe of the righte honorable the Lord ghichelter, his Highnes Deputye generall in Ireland.” 3545- Legendarium Sanftorum. A Thoma Apoftolo ad Pela" gium : foiiis 370. xv. Codex membranaceus, variis manibus exaratus. 3546. 1 ■ “ Hiftoria dclle Famiglie antiche e nobili Romane.” The families whofe hiftories are recorded, are the fol¬ lowing.^ Orfini, Colunna, Savelli, Conti, Pierleoni, Cefarini, Cefi, Anguillari, Gaetani, Mattel, Sforza, 1 hefe are the ancient families. Then follow the families raifed by the Popes, and naturalized in Rome. “ Ordine delle famiglie alzate da Pomefici, e fatte Romane.” Ihefe are Farnefe, Bonella, Buoncompagni, Peretca, Aldobrandina, Borghefe, Ludovifia, Barberina, Pam- filia, Chigi, Rofpigliofi, Altieri, Odefcalchi. Here ends the account of particular Hmilies; the arms of each being well blazoned on a feparate leaf & prefixed to the family. What follows is more general, and has this title. Hiftoria, 40 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3546—3550. “ Hiftoria, et origine delle nobili Famiglie d’ltalia, divife in Provincie, Citta, Teite, e Caftella.” The Book is neatly written on Paper, ajid was evidently drawn up about 3687, (the date ol‘ 16S6 occurs in the book) certainly before the Death of Innocent XI in 1 1689) whofe family is the laft mentioned, (Odefcalchi): and in that chapter he is faid to be living, at the age of 76. This would lead to the exact date of the book, if neceflary. See N" 3562. 2. Breviarium Jufli IJpfii, de re nummaria.” Trafta- tus hie, qui Lipfianam indolent fatis fpirat, inter Lipfii Opera non editus efl ; et eft forfan oinnino ineditus. Conftat quinque capitulis, quorum tituios hie adponimus. I. “ Ouidnummus, pecunia, moneta,q«ando et a quibus inventa. 2. Varietas in materie nummorum, aliquid de luteo, fcorteo, ferreo, plumbeo, nummo di£tum. 3. De areo nummo, quotuplex et quanti fuerit. 4. De argentco nummo; quotuplex numcratio et aiftiraatio. 5. De aureo nummo.” Perutilis videtur hie traftatus. Extat in operibus Lipfii traiftatus de pecunia veterum Romanorum, fed omnino diverfus. Libellus chartaceus. xvn. 3547- ‘‘ Ordine et Regola della Compagna di S. Maria della Plata, di Fiorenza.” Beautifully written on vellum, & adorned with gold & colours : with a Portrait of a Pope, probably Nicholas V. in the firft leaf. xvi. 3548- “ Diario delle Rivoluzione di Mefllna.” This was the Revolution in 1674 when the Mcflinefe endeavoured to throw off the Yoke of Spain, and called in the French. Louis XIV. gave up the Cornell early in 1676. This narration commences in June 1674, and is con¬ tinued to the 30th of Oftober 1675. It appears to be written in elegant Italian. See a French work on the fame fubjecl N” 4454. and Letters relating to ir, 4516 & 17. 3549- A Hiftory of Venice, in Italian, and apparently the Venetian dialecft. The author paffes rapidly ov'er the early hiftory of the Country & begins, in the fecond leaf, with Paulo, the firft Doge. It is coimnueJ to 1439. XV. This MS. is fairly written on Paper, but with many contraftions. Spaces are left for the illumination of initial Letters, but no illumination is completed. 3550- " Avlfo piaccvolc Jato alia bclla Italia da un Nobile Giovane Francefe, fopra la mentita data dal Sere- nifiirao Re di Navarra al papa Sefto V.” This is a humorous piece, on the Excommunication of Henry IV of France, by Sixtus V. pag. i —17. At page 18, occurs the following title. “ II naturale e vivo ; ritratto del papa, e di tutta la Corte Eccleliaftica papefca, cavato dal Antichita, comefi ritrova nelli feritti di IXinte. del Petrarcha, e dal Boccacio, che fono i tre principali lumi della lingua volgare Italiana.” Tbefc are Paffages againll the Pope, & papal Court, extracted from Dame, Petrarch & ^ccacio. They are followed by 51 Sonnets, attributed (perhaps jocularly) to Boccacio ; and at the end the firft title is recapitulated “ Finifce il piacevole avifo,” &c. xv'i. Num.355i—3553, 3551 ' Plutoiiis Phtedo per Lconardum Aretinum in Latinum ennverfus. Prsinittitur Epiftola Aretini ad Nicolaum Nicoli, etDedicatioadPapamlnnocentemVn. Codex bene feriptus, membranaceus. x\’. Tituli fequentes in primo folio occurnmt, et repetuntur/ “ Liber Phedfonis (fic) feriptus manu mci Nicolai de Canulin, Nofarii et Cancellarii lanuenfis.” “ DieX Febru mcccci.vij. DProfper Fillius D. Nico- lay donavit hunc Librum D. Comiti Alberto Scoito.” 3552.- A collection of political tracts in Italian, of the i6ih and I yih Centuries. The following titles, are taken exaQly from the Book. 1. “ nifeorfo. Se convenga a Prencipe Iialiano in ragiune di State, defiderar I'effaltauone del Re di Navai'ra. xvt. 2. “ Relatione, Del Re di Pcrfia detto il Soffi, nella quale olire la qualita, et quantiia dello llato fuo ft rac- conta laguerra che egli hebbe cdl Gran I'urco, 1 ’Anno 1553. infteme con molti ahri particolaii.” 3. “ Succeffo della Guerra fra Sultan Amnrat Impera- tore de Turchi, et Sach Meheraet Cothuent Rc di Perfia, et li Giorgiani Criftiani delP 1577, fin tutto I’Auo 1582.” 4. “ Relatione del Re di Perfia et degli Stati fuoi, fatta dal Mag®m. Vicenze degli Aleffandri, nel Lee"" Senato di Veneda I’Anno 1571.” 5. “ Relatione di Roma del Clarifs". Signor Michel Soriano, Cavaliere, ritornato Ambas" da N. S’-* Papa Pio C^iiito, per la Sereniffima Rep'"di Veneda, I’Anno 6. ‘‘ Trattato della conclufione della lega fatta dal Clarifsmo Michel Soriano, I’aiino 1570.” 7. “ Relatione fatta dal Signor Jacomo Palazzi AI- bertonij, alii SS'‘ Cenfervatori, et inclito Populo Romano, ncl ritorno dal Sig' Cardinal Farnefe, a di x di Giugnio. 1591. Ncl Campidoglio, et publico Confeglio.” 8. “ Relatione del Clariflimo Signore Marcantonio Barbaro, ritornato Bailo di Coflaminopoli, di Sultan Selim Imperatore de Turchi I’anno 1573.” 9. “ Difeorib del Clariffimo Marcantonio Barbaro, ritornato Bailo di Coftandnopoli, dato a parte all’ ecceU Icndllimo Senato Veneto, doppo la fua Relatione.” 10. “ Record! per i Miniltri de’Prencipi in gene- rale.” 11. “ Relatione di Spagna, fatta dall’ 111 "’“’ei Ecc™,, Sig, Ambafc'^' Ordinario, per la Ser'"' Republica di Venetia 1627.” xvii. 3553 - A coUtffdon fimilar to the preceding. 1. “ Relatione del Clariffimo Mg. Giovanni Correro, Ambafeiatore della Ser, Signoria di Venetia al Re Chriftianifs’ referito nel Senato I'Anno 1568.’* i. c. “ Relatione di M. Antonio Soriano, Dottor, et Cavaglicre, Oratore a Roma per i’lll'"* fignoria di Venetia I’Anno 1535 “” ^5* 3. “ Relatione del Clarifs'* Gio. Michels venuto ArrK bafciat'd’lnghiherra dalla Serenifs’"" Regina Marial'Anno ’ 557 -’' , , . . In this ti-aft (p. 150, &c.) is a curious account of Queen Mary herfelf, deferibing her ftature, perfon, & many particulars. At the end it is fubferibed “ Refferita nel Senato il 3 di Maggio i ^59-V 4. “ Relatione del Clariffano M. Bernardo Navagofo Ambas*' per ia Serenifs'' fig’ Ji Venetia prelTo Papa Paolo Quarto.” Second title. " Relatione di Roma.” 11 228. Relatione 5 - Num. 3553—3556- 5. “ Relatione del Clariflimo M. Michel Soriano ritornato Ambafciatore dai Re Filippo, per I'llI'"* fignoria diVenetia. I’Antio 1560.” apfj. See Art. 5 in N'’3552. which is a fubfequent report by the fame Author. The date was originally wi'itten 1553: but is altered (apparently by the fame hand) to 3560. 6 . “ Relatione del Clariilimo M. Gerolamo Lippo- mano ritornato Ambafciatore per I'lll*'^ fign'di Veneiia dal Serenifs” Signor Duca di Savoia I’Anno 1573.” 377. 7. Relatione del Clariflimo M. Nicolo Tiepolo ritor¬ nato Ambafciatore dal Convento di Nizza, dove fu f.itto I’abbocamento della S'^ di Papa Paolo Terzo con Carlo Quinto Imper'*, et col Re Franccfco primo, dove fu con- ciufa la triegua per x anni.” 449. 8. “ Relatione dell’ Ecc'"'’ Sig’’ D. Filippo Perniften Imperial Ambafcia''' della Maefta Cefarea al Gran Pren- cipe di Mofeovia I’anno 1579.” 501. 9. “ Relatione delli flati di Fiandra fatta nel Con- feglio d’Anverfa Tanno 1582. il primo di Decembre.” 525. 10. “ Relatione delP entratain Anverfa del S. Duca d’Alanzone per Duca di Brabante, ct Marchefe del Sacro RomanoImperio. alii xix di Feb" 1582.” 530. 11. “ Lettera del Duca d’Alanzon al Papa, giuftificando- fi di eflere partito dalla Corte di Francia. Di. files, li 21 di 7 breJ 575 . 3554 - A paper book of trafts in various Languages. 1. “ Compcndiolum Praflices Curiarumcommiflarla- rum coram Pra:latis Romans Curis.” xvi. 2. “ De Signatura Gratis et Julliris traftatus.” Cmn indice Capitum fatis locuplete. 3. “ Difeotfo fatto in materia di Sede vacante.” 4. " Conclaveovefu creatoPapaGregorio 13", 1572.” 5. “ Conclave nell quale fu creato Papa il Cardinal Mont’ alto, li 24 d’Aprile 1585, et chiamofli Sixto Quinto.” 6. “ C/onclave di Papa Gregorio 14, ncl quale fi rac- conta dilliniamente tuuc I’uuioni clic in eflb loiiu occorfe r.el anno 1591.” 7. “ Difeorfo fopra I’elettione del fiituro pontifice, fatto ncila fcJe Vacante di Gregorio 14, dell Mefe di Oitobrc 1591.” 8. “ Difeorfo notabile per la Sede Vacante di Papa Gregorio XIV, dove fu creato Innoceniio nonn ” 9. “ Frivilegios que fua mageftade concede a Joao Wat- fon Ingles Mercador, cm"' na Cidade dc Faro Rdo Algarve Anno de j 63 j.” In Portuguele. The original oflicial Inftrument. 35 55- Sonctri c Canzoni di Francefco Petrarcha. xv. “ jacobus Maria de Manncllis fcripfit, a". 1471.” Vv'ritcen on Vellum. At the end of this MS. is a modern remark, fuggefl- ing that it mufl have been written while the author was alive i but this is evidently erroneous, the date being 1471, as fet down in the Catalogue, and not 1371J as that writer had fuppofed. 3556- Luc. Jim. Moderati Columells, de Re Ruftica, libri 9 medii. Defunt enim primus, undeciinus, & duode- cimus. Incipic autem capite i. libri ii, ad verba “ aut Seminas parere.” Definit verfu 362 libri decimi. “ Ter, circum areolas, et fepcm ducitur horti," Codex mcrabranaceus. xv Cat. Harl. Vol. Ill, “ II Maggio; overo, Il Palio conquiflato; Pocma Epico-giocofo, di Ginvan. Camillo Perefio. Dedirato al Fran. Maria de Medici.” xvii. In the vulgar dialed of Rpme. This poem was pub- lilhed in 1688, and the author died the lame year. See Crcfcimbcni 1 . i. p. 6. 'I his Cop\ is very fairly written, on Paper. 3339 - 1. “ La Vita della S. Maria Magdalena, con molte devote meditationi ’■ in 53 Chapters. xv. 2. Hymns to Chrift, and the Virgin, in praife of Mary Magdalen, &c. Well written, cn vellum. Relatione dello Statodell’ Imperio, & della Germania, per tutto I’anno J628.” In another hand, is added to this title “ Johannis Rayenfcrofii.” 273 leaves. 561. ‘ SupplicesLibelH, feu Petitiones Civitatum, aliorumq; locorum Status Urbinatenfis, ad Sedem Apoflolicam devoluti. Refoluliones Congregationis fuper kebus Cameralibus ejufdem Status. Gratise a S'”" D. N. Ur- bano VIII, eifdera conceflaj,” 1631. Though the title is Latin, the whole book is Italian. 117 leaves, xvii. I. “ Difeorfo di M. Gio: Francefco Commendone, hora Cardinale fopra la Corre di Roma, al figiioi Giro¬ lamo Savorgnano.” xvi. 2. “ Inflruttione al Cardinal Ginetti, Legato a latere per afliflere al Congreflb in Coloma de Plenipotentiarii per la Pace univerlale,” 3. “ Liga perpetua inter Pium V., Regem catholicum, & Venetos, contra Turcas, a" 1571. 214, 4. “ Lfortaiionc al Re Filippo d’andar in perfona alia guerra.” _ _ jjS. j. “ Efortationc di M. Bartholomeo Cavalcanfe alia fignoria di Venetia, a nome del Re di Francia, per la con- feJeratione contra ITmperatore.” 240. 6. “ Difeorfo overo efortatione fatta al Duca di Tofeana, fopra I'ingiuftitia dell’ invafione dello Stato Ecclefiaftico. 1643,” 260. 7. ‘‘ Diforfo dell’ ingratitudine de Barberlni, et come cluvevano pratticare i Cardinali nell’ elettione del novo Pontifice.” 276. 8. " -- del Ricc’oii, al Fran. Lotino, delle guerre del Chriftiani. 316. 9- “-al Cardinal Carrafa, per haver Siena dall’ Imperatore.”, 328. to. “ Refolutioni d’un Politico Cat” fopra il corrente dubbio, Se N. Sig''' Paolo V" Pontefice Maflinio nclla Chiefa di Die, dee amincltere il Malrimonio fra la forella del Gran Duca Catolica, et il figlio del Re d’Inghilterra Heretico. Et cib, tanto per Ragion di Stato, quanto di Religione : lafeiuta pero la quellion Theologale a chi tocca.” 340. II. “ Relatione della gran Citta del Ouinfai, fatta dal Sig®' Contugo Contughi da Voltcrra, nella quale fomariamente fi racconta quello che et Marco Polo et M altri Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num, 3562—3567. altri nc intcfero, et quanto dalle moJerne Relation! d’huo- mini religiofi et degni di fcde fi c potiito cavave.” 356. Ill fcvtnteen Chapters. 12. “ Relation del priino congrefTo fatto dalli deputati dell’ Impcratcre et Re di Francia, preuo Cales, per la Face tra dette M'* delle principalc domande, et poi la tr;egua che fegui per cinque anni.” 401. i “ Rifpolta del Rc ChriftianilTuTio circa le cole del Concilio.” ^11. 14. “ Del foverno della repiiblica l.ucchcfe.” 421. 15. “ DelGoverno dellaRepublicadiGenoua.” 43r. 16. “Ragguaglio delie Famiglie piu principali di Roma.” See No. 2540. ^49, 17. “ Officij Antichl, et modenii della Cone Romana, eretti de diverfi Pontcfici, fino al Pontificate di Papa Pio Quarto, dove e noiato quelle che fi foglicno vender e fruttare.” 471* 18. “ Vifio fuper Germaniam, venerabilis Diii Bar- tholoma;! llolzauler qui AuthoreDeo incepit inftitutum Clcricorum in commune viventium. Anno 1640.” 487. “ Bought by my Lord of M' Noel 1716. H. W.” 3563- 1. “ Thefaurarius Papa:, five Pontificalis iF.rarii Prx- fcclus.” Per Jacobum Cohelllum. Liber ell Thefaurarii Papx offictum deferibens. xvi. 2. “ Lfiicorfi della monarchia di Spagna, di fra Tho- mafn Campanelli.” This appears a niafterly trafl. in 32 C hapters, treating diflinctly of all the States direClly or indirectly connected uith Spain. 3564- 1. Riftretto delle Antichita di Roma. xvii. 2. De variis funimi Pontificis redditibus, liber. 3. hillruttione al Vice-Re !)i Napoli. 4. Relatione della morte del Cardinal Carafa, &c. 1562. 5 Mt'mnriale fopra gli annali di Tacito. 6. Antiquitates Urbis Conftantinopolicana:. F.xBib- lioiheca v’a'icana extradtas. 7. Morte di I'roiio Savelli, Baron Romano, decapitate Paano rngz. Morte di Troilo Savelli, &c. Another tratfl on the fame fubject. 3365- I. Jobannis Boccacii, de cafibus viror. illuflrlum g libri. XV. 2- Albertini MulTati Tragoedia Eccenn',s: i. e. de tvrannide Fecerini vel Acciolini, Verunenfis, fimeftoquc cjus exitu. F.dita funt MufTati five MuRati Opera, Venet. i -36 fol. vid. Fabric. Bibl. Med. 14. Lib. x. in Albertini. Codex menibranaccus, pulchcr. 3566. 1. Dell’ Itincrario d’AlelTandro Geraldini, Vefcnvo di San Domenico. Index praifigitur inanu, ut dicitur, Petri dc Sancto Bartholi fol. 76. xvi. 2. Rclati ne dell’ Ethiopia. Pars libri eR Johannis Bcrmi'.des, Lilbonae imprefli, 15C5. 78. 3 Vita diProfpero Puhlicola, 1514. a. lliRoria fraternitatis de S. Trinitatc, a". 1548. fundatit. 3567. The Italian Poetry of Petrarch complete ; beautifully written,on vellum, & finely illuminated, but the paint- ing.« a little damaged, i’o the tirR fonnet*;, fomt; iliuf- tratiems are neatly interlined in a more luuJem hand. Wiitton for lome Cardinal, v, hofe Arms are m the be- ginning. 'i'he general title is “ Francifcl Petrarcha; Poette Flor. Rilhmi vulgares.” At the end is, “ Maim Matihtui Niim. 355s, 3569. olim cxiniii equitis et dot^oris, doinini Hcrculam ds Contuqds de Vultcms." Conipirc the Triumphs here with N" 3517. 3568. T. Antonii Panormitn: FpiRoIa?. Ilujus EpiRolarum libri V. editi, Venet. 1553. 4~ vid. Fabr. xv. 2. EpiRola Philippi ad AriRotelem, Latinc. 3. Leonard! Aretini Oiatio. “ Lex fuit vetuRa So- lonis.” 4 - _-EpiRola ad Marafium Siculum. “ Eons “ quidam, fi fabulis picturifq; credimus.’’ 5. PulexPoetade ortu et cbitu Hermaphroditi. “ Qu’.im mea me genilrix gravido gelhiret hi alvo.” 6. Epiltolx, Guariiii, Selbelli, Ifotai Nogarolte, Ma- phtei Vegii, Poggii, Philelphi, 5 :c. 7. Oratio habita ad principium ftuJii Anno Domini i437'"penultima O^obris. 8. Guarini Veronenfis Oratio de laudibus Eloquentiie, et RuJiorum humauitati'. Oratio ejufdem pro infigni praitore Veronenfi Paulo Tnino ; et EpiRola ad Francif- cuin Biirbarum. 9. Oratio per D. Erafmum i5Julii 1439. 1 o. Oratio anonymi pro gradu Doftoratus. 11. Lepidi Comici, fut dicra eR) Philudoxis Fabula. Sed revent, Leonis BaptiRie Alberti. 12. Johannis Lar.itda:, (five dc Lana) Bononienfis, ad Gmdantomum I.ambertinuin, de pudicitite five caRitatis laudibus. 1459- DeeR folium uiuim c tribus. 13. Guarini Epillola adMadium. 14. Antonii Barrizii Canteriaria, Comoedia. 15. l^goliui Pif:uiiComcedia,qua: ad nuni.3328. genia vocatur. Fcemina autenx Philo^cma hie dida ell, non Ephigenia. Falso igitur, ut videtur, huic auaorl tribuitur alia Comretlia, Philogenia dida. {V.lValkeron Italian Tragedy, p. 35.) 16. Fonimlte EpiRolicte, ut videnlur, cum fragmentis EpiRolarum alia manu feriptis, et confuse interpofitis. 17. Jumforti Bazizii oratio habita pro fponfaiibus. 18. Epilloliu duo Johannis Laniola: (_fup. la )Venetiis feriptre i4!;4. 19. I’lpiRnla Ambrofii ad Matthfcum quondam. 20. Oraiio anonyma. ^ ai. Excerpta quaidem ex Leon. Aretini feriptis, per Fridericum Steinhufer, Anno 1460. ! 72 . liiiiium M.T. Ciceronis de Oratore, ufque ad caput V Ed* F.rnert. ad verba “ omnes animorurn motus, quos hominuin gener; rcrum natura tribuit. penilus per* nofeendi.” 23_. “ EpiRola Poggii Florcntini ad Nicolaum, dc Jeferiptione balncorum-” 24. F.piRola ejufdem ad Leon. Arctinum de Jeronimo. Per Fr. Steinhufer ut fupra, An. 1463. Liber Chartaccus, nianibus variis icriptus. 3569- Various trads, Italian, Latin. 5 fc. X. “ Relatione dell Imperio Turche.''co fatto dal lU"* et Ecc"'" ChrAhiiiieio, Bailo per la ferenis' Repubiica di Vcr.ctia. 1515.” 208. 2. “ Regnorum, Divitiarum Gubernationis,F(r,'lerum, &:rerur.i notabiliorumHirpanicnfiumlliRoria.” InSpaniili! With a table of Contents. Allb, in another hand, th: IliRory of lome of the Emperors. 3. “ II Catalogo delli tre brachii del Regno di Sicilia.” 4. _ Epitaphium, five Laudatio in funere Ferdinandi Medicei, magni TIeturi.'u Ducis: per Danitkm Ereniitam a'i6cg. * p. Danielis Eremita;, Iter Germanicum: five, EpiRola ad I’quitem Camilium Giiidum feripta, de legatione ad Rodulphum Ccefarem, k aliquot Germanic Principes. 16.70. Pai'tes prima ct xiltima alia manu fuppktte. Bibliotheca Harleian Num. 3570—357^, 3570 - - _ T. Regiftruni'BulIanim&ChanarumabUrbano iiim- ^ipiens ad Archiepifcopatum Narbonciifem fpedantium, Liber olim Hclnenfis Lpifeopi. fol. 67. cam paucis pratfixis. xviii. 2. “ Rafoncs que las tres hordenes mcndicantes, S. Diiiningo. S. Frandfeo, y S. Aiiguftin, dan pordonJe iio.es convicne fiibjeSar fus Rcligiofos al examcn de los Obifpos ; recopidadas por frayjuan de Torg’ mada,” &;c. An account of the Contents is prefixed in Lnglifin 3. ^ “ Memorial dado al Rev, cn razon de que entren rcligiofi);, de la horden de St. Franc", a la converfion de japon y China,” ^c. 4. “ Dudareeij que pnvelegios concede el pontificc autoridad, para que puedan los religiofos conocer en los nnitrinionios in foro contenciofo.” 5. A printed report oi' three Spainfii divines in the Philippines, ona bull of PopeOregorv- XIV. 6. The tranfiation, in Spanifli, of k Bull of Clement Vli!. forbidding the Religious of both fexes to accept prelcnls: printed alfo. 7. MS. “ Carte que contien algunas nuevas tocantes a la million y chriflianclad de la China, y algunas otras dv) Gnvierno coflumbres, y polifla dtl niifmo Reyno.” 8. “ Relation para nueflro Padre Provincial y para coiifucio de los demas hermano de noftra Provincia dc Sand Gregorio, de las enfas mas notables que an fub- Itculo cite anode mill y feis cientos y feis en efta conver- fion del Japon.” 1606. Signed Fray Alojixo Munoz. A report is fubioined from 1 ray Luis Sobelo. 9. A report on theftate of Arragon, in Spanilli. i cga. All on Paper. 357 *^’ “La\ iia dc Joachy, eAnna, e Maria, e Yefu Crillo.”An Italian Legendary Hifiory of the Holy Family ; ilia- minatcd throughout, but in a very coarfe llyle. On vellum. 3572. 1. Relatione di Milano del 1591. xvi. 2. “ Difeorfo Ibpra le potent! cagioni che debbono fpingere il Re Cattoiico piu todo allTmprefa d’Inghilterra, che a quella di F‘'iandra. Ove fi difmoftra anco coii quanta 6 facilita, 6 non molto dificolta fi potria con- feguire.” 3. “ Relatione d’Inghilterra del 111 ’“° Sigr Nicolo Mo- lino, Card** ritornato da quell’ Ambas'*’’ I’anno 1707.” 66 . 4. Conclave di Papa Gregorio 15, 3573 * The Fiametta of Boccacio complete. At the end is written. “ Qui 'in' 'che il libro chiamato Elcgia i mifei'ia della nobile donna Mad'"* Fiametta mandate da lei^ a tude le donne innamorate. ChompoRo dalo eximio poeta mellere giovanni bochacci da firenze. Deo gratias. Amen.” No date : written on Paper. See alfo N"-427. It has been often publiftied, & was early tranHated into Englifli. 3574 - Raccolta di tutte le Scritture poliiiche ufeite tra Papa- hiu e Francefi per le brighe occorfe in Roma, anni 1662. & 1C63.” This is only a firft volume, & ends abruptly in the lafl; Article but one; according to the table of contents, which extends alfo toVol. u. xvii. Nurti. 3575 — 3579 - ■ 575 - Don Pedro’s Tlidoiy of the Royal defeent of Spain, in Spanilh : with this title. “ F.l -Admirable Libro de la decendecia deLos Reyes deEfpana. Y comobiene de InsGodos, y de Los Reyes de Navarra, Aragon, Francia, y Portugal, y de todos los Linajes que por fu Linea reda decieden de las mejores Cafas de Efpaiia. CompueRo por el Conde Don Pedro, hijo de Rey don Dionis de Portugal. Con las anotationes de Turita en fus Marjencs.” Written on Paper. 35 7 s- An Account of the families in Mcfiina, Italian; with lilts Title. “ Il Libro degii Famiglie de MeRine ” xvi. Contains 205 leaves: with a complete Alphabetical index of names prefixed. On Paper. 3 7 7 ' 1. La Ficheide dt.-! Molza:e il Corameuto d’Annibale Caro. XVI. 2. “ Relatione dell’ Ecc™“ Erizzo Ambafeiatore Veiicto in Roma, al Ser'"" Doge, et al Senate Ecc"’*' fopra lo Rato prefente d^-I Ponrifice Clemente xi. Con diverfe ollervazioni fopra la Corce Romana.” 54. 3. “ Oratio Heliogabnli Imperatoris habita in c«ncione ad meretrices :’'quatn a Leon. Arctino compofitain pleriqj credunt. ^ 4. “ Compendio di Memnrie IRorichc della Citt.a di Pifa, racolte dal dottore Gio. Ant. Pierachii, Cittadino Fiorentino.” 5. An old Italian poem on various fubjefts, in four books, coarfcly illuminated. The title, & pan of the firR chapter are wanting. It is marked as having been bought by Lord Oxford of M"" Noel in 1716. xv. Sooi t. has 9 chapters, on the Creation and fome celeRial phfencwncna. 2. has this nrguraent. “ Incipit liber ij ubi tradla- tuv de fortuna, reprobando Dante.” The other chapters are on various moral fubjeft', as far as chap. 29. Book 2,- “ Incipit liber tertius, in quo tradlatur de virtute amoris, de animalibiis, lapidibus, &c.” Book 4. “ Incipit traclatus de interroctationibus. Liber quartos.” It begins at Chap. 86- At the end is the date 1481. The whole Volume on Paper. 3.57^- VarlaLatine, et nonnulla Iialicc feripta, de Eleftionibus Paparum. Liber chartaceus. 1. “ Obitus Eugenii Paps quart!, et Conclave Nicolai PapfE quinti.” 2. “ Conclave Calixti Papje Tertii.” 3. “ Conclave Leonis Papse Decimi.” 4. “ Conclave quo Adrianus fextus Pontlfie.x eleftus fuit.” 5. “ Conclave di Paolo Terzo, per morte di Clemente Setrimo I’Anno 1534.” 6. “ Conclave ec C.reatio Julii Tertii Pont. Max.'* 7. “Conclave quo Julius Papa Tertius creatus fuit, per D. Joannem Francifeunt Binum Florentinum, facri Collcgii Cardinaiium clericum. 1549.” 8. Difeorfo del Conclave nella Sede vacante del Gre-. gorio 13* dove poi fa creato Papa Silto 5. 9. “ Difeorfo di Gio. Ant. Rayinondo Cornafeo fopra il fuccelfore di SiRo 5.” 10. Speculativi fopra unafeuia vacante. 11. “ Ex#rtatio ad Conclave.” 12. Giuditio fopra le Scritture paRate fra Gio. Fran. Lottino et M. Fei. Gaulterio circa I’attione de Conclavi, con replica, 3579' francifei Petrarch?E,de Remediisutriufq;Fortunse,libri3, Codex perpulchre feriptus, meinbranaceus. xv. A profe 44 Catalogus Libroriim MSS. Num. 3580—3585. 3580. A profe tranflation of the Metamorphofes of Ovid, in Italian. On the firfl; leaf is an old date, of 1557. A Paper book. xvi. 3581- Dante Alighieri, Comedia dell' Inferno, del Purgatorio, & del Paradifo : dated 1464. xv. Subjoined are the Capitolo of Jacopo, fonie verfes on the Death of Dante, and a Sonnet by Cino, with another in anfwer to it. The whole on Paper. 3582. Galfridi Anglici Poetria novella, de quinq; partibus Rhetorica; facultatis. GalfridushicfiveGualterus, de Vino Salvo (Vine-Sauf) Slirpe Normannus, gente An- glus (unde Anglici cogncme.n) claruit circa initia ftec. xiii, et fuperftes poftAn. 1245. Vid. Fabr. B. Med. et Inf. Lat. Lib. vii. Poema hoc ad Innocentemlll. ferip- tum elt, auftore Roma verfante. Codex membrana- ceus. XIII. 3583- Grammatica metrica. “ Scribere Clericulis paro doc- trinale novellis.” Scriptaa" 12S6. Scil.LiberAlex- andri Dolenfis, idem qui ad 3404. deferibitur. Cum Commentario ampliflimo. Codex membranaceus, dare feriptus. 3584- 1. Capitoli fatti fra il Re di Francia H. 4., con il gran Turcho, 1604. 2. “ Difeorfo del Stato & Iraperlo del Turcho, nel quale fi contengono mold belli partic".”—3 books. 3585- A large colledion of Papers, chiefly in Italian, with thefe titles. 1. Difeorfo lopra il rifervarfi i Cardinal! in petto. xvu. 2. laflrutcione datta dal Marchefe di Bedniar gia Am- bal'ciatore del Re cattolico in Venetia, 1629, a Don Luigi Brano fuo fucedfore. 3. Relatione della ftato, forze, governo del Duca di Fiorenza. 4. Rdaiione di Venetia, fatta da D. Alfonfo della Cueva Marchefe di Bcdraar, hoggi Cardinaie 1619. 5. Relatione di tutt“ le revulutioni nel regno di Napoli. 6. Difeorfo fepra rdTemptioni che godono i Refi- denti Je Prencipi. 7. Relatione della caduta del Conte Duca d’Olivares dalla gratia dd I- e cattolico. 8. Satira contro i Parieggiani d’ltalia, di Francia Sc di Spagna. 9. Difeorfo de g!i danni dell Herefie nella Francia. 10. Propofte tt ri-fpofte del riccuimento dell’ Ambaf- clatore del Duca di Braganza come Re di Portugallo da Papa Innocentio X". 11. Relatione della Citia di Roma I’anno 1641. 12. Cofe che giuflamente puo domandare la Sede Apoftolica al Re di Spagna. 13. Propolle curiofe fatte da un gentil Corteggiano, con le fue Rifpolle. 14. _Trattato dellaprudente & accorta con erfatione con glial i huomini. 15. M, nha fecreu Jefuitarum ; five, Inflruftio fecreta pro Suptrioribus Societatis Jefu. 16. Ril'pofta alia Deferittione contro Padri Giefuiti. 17. “Deferittione per Inhruttione a'Prencipi, della maniiri con la quale fi governano poliiicamente li Padri Gefuiti, fatta da perfona religiofa, ct totalinente fpalfio- nata.” This (hould precede the former, w‘‘' is a reply to it. x8. liiftrutiione del Cardinaie Ginetti, Legato per la pace gcntrale. Niira. 3585—3qSS. ig. Memorlale col quale fu fupplic.rt.T P.ipa Urhano Tin. per b promotione al Cardinal.uo di Vifeonti Arcivef- covo di Cauflii, del Re di Polonij e Suctia. 20. Capitula a Cardinalibus in Conelavi Jurata, pro bono ct telici regimine Status Eccleiiailiei, ante eledio- nem Innoceiitii deciiui, a” 1644. 21. Ricordiper li Minidri del Re Cattolico nel cor- rente Conclave d’Urbano 8. 22. Anatomia, nella quale fi difeorredi futti li foggetti Papabilij loro qualita, e fattioni, fatta nel Conclave di Ur^* bano 8. 23. Racconto vero ch'e feguito tra il Prefetto di Roma ed il Sig. Cav. G. da Pefaro, AmbafdaloreVencto, I’anno 1631. 24. Conclave & fuccelli nella fede vacante di Urbano 8: cnnla felice aflbntione al Pontificato di Gio, Batt. Card. Panfilio, che s’e noiuiiiato Innocentio 10. 25. Ragionamento di Carlo 5" Imp. al Filippo 2 fuo figlio,ne!laconfegnatione delgovernode fuoi flali&Regni. 26. Difeorfo de fuccelli dell’ armi di Spagna, dal Come Henrico di Bergh, fino alia prtfii di Gravelinga. 27. Racconto di alcuiii fuccelli della Cafa di Lorena. 28. Raggioni, con le quale chiaramente fi da a dive- dere, che la Francianonvuoldarc lapace al Chriilianefiiuo. 29. 'feftamentu^t ChriRbuum et politicum Cardinalis Richelii. 30. Relatione Ji Vincente Fedele, ritornato Ainbafcia- tore dal’ Fiorenza alia Venetia, 1561. 31. “ Raifons reprefentees au Pape Innocent x' fur quelques ufurpations preteiidues ijits par fon prcdccef- feur Urbain 8' fur le Due de Ferrarc.” 32. “ Deferiptions ou Memoires des Forces, Religions, et Coutumes des Princes et Royauincs de I’Lurojio.” Imperfect, beginning at fob 8. The titles ot thefe two laft are taken from the French table of Contents, prepared for Seguicr, to whole col- Ic^ion the book belonged } but the Papers are Italian. 3586. Libri regifirorum duo fimul compafli, mcmbranacei; 1. RegiltrumCartarumMonalUriiS- Martini de Bello, in Com. SulTex. Liber imperfeftus, a folio j6 iiicipiens. Nuiiu- antur aurem ad 99. xiv. 2. Regillrum cartarum Monafterii S. Maritc, et S. Leonardi de Pyonia five de Wormlley, folia habciis 77. Ill principio feriptum eft, “ Ilimc endieem in Biblio. theca qute eft in Caftro Bramtoiiienli repcrlum fecurq advexit Dominus meus, A.D. 1722.” 3. Two Englifti Letters, bound in at the end. One from Tho. Blount Efq. dated Orleton n Dec. 1676; the other from Tho. Goad, Baliol Cull. Ucl. 26. 1676. 3587- 1. Boetii Epnnis Frifii, Cominentarius in varlas quarftiones juris Caroli Molintei. xvi. 2. Decretalium Gregorii 9, par.ititlaris explicatio, ; Cum indice prsfixo, et notis inarginalibus feriore manu addiiis. 1592. 3. Iteruin, in Decretalium colleclioncin aliquam ex- plicationes. “ Exferibebat W. Rumcllus 4. CollefUo ejufdem generis. 1591. 5. —- - alia. 1592. 35S8. Colleftio chartarura variarum ; praccipue de Jure civili. 1. Index Digeftorum, Conftitutiomun, Sc Iiiftituiio- num juris civiiis. xvi. 2. Hiftoria Juris a Juftin® compofiti, cum indice pre* fi.xoet Titt. Lib. 4 Inftitulionum. 3. Sclecta; Juris civiiis Decifiones. 4. De verborum Juris figiiifiratione. 5. De diverfis regulis Juris antiqui. 6. Imperatorum noinina, quorum Conftituti-. nes 12 libris funt infertai. 9 7. Conjunftionej Bibliothecas Harleianae. 45 Nini. ,-i5S8—3594. 7. Conjunfliones Tituloruin five Rubricarum utriuRij juris. 8. TaxK Poenitentiarias Apoflolica:. 9. Coinpi'.ruin Builarum provifionis, &c. Scq. 10. “ Informatio fuper c-xpeditionc Cathedralium Ec- clefiaruni.” 11. 'labulce taxationum. 12. De Signatura JulHtia:. ij. Taxatio alia. 14. r'.piftola officiaiis ad qiiendam Carolum Maxault, data Rou'.aj apud SaniSum Petruni, 15. “ Tenor cnucordaii inter nobiles et Reverendos Dominos A. & L.” 15 . Francilci Goethalfii, dejudicio & artibus judicia- rii:, liber. Cum indice pra;fixo. i“. La Praclique de France: compofe en forme d’alphabet par M. deCoufages. 3589. Codex cliartaceus, in quo habentur; 1. Ludolphi de Suchem liber de Terra San£ta, et iiincre fuo Hierofolymitano, ad Balduinum Epifcopum Paderboinenfera, A. 1336. De hoc Libro Fabricius, Prodiit ftib typographia; iniiia, ac deinde cum fcriptis ejuldem argumcnti, Joannis Mandevilii, et Llarci Pauli Vcneti.” Bibl. Med. et Inf. xi. xv. 2. Joannis Mandevilii Itinerarlum; cui prasfixus eft hie titulus “ Incipic Itinerarius magiftri Johannis de Man- develt, ad partes Ilierofolymitanas, et ulteriores partes tranfmarinas; qui obiit Lcodii, A.D. 13S2.” 359°- Concilii Conftantienfis Gella. Cum tabula ampliffimi prtEfixa fol. 403. Liber chartaccus. xvi. 359r- Regiftrum Cartarum Carthufianorum Lovanit, anno 1304 iiicurporatorum. I.iber chartaccus. xvi. 3592. HiftoriaHierofolymitana, abbreviata a Jacoboj Acconenfi cpifeopo. Scil. Jac° dc Vitfiaco, xvi. Codex membranaceus. 3593- Codex mcr.-.branaccus, non obfeure fcrjptu5,’*^ln quo habentur, 1. Laurentii de Aquilegia, “ Summa Diclaminis juxta Dciftrinam Tuilii conipofita.” xv. gi- Opus hi c, Fabricio ignotum, a Cangio laudatur uf MStum. Kcc de auiftoie quicquam habet Fabricius, cuius infciiix ex hoc Codice fubveniri poteft. Opus de Ri'.clcricaagit. Dcdicatio ficincipit.—“ Viflorioiiftimo principi diio Pbylippo divinii niagnificentla Franeix Regi iicn’-griifrimo} cujus tidclis Magifter Laurentius Aqui- Icgienfis, degens Pariais, le ipfum ad pedes,” &c. Ad fiixm, feribendi tempus his verbis defignalur ; “ Hanc quidern compilationcm Parifis confummavi, tempore bea'iflimi ct ^anclillimi Patris dhi BonifaciipapxOiftavi.” Scripfic ergo i'ub Philippo iv. pukhro appellate, et inter An. 1 294 et 130:;. 2. Epiftolx ejuidcra I.aurentii; vel potius, magna ex parte, tormulxpro Epiftolis feribendis. 359+- 1. Notulx medics ex Galeno. xv. 2. Avicennx primi Canonis quarta. Fen, i. e. locutio. Cum indice. Cat. Harl. Vol. III. Num. 3594—3397! 2. Johannis Heben Mefne liber, de confolatione folu- tivarum fimplicium. 4. Girardi de Solo, Compendium Medicinx breve & utile. 5. Johannis de Torna inira, Receptx fecundum urinas. < 5 . Aqua mirabilisj revivificans, et de antique juve- nem faciens. 7. Amoldi de villa nova, Regimen de cura podagri- corum. 8. --Tabulx qux Medicum informant fpe- cialiter, cum ignoratur xgritudo* 9. Adverfaria medica; ad flnem. Liber chartaceus. 3595 - 1. A. M, Boethii Artis Arithmeticae Librlll. x. Defunt tantum diagrammata in caput ultimumi Sequitur folium ab opere quodam Aftronomico. 2. Ejufdem Boethii de Mufica Fragmenta. Sell. Lib. 1 . ab initio capitis 13, ad medium cap' 16. fuper folium unicum. Lib. II. amediocapite ig, ad finem capitis 23. Deell vocabulum unicum “ contingent.” fdiis duobiis. Sequitur conclufio libri 2. cum initio tertii, ad verba “ ipfa fefqui fextadecima,’’ in cap. 1"’“ foliis duobtes. Sequitur, perverfo ordine Lib. 11 . cap. 25, (qui in MS'* xxvn) cum fragment© prxeedentis, ct fequentia, fere ad finem capit. xxviii. ad verba “ cam proportionem qux in 256.” duobusfoliis. 3. Libri duo Geometrix Euclidis a Boethio tranflatf, ad finem abaci, in capite de minutis Lib. 2. Ouod fequitur, fex foliis integris, aut a Boethio non procedit, auc in Edirionibus deeft. Extant hie etiam demonftra- tiones trium priorum propofitionum qux in Edd. non habentur. Codex membranaceus, venerabills. 3596- 1. Prxpoftini Cremonenfis Commentarius fuper libros Sententiarum. xiv. 2. Liber qui dicitur, Tropus loquendi. “ Videmus nunc per fpeculum.” 3. _De cafibus Confeientix, liber. “ Queritur de facra- mentis legalibus.’’ Codex membranaceus. 3597 - Liber chartaceus, in quo exftant; 1. De adventu B. Agricii ad civitatem Treverenfem, liber, fol. i. xv. 2. Vita S. Mauri, Abbatis, difcipuli S. Benedifti. 11. b. 3. -B. Brigidx virginis. 28. 4 - -S. Caftoris, difcipuli S. Maximini Ep. Tre- verenfis. ^4. 5- -S. Pauli, Ep. Verdunenfis, fratris S. Gerraani Parifienfis. fit ——S. Gertrudis, in 3 libris. 43. 7, . - S. Theodorici prefbyteri. 68. b. 8. -Athanafii, Epifeopi & Confeflbris. 71. 9-Sigifmundi, Regis & Martiris. 83. b. 10.-Gangulfi martiris. 85. b. ir. — tWilielmi, Confeflbris. 92. 12. -Urbani, Papx & Martin’s. 103. 13. -Maximi Archiep. Treverenfis. 107. b. 14. -Bonifacii Moguntienfis Archiep. 123, b. 15. -- Popponis Treverenfis Archiepi. 143. b. 16. -Clodulfi Metenfium epifeopi. 149. 17. —— Maurini Abbatis. 155. 18. -Albani, martyris. xfio. b. 19. -Euftafii, Abbatis. 163. 20. -Sophix, Spei, Fidel, Sc Caritatis. 168. N 21, Vita 46 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3597—3602. 21. Vita MarihfE, hofpitfe Chrifii. 171. a;.-Cyrilli Arcbic-pifcopi Treverenfis. 17S. 23. -Anatholi.-c, virginis & mart. 175. 24. -Hildulphi, cpifcopi & confeflbris. i8.j. 25. -GlodcfindiSjTirginis. i83.b. 26. -Riifince Sc Secunda:. 189.1). 27. -IMarmic, virginis. 191. b. 2S.-Sygolencc. ipp 29.-Cucuphaiis, nurtyris. 19S. Codex olim Monaflcrii B. RIaris ad martvras prope Treverim fuper litus RlofelUc ; quein fcripfit frater Oif- waldiis de “Weirchpilch A.D. i47i. Ad finem pouitur dedicatio ad RIaximiliaiiuin Imp. Rom. eleclura. 359 ^*- Angfcli de Gambellii'nibus, Traciatus Malcficiorum: •''criptiis A D. 1461. Codex chartaceus. xv. Ad finem ha:c habtmus. “ Explicit tractus malefi- ciorum, per me Angeluin dc Gambellionibus de Aretio, legum doSlorem, adus legentein Bononis;. Dio ac beat.-u virgini Marie, Scto Johanni Evangeliflre, Sco An- tbonio Abbati, Scto Francifco, Sancto Vindido, Sco Jeronimo patronis mcis, ccterifquc curix triumphantis gratias ago. Et fi aliter confpiciatur quam hie flat Icriptus, hoc contingic quod, pod datam copiam aliqui- bus, feci has adoitiunes ego idem Angelas predidtus A.U. 1461. Sciiis.” 3599- Rlatthsl Palmerli, Florentini, de Temporibus, liber, ad Petrum, Col'mm FiL Rledicem. Autographum, ut dicitur, auctoris. Opus Chronologicum, ab Adamo ad aim. 1448, optime feriptum, fuper Chartam. xv. 3603. Ranulphi Fligdeni Polychronicon, 7 libris: cum con- tinuaiione ufque ad A.D 1422. xv. Liber olim monaltcrii B. Rlari:^ de Wh.illev', mem- branaceus, et fatis bene confervatiis. Codex lucidior, fed recentior, videri poteft ad num. 172S. At qui omnes forma et fplendore facile vincit ell 3S77. 3C01. Regiilrum Cartarum Rtenatleril iJe Bamewell, five f’onte Puerorum, juxta Cantabrigiam, 9 libris. Pra:- mittuntur, i Caleiidarium. 2. Dies in quibus non licet operari. 3. Sedcs Epifcopales Anglim. 4. Ofheium in veneratione S. Trinitatis. 5. Index contentoruin in Codice ; cujus liber primus hilloria ell fere Funda* torum RIonallerii Klius. Fundator fciiicet primus fuit vir nubilisPycotus, poflea egregius ille Paganus Peverel, &c. Vid. fol. 13. xiii. Codex membranaceus; olim Roberti Hagar,et Ricardi S' George, Norroy Regis Armorum. Compilatus, (quantum conjedluri probabili ail’equi polTuoius) circa annum 1297 ; fub Ldwardo I. Rege Anglia:. Folia habet 24.3. Infciipta funt nonnulla de polfelToris primi familia 5 fcil. Hagar, in Cum. LlTex. 3602. Rogeri dellovedene, Chronicon, aba", 27H. 2, ade Jobannis. Codex fatis luciJc feriptus, membranaceus, ct bene confervatus. x 111. Num.3603—3633. T. Cafus juris quibus Sententia Excommuniationis incurritur ipfo faclo, axspaXor. xv. 2. Pccretum abbreviaium. 3. Martini Puloni Chronicon. CuraEpiRoIa prefixa Clcmcmis V. 4. Petri de Vineis, F.pifiol.arum hifloricaru-m libri 5. de geftis Friderici 2 Imperatoris, & aliis. 5. Ordinatio Concilii generalis apud I.ugdunum, per Gregorium 10. Codex membranaceus. [ 36 = 4 —35-4- -Fi-'o.] 3604. Accompts of eight Receivers of the Rents of the Gover¬ nor & Company of the New River, from the Year 1670 to 1683. XVII. A thin folio, loofely but clearlv wriitcn. 5635—3616; Twelve volumes of monumental inferiptions, from the year 1420 to the year 1716, collecled fr^m various churches in England, by John Le Neve Gent. wh.>fe arms are prefixed to each volume, wirh fevcral very appropriate mottos, on the oppolite leaves. At the end of each volume Is aa excellent alphabetical index, with the dates of the inferiptions, oppofitc to the names of the perfons. xviii. The whole colledlion is in high prefervation, and to the lafl volume is prefi-xed a table of the marks by which the communications of all the authors friends ai c dilHnguilhed. Thefe contributors are, 1. Peter l.c Neve, Norroy K. of Arm.s. 2. M' Stanton, a Stone¬ cutter. 3. The Rev. & learned Tho. Baker, of S' John’s Coll. Camb. 4. The compiler’s brother-in-law, M'Ecn. Boughtnn, of York. 5. M'Manfell. 6. 'i'lie Blfhop of the Diocefc. 7. M'Ja’Martin, of New Coll. O.xon. 8. Rev. Charles Thayer. 9. RF Handy, a Stonecutter. 10 RI'Bird, D’. ii. RI' Ben. Lamb. Verger of S' George’s chapel VVindIbr. 12. 'Fhe Rev. Hugh Todd. DD. Prd), of Carlifle. 13. RF Palmer, a Stonecutter. 14. RF John Bowles. Public Librarian, Oxford 11;. RT Richard RawlinIbn M.A. & F.R.S. of S'John’s Coll. Oxford. 1 6. RF John Warburton, of Hexham in Nor- ihumb. The Stonecutters appear to have communicated the inferiptions thev had themfulvcs fet up. 3617—3624. Eight Volumes, containing A Lift of all the Churches in England, their Value in the Kings Books, & Tenths : taken from Eclon's Liber Valorum bv John le Neve. He began this Work a" 17 14 ; dcfigning to add the Patrons Names, & the RIonumental Inferiptions, as ap¬ pears by thofe titles on the back and top of each Page, all of which are perfeil, with an alphabetical Indcx'^of Parifties at the end. 36=5- An Obituary, by John I.,e Neve : with an account of fdveral perfons in England; from the year 1678 to 1706. He mentions his “ honour’d Father,” fohn l.c Neve of Great RufTe! Street Bloomlbury, as dying July 20, 1693, & buried in Weftminfter Abbey.' XVIII. This biographical Volume is thinly written, but in good prefervation; & has an alphabetical lift of the names mentioned in it. Annales BibliotheciE Hai'Ieianae; 47 Niim. 3626—3632. 3626. Annales jiirldici; (Anglice, Tear Book) fou, Placita Sc deciliones Caufarum ab a°3"£d. 3. ad io ejufdem. ax kJ aTsAiffi* XIV. 3627. The fix firft (Chapters of Sir Roger Owen’s treatife “ on the Antiquity, Simplenefs, & Excellency of the Coin- mun Laws ol England.'* Thefe occur again in N' 6to4 j but fome other chapters are found only in N" ^572. xvi. 362S. A French MS. of 293 leaves, admirably written on Paper : with this title. “ Lettres et Menioires de le Cardinal Mazarin, i hlefs" le Tellier et de Lionne, contenant le Secret de la Negotiation de la Paix des Pyrenees, dans Ics Conferences tenues a St. Jean de Lux, entre le dit Cardinal, &; dom Louis d’Plaro, en 1059.” x\'ii. From July to November, of that year. This alfo is added. “Ilya, au commencement, plufieurs Lcttre.s tres- cuiicufes, efcritics au Roy, et ii la Reinc, pendant Ton Voyage.’’ 3629. Col. Thomas Colcpepyr.s Book of Accompts, 5 c hiflorical Obfer^'ations, from the year 164c to 1670. Alpha¬ betically arranged ; with his Lady's Receipts for pre- ferving, 5 cc. written on the fpavc leaves, at the be¬ ginning. XVII. 3 ^ 3 °- 1. Codex membranaceus, continens hifiorias Socratis, Sozomcni, et Theodnriti ex Epiphanii Verfione. xi;i- Opus ex tribus iftis hiltoricis \tk compofitum, ut cujuf- que nomeii fuai parti femper prajponaiur. Tituliis fic fe habet ; “ In hoc corpora continentur hy/loiie ccclefiafilce,ex Socratc, Sozonieno, et Theodorito in unum colledfe, de greco in latinum tranflate. Libri nuinero 12.” Subjicitur decrctum Conftantini. 2. Super folia undecim, Vita Guliclmi priini, viilgo Conqueftoris difli. Cura hac inferiptione; “ Bead Guillelmi vita laudabilis.” 3631- 1. Albumafavis Introducforii in Aflronomiam Libri Odio, Latine per Johaimcm Hirpalenfciu, TituUis ipfius codicis ; “ Incipit liber Introduclionis majoris iV magillerio Aftronomite, editione Albuinafar, et interpretatione Johis hifpalanfis, ex atabico in latinum.” 2. Opus aliud Alburaazaris, fic inferiptum. “ De fignificationibus individuoriim fuperiorum, ikc." Videtur efi'e Liber dc magnis conjundfionibus, qui plim editus ell. Compieditur tradatus odo. xiv. Subjicitur, niami veteri, hiftoria libri et audorls. Codex membranaceus, prima parte aliquantum carle exefa. 3632- Extenta Caflri & Honoris de Denbeigh, fada per Hugonem de Beckle & per recognilionein Teaentium fingularum Villarum, 8 E. 3.” xiv. Afmall folio, or rather large4'°, of 140 pagesonVellum fairly written and well preferved j and was bought at Mr. Rawlinfon’s fale. Num. 3633—3638. 3633- 1. Annales januenfes ( 1 . e. Genute civltatls) ab anno 1099 ufquc ad 1431. xv. 2. Inl'cripdo delumpta “ ex tabula arnca, venerandte vetullatis, eruta et efiofsii ad Jiigi radices in Lignare valle, qutc pontificia dicitur in x' Langatium, Anno Salutis feptimo fupra millefimum et quingentefununi.” Subjicitur citatio ex Livio, de materia inferiptionis. 3. Dedicatio Poggii, Jacobo Bracaleo, data Florentia;, 1 1 Martii 1459. 4. Annales breves, rerum ccclefiafticarum in Janua, ut videtur, abanno 1 ri8 ad Ann. 1496. Codex, fads clai-e feriptus, chartaceus. 3634- Thoms de Walfingham Uyjiodigma Neujriee. Codex antiquus, membranaceus ; et feriore inanu fuper charta fuppictus. Addicamenta principium et finem occupant; et intcrpolantur etiam, in parte antiquiore, qiitedam a RanulphoCeflrieiifi, et forte aliis. Praiiiiittitur, Continu- atoris inanu, aut etiam recentiore, Hiftoria brevis Thoirue de Walfingham. Hypodigma Neuftria: Iliftoriam Nor- maimoruin continet, ab irruptione eorum in Neuftriain, ufque ad annum tertium Henrici V. Non, ut perpcrain dicitur in primo codicis folio, ab anno tantuiu 1272, aJ 1422. _ _ XV. Codicis pars pofterior clefumpta eft ex Hijhria brevi Thomce de Waljingham, qua; edita ell An. 1574 in fol. Alice funt in Codice hoc variationc.s fet defeclus,) qiice infpicienti crurit obviic, led in Catalogo vix pollcnt enumerari. 3633- Commcntarlus in Pandeflas. “ Ante diem quartiim no¬ narum fextilium.” Codex chartaceus, in fine imper- feclus, et fine prxfatione, aut audoris nomine, xvi. 3636. Annales juridici, ab a" 2 ad 10 E. 3. xiv. 3637. Guidoms de Columnis, (ut ipfe feribit) de cafu Trojee, libri 30. Codex pulcher, membranaceus. Scriplit Guido, ut ipfe ait anno 1287. 3638. A book containing a variety of h.^ftorical Papers viz. 1 . The Amours of H. 4. with the Princefs of Condd : written by Mr. Henry Mary, an Englifli man. £. iibris Abr. Pryme i6r,o. xvii. 2. The Cafe between the Lord Darcy & Mr. Gervafe Matkiura, about Duelling, 1616. 3. A curious defeription of the Ruins nfPerfepolis, & other wonders of Perfia : by Mr. Dc la Prime, in S folio pages clofely written. 4. A Colledion of Epitaphs : by Mr. Abr. dc la Prime, all from Abroad, in 3.2 Pages. 5. 1 he Charader of an Afi'embiy Man, 1647. This is not in La Prime’s hand writing as the former, but very plain, curious Sc entertaining, ia 4 pages, beginning thms “ An AfTembler is part of the States Chattels, not Gaolers, and the fraud of twelve brokers ; or take him in the bunch, & their whole Aflembly is a club of Hypocrites, where fix dozen of Schifinaticks fpend two hours for four Ihiliing.s a piece.” 6. The defeate of Toumholtby Sir. Fran. Vere. 7. Sir. Fran. Phillips’s Letter from Spain, during the Treaty of the Spanilh Match. 8. The 48 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3638—3&4^' 8 . TheD. of Buckingham’s Letter to General Cecyll, about the King of Bohemia, dated Whitehall 4th May, 1625. 9. ‘‘ Sir Philip Sidney’s Letter to his Brother S' Robert S. touching his travell.” This copy is without date. 1 o. “ The E. of Kflex his Letter to O. Kliz. 12 Aug. from on board the Dsw-Repulfc, going into Ifeland.” There is no date of the year, but there is the following Poflfcript, “ ThisLfe was alnmfl ended when the adver- lifement came to mee of the falling Tick of y'miities fouldiers fit the weaknefs of the Armee, foe I was faine to lay it by, till I had difpatched my Coufen Shurley.” 11. “ The Lord Treafurer Burleigh his Inflrucflons to his Son Thomas Cecill Earl of Exeter, going to travel!, a"] 561.” 12. “ The Lord Wimbledon’s Letter to the King, 30 Ocf. 1625, that the Navy & Army are in readinefs for the attempt on the coaft of Spain.” Alfo his Journal. And his Anfwer to the Colonels Objefilions: together with a Lift of the Ships fent with Admirall L Wil¬ loughby 1626. And alfo his Inftruflions. Ofl' 1625. 13. “A Difcourfe of Captain Brett concerning the preparations in Spain, a’ 1626.” 14. “ Points tending to the Reformation of Mufters.” 15. “A Note of what forces lhall repair to the Havens in every County when the Enemy ihall attempt to land.” 16. A Letter of Mens' de Chateau Neufe to the King of France, upon his refigning the Seals.” 17. “ The Vifcount Faulklands Petition to the King, to fpare his Son a Prilbr-er.” 18. “ An Eftimatc of the Expences of the Army, viz. of the Ofllcers and bands of 2 ioo footmen for 28 days, OHicers to 50 troops of horfe, amounting in all to 5000 horfe, & A fchedule of Utenfils and habiliments of war tortter;d the 20 pieces of Ordinance for batterv & field before mciitiorcd in the Aimy ot 300.;o men.” ig. “■'I'he Illand Journey or Voyage of Sir Fr. Vere, with the Earl of Elfex the next year alter the Tournev of Cales.” _ ^ 2 . '■ The Duty of a private Soldier, by General Ce.y!!.” 2:. “ The Journey of Cadez, before mentioned by Sir. F an. Vere.” 22. -‘A Supplement to the Difcourfe of Sir. Fr. Vere upon the ISattail of Newport, by S' John Ogle then pr fent.” 23. Enterprife upon Zutphen, & the Seige of Oftend, by Sr. Vere.” 24. “ A Relation of the relieving of Rynebcrke ; and of the Battail of Newport: by Sir Francis Vere, a" i6co. 1“' of July.” 3639- Annalesjuridici, aba® 3 ad 19 E. 2. Codex membranaceus. 3640. RegiftrumChartarum Ecclefi$ S. Jacobi et Canonicorum de Welbcke. xiv. Crdsx membranaceus, imperfeefus; a pagina 27 in'-ipiais, unde nuineranturomiiino 324. Accuratiflime dL.'criptus a Wanley, fennone Anglico, fuper folia 15 chartacca, in fronte libri compada: unde apparet partem fiiiiTe Regiftri veteris de Welbeke; ejufdem feilicetquod a Thorotun in Ant. Nottingh. laudatur. 364'- Gulielral Malmfburienfis, de geftis Pontificum Anglo- rum, libi'i 4. Liber oliin S. Marisp de Belelanda. Codex membranaceus, eximie pulcher, fed cum (k-fedu exiguo ad finein ; dtfmit enim abruptc in Cap. de Cenubio Thorneycnli. xii. Num, 3642—3648. 3642. Proceffus contra Cranracrum, Ridleium, & Latimerum. Liberex originali, actedatus per nocarium publ. Gul. Whyte. XVI. [3643—3686. S:uarto.'\ 36+3- 1. Chronicon Regum Anglije ufq; ad A.D. 1420. “ Nado olim ocio a tumulcu Seculi,” Forte eft Thomte Otterburn. Vide Bale, 553. xv. 2. De Univerfitatibus Oxonim fie Cantabrigire, folium unicum. Codex membranaceus, bene feriptus, et bene confervatus. xv. 364.4.. John de Brito, or Bretoun, Biftiop of Hereford, on the Statutes & Laws of England. In four Books, written in French. xiv. (.)n vellum, well uritcen and well preferved. The book firft belonged to the monaftery of St. Auguftin at Canterbury; afterwards to Thomas Moyle of Grey’s Inn, who gave it to John Ramfay; as appears by in- I'cripiions willnn. 36 +, 5 - De vita & monbns Philofophoniin liber. “ Tradaturus multa que ab antiquis autboribus.” Codex bene ferip¬ tus, membranaceus, fed maxime imperfedus; dcl'unt enim folia 11. ad 20. turn 35. 46 —41. ad 40- 61. ad 70. Index Alphabedcus ad linem omnia fupplet nomina. 3646. GoiTredi de Trano, Summa fuper tkulis Dccretaliunij 5 libris. ViJ. Fabr. Bibl. M. er In. Lat. fub. Tit. Gcilfre- dm de Trano. Code.x membranaceus, forma; eximia:. XIV. 36+7- Libri hujus Codicis fic enumevantur in primu pagina, manu antiquil. xili. 1. “ Compotus manualis. 2. Kalendarium Linconienfe. 3. Algoril'mus. 4. Spera. 5. Compotus. 6. Ouadrans. 7. Aftrolabium. 8. Secreta Allrolabik 9. De Gnonionis ofiicil, ac de umbra alticudinis. 10. ’1 heorica Planetarum. 11. Liber 'I'ebith, de motu odave Spere. 12. LlberTebitli, de hiis queindigent expofitione ante- quain legatur Almagefti, 13. LiberTebith, de ymaginatione Spere & Ciclorum, ejus diverforum. 14. Liber Tcbirh, de quantitaiibus Stcllarum ac Plane- taruin. 15. Cannnes Arzachelis, cum '1 abulis Tholetanis. lb. Liber dc eclipli Lune. 17. Liber Humeni Egiptii. 18. Liber de inveiucndo vera loca omnium Planeta¬ rum.” Pluva font autem quam qiuc hie enumerantur, led explicatione vi;c digna. Codex optime feriptus, niem- branaceus. 364.8. Collectanea ex Regiftris de W''igmore et Lanthonia juxta Gloccfter; et ex Cronicis Abbatie de Tynterne in Wallia Codc-x in folio minore. xvii. Coiuinentur vero, I. Genealogiaa fuiidatorum Abbatia: S. Jacobi de Wigmore, viz. fatnilia Mcrtum.ari. 3 2. De Bibliothecas HarJeiarste. Nimi. 364 S— !. De familk dc Percy Com. Norlhumbr. &c. 3. lamdia Ijfen, dom. dc Bridlioton, Walton Malcon, et Aliicwykc, &c. 'vauon, 4. Fatriiia dc Bohun Com. Hereford. Ex Chronicis Pnoratiis Lalhomi juxta Gl .celt. &c. Chivadcon Regum .'Xiiglia;, Scotim, kc. TvnteJr ■‘^^‘^''‘'^ciaalbbaUaede 3^40. Leonard! cXrctIni de Bello I.allco adverfus Gothos iibri 4 ’ Sahj,c,t„rEpill„laAua„,i ad Kyriacum Anconitauum « prmmittur ded.caao ad AIpbonfum .Xrragonenlium ci brculo] uni rtgem^ Impreffiim ell opus, typ, pulcherri. iePntur'*^ Nic. Jemon, a; amiLs poll bunc'^codiccm t nptum i aimo falicci 147, ; at fine dedicatione ct epif. tula, qua: hic e.vtcnr. ^ J. odex chartaceu? bene fcripius, per Chriflophorum bchiuppiim Veronenfcin Anno j 446. ^ 49 16. b. 27- 27. b. Ntim. 3352—3631 t 8 ' Statiitum Wintonie. ^ 9 - —^—•-de militibus. 2?' M~t Gravelct in London; 21. Modus caluinpniandi EiFon. 2 :. utatutum fadum 38 E. 5. Wallie reparandi, • 4 . Reglllrum Cancellarie. ‘ 5 - J^giitruin Brcviuin. 26. Statuia Gloiiceliiie. .^5* “/• ^Vinceltrie. Cod.^TT' ^ ^ ^‘^ardi 2. t-odt-x inembranacuus. 3650. Regiftrum rartanun Canouicorum .S.Maritedc Chciillle- worda, (1. c. keml«jnh, Com.Warw.) primd fundatai p».r Calinduin de Clinton, M. i. Liber u.embranaceus, Ilarleio dono datu.s a Ta™bo -bXeli Aruugero, tefte rpfo 11 . in priuio f„li„ exteriore crnpuis auten. a Welt ex colleaione Morgam Greavei Arm. ConRat pagims i;6, perfeclis, iiifi quod ad 3651. Codex membranaceus pulchcr : iu quo habentur I. VitaS. aiiltE, per Ilierony mum. ’ tun': 4 , Feodarium dc Gilliiigwcil. 17. Feodu do Gilliiigeft. K'l i 3 . Extent, feodorum de Richmojidlhire. 11 Edw. 2. 42. Ac. 1Q Extenta feodorum honoris de Richmond in Com. Ebor 20' Feoda ro-liium in Richmondfhire pertifi Dno de Midh.hain et Crackthall, ficut fuerunttemp. Mans dus de Midicham, ct Dhi Radi de_Nevill._ 43 - 21. De Wardis et iiiubub dni de Midleham et Crake • hall. . . "I"' 22 Comptu’! Johis riunton fcodarii Radi C:om. dc Weflmorland Diii de Nevill, Ac. de Midleham, de food hereditatii, fus in Richmondihirc. 11 H. 4. 49. 23. Fines et Wards feodi et Roaldi pertmeu Duo Rico Lellrop de Boflon per Ann. in Richmondfliire 50. 24. Feodarium dhi I'itzhugh de tcrris^l'uh dc Weilan- feilde et de luaneriis quod fuerunt Dhii johannis Mor- mions, &c. 53 - 23. De Refpeau clam, comit. Richm. &c. 55. 26. Clam GilbertideGauntdelib.chaceainSwaleJale, &c. er libera Wurrenaapud Htlagh, &c 7 E. i. 55 -^’: a-. Clam. RogeriLafcelIc.sde libera Warrena, Ac m Afkiigge 28. Clam. Mowbray de libera chacca in Kirkby, «c. 57 - b- 59 Chm. Robert! Tatefliale de libera Warrena apud Thoraldby, Weflwitton, &c. et libera chacea in Bifhopf- dale 7 Fdw. I. 5 ^ '-0 Ue iniinicoporcionis decidentium in Richmond. ■ 59. &c. 31. De racionalji auxilio concclTo Regi Edw^'* 3”® A" regnifui 20, Ac. 32. Partitio Terra? Walteri Marfliall Comius Pcmbvo* chis in Anglia, Wallia et Hibernia, Ac. 3 V Wihs dus de Furnivali, Hcnricus de Ferariis, Herede; Thcohaldi de Verdoii, &c. C' biatf. p Buronh de Berdon, Ac. <; Edw- 1. 34. Ebor. Lincoln, Kent, Will Martin fil. o h'.resMa- tilds de Campvill quod uxor Galiridi Eampviii So), de Relievo fuo, Ac. Jacobo de Aiuleley A dcBaronite de Barnflraple, Ac. 35. Cumbi. Norlhumbr. Lincoln. KuJic. Oxon. Notr. Ebor. Norf Wellm. Wilts North. Buck. W u v/. Surr. Derb. Cockerniouih A Salop, okipioii CallE, Ac. Llltx. ■ .F 36. Sutr. SufT. Ebor. Bcdf. Bnck.Warw. Lcic.'.a'' mr. Ileref. Ellex. Noif. Rut. Cant. Ac. _ 64 b. 37. Terr. Com.Marcis nunc Ricducis F.bor.R uuu Jotiis de Bal.iolo Reg. Seeds viz. ^'.3289. 14-- ‘ ob. ^' 7 -. 38. Carta convcnconls inter Jnhem de Britannia comi- tem Richmondis, Abhem et ennventum -Ic Eil.ltou .c invenebne fex Capellaiior. ec in L.aitrur.1 Ric.uiiondis A-1275. 70 - 3675- I. MatthsiPalmeriiFlorenlinl, de Tcniporibus Jiber, ad An. 14,8. Scripius A.D. 1494- AdPeUum, Coims fil Medicem. _ . 7. Jacobi Rotarii, Ilihoria de aSihus novUlimis tens Brahaiitins, anno 1494 feripta. Cum Epillola prsfixi Gcrardi de Marbya^. Codex chartaceus. 3676. Reginnnis Prumlenfis Chronica, a Chrifto nato ad A. r467 : Adaiberoni Trtverenfi epifeopo infcripla. XV. Liber quondam Fibliothecs Peutingerians, chana- ceus, bene confervatus 3677- t. Mutihsi Palmerii Florentini, de temporibus, liber, ad A D. I 44 '>- peiduClus. xv. 2, Ma'this Palmieri Pifani Opus, de remponbus lui:.: quod prxe. dentem librum extenJit ad A. 1469. Idem UK...-.,/- oh-i I ? fi’d rnidm oniaiior. ec funer me liber ac 3^7 nam feriptus. fed rnulto oniaiior, ec fuper luembra- 367H. Chronicon de rebus Ralicis *. faclum Placcntis A.D. 1290, a Julio Csf. Impcratorc. Codex membra- naceus, lileris gothicis feriptus. xui- 3679- 1. Culielmi Gemitlcenfis, de Ducura Normannorunt geRis, libn 8. fol. 125. 2. Ex Francil'ci Roald!, dc Pello Albigenfiiim, Com- mentariis extrada. Codex chartaceus ; Anna vero in- ferta in mcuibrana piaa. 3680. I. Beds Prefbyteri, HiRcris EcclefiaRics gentis An- glor.libri5. 2 Epiingium, de obifu Beds. Liber olim b. Andres Roffenlis, membranaceus. 36S1. Giiidonis de Column!', de Bello Trojano, libri 30. Pauca folia in fine ueirderantur. ^ xv. Idem liber ac 3637, fed chartaceus j forma elfcripiura multb interior. Cru'omcon 52. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3682 — 3688. 8682. Chronicon Placenrix, u^q; ad annum 1374: et inanu vecentiori .id annum 140'^. xv. ruiilus 3n ip'O ]ioro his verbis concipitur. Croiiicii in qua contimfntur ^Lntiquitates, et af^a memorix di’iia facia et occurrentia in l.ombardia : cc fpecialiier in Placentia, et etiam aliqiialiter in toto orb' t-.T-Mrum: compila a et aggregatu ex diverfi. cronicis, lib'is. et_ hulorns aclis facUs, cc gellis, vifis et auditia, fell rel .ti ; di tinefa per Annos et tempora, ab erbe conJi o u’que ad Nativitatem dni, et duinJe per Annos Incarnationis domini.” Liber chartaceus. Guillermi Ebriclunenfis Archiepifcopi, Eniflolre abbre- viataj; cum labula plemfiima prs-Lx-j. ' Codex char¬ taceus, in line inutilus. vv 368+. Iet:i Bliefenfis, Bathon. ArcIndiaConi, Eniflolic. rmmero t44- ViJ. ^672. ubi extant 1^2. I1IJ749 iuveniun. tur 103. Codex cliartaceus. 3685. I. Poemita Smaragdi, Cyprlani. Bcdte, kc. xv. • Nigelli Carmen de Donis operibus Ludn- vici I\ . Imperatorjs. libris 4. SeJ ordine fuliorun; vaidc contulo, ita tanien ut li opus fit expediri poffit 3. Luitprandi hillorice, five Antapodofeos pars. Codex quondam Bibliotheca Peudngeriana:, chartac^eus et bene fcriptus ; fed in fine imperfectus, et partium noia- tione carens. 3686. Claud. PtmornKi Geographla, S libris. A lacobo An- gln traduSa, et Ale..:" Pont, Max. dedicata ■ cum tabulis Geographicis. Codex chartaceus. xv. fqfiS;—3730. Fo/io.'] 3687. Beinardi Gnidonis, Epifenpi Lodovenfis, traclatiis vnrii .'cil. ■. Flores Cronicorum : five, Speculum hi/lorL cum Rmnanorum Pontificuin, atq; Imperatorum et Regum Grdl.tE. u'q; ad •v.D. 1351. ^iv. —-Arbor Genealogitc Regura Francorinn. 3 - -de Comitibus Tholofanis TracLitus. 4 - _ —-de temporibu^ & annis generaliura k parricuhnum Conciliorum, 'Frafl. S’ — de officio Miflie. --de nominibus Apoftolunim, 5 : y Dlfd pubs. ' “ de Articulfs lidci, 7 SacramentL, k Decalogo, I raft, in fine imperfectus. Codex bene Icnptus, menibranaceus. 3688. “ Liber Cartarura Monallerii Beatc Mane de MclTendene (com. Bucks.) compilatus (k compLtus commenilati convent, de Mellenden. per fratrem Kobcrlum de \\ clues decimo kal. Mated Anno dni m"ccc. tricef- Imio. et pollea alia manu cominualus. folds so;. In imiio, folium cxtciius continet mftimationcm pon- denim, mcnfiiraruin, niimmi, Ucc. ^ Iiirerilur eiiam index plciiifllmiis chartarum, fub nomi- nibus Jocorum j feibcet; ’^’'•ycfliulle, Lega, Wendovere, D.m- figge, Chelliam, Aiigraodediam. Hertford, Berkhim- Nllm. 3688.-3694. (led. nemelliamfted Bnnyndone. Nettel.vJenc, Lana. ke.isSel , Ifnamdede, MereLuve, IleJc.rore, II,inc,.|ey Kimebe le, Ulnrfivik, Domitone, Lfcote, Ilailyng.'kye, Li irel.c, llonedune, Bnnvion. 'Hucco'e, J?”"'’*')''""':. Ciddccote, Uorwnde. btok.-ha,r!on EfcIburgS Paddeburv, Brickliulle Ka. vercsleld Ld; ngrave, MuLwcIle, Godvnd'lie c’oi cl,. juxtji 1 ouele, Borftaile, !• niecole, Tuif.'rd j„x,a PoJole Aecleye, Crendone, \a eremodefton, S.bipl.ikc, Bau- gerugg lluiicfdcnc, Wynceftria, MereLuve, Wvennibe Lltmerlawe, fierpclwdle, London & Ilo'leburiie* AkUiurgh Bede/ord, C.latione, Gxon. Wudifi. ke Bumeye. Lit.er.e dm Regis & Epilcopi. &c. Cliana funJaions Gulielini de Meffiindea -i.D. , ,,, i yard aucloribus abb ternponbu-f.,b6 aflignara ‘‘ Decim. Abb.mia: dc iMelfeiiden. in decanat de Burnham. ' ' I'xtent. Maner. tlou. de MiiTcnJen i -a 20 ^' Pagmie exiremm fori evanidie t fed "eodux nu.Tia haoM qu^ hilloriam eicfi Mona'terli. et Cominitm eii mi Liidciiigharaenris, bent illmlraiit. Codex menib.-anac.us. 36'g. Vincemii Bellovaceiifis Speculum hmoriai, 16 lil ris Codex membranaceiis, pujeher xv"' 3690. Pandeaarum librj la; cum gloffa lacipiunt fell. p„(l librum 31. Codex meiiibraiiaceus, cl uTii.,-, 3691. 1. Flavii Jofephi, Judaictc Antiquitati.s, libri iS Laiim., at imperlec'H, et prtecipue in due ; ubi excerpta Inn urpotius qtiam verba Hillorici. Coticluf.o a lie Belli Judaici fumpta efl. Scriplit Julianns de Viterbo, pro domino Guidoac'ii- Gonlaga proionotario A.D. 1457. a. uegclippi, Commentarinrum Aflorura Ecclcfialti- cor. non 0. Codex pulgliritudlne eximius, membra- naceus. * .3 9 2 . “ 7-"*' delivered for the more cal) atliimmg the fame, fo farre as feenieth neccllarv, m I.nglilh. In precepts more briefe and cerndii'e u-L- T hitherto Bv J. H. m.d.” ’ 1 his J. H., at the end of the dedication, \i hich is ad- knmh “ ; ■'“'■'■'r ■" I-Mi". diinds' more at length, J. Hatvkms. A Phyfician of the name of John Haiykiiis pubhllicd a traft on Latin particles in 16,, 3.- In his addref. to the reader he favs that he had pre- mendld‘’“^' 1 liu copy IS mofl fairly wi itlen, evidently for the r efs III the fecoiid leaf is an emblematical Eiipraving, ul h a Copy of Eilglilli verfes fubjoined, in explanation of it. XVII 3693- JulUnlanl Inailutlonura librl 4 : cum apparatu. Codex menibranaceus xiv. 3694. I. liti Livii Pjfavini Hircoriariim Dccas 4’*. xv. L.An. I'lori Hiiloriarum, Libri 4. 3^. Lpitome xiT decaduin Livii. Codex erat Bibliuthccai Buherianat a" 1721. Membra- naceus efl, et ornatillimus. ^ In i/1 primo folio fcriptuS eil hie titulus. “ In hoc pmatifli- ino codice cojitinei'Jur 'liti (fcr. Tiio Livi Pathavini de Bello Maccdonico Libri x. Bpiioma Lucii Plod, et Epitoma xiv decadum Livii.” 1. Titi Livii Palavini Iliftoriaium Decas 4“, de Bello Maccdonico. xv. 2. L. An. Flori [lidoriarum Libn 4. 3. Epitome xiv decadiim Li*ii. tlodex erat Bibliothcctc BuhenanjE a® 17:1. Membranaceus eft, ct vere ornatiHiiiius. L.exoviorum, qu! reperiri potuet-unt, Epifeopordm No- menclatura, notis illuftrata. xyii. Liber chartaceus, conftans paginis, S5. “ Pcrambulatio et Supervifus Terrarum et Tenemen- torum Donuiiii de Bmmfeylde et Yale in Comitatu Denbigh, parcella: polTenionum Caroli Principis Wal- iia:. Duels Ci/rnubite & Pboraci, et Coin/tis Ceftritc, quondam irip.')ninioneWiIjc'lmiStanleyiVIilitis,aIta pro- dilioneattincli, capra et facta A® 1620 perjoh. Norden, virtute commiiTionis ejufeiem principis, fub propria fua manu. ct fuillo fuo privato eidem Johi ct Johi filio fuo diredts.” xvii. This book, which is all on Pape'-, has an ornamented title page, after which is, A tabic of the manors, townfhips & hamlets belonging to the Lordlhips of Bromficld 6i Yale, as they arc digeiled in the book following.’ Then follow three largo & curious coloured drawings thus entitled ; “ The Platforme and upwnghr of the Caftle of Lyons ais Hoite Caftle, near the tnwne of H(dt, within thel.orJ- fhip of Bromfieid, in the C'-'untic of Denbigh, as ic was in A“ 1620, by J''lin Norden dcpuiye Surveyor to Sir Rich. Smith, Surveyor fJeneral 10 Prince Charles.” This Book, containing 339 large folios, befides the above, & a brief defeription of the faid Lordfhip fince the 4lh Eliz. ill 16 folios, was prefented to Lord Oxford byTho. Bowen Efq. lO Feb. 1735-6. as appears by his Lordfliips own writing at the beginning, with a Letter by W W‘" Thomas. 3697- “ Regiftrum Cartarum Rfonafterii B. Marie k S. Jacobi majoris de VValdeiia: factum tempore Johannis Fcn- telowe Abbatis 15, A.D. 1387.” xiv. l-iber membranaceus, grandis, elegans, folia habens 360, cum tabula plenillimain initio. 3698. Bernardi de Gerdonio, Lilium Medicinte, 7 libris r ferip- tum A.D. 1304 per Hen. de Ahnania, ftudio medicinte vacantem, in prseclari Studio Montis Pcffulani Sociuni. . X1V. Liber quondam Ilofpitalis S. Nicholai prope Cufam : membranaceus. Sccpe typis exferiptus, at .priino Venetiis 1494, in folio. 3^>99- I. Flavli Jofephi, dcantiquitate Judaica, libri 20. -de vetullate Judaica, Contra Apio- nem. libri 2. Cat. Harl. Vol, IIL Niim. ^700—^3705. Scriptus efat Codex I-lorentlx a® 1478, tnenibiSnaceus, ornatus, pulcherrimus. Scriba, qui eximium codicem fe perfeciffe fentiit, verba hfcc ad linem rubrica pinxit. “ -Anno falutis humanx mccccIxxvih® et .xiiii* men- , fis junii hoc celeberrimum opus floientis confumatum , elt, die autern Veneris: horavei^j diei xxM.aus, hoiiir, imperium, ct gloria fit omnipotenci Jefu Chrillo, per infinita feculoruin fecula. Aiiieru” 3700. Digeftorum libri 24: cum apparatd. Codex membranaceus. r37°>—3"42. 3701. Ma;.i(lri RaimuniH, poenitentia!, 3 partibos. Codei niembr. literis nitiioribus Gothicis, furaioa curl ferip- Tabular Aftrondmicx, fecundum Almanach Judei Pre- facii k Danekon. xv. Liber quondam Hofpitalis S. Nicholai prope Gufam, membranaceus. ^ 3703- I. Morieni, de trdhsfiguratione Metallordm, Dialogus. 2.. Exprfitio Specierum huic magifterio pertinentium. 3. Ortolani Clavis Sapientise majoris. 4. Expofitio Statutte Jofephi Philofophi. _ 5. Modus diftiilandi aquam fortem: & forma AIen> bid, cum Cucurbira. 6. Ariltotelis ad Alexandrutn Epiftola. 7. Tradatus Sawtry de occuha philofophil. 8. Democriti liber, de lapiJe occulto Philofophorutm p. Liber de occulto lapide Philofophorum, qui pra aliis lumine lucet. ^ 10, Liber Gracia; ...... ii Pradica Rafis, II. Ueclaratio Lapidis per Avicenham. I a. De proporrione Eleiiientorum fecundum Ricardum de Salopia. Liber chartaceus, fed perobfcurusi 37 ® 4 - Sententiffi totius Phyficas fermocinails & naturalis • fe libris, ut videtur, Ariftotetis extfadsei Codex mem¬ branaceus, fcripturjc obfeurioris. xv 270s. I. Conftitutiones provinciales Stephani Langtoh apud O.XOn. a® 1222; ^y -Bonifacii apad Lambeth, 1260; &apud Weftminftcr. 3 - -Johannis Pecham apud Redynp* & apud Lambeth. ^ ® 4 - ---Joh. Stratford. 5 *-Rob. Wynchelfe)', apud MertoPi 1305- ' --Oxonite, fcciinda?, a® 1200. 7 *-Symonis Mepham, Londini, 1228. O' - ■ — Steph. Langton, 1200. 9 ' -;-Joh. Stratford, fecundo. 10.-Symonls Iflcp, a" 1362. --— Sym. Sudbury, 1278. 12. Thom® Arundel, &c. Additur Index alphabeticus. F 13. Quarftio 54 Cacaiogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3607—3713. 13. Quxftio, an fine judiclaU ordine, nulla antefafta monitlone congruA, quis damnari valcat. 14. Ad Legem de crimine Pcculatus, Comraentarius. 15. InlTiitutionum Juftiniaui Epitome, xvii. Ad num. 12. Codex meinbranaceus, inde chartaceus. 3706. Schola Salernltana : cum Cotnmentario Villanovani: *x.$i*Ao5 ^ «T. 4 erof. Liber chartaceus, dare feriptus. XV. 37°7 1. BaldricI, Dolenfis Epifeopi, Hiftoria peregrinationis Hierofolymitanze. xii. 2. Petri Alphunfi, contra Juda:os Dialog! folia 3 prima. In primo folio ma::u receniiore fcriptum eft, de Baldrico. “ Ce Baldric aflifla au concile de Clermont, tenu an 1095 pour la guerre s'® dont il fair Thiftoire, ct mourut an 1131 : voyez Moreri, Diflronaire hillorique. Manuferit rare.” Codex membranaceus, bene conlcr- vatus. 3708. - Statuta Ordinis Ciftercienfis, compilata anno leS’q ec 1300. XIV. Liber membranaceus, in cujus folio primo hujurmodi argumentunx iribus verfibus concipitur ■, unde colledio in 15 paries diftinguitur, I. 3 . 3- 4- 5-. 6; Ordinat, indulget, fundat, facrat, canit, unit, 7, _ 8._ 9. 10. u_. Corrigit, ac viht, operatur, iter, recipicque I*. 13- I 4 -. > 5 -. Contrahit, ac victuni, commifTos, et moniales. 3709. Petri Blefenfis Epiftolffi 1C3. Cod. memb. Port Ep. 136 occurrit tabula Alphabetica ; etinferuntur 4 folia chartacea, in quibua feribuntur argumeiua Epiftolarum. xiii. 371°- Gregorii 9, Papa, Decretalia. xiv. Liber olim Hofpitalis S. Nicholai prope Cufam. Codex membranaceus, foliorumji. 3711- Pauli iEmilii, de geftis Francorum. liber 4 & 5. Cod. memb. optime feriptus, literis gotliicis. Extant omnino libri 1*. faipe typis exferipti. xv. 37 ‘ 2 - “ Cartulare Monafterii B. Petri Sc Pauli de Domina, Cluniacenfis Ordinis, Gratianopolitnnzc Diocefiosj ex* fcriptum ex antique codice munulcripto pergamanco, quod eft in potellate Domini de Bouchet Regii hiltorio- graphi Parifiis.” 1679. xvn. Cod. chartaceus, conftans foliis. 141. Extra fignatur, “ Cartulaire du Prieurc de Domeiie.” 3718. Luitprandi Ticinenfis Chronicorum, five Antapodofeos, Libri 7. Stylo altemo, partim foluto partim metrico. Sex tantumLibri in edilis confpiciuntur, ut aitFabri- cius. Extat ejufiJem libri pars, Num. jtSj. 3. Codex memb. vetus. x. Num. 3714—3716. 37 ' 4 - S. Bernardl Vita : tranferipta per Petrum Pjcinu:A Pifeienfem Domino, L. de Guicciardinis. xv. Codex chartaceus, bene feriptus. 3715* Jacobi Barcellt Genuenfis, Hifpanienfis Belli libri anno 1412 ad i444' Liber fmpeeditus. Cod. membr. pulcher. Defidcratur folium unuYn, in fine. xvi. 3 "i 6 ' Codex mediocriter feriptusj chartaceus, in quo inveniun- tur varii Scriptorum Itaiorutn traftatu--. xv. 1. A Imor.itarum {ut ferib.) Rerum Grzecarum per Leonardum Aretinum. i. AJ calcem fcriptum eft “ Fini- hujiis, cnmpletum per Jirobum Sihenkc de Sydawe, nationis Saxoiiiee.” ■ Poggii Fiortmini libellus contra avariliam. Decft f.’ ’’ms in initio, feti ad finem poiiitur. 2^. . Boccacii fahu'a de Tancredo, latinitate donatus per Leonariaim Aretinum. 47. 4. Laudes Ifalix. 5. Sapphu Fpillola Phaonl, perCvidium. i;e. b. 6. Panormitai Epigramma. 35. b. 7. J'.piftolte duv anonymic. ib. 8. -P. Vergerii ad Car. I.cr.om. 57. 9. -Leon. Aretiiii ad Jo. Nicolaum Veron. 60. 10. Epigramma Antcnii Panormictc, fub capita Vet* pafiani fcriptum. Ci.b. 11 Epillola qutedam fatirica ; “ cum tuos mores par¬ tim aliunde didicerim, partim prtefens aliquando per- fpexerim. 63. 12. Plutarchl ad Trajanum Epiftoia. 6 ''. 13. Epigramma de luxuria. ibid. 14. Guarini invectiva in Geo. Trabefumium 1431. 66. b. ic. L. Aretini Epiftoia ad Chiriacum. 72. 16. --adPe ggium. 73'b. 17. Epigrammata quzcclam iccentiorum et veternm poetarum. 7-, 18. Invciftiva T^eon. Aretini in Laurum Quirinum cum Epiftoia ejufdein. yS. b. 19. Exempla Graeca de Amicitia. 70. b. 20. Caroli Aretini in Leon. Aretinum Elegla. 8t. 21. Carmini edita perClar. v. Antlionium Liifciun. in funere illegitimi quondam principis, Johannis Galeaii ducis Mediolaneiifis. 8-’ b. 22. Defenfio Leon. Aretini pro tradudione Ethictc. 85. 23. Ant. PanormitK exhortatio aJ Barthoiomceum vie monie Politiano. 8?. 24. Verfus varii. S9. b. 25. Poggii ad Cofmam Medicen Epiftoia 2. 90. 26. -ad Antonium Lufcuni. gfj, b. 27. ■ ■— ill Franc. Philelphum invefliva, pro Ni- colao prima. 99.!). 28. -in eimdcm invediva fecunda. 103.6. 29. —-invediva quarta, et reconciliatoria. 127. 30. —-— Epiftolre 2. Leonardo Aretin.-i. 10?. 31. -Leonello de Eft. Kp. 2. quae in opcvilms non apparent. icv;. 32. -Carolo Arctino. j 1 33. -Oratioiune--ris tcrtla, in Nicolaum Nicho- lum. I i 5, 34. Incerii Epiftoia ad Prlncipcm quendam. '• No.i eft apud qucin q i.rar.” Eonoii. 1399. no. 35. Al'a. “ Haud ab rc futurum eifc arbitror.” 1 36. Lecn. Jiiftinianus Guarino. 1 ^ 37 - Bibliothecas Harleian^, Num. 3716- -3720. 27. F.pift. Ainbrofii mcnachi, Federico Cornelio. 138. b Popgii ad Guariuum Epiftol^ tres. 39. -Uisrnio Borronitnfu 40. -^\nior.io PaiioniiittT:. 41. Philelpiii Satira in Poggiuin. 42. Leonardu;; Arctinus Flavio Forlienfi. 43. Ileiiogubaii Otutio ad Mcrctrices. 4^. Lcoiiardus Arerinus Flavio Forlienfi. 4-;. Sennoaes, Epiilola;, &c. Ilieronj'ini, Auguftini et aliorum, alia uianu. 139. b 142 143. b H 5 147 149. b ‘53 3717- 4 F'.eraentis, et natura rerum, libii ig. Deell viccHmus, in aufturis prologo citatus, de moiu fiderum et planetarum. xiv. Clodcx mcinbranaceus, e varlis MSStls compadus, et cci'te variis in locis imperfeflus. Alexandro Neckara, l^de quo vid. ad num. 3737.) olim perperam afcriptus. 3718- Bon'facii 8 Papa*, liber fcxtus Decretalium ; cum Ap- paratu Johannis Andrea;. Datus Rom$ 1297. Codex inembraiiaceus, niirifice fcriptus, et adprime ornatus. FxciB- fine commentario ad num. 3663. xv. 5719- 1. Thomrc Florentini, demodo medendijTraiflatus. i. XIV. 2. Compendium Salerniic. 7. 3. Suir.ma de opiatis, fecundum Petrum de MulTandal. 14. b. 4. Dc Clyfteribus, fecundum eundem. 18. b. c. AHdotelis Kpiltola ad Aiexandrum M. de corpore liumano faiamdo. 27. 6. Gcraidi Glofa: fupcr viaticnm Ifaac, libris 7. 29. 7. Speculum phleboiomirc, potionis, et medicinre ex- crcund-.e, lecundum llipocratcm. 148. 8. Sphcrtc ad inveniendum grades Solus & Luns. 150. q. T he Veins of an human Body. 155. 10. Kalendarium. ' 136. 11. Tabula F.clipfeos Solis & Lun.T. ib2. 12. ——— Fdlurum mobilium, & Aflronomicas. 163. 13. P\ thagorre Sphera. 167. b. 14. Magnus Rogcrinus, de morbi'!. 170. 13. Magilhi Rogeri, Parva fuinma de purgationibus. 2 14. b. 16. -de dandis mcdicinis, Summa. 218. 17. Traclatus I’hilofophicus, a prima caufa ufq; ad houi.nem. 222. 18. De aquarum medicinalium confeftione. 251. >(). SummaUrinarum, focundum Galenum. 2-8. CO. Iracuitus pulluum, fecundum Salenium. 267. b. 21. Difta bona ad anni 4 tempera, ex Schoia Salcr- nitana. =473. b. Codex, maxima parte, mcmbranaccus, 3720, Antcnii de Beck, Decani de Lincoln gth Edw. in. Nor- wicenlis Lpifct'pi, 13 E. 3. l^egiilrum proprium me- morabilium ad fc penineniium, Ac. xiv. Notatu digna limt fcqueiitia. “ CommilTio Regis Edw. iii. prediclo Epifeopo ad ar- maml’ genres ad Anna in Com. Norlf. anno regni regis Anti’ tercio dccirao. Num. 3 720- In Anglia funt Ecclefie parochiales - 46260. Ville 5280. .. _ _ Feoda Militum 60215. in quibua viri religiofi tenent . - 28015. Comitatus in Anglia - - 35* Epifeopatus - ' - 17. Civitates . . * >9. Summa totalis Decime, fecundum ulcimam taxatlonem de terra tota Scotie - - ^^.3947 - 1918 Summa totalis terre Hibernia: 16: 3 Summe totalis Decime Anelie & ? „ Wallie . - . 20872: 2: 4f- Summa totalis omnium Decimar.1 predidar. perann. - - 26470: 18: 4^ Summa totalis laxationis Bonorum Ecclefiailicor. in provincia Cantuar. (exceptis Bonis Templariorum Sc Hofpitalicorum, nec non Bonis Archi-cpiEbor. et Epif. copi Dunelm. in eadem provincia Cantuar. exidentibus) ‘d. Unde Summaunius denarii de fingu- lisMarciscrit,” - - 1116 : 12 : 6. (N.B.) Proximum folium deed. Ad finem funt Nomina Prebendariorum Ecclefije Lin. colnienfis A.D. 1343. 3721. Chronicon Ecclefix Ellenfis, a Chrido nato ad A.D. 1465. Continet folia chartacea 86. xv. 3722. Francifei Petrarchce Africa, five de Bello Punico Poema, libris g. XV. Prxmittitur un'cuique libro argumentum duplex. Primum uno verfu ; fecundum, hexametris circa novcm conceptum. Argumenta hxc in editis non vulgb appa¬ rent. Monodicha hxc funt. j. Monltrat in adrigera primus regione bcatos. 2. F?.£la urbis, clarofque duces compIeSitur alter. 3. Geda hie Romulidum, et genils narratur origo. 4. Colligit inde ducis notifiima Lxlius a£ta. 5. Tridia quintas habet Numidte connubia regis. 6. Hannibal inde ferox Latia difeedit ab orS. 7. Vincit Romanus, fdccumbit Puniciis hie dux. 8. VifEs oftavas fprette dat munera pacis. g. Scipio fert nonofpeciofum ab hode triumphum. Codex fuper merabranam crafliufculam fcriptus, lite- mm dudlu admodum uniformi. 3723- Chronicon a creatlone mimdi ad A.D. 1258. “ In prin- cipio temporis ante omnem diem." Recenti manu notatum, ede fhoma Albi. Codex membranaceus, fads pulcher. 3724- 1. Girobaldl VTiitwhibauenfis, Profa I. xiii. 2. Manaflis Regis Oratio. 5. 3. Relatio feptem Dormientium. 2. 4. Verfus de Sanflo Petro Martiro, fingulis rocibus litera p. incipientibus. 5. Epigrammata duo. 5, _ 6. Silv. Geraldi Cambrenfis, Topographia Hiber- ■ . 5 * 7. Brevis oratio monachi cujufdam ad fratres. 8. Hymnus antiquus, cum fragments brevibus; 9. Traftatus brevis de Sacramentis. 10. Adriani Epife. Epidola ad regem Anglorum. 11. A very ancient creed in Englifti, with the Lords prayer in Englifli rhyme 12. Fridericusiniperatorad papam, cum variis verfibus plerumque rythmicis. ‘ 3 - Epidola 5*5 Catalogiis Librorum MSS. Num. 373;--3733- I •?. Kpiftola Valerii ad Rufinum ainicunifuum, dilTua- dentis «i nubcre. Codex membranaceus. 3’’25- 1. Chronica de Haylcs & Aberconwev. xiv, 2. RegiftrumCartarum Monallerii S. Marisc de Aber- conwey. Godex membranaceus. 3726. j. S. Gaulburgis Vita et Miracula. i.x. t. Pafchafji Radbmi, De corpoxe & fanguine Domi¬ ni, liber. Codex membranaceus. 3727- t. Nomina Epifcopafvum Orbis Chrifliani. xv. 2. Formularium bcribendonim in Cancellaria Apof- tolica. Liber chai taceus, e colkftione Seguier. 372R. AiEexanl de Aft, Sumina de Cafibos ; I.ibri 3 prhni, ex 8 qui in cdd. inveniuniur. xv. Liber Venetiis imprelTas A.D. 1480, ubi nomen fcri- bitur Aftefanus; hie luciilenter pcHikur Aftexantis. Codex chartaccus, bonus. 372 ' 3 - Polybii Hiftoriarunt libri 5. Latine perNic. Perottum. XV. liber quondam Hofpitalis S. Nicolai prope Cufam, chartactus. Opus idem ad num. 3293 occurrii; fed co¬ dex ille multo minus ornatus, et procemio, &c. caret. 3730* r. An ancient Copy ofVerfes, apparently addreffed to a King of- England, afferting the Sovereignty of that Kingdom over Scotland, & fuggefting the enforcing of it b)’ arms. 2. The oH Chronicle named Brute of England, which oGcura many times in this colleGion. It is parti¬ cularly deferibed by Mr. Wanley, at N®’ 24. 266. and I j68. This Copy has the prologues, correfponding with thofe in N“ 24. The prefent Copy is on paper, ill written, U in many parts imperfect, but with a continua¬ tion to the 30th Year of Henry VI. which is fome few years beyond the other copies. See 3945 ' *''• 3731- 1. Hermetia Trjfmegiltte Aftrologia. xv. 2. Mefteallte five MelTcallach, hpiftola. de rebus & eclipfibus Lunx, & conjunctionibus planetarum, cum aliis cjufdem feriptb. 3. Almanzoris Sermones Aftrologtcl. 4. Hermetic, de accidentibus Serntones. 5. TraGatus de Eclipfibus, feriptus 1431. Codex chartacfeus, maculatus. 3732- Barthoiomei de Pifis, Summa de cafibus Confeientix, Ordine Alphabetico. xv. Codex Chartaccus, feriptus i449i folia habens 198. .id.373S. 3733 - Galfridi dc Trano, Summa fuper Titulos Decretalium, 5 Libris. xit. Cod.memb. confiftens folds 194. Num. 3734 -— 373 S- 3734 - Tabula; Aftronomica:. .xtv. Liber oliin Hofpitalis S. Nicolai prope Cufam. Codex membranaceus. 3735 - 1. Fragmentum de figni.s ZLxliaci. xiv. 2. Venerabilis Beda; prelb. libellus dc Natura rerutiu capp. 52. 3. Ejufdein detemporibus. capp. ro. 4. Kalendariutn Liiicolnienfe, cum fub Canone, et tabulis computationis. 5. Johannis de Sacro bofeo TraGatus de Sphera. 6. -Cempotus. Et compendium dicti Com- poti. 7. AIgnrifinus. 8. Ricardi Angli Mimrire vulgares & philofiiphica;. 9. TraGatus Quadrantis communis five inoderni, cum fuis tabulis. 10. TraGatus de Sphera Lincnlnienfi. I I. Robert! Grofteft, Line, epi, Comj'xjtus. Codex membranaceus, ornatus. 3736. A curious book on plants, called in the former r.ilitii)ri ot the Catalogue, “ Peuringerorum Liber boianicus," but on what authority dues not appear. It confifts of five parts: 1. Firft, a complete alphabet of Plants, in the order of the Italian names. The plants diftiiiGly drawn in ink, & coloured; with German, & fometimes Latin names fiibjoined. This part coiifilts of 80 leaves, in tens, dif- tinguilhcd by the eight firft Letters of iheAlphabct j the five firft marked, the five next blank, as in printed books. ki many places the Author has delintated the legendary hiltory, fuppofed to illuftrate the nature of tlie Plants. xvn. 2. A Correfponding defcription of the Plants, in Italian, by John Cardamofto. 3. An account of foods of all kinds, by the fame, but not in alphabetical order. 4. An account of poifons and their remedies. 5. An account of Stones in alpliabeiical older, ending abruptly with “ Criftalo.” By the beginning of this part, it appears tltat thefe lall were four books oi’ one work by Cardamofto. The whole written, & drawn, on Paper. 3737 - Alexandri Neckham, de fanGo Albano, de naturis rerum, et Ecclefiaftice, libri 5. xiii. In fronte feriptum eft, “ liiccftLibcrS.Albani; quein qui abftulerir, aut titulum deleverit, anathema lit. Amen.” Codex bene feriptus, membranaceus. 373 ^ 5 - Barthoiomei de Pifis, Summa de Cafibus Confcientiic, ordine alphabetico; feripta A.D. 1455- Idem liber qui ad Num. 3732 occurrit, fed feriptus in membrana, cura eximia, et continens folia 226. Ad finem fubjici- turhtEc epigraphe. “ Confummatum fuit hoc opus in civltate Pifani anno diii :3 o 8. die 30 mcnfis decembris, tempore fanGifllmi patris domini BenediGi papa; .\ii. Atque feriptum et finitum anno Dorn. 1455. vigefiino die menfis Decembris, in civitate Cortonienfi.” xv. 7 Rcgiftrum Bibliothecae Harleianse. 57 ISmn. 3-735—37^1, 3739 - Rcgiflrum Churtarum Monaftcrii S.Crucis de Waltham. Codex folia habcns 215, et, quod m regiflris rarius elf, chartaceus. Bene tamcn Rriptus, htcris chartarum primis ligurarum ndiculariuii oniatu inhgnjtis. Sequitur Index, ul'que ad paginam 380. 37^0; 1. Sir George Mackenzie’s Ordinary of Armes of Scotts Men, in an Alphabetical Order. xvii. 2. A Cotleclion of Armci> of Scofts Men : & Orders about Bca'ings. ^25 3. Variation of the Armes & Badges of the KiiCs^of England, from Brute to the year 169-. 4. Scotoi-um Rcgu;n Ordo, Series, & Succeliio. Such are the number of pages marked in tfiis'^folio Volume, but from 377 to ao6 are torn out, & the remainder have been bou'.d inverted, 'i'here are behdes fome letters & otlier papers boufid in, & a good Index at the end. 37 + 1 - A folio paper volume, containing the following Articles. _i. A tract clearly written, in an old hand ; of which this title is given in the firftleafof the book, A tranf- cript of feveral antient Records concerning Yorkfliire.” It is extiafled from Doomfday book, the Red book of the Exchequer, &:c. and contains 29 written leaves. 2. Very fairly written, “England’s hpinomis/’ by John Selden Efq. In ten chapters, with a title to each. On 52 leaves. xvii. 3. A very curious tra£t, dated at the end, 1585, and mod fairly written, in common & old Englifh text hand. The general title written in the text hand is this; xvi. A Booke conteyning . the mancr & order of a Watche to be ufed in the Cittie of London upon the ♦ even, at Night of Saint John Bapilft and Saint Peter as in tyme pail hath bene accuftomed.” Then follows a table of the Wards, to which this title is prefixed; “ Mere followeth a tabic wherein is fet downe the divifion of the Wardes & Precinkes of the Cittie of Lon¬ don, with a declanition of the number of Souldiers S: AVeapon Wifller-s & Conftables to be provvded for the furnylure of a Marcliinge Watche as by the fame fhall appeare.” j_ After the table is this Account. “ As by the Table before written is expreded in breef the number of men & weapon to be prepared for the Martchinge Watche : So is here alfo diewed the Manner of Armour & Arminge of the faide men, together with the red of the furnyture aperteyninge, which men to be i'ett forth by the \vealthyed Commoners of ♦very Pre- finke fc Wardc, &. to be appoynted thereunro by the diredlion of the Aldermen ot the faide Wardes & their debuts.” 4. “ Souldiers 408 weaponed with callyvers Sc the fur¬ niture thereof as flalke, touchbox, match, powder, mor- rion, cote of male, fworde, daggar, k cleanlyehofe & for dcfaulte of cote of male, fome clenlye Jerkine, with fleves of male, & that tiieir mon ions be made faft under their chynnes fuldierlike.” “ ifflwmen 312, with bowes & fheffes of arrowes covered with led leather, fwordes, daggers, feulies in red fcottiihe capps ; their arinore to be brigantynes or Jacks covered with black fufUan, & clenlye hofe.” “ Fykes 408 talle men armed in bright corflets, burga- jietts, fwords, daggars, k clenlye hofe, the tacUs of their C.'i.T. Harl. VoL.llI. Ntm 3471 — 3746, Armor to be made fall to their thighs and the’r burga< netts under ih ir chynnes loldicrlike.” Halhcrdcri 72 armed in bright corilctts, fayerbur- ganetts, fwords da.egars, & clenlye hofe, their tacies and burganetts to be made fall as afi.Tefaide.” 2. b. Then follow the proper ptovifions to be made for the Watch,_ I. by .the 26WarJs, 3. by the chamber. by the maior & fhreves. 4. by the t d. Mayor, in his own perfon, to be in comely apparylle & well mounted on horfeback.” “ The fworde bearer in fayre Armor with faicr bacesalfo well mounted.”—“ Grave perfonages to tende & waite upon the Ld. Mayor, k to preleiit the Aldermen.” ^ ^ “ A computalun of the number of cref-etts, & c'ie.TetC lighte for the fcrvice of the flandinge Watche.” i o. “ i he conduction. Th’oflice or dutye of him tiiat fiiall leade or conduce the Watche through the Cittye in the right Couife.” j “ The order of the Martchc,” &c. from fjl. it to the end. In all, 19 leaves. 374-2. I Gulielnu Gemiticenfis Chronicon, de Ducum Nor* manorum Gellis; 2. Liber degeflls Apollulorum 45 Capp. Initio man- cus. 3. Liber qu; Regius dicitur. “ Sicut in omnibus fere hilloMis.” Iinpcrfeclus ad linem. 4. Petri de Alliaco, de concordia Aftronomic$ verE tatis et narrationis hiltoricre, Liber 3. Deed iniiium. 5 - ~——- ^ad gencrale Concilium, luper Calendani correflione. 6.-de verociclo lunari. 7 - de concuruia diicordantium Aftro- nomorum 7 raft. -Apologetica; defenfiones 2 Allro* nomica: veritatis. 9--imagine Mundi, Tnftatus. _ 10. johannis Norfolk, "•■ummula in aitem pro-relTlo. nis continutc 6c difeontinux. Codex membranaceus, elcgans. [3743—375S. Folh .~\ 37 + 3 - Digedorum feu Pandcaarum llbri 34 ; cum apnaralu Codex membranaceus. forma; maxima:, non male" confervatus. Canonis Avicenna; Libri a. j. 5:4; ex traidlatlone Onaldi Cremonenfis. Subjectis Fen priina et fecundi quinti Canonis. ’ Liber quondam Plofpitalis S. Nicolai prope Cufam Codex membranaceus. 3745 - 1. Serapionis Uber aggregatus in medidnis fimplid. bus: extranllationeSimonisJanuenfis. xiv. 2. Johannis, filii Serapionis, Libri Medici 7 : ei tranflaiione Giraldi Cremnuenfis. , 3. Hcben Mefna: Liber primus de fimplicibus medi. c;ms. Liber era; emptus in ufum Hofpitalis S. Nicolai de Cufa, a 1449. Codex membranaceus, pulcher. 374 ^- Clementina:Condicutiones,cumapparatuJohaanisAruira Codex membranaceus, xiv. L Johannis 58 Catalogus Librorurn MSS, Num. 3447—3749. 37 + 7 - 1. Johannis Garzonis Practica Medicina:, fecundum modum Avicennsc in viginti duas Fen diftincta. Scripta anno! 477. xv. 2. Johannis Spirin, de Soda influentiali, Traftatus. 210. 3. Nicolai Florentini, defebribus, Liber. 212. 4. Potri de Lbano, de Balneis, Traftatus. 233. 5. Gcniilis de Fulgineo, de Balneis Traftatus. 234. Codex chaitaceus, fplendidns. 37+8. T. Caleni, Jc Crifi, liber. xv. -• -de criticis diebus, Liber. _. 3 --de ingenio fanitatis, Libri 14. Latine per Giraiduni Cremnnenfem. -i- -de morbo k accident!, libri 6. . de interioribus, libii 6. - dejuvameiitis inembrorumj libri 9. 7 *-de complexione, libri 3. -de malicia compleciionis diverfe, liber Liber quondam Hofpitalis S. Nicolai prope Cufam, meinbranaceus, puicher. 37-L9. A very handfome thin folio, having the Arms of K. James imprefTed on the binding, with other gilt orna¬ ments, and the following illuminated Title Page : “ A Defeription of the Honor of Windfor, viz. of the Callle, Forclle, ’'A'alkes, Parkes, Rayles, Lodge , Townes, Pariihes. Hamletts, Houfes of note, Woodes, Riverv, Brooks, Bridges, Hills, Highwaies, and all other things memorable, within, or belonging unto the fiide Plonor, and the Liberties of the fame lying within, & extending into the Counties of Barke, Surrey, and Buckingham. Taken and performed by the perambula¬ tion, view and delineation of John Norden in Anno 1607. Suavis port laborem finis.” xvii, (.)n tile other fide of this leaf are the Royal Arms, & Supporters, &c. of K. James, richly coloured, facing which is a dedication to him. Then follows “ A cata¬ logue of the Tables or Mapps as they are placed in this booke,” viz. 10 in Beiks, 5 in Surrey, & 2 in Buck.s. The I ft. is a large folding flicet, containing a full bird’s e^’e View of the whole Caftic, Chapel, &:c. very minutely & well delineated richly coloured. The following Title is prefixed to it: “ Table I. In this table is contained an ample and trew defeription of your Ma'"' Caftle of Windefor, the Chappell, and all the material things thereof, as far as by a topographicall delineation can be exprefled.” "I'his is followed by a well v.ritte’i and concife Hiftory, See. of the fame. Table II- The Forefte with the feveral walkes, names of the Keepers & numbers of Deer, &c. and an Alpha¬ betical Table of particulars relcrring to the Map by letters figures, ice. 'i',.ble ill. Conuiineth a park con'olning the Caftle, called the Little Park, the contents of which are de- I'cribed, kc. Table IV. Comprehends the Great Park loimilein circuit, & 3650 Acres, kc. Table V. The Moat Parke, &:c. as deferibed. Table VI. Sunninge Hill Park, kc. Table Follie John Park, kc. as deferibed, 3 ^'c. Table Vill. Eafthamftcad Park, &c. Table IX. Swiniey Railes, Lodge, &c. Table X. compriltng 2 tables, viz, ift. Bridget railes, kc. 2d. Cianborne Railes, Lodge, S;c. Num. 3749—3755. Table XI. Guildford Park in Surrey, &c. Table XII. Henley Park, D". Table XIII. Comprehends all Workinge Paik, which is diftinguiflied under the names of the Great and Little Parkes, kc. Table XIV. Biflete Park in Surrey, &c. Table X V. Baglhott Park, D“ &c. Table IVI. Langley Park in Bucks, kc. as deferibed. Table XVII_. Ditton Park, At the end is the fum totals of all the Deer, number of Acres, &c. of all the Parks, S:c. 3750- Juftiniani Inftitutionum libri 3 priores, cum apparatu, ufque ad Caput de Emptione et veiiditione in libro ter- tio quod elk Operis cap. 75. Codex meinbranaceus. XJV. 3751 - 1. dementis 5“, Conftitutiones: cum appamtu Joh- Andreae. xiv. 2. DyniLedlura, de regulis Juris in Jure in Canonico. 3. Innocentii 4, Decretales: cum apparatu. 4. Gregorii ic, Decretales : cum apparatu. Codex membranaceus, oniatus. 3752. 1. Jufliniani, Inftiiutionum libri 4: cum apparatu. XIV. 2. -Codicis Libri lo"’ ii & i2r cum ap¬ paratu. 3. Novellarum Conftitationum libri 9 : cum apparatu. 4. De Feudis Liber, cum glollii. “ Ilunc Codicem Venetiis a Judmo quodam emit Chon- rad^ Peutingcr pro Ducatis tribus, A" 1500.” Codex puicher, membranaceus. 3753 - Codicis Juftiniani Libri 9, cum Glofla : occurrunt Libri 10. ii. 12. numero 3732. Liber memb. Idem Liber cum Comment' diverfo occurrit ad num. 3 7 S. XIV. 375 +- Codex membranaceus, formte majorls, fetiptura fpefta- bilis, et illuminationum quamvis impeifeflarum eie- gaiuH. Margines fuperlores putredo exedit, ita tamm ut literas nufquam atiigerir. Coniinentur varii poeta- rum Latinnrum libri. Siiiicct; xv. 1. P. Virgilii MaronisBucolicn, Georgica, et iEacIs. Defunt verfus quatuor ultimi Edogic fextar, et dtinccjj,., ufque ad Verfum 41 Edogse oeftavet, dimidio folii lenii exfeflo. 2. L. Anntci Lucani Bdlonira civilium libri i c. prtc- fixo Lucani Epitaphio, “ Corduba me genuii,” ice. 3. Pampmei {fiej Statii, Thebaidos Libri 5 primi, et Sextus ufque ad verfum 1 82, Ncquicquara, freenofq. ct colla rigentia tendunt. 4- Q. Horatii Carmina, ab Odevi verfu 23 libri i j etiain Sermones, Ars Poetica, et Epiftohv. 5. A. Perfii Flacci Satira:. 6. D. J. Juvenalis Satira prima, ufque ad verfum i ?i. 7. P.Ovidii Nafonis Metamoi-phofeon i.ibri tres primi, quartus ad verfum 194. deiiide, averfu 415. ad 63^. (^intus, a verfu 259. ad 478. Sextus a verfu 4. ad 22'i. 3755 - “ C mpotue (i. c. Computus) hofpitii Dni Ricardi (M.tlord) Sarislb. epifcopi, a primo die odlobii;, anno regni Regis litnrici quaui port conqucitum J ©dav®. Bibliothecas Harleiante. Num. 3755—3763- • oftavo, ufque eundstn primum diem oftobiis anno diii Kegis nono, et tranflationis difti dni Epi Anno undecimo.” Codex chartaceus; ad finem putredine exefus, fed falvd plerumque feripturi. xiv. 3756. The Rental of Gerald Ficz Gerald Earl of Kildare, A* 1518. Together with a Catalogue of his Platej Library, Horfes & Harnefs given away ; & an Obituary of the Geraldys. xvi. This is a large vol. of 2 26 folios of paper, not all written upon; very old, and much damaged. On a leaf of Parchment at the beginning, & end, is written “ xxni° April 1640,1 receaved this Bookefrom Mr. R. Dowles:” and under the former are the Arms of John Duke of Newcaftle, &c. from whom many of the MSS. came. 3757- Avicennas Canonis liber tertius, in Fon. 22 divifus. Liber olim Hofpitalis S. Nicolai prope Cufam : mem- branaceu?, beneferipeus etfcrvaius. Num.3764._3-768; 375S. Juftmiani Codicis libri 9 : cum Gloffa. Liber bene feriptus, membranaceus. Compareturnum.3753. [3759— 377 ^- Quarto.] 3759- Rcgiflrum Chartarnm Prioratus S. Maris de Blida vel Bliih in Nottinghame. xiii. Codex membranaceus, folia habens 158. In initio, nonnulla Anglice feripta, ad nuineruin 3040 baud dubie referunt. 3760. Thomse Brumpton, Rofienfis epifeopi, Sermones. Codex membr. Incipit a foUo 11-' prorc finem Sermonis tertii. Procedit ad fol. 329. et Sermonem Jo8. Sub- jicitur Index. 3761. Deutcronomii Liber glofiatus. xiy. Cod, membr. Defunt verfus tres uldmi. 3762. Ifaite & Danielis Prophetix gloffat^, xii. Cum prologo ad Daniclem. Cod. inemb. 3763- Repanim Chjrtamm Monjfterii S. Mariic de Evefliam. Codex membranaceus, folia habens a 12, Ad finem In- dex, ab Tl. Wanley in videtur, formatus ; cuius maim htec, m initio, Anglicc infcripia habemus. “ Memorand. men Henry Fleetwood of Penworthen Llq. dupofed or this book to my noble I.J. Harley he referved to himfelf and family a right of borrowiDg the fame out ot the Library, whenever (upon occafion of contefis with the Bps. of Cheller) it /hall be necelTary to produce it at trials in public. And accordingly mv I d was pleafed to lend it to Mr. Fleetwood for that purnofe the la/l Summer. _ In token of this Covenant which was made with my Privity, & for the certain information of Pofierity, I do hereunto put my name, this 2d day of March 1 7 U W^r.ky." Sequitur Epiftola Henrici I'lcetwood June 2. 1721. „ 3704- Rcgiarun. Chartarnm Monallerii B. Maria de Lanca/lcr. Shmindire™'’"™'™"^’ folia habens^'si. o 3765. RemftrnmCantarix, in Ecclefia Cathedrali Waterfordenfi Itabilltx. Llbdlus iiieinbranaceus, folia habens 4- : bene fer,pins et ferratns. Ad lol. 39. ■■ d he States of the Goodes men, houfes, b.fide the Family SthedraY” ' “ XIV. 3766. Codicis rubr! Abbalhlte de Waltham, pars; In qua con- . tinentiir, 1. Pars hbri cut titulus, Liber niger ; qui fuit in- ventus cum Cruce magna de Waltham S. Cruets. Et agjt praapue de vtrtutlbus Crucis ct miraculis. xiv. 2. Palito S. Marci. g 3- Podicatin Ecdefie Jlichaelis Archangeli: Et Mira- cula ejufdem Michaelis. g 4. Gcnefis Marie vlrgims, Jofephi,&Chri(ll,i4 & ,o.' 5. Gregoni M. Papa: Miracula. ,5 B. VirgiS“' do gandiis 7. De inventione & exaltatiene S. Crucis. TraedatS.' a. Ux. iigno Dommico, Narratio. tolor Ooationis Dominlce & Symboli alpof. to. Leoms i, & S Martini Sermones de jejunio. verfui. ""“"ora appr^rinquantis, 12. Adm Carthnfienfis Sermones 2, dc Confefiione. 13. S. Bernardi Didla notabiliora. fervaS et bene cotl- exa'j^u? '“0* Gothicis grandiorlbus 3767- .. Andrea Magorenfis epi, Gubernaculiim Coitcillo. rum. Sive dc regnlts qua ad Concilia pertinent iracdatus. 2. •' Traftatus de fquaioribus Romana Curie vidua etnimecortLerirL 3. Nicolai de Gavir, de ruperilitionibus, liber. 14, e 4. Ueternrento Sc azimo.liber. 0- S- Joliamis Antlocheni Patriarcha, de generaliiiin Concihorum potellate, Ti adatus. “ neraimm 6. De potellate Concilii BaCIlcnfis, Traedaus mods.” folpoudens argumentis contra pramllfa 9- “ P'a'ogti.! inter Jacobum etJohannem Reforina. 3768. r. Johanms Gualenfis, Cummimiloqultim de regimine yita humana, Itbns 7. V. Jialeum. --'cgimine d-rida™?'“ de cfficio Mai, 3- DeConcilio BaClienfi, Traclatm. “ Cogltami huic facregeneral. Smodo .SpMtu fat,tin legitime con-reraK quid vohis vciierab.ltbus Jnhmni ^ Atidrec," ° ® ’ 4 - Petri ' 'll 6 o Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3768—3772. 4. Petri de Aliaco.Traciatus de reformatlone Ecclefise. 5. -de poteftate Paps, liber. 6. Nicolai de Fakenhani, Oeterminatio de Schifmate inter Boiiifacium papam et Benediflum antipapam, Oxo- nis, 1395: cum aliis conclufionibus de eodem Schif- mare, et epiflo.a ad R. Francis pro reformatlone dicti Schilmatis. 7. Utrum oniverfalis Ecckfia fit fupra Papam, difpu- tatio. 8. De Conflantini donatinne, narratio. “ Confiantinus Imperator coronam & omnem regiam dignitatem.” 9. Francifci de Mayronis, do indulgenciis, Sermo 10. Bonifacii 9, Paps, de primatu, decretum: cum Fr. Mayronis expofitione. 11. Francifci de Mayrone, de .pcrfedtlone ftatuuin, qujellio. Codex in tenui membrana fcriptus, carie exefus, prs- fertim ad finem : annotacionibus viri cujufdain dofli in marginibus illullratus. 3769. Gulielmi Horbnrcb, Colledio Determinationum five Decifionmn Rots, ab A° 1376 ad 1381. xv. Codex chartaceus. E. Bibliotheca Nicolai Jofoph Fou¬ cault, comitis Confiftoriani. 377 °- 1. Ravmundi Lullii, Ars brevis. xv. 2. -de anima rationali, liber, Romx com- pofitus, 129. 3. ————Phyficorum liber. 4.. —- Demonftrationis Articulorum Fidei, liber. Ravmundi Lullii, de prxdeftinatione Sc libero ar- bitrio, liber. Codex initio membranaceus, poftea chartaceus ; per eundem virum doftum qui apud nura. 3768 fcripfit, bre- vibus notis illullratus. 3771- 1. Quinti Julii Hilarionis, five Hilariani, libellus Chro* nologicus, De duratione mundi five deCuri'u temporum. (De quo vide Fabric. Bibl. Med. et inf. Lat. Lib. 8. I'ub llilariane.') Scripfit Audlor circa A.D. 397, xiii. 2. Chronicon vetus et femibarbarum, ab audlore gi- noto Gallo, in tribus libris, e.x Hieronymo, Idacio, Ifi- doro, et Gregorio Turoiienfi Epifcopo, compilatum. vid. prxfat. lib. 3. Audtor ipfe ftyli fui rullicitatemfiEpe agnofcit; et prx- fationem libri fecundi fic orditur. “ Decedente atque immo potius pereunte ab urbibus gallianis liberalium cul- tura literarum.” &c. Titulus hujufce libri his verbis, quod mireris, conceptus ell. “ Incipiunt capitula libri quod ell excarfum (i. e. excerptum) de Chronica Gncum Epif. Thoronenfis.” Deduftum ell Chronicon ufque ad annum primumCaroli inagni et Carlomanni. Sell. 768. Codex membranaceus, vetus, fed fcripiura fads clarus. Non multx elegantix, fed qui curiofis potell in pretio elTe; et forte urilitatem nonnuilam, in rebus falteraChro* nologicis, prxfeferat. 3772- I. Jordani Rufi de Calabria, militis et faruiliaris Fre¬ deric! 2di Imperatoris de Equis liber, fex capitulis com- prehenfus. i. Opus hoc, feriore manu, Mauro, qui traflatum fecun- fcripfit, perperam donatur. • Num. 37;o_3,_^. 2. Magiflri Mauri, liber marifcaliix, five traflatus de curatione equorum. 14. b. 3. Liber anonymus, ut videtur, de equi.s ; in tres partes diviius, quarum iterum in partes quatuv)r. 20. 4. I-rreiii ad Bjlhn. de curatione equorum liber, e Gnecn in Latinum tranflatus. 41 b. 5. Liber Marelcalcuu, in capita 50 divifus; code.x autem ad caput 33'“ abruinpitur. * 58. b. Codex membranaceus, fatis bonus. Conllai toliis omnino C9. .^ 73 * Codex membranaceus, ferinturre gnindiori?, ct farilioris, ita tan.cn ui vetullatem litis Ip.ret, in quo contmen- tur ; _ XII. 1. Galfridi Monumetenfis ILfioria Britonurn, cum proiogo aucloris recentioris ad f'.unc ipium codicem ac- comnioduto. Inrerpolaniur, pull primuni folium, quin- que folia ex hilloria nonnulln poniificum defimipta ; defi- deratur igitur iuitium hillorue Galfridi, quee ad fol 7. incipit, ad hxc verba. “ in inuha Iniiia contritus ell. Dato igilurin i'atis Bladud foil, ad liiiem 14' et initiuin 15' Capitis libri primis. Ubi norandnm eil pro •‘ilito’ (quod in Cod. bono ad num. 225 etiain fcrib.tur) elTe 111 edd. “ Concednitc." liitc-r folium 14 et 15 occurrit hiafus mnximus. fcil. a cap. iH. Lib. i. a verbis “ a tempore atavuruiii l eferva- tus,” ufque ad cap. 5. Libri 5. ad verba *• vr^/^lJrentur. Lavabant nempe kpides.” Nec, in hoc loco, textus ultra duoJi,''lia feriatim procedit; poltei omnia ita pennixta et confufa, ut in CoJice notari potius quarh in Catalogo dcfcribi pollinr. Nofata ergo invenientur, inea manu, juxia Editionem Badii. A.D. 1507. Ad folium 21, nevus ordo incipit, a verbis “ mirtebat. Arridebat ei J'reqiiai- ier” (Ld. multotiens) in Cap. fecuiido Libri fexti. Inde, ufque ad finem Uiltoria:, codex perfeftus efl.; nifi quod a leclinnibus-Kdd’" irequenter, et pterunique, ut videtur perverse, dilcedar. Codex lorfaii aufloritatis non niuliiu, fed dignus tamen qui a novo Editore iiilpi- ciatur. 2. “ Mappa Mundi ” five deferiptio univerfis orbir. 55.ad 6S. 3. Fi-agmentum Lcgendm allcujus, quatuor folia oc- cupans. a 6g. ad 72. 4. Chronica 'Frevirorum: ex Ciefaris Commentariis de Bello Gallico et aliis h lloriis compilata. 73. ad 100. 5. De dedicationeTemph per Salomonem, et ejus peeni- tentia. loi. ad 104. A proiogo, et carminibus Leoninis, in folio primo codicis hujus apparer, tres folmnmodu fibres nb initio habuilfe. Scilicet, Hilloriam Britonurn ; Mappam mundi, ut vocatur; ct chronica Trevirorum. Tandem vei'b multa ex eo amiffa, et niulta perperam illata: iitquinque folia ex hilloria pontificum, Fragmentnm Lcgenda:, et res ad Salomonem pertinentes. Conferendus cll codex cum num. 225, qui antlquior, et certe muho perfedior. 3774- Liber Job: cum CloCa. Codex-membranaceus. xiii. 3775- Codex membranaceus, materiS et fcrlptur' varlus. 1. Vita Thoms Becket Archiepil'copi Cantuariehfii?^ vcrfibin; Gallicis. xiii. 2. Hilloria Fclicire filiar Comitis Warwicenfis, & Giii- donis filii Seguarti difpenfatoris ejus, aliter died Guido Warwicenfis, verfibus Gallicis ; imperfeda. 8 3. “ Verfus Bibliothecas Harleiatlas. 6t Nura. 3775, 3776. 3. Verfus fequentcs funt fafti ad copifandam (cora- pilandam ?) fententiam Decred : Et deferviunt per ordi- nem diflinftlonibus & qaeilionibus caufarum; ita quod primus priina:, fccundus fecundas. & fie de aliis ultimo in dillmi 3 :ionibus hunt. Veruntamen 64 & 5 diflinflio- nibus unus verfus tiefervit.” Sic titulus in ipfo Cod. Ad jus canonicuni pertinent verfus. 4. Chronicon a Chrifto nato ufq; ad A.T). 1266. 5. I'abuia brevis chronologica, lecundum Bedani. 6. Vita Robert! de Knafburgh : per Ric. Stodley i'eripta. Iinpeifefta. Sequitiir, folio unico, fragmenium incertuni. 7. Nomina Vlcecoinitum London, a tempore Regis R. I; Et Majorum ah a” 1 i R. Johannis, (quando Hen- ricus filius Alwini primus Major fuit) ufq; ad II. 6; together with a fhort Chronicle of that time. xv. 8. “ Nomina illorum qui fraternitatem S. Alban! fufee- perunt.” 9. Chronicon, ab a’1421 ad 143c. 10. Supplicatio pelTima, porre£la per Juhannem Scharpe Humfredo Duci Glovernia:, Regni ProteSori, in fubverfionem Eccicfias.” Et in fine, “ Explicit Suppli- catio fupradiiSa, non catholice, fed heredee pori efta.” 11. Deferiptionovi Altaris S. Albani. 12. “ Qualiter Abbas Wedmonaflerii prlmam fedem in Parliatnento fuperAbbatem S.Albani primitus ufurpa- verit.” 13. “ Quomodo W. Rex Conquefior ab/lulit Abbati S. Albani totum dominium, a dicta villa pene ufq; ad London Ston.” 14. De dedicatione Ecclefix S. Albaiii. 15. Nomina Abbatum Ecckfia; S. Albani, ufq; ad an. 1300. 16 Monumenta Ecclefia: S. Albani. Deferipdo in quibufdam locis manca. 17. Hifloria Patriarcharuni Abrahami, Ifaaci, 5 c Ja. cobi, verlibus Gallic!?; ax.paXo? KT£^iro>. xni. 18. “ Galfridi Vine Salvi, (Vine Sauf) de artificio lo- quendi, poetria.” In ultimo folio Traftacus tertii hoc oc- currlt Epitaphium: “ Quifquis eris qui tranfieris, Ila, profpice, plora, “ Sum quod eris, fueramq; quod es. Pro me “ cor ora. “ Si fervis ut vis, hoc quod volo, non dabo quod' “vis. “ Ut volo fi fervis, non quod volo, fed dabo “ quod vis. “ Miles in anna ferox bello captarc triumplium, “ Et folitus vaftas pilo transfigere fauces “ Serpends, tetruin fpirands peclore fumum, “ Occultas cxtlngue faces in bella, Georgi. “ Virgo Deum complexa fmu, fer\'ando pudovem, “ Virginis & Matris fundens per fecula noinen, “ Afpice compunftos animos, miferata tuorum, “ Janua fum vittc, voloparcere; clamo, venite, “ Qui dapibus pafei cupitis, celuq; renafei. “ Lac lavat vinum. Oleum liquore fabariim. “ Incaudura vino, fet ferrum felle bovino. jlor.ij't ; pre- S 3776. Codex menibranaceus. 1. Vita & miracula Haroldi quondam Regis Anglor. fo. xn. 2. De inventione S. Crucis de Waltham, Traftatus. 3. Chronicon breve Anglice, ab A” 1066. ad 1128. “ Primus Rex poll conqutlluiu fuit Willelmus Bafiar- dus.’’ 4. Vita S. Brandani. 5. Kenrici, Saherienfis Monachi, Narratio de Purga- torio S.Patricii. 6. Vita Tungalii Cairelenfis epifeopi. 7. Vifiones inferni 3. “ Senem quendam venera- bilem.” Cat. IIarl. Vol. III. Num. 3776, 3777. 8. Bonaventurte Meditado. “ Transfige, dulciflime Jefu.” 9. Verfus fosminam deferibentes. “ Femina fons fellis, fonsfumans, fiftile fafma, “ Priraum pomellis prefumpfit prodere plafma.” 10. Martyrologium Sanclorum in Anglia, Wallia, et locis finiiimis. 11. Calendarium. [3777—3809. R/io.] 3777* A folio of 202 original letters from Learned men to Mr, Humphrey Wanlcy, from the rear 1692, &c. 1&2. From J. Jackfon to H. W. at the IVIaller’s Lodge Univerfitv College. 3. From Dr. Ibbot, Lambeth Palace, to the fame, about the return ofMSS. 17:4. 4. From James Jeffrey, Pcmbrokc-IIall Feb. ir, 172|.. about the difcoveiy of a parcel of Gold medals of E. 3d. in digginc the foundation for King’s new building, the legends of which are there copied. 5. 6. 7. Short letters from Geo. Inch about books, no dates. 8. Another trifling one from John innes, in the Strand, 1708. 9. 10. Two others from Bell Jones 170;. 11. Bar. Jones All-Souls, & John AnRis & Jo. Baron, to Mr. Wanley at Wimpole Cambridgefhire abour Mr. Lhuyd’s books & MSS. for Ld. 0 .\ford. &c. 12. A trifling letter from Rob. Keck, without date. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17-Letters badly written from Geo. Keith a quaker, about books, See. to the faid H. Wanley, then Keeper of the Library at Univerfity College. 18. A letter from Charles King dated Grendon (Co. Warw.) Apr. 4. 1C92. which begins with “ Mr. Chet- ^vynd defigned to have gone this day to Ingeftre, but was prevented by the floods”—“ I will bring with me out of Staffordfliire Mr. Soniners Didionary, & the Evangelica Saxonica & Gothica (given me by Mr. Junius) 6 c another Saxon Trad which I accidentally bought at Lichfield, w^'' may be of ufe to your Studies in that Tongue,” See. This and feveral following letters are in the fame beautiful hand as many of the Chetwynd MSS in the poReflion of the late Stebbing Shaw. See his AdvertRe- meiit to Vol. II. of Staffordfhire P. xxviii. 19. The fame to the fame. May 2.1692. 20. Another from the fame, May 28, wifhing Mr. Junius’s colledionwas publiflied, or in fuch hands as Mr. Wanley’s, who would fpare no pain- to make it fit for thePrefs, &c. This concludes with an Epigram on Sr, G. Mackenzie’s Pidure. 21. A Ihort one from the fame, about his acquaintance with Gregory King. Aug. 13. 1692. 22. From Gregory King, dated Coll. Arms London Aug. 16. to Mr. C. Kmg, at Ingeftry, about Mr.Wanley wilhing to get a Situation in that office, &c, 23. From C. King to Mr. Wanley with the above in- clofed. 24. The fame to the fame : thinks its a hard cafe after he had ferved an apprentiffiip to a Draper at Coventry he Ihould ferve Mr. G. King as long for an Office of j 4 or 15 1 . per Ann. with other matters curious enough. Sept. loih 1692- 25. A few lines from the fame about going with Mr. Chetwynd to London. Grendon Nov. 2d. 26. Another letter from the fame, dated London Jun. 16. 169-.. About Sr. John Cotton & a book of his, See. allb recommending to him a young man, Mr. Pare a Draper, mailer of the bell Study of books, & the bell fcholar of his age, See. 27. Another Catalogus Librorutn MSS, Kum. 3777. 27. Another from the fame, which feems to Corre£b his former opinion about Lyfimachus, &c. 28. Fromthe fame, dated Ingeftre, Nov. 14.—93. mentions his being unfixed in that Country fmce the great lofs of Mr. Chetwynd, yet fhail never forget Mr. "Wanley. That morning takes his final leave of Ingeftre, after 15 years refidence, but defigns to refide till Xtmas at Dr. Fowke’s at Wirley, Stafford', & go from thence to his chambers at Oxford. 2^ Another letter from the fame dated Rugely, Apr. £. 1694. about the books arriving fafe ; is charmed to flay at Wirley longer than he intended, with his good and learned friend Dr. Fowke. Concludes with oblervations upon coins and books for Wanleys fludy of them. 30* 31* 32. 33- 34 - 35 - Short Letters from Rich. King at Exeter 1701-a. about Saxon MSS. of Mr. Burf- cough, &c. Dr. Rennet’s quarrel with the Bp. of London, who filenced him, and ordered his Church doors to be Ihut, which he contemned ; and that the Bifhop of Sarum preached a fermon in vindication of the Dr. in Alderf- gate Church. 36. Another from the fame, comforting him very religi- oufly, &c. in his illnefs, &c. 37. A fhort letter from Charles King at Grendon be¬ fore Mr. Chetwynd’s death, therefore mifplaced. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Letters from J. Kimberley Cov. 1695 101700. congratulating Wanley on his fitua- tion at Univerfity College Oxford, & requefling him to examine a MS. in the Bodleian, the Author being Titus Livius de Frulonifih^ an Engli^ Hiftorian often cited by Stow, &c. 43. From Mr. James Knight formerly of Cambridge, & of Northwold, about an Epiflle prefixed to a MS. Bible in the Library of Trinity College Camb. wherein mention is made of the Art of Printing. 44. From Mr. Jenkin Knill, dated Goodridge May 12. about a medal found near there with feveral others, it being all copper about the breadth of a Half-crown with a fair head, and about the ring “ C.®sar Traganus Hadrianus Auo. ImP. The reverfe, legend Pont. Max. X.TRPOTCOS. III.”&c. 45. 46. Two letters from'W. Lancafler St. Martins, London 1716, about the Floyd MSS. & another book in Jefus Coll. Library for Ld. Oxford. 47—8—9. Short Letters from Timothy Langley about other MSS. 50— I. From W" Latton Grays-Inn 1712. about his family in Bucks, &c. 52. From Mr. Charles Lee, no date. 53, From Tho. Leigh 1697. 154. From Edm. Bp. of Lincoln, Lambeth, 1716. 1^5. Bernard Limott, Bookfeller about, yfn* tiquitates Roma, & other Antiquities,&c. at Rome. 36. From Arthur Lugg, Berkfiiire. 1^7—8. A curious letter from Edw. Lhwyd dated Swanfey 1696. to the Revd. Dr. Mill Principal of Edmund flail, Oxon, giving a defeription of a Monu¬ ment, with a copy of the long Infcription thereon at Maes y Grdes in the Parifli of LhawDyfilio in Den- bighfiiire, tranferibed A" 1696. 39. Another curious, long letter dated Oxf. Sept. 2in:. 1702. from the fame to H. Wanley about Lichfield Gofpels, or TextusSci Ceaddx (now remaining in that Cathedral Library) & the bookbinders having mangled the marginal notes. This letter conclude? with a quota¬ tion fromthe Leiger Book of Landaff, about the year 929. 60. Another long & learned letter from the fame to the fame, dated Aplcton Jan. 6. 170^. with many curious obfervations about Irifh & Britifli words & MSS. 61. Another from the fame learned Keeper of the Mu- feum at Oxford, dated Apleton Fcbr. 8. 1704. about the fame curious fubjefts, which further adds that he communicated a copy of the Monument of Prince Kad* Kum. 3777. von (a rude ftone above the Church door at LI. Gad* walder in Anglefey) to Mr. Flicks of Trcvithic,which he fhewing with others to Dr. Mufgrave of Exeter, the Dr. begged copies of them & fent them to Dr. Sloane who has printed them in the Philofoph. Tranfaftions. 6 z. Another from the fame, dated Oxford, Feb. 2. 1705. about the terms of tranferipts fromthe Afhmolean, &c. with an extraft from the fame as a fpecimen, alfo about interliiiedwords in the Cambridge juvencus, which he finds to have been Caledonian Britifh. 63. 64. 65. Two letters from Mr. Eleazar Marchant of Guernfey, 1707, about books front France, &c. and a few lines from Mr. J. Marchant his brotlier. 66. A fhort letter from W. Maffey, Northlcach; Apn 1725. about the Pemi.. in the hands of Mr. E/cu-rr in Southbroom near Devizes ; the price 50 1 . Only 17 in Number. 67. From J. Marfliall May 30. inquiring whether Mercurius Gallo-Bclgicus is in the Cotton Library, or the Mercure Francois from 1600 to 1636, he having fearched Sion Coll. & the Library by St. Martins Church in vain, &c. 68. A French letter from Martels, Paris 1723, about books, &c. 69—70. A Catalogue, &c. in French, by the fame hand. 71. A fhort letter from M. Mattaire, about a copy of his Annales Typographici 1719. 72—3. From the fame, about dining with Sigr. Zam- boni of Amflerdacn, in Conduit Street. Aug. 1725. 74. Another about his Greek MS. 75. Alfo about meeting Dr. Flale, fire, to dinner at Ld. Harleys. 76. Another about his 3d. Vol. of Annales Typogra¬ phici Jan 1721. 77. From Rog. Meredith 1702. 78. From Mr. James Mickleton of Furnivalls Inn, about an antique Seal 1714. 79. From the fame about fome MSS. in New Street Fetter Lane, above his pocket. 80. Another from the fame, dated Gray’s Inn March 6. 1715. about Mr. Hefietines letter, & his finding old fervices in the Church of Durham, written at the Refor¬ mation, bcc. alfo about Mr. Anderfon’s Pidure and Wan- ley’s, &c. 81—2. Others from the fame about trifling matters. 83. From the fame to the fame at Ld. Harley’s at Winipole, Cambridgefliire, about his Uncle Mickieton’s illnefs and affairs calling him to Durham, & theprogrefs he had made to add to Ld. Harley’s collections. 84. 85. Two other trifling ones from the fame, Grays Inn 1717. 86. A Trifle from C. Middleton, mentioning Canter¬ bury 1722. 87 to 91. Short letters from EJ. Millington, London, 1697 to 1701. 92-3. F’rom C. Milvvood, Cov. March 1701*5. about an old Bible printed 1539 in large black print with many cuts in it. See. price 6s. 6d. 94. About the fame, being an old family bible not to be purchafed on any terms. 95. From the fame Od. 1710. having been in Staf- fordlhire about the faid bible, (at a relations feemingly. Q^y. Milwards, now Bookfellerat Walliil, who is of the old Dcrbyfhire family ?) but could not learn what is be¬ come of it. 96. 96.* Two French lctters_ from Aymon Miniftre, &c. to Monfieur Drummond & Dr. Stubbs, Oxford, 1716' 97. 98. From Dr. Jo. Mill principal of Edmund Hall O.xford, 1702, about Divinitv books, &c. 99. Mr. R. Minfhall the Catalogue maker to Mr. Noel Bookfeller, Pater Noller Row, 17tj. 9 too. 101. Hr Bibllothecge Harleianae< Num. 3777. 106. 101. H'’Mitchell, Greenwich 172^.4.; 102-3.' Small French Letters from F. de Montitiollln, London 1707. 104. A Latin letter from Bernardus de Montfaucon, I721, about the Harleian Colleftion, &c. 105. From Bernard Mould, London 1745, 106. From Dr. More Bp. ofNorwich 1697,about the Origin and Invention of Printing, &c. 107. From Rice Morgan, Bangor 1697; about copy* Ing for him Libanius’s Oration on Julius the Apollate's death, in the Publick Library Oxford, & to know how the R. P. Literaria goes on, &:c. to8. From the fame, thanking him for his account of Rate ofLeaming at Oxford, &c. alfo requeltinga copy of Dr.Wallis’s Latin letter conceniingtheHiflory of theMo- nafteries of England, written on one of the white leaves of Wanley’s Repertorium Monafticum. 109. From the fame, about the truefituation&etymo- logy of Pen-mon in Anglefey, over againrt Prefton Ifland, where are the ruins of a chapel dedicated to St. Siriolis, &c. 110. From the fame, about the Bp. of Bangor’s wifh- ing him to look for a thin folio Spanifh MS. on Vellum in the Library, among others of that language, which MS. then belonged to Mr. Braddon. 111. From Aaron Mofes,a Jew, 1714,about a Book. 112. A French letter foin Lamotte, >707. 113. From the Rev. Bernard Mould of Effex about MSS. &c. 1724. 114. From Salomon Negri about Mr. Xerxes, 1725. 115 to 118. Short letters to Wanley about the affairs «f the Society for propagating the Gofpel, of which he was then candidate to be Secretary, figned Nelfon, 1701, at Woodcote. 119. From the fame, cenfuring Mr. Chamberlayne’s complaints to the Society, & in great praife of Wanley’s conduft, 8fc. alfo for his fervices to the Dean of Worcefter; who,itisfaid,may bedefervedly placed inthefirftrankofthe Great Men of that age. To this letter Wanley has added fome pointed remarks on Mr. Chamberlayne’s Condud, 120. From the fame about the fame, & defiring him to inform Dean Hicks that he received a letter from Bp. Frampton, who fays all the ftories told of him in piint are wicked lyes, having taken no Oath, nor any hopes of preferment fince call out ofhis own, &c. 1701. 121. From the fame, at the Countefs Dowager of Berkeley’s, Cranford Jan. 170^. 122. Another dated Blackheath the fame year, men¬ tioning the Dean of Chichefter to ferve the Society, &c. 133. D 'about Mr. Bcnet Reftor of St. James’s Col- cheller, &c. Dr. Maningham’s opinion about the Etymology of Maundy Thurfday, being the day our Saviour inllituted the B. Sacrament, therefore called dies mandati ; tho’ Spelman derives it more probably from the French word Maunde, w'*’ fignifies fportula, &c 124. Another from the fame, about Mr. W. being Secretary to the Cprporation Society, which he in a note fays many noble and worthy Perfons put him upon foli- citiiig, & promiled their votes. 125. Another from the fame, about his picture, &c. 126. From the fame, about Wanley’s being Candidate for the Paper Office, with the following letter inclofed, & advifmg him to get Dean Hicks to apply to the E. of Clarendon, & that if Bp. Nicholfon will be vigorous he may engage Sr.Chriftopher Mufgrave, who has good in- terell with the Earls ofNottingham & Rochefler,&c. -Jo whichis Wanley’s note thus; “ 'I’was faid by many that Mr. Chamberlayne could not hold the Cultody of the Paper Office. And indeed he was foon after turned out by my Ld. Nottingham.” 127. From the Tame, inclofed with the ab )vr, to fome nobleman in lodgings in Charles Street, ftrongly re.com- Num. 3777. mending Wanley as fucceffor to Mr. C. Dated B!ack-i heath, June 22. 1702. 128. Another from the fame, about his picture. I2Q. From the fame, about the means of procuring the Librarianfliip of Sr. Rob. Cotton’s V!SS. ecc upon which is Wariley’s note ; “ This is about the Co'toiiian Library, the Cullody whereof I did thm and many years after, mofl ardently defue. As to Friendlhip be¬ tween Dr. Tho. Siii'th (here moent) & me there was but little, his converfation being not fuitable to mine, by reafon of his Jealofies & Peevilhnefs extreme. I always allowed the D” Pretenfions to be much belter grounded than mine. But, if he being a Nonjuror could not fwear to the Queen's Government; or being much in years, fliould happen to decaye, as be did after fome time: I defired that Employment when the Truftees fliould pleafe to regulate that noble Colleftion.” I30-1.2-3. From the fame, on the fame fubjcifl, &c. J 703 -. 134. From the fame, about the prefent of his book to Wanley, & his paper, & theArchBp.of York. Dec.1703. 135-6. From the fame, -with the name of Robert pre¬ fixed, about the Corporation Society, &c. 1705, 137. From the fame, on the fame fubjeft, &c with a long note by Wanley about his refignation of his place of Secretary to that Society, i. e. for Propagating Xiian knowledge^ Sec. Dec. 1705. 138 to 144 Short letters from the fame, about the faid Society, &c. 1706. 145. From the fame, about Dr. Cockburn & the Arms- nian Archbifhop, &his nephew LucasNurigiaOj &c. 1707. 146. D^ about Secretary Harley procuring a Royal Pafs for the Arch Bp. of Goehtan, &c. 1707. 147-8. From the fame, being then engaged in writing Bp. Bull’s life, fhall have an opportunity of mentioning Dr. Grabe with refpefi, &c. whofe Cenotaph is defigned by the Ld. Treafurers patronage -of that learned & good mail 1712. 149. From the fame 1713. about Saxon charaflers for Mr. Bowyer, whofe mi.ffortunes (alluding no doubt to his houfe & priming office being burnt in Red Lion Paffage Fleet Street, where Mr. Nichols now lives) Ld. Chief Jullice Parker intends to affifl towards repairing. 150. From the fame, requelling Mr. Bird may have the call of Dr. Grabe’s face to make his monument by, on the Ld.'l'reafurer's account. 1714. 151. From Peter le Neve Norroy, London, College of Arms 1725 ; about prologues & other pieces fuppofed to bewrittenby John Skelton, Re(SlorofDifs in Norfolk,Poet- Laureat to K. H. 8. Alio about other books & MSS. &c. 152-3. From H. Newman, about borrowing a fine MS. Akoran mentioned by Dr. Lifle, from Ld. O.xford’s Library, for the Society for Promoting Xtian kno-wledge, &c. 1732. 154. APrefident’s printed Letter of the Royal Society, figned Ifaac Nencton P. R. S. Nov. 24. 1718. On ihe back it is indorfed by Wanley “ Erroneous Summons of the Royal Society.” 155. From Win. Nicholfon, Archdeacon (afterwards Bp.) of Carlille, about Accents in the GreekOrthography, wanted in the famous Chronicon Mannoreuni, among the Arundelian monuments, &c. alfo about the ancient mufical notes reduced to ihofc of modem Mailers. Dr. Wallis’ notes on Ptolemy’s Harmonies, &c. No Date. 156. From the fame, dated Salkeld near Penrith Sep. 23. 1699. Encouraged by Dr. Hicks, heprefumes Wx has feen the Infcription on a Runic Monument which he met with in Scotland. 157. Fn-m the fame, on various topics, and acknow¬ ledging Wanley’s affiflance. July 18, 1700. 158. From the fame, then Bp. of CaiTifle, dated Salkeld July 23, 1702. Heartily agrees with thofe An¬ tiquaries 64 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nuin. 3777. ti^naries, &c. who prefs Wanley to go on with his Res Dip'cm^Jtica. Some account of the’Black Lead Mines, 8c of a large lump he fent to Dr. Woodward, See. ike. 159. Three more from & \vith the arms of the Bp. in the .fame excellent hand, 8: afteclionate Language; about Wanlev’s obtaining the Care and Infpection of the Cottonian Librarv. Rofe Caftle, Jun. 1703. 167. Another"long&elegant F.piftle from the fame, “ Next to what concerns the prefervation of our F.ftablilhed Religion & Government, Peace here & Sal¬ vation hereafter^ nothing has a greater fliare in my thoughts and defires than the Promotion of the Septen¬ trional I.eaming.” ’Ti.s a misfortune that we have loft thofe parts of the old Teltament tranllated by .^Ifric. Concludes with hints, 8cc. to W. for improving his in¬ tended tranflation, & giving fac-fimiles of the MSS. like Madox, &:c. 16^.4 From the fame, at Rofe Caftle Apr. 1711 : about Mr. Smith 8c he calling to fee fome books in Mr. Harley’s Library, &c. Lately difeovered that the Bp of .St. David’s was intimate with the heirs of Sr. J. Cotton, & have requefted that worthy & good prelate to re¬ commend you to them, 8cc. 165. Another, in anfwcr to W.’s letter, which was a Refrelhmecu to the Bp. under affliction by the lofs of his beft friend and dcareftCompanion, 8cc. “ There is in the Cotton Library (Claudius U. 7.) a Chronicle penned by fome ot-the Canons of Lanercoft in this Diocele, which tho’ it agrees moftly with that of Melros, has a great many thiiigs not to be met with any where elfe; efpe- cially in matters tranfacted in Conflicts and Treaties be¬ twixt the two Kingdoms. I 7 r 4 - 160-7. Shof: ones from the fame about, Ld. Plarley’s Library, &c. From the fame June 3. 1714. “ The Enquiry made after your Irilh Laws, was to ferve Mr. Difney of Lincoln, ’ &c. 1 fi 9. Thus indorfed by Wanley, “ 8 April 1713. my Ld. Bifhop of Carlifle’s advice to me about printing a ■Volumcot Englifh Hiftory trom the Cottonian Library.” 170. From the fame, about his prefent valTalage to his StationCrdeaving him no liberty, 8cc. “ The accouiil of ray Lds. Library (befides what is faid on R. Higden,) &c. is intended for the Preface which I hope to finilh in a few days,” 8cc. W. Carliol. 171. From N. Noel (Bookfeiler) 1 .ondon 1716 about Boxes of books fent to F-d. Ld. Harley at V>'imple, Cambridgefiiii e, fays he has procured for his Lordilup 3 of the moft rare books in the world, The Offidiim Ra- tionale Divinorum-, the Juftinian’s Inllitutes not feen in F.iigland, and a very rare edition of Tullius de Officiis” Ld. Sunderland has been in purfuit of them. Expeft a parcel of very fine books from Mr. Sullie from Germany, &c. & in hopes of buying Ld. Somers’s Library, 8:c. 172. From the fame, about the value of the above Officitim, &c. & a Catalogue of many other MSS. to be valued by Wanley, who is allowed to be the beft judge of them in Europe, &c. 173-4-3-6. From the fame, about his purchafmg Dr. South’s Libran-, Dr. Wm. Nichols & a large cargo of Hebrew, Arabick, Perfian, 8; other oriental MSS. &c. Ld. Somers’ Library thro’ Dr. Mead, See. & his removal out of Duck Lane into Pater Noller Row, i:c. 177. From Mr. Sam. Palmer, Merchant 1718, about Medals. 178. From Geo. Paul, Camb. 1712-13. about Mr. Baker, Jcc. Dr. Sykes's MSS. Dr. Cove!, &c. With a memorandum by W^anley, that a Pliny’s Natural Flilkory MS. is to be fold, which is always very fcarce and valuable. Sr. G. Beaumont, or Mr.Winftanley maybe applied to, for the MS. Greek Tcftament from the Corporation of Leicefter. Num. 3777, 7778- 179. From Geo. Paul 1713. i8o-i. From-Pepys 1701, about "Waaley’s Queries, for his nephew in Spain, the King’s death, Sec. 182. From the fame about Mr. Rimer, words in his book. Sir J. Cotton’s MSS, dec. ‘83-4-5-6-7-8-9. From the fame, about the Durham fragment, Q. Mary’s fong,&c. Dr. Shadwelt, Dr. Ore- gory, the I)ean ot Worceftcr’s picture. Dr. Smith con¬ tinuing in the Cotton Library, Sir G. Cotton’s burial, dec. i90-i-2-j-4-5-6. From the fame, about Dr. Shad well, &c. Monf. Daiile’s ufe of the Fathers, an extraifr from the Chronicon of the Viftor Turienfis in Africa Epifeo- pus, who lived about the year 5 50. Saxon MSS. &c. Mr. Dundafes extraordinary performance, 8cc. impej-fect tranflations of the Bible, bcc. 197-8. From Mr. Pope at Twickenham July 1 & 31. 1713. about procuring him fome of that goode 8c whole- fome Port 'Wine at the Genoa Amies, &rc. “ As witnefs this myne hand, which alfo witnefleth its maftcr to be in footh 8c fincerity of harte, Good Syr, Yours ever bounden A Pope ” “ I his to my worthy & fpecial Friend Maifter Wan- ley, dwelling at my fmgular goode Lord’s my Lorde of Oxford’s Kindly prefent.” t (^g-20c-i. From anotlier Poet, Mr,Prior, 1718, about Wanley's con.'fting his Sheets from the Printer, to whom he fubmits everything concerning literature, 8£c. Mentions alfo a Poem in a book called the cuftoms of London, a folio printed in H. 8. time which he gave to Lord Harley. Sends alfo his Ph/z defiring Mrs.'Wanley to accept it, & aflur- her that no Man loves or efteems her Flufbar.d 8c his friend more than Mr. Prior. 202 A I'rench Letter to Capr" Richer, from Monfr. L. Qiiartier, a Dublin, May 1714, with two Sonnets la French, in praife of Loi'd Oxford and Q. Anne 3778- Other original Letters to H. Wanley from 1692 to 1725. 1. From Fitzherbert Adams, who is glad the Curators of the Publick Library, Oxford, have chni’en him to tranfmit the memory of his Predseellor Dr. Marfhall to pofterity. Has tw'o pictures of him bv Da vid Loggan, 8cc. 2. From Barthoh'mew Adrian, Low near Cov. 1705. 3. From Richardlun Adrian, BrLxworth. 4. From James Aiiderlon 1725. with Six MSS. 5. From Jere, Andrewes about money matters, with a Roll of .Antiquity. 6-7. From John Anftis about Marcellu.«, A.Bp, of Corfu, a book attributed to whom was really wricien by Auguftin Patritius ; and other learned matters. ^ 8. Another Irom the fame, about Rymcr, 8cc. Herald's Office 1717. 9. From the fame at Mordake 17 11, about Dr. Hut- ton’s Papers, Prebendaries, Patent Rolls, 'Wanley’s picture, Ac. 10. From the fame about books for Tale in Holland, &c. with Wanley’s remarks- i 7 Jt' 10*. From the fame, about the Officers of Arms, the 'Volumes of the Talbot-family, De Marca’s Hiftory ot Bearn, Count de Montgrylon of Naples, a Knight of the Garter 3 E. 4. Ferdinand I. natural fon cd Alphonfus V. K. ot Arragon, 8rc. 1721. 11. 12 13. D“ About the Heralds, Ac. knighting H. V. in Ireland. 14. D’ About the Knights of the Bath, Mr. Bakers Vols. Dr. Fiddes his lives of More A Fifher. Grenade Herald to Ch. V. his monument at Arras 1547, &c. dated Putney 1725. 15. From the fame about Heraldic matters, 8cc. the Poem upon the Knighthood of the Golden I'leece, See. td. 17.D' Bibliothecae Harleianas. 65 Nura. 3778. i6. 17. D“ Statutes of the Order of the Bath & French MS. of the life of Rich. 2d. 18. From the fame, about the laid MS. which he had borrowed, which proves his conjefbure concerning Collars introduced by the Lancaftrian line. Mr. Stow perufed this book or another copy, which he has abridged in the end of R. 2’s reign, See 19-20. From Anne Babington, about the fale of a book which Mr.Cunningham took to iliew my Ld.'freafurer as a rarity. Endorfed, “ Madam Babington on a wrong feent.” 21-22. From that indefatigable Antiquary & Colledtor Tho. Baker of St.Johns Coll. Camb. whofe numerous Vols. of MSS. arc in this ColIe£lion,& in the Univerfity Library at Cambridge. They are about Mr. Paul’s death in London; & his Papers, which colt him 40 1 ., if he can obtain them according to promife, fliall be at my Ld. Trealurer’s fervicc .See. Camb. .7t4. a3-.i. D° About the fnid MSS & others at Nando’s Cofiee Hnufe, alfo an account of that remarkable cafe lor which Mr. Wentworth &: others were committed to the T ower, &c. as given t a 1 ,d. Keeper Puckering & indorfed by him. Z5-G. Frona the fame, about the fame MSS. &;c. Scot’s fables of that CiiivcTuiy, Bp. Vaughan’s life by Bp. Wilii.:ms, .Mr. Strype, Arch Bp. 'taiuiys cafe. Sec. Dares not wait on fo great a Man as Ld. Marley, Ids life being Monaflic as his Studies, bk unfitts.d for the world & converfation, unlefs with the dead. _27-8-9-3o-i. About the laid MSS. &c. which the Vicecht.ncellor had then decreeu him, and which he begs Ld. i ' arlcy to accept of pan, the rell to be paid for. Dr. Clovtll wilhes to borrow Critopylus concerning the Greek Church, c. Tliiiik-. it an honor 8 c happinels to have been able to add foine trifles to his Lordlhip’s noble Collection, &c. 32-V From the fame, about fending the Puckering collection in 21 bundles, Mr. Powle’s Vols, The State rracls & otiier MSS.alfo an original letter of Erafmus, & fome of Dr. Ber.umont’s I.eCtures, not allowed by his will to be printed Italian MSS. and Mathematical Papers of Dr. Barrow, 6:c- 34 5. About D’ Gowers death at Brampton Brian &c. A MS. in a Korthern Language belonging to thef.auy ArabclLi, Stc. 'i'lio. Lockin M.D. RegiusPrnfcfl'or iy^4, & his family at Hoo near Rochefter, &c. The Profelfor notices Coll, in his w:ll, See From ihe fame, about his own Collections in 20 Vols. folio, without vanity the bell in its kind, &c. Dr. Covtll about mciialtcries, Lc. Dr. Tudway, &c. 40. 40.* About his piflure, Sic. which he never could lubmit to, “ fliould be guilty of unpardonable vanity did he e.vpect to hang in bffigie at Wymple,” &c. Two Bibles printed 1539, &c. with Cromwell’s fliield in the illuminated copy, fkc. t.amb. 1716-17. 4_:-2. From the lame, about Saxon MSS, with his receipt to Fd. I.cl. IlaiLy forabook of Saxon Homilies, (by the hands of Mr. Prior.} which he proinifcs to re- turn to tire publick Librarv. 43-43-* i'rom the lame. B loks printed by Guttenburg a great difeovery ; ihouplu there had been none fuch in the world, & began to look upon Full as the firfl; Printer. The Bifhop of EIy’.s (. ath- hcon may have been printed byGuttenberg, tho’ at Mer.ts yet no name of the Printer, & the charader is more rude than Full’s. Tully’s Offices’ whereof there are 2 Copies in r46 ?.6 on Vellum & Paper Ld. Harley had two copies of Fd. 6. firfl Prayer book Qy._ whether printed by Grafton the King’s Printer haying one of them in his cultody, a great variety. &c being printed in 1548. Begs Wanley’s opinion of Rob deAvclburyas an Awhor 1719. Cat. Har!.. Vol. 111. Num, 377S. 4 +' 5 * From the fame, congratulates him ^ Ld. Harley upon the valuable acquifition to his noble Library, yet complains that men of quality give fuch high prices for books, &c. A Paflage in Caxton which feems good proof for Mentz againfl Harlem, kc. Dr. Malley, Lord Harley, &c. 1722. 46 7.8 9. D" Dr. Fiddes dying at Putney, wrote to Mr. Anflis. about the books, &c. 1725. Has been looking into Hiflory and Antiquities of this T.^niverfity ; dares not yet fay he has any defigu to' give a Hiflory of his own, tho’ has a large heap of Maieria's, kc. Mr. Paul 8c his MSS. 8cc. 50-1-2-3-4. D”. Sorry to hear of W-'' want of health, which all men ought to wifh to fo ufeful a perfon, 8cc. A Repertory a: ihe Tower concerning Cambridge, very imjrerfedl, bur Bp. Still, is more complete. Sy^' 7 ''-‘ 9 -^ '* Saxon Homilies 8'“ formerly the E. of Bedfords, &c. Sends him the largefl book’of Saxon HoiiiUies of value, &c. Mr.Windlbr k Hr.Parke chofen BurgefTes for the Uni- verfity witli ihe number of V’oles for each & other Candi¬ dates. ^ 6o_. From the fame, about th- M.S. at Kings Coll. kc. 1 his is fer.led lik^ the reft wi h Bakcri Arms. 6.•2-3 4. I'l-om J I. B.iglord i''69. about Sr. W. Temple a letter... Genealogy of K. James ill. a great ^ricty, &c. Mr. Sturt, Mr. Burton's book, kc. Drawing, 65-6. From the fame, about a curious coliedlion of Map', Roman Antiquities dug up in ic about London, Sr. Robt. Cmton's Catalogue of his MSS. The Bp. of Norwich’^ D’, istc 1697. Further account of the above Antiquities, &c. 67. From the fame about the fame, 8c Goodman’s . fields being a buiial place to the Romans, Ac. Nicardi m Greek (.< Latin, put forth by Gorrso with the Scholar printed at Paris i 57. price 9 s. See. 1696, London. 68.9. From the lame, about Mr, Pepys, Mr. Church- hill, Ac. 70. to 79. All from the fame, about Books,&c. 78. From JL Banks, Greene Mews, no date. 79. From Dr. Jo. Barrow of Baliol Coll, to John Anflis Efq. Arundel St. about I.hyds MSS. k a large folio of Heigell given to Jclus Coil. I.iorary, O.xford, 8cc witli a few lines from Anflis to Waiilcy, that he could have bought (he above MSS. very cheap, which he omitted out of rel'ped to my Ld. h is forry, os they were fold to Sr. Tho. S.bnght of Ikrtfordli.ire. 8o-i. From the lame to Wanlev, about the fame MSS kc. 82-3. From Barnes, Emanuel 1699. 84. From Major Rob. Beake, Cov. 96. about his Collections, not tit for the Botlleian, &c. 85. A fliort F’rendi letter from-Beaujez 17 iG. 80-7-S. From Katherine k John Beaver mentioning the death of W’s. friend, 'dr. James Mickleton, found in the lhames, Ac. 1719. 89. From the fame, about old br ifs coin of Alexander the Great brought from Gibraltar, &c. Qo-i 2.3. FromD" WanF.y’s fou-iu-law, abou Gib¬ raltar, Ac. 1725. 94-i;. From the fame, indorfed thus “ with an inclo'ed letter from Mr. Bernard Mould Chaplain at Smyrna 1721.’ Alfo about Original CommilTions for making the union between England A Scotland, for Ld. Oxford’s Colledion. 96-7. FromMr.Tho. Bennet, Colcheflcr 1713. 98. A Letter of apology from Dr. R. Bentley. 99. 100. The I It. is very bad Englifh, the 2d. ;:i btm from Beverland about the laic of his MSS. & pidures, Ac. 8c indorfed “ mad papers of H. Beverland." S loi. A 66 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num» 3778. 101. A fiiort fcrowl from Dn John Beaumont 1715. 102. From H. Bedford 1723, enquiring whether Sr. Thomas Chickley of Wimpole (father of Sr. Tho. mailer of the Ordinance & Chancellor of theDutchy of Lan- cafter in Ch; II. & James Il’s time) married the Lady Savi'e, becaufe Wimpole was her houfe (fee life of G. Barwick, p. 228.) who Ibid that feat to Sr. John Cutler ? for his da'^ carried it in marriage to Ld. Rad¬ nor, who fold it to Ld. Harley. 103. From Mr. T. Bentley of Trin. Coll. Cambs 1716. about a verv fine 1 atin MS. of the Evangelifts, &:c. 104-546-7-8. Latin letters from Ericus Benzelius 1700. icg, iio. From W. Covi 16gS. about his true Theo¬ rem then found of the Quadrature of a Circle, &c. 111. From Ja. Robart, Oxon, 1704. about the Vegetable Kingdom, as Corals, Gums, Shells, ike. 112. One line from Tho. Boucher. 113. From Mn Nath. Boothe 1717. 114. A fhort letter from W. Bowyeri7i4, with a long Explanation by Wanley about Chronicles from the Cotton MSS., which he was then about to publifii under the patronage of Ld. Weymouth whofe death pre¬ vented it. I ij. From Mr. Jos. Bowles, Oxford 175-I. intro¬ ducing Mr. Schumacker, Library-Keeper to the Emperor of Rullia, who will give a particular account of the Library lately difeover'.-d near the Cafpian Sea. A Book from Mr. Crynes. Curiofities for my Lds. Repofitory, &c- 116. From the fame, about 4 MS. Vols. containing, 1. luflruclions of the Emperor Charles 5th to his fon Philip, tranfljted from the Spanifh ^dedicated to O. Eliz. II . A Parallel betw. Rob. E. of Klfex & G. Duke of Buckingham, by Sr. H. Wotton (this is printed). 2. h ragnienta Regalia, or obfervaiions of ^ Eliz. times, &c. 3. Duty of the Offices of K. James id. Exchequer. 4. Intended Reformation of the King’s Court Leets, bv Rob. J'lhnfon 1605. III. y\. J reatife concerning the Nobility, &c. by Sr. J. D. Kt. IV. Selden’s Epinomis. (This has been printed.) 117. From the fame. Other MSS. difeovered, &c. Mr. Hchumacker brought to him by Mr. Hanbury. Hh chaiaCler. &c. 118. h'rom the fame, dated Oriel Coll. 1721. iig. From W Brand, London, i6y6. about pur- chafing him Rcrum Montiforrarum in Scotia gellarum Coinmentarius, printed at Paris 1648. 120-1-2. From the fame, about the . . .. Polygraphice, with an Alphabet of old Norman letters, &c. Dr. Ber- nard’> C.atal. ofMSS. &c. A knife from Italy, brought by the Spaniards in 1688, having an infeription in re¬ membrance of the Invalion. Dr. Johnflon had a great edeem for it, & olTered a Guinea for it on behalf of Ld. Peterborough, 6cc. 123. From Robert Brabant, Barkhamdead, 1711. 124-5. Short notes from Thomas Bray. 126. From Cha. Bruntz about the Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland, &c. 1 696. 127. From W. Brenand about Medals, 1708. 138-9. From O. Brigdocke, Queen’s Square, London, 1712. 130-1-2. From Sam. Brewder 1704-6-8. 133. D''. Lincolns Inn 1709. about fome Charity, Ld. Weymouth’s fubferiptiem to it, &C. Dean Hickes, &c. 134-5-6-7-8-9. Trifling ones from D". Proud, to think any thing of his Fathers Ihould be laid up in Col¬ lections. Num, 3778, 377g. i4o*i-2-3*4 5-6-7.8. From R. Brown, Coventry, 1697. about his publidung, mufick feemingly, &c. 149. From Geo. Brow'iie, Southam, 1722. To his good Uncle Mr. Wanley, about “ the vile Eledlion at Co¬ ventry,” &c. According to order, have got 4 Iron balls, Ihotat Edge-Hill fight, & alfo a piece of Canon, which was burd at Radway under Edg-hill, &:c. ly. From the fame, not material. 151. From Mr. Bruton t709. about a Cabinet to be fold at Mr. Seymour’s Banker in Fleet Street, &c. 152. From Francis Bugg about Quakers, &c. and a book entitled Snaie in the Grefs, &c. —- Wildenhall, Suffolk, 1696. 153-4-5. From Sr. Rich. Bulkelcy, Epfom, i 704. Dr. Waugh has gotten Dr. Beveridge’s Benefice at St. Peters Cornhill, &c. 15^-8 From Mr. M. Bullof C.C.C- Camb'about books, & the Pontifical C. 3. &c. The Arabic Gofpel, &c. \6o. From Hum. Burton W's Uncle about his 3 fons, & one a fellowatNew College, the next fenior founder of Winton fchool, the third a prttty fcholar at Coveutiy, 1702. 161-2. From Rob. Burfeough, Scotnefs 1702. about MSS. &c. 3779 - Original letters to Humfrey Wanley from 1692-1725. Vol. III. This & following Volumes, being bound up very confufedly, are now numbered afrefh, leaving the old pencil figures for the fake of any former references, &c. I. 2. From Hugh Todd, Penrith, 1702. about pieces of a body, &c. w’hich he left at Oxford for the Mufeum, &c. The MS. account of Cumberland not to be uirpofed of, being the property of the Dean k t.;hapter. Hopes in time to give a more perfed account, - kemp’s Antiquities, Ac. Thu King’.' Recepiiou in Kings coll. Chapel, Ac. ° 6o-). From the fame, abi ut Wanky’s abilities in Antiquities, Medals, Ac. 62-3-4 Rofengrave’s pieces very fine but too Iheatrical, alfo Handel, Purcel a nobler A more ele- yated ^tyle, quite thro’ his Te Deum, made on the open¬ ing of St. Pauls, Jubilate, Ac. 65-6-7-8. On thefamefubjeds, with Wanley’s notes about his charges being too much, A a receipt with the great Earl of Stafford’s own hand for 15 1 . asaCompo- fition inpdevrith Roger Otway Efq. for not attending & receiving the Order of Knighthood at the King’s Coronitton, Ac. ° 6 g. 1-10211110 fame, about his rcmonRrances with Ihe Mailer of X‘ about his Collections, &c. before noticed, calls my Ld. the Ptolem.-uusPhiledelphus of the A^e &c . abnatmuficalCollect. & Amhors, &c. Mr. lalhs s 40 parts Anthem, an unique made in Liiz. time Ac. Jefeription of nr* Lds Library at Wimple, Mr. Hawkins of Ely about old deeds of the Monks there, &c. A MS. Itinerary of the County of Huntingdon, &c. ^ ‘■'2 gttat incrcafc of my Loid’s noble colfeaion, Profcflbr Waller, ice ^ 76. On the fnbjeft of Mulick, Hunelt [ames Flaw, kms s mufical MS. of 40 parts, which Dr. Cowellprotclls IS a great Cunofity, Ac. 77. D’ about Univerfify degrees Aaffairs. 78. 79. About the Aheraiions at • imnnlc. The Chiype to be ready by the memorable laft of .vmnift, has fimflied Anthems on that occalion, fx his fe Deum with iiiftrumental Mulic, the 4th. ever compofed in Eng- land. The fcore of Bafiani. ® P A ''«■ Jeffreys Redor, &c. My Lord great works in hand, a noble Vilto & Canal in the Park, Ac. Coll. Library, Ac. xMr. Baker met with a perfed book of Edw. b. Liturgy. Ac. 1722. • Wanley again, about my Lds. increafe of fortune from the Cavendifh Eftate, Ac 85 From the fame, about a treafure of coins ofH 5th. found in digging near Kings Coll Cliaucl, Ac. R f Ifr. Sorrel, Bury, Suffolk. Ac. Mr. I hompfon’s Antiquities at Tniin- pmgton ; Letters concerning the Greek L hurch, vAc. 94 - 5 -b- from Wanley to Dr. i'udway (at his H lufe Mafter of Xts MSS. Mufic, Mr. Lamb’s Tune, Ac. Volume of Church Mufic ufed at Durham, Ac. The Greek Metropolite of Ihebais will come to Cambridge to coiled Charities, Ac. ^ 7 * 5 ' 97. Another from the fame, very animated againft his Enemes, and in praife of the noble Ld.ALady whofeHoufe is now his refuge; alfo humorous and fevere againft the trifling condudofihe Mafter ofXt’s. 98. 99. From the Jame, about the Dr’s, unreafonable demands, much more than 400 1 , tho’his MSS. not worth [hat fum, calls his Apoftolarion (a little book in *4 containing not half the new 'I’eftainent) an invaluable Jewel, Ac. A alks 50 Gs. for it, tho’ common in ml Libraries 68 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. ,T>79, 3780. Libraries, hath been frequently printed & collated bvDr. Mill, Sc all the variantea ledioiies therein alfo printed. 100-1-2-3. Trifling letters from Geo. Vertue, about a fociety at the Mitre, viz. Mr. \tian, Dr. Stukeley, Mr. Degg, Mr. Brnmfall, &c. 1723. 104. From Mr. (Irr)’ of Xtfhurch about a Book of Habits in falhion t. Rich. 2d. 1714. to 129. Fnnr. Tho Wakelin, Coventry. 1695. About the new- of the Town, the Crelf-fallen Puritans, Elccti m, Sr. R. Nudigate with 500 horlemen at his heels, &c. a cniL-I murder, See. I to. From ji hn Waller, Camb. 1703. about Pope Gregory’s dialogues, Arch Bp. Parker’s Chronica feripta 23 Alfr^di, .‘\nnales Saxoiiici, 6ic. j I 1. From the aforefaki J'. Wakelin 1628 about old Mr. Ilamerlby U Dr. i’lotis Map, ikc. Cov, News again, &c II 2. 11 .> From Mr. Wjller about the above. wi:h an exirad traiifcribcd by Mr Daunys, the bell Saxon Scholar, Ar. 114. From |. Wvdlis, Profcflbr, 171II. aboutreading notes in 1 Itiyi hiu.-, ^c. 11-; to t l''rora I'r. John Walker of Exeter, en¬ quiring about li-v'k' tc -MS i, with Wanlcy’s notes 1 708- 16-24. Di'. li.-ivky employed on the Gre. kTeitament,&c. 19. From hi- And.-ci; Sam. 'Wanlcy 1717. about tlie P.dliuii Fiewer de'cribctl by B 'iius, p. i( 2. A book CjHcd Antiqu.e Ih-bis Splendor, byjac. l.aurus, fol. 160 page."; with curioui cuu ot Churches, Theatres, See. in Rome. 120. From J, Warburton about fending his Roman Altaic. Wrexham 171b. t.i. From Hen. Wafliington lyii. 122. From-Wells. Chetfea 1710. 123 4. From Ld. W'eyir.ouih dehring him to fearch Records in the Tower, about the Manors of Badenham, D’Evereux, his own, & Bodenham Fourches, my Ld. Coningibys, &c. the Manor of Bratton Com. Wilts for¬ merly beionging to the Bons Homes of Edington, &c. Long-Leat i 709. 12? to I td. Ih-om G W'hecler Durham n 17. about D’ Aciers Spicilcgium lent to that t hurch Library by his I.ordihip, and MSS by him to niy Lds. Colledion. His degree Xt (.hdledge Camb. Sn old Bible to Eliz. Sic, °30 From Chalks Wheeler about Petts Sonatas & other Mufic I .;i. From James Whi'.chvirch, London 1697. i’2-3-4-^. i’rom Mofes illiam.>:, Mufeum, Oxford, 1708. about ir.uifcribing tiie Addilicns & Corrections of Sr. William Dugdale’s Barimage. Preferment given liim by Ld. Cki.ipcr ami t!ie Prince of Wale^, &c. 12L-7. Fr .mjohn Williams, “ a Knavilh Projedor,” •about him to die !.d. High I reafurcr 1712. 138. I rom JL ilkias Lambeth P-alace i7it, about Mr,'Runcl of Merton College feeing Ld. Harley’s MSS. f.;r a ddlgn he li.i^ i;i h.md, ^:c. 139. From Dr. J. Williams Bifiiop of Chichefter. about SelJen’s MoS. 140. From D’ Wilkins, 1721. 141. From Dr. VFoodward. Grclham Coll. 1712. about Dr. Smith’s Coiled, de Cyrillo I.ucario. Infcrip- tion on a very ancient Beadles S'alF. Roman & Greek, Gothic Saxon Antiquities, N:c. 142-3. From Colonel H.Worfley, Lifbnn 1714 & I.oiulon, about literature & his MSS. Seal of his Anns. 144. From.!. W vat with Strvpe’s Aimals, fubferibed for by Hon. Mr. Harley, & bill 16 s. 3780. Letters to FI. Wanley from 1692 to 1725. 1.2 From Rob. Burfcouji, Totnefs 1702. about the MSS. he fent for his defign, 6.C. viz. Edgars Laws, Another Saxon piece, valuable old Liturgy, &c. Num. 37Soi 3- Mr. J. Burman to the F.. of Oxford 1714, about his poffefling the famous Dr. Plot's MSS, & amongft them fome relating to the Office of Earl Marihall. Borden near .‘■irtingbourn, Kent. 4. From M. Burghers the Engraver, OxforvI, J703, about having to do Xenophon’s Head for the Univerficy ; wiffies to fee a Quarto book of Heads of Poets, Orators, Hiftorians. &c. 5. From Edw, Butterfreld, London 1704, about Ld. Coleraine. 6 to to. From Rob. Campbell170^, about Dr. Sloane’s CollecHon, Ac. I I. A long letter from the well-known Antiquary Sam. Carte, Lciceffer 1712. abtait his prefenta'ion to the Vlcara'^e of Sr.M.irdns in Leic. Oc Humphrc'y Clayton having ailb a prefen’-ation gnmtcd, with the pariiculars of tlie dilpute about it, Ac. i 2. Another from the fame, with the papers referred to in hi hill, the rent of die Vicarage houfe, Annuity from Wigtons Hi/fpital, Ac. I .. D". A copy of Mr.Clayton’s letter direded to the Churchwardens, be PaiUhioncrs, Ac. 1712. 14. 15. From the above -am. Carte about the Narra¬ tive he font of hjs troubles. Ac. the Bp condemning him unjuitly, Ac. F'orgery of Mr. Clayton’- telUmonies, Ac. The Ld. Keeper impoftd upon. Below this a confiderable part is cutout. P. S. his fon Tho. going to travH with Ld. 'I'albrt into Holland. ITance, Italy, Ac. 16. From the fame, abuat the affair terminating in his favour, 8 Ocl. 1712. 17. 18. From Mr. J. Chamberlayne, Petty France, 1718, 1721, about the learned P. le Long Author of the Bib!. Sacra, &c. w'hofe book he interleaved with a defiga to publifli, Ac. the owner of the inclofed lift of iViSS. Mr. Hopman, an ingenious gent, from the D. ofHol- ftein, defires to lay the fame before Ld. Harley. 19. From Dr. Charlett, Bath, Dec. 21. 17 to. about the Univerfity not interfering, if Ld. Harley wifhes to purchafe that great CollecHon of Pamphlets in the Civil wars, Ac. P. S. Dr. Kudfon’s ftudy was a choice col¬ lection in Philology, Ac. Mr. A.’difon’s works are printing according to his own Order by Mr. Ticknell. 20. From the Bji. of Carlill.e, before nniiceil, 1713. About publiftiing a 2d. Edition of lu> Lngiilh Hiilorical Libraiy with Additions A'C. for which my Ld Treafurcr’s Library will afford great (tore of materials, Ac. K unic Infcription promifed him by Wanley. Part of that at Revel Dr. Ilickes publdhcd) in the Cotton Library, Julius, F. VI. 126. fol. 327. It is amongll the Northern Infcription , communicated to Camden by R. Bainbrigg, fchoolmaftcr of Applebyin this Diocefe, Ac. 21.3-3. F’rom the above Dr. Charlett, MaflcrofUni- verfity Coll. 1714. aboct I.d. Harley receiving W. into bis houfe after veiy unworthy ufage, New Bible, Ac. '1 he ingenious Mr. Thornhill now making a noble Hlltc- rical picture of the Rel'urrefliun over liie Al.ar in all Souls Chapel. The 'I'ruftees of Dr. Radcliff pulled down all the Houfe contiguous to the Maliers Lodge in I'nivcrf. Coll. Ac. to ere£t two fides of a new Quadrangle on the Eaft A North, Ac. agreeable to ihewill of Dr. Radcliffe, Ac, Col. Codrinton’s nobleLibraryallobegun the fameday,Ac. 24. From the Bp. of Carlifle again with the id. Edition of his Letter to the Judge Advocate, At. 25.10 30. From tiie above Mailer of Univerfity Coll. 1717, Ac. about his Cabinet of Coins, Ac. and Mr. Kemp’s. Dr. Durell’s Verfion of ourEngliffi Liturgy 1662. Edition in French of the Three Forms of Ordination. Beautiful French Edit. 4’° of our Liturgy by Lrder of Tamesl. Ac. 14 3 ,1. to Bibliotheejs Harleianse. 69 Num. 37P0. 31 [039. From the fame, 1719, about Df.Gale’s fon, ISov. 38. Dr. Radchff’s Statue, made by Mr. Bird, was fctupw!lhm his own Quadrangle, with a plain inferip. non, here copied Mr.>ob‘ Keck, fon to the Scrivener, & foi merly a fellow Commoner of Unlverfity College, died at 1 ans, & left 500 1. to the Roval Society,as much toUniverfityColl. and 100 Gs. to his Tutor Mr.Denifon, 1720. • ’ 401 From Mr. William Cheyney of Pembroke Coll. Oxford, compares Dr. Hydes, &c. Violins, to the filino Ot a law, &c. 1701. ° 41-2. From Dr. Williams Bpi of Chlchefter 1701, of no importance. H. Cherry, about an old Volume of ^Icnptions which Mr. Dndweil wilhes to buy for Monf. Oraevius in Holland, to help him in his new Edition of Orutcr, f?02. Wanlev’s note upon it. 1‘i om C. Chrifiian, a Seal Ennraver, feeminclv about i;r. Covell’s Collection, &c. 17:9. ^ 46. From Mr. Clarke of St, James’s, about my L* of £.iy s books at 80001. S:c. 1714. Mr. W" Clayton of Pcnworthain 1720. VV rnmgs of Penworfham, the feat of Henry Fleetwood, Efq. found there a Regilter of Kvelhiim Abbey, to which that was a Cell. SeeN" 3763. A good number of Greek Sc Komaii Coins from Dr. Yarborough, whofc brother was Clniplam to the lurkey Company at Aleppo, 8c there collected two licences to give lands to the Priory of War- nngton. Whalley Regifter, 5:c. Prefton, 172 c. About Mr. Fleetwood lending his MS. Oritrinal Grants from War; Buil'cl, &c. Saxon St Gothic Gofpcls, K. 4t,lli-ed s Parap^afe on Bede, &:c. Coins, Uc. 50. From Mr. Robert Clavering of Oxford 170 ’ about Buxtorf’s Lexicon. 51. From Mr. Clement to Mr. John Kemp London, dated Vienna 1711, about Medals of Turkey. 52- Mr; Jho. Cockman Univer. Coll. i7o\ about attenipung an Edition of all TuIIy ; and MSS. of him at C.anjndge, St. James’s, the Dean of York’s, WelU inmiter, &c. 53’ Mr.Cowfe, Bookfeller. 1 ^71* Carre of Yeovil in Soraerfelftiirc, aboiit old Parchments, &c. 1717, about an Uni tumbled down, &c. books, &c. 58. From Rowland Cotton Efq. about fearching for a Leidger Look of Dean Vale Abbey in Nottinghiunfhire, . m theCotton Library, &c. What part of Etwall belonged to It. &c. dated Etwall near Derby 1701. 59- fom Dr. Coveil Xt. Coll. Camb. 1701, about a jvio. ac. 60. From the aforefaid Dr. J" Covcll Xt. Coll. Camb. -JJec. 9,^1701, about the jMS. of Saxon Gofpels, &c. uith various expitmaiions. 61.2. From the fame, 1712, about his South Sea Map, &c. a MS. at lo Gs. Hebrew and Greek MSS. See. about the fame, 171-*. His Hebrew MSS. highly valued by Mr. Scults, a learned Rabbin of Cpfaliiibwcedland. Knows not wHt price to lit on uch uncommon ivures, &c. Daily uling his Greek MSS. Minch aie creditably noted by Dr. Mills in his Prolego- iiicna ; Latin MSS. &:c. ^ t> 4 . A letter from Wanicy in anfwer to one of his, 716, about my L‘ being willing to purchafe his whole Fibrary at a fair Pncc. Stc. Will alio purchafe his Coins, Medals, Antiquities, &c. a “'.'‘1 Drecks & other learned Men, «c. ■ My u returns thanks for your fitting to Mt. Gmniers & has fet up your Effigies in his Dreliiiig Room, be puts a high value on it.” “ 651068.1'romDr.CovclIon tliefamefiibiefla.&c. 1714 69. vlnother W one from him . 7 14, highly valffing foii.c ol his Mss. V12. his litile Apoltolarioli, & C,vr.n...Ki. Von. HI. Niim. 3780. would give 1000 I. for a true Copy of Menander entire &c. Ahbeghi's niofical book he (hall make ufe of in his Philological treatife then preparing. Above 400 Sonnets m Arabic, Perfian, & T'urkiOi, which ffiew a fprightly vein of Poetry in the Fall, &c. Dr. Sykes valued it very highly. The Koran of the Brachmans, &c. in 3 Vols. vanllated by a pupil of the D". I.a Clavicuie di Solomon in Trench, (&c. The Liturgy of the Greeks, &c. To this are added many curious marginal notes by Wanley. ^ 70 to 76. From the fame, about L'^ Harley purchafmg his Colleflionsj &c. which he had been 4c wars in col- letting ; a Treafure that no Man can Ihew'but himfelf &c. Dated Xt. Coll. Camb. 1716 to j721. Tho’ DO final agreement appears in the above Cor- refponJence, yet they were afterwards purchafeJ, as may be feen in 5537. 5620. 5771-4-5-6-7 & 8. &c. 77-8. Two letters in French, from Mr. Crevecoeur 1695 79 to 83. From Mr. Tlio. Crifpe, Wimbleton, Sun-y, about Quakers, “ I'he Snake in the CraCs,” &c. the Author, &c. 1697. 84-5-6. From Alberto Croce London, 171(1, a Wine Merchant feemin .•Iy,by the contents fciit to 1.'' Harley. 87. From I. Croker, Tower, 1713, to Mr. Kemp, about the Gold Medals ordered to be llruck for the Par¬ liament. 88. From Dr. Charles Crow 1701. trifling. 89. From Corn. Crownfield, about binding of books. Camb. 1716. • * 90. 91. From Mr. Nath. Crynes, ’Squire Bedel of Law & Pliyfic at Oxford 1722, about the New Tefta- ment with Nich. de Lyra’s Comment by Jolm de Colonia, iSic at \ enice. flis Bible in black letter illuminated,&c. A Miifale in uluin Saruin finely illuminated, & other MSS, &c. 92- From Alexander Cunningham about books. 93- 4- From Mr. Robt. Dale, Suffolk Herald 1711.16, ^out a MS. book of Pedigrees of Mr. Charles's writing, 95. From Sir Abilrapiis Danby 1713, with a prefent of true French Wine, for aSifling him in perufing iVlSS. &c. ® 96-7. From Mr. Robert Dannye C. C. Coil. Camb. 1704. about a MS. concerning K. jEIfrtd’s coming to theCro\vn,at the top of which iswritten in ABi,.Parker's hand, Chronica feripta anno 23 tetatis iElfredi, Annales Saxonici, &c. rjobo ufed to write in hi,s MSS. with Mi¬ nium. An extradt and other remarks, &€. 98-9. From Mr.Tho. Davies at the Bp. of Norwich’s m Charles Street 1698, about books, &c. his feal of Arms. 100. From Mr. Denis, tutor to L’Blaire, Chefter 1696. 101-.-’. From Mr. W"'Durham Upmlafter Effex 1714, about a grant of Q. Elianor, &c. and other MSS. at Mr! Rich’s, Rc-aor of Wrabnels near Harwich ; aifo about the Invention of Printing, with ^Vanley’s notes on the back ; curious. 103. From Mr.Tho. Dawfon, Windfor 171J, about the lithcs of that Place, &: Maps relating to the Honor of the Caflle. 104. from Sir Simonds D’Ewes, about his Library, to be fold for 5001. &c. 1704. 105-6-7-8. From the lame, about Wanley’s Illnefs & extreme hot weather, with W>* notes on 107, that hu carried back the MS. of Genefis to the Cotton Library, and the Book of C.barters for Dr. Hicks’s Specimens, iic. 1704. Stowlangtoft near Bury, Siiffoik. 109. From Sr. Simond’s Lady, figned De la Dewe.s, 1705, about their Library, which appears to have been pur- chafed by \Vanlev. T Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3780, 3781. iiotoiia. From Sir Simonds again, 170J, about his endeavouring to be chofen I\I. P. for Bury, &c. alfo Si. Rob. Cotton’s pidure. 113 to 119. From her Ladyfiiip, about the fale of the books, medals, &c. Dated Sir Sewller Peyton’s Houfe in Dean Street. Tlie Collections of Sir Simonds maybe fecn in many Numbers in the Index to this Catalogue. i2o-t. From Mr. Adrian Drift 1^bout Wanley’s correding fome of Mr. Prior’s proof Sheets in the Prefs, See. 12Z. From Mr. JofcphDownlng, about printing a Book with Copper plates, &c. 123. From Mr. W"' Kdmundfon of Cambridge about Mr. Prior & ■\Vanley taking College Commons with him, 1717. 124. From Tho. Elliott, about a parcel only, 1724. 12510 129. From Mr. John hlphinflone. Cotton lioul’e 1709, Sic. about the Cotton Library. 130-1-2-3. Other fhnrt ones from the fame, about the fame (1713) & his having tranferibed much out of Lanercolt’s Hiftc^ry, 6cc. 134. From W®* Elilob, about his applying to my L"* Treafurer, or L" Harley, for a Prebend of Canterbury as very convenient in hi;; prefent Detign of the ancient Engliflr Laws, Somner’s Collection being dcpofiteel in that Library. Our City Livings very fmall, &c. Lx- pences great, &c. Bulh Lane 171?. 135. From Mr. FI. Fleetwood of Penwortham 1721, about the old RcgitFer, and a difpute with the Bp. of Chefter, &c. See N" 3763. 1^6. From '1 ho. Frank, Cranfeild 1719-20, about 1 ;' Harley’s excellent charadcr, & happy to have obliged him with a MS. Stc. Seal of Arms. 137-8 From R. Gale Old Southampton Buildings, (1722-3) about him and his brother, Sic. waiting on him at L"* Harley’s. 139. From Bernard Gardiner Oxford 1715-6, about Mr.'L!hw7d’sMSS. which he is forty my L'l had not, but no fault of his, &c. Jefus Coll, had an undoubted right to the Red Book of Hengeft. 140. From .Tohn Gibfon (a bookfeller apparently) about Greek MSS. to be fold in Lufeany, Plato amongft them, Printed books fold to my Lord, &c. 141. From R. C»rah:im, about a Book 1717-1S. _ 142-3-4. &c. to :c2. From Jlr.Tho. Granger, Lime- flreet, London 1715 'to 20, about the Cotton Catalogue, hocks bought of Mr. Noel, Sic. Scotch Ads & Eccle- fiafticalHabits, & other books in my Lords nobleLibrary, &c. Cotton MSS. Julius F. Art. VII. No. 43- monia Joannis Somerfet, See. Governor Ilarriion, Kilulta’s Letters, &c. Diftributing 2000 1 . tor poor MiniiFers’ Widows, 8:c. 1719. 15--. From Mr. John Gagnier, Oxford, 1724. An- fwer "to the Queries of Dr. Woodward. The Arabic MSS. in the Catalogue of Irilh MSS. N'' 1 21 2. is now in the Bodleian Library, Narcile Marlh N^ 547-/^'^ Author not Hippocrates hiiiifelf, as the iitlc inlinuates, but only compolcd aher his method, See. very curious. Mr. 'WalTe’s Defiderata in the Memoirs of Literature by Mr. Jebb, &c. 154. bkom IT. GerJes 1722. 155. From John Georges,Wardour Street Soho, 1726. 156. From Claudius Gruprier, Wiinpole 17 lO, about his painting a pidurc there. 8781- Letters to H.Wanky as before. 1-2. From W. Hanbury London 1721, about the great Rarities at Wimpole ; Mr. Schumacker, a curious old MS.of Geoponicks, fuch as other Volumes in my 14 ’s Library, ic. 1723. Seal of Arms. Num. 3781. 3. A paper of Profeffor Halley’s 1706, about an Eclipfe, & thus indorlld, “ Ihould go with one of Mr. Tipper’s letters.” 4. From Mr. Nich. Hall, Prebendary of Exeter, to Canon Gilbert 1706-7, about Dr.G.Hicks’s Sa.\on MSS. from all the Cathedrals in England, with his opinions at end of the lafl folio, &c. 3. From Mr. John Hamerfley, Coventry, near the Free School 1702-3, with a defeription and drawing of a quill that had two feathers Ipringing from it, &:c. 6. From Henry Hare Efq. about the Leidger of Dun- liable herewith fent, See, 7-8-9-10-11-12. From Tho. Hargrave, about book* bought at Dr. Bernard’s Audion, London, 1699, with a bill of the fame. See. Wanley’s notes on letter 10, that wLat he did was by the Order of the Curators of the Bodleian Library, where he then ferved, &c. 13. From Wanley to Dr. Paynter, Vice Chancellor of Oxford, & bill of books bought at Dr. Francis Ber¬ nard’s Audion for the Univerfity Library, 1700, and figned, Tho. Hyde. Ling. Heb. ProfelTor, “ I am Willing that this Bill Ihould be payed.” 14. A Ihort bad fcrawl, from the Hoiible. C. Flation, 1700. about a iranfcriut out of the ancient Lives in the French King’s I.ibrary. IFrom T. Hanlon about Mr. Ravenferoft’s books. 16. Fi'om Lainont llauxwc-ll, Fixby 1700, about a contefl between Halifax & Eland Churches, Si records touching the fame in DoJfworths’ MSS. 17. From Mr. G. Hay, 1720, unimportant. 15. From Mr. Louis de laHayc 1717-8, about hledals & Gems, &c. 19. 20. French letters from SIg. Nicolino Haym, about Sonata’s for the Organ of Mr. bernardo Pafquini, &c. London 1705. 21. From the celebrated Antiquary Tho. Heanie, Oxford 1714, requeuing the Ufeof Ant. Wood’s Diary, & thanking him for his account of Leland’s pieces in Ld. Oxford’s Library. The MS. with Sr. Robt. Cotton’s infeription was one of Humphrey Duke of Glouccfter’s books; tho’ Sr. Robt. gave it to Sr. Tho. Bodley, to be rellorcd to its place, Sic. 22-3-4. From the fame, in anger, about being denied the ufe of the above MSS. &c. 25. From the fame, to John Anflis Efq. 1714, about the laid MSS. with fome refledions upon his Lordfliip’s character, &c. Glad of his defign to alTifl: Gale. The Monuments of 1000 years old mull be pleafing. 26. From M. Ja. Helletine, 1515, to Mr. Nickleton, Gray’s Inn, Sir George Wheler not then come from his Living, &c. Can find none of the old Services but Mr. Loofemor’s, in C hurch or Library, See. other- wife ray Lord, &c. might have been gratified with them. Sec. 27. From the learned Dr. G. Hicks, about “ Magni Gregovii Sacraraeiitariura.” in the Bodleian, &c. Dr. Ber¬ nard, &c believes he never faw a Saxon MS. written before the Conquefl, &c. .‘'ir G. Wheler who gave tlie Marbles, is very likely to bellow his Colledion of Coins on the Library, Sec. 28. A long Latin letter from the lame, about Saxon MSS. &c.in the Bodleian, Worceller, & Cotton Libra¬ ries, &c. with explanations of words, &c. 1696. 29. A Ihort one inEnglifii from the fame, 1696, about his MS. Francick grammar, before mentioned in the lafl letter Mr. Worrnius, Sic. This is enJorfed “ Dr.Hickes late Dean of Worceller.” 30 to 33. Others in Latin, by the fame, on the fame, Sic. 34-5. Two very fiiendly ones in Englilh, from the fame, wifhing to vifit the Colton Library, k about a I traafciipt Bibliothecae Harleian^; 71 Num. 3781. Num. 3781. trailfcript out of Wanley’s fpedmen of the Dano-Sax. interlineary verfion, &;c. 1697. 36-7. From the fame, about his former intereft with a great Bp. Dr. S. of the fame temper with that learned & excellent Prelate. The Dr. had the fame dehgn as Wanley, & (liewed what he.had written in his Preface to the Cottonian Library. Extremely plcafed with W’s derivation of the Gothick Alphabet, & fubfcribes to it in every thing, &c. 38. From the fame, calling W his dear and honored Friend, & thanking him, inter alia, for Bernardo Aldrete, Cc the dedudion of the Runick Alphabet. Defciiption of the Majufculte, ik Minufculs, & the b or vita, for a plate to be u,graved from, &c. 39 to 46. From the fame, on the fame fubjeits, &c. 1698. 47. About W.ir.ley’s prcffurc.-^, &c. with good advice, &c. about his taking the Under Library Keeper’s place, &:c. 48. A very friendly & fcnfiblc letter, about Wanley’s intended propofals of Marriage to his couiitr of good for¬ tune. &c. that the Mailer of Univcrfity Cull, probably has taken care that he fitould be a fellow of Wore. Cull. &c. 49-50. From the fame on the fame Subjeft, & on enquiry linds Mr.Philip’s eflate whenhe died to be worth about 2500!. as appears from his will, which hi, fan rather improved than wailed, ike ; fo thr. hia hiter will have all, &c. but Wanley doubtful of luccefs, as they objed to his want of Eltate, See. his being her coufin German no objedion in Cafuiftry, &e. 1698-g. 51. A fewHnes from the fame, going to Oxford. 52. A letter of Inilructions &: advice from the fame, on Wy. going for Cambridge. About the Title Sc price of his book, &;c. Wanlty’s i'pucimens to be (hewn there, &c. to dired for Dr. Uickes, at the next houfe beyond the furtheil lamp towards the liclds in Kings Street Bloomfbury, 1699. 53-4. From the fame, to II. Wanley at Bennett Col¬ lege Camb. about Bcnedi&iones Epifcopales, Tcxlra Rof- fenfts, the Sa.von A^aialogiufii, the fame as in the Cotton Library, 8cc. Mr. Chamberlain’s friendfliip, liis work to liave fpeciniens of hands, particularly from Wellh, Iri/h, Scotifh, & Cornifli MSS. &;c. 55 - 6 ' 7 ' 8 - 9 . From the fame to the fame, at Mrs. Ray’s houfe near Trin. Col. Camb. about the mixture of Saxon k. Latin Adonicks. A Sa.xon Calendar from the menologies to be well confidcrcd, fomc of them being fluffed with particular Saints, befides Legendary ones, us in Bennct Coll. Library; fends him 5 1 . more to fupply his wants, with advice to huiband it well, See. and were he in the world as formerly, Wanley had never drudged fo long in the Bodleian,iic. Glad has fuiiilied at 3 cn Coll. \V. Wifhes for a fpecimen of the Cod. Bezre, but draught of the Monallery befl let alone, &c. 1699. 60. From the fame to the fame, about borrowing him the old Lat. Englifh MS. didionary of King’s Coll. Mr. Benzelius, &c. the Glailnnbury Catal. Francick Poetry, Edwin’s pidlure, &c. Glad he Is to have a fpecimen of the characters of the Cod. Arg. and of the Canon of Eufeb. not even mentioned by Junius. 61. 2. 3. 4. From the fame at Univcrfity Coll Ox¬ ford, 1699, about his being the fitfcll man in the world to take a Catalogue of the MSS. &c. MS. in Mr. Thaices’ hands by the Name of Liber Confuius; Egberts peniten¬ tial, See. 65. 6. 7. 8. 9. From the fame, about a Colleflion of MSS. Saxon or Norman Saxon*!, oic. d'he difeovery of the original ol Apollonius of Tyre, a great ornament to his (Or. H’s) C.^talogue, which owes all its improve¬ ments, &c. to Wanley. 70. From the fame, to the Rev. Dr. Arthur Charlett Mailer of Univeifity Coll, about Wanley’s being denied to come for 6 weeks to take the Catal. of the Saxon MSS. in the Cotton Library, in order to make his (Dr. H’s) uniform k moll acceptable to the learned world, no one hand for many reafons being comparable to Mr. Wanley’s. 71. From the fame to Mr. Elflob fellow of Univcrfity Coll, upon the fame Subjccl, Sc the Bp. of Lich. &c. ufing their interell 1700. 7a. 3. 4. From the fiime to Wardey, about Mr. Chamberlain’s houfe Petty France, 1700, about the 'Vicech. Sc Curators complying with his requeft. 75. From the fame to the fame, at Sir.fohn Cotton*.? I.ibrary, in W'effminfher 1700, about his anxiety to hear that he is preparing for the prefs, See. 76-'-8-9-8o. From the fame, about Mr.Tiiwaircs, S:c. Sheets to be brought for profs. The Alphabet for Dr. Sloan, &c. Cronicon Sax.-BaJonach's will, out of the book of Charters. See. 81. to too. Other Ihort ones from the fame, 170C-1, abouL their meeting at the Cotton Library ; talked to Ld. Somers about him & the Catalogue, &c. a paper prepared for Dr. Sloan, &c. So dunn’d for his book that he is quite uneafy. In Wilts. Glouc. &c. feveral have called back their Subferipdons. Prefs now Hands for want of Copy. A Picture bought, &c. FIcn. If. Charter to be fent. See. and the Dedication to the Prince. Selden’s book is Mare Chfum^ See. :oi to 120. Siaall letters from the fame, on fimilar fubje£ls, lefs important. W. Conq. Charter; Bp. of Ely’s M.SS. Cotton Cat. & King’s Library Cat. See. Don Morofini, &c. recomends Wanley to Ld. Wey¬ mouth with his book of fpeciraens, &c. and if encouraged would go to Holland, Fiance, & Sweden, &c. i2i.to 130. Others about delay for Prefs, Charter of H. II. Saxon Coins, Engraving arms and dedication to Robert Harley Efq. 400 1 . in debt to the Stationer, &c. angry again with Wanley about Mr. Thwaites's prefs waiting, 8cc. 13 i to 140. From thefaine, about the fame fubjcdls,the Dean of Xt Church can procure the ufe of the Enfhaiu Regifter, kept in their Treafury, &c. Mr. Grabe requells W' to compare his Copy with the original of the Alexandrian MS. Dr. Smith has talked many years of putting out that Copy of the Old Teftament himfelf, &c. 1705- 141 to 160. Other trifling ones from the fame, about books, See. is told by Wanley’s friends of his marriage, which he takes unfriendly not to difclofe it himfelf, &c. A rare book not mentioned by Dr. Cave nor Dr. Dupin, 161. From the fame, about his having got his Sax. MSS. together, at the fervice of Mr. Secretaiy, &c. d'he Copy of the Cod. Wigorii. above half collated with the original, and that of the Harmony of the Gofpeis in francick, carefully collated with Caligula A. 7. I. in the Cotton Library,&c, 1707. 162. Acquaints him that it was the fault of his Col¬ league Mr. Thorp, that his name was not engraved as delineator of the Alphabets in the laft R. S. Tranf- adlions. Tho’ he may be glad of it, as the letter to which they'belong is fo falie printed, that it is a difgrace both to himfelf & Dr. Sloan, & would have given 10 1 . it had not been printed. 165-6. From the fame, about a German Gent. Mr. Holling, bringing him a letter from a Protefibr at Heolm- flad, in the Dominion of the Duke of Wolfenfaotcle, &c. An I'flimate of his Study, See. 1713. 167. From Mr. James Hill of Hereford 1719-20. 168 to 170. From Mr. Tho. Hill, about having got the head of Paracelfus, with the head of Rubens to 'Wimple, &c. 177. 17X. From Catalogus Librorum KISS. Num. 3781. 171. From Mr. Jame.*? Hili, about Roman Antiquities, Medals,&c. found at Sf.Leonard’s hill near Windfor, &c. * 7 -'.v from the above Kir. Tho. Hill the painter about his own Piclure which he prefenced to Ld. liarlev 1718,&c. ^ 174. from Dr. Humph. Hody, Chaplain to the Archbp. of Canterbury, Lambeth 1699. about Box- hornius, and Nich. de Lyra, publifhed 1500, with an Ac¬ count of books puhlifhcd in Italv before that time. Books in B idleian Catal. ^c. printed 1494, &c. 175. troin Mr. T. Holder 1716 7. '76-7. From the Rev. Anthonv Holbrook, Rector of l-ittle KVallham near Chelmsford, Fflex, 1709, about Mr. OuJley’s MS. Mr. Jekyll of Caltle Hcndingham, prandfon of the induftrious Anticjuary of that name, who made a large colIe(ftion before the Civil Wars j can¬ not ferve Mr. Harlev in the MS. 178. From Mr. Holman of Halltead, to the Ilonble John Morley, lyi,?, about Wanley’s great fkill, &c. in antient Records, or would not othtrwife be employed in fuch aPiovince by one of the greatell Genius's of the Age, being hiinfetf then writing the Hilfory of Hinck- ford Hundred ; no doubt fo noble a Collection as Lord Oxford s muft afford fumclhing for his defign. Several Deeds very old among Mr. Kemp’s writing*. &c. 179. From the lame to Wanley, 1722, about fome places in EiTe.xnoticed inDoomfday. An endlefs work to write the Antiquities of a large Countv, & if he had forefeen the diflieulcies fiiould not liave attempted it, &c. 180. From the fame, about his having been feveral Journeys in this County & large colleftions of the charitable donations in each parilh, &c. alfo relating to the fite of Lordfhips, 8cc. 181. From the fame, about fending by his neighbour Mr. Morley feveral original Charters (in two boxes) of the Religious Houfes of Leighes, Prittlewell, Biicigh, Duninow, 'Ihctford, the HolyTrinityinlpfnich, Wood- bridge, Tinterne, ScSt.Edmundlbury, &c. thanks Wan¬ ley for the Inftrudions received from him relating to his Hiflory of Eflex, &c. In a little time lliall fend more Charters. 182. From the fame,about his affliction with the Gout, having fome time interrupted his Hiltorical Studies, but now fends a (ketch for defcribingEiTex, for his corrections, &c. Thinks the whole Hiltory may lx: comprized in a Vul. Icfs then Camden's Britannia, which will not be large conddering the extent of the County. 183. From Geo. Holmes 17 s 7, about a curious book, & all the noble encouragers of Antiquities, &cc. I 84. A long &: neatly wriiten letter in Greek, from George Homer to Wanley, dated Smyrna 1713, about books which he wants, as fpecified by Wanlcv on the back. 185. From Jonatli. Hooker, about medals for Ld. Harley 1716. tSC. From Ralph Hope 1698, about an old Cliaucer which Wanley had of him at Coventry, Dr. Charlott; the Czar, See. 187. From Dr. Geo. Hooper, Dean of Canterbury 1701, 188. From Dr. Wm. Hopkins late Prebendary of Worceder 1698, about old Cdiarters, otlier MSS. &c. Dr. Sykes, &c. 189. From Monf. llupman Refideni of the Duke of Iloldein, Smyrna Codec Houfe 17:1, very delirous of tlie honour of Wanlev’s acquaintance, ike. 190. From Dr. Huy, Kiiigdon, Jamaica, tyii, con¬ gratulating him apon the great honor he has to be in the favour of the Ld. H.Treafiircr, who will daily diditiguilh his great learning and merit j alfo about arrears due to him when he left Eng. 1769, as part of the Salary of the Profellorlhip in Oxford at 40 L per Ann. Num. 3781. 191. From Dr. Hudfon Univerfitv Coll. O.-if. i^ott about his entraiice upon his Office, that he (irli looked into the book oi benci'aciors to fupply what were wanting, & difeovered no mention of Dr. Stoane, to whom the Univerfity will give fome public telliinony of reTpecF. 192. From the fame, Ap. 1702, about Wanley's coU lating for him the MS. Fliny in Grelhara College. Ther cannot find a great many of Hr. Bernard’s MSS. & printed books, wliich were entered in a folio paper book, 6ic. the Appendk will be ready tdr I’rtfs by Michaelmas next if the Curators think fit, &:c. 193. From the fame, about the above books which he fuppofed lod, but Wanley direfts him how to find them, as appears by his note to this letter, faying, “ why Ihould he defire to be Library-keeper, fo long, & yJt fuller fuch a parcel to lie all the while under his nofe, &c.’* ig4._Fromthe fame 1703, about the collation of a Ladfantius in the Cottonian Library ; forry he thinks to publiih the remiins of Sr Tho. Bodley ; but Wan¬ ley denies ever having fuch a thought, iu a note. From the fame, dated Bodl. Lib. 1703, en¬ quiring if he ever met with any Mozarabick Liturgies, have at length with fome expence obtained the Oueen’s warrant for the MS. of Jofephus ; Dr. Trimnel Torched for it, but not finding it met with an old printed Latin Jofephus, about the beginning of printing, Mr. Worms’s (i. e. Wormiu?) books, &c 197. _8. 9. From the fame, thanking him about the MS. which he hope.s is the fame that once belonged to Sir John Play ters of Suffolk, & came out of the Floren¬ tine Library, &c. 200. From the fame, 1711, about another MS. of Jofephus ; has Jofephus now in the Prefs as a fpecimen. SorryMr.Thwaites cannot holdout longasa keeper up of learning, now fait declining, &c. in the nation, &c. all the rewards of labour and induflry being bellowed on fuch as never think of doing any fervice to the common-w'ealth of I^etters. Doubts not but the Greek Profefforlhip will be fo difpofed of. 201. From the fame, about his difappointments, 8:c. after 20 years labour, might expedt fomething better than 40 1 . per Ann. but fliouid not refufe fuch an offer &c. The perfon dedgned for ProfdTor, Ihould be obliged to publiih fome MSS. or give a good Edition of fome valuable book. 202. From the fame, 1712. Tho’ Jofephus does take up all his time, &c. in anfwer to his enquiries about Greek Bibles, &c. Before the flight of the poor Greeks from Conllaruinople, there was hardly any copy of the Bible in Greek in tiiefe parts of tlie world; all people being content with the vulgar Latin. Neither is it ftrange tliac few entire Copies Ihould now be heard of: the Turks no doubt dellroying all thc-y could come at, & the Xtians hiding them for fear of them, &c. Befides there were few entire copies, but fuch as were depofited in the Patriarchal or Metropolitical churches; S: fuch feems the Alexandrian MS. to have been. After all, there may be a great many MSS. efpecialty of the Greek Teltament in private bauds, which have not vet cjme to our knowledge. Every one thinks him ill requited for fervlng the pub¬ lic ; but no one coiifiders liim. The efl'edt of it will be, that it will make others averfe from applying ihem- feives to the profecution of learning, which is vifibly de¬ caying every where in her Majelly’s dominions, &c. 203. From the fame, I7i4> about the Rector of Lin¬ coln College lending Watiley Sr. G. Wheler’s MSS. Dr. Radcliffe’s great Benefaction ; intend to buy the Bp. of Fly’s books, &c. Unids the King buys the Itudy, nobody elfe likely to bid againft them, kz. 204, From Bibliothecas Harleianse. 73 Num. 378/, 3782. 204. From the fame, about the Re6:or of Lincoln’s feiiding the Greek MS. &;c No place on the face ofthe Faith pays fo little regard to thofe that deal in learning as this nation, &c. fears he fliall be undone by Jofephus, &c. 205. From the fame, 1714-15, about the letter fur- niflied by W.’s Patron, being the firft favour he ever received from him, tho’ it was in his power to have made his circumftances more eafy in the world,&c. ihe letter was from Biachini with the collafnns he wanted, &c. for which he had payed already tool. Scudis, &c. is making what Intereft he can for Hcarne to obtain the place of Architypographn^ now vacant, &c. 2Ci6-"»8. From the fame, uith extiads from & long & curious remarks upon the Statutes of Sr. Tho. BoJley, about lending books out of that Library. 209. 210. From the fime, of no importance. til. From the fame, about his work, Dr. Bernard’s MSS. ancient Editions in Baliol Coll. Library ; has given orders to have all the MSS. in France & It ily collated for him ; refoK’cd to go on iho’ the expence is very great, & meets with dilcneouragement from thole, who Ihould ccntribuie to the public good. Mad converfadon with Mr. Daubuz, who has obliged the world with an excel¬ lent book about a palTage in Jofephus. Me delervts better things than a poor little Vicarage; where he is likely to be cramped for want of Book-!. 212. From the fame, about Wheler’s books in Lin¬ coln Coll. &c. the Gofpe-L in Greek, !kc. 2i.'-i4. From Mr.Thi). Ilurll, Cov. 1699 Sc 17145 about making V'ellum, See. 215. From J. Hutton, Stoke,1706, about the Hate of Nayland Church, the DiiTcnters expofnioiis of the Church Cattchifin, See. Dr Maiininghain reading Lec¬ tures on the Common Prayer, See. 2t6. From Dr. Tho H\de, about Arabic Sc Perfian books to be procured i.i India. 'I he Titl -s given at large. 217. From the lame, about procuring French Books, a brafs coin of I'angrolipix, with another Arabic coin in the Public Library. ai8t0 220. From the fame, about the Jnilu (fic) Language, the King’s allowance for fludying languages, &c. a book in the old Perfian, See. alfo a book in Clare l-Jall,of theGaurs, &:c. 1699. 221-2-3-4. From the lame, about his book with copper cuts. &c. being ready for the dubferibers, See. Dr. Sinane’s donation, See. Oct. 170c. Oxford Dr. Charlett, See. 225-6. From the fame, about the Curators ineeriiig t the Library, to view the building which is inclining into Exeter Yard 7Mnches,SiC. 227-8-9. D” about duplicates of Dr. Sloane’s books, &c. Erdefwike’s account of Stafford'Si C. 1701. 230-1-2-3. i'r.flii.g ones from the fame. 231. From the fame, 7 i. about traiiffaiing Macrizi or any other Arabic bonk; has by hiinalaiin tranllation of the Natural Ililtory ot Egvpt, written by a learned Vhyfician Abdohitiph Bagdaricnfis, ke. 235-6-7-S. Trilling ones from the 'amc, 1702. 239. From his Wife E. Hyde, about picture frames. 240---2-y From the fame, about fome villainous attempt to injure her character, See. 1701-2-3. 3782. Letters to Humphrey Wanley 1692 to 1725. 1. From G. Ratten Coventry,'about Coffee, See. 2. 3. to 10. From iMr. W"" Reading of Sion College, about fpecimens of Eufebius, &c. he was then about to publifh, die. 1714, 1721, See. 11. FromMr. Jofhua Reynolds ofC.C.C.Oxford,1709, about Wanley’sHame being in the Catalogue of Dr. Edw. 1 Bernard’s Library 1697, as purchaftr of the ill Edit, of I Cat.Harl. Vol. Ill. Kum. 3782. Pomponius Mela, which a Gent, tvho has fpent many years in preparing a new Edition, is now ready to publilh. I 2. From Mr. Tho. Robinfon, a painter, 1709. ly 14. From Mr. S'jiiderfon of the Rolls, 1723, about borrowing a MS. from Ld. Harley, &c. 15. FromMr. Richard Sare, about the unfortunate Mr. Mickietoii’s affair-, curiofitie<, See. 1719. 16. 17. Two letters n French from Mr. Daniel Schu- inackcr, Libniry-keeper to his Czarian Majefty ; written at Buiitingford on his way to London from Wympole, 1 721-22. 18. From Rev. Alex. Scot, Stone Park, .Stalfor ifltire, 1702 , very full of gnuit’-uh.', Ac. On the back of it is wriitcii by Wanky “ Names of Hlppiatn'cal Author* cited ill that Greek MS. de Re Veterinaria, which Dr. Sloane purchafed at the AuC'don of John de Witt’s Books.” 19. From i!;c fame, cl.Ucd D' 1703, wiiicii fays that Iloufe is the principa' Seat of Mr Crompton lus wife’s brother. It Hands wiihin his Park, about a quarter of a mile from flie town of Stone ; tlianks him for his further offers to affilt him with my J.d. of Ely, who procured him preferment, A.c. 20. From the fame, about Ld. Gower’s offering him tlie choice of two living -, the heft being Clare in Suffolk, 6iil, per Ann. which he r.fufcd on account of ciltance from relations, Ac- 21-2-;. From the fame, at Stone Park, about his pre¬ ferment, Ac. 24-5. From SI. Segar, Middle Temple 1 712-1about the Office of Luncaitcr Iler.ild being vacant by the death of Mr. Frith,* who lately fucceedeu .Mr. Kmg ; requefts Wanicy’s iurereil with Ld. Treal'iirer to obtain it. 26. From Mr. Ab. Seller, alijut (ircek iVIufic, he. 27. From Jas Seiiiewiex, Brompton Brian, 28. Fr. mMr. Jeofuah Gomez Serra, 1713. 29. FromMr. <■}. 'cwcli, Cainb". 30 From P. Hakerton 1705. 31. Fv i;n iNirs. Ll;z. Belgi'.ive fi 7,about Mr.Bever- land’s Bo .. , Cabinet of Sfiells, Agaty Ac. in Brent¬ ford 32 .■'r..;n Dr. W" Shcrard, about Vo^Ilu^’s MSS. A oti;c- ■ < ’iands If.jin Venuce, Ac. Hanvich, 16 .7. y: - . I’l-Min the fame 1 720, about Acorns from Italy, A' a Leauiiful tree for gardens, he. feveral pieces of St. Cliryfoltoin in the Catena, not p.dnteJ in the ia.b Beiiedi£tines. 35. From tlie fame, about Books from Turkey, Greek inferiptions at Smyrna. iMr. SmiLh’s MSS. fold lor 500 1 . Ac. 1 720. 36. The fame from Paris 17:1, about Montfaucon, S: Greek, Coptic, h Syrian i'.lS''. Ac. 37-S-9. From the fame, about Cedars of Libanus, he. Rev. Mr. Mould brought over MSS. a.nd books* Ac. 1725. 40. From the fame, about Dr. le Due, of Conflao- tinopie, feeing my Lds. Library, Ac. 41. From Mr. Tho. Sherlock, Mafter of the Temple. 42-3. From Mr. W'” Sherwin fen. 1701, about Dr. Sloane’s Diploma, &c. Dr. Leriiig's books, he. 44. From Hen, Sorrell, about Dr. Coveil’s affairs. 45. From Dr. Tho. Smith, London, 1695-0, abetut his being well acquainted with the MSS. in the Bodte'iap during his refidence at Oxford, efpecially relating to the molt ancient Fathers A Eccleffaflical Hiitory, Ac. with ■Wanley’s note about thy Baroccian MSS. A Abp. Laud, where is the old mh .eiox (more ancient than the time of Simeon MeiaphraflesJ in 3 Vol. folio-. * Rowland Frith of Thornes in Shenflone Farifh (Ses Hift. Staff. Vol. 2.P.43.J 46-7. Olh«ri U 74 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3782. 4(5.7. Others from the fame, about Saxon Charters in the Cotton Library, &c. The Lombardic charadler, &c. The Samaritan Pentateuchs in the Bodleian Library, &c. Mr. Selden, Mr. Pepys, &c. the ArchbHhop of Dublin’s MSS. purchafed by Dr. Bernard in Holland, &c. 48-49. From the fame, about St. Kilianus, a Monk, a native of Ireland & ift Bp. of Wurtzburgh dc.i.xxxvj. &c. Charters & Records in Public Libraries, &c. 50-1. From the fame, about Saxon Charters at Can¬ terbury, Croyland Abbey, &c. 52-3-4. From the fame, about Scotch Charters, Regifters of Durham Cathedral from the foundation. iMS\ of Bede’s Hiftory belonging to the Bp. of Norwich, &c. 55.56-7-8-9. From the fame, about the Bp. of Nor¬ wich’s MS.-new Edition of Bede, SiC. 60-1. D” about the Bp. of Ely’s Library coming into the Harleian Colleftion, See. 6i. From G. Spearman, Gray’s Inn, 1717. 65-4. From the above J. Smith, Durham 1708-9, about curious Bibles Sc Prayer Books, colleftcd by Dean Granville, &c. 65-G-7. Other Ihort Letters, from the fame. 68-9. From Mr. Mofes Du Soul, about his new Edition of Euclid, &c. London, lyoo. 70. From G. Sparman, Grays-Inn. 71. From John Stevens, about a curious clock. 72-3-4-5. From the celebrated John Strype, dated Low Leyton 1706-7, See, about old Bibles, &c. 76-7-8-9. From the fame, about his parting with his colleflion of Charters, & other ancient Parchments, See. 80-1-1-3. Other familiar Letters, from the fame. 84-5-6-'7. About printing the life of Bp. Whitgift, &c. Mr. Foxe’s papers & other MSS. &c. 88-9. 901095. From Mr. Stubbs, 1718, See. about an Arabic MS. given him by Col. Hadings, the Septuagint Propofals Sc the Genoefe, &c. allfigncd P.S. 96-7. From Mr. John Sturt 1702-3, about 20 Gs. for a Charter. 98-99-100. FromTho. O Sullevan, 1725-6. 101. FromTho. Swift, Puttenham, 1711, about an inclofed fcheme for my Ld.Trcafurer, Sc his firrt dedica¬ tion to his Lcrdlhip. 102. From Fran. Taylor, about the Catalogue oi Dr. CharTett's Study, & having fold hU Medals to Mr. Barret. 103-4. From Dr.'Wm. Talbot Bp. of Oxford. 105. FromE. T. 1710. probably.) 106-7. From LThorpe, the Antiquary, dated Rochef- ter i'’25, about the Chronica de Bermondfev, & about l.v. Romney diTpofing of all the books Sc MSS. belong- to the Marfham family. ^108 to 112. From Tho. Tickell, Oxford, 1713, Sec. about a MS in the Royal Society, &c. a MS. copy of Lucan in my Ld. Treafurer’s^Library, ancient printed Edition at Parma, A'c. The Queen’s MSS. &c. 1 I 3 - 14 - 15 - irom Mr. Wm. Thomas, 1717, See. iib-iy-id. From Mr.'iim. Thomas, Down Hall, '^1^9 to 143. From Edw. Thwaites 1698, S:c. about printing Saxon Lexicons, having 15 Students, &c. W.’s Catalogue (See various other letters from him to Mr. J. Bagford 4966, in which are many curious ones from Wanlev) &c. .4410 195. From Mr. John Tipper, about-Almanacs, Diaries, & other mathematical Subjects, Sec. Here ends Wanley's Colkaion of letters, bnt there are various others of his in 4266. 5911. 75 - 4 - which fee. Num. SjliSi 3783. A collectionofletterstoDr.Wm.Sandcroft (fic)ArchBp. of Canterbury, from 162810 1688, but the two firll are from Rob. Abdy to Mr. Paolo Del Sera, Mr. C. Hen/haw, to introduce Mr, Sandcroft to them, on his travels. 3. A Latin letter to Dr. Sancroft, then Dean of St. Pauls, from Nath, Adamus, “ quondam Verbi Divini Minifter, Vilnre in magno Ducatu Lithuanian.” 4-5-6-7-8. From Robt. Alfounder Trin. Coll. Camb. 1664, &c. about Dr. Holdfworth's Library, See, Fellow- fhip, &c. 9. 10. From Rich. & Robt. Anderfon. 11. From J. Antell, S. Andrews, Sept. 5, 1657. 12. From Mrs. Mary Arthington. 13. From Alexander Afhburne, Burton-Stather, 1664. 14. From H.Babington, Boothby-Paignell, 1063-4, to the fame, then Dean of York, about the Livings of Trefwell & Ranyllon in Nottingham. A neat Seal of Babington quartering fretty. 15. From Jo, Barwick, brother to the Dean of St. Pauls, to Dr. Franck at Lambeth-houfe, dated Chefswick- Epiphanie 1C33, with Seal of Arms. 16. 17. &c. to 22. From Peter Barwick to Dr: Sandcroft, London 1664-5, about /?is fucceeJing lus deceafed brother in theDeanryof Sc. Paul’s, & other Matters relating to that and other Churches, Sec. 23. 24. From Ifaac Bafire to the Dr. S. then Dean of St. Paul's, dated Durham, 1662-66. 25. From Rich, Batterlby, Dartm" 1664. 26 to 37- From Jofeph Beaumont St. Peter’s Coll. Camb. Sec. 1662, Sec. & Robert Beaumont London. 38. From Geo. Benfon Dean of tiereford, 1684. 39 to 44. From Steven Bing, about the plague in London, Camb. &c. 1665. in a beautiful hand. 45-46. From John Bradlhaw to Dr. W. S. Mafter of Emmanuel Coll. Camb. 1652, &dean of St.Paul’s, 1666. 47. From Ifaac Bringhurft to the fame, 1666. 48. 49. From John Breton, Eman. Coll. 1666, fealed witii the old arms of that name. 50. 51. From-Brevint, Whitehall to the fame, when Dean of York, with Seals of Arms. 52. FromTho. Browne 1665. 53. From John Brame to his worthy Uncle Dr. S. Dean of St. Paul’s, 1666. 54-5-6-7. From the Rev. John Bourne at Lambourne 1664- 5, about the Vicarage ofWanbury, 100 1 . per. Ann. then void. Sc in me gift of Dr. Clarke, Chaplain to y' Duke of York, & then Dean of Wincheder. 58. From Ro. Bright, Paris, 1664. 59. From Wm. Brough, Windfor Caftle, 1664. 60. From Tho. Brown, 165^^, with leal of arms, 61. From Mary Brown Dr. S’s Siller. 62 to 66. From 'I'imo. Burrage, Clare Hall, Camb. 1665- 6, about being Chaplain to Sr. Robt. Gayer, funeral of Lady Henley, Sec. 67. FromTho. Buck, Camb. 1661. 68. A lalin letter from GulicI.Biiggc, 1663. 69 to 72. From F. B. (Dr. Brown as feeins by Mr. Cade’s, letter after) 1655-64 73. From Dr. Tho. Cade, to Sir-Walker, 166c. 74. From Wm. (Juxon) Archbp. of Canterbury, 1662. 75 to 78. From Gilbert (Sheldon) Archbp. of D' 1663-4, See. 79. 80. From the fame, about his being Chancellor of the Univerfity, 1667-8. 81. From Dr. jo. Montague Mailer of Trin. Coll. Camb. 168 8. toWin. ^Sancroft) Archbp. about the famr. 8-’. :j Bibliothecae Harleianas. 75 Num. 3783. S;to85. From Dr. JohnCovel, Mafter of Xts. Coll* Canib. n 58 S. to Archbifhop Bancroft, on his being dedal Cliancdlor of that Univerfity. With (83) the Latin Addrefs of the Vice Chancellor and Senate on the Qccafion. (Sec numerous letters from Covel,in Wanley’s Colled 37 ^- 1 ’ 815-7. f'^om Rich. Bp of Carlille 1664. 8S. From W. Carlos 1665. S9. From Tho. Cacon, Wickham, 1664. 90. From Wm. Chapman, Camb. t662. 91-2. From Wm. Clarke 1644, about St. Martin Orgars Church, &c. 93. A certificate of baptifin, figned, Aler. Cloggey, Miniltcr of Leinthr.il Starkes 1684. 94. From J. Collins, 'Wcflminiter. 95. A latin letter from Wm. Cockeran, Wefthali. 96. Fi-om Will. Bilhop of London, about Emanuel Coll. 1662. 97. From Revera. Confianter, London 1657. 911. From Nicholas Connold, Luxficld, Sufi'olk 1663, calling him honoured Coufin, & mentions ids Coufm Sandcroft (fic)theDrs. Brother, & his Coufm Giles, &: JohnBorreit, &c. 99. From Erafmus Cooke, old & tattered. 100. From Wm. Cooke, Broome, 1665. 101. From John Cofin, Bugden, i66t. 102-3 4 - T. Cofin, Paris 1656-9. 105. From Rob. Creyghtone, “ to his very worthy friend & brother Mr. Sandcroft,” 1639. 106-7. F-om R. Cudworth, Emmanucll Coil. Camb. 1697. 108. Broin W. Curtis, to Dr.W. S. Dean of St. Paul’s, no date. 109. From Aa. Delylle, no date. ito. From Tho. Dalton, about the Living of St. Flartines Algars (fic), in St. Martin’s Lane Cannon Street. 111 to 166. From Geo Davenport, about the plague in London (viz. 123, &c.) but the latter cluefly about repairs of Prebendul houfes at Durham, 3 cc. i6qq,&c. 167 to 171. From John Davenport, 164910 1666. 172-3-4. From Henry Davy, London, 1057. 175-6. From the above Aa. Delylle. 177. From John Bi/hop of Derry, Newarke, to Mr. ITomiywood 1660. recommending Mr. Saudioid as a chaplain. 178-g.From Edmund Diggle, Bp.thorp, 1664. Arch¬ deacon of York, & fellow oi Magdalen Coll. Oxford. I 80-1. From W. Dillingham Fmman. 1662. On publifldng all the Greek Scliolialls, 5 cc < 182. Ancthev in Latin, from the fame, about 1637. 183-4. From LiuicellotDnbfon, Ilougiiton 1683-5.. 1S5. From the Rev. 1 . Dolben, Jan. 14 . . . 186. From Sr. IT. Diigdcile, Norroy, Feb. c, 1663. shout leafc^ at Seijcants, made by the Dean S: Chapter of York, Serj. Littltton being Treufurer there, and about theprogrels he liaJ made in his printing work of the Judges, ?cc. 187. From Jo. Bp. of Durham, 1661, about his iolemn Si handfome reception into ihat Church, when ■at his fil'd entrance thro’ the River Teale (ficj the fword that killed the Dragon was delivered to him, with all the formality of ’IVumpets, Guii-fhois, and Acclamations. Offers Mr. Win. Sandcrofc the Vicarage of Norton fituate in a pleafant place of that Country, about fix miles from the Sea, is worth S or 9 fcore pounds per Anntirn, till a better falls. 188. From the fame, about welcoming him into that Diocefe, with a Canonrv of Durham, & Redtory of Houghton, which if Dr. Barwick and Mr. Triplet leave, will be in his donation, &c. Aug. 1661. 189. ffjo. 1.2 3 -4. From the fame, about the fame, & other cpd'copal alfairs, &r. Num. 3784. 3784. Another folio Volume of Letters to the fame. 1. From Jo. Eafles, Bruxelles June 30th. 2. From Rich. Bp. of York, to the fame, then Archbp. of Canterbury, &c. Bifliopthorp 1670, about the Rec¬ tory of Methley, belonging to the Dutchy, &c. getting a furvey made of Rofe Caftle, &c. To it is a neat Seal of the Bp.’s Arms. 3. Another from the fame, July 9th, 1664. 4. 5. 6. From Mathew Wren Bp. of Ely 1663, about receiving a refignation from his Coufm Dr, Holder, of his Prebend of Southwell, having given him 2 good Bene¬ fices Si a Prebend in the Church of Ely, See. defires the former to be conferred on his Son Dr. Tho. Wren, &:c. 7. From Ra. Bp. of Exeter, to Mr. Sandcroft, about making him Chaplain to Lady Capel, whofe eldeft Daugiiter was then married to Ld. Herbert heir to the Marquis of Worcefier, &c. Highgate, 1657. 8. 9. From Seth, Bp. of Exeter, to the fame, then Dean of St. Paul’s, about the Living of Totnam High Crofs, which he folicits for liis friend Mr. Gibfon, who was ejefted with him from his fcllowlhip at Sidney College, about Sr. Ilumfrey Winch, Knt. of the Shire for Bedford, &c. Exon. ib66. 10. A long well written letter, about one Mr. Great- rates (ufually, Greatrakes), an Irifiiman, curing difeafes by ftroking or laying on his hands, Feb. 6th. figned John Felton, alfo, Henricus Gaudy feripfit. 11. From Tho. Fiddes, about the fate of a Reciory 140 per Ann. 12 Miles from Camb. & 2 from Royfton, Barkway, Feb. 1664. 12. From Er. de la Fontaine, about the Manor of Pauls Belchnrape, Kerby-bellers, 1662. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. All long Letters from Samuel Poller, about Mr. Francis Thompfon & the Plague in St. Giles Cripplegate ; Mr. Burrage ; whether bc^ts at firfl w'ere killed for facrifice, See. His fon then in Camb. certifies him that the Bp. of Durham intends to fettle on your Coll. 50 1 . per Ann, for 5 Scholarfiiips, Sic. Redgreve, 1665. ) 8. 19. Fi nm Mr. Franck, Lambeth, & Pembroke Hull, Camb. 1663. 20 to 26. From Jolin Gayer, 1655. 27 to 43. From Rob. Gayer brother of the laft, Lon- don 1655-8, &fealcd with the fame Arms. 44. From John Overing, Curate, about the Rectory of St. Mary Maudlins, Old Fifh Street London, with a recommendatory letter from the Churchwardens, it 65. 45. From S. Gerer, Mailer of Wakefield School, 1664. 46. A Latin letter from L. Geurdain, London 1636. 47. 48. From Fran. Godolphin, dated from the Temple 20 March .... 49. From Wm. Goodrich, his quondam Schoolfellow, S;c. 1665. 50.51. From James Goodwin, Feverlliam, Kent, about an cllate & houfe there. 52. From Jos. Hall, no date. 53. From Nath. Hardy, 1665. 54. From Anfelm Harford, London, 1665. 55. From Rev. M. Harris, Farthingho, Northamp. about the Bp. of Exeter at the Newfound Wdi, &c. 1666. 56. 7. 8. 9. From Francis Herdfon, Witby, 1660, & Francis his Ion, of Enian. Col. Camb. about the plague then, 1666, the former brother (in law, probably) & the latter Nephew of Dr. Sandcroft, who lb write his name. 60. From John Herringe, Cambridge, 1665. 61. From Rob. Hitch to the fame, congratulating him on his Deanry of St. Pauls, 1664. 62. John 76 Caialogus Librorurn MSS. Kum. 3784* John Hobfon Jun. in South Wales, 1066. 63. 4. 5. From Tho. Hodges, 1640-2. 66. 7. 8. 9. From Tho. Hoibeck, of Eman. Coll. Cambridge, 166^, about t-he plague in his parifli, &r. alfo begs for the Living of St. Mary Magdalen in Old Fifii Street London, then vacant, for Mr. Harford, &c. 70. 72. From Ri. Holden, Bridge Cafterten, 1663-4. 71. 3. 4. 5. From A. Holden, Holme & Yorke, 1664. 70. From Ric. Holdfvvcrth, Grefliam Coll. 1635. 77. A latin Epiftle from T. Holdl'worth, Cambridge} 1642. 78. 9. 80. &c. to 90. From the fame, London & Paris, 1650-65. 91 to 99. From Mich.Honey wood,Hagh, (probably for the Flaguc.) &c. 1658-60, about State affairs, 6cc. joo Frrm H. at Hull, 1662, about ecclcnaftical diflurbances, ike. their Cathedral much damaged by wind, &:c. lot. From C. H. defcriblng a bloody battle he then faw in the civil wars, in which fell the Ld. St. John, Ld, Fielding, &c. my Ld. of Effex efcaping by being in an ale-houfe. The Marquis of Hartford then marching with loocc Men armed, out of Wales to meet the King at Oxford, £1. A I.etter of the K. of Sweden,Gufiavus Adolphus, to C. 1. 163 I ; about the victory over Count Tilly. 44. ^2 _- C. I. to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, 1 642 ; about putting the Univerfity Plate into the King’s Cuftody. ^6. 13. Petition of fome Gentlemen, imprifoned for rc- fufing the Loan, 1627. 47. 14. A Letter from the Council to the Commiffioners for the Loan in Hertfordfhire, 16274 blaming their flacknefs therein. ..q_ 15. A Latin Letter, figned A. Bownefl? dated 1637. 16. A Letter from the D. of Buckingham to’^ths Spanilli Ambaflador, touching the King’s refolutio.n about the K. of Bohemia & the Palatinate, 1620. 53. 17. ^-ihe Earl of EiTex to the Q. before his going to Ireland. ^4. 18. Two Letters marked as refloted to this MS. but in faiE): interpolated into it ; being tranferipts (by Dr. Birch, probably) from the two Originals that follow t, marked now 19. 20., but in an i.nverted order, that marked (56“; referring to number 30, and (• 7*) to 19. ig. Letter from Mr. Fiancis Bacon to the Lord Keeper (Egerton.} 20.-Mr. Fr. Bacon to Secretar/ Cecil, 1599 4 that he had not given his opinion ro the Q. that thcEarl of Efl'ex was guilty either of a Piemunire or 21. A certificate or lefiimonial of a choiriflcr, figned Thomas Goode, i 665. 58. 32 . A Note figned Hen. PolIexTen, refpcdling a dif- penlation. Apparently an Opinion ofCounfcI. 59. 23. A receipt for 50 I. from the Vice chanc of Cam¬ bridge, 1642. Signed John Poky. 60. 24. Two Lfctteis, from Johanilts Foule to Archbp. Sandcroft. In Latin & Gi\ek. 61. 2^. A fragment without a name. 63. s6. A Letter from Sir Walter Raleigh to the K. in anlwer to the acculatlcn of the Sp-inilli AmbalTadour. 64. 27. A Petition to Saucroft when Dean of St. Paul’s. Si- 28. “ A humble reprefentation of the choife carriage o: the new Prodnrs & Taxors in Cambridge, 1647. 67. 29. I.etters to Sancrofr, marked i, 2. 3.4. 68.72. 30. A Letter to the King, without name or date. 73. 3 T. Three more Letters to Sancrofr, at difi'erent times, marked i. 2. 3. 74 32. Remonltrance of the Spanilh Armado, 1639. 78- 33. Propofitions to be taken into confideration for prefentbuc necelTary fupply yg. 34. A Letter, partly defaced, and an old writ. 80. 81. 35. News of the Wars in Bohemia. 82. 36. Fragment of a State Paper. 8j. 37. Obiervationes breves G. Sandcroft in Chryfudomi ediiionem Savilianam. 86. 38. The Caufe of Goodwyn againfl Sir Edward Hales, 2 J. 2. for not taking the Oaths, Ikc. upon entciing into an Office of Trull, according to Statute 2 <; C. 2. 104. 39. Depofitions about the Cultoms of the'rowu of Frefmgfeld in Norfolk, 1562. j 11. to 14-2. 3787- r. Arguments againfl Popifh Tenets, taken out o‘ Hooker’s Ecclefiaflical Polity. Two parts ; in dilferen^ liiindi. 2. An elaborate difeourfe in defence of the real prefence. At the end, “ A lye, a lye.” 82. 3. Fragmenta Regalia : or, Obfen'ations on Q. Eliz. her times & favourites. iic. 4. A Speech of King James ifl. and a palTage from his works. 132. 5. A Speech of Charles I. Mar. 17, 1627. (See N'’3791. 12.) 134- 6. Remarks on 14 Sermons. 135- 7. A petition to the Privy Council againfl the Service Book of Scotland. (See N" 3791. c. ) 13S. 8. A Speech of Mr. Doufe, in the Houfe of Com¬ mons. I 42 -' 9. Vox pnpuli: or News from Spain, fliswing how far to trull the Spanilli pretences. i4f. 10. Theological remarks, apparently on the fame dif- courfes as N" 6. 132. 11. An Addrefs to the K. concerning his prefent F.llate, & the means to reftlfy it. No date 137. 12. Advenlfemcnts of a loyal Subjedl to the K. from obfervations of the people’s Speech. 162. I 3. Extrafls from feme work, on the fubjecl of popery. 164. 14. “ Proteflarion of Scottifli miniflers, againfl fetling up of Bps. there.” * 89 ' 13. Carta R. H. 4. de pvir.cipatu Wallite concelTo H. filio. _ 173. 16. A Speech of Sir Thomas Wentworth, forrelliain- iag the Royal Prerogative of mifing levies & billetting Ibldieis. 174. I 7. Papers relating to the Impeachment of the E. of F.lTex, marked a. b. c. 174. 18. The poor man’s petition to the King. “ Good ting let there be an uniformity.” 179. 19. “A Speech found in Sir Waller Rawleigh’s pocketf after his Execution, wriiten by him in the Gatehoufe the night before his death.” 18c. 20. A Letter from him to his wife. iSi. 21. Spencer’s brief difeourfe concerning Ireland, or certain points to be confidcred in therecovery of Ireland. 182. 22. “ A Collcecon of fuch I'hlngs as have been by feveral men defired to be obtained of his Ma'"' for the good of his people.” 183. 23. The Argument of Mr. John Golden the 6th of April, 1628. Title “ The argument which by com¬ mand of the Houfe of Commons was made at their firll conference with the Lordcs, touching the libertie of the perfon of cveiy freeman, out of prelidents of Record, and refolutions of Judges in former tymes.” 185. A regular Copy, thus nltelled at the End, “ Examined the xxth ofMav 1628, by a copy under the hand of John V/right Clerke of the Coiiions Lloufc orParlament, bv John Langcfbi dc.” NB, The lall eight leaves of this Copy ate written on the paper inverted ; afrerrol. 192 24. A Speech made hetore the Lords, a little defaced at the Edges. 202. 2;. The Roman Catholics motions &: Conftderafoiis againfl Heretics, marked a. b. c. d 204. 26. Arguments for & agamll the Style of Great Britain. 2 to. 27. A coppy of a Lettre fent by the great Lotd (i. e. Grand Signor) to the King of Navarre, traiillated out of Greek into Frenche iSc foe iiitoEnglilhe.” The fol¬ lowing verfes are fubjoined. “ The Rate of Fraunce as now it Hands Is like Primero at fourc hands. Wher finiic doe'vye and feme doe hould And bed alTiircd may be tooboukl. The Kinge was rafhe without regard And being Ihyhe (lie) would needs difeard But firil he pall it to the Gwyes And he of nought Rraight wave it vycs. Navarre was next and w'ould not out, For of his Cards he had noe Jout. The Cardinall favmly held llie vye And watched advantage for to fpyc, dor to go out his frinds him byds But Cardinalls hatts make bufy heads. All reRs wer up, and all wer in 'fill Phillip fought that Gwves might svin. Queen mother flood behind his backe And taught him how to make h;s packc And \vc that fawe them and thcr pluye Did leave them ther, & dance ourc waye.” 28. A Paper connefled with § 26. Being, “ Objeftinrs againfl the charge of the name or title of England and Scotland into the Name of Great Brittany, to be moved and debated in the confererxce between the Ijar.is of the Parliament and the Commons, collected, renewed, and reduced to order, for the better mflru 3 tion.” -13* 37S8. Cafes in Ecclefiaflical Courts, iVc. fr 4 * 33. Notes on Kccleliallical JurifJiftion in England. 122. 34. A paper on the Right of the Archbilliop of Can¬ terbury to confer degrees. 128. 35. 36. Short Notesonvariousfvbjecis. _ 132. ! 34 - 3 7. Breviat for Charles Howard Efq. againlt the Duke of Norfolk. 136- 38. Caufes in the Court Martial. 138. 39. Fragment of a State Paper. 139 ' 40. Short notes on Ecclefiaitical Law. 141. 41. Sketch of a fpeech on the dccifion of a Caufe. U 3 - 42. 43. 44. Fragments on the Union of Churches, Sc other matters of Ecckfiaftical Law. _ i 4 S' 4,. Petition of the Free Workmen, Printers to the ArchLifliop. ^ 5 °' 46. Fragment of a Paper on the Marriage of Mrs. Bridget Emmerton. i 53 ’ 3795* I. A Paper entitled “ Dc Curiis Ecclefiafticis Archie- piJeopi Camuaricnfis,inlibello de prerogativis fedis Can- tuar.” With a note added by a later hand. “Printed in Antiq. Brltann.” z. A paper fuperferibed “ F.x libello de pohteia An¬ glia:, in ulum Dha: Regina: primo Regni Anno con- I'cripto.” Without a date. Signed at the end, “ Exami- natum.” Tt contains a Lilf of public Officers, beginning uith the Sovereign. 4 - 3. Notes of the Conference in 1603, refpefting the Articles of Religion. ?• 4. Marriage, ad ufum Sarum. ^ 9 - 5. 6. 8. 9. 12. Various forms of Confecration for Churches,'Chapels, Communion Plate, See. 10. 7. Plan of a Chapel Sc Furniture, as it was ufed by Launc. Andrews Bp. of Winchefler. 23. 10. “ A Collettionof Afts of Parliament, Canons, Articles, Iniunclions, & other authentic Records, relating to the Doefrine, Difeipline, & Worfhip, tflablilhed m the Church of England.” . , 11. 'I’he Service to be done on Maundy Ihuriday by the Lord Bp. Almoner. With a lift of the King’s Collar and Odcring Days. 35 - 13. “The form and order of Dedication or Confecra- turn of Churches k Chapels, together with Churchyards orplaccs of Burial, according to the ufeofihe Church of England.” 5 ®' 14. The Oueftion whether a Man may lawfully marry his Grandfather's Brother’s Wife. See 3798. 47. 43 - 15. An exaft account of the fenfv in which iome un¬ known ptifon fubferibed to the Articles of Religion j ad- drefled to the Archbifliop. 5 *^- 16. Short notes about F-nglifli Heretics. _ 60. ij. An opinion figned R. Sawyer, refpeffing alapfe. 62. 18. ig. 20. Papers relating to the general fubfeription of the Clergy to the revifed Liturgy in 1661. 63. 21. “ An Advertifeinent touching the Controverfies of the Church of England.” 74 - Niim. 3795—3797' 22. Four Sheets (namely 1,2. 15. 16.) out of a paper extended to more than 16 Sheets, on kneeling at the Communion. 90. 23. “ I’o the inoft Rev. the Archbyfhop, k Byihops, and the Reverend their Alliftants, Commiflioners by his Ma r to treat about the Alterations of the Book of Com¬ mon Prayer. The humble & earneft petition of others in the fame Commiflion.” Five Leaves clofely written, on both fides. 96. 24. Letter from the diifemient Commifiioners to the Archbifhop, fent with their propofed alterations. 103. 25. Their propofal for the Alteration of the Liturgy, fairly written and confirmed by texts in the margin. On eleven flieets of dofe writing, to the end. 104. 3796 - 1. “ Abnefe Reprefentation of the Plotforme of the Exchequer, and of certen wrongs & abufes both to the Kinge & Subjeft, in the bringing in k anfweringe of the King’s Revenues, both certen & cafuall, and how the fame may be reformed, with a Remonftrance of fome things which bv a moft legall right may be putt in execution for lupply of his Majefty’s prefent occafions.” » 635 - 2. Another paper on the Revenue. 3. Accounts of various diftrifts of the Kingdom. 4. to 24. Sundry papers relating to the Royal Reve¬ nues and expenditure in 1635. 25. A lift cf patents k pardons granted. 56. 26. Draught of a Commiftion for reforming abufes in the Exchequer. 6 1 • 27. Remembrances humbly fubmitted to the honour¬ able confideraiion of his Ma'’** Commiflioners for Sales 8 c Grants. 62. 28. The State of his Majefty’s Revenues at the An¬ nunciation, 1616. 64. 29. Confiderations on the Shipmoney. 65. N.B. 65 8c 66 are tranfpofed. 30. “ A balance of his Majefty’s ordinary Receipts k Payments, made by a medium of 5 years upon certi¬ ficates from the Officers of the Revenue by feveral war¬ rants,” dated 1640. Nine Sheets. 68. 31. A pedigree of James 1 . from the Conqueror. 32. 33. 14. Tables of Accounts. ^8, 36. Pedigrees of fundry Englifh Princes. 82. 37. Arms of various families in Bedfordfhire. Ihefe 12 pages, rudely tricked, Abp. Bancroft had Irom Robert Goodwynne. 3797- T. Extract from theReglfters of various ArchbUhop# of Canterbury, beginning from Cranmer. 2 —57. 2. Forms of diploma from a Doftor of Law at Cam¬ bridge, 8c at Leyden. 5 ^- 3. Further e.xtrafts from Regifters. _ 6a. T 4. An account of the fubfidy granted to the King by the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury in 1663. 5. Privileges k prerogatives belonging to the See of Canterbury. 9 ^* 6. Other extracts from Regifters. _ 98. 7. Notes on Ctmterbury Church k Diocefe. 112. 8. Ceremonies on the Confecration of Archbp. Parker. 124. 9. 10. II. A£ts relating to the Confirmation of feveral Bifhops. 12. A Rental of the Avchblfhoprick of Camerbury, from Michaelmas 1677 to Michaelmas 167S. 143* 13. A Lift of the Officers of the Archbp. 147. 14. Various fragments of accounts k memorandums, numbered I — 15. and not paged. 15. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Papers refpefling the Arch- bifhop’s Woods' & Wood-Reeves. Bibliothecae Harleian^. 83 Num. 3797—3810. 16. A patent from the A. Bifliop to Philip Jacob, to be keeper of his Woods. Imerliiicd by the Archbiihop himfelf. * 5 °' 17. A grant to John Den & Francis Nichols, for a fimiiar purpofe. 151- 18. Account of the Houfekeeper’s dwelling. 152. ig. A paper reipefting the Houfekeeper’s grant & duty. With a fmall paper of memorandums. 153. 20. Notes concerning various Offices under the Arch- bifhop. 155* ^6. Papers of direflions refpefling his Servants. 165. 2y. patent of Appointment to Francis Lee of Stret- ham, to be keeper of the Park at Croydon. 168. 3798. r—35. Patents for all the principal Offices under the Archbiiliop of Canterbury, fairly tranferibed in 93 pages ; with occafional remarks in the hand-writing of Aichbp. Sancroft. A certificate of Marriage inferted at fol. 5. 36. Cafe of Avoidance by Promotion. 45—53. and again (by the mifplacing of forae leaves.) 6:—65. 37. Royal Mandate for Knightly Chetwood to be Archdeacon of Canterbuiy. 54. 38. I. 2. 3. Opinions on ecclefiaflical Cafes. 55 - S«- 59 - 39. Cafe on the Avoidance of a Church. 57. 40. Several forms of dilpenfation, abfolution, &c. 65—84. 41. A difeourfe written by Thomas Barlow Bi(hop of Lincoln, on a cafe depending in Parliament, refpecting a marriage, between two foreigners, natives of Turin, named Gallina Si Pat.iiuoniale. 85. 42. The fame Cafe flated by Sir Robert Wyfeman, in his own hand. 94. 43. Law Cafe, of Emerton contra Hide, 95—105. 44. Cafes of Marriage. 115, ii>'. 45. Reafons why Contrafts of Marriage ought to be public. 117. 46. A Cafe of Inceft, one of dilapidation of a Bilhoprick. 119. 47. The Queftion whether a Man may lawfully marry his Grandfather’s Brother’s Wife. The fame as 3795.14. but with additions. 121. 48. A Queilion on Inceft, whether a man may marry his fifter’s daughter. 123. 49. 50. Notes of legal queftions, in Latin, alfo (50) 2. &(5o) .vatfol. I3J.& 138. ^ 125.12;. 51. Cal'e of JohnJbn contra Perrier. 129—134.135.137. 52. Articles of the Bifhop of Lincoln againft Pownol. 53. Caufe of Henry Leflie againft Ambrofe Augier, before the Bifhops. 152. 54. Patent^ for William Fofter Bp. of Sodor & Man, dated 1633. 163. 3799—3509. Avicennas, Principis Abohali, de medicina Canones : quos ex Arabico in Latinum tranftulit Toleti Gerardus Cremnnenfis : una cum expofitione Jacobi Defpars. Tomi XI. formx majoris, in membrana, bene feripti. XV. [3810—3819. Duodecimo.'] 3810. Two Volumes of mifcellaneous poems, & other matters, Englilhand Latin. The firft Volume written on Paper, the fecond on Vellum. Marked, Part i & 2. Part I. A Legend in old EogUfhVerfe emkled Orpbeo Re^is, Num. 38to—3814.. 2. A fhort poem in alternate rhymes, called Panem Vita. “ Cryjl that ivas croumed withJhyryfes u/tkynd.” The burden is, “ Bylevc in God in forme of brede.'” 3. Several devotional poems, whereof the fecond is a celebration of Friday, the fifth a long poem in ftanzas, with a Ihort fentence in Latin prefixed to each. 4. Compotus diftantiarum planetaruin, feftorum mo. biliuin, Termini Pafchalis, &;c. 5. Verfus morales. “ Si fapiens fore vis, fex ferva qua\tibi mando, Quid loqueriSfVel ubi,dc quo, cut, quomodo, quando'* 6 . Various fragments of no moment. 7. Verfes on the Confeftion of a Pope’s mother. “ Sum tyme in Rome a pope there was That had a mother fayre of face." 8 . Peregrinationcs terra; fanOs, cum hoc titulo* “ Infra feriptx funt peregrinationcs totius terne fanfta, que a multis ? peregrinis vifitatur. Et eft fcietidum quod in illis locis in quibus eft fignum C, ibi eft plenaria ab- folutio, fcilicet a pcena et a culpa. In aliis vero locis, in quibus non eft C, funt feptem Annorum et feptem quad- ragenarum de indulgeniia. Pra;diSx indulgentia: con- cefla; fuerunt a fancto Silveftro papa, ad preces Sanfti Magni Conftantini Imperatoris, et Sanda: Helena: matris ejus.” 9. De plagis Dili noftri Jefu Chrifti. Imperf. 10. Various medical remarks, with fome imperfect hiftorical matters, Sc other fragments intermixed ; to the End of the lit Volume. Part II. This fecondVolume contains a Compendium of the Bible, in a kind of barbarous latin verfe, with a Table of the Chapters fubjoined, Sc fome devotional verfes, & prayers. 3S11. 1. Miflale : cum Calendario & precibus. xv. 2. Bonaventur$ Breviloquium, 7 partibus. 3. De triplici via, quie ducit ad veram fapientiam, tractatus. Ha;c in membran 3 , 4. Principia, five Maxima legum Anglia:. In charts feripta ; cum Scuto armorum praefixo, xvii. 3812. Calendarium. Quinque follis membranaceis conftans, ct modo pecu- liari conligatuin. Vid. num. 937. et 1732. xv. 3813. A brief defeription of the feveral Counties of England, Ireland, & Scotland: with printed and coloured Maps, engraved by Peter Kerius in 1599, the names of places being inoftly in very old & barbarous fpelling. 3814. Codex membranaceus, in duas Partes, fed prorfus in- congruas, divifus; quarum prima traftatus Aftronomi- cos, et Aftrologicos habet j fecunda Theologicos. XIV. f I. Liber Aftronomicus, de quantitate anni foiarisetejus modi calculis. 2. Traitatus Algorifmi, fecundum omnes fui fpecies. 3. - de SphasrS, 4. — .,, , -deCompoto; cum tabula Pars !"'*■{ Giriandi et Calendario. Hucufque Scrip. 1 tura minutula eft, fed pulcherrima. 5. Traftatus Z 84 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3814.—3822. I 5. Tractatus Aflrononiicus, five Aftro- 1 logicus, fcripturA veterietperobfcurA. I 6. Liber fortilegus, ad folvendas certas I quajftionei accominodatus, cum tabuUs, et [_refponfis, verfibus Leoainis conceptis. ( 7. §eptem Pfalmi pcenitentiales, cum Litaniis et precibus, Latine ct Italice. 8 . Prtecepta decern Italic^ expofita : ubi Pars 2^’. 4 fecundum abeft, et decimum induo dividitur. j Sequuntur traclatus de| peccalis, et virtuti- I bus, See. Scriptura hujus tomi eft unifonnis i_et pulcher. Biblia Latina, vulgatce vcrfionis, cum interpreiatione nominum Hebraicorum alphabetica. xv. Codex inembranaceus, fcriptiii A minuift at adinirabili. 3816. Philofophia; Hermeticte medulla. Codex chartaceiis, Latine et Teuionice feriptus, cum figuris et Tabulis. XVII. 3817, 3818, & 3819. Magna Carta; Carta Forefta, de Marlebcrge, Weftmo- nafterii, Glouceftria;, ec Wintoniie, &c. Codices membranacei, quorum tertius etiam illuminatus eft. XIV. [3830—3828. OSlavo.'^ 3820. I. Contra iniquas temptationes, Tra£latus. ^ xv. 2, S. Auguftini meditationes, ad Patrem, Filium & Spiritum Saneftum. 6. 3. S. Beinardi Contemplatio 7 horarum paflionis Domini. 4.-Meditatio. & Lamentatio B. Virgin^ in die Parafceucs. 34 - -Contritio & Meditationes. 64. 6. S. Auguftini, de diligendo Deo, Liber. gt. . — Meditationes de Spiritu SanCfto. iii. 8, ■ -_de gaudiis Electorum, & luppiiciis Damnatorum liber. _ _ g, . _de contemplatione Domini, liber. 142. 10. S. Auguftini Speculum peccatorum. 154. II. Origenis Homilia, “ Maiia ftabat ad monu- mentum.” 12. Meditatio de S. Maria : ex Ric. Hampole. 169—171. Liber q-tondam Recluforii de Schene, ex dono Hugo- nis Fraunce, membranaceus, I’oliorum 171. 3821. The Vocation cf John Bale to the Biflioprlck of Ortorie in Ireland, his prefervations in the fame, & final deliverance, A.D. 1552. A fmall MS. of 52 pages, clearly but nut well written, on Paper. xvi. 3822, Theforo chorographico de las Efpanas, por el Seuor Diego Cvclbis.” xvi. A ftiort but very thick book, containing an exad defeription of Spain, with exaci drawings of the principal places, an old print of the Efeurial, and a few other prims ; alfo drawings of fome antiquities, & inferiptions ; with an Itinerary at the end. The whole very fairly & Num. 3822—3828. diftinflly written on Paper. The following Note is in- ferted at the beginning. “ For the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford. This MS. Defeription of Spain, brought from Germany by Mr. Scott, late Envoy at the Courts of Poland Pruflia, is by liis order tninfmitted for his Loi“ Library by his Lo '* moft obedient & moft hunibL-Servant Tha. Bookfeller at the Hague.” Nov. 1725. It is certainly a curious MS. & probably contain? much information not eafily procured clfewhere. 3823. 1. Notje in varia V.Teftainenti loca. xiii. 2. Summade Vitiis, per Guliebnum Parifienfem. 3. De 7 vitiis. Traftatus. Codex membrapaceus. De autore traclatus fecundi fubjiciuntur muUa, recentiore manu, in ultimo folio. 3824. Statutorum veterum Codex membranaceus. xiv. 3825^ Bartholomei de Pifis, Summa de Cafibus Confcientise, ordine alphabetico. Codex membr. charaCterc exigiio fed exquifito ferip¬ tus, ab leronimo quodam A.D. 1473. xv. 3826. 1. Albini feu Alcuini & Bedte Orthographia. ix. 2. Abbnnis Cernui Liber ad Clericum. 3. Fragmenta qutedam. 4. Dia!e£Iica. “ Quid eft Genus ? Genus eft multa- rum formarum.” 5. Grammatic2e artis Nomina, Grace et Latine notata. Codex membranaceus. 3827. A fmall Volume, neatly but not finely written, on paper, containing Poems by Signor Cefare Caporali; namely, 1. Vita del Sign. Cefare Caporali, fatta in Corte a M. Trifon Bench This poem is in two parts, and in terza rima. 2. 11 Parnafo del S. Cefare Caporali. Al S. Fian- cefco Camigiani, Cuvaliere lerofolimitano. In Perugia. MD.i.xxix. This alfo is in two parts. 3. Canzone del S.Cefare Caporali, per le nozze della Ser“'* Madama Bianca Capelli, Gran Duchefla de Tol- cana. 59. 4. L’efequie di Mecenate, del Medefimo. Al Serenif- fiino Francefco Medici Gran Duca di Tofeana. In two parts. 65. 5. Avifi de’ Menanti di Paniafo, del Medefimo. All’ in'"" S. Ottavio Aquaviva. 82. b. The poems of Caporali, chiefly burlefque, have been publifhed frequently : (fingly, at Venice, 1604,12'""; and with others of a fiinilar kind, at Ferrara, 1592.) but the Canzoni in this colleftion do not appear among them. Nor does the name of Benci appear in the Poem on the Court, but only Trifon. He was of Perugia, as appears here in Art. 2. 3828. Ilorte de Sanftis h Preces: partim Latine, parttm Teu- tonice : cum CaJendario, et piefuris multis. Codex membranaceus. xv i. Codex Bibliothecae Harleianse. 8 Nuni. 3829—3831. Num. 3832—3837. [3829—3873, Simno-I 3829. Codex papyraceus, bene fcrlptus. xvi. In titiilo Jeeft nomea gentilitium auftoris, nifi quod a CO inchoaffe dare appareat, “ Urbis ac Territorii Pata- vini deferiptio. In gratiam eorum qui urbes Italic per- luftrare cupiunt, in lucem edita. Authore Gotrfrido CO.” Opu? in XXVI capita diftincium, et compleclens In- feriptiones, Epitaphia, et alia notatu digna. Temporis nota in Codice non occurrit, nifi quod fe Patavii fuilTe anno 1577, et 1578, dicai Auftor. Ab Epitaphiis etsam ir.fa feculum 16 feriptum conjicercs j nec non audorem fuifle natione Germanuni. 3^30- 1. Fragmentum Operis incfni. 2. DeTancredo, Fabula, Boccatii, Latino per Leonar- dum Aretinura. xv. 3. Novella ejufdem Leonardi, Italic^. 4. Scipionis Verba ad Malimffam pi'o repudiand^ uxore. 5. Lucretiam pater & maritus liortantur ne fe occidat, cuiu refpoJifione Lucreti$, &c. 6. Dc Harpaio& Demofthene, ab Atheiiis in exilium pulfis. E Plutarcho. 7. De literarum inventione. 8. De arte Magica. 9. Excerpta .ex auctoribus variis. I'-. De divifione Romani Imperii. 11. M. T. Ciceroni', in Caiilinam Invediva : cum L. Catilinie rcijaoiifione. 12. Bononienfis Umverfitatis privilegia, a Theodofio concefla. 13. Comparatio Alexandri, Annibalis & Scipionis, cum dialogo inter eofdem. 14. Fr. Petrarchse Itinerarium ad fandum Sepul- chrum. 15. Epiftolx et Verfus ad Nicolaum Piceninum. An. J432. iatina, luctrica. Auctor eriam I'ut vidctur) in margins i'.ifputatlones fuas ferotinas citat. Hinc fatis liquet pro- fcctas effe has notas, a Dilherri manu qui Tomos binos Djfputaiioninn Acailemicarum ediJit, & Cafp. Barthio in IVlufaii minillcrio fer\'iit, ut ait P. Freherus, in Theatre virorum eruditorum p. 685. 54 - 10. NotK breves alia:, in capita 18 prima A. Gellii. 69. b. ti. Yeifus Laiiiii. five Poematia, Fulberti Carnoten- fium Pra:fulis, cum nntis ; et cum Biographia Fulberti, ex adverfariis C. Barthii extracts. 73 * 12. “ Nota; llngulares.” ^ 90* 13. Excerpta iteriim ex Johannis Croij obfervarionibus ad Novum TelUmcntum. cap. xxii. See. 91* i^. Ex Johannis Meurfii annotatis ad iFlnotfum de vita S, Canuti. 94 - 1 ^ Cafparis Barthii Carmen feptlmum, ex Libro xx Solifoquiorum. Ingruentc Senefta deponit, ftudia mundi, et fc dedicat Chrillo. FciTus lit ille ciperis, lento fub foie, Viator, &c. 16 Ex Francifei Dillaldei Animadverfionibus in Plauti Comcedias omnes notula: quadam. 95 - 17. Fx cap. xxxY annotationum ad Novum Teftamen- tum, excerpta. 9 ®* 18. Excerpta e Mart. Opit. Var. Left. c. VII. 102. IQ. Ex Gilbert! Gaul.idni ad Theod. Prodomum no- tarum 1/bro fmgulari, excerpta. ib. 2r. F.X cjufdcm notis ad Eudathium de Ifmenire et Ifner.is Amoribus excerpta. vid. 3521. n. 6. 106. ■ Cl. F.xcerpta ex notis Gilb. Gaulmini ad Michaelis Pl'clli Dialogum ficfyEia; ^*i,uova'v. . ^ ^ 3 ’ as. Excerpta cx Dan. Hejnfij notis ad Hefiodi i-Uter- preter. i'?- 33. Item ex ejufd. notis in act-hIjs, et interpretes. i2i.b. 34. Ex Chriflophori Coyeri in Taciti Germaniam animadvcrfis excerpta. Apponitur in margine Judicium Barthii de Auebore hoc, quern multuin commendat. Ilic locus etiam manum Dilherri pro Jit. 122. b. Dignus eft omniuo hie codex qui a viro aliquo doftif- £imo exemiatur. 3S38. Codex chartaceus, libros duos Johannis Balei compleftens, quorum prior optimr a fcribA exaratus eft, alter autographus ipfius Balei eiTe creditur, quiet notasnon- nullas priori addifTe videtur. xvi. 1. “ Anglorum Heiiades, opus ex variis autoribus et clfdein probis congeftum, et in duos divifum libros, Jo- hanne Baleo.Sudovolgo, adJoaimemLelandum,auftorc.” Flic codex eft quern exfcripfit Tho Baker fNum. 7031. p.247.) ipfilliinus ; quern a viro Rev” E. Kelfall, Vicario de Bofton, primo mutuatum tranfcripfit; poftea ut proprium habuit, et collegio fuo, (D. Joh. apud C.antab.)deftinaverat ;deindeComitiOxonienfi,utvidetur, ' vendidit. Ad finem llbri tranferipti (^Num. 7031.) Bakerus hate pofuit. “ Xraufcripfi cx Codice MS. Rev. Viri E. Kelfall Vicarii de Bolton in Agro Lincolnienfi.” Addiderat, quod poftea tranfverfo calamo notavit, “ Codex ipfe MS. penes me nunc eft, eumque do, dico, &c. Collegio D. Jo. Cant.” Subjungitur, eadem manu, at feriptura feriore, “ Codex ,jfte nuper penes me crat, modo penes Coinitem Oxon.” C.odex ipfe, in primo Libri folio, nomen Edv' Kelfall geiit. “ E. Kelfull Fic. de Bofton in Agro Lincoln.” In folio Libro ipfi pnefixo feriptum eft. “ Librum hunc qiiantivis pretii lego Collegio D. Jo, Evang. Tho. Baker.” Num. 3837- Quod pfdpria manu feripferat, ncc, mutato confilio, deleverat. Notandum eft, a feriore nianil, noinen Lelandi in initio corruptum elfe in Leylandum; quod fraude eft'eftum apparet, quia in Bakeri tranferipto eft Lelandus ; et literarum duebus falfavii opus produnt. Conftant He¬ iiades foliis 100. precter indicem. 3. “ Perpaucorum Carmeli feriptorum, ab Helia Thefbite, ad Bcrtoldura primum eorum magiftrum gene- ralem, CathoIogus,admoduinbreviffimus, per Johannem Balenfem.” De libro hoc itaceftaturTh. Baker in folio codici prcc- milTo, et fupra citato. “ Pofterior pars, five Caialogus Carmeli Scriptorura, feriptus eft manu ipfius Balei, quam ut faipius vidi, ita optime novi.” In piimo etiam hujus partis folio iterum pofuit, “ Scriptus manu ipfius Balei.” Conftat pars haic foliis ab autore ipfo notatis. 3539- Chronicon Ecclcfis; Lichfeldlenfis: compleftens Duces & RegesAnglicos, Pontifices Cantuarienfes & Lich- feldenfes, cum obfervationibus aliquot. E LIbr. Gil¬ bert! Spearman de Civitat. Dunelm. Ann. 1700-1. (VideetiamChronicon Lichfeldenfis Ecclefi£E,et feriem Epifeoporum, manu Giilielini Whitlock 1569, &c. in Biblioth. Cotton. Vefpafian E. 16.) xvi. 3840. Codex ^ diverfis compaftus, partim in membranA, partim in chartfl feriptus, continens, xv. 1. Traftacus de materia medica, ordine alphabetico, et a folio nono incipiens, cum voce Anwnwn, et abruptc definens in voce Sequinantiam. FItec pars in membramt feripta eft. 2. An Englifli Herbal imperfect, beginning widi Agnus caftus. 3. Medical receipts. The two latter trafts are in very old writing, on Paper. 3841: Bemai-dini de Senis, de Contraftibus & Ufuris, liber. Codex membranaceus, bene feriptus. xv. .3842. 1. Cafus juridici. _ ^ _ xiit. 2. Flores legum, fecundum Codlcem Juftiniani. 3. Flores Canonum Patrum, feu Decretorum Gratiani. Codex membranaceus. 3843- 1. Calendarium, &c. _ 2. Computus Ecclefiafticus & Judaicui. 3. Tabulx Aftronomicas, Anno 1478. 4. Complexionum varietas. 5. Verfus contra Mulicrcs. 6. Algorifinus. Codex chartaceus. 3844- Ifidori Hlfpalenfis eplfcopi Synonymorum five Solilequio- rum liber. Opus inEdd. in duas partes divifum. Vide Fabr. Codex membranaceus, cetaie venerabilis. x. 1. De militate poenitenlia;, libri 3. “ Excepto baptif munere.” Pap«, Canonum conftituiio. 3. Leonis 13. 82. 40. 102. b. 117. 119. Silveftris i Bibliothecae Harleianae. Num. 3845—3852- 3. Leonis i. Paptc, Epiftola de privilcgio Chorepirco- porum. In prima pagma htec fcripta funt, manu 600 anno- rum. “ Liber S. Petri GandenfisEcclefic. Servant! bene- didio : collcnti maledidio. Oui folium tulerit vel corta- verit anathema fit.” Codex membranaceus bene feriptus. 3S46. 1. Anfelmi Cantuarienfis ArchiepifcopI Vita: per Edmeruni monachum. xv. Davidisj Scotorum Regis, Vita: per Aildredum Rievallenfem. 3. Brevis narratio Regum Anglor. ab Alphredo (fic) ad Stephanum. 4 - S. Ofwaldi Regis Vita. 5. De purgatorio S. Patricii, Rclatio Hcnrid Salte- rlenfis Monachi. 6. Breve Cronicona natoChrifto ad A. 1281. Codex chartaceus, varie feriptus. 3847- Hugonis de S. Viftore, de Sacramentis Chriftiante Fidei, Jibri 2. xn. Liber ohm S.Ofwini, ex dono Henrici, Prions. Codex membranaceus, notis multis, a feriorc manu illufiratus. 3848- Statuta Collegii Chrifti, Cantabrigia:; cumformulis qui- bufdam, ubi Radulphus CudwoithS.T.P. ut Magifter, nominatur. Codex chartaceus. xvii. 2. The blank leaves towards the end are filled with various notes, in Englilh, on the fubjccl of Frecthinking ; & referring to the EfTaj on it. 3849- 1. Egidii, de Urinls fiber metricus, cum GlolTa. Comparandus eft num. 3140. 13. xvl. 2. Liber medicinalis. “ Cum fit ftomachus.” 3. Quasftioncs medics, manu obfeuriore. Codex membranaceus. 3850. Petri Quiville, Exonienfis Epifeopi, Conftitufiones. Cap. 5 c. Codex membranaceus. xv- 385^- 1. FragmentumDialog!PhilofophlcnjufdamCliriftiam, conftans folds 40. x. 2. De Baptifmate, See. Liber. Principium & finis Deus.” conftans foliis -24. 3. In pag. ult. Fragmentum de humoribus human! Corporis. Codex membranaceus. 3852- 1. Lotharii Diaconi, de miferia humangc conditionis, liber I. Cum parte libri 2. xv * 2. M. Hugonis, de 3 diebus, liber. 3. Paflionarium Jefu Chrifti. 4. S. Auguftini Meditatio, ad Patrem et Eilium & Spirltum fanftum, devota. 5. Walter! Hilton, Speculum de uiilitate Religlonis regularis. Codex membranaceus. Num. 3853- 1. Martini Polon! Chronicon, ad Annum i27r. Multa dc auftore, fed perperim, dixit, ad finem ChronicI, Pet. Clericus, An. 1656J pofteiTor. Vide potius qua; habetFabriciusin Martino Polono. Bibl. Med.et Inf. Lat. Lib. XII. XV. Hiftoria de PapA fxminA hie extat, in Chronico Papa- rum, poft Leonem 4"’; unde invetftiva; gravifilma: contri Martinum noftrum k pontificiis. Vide num. 3091. 2. Teftamenta laPatriarchum. 3. Johannis Gallenfis, de virtutibus antiquorum liber. Codex membranaceus. 3854- “ Conftitutiones et DecrctaProvIndalls Concilii Avenio- nenfis, Quod Francifeus Maria Taurufius, Archiepif- copus Avenionenfis habuit Anno falutis 1596.” xvii. Codex chartaceus, paginas habens 76, optime feriptus. 3855- Collcftioncs Theologicx. Codex membranaceus, e variis tragmentis obfeurioribus confutus. xiii. 3S56. Bafilii Valentlni, de rebus naturalibus & fupematuralibus, Libri tres. Codex chartaceus, pro prelo tranfcrlptus, ut vid. p. 257. conftat pagg. 463. xvii. 385 Juris Regulx (fcil. Jur. civilis) cum exceptionibus. “ Regula certifiima eft dolura.” In duabus partibus. Cumindice alphabettco poft priorem partejn. Codex chartaceus, bene feriptus. xvjt. 3858. 1. Opus 7 cuftodiarumfiiper N. Teflamentum. xv. 2. Concordantia Bibliorum, 5 iibris. Per Malham. 3. Liber Didomm Robert! Lincolnicnfii, cum tabula prefixa. 4. RobertI Lincolnienfis Hexahemeron. 5- — Confeffionum Liber. Afiignatus quondam erat his Codex communi Librarix Dunelmenfi, per Johannem Wefiyngton Priorem. Codex membranaceus. 3859- 1. FlaviiVcgetiiEpitome rei milltaris, Iibris 4. x. 2. Amb. Macrobii Theod. Saturnalia. 4^. 3. InveftivaSalluftii in Ciceroneni, cum refponfione Ciceronis. 4. Nennii Hiftoria Bntonum; cum appendice, et Chronico fubjeftis, nec non traftatu de mirabilibus Bri¬ tannia:. Exemplar plenius, ut mihi videtur, quam alia quas citantur et in pretio habentur, quanquam hue ufque omnino ignotum. b 5. S. Auguftini, ad cavendum haerefes libri, pars pof- terior, a capite 51. 6 . Julii Solini Polyhiftor; five, de mirabilibus mundi, liber. 7. iEthicl Cofmographia. Titulus in initio, “ Incipit liber Ethici, tranflatus, philofophico editus oraculo, ab leronimo prefbytero delatus ex cofmografid, id eft mundi fcripturd.” Ad finem, « Explicit liber iEthid philofophi Cofmographi, natione Scythiefl, nobili profapH parentum. Catalogus LibrOrum MSS. Nura. 3859—3865. arentum, ab eo eniit isihicapbilo/ophia a reliquh fapiaUi- ,7j or'^ineni traxilV Quod pro mirocefte haberi pottli;! 8. M. Vitruvii Pollionis, de Architeduraj libri 10. Ext* r plar admirabile. Codex mcmbranaccus; et quantivis, ut vldetur, pretii. 3860. I Brevis hitloria Rcgum Anglire et Scotia:, ufque ad Ile'iricura 3,™. Curo genealogia a Conqueftore. Opus inter fcriptore'^- editos nun extant, fed ab hiftoria Galfridi Monumeienfis abbreviatum, omiffione, non niutatione verboruni. Cum figuris Locrint, Kambrini, et Albanadis prjefixis. 3- “ Leflorle de 7 Sages de Roume.” 3; Onmes Articuli Fidei Chriftiana:, fecundum Ro- bertuin Gro(^et ep. Line, verfibus Gallicis. Imperf. Codex mcmbranaceus. xm. 3861. Petri Alfonfi Dialogus advetfus Judscos. Codex mem- branaceuSj pulcher. xi i. 3S62. John Lidgate, his Life of the Virgin Mary, a Poem. On vellum, carefully written for fome perfon of con- fequence, whole arms are blazoned in the firft page. Thi» MS. was bought at Mr. Rawlinfon’s Sale in 1734. Within the t'over is written by T. Hearne, “ Pervolutavi, mihi accommodante amico egregio Thoma Rawlinfono, armigero. Tho. Hearne, Ocl. 21. 1719.” XV. 3853- Codex chartaccus, feripturje mediocris, continens; 1. OfKcia felttviiatum fecundum confuetuJinein Ec* ckfise Placentin$, 1. xv. 2. Mifla in naiivitate Domini. 135. 3. Cantica Canticorum. 155. 4. S. Hieronymi Sermo in affiimptione B. Marie. 187. 5 Fulberti Carnotenfis ep. Sermo dc aiTumptione Maria:. ‘ 95 - 6. S. Antonini Vita. gS. 131. 14--IJ9. 7, Vita S. Cypriani & JuftiniK. 83- “^ 3 - 75 - igs- 8.-S- Savini Epi Placent. 10. g. —— S. Bartholomei. j82. 10. --S. Laurentii. 180. 11. -S. Vicentii. 163. 12. -S. Cornelii. 198. 3 ..S. Blafii. 169. 14. — S. Chriftophori. 165. 8. 1 3. —— S. Agnetis. 160. 16. — S. Brigidff. 167. 17. -S. Agathze. 171. 18. -S. Margaretas. * 73 - 19. -S. Juliana:. * 77 - 20. —— S. Lupliemiie. 199. 3K64. Bedae Prefbyteri, in Epiftolas Canonicas Expofitio. Codex membranaceus, olim dc communi Librarla Monachorum Dunelmenfium. xii. 3865- I. “ The i\Iorail Fabillis of Efco|ie coinpylit be Maiftcr Robert Henrifoun Scohnaifter of Duinferling, 1571.” i'he Tales arc in Stanzas of 7 lines each. The MS. on paper, fiiirly written, with fome oniamems. xv.. Num. 3866 — 38^3. 3866. Breviarium fecundum ufnm Sarum: cum Calendario, e^ notis Mulicis. Codex membranaceus. xv. 3867. “ A Difeourfe uppon the Quellion debated in Parlia¬ ment, Anno Odavo Jacobi Regis, viz. whether the Kinge without aflent of Parliament may fett Impofitinns upon the Wares and Goods of Marchants exported, and imported out of and into this Kingdom.” A Paper MS. clearly written, in a law hand, on 64 leaves. xvii. 3868. This book & 4799 were originally part of the fame, & are indexed together by Le Neve at the end of this, Imperfed, h wrongly called in the old Catalogue part of a Regifter oFI.ich'' Abbev, from p. 275 to 310. for¬ merly in the Pon'ellion of Peter I.e Neve, Norroy. In his hand-writing are marginal explanations, & at the end a more complete table of contents by the fame perfon, tho’ none of the articles mentioned in the firft page, Sc beginning of the id, aiein this curious fragment, which in fad has nothing to do with “ Abbatis de Lichf. Regift.” but they refer to 4799 ; with the foliation of which they agree as far as ibl. 72, & beginning again at 311 : being a collection of Records of divers Abbey Lands, &:c. in the Diocefe of Lichfield, the moft material of which are Gervafe Pagncll’s confirmation,&c. to Dudley Priory, a cell to Wenlock Abbey, & divers other charters, &c. relating to the fame, & their feverai churches, viz. Wimbome, Trefel, & Scifdon, 0 “ Staff. &c. 275 Sc 6. 276. 277. Contain fevcral Deeds relating to Sandwell Priory, & Weft Bromwich Church C® Staff. & Wor- cefter Abbey, &c. 2V7-8. H' II. ’s grant of Sutton Church to the Canons of St Leonard de Womburgh, with the confirmation of thefame, 5 ; Lepinglon Church, in 1231. 1262. 278.10 281. The Foundation Charter of the Priory of Stone ill Staffbrdlhire a cell to Kenelworth, C® Warw. Sc divers other gr;inc.s Sc conlinnalions thereof, ao 6. penfion out of Chockley Church ; but fee the original Regifter or ChartuUvv of Stone Priorv in the Cotton MSS. Vcfpas. E. 24. given by Chriftopher Baron Haltou. In a MS. above deferibed, N" 3650, is a moft valuable Chartulary of Kenthvorth Priory, in which p. 3. &c. are feverai ancient deed.s relating to Stone, &c. 281. Cumbeimere Abbey, Adon, & Wantwick ] Churches, C’ Chelter; & SanJon Sc Alionfield Churches C'' Siaft'. 281. to 284.3. Divers grants Sc confirmations of lands & churches, See. in >hropniire, lothe Monailcry of St. Peter, Salop. 285. to 286. b. I.aunton Church belonging St. Hag'h- man’s Abbey, in Shropfhirc, Sc a curious Bull of Pope Ale.xander of all the grants, lands, Sc liberties, &c. of that Abbey, A" 11 72. 287. 28^'. Crokefden Abbey, Alton, & Uttoxeter Churches, C“ Staff. A” 1262. Among the Cotton MSS. Fauftina B. 6. is a curious Chronicon of that Abbey from the Conquelt to 1374. Alfo a lift of the Abbots Sc Monks, Sec. from 1170. 2S8. b. 189. Carta Rogcri Conftabularii Ceftr. Abbatia; Stanley A" 1222. et Bulla Aiex. Papse Ponti- ficat. anno quinto. 289.^. to 292. Are divers charters of the Ferrers, Earls of Derby, granting Sc confirming, &c. to Burton Lazers, C° Leic. the Church of Spondon & Chapel of Chaddefden, C“Dtrb. A® 1250. 292. Bibliothecae Harleianas. 89 Num. 3868. 292 11 n, of Warwick’s grant of Compton Church to the College of Sr. Mary’s Warw. ^93- 'fhe Foundation Charter cf Burton or Burfchon iVbbey, Com. Lane. 29 V i. Taxations of the Vicars of Ormntirk, & Hay- ton Clnirches. 294. 295. Curious Bull of Pope Clement to St. Wei burg's, Cherter, A" I r88. See Vol. I. p. iS. of Staff. 8c Mr. Latham’s Edition of Gower's Iketch for a Hiftory of Cheft. p. 18. - 95 * - 99 ’ C onfirmation Charter of H. 2. to Lilles- hull \bbey. Charter of K. Stephen of St Alkniund’s Collegiate Church, &c. of Salop, di divers other grants & confirmations to that Abbey. The original Rcgifter of which, -with other numerous deeds. See. are now in the pofl'cflion of the Marquis of Stafford at Trcntham. 299. ^oo-i. Foundation Charter of Roucefter Abbcy> by Rich. Bacun, Nephew of Ralph E. of Chefier, hi.s confirmation & that of PI. n, April 9. 30 of liis reign. AIlo Alexander Bp. of Cov. & Litchf. appropriations of divers churches to the fame, 1229, & other confirmations, in 1284-3, ^ 1302. 301. ^i. _Wm. Son of Geofry de Grefelcc (S. D.) grams to the faid Church of St. Mary at Roucefter, all the land w"’Rich. Foreftarius held of him in Kyngefton and that Advowfon. ^ ’ 302. Roger Bp. of Cov. & Lich. appropriation, Sc the I rior of Coven. & Dean Sc Chapter of Lichf. confirma- Uon of the fame, A" 12S4. 302.3. 303. 304. Walter Bp. of Cov, & Lich. con- nrrnation of the faid Advowfon; dated at Brewode ^ Boniface, confirming’ the Church of St. Egidius, Haliwell, & divers lands tithes. See. in Sralf. the Church of St. Wilfrid de Mod- bcrleye,^ Churches of Wooford & Hinton, part of Eythes m PladJon Vernoun (C’Dcrb.) Ch'attefworth, Stanton, &c. See alfo p. 308. 309. 3 . for other par¬ ticulars of Roucelk-i- & Burton Abby. 304.3. 305. & 310. Whallcy Abbev in Lane. Sc celebration there annually obferved ,7 Jan. after the de ith of Roger Muiland Bp. of Cov. & Lich. for the bei.efaetion he had conferred on that Convent, &c dated 1296. 1299. 30S. Appropriation of Sandbach Church in Chelh' to the Abbey of Dculacres C" Staff, dated there, A" I2j6. 307-8. Trentham Priory C" Staff viz. Roger Pp. of Coventry & Lteh’ injunaion,& Pope Alczander’a Bull to the fame, which condrins to Trcntham,Berlefton, Bettlev half of Baltredeleye, &c. m Newcartle and Trentham, I which K IP gave to thatChuteh, “ ad inRitutionem or- thms et fenptam pagmam confirmavlt hermitorum fomis JJunftan, in terra quam Walterus hereinita elaboravit •" three earueats of land in Sutton, which the Countds Gundtida, with the confent of Wm. her Son, Earl of Warewyc, gave to eccies. vfe of the fee of the E. of Cheftcr; alfo a carucate of land in Gaddilby by the con- fent or.g.f. of the Bp.of Lincoln ; the Church of Barkeby of the gift of Maynard, &c. dated at Hay wood, OcL J, 1162. 4th year ol Pope A. i„. & ad of the Bp cf .309. Bull of Pope Alexander to John Prior & Canons Ircnlhara & alfo John Son of John de Bobinton’s R'>S“*Climon SXE'irc.VS"‘™"“‘ Cat. H.am., Vol. lU. Num. 3868—3873. 310. 3 . Roger Bp. of Cov. & Lich. appropriation of the churches ol Merton, Bounton, Hodenhull, &apen- fion of 10 s. in Stretton Church, to the monaftcir of Nuneaton, C^Warw. ^ 3869. John Gower’s ConfcUlo Amantls, in 8 books, with a few fmaller poems by the fame author. The volume IS large, & is witten partly on vellum, partly on paper. ^ 3870. L. Anna:! Senecte Tragedian Decern, hoc ordine, Hercu¬ les Furens, fhyefte,'!, Thebais, Hippoiytus, Qtdipus Iroas, Medea, Agamemnon, Oaavia, Hercules Cb.teus, cum argumentis. Codex chartaceus, accurate feriptus ; cum epigraphe hac ad finem “AnnoDui Millcfinio, cccc"ji, IndiSione decima, die 21 Apriiis, complettc fucrunt iftac tragedia:.” 3871. 1. M. T. Ciceronis (ut vocantur) Rhelorlcorum ad rlerennium, Libri 2. 2. M. T. Ciceronis de Inventione, Libri 4. 3. Ejufdem Oratorite Partitiones, five de Oratorla partmone Dialogus. 4 - Liber deSynonymis, Ciceroni fuppofita, ad L Vec turmm. Vide Fabric. Bibl. Lat. inter Opera fuppof, Clc. 5. “ E.xeinpla exordiendl in gencre, judiciali iuxla quatuor genera cauftrum accidentaliura, compiiata per excellentiffimum doaorem Magillrum Gafparinum Per- gameiife-tn, noftra?etate orandiprincipem.” 6. Prsecepta ejufdem Gafparini. Codex chartaceus, bene feriptus, et confervatus. 3 « 72 . I. Valerii Maximi. Diaorum & faBorum memora- blilura libn 9. Ihlmm?' ^ Bellum Jug^r- 3. Aratorls Subdlaconi, Hinoria Apollollca, carmine conlcnpta. ’ 4 - Aur. Prudentii, Hymnorum liber. A.D. 1302. 5. D. Jun. Juvenalis Satyrm. finfm*^''cum notis, ad 7 - ■“ — de Amicitia, A.D. 1377. fuls' Petri Fratrls, Elegia de fortnnis 9. Ejufdem * J/Ja, Carmen Elegiacum. 10. Verfus Leonini, audoris incerti. 11. Ciceronis de Seneiflute liber. ^ Codex majori quidem parte chartaceus, at in fine " °P“s, membranaceuni, et forte fequentis 3873- 1. Regiftra Brevium, Annorum 1634 & idee; xvii 2. “ A Breviary of Suffolk, or a plain and familiar defcription of the County, the fruits, the buildings, the people, Md inhabitants, the cultoms, the divifion pditicall & ecclefiallicall.houfes of Religion, with all their feverall valuations, the chiefelf men of learning, as of Divines Pnvy Councillonrs Marlhali-men, and Navigators of former times, with feveral other things cf note & obfer- vatton withm this County of Suffolk.’’ Dedicated to Sir Rob. Crane, Knt. in a Letter fumed Rbyoi, 2 c dated Fei. 9. 16,8. ' A a A Book 90 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3874, 3875. [3874—3886. Folh.~\ 3 ** 7 -V- A Book of Manors, Lands, k Tenemoms; held of the Crown, from the time of Hen. 3. to Ed. 4. On tw left hand are the Snnianus of the tenants in capite, « on the right the year ot the King. This vail folio Book belong’d to Peter Le Neve, Norroy. 3 '^ 75 - A large Sc thick folio, containing 748 pages quite per- fecl veiy plainly & well written, fnnilar to DugJalc s hand, &c. In the firll loaf is iid'cribed “ I-iberPctn Le Neve, Rouge Croix pfccutoris Annorum, 1695.’ XVI. Then follows a general Table of Contents in the fame hand, thus, 1. Feoda qufE tentur de Duo Rege in Capite et at divers, in Com. Devon. Lincoln Camb. Kane, et Bucks, fviz. Ex ’Pranferipto Feodorum penes Xtophorum Bcrif- ford armigr. Feodarium Com. Lincoln, 1643. 4to. fic.) 2. “ Feoda, See. (ut fupra) in hunc Bbrum congeda cura, & diligentia "Wilirni Paulet Militis Dili St.John Margfi Ward S: Libacoum Dili Regis Anno Dni 1542. &c.” 4 - 3. Mr. Edmund Wyndham’s account (1652) of an Apparition which torecold feveral Events which fliould happen to theDuke of Bucks. 253-6. 4. Menidumde Alveceder in Com. Warw. 261. —— de Burdet et Fletwyke. ibid. 6. Bcauchief Abbey, Sigillum ecclcfue, Mr. Roper, he, 262. 7. Colleaiones ex MSS. de Regibus Angliae confeript. tempore Reg. H. 2. penes Samuelem Roper Armig. de Hofpitio Lincoln, Jurifperitum, 163S. 8. Menidum de Nevill de North-Sloke “InTranf- cripto cartarum terrar. familite Woodfordorum in Com. Line, fpcclant. modo penes Carolum Smith de Wotton in Com. Warwic. Milit. 10 Junii 1638. 9. Feoda Militum in Com. Lincoln in Libro in Scac- cario ex parte Fanlhaw 6 H. 6. 269. 10. Regillra F.pifcoporum Eboracenfium abberviata per Rogerum Dodfworth. 271. &c. 11. Abiuratio Lamberti Sparrowe, alias Hooke. 292. &c. 12. “ The Genealogy of Boby vulgo Bootheby, & Paynell, collected out of the Evidences at Botheby Paynell in Com. Line, by Rubr. Saunderfon Bachelor of Divinity, Reftor there, 1632. Doftor of Divinity after at Oxford 1636, and Bifhop of Line. 1660.” In which are divers grants of Manors from the Duke of Bedford, p. 307, &c. Manor of Clipfton called Ped- wardyn Manor, 313. and in page 315 is the following, “ Forafmuch as the Pedigrees 1 have feen of Deenes & Bozon are untrue, 1 have here fett downe foe much thereof as may certainly be proved out of authenticall writings,” &:c. then follows the Pedigree 316. 296. &c. 13. Oblata tempore Regis Johannis. 14. Charta temp. Reg. Johan. 15. Littene patentes, ikc. temp. Hen. 3. 16. -t. E. I. Num. 3S75—3879. 2 1. Chartce tempore Fdw. 1. - ]’,dw. 3. - Rich. 385 ' 39 '- 401. 405- 609. 612. 2c. Placita de Banco temp, l.dw, i. 26. Chartx cum hgini-% 27. Milites de Com. l.mc. 17 P* aS. Short Pedigree cjf Sealcs.oppofite which is written by Lc Neve, Oy. Radus de Betud'o, &c. vide V/-.-ting$c Ilockwcll inter Cullecuones Petri Le Neve Norroy Comitatus NurlT. ^^ 5 * 29. Ex Charmlis penes Comltem de Clare, viz. Ghana cum Sigillis familire de Staunton, &c. 6S9, Kc. 30. Excerptaquced.iin ex Cartulis olim pertinentibus Abbati fc Conventui de Bello Capite. '25. -I. Ex Carculario de Orniclhy in Com. Lincoln, penes Rokeby de .tkyres (Ebur.) _ 737 ' -a. Ex CartuLirii) Monalterii de W'e'.becke. m Com. Nott. penes Robtnm Comit. de .Kyngiloii, 1640. 742. Charta RogisEdgari concelTa Monafterio W igor. nenii. A” 868. 75‘* 17. Patentes tempore Edw. 2. -Edw, 3. -Ric. 2. _ -- Kj.v. 2, 3 ^ 5 - 327- 335 * 355 - 357 * 359 - 365- 377 - 3 S76. A Copy Book of Inllruaions &, Dlreaions of the Com. miffioners of the Treafury, from 6 Nov. 1671. to 17 Aug. 1678. A large paper book, carefully written. xvii. 3877- Ranulphi Migdcn, Monaebi Ceflrcr.fis, Polycvonicon. 7 LibrF. Codex mcmbranaccus, aih. ir.ibilis, cui muUo inferior eft 3600, et omnes inhac collcclione fervati. xv. 3S7B. “ Baptidre C. Fulgofi, olim Gcnurc ducis, Petri Duds filii, Fadorum ac Didurum memovabili'.im” Libri g. Cum pvologo ct cpiltola ad finem l.atint' Icriptis. Caitei-a Italicc, ut ait audor, “ ob rarum Laiiiii Ser- monis ufum.” Liber Latine ftepe editus. Vide Fabr. &c. Codex chartaccus, formaj maxima;, fplendidus j noiis in marginibus Laiinis, a feriure manu, ornalus. XVI. 3879- An liiftoricall account of the Family of Bros or Brucs of Skelton &: Danby Gallic in Yorklhire ; as alfo of the Regal Family of Bruce in Scotland, dcfcended from Rob. de Bruce 2d Son of Rob. de Bruce of Yorklhire, together with the collateral Branches of that Family ; particularly cfTho. Lord Bruce of Whorlton k Skel¬ ton, C'^York, Yifc. Brufe of Ainpthill, C" Bedford, Earl of Elgine in Scotland, & Aylelbury in England. Vide etiam Cleopatra C. 3. D. 8. etilarl. Bibl.479g. by Nathaniel Johnilon M.D. This is a handfoine Si perfed Vol. of 46 pages, very clearly and well written by the Author himfelf, who, in a prefatory letter addred'ed to Tho. Earl of Aylelbury, about i6gi, (one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to James II. fee Pedigree p. 46.) fays “ tliac for favours received from fome of your LorJlhip’s generous progeni¬ tors by Dr.Crage my great Grandmother’s brother, Sc from your Lordlhip to myfeU', I have (as far as I have been able) from the mod authcmick records of the King¬ doms of England and Scotland, and the bell Hiilorians Sc Genealogids, Manufeript.s, 8c other Monuments of Antiquity, compofed this Hidorlcall Colleclion. 'Vhat pains I have taken to clear the fuccellion, Sc corred the midakes, & the confounding of perfons & tiling-', even by celebrated Writers, can fcarcely be cnniprchc-nded, without a diligent perufal of the whole,8:c. with additional to helps Bibliothecas Harkiarte, 91 Num* 3879—3881. helps from notes out of the Collections of the moft judi¬ cious & univerfaliy learned Sr. Geo. Mackenzie, late Lord Advocate, trunfniitted to the Author by the in¬ genious Mr. John iliuies. 3880. A Rental of the Crown Lands & Revenues in Calais & Guifnes, & the Marches thereof, 6 Ed. 6. 3881. Tranfciipts of Charters Sc Records, letters Sc other curious papers, See. of the family of Haltings, Earls of Pluntingdon, relating - to their Property in divers Counties, but more particularly Leicciterihire, Sc their two noble Caflies 6c Sears, Afliby de la Zouch, of which the Iliftorian of that County has much availed hiuifelf, in his ill. Vol. pp. 569, &c. This valuable MS. in 72 folio pages is prima facie by Sir Win Dugdale; and the evidence of autography is confirmed by a fragment cf writing paftcJ in tlic lil page thus, “ Alphabet of Sr. Will. (Sec a prefatory account at the begiuing, printed in 1 Vol. II. of Staftbrd p. xxii.) I. to 5. Are old latin deeds relating to lands in Weft- moreland 6c Cumberland, Norfolk, Schircbome, See. 5—6. Newton, Harcourt, &c. in Leic. & laniily of Aftcley. Wclfbrd in Northamp. 6c divers Lands in Yorkfhire. 7. 8. 9. Divers Lands in Leic. Sc Warw. Sec. 10—la. Yorkfhire, Nortlianiptonfliire, Sc LeiceRcr- Riire. i 12. b. 13. Ferrers family. See. Claverhalle Manor in I EfTex, See. 14. Loughborough, Afhby, Sheepifiicde, Bcau- maner, See. C’ Leic. Belvoir CaRle, Sc divers of iis members in Line. Sc LeiccR. Manors of Stoke, Daw- beney, See. C" North. Bolton Percy, See. C" York. Plompton, Bercombe, Sc Billing in Suflex, W. Boau- mond’s. (See Dugdale’s Baron, vol. 1. p. 581.) 12. b. 15. Chailes Duke of Burgoine, See. in Flanders, his grant to “ le Seignr. de HaRinghes,” &c. for his Services lo tile King of England, (i E. 4.) An Indenture between J. Ld. Lovell Sc W. Ld. HaRynges, about an exchange of lands in Leic. & •Sledniare, Wald, Newton, North-Allerton. &c. in York' (3 E. 4.) Alfo about the priory lands, See. of St. Bartholomew in W. Smithfield. 15. ^. Grey, Lord Ferrers’s family, Sec. 16. 8c 18. Edw. 4th.’s gram to Sr. Wm. HaRings, Kt. of the Manor Priory of Belvoir, divers lands, &c. in LincolnRiirc, the Manor of Edmynton, Sc divers other lands in MiddlcRx, late William Lord Beaumont’s, 6cc. See alfo Dugd. Baron. (jSi.) Alfo an Indenture 5 E. 4. betw. Wm. Ld. HaRings Kt. & John Pelham Kt. about Manors, See. in the Honor Sc Rape of HaRings, C' SuRex. 16. b. A rental of Wm. Ld. HaRings ERates in Lin¬ coln. Northampt. Sc Rutland. Likewile he being ap¬ pointed niaRer of the Mint, See. deputes John Delves Efq. to the faid offices (9 E 4.) See Dugdale's Baronage, p. i8i. Henry Pierpoint Knt. &c. to Wm. Lord HaRings, See. all their right. See. in Norwich, See. C“ Nott. Sc other lands in that County Sc Lincoln, 12 E. 4. The faidLd. HaRings &c Sr. Ralph his brother appointed founders of the fraternity called the Holy Rode in the Wall in Nor¬ thampton, 17. Is 11 much fuller account of the faid Wm. Ld. HaRings, 11 E. 4. being conRituted Lieut, of the Town & CaRle cf Calais, See. with his men at Arms, Archers, Kum. 38B1. their wages, &c. than is printed in the Baronage 14 E. 4. p. 582. 18. douching the marriage fettlemcnt of his Ward, Mary daut. ol Sr. The. Hungerford, Kt. about the manors of Stoke Fogeys, Chippenham, Burhnm Abbey, Sec. in Bucks, 6c the manors of Hendley uponThame.s, & divers others in Oxford, Wilts, Cornwall, laE. 4. 19. The curious long will {dated 21 F. 4.) of this murdered Ld. HaRings (of which fee Baron, voi. 1. 5845-) is here much more full 6 c particular than is there printed. See alfo the will at length in Kicliols’s LciceR. Vol. 3. Parc. 11. p. 569. 6c Harl. MS. 4774. p. 47.6 :c. 20. b. 21. The names of Rich perfons as have by In¬ denture. of their own Iree wills, &c. covenanted to aid Wm. Ld. HaRings, &c. as in Dugd. Bar. ;.83, but more full & particular, having here alfo the fevtral forms of the Indentures, &c. 14 E. 4. &c. (-ee this alfo tile lame as the Barun. N®4774. |). 43. being tiie very MS.lLcniingly, from w'’' that part cf the work was printed almoit verbatim.^ 21. b. Offices granted to Wm. Ld. Haffings, t & 14 of Edw. 4. the patents whereof are loR, but in part primed in the Baronage, 380-3. 22. Tho. dus Cartlinalis Arv"liitp C.’.n'uav. &:c. The. Arch Bp. of York, John Gunchorp Ld. Keeper of the Privy Seal, Sic. Wills Chauntry Dean of the College of Newark, Leic feofiees of the late Win. Ld.ILRings, Kt. deliver up to Kuiljcrine HaRings his widow, the Manors of Stoke-Dawbeney, WiiberRon, & Sutten, O' Noith. Edmonton in 'I'clcnhani, Middx. Divert Manors in Leic. Si of Welbciurr.e & ARlcy, in Com. Line. 6cc. iR Rich. 3. Alfo part of a curious will of the laid Kaih. in which are thefe notable bequefts, S;c. “ I bequeathe to my fon Ldw. Ld. HaRings a fute of VeRments, now being in the hands of the Abbot of Darley for a Turn of XX £ Ike. AIR) an Owche in the keeping of my Son Wm. 6cc. Alfo a feyre Primor, I had by xhel'efturt of Queene Elizabeth, &c. AIR) fuch pyces of Ba-.cdelyn with a fronteyllof gold cloth of bluefatyn, as have been accuRomed to be occupied about the Sepulchre of our Lord. And all fuch hangings of aide Bawdelyn as now hang in the chapell, within the Maneir of Alheby with thcAulter cloots, kc. therein.” (See alfo 4774. p. 33. kc.J (NB.) This is not in Dugdale’s Baronage, but in 4774. p. 58. kc. 22. b. A Latin Deed relating to AdvowFons, kc. in Wilts. Somers. Devon. Dorc. Glouc. Berks. Bucks. Si Cornwall, given to the MonaRery of Maiden Bradley, dated 5 H. 7. A grant of the Manor of Hphall in Line. &c. An Indenture between Rich. HaRings 6c J. Mondy, for the fale of Drakeuage, Co. Warw. Tho.Frowytc Kt. Judge of the King’s Bench, See. with Reginald Bray, k John Shaa, Kt. recovered againlt Ld. HaRings, Kc. the manors of Farmandby k ERHal- garth, kc. with divers lands, kc. in York. Another deed of Releafe, kc. from Edw. Donne, Efq. to George E. of Shrewlbury, Geoi'ge Nevill, Kt. L. Abergavenny, Gilbert Talbot, Kt. John Ferrers, Kt. John Montgomery, Kt. Rich. Sauchevercl, Gent. &c. all his right to divers CaRles, Manors, &c. in C” York, Leic. Warw. North. Ruth Derb. Nott. Line. Middx. Sulfex, &c. 20 II. 7. 23. Another Indenture dated xvi E. 4. about Wm. Ld. HaRings being Lieutenant of Calais, Sic. his men at Arms, Archers, wages, kc. (not in Dugd. Baron.) Alfo an Indenture dated i Hen. vn. betw. Wm. Vife. Beaumont, kc. Kath. Ld.HuRings’s widow, refpedingthe Mairors of Wclbourne, 6cc. C" Line. WvnchuRcr fee, C” 92 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3881. G* Lich. & Warw. Manor ofEdmonton in Middx. &c. alfo of Supperton, &c. in Line. &c. 24. A Schedule of Jewels, Plate, &c. with the Sums pledged for them, 5 B. 7. Alfo Rich, in.’s grant to the faid Lady Kath. of protection & defence in all her lands, &c, &an agreement with Ld. Level, about the Manors of Ld. Beaumont, See. as printed in Nichols’s Leic. ut fup. p.572. 25. By Indenture 7 H. 7. Edw. 2. Ld. Haftings is retained to ferve the King in his wars beyond the feas, with men at Arms, each having his Culkill Sc Page, &c. as here exprelfed, much more fully than in the Baronage. 26. 2 7. ..32. Rich. Saccheverell's account of Edw. Ld. Harting’s Eftates in Leic.Cornwall, Devon. Somerfet, Berks, Oxford, Bucks. Warw. Midd. Ruth &: Derby, A* 15CO which Edw. L H. 1504, founded a perpetual Chantry in a Chapel in Windfor College, alfo an agree¬ ment of marriage Sc fettlejiient between Tho. Earl of Derby & Anne daut. of the faid Ld. Raftings, 1505. His laft will which concludes that his feoffees ftiould fell his Manors of WeUord C" North. Branton, See. in Leic. Berwicke, Slyngelby, & c. C" York ; with the account that Mary Lady Raftings his widow 1507, out of refpeft to Rich. Sacheverell, Efq. whom (he afterwards married, gave him her Manors of Stokc-Pogeys, Coppyenham, &c. &c. C" Bucks, Ac. Ihe above articles are all beautifully copied in the Harl. MSS. 4774. p. 68. 72. 32. b. An account & rental of all the Manors, &c. of G. E. of Huntingdon (24. H. 8.) in Com. Bucks. Oxf. Devon. Cornwall, Somerfet, & Wilts. 33. Indenture 24 H. 8. betw. Marg. Countefs of Salilbury, &. EL Ld. Montague her fon Sc heir, & George E. of Huntingdon, about the Marriage of Erancis Lord Haftings, Sc Kateryme daughter of Lord Montague; fettling divers Manors in Wilts. Somerfet, Coniw. Wilts. Bucks. &c. 34-5. Other .Indentures, &c. 25 & 26 H. 8. about Sr. Bartholomew’s in W. Smithf. &c. Manors in Wilts. Semerfet, Berks. Cornwall, & Devon. See. 36 Value or rent of all themanors,lands,&c. of Francis E. of Huntingdon & his brother Thos. in the aforefaid Counties, &c. 25 H. 8. 38. Letter of Queen Mary to Sr. Edw’. Haftings, Knt. Mafter of the Horfe. 38. b. A letter of Petition to the Ld. Chamberlain, from the Beadfmen fometime of the Houfe of Glafton- bury, now Monks in Weftminfter, about the building Sc repairs, &c. of that very ancient Monaftcry in Somerfet. 39. Philip Sc Mary, &c. to the Barons & other Offi¬ cers of the Exchequer, that they have granted Licence to Sr. Edw. Haftyngs, Knt. &c. for him to appoint a per- fon to ftioot Game at all times, &c. 39. b. Indenture 24 H. 8. fpecifying divers Manors in the above various Counties, & their different ufes, &c. 41. Will of F. E. of Huntingdon, 36 H. 8. in w'*’ divers Manors are fpecified in other Counties befidcS I. eic. This is alfo tranferibed at length in 4774. p. 99. See. 41. ^. An accompt & price of various Houfchold, Napery, & other goods, apparel, piate, &c. of G. late X. of Hunt, in his houfes called Stoke in Midd. Sc Alhby de la Zouch, & City of London, 3 E. 6. &c. _(NB.)This is printed at length in Nicholl’s Lelcefter- Ihire, ut fup. p. 580. 42. Several Commiffions, &c. from E. C. to F. E. of II . toTerve in his wars beyond the feas, & as Juftice, See C" Rutland. See. 49. Is the long & curious will of the faid Francis E. of lJunringdon, which mentions inter alia the Rape of Num. 388r. Haftings in Suffex, the Manors of North Cadbury, See. in Somerfet, Leefield in Rutland, Slyngfby in Yoik, Parfonage of Repingdon in Derby, Manor of Lee in Wilts! See. Several Manors in Bucks. Lamley, See. in Notf. See. Sec. (2d Eliz, 136.) As printed at length in Leicefter, ut fup. p. 582. 51. A Isa command from Q. Eliz. to Henrv F.. H. to attend at Yorke or fome other place near to' the river Trent, at an inten’iew with the Q. of Scotts. This letter is primed ut fupT p. :;82. with another from the E. of EL (1563) to his wife's brother, Sr. Robt. DudlcyE. of Leic. about the Q.’s jealouiy re.'peci- ing hisfuppoied title to the Crown, trom the iJarl. h^SS. 787. p. 22. 52. Ilumfrey AddcrleyEfq.&rc refpeaing the Manor Sc Church of Weddington, C'’ Warw. 5 F.lix. alfo an In¬ denture about Slotenham in Devon, 7 Eliz. 52. A Tho. Barryngton of B. Hall in Kffex, Efq. demifes to Edw. Mildmay, Gem. Tallowe Sc Bajitm PaTkes, after Sir Walter Mildmav Kt. 8 Eliz.; Sc on the next page is Sr. W. M.’s letter to the E. of H. about the Q. of Scotts .k the Northern Rebellion, See. 1 2 EJiz. tx alfo about Swiiieby Sc Kendall family, C-Dcrb. Ac. 53. A letter from G. F.arl of Shrewibury to the E. of H. touching the Q. of Scotts, dated Wingf. Sept. ’tS 1369, as printed by Nich. p. 584. In the Elarl. MS.s! 6991. p. 19. to 36. 49. Sc 66.-6992. p. Of^.—Sc Ogoj.. p.66.67~& 6999.p.49.are fevcral lettere from theViiii E. of H. Prefidem of the North, to the Ld. Treaiurer Burghley & Mr. Secretary Walfingham, about Mufters in the North, “ A Trearife of Treafon.” Tinmouth Caftle, Bprick of Durham, the Northern Rebellion, Ac. * 57 .E J38C-1. as hereafter noticed in this Catalogue. See alfo ^774. p. 130. which MS. is a fair copy of the hiftory of the family compiled by the faid H. E. of Hun¬ tingdon, in his Caftle at Alliby de la Zouch, 1583. from the curious documents in this, N" 3881. Sc 4849. See alfo Lodge’s Illuftrations Vol. I. p. 157. 189. 299. Vol. 11 , p. 21. 129. 70. 97. 385. Vol. III. p. 25. &c. and un- pubhffied, Talbot Papers C. p. 15. in the Coll, of Arms. P* 231, &c. Vol. I. p. 43. 58, 98. 157. 203. 207. Diversotherletter.s& State Papers, &c. of this Earl Sc his friends, &c. maybe feen in Harl. MSS. 6995. p. 76. 94. —6996. p. 11. 19. 34. 37. 38. 39. 57. & tranfbribed bv Baker m 7042. p. 141—6997. 3. 6. 31. 63. 71. 85. At'. —6999. 49, 105. AndArcough’sCaialogue4i6o. 104. See. 53. b. Rich. Scudamore’s account of the manors 8: rents of the E. of H. in divers Counties, 11 Eliz. &c. 55. El. E. of H. 23 Eliz. fells to Thos. Grefly of Drakelow, Efq. & Chriftopher Horton of Catcon, Derb. the Tythes held in Repindon town fields Sc New¬ ton Sulney, C" Derb. 56. Particulars of this Earl's funeral charges from York to Alhby, where he was buried, 159^. 56. A Marriage Articles trith the daughter of Sr. Tohn Port of Eatewall, C* Derby, See. lands there. See. this is more plain and full in 4774. p. 130. ke. 59. Account of other Payments, See. bv G. E of Eluntingdon for the heir of the laft, as printed'in Nichols ut fup. p. 587. alfo two letters of Q. Eliz. ’ Two letters from G. E. of H. to Mr. Edw. Stan¬ hope Sc Mr. H. Purefoy, touching the faid funeral, Ac. See thefealfomp.587.)Other letters of his arehiAfcough’s Catalogue 4* 17. p. 79. Unpubliffied Talbot Papers M. p. 63. K. 84. and pruned Nichols ut fup. 589, Ac. 60. Account ofhis goods, chattels, &c. A Will of hk Dowager Lady Dorothy, dated 3 James I. which recites inter alia, the Manor of Dale,Ockbrook, Sc Bold, Granges Co. Derb. Ac. to Wm. I.d. Compton A Sr. John Holies of Houghton, Co. Nott. Kt. Sec. alfo 330! to her daut. Lady Kath. wife of Sr. Walter Chetwjmd, Ac ' ihJ Bibliothecas Harleianse. 93 Num. 3881, 3S82. tl;e Overfeers of which will bring Sr. Thos, Gerard, Kt. & G. Sherley of Staunton, Efq. as printed at length in Lcic. ut fup. p. 591. i^y. Lands in Wilts, &c. and about the Title to the Manor of Welford in North" with Francis Sanders* Edw. S. &c. 22 Eliz. 57. Another Indenture of S. G. Haflings, Kt. about the Manors in Staff. &c. before deferibed, & more plainly fhewn in N“ 4774. 58. An Indenture betw. Ralph Blacknall of Wender- Icy, Co. Derby, Efq. &c. about divers lands, & inter alia, Langley, Co. Leic. Thos. Grey’s Efq. 59. b. Two letters from Eliz. to the Earl of Hun¬ tingdon, 1600-1, about the Rebellion in Ireland, & railing forces in Leic. & Rutland, for which Counties he was made Lieut, i James I. &c. 60. Particulars of the offices, fees, &c. granted to G. E. of FI. by Letters Patent under the Dutchy Seale, Feb. 18. 2 James. Alfo the Account of H. E. FI. admlniftrator of the Goods, &c. of G. lateE. of H. deceafed, &c. (not in 4774") which ends 1609. And a Latin letter to procure feme hounds, addreffed to H. IL of Huntingdon Ld. Lieut, of Rutland, &c. from the Marquis of Branden- burgh, 1615. 62. K. Charles appointments of the Lieut’ of Leic. Sc & Rut. 8c a letter to the E. of H. about the Loans, &c. Dated Whitehall, lalF Jan. 1626, & figned “ Your I.ord- fhips loving friends H. Manchefter, Pembroke, W. Ban¬ bury, F. Conway, D. Carleton, J. Coke, Rich. Weiton.” This is not printed by Nichols, &c. 62. b. Speeches of Sr. H. Shirley againft the E. of H. 2 C. I. and the vindication of the lords of the Council, as printed ut fup. p. 600. Other pariiculars of this dil- pate, which originated from a quarrel about Sr. H. Shirley’s hawking in the E. of H.’s grounds are related in this MS. 63. The Caufe betw. II. Earl of H. & Sr. FI. Shirley, Ban. with the “ offence for which the latter «as coin- miltcd 1627, for the letter” following, “ To Sr. FI. Skipwith, Bt. Sc Sr. John Skeffington, Knt.” See. ^4. Other letters relating to the fame, &c. 65. Letters Irom K. Charles to the E. of FI. refpe£ling the rebellion in the North, &c. & dirccFing the counties of Rutland, See. to be in Arms, See. 66. b. Henry Lord Fladings's Will os printed in Leic. 604. fpecifying inter alia the Manor of Okethorpe in Derby, with the Coal Mines, &c. 71-2. Deeds relating to the family of Flerle in Leic. Nortliumb. Launde Abbey, Grendliam Abbey, Abbey of Flachland, See. 3S8’. L'.fteied orr the back, “ Records relating to the Neviis,” is a colleSFion of various kinds, To¬ pographical, Ilihorical, Sc Genealogical, relating to the various branches of that illuffrious family, & their great property in divers parts of the Kingdom, By fcveral memorandum';, In different parts of this mif- cellancuus lio, it evidently appears Uiat the papers for¬ merly belonged to cho.'e twncelcbiatcd Cclledors before mentioned (3605, 3S68, ^874) Jnhn & PeterLeNcve. The iff. portion of tins Voi. confifts of a number of large folding Pedigrees, Arms of the Neviis, See. I. In page i. is palled a Coat of Anns of 1. Nevill Ld. Latimer. 2. Ncvills Arms, old. 3. Beauchamp. 4. Vere, quarterly. Alfo two other feraps of paper thus C\T II.VRL VoL. 1:1- Num. 3882. written by Peter Le Neve, “ Nevill of Halfled St Redge- well in Elfex, a Pedigree from Flugh Nevill chief Foreder m the time of K. Rich. I. See my book of Pedigrees mif- cellancous, Dcrb. Nott. Flants. Lane. Salop. & other Counties, to George Nevill of Staples Inne. fol. 260.” 0 Barony. An Aft hereby the heirs of or.Ldw. Nevill Kt. are reftortd to the remainder of the Barony of Abergavenny. See my MSS. of Ads of Pari, pall 2 & 3 of Phil. & Mary, fol. 137 ; m this faid MS. is the Adlof Pari, w^** hath fecured the Barony to the FTmily & Edate.” ^ 2. “ The Pedigree of the family of Nevill in the feveral brandies thereof, writt by Henry Ba'J, Efq. for- merly RougeCroixpurfuivant, & after Windforllerald. Ita tedor Peter Le Neve aL Novroy King of Arms, Dm 1704.” 22. 3. Phe next part is a book of 103 pages of very black cc clofe large writing, befides two preceding pages un¬ marked, on the id of which is the Arms of Nevil, & the following deferiptions. Sec. “ A Mifcellanie of things very obfervnble of that mod iliudnous & foinctime Princely family of the Nevills.” 1C61. It was the will k defire of Mr. Charles Nevill that his Executors fhould give the booke, ol w'" this IS a true coppy, to his noble Kinfman Colonell Richard Nevill, Efq. as a tedimony of his refpeds to him. Itatedor Johannes Smith Contubernal's eius.” In LeNeve's hand-writing is the following, “ This book is all of the hand-writing of Mr. Wilkin- fon, redtor of Lawrence Waltham in Com. Berks ; you will find his defeent in Mr. Affimole’s Vifitation'^ of Barkfhire, made 1664.” 4 - I he next part is thus fuperferibed, “ Abergavenny Barones from Win. the Conqueror who created Hameline de Balune or Baladon into the faid honour, &c. Faith¬ fully coileded by Tho. Wilkinfon out of Rob. Glover’s Stemtnat. Magriatu & other MSS. A” 1653.” This part conilds of lo^i I-javes. In the lad page are deferibed the Arms of Richard Nevil! of Billmgbeare, Berks, Efq. in 108 quarterings. 5. The ne.xt portion is a mifccllaneous colledlion from various Authors, &c. relating to the fame family, & a regular hidory fomewhat mutilated. The Flidory is thus prefaced, •' “ I’lnt infini.e wifdom of God w'h halh didinEuilhed h.s Angels by degrees ; hath given greater & lelTe light and beauty to the heavenly bodyes : w" hath made differences bettveen bcalles Jt byrdes t created the eagle and the fi ve; the cedar and the (hrubbe; & atiiongll Hones, given the liireft ibaure to the Ruby & the quickell light to iheDiinnond ; hath alfo ordained kings, Dukes, or leaders of the People, magiftnites, ]U.lges, & other degrees ainnngll Men. W. N.” which fignature feeins to be the Initials of W. Nevill LL.D. Ch'.nccllorof Chichcdcr,_ mentioned at the latter end of this hiftnrical MS. of which he was therefore probably the Author. It contains 16 leaves, fomewhat damaged. 6. Ihe rennunder contains the colleaions & hiftorv' of the lame family, &c. the principal head.s of which arc “ A bnefe declaration of the principal points con- fiderable in the Pedigree of the Barony of Abergavenny fhewing how the owneis of the Caffle & Sigueorie of Bergavenny have ever borne the title ol'Dimiitie from the nextheyres in blood.” ^ ‘‘ Concerning the will of G. Nevill I.d. Bergaviimv 5 : the Afi ol Parliani. ed & jd Philip & Mary..’’ 11 ^ The next pages contain a Pedigree of Nevill & Beauchamp Pembroke, with notes, See. relating to the contentions betw. Reg. Ld. Gray Sc Wm. Bcanehamp, about the above Barony, &c. & (hewing that it did not defeend to R, B. becaufc his Mother had Abergarennv mjointure. ® ^ B b .1 xhe 94 Catalogus Libroram AiSS. Num. 3882—3885. “ The Nobilitv of England that quarter the Coate of Netnll in right of their birth,” &c. 14. Catli. daugh. of Charles 6th K. of Erance, widow of H. 7. her Verfes in her Epiltlc to Owen Tudor. 15. Various Coats ofNevills. 17. b. Extradts from the Statutes, &c. 18. Of the houfc of Ncvills of the female line, &c. 20. " The honourable Coates quartered by the Ncvills of Billingfbere in right of their birth are thefe 52.” iS. “ The coats that are in the great parlour window at Billingfbere.” 35. “ Opfonia ad convivium hoc prxparata, 1466.’’ 39. This differs but little, except in form, from the above account of this feufl of Archbifh. Nevill, which has been printed in Drake’s Hiflory of York, Peck’s Dcfiderata, & Gutche’s CollecE. &c. Pedigree of Ralph, Ld. Nevill of Raby Caffle, (Steward of theheufe-to K. Edw. iii. 1330.) who mar¬ ried Alice daut. of Hugh Earl ofStafl'ord, k their daut. Philippa was wife of Tho. Lord Dacres, from whom defeended the Eier.es Ld. Dacres as in this Pedigree, alfo other branches of the Staffords, Percys, &c. 56. Epitaph of the Lady Grifold, Countefs of Cum¬ berland, daut. of Tho. Hughes of Uxbiidge, Lfq. wife of Edw. Nevil Lord Abergavenny, Sc after to Sr. F, Clif¬ ford, Kt. E.of Cumb. 1603. 64. Arms noticed of the family of Vere Earls of Oxf. Nevils; & Sr. Symond Ward of Newby in Yorkffiire, with a Pedigree, & concluding fummary account of the Nevils, fhewing the number of Dukes, Earls, See. in the Anceftors Sc Progenitors of that illullrious family. 65. The book being reverfed, are divers extracts from Sclden, &c. about Baronies, &c. k other degrees of civil honour. And the Ld. Abergavenny’s title, fcemingly written by himfelf. A Lilt, of the Dukes, Marquefies, See. of the Nevill family. 38S3. FI. Jofephi Antiquitatuin Judaicarum libri 20 Latine. Codex membranactus. xin. Guillermus Bourbon dedit hunc Codlcem Conventui invernenfij pro anniverfario fuo. 3884. Ranulphi Higden, Ceflrencis, Polychronicon 7 libris cix.fxXov. Codex membranaceus bonus, quamvis impcrfcctus ; cum continualione ad Henriciim vi. tabulis Chronologicis, notis temporum in marginibus, et indicc, vid. 3877. xv. 3885. The Letters of the Alphabet, riclily blazoned and orna¬ mented on 24 leaves of Vellum, by John Scoitowe, whofe name appears at fol. 9. At the Letter E. are the Arms of Elizabeth, with this motto “ God fave Queen Elizabeth, long to live.” At the Letter T. (fol. ig.) is the portrait of Tarleton the Comedian, inferibed Mr. Tariclon ; with thefe Verfes. “ The pifture here fet down within this Letter T Aright doth fliew the forme and fliape of Tharlton unto thee. When hee in pleafaunt wife the Counterfet exprefte Of Clownc with cote of ruffet hew, 8 c ftanups w"* the refte. Whoe merry many made when he appear’d in light The grave the wife as well as rude, at him did take delight. Nuin. 3885 — 3^92. The partic now i-; gone, and clo^ir chii! in rlavc, Of all the Jeffers in tho hmde he bare the prai.'e awaic. Now hath he plaid bis parte, and fare ho is of this. If he inChriffe did die, to live with him in lalling blifs.” 3556. Ilumphrodi Wanlci Catalogus Librerum, cum indicibus Locorum et Typographorum, et oblbrvutioiiibus aucloris. In fine fubferibitur i “ Floe opufculuin abfolvi o'" die Menfis Tnnil A.D. 1722. Humphredus Wanley.” Liber chartaceus in 4"’, ab initio ad linein manu pro¬ pria Wanleii feriptus. [3887—3923- Duoi/mKo.J 3557. “ Tabularius, et Gervafii Tiiburienfis de necefftriis Scaccarii obfervandis Dinlogus. Accurati^ et porbene digeffus in duobus libris.” xvn. Codex chartaceus in 410. minor!, conftans foliis iSr. 388S. “ Evangelicall Fruict of the Serapliknll F'ranrTcan Order. Centur. 5. Ab. Anno Domini 160. Dul.linii Tlucu- bravit P. N. Archibold, Capucciiius, A.D. 1628.” Extended by a fiibfequcnt ccr.tinuaticii to iC.f c. It contains the accounts of Holy men, ot Miffiunarics, of Converfions, of Learned V.’iitcrs, of Manx rs, with various mifccllaneous mu'tcis, but all colLct-.d with an intended reference to the pr.tdc of the Fiaxeilean order. A ftnall quarto of 414 pages, containing mai'.y curious Epitaphs, Sc oiher memorials. xvi., 3889. A paper book, in fmall quarto, with a ffw poems written at each end. One of them, addrelTed. “ to the moft acenmplilhed Lady Madame Binluffb,” is figned R. Adams, and fcveral others R. A. fiimu A. R. Some, however, are tranicribed from Carew, & other Writers. In the firll leaf is the date of 16a but not united will] the name of Adams, xvii, 3890. Statuta Crdlegii S. Trinitaiis C.intabrigite. Liber chartaceus inqto. fine anni iieta. xvii. 3891. Regiffrum Cartarum Monafferii S. Marire de llt.lin-cul- trani, Ciffercienfi;-. Ordinis. \ ide alind, 3911. infra. Codex membranaceus, pcrcbfcurus. xiv', n S '' O • 1. Bochn, de Scholaftica difeiplina Ilhcr. fell. Cram- matica. Codex palimpfeffus ; uUus eniin in eadcin niem- brana ante Icriptus erat, et cralus. xv. 2. TraCFatus Gcometricas. Iralic:. “ Geometria e una de le ffpte arti liberal!.” 6j, 3. Q. Floratil Flacci, de arre poetica, liber. 7,', 4. -Epiffolm 4 libri primi Epiflola- rum, 8 I. hi 5. Affrologicarum qutefflor.um refolutiones metricte. 90-104, Codex membranaceus: foiiorum notatio incijdt a 4;. I. M. Bibliothecas Harleianae. 95 Num. 3893-3901. 3893. 1. M. Tul. Ciceronis, de Oratore, ad Q. fratrem, ]ibri 3. Script! A.D. 1465. xv. 2. “ Epitaphia Ciceronis edita k xii SapientHfimis.” Scilicet. Snfilio, Afnienio, Vonianio, Euforbio, Juliano, liiafio^ Piiliadioy Afclepiade- Eujlennio, Sequitur nomen Eampiltani, fed fine Epitaphio, et duorum ultimorum et nomina et Epitaphia defunt. Codex membranaceu.s, feripturm pulchritudine nota- bilis, per Antonium civcm Vicentinura. 3 ^ 94 -' Petri de Ebano, “ De remediis Venenorum,’’ Liber. Codex membranaceus, elegans. Defunt tamen capita lo ultima, ut ex tabula conftat. xv. 3 ’^ 95 - t. Thomm Becket, Cant. Archiep. Vita. “ Ad laudem beatifllmi mariyris Thome.” xiii. 2. Vita S Pelagic. 3- -S. Eullachii & Sociorum. A- -S.A.’iiaiiiAurelianenfis epifeopi. vid. 5259. i. 5. -S. Katcrine : pratmittitur hymnus cum notis muficis.' O'. Alia inanu, Cantici Canticorum expofido metrica, cum Commentario. Liber oiim S. Marie in valle S. Lamberii. Codex membranaceus. 3896. X. Junii Juvenalis Satirarum liber. xv. 2. Aul. Pcrfii Flacci Satirm. Codex membranaceus, manu eleganti feriptus. xv. 3897- Regiftrum Chartarum Pdoratus B. Marifc de monte Carmcli apud Holnjuxta Alnwick. A fmall 8vo. plainly written on Parchment, decayed a little with damp towards the end At the begining is a table of Contents, referring to the-various charters, Sfc- of the founders 6 c benefactors, viz. the Vefeys & Percys, ic. but the hand'omc long Deed of Infpextmus of John Duke ofBcofurd is omitted. 38^8. 1. Charta Carltatis; cum 15 definicionibus feu deter- minationibus de regulis Ordinis Ciftercienfis, A.D. 1262. Xlll. 2. Clementina Conflirulio de Ordine Ciftercienfi, fcili- cet dementis 4, Papm. Libclius periechus, et bene fcrlptuS. 3899- Galfridii Arthurii Monumetcnfis Chronicon, feu hiflorla Britonum brevior : cum continuatione Nicolai Trivet. Codex mcrabranacus, cum notis in margine receniiori- bus. XIV. 39CO. Mifla de fanfta Crucc : cum Calendario, et notis mullcis. Codex membranaceus, in margine illuminatus. xv. 3901. Martini Poloni Chronicon, ad 1245. '''•de 3853, Codex membranaceus. xnj. Num. 3902—3910. 3902. 1. Allexandri de “ Villa Dei’’ Computus metricus. 2. Computus prnfaicus de litera domini. 3. Somniorum interpretario. 4. Medulla toiius medidna:, et alia. Codex mem- branaceus. 39 C' 3 - The Book of Job & Tobias in Engiifh. In Gr^ihic Letters on Vellum, but fo even as much to reftn.ble printing. Very curious, xiv. 3904- Gella Francorum in Bello facro. Codex membranaceus. XI. 3905- Difputatlones in 4 libros Ariflotelis de Coelo & Mundo, & in 3 libros de Anima ; & in totam ejus Metaphyfi- cam, inchoatec, fed abruptaj. Liber chartaceus, cha- raftere minuto feriptus. xvii. 3906. Chronicon Regum Anglia;, ufq; ad A D. 1456. “ Adam pater generis humani genuit Seth.” Codex mem¬ branaceus ; cum notis brevibus in marginibus. 3907* Galfridi de Trano, Commentarius in 5 libris Decretalium. XJV. Liber olim fratrum fandle Crucis Conventus Lcodien- fis. Codex membranaceus, bene feriptus. 3908. 1. Vita S. Mildrctha;: cum hymno, et notis muficis. XII. 2. Textus Tranfijtionis & infiiturionis Monakerii beate Mildrethe: cum miraculorum atteft^tione. 3 VerfusdeBrydelyugton, fadi A.D. 1321. Codex membranaceus. 3909 - Several parts of the facred Hiftory, exprefied in old Englilh Verfe, imperfetl: at each end j and very ob- feurely written, on Vellum. xiv. 3910. A fmall Paper book, of 147 leaves, neatly written, but in variou:. hands, containing a variety of Ihort poems fome from the works of well known authors, us Beu Jnnfm, Donne, Beaumont, kc.; others lefs known of which a few may be fpecified. ’ I, Lidford Journey, a ballad. This is printed in the Topographer vol, ij. p. 380. But there are a few variations and additions, here ; differing from the Cooy there ufed; particularly tltis Stanza. j. “ Sure I believe it then did rayne A Cowe or two from Charles his wayne For none alive did fee Such kinds of Creatures there before Norfhall from thence for ever more Save priipners, geefe, wee, &c. • partly erafed) his fooli/h invective agamic the parliament for proceeding to Ct-nlur his Lord Verulam.” ® g “ When ye awake dull Britons. & behold What treal'ure yo have thrull into the mould.” 8 3. The 96 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 3910—3919. 3. The Puifne’s (i. e. the Novice’s) vf’alk about Lon¬ don: a humourous Ballad. 36. 4. The Ballad on the King (James I.) going to Oxford & Cambridge. 39 - b* 5. A ballad beginning “ Who would not be a Cuckold.” 41- b. 6. Latin & Englifh Verfes by R. Allaballer, Hugh Holland, &c. ft- b. 7. ” Ars poetica Rithmlcis quadriflillabis dslineata, feu potias adumbrata.” too. “ Quifquis elTe vuh poeta Procul linquat Alpha, Beta,” &c. S. Epigrams, on a Crycr, &e. loi.b. 9. Many Verfes, both Latin & Englilh, on the death of Thomas Murray, Efq. Secretaiy to' Charles Prince of Wales. 123—146. 3911* Regiftrum Chartanim Monafterli S. Manx de Holm- coltran Cumberland,-12"'°. xiv. 3912. Horx B. Maritt, cum Calendario : partim Latine, partim Gallice. Codex membranaceus, cum pifturis. xv. 39 * 3 - I. De 7 pcccatls mortalibus, Traffatus ac/s-ax.o-. xiv. z. De hominis lapfu & redempdonc. mifericordia Dei, Simouia, Matrlmonio, Judicio, Officio Sacerdotali, Gon- feffione, eleemofina, ?cc. 3. The Revelation of St. John: with an expofition. Codex partim membranaceus, partim chartaceus. 3914- Liber Arabics, cui titulus Surata Yes Afeorani, fc. de rebus magicis. 3915- Theopliili Monachi, de Chemia, Medicis prxparactonibus, Mineralibus, & plurimis raris inventionibus, libri 3. Codex membranaceus. xiv. 3916. 1. M. Tul. Ciceronis Lxlius, feu de araicitia liber. Code.x membranaceus pulcher. xv. 3917- A Colleflion of Monuments & Arms m Churches of Kent, with a very few pedigrees inferted. It is a 12""’ neatly written & drawn, feemingly by J. Philpott the Herald, as appears by a Copy of Verfes near the end with his Autograph. xvii. 3918. j. The Woman’s Right proved falfe. 2. A Satyr againft Marriage: with a Reply. And other'Poems of various kinds. 3. The Womans Right, an elTay by Mary More, with a few Po. ns, by the fame ; bound up with 6932. 39J9- I. Emendationes fere innumerx variorum auctorum, Grxcorum et Latinorum, ex operibus opdmorum ciiti- corum excerptx. pag. 1. 370. Digaa, videtur hxc obfervadones qux a viris dochis . diligentcr evclvanrur ; \u e feriptis Calaubpni, H. Vollii Num. 3919-3927. Salmafii, Scaligeri, Croii, &c. fumma cura extrafix. PolTunt fane ab eidem manu provenire qux num. 3837 collegit, quanquam elegantius feriptx. 2.Col!eclio,abaliaprorfus manu, verborum et phrafium, e feriptoribus Grxeis; interpofitis excerptis longioribus ex aliis Grxcomm libris. Codex Chartaceus, e duobus compaflus. 3920 - Accounts of Law Reports, properly the fecond volume to N“ 3327, which emtains five books of the Reports. This begins with the fixth book, & is continued to the end of the eleventh. The hand & the form of writing the fame. The arms of the D. of Grafton are in this volume. The Reports feem to be abridged from fome larger volume, printed or MS., to the pages of which they refer. xvn. 3921. M. Tul. Ciceronis, de Officiis. libri 3. Codex mem¬ branaceus, eleganter feriptus et ornatus. xv- 3922. HermolaiBarbari, contra PoetaSj&c.EpifloIx 3 A" 1455. SequitLir Epiflola ejufdem Hermolai. Codex mem¬ branaceus. XV. 3923- 1. S. Augufiini, de confiiflu vitiorum k virtutum, liber. xiv. 2. -de Spiritu & Anima, liber. 3. Petri Blelimfis Compendium fuper Job, 4. S. Bernard! Medicatione?. “ Multi multa feiunt.” 5. Hugonis de S.Viflore, de inftitutione Novitiorum, fiber. 6. Collefliones Thenlogicx, Preces, & Meditationes. 7. Innocentii 3, Papx, de contempLu mundi, liber. 8. Chryfoftomi quxJam. Codex membianaceus. [3924—3938. Oaam.l 3924- M. Tullii Ciceronis, de Officiis libri 3. Codex membranaceus, etiam numero3g2ioinatior. xv. 3925- 1. M.Tullii Ciceronis de inventione Rhetorica, libri 2. XV. 2. Aucloris incerii Rhetoricorum ad Herenium, libri 4. Codex membranaceus feripturx elegantia fpeclabilis. Ad fiuem libri 2 de Inventione hxc ponitur inferiptio. “ flic Liber eft Petri Loyfii Domini Loyfii de Guicciar¬ dinis de Florentia, fob annis nollri falvatoris xxxi- ^i. e. 1431-) tempore Papx Eugenii iiii.” 3926. S. Auguftini Hip. epi, in i Epiftolam S. Johannis, Ho- milix 10. Codex membranaceus, in fine mutilus. x. 3927- I. Catechifmus,aucloritateEd. 6 . Ludimagiftris com- mendatus : cui nomen Rex, propria manu, plus fcmel inlcripfic. Adjunfli etfe dicuntur Articuli, de quibus in Svnodii inter Epil'copos alios erudites convenerat, fed non fidl'ur.t. Videiiir fuifie cxamplar unde impreffus eft fiber auctoritate rcgi.i ; r.otx eniin typographorum in ine.rgine extant. xvi. 4 3928. Mileti Bibliothecas Marleian^j 91 Num. 392§—3935. 3928. Mileij, Liodlietjfi's Cpifcopi, de mifaculis & iffurriptione S. Johaimis Apoftoli. Codex membr. imperteftus. xin. 3929- Hsnnci gpelmaoAi Palidographb, cii'm addilionibus Jo¬ hannes Covelli. Liber chartaccus de abbreviationibus in MBS. Latmir, Vicl. 6353, ,, xvii. 3930 - 1. Dc natura locorum habitabiliiim, liber. xiv. 2. Jacobi de Valle, S.-hoIaHum. 3. Commentarius brevis in N. Teftamentum. Codex inembranaceus. 3931- M. Tullii Ciceronis, de officii.”;, iibri 3. Cedex chartaceus, feripturj niediocii. ' xv. 3932. M. Tullii CTceronis, Rhetoritrorum, ad Herer.ium, Iibri 4. Codtx itiembr. elcgaRs. xv. * 3933 - Codex prima parte nrembrajiaceusj deinde thartaceus. Continens, i.M. H.Vulxpoemade 13.'mbyte, in membrane fcHp- ' turn, litiilus in iplb codice eft, “ ]\Iarci Ilieronymi Vid:e Cremonens. Canonici regularis de Eotnbyce Iibri duo.” Videtur crgo feriptas Code.xantequam Alba Kpifcopatuni nattus iuerat \ida ; et antequanipoema ultimas aucloris carii fubiorat. Lunge igitur ab edd. difie;t, ut eiiain ab itio videri poteit. “ Dii quibus .nJiderint parvis reptantibus olitn Naiuras, quas hla voinuni (cteledia divum Dona) quibus Tyrio perfufas mui'ice velHs llegibus intexunt, templiique, aril'que deorum Expediam, egregiuin Veneris pecus.” Nunc vero fie incipit. “ Quos mofe.s, qiiasautparvisreptantibus artes luppker addiderit, qute fila tcnacia (erum Ore vomunt faiurx, vos inecum evolvite, Nvmphx Seriades.” Dcfmit hoc exemplar comniate imperfefto, fed deell tantum verfus unicus; fcilicet, Kt meriris grata-'; fibi devinxere putllas.” 2. Sequitur “ Ant-'nii Panhormitje Laureatl poema- tum et prolarum Liber, ad Lamolam v. cl.” fuper chartu Icnptus. Ant. Panorinitm, proprio nomine Beccatelli, (de quo agit Rofcoe, in Vila Laur.Med. Tom. i. p. qi.) varia exnmt opera ; lumc vero Ltbrum (vel potiiis Libro^ duo enim funt) inter laudatos ab hilbricis non in- veiiio. Incipit his verbis. “■ Define me placida verbis aducere terra, Define me domiiia dllfociafe ratd.” Continet Verlus et EpilloUs, fine certo erdine permifias. 3934 - Cixcifir.us, liber metricus, cum commentario: de Rhetoriea agens. ‘‘ Lft proprie meta trans Ora.'ce farmatio plafma,” .Scripuis clt A.D. 1354 : Si ohm crat S. Nicolai pfopc Culam. 3935 - De ir.inis & incrcmcntis Pricmonfiratenfiurn, liber. Codex membranaejeus, literis quadratis ferintus x'l Cat. IIarl. Vol. Hi Num. 393(3—3Q.J4.. 3936- D. Junil jhrcnalis Satilarunl Liber. Coder: chariicensj ciim gloffis. XV.. 3937 - 1. Magna Chsrta,*; Chart?, do ForedaR. Ed- a.jiiv. 2. Stiituta deMerion, Marlebergc, WcHmoiiaiUrWi u-.ouccltre, V»yntoij, S:c. 3. Britton, liberjuridiciis, Gallice. Svo. 393S. t. De Vitis Philofophonim, libelliis; a Thaletc, &c. adPrifeianum; Foiiis 78. Subjicitur, ad finem codicis, index Philofophorum alphabeticus. 2. AfoiioSo, adfoliumioS, colleftio cll dicbo.rum memorab’iiiim. 3. Colietlio fabiilahnn et hifioriarum ex variis hifio- ricis: pramillis vcrfibus clegiacis 48. 1 oS. k Codex chartaceus, foliorum 149. Aucloris vel Cok ledloris nomen nufquara apparet. [3939— 3959 ' Q’‘‘^rio.'\ 3939 - JjhannU Evangelium, cum Glolfa. Codex mcmbvanaceus. 3940- 1. Le Livre de Jeh. ds Mandcville, chevalier, le queil lot ney du pais d’cngletcre, le quci! parle de I’cftat de la terre, et de marveiiles quo il y a veucs. d'his Copy of Sir |. Maudeville, in French, may per¬ haps contain foineihing curious. j^y. 2. A liii'ci ry from the ertation to the time of liaac ; in French. Iinpcrfed. “ Quant dex out fait L ceil la terra.” On Vellum, 3941. I/idori Hirpeleiifis Epifeopi, Originum five Etymologia? rum, lihri ec. ,s I.iber quondam .S. Petri Ocmciccenris. Codex mem- branaeeus, vencrabilis. 3942. I- Rcgiflrum Rrevium Kd. 3. xiv. 2. Chartu;, Magna, Edw. 3. de Eoreda, de Merton, M.irl.-iiorge, Wdtinmiadcrio, (Jloucellria, VVintonia, Stat-ula, d.o. 3943 - Chaucer’s lore.s of Tmilus St CreflbiJe, in five boohs. An old Copy on vellum. Bodglit at Mr. Raivlinfon’s Sale of MS.S. i/p-t- “ This has been collated by \Vm. Thomas, Efq.” ^v. 3944. P. Virgiiii Maroiiis Opera, cum Scholiis. Scil. ATneis, Hiicolica. Genrgicit. Incipir .^n. fine vci fibus fuppofi. tiis, “ lile ego qui quondam ” &c. Cedex, ut inih-i videtur, larciilo xv cui affig’ atus eft, multo antiquior, et collaiione diynus. Defunt vprfus de I-Ieieni, h fibre Sccundo. The 98 Catalogils Librorutrt MSS. Nura. 394i—3949- 3945- The uU Chronicle of England, called Brute, down to Vd " ■ Imperfecl- In the wMe Imtk of Surtc. This is on Vellum, & though it has fome chafms, is mere likelv to be ufcful than 3740. heing written with more carc,'& lets defaced. 394 ^’- Gregorii 1, Papte, I.iber palforaii-.t Codex membrdnaceus. Uteris Gothicis fenptus. xiv. 3047. & 3948- unihnie, five LeglsDivinm repetiliotiis, librl 3. Latine ab Ifaace Abeiidana. ^ xvii. Titulus in polferinre Codice ita fe habet. “ yolnm'n PrimiimfrLCiindum nttl'; Dciiterofis, leu I.ejis Divintc repetitio, atque largior cxplicatio, Sloyfi ore teniis tradita, er^fic conlfitutl tradiuone orali ad latres deiivata. Tandem a R. .lud 1 Saiicfiis cogiiomm.ito 111 ulum 1 nl- tetitatis fcniltis coniprchcr.ra I-atinitate dmata^ atque Noci«i in variis locis illiitirata ab ilaaco Abervuana. Codices Chaitacei. 39+9* v. Rhotovicci-um, adIlcrcnniuoi,libri 4. A.D. 1430. He iTiemnriaarliriciall, Kpiftola; “ Qualiterhomo ad rccri-damiumde pUiribus.” Poima morale. “ Rede vivendi dodnnanr five cavendi.” vcrfibus leoninis. . 4. Do reprobatione Amoris, Tradatus 2. Cum '^5!^ Blr'u, fiveP. Ovidii Naronis (falfo didus) hbor, de pvocatione Jov'is erga Alcmer.am. A.D. 1431- 3 -°- °- “ Ardet in Alcmenam Saturnlu':, atque beatuin a-Vmphiti'Uonn probans fe dolot etle Jovem. 6. Fraginentum llbri profaici de Andotele. 327.^b. 7 Framiientum Granin>»itic£e meti icm 8 Bafdii de Indicutis Juvonum liber, I.atme redditus iTcr Lconardum rtretinum, cum prmfat.one Aretim. beriptus A.D. 1447. r.xtat idem ad^um. 2678. 9. Petri Pauli Vergerii do ingemiis morious hber. to. Plumchi de F.dncatione liberorum tradatus. Latino, per Guarinum VeronenLm. Idem extat euam Ti'. Gaiparini Bmzizii de Compofitionc liber^ ^ 12. I- An. Seneem F.thica minor. A.D. 145’• . 3 ^* 1 -5. Leonard! Aretim Ifagogicon rooralis difciplinx. A.D. i4<;v 35 !-b- 14. (.)uerela vlrtutis ad Mercurium Deomm intcr- 15. B. Pauli F.reniure Vita. „ 16 S Illernnvmi oratio de contemptu Vitre. 357. _ _i_de Vita Malchi monachi. ' 7 - 3 ,8. b. jg___de Paphnucio heremite libellus. 360. __de Paulo S. Antonii difcipulo. 3G1. 2 0. ___de OlTicio liberorum erga parentes epillcla. ^ 361. b. Codex Chartaceus, fenpturi non oMcura. Num. 3950—3959- 3950- Pfaiterlum, cum Calendario, Litania, & hymnis. Codes membranaceus. 3951- Memorials of Mefs'* Arnaults & de la Fonds, Secretaries to the Marquis de Rofny, Ambaifadour m England, a" if'03 ; “ This was tranilated out of Monfr. de Sully s Memoirs by Henry Flyde at Cologne, a" 1654, by the command of his Father, fmee F.. ot Clarendon, Ld. HighChancellor of England. H.Rochestkr. (figned) Cornbury, Sept. 7. 1684.” 395- The Life of theVirg'n Mai7 j a Poem by John Lydgate. See alfo n. 38G2. 'fhe arguments of the hr t 37 chapters are wanting, but the Poem feems complete. 3953- 1. M. Tullii Ciceronis, de finibu.s, llbri 5. 2. _Acadcmicarum Queeilionum liber primus. Codex chartaceus. 3954- j. Sir .John Mandeville’s Travails, with unfinifhed illuminations. ■}. Infaiitia Salvatoris: an old EngUfiiPoem. Lora God in Trinice.” 3. Merituni iMince ; a Poem in Englifh. 4. Medicina contra pcccati ; a Poem. D". 5. “■ Septem opera Eleemofina.’, (eptein lacranienta Ecclefue, & 7 virtutes prlncipales in Engliih Verfe. 6. Filius Regis moriuus efb. An Engliih Poem, with that Latin burden. , 7. Piers Plowman, in eight parts. A Vellum MS. dilUndly written throughout. 3955- P. Virgilii Marnnls .iEneis ; cum Gloflk : A“ L 3 ® 5 ' Codex Chariaceu-^. Defunt Verlus jarnque adeo,” «kc. fed otnillio veteri maim in margine notatur. xiv. 395 <^- Titi Livii Decas piima: Senpta a" 1427* Codex cx membrana et cliarti compofitus. xv. 3957* Eufebii Cxfarienfis Chronicon, ab Hieronymo ; cum continuatione Hleronymi, & Profperi Aquitanici. Codex membranaceus, lumraa cura feriptus. xiv. . 39 S*^' 1. Vitae S. Barlaam, &; Jofaphat; c Grxco Johannis Damafceni. _ 2. Vita S. Brendani Abbatis. • 3. Petri Comeiloris, Sermonum liber. I'.t alia frag- menta iheologica. Codex membranaceus. 3959- An Inventory or Schedule of records with copious extrafls relating to the Eftaies of the Earl of Warwick, .'^c. in EfTex, &c. about the year 1662. fol. 39. xvii. 1. An Indenture 1632, between Robt, F.^irl of Warw. & Robt. Ld. Rich, his I'on 5 X’ian Coutitefs of Devon, Thd. Bibliotheca? NiiM. 395 ?— 39 U 2 - The. LJ. Bruce, kc. Wm. Ul.Suy Sc Seale, Rolit. Uf, Brook, Sir Rich, Kverard, & Sr. The. Wroth, &c. about *e Manors of Chatham, FifidJ, Parflow, Hadlcigh, Southall, Lotvlintr, k Stanfgate, & the Redorv ot 1 it- tleweli, &c. all in l'.llex ; anil the Manors of the laiil E. of Warw. in Com. Norchampton & Norfolk.^ A Recoven’, 1659, betw. Launcelot Lake, Efq- Gil¬ bert Gerrard, Efq. &c. of the Manors of Lecze, Brain¬ tree, Feiaed, Bromfiekl, Patchinghall, V^ToodhaU, A - hnC, Muchwalthain, Rnchford, Eafhvood, Hackweii, & other Manors, &c. in Ell'cx, 6c the Hundreds ot Ivoch- ford, Ongar 6c Harlow, &c. . , r ,-rr An Indenture, 1659, betw. Charles B-or U arw. Montjoy Earl of Nevvpor', &Edw. h.ol Manchcller, See. about the fame, 6ce. 6. A Fine, &c. in mIucIi the ahore & other Manors, Churches, &c. in Elfex are fully c.xprelled. 8 Q. The fame & other places, fee. 11. ACi of I’arliam' to fccure to Rich. Ld. Rich, &c. the Manor of Bruinciy againlt the Bp. of London k Dean & Chapter of St. Paul’s, 2d of Elist. The Advowfon ot Cocgellndl, 6cc. in Enex, 4 L-1>. 12. Indenture 31 H. S. touching- the Manor 6c Church of Eifield, Manor LaJyhall, ice. in Moreton, 6cc. 14. Pines &c. about the above, and othtr Manors in ElTex, &c. 26 Grant of P. & M. to Rich. Ld. Rich, to erect a founda'ion in the Church of Pelfted of a Chaplain, make the Parifliic.’iitrs 6c Churchwardens a Body Pcluick 6c Corporate, to purchufc Lands of t,o 1 . per Ahb fines about the above, 6c other lands, &c. in Eikx, 6cc. 1^0, &c. Robt. E.ofWavw. by his Will, 1653, devikd Warwick-houfc, &c. with divers remainders ; then fal¬ lows a fine touching the above, & divers other Manors, &c. in ElTex, Rentals, dec. of the tionnr of Raileigh 38-9. “ Mtmd. under ihefe writings are fcveral oUl . deeds & grants to 6c from Sr. Xtopher Hatton be his family.” , -n, • c 1 -p 8. granted to Sr. Rich. Rich &c. the Priory of Leeze Sc divers other Manors, Churches, &c. in Elfex, 6c lands belonging to the MonaReries of Feverlham 8c -Clarkenwell, 8cc. [3950—3977. Fe.'io .2 3960. Regifirum Chartarum Monallerii S. Murifc de Melros. A handfome folio of i 19 leaves, well written on Parch- ment, 6c in good prelervation. It has no Index, but the Names of Perfons k Places, kc. but the Names of Ferfons 6c Places, 6cc. at top of each Charter, 6cc, xv. 3961. Integra Decima domini Regis in Com. Wiltes. 9 H. 8. Sic infcribitCir t odex. Et elf Terrarium Manerior. de Netyhon, Gvudeton, Kyngton, Cryllmalford, Bad- buTv, Wyr.lerboiirne, IJmyfton, Son erhame, Ayfli- bury in Com. Berks. Camely, Weftcoker, Nony, Pulle, Brodewinfure, Efiefloke, 6c Mudtord. Codex membranaccus, foliahabens ooG, bene confervatiis.&c. Liber olim Henrici Spetman, militis, “ Bought in Mr. Rawlinfon’sfale.’,’ xvi. 3962. Eufebii Ccefarienfis Chronicon, cum contimiatione Hieronynii k Profperi; et Indice alphabctico An¬ drea Juliani Veneti. XV. Harleianaei 99 Kum. 396j 3963- Pnb. Virgilii Maronis Opera ; et et'am'Moretum, Copa, “ Ell 6c Non,'’ D'e vim Irnin, Lira, Culex,6cc. Codex menibranaceus, pulcher, oinatus. Continet VerfuS “ Jamque adeo,” 6cc. 3964. ProcefTus h Clamea ad Coronationefn R Jacobi i. A Book formerly the property of k. James. The C/ameas are the Claims of piirtic. Perfons. xvn, 39 ound up with other Pedigrees & Arms rclatingto the fame County, of which fee more in 5812. 3967- A folio of 1 70 pages written on paper, with an alpha- beticallndex at the beginning ; on the ill page of w'hich is the following account ot it by Wanley. “ 'I his book, containing the dtferipts. of the antient Dcvonflnre gentry, was laboured and written by Hugh Cotgrave, Riclimond Herald ; and foon after perufed 6c approved by Perfons learned In Heraldical Knowledge. Raphe Brook, York Herald, hath made divers additions thereunto ; from whole Executors, or Relations, it feem- cth to have pafied into thelTamls of Sr.W nr.Segur,Garter. His Great Grandfon Mr. Simon Segar (whofe hand¬ writing isalfo hereluflicientlv apparent) fold it to James Mickleton i^now of Grayes Inn Ei'q.) who kindly gave it to him, who, this 27 March, 1 716, as frankly prefented it Your Lordlhip’s moft obliged k thankful Servant H. Wanley,” 3968. f. Genealogite Famlliarum Comitaiuum Oxonite 5 c Buckinghamia: t cum Indice alphabctico. xyii. 2. A Table of the Defcent of K. Charles i. from Adam : made by William Grafton 3 C. i. 100. 3. Nomina & Infignia principalium Prxfecluum, qui Califim obfidloni adtuerunt, 20 E.3. A.D. i 346. 114. 4. Wages 6c Diet of the Glllcers at that Siege. 130. 5. A Roil of the Fleet of E. 3. before Calice, 4“ 1359. 132. 6. The Names k Amies of the Nobility k Gentry of Effex k Bedfordfhire ; with an alphabetical Index. The w'hoie is neatly written & tricked, & well preferved. 134. to 180. 3969. Codex ICO Catalogus Librorum MSS- Kum. 3969. 3969- Codei meiiibranaccus, 6 colleaionc Thomas Riker qiii hlc m feundo folio an,lotavit. “ Volume hoc con- tinet^ ti-actatus viginti divcifonini audorutn, quorum nomina recitantur in imlicc ad calcem Codicia I’au cu.atolia exdfa fuut maid manu.”—Rlulta eliam ii, margmc per totum volume,! annotavlt T, Baker. Trac- tatus vero, redd enumerati, hunt viginti duo. .xii I . Guliehm MalindburieniLs de didis & fadismemo- rabihbus Philolophorum, libri 3. Dd\int quindecim capita pnora. Liber incipit a capifo decinu) fextn. , Calliodori, •Senr.cnri3, de Orthocra- phia liber. Pnemmitur prre/atio, quit in Piurohiicol- Jedione (:275) non ccciurir, eta Gidl. Malniclburienfi, qui hos Or.nugraphos coIL-pt, feripta videtur. v. Bakeri 3. Capri de Onhographia I.lber, Putfcli. 22:0. dgrccH Ars. Putich. 2265. ^ Apponenda eft Bakeri an- c a .j. Liber iftc recenJetur in Catalogo operunr Al- cuu-u, a I.da„do, Ealuo e, Pi,fee coniexfo : hia .a.nen Iieunqaam vifus fmr, aiiotiuin non reticuiftent prima x erba ab cisiuo in re citaia, ubi Audor tis notus et '.lub cft._ Liner Inc, pcniiJc ac fequens Btdie, intenri non cxhioentLir a GuL Midinlburiend, fe tefte. In col- Itdione I iitfdm Liber liic, inclpiens ab Aitcnius. £1,15 cq:ms, cqutt.i.t, Sic, Bedtc adferibitur. Intecrer autem non cxliibetur.” ^ n. Onhugrapliia. Ad fincm liujus tradatus de l^e ct lua Oi tiiograplioiuiii colledionc loquitur G. M dml' ' buneniis. ^ , 7. Cenforini de D;c Natali fragmentum ; incipiens ab bis verbis in cap. 4'. “ reperiri aves que ante ova eierati- ' fim, arqueadvcrba,-niaximerpondieumetpyrrichiant” 1 diohub't (“i lb Huvercauipo ' dciur) fed quod Inc luculemer Ceuforino adferiptum ^ ell, ct cum operc dc D,e Nitali, itu conjuuauni. m | ncquaquam divell, poflit. Apparet ergo fme duliio I Ceuform, cITl-. Noumduni clium, occorrcrc in hoc e.v- cuiplari lediones varias cblervati. ne di ’•niffimas. i 8. Apulcii de Seftj Platonica libri duo feiliett a- yjegMe p/uto,;, I.Hir, : a verbis, - ed'e I faaum enion folum nuilam partjrn Imriiui e.xlrj orbem ' reiuiqui, fkc. ad finem. confufus cum ejufdem u’e Fhi!aj> i p/™ (Apud A'd. 16,. b.) Q,.l vero hicfecundus' I l,t«r d.citur, eft ejuldem Di AU„da, ad Faultinu.., ' riliuni. ■■ , g. Apuleii de Deo Soeratis liber, xTrr.r.-o . j De Phyfiognomialiber, ex Aiilfotele ; Apuleio in mu.ee veten adfcripius. Codex hinc alia ma.ui I icnptus eft. ! .1. MariodiCdequonum. 3,j3.a) Poenia de Ir.pi- dibus. Cum Cominentario. Exemplar egremuiii ct eoriini qure viJi opiimum. v. etiam Bakeri notam. ’ I c. Fragmentum Apuleii de Deo Socratis : nmtilura in initio et line. ' ‘ 13. iqufdemde Dogmace Platonis liber, ar^;^a-o Iterum cam traiftatu de Philolbphh munili corijun^us. * Pnlciani Solutioiies Phyficorum de quibus dubi- tr.vit Chofdroe rex Perfarum. 15. Chronko.n breve ufq; ad Fempus Theodorii. i. 16. iii.lorii Trojanorum, “ Pelias rex Polo pcnneriiutn,” ty.Phyiicon protlicron, “Amullis prudentibus vitig,” i S. Alterioi, Ditftaininuin radii. 19. Johaimij Salclburienfia (Sivc Sarilburienfis) de Septem Septenis liber. De hoc Ubro ita T Bakcrus. rr.vfta_r,is iflc nondum ("quod IciaiiD exciifus eft, n^c titulo quidem notus, vel Lclarado, vd Baleo, vei Pitl,o, Ntim. o9“9—3374- &c.' Add, poteft quod nec Fabrido Lnaet!*. Djen {■olmm in hr.e. ao. Joachiri.! Flor. Abbalis, i„ .Vf.,cai,-onn j 'I’piflvau.s, de prmi'agiis teinpabmi,. ' Kh.'r K. virginitate JJ. M»ri* I libvT, advcilus fielvidjuin. I j ^ _ 39/0* Rcgiftnim Cartanim Monafterii k Ecclcfits C tth*'- I T-u- r „ ^ ii^'thonreufis.” fer«d'' Well pre- I n.o V m LngM., relanug the above Cathe.lral St Uuirehcs. hue principal of uhicli are as follows. : I. Foinus live liofpiialis Sci Jot,is Wllliil Hallo, vcv [ Prior, Cana eju.s 28 H. 8. . ' I 2. pcha de Lniige Alheton, ct Fcctla dc Carton, a. I 3 - pclnc de Walton, Stamoii-Piior etidlvcton e ‘ 4 - lAichii de Carve, 8t .Somhedlokc. "0 5- J.cctia de Ufeom, Hailiellon, ct Engllfcombe. 7.' 6. Feet,a de Stallo, Feciia de Wiftonr s. , 7. indeiriire ol Rich. Chapemiiii, 20 IL 8. i • 8. bidemureofThora. I.ycnmcivnn, D'. le, I 9. bJUth-iloke, Indenture of' i'hus. biulth, he. 10. Indenture of Will. Kent 8; AIhr.or. rg Vb Gamevy.,.- et JoLk ft. eiin. hr"' Baynes, Tho. Sc Rob, B.a.il'y, 1 3- Indent, of Win. Pole of Combe, :o H. 2** i i- Indei.t, of Juibn G.iye of L\ncoj>rl'*. i?*? sg Indentures of John Reyncs’ & LauwnsRal'ki;, 17- R'lJ^'ntiire of John Browniaii),30 II. ar' -of Win. Gjuio'r^, }.f I-' * 9 --ol Wm. Gupper, 29H. 3 . 2.^. --of J*i-Clcment.Alderman Bath. o-. -I. . of Robr. Cocks of Kelveicon. « Rob^. ^prics. = -•-of Cok>.-3 and John BuHhc! ' . 3 -- 34 - 397^- An hiftorkal Poem on Charlemagne, ck the Ilfberniri baiius; in German, Vellum. xv. ; 3972^ I ^‘^’>cilii B.dilicnfis Decretac; Gefta, a-* 1 m8 j _ Cuin originaliUis collata per Mic. G Jteij j ipfius L.oncilii. Codex mcnibrar.acum. i 397.^ Hlftorh FiindationisEccknic Pecii Riulfpon- & ,s-.r.iK, rum llibernc-afiiiin. CoJcxmeinb. V\irn d iiiV-ui rebus, agere que tracftanti-r in jitim" .-..-i' ^ nuVm forma I'onlcntit admodum. 397+- Aymdnl (qni ct J/u/m dic'j Ahmrhi Fieri i-enils J- geltrs J rancoruin, l.iber. Cud,x m.aulmmjeeu , beui lcripiu,s. ’ • 7 i. Kiftofia Bibliothecce liarleianie. lor Num. 39-5—3982. 397 S- 1, Hirtoria Obfidionis & interceptionis urbiy Silvadu- Ccnlis, fub Grouciidonckio, a' 1629, Codex chartaceus. XVil. 3976. Pii ?, (JEnas Sylvii) Pap2e, Cofraographia liber. Editus apud btcphanos, 1.-09. Codex meiiibranaceus : cum Icune Pii II. intnt primain literain depido. xv. 3977 - Monafterii S. Edmund! de Bergo, liber confuetudinarius, Liber elegans, membranaccus, in folio minore, nota- tus 124 ; et inira. 11 2, amidis 4 foliis, poll. p. b'9. xiv. 3978. A vellum book of the Services for Saints days, in French, with illuminations. xiv. 3979 - 1. Ti-aite des droits du Roy de France, fur les Eftats du de Lorraine. j 2. Ludovici R. 14. Conllitutio, pro reformatione : 2,-. 3. Dcs Difmees feodees. 4. Pratnutionuin jiiridicarum, five de principiis, natura, audoribus, interprctibus, totaq; arte juris civilis, libro- rum quiiiq; feries. _ 5. Du idtablifTement des Eftudes, & de la reforma¬ tion des UniverfitifS. ‘ 6. iJe quelle maniere il aefle pourveuen divers temps aux dignite' & benefices Ecclefi.niiques. 107I 7. Article 1 de la Refpou e au Bouclier d’Eftat: ou il eft tiaitte ue la veritable hn du Roy en fon entree aux Pais-lias. ^21.' 8. Des Cas privilegiez Sc delits communs, & du juge- ment dcsEvefques. 9. Des Poyaurnes de Bmgongne et d’Arles, et de'la fouveraiiietc des Pais de Provence, Dau iiic, Savoye Breilj, D.imbes, Franche Compti, &c. 214.* 10. Dilcours furlc Delit connuun, et Cas privilegic'. 222. XI. De la Claufe. “ Motu proprio et du pouvoir du Rov a Regard de Bulles. E coileclione Seguier. 3980. La Difeiptine Ecclefiafiique dcs Eglifes Reformers de France. A Paper book containing 183 pages clofely written. 3981. *' La Clavicule de Salomon, Roy des Hebreux, traduits de la l.'.ngue Hcoraique eil Italien, par Abraham Co- lorno, par Ordie de fon Altclfe ocrenillimc de Man- toue, ft mife nouvci!em;:it en Fran9ois.” A Paper book of 99 pages, with many diagrams. 3982. 1. Onofandri Stratcgicus, feu de Imperatoris inftitu- tioue liber. Latino. 2. iLhani TacUca, feu de infiruendis aciebus, liber, per Thcodorum Thcfialoniccnlem Latine converlus! Codex chartaceus. Num. 3983—3989. 3983. X. Le Roman de Floriinont en vers : compofc, en X224 par Aymes ou Aiinou de Chantillon. Ecrit I’aa XIV. 2. Le Roman en profe. A very curious old MS. oa Vellum j from the colleaion of Nicholas Joleph Foucault. 3984. Synopfeos Ecciefiafticte antiquitatis, pars i\ Scripta per Petrum 1 haladium. Liber chartaceus. 3985' Calalogus Codicum MSS. J. E. Grabe;. quK fato de- funftus poll fe reliquit. xviii. In the firft leaf is written ; “ This Catalogue of the Reverend Dr. Grabe’s MSS. is humbly prefemed to the Earl of Oxford & Mortimer, Lord High Treafurer of Great Britain, by his Lordfiiip’s moft obedient St moft humble Servant Ron. Nelson.” 26 June 17 2. Signed by Robert Ndfon himfelf. 'I'hc whole, fairly written, occupies 25 fides, 410. 3986. Sermones quidam, fuper tribus foliis feripti. 2. Liber Theologicus et moralis, 70 capitibus. 3. I'ragmeiita Iheologica. Codex membranaceus. 3987- A paper book of various fragments on law & divinity, coliedted by Sir Simonds D’Ewes. I. Memoranda on legal fubjedts, begun alphabetically. 2 A Sermon with this remarkable infeription, figned by the writer. - A copie of a marriage Sermon written by Paul D’Ewes late ut Stowhall in the Countie of Suffolk Efqmre, w:th his owne hande ; being the veric Sermon, I conceive, preached by Mr. Creech, Vicar of Axminftcr onTuefdayche loth day ofDecember A.D i^qa A" 27 Reg Khz. at the marriage of the laid Paul D’Ewes, who that day cfpoufed in the Parochial Church of Axminfter alorelaid, m the County of Devon, Diflilia the daughter N heire of Richard Simonds, then of Wycraft Caftle in the Countie aforefaid, Efquire. Simonds D’Ewes.” ihe two firft leaves feem to be loft. 3. A very confufed colledion of feraps, of little or no value. 3988. 1. An old treatife on Grammar, in French. Cl commence la maniere de language, que enfeingne bien adroit parlcr et eferire doulcz Francois.” 2. Forms of Letters in French. The whole on Vellum. 39891 Commentariu! in A. Perfii fatiras, per auaorem ignotum qui Juvenalemetiamamiocaverat, uc ipfe ail in primo folio. Nomen Barthio non abfimilis ifti folio fubferibi videtur. Codex 6 charta et menibrana pe/miftis coidtans foliis feriptis 8i. cum tabuli prsfixS, verl borum qujc in fingulis folds explicantur. xv. D d Cat. H.'Vrl. Vol. HI. A Papei Cataiogiis Librorum MSS. Num. 3900—3097. APipcrVolumr, comainlng theTrmmplls, Songs, and Sonnets of t etrareh, in Italian. The ten firll leaves wanimgv 3991- A Book of Songs, & Poems, many of them political, of the time ot tee republic There are alfo many tranf- cribcdfrom vaiious authors, and feveral m A Romance in French Verle, defcftive at each end. On vellum. xv. Liber olim S. Nicholiii prope Cufam. Colleftanea de militari, et aliis rebus, codex Chartaceui. Aoverfaria viri cujuldam docli, fed perobfeura. xvii. I. Carta Macna, dc Forefla, Wcflmonaflcrii, V\’in- tonia;, M-.rioi.ia:, &c. -xiv. a. KCjjill.rum Cancellaritc. 3905- . Tradatus capitum 48 de Excellentia J. X". . S. Bj' lit ‘eg Is, - libris. , Regulru I’auli & btephani. . L.pfifnio Rc->,u’rc . S.Bcnedicti. Abbatis Regula. . Auct ir incertus de terra l.ncta. Brochuriii Teutonici Deferiptio Terrs: fanftte. Codex membiaiiaceus. ‘ Navigation de la Mer, avec les havros, raddes, Pro- fondicez, Dangers, et approchemens des cullcs. dtpuis le fleuve Humber, Nort; coulloyanc alt.nlour du Rovtuline d’Efcoce, tirant aux IHes Orehades, et Hebrides, jufqucs a la MuUe de Gnlkmuy. ct la Ri¬ viere de Sohvav. Premierement coinpofee par Alex- andev Lyndefay, EfeofToy, foubz le comniandcment du Roy d’Efcolfe Jaques cinquiefme du nom, et depuis remife en fon entier, avec augmentation, ct illullraiion de plufieurs figures, ct defcriptions trts neceiTaires pour la Navigation, Par Nicolas de Nicolay, du Daulphinc, Gcographe du Roy.” Dedicated to the Cardinal ot Lotraine. 1 he Author alio in his Dedication fpeaks of having been at the Court of Henry viii. A beautiful MS. of 44 pages, on Vellum: with diagrams. Nuni. 1. De anima homiti;*', Liber, “ S:c d eitur anima ex Deo.” . „ *■”; A Letter to Sr. Pr. Knowles againft Dr. Batcndr, of the Divine authorit y of Bilhops. . - 3. Vi'helher ChrilL defccuded into lleii or v. m Soul. 4. lliat Marriage after Divorce for Auuncry is lawful. .‘^ 5 ’ 5. A Collei^lion of pithy faying'. 6. Tw'o Treatifes againll bowing at the N.ime Jelu.-t. 6j. **. A Dialogue between a Non-conformifi Sr a CoH- formiit. . 8 Serious Meditations upon the obfcrvation, that a Pot ofPewter or Lead, being lull, \\ili not mek on a hot lire, but empty it will melt. 10a. 9. Dr. Conaiit’s 11 Lectures at Allhuliows on Fridays, Short ElTays on the Game of Bow ling, AlHicticar, Sic. ^ 4 *; 11. Metcmpfychofis, a Satyrical Poem : by Ed. Snmii. “ 1 the l)rf.^rcs of a dcittbks Soule." i • 3 * 12. A Dioccfaii’s Letter about the Oath for Coii- fonnity. _ _ ij.'AlliorC view of the Prclatical Church ofEnglatid. 14. Three facred Poems. T9'. 1The Difeipline rf the reformed Church of Gfeni- fey, ieriey, Sarck- ScO kney, 15:6. 16. Pctilioii of the Prelbyiciian Miniflcr,'. A Paper book. 3999* 1. Le Trefor de Maiiler jehan dc Mchiin: avee Peinclurcs. 2. A 1 rench Poem with this title, “ P.ircc iiiich:, Dominc, nichll enim fuiii dies mei.” 3. 'I'raiie pour radiefiLr a Lieu li cucr dtduoye. A vellum hiS. caretully illuminated. 4OC-O. An F.piUolary DFcourfe in French, to Q. Elia, in dcfenc.* of the Piottileint Religion, S: ag.iiiiU Mary ot Scot'*, jvC. XV. 'J’lic original marks cn the vellunt Cover arcprefc-rve.l within, He. fomo polk.llbr ha-s made this judicious obkrva- tion upon liitm. ‘‘'Ihe Ciphets cn the ourrule oi this book, viz. E. R. A. F. IJ. ieem to fignify Eiizabeiha Regina AnglitE, Franc;u?, ct Hibcrnice, from whence I culled that this Book came out of the Qucai’s Ciofet.” In the fame hand is rdlb wiitteii an argument S: cxpla- nation of the fubjsci. 40c I. “ Les Croniqiies abregees du commencement du Monde juiques au temps pape Jehan 22 : e.xtraitcs dc Bible, desYIloiresfcolalLiques,&des Croniques Vincent.’' A Vellum MS. a little hnperfccl at the end ; one of Baker’s collection, be iiluflrated by his marginal notes. XIV. Iliftoire de la Hierarchic dans I’Eg'Te. Abrcgc d.-s divers aflais par les quels a pal’c 1 - s theclogte de f ran-<. fur ce qu’on appelle les liber^s de IT gliie G<.llicanc.” Num. 4003—4010. 4003. , Svl Glrsldi Cambrcnfis/ropograpliia I!ib=ra'=- ^ XlV. a. GalfrcdiArthuri MonuniemiBs.djgdtis Britoiwm, '*3. Fragmentum Hiaorix brevioris ab Im rcg= '”'^Codex hucufque membranaccus, eacerpta qiiK fe- aouiitiir in charta fcrlpta funr, et mann mullo rKenimrc. ^ 4. Trarjfcripla ex Johanna MajureScotc,_ da HibcrmS, et de rucccffioiic Regum Scolire. 4004. I. Cafus vatii Juris Anglicani, Gallic'. xvi. 2 ChartxJobanni Fllrete concedcntes Mancnum dc Rathtoucln in Co„i. Midd. ac Manerinna Capelle Iiolde cum Molendii’.o in Hibernia ; et Oflicium Collcaons Cullumarum Dublinii, et Magiari Cuiiagi. Iliberinai : ”'t Voniuilaria Inarumcnlorum Juris Civilis Angliic. Foi ! 3 t- cum indice locuplete. Codex chartaceus. ^ XVII. 40D5. Numcrorum Liber : cumGlofTa. Codex meiiibniiiaceus. xiv. 4CC 6. Libi'i Soplioniffi, Haggiti, Naam, Abacuc, Zacharia: et Mal.ic..:a:; cum Glufiis. Codex membranaccus. xv- 4.00 ^ • Aaorum in Curia Admiralitatis Anglis: expeditorum,ab a' 1660 ad 1O74, liuer charuceus. xvii. 400^. Part of I.uclans Dialogues, tranfl.ucd from the Oiiginal. Wditicn on 30^! pages of toUo paper. xvu. 4009. Sir Mat. Hale’s Letter of Advice to his Grand Children. Very fairly tranferibed on iiopp. of folio paper, &c divided into ivveuty-iwo Chapters. xvii. 4010. Collectanea de farr.iliis Anglitc cx Charcis & Literis pafentibus Regum Anglire. This MS. in Quarto appears formerly to have be- Inn'^ed to John iJuke of Newcaille by his Arms alfixed ia the becianing. The dates of years or Kings reigns, £cc. are generally written in the margin, with the Counties TO which thefe Ihort extracts relate. In it arc the fol- luwing win thy of notice : i. ThelArrers fomily Sc their Caftle Manor of CliarrL-v. Tiir'i;' London.—“ Matildis quonaam regma An- rlim fieri feeir ponnin c1e GtratforJ, quia feinel balneata fvut in atpia il'n in tr.mntu fuo ii m, et ad fuftentationem ipriusporlir Oicla Rogiiu anignavitquoddampratumquod Abbas de Suatford toner.” l-Tcueir. A“ 57 H. 3. On the oppofite margin is as f , and the other imponiiig an antkere of ihe former, which was written by his Ilighncfs againc to the ITiiiverlitie, wherein Ins Grace hath in that inagnefkent foit cx- preifed hi' facherlie care and love towards this Academic, with warrantie of Protection, fixim any hoame-bred or furraine innovation, that every letter in the fame is worthy to be graven in Marble and p,rpeuu;ny jue- ferved, as one of the molt Grackus IJuiiours that ever Emperoiir or King hath heretofore c inferred upon any fueh lyke place, of the Mu'es ; the Cooios whereof I hope 1 ffiall noe way offend herein to iiifer;c.” '1 hen follow ihe laid letters in latin, d.ited iCiS, with this at liic end of the Kings. “ Coiicoruatcum origin.il: Ita ten.or. “ Johan. Scot. Notar. Pub.” After thefe, p. 30. is an Apology in Euglifh Verle-bv the Author. See alio N'4283. by thefanie pen. 2^. paper book in fmall folio, fairly written, as for the pre'ls, on 84 ie-aves. There is no fignatiire* to tiie dedication, nor any other fignature of the 2\uthor. I he title is this “ A dife* ui fe of Courte and (kiiirticrs, dige-fli'd into fundrie Heads & Chapters. Written in the yeare of our i,orJ 1635, and ded caled to the right honWc the Duke of Lenox.’' It coniams 14 Chapters. ^vij. The Proceedings in the Courte of F.x'chcqncr, ^ C. 1. 1029. againlt !^d. Chambers, for not p..ying of Duties demanded by the Officers. A thill folio paper book. xvii. 4020. Lciceftcr’s Commonwealth. Stc alfo, 224". This book was publifhed in 16^1, with tlic name of Robert Parf ns. The title varies. “ It is there called “ Lei- celter’s Commonwealth, conceived, fpoken, and pub- liil-ed with molt eavnefl protdtation of dutifull good will Sf aifeftion towards this Realme, bv Robert Par- f<5iis,.Icfuire. Whereunto is added Leiceiler’s Ghofl.” Here the title is as (N“ 2 245.) “ the Coppie of a Letter written bv a M of Arts in Cambridge to a friend cf his in London, concerning fome talke paft of late be- tweene twoe wor' and Grave ir?n, about the prefent Eflate, and fome proceedings of the Earle of Lcietlter and liis friends in Engiaiid. Conceaved, (poken, and publifhed, with molt eariiefl protelfaiion of ail duriefull good will and affedion, towards hermoft Ex¬ cell' Ma'i® OueilNe Eliz-mjeth, & fur the whole good of the Rea me nncly it.s made comon to manv.” I.e'cefter’s Ghoft is not here. The book is a moderate folio, with ruled margins, on paper, neatly written. See alfo N" 4282. 4021. Regiftrum Brevium. Codex membranaceus. xv. 4022. A thin paper folio, neatly written on 64 leaves, with this title, Camera Stellata. The feveral Cafes hanoled in the Court of Star-CIiatnber every Court Dav in Eafterand Trinitie Termes An'’ decimo Car.,!! Regis, among which Mr. M^n’s Cafe (the Clarke cf the Hamper) for extorting d e.\acting f.cs beyond the lymics of his Paie.it is at large debated, w'" his Au- fweare, and the Court’s Sentence againii ium. A’ Domini 1634.” Gencalogica Bibliothecae Harleianae. 105 Num, 4023—4028. 4023. Genealogica Hiftoria Domus de Shirley, 10 libris, per Thomaftos Cololeimon, philopatron. Vide 492S ; Qui liber ex hoc Anglicc redditus eft. Conferri autem debent. Codex chartaceus. 4024. Coats of Arms of the Irifh Nobility. Folia 286. A Quarto of 70 pages, w ith an Index at the beginning, & foine Sketches by an Artift at the end. xvii. 4025. 1. Pafchalis Romani, Thefauri occulti, fell, de in- fomniis liber. xiv. 2. Nicolai de Sanclis, Campani, Rhetorica moralis, de ofliciis membrorum humani corporis. 3. Petri Bicfenfis, deamicitia Chriltiana liber, -.Tr-f-of. 4.. Johannis Lemovicenfis Epiftolarum dc Rciia dif- pars; Scil. abEpift. 3. ad 15. Vid. Fabr. Bibl. Med. et Inf. Lat. L. ix. Codex membranaceus. 4026. In Tunli Orationcs, &c. EJ. 1 539, Rob. Stephani varia: ledliones. Codex chartaceus. Audore iucerco. xvii. 4027. The newTeftament of WickliFs Tranflation. Carefully written on vellum, in two columns. xiv. 1^4028—4042. Folio.'] 4028. ■“’'•orum Warwicenfis & Darbienfis familite quam , jinac genuina Profapia, &c. unde Thomas Jiiii'lcydc B itulphbridge in ('iomitam Huntingdoni® Miles, Philarchifinus(fic) ; qui pio erga Majores alFeiftu duftus, eorum Propagationcs, cum fuis conjugiorum copulis armifquegentili iis, ex Publici.Regni Archivis, & privati' ejufdem Familiie EviJentiis, F.cclefiis, Mo- numentis, Hiftorici', Monafteriorum Regiftris, Sc Rotulis Armorum vetulliflimis, aliifque rebus reve- rendse Antiquitatis, Sc indubitattc veritatis, maximo labore, ac fideocul ta, deprompfic; atque ad perpetuam rci inemoriaiii feriatim hoc ordine deferibi curavit. Quibus ad Latera cliverforum Magnatuin, virorumque clariflimoriim adjunguntur ftemmata; quorum ac- cefiionc plurimorum huic familite honoris, tam in Ar- morum delatinnibus, quam etiarn exCenfus, & prsedio- rum incremento, Frenunaruin hseredumjurc oiaveniffe oftenditur.” This is part of the title given by’the Author, fwho Hkev.il'e compiled thofe two other MSb. of his family 4023, 4928. iis in the account of the latter may be i'cen.) There is alfo another handfomer Title P.age after this, which difplays the following families, noticed in the Volume as related to the Shirleys, viz Meyfnill, Waid- ftieff. Ballet, Barlows of Drayton, Ridells, Baron of WaTdon, Albeny's Earls of Arundell SeSuflex, Kavillock & Mechine, F.urU of Carlifle, Lupus Earl of Chefter, Algar Earl of Mercia h Lcicefter : Breos, Barons of Bramber & Gower (inSuiTex.) Milo Karl of Hereford, &c. Harcoiirt Earl of Harcourt; Gitlbrds, Karl of Bucks, See. Stanton, Delawar, Barons Delavvar, S: Lovett. At the beginning of the Volume are two quarto leaves bound in, thus entitled, “ The lineal defeent of the moll antient family of' the Sherleys in Co. Derby, unto Sr. George Shcrlcy the heire of the houfe, 1609.” “ F.x Lib. MS. Ano. Vincent faciali funclione de Windfore denominat. Sc nunc penes me Johannem Vicen- cenfiuin filium ejus unicum A'' 1641.” “ Concordat cum original. Jotiis Vincent.” Between the above two long lille pages, are two large Coats of C.\T. ITahl. Vol. III. Niini. 4028. Amis of the Shirleys, the one beautifully painted on Vellum, with creft, collar of SS. &o. the other a fac- fimile attc'lled bv the Autographs of Ed. Brudcnell & Sr. 'I'lios. Shirley as “ 'i'ukcn out of the kail windowe in the Souihe lile of Shirley Churche the laft daie of Auguft, 1640, in thexvith yearc of King Charles, in the preience of Thos. Ld, BruJenell, Sr.Thos. Shirlu-y Ki. Tho. Steed man.Peg I'k diveri'e other Inha''itants of the towne of Shirley aforefaid, in C' D.rbie tricked ouf deferibed according to thejuftdimenftuns of theEfcoo' as it there ftands.” This curious collecbion of Records, Peciig" , & Monumcuits, being only in part paged, ca L" an’’ up rather confufedly, is now rciftifiei' by being whoUy paged ("except a few that are wanting at the beginning) &c. the principal contents of which are briefly as followi:. P. 39. Ex libro Ccnfuali,&c. vulgb Domefday, Der* bifeire, he. 31. E.x Regiftro Monafttrii de Kenelworth, t. H. i. (vide 3650.) 32. On the margin is continued the Pedigree of Shir¬ ley with divers .Anns authenticated by copies of deeds, &c. from Sewal at the Conqueft, to 1641. 34. A curious deed relating to Shirley. Teftes Nicho¬ las de Verdon, 'Will. Pamulf, Will. Ballet, Geofrey de Grefley, Walter de Montgomery, &c. , Alfo another from the priory of Tmbiiry, with the confent of Robt. dc I’cn-ers, 5 tc. (See Hill. Leic. Vol. III.) 35. Exevidentiis apud Bradlev. “ Sciant, &c. qd ego Kenr. fil. Sewall conreffi, he. Wifto filio Serlnnis dc Grendona, S:c. villana de Bradeley et villam de Sturftona quas Serlo de Grendona pater ejus teuuit, See. reddendo aiimiatim caicaria qua;dam deaiirata vel quatuor denar, he. Toft. Hugo. BarJulf, &c. Juftic. Dom. Reg. apud Notiing. Will. fil. Walkclin, Ricardo Baflet, John fil. Ilerbcti Hugo de Acovera, Ada de Ednefliovea, Juchero de Grendon. Rad. Baflet, Gaufr. de Acovera, Eudonc de Mutton, Robt. de Fenton, An¬ drea de Grendon, Ran. de Sirele, he. 37. Deeds relating to Etiadon Church, &c. not noticed in Dugdale. 40. Seals to Shirley deeds, the ift of which is engraved very exactly in DugJale’s Warw. p. 478. h drawn alfo in 4928. p. 19. 41. A beautiful Seal to a deed of Henry 3d. The fame is alfo copied to the grant of Warren of Etin- dorr, 4928. p. 186. 43. An Inquifit. 15 E. 3. relating to Bernham Church in SufF. 45. Grant of free Warren in Shirley C® Derby, fealed with the above King’s Seal to it, 31 H.3. 4'’. The King, 2S E. i. “ commifit Radulpho de Shirk cominitatus Salop et Staff', una cum cailra de Salop cuftodiendos, i:c. Thomas Corbet nuper cuftos eonindcm.” Eliam Rex commifit Waltcro WalJcflief valetto Regis cuftocJiani Callri ct honoris de Alto Pecco redd, ad Scaccar. 437, marcas, he. 6 s. et 8 d. &c. 47. An Indenture 1287, relating tn Shirley, Tefl. Dfio Wiffo de Menyk, Egidius dc Meynyk, Rado. de Monejoye Milit. he. Other deeds relating to the Cottons, Ridwares & Waldelhefs of Hanftal KiJware, (fee Hift, Staff'. Vol. I.) 48. Grant of Thos. Shirley, Kt. of Shirley to War. ParJbns of Brailesford Vicar of Shirley, with a Seal as engraved in Dugdale ut fup. 49. Deed of Ralph BaiTet, Lord of Drayton, of the Manor of Cokften BaiTet in Nott. Rakedale, &c. in Lcicl. the Manors of Shcringlam in Norf. Gretewelk C" Line. Wardington, Clifton, Newenton BlolTenyle, &c. C” Bucks, Mouiltnn in Norlhamp. Packenton & tenements. E e in io6 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nuin. 4028. Num. 4028. in Tamwurth Walfall, C° StaB". (See Hift. of Staff. After the death of the faid Ld. Baflet, an endenture Vo). II. p. 3. 3 8.78.&<:.) N 13 . l]]isDced & Seal are better copied 1114928. p. 207. Alfo in this p. 69. ^4. Henry 5d'.’s grant to Wm. Earl of Arundel the Caiilc A Honor of Arundel, &c. in Suflex. (_Ex Rot. Chart. 5 :c.) 56. “ Liber Wymundain MS.’’ Wm. E. of SufTe.x’s grant to ihe Cluirch ol St. Mary de Wymundham, See. ^9. Altera Carta \Vil!i 3 Comitis Sulfexiie Kcclefne S. Maris de Boxgrove. iix Lib. Boxgrove in Bibl. Cottonia. 60. “ Ex Lib. Lewes fol. 1 36 . Carta Alani Buffet Piioris de Lewes ad prelentatul. nepotem fiium ad I'icde- iiam de'Wiiiterburiic poit refignai. F Buffett filii fui.” Eodein Lib. fol. 196. Alaiius Buffet conedlit, Ac. dnmui Sei Ihir.cratii de Lev/es donat. quam Walt, de DunAanvill avanciilus fuus eidem fecit fup. ccciiam de Winterbunic,” Ac. 61. Johannes Rex, &rc. nos dediffe, &rc. Alano Buffet manerium de Berewic. Ac. Haudfome large Seal appendant. (-.2. Other deeds &: feah of Baifet A Ridell. Ex Lib. de Lewes. 63. Wm. de Ferrers Earl of Devbv, his grant to Gil¬ bert BafTel, with his Seal of himl'eif on horfeback, ix fhield of Anns 64. Henn’ de Brailcsford’s grant of the Manor of Braile>ford, C ’ Di-rbv, his Seal ol Anns being appendant. 66. F.fcact. 17 Ld. 3. Radus Ballet miles tenuit inancriiun de Buckbv in Northamp. Maner. de Walfhall, Com.Norf.(yu.Stali’?)ct Maner. dcAlnie in Com. Bucks. &c. Radus Bufiet de Chedle (O' Staff.) miles dedit terras Rado fil. fuo, Ac. dat. apiid Parcum dc Chcdle, A" 22 Kd. I. A'c. Seal of Arms appendant. 67. I'laeita, Ac. coram W. de Herle, Ac. in Com. Dcrb. 41'.. 3. Radus de Bravlcsford, Ac. Clainat habere liberaiii Warrenain in Manor de Braylesibrd, Ac. ct in Mancrio de Wyngerworth, Ac. 68. “ OriginalecumHenr. Ei’y de London.” Patent, Ac me Radfii Baifet de Drayton remifilfe, Ac. Sbnoni Fraunceys civi London, Ac. in Manerio de la Bonne in Middlefe.x, Ac. 29 K. iii. Seal of Arms ap¬ pendant. Symon fil. Rad- Baifet, Ac. Priori et Convent de Noketon, Ac. in Suffex. Seal ajipendant. 69. The fame grant A fcal before noticed, p. J9. A underneath a drav. iag cf Ralph Ld. Bullet’s Monument, I which was engraved for the Topograpliical Mifcellany, ! from a beuu'.il'ul drav.ing among many others on the very large A fidcjidid Pedigree .at St.uintcn-Harold, & now printed in Vol. ii. p. i. of Stalfordihire. 70. Indeniuru inter Bnam Johannam de Brettaigne Dha Baifet, et 'I'homam de Aiton milit’ Ac. reddit. in (frerwtll, Ac. 20 Ric. 2d. Seal of Arms of Buffet A Brettaigne impaled. Alfo a drawing of “ The tombe of Rafe the lull Baron Buffet of Drayton, as it remaineth in the Cathedr.d at Lichfield.” This was dellroycd among many others in the Civil Wars, as noticed with engravings of mofl of them in Vol. I. of Srafibrd, p. 246, Ac. On the oppolhe page is a large ihield of Ballet Arms with 13 ether quartevitigs, Ac. 71. Lx evidcutiis Ilenr. Sliirl. de Staunton Harold B.ironia. The ill. a French deed whereby Ralph Ballet, Ld. of Drayton, enRoffes, Rich. Scroopc Bp. of Chefier, I'lio*. Aflon, Kt. Johii Leyr, Ac of his manors, Ac. mentioning alfo tenements in Southwark given to find two Chaplains in the Houfe of Beddelom, Ac. The fume to be given to his nephew Hugh de Shirley A his hdrs male, on condition of bearing his Surname A Arms, A remainder to W'" de Staff. Brother of the Lari of Staf¬ ford, remainder to John deGiey, remainder toWin.Lyle, was made between Edmund E. of Stafford fadlr of the Earle of Stafford that now is, Ac, A John Leyre, Ac. which accord ihould have been engrofl'ed A clearly written Ac. bur deferred becaufc of the battle of Shrewl- bury whore they both were flain, Ac. Of this fee more 1114928. p 232. Ac. with extrafts from Hall A Speed’s Chronicles, Ac. p. 22. 618. 72. Several deeds with neat Seals of the Shirleys, en¬ graved inDugdalt’.s Warw. p. 478. 73. Divers Inquifitions t. H. 4. A 6. relating to Suffolk. Derby. Warw. A Leic. Ac. 74. Deeds, Ac. I'clating to the Shirleys A Brewer of WiRon in Suffex, Wcodnall ir. Bucks, Ac. 77. Other Deeds A Seals relating to the fame family, A divers Manors in SulTex, Ac. 78. Walter de Scudamore’s Grant A Seal to the Abbey of Dore, 14 of K. Stephen, v.ith Pedigrees A Arms of Brews Ld. of Bamber Callie in Suffex, A of Giffords Laris of Bucks, Ac. A Longeville, Ac. 80. Carta ex lib. Priorat. de Barnffapoli Exonienf. Dioc. 81. Maud the Emprefs's grant to Milo de Gloc. E. of Hereford, of that Caftle, Ac- alfo theManors of Mawer- dine, Luggcrworditic, A "Wilton, Ac. Numerous "'IVitnelfes A her large ^eal to it. 89. Pedigrees continued, A a neatdrawingof oneof the Brewes’ Monuments, viz. on an altar tomb, a warrior in armor, with arms, Ac. but no name or date, probably it is orwas in Horfham Church orWillon. (See Topog. IV. p. (42. 332. Ac. Alfo Sr. "^Vra. Barrel’s ColleAions in Brit. Muf. 2680. Ac. 92. Cnnchifionof the Pedigree of Brewes with their Arms and quarterings, Ac. and a drawing of the Monu¬ ment of Sr. John de Brewys, Kt. 1423. part of which in- feription is printed in the Topographer ut fup. p. 332. See alfo ibmc curious deeds and feals of Brewes in 4928. p. 227. Ac.) 92. Baffet of BrailesforJ A Ireton of ireton, with Shirley deeds, feal A arm.i? relating to Barnham in Suffolk A Etinlon in "Warw. 9th II. 6. Ac. 94-4 “ FxBundella tertia Indcnturar. Guerras apud Pciles capta per St. Lowe Knifeton, A“ . . . . 10 Jacobi Regis.” (Vide eiiam 4928. p. 238. Ac.) 99. Flacita, Ac. 2 H. relating to Brailesford, Bradley, Ac. C”Derby. (Vide Ibid. p. 344, Ac.) 100. Inquifitions, Ac. of the Shu'Ieys relating to Warw. Leic. A Derbyfhire, 6E. 4. 1 03 . A drawing ofabrafs plate monument, with arms, Ac. of Sr. Bertin Entwifell, Kt. who died 1453. from. St. Alb.ins Church, i6n. “ Copia Inquifidonis tangent. MargareiamStaunton.” Ac. (Engraved in Leic. Vol.II.) 103. “ Marriage Licence of Ralph Shirley A Margaret Staunton, dated at Rome, A fealed with the Seal of Gordon Bp. of Albany. Alfo a Letter from Robt. Lceke LLD. Canon of Lincoln about the fame, dated at Lidingcon, 1423, A fealed with his Oflice feal A arms. no. Pedigree of Staunton continued, with that of Bertram de Verdon. Lord of Webble, founder of Crux- den Abbey in ii;6. C° Staff, (fee the curious Chronicle of it in Bibl. Cotton.) with a deed, A part of his feal A arms copied from the Original penes Xtopher Hatton K B., of the f.iid Bertram, touching lands in Watton, Ac. Telt. Hugh Burdet, Roger Ibn of Ralph le Blund, Ac. III. Charter of Geofry le Savage to the Abbefs, Ac. of Polefwcrth, C" W^arw. 'left. Will, de Appulby Hugo de Stanton, Keb. le Forefter dc Sutanioua, Ac. S.al ap¬ pendant. 112. Another 3 Bib!iothecje Harleianae. Niim. ^028. 11 2. Another grant from Sr. Wm. Salvage to Polef- worth, of lands in Frefeley, Dodeiihall, &c. Tell. Sr. R,obt. de Grcndon. Rich, de Hintes (€“ Staff, fee Vol. II. p. 7.j. See.) See. Seal appendant. Alfo a Pedigree & Arms of the Savages, Meignells, flndfors, kc. 1 14- Covenant betvi-cen Allan le Touch, & Philip de Stauntoiij with a handfome Teal of the former’s Anns, &c. J16. &:c. Pedigree of Verdons Lds. of Foremark, C° Derby k Oddeflon, C" Leic. t. £. i. 3. with deeds, kc. relating to Staunton & Bredon, kc. iiS. Pedigree with Anns of Staunton, Verdon, Ecclefhall, puljambe, & Meignell,continued with deeds Sc feals of the latter, &c. and on the oppofite p. deeds of Alice dar. Sc of Robt. Paynell of Hanelhorne to Alicia coufin k heir of Roger de Verdon of Ilartclhorne, k Newall, C" Derby. Alfo a deed and feal of Roger de Verdon, confirming the former grant to Hugh de Meigucli. Kt. k Alice his wife, ut fup. in Kingefley, &c. dated at Newhiil, 24 E. 3. 120. Other Latin & French deeds, with feals of Staunton, Ecclefliall, Scrope, See. which are alfo in 4928. p.251. kc. ^ 1 24. Continuation of the Pedigree of Staunton, with a with a large fliield of arms & quarterings, alfo Meignell, Dethre, Erdefwic of Sandon, C° fitalFord, Fraunces of Foremark, & Anne daut. coheir of 'Hius. Clinton Kt, kc. (See alfo 6160. f. 23, &C,) 125. “ The lall will & tellament of Dame Johane Clinton, widowe of Sr. Thos. Clinton, Knight.” dated 1457, mentions her manors, lands, kc. in Com. Leic. Warw, & Derby, &c. out of which 45 1 . to the houfe of Nunns befide the Tower of London, &c. alfo the houfe of Calke in Dcrbyfliire 40 s. and the Church of Hertelhorne a chefeble pcij 26 s. 8 d. &c. alfo to Joan Francey’s fifler of Thos &c. a Nun in the afore* faid houfe 3 1 . and the fame to Eliz Franceys another filter. Nun in the houfe of Polefworih. Tliis curious will is copied in 4928. p. 253. “ Out of the Evidences of Sr. Thos. Burdecc, Bart, at Foremark,” which manor, &c. they had by marriage with a Fraunceys (See 6160. f. 23. & Topog. Vol. II. p. . . .) (Leic. Vol. III. p. .) 126. “ The lad will & teflament of John Shirley of Staunton Harold, E(q.” dated 1485, 5 c relates to that Place, Brailesfovd, Bradley,Tlmrvafton, Hoone, Shirlev, Hopedale in the Peak, &c. To it is a neat feal of his arms, See. (Ibid. Vol. III.) 127. Inquifitions of the Shirleys relating to the manors of Nether Etingion, Newton Regis, &c. C“ Warw. & ctlier manors in Leic. Derby, 2 11 . 7. 128-9. Pedigree of Shirley of Derby, kc. coniinued & of Widon in Suflex, w'ith divers matches k arms of Vernon, Shelley, kc. and a very' ancient monument fceui- ingly of Rich. Shirley of Widon, 6 c his 2 wives. 130. An Indenture 8 Eliz. between Francis Shirley of Staunton, C" Leic. Efq. 5 cc. k Rich. Princefop of New¬ ton C' Warw. relating to the lands, &c. there & in Clif¬ ton Stafford, (See Hid. of StaS’. Vol. I. p. 3. Sc Topog. Vol. il.i (Leic. Vol. III. p. . . ) 131. Two drawings of monuments of Francis Shirley, F.fq. k Dorothy his wife, daut. of John Giftbrd of Chil- lington, C"Stalk Kt. alfo of Wm. Shirley & Robt.Elring. ion of Wilton, Efq. (Ibid. Vol. III. p. ) (Topog. IV.J 133. Another handfome Monument of John Shirley of Staunton Harold, Eiq. who married Jane daut. of Thos Lovett Efq. 134. “ Lovettorum Northamtonienfiis Comitatus familiac fane Andquillimte peculiare Stemma, a quodam Gulielmo viro bcllicoos, qui in Conqueflu Normanuoruiu toy Num. 4.02S. fub Gulielmo Dues, ftipendia merebat, bona feric expli- ^ta, unde Thomas Shirley de ponte Sanai Botulphi in Coniitatu Humingtonis Eques Auratus, ac Itevcrcndse Antiquitatis Indagator diligentiffimus perenni hxredum fteminarum fuccedione feae derivatur.” Underneath It IS a further expanfion of this Title and two Coats of Arms tricked, the ifl entitled “ Itifignia Antiqua Lovet- torum,” the 2d “ Infignia moderna Lovettorum.” 138 Continuation of the Lovett Pedigree, k deeds, &c. relating to Botulf-bridge, kc. “ Ex Regillro At5b de 1 homey ct “Exchartis I honite Shirley de Ponte Sti. Botulphi Equitis Aurati.” (See alfo 492S. p. 284.) 139. K. Rich. Charter of Infpeximus, about Hy. de Praers, Ld. of Dorfington, & the Prior of Durhurft’s claims to the Church of Dorfington, Welford, &c. Annexed is the King’s great Seal. 140 2. &c. Various old deeds of Lovett of RilTioni Gimelles of Botulf-bridge, Draytons of Drayton, Sr. 'i'hos. Latimer, Kt. Ld. of Braybrooke, kc. 143. Ex Chartis Georgii Shirley Baronctli, Bertramus de Verdon’s grants to Hy. de Prayers, Sarah daughter of Norman de Beaumont, k Dorfinton, & Thurlaveflon See. 1 efi. Ada de Aldithlega, Robt. de Prayers, Norman de Verdon, Robt. Clerico de Aldithlega, &c. to which 1^3 affixed his curious Seal of himfelf in armour, with fword In his right hand & his fhield of Anns fretty on his left, againfi: which is a lion rampant. ‘ 44 - 5 ' Pedigree with arms continued, & feveral deeds about Royftone, South-Newton, the Abbey of Pyppe- well, &c. Dorfington & Drayton, &c. 148. Win. Lovett of Lifeombe, C” Bucks, releafes to Maud d Archers all his right in the Manor ofOvenbury, 5 cc. in Hcimedon, C’North, 39 E. 3. Annexed is his Seal of Arms & Creft. 150. Ultima Voluntas Sara: de Prayers domins de Dorfington, i 389, her Seal being to it. 151. Inquifitions t. E. 3. relating to Drayton, Botulf- bridge, &c. ■' 152. &c. Various old deeds relating to South Newen- ton, C“ Oxon. kc. Cranford in Northamp. Rifion, kc. 153. Deed and feal of Rich, de Crawford Ld. of South Newton, &c. lo H. 4. i 54 * Seal k arms, Ax. of Walter Daundefeye, Ld. of Wyke, near Oxford in Com. Berks. icR. 2. And of Sara de.Ih-ayers, i H. 4. ^ ' 55 - Henry 3d.’s Pardon to Robt. Cainford of South Nevvton, C" Oxon. with a large handfome Seal an* pendant. ^ 130-7. Several deeds of John Drayton Ld. of Dor- fyngtonMag. in Com. Gloc. touching that Manor & Church, k the Church of Stryxton C-North & in- fpeaed by the Mafler, &c. of the Gild of Stratford upon Avon, with iheir Common Seal appendant, not en¬ graved in Dugdale’s Warw. p. 322. 138. Drawing of curious Monument wiih arms &c'' of Mary Byllingwife of Tho.BylKiig, Knt. Chicfjuftice, &c. no Church nor Date mentioned. 159. Charter of Edw. iii. about Robt. de Gyraeyes holding the Manor of Botiliicttirigg Com. Hunt. & the Drayton family, &c. with the handfome great Seal appendant. ^ 161. Another brafs plate Monument of Tlios. Billvng Knt. Chief Jufiice, & Katherine his wife, dates 1480 1479, no Church. * 162. Lovett, Drayton, & Billing Pedigrees continued, with arms, deeds, kc. 163. French deed of Rich, de Beauciiamp Earl of Warwick, &c. dated 8 H. 6. k to it his beautiful large feal of arms, fupporters, k crefi, kc. Underneath which is another brafs plate monument neatly tricked, of a man in armour, &c. foy Thos. Billing, Efq. fon & heir of the above Knt. date 146S. 165. Edwj Cataiogus Libroriim MS^. [o8 Nuni. 4028. i6'. Edw. 4th.’s Charter toWm. de Drayton of South Newton Sc Botelbridge, Efq. &c. with the very rich Sc ne tly drawn Great Seal. 160. Sketch of a monumental figure of a Lady, which by her arms “ Or, a crofs engrailed Azure”, appears to be for Ann filter &c heir of Rich. Drayton, wife of Thos. Lovett of Riflon, Aftwell, & Botulphbridge, t. H. 7. as in the following. Page 170. w'here is an Indenture be¬ tween them & Wm. Brooke of Aflwell, & others touch¬ ing their Eflates there in Northampton, &c. 11 E. 4. 172. Will of Thos. Lovett of Allwell, C° North,Efq. 1491. appointed his body to be buried in Bytlelden Ab- bey by his wife there, & mentions land in Pinkeney of the leafe of All Souls, Oxford, & in Wedon, Pinkney, 8c Welton, of the Prior & Convent of Afliby Canons, in Helmden Stoking, of the Abbey of Bytlefden, &c. On theoppofiiePage is his monument in brafs, neatlytricked. ly q. Several deeds relating to the Manors of Okley, Rilhton, Ac. in CNorth. J77. Another brafs plate monument, with arms. See. for Thos. Ion of Thos. Lovett, Efq. & Eliz. his ill wife, daut. ot John Boteler ofWoodhall in Com. Hertr. as in tlie nppofue Pedigree appears. 178. Inquifitions of Lovetts touching the Manors ot AllwcU, GilTords-manor, 8c Brokes-manov, &c. 19 H. 5 . 180. Conclufion of the Pedigrees, with monuments, arms, & quarterings, &c. of Tlios. Lovett of Aftwell, Lfq. I 586. whole daut. Jane married John Shirley, Lfq. 182. Pedigree of Shirley of Staunton, Enfield in Mid- dlefex, Wilton, Isfield, & Prefton, in SuiTex, with a deed Sc beautiful Sea! of George Shirley, Efq. i8v “ Ex evidentiis Georgii Shirley de Staunton Harold, Bart. An Indenture relating to divers manors in Leic. Warw. Derby. Northamp. Nottingham, kz. fLeic. Vol.lll.) . IS4. A large drawing of a rich Sc curious moument of Sr. George Shirley & Frances his wife, dat. of Ld. Berk¬ ley, i«;g8. 186. Another monument for Sr. Thos. Shirley K.nt. who died 1612, and Anne Kempc his Wife da. of Sir Thos. Kemps knc. from Wilton Church. (See the Infcrip- tion. See. printed inTopog. V0I.4. p. 3 -) . i8g. Other deeds Sc feals of Sr. George Shirley Bart, relating to the Manors of Bottlebridge, C* Hunt. South- newtnm, Com. Oxon, &c. Dorfington Com. Glouc. See. 194. Conclufion of the Shirley Pedigree, with a large drawing, A'c. « The Names of 50 Coats quartered by Sr. Thos. Shirley of Botulph-bridge in the County of Ilumlngdon, Knt. whofe Anceftors & their defeendants have been Lords of the Manors of Etindon & Shirley in the Counties of Warw. Sc Derby long before St. Edward the ConfelTor’s time, during the fpace of 600 years fuc- ceflively, untill this prelent year 1641.” 196.' Efcast’ 9 Hen. 8. relating to Leicclt. _ ing. » The lall Will & Teftament ofSr. Raufe Shirley Knivht, relating to Glouc. Wilts. Briflul, Suff. Derb. J.C'ic. &c. (Leic. Vol. III. p. ■ •) . . 203. Latin Deed and Seal of Beatrix Wife of Thos. de Breoufe, See. 36 E. HI. . 204. French Deed h Seal of Joan de Mortimcr,Coun- tcfFcde la Marfhe, 8 E. 3. , r 1 205. Two more Latin deeds with Seals ot George Sc Wm. Brewfe relating to SulTex Sc Surrey, &c. t.H.5.&c. '’06.8 “ Ex Chartis Georgii Shirley de Aflwell m Com. Northton. Baronetti.” Et “ Ex Colleft, Sampfonis Krdefwicke Arm.’' Thefe very old deeds relating to Derby' Manors, &c. See alfo many of the fame, Sc others in 4928. p. 300. See. 209. Ancient part of the Shirley Pedigree, See. • 210. Inquifitions, deeds, See. of the Gymcles, Dr^’ton See. ^ , a 11. Other deeds Sc feals of the fame families, 6cc. 214. Pedigree of Drayton, &c. Num. 4028. 216. Old deeds with feals of Verdoiis, Prayers, Bea- monc, Fauconbridge, See. r , -o 216. Other fmall deeds and feals of Crawford, Barey, Daundefey, &c. ^ , 22Q. Alfo ofLovetis ofWelford, Rifiieton, Lifcombe, See. _ 1- »> 225. “ Ex Libro Feodoru’in Com. North. 24 E. i. &c. 229. See. “Ex RegiftroPrioratus de Wyrkw'yn olim Radford did in Com. Notr. &c ” Et “ Ex Antiquo Rotlo. penes FrancifcumTrenthamdeRoucellrc in Com. Staff. Ann. 1615.” confifli'ng of traiiicripts from charters relating to Roucefler Abbey, Wotton, Northull, Den- ftone, Quickfjll, Roflington, Br.iJcley, Waterfall, Caldon, Bridgeford,&c. vSherley, Drayton Baflett, & Pattingham, C'* Statlbrd Sc Derby. ^ 23a. “ Ex Regillro Prioratiis d., Wyrkop, Nc. Sub titulo Charta de Clialverton Cap. i.” “ Hie liber eft penes Geo. Laifelles de Knyveron iu Com. Nott. Ar. Ultiojimii 1618. pertinet ad Comitem Pembrochite.^ Thefe extras relating chiefly to the Meynills of Derby*, theCliffordes, Barony of Leyborne, Beauchamp E. ot Warw. Scroop, Tibetat, Gamage, &:c. 235.6-7. “ Ex Evidentiis apud Irion Collingwood, Saunders de Caldwall in Com. Derb. generofo fpeaanti- bus, qul illud Manerium de Irtnnis anuquis ejufdem Dominis perquifivit, Quas Anno Domini 1640. ihomw Shirley de Ponte Sancti Botulphi in Comiralu Hunting- tonice Equiti Aurato perhiimaniter accommodavit.’’ Inter alia funt hire “ Carta Thomte fil. Hcnrici de Irton.” Carta Fukheri fil Hear.. Carta Fulchcri fil. Fulchen. Carta Henvici fil. Fukheri. . 238. “ Carta Roberli de Wrariis Comiiis Derb. To it is appendant a beautiful 'drawing of his feal, which is engraved from an original at Sndbury Hall C. Derb. in H'ift. Staff. I. 85. (See a curiou5 Ferrers Pedigree with deeds, See. 6061. 1 . no.) . . . t >» 239. “ Carta Hcnrici fil. Ilcnrici Dm de Irton. (Vide eiiam 492S. p. 318. &c.) ,, 2 40. “ Carta Henrici fil. Henrici dni de Fan'a Irton, 244. “ Carta Johannis de Irton,” with a neat fcal of his arms in “ Redde waxe, with a ring of rufhes mkt in the verge of the Seale plated.” 8cc. 245. Carta Walteri filii Fukheri de Marketon, 1324. 2.,6. At the conclufion of thefe charters, &c. _ is an atteftation to their fidelity, S:c. 10 Oft. 1640. in the Autograph and name of Thomas Shirley. 247-8. Is an aarient Pedigree of Shirley & Irton, of which lafl fee more in 4928. p. 323. b. Out of the Vifitation of Derbyfliire. 249. Another Pedigree ofShirlev, with notes, &c. 250. “ Ex teflamento Radi Diii Baflet de Drayton, I 3 R. 2.” 'Pedigree of Detheck ofDctheck, &c. Out of an oid written piece of Parchment amongfl Mr. Blackwalles evidences at Detheck in Derbyfhire.” “ £x libro C. penes Xphfm Hatton de Kirby 1641. 251. “ Inter Recorda Dili Regis Carol! in Thefaur. See. viz. Fines de Com. Notts, t. H. 3. &c.” “ Ex Amiquo Lib. Gartar. Antiquar. fol. i6.b. in CuRodia Henr. Lilly.” Robtus Comes de Nottingham dedit, &c. Ecclefiac Sci Ofwaldi de Noftia, &c. Ecclefiam de Bredon, &c. t. H. 1.' 253-4. Efchet. &c, 6 E. 1. &c. North Hunt. &c. Ex Carta “ In cultodia Sam. Roper de Hofpitio Lin- colnienfi A* 1641.” &c. "Feoda milit.inCom.Nott. & Derb. t. H. 3.” . - 55 ’ ‘‘In the Duchy Office-Bredon, &c. “ Cartulano Abbuiia: Sci Andrea; Northantonienfis penes Joftem Lainbe Militem A" 1641.” Ofmundus Baflet,&c. Willo Baffetunam hidara, &c., in Wodeford, &c. Teft. Simone de Harcourt, &c. Bibliothecas Harleianse Num. 4028—^4031. “ Genus vcl fcries Shirliorum, fivtf progreiTus tooiniiiomm de Etindon, et Shirley,” &c» At the end is ■i large coat of Arras h Quarterings. 4029. 1. Fees at the Confccration of Biflipp', & Creation of Noblemen, due to the Gentlemen Ufliers of the Privy Chamber, i. xvii. 2. Tabulrc Succcfllonum Regum AngHx. 2. 3. Nomina Magillrorum Rotulorumhi Cancellaria ab a® 25 E. I. ad I C-1. 10. 4. Noiuiaa Cancellariorura Anglia:, ab a'’ 718 ad 1625. II. 5. Nomina Thefaurariorum Angliiu 6c Scaccarii, ab a® 946. ad 1635. 17. 6. Comites & Barones Anglia: tempore Edwardi Con* fcuoris, Haroldi, & Gulielmi i. 17. 7. Regain liiiorum, iic furaraorum Rcgni Magillra- tuum dignitates. 19. 8. Tabula: GcnealogictE BaronumAnglirc. 21—342. 4030. The Arms of the Kings &: Nobility nf England 6c Scot¬ land, in a Chronological Order. xvii. 4031. A farge Volume in 36s regular leaves, confifting of Pedigrees 6c Arms of families in England, &c. many of them being alfo illuftrared with extracts 6c copies from old deed*, & an ah habelical Index at the end. 4. The old 6c modern names of the Counties of Eng¬ land, 6cc. if. A Is a enny of the letter of Lady Anne Bullen to the King h-r IJulhaiici from the Tower, as printed in Ld. Herbert’s 11 ,uory of l-I. 8th. 6c Bp. Burnet’s Hiltory of the Rclorma'ion. DuoJecim Competitorum Rcgni Scotia: Stemmata He6for Boctius Aiio 1292.” See alio p. 191.” 27. b. “ Ex CoIlcdL Jacobi Strangmaa gen. 1593. ct referiptaex C Dai J'hclauiurii 1608!” 28. 20. Paulett Pedigree with divers Coats of Arms, & a large fhielJ with all their quartering^, ,lcc. See allb p. j 06. 7. 6cc. 38. The laws, &c. of the Fleet Eifon. 58. Various Wdfli Pedigrees, 6cc. 72. “ Amplifiima B.-'onieleyh’.orum familia in variis Steiumatibus per Agiiationes ioiige lateque propa- ata; armilque gendlitiis pcculiariter d'iilinc'f i ac feparata ampibnis Erdefwici induliria, An'-'verbi incaraad 1594. 87. 1091. Confifls of divers flrort hiflorical 6c topo¬ graphical Deferiptions k accounts of Antiquities about Plymouth, Devonfluie, 6c Cornwall, witli a fac-finiile of an infeription on an ancient Stone called the Other Half Stone, which Teems to be a Bound Stone, being juil half way between Exeter 6c the Land’s End. 92. A curious 6c full Pedigree of Andrew of Carlifle, 1286, 6c.of Warw. 6cc. 96. Underneath the Pedigree A divers Arms of Lang¬ ley, Thorn, Withipole, &c. is written “ This is a Parchment Roll in Colours lent, me by Mr. Jakill of Clitford’s Inn, J4N0V. 1609.” 97. to 100. ContainsthePedigree of Chetwood of Chet- wood in Bucks, 6c Okdey in Staflbrdfhirc, 6cc. with all its branches & connedlions, viz. Crewe in Chefhire, Woodhal! of Woodhall; the whole iiiullrated with Coats of Anus, Extracts of old Deeds, Inquifitions, &c. {See alfo 2156. p. 280. b.) ICO. & 131. Pedigree of Cotton of Cotton in Chelhire, U Hamifall Ridware C* Staff. See alfb a very full one m 6061. & Hift. of Staff Vol. I. p. i co. See. Ca'i'. Haru. Vol. III. lOp Nuni. 4031. 100. b. Two ancient Deeds 6c Seal of Ivo & Will, de Panton or Pantolf, relating to Muckicflon, Roddowe, & other lands in Staff 6cc.(S.D ) 101. 2. See. “ The Genealogy, 6cc. of the ancient houfe or family of the Knightleys of Knightley, Gnowfall, ^ Engleton, &c. in Staff. 6cc. with all their branches, alliances, 6cc. viz. Pefhall, Swinerton, &c. with their Arms, &c. collected from divers records,” &c. 1606. 105. b. Copy of a large Charter relating to Rycote, &c. C" Oxford, & feveral families, formerly owners thereof, with divers remainders to the Fowlers of Stafford & Rycote, &c. 32 H. 6. 106. 6cc. Another Pedigree of the Pauletts, w'ith drawings of a Man in Armour, holding a Banner of their Arms, 6c two other figures in robes k bonnets, &c. of H. Sth’s time. 109. b. C)ver the Pedigree of Paganus Pevcrell, &c. is this “ Ex dono Cambden ex libro Antiq" Franc, et La- tinc conferipr. el in hbro refeript, qui me mucavit Dns Carewe, et ptinet ad Dili Thefaurar 1608.” 103. 6:c. A curious Pedigree of the Stuart family, illuffrated wiih copious hiilorical Remarks, Arms, 6cc. Sec alio p. 131. 115. b. Is the following Elucidation, 5 cc. “ Qu^ fe- quuntur ufq. ad folium hujus libri . . . excerpta fuerunt ex gencalogiorum libro olim fpedanti Thorn® Wriothefley, afs Garter Armor. Regi, poftca W. Hervy als Clarenricux ; nunc vero in pofl'eflione nobilis viri Guli- elmi Baronis de Burghley'i hefaiirarii Aiigli®. Afterwards R.Glo. Somerfet has written,“A quo R.G. Somers; mu- tuo accepit menfe Jnimnrii 1588. ct Fus de Carew mihi accomodav.” In a different bad hand is alfo,” Written out of a copie that Somerffit Hcrait.a booke borrowed of the Lord '1 liefaur. in January i rSS. 120. b. A paper parted in, illullrative of fevei'al Man- nois. & families, Bulby, 6cc. entitled " De Antecef- foiibusetDiiisde Kyiiordby.” I 2 % b. A Memorandum in Latin, about the Manor of Folkirgham k family ofBeaumont, &c. 126.^. Pedigree of Dclaval, illurtratedwithinquifitiones port Mortem, kc, 129. Pedigree of Morle, with Inquifitiones, & other extrafts from deeds. 130. Devereux of Chartley C* Stafford with Brom¬ wich (of Wert Bromwich, Iciipora, near Birmingham) Writh. alias Wriothefley, Garter King at Arms, kc. “ Anglicarum quarundam familiarum, qu® ex Anglo-Saxonum et Scotorum Regum Stirpe primo profluxerunt,^ dciineatio Gcnealogica.” viz. Cotton of Hamftail Ridware, Colpepper, Harrington, Grey, Brus, kc. with divers Arms, &c. (See alfo 6160. f. 21. k 4041. for Cotton 6c Harrington,) 6:c. 133. b. Scottiff families in Italy k France ; Dukes & Earls of Scotland, 1604. &c. (See Topog. Mifcell. under Arundel.) 130-7. Pedigrees of Gifford of Ichell Hanes, Sun- borne, &c. and ofthofe of Chillington C" Stafford, with their different arms. lit. G. 3 lions paffant. Arg. ■ 61. Pedigree of Scott of Kent, with Arms, &c. from Brabiirne Church. 162. Ellis of Kennington, with feveral coats of Arms from his Houfe. 170. Truffels, &c. of Slleriff-IIales & Cnbbledon, C" Start. Manwarings, &c. 171. Notes refpeifting the family of Danvers, the Pedigree intended, but not entered. 194. Vernon Pedigree, with various branches, arms &c. See alfo p. 240 b. & 222. * 208. b. Pedigreeof£nglefeIde,with extrafts from their old Evidences, kc. 214. “ .Baronagiura Angliin, Magnatum fcilicet illius Regni Angli® Stemmata recentiora, ad Confanguinitates Artinitatefqj per interinixta coimubia difcemendas, ^ f delineata. Catalogus Librorum MSS. ilO Num. 4031. ^Iclineata. AJjeftum unicuique familias pecuHare fuam ac genule lofigne, fimul cum timbro feu crifta, galea, et aiiis in ornainento pofitis.” »i4, A. Pedigrees of Harvey C° Bedford, &c. and (iramfon, \vi-:h a monumental Infcription upon Catherine Counters of Sar. from Bilhain. %\(>. b. to 21S. Short accounts of the Earls, &c. of feveral Counties, See. aao. Pedigree of Erdt/wiek much fuller than in his Survey of Staff. 2^6. Pedigree of Reynell, illuflrated with divers arms & extracts from old deeds, &c. relating to their lands, &c. in C" Somers. Devon. Carob. Suflulk, \ ork, &c. 236. b. Pedigree of Sr. Quimin, with feveral old moniimenta! inferiptions from Harpham & Bramberton Churches, dated 13 49. See. ? 39. A curious Pedigree of HevenJngham or Hover. Ingham, &c. firll dated 1020. having the marginal notes. “ This Pedigree vvas in 1509 collected by the painful fearch of Brian Stapleton I’.l'q. Sc recorded by the AlTign- iBcnt ofSr.Arthur HcveringhamKt. Ano 1597. In the foote of the Pedigree thefe words are fet downe :—The heires of Heveringham being created Kts. are fucceffively to take and keepe the Room of Knights Bannerets."’ “ The familie do pretend to defeend from Arphaxhad, who was one of^heKnts. that watered Chrift’s Sepulchre. This Arphaxhad was furnamed Geffry Mandevill, of whom Mandeville E. of Eflex defeended.” 241. “ Hereafter followeth the names & arms of the principal Captains as well of Noblemen as of Knights that were with the victorious Prince K. E. 3. at the Siege of Callais An° 20 Rcgni.” 254. Pedigree of Burgh Earl of UKter, illuftrated with numerous hillorical notes, &c, 260. Pedigree of Savage of Clifton in Chefhire, &c. with divers arms & quartcrings. 264. See. “ The Genealogies of fundry nobles, & famous houfes, whereof Sr Rob. Sydney Kt. Ld. Lifle is lineally Jefeended, which genealogies are divided into five parts : whereof the 1 It part doth principally contain the defeent of Reginald Ld. Grey of Ruthyn, 6c of all fuch noble & famous houfes whereof he was defeended, with the feveral arms, that he might rightly bear, by virtue of the faid defeent.” (See Hift. Staff. Vol. 11 . p. 268.) “ The 2d part of thefe genealogies contains the de.Orent of H L” Ferrers of Groby, & of all fuch noble Jc famous houfes whereof he was lineally defeended, with the feveral arms he might rightly bear by virtue of the laid defcenis,” Siz. “ The 3d part contains the defeent of John Talbot Vife. Lille, with the arms, &c. as before ligned.” 270. Avery full Pedigree of the Repington family, much more ancient & curious than what is printed in Dugdale’s Warw. p. 826. viz. from H. J. time to 1607. See alfo a continuation to the prefenf time in Shaw’s Hift. of Staffordihirc, vol. i. p. 424. &c. & Topog. i. 531. iv. 113. See alfo Harl. MSS. 4928. p. 356. b. This MS. Genealogy in its feveral branches deriving themfelves originally from Repington C* Lincoln, is illuftrated with coats of Arms in every defeent, it at the top are thefe notes:— “ This I copied out of an old role in Colours lent me by Edmund Bidton, 4 May, 1608.” “ The firll of my aunceftors that I can derive myfelf from bv my evidences, is from one Wm. Repington Auditor to Rich. E. of Warw. that was ilaine at Barnet- field,” See. 1451. “ that he lived 1451* appeareth by Hawley K.at Armes & Beau James Hcrauld.” This in the Pedigree, & the above, were written DTobably by John Repington i 6 q 8. Num. 4031—4036. 278. Pafton family, 8c deeds relating to the fame, S:c. 285. &c. Pedigree of “ Miles a native of Greece, whofe jd fon Hibern ruled jointly with Hermon, An* ante Xti natuin 1383, Ireland, &;c. one of whofe defeendants Moghmoade compelled Conkedyhagh K. of Ireland to divide the Kingdom with him, the boundary of which divifion yet remaining, called Eifggcrricda, &c.” 295. &c. Is the Index, after which follows an ancient fragment of mufiCjwithwords neatly written Scilluminated, on Vellum, fcemingly an old latin Chant, &c. At the lop in a modern hand is written “ Cobeham.” After this are 20 more Pages of Pedigrees 8c Arms, viz. Bray, Sandes, Pelham, Boteller of Weine, Sudeley, Montfort, Peverel, & Freville, &c. And at the top of p. 3. is palled a curious monumental Infcription, in Saxon Charadters, of John de Freville Lord of Ceftevile, from Little Shelford Church near Cambridge. 9.“ Complememumarmoriale W^'Brooke MilitisDni et Baronis de Cobham : fuperlles 1589.” The Arms in 20 Quarters, two Crefts & Supporters neatly tricked. Then follow the Pedigrees of Brooke, Braybrooke, & Cobham, 8cc. q.03 2. A handfome folio, which contained (at the time the old Catalogue was printed) the Arms of 85 Peers of Eng¬ land richly blazoned, and a hiltory of the Succeflion of the firll eight of them. At the end is an Index enumerating 87, but the two firll, viz. the King &: Duke of York are now wanting. After which they agree with the Index to 61, the remain¬ ing 8 being mifplaced according to the Index, the other 18 are wanting. 4033- 1. Arms of the Kings of England, before the Conqueft. i ■ 2. A Ihort hiftory of the Kings of England, from the Conqueft down to Q Elizabeth : together with theij- Arms, and Intermarriages. 5. 3. Arms of Nobility & Knights in the time of Ed. I. 8c 2. 37. 4034* A large paper Book of Maps h Charts of the American Coaft of the South Seas, from New Granada and California, to the Straits of Magellan. Containing two large Maps, one at the beginning the other at the End, and 147 fmalter Charts, of one Sheet each: drawn and coloured, with e.xafr views of the Rivers, Bays, Harbours, Mountains, Volcanos, Cities, & every particular of the Coafts, wth deferiptions, fome- times very copious, of the foundings, anchorage, See. Written in Spanilh ; with an Englifh tranflation to each, whiclvappears to have been added fince. On the laft of the fmalter Charts is written, “ Surveyed by order of the King of Spain, & finilhed at Pannama, Anno Dom. 16^.” xvii. It is a very curious work: but much wants an index of the places reprefented and deferibed. ^ 4035- 1. Arms together with a fliort account of the Dukei, Marqueffes 8e Earls of England, i. xvii. 2. The Arms of the Vifeounts h Barons of England. 252—260. 4036. An Ordinal of Arras: with an Index, xvin. 4037. The Bibliothecse Harleianas. Num. +037—4043. 4037- The Arms of the Knigfits of the Order du Saint E/priu from the firft Creation in 11:77, to 1622, fUperbly drawn, & blazoned, on 302 Leaves of Vellum. 'Ihe general title is tfiis, xvii. “ Tous les noins et furnomsdes Princes, Seigneurs, Commandeurs, et Chevalliers de I’ordre et Mllice du St.El'prit, et des Officiers, depuis la premiere creation du dernier Jour deDecembre 1577. Faitc par Henry 3. Roy de France et de Pologne, Grand M'® chef et I'ouveniin dudit ordre et Inftituteur, que des Creaiions des Roys Henry 4. et Louis 2111. jufques au quatorzienie jour Je julllet 1622, a CarcalTone.” There are eighteen Creations, each having a feparj.te title. Nothing can exceed the magnificence of this book. 4038. A large French work on Heraldry, written, as it appears, for M. Antoine de Lomenie, a Royal Counfellor, whole Arms are blazoned in the fccond leaf, and Ramped upon the Covers. It is written on large Paper, and coloured throughout. Thelitle is written within an engraved border, in the following Words. “ Blafon d’Armoiries contenant une Infini'Sbion ge- Derale, et brefve methode pour apprendre facilement la vraye intelligence dicelles, avec les differences des Cou- romies, Tymbres, Lambrequins, Cimiers, fupporiz ou tenans, Ordres de Chevaleries, et autres chofes reinar- quables et particulieres, fervans a la parfaidc cognoif- lance defdites Armoiries. 1629.” xvii. It is a curious work, and contains abundant iiiflruc- tion for any Perfon dcfirous of underftanding the French Heraldry. 4039. & 4040. Arms of Irilh Families. xvn. 4041. , The Genealogy of the Family of the Harringtons, XVII. 2. — -Howard, Villiers, & Beaumont. 4042. Poems & Letters in praife of Mat. Prior Efq. 1718. “ Epiftles to Mr. Prior, together with Ext a£ls taken from feveral Authors who have made mention of him and his Writings, in their Works, as well in Profe as Veife.” A very large folio, fairly tranferibed, with the follow¬ ing fccond Title, capitally executed in printing hand, “ Poems on feveral Occafions continued. Alio fome Letters & Epiflles to the Author 1 718.” Apparently in¬ tended to be added to tlic fplendid FolioEdition of Prior’s Poems : containing complimentary Verfes, as then was ufual, and Teftimonia Audgrum, as above-mentioned. XVIII. ^4043—4082. chieJJy Odavo.^ 4043- Opdex chartaceus, in eodem torao compaftus cum num. 6047, ct coniinens adverlaria viri cujufdam dodi; colledanca fdlicet, Hiftorica, Philofophica, tic. Latino, Gallico et Anglice feripta. Servatur pars veteris integumenti codicis, ubi feribitur, “ Bat- tatles, faughlen felds, and other Notes, touching Diffentions taken out of Hiftories.” Res praicipus hujufmodi funt. 1. Prognoftiques. i. 2. Friderici Henrici Principis Scotorum facra luf- traria. Adore atque Audorc Davide Cuninghamo Epif- copo Abredonenfi, celebrata Niveoduni Sterlingorum Septembris, 1594. 4,’ Num. 4O43_4049. 3. Bodini Dsemonomanim excerpta. 10. 4* Syllabus audorum qui de puerorum inflitutione feripferunt. ly, S’ Excerpta ex libro Doleinan de Succefllone Anglitc, Anglice. I a. < 5 - -- ex examen des irgeniei. 33. 7. “ Anc fuiierall fonnet maid be his Ma. upon the deceas of Sr. Jhon Maitland Chancellar.” 43-b. “ 1 how pafiinger that fpyis with gaizing eyis.” fubfeript. Ja. Rtx. 8. F.xcerpta varia ex llbris Turcicis, 44, &:c. 9. Vocabulariuin Hifpanicum, inchoatum. 34. 10. L.vccrpta k Guicciardini Hiftoria. 6g. 1 -Machiavelli Hill. Florentina. 75. 12. “ Conceatie Epigrammes.” pag. una. 77. 13. “ Faceties in rebus.” 86. 14. Adverlaria alphabetica, vix inchoata. 87. b. Is. “ Faceties in didons.” 103. j 6. “ Apophthegmts.” 107. 17. “ Apophehegmes facetieux.” 4044. 1. Nomina, Infignia, Efymologis:, Infigniumq; de- fcriptioneSjGallice, Latine, & iinglice, uniuicujufq; Scuti perlinentis ad Th. Knyvet Arm. xvii. 2. “ The Names, Armes, and Precedencies of all the Knights Baronets created by our dread Souveraigne Lord King James, fmee Anno 1611.” gSin number, viz. from Bacon to Blaxton. Codex tneinbranaccus, cum feutis armorum depidis. 4 *^ 45 * Hiifory of Bohemia, from the year 890 to inferibed to theMarquefs of Buckingham, xvii, A thin quarto book, written on paper, bound up with number 6883. The Title is this, “ The Hifiorie of Bohemia, the firft parte deferibing the Countrye, Scituation, Climate, Commodities, the Name & Nature of the People, and compendioufiy con¬ tinuing the Hiftorie from the beginning of the Nation to the firit Chriftian Prince about the year of Chrift 990.” In ten Chapters, with an Appendix “ containing a Proclamation of the Efiates of Buheinia, whereby the whole order of the jefuites is proferibed and banilhed out of that Kingdome, aspublick difturbers of the Peace, and enemies of the State; with provifo y‘ they lhall never be admitted again. Whereunto is added a'^breefe Narration how the Jefuites are or have beeneby folemne Decree banilhed out of everye Kingdome and Province in Europe, very few e.xccpted, and where they be they are held in great jealoufie and fufpition to be publick pcrtuibers of the Peace, and dangerous Enemies of the State.” I IZ Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4050 4055, 4050. The Common-place book of George Bankes, Prefidetit of f'-me College; fee the firft Leaf, & the Verfes figned Potter, inferted at fol, 136. A fmall quarto pa¬ per book of 273 pages, befides fome loofe Papers in¬ ferted in different parts. XVII. 405T. Liber chartaceiis, in 4I0. Continens adverfaria duo, viri cujufdam dofti, cui nomen, ut ex charlarum fragmentis, inter paginas 61 et 70 infertis, conftarc videtur, fait Samuel Ciarke. Defignatur autem ut ftudens in Coll. S. Petri Cantab, et focius in auli Pembrochianfl, &c. et cum patre commorans in Vico Threadneedle Londini. xvii. Codicis hujus partes duas, quas figuris rubris (1) et (2) diftinximus, paginas habent feparatiin ab ipfo Auc- tore numeratas. Prior habet paginas 36, nwiim elcganti fcriptas ■, Secunda 66. Utrique index prxmittitur lo- cuples, ad paginas et numeros marginis referens. Nu- meri fediones noianr, ct per Centurias diftribuuntur. Foliis non fcriptis priorls adverfarii paginas adpin.vimus, ut facilius inveniantur foliorum fragmcnta, qua: auflo- rem defignare videntur. Has lacinias numeris (1) ad (9) notavimus. Obfcrvationes, in utraque parte, ex intimis Gi-seca- rum et Romanarum literarum thcfauris ope Critico* rum defumptffi ; et certe qua accuratius infpiciantur digniilim®. Codex in eodem volumine compaiSus eft cum fe- quente, 4052. 4052. Liber chartaceus, conftansfoliis loi, in 410, et continens fententias ex variis philofophis, rhetoribus, et poetis Grsrcis coUcdtas. Divifa eft colleiftio in capita 63, cum titulis locorum communium per ordinem literarum Grtecarum difpofitis ; a titulo -ntfi ufque ad TTjfM't'iuJac. Ex fcriptoribus Gra:cis furauntur citationes, fubjuncl^l unicuique verfione LatinS. Adduntur indices locorum communium, et Scriptorum. xvii. Coilefloris nomen nufquam apparet, nec facile conjici poielt. Nota temporis adeft, fcil. “ Hie liber inceptus erat viceffimo oftavo die Aprilis, 1623.” 4053- 1. Debates of the Houfc of Commons for fetting aftde the Succeffion of the D. of York, April, 1679. XVII. 2. An hillorical Speech in defence of K.Charles i. Imperfeftai the beginning. 2* ATrcatife about the value of Money, 1608. 4. Proverbs, and hiftorical Collections of the Norman Conqueft. 5. Expofitio Reguls S.Auguftini. xv. 6. De locis purgatoriis, libellus. 4054* A Book of Sermons. xvii. 4055- Codex chartaceus in 4to, continens feripta et colle£tlones Thomte Thackham, circa 1642. xvii. 1. “ Wethodus ftudii Theologici” Anglice ; continens, paging unS, pia et optima ftudendi prsecepti. i. 2. “ Manududlio ad theologiam Polemicam.” Trac- tatus Latinc feriptus, argumentis et divifionibus logicis Num. 4055_4 o62. inftructus. Ad finem fignatus, manu Auftoris. “ 164^. Thos.Thackham. Soli Deo honor et gloria. MAu tu ©ew 6-—33. ‘ .3. Difquifuio theologica de Sabbato. 40— 44 * 4. Annotata ex Whittakero in Cantica. 48 —103. 5. Obferv'ationes de Theologia in genere. 104—113- 6. -- de Hiftoria quatuor Monarchiarum, II 4 * 7. Quicftiones Theologicx. 116—119. 4056. 1. Arms of Families in Herefordlhire. xvii. 2. Original of Sirnames. 3. Hiftory of the Biiliops of Hereford, to 1602. 4057* A paper Book in quarto; of 335 pages, containing “ Animadverfions upon a Treatife latelye publifli'=d and intituled, God’s love to mankind.” A complete work, very carefully written, in a diltinS but not ele¬ gant hand; apparently tranferibed for the Prcfs.xvii. 4058. A paper book, in quarto; containing F.xtrafts from Books, and other Colledtinns, written at various times and in various hands. The moft confiderable, in a hand ap¬ parently older than the reft, is a Treatife on Arith¬ metic, in Englifli, extending to 76 pages, marked (i 8)—No. (14) & (15.) are intermixed, the latter be¬ ing evidently written on the blank pages left by the Writer of the former.—(8)and (9) areinveited.—(22) contains Latin Verfes.—(2S) Extrafts from the Latin Po*m of lloft'chius. The Articles amount to about 33, without a fcrupulous exatlnefs of enumerating trillcs. XVII. 4059* AlbiiTibulli Opera. xr. 4060. 4061. 4062. Three paper Volumes, written with great ncatnefs and care, containing very various and numerous colleclions from Hiftory, and many other fources, carefully paged, numbered, & indexed by the Author. Thefe Volumes are properly i. 2. and 4. the third, fifth, & fixth occur at Nos. 4728, 4729, 473c, & are there deferibed. 'I'he tides of thefe three are tlius exprefled.' XVII. 1. “ Choice and felecl obfcrvable.'? various and de¬ lightful). The Firft Volume, colletlcd and regiftred by R.D. Anno 1662, 1663.” 2. “ Choice and fcledf obfervables, various and de- lightfull. The Second Volume, collcftcd, He regiftered by R.D. Anno 1664. 1665.” 4. “ Choice and felecl: obfervables, various and de- lightfull. The Fourth Volume, collefted & regiftered by R.D. Anno 1668. 1669.” Vol. 3. (N-' 4728) contains alfo the Colleddons of two years, 1666, 1607 ; and the 5"’ & 6”' extend to 1676. To whom [he Initials R.D. belong, I have not been- able to dtfeover. The Author is evidently a Proteftam, of the Church of England, But, with refpeft to matters of Natural Hiftory he is fuperltitious and ill-informed. He calls the Tarantula a little Serpent, Ac. Vol. i. has 500, Vol. 2d has 268, and Vol. 4. 444 pages; writ¬ ten with an exaiinefs of care, feldom fecn in Books of fuch feiefdons. How thefe fix Volumes were feparated dees not, ap¬ pear ; but it is perfedly evident that they compofc altogether one let, written by one hand. 4063. Codex Bibliothecas Harleian^e. 11 Nuiii. 4063—4071. 4063. Codex chartacfeus in 4to, in qu6 habentur, t. Francifci Irlggi (qui nomen fuum dcdicutioni, et prafiiuoni fubfcripfit) “ Coniiderationes de authontate Regis, et Jurifdiaione Epifcopali : et iterum de Caere- monils et Liturgia Erciefise Anglicanse; in ^uibus de- monftratur, legeS Ecclefiafticas de eifdem nuper lams, efle facra: fcriptura confonas." Tradatus omnibus nu- meris abfolutus. jcvii. 2. Juris Civilis Reguls diverfac. 4064, 1. A Book of Poems. 2. Regiltrum Caufarum in Curia de Arcubus habita- rum, a°i6o9, 1610, & 1612. 3. A Colledion of legal Matter* in Latin. Inverted in binding. 4. A Colledion of 95 Poems by various Engli/li Au¬ thors. Many by Donne, Sir J. Harrington, &c. 5. The Poem, entitled, “ a Wife,” by Sir Thos. Overbury: bdginnin^, “ Each woman is a briefe of w'cmankynde.” w. Thomrc de Cabaham, Rubdiaconi Salifburienfis, de Poe- niteilda liber, ad infhrudionem Sacerdotum. xiv. 4c 66. I. Petri de Riga, Aurora: fcil. Pentateuchus, Jofum, judicum, Uuth, Regum, Tobiae, Daniclis, Judith, Eflherse Libri, ITiftoiia Evangelicaj & Adus Apofto- lorn carmine prascipu^ elegiaco, partim hexame- tro, eoque rhythmico. xni. Vide Fabr. Bibl. Med etinf. Lat. Lib. xv. 2. Johannis'de Alvilla Tic in Cod.) Architrenius, car¬ mine hemicoj novem libris, opus, Lelando judice, “eie- gans, venuftum, fplcndidum : in quo fubinde cncomiaf- tesaiiquando ctiam et fatyricus.” Vide Fabric. Bibl. M. et Ti'f. Lat. Lib. ix.fub. Johanna Hautivillenfts,HanviU, Haiilvillen/ij, See. Manu,codicemultarnrecentiore,infcnptus eflhic titulu*. “ Archilrenius, fen Liber de potentia Laboris et Ingenii et Impotenti.a Dcfidim, vel de vitiis & virtutibus carmen, verfibus Hexametris, ad Wallherum Epifeopum Rotho- mag. per Johannem de Alvilla, alias de Hanvill, alias de I'lantwell, aliter denique de'Eigham monachum.” Turn fecundi manu “ vel uc alii, de Sanfto Albano mon. c. m. IT. t. 2. 218. called alfo Johannes Huntovillenfis.” Ite¬ rum, tertia manu i “ a Cat. MS. Cotton p. in.b. MSS. Jam in Bib. Bod. p. 261. et Gat. MS. Cott. ut fup. et Cat. MSS. Digbaiani, p. 80.” Codex membranaceus, bene fervatus. 4067. Biblia Latina : cum interpretatione nominum Hebralco- rum. jciv. 4068. Colleftanea Polidca, ordine AlphabeticOk xvii. 4069. Qusftiones Theologicx in Scholis Cantabrigicnfibus dif- putatas, annis 1696. 7. 8. & g. xvn. 4070. The Pfaltcr in old French, entitled^ “ Sauter en Fraunceys.'* xiVi 4-071. “ Som Mifilanious qucaftiones cleired, by Mr.James Fa- rulTone Minifter oftheGofpel! at Kilwining, 1658.” Cat. Haxl. Vol. Ill, Num. 4072—4085, 4072. “ Diilogos -das principacs coiifas na S.Efcritura : pelos 1 ■ 1 • Fre Zenon de Baiigc, e Fre Ephrem de Nevers." XVJI. 4073^ Sententise ex PatribUs in varias Voces', ordine alpha- betico. xm. 4074- Legis t Evangelii Harmonk; ac in prirtiis, de lege Mo- lisjudlciali, obiterq; de Anglicorum cum ilia confenfu 5 F.Bacono dicata. xvii. Colledliones Theological, ordine alphabetico. xvii. 4076. W"" Raulyngshis bocke ofMedycens, bothe of Phe- iecke & Chiorgre, 1573.” xvi. 4077. An Account of the management of the officers of the Exafe iti the Weft of England, 1685. xvii. 4078. Seb. Baradii Annotationes in hiftoriam Evangelicam. ^“>583. XVI. 4079. Codex chartaceus, contmens Horatii Opera, cum notk brevibus, in margine et inter lineas feriptis. Poft Artem Poeticam, qua?,ut folet, inter Odas et Epiftolas ponitur, fequiturfragmentum Morcti Virgiliani. xv. 4080. Regiftrum Chartarum ex Eleemofynaria D.Pauli London. xviii. 4081. Johanftis Mercurii Corrigienfis, de Quercu Julii Pontifi- cis, five de lapide philofophico, liber j Scriptus 1506. XVI. 4082. 1. Potefti di Meflre Stefano Porchari 4. rv. 2. El libro di M.Tul. de Senedlute-. 3. La Vita di Dante Alighieri, per Meflere Giovanni Bocchacci. [4083—‘4096. J^/ar'fo.] 4083. “ Compendium utile ac breve, fingulos ecclefiafticos ad^ monens ad refidentiam et fidelem difpenfationem fuo- rum beneficiorum : e variis fandlorum doftorura fen- tentiis excerptum : Reverendiffimo diio Cardinali Sana:® Crucis dicaium.” A fratre Anthonio Hifpano, monacho ordinis Montis Oliveti. xv^ Codex membranaceus, bene feriptus. 4084. Cail Solii Apollinaris Sidonii Epiftolarum Libri ix. per- feai, quamvis feriptura varia. xii. Codex membranaceus, bene fervatus. 4085. Collediones in varia argumenta, ordine alphabetico. Gg Nota Catalogus Librorurn MSS. Nurn. 4086—4393. 4086. Nots: in M. Accii Plauti Amphitr)'onem, et in Afinans initium ; nempe, ad finem Sc. a.Aclus prinai. xvii. Codex chariaceus paginarum 76. 4087: 1. Frapmenta medica, incipientia a fol. 33. 2. Dominicl de Raygola. ad curandas lebres, T. Fraementa iterum. 55 * .. ChiruTgia Avicennas, i 445 - ,. 75 - X 44 - r. Bruni Longobrugenfis Chirurgia, 2 libns ; a*?® . ^ 147. Liber cbartaceus. 4088. Codex membranaccus, elegans, compleftens libellos duos divcrfi generis ; fcilicet, _ 1. Traftatum cum titulo fequeme, luens deauraiis f^ripto. “ Kyriaci Anconitani de Pontiano Tarraconen- fuim Regis confliau navali commentariuin, ad I'ranal* cum Scalamontiuiii equitem praftanulTimum. Ad finem, “ Lxaaum Anconi, idibus Seplembns. 2. Eclogas 1 atinas a Bern. Capella, et Gmp. Manio infcriptas ad Rev. Dom. Ralph Cardinalcm S. Georgn, s™ D. N. Camerarium. Codex compaftus cum num. 5373 - 4089. Diego de Granados Socletatis Jcfu, de 4 noviffinns.Jiber. Codex Cbartaceus. 4090. Fran. Barbarl Veneti, de re uxoria, liber; ad Laurenti- um Medicem inlcriptus. ^ *''• Codex membranaceus, bene fenptus. 4091. S.Auguftini I-Iip. F.p. Sermonum liber. xi. Codex membranaceus, foliorum 204. ad finem mutilus. 4092. 1. Aur. Prudentii Pfychomachix duo ultima foha. 2. CoeliSedmiPafcbale opus; five mirabilium divi- nnrum libri 4 cum hymnis. 3 Bernardi MotUnenfis, de contemptu mundi, liber 4" ^ nichll omnia donam.” Carmine deg.aco. ^ An. Manl. Torq. Sev. Boetn, de cordolatione ph.- lofophica, libri 5. . Codex membranaceus, meltons nota:. 4093- I. Nicolai Triveri, in Augullinum dc Civitate Dei, opus. Subjlcltur ad finem hie .itulus, “ Explicit declama- tio hiftoriarum diverfarum, et diaorum poeticomm qu* beams nuguftinus tangit libro de Civitate Dei; compt- iata et extiada ex libris diverforum doaorum et audo rum, per fralrcm Hhbolatim Trivd ordinis fratrumprtc- ‘*‘“!°Ogicijm de Sanao Thoma Cantuarlenfi Epifeopo : imperfeftum. Codex membranaceus. Num. 4094—4101, 4094. Liber cbartaceus, res varias compleSens, ut infri nota- vimus. r. Epiftola commeniitia Lentuli Procos. de Jcfu Chrifto ; fenfu non multum, at verbis admodum difere- pans ab Epiftola qua edita eft a Fabrico, in Codice apocrypho Novi Teftamenti, p. 301. Incipit, “ Appa- ruic temporibus noftris, et adhuc eft, homo magnm Virtutis nomiiiatus Jesus Christus, qui dicitur a genli- bus propheta veriiatis, quern ejus difeipuli vocant fibum Dei.” 6<:c. Eadem Epiftola extat ad Num. 2471. 3. et Anglice ad ^762. 2. Epiftola variorum ad Guarinum, et alios viros doftos. *■ b- 3. Orationes diverforum, cumcarminibus nonnullis, ut fol. 27. 4. Inve^liva I'oggii in LaurentiuraVallaai. f. 31. cum ejufdein epiftolis quibufdam, &c. 5. Catulli carminura nonnulla, Icil. {fecundum Edht. recentiores ) Car. 61. 62. 2. 9. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. et 16. conjue£lim. 17. Imperf. 82.—ge. 6. Orationes, et declamatmnes varia, 93. ad fin. Colleftio, ut videtur, ab Italo quodam dofto faifta. Con¬ tinent folia 140. 4095. Codex cbartaceus, in quo habentur, 1. De incarnatione Verbi liber, imperfettus, abrupte definensad folium 51. xv. 2. Excerpta e Sermonibus Bemardi, &c. 4096. Quaftioncs in Phyficis tratftata. xvii. Codex cbartaceus, compattus cumjiumeris. 497, 6045, 6488. 4097. CodexiEneidos Virgilii, partim cbartaceus, partim mem¬ branaceus. Cum Scholiis mulcis, in margine feriptis, ufque ad initium libri quarti, fed manu feriore. xy. Codex, ut videtur, nota melioris. Defunc verlus, “ Jamque adco, S:c.” 4098. Codex alius, totius tlFneidos, cbartaceus. Inter lineas frripta funi Glofia breves. Recentior pracedentevldc- tur ; fed abfunt, hie etiam, verfus “ Jamque adeo, 6:c.” Abfjrd^ compadtus fuerat, urparj fecunda pra- cedentis. 4099. Juftlni Epitome hiftoriarum Trogi Pompeii, libris 44 - Codex cbartaceus, bonus. xv. 4100. Le nouveau Armorial unlverfcl : A Paris, 1663. A printed book, marked in the Title, “ Ex libris Jacobi 7 yrry, fecialis armorum” wiih many MS. notes in Englifli, probably by him. 41OT. 1. The Impeachment of the D. of Buckingham, 1626. with his Anfwer, and the King’s Speech in his defence. 87. 2. A Journal of the proceedings of the High Court of Juftice againftKing C. i. 155 pages. 3. Bills of Inditfinent in the County of Kent, from 160810 1627. ‘ Bibliothecae Harleianae. IIS Num. 4102—4110. 4102. A D'lfcourfe, 8 J. I, whether the King may fet impofi- tionsonMerchants'Goods without alTent ot Parlia¬ ment. 58 leaves. 4103. The Habeas Corpus Or, the Proceedings at the Eng's Bench Bar, between the King & divers SubjeUi im- prifoned, in Mich. Term. 3 C. 1. a" 1627. gh leaves. ^ xvn. 4104.. Enquiry after exaded Tees & innovatedOISces, a° 1623. Bound like the former, & copied nearly m the lame hand. 4105. r. M. Tullil Ciceronis, in Verrem, libri c. xv. _in L.Catilinam, Orationesy. Codex membranaceus, feripms, A. D. 1462. Deed Oratio in Q. Caecilium, olim in Catalogo no- tatus, fed hiatus nullus in Codice apparct. 4T06. C. Julii C$faris, Belli GaUici, libri 8. xv. Codex membranaceus, manu, ut videtur, ejufdem feribx. 4107. 1. Sir Rob. Cotton’s Exrrafts of Records, to ftiew bv what meanes the Kings of England have & may raife Money. . , . , „ 2. Offices & the Officers thereof, during the Reigit ot Q.Eliz. 1 . •! ic ^1,.Letter to the Fr. King, sth April, 1607. about an accommodation between Rome & Venice, ami reflorine the Jefuits at Venice. A Henry Earl of Arundel, Lord Chamberlain of K. Henry 26. 4. The Speech which Dr. Spencer, Vicc-chanc. Maf- ter of Bemict Coll. Camb. made-a: . . . .10 James Duke Catalogus Librorum MSS. 116 Num. 4ii5i Duke of Monmouth on.when the Uni- verfity inftalled him their Chancellor. s. Copy of a letter by command of K. Charles wmtenby the above Duke to the Vice-Chancellor, about his Majefiy’s dirpleafure at Perfons in holy orders wcarmfr their hair & perriwigs of an unbecoming length &c. and ordering that the Preachers deliver their Semionl both Latin & Englifli without book, &c. 6. About a leafe between the Mafter & Fellowes of Pembroke Hall, 1705, &c. Then follows the paged part. ^ “ o a' " Conveyance of the Grey Fryers, now Sydney Coll, m purfuance of an Ad of Pariiamt. for building the fame, jyth Eliz.” between H. Wickham of ^ ’^’bos. Dade of Tannington, D tfq. Sc Wm. Peddcr Alderman of Camb. about the Prebend of Fenton, C» York, litc. 4—5. g. A gift of a Queen’s Coll, leafe & 6col. by Mrs Bambng widow ofD. B. of Camb. to her dau'. Sufanna, 1662. g ’ 10. Alderman Wm.Wells, his Will, 17 E. Charles 2. It. Part of the Will of Matthew Wren Bp. of Ely l66j. 12. “ Indenture of Agreemt. betw. the Univerfity & lown of Camb. concerning the charges about lands given by Mr. Crancto charitable ufes,*’ 1658. 10. 12. An Abftracl of the feveral writings concerning lands lying in Fleet, C" Lincoln, purchafed by John Crane & Ihos. Rant, Efqs. executors of John Cranes, Efq. Will, for the ufe & benefit of Ca.nb. WifbeCh, Lynne, & Ipfwich. j i, j !3' Bill or Anfwcr in Chancer}' about Michaell & John Blunn, fons of M, B. of Briflorne, C* of South- ampton, &c. 14- Indenture betw. the Univerfity of Camb. & Ex- eftors of Mr. Jo. Meers concerning his houfes, &c. ,7. &e. 15. A Declaration of Trufi upon a Leafe, 1661. betw. JofephDobfon of Norw. &c Bennet Coll. 19. 16. Will of Richard Pettit lenr. Publ. Notary, 1665. ty. Indenture to the ufe of a fine betw. Ph. Welbee cf Foxton, & Jofeph Green of Lynne in Norf. &c. 1669. 21. 18. Conveyances by Leafe & Releafe, relating to Trinity Col. Camb. 1667. 24. &c. 19. Rent Charge upon Trin. Coll, for maintenance of a Feilowfhip therein, according to the Will of the Lady Jermyn, 1582. 27. &c. 20. Indenture of bargaine, &c. 1669. betw. Robt. Newport of Streetball, C» Eflex, gent. Sc Nicholas Jekyll of CliflFord’s Inn, gent. &c. about the Manor Sc Reftory of Streetball aforefaid. 29. 41. Indenture relating to Leicefterfhire, &c. 31. 22. To levy a fine of lands free, mter.Tiixt with Copy- hold in Cambridgeihire, &c. 23- 43. Certificates to the Bp. of the Fell* Sc Scollars of Trin. Hall, Camb. 24. Various leafes S: law matters. 35. See. ®5' Purchafe S: Grant of an Advowfon, viz. Bratton Flemings to Caius Coll. Camb. 44. 26. Exemplification of the Bp. of Durham’s gift of 28 1. per Ann. out of the lands of Chilton, C“ Durham, to Caius Coll, for 3 Schoiarfliips, See. 47. 27. Other Leafes, &c. 53-&c. 28. Conveyance by way of Leafe & Releafe by Mr. Jacob. ^9* D“ 1667, relating to Great Shdford, Camb. Num. 4T15. 30. The Will of the old Mr. Thos. Tlobfon, carrier^ buried in Bennet Churcli, Camb. touching his Manors, &c. in Cottenham, See. ifS.'o. 6^. Camb. Workhoufe, Se Poor of Camb. &c. fis! 31. Ihe Will of John Hills, of Camb. baker, 16.6. 69. 32. A Relignation of the Free Grammar School of Newport in Efleit, by Tho. Edw. LL.D. y.j. 33- The difplacing & placing of a Mafter from & to the rree-fehool of Houghton Conquefi; in Bedford' be- longingto Sydney Coll. Camb. 1^45. ibid. 34. AflignmentofLcafes, &c. & Partition of lands. See. from of the Ifle of Eiy. &c. 7 >. Sic. 35. Wills of Edw. Pulgrave of Pinchbeck, C°* Line. B.D. & Francis Finch, Alderman of Camb. 1670. 94, 36. The Will of Clement Nevil, gent, of 'I rin. Coll. Camb. 1675. touching lands, Stc. in C“ Lcic, Si Camb. 102. &c. 37. Indenture, 1674. hetw. Tho. Aileii, gent. A Tho. Saunders. Efq. John Child, Efq. touching the Manor of Thctford, &c. jQg 38. Other Indentures, &c. 115. &c. 39. Mortgages & Fines, See. 16-. _ 40. Sr. Jofeph Sheldon Kt. &c Alderman of London, his Will 1681. 210 41. Copy of the Will of Dr. John Breton, Malkr of Eman. Coll. Camb. 1675, 21- 42. ALycence for a Coach in London, 1683, fol¬ lowed by divers Jeafes Sc other deeds, S:c. 2-2. 43- fiffignment of a Coll, leafe in truR. 1688 betw Mary widow of Thos. Bainbrigg D.D. M.ift. of X’s Coll, ofc. reciting the leafe from Queen’s Coll, before noticed. Cl ^34- 44* oettfement upon marriage of the Reftory impro- pnaie of Hilton Audrey, &c. ifSi. 239. &c. 43. Indenture to fuffer a R..coveiy to the ii!e ol Nath. Cradock, gent. Sr ],is heirs, of Caflington, C” Lcic. 1687. &c. followed by diveia leafes, See. 247. 46. Copy of Midam Ann Lewis of Wefiminfier, her Will, 1692 And divers leafes. 179. 47- B-'rt of Mrs. Hunt’s Will, iCge, bfWalfhani C” Suffolk. ’ 48. Will of James Kettel, &c. 203. &cr. 285. ^ 49. The Purchafe of the Advowfon of Aflieton Church m Eflex, 1691. 2 50. A Claufein the Will of Sam. Buck, Efq. toiichinV the Reftory ot Kdlingion, C“ Yorke. 300. This is followed by divers other grants & law mutters to the end. 51. “ Prophetla Sti.Thomx Martyrls.” At the bottom is written as follows, >*“5 found in’the Study of one Mr. Felling late Reftor of Trowbridge, C" Wills, in a very auncient tV.S. & is now in his Ma’"’ Cuftody.” 4- gf the inverted part. Ar r North’s refignation of the Vicarage of Wimfwold, 1561. g® S3' Sr. Wm. Walker’s Refignatioii of the Vicarage of Bottifham, near Camb. 1542. ® ~ •'Atherton’s Refignation of the Vicarace of Hatneld, 1553. * 5;. Sr._ Edw. Borrowe’s Refignation of the Vicarase of Ii-umpington, (near Camb.) 1554. y, 56. Sr. John Henlowe’s Refignation of the Vicaraec of Great Wymondeley, 1554. 20° r-?v ■, A^this his Refignation of the Vicarace ofPickhall, 1556. 57 - Refignation of the Vicarage of Hinton ne^ Lamb. j3. At the end of fol.r3. b. is this remark bv Baker followcth the Will of Math. Wren, Bp. of Ely who has taken great pains for dilpofing of his Eltate, w’'* 9 might Bibliothccse Harleiance. I 17 Num.4ri5, 4116. might have been faved, couM he have forcTeen that in a few years, all that hedifpofeth of flaonld be out of his family. Only what he left in Charity remains.” The like happened to Bp. Cofin, whofe Charity only remains. At the ton of next Pare is the followin^r ad- dition to the Will of Matthew Wren, ‘'who dyed at Ely Houfe in London, on or about Wednefday the 24 April, 1667, & from thence brought to Cambr. to the Schooles on 1 hurfday May pth, k on Satmd .y May i ith, 1 bCj, buiyedin that Vault under the halt pan of the New Chapel at Pembroke Hall.” 59- Tehamentuin Gu'ielmi Laud, quondam Cant. Archiepife. &c. Jan. i;“, 164^4.” 34. At the end is the following in Baker’s hand writing. 38. “ Ihiscopy of the ArchBp’s Will, contains feveral particulars omitted or abbreviated in the cupv printed in thi Hiflory of the troubles k tryal of Wm. Lund ArchBp. of Cant. p. 454. kc. T. B.” Copy of the gift of next prefentation to Emerton ^aory, C' Bucks. Tho. C.vppy, Efq. then Patron, to Wm.I.endall, gent. kc. 3q. 61. Refignation of the Vicarage ofFIintham, C" Yo‘k. Ann. 1609. William Btmoa the Vica , &c. 40. 6’.. ‘‘ AComniiffion for the Repairs of the Great Bridge in Camb. i'J54.” 4, 63. . xtradls from “ An Act for ordering the forces m fev®i-all Counties of this Knigdom.” 1+ Car. 2. 44. 64. Extraftv from an Act for Prevention of frauds and perjuries, &c. 2y Car. 2. 43. kc. 4x16. A fimilar Volume to the lalt, having 'he fame title on the back, viz. “ Collectanea ad Pofleflinnes Acad. Cantab, ipeflantia.” “ E Colleft. T. Baker.” & this laft alio appears by his own hand on a paper parted at the be¬ ginning, thus “ Tho. Baker Coin Jo.Socius ejettus.” ‘‘ Alderman Nekton’s book, Regr & Auditor to Trinity College Cambr, Bought of his fon.” Then fol- lows a large piinted folding rtiee'. like a map, entitled, “ 1'undatio Academise Cantabvigienfis,” &c 1662. with the anns of the Colleges cut in wood, kc. This Vul. is in two parts, the lart & much largeft being paged of old, confifting of 617 pag^es chiefly law matters, as leafes, &:c. from precedents, &c. J he firrt part not till now paged, contains about 50 leaves, the principal contents of whicii are as follow. 1. “ Pembroke Hall‘'file.” &'c. 7. 2. Mayors of Cainb. from 1488 to 1501. 8. 3. Title of James Duke of Buckingham, Chanc, of Camb- 1676. g j, 4. Fine levied of the Manor of Caldecott. ?2. 5. “ Licences, Pattents,” kc. 27, &c. u. Letters tertimoiiial DD. Zee. ’ 2g. 7. Patents, &c. for divers OGices, &c. in the Univcrfity. ^2 8cc. 8. Ancient account of the Ifle of Ely, kc. ’ 37. See the Hirtory of embanking & draining, by Sr, Win. Dugdale, p. 180. kc. 9. “ Ihc auncient Hortles in Cambridge, as thev were A* Dili 1280.” 9 E. i:L defcribecl. 37, &c.” 10. “ Religious Houles w‘“ aunciently flourifhed in Camb. & wereA" R.E, i. 9° A“ Dhi 1280- 38. b. 11. Other ancient accounts, &c. of Camb. 39, &c. 12. Original of Sturbridge fair, tkc. 41! 13. “ Club Law aded in Clare Hull Camb. 1597-8.” 41. b. 14- Mafters of Colleges putt out, &c. in Camb. 1643. 15. Vice Chancellors & Majors of Camb. &c. from 1500 to 1633-4. at the end of which is written, vide fuc- ceflion, p. 614 which fee at the end. 43, &c. Aftei' this follows the old paged part, relating 10 fines & other law matters, from precedents, kc. from p. i. to 360. Then follow, Cat. Harl. Vol. III. Num. 41165 4x1;?- 16. Prefentation from the Univerfity to tlie Rct^ory ofHoiigiiamcumMarrton in Lincolnfliire, 1652. 361. 17. Ihe iaft Will of Joim Boulilroad of Eaton Bray C“ Bedford, gent. i6jr. , jf,-. 18. i he Will of John Stockwell Alderman of Camb. '^50- . ?6S, ig.-of Tho. Stidman of Nvwton C Capib. Yeom-cUi, 1 C 58 . . 37 !.- 20. --- of John Stockwell Jim. of Camb. fell- monger, 1657. 372_ -I*-of Samuel Shaibnh of G:'cat Fverid-.n near Camb. 1658. And ol Wm. Pu.kc, D.D, of Afli'cn, C-Elfex. 1638. , 3,,. 22. Difpeulaiion k other leiters fiom K. Clinrlcs to Trim Coll. i(S;8, A-c. &C., 23. Copy ol an Altov ance of Mr. John Cole of Sution in tile Ifle ul F.l v,to inaik. hisl'waiis in any of the Rivers, &:c. in C'' Bedt. Huiuirg Ctimh. k the Hie of Ely, k 62, with a drawing oi the laid Svaii Mark. 403-4, fee. 24. “ Itoiii Caius Cell. The manor o'f Mortimers with N..\viiham Mills, b’c.” .CC^. 476, 25. .Se'.tiemtiu ol an i.rtatc lO Trin. Coll, at Noftli- rington in Noriolk, 2 i K. Jumc'. 4 i 3. c6. A Recovery beiu. iVir. Bendifh & Mr. CailH, beginning tluii, “ CliverDl. Inoitdor.” 8;c. 442. 27 Exchange oi lands betw BnuiiL . V. Cullon, &‘c. and Cams Coil. ' ^(,2^ 28. Th> Copy of Dr. Sfdphen PerfCs Will, 161’.- fellow of Caius Crdi. k M.lV. .'tic. A'5-'^ 29. Copy of ine Cunvcv-.Ke from J->hn Jenkiiifon of Dnditingron, Efq. & Edw. Lane of Camb. gent. viz. Tniii.y HmlL, fee. 4^^. ,0. “C-'pyof Indenture concernf the New River from the place called 9 \\ ells, ferviiig tlie Conduit iii Camb. Muiltet iJac.’,” 1610. 31. “ AuAfiigiimciUcfaColl.lsafcfviz. Trm.Coll.) in Warwick- railed Monkikirhy,” i65^ 51 1. 3;. ‘‘ A ( olli^'c leale viz. Trin.) .f Arrington, to Fhu Chiclili-y of Wimple, C" Camb. Efq. 1662.” 521. 33. .'Nji Acquitiance trom the Ui.iverlity for too I. given by RuftHil to the Univerlitv of Camb. Alfo the inllrument Declaration of the 'ame (Tobias Rulbll, Veoman of the Robes to !v. C. :.) to w'hat jJiirpofe he’ g.ave thefaid looo 1. At tl'.o end is this, probably by Mr Neuton, “ 1 hefe 2 lart writings I engrolfed twice over iiiPauhmr. Dtc. ihhf).” ^ 34- A Ciopy ofPar^ of the Cb.ntor of K. I'lin. Cull Camb. concerning Bariina-ton Ricrht*; kr 38H.8._ ® 35' L)tvci’s Lcafes, &c. as Trcccd^nts apparently. ... . . 54'>&c* 3b. Inmtv Colledgc in Camb. hath tlie i'j.,., ,iage, and right of Prefentation to all the Vicarages foil wing:” • 5 -9, &c. 37- The Names of Bcne-Hcrtors to the faid ticll. kc. At the bottom of which pa^e is this “ Vide Tr. Coll. Hegifter booke with a black cover. A'' Dhi icca' -•8. “ fertameuP Anna: Piie.rt, fpinrter', C" Norf. 1668. .g,_ 39. “ Ult. Tfrtameni’ Tho. Hill, S. T. P.” Maitpr of Trin. Coll. Camb. 1652. -gg 40. “ Part of the Will of Mr.Gooch of Bury.” 389'. 41. Continiiationof the lilt of Ma'. rs of (. 4 irb. fiom, 1634 above noticed, p. 614. At'the end-of which 1673. is this, A Cominuaiion of Ma}mrs in book of Charters of the Corporation of Camb.” *617. 4x17. Praxis Cuiiarum Ecclcriartic.irum, fub Whltg'fio Archicjro. xvn. This, 8c tile two following numbers belonged to Mr. Baker, who has written jhus in the front of this : 1 his H h booke h r' ' y I \ 4f ■' ) tin fv ' ,! Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4117—4^ 21. booke belonged to Dr. Foorth, and was drawn up by Archbp. Whitgift, Dr. Cofm being then Dean of the Arches, Will. Aubrey LL.D. Mr. or Judg of the Court of Audience, & Dr. Lfewin Judg of the Prerogative. It may, I fuppofe, be of fome ufe, to fhow y' praftice of that ome, when Kcclefiaflica! Jurifdiftionwas fomethlng higher than it is at prefeiit. How far it agrees with Clarke’s Praxis, I have not obferved, not having yet compared them.” 4118. 1.. Valor Benefidorum Ecclefiafllcor. Anglire Wallia:. 115 pages, perfefl, having a table of Counties at the beginning. 2. Short paiTaces from various poems, & at the end a number Irom Dryden’s Virgil. 4119. Archbp. Sharp’s Book on Englilh Coins. At the begin¬ ning is written, by Lord Oxford, “ 1 his MS. was given me by Mr. Sharp Son to the A. Bilhop. A neat fmall folio, divided into five parts; & inter¬ leaved. The pages being irregular, the leaves are now numbered with red ink. 1. Of the Silver. ^ 2. On the Gold Coins. ^3 ■ Obfervaiions on the Scots Money.” 21 ‘ Of the Irifli Coins.” - c. “ Notes upon Mr. Nicholfon s book, wherein he treats of the Englifh Coins, & of which he had defcribed my opinion before he printed it.” _ 3^* Oppofite to p. 31. is written by Ld. Oxford himfelf, « The following Sheets are inferted in tlie New Edition of the Hifforical Library.” The whole or principal part of this Vol. is primed’by 1. Nichols'in the Bibl. Topog. And belidcs Pinkerton’s late publications on Coins, the Rev. Rogers Ruding has fmce publilhed a Volume on Englifli Money, & is now colle£ring for a larger Work on the fame. 41 20. “ Abridgement of the Inquifitions port mortern, or Efcheat Rolls of the Tenants from the Crown in the Counties of Somerfet & Dorfet, from the reign of H.3. to R.?. inclufive.” xvii. “ This Title was written by 1"“ AnfUs Efq.” & above is this, “ Bought in Mr. Rawlinfon's Sale, 1734.—Ox¬ ford B. H.” It contains 407 pages of the above In¬ quifitions, with the name; of perfons & places on the op- pofite fide of each article, with the dates above. Prefixed to this is another colle£Uon, entitled, “ Abftrafts of Re¬ cords and other Evidences.” (p. 80.) “ The Manor or Parifh in Alphabet, the men’s names m actable.’ Thefe alfo relate to Somerfet Sc Dorfet, & contain a few Seals of Arms tricked. 4121, Codex membranaceus, bene feriptus, modice fed ele- ganter ornatus, paginas habens 438, et contmens Wftori<£ Augujia Scriptores, ab Hadriano ad Carinum ; Cum hoc titulo, “ Vitie Principum Romanorum aliorumque qui tyrannice Rem. P. invaferunt.” xv. 1. VkacD. Adriani, & Commodi j per Aelium Spar- lianum. * • 2. -Antonini Pii, Marci Antonini, ScLuciiAnto- nini, per Julium Capitolinum. 28. 2. . Commodi Antonini, per Helyum Lampri- dium. ^4- 4. -Perilnacis, per Jul. Capitolinum. 78. — Didii Juliani, per Ael. Spartianum. 89. —. Avidii Calfii, per Vulgatum Gallicanum, 96. Num. 412i_4i26.' 7. Vitae Seven & Pefeennii Nigri ; per Ael. Spartix* •um. _ —• Clodii Albini, per Jul. Capitolinum. 133. 5. --Caracallfe, Sc Gets, per Ael. Spartianum. 14-. 10. -Macrini, per Jul. Capitolinum. i62-_ 11. -Diadumenii Antonini, per Julium Lanipr:- dium. _ _ ^^7* 12. ——Heliogabali, per Ael. Lampridium. 175. 13. -Alex.Severi, per Ad. Spartianum. 197. 14. -Maximinorum a, Gordiorum 3, Pupieni Ss Balbini, Valerianoruin 2, Galienoruin a, S: Salonini, per Jul. Cap. ^37- • ic] -'Friginta Tyraiinorum. 312- 16. -Claudii Augufti, per Trebellium Pollionem, 342. 17. -Aurdiani, Taciii, Floriani, Probi, hirmi, Saturnini, Bonofi, Proculi, Nuineniani, & Carini : per Flaviura \’opifcuin. 3^3 437‘ 4122. Jufii Lipfii, de magnitudine Hebrccaj libri Imperfedi. Codex chariaceus. In primo folio feriptum eft, “ A Copy from the original, wrote with the hand of Lipfius.” Opus, ut videtur, inedkum. xviii. Subjungi debet hoc opus tractatui Lipfiano dc MagtsU tudine Romana, ut in exordio apparet. “ Cum de Mag¬ nitudine Roinanadilieruill'cm, Uiebus aliquot poll keiaiin ad me Auditor,” See. Poll folium priinum inferltur Lipfii Epitaphium, ut in operibus ejus confpicitur. 4123. 1. Galfridi Monumetenfis, Gefia Regum utriufq; Britaiiiiix. Scripfit Albcrtus, filius Joh. Alberti. 1300. 2. Guidonis de Columna, Hilloria Trojaiui. Sciipfit idem Albertus A.D. 1309, _ x*'". 3. Martini Poloni Chronicon. 4. Aetates fex Mundi : et Curfus & ordo temporum. 5. Liber provincialis in diftrictu Romano. 6. Mappa Mundi, folium unicum. Codex membranaceus, bonus. 4124. 1. Beds Prefbyteri, Hiflorise Ecdefiafticffi gentis An- glorum, libri 5. 2. Vita venerabilisBedsc. 3. Vita; S.Abbatum Monafterii in Wiramutha, per Bedam compofitae. At 2 tantiim folia prima exftant : cailera defiderantur. Codex membranaceus. 4125. Copy of a Charter granted to the Eaft-Land Company of Merchants, 17 Aug. 1568. xvi. 41 26. Henry Tubbe, of St. John’s College in Cambridge, his vanous works. The fint Epiftles dated 1648, the Inft 1654. A Paper book, fairly written, containing, xvii. 1. Epiftles. * • 2. -inverfe. 37* 3. Elegies. 43. A fecond book. 60. 4. Hymnes. ®4* 5. Epiftles tranflated. _ _ 68. 6. Odes, beginning with the 12th, but in couplet Verfe. , 7. Satires. 91.—Again, 99- 8. Charaflers. 95- *5'- ‘53- 9. Epigrams. *59* 10. Epiftolte ad familiares, Libri 2. 133- 11. Devotions* Bibliothecae Harleianae. 119 Num. 4126—4136. II. Devotions, in three Centuries, incomplete. 143. Mr. Tubbe is a very loyal writer, and for bis time, a tolerable poet. 4127. Account of the Rights in the common Pafture called Wildmore, 5 c other of the Fens, in Lincolnfliire j a thin folio. XVII. 29. 4128. An Account of the Earl Marlhal’s Court. In fol. I. “ A Court of Chivalry held in the painted Chamber at Weflm. 24 November i623,by Tho. Earle of Arundell & Surrey, E. Marihal of England.” A paper book, of 22 leaves. xvii. 41 29. The folemn Rites and Ceremonies of the Coronation of K. Charles 2, 53 April, ifcbi ; Obferved 5 c collec¬ ted by Elias Alhinole Efqr. Windfor Herald, fol. 24. neat 5 c perfect. See N” 4237, on the fame fubjedl, in Latin & French. XVII. 4130 - Account of Caufes tryed in the Ftarr Chamber, 1631. A paper Book of 92 leaves, fairly written, and bound up with ]Sf° 6235. XVII. 4131. 1. Regifter of CauRs in the Bifhop of London’s Court from the year 1628 to 1633. xvii. 2. A Rental of the King’s Lands in Herefordlhire and Gloucefterfhire, 30 H. 8. xvi. 3. Recorda Aflifa: Glouceftri;^, tempore R. Elizabeise. A large Paper Book. 4132. Petri Comeftoris Hifloria Schoiaflica. Codex memb. olim Monaft. S. Aug. Cantuarienfis. xiv. 4133- A Regifter of the Offices of the Crown, 5 c of her Majcfties Chamber, Houfehold & Stable; with the Officers of all her towns, caflles of war, bulwarks, forirefles, houfes, parks, forrefts, Sc chafes; and the feveral fees belonging to each ; together with the valuation of the feveral livings of the Bilhops in Eng- land & tenths thereof ; likewife of the Deanries, and Nobility of England, according to their degrees, with other memorable things, 1593. xvi. With this Number are bound up 4271, 4311, and 6014; which fee. 4 ^ 34 - AbftraQs of Charters & Grants of the Kings of Scot¬ land, from the Year 1456 to 1513. Thisboek is a tranfcript of N" 4895, or partly fo. XVII. Abflraft of Records of Eflates in Lincoinfhire, with an alphabetical Index of the Proprietors. A thick folio of 488 leaves, written ; at the top of the 1 ftp. of which is noted “ bought in Mr. Rawlinfon’s Sale & at the endofit ABooke of Offices ofMr. Beresforde, 5 cc. 1655.” XVI. 4136. A fmall folio of 116 leaves of paper, badly written, & not all in good prefervation, entitled, “ Rentalls of Manors in EfTex,” but it contains divers other matters, as copie-s of Court Rolls, Wills, See. At the top of the firll leaf is “ This booke made the x day of July, 28 H.” &C. R. Frome, John Bate, Walter Wayes, & Self, See. “ This b jke made now the 11 day of June, 154 '-” i. A note taken 21 March, 1590. of the. Will of Thos. Boiham. Num. 4136. 2. An Indenture 20th H. 8. betw. John Pryor of Caldwill in C” Bedford, and Anthony Darcy, Efq. about the Refbory of Tolleftmnt in Eifex, and Vicarage of Towzon Major, &c. 3. Indenture betw. Thos. Jac, ofTotham in Eflex, gent. &c. 4. Court Baron of Tollelhunt, or Bow’erchers Hallj 1591- 5. View of Franc Pledge with Court of Sr. John Petre Kt. 6. “ The laft Will 5 c Teflamt. of Myddle John Whytlocke, who died 30 years part at this Jan. 1583.” 10. 7. Rental of the Manor of Mundon Monaftery, An° 18 H. 8, ■ 12. 8. Hatfield Peverel miper Priory Court, &c. 7 H. 8. 14. 9. Manor of Bradwelljuxta Mare. 18. 10. Will of John Smith of D® 19. 11. Indenture between Arthur Heveningham of Suf¬ folk, Efq & Rich.Whillock ofEllex, 14 hliz. 12 Copies of Evidences appertaining to certain freehold lands, held of the Manor of Stainbridge in Effiex, &c. 32. 13. A Recovery in Wyckham Court in EfTex, rrom E. Peares to H.Hodgtfton of HeybriJge. 36. 14. Indenture 23 EUz. between Eliz. Browne, widow, late wife of Wiftan Browne, Efq. 39. 15. Iiiftruflions of a will from Alexande’r Borcham of Burneham, in EfTex, &c. 1579. 42. 16. “ The lafl will 5 c tedamt. of John Croke of Hockley in Eii’ex, &c. 1547.” 46. 17. Affignment of a leafe to Thos. Woodward, See. 26 Eliz. 50. 18. “TheTafkeRowlle intheParifheofKsIbean.*’ 53. 19. Pedigree 5 c Will of John Marler of Kelveden, 1450. S3' 20. Will of Thos. Marler of D° 1474. 21. The Manor of Wickham in Eficx, & Pedigree ofPhippe. 60. 22. Will of John Cripps of Salcotc Wigborowe, Eflex, Maryner, 1586. 64. 23. Laft Will, &c. of Wm. Meeke of Langenhoo in Eflex, Yeoman, 1501. 20 H. 8. 67. 24. Courts, &c. of Southminfler, 25 H. 8. 72. 25. The anfwer of Wm.Turnor defendc. to the bill of complt. of Thos, Larkc & Marg. his wife, &c. 76. 26. Fine levied before the Court of Maldon inElfe:’.. 78. 27. Indenture of mortgage, &c. betw. John Whitlock & Robt. Cook, alfo betw. John Sands, Kt. & Rich. Wroth. 80 —I. 28. The laft Will 8c Teflamt. of John Whytlock of Gouldanger, Com. Eflex, 1574. 83. 29. The Will of Robt. Cannocke of Lavrememey in EfTex, gent. 1581. ’ 85. 5 cc. 30. An Inquifition taken after the death of Anne Marchionefs of North®. other\vife called Lady Anne Bourcher, 13 Q. Eliz. 89. 31. H. Somerfom’s feoffment of a Houfe in Chulmef- ford, in EfTex, 8cc. 3d Eliz. 92—3. 32. The Grant of Campes Clofe in Little'I'otham, Effex, to Mr. Appleyeard, 5 c fo to Sr. Arthur Hevenyng- ham, 5 cc. 93—4. 33. Jo. Agoddifhalfe’s will ofTotham, ice. and feoff- mentc of Tho. Saunes, &c. 96. 34. Leonard Sandell of Hatfield Pevercll, Efq. falc of the'Manor 6c Redtory of Woodham Moriimer, 5 cc. 6th Eliz. 100. 35. Letters Patent of Philip 5 c Mary, of the Manor of Great Totham, Effex, Mickleton, 5 c Lyme. 104. 36. “ The tafke booke of Much Totham, of old cuftome, gathered for a u’bole tenth 5 c fifteenth within the fame pariihe.” 111. 5 ic. 14 37 - “ The liO Catalogus Librorum MSS. Kuin. 4136—4145. “ The^emyfe of certain Land*, &c. in MelTlnge, Eflex, appurtaining to the free School in Earl’s Coimc, made by the Earl uf Oxford to John Busfhc of Meffingc aforefaid,” &c. 113. 38. The >:vth. to the King of Little Totham with ColJham. 114. 4 ^ 37 - Nobility of England & Ireland, Courts of Record, Offi¬ cers of the Crown, & his Majefties houfehold. The Counfdis of the North of Wales, & the Marches; the Admiralty, the Armory 5 c the Mint; (Sec 1848, (^57, 4257.) Towns of Defence, Caftleswith Houfes, Parks, & Forefts, a" 1633. xvii. ThisManufcript, of 42 leaves, was bought at Mr.Raw- linfon’s Sale, Sc is bound up with 780. S: 3 others. 4138. TheTheorick ScPraclick ofWarre, written for the Prince Don Phillip of Spayne, by Don Bernardino de Mendoza.” xvi. A paper book of 442 pages, very legibly written. Tranflated, doubtlefs, from the Spanifh, but by whom IS not faid. The Attcftation of Don Francifco Arias dc Bobadilla is prefixed, Sedated May is, 1395. 4139- 1. Arguments for & againft the QuoWaranto, brought againil theCity of London, 1682 & 3,34 fie 35 C. 2. 1. XVII. 2. Argument for holding an Office, without taking the Teft. jS. 3. Sir Ed. Hale’s Cafe touching the King’s Power of Diipenfation. loi. 4. Cafe of the Eall India Company aga'nft Interlo¬ pers. 107. A Paper book of 245 leaves. [4140.—4174. O^lavo.'] Chr.Wafe’s Opinion of the Standards of Money, h Mint Caufes. 'I'iile, “ A briefs Opinion of Chriflopher Wafe Gouldfmith, concerning the Standards of the Moneys 5 c Mint Caufes of this Realme of .England.” 15 leaves. Bound up with Nos. 5231, 6364, 63 85, and 6459. XVII. 4141. I.ettera di Galileo Galilei feritta aDuchefla di Tofeana.” An Italian MS. of 79 pages, neatly written. Bound with 5199, &c. XVII. 4142. A Book of Anthems, in verfe & profe. A thin Book neatly written ; the Anthems placed alphabetically, & the name of the Compofer of the Mulic fubjoined to each. xvii, 4143- 1. Edgari RegisLeges Ecclefiafticx. Saxonice. xvii. 2. The ancient Form of bidding Prayer. 3. At the end, written the contrary way, the expla¬ nation of an Iiifci iption. Bound with N* 575. 4144* 1. Laur. Valise ad Pontificem Oratio, de articulij lidei, &c. 2. --ad Alfonfum R. aliud Siculum, aliud Neapolitanum effe regnum. Codex membranaccus, clegantifllmus, atramento pur- pureo ct miniato feriptus. 4145- Tho. St.George’s Trcatife of Honour. xvii. Dedicated toWnuCavendilh, £. of Newcaftle; Bound up with N° 9097. Nurn. 4146—4155. 4146. An Ordinary of Arms. xvi. A neat fmall 4to, of 222 leaves at the b.iftom of which lalt is written, “ finito p Guliehnus Deiliick ais York Herald al Dj 2* di Aprile latino 1572. setats fua 28.” 4147. !. Lltcrae fratris Rudifmdi, praefidis Bcnediclinorum in Anglia ad congregationem de proptiganda fide, 1624; dc Cieri Anglicani difficiihatibus. FolLs tribu'. xvn.. 2. “ A Survey of the Anfwcr to the Bp. of don’s Letter to the Laic Catholicks of Eiur'.md : lent unto him by the Heads of three regular (JrJLi's in Ei; :- land, 1629.” A Tract of confiderable extent, clofcly wiitten. 4148. Lez droi.K et lez eflabiiircmenz de Normendte, en vers. A Book written on Vdlum, 5 c in fhorc French Vcrles. .\v. 4 ^ 49 ' A Book of fcleded Popiffi Prayers for all the Year. \ thin paper book, neatly written. .wii. 4150. T. S. Hicronymi, de nfficiis I-ibcrorum, Epifiola. i. 2. Plutarchi liber de liberLs edacandis; ex verfione Guarini Veronenfis. g 3. De ingenuis moribus liber, ad Dberdnum Caraii- enfem. 4. Epifiolju 2. Poggij, et Guarini. 5. Fran. Barbari, de re uxoria, iiber. ful. p'.—idem extat ad nuin. 4090. Code.x ineinbranacens, pulcher, fcliorum 193, ^ . . 4 ^ 51 - Grammatica Graaca: in titulo “ Compendium Grecco Lati/ie.” xvn. Ad finem inferiptio hrec, cum Epigraminate : “ 'i ho- rowgood Meautys Imnc Librnm fcripfit. Sunt qui lectori longo faltidia libro Longa ferant, fas fit feribere pauca milii. Ifte tamen potcrat, lector, liber efie lihclius Pendcre nam culpas non numeraie djcti.” 4152. Hiftory of the Council of Trent, in eight books. Neatly WTitten on paper, 222 pages. Abl-rcviared not iniu- dicioufly, from Brett’s traiillation of Sarpis’s Ilifi. ry. XVII. „ 4153- A Paper book very fairly tnmlcnbed, containing fin-cnl writings of Sir Kenelm Digby. r. A difeourfe concerning Edmuiid'Spenfcr. 1. 2. Several of his Letters in Englifli. 3. Others in French. q-* 4. Difeours Academique. 1 he whole contains 153 written leaves ; but it feeras that the Difeours is incomplete. It is bound un wi-h N“ 7375. 4154- S. Anfclmi, de Deo, Cantate, Humilirate, die Judicii, &c.' Ira^tatus, “ Credendum eJl efle unum aliquid quod eft quicquid alius eft.” Codex membranaceus. 415^- Colleftion of Things remarkable out of feveral Authors, principally Englilh Hiftory, & very miftellancous. It is a very fmall 4to, badly bound, its leaves very fre¬ quently. inverted. xvi:. S 4*56. “ Gerv.fii Bibliothecas Harkianae. xii Num. 4150—4165. 4156. ** Gervafii Tilburienfis, de necelTanis Scaccarll obfer- vantiis, llixlogus.” . Liber chartaceus folioruiti So. cum iudice. CompaS. eum5i97. 4 -^ 57 * Names of the Counties, Cities & Towns corporate, limit* ed for the Colleftion for the Fire at Cotton End: to¬ gether with the Sums coUeded, & the Charges of coUeding, 1679. xvii. 4158. Francifeo Marcaldi’s Dekription of Scotland. 1581 ; i^ Italian. Bound with N 58 J, 68r,and 6368. xvi. 4159- Michaelis Murgetrod, de Grascarum difeiplinarum laudi- bus. Oratio: cum Epiftolis & vcrfibus, Johanni Bell, Colkgii Cantab. PraifcCto, inferiptis } et Oraiione, cum A'iftotciis Meteurologica exponerct, habita. Liber non ineleganter feriptus In prime folio legi- tur, “ Given by Mr. Noel, ill Nov. 171 In eodem volumine compaclus cu.uNums.5c.4S, Sc 6925. 4 ifo . 1. Mufical Obfervatlcns & Experiments in Mufical Sounds, belonging to the Theoric part of Miific. xvn. 2. How 10 tunc an Organ, Harpfechord, Virginal, or Efpineta. 6;. 3. A fhort introdudion to the Knowledge of Defcant, or compofing of Mnfic. 69. The book contains 78 pages, written with toleraole neatnefs, but by whom does not appear. 4161. A Lid of the Royal Navy k Army, a* 1686. On Vel¬ lum. with the date of building each Ship, & many curious particulars. xvii. 4162, Tho. Liifliington, oFBroadgates Hall in O.xford, his Re¬ cantation to the Parliament, of two Sermons. Imper- fed at the beginning. A curious Trad neatly written. Bound up with N*i840, 6383, and 7361. 4(63. 1. Chronologia ab Orbe condito ufq; ad A.D. 1453. 2. Tradatus de 70 hebdoiuadibus Danielis. 3. Tradatusde Lyclis, &c. ^ xvi. Liber chartaceus, fatis dare fenptus. 4164. Revenue of the Land Tax in feveral Counties of Eng¬ land & Wales, a' 1683. A fmiU 8vn, plainly wiitten in Columns, fpecifying, i. Ihc weeks 4 months of colleding. 2. The Amount. 3 Tlie Receipt, .j. Ar¬ rears. 5. Salaries. 6. Riding Ciiarges. 7. Mon>^y remitted. But the Counties are mixed, viz. Chefliire, & part of Stafford & Salop. xv. 4165. iEnex Sophltta; (five, Gazxi), Theophraftus, i. c. DIa- locus de Immorulitdte Aniins, e Graeco in Latinuin converfus. Exflat Grsce et Laline cum nods C.Bar- thii Lipfiffi Editus, in 410, in5 . Etiam Laune, a Joh. Wolfio converlus, (ex exempiari Grxco in Bihl. Reip. Aug. V-indel.) ad calcem Fhilonis Judtei, Bafil. 1561 Vide Sax. Onomafl. A.D. 490. xv. Codex membranaceus, pulcher, cui deefl folium j inicum in initio. CAT.HAitJL. VOL. HI. Num. 4166—4173. 4166. 1. Artis Geomandece & Aflrologics Tradatus quinqj XV, 2. Ars Memory. 3. De iiifomniorum interpretatlonc. Codex membranaceus, vetus, iinperfedus; 4167. “ La Mona*-chia di Spagna, di Fr.Tnmafo Campanella.’* An Italian MS. on Paper; 240 pages, neatly written, XVI. 4r68. Forms f)r Letters on various Suhjeds, in Italian, de* ganily written nn Vel um. The Author’s name does not appear in the work, h\ii Jlfonji a prato, is written at the beginning; xv. A I 69. 1. M. Tullii Ciccronis Cato major, five de Senedute liber. 2. -Lt2;lius, five de A.micitia Dialog; us, cum notis in marginibus. 3. -Pamdoxa. CoJex niuinbra.iaceus, non iiidegans, 4170. Monumental Infcriptions in Bu kinghamfliire, Berks and Gxfordfhire: colleded A.D. i trbo. It is a fniali 8vo, of only 76 pages written, a-,d nearly 4 times as many blank leaves, ai the end of which are rwo pages of names of Places in thofe & feveral otfte’- CoQtitie.s, but not with any reference to the Places deferibed, which are as follows, vizi Hampton Doyle: Hampton Gay; Shiptonupon Char- well ; Ilalton; Waterpery; 'Wormenhall, Bucks; Ickford, Biick-s ; Weflon on the Green ; Wendlebury ; Merton ; Bieiter als Borcefler ; Caversfield Bucks ; Stretton Audlcy; Frinuford; Bucknel! ; Launton; Chcflerton; Ludgerfall,Bucks; B.ill, Bucks; Burfordj Minder Lovell; Witney ; Cogges ; South Leigh ; North Leigh ; Banbury ; Newiiham Courtney; Little Mi-tenham, Berks; Clifton; March Baldon ; Sand- foid ; Chcrlbury ; Kiddington; Stokelyre, OxL 4171. Difputationes Theologies in Scholis CantabrigienfibuS habitffi, A. 1677, 8, 9, & i 58 o. xvii. Liber chartaceus, elegantcr fciiptus, comparandua omniiib cum num. 4069. 4172. 1. Inftnidions for a Parifh Pried. “ Sacerdotes paro- chia'es tenentur per Canones docere.” xv. 2. S. Bafilii Liber ad Monachum, pro reformatione Vitae luts. 3. De utilitate tribulationis, Trad, “ Anima tribulata k temntata.” 4. Indulgemias a papis concefde. 3 “ Quomodo Banna: man imoniales funtpublicandre.’* 6. Indrudio pie vivciidi. “ In principio Gujuflibet operis.” A curious book of old devotional Trads, in Latin & Em liili, written on Vellum. 4173- 1. Seleda ex Stadii in Jul. Florum. Comment% ordlns alphabeiico. 2. Noese e.x Q. Curtio. I i 3. Sentcniia 123 Cataloj?;us Librorum MSS. Num. 4173—4178. 3. Sentemia: ex maltis Aueloribus. At the p'her end, 4. “ Colleftiom out of Sands his Travels.” 5. Choice obfen'ations out of Baker’s Chromcle. 4 * 74 -_ _ , , Sckfta es Lelandi Colleflaneis, m Bibhoth. Bodl. autograph. A fmall 8vo. of only 25 pa^es, wiitten; & chiefly re* hit mg to Herefordfliire, by the fame Perfdn feeanngly, aS the City of lierefurd before noticed, vizt. 4046. -^ 175 - Arms &: Genealogies of fome of the Englifh Nobility. Some of t"e Arms blazoned. At the beginning, the da:e of 1644. 1. Of the Office of Steward of England: by Sir R. Cotton & W.Cambden. xvn. 2. Of the amiqui’-y, ufe& ceremony of Combats in England: by James Whitlock, kc. 12. 3. About giving the Lye. 34 * 4. Concertiing Duc'.ls mSpuine. 37 ' 5 “ Extracts out of the I). ofBullynn’s Dilcourfe, touching the Lye & the Blow; by Mr. Luckenor.” 6. Antiquity & Office of E. MarfhnI of England : by Sir R. Ciettou. 4 °* 7. Ufage of Gilbert de Strigull, E. Marllial of Eng¬ land, at the Coronation of H. 2. icy. b. 8 Obfervations concerning the E. Marfhall, and the JurifdicBon of the L. High Steward, Conftable, &c. 112. & Office of E. Marfhall. 119 b. Commiffion of the Office of E. Marflial. 126. b. Cf the Office & I‘)uty of Heralds. 13r - Mr. Fr.Thinne’sDifcourfe of Baftardy; & 1 Jeralds. 139. b. , About Diforders in the Heralds Office, a" 1624. 15S. Fr.Thinnc, concerning trial of Arracs. i;o. A Table of Contents. ib'^. Here the Collection fecins originally to have ended. 16. Orders for the Officers of the King’s Works. 192. 17. Rotulus Parliamenti, 36 E. 3. 205. 9. Etymology, Antiquity 1. Epigrams & witty Sayings. i . 2. Oatn of a P.ivy Councellor, Clerk of the Council, Secretary of State, &c. i o* 3. Proceedi.igs in Parlrament in the Cafe of the E. of Briltol the 1 ). of Buckingham, a'’ 1626. extra ted from the Journal?. 11. b. At the other end of the book, Bifhops may vote in caufa Sanguinis. i. , Bifhops cuglu not to vote in Parliament. 9. . Sundry Extracts. 11. . Extracts from the Council books of James the firft. • 3 - . Mifcellaneous Extracts. 17. Kuiti. 4 i 7 F_„ 4 :i 8 r. The title, at full length, is this, “ The defigned Loy- altie of the renowned Genera! George Monck, in re* Itoring King Charles theSecond jtlftified in aMen oriall' delivered in to the Right Honorable |ohn Earl of Bathe. To which is annexed a Poftfeript. By John Price D.D. Chaplain to the late & now Duke of Albemarle.” 4179. A Book of TacLicks & Strategetidks. Written rathep fairly, but without any title, dedication, or preface. SVil. 41F0. An alphabetical Catalogue f>f a Llbrarw On the Cover are tlie Royal Arms, & C.R. it wasiheretore probably, the Library of Charles the Second. xvn. 4181. Ahandfome folio, well written in358 paget, “ Bequeath- ed to my Ld Oxford, by Mr. HughTbomus,” as ap¬ pears by Wanlcy's writing at the begiunmg. TheCon- teiits are, I. The Hiftory ofWellh Heroes, by ’hr’es, or triads, inWelfh and Englilh. fol. i. to 13. which is followed by a copious alphabetical Index, p. !4. to 21. Inp.6. are the following illuftraiions, This Hiftory Mr. Vaughan of Hergcrrt conjtftured were wrote about 1000 years fiiice, bur in as much as they meiuicai the venerable Be.'a, wh'fe death was in 731, & Morgan Muynvuir King of Glamorgan, whofe death was about 97:, they would n 4 be wrote above 702 years patt, unlcfs there wa.-! another Copy older thtm this. Lhyvyr Koch o Ilergert, from whence this was taken, was wrote about 450 or 50' years lince ; the Author of both is un¬ certain. '1 here is another Hillory tinder the fame title with this, now 01 late in the Cuilody of Sr. Richard Win of Gvvidcr, collefted by a learned Priefl called Thomas ap Jevaii ap David ap Kynrig ap Jorweith, who was a great travailcr, & had I’cnurinie AuJied at Rome, as himfelf, faith & wrote with all 'nregrity imaginable, about the year 1500, a good parr taken out of the former, fic feveral otliCT things much latir, tho’never digefted into any method, which here follows verbaiim, but in a little better order. Ihewiug by the figures in the right fide margin, wherein he agrees with the former.” There are varin.is other remarks and interlineations, &c. by a dilferent hand. II Entitled on the binding, “ Wellh Pedigrees j’’ but the principal Contents arc as tollow, 1. “ The Divifion of Wales, taken out of Lhyvyr Koch o Hergei't, p. ? 77 .” 22. 2. “ Achey yr Santy, or the Pedigrees of fevcral Britilh Saints, taken out of an old WwJlli MS. wrote upon Vellum, about the year of our Lord la o, laie in the Cuilody of Mr. Edw. l.huydof the Mufeuin.” 27. There are fomc notes on the fiJes, by a differe -t h 1 viz. penes W.T. &c. ' 27. 29. Ac. 3. “The Pedigrees of fcveral Bri'ilh S.mns, taken out of an old Wellh MS. of Mr. Jolm I ewis otLhuyn- weney in Radnorfhire, wrote about the Time of Queen Eliz.” gn. 4. “ The Genealogy & Iffiie of Brychan, copied verba¬ tim, out of an old fmall Wellh M.S. written uponVclIuin, by one Lhyvelin Oft'eriad, or aPiiefl, about 5C0 years pall, now kept in the Archives of JefusColI. Library, this year 17 ic,which feems byhimtobe coppied from another as old & unintelligible as thi^, by the many blanks he ieft where his is britell, for the Letters worn out in that MS. from whence he tranferibed it, & therefore fetmes to be the only true Copy now extant,” 33. 5. “ The Pedigrees of feveral Saints & Princes of Wales, taken out of the former MS. of Lhyvelin Of- teriad, fol. 35. b. 38. 6. Remarks upon the above Bn’chan’s defcendaiits, &c.fi{ the above account of Mr. JohnLew'isp.31. cottm- 1 1 porary Num. 4-1 8i, 41 Sz. / with whom was the famous Dr. Davis who m an old MS. has made another colleftion,” &:c. 39- 7. “ TheCopy of an old MS. in the Cottonian Library, (Vefparian A. 14.) wrote upon Vel’um, about ihe year of our Lord ooo, in Latin by fomc t.nglifh Author who did not underltand the Welfli, but as Tome other tranl- lated it to him, and now done into Englilh.” Of the vifitation of Breckeniog, with the account of Brychan & his defcendants, &c. 44*55 8. Another copy in Latin only, from the “ Cotton Library, Domitian A. i. fol. b. 157.” entitled “ Cogiiacio Bryckan unde Breckeyinawe dift. efl: pars Demetie a South Wallie.” 48- 9. Very ancient Pedigrees of the King-s of Glamorgan, &c. & arms neatly drawn Sc illuftrated by long hiltorical accounts, &c. 10. “ A tranfiation of the Charter granted by Thos. de Aven to the Abbey of Morgan.” Dated at Avon, 68 . I. Pedigree of W. Blethin Ld.Bp. of Llandalf, who died 1591. ^ 4 - 12. “ K. H. 2d. in 1171, marching thro’ South Wales for Ireland, curioufly received by Prince Rys, &c. 85. 13. A long hiftory of the Kings of Brecknockfhire, Sc of the defcendants of Brychan, fire. p. 125. &c. where the author notices “ the old MS. wrote about riie time of Q. Eliz. titled the Hiflory of Brecknocklhire (by my great Grandfather Thomas ap John) Sue.” alfo in the next page “ Marchell & the Author of the MS. in the Cotton Library I'aith,” &c. 126. 14. Other Pedigrees with monumental Infcriptions in the Priory of Brecknock, in the Chapel of Battle, &c. of Howel Morgan, &c. 1624. and Tho. Davies Bayliff of that Town, See. 161 c. and David Thomas, &:c. who died 163S. ' 50 . 15. Note about the Eflate of Morgan ProlTcr along the Eafl fide of the churchyard of Lhanvronack, toward the River Uike. i 5 ®- 16 A curious hiftorical & genealogical account of the family of Thomas, p. 157-8. down to the author’s father, mother, brother, &c. 167-8. 17. Paiifli Churches of Lhandhtw & Brecknock, &c. with an inlcription upon Mary Sc Margaret Ihomas, 2697, &c. ' 7 °' 18. “ PctligreeSj&c. of MorienGlas & Princes of Pem¬ broke taken it-om a MS. written by Mr.Win. Saltbuiy a very curious Antiquary, which I take to be molt de¬ pended upon k faithful of any I have fecn. This MS. was late in the Cudody of our very learned Countryman wyd * keeper of the Mufeum at Oxford.’’ 2o8. 19- “ Pedigree of Maximus theBritaIn,& his iflue,who polTeffedall the Champion Countrey betw. the riversWey Si Severn, the only family feared m Wales in time of the Romans, &c. collcfted from the bed Welfh MSS.” gjc. 260—1, See. 264, Sic, 20. “ Pedigree of Trevor of Brinkynall, Efq. after created Vif. of Dungannon & Baron of Rofe Trevor in Ireland, by Charles zd. in reward of his fervices in the battle of Marfton More in C" York, in which this Mark Trevor wounded Oliver Cromwell with his fword. 279. T his handfome Voi. of Pedigrees has no Index. 4182. Regifter of Council Caufes, from 30 July, 1598, to the joth of April, *599. XVI. A paper book, fairly tranferibed. *(Sce many curious particulars relating toWale5iS:c. i to H.Wanley, 3777, &c. before deferibed.) I bis letters 4. John Allen, &c. to be repaid the Sums they brought to the Mint to be coyned. 7. 5. M.u-garct Duchefs of Clarence, Sc Johane D. of York, IlL-iri? of Edmond Earl ofKent, 9 11 . 6. 9. 6. Status Reventionum Regni, i Sc 12H. 6. ii. 7. A conge d’ciire for Worceder, 12 El. 6. 16. 8. The Regency, I 6 H. 6. J/. 9. Ifabell, Wife of Sir John Butiiler, forced to marry W.Pull, 15 H. 6. 19 1 ^' 22. 10. Atteinture of the E. of Suffolk taken off. 23 H. 6, ^ 20. I!. Journal of the Houfe of Lords, concerning Im- pofitions ou Merchandife, 1671. 24. 12. -Sufpenfionof Penal Laws & an A£l of Pardon, 1672 & 1673. 3 i- 13. -Sir Hen. Finch made Lord Finch. 37. 14. The Lords Journal, continued to the Year 1679. 4184. “ Compntus Ricardi Bufby Sacra; Theologia; Dnflor. unius PraibenJar. diet. Ecclis exercend. Otheium- Thefaurar. ibm pro unc anno integro tinif ad ledum Seti Micliis Arctli. -Xnno Dili nri Caroli jedi Dei gva. Magh. Brhtau Scotijs Francite ct Hibern R 5 fidei de- fenfor. &c. decinio fexto. Anno Dhi 1664.” Codex meinbranaceus, cum fignaturis Decani et Pre- bendariorum. :cyu. 41S5. Fraiiclfci Dagoberi Penfum, R. Carolo 2. perfolutum fell. I'ilogia, F.pigrammaia, Odx, &c. pukhre fenpta Sc iiluminata. A" 1683, xvu. Liber charcaceus, foiionim 23. 4186. Journal of the Privy Council, A° 1579. Not very well trauferibed. Alex. Bayne’s Notes upon Mackenzie’s Inditutions. The title in the book runf thus : “ Notes upon M‘kenzie’s Inditutions, dedicated by Mr. Alexander Bayne, Profeffor cf the Muncipal Law of Scotland. With fome additional obfervations, dif- tinguifhed by this ” mark being prefixed to them. To¬ gether alfo with the fubdance of the Deeifions fubjoined to the notes wherein they are cited.” A MS. very fairly tranferibed, on Paper, and contain¬ ing 284 pages. 41S8. A MS. containing 21 written leaves, & forae blank, with the following title : “ Propofals humbly offered for the great Encoui-age- ment of Seamen. By edablilhing her Majefties Royal Navy upon fuch a Bottom, Regulation, Sc Power, as to maintain the Sovereignty of the Seas in time of War as well as Peace, &c. To proteft and defend her Majefties Dominions in all parts of the World, &c. To fupport the Trade of thefc Kingdomes, but more efpecially to impower A' inforfe an happy and dumble fettleinent of that great k advjmtageo.us Trade, to the South 124 Kum. 4.189-^4.191. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4192—4198. South Seas, and Royal Filhefy ,wluchaU the hopes, as well as the unanimous hearts atiu handsof the wholeKingdom arejuftly now bufy upon. Againll all Oppofiiions, the Jealoufies of the Sp utUrd, French, or Dutch t or the power ( fall them together, may produce to it.” xviii. The propofer’s name does not appear, nor the daiC, but i. was evidently written in the reign of y.uesn Anne. It IS bound up with N® 7504. 4189. A thin folio of 72 paRCs, neatly written,_ in hifloncal derail, & decorated with divers Arms painted, & I’edi- grees, &c. as more tally exprelTed in the following titk- page: ^ r , “ The Armes, Honors, Matches, & IlTues of the aun- cient & illullrious family of Veer. Defcribed in the honourable progeny of the Earles ot O.xenford & other branches thereof, from the firll originall to Theprelent lime. Together with a genealogical deduftion of this noble family, from the bloud of t -elve forreine Princes, viz. three’ Emperours, three Kings, three Dukes, & three F rles, conveyed ih ough the principal houfes of Chnftendome. Gathered out of Hiftory. Recordes, Strother Monu- ments of Antiquity by Pcrcivall GoulJing.” _ On the back of this, is a punning Motto in fix Latin verfes, upon the name of \ ere. & in the following page a preface addreffed to one of the family in praife of the ftudy of Antiquir^£^ k Genealogy, the former part ot which may be feen intervoven with feveral others from the Harl MSS- &c. at the beginning of Vol. II of the Hi lory of Staffordlhire, p. xxii. In the fubfequentpart of ihispreface the author fays “ In this ftudy (Sr-) having fometlmes been converfant according to myflender fkil!; I have, out of former colleSions intended for a greater wo'ke, gathered the genealogy of Veer(the name w " of all others I am moft bound to honor) & dreft in theis homely Ornaments of myne owne falhionmg. mken oc- cafion to offer the fame unto you, not as a publick work to patronize, but as a teftimouy of particular affedion 5 unto which bolJnefs my chief inducements we. e tnefe ; firlt the love k duty which not I alone, but mmy of my auncefiors, a.s humble well wifhers, have long borne to the honorable houfe of Oxenford , whereof yourfelf being an eminent branch, I prefumed the rather my prefenc would not prove ungratemll, ^ hree Ridings, Eoft, Weft, &No--h; & every Wape.itakc is divided into certaiiie bailiwick-.” Thefe- .re afterwaids, with me BibliotbecEe Harleianse. Num. 4.19P, 4199. haraes of the Lords, Knlght5, Efquire?, & Gent, ia each. (See allb 4928.) 27—30. “ This is the defcente of the Right Honble. Ralph l.d. I'.wcr, Barron of Maulton, Lord Prefident to his Mu"'’’ Co-.’iifull eflabliflied in the Principality & Marches of Wales, who is heire mate to the noble Sc auntieiit houfe of the Lord Claveriiig Baron of Wcrk- worth, & from the noble family of Gefiey Ld. Tyfon, Baron of Anwicke & Mawton, who wa< ilayne at the Battle of Hadiags at the Conquefl, & likcwifc one of the heires males of the Lord Veffcy.” 31. “The dcfcent of the fatnilyc of Brodeiick of Broderick, Richmond Middleton, in the Countyes of Yorke & Bprkk of Durham.” 34. The Right honble. Gilbert E. of Shrewlbcry, Ld. Talbot of the Co.aqucll; Ld. I’albot of Longehope & Creadinge ; Ld. Strange of Black-moor, Ld. Funiiwall, Ld. of Sheffield, Lovetofte, Worlbp, d: Greiielaye, & Juliice of an Over of all her Ma"“ Parkes, Forrefts, k Chaifes, Trent northward, Arms & Quarteiings of Tal¬ bot painted below. 35. “ The Right Honble. Jnhn Lord Darcie, Raron of Mcinill & Lord of Alton, his quarterings with his crelL” Then follow various other o;il, neatly paintedarms, & quarteiings, S;c. 68. Pedigree of Bointon. So. Pedigree of Skearne of Bonby, &;c. with a tricked Coat of arni.s in 60 quartcring.s. 84- The Redigreeoi F.llicarof Rifhie. 101. The P.digrec of Gorittable of Ila'efeilde. 102. I'edigrcc of Burton of Burton, See. 110. The Pedigree ot Conllablc of Clilfe k Flam- brough. 115, &c. Tlic names & arms of all thofe that endeth with~fon. J22. The Pedigree of Mr. Conllable of Dromaby. 132. i. See. D ’of Sr. John Conyers of Hombye. 4190. Afergefolio, thus lettered on the back “ Armes promif- cuous with other Heraldical Notes k Fragments ” 1. “ A collctlion of all the Gentiemens Armes in the Couniie of Devon.” A fragment only, 2. b. Attelted Arms & Creft of Thos. Webbe of Gil¬ lingham in Kent, Gent. 158.). 6. “ The Gentlemen of name & armes in the Countie of Darbie, A' 1569.” 7. A large coat of arms & quarterings of Trelawnv, Ac. 9—10. Various coat^ k impalements of Myldemay thus irdcribed “ for Sr. Thos. Mihlmay, Nov. 150 i" t2. “ You may impale all y' maches for the fiirniffi- ing of your windows, as Frevill 5 c Lucy, Charlton, 5 cc. 13. Arms A quarterings of Vere £. of Oxenford, Ac. (See 4189. 6134. 6-/75.) iG. b. “ AU the Arms I found in Kingellon Church.’’ ly. Arms “ in Mathew Hulls hcnife at Lanckbore.” 25. Arms ScQu-arterings of .Tames Lord Darcey. Alfo of IJevorex, 6c -.mother h.-mdfome Coat A Creft, with the Garter round it k Motto, “ Rcgna firmat Pietas.” 25. b. Arms, in 26 Ouarferings of Carye Ld. Kunf- don, with the Names A Creds to each. 26. D” of Grevile in 2 i quarmrings. aG. b. Another large Coat of Touchett Ld. Audley, Ac. in 30 quarters, Ac. 27. Arms of Trevor in 28 Qiiarlei-s, Ac. 27. b. Champney, Tucke of Kent, Rowland Lacon Ac. 28: Arms of Sidney, Vife. f Jfle, A others. Cat. Harl. Von. JU. Num. 4199. 29. Sutton afs Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, Ac. Nevil Ld. Abergavenjiy, Ac. “ Sigiilum Franciflbe Coinitiffie Hartfordiai,” A other arms, A crclls, Ac. 30. Cary I.ordHinifdon, ADevorex L.of LlTex again. 31. Several foreign coats, Ac. and a f.-agmeht with thefe titles, “ To the Queene’.s molt excellent Majedie.” “ A book of all the Earls A Barons which were in th6 tymes of the moll victorious Princes of famous memorie Edw. the firlt A Edw. ii. Ac. placed accordingly with their names A armes. 6 c to your Ilighnel's humbly pre- itnted by yo’ obedient fetvant Gilbert Deihicke, Kt. Garter, principal King cfAruies, Ac. 15S1.” 31. /». Printed Anns of the Archbilhop of Canterbury & Biffiops, with notes, Ac. 32. Arms A creft of Chalenor, Fitzberbert, Ac. with fome verfes on the Hate of France, Bep. 12,1585. 33. Arms of Mayors, Fifhmongers, Ac. 34. wanting. 35. “ The Ladye Howardc of Efl'ynghain,” Ac. 36. Is alfowancmg. 37. “ A letter from Ifabel dutclicfs of Rutl.tnd, to Garter, about fending a drawing of all the feveral coats which her Ion Rob. may give both on his father A mother’s fide, Ac. with a rough fl;etch of 36 quarterings drawn upon it. 38. The lame more finillied, A oppofite, the Arms A Quarterings with Civil, Quarter, Ac. of Wriottellcy, E. of Southampton. 38. b. A very large coat in 54 quarters, of Boucher Earl of Bath. 39. Arms be quarterings with Creft, Garter, A Sup¬ porters of Scroop, Ac. r^ll'o of Pawletc, Ac. 39. b. Talbot E. of Salop, Lord WindIbre,Vere E, of Oxford (lee more f. 13.) Lord Scourten, 40. A 41. are wanting. 42. Ac. A number of Noblemen’s fingle Coats. 45. Wentworth arms A quarterings, Ac. Alfo under- •neath fome notes about the Pedigree of John Hooper of the City of New Sarum in Wilts, Efq. 46. Various Arms, Ac. with a rude Iketch of a Monu¬ ment, A this Inlcription E. R. with the .Town between them, A underneath “ Cujus pudebic pigeat, ne feccris quod faflunr nolis. Quod commodavit fortuna toilet • quod iniitavit natura, accipiet : Quoi prr-.verit Virtus Retiiiebis. Thomas Milles.” 47. Ac. Various Coats of Arms to the name of More 50. b. Devoreux E. of Efiex, more full than before, at 25. 30. Lodowick Steward, Duke of Lenox, Ac. 51. Monumental Infcripiion of Frances, Countefs of Hertford, late wire of F.dw. E. of H. Ion to Edw. Duke of Somerfet, Ac. da’ to Win. Ld. Howard of ]:ifKng- ham, Ac. \ C59. 51.i. Arms A quarterings of Stanley E. ofDerby, A of Henry E. of Huntingdon, impaled with thofe of his Lady Ciither. da'of John Duke of Northumberland, Ac. moll neatly tricked in 48 Quarterings each. 52. Brooke Lord Cobliani, Ruftcl A Couke, Car}-, Ac. 52.^. Another neat Coat of 28 quarterings, for St John, w ith an Efcocheon of pretence c f 6 for Reade, Ac' 5/5. “ Anno Dni 1539, May 18, iiffitalicd Sir John Ld Ruflcll, brother of the noble order of the Gaiter.” 60. Anns of Blunt, Ac. ui 16 quarters. Starkey of Oulton, Pagenhain, Ac. Alfo the Arms A monumental Inlcription of Mary da' A heir of G. Blennerhaiffet, Elq. wife ofXhos. Culpeper, Ac. 061 . 1587, at. 70,- 61. A letter to Garter from W. Sewyn, about his Pedigree A wife’s Arras. Ac. who was a GolJfmith. Alfo arms of Rich. Fletcher dean of Peterborough, Ac» and of Brooke, Butler, Sanderfoix, Viflers, Ac. K k 6a. Sr. 126 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4119—4201. Num. 4202—.4204 62. b- Sr.Tho. Barrington Kt. his Arms & quarterings. 64 &c. Arms of Bret of Staftbrdfliire, Anger of Carnbiiitge, Payton, Marche, &c. Wingfeild 68. A letter fromW.Wicox,about the E. of ElTeXj&c. 69. Arms of Ravenferoft, &c. 72. &c. Beaumond with quarterings, Powel of florfley in Flint. 75. b. Church notes & arms, with names of perfons but not the places. 84. Armsof Brierton,Harmgton,Unjpton, Boughton, Vaine, Mildemay, Sic. 9 b. Monumental inferiptions upon H. Michell Efq. 1510. 'i'ho. Knarefburgh Efq. 1498. Robert Saunders, &c 1-59. 1. 2. Arms of Bullen, Sec. 114. Alins &: quarterings of Harrington & Seal of Hcnr)’ E. of Pembroke, &ic. 11 Sr. Robt. Cheffer of Royllon in Hertford', Sr. John Parrott, & other arms. 4 ? 02 . 1. A Survey of the Navy, taken 1619, (Seefol. 4) by Royal Authority. xvii. 2. Clonference in Parliament concerning the liberty of the Perfon of every free man. Argued by Sir Dudley Digges, Mr. Littleton, &c. Fairly tranferibed. 4203. John Lidgate's Tranllation of Boccace’s 9 Books of the Fad of Princes. xv. A very clear & well preferved MS. partly on paper, partly on vellum, complete at each end, and in all refpe£ts more perfect than either N'3486 or 4197. At the end is this Colophon. “ Sy fyne le Livre de jolin Boches dcs cas des nobles hommes & femmes, iranflate du latyn cn Francoys par Laurence dii premyer fait. Clerk de ia diofe de Troye, ct fur compile cefte tranflaiion b 25 Jour d’Avril Mil cccc Seix. et ceft alfavoyr le lundy apres pafques che clofes.’' 120. Arms Sc quarterings of Southcotts of Suflblk. 130 . b. Sr. John Knight of Toft in Eflex. 124. C'-at of Ferrers in 50 Quarters. 'Iheii follows a copious alphabetical Index, which has no refci’ence to this MS. 126. Arms Sc quarterings nf Skipwith, Sr. Thos. Leightrii of Shropfhire, Turner of SuObIk, Skerne with 2C quartci-ugs. 127. See. Arms ir quarterings of Newdigate, Hunger- ford, Sutton, Hinde, Zouche, See. Markam & Griffin, Sr. RichjWaynman, Sr. Edward Kiiightley, Ld. Vaulx, Colpeper, &c. 128. Sr. Martyn Calthorp, Ivnight, Lord Mayor, See. G. Vifeount Viilers. 129. b. Arms of Xt Church Oxford, & King's College Camb. 132. &c. Sr- Rowland Clarke Kt. Sr. Thos. Henare. Kt. Sr. Arthur Ballet of Devonfhire, See. 139. Dudley E. ofWarw. in 60 Quarterings. 4200. Statuta Ecclefia: Metropol. S. Petri Ebor. cum Statutis Synodalibus. Cum indice prtefixo. In primo folb fcripium eft, ftylo plumbeo, “ This book is of the hand-writing of Dr. Covell.” Codex chartao.us. XVII. 4201, The Mofaical Laws, reduced into method j by way of Inflitute. XVI. The title in the Book is thus written. “ The Introduction to the Law. r Moral The -< Judaical, and > Lawes CCeremoniall j rExodus I Leviticus I Numbe.'s vDeuteronomie And reduced into Method By wav of Inflitute With the 'evcral Cafes therein depending So as they may be eafily found. And ui derftood 'With all their Rites and Circumftances." A large Paper Book, carefully written; a part of the firft 40 leaves apparently eaten by Rats or htice, the rell very legible, and curious in matter. To the digeft of the Laws is added a hiftory of the fuccelTive Govern¬ ments of Mofes, Jofhua, & the Judges. CoUeCked out of the Bookes of< 4 - 04 « A large, thick folio of 108 loaves, entitled, “ Heraldical & oihcr notes Se fragments.” This rough collection of Arni', Pedigrees, & fome ir.fcriptions fetms, from the har.d wri’ing Sc other evi¬ dence (f. 81.) to h ive been the work of Robi. Brook the Herald. As there is no Inde.x the following principal heads may be found ufeful. I. Contains the Arms & Quarterings of Conflable Ruflele Karl of Bedford, with Quarterings. Another Coat impaling Brydges, Chandos, & other quarters. 2- Pedigree of Brome of Brome, C° Salop. Fines relating to Suflex ; Arms of Bray, See. 3. Arms & quarterings of Townfhend, &c. with Effigies of a man &: woman kneeling, taken from Seade Church in Surrey, 1624. 3. b. Another finall Monument for Thos. Coppinger, 15., 4. Inferiptions, See. relating to Shepey, from Burton's Leic. A Pedigree of Littlcbcrv of Tide, See. with divers Arms. 8. A grant from K. E. to Richard Fenys, Kt. LJ. Dacre, touching Lands, See. in I.ancaihirc. 9. Pedigree of Fowcll, See. with divers Arms, See. 10. Pedigrees of Berkley, Tracy of Toddington, Sec. 12. D" of Woodechurch, Clarke of Wodechuich, &c. 18. D" of Gafeoigne, See. Church notes of Saunders of Charlwood, Blake, & Sr. J.Audiey,Kc. fromSwaJi’ham Market Norff, Horicy Church, Surrey, Sec. 21. Boftel Manor, & Inquilltions rel.uing toYorkIhirc. 22. Pedigree of Needham, Ld. of Stanton, &c. and of Brooke, Sec. 23. Summons of Parliam' & other old Evidence 6 c Extracts relating to the Clifford family, See. 2 3. b. “ A note (or ffiort defeription) nf Ireland taken out of an old Parchment, written t. M. 2.” 25. The arms, quarterings, 6c creft, with the “ Pro¬ vincial K. of Heraukts certificate of the Knighthood, Sc mofl noble defeent & allyanccs of Sr.RalphBofvile Kt.” figned. See. “ W m. Camden, Ciarencieux Kingc of Arms. ” 26. Pedigree of Loj-d CBtford, See. 26. b. A large Coat of Arms 6c quarterings of the Littleton family, See. 27. b. Sketch of a Monument of Philip de Petetoat, Kt. 1361, See. 29. Arms of Sir Brian Clapton, Palmer, Lake, &c. 30. 31. Divers Coats of Arms rudely (ketched, &c. 32. Lord Wotton, Sr. Michaell Sands, Sr. Rowland Haywood, &c. 32. b. Arms in Lichfield Cathedral, Mr. Babington's houle the Cliaticellor of Lichfield, &c. Alfo in the Church Bibliothec® Harlelanse. Num. 4204.. Church of SIii.rboumc, and in Obourne Church near Sherbourne. In the Parlour at Mr Haley’s, &c. 33 b. Various Arms of the family of Graye of Cod- tior, Ruthin, &c. 34. Arms. &c. in Wellbury Church, C" Glouc. of Pyolt, &c. Other Anns & Infcriptions of Walder, Rowley. Brace- bridge, Harcourt, &c. 1515, 14Q6. in Kinfbury Church, Co. Warw. And in the Hall at Kinfbury. Aifo in Henbury Church, Gloced. . . See. 35. b. Sr. Thos. Smith impaling Brydges, Chandos, &c. quarterly. Alfo Howard & Manninge, &c. 37. Arms of the Priory near Bifltopgate, Merton, &c. Sr. i hos Shirley with 24 quartcrings. An extraft from an old book t. IL j. iico. relating to thefaniily of Burdett with the fevcral coats & diftinctions particularly of John Burdett of Gainfborough, Ac. 38. Pedigree of Cooke of Salifbury, Ac. Arms of Cornewaie, Townfeiid, A Vaughan, Ac. 41, Ac. 46. 4 Sondes of Throwleigh in Kent, im¬ paling Finch. I he E. of Arundell with qiiarterings, Ac. Anns, Ac. belonging to the Corporation of Abendon Ac. Berks. Genealogy of IIuKe of Sutton Courteney in Be’ks,Ac. and of the l.oveJc-nsof Lamburne inBerks,Ac. 43. Ac. ArmsofSr.Hcnry Venfine AhisLady,Tho. Whitenhal! of Perkham in Kent, Pedigree of Sandes, Ac. 44. Avery old Monument of Sr.Tho.s. de Lovaine, Ac. Other Arms A Infcriptions, Ac. of theBouchiers, Ac. in LittleEylioii-Chureh, and in Rochfurt Church,ElTex.* 45. Pedigree of Crefacer Ld. of Barouburgh in York* with two rude drawings of figures, Ac. 46. Pedigrees of Cooke ofWormely, Goodere, Pinch- poole of Marndey in ElTrx, Walcron, Ac. 49. b. Pedigree of Argentliam, with a monumental Jnfcripiion in old French fromBaldcck Church in Ilert- fordfhire, Ac. Alfo a Pedigree of I-Iaftine,s, with Arms of Kings offeveral Countries, neatly tricked. 51. Various Crcils of tile family of Booth of Barton, C° Lane. Dunliam-mafley in Chelhire, of Lincolnlhire, Hcrbylhire, Ac. taken out of a Book in the OlFce of Arms. 53. Pcdjgreeof Littleton of Wore. AStalF. Arms of Sr. Chrillopher Hatton, 158S, neatly drawn. 53.4 Pedigree of Gafeoigne of Hamood, C" York. 55. b. “ The Genealogie of the two anticnt families of the i.eighes of Efihall A High Leigh,” Ac. £9. loquilir. A fliort Pedigrees of the Sackvilles. See alfop. 83. A 107. b. 61. b. 62. Ac. Pedigree of Carington & Smith, Ac. with divers Cliurch notes A (ketches of Monuments A Arms, Ac. in South Ilalded Church 1628, relating to the Bouchier family. 68, Av.. Pedigree of Hillvard, Arms of Grifiin,Ac. 74. Arms of Blount, Ac. And an inferiptien for Eliz. Gardener dah of Sr. Edward Onflow, Kt. 8o. York-Herald’s imprifonment A the caufe thereof. See alfo S8 b. 80. lopy of awarrant from the E. of Dorfet to R .4.1 irefwell for the furveying of his lands, Ac. in the ITam rs of Ilimbcrhorne, Sheflidd, Allington, Kingdon, Ac. C" Sudex, 1615. 81. A defeription of a Meffuage, Houfe, A Land, Ac. atReculver in Kerc, 1616: probably by Brooke the Herald, the ruppol'ed CoinpilcT of this Vol. as he was buried at Receiver. (See Duncombe’s Reculver in Bibl. Topog.) Si. b. “A note of the bargains made by CnmmifTion at the Court held in the Welt, 1612. viz. Stoke-Bifliop, Olvelton, WcCibury, Twininge,’ Ac. 82. br. Roger Lewknor of Trotten, C® SufTex, Kt. pafled his Ldates remainder to Sr. Wm. Barcntvne, Ac. Num, 4204—4206. viz. divers Manors in .SulTex, Middlefex, &c. as therein exprefled. T, k'"'' f™"' H. 6. authorizintr Sr. John I n o- V; St. John of Jerufalem, to hold his Manor of Tcmpilgwytj.ng, C," Glouc. This is entered in the Pedigree of Bofviles. (See p. 86. b.) Will of Lawrence Holliday Alderman of London -2Qhhz, about Houfes, Ac. in Cirenceller. 83. Ancient evidences of the family of Sacville, Ac. Arms A quartenngs of Vere Earl of Oxford, Ac. 3.^ ■ Wefton, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 83. A “Ex libro fsodorum Militum in Scaccario loj. 26 b’. I.eye.” 84. Various nore.s of Arms, Ac. badly written, A under- naaih is palled an old print, with the Dimenfions of the Schools at C.imbridge. 86. The Manors, Lord(hip.s, Towns, A Lands w'^ Sr. Geflrey Son of Adam de Dutto.i gave to certain of his gentlemen, Ac. 87, Ac. Defciiption of an old hcafe A efface at Den¬ ham Durclan, like the above noticed at Reculvei-s. f. 81. Arms of Colleges, A Seal of the Chancellor, at Cam¬ bridge. 90. b. A coat of Arms of Sr. John Heath, Knight, from the Church of Wiliianin Hanfordfhire,dated 1354. Pedigree A /Vrms of Engtefield; 91. Arms of Barnard of Abbington, C" North. Of the Harringtons; Anderfon, EiTex, Ac. 92. Ancient Arms, quarterings, Ac. of the Howard family. (See alfo 96. b.) 92. b. Arms of families in Cornwall A Devon. 93, Ac. Rowley Staffordfhire, Levefon Pedigree, and Montague, Ac. 95. Pedigree A Anns ofTumcrof Haveryll in Suffolk. 97. Some account of Sr. Ralph S.idler, with his monumenial infeription, Arms, Ac. A of Sr. Thos. Sadler, Ac. 99. Pedigree of Bulkelcy of Bulkeley in Chefliire, Ac. 102. Pedigree, Arms, A other evidences of Belgrave in Leiceftcrfliire. 132 . b. Monumental Infeription for Thos. Son of John Bury of Bury Hall, C’Lancaft. A Eliz. his wife, dab of Thos. Stafford of Bradficid in Berks, Efq. Ac! 1613. 104. Otlier monumental infeript. A Arms. 107. b. Arms A quarterings of Devereux, Ac. 4205. Piifiures A Arms of Englifli Kings, A ICnights Bannerets. The paintings of the kings in their furcoats of Arms, from Wm. the Conq. to Henry 6ch, with a few verfes deferiptive of the reign o^eachin 8 folios, andapaint- ing of the Conqueror, feemingly landing from a Ship^ Then follow 35 folios of Knights on horfeback lilting, all being in furcoats of Arms. They are arranged according tofeveral Counties, beginning with Suffolk, at 13 with Effex, Ac. 25. Kent. 31. Yorkfliire. Then follow fcveral folios of Knights on foot, in Sur- coats of Arms, each holding a banner of the fame. XV. 4206. Henry the Marquis of Newcaftle, his Book of honour of the Sword, or the Art of Fencing : written with his own hand. xvii. Alargepaper book, with the fignature of theDuke in feveral Places. Journals 128 Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 4207 4225. Num. 4226—4230. 4207, 8 , 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16. Journ 's of the Houlfe of Lords, 25 28 & 55 H. 8. i 23 5 6 & 7 E. 6 : I 2 3 5 & SI’. & M; et 12 J. X. See alfo N'* 4193, & 4194 ' In N’420', jsallb, a Hiflory & Genealogy of the Kings of England, from Egbert to Henry 6. 4-217. An Inventory of the King’s Wardrobe at London, 12 H. 8. A good fized folio of 50 pages, plainly written for that t:me, with this original title palled at the beginning. “ The boke of all the Kyng*s reche fluf reniaignvng in his ftandinge wardrobe of Robes within the towre of London, delivered unto the fure 6 fauf kepynge of Jamys Worffcyc A" R. H. viij.” svi. 4218. ATranflation of the two firflBooks of Bp.Samuel Parker’s Hiftory of his own Times ; being half the Work. The tranflation differs much from that of Newlin, publifhed in 1727. It extends from 1660 to 1675. 4219. I. Hundreda, Civitates, Burgi, A Villtc in Comitatu Norfolk, et Domini eorundem ; 9 Ed. xvii. 2. Villse & Carucaia: in Richmondia; ex libro cen- fuali, vulgo Domefday : nec non pictuia Callri, Sc Re¬ gis W. I. Alano Comiti donantis. 3. Sigilla Nobilium antiqua, in 2 folii?. 4220. An original Record of Fines at theAffizes at Ludlow', from the 14 J. i. to the i j C. i. xvn. 4221. The defeent of the family of the Howards, & alfo of fuch families as are defeended from them. Collefled by Richard Parker, 1615. xvii. A very thick, large folio, having the leaves at top cut in an indented form. 4222. A latge folio of 1 38 pages entitled, Orders & Laws for management of the King’s Mint, of which fee extracls See. in Mr. Ruding’s Hillory. xvi. 4223. A handfome Voluma of 140 leaves, entitled, “ Robert Cooke’s Baronage, with the Armes in colours,” neatly painted, but the accounts of each perfon very concife. See alfo 1104, 1966, 1993, 2154, 2190. xvn. 4224. The Eflabliihment or Lift of Payments for Civil and Military Affairs, for Ireland, a” 16S2. and alfo for Tangier. With the Peiifion Lift of Ireland. A thin paper book, illuminated, & apparently official, xvn. 4225. I, Captain Barth. Valegas, a Spaniard, his Inftruc- tions for failing from Callao to Panama, Sc back. pag. i. XVII. 2. ■ _— -trom Perico to Callao. 22. —— Panama to Peru. 2g. 4.- -Panama to Acapulco. 71. 5.- -Acapulco to California. 105. 6. -Callao of Lima to Chilo. 118. 7 -- -Baldivia to Chilo A Guafo. 144. 8. A Journal of an Englifhman, from Gorgonalflaiid to the City of Batavia in thclflanduf Java. December, 1684. 154. Apaperbook of ;o8 pages, dearly written, & paged at the bottom. 4226. A neat thin Quarto of 57 pages, containing, 1. An Abftract of the Revenue of the Land Tax in thi* feveral Counties Sc Hundreds in England and Wales being an aid of 4s. in the pound granted to K. W. Sf Q. Slary, for carrying on the War againft France, as more fully expreffed in the Title page, to which i.s pre¬ fixed an engraved Scheme of the Proportions the fevtra? Counties paid to the Land Tax, 1693, and to the Sub- fidies, 1697, with the Number of Members then lent to Parliam. Calculated by John Smart at the Town Clerks OlKce, London. At the end is a Table of Counties, Ac. XVIII, 2. The Condition Sc Debt of the Nuvv, 170c. 3. A View of the Ta.xc'^, Funds, Sc Reveuu.s, printed ; viz. total monies voted to Pari, during the War, from 1702 10 1712 inclufive, Ac» 4227.^ Abftrad of the Revenue of the Excife, A.D. 1684. 5. 6. A 7. A thin paper book, having 37 written leaves. 4'2 28. 1. Sr. Fr. Vere’s Account of the Defeat at Tumholt, Sc the Battle of Newport : with a Supplement, by Sir John Ogle. fol. i. xvi/. 2. Sir John Ogle’s Account of Sir. Fr. Vere’s Parley at Oftend. g.' 3. Mr. Lewknor’s Speech in Parliament, againll a Supply. ^ ^ ,5. 4. Orders for exercifing Soldiers. 17, j. The Cales A Ifland Journey: by Sir Francis Vere. ig. 6. Accompts Sc Inftrudions of Mufter-Mafters, A. 1584. Sc 5. 3c. b. 7. An order for the framing of Shot. 31. b. 8. Orders for the L. Lieutenants, 1583. 33, 34. 9. Inftru£lions to Sir John Norris, Ac. 1588. 38. b. 41.46. 10. A Warrant & Lift for payment of the Army, J 559 - . . 40. SZ- 11. Number of Ships in the Realm, A” 15S3. 43 - h. 48. 12. Proceedings of the Fleets, July, 1588. 47. 13. Forces of the Realm, A.D. 1574. 1577. A 1578. 57 - 14. Inftrudlions of Commilfioners from Q. Elizabeth to treat for Peace with Spain. 73. 15. L. Burleigh’s Difeourfe about Q. Elizabeth’s matching with the Arch-Duke of Aullria. 88. 16. Cardinal Sermonetta’s Inftrudlions to his Coufin Petro Caetano, going to the Duke of Parma, 97. A paper book, uniformly written. 4229. A fmall folio of 226 pages, entitled, “ King Charles i. his happv Progrefs A Succeft, from. 30 March to the 23 November, 1644 : related by Sir Edward Walker, Garter King at Armes, A Secretary the of Council of Warr.” With a letter addreffed to his Majefty at the beginning. It chiefly relates to the Weft of England, A begins with the Battle of Aylesford. XVII. 4230. Articles of News, in Italian, from Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Ac. in the years 1591 —1596, Ac. In various hands. Perhaps taken from Italian Gazettes. A paper book of 208 leaves. xvi, 6 Copie> Bibliothecae Harleian^. Kum. 423I_4238. 4231- , Copies of feme Letters of King Charles 1. 164$. xvii. 4232. A folio of 166 pages containing, 1. Copies of Letters from & to Sir Thoma* Parry, AmLalTador in France, 1604. xvii. 2. A letter to the Duke of Lenox ; Sc from his Ma- jefty to the French King, 1604. 144. & 5. Fairly Sc uniformly written. Bound up with 4762. ,4233- Stilus ItaUcus,tfanflatedinto EngUfii Verfe byTho.Rofs. XVII. A fair copy, written on paper, each book feparatciy paged. Prefixed are two dedications to the King, the firit in profe, the i'eccnd in verfe. N,B Th. Rol’s’s Silius Italicus was publifhed by Roy- ernft in 1661, with Sculptures; Sc alfo a continuation, in three books. 4234- , Copies of Letters from the Lords of the Council, 1629. 1638. 9. 40. I. & 2. A thick, paper book, but not more than a fourth ofit filled. The iirms of the Imke of NewcalUe within the Cover. xvij. 4235. & 4.236. Elements of Law, natural & politic: by Tho. Hobbs. Two Copies of the fame work ; which is alfo in this collettion at N" 1325. q. V. Thefe are very fairly tranf- cribed. xvn. Proceifus ad Coronationem C. 2. annorni fui 13. “ Ex- pedit. &examinat.perThomam Agar.Deputat.Henric. Barker Armig. ctici Corona Cur. Cancellar. Anglic.’’ (Vide 411 ®.) fol. 36. xvii. 4238. A middle fized folio, very fairly written on paper, & well_ preferved, in 564 pages. At the top of the ift leafisWanlcy’s date as ufual, “ 8 Nov. i725.”And on the top of the ill Page is the following account of it in Ld. Oxford’s own writing. “ This MS. Hiftory I had tranferibed from a MS. my Ld. Kinnoul lent me; it is compofed by General Drum¬ mond, whofe da’ was married to Thos. Hay after E. of Kinnoul & lather to the prefent Earl.” Then follows the Title thus, “ The Gcnealogic of the mofl: noble & ancient Houfe of Drummond, containing a true account of the original extradions, the offspring & allayes of that family, deduced from the fir/l of that name, an Hungarian Gent. k continued to the prefent age By a friend to Verity & the Family. CoHefted in the year 168 i.” Befides the above, are feveral Mottos both in Latin Sc Englilh. After which is a Dedication & Preface of 8 pages, addreffed toJamcsE.of Perth, Ld.Drummond, i:c. Ihewing from what Sources his Information is derived, viz. the former colleftions & labours of four of the family & name ; more particularly,“ the famous Mr.Wm. Drummond of Hathomden framed a brief relation of the Pedigree of the family, Sc eredled a godiv tree of the ftock, branches, and neareft allayes thereof. But Mr. John Freebarn, Minifter of Maddcrtie, bellowed mofl labour, was fupplied with the beft helps, Sc came nearell to the Point if he had treated on that head only. Semper ego auditor tantum. My Ld. from Cat. H.'Irl. Von. III. 120 Num. 4238—4243. the well founded Relations of all thefe five Men, but more from the Remnants of your own authentic Evi¬ dences, the particular Writs & Charters of fome Cadets of your Houfe, with other hillorical Remarks, Traditions, & MSS. the following narrative is gleaned & fet together,” See. At the Conclufion he thus fub- feribes himfelf, “ My Ld. your mod Humble Servant and mofl alfe^lionate Cufme W. D.” The following are the general Heads of this curious family hiflory, w'hich has no index. 1. “ The Race of the Royal Family of the Stuarts,” &c. 10. 2. “ A Catalogue of the names of the chief heads of the Drummonds fmee their firit coming to Scotland.'* ’ 5 - 3. “ The Genealogie of the mod noble & auncient houfe of Drummond, &c.” 17 10509. 4. “ Of the family of Wigtone.” 510. 5. “ Of Lady Jean Ker, Clountefs of Perth, da’ to Robt. E. of Roxburgh, 8c her father’s family.” 513. 6. “ Of the fam’ly of Hayes of Erroll.” 520. 7. Ofthe Beginning & Succefiion of the Cond -bles ofScotland” 522. 8. “ A Charadie’- of Lady Anna Gordon, fpoufe to James 3d Earl of Perth, who died Lady Drummond, Sc the manner of her Death, written by Tohn Earl of Perth her father-in-law, worthy to be recorded for the Excel¬ lency of the Lady Sc the Writer. At Drummond Cadle.” 529. 9. At the conclufion of the lad article !s a long In- feription to her Memor)’, at the Chapel of Innerpeff’rie, i6j5, 53J. 10. “ Lady Anna Gordon as above, da’ to George Marquis of Huntley, Sc of her father’s family.” 536. 11. “ Concerning James 4th E. of Perth, &c.” 5+3. 12. “ Of Lady Jean Douglas Counteis of Perch, & of the Marquis of D. her father & his family.” 541. 13. “ The mutual Allyances betwixt the Houfes of Douglas Sc Drummond.” (See a full Hidory of the Houfe of Douglas 4601.) 5 i 3 - 14. “ The original Sc Succefiion of the Ruthvens.’* 53 ^" 15- The family of Sinclar E. of Orkney.” 561. 4239. Leges five Statuta . Cantabrigienfis Academite, 1570. Codex memb. elcgans; continenspagg. 50; xvi, 4240.. I. A colleftion of Papers, chiefly relating to Magdalen College in Oxford, with a table of Contents prefixed, 328 pages : but y' Errata Bibliorum Sixti v. are given at page 219. Bound up with other numbers. xvii. 4241. Andotelis Mfetaphyfica, Latinfe. Libri 14, Code.x mem- i_branaceus, optime fervatus. xt».. 4242. 1. THomx Becket, Archiepifeopi Cant. Vita & Mira* cula 3, libris. 2. Si Walfini Miracula ; duo folia. Codex membranaceus. 4243- I. AbHrafl of the Revenues & Eipencesof K. Philip, •iSa. i.b. a. Salaries of the OfEcers of the Crown. 2. 3. Epitaphs. 4, LI 4. About CataIo2;us LlbrorUm MSS. 130, Num. 42I1-3—4256. 4. About Cointijie, Excli;iii;ie, Impofls, &c. 4.b 5. A perruafiun tur all Cunlieiidoin to joyn agaiuft the Turks. _ i:. 6. 'I'oiich’ng the getting tile K. of Sects into Q. Eliza¬ beth’s polTeflion. 17. 7. A Letter to peifuude the K. of Navarre to turn Papift, 19. 8. (’.oncerniiig the detaining of ihePope’s Legate. 22. 9. lultriictions of the Ambafladors feiic to Spain, 1553- . 24. ic. A dircourfe cmcerning the ftare of the Low' Countries, upon the death of the Prince of Orange, 1584- ^ 25- 11. A Letter of iMary Q. of Scots to an Englilh Papill abroad. 27. b. 12. InflrufLiDiiS to Sir Philip Ilnbbie, the Englifh An.baTadour to the Q. Dowager of Hungary, Regent ill tiieLow Countries. 28. *3. Alleg-uon^ againfl the Title of the Q. of Scuts to the Clown of England. 29. 14. A Idalogue about Q. Elizabeth’s Marriage, ij6i. Bv Sr. Thos. .Smith, Knt. 37. 15. Ecclcfiaflical Pulicy of the Church of England ^ 7 - b. 16. Another uifeour'e on the Low Countries. 58. 17. A Dilcourl'e cbout Corporations. 62. 18. An opinion on reducing the Coin of the Realm, by 1 . A. 65. b. ly. Thecaufeef thegreat decay 5 v lofs of the King's revenues, and of all the nobility, Sc the ready remedy to redrefs the fame. 08. 20. A difeourfe on Aids to be given to the King of Prance. 69. A paper book of 71 leaves, written in an uniform hanu. 4 - 44 > 5 ^ 7 ’ 9 ) ^ 5 ^' An -•'■Lblfracl of the State of the Ordnance in the ftveral Forts, A.lL 1673, 1672, 1(169, 1670, & 1641. XVII. 'J lie whole together make but a thin folio of accounts chiefiv, e.vcept that at p. l. of 42^0, is an addrel's, &:c. from the Othcers of the Ordnance, to the Lords 6 c oilier Committees for mwii/.'/ig this Kingdom, & for the Afl’airs oflreland, 4251. The Charge of the Office of Ordnance, a' 1679. A very thin folio ol only 9 pages of writing. 4252. A Journal to the Eaft-Iiidia, in the Ship Unicom, i 658 . A regular Sailor’s journal- NB. This & the three next numbers are bound in one A’olume. 4253- 1. ADialoguebetv.’cenJohn MarfhallScMuddoofcodum Raurre, Brainin, at Callumbufarin Bengali^ 18 March, 1674-5. 14 pages. 2. All Account of Muddoofoodum Raure. p. 110. or rather by him, from a Hindoo Book, on the Creation. 4254 & 4255. John hlarihall’s hlemoranda concerning F.alf India, from ii Sept. 16S8 to i Jan. 1671-2. Two book', marked A & B. Tlie firft 65 pages, with 22 pages at the other end. 'I'he fecond 57 pages, the matter apparently curious. ' 4256- A book written by the fame John Marfhall, and giving an Account of the fame book, which is mentioned Num. 4256—4264* N’’4253. 3. That indeed contains only a part of this, which is here calUd the" Braniins Poran, and is extended by J. Marfhall to five Books, marked A. B. C. D. E. xvit. 4257- A fmail folio entitled “ A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, Officers of the Crown & their Salaries, viz. The Admiraltye, the Armorye, & y' Minte, His Ma“'* towns of War, Caflles, Kings Houles, & Parks, a* 1618” This is in the fame writing as 1857,& 184S, and was given by Abraham Wallis to Sr- Xtopher Hilliard, 5 : to the Harl. Library by John Beaumont M. D. having a loul'e paper of his at the end. xvij. 4258. The Steward's account, given in to the Earl of Bath j from the t^ih January 1622, to the 13th of Oftober 1604: in feparate weekly accounts, for the whole time ; and figned at the end of each year, JV.Baihon. A paper book : bound up with N" 127. xvii. A handfoiiK’quarto of 77 pages. 4259- The Arms ef the Howards, &: their Defeendants, beautifully painted on Vellum, with a fhortaccount of erch family underneath, ik an bidex at the End. Aifo 8 ihull pages of Eliifory at the beginning. xvit. 4260. The Life of the Virgin Mary in verfe, in 6 Books: by John Lydgate. Written <«i Paper5 & perfeft, accord-' ing to our bell Copy, which is N* 3862. xv. 4261. An Argument upon the Queflion of [mpofitions, without coiilcnt of I’arliament: by Sir John Davies, one of tile Kings Couiuilin Ireland. xvn. A paper book, bound up with N" Sj2, & feveral more. 4:62. Diurnal Occurrences in Parliament, from the 12th of Novr. 1640. to the 17 of April, 1641. xviu A paper book, fairly written. 4263. 1. An extract out of the Parliament Records of Ed. t. 2. --out of Natura Brevium. 3. —- of the hillory of the Council of Trent. 4 A petition to the Lords of the Admiralty againll a Monfr. Reymer. 5. Numbers of the Lords attending Parliament, fuc- celTivcly from 49 H. 3. to 32 E. 3. 6. An ExtraCE out of Ulher’s Annals. A paper book. At the beginning is written, by Mr. Wacley,“ One ofWoodinan’s fix curious MSS.’’which fix appear to be here collecled. 4264. Materia! tranfa£lions in Pari, from the year 1623 to the end of the Parliament of 1628. The whole title in the Book runs thus. “ A Bookc conteyniug the whole paffages of the lad Parliament, ending icth of March 1628, with other materiall paifages ihai happened from the yeare 1623, to theendof the Pari, in 1628. The heads whereof are fpecified in the enl'uing Table.” The table is ample, 6 ( refers to the pages, which extend to 514 } neatly written on paper. .xvii. i. i\Ir. Bibliothecas Har'eknEe. lit Num. 4265—4272. 425 !. MriTottlc’s Notes concernin;^ Suits in Clif.Tirei-y._ 2. Lord F-llefmcre’s Obfervations upon the Statute of Magna Charta, Chap. 29, concerning jjroceedings in Chancery, *615. Geo. Norburie of tlie Abufes in Chancery, Sc Re¬ medies, prefented to the Lord Keeper. A Paper Book, fairly written. 4.266. A Ple.t at the B ir of the IToiife of Lords, agalnfl Sh'p Money, 165 pp. fairly written. The book belonged to the Duke of Newcaftle. xvii. 4267. The F.arl of Briftol’s Trial S; Defence before the Iloufe of Lords ; together with Letters & Speeches thereupon. This alfo has the Duke of NewcallL’s Arms. 426S. r. Tlie Cafe of Arms between John Lord Lovell Sc 'Hiomas Lord Morley, a° 1395. xvii. 2. txtraft from the Hiflory of the Netherlands, 1600. 3. Sir. Tho. Dalffon's Plea in the Houfe of Lords againil the Lord 'i reafiii'cr, tlic F.. crf iMiddldex ; together vilh other proceedings againit him in confequence thereof. 4. Report cf the Conference of the two Tloufes of Par- liament. 1628. about the Subjcdl’s freedom from Im- prifonment; with Sr. Dudley Digges’s Speech. 5. A fragment of proceedings relative to the Duke of Buckingham ; on a fingle leaf. . 7. 8 Two writs for calling parliaments ; N” 7. in the fecond, and N " 8 in the tirlf year of the reign of Charles lit. figned Ldmuiids. 4269. A thin quarto, containing, 1. Fragments of Heraldic matters, with a few flrort Pedigrees, viz. of KUigrmiU, Hopwood of Hop- wood, Eh]-, Whitmore of h'ladelcy, Staff. Alton of Aldeiihani, Bagcnhall of Bagenhall, &c. The p'riiicipal coats of Arms are Vaux in 14 quarters, Peneilon with 6 quarters, Sc crells drawn round the fliield, Ld.Daveres, Earl ot Danby, Ld. Meumtjoy of 'I'luucalton C Derby, Vife. Purbeck, Stanley \vith 24 quarterings j Talbot E. cf Alirewlbury, i^c. xvji. 2. A ihort difeourfe about Fundamentals in the Church. This feems to be by Dr.Twyffe. 4 27 O. A narrow, thin folio containing. Arms of Knights, 95 * 36. “ De la Science politique.” 20^. 37. “ D’un fils qui arme contre fon Pere.” 205. 38. “ Si le Cadet doibt eftreprefere a I’Aifn^.” 210. 39. “ En quel cas les Loix civiles puniflent la penfee.” 213. 40. “ Des religicuxet religieufes.” 217. P p “Des 1^.6 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4437, 4438. 41. “ Des conjectures.” 225. 42. “ Du Sortilege.” 229. 43 - “ De Pexpofition des enfans.” 234- 44. “ De I’Adultere.” 24s. 45 - De la torture, du crime de faux, du peculat, du rapt. du larcin.” 247. 46. “ Des crimes en general; des peines, des denon- ciations, de la contumacc.” 267. 47. “ • Du Parricide.” 287. 48. “ ■ De I’homicide.” 293*, 49. “ ' De la bonne intelligence quI a cydevant regne entre la France, et Angleterre.’* 297. 50. “ Des hominages.” 301* 51. “ De la convocation des Eftats aTours.” 307. 32. “ Du crime de fauce-monoie.” 311. 53. “ Les eft'efts de la necelfitc du temps.'* 321. 54. “ Du peculat.” 323. 35. “ De i’ele^Hon des Roys de Pologne.” 331. 56. “ De prerogatives et preeminences de la France fur I’Angleterre.” 342. 57. “ De TAuthorite des Evefques fur les raaifons rcligieufes.” 357. 58. “ Si les Papes ont droit de reprendrc fur le tem- porel des Princes.” 366. 50. “Probleme ft le drolft Remain doibt eftre receu cn France.” 378. 60. “ Si le bien de Pegllfepeut eftre alienc.’ ' 39 «- 6i. “ Si les evefques font obliges de refider dans leurs diocefes. ” 399 - t 2 . “ Dc Pexcommunication.” 405* 63. “ Si la promotion au cardinalat fait ouverturc a la regale.” 420. 64. “ Que la lecture eft utile a tous. 426. 65- “ Fin de la guerre du bien public.” 42S. 66 . “ De la difllmulation.” 430- 67. “ De la complaifance.” 432- 68. » Des medicins.” 434 * 69. “ Des Aftrologues.” 438- 70. “ Du Parjure.” 442. 71. “ De I’origine des Cardinaux.” 446. 72. “ ■ Pourquoy Tyberc prolongoit Ic temps des magirtratures, et des gouvememens. 454 - 73 - “ Si la gayete eft nccefiaire a Pefpnt. 458. 74 - “ ■ Queftions cxtraites du decret de Gratian. 464. 75 - “ ' De Pancienne elcdion des evefques.” 470. 76. “ ■ De la crime de leze-majefle humaine.’ ; 477 - 77. “ • Une harangue.” 491. with fome : imperfed articles. This Volume is apparently tranferibed throughout in one hand, but from what original is not clear. 4+38. A large volume written on paper, containing matters not much related, & confufed in the binding. In French, Italian, & Latin. On one of the outer leaves is written, “ pieces fur diverfes matieres with a memorandum fubjoined, “ a faire une table.” 1. Fourteen leaves, not included in the old paging, containing various theological difcuITions in French. They feetn imperfect, & are written in various hands. At foi VII. is one entitled “ de I’Euchariflie.” On the outiidethey are marked “ Concionabilia.” 2. Sermons on all the feftivals of the year, from fol. i. to 317 inch and continued at fol. 512 to the beginning of N' 4. where the theological matters terminate ab- niptly. 3. “ Paratitla, five feries omnium titulorum Decreto- rum feu Pandeftarum, in feptem partes divifa.” From foI.3i7* to jio inch This, however, is only a tran- feript of N“ 4, & has fuftered many traafpofiiions, which are marked by fome former poffeilbr at the bottom of the pages. It appears imperfeft. Num. 4438, 4439. 4. The fame traft, entitled “ Paratitla ;** apparently complete, but disfigured by many tranl'pofitions, which however might be fet right, by means of the catch word which is placed at the bottom of each leaf. The leaves of this part not numbered. An account of the contents, Sc fome of the tranfpo- fiiions is written at the beginning, in French. ■4439* Another volume of the Seguier colledtion. At the be¬ ginning is written, “ Memoires tres corefls et tres curieux,” and fubjoined, “ a relier et ii faire une table.” The table has accordingly been made, Sc is very copious. The Catalogue here fubjoined is taken partly from that table of Contents, and partly from the titles of the pieces themfelves, where they appeared more fatisfactory. 1. “ Traite de confederation et Alliance de Jacques Roy de la Grande Bretagne avec aucuns Elefteurs et Princes d’Allemagne, pour la confervation des duchesde juliers, Cleves, Berg, et autres Selgneuries. A Wefel I’an 1612. le 28 Mars.” 2. “ Propofition de la part de I’Empereur Mathias aux Etats Generaux de I’empire d'Allcmagne a Ratilbonnc. L’an 1613, Lei3Mars.” 4. 3. “ Ti-aidte du Roy avec TElecleur de Treves, pour la protection de I’archevefche de Treves, et le deport, entre les mains de fa Ma'' des ferts de Hermcnrtcin, et de Philiplbourgh, jufque a ce qu’il y ayt traite de paix finalle cn Allemagne; a Hermenrtein Fan 1632. le 9 Avril.” 10. 4. “ Articles convenus et accordcs entre S. A. fere- niffime de Treves, ct S. E. Mouf. le Marquis de Chau- mont. Lieutenant general pour S. M. en fon pais de Provence, et en fes ariuces d’AIlemagne, pays Meflin, et Champagne.” ii.b. 5. “ Proteftatio et petitio Domini Archiepifeopi Tre- riren. Principis, Eleftoris, pro fe, Capitulo, et Archi- diocefi fu&, et toto Romano Inipcrio, ad Duos Legates et ablegatos Ma*'* Chriftianillima:.” iz. b. 6. “ Renouvellement de Confederation et alliance entre Louis 13 Roy de France, de le Roiaume de France d’un part, et Chrirtine Reine de Suede, et de Royaume de Suede d’autre part, pour le recouvrement de la libcitc des princes et ellates d’Allemagne. A Heilbron Pan 1633-le 9 Avril.” ^ 14. 7. “ Extrait du Traite de Confederation et Alliance de Chrirtine Reyne de Suede et de la couronne de Suede, avec les Etats Evangeliques des cercles, et Provinces des Eleflorats du Rhin, deFranconie, Sueve, et de la haute Province du Rhin, centre Perapereur Ferdinand II. le Due de Baviere, et autres Princes et etats de la Ligue Cath. Conformement a Pavis et exhortation du Roy? A Heilbron Pan 1623. ^3 Avril.” 16. b. 8. “ La confpiration du due de Fridland centre fa Majeftc imperiale de Vienne en Autriche le 4 Mars 1634.” In the margin, “ Relation de la mort de Valllein envoye de la part du S' de S' JuUen qui eftoit tant en fes bonnes graces.” jg. b, 9. “ Lettres du due de Saxe, et du Roy de Dannemark au Chancelier Oxenfiiern, et i Palfeinblee de Fraucfbrt teniie en Avril 1634.” si.b. 10. “ Lettres de PEmpereiir Ferdinand II. au due Charles de Lorraine du 17 Odlobre 1633.” 23. b. 11. “ Propofition faire en Paffcmblce teniie a Frank¬ fort, enMars et Avril 1634.” 12. Ce que les Deputes dePEIefteur de Saxeont remon- tre le 3 May dernier, a PAflemblec des princes et Etats Evangeliques d’Allemaync qui fe tient a Frankfort.” 28. 13. Harangue de M. L’Ambafladeur de France, cn la diteaffemblce, pourexhorter les princes et Etats pro- teftansavec Union generals'.” 1639* *" 18. 14. “ Lettre Bibliothecas Harleianae. ^47 Num. 4439. 14. “ Lcttre de I’Etnpereur 4 fon Ambafladeni' a Rome, pour reprefenter au Pape, que le Traits de paci¬ fication pour la Religion avec I’Eledleur de Saxe, fait 4 Praguel’an 16^5 3 May, eft a I’avantagede la Religion Catholique. Et que s’il n’a obtenu qudlque chofe de plus il en a efte empcche par le Roy de France, joint le peu d’affiftance qu’il a eu de fa Saintete. A Baden en Autriche Pan 1635 le 8 Juin.” ^6. b. 15. “ Lettera dell' A. G. C. B. fopra li prefenti di Guerra, dopo lamorte del Re di Suecia.” 41. 16. “ Lettres du Roy et de la Reyne fa mere, a Mon- Ceur d’Abain Sr. de la Rochepofay, leur Amba/Tadeur 4 Rome, depuis Pan 1576, jufques a Pan 1380. Vol. i. CiOIOCXXX.” Prefixed is a Latin harangue by Muretus, with this French title, “ Harangue d’obedicnce ftiifte par M. An- thoine Muret.” This tranfeript, which is. very fair, terminates abruptly at 99. b. 17. “ 11 Difinganno. Rifpofta a Don Diego de Aedo, e Gagliarte di Tofeia Modcro Generofe. Si manifefta la Verita de’ Complimenti feguiti tra PSerenftlimo Car¬ dinal Infante Don Ferdinandu D’Auftrla, E'l Serenillimo Duce, et F.xccllentiffiini Senator!, e procuratori della fereniflima Republica deGenova. InTorino,MDcxxxvu.” 102. ^18. “ Lettera fcr.rta A. S. M. Cefarea dal marefcial d’ carnpo, Sig. conte Picolomini, fopra la vittoria da lui ottenuta eontro Pefercito Francefe fotto Thionville. Li fette Guigno, 1639.” 118. 19. “ Difeorfo fopre il manifefto t lettera fuppofta e finta, che va intoino in nome del Rc chriftianiiTImo, feritta al Duea de Mont-bafon, Governatore et Luogote- nenle de Paris e PTlle (fic) de Francia. Per Monfignore n. Legato di. 11. inritato dalP emineutiflimo e revereiidiff. Signore Cardinale n. Slampato in S. Marino con licenza del Senate. Anno 1635.” 124. 20. “ Memoires concemant la Savoye, pendant kg annees 1608, 1609, 1610, eti6ii,&c.” 180. 2T. “Des Eftatset Empire du Turc.” 228. 22. “ Memoires hiftoriques et Geographiqnes.” 243. 23. “ Diverfes pieces d’eftats concemans le Governe- ment de Henry 2. Francois 2. et Charles g. pluficurs defquelles ont efte tirees fur les Originaulz.”_marked below, on the page, “ Vol. 86 . A ”—The particulars of many of thefe papers are fpecified in the table of contents hut not of all; they arc now however numbered on in the book, fofaras theycorrefpond with that t ible of contents, but not further ; namely, from tlus number 23, to 52 inclufive. 262—38S. 53. “ Difeorfo intorno 4 quello che potra fuccedere nella prefente gnerra in Italia, fra Plngegnero Molina, Francefe, et il Sigr. Proveditor Generalc iii Terra (inna j)or la Republica di Venetia 1625. Dialogo tra PEccel- It.ntilTi"’®. Proveditor e II Sigr. Gafparo Molina Ingegnero famofs'"" Francefe.” ^go. 54. “ Ballo de’ Principi d’Europa, dialogato tra Paf- quino e’ Marforlo.” 4*6. 55. “ Relatione Efattis-n* di tutte le Rendlte ordinarie cavate da tutte !c Citta e Caftella della Rep'* di Venetia fatta del 1621 Mayo. Ove fi raconta fopra quali Gabelle fiano fondate, et quanto ft paghi per ogna Gabelia.” 429- 56. Sommario de’ CapitoU li quali furono giurati per li Cardinale in Conclave, dopo la morte di Grego¬ rio XV. e da effer ancorgiui'ati dopo per il Pontefice che fera elctto. Che fi habbia da confervare la pace tr 4 li Prencipi Chriftiani, per aiuto all’ Imperat' nelle prefente g^'^rra.” 4^5. The ftate papers included between pages 262 and 388 may deferve a minute axarrunation from any perfon oc- supied ia French Hiftory. Num. 44.40, 4441. 4^40. Another volume of the fame colleflion. This volume has a table prefixed, in the fame hand as the former, ’ but, from what reafon is uncertain, the firft articles here mentioned are totally unnoticed. 1. A Letter in Italian, fairly tranferibed, from Paulo Sadoleto, to Cardynal Bellayo, dated Carpentras 14 July 1620. 2. Lettre eferitte dc Bruxelles le dernier Janvier, 1632.” 3. “ Des Flateurs, medifans,” &c. 4. “ Table d’Angleterre.” 5. '‘ Table des extraicls deplufieurs pieces concemant le marriage d’Angleterre, es annecs 1624 et 1625.” This feems to refer to the article following, but is written very obfeurely. 6. “ Extraifls de pluficurs Adles, Lettres, Inftruc- tions, et memoires concemant le mariage d’Angl. es annees, 16246! 1625.” 1 his is the firft article noticed* in the table prefixed, which afterwards is followed, but a general paging is much required. _ 7. Extraits de la negotiation du Marquis de Blain- ville en Angleterre, es annees 16246! 25. preftce par Monf. Dupuy.” 8. “ Extraifts du 402 Volume touchant I’affaire de la Valteline, qui eft la Negotiation du Marefchal de Bafompierre en Efpagne.” At the end is a copious table, but written very obfeurely. 9. “Memoire touchant les evefehes de Metz, Thoul, Verdun, Abbaye de Gorze, et de St. Arnoul, de Metz, et contenant auffi quelques particularites de la Lorraine.” 10. “ Relation de la Lorraine.” 11. A copious table, referring apparently to ihefub- fequent collcdlions, & entitled, “ Table des principales chofes contenues dans les extraits que j’ay fait de plu- fieurs volumes manuferipts, touchant les affaires de la Lorraine.” 12. “ Extrait du Volume 204 de Monfieur duPuy, touchant les affaires de la Lorraine.” 13. “Extraits du Vol. 206 Volume du Monf. du Puy, touchant Neufchaftel en Lorraine, Bar, Barrois, et Commery.” 14. Extraits du Vol. 209, touchant les affaires de Lorraine, prefte par Monf. du Puy.” 15. “ Extraits des Regiftres du Parlement, du Mcr. credi jSepf' 1601.” 46. “ Relatiou de cc qui s'eft paffe touchant le traifte fai6: avec Monfieiir le Due de Lorraine I’an 1622. nnur le depoft de Nancy.” 17. “ Lettres patentes de Charles Due de Lorraine 4 tousfesfujetz leur faifant defences de recognoiftre les Juges du Parlement de Metz, ou autres Commiffaires de la part du Roy de France, ni de deferer a leurs ordonnances.” 18. “ Declaration du Roy, centre le Due de Lorraine.’ ’ 19. “ Autre declaration du Roy centre le mcme due.” 4441. From the fame colletftion. The table prefixed to this volume enumerates the articles contained, without referring to the pages, according to this notice; “ Cette table fe compte par les memoires, et non par les feuillets.’’ I. “L’idee du Politique tres chreftien, au Roy ires Chreftien.” On the firft leaf is written, “ C’eft a I’ad- vantage du Cardinal Armand de Richelieu,” whom in fea it mentions at the end, as the example of the pre- - i.... li-uu witn tnat which appears in thofe patches of the Count de bnenne which he has only lipned, it app that It 18 the handot hi5Seoretary{fee particubrlyin N'’ 4,-4c ) I it will appear that thefe, as well as the numbers foliowinz, to 4- wereoriginahy coUeaed by M. deDrienne, & came afterwaid theCbanc. Seguier. Il cepts 148 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4+41—44+4- Cepts laid down. This alfo is prelixed, “ Cet Ouvrage a cde leu ct approuve des Dofteurs que Monfieur le Chanceiier a commis a la Cenfure des Livres.” It is very fairly tranfcribed, & contains 103 Chapters, befkdes an addrefs, “ au Lefleur.” 2. 'J he fecond book of a Poem in Latin Hexameters entitled, “ Hercules Gallicus." A dedication in French is prefixed, addrelied to the Queen Regent, &: figned MafTol. In the Catalogue of the printed books in the French King’s Library he is called MaJJhlizus, & it there appears that thework was printed in 1642 & 3, and that a fifth book entitled “ Gravelinga” was added in 1647. 3. “ Extrait des Politiques d’Ariftote; imperfect;, ex¬ tending only to Cii. 3. of Book 3. out of eight books. 4. “ Des Ceremonies de la MelTe folemneU felon les rubriques du Mifl’el Roinain.” 5. Treatifes on Virtues &' Vices, in Latin, of which the fiiilowmg account is given in the 1 able prefixed. “ Des vertues et des Crimes, felon que I’on les doit con* fiderer pour fon Salut, avec les reflexions des Peres et aulres grands homines, pour iaire voir la beautd des unes, etladilFormitc des autres CcsTraitcs regardent par- ticulieremcm la maniere de fe confefler.” They arc very fairly tranfcribed, and contain fome difquifitions purely theological, in detached pieces. 0 . “ Delfein perpetuel des Efpagnols a la Monarchie iiniverfelle, avec les preuves d’iceluy; mdc.xxiv.’ Ihe table of contents, copying the fecond title of the piece, fays, ou Progresdes conqueftes du Roy d’Efpagne et maifon Autriche en Alleraagne, Suiffes, Grifons, Italic, ct frontieres de la France, depuis la mort de Henr)’ IV.” 7. “ De antiquitate civitatis Tornacenfis (Tournay.) Annnymus Canonicus Tornacenfis. Ex bibliotheca Beiie- didorum S. Martini Toriiaci Nerviorum.” Ad^ftnem funt, “ Epicedia veterum in Obitum B. Gofvini.’ 8. “ Les faulTes demarches'de la France fur la Negotia¬ tion de la paix.” The table of contents adds, “ Difeours fait apres la Prife de laFranche Comte. 4442. “ Lettres de divers Officiers a le Chanceiier Seguier, depuis i6jg jufq’a 1661.” Thefe are the original Letters, docketted & placed in order. A very curious collection to a French Hiltorian. 4-44'3* ^ .11 “ Negociation de MonfieurArnauld, Abbe de St.Nicholas, Envoye du Roy de France a Rome, depuis Ic 29' De- cembre 1645 13'May 164s.” A trad uniformly & fairly written. One of the books marked Le Comte. 4444. A book faiily written, in 309 pages. Prefixed is an “ Epiftre au Roy” pag. I. &c. figned B. It ts in two parts, & the principal Contents are as follows. Premiere paitie. 1. Memoire fur les liafons de la France avec la Hollande a caufe du Commerce. 5 - 2. De I’originc de la venalite des charges de Judica* lure, et de Finance. J 9 * ' De rorigine desbiens d’Eghfe, et de leur ufage. 29. 4. Des Droits et pretenfions de la Gourde Rome. 65. 5. De I’union infeparable des Interefts du Roy avec ceuxde fes Sujets. ^ 5 * 6. Des Interefis de la France a I’efgard des Eltats de FEurope. 97 * Seconde Partie. 7. Projet, pour foutenir la guerre avec les feuls reve- nus du Roy. ^ 33 ' S. Des Confcils particuliers. ^ 7 ^' Num. 4444—444^J* 9. Dc rorigine des Pavlements, et de leur pouvoiV, regie par les Ordonnances. 177, 10. Des Confervateurs des Hypotheques pour les immeubles. 204. 11. Pour affifter les pauvres. 212. 12. De I’exitlence de Dieu, I’immortalite de I’Ame, Verite de la Religion, & croiance des Chrefliens. 126, See. 13. Memoire fur I’eftat de France, Fan 1699. 294. 14. - ■ ■ ■ pour la conduitte des Armees, 1702- 308^ N.B. This i$ bound up with N‘3381. 4-445* A book, marked Le Comte, containing various French tracts. 1. •* Confultation fur la renonciation de la Reine Marie Therefea le Couronne d’Efpagne, le cas arrivant. par J. Doujjt.” xvii. 2. “ Dcfcnfe de droits de la Reine Marie Therefe fur fcpi Provinces des Pais Ba.s. Pour fervir dc Refponfe a un Traitte Latin intitule, * Deduftio ex qua probatur clariflimis arguinentis non elfe jus Devolutionis inDucatu Brabantiaj,’ &c. Par Jean Doujat, Advocat au Parle- ment, Docleur Regent, et premier Profeffeur du Rov en Droit en I’univerfite de Paris, Hifioriographe de fa Majefle.”—137 Pages with a table of contents, 3. Another tract on the fame fubject, by the fame Author. An abridgement of the former j “ Traitte abregd des droits de la Reyne, &c.” 4. “ Queftion de Droit, fi te Roy a pu trailer de la Lorraine avec le Due Charles; par J. Doujat.” 5. Inventaire des MSS. de la Bibiioiheque de la Chanceiier Seguier.” This is obfcurely written, but may throw a light on that Collection. 6. Obfervations generales pour la reformation du Clerge.” 7. “ Sur les Articles duClergee, prefentes Fan 1666.” 8. “ De la puiffance du Roy dans les chofes Eccle- fiaftiques. Sur les article? prefentes par le Clerge en Janvier 1666.” This alfo appears to be by Doujat, & is in four Parrs, i. Dc Fonftion des Rois. 2. De quelle maniere font juges les Evefques. 3. Si le Roy peut on drok reprendre a foy la nomination de qiielques Abbayes regulieres. 4. De la reformation de la Jultice, See. 9. “ Des crimes.” An abridgement of the general law on Crimes *, apparently by Doujat. 4446. One of the Books marked Lecomte. A Colleflion of imperfed trads relating to Natural Philofophy 5 c Chemtftry. In French. xvii. 1. A difeuflion on Philofophical topics, butimperfed, both at the beginning & end. 2. In a very different hand; “ Suitte de la connoif- fance de Nature et des melanges.” 3. A trad on Natural Philofophy, beginning at p. 7. and extended to 366, with fome intermediate chafms. 4. “ Diverfes experiences de Monf. de la Violette, dit Queicetan, touchant la medicine,cnfemble plufieurs com¬ munications qui luy ont eflc faittes dc divers grandes perfonnages.” 5. Two leaves: the firft an unconneded fragment, the fecond an analyfis of the firft Chapter of Genefis, entitled, “ Portes d’Intelligence.” It is thus managed, “ i. Dieu, 2. au commencement, 3. crea, 4. le ciel, 5. la terre, 6. la terre efloit fans forme, 7. vuide, 8. L’cfprit de Dieu eftoit efpandu fur les eaux,” See. extended in this way to 50 articles. “ Plaids Bibliothecse Harleianse, i.;9 Num. 4447—4449, '4*4-4-7 ■ ‘‘Pkidcde Maiftre Clement Vaillant advoCat en parle- nient, centre maiftre Jehan Leroy, Confeilier au parle- ment.” I'airly written on Paper. Marked Lccointe. 4448. Collcfliones Juridicte, ab Augufto Galland, anno zctatis 17. A.D. i6ai”. They are very mifcellaneous ; partly written in French, & partly in Latin. [4449—4472. Folio.'] ■ 4449 ’ A large volume of papers, evidently belonging to the Seguier collection, & indexed by the fame hand in which the tables are drawn up to N'' 4436 et feqq. 1. “ B die d’Alexandre 3, Tan 1170, qui confirrac a I’eglife d’Angres divers pi ivileges : a qui les Lvefques confentent.” 2. “ Acte par la quelle la Comleflc Adelaide filic du Marquis Manl'rede denne la meilieuve partic de fes biens au Monallere de S" Marie du St. Veram.” 3. *' Cenlure centre le livre iutituk Optatu Callus, Tan 1640.” A printed paper, the title only written. 4. “ F.piflola circularis, &c. CardinaliuniParil'iis degen- tiuin, de libcrtate Ecclcfi^ Gallicdiite.” 5. “In S. PauliEpiltolaiiindRomanos, Comnicntarius brevis.” 6. “ L’eftat du Revenu de TEglife Gallicane.” 7. “ De judicio adverfus Epifeopos dclinqucntes per- agendo.” 8. “ Privileges en faveur des Ordres mendians, Tan 1655.” 9. “ Lettres originales du Roy 11 . 4' et de M' le Prince i\ le Baron des Flers, pour I’attacher a leurs In- tereds.” I'hefe letters agree exa£tly, in the hand writing, with thofe found at the deftruttio i of the Baftille, which are now among the added books, in the Britilh Mufeum, N" 547 ,T 10. “ De Capitulo: h quo pa£to quifq; in eo fe gcrere debeat.” With a Letter from Rob. Conftaiuine, D‘' of the Sorbonwe. I . “ Leicre du Roy C. S. su Chapitre de Sr.Vincent de Chafton furSaone, pour avoir la I'rcbend, cn faveur de Ton entree eii la dite vllle, au profit du Pierre RouITet, Pan 1494.” i 2. “ Avis de L’archevefque de Lyon a M' de Guife, pour fe maintenir en auctorite a la Cour. 158S.” I 3. “ Letcre d’un evefque de Rennes a I’Kvefque de St. Briuc, Pan 1589, upres la Mort du Roy H. 3. et centre lui,” 14. “-de M'^ le Due de Mene au Pape, contvc le Roy de Navarre, 1590.” 15. “ Aucuns denombremens fournis au Roy par Jaques de Lamp Religieux, de la terre de Buzieres, 1613.” 16. “ Difeours morald’unhomme qui fe retira a Douay." 17 “ Plufieurs piece.s concernant la liguc, pendant les annees 1591, 2, & 3.” I 8. “ Aftes de PalTcmblee dcs Eglifes_^reformees de France, Pan 1611 : avec les RemoalLvaaois du Due de Sully.” 19. “ Relation du Sr. de Zantale miniftre de France, touchant ce qui s’efl jouc a Saujmur le 29 Julii iGt 1.” 20. “Dilferend arrive apres la movtde Henry 4' entre le Roy et les Archiducs, parce qu’ils uferent en eferivant a fa majefte dcs termes moins rcfpcdlueu.x qu’a Por- d naire.” 21. “ Lettre duClement 8, a la focur unique du Roy, 1600, a quitter la R. P. R.” ^ C.iT. il.CRL. VoL. III. Num. 4449. 22. “ Iraltie fait entre leRoy d’Efpagnc S; IcDuc de Rohan, 1629.” 23. “ Meinoirepour la reforme de Pordre deCifleaux, 1643.” ^ 4 - “ Apotrepiicus, adverfus Optati Gall! fe caverdo fchiimate, ad illuftriflimos ac Reverendifliinos Ecclefljc Gallicana: Primates, Archiepifeopos, Epifeopos, Paraine- ticum,” A traft in Latin, fairly tranferibed. 25. “ Lettre de M. deMarca a M. lc(’ardinal d’Elfe, fur la dHIjculte que Pon faifoit en cour de Rome de luy accorder les Builes de PArchevefchc deTh ilofe, a caufe du livre qu’il avoit fait imprimer, touchant les niatiercsEc- clefialliques, 27 Mars, 1647.” 26. De poreftate confecrandi & facrilicandi Sacer- doium novai Legis, deq; ui'urjjanda Cominunione, Dia- triba; in quil dilllrtatio anonymi cujufdam expenditur, qui poteftatem ilium ad omnes Chriltiaiuis extendit.” ij. “ Articles concernants la Religion, prcieiitcs au Roy 1670.” 28. “ Seconde Bulle du Urbain 8, plus cnntralre aux droits du Roy que la premiere ; 1C4I.” printed. 29. “ Lettres de M. le Nonce, de la Jurifditlioii du Pape.” 30. “ Dccrct de la Sorbonne fur les propofitions de Janfenius, 16.14.” 31. “ LesTitres de P. 4 bbaye de S. Germain des prez.” 32. “ Traitc fuccincl de Pordre des jugemcris Eccle- fialtiques.” 33- “ Memoires du College de Navarre, touchant Pad- minillration du College de Boncourt.” 34 - “ Ex Epillula Pii V. Paps, feripui Gabrieli a Cueva, dud de Albuquerque, in flatu M.diolimenfi locum tenenti Regis, Ciarulum Boi'omamm Cardiiul.m Med® Epifcopum in Cnufa EcclefiaRica; jurifdictionis defendit, duceinque ut Eccleliain iila;lam elfe vcli. hor- tatur.” 35. “ Difeours au Pape, pour porter fa Saintete a agrecr la Villc de Tours, que Pon avoit choilicpour le lieu de ralTemblee qui devoitjuger le Cardinal d’Angers et PEvefquc dc Verdun ; et a truuver bon. que prnni les juges ecclefialliques il y tn allillat auHi quelqu’ uns laiques dc la part de fa majcRc.” 36. “ Cb'ervations fur lesUrdonnances des Roys tou- chant Peltat Ecclefiaftique, 1543.” 37. “ Raifons pour faire voir que la Provence et Ic Comtat d’Avignon et deVcnclTm font diflerens du re.Re du Royaume pour la fait des benefices.” 38. “ Mcraoire de Paffaire du Jaufenifme.” 39. “ Dilcours ou fragment de declaration du Roy fur Ic fujet de la llgnature du formulaire, et du mande! ment de Mdf. les grands Vicaires de Paris.” 40. “ Meraoire (autre) de Paffaire du Janfenifme depuis Panne 1638.” 41. “ Raifons des Arrets rendus par fa MajeflG, Pun du 3ode Juillct 1665, &c.” 42. “ Declaration du Roy, enregilfree au grand Confcil, pour I’execution des builes U’fnnocent \ et Alexandre VII. et autres refolutions et arrefts pris et douncs contre les JanfeiiHles.” 43. “ Lettres de Melf. les Evefques d’j\ngers et de Beauvais au Roy 1662.” 44. “ Meraoire pour faire voir fommairement an Roy, que la maxime fchifmatlque et heretique que Pon a pretendu edablir dans le Plaidoyc qui fut prononce dans leParleinent de Paris le Douzieme de Decembre 1664, a favoir, Que Us Princes Fcmporels out le droid ct le poll voir de ju^cr ct de decider des Do^mes de la foy, ct de la difeipline eccUfiaJlique, iPeft appuyee que fur des preuves defcftueufes, qui font toutes ou avancces contre la Verite, ou defluurnecs avec furprife, ou deduites avec Q q artifice Catalogus Librorum MSS,' Num. 4449, 4450. ^rtificc, ou rapaortez hors de pn^pos, ou tirces des ex' ampics dcs hcretiques ou de pcrlbimes fufpeclcs dans la fuy.” Prefentc au R'‘y parl’afTemblee generale du Clergc de France, le [cinquicme Jour] de I’an mil fix cens foixjnte fix.” 45. “ Journal de ce qui s’eft pafTc cn Sorbonne, au fujct de I'aiTaire dfS Janfeniflc', depuis le 5 de Janvier 165C, ju'qucs au iS fcvricrde la meme anncc.” '46. “ Avis et relponfes fur la diffi ulte que faifoient Ics quatre Prelats de Beauvais, Angers, Panders, etVaiice, de foufcrire le formukire.” 47. Vcrifica ion d-.s paffages du Piaidoyc cy deflus, «t des refponfes que I’oii y a faits.” 48. “ Edit du Roy !ur la Bulled’Innocent dixieme.” 49. “ Memoires fur t’origine, fondadon. et Gouverne* ment del’ubbayc de Port-royal, cn faveur de la mere Marie de Ste Dorothee, nommee par fa Majefle a la dite Abbajc.” 50. “ Difcours qui juflifie la prefcance des Cardinaux fur les princes du Sang ” 51. “ Inventarium fcripturarum quse funt in Caflro S'' Angeli Romse.” 32. “ Que le fdnft Siege recognoill les Princes qui font cn poffefrion des Eflats ” 53. '* Inventaire des liires de M. du Chapitre de Laugtes, touchar.t Ic privilege d’uzer du fel des falines au Comte de Bourgoyne.” 54. “ Remaiquv-s fur la tradudion de N. Teflament de Mons.” 55;. “-fur le libre intitule, Traitte de la Confeffion”. 56. “ Privileges accordes a I’ordre de Ciftcaux, 1109. 5 : 1304.” 57. “ Proteflatio nomine Ferdiif 2, UrbanoVIII. P.M. fuper patriarchal u Aquileienfi.” 58. “ Bu'les de Urbain 8 au Roy I’an 1628, furies vict arcs centre les 1. eligionaires, & fur la prile de la Rochelle.” 59. ‘‘ Autre declaration de Louis Roy de France, I'an 1109, en faveur de I’ordre des Cifteaux.” The above enumeration is now made to agree with the table of Contents, drawn up by the French Collector, k inferteJ in the Volume. 445 °- Another volume of the Seguier papers; indexed in the volume itfclf. The greater part of the pieces appear to have been fairly tranferibed for the purpofe of being prderved in this form. The table in the book is here followed, except in a few of the latter articles, which are there injudicioully fubdivided. 1. “ Edit et declaration de I’empereur Ferdinand, 2 du Bom, Roy de Hongrie et de Boheme, fur aucuns poincts et articles touchans les edits etTraites de pacification pour la Religion, et fpeciallement concernant la rellitu- tion des biens ecclefiafliqucs, a Viemie enAutriche 1620. le 6 Mars.” 2. “ Articles du Traictf de Paix accordee entre fa Ma- i 'efle imperialle, et fon Altefle eleciorale de Saxe. A ’rague le 20 May 1635.” 3. “ Brcf du Pape Gregoire XIII. par le quel il eft ordonne au Cardinal d’Arinagnac, Collcgat pour fa Sainiftete in Avignon, de faire rendre et reltituer a ceux dcla Religion pretendu reformee leurs-biens confifquez dans la ville d’Avignon, et Comtat Venaiilin, pour en jouir pour eux a I’advenir et eftre admiiiiltrez par pro- cureurs Catholiques, 1576.” 4. “ Extraicl des articles ferrets accordez par le Roy> au Roy de Navarre et a Monfieur le Prince de Condc, touchant le Comte dcVcniire,et la ville d’Avignon 1576.” Nuni. 4450. 5. “ Traidlc dePaix entre le Legar d’Avignon de Jl part du Pape, et ceux de la Religion P. R. eftans au Comte de Veniffe et Archevefche d’Avignem 1576.” 6. “ Traicte de Nifmes, 1578, 8 Nov*’'', avec plu- fieurs autres pieces de la Negotiation du dit Traiclc, et ratification d’icelluy.” 7. “ Exti-aicl de Particle fecret de Pedicl de Pacifica-* tion du mois de Septembre 1577, aPoifliers, avec le de- cret du Pape, ou Bulle. po.tant Commiffion au Cardinal d’Armagnac, pour reintegrer tous ceux de la religion, non obftant oppofitions queiconques.” 8. “ Brcf du Pape au Cardinal d’Armagnac, pour la reftitution des biens de ceux de la Religion daai la Venaiftin. Donne a Rome lezS Juillet 1576.” g. Raiiffication des accords de Paix de Nifmei par les Eftatsdu Comtat; avec obligation exprefle pour la marque aux reprefailles.” 10. “ Approbation des articles de paix par le feu Roy (Henry 3) mandant a fesolEciers de teuir la nialH a 1 ’exe¬ cution d’iceux.’’ 11. “ Confirmation et approbation faiflc par le Pape de tout le contenu aux accords de Nifmes.'’ 12. “ Patentes duRoy fur la Confirmation duTraictc de Nifmes, el marques y contenues.” 1^. *' Lertres patentes du Roy ratiffiant ic Traictd de Nifmes, fait entre le Cardinal d’Armagnac Legal d’Avig- non pour le pnpe, et ceux de la Religion P.R. du Coin- tat de Veniffe et Archevefche d’Avignon.” 14. “ Lettres patentes, par les quelles le Roy veut comme proteebeur du Comtat de Vcnilfe, et d’archevefchc d’ Avignon, qu’ au cas que ceux de la dite Religion P.R. foient troublez en la jouiffaiice de leurs biens aud‘ pais,' que leur fera oebroyer marque et reprefailles.” 15. “ ACbe de tous les deputtez d’Avignon, par le quel ils approuvent le Traitc de Nil'mes, fait pour le regard de ceux de la R.P.R. audit pais, et confentent que ceux de la dite Religion puiffent avoir comme eux droit de marque ou reprefaille en c!is de Contravention,” 16. “ Decret du Refteur de la Comte de Venaiilin dug Janvier 1579.” 17. “ Decret du Cardinal d’Armagnac, Collcgat en la legation d’Avignon, par lequel en fuiltc du Traifte de Nifmes, il noinme des Commiffalres pour mettre cn pof- feflion ceux de la dite R-P.R. qui en avoientefte chaffez a caufe de la dice Religion, dans le terres dependans dc fa Legation.” 18. “ Raiiffication du Traifte du Comtat de Veniffe par le Pape Gregoire XIII.” 19. “ Articles accordez a Orange fur le Traidc de la trefve faide entre le pais de la Comte de Venaiffin, Ville, et Archevefche d’Avignon, et le pats de Dauphiuc, et principaute d'Orange.” 20. “ Pouvoir expedie aux Commifiaires ordonnez par le Roy, pour conferer et traifter avec les officiers du Pape en Avignon, fur le contenu aux precedens articles.” 21. “ Requefte, ou articles prefentez par les fubjetU du Roy, et les Originaires du Comtat Venaiilin, et Archevefche d’Avignon, faifant proftffion de la Re¬ ligion P.R. aux Corumiffaires envoyez par fa Majefte en Provence, pour I’execution de I’edicl deMantes, ctTraitle cy-devant de I’annee i6ii.” 23. “ Inftru£UonbailleeauxCommiffaires, pourl’exe- cution dudit pouvoir et Traicle d’Avignon.” 23. “ Articles de la Conference et Traiilc fait entre les deputez de fa Majefte et de fa Sainclete, fur ies affaires concernant ceux de la Religion I^R. du contenu d’Avignon.” 24. “ Raiiffication du Roy fur les articles precedens de la Conference d’Avignon.” 25. “ Requefte prefentee au Roy parfesdits fubjetz de la Religion P.R. intereffez au Comtat cl’Avignon, fur aucuns Articles de ladite Conference.” 26. Reponfc Bibliothecas Harleianae- i5t Num. 4450, to “ Reponfe de faMajefte a la precedenteRequefte.’* 37. “ Lettre de la Reyne a Moiifieur le Cardinal Philouardo, Collegat d’Avignon, fur I’execution des articles de le dite Conference d’Avignon.” 28. “ Raiiffication du Pape, fur lefdits Articles dc la conference d’Avignon.” 2p. “ Nomination faite des arbitres pour decider les proces et differends de ceux de la Religion P.R. dans le Comtat, fuivant les articles de la conference.” 30. “ Autre Nomination du Surarbitre defdits dif- fereuds.” 31. “ Lettrespatentes du Roy expedites pour I’ap- probalion defdits nominations d’arbitres.” ^32. “ Proces verbal deldiis Sieurs Arbitres & Sura- bitres.” 33 * “ Teneur de la dite Lettre de Monfeigneur PII- luliri/lime Cardinal.” 34 * “ Articles accordez a Onnge le 9* Feburier * 599 ’ apres le retablifTement de la Religion Catholique, Apodolique, et Romaine.” 35. “ Articles prefentez au Prince d’Orange par les fubjedsde la Religion P.R.” 36. " Articles accordez entre Monfeig-eur le Due de Savoye et ceux d’Angroigne pour ia Religion.” Here ends the colleclion of Papers reladve to the religious arrangements of Avignon. 37. “ Difeours de Monficur de la Chailre, fur cc qu’on I’a deflitue de la charge de Coloniiel des Suifies, 1O44.” 38. “ EftabliOemens de la charge de grand Malftre de France.” 39. “ Juri'didions dc la marine de Coftes des mers oceane et mediterrance, et le coutenu de chacuiie dcs gardes de leur departement.” 40. “ Reuouvcllement d’AlIiance de la France avec Its SuilTtSj 1602. 41. “ Poclaration de naturalitc pour les SuifTcs en France. Feburier 16^5.” 42. “ Veritable recit dc ce qui s’ell pafTe au fouleve- nient des Grifons, pour la rcltitution de la Valteline et Comtez de Bormio ct Chiaventes.” 4?. “ I’ieces concernant I’accord faift avec les SuilTes parle Roy Francois premier, devant ct apres la bataille de Marignan enSept'“ 151,-;.” 44. “ Relation de ce qui s’eft palTe cn Siiifle depuis Ja refidence de Monfieur Miron, alLivoir depuis ie 17 Novembre 1617, jufqu’ au deux mars 1O24, et depuis ledicb jour jufques la fin de I’annee 1627.” 45. “ Conference fecrete de Henry le grand, tenuc pour le fujet des inoyens de parvenir a ['Empire avec trois de ceux auxquelz il accouftumc de comiuur.iquer fes plus ferieufes afiaires, reprefentans les difficuitez de reflection avec les obftacles et facilitez qui fe pcuveiit oppofer, et dc I'ulilitc de la poflcfliond’iceluy.” 46. “ Lettres Royaulx en forme de Relief d'appel obtenues cn la Chancellcrie aParis, par lefquelles un par- ticulier eft recu appellant d’un jugement centre luv rendu parle lieutenant en la Juftice de Charlevillc, tant comme de Juge incompetant qu’ autrement.” 47. “ Inftrudions concernaiits les droictsdu Roy en IaSouverainetcd’Orange,dont la principaute eft tenue de fa Majefte a caufe de fon Comte de Provence, avec toutes les appartepances d’icelle, tantde laville, peages du Rhofne, briefs du prince et de la ville, et banlieu, foitereffes et chafteaux, villages, et en fomme tome la principaute, que de la haultc, moyenne, et balTe juftice, et Jurifdidion, et droid de monnoye,et autres.” 48. “ Cronique eferitte au devant des Statuts de Montpellier.” 49. “ Afte de vente de la vielle feigneurie de Mont* pellier au Roy dc France, le 18 d’Avril 1 ^49, par Jacques Roy de Majorque,Comte de Roufillon et dc Sardaigne.” Num. 4450—4453. S'6. Abolition de la Sedition de la male-nuid, 1380.” 51. Incipit teftamentum illuftriflimi et nobliflimi Gerardi, bo!tmmeinori£e,Cnmitis dcRoulfilnn, etBerthas conjugis e]us, fadum anno Domini odingentiffimo trigefimo odavo, qui fundationes fequentes fecerunt.” 52. “ Des droids du Roy fur la principaute de Catalogne, lesomtez de Roullilon et de Cerdagne, & le Royaumed’Arragon.” 53. “'I'eftament de Henry III. Roy dc Caftille.” 5-1-. “ Tellament de I’Empercur Charles V. faid I’an *554” 55. “ Teftament de Philippe deuxiefme, Roy d’Ef- pagne, Fan 1504-167 Jour du niois de Mars ” 56. “ Refutation de la pretendue origine de la maifon dc Lorraine, que Fon veut faire deicendre en ligne masculine de I'empereur Chail(.magne, et de plus hault de la famille des Mrrovingiens.” 57. “ Traide de confederation et alliance du Roy Louis XIII. avec Je-m IV. Koy de Portugal, faict a Paris Ic premier Juin 1641.” As the titles to mod of thefe Ar'ides are diftindly ■written, ir was thought beftto copy them exadly, & to infert the whole without abbrevi ition, for the ufe of any perfon- who may have occafion to make exad enquiries into French Hillory. 445T' A thin book, ma’-ked Le Comte, fairly ■written on paper, in 105 pages, befides a table of contents, with tiiis tide. “ R latiuti du Voyage que le fieur B’onclel con"de Roy cu fesCon'et Mares'* de Camp enfes Annees, a fait par ordre de 'a Majefte’ a la Porte du gran^l Seigneur enl’annee 1658.” , . 4452. A Book of vannus Papers chiefly relating to Brittany, 1. Ellampes de Bretagne, p'.iy es fur les memoircs remis a Pans ou par urdcm-ince, 1683, 6:c.” 110 leaves. 2. “ Gv.ntilhi.mmes enrolcs pour la Marine, a Rcnucs' le 28 Juillet 108'^. ’ 3. Noma des gen ils homm.s qui ont efte iuges a la chambre uc la reiormuioii dc la noblelle de .B.eiagne, fuivant Fordre aiphitbetique." 4. “ Ratiiheation de certaine artlchs a-cordez cn les Pucadc Mercieur ct le Joveufe. tourhant i’admiraute de Bretaigne, avec ludices Articles du o Aviil, 1584.” With 0 her paper*' relating to Bretagne. 5. ‘ Sommes payees par M. dc Harvuvs pour les grands chemhis, depuis les Eftats de Naufes 168 ..” 6. “ Modclle d’ordoiinance a Monfeigneur, pour le payment des Eftapes, fuivant les routes de fa Majefte.” 445 3* Another volume of the Seguier colleflion. The table of Contents is drawn up by the fame hand as thofe in the former Volumes, & refers to the leaves, which ate numbered throughout with tolerable accuracy. 1. “ Ligue et confederation entre la Reyne Marie, mere du Roy Louis Xill. et Philippe ill. Roy d Efpagnc, pour le temps de dix annees.” i. 2. “ feftament de FEmpereur Charles V. Fan 1554.” 4. 3. “ Du Rang de Jean d'Auftriche, fils naturel de FEmpereur Charles V.” g. 4 * “ Diicorfi aforiftici, fatti nel 1636 i 9 di Septem- bre. Si_ li Francefi deveno acceltar la pace con gli Auftriaci Spagnoli.” g _ 5. “ Inltrucftion au Sicur Bautru, Confeiller du Roy en fon Confeil d’eftat, Sa Majefte Feuvoyant en Ef* pagne. — en Novembre 1628.” ^ ^o. 6. “Declaration de FEmpereur touchant la Guerre d’ltalie.” 7. “ Harangue Catalogus Libroruni MSS, “ Harangue de Cafali Ambafladeur d’Efpaigne aux cinq Cantons Catholiques, pour refponfe a celle de Mon- fieiir de Leon, AmbafTadeur extraordinaire en Suiffe pour fa Maj" treschreftienne.” 34. 8. “ Lettredu Roy d’Erp*"'efcrIteau Pape, le 3 Sept. 1629, pour avertir fa Saindctc de la faveur qu’il doimera au pallagc des Troupes de I’Empereur en Italic, avec la refponfe de fa Sainftete a la lettre.” 36. 9. " Trai£le fai£t entrele Roy d’Efpagne d’une part, et le D uc de Rohan, et ceux de fon party de 1 autre, le 3 de Mars 1629.” 42. 10. “ Extraict du Proces de Bernard Peli.” 44. b. 11. “ Traite de la paix et confederation faite I’an 1630, entre Ics Ser'"'* Philippe 4. Roy des Efpagnes et Charles, Roy de la Grande Bretagne.” 46. 12. “LettredeM. Ic Due D’Afcot au fu]et dcs pra¬ tique fecrettes que I’on I’accufoit d’avoir cues au prejudice au Service du Roy, le 16 d’Avril 1634.” 60. 13. “ Lcs Judes plaintes des Flamens adrefscs aux Ecclefialtiques, a la NobleiTe, aux N'illes et commu- nautes, paries vrais amateurs de la Rel° Cath. et de la patrie, juin >634.” 61. 14. “ Coppie d’une I.fe efferiptepar Monf. le Comle Tilly, a Monf. de Brugy, AmbalT. du Roy tres Chreft. a Bruxelles,” 65 . 15. “ Refponfe d’un bon YalTal du Roy Catboliquc) au manifede publye par le Roy Je Trance, touchant la Guerre par luy centre la Couroime d’Efpagne, au niois de Juin de Tan 1635.” 68. 16. “ Difeours Italien; des forces ct do la puifTance du Roy d’Efpagne.” 72- 17. “ Meinoire de Monf. du Puy, pour faire voir que la Bretagne, hors fous le Regnc de Charlemagne, a toufiours ede foutnife a la France.” 102. 18. “ l.a Catalopnc Franqoife, ou il cd traitte du droid que le Rov a fur les Comtis de Barcclor.e et de Roudillion, et fur le rc.de des'ierres qui couipofenc la Priiidpautii de Catalogne.” Ju8. 19. “ Droits du Roy fur les Villes ct Pays de Peronne, Mondidier, ct Roye, du Comte Je Ponthieu, de Bou¬ logne, de Bourgogne, Ac.” tiS. 20. “ Copie du Projet Je ralternative entre k France et TElpagne, le 18 Novembre 1667.” 160. 2T. ‘‘ Copie du pouvoir donne par fa l\kj. Eouis XIV. pour efpoufer en fon nom la ferciuihmc Entaiitc d’Efpagne le 19 D’Odobre 1659.” 162. 22. “ AutresTrailcs de M. du Puys des droits du Roy, fur la Fiandre, Naples, Ic Sicilc, Tholoze, Mont¬ pellier, 5 cc.” ^64. 2 j. “ Que a la conference pour la Paix entre le Roy^ et le Roy d’Efpagne, il n’y doibt edre park des preten. fions de Monf. le Due de la Trimouiile au Royaume de Naples.” 200. 2 “ Autres memolres conceriiant les droits du Roy fur le Comte de Bourgogne.” ?'turueJ, beir.t' croffed out. 1. '• C' lalogue de la Bibliothequc iiia.iufcrite dc MonP Di'I3u)'. Avec 1.1 tabic alphabetique des matieres con- t t'lcsenchacun volume.” Many ot thefe MSS. appear to have pafTed ii.'o the hands of the Chancelloi Seguier, & iherelure may now be in this Collection. 2. “ Caraiogus libroruin et Maimfcriptorum illuf- trilTimi Domini D ’ L.imenie, Comitis de Brienne, Begi Chriltianifhnio a confiliis, a mandatis, a fecretis, et ftatfis aduarii dcfignati. Anno 1656. 26 Menfis Aprilis. Many m ‘nul'cripts marked with the Arms of this nobleman are now in this Collection, are noticed as havuig belonged to him. 3. “ Mcinoire des livres envovez chez Monfieur de Roqiiette.” J 456 A volume of State Papers, belonging to the Seguier Col¬ lection, partly ''IS. and partly printed, and of various fizes. A table is prefixed, but not being perfeft is not. followed; though it is in the fame hand as the other tables. t. “ Memoire et eilat de ce qui eft deub par le Roy au gr. Hoeuft, Banqu'er, pour les advances par luy faictes aux plcnip-.tci.tiaires a Munller, et aux atnbafladeurs eltrangeis 1649.” 2. ‘‘ Tables gencrales de trois volumes intitules la Negouati'-n de Munfter, cs annees 1643, ^^445 1645.” 3. “ Relucion de las caufas que obligan a la cafa de Auft'ria a pemir pazes al Chriftianillimo Rey dePrancia, y fus Coiih'derados, eu la ciudad de Muniler, cii cl afio 1642. ” A pruned tr,16:, 16 leaves. 5. “ De hello juilo Ili'panite Regis adverfus Gallia^ Rcgfiii, ad omuts Caiholic^ Fidei affertores, Paraenefis Apodictica.” Another printed tra£t of 20 leaves. 6. “ Difeurfo breve de las Miferias de la vida, y cala- midacs d.' la Religion Catholica. Por el Padre Ambro- fio Bautiila, Canonigo Premoftenfe, con Licencia, en Madrid, ciiel Impreiita Real. Ano 1634.” A printed tract 7. “ Lettrc d'un Scnatcurde Venife, a un de fes Amis en France, du 7 Nov. 1643. traduite dc mot a mot de Tltalien en Francois.” printed alfo. 8. “ Pouvoir du Roy a M. de Longueville d’Avaux, et de Chavigny, d’ailer en Alleinagne, Amb. pour la paix gcnerale, a Paris, IC29 Aout 1643.” w>'iticn. 9. “ Pouvoir de la part de Louys XIV. Roy de France, au due dc Longueville, et aux Sieurs d’Avaux et Servien, pour trailer de Paix cn fon nom k Munfter, avec les Depulcz Plenipotciitiaires de TLmpcreur, du Rt.y d’Erpagne, et leurs alliez. A Paris Tan 1643 le 20 Septenibre.” 10. “ i-'ouv'. ir a MciTi's. de Longueville, d’Avaux, et SciVYcn, PL-nipotcutaires pour la paix gcnerale, Scpteinb. 1643. ” If. “ Pouvoir dcs ambafTrs. extraordinaires plenipo- tentiaircs pour le traifte de Mmiilcr, ainfi qu’il a ete vcfornic par M. Icduc de Longueville feui. 1043.” 1^. “Pouvoir a deux des truls PIcnipotentiaires pour la paix gen envoyes AmbalL extraord. en Holhinde.” 13. “ Lett.'s du Comte d’Avaux, touchant fon Am- baiTadc dc C''h'gne.” Inl^uin. 14. “ Pourotr de la part de Philippes IV. Roy d’F.f- pajuc, a Saavedra, pour traiefer en tun nom dc la Paix a Munfter, ou aultc part, avec Ic Roy de France et fes Alliez. A Madrid Tail 1643,16 11 Juin.” In Spanilh, wilIj a tranflation. 13. “Leitredes Ambrs. de Suede deftinez a la con- fei'cuce pour la Paix gen. ii chafque Pj iiice d’Allcmagne, C.^T. IIarl. Vol. III. Num. 4456. pour les inviter d’envoyer leurs deputez a a dite Aftem^ blee 14 Nov. 1643.” In Latin. 16. “ Extraift de la dernierc de Monfieur Godefroy du yDecembre, de la Haye, 1643.” 17. “ L’invendon des Erapereursde la Maifond’Au- ftriche, de mettre des laides et iinpofts fur les Alemans, en leur voulant faire accroire, qui e’eft pour rcfifter aux Rois de France, comme eltans alliez avec Ics Turcs, pour fubjuguer TAIemagne,” 1643. 18- Le journal de ce qui s’eft palTe a la Conference pour la paix, entre ics Amb”. de Louis XIV. Roy de France, et ceux dc TEmpereur Ferdinand III. et Philippes IV. Roy d’Efpagne a Munfter en Vueftphalie, Tan 1644.” 19. “ Le difFerend du Roy de Danemarc avec la Rcine de Suede. Es Annees 1643 et 1644.” 20. “ Obligation du Roy de tenir la main, a ce que le traicle de trefve qui fe lera entre le Roy d’Efpagiie, et Ics Provinces unis des Pays Bas eftant finy, foit con¬ tinue par le Roy d’Efpagne, pour le mefine terme d’annees, et aux memes conditions.” &c. 21. “ L’Audience de Conge recede de Meftieurs les F.ftats par Meflieurs les Ambalfadeurs de France, a la ilayc le 3 Mars 1644.” 22. “ Du huicliefme qui fe leve en Hollandc, fur le louage des Maifons.” 23. “ Le dciTein du Confeil dc TEmpereur pour con' traindrcla France dequider cequ’elle tient en Aleinagne 1644.” 24. “ Reception il Munfter du Sicur d’Avaux, Am- baflhdeur de IVance, pour la Paix, et auHi du Nonce du Pape, Tan 1C44, depuis le 17 Mars jufqucs au 24. Par un des Secretaires du dicb Sieur d’Avaux. 23. “ NoUvelles d’Alemagne, de la Flaye, le 28 Mars 1644.” 26. “ Les caufes du retardement dc la paix entre le Roy d'une part, et le Roy d'Efpagne et TEmpereur de Tautre, et Ics reraedes qui s’y peuveiit apportcr. Mars 1644.'’ 27. “ ExtraicI des dernlcres nouvdles d'AIcmagnc receus le dernier Mars 1644.” 28. “ Lettre des Ainballiideurs de France, a TElcdeur Palaiin, pour Tinviter d’envoyer fes Deputez a la Con¬ ference pour la paix generale de Munfter Tan 1644 le 6 Avril.” In Latin. 29. “ Amico-critica monllio ad Gallije legatos, Mo- nallerium Weftpbaloruin pacis traclandce tituio millhs : five obfervationes NN. Germano-Franci ad Epiftolas, quas iidem Gallim iegati ad fingulos S.R. Imperii prin cipes, et Dimtam Franco-lurtcnlem fcriplere die 6 Aprilis 1644- Earundem Epiftolarum exemplar ad hujus libeili calcem adjur.hlum cit, 1644.” A prin:eJ Trad, in I’mall quarto, or 28 pages. 30. Another Copy of the fame trad, but imperfed, containing only 8 pages, printed in a handfomer form, & wiih the name of the place added, which is wanting in the other: ''• Francofurti ad Martian'' ■31. “ Lcs diflicultez qui fe rencontrent avant que de venir a conference pour la paix, entre la France et la Suede d’une part, et TEmpereur et le Roy d'Efpagne d’aucre. L’an 1644. au Mois de May.” 32. “ Propofuion des Commiftrs. Imperiaux prefentee aux dcpiuez alTeinblez aFranefort 1031 May 1644,100- chaiit la lettre invitatoirc des plenipot. Francois.” 33. “ Le dcilein de TEmpereur, et des Eledcurs de TEmpire, de faire cefler la guerre civile d’Alemagne, pour fair la guerre enfuite centre la France et la Suede,” 34. “ Que le pouvoir des AmbafT. dcFrance a Munfter eft en deue forme, et n’y a rien a redire.” 35. “Extraiddc la propofuion des CommifTrs. de TEm¬ pereur au:< Deputez des Elcfteurs, Evefques, Princes, R r Seculiers, M 154 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4456. Secvillers, Prelats, Comres, et Villes imperiales J’Ale- ma^ne, a Frand'ort fur le Main, I’an 1644 au MoU de Juin.” 36. “Lesdifficultezqui fe rencontrent avant que devenir a la Conference pour la Paix, entre la France et la Suede d’une part, et I’Empereur et le Rot d'Efpagne d’autre. L’an 164- au Mois de Juin.” See above 31. 37. “ Refponfe du Sr. d’Avaux au Sr. Servien a Muniler, le 6 Juillet 1644. 38. “ Extraict d’une Lettre de Salvius, Plenipot. de la couronne de Suede, pour la Paix a Ofnabruc. La lettre enAlcmand; I'an 1644 le 10 Juillet. Pour Refponfe a la propoficioii de la part de I’Empereur a I’AfTerablee de Francfort au Mois de Juin.” 39. “ NouvcUes de Munfter Pan i'?44, le 18 Juillet.” 40. “ Eflat prefent dc ce qui fepaffe A Munfter, con- tenant les difScultez qui fe rencontrent, avant que de par- venir a la conference pour la paix entre la France et la Suede, d'une part, et PEmpereur et le Roy d’Efpagne d’autre. L’an 1644, au Mois d’Aouft.” 41. “ Les difterends de la France avec le Roy d’Ef¬ pagne.” 42. “ I. Le denombrement des Armces du Rov et de fes aliiez. 2. Comme aulli de PEmpereur, du Roy d’Efpagne, et de leurs allicz, au Mois d’Aouft 1644.” 43. “ Les Aliiez de la France, en la guerre contre PEmpereur et le Roy d’Efpagne, au Mois d'Aouit 164.4.” 44. “ Exemples des Rois ct Princes, qui ayant faidl des Trai6tez de confederation et Alliance avec d’autres Princes, foubs condition de ne point trailer depaix, ou de trefve avec leur ennemis communs, que conjointement, et d’un mutuel confentement, ont neantmoins faidl le contraire. Et quel en a efte le fucces.” 45. “ Les Provinces Unies des Pays Bas.” Avis du Confeil d’eftat, Dec. 31, 1643. 46. “ Exemples des Conqueftes faiSes par plufieurs Rois, Princes, et Republics, efquellcs ils fe font conferve par de Traitez de Paix, ou de Trefve.” 47. “ Extraicl d’une Lettre d’Ofnabruc, Pan 1644 le 18 Aouft.” 48. “ Le refultat des Eftats generaux des Provin¬ ces Uiiics des Pays Bas, a la Haye Pan 1644, le Mecredy 10 Aouft.” 49. “ Le pouvoir du Roy d’I'fpagne a Madrid Pan 1643 le 11 Juin. Reforme a Munfter Pan 1644, le 20 Oclobvc.” In Spanifh. 50. Reformation du Pouvoir des Ambaffadeurs de PEmpereur, au Moisde Nuvembre 1644.” In Latin. 51. “ Extraift d’une Lettre de Monf. Godefroy, de Munfter, le 2 Decembre 1644.” 52. “ Extraidt d’une Lettre de Munfter, le 17 Dec. 1644. ” 53. “ Le Pouvoir des Ambaffadeurs de France, APans, Pan 1643 1 ® 20 Septembre. Et reforms a Munfter ainfi qu’il s’enfuit Pan 1644 !e 20 Novembre, et la Ratification pour le Roy en fera delivrce le 20 Janvier 1645. ” 54. “ Coppye d’une lettre eferit de Collogne en datte dc 21™' Mars 1645.” 55. “ Pouvoir a M. Servyen d’agir feul A Munfter, le 13 May 1645.” 56. “ Propoficiones tradlatus pacis generalis concer- nentes, tarn A legalis coronte Francias, Monafterii, quain Regni Suecici, Ofnabrugi, ipfa S.S. Trinitatis dominica hoc anno 1645 fadre.” A printed Trad. 57. “ Ad propofitiones tradatus pacis generalis a legatis coronse Suecicte, Ofnabrugas ipfa SS. Trinitatis dominica, hoc anno i645edi[as, Refponfio Csefarea, a legatis Ca-fareas Majeftatis, Ofnabruga 22 Odob. ejuf- dejn An. 1643 legatis Corona: Sueci^ iradita. Pro fact- Num. 4456—4465. Hori intelledu, cuilibet refponfioni Cxfarea: cx Onginali prxfixa eftpropofitio Suecica.” Printed alfo. 58. The fame trad, printed in a lai'ger form. See the enfuing numbers, which relate to the fame eriod, & the following years, as far as 1648. 4457, 8, 9, & 60. Four Volumes on the negociation of Munfter, from the year 1643 The three firft of ihefe volumes are fairly tranferibed, chronologically digefted, 5 c carefully indexed Tlie fourth is made up, in part of tranfcripts in different hands, & in part of printed trads, like N''44^6, which refers to the beginnings of the fame negotiations. 4+61. “ Table des Traivlez de Paix entre les Roys dc France et autres Princes, depuis Pan 1258 jufques en Pan 1598.” A Volume fairly wiJtten on Paper. 4462. 1. *' Marriage de IMadame Elizabeth Je France avec Phillipes 2. d’Efpagne 1559 & 1360. 2. “ Reinarques fur Peftat prefent de PIfIcDaupliine.: envoyees par M. de Mondcuergue, Pan 1668.” 3. “ Relation des A’oyages faids par Sieurd’Accarettc dans la Riviere de la Platie, &c. 1C57, 8,9, & t66o.” Apparently from the Seguier Colleclion. 4 *^ ^ 3 ' Acolledion of various French documents, bound up with N” 6192, which however occupies but a very fmallpart of the volume. 1. “ Du rang et prerogative d’honneur des dues dc Longucville, fur les Dues de Guife, de Nemours, de Nevers, d’Auraale, ct autres Princes iffue de Maifons eftrangers.” 2. A colledion of various papers on the fubjed of the Crime of lefs Maje/le, applied to the cafes of the Comte de Soiffons, the Cardinal Due de Guife, the conftable Saint Paul, and many others : extending to 64 leaves. 3. “ Refultat et I^fongne de la Comraiffion de Mon- fieiir Ic Bret, es trois Evefehes de Metz, Toul, et Vei dun. En Pan 1625, comme il a efte rapportc au Roy en fon Confeil, par le dit Sleur Commiffaire.” 54 pages. 4. “ Les Inthereft des princes en general, tant aliez que non aliez a la France, ainfy qu’il etifuit.” A diftind trad fairly tranferibed, of 42 leaves. 5. A French Law-deed on a fmgle fheetof parchment, folded : for the purchafe of two feuds of John Bribas, See. 4464. “ Les Lettres de la Reyne Elizabeth et Roy J. i. aiix Eftats des Provinces unies d’Holland, Roy de France, &c. depuis Pan 1596, jufques a Pan i6c6.” On the firft leaf is uritten, “ Flunc codicem HiU'leyanx Bib¬ liotheca: contulit Lawton de Interiori Tcinplo, 20 die Januarij A.D. 1718-19.” In Mr.Wanley’s hand¬ writing. 4465. A very large volume of papers in various hands, & fome few printed, belonging to the Seguier Colleclion, marked d indexed in the fame hand as the reft. I. “ Leitres et meinoires de M. I’Abbefle de St. Goery d’Efpinal, au fujetde la dame Elizabeth de Luiron. La quellion eft fcavoir fi uiie dame rrebendee dc la d*' Ab- baye, comme la dite de Luiron, ayant laiffe 1 habit et pris eeluy dc P^knondade St. Michel, peut, pendant le 9 terns Eibliothecse Harleianas. iS'3 Num. 4465. tcms dft fon Noviciat, et probatiou, jouir de la Prcbende dudit S. Goery Efpinal.” 2- 2. “Afte par lequel M. le due de Lorrajne declar. qu’il ne pretend point que Ic payment de I’-iyde S.Remy, levee fur les fujets du chapitre de I’Eglife Gathedralede 5 aiiid Etienne de Toul, porte prejudice a leurs privi- legesj et qui re9oit cette ayde coniine une grace.” 12. “ Declaration de M. I’Evefque de Toul, avec fa nomination d’un procureur, pour les apellations a la ■chambre imperialede Spire.” 13, ^ 4. Fondation d’un Couvent de I’ordre de St. Domi¬ nique, dans la ville de Blainville en Lorraine, par An¬ toine dc Lenoncourt, Primat et Comte du Sainfl Em- 14. 5. “ Arret du confeil privc du Roy, du i2 Odb'bre pour faire executer par provifion I’arret du 12 fevrier 16^4, rcglant la juftice et ofilciers de la ville de Toul; avec la verification duParIcment de Metz.” 18. 6 . “ Deffenfes du Sr. d’Apromont Gouvemeur de Toul, a toutes perfonnes d’empefeher les habitans dudit Toul de frequenter et coinmercer dans les villages voifins fous pretexte de Contagion.” 7. “ Lettre de M. le Marefchal de Marillac, a M. dc Vandy, Gouvemeur de Toul, pour ce qu’il devoit faire an fujet de la dite Contagion.” ig, S. “ Cronique des Seigneurs Evefques de Metz.” 9. Traifte faift entre le Roy et M. le Due de Lor- raine, le 6 Sept. 1633.” 22. 10. “ Extraits de M.Machon tir^s des lettres de M. le Cardinal d’OlTat, touchant les Evefchiis de Metz, Toul, et Verdun.” 26 I“ Origine de la Maifnii de Lorraine, ou abrege de I’hilbire de ce Pays, tires de piufieurs endroits pour prouver I’avantage reciproque de fa joiiftion a la Cou- ronne de France.” 27. 12. “ Requefte de M. Ic due deVandofme au Roy, au fujet du dernier iraitc fait par fa Majeftd avec le due de Lorraine, (1662) fur la prefleance de la Maifon de Vandofme far_M, de Guife et !a maifon du Mouy.” 29. 13- “ Ccpic dc la foy et homage faift au Roy par le Due de Lorraine.” 2iMarsi6&2. 30. 14. “ Copie de la traite touchant les Gabelles de Lorraine.” 1062. 3,, 15 Edit portant Creation et Augmentation de piu¬ fieurs offices au Paricment de Metz, de Bailiffs, Prevofls, Lieutenans, Procureurs, Greffiers, Notaries, & Secre¬ taires, et Chanctleries en divers Heux, pres de Metz en Alface. May 1661.” 31 16. “ Traite fait entre le Roy et M. le due de Lor¬ raine, le 6'fevrier 1661.” 33. 17. “ Addition au traite fait entre le Roy et M. le Due de Lorraine, le dernier fevrier 1661.” ^4. _i8. “ Lettre dc M. le due de Lorraine a M. le chan- celicr Seguier, touchant le Mariage de M. le Prince Charles fon neveu, avecM'*' deNemours, 17 Dec*”'' 1661.” o . 19. “ Copic du traifte fait entre le Roy et M. le due de Lorraine, le dernier de fevrier 1661.” 36. 20. “ Memoire pour la Confervation de la fouverain- ete' du Poy dans les Fauxbourgs de S.Epure et S. Man- fuy dc Toul et lieux dependans.” 37. 21. Raifons pour Iciquelles le parlement de Metz n’a pas encore enregiftre le traifte de paix que Sa Majefle ^ accorde a M. le due de Lorraine.” 3p. 22. “ Arret qui dicharge de toute impofition le reffort du Paricment de Metz et les Prevofles de Luxarabourg.” 40* 23. “ Traitte de Nnremberg, entre Anthoine due de Lorrame et Ferdinand Roy des Romains. L’an 1542.” The leaves ci anfpoled, now marked a. b. c. d, e. f, 41. Num; 4465. 24. Declaration du Roy Plenry 3. en explanation du traite fait entre le Roy CharJe'i IX. fon Predeceifeur. et M. le due de Lorraine, le i 2 de Mars i ■; /1, touc lani la fouverain-'te, drnitdeRegale, etJurirdieii.iii, auBalliai-e de Bos, Prevofie de la Marche, Chafhllon, Cmiflan., &c.” lluiflrated by Genealogical tables. 25. Lettre du due Fran9ois de Lorraine a Monfeig’’. le Ciianc. Seguier, ei. luy eiivoyaiu copie le la Remon- trance qu’il^ fait au Roy, au fujet du dernier traite fait entre fa .Mjj. et ic due tie Lorraine fon frere, 26 fev 1662.” 26. Copie de la dite remontrance.” ^,8. _ 27. “ Relation de ce qui s’cll pafL a i’entree et recep- tion du due. Charles de Lorraine, faidie par moy Comte de Brulien, introducleur des Pnnees cflrangers et i\m- 1641.” 49. With other papers relative to the Duke of Lorraine. 31^ 32, 4. 28. “ Origine des dues de Lorraine, depuis Clodion le chevelu.” 29. “ Catalogus ducarum Lotharingias, qui a Lothario Galloriim rege nomen hahent.” -dv 30. ^ “ De comitibus Vadum montis (Vaudemont) ex Carthis antiquis.’’ 37 31. Catalogue des Sainfts et Evefques dc Toul.” 32. Efiat de toutes les Seigneuries et terres ^nobles dans I’Alface, Sound, et Brifgau.” eg. ^ 33 * “ Deduftinn des Raifons du Rc>y fur tout ce qui s eit pafic entre luy et le Due Charles de Lorreyne.” 34. Tlie table of Contents continued. 61. 35 - ^ious fragments of a work in Latin, on the Lcclefiaftical hiftory of Toul, clofcly & obfeurely written, 62—92. Thefe fragments feem to contain fome curious matters. 3 ^’“ Lopia certarum literarum, quibus conftat Reve- rendiffimam dominara Abatilfam etCapitulum deBuxeriis coiituliirePriori de Nanexi jus Patronatus, et totum aliud JUS quod habebat in Ecclefia S ' Defiderii ante Nanceium, de Abbatia S'‘ Leonis Tiillenfis.” 53 37. “ Pondation de loul en Lorraine, par Gilies Corrozet.” 38. “ Requete en forme d’Articles prefentee au Roy pas les doyen, chanoines, ct Chapitre, de Verdun, en Jan¬ vier 1613, touchant leur jurifdicTon dans les Villaces et terres dependans de leur Eglife.” 39. « Pieces touchant I’union a la Congregation de Ste. Veime des Abbayes de S. Mihuel et de Longueville ct Ju Pneurc de Bellevan ; enfemble I’ereaion des Isenedictmes, j 40. “ Memoire touchant le P. Roget, et PAbbay^je ot. Aerrv.” •' T> r*' Decret des Cardinaux de la Congregation des Rehgieux du 19 May 1628, avec un bref du Pape Urbam VIIL du 4 juin i6a8, portant que les Benedic¬ tines ne peuvent tenir des Benefices a pcrpctuitc.” 106 The papal briefs are printed. , Vceti et jurement que preftent et font les Rehgieux profez de St. Venue.” 109. 43. “ 1 ranferiptum feuCopia ac fumniarium plurimo- rum Antiquioruin Ecclefite Tullenfis Privilegiorum.”, no. _ 1 his paper is followed by feveral others, not fpe- cjfied m the table of Contents, refpefting the Church of Toul. 44. “ Requefte et plainte du due de Lorraine, touchant les exactions des officiers dc fon Doinaine fur les biens et Sujets de MelT”. du Chapitre de Toul, ou fe voit un abrege dc I’hiftoire de cette Eglife, et la nature d’'celle ct du bleu qu’elle poffbde. j ^ j Charles 2. Due de Lorrame, fait avec Meir.de IaVil!edcToul,en Tan 1406.” 112. 44Pages. 46. “ La Catalogus Librorum MSS. 156 Num. 4465.’ 46. “ La Vie de St. Manfuy, premier Evefque de Toul ; ann. Chrill;. 50 julqu’a 90. Extraite et para- phrafee fur un vieux manulcriptLatin de la mcfme Eglife, 1629.” II 3 - 47. “ Dlfcours fommaire de I’ancienne inftitution ovdre et eftat de I’infigne Eglife Collegiatte et feculiere de Remyercmatit, et des troubles et aflaires qui y font furveniies dcpuis dix ans en9a ; et dc I’eftat auquel elles font prcfentemcnt, jufques a huy deuxiefme du Mois de May Mil fix centz dix neuf.’’ 1 iq- 4.8. “ Formulaire des Cours de I’Evefchc et Comte de Toul 1629, extraits de pluficurs litres, chartes, lettres, et privileges du mefme Evefche.” Eighty feven pages. _ . 49. “ Remarques de la ville dc Metz, Extrait d’un livre par Abr. Fabert 161 o.” 1 16* 50. " Demande de Meff. les M"* et Prebandiers de la Maifon-Dieu de Toul, conti'e M. les Doyen & Chanoines de Toul.” iij- 51. “ Lettres de Rene Roi dejerufalemet Slcile, par lefquelles il declare fes chapelles et Eglifcs Collegiates de St. Mark, et de S. Pere, exemptcs de tous devoirs envers I’Eglife de Toul. Avec quelques autre pieces concernant ladite Eglife de Toul.” 118. 52. “ CefTion et tranfport des Duchcs de Loraine et dc Bar, faite au Cardinal de Loraine par le Due fon Frerc, le dixneufviefme Jan. 1634.” 121. 53. “ Copie des Privileges des Efiats du duche de Loraine.” 122. 54. “ Remontrance du Procureur du Roy en la ville et GouvernementdeMctz.” 134. With other fimilar Papers. 55. “ Copie du traidtide Remilly.” 126. 56. “ Memoire de la Main de Monf. du Puy, touchant les formalitez qui peuventecre obfervees par W. de Lor¬ raine, en rendant le foi et homage au Roy de plufieurs terres qu’il pofiede aux Baillages de Sens, &cc. With deeds relative to the fame fubjett. 127. 57. , Hifloire chronologiquc des Evefqucs de Toul, depuis I'an de noflre Seigneur 5ojufqu' a cette prefente annee, ou eft rapporte fidelcment et diligemment tout cc qui e’efi palfe du plus memorable et de plus important dans laditte ville, et par route Fell endue de fon gouverne- ment, fous la vie de chacune Evefque.” 133. There are many leaves fet apart for this hiltory, but very little is entered in them. 38. “ Remarques et obfervations fur la prefente hiftoire des Evefques de Metz, touchant ce qui regarde cclle de Toul.” 134* 59. “ De Geftis Sennnienfis Ecclefize, Libri quinque, Authore fratre Richero Monacho Senonienfis Ecclefite.” Below—“ Ce manufcril fut domic au Sr. Louis Machon, Archidiacre de Port, chanoine de Toul, ct Chappclain Epifcopal de Fan 1633.”—Under that, “ Dorn Richier, ptieur clauflrale de Senones, &c. vivoit de Fan 1245, &c. ’ 60. “ Impofition de I’Eglife de Tnul fur fes Sujets, pour fon rcmbourlement de ce qu’elleavoit employe pour Fexempter des gens de guerre.” 136. 61. “ Fondaiion de la chapelle de St. Claude ct Si.Nicholas, dans FEglife parochiale de Sauifure, en I'an 1599.” ^ 137. 62. “ Memoire touchant la neceffite de refidence dans FEglife de Toul, pour la perception des gros fniits d’unc prebende.” 138. 63. “ Memoire touchant la tranflation du chapitie de Toul.” 139. 64. “Stile, coufiumes, et ordonnances pour la jullice temporelle de la ville, Compte,et Evcfchc dcTou'. Eu Fan 1550.” 140. Num. 4466, 4467.' 4466. From the Seguier Collection. Several Regiflcrs of the Parliament, 1. “ Regifire du Confeil du parlement depuis Novera- bre 1647, jufques enjanvier, 1649.” 2. “ Depuis Lundi Lendemain dcPafques, cinquicfme Avril i^'49—“ a Mardi 26 Oefobre 1649.” 3. “ Confeil fecret du Parlement, depuis Vendredi Douzieme Novembre 1649. ^ Jeudi 9 Octobre 1650.” 4. “ Confeil fecret de Fannee mil fix cens cinquante deux.” 4467- A mifcellaneous volume, of the Seguier Collection. This volume has the leaves numbered a.sfar as 45. b. where the lafl tract begins, and has a table of Contents drawn up in the fame hand as the other books of the fame defeription, but, as the references do not exprefs the raofh important divifion of the book, they are not here followed. 1. Poefie, Efiays Poetiques des annees 1626—ifi3i. par les Louys Machon (ou Mafehon)” ’Iliis collection is in two books, the fecond of which begins at fol. 38. On fol. 47—j6 are feveral pceiui, written in the inverted way of the leaves. 2. “ Calendrier perpetuel et annuel, auquel eft com- prife toute la plrilolbphie naturelle ct fuperfliiieufe des eferaignes 1628.” 67. 3. “ Conceptions diverfes fur pluficurs bons autheurs.” 1626, 1627. L. M. i. e. Louis Machon, 85. This irait contains 52 pages. In it, at fol. 109.b. is a difeufiion, which the perloii w ho drew up the tabic of Contents has thought worthy of particular mention, “ pourquoy les pauvres virent plus long temps que les riches.” It begins by citing M. joubert. 4. Two tracls by L. Machon, of w hich the fecond feems to confift chiefly of the heads of the fubjed. 'I hey bear nearly the fame title, except that the title to the fecond is fuller, fur which reafon it is here inicittd ; “ Traite politique, des difFereas ccclefiaftiqucs arrives depuis la commencement de lamonarchie, jufques a pre- fent, tant entre les papes et ks Roys de France que le clerge de kur Roiaunie. ParLouLMaclion, grand prevoll deSaintUicn, Archidiacre de Port, ct chanoine ue Feglife cathcdraledeToul, 6 :c. A Paris 1647.” jq;. iGS. Tlie heads of three books on this fubjccf are drawn up in the latter trad. N’ 14. 5. “ 3 Caierde pieces diverfes 1647.” ~‘ 9 - articles in this cnlledion arc particularly noticed by the French author of the table of Contcr.ts. i. “'AvertiiTv'- ment touchant Ic Grand Frevoite cic S. Dien.” 22c. 2. “ Des homes et limites de I’anciennc l.orniine et des ufurpations defdits Dues fur lev trc>is Evefeh^s dc Mciz, 'Foul, et Verdun.^’ 255. b. By Tsiachoti alfc. This Cahicr contains 8 2 pages. 6. “ 4 Caier de pieces clifTcrcntc*, Of 65 written pages. The articles fpccificd in this arc, 1. “ De FAbbaye de Remirement.” f. 281. b. 2. “ Qu’iiu Benedidin retonne ns peut tenir ny polled.r aucun Pricurc fimple, ny aucun Benefice en litre.” 283. 7. Another Colledion, though the previous m.iik docs not remain. It is faid in the table of Contents to be “ Recueils de Fhilloire de France, ccmincncant.s par la Ligue.” 313. The Colledions are extended through- 160 pages, and there terminate abruptly. 8. A finall fragment of an illafiration of Solomon’s Song. SeeN^'ia. ^93. 9. A Letter from L. Machon to a Lady, dated 1641. 335 ' 10. “ bcntences et maxrmes djlTcrcntet.” Gn 33 ^ 03 ' 7 It. “ Scr.i;ens Bibliothecae Harleianae. Num. 44 -^j7j 4468. 11. « Sermons diverfes, et fujets de Sermons. Louys Machon 1626, 1627.” 4 > 9 * 12. Twelve Pages of a Comment on Solomon’s Song, by Machon ; dated 1(537. Inverted in the Book. 13. “ Hiftoire. Louys Machon 1627.” The Table of Contents fays, “ Hilloire univerfelle, ou reflections fur ce qui s’efl; palfe depuis le commencement du monde.” 436. Thefe Reflexions on univerfal Pliftory occupy only a few Pages. 14. A Part, but imperfeX, of the Book the Title of which is given at length in No. 4. The Fragment here remaining, which appears to be a fair Tranfeript in a different Iland, is fo placed that it begins with the Second Book, of which Two Chapters are given, but end abruptly. Then follows the Third Chapter of Book I. which is continued to its regular Termination. The whole ColleXion feems to have been the Work of Louis Machon, fo often mentioned in the feparate Parts. 4468. « A very mifcellaneous Volume of the Seguier ColleXion, containing Papers of all Sizes bound up together. There is a Table of Contents, in the fame Hand as ufual, but not quite perfeX ; for which reafon it is not implicitly followed in this Account. I. “ Ancicn traite du Blazon, avec les Armes des Princes, Pays, et Grands Seigneurs, taut de France qu’ailieurs.” 2. “ Les monnoyes des Barons et Prelats de France. L’attentes pour momioyes de Dombes. Refponces aux gens du Due de Bretagne fur le faiX de ces monnoyes. Taxes des Commiffaires pour le Roy, beaucoup moln- dres qu’a prefent.” A Ihort Treatife, beautifully written, with Delineations of Coins elegantly fketched with a Pen. 3. “ Philopatris, ou le Normand pour pais.” The Table of Contents adds, “ C’cll une dift'enfe de la Province de Normandie, du temps de la revoke des va- nuds'pieds.” 4. “ Traite que ]e crois eftre de la main de M. du Puys, Qu’il ek permis de porter les armes pour un Prince de diverfe Religion, et de s’allier avec luy.” 5. “ Obfervations Morales et Politiques fur les An- nales de Corn. Tacite.” A TraX of fome length, very fairly written, beginning always with a Te.vt of the Author, and fubjoining a French Note. Subjoined is a Plan, “ du Batiment dcs Jefuites,” not noticed in the Table of Contents, and not feeming to refer to any thing in the Volume. 6. A Narrative of M. de Caflellan, fent to Cardinal Richelieu, with the following Title, “ Relation que je fais a Monfeigneur de toutes les chofes qu’il me fouvient qui fb font paflees dans I’Armee commandee par Mon- fieiir le Comte d’Arcourt, et Mons' le Marefchal de Vitry, depuis le p- emier defTcin que I’on fit d’attaquer les Ifles de S'^ Marguerite et S’ Honorat, jufques apres la prife defdits Hits.” 7. “ Du franc Difeours du S" Amaud contre la puif- fance d’Lfpagne et fes partifans.” 8. “ Traite fait par feu M‘ le due d’Orleans en 1634 avec le Roy d’Efpagne.” g. “ Copie de la rommiflion donnee par le Roy a Itlons' Cardinal de Richelieu allant en Iialie." I o. “ Lettrc, ou avis du Due de Lcrme, pour fe main- tenh- en favour et autorite pres de fon maitre.” n. “ Copies de quelqucs Letires du Roy a Mg’’ le Due d’Orleans, lorfqu’il s’eloigna de la Cour.” 12. “ Memolres des villes rcbelles et Languedoc et Guienne.” 13. “Relation du Siege d’Angers.” To this are fubjoined feveial Papers containing Accounts of what Cat. Harl. Von.UL Num. 4468. paffed in the yeafs 1651 Sc 1652, entered in the Table of Contents i ]. bis. 14. “ icicles accord^ entre M.'le Marcfchal d’Ho- quincourt. Lieutenant-general de I’Armee du Roy, fervant pres de la perfonne de fa Majeftb, ct employe prefentement au Siege d’Angers, et Monftig'' le due dc Rohan. , 15. “ Refponfe dc M. le P. Prefident aux deputez de Parlement. M. le Prefident de Mefmes portant le parole a Sully, au fujet de la faveur qu’ils donuoient aux fujets rebelles a fa Majefles. 16. “ Inventaire par ordre alphabetique des pieces im- primeJs pendant les troubles de la Frairce excitez par le Cardinal Mazariii. Anneb 1649.” That is, what w’as called the Fronde.” 17. “ Refponce au difeours fur I’entreveu du Cardinal Mazarin avec Moils'^ d’Hocquincourt.” 18. “ Copie de la Lcttre eferite par M. le Card. Ma¬ zarin a la Reyne, lorique fa Majeftc luy ordonna de fortir de France.” 19. “ Quelques Lettres originales de Mg’ le Prince a M. de Croifl'y pendant les troubles de la Fronde, et quelques autres pieces dont une eft une efpece de depo- _ fition contre R'i. le Marcfchal de Rantzau.” 20. “ Inventaire des pieces qu’ont eftc faltes pendant les troubles excitebs a caufe des defovdres que le Mazarin a faiX naiftre dans les afl'aii'es de I’eftat, et finances de France, ez annees 1648 et 1649.” Several of the Inventories of TraXs publifhed during the Fronde, are here put together. 21. “Harangue de Mg''le Prince aux SolJats des armecs du Roy, avant la defaite de M’ de Soubize i rifle de Re j avec autres harangues de M. dc Guife et au Cardinal de Richelieu.” 23 . “ Relation de ce quife pafla au Parlement, lorfque Mes’* des Enquells voulurent entrer, et eftre apcilcs a ia grande chambre, a I’infligation des S’ Laine et Foucault Cons” defdits Lnqueftes.” 23. {'Harangue hardie de M.Bignon au Roy, lorf¬ qu’il alia aud' Parlement pour ia verihcalion dc quelqucs edits.” 24. “ Lettre en forme de Reraonftrance, envoiee au Roy, par le Marcfchal de Marillon.” 1632- 25. “ Lettre de Roy a Mons’ fon frere (le Due d’Orleans) du 5'"’ May 1631.” 26. “ ExtraX de la ligue et Confederation faitte entre la France et le Roy de Suede.” 27. “Articles de paix, entre I’empereur et le Roy de France, pour le Montferrat et le Mantouan.” * 3 . “Lettre de Cachet du Roy an Parlement, avec un arret de Confeil contre le dit Parlement, au fujet. de la Sortie dc France de Mg’ le due d’Orleans 12 May 1631.” 29. “ Declaration, de fon Alteze touchant la guerre contre la couronne de France. A Bruxelles, chez la Vcfve d’Hubert Anthoine Valpius, Imprimeur jure de la Court, a I’aigle d’or pres de fallanz >635. Avec pri¬ vilege.” Copied evidently from a printed TraX. The AltelTe in queftion is Ferdinand Infant of Spain. 30. “ Lettre a la Reine.” 31. The Order of the Troops under the Marcfchale la Force, Schomberg, & Marillac 1630. 3-. “ LuXus Mantua:, ’ a Copy of Latin Verfts. 33. “ Articles entre le Cardinal & Monfeigneur de Baflbinpierre.” 1630. 34. “ Flarangue de M. le Chanc’ Seguier au nonce Bagny, fur les mauvaifes intentions du Pape contre la France, et fes procedis contre la Maifon des Bar berini.” 35. “ Les deux faces de la Vie et de la Mcrt de Marie de Medicis Reyne de France, Vefve de Henry IV. Mere de Louis XIII. tres chreftien. Difeours fait par M. S 6 Mathieu 158 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4.;6S. j ^Tailiicu Je Morgues, Sieuj^ de S. Germain, doflcur en Theologic, premier aumofiuer, et predicateur de la diie D.r.ne Reyi^, &c.” “ “ Ilaranguc, que la Reputation du Jufle eft plus fuiiJe et plus legitime que ccile du Vuillant.” *37. “ Lpitre conlbiatoire, qu fomentation de douleurs fur uu mexontentcmcni de M^age.” 38. “ Rn.ifon pour monftrcr que I’Autheiir anonyme qui a tenu que Tlieodoric d’Alface a efte due de haute Lorraine, et qua les Princes Lorrains defeendeat d’icc- luy, fc trompe, eftant mafrondc en les pretcnfions, a rai- fon de quoy on Is peut convaincre de menfonge, et .accufer de calomnie, e^ de proloude ignorance cn riiif* toirc de Lorraine,” ' ’ 39. “ Jucrm-’nt fur riliftolre de Pays-Bas, du Cai'- dinal Bcnlivogfm.”- ^ 40. “ CatalogOidelH Libii clie fi inandano in Fiandra, pur I'llluftr’"'’ Signor Baron d’f'j^es.” 41. “ Difeorfo foprili prefaid movimenti,” a Sort of Pfalm, in Latin and Italian, mixed. 42. A Latin lafcription, ;kc. on thf To\vn of Verrue. 43. A Copy of Latin Hexameters, “ in Rupellje ob- ^fitUonem,” with Lpigrams, Sec. r < 44. A Catalogue of Italian Books. 45. “ A 1 Illuft’'’’ et Lccles"'' Sign" Don Gonzales di Cordova, Gover" del Stato di Milano, Config"" del Con- figlio di State et Guerra di S. M. et Capitano Gener^' delle fue Arme in Italia.” 46. “ Tellamento della Citta di Candia, copia tratta da S. Pafquino, Notaro Publico.” 47. A Copy of Italian Verfes, in 106 Stanzas, with fome other Poems in that Language. 48. “ D’unpreftre qui fill un enfant a une femme,” apparently imperfedt. 49. A Fragment of a Copy of Latin Verfes, begin¬ ning with a Pentameter— *• Refponfura tuis carmina, petta, Icgas.” 50. “ Lifte des Officers, Sergens, et Soldats tuez ou bletfcz, tant dans I’attaque de la Ville qu’a la battalle d’lRfonterie.” 51. Advice.s from Nantes and Thouars, 1674. 52. “ Orafio Dominica, verfibusHexametris reddita,” with other Compofitions of a fimilarkind. 53. Reflexions on the Power of Kings, in French. 54. Fragment of a Speech in French. 1^5- “ Difeours des opinions dilTerentes dc Mefli-s. de Parlement, au fujet de la Contumace de M. le Due de la Yalette, et defon Jugement.” “ Avis du 30 Decembre 164S, de ce qui fe paffa au Parlement.” 57. 58. Fragments, written in French. 59. “ Advis propofe jeudy dernier 30 de Mars en I’AHemblce faidle a I’arfenal, pour I’lnveniion des Lon¬ gitudes.” 60. “ Abrege de la Geographie Univerfelle.” 61. De I’etain d’Angleterre.” 62. “ Difeours fur la Fortune, avec quelques cxemples de fa vidlfitude, et quelques paflages d’aftez beauz Vers.” 63. A Dlfcourfein French, de bello jufto. 64. A Letter from M. Amaud d’Andilly 20 Augull 1670, to the Chan' Seguier. 55. A Fragment, irregularly placed, entitled, “ In- ftrudion pour s’mformer de i’ellat prefent de laGrece.” This 1 iile now ftands on the 4th Page. 66. ‘‘ Deflein d’un plus ample difeours, touchant la Ti'aie liberte!” a Tract, beautifully written on fmall Paper. 07. “ Inftruclion pour ceux qui.ont a vivre dans le Monde, et qui defirent fi’etablir et conferver honorablc- ji.cnt.” , to. “ F.xcellentiffimo Domino Petro Seguierio, Trui-cia: M. Cancellario, Compendium veritays Catho- Nimi. • licai et falfitatis feftario^in, ct de Preedeftb ft ReproH- done, ct gratia: divinre auxiliis. 1 ’. Tliomas Campanclla poftulalus exhibet.” 69. “ConamfimflifTimoTTibano Octavo, Chrifti, Reris Reguin ac Dui Domiiianti'-.a', Vicario, ac proiiide om¬ nium ovium ipllus funimo Paftore Vigilantifs" comparet.” 70. Conmemlium traftatus infcrljni, “ Anti-Ca:npa- nelb ad iliuiir'" et cxcell " Galliariim Canccllarium.” 71. “ Cure bona cx unitate. qux mala ex divifinne multiplici in regno»quolibet, priEcipue in Gallia, &c.” At the End is written, what appears properly to L -long to the Bcgimiing, being the Argument of the Pi-jce, Documenta ad Gallorum Naiioncm, ct refbontio rd murmur et libellos noCbu fp.-.rfos P.irkiis com« Rej;e:n Chriftlaniftimiun, et Cardinalem Ducein,^e .is Acha- tem et Regni Jofenhum, anno 1635, et ntio «vcrre!.iH Hlfpaniam a; d below, “ Carolus Magnus ad Gallos.” 72. “ Qu’il nc fault mjdire des Ru)S.” 73. “ Contre Jes medifans, et ceux qui c?hnpofent des libelles.’i 74. '^Ludovicus XIII- five ann des Gallimab exceffu Henrii.i IV. qiiibus Rermn in Gallia, GcrmSiia, Italia, Belgio, Lotharingia, per Gallos Geftarum aceuiata nar- ratio contiiieiur.” 75. “■ Harangue de Mg' le Chancelier Seguier au Parlement, pour y faire recevoir les Bulles d’limocent X. et Ale.xandre VII. contre les cinq propofidoiis cxlraits du livre de Janfenius.” ^ 76. *“ hlarai^ue de Mg' le Chancelier Seguier au Parlement pour la verification uj la nouvelle ordoii- nance.” 77. “ Inventaire envolee de Stralbourg par Monf, Luc, des piecesplus rares de fon Cabinet de medailles.” 78. *■ Toirafij MarefchalH Fpitaphium.” 79. “ Monfeigneur le Cardinal de Richelieu, apres avoir vifite I’Arfenal, entendu la meffe au Ccle-ftins, dans la chapelle des Dues d’Orleans, les ombres des Dues luy parlent.” A Sonnet. 80. “ Du Bonheur, A Monfeig' le Chanceller.''— Beautifully tranferibed, like the fmall Tract at No. 66, 81. “ Difeours politique touchant I’inclinaiion des Francois, et les remedes qu’il y a pour empeicher les mouvemens en France.” 83. “ Harangue de Mg' le Chanc' Seguier au Parle- ment, le Roy y eftant pour chaftier quelques ufliciers rebelles.” 83. “ Difeours fait lors de I’eftablifTement du Parle-, ment de Po.” 84. “ Plufieurs endroits de I’hiftoire, et particulicre- ment de notre Religion, extraits par M. de Priczac, per'e.” 85. “ Plufieurs projets dTIarangues de M. de Piie- zac pere.” 86. “ IlarangCie de Mg' Chaucelier Seguier au Par¬ lement, contre ceux de cecte cour qui avoieut fuivi le parti contraire au fervice de fa Majefte.” 87..“ Traite de Mg' le Chancelier Seguier, pour •■momrer qu’il faut dire librement la veviii, ct quelques autres niaximesde politique ct de morale.” 88. “ Projet d’Haranguc contre qutlques feditieux,” with feveral Examples by M. de Piiezac the Elder, on the Papal Conftirutions, See. and various Sketches by the fame Author, fome of which ate fpceitied in the Tableof Contents. 89. “'Fraiie dc M. dcPriezac pere, intitule Melanges fur I’cftat, grandeur, et diguite des Uoys.” 90. “ Difeours de la puiflaiicc des Roys et des Reynes, Priezac.” 91. “ Pour montrer qu’en cas dc Guerre les Eccle- fiauiques doivent contribuer comme les autres fujets du Roy. M. de Priezac jfere.” 92. A Latin Paper, apparently to fhew the Power of the Ejcperors in Ecclefialtical Queltions. 3 93. Another Eibliothecse Harleianse ^59 Num. 446^!—4471. 53. Anotlier Paper by Priezac. 94. “ Lc Chaiiceiier Segui^r de la validity des Mar¬ riages.” 95. “ Dc la puiffahce des Roys, &c. par Priezac.” 96. “ Auttorum delcflus. De univerfa Philologia.” 97. “ La diredtion a la CognoifTaace, ou I’Abregc, traduit de Nicholas de Cufa.’’ 44 <’ 9 . A Catalogue, or rather the Materials for a Catalogue, of the Libnuy of the Chancellor Seguier, 1645. 1 iiere is a Lill of Titles, an alphabetical Table of the TitU s,. aoother of the Names of Authors ; and then a Catalogiie of 571 Pag.s, divided into fix. Parts, called Caters^ being fo many Clafl'es of the Collec¬ tion. It cannot, however, be confidered as a finiflied Catalogue. 4470. Reports in confequence of an Infpefhion into the Public Accounts of Britany, by the Due de Chaulues, under the Royal Authority. Tiiey are entered under the Heads of the foUow'ing Places, and referred to in a general Table by the Leaves of the Volume, which extend to 223. Tl^ Dates run from 1671 to 1685, The Places are Ploermel, f. 3; Saind Malo, 27; Redon, 51 ; Do), 77; Vitre, 125 ; Jofielln, 149 j Guinguant, 177; Malefiroit, 199 j LaGuerchc, 220, The Titles of the Duke, Infpedor, arc placc: proprietaires les Royauines de Navarre, et de Portugal, et le Duche de Milan. 2. Remors de Confcience de 1 F.mpereur Charles v. et de fon fils Philippes II. Roy d’F.fpagne, fur la fin de leurs Jours d’avoir detenu IcDift Royaumc dc Navarre.” ' 46. “ InUruftion des Eflats d'Hollandc touchant le pouvoir de leurs dcputez aux Efiats generaux des Pro¬ vinces Ihiies des Pays Bas.” 47. “ An unfinilhed Letter to Seguler, apparently from Mr. Godefroy. 48 “ L’Eftcndue de la Seigneurie de la Republiqile des Provinces Unies de Pays Bas.” 40. “ Dc la prefeance, et prerogative d’honneur des Ainbafs" de la kepuhlique des Provinces Unics des Pays Bas, lur Ics Amb'= du Due de Savoy, du Grand Due de Tofeane.” !kc. &cc. 50. Du Rang et Prerogatives d’honneur que les \mb" des Provinces Unies de Pays Bas pretendent avoir on France et auirc pait.” 51. “ Accord pour les faufeonduits a Hambourg Fan 1641, le 25 Dccenibre.” 52. “ Advis fur les iongeurs et evafions que I’Empc- reiir et Ic Roy d’Efpagne ont ule jufques a' prefect. Pour ne conclure aucun Traide de Paix avec Ic Roy et la Rcine de Suede.” Pierre Gonqalez de Mendoze, Cardinal et Archevefqiie de Tnlsde ; principal Miniltre d’Eflat foubs .lean ii. Henry iv. Ferdinand et Ifabelle, Rois d’Efpagne, Fefpace de quarantc trois ans : depuis Fan 1452 to I49J-” 54. “ Inventaire des Memoires manuferipts de Mon- feigneur le Chancelicr.” xxxvui Volumes. A Lift of Papers, fome of -which are in this Volume. 55. Procfediiig.s of M. de Bezan^on againft the Archbi' of BourdcauK : an attefted Copy, on 52 leaves, fignecl at the end thus, “ Collatioimc a Foriginal de- nieure en nos mains, S' de Bezunqon Cons' du Roy en ics Confeils, faid a Paris le 26 J;m' 1692. D. Bc- laii^on.” 56. “ Relation du Voiage que j’ay faid au mois de Feburier 1641, en Provence, par commandement de Monfeigneur le Cardinal Due de Richelieu et de Fronfac, pair Grand M'= Chef et Surintendant General de la navigation, commerce, et galeres de France.” 45 - 5 - From the Seguier Colledion. containing Mifcellanies. 1. “ Oraifon funebre de M. le Cardinal de Richlieu.” fol. I. xvi:. 2. “ Extrad des Traites d’Alliance faits entre le Roy de Suede ct les Eftats Generaulx, par laquelie ils reconnoiflent fa dit Majefte pour fouverain de la Mer Baltique'.” 86, 3. “ Efcrit fait par feu Mons' Ic Prefident Janin, con- tenant fon advis pour faire la Palx avec ceux de la Religion pretendue Refonnee.” See alfo N" 7. 38. 4. “ Jugement et confidei-ations fur le livre de M. le Chevalier Feraple (Sir \V. Temple) Amb' d’Angleterre en Ilollande, ou il traitte de I’Kftat des Provinces Unies, Imprimee chez Barbin en 1675 in 8° a Paris.” 94. ’ 5. Projed de Reponfe au memoire de Monfieur FEvefque d’Aichftat, public le 30 Aout 1673 a Ratif- bonne, et imprime a Bruflelles, foubz le Tiltre de Mani- fefte de FEmpereur.” 6 . y Foedus inter I\I. Britanniam Sc Ordines Generales Bclgii unites conclufum 31 Dec. 1677, et 10 Jan 1678.” 7. Another and a fairer Copy of the Advice of the Prefident Janin, already noticed at N" 3. rjy. 4518. From_ the Seguier Colledion; and confifting of Trads written and printed, refpeding the French Coinage; exadly fiiniiar to N” 4496, with which it is bound up, 45 ^ 9 - Mifcellaneous Colledions, printed and MSS., on the Subjed of Meftina, during the fame Period with the Letters in 4516 & 17. 4520. A very thick Folio Volume of the Seguier Papers, in Latin, French, Italian, and Spanifti. 1. A Fragment in Latin, with Two Titles, firft, “ Archi-capelLmi et Capellani nati.” Secondly, “ Proto- ppellani et Archi-capellani aftiimti Regum ac Principum in Belgio a Philippi Boni temporibus.” i. 2. Memoirs in French of Thomas -1 Kempis, Peter Bembo, & Famian Strada. 2 3. ^ “ Ordonnance du Roy Louys treize de Fan. 1624. Copie.” ^ 4. “ Le Sr. de Montferant, Commandant pour le Roy des Troupes de fa Majefte, dans la Citadelie de Liege.” An Order to fend out feveral of the Inhabit¬ ants, Aug. 3c. 1675. 5. “ Copie d’une Lettre, laquelie commence, Mon bon frerp, Nepheu et Coufin. De Aranjues ie 22 d’Avuril 1594.” fol. 9. Now wanting. 6. Memoriul in Flemiflj. |q, 7. “ Extrait de certain Regiftre contenant les Privl- legc.s de la Ville de Lille, de Fan 1452.” At the end, “ Collalione au dit Regiftre et trouve concorder de mot a autre, par nous Commiffaire et Adjoindb foubfeript. Le Brim. Du Bois.” S. A Letter in Spanitli, beginning, “ Seiior Don Andres de Aiuarado Bracanionte, que ha venido de Flandrcs.” 9. 'i'wo Papers, dated Bremen 22 & 29 of April 1G25. Dutch. 10. A German Paper, Leipfig 31 March 1655. 20. 11. A Letter fubfcribed, “ Bourgemaltres, Efehevins et Confeil de la Ville N. N. de FAn. 1677.” 21 12. “Traiftez des DroicL et Adions que ont j'es Princes de Boiirgongue, tant centre les Rois de France que Dues de Gheldres et de Zutphen. Ante Annum 22 ad 42. 13. “ fnftrumentum Pads Caefareo-Gallicum Novi- omagi die quinta Febniarii 1679 conclufu.m et fub- feriptum.” _ 42 48. 14. “ Traidez de Pai.x, taut entre FEmpereur et la France, qu’entre te mcnie Enipereiir et la Suede, coii- cluz et fignez a Nimmegiie, le 5 Fevricr 1679. Tradiiit du Latin.” ^3 ad ?o. I j. A Letter m Spamfli, dated Madrid y Abril 23. 5 °- 16. A ftiort Account of fome Spaniih Works on Hiftory, beginning, “ Las obras del P. Pedro Ribade- neyra de la Compaiiia de Jefus,” &c. f. 51. Alfo .at N'56. Followed here by a Fragment in Latin, fub- ferihed. “ Adum Bilfcldia; in \V’‘cftphalia.” 17. Some I68 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4520. 17. Some Remarks in French on a Latin Paflage, bsginning, “ Albertus, Saxonias Dux, &c. Margareta Auflriaca, Maxiiniliani et Marise Burgundse filia, &c.” 55 - 18. A Latin Epiftle, “ad Francifcum Horenbecmm Gandavenfem Epifcopumi” Signed Laureniius a Dript. 5 ^ 5 - 19. A Fragment in Latin, beginning on the fecond fide with thele Words, “ Super quibus ordinalionibus multa notari polTunt.” 5 ^- 20. A Flemilh Paper, fuperfcribcd, “ Bydcn Co- ninck,” 1630. 59 '^ 21. A medical Cafe; “ Lovanii, 26 Feb. 1671.” Signed by three Medical Profeflbrs. _ 60.^ 22. “ Chronica in Honorem Miraculofas Virginis vulgo infant.” ^ 5 * 23. A Paper in Latin, refpecling Antouius dcs Barres, Antonius Gamier, and Anttnius Perrenotus. 66. 24. Memoir in Flemiflr, 1609. ^ 7 ' . 25. A Latin Paper, beginning, “Pater Sanfliflimi Dhi nfi dementis ix. vocabatur dhs Jeronymus, et mater,” &c. _ 26. A Flemilh Paper, entitled, “ Copie Vant gene Van Langren Cofmographe Van S. M. &c. 1671.71. 37, “ Copie dc la Lettre de S. A. le Due de Lor¬ raine eferitte a M. Le Comte de Ligneville. 1654. Copie de la Lettre de S. A. Imp", eferitte a S. A. le Due Francois. Copie de la Lettre de S. A. Imp", a M'. Le Compte de Ligneville. Copie de la Lettre de S. A. Monfeign'. le Due Franqois a M'. le Comte de Ligneville, de Vienne le 13 Mars 1654.” 75. 28. “ Le Soulevement du Royaume deNaples centre fon Vice Roy, en fuite de celui du Royaume de Sicile.” 77 -^_ 29. “ Grace accordee aux Woywodies de Cracovie,” 4 cc. . 30. “ Memoirc deNiramegue, le p^ de Juillet, 1678. & le 27 Juin.” ^ 4 - 3 t. Two Papers in French, the firft beginning, “ Son Altelfe la Princefie Palatine, lorfqu’elle ell partie de Paris avec la Princefle Marie, &c.” The fccond fuper- feribed, “ Anholt 16 de May 1671.” And beginning, “ Son Altelfe Monfeigneur le Prince de Salin, See. 32. “ De Luxembourg le 27 Juin 1673. Dc Liege 27 dudifl Mois.” 9 °- 33. 34. Original Letters in Spanilh, ligned by the King, and fuperferibed, “Porel Rev, A 1 Conde de Mans- felt, Suprimo del Confefo cle Ellado.” 1593 * 595 ’ 91. 2^. A Paper originally marked, “ Memoriale et Req"' a fon Ex'-' pour le Prcvoll General de la Cour,” 94 - 36. “ A Paper fuperfcribcd, “ Wratis Lavia 29 Jan. Anno 1646.” And beginning, “ Miles quidam qui niultis annis Caefari militavit,” 8cc. 95 * 37. “ Copia de carta, eferita por el Conde de Mon- tcreij a Don Pedro Ferrandes del Campo, 1675.” Allb an Anfwer, and another Letter. 98. 38. A Spanilh Paper, beginning, “ Plavicndofe jun- tado cl exereito del Principe de Oranje el dia 19 del palfado, con cl que manda el Senor Duque de Villa hennofa,” &c. • 99 - 39. “ Extrato del Regillro de las Refoluclones de los Altos y poderofos Senoves Ellados de las Provincias Vnidas. Maries a ig de henero 1649.” With another, 30 de henero 1649. 40. “ Copia facada del Regillro de las reftiluciones de los Ellados gnrales de las Prouincias Vnidas. Sabbathi 31 Ottubre 1648. Nuin. 4^2C. 41. Letters in Spanilli, fron Don Juan de Aufir.a^ 10 the Pope, from the King to Don Juan, and other fimilar Letters, dated 1676. i'-®- 42. A Letter in Spanilh, from Don Juan to the Queen, Oa. 21. 16C8. ' 'o- 43. A Spanilli Paper, beginning, “ Defpachofe un Correo en toda diligencia a Sarsgofa con una Carta de la Regna,” &c. With llmilar Papers. 11 2 - 44. “ Copia de la Carta del Rey nucllre Schor,_quc Dios guarde, al Seiior Don Juan.” Copia de la Caita de S. A. D’. Juan de Aullrla al Reyno de Arragon.” 1675. 45. “ Copia dc la Carta de S. A. Don Juan de Aulata al Reyno de Arragon.” 1671. _ ^‘6. 46. A Spanilli Paper, with this Title, “ Si fe deue Efpana, confederar con Francia 6 Ingalaterra._ Tr.atafe de haver liga y confederacion con Francia, 6 con In- galaterra.” .Signed, “ El Abad Arnolfini.” En hla- drid a. ii dc Julio 1666. _ ' 47. “ Copia de un articulo del Tellamento del Em- perador Carlos Quiiito de Gloriofa Meinoria. 1-4- 48. “ Propoficiones de aiullamiento eiitra Cafii.Ia y Portugal, propuellas por el. J'.mba-'. do nglatierra. 49. “ A Letter to the Pope, in Spanilli, dated ?.Ta- drid II Jimio 1655. (b.) An hilloricai Paper, in the fame Language, dated 1548, refpoc'cing the Pj-inte Don Plieiipe. ’ - ^ 5c. “ Copia de una Confulta que I-To el felior Inq-ui- fidor Gnal, Confefibr de la Reyna Nfa Sehora, rtfpun- diendo a una Carta, que eferibio a fu Mag'', el S ■^ Don Juan, de confoegra, en 21 de ottubre, latisfacicndo a los cargos que le halfe en clla.” Madrid y Oetubre 21 de 1668. M-' 5'. A Letter in Spanilli, dated Alameda a 16 du Abril 1634. ' 55 ' 52. “ Copia de-carta dc S.i-^. elSer”". S S Don Juan, eferita a la Regna nia S". deidc Saragofa, a 14 ’. de Abiil de 1670.” * 5 ^* 153. “ Los puntos, que el S". Nuncio, cn Nonibre de fu Santidad, ajullb con la Royiia nfa S'*, fobre las re- prefeiitacioncs del S"'. Don Juan, en 26 de hi-arfo, fon los figuientes ” ^ 5 ^' 74. “ A Letter to the Queen, on an a£l of Guarantee which is annexed. I?oth in Spanilh. d lie I.etter begins, “ Sehora, Dcfpues de todas las Controverfias que en la negotiation dc la Guarantia fe hen offrecido. And is dated, “ BrusS a 28 de Encrn 1670.” fol. 160. The Ad follows at fol. 161, and is niaikcd (54.) b. 55. An Account, iu Spanilh, of the County of Ilainault, &c. beginning, “ Una parte del Condado de Ilenao. como fon las villas de Muns, Valencienes, Bu- chain,’’ &c. f. 166. Three Leaves, numbered now as they ought to (land (5>., i- (“ 5 ") -■ CSiOo- 56. Another Copy of the fame Spanilh Paper which occurs at N** 16. followed by a Letter beginning, “ Ha leydo muchifiimos Padres, conic fon S. Augulba, &c. 171. 57. “ Copia de Carta del Cardenal Nitardo, pura c! Sehor Don Juan de Aullria. Copia dc la Rcfpuelb de S. A. 1672.” ‘ 73 - 58. “ Copia de la Carta de fa Ex\ el Marques de Caracena, eferita al General de la Cavallcria. 1662. > 74 - 55. “ Papel de un minillro franccs, para fu Rcy.” 60. A Calendar, in Flemilh vliymed Verfes, written in 1624.” . , j 61. “ A Copy of an Oreinance, in Ilemiln, da.ed Braflils 158.- Bibliothecse Harleianas, 169 Nuin. 4520. C2. A Fragment of a Lift of Names of illuftrious Perfons, numbered in the Margin, as for Reference. In French. Beginning, “ 425. Hauk et puillant Prince Philippe Guillaume Comte Palaiin du Rhin,” &c. 191. 63. A Latin Letter, dated, “ Romae. i Decemb. 1676.” 64. A Fragment in Italian, relating to the Counts, &c. of Brefcia. 65. “ Itinerario que ileva el Ser’“. Senor D". Juan delde cfta Corte a la Coruna.” 198. 66. “ OlHciers tuez ct bleftcz depuis le s+Juillet ^675.” 200. C7. “ Seance des Eleifteurs, Princes et Eftats de I’Empire, a la Propofition de la Diete, a Ratilbon, le 13 dc Join 1653.” 201. GS. “ La Chambre du Gouvernement, ou de Ober— Rafts—Otuebe, &c.” 202. 69. “ Catalogus Medicorum, Pidboriim, Hiftorico- rum,” &c. 204. 70. “ Extraift du Regiftrc de la Ville d’Aix de Fan 206, 7 j. “ Copte Extraicle de certain document en parchc- min, repofantes Archives dcs Dames du Noble College d’Ardenne, portant datte de Tan iioi. Coilationec &Concord.e|uodTeftor, Nodari, Notaire Public 1C60.” 208. 72. “ Extraieft d’un fort b.au et tres ancien MilTel en parchemin, efeript en icttre Romaine, convert dc Bois et cuir roux, gamy de ferrures de cuivre, iceluy repofant cn la trefiorie de I’Eglife Madame S'*. Begge a Ardenne fol. 4. auqut'l fe trouve la forme et ferment que font oblige faire ies fept GentiHliommes, qui doivent jurer les quartiers de chicunc Ddni*"' receupic aud‘. Chapitre.” 213. 73. “ Extrait faite a Ilambourg.’’ 15 Apr. 1655. In Flemifh. 216. 74. “ Extratto d’uno libro intitolato, Relatione tri¬ partita del Viaggio di Gierufalemmc, deferitta da Fra. Steflano Mantegazza, See. Stampato in Milano 1610.” 218. . 75 - Letters in Italian, from Chev. di Gremon- •ville to the Emperor, dated Vienna 1672. ful. 222. The fecond fhould ftand firft. 76. “ Inftruttione per gl’ Em-'. Legati, che deuono riceuere la Regina di Sueci?, e quello fi deue allcruarc ncl fuo introito in Roma.” 238. 77. “ Deferipcion de la Tierra Sanifta.” fol. 230. In Spaniih. 78. A Catalogue of Books in various Lancruages, written in a very linall and neat Hand, and extended to upwards of 852 Articlc.s. It is very exact in the De- fcripiions, but it does not appear to what Collection it refers. 79. “ Qui de nomifmatis fciipferint, et leones exhi- Inierint, ex Ant. Auguftini Dialogo xi. Et Levino lluUio, uliliftimi Ailerifco notantur.” 2^6. 8c. A Fragment of the Hiftory of Brabant, beginning, “ Philibertus leu Philippus Hugonctus nafione Callus quern Burgundia protulit, Matifeo cducavit,” Sec. It extends to 1505. See 124, 258. Sj. A French Letter, on the Subject: of the Count d’llenghien, by his Grandfather; without Signature or 262. S2. “ Everardi Waflenbergi S. C. M. Hiftbriographi Ceniorius Anii-Cato in Ex®", ill'"'’. D'". D. Franciico dc Mouv.i et Corte Real Caitelii Roderici Marchione, kc. Bulgarum ac Burgundioiium Gubernatore fnigulariicr exprellus.” 83. P.irt of a TreaK* in French, between the Em¬ peror and the King of Thunes or Tunis. 27S. Cat. IIarl. Vol.III. Num. 4520. 84-. “ Confiderations pour Ies queiles il ne convient que fa Ma". donne cZ attache la place de Chancellier du Confeil de Gueldres a la Noblefie de la dite Province ou Quartier, qui refte a fon obeiffance.” 282. 85. “A French Trad, to defend the Marriage of the Baron du Ccurtenbac k Helmond with Mad. de Gon- zage de Mantoiie. 286. 86. “ A French Memorial, “ A fon Exc**. C’eft avec raifon qu’ Anne Wary, vefve du feu Jacques Defcombes, iiatif de PJyan en Savoyc,” &c. 290. 87. “ L’Armce du Prince d’Orange. L’A-rmce du Roy de France.” 292. 88. “ Copie (k la Lettre de la Reyne au Due de Villa hennofa.” 1073. 296. 89. “ An ofticia! Letter to announce the Peace of Niineguen, fuperl'cribed, “ Don Carlos de Guerrea,” &;c. /it bottom, “De Bruxelles 29deDecembre 1678. paraphe de Pape. v'. et Signe Diique de Villa-hcrmofa, ConJe de Luna, et plus has Contrefigne Verreycken, La fuperfeription eftoit, a Mefiicur? du Grand Cor.fcil du Roy a Malines.” 297. 90. “ Le S'. Breant, Conf'. du Roy, commiftaire ord'*. dcs guerres, fubdelegue al' Intcndance de Gand et De- pendances.’.’ 1679. 298. 91. “ Regleir.cnt faite, en attendant Itf Ratification de la Paix, ail Camp devant Mons.” 1678. 306. 92. Deliberation of the States General, nn the Letter of their Ainbaffadors in England, the 4th May 1C68. 93. “ Copie d’unc Lcttrc envoiec par M'. le Marquis de Grant, a MV le Ceneralle, de Montecocoully du Camp dc M'. de Crequy pres de Tuendorf le 21 d’aouft 16-5.” ^ 3,0. 94. “ Relation en bref du fiege de la Ville d’Aire.’* 167(1. _ ^ 3,4. 95. Conditions agreed to in the Camp before Conde. i6;6. 318. 9(5. An Order from the King, “ Dc par le Roy, Veu par nous Bernard le Grand Preuoft du Regiment dc Piedmont, ct i'ailant la Ciiarge du PrcUoft General de Maeftricht,” icc. 1671. 320. 07. “ Copie de la Declaraiion de M*. des Carrieres faite au ConfJl de la Ville dc la part du Roy tres Chretien.'-’ 1675. ^22. gS. “ Copie dc la Lettrc du Cardinal de Bouillon aiix •Chanoincs de la Cathedrale de i.icge.” 323. gg. “ Copie de la Letii-e de Son Ex' ". le Comte de NafTau, a Meftieurs les Bourgucmuitrca Jc Liege.” 167C. With another Letter fubjoiiied. 324. too. “ Leitre des F.tais Gencraux au Roy dc la Grande Brciaigne.” 1G66. 101. “ LettredesEtatsGcneranx desProvinceslkiies au Roy de France. 10 icbie 1671.” 102. “ Ariicles concluded between the Marquis de Louvoy, for the King, and the Prince Guillaume dc Furftemberg, for the Eledor of Cologne, &c. 1672. 103. “ Copie tie la Lettre du Prince d’Orange"^ de Rooiendacl le 9 gbre. aux Etats du Pays du Liege.” 335. 104. A Paper beginning, “ Le Roy a veu le mc- moirc, que M'. I'Ainballiideur d’Angleterre lui a pre- fente, &c. Fait le 39 Janvier 1670.” Signed Lionne. 336. 105. Another, beginning, “ Eftant parvenu a la GOgniffance des Etats, &c. de ces Pays bas & que le pretendu droit dc la Reine dc France a ces dits Pays- bas,” kc. 23S. 106. “ Ordonnance du Roy. Pour obligor fes Sujet despais qui ont eftez cedez a fa Ma'* dans les Pais bas le.fqucls font engagez au Service des Prince eftranger X X et Catalogus Librorum MSS, /) Niiin. 4520. et qui ont pns party dans leurs trouppes de s’en retirer dans deux mois et de revenir dans les terres de I’obei- fance de fa Ma" foubs les paines y contenu^. l)ii 20 Acuft 1668.” 3 .’ 9 - lo". A Letter beginning, “ Sur la fin du mois de Juin,' J’ay recu ordre de Bourgogne de palTer a la Dieie de Bade.” &c. icS. “ De par leRoy, Michel le Pelletier—Imcndant dc la Juftice, Police, et finances en Flandres.” Lille 1677. See 121. 341* 129. " OrJonnance du Roy en interpretation de celle defaMajclle du 26 Dec". 1O76. du 10 Mars 1677.” 342- 110. “ Copie d’une deuxieme Lettre que le Baron de Cuines a f.iit fcmer parini la Ville de Valenciennes peu de jours decant la fiege.” 343 - in. “ Ln confeil de h Cite de Liege, y appellcs et convoques, les Sieurs et Mailbres ct CommilTaires, les 64 deputes des Metiers, les Capiiaines, et les 32, tenu cii la lale de la Maifon de Ville, le 21. de Fevrier 1677.” 345 - 112. “ Lettre du Roy a M'. le Marefehal de Humi- eres, au fujet des Conti ibulioiis.” 1676. 346- 11 V “ '■iopie de I’cnvoy fiiit par les intendans de fa Majeil", enl'uite de rollre fait a la conference de D’Eynfe, pour Ic premier terme des Contributions dc la quatrierae annee de la guerre.” 34 '^- 114. “ Advis au public au fujet des Contributions.” 1676. 350- 115. A Letter of the King of France to a Prince of the Blood, 1677. 352* 116. A Letter, beginning, “ Monfieur, Je vous avois mandc, qu’ apres i.i LLilure de. RP. le Marquis de Ricx- bourg nous receuincs ordres,” &c. Without Signature. 354 - 117. “ Harangue du Roy de la Grand Bretagne aux deux Chambres du Parleincnt, du 28 Janv. 1677.” Alfo, “ Reponce du Pailenieiit au Roy, traduit de I’Angluis en Flamand.” 35 ®- 118. “ Articles propofez et accordez par le Roy aux Deputez de la Ville et Difiricf de GanJ.” 358. 119. Lettre d’un Bourgeois deTournay a un de fes amis demenrant a Bruxelles, touchant les pratiques des Miniftres d’Lfpagne, pour faire alTalliner le Baron de Cuincy.” , 3 ^^* 120. “ Articles propofez au Roy tres ChrcRien par Ics P.-cfiJcnt et gens du Confeil en Flandres, a Gand.” 16-8. 367- 111. “ MichA !e Peletler—Intendant—cn Flandres.” 1678. SeeN’ioS. 37 '^* 132 Difiertation fur le Parlement de Bourgogne, et I’Hiftiiirs dts I’reinieri Prefidents.” 372. 123. “ Ceux que I’on trouve par les Comptes du Roy avoir eflc du Confeil d’Eftai, depuis Tan 1530 a Fan 1654.” 37 ^‘ 124. A Fr.-gmcnt of the Fliftory of Brabant, be¬ ginning, ‘•Pliilippus cognomento Audax,” Kc. fol.382. bee 80 8: 12O. I - c A Frag'i ent, in Latin, with various Names and Dat^s. 3S5. 1 iS. Fragments of the Diftory of Brabant, beginning, “ Magnum ac vere Augudum Maximorum, ex Regia Valefiorum fiimilia, Eurgundiae Ducum, potenlilllmo- lumq; Bclgii Principum Concilium, deferipturus, operae, pretium duxi akius ip'am hilloriam indagare, iJi'c.” With a fecond, beginning “ Philippus cognomento Audax.” like N“ 124. fol.405. End AD. 1-96. 387. 127. “ Edict du Roy fur la publication faicte atoutes perfonnes, banquiers, ct aulties, de expedyer ou envoyer en Court de Rome aucur.s Couriers, ne aultres, pour y faire tenir or ou argent, foit pour matieies beneficiales Num. 4520. provifions et aultres expeditions. Publye en la Cour de Parlement a Paris, le 7 Jour de Septeinbre.” I 55 ** 409. 128. “ Extrait des Trophecs de Brabant, de Chrifio- fre Brutkens Prieur, et d’xVutres.” In French and FIcmifh. 4 * 5 * 129. “ Recherche curieufe et demonllrative de cin* qiiaiite fix Bienheureux JurifconfuUes, qu* Officiers de Juftice pour enfeigner les Ignorans, et convaincre les Malveillans de ce que ceux-!a croyent, et ceux-cy veulent fouftenir, que I’unique Sainft en cette Profeffion, tant falutaire que necel'fairc, au repos et bien public, feroit un Breton appelle Iivony y adjoutans meme par raillerie, que inontant au Ciel patle quatre cens, ou environ, il auroit tire I’efchelle apres luy.” ^ 421- 130. “ Genealogy of the Family of Rym, in French. 427. 131. “ Cnvis et fiiccindta narratio fanationis tam fubitanc£E, quam inopinatai,” kc. fol. 428. Im¬ perfect. 132. Another Fiagment, bi'ginning, “ Plurimis jam nunc, ut audivi, afieCtus vefter erga D™. Brun,” &c. 429-.. 133. “ Breue Fabii Epifeopi Neritonenfis ac Nuntii Apoltolici, Datum Monaltcrii Weftphalorum,” 2b Ocl. 1049. _ 43 °' 124. “ PrefiJcnt et Gens du Grand Confeil en Tan 1516. et autres fuivans.” 432 * 131;. Latin Teiraflics on feveral Popes, from Adrian 6 to Innocent the 11th. 434 * 136. .*1 Spanilh Paper, beginning, “ Algunos puntos que fe pueden reprefentar en favor de Guilhelmo de Blitterfwyck Confelero,” Sec. 43 ^* 137. An Italian Narrative, beginning, “ Alii 23 Sep- tembre, pranfo fua Maefta, a Douagno, Citta principals della Brab.mtia,” &c. 437 *. 138. A Paper in Flemlfti, onFrederick Will", Mar¬ grave of Brandenburg. 439 * 139. A Latin Letter, dated Bruftels 1654. 44 i* 140. Hiftorical Fragments, in Latin, &c. 442. 141. Writings in Latin, in Celebration of the Bleflbd Virgin, fol. 445. ’i’wo Papers, in different Flands, confufed together; four Leaves each. 142. A Paper refpcaing the Jefults, apparently in- ttoduftory to the liiftory of the ten firft Generals of their Order, “ Decein priinorum Societatis Jefus patrum nomina, cognomina, nationes, Dicecefes, ordo Voca- donis, dies, raenlis, annus, et locus quo quifque obiit.” 452- 143. The fpurious Epiftle of Lentulus, concerning our Saviour. 45 .?‘ 144. A Hiftory of S' Catherine of Sienna, beginning, “ Et quamvis nulla extent ad nos, literarum monumentis tranfmiffa, de affeau S. Catharine Senenfis,” &c. 454 * 74!;. “ Conception immaculee. Le PereMeitens, I’a fort n'aifment prononce, a moii Opinion, cn fou fernion faid le 8 Octobre 1667,” Ax. 46=- 146. ” Le Pere Corret devant le Roy de France, a Lille, fur, Repletifunt omnes Spirilu Sanc^o” 4&i. 147. Three Tracis, in Latin, “ De obfervaiione Man- datorum Dei.” 465. 145. “ De Bonitate Dei.” 47 i* 149. Latin Traas, “ De Paffione Domini.” fol. 479. Two different Traas, mixed in binding. 150. Charaefters and Interefts of the Cardinals in the ' Conclave. In French. 485. iM. Latin Scntcnxs from Scripture, applied to all the Cardinals. 4 ^ 9 * 2 152. Goppa Bibliothecae Harleianse- 171 Num. 4520. 152. “Copia di Letterafcritta dal Gran Vizir al Ecc® Sigf Duca dl Sagan, peruenuta a Vienna )i 30 Giugno. 1663.” _ _ 497. 15,’. A Latin Letter, beginning, “ Rev"“ Celfitudo.” Dated R.omx Die 24 8bris 1676. Signed, “ Joes MeiTcnig ab Outrcloure.” 449. J54. “ Excerpta quaedam cx Romanis Litteris/’ 501. 155. Clar™’ Diii Anthonii Torquati, LL.D. Ma- giflri, MeJicinae Dodioris, Prognoftici Ferrarienfis ac- curatilTiini, anno 1480.” 502. 156. “ Prophelia S. Thomae Archiepifeopi Camuari- cnfis qui MartyrifatUi luit anno 1174.’'’ 504. 157. “ Narratio Eclipfis Solaris 28 Jan. 16C4.” 505. 158. “ Hodierna die Deo fmt laudes, PMartii 1664, Ratilbonae in Collcgio Statuum Imperialiuin ereda eft Gcneralitas corporis Imperii, et inodo fubfequenti infti- tuta.” 506. 159. “ Media neceffiiria ad Defenfionem alBiifti Belgii.” _ J08. ido. “ Adta quaedarn Mediolani anno 1638.” JIO. t6i. A Latin Addrefs to the Dauphin of France. 312 . 162. “ Lettre du Roy de France, au Pape ; Ic 30 Aouft J662.’' ^,4. 163. A Preface to fome Work, beginning, “ Currente hoc anno 1667, in lucein prodiere libelli tres, quorum primus,” &c. ■ 164. “ Juramentum Marchionis de Caftel-Rodrigo praeftitum in Ecclefia Divae Gudulae, 1666.” 516. J65. “ De qualitate Signoruin Caeleftium,” &c. J17. 166. “ Philip Balthazar, Villain de Gand, Prince de Mafmines (?) Comte d’lfenghein, Chevalier du Toifon d’or, Gentilhoinme de la (. hambre de fa Ma" Gouver- neur et Cap"' General de la duche de Gueldres.” 519. 167. A Latin Traft, beginning, “ Plane illud ridU culum, quod Ponlifex Solem repraefentet, Iinperator Luiiam,” &c. 168. Extrda of a Sermon by Father Gerard, Jefuit. Li Fieiich. ^2j 169. Letters in Dutch, dated Bru/Tels 1666. 522. 170. “Thema. Ex niliilo nihil fit.” ^28. 1i. “ Relacion de las buenas partes y calidades—de Don Theodoro Van Vliele d’Aineyden, &c. 1665.” , _ 529. 173.^ Geographical Deferiptions of Vienna, FJungary &:c. written iiiFrcncii. 531"^* 173. “ De h Religion des Tureques.” 539. 174. “ Dcfci-ipuon de Iherufalem et des Saints iieux, qui font dans la Ville, et aiix environs.” 549. « 75 ; “ s’enfuiteftextraiftd'un livre qui porte pour titre Voyage de Levant, fait par le Commandemant du Roy I'anaec 1621. Par le S' du C. qui dans fon auvcrtilTement, di: ce qui s’enfuit.” rej 17G. A diftina relation of Queen Chriftina’s eWe or Religion. In Latin. c-. 177. A Latin Inl'cription on the Duke of Parma ijgj. 178. “ Remarques ARrologiqucs fnr Pan Mre Mathieu Gautier. Cette Preiiiaion ell fur peine de Vie deliendue cn France.” 179. *' Iter Ratiibonenfe annis 1640 et 1641 • et in CO notatu digtia.- fol. 560. The two firll Leaves’lhould be tranlpoied to the end. Num. 4521. 452i< A Volume of the Seguier Colkaion, containing various Papers, many of them Originals, in French, Latin, See. I. “ Privilegia Univerfitatis Lovanienfis.” i. 2 ' Annoiationes in Cenfuram Sorbonicam fuper Ododecim Propofitiones, feriptae partimmanii Micluelis Briucgel Canonici Antverpienfis, ut ipfe Anno 1591 lo" Aug. teftatur ad imum fbl. 33. partiin etiara manu ignota ad fincm, fed cum annotatis in hlargine ex manu Michaelis du Baij, cujus maims Titulum hunc praefixit, “ Honorando Patri Anthonio Sablonio nuper in partibus Flandriae Provinciali Frairum niinorum.” 23. _ 3. “ F..xtraclum ex Libro quodam ceu Mcmoriali ex- hibitum Reg: Domino Nolbro.” Sic Titulus. In Fine, “ Atbum A. 1682.” Tradtat de Faclione Bayaniftica et Janfeniltica. 4 - _A Royal Edidb, forbidding to ftudy in any Utii- verfities, except thofe of Louvain and Douay, “ Donne a Bruxelles le 4'"' de Mars 1569.” 45. ad 47. 5. “ Quod Cognitio in Crimine Haerefeos Redori Univerfitatis Louanienfis nominatim committitur, Ra- tiones exhibitae domino Maxlmilinno Morillono Cardi- nalis GranvellaniVicario Generali ” On the back this litle, “ De Amplitudine Redoralis Jurifdidionis quoad liaercticorum punitiones.” 47, -A draft beginning, “ Quibus Rationibus coin- mocliflime fiicillimcque perfici pofl'et ne herefes in hac Belgia plures inficiant, et ut qui nutent in Religione Catholica confirmentur,” &c. 34. 7. “ Fpiftola Gerardi a Groefbeeck Epifeopi Leodi- enlis conlbituens Cornelium Saureiy Arcliidiaconum et Officialem, &c. dat. A. D. 1568. 27 Aprilis.” 65. _8. “ Forma feu Inftruftio juxta quam Decani Chria’ Diftriftus Bruxetlenfis vifitabunt, faafque vifitationes feripto reJaftas, intra menlein poll illain completam illuilr'"” ac Rever^'Dno Cardinal! Granvcllano Archiepo Mecklinienfi, feu ejiis Vicariis fideliter referent feu tranf- mittent.” Signed Max. Morillonus. i Oft. 1568. 67. 9. “ Propofitio ex parte Ri‘ Dni et Principis Dn Gerardi a Groefbeeck Epifeopi Leodienfis, &c. prelatis aliifq; virls Ecclefiafticis patriae Leodienfis fafta in Palatio fuo LeoJii 2i"Julii 1567.” So the Title. It concludes thus; “ Hacc funt R"*’ in Chrifto et Ven"* fincere dileebi j quae nccefiavium putavimus vobis ex. poni, fuper quibus omnibus veftrum Refponfum ac re- Iblutionem cuiufmodi poliffimum veftra pictate, prudentia, et ludicii aequitaie digna fit, enixe et inftanter petimus, et ante veftrum ex hac noftra civitate difeeffum expefta- mus.” i o._ “ Cenfura Librorum per Theologcs Louanienfes ex Edifto Caefareo fafta.” Beginning, “ Ad profligandos ex inferiore hAc Germania hercticos errores,” See. Ic ends, “ Nos itaq; Decanus et reliqui S.Theologiae apud Lou¬ anienfes Profeflbres, libros hos, (fci. Catalogus fupra ha- betur) quia periculofe circumferri legiq; vulgo judica- bainus, concordibus omnium fuffragiis damnatos, 5:c. Afta funt haec Louanii Leodienfis Diocefis die nonar Menfis Mali A.D. 154C.” 84. 11. “ Epiftola Vice-Decani & CapituH F.cclefiae Col- legiatae Arfehotenfis ad Archiepifeopum Mechliniehfem de Eieftione Decani. A.D. 1603. Sept. 8V’ The Ori- ginal, with the Seal. 12. « Exponunt debita cum reuerentia Archiepifeo- pus et Epifeopi Prouinciae Mccblinienfis, &:c. 1601.” 95. 13. Epiftola Caroli Quinti ad Robertum de Croy Epifeopuin Cameracenfem A.D. 1543 (or 53.) “Col- lationata eft prefens copia cum Origin.” 98. 14 * “Jura- 172 . Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4521. I 14. " jura Sepulturae et Taxatio Chori, in Ecclcfia, Cl extra Ecclefiam, pro extrema undione, &c.” 99 - 1 ij. “ Taxatio expenfarum pro conuiuio Capituli Mechlin, fingulis menfibus celebrando. A.D. 1606. Cum expenfis primi Conuiuii.” 16. “ Catalogus Ecclefiarum Parochialium quae Av- chiepifeopo Mechlin, utiliter uniri poffent. 103. 17. “Copie de la fondatiem de Leurs AUeffes du Cloillre de Keligieufes Carmelites defehaufees en Brux¬ elles." With an Epiftle of Matth. Hovius, Archb^ of Mechlin, confirming the foundation; A.D. 1608. At the end, “ Collatione fadra inueni praefentem Copiain concordare cum fuo Originali: quod attefior, Iran. Slevon’ ? ’ 15. “ Eimdatio Cap"’-*. Sanai_ Geor^i Siluordiae A.D. 1334. Confinnatio Fundationis diclae Cap'’‘^“. A.D. 1334- Utrumq; collationatum cum Originali. l.iterae Principis continentes ereclionem Decanatus Lyreh per quas conftat Decanum Lyren capere deberc curam animatum ab Ordinario. Adtum A.D. 1229. IQ. “ Carta Originalis continens Piocurationem faclama Canonico S. Petri de Infulis A.D. 161c. ’ 114. 20 “ Matthias Dei et Apoflollcae fedis Gratia Ar- chiepifeopus Mechlinicnfis: Recepimus fupplica-icm- bii^ &c.” Thus far the Archb’’ himfelf, as it feems j the reft by a Scribe. Adum 29 Mail, A.D. 1600. 11 5 . 21. “ Commiilio Decani et Capituii Mechlin, fede Vacante. Actum, A.D. 1589. 118. 22. “ Inftruaio Ejufdem Capituli de his quae fede Vacante agenda funt.” ^ 23. “ Afta fede eadem vacante.’ *21. -4. An Ordonnance and Prayer! for Proceffions. Ma'de by the Archbilhop of Cambray in la the City of Mons, 6Feb. 15S3. _ ' = 3 - 21^, “ Extradlum inter cetera ex Bulla originali illult- D Ravmundi Cardinalis Vurcenfis, legati Apoftolici de Latere' qua ipfe confirmat Infiitutum _ Standomeum certaq,’ipiis Standonicls priuilegia et gratias Apoftolicas conceit ” Anni 1501. “ Collatione faaa, &c. con¬ cordare,” See. ^^ 3 * 2(1. A Traa beginning “ Quamvis pracclanlliine «t Reverende Domine,” &c. At the end, “ 1 -' .-nlhl infra fcripto,incliore fintorcq; cumfeunq-, Judlcio ftmoer faluo, dicendum judicandumqi vidcttir. J. Kerlty- » 127. Tlcln. • r 2-'. “ Supplicatio Confulum et Senatus Colonienfis 3d Cardinalem Boncompaigium cum ejus Reponfo, A.D. i '84.’* * 37 ‘ “ Inqulfitio de modo et circumfiantiis Matritnonii ruiafdam fada ex Commifiione, Archi-Epifeopi Mech in. coram Joanne Le Mire Canonico S“' Gudulae Bru^lhs, tujus manus et figillum in fine appofiium eft. Ongi- nai.” 29. “ Dubia propofita de Juramento - - huius fe.-.uli a£lionibus.” 30. “Articuli quidam Cleri Leodienfis.” 2,’ “ Caufa Beneficii vacantis confirmato Archiepif- copo fed pofftnionem nondum adepto.” At the end Saluo meliori iudicio G. Van Wou. t 53 ’ .,2 “ Ouxritur An fuperior valide poflit fufpendere Parochum'a Diuinis et exercitio diuino,” &c._ Subicri- bed jacobus dc Bail, b. T. D. Su. Petn Louami Dccanus, ,2. “ Copia Propofitionum et Reponlorum n Lapi- tulo Generali apud S""Petrum Leodii A.D. 1573- i39:_ . et aliis 145 - 149. Nuin. 4521. 34. “ Lltterae S. E. ad Deputatos Statuum. Aitfculi propofiti Deputatis Statuum. Refponfio Statuum Han- noniae fuper Arliculls. Remonftratio fuper Requefta et Articulis per me {id eft, Michael BreugheO tit apparet ex eius manu, concepta ex mandato Cappituli. 7'Au- gufti remonftraui. Refponfio Hannonieiifis tranllata in linguam Teutonicam. Supplicatio ad fuam C—m, ad Concilium Statuum et ad Deputatos Statuum per Staiutn Ecclcfiallicum Antverpienfem. Haec omnia circa A.D. ■378” . 35. “ Differtatio Latina in qua oftenditur non licers Archiducibus et Statui Generali Libertatcm Religionis Proteftaniibus permittere fuper eorum rccepta et articulos defuper conetptos, A.D. 1578. Jul. 18.” 19-- 36. Letter of the Archbifticp of Cambray, on the Sepulture of Heretics. Mons, 24 Janv. 1383. 214. 37. “ Rcmonftrnnce Aux Archiducs du Doyen ct Chapitre de I’Eglile Collegialc de St. Denis a Liege," See. 38. “ Articuli fuper qulbus Re"'‘ Dili Car'" Leodien. et Adminiftrator Cameracen pretendunt fe gravari et Jurildiaionem ipfis ex jure et ci nfuetudine competentem laidiper Statuta Confiitutinnes, et Mandata Confiliorum et Jufticiarum Secularium Ce. Ma. in Ills panibus.” 39. “ Concordata inter Epifccpunl Leodienfem et Caroluin Quintum concepta Anno 1541. publicatn vero anno 1544. Jan. die 12. In Dieft. pro EviJentia.” Et in fine, “ Concordat praeftns copia de verbo ad verbum cum altera quam penes fe habet ac fervat Clariftimus Dominus D. Mazius Confilii privata Ser " Suarum Celfit'“" Confiliarius, quod atteftor. De Bifie Nofarius,” 40. “ Auifamentum Dominorum Cancclariac Brabaiv tlae fuper DifFerentis fubortis et pendentibus per et inter C. M. ex uni et Duos Epos Lcodil’ii et Cameracen ex altera.” - 4 -- 41. “De Jure RegaliaePiinclpibus noftris competente in Cathcdrales Ecclelias Bclgii.” 2t8. ad 312. 42. “ Lettre de fa Saintete fur la mefme maiiere du Roy de France du 28 Decembre, 1679.” 312 ' 43. “ Cafus. Sfinpronius extents obtinuit numina- tionem Facultatis Artium Louanieiifis,” See. 31S. 44. “ Cafus. Dns Gerardus van Guefehouen medi¬ cine et Mathefeos Profefibr nominatus cx parte Univer- fitatis Louanienfis,’’ &c. At the end “ Concordat cum Originali: quod atteftor Guido Goeques.” ^ id. lol. 376. , 320- 45. “ Nuper D. Guilclmus Piret Ecclefiae S. Mariae Metropolitanae Cameracenfis Canonicus inenfe lanuar; > An. 1624. ex hie vita praebendaq; fua exceffit ;_eanr nominatus a facultate Artium Louanienfi ad collationes Capituli Ejufdem Ecclefiae acceptavit D. Guil. Vanden Velde J.U.L.” S*c. 3^^- 46. “ Licet in Motive Juris fufficknter demonftvatuin fit quod foia Accep'atio evacuct nominationem, non tantum refpeftu nominati,” See. 374 -_ 47. “ Rationes pro Negatiui praetenfae Coilafionis Dni Guefehouen et ad eneruanduin atteftatiunem D. Epifeopi Gandenfis.” ^ _ __ 37 ^* 48. “ Compendium Caufae D. Huberti Acgidh Wou- ters, contra D. Adrianuin de Neue.” circa A.D. 1663. 377’ 49. A French Law Treatife, beginning, “ Meffeig- neurs, Pour cognoiftre Ics inerites et faciliter la judi¬ cature du Pi'oces pendant indecis en cette Cour entre Mr. Hubert Gillis Wouters et Mr. Adrien de Neue, ProfelTeur de la Philofophle en PUniverfite de Louain,” &c. It contains 493 Sections. 379* $ 30. “ Points Bibliothecse Harleiana^, 173 Nnm. 4521. ^o. “ Points Rtkvans pour le Si- de TEpIne contre le Sr. Wouters.” 443* 51. “ Raiiones decifiuae pro D. Huberto Egidio Wouters Appellante contra I). Adrianum dc Neue Ap- pL-llatuni.” Conftat Articulis 8i. 445* i;2. “ Elucidalin Probationum ExcclTus aut non Ex- cefTus taxte beneficialis qui controuertitur in caufa Iprenfi pro nominato Facultatis Artium Appellante coram Parlamento Mecblinienfi.” Among others is, “ Valor Erumeiui filiginis et uini pro 20 annis immediate precedentibus concefTionem priuilegii fadtam a Leone x, anno 1913 : nec non pro totidem annis immediate pre- ceJentibus Ampliationem privilegii Ejufdem fadtam a I'-.iuIo 5, anno 1616. calculatus per florenos, ftuferos, et placas Brabantiae.” At the end, “ Ampliffimi Senatus et cujulvis rectius fentientis Judicio femper faluo, Andreas V-alenhs, Jacobus S^rntfort, Michael Vander Perre, Guillelnius Maes, J. U. Dodlorcs et Profeffores in Aca¬ demia Lovanienfi.” 45 *• 53. “ Sequitur Moderatio Ordinata per Yen'"” et cir- cimifpedium Virum Dnm et Magiftrum Gregorium Nicohii Oliicialem Cameracenfis - - - civitatis et dio- cefeos - - ■ fuos - - - parochianos polTint tradtare in exequiis defundtorum et ea tangentibus et hoc per diilindlloncm quorumqj ftatuum perfonarum.” 507. 54. A Law Trcatile, in Elemilh. 509. 5^. Another. 539' 56. A '[’rac^ beginning, “ Licet Henrlcus de Bure olim Foreftarius Ducatus Limburgenfis, modo Suppheans ac impetrans,” &c. At the end, “ Quibus omnibus et fingulis attentis et ponderatis mihi infra feripto videtur praefato referibenti adiudicandam effe fuam Conclufionem antea referiptione fuu captam, Cum Expends, faluo tamen rumini hujus fenatus faniore judicio, Sic Signatum P. Cryft)Ticn.” 545- 57. “ 1680. AduertilTement pour Sire Jean Marfon Doyen de la Chretiennete a Arlon, Contre les Relligieufes de la Congregation a Tongres appelles de Luxembourg,” 553- 58. A Paper on the fame Subject, beginning, “ Quoy que Sire Jean Marfon Doyen,” &c. Signed A. Cuypers. 560. 59. “ Litera Henrlci Ducis de foflato a domo Hugonis Volardi ufq; poutein Rciiioldi. Adfum A.D. 1220.” 569- 60. “ Statuta Curiae Archiepifcopalis Mechlinienfis Louanii Refidentis;” Alio, “ Method! procedendi Louanii et Bruxellae.” 571- 61. “ Formula Idterarum quibus nouellus Epifeopus teftatur fe feciife iuramentuin debitum in Confecratione.” A.D. 1585. “InRitutioabArchiepifeopo facienda. Cura Animarum. Collatio Capcllaniae Jure deuoluto. Licen- tia ConcionanJi et Confefliones audiendi. Litterae Cita- toriales a reuocdlionem uoti. Litterae quas faCta Confe- ■crarione Epifeopus mittere tenetur. Licentia ut Epif¬ eopus aliquis confacret in alterius diocefi. TeRimonium peregrin-anti verfus S“'" Jacobum in CompoRella datum. Abfolutio ab excommunicatione et -aliis poenis fada Decano Thcnenfi, &cc. Litterae Confirniadonis Abba- liR'ac. Modus procedendi in Confirmationibus Abbatis, &c. Juramcnlura Abbatis Parcenfis. Litterae Con- fecrationis Altaris j et plures ejufmoJi ardculi.” 581. Num. 4522—4532. 4522. E Colledione Seguieriana. Tradafus duo 1’" le Roux, pi-Eemifl'a ab eodem epiRola ad Ledorein, in qui arguinentum operis aperire pro- fitetur. Tiiuii funt. 1. “ Triumphafa fuperbia Moab. PRiIlente in Au- guRa Sorbona Ci. le Roux LugdunKo P.” Profa et carmine. Ad fol. 12. 2. “ Gallia Benedida, Fratrcm Aaron reprxfentante Cj. le Roux Lugdunso P.” In pag. adverfa, “ Ela- pheboiia Paranymphi P. P. Parifienfium.” &c. xvii. 4523. Decifion of the Controverfy between the Due de Nevera and the Baron de Langres, 1611. Royal Letters Patent, written on Parchment. 4524* “ Divers Memoires touchant la dodrine de Janfenius, et pour les peres Jefuites d’AlfaceJMS. and printed. From the Seguier Colledion. 4525- From the Seguier Colledion. Original Letters to the King of France, the Count dc Brienne, &c. &c. written by the Prclident de Thou. With many more tranferipts of Letters, and other Papers, colledcd and carefully arranged under the years in which they were written. In Seven Volumes, Vol. I. of the year 1657. N.B. Many of the Letters have reference to England, and might illuRrate our HiRory at that Period. 4526. Vol. II. of the fame Colledion. For the firft part of the year 1658. 4527- Vol. III. From July to the end of 1558. 4528. Vol. IV. From July to the end of iG5g. 4529. Vol. V. From January to June 1660. 4530. Part I. Vol. VI. From January to June 1661. Part 2. Vol. VII. From July to the end of the year 1661. 4531- From the Seguier Colledion. A Volume of Documents and Letters, original and copied, relating to Germany, in the years 1657 and 1658. Dockeitcd exadly in the fame Manner as thofe in the Six preceding Numbers, and therefore clofely conneded with them. As the chief part of the original Letters in both Colledions are addrefled to the Count de Brienne, it amounts almoR to a cer¬ tainty, that they were arranged and marked by his order. Elpecialiy as we have many Volumes actually marked with his Anns. 4532. A fimilar Colledion, relating to Poland, in the years 1657 to 1660. There are indeed numeral Marks continued throughout thefe Volumes. Y J C.’iT. Hab.l. Vol. hi. The A 4533 * The Count de Brienne’s Colleclion of Letters continued. • Relating to Berlin, 1657 — 1659. 4534 * State Papers, chiefly relating to the Treaty of Munfler, 1647, &C. XVII. 4535 - Original Letters to the Count de Bnenne, chiefly from the Chev' de Terlon at Copenhagen. With Copies of other otfiaal Papers, regularly arranged, from Jan. 1627 to May 1661. Marked N” :i. 4536- The fame Colleftion continued. Marked N" 12. Letters to the Count de Brienne from M. Gohory at Venice, from 25 May 1658 to Feb. 1660. With official Comiminications from the fame. Alfo Letters to the Count de Brienne from the Prince of Monaco. From Jan. 1657 to Dec. 24, 1661. With a few other State Papers. 4537 - The fame Colledion, N“ 15. Letters to the Count de Brienne from M. Servient at Turin. From June i 16:8 to March 26, 1C61. With other oflicial Com- muiiicatiuns from him. 4538- The fame Colleftlon, but not numbered. To the Count de Brienne from M. le Bailly de Vallancay. Dated from Toulon, and from various Places in Italy, between July 1647 and December 1650. 4539 - The fame continued. Difpatches and Papers from M. de la Barde, AmbaflTador from the King of France in Swilferiand. From Jan. i, 1655 to May 30, 1659. 454 ® • The fame Collffbion. Difpatches from the Count de Brienne himfelf, and his Son, from July 6, 1659 to Jan. 6, 1660. The Letters of the Son are in general dockeited by M. de B. “ Mon fils,” with the Date ill his ow'n Pland. 4541. A continuation of the Brienne Papers, marked 17, being Letters of M. de Gueffier from Rome, 1657, 8, 9, CSt 60. to the Counts de B., Father and Son. With other Communications from the fame. 4542. The Brienne Culleflion, marked N' 18. Copies of Letters from the Count de Brienne to his Son, in 1^59 and 1660. 4543 - Collecled by the fame, but referring chiefly to an earlier Period, 'i'he Volume contains, 1. Letters to the King ol France fi om many illufirious Perfons.-*' From 1619 to 1628, but one or two much later. Not exaftly in order. 2. Vari'ius Letters to the Count de Brienne, under his progreffive titles of M. de Lomtnie, M. de la Vi!le auxClercs, and Biieime. From 1618 101651. With other State Papers. N. 3 . One Letter from the D. of Buck'ngham. 4544 - The Brienne Papers continued. Difpatches from M. de ebsunonJ, Ambaflador Extraordinary cf France at 1; .T iii' Rome, to M. de Brienne and to the King. From Jan. 26, 1644 to Nov. 1645, with one in i6i6. other Papers relative to the Occafions, as ufual. 454 :'- The fame continued. Difpatches to M. de Brienne, chiefly from M Dupleffis Befanqon. From 1647 to 1663. With other relevant Papers, and fome Letters to the King of France. 4546. ^ The fame Colledtion. Papers entitled CuA/erj, Letters, See. on the Subject of Navarre and Bearne, from 1600 to 1624. 4347 - The Brienne Collection continued. Letters & Nego* cia'ions of M. de Comenges in Portugal, 1657 & 8. With feveral Slate Papers. 454 ^* The fame continued. Letters and Negociations of M. de la Haye at Confiantinople, in the years 1657 to 1661. 4549 - The Brienne Collection. Letters from M. de Bourdeaux at London, in the years 1657 and 1658. With State Papers referring to the fame. 455 ®- Probably from the fame Collection, though not fo afeertained by any internal Mark, except the Nature of the Subject, which is a reprefentation to the King of France, on the Convocation of the States General. It is a Paper Book of 81 Leaves, with the following principal divifions. i. The general Addrefs, fob 1. Chapitre de I’Eglife, fol. 9. Chapitre de la Noblcfle, fob 16. Chapitre de la Jufiice et Police, fob 28. Chap, de la Police, fob 4c. Articles parciculiers du Cayer de Normandie, fob 64. I have not been able to difeover the Date. 455 *- The laft Volume, in this part of the Collection, of the Brienne Papers. It is particularly interefting in this Country, as it contains Letters and Difpatches relative to the Britifli Dominions. The Date from 1643 to 4552. A Book of Precedents and adjudged Cafes in Law, frorri the 33 to the 41 of Eliz. 4553 - Another Collection, from 2 to 5 of Ch. I. 4554 - [4554—4566. Qur.rlo.'] A Law Dictionary, it wants the beginning as far as to the Words. Gizrr/ iff MariaJ^e. From the Duke of Newcaftle’s Collection. xvii. 4555 - “ TraClatus de fupplicatione ad Sanctiflimum a literis Apollolicis, in pra;judicium utriufq; reipublicts, Ec- clefia(lic$ aut temporalis, importune obtentis: et de illarum retentione in Senatu. Tomus primus.” Liber chartaceus, luculentcr feriptus, cum tabuHs conten- torum pleniffimis. xvn. 4556- Law Collections, confifting of, I. “ Les Lectures de John C.er.d.e de FurnylTallc Inne.” 8, 9, & 10 Eliz, 3 2. “ Pre- Bibliothecas Harleianas 175 Num. 4553—4567. 2. “ Prerogativa Regis fecundum Robertum Con- ftable de Lincoln’s Inne,” 11 H. 7. in 4 Lefluris. 3. Reports of the years 32, 33, & 34 of Elizabeth. 4. “ Ledurje 9 - . . . Demfhill, fuper Statute de Finibus, ediio 4 H. 7. Cap. 24. 5. Several Forms of Law Inftruments, mixed with Reports and other legal Papers, in a confufed Manner. 4557 - Reports from the 11 to the 22 of H. 6. In the firfl Leal is this Note in the hand of Rob'Paynei, “Note in this Booke are the 13th and i4tli yeares of Hen. the 6th, which are not in the primed Bookes.” A Paper Book. 4558. Reports of the 39 of Elizabeth : And the 15 & 16 of Thefe Two Books belonged to Rob. Paynell of Gray’s Inne. The fecond of them is thus marked by himfelf “ Robertus Paynell de Belau^he, Crayanus l^orjolcienfxs''’ 4559 - A Book of Trafts, chiefly printed, In French, Dutch,' Italian, Spanifli, &c. from 1649 to 1661. Evidently collefted by the Count de Brienne, fome of them being docketted as received with the Difpatches of M. dc Thou, which are in N'’452 5, &c. There are many Pieces among them which probably do not now exifl; elfewhere. The Volume is marked as belonging to the Seguier Colleaion; but there is abundant proof, in the preceding Volumes, that the Brienne Papers came by fomc Means into the Hands of the Seguier Family. 4560. A Law Treatife in 59 Chapters. The Table, which mutilated, extends only to 45. An Entry of a former PoffelTor, John Newdigate, has made it hitherto pafs for a Book of annual Reports. 4561. Reports of the King’s Bench of the 13 & 14 Jas. i. In Law French. With a copious Index. A Paper Book, of 575 written Pages. 4562. Reports from 26 to 32 Eliz., “incommuni Banco.” 121 written Leaves. Num. 4568—4577. 4568. “ jugements rendus pour nous Eflicnne' d Aligre, S' de la Riviere, Confeiller du Royen, fes Confeils, et Jean Cardinet Sieur de Loigny, treforier general de fes finances a Orleans, Commifs"* deputez par fa Majefte pour le regallement des bailies en la generalite de Caen, fur les Exemptions pretendues par les gentillhommes et autres pfivilegies de la ditb gencialite fuivant la Commiflion de fa Majelle, du “ ■ - - Regiftree au bureau de M'" les treforiers de France a Caen la - xvn. Two dates are wanting in the Title. The Book contains 377 written Pages. See N'’ 4581. 4569. From this Number to 4577 incl. and again 4587-4590, we have a fet of Books, uniformly bound, and ftamped on the Covers with the Arms of the Count de Brienne. Evidently belonging therefore to his Collefrion of State Papers, and deriving additional Authority from his official Situation. See N*4525 et feqq. The general litle is the following, “ Memoires, AiSes, et Traiftez de la Kepublique de Geneve, avec les Rois de France, les Suifles, et les Dues de Savoye.” From 1536 to 1628. Thefe arc all large Paper Books, fairly and uniformly written. .457O; Vol. II. of this Colleftion, entitled, “ Negociation de M' Francois de Noailies Evefque d’Acs, Ambafladeur pour le Roy a la porte du Grand Seigneur, depuis I’annce 1572 Jufques eu 1574.” 4571 * Vol. III. entitled, “ Traiftez des Empereurs des TurcS avec les Papes, les Empereurs d’Allemagne, les Rois de France et de Pologne, et les Venetiens, Tunis, et Arger, Perfe, Grand Mogol. M,ofcovio;” from 1494 to 1628. Prefixed is a curious Difeourfe, entitled, “ Relation de la cour et du Serail, des Ofliciers, def- pences, et autres particularitcs de la Maifon du Grand Seigneur.” This, with the Will of Mahomet fub. joined, occupies 100 Pages. xvii, 4572. Vok IV. “ Premier Volume des Reglements, qui con- tient ceux de la maifon du Roy de France, et dea principaux officiers fervans en icelle.” xvii. 4563 , 45 <> 4 . Two BooLs, bound together, 1. “Mirrour des Juftices : par Ardr. Home.” xvii. 2. Notes on Littleton, in French, with an alphabetical Tabic, and fome fuppleraentary Cafes. xvn. 4565. Statutes of R. Edward 3. Richard 2. & Henry 4, 5, & 6. Written on Vellum. xv. 4566. “ Obfervations fur la Sphere, Cofmographic, et Geogra¬ phic*.” With deferiptions of various Counties. A Paper Book, from the Seguier Colkaion. 4567- [4557—4653- -fo/io.] “ La Coppie du Regiflrede Mefs” de RoilTy, Repichon, et CroifTy, Ccmmiflaircs commis par fa Majefte, pour h Recherche dcsNoble^ de la generalite de Caen, aux annees 1598 & 1599: Collatione avec I’original, demeure audift Sieur dc Repichon, un defdiifts com- milTaires.” Vv'’ith a Table of the Names. A Paper Bock 402 pp. XVII. 4573 - Vol.V. entitled, “Negociation de Mens' de Baftom. pierre, envoyc Ambafladeur extraordinaire en Efpagne, par le Roy fur le fujet de la reftitution de la Valteline, 1621,” ,45 / 4 * Vol. VI. entitled, “ Edifts, Lettres, Arreftz, et autres- Afles, touchant I’Admirauto de Bretaigne et droidz appartenant a icelle.” xvii. 45 75 - Vol. VII. entitled. “ Semeftre de Prov'ence : par Mr. de 8eue, Confeiller d’Ellat, cy-devant Preveft des Mar- chands ; et qui eftoit IntenJant de Provence lorfqu’il a compofe cette Hiftoire.” In two Parts, P. 2. be¬ ginning at fol. 69. Fairly written, on 151 Leaves. The SenieJlrBy or 6 months Refidence, begins Jan. i. 1648. 4 57^1 7 * Vol. VIII. and IX. of this Coileftion, entitled, “ De* pefehes des fix premiers Moys de I’annee 1661.” The former Volume is marked, “Premiere partie,” the latter, “ Seconde partie.” The whole fairly and uniformly tranl'cribed. A Volume . h ; A Volume -which might be marked Vol. X., as the binding ihews it to have bek.iged to the Tame Col¬ lection. It contains Copies of Ddpatches in the latter part of 1659. 4579 * Vol. XL of the fame, containing at one end, “ Expe¬ ditions,’’ or Grants, of various Kinds, in 1657. At the other, (Jrdonnances of the fame Period. A very large proportion between each end is blank. 4580. 1. “ Eftat Politique des Suifles, avcc I’abrege de leur anciennes Alliances.” 2. ‘-Traitez et autres Memoires touchant les Suilles, les Grifons, Savoie, et Geneve.” This may be called Vol. XII. of thefe Papers. They are continued at N" 4586. 4581. « Cople du Regiftre de M de Chamillart, pour la Re¬ cherche des Nobles de la generalitc dc Caen,” 1666. There is no mark that this belongs to the preceding Set. 4582. A French Colleffion, reTpcftlng the Noble Families of Normandy, in five Parts. Tranfcribed 1642. I. A Lifl of the Perfons certified t>) be Noble by Lineage, or claiming Nobility from their Wives, Mothers, or Fiefs acquired. 2. “ Lille des noms des anncblis par les franc-ficis et nouveaux acquells, avec un etat des fommes auquellcs ils on eftc taxes par divers Roolles en I’annee 147c. Et des annoblis depuis. Monfaut.” 3. “ Eilat et llegillre des annoblis en la province de Normandie, depuis la recherche qui fut faite par Ray¬ mond Monfaut Commilfaire cs annees 1463 1464, fous le regne de Louis (iiiterl. enze) Roy de France.” 4. “ Autre Cahier dc Recepte, contenant, pas ordre Alphabetique, les noms de annoblis, leur Vicomtes, avec les taxes.” The old paging of this is continued from Art. 2. . , r. • 5. “ Recherche des nouveaux annoblis de la Province de Normtindie, depuis celle de Raymond Monfaut Com en I’annce 1463, fous le Regne de Louis onze'' Roy de The firft Article is not paged at all; the fecond begins an order of Pages, which is interrupted by the third, and the fourth and fifth are regularly paged on to the end. 4583- A Paper Book of various Difeourfes, in French, neatly and uniformly tranfcribed. 1. “ Difeours fur la mort de Henri le Grand.”^^ i. 2. “ Difeours touchant I’alTemblee de Saumur. 13.^^ 3. “ Pifeours fait durant mes perfecutions de S’ Jean.” I. again. 4. “ Difeours fur le Voyage du Roy, en Juillet mil fix cents quinze.” ^ 3 - 5. “ Difeours fur le gouvernement de la Reyne mere, faict en 1617.” ’• C. “ Libre difeours fur le temps prefent 1617. 13. 7. “ Advis fur le fujeft des divifions de Holiande en I’ann-ie 1618.” 8. “ Raifons de la paix fai^e devant Montpellier. g. “ .‘^ppologie de Monfieur le due de Rohan lur les Jorniers tro.’blcj de la France, a caufe de la Religion.” 1C. A ihurt 'Iracb without any Title. II. “ Lcttre de Monlieur le Prince a Monfieur de Rohan.” Dated Nov. 4, 1628. Num. 4583—4591; 12. *' Rcfponfe de Monfieur de Rohan aMonfieur le Prince.” Nov. 6, 1628. 13. “ Memoires du due de Rohan fur les chofes advenucs en France, depuis la mort de Henri ie Grand, jufques a la paix faitle avec les Refonnez au moys de Mars 1626.” 'I'hefe Memoirs continue to the end, occupying by far the larger part of the Volume, and are divided into four Books. 4584. A Spanifli controverfial Work of a learned Jew ; fairly written, on 217 Leaves. With the following Title. “ Providencia de Dios con Ifrael, y verdad de la ley de Mofeh, y nulidad de las de mas leyes. Com- puefto por el mui exctlendflimo feuor Hahara Saul Levi, mortera moreno Arab, de felis recordacion, Eferipts en Amfterdam. E nel ano de cincomil, quatrouientos, y veinte, y quatro.” W^hich date is explained in a more recent Hand to correfpond with A.D. 1665. 45 *^ 5 - Reports from 04 H. 6. to the end of the Reign of Eh. zabeth. The general Title, “ Relationes Mon. In the firil page the Name of Raiitu Paynell de Graves Inn. Then follows, “ Ex I.lbro Franclfci Moore, Militis, Scrvienlis ad I.egem, feripto propria manu ipfius.” And at the end is the Seller’s Certificate, thus; “ I do warrant this Booke to bee full as much in quantitie as anv Booke that I have fould, and to have the fame and'as many Cafes & niarginall Notes as any that 1 have fould to any Man. per mee Lawrence Cragge.” 4586, 7, 8. A Continuation of the Brienne Papers from N“ 4580. _ Thele Three Volumes contain the entire Memoirs oi the M-arefchal de Baifompierre, beautifully written on Paper. The following Sentence, and no more, is W'anting at the end. . - x “ Ce fut le Due de Guife, qui s’eftoit retire a Mo- rence, au mcme temps que je fus mis a la Baftillc, ou ie plains fa mort et ma liberte.” The general Title is, « Memoires de Monfieur le Marefchal de Bafiompicrre, touchant ce qui s’ell paffe durant les regnes des Roys Henrv 4. et Loui.^ 13.” This Copy having been care¬ fully'tranfcribed for a Minifler of State, before the Work was printed, may well deferve collating. 4589^ 4590* Two large Volumes, containing a Catalogue of 340 Volumes of MS. Collcftions, belonging to the Count de Brienne, giving an account of the Contents of each Volume. They are bound like the reft of the Books here aferibed to his Colleaion, and might pofhbly throw much light on thofe which are in our pofieflioii. Two Papers are prefixed, containing l.ilts of fuch of the Count de Brienne’s Difpatclies as had been cairied (probably lent) to Mons' de Boucherat; the former of them figned C-olTelin, the latter apparently intended to be fo figned alfo, being in other reipeds fimilar as to form. 4 ‘^ 9 I' This Volume, and thofe that follow it to N* 4^99, m- clufive, belonged originally to a Collcdion of 46 MS. Volumes, lelc by Peter Bourclier to M. Nicolas F.finery. See the printed Atreftation tranfcribed at ^593> "'kich either is, or evidently has been, pafled into all thefe 9 Volumes. The prefent Volume coniaint; I. A 1 ‘re ch Treat Icon the I.aws and Govi.iTm:ntof England, very fa rly tranfcribed. It li.ouU conlill of Three Books^ b ' the -V '-ce in which the firA fiiould ■j hu'-e Bibliothecfe Haricianse. 177 Num. 4591—4606. have been U’riiten, is left Blank. The Table of Con- tents is, however, complete, by which it appears tliat the 16 fiTft Chapters treated of the general Principles i 4 Government. The remaining Chapters, which were S in Number, gave an account of the feveral Claffcs and Ranks in England. This Work extends to fol. 125. 2. “ Remoiiflrnnce de haute et puilfante D.imc, Dame Marie de Clcvc', Sesur de tres hault ct tres jniiiiant Sc-igneur Ic Due dc Clevcs, de Juilliers, et de Gueidres, faiife au Roy d'Angletcrre, et a fon confcil fur cc qu’il la vouioit repudicr.^’ 4C92. A lai-ge Volume, very fairly written, with thi*^ Tide. “ Traidtez et auires aetes entre les Roys de France d’lme part, et les Roys d'Angleterre d’autre, cnfemble -quelques traiftez entre le Roy™ d’Angleterre et les Princes eftrangers, depuis ijjo, jufques au 6 Avril 1545. Tome premier.” ^ xvi. 4593. 4, 5, 6- h’ive large Volumes, very fairly tranferibed, with this Title. “ Les lettres, memoires, aftes, inilruftions, et con¬ tracts faicls au traitte de Mariage d’entre Madame Hen- riette Marie, Soeur du Roy, et Charles premier Roy de ia Grande Bretagne, en annees 1624 et 1625.'* On the Cover of the. firlt Volume is tliis printed Notice “ Ce volume manufent, du nombre des quarante fix, ii eftti donne et legue par Iherre Bourelier, Ancien Clcrc et domeftique de vingt-fix ans de Monfieur Efmery, Confeillcr en la Cour des Aydes, par fon Tefiament Olographe du qualrieme jour d’O^obre mil fix cens cinqiiante fix, depofe cs mains de Turntenie nctaire, le vingt dcu.xieme de Dcccinbre fuivant, au profit de M" Nicolas Lfmery, Advocat cn ia Cour de Pai lement, fon filz,avec claufe de fubllitution au deflaut d’enfans inafics, felon et ainfi qu’il eft porte par iceluy Teflamcnt, ct par la TranfaClion pafll'e en execution d’iceluy, entre L-dit bieur F.fincry pere, fon Executeur tciflamentaire, et ledic Sieur Efinery filz, contenant I'lnventaire et les noms d’iceux volumes manuferits, par devant ledit de 'I'ur- mcnie et fon Compagnon notaircs, Ic troifieme jour de Septembre util fi.x cens cinquautre fept. Icellc Tranf- action et Fextraief d’iceluy Tcfiameiu Olograpiie infi- nuez an Grefie du Challclet de Pans, le treizieme jour de Septenibre audit an mil fix cctis cinquantc fepi, ct regifirez au cent neuliune Volume des Infiiiuations d’icehiy, comnie il appert par I’acte icelle infniualion, .Siguc I'.vusbjiT ct Loci;.” 459 ?. 1. “ AmbafTade extraoivlinaire dc Mr. dc Bafibm- pitire en F.lpagne, envoy.- pour le Roy, fur le fubjet de la refiitiiiion de la ValLeliiic, 1621.” 1. 2. “ Negotiation dc Mr. de Baliompicrre, envoye Am- bitfiiidcur f.xtranrdinaire en Angleterre, de la part du Roy I’aii 1626. ’ 225. 45 ^ 9 - “ Ilific/.TC Ecclefiafiique du Diocefe de Coutance, con- icnant la vie des Evcfques de ce lieu, et cc qui s’ell pafie dc plus rcmurquuble foubs TEpifeopat de cha- cuii.” xvu. 4600. A fmall folio of S7 Leaves, containing the vifitation of Bedfordfhirc, m.idc by W™ llarvy, Clai'tnceux King of Armes, A.D. 1566; whofe grant of a Coat of Arms to W ' Palmer Ffq. is copied at length, f. 86. At the end is an alphabetical Index, and after it is jiSG, which fee. Cat. IIarl, Vol, III. Num. 4601—4604. 4^01. A thin folio, indin'ercntly written on Paper, but in good Prefervation, h:v\iug the following account of it at the beginning, by Lord Oxford liimfclf. “ Tins I take to be t .bfervations upon Home -of Goferoft’s Hiflorv- of the Houle of Douglas and Angus, by Mr. Tl.o' Crawford, a leai-ned and judicious An¬ tiquary.” This Remark feems only to relate to the fir/l part, containing 36 pages, begiuiing with a prefatory Ad- drefs to V/"' lit Marquis of Douglafs and Earl of Anmas, (Uc. 2. The fccr>nd part, in a better Hand, contains 70 Leaves, not till now marked, having the Name of, “ Ml', 'ill. Crawford, 1645,” written at the be¬ ginning and end. P. i. commences with an Account of the Origin cf Surnames, ;uid other general Matters. Aker which the gcncali>gical Accotml commences, A.C. 771. with Shc'ko Douglas (i. e. Behold the Black Grey coloured Man), and continues, with Heads of each Defcent fairly written at the Top, dated, and blended with much Hifiory of Scotland, kc. down to the year 1400. The former part ending in 1314. Sec the mutual Alliances between the Houfes cf Douglas and Drummond, in llie curious Iliifory of the latter, 4238. p. 533. 4602. A thin folio, on Paper, clofcly written, on 176 Pages, with the following 'J'itlc} ail apparently wiitten by tlie Author’s o\m Iland. “ Milinirtc Obfervations upon the firft feven Bookes of Julius Crclar his Commentaries : together with fome brief Militaric Orders conceiniiig the ordtrinc of a Gar- rifon in general, 4 in particular ; as alfo fome Miiitaric Articles of Warr, whereby to governc an Army or a Garrifon, according to the true Dilclpliiie of Warr. Written by S' William Throckmorton Kng' during the fad Time of his exile out of Englatid, and in the vear of our Redemption 1655, by him compiled together, finidied, and humbly dedicated to his Excellency William Lord Marquis of Ncwcaitle, kc.” He refers, in his Dedication, to a former Trealife of War, which he had dedicated to the King: Which Treatifa is in this Collection, N" 6cc8. 4603. Colleclio ainplifiima, ct labere fummo compilata, a Jeluitd quodain, de rcgulis Ordinis lui; luculcnter feripta, in pagg’ 501. Adtlitis inluper, tnTctaiu, “ex nicmoriali Coramuni R, P. Schereni 1617 et tabula contentorum locupleii. Citautur palllin, in priore qudque pagina iiterce Apolfolicte, Conifitutiones, et reliqui liiltituti fui (ut auefor ait) llbri; qui in mar- gine adferibuiitur. In adve-rfa pagina eafdem res confinnat, in binis columnisj i. “ Lx Ordinalionibus ixc. non impreflis P. P. Geileraliuin et Vifiiatorum approbatis ii Generalibus. 2. “ Lx notis P. Hieronynii Natalis.”- Ad iine-m feribit, “ Ad majbrem Dei glo- riain, Bcatteque Virginis Maria:, 20 Augulli 1620.” 460.). A thin Paper Book, bound up with N° 1635. On the firfl Leaf is wriuin, “ D. M. Dan. Manwa- ring’s Booke, A. Domini luncxxx.” 1 hen follows a quaint 'lille, in this Foim. “ Dircccons for Speech and Style, rProtiour.ee, j Penne Letters, To<; Vary, I Amplify, (_lllullrate, “ Conteyning all the Figures of Rhethorick, and the' Art of the bell Englilli, exemplvfyed cither all out of 2 z [ Otherwife than ever any j Precepts have taught. Catalogus Librorum MSS. 17S Num. 4604—4608. Num, 4609—4612. Arcadia, which it ccnfureth, or by Inftances, the matter whereof may benifitt Converlation. The Annota- cons being taken out of Sir Phillip Sidney’s Arcadia, the firil edition in Quarto, without Samford’s Addi¬ tions.” The Dedication is acldreffed, “ to the foru'ardnes of many virtuous Hopes in a Gent, of the Temple, by the Author ” It is figned, “ Jo. Hoikins.” The Trafl is fairly written on 53 Pages, fome of tlie firft being omitted in the numbering. xvii. 4605. A very curious and well preferved Copy of the Tra£t, lies feis d’Armes,” by Chrifline de Pife or Pifan, the chief part of whofe poetical Works have been found to be contained in N"" 4431 of this Colledlion. The Tra£t is divided into Four Books, the beginning of each ornamented with an Illumination. The firil Illumination contains a Portrait of the Author, fimilar exaSly in drefs to moil of thofe in N-‘ 4431. Her Name appears in the Rubric prefixed to the Prologue, “ Cy commence le livre des fays d’Armes et de Chevalerie. Le prsuiicr chapitre eft le prologue, ou quel Chriftine s’ex- cule d'avoir ofe emprendre de parler de ft haulte matiere comme eft cefte.” xv. This Copy is beautifully written on Vellum, and is dated at London in 1434 ; by the following curious Co¬ lophon. “Explicit. Digatz f probably iov Deo gralias). TTn pater nofter et un Ave Maria per inoiTen Pe-y (or Rey) de la fita, qui a efcrivt a queft livre en I’an de nre fengr mil ccccxxxuiJ®. Et fut feit alondres, a xv de May.” The Book afterwards belonged to a Monaftery in Burgundy, for on the firft Leaf is written, Monafterii Sfm Crucis Burdigal, congregat. Sti Mauii, Catalogo inferiptus an. 1718.” 4606. A Survey of the Manors of Chewton Keiniham, & Quecne Charlton in February A.D. ii 67 , by Robert Randall, Steward there. Alfo additions to the Survey of 1674. And Notes of the Differences between them. Pages 54. In which laft is the Redory of Briilington. At the beginning is an Index. 4607. The Statutes of the moft Noble Order of the Garter, reformed, and explained, and renewed, ^cc. by H. 8th. with the Atchieveinents prefixed, of the Sovraigne Queene Anne, and of Rob' Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. Dated 1713. This is an elegant fmall 4to, gilt, and ftamped with Royal Arms on the Cover, and containing 34 Leaves, ver)'weU written on Paper, much likeGregory King’sHand. 'I’he above Atchievements are richly painted. Tow'ards the end are alfo the following Heads : 1. “ The Oath.” 2. “ Of Refomung the Regifter Book.” i & 2 Phil. & Mary. 3. “ Of the Forms of Admonitions upon buckling on lije Garter, putting on the Surcoat, Mantle, and George.” 30, &c. 4. “ The Chancellor’s Badge,” and, “ The Manner of wearing the Hood.” 32. 5. “ Certain Chapters not yet regiftered into the Book of Statutes, &c.” Aim“ 4’® Eliz. 33. 6. “ Garters & the Uflier’s Badge.” 34. 4608. Armes & Genealogies of Families m ElTcx, 1634. fol. 59. Wiih an alphabetical Index. This is bound up with Three others of Arms and Pedigrees of the fame County. 4609. A thin folio of 169 Pages, indift'ercntly written on Paper, but in good Prefervation, See. At the beginning, in Lord Oxford’s HunJ-writing, is the following : “ Tins Book contains lilts or Inventories of fevcral Rolls or Records of Charters, grunted by King Rob' the ift. King David the 2d, K. Rob' the 2d, & K. Robert the 3d, fuccelTive Kings of Scotland.” (8: the Duke of Albany, Rob'Regent"). “ This Lift is the more valuable that leveral of thefe Rolls are loft.” In a more modern Hand is the following, “ Not ftriclly chronological, paged inner Margin. Rob. I. 1309 p. 1 8e 144. David II. 1^29 37 & 148 —1^5. Rob'II. 1370 878.107-1 i3-i65adfincm Rob' III. 1290 104—j 13. -36-.-,3. Charters, &c. to 143. 4610. “ Collectio Commiftionum, Literarum & Diplomatum, qua: Scotis concedebantur a Carolo 2. & Jacob© 7. Cum indict, pp. 276. 461 ?. A Paper Book, in Four Parts, con'ainingParaphrafes on all the Apolloiic.il Epiftles, tranflated from the French ofGodcau, bv Sir W'" Lower. The Title ofthe firft Part is, “ Paraphrafe upon the Epillle of S' Paul to the Romans, and upon the 2 Fpilllcs to the Corinth¬ ians. By Anthony Godcju, Bifhop of Graffe & Vence. Rendered into Engliih by William Lower Knight.” Ihc Pages in Part 1 arc 123 ; in Part 2, 98 ; in Part 3, 141 ; in Part 4, i 55 j in all 517. XVI!. 4612. 1. The Difeoverv & Iliftory of the Mines in Scot¬ land : by Mr. Atchiibn, who wrought in them. A neat folio of 85 Pages perfecF, Src. xvu. 2. Bound up with 701;, to which it belongs, and now marked the fame with a Pencil, on which Leaf is the following in Lord O.xford’s own Writing. “ This Book contains a inifcGlIany ColLflion of fomc curious Tratls concerning Scottilh Matters, as appears by the Contents.” viz. 3. Propofals for reforming fevcral Abufes in the State, offered to K. James 6. 4. -to Q. Mary for augmenting the Rents of the Crown; 8; how the Subftance and Number of the People of the Realm may be be/l known, for the purfuit of her Title to England. 5. -^ concerning the Order of the Ex¬ chequer; by Sir John Skene, Clerk ot Regiftcr. 6. Advice to K. Charles i. l'■34; about the Ex¬ chequer Burdens, and Remedies thereof by Icveral Noblemen and Gentlemen. 7. Grievances given in to h'S Majcfty, 1638, againft the Earl of Traquair, then Trei.furer, aneuc ike Ex¬ chequer. 8. Propofals prefented to King Chirks i. foon after his acceffion to the J’hronc, for doubling ihc Bencfita arifing by Wards, Non-entries, & IMarriages of Heirs in Scotland, and making a conftant Revenue of what is uncertain or cafual. 9. Memorial abou' the Change of Holding of Lands, whereof his Majcfty is immediate Superior, 8cc. 10. Some 7’houghts of K. Ja, 6. concerning ‘he Union of England ik Scotland. 11. An Acenmpt of the Thirds of the Benefices in Scot’and, i ^76, then taken by Lord Bnyd Collcdlor. 12. An Bibliothecte Harleianse. I/' 79 Kum. 4612—46 r4. 12. An Account of Benefices not charged nor rent- ailed before the year 1573. 13. An Account of the Competition for the Crown of Scotland between Bruce and Baliol. 14. Sir James Turner’s Kemarks on Bp. Guthrie’s Memoncs. 15. Lord Vifeount Lonfdale’s Confutation for his new erefted College and Free School of Lauther. 16. Catalogus MSS. in Bibliotheca Cottoniana, qus ad rerum Scoticarum hiftoriam pertinent. Julius A. I. (This refers to 215 interefling Articles). ' . Copy of K. Charles i. his Revocation, made m Scotland 1625. '?■, TheSum.-aonds intended by King Charles i, upon the laid Revocation. 19. Articles anent Teynds. TvT u°i'- Commillion of C. 2. to the Clergy, Nobilitie, Gentr}', Ac. to treat anent his Revocation. 2t. ___ Commiffion for valuation of the lemds, 1627, within every Prelbytery and Parochen, &c. 22. Minute of the hail Afts, made by the Commif- fionersm the Progrefs of their Valuation, &c. ■ ^^pinion of the Lords appointed by his Ma- jelly, to contider of the extinguifliing or continuing of the Surrenders and Teithes. ° Lords touching the above, and the Li.ng s Annuity, 1630. 25. Letters from King Charles touching the aforefaid Mrfttei-s. 26. _ Extraft of the praaicc of the Cominiffioners for valuation of Teynds and plantation of Churches, 1631. 2-. Some Tides and Securities, &c. relating to the leiihes. ° 28, q. Charters granted by the Lord of Eredion, upon l.le difpofitioil of his Teynds, Ax. .u "'S’ Copies of Tacks, &c. touching the Rarlonages. ° 4613. A nef folio Volume thus entitled at the begiiming : “'i ^ o' 1 of Scollmil. com¬ mon y calLd Bayimonts Roll, l,e being fciit from Rome to take It. 2. The Rent of the great Benefices of Scotlan'd'kt he Alfumption, ,561. Now bound up with the fol- lowing latter Part of 4623. Vol. il. 3. il Tax Roll of the Abbey Lands of Scotland 1030. ’ Thefe uvo laff Articles, though fo marked on tile Volume, do not appear under fuch Heads. ■ihis Vol. is iinperfee4 and not paged, but the Sheets arc numbered at the bottom ; 96, 97, gg, are placed between eg aud 30; and gg after S3. There is no Index. 4614. In 1 wo folio Volumes, neatly written, but bound up confufedly as appears by the principal Contents, en- itlicd, Vol. I. “ A Catalogue of MSS. in the Library of the Advocate of Scotland, in alphabetical Order.” Vol. II ‘ Index Notabiliorum in Ryineri Feederum, «c. CDlleaionibuB.” p. 55. Being part in the finT \ olutne aud part in the fecond, as appears by the fol¬ lowing, which is written in a modern Hand at the beginning of each Volume. “ I. Calender of Tapers in Tom. I. i fepa- ij I ‘■■“‘■■'y Pogod. 3 - ■ - - ni. 4- - . IV. ■f ■ ■ I*' - - XL Num. 4614—4617. “ 7. Calender of Papers in Toiti.XII. / “achbeingfepa- ) rateiy paged. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. Aftorum Manuferiprorum Excerpia,” • vol. II. I. Calender of Papers in Tom. V 2. . . 3- ■ - VI. 4- * - VII. 5* - - VIII. ^ - - IX. 7. Inventory of MSS. concerning Scotiand, in the Catalogue of MSS. Anglim et Hibernia:.” A/roc curious particulars of the numerous AlbS. 01 D'Nathaniel Johnfon’s own compnfing. viz.) 1. An hiftorical Account of the Reign of Kiiif' Charles I. o <- 2. A fhort Account of the Reign of Kintr Ste¬ phen, &c. ® 3. An hiftorical Account of the illuftrious Family of Bruce, &c. (This is the beautiful MS. belbre defenbeci). by the fame, of the Antiquities of iorkftiire. Pages i6, 24, Ac. 8-Inventory of Treaties betwixt France and Scot- and. (Ihefe are in French, and have References to roJios, See.) Treaties betwixt Fiance .and Scot- land. (Ihefe being copied at length, witliouf any Re¬ ferences, the following Heads of Contents mav be p^per VIZ.) ' r f y A.ir “ ^^“y Philippe de Frsnee, et d Llcofte Jean de Bailleul, contenans M.ariage accorde entre Edw* Fils aifne dT-fcoffe & It, Fille ttifnee de Charles Comte de Valois, &c. Traitt a Paris i age ” 2. “ Don fait par Marie Reyne dTifcolTc, &c.”' 3. “ Lettre par la quelle Marie Reyne d'EfcolTe dec areet ordonne, &e, au ptu-fait re.nbourfement d'un Milton d Or dcus a la France par le RoTauine d Llcofte, 1557. 4. “ Lcllre de quclqucs Seigneurs EfcolTois que ayoicnt pris les armes contre la Reyne d'EfcolTe pour le lait de la Religion, i ,59.” 5- ” Mariage d’entre la Reyne d'Efcofli et Jacques Comte dc Bothwtll, Ac i <^67.” ^ Gardes Elcoiroifes au Roy, ou eft 1 Origine de I'Alliance de leur Nation avec k France i 5 i 2.” ’ 7. “ Recueii de ce qui s’eft negocieen Angleterre touchant la Reyne ct Ellatz d’Lfcofte, 1575.” 4615. A thm Paper Book, with this Title j “ Arithmetick ex- plain’d and made eafie.” 4616. A Paper Book, bound with 6314, & having the fol¬ lowing Tide. “ Remarques fur la languc Italienne. By Matthew Prior Efq.” It confifts of detached Remarks under various Heads in French and Englifii, appai ently fuperadded to a Book begun as a puerile Exercife. The whole is not of much Importance, 4617. The Bondyng of nil the Manors, Mcfa, Landis, Tene- montis, Ptillurls, Wodds of Roger TVombwell, Lord of Wombwell Sr the Hiimictts 'thereof; the Lord of Thurgurland, on of the Lords of Souihkt tlebe, on “ ■ of Catalogus Librorum I^vISS. i»o Num. 4-617—4623. of the Lords of Wentworth. And alfo the Bonding of all the Lands, &c. of the Freholders of Womb- well, S H. 8. This is a fmall thin folio in Parchment, written in F.nglidi, with a few Paper Leaves bound in, 8:c. And the above Contents at the beginning. 4618. A large Catalogue, very fairly written, of Books printed within the 17th Cenluty, and the firlt years of the 18th, with the Dates afii.xed. ’Vhey coniift chiehy ot Divinity and Politics, with'a few poetical and milcd- laneous. From the Spaces left, it appears to have been a Catalogue intended to be continued, as other Books were acquired j but whole Collection it was does not appear. 4619. A Paper Book, very fairly written on 217 Leaves, con¬ taining various matters relarive to the Parliament. 1. “Notes of the Orders, Proceedings, i^uniOim^nts, and Privileiges of the Lower Houfe ot Parliament. In 19 Chapters. . . 2. A Difeourfe addrefled, “ To my noble Friends m the Lower Houfe of Parliament,” fol. 18. Ihe Author s Name does not appear, but as he fpeaks of the I'.xpcdi- tlon againft Calcs and the Ifie of Rhe, as then recent, it muft have been written about 1628, the Date of the chief part of the Papers in this Volume. 3. “ A true relation of ever)’ Dayes Proceedings in the Parliament, fince the beginning thereof, being the 20th of January 1628, to the fudden Uiirolution of it March JO the fame Year.” See N" 4702. 32- 4. Speeches of Sir Dudley Digges, Mr. Selden, Mr. Littleton, &c. in the Conference with the Lords on the Liberty of the Subjed, A.D. 1628. With Precedents, and Documents relatmg to the Speeches. _ $5- 5. The Information of Sir Robert Heath Kni;;ht, Attorney General, with the Plea and Demurrer of John Selden Lfq. one of the defendants, upon that Informa¬ tion. 6. The humble Petition of Sir John Elliott knight, Prifoner, &c. conceriiing the Loans. Addrefled to the King. Delivered in 1628, but never anfwered. 7. Sir'1 ho* Darnells Cafe. 20S. 8 . Cafe of Sir John Corbett Bart. Sir Walter Earle, 2cc. fol. 212. b.' Mich. 3° Car. Regis, i. e. 1628. 46 20. A Lia of Charters & Grants of the Kings of Scotland, from Ja. I. to Ja. (j. A fmall narrow folio in parts, to part 111. In tins MS. thofe of J. I. and J. 2. confufed. See Continuation N*’ 4895. 462 r. An Apologetical Narration of the State of the Church of Scotland: by Mr. W"‘ Scott, Minifler of Cowpar in Fife. xvii. A fmall folio, of 211 Pages, cl-fely written in a fmall Hand. 4.623. In two raxher large Volumes folio, containing as follow.^: Vol. I. “ A Lilt of Letters and other Papers con¬ cerning Scottifh Affairs, in fcveral Books, muiked as hereafter, to be found in the Paper Ofilce (fays Lord Oxford). 1. “ Index, marked Scotland, 1557 to 1601. 1. to 19. 2. - Scotland, 1558 to i.'68. 22. 3. - Letters from the Queen of Scotliuid, ^c. J559 to 1660. 4. —- Scotland, Letters, ijCi to 96. Num-. 4623, 'Index, .'Scotland, Letters, 1363 to 6 C. -— Book, marked Scotland and Bordcr«j - D* 1565 to 69. - 1569 to 74. 7. -Scotland, kc. 1570. 8. - Scotland, Inftrucrions. 9. An, “ Inventory of the Charters and other Papes by rhe Kings and "Nobles of Scotland, in the Treafury of the Archives of the Cathedral Church of Durham, concerning tlie Abbey of Coldingham in Scotland, ^:c.” 10 “ I.iff of the Tranferipts of feverj Papers from the Cottonian Librar)-, made by Mr. David Crawford, in ? Volumes, now in the Lawyer’s Lkxraiy, at Edin- . • • rr r r II. Cottonian library Inventory, viz. in Veipalian F. 7. & Nero A., 8cc. Vol. II. containing, fays Lord O.xford at the beginning, 1. “A Lift of Papers m the Trealury of W eftminftcr concerning Scotland, dcpofiteJ in a large Chelt, ir.ticled, Scotia.” v.Nci'o. C. UL 2. viz. 2. Lift of j’apers in the Tower of I.ondon concerning Scotland. ^ . . 3. “ An Abftrafl; of fome principal Matters contained in a Book, entitkd, “ A Treaiife of Treafons againil Q, Eliz‘'' & the Crown of England,'’ in 2 parts, printed 4. “ A very valuable Colleftion concerning the Revenue of Religious Houfes in Scotland, which was diligently enquired into a little before the Revolution. Ai.d I traiifcribed, with my own Hand, moft of this from a MS. in the Hand of one who made Enquiry into thefe Matters, and a ver\’ httPerfon for that Enquiry. And the fmall part, in another Hand, being one of my Clerks I co.uid iriift.” 'ibis is written at the beginning of the following Articles, conftfting of 182 folio-pages, “ The Aft anent the Affumption of the Thirds of Benefices, t-Ci.” 6. “The'Kcnt of the whole g-eat Benefices withm this Kingdom, as they were given up at the general! Affumption, 1561.” 31065. (N. B. This following Tax Rolls of Abbeys, are jw Doubt the Articles 3 8c 3 of 4 the favourers of the fame. 3. f.effa;! Scoti F.p. Roffen, pro liberate impe- tranda. ?d Flizabetham Oratio.” 4. CoHtaions from 2 Books of the Pnvv Council of Scotland : 1. beginning 4 Sept. 1561, ending ^ March 1^62; 7. begins 24 Nov. 157-3 ^ ends io hcb. • 573' Copy of the MSS. from which Mr. Crawford, Hiiloriographer of Scotland, 1706, publilhed Memoires of the Affairs of Scotland, from 1567, from the MS. had of b' James Baird. At the beginning is a Paper fupplying the defects, &c.; and at the end a long Com- parifon of Crawford’s Memoirs with the MS. <1. A Lid of Piper-s See. carried from the Caftle of Edinhorough to Berwick, See. by order of E. the iff. 1201: & of what were return’d, &c. 7. Homages made by John Baliol, Sic. to Edw. i. 8. Copies of Patents of Honour & Offices, granted by K. Charles 2. to Scotts men, after the Rcftauratioii, page 1 to 116, &c. 4628. A fir.iilar folio to the laft, containing, r. Notes and Copies out of the Regiflers of the Ex¬ chequer of Scotland, from 15S3 to ib74. , 2. _from Charters, from the time of Rob. Bruce to Ja. 5. 3. Copies S: Notes of Charters of the Abbey of Dumfermling, & other religious Houfes. 4. E-xcerpt from the Regiller of the Pnory of St. ^'5^. The E. of Cromartic’s Diffcnalion, prefixed to the Acts of the General Altemhiy, 1708. 6. Notes of fome Decifions of Parliament, before *^7? N.imcs of the Knights of England, who feryed m Scotland under Edward 1 : with the Blazon of their Armes, by W‘"Smi'h, Rouge Dragon. 1597. 8. The'Size of Standards, I)". q. Officers appointed to give attendance at the Exe¬ cution of him that fhall give a Blow within the King’s Court. By the fame. 10. Manner of the Creation of an Herald at Amies. 13y the fame. r u 11. OrJynanccs of Margaret Coimiefs of Richmond for the Apparell of Gentlewomen in time of Mourning. By the fame. r -kt • j2. The manner of creating of the Earls or Nonng- ham,Devon, Lincoln, Rucland, dc Cumberland, 17 H.8. ^^*3! The AtuiinJer of Tho. E. of Northumberland, 12 Eliz., ice. D". 14. The Dcfign of a Tragedy, called Romanus : by Geo. Buchanan's Book of the Sphere j in verfe. by .1. C. 16. Dialeclicte A Phyfica: Letciones : per eundem. 17. 'I'he Life of Joleph Anchieta, a J Juite: Engliflied by J. C. + 6 ; 9 . Codex elegans in membrana feriptus. 1. C. Julii Csfaris Coiumencaiiorum de Bello Gal- lica, libri 8. 2. A. HiitiiPaiilie Commentariovum de Bello Civili, libri 3. 3. __ de BAlo Alcxandrlno, Afneano, & Iliipanienfi. 4630. A thick folio, of 755 Page5, containing, 1. The Original or Be-:iuning pf Sirnames. 2. Names varied according to the dwelling of the parties, and changed upon enin’ into Religion. Nuni. 4630—4632. 3. The Means of our xMiceftors attaining to thiltank Sc Order of Gentlemen. 4. The firlt ufing of Seals to Charters & Deeds in England. 5. The Putiiffiment for counterfeiting another’s Seal. 6. Arms, when firll hereJitarv. 7. --why & by whom fet up in Church Win¬ dows. 8. The Puniffimeht in Coat-Armour for abufmg a Mother. 9. 'nie granting i f Arms from great Earls, & pafling of Coats from one private P r'o i to another, indanced in a Grant in French, from Humfre\' E. Stafford to Rob' Whitgreave, 20 H. 6, &c. 10. Of Burying, Epiraph.s, Tomb-Stones, Embalm¬ ing, kc. All principally compiled from CoundenTs Remains, Selden's Titles of Honour, Dugdall, Burton, Wyrley, &:c. . , 11. 'I he Pedigrees k Defeents of feveral of the Gentrv of the Well riding of Yorklhirc: wall an alpha¬ betical Index^ &:c. 4631- In Two folio Volumes, containing, 1. The State of the Principality ot Scotland, 1622, See. AVith a Survey, tmd brief Note from the public Regiilers of that Kingdom. 2. A Idft of Atls of the Privy Council of Scotland, from 1577 to 1625. 3. Some of the D. of Lauderdale’s Letters about State Affairs, from the year 1651 to 1674. 4. “ Excerpta'& Exferipta ex Regiftris CapituH Glaf- guenfis,” 1556. At the beginning is the foliowbg account of it; “ This Book contains Excerpts and Copies from the Regiller of the High Church of Glalgow, written upon Parchment, which was carried off by ArchB-' Beion of Glafgow, at the Reformation, Sc depofited by him at the Scots College at Paris.’’ At the end is a very full Index to the fame and fol- lowing Articles, &c. c Frier Marke Hamilton’s Hillorv of that Family. - 76. 6. Oration of S' Gilbert Hamilton, at the Funeral of K. Rob' Bruce. Vol. II. A thick folio containing, 1. “ kir. Ja. Kirkton’s Hiltory of His own Times to the year 1679. He was a Perfon of a good Underffand- ing, & of a great deal of Witt,” as expreffed at the beginning. This Article contains 459 pages, well written. 2. Orders of the Privy Council of Scotland, from 1545 to 1584. >6c. 4.632. An ancient folio of 260 leaves, &c. being an Heraldical Collection in French; the Arms, &c. rudely drawn and coloured. The principal Contents are, I. At the beginning are Two full alphabetical In¬ dexes, one upon lels fized Paper and more modern than the other. 2. Arms, kc. relating to Ireland. 18- 3. “ Le -xii blafons du Roy de Caflille.” 31, &c. 4. Amies of the Gent" of Cornwall Sc Devonffiire- 23- 5. “ Lcs Anchiens Amies des Nobles d’Angleterre.” 27. to 87. 6. “ La coppie des letres que Monfienr de Scalles, kc. au Baftard de Burgoingne.” 88. k 93. 7. “ Coppie de letres certificatoires dc Mons' Ic Comte M'^orceftre grant conftable d’Anglcterro touchant le chofes dc Sufe, See. F. “L:s Bibliothecae Harle'anse, I Num. 4632—4637. 8. “ Les noms des Seigneurs ChivalUcrs et Efcuyers, Gentilhommes, Herauis &c. qui furent, au Sei'meur Ballard de Burgoingne, &c. • yi, 9. The Arms of the Lurds of England,-&c. ii2. The Ordinary then proceeds according to Bear¬ ings, &’C. 10. “Touts les Dues et Comtes du Royaulmc de France, &c.” j32_ Ti. Ancient Pedigrees, Drawings of Arras, Banners, and other Heraldical. Ornaments, &c. 12. “ Le 'J'raite entre Jehan Roy de France et Edvv. Ill. Roy d’Angleterrc, kc. 242, 43.3- Extratfls of Matters relating to Scotland, from the y^ar 1580 to 1583: from Caligula C. vi. & vii. in'the Cloirainan Library. A thin folio of 2 parts, con¬ taining 61 leaves, 2d 39. 4 ^ 34 " A controverfial Work in Spanlfh, bv a learned Jew, fairly written on 184 leaves. With the following ample Title : “ Fortificacion dc la Fee. (primera parte'. Coluna que fortifica los aflitds cor?.5ones de la cafa de Ifrael captiva. Anun^iando les la fempitenia falva^on efpe- rada, y moltrando ia efeuridad de los adverfarios, fa|. 9edad de fus opininnes, para lo qua! fe apunran todos Ls pafos de la Eferiptura que ellos en fu fevor e contra nos declaron, y defpues' de delbaratar brevemento fu penfamiento, los efplica por fu verdadero fentido, con eRilo fa5ii, y F.rudu(;ion grande ; conpucRo pc«- cl H. R. Ifhac, morador de Litiumia. y iraduzido d’Hobraaco en romance, par Ifach Auas. En Hamburgo aiino de 5381.” (1622'). The fecond part, which begins at fol. 70, contains two Dialogues, a Treatife on the 53 Chapters uf Ifaiah, Objeftions to the Books of the New TeRanient, and other Matters of -Argument againR the ChriRians. At the end are Tables of Contents, and ;m alphabetical Index. ivii, 4635- rhis^ folio MS. of 96 pages, neatly written, kc. con¬ tains, fomc fhort political Charatlers of the chief of the Lords k Commons of England ; of the RliniRry, & noted Officers both by Sea and Land ; of Foreign MiniRers; k of the Nobility k Gentry of Sco’Iand, before the Union : by.. Makay. Lord Oxford fays he bought it at Mr. Rawlinfon’s Sale. At the end is a good Index, and fome additional Charaders of the laR Minillry, 1715. And a Leaf paRed at the beginning. The whole in Engiifli. xvii. Num. 4C37, 463^. . ^^eafortii, Lothian, Stirling, Traquair, Ailcrura, Airlic, rindlater, Carnwath, Calendar, Levin, AnnanJale, Pan- miiire, Forfar, Middleton, Aieyn, Kilmamoch, Dun- donaid, Dumbarton, &- Bread-albin^ Vlfc. Arhiithnot, KnigRoim, Oxenford, k PreRun ; LI. Mordingtoun, LlphmgRoun, Borrhwich, Rofs,' Torpliichen, Burly Maderue, CranRon, Pitfijgo, Bamfe, Elibank, Bam- haven, Carmichael, & Ruthren. xvii. 2. Lc Rctoirr dc Daphnis ; Dialogue en vers. - ■ Vot. 11. Lediones Dominicarum k Sandorum : im- perfecte, viz : fol. 57 ad 162. Vol. RI. Worn and much torn, kc. contains as follows. 1. Contradus Matrimoniales inter Reges Scotiaj dc Angliae, inter R. Scotia; & D. Gcldria;, inter R. Scous k Uaci$. 2. Tradatus inter imperatorem C. 5. &: Ja. 5. R. ScotitB. 1531. 1541 1545, ^*5. i5. ^ 3. Heads of Pacification between the Q. of Scots and her S'lbjeds, 1570. 23 4- Inllrudions of Sir John Seymour AmbaRador'^tO England 1581. 5- -Col. Steward 6: Mr. Jolm Colville, '•5^3- ' 18. 6. Foediis inter Angliam & Scotiain, 138(1, 7- “ R'he Heidis agreit upon be the general Aflerablic of the Kirk of Scotland, quhalrupon the Duke of the Pohcie of the Kirk is to be fnrmir, and fot forth.” fol.39. At the back of which are its concents more fully pecified. ^ 8. The Kings accepiaiion of the Government of hu awm perfon. 9. Letters & MeRages between the K. k the E. of Morton, late Regent, 1575. - 72. 10. “ Conventiones fuper renunciationes juris, qUod Reges Anglic pratendebant luper regnum Scotia: . 78, 11. Ireaty of Delivery of James I. 82. 12. Treaties betwixt England 5c Scotland, 1502, &c. 90. I?. AlTignation for furniniing the Kings Houfe of Scotland, from 1 ^70 to 1574. joj. 14. “ Taxatio Eccieliarum incra Diocefin 3. Andri.” 13. Rental of Duinfermling, 159^. 12c. 16. Ordering of ilic Chapel! tor the Baptifme, 1594. 130. 17. Inventory of the King of Scotts furniture of the CaRle of Edinborough 1578. 1^3 18. Treaties between Scotland & France, K- En^rland. 147. with other Letters & Papers about Scotts Affairs ..s may be feen in the old dc more minute Table of Con¬ tents at beginning. I'he whole now contains 193 folios. XVll. 46.;8. 4636. A thick folio, of 265 leaves, of which only 93 are written on. It is a Common Place Book, containing remarkableScntences, extraded from various Authors; whofe it was does not appear, but it feeins to have been written in the Reign of Charles 11. At the end is an alphabetical Index. xvii. 4 & 37 - In Three folio Volumes, the iR contains, I. The Sixteen Branches, paternal and maternal, of ieveral illuRnous and noble Perlbiis, viz. Genealogies of K. William & Q. Mary ; the Earls of Lauderdale, k Rothes; the Dukes of Gordon S: ^ueenlberry; Anna Scot, Ds. Buccleugh: Ja. M Douglas; G Keith, E. Marlhal ; Geo. E/Sutherland; L- Marr, Morton, Hume, Straihmore '; “I'bis Volume contains Tranferipts from a Volume of the Cottonian Library, Caligula D. 2. which is now burnt, & conllfted of I etteis and other Papers of State, concerning the Tranfaclions bctweenEngland&Scotland, 1587, 1588 & 9.” In the new Catalogue of the Cotton MSS. it is ftated that this Volume and the next (Calig. D. ii.) which had been much damaged by the Fire in 173*’ now been kept in Cafes in luofe Sheets. Many Articles have by this Means been loft, and the whole was thrown into the greateft Difcrder. "What remains has now been arranged, and the original paging preferved, a few Sheets excepted, wiiofe proper places it has been impolTible to afeertaiu, &c. J.P. 1794.” This Volume, D. i. differs confiderably from the Articles given in the above Catalogue. This beginning with a Letter of the French King for Reconciliation of the Difeourfe between Card, of Lorrain and Marlh. Montmorency, fol. 2. In the 2nd Article they agree, but afterwards this goes from fol. 29 to 88, the other taking in the intermediate Articles. They afterwards go on nearly together to 453 (^therefore fee that Catalogue), which here thus concludes, “ 234, Nine Fragments, the true Places of which could not be afeertained, confift- ing of 14 leaves.” But this Volume continues from its p. 234 to the end, with divers other fimilar Letters, fee. 1. Original Letter from Mr. Alliby to Secretary Wal- fingham, July 26, 1589. 452- 2. -Mr. Afhby to Lord Burgly, Edin. 22 July 1589. 453- 3. ---—— to Sec>' Wal- fingham, July 13, D". 45- 4. -D' to Lord Burghly 27 March 1 )“. 457- 5. ---0“ to S' Franc. Walling- ham, F.d. June 20, 1589. 458. 6. JP from Mr. Rob' Bowes to D’’, Edin. March 16, 1589. 459- 7. Oi'iginal draught of a Letter from i. W. to — inteilined in Lord Burghly’s Hand. 460. 8. Original Letter, Alexander Hay to Mr. Alhby, Amb' of Eng. Nov. 6, 1589. 462. 9. D“ Mr. Rich'* Douglas to Mr. Arch. Doug, the S. Amb'at London, Ed. March 8, 1589. 464. 1C. D' from Mr. J" Cohill to Mr. Alhby above men¬ tioned, d"ted Aberdeen, Apr. 8, 1589. 467. II. D* S'Flciiry Widdiiigton to Sec''Walfingham, Berw. April 17, i<;89. 468. 1 2. Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Colvill to Mr. Alhby, Dundee, Ap. i6,'i''8q. 469. 13". Original i^ettcr, Mr. Alhby to L^ Burghly, Edin. A;.'14. 1689. 470. 14. Copy of D’ from Mr. Thom. Fowler to Mr. A'iby, Eng, Ambalkidor, Perth, Ap. 14, 1589. 471. (N. B. The Title in Mr. Alhby’s Hand.) 3 15. Original Bibliothecse Harleun®. Num. 4647. ! 5 - O.-ii^Liil Letter to my L. Burghly, EJin. Mav i, * - 5 '' ■ 472. 1 6 . D'’ S' J‘ Sciby to Mr. Sec'' Walfingham, Berwick, Apni .0 35M.. ID” J itiii Slu-iflow to Mr. Randolph, &c. Berw. - p 1C, j 789. 474. iL iv. D‘ Mr. ^Ulibyto L'* Eurghiv, Edin. March ‘5^9- , 477. 20. JuiuT Colviil to Mr. Afliby, Aberdeen, An. 2?, ' 5 ^ 9 ; . 480. (ihij Letter is on the back written by L'' Burghly.) 21, 22. Original Letters. S']■'Selby Si Mr. Aflibv to L" Burgh.iy, Berw. & Edin. Ap. lo—zr, 1^85. 484, Ac. 23. D’ S: ir-’ Widdrir.gton to L** Biir.-lily, Berw. Ap- 7 . 1589. 485. 24. D" Mr. Aftby to L' Burgbly, Ap. 7, 89. 4^6. 25. Copy ol Mr. Fowler’s Lettens to Mr. Alhby, Sirolibnigh, Ap. s8, J3S9; about the Ling’s coming there, Ac. ° yN. B. 1 lie Title in I\Ir. Allihy’s Hand). 26. Original, Mr. Afliby to L’Burghley, Edin. May 7 ’ I 53 > 488. 7 - :- O’’ to Seer Wairingham, EJin. Oft. lo ^ 5 ^ 9 - ^ 49c. 28. - 1 ho'Fowler to L' Burghky, 22 May ^589- 49 t. ji). D" D" May 2*, 1389 (as R. Coller makes the Date). 49^. 3°' -1^" L. of Botliwell to Mr. Arch. Doug. Ardrofs, 10 March ]5gy. 49^; 3 t- - L'* Powry to S' Francis Walfinghain, July ill, 1JS9. 406, N. B. This Title in S' R. Cotton’s Hand. 32. -Mr. Rob. Bows to S’ Francis Walfing- ham, Edin. Dec' iilt. 1589. 4^8. , 33 --Fowler to my L. Burghlev, Ed. 'Cadle, Nov. 21, 1589. ^ 34. Original Letter, iMr. Bows to Secret'' Walfintrham, Ediii. 28 Dec' 15S9. 35. Copy of the Council’s Letter to her Ma'>', Nov. 6, ’589- Signed by Hamilton, Lenox, Bnthw., Mar, Mcrtcm, 1 .. Sahon, Blantife, Seton, Culpofs, Thom. Mr. of Olamis, S' Rob. Mclvil, Alex'Hay CL Reg'. N. R The ’I'itle in Afiiby’s Hand. ^02. _36. Orig. Letter from L'Hunfdon to S'John Forllcr, ..;rden ol the Marches of England, B.rw. Nov' 9, ^38.. . 3% D” to my I/Burghley, Ed Nov. 2 —84. 50^. 38. A C-opy of the King’s Difeourfe concerning his late Refohiiion ol going to Sea. ’ 2 iv, B. Alhby wriics upon the back that this was font to the 1 / Treafurer of England. ^c 6 . 39. Or.g. Mr. Ahiby to my L'* Burghlcv, Ed. 23 Oft '580. _ ' 5c8.‘ •VO. - Mr. Gneg to S'Francis Walfingham, Lon¬ don 6 May 89. 41. -from Col. Bruce to Coil. Semple, by tlie Name of Mr. F. Leith, Jan. 24, 1589. 510. 42. Letter to • - - - - Edin. Ap 12, 1589. 409. , 43--Pi ocIamationpublilhedinScotbmd, to oblige ail ITi-fcns to give account of their Faith, th.it it may appear who are Proteflaiits and who Papihs, Ed. 6 Mai cli . 436. 4.t. A Difeourfe, plainly proving that tlie Sentence of Death lately given ag‘ that unfortunate' Lady, Mary late ^>. of Scots, as alfo the Execution, were hon*''', juft, necelTaiy, A lawiull, March nS' 40. (This Difeourfe extends from p. 2i!o to 320 of this Voi.) C.lT. II-iRi,. VoL. lU. Num. 464.7, 46.48. 45. Tryal of Mary O. of Scotts, fol. n8. with feveral Laiters to L' Pagot, S' F. Ei.gfcfield, D' Alleit, “ 301 10 the end. 4648. Voi- VI. Calig. D. 2. a fimilar folio to the lad, coiififl- mg of 439 pages. At the beginning is written, “This Volume contains Letters and other Papers of State, concern! the 'I’ranfaftions betw. England A Scotland, 1^90, 1591, Ac. to 1603, copied from a Voi. of the C.otton Libraix', which is now burnt.” TheuewCotton C.atalogue gives the following account, “ This reftored Paper Volume in folio, confills now of 453 leaves.” and commences its Articles with Ibl. 30, but this Harlelan MS. begins at fol. i, I. “At Holyrood-hcufe, an Aft for the Borders, Jan. 6. 139c.” 2. “ An Aft for Apprehenfion of Mr. James Gordon, apud Holyrood-houft, Jan. 6, 1590.” 3. C.opy of a Letter, from Gecrge Ker to the K of Scobs, Feb. 5, 159'. 4- The Examination of Mr. Ker. Feb c, 1 coo 1. 5' . D’ D’ l.'eb.e. IT'. 6. Direftions by the K of S. to the L. of Carmichel, ult. March 1,-90. g 7. ^ with Anfvvers thereto, Ap. 20, 1590. 9. 8. The beginning and grounds of the particular Griefs and Dilcords among the Parties following, viz. between Athol A Montrofe, Aihol Si Errol, Athol A Huntley, Huntley A Murray, Ap. 21, 1590. 10. g. “ Coppie de ia hre eferite pur Mme Steward la reigne d’Eleolfe a la reyne d’Aiigleterre.” Sheffield, 2 May 1590. j j lo. Proclamation made at Leith, for the good ufage of the Danes coming into Scotland with the O. • Mav 2d, 1590. ^ !i. Noblemen A Gent" of Denmark in Scotland, 4th of May 1590. ' 12. Noblemen A others of S. appointed to be at the Queen’s Coronation, Ac. ibid. I 3. The K. of S. Proclamation for fuch as are at the Horn, for Criminal Caufes, Ac. June 12, 1593. 15. 14. Articles of the Convention at Edin June 14 '59-- . _ ,5.’ 15- Commiffioners appointed by the Convention for Border Affairs, 15 June 1590. jg. ^ 16. A Note of the Order to be obferved between the K-. A Earl of Bothwcl, for Exchange of Liddefdale, June 1 590. 17. “ Refponfum Sereni/Iimi et PotentilTimi Danise, Norvegim, Vandalloruin, Gallorum Regis, &;c. datum Sercniiliiiii ac Potentiffimi Scoiorum Regis Jacobi 6. Legalis, generofis et clariffimis Viris dominis Gulielmo Stuarto a Pcilentweeni (lommendatorio et Johanni Skinnaio in Supremo Scotia; Senatu Advocate, Jul. 29 ‘592-” 21.’ 18. llie Names of ihcm that are of his Majefties Secret Council, appointed by Aft of Parliament 1587. 22. 19. A Proclamation of the King of S. prohibiting tlie carrying of Wines to New Haven, Ac. 14 Au^' '-39®* _ 23. 20. Memorial of fundry things moved to the King’s Mat' by the Q. of Eng"* Ambaflador, and to be remem¬ bered to the K. by the Iri Chancellor for the Execution thereof, Ed. Aug. 6, i 590. 24. 21. An Aft againft Dilapidations, Holyrood-houfe, Dec' 5th, 1590. 22. Hemiffion granted to the E. of Huntly, Dec' 17, •1590. fol. 26. Copy. 23. Original Letter, Mr. Bow'es to my Burghly, Edin. May 4, 1590, 28, 3B 24,25- 186 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4648—4657. 4^, 25. Here begin the Articles in the Cotton Cata¬ logue, which fee, the following being not in it. 26. M'fcellany Obfervations relating to Scotland, in I,-Burghly’s Hand, 1590. 37- 27. A note of things to be remembered by James .Hudfmi, Aug. 13, 1490, fol. 41. (from my I'Chanc' of Scot'' to my L'‘ Threfurer of Eng''). Orig. Hence they agree nearly together, but at p. 277 of this is the following : 28. “ Sequuntur Tenores CommifTionum.” 206. 29. Original Draught of a Letter (without Date or Subfeription), fol. 273, (148 of Cotton Catalogue). 30. D' from S' W'" Bowes to my L‘‘ Ambafiadcr Carlyfle, Ap. i6. 273. They then agree together till 348, which is not in the Cotton Catalogue, viz. 31. Inftruclion by the Q. to the Bilhop of Durham, W‘" Bowes Knt., Francis Kingefby Elq., CommilHoners on the Borders of Eng'* 8; Scot''. 4649—4653. Val. VII. to XI. of thefe tranferipts, not requiring any particular Obfervations. But fee alfo Numbers 4666 to 4684. 4654. [4654.—4707. Quarto.'] “ A Catalogue of Books & Pamphlets relating to Trade, Revenue, Navigation, hz. collefted by \V“‘ Paterfon Efqr, <703.” A thin quarto fairly wiitten, with an Addrefs from the colledor at the end. Bound up with N" 636b. 4655. A Paper Book, of 80 written pages, dedicated to King James II. and probably prefented to him, by the Author F. Demorinde. This was apparently the pre- fentation Copy, the Royal Anns being ftamped on the Covers, and this Note entered in the firll leaf. “ ‘This did belong to King James, I had it from Coll. Grabme.” The Title is this : “ Le Major parfait, qui apprend avec facilitc-le rftaniement des armes, les evolutions miliiaires, avec la maniere d’entrer dans le champ de bataille, et former les bataillons, 1686.” xvii. 4656. A very old copy of Breton de Legibus Anglix, as far as B. iil. ch. 36. “ De Ailife utrum.” The rubric at the beginning fays, “ Incipit Traebatus qui dicitur Brutonis and Brjrimi. Vid. Fabr. 4662. Codex membranaceus, fads pulchcr, paginarum 17^. Scriptus ell non male, fed feribx infeitia, r.iirum in modum confufus eft audoris textus. Videtur co¬ ram oculis exemplar habuifle, ollpi divulfum, ct im- perite refutum : quam culpam cum nequaquatn fobo- luilTet, qux vidit feripfit, prout cafos obtulerat; ita ut partes varix in locis alieniflimis occurrant. IJxc viderat annotator recentior, et quibufJam in locis ia- dieaverat; anpofitis e:iain in margine capitum iigni-. Omnia Bibliothecae Harleianas. 187 Num. 4662—4675. Omnia nunc luculcntcr notantur, litcris rubris ; et paginarum fcrics in ordinem reducitur, Continet Codex, I. M. T. Ciceronis de Natura Deoruin libros c. —-De Divinatione, lib. 2. 107. 3. Fragtnentum de infomniis, ex Macrobii Som- nio Scipionis, lib. i. cap. 3. 156. 4. Ciceronis Paradnxa. :58. P-'cCmititur, raanu tmtiqua, Argumcntuin in libros D: Naiura Deorum, quod in Kditt. non occiirrit; cum I’ragmeuto Argument! in libros de Divinatione. xv. 4663. Two volumes very fairly tranfci ibed. The firft with this general Title : “ A Colleclion of Papers about the D. of Norfolk, and Negotiations with Maryc.” 1. “ Vol. II. Colleftion of Papers about the Trial & Execution of Q. Marye.” 3. “ Letters of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton, 8cc.” 3. “ The Examination A' Execution of the Earl of Cowrie, 1584.” 4. “ The Troubles betwLxt the Earles of Huntlie & Murray.” 5. “ The Earl of Mortouu’s conference with the Miniflers the day of his Execution, 2 July 1581.” C. ValTals of the Principality. 4664. Codex Chartaceus, in quo habentur, 1. Aniiphona: & Leclioncs in feftivitate Corporis Chrifli: et etiam per totum annum, alia manu. xiv. 2. Calendarium, ct Cyclus magnus Pafchalis. 3. Pfalterium cum Hymnis, Symbolis, & Litania. “ Liber erat dompni Richardi Crolby, ex dono ve- nerabilis patris Ilugonis Whitehede, Prioris Dunetmen- fis A.D. 1521. Poftea crat D. Thomce Tempeft I3aro- iietii,” 4. Hymni cum notatione mufica. 5. Leftiones, &c. pro diebus feflis Sanftorum, See. cum fupplementis recentioribus. 4665. 1. Loci communes Theologici: ordlne alphabetico : cum indicibus. 2. Liber de 65 articuUs paflionis Chrifli; cum prcce fingulis articuJis prajmiifa. 3. Origenis lloinilia de pluncSu Marice Magdalena: qua;remis Dominum. JiXi-Tot. xiv. Liber membranaceus, bene fervatus. [N. B. 4666 to 4669 are bound in one volume, and from thence to 4684 form fix more volumes.^ 4666, Lord Ilales’i Treatlfe concerning the Succeflion to the Crown of England. 4607. A Lift of Papers in L. Burleigh’s Clofet. Tranfcribed from the Cotton Library. Caligula B. v. 46685 9. A Colleflion of Matters relating to Scotland, copied from the Cotton Library, Jul. E. Calig. B. i. ii. iv. and xc. n. 11. 4670-73. Vol. II. Of the fame Colleflion. 4674-, 5. 4 Vol. III. Of the fam«. Num. 4676—^4637. 4676, 7. Vol. IV. Of the fame. 4678. Vol. V. Of the fame. 4679—^*1- Vol. VI. Of the fa.ne. 4682—84. Vol. Vn. Of the fame. 4685. In folio, containing the following Mifcellaneoiis Papers by various hands. 1. A military Difeourfe, whether it be better for England to give an Invader prefent Baltail, or to tem¬ porize & deferr the fame. 1697. fol. 1 to 28. 2. A ready courfe for arming men in Kent, at an alarum giveu, whicli may likewil'e be obferved in any other County, fol. 28. 30. 3. A parallel between Rob. Devereux Earl of Eflex, and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, fol. 19. 4. Two leaves in French, thus endorfed. “ The manner of the Pope’s writing his letters.” 5. A letter in defence of the Chrifthn Sabbath, well written on 14 pages. 6. Another difeourfe on the Sabbath, in an older hand writing, on 11 folio pages, divided into four Chap¬ ters. At the end of which are 2 pages of Italian Mufic and words. 7. A Trcatife on Government m genera!, &c. in 9 folio pages of neat fmall writing; at the end of wh’ch are two pages by a different hand, & much corn, entitled, “ DireiUons for obedience to Government in dangerous & doubtful Times.” 8. Several Treatifes on Ufury, with “Examinations of thofe Pupilh Deferipcions of Ufury, which are jufti- fied & defended by Dr. Fenton & others.” 9. An old Fragment of Hiftorical Matters relating to Subfidies, &c. p. 9 to 32. 10. Other Mifcellaneous Papers in Latin & Englifli, relating to ancient Hillory, &c. 11. Farming the Cuftoms, &c. 12. Inftruflions for the Prefident of Wales, 1634. This number is now bound up with 132, containing the firft article of this j and divers other numbers. 4686. 1. A Catalogue of the Nobility to the year 1622, begun 1610. 8. 2. A Collcflion of the Arms & Crefts, & matches of the Nobility of England 1572^01604. and of other Families, chiefly of Suffolk and Eflex, as appears by their names at the top Sc margin page 41. This N° is bound up with Siyi- 3. An ordinary of Arms, alphabetically, fol. 65. 4687. A folio of 149 leaves, bound up with N°* 145 and 848. With the following Title : “ This Book is a continuation of Hector Boethius’s Iliftory of Scotland, written by Robert Lindfay of Pitf- cotties, being aflifted and inlirutled by Patrick Lord Lindfay of the Byris, S'Andrew Wood of Largo, Sir David Lindfay, King at Arms, and fomc others.” It begins at 1437, and is continued to 1586. 3 Codex i88 Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 468—4693- 4688. Codex niembninaceus. 1. Eedse prefbylcii, in parabolas Salamonis, cxpo- Titio. X. a.-lie Chrilliani Prsfulis officio, epiltola ad Egbertum Ebor. epilcnpum. Liber olira S. Cuthberti Dunelmenfis Ecclefi$. Pollea Thoina Tumpell, Bar. 46S9. A thin folio of 89 pages, containing an Account of Proceedings againll the Rebels in the year 1685, and oflicr prifoners hi tlie counties of Southampton, Wilts, Doriet, Devon, & Somerfat, by Judge Jeffries & • others. 4690. A parchment vi-lume of u 5 leaves containing ; 1, I he old Chronicle, ufually called tile Kalendar or Cdironicle of Brute, to the fixth year of Henrv V. The readings appear to be better tluui in many of the old copies. Thus the King of Syria firft mentioned is called Dtodya.is, or DisJUias, who is frequently made into Dicc'/'Jian; and his daughter is Albyne, from whom Albion is faiJ to be named, who is in fome copies Albiic, 4 II n iMrubraco':; N.irr.itive of certain particulars at K'htmjr tn K, Cii. i. a" 164S, wbLh letter is clatea V.'!iiiebiiri"75, avUrdVcd to S'George Lane Kii' Secretary to the Date of Ormond. This & the above ietrers are copied in Dii'd-.de’s osvn hand, M'ho has added at the end 'p io:0_ the following, “The names of thole l^erl'ons, which did privately correfpond ^ith K. C-harles 1. during his iinpiilbnmciit in the Ifleof Wight.” 4705. A thin f-'lio, containing Papers of very various kinds, the firll t\ventv--meNu:nhers ol which appear to have belonged to' Mr. Tobv Bonnell, Collector of import Kxeife in Dublin, fnoh after the Rcltoration. I. An Order of the Priw Council of Dubhn, re- fpccliug the Culbmis, dated Dec. 8, 1G62. Ihis is doeketied, “ Copie of the Order of _ Councell of R De'-. 1662, with the Petition of Tobie Boimell.” See N" 8. . , i 2. An Order of the Lords of Excife in Dublin, dated Augufi: 2, i6s8. 3. Kine Queries refpeeding his INIajelly's Revenues m Ireland, and -o icfpediiig ihe Duke of Ormond, on a large folio leaf. 4. Tubks ef the Expert and Import Cuitoms of 21 principal Ports of Ireland, with an exad Explanation prefixed. 5. A Eeiter to hlr. Bonnell, on the Mode of making Thqncbaugh, figned Henry Ferneley, and dated Sept. 4, 6. A Report addrefl'ed, “ To the Right Hon''" the Enrd Chief Barron, and other the Comm" appointed to call the Law Farmers to arcompl.” Dated Dublin 10 June 1662. But docketted, “ Acc‘of the Farmer of the Cufoms, &c. of Ireland, Anno 1658.” Two leaves. . , „ r t 1 1 7. A Report of the State of Ireland. 8. An Order from the Commillioners of Cufloms, dated Feb. 5, referring to the Order of Council at N't.fup. and allowing to Mr. Tobie Bonnell the Sum of ^92. 8. 5. over and above his eitablilhed Sa¬ lary « for his care and p^ns in advancing his MajeRy’s Revenue,” in the Year 1663 ; at the Rate of 2 Shillings i 1 the Pound upon the advance. Signed Tho. Worfopp, W'" Smith, W"' Dodfon, Dutdel Dillingham. g “ Extract Sc Traiillation, &c.” rel'pcfting the Ne- EOcialiouf for Peace in June, &c. 167!. 10. A Cofy of the Arldrefs of the Prelbytenan Clergy to his Majelly on the Liturgy, and Remarks on the King’s Declaration, Light learcs, feparalcd in binding, fo that N”’ 11 5c 13 are infe: ted between the 4th and « The Reafons expreffed in the Petition of Nic. Gernon why he and bis Eight Complices fliould be pardoned for tranfpurtmg their Wooll into Forraigne Parts.” Two leaves. See N" 20. 12 hicmorandnms from Sermons. Two leave.-'. A Royal Licence to Sir Fran. Hamilton Bart, to tranfport Wool. , , 1 r t 14. A Speech, addrcfTcd to the Lord Deputy of Ire¬ land in Council, fcon alter the Reiloration. Without the Speaker’s Name. I Fragment of a cech m the Infh Hoofe of Com- r ons. Two leaves. , • i_ 16. A Lefcr to Mr Toby Bcnnell, from his h ephew Tam'>s Bonni-h, dated Dublin 19 Mar. 1691. ^ 17'. Ir.aruai.-ns frem the Prize Office London, dated ,8 Decemb. C S-V? i^titkd, “ Inffruftions for our very I -.-ng Friend Mr. Tobie Bonnell.” Signed Hum. Blake, Joi.*- Spar ow. Rich. Blackwall. With a Warrant having the .arie D-ic and Signatures. Num. 4706—4710. 18. “The Minutes of two Arguments made in the Houfe of Commons, againft the Bill for continuing the Piohibition of Irifh Caucl.” ig. A State Paper tranllated from the Dutch, con¬ taining 7 Stipulations made by the King of England to the King of France. 20. 'I’he Petition of Nic. Gernon to the F.. of Cla¬ rendon, Lord Chancellor of England. See N= 11. 21. “ An Abltract of the Accounts of bis Ma^" Re¬ venue in Ireland, for five years, fiom Chrillmas 1682 to Chriffmas 1687.” 22. A Colleclion of Sermons in Portuguefe, on various Texts, unif’ormly written. 23. A Catalogue of Bo. ks, with this Title, “ Cata¬ logus Librorum tarn Latino quam Anglicano Sermonc editoi um, penes me R. S.” 24. A curious Paper, containing Lifls of the Nobility, and Officers of the Houfchold, and State, with Lids of Ships, and various other Faiticulars, written in a fmail Hand on 32 leaves, referring certainly to a Period earlier than the latter Part of Charles the firfl’s Reign, as it contains feveral Peers, who were extinCl before 1645' It has the following curious Title, which however does not very well deferibe its Contents. A true Collection, as well of all the King’s Maj"" Offices and Fees in any the Courts at Weflminller, as of all the Offices & Fees of his Maties honourable lloufehold, together with all Fees pertaining to Captaines and Souldiers, having Charge of Bullwarks, Cailles, & Fortreffes-within the Realme of England, and likewife the Offices and Fees of his Highnes honourable lloufcs, Parkes, & Forrells within the faid Realme.” 4707. A thin Quarto, containing, 1. Mr. David Siinpfon, the indullrious Antiquary & Flifforiographer of Scotland, his Adverfaria& Collections in his own Hand, of Matters relating to that Kingdom, being chiefly Grants by the Stewarts to Melrofs Abbey. After which is an Account of the Family of the Camp¬ bells, Lords of Loudoun. At the end a Lift of the Charters of Scotland, in the Hand of Mr. Simpfuii, from 1 249 to 1690. 2. Some remarkable Things fmee jam. i. was lakin Prifoner by the Lnglilh, 1406, to the Death of Ja. 6. 1625. 3. An Account of K. Cha. 1. coming to Scotland la 1633, and of his Coronation there. 4708 & 4709. Two vaft folios, fairly written on Paper in Englifh, and well preferved, being a univerfal Common Place Book, by Francis Bowry. There is no Index to either of them, but a running Title of the Articles in alphabetical Order at the top of each page. The ift Vol. confifts of 2000 pages, the 2d of 984. 4710. The Arms 5c Titles of the Knights of the Garter, in the year 1625, colleCled by the Sieur de Valles. The Arms are blazoned in Colours. It is a thin folio, v.'ith the following very ample Title in French. The whole on Paper. “ Recueii de lous les Chevaliers du tres noble Ordre de la jarretiere, que eftoient vivants lors que le Prince Charles premier du nom, Roy de la Grande Bretaigne, fut marie avec la Princefle Henriette-Marie de France et qu’elle luy fut menee en Angleterre par Meffire Claude de Lorraine, Due dc Chevreufe, Pair et Grand ChambeUan de France, qui fut lors fait Chevalier dudit Ordre de la Jarretiere. Con- % Hibliothecse Harleianse ipf N'um. 4/10—47 12. “ Contenant aaffi les Ceremonies foites dans la Ville de lAnidres, Icrfque Mewre Anchoine Ruze, Marquis d’KfHat, mbafladcur Extraordinaire en Angleiene, fut fiiit Clievalier de I’ordre du S'- Efprit, par ledit S' Due de Chevreiilc, fuiva^it la CommifTion, qui luy fut envoiee par le Rov de France et de Navarre, Louis xin""' Chef et Souverain dudit Ordre. “ Recueillis et mis en ordre, parle Sieur de ValleS, de la viJL* de Chirtre en Rea-.ilce, fecre'= ordinaire de la Ch-.imbrc dii Roy de France, qui fit le voiage avee ladite PrinceiTc rcyiic d’Anglcterre. En I’annee 1625.” 471 I. A Urge folio Volume, conlifling chielly of fpecimens of P.'pcr, Taken from the beginnings or ends of old BooeSj \v;tli ibme fraginents of the Books themfclves: alio Spedinens of Paper, of diifeient maimfadurc and d-;ioininalious ; but few of them diitinctly marked, iowardr. the end are foine printed C^iack Advenife- ments, about the 'J'.'inc of Queen Anne. Very like fume of Bagford’s volumes. xviii. 4712. A large Volume fjlio of letters, &c. collected by Peter !c Neve, whofe Raiiaarks are frequently upon them, chiefly for the fake of the Autographs, being arranged alphabetically, with brown Paper between each Parcel, marked with the I,etter of the Alphabet which is the initial of die Writer’s Name. Vdl. I. contains principally as follows : I. A milceliany of Autographs of divers Perfons. ■ 2 . Various Letters and Papers, with the Autograph of 1.''Biudencll, 1652. 3. Various 1-ctters from 1. Addinbroke, M. D. of Catherine Hall, 1714, 4. L- of Anglefey, 1712. 5. Arthur Anncllcy M. P. 1707 8. f). S'Ro. Atkins, Queen Square, London, 1709. 7- Hr Audley, 1600. 8. Ira. B>‘ of Rochefier to J" Anfiis Efq. 9. From Thu' Baker the Antiquary, dated Camb' 1716. ^10. An old Parchment Deed of Rob' Barker of i riinley in Sufiolk, Efq. 43 Eliz. II. Two Letters from Joi'eph Bowles, Bodleyan Library, 1716-7, I 2. 1/ Burlington’s Letter about L^ Gifford’s Funeral, 1694. 13. Two Letters from Rich"' Bdwchir, Amport near Andover, Hants, 1715. i.|. One from J. Barker Archdeacon of Chichefler, 1715. 15. D" from John Brewer, 1717. 16. -J. Bromley, 1716. >7.-J. Bridges, 1722-3. 18. Rob'Baylio, 1723. 19. A Letter from Tiio. Brand, Whitehall, 1722-j, 30. Others from J. Biydges, Line. Inn, 1722-3. 21. - from The’Breton, 1599. 22. --T. Brodrick, 1677. 23. F. Byslhe to G. Gooddord Efq., Heralds Coll, i.p IP Bryttas to Tho. E. of Arundell, 1634. 23. 1. Ruckhurft, Sackville-houfe, 1600. 26. J" L‘' Berners, about Mofley Manor. 2:. W"‘ P.ofwell to Tho’ Knivetc l.fq., 1693. 2S. A Ficnch Letter from H> Prince of Coiidye, ‘i79- 29. J. A. Letter to M. Bedford Parfon of S' Mary Oatwich Church in B'’gate Street London in anfvver to his book of Divinity 1651. 30. Letters from W'" Sc Rob' Bowyer 1596. 31. —— from Tho Jo. Blount 1608. 32. - ■ --8' Tho. Browne 1658. Num. 4712. 33- J->etter rrom I ho'Buffells, very olJi 34- --W'" Borney, &:c. 35. Bond of Rob' L"* Bruce, &c. 1659. 36. Letter of W" Bowles, Knighton 1682-2. 57*-— L” Berkley i66i. 3®- Charles Boones, Bombay Cafllc I7i3, 1719. ^ ' ’ 39* -H. Barker, &c. 40. ^— Mary Lady Bath, about her fufferings to her cofen S' J" Hobart Kn'. 41. Col. IT Bard to H>' L" Percy 1643. 42. --'I'. Bromley, Cane. 15S1. 43- -Nath.Brent 1672. 44- ~—'— from H. Chauncy Ardelcy Bury r'714. 45- Hie Earl ut Elfex’s Letter to his brother, a copy. 46. —:-P. Conolly, J.eiceflerfhire i6y8. 47- -D' Arthur Charlett, Mafter of Uriiverfity Cell. Oxon, dated Bath 1719, to Juliu Lc Neve Efu' at his Houfe in Theobald’s Row. 48. W-'‘ Churchill, Whitehall 167S. 49. W'" Cecil], no dare. 50. From L'* Clarendon 1693-4. 51. 32. Iho. & Etiz. Cccill 1390, to S'JohnHo- 53> ^4' Eady Cedll Sc S' W‘ Cecill, dated Burgh- ley December. 55. K. Charles Warrant for iffuing Mulketts, to L"^ Percy Generali of the Artillery 1643. 56. Jn" Chichelcy to Peter Le Neve, about Dugdaie’s MSS. upon Drawing 1718. Middle Temple. 57. W'" Coward, Ipfwich 1718. 38. From Gyles Chandos, dated Sudeley 1588. 59. H Clare 1613. 60. Printed Letter of James ift. about Contributions, figned Francis Mylles, & Charles Comwaiys 1611. 61. Another Letter from L** Clarendon 1699. 62. S' Francis Crane to L'' Makravers, Rye 1635. 63. L" Conway to D”, dated on board the Fleet in the Downes 1635. 64. l.ady Burghley to S' J" Hubbert K‘ 1603. 65. Ranulphe Crewe to D'*. 66. Ja. ChriiHe 1707, about the Antiquity & Arms, &c. of that Family. 67. Jo. Cooke, Whitehall 1667. 68. Charles Comwaiys 1612. 69. 70. Letter from 1)'John Cowell to M'J'" Ho¬ bart at Hales Hall, dated Combe 1596. 71. Bafil Drewell's Receipt of the Intereft of;^i2Co. from Tho' E. of Arundell 1629. 72, 3. From Gregory Dacre 1593. 74. S'Symouds Dewes to Tho'Knivett Efq. Stui- hall 1639. 75. Ab. Digby to M'Flowerdewe at the Temple. 76. -Dorfet to S' Tho. Knivett 1606. 77. -Devonelley to Mr. Griffith, Secretary to theEnglifh Ambaflador at Stockulme. Dated Hambuigb, 1665. 78. Robert E of Leycefler to the Keeper of Eaft Derham Park Norff. with his broad Seal, damaged. 79. 80. Rob' DuJdley E. of Leycefler & Am^e Duddley to John Flowerdew Efq. 81. H’Effinge to his Uncle S'Tho'Knivett K' at Afhewellthorpe 1602. 82. The Karl of Effex to Tho’ Foliott Sheriff of Wore' 1395. 83. The fame to S' J" Popliam K' L. Chief Juftice of England 1594. 84. Chr. Emmott to M' Rob. Wright at the Office of Ordinance in the Tower, dated Bath 1721. 85. Lorn. Echard to P. Le Neve about'MSS. 1715. 86. Thomas Ellops to Mr. J" Hubard. 87. L'' Chancellor Ellefmere to t^e E. ofShrewefbury 614. 8, 89. A printed Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4712. 88, 89. A printed & a MS. Letter from S'Tho. Fair- fax, about Capt" Edmond Barber Sc the Garrifon of Wallingford, See- 1646. go. Lady Maidftone’s Letter 1692. Eaftwell. 91. J ' Finch of Eaftwell C° Kent Efq. 1655. 92. Tho‘ Farrington’s Autograph & Seal iCgi. 93. Heneage Finche to Lady Bell at Aih-wellthorpe, Norfolk 1627. 94. Francis Finche, Highgate 1617, to his Mother the Lady Bell. 95. L'* Fitz Williams 1694. 96. 7, 8. Tho‘Fortefeue to S'Tlio'Knevit Kn'dated Hendon 1599. 99. Step. Fox, at the E. of Nortliampton’s Houfe Caftle Afliby 1701. Sep'. IOC. The fame, dated Whitehall Jane 1701. 101. W'" Fleetwood B‘’ of Ely. 102. General Fleetwood to all Oflicers & Souldiers, &c. to fuffev L'* Bruce’s Servants to pafs from London to Ampt'Hill in Bedford, 1659. 103. Humfrey Famabye, 1395. 104. 1 /Fielding to ... . Crump Efq. one of her Majellies Heralds at Arms 1705. 105. Rich* L* Gorges to S'W'" Dugdale 1659. I c6. Goring E. of Norwich, to the Earl of Arundell; Breda 1650. 107. M'^ Chriflopher Grimfton to W" Hubbaa: Hales Hall 1596. 108. Tho’Gilbert, Oxford 1688. about books. 109. E. Gerarde to J" Hubbard. Jio. 112. R. Gale to P. Le Neve Efq. 1721. III. Edw’’ Gybbon from Glatton in Huntingtonfiiire 1707, “All in which Letter ported to the feveral Towns in that County, by me Peter Le Neve Norroy 1710, as written by him on the back.” 113. Tho. Grey to S' Nath' Brent K‘ at his houfe in Litlc-Brittane, dated Henton Cartlc 1652. 114. John Granville E. of Bath, &c. his Autograph to a Commirtion ol EiifignetoTho' Pitt gent. i6b'6. 113. George Gregory 1722. 116. Autograph of theE. of Clare. 117. L* Colerane about a Pedigree, 8:0.1700. 118. Lady Colerane 1707. 119. S' Michael Heneage, Hadley 1703. 120. Rich'' Haffall. D' Mather Hutton, Wroxall 1700. 121. G. H. to Tho'Barrow Efq. London, dated S. Nicholas near Richmond. •122. Eliza Hatton to S' T Hnlford. 123. L" Flunfdon to S' Tho' Knevett Kn' 1588. 124. W" Ferdinand Cai-y baron of Hunl'don to P. Le Neve. 125. Sf Rob' Harcourt to S' Tho’ Knevett Kn’ 1580. 126. S'Nicholas Hare’s Autograph, &c. dated torn olT. 127. 8. Two Letters from Walter Harcourt to S' Tho’Knyvett, 1580. 129. Various Letters from the E. of Fluntingdon to I'll' Cromp at the Herald’s Office, about a Monument Mr . Gibbons the Can-er in Bow Street was then making for him, 1698. Alfo about his having repaired & beau¬ tified the Monument of Francis E. of Huntingdon in A, t’y Church 1694. & about Cromp’s tranferibing his M^. 5 c and other hiftorical & l.craldical matters, &c. ch'efly dated Djnningtnn Park, Leicefter. 130. Three Letters from Chr-L* Hatton 1589. 131. W" Hatton, Furnivals Inn 1633. 132. L* Bindons Letter about M‘ Tulkt’s i\rms, Shurtgrove 1708. 133. 'I'ho' Heamc the Antiquary, Edm. Hall Oxi* 1724, about books & MS. returned to P. LeNeve. 134. Eliza Hampden to M'Anthony Knyvett. 135. H' James D. D. of Camb' 1670, 6 N'lim. 4712, 4713. 136. hr E. Toliyvet at Hamburgh 1666. 137. J" Kirlhaw 16S1. Reftor of Ripley York'about D' Blithe, Mailer of Clare Hall, 6cc. 158. Rich'' Keurden. 139. D'Knight, about Deeds 1723. 140. Several Letters from E. Kyil'on. to S' J" Hobart, dated Hengrove 1597, i5.-;3. 141. Franc, Knollys. Readinge Abbey 1625. 4713* A fimiiar Vol. to the lull containing : 1. A fhort Letter from S' Nath’ Floyd Kn' Do' of Laws 1718, fealed with his Arms, quarterly. 2. A French Letter from Leibnitz, ILmover 1694. 3. Several others in Latin thus addrclTed, Thomse RymcTO viro infigni Godefridus Gulielmus Leibnitius S. P. d. 1693. 4. Rowland Leigh, his acquittance for ,^986. 41 Eliz. 5. Tho’Leigh of Stondey 1610, to Lady Hoddefdon at Laighton i6ic. 6. James Loma.x to M' J" Plobart 1595. 7. James Lightbourne 171’. “ One of his name was a Mailer in ( hanccry 1723.” 8. Rob' E. ot L )ctrt.cr to E. FlowcrdeweEfq. 1578. 9. J" Lawton to Le Neve 1721. 10. From S' Peter Lely the Painter 1(563. 11. W"‘Lilly, to the Lady Eliz. Morley his favorite, no date. 12. Meryell Littleton, Franchly 1609, to her Aunt Lady MerycII Knyvet at Alhwell-Thorpc Norfolk. On the back is written by Le Neve “ Muriell Littleton Lady Hellsnere, was one of the da” of S' Tho’ Bromley Kn' L' Chancellor, who married Eliz'' da' of S'Adrian Fortefeue K'. 13. L' Leflie to L'' ■ 1641. 14. E. Maidfton to M' Heber at the Temple, dated Eartwell 1692. 15. Col. Henry Martin, tom. 16. A Warrant figned Marleburgh, about Hereford Sc Glouc' Caftles, being very ruinous, about 1626. 17. S' Rich' Manningham 1728. 18. lA Maynard 1686 to M'Millecent at Barham Kimber. 19. M'’ Dorothy Millecent to M'‘Le Neve 1721. 20. R. Manfdl M. P. Norwich 1722. 21. W" Mofeley to M' J" Hnbett 1603. 22. Charles Morren to D'’ 396. 23. Edw' More to M' Hobert Sc. the Marchionefs of Winchefter, at Bafinge 1600. 24. Jo.Meres 1718 London. 25. J. Morgan, Kingfthorpe near Northampton 1712. 13- 26. Roger Meredith, Leeds 1721, about his MSS. of the Sages of the Law, See. 27. Mr. Mapleden 1605. 2^ Albert Maxwell, London 1687. 29. S' W"‘ Monfon to L' Maltravers, Plymouth 1635- 30. Warrants for divers Services in the New Forefi; Norden, Alton 1611. 31. W. B'' ol Carlifle, Rofe Caftle, 1714-5, to Le Neve. 32. A Letter in Verfefrom JohnNorrice to the Right Hon‘’''Lady Bruce at S' James’s 1657. 33. Fra. North, his Opinion in a Caufe 1680. 34. Oliver Neve to his Cofen F. Neve 1670. 35. H> Nevell of Billingbere, Berks 1582. 36. Fr. Nicholfon, Rob'Naper, &c. 1718. j688 . 37. Form of a Faculiy, Charles E. of Nottingham, 163'.'. ,S. H Norton to his Cefm M' Hubbert. 39. Oliver Naylor to Edw. Pepys Efq' at Bromef- thorpe, Nerfulk. 40. George Bibliothecag Harleianas, *93 Num. 4713. . 40. George Duke of Northumberland’s hand and feal 1704, on a Parchment conftituting Ben. Pratt, one bf his Chaplains. 41. Sir Thomas Parry’s letter to Lady Knyvett, his Sifter. 42, 43. & Lady Paget’s letter to M' Thurton, about S' Tho‘ Knyvett’s claim to a Manor in Suffolk, &c. 1381-2. 44. W" Prefton to his kinfman Anthony Knyvett, 1645. 45. Rich'* Paifons, Chan' of Gloucefter, his hand and leal, 8cc. 1686, 7. 46. Letter of Attorney from Lewis Pollard of Ha- therlegh C° Devon, gent, to Xtopher Twytt of Weft- mynftergent. 1609. 47. Hampden Poulet to M'Hobart 1600. 48. Plenry 1 / Percy Baron of Alnwick, Mafterof the Horfe to the Prince of Wales, and Generali of hisMa- je“ Artillery 1643. 40. Sir John Paul Kn' refident at the Court of Den¬ mark 1676. 50. Jo. Powle to M' J” Hobard. 51-2. Jonas Pett to S' John Hobard Kn' 1612. 53-4. Silv. Petyt & P. Parker I'ob, &c. 5^. M'JohnPrinn, Charleton Glouc" 1722. 56, IheE. of Radnor to M' Conllantine his Coun- cellor at the Temple 1696. 57, 8, 9. L'‘ Rivers to Xtop' Conftantine Efq. 1691. 89. 60-1. John Rowes, M. Temple 1672-3. “ A gobd Poet his hand,” and Parnell Rous to S' John Hubbard. 6j, 3, 4, 5. Rich' Rawlinfon, S'Johns, 1715. 1711. to John Hare Efq. Herald’s Coll. 66. W" Read, Mountibantz, SaffronWaldcn i7if. 67. Brune Ryves, London 1698. 68. Tho‘ Richmond, Maldon 1708. 69. Four Letters from Tho’ Rychardfon to Tho. Knyvett Efq. 1626-Q. 1634. 70-1. From W"' Rutland to S' J" Hubart Kn‘. 72.3. Lady Rochford, her name Wroth, wife of - - - • E. of Rochford, created by King William, &c. 74. Patent for Rob' Culliford gent, to be Comptroller of Southampton 1685. Signed Rochefter. 75. A French Letter from Sauveur to Monff'^Parre the French Ambaffador 1602, Paris. 76. Another from Saint Marthe, Hiftorlographe du Roy de France, to Edw*' Rych Roy d’Amies, London 1663. 77-8. From Joh. Strype to J" Le Neve, about his Edi¬ tion of Stow’s Survey, &c. Low Leyton. 9. Chr. Selby, Pemb. Hall 1717, Camb. o. Tho. Smith, Trin. Coll. Camb. 1713; 81. John Sanfon, Secretary to the Cuftom Houfe 1702, afterwards a Commillioner of the Navy. 82. Tho. S’ George, Garter Principal King of Arms, 1701. 83. S' Rob' Sawyer Attorney General, his hand, &c. 84. George Saunder-s to J” Aiiftis Efq. Garter King at Arms, about his Knighthood, 1721. 83. J. Sotheby, Hatton Garden 1722, thanking P. Le Neve for the ufe of his MS. 86. RatcliffeE. of Suffex, Bermondfey 1594, to Ba- fingborne Gaudy, High Sheriff ofN.irfblk. *7. Stewart Duke of Lenox, about a Book to S'W" Lane, out of Stoke Park 1608. 88. W'" L'* Vifc‘ Say k Sele to W'" Gaudy Efq. 89. De la Pole Earl of Suffolk, 22 E. 4. 90. From Wriotheftey E. of Southampton i66i, to Tho. Barrowe & Francis Beckett Elq^‘ Receivers for the free prefent to the King, Co. Bedford, with his broad leal. Cat, Harl. Vol.III. Num. 4713. 91. Jo. Sandford, Bow Lane, to Jo. Gibbon Efq. at his Houfe near the Tower This Sandford bears the fame Arms with Sandford of Homgill Caftle, & writes a fine hand.” 92. H' Seymor, &c. 2638. 93. Nicholas Serle, London 1647. 94. Chriftop. Shadforth, Newcaftle, 1673-4. 95. W™ Sandys, Mordike 1644 to L** Piercye, Gene¬ rali of his Majefties forces. 96. Edward Sulyard 1593. ,97, 8. S' Philip Sydenham Baronet, (Brympton 1720.31.) to his coufin John Hare Efq. at the Herald’s Office. , 99. Ralph Sheldon, of Beoley in Worcefterfhire 1596. 100. D' Elias Sydall, Prebendary of Canterbury 1720. 101. L''Sunderland to L'.about the Arms taken from tlLfaft'efted perfons in Cambridgelhire, Sec. 1684. ,102. Mary Countefs of ShrewIbuiy’s laft Petition to the King 1621. 102. Vifeount Savage to the E. of Arundell, D' Mar- ffiall of England 1635, 103. The E. of Suffolk to P. Le Neve lytz, and his feai. 104. R. E. of Salifbuiy to Lo. Knyvett, Lo. Warden of the Mynt & other Officer.; thereof 1608. 105. Fempeft Thornton, Gray’s Inn, 1721, to J" Warburton Efq. at the Herald’s Office, defiring /;i.t correfted Map of Yorkffiire to be fent to him at Wakefield. 106-7. H. Todd, Penrith Sc Carlifle :yij. 108. Charles Thayer, Abington 1717. 109-10. Charles Tankred, Whixley near York 1716, about Infcript' in that Church, &c. Collect’for that County then making, in which he will affift, &c. Ill- Jo. R horpe to J" Hare Efq. 171 o-11. 112. Jo. Thomas 1600. 113-14. Tho’Talbot, York-Houfe 1609, to D'John- fon at Fbntefi-afte, about his Family Pedigree. 115. S' Horatio Townlhend, Rcynham 1656, to his kinfman Tho’ Knyvett. 116. From Riclri Vaughton B” of Chefter, Aldfordbv Chefter 1604. to S' Rob Knowlls Kn' about a watch in his family, kc. “ The s‘'B'’was tranflated from Bangor to Chefter 1597, & thence to London 1604.” fP. Le Neve’s Notes.) ^ 117. J. Vanbrugh, Clarenceu.x, to Mr. Crump, at the Herald’s Coll. 118. An old Parchment Deed of John Villiers, Vife' Purbeck 1628. 119. Capt" John Vanbaffen to Crump, about Pedi- grees, dated Edinburgh .687. 120. Henry Vaughton, Hauford-Weft Com. Pemb. 1643. to L-'Percy, Mafterof the Ordinance, &c. then at Xt Church, about his rents, &c. ihe Reflories of Kydw'elly, &c. 121. S'W'" Vavafour to 1 ''Percy General of the Ordinance, about having then taken Panfwicke 16^3, tho’ the rebells have got poffeirion of many lioufes, which will be taken by cannon, therefore befceches his Lord- llup to fend more cannon bullets, kc. 123. From Humfrey Wanley to P. I.e Neve Eiq. Norroy, at the College of Arms 1725. about a little boi>k late corhe to his hands, confifting of virulent Refle£tioi’«< on_ Cardinal Wolfey, K. FT Vlll. the Pope, Clergy, kc. chiefly in Verfe ; after deleribing it, he defines to kncAv the Authors name, and Le Neve has endorled this letter thus “ M'Wanley about Skelton’s Libel, anfwcTcd lotb April.” 123. A Letter from K. Chrrles to Tho. Vife' Wem- worth his Deputy of Ireland, &c. And Adam Vjc' 3 D Lultus 194 Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 4713. Loftus Chancellor of Ireland, about George Bagnall, &c. late of Dunleckc, in the County of Cathcrlagh Efq', &c. having wrongly obtained pofleflion of Tho* E. of Arundell’s Anceflors, &ic. At the top is the King’s Au- tograph, & at the bottom 8' Francis iA^ndcbank’s. 124. Sign Manual for the Office of Clerk of the delivery of Ordnance to G'Wharton Kfq'. 22 Charles id. 125. Letter from S'Francis Windebank, about his Mnjeity having appointed the E. of Northumberland to be Generali of his Army, &c. Dated at the Court at W'hitthall Dec'31. j6 9. 126. 7, 8, 9. Letters from Browne Willis, the Anti¬ quary, to M' John Le Neve, about his Hiftory of Cathe¬ drals, &c. Haddon Hall near Fenny Stratford 1717. 130-1. J. Wainright & Edmund Wyndham’s Queries, K'c. to John Le Neve 1716-7. 132. S' Richard Wynn K,'. k Bar' 1639. 133-4. James Welwood 8c W. Winde 1717, &c. 135. Another Letter from H. Wanley to P. I.c Neve Efq' about the Regiftcr of Callle Acre, 8;c. dated Dover Street 1723. 136. Jofeph Williamfon, Whitehall 1664-5. 137. George W’hyte 16 I o, to Lady _ . - - 138. L''Wilmot to L' Piercy, about the taking of - - - - Gallic, kc. Slanllead 1643. 13Q. Fifiier Wentworth, about Cohesions in Corn¬ wall, Plymouth 1706-7. Sealed with Aimis k Quar- terings. 140. M' Rich'' Waltham to FP J" Hobart at Bafinge- houfe, to be left at my Lo. Marques’ lioufe in Auftyn Fiyars 1600, 141. Copy of the I.ady Marques’ Letter to her cofen M' Ge 'rge Paulett 1599. 142. The Miirquis of Winchefter to M'Hubbard, dated Bafmge 1600. Nov. 17. 143. The Marchionefs of D'’, to S' Rich'' Pawlett, kc. 144. The fame lo M'Secretary, in behalf of M' BrowTie of Frampton C" Dorfet to be joined in the Com- miffion of Mufters 1599. 145. From the fame Lady S' John, Lady Marques of Winchefter, to her brother-in-law S' Tho’ Dennis, about bringing Deeds, 8cc. to London ; Baling 1600. 146. Hampden Poulet to M' Hubbert about Bonds for Money to S' Horatio Palavicino 1600. 147. The Marquis of Winchefter to his cofen the Lo. Mountjoy, Bafmge 1599. 148. Draught of a Letter from a young Lady to the old Lady Winchefter, about the Letter lent her from her Majcfty. On the fame i.s one from Edw. More. 149. Divers Receipts, Bills, 8c Debts, Sc of the Mar¬ quis ot Winchefter 1598. 1600. 150. Copy of a Letter (from M' Hobbard probably) to the Lady Marques of W. 1598. 151. 7, 3. From the Marquis of Winchefter to M' Hubbord at S' Tho’ Kiefon’s houfe near the Duche Church, London. Dated Bnfinge 1592. 154. Copy of a Letter to the Lady Marques, about the value of the Wood at Hackwood Park, Bramfhill Park, kc. 1598. 155. A Letter from L' Warwick about the fuccefs of the Parliament Forces in the Weft. 156. The Marquis of Winchefter to M' Hobbarde. 157. Jonathan Wodeworth of Shavington Co. Chefter Efq' 1648. 158. Letter of L** Wentworth 1599. 159. Will Willoughby 160. Tho’ Whetenhall of Feckham in Kent, to his coufen John Gibbon 1677, abuut Lands in Kent, Arini, &c. 161. From R. Waters at Bombay 1718-9. Num. 4713, 4714. 162. Copy of Anne Lady Warwycke's Letter to the Lady Marques of Winchefter 1599. 163. John Young alter his return from Scotland, to M Diceye (no place mentioned, .cover being wanting) about his Town, 8c “ particularly that Work (worthy of his Majeily), the building of the Stone Bridge, upon which on the gate at the entry into it, his Majefties will k command is, that his Portrait in marble be erected with the motto under. Duo Regna hoc ponte juiixi, tueatur unita Deus. This you lhall fignilie to the Maillcr of the worke, as his Majefties pleafure, that he may take order for it, primo quoque tempore, that it may be either done or in fome loiwardiiel's, at his Majefties coming unto thofe parts, which he purpoles this Spring.” Weftminlber 1616. 47 ' 4 - Regiftrum Chartarum Monaftcrii B. Maria; de Bitlefden C’ Bucks, ufq. ad 32 H. 8. Codex meinbranaceus pulchre feriptus et bene confervalus, conftans foliis 363 fed fine indice. Continet pra:cipue uc fequitur. I. De fundatione de Bitlefden. i. 2. Robertus Comes Leceltrie de terra de Whitfeld. 7* 3. Alia charta: dc terra de Whitfeld. 8. 4. Charta Robertl redoris Ecclefia; de Morton. 15. 5. Magna confirmatio Humfridi dc Monte de terra, kc. in Whitfield. iQ, 6 . Thomas Lancafter de Bitlefden, johnes Foreft de Whitfield, et Jotmes Celcr’ vicarius Ecclelia; de eadem. 8cc. 19. 1 44* 45- 7. Charta Henrici Regis de terra de Whitfield. 8. Confirmatio Epi Lincol’ de terra de Eftwella in Comiti North’. 21. 9. Confirmatio WiHi Wanci de Fancot’ fil’ et heredis Roberti Wanci quondam drd de Eftweil, &:c. 24. 10. Terra de Weitcot et Blakenham. 26-7. 11. Charts et Confirinationes Hugonis de Henffiaw Witti diii de Enfliaw et alite charta: de terris de Eiilhaw &c. 28 ad ^ 12. De terra deHelmenden, 13. Confirmatio Siinonis de Munforth de eadem7 45. b. 14. Confirmatio Comitifle Wintonie de Aflarto de Helmenden. 15. Confirmatio Edmundi illuftris Anglia: Regis filii. 57, 16. Charta Wifti de Chedneduit de toto dnio fuo de Charlton et alite charta: de eodem manerio, kc. 58 ad 90, 1 -J. Charta: Radulphi de Cahello ats de Caldcot. 100. 18. Chartte HugonisDunefter, de terra in Thorn- borowe, &c. loj. 19. Charta WiHmi Hamonde, de feudo fuo in Thom- borowe. 120. 20. Charta: ali$ Thomte Hailing. 123. 21. Cirographum JoWs fil’Alani de Warda Caftelli Northampt’. b. 22. Convencio inter Abbem de Bittiefden et Vicar* Thombge. 23. Chartse de terra apud Trelham, &c. i3_j. 24. Charta Hugonis Ruffel de Parco de Prefton. 165. 25. De terra de Dodforde. 167. 26. Confirmatio Wihi de Dodford de Chartis Inte- celTorum fuorum. 183. 27. Chartse Jofiis de Leia, 8ec. in Dodford. 188. 28. Charta Gilbert! de Pinchenni de decimis de dnio fuo in Wappenham. 29. Confirmatio Roberti de Pinkeni milids dc dona- cionibus Anteceftbrum fuorum. 219. 9 30. Compofitio Num. 47H, 4715 - 30. Compofitio inter Afcbem de Bitlefden et Willim Dalton pro decimis in parochh de Wjppenham. 228. 31. Confirinaiio epi Lincoln’pro eifdem decimis. 231. 32. Confn-matio Archiepi Cantuar’. 2^3. 33* L’ttere Ihoms Sale Notaiii Publici Lincoln’ dioc’ ro decimis in parochia de ^apnam. 239 34 - Iiidcntura fafta inter Abbem de Bitlefden et Johancm Catfcho Reclorem ecclefim de Wapeuom i6 ^^■2. ^ 240. 35 ' *ndentura inter A^em et Dominum Robertum Darby redorcm ecclie de Wapnam, i 8 Rich. 2d, 241. 36. Ibid Wittm Knych rector, 1 Hr 4., et Joliem Heihsrington redorem, 4 H. 4. 243-5. 37. Charta Radulphi Caret et JacobiNormanliprocu- ratui'um Moiiafterii de Sco Luciano, ordinis Sci Bencdidi Bcinaccn dioc’ in Regno ; r..nci2e, dc Prioratu de Bredon Pinkenuy Lincoln’ dioc’ cum omnibus terris, tencincntis reddiiibus. &c. et deciini:;, et de jure prcdidi prioratus in viilis dc Wapnam, Staaes, Mcrtuna, et aliis, in com’ North’, 1303. 251. 38. Statutum Regni contra Abbatem et Conventiim de Santo Luciano, 1428. 202 3y. Robcrtus Corbet et uxor ejus dederunt Witto la Zouch et heredib'Jsl'uisadvocationem,.ceJefia; dcLbrin'e- ton, 37 E. 2C2 40. Chart® Roberti Corbet, et Jotiis Lnvd, et Wiiii ia Zouch de advocaiionc ecclefi® predid®, 2 R. ir. 267. 4t. Indentura inter Jofiem, Rcgcm Caftelle etDucem Lar.caltria:,_ ct AoLein Monaftcni de Bitkfdcn dt advo- cadone ecctie dc Ebertun, 3 R. 11. 270. ^42. Litteue Attorn et Ctiarta WiHtni la Zouch cheval’ dui de Haringworth, &c. 3 R ii. 21,2. 43. Confirmatione.^ Pilci t ardinalis, et Archicpiicopi Cantuar’ de appropriacionc eccti® de Ebrington et de Ordiiuttione Vicariai ejufdem, 1389. 277, 280. 44. .Confirmatio Witti Archiepi Cantuar’ de confirma- tionibus Hemici Epi Wigom’, &cc. de ecctia predid’. 284. 4j. Charta de terra dc Bnycote, et compofitio Deci- marum feni de Boycote, et denarii Sandi Petri. 295, 46. Convencio inter Abbein de CirencelP et WiHi de Stralforde de terra, &c. de Borcote. 296. 47. Charta Walteri et Rogeri dc Morton de terra, &c. in Mornm. ^oi 48. Chart® de terra de Burton. 2o6. 49. Chart® de terra dc Torvefton. 310. 50. Chart® Jotiis deLaia, de tevris in Weftbury, See. ' 321. 51. Scriptum capelle de IJtlecote. 342. 52. Chart® de edificiis de Dillaflane in London. 53. Chart® de terris ct teneraentis in Brackley et Evynley Co. North. 54- Charta Henrici Odavi 32” regni fui Thom® Wryothcley militi de toto illo feito monafterii de Byller- dcii, Co. Bucks. 55. Indenture in Englifh, 32 H. 8., between^the aforefaid S’ Tiioraas Wryothefley Knt. one of the prin¬ cipal Secretaries to that King, ®id Edward Peckham Efq, Keeper of His Majellies Houfehold, about the faid diflblved Priory, &c. ^^g^ 4715' 1. Copies of Letters of Sir Hen. Nevill, Ambafladour in France, ann. 1599 & 1600, to Sir Rob. Cecill, Se¬ cretary of State ; with his Anfwers. i. to 1S2. 2. Inllrudions about treating with the Archduke, . >83. to 240. This Volume is ia folio, fairly written and well preferved. Num. 4716—47ip. 4716. A thin narrow folio, written on Paper, by Matthew Tho‘ Baikervile of Bayworth-houfe, 1692. Con¬ taining tdefe Articles. I . His Delcriptions of various Places, Rivers, &c. m profe and verfe (chielly the latter), irtterfperfed with Epitaphs, Sic. in the Counties of Wilts, Oxford, and GloucelUhire. ^ 2. “ A Lill of People put to Death in the Civil Wars m &c about London,” from 1641 to 1662. _ 3. An Account of Bridges over the Thames, begin¬ ning at Crickladc in 010110% with the Number of Arches in each Bridge, and their Dimenfions, See. 4. Taverns in London and Weftminfter, &c. and to Miles round Londori. 700 Stage Coaches allowed in London and the Bills of Mortality, 1698. 5. Remarks in and about Bainpton Church, 16^8. This Number is now bound up with 6344, 4717- A large folio, of 170 leaves of Paper, containing, 1. The Queenes Prerogative in Sale Shores. 1. XVI. 2. That it is unlawful to marry without Confent of Parents. 3. A Treatife concerning Corporations. 8. 4. Modus tenendi Parliamenti. u. 5. Senefchalli Aiigli® Offidum. 16. 6 Archion : or, a Comment of the High Courts of Juftice in England: by W. Lambard. 17. 7. Several Cafes in Law, & their Reafons. 26. to 112. 8. _ Afts of DilTolution of Chauntries, Colleges, &c. I Eliz 154. 9. Other Cafes upon the Statute of Chauntries. 10. A good Cafe touching the Authority of a Dean and Chapter, Bifhop, &c. 163. 471 s. An Inventory of the Piaures, Medals, Agats, & other Rarities of K. Charles i. in the Privy Gallery at White Hall, in the King’s new ereded Cabinet Room. A thin folio fairly written on Paper, having the Painters Names in the Margin, and other nfeful Remarks. 4719 - Codex mcmbranaceus veneribilis, continens Vitas fanc- torum hominuin et foeminarum, et doarinam S. S. Palrum, et fimilia, in fex libris, a diverfis auaoribus! I . Vine Monachorum iEgyptiorum a S. Hieron^mo prefbytero. ■' 2. Liber fecundus qui appellatur Paradifus, ab Hera- chde Epifeopo, f. 40. Continet Vitas et a£tus fandorum multorum. Ad finem funt verfus in laudem auftoris, H®c facer Eraclides limato famine pr®ful, Foriia prifeorum repetens monimenta virorum, Candidolum confecit opus, &c. * 3. Vit® Sanftorum a S. Ephrem Diacono, See. 66. 4. Dodrin® feu inftitutiones Sanftorum Patrum.' 5. Liber quintus, five vifiones. iii.^b* 6. Liber fextus, continens Vitas Sanflarum fceminL rum, fol. 125. Incipic a Vita St®. Pelagi®, ab Euftachio t Gr®co converfa. 7. Vita S. Johannis Alexandrini Antillitis, a Leontio Epifc. Neapoleos in Cyprionim infula, f, 143. abrupte definens in cap. 24. I. Medicinal Bibliothecas Marleianae. Catalogus Librorum MSS, 196 Num. 4720—4725. 4720. [4720—4745. ^tario.'] 1. Medicinal Receipts: A fmall Fragment of a much larger Book, with a Table of Contents at the end. 2. , much more modern. 4721. A fmall Traft, fairly ttanfcribed on Paper, as for the Prefs, containing 217 pages. It is dedicated to John Duke of Newcaftle, and the Author figns himfelf John Shorter, Jan. ly 1709. The following is the full Title. “ The Raradice of Peace, and an Eflay towards a brotherly Peace and Union between England & Scot¬ land, fhewing, OBt of the moft karned and reverend Divines, their Petidons; pI. Church Matters and Members. I 2. Church Conflitudon and Form, j 3. Church State. _ . I 4. Church Officers and Ordination. Concermng-j Church Government and Cenfures. 1 6. Church Combination and Synods. 7. Communion and Separation from L Churches.” 4722. Commentarius perpetuus in libros Inflltutionum Jufti' niani. Codex chartaceus, continens omnino paginas 670. Scilicet, obfervationum in librum i""", 117. In lib. 2, 164. In lib. 3, 138. In lib. 4, 219. Indicis 32. Finitus Aug. 22, 1587. Index continet feriem materiarum qua: in quatuor libris Inftitutionum repe- riuntur, fecundum ordinem Alphabeticura. Scrlptoris nomen non apparet. xvi. 4723- Nomina & Redditus Ecclefiarum in Com. Effies, ab andquo et recentiore tempore, et in quo Hundredo funt, &c. 4“ 4724;^ A thin Paper Book, neatly written, containing : I. A Trad with this Title, “ Of the Veritie &^An- tiquitie of the Chemicke Arte, & Powder or Medicine of the Philofophers, or aurum potabile ; and of the Matter and Compofltion thereof, and of his marvailous Force, in 3 Kinds of Things, animal, vegetall, & roi- nerall. Teftimonies and Theoremes gathered out of divers Authors, Sacred, Divines, Law)'ers, Phifitions, Philofophers, & Poets, by Roberte Valence.” With fome Latin Verfes on Alchemy prefixed. 2. “ Stcretum nobiliffimum & veriffimum venerabilis viri Jodoci Creveri, Prelbiteri.” 39- The Sayings of Alanus the Philofopher, of the Philofophers Smne. V' 4. ” An Epiftle of Joh. Pontanus, a great Philofn- nher wherein is intreated of the Philofophers Stone.” ^ ’ 81. “ A Treatife of Thomas of Aquine, of the Philo¬ fophers Stone.” r . T ^1' 6. John de RupefcilTa, his Book of Light. 106. 7. " The Keye of Raymund Lully of Majorca, which is alfoc called an Apertorie, wherein all thinges which are required in Alchimie are plainlie declared. 121. 4725._ 1. Bonaventura: Card. Meditadones. 1. xiv. 2. Teftamentum 12 Patriarcharum. _ Jo. 2. S. Augullini Hip. de mirabilibus S. Scrlpturse, libris. Num. 4725-4727. fj4. S. Augullini Hip. delaude Charitads, vita beata,&: more Domini, & de igne purgatorio, Sermones 6 . 41- 5. M. An. Sev. Boetii, de Trinitate, lib. 45. 6. M. T. Ciceronisy de vera amicitia, Liber abbrevi- atus. 48. 7. Gregorii iii. Inflitutlones quomodo venerandi funt Sanfti, feu, de vitis Sandorum. 56. 8. Ric. de S. Viflore, de filiis Jacob, liber. 85. 9. Joharmis Belet, de Ecclefiafticis Officiis, Summa 121. b. Deeft finis. 10. Jacobi de Vhriaco, Vita B. Marite de Orgines, 2 libris. Ad Falconem Tolofanum Epife. 157. ir. Sermones, de ligno Crucis, &c. Liber emptus per D. Th. Walw’cll, 12 die Junii. 1513. Poftea D. Thomae Tempefi Baronetd : Membranaceus. 4726. ' A Paper Volume, of 163 leaves j containing, befides four leaves of introdudtory Matters, a large Colledlion of Mifcellanies in Profe & Verfe, but chiefly the latter, by Mark Hilfly or Hildelly, (for he writes him¬ felf both ways) Bencher of Lincolns Inn. His name occurs at fol. 136 b. 148 b. and elfe where. At fol. 143. is the following Epitaph of the Author on him¬ felf. ** Exuvia; M [arci] H [ilflyj Armigeri, quondam unius Sociorum de regali hofpitio Lincolnienfi. Hoc in loco inhumatur M. H. cadaver vitte fatur. Cui Marcus (AJdermannus) pater; Et Dorothea fuit mater. Et Stephanus (Mercator) frater. Per Cantab. Oxon. hue meatur, Quam Lincoln’s Inn, plus ultra datur. Conjugibus bis decoratur. At licet filiatus quater In duobus tandem is beatur. Natus 15 Apr. mdcxxx. Denat. mdclxxxxv'V' An Englllh Tranflatlon equally odd, is fubjoined. He feems to have been a Angular humourifl, very fond of fcribbling. The fecond leaf contains a Sketch of a title, but with a line drawn acrofs, “1694. Effayes and Contemplations Divine & Moral!, Mifcellaneous, in profe & meter, p M. H. & fr^ to Philanthropus. Being the Edition of, with confiderable Additions to, Religio Juris-prudentis, the Lawyer’s advice to his Sonn. Wherein alfo the 22 moot poynts therein propofed & promifed to be decided in the firfl Edition are briefly difcuiled, together with other notions or vulgar errors detected & refelled. Viderit utilitas, ut res magis va- leant quam pereant. Sed non nobis nati, partem patria vendicat, partem parentes, Amici partem.” The moot points there mentioned commence at fol. 132. He ends with a whimfical parody on “ Jam que opus exegi,” &c. He fpeaks fometimes (as fol. 131 b.) xvii. of his printed Works. This w'as probably the Grandfather of B'' Hildelley, whofe name was alfo Mark. 4727, Two or three Common place Books of I.aw ; the lafi, of 116 leaves. On the ladleafis, “ Thomas Goldyng of Rye in the Countie of SulV. Gemkman,” and “ Pht- lippus et Maria Dei gratia.” xvti. S Three Num, 4728—+733. 4728, 4729, 4730. Three MS. paper volumes, by Ibme inadvertence fepa- rated from the fet to which they belong, namely N'” 4060,4061,4062. The volumes there, are the firft, fecond, & fourth ; Ijcre, the third, fifth, & fixth j making altogether a complete collefliion of obferva- tions, iormed by the fame hand, & written in the fame careful wav, from the yeaviobz to 1676. The titles of the three volumes here occurring are thefe, xvii. 3. “ Choice & feled ohfervables, various and delight¬ ful, the third Volume. Colledted & regillered by R. D. Anno 1666, 1667.” 5. “ Choice & fele£f obfcrvables, various & delight¬ ful. The fifth Volume. Coilecled and regiftered by R D. Ariijis 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673.” 6. “ Choice & fcletf obfervables, various & delight¬ ful. The fixth Volume. Collefted and regillered by R. D. Annis. i6 '4, 1675, 1676.” The whole forms a furprifing mafs of various, and frequently curious hitlorical, & other matters, but the name of the writer no where appears. The laft volume ends abruptly at p. 249. in the beginning of a fentence. “ That the Archangels.” See the account of the other three volumes at the numbers 4060, &c. Dc potefiate Ecclefix, liberet aliter Jmperfec- tus, cnartaccus, feriptura minuia, et obfeura. xvi. A fmall 4"’ of f75 pages, written upon paper, and con¬ taining, 1. An Ordinary of Arms of Scotland, divided in two parts. The firft called the lords, who are placed accord¬ ing to their precedency. The fecond is of thofe who are placed alphabetically. Coileded briefly and in proper terms of Heraldry. 2. Petit Traiftc des Armories. This is bound up with 5392 & 6ogt, which fee, as relating to Scotland. 473.1- Abook of vellum and paper intermixed, containing; xv. 1. Cato’s Diftichs, in Latin, with a tranflation in Englilh verfe ftjbj'iiiied to each. At the end, “Explicit liber Catonis, compofitus per magiftrum Beneditftuni Burgh, Vicarium de Malden,” &c. 2. A colie theCrov.:, ^-c. faid to be parcel of the Callle of Aluewick, the Calc of which here ftatedwith an Inue:*, &c. 24_5 . -.gv,. 4754. The Cafe of Aubrey de Vere, Earl of O.xford enneam- ing the Office of Great Chamberlain of England : And alfo concerning the defeent of liis Htles ?c Ef- tate, 1704. A thin folio of 28 leaves, formerly be- longing to Peter le Neve, Rouge Croix k to Sr. Kcnelm DIgby Kt. See raofl of it printed in Jones's Reports. go. to 135. 4760. A paper MS. of 48 written leaves, bound up with N*738i. It contains a Trcatife in five Chapters, with this general Title, “ A Treatife of the true Caufe.s of the Prasvarication of the Churches Liberties of England with the Letters T. G. as if for the initials of the au¬ thor’s or the poflefibr’s name. The Chapters alfo have feparate titles, which appear to be worth tranferibing. Chap, i. “ The Lawfulncffe of King Henry the 8th his marriage with Queen Katherine; the fevoral impediments which annulled the marriage of the faide King with Anne Bullen, Sc difabicd their Blue to the Crownc, ot England, being the true 8c real! caufe why Queen Mary of Scotland, the rightfull heire of the faid Crowne, was in her life tyrae by the State of Eng¬ land perleciited k oppretfed.” i. Cii.'ti’. 2. Of King Henry the 8th, and Kitjg Ed¬ ward the 6th, their parlumentory Projects in diitroying of JurilUiflion of holy Church, in Ceazing the Spiritual Walls or buildings thereof ; wherby in tyme pafi: the Engh-ffi were kept in peace & unity with the wliole uni- verlull Criltian World ; being one of tire deplorable Confequences uppon the unlawfull raariage betweene King Henry the 8th and Anne Bullen." ji. Chap. 3. “ Of the wailting of the materiall Walls of the Church, or iheruinesot Abbys, Priores, Nun- neries, Monafleries, Chantries, Hofpiialls, & other pious Works, as well by parliamental Authority as otherwife, under the fame King Henry and K. Edward, and of the common Lofies w'-'’ the whole Realine fuf- tained tiierby, being another woful Confequence pro- ceeding from the imlawfulincfs of the marriage between. K. Ileiii-)- & Ann Bullen.’’ 20. b. Chap. 4. “ Of the Oppreffion of the Clergies & other members of Chrifl’s' Church fucceeding K. Henry’s marriage with Ann Bullen ; of the mizery of the Com¬ mon-wealth, and of the Jepordy of the Crowne thereby.” 26. Chap. 5. “ Of the Refhitution of the Churches Li¬ berties, Rights, & Jurifdictionby Queen Mary, of the Reconfiiement of the Rcalme to the Puritie of Faitlx, (in her time) with the Apo/tolique See." 42. In the beginning Lord O.xford has written, as in N" 4746, 8cc. .“This Book did belong to ICing James, I had it from Coll. Grahme.” 2 4761. A folio lil Cataiogus Librorum I^ISS. Nuin. 4761V 47f>i* A folio Volume of 192 'eaves fairly written & well pre- ferved, emhled, “ State Letters, time of Eliz. & James I.'* At the beginning are the Arftis& Quarter- incs &f Rolit. Harley of Brompton Caftle O Hereford Klq. and at the end the following lable ol Con¬ tents. , T d -T' 1. Count Arundell's Apologetiq; letter to _L Trea furer Burleigh touching his title of Comeslmperu, &c. 1. 2. Copy of a Letter from Mahomet the great iurke to Q. Eliz. ^ , V r _of Defiance fent by the fame to Maximilian, Emperor of Germany. 8. ____ the great Mogull to K.James. 9- c. K. James to the Maior & Aldermen of ^ndon. A The Catholique’s letter to K. James at his Entrance into England, &c. , 7 3. bir Walter Raleigh, to Sir Ralph Wmwood. U- _____to K. James before & after his trial & condemnation. _ * 9 - jj ___- -. to his wife. 21.23. j_to Sr. RobertCarr, af¬ terwards Eail of Somerfett. *2. 14, .The Lord Chancellor Ellefmcre to K. James. 20. 15. K.James to the E of Northampton, concerning the ufage of his Servants at Dover. ^ 27. I ft. 17. Commiflions to the Vifcount Lifle & the Counfell for the delivery up of Ululhinge to the States. 28—30. 18 Mr. Alured’s Letter to the Duke of Buck. 1610. J3* iq. K. James to the Ld.Keeper, divers Bps. &c. con¬ cerning the Arch Bp. of Canterbury, who killed a man with a CrofS'bow inBramlliill Park, 1621. 4*- "c From the Emperor Ferdinand to the K. of Spain. 41. 21. 22. From his MaieRy of Great Britain K. James to the Emperor touching the redelivery of the Palatinate, with the Emperor’s anfwer. 42-5. Th" Emperor Ferdinand to Con Salthazar ue Zuim'a. ~ 47- * 24? 5. The K. of Spain to Conde Olivarez 1622. with his anfwer. « .n , . , ,r°i 26. 7. K. .Tames to the £. of Briaol, Ambaflador m ^^28,’ 31- Biiftol’s Anfwer & other letters to K. James 1622. & 3—4» 59- 7°* On which lall is the following erafure & note, m a inorc modern hand, viz. “ K.'of B. changed inm Ld. Digby created Baron Digby of Shirborne m C Dorlet 1618, ?c E. ofBriilol 1622, (vide Vincent p. 56) fo that in 1614 he was no more tlian Sr. JohnDigby, in which year was his 2^ Embalfy to Spain.” (vide Vincent.) Sir Walter Afliton’s letter from Madrid 1623. 80. -the Memorial as Am- baifadar, which he gave to the K. of Spain 1624. 81. 34. Marquis Inijola to K. James againft the Duke of Buck"’ & hismifearriage in Spain. 85. - - Cardinal Richeler to the Cathoheks of England. 92. 36. Monf' Toirax Capt" of the Fort in the Me of Ree, to the Duke of Buckingham _ 92. b. "j. Alerter found among fomeJefuitsatClerkenwell, London, direaed to the Father Rcaor at Bruxells. 93. 1098. 38. The JuRices of Peaca in Devon to the Lords of the Councell. 99- 39. The Duke of Rohan to K. Charles, 1628. 101. 40. S' Kellam Digby to S' Edward Stradlinge on board his Ship. t04* *14- 5 Num. 4761. 41. The K. of Spain to Pope Urban Sth concerning the rumors of Italy, 1629. _ >'5- 42. A letter from Venice about Spam, rrance, cc Italy, &c. 1629. . '.‘J- 43. The Counccl of Ireland to K. Charles m Jullihca- tionofL'* Faulkland L'’ Deputy ofIreP 1629. • ly- 44. A letter to the K. at the L" Faulkland s departure out of Ireland, 1629. 45. Ld. Faulkland’s Petition to the King in behalf of Sr. Lucius Cary his fon, pnfoncr in the Fleet, loi fend¬ ing a challenge. , r 46. To the Lords & Juftices of Ireland from me Counfcll of England 1629. r 47. Mr. Edw. Sackville, afterwards E oi Donett his relation of his Combat with, and death. Ld.B.ucc 1613. 128, &c. 48. The Archbp. of Canterbury to K.James 1623. 184 * 40. The Pope to Prince Charles in Spain, 1623. 135- - CO. Prince Charles anfwer. *3^* 51. Pope Gregory to the Bp. of Chouchc, Lnquifitor in Spain., 52. Prince Charles to the s'Pope, 1623. 14-* 53. A warant to the Ld. Keeper to grant pardons, &c. to the Catholicks, 1623. _ _ ^ J43‘ C4-C. K. James to the K. of Bohemia, with his anfwer, 1623. ' 50, 7, 8. Letters of Advice from Sr. Fran. Bacon to the E. of Efle.x, to lake upon him the Iri(h affairs when Mr. Secretary Cecill was in France. 158. Alfo upon the firll Treaty withTyrone 1598, be¬ fore my Lord’s going into Ireland. 59. From Mr. Secretary Cecil from Bacou after the defeating the Spanilh forcesin Irelh 165. €0- Confidcraiions toucMng the Queen’s Service in Ireland. *^7’ 61. Sr. F. Bacon to the E-ofEITex, when he was firlt enlarged to Eflex houfe. 52. ____to the E. of Northampton, betore Q. Eliz. death. ^73* 63. The fame to Mr. Faulcs in Scotland, upon the entrance of his Majellies reign, ' 64. - 65. - 66. - 67. - 68 . - O. Eliz, 69. - 70. • 174. to Ld. Kinlofs. 174- b. to Sr. Thos. Chalnor in Scotland. >75- to Mr. Davie?, going to the King. 176. to Mr. Faules 1603. 177. to Robt. Kenney on the death of 177. to Dr. Morlfon a ScottiQi Phyfician* 178. to K. James offering his fcrvlce,A'c. ibid. . to the E. of Nortliumbcrland. ’ 180-1. • to the E. of Southampton. 180-1. to Q. Eliz. upon fending new-year's Gifts. (See account of her Jewels, &c. 4698.) 182. yQ, __ to the E. of Salifbury upon a new- year’s Gift. _ 183. yy, ..to the Ld. Treafurcr touching the Solicitor’s place, &c. 183. 78._to the E. of Salifbury about the fame. ^^5* to the Jvd. Treafurcr in excufe of his' Speech in Parham' againft the treble Subftdy. ) 8 -So.. • . IreP. 73- 72. 74, to Mr. Davis, Attorney General in 186. to Mr. Pierce Secretary in Ireland. 187. to Mr. Murrev of the Ivs. Bedchajn- ‘ 188. 83.-ta Bibliothecas Harleiante. 201 Num. 4761, 4762. „ — Pari' 1621 nerail. 85. - 86 . for Religion. to the Lds. of the Upper Houfe of - to Sr. Edw. Cooke Attorney Ge- 190. -to Sr. Vincent Skinner. 191. - to Mr. Tobie Mathewes, imprifoned 192. 4762. A folio of mifcellancous papers as follow, 1. The fpuriou-s Letter of P.Lcntulus, deferibing our Saviour, printed in Englifh, and on Vellum : which ap- pears in Latin, in N-24V 1,3. and 4094,7. 2. The Will of Nicholas Bafkervile, 159-j. 3. A letter from John Hawhyns to Sr. 'i'ho. Balkerville Kt. about Viflrualls lent for the Suuldiers under his charge, 1594. 4> 5" Letters from Sr. Tho. Balki.rvi!le to his wife Lady B. 6. Heads of matters touching his Office of Colonel General of her Majellies troops, then going into action abroad. 7, 8, 9. To Lord.about the fleet difperfed by 'i emptft, the utath of General Sr. Nicholas Clifford kc. ’ 10. A number of Letters from Sr. Tho. Balkerville to his Lady aforciaid. 11. A letter from abroad to.Ld .:-boiu further InllruCiions, & whether it be ]ier Majellics plt.ifure tliat Captains in EngJand, viz or Garret Savage, Capt. liofvvell, & Foley be font over 12. A Paper atom Sr. Tho. Bafcrvillc's difpolil of his Effatc, &c. on his death-bed, 1597. c ^ ' 59=- with the Autographs ol W. Burghlcy, Ic. Cant. Chr. Hatton canc. T. Hunf- don, F. Knolly.s, &c. 14. An old French deed on Parchment about Bru.v- elles. 15. Another in Latin of the Bean of the Colleciate Church there. * 16. A letter from Sr. Tho. Balkervlile to y. Copy of a Letter from Mrs. Eleanor Whcathdl to hcrbrotherNIcholas Baflccrville, & a paper ofAiiiwcrs cf Mr.Wheathell’s about bonks, &c. 18. Verfes in Memory of the right worthy & valiant Sr._^io. Bajhervik Knight, chief Commander of her M.-jjeltics horcesmPicardie, in the Service of the French King : -.vhod[e.d 4 June 1597. 19. “ Certayne poyntes of difcipllne fitte for all Sdul- uiers to itnow, lealt by ignorance they increafe their perils dangers, m the jidlowing '54) ^Utides.” endorfed, ^.Aiticles of martiall difcipline obferved in the French Kii'g’s camps.” 20. A letter in French from Sr. Tho. Balkerville. ^ 21. “ A true copy of ihe Lady Ilungerford’s Epitaph, in Downe Ampney Church,” 1628. 22. Sr. Thos. Baflcervillc’s account of his voyage after tli^E gieat trealure .nt Portrica, kz. when he was General of her Majeffies Indian Armada, &c. 23. A Spanilh letter fromJoan deMatancaeiiBrufas 1596, 1-raiicifco 4\lonzo Malucuha en Sevilla. 24. Another letter from Sr.Tho. B. to his wife. 25. About Sr.Tho. Bulkcrv.he Kr. General of her Ma'*” late Indian Armada in the late conflia with the Spanilh fleet, having perufed the Spaniffi letter written by Don Bernardino Beigadiilo de Avellanoda, Generali of the King’s Spanilh Navy, &c. 26. The Order and caule of lofmg the Fleet by the means of Captain W inter. ^ 2,. About the Frauds praclifed in the Mullers, &c. dal. d from the Court at Somerfet Houfe, i 592. 28. A flj'irl letter in French, 1592. ^ 2y. Rough copy of a letter of Sr. Tiio. B. ffeemintrlyj aLvOut 1,.- Lalouiy of the Eugulh CommiUaiv giving Chi -Hv.x.. VoL.IIi. . B b Num. 4762. him occafion to entreat to be advifed what proportions of bread are allowed monthly bv the King, &c. 30. Defeription of the Port & Fortrefles of St. John eloitico, drawn by the Engineer Baptifta AntancIIa, *595- 3 !• Another letter of Sr.T. Balkerville to his wife, Lady B. at roriworth. 32. Two old Parchment Writings in French, fcfoms hrencli letters to Sr. Tho. Badtervllle, Colonel, Stc. 33, 4. Paliports for Hanniball Balkerville of Hanworih & Swmgwell Com. Bucks. Efq. to fpend fome time abroad j wi:h the divers Autographs of the Privy Council, 33. About lands obtained from his Majelly’s Commif- lion, 6c detained or concealed from her. t. y.Eliz, 36. MenT. of money lent to Rich. Hafliil, &c. bv Srt i hos Balkerville, Kr. '' 37- Petition to the Privy Council from Sr. Tho. Baikcj'ville, about Captain Pays, &c. 38- -from James Quarles about the fame, 1596. _ ^ » B-'^ervilletoSr. Francis Drake, General of her Maj"'* Army. 40- The Entertainment of a Company of 1 .-o men in lierMa*'" pay, &c. 4 '- Jh. Tomkins, London, to S'Thos. Balkerville, Ki. Commander of her Ma"'‘force.< in I'rance. 42 . Jo. Ildyche to Ln. from the Army, 1691 . 43- Sr. Tho. Baikenulle to his Lady, Plymouth, July 44 . Peregrine Ld Wyllnghby of Wyllughby, Beck, ^ ''“''ernor & Capt. General o all her forces m the Low Countries, his confirmation of the E. of Leic. Late General’s grant to Capt. Nicholas Linngton, 1587. ,1 to the Lords of he Privy Council!, for payment of 150 i-to Sr. Thos. Lafkcrville, dated 1596. 46- .John Hawkyns & Ja.Qimrles to Sr. Thos.Balker. Ville at Dover or Guemfey, on her Majefties fervice dated 1394. ’ 47. Mary, Lady Luke's, letter to the Countefs of Exeter, concernmgherSubmiflion, which Ihe refufinn being brought into the Star Chamber was fent again to the lower. Dated Nov. 9, 1620. ^ Statute of Edw. 6th. againll the deceitful making of Malt &c ^ 49- Tho. Smuh to Sr. Tho. Balkerville, Kt. about hi. Od “'P “S'”™' ■“ h'™'. &c. Nonfuch 40. A letter from Rob. E. of EITcx to Sr. Thos Balkerville Commander of her Majeffies forces in France With the Lari .s private Seal. * 51. Robert E. of Efa. Ld. Ferrers of Chattley, &e. Mailer of the Queen’s Horfe, &c. his grant of Commir fron to Sr. Thos. Balke,ville, Serjeant Maior T”h= Army, ijgi. a neatly written Parchment, with the E’s Autograph & great Seal. ''™oh ligned T/rnr,. The ill. to Monfr. Balkerville, 1597. ‘he ad. “Amin coufyn le comte d Lffex.” 54- A Petition to the Lords of his Ma'‘" Privy Council that Sr. Thos. Balkerville Kt. was by the Quern’s com. mand lent into Brntame with 1100 Souldiers & order given to Sr. John Hawkins for theprovifion of the fame, 55- A French bond for money to Sr.Tho. Balkerville, &c. ligned Jacques de Genteville. j6. A note of piniculars of all the monies dilburfed for the lupply of the Wants above fpecified. 57. Some verfes written on Parchment inpraiTe of the Almighty ruler of the Univerfs, 3 ^ 54- Lettej; ao2 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4762—4674. 5S. Letter of to Sr. Tho. Baflcervllle Kt. about his a brefaid Services, icc. dated at Grenewich, May 3d, in the 36th year of her reign. 59. Sr. Francis Drake S: Sr. John Hawkins’ grant of cool, to Sr. Thos. BafkervilU Kt. in his voyage to foreign parts with 6 her Majelly’s Ships, &c. dated3;EUz. and fealed with their Arras. 4763- Codex mcmbranaccus, bene feriptus. 1. Opus rhomra Beckington, Epife. Batho-Wellenfis 14+1, (is Jiir: Regis Anglia ad Francium, quod in Bibl, Cott. Tiber. B. vi. et alibi extat. Titulus rubricatus, incuri-d fere deleius. hujufmodi eft. " Opus collecftum et compilatum per venepbilcm patrera Thoniam, Ba^hon. et WelLnf. Epin. ex lits., alle- gationibus, conclufionibus, conventionibus, ct tractuti- bus, nonnuHifq. aliis negotiis concernentibus jus ct titu- lum regis Anglie ad regnura et coronam Francie, cura aliis multis qute ea occafione fecuta funt. Iiicipit feliciter.” Vide Tann. Bibl. Brit. Hib. fub Beckingtun. Inferitur, inter alia, F. Petrarchce Lcloga 12, Latino Car¬ mine, quafi idem argumentum illiiltrans. 2. Vita Hcnrici quinti, R-gis Anghic, carmine elegiaco Latino. An eodcin aiiclore ? Scr^ptor quifquis fuent, hasc narrat in prologo. “ Non tam-.n omnia qux funt facia per ordinein, in Latiins verfibus continentur, in alio itbro prof-lice Jludui explanare led pauca dc multis fnbftaraialia' fub compendio volui annotare, ne forte ledorem contingcret tedio oinitlere qux funt lUlTo inerao- Tanda.” . .. Argumcntump’.eniirimum regnura Hennci m annos Cl capitula digerit. 4764. Codex mernbranaceus, pulchre fenptus, illuminatits, et bene con'Lrvatus. Conilans foUis t xvi. 1. Johannis dc Fordun, Chronicou Scoti$, 5 libris, cum titulls capitulorum. 2. 17. 44 65. S6._ _xv.^ 2. Patricii Ruflel, Continuatio cjul'dem Chroinci, aliis 3 libris. a folio 114 ad fuiera, et ab An* Dui 1153 i486. 4765. ^ Pars exigua Regiftri Monafterii de Warden m Com. Bedlbrdia;. L libris Petri Le Neve Norroy, qui multa in margine annotavit. 4766. Rentalia de Newton, Dene I’riour, Scheagh, Pnorton, Thryllhclton, Waterfall, Tamerton, Martyndow, et Grangie, g H. 4. Codex mernbranaceus. 4767. Codex chartaceus, fatis luculenier feriptus, Auaore Am- brofio Fiflier, viro bene dofto. _xvn. 1. Lycopbronis Alexandra ; cum textu auftoris, Ver- fione Latina, et nods ampliflimis. Liber, utvidetur, ad prelum prxparatus ; cum Epiftolis, priore dedicatorifl, fecunda ad Leaorem. In fol. 3. Robertas Filmer nomen fuum infcripfit. Lycophron occupat paginas 34B. _ 2. Fragmenta qusedain ad Lycophronem pertmentia. 3. Scholia ejufdem Ambrofn Filher in Sophoclis Ekclrampaginis 290 feripta. « v i- Ad pag. 160 I.ycophronis, Epiftola eft Anglico fermone feripta, textuin auftoris caftigatiorein requirens 5 at fine feribentis nomine. 4768. A thin folio of 24 leaves, clofely written in a neat law hand, touchbg the Cafe of the Barony of Aber¬ gavenny. t. Whether the faid Barony defeend unto the da"^ Sc •f the heir Hon-‘- H. Nevill the late Baron, or unto th-.- Kum. 476P, 4769, fpecialheirraalr, unto whom theCaftleofAbergaveny,being aiicicnilv the head of that Barony, is defeended. xvii. 2. The definition 01 defeription, Etymology & deriva¬ tion of the name, of Baron, with the Antiquity of that Dignitv, &:c. 6- 3. If a Baron by tenure alien & grant away the Honor, Calile or Manor holdcn by Barony, whether ftich alienee or grantee take upon him the ftate, title, and di'mitv ot a Baron nr no, & what fhall become of fuch dignity of Baronage after fuch alienation or grant. 10. ‘4. Are the following inftanccs & Ibort Pedigrees. Baionyof Groby C" Leic. Baiony of Kilpeck C" Hercfd. Barony of Blanckney C Lincoln. The Barony of Hnlgate C' Sali p, Sic. The Honor of the County S< Karklom of Warwick. The Honor Cc Earldom of Arundel in Suflex. Barony of Berkley C" Glouc. Barony of De la Ware in the fame County. The Honor 5: Earldom of Oxford. Barony of Bcudefer C" Stafford. (Of which fee a full account 3c Pedigree in the Ilift. of Siatl'. Vol. I.) Barony of Boihull Sc Ogle C." Northumb. ‘ Barony of Eyremoiul Sc Cuckermouth. 11. q. Barons bv writt, Sec. 16. 6. Barony of Cromwell, Dacre?, Latymer, See. 18. 7. Barons by Creation & Patent. tq. The cafe of Ld. de la Ware, brc. 8. The Privileges of Barons- 2c. 9. That the Barony _ of Abergaveny L a Barony by tenure & an aiitiem honor. 2 1. i. 10. Families o'f Brewes, Cantelup, Ilaftings, Zouch, Beauchamp, Sic. This MS. is bound up between two others cn the famefubject, &cc. 4749.4798, which fee. 4769. Sicconis (five Xicconis) Polentoni, “ Epitome m vitas Scriptorum illullrium Latina; Lingua;,” libri i S. Co¬ dex eft chartaceus, eximie feriptu-*, anno 1438, ut ex rubrics ad hnem liquet. _ De libro hoc ita Vabricius (Bibl. Med. et Inf. Lib. xvi.) “ De illurtribus feriptoribus Lingum Latinm, Li¬ bri 18, hue ufque nundum editi, fed taineii in vaiiis Bi- bliothecis Ijtitantes. Adlimt enirn in Laticami,^ Ottoboni, et Faiavinft. B. de Montfauc Bibl. Bibliothec"' MSS. &c. Ex eo Vitam Peirarchm edidit. Jac. Phil. Thomafmus, in Peirarcha redivivo.” Ex auctoris Prologo, ad Polidorum filium, oplime ap¬ parel libri confilium. Eft autem huju.rmodi ; “ Profitetur, mi Polidore, fuavillime fill, opus hoc ad te feriptum, vitas feriptorum illuftrii'in Latir.je Lin- guiE. ILec quiJem rei fumma eft. At ft atteiidimiis ordinem, pnccedunt dodrinarum inventores. Deinde poeta:. Poftca Hiftorici venium. Novillime autem com- mixta quxdam Oraiorum ct Moralium fequitur acies. Ea vero loci eft habita ratio qua: librorum. I. “ Qui eft piimus, is literaruin oinnifquc dodrina; ac fjpientice principia et originem memomt. 2. Sccuil- dus laudat potlim, et qiii fiierunt poctm primi, comicoj, trageedos, lafcivos, in Nafonem ulque tt Martialcni co- quum refert. 3. Tertius Maronem, Horatium, ct quos civitas Roma Magiftratus habuit iradit. 4- Poctas quar- tus Perfium, Lucanum, Senecara tragicdum, Statium Tolofanum, Juvenalem Aquinatem, ac deinde inferiore.-' tenet. 5. Quintus narrat ofTicium et dignitatem hifto- riie. Deinde qui res memorant externas elicit. 6. Sex¬ tus regum ac reipub. Roma: IcripEores uoiat. 7. Ca?- fareos numerat feptimus. 8. Ocbaviis, dat qui exem- pla, qui rcruin tempora, qui locorum fuus tradnnt, atqiie Plinium utrumque couimemorat. 9- Nonus Cen- forinuin, Catonem, et qui Romanoruin fuit doCtiniraus, M. 1 crtiiiium Varr mm tenet. 10. Libros feptein aimlccUtur C'cero. Ipimn enim et qui iledmus efl Liber, cc Bibliothec£e Harleianae. 20^ Num . 4769 —4774. qni fequuntur ad fextum decimum expliciunt. 1-7 Se- necam nioralem habet dccimus fcptimus. i 3 . Poft, ile- cimUs octavus, et ultimus, is Virruvium, rei archi- teftoris magiftrum, ac reliquos hujtifmodi colligit.” Prajmiiticur tabula, ordine alphabet! compilata, et ad folia referens, qujE funt numcro 263. Codex magis iligefus fevari non putell. xv. 4770. A Paper book of fixty leaves, written in two columns. They are, 1. The laws of Venice, in five books, written in the Venetian dialed by Jacobo Thiepulo. 2. The Additions and CorretTions of the Venetian Laws, by Andrea Dandolo, with this Title, “ Coincnza el prologo dele adicion e chorecioii fato foro iflatuti eleze deveneziani per e! gloriofiffimo et cxcelentiliimo mef. Andrea Dandolc, dei gracia, doxc de vcnicxi. Illudre de brigada con i altri prcdecefori fiio con Ic refbrmacion in diverfi tempi fate per eldito foto ele¬ gante ordcre et ordenade.” xv. 4771 . A Diary of the Proceedings in Parliament from the 17th of March to the oythof May, 167. A paper book, fairly written, formerly the Duke of Newcalfle’s <-77- & 73 - Biblia Latina, in membr. foi-inm niaxi'tnfe. xiii. Iluic Codici, licet non aiuirroo, deeft ijohv. F' verfus 6 lie habeiur, “ Quoniam treslunt. qui tclti- dant in terra; Spintus, Aqua, & Sanguis : Sc f tjM I I'.'-ir. P .fl ctiamPieudo Hieronymi catho- li' .iru:!' i • ui'datum Praai.ilio. Cixlex olimerar ad ufum fr..rrum tiapuriiKjruui Conventus Monfoslienfis, Ordinis S. I'rai'.rili i. C udex magnituduiis exiiu.’a;, bene fcn'ptus ac fervuLUS. 4774. A fair & handfome Copy of the PI:floi-y oftheHaftings family, of their valt property in leveral C'.ounties, but chiefly Leiccller, compiled by IT E. of fluniing- don, in his Caftle at Afhby dc la Zouch, 15S3, from the curious documeats in 3381, before dei'eribed, Sc 4849. Of all which copious extracts are printed in NichoK’s Leic. At the beginning are bound in wiih it fome loofe fragments of Pedigrees, &c. of the family, alfo relating to the late Priory of Chrift Church, &c. in Plants. The Manor, Rectory, & Hundred of Piddleton in Dorfet, &c. I his beautiful MS. (feemingly in the hand-writing oF Gregory King, by the fimilitude to tlieChctwynd MSS. at Ingcllre in StaiT.) confilts of 137 folios, Sc in the 1' is a neat Introduction on the origin, See. of Surnames, as now printed in the Pieface to Vol. II. of Shaw’s Stafford. On collating rhis MS. with that part of the Baronage 580, I find that to be extixited from it almoll vcrbauin, which is afufficient proof of its being the hand¬ writing of Gregory King, the welt kaiown amanuenfis,&c. of Dugdale. In p. 5:. is a curious defeription of the Chapel at Windfor, See. where the Priell was to fay Mafs, See. for the fouls of the Pi. of IT. Sc tlie Lady Kath" his wife, whole curimis will is alfo inferted at length, p. 58. £cc. as printed in l.viceder, Vol. ill, part 2. p. 572. P. 117. icc. is a valuation of all the Manors, See. in divers Couutitsol ITr E. Huntingdon, 1 Eliz. P. 128. is the fame account of the P’unertd Charges, &c. ot IT E of Huiiiingdon, from York to Alhlcy, &c. as before noticed in jt-Si. p. ^6. Nunl. 4774—4776. P. 13®. is a fuller & better account of the marriage Settlement of George E. of Pluntingdon & Dorothy da’ofSr.John Port ofEtwall, Sec. than in 3S81. p.56.b. N.B. in 3882, towards the latter part is a Pedigree of Plaltings. A 4775 * A magnificent Copy of an Englilh tranflation of the Legenda Aurca, or Golden Legend of Jacobus de Vo- ragine; confifting of 264 leaves of Vellum, of the largelt fize, written in two columns. xv. 1 he following is the rubric prefixed to the Table of Chapters, wliich are 178 in number. “ Here beginnych the meroure and the liitynge of holie Martirs and of S .ntis that fuffriden here in her liuis grete peyne and palfiouiie, in encrefing her Joie in the bliffe of heuen, to excite and Here fymple lettrid men and women to encrefein vcriui., bi theoffteii rcdiiige A'hiringe of this boke. P’or bi hiriiige nvaunes bcleuinge is mooile llablid and Illrenghid. Whos name ben rehcr- table ymarkiJ with this noumbrarie i. ii. ii'. and lb Ibrth.” 4 he rubric at tlie beginning of the Work itfelf is thus. '• This book is compiled of the lyues of Seyms, callid in latyn Leoenda Aurea. Eirlt bvgynnyth the IvlFof Saynt Andrewe.” A fmgle Leaf is wanting at the end, or two at mod. In the begaining isinlened, by fome much more modern owner, a large Print of the Fair held on the Thames, in the Froll of 1716. 4776. Codex membranaceus in folio magno, bene feriptua et confervatus, cum hoc titulo, “ Extenta terrarum, Ecclefice, Leges, et confue- tiidines Wallia.” Conftans foliis i 28, et 3 aliis ad fmem folia 115. ad 128. pofita funt inter 40 et 41. i. Extenta terrarum Principis in Com. Caernavan fact’ per Johaniit-m de Delves apuJ Conway 26“ E. 3‘'. I. ad 20. -•---inAiigkfey. 21.40. 3 * --in Com. Merioneth. 115. 128. 4 --Epifeopi Bangor in Com. Caer- narvan, Merioneth, Anglefcy, Denbigh, et Montgomery 5. Officia Vicecomit. Coronator. Juflidar. itinerantis North-Wallia;, 6. Confuetudines Herefford. 7. Placita Corona: coram Ricardo de Stafford, et focHs fuis, Jufheis Dni apud Conway. 44 E. 3. eg. 8. Peiiiiones Flominum North-Walli^, &:c. 33 E. g-TranferiprumRotuite de particulisTaxionis bonotuin Spintualium et Temporalium CleriDioc. Bangoren, &c. 99, &c. 10. Compus Decani Ecclefias Cathedralis Bangoren. 11. Articuli Efcaetr. jq!’ 12. Complicio Monetas et Menfurar. 105! 13. Donatio et libera difpofiiio Capella: de Penryii, See. pertiuet de jure, &c. ad Edward'" Griffith, arm! 106. 14. iNomina Canonicorum et patronuna Prebendar. Ecclefia: Colleg. de Caftro Kebic fecundum librum WiHi ap Gryfith de Pennrenthi. icy, Valor temporal. Prioratus de Wrellall fak per Priorem 48 e- 3 ; . toa: 16. Compofitio inter Abbem de Guly et Canonic fe- cular. de Abdaron, 12152. j.- 17. Partem Willhii Griffith in Iiifuia Focorum. &c. 18. Charta Catalogus Librorum MSS Num. 4776—■4783. 18. Ghana Ricardi Regis 11. fada Amono Epifcopo Bangor. _ , 19. Ghana Edwardi Ecclefiae Colleg: de Clunok- Vawr in Com. Caern. 1 14 ' 20. Orders taken at the Seffions at Bermarres, 9 H. 7. 21. ' -- at Caernarvon. 24 H. 7. -for Merionethfliire, at D" 27 H. 8. 24.-A*.1551. for theTown of Nuburgh. ' ‘ i’ 2 V A Note taken out of an old book of R.Thoinas. 116. *6. Orders given 1559, by O. Eliz. for the Sheriffs accounts. 27. Grants 5 c Inquifitions to Q. Eliz. 4777- 1. Bafonagium AngHx; pars i*Magnatumfcil. illius Regni Stemmata recentiora, ad confanguinitates affini- tatefq; per intermixta connubia dirceriientJas delineata : a pagina 4 ad 164: per Phil. Coi.liable, 1662- xvii. 2, the Baronage of England: part 2d. Or a Catalogue of all the Peers of England, claiming right to fit in the higher lloufe of Parliament, by virtue oi their Duke- doniLS, Marquifates, Earlcdomes, Vifcountdiips, or Ba¬ ronies; whether by'i'cnure, Writt, or Creation, irom the I of W"' the Conqueror to ihe 1 4ih ol K. Cha. 2. 1662. by P. Cnnllable. This part begins p.i?'; In the ill tiile page is written, “ Liber Petri Le Neve. Norrov, and by the fame hand are many Additions to the Pedigrees, See. At the end, an Index. Lids of all the Names of the Perfons of the fcveral Companies of London, written with their refpeclive own hands. A thin paper folio of 22 leaves, each containing a Company. 4779- A Regiller of Caufes tried in the Court of Common Pleas, from the 26 to the 32 O' Eliz. A large folio of 188 leaves of Pa.-er, but only a fmall part of them written on. It is alfo deficient^ at the beginning 12 leaves, the 13th now the 4th, having the Arms of John Duke ofNewcalUe. 4780. An Accompt of the King’s great Wardrobe, 20 Ed. 4. with the Money arifing out of the farm of the Mim- fionand Tenements belonging to the faid Wardrobe. A handforae parchment folio, bound. 4781. A Survey of the EUate of John Nevill Lord Latinu-r, de- cealed 19 Eliz. viz. of the Lands of the late Abbey of Nunmundon CWork ; the Manors of Grenehamion, Bolton in Allerdale in Cumberland, & Everlham in Wellmorclanii. A thin folio of 54 leaves of paper, well written for the time above dated. Noa. Counties naaiei. 1, I’-all Meath. 2. The fame. 3. The fame. 4, 5. Kilkenny, b. RolTcommon. -. Galway. 8. The fame. 9, 10, 1 r. Tyrone. 12. Dublin. 13. The fame. 14 Caiherlagh. Num. 4783—4785. approbataque per Gul. Camden Clarenceux Regem Armoruin, 1601. Codex membranaceus pukhre I'crip- tus per Gregor. King, et elegantcr depidus cum Armis. Conllans folds 7. 4 / ^ 4 - A thin folio of Parchment, containing a Survey of the lands in Ireland, belonging to Edward Roberts Efq. drawn & illuoiinated by Tho. Tayloi 1659. At the beginning is the following Index of the Counties & Baronies wherein is contained the s'* Eftate, with the Numbers referring to the general & particular plans in the Book. Barony names. Dunboyne. Ratcoth. Moyfenragh. Gowran. Atlilone. Longford & Letrim. Dnwmmare. Strabane. Coolock. Newca(lle& Upper Crofie. St. hlullin. Then follows a folding Map of the 3 Provinces in which the s''Eflite isconcludvd, viz UKler, Connaught, & Leinflcr, w'ith a deferiplion of the rnofl eminent Citie?, Towns, Loughs, &:c. therein. The 14 plans 5 c deferiptions of the Baronies which follow the above, are in good prefervation. 4785. Curix et Evidentix terrarum Prioris de Tanrigge in Com. Surr. ufquead 19 Eliz. Codex chartaceus in folio, conllans foliis 2t, bene confervatus, et latine feriptus prxeipue, fed in primo folio hoc. 1. ThisRentall following remaineth in the Cuilody of Rychard Bollocke of I'anriggs gent, and beareth date 1431. 9th H. 6th.” and was made by the Pryor then of Tunbriuge.” \ 2. “ rentall made 23d Dec. 20 Eliz. of the rchts of Aflife 5 c farme rents belonging unto Edward Johnlbii gent, as of his Manor of Berlted, or Oxted.” 2. 3. “ Curia Johis Forller Prior de Tanregg anno regni regis Plenrici feptimi deeimo o6tavo.” 4. Curia dni Roberti Michell Priotis de eadem 12® Hen. 8. 9 - 5. Curia Jufmis Lyngfeild Prioris 17" Hen. 8vi. 6. Curia Jctinis Rede armig. Manerii fui de Berghlled als Burfted in Oxted, infra precinCl nuper priorat’ dc Tanrigg, 10 Eliz. 7. Prima Curia Richardi Bollock Armigeri dc eadem 19" Eliz. 19* 8. -Edwardi Jnhnfon generofi. 20. At llie end of this Vol. are ihe following look papers relaiing to the faid Priory, &c. 1. Extracts of rents, &c. from 12 H. 4th. to Sr. W. Haywood, &c. 16 James. 2. & 3. Quit rents due from Sr. Wm. Hayward to Mr. Fuller. 4, 5. D® 1662. 6. A long flip of Parchment containing the Rentall of Quitrents due to John Hayward, Efq. 1619. for his Manor of Beirfted or Oxted in Sury. Alio for his Manor of Garflon in theP County. 7. Various other fmall papers of prefents &: receipts, 5 c.. 4; 86. A thin Bibliothecas Harleians i05 Num. 4)86—4785. 47S6. A thin folln of 11 leaves of Paper, fimilar to tile lad, but cliiedy m Englilli, confirting of Copies of old Charters, &c relattnjr to the above Prior)', vi^ tv r Henrici Oclavi Johaiini Rede, hiio &c hteredi Wdhmi Rede, quondam de Weybrydge in com’ burr Armigens defuncki, de toto domin’ & feitu nuper monafkenj de lannrigge, kc. in com’ predift’. 2. An Indenture in EngliHi of the fame. -t, 3. Gram h-ora John Rede to Richard Bollock of the lame, 19 Kliz, 4. 1> from Eilward Johnfon of Tamirige Cent/io f o Com’ Surry of the manor, &c. ol Oxfed or Burlled in (’xted. g. “ Copies of Deeds that belonged to - - - Turner that married Eliz'!’ Cantler, of his Lands in Tandiidne, &c. tranfcribed 1664 by ms Will. Hayward, out of The Ojiginals. 6. “ Copyes of old Deedes in the Cuflcdy of S’’ W™ liaward, tranfcribed 1653. ’ 4787- An Aftronomieal and Aftrological Account of the Pltmets, in h rench, with Drawings and Tables. Both the Hand- \'.ntmg and the Style ok the Drawings prove tiiis Vo- lume to belong to the Works of the lame Nature de- Icribed above at Nos. 4509, 4510, 4511, and 4C13, among the Seguier Bonks. ' Written on large Paper, with ruled Margins, and many Spaces not filled up. xvii. 4788. A book wrnten and ruled with great neatnefs, on folio paper, of a large fize, and bound up with Nos. 61 ca and 6165. It is in fome degree imperfeft. The flrfl leaf is markeJ^i f, and tnatsof tht different fpecies of Govern- mem. Ihe fecond leaf is numbered 22, and the matter begins abruptly with an account of the Subjugation of Germany by the Romans. The whole of Germany is then ruled out into feparate divifions, with a diftinft and lubdivjJcu account ot each part. It is a very exact ac- counr, with the Genealogies of the ruling Families. At loJ. 74 IS a Drawing of a great Commander of Prullia, in his rc^Jar Habit. J he w hole of Germany is here divided into Eight Parts ; and the Woik tei minutes abruptly at the beginning of the 7th part, and at tlie 92d Leaf. xvir. 4.7^9- A large foho, written on Vellum, containing the Tranf- lacion of BarthoIoma;us Anglicus, de proprietatibus reruiii, by John cle Irevifa. See 'I'anner in Trevifa, bi l-abnc. Bibl. Med. Inf. Lat. in Bartholomaus An- ghem^ ? occurs at 51 >. 4. The complete Iranllaiiun, fairly written, at No. 614. xv. The prefent Copy is imperfea, ending in the 46th Chapter of the Nineteenth Book, which in the compete Copy has 146 Chapters. The concluding Words of the rrannation in No. 614. are thefe, which ought to have been mferted at that Place, as they contain the Dates of the \\ ork. “ Eendelefs grete blis A th.nnkynge to our Lord God nlweeldynge: thefe trimdacyouns cendid at Berkeley the lixte Day of Fever, the zheer of oure Lord a thoufyinle thre hundrid fourefcorc & .vviij (t^gS); the zheer of k)ng Rychaid [he fecunde, after tile conqwell of Ahn-e- orH ’ f‘n’ ’1 e Sire XliolMS lord of Berkeley, that made me make Ififs tranfiaevoun * "I: Y'"' an additional Book, the aoth. 1 he \ cries that arc in No, 614, fubjoined to the Table ol Contents are here prefixed to the proemium, but the Table of Chapters IS wanting. C.VT. IIaiil. Vol. hi. Num. 4750—4797. 4790. 1 . M. lullij Ciceroms Orator, ad Btutuni. , klber qui dicitur Brutus. Codex mcmbranaceus pulcher. 4791 - Codex chartaeeus, falls clare feriptus, contlnens In- ^^“^■^“80414 m Parlamento Galileo ab A.D. lefig Secliomimtitulihujufinodl flint. “ Inquellc expedite ct tcrinmatc m parlamento penthecofies. Anno dni mil- elinio, uucentelimo,^ fexagefimo nono.” o Inquefte tCTmiiiate et expedite m parlamento Omnium Sanaorum, Anno dm millcfimo diicentefimo fexagefimo nono.” paai’s'''&c“'“' “ PoSlids. 4792. A Hiftory of Ferdinand and Ifabclla of Callile, written Cledicjtion to fome Count, wfiole Name does not appeal, nor that of the Author. Ihe liile IS this: 1 ^°™enca la cronica de los muy altos y muv r''Si Fernando et D..nna Vfabel llolT‘i. Hyinni, Symboli, et Li- tania, manu recentiorc. 2. Papisc Vocabul.trium. live Dickionarium. ^ xv. Prmccdiint et fiibjiciimtur RhyLhini Johannis Pif- catlj. Codicts membrauacei. Num. 4S05, 4P07. 4805. “ Recueil des Traiaez entre les Roys de France & Ics grandz Seigneurs: par Giles de Noailles, 157^*. A Paper Book, of 108 written Pages, in various Languages. 4806. 1. M.Tulli Ciceronis,de Inventione Rhetorica, libri 2 . 2. lucerti auckoris Rhetoiicormn, ad Herennium, likri 4 - • . • ^^m’- Codex membranceus elegans; in locis nonnullis muiilus. 4807. A fmall folio of Mifcellaneous Papers, entitled Suites & Pro'ceks prefented to the late Earl of Salifbury L High I'reafuver of Phigland.” xvii. 1. “ A memorial of thofe Suits, with which we are contented to record our fervants fubje£ks,” See. figned at top, Janies R. - 1. r- «. 2. Objeckions & anfwers concerning the Lo\nage ^ itfuing cf fmall money of Copper. 3. "']’he Petition of S' Oliver Cromwell Ku' to liis Ma- jelky, touching a leaie of Hues upon Inlormaiions Capias pro fine, &c. 4. The anfwer to the fame. March 13, i6c8. 5. S' Roger Wilbrahain’s letter to the K. of Salifbury concerning the enrolment of apprentices’ indentures, &’c. lignifving his Majedies plealure thereof, from ihe Couit at Roidon. 6. “ That fmall copper moneys fkall not red in the hands of the poor, but indilYerently be poded from poor to rich.” 7. Mr. Edward Hayes to the E. of Salhbury, con¬ cerning ihe copper monies, dated from his atcr Tower (called Bulncr’s Tower) at Broken Wharlle, March J609. 8. A projeft for inclofiires of the King s Foreds Sc wade lands, ixc. 9. Capt" John Parlees letter, oflering a project ok profit to the King 1607. 10. “ A projeck for remydic of the lateabufes-m the flewards of his Majed* manors, &c.” 11. “ Particular grounds for orders which may greatly advance the cafual revenue.” Sigiud Step. Proctor. 12. Project to farm the Orlice Alienations. 13. “ A order, {li.wing how artiiiceis may be dealt with*’, & that rcafonable dims of money may be levied therebv, without any juft caufe of diflikc.” 14. 'Tothe King, about a Ikatute 5"‘Eliz”’touching divers orders for arti'icers apprcutices,^&c a patent to be granted thereof for 21 years, for his MajelUcs benefit, &c. A paper about additions to the revenue, Sec. 16. Another paper about railing his Majeiky’s profit. 17. Another, thus endorfed, “ A project for borrow¬ ing of Monev, but a very idle one.” 18. Reafons why procelles in Courts Ecclcfiafkical fhould pafs in the King’s name. 19. A aft' to make more clear his Majeft’ fupreme authority & government over perfuns Sc in caufes eccle- fiaftical, 8ed, “ Ex Rotulo Scocue de anno decimo Edwardi Tertii.” & figned, as well as the reft, “ con- venit cum Recordo, Gulielmus Ryley.” ful. 203. 4. A Petition of certain Prelates, Counts, & Barons for Fraunchifes. An Reg. Ed. 7. 15°.” 5. “ De le Statur fait a \Veflm' 15 (Ed. 3.) qu’efl repellez.” 6. An Ordinance of Rich. 2. an. 2. for guarding the Seas & Coafls Northwards. 7. “ Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de anno decimo Henrici Sexti.” A Petition of Johanna de Beauchamp, Lady of Bergevenny. S. ‘‘ Ex Rotulo Parliamenti de an. Reg. Hen. Sexti undecimo.” Job' Barton de Thornton, gives fecurity in 1 200, for the Lady of Bergavtnny. 9. “ Ex Rot. Pari. Dec. quint. Henrici Sexti.” The Petition of Ifabella, who was Wife of John Boteler of Beaufey, againit Will"* Pulle, for a Rape, the Offender having abfeonded. to. Rot. Pari. An. Henrici 6. decimo. The Petition of Margateta who was Wife of Sir Thomas RIalefant, Kilt, againfl Lewfe Leyfon. 11. A fafe conduct granted to certain Merchants an. 3S Hen. 6. 12. “ De cuffodia Maris commiffa, pro Duce Exon. 38 Hen 6. 13. Ex Rot. Paten. An. 3 EJw. 3. “ Adnullatio Record! proceffus et Judicii fuper Adam Wy’gom. Epif- copura. 14. A Treatife in Englifh, on Judicature in Parlia¬ ment, written on 94 leaves, but imperfeft at the end. Other Papers, ftated in the former Catalogue at this number, as having belonged to King James 2" are not in this volume j nor does any other volume appear which contains them. Nuin. .pS22—4-?26. 4B22. Codex membranaceus, literis gothicis feriptus. 1, Juftini Hiftoriarum Philippicaruin e.x Togo Pom- pcio Librixtiv. Praimittuntur Argumenta, ab ipfo Trogo (ut con- jicit Fabricius) elaborata, ubi muiia nutanlur qua; in Jullini Epitome non apparent. A Bongarfio edita, et aliis. 2. Hiftoria, a fratre Andro.a “ 1. dc geflis et fuc* ceflione regum Francoru.n qui Merovingi didi funt.’’ 2. “ de gcllis regum Francorum qul Karalenfes vocati I'unt.” 3. “ de tranflatione regni llugonis Francorum Duels.” Liber imperfedus. In line. “ Incipit haic Hiftoria anno dm 351. Definit anno diii 1187.” xv. 4S23. Liber Charfaceus, duos compleflens indices a viro qiicdam do£to, A. de Graii nomine, elaboratos; quorum prior uno tenore feriptus eft, alter e chartu- lis conglutinatis conformatur. I. Rerum et Verborum index in Sehecam Tragi- cum, locuplctidimus. Per A. Grau. et, infulio fecui'do, A. de Grau. Scriptx funt voces urdinc alphabciicc, in margiiie, et intra auCtoris texlus. 2. “ Index Rerum 5 : Verborum in Rutillj Ilincral* cutn.” Deeft hie uudoris nomen : Vide nuin. 4837. xvu. Liber Chartaccus, pagg 265, bene feriptus, cum hoc titulo. .“ De L’nione Regiiorum Britannia;, &c. Traclatus, audore Thomd Craig Equite, J. C. Pri- mum feriptus $ftate anni 1C05. llic vero ub exem- plari MS. in Bibliotheca J. CC. Edinburgenfmm, nunc demum referiptus. Anno 170:.” xviii. A Paper MS. very ill written, containing a Tranfladon of the Dialogues of Giambattifta Gello of Florence, by W. Iden ; with a Dedication to Lord Herbert of Cardiff, M' Edward & M' Henry Compton, his brothers. Thefe Dialogues were publillied originally m 1549, and tranllatcJ alfo by Barker 1599. xvii. A Book chiefly on Vellum, but with more modern Titles, and other lllullrations on Paper, inferred, and alfo marginal Obfervalions. ’^I’hefe feem to have been written in the ly"* Century, the Book is not younger than the i5"‘. Firit it, inferred the following general Title. ‘‘ The Lives of the glorious Kings and Martyrs, Edmund King of Eaft England, and Fremund King of Mercia, wrighten by that excellent Poete of his tyme, John Liogate, Monke of Burye, and by him dedi- cated unto King FIenry the Sixte of England and of France, together with fome other Poems by the fame Author.” At the back of this Title is affixed a very neat old drawing, with a pen, (lightly fhaded, with this inferip- tion 5 “ Lidgat prelenting his Booke, called the Pilgrirae, unto the Iiarle of Salifbury and below, “ Thomas Montacute, Earle of Salilbury.” Then follow an ac¬ count of Lydgate from Pits, and a copy of Latin Hexa¬ meters on King Edmund, figned “ Alph. Mera.” ancient part then proceeds. I I. Lydgate's Bibliothecae Harleianae. Z09 Num.. 4826—4829. 1. Lydgate’s Poem 011 S' Edmund, with an illumina- ’tlon prefixed, beginning thus : “ The noble (loory to putte in remembrauncc oft' Seynt Edtnond, mayde, mafiir, and Kynge, With his fuppoort my ftyle I wyl advance Firft to compyle aftir my Konnyng.” 2. The Life of S' Freimind by the fame, with this rubric prefixed. “ Here folwith a Prologe of Seynt Fremund Son to Kyng Ofia & Cofyn to Seynt Edmond.” 3. “ Here foltwith a Miracle that Cryll ftiewed for Seynt Edmond aftir his deth j for King Sweyn, with othir Miracles as it folweth.” 4. “ Here begynneth a Myracle doon in Seynt Auf- tynis tyme.” Thefe four Articles are written on in continuation, without any diltincf divifion, except the marginal ru¬ brics. Then follows another of the modern Titles, thus: 5. “ Alexander and Ariftoteles, or a Treatife of the Governance of Kinges & Princes, wrigiiten by John Lidgat, Monke of Bury, & by him dedicated unto Henry tlie bixte King ot England & France.” At the end of this, in a more modern hand is, “ An Epitaph of Sir W" Doury of Hanlbed in Suff.” in three Stanzas of 6 lines each. 6. Another modem Title in thefe words. “ The Worckes of Thomas Occleff (fometyme of the Privy Signet Office! that is to faye, i. A Dialogue Inter Occleif (fcr. Occeff) et Mcndicuni. 2. De Regimine Principis, to a Prince of Wales, who was afterwardes Henri the Fifte King of England, &c.” Subjoined on another leaf, is an Account of Occlef from Pits, or Pitfaius. This is a Tranflation of iEgidius de Regimine Principum. The painting of Chaucer, which Ihould ftand on the fixth leaf from the end of the Poem, has been cut out. It belongs properly to this work, & is fpoken of in the text. See the excellent Miniature in 4866, fol. 91. 7. Some Verfes in a more modern, but rather obfeure hand. The firft being Maxims in fliort Stanzas, the next two not inelegant Stanzas, of ten Lyric lines each. The volume is of fingular value ; being more illuf- trated than ufual by its original Rubrics, fic flill more by the later Obfervations, which, as well as the Titles mull: have been added by fome ftutlious perfon about the lime of Charles II. or even Charles I. 4827. The old Chronicle entitled Brute, continued to the G"* year of Henry V. very fairly written on Vellum, but not fo correct as 4690. At the. beginning, “ Willfii Lam' .ii'de 1570, pretium xij'''."’ Whether the murk abo’.< the 12 is for pounds or not, is however rather doub'ful. At the end, among various fcribbllngs, is this Latin couplet. xvi. “ Do£lus dodla c;’nit, pueri pucrilia fundunt, Vana refert vanus, turpia turpis habet.” 4828. A Paper Book bound up with 6761. On the outer leaf the name Dcnfell Hollys, with fome Mottos. It con¬ tains an old Treatife on the Art of War; the Tide is torn, but thus much remains of i,. This boke is imidualkd to thepractyfed Soldiers for rcmembiaunco and to the unexfpert for Inilrudtions, touching the noble-the Wars fet on-hands-B-” It appears to be a curious Tra£t. xvi. 4829. Codex partim membruna partim charta confians, in quo continentur M. Fabii (^uintiliani dc Iniliiutione Ora- Cat. Haul. Vol. III. Num, 4829—4836. toria, Llbri duodecim. Cum tabula librorum et ca- pitum prtemifill. Ad fincm, (SiCas? Ta ; et infra, ArA 0 H TTXH. xv. 4830. A Vellum MS. written in two volumes, containing the Lawes of Avignon in the old Provenqal Tongue. Beginning from the date of 1251. The firft Rubric is, “ Ailb es la carta dcleovenes de la civiiat dc Avignon.” 17 leaves, three are fu't numbered, & then 14, be¬ ginning from the fourth, where is a new Rubric, “ Inftrumentum notariorum, &c.” xv. 4O31. Seti Paulini Epiftolte, profaicte & metricec. Codex membranactus, bene confervatus. x. 4832. A Paper Book fairly written, containing : 1. Articles againft the Earl of P.iltul for High Treafon. ® 2. The Earl’s Anfwer. 3. His Trial, May 6, iGaG, &c. xvir. 4 S 33 - Ada in domo capitulari Ilercfordcnfi, ab a” 1622. ad 1635. Liber chartaccus. 4834- Codex pulcher mcmbranaccus, continens C. Julii CrEfaris Comnientarios, &c. Numerantur libri perpetuo tenore ufque ad xtv. _ Iniimiofcribitur, “ Julii Crefari.s Commentariorum belli Gajlici liber primus inepit, Julius Ceiius Conftan- tinus, Vir ciariffimus, emendavii.” Ad librum 8. i. pro Ilirtio Panfa legitur 0 />ius, hoc modo. “ C. Julii Gsfaris Cummentanoruna de Bello pallico liber viL finit, incipit Opij Prtefatio ad Balbum m L. vjii.” Et infra, “ Opii prmfatio ad B.ilbum finir, incipit tjufdem L. viii. Commentariorum Caciuri.s de Bello Gallico.” Ouis fuerit Opius viJerit Ccilus Coiili’ qui ememiavit, et luit ciariffimus. Polt libros de Bello civil! nemo nominatiir ut au£lor hbrorum de Bello Alexandiino, fedtitulus his verbis concipitur. “ C. Julii Citfaris Commentariorum de Bello Civill L. XI-* finit, Incipit xn de Bello Alcxaiulrino.” Titulus in librum de Bello Africano, hie eft, “ C. Julii Ctdaris de B;llo AtexanJrino Commentariorum, et Pharnacis, finit L. XII. Incipit XIII de Bello Africano.” Liber de Bello L'ilpanienfi, qui eft xiV’ nulli auedori datur ; de- linic etiam, ut emtera exemplaria, ad verba, “ t^arum lamlibus et tirtiue.”-- ^v. Scriplura elegans, data, et uniformis, totum hunc codicem pervadit. 4835' RegiftrumChartarumMonafteiiillcremitarumS. Anjiif. tiiu de C'lare. Codex chartaccus in 4'^ coniLns f'HU 59. bene confervatus. Juxta fmem, Charta riidis agrorum Monalierij. 4 « 36 . Liber chartaceus, aufloris manu, ut videtiir, icriotus et cmendatiis; continens animadverfionuiu in Contro- verlias Beliarmini Libros feptein. Auftor in priirc Catalogo dicittir Joliannes de Lact, fed nonien ia MS. non apparet_. Appellatur in frontc To/mii Qr‘jr. fus. J'.t, in folio 2 , Aniniadverfiones in teuium 'ibmum Controverfiarum Beliarmini, feriptm a nobis Ante annum CIDIOCXX.” Nuiueiantur libri, hoc modo. oH I. “ Pfima 210 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Niim. 4836—4838. 1. Prima Controvcrfia genei-alis Lib. Unius. De Gratia primi Hoininis.” 2. “ Secundte Controverfice generalis, de Amifllone gratia: et ftatu peccati, Lib. primus. De peccato in ge- nere. In quo poliffimum agitur de peccato veniali.” 3. “ Liber lecunJus, De Amiflione Gratia: et ftatu peccali. In quo potiffimum traciatur, an Deus fit Au¬ thor peccati, quod Zuinglio, Calvino, Btza:, caluni- niofe tribuiturpro fententia affirmativa.” 4. “ Liber tertius, dc Amiflione Gratis et ftatu pec¬ cati. Ubi agitur de variis et fere fupervacuis qua:ltio- nibus circa pcccaium primi Hominis.” 5. “ Liber quartus, de Amiflione Gratia: et flatu pec¬ cati. Qui eft primus de Peccato Originali, in quo dif- putatur, an fit.” 6. “ Liber quintus, de Amiflione Gratia: et fiatu pec¬ cati. Qui eft fecundus Peccati Originali, in quo difpu- tatur, quid fit.” 7. Liber Sextus, de AmifT. Gr. ct ftt. peccati. In quo potiflimum agitur de poena peccati originalis poft iianc Vitam, in ini’antibus qui fmebaptifino moriuntur.” XVII. +837. Codex chartaceus, paginas habens 1501, elaboratus ab eodem A. de Grab, qui indices in Senecam et Ruli- lium compilavit ad Num. 4823. In primo folio, fed verfo, feriptum eft,“ E.\cerpta a me A. de Grau, prof.” Opus ferrei labori.«, compleclens excerpta ordine alpha- betico, vel potius indicein verboium locupietiflimum, in Pliiiii Iliitoriam Naluraiein. Illuftrantur etiam verba a Solino, Celfo, Ucc. Vocari potell. Index La- tiiiitatis Plinianx. xvii, 4838. Codex membranaceus, vel potius codices varii, diverfs retatis, in unum volumcn coinpacfi. 1. Caefarii Epifeopi, Admonitiones, Sennones, homelire, &c.; nuinero 44, quorum tamen 41 et 43 funt Auguftini, 44 S. Ambrofii: folia 53. xii. 2. Libri 4 Dialogorum Paptc Gregorii I, deeft aliquid ad finem. fol. 55. 3. Petri Damiani Epiftola de die mortis, cum Epif- tola Bonaventur.T, excitatoria ad Amorem Dei, fol. 131. Bonaventurs: Epiftola, in fine vocatur. “ De baliieo regio, multum utilis et devota.” xiv. 4. “ Lucii Apulcij platoiiici MaJaurenfis Metamor- phofeon.” libri xi. fiiper folia 47. Scripturd plane di- verfa et forfan recentlore, a fol. i b. ufquc ad fol. i S. a. Procemium bis datur : femel in verfibus Jambicis ; manu, ut credcrem, adhuc antiquiore. Ordinein verfuum, quia de hac re neque Editiunes, neque virorum doctorum conjeftuise confentiunt, infra exhibcinus. “ At ego tibifermone iflo MiUfio Varias fnbcltas conf-:ram, nurefq. tuas Bitih'oljs lepido fuftirro pcrmukcam. Modo Ji pjpirum tgipiia argi/tiu Niloiic! cjhtnii inferiptam v.n fpnvcris Infpicere, etJsguras fortu'wfquc l-^rum In alias ymagines cjiivc’-fas, et ::: Se rurfum mutuo nexu rif'das, ut Alircris exordi'r. .^is illc ? pauds Tnctos athicj ct hit mss epyrea Et ihenedos fpartiaca, glebe felkes, Adernum libris felickribus C^nditx, vie.i ’-.■elus prsfapia cjl. li/i linguam athidem priiids puerl/ie SiipcnJiis mcrui, mix in urhc latia Advena^/i^‘koruni quiritium indtgenum Sernwissn cninniahili laborer nulb htagijlro pneuiite ag'^reJTtis excolui Lt eerie prefamur vetiuui, p. quid Num, 483S—4840. ExotUi, alque forcnfis /ermcnis rttdis Lscutor qffendcro, jasn hcc equidem ipj'a Vocis immutatio dcfultorie Scicntiac, Jlilo quern accejjimus Refponder, fabidam grecam incipimus, LePtor intende, Ictaberis” Seqimntur qutEdain de auftore, ex Macrobio et Auguft- rino, turn de metro nonnulla. Varia: leftioncs et ^lofla: marginem occupant. In primo folio funt verfus oifto Latini, rhythmici, vaticinatiouem quandam exhibentes de Ludovico rege. 4839- Cafes & Precedents in Law. A Paper book, with many blank fpaces left for continuation, & an alphabetical table prefixed. xvii. 4-S40. Codex chartaceus, pulchre feriptus et bene conferva- tus, olini prasgrandis, conftans in foliis 789, fed nunc in duobus voluminibus compaftus, cum hoc titulo. Hiftoria Comitum Arundelis. collefta per S‘ Lowe Kniveton, generofum et propria illius manu feripta; cum dedicatione, “ Illuftrifllmo Domino Thomte Howard Conuti Arundelire, et Surregiic, primario Anglia: Comiiis, Baroni Howard,. Fitz-Alau Maltra- veis, Mowbray, Segrave, Bruce, de Clare, et Ol- waldeftre, Comiri Marefcallo Anglia:, honoratilTimi, Geoigianm Perifcelidis Ordinis Eqiiiti Auraio, Regi^K Ma" a fanOiorib'Js et feerttoribus confiliis, bonarum literorum Patroiio ma-vimo, Domino meo plurinum oblervando,” kc. et puftea feriptum eft “ Authoris de hocopere carmen ctnfi.riutn.” F. 78. Charta cum Siglllo Williclmi dc Albineo Comitis Suflex, &C. pulchre dcliner.to. ^■ 395 " ^ Deed written in French, &c.” 35“' E. 3. is the Seal of Richard Earl of Arundel beautiiully drawn with a pen. F. 442. An exchange made, betw'rt K. Rich'' 2'' & Rich'' E. of Arundell JkSarry, wherein the faid Earl gives the King his Manor of Swenhamptnn in Scmerlct- Ihire, in Confideratica of certain liiins of money due by him to the King, & for the Advowfon of ^rundell Pr;ory.” Writt'.n in French ; 6"' of Rich'' z**, & to it appendant the Earl'.: Seal, with c-e't 8c fnpporters more beautiful & curiout than the former. Vol. 11 . Conftans folds 347, fell, a folio 443 ad 7S9. F. .;53. “ Imicnfires :n Ficnch between the King & John Lord Mal'ravcrs. whereby he is retained to feive the King for one whole year, in a Voyage which the King in hi< proper perfon fliall make in his Duchy of Guiene or his Realm of France, with 20 .... . one Knight, 18 El'quires k. ao Archers at the Kings charge. See. Date! 24 Ap'. 3*' H i"'.” The original fo much torn as not to be read, except the above, to which is ap¬ pendant another beautiful Seal of John de Arundell. F. i; 36 b. Another Seal appendant to the Charter of John Earl of Arundell Sc 1 ;' Makravers, 8 H. 6. F. ^7 1-2, &c. Is an Account of a Difpute about the Precedency of W'" K. of Arundell k. Tho’ E. of Devon'. 23 II. 6."*, kc. f. 5 ‘3. F. C94 “ Valor five extenta annul valoris omnium et fingulorum Honorum, Caftrorum, Dominiorum, Ma- neriorum, terrarum et tenementotum, ac aliarum pof- felfionum qvie fueruntThomte Comitis Arundell defunfti, 8,'c. 16''' Hen" 8'°, &c. in Sulfex, Surry, Wiltcs, Glouc, Dorc, Soinerfet, Kank, Calls, North, .-ahp, Southamp. Norf. Hunt, et Cantabr. Ofweftr. Chine, et London.” aJ fol. 698. F. 733. “ Amongft thofe perfons that put in their claims to do fervicc at the Coronation of K. Edw. 6'“, Ik K. of Arundel claimeth to be chief BuiLr, &c.” Ad finem eft Index Noininum, ordine alphabetico, p. i.adai.et Loc'>rump.i. ad i5-per PetrumLeNeve faclus, qui multa in margine annotavit. 1481. Sir Bibliothecas Harleianse ll I Num. 4R41—4848. 4841. Sir Francis Afhley’s Law Leflures on the Liberty of the Subje^b, 161b. la nine Divifions ; fairlv written on Paper. 4842. Quintus Curtius de Rebus geftis Alexandri Magni; a hbro tertio, ut folet, incipiens : ct cum lacuna infigiii fub initio libri quarti. Codex mernbranaceus fsculi r5, bene, feriptu^, ad finem,“ Per me francifeutn Cabailum, monie forcinatem, vigefTitna odavo Novenibns luce hie liber Komse fcliciter eU expLtus, 1464. XV. 4843. Codex chartaceus continens varia de vitis Sanebnrum, &c. In folio luembranaceo pra^-nilfo Icgenda elt de Saii£t.} Nicafio. Contenta htec liint; I. DeortuSeti Cuthberti,ex HilloriisLIibeinenJIum excerpta. 3. Vita ejufdem a venerabili Beda feripta, in libros quatuor et capita 153 digeua. 7. b. 3. De Hieronymo, cum carininibus in laude ejuf- . 153-b. 4. \ ita regiR_& Martyris S. Ofwaldi. 1 55. 5. Vita H.Aidani, Lindisfarnenfis epifeopi.” e tertk libro EccleliaiHcas lliftoritE gentis Anglurum. i8o. 6. ‘‘ Lcclelic in ,\nglia deaicai.e in hcliore Sli Cuth berti, Lindisfarnenfis Epi. ,8^, 7. “ De or-gine monacliatus, cum aliis de ftatu mo nachali.” j3^ B. “ Brevis relatio de oratione.” ad finem M. J. Ger- ... 3 16. g. Vita Willelmi Kanlcphi Epi Duneimenfis. 232. 10. Vita BarthoJomei inoiiuchi Dimelmenfis. 223. 11. “ Anno Dhi millelimo cccxlvi die Martis, in vigilia Luca: Evangclille hora Mat. ix. commilfum fuit bellum inter Anglos et Scotosnon longe a Dunelinia, in loco ubi nunc fiat crux vulgariter dictus Nevillcrufle.” Poema rhythmicum. 241. 12. “ Verfus de Sco Ciuhberto.” 261. 13. “ De niorte Gitoinichairlls.” 269. 14- “ Scripturte fub imaginibus regiis ad ofiium chori Dunelmeniis cx parte Borcali.” 270 b. 15. “ De Uilatntione fidei Chrifiiane et ortu Reli- gionis.” 272 b. Et fimilia quatdain. t6. “ De milfa, etprimo unde exordium fumrferit, 17. Fragmentum de S. Augufiino, 3 :c.” 260. Turbatur quodammodo foliorum feries, in fine. XV. 4844. An old Treatife on Law, in feveral Books, alfo Reports, Cafes, &c. written on Paper, marked, “ pertinet ad Wifim Walpole.” 4845* Mr. Lenton’s Account of the Nunnery at Gedding in Huntingdonfiiire. xvii. _ This was milling, but was found in another MS. April 18, 1805. other Article, entered in the old Catalogue, does not appear. 4H46. A Book of Law Precedents, 172 leaves, befides occa- fiional Infertions. Old name in it, Edzeardus Willan. XVI. 4847. A Lift of the Officers of the Army, 1687. 4848. A folio written on Paper, & containing I. The Names & Cteatiors of all the N. bility of Eng. land, to the year 1597. Tjiis compofes moft of the prefent Number. Num. 4848, 4849. 2. Names of Places that eled Members of Parliament. written on two pages before the above Article. 3. Ihe manner of Coronations of Kings & Queens of England. This is comprifed in 7 pages, after which are d more pages of Mufic badly written. This No. is now bound up with 5168, on the Nobility. 4849. A folio volume, containing a mlfcellaneous Collediori of Papers and Records, &c. relating to the Family of Haltings, in 52 Numbers, fome of which contained many imall Papers, now palled in them. I. 2. A genealogical Table of Hillings, from i E. 6. to 1677 & 81 ; very neatly written, by Gregory King, fceniingly. 3. Contains 207 pages fairly written on Paper, of a regular Hiftory of the Family and Property down to i6og, like what is befjre noticed in 4774. 4. Contains 6 pages, entitled, Feoda et fervic’ militum tenentiuin de honore Sci Ediiiundi. j. Four pages concerning, Cath' Cnuntefs of Huu- tmgdon & WiiieiriJc Hafiings, da" of Heirs of l-i> Poole Knt. L** Montague, who was attainted of High Treafon, &c. _7 to 22. Conlains various fmall Papers of Notes re* lating to the Hafiings, by Peter Le Neve, in his Hand¬ writing, though in No. 20. are two Pages by Dugdale, feemiiigly. 23. A Pedigree, with this at the top : “ Ihe Family of the M.auxes were owners of Ber¬ wick & Lords of a manor at outton, called Hafiing’s Manor at this day 16S2.” 24. Contains loofe Papers, now pafted on brown Paper, moftly by P. le Neve. 25. 26- Contain 8 or 9 Papers of Arms, See. rela¬ ting to the E of Hunt". 27. A roll of VellUm, illuminated with the Arms in 1 6' Quarte s, with Supporters, &c. and a ffiurt genealogy and Ibme Verfes in praife of Ferdinand L'' Hafiings, born 1608. 28. Another Coat of Anns of Hafiings, &c. neatly drawn on Paper. 29. A long Vellum Roll, containing a genealogical Table, with various Extrafts from Records, &c. a?l in the llund-w’riting of S' W'" Dugdale, having this Title at the Top: “ Rotuli Cartacei in quo pars Stemmatis nobiliffimm Hafiingiante famiiia:, manu propria Rogeri Dodlworth Eboracenfis (in rebus antiquis non minimu verfati) deli- ncatur Exemplar Verum.” At the bottom is this. “ Hoc Exemplar concordat cum Architypo, ita teftor’ Wiiliiis Dugdale Norroy Rex Arinorurn. April 17, 30—^8. Other fmall Papers relating to the Hafiinss- by Le Neve, See. 38. Various other larger Papers, containing Copie.s of Charters, Seals, &c. of the Earls of Huntingdon, 39. infeription to the Memory of Theophilus Hafiings E. of Huntingdon, &c. who died 1701, aged 50. 40. Another fmall Paper relating to the laid 1 . 1672, whofe Portrait by G. Kneller, and engraved by R. Wil- hams 1687, is next to it. 41 Four printed Pages of Dugdale’s Baronage of the Hafiings Family. 42. A Letter to the E. of Huntingdon, 1651?. 43. 'I he Names of the Lands which John Hafiings L. of Pembroke held 49 E. 3. 44 An Indenture in Latin, with Seals, relating to the laid E. 49 E. 3.; and another Paper in French about him, ■ &c. 45. Elceat’ Inquifitio &c. t. H. 3. to IP'6. I 46. Monu- Catalogus Libroruin MSS, iia Num. 4849—4855. 45. Monumental Infcription of Theoph. E. Hunting¬ don, 1O88. 47. Extracts from, and Charters, Efcaets, Stc. rela¬ ting to the fame Family, in feveral Pages. 48. The Petition of Theophilus E. of Hunt" to the King, about the ancient Earls of Warwick, who carried the Sword at the Coronation, 8c were chief Panders, & had the Salts, Knives, & Spoons for their Fee, from whom he was defcended, &c. 49. Other Papers, feeinmgly a Brief, &c. relating to the laft Subjeft. 50. Various Letters from the E. of Huntingdon to Mr. Cromp at the Herald’s Office, 1695, Sic. 51. Copy of the aforelaid Claim at the Coronation of K. J. 2. 1685. In French. 52. Another Paper about Hugh de Haftings’s Lands, &c. 4850. A Book of Law's and Prefentments relating to the Foreft of Dene in Gloceflerfhire. A folio, containing 89 leaves of Paper badly written, and on the ift le^ is, “ Simon Harcourc, Dec’ 25, 79.” Upon which is parted a 4to. Paper of 6 pages relating to the faid Forert, and entitled, “ I'he Articles of the Charge.” Preceding this is an alpha- betical Index to the Volume. 4851. Patents of the feveral Stewards of the Revenues of Catherine, zo C. 2. &c. 4852. [4842.—4882. S’narto.'] Codex membranaceus, pulchritudinis eximis, continens Ciceronis Orationcs feledas. j. Oratio in Q. Cscilium. 2. In Verrem, Aftio prima. 3. In eundem, A£tio fecunda, Liber primus, imper¬ fecta. Ufque ad caput 43 ferS exadum. 4. -Aifkio ad*, liber quartus. ---liber quintus. 6. Pro T. Annio Milone. 7. Pro lege Manilla. 8. Pro M. Marcello. 9. Pro O. Ligario. 10. Pro Rege Dejotaro. 11. Antequam iret in exilium. Oratio fpuria habita. XV. 4853- A Paper Book of 446 leaves, very fairly written, con¬ taining the Memoirs of the Marefchal de Fleurange, with tiiis Title. “ Hirtoire des chofes raemorables avenues du regne dcs Reys Louis dowze et Franqois premier en France, Italie, Allemagne, et pays has. Depuis I'an 1499, 1 ^^* ques en I’an 1521, mife par ecrit par Robert de la Marck .Seigneur de Fleurange et de Sedan, Marefchal de France.” 4854. An old French Romance, refpefting a King of Arragon, written on Paper. xv. 4855. The Statutes of England from i E. 3. ad 7 H. 4; Fairly written on Vellum. There is a large Table of the heads, and many blank leaves after it. xv. Num; 4856—4S64. 4856. Codex membranaceus pulcher, conftans paginis 470. Continet Virgilii Eclogas, Oeorgica, .Oneida. Abfunt a libro fecundo verfus fufpedi^22 incipientes, “ Jamque adeo fuper unus eram.” xv. 4857. The Italian Poetry of Petrarch on Vellum, anunged as in the modem Editions, with a complete alphabetical index, of the in'.tial lines, prefixed. xv. 4858. Codex membranaceus, opufculorum SeneC'E, Ciceronis* &C. XV. 1. S. Hieronymus de Seneca, cum epirtolis abeodem relatis ut a Seneca et Paulo Apoftolo feriptis, fed fpuriis. vid. 2659. 3. 2. L. An. Senecff, de dementia, ad Neronem, Liber. 3. De remediis fortuitoium. Liber, Senecas perperam adferiptus. 4. De 4 virtutibus cardinalibus, Liber, pfeudo-Se- necze. 5. Senecjs Epirtolarum, ad Lucilium, I.ibri 15. Ex- hibentes Epillolas 89. Pauca defunt in fine*ultimae. 6. Seneca de Benefieijs, Tme librorum divifione, et ferfi in quartaiL" partem opens integri contradus. 7. Quorundam Philofophorura Sentciitl.x. 8. De Moribus, Liber, Seneex f.ilfo adferiptus. 9. Syminachus de caufi.s, Seneca; datus in titulo, fed ported Symmacho. 10. M. Tullii Cicerenis Paradoxa, 11. -de Senedute, liber. 12. -de Amicitia, liber. 13. Tradatus de Paupertate Senecx vulgo, fed per- peram, datus. 4859. 1. A. Gellli Obfervationum ex libris .'intiqnonim, libri 17. Prxfiuio in fine ponilur, cum Indice aiphabetico. XV. 2. Defmitiones quxdam Vocum Latinarum. Codex membranaceus. 4860. Expofitio Pfalterii, Audore incerto. xiit. Cum nods marginalibus, manu recentiore. Codex membr‘. 4861. Seven Emblems, with a Frontifpiece, beautifully painted on Vellum, dedicated to Colbert and all in honour of him, with Mottos and Verfes in various Languages. XVXI. 4S62. Horatil opera, elegantiffime feripta in membrana. Scriba ha:c in fine; “ Quinti Horatil Flacci, Venufini, Odarum, Sermo- num, Epirtolarum, Poetrieqiie carminum volumina fclici- ter finiunt, die fextodccimo Novembris anno Dili millmo, quadringentefimo, fexagefimo primo. Fcrrarie per me Joannem carpenfem.” Sequuntur verfus in Patrein, iilium, et Sp. Sandum. xv. 4863. Silii Italic!, de 2 bello Punico, iibri 17. xv. Codex membranaceus, clegans. 4864. Geographical Charts of feveral Governments of France; namely, I. Dauphine. 2. Barfiionc. 3. D’orpicre. 4. Mal- lauzane. 5. S'Efprit. 6. Salufle. 7. GuilL-rtre. 8. Cap Bibliothecse Harleianae. I Ni;m. 4864—4869. Cfep et Puimon. g. Montlimar. 10. Luzerne et Pig- aerol. ii. Brianfon. 12. Bourg-doifans. 13. Crert. 14. Valance. 15. Modane. j6. Suze. 17. S'Jehan. 18. Grenoble. 19. Romans. 20. Chamberry. 21. Chapeau Cornu. 22. Vienne. 23. Lion. xvii. Drawn on Paper, and coloured. 4865. Codices duo MSS. in unum compacli, diverfi generlsj nec prorfus ejufdem magnitudinis. Contenta funt, 1. Codex chariaceus, in initio mutilus, compleclens C. Saliuftii deBello Catiiinario et Jugurthino libros. Ca- tilinarium incipit a verbis, “ vexabat. Igitur color ei ex- fanguis,” Stc. Pulchre coloribus ornatur initium Jugur- thini. XIV. 2. Codex membranaceus pulcher, in quo habentur primum, M. T. Ciceronis Libri 3. de Legibus j fequitur, 3. De Fato, liber ilngularis. 4. “ M. T. C. de Ccelo et Mundo.” i. e. fragmenti Ciceronis de Univerfo, quod appellatur Tim:eus, pars: a verbis “ Nota dilucide et plane,” pro “ tota dilucide et plane.” in Cap.3. ufque ad verba, " eodemque modo cicbatur,” in Cap. 7. xv. 4866. Th. Occleve’bPoeme, de regimine Principis. See 4826.rt. XV. In the 91ft folio, is a painting of Geofry Chat*cer, executed with great SIull & Charafter. A vellum MS. The Uenvoy at the end is wanting. 4867. The EpiUles of Ovid, in French Verfc, fairly written on Vellum ; with ati elaborate illumination at the begin¬ ning of each Epillle. Of thefe illuminations, feveral are damaged a good deal, but others are perfeftly well preferved. xiv. Both the writing and the illuminations announce a work not more modern than the 14th Century. 4868. Codex membranaceus, elegans. xv, T. " Vita Plinii fenioris, ex CataJogo Virorum illuf* trium Tranquilli.” 2. “ Brevis adnotatio de duobus Pliniis, Veronenfi- bus, ex multis hie collefta per Joannem Manfionarium Veronenfem.” 3. Liber de Viris illuftribus, Plinio Juniori hie adferip- tus, fed reverb Aurelii Vifloris. Deeft folium primum, cum Vitis Proc® et Romuli.-Vid.num. 4923. 55. 4. C. Plinii Epiftolsc 221, in Oc 1 :o libros digelta;, qua; novem vulgo faciunt. Deefl liber 10. “ Epillolarum linperialium.” Ad tinem,“ Deferipfit hoc opus Petrus Cenninus. idibus inaiis, anno falutis noftrie 1467. Indiclione 15.” 4869. Codex membranaceus, fatis elegans, in quo continetur, P. Papinii Statii Thebais, cum glofTis marginallbus, a manu paulo rccentiore profeclis. xv. Bis repetitur, in fronte operi,s,pracfationis genus, inci- pien.s “ Tede philofopho” vel “ Quoniam, tefte philo- fopho, omnes operationes funt particularium.” Praefati- ones, quanquam in plerifque firniies, aliquantum difcrc- pant, et prior verfus habet, argumenta librorura expri- mentes. Aflbciat profuguin Tideo primus Polinicen Tidea Itgatus docet infidiafque fecundus. Tertius Hemonides canit et vates latitantes Quartus habet rege.s ineunies pra:lia feptem, kc. Cat, Harl. Vol. III. Num. 4869—4874. Quiyerfus& infra repetiti funt, cum aliis qui antiquitatem' magis fapiunt, et in Edd. apparent. “ Solvitur in primo fratrum difeordia libro,” &c. In fine adjiciuntur pauca de Achilleide, eadem, ut videtur, manu qua glofias feripferat. In initio, et alibi “ Liber Sozomeni Piftonenfis. 4870. Codex chartaceus, in quo habentur, _ 1. M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architeftura libri 10. Liber clarc feriptus, et fine contradbionibus, paginis bifariam divifis. xv, 2. rraClatus de Philofophia naturali, incipiens, “ Phi- lofophra Jividitur in tres partes.” xiv. 3. Tradbatus fimilis matteriae. 4. iEgidii Romani, five de Colunma, tradbatus de' phyfica et metaphyfica, incipiens “ anima, ut telbatur philofopbus.” In fronte “ Incipit I'criptum Magri Egidii de R6. ordis Sti Auguftini. Jnfine mutilus.'’ 5 \ Traebatus et arfAtTra,-, de rebus philo- fophicis. Contraftionibus abundant libri quatuor pof- teriores. 4871. The Statutes of England in French, from i E. 3. to 20 H. 6. very fairly written on Vellum. 4872. A thick folio , containing, 1. Genealogy of theBr^i (Scotis) l,ine of Kings down to the Stewarts & Bruces. xvii. This feems to have been in Two Books, the ift part of which is now a fragment from p. 1to 23, at the bottom of which is written, “ Explicit Liber Pri¬ mus.” And on the back of it the following, “ The Second Book begun by the faid R. P. the lib Jan' i6iS or 1619 current, being the fame year of his Majefties Reign as aforefaid.” ^ Then follows the above Genealogy from “ The Trojans, kc. according to Mr. Geo. Owen, &c.” This Article is in 54 pages, kc. 2. Notes out of Sir W, Rauleigh’s Hillory of the World, in 5 Books, printed, 1614. 3. A Book of Genealogies & Antiquities, from the Creation down to the Kings of Judah. There are two different copies^nf this, by the fame hand, both neatly written. The firlb entitled as above in three books, but only one is here finifhed in 58 pages, a leaf being torn out, as 58 is followed by 61. with an addrefs “ To the Prince.” After which is another Paee “ To the Reader.” ^ Then follow 52 pages on the aforefaid Snbjedbs. 4. An ordinary of Arms and of Names, beginninir with the Letters A. B.& C. H. 44.5, , to 43. 5. Portae Veiitatis R. Jacob ben Amram, Articulus 2 “ forte Menafleth ben Ifraelis.” Soft, 421 ad 584. 6. Hiftroy of Great Britain, from Noah’s Flood to Cadwallader : by John Levvys of Llynwene Efqr. 1611. aliAfirlof, with an Epillle Dedicatory to K. James p. 3. 4.3. which is followed by a Table of Contents to the 6 Books, 7—II. Authors quoted, &c. 4873- A fmall folio Book of Precedents, concerning the Baron¬ age of England : colhdbed by J. Selden, 1 g Ja. i. by order of the Houfe of Peers, to be kept in the Parlia- ment Office. “ Mr. Noel had it from Lord Fitz-Wil¬ liams 1719.” 4874. Codex chartaceus, cum titulo hoc ampliffimo. “ Breviarium Difpenfationum matrimonialium ex- peditarum fub illuftriffimo ac Reverendiffimo Domino D. Andrea Mangello Abbate Sti. Angeli ac Adminif- 3 I tratora I Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 4874—4883. tratore Apoftolica: Jurifdiftionis cumFacultanbus Nuncii in Belgicis ditionibus atque Burgundiai Comitatu a S“. Sede ApofloHca deputato, See. ab initio anni falutis Mil- lefimi fexcentefimi quinquagefum quarti, ufque ad finem ejufdem.” Continet paginas feriptas 212. 4875. RanulphiHigden, Polychronicon, ufq; ad abdicationem Ricardi 2. continuatum. Codex membranaceus pukher, tabulam habens alphabe- ticam reruiu. See. Defunt nonnulla in fine. 4876 Sc 4877. Excerpta ex llbris Taimudis Babylonici, tnnfcripta de Codice MS. Sorbon$ N'' 1213 : cum Indicibus capitum, et Tabula locorum Biblicoruin. Codex chartaceus, paglnarum 1205. Index return alphabti- cus in. volumine tertio continetur. xvii. 4878. A VellHm MS. with illuminated Letters, containing, 1, A Chronicle from the Creation to the year 1327, on 56 leaves. ^ ^ xv. 2. An old poem in French Verfe, chiefly in Stanzas of fix fiiort lines, entitled “ Le chappel des trois fleurs de lis.” 4879. A paper book, with this title, “ Remembrances of fome Methods, Orders, and Proceedings heretofore ufed and obferved in the Houfe (if Peers, exlrafled from the Journals of that Houfe, by H.S.C. Pari, and many additions fince made by J.W. Deput. Cler. toJ.B.Cler. Parliamentorum.” In 25 Chap¬ ters, of which there is a Table. xvii. 4880. Petri Lombardi Sententiarum libri 4. d-Ksf»\oi xal als^fs-Toi. Defunt autem non multa. Codex membra¬ naceus. 4881. Danielis Eremite, nobilis Belgx, Aulica: Vitce et civilis libri 4. Scilicet i. De olficiis erga Principera. 2. De officiis erga principes. 3. De moribus erga Priva¬ tes. 4. De adjumentis quibufdam ad vitam. Deefle videntur pauca. Liber chartaceus, bene feriptus. xvii. 4832. Liber chartaceus, non eleganter, at multa cura feriptus, cum indice verborum locupletilfimo. Titulus rubri- catus, poll prologum auftoris, hoc modo fe habet. “ In nomine (iomini noftri Jefus Chrilli, omnipo- tentis Deu Incipium Syllabae colleftze a Georgio Vil- licoLunenfi: de fyllabographis aliis atquePoetis, cum additione millium aliquot exceptionum. Poeticis cum teftimoniis; ut plenius in prologo pr$di£tum fuit.” Eft ergo, Georgii VillicJ Lunenfis Liber de quanti- tatibus Syllabarum ; opus laboris invidiftimi. 4883. Codex membranaceus, perpulcher ; in quo continentur, I. Ariftotelis Politicorum Libri 8. Latine ; per Leo- nardum Arctinum, cum Aretini procemio. Ad finem liiEC funt. “ Libri Ariftotelis de Rep. expliciunt, quod politicorum opus inferibitur, exfcripflt Lodovicus Pe- tronius, eques et jure confuhus: quod exorfus no- nas Martii quinquagefimo tandem die abfolvit. Quo Niim. 4883—48S7: tempore ampliflimum gereret magiftramm. BrevI opils ingens explevit : curands reip. non defuit. Principium Fine 1451- Finis Principio 1452.” 2. Ariftotelis CEconomicorum libri 2. per eundem, cum Epiftola Aretini ad Cofmum medicunt. Ad finem, “ Ariftotelis F.conomicorum libri expliciunt. Finis finiti 3 Julii 1452.” 3. “ Ad fandiflimum ac beatiflimum dominum Eu- genium papam quartum, pia-f.itio Leonavdi Aretini in librum politicorum.” 4. Epiftola ejufdem ad Dominos Senenfes, cum re- fpoiifioue eoi'um, per Benum de Yldibranditiis 143S. XV. 4884- Codex membranaceus. T. Liber dodrinae iheologicsc, ordine alphabetico di- geftus, cui titulus non apparet ; diverfus tamen ab eo qui fequitur, et antiquior. _ _xiv. 2. Rofarium Theologiae, ordine alphubetlco. In initio, manu recentiore,fed antiqua, feribitur, “ ScieiiJ'un quod libcriftequivocatur RofariumThcologica:,licet in femulta bona contineat, habet in fe quoque plurima pcriculofa, fi ipfa iutelligantur fecundiim quod verba fonare viden¬ tur,” &c. 4885. A Paper bock of 149 wTitten pages, containing extrada from legal Precedents & Authorities, on all Matters of Ecd'-Tiaftical Jurifdidion. With an Index of the general Heads at the end. xvii. 4S86. Chronicon Prioratus Dunftaplite, ab initio mundi ad A. D. 1297. Tranferipfit ex Codice Cotconiano, Tib. A X. 3. Humf. Wanley, A. D. 1713. Hie liber chartaceus, pulchr^ feriptus et bene confer- vatus, continet folia 176, cum hoc titulo in folio i. “ Annales Ricardi deMortus, Prioris Danftaplite, cum continuationibus” a folio 172. Que fequuntur, fpar- fim nulloq; fervato ordine, leguntur feripta. fol. 175, “ In the yere of oure Lord MCCCCLIX, and 37 of K Henre vi. y' viii day of May, the fame Kyngc buying at Dunftaple, charged & comaundyd a Squyer of hefyn to make an opyn Proclamacione in y' Towne of Dunftaple, the Tenour whereof tolwythe,” &c. This curious Vol. has alio at the end, a Calendar thus entitled, “ Kalendarium Scriptorlbus nnftris ac- coramodandum. 22 Febr. 17I3.” “ Raiionem Feftorum mobilium ardent in PaHorali Mecklimvft,'" 4887. Codex membranaceus, bene fervatus. xv. r. Hiftoria,Britonum, ex Galfrido Monumetenfi dc- fumpta. Incipit ipfilfimis verbis ; “ Britannia infula- rum optima in occidental! oceano, inter Galliam,” &c. continuatur ufque 1340. 2. Tradatus theologirus, incipiens, “ Multi multa feiunt et femet ipfos nelciunt, alios iufpiciunt et I'cmct ipfos deferunt.” 3. Catalogus Paparum ex Sando Petro, ufque ad Be- nedidum xin"'"". 4. Lotharii Diaconi, poftea Innocentiij. de miferia humana: Condttionis libri tres. 5. De fignis xv dieium. 6. “ Explanatus tradatus fapientix. Ec:e fpecu- lum thcologia:, faduma Magiftro Johanne Metenfi.” 7. “ Remedia contra fpiritualcs temptaciones.” Trac- tus theoioricus. 8 Liber Bibliothecse Harleianse, Num, 4887, 4888. 8. Liber Albertani Caiifidici, De Doctnna dicendi et tacendi. “ Compofitus et compilatus fub anno Dom. q. Libellus Confolationis, ut dicitiir ; incipiens, “ Quia multi funt qui in adverfitatibus et tribulationi- bu6,’’ &c. 10. Liber de modo Gonfeffionis. 4888. A large Volume of various papers, bound together, written in feveral hands. 1. A Paper entitled, “ Catalogue of the Records, Deeds, Papers, &c. contained in this volume.” by which it appears that many Articles originally belonging to the collection are now wanting. The firft Leaf" of the Vol. is marked N” VIII. 2. “ A brief difeourfe containing the true & certalne manner how the late Duke of Guile, and the Cardinal of Lorraine his brother, were both putt to death at Blois the 14th December iaft. For fundrie Confpira- cics & Treafons praCtifed by them againft their Souve- raigne the French King, wherein is further declared tlie Iinprifonment of fome others of the Confpirators & Leaguers, with divers other circumdances & matters belonging thereupon. Written unto our late Queene Elizabeth by Sir Edward Staft'ord, at that time Am- baffador in the Court of France.” This is marked in the oldefl paging 165; in a newer hand. 9. Part of the firil: booke of Ovid’s Metamorphohs, in blank Verfe, marked at the end J. F. 25. 4. “ Her Ma”. Speeche delyvered by her owne niouthe in theParlain' lad helJeat Wedm'A. Reg. 27.0584-) , ■ 33. 5. “ The Earle of Eflex his Advife to the Earle of Rutland in his Journey,” into Italy. 37. 6. A Tract with the following title, “ A true and fjithfull Account of the Love that Henry y' 4th King of France, bore to the Princefs of Condc; and the wonderful things that tlien happened relateing thereto, with the death of the King by Raviliac, and his own mod miferable end. Publifhcd now the livll time out of MS. by Amadeus Bcril M. D. de Harpfayth Lon¬ don.” 43. 7. A Petition to the Queen & Council about Con¬ formity. Signed Water Travers, Minider of the word of God. 8. Mr.Rich. Hooker’s anfwerto the preceeding Sup¬ plication. g. “ The fecond Part of the Frier’s Cafe, mentioned in the Romiij) Horfleech, or an Account of an as fa¬ mous & ridcculous Aclion &Difpute that happened in New England, about the year 1633, whether the Red Crofs in the Banner of England was an Idol or no, with the Arguments urged on both Sides.” apparently imperfect. to. ASermon on Habak. i. 4. faid in the old table of Contents to be by Mr. R. Hooker. 11. A Letter from the Earl of Arundcll, to Queen Elizabeth, when he was In difgrace. 12. Nine Letters, chiefly figned E. A. begging inter- celTion on his behalf to King James. 13. A fhort Account of fome Orders of Knighthood. 14. “ A Copy of a Lfe fenc out of England to Don Bamardin Mendoza, Ambaflador in France for the King of Spayne. Declaring the State of England, & of the Quene, for the drength thereof.—To the Opinion of Don Bamardin, Sc of all his Partizans, Spanyards & others.” Below in a newer hand, “ This was fird printed in French beyond Sea, in the year 158!), & after that in Englifli, the fame year at London.” 15. ThreeDialogues, written in the Reign of Edw, 6"‘ of which the following title is given at large in the old table of Contents. “ A large Book divided into three 3 Num. 4888. Dialogues, between a Knight a DoCtor, a Merchant & a Hufbandman. Written by a Member in Parlia¬ ment, & a Judice of Peace, in Ed, the 6''“ days, con¬ cerning the caufes of the grievances of the Nation, & the great dearth, all which he aferibes to the Altera¬ tion of the Coin; what proportion was between Silver & Gold 2000 years ago, the fame it is at this day; how & which is & mud be the happyeft way of & for the Reformation of the Coin, &c. The occafion of the decay of 1 owns & Tradef; the occafion of the .Schifmes in matter of Religion, how that the Caufes thereof lys in the Laity, & how they may be bed Remedyd.” Pre¬ fixed are fome Notes on the 3'* Dialogue. 61 leaves. iG. “ The fecret Midory of the Reign of King James the i". A difeourfe of Pafluges betweene the Earles of Elfex, Somerfet, & Nortlumpton, the CountelTe of Ef* fex, Sir Thomas Overbury and others, with their rifings & fades, together with divers other Affaires, as they oc¬ curred during the lateraigneof King fames, and alfo of the Duke of BuckingJiam his firit comming into favour.” 17. A Relation of the manner of the Proceeding with Sir Thomas Mounfon, upon the pleading of his par¬ don in the Court of King’s Bench. lalhl'Vb. 1616.” 18. Three Poems by Dr. Donne. 19. Poems on the death of Mr. tiugh Broughton. 1612. 20. A general Challenge, at Tilt, Tourney, and Barriers, figncd Lenox, Southampton, Pembroke, Mountgumbray, dated 1C12. In defence of thefe Pro- pofitions. I. “ That in Servdee of Ladyes, Knights have no free-will. 2. That it is Beautie maintains the World in valour. 3. That noe fare Ladie was e\'er falfe. 4. That none can be perfedtlye wife but Lovers.’* Addrefled, " To all honourable Men at Armes, and. Knight Adventurers of hereditarie note, & exemplarie noblefle, that for mod memorable actions doe wield either Sword or Launcein queftof glorie.” 21. Sir Francis Piiillips’s Speech or Addrefs to King James the fird. 22. “ Confiderations on the treatie of marriage be- tweenc England & Spaine, Stc.” 23. “ An Anfwcre made to his Majedy 15"' of March 1625, in the Banqueting Houfe, by the Speaker of the Commons Houfe of Parliament, to a Meffage to them fent by the ChaunecUor of the Exchequer.” 24. Speeches of the Archb. of Canterbury, & the Lord Chamberlain, at a Committee of both Houfes in the paintffd Chamber, May 7. (j G25.) 25. A Copy of the Orders of the Privy Council to all Majors, &c. for making Farthings 5 c Tokens current. 1622. June 28. 26. Speech of Sir Dudley Digges, at the Conference with the Lords. 27. “ The Speach of Sir John Glandvile pronounced in a full Committee of both Houfes of Parliament, the 23d of May 1628, in the painted Chamber at Wed- minder.” ' 28. Mr. Littleton’s Argument, made by order of the Houfe of Commons, on the fame Occafion, the King’s Anfwer, &c. 29. A Speech in Parliament on the Impeachment of the Duke of Buckingiiam. 30. Three Letters of K. Charles i. to the Houfes of Parliament, 8c to SirThomasGlemham, for Peace; dated 1646. 31. A Declaration from his Highnefs the Prince of Wales. 32. To the Right Hon“' the Lords Spirituall Sc Tem¬ poral! in Parliament aflembled, the humble Petition Sc AdJrefle of Edward Earl of Clarendon. 33. A Speech giving an account of the divifion of Fleet in 1666. 34 - L* Catalogus Librorum MSS. lid Num. 4888, 4889. L"* Lucas’s angry Speech againft. the King Cha‘ 2. . ' SirFr Wynington’s Speech in the Houle of Com¬ mons, againft the Earl of Danby. 36. Proceedings in Parliament about Titus Oates, & the Popiih Plot in 1678. 37. Satirical Verfes on Cha’ 2. demanding the Great Seal. 38. The Addrefs againft the D. of Lauderdale. 39. A Bill of acquittal for 7531 1 . paid into the Augmentation, Office, with a parchment label annexed. 40. A printed Proclamation of Charles u. refpecting the rebuilding of St. Paul’s. 1678. 41. Proceedings in Parliament, in Feb. 1688. 4889. A paper Volume, containing various Documents with the following Titles. 1. “ A Pemonflrance of the Treaties of Amides & marriage before tyme, and of late, of the Howfe of Auflria and Spaine, \v"' the Kinges of England, to ad¬ vance thcmfelves to the Monarchic of Europe. Writ¬ ten by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett.” Ten leaves. 2. “ A breife Abflraftof the Queftion ofPreccdencie betweene England & Spaine, occafioned by Sir Heiirie Nevill, the Queene of England’s AmbafTador of Spaine at Callicc, before Commiifioners appointed by the French Kinge, «vho had moved a Treaiie of Peace in the 42'* yeare of the fame Queene, with tlie reladon of the Negociation therereupon. Collected by Robert Cot¬ ton Elquire, at the Commanndement of herMa'’*. ’ 30 leaves. 3. “ An Anfwere of a loyal fubjeft of the Kinge Catholiques, to the Manifefls publiihed by the Kinge of France. Touching the Wair by him declared aga' the Crowne of Spaine in the moneth of June of this psent yeare 1635.” 15 leaves. 4. “ Of the latelie ere£led Service called the Office of Compoficions for Alienations. Written by the Right Honorable, Francis, Lord Verulam, late Lord Chaun- cellorof England.” 31 leaves. 5. An exa£t Coppy of the Cenfures pafled by the Lords and others of his Ma"" Privy Couufell uppon the Lord Bpp. of Lincoliie. 1 1° Julii 13“ Car. Annoque Domini 1637.” 6. The Lord Keeper's Speech in Chancery the firft dayeofMichas Term. 1622.” 7. Two leaves, containing the three following Articles in one band, The Duke’s Anfwere to the Saylcr’s clamors : fet up upon Pofles. 2. “The Superfeription of a Fackett found m the King’s Chappell at Whitehall, 12 Maij 162?, wherein was inclofed a booke, w'** his Ma"' upon fight burnt.” 3. “ The Examination of Andrew le Brun a Frenchman, Captain of the Marie of Rochell, taken before Abraham Eulmer, maior of the Borough of Plymouth. lO* Maij 1628.” unfinilhed. 8. “ The further Impeachment of Thomas Earle of Stralford, by the Commons afferabled iiiParliam'. Jan. 1640.” 40 leaves. 9 “ To the Kinges mofl excellent Ma"'. The hum¬ ble Petition of the Lord Vifeount Falkland, one of the Lords of your Ma'*" rooft Hon*''' Privie Cuuncell.” In behalf of his Son. 10. “ A SpeeJi made by John Lord Finch Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England, in the Com¬ mons Houfe of Parliament. Die Lunas 24 Deccrab. 1640.” 13 leaves. 11. “ The Oath of Allegiance.” 12. “ The F.xaminarion of Rich. Gaflrill of the Grange in Gloflerlhire, fworne the 20th of December 78 before the LordB. of London.” Thelaft leaf by miilake placed firll, & rewritten, in another hand, at the «*d. Num. 4889—4892. 13, “To prevent the growth of the poore, releete^ fet them on worke, and thereby eafe the charge of tho County.” Six leaves. 4890. Wicklif’s Tranflation of the New Teftament j a very old Copy on Vellum. xtv. Prefixed is a copious Table of the Leffons, Epif- ties & Gofpcls, according to the ufe of Salilbury. 4891 • 1. Ecclefias Anglicanae Politeia in Tabulas digefla; per Ric. Cofin LL.D. Et ejufdem exemplar impr^f- i'um 1634. 2. Catalogus Sedium Epifeopalium per diverfas mundi provincias. Liber chartaceus, 4892. A large Paper book, marked as the Property of “ Ro¬ bert Harley of Bramton Caftle, in the County of Hereford, Efq.” containing 341 written pages, in a verv fair hand. 1. “ How farr the common Law of England hath de¬ clared it felfe in punilhm' of fuch as raife falfe tales, or publilh falfe and dangerous matter to the Diflio- nour of the King.” i- 2. “That the King hath power in his own perfon to hear Sc determine all kinds of Caufes, when it fhall foe pleafe his Ma*'' as appeareth by the Reafons following.” ' 9 * 3. “ i he Summe of the Arguments on both fidcs, at the Bar of the Houfe of Lords, upon the Pcticon for the Honor of Vifeount Purbeck. June 5th 1678.” 41. 4. “ A Difeourfe written by the Earl of Devonfhire, in defence of his marriage with the Lady Rich.” 89. Mr. Harley has written in the margin, “ I have feme reafnn to fuppofe this Difeourfe was penn'd by Dr. Donne.” 5. “ A particular Account of what Sr. Francis Brew- fter knows, in relation to the State of Ireland, and hath heard.” >27. 6. “ J. Sir W” Gore of Donnegall, in the County of Doniiegall,and Kingdom of Ireland, Bart, in obedience to an Order of the Hon*’’' Houfe of Commons, bearing Date the 22d of this Inftant Feb. doe hereby certifie this 24th of February 1692.” 139. It concerns the Sufferings of the Proteftants. 7. A fimilar Account, figned Jo. Magill. 141. y. Another from Lieut. Edmund Stafford. 145. 9. “ Some Account of the State of Affaires in Ire¬ land, by Mr. Sloane.” 147- Delivered alfo at the Bar of the Houfe of Com¬ mons, at the fame time. 1 o. Report on the fame OccafioD by David Cairnes. 185. 11. “ Confiderations concerning the increafing and afeertaining of the Salaries of the Judges & Barons of hisMa' ” chief Courts of Law at Dublin in Ireland.” By Sir James Shane. Copied June 1693. 191. 12. Extrafts from the Journals of the Irilh Houfe of Commons, for the fucceffive Parliaments of 1613— 1615. 1634—1641. 1661 —1666. 203. 13. Rentroll of feveral Eftates (probably Mr. Har¬ ley’s, in Ireland.) 296. 14. “ A Colloquy between A, B, C, concerning a new Infirument of Government.” 3 '-^* 1 5. “ Grant of 1000 1 . per Annum, to George Lord Vifeount Grandifon, & Edward Villers Efq. in lieu of Lands in Plicenix Parke” 3'8. 16. “ Heads of an Efiablifliment for hisMa’'” King- denis of EnglanJ & Ireland, the Dominions there- unto Bibliothecse Harleianae. 2,1 Num. +892—4896. linto belonging, which without violating of his Ma''“ 'Contradts w'" the prefcnt refpedlive Famers Sc Managers of his Ma‘'* Revenue, may for the time to come be duly and conftantly paid, during his Ma''" Life (w''‘ God long prefervc) not exceeding the following Sums one with another.” 322, j". Report of tlie Mailers of the Mint, to the Lords of the Treafury. Dated April it, 1683. figned Thomas Warton, Cha. Duncomb, John Buckworth, Ja. Hoarc. 324. 18 Report of Dr. Robert Gorge?, containing the State of his Roval Highnefs’s Revenue in Ireland, ex¬ hibited in Feb. 1G65. 326. 19. “ The State of his Royal IlighnelTe allowed Debt.” . 33 ®' 20. Report & Propofals rcfpecling the clothing of the Soldiers. 336. ■ 4893- A very curious Manufciipt, finely w'ritten on Paper & Velhiin, containing a tranflation of the feven firll boolcs of Livy in the old French of the time of John King of France. 1.1350, kc.) The Author calls himfelt Friar Berter, Prior of St. Aloy at Palis, and enumerates five works of which he was the Author. 1. Reduclorium morale. 2. a Repertoriunt morale. 3. Breviarium morale. 4. a map of the World, with a deferipfion, k 5. This ■i'r.mnation ; which is fpoken of as comprifing the three firll Decades, or 30 books, of Livy; of which only 7 are here preferved. As the Language is lingular, & has been mlllaken for Spanilh, fome Specimens of it are fub- joined. After a kind of Didlionary of Latin words, not rendered in the Tranflation but ufed unaltered, ll’.e Iiitrodudion to the Work thus begins, " Aiprincep de molt gran excellencia, Johan Rey de Franfa, per la tlivinal gracia, Frare Pere Berter fon petit Servidor, Prior a piefent de Sent Aloy de Paris, ab tota humil reverencia ct fubieilio.” Afier afligning certain general reafons for the ITn- derfrking, he thus explains the Jsfign; fanftioned alfo by the King’s Command. “ Axi donchs, molt excellent Senyor, me manats VOS, que les III decades de Titus Livius, on les quals Ibn contiimades les yllories Romanes yo tranflaJes de 1. a.'i cn J''r. 7 } 3 ccs.'* Here, therefo’-e, again in the next fentence, & dlb.vhere, tlie Author calls the language he ul'es French. His works arc thus recounted by himl'elf. 1. “ De les quals lo primer es Reduflori moral. 2. lo fegon es Repertori moral. 3. lo ters cs breviari moral 4. lo quart li e? lo mapa mundi, es la Referip- cio. 5. lo quint es aquella tranflacio.” This Volume contains 241 leaves, and is in the bell polllblc prefervation. xv. 4894. Codex menibranaceus, foliorum 238, cuititulus, “ Ro- berti Rvpon, Sermonum Liber.” Cum Indice al- phabctico, ec prologo in indicem. xiv. 4895- In two narrow folio Vols. An Inventory of Charters granted in Scotland, from the year 1431J to 1585. Sec N 41 34. 4896. L-bcr devitisSanflorum, ex variis aucloribus, ut vide- lur, compilatus. Codex membranaceus, initio et fine muiilus, fed conllans adhuc paginis 322. .xiii. Num. 4897—4900. 4897. A Paper book, of 162 leaves, befides a copious Index, containing an Account of the Nobility of Rouen, from 1666 to 1GS2, by James Barin. The title at large is this. “ Recherche de la noblefie de la generality de Rouenfaittedepuis i666jufqu’en 1682: parM"^ Jacques Barin Chev' Marquis Seigneur de la GalilTonniere, Confciller du Roy, en tous fes conJeils, et m^iire des Requetes, ordinaire de fon hotel, intendant dejuflice, police, el finance, en ladite generalite, Dans laquelle recherche on voit ceux qui font maintenus en la quaiitc des nobles et d’Ecuyers, ceux qui font renvoyes au Conl'eil, ceux qui ont renonce ^ la qualite, comme aulh ceux qui ont etc declares ufurpateurs, et comme tels condamucs en amende et reflitution envers les ha- bitans du lieu de leurs demeures.” 4898. A large folio Volume of 68'9 pages, befides 26 preced¬ ing leaves, all fairly written in a large hand on paper, well preferved, & thus entitled, *' An Inventory of the Houfehold Goods, Jewells, Plate, Piflures, &c. belonging to the late King. (Charles i.) Sold by Order of the Council of State, from the feveral Places k Palaces following. The Tower Jewell Houfes, SomerfetHoufe, White¬ hall, Greenwich, Wimbleton, Oallands, Windfor, Hampton Court, Richmond, Sion Houfe, St. James's, and feveral other Places. With the feveral Contrafls made by the Contrac¬ tors forfalc of the faid Goods, &c. from the year 1649 to 1652.” The other places that occur in this Volume are Nonfuch, 'Iheobalds, St. Margaret’s Church, Derby Houfe, Carilbroke, & Ludlow Cadies, Woodllock, C^c. 4899. A Mufic book, marked at the beginning, " tiumfredus Wanlcy e roll. Uiiiv. Oxon. Dec. 24 1697.” It contains, 1; The flute part, for fix Sonatas of Sig'Rafaello Cortevil, dated Londra 1686. 2. D^ for an Overture & Sonata, by Mr. Keene. 3. —for fix Sonatas of Godf. Finger, and one of Mr. Robert King. 4. The bafe part for fome Italian Songs; 5. Several more pieces of Flute mufic. G. Atp.73. The Score of fome pieces of Mafs mufic, in fix Parts; containing a Laudamiu, a Credo, kc. The Author’s Name does not appear. Thefe extend to page 119. 7. A Fragment in three parts, inflrumental; 4900. Codex membranaceus condans foliis 108, bene feriptus et illuminatus, cumannis, &r. “ Hie liber MSS. diiSlus Wriothefley” fuit “ Li¬ ber Williiii Dethick, Garterii, principalis Regis Armo- rum Anglicorum. Ex dono patris fui Gilbertii Dethick militt Garterii principalisRegisAi'inorum Anglic™nuper defundti, I 564.” “ Liber podea Johis Borrough militis, Garterii, nunc hoc anno 1704, pertinet Retro le Neve, Norrov regi Armorum. Ita tellor P. le Neve,” qui etiain fic infra, ct multa in margine per totum Volumen, anne- lavit: “ See this Book quoted in a book of the hand of Sr. Thomas George Kn' Garter, a thin Book entitled Mifctllanea, pag. 123. Begins with Fees.” Infant,’ 3 K I, Literre r.arl. Vol. hi. fl; Catalogus Librorum MSS. 4900. 1. Liters; patentes 25 H. 8. quibus Marcus Merger, Gennanus, donatur torque militari. i. 2. -25 H. 8. quibus donantur Arma Johaniii Malcnbeck. 2. & 'i 2. b. 5 H. 8. Eligiiur Ferdinandus Infans Caf- tella: in fodalilium Militum S. Gcorgii, 8. Copie do la lettrc de Monfieur le Legat ct Cardinal d’Angleterre. 11. 4. The manner of creating of Henry Duke of York, fecond fon of H. 7, with the order of the Procefiion, kc. 12. A. 5. Carta creadonis Hen. vice-comiJs Bourchier in Comitcm Elfex. i Ed. 4. 6. LiterjE patentes, 4 Eliz. crcationis Walter vice- coIniti^ Hereford in Coniitem F.lfex. 13. b 7. Patents of fevcral Creations, by H. 8. 14. 17. 1 8. in 46. viz. Henry Stafford Brother to the Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Wyers, Edward Stanley Lord Monteagle, Sr. Henr^’ Morvey LordMorvey, Lord But¬ ler, created Earl of Offor)', &:c. alfo Sir'W® Paulet, Lord St. John, and Thomas Lord Cromwell, Earl of ElVex. 8. Carta Confirmaiionis terrar. Elenrici de .rVldiche- legh, iiH. 3, 15. 9. The Drapers Company founded, 14V9. tg- to. Grants of Arms, by Thomas Wriutheflty, Gar¬ ter King at Arms, to Jthan Alfrey, 1595. And to Hugh Vaughan, 6 H. 7. And to Cardinals College at Oxford, 17 Hen. 8. And to Tho. Winter, 17 H. 8. I’o John Dorman, 16 H. 8. To Gall. Chamber, 20 H. 8. To Jane Bill. 20 H. 8, 21. 3 c. It. Creatio Johannis Baronis Talbot in Com. Salop. 20 H. 6. 3 °- 12. An Award between Sir John Bourcher & Sir Tho. Ferrers, about Lands in Effex. Ed. 4. 31. 13. Creatio WoKlani Brown in miliiem, per Regem Hirpanix, i 511. Et augmentatio Armorum Dhi Cor- fon, per Rcgem Romanorum, 1500. 36. 14. Creauo Thoma: Grey in Marchionem Dorfet, 13 Ed. 4. 37 - 15. Creatio Ducis Norfolk, 5 IT. 8. 45. 16. E'ees appertaining to the Office of Arms, at the Creation of great Eilates. 46. 17. Creatio Coinilis Surrey, 3 IT. 8. Et Marchi- oniffa; Pcmbrochia;. 2411,8. 47 - 5 ^- 18. Curia WardianiThomte Goldfborough, 18H.8. 49 - 5 ^- 19. Liieru; patentes Armorum Laureiiiij SteiberGerm. 1520. . . 5 *- 23 . Creado Comitis Devon. . . . Eliz. 52. 31,-Baronis de Effingham, de Shandos, tu Comitis Kildare, i Marite. 54 - 22. ■ — Comitis Huntingdon, 21 H. 8. 56. 33. -Vicecomltis Montisacuti, 2 Marirc. 57. 24. The Award between the E. of Cumberland & Sir Tho. Wriotheffey, about the hlunor of Goldlbo- ruugh, 8;c. 17 Hen. 8. 5 ^' 23. Creatio Baronis Percy 3 5 : 4 Ph. & Ma. 77. 90. 26. Redditus annui Regi Armorum per varies con- ceffi, &c. 80.95. viz. E. L. Derby. Rob. L.C.urzon, Sr. John ITungcrfoi d, Sir Amias Paulet. 27. Creado Baronis de Denbigh. 6 Eliz. 91. ^8. . - — Baronis Burgliley, 13 Eliz. 92. 2g,-Baronis de la Warre. 12 Eliz. 98. 30. De hdelitate Regum ScotLe, Regibus Anglia: pneflita. ‘oi. 31. Creatio Ambrofii Dudley in Baroiiein Infulae, et Comitem Wanvici, 4 Eliz. i®2. 32. Litera patentesComitisMarefcalliAngUa:, Georgio Comiti Salop conccllk;. i4ldiz. 108. 33 - --Thomx Wriotheffey chev' principal Roy des Annes, &c. per me Gulielmuni Kyley, .Sep. 10. 1624. Nuni. 4.C01- Antonli de Padua, Sennones in Epiffolas & Evange'ia. Codex membranaceus,fads lucuientericriptus. xv. 4902. A-Augullini Hipp.Epifcopi,de Civltatc Dei, libn xxii. Codex memoranaceus, pulchriiiulinis eximia.-, cum infignibusEpifeopi cujufdam, et piclurls aliorum ;u prime folio. Prims; litcra: librorum fingulornm ele ganter omata:. Sciiptura luculenta et requabilL, lito.ir quadrads Ttomanis exarata. Ad finem nota anr.i man:- fefto fpuria 1740. Codex, fine dubio, ficculi dccimi quinti. xv. 49 ^ 3 * A large vellum book, written In three Columns, fur- ineilv belonging to the Count de Brieime, whofe Ai'ins are damped on the Covers. It appears to be a i'eccnd Volume, tis the leaves are marked at bot¬ tom with the beginning ofafeennd alphabet, Aa i. 2, &c. and the matter begins abruptly, 'i'he whole has been a Romance of great Extent, illuminated at every principal divifion with Pictures very rudely drawJi. The chief names occurring in this part are thole ol Cailidorus, Pclyarmenus, Jofyas, Hdcanus, iVe. This Volume has every eight leaves nrarked, like an octavo ffieet, though ±e fize is that of a very large Folio, and the firll divifion or fliect of this kind is marked 30. The former Volume ought therefore to have contained 35 of fuch Iheets. The enumeration is carried on here to 6;;, marked on the lall Page of each eight leaves, of which therefore there ought to be 240- At the end is the follow ing colophon, but no date. “ Ci line les livres de Marques de Romine, dc Laurin, de Cailidorus, ct rulyarmanus. el des fairs dc ptufieurs emperours de Romme et de CunffantinuobL-. Si comme il ell devant conteiiu cii I'yRoire.’' Xi\. 4904. Aur. Auguffini, Hip. ep. Commentarlus in 49 PS'Amoj priores. Xll. Codex mctnbranaceus, in lincmuiilus. 4905- Codex membranaceus clegaus, in eodetn volumine cmn Num. 7400 eompadlus. Contiiiet Epitonias Hillotia: Livianae, Floro aicnptas. Liber quodam Colleg. Agcn. SocJefuj Scriptus er johannem Dioiiifmm, .xv. P 4006. S. rlieronymus De vita acliva 5 : contemplariva, Liber; continens capita 121. Ad finem fcrilutur. xv. Fratribus in Ganda liber hie Jheronimianus Ell: feriptus, Chriito fit laus & gloria lempev. i4''5- De quo Petrus quidam Palulianus Carindita Flan- drenfis fic infra firripfit. “ Nunc vendidctuiit hicreticl Librum hunc apuJ Francos Rochomagenfes ; uti vendunt Diaholn anlmas fuas pro pecuniis. Quod teftor ego Petrus PaluJanus Flandr. Brugen.” Codex membranaceus pulcher, 4907. A paper book uniformly written, containing the fo- lowing artides, in French. I. “ Traide particulicr fntre I'Archiduc Leopold, les deux L'lgues Grifes et Cadee, et Seigneur Jc Mav fdd. MarsC, J622.” I s. “ Traide Bibliothecas Harieianae. -'9 Num. -1937. 2. ^ ■■ Traide Je Undiii enh'e I’archJduc Lcopokl et les Grifoiis. 30 Scptem. 1622/’ 3. “ Depolt cic !a Valteline par le Roy d'F.fpa'rne enire les mains du Pape, Febr. 1623.” ° 4- “ Traiad de Ligueentre le Roy de France, la Re- publique de Veiiife, et le Due dc Savove, pour le re- couviement de la Valteline, 23 Feb. 1623.” 5. “ Clapituiation entre les Roys dc France & d’Efpagne pour I'accoininodement dcs diflercnds des Grilons, I’eburier 1624.” 6. “ Articles concemans la religion conclus p.ir le Pape TJrbain viii. pour eftre gardez eii la Vailcline 1624.^’ 7. “Efeript envm-d au Rov de France, par le Sr. Guefficr, foil Ambalfirdeur aiix Grifons fur les mouve- mens de laVatelinc, 1624.” 8. “ Articles accordez aux Valtelins par ie on Mar¬ quis dc Ciccuvre Lieutenant General des Annees du Roy aux (JHfons. 6x'’''i524.” ^ 5- ‘ Iraidle dc Monfon fait par ics deux Couronnes fur les affairs des Grifons. 5 Mars 1626.” ID. “ Articles fecrets du fufdit rraidtS de Monfon 16:6.” 11. Refponfe des Grifons lur la prefentation i eux t.y.xc du Traiau dc Monlbn, par FAmbamideur de France 9. 9'' iSzB.” 12. Autre refponfe Jefdils Grifons baillez par elenpt audit Sr. AmbalTiideurle Sr. CliafU-auneuf, fur la prefentation dudit Traicte de Monfon. 12 Nov^’'-' j 626.” 13. “ iJecIaratioii des Roys de France et J’Ffpagne jouchant le cens annuel que par le Trafdc de MonW les Valtelins lioiveiit payer aux Grifons. 22 x^'^c 1626.” 14- “ Exhortation aux Sullies par M. le Marquis de Cceuvre, pour I’execution du trai^e de Monfon. 1626.” 15. “ Conference tenuc a Coyre entre M. le Marquis de Challcauneuf Ambaff. extraorJ. du Roy de I'rance, et les deputes du Confeil Peret des Grifons, fur I’expti- cation des articles du Traiclc dc Monfon. 1627.” 16. “Declaration des Ainbalfadeur.s' de France aux Cantons Catholiques Suifles fur les Articles du Traicbc de Monfon. Janvier 1627.” i;. “ Acceptation du Traiclc de Monfon par les Icpt Cantons Catholiques SuilLs. 4 Janvier 1027.” iS. Harangue faitte au Roy tres Chreliien par les de¬ putes des Grifons, 1627.” 19. “ Declaration du Roy tres clircnicn fur les traiclc-s Je Milan, Coyre, et Lindau faites par les Grifons, 14 Septenih. 1627.’^ 29. “ Gouvernemciit dlabli par les Valtelins, luin 1627." 2f. “ Ordonnance des Valtelins touchant ceux de la religion. 1627.” 22. “ Ade J’oppofition de I’AmbafTadeur de France lu gouverncinent ellabli par les Valtelins. 20 Dec 23. “ i.ettre du Govcrncur de Milan aux Valtelins ipprovant le Gouverneincnt par eux eltabli. 22 0 £t. 1627.*’ 24. “ Harangue du Sr. de Molina deputd des Grifons . .u Royde I'Vance. 23 Janvier 1628.” 2 “ Lettre dea Grilons au Roy de France. Janvier C28.” a6. “ ILxpHcafion du Traiclc de Monfon, par Ic Roy ■ ic France 6 Join, 1C28.” ^ 27. “ 'I'raiac d’lnljn-uk entre I’Archiduc Leopold ' cles Grifons, 1629.“ 1 28. “ Memoires dt Ic Due dd Rj. £if Jt TyK i\>dSx y^^T^a» fif!fvtx,9£h- xafa pcaf.’ptc’j pcova;^ou toj TrAavovon. P. Ovidii Nafonis (ut vulgo dicitur) de Somnio. “ Noxerat etfommis,” &c. 1 o. P. Ovidii Nafonis de Somno. Poema prascedente etiam tnanifeilius fpurium. 11. Julii Papa: indiaio ConventusMantuE, vel Utini, in agro Forojulienfi, habendi. 4914. “ Alexandri Yatros fophifia: Libri tres,” fdllcet Medi- cinfc praaic$. Scribitur in margine folii primi, manu rccente, “ Ilic Alexander Trallianus eft, ut pater ex collatione exemplaris Gracci et hujus p^ai'a iiiterpre- tarionis.” Liber chartaceus paginarum 623. falls luculenter fcriptus- 4915- Codex men'.branaceus elepanter fcriptus, cum noils mar- ginalibus, et interiineatis. Continentur : Valerii Maxlmi fadorum diclorumque memorabi- ium, ad Tiberiuin Csefarem Libri ix. Ad fine.n “ Conftantus de ello fcripfit.” Infra, fecund^ manu. “ Poftillatum per me Ani- brofiuin de roziis, (fic) et expletum die xxvi aprilis 1428.” Liber forfan feculi fuperioris. ■ xiv. 4916. Codex membranaceus elegans. x''* Continc-ns Diodori Siculi libros n, 12, 13, in Latinum converfos. Infcriptiones in ipfo Codice hx funt. ...... -r In piimo folio, “ Diodori Siculi hiftoriarum pnlca- rum libri tres, per Jacobum de Sando cafliano Cremo- iicnfem tradudi.” Port capita libri prlmi. “ Diodori Siculi capitula definunt. Hiftona in- cipit, converfa in Latinum jubentc Nicolao Quinto Pont. Max. Anno m.ccccj.iii.” Ad fremtem libti prlmi. “ Jacobi de Sando Caftiano, Cremonenfis Canomci Regularis Ordinis Sci Auguftini Vidoriani, ad Nicnlaum Ouintum Pont. Max. Diodori Siculi Liber fcli- citfi* incipit, de Greco in Latinum tranfiatus. Ad finem Operas ; “ Jacobi de Sando Cafliano, Cremonenfis Reguhris Canonici, Ordinis Sandi Auguftini Vidoriani, ad Nico- laum Quintum Rummiim pontificem Max. Diodori Siculi llilloviarum libcT tcriius decitmis de greco in latinum iranflatus foeliciterexpl cit, per meMichaclem Laurentii claromontenfis diocefeos, nomine Rev"' patris et_ dm Petri Epi Treafonens. San"’' domini inci dni Pauli divina faventc dementia pape fecimili. die xxx inenfts Marti!, Anno Iiicarnationis dominicxMiUeliino quadringentefimo fexagefmio none; Puntif*. vtro cjus Anno quinto. RoiniC.” 4917. A moft elegant book on vellum, with three elaborate illuminations, containing an old tranllation of Cicero s Eflays de SenecltUe and de Jmkitid^ by Laurent de Premierfait. As this is moil fully exprefled in ihe title to the feennd trad, it is here given at large. A tres excellent, glorieux, et noble prince Loys oucle de Roy dj Prance, due de Bourbon, Comte de Num. 4917—4923. Clermont et de Foreftz, Seigneur de Beauleu, grant Chamberier et per de France, droidement et bien uler de Vfe dignite et puiflance tevrienne, Vidoire defiree de Vos ennemis manifefts, et caichez, accroilfemt de bonnes mcEurs et Vertus, et entier accompliifement de Vfe bonne Efperance, et envers vous comme feigneur et prince, Moy Laurent de premierfait vore eleve et I'ervi- teur deflevius (?) bienvielance et amitic.” xv. 4918. Codex membranaceus, verborum contradionibus prater folitum abundans. Continentur ca quse fequuntur ; xv. 1. Epiftolmfpuriffl S. Pauli et Seneca: Philofophi. 2. Epiftolx Seneca: genuina:. Non omnes, fed pie- rteque, ordine tamen perverfo. 1. b. 3. Senecas de Clementia, libri 2. 42. 4. -de Beneficiis. Libri 7. 45? h. -de quatuor virtutibus. Liber fpurius. 55- b. 6. -de remeiUis fortuitorum. Ejufdem farinas. 56. b. 7. Senecse fententise, ordine alphabctico digefts. 5«- 8. Confpedus ecclefiafclcus imperii Romani, cum epiftolis nonnullis fubjedUs. 61 • 4919. Milfale fecundum ufum Sarum. Codex membranaceus, iinperfedus. 49 = 0. Codex chartaceus, in ecdeni voluminc cum numero 2739 compadus. Continct M.T. Ciceronis Epifto- Inrum, ad Familiare# ut vulgo dicuncur, libros xvn Codex, utvidetur, melioris notte, conftans paginis feriptis 299. In prime folio fub infignibus viri cujufdam ignoti, feribitur Petrus de fiixo,” quod an Dribas no¬ men At, an poflefTons primi, ve! ferioris, baud facile dicas. Defunt nonnulla ad Ancm libri primi, fcilicct pars fere dimidia epiftolae 9 et decima : folio forlan ablato ante feriptas paginas. Ouod criticos moveret magis, in diias paites dividitur epiltola nona, ad voces “ ut tibi referibam ad ea qua: qua:ris,” at falfo, ut ex contextu liquet. Libri tertii, epiftr.la ndava, a feriba imperfeda relida eft, et omifla eft omnino nona. (pag- 41O Ca:tera rede procedunt, et cum editinnibus videntur congruere. Ordo F.piftolarum in libro ultimo ab editis, ul folet^ diferepat. xv. 4921. Julii Frontini Strategemata, libri 4. 1463. Codex membranaceus. 4922. Codex membranaceus, Uteris quadralls Romanis ele- ganter fcriptus, cuminligniis et ornamentis, in primo folio variis. Continet M.Juftini Epitomes hiftoriarum, exTrogo Pompeio, libros 44. xv. 4923 - Codex chartaceus, pulclicr, er bene fervatus. Infunt, 1. Malchi Monachi Vila: per S.Hieronymum. pag r. XV. 2. Vita Pauli heremifm : per eundem. 8. 3. S. Flieronymi, ad Ileliodotum Epiftola, de con- temptu MuiiJi. . 15* 4. -dehonorc parentum, Epiftola. 21. _Regula vivendi, ad huftachiam & alias congregatas virginci. 24. 7 6. “ Paiho Bibliothecae Harleianse. Nurti. 4923. 6. “ Paifio fanftorum martyrum Gervafii et Protafii, per Sandlum Ainbrofiuin Mediolanenfcm Epifcopum.” 60. 7. S. Agnetis paffio : per S. Ambroilum. 63- 8. Argumentum Epift. Pauli ^ Galat. 71- 9. S. Hieronytni EpiltoijE varite. 73. 10. Cronica Paparum, cumEpiltolis mutuisHieronyini et Damafi Papae. 140. 11. S. Hieronymi, de viris illuflribus, liber. 147. 12. Gennadii Prefb. MafT. de viris illuHribus, liber. 181. 13. IfidoriHifp. ep. de viris illuflribus, liber. 202. 14. Vita Ifidori, quam Braufioni Cselaraug” Epifc. afcribunt libri cdici. 211. 15. Sermo bead Augu/tini, epi, de converfione PauH apli. 212. t6. Vita S. Martini, Sulpicio Severe adfciipta a Gcn- nadio, et hie etiam, in fine. 2 5. f/. Dialogus ejufdem Sulp. Seven, de Virtutibus S. Martini. 235. 18. Epiftola; Tpunte S. Pauli et Seuecx Philofophi. „ . 259. rg. Seneca de Moribus, ut dicitur. 205. 20. -de Rctf.ediis infortuniorurn. 269. -Not .bilium libellus. 276. 22. Hieronymi cpiltoUc dux ad Pammachium ct Marccllam. 284. 23- --— Apologeticum ad Pammachium. 2S6. 24. -Epin;oIa:adTheophiluni, &c. 25. -de morte Paulx. 26. -AdCelantiam, matrimonio junefam, ex- hortans earn ne religionis caufa markuiu abfque confenfu derelinquat. 27. Cromatius et Hcliodorus epifeopi, adHieronymum. 28. Refponlio Hieronvmi, fpuria. 29. Hieronymus amicum quendam confolatur. 20. —. de Vindifta. 31.-ad prtefidium. 33.-Epiftoke quxdam breviores. 23. ad Algafiam de xi queftionibus. 24. -ad Marccllam. 35. ■ — ad Euftochium de Virginitate. 26. - alix epiftolx ; et opulcula, legiiima et fpuria : cum Epitaphio Hieronymi. 37. S. Auguflini Epiftolx paucx. 38. Liber procemiorum, de librorum V. & N. Tefta- menti plenitudine. 39. Plutarchus, de liberis educandis: Latine per Guarinum Veronenfem. 40. Nicolai Perotti, procemium et tradu£bio Plutarchi, de Alexandri M. fortuna. at. Plutarchi do dilFerentia inter odium & invidiam, liber, per eundem Perottum. 42. Bafilii M Oratio, dc invidia, per eundem. 43. Epi( 5 teti Enchiridion, per Perottum ; cum prse- fationc Simplicii. 44. Contenrio pro Lucretia. 45. Platonis Epifiolx, per L. Aretinum. 46. Platonis Axiochus, per Rainutium. 47. - Crito, per Leon. Aretinum. 48. Epifiolx Artaxerxis, llippocratis, 5 cc. 49. I.eonardi Aretini Orationes Homeri. 50. Dialogus Alexandri, Hannibalis, et Scipionis, e Grxco per Job. Aurilpam. ^i. Ciceronis Oratio ad populum, pro reditu. 52. Bafilii M. de infiituendis adolefcentibus, & poeta- ru’Ti Itudio, liber ; per Leon. Aretinum. 5 j. Hilarii Piet. ep. de fynodis contra haerefes, liber. 54. De Provinciis Iialix, fragmentum. 55. Aurelii Viftoris, de Viris illuftribus liber, Plinio juniori, ut folet, adferiptus. vid. 4868. 3. 56. Jo. Boccacii, de claris raulieribus, liber. 57. Liber Auguilalis, cominens brevem omnium Im- Cat. Harl. Voi.. Ill. Num. 4923—4927. peratoruTT) defcn'pti'onem, adNic. MarchionemEftenfem, Frocedit ufquc ad Wenciflaum CaroHum. 3^'. M. Tullii Cic. Sonmium Scipionis. 50. Gregorii Nazianzeni Vita, per Ambrofiurr. 60. De facerdotio Clirilt. : per eundem Ambrofium Flor Monachum. 61. I-pifiolx fpurix Pilati, Lentuli, &c. de Chrifio, &: Johaniie Ap. 62. Mardochxi Judxi Epiftola ad Alexandrum M. quod unum Deiim agriofcat. 63. Lucian Dialogus Charon, per Joh. Aurifpam. 64. Dionyfii Halicanialfei, de nupiiis et natalitiis libel¬ lus : per Theodoruin Gazeutn. 4924. A curious MS. chiefly on Paper, with various grotefque ornaments and titles, containing a treatife on Arith¬ metic, written at the end of the Reign of Elizabeth, as ajipears from this title. “ This Boock Teacheth the perfect worke and prafiice of Arethmellcke Both in whole numbers and fradions, made by me Ihomas Oiborne at Lewedoune (and fullie finiflied) before the 28 day of March. ^?ino Domini 1602.” Part of the tables of contents of the firfi h fecond Parts of the work has been loft by being folded. 1 he whole coiififts of three parts. xvii. 4925- A thin folio of 77 pages, fairly written and in good pre- fervation, having this title “ Anglix SpeCtaculum ; England’s Spectacle nr looking glaife, wherein is to be Icene God’s iurefiiewing mercy of our blelTed and Royal King’s prefervation and deliverance at Worcefter fight; and God’s judgements againft the murderers of the (acred King his father.” This is followed by feveral quotations from Scrip¬ ture, and the next leaf contains a dedication “ 1 o the right honble. Sir Edw. Hide Kt. Ld. Chancellor of England, by Wm. Hurman of Sliafton in the County of Dorl'ct, father of your late fervant John Hurman, who who wayted on you his ford & Mafier thro’ Spain, France, St Holland, many years, in time of your afflic¬ tions with your facreJ King,” &c. p. 3. and on p. 5. arc Ibme Verfesaddrefledto the Reader by Wm. Hurman. 'I'his is now bound up with 23- 8, & five other numbers of “ Mifcellanies relating to Englifli Hiftory.” 49:6. A fmall folio of 146 Pages, containing various Coats of Arms, See. w'ith an alphabetical Index. This num¬ ber is fairly written, and the arms i crefts neatly tricked, Sc now bound up with 5875. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num, 4927, 4928. 13. M. Tullii Ciceroiiis de Piovinciis Confularibus et Senatu. 14. -pro P. Sextio. go. 15. -. -■.. in laudem C. C^faris, pro M.Marcel'o reftituto. 100. ■ ■ pro Q. Ligario. 103, 17.-pro Rcge Deiotaro. 107. ig. -— —Dialogus, de Amicitia. tii. Ad fmem folii ultimi, “ Incipit liber Tullli de St- nedlute,” qui videtur olim ab hoc codice diflradtus. Codex membranaceus, optime fcriptus, et ferratus. 4928- The Genealogical Hiflory ot the Houfe of Slurlev t by Thomrilos Caloleiinon. xxn. “ The pencalogick Hillory of the Houfe of Shirleys, I.ords of Etingdon, Shirley, Hoya, Ednefour, Staunton Harold, Ragdale, Braylesford, Aflwcll, Sc divers other Places. Jufiifiedby Charters of divers Churches, pub- lick Records of the Kingdom, private Evidences, & other good & certain proofs ; inriched with divers figures and difeourfes of Antiquity. By Thomahos Calolieraon, Philopatron.” This is doubtlefs a fuElitious name or rather a fyuonymous one, formedfrom the Greek, forShirley, the real Author being Sr. Thos. Shirley Kt. of Botulphbridge in Com. Huntingdon, (called alfo a lingular lover Sc fcarcher of Antiquities, p. 108. b.) as appears in the title page to his other collections 4028, & dedication in 4''2 3, of which lull this MS. is principally a tranflation, tho' confiderable variations and additions, See, are to be reciprocally found in each, as here briefly noticed. Each book of this volume has grotefque drawings at the top The fird Book in 21. folios divided into 4 Chapters, & entitled, (p. i,', The Prerogatives & Excellencies, of the houfe of Shirley,” difl'ers very' little from the latin copv, except in the lad pages where the feals are dif- fercii'lv placed. Chap. 2. is an excellent trealife “ on the Names of this renowned family & their Etimologies Clhap. 3. fp. g. &c.) “ The Situation, Antiquity, 5 c brief defeription of the Towns of Ettingdon & Shir- lev, with the I tiinologies of their Names.” The latter being derived from y‘ Saxon S/jirCy clear, & ley, a place or padure, & which accounts for the Author’s coining for himfelf the. above Greek furname, adding Philopatron, or I.over of his ancedors. Chap. 4. (p. II.) “ The Arms & Cred of the Houfe of Shirleys.” A learned and ingenious difeourfe upon armorial bearings in general, A' illudratcd by Seals of this family in particular, mod of which are engraved exaflly as thofe drawings, in Dugdale’s Warw. p. 47S, tho’ no ufe is made of thefe MSS. Other drawings of tlie lame, &c. may be feen in 4028. p. 40.72, S:c. Book 2. ^p. 2, ) “ The Lords of Etingdon, Shirley, E'nefoner, &c. from the year 1042 until iiSc.” The colours of the Arms being difi'erent in the title pages, 5 : alfo more drawing."! in 4023. This is divided into 5 Chapters, the id. of whic[i contains many curious re¬ marks upon Saxon & Norman, & other Dignities, &:c. Book 3. (p-43-' “ThcLordsof Etingdon, Shirley, See. from iiilo to 1367. the arms dilfering as before.” Book 4. (p. 58.) The Lords of Shirley, See. from 1367. to 1443. p. 60, Sec. is an account of the Bafl'ets of Dray.on. See. of which fee alfo Hiitory of Staff. Vol. II. p. 2. &c. Pp. 82. b. 86. b. Are monumental Infcrip' from Brailcsford 2 c Barrow Church, C° Derby, (See Nich. Leiced. Vol. III.) Book 6. (p. 89.) The Lords of Shirley, Ettington, i-C. from 1481 to i6;2. Num. 4928—4931. P. 108. &c. is a full account of Sir George Shirlev, & his noble monument in Bredon Church, a drawing of which, & divers others may be feen in 4028, p.t84, &c. There alfo feveral coats of Arms in 4023, which are not at the end of this book. Book 7. (p. 112.) The Lords of Iitnn, Weffon, 2 cc. from 1 112 to ic6g. The Arms are drawn in the title page of 4023, and feveral other coats in different page.s not in this. Books, (p. 129.) “ The Lords of Ednefouer from 1103 to 1244, with all the ancient branches of the Elder- tymes, fprung from the principal arbor of the Shirleys, that as yet could be gathered out of any Records, Charters, or other Monuments of Antiquiiie.” from 1292 to 1325. Books 9 & to. which are here unaccountably de¬ ficient, as the proofs to them are aficrwards noticed, may be feen in the Latin copy 4023. They contain the Lords of Wednedon or Widon, Ayhurd, Chilling- ton, Hyon, Woohull, Iringbam, Bodington, How- Court, Wed-Griuded, See. Co. SuiTex, &c. Of this lad place, & of Wifiou near Steyning, & of another Manor belonging to the Shiricy.s, viz. Islicld near Lewes, a lull accountwith this monumental Incrip- tions, &c.is printed in the Topographer, Vol. 3. p.143. 332. 336, &c. See alfo drawing of the monuments, See. in 4028. P.142. “ The Proofes of the Houfe of the Shir¬ leys, extracted out of the private Evidences of the family, out of the Charters of divers Churches. Abbeys, Prio¬ ries, & other Monadeiies, out of the Regiders cf the Highe Courte of Chauncerie, tlic Pleas of the Courtes of the Kings Benche, Common Pleas, Exchequer, & other Courts of Judice, out of many Inquiiitions, Carta? AntiqucE, & other Records in the Tower of London, & out of divers Titles, Rolles, & otlier Monuments of Antiquity. With the figures of the ancient Seales 2 c Armeswith whicli the Lords & Dames of Shiiley have fealed their Contraftes, Actes, Deeds, & Indentures. By Thomados Calulcimon, Philopatron,” Thefe 10 Books are much more full & curious than in 4028, being inriched with many ancient & beautiful Seals not diawn in that Volume, as noticed on the blanks therein. Many of the fame Charters, Seals, Sec may likewife be feen in 4028. 4929- 1. M. Tulii Ciceronis, de Ofticiis h'bri 3. Deed pri- mum folium ; incipit in capite qiunto. 2. -de Amicitia, liber. 3. - de Senedute, liber. Codex membranaceus. xiv, 4930- Hidor}' of England, from Brute to 25 Ed. 3. This i® again the old Clironicle called Brute, written on Paper, on tog leaves. At fol. 29. is an engraved fpecimen of a charter : & a note refpeding the bind¬ ing of the book, on the fird leaf figned Rich.Byffyelde. 493 ^* A Paper Book containing a mifccllaneous colIedi('n of compofitions in profe & verfc, State Papers, and Par¬ liamentary Reports, paged throughout, with an alphabetical index prefixed. The State Papers refer¬ ring chiefly to the years 1640 and 1641. Perhaps once belonging to the Bp. ct Armagh, See Art. 93. The book has the appearance of having lod feveral leaves, as the following pages are wanting, y, ic. 41. 42. 79, 80. 81. 82. 93. 94. 95. gS. 133. 134. 145. 14S. 151. 152.153, .54. 187. 18S. 195. 196. Eibliothec^e Harleianae. 2,23 Num. . “ Concerning our Armies ag" the Scots in the yeare .640." At the bottom, “ Ha:c ex Manuferipto Do- miniConnaway quod ex ipfiusMufa^o petituin fuit.” 122. 42. Verfes made upon the Vifitation of Dr. Duck the Chancellor of London Diocefle, for the Bp. of London Anno 1640. Aug. Sept. Called the Duck’s Curr-anto.’’ 43. The Petition of the Gentry of York to the Kmi- Jul. 28, 1640. 44. •' John Hafkins his Letter found in St. Maiy Overies.” Jun. t, 1640.” *27^ 45 - Petition of the Grand Jury of Berks to the Kiw Jul. 11,1640. , 45. “ The Petition of the Lords, fubferibed by to of them, & prefented to the King at York, Sept. 3, 1640.” 1 . 31 . 4/. ” His 214 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4931. 47. “ His Maiefty^s Speech to the Lords, Sept. 24* 1640. at the meeting of the Peers at York.” 135. 48. “ Remembrances for the L"* CommifTioners, to put them in mind of fuch things as have falne into Debate, about the Demands of the Scotts, for mainten- ance of the Army during the Treaty.” Nov. 13, 1640. ' 37 - 49. “ The forme of Government in the Kirke of Scotland.” , ’ 35 * 50. “ Some things in the worf of God in Scotland, which will be amended in this begunne Reformation. Jan. 1640.” * 43 * The Midlefex petition, Oft. 1640. 147- 52. The King’s Speech Nov. 3, i ^o. 155. 33. Proceedings in the Pari' of November 3, 1040. ^ 57 ' 54. The Scottifii Charge upon the Earle of Straf- ord. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Nov. 18, 1640.’ 161. 55. A ballad entitled “ Gramercy good Scott,” which is the burden of it, 1640. 36, The accufation of John Lord Finch, Baron of Fordich. Lord Keeper of the Create Seale of England, by the Commons in this Parliam' alTembled, charging him with High Treafon, ?c other mifdemeanours.” ^ 169. 37. Sc Poem entitled, ” The univerfall Scourge of the Times.” Feb. 1640. ‘"d* 58. Petition of London to the Parliament. >79 The Petition of Mr. Erbury & the Principality of Wales to the H. of Commons. Dec. 1640. 185. 60. Petition of fome Miniilers of Peterboro'-gh Diocefe. Nov i6ao. >^ 9 - 6r. Sir Benjamin Rydier’s Speech in the houfe of Commons. Nov. 7, 1640. I 9 >' 62. Sir Edward Deerings ift Speech, Nov. 1, 1640. 197. 63. --fecond. Nov. 23. 199. 64. -—— third. Dec. 4. 205. 65. Lord Falkland’s Speech in the Houfe of Commons. Dec. 7. 1604. _ 2og. 66. Report of the Committee for Information. Dec. 19, 1640. docketted “ I'he Order of the Houfe about earcliing into the want of Preaching in the Kingdom.” Dec. 19, 1640. 2i3- 67. Mr. Bagfhaw’s fecond Speech in the Houfe of C'. 217. 63 . “A Speech of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the Houfe of Com'”, concerning Bifhopps. beb. 9, 1640.” 219. 69. “ Verfes upon the Archb’’Jan. 1640.” 22 f. 70. The order of the Lords Houfe for Divine fervice. Jan. 16, 1640. ^^ 3 - 71. ’I'he King’s Speech, Jan. 23,1640. 225. 72. Mr. Pyni’s Speech on prclenting the Impeachment againd the Earl of SiralVord. 229. 73. The King’s Speech, Feb. 3. 1640. 232. 74. TheAniweroi the Commillioners, Feb. 5, 1640. 233- 75. Meffage from the Queen to the Houfe of Com¬ mons, Feb. A, 1640. 76. Loi-d Falkland’s Speech in the H. of Commons, Feb. 9, 16-0, concerning Bilhops. _ _ 237. 77. The King’s fpeech on pafTmg the Triennial Bill, Feb. 16, 1640. 78. A printed paper, “ From the CommifTioners of Scotland, 24 Feb 1640.” 79. A Scottiih Paper, March 1, 1640. In a later hand. ” 1 his paper is the Explanation of the printed paper, 24 Feb. 1640.” 249. 80. Petition of the County of Cheder. March 1640. 251- 81. Aft of Attainder agaJnd Lord StralFord 235. Nurn. 4931—4933- 82. Petition of io,coo CitizensofLondon, forredrefe of Grievances, delivered on April, i, 1641. 2:7. 83. The King’s Speech on difarming the Papifls, 5 cc. April 28, j64t. 261. 84. The King’s Speech in favour of Lord Strafford. May 1, 1641. 263.^ 85. “ The Coppy of the Paper that came out of Sir Harry Vane’s black velvett cabinett. This counfel was given on May 5, 1640. on the day the Parliam' broke up.” 265. 86. “ A Catalogue of the Earl of Stradbrd’s Friends which voted againd the Bill of Attainder in the Houfe of Commons, Apr. 22, 1641.” In the Margin is written, “ Thefe men were poded up in the Yard to the Parliant' Stairs, all their names dood there a whole day, May 3, when there were fo many thoufands, with this title, thefe are the Betrayers of their Country.” 267. 87. “ The names of fuch as ranne away upon the dif- covery of the Plott by the Popilh Side, in the beginning ofMav, 1641. 88. '“ The Lord Maior's Order (commanded by the H. ofComonsto the feverall w^ards of y'City for the fanftifvingof the L"‘day. April 14, 1641.”) 271. Sp.’Proporuions of the Lords in Strafford’s trial. , 273. 90. The Preamble to the Protedation, Sc the Proteda- tionitft-lf, May 3, 1641. 277. 91. The fame in print, with the Order of the Houfe of Commons. 92. A printed Copy of Verfes attributed to Lord Strafford. 93. Another Copy pretending the fame. At the bot¬ tom of this is written, in the fame hand with many of the Annotations, “ Strafford never made Verfe in his Life. Tcde Epif. Armagh.” 94. “ His Maj' Letter to the Lords in the bchalfe of the Earle of Strafford, fent by the Prince, May to, 1641. ” with hidovical notices fubjoiiicd. 293. 0^. Verfes on S;rafford’s Death, by Cleveland. 295. g6. Aft for abolifhing Bifiiops, See. May 27, 1641. 97. Requifitions from the Commons to the Lords, delivered by Pym, Jun. 24, 1641. 299. 98. The Queen’s defire to go to Spa. 301. 99. “ ArtTdes of High Treafon againd the I.ord Kym- balton, Mr. JohnPym, Mr. Denfell Hollis, Sir Arthur Haflerigge, Mr. Hampden, & Mr. Stroud,” Jan. 3. 1642. 1 00. The King’s Proclamation for apprehending Mr. Denzell Hollis, Sir Arthur FIcflerigg, Mr. John Pyni, John Hampden, Mr. \Vm. Strode, Jan. 3, 1642. Sub¬ joined is this note. “ The Lord Keejicr refufed to feale this Proclamation, whereupon it was only paflcd up at White-Hall Gate, but went no furder. being 2 or3 Jayes after fupprefl'ed upon paine ofDi'ath. ’ , 3 ® 7 * loi. A Copy of a Letter y' was found among thofe Jefuiis y‘ were taken at Clarkcnwdl in London, Sc ad- drelfed to the Rector of Bruxells, March 1628.” 4-9 3 “ • A Regider of the Tranfaftions of :hc Privy Council cf Scotland, from the 11 of Sep. 167S. to Aug.; 1682. A paper book i fairly, 5 : uniformly tranferibed. 4933 - Colleftio cximia, quatuortomis comprehenfa, Hterarum a viris doftis ad amicos fuos feriptarum. Liters hte, cum figilla et titulos externos habeant, pro aucographis proculdubio haberi poffunt. Plertcque Latini feriptas. 1. Aibtrio P^ubenio, J. Frederlcus Grenovius. Da- ventrice. 4 Id. Jal. 165c. 2. Ejufdem ad cundem. 5 Eid. Nov. 1657. 3. Ejufdem ad eundem, 1651. ^ 2 4 - LjufJem Bibliothecfe Harleianse. '■^5 Niiin. 4933. 4- F.ju''dem ad eundem. Mart. 1651. 5- Ejufdem ad eundem. 16^1. 6.-16,1. 7--1632. 8. -16,4. 9, -16^^. 11. Alberto Rubenio, Nicolaus Heinfius, 1645. 12. Idem ad eundcni, 1645. 13. -,64^. *4*-*645. Cumnotisadjeftis, fupef libros 2 Claudiani in Eutropium. 15. Id. ad eundem, 1649. 17- —'—14'- 18. —,—1651. _>9; ---cum anlmadver/ionibus criticis, in Ovidium et alios. 20. Id. ad eundem, 1651. 21. -fine anni notS. 23.---1638. 23. Alberto Rubenio, Joan. Jac. Chifletius, 1554, errore feribentis, pro 1654. 24 Alberto Rubenio, Is. Voflius, 1656. 25. -Ludovicus Nonnius, 1645. 26. Ejufdcm ad eundem. 27. 28. - fine anni nota. 1645. 30. Alberto Rubenio, Johannes Georgius Grffivius, 1655. 31. Ejufdcm ad eundem, 1655. 32. -i6j6. 33. A Godf. Wendelino, literaBatavic^ feripta, 1664. 34.. Cornelio Tolfio, Job. Fr. Gronovius, 1646. 35. Idem ad eundem, 1646. 36 ad 51 Ejufdcm Epillolae ad eundem, ordine chro- nolog.co, ufque ad 1651. 53. Ljufdcm ad eundem, at fine nomine aut anni nora. 53 ad 84. Fjufdem ad eundem, ufque ad annum 1654. 85. Nicolao Heinfio, Oftavius Ferrarius, 1657. 86. -Ifaacus Voffius. Sineanuinota. 87. --Johan. Rhodius, 1651. 88. -Hadrianiis Valefius, 1620. 8g. Eidem, foru\ Joh. Freindiemius, 1651. 90. Nicolao Heinfio, Hadrianus Vander-Wallius 1651. 91. -- — Cafpar Kinfehocius, 1647. gi. Ejufdem ad eundem. 93. Epiftola Gallica, ad Abb. Nicaife, fubferipta Lanbin, 1687. 94. Cafparis Rmfehoti ad Nicolaum Eleinfium ; cum ilexametrisKinfchoti “AdCelfilfimam Principem Longse- villanam, cum Monafterium veniret.” 1646. 95. Ejufdcm Hendecafyllabi, fic inferipti, “ In Gal- liatn abitunus Aniicis omnibus valedico.” 1643. 96. Nicolao Heinfio, L, Langerniannus. 97. . . .. . Chriflianus Keckius, 1657. 98. Eidem forfan, Lucas Langermannus. Cum carmine Latino elegiaco. 99. Ejufdem ad eundem, cum Catalogo brevi libro- rum emendorum. too. Nicolao Heinfio, Patrono fuo cavilTimo L.Langer- mannus, etiam de emptione librorum. Agitur de Bib¬ liotheca Valeriana. 101. Nicolao Heinfio, Jo. Fred. Gronovius, 1649. 102, 103, 104. Ejufdem ad eundem, 1649. 105- “ V.Cl. Ifaaco Voflic, Nicolaus Heinfius S.P.D.” 1651. io5. “ Viro pricftantifllrao Philippo Munckero, Jo¬ hannes Fredericus Gronovius S.P.D.” *655. Cat. Harl. Vol.III. ! Num. 4933, 4934. J- Fr. Gronovio, commendatio Jacobi Tollii difcipuli fui, 1G65. 108. J. !■. Gronovius Fr. Berfelio, fine nominibus. 109. “ Viro erudliilTimo Friderico Berfelio J. Fr. Gro¬ novius, S.P.D.” 1666. Jio. Epiftola Galilee feripta, et fubferipta nomine Defcartes. An. 1646, 111. « Reverendo et clariffimo Viro N. Latman, Marc. Meibomius S.D.” 1678. ti2. Excerpta ex Lpiftolis Nicolai Heinfii, de Jacobo Gronovio, Italice fupraferipta, hoc modo; « Nicolo Einfio in una lettera fua a Carlo Dati ferive fra I’altre cofe le feguenti. Marzo 1675.” Sequuntur ali® literce Italica:, Anni 1682. 113. A. Buchnerus, Joh. Strauchio, 1649. H4. Reinefius eidem Strauchio, 1650. 115. S. Strauchio, Johan-Otto Taber, 1S47. 116. Littera Gallica “ A Monf. Monfieur Norman¬ die.” 1688. 117. “ Pbintias fuo Damoni, hoc eft Samuel Ten- nuiius Henrico Meilingio P.P.D.” t66i. 4934. Colleftio priori fimiil.s. t. “ Marquardo GudioV. Clar. OGtavius Saloneius ? S.P.D.”i652. 2. Litcra Ilalice feripta, a Francifeo Bernardo Fer¬ rari, i66^. 3. A C. Pellegrino, 1663. Italic^. 4. itahea, fignaia, ut videfur Carlo OlTfedi, ad Gudium, ut conjici poteft, ut & I'uperiores duce 5. Ep.ftola Gallica ad Gudium, fignata “ Bigot.’’ 1670. 6. Marquardo Gudio, J. Fr. Gronovius, 16O8. 7. — .. ....-J. A. Bofius, ib7<. 8. --- —M. Meibomius, 1C67. 9. — — -- 1683, 10. —-Bigot, Gallice, 1664. 11. -Johannes de Bragelonne, Cano* nicus Regularis S. Genouefa: Parificnlis, 1660. 12. Idem ad eundem, 1660. 13. Litera Italice feripta, a Carlo Dati, 1666. i4- “ ExcellentifTuno Gudio, augufta felicitatis in- crementa, Jo. Henricus Horbius.” 1670. 15. “ ClarilTimo, F.ruditifiimoque Viro Marquardo Gudio IC'“ Alb Rufius S.D.” 1665. 16. Marquardo Gudio, Johannes Vorftius. 1671. 17. ——---Jacobus Holitius, 1672. 18. - - * ■■ — — -Hcnr. Oldenbury, 1673. 19. ——Petrus Axen, 1083, 20. --Stephanus Le Moyne, five Monachius, 1663. 21. Ad eundem Gudium, AuGlor ignotus, 1^82. 22. Ejufdem ad eundem, 1672. In averf) folio hie feriptum eft, ad magnum forte fefcicuIumEpi/tolarum per- tinens, “ Has fum Epiftolm Gudii, et aliorum inedits.” 23. Marquardo Gudio, Jo. Georgius Giasvius. 24. —28. Idem ad eundem 1663, 1665, 1078, 1681, 16S3. 29. M. Gudio-fine feribentis nomine. 30. -Nicolaus Heinfius, 1659. 31. Chriftlnae Auguftffi, Nicolaus Heinfius. 32. --—-idem '655. 33. Peno Bourdelotio, Nicolaus Heinfius. 34. Perfona ignota, idem, 1641. 35. Gul. Goes, idem, 1641. 36. . — idem, 1644. 37. -id. 1645. 38—7t, Idem ad eundem. 72. Idem ad eundem, carminibus Latinis Scazonticis. 1648. 73—127. Idem ad eundem, ufque ad Ann. 1653. 3 128. Epiftola ii6 Catalogus Libroruni MSS, Nu;n. 4934, 4935. j: 8. I'piftola Butavica, 165^. J29. Incertus, fortufTc N. Heinfiu5, ad pairem, 1G54.. 13c. W. GoefiOj N. Heinfius, 1654. 3^1 —158. Idem ad eundem. 3 ^g. 1 ). Hf.infius, W. Gocfio, 1647. i5o. W. Goefio, Jo. Fred. Gronovius, 1547. 4935 - Tomus tevtlus, eximius, exhibens autographa virorum celcberrimorum fxculonim decimi-fexti ec feptimi, fere omijium, non modo I.iteras fed eC Poematia, See. 1. Pfalmus xxiii verfibus Latinis redditus. Superferip- tus, “ Autographura M. Antonii Flaminii;” et ad fmem “ FI Antonii Flaininii aeloypapok.” 2. Pfalmus xxv.,eadem maim, cum interlineatlonibus. 3. Jo. SecundusFIagenfiSjPetro Clerlco.” Verfibus elegiacis, fuperferiptis “ Archetypum Secundi,” 1533. 4. Rtgia Pecunix. Autore Jo. Secundo Ilagcnfi. Verfibus Hexametris. 5. “ Ad Alex. FlazolumPati-ic. Bonon. in ThyrfiJem Fclogam Praefatio.” 6. “ Ad Lud. Sperantiam, in Camiinum Juvenilium libellum Praifitio.” 15.5. 7. Ad Achillem Philercten Eoethium, in Marulli NxniasPraefatio.” 8. In FI Flaminium, Scazontes j cum elogio brevi fubjunfto. g. Vocabula Armeniaca, et Hxbrxa, feriptore Flafio. 10. Oclavius Panormita, Andres Flafio, 154-6. 11. Andrex Flafio, L.Latinius, 1562. 12. Petrus Victorlus, Joachimo Camerario filio Sal.’’ 1561. 12. “ Francifeus Cicoreius Paulo Flanutia S.D.” Fle- diolani, anno 1569. 14. F.rafmus lloterodamus, Johanni deHondt, utrln- que feriptum ell “ P. Scriverii,” forfan quod in illius pluteis epillol.i feivata erat. 25. F.pidola Germanica Philippi Flelanflhon. 36. Beza, Danieli Tulfano, 1586. 17. Cafpari Jungermanno, Joachim Camcrarius- In averfo folio, aliaanmu," Hxc eilmanus magni Joachim! C'amerarii.” 18. Jacobus Pamelius, Valerio Cnnchio, 1568. 19. llotomannus, Baroni Streichio, 1589. 20. Obertus Giphanius, ClarilTimo et Noblifs” V. D. Guidoni Laurino. Cicero contra Lambinum paflim dc- feufus, 1574* 21. Chartula cum fententia Grxca, et infra; “Ant. Contius feripfit Biturigis. 9 Kal. Odt. 1567.’ 22. *• LuJovicus Carricn J. C. Viclori Gifelino fuo S.P.” 1574* 23. Ubbo Fmmius. Petro Scriverio, 1616. 2-1. Liters Hollandicx ab Alb. Durer. _“ Pietro Paulo Rubens.” 1637. 20. Ant. Van Dyck Baroni Lanuwe, eadem lingua, 1636. 27. Georgius Fabricius Juh. a Crocau 1565. 28, 2-), 30, '21, 32. Idem ad eundem, ufque ad J ‘;7o. ■ 2 ?. 1 icobus Fabricius Jo. a Crocau, 1566. - J, '-Blafio Fabricio, 1565. \r. Philippo Camerario, ^Volfgangus Chrlfloph. Stuber, 1501. 26. J')hanni a Crocau, P. Dorflenius, i6o4._ 47. ]oa:liimo Camerario patri, Joachimus filius. Vc ilpillola brevis, ubi nomina non liquido apparent, ‘^9. Cafpar Reanus ? N.D. Jungermanno, 1590. 4c, J^ach^Ino Camerario, a genero fuo. 41. Curpari Jungermanno, Philippas Camerarlus, Junior, 1590. 4’-, 43* 4 4- Idem ad eundem. Num. 4935, 4936. 45. Cafpari Jungermanno, Philippas Camcrarius, i6ox. 46. --L. Camerarius, 1620. 47. -Phil. Camerarius, 1589. 48. -- - -Ludovicus C. 49. “ illudri et generofo Heroi Henrico Runzovio, Jofephus Scaliger.” 1595* 50. Idem ad eundem, 1595. 51. Flarco Velfero Jofephus Scaliger, 1602. 52. Epigranimata tria in ineptiffimum poema (ut appel- latur) Francifei Vi(ftoris. 53. “ Incipit I.iber Hygini Gramatici de Caftrame- tatione.” fragmentum. 54. “ J. Lipfms Frandfeo Villerlo S. Optat,” 1605. Infra feriptum eft “ K!]nf*a Kupiaxa Jwfoi- sTri^a^ffara avJjsof Ii.'(r*ip» t 3 SaaXava.”. 1. C. Jofcphi Scaligcri. 55. Juftus Lipfms, Verlango de Euorberge, 1604. 56. “ Ifaacus Cafaubonus Petro Scriverio S.D.” 1604. In dorfo feriptum eft “ Prxfixa eft Epiftola hxc Grxeis Poematis Jos. Scaligeri a Scriverio ediiis, 1615.” 57. Ifaacus Caufabonus Gothofredo Jungermanno S.D.” ifcj. 58. -^-1610. 59. Ifaacus Cafaubonus Johanni Rutgerfio, S.D. 1609. 60—66.-Jano Ru'gerfio ; a 1610 ad 1613. 67—70. Juftus Liplius, Jofepho Scaligero; a 1594 ad 1599. ultima tantum fubferipta. 71—75. Cl. Salmafius, Jofepho Scaligero ; 1607 ct 1608. 76—90. Claudius Salmafius Gothofredo Junger¬ manno, 1603—i6cS. 91—93. Cl. Salmafius Comelio Tollio, 1648. 94. Cl. Salmafiusjfaaco Voflio, 1650. 95, 96. Johannes Sainofciiis, Regni Polonix Cancel- larlus, Georgto Doufx, i 598. 97, —;-Jano DoufiC, 1601. 98. - Dederieo Doufx, 1602. 99—loi. Simon Simonides Jano Doufx, 1600, See. 102. Flarcus Vellerus, Goth. Jungermanno, 1608. Plurima in hoc volumine dodliffima, et aucloribus tarn Claris digna. -1-9 3 6- Tomus quartus et ultimus pretiofarum haruin Epillo- larum. 1 —4. Gafpar Schioppius, Jufto Lipfio, 1600—1606. J. , ___ _ignoto,i648. Epiftolamami tremul-i feripta, et poll fignaturam aJditur, “ mortis beatx Candidatus.’’ 6—45. Janus Gruterus, Gothofredo Jungermanno; 1605—1609. 46_57. Jac. Bongarfius, Goth. Jungermanno, 1605 —1608. 58—62. Got. Lmgellheimius, G. Jungermanno, 1607, 8. 6^. --—-— Hugoni Grotio, 1617. _—-Joanni Meurfio, 1617- 65. Conradus Ritcerhufius, Goth. Jungermanno, 1604. 66. Thomas Seghetus, Goth. Jungermanno, cum Epiftola a Jo. Baptifta Sacca ad Segheium, 1606. 67—69. Elias Putfehius Gothof. Jungermanno, 1604. 70. Putfehius cognato cuidam, ut videtur, 1604. 71. Fr. Burmannus Joh. Georgio Grxvio, 1677. 72. E. Putfehius, Claudio de Marne. 73. Epiftola Putfehii (ut videtur) ad fratrem,^ fine nomine vel anni nota ; inferta etiam prxpofter^, ita ut prior fit pagina fecunda. 74. Emanuel Putfehius C. Jungermanno, 1633. 75. E. Putfehius, 1616. 76. E. Putf- 4 Bibliothecas Hafleianse. 227 Num. 4936. 76. E. Piufchius Cafpari Jungermanno, 1637. 77. Petrus ScriveriusMarquardoFrehero. 1606. -GothofredoJungermanno. iftoy. 79 ' Johannes ^Veltzius Goth. Jungermanno. 1603. 80. Theodorus Sitzman, Goth. Jungermanno. 1606. 81. Tobias Adami, Goth. Jungermanno. 1608. 82. Idem forte', fed fine fignaturfl, eidem. 1604. 83. Chartulabrevis aTaubmanno ad Jungermannum. 84. JohanniSebero filiofuo, 1581. 83. Laurentius Roich Goth. Jungermanno. 86. Fraginentum Epift. ad G.jungermannum, eadem mrmu cum lequeiite. 87. Laurentius Roich Goth. Jungermanno. ^^8. --ad eundem i (’co. 89. Andreas Scottus, Abrahamo Ortelio. 1586. 90. —-—— Petro Scriverio. 1620. 91. Petrus Scriverius, Johanni Ifaacio. 1619. 92. 93. Marquardus Frehcrus Francifeo Nanfio. 1594. 94. PaullusMeruIa Joanni Meurfio, 1604. 95. Francifeus Nanfius Jofepho Scaligero, 1601. 96. Fiidericus Lindenbrog, Petro Scriverio. 1622. 97. Joannes a Wouwer, Joan, Meurfio. 1597. 98- ' - Petro Scriverio. 1603. 99. Antonius Waldus, Hugoni Grotio. 1615. 100, tor. Lucas Holftenius, Johaniii Meurfio. 1624. Londini Scripts:. Prior habet Catalogum Gcographo- rum minorum. IC2. P. Scriverius, Johanni Meurfio. 1399. 103. O. Heurnius Jt)h. Meurfio. 1609. 104. GeverhartElmenhorftius, Hugoni Grotio. 1617. 105. F. Lindenbrog, Johanni Meurfio. 1624. 106. T. Wormius, joh. Meurfio. 1633. 107. Gerardus Voffius, ignoto. 1608. J08.-— Joh. Meurfio. 1625. log. Gerardus Johannes VofTius, J. Meurfio. 1634. 110. --Comelio Tollio. 1648. 111. Georg’ Remius ? Joh. Meurfio. 1613. 112. Cunrad’Ritterhufius, Joh. Meurfio. 1613. 113. Janus Rutgerfius, Joh. Meurfio. 1609. 114. P. Caflellanus, Jo. Meurfio. 1023. 115. Geverhanus ElmenhorlHus, Jo. Meurfio. 1618. 116. 117. Daniel Heinfius, Jo. Meurfio. 1626. 1630. 118. E.Putcanus, Joh. Meurfio. 1625. 119. Johannes Kinlmannus, Jo, Meurfio. 1635. 120. Jacob* Minau, Jo. hleurlio. 1600. 121. Jacobus Omphalius, Jo. Meurfio. 1618. 122. Theodorus Canterus, Jo. Meurfio. 1596. 123. “ And. Doh. Jo. Meurfio 1615. 124. Michael Piccartus, Joh. Meurfio. 1618. 125. Jacob. Gillocus, Jo. Meurfio. 1604. 126. Patricius Junius, Jo. Meurfio. 1604. 127. Nicolaus Rigaltius, Jo. Meurfio. i6or. 128. Balthazar Bonifacius, Dominico Molino. 162.6. 129. --Jo. Meurfio. 1631. _i30. “ Vincentius Marinerius Valentinus, Dofliflimo Viro Jo^ni Meurfio. Epillola Grjece feripta, cum Epigrammate in laudem Meurfii 1617. 131. CafparBarthius Joanni Meurfio. 1634. 132. Ottho Heurnius Joanni Meurfio. 1601. 133. Petrus Cunteus, Jo. Meurfio. 1637. 134 ) 135- DenP Molino Jo. Meurfio. 1623, 1628. Jtalice. 136. B. Vulcanius. Jo. Meurfio. i6oi. 137. Francifeus Doufa, Joh. Meurfio. 1 cg6. 138. T. Doufa, Jo. Meurfio. 139. Dumaurier, Jo. Meurfio. 1623. Gallic^. J40. Henricus Ernftius, Meurfio. 1630. 141. Ifaacus Vollius, Cornelio Tollio. 1648. 142. Adolphus Vorflius, Jo. Meurfio. 1634. 143- G. Boyus CelfilTimo Araufionenfium Principi, Carmen Decaflichon. 1638. 144. Daniel Heinfius, Michaeli Mandewyl. Num. 4936—4939; 145. J. Smith, Joanni Ifaaco Pontano. 1628. 146. Rubenius, Anonymo. 1643. 147. Defeat tes, ad LA. Waelliiaer, dc Arithmetica fyrabolica. Litera partim Batavicc, partim Gallic^ feripta. 1640. 148. Gottifredus Vendalinus, Rubenio. 1654. 149—156. Helias Putfchiu.s, Gothofredo Junger¬ manno. i6ot. ad 1604. 157. Emanuel Putfehius, ignoto. 1617. 158. Putfehius, Cafpari Jungermanno. 1604. 159 ' “ Grntulatio meritiffimorum Di'dhuiii: Honoi'iim quos in uti oque Jure Amplilliiiuiin Collegium Jurifeon- lukoriim in Iliullri Acad. Lipfia confereb.ir, Cl. ct Con- fultifs. Viro D.Cafpari, Cafp. F.Joach Camerurii cx filia N. proprio Jungermanno I. C. Kal. April, An. 1609.” Carmen metro Hexametro fcriptuin. 160. Tobias Adami, Helia; Puefehio. 1605. i6t. Fraginentum, cum citatione ex Andr. Alciato. 162. J. Chriflenius, ignoto. 1041. 163. Ger. Jo. Vollius, Antonio ^Emilio. 1627. 164. Francois Voffius, Ant. Aimilio. 1641. Batavicc. 49 3 7 ■ Codex membranaceus, eximite pulchritudinio,' cum mar- ginibus amplioribus, ad inferendos Commentarios, quibus tamen non multis in locis eft inftruiftus. In hoc libro contincncur SenecK Traecdice ; in fequenti ordine. I. Hercules furens. 2. Thyeftes. 3. Ihebais. 4. Hippolytus. 5. Oedipus. 6. Troas. 7. Medea. S. Agamemnon. 9. Odavia. 10. Hercules Oetarus. XV. 4-938. A paper Book, of 153 vTitten leaves, containing the Genealogical Hiftory of the Family of Seguier. It is uniformly written, though not very fairly ; and the title at large is as follows ; “ Hiftoire Genealogique de la tres noble ec illu- ftre fatnille des Seguiers, ifiue de celles de Bethune, Ca- rency, Alloft, et Gand, qui proviennent de celle D’huef- din irize, et celie 14 des anciens Contes de Cleves, Al- liiic au fang Royal de Danemark. Ou, font aulTy com- prifes les Genealogies ct Alliances de pluficnrs autres nobles ct anciennes maifons, tant de France, que de la Germanic, Angleterre, et Efpagne. Avec un Traife fin- gulier de I’origine des noms et lumoines des pais, villes, peuples, nations, gentz, famille.s, et maifons parti.u- lieres.” It is dedicated to the Chancellor Seguier, and the Dedication figned wiih the Name, “ Daruald.” In the beginning of ihe Dedication, the Author calls liimfelf, “ Un petit eferivain de Province ” It probably was pre- ferved in the Seguier Collection, though it has not the ufual c.xtcrnai marks. xvi:. 4939 - A beautiful French MS. on Vellum, with fine illumi¬ nations, apparently a prefentation Copy to Francis I. of France, whole Arms are blazoned on tiie fecond illumination, while the third reprefents the Author prefenting his work to him on his knees. It is a French Tranflation of the lirft and fecond Book of Appian, from the Latin of John Lafearis, by Claude de SeylTcl Bp. of Marfeilles. There is a long Poem by the Tranflator, with the following title : “ Proherae de meffire Claude de Scyliel evefque de Marfeille en la tranflaiion de deux ll'mes de I’hiftoire Romaine de Appian Alexandiin, nouvellement trouves. addrefle au trefehretien roy de France, Francois premier decenom.” The ^28 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nuin. 4939— 49 +i- Tlie fccond Title exprcffcs more fully how the tranf- la:iun was made. n-Ti.Tr “ Trandatce de grec en latin par mellire Jehan Tal- carv, et de htin eii Francois par meilire Claude de Seyf- fel,&c. The firll Book is of the Wars af the Romans m Spain, the fecond of the Afts of Hannibal in Italy. The Book is in the moft perfed prefervation. xvi. 49 + 0 . A large and curious MS. on Vellum, confiding of 240 leaves, with moft fplendid illuminations, though very rude in point of drawing, and a profufion of gilding. ^ , It contains a large theological Poem in the old Ro¬ mance French, entitled, by fome much more recent hand, “ Le traitte du Breviare d’amourbut, in the orin-inal language, “ I.o Ira^at del breviari d’amors.” 1 he Love intended to be illuftrated in it, is the Divine I.ove to man. It was probably a celebrated Work in its time, though the name of the Author has not been diicovercd here. vVs a fp-cimen of the language, the beginning may be given. “ A nom de Dicu nre fenhor ^.^czes payres efons damor F.t es fes conimenfi’amen E fes ft fern eyihamen A Ic Scriptura per ayfo Lapela alpha et o Quezes fubftantia unitat Et cn perfona trinitat.” SIV. 49+1. A middling fized folio, eiuitled a Colledion of Papers, MSS. & printed, relating to rhe rebuilding of St. Paul’s Church London, 1663, Sec. The principal Contents are as follow, 1. His Majefties Commiffion concerning the Repara¬ tion of St. Paul’s Cathedral, printed by John Bill and Chriftopher Barker, 1663. In 35 pages. 2. AMS. of two Pages, viz. “ Officers employed in rebuilding St. Paul’s j their Employments & Sala- lies.” 3. ‘‘ Money borrowed of feveral Perfons, for the re- bmlding of St. Paul’s, on the Credit of the At! of Par- liament.” , c 4. Ills Majelty’s Commiffion for the rebuilding^ of St. Paul’.s, printed by the aforefaid Printers to the King, 5. Two MS. papers of Orders, concermng Bps. Con- fecration Dinner; in lieu of which each Bp. to pay 50 1 . towards rebuilding of the aforefaid Cathedral. Dated at the Court at Whitehall, Ftb. 5, & Od. 23, 1678, in the prefence of the King, Prince Rupert, & the reft of the Council, Stc. having the Autog'‘ of Phi. Lloyd, at bottom. ^ . 6 . The aJvice of Gilbert Arch-Bp. of Camerbury,_& Humphry Ld. Biffiop of London, to the K. & Parlia¬ ment, concerning the 39 Churches by Ad of Parlia¬ ment to be rebuilt iu the City of London, with their Names, 8cc. N.B. Intemied for the Parliament, but not put in. Feb. 10, 1667. 7. Another MS. lift of the fakl Churches, endorfed, “ i’he Lord Mayor’s paper, March 166 ’ about Churches in London to be rebuilt & united.” 8. Another Letter of Advice & Confent of the afore- raid Arch-Bp. Bp. 10 the Lord Mayor Sr. Wm. Peake, &c. concerning the 39 Churches to be rebuilt in lieu of ihofe demoHlhed by the late Fire; Sc though St. Bride’s & St. Sepulchre’s are fet down for two^ of the 39, yet hi» Majefty & Parliament are to determine, Num. 4941. whether thofe two Churches (being without the Walls) are to be rebuilt, over & above the 39, or included in that number. Signed Gl/b. Cant. 9. A MS. of three pages, (bound up inverted) con¬ taining the Names of the “ Churches & Parifhes in Lon- don, confumed by the late dreadful Fire there, 2, 3, & 4th of Sept. 1666.” In alphabetical order, with the Incumbents & Patrons Names, &c. 10. A rough Draught of the Arch-Bp.’s Letter to the King, Sec. as in N" 6. 11. Another Letter from the Arch-Bp. & Bp. to the Lord Mayor, See. on the fame fubjed. March 28, 1667. 12. 13, 14. Petition & Statement of the Churches 1673, &c. with the Anfwers to Sr. Xtoplier Wren, Jolm Groves, and Matthew Banks, &c 15. IJis Majefties Commiffion for the rebuilding of St. Paul’s. Printed by C’ Bill, H-' Hills, andTho* New¬ comb, 1685. 26, 16. An Ad of Parliameiit for the fame, May 19th I James 2'’ 1685. 17. “ That his Grace the Arch-Bp. of Canterbury, require Mr. Bridge to give a Copy of the Iiiftrument, &c. for the Confirmation of the City Contrad with faid Bridge, 2 cc. for deteding of frauds, & anfwer the fol¬ lowing Queries about the Revenue arifing from the Coal trade, &c. MS. p.i.only. 18. Another Paper to Major Pearce, Receiver of the Duty upon Coals & Treal'urer for the rebuilding of Sr. Paul’s. 1687. 19. “ The manner of colleding the Revenue arifing upon Coals at 3 s per Chaldron, lor 17 years laft paft, humbly offered to his Grace Ld Arch-Bp. of Canter¬ bury.” 20. A Letter to the Arch-Bp. on the Duty upon Coals, &c. from Henry Loades. In 3 pages. 2 I. To his Grace the Arch-Bp of Canterbuiy.” “ The humble Petition of the Perfons under men¬ tioned, Mafter-workmen employed for building of Pa¬ rochial Churches in London.” About the Coal Money allotted for the fame, &c. 22. A Letter from John Peake, Grocers Hall, 1687, to the Arch-Bp. about Sir Wm. Turner, &c. 23. Another Letter to the Arch-Bp. from the Duke of Albemarle, about Mr. Bridges being Colledor of the Coal-money for building the Churches aforefaid. Dated 1687. Sc figned with (he Albemarle. 24. A paper about the aforefaid Duke, & the Arch- bifhop, &c. At the bottom of which is a Ihort letter from Sir Chrift.Wren to the Arch-Bp. Apr. 12. 16S8. 25. 26. Two Letters from H-'Bp. of London, to the Arch-Bp. of Canterbury. 27 to 52. Letters to the Arch-Bp. from Wm. Mid¬ dleton, in an excellent hand, about the above Subjed of Coal money, Churches, &c. Dared Coal-metre’s Of¬ fice, & St. Paul’s, &c. 1687—9, kc. 53. Another Petition from the Workmen concerned in building the faid Churches, kc. 54. A paper about the Ad of Parliament for rebuild¬ ing St. Paul’s, &c. by the fame hand, feemingly, as the above Letters. 55. “ From Mich’ 1687, to 1 Nov. following, 300 Sail of Colliers,” with the contents k value, &c. 56. William Arch-Bp. of Canterbury, IT Biftiop of London, & Sir John Peake Kn' Lord Major of London, their Appointment, &c. to Jehn Bridge Citizen &Paintcr Stainer of London, of their Officer & Comptroller of the Coal Duty, &c. In 3 folio Sheets. 57. Copy of an Indenture 1676, between the City of London, and Capt. Zachary Baggs, John Bridge,&c. about the Coal Duty, &c. In 6 large folding Pages. 53, 59. A parchment and paper Copy of the afore¬ faid Arch-Bp. & Lord Mayor’s /Appointments, &c. to 9 Richard Bibliothecas Harleianas. 229 Num. 4941. R-ichard Pierce of London Efq. of their chief Officer, Collector, Treafurer, &c. of the Coal Duty, &c. 60, I. Other Papers about the faid Duty, &c. the Fomter very ill, the latter a well written copy, & figned Tho‘ Davies Major, Gilb. Cant. H. London. 62, 3. About John Bridge’s Appointment, &c. 1675. 64. A Bond from Richard Pierce Efq. Sir Nicholas Crifpeof Wefterham, Com. Cane’ Bart, to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet, Dean of Sc. Paul’s, &C. 1687. in loool. &c. 65. “ An Account of Moneys brought in towards the rebuilding of St. Paul’s, fince Lady Day 82 to Mid- fummer 85.” viz. tot. 5203 1 . with the Donors Names, &c. 66. Warrants figned for Money to be paid into the Office of the Works at St. Paul’s 1687—9. 67. The Lord Mayor, &c. to allow for All-Hallows St. Mary-lc-bone Church, &c. 68. To the Lord Mayor, Peak, See. 1687. About the united Pai ilhes of All-Hallow, St. Mary le Bow, Sc St. Pancrafs, & rebuilding of the Churches, Sec. 69. An Account from feveral Workmen, of the Charge “ to make Chimes, in Bow Steeple, a Dyall into the Street, & a Cupylowto the Veflry.” 70. Another Paper about the fame, &c. & figned Wagftafe. 71. Order of a Committee at St.Paul’s 168-^, that the Lord Mayor, Sr.'rhomasMore, &c. wait on the Judges, at the Seffions Houfe, &c. about borrowing Money for St. Pauls, &c. 72. Fra. Phelips 1673, Opinion about borrowing Money for the fame, &c. 73. Report to the Arch-Bp. &c. upon the perufal of Mr, Bridge’s Books of Accounts of the Coal Duty. 74. Reports of Committees at St. Paul’s 1687. 75. “ A brief Abftradb of the Accompt contained in this book, being one whole year’s Expence in 6c about th^ rebuilding of the Cathedral Church of Sr. Paul in l.ondon, wdth Incidents thereunto, from Firft of Sep. 1682, to the ifb of October 1683. 76. “ A brief Abftrad of the Accompt of Dr. Chrif- topher Wrenn his Majefties Surveyor General of the Works, appointed alfo Surveyor for the rebuilding of the Churches dcmoliHied by the late Fire in the City of London, for all fuch Moneys as hath been received & paid by him, fince June 1670, to Mich*. 1673.” “ Dr. Chr. Wreim to account in the Chamber of London, for Money advanced to him out of the Coal Accompt,” &c, 7?. A Letter to Wm. Arch-Bp. of Canterbury at I.ambeth, j688, from the Commiflioners for rebuilding St. Paul’s about the fame, ftatc of Expences, See. with their Autographs, viz. Craven, Tho More, Tho. St. George, H GoJolphin, Chr. Wren, Tho. Pinfold, Ed¬ ward Stillingfleet, Will. Holder. 78. “ A Catalogue ot 28 Books belonging to the Coal Revenue, John Bridge Colleftor. Depofited with his Grace the Lord Arch-Bp. of Canterbury. 19 April 1688. Beginning i5june 1671.” 79. Report of the Committee appointed to examine Mr. Bridge’s Account of the Coal Revenue, to the Lord Mayor, (Shorter), 1688, with the particulars of the faid Colledions, viz. number of Chaldi'ons, & value, 8cc. from 1683101687.” &c. iVagJlaffe. Soto 117. Ihirtyfeven Papers addrefled to Wm. Arch-Bp. of Canterbury, containing the number of Ships with their Contents in Chaldrons of Coal, & their Value, &c. 1687—90. 118. A printed Declaration of the State of the Ac¬ compt of all Monies receiwd and paid towards the Re¬ pairs of St. Paul’s, before the great Fire, & towards the rebuilding thereof, &c. 1674 Sc 5, 1685, &c. With other particulars of the Dimenfions of the Fabrick, its Materials & lift of Benefactors, &c. Signed, John Tillifon, Clerk of the Works. Cat. Harl. Vol, III. Num. 4942, 4943. - , 49+2. A Book of Orders, Diet, Wages, Board-Wages, and otlmr Allowances for the Prince’s Ilouihold. xvin This is a thin folio of 42 pages, elegantly written, the 3 firft (containing the Prince’s Breakfaft and Dinner and Supper on Fleffi & Filh days) being illuminated with Golden Letters. Tliis is now bound up with cico which fee. 4943 ' A very thick folio, of 629 leaves (old paging) of paper but not all written on, there are alfo 39 other leaves preceding, likewife paged of old. The Vol. is thu.s entitled, “ Orders of the Privy Council from 1570, to 1580.” On the firft leaf is written, “ Xtopher Troughton, July 8th 1624.” to w'hom it then no doubt belonged. This is followed by a General Table of Contents. 1, &c. There is alfo a more particular Table p. 8, to 19, excellently written. After which p. 25 to 37, are various Letters to Q. Eliz. but as they arc not noticed in the 2'' Table, & imperfectly in the til, the following are the principal Concents in that part. j. Alettc-r from her Majefty, 1580, to the Bp. of Durham, for the vifiting of that Cathedral. 25. 2. Another in Latin to the Marquis of Brandebergh 1579, chanldng him for his Hawks fenc to her Majefty. 26. 3,4,5, 6, 7. To the fama-; the Ivings of Poland, Swe¬ den, Denmark. 271030. 8, 9. Two Latin Letters to Queen Eliz. 1480. 30. 31. 10. Her Ma'*' to the Emperor, in Latin, Otlandia:, 1580. 11. Rodolfthe 2d, eleCted Roman Emperor. Letter in Engliflr, dated in the Royal CalUe of Prage, 1580. 32. 12. The Anfwer of Edward Earl of Frizeland. 33. 13. Her Majefty in anfwer to Edward the elder Bro¬ ther of the E. of Einbden, of his Letter to her Majeity, ■ before 31, 35. 14- A Letter from the K. of Poland, named Sigif- mund, to her Majefty, touching Wm. Martyn’s Claim, 1508. Sec. 36, &c. Of the other P.art, beginning fol. i. The heads of the Contents are, 1. The opinion and order fet down by the Lords touching Difpenfations. j, 2. Twenty-five curious Letters to the Biffiops, She¬ riffs, &c. for general Mufters 6c Preparations againft foreign Invafion. 3 to 16. 3. Letter of one tenor to the Bps. forbidding them to fell or cut down Timber; and feventeen Fetters touching Rebells, lewd fedidous Perfons, to dillurb a quiet State, he. 31 to 40. 4. I'weive Letters touching Matters of Pyracy, See. 45 to 52- 5. Two Letters ift to Sr. Wm. Druery of Berwick, to repair the Bridge of that Town, much decayed by a ftoriny winter, 157 i. 69. The other to the Treafurer of Berwick, about the Fortifications of that Town,&c. 69. b. 6. The Remains of ail forts of Powder in her Maj*' Store, 1579, &c. 70. 7. Twenty four letters touching Merchant’s Affairs, See. and the Hans Towns, Sec. 86 to 99. At the bottom is written, See other Letters about the fame fol. 26 after the firft ill Table. . 8. Three Letters, (ift to the Sheriif of Kent)touch- ing Sea Matters & the Navy, with an Eftimate for the furiiiftiing 11 Ships, as under written, of the Queen’s for 3 month’s, wages, viOuals, &c. 1579. 107—g. 3 N 9. Nine Catalogus Librorum MSS. 230 Num. 4943 ^ g. Nine Letters touching Sea Matters & Merchan*^® Affairs jointly. 137 to 141. 10 Two Letters to the Mayor & Bp. of London, touching Provifions for the Poor, and avoiding of idle Perfons ^4 Vagabonds. 151. 11. Twenty-nine Letters about Scotland, & Border Matters, &c. from 166 to 173. 181— 2. 424 to 437. 12. Three Letters touching the Obfervation of filh Days, & avoiding the eating of Fiefh in Lent, &c. 209. 13. Six Letters touching unlawful tranfportation of leather, grain, Sc ordinance. 225—7. 14. Twenty-four Letters touching controverfies in Law, & other quarrclls. See. in various parts of the Kingdom, viz. Lincoln, Colchefter, Rye, & in Wales, &c. _ 244 to 257. 15. Six Letters for aiding of ordinary judgements, 5 c procefs in Law. 272 —4. 16. Two Letters touching the Diet of the Juftices of AlTize, & the ordering their oellions, &c. 292. 17. Five Letters touching the examination of Murders, Pillage of the People, Cruelty of Landlords towards Tenants, &c. 302—4. 18. Four Letters touching the Eleftion of Mayors & other Officers in Canterbury, 1572. 312, &c. 19. Sixteen Letters touching Religion, &c. addreffed to the Arch.Bps. & feveral of the Bp^. Sc Mayor of Rye, &c. Sheriff, &c. in Diocefe of Chefter, to aid the Bp. of Carlille, &c. 328 to 335. 20. Thirty-two Letters touching Subfidies, Loans, & Money Matters, in London & different Counties. 356 to 380. 2r. Four Letters touching Grants of concealed Lands & Goods, forfeitures by Statutes to herMajefty. 392. 22. A Letter from Mr. Bafche to Secretary Walling- ham with Articles of Advice, touching the ViSualling in Ireland, See. 396. 23. Advicesforthegood Government ofireland. 397. 24. A Letter from her Majefly to Sr. Win. Pelham, t579, touching the Affairs of Ireland being neglefted. 398- 25. Two Letters from her Majefly to the Earls of Defmond, &c. and to the Barons & Knts. in Ireland, about the Arrival of Thomas Stukeley there, 1578. 405. 26. The Office of Ordinance in Ireland, 1578, with a particular account of its contents & value, &c. 407 to 414. 27. The State of the Army k Garrifons in Ireland, 1578, with the Charges of the fame for one Month, &c, 414. b. to 417. b. 28. Copies of RobertBingham’s two Indentures for furniture of Arms, &c. in Ireland 1577. 4 '^* 29. A Note of Money paid for tiie Government of Ireland, between Oft. 1572, &: June 1578, as gathered nut of the Signet books of Sr. Thomas Smyth’s time, & Sr. Francis Walfing..ain. 419. 30. A Note of Debts paid in Ireland, out of the Ex¬ chequer, between Feb. 1573, and lafl of June & Sept. 1578. 420. b. 31. To Sir Edw. Filton to pay 100 I. for difeharge of ordinary Charges in Ireland 1578. 421. 32. Two Letters from the Lords & herMajefty about the E. of Defmond, &c. 421 —2. 33. Several Letters from her Majefty to Sir Wm. Drury L.Juftice of Ireland; the King of Scotts in An- fwerofhis & theE. of Morton, 1579. 423,4,5,6,8:0. 34. Memoirs of the Regent of Scotland, for Mr. Hen Killigrtw 1573. Articles of Pacification. De¬ claration of the Regent & K’ Counfell, at Holyrood- houfe, 1573, &c. 426—7. 35. Three Letters touching the Low Countries, to her Majefties Embaffadors there. Lord Cobham, 8: Sir F. Walfingham, & to the Arch-Duke Mathias Governor thereof, kz. 1578. 428. Num. 4943, 4944. 434 437 « 36. Copy of her Majefty’s Letters to the Regent of Scotland, 1573. 37. The L. Hunfdon’s declaration touching border Matters, 1579. 38. The Regent’s Proraife to Huntley, &c.' 1573- 39. The K. of Scot’s Letter to the Queene | > 579 - 40. Here follows 20 Commiftions, touching the ap- prencon of Pyrates &c. to treate with Ambaffadors generally touching the bounds of Calls, &c. concluding a Peace. Inrercourfe of Merchandizes. Merchants in Spain, &c. Survey of the King’s Caftles, Manors, 8fc. To cal! in the King’s Debts. A marriage with the King’s Niece, &c. To Survey the Goods of Churches. Accompts of Sir Val. Browne, & Sir Edw. Fitton, &c. Sr. H. Sydney, 8:c. to grant Leafes of her Majefties Lands in Ireland. Grants of the O.ffices of Marfhall of Ber¬ wick, and Deputy of Ireland. Commiffion touching Pyrates. The Lord Chan¬ cellor to make forth Commiffions for reftraint of Corn, 8:c. Her Majefties marriage with the Duke of Anjou. from 494 to 513—14. 41. Two Letters to Sr. Amias Pawlett Ambaffador in in France, touching the Affairs there. 562, &c. 42. A Decree by the Lords toudiing the Town of Yarmouth. 580. 43. Proclamations. 599 to 602. 44. Letters ro herMajefty, from the great Turk & his Bafhaw, with her Anfwers. 608—g. 45. A Letter in Latin from her Majefty, to Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhyne, in behalf of the Count of Arcu, 1580. 626. b. 46. Orders agreed on between Sr. Francis Walfing- ham Kt. Thomas Willon Efq. herMajefties Secretary, & Thomas Randolph Efq. Mailer of the Ports, for the con¬ veyance of Letters to France, &:c. Dated Whitehall, 1579. C27. b. 4944. Afolio feemingly part of a larger, by the uldpages, now of 68 leaves, (bound up with two other Idler ones relating to Effex) entitled, “ Arms 3 c Pedegrees of Eflex Fa¬ milies.” At the beginning is an Alphabetical Index, which is followed by 5 pages of Arms & Crofts, neatly tricked with a pen, kc. 1. Then follow divers large Pedigrees with Arms, k Quarterings, 8cc. chiefly in Effex, but beginning with Wclton of Staff & Eflex. 2. Over the Peiligree of Sebright is the Copy of a Charter 2E. i. •• I’he original of which Copy remaineth with Benjamin Coufton of Sebriglil’s Hall, iu theParifh of Much Badew C’ Effex, Efq.” 17. 3. Pedigree of "Win. Bruyn Knt. Chamberlain to K. E. I. who gave his Manor of Beckingham in Kent, the Manor of Rownor k other Manors in Ilampfhire, &c. ^ 3 ’ 4 Arms & Infcriptions m South Okoudon Church, Effex, viz. of Ing. Bruin Kt. 1400. Sr. Richard Saltonftall Knt. Lord Mayor of Lon¬ don, 1601,8cc. 24. b. 5. In Dagenham Church. Richard TrefwelL gent. 1509. Fitz-Lewes, Sr. Ralph Shelcjon, 1522, Sr. Tho¬ mas Urfwick Knt. k Recorder of London, Oliver JVIanf- field, dated 1541, Sir Wm. Borantiiie Sc wife,1522, kc. 6. Arms in OrfeIt,TilImgham,8i Harwich Churches. ibid. 7. In All Saints Church, Malden. 25. 8. In Barking Church, divers Arms, See. 1590. &c. ibid. g. In St. Gyle’s & St. Peter’s Churches, Colchefter, Arms of Bedford, Rockwood, Willoughby, 1492—7, 1553, 8cc. Monument of Wm. Brown Efq. kz- ‘572. 7 Bibliothecas Harleiante. Num. 4944—4946. 10. In Wefton Church, Infcripcions & Arms of Frofle, Hamerton, Serjeant at Arms to K. H. 8. Eglef- ficld, 1504, &c, Clarke, 1534, Ketelby 1508, &c. 25. b. 11. In Witham Church, ah St. Nicholas, Arms, &c. of Judge Sourheote 1585. Hervey, Nevill, Brooke, Sr, John Smyth Baron of the Exchequer, Kt. Aifo in Chelmsford Church, & Chapel at Little Illford, Godfrey Fanlhaw, &c. 1587. 26. _ 12. Extracts from Domefday book. Liber Thetford, Sigillum Hugonis de ElTex'ia, &c. 30. b. 13. Copies & Extracts of Charters, Seals, &c. of the family of Wefton, Watervill, Langham, Southcote, Cotton oi Panfield, 32 tP'8. Cotton of Ridware Ham- ftall, Manor of Gayton C° Staftbrd. 43, &c. 14. Grants & Seals of J" deSntton Kt. of the Manor of Hyde in Salwetccfworthe Parilh, 3 E. 2. J” Goldington Lord of Hunfdon, &c. Tho’ G. Jofeline the Manor of Hytehall, &c. Sabridgeworth C“ Hertf. D° 9 H. 4, &c. Wra. de Say, &c. i;i.b. 15. Arms, Monuments, & inferiptions, in Willino-ale Church in Elfex, viz. Lady Katherine daughter of^Sr. Roger Beauchamp, Jofeline fon of Sr. Thomas, &c. 1387, 1436, kc. Allbof Sackfield, Torrell of Torrell Hall,Efq. 1582. Thomas BrewfterEfq, 1613. Nicholas Brocket. &c. 1597. ^2. 16. D" in Sapford Church Eflex, viz. Drawings &rc. of Ralph Joceliu 1478. &c. John & Joan Jocelin 1476^ -Ann Sifter of John Leventhorp 1444. -Thomas Chancey Vicar of D'‘ 1425. -John Son & Heir of John fon of Wm. Chancey Knt. Baron of Skirpenbeck in Ebor’ & Ann Leventhorp, ux. ejus 147S, 9, &c. D* of J” Leventhoip Efq. 1484, &c. with others of that Family, &c. 17. Extract from Wills of the Wefton Family, &c. and Pedigree of Wefton of Wefton under Lizard, Staff. Boftonin Lincoln'&c. “ Out of the Evidences of Mr. Thomas Cotton, late of Panfeld & Plampfted, C Eflex, Efq*” 55,6. 18. Rough Sketches of MonumentsofRobeit White Efq. with Copies of Deeds, &c. “ Ex Evidenciis M'^ Thomas White, apud SouthWiurnborne C’Southampton, Arms and Pedigree.” 19. “ The Line of the family of the Greenes fince the time of E. 3. coming out of Chefliire, gent, of great WorIhip,&continuing in Effex, &c. 1539.'' 67. 4945 - 1. Extrafts from the Parliament Records of the ift to 43 Q. Eliz. p. I to 45. And alfo ift K. James ift p. 46 to 67. 2. Cafes concerning Eledlions of Knights & Burgefles of Parliament: collefled by Mr. J. Glanvil, 21 fac. pa. 68 to 102. 3. Proteftation of the Commons in Parliamt, a" i6a8. ro2. 4. Extracts out of Mr. Bowycr’s Reports, 1605, 6 k 7. principally of Parliamentary Affairs, he being then a Member of Parliament. 105 & 207, to 281. d'his folio Vol. is fairly written on paper, but the Ink changed colour. At the beginning is a more minute Table of Contents, & above itwritten, “Wel- beck.” 4946. Codex inembranaceus, pulchcr, jii quo continentur breves, vel, (ut in Codice vocantur) glofu/a in Virgthi iEneidas, auftore incerto, qui Servium'fepe at non iemper, compilaverat. Defunt nota; in libros quatuor priores, & incipiunt a quinto, cum fragmento- quarti pere.\iguo. libri 1 Num. 4946—4954; 2. Note in Bucolics, e Servio exferiptse. 3. Initium notarum in Georgica, ab eodem; defunt Wm^enomnes, exceptis qus in folio primo continentur. £.xletta lunt quis fequebantur octo folia, at forth nun- quam a fenba exafta; abrumpitur enim textus, in medio commate, et locus vacuus fequitur. 4' auftoris opus de fabulis poetarum, cui titii- his infenbitur Fabularius. Agit primo de Demogorgone : uccedunt Fabula; Saturni, Jovis, Gigantuin, &c. conftat loliis 16. o J 4947- Codex membranaceus pulcher, in quo habenturj .4. Lacfantii Inftitutionum libri 7. prxmiflis teftirao- nns deauclore, et operum Caratogo. . --- Dei, qui hic liber oftavus inferi- bitur. 3 - --De opificio Dei, 1 . 9. mferiptus. 4. Index locuples, alphabeticus. Auro et coloribus pulchre omimtur initia libroriim. xv. 4P4?. Reports of the King’sBench, 10, ii, 12,& i^Ja.i. 4949- Codex membianaceus. pulcher, in quo habentur, I. S. Flilarii Pid. epi contra Arianos, de Trinitate, -contra omnes hterefes, five de Synodis, liber. ^ 3 - - -contra Conftantium Auguftum, liber. 4 *-ad Conftanuum libclius. 5 * --ad eundem, libellus. -adverfus Arrianum Auxentium, Mediola- nenfem epifeopum, libellus, pra;fixo ipfius Auxentii libello. 4950- M. Fabii Quintiliani, Inftitutionis oratorise, lib. 12. Co¬ dex membranaceus, pulcher; Franciicus deMcdiolano feripfit. Omittuniur voces Grascee per totum opus. xv. 4951- 1. Johannis de Abbatis villa, epifeopi Sabinenfis, Ser- mones Doniiiiicales. 2. Tolofanas S. Stephani Eedefias Privilegia. xii. 3 ‘-Hymni per totum annum cum notis Mufi- cis, foriniE fingularis. Codex meinbraiiaceus. 4952- Martyrologium. ax/ipaAsi- »V?^ealov. xni. Jacobo Januenli antiquius. Liber beate Maria; fontis frigiJi, membranaceus. 4953 - Tranfcrlptum iftius partis LibriCenfualis (vulgo Doraef- day) qua; defenbit Comitatuin Eboracenfem: cum Indice. xvii. Codex chartaceus benh feriptus et fervatus, con- ftans folds 92. (Vide 5167, 6856. 4954- Codex chartaceus, non bene feriptus, conftans folds 47. cum hoc titulo. “ Placita Forefts de Shirewood e divers Cart. terr. itmi (ab 8 E. 3, ad rempus H, 6. tenta apud Notingham An“ Regni Regis Edwardi 3'* poll: ft Si i 232 . Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 4954, 4955- pod Conqu. oftavo; coram Rado DnoNevill, Rico de Aldeburgh, et Petro dc Middleton, Jullic. Dhi Re¬ gis Itinerantibus ad PlacitaForeds,” See. Sine Indice, led in margine font nomina locorum, &c. Condnet inter alia htec &c. 1. Abbat de Ruffbrd, Prior et Convent de Novo loco. i I, 12 . 2. Mansfield Woodhoufe, &c. Worfup, &c. i6. 3. Lumley, Haywood, Bulweli, &c. 4. DePriore de Sco Ofwaldo, &c. ig- b. 5. Pulwood, &c. Abbat de Rufford, &c. 20. 22. 6. Wyrfop Prior, Abbas de Welbeck. 29. 7. Priorifla de Catelby, et Prior de Lenton, et Abbas, &c. de Rufford, clamant in Berkefwood. 30. 8. Prior de Shclford, Birkeland, 8cc. Clipfton, Cal- verton, &c. 3 ^’ ^ 3 - 9. Abb. et Convent de Welbeck, Prior et Conven. de Novo loco, &c. Prior et Convent, de Wyrfop, &c. 33 - b. 10. Abbat dc Wellebeck, Prior Novi loci in Slnre- wood, Oxton, Southwell, &c. 345 3 ^* 11. Rotulus de Attornatis, Prioriffa de Catelby, &c. Tranferipta Commiffionum & Cartarum de Clipfton, pro priorc de Lenton, &c. Hofpital Sti. Johis de Notting¬ ham, &c. 38- 12. Prior et Convent de Shdford, &c. 39 * 13. Abb. et Monach. de Rufford. 40, &c. 14. Priorat de Novo loco in Shirewood. 42- ic. Ecclefia Beatse MaritedeShelford, &:c. 43 * 16. Tranferipta Cartai'um Hen. Regis, pro Abbat de Rufford. 45 * 17. Welbeck Abb. Wirfop Prior, See. 4b. 18. Lenton Prior, &c, 47 * 4955- A large Volume of Poems by various Authors, uniform- ■ ly & fairly tranferibed. A great part by Ben Jonfon Si Dr. Donne. 1. Verfes by King James. ^ r , 2. Ben Jonfon’s Mafque of the Mctamorpholed Oip- fies. See Whallcy’s Edit vi. 69. 2. 5 ____to a friend. Volvi. p.367. 31. ___the Man. From the Underwoods, Celebration of Charis Art. ix. . _ _the Body & Mind. From his Eu- phcmc. 3 & 4 - Vol. vii. p. 23. M- b. 6 . Ben Jonfon, on a Country Life, irom Horace Epod It. 3 ^* b. _-Verfes to the Eric ofNewcaftle. in- verted. 39 * ___ To the Rt.Hon. Will. Vifeount Manf- field. 40 - g.__Part of the Mafque entitled, “ The Vifion of Delight,” beginning, “ Bright Night I obey thee.” Whalley VI. 21 . , , c r It contains only one Scene, and the Speech or Phantfie. , _ . , , __The Painter to the Poet, with the Anfwer. 4i'b. ji. __ToaLady. Vol. vi. 429. 42.b. __Execration on Vulcan. 43. - Now God preferve, as you well 46. b. -Lines by him, with two Epigrams. 47. b. - A Mafque, not in his Works that I 48. J 3 - deferve 14. 15 - can find. 16. Part of another Mafque, apparently, with a Song of the Moon, by the fame. 5 ^- b- ,7._« To the Memory of that molt honoured Ladie, Jane, eldeft daughter to CuthbertLord Ogle ; and Counteffe of Shrewfbury.” 54 -_ 18. Charles Cavendiih to his Polberity, &c. an Epi¬ taph. 3 54-b. Num. 4935. 19. Epitaphs on Lady Katherine Ogle, by Ecn Joi.= fon, & Mr. Lukin, & Mr. Holme; with an Elegy by the latter. _ 55- 20. Poems by Dr. Andrews, as inferibed in the blar- gin. What Dr. Andrews it was, is not clear. A poem at 87. feems to prove that his Name was Francis, con- fequently it was not the Bilhop, whofe Name was Launcelot, The firll Poem is entitled, “ The Univerfal Sacrifice.” 57- I'his Poem is curioully fonned on the Lord’s Prayer, which is fo contrived as to run down the middle, between two other Columns. 21. By Dr. Andrews, the Belief verfified with fimilar quaimnefs of connivance. 57. b. 22. -“ The Knot of Prayer Sc Grace,” and “ Prayer Sc Blefiing”. 58. 23. -On the Bleffed Trinity. 58. b. 24. -Gloria Patii verfified, as the Lord’s Prayer was above. 58. b. 23.-— “ Drolleries,” being a Collection of Epigrams, Sc other lliort Poems. 59. 26. -a Journey to Sherewood Foreff, in the Style of Barnaby's Journey, theEnglifli part at leafl. 61. 27. —--Doggrel Verfes on Hardwick, War- fope, Welbecke, & Bolfer. (i. e. Balfovcr.) 67. b. 28. -“ Thofe Verfe.s werefpoken before the Counteffe of Leceffer, when Sir Garvas Clilton was married to my Lady Penelope Rich, at Drayton Baffet Houfe.” 68. 29. — ■ --“To the much honoured Beautie of Mrs. Ann Well.” 63 . b. 20. - -A Letter in Verfe to Lady Cooke. 31. More Epigrams,the firff of which is on the Prince Charles courting the Infanta of Spain. 69. b. 32. Song on the Crofs. (at Cheapfide) 71. b. 23. -■■ Verfes on a Judge being made a Sheriff. 72. 34. ' -- To two Ladies, Joan Sc Marget, 73 - b- 35. Dr, Andrewes Elegy on a Child. 3b- 37 - fame. 38. 39 : — Elegy. 80. — Another on a Child, perhaps the 80. b. An Enigma. 81. — Some quaint rhymes, of which the meaning is not obvious. ibid. 40. -On the Incarnation. 81. b. 41. -Epigrams on various Subjedts ; fe- veral to the D. of Newcaftle. ibid. 42. -Letter to a Lady. 84. b. Verfes 011 the Crow, the Pyc, the Raven, 44. - 45 - 46. & the Finch. Si- 85. b. ibid. Lady Jane. 48. -Letter in Verfe to a Dated London, Auguft 141629. andfigned, “Mi-ane time I do continue ftill a Your humble Servant, Franc. Andrilla.” Whence it is fair to conclude that the writer’s name was Francis Andrews. 86. b. The beginning implies the fame. -Character upon a Monfieur. 87. b. 50. Poems by Dr. Don; e, beginning with his Satires • - 3, 4 The name is written almoft conftantly in the Margi 5 in. Dr. Doone. 88 . - Some Elegies by the fame Author, , 2, 3, 4, 5. The Elegy on Lord C. 6. namely 12, 19, 'iheii follow two hlvgies^ not appearing in the pvinttu bibliotheca Harleian*. Ntiir.. 4955—4957. Cullofrioii, bejjminnp, “ Till [ have Peace with ibcf,” iiud •' !>)• our hi (I ftrunge k fatal interview.” 99 b. £>: 100. Then fnllnw. h.leoiy 7, iS. The Sronne, the Calme, Fpiftle re ;-i:- H. Wottema de pcciiitcntiii, incipiens, “ Pteiiiteat cito pcccator, cum lit miferatnr Judex, at fiuit ha;c quinque notanJa tibi." Q. Granimatica metrica Nicolai ciijufdam CaiUabrigi- eniis, ut colligitur ex ultimis ve.rficulis. “P.jufdem fludio quem cantabrigia novit Ore placentis ay liber hie finit Nicolay.” Addmuur atiamanvi, fed veteii, glolfe marginales. 10. De feptem artibu^, l£'rnardi Silveilri Panteonis, (ut cll in marginc) Pocinabreve. 11. Liber metricus inyfteriorum Ecclefia:, incipiens. “Anglia quo fulget, quo guudet prtefule ebro, Londoiiie.” Cum glollis margiaalibu.s. I:. Virgilii Bucolica j cum notis ad priores novsni Lclogas. 13. A, Pcrili Satirs, cum notis. 14. Verfus Graminaticales in verba deponen’ia. 15. Liber metricus, “ A Phebo Plicbe lumen capat, a fapiente Infipiens fenfum.’* 16. Pocma fcholafticuni, 'cum notis prollxioribus. “ Cefpitat in faleris yppus.” 17. Cientn, ut videtur, verfuum cx aucloribus claf- ficis, incipiens, “ Jaandudum tcjneraffe duces pia fedcra pads.” Ad fincm, “ Ha;c tibi prima puer' fundent cunabula flores Mixtaque ridenti paflim cum baccare telius, Molli pauiatim colocafia fundit arantho.” 18. Regulai Gramraatices metrica:. “ Auguftus-r/ to, Ceiar vel inenfis abito.” 19. Poeina Laliuum de Syncwiymis, aequivocis, &c. incipieuR. “ Ad mare nc videar laticcs deferre, Camino Igniculum, frondes veldenfisaddere (fic) I.iceris n^ajoribus gothicis. 20. Poeina, ut videtur, de prtcpofltioiiibus, a pinore foifan avutfum, Poemata ainbo fatis barbara, fed hoc aha manu feriptum. 4968. 1. Cilium Oc«liSaccrdotis.“ Omnis utrlufq; fe.xus.*’ i. XV. 2. 'Traebuus dc 10 prereptis. “ Serva mandata, & vives.” 58. 3- Expofitio 12 articulorum Eidd. 74-b. 4. Duodecim articuli fidei diilineJi. 82. Codex membranaceus luiis pulcher. Liber olim Monallerii S. Edmundi, deempticne J. de Tymworth Abbaiis. 4969, A paper book ver)- fairly written, with this title, “ Cer- teiii Devouce Meditations of the Love of God.” The book contains 311 v.'ritten leaves, comprifing one hundred Meditations on the fubjecl in queftion, of which there is a complete TaUe at the end. xvii. 7 Num, 4970— 4974 * 4970. Codex membranaceus, literis gothicis, cum multis con- tradionibus feriptus. Continet Ariftotelis libros to de Hilloria aniinalium, 4 de partibus animalium, 5 de Generacione animalium, Latinfi verfos. In xix libros divifus eft codex, fine diflindione titulorum. xiv. 4971. Liber membranaceus, continens tractatus varios qui In folio primo recenfentur, ut infra, cum hoc titulo ; “ Liber monachorum Sancti Eduni in quo fub* feripta cnntincnlur,” xiv. 1. Modus prontinciandi dictiones In Gallicis. i. 2. Modus numerandi in Gallicis. t>(b) 2, 3. 3. C^udiier clericus hofpicil fe habere debet in officic) fuo. 4— 4. Modus faciendi literas in Gallicis, et de tribus par- libus litenu. C—^10. _ t;. Litcra; gallice feripta; fecundum modum faciendi literas. lo- b.—20. 6. Decllnatio verborum in gallicis. 20—-24. 7. Modus qualiter clericus, five expenfor, expendet pccuniam doinini fui. 24. 8. “ Rotulus expenfarum dhi Radulphi Comltis Staf- fordie, de omnibus bonis receptis, ct expends factis, per [ohem Bromleye clericum hofpitii dicli Dhi, a feflo Sci 'Mich. Arctii, anno regni regisEdwardi tertii pofl An¬ glic conqucllum vicefimo nono,” &c. 25. 9. Modus faciendi .5;//in Gallicis. 28. 10. Regultc cartarum in Gallicis. 32. b. 11. Modus verteiidi denaiios in folidos, et inarcas in libras. _ _ S 7 ' I 2. Modus tenendi curiam. 37. b. deefl folium. 39. 13. Licera; attornatus in Gallicis, cum forma condh cionis cujufd.im obligationis. ^ ^ 40. 14. Modus faciendi cartas, indenturas, obllgaciones et acquitanclas. 4'—''4* I Statuta facia apud Weftm. tempe Regis RicarJi feedi 6^ —96. Defimt autem folia ga, 92, 94, 95, et 96. 16. Q^cC fequuntur, verfibus brevibus Gallicis com- prehenfa, per figuras minores diflinguuntur. 1. Duodecim aniculi fidei. 97. 2. Decern mandata, 100. 3. Septem peccatamor- talia, 107 b. 4. Septem Sacramenta, 119. 5. Paf- fiones duo, 123. b. 6. Virtutes confeflionis 124, 7. Vita naturtc, vita culpa:, vita gratia:, 130. 8. Sef- fiones rabuUe rotunda:, 130. b. g. Cap. de purlficatione beatae Virginis Marise, 131. 4972. A curious MS. on Vellum with many illuminations, rude in defign, but profufely gilded. It contains a Pai-aphrafe on the Book of Revelations; in French : written in two columns, on 47 leaves. Something perhaps is wanting at the end. xiv. 4Q73- Codex membranaceus, pulcher, continens libros decern de Arithmetica gcometricil. In folio luldititio, manu non recenti, fetibitur, “ Arithmetica Jordan).” Defunt nonnulla ad finem, et folium uldmum a coinpaclore invenum elL xiv. 497+* Codex meinbi'anaceus. 7. M. Tullii Cic. Ofilciorum Libri 3. Defunt lo prima folia. xv. 2. Phalaridis Epiflolaruin folia 1 2. neque Integra, neque fine hiatibus. 4075. Stafutoruni Bibliothecae Harleianse. Num. 4975—+985. 4975 - 'Statufoi'um anticjuorum Liber. Scil. Siimma placltorum, Carca Libertatis, Forells, See. See. xiv. Codex membranaceus. 4976. Vita Echvardi Regis & ConfelToris : per Adclredum Ab- bateiii. XIV. Codex pulcher membranaceus ; in eodem tomo Compadtus cum numero ii 17. 4077 - Ercfii Liber de Medicamentis, xi. Codex membranaceus, venorabilis, feripeura varia. 4078. 1. Obituarii fragmentum. x. 2. S. Auguflini Senno de lapfn Monachi & Vidua:. 3- Beds Prefbyteri, Hiflorias Ecclefiaflica: gentis Anglor. Libri 5 Cum Epilogis, &c. Codex membranaceus. 49 " 9 - A barbarous and fabulous hiflory of Alexander the Great, in old French, with very rude illuminations. On vcliuni. It has no reference to Quintus Cuitius, wliofe original was not difeovered when it was written. XIV. 4980. Code.x membranaceus venerabiiis, in quo continentur ; 1. Annotaiiones in Actus Apollolorum e Sto Auguf- lino excerpta:. x. 2. _ “Liber manualis, editus a Doininn Alcuino, ex Libris Sci Augultini de Tiinitate ; dircctus ad Karoluin Regem:” i. e. imperatorem. Libri tres. 3. Litania et confelTio fidei. 4. Albini Refponfiones ad inteiTogationes Filii Frc- degifi, de Sanfta frinitate. 5. Ejufdem Albini ad Eulabam Virgincm Epiflola. 6. Verfus Latini, inclpicntes, “ Qui mare, qui terrain, qui ccelum condidit ahum, Qui regit imperio cunfta creata fuo.” Cum fragmentis paucis. Codex antiquus certe, fed ultra feculum decimum vix rejiciendus 4qRi. Propheta: minorcs, cum S. Hieronymi Commentario. Codex membranaceus “ Liber Sanclte Maritc Vallis- dortc." vin. 4982. Conftantini Afri, Medici, Libri lo. I.atine. xiv. Codex membranaceus. In primo folio Wanlcius fciipfit, “Bought by my Lord of Mr. NoeI,A.D. 1716.” In line mancus. 4983- Nicholai Praflica MediciiiEC. xin. Code.x membranaceus, pulcher; 4984. S. Martini Vita & Mimcula : per Sulpicium Severum, Sz Gregorium Turonenfem. xui. Codex membranaceus, pulcher. 4985. Libri Tobite, Judith, Rutli, & Sapiemias gloffati. Liber membranaceus. Ex Bibliotheca N, 'i'. Foticault, co- mitis Confiftorianii xiii. ^35 Num. 4986—4996. 49H6. Codc.x membranaceus, cum picluris plantarum et anl* malium fatis rudibus. Continentur, x. 1. Antonii Mufe, ut fertur, Epidola ad M. Agrip- pam ; cum medicamentis quibufdam. 2. Liber Apuleii Platonici, de medicaminibus, cum figuris piftis. 3- Epiftola Anthimii, ad 'I'heodoricuin Francorum regem, de obfervatione ciborum. Ill folio primo, “ Liber Chronradi Peutinger.” Co- dex in eodem tomo compaftus cum numero 5294. 4987, Codex membranaceus, uno tenore feriptus, in quo habentur, xv. 1. Epiflola de miraculis nonnullis. 2. Vifio milltis cujufdam Hybernienfis (fic) de ftatu mortuorum. 3. De mode meditandi feipfumqiie regendi. 16. b. 4. “ Meditationes bead Bernardi.” 20. b. 5- “ Fonnula virtutum, cum collune de caritatc.” 29. 6. Regulabeaci Aiiguflihl. 40. b. 7. Auguflini fuinma de Oratlone. 8. Soliloquium Hugonis de Sco Vlctore, de aVrha anime. 5, 9. Ammoniciones, (e. i. admonuiones) Sci Bafilii Epifeopi. 10. Meditatio Anfelmi de paflione.” 85. b. 11. “Vita, et modus vivendi, qualiter religiofus fe debeat habere coram Deo et hominibus.” 87. b. 12. Summa Magiftri Roberti Groflefle. go. b. 13. Tradtatus de conteinptu Mundi, &c. 98. b. 14. Meditatio beatiAnfelmi. I'd-b. _ 15. “ Htec eft ars perutilis et compendiofa timendi ct diligendi Deum, et (knclte meditationis, in quatuor manibus Lquentibus deferipta.” Manus funt accurate depiflie, et regulte fuper palmas et digifos feriptse. 16. “ Libellus de feptein ariibus phiiofophia: ccelcftis, deftinatusad quendam prm timore mortis Ibculari philo- fophix renunciantem.” 128. b. 17. Ambrolius de Virginilate. fl:Tf7.sT!rof. 141. b. 4988. Reports in the Court of Queen’s Bench, from 21 1034 Eliz. Written on Paper, not very fairly, itro leaves. 4989. A paper book, very fairly written, on 28 Pages, with th.e following title, “ A Journall of the Seige and taking of Buda, by the Imperiall Ariny, under the Conduft of the Duke of Lorraine, and his Eledlorall Miglinefte ihe Duke of Bavaria ; By Mr. Jacob Richards, one of his Ma'''' En¬ gineers, who was appointed by the Right hoiible the Lord Dartmouth, M.ifter General of his M'* Ordnance, &c. to ferve in the faid Army, in order to his Improve¬ ment for his Ma"'‘ future SeiVice.” 1686. With a large plan of the town and befieging armies, carefully, & rather elegantly drawn. xvii. 4990. A paper book fairly written, with this general title, “ Trafls of divers Natures. Vide Indicem fo. vi.” On the firft board is written, “ H. Poulc.” Under W'hich, in Mr. T. Baker’s hand, is this. “ The fame, I fuppofe, that was Speaker in the Convention. His hand is known by the Members of the Convention.” It contains 181 written leaves. I. An Oration of Lord Hales in Commendation/of the Laws of England. 'i. a. An z 36 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nuin. 49^0—4992. 2. An Oration to tlie King, by the fame. 2. b. 3. Another Oration in Commendation of the Laws. Bv a perfon univnown. 4. A R^-dation of the Death of Wait. E. of EfTcx, 1^76. Wiih the Song that he funge, &c. A Reading upon Magna Chaita. 164. > i- A Decree of the Starr Chamber, 32 Eliz. againll Sir riio. Fairfax,&c. for a Riot. 179. b. 4991. A Coileflion of Arguments in fcveral Cafes of Heraldry ; bv W'" Ryley, Lancafier FIcratd, 1646. A moderate fized loiio of paper, badly written, in Latin, tc bound np witii 13C1, and 5877. 4902. Auri'Ifi Prudeiitii Opera, eleganter feripta, in nicmbranu, fed cum hiatibus et tranfpofitionibus nonnullis plane ndris. xiii. 1. Pia-fatio Anrelii Priulcntii. i. 2. Cathemeiinon. ut viilgo inferibitur, Ilymni dccem pviores; Scilicet, i. Ad Gall: cantum. 2 Malutinus. 3. Ante cibum, 4. Poll cibum. 5. Ad incenfum hicernte C Ante lomnum 7. Jejunantium. 8 Pofl iejunium. 9. Omnis Horse. 10. Circa exfequias. I. b. 3. Liber Perillephanon, fine Prtefatione, et continens Ilymnop, i. In F.tr.ethnum, (five Emeterium) et Chele- don'.um. 2. In Mneentium. 3. In 8 KaJ. Jan. 4 Epiplra- nis; (vulgo cum prsecedente, Cailiemerinis adferiptumj bed ad tlnein Hymni pollcrioris feriba, certe indoftus, pnfuit, Finit Cathemeiinon Prudentii dementis/' ijuamtis Periliephanon fiipra dixilTct. J4. 4. Apotheofis, prsemifli) Ilymno de Trinitate, qui vulgo diciturprpjfatio, fo!. ai.'ufquead verfum ^94, “ Ante tenebrofam prnprii mcdicamcn & oris” fol 3*. b. ubi abrupte tranlitur ad verfum 528 Ilainavti- geniie. “ iEtliere dimiluis fubjeflos fi velit artus.” ufque ad finem ejufdein; i:bi feriba indoflus pofuit, “ Finit a marrigenia lib. 2.” 5. Hie, line titiilo prnprio, refumitur filum poematum qi'X ad Periliephanon referri folen'. fol. 40. Soil. i. de Sandlo Romano mariyre. 2. de Sanclo Laureiitio. 3. In Euialiiun. 4. in xvm mmtjrcs. 5. In Frucluo- fum. 6. In Onirimim. 7. In Bautinerum Calagurri- taauin. 8. InC.dliauum. 9. in Hippulytuin. 10. In A[io{lo!os Petrum et Paulum. ;i. In Cyprianum. 12. Ii Agnetem. 6. Poetna contra Syinniachvtui. I'^I. 69. b. ufque ad verfum 547. ' _ 79. b. Turn tranGt ad Hamartigenir.ni ver. 32. unde pro- cedic ad ver. 527. (fol. 87. b.) ubi refumitur Apotheofis, k verfu 695. qui tanien fic refingitur, ab interpoiatote recendore, ut enra prscedente connectaiur. “ Plulmalore daius ; quein primuin finxerat Adx.” Procedit delude ad tinem Apotbefeos. 94. 7. Iricipit Hdinartigenia. ibid, ubi feriba imperitus librum fecundurn falfo a.ll'ciipft. Procedit ad veifum 31. 9 j. b. Num 4992—4994. S. Refumitur in Symmachum lib. I. (ibid.) a verfo 548, ubi abruptum fuerat pocmaiis filum, in fol. 79.b. Procedit deinde ad finem librorum contra Symmaebum. Liber fecundus incipitin fol. 97. 9. Liber mifcellaneus Prudentii, quiDiptychon ap- pellarifolet. ny, 10. Prrefatio in Librum Periliephanon, fic inferipta. 129 . “ Incipit, de opufeulis fuis immolat patri deo.” 11. Pfychomachia, cum praifatione. Difiinguitur hoc poema in capita minutiora, cum argumentis nibricx piftis ad fingula. j 20. b. Ad finem, “ P. Mlrallii Gaiaefii.” Ouanquam per- verfo ordme leguntur nonnulla, ut notavimus, dignus tamen videtur hie codex qui confulatur ; prafertim fi lieculo decimu tertio alcribi debeat, ut aucloritate priori? Catalog! notavimus. 4993 - Eormulx I.herarum, Cartarum, Obligationum, Sec. pariim in menibrana, partim in charta feriptx. xv. 4994 - Codex chartaceus, in eodem vulumluc compaflus cum num. 431. continens tranfciipta Literarum Impera- tonuo, Reguin, 8:c. ut fequantur. 1. Dux Glieldriss Frederico Imperatori, 1492. 3. 2. Maxiraiiianus Imp. ad Status Flandrix, /48S. 4. b. 3. Refponfio ad Max. per Piiilalcthen. 7. 4. -Maximiliani ad fuppUjationcni Oratorts Vcneii. 14. 5. Quamobrem Angli Francia; regnum ad fe pertinere confirment. ibid. 6. Familiarum Lancaflricj et Eboraccnfis dc regno Anglix contentiones. 14, b. 7. Senatufconfultum Cuiiai Franeix, five Arcfiuni adverfus abufus Annataruni, et aharum ufurpationuni Papx. 15. 8. Prcnunciatio cleiTionis Caroll Archiducis Auflrix in Regem Romanoruin. 19. g. F’erdinaudi Romanorura, Hungaria:, et Bohc-ni:x, Regis Fdidlum. Ad inferiorum proviuciarum AuPria- carum,et Co Goritix principalis fubditos. 1554. i4Aug. 19. b. 10. Ferdinandus Remanorum II. et B. Rex, &c. Friderico Naufi.es coadjutor! Eccl. Vijnnenfis. 1540. 17 Apr. 20. b. 11. Carolus Cxfar, ilhifiri J. Frid. Duel Sax. et aliis principibus m Cit. Religionis conjunclis, 1537. 7Julii. Sleid. fol. 136. ibid. 12. Caro'us Casfar, Clero Colemenfi, 1543. 8 Aug. et itcrum 1543. 2i Odob. Sleid. 21. b. 13. F.dwardus 6. Angl. Fr. ctllib. Rex, See. et eccicfix Angl. &c. fupremum Caput. 14. Li terse pacificationispublica:, ab AlbcrtoCardinali, 1532. 14 Julii. Sleid. tol. 106. 22. 15. Cautio Cccfarea pacis publicx. 1532. 2 Aug. Sleid. fol. 106. 24. 16. Literal. I. Frid. ducis Saxonisc, et fiatunm imperii, ad iiuperaturem, 1636. 9 Septemb. Sleid. fol. 137. 24. b. 17. Salvus condiidus datus Joanni Hus, 1414. 18 UcL 25. b. iS.Carolusj. Rom. Imp. Semp. Aug.&c. dementi papx 7" 1326. 28 Sept. 26. 19. Legatorum X"''Regis Epiflolm, ad univerfos facri Imp. ordines Spirx conventum agentes 1544. 26. b. 20. Legatorum Chrill' Regis feripta ad univerfos facri imperii ordines Spine conventum agenfes. 28. 21. Chriftianilfimi Regis ad Imp. ordines EpHloia, calunmiariiin m eum diiTeminatarum refulatoria, 1534. 12 Feb. Sileid, ful. 117. 37. 22. Chrirli- Bibliothecae Harleianse. 257 Nutrt. 4994. 17 . ChrifUaniiTiinl Regis, de ratione concilii gene- ralis indicendi Epillola, ad eofdem, 1534. 25 Feb. 41. b. 23. -— ad Imp. ordine.s Erlinga; conventum ha- bentes, de ratione conftituenda inter Chriflianos omnes Concordia:, 1535, ,10 Sept. 42. b. 24. Legati Kegii Oratio ad Imp. ordines, Smalcaldis agentes, 1535, 19 Decembr. Sleid. fol. 120. b. 25. Chrift™* Regis ad Imp. ordines, de indicendo conveniu, deque fibi oblatis per Solimanuin Turcarum Rcgem pacis conditionibus, Epillola. 1536, 22 Januarii. .... 49 - 25 . Caroli 5' Imp' in Galliarum Rcgem oratio Romse coram Pontifice habita. 1536, 17 April. Sleid. fol. 133. 27. Chrift"'* Regis ad earn Oratlonein refponlio. 1536, 11 Maii. Sleid. 134. 55. 28. Ejufdem ad ordines S.R.I. Literte. 1536,30 Maii. 63- 2g. Ad eofdem Literte fereni/Timorum ejufdem Regis liberorum. 1536, Cai.Jun. 63. b. 30. Litera: a legato ejufdem Regis et liberorum ejus, ad principcs Eledlores et aliosS.R.l. 1536, Jul. 64. 31. Gulicmi Beliaii Apologetica pro Rege Epillola. 1536, Julii. 67. 32. Chrifl"'' Regis ad Ele'Tores Imp. Epifbola, qua conventum ad difeeptandam de Mediolano controverfiam, etfe adverfus malevolorum calmnnias purgandum indici pollular. 1536, Decemb. Sleid. fol. 137. 88. 33. Expollulatoria ejufdem Regis Epiflola, ad Cardi- nalem Mogunrinum, de violate tabulario, item ad dif. ceptandam de Mediolano controverfiam. 1536, JanuariL 90. 34. Ejufdem ad Saxonia ducem, et Philippum Heflis Landgravium Epiftola. 1537, 10 Kal. Jun. Sleid. f. 150. 95. 35. Apologetica Epillola de fententia Chriflianifli"" Regis, ad amplifliinos S.R.I. ordines, 1537, 7 Maii. Sleid. f. 150. 97.b. 36. Chrill' Regis ad Principes, &c. Wormatias con¬ ventum habentes Epiftola, qu 4 Senatum de Mediolenfi controverfia fibi dari poftulat, et alia quaidam fuper So- limani expeditione fignificot. 1537, Prid. Kal. Aug. I2I. 37. Capitula feederis initi inter fummuin Pontificem, Cccfareanique M", et Venetos, contra Turcas, 1538. S Feb. J24. 38. Concordatum et Conftitutio inter Carolum S.K. Imp. et S.R. Imperii principes, et flatus, de Burgundi^ regionis in impenfas imp. contributione. 1548, 26 Jun. 126. b. 39. Sententia Mortis lata in Joh. Fridericum ducein Saxoniie. 1547, 7 Maii. Sleid. -271. 131. 40. Eegeset conditiones mitigatae et commutatae Sen- leuiice mortis in J. I'r. dueem Saxonisc. 1547, iG Maii. Sleid. 271. ^ 132. 41. Carolus S.R.I. &c. Senatui populoque Wirtem- burgenfi. 1546, Oct. 14. Sleid. 261. I33*b. 42. Litera; quibus J. Fridcricum D. Saxonia;, et Philippum Langravium Hefli Imperator proferibit. 1546, 20 Julii. Sleid. 246. 137. 43. De occafione Belli Ilungarici. 143, 4.^. FerdinanJi Regis in Jolidiinetn Valvodam Oratio, habita in comitiis Imperii. 1^3. b. 45. Belli a Leone X. Pont.Max.Francis indidli occafio. 144- 46. Raphael Venetus I.eoni X. Pont.Max. 1446. 47. Ludovica, Ordinibus et Statibus Regni Francia:, 1525- ibid. 4 ^--Carolo Filio Ca^fari. • 555 »(' 52 s) 3 Martii. 145. 49. Carolus Casfar Ludovicee matri, 1535, ibid. 50. Teftimonium CaefarcK voluntatis datum Ipifc® Airebatenfi, et exhibituin in Conciiio Trid.ntino. 1542, iSOctob. 145-b. Cat.II.vrl, Vol. III. Num. 4994» 51. Appellatio Univ. Parifienfis aLeoneX. Pont.Max. 1517, 27 Martii. Sleid. 7. 146. 52. Pontificis Max. Litera: Henrico Regi Anglias et Regin$ Hifpaniarum. 1503, 26 Decemb. Sleid. iii. 152. b. 53. Declarado Papee Clementis 7. 1534, 23 Martii. Sleid. no. 134. 54. Bulla dementis 7, concclTa Ilenriro 8. de fe- cundis nuptiis contrahendis, conftante nullitate piima- rum. _ 13^. 55. Chrift"’* Regis ad Eleflores et Imperii Status, apuci Spiram congregates Epillola. 1526, 6 Oftob. Sleid. 72. 136. 56. Apologia Madriciante Conventionis diffuaforia. 1526. Sleid. 70. 138. 57. Epiftola Caroli Ca:f. ad S.R.I. eleiftores, et cseteros Germania: Principes. 1526, 9 Nuvenib. Sleid. 72. 163. b. 58. Feedus inter Hcnricum II. et Edvvardum VI. 59. PauKis 3. Pont.Max. Carolo V. Imp. 172. b. 60. -Statibus Ecclefiafticis in Con- vent'd Augiiftano. 1548, i Januarii. 182. 61. -Bvilla, oscumenici Concilii Tri¬ dent! celebrandi. 1542, Kal. Junii. 188. 62. -filiis Luca;, Antonio, et aliis Librorum ImprelToribus. 1536, 3 Julii. 193. b. 63. Confilitim adinodum patemum Pauli 3. datum Imp Carolo 5. Gcc. pro Lurhtranis. 194. b. 64. Paulus 3. Thomte Campegio Ep° Feltrenfi. 1540, I Odlobr. igg, b. 65. f'^ratio Epifeopi Fela'enfis habitaWormatise. 1540, 8 Decemb. 200. 66. Refponlio in concelTu utriufque partis data. 201. 67 Paulus 3 Friderico Naufe$, Saerse Theologije profefTori. 1540, 14 Maii. ibid. 68. -Fr. Naufe$, Ep. VIennenfi. n;4?, 16 Feb. aoi'.b. 69. OthoTruchfes Ep° Viennenfi. 1543, 18 Aprilis. 202. 70. Pauli 3 Bulla declaratoria fufpenfionis Confilii. 1543. Pr. Non. Jul. 203. 71. Adrianus Papa VI. Germania: principibiis in Dieta Norimbergenfi. 1522, 25 Noveiub. 206. b. 72. Inftrurftio pro D"" Francifeo Cheregatode quibuf- dam Germania: principibus et Civitatum Oratoribus. 209. b. 73. Refponlio principum, et S.R.I. ordinum, ponti- fids Legato reddita. ai”. b. 74. Replicatio Pontificii Oratoris. 2.17. b. 75. Adrianus Papa Friderico Prindpi et Eledorl. 1522, 5 Odob. 22/. 76. Paulus 3 Carolo 5 Imp. 1542. Aug. 26. 228. 77. Confilium de emendata ccclcfia Paulo 3 ipfo ju- bente conferiptum. 229. 78. Confilium de ratione ftabilienda: et augends Ro¬ mans Ecdcfiae a Paulo 3. 234. b. 79. Pauli 3 Bulla. 240., b. 80. Francil'cus Quignonus Paulo 3. Pont. Max. 242. 246. b. 247. 81. Paulus 3 Fr. Naufea. Ep. Vienn. 82. -eidem. 83. Inftruttio data Inquifitonbus. 1550, ult. Maii. Sleid. 318. _ 247. b. 84. Reftor et Univerfitas Lovanienfis. 1550, 26 Martii. -^2. b. 85. Bulla Julii 3, rediidionis Concilii ad Calendas Maii. 1550, 18 Cal. Dec. Sleid. 322. 256. 86. -alia, indiCJicnis Concilii et quibus Legibus celebrabitur. 15 -o. Id. Nov. 87. Julii 3 Bulla, 1552. 12 Kal. Jul. 88. -alia, 1553. 14 Cal. Nov. 8y. -alia, i 54. g Cal. Jan. 90. Pauli 4 Bulla. 1555. 8 Id. Mart. 3 P M.F.Quin. 202. 26:. b. 262. b. 264. b. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 4995—5C03. 4995- F. Quintillani InflUutionum Oratoriaruin libri 12. cumScholiis multis. Codex meinbranaceus, pulcher, Uteris quadratis Romanis feriptus. Dcell inidum,_ yfque ad Caput vi. Num. 79, IJbri I. fecundum Edidonem Gefnerianam. In margine fold uldmi, “ pro die 5 Julii 4996. Codex membranaceus, cum picluris fatis rudibus. Poema rhythmicum Latinum, de Hiitoria Yeteris et Novi Teftamemi. In fragmento Epiftols, ad Dominuin Harley fuperferipta:, habetur hoc de Codice ipfo telhmo- nium. _ , . ,. “ This book is faid to have been found m taking down the Weft Gate of Whitehall, between the Walnf- cott and the Wall, and was given by Mr.Thomas Robe, Sept. 1726.” Codex forte fjcculo 14® antiquior, cui tamen, priorem Catalogum fequentes, adfcripfimus. xiv. 4997- S. Chryfoftomi Homilias in Matthxum 57, didte “ de Opere imperfedto” Latine. Codex membranaceus. 499S. Reports from 31 to 40 Eliz. A Pnper Book, conl.im- ing 309 written leaves. The lall 30 placed by inif- lake at the beginning. 4999- Statutes from the i Ed. 3. to the iS 11 . 6. A Paper Book, of 227 written leaves, unftniftied. 5000. P. Terentii Comcedix Sex, cum Scholiis. Scriptae fine diftinOionc Verfuum. Pra^mittitur hoc Epitaphium ■pej-gntii, quod et in vet. Cod. Parifiis exftare dicitur. “ Natus in excelfis te£ds Carthaginis alts: Romanis ducibus bellica prsda fui. Deicripfi mores hominum,juvenumquefcnumque, Guadter et Servl decipiant dominos. Ou1d meritrex, quid leno dolis conftnguat avarus, Use quicunque legit, fic puto cautus erit.” Codex partime membrana pavtim charta formatus} quern fcculo 13""’ ad minimum adlcribere vellem. Cata- Icgus prior Satculo i5,afcvibit. 50 or. “ An Accompt of the Wardrobe, or Iloufchold of Ed¬ ward Prince of Wales (after K. Ed. 2. in the 35th or laft year of his Father.” This is a fmall folio, having the above title written at the beginning, by a modern hand, but the contents of the Vol. are in Latin, & ex¬ hibit curious particulars of the lloufehold expences k prices of things at the time. 5 CO 2 . Liber Exodi, gloftiitus. xiii. Codex membranaceus, vcner.vbilis. 5003. S. liieronymi et aliorum Epiftolm, cum aliis operibu.'^, quae infra notantur. xv. Codex membranaceus, clegans, feripturS optima et te.^uabili, in duabus columnis. Folia funt 389, prster vitam et tabulam contentorum, quze xi. occupant. I. “ F.ufebii Hieronymi, viri illluftriftimi Rumanx ec- clcfia.* prefbyteri, Cardinalis digniffimi, ac doeforis eximii vita incipit, quam Marcus Michael, prelbiter Cortonenfis Kum. 5003—5006. profequens ftilo breviore compegit, quibufdam additis et permutatis yftorise veritate fervata.” Elegantcr depic- tus eft ipfe Hieronymus, in prinid litera. 2. Tituli Librorum. I, . Epiftoljc tres Damafi papjc et Hieronymi. t. 4. Origincs fuperCandca, Latine per S. Hicronymuin. 4 .b. 5. Eptftolce Hieronymi et aliorum. 13. 6. Liber Hieronymi ad Pamachium de optimo genere interpretandi. 65. 7. EpiftolaEpiphanii ad Chryfoftomum. 69. 8. Alia; Epiftola;. 73. Q. Definitio fidei Symbolique Niceni Concilii. 91. b. 10. Itenim Epiftolm. 94* II. Liber S. Hieronymi, deMariae Virginitateperpeiua. Contra Helvidium. 103. b. ‘ 12. -Contra Jovinianum. in. 12- --— de Virginitate Servanda, ad Euftochium. 154- 14. S. Hieronymi adverfus VigiUmtium. 163.6. 15. Epiftolte iterum varia;. id;. 16. S. Hieronymi Confolado ad Paulam, de dormi- tione Blefylla;. 17. Epiftolce S. Hieronymi. 18. Ejufdem, ad Silvinam, Confolado. 19. Ad Aggeruchiam, de monogamia. 2c. Quaiftiones, S. Ebicha;. 21. Epiftola; varire. 22. Epitaphium, de morte Nepotiaiu prefbyteri, ad igj.b. 196. b. 209. 212 . 215. 224. 264. b. 268. b. 272. b. 284. 298. b. 337- Eliodsrum Epife. Aquilegienfem. 23. Epiftola Hieronymi. 24. Hieronymi quieftioncs ad Algafium. 25. Iterum Epiftola. 26. Ejufdem de Vita ct dormitione Paula:. 27. EpiftolcC S. Hieronymi. 28. Pra:fatio et Epiftola: Rufini, de Origenis Peri- archdn, quern in Latinum tranftuiit, cum rerponficne S. Hieronymi. SM- b. 29. Hieronymus ad Rufinum, de ConveiTione et Vita Bonofi. ^ __ 3 ® 9 -b_- ^o. —--ad Evagrium : cum aliis Epiftolis. 330-b. 31. Rufinus ad Ampronianum, contra Hicronymum. 335 - 31. Ad Virginem in Exilium miflam, Confolatoria. 343-b. 33. Libri Apologetici S. Hieronymi contra Riifinuir., ad Pamachium et Marcellain. 345. b. 34. Hieronvmi Epiftola de honoranJis pareiuibus. - 364.6. 35. De quadraginta duabus inanfionibus filioruin Ifraclis. 3*55-b- 36. F.piftolx Hieronymi. _ 373-b. Palllm relinquuntur hiatus pro citationibiis Grcecis. 5004 Codex membranaceus, in quo liabentur, Ariftotelis Ethicorum Libri 10. latine. , , — Politicorum Lib. 7. -Rhetoricoruin Libri 3. -Oeconomicorum Libii 2. ■ -magnorura liluralium Libri 2. 5CO5- S. Cypriani Carlh. ep. Opera. xv. Codex membranaceus, pulcher. 5006. Codex membranaceus, in quo habetur pars Tragcedia- ruin, ct Epiftolaium.Seneca:. xv. I. SeaeexTrageedia ll-xta, ut hie numerantur, Troas ; iverfu4i3. in Aebu terlio, “ Pcliacus a.xis pondcre Heftoreo tremens.^' I 2. Scptiina Bibliothecae Harleianae, Num. 5006—5013. 2- Septima, i. e. Medea. 5. ^^)dava, fcil. Agamemnon. 4. Nona, five Otftavia. 5. Decima, five Hercules Oetreus. 6 . Senec® Epiflolariim libri 2. prxmiffis Epiftolis fpunis inter Senecam et Paulum Apollolum. Ad fineni paginal fecmidcefcribaait, “ In hoc codice Lucii Annei Senccailiterarum moraliumad Lucillum libri, nimiero2.” Epiltolai funt multa:, fed non congruenies ovdine ciuft Editls. 7. Fragmentum prioris partis ejufdem Codicis ; con- tinens finemTragcediie prima:, fcilicetllcrculis Furends, cum initio Secuiidte qua; eft Thyelles. _ 5 C 07 . A finall folio wntten on Paper, containing, 1. The Arguments of the Commoners to inforce their Complaint of Grievances againft the D. of Buckingham, 1626. This part occupies molt of the Volume. 2. Minutes of the Parliament at Gxford, 1625. in 12 large folded Pages, but bound up irregularly, begin¬ ning with p. 6. 3. Parliament 162'^. The Report of the Committee cl' the Houfe of Commons for a general fall, on account of paft and prel'cnt Evils, &c. 4. The Attorney General’s letter to thejudges of the fcveral Circuits, to direct their proceedings agaiiift Re- cufants, 7 March 1625. figned Rcbt. Heath, Inner Temple. 5. Another letter from the fame, ift March, to the Juftices of the Peace of the feveral Counties, againft M'omen Rccufants, having hulbands not fo. 5008 & 9. Copies of Letters to & from the Privv Council, from the Year 1550 to i ;56. Chiefly from France & Italy, Sc relating to State affairs there, &c. but with¬ out the writers names. Two folio Vols. copied by an indifl'ere.nt hand, but in good prefervation. 5010. A thill folio, well written on paper & prefeiTcd, con¬ taining, 1. “ An Abftraft nt the Money remaining in the Ex¬ chequer, 3 Nov. 1688: & paid into the fame, from the faid j Novr. to the 30 of June 1690 ; together with all the payments made from thence in the faid time. Ex¬ tracted fiom an original liook delivered to the Parlia¬ ment by the Lords of the Treafury.” fol. i. to 18. befides the above Title Page. 2. All Eftabliflimcnt of the yearly charge of their Majellics DietSc Houihoid, to commence the i of Apr. 1689. 1 to 20. At the beginning is a handfome title Page ; Sc f. 2.b. ihe particulars of their Majellics Dinner, Supper, &tc. And f. 20—22.- are “ Ordinances to be obfciwed fur the regulating wtll-goveruing the Houfe, S;c. 5011 A Colleflion of Papers about dnu fng of Fens in leveral Counties of England, by Sir W‘" Dugdale, Placita 13, 18 Edw. 2 : 4, 5, 7, it, 14, 15, & 16 I'ld. 3. Codex membraiiaccus vetus, ex variis cudicibus compaclus. xv. 50 ' 3 - A Survey of the Crown Lands in Gloucefterfliire ; Sc of fume in Derbyfliue, Wurccilcrflnre, HerefoiU- Num, 5013 ftiire, Leicefterfhire,Lmcoln(hire, Rutlandfliire, &Nor- thamptonfliire: taken A°i65o: with an alphabe¬ tical Index of Places. 5014. Codex membranaceils, cui titulus “ Speculum viri Ca- nonici, et Summa Suminaruin.” Imperfedus in fine et alibi, fed multa eorum qute in hoc voluinine de- funt, in fine fequeiitis reperiri polTunt. xv. 5015- Codex membranaceus, cujus pars praicipua eft Reperto- rium alphabeticum juris Canonici, quod iinperfedtum videtur, fed praicipue ob impetitam partium diftrac- lionem, ita ut initium vix quarts totius parte a fine diftet. Forte perfeclus eft Codex fi rede ordinetur. In prime folio “ Tabula mitis, aut tabula Bariholi magfi Jotiiis Morton.” 2. Fragmentum infigne Codicis prrecedends, cujus ope lacuna; forfan fareiri poflent. xv. BIbliorum Tomus, a Proverbiis Solomonis ad primum Macchabatoruin. In fine imperfedus. Code,x mem- branaceus^ formte majoris. xin. 5017- Im'o Books of the Maccabees ; & the New Teftament: ofWicldilf’s Traiiflation. On vellum. xiv. 5018. Codex chartaceiis, ad tranferibenda feedera publica deftiiiatus, fed non tertia parte feriptus. Cum tabula contentnrum alphabetica. Infigniora forte funt quas fcquuntiir. t. Tranferiptum Confoederationis inter Angltam, Sueciam & Belgium, A'' itoo. i & ig. 2. -^-inter Angliam & Germaniam, 1703. 19- 3. -inter Angliam & Belgium, 1702. 3 ®- 4. -inter Angliam, Daniam, & Belgium, 1691- 100. 5. -inter Angliam 8c Prufliani, 1704 181. 6. -inter Angliam, Germaniam, Bel¬ gium, & Principem Monafterieufem, 1695. 1S8. 7. --— inter Angliam Belgbm, & Eledora- lem Palatinum, 1706. 266. 5019. A large folio, written on Paper, of 262 leaves, with an alphabetical Index at the End, & 'Fable of Contents at the beginning, See. !. An Abftrad of the Will of Roger Bigot E. of Norll. &c. Ex ebartis Philippi Cum. Ar ndell 1580. Robt. Glover, Somerfet, 8cc. 10. 12. S;c. et a Will. Pole gent. 7. 2. Notes taken out of the Regifters of Fumes, St. Werberg in Chefter, Ramfey, Langley, St. Auftins Si Swapham. Colledions of Erdefwicke. 20 to 31. 33, 37. 49. 143. 232. 3. Competitors to the Crown of Scotland. 60. 4. Barons before 49 II. 3. 63. 5. 'Fhe Confirmatiem of the Earldom of Oxford by H. 2. with the Office of great Chamberlain, See. 78. b. 6. Creations of the Earls of Efl'ex, Norfolk, Arundel, Hereford, £c Taiikeivil, & of the Duke of Exeter, from ancient Charters of Sir Robt. Cotton. 80. 7. The peace between H. 2. &: his Sons. The Ori¬ ginal is in the Coltoniiiii Librurv. 8r. 8. 'ILe I 2^0 Catalogus Librorutn MSS. Num. 5019. 8 . The Peace between K. John & his Barons. 82. 136. 9. Homage of the E. of Flanders Sc his men to H. 2. 8 4- 1 c. Allegations for the LadyFanc’s title to the Barony of Abergavenny. 85. " Copy exemplified at the Office of Arms, 15 Dec. 159S. Dethick Garter K. of Arms.” Sf.b. 11. Creations of the Earls of Lowth & Ormond In Ireland, the E. of Warwick, Baron Southwic, D. of Somerlet, E. of Northumberland, Marq. of Mountague, Si D- of Bedford, who was degraded by Parliament. 92. 95. 12. Ripton in Hunt, given bv K. St. to RamfeyAbbey. 94. 13. The Genealogy of Malpas. Inquifit’ pod mor¬ tem, Will, de Vefey, &c. 9 ^* 14. Summons to Parliament in the time of Ed. 1. {“ See the fame dated in another book of Sr. Rich. St. George, called Suinmiiciones Parliamenti.”) 114, 115. 15. Summons, cum equis et armls. Chr'iers of Waham, Sic. 124. 16. A Letter of II. 5. of the peace between England Si France, Notes from the Regilter of Wedderhall Priory, See. _ _ 128. 130. 17. L. I’itzhugh pleads prefeription for his Barony. 133- 18. Controverfy for precedency, between the Earls of Arundel & Devonlhire. i 35 - j Q. The Ld. de la Wav’s Claim in Parliament for his ancient place. (A" 1595-) ^ 37 * 20. Sir Ri. Champernoon’s Claim_ as Heir general to the L. Mountjoy. Signed >r- Richard St. George Norroy. Carts Abbati* S. iVlarire Ebnr. 139. 140, 144, &c. 2 r. A Note how Baronies by Writt defeend. 146-7. 22. Pedigree of De la hay of Shepreth Foxton, See. Com. Cam. 8ic. . * 48 * 23. Charters with Seals, &c. from the Colle£hons of Samp" Erdefwick. 24. Barons fummoned to Parliament in right of their wives. ^ 5 ^* *85. 23. “ Stemata Antique faimlite Talbotorum ab -adventu Normanorum in Angliam ad huiic ufque diecn, 1596 continuata, mafculorum ferie genealo- gica diligenter obfervata. Omnia fumma cum fide ac diligentia, ex diplomatibus, Archivis, &c. ac char- lis ct monumentis antiquis e qulbus verltas ipfa pottf- fimum elici folet, hoc ftemate breviter per Thomam i'alebotum venerandae vetuftatis amatorem concinnata; ac per cundem Confanguineo fuo optimo, intimo, et meretiJlimo viro longe carifTuno Gilberlo laleboto Comiti Salopiic, See. magno Hibernia: Senefcallo, Ba¬ rone Talbot, &c. dedicata, confecrataque, 1596; cum Jiverfis chartis, ex Regiftro Abbatia: Bathonice, Sic. ‘ 53 ; -.6. “Ex aiuiqua Carta per donum mel Ricardi St. George Norroy in Cuftodia Willnii Domini Howard 16097 Inquifitio poll: mortem Johannis Howard militis, capta apud Boteldale Com. Suff. 16H.6. 'of'. 27. “Colleaanea ex Cards antiquis ct eviJenciis baronis Willoughby dc Erefby, in manerio fuo dc Giimefthorp repofit’ per Robert Glover, Somerfet Herald,” 1582. 160. 28. De Priraa fundadone Abbatite de Kirkefted. 162. 29. Placll’ de Forcfla de Englewod ats Cuinbcrl^^. 30. Dover Caftle, &c. Kent. Herflmunceux, in SulTex. _ ‘69. >.70- 31. Pedigrees of the families of Say, St. Quintin, Mamiron, See. _ ‘75 32. “Ex qiiodam vetuflo Rotulo intitulato memo¬ randa et ncceflaria tangentla hereditatem de Baronia Num. 5O19—5021. D’Arcy, et dontini de Noflon in Comitac’ Lineal. cUm feodis mllit* eidem Baroni peninendbus, See. in Com. I.incol. in cullodia Ricardi Townley de Townley Com. Lancaft. 1604.” __ 182-4.^ 33. “ Colletlanca ex Chartis et EvidencIIs Henrici Comit. Huntingdon, tangenda familias de Haftings Hungerford, Mollyns, Peverell, Bottreux, &c. feledta: in iEdibus died Comit. apud Afliby de la Zouch in Com. Leiceftr. 1583.” 188-9, See. 34. “ Incipiunt quredam infdtuta de Legibus regum Anglorum, ex libro ecclefuc Rofl'enfis.” 193- 35. Bartie’s claim to be Ld. Willoughby. 198. 36. Contraff of Edw. fon of H. 3. to the fifler of the K. ofCaftlle. 202. b. 37. Coronations of F. 2. S: 3. _ =^03. 38. Augmentation of Arms to Steward, for his valiant Service, by the I’rench King. (N.B. 1 his under, viz. “ See the original in the hands of me P. Le Neve Nor¬ roy 1714.” ■JO. “ Recorda de militibus eorunJemque Robis. 205. 40. “ Recorda tangentla portationes Armorum.” 205. b. 41. The Creation of aKing of Arms & of a purfuivatit & the fees due, &c. t. II. 6. in a Roll remaining in the cuflody of Sr. Robt. Cotton, 1613.” 208. b. 42. “ Ex Evidendis Herbevti Croft de Croft, in Com. Hereford militis, 1604. 210. 43. Ancient forms of creating Noblemen. 212. Src. 44. Pedigree of Skipwith. 216. 45. “ Ex Evidenciis Ricai'di Skipwith de Skipwith in Com. Ebor. 1600.” _ 282, &c. 46. Ex Regillro olim familitc de Mackenade Com. Kant. &c. Ncta titulum de Horton. 222. 47. “ Ex Regiftro Archiep. Cantuar extradl:.” Bulla pro matrimonio inter dominum Thomam de Holland et Joham Comit’ Kanlise.” 225. b. Difpenfatio F.dwardi principis Wallite et Johanntc CoinidfliE Kaiitia: fuper mairimonia inter eos contrada. 226. 48. “ Beaumont ex colledione Sampfonis Erdefwick.” 49. Ex libro Cartarum Prioratus Sc" Thomee Mardris juxtaStafford. _ ^ 228. 50. “ Domorum religlofarum fundationes,” viz. Ab- batiffi, &c. Wroxhall in Com’ Warw, Pipewel! Com. North. Carta de Ecclelia S'' Andrea; dc Northampton. 229. Abbadre de Ouairera Com. Devon. _ 230. 51. Ex libro amiquo manuferipto membran. In Cuf- todia Johannis Stowe, 1398.” 231. 52. Ex libro Roberti de Swapham de prima funda- done'Burgenfis Ecclefic, et dcftrucVioneet reftauradone. ■ 232. 53. “ F.x RejpUro Cartar. et Evldentiarum fpedant Abbatire de ponte Uobeiti.” 238. 54. Ex libro Eclefia: Roftenfis. 241. 55. The Barony of Lawarr, See. 243. 56. Arms of Robert Earl of Leicefier. 248. 57. Capiiales Jufticiarii coram regc. 254. c8. Ex Chartis et Evidentiis Sampfonis Leonard, &c. 257. 5020. AHiftory of Venice, in Italian, from the Year 695 to 1478 ; with fome few additions refpeding the i6lh Century. At fob 14. b. is an alphabetical table of the Venetian Families, with an account of their origin. It is written on a large & ftrong Paper. xvi. 5021. Teflamcntuin ve-.m. D:efl:Prolog! Hicronyroiani initium. Codex membran’. c) $022, Codex Bibliothecas Harleianas. HI Num. 5022—5029. [5022—5045. Duodeeimo] 5022. Codex meinbranaceus, elegaater fcriptus, in quo in* veniuntur, 1. Kalendarium. xivi 2. Kalendarium ftatutorum, h. e. tabula ftatutorum in hac colle£tione contentarum : unde apparet, Codicem hunc partem effe exiguam Colleclionis inulto majoris: Hbruptc enim definit in Statuto 22. de Mercacoribus, cum Catalogus recenieat 102. 3. Capitulatio Statutonim, ut dicitur, id eft. index Capitum omnium Statutoruna in hac Colleilione, a Magna Charta incipientium. 4. Statuta ipfa, a Magna Charta, ut ab Edwardo con- firmata eft. 5033. An Abftraft of the Infpeftor General's Accompts of the Exports & luiporis, from Mich. 169C, to Mich. 1697. A paper Book, very neatly written. 5024. Ubellus chartaceus, in eodem vclumine compaGus cum immeris 3196 ei 7358. Continet Tragtediam La- tinam, vcrfibus Jambicis fcriptain, cuititulus, “ Fra- frum Concordia fieva, five Zeno 'I’ragcedia.” Perfona: fuut, umbra Balilifci Tyranni, Zeno Imperator, Lon¬ ginus, frater Zenonis; Euphcmius Pacriarcha, Pela- gius, Aiiaftafms, Urbitius, Sebaftianus, Gazaus, See. XVII. 5024. Orationum A- Mediationum Liber, per S. Auguftinum, Bernardum, &c. Codex membranareus. xiv. 4 - 5 - 6 . 7 * 8 . 9 - It. 12 . 18 - 14. fulines 16. J 7 - 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25 ’ 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 31- » 3 - IS- 22. 23* 29. 34 - 39 - 40. b. 42. 46. Num. 5029—5036. Epiftolai Gailica;, &c. Quteftiones iterum. F.piftola a Prat$o. Junii 25, 1635. Quteftiones theologicae. Locutiones. (proverbiales) Itinerarium, Junii 13, 1633. Verfus Gallic! ludicri. Epigrainmata Latina, &c. Itinerarium iterum. Catalogus librorum Gallicorum. Infcriptio memorise Gafparis a Coiliniaco. 49. *' Extrait du livre de la poffellion des relie. Ur- de Lodun.’’ ^2. Molinseus Ballonio Duel. ^2. Fragmenta de Timur. Notse in Pfalmos Hebrscos, a Pfal 16 ad 40. 58. Notse Gallicse et Latins. yj. Explicationes vocum Hebrsarum. 85. “ Prieres.”i.e._Preces, fermone Gallico. 92. b. Fragmenta Latina. g-. Interprecationcs verborura. ico. Preces Gallicse, iterum. 102. Epigrainmata, &c. Latinc. 118. b. Voces Latins, cuminterpretatione Gailica. 122. Prcces Gallics. 12-’. Etymologis. J34. b'. C'itationes auctorum, cum notis. j 39. Interpretationes vocum, et Etymologis. 149, Liters Gallics, &c. 5030- per book of 79 written leaves, containing Cafes Englifli Law, in French. xvii of 503I' A Book on Logarithms j marked “ Liber Petri Smart Oftob. 10th 5026. Codex membranaceus, in quo habentur, 1. Sermones de Cruce. 2. Moralia Pfalmorum imperfedla. 3. Sermones varii. 4. Pfalmorum Expofitio. j. Diffeitatio de tiinore Domini, &c. 5032. Liber doftrinalis totius anni, unifaKo! xaf aJ/Atirrof. 4 folio 15 ad 266. Codex membranaceus. xiii. 5033- Cornelii Van Eck, Principia juris. Liber impreftbs, in- terfoliatus, cum notis MSS. xvii. 5027. Codex pulchei, membranaceus, continens Juveaalem et PciTiun-. inferiptus, Juvenalis fine commento,” at poftea, infulfo errore, “ Juvenalis fine convento,” quod nihil eft. Salirarum Juvenalis in quinque libros divifionis veftigia adfunt. Liber fecundus non notatur. Ante feptimam fatiram feribitur, “ Explicit L. 2. inci- pit tertius.” Quartus ad S. decimam incipit; Quintus, ad decimam tertiam. xv. 5028. Coile.x membranaceus, in quo habentur, 1. Sextus Pompeius Feftus de Verborum Significa. tfoiie. Verba non exquifitiore ordine collocantur, fed fecunJuiu primas tantum literas. 2. Libellus de orthographia. xv. 5029. Liber chartaceus, exhibens adverfaria docli cujufdam Gallijin quibus qus prscipua videntur infi-a notantur. XVII. I. Milcellanea Latine feripta ; inter cstera, hoc Epi- grarama de vinofo quodam. Si latet in vino veruin, ut proverbia dicunt, Iiivenit verum 'I'euto, vel inveniet. 3. Epiftolarum liber, 1653. 4 3. Qiisftiones theologies et fcholaftics. s! Cat. Harl. Vol. III. 5 C' 34 - A paper Book containing, 1. An Epitome ofLittletonj & of Coke’s Comment upon iiim. 319 pages. 2. A Lvric Poem in 13 Stanzas, beginning, “ Wife Solomon whom Heaven did enlight.” 5035 ‘ A paper book clofely written, on 159 leaves; with thia Title. “ A profitable bookc of Mailer John Parkins, Fel¬ low and Bencher of the Inner Temple, tranllated into Englifli by G.T. treating of the Lawes of England.” A Table of the Chapters in Englilh Verfe, is fubjoined ; & then Copy of Latin Verfes to the Reader, fubferibei “ Tuus plus quamfuus Gill. Trob.” 5036- A Manual of Medications ic Prayers. On Vellum, fairlv written, 43 leaves. xv." At fol. 25. lx are fome Verfes : and at fob 43, is the following Title of a work which does not appear. “ The heavenlye doflrine of cure Savioure Jefus Clirift, whichc he preached in his Sermon upon the niountayne. Conteyning the Foundation of Chriftian Religion, the confolaiion of the faithful People, the dewtyeof Man toward God his neyghbore, and the 3 Q^ perfeil Catalogus Librorutn MSS, 242 Niim. 5036—5043. ■ perfecb way to eternal! LyfFe. Bryefelye collefted out of the Hoiye Scriptures and drawen into Meter,” The beginning of the Introduction follows, but none of the Metre. 5037-^ : Breviarium Sarum. an.-paXov y.xt iTiXss-Tcv. xiv. Codex membranaceus, male fcrvatus. 5038. Loci communes Theologici. Liber chartaceus, ben& fcriptus. Cum indice titulorura alphabetico, paginas habet53o. 5039- 1. S. Hieronymi, de opprobriis perferenJIs, Scrmo. XV. --ad Euftochium et alias Virgines Epillola, de regula vivendi. 3. • -ad amicum cegrotura, Epiftolacon- folatoria. 4. Bartholomei de Pifts, Declaratio fuper regulara fratrum minorum. Codex membranaceus, eleganter fcriptus. 5040. Secretum Chimicum; : per Monacum Ciren- ceftrire 1^90. Forte Rails erat. Vide Afliinole in pro- iegom. Codex membranaceu?, lolioium 50. 5041. Codex membranaceus, fumme venerabilis, in quo ha- bentiir, T. Tractatus theologicus, ciijusduo prima capita de- funt; tertius eft, “ Quibus modis compungimus ad Chriltum poll facinora.” vii. Numerantur capita vifque ad 30 ; turn novus ordo capitum ab unitate incipit, ad fol.23.b. Iterum pro- cedii ad 30. fol. 40.—Et iterum ad 37, ubi dellnit, ad fol. 6:. b. Defignantur forfan ires libriejufdem tractatus, qui agit de Officiis Chriftianorum. 2. “ Ssrmoinparociis necelfarius,” incipit, fed deeft fclium poft 62. 3. liiJoro (fic) Sentcniia de libro pvicmlonim. 75. 4. Argumentum folius —ad Romanos.” 76. Liber Ilk a Cafleio ad Sxculum 7. refertur ; et certe, ufquc ad folium 78, vctullafcm fpirat maxinu' venera- lulem. Creditur efTc vetuftiftiuius inter codices Har- leianos; at hinc ufque ad fincm, quamvh membrana forte fit ejufdcm mtatis, feriptura eft binis vel iribus fxculis recentior. 1:;. “ Incipit tranfsius S. Furfel.” fol. 79. Codex hahet folia 99. 5042. Formula Novitiorum : vel, formula vita; huraante, 311- bris. Cum iudice Capitutn. xiv. Codex membranaceus. 50 + 3 - AdverLria Academica, Nehemia:Rogers, Collegii Rcglm Oxon. circa annos 1675 et 6. 1. Ouxftiones I.ogicte, HcereborJ et Sanderfon. 2. Declamationcs ScholalLcie. 3. F.piftoke tres Latinse. 4. \’crlus Latini fuper Thefm *• Nos Mufjs collmus feveriores.” c. F.piftolce et declamatlo. • 6. Refponfiones Herebordi Logkae, et .Sanderfoni. 7, Noiioncs Eihicx; abfuvdc fubjungitur s, manu feriore, ui fit Ethiescs. R. Verfus Anglici, inter alios, “ An Advice to a Painter to draw the Duke of York,” Satirical. “ To the Kim;,” “ Fit! the ProrogTition.” y. Quiuftknts Ediicx, Scciis h Coll. Regin. Oxon. fadtx. Num. 5043—5052. 10. Refponfiones Ethiese Collegii Regmenfis Oxon. 11. Compendium Phyficte, inchoatum tantum. It. Refponfiones Phyficx, in ufum C. R. O. 13. Quxftiones alia: Academicsc. 5044. Statutorum antiquorum Liber membranaceus; cum ex* plicatione vocabulorum Contra6:orum, tabula, &c. XVI. 5045- A Sea Captain’s Journal, 1680, & 1681, 5046. [5046—5054. Ot 7 ufc.] A Greek & Latin Grammar, written inEnglifti, upon this principle; “ If there be nothing excepted,the general rule ferves for both Languages alike, through the whole compendium.” i. It feems that there were originally feme metrical Rules defigned, but they were never added. The book is of paper, & little more than half filled. 5047- A paper hook, bound with N“ 6445. Short Obfervaiiuns relating to the !®ng Parliaments Votes, and other Affairs of the Kingdom, 1641. At the end, in rather large Characters, is written Bernard Lintatt. 5048. Llbellus chartaceus, in eodem volumine compaclus cum numeris 4159 et 6925. 1. Epithalamia, cum hoc titulo, In nupliasHonora- tiftimi juvenis Denzelli Flolles, filii natu fecundi Comiris de Clare, et lefliirimte Virginis Dorothcic Alhley, filis unicteD. Francifei Aftiley, fer^'icntis Legi—Regi, Anno 1626, in fefto Triiiitalis.” 2. Xenia, ad eofdem, anno ifit", cum titulo chro- nographo, pag. 92. Auftoris nomen non apparct, fed fe elicit efte, , S«^ 'Thure Crcfco. Conjiciant CEdipi. XVII. 5049- Brevlarum, cum Calendino & Picluris; fummS curd piclum fuper membranam. xv. 5050. Codex membranaceus, elegantiffimus ; titulus, fplendidc pictus et deauratus, libellum dedicat “ Ad amplifti- mum Patrem et D. D. Ilicron. Card. Racaiiatem.” Subjungitur, “ Ant. Vollcus dcditiftiimis, de antiqui- taic Latii; Lib. primus.” Codex folia habet 51. xv. 5051- Liber chartaceus, enntinens excerpia cx auftoribus La- thus et Craicis. Dicitur, in priore Catalogo conti* tinere colleftiones Robert! 2 lTp5aa\1;,' Num. 5059—5069. ihuyjroi TWJ 'Ifpopoi'ap^wi', 0 xpijixor tu v/ixTlitv iv Xoitrju tu ©f-i)'.” De rebus facris. Subferibitur, 1623. pdayfilxiie; Tildpiri tTr'i Lxa. El-T»if xa pEya'poij mT; iv AapEjj'S?). . De Thoma Godo, five Goad, Theologo, vide ctiam ad Num. 5096. De Mecrophane, in aides Lambethianas recepto, nihil habemus. 3. Capita alia ulque ad 18, de variis quailbionibus ecclefialticis poft folium nuraeratum 21. Caitera func vacua. xvn. 5060. Codex membranaceus. 1. M.T. Ciceronis, de Olliciis, libri 3. xv. 2. --pro M.Marcello, Uratio. 3. Rhetorica: Liber, au£tove anonymo ; nempe Com- mentarius in Ciceronem de Iiiventioiie. Traiifcriptus A" 1426. 5061. Villa:, Maneria, h Terrs in Com. EfTex, tenta de IIo- nore de Clare. Cum tabula alphab. pra;fixa. 5062. M.T. Ciceronis, Eplflolarum ad familiares, libri 16. nifi quod defit primus liber. I..iberi6 conflat foliis 12, qu.c a compaftorc mifere tranfpofita per nuincros nunc ordinari poffunt. Codex membranaceus. 5063- A paper book begun at each end, but not far written either way. T. A few extracts, with Bp. flaokett’s Epitaph, from Lich'ield t-athedral, and an Epiftle of John Barclay in Latin, fuppofed to be written about T to. 2. At the other end, a few Epigrams, Greek k Latin, and an Lnglifh Difeourfe, “ Of the Ballancc or Foundation of Govenimeiit.’* 5064. Moral EfTays. A paper book, beginning with the 6th Effay & 27th Page, to the 43d Efl'ay & 246th Page, wheie it ends abruptly ; fome of the fubjeCls a:e curious. ^065. A Common-place Book of Divinity, with an Index} very fairly written, a leaf or two wanting at the beginning. 5066. 1. Sermones de Sanctis, 54, cum tabula. xin. 2. Fragincntum libri Theologici. 3. Liber Theologicus de hominc, de 7 Sa- cramentis, de virtutibus ct viliis, &c. Deefl herbarium Saxonicum prioris Catalog!. x. 5067. 1. An Abftrad of Sermons, preached 1604, &c. very clolely written. 2. A Catalogue of thofe that oppofed Rome from 1230 to 1500. At the reverfc end of the bexik. 3. ATreaiifeon the aUiatomy of the Head. 5068. Sermons with this title; “ Mr. John V^orckman prcachfT of God’s word, le£turer of the cittie of Glnucefier.” In the margin, "Ex donis ifferi Merit, med. Dodtor. May 1695.” .So6g. A paper book, neatly written, with this title, “ Hiftorlc of the greate Kingdome of China, in the Laft Indies. Containeing the Scituarion, Antiquities, Forlilitie, Religion, Ceremonies, Sacrifices, Kings, Magillrats, Manners 244 Catalof^jis Librorum MSS. Nimi, 5069—5076.’ Manners, Cullomes, I^wes, and other meniorabl® Things of that Kingdome. Together with three Voyages made thither in the years 1577, 1579, and 1581, with the moft remarkable fingularities there ieene and taken notice of. Allfoe an Itinerarie of the New World, and the difeovery of new Mexico in the yeare i53ti. Tranflated by Jof. Baildon, of the Society of that moft magnificent hofpitall, founded by Tho. Sutton Efq. in Charterhoufe 1663.” 142 pages. This Jof. Baildon publilhed, " Rarities of the World,” tranllated froinPero Mexia, in 4to, 1651. He does not fay from what original he tranflated the prefent book, but that it “ was written by an Author who was an eye-witneffe of many things therein conteyned, and by the care of the others, having partly knowen, and under¬ flood them from Perfons of note which had been In China, and partly drawen & extrafted, as well from Bookes and Hillories of the Country, a.s from many worthy Manuferipts, & Regifters worthy of credit, which have been prefented to him at Mexico, and at Philippi, and tranflated in the fame places by natural Interpreters.” Preface. This extends as far as the end of the third Book, and firfl part of the Hiflory ; and appears to have been the Author’s own writing. xvii. 5070. Accompt of the Sherif of Nott. & Derby, 6 Ph. Sc Maria:. Once belonged to the D. of Ncwcaflle. 5071- Regiflrum parvum Cartarum Abbatisc de Ramfey. xiv. It is printed at the end of Sprott's Chronicle, by T.Heame. Very much difcoloured & defaced. Vellum. 5072. Statuta antiqua. Codex membranaccus. 5073. [5^73— 5 ‘17- Formulx Breviurru Codex membranaccus, foliorum ig6- Cum tabula alphabetic^. xiv. 5074 - Sermons for the Sundays nearly throughout the year, in one of the German dialers of Lower Saxony, dated 1460. Prefixed are prayers, a creed, and a confclTion of fins. On paper. xv. 5075- Dialogus inter Moyfen & Belial. xai' Liber chanaceus, aqua marina, ut videtur, multum corruptus. xv. 5076. Codex chartaccus, in quo habentur htec qu$ fe- quuntur. xv. I. Juflini Hiftoria; cum argumentis ad finem. c. Oraiio Oraioris eximii Johannis Nicole Mllins Veronenfis, in introitu officii Bononienfis. 3. Alia ejufdem oratio ad dominuin Mantuanum. Sub- jungitur oratiuncula Italica. 4. Alia ejufdem oratio ad commendationem civitatis Florentim, et Priorem civitatis ejufdem qui officium mi- nillravcrat. 5. Oratio ejufdem, ad dominum nollrum diim Mar- tinum papam Ouintum, qui eum in almsc urbis Senato- remelegerat. 6. Oratio Mag. militis dhi Francifei de Coppulis de Perufio, quam fecit ad Flnrentinos quando fuit in officio et poteflate civitatis Florenlia:. 7. In C.V. Georgium Laurentium funebris oratio. Num. 5076—5086. 8. Sermo Rever' Patris, fratris % • • magri ordinis minorum in Romana Curia in fefto bti Francil'ci, ad commendationem ejufdem. 9. Vincentii Speculum Hiftoria, cum hoc titulo “ In- cipit, Speculum yltoriale compofitum per fratrem Vin- centium dc ordine Predicantium, primi libri capitulum priinum, de caufii fufeepti operis, ct ejus raatcria.” Hie liber ad finem codicis procedit; capita partim rubrica diftindla, partim line diflinftione, xv. 5077- James Mab’s (of Magdalen Coll. Oxon.) Obfervations touching fome of the more folemn Fcflivals, 1626. Written on paper, 147 pages. Dedicated to hir.John Brown. 5078. A Journal of the Houfe of Commons 1592 & 1593. alfo 1C15 & 1616. On paper. 5079- 1. Lands belonging to the Parfonage of Redbome, 1630. in 8 fmall folio pages. 2. Inventory of Goods at Gorhambury, 1636, &:c. 8 pages, the ill fpecifying the Queen’s Chamber, &c. 3. A Survey & Rental of the Manor of Gorhambury, 1634, &c. in 56 fmall folio pages. 4. Medicinal Receipts. 18 fmall folio pages. 5080. Bevtrandi de Turre, Tullenfis epifeopi, Inflitutiones pro diocefi fua. - In duobus Libris. xv. Codex chartaccus. 5081. Liber chartaccus. 1. Traftatus Afirologicus Caroli Scarborough. 2. In averfo libro, verfus Latini ad Caroluinn. epif- tolae, traclatus. See. 5082. 1. Johannis Afshenden Suinma Jiidirialis. Imperfect. In membrana. xv. 2. Literx Patentes, ei Fines, a 1 aJ 5 II. 6. In charta feripts. 5 ° 83 . I. ilrticles to be enquired of in the County of Suf- folki delivered by the judges of Affile, 1618, & iGji. 2. Rules for Compofitiuns for Knighthood. 12. 3. The A. Bp. of Canterbury’s Speech to the King, 1629. _ 24. 4. The L. Keeper’s Speech upon the L. chief Jullice Finch coming to the Bcncli; with the Anfwer. 25. 5. Articles, of Marriage of K. Ch, I. 31. 6. The Judges opinion given for the Ship-money. 37 - Names of the Commmiffioners for the aid of 2d. in the Pound, 168S-9, in an alphabetical Order. 40. Bound up with Numbers 171G and 6747. 5084. Harvngton’s Cafe, about Lands, Sic granted by H. 7. Si 8. Si Q. Eliz. Paper book. 5085. ThcMirrur; or, Sermons for the whole Year, In a fair, large hand, on Vellum. xiv. 5086. A Paper Book containing feveral Tratls, uniformly writ¬ ten, in an antiquated hand. 1. An old book on Hunting with this rubric prefixed to the Table of Contents, “ Here begynnyth the table of the chapitres that beth contevned in the book of huntyng, I the Bibliothecae Num. 5086—5089, the which is cIej'>eJ the Main-rc of Game.” At the end of the book is this fatler Acc >iint. “ Here endyth the Book of Vencrye, callyd the Maiftre of Game the which fpecyficth alle the nature of Beetles of Ve- neryc, & of her hiintyng, and of the houndes that longcth to the huntyng, of her febmell'es and corrupcons and of the inaui & the oondicons that goode hunts fltulde have,” 2. F.nglifli Verfes, beginning. In this tretys. the which 1 think to wryte Out of I-atyn in to my coinune langage, Me me fiipport fen I kaii not endyte The which only after his owne ymage 1 orinyd man kinde.” V A curious old book on diet, with this rabne. “ Here begynnytli the Dyetarye, that what man rulith him ther alter fhall nevre have Sekenefle tyl the ende of his Lyf be koinyn of what compicxon that he be. The which Uyeiaryc was gevyn by SIgifmounde Emperor of ]{ome, at his beyng in Englonde, unto kyngEIerry the fAt the End is written, “ Thus endith this Dyetarye, conipylcd and m uie by Plato and Petrus Lugatus, Crete Philolophres & Ahrononicrs.” 4. Another treatife entitled, “ The boke of Me- dycen for Itorfcsand to know of what Country the beft horfes be bred in.” With a metrical title. 50S7. A ft/lio paper book, bound in Vellum, with the Royal Anns, Prance & England, quarterly, llampedin gold upon the Covers. I’-vidently procured for the purpofe of traiditrlbing fairly the Latin Letters and Exercifes of Edward vi. when Prince. “ Epiilolx Edouardi principis illulirilliml, quas funpte marte enmpofuit, et fcrlpfit, anno astatis fux nono.” Scilicet, i—5. Riehardo Coxo, Eleemofynario Principis, 1545, 1546. 6. Sorori Maris. 7. Reginas Catharinx. 8. Regise Majeflatl. 9. Reginre Catha¬ rine ue^um. 10. Sorori Mariae. 11. Regise Majef- t '. :; 12 — 14. Iterum Riehardo Coxo. 15, 16., Ad Regem. 17. Reginx Catharina;. 18. Riehardo Coxo. 19. Regise Majeftati. 20, 21. Rich. Coxo. 22. Re¬ gina; Catharinte. 23. Regina Majellati. 24. Sorori Maria. 25. Regia Majellati. 3't. Sorori Maria. 27. Regina Catharina. 28. Sorori Elizabete. 29. So¬ rori Maria. 30. Regina Catharina. 31. Regia Ma- jellati. 33. Cantuarienfi Archiepifeopo. 33. Epifeopo Cicellrenii. Cmncs Anno 1546, ab Edouardo Principe. 34. Regina Cailiarioa. 35. Sorori Maria. 36. So¬ rori Elizabetha. 37. Regina Catharina. 38. Comiti Ilertfordia. 39. Diici Somers. 40. Refponfio Regis E. 6. ad nundum Regis Polonia Anno 1® g Septembris. 41. Duel SomerL 43. Regina Catharina. 43. Comiti Martfordia ; omnes ab Edouardo, Rege. 2. Declamationes Edouardi. fob 78. 1. Junii 23, !549. 2. An prafeientia rerum fit utilis, Jun. 30. 1549. 3. Julii 7, ii; 4 g. 4-Jul. 13, I 54 g> 5. Jul.21, 1349. 6. Dulce bellum inexpertis, Jul. 28, 1549- ad folium 89. The reft of the book Is blank. 5088. Placita Corona a 38 ad 43E.3. Et a 4adigH.6. Liber chartaceus. 5089. 1. ProcelTus Aftionis in Curia Admiralitatis Anglia- 5 ^• 2. A Treatife about the Jurifdiftion of the Seas, and the Admiral's Office. 55. 3. A Journal of the proceedings of the Court of Ad- miraltv, from 1580 to 1664. irg. 4. Articles concerning the Admiralty of England & the Jurifdiftinn thereof. aoi. Cm-. Harl. Voi.. hi. Harielana. ul? I J Num. 5089—5097. 5. Letters Patent of Eiiz. v Charles I. 2:9. A Paper Book, bound with N‘’42g6. 5090. Arguments of the Commons at a Conference with the i.ords, concerning the Liberty of the Perfon of every freeman. A Paper Book, of 64 written leaves. 5091. A fort of Common place books of Lord Radnor’s, faid to be chiefly written in his own hand. Five num.icrs, bound up now in two volumes; in which very few ai tides deferve particular Notice. 1. Notes out of various Authors. 2. “ A narrative of the proceedings in the Court of Portugall concerning the difeharge of the Conde de Cafllemilhor, the Secretary of State, & others from y* Cfticers, &c. in Augull, September, October, & No¬ vember, 1667.” This is paged feparately. 25. 3. Letters, e et Compluti, Ubi preeter Scripturse et aliorum antiquorum Ecclefise Patruin nonnulla dicla fqua; Ferns nnituatus fuerat) prsefertim Ruperti 'I'uiTiENSis quamplurima obi’ervabis ab inquifuoribus crafa et interpolala. Quibus additur recufa Michaelxs MedinjE Apologia pro commentat. Feri in Evang. Johannis, contra Ceiifuras Dominici a Soto; juxta ex¬ emplar imprefi'iiin Moguntite, Anno 1572. Opera et Studio Csefaris CalanJrini. S. Theol. Baccal.” Subjungiiur approbatio et privilegium a v. d. fupra nominato, in num. 5059. “ In his corruptelis indagan- dis ct detegendis, laudo diligeniiam jud'ciumque Theo- logicuin amici me. familiaris Cxfaris Cal. Publico itaque Ecclefia: bono opus hoc imprimatur. Thomas Goad." Londini Mart, 1. J 1625. / Codex paginas habet 111, Scriptura exigua et non inclegauti. xvii. 5097- An Account of the Revenues of the Hofpitall of St. Ka¬ therine, near theTower of London, regularly entered in 7 cainmns, containing; 1. The place. 2. The tenants named, 3, The parcels demited. 4. The yearly Rent. 3 R 5. The Catalogus Libroruni MSS. Niim. 5097—5T06. 5. The dale, ternie, 8c expiration. 6. The value ^ Ann. 7. The Covenants. A Paper Bookj bound up with N'’ 903. 509S. Conflantini Africani, Celebris feeculi xi. medici Opus quod dicitur Thccrica P.wte^nus {_Trx),rtyj,>unce!l. 27. Of Atheifme. 28. Of SuperlHtion. 29. OfPr..ife. 30. Of Nature in men. 31. Of Cuftome 8: Education. 32. Of Fortune. 33. Of Death. 34. Of Seditions Sc Troubles. 5107. Medicinal Receipts for Horfes. Fairly written, with fome loofe Papers ini'erted, not belonging to the Book. Bound with N" 18-82. 51 oS. This Volume and the four following, being uniformly bound & lettered, appear to have been originally one collection of MS. Tracts, though now dil'peri'cd in various parts of this Eibi-ary. 1. Epiftoia omnibus Chriflianam Rcligionctn inco- lumem optauiibus. Ex Bullingero de origine Erroris JJ39- 2. A Treatife of llerefy 8c Schifm. 3. Charity 5c Refignatioii: or, a Treatife of the Love of God 8c Hate of the World. 21 Chapters. 4. Remonflrance concerning Doctrines P^ipifli, Ar- minian, 8fc. in 3 J^arts. 5. A Petition of the Churches of Forraign Nations, London, 1634. 6. The Bp. of Annaclt’s Direflions to the Commons Houfe of Parliament, concenting ihc Liturgic S: J'.pifcopal government. 7. Pafiiiges concerning the contribution of Caiholiques toward !iis Majeflies Northern Journey. 8. A Copy of the Devil’s Letter, fent to Rome by an infernal Spirit, and the next day conveyed into England upon the Pope’s Command, Sept. 7, 1640- 9. Exlra^ out of a MS. in Bifhop More’s Library at Norwich, concerning Pluralities, 8cc. lyoj, 5109. A fecond volume of mii'cellaneousPapers bound together, and relating to military matters. 1. “ The Lill of a Royall Armie or preparations of Warre, &c. with the Charges thereof. ’ Dated at the Court of Whitehall, Januarie the 13th 1620 Intended to be raifed for the recovery & proteclion of the Pala¬ tinate. 2. A fimilar lifl, figned at the end by Rich, hlorrifon and John Bingham. 3. “ Martiall 8c military I.awes of the Field, whereunto Soldiers of all Degrees muft be fwonie, to keep & mayn- tayne inviolated at all lymes h in all places, whether they ferve Emperor, King, or Prince.” 4. “ A Colonell his Charg and Emploiment, notably demonftrated by E.D. late Coramanucr in the Lowe Countries.” 5. “ The particular Charge and Imployment of a Captaine which hath the gnideing of a Band of men, notably demonflrated by E. D. a late Commander in the Lowe Countries.” 6. “ 'J he neceii'arie place, and particular nnnioyment of the Lieutenants of a Companie, notablv denionliraied by E. D. lace a Commander in the Lowe Countries.” 7. “ The ncceflary place 8c particular employment of an Altieres or Enfigne-bcarer, notably reprefented and fet forth in writings, by F.D. a late Commander in the Low Countries.” 8. “ How a Souldier may niaintaincobedience, & keepe hinifelfe in the favour & good grace of his Captaine, notably delineated by I.. D, a l.ite Commander in the Lowe Countries.’ 9. “ General Lefleley’s Dlreflion and Order fur the exercitiug of a foote Companie, the Files being 8 deepe, and Bibliotheca; Haileianas. Nura. 5109 — 5111. and thnt they frame their Companies twoe parts Mufttet- teirs, and the third part Pikes.” 10. i^n Addrefs, “ to the Leaders of the Scoitifh Army.” 11 “ Taken out of a Letter fent to John How Efqnirc, CoinniilTury of his Majeflies Army, concerninge the Pro* cc'edings in theNorth, 24 Aug. *1640.” 12. A Narrativeof what happened on Whitfunday in the Morning, when the King’s Army was encamped fix miles from Kelfie in Scotland. 5110, The third Volume of thefe mifeellaneous Papers. Con* taining, 1. A Latin Oration fpoken at Merton College Oxford. 2. Extracts from various books, with fomc Ihoit Ora¬ tions intermixed. 3. De< lamaiions & Verfes in T.atin, Greek, & French, by Milo Hobart 1^)13. Bcaiiiifally tranferibed. 4. An Englilli Tragedy, in blank Verfe, entitled, Pe- lopldarum Scaindii. 84 leaves. 5. 1 he Arguments to all David’s Pfalms, in rhymed Verfes. 6. rh'ee ot Dr. Donne’s Satires, llyled Jic;: Datjwf, 1593 ;. 7. Ihe fame Arguments to the Pfalms as at § 5, more fairly tranlcribed. 8. A metrical Paraphi-afe of the Proverbs of Solomon, in couplets- At the end, “ September 8th 1645. Im¬ primatur Jofeph Caryl.” 5111. The fourth of thefe Volumes. T. Three monethes obfervation of the Lowe Coun¬ tries, cfpcciallec Holland.” With aLetter prefixed, figned J.S. and dated, “ -/Egipt this 21 Januar.” 2. Common places for you to obferve in the reading over of the storyes of England ” According to which entries are made in the fubfequent leaves. The heads are 18 viz. 1. Ihe Event & charge of forain Expeditions. 2. 1 hat our Toryteries beyond Sea, in France or clfe- wher have bin mor of Burden & Charg than of Profitt. What number of men we have loft & fpent in forayn Parts. 4. What Sums of Money we have ilTued on forayn -Tornoys. 5. All contributions, & the Caufes, whether by laws, fubfiuyes or impofitions, of what natur foever exprclTing the particiiler. 6. All dearths 6c famyns. 7. All plags & infectious mortalytyc ether of men of cattel. 8. All Inundations. 9. All domcflic rebellions or infuireftions. 10. All Sea Jorneys. 11. All alter¬ ation of Moneys or Coyns, ether by albuting ? advancing, or altering. 1 2. All Parlaments or public Ailcmblys of State Teinpomll. 13. All Convocations or provincial! Synods. 14. Security for obedience ether by Oih or Writyng, from any or ail the Subjefts to the King, i 3. Punilhing of Officers ether oflaw, flat, or trufl. 16. Al'l- teratinn of law or government. 17. Rcftraint of Royall Authority by Barons or Parliament. 18. Authority of the King out of Prerogative.” 3. ‘‘ Keymer s booke of nbfervations for yo"^ moft c.x- ccllent Ma'" toucheingr trade & traffique beyond theScas A in England, wherin he certainly findeth that yo’’ Seas K-Lands comodities doefervetoo much & flrengilien other Conntryes againfh yo’kingdomes wliich were the urgent caufes wliicli he endeavoured himfelfe to take :.\traordinarye paints for the redrefle foe it may hand tvith yo’ Ma'”' good likinge.” figned Mn Kcyriicr, but aot dated. 4. “ Offices to Officers, tempore toto regni regis lacobi.” ° .V “ 1 he difference & difparityc betweenethe Eftates 8c ..ondidons of George Duke of Buckingham, and Rob. Earle of Effex.” Neatly written on 19 leaves. Num. 5111—5,16. t>. “ Two Notes «iih Signatures relating to the 28th of Teb. and 26ih of May i 529.” 7- “ J he names of all ihe craftes in London,” to the immber of 70. 1533. With fome names of Lord Mayors, ix other notes. 8. I he order of the Coronation of Henry 7. & hL Queen I'.hzabeih. ^ ‘ 9- I he order of making a Knight of the Bath I o. Clficers appointed to attend the King & Queen at their Coroi.atioiu ^ n “,rn^ Robert Devereux Earle of Effex, and of Geo'-geVilicrsDuke of Buckuiigham, fome Obfervations by way of paralell in the tyme of their Eflares of For- >une.” A dillercnt Trad from the foregoing fS 7- PI. jLiftiui.Uli, CoJicis, Libii 12. xiii Liber lUL-nibraiiaccus. [51 iS—5J40. Quarto.'] 5118. Expofitio in 4 Libras Reguin. xiv. Liber clrartaceus. 51 : 9 . A common place Book 1G83: by bliles Edgar. 5J 20, 21, 22, & 23. Miles F.dgar his two Books about fetling h managing the Excilc Office, 1683. With two Books more. 5124. « Index fur les 9 premiers Tomes de Baronlus.” Neatly written on Paper, in two columns. 5125. S. Auguaini Rip. Ppiaola ad Cyrillum Ilicrofolimarura Archiepifc.pum, de apparitione Iliercnymi: cum Cy- rilli replicatione. Codex merabranaceus. 5126. A paper Book neatlv written, & bound up with N- 4743 - It has tills Title, Relatione dclk Cofe di Venetia, fatta da don Aloit 2 o della Queva Benavides, Marchefi di Bedmar, Amb'^ di Spagna.” 108 leaves. 5127- I. Brief Characters of fome modern Princes Sc others: Of feveral forts of Tenures, by which Manors & other Lands were formerly held in England; out of Cam¬ den, See* • I j j. Of honorary Titles m England. Diflionarlum Cafimm, &c. Juris Canonki. xv.^ Codex ehartaceus, chara^erc minuto, cum abbrevi- ationibus muUis. 5129. MarciAnt. ZilUoU Mantuani, de bello_ Gennanico ac Sax- onico Conimentariorum Libri 4. xvn. Codex ehartaceus. 5^30- Jacobi deTheramo, Compendium ThcoIogiiE. xv. Codex ehartaceus. 5131- A Book of Reports of the Common Pleas, 5, 6, & 7 Car. I. et 22 Ja. 1. 5132. Liber ehartaceus, in quo continentur, 1. Chronicon, ub anno 114O5 ^3^2, cum contniu- atione imperfecta ad 1514. 2. Bulia Sixtl papa:, anno 1477. ^ 57 * 3. Inftrumentum Johannis, papx Capellani. bi. b. 4. Bulla alia Sixti, papte. an. 1474- ^ Ue dhio certorum nubilium inagnatum, et de prin- cipio eorum dominii et primo. Ho 6 . Iterum, Chronicon ad anno 1052 (numen in Mb. corrupt!) ad 1196. 109.5. Niim. 5132—5139* “-Mapa fiveymago lotius provincire Lombardia:, et cc/taruin civitalum et terrarum lufcia:, et ctiam cert.iruiu iaiulanim maris de leone five de Jamia, et etiai.i totius riparia: diam civitatis Janme, et etiam omnium civiia- tum Marchiffi de Anchoiia, et RomaiiJioku, et Appulia;, ,-t Marchiiu TrivilaiKc, fori JuUi, Sclavonic, et Dalma- eix, qum funt fuper Padum, et fuper Gulfum Venecia- rum ufque in Greciain.'’ 129. 8. “ De virtuofis et prnbis pnncipibus, ex labore et fatigationc eorum, fecundum Petrarcham. 141. b. 9. “ Mores naturales quarundam gentium.” ibid. 10. “ Re inveiuione litcrarum.” I 4 .L b. 11. “ Dc ir.ventoribus lcgum,Scc.” ^ 145* 12. “ De libero arbitrio, a gloilis Dantis.” Imper- ftaum. 5 ^ 33 - Codex ehartaceus paginarum 1008, compleaens volu-- men primum Itinerarli autographi (ut videtur) autLons Eynes Moiyfon, quod ipfe pfiftea in Aii^^licuin Ser-' monem tranllulit, et edidit anno 1617. litulus ..ujui- modi e!L .... “ Itinerarium quod Fyues Moryfon ^^nglus Icriplit, decennalis fuxperegrinationisobien’ationes continens, per Germaniam, Bobemiam, Helvctiam, Belgite, Provincias Unitas Daniam, Poloniam, Italiam, Turci.-m, (lalHam, Ano-liatn, Scotiam, et Hiberniam.” Sequitur ainplior utu- lus, opus in quatuor pdi'tes didingueu;', fetu ut in Lduio;.e Anglica. Tabula capitum, et quaniam in ini io repe- tuntur. Epiftola ad k-aorem ab Anglicfi muhum diflcit. Partem primam Itincrarii, in tres libros diftribut.Lm, con- tipet hoc volunieii. 5134- Breton, on the Laws of England, in Law French, xiv. Five Books; on Vellum. 144 Leaves. 5 ^ 5 ; 1. M. T. Ciceronis, de Officiis, Libri 3. xv. 2. ___-— de Senetlute, Liber. 2. ____de Amicitia, Liber. ___— Paradoxorum, Liber. Codex membranaceus, foliorum loS. 5136* Traaatus, cui tltulus, “ Pelagius, five de Pelagiann- rumetSemi-pebgianorum Hserefi Commeniaritis.’ Li¬ ber ehartaceus, bene feriptus, et ad prelum, ut vide- tur deflinatus. 5137 - Sir Simon Harcourt’s Common-place book for a juftice of Peace, 1705. 5 > 38 . 1 Nomina Villarum & Olficiariorum, &c. Honoris de Tutbury, Aid Peccum, & Caftleduningtcn. xvii. 2 Libertates & Confuetudines eorundem Honorum. 3! The Lord Ferrar’s Charter to the Town of Utoxe- ter, 36 II. 3. 5 * 39 - Pet. Hifpanus’s Thsfaurus Paupenm, an old medic^ Work in Italian, tranllated from the Latin. 1 he nrlt Chapter is thus fuperferibed. « Qui Scoinenza i capitoli de Iibro cl qual ven ap- pello Thefaurus pauperum, fegondo lo ordine fovra latter words allude to the Table of Chapters im¬ mediately prefixed, amounting to 118. On the blank Leaves at the end are fome more modern Italian Preferipdons. It is a paper book bound up with N“6o3fi. Niim. 5139—5156. 1 he Latin Book from which this was tranflated occurs at N 5218, and is dedicated by Hyfpanus the Author, to the Emperor Frederick. It was alfo printed in 1530, and, in an Englifii Tranflation by Humfre Lloyde in 1385. j2mo. 5140. S. Pauli Epiftola;: cum Gloffa. Adeft Epiftola ad Hccbixos. Prfemittitur Leftionariuni per totum annum. Codex membranaceus. xn. 5141. [ 5 > 4 i—5196- Folio.'] 1. Law Cafes, 6 Ed. 6. et i, 2, 3, 4, Sc 5 Ph. & Marim : by Juftice W'" Dallifon. In Law French. 2. Short Characters of the men of note in O. Elizabeth's Court. 3. Leftura JohannisBancks fuper Statutura 21 Jacobi, Cap. 16. Of limitation of Actions. Fr. 5 ^ 4 “> 4 > ^ 5 ' Four Vols. of Term Reports, in Law French and in En- glifh, from 26H.8. to 19 Eliz. with fome of Henry IV. and V. Paper books. 5 ' 46 . 1. Tenurm varias. Gallice. Fo. i. Et iterum 104. 2. Natura Brcviuni. The Book was written 22 Ed. 4. by 1 o—104. • . . Wode. 5147- A Collection of fuch ancient Records as are found in the Tower, concerning the Court of Chancery, the Office or Perfon of the L. Chancellor, & other ander Officcri Minifters in the fame, 5 J 48 & g. Common Pleas, 22 Ja. i. et 2 & 3 Car. i. Alfo 15, 16 17, & 18 Ja. I, Two Volumes bound in one. 5150- A Lift of the King’s Pictures in Kenllngton Houfe a“ 1700. A fmall folio of 14 pages, well written, & in good prefervation, now bound up with 4942. 515^- W™ Johnfon his Sea Journal to Spain, 1694 & 5. Bound with N*" 466 & 467. 5152. An unpublilhed Play in Profe, mixed with Rhyme, en¬ titled, “ A new Comedye called the Whimfyes of Senor Hidalgo, or the Mafcidine Bride.” It has a Prologue & Epilogue, & feems in all refpeCts prepared for the Stage. Tlje Author’s name does not appear. It is fairly written, and bound with 7363. xvn. 5‘53 5 c 4 . Iwo Volumes of Law Common-places, each containing a feparate Alphabet. The firft belonged to W. Flete- wood of the Middle Temple, who has thus recorded himfelf. “ Huic quicunque Libro dominabere poll mea fata, Fletewooddo eternum dicito, quxfo, vale.” 5155 & 6. Bound together. Reports in the Reign of Henry vi. & a few other things: thefe alfo belonged to W. Flete- wood. Cat.Harl. Vol.III. Num. 5157—, 5157- An enormous volume of Law Papers of various Kinds. 5158. Reports written in more antiquated Hands. 5159* A Paper book of very large fize, with this general Title, *• Pices tenuz en temps le Roy H. le 6.” In ten Parts, 5160, I, 2, 3, 4, 8c 5. Index Literarum patentium R. Johannis, Henrici 3. Ed- vardi i. 2. 3', Ricardi 2. 5166. Codex chartaceus in folio, conftans foliisiS. I. In vetufto codice auCtoris anonymi, fed (utcha- raClerum forma fuadetj Cenfui ifti Guliclmi coetanei, Breviarium, quod coiitinet, villarum fundoiumque quo¬ rum Abbas et Conventus de Elaij tunc proprietarli erant in Grantbruggefeire : qua: fequuiitur literis ininiatis prx- figuntur. 2. Tabula Officlariorum, Extentar. & Inquifitionum tempuribus Edvaidi 1. 2. Sjj. 5167. Deferiptio terrarum in EfTexfeire, Nortfulk, & Sudfulc, fecuiidum modum Libvi Ccnfualis Gulielmi i. afol.2. ad 18. (Vide 4953, 6856.) 5168. 1. An alphabetical Table of all the Dukes, Marquefes> Earles, Vifeounts, & Barons, created from the time of William:. toH-8. fo. 1. & 26 inclufive, with their Arms generally in the Margin. 2. -Nobilium Anglix adPailiamentafum- monitor. ab. A° 29 H. 3 ufq;ad2iH. 8. 273. 3. --Jufticiariorum utriufq; Band, & itine- rantium, Baronum de Scaccario, Servientium ad legem & alior. ad Parliamenta fummonitor. per idem tempus. 287. 4. Tabula Jufticior. et ferventium ad legem fpecifica- torum in 2* porte rclaiionem Edw. dhi Coke. 297. 5. “ Tabula Ducum, Marchiorum, Comitum, Vice-co- mitum, & Baronum creatorum in regno cujuflibet Regis a conqueftu ufq; ad hunc diem, in libro pergamcna cooperto, notato F. numero 19.” 301. ad3i5. This is now bound up with 4848, being on fimilar Subjects. 5169 & 70. Offices &. Officers of the Exchequtr, and of England. 5171- Nomina Vicecoinitum variorum Coinitatuum Anglia, a tempore Henrici 2. ufq; ad Carolum i. fol. i * i. et fol. 123 funt, “ Nomina Reginarum, filiorum Regis, Ar- chieporum, Epifeopbrum, et Magnat. Anglia, quj fucrunt Vicecomit. Comitat. &c.” 5172. Inquifttio tempore H.3. faCla de tenementis & feodls qua tenentur in capite a Domino Rege, qua funt alienata a Capital! fervitio Regis. 5173- I. ExtraCta ex Scutagiis H.2. R.i. &Joh. Certificationes de Teodis militum tempore H. a. per i ,1 'i d Prclatos 5 f Barones faCta. 3S . Abftrada CaCalogus Librorum MSS. , Num. 5173— 5 I 77 - 3. Ab{lra£iaRelevioruin,temporibus H.y. & 8. 23. 4. Rotulus Fundatorum & Benefadoruin Monafterii de Walden in Com. Eflex. 28. 5174 - Liber de tenuris, temporibus R. 3. H.7. & 8. per relevla fecogniris. 5175- Daniel King’s Defcripticm of Chefliire. 5176. t. Grievances prefcrr’d in Parliament & anfwered. 2. Inconveuiencies of impoiing on Foreign Commo¬ dities. 3. Whether impofing on Merchants be a prerogative of the Crown. 4. A Difeourfe, that Peace is more fitting for England tlian War, Of the Declination of the Exchequer to the pre¬ judice of the Royal Eftate. 6. A Speech to C^Eliz. containing the Petition of the Parliament, 1^71- 7. Sir Nic.‘Bacon’s Speech to Q.Ehz. 1562. m her 2d Parliam'. 8. AnotherSpeech in the faid Parliament, perfwadmg the Queen to marry. 9. Anlwer to a Speech at the prefenting the Lord Mayor. , , , , 10. Ed. Grindal, A.Bp. his Speech when under the Queen’s difpleafuie. . , n 11. Letters of W" Paulet, Marquis of Winchefter, Lord Keeper. , 12. Speeches & Orations of Sir Njc. Bacon k others in 1558. & 1 559 - 13. Privileges of the Palaces of Kings of England. 14. Caufes tryed in Chancery, 1654,1655 & 1659. 15. Examination of Witneffes about theFuneral of St. John of Batterfca, 1648. 16. The Creation of Henry Piince of Wales, 1610: and his Funeral, 1612 : moftly in Camden’s own hanJj as alfo fevcral things following are. 17. Fred. Count Palatine & C. Maurice of NaiTau made Knights of the Garter. . o 18. Marriage of the Lady Anne of Cleve with H. 8. 19. Creatio Roberti Clari in Comitem Somerfetti. 20. The Proceeding to the Parliament, 1614: with other Pageants & Creations. 21. Creation of Charles Prince of Wales, 1616. 22. Funeral of Ann, Queen of J. i. 23. Privileges of Knights of the Bath. 24. Of the Marilialls of England. 25. Perfons that claimed to do fervice at the Corona¬ tion of Ed. 6. 5177- 1, A Plea between Batchelor Knights & Knights of the Bath. ^ . 2. Statutes of the Order of the Garter, in the time oflLS. A Note of Knights made in the Reigns of H.6. F..4. R.3. 11.7. Sc 8. E.6. Q.Mary &£liz. And all the Knights of the Garter. 4. Arthur Agard, his opinion upon feveral Quffflions propounded by the College of Antiquaries. 5. Notes of Patents of judges, Serjeants, noble Crea¬ tions, Officers, Heralds, Baronets, &c. 6. Infignia Armorum 378. in Com. Cantii. y. An Ordinary of Arms of Gentr)- inEfiex. Num. 5177—5187. 8. Anotherby JohiiRaven, Rkhmondllerald, 1612. 9. A Survey of Pl.ffiex. 5178 & 5(79. Vifitations & Heraldical Collcdlions for Shropfliirc. XVI. The firft has 93 pages badly written, with an alpha¬ betical Index, and names of Baronets of Shroplhirc at the beginning. The 2d has 36 folios, with the Arms of each Family prefixed to their Pedigree, and an Index at the end. Thefe are bound up with 5S48, 75 io> which relate to the fame Subjects. 5180. 1. Extracta ex Libris Inquifitionum, Finium, See. in Scaccario alibi, de genealogiis familiurum, in diverfis Comitat; cum armis ad finein. 2. Thefaurarii Anglia;, fo. 75. E.xtract. ex antiquis hiftoriis & recordis, per Franc. Botevilc. 3. Nomina Cardinalium de gente Anglicana. 4. Names of the Lieutenants k Mailers of the Ordi¬ nance. 5. “ The Coats of divers perfons named in the book intituled, CoUecliones geneal: extratl. ex Record, &:c.” 84. 5181. Vifitatio Com. Back. 1566: per Will'm Ilarvye CJa- venceaulx. 5182. VifitaCionof Chcffiire 1580. A fmall folio of 123 pages, with a Table of the Gentry arranged alphabetically at the beginning; after which is the Numberof Hundreds, Market Towns, Churches, and Chapels, with an Ab- ftracl of Religious Houfes, and l alue thereof, in the fame way as in 5186, being both writtca by one hand. On the back of this page, a lift of the Baronets of Chefliire, with the dates of creation. 51^3* Stemmata 5 c Arma plurium Baronum Angllse, 1597- The former part is in Latin, the latter in Engiilh ; fol. lot. 63. It is bound up with 3287, which fee. 5184. Vifitatio heraldica Com. Wilts. 1565. 5185. Vifitatio Com. Devon. 1562. 5186. Another, “ Vifitatlon of Bedfordfhire, made 1582 extruded dc lib. W. G.” With, “ A Table ol the Names of the Nobility and Gentrv, with their Coats of Arms, Crefts, and Number of Defeents.” pages 62. p. I. “ The County hath 116 Parifhes in 9 Hundreds; 10 Market Towns,” See. Alfo, “ An Abflrafl of fuch Religious Houfes as were in the faid County, with their Valuations, as expreffied in Speed’s Chronicle, and recorded in the Office of the Firll Fruits and Tenths.” At the end is the fame for Derbyfliire. This Number is bound up with 4600, the Vifita- tion of Bedfordlhire in 1566 ; and 2109, which alfo fee. 5187. Vifitatio Com. Oxon. 1574- by Richard Lee, alias Porrcullis. 13 Liber Bibliothecse Harleianse. -51 Num. 5188—5194. 5188. Liber omnium Baronettorum temporibus Ja. 1. et Ca. 1. creatorum : cum Genealoglis eorundem. 5189. Vifitailo Nobilium & Generoforum in Com. Norff. A° 1563 : per W'“' Ilarvy Ar. Regem ad Arma, fub no¬ mine Clarenccaux, cum tabuia alphabclica. Vide etiam 4755. 5190. 1. A Ibort Defcription of all the Counties in F.ngland. 2. Maneria,Tena: ic 'I’enemcnta in Com.EfTex, I'pec- tantia ad Honorem deRaleigh in hundredo dc Rochlord ; e.\tra£fa ex Recordis. Et etiam ipeflantia ad Ducatum Lancaftria:. 3. A Breviat of the Courts of Record at Weftminller: by Rob. Robinfon, 1587. 4. Compotus Johannis Cocke Ar. Vicccomitis ElTexi^ et Hertf. 2 Ed. 6 . Et alterius Vic. A"’ 1607. 5. Prjcceptum Stephani Soame mil. Vic. Eflexisc, Ballivo Hundred! de Hineford, de collicendis denariis, A° 1622. 6. The Tafke Booke of the fifteenths Sc tenths col- Ie£ted in ElTex, 1621;. 7. Juftices of the Peace in the County of EfTex, 1640. 8. Prxdiftiones ex verbo Dei, de excidio Babylonis inyfUca:, A”. 1654: De'f'urcarum extreiita profligatione, A” 1663 ; Et de fine mundi A". 1672 : cum clavi Apo- calypfeos : Olivero Crom.wtllo inferiptai per Philippum Nautica:um. 9. Inquifitio poft Mortem Johannis Southcott, de ter- ris in Efl'ex, 27Eii2. 10. Inquifitio poft mortem Johannis Vere, comitis Oxon. iSH. 8. dc terris in Eifex. 11. Notes concerning the Ciffertian Order. 12. Liters patentesPliiiippi & Maris, pro incorpora- lione Heraidorum. 5IQI. 1. Advertifenient of a loyal Subjefl to K. James, at his entrance to his Kingdom. 2. Proceedings againft the L. chief Juftice Coke at the Council Table. 4. 3. A Treatile about Precedents in Chancery. 8. 4. The Rates of Licences for Alienations, & of Wriits of Covenants finable. 14. 5. A Poem on a Part in the Houfe of Commons, 1607. 16. 6. The Soldiers CouiiterbuQe to the Play Ignoramus: a Poem. 18. 7. A fhort defcription of Scotland, 1617. 20. 8. Carmina pro informatione computamium in Scac- cario ; tempore H.4. 22. 9. The L. Chancellor’s Apology againll the Write of Pramiunire intended to be brought againll him. 25. 10. The Oath of a privy Counceltor. 30. b. 11. An Epitaph on the'Lord Brook. 31. 12. A Lamentation upon the burning of the School at Bridley in Vorkihire. 5192. SomeCharters relating to the Church of St. Peter’s York. XVII. 5193- Idber Efcaetoruin, Inquifitlonum, Einium, & alior. Re- cordorum, tempore Ed. 3 : cum indicc alphabetico perfonarum 3 c locorum, xvii. 5 * 9 -h- I. A Trcatife upon Forefts, Parks, Chafes, & free Warrens. xvii. Num. 5194—5201. 2. A Treatife of judicial precedents concerning the fame. 3. A Charge of the Juflice in Eyre for Fortft Caufes. 4. An Expofition of ancient Words in old Charters. 5195- Nomina Villarum, Maneriorum, libere tenendum, kc. in Com. Elfex. xv:i. 5196. [5197—53ofi. ^larh.] Liber chartaceus, foliorum fenptorum, 87. compaftus cum num. 4156. Cominet Regulas Juris 196, cha- raderc non inelcganti feriptas. Prsmittitur hxc de- finitio Regulre. “ Regula idem fonat quod canon, grece; ct dicitur regula eo quod reQe ducat, nec ali- quein aliorlum irahar, imo, quoddiftortumpravumque eft corrigat.” 5198. Liber chartaceus, in quo habentUr; xr. 1. Auli Perfii Flacci Satirai, j, 2. Cl. Claudiani de raptu Proferpina:, Liber. 15. 3. P. Ovidii Nafonis, ut falfo dicitur, dc vocibus ap- propriatis avibus et quadrupedibus, carmen. 394 4. Epigrammaia Latina, fc. Virgilii ad Auguftum, S:c. Supplicatio Galli ad Aug. ne comburat .^neidas. Sup- plicatio Martlalis vel Suipitii. Reiponfio Csfaris Oct. Epitaphium Hyla: Tufei. 41. b. 5. P. Virgilii Moretum. 42. b. 6. Aftyanadis Mors, perMaph^um Vegium, i gracco in latinum traduda. 44. b. 7. Epiftola Sapphus ad Phaonem Ovidiana. 51. 8. Horaeri Batrachomuomachia, Latinis verfibus. 55. b. 9. Ael. Donati de Barbarifino, Tradatus. 62. b. 10. Tradatus de Arte dicendi, ex Cicerone et allis. 71. Ad fincm," Stephani de Bertolinis et Amicorum.” 105. 5199- 1. Alkyndi, de radiis, difiertatio paginarum50. xvir, 2. Preeiedio Mathematica, 1690. Liber chartaceus compadus cum num. 4141, <1454', 6463, et 6470. 5200. Liber chartaceus, paginarum 403, prater indices, con- tinens Teiitami/ia, i. e. Excurfus profa et carmine fac- tos, in argumenta varia, Pramiittitur tabula argu- mentonun tentaminum poericorum, ct fubjiingitur alia prolaicorum, qua; diclata efte dicuntur anno 1644. Audor, inaui luperftitione dudus, fmgulis paginis fuperfcripfit altcrnatim J.H.S. etM.R.A. quafi Je- fum et beacam Virginem unicuique folio Prsfides foc- lurus. 5201. 1. Summa qu$ vocatur, “ Pars Oculi Sacerdotis.” 2. Verbale, i. e. Catalogus verborum Latinorum fe- cundum modum alphabeticuin. 3. “ Dubia facre feripture, fecundum magiftrum Pen- criih.” 4. Liber Aftrologicus, vocatus Pranojlicatio Latina, Prefagium, 1492. Cum figuris multis, pluma non ineleganter deferiptis. Ad finem hie quafi Colophon fub- jungitur. “ Emciidatum denuo prefagium hoccie Im- prelIioni_ quoque iterum deditum anno dfii Mccccxcii odava die menfis Junii, 111 inclita urbe moguntina, curn carminibus Pindari preclariftimi PoetiE,” kz, &c. 3. Pfalterii fragmentum, et Kalendarii. Codex membraiiaceus. Catalogus Llbrorum MSS. Num. 5202—5211. 5202. Proceedings againft Rob Devreux, Earl of Eflex, A" 1600, 5203. John Cade’s Rcprefentation of the poor F.ftate of the Tov.-n of Kidwiliie, to Sir George Carewc. 5204.. M. Macrobii Theod. de Somnlo Scipionis, libri 2. xi. Codex menibranaceus. 520 s- An Italian Tract, in Dii-logue between a mafler and his fcholar, on fubjedlsof l^ivinity. It is entitled, “ Lu- cidarium Philofophi tximii.” Written on paper in two columns,- but imperte£l at the end. xv. Tiic Author fays, that he purpofely conceals his Name. 5206. Archeion : or, of the high Courts of Jufllce in England : by W.C. it fhould be W.L. i.e. W"' Lambard. It was printed in 1635. At the end it is figned in Saxon Characters, pille ham lampeopO. 5207. Extracts on Subjefts of Englifh Law. From fol. 40. to 138, bound with the former number. 5208. A Treatife by William Sanderfon, dedicated to King James i. with the following T;ile, “ A Treatife of Exchange and of y' King’s Ma''” Riiyall Exchanger’s OfHce, in his eminent place of dig¬ nity. Shewing the great good that came info the Land two or three hundred years together by.ihe Office being in Ufe. And the great hurt and lolTe of very many hlil- lions of pounds ftarHn^unto the Land, within thefe 70 yeares, Cfiee iKe fame Office hath been neglected, and y* "litC^andizing Exchange put in ufe : w’’' alfo a remedy -Ilie\ved for the fame.” 56 pages. At page 50 is an ac¬ count of the Author, by a Friend ; and at pp. ^2 6c 53, thedatcof 1622. xvu. Bound up wiihN'“ 188, 5 t 9 . 555 > ^ 40 '- 5209. Codex membianaceus, in quo habentur, xv. 1. Albi Tibulli Carmina qua; extant omnia. Cum Vita antiqui. , 2. Ovidii Epiftola Sapphus adPiiaonem ; quam fenba falfb dicit e Grseco efle traduaam. 43 - 3. Ladantii, ut fertur, Poema de Phccnice ; hie fine audoris nomine. 48. b. 4. Virgilii Moretum. 52-b. 5. Ovidii Epillolarum ex Ponto Liber primus, et fe- cundi pars, ufque ad v. 18 Epiftola:fcpcims; fragmen- lum, line dubio, diverft codicis. _ _ _ 55- In prime folio feribitur, ut in niultis aliis codd. “ Colleg. Agencn. Societ. Jciu Catal. Infcrip.” Codex folia habet 78. 5210. Codex membranaceus, pulcher, continens hiftonas, five Legenda Sandorum, fecundum ordinem feftorum, fo'.iis 244. Subjiduntur qusdam de Sando Pelagio imperfeda. 5211. A paper book fairly written, and bound up with N®’ *735 2404. It contains an Aftrologicarireatife by John Rudfton, dedicated to William VdcounC Manf- field, Baron of Bottle, &c. The title is this. Num. 5211—5221. “ An Aflronomick, Afirologick, & Philofophick Difeourfe, upon the great Conjundinn 1623. With aUeclaradon of theEffeCis & portents thereof probably like to enfuc, according to rlie rules and judge¬ ments of vulgar Allrologie. “As alfo the rules of reformed Aftrologie, grounded upon obfervation, & phyficall d matliematicall realbn & Deinonftration. “ Together with theprecifeTymeof thisgreatConjunc- tion, the Pofitionof the Heavens, &: Places of the Planets att the fame I'yme, taken & obteyned bv the vigilant obfervations celeftiall Sc meteorologick of John Rudilon Student in the M ithematicks.” 'The C'nijundion is that of Jupiter & Saturn. The whole is written witli great care, as for the Prefs. xvii. 5212. L. Arlington’s Letters, 1665 to 1670. Chiefly to Sir William Temple j uniformly tranl'cvibed, 251 pages. At the other end, 20 pages of Law Memorjudums. 5 - 13 - Codex membrinaceus, in quo habentur ; j. Kegiflrum Brevium cancellarise Domini Regis. 2. Statiita velcni, imperfecta. Tradatus Juridicus qui dicicurSumma, vel Judicium Efibnorum. Sequuntur alitc Summx variis titulL. 4. Summa qiite vocatur “ Affro/t rywV,” verfi- bus Nonnanno-Galdcis. 5. Index capitulorum Statutonnn. xiv. 5214. Staiuta Edwardi 3. Ricardi 2. & II. 4. & An. i 8c 2 Ilen- rici 5. Liber membranaceus bene feriptus. 5215- PoeticalEfiays in Dutch: 1347—1551. A paperbook Well written. 5216. Julii Frontinii, de Aqu^duclu urbis Romas, Liber. Ad ftnem, fiflularum menfurffi, cum inferiptionibus non- nullis. Liber chartaceus, compadus cum 5221. 5217. A French MS. on Veliutu, containing, 1. A Treatife of Olivier Count of le Marche, “ fur le craGe de Bataille.” Dedicated to Philip Arch-Duke of Aullria. *• 2. Infertedby the fame Author; “ Le hvre du Seig- neur de lifle Adam, pour gaige de battaille. 17. b. 'This Author calls himfelt, jehan de Villers Seigneur dc UJle Adam. It is addrelfed to the Grandfather of the other Philip. 35 leaves of very thick vellum. 5218. Pet, Hifpani'Thefaurus pauperum, Idber medicus cum complexionibus fimplicium medicinar. fecundum Gai- lianum de Sanda Sophya Phificum. Idem liber qui Icalice extat ad num. 5139. Codex membranaceus, compadus cum 5228. 5219. “ The mathematical demonftration of the SorJe.” Only 6 pages with two Plates. “ Henry Duke of Newcaftle his booke, 1676." xviu 5220. Sir John Dodderklge’s Treatife about the King’s Preroga¬ tive: inferibed to the L. of Buckhurfi. Fairly written on paper, d bound with 966 and 6884. 5221. Sexti Julii Frontini, de Re militari, libri 4. xv. Liber membranaceus pulcher, foliorum 102. compac- tiuH'um 5216. The Bibliothecce Harleianse. -55 Num. 5222—5228. 5222. The form of thcCoroiiation of K. Charles i. & hlsOueen, 1625. 5223. A book of various Tracis united. 1. A work ti-aiiflated from the Italian, by an anony* mous author, with this Title at large. “ The Heavenly Divorce, caufed by the Diforders & diliblute Life of the Roman Spoufe. Written in Italian by Ferrantc Pallavidno, C'anon R cgular of the Order of St.Auguftine, of the Congregation of hr. John Lattran, dedicated to fcrupulous Chriitians, and for which he was beheaded at Avignon, by order of the Court of Rome. Tranflnted into Jhiglilh, with the Author’s Life prefixed, by a Perfon of Honour.” A Tranfiation of the fame book by W. Laurance waspublifhed atLondon, 1679. *2mo. & in 1718. 8vo. This MS. has 143 pages. 2. “AdilluflrillimumPrincipcmDn. Joannem Ducem Megalopolitanum etc. ingredientem Roftochium xiv Kal. Quinflil. ut poilridie inter ipfum Ducem et Remp. fides lolemni ritu fanciatur, ut fit Principe primum ineunte imperium, Gvatulatin, J-jbannis Cafeln CID 10 XIIC (ijSS") Menfe Junio.” 3. Mr. Mafon’s Arguments for Sir John Elliot, 4 Ch. I. in the King’s Bench. 44 pp. 4. Commi/Iion to enquire into the Cuflonts of the Manor, relative to the Oueen’s Copyholders at Knaref- borough, An'’ 5 Ellz. with the report of the Cultoms. Knarefl). being parcel of the Duchy of Lancafter. 5. A Rental of the Hamlets of Beckwith U Roffet. 6. An Inquifiiion taken at Knarelbrough, i8Eliz. 7. A Bond, inverted. 8. Deferiptio HunJredorum aliquorum in Herefordia. g. SucceHio Epifeoporum, Majorum, & ‘Vice-comi- tum Herefordia.’. 5224. Liber chartaceus, in quo inveniuntur, 1. P. Terenlii Comcedia; Sex, fine diflindione Ver- fiium fcriplic ; hoc ordine. i.Andria, 1. s.Eumich- us, 26. 3. lieautoiuimoroumenos, 51. 4. Adelphi, 73. b. 5. 1-honiiio, 92. 6. Ilecliira, i. e. Hccyra, 113. Prmmitfur I'ipiin|5himn Tcrentii. xv. 2. Virgiiii Bucolica. 133. 5225. 1. Definitions in Law Vrcnch. 2. "W. Plctewode Trad, fuper 1 Cap. i Libri Little- tonis. In French alfo. 11. 3. Ledura ejurdem. ifi. b. 4. Ledura mfi hlead fuper Stat. do faux de Reco- veriis 2 Eliz. Cum fragmentis. iS. 5. -— Rob. Broke fur Cap. 18. de Magna Carta. 6. Fragmenta ad Legem percinentia, 7. Leclura mi l Pole. Code.x chartaceus. 42. 57- 66 . 5226. Jacobii Fenulii Cornmcinaniie life of cure lady. Ouod Jofies Fofter.” 2. P he life of S' Dorothy in verfe; a leaf wanting at the end. ® “ O glorious virgync and mertir Dorothe Whos fader was called Domtheus ’J'hy moder was named 'I'heodore Thowvowdeft chaflity unto hy fpoufe .Ths.” 3. A work in profe, called the Abbey of the Holy Ghoft, it is tranlUted from a Latin work of John Al- cock, Bifhop of Worcefter, fxc. See No. 1704. 5. At the end the Scribe has written, “ 'i’his endith without boll; 'fhe abbey of the hoii goft.’’ 5273 - Liber Job gloflatus. Liber S. Marie RievalHs. Libef membranaceus, pulcher. xa. 5274- Statuta Vetera Anglia:. Codex membranaceus. xit. 5275- Roberti Groftet, Line. ep. de Lingua Liber, a capite 2“ § 17. Defunt et alia qu$dam. Liber charta et mem« brana conftans. xiv 5276. Letters patent of the i ah Ch. i. Auguft 31. dated at Canterbury, refpeaing the Cuftoms. Fairly tran* feribed on vellum. 5277- A paper book, neatly written, containing, with fome chafms, 494 written pages. I. Lord Lucas’s fpeech in the Houfe of Peers, Feb. 22, 1670, upon the reading of the fubfidy bill the fecond time, in the prelence of his majefty, p. 3. Pre¬ fixed is an addrefs to the reader, beginning, “ Reader, I need not tell you that this fpeech was burnt by the hand of the common Hangman, it being done in a pub¬ lic place, to the great grief and aftonifliment of all true Engiiflimen, to whom ray I.ord Lucas his loyalty to his Prince, and his inviolable love to his Country, was abundantly manifefted,” with much more on the fubjeft. Ac the end is a Lift of 26 grievances, and this addition i “ Intent to (hew that the money given fince the Ref- tauraiion amounts to more than the Nation is now worth.” This is page 6, after which is a large hiatus. 2. Votes and addreffes and proceedings in Parlia¬ ment, from 29 March 1673, p. ?i. After p. 60, a chafinto67. 3. “ The Cafe of Mrs. Mary Wood an infant (foie daughter and heir of Sir Hen.Wood Kid and Bart, de- ccafed) and of Dame Mary Chefter, Relift of Sir Henry Chefter Kn‘ of the Bath, and Sifter of the faidSirHen. Wood.” p. 89. 4. A lift of his Majefty’s Ships, Apr. 24, 1675. P- 93 - 5. Proceedings in Parliament again, commencing Apr. 13, 1675. p. 133. 6. “ The Earl of Shaftefbury’s Speech in the Houfe of Lords, upon the debate of appointing a day for the hearing of Dodtor Shirley’s caufe, the 20th day of No¬ vember 1675.” p. 233. 7. “ Some Confiderations upon a Queftion whether the Parliament is dKTolved by its Prorogation for 15 Months.” p. 259. In Six parts. 3U 8 . « The 258 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5277—5283. 8. “ The Argument for diflblving this and chofeing a new Parliament frequent.” Not paged, but inferted after p. 2S0. in a different hand. 9. Proceedings in Parliament, beginning Feb. 15, 1676. page 319. With fpeeches and addreffes. 10. A Letter from Lord Danby, dated Jan. 17,1677. p. 485. His fpeeches follow, and the Articles of Im¬ peachment againfl him. 5278. A Journal of Travels through France and Italy, begun June Cl, i6yj. AVritten in French. It ends at Ro- vigo, in the .State of Venice. 5 - 9 - , TrogiPompeiilliftoriarum, perJuffinum,Libri 44. Codex meinbranaceus, elegans. 'liiulus ornatus. xv. 5280. An ancient vellum Book, faid to be in the old Iiifii Lan¬ guage, very neatly written, and well preferved. It was once the property of Sir Henry Spelman. It contains 66 vellum leaves, befides leaves of paper at each end. The firft Paper at the beginning contains a long account of the Contents of the MS. giving a defciipiion of each Chapter particularly, of which there arc twenty- two. The general introduction to this defcriptioii is the following ; “ This MS. is a copy, as appears both by the note in fol. 65. a. in the botome (wherein the Tran- feriber gives his own name, viz' Gillo Tancolour’d Son of Tuathall, Son of Tcig, nicknamed the crooked, OClery) and the contents, molt of which are contained in other books much older. But the language is all of the old ftamp, and not eafily now to be matter’d. It fomverly belonged to Caffarlie mac Naoifi, for fo it is fet down in the margents of folio 9. b. and fol. 65. b. which at firtt view made me imagin it was written be¬ fore the beginning of the eleventh Century, at which lime firnames came firtt to be generally us’d in Ireland. Mac Naoifi being none, and confequently added as it feem’J, by way of dittinCttion to the proper name Caf- fariie as in like cafes the cuftom was before.” “ The book does not run much upon any one fubjeCl in the whole, but a Rhapfudy, or variety oi fmall traetts, fome Romaniick, fome hiftorical, and foine mixt of both, fome moral, and fome that feem to be purely le¬ gendary, as entirely depending upon the faith and vera¬ city of the authors of ’em.” This account, which is not figned by the writer, is written on a Tingle ttieet, larger than the book, iil'elf, and folded. Other matters reladve to it follow, in Latin, on feven leaves, written in another hand. The age feems therefore to be uncertain, probably much more modern than the date aferibed to it in the old Catalogue (the :oth Ceiuui^,) which feems to have been founded on the conjecture mentioned and rejected in the account preceding. 52S1. The Book of Affizes held in the Reign of Edward 3. A paper book, vvritten in Law French. 5282. Cafes of Certiorari al Cinque Ports, et cn Gales, in the Kmgs Bench, 8, 9, & 10 Car. 1. Cheadle & Buck’s Ca.'e, fol. 30 . This is bound up with 4300, &c. 5283- Codex chartaceus, continens notas continuas fuper textum Gra:cum Evangelii S.Luca:, a cap. ix. 54. ufquc ad caput xxiv. 7. In initio et fine mancus. Num. 5284—5290.! 52S4. Codex membranaccus. 1. Hymni Ecdeliartici, cum nous Muficis; et Lee- tiones, utrinque imperfcCtrc. 2. Liber diClus I)iadema monachorum, auCtore Sma. ragdo, Abbate SanCtiMichaelis aJ Mofam. Superferip- tuseft, ” Hunc librum Smaragdus compoluit, qui no- mai diudema monachorum illi impofuit: quia licul dia- dema gemmi.s, ita et hie liber virtutibu?.” Dicebatur ctiam de Ecclfiaflicorum, et Mov.acLorum maxime, liihiti- bus^ ex fententiis Patruni conicxtus. Vid. Fabric- Bibl. Med. ct Infr. Lat. Lib. xviii. Capita hie extant 77. olim centum. xiv. 5 = ^ 5 - Plauti ComcEdiarum 8. fcilicet i.Amphitruo. 2. Afi- naria, fol. 18. 3. Captivi, f.3i.b. 4. Gargulio. (v. CurculioJ 46. b. 5. Cafina, f. 56. b. 6. Ci£- tellaria, 68. b. 7. Epidicus, f. 75. b. 8. Aulularia, f. 84. b. cum Glollls margini inferiptus. Codex meinbranaceus ; comcediae 98 folia occu¬ pant 5 ad finem “ Ayetiv (StSxer t 7 s-w^cu.va- KalSextilis 1415.” bubjungitur, recentiore manu, in- diculus vocum rariorum. xv. 5286. 1. Cirurgia Rafis: quamtranttulit Gerardus Cremo- nenfis de Arabico in Laiinum, lib. 3. xv. 2. Conftantini African!, de regimlne Stomachi, Liber. 3. Magiftri Thadei de Bononia, Coiifilia ad varias tegritudines. 4. Prmferiptiones Medicx. Codex membranaccus. 52S7. Libellus chartaceus, cum num. 5836, et multis aliis. compadus. Titulus eft, “ Oralio habita in tradudione garterii ad t hriltianilumum Francifeuna Galliarum Regem, prsfentibus tribus (-ardiiialibus, multis epif- copis, ct tcmporalibils principibus non paucis, Parifiis Novembris 153.7. Johanne Taylcro, Vicecaiicelh- rio, pronuncianre.” Ad micm Iioc ddftichnn : “ Faiiftos qutufo dies vidcant & Neftoris annos t aiuiida progenies, li’':’ juncta n.fis.” Et infra, I .tetia; x' Novemi j^ 1727. Joh.Taylero, Vicecanc' iLi'o pronur.cianic. .'jubjiciiu.', alia manu, 3 . C. Fli'i.i : .um” .:i’m I.ibii Odlo. Fuiiioncs luibent dec.'-’. .. 1 . o£lo cvm novem primls Editionuin cnngMicvev: -entur. Ad iinem “ Caii Pli- nii Secm.Ji Vcivncnfis cratoris Fpiftolaruin libri uu- niero oltn, in hoc corptreptr oidinem funimariecou- tinentur.” ('odex membranaccus, pulcher. In primo folio “ Jofephi tStephani Valentin! liber Senis emptus 1574.’’ inlra “ Nunc Pe. Galefii alterius libri peimui-itione,’' vSupra Epillolam primam “ Collee. Agen. Socie. Jefu Catal. inferip.” xv. 5289. Miffale: olim “ pertinens ad Altare S. Johannis Bap- titte et S. Margarete ad 9 Altare in Ecclefia Cathe- drali Dunelnrenfi : ex procuradone Domini Johannis I’rioris Dunelm.” Liber membranaccus, cum literis majoribus ornatis, at fine piQuris. xiv. 5290. Statutorum vetenim liber. Codex membranaceus. Folia oftonaria divifionc per literas notantur, et defunt nen- nulla, ut in initio obfciTatur a feriore manu. xvn. I. IM.T. Bibliothecje Harleianse. ^59 Num. 5291—530:. 5291. I. M. T. Ciccronis, de Finibus Bonorum & malonim i- XV. 2- •;-Acadcmicarum Qua;ftionuni, Li- pnmus. Codex membranaceuSj non inelegans. 5292. Codex menibranacous, cui titulus, rubricii fcriptui e/l “ L.Anne! Flori Epithoma de Tito I.ivio Libri qua- tuor mcipiunt. Continec verb non Epitoraas Livia- nas. Flora adferiptas, fed ipfius Eiori HiftorUm, fine lolitis additamentis P. Oiaconi vel alioruin. Codex habet paginas fcriptas So. xv Vita S. Barlaam: 5293* Codex membranacou’ Num. 6503 compadus. cum Xlil. Num, 5302—5371. .5302. Difputaho de Gratia fufficiente. Liber chartaceus, no* tatus mfigniis familise de Brienne. xvu. 5303- Horatii Flacci Opera. Codex membranaceus, paeu nas habens 260. 5304- P. Terentii Comaediip fex, hoc ordinej i. Andria. 2. _Eunuchus. 3. Heautontimoroumenos. 4. Adel* phi. Hecyra. 6. Phormio. Pra;cedit fragrricn- tum vir$ longioris Terentii, incipiens Revenentc autem Scipione Romain devidla Carthagine, et inter- feifto Hanibale, Terentus qui cum aids deprehenfus fuerat,” &cc. Codex chartaceus, forma profaica feriptus. Ad finem cujufque Fabuls, “ Ego Caliopius recenfui.” XV. 5294- Herbaiium vetusin membrana, cum figuris piftis, fpec- tatori cunofo non f'pernendis. In fine didtur, ab incerto, liber ciTe Dioscoridis, de herbis feminis; & fane mafeulis, in priore parte. Cum numero 4986 conipadus cll hie codex. xn. 5295. M. T. Ciceronis, de Omtore Dialog! 3, ad O. fratrem* Codex membranaceus, pulcher. xv. 5296. P.StatiiThcbajJos libri xn. cum multis notis in margini- bus. Eolia polteriora 14 carcro codice multo rt^en- iiora. Continent partem libri undecimi, et duodeci- muni tofuin. xm Codex membranaceus. 5297. Defeription of Afia and the adjacent Iflands, in French, in two diliereiu hands. xvii. * 529^:. . . Forma admidionis in ordinem Vcllcris Aurei. xvji. Latine, Caliice, et liifpanice. In membrana, cum figuris. 5 ^ 99 - A French 'I’ranflation of the firfl five Books of tlie Or¬ lando Furiofo of Ariojlo-, in Stanzas of eight lines, cor- rerponding cxaflily with the Stanzas of the Original. It is dedicated to the Dauphin, whom the writer calls “ le feul Efpoir de France,” probably therefore Louis Xlll. llie only Son-of Henry IV. unlefs if be fiill older. There are notes at the end, which imply the book to be older than' t59o, the 2d year of Hen, 4. The tranflator's name feeins to have been Hclye Bomut, which is fubferibeef to the dedication, and elfewh'ere. The whole very fairly written, on vellum. XVI. 5300. 1. Jim. Juvenalis Satirtc. xv. 2. Auii Perfii Flacci Satirre. Codex membranaceus, paginarum 164. S 30 I- “ 2 1 Eflatutes des Chevaliers de la Table ronde,” with arms beautifully emblazoned, and other Matters re- lating to the Order, dojic in a later hand. On vel¬ lum. ' XVI. 5305- T. Benedidlioncs Epifcopales per totum annum, xv. 2. Officium conficiendi Sanftum Crifma. 3. Confecratio ele£li in Epifeopatum. Codex mem¬ branaceus, cum titulo picto ; nec non litera priina, in n. 3. 5306. 1. “ Manuale Sacerdotis, 5 panibus, Johannis MI- rtci, Prioris de Lillefhull. Floruit A. D. 1403. ’ 2. Elucidarium, Gulielmi Coventrienfe, qui floruit 1360. 3 Libris. Code.x membranaceus. xv. 5307- [ 53 ° 7 — 53 ^ 9 - Duodecimo'] The Pfalter in fliort hand. A very fmall paper Book, in two columns, neatly written. At the beginning, “ Brought by Mr. Bagford to my Lord Harley.” XVII. 5308- - Variety of Plans for Garden Plots, WilJernefles, &c. Neatly drawn on Paper, but without any Writing at XVII. 5309* Pfalterium ; cum Litania et precibus. Libellus mem- branaceus, elegans. xin. 5310* Breviarum fecundum confuetudincm Romanjc Curia: cum Calcndario. xiv. Codex membranaceus. 53 ir- An old Kalendar, on folded Iheets ofjvellum, connefled at the bottom, and marked with the letters a. to k. At the beginning is written, by Lord Oxford, “ Given by the Worthy and learned Mr. Bromc of E. Withrington Hcrefordfliire. 1732.” a. is inferibed “ Canones pro fellis mobilibus & cognofeendis.” b. c. d. e. contain three months each of the Kalendar. f. “ Tabula lume cum Canonc et imagine fignorum.” g. “ Eclipfes foils cum canone.” h. “ Eclipfes lunte,” from the year 1403 to 1448. i. “ Spera Apullei de indiciis Urinarum.” k. “ Tabula ad calculandum pro futurist* Inclofed in a common cafe, with Numbers 937 k 3812, which are alfo old Kalendars. Oratione* 260 Catalogus Librorum MSS. ii i Num. 5312—5320- 5312- Orailones ad Sanaos, Pfalmi poemtentialcs, Vlglha: mortuor. &c. In mcmbrana; cum piaura multis, et calcndario. 5313- Fianclrci Whitakeri, pueii, Loci communes. Cum verfibus Anglicis, Latinis, &c. 531+- Law Reports and Cafes, in Englifli and French, under William and Mary. Neatly written on paper, too pages oneway, and about 16 the other. xvn. 53 ^ 5 - Manuale Devotionis ; cum Cakndario. xv. Codex membranaceus. 53 i<>- Liber chartaceus, fuperferiptus “ Johannes de Fonte Aullrali.” Continet Traftatum, cui titulus Jacula Tentationum preevifa.” Cum prolegomenis fupra- feriptis “ riyn i. e. Coftiab, i.c. Cogitatus,” Scilicet de Cogitatione. 5317- Lifts of Preachers in Lent, from 1667 to 1690, by J. Le Neve. With thofe for 1703. Neatly written. 53 iS- OfEclum S. Mari.u fecundum confuetudinem Romanos Curiae: cum Calendarlo. Codex membranaceus ele- gans, at non pittus. xv. 5319- A fmali book, partly of Paper, partly of Vellum ; con- taining very heterogeneous matter. 1. A French tract, neatly wriilen, in a fmall hand, on Paper, with this title: “ Les Vcilles de la Solitude. MDCun. A Samois fur Seine.” It contains 68 pages, and, though it has a general title, confifts of milcella- neous matters, among them fcveral Love Letters. The initials J.N.D. (uiilels they (land for In nomine Uomine) are prefixed to every part. Pages 15, 16, 17, 18, are wantinf^. The dates run from 1651 to 1654, fo that it feeins, like the next, to have been a kind of common place. . . , . , 2. Another colleftion of the fame perlbn, with a title thus: J.N.D. Sal, id eft Salse acuteque dicta 1654 Dec 30 . Ail TO KaXoii jrpsc avilo KoeXj'. fhc COntCntS here arc principally Bon-mots, Proverbs, Dutch words and fayings, Copies of Letters, &c. 8665332. 3. A fmall Arabic book, with this Infcription, “ Flic liber eft Arabicus . . . . fons . . . i. c. caput ex Alco- rano, quam (fic) in gratiam .... fceminaruin . . . et . . . ” cjetera obliterantur. 4. Libellus chartaceus, cum piduris, cura, fi non arte, exquifitS elaboratis. Superferiptio rubricata hac eft. “ Flaic funt quindecim colleda five Orationes il- lius preclarifiime virginis beate brigette quas ante ima- ginem dfii noftri Jefu Chrifti indies devotiflime dicebat, tandem ab eodem crucifixo, per gratiam dignam refpon- fionem habere meruit, et ipfa yraago ipfius crucifixi que in ecclefia fanfti pauli extat, ipfam far.clam brigitam allccuta fuit, prout legenti inferius patebit, tt lu Icdor lege devote quia ftupenda leges.” Defunt Oi aiiones 2 et 3. Cretevaruin fingula; piduram habent prtfixam, excepta decima quinta. Num. 532 r- Yocabularium Hifpanico-Latinum, 1590. wardi Smyth j chartaceus. Liter Ed- 5321. A Paper book of J. Le Neve’s, inferibe J at the begjuniag Collettions of monumental infcrlptions, beginning with the year 1600, and ending with 1649, not yet printed by me. Jo. Le Neve .‘ipr. 21. 171S. At the other end, “ An Index of what^ In- feriptions are printed by me John Le Neve in each Year, and each Volume, together with the names of thofe col* leded fince.” Thefe extend from 1650 to 1679. 5322. Menologium, cum colledis pro fmgulis diebus per annum, lingua Mofeuana. Manual of Devotion, in fome dialed of Lower Ger¬ many. On Paper. xv. 5 3 24 - Short notes of what pafl-'d in the Uoufe of Commons, April be M.iy C- Statute veteraLcgi! .Inslivani:. Sell. Nova: oulniat.oncs, Maena Charta, Chai ta Jc eorefta, uc. Libci mc.n- , ® XIV. branaceus. 5327- Paffio S. Margaretic. Code.v membranaceus x'. 532 *^- HorrcB.Marix : cum Calcndario, et pkturis elcgaritio- ribus, in menibrana. 5329- Epitaphs, &c. in the liaud-tvrWni; of Dr. Hutton ; col- leded in various parts of F.ngland. A linall 1 aper hook. 5330. Lofiica: Liber, in feaiones 50 digeftus. Cura introiluc- tione de adtibus intcllcdCis. Liber chartaceus. 5331- Hiftorical Obfervatioas on btate mailers; 164010 1642. On 120 pages, in a neat engrofting hand, with an alphabetical Index. The D. of Netvcaftic's Arms prefixed. 5332- Libellus chartaceus, paginarum ir.; c^ntinens OW^va- liones Hebraicas, ab eodem collecFas qui libellum n. 521Q feripfit. I. Titulus genci’alis fic fe habet. “ Augufti 29. J.N.D. Lucubratioaes Hebraica; Sccunda:—1656. ’ ’’’ 2' “ Radices Hebraic.!: ct Clialdaicd- e Iluxtorfio.” p. g.ufquead 144- ubi robferibitur. “B.N.D. (iorfen, Bemdicatur nomen Domini) ribrolvcbam A” t 6 j 6 . De- cemb. 20. Diebus exafte numerando 20. 3. “ Regulte gencrales grammatic*.” Superfcripta:, “LN.D. 1657. A'5'.'' __ MS- 4. “ Arcana quffidam cabalas. ‘ 57 - 5. “ Nomina propria.” Scriptura ininuta et eleganti. xvn. g Prcblemata Bibliothecae Harleianae. Num. 5332—534.1. 5333 ’ Problemata Mathcniatica. Cum Obfs. de Logarlthmis, &c. Libellus chartaceus. xvii. 5334 - Brevlarium in membrana fcriptuid, in initio imperfeaum. In folio a fine oaavo fcrlptum efl:, “ Liber monaf- terii Sandi Edmundi regis et martyris de Bury, de dono dompni Johannis Fenyngham ejufdem loci mo- nachi, cujus anime propicietur Deus iimen.” xv. 5335 - Jacobi Luccn. S.R.E. Cardinalis Papien. de Ponti* ficio & Sacri Senatus Officio, Libellus. ;- - de morte Cardinalis Theanen. 1482. 3. ^ Veritas de inftitutione Principis, ad Raphaelcm Kuanum Cardinaleni, 4. RIarfiiii Ficini, Dialogus inter Deum & Animam. 5 - -Lex & Jufiitita. - -dedivino furore. 1462. Libellus mcmbranaceus^ elegantiffime feriptus, et piaus. , J J • Four Books out of Five of an Englifh Traft, on facred fubjet!ds, entitled, Angeloquiumy fuperferibed with the Cypher IM. It is written in Dialogue, and after a Preface, begins with the fecond Book; concerning which is this note prefixed, « NB. The firll Rooke IS not joyned to thefe, becaufe ’twas writt in a lefier volume, and compared after another manner, foe y‘ ’tis by its felfe with clafps in a gilded cover, foe y' let not the reader wonder to fee but 4 partitioncs, and y'-' laft to be called of me y'-’ 5th Booke.” xvn. 5337 ‘ Aflironomitc Epitome. Libellus chartaceus, fumma cura feriptus, quali ad prelum paratus. Libris 4. Paginas habet 328, pra;ter indicem. xvn. 5338. Hugh Thomas, his pocket Notes. Written in an interleaved Almanack, called Gallen, for the year 1691. 5339 - Adverfaria medica. Liber chartaceus, paginas habens 198. 5340. Memoranda Logica, Ethica, Metaphyfica, Ikc. 1595. PagintB mire traiifpofitte j multm etiani defunt. Liber chartaceus. 534r. Codex raembranaceus in quo habentur, opufcula varia Ciccroiiis. xv. I. Job' de LapiJe prrufatio ad G. Rhietum Parifien- fem, dc Officiis et operibus Ciceronis. 3. Ciceronis de Officiis libri tres. Deeft folium pri- mum, et ultimum. 3- -Parado.xa; dceil folium primum. Ad finem feriba ait, “ Finis paiadoxe, deo gratias, cum inagna difficultate 5 die Martii miil“ cccc Ixxviij”. 4 - -de Amicitia liber. 5. Ciceronis de Seneclute, liber. 6. -bomnium Scipionis. 7. Polk fententias breves de Morte, fequitur Cicero- nis libellus, “ de effentia mundi” ut 'hie dicitur; in Edit. Ernelli autein, “ Timtuus, feu de univerfo frag- mentum.’' Deeft folium primum. 8. Verfus duodecim fapientum in M. T. Ciceronem. Cat. H.vkL. Vol. Ill. 261 Num. 5342—5353. 53 + 2 . C. Sactonil Tranquilll, dc vitis icCicfamm, Libri 12. Codex inembranaceus, elegans, cum titulis Libro- rum ct capituin deauratis, 5343 * A fmall Traft, fairly written, on 138 pages, w'ith this Title: “ A prefervatiye againft changing of Religion ; or, a juft and true Idea pf the Roman Catholic Religion, oppofed to the fiattering portraits which fome had made .of it, and particularly to that of Monlieur de Con* dom.” 5344 - Codex membranaccus. Colleftionum Thcologicaruirt Liber, 7 partibus. “ Ad honorem beatiffimaa trinitatis, et glorloftevir- ginis matris, compilatus eft de diverfis libris brevis ifte libellus diftinftus in 7 particulas principales,’^ xvi. 5345 - Auguftini Dathi elegantiae Latini Sermonis; cum Epif- tola aufloris qua: in nonnullis Edd. deeft, et indice verborum alphabetica. Codex membranaccus, ele- gans. xy. 53 + 6 . 1. Chancellour Ellefraere’s Speech concerning the Poft-nati. 2. A defenfive Vindication of the Liturgy, Ceremo¬ nies, and Patrimony of the Church of England. 120. A paper Book. 5347 * The Life of St. Margaret by Tefkino, In antiquated Italian Verfe. On Vellum, with many illuminations. XV. 53 + 8 . A Collefkion of Epitaphs in & about London. Seem- ingly by the fame collefkor as 5329. 5349 - Statuta a x ad 28 Ed. 3; Codex membranaccus. 5350- A Traffc on the Star-chamber, written on 1 68 leaves with this Title, “ A Compendium and briefe difeourfe of the Antiquitye & Juril'diaion of the Court of Star-chamber, togeather with a Catalouge of the cheife Clarkes of the faid Court ever fince the 22d yeare of the Rjigne of Kinge H. 6.'' 5351 - A Book of Chriftian Liberty, Councils, Lay Elder.v, & Prefbyters. Written on paper j 267 pages, with fome chafmsi xvn. 5352 * Liber chartaceus, ftudenils in niedicina, feriptus i66q§ 1. Epitome Harveii de motu Cordis. 2. . Anatomia: Bartholini. 5353 * A fraall paper Book cf various Colleftions, dated, 1601-3. 1. Epigrams &: Devices. 2. Abftra£ks of Sermons, notes from Books, &c. 3. A Diary beginning Jan. t, i6ox. toFeb. 24. ditto. 3 X 4. The CatalogLis Librorum MSS. 2 (?i Num.5353—5362- 4. The Diaiy refumed, May 1602. wlih many Ab- ftracls from Sermons j alio VtrfeSj and raifcellaneous lemarks, extracts from poems, See. "Who was the writer does not appear. 535 + * Medicinal Receipts. A fmall paper Book, bound with Nos. 6937 and 7360. 5355- 1. dementis 7, Papa;, Literse 4. ad Clericos regu- lares, i?i3. 2. Pauli 3. Papte, Epiflola ad Clericosregulares, cum dcclaratione de iifdem. 3. julii 3. Papa;, ad cofdem. 4. Litera: Civitatis NcapoliC. 5. Ciememis 7. Epilt. ad Clericos regulares, 1533. 49. b. 6. Similis Epiflola Pauli3. 154'^- 53 ’ Cum i.-.dice. Liber chartaceus, compaftus cum Num. 2363. 5356. Roberii Boothe, “ Svnopfis totius Philofophlas Dodori Nevil, Collcgii Trinitatis Cant. Magiflro, inferipta. Liber doclus, elegantl characlere feriptus, et ta- bulis fynopticis illuflratus. 5357- Almonius Pclonlus : contra Epifeopatus Ordinem Liber, 19. 23* 48. lie diedus. Codex chartaceus. 535 !i- This Number appears to be wanting. It was a volume of colleilions like the three following. There Is reafon to think that it was never received at the Mufeum. 5359- A paper Bock, written at each end ; containing Notes, Obfervations, Hymns, &:c. of a Popilh Prieft, whofe initials were B. W. written between 1684 & 1687. At the inverfe end arc fevcral Latin Hymns, and an Englilh Ode on the accelTion of James 2d, anticipating the advantages to the Faith from his zeal. 5360. Colleftloncs Theologica: accurate exferipta:. 1. DeVirtute. 2. De Examine particular], et generalt. 3. Examen pro confeflione general]. 4. Didribuiio materiarum pro meditatione in fingu- los anni dies. 5. F.xercitia queedam fpirltualia pro focietatis homini- bus. In tribus partibus. 6. Textus Scrlpturee in totius anni Dominicas. A thin book, the common-place book of a Frenchman, perhaps a Divine, fome parts dated 1601, feme 1670, containing Extracts inprofe & verfe, Fi ench 6 c Latin, occupying 35 pages, from the beginning of the book, & 37 from the end. With fome Copies of Letters & Speeches ; all written in a very neat & fmail hand. 5362. Liber chartaceus, exhlbcns Varias Leftiones in Martialis Epigrammata. Auftor in initio fcripfit, " Contuli cum feripto libro Roma; anno 1468, fed ex optimo ex- emplari membranaceo, ut apparet. Wirtzeburgi K. ]Mai 1583.” Num. 53^3—537'- 5363- A ftnall Traci, trandated from the French by Thomas Wilcockes, dedicated to Henry Frederick Prince of Wales, 1605. The Tide is this : “ A Prol'opopceia, fiedion or devife, bringing in the Piramis or pillar of the pallace of Parris fpeaking for illelfe, & advertifing others. Newly ymprinted, 1605.’’ The Pillar in queftion was that erefled in memory of Charters execution. This Traci is very neatly writ- ten on Paper, & occupies ii leaves, bound with Nos. 994, and 3347- 53<)+- Traftatus de Angelis, 1633. Sub Duo Stratfordo.” Codex chartaceus. 5365- Codex chartaceus. Titulus eft, Ad ingeniofiffimum virum Henricum Fanfhaw equitem dignifllmum Joan- nis Audoeni Epigrammatum MS. Libellus Kal. Ja- nuar. 16to.” In primo folio, occiirrit noincn Thorns Baker, qui in fccundo fcripfit; “ Liber hie M'S nuU libi (quod Icio) excufus eft.” Erravit autem V.D. plurima enim horum Epigram¬ matum in Edd. occurrunt. Scil. i. Libr. 7. Ep. 5. 6 Lib. 6. Ep. 84. cum multis aliis, qua; inquirenti fe obtulerunt, Appellari igitur debet, “ J. Audoeni Epigrammatum Centuria felecla.” xvn. 5366. 1. Ifidori Liber de obitu Patriarcharum, Apoftolorum, Si Sanflorum. xiii. 2. Hiftoria de Sacramento Monachi Radulphi. 3. Cefarii epi. Sermo de 3 habitaculis. 4. S. Bernardi Speculum Peccatoris. Codex membranaceus. 5367- Biblla Latina. Codex membranaceus, elegantcr feriptus, iitcris gothicis. xiv. 5368. Authoi'ties relating to the Marriage of Cordelia Cowdry, a Quaker, in Oftober 1699. Statement for the opinion of Counfel, and Authorities on the Cafe, 50 leaves. xvn. 5369. 1. Tabula fuper Methodo Fulgentii. xiv. 2. Gefta Romanorum cum praifatiuncula, “ Exem- plum bonum de bono rege.” 3. Liber de vitiis, cum remediis eorundem. “ Quia juftitia fidelium eft dcclinare a malo.” 4. Sermones varii : cunt indice rerum alphabetica. Liber oiiin S.Auguilini Cantuarienfis, membrana- ceus. 5370- Florae B. Marim: cum Caleiidario. Codex membrana¬ ceus, cura exquifita pictus et ornatus. xv. 537 T- [S 37 '— 5444 - Horse B. Marix : cum Calendario. Codex membrana¬ ceus, perverfo ftudio reformatoris cujufdam deforma- tus, qui preces etc. ad VirgineinplumS tranfrerfa deni- gravit. XIV, Colle^lio Bibliothese Harleianse. 263 Num. 5372—5377, 5372 - Collcclio pretiofa traftatuum de re Grammatica, olim, “ Coll. Ageii Soc. Jefu Catal. Infcrip.” ut in hac col. ledione multi codices. xv. 1. .^lii Doiiati de re GrammaticS, Editio fecunda, ut elt apud Putfchium col. 17+v 2. Ejufdem Editio Prima,Putfch. col. 1735. 15. b. 3. Ejuldera Donati de Barbarifmo. Putfch. 1767.* 4. Prifciani, Partitiones Verfuum xn .^neidos princi* paiiutn. Exftat apud Putfchium 1215. 27. 5. Traftatus auftoris incerti, non apud Putfchium exltans, ” de ratione metrorum.” PrsemilTa eft Epiftola ad Jacobum qucndam, incipiens, “ Nihil k te jocundius nobis potuit injungi.” Traftatus ipfe incipit, « Pes eft nietrica conftiiutio fyllabaruin.” gQ 6 . Traflatus anonymus de metris Horatii et Boetii. 7. M. Servli Grammatici Centimetrum. lof. b.' Exftat apud Putfchium col. 1 »i 5. 8 . Ejufdem de ratione fyllabarum ultimarum. 107 Exftat Putfch. col. 1799. 9. Phocje Grammatici ars.de nomine etVerbo, iii. Exftat Putfch. col. 1683. I o. Prifciani de Verfibus comicis liber. 112 Exftat Putfch. col. 1319. ^ ‘ _ Codex membranaceus, pulcher, folia habens fcnpta 136. 5373 - 1. C. Jul. Solini, Polyhiflor, feu de mlrabilibus Mundi. 2. Rorgi Fretelli Archidiaconi Antiochise, de fitu terra; Hierofoiymitana;, Liber. Code.x membranaceus, cum num. 4088 compaaus. 5374. I. Cr. Salufti, de Catiliuae conjuratione. xv. — de bello Jugurthino, Liber. Codex membranaceus, pulcher. 5375- Liber Theologicus, ordine alphabetico ; a litera C ad fi nem,^ cum indice. Codex mixtus, ^ charta et mem- brana, XIV. 5376. I. M.T. Clceronis, deAmicitia Dialogus. xv. 2--Paradoxa. 3 ‘ j Cato major, feu de Seoeftute, I.i- ber. (..odex membranaceus, clegans : cum Num. <26^1 compathus. ^ 5377- Codex chartaceus varias lucubrationes Virorum dofto- rum compledlens. Continentur, xvii 1. “ Annotata ex Prccledionibus ad Politiam Arifto- tehs, habitis ab Exc. Harmanno ConringioD. Med.” 2. I. G. Gr$vii adnotata quaedam, cui etiam attri- bui poffunt qua fequuntur, ufque ad § 9. 4j 3. De veterum Chriftianorum jejuniis. 48^ 4. De Turcarum militaribus Copiis. rg] 5. “ Prolufio de Chrifti nativitate ex b.Virgine Maria, « de hominibus qui nati dicuntur ex incorruotis Vir* gmibus.” ^ 6. Problematum famgo. Dc mone Cleopatra:, &c. Inferti eft ad folium 72, Epiftola I. G. Graevil Au tographa. gente, engine et imperio.” 7’5 Ad foI._77, fragmentum Epiftolas a I. G. Gnevio ad At-g. Menagium. Num. 5377_533 i, 8. Nota: qu$dani fimili forma iis quae ad fol, 47. ab* ruptas funt. Grsevii nomen inferiptum eft ad 85. b. 9 - “ Schediafma ad Tib. F. de Tritico, vino, oleo legato.” . , Q./ Procedit ad inttium capitis 11, ubi abrupt!^ delinit. 10. Not$ mifcellanea:. jq. It. “ In Ovidium Not®, ex fchedis Scaligeri ac Vulcanii manu Vulcanii.” ° ,^5 _ 12. In Sidonium Apollinarem obfervationes, ex Edi- tione J. a Wouveren, inchoaf® tanium. 129. 13. “ In Petronio Arbitro, edito a /. a Wouveren Spicilegium.” 14- “Excerpta & libro Jos. Seal, excufo Vcn. ap P Manut. IJ57. et a Seal, collate cum Vet’"“ Cod. 1559.”’ Codice, fcilicet, Canninum Horatii. 13^, 15. Spicilegium ad eandem Sylvani.” Sc. Statii Svlv IV. Car. 8. j 16. Fragmentum annotationum ab alia manu, duo- bus foliis. 17. “ Excerpta ex C. Julii C®faris Commentariis.” Summa paginarum 162. ****" 5378. P^g'nas habens 175, cum hoc titulo, ‘ Soil Deo honor et gloria Clarifl’. ac DocW. V. Joh Georg. Grrnvii ad Pomponium Melam diftata.” Cum pr®fatione Gr®vih Ad fincm, “ Finis iabore ?.c fu- dore Frcder’ Bec..ingii (nomen partim delctum) . fitus.” Torus Liber charadlere luculento e.\'aratus. xvii. 5379 - Liber chartaceus, fragmentum libri majorls, ut i paginis hquet, qu®mcipiunt a num. 331, et procedum ad 440' vid. num. 5385. 1. Not® ad libros xvi Ciceronis Epiftolarum ad d’i- verfos. 2. Obfervationes perpetuaj adPetronii ArbitiiSatvri. con. L 3. Not® ad Petronii quofdam locos. IL.’ 4. Not® ad Pollucem. 444. 5380. Codex chartaceus, in quo habentur not® Viri cujufdam do(fti/nmi, vel pluriura, in aueftorcs Gr®cos. 1. Not® in 7 heophyladli Simocati dialoguni, cut titu- lus, Not® funt proculdubio Jacobi Kimedoncn, a quo editus eft ThcophyUaus cum inter- '599; nomen enim, quod obduaa penna obfeuruvit quifquam, apparet ad fol. 2S 48 et ahbi, fulfle “ Jacobi K . . . . Kl.” quod cum auctoreifto optime confentit. 2. Ejufdem not® in Theophyladli Epiftolas. 0 3. Ejufdem not® in Theophylaai Simocati Legationes. H® not® omnes, cum in Editione Kimedoncii non exltent, digniffim® videntur accurata dofliorum in- veftigatione. T».i' apparet, not® breves In Philoftrati Epiftolas. 5 --in Heroica Philoftrati. ~ Alciphronem breves nota 44. 7. Not®, aha manu, et alio forfan audore, in Philof- trati imagines. ^ H® not®, qu® ad finem Libri procedunt, eruditi/ne abundant non vulgari, ut viderc eft ad fol. 122 b pi voce et palTim. xvir. 5381. A moft elegant book, containing original Drawings on Vellum, by Enea Vico, from which his work on the medals of the Emperors was engraved. They ar« * ^ Drawings 64 Catdogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5381—5387. Drawings with a Pen, chiefly in outline, & of fuch exquifite neatnefs that they might eafily pafs for en¬ gravings. The volume does not contain the whole work, but only the following parts. 1. The general Frontifpiece, e.xactly as engraved, without the Infcription. 2. The general title for the Medals of Julius Cafar, without the Medal of him, or the infcription. Very few of the fubfequcnt Medals filled up. The defign for the Title differs alfo. 3. Auguftus, as engraved; without the infcription. The reft of the Emperors follow in order, the de- figns for the Titles the fame in general as thofe en¬ graved, but without the infcviptions, & many of the Medals wanting. The Medals are diftinguiflied on each page with in oro, in argcnlo, in ramc. A more exquifite fpecimen of art cannot eafily be feen. ITie book con¬ tains 55 leaves; befides two additional, of paper, with Medals & Dcfcriptions of very inferior execution, xvl. 5382. Annotatlonesln Claudianum de Raptu Proferpina, cum hoc titulo, “ Sub Magiftro Lucha Ripa, Honorato Grammaticho, publicc Ferrariae legente, Claudiani de Raptu Proferpina;, Interpretatio.” Not® hie exilant in libros priores duos, fed in tertium inchoat® tantum. Liber chartaccus. 5383- Hiffori® Longobardorum libri 5. five “ de origine gen- tis Longobardorum ei geftibus eorum.” Codex mem- branaceus. Incipit, “ Septentrionalis plaga quanto magis ab eftu folis remota eft.’’ xv. 5384- Liber chartaceus, bene feriptus, in qno habentur, 1. “ Johannis Meurfii Theophraftus, five de illius I.ibris qui injuria ten^poris imerciderunt, liber fingu- laris.” 2. Ejufdem “ Lefliones Theophrafte®, in quibus eo¬ rum librorum qui fuperfunt loca aliquot emenduntur.” Cum indice audoruin qui cltantur, aut emendantur. XVIJ. 5385- Liber chartaccus, fragmentuin continens ejufdem Codicis qui ad num. 5379, dcfcribitur. Pagin® hujufee partis incipiunt a 560, et ad tiSz procedunt. Sequentia di- verf 3 manu exarata. xvii. 1. Adnotata a Taciti annalibus, hoc titulo. “ Sui- tm ©£> j Excerpta ex Cornelio Tacito Annalium LIbro i.’’ Sequuntur fimilia excerpta ex aliis annalium Libris. 2. Not®, alia manu, m eofdem annalium libros, a lertio incipientes. 5386. Not® in Cor. Taciturn de nioribus Germanorum. Liber chartaceus. 5387- Codex chartaceus vencrabilis, fummacura feriptus, cum hoc epigraphe “ Johannis Boccaccii de Certaldo de hlontibus, Silvis, Fontibus, Lacubus, Flutninibus, Stagnis feu paludibus, et mare, liber, incipit feliciter.” Ad finem fimilis inferiptio. At in ultima pagina, manu recenliore, h®c habentur, “ 1623. Quefto libro e ftato donate a me Pietro Di . 1 Archiu' di fermo dal Pre Albano Bi... fini de’ P’ri di S. Spirito di fermo. e fi tiene, chc quefto fia il medefimo carattere del Pe- trarca, che 11 conferva in Vaticano di mano del Boc- cacio.’’ S®pe impreffionem fubiit hie liber Boccacii; hoc famen exemplar, fi manu auctoris feriptum fuerii, quan- tivis pretii habebitur. xiv. Num. 5388—5396. 5388. Bernard! Caffmenfis Abbaiis, Speculum Monacliorunr: L.ber chartaceus. 5389- Liber chartaceus, compadus cumnum. 4738 - Titulus ad finem ponitur, his verbis. “ Orchqgraphia^ ifta ex¬ plicit per me jacobum de Scandolaris, feliciter Deo gracias. Amen.” Scribitur profa et verfibus Latinis, mttrdum Lconinis. Exem. gra. “ Oueftio fit tails cur a fit prlma voca’r, Ipfa gradu primo refonat fub pedoris imo.” Nomen Jacobi de Scandolaris apud Fabriciumnoa occurrit. 5390- Fliilofophi® Naturalis Commentum, 1469. Liber char¬ taccus, folia habens 57. 539'- Liber membraftaceus, folia fcrlpta habens quatuor; et Statuta exhibens focietatis Plellkorum, cum hoc titula ampliflimo. “ Sequuntur Regul® et Statuta in oifini bene con- ftituta focietate hominum perpetub obfervanda, et obfer- vari folita ab omni ®vo et antiquitate, et pr®cipue la emtu et corona aulicorum Piell®orum, qu® vetuftate obliterata fuerant, nunc primum integrum rellituta, diU ligentia et ftudio magiftri Simonis Bigot primani dOcam Pavifienfis, et confeniu omnium pr®ceptoruiu dilligen- ter obfervata, et fuis chirographis obfignata in perpetuam memoriam et obfervationem. Anno -i redemptione noftra milefimo quingentefimo feptuagefinio primo. Die vero prima, et Calendis Odobris. P.R.” 5392. Armes offome ScottiniFamilies, badly drawn with a Pen, onPaper, now bound up with 4732, 6091, alfo relating to Scotland. 5393- 1. Concordantia Evangeliftarum, cum Gloffa: aKi'^asXo;. xill. 2. F.vangeHi per totum Adventum legenda. Codex membranaceus. 539+- 1. BeJsPrcfb.de figoris verborum, Liber. Super tria folia in fronte, et duo fub finem Codicis. xiv. Vit® S. Barlaam & Jofaphat. 3. De terr® partibus & ejus provincils. Liber ordme alphabetico digelfus. 4. Compofuio de ponderibus. _ .n o. j Folia exteriora ex poemate Latino diftrada. Codex membranaceus. 5395- 1. “ Liber YfaacAbbatls Syrie,” quomodo Anima pof- fit quiefeere in Deo, &c. 2. Celarii epi. Arclat. Liber homiliarum ad Mona* chos mcrito didus “ Speculum Monachnrum”. 3. S. Bernard! Abb. Stimulus amoris Dei. 4 Vita B. Petri de Murono, qui fuit Papa. 5. Bonaventur® Card. Liber Stimuli amons m domi- num Jefum Chriftum. Liber chartaceus venerabilis. 5396. 1. Sermones dominicales per totum annum; collep.i per Vicariuin Magd. Oxon. , , , t-* 2. Liber medicus, ax.'^xXof xsl duo libri in membrana. , • t 3. A very curious Book on paper ; with this Inlcnp- tion prefixed, in a modern hand: ' “A colkdicn 3 Bibliothecae Harleianas. Num. 5396—5399. “ A col!e£lion of ancient Poems, with foine other memorandums, dated the 34th year of K.Hen.vi. 1456.” ft contains now 78 pages. The fame hand has marked the principal Con¬ tents, thus: Hymne at the elevation of theHofle. 3. A Chriftmas Caroll. 4. An Hymne to our Lady. 6. A Song on the Ivy and the Holly. 8. A tale againft Wedlock-breking. 9. A Chriftmas Caroll. 18. Our Lady’s Song of the Chyld }?> foked hyr breft. 21. The X Comaimdementys. 26. A Penyworth of wytt. Imperf. 27. Good Rule is out of remembrance. 35. Turne up hur h<»Iter and let hurgo. 39. Our Lady’s Exhortacyon. 43. The byfoin Icdys the blynde. 45. How the wife man taglit hys Son. 49. "U'hat Chryft hath done for us. ^7. Tiirnament of Totenham. 67. Alas p' any kyndentan wantys Code. 76. A tale of King Henry 2d. Imperfeft. 78. Some Accounts are here and there interfperfed. 5397 - “ Clavis Medicinas, Dialogo tra.ita a Johanne Muralco Tigurino, 1685 cum figuris atramcnto Indico elc- ganler pifli«, a Johanne Meyer. Liber chartaccus, folia habens fcripta 271. 539 ''^. 1. Verfus de laZodiaci Signis, astatibus hominis, k.c. XV. 2. Ricardi Heremitjc de Hampole, de modo vivcndi, liber. Ad linem verfus 8 Anglici. 3. Johannis Schyrbom, Senno in “ Muld unum cor¬ pus fumus In Chrifto.” 4. Prophetic Sibillte. C. S. Anfelini Speculum Peccatorls. 6. Mifcellanea verfu et profL 7. Johannis Haynton Senno Oxonii habitus 1432. 8. Rainoldi de Glouceftre monachi Senno : cum aids Sermojiibus, I. de Havnton, Sec. q. Ricardi dc S. Viftore, de Benjamin adolefccntulo, Liber. 10. Col!c£liones Sc Tentamina Theologica. “Alredus rex Anglorum perferutans quoddam didtum Boetii”. n. Johannis Wodeward Monachi Wygorn, Petitio incipiens, “ I.etitla Dei permiftione Regina.” Et epiftola Mauricii Ducis, incipiens, “ Sobrietas Dei ordinatione Dux inorum.” 12. Formula Diftatninis. 13. S.lkrnardi Speculum ConfeientitEi 14. --Contemplationes de paffioneChrifti,8ec. 15. -Epiftolade honeftate morum ; fequun- tur verfus. 16. ■ — —— Meditationes, de mi'*eriis humante con- ditionis. 17. ' - de ingratitudine, Traftatus. Codex chartaceus bonus. Hoy/?, nomenferiba;, ut videtur, multis traclatibus fubjicitur. 5399 - 1. Ruimundi Lullii Vade mecum : Liber chemicus, Roberto RegiAngliffi dedicatus. 1. 2. Raimundi Lullii de lapide Phllofophorum, Liber. ^ . ^ 5 -b- 3. • ■ --- Summatranfmutatoriasartismetal- lorum. 34. 4. -Pradlica Arboris phificalis, i. e. operis majoris. Pagins tantum 3 primte. 46. 5. Arnoldi de villa nova, Traftatus Aquse vitte. 51. Cat. Harl. Vox.. HI. Num. 5399—540c, 6. Raim. Lullii, de aqua vit;e, Trafl. 7. Vina medicinalia. 8. De auro potabili. 9. ” De conlideratione quinta: en'entite omnium rerum tranfmutabilium, in nomine Diii nfi j. Chr'. et vocatur liber de famulatu philofophite, pauperibus e.an- gelicis viris compilatus.” 167. 10. “ De 7 herbis 7 planetis attril)utis, fecunduin eo- ru;n impreniones. Defuntfolia a 289 ad 339. 2So.b. It. Aqua: phyficales 12. 12. De oleis. 13. De Sole refoiuto, i.e. auro potabili. 14. Medical Preferiptions, in EngliHi. 15. Alim prKferiptiones, Latinc. Liber chartaceus, maculatus. 5+00. S. Eufebii Epiftola, de morte Hicronymi, ad Damafuni Portunenfem ICpifc'’. xv. Codex membranaceus. 5401. 1. Johannis de Ardene, Clururgica & Medica. xv. 2. Prxfcriptiones et mifcellanea. 158. 3. Medical Receipts in Engliih, with a citation in Latin pri.iixed, Irom Sidrac, on the eff'etfts of the Sun in different figns of the Zodiac. 167. 4. A Treadle of Mens Waters, Sec. 187. 5. Thomas Awkbarow’s Cookery and Confeflionary. 192. 6. Rules for health, in verfe. 207. Liber membrana et charta conftans. 5402. Collecliones aftrologictc, diefae, i. Alkandrinus. 2. Chal- bebrith. 3. Liber de eleSdonibus. 4. Liber temporum Cheebenbrith. 5. De operatione PtaneCarum in miindo. 6. Liber Me/halle. 7 De horis bonis Sc mali'j. Ex Arabico in Laiinuin Verfa;. Liber quondam S. Nicola prope Cufam : membranaceus. xiv. 5403- T. Fragmenta de Alchemia Latine qusedam, & qure- dam Teutouice. Incipiunt. fol. 9, xv. 2. Praclica Domini Ciinonis Treverenfis Archiepif- copi, quam emit 2000 Florinis. Inferta duobus folds extra nrdinem numerorum veterum poft 74. 3. Varia mcdica et chemica aritiqua. 75, See. Liber chartaceus. 339 * 347 * 385- 399 - 423. XIV. rS' 121 . > 45 - 5404. Euclidis Elcmentorum Libri 12: per Adhelardum Bar- lonienfem ex Arubico in Latinum tranflati. Vid.Num. 5266. Codex membranaceus. xiv. 5+05- 1. Rtvifons, que le Roy d'Angleterrc doit efviter de ronipre avee la 1'ranee. 1. 2. Les moyens de renverfer fur L’Angleterre le mal quelle auroit dtli'ein de faire a la France. 40. 3. Raifons45, qiii convierent le Proiedeur d’Angle- terre a fe liguer avec la France contre le maifon d’Aii- ftriche. 54. 4. Trois moyens contre les Anglois, capables de les incommoder plus qu’une Annee de 30.000 hommes. . 74. 5. Et la neccflitc et les moyens d’entretenir unepiiif- fance Armee navalle. • 86. 6. Raifons d’appuyer le Portugal dans le traitte de Paix. g8. 7. Que tous les Princes de I'Europe ont Intereft de s’oppol'er au inariage de I’Empereur avec I’Infantad' JT- pagne. 170. 3 Y 8. Quarant 2.66 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Kuni. 5405—541^- S. Ouaratit huit raifons qui prouvent que Jes Efpag- hoU* n^turels out grand intereft de s’oppofer au maniage de I’Infante avec ri‘.mpereur. 224. 9. Lcs Refponfes a 12 objections que les Paitizans de I’Einpereur peuvent faire a ces 48 raifons. 241. 10 I.es belles qiialitez du Roy de France Louis 14, et de Philippe 4 Roy d’Efpagnc. 252. 11. Raiibns &(), que la Renonciation faite parlaReyne ell nulle : avec les Refponces a ies Objeftions des Ef- pagnols. 256. 12. Vingt une Objections que peuvent oppoler ies Efpagnols, et les Refponfes a ces objeflions. 301. J3. Confiderations fur le Contract de manage de la Revne, pour monllrer quel eft la droit de fa Majeftc lur K's''Duchcz de Brabantj Comtez de Haynault, Namur, &c. . 3^9- 14. Remonitrances en confequence de Project du Rembourcement des Rentes de I'bollel de Ville de Paris. 400. A paper Book, fairly aind unlfontdy written, in French. 5+06. M. Tercnth VaTronis de Lingua Latina, Libri 4—9- Scilicet qux extant omnia, przeter fragmenta. Codex charcaceus foliorum 140. Hiatus in exemplari orrgi- nali, in margine notantur. “ CoH. Agen. Societ. Jefu Cutal. Infer.” xiv. 5407. A Spanilh Treatife on Morals, in two Books; the firft, on Virtues, in 34 Chapters; the fecond on Vices in eleven. With a flight alphabetical Index p^refixed. Written on paper, in various hands; contains 277 written leaves. xvtj. 5408. An abridgement of Law Reports, probably of the Year Books. XVI. 5409- Ant. Wood’'* Diary of his life, fuppofed to be in his own writing. The title at large is this, The Diarie of the Life of Anthony k Wood, Hiftoriographer and Aiitiquarie of the mofl famous Univerfitie of Oxford. In which are intermixed feveral Memorialls relating to his neare Allies, Kindred, and others; as alfo certaine publick AClions of his time; w'*" may be uffcfiil hereafter to Hlftorians.” Three Mottos follow. It extends from his birth 1632 to 1659, and is fairly written on paper. On the title page is written, *■ Mr. AnflLs gave this Book to me, 1712.” xvii. 54 IC 5 . CiMnpendlum Geographiae & Hiilorias. xvii. Liber chartaceus, fatis bene feriptus. 54TI. Codex elegans, chartaceus; in cpio habentOT varia e Plutarcho traduCla, per Leonardum Aretinum. xv. 1. “ Pauli .^milii vita, ex Plutarcho de comparationi- bus iranflata de greco in latinum per Leonardum Areti- mnn.” >• 2. “ Pirri Maccdonki vka incipit, de greco in hti- num.” 24. 3. Qu. Sertorii vita ex eodan, per eundem: prs- milbV Lpiftola ad Antonium quCndam. 51. 4. “ Marci Bvuti vita incipit Jocunde." 71. 5. De Alexandri fortunaaut virtute, e Plutarcho. 106. L’b. fecundus. 115. 6. De Romanorum Fortuna, aut virtute. 129. Num. 5411 — 54 ^S* 7. Leon. Areiini ex hiiioriil Heliogabali Auguill. ^ 141. b. 8. “ Guarini Veronenfis ad Hieronymum filium ypo- thefia.” 146. b. 5412. CrEpi Saluflii, CacilinariiE Confpirationis & Beili -Tu- gurthini Hifloria. xi. Codex inembranaceus. 5413- Q. Horatii Flacct Opera. Sc. Oda: et Epod. Ars poetica, Sermones, Epiftolce. Codex mcmbranaceus degans. XVI. 54^4- Folia varia Codicum in Seculo ii. & pollerioribus ferip- torum. Fragmenta membranacea, exigua, aJohanne Bagford collecla. Vide collecLionem, a Num. 5892 ad 5998, 5415- Codex membranaceus, omatus, elegans, de Inllitutione Ordinis Gartcrii. 1. Traftatus cum hoc titulo, “ Sequitur traflatus or- dinis fereniffimi ac potcntilTuni domiui regis Anglic, qui viilgariter dicitur, la Jarretiere, quern edidit frater Mondonus Belvayleti, ordinis facri Cluniacenfis, &c. 1463. 2. “ Brevis abbreviatio tradatus de la Jarretiere^ alias Speculi Anglorum.'* 5+i6- Evangelium fecundum Johannem. Latinc. Liber char taceus, characbere pulchro feriptus, folia habens 28* In fronteT. D. 1632. 54>7- A paper Book, fairly written ; perhaps prefented origi' nally to King James the fecond, there being this Note in the beginning, as in fome others, “ this did belong to King James, 1 had it from Coll. Grahme.” Itcon- tains an Account of Jerfey, with this title. “ Caefarea, or a Difeourfe of the Ifland of Jerfey. In two Parts. The fu-Il, an Accompt of it as it is at prefent; the fecond, fome hiftorical obfervatioms rdating to Antiquity.” xvi. 5418. Codex e vai'Hs codicibus membranaceis et chartacels confutus. 1. Hiftoria cui nomen Brutus Libri 7, 8, 9, 10. Defunt priores. Ad finem hicc inferiptio, “ Explicit Brutus abbreviatus in 8 Libris. Sed decimus dc verbo ad verbum, et feptimus.” 2. Chronicon Anglia;, ab anno 75 ad 1192. ubi abrupte definit. 3. Miribilia Anglia, initio manca, cum Prophetiis dualms Merlini, et tabula regum, unde apparet Chronicon precedens, cui anneftebatur forte h$c pars, ad Edwardum primum fulfle deduflum. Se- quuntur nomina virorum illuftrium, et notirias Geogra- phica;. Ha;c in membranil, qua; fequuntur in charti feripta. _ _ 4. Differtationis politicae recentioris pars, fcilicet caput tertium, cui titulus hie praponitur. “ An et quatenas diverfa lit Principum, privatorumque, in Belgio pra;fer- tim, fucceflio.” Seftlones continet 20. Characlere lucu- lento tranferiptas. ^ xvii. 5. Liber chartaceus antiquus, cui titulus in fronte rubricatus, “ Leonard! Aretbini de bello Italico adver- fus gotthos gefto, libri quatuor, ad R. p. d. Julianum Cardinalcm Sandli Angeli.” Ad finem, “ Leonardi 10 Arethini Bibliothecas HarleiansK. i6i Num. 5418—5424. Arethini debello Italico adverfus gotthos gefio Libri 4. cxpliciunt. Script! per me Antonium Zuzinentem Anno inatali Chriiti 1471. finiti die 3 Augufti. Alexandria:, dum ibidem grammatke, rhetoriceque, atqae poefis ru- diinenta publicc traderem.” xv. 5419- A curious Collection of the Titles of Books printed at London, in the fixteenth and the firft half of the feven- teeiitli Century. Many not now extant. Seems to have belonged to the Bagford Colleftion. See 5414. 5420. Iwo Trails by Lord Bacon, fairly written on Paper, with ruled margins. 1. “An Advertifement touching an Holy Warre,” dedicated to Bp. Andrews. Extant in Bacon’s Works, fcl. vol.iii. p.';34. Written 1622. 2. “ An Addrefs to the King” James the firfl “ of a Digeft to be made of the Lawes of England.” In his Works, folio vol. iv. p.12. xvii. 5421. Johannis Boccacii de Certaldo, Eclogee 16. Codex membranaceuR, bene lervatus. Ad finem, “ Scriptus ct completus Florentiac per me die xxiii ms. NovCbr, 1408.” Subjiciimtur, “ Intentiones Eglogarum, &c. quas ipfe (Boccacius) ad vcnerabilem fratrem Martinum de Signa, facrx Theologitc magiftrum per fuas literas de- claravit.” Extant Eclogm in Collefiione Poetarum Bucolico- rum, Elorentix iraprelTa apud Juntam A.D. 1504. at fine Expufitionibus auCloris. xv. 5422. “ Difeours des Anglois & Efirangiers pretendans droiiS a laCouronne apresledeces d’KHzabeth, a put royne d’Anglctcrre.” Fairly written on paper with ruled margins, 5 + 23. A copious Dialogue, in Italian, on the origin of Love> “ De I'origiiic de PAmore (fee the laft page) be¬ tween the Author, who calls himfelf Phiione, & the Gi'dJcfs Sophia or Wifdom. It is uniformly and beau¬ tifully written on vellum. At the End is written, “ II Phiione volgare,” but in a different hand ; and this was the whole dcfciiption in the former Catalogue. 5424* 1. Definitiones Artis medic®. xvii. 2. Phyliologia, tractatus medicus imperfeflus, fub variis titulis. 3. Genuina Medic® praxeos Idea. Ad finem, “ Mon- fieur Raoult a ditbe cc traite, apres fon cours de medi. cine, 6111675.” 4. Gafparis Tagliacodi, de arte reficiendarum narium, Epiilola, Hieronymo Mercurial!, 1586. varicibus, traCtatus anonymus. Forfan etiam Tagliacotii. 6. An fermcntuni Zythi a pants confectione arcen- dum eft? Aftirmatur. 7. Baccalaurii Medici Parifienfis Epiftola, de caufis morbi &: mortis Prxfefti xrarii 1650. 8 . Gulielmi du Val, de Voce Schediafma medicum, i6i2. Adfin.-m feriptum eft, alia manu; “Libeilushic magnas turbas concitavit inter medicos Pariftenfes non- nullos, qui fe eo lajfos putabant, pvasfertim 3 aut 4. fed tandem, tertio congregata facultate, omnia placide compofita fuerum menfe Febr. 1613. Vocavit autem hunc motum etdiffidium Clarifs. author Kenathlion.” 9. Collecfanea de rifu, I o. CoUeGanea de lacrurais, Nuni. 5424—5431. li. Quxftioiies, An infani® ab amore coiiferant An herbls conciliatur Amor. An verbis nec- tatur Venus. 14 Brevis et accurata Methodus prxfcribendorum re- medioruni, pro re iiatS in fmgulis affeGibus. Liber chartaeeus. 5425- 1. Comm, m Hipocratis, Aphorifraorum libros 7. 2. Alius Liber de maliiia, &c. cum notis a ferio^ maim. 3. Com. G. fuper Prognoftica Hipocratis; 3 Libris. 4. Com. Haiy fuper regimine Galeni; 3 lib. j. Com. Galeni luper regimine acutorum t 3 lib. Codex membranaceus. 5426. 1. Coinmentum fuper Auguftinum dc civitate Dei; a fratre Jhoma, ordinis predicalorum natione Aiiglico! Decern libris. Codex chartaeeus. 2. Index capitum in libros Gregorii moralium in Job | a cap. 4. libri 2. ad finem. In membrana, ut fequentes! 3. Tabula alphabetica in eundem librum moralium Gregorii. 4 Tabula Paterii, eonnn qii® S. Gregorius in V. et N. 'I’eft. expufuit, fecundum ordinem Librorum. , 5427- 1 heNovel of Fjammetta by Bocaccio, in Italian, entitled, “ Elegia della Madonna Fiainmeta.” Carcfu'ly written on vellum, the fiift Letter of each Paragraph gilt, and placed on aground of fine colours. The firft leaf is wanting, containing the Prologue and part of the firft paragraph otiiy, The fame novel accurs at No.3273* 5428. T. M.T. Ciceronis, contra Verrem Orationes omnes, in feptem libris. xv. 2. -pro Milone. 3. -pro M. Marcello. 4 - -pro Rege Deiotaro, ad Cec farem. 5 - --pro Archia, poefa. b--de reditu fuo, ad Quirites. ?•-pro Q.Ligario. 8.- — - pro Cn. Plancio. 9 --de reditu fuo, ad Senatum. fe ad equites Romanos & Quirites, ne eat in exilium. Oratio fpuria. 11. -pro Sexto Rofeio. 12. — .—— pro A. Ciuentio Avito. 13. --pro p. Sylla. 14 ---— pro L. Murena. >5.-Philippic® 14. Johannes Ersford de Wiffenfels, de Almania aha, fcripfit A. D. 1470. Codex chartaeeus. 5429. C. Crifp. Saluftius, de bello Jugurthino, & confpiratione Catilinaria. xv. Codex membranaceus; capitum notis recentiore manu additis. 5430- Statuta Angli® antiqua. Scil. Magna Charta, &c. cum Tabula capitum. Codex membranaceus. xv. 543 r. 1. Horologium & Calendarium, x. 2. Regul® S. BenediGi. 3. Statuta antiqua, edita Rom®, A.D. 917. 202. 4. Memoriale qualiter in Monafterio converfare de^ bemus. 216. 5. Bernardus, •V. Catalogus Librorum MSS. 26S Niim. 3^3'—543 7- ermo ad religiofos, de fruftiiCon- r. Bernardiis, de praccepto & dirpenfatioRc. 242. 6 Willielini de l.ugdiino, de profellione Moivacbo- rum Liber, Ijonnnia^ editus. 7. Bernardi Ab. ClavevalUs Apologeticum, ad W. Abbatein Cluiuacenfi.-m. Cordis. g.Kdwarby, de Fide. 10. Augullinus, de tenenda obedientia. 11. Hugo, cle oblivione prsteritorum nialorum rra. 1 2.- — " de 5 llatibus nmtabilitacis. Codex menibranaceus. 5432- M. T. CiceroRjs Phetovicorum, ad C. Herennium, Li- bri4. Codex membranaceus, paginarum 188. xv. 5433- Macrobii de SomnoScipionis Libri 2. Script! i 44 3 - Liber cui tUulus eft Compendium libri Al-Tanbi Al- N^m, i.e-Expofitionis Nominum Dei, cum explica, done graduvS dignitatis fublimis prophetre Moham- raedis, audorc Mohammed filio Atuni, cognom. Al- Moradi. Charadcre Africano. Codex chartaceus. 5514- [55' 4 ' FoUo.~] Fragmenra CommcntarioruininPentateuchum, cum pre- catiombus Samaritanis, et tabulis chronologicis, et aliis. Librum ita dcfcripfit quidam in folio praepofito; “ Quamvis Titiiius prte fe fert Commentarium ad Levit. XXVI. 3. Sedioncm Legalcm bn bchukkothai tamen duo pnma folia illuc tantuin fpedant non vero continuata. Quot reliqua folia, tot lacera et hiulca fragmenta Coinmentarii in Genefin atque Exodum-_ Unde colligcre licet apud Samaritanos exiltere ejufinodi Commentarium in univerfam Pen- tateuchiJiii. Preces quoqiie Samaritana; qua: fequun- tur lime pan modo fragmentofai.” Gat.IIarl. VoL.llI, Niim. 5574—5523; Plenioretexadior libri deferiptio infentur in fine Codicis, maiui, utvidetur, Solnmonis Negri, Damafceni: (v. 5501) qui dc lEtate CodiLis htec habet. “Exdua^ bus temporis notis Arabicis, quarum altera in calce folii 99, nota Ariilimetica Arabum notat annum 098, altera ad calcem folii 203 notat an. 995. facile eft ^alem Codicis colligere : et ob frequentem urbis Damafci men- tionem ibi exaratum fuifle credibile eft.” Codex chartaceus folioruni 202 ; qn$ nuinerantur ad calcem foliorura. b 5515- 5 > 5 —5532* Liber dictus Sepher Happeliahy i.e. LiberMir bilium. Eft Commentarius Cabbadllicus in pariim libri Genefeos ab initio iifq^ C.ip. v. v. 29. Autor eft R. IJkana Ben JeruhamBen Abi-Gedud, unus ^Miflinicis dodoribus. Codex chartaceus, feriptus per Ifaacum filium Mofia Segovieitfem, iiienfe Elul, A. M. 5175. A.D. 1415. Liber nondum editus. 5516- Liber Juris carionici et civilis Mohammedani. Audor eft Al bheieh, five Dodor Genialoddin, Abu Amru 0 th- man Scriptus codex charadere Africano, per manum Abdoilahi iVIoIiaraedis, A. Ileg. 892. X"i486. Aiiftotclis Oreanum cum Ifagoge Pi-phyril, ex Arabics Verfi'ni, Xv.-srois in Lingiiam Hebraicam verfum per lacobu':- fil-uin R. Aba Mori filij R. Antolio, Verfio abfolu a A.M. 4992. A.D. 1232. Nihil de Scriba, aut feriptionia tempore. Codex chartaceus. Vid. Num. 5523. 551 s. Codex IJebraicus in quarto, continens Commentarios in libros qui prophecaruin a Judseis vocantur. Folia qutedam derunt in initio et fine, Commemarii au’em quod fiipereil incipit in media cii citer parte Samuclis fecundia, eamque explicat, ft deinde fequentes li¬ bros j viz: Kegum utrumque, Efaitc, Jeremis, Eze- kielis, H.ifete, Joelis, Amof, Obadim, Jon$, Michae, Nabumi, Habaccuci, Zephaiuar, Haggsei, &:Zacharits, cum parte Malachite. Codex membranaceus. 5519- Pars Alcorani, Arabke, incipiens ab ultimis verbis' fexagefimi fecuridi Verfus Cap. 6‘' quod infcribi'tur Surei Elananm, ufque ad Verf. 89. Cap. xviii. Liber chartaceus. 5520. 'Eargum R. Onkelos in Pentateuchiiin, Chaldaice. Codex membranaceus, imperfedus. 5521 . Targum in Chronicarum librum utrumquc compofituni ut videtur a qnodam Haijm fiominato, anno Chrifti 1547. Deferipfit'Eho. Cawton filius Oxonij. 1660- Codex chartaceur. Intra feribilur, “ Sum Jois Covel ex dono m" Dan.Duckfield, ’Mvny.oTVilv charifiimi Viri Maij 9° 1702.” Paginas habet 121. Liber didus Al-Fal, i e. Ars divinandi, carmine Turcico rhythinico, iia ut omnes verfus ab eadem didione in- cipiaiit, et in eundem Rhythmura definant. Liber chartaceus, tempus incerlum. 5523. Ariftotelis Organum, ut fupra, nfOi 5517- Codex chartaceus, temporis incerci. 4 A Liber /'I r M » iil Liber 274 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5524—5534. 5524- Liber de puritate llngus Arabicze. Eft Dlctionarlum ampHirimum Giawhari in Compendium redaftum, autlore Mohammed, filio Abu-Becri. Codex chartaceus, feriptus, A.D. I 343 ‘ 5525- 1. Maimonidis Moreth Nebuchlm, Ilebraicc, per Rabbi Samuelem filium R. Jehudae Ben Tibon. 2. R. Samuelis Ben Tibon Index vocum diffidlium in prjedida Verfione. 3. Index locorum Scripturxin toco opere cicatorum. In folio prime Codicis adeft pinax Capitum, quern conipofuit R. Jehiida, ftlius Solomonis blarizi. Codex membnmaceus, pulcher. 5526. Commentarius R.Levi Ben Guerfon in Jobum; compo- fitus anno Jud. 5100, Chrifti 1340* Codicem hunc Anconce deferipfit Abram filius Hafday Gallus, anno Jud. 5159. Chrilli 1399. Codex membranaceus. 5527* 1. Introduftio in Medicinam, ex Arabico in Ha;bra:um tranflata per R, Mofen fil. Ifaaci, difcipulum Joan. Mefwe. 2. Liber Aphorifmorum Hippocratis, ex Arabico in Hebra;um. 3. Syntagma Medicinte, Hebraice ex Arabico. Liber chaitaceus, fine temporis nola. 5528- Liber diftus Nizachon, i.e. Victoria, Triumphus adver- fus Sadducaeos & Chriftianos, cujus auctor eft R. Jom Tob Lipman; deferipfit Naphtaly filius Levi anno Jud. 5285. Chrifti 1525. Codex chartaceui. 5529- Liber dc Ceremonils Juda:orum, prjefertim inma£tandls, cuiandis, ec comeJendis, animalibus, autore R. Ifla- char, filio Alexandri Sacerdotis. Liber dictus eft Anmude Hagoh, five Columnae Capdvitatis. Codex membranaceus, setatis incertje. Vide quat In ipfo Cod. annotantur. 5550 - ; _ Judaeorum Hifpanorum Ofiicium pro die Expiationum ; loQg^ plura continens quam iinprefliE Liturgia;. Co¬ dex membranaceus. Forte Sec. xn. 553^- Liber membranaceus in quo continetur Dictionarium R. Jofephi Zark; idem 3055-2. Dictus Baal Lajl^on. Nunquam impreffus. Codex eleganter feriptus. 5532. Sepher Migdal Os, i. e. ingens robur : Liber caballfti- cus quern compofuit Mofes filius Nunis, ex libro Zo- har R. SImeonis ben Johai. Liber chartaceus. 5533* [5533—5553- Duodecimo.'l Pfalterium, cum hymnis quibufdam, Grasce. Codex formas minima:, membranaceus, manu elegantiflima feriptus. xiv. 5534^ Codex membranaceus, paulo major, elegans. I. Pfalterium Grtec^, Num. 5534—5537- 2. OdtC, et alia excerpta ex diveifisfcriptura locis. 3. Hyinni cum doxologiis fuper charca eleganter feripd. XIV. 5535- Codex membranaceus, bonaj notsc. Condnentur, xi:i. 1. Pfalterium Grmeum. 2. Odtealiteex facris libris. Ad finem quarum occurrit hsc Infcriptio. EriXtiwSn TO TTitpOt plSXlOV T3 ^IX TS TTOTt PpfvJ'tia-ia ? £► &C. r 'J/ ^ b (i. e. 6792 .) I'S.” Refpondet anno Chr. i 283. 3. Ejaculationes, et raeditationes piae, grsecc. Oc- currunt in hac parte, fere medi.i, notadones qus can- tantium ufui paratJE videntur. Occurrit ad Pfalmum 50, illuminatio rudls, et folia cidem ufui deftinata alibi inveniuntur. 5536. Ariftotelis Analvticnrum pofteriorum llbri, Gra:c«^. Co¬ dex membninaceu ■, charaCtere pulcherrirao, fed no\ o, feriptus. XV. 5537- Codex membranaceus, venerabilis, idem qui a Millio de- fcribicur in Proleg. 1482, ct dictus Covelli fecundus. Subjiciuntur enim ad finem folia fex chartacea, qu£e primo condnent Lexicon ex ipfo Codice tranferiptum, et deinde, eadem manu, hanc inferiptionem. " Viro Venerando Johanni Covello S.T.D. Collegii Chrifti apud Cantabrigienfes PrEfefto, quod proprium ipfi eral reddens, obfervantise gratique Aniini, ob hu- manifme prsititum ad iftas Antiquitads Reliquias Ac- cefTum, qualecunquc monumentum, beiievolae Recorda- tionis gratia reliquir, Johannes Fridricus Burg, Vradf- lavienfis. Cantabrigia d. leDeccinbr. 1710." Videtur ergo Covellus Codicis ufum Burgo prtefti- dffe, qui abiens elucidadonem hanc Lexici in A^q/lolon, muneris loco, reliquit. Chartula primo folio aggludnata, et forfan a Covello feripta, sstatem Codicis ita mveftigat. “ Hie liber feriptus erat anno diii 1087 indictione 10* Anno autem 7® Alexii Comneni. Sic autem ex his feriptis colligas, hoc anno 1679. Annus Mimdi 7187. Chr. 1679. Annus quo hicT liber Icripius > 6595. - 1087. i c- 3 Deduc hunc numerum e f 59 ^‘ priore, reliant } Annus autem Chrifti 1679—592=1987. quiverecoin- cidit cum anno 7* Alexii Comneni ac (ut hie dicit) indictione io‘. Ita teftor Luceo*. Coll. Chr. Cantab. Julii 10, 1679.’* Continentur in hoc codice qntc fequuntur. It Ex^iTii Ton TUi xyiUi WTroioXuv. I. 2 . TTsfiffi; T 5 )f pifiAa tuv -rrpst^iMk. 6- 3. Ylfcc^ns run aymv ATrere^wi-. J- 4. laxuiSa iTTiro^r xaSaXiati 7^- 5 . Ta ayia Ilflpa xx6s?.ixri. «. 7 ®' 6. nUfn fffiro>.n p. ^ 5 * 7. li) (tiiavpa) «7r5ro^» {Tiro/.r. 9 °* Deed omnino verfus 7. capids 5. et oClavus legitur, OTJ Tpflf IICII/ cl ptap1«pa>7tf- TO TTHVIJ.X, XXI TO bJiup, xot» TO Kxi 01 Tpfif Ilf TO iv iKTii'. Scqultur fiiatus, a voce TTxpfne-tx in verfu 14. ejufdcm capitis, ufque ad a^?i«A8f in fine verfus 6. Epiftols fecundas. Ita hiat ut Trapp-folium 96. claudat, et —Aoy? folium 97 inchoet. •Luceo feribitur etiara, fgl. 7 . 8 . Ta Bibliothecae Harleianse. 275 Num. 5537. 8. Ta s;uT2 Iwzv^a iiriroAjj xaSoAixJi, y. 97' 9. laifa fjnroXri xaflsAjx?!. 98. b. 10. Ki^atAaia T»j* o-poj fUMaiaf £-ariroAn? wauAa. loii 11. n*uAa ansroroAa tariroAji 103 . b. 12. KripaA*iiz 7);f -a-jssi xopii-Siaf « E-5riraA»?f. 128. b. 13* KtpitSisf A E?3-iroA»i. 130. Poft ver. 16. ca¬ pitis 12, rafuraell circiter trium linearum in fol. 146. for- fan ob repetitionem fcribae, ex fimilitudine verborum in conftruclione. 14' Kfp.tAaiis Tttf Trpej KopivSiaf Q firiroArf. I54. 15. npof Kopa9(«f |3 {TTiroAji. ^55- 16. K£ipa>«ia T>ij rpof TfliAaT*? tTriroArr. 171. Se- quitur Epiflola. i;/.b. 17. IIpo; Eip£iriaf. 181. prtcccdunt Kf^aiAaijt. i8ob. 18. npcf (pikiviryj^rins. 190. pracedunt Kf^raAata. 19. T-wcOte-i; T«j Trpoj KaAotro-afi? £7r»r8A»if. ip*!. Pra:- mini non folent Cmiiasti Epiflolis praceJentibus. 20. KfpaAa.as TJif auTJif fs-ifsAwf. I97. ETrirsAn. I97,b. 21. lips? GfirffaAonxEif «. 204. pr$cedlinc Kf^aXai*. 22. ripor ©£cr 9 -*Aoi-ix£if. €.210. prieccdunt Ks^. 23. KfipaAaiwk fxflfo-if KaSoAixwv. 213. 24. EcriroA*! « Trpaj Tip«c 0 toi-. 214. Subjiciuntur K£@*Aai«6 T.1J auTrj £7riroAjjf. 220. b. Cum hac anno¬ tation?, O'JX I^II t) Trpoj TjjuoSfev |3 iw.roAj) uTroJiaipEinv X£^«Aaiwv, TO Toil ax£ri J'tx xikv*€«p£ii{ apiOptoy ytyfafj.- jUEVOl'. 25. ETTiraAJi/3 TTpof TiuoSfCK. 22f. Subjiciuntur etiam KfpxAai*. 226. b. 26. ETTireAn Trpof Titov. 327. 27. ETT.foAn Trpoj piArp4«v«. Cum argumentis. 230. 28. KfyaAaiti'v £x8£irir xaifloAixwv 7*1? wpof fSpais; £wireA»ic. 231. b. 29. EmroAsi Tirpof fSpaiaj ra aiyia irauAa. 233. 30. AttoxoiAu-.]''? t 8 «yia X2i tvJ'o^s aTroraAa, xa:i fvay- yf Aif a luxt/i/n m flfoAcya' fv wotTpiu t»i mcj fSiccfaTo. 231 . 31. Af^ixov Ts AiroroAa xwTa tov aApaCnTov. 32. Exemplar ejufdem Lexici per I. F. Burg tan- fcriptuni, cum comparatione vocum Hcfychianorum, &c. Pretiofius indies fit hoc exemplar, quia literarum duc¬ tus in original! magis evanefcunt. Occurrunt ferepaflim in margine fuperiore argu- menta capituin fubje^torum, et nonnunquam alia ad finem Epiftolarum. Notantur etiam, in margins lateral!, capita recentiora, manu forfan Covelli. Codex folia habct membranacea 286 ; chartacea fex. xr. Covellus notam temporis, in chartula fua fervatum, defcripferat ex fubfcriptione librarii ad cakem Epiftol^e S.Juda:, fol. 1 00. b. qus his verbis concipitur. KJ w yi Ci's xx't Aoy£ Ta ^o\ t» ffii 5 ^ ^5,- gjrj x*. srpsreuTfpw) ry tAapv.rw- to tou ai,fj.vT.f->s T£o xa. iTrovoaa. ^o^asvi! TW Ti^oDT^o'jva ©su TOD aiyjou oteAx* Sxv tou Aaxxn T£S ( 3 if. ru xflSJ fV oopTflix', xxrcixr.ffxl ra x*j yapiSpw tov ^ ptavanA t?;? ^uxpouj'^ar tu x*i sxttS otoAAu xai pioj^Sw XT?nr*pt T>j ec j3i€Aw TO&u’ oi orvixfli xoci ci^X^ TOf aAf^iou tou X xouvKVOU xai Au . • . . vixoAcca wpiaP tov . Covellus infcriptionein banc in chartula defcripferat Einptus cfl codex Conftantinopoli 1677 liquet ex nota ad fol. 7. Sril. “ Luceo 1677 gilani''''.” Ordincm I.ibrorum breviterfubjungimus. i. Aftus Apofiolorum. 2. JacobiEpifiola. 3. Petri Epiftol^ duK. 4. Johannis Epifi. tres. 5. Judte Kp. C. Pauli Ep. ad Romanos. 7. Ad Corinthios dusc. S. Ad Ephefios y. Philippeiifes. 1 o. Coloffenfes. 11 . Theiralouiceiifes. dutc. 12. AdTimotheum du£c. ij.AdTiium. 14. Ad Philemonem. 15, Ad Hebra;os. iC. Apocalvpfis. Codex hie deferiptus elt a Griefbach in Syrab.Crit. Vul. II. p. 148 et 184. Num. 5538—5543. 5538- Evangelillarium Gra:cum; Codex mcmbranaceus, lucu* lentus. XIV. 5539- 1. Agapeti Diaconi, ad Juftinianum Admonitiones, quomodo fc in imperio gcrere deberet. Gr. xv. 2. Bafilii Imperatoris, ad Leonem filium, Capita ex- hortatoria 66. Codex membranaceus, 55^0- 1. Evangelia quatuor, Grtecc, cum notis raarginali- bus manu paullo feiiorefcriptis; quarum tamen multte prorfus evanueruiu. Codex membranaceus ficculo xin. adferiptus, fed undecimo vix minor. Folia 8 ultima recentiore manu feripta, initiumEvangelii S.Marci con¬ tinent. I.uctE et Johanni pramiittuntur tabula: capitum hujufmodititulos habentes. Ev^yfiAioiv x*.ip«A«ia (fic) tb A oux* EuayfiArra. Ticulus aiiciquus ciimabare feriptus, et eodem charaftcre, f-oillolam habct Eufebii ad Carpianum dc Ammonii Diateff ro et canoiiibus fuis. Apt^uunoj /.uv » AA'^aviTpEj,-, &c. defunt pauca ad finem. 2. Exhortalio brevis in duobus ultimis foliis feripta, incipiens, Et tij Euo-tS*)? xssi piAoSsej «7roA*££Tw raurnt T»?f xaA?i 5 TToovK'jU Eijf, Ac. litulus fic iticipit, Ta ev otyioij waiTjof »)'u«v Ij otpT/ifaritf'xoTiTa KwvrotvTiva sroAfaf yj>viro(-oy.s, ikc. Deferiptus efl hie codex a Griefbachio in Symb. Crif. Tom. r. p. 193. Scholia textu vix juniora,et invef- tigatione bene digna. 5541- Codex membranaceus, eleganter feriptus, in quo ha- bentur, 1. Horologium; five preces matutince, et per omnes horas, Grtece. xiv. 2. Ejaculationes, per Hebdomada totum, &c. 3. Menologium per totum annum, five AoJoAoy*« fiiyxXn X 05 I eoa-vAuTic. Grscce. 4. Pfalterium, Gra:ci^ cum Hvmnis Biblicis. 5. Ave Maria, Oratio Dominica, Symbolum Apofto- licum, &c. Gra:ce. 6. Bafilii Magni Exhortatlo ad juvenes, five na/sajv£o-»; TSpo; Tu; VEar, irwf ocv eC eAAtihxwv w^eAoivto Aoywv, 5542. 1. Tctrafiica heroica, Capituk Evangeliorum con- tinentia. Et ialibros 7 p imps Veteris Telia nenti. xiv. 2. Arfenii, Confiantiiiopoleos Arcliiepifcopi, Apoph- thegmata, e.x Plutofophis, Rhecoribus, A Poetis eol- Icflia. 3. Cliabri* vulgbGabricCjFabulce tctraftichm, nuniero34. Codex chartaceus. 5543- Aefopics Fabulaa 150, ordin?, alphabetico, Gr. Cum vita brevi iEfopi. Difierimt fabulae a vulgatis Grjecis. Codex membranaceus, paginas habeas 104. xv. 5544- Liber Gra:cu.s, chartaceus, eleganter feriptus, de arte canendi pfalmos, cum fignis muficis, et eorum expli- catioiie. In primo folio legiiur, “ dpyn Se« «yiy TUV (TJi^aJ.'av Ttif i|*ATix«r nyt-nr tov te avieVTov xal xaTivvTov fov 3 v. (fic).” Liber Humfredi Wanky oJcevAaii) fuit, anilo 1716. Codex forfan fasculi 15. xv, 5545- Formulae falutatlonum et fuperferiptionum Epifiollca- rum, Grmce. 'i'itulus fic fe habet, ’ ET 4 iHWIAI EKAEKTAT. Ilw; va ypx^m wpof re? Ttff-fl-apa; TraTfiop^^aj : xa! srpl; tAe-y»i if frspa i,o,u.flx.i:kov8. polt folium 65. ubi incipit novus ordo foliorum a Num. 20. Sunt autem QuslUones et refponfioncs circa cafus con- fcieiitis. 4. AxoAafi.a ii? e'.px“P‘«*' p^iro^opakTit. 09. 5. AxoAsSta ra 9 ^ • 6. AxoAaS.* ra usyx}^ xai ay.fiA.xa ‘03- 7. AxtiXaSioi re axi/xanaXiarpalcJ. *2 1. 8. Charta fuppofita, cum obfervationibus. Secundum calculum viri cujufdam dodi, feriptus efl hic liber circa tempus Coiifilii Florentini. Forte circa annum 1330. Multa idem utilia ex lihro ipfo col- legit, ut videri poteft in initio et fine Codicis. xiv. 5540- Hartmanni Beycri Vita, Grscu feripta, a Philippo Rem- arto, ad Nicodemuni Ulnerum, et Nicholaum Gry- phium A.D. 1580. Titulus eft, B.cj 'AfT(j.x>vv Btvrpa T8 £xxAr9-i*{-8 f> TW Twk E\ivoTcXiTi-nToxs.. Argcntorati Scripta. I.iber chartaceus, foliorum fcriptorum 52. ^ XVI. N.B. Literas nuraerales Grxete a fciiba ita pertur- bata? funt, ut conjedura tantum affequi queas, ultra annumfieculi*? i. e. j 500 , qui rede ponitur. 5550- Libellus Precum & Esorcifmorum. Gr. x%'i. Chartaceus. 5551- Johannis Katacuitcni, Defenfio Religionis Chriftiani con¬ tra Mahomitanos, ?cc. Gr. _ xviii.^ Hunc Codicem tranferipfit ex Bibliotheca Regis GalHx Johannes Jonas Gnccus, A.D. 1720. Liber chartaceus, bene feriptus, couftans foliis 219. 5552. Codex membranaceus, conltans foliis feriptis 226. Coii- tinctEpiftolasApoftolicas, Grace feriptas, cum Jrceie-d, ne occurrunt, S. Pauli Epift la ad Romanos. I Ad Corinthios prima. -—-fecunda. — Ad Galatas. - Ad Kpliefios. -Ad Philippenres. -Ad Cololl'enfcs. -Ad ThelTalouicenfes prima. -fecunda. . ... AdTimotheum prima. . --fecunda. *3- 14. • *5- -Ad Titum. -Ad Philemona. 3- 66. b. 89. 99. b, 13b. 140. b. 149- 155. b. 169. 162. 186. — Ad Hebrecos. lacobi Epiflola Catholica. j6. Petri Epiltola prima 194. fecunda 20’,. 17. Johannis prima, 208. b. fecunda 220. tertia 221.b. Defunt tres tefies. 18. Judte Epiftola. ^23. Occurrunt paffim notas marginales minio feriptos. et ut videtur, eadem manu : In folio extemo feribitur, literis Grtecis, annus 1593, ut fcquitur. “ riauAev Ai/niAia ts frei xtto rrj ^‘.tyonxi « ^'hV (*593) ’’1' OT*T« fl-oAll. _ XVI. Deferiptus efl hie Codex a Griefbachio, in Sym- bolarum Criticarum tomo fecundo p. 166. Sufpicatur vir dottus Editionis Erafniicte prima: (collata tamen paffim fecunda) apograpliuni cfTe ib. p. 174. 5553- Pfalterium Gr^ce : cum hymiiis parri'' in foliis potterio- ribus dccem. Codex me.nb.unaceus. xiv. 5554- rjS 54 - 557 ‘' Anonytni Nomocanon, Grtece. Scriptus A* 1675. Co¬ dex chartaceus, paginarum 570, prater indicem pra- fixum, qui foliis 23 feriptus efl. Subjiciuntur notulae recentiores dc opere et auftore operis. 5555- 1. Euchologium, Grace. ax-'p^Asf. _ xiv. 2. Nomina Monachorum Sc Monialium. _ _ 44. b. 3. Canones in regno johannis & Andronigri Pala:o- logor. A.D. 1369. _ 48- b. Liber chartaceus ; folia habens 155. 5556- ..Patriarchte Alexandrite, Traclatus de Euchariflia. Gr. _ , -a n 2. Hifloria quam habent Judcci, quod Chriltus cit fiiius Dei: cujus et meminit SuiJa^. 25. 3. Epiflola quam feriplic Pontius Pilatus adTibenuin, de Chriflo: cum refponfo liberii. 29. 4. Acnigmata Patriarchte Alexandria:. 32. b. 5. Hifloria montis in Aegypto remoti per preces Joachimi Patrlarcha: Alexandrite. _ _ 6. Verfusin memoriam Ambrofii Mediolanenfis Lpif- 60. b. Scriptus efl hic Codex per Gennadium, Cypri Dia- conum, Londini, 17 * 4 - Liber chartaceus, folia feripta habens 61. 5557* Codex membranaceus venerabilis, propric Covelliarius tertius, ut qui notatur in primo folio Ceve/. 3. Vide Millii Prolegom. 1485. Notam aiam Covelli gcrit in folio 26. Scilicet, “ Luceo Conjianlinople _(con- iradione feriptum) 1675.” Codex Giicffiachio, ut A videtur Bibliothecae Harleianae. 2,77 Num. 5557—5560. videtur ignotus, qui Covcillanos fccundum et quar- tum dcfcripfit. Ciontincntiir, 1. MenoJogiuiil vetus, fed forte reliqua parte codicis reccniius. 2. Adus Apoftoloruni cutn Epiflolis. Liber hie, priore parte vetullior, faeculo forte undecimo vcl duodecimo referri debet. Sequuatur Libri facri hoc ordine. Adus Apoftolorum, incipieiites a verfu ii. Cap. i. his verbis, i\iCii(Ta\ vdMv bu T/seVsK iSfwVairfie xurov nopiUBUiuiv ji? tbv oIToi'. ad. Epiftola S. Jacobi, avgumento prarpofito. Epirtola S.Petri prima, 105. fecunda 11?. b. Epiftola S. Johannis prima, 118. lectio vtrfus fep- tinii clt, on TptK els’tv oi poapTi'pouvTff tv xxi to vVap xa.\ to cafxa.’ xaii o- rpiT; f'f to ev eiViv. I 25. b. Epiftola S. Johannisfecunda, izd.b. tertia, 127.b. Epillola S-Juda, 129. Omnes hx Epiflolx catho- licte argumenta habent prxpofita. Epillola Pauli ad Romanos i •^2. Sine argumento. Ad Corintiiios 1"“. Cum argumento, et tabula ca- pilum. 159. Secundacuin iifdem. iS~. b. Ad Galatas Ep. cum duobus argumeutis, ct tabula. 206. b. Ad Ephefios. 217. Ad Philippenfes 228. Cum Arg. et tabula pofl- pofita. Ad Coloflenfcs ; fine Arg. 236. Ad ThelTalonicenfes prima. 242. Ad ThcfT. fecunda. 24!^. Ad Timotheum prima. Cum Argumento. 231. b. Ad Timotheum fecunda. Cum Arg. 259. b. Ad Titum. Cum Arg. 2C5. b. Ad Philemona. 270. Ad Hxlirffios. Cum Argumento et tabula capitu.u, fed muiila F.>liutn etiam in fine mutilumefi. 272. Conllat Codex folds 293. Capita hodiema in margine noiantur, manu Covelli, ut videtur. Signatur uumei'o xviji. 5558- Graminatica Armenicaj Francica, Sc Turcica, xvii. 5559- Cydex mcmbranaceus, olim Bemardi Mould, qui nomcn fimtu Smyrntc amo 1724, ultimx pagiiix infcrif:fic. ContinetEvangelia Grxce; a Griefbachio in Symb Crit. T. I. p. 195 deferiptus, et fxculo circiter xii. aflignatus. Coiitinet, 1. Kvangelium fccundum Matthxum, ab ultimis ver¬ bis verfus g Cap.viii. Kjs. b-oiei. i, 2. Evangelium fecundum Marcum. 83. Deed folium inter 97 et g8, fcilicet a.cap.v. ver. 23. Aiy^'y on n pa ufque ad verfum 3$. d-Aolca; ni. Xvyoy ?v«>.ovpfvov. 3. Fvangelium fecundum Luenm. 141. Hiatus itcrum inter folia 146 ct 147; fcilicet a i. 78. Luc. £V Olf (TTtTKi'l'X ad ii. 10. —yxv KXi if-rrei/ aVToiV « ayyjXflf. Itevum inter i6t et 162. a Luc vi. 4. lAagf KJ!1 'iqixyt xai, ad vi. I5. —vx rev xiAoipivov ^bAktbv. & Fvangelium fecundum Jnhantiem. 2 m. ' ,.°'D£.iicit Codex ad Juh. vi. 2. Too,-avTou Tad fl/i'-^-cum fragmentoexiguo fequc-niis fold. Folia fimt ofimino 274. Nihil habec hie codex prxfer facrum te.v- lum, fi excipias modo xcipxKxiuv titulos. et numeros Ammonianos. Caret omninb, ut Griefbachius notar prologis, xcoxXatuv catalogis, fubfcriptionibiis librorum &c. qux junioribus libris adjuncta elTe folenc. xii. 5 S 5 o. Hiflorla CyrI Regis, Sc fild ejus, S: 7 Philofophorum : ex lingua Perfica in Grxeam tranllata, A. D. 1667. Codex chartaceus. C.'iT. Hari.. Vol. III. Kum. 5561—-5569. 55 ^ 1 - Liturgia ChryfoftomI, Bafilii, & Nazianzeni; cum pre- cibus, colleclis, Evangelicis ScEpifiolicis Leftionibus. . xin. Liber membranaceus ufque ad £01.152; csetera chartaceus. Tabula in initio feripta. Folia omnino 237* 5562. AI Koran. Arabice. 5563- Pfalterium : cum Odis facris. Codex membranaceus, vetuflate mifere exefus. In fronte feriptum, Pfal¬ terium S. 5564. Epiphami Cj-pri Epifeopi Epiftola ad Diodorum Tyri Epifeopuin, de 12 iapidibu-s in funimi Sacerdotis Tho- lace. Item dc praeparatione OLi, quo ungebantur Sacerdotes Judaei; ex codem. Graice. Cum Epi- grammate dedicatorio, ad Ant. Moriliuin, xv. Codex chartaceus. 55 & 5 - Excerpta ex Platonc. Grsccc. Scil. ex Epiflolis, Politicis, et variis dialogis. Cod. chartateus. xvi. 5566. Codex chartaceuy, aqua matina et carie corruptus. Smyrna emptus a Bernardo 1724. Folia nu- inerantur ufque ad 248, fed duo prima, ab opere hoc aliena, fraginentum exhibent auStoris incerti, deVentis, Sigtiis Zodiaci, See. xiv. 1. Synefd Cyreries Epifeopi Epillola; i 5 i. 2. Phalaridis Epillola;, ut feruntur, 108. n’2. 3. Alciphrnnis F.piftolfe 50. 141. 4. Bruti Epiflola: fpurisSi. 117.6. 5. Syncfii Encomium Calvitiei. 206. 6--ad Psonium, vef't m A-Jf-a. 218. 7 " Libanii bophiftre F-Triro^iixxiai 222. 8. Synefii Epiflola ac Arcadium, oTroToy itV tTuxi to» fSao-iAia. XTiXss-Oi. 5567- Codex membranaceus, inter alios ii Bernardo Mould Smyrna; emptos 1724. Concinet Evangelia quamoi* fteculo, ut conjicitur, xiP fcripia. Matthteo prrefixa func labulre canonum Eufebianorum. Singulis Evan- gcliis prteinittitur capitum index, et fubjurgiiur fub- icriptio ufitata, cum Scdiomim numero. In marmni- Lus apponuntur feftiones Ammonianx ct aliie. Ad- funt etiam Synaxarion, et menologiii duo, quorum al- terum ita clivlfum ell ut pars in initio, pars in fine Codicis appr.rcat. Teferibitur pleiie hie codex a Griefbachio, In Symb. Crit. Tom. j. p. clxxxxvii ; cum indicio lec- 234- tiumiin nonnullarttm. 5568. Codex chartaceus, continens excerpta politica ex Polybii libro fexto. Fadem manu fcriptus hie liber qua 5565, ex eo etiam centinuari vidrtur. In priore enim feries plaguLn-um, literis Gratcis notata, ufque ad « pro- cedit, m fecundo incipit ab if; intcrcedcnte hiaiu trium plagularum. xv. 5569- Manue]isChr}’folora; spulnuxrx, five interrogatlones Gram* maticcE. E'tant apud Aldi Editionem Venetiis im- prefTam anno 1517 ; ubi ultimum obtinent locum ; et in tabula contenlorum Guarino attnbuuntur : fed in ipfo libelli titulo Chryfolorae, cujus ffwIr/xaTa plenius exhibentur in fronte ejufdera libri. Codex membranaceus Steculi 15. additA verfionein- terlineari ufque ad dimidium codicis, fed recentiore. xv. 4 B Pfalterium Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 557c—5575. 5S7°- Pfalterium Grxcum, cum hymnis facr's. Cotiex venerabilis, membianaccm, nifi quod prioves 17 Plalmi et j 8' iniclum fuper charta fupplctt ; a quo eliam fupplemento Pfalmus primus et fccundi inllium amilli funt. Signatur in folio primo, et alibi —Xpsf.— fed ex chartula inferta Covelli fuiiTe vidctur, coinpa- ratione facta cum chartula in Num. 5537. Quce in chartula hac fcripta funt recltar.da hie loci vidc-ntur. “ Pfaherium more Gratcorum divifum. (Vide al¬ teram hujus chartula: faciem) Deelk auiem iniiium ; de- lidcrantur etiam hyninus unus el alter eorum quos Da- vidicis aiiiieckunt Gra;ci, ad linem.” In altera facie char¬ tula:, “ AlitcrPfalmos enumerant Grteci quam nos; con- junguntp^c 10. Dividunt autem ii6icaut v.ionovum Pfal. inchoet. Itent 147, verfu 12 inciplt novus pfalmus. pfalmorum itaque fumma eadem ell viz. 150.” Kotantur in margine pralmonim initia; et fubjiciun- tur, eadem manu, “ ^’aria: leckiones e pfalteiio meo. Xpej.” XI. 5571- 1. Pfalterium Grtecuin. _ ^ i- 2. Hymni facri, pfalmis vulgo fubjefki in Codd. Grfficis. igi.b. 3. .'tKsJ.aO.ss T»IJ xa» fifisif p.flaXii'j/fw?. Cum precibus. Codex membranaceu.*!, folia habens 227. In folio exieriore feriptum eft, “ t>Xn-Aii.BV ay.ar Mapisif iv opyamt?, ayaSiii- ts St epa TX ayta o>.iQ£r^, x». TX'y pXuv” fed maiiu multo re- ceiitiore. 5572. Dexicon Gra;cum fic inferiptum ; 2-,>ayayti vuXXiytTsx U Sia^cpuy (liCXtuv rr? 7ra>,alaj rt ypzfr,; xa.\ rm ylx{ xai avTr.j ^uttou rrf b'.px^iy. Ti) i p*lTa Toi a, V Yidclur Lexicon ex Sulda ct Etymologico Magno compilaium, breviore methodo, Codex bombycino-chartaceiis, fa:cuU forfan 13, folia habens 412. P^aguls:, in 8 folia divifre, numeran- tur Graecis litcris ulque ad k S (52); Liber, ipfiHi- mum hunc titulum gerens, deferibitur inter MSS. Regis Gallia; Tom. I. p-i 33 ' ubi auctor pro fingulo vocabulo Ts ipr.u,ypa)Ta ll^WTu-a ts 2. Ariftotclis Categona. j._De luterprelationc. --Analytica priora. Libri 2. 5. ---— pofteriora. Libri 2 < 5 . -— Topicorum, 7 Libri 8. - Hspi ffcptfixuv eAey^MV. Llbn 2. 26 35 92 126 I9I et recentiore. 9.- Sequitur Fragmenium libri receniioris, conftans foliis efto, qua: j'eorfim numerantur. y._Categoriarum pars pofterior, alia manu, Libri de Interpretatione fragmentum. 6 . In initio prioris Libri “ Coll. Agcn. Societ. Jefu Catal. inferip.” Ad finem, “ i oft 9 e?. 5600. 1. Ilerodoti Ilalic. Narratio de gentc & vitaHomeri Gr. . 2. Ilomeri Ilias. Gr. cum Arguinentis, ct Epigram- matis. Scripfii Johannes Prefbyter Cretse, A.D. 1366. _ Codex mcmbranaceus, elegantiflimus, conftans foliis 239. Ad ful. 15. b. cftilluininatio pulchra, et inidum lliadls etlam eft ornatum. 5601. 1. HomcriBatrochomyomachia. Gr.' xv. 2. --Ilias: cum Prolegomenis, argumentis, & interpretatione Gra-ci interlincari. Codex chartaceus, folia habens 280. Ad finem ayyfXsj 5602. Ilomili^ S 3 in varia N. TeftamentI loca : Gr. s .ii dliAfr*!. Codex membranaceus. 5603. XI. Num. 5607—-5612.' 5^07. Hilarlonis Synodicon, feu Synodorunr hiftorla : verfibuSj GnEcis. Codex chartaceus, duobus conftans paid* bus, feripturu et charta longe divcrfis. xv. 5608. Gregorii M. Liturgia. Grsece. Codex chartaceus. xv; 5609. 1. Bafilii M. Oratio, quomodo ex literatnra Gneca udlitatem percipiant adolefcentes. Gra;C(>. xv. 2. Ifocratis ad Nicoclem Oratio, de regno. 3. Nicocles, feu Symmachikos. Codex mcmbranaceus, non inclegans. q6i0. Con* XIV. Menologii pars; fell, pro menfe Oflobri. Gr. Codex mcmbranaceus, tolia habens 260. Prsligitur wivag contentorum, manu recentiore. Sti. 5604. 1. Hcronis Ctefibii Geoponiefm liber. i. 2. Caffiani Bafti Geoponica. Libri 20. 20. b. Super folium 20 averfum, annotavit quidam vir doftus, “ Qua: deinceps fequuntur, ad finem ufque voluminis, lunt Caftiani Bafli Tcutouxx libri 20. de re Ruftica, C«iftantino Cxfari vulgo attribuii.” xv. Codex chartaceus. 5605. 1. Heronis Ctefibii Pneumaticorum Libri 2. xv. 2. - ■■ ---de Automads,Liber. Ccdcxchar- faceus cum figuris accuratioribus. Conferas mimerurn 5589. 5606. [5606—5612. Oi^jnc.] Chriftophori Contcleonis, de imperio, Dialogus. Gr. Alexandro Medices inferiptus. xvi. liber chartaceus. 185. b. i8g. . 191.b. 194. iu6. 201. b. 202. b. 207. 208. Fragmentum libri chartacei, incipiens a folio 185 tinet F.piftolas Grscas, 1. Epiftolfc anonymar, incipienies ab F.piftola 83, tci? to a-apSic-iv, ad Epift. qt. 2. Dionyfii Sophilla: Andochienfis EpiftoLu 46, ad Philoxenum Epifeopum. ■ ^ - \- 3. EpiftolcC tres, Meliffte, ut videtur. 4. TheanCis Epiftolse ires, xsjn ny.-yxi ; 5. Mufonii Epillola unica. 6. Epiftolie 29, Diogenis Sinopenl:?. 7. Cratetis Epiftoix 14. 8. Piatonis Epiftols oito. 9. ^fehinis Oratoris F.piftolcC tres. 10. Callinki Epii’cola: fex. 11. JuHani Epillola de Ale.xanJrinis, imperfecta. 21;. 5611. Caleni, in flippocratis Aphorifmos, libri 7. GriEC^. Codex chartaceus. xv. 5612. Codex chartaceus, librorum moralium triginta Plutarchi, infignis ob ea fragmenta qua: Tyrwliictus primus edidit, & Wyttenbachius ilerum impreflit. Signantur traftatus literis numeralibus Grarcis. Conftat cude.x foliis 250. 1. («) Plutarchi de liberorum Educationc. i* 2. (S) De Virtule et Vitio. 12. b. 3. (y) De utilitate abinimicis capienda. 14- 4. ((?) Quomodo Juvenis poetas intelligcre debet. 19. b. 5. (j) Quomodo quis Adulatoreni diftinguat ab Amico. 6. (r) De fui laude. 7. f^) De ira cohibenda. 8. (r) De curiofitate. 9. (6) De Animi tranquillitate. 10. (i) De Vitiofo piidor. 11. (la) De Amore Fraterno. 12. (iS) De Garrulitate. 13. (ly) De reiSta raiione audienJi. 14. (1^) De Amicorum mulutudine. 15. (*i)De Cupiditate Diviciarum, 16. (ir) De Superftiiione. 1 7 . rioTfpov -L-X”’ ” iSu/Xl* X Animte an Corporis fit libido et sgriiudo. Traftatus hie, omnibus editionibus exulans, a Tyrrwhitto primum editus eft Anno 1773, forma ottava, ab hoc ipfo Codice, cum fragmento lequente. Nunc Latinitate donatus a Wyttenbachio, (uteiiamtS) primumoccupat locum in parte 3 voluminis quinti. i 4 f>* 18. (iT)) E* ixipo; TO vx^rtTiMv rnf avSpctf-raxJ'U?'"?*’! Quod Wyttenbachius ita vertit, “ Id quod in animo ! humane affeiftibus fubjeckum, pars ne fit ejus animi an facultas.” Numeros IZ el IH, cum voce Aoyo? pra:ft.xa, Wyttenb. vertit, “Difputatio 17 ct 18 j” fed nihil de- 3 lignant 58. b. 66 . 76. 82. b. 93 - 99 . b. 122. b. 132. 135. h. 139. h. '. Ikruin Bibliothecae Harleianae; 28t Mum. 56 t2—5615. n^'nant r.ifi locum ia hoc codice. Miatum rcliquit fcriba puiL ultima hujus fragment! Verba. i^S. Exltal-e eadsm fragmenta 'i’yrwhiltiis indicat, in Bi- bliothecA Med. Laurent. Plut. i.vii. Cod. iv: ut didicit cx Catalogo Bandiiiii Codd. MSS. fii-atc. ' 1 . ii. p. loi. 19. (ifi)Delera numinis Vin.licfA. 1^1. 20. Cx) Dc profcdtu in V.i'iiiie. 167. b. 21. (x.i)De fortuna. 176. b. 22. Aiiiniincan Corporis affeciiones fintpejores? t I -g. 23. (xy) Aquane an Ignis fit ulilior ? iSo. b. 24. (x)) iJe Fortuna liotnanoruin. 183. 2?. (xi) He Alexandri Fortuna. ig:. 2d. 'y.r) • Asya,-JiUTfpof. 197. 27. (x^) De Vitardo tcre alieno. 2 j6. 28. (xx) Bruta rationc uti. 209. b. eg. CxS) leiTcfiriane an Aquatilia animalla fint caili- diora. 215. b. 30. ( .) Conviviu’Ti ScplemSapien’uin. 236. b. Coll. Agtn. Soc. Jefu. Catal. infer. 56 i 3 - C''dcx chartaceii«, feriptns A.!'. 1407. Continet Aclus Apofiuloruin Fpiftolas C-tholicas et Paulina',' cum fiermoiie Chryfoltnrti ti? to |U;riv.<,k ifinroi, qui inter- jeflus eft inter F.piftoUnt in Hebrreos et Apocalypfin. Code : Giicfbachio collatus et defcrlptus, in Sym¬ bol's Crit. T. n. p. 162. Hie dc foliis quatuor mein- branaceis hie e.xftanribus htcc feribir. “ Folia duo (Ic.il. ill quatuor plicatal codice ipfo iiiulta antiquiora, quippe f.ccui • X out XI exarala, qutc litciis ininiads, paginii quavis in diias columnas diftintbl, fragmenta Epillolarum ad Coriiitidos continent, antiquis ledionibus referta, notatuque longe digrtill'ina. FoUu.n prius exhibet 1 Cor. XV. 51. o-aAn-tT/i yx3, uique ad 2 Cor. i. 1 TpiTfp-.» orps? Lw-.,. i'-.huv, jva. Foiliun alteram, ad calcein voluminis ad- jeebum, compleditur 2 or. x. 13. . . . o-ouiSt aAXzxaTJi T.,u£lpoi-,.urque a-.i Cap. xii. 5. afl-fifi.fiaf (ah. Et fi litera w pauUo allter pida fir in fragniento priorc quam pofte- riore. utriimque tamcn, ntli me falluiit omnia, eadetn manu fcrlptum, et eju'dem codids pars olim fuit. Do- Icndiim ell, tani exiguaiu codicis pratllaiitiuris partem luperefte.” Plura vide apud ipfum Griefbachium, qui frag* menfa haec funn.ia cura contulit, et confentire miris it'.'xiis vidir cum Codd nonnuilis notas exiinioris. Sc’dp- t'onis tenipiis, chartacei codicis, lubnoiatur ad ealcein EpilloiiE ad Hebrstos. xv. 5614. Codex chnrtaceus, continens varia I-iturgica.- 1. T. Chryfoftnmi. Conft. Ai-chicp. Liturgia. 2. Liturpise Expofuio a Nic. Cabafila. Exftat I.atinc verfa a Gemian Harveto in Bibliothec. P.p. i 2b. p 173. Initium capit hoc exemplar a lin. 5. c. 2d. Edit. Lat. Lugdun. 1677. 47. 3. Millii Lailnorum Gratce verfa, multum diifert ab ea qure nunc eft in ufu. 1:1. 4 - T.-Hu' T8 XxinpOSTXl TOV >fl!CV, kc. I 18. 5. T.E.,- :i xxo^'./l)ix Tn fAiyx^it xyixafAn. 149- 6. - Ta /Aiypi xyixtrfAis. 156. 7. xxoK-Aix fif xp^xpion pxco^opxnjx. 170. 8. TS jAiKp-a r’t^i.fAxIoi;. 171. 9.- Ta pfyaXa. 179. 10. -- Ta ayia Ig8. 1 I, KalaAcycf rxt \lr^fOKo\ltcv, 220 . 12. EnTX^fAX SlOOlAtiCV TCir J'flpOTSVa’itVOIf. 238.!). 13. riipt l^icztw, &C. 25** Lem .'VfTv'riorum, Romanorum, kc Codex cujus pars m.igna I'cripta cit A.D. 1555. — Fofia habei 254. 5615- Synopiis Tliftoriarum Novi ct VetcrisTeftamenti, verfibus Griccis. Supra tiuilum libri Matthrci feriptum eft, (H Ttov lAapiw^of Toir.ixalau. Opus ill hoc Codice im- perfedum, odo libris coiiftaiis. Tituli libris ^ rtcmilFi Cat.Hasl. Vol. Hi, Num. 01 5—021. hujufmodi funt “ Ts Mixpu MsyaX?, tiuv tif oxlu to Aj »IT 01 fflivoj/lf T 3 iropixa Tr,^ HSllUlf JiadTHlif.” Probsmiuni nianu recciitiore folia i ct 2 occupat, et eadem manu luppleta funt folia 35—.jd. Liori facri dividuntur juxta capiia hodierna, etordine hoc Lquuniur. Matthaius. 3. Marcus, jo. Lucas, ii. Johannes. 16. Aebus Apolbolonim. 22. b. Apocaiypfis. 28 b. Liber fecundus Synopfeos. Genefis. 35. b. Exodm. 49. b. Leviticus. 57. Numeri. 62.b. Deuteronomium. 68. b. (Lib. ill. quamvis non notatus) JedhUa. 76. b. Judices. 79. b. Ruth. 84. Jofliua iterum, c.x alio forfan codice. 91. Judiccs, iterum. 92. b. Ruth. 95. b. Liberty, lieges I. 96. Reg. 2. v9-b. Reg. 3. 103. b. Sequl- tnr (104.) JispScofif H2I •JrpsT^x'nf ei/ roi y t>;v an-o TO y xsji. xxlx SiZ!pop^^ (xSoTf.i, Venetas Vaticanas, jux'a quas Parifienfis et Londin. item Bafil. Complut Vulg. &c.” Reges4. iio. Lib v. Paralipomenon i. 115. Par. 2. iijib. EfJra I. 123. Efdra 2. 125. Nehemias. 126. i.ib. vi. Tobit. 128. Judith. ii9. Ellhcr. 130. b. Job. 132. Caiitica. 136. Lib. VII. Efaias. i37.b. abruptc dclinens ad finem capitis 17. liujufce Prnphetaj. Code.xeft cliartaceus, et folia habet feripta fere 141. XVII. 5616. Philothei Arch- Conft. Parergat Codex chartaceus, folia habens63. Scriptus per johannem Jonam : ut liquet cx inferiptione ad fincin. “ Zypr-\ia ryo Iioakv:,; ioinxs in Tr, 3icXio9>;:'Ji TUk Ilapiir.w> £t«i (Twlipi*; I73I. (UOII. 29 ,' Ut ol. leg.) T'o occ-Jlxl ■ ixSSi fSiyvoU'j in rj) Baa-iXixr. Idem in initio fe ait Gailice tranflulifte cum Salomonc Negri. Ev i-u Tonr.pi-a jj^iXisru cuofu TsT.-tpT*, to fxnnt OiKpooxpi/, yipfxiAiix g-ov tdfw ipiAnnive-xt FaXAi.ri to .ten rare, tyui xxi 0 AsyiwTaroj (raXo, uwK ntypr,;,” Et alia nlanu Xo>.oiAi.'v Nfyfi. 5617. Manuclis Mofeopuli Expofitio 2 priorum Librorum Iliados Ilomeri. Gr. Scilicet -n-aTriu T03V X frwi. I et 2 Libri, et TrxfxzoxTn; eoruuJcm quatuor partibus. xv. Michael Apulloles, Byzantinus, poll patrix direp- tionem, pemirla vivciis, fcfipfit: ut et fequentein. Co¬ dex chartaceus. 5618. ITcphxftionis Liber de metri-- k poematibns. Gr. Simi¬ liter infcriptus in fine, aJJito .-ir xpriTx. Codex char¬ taceus. 5619. Barlaami ITiftoria interloris Aethiopum regionis, India didiE. Graict^; appella'i (SiExs? ( 3 aaXaaa : aJohanne Damafeeno Gixce redJka. Codex chartaceus. xiv. 5620. Codex chartaceus, Adiianopoli allatus, MIIHo didus Covetli 4"”. Signatus in fronte, ut plures ex his MSS. “ Luceo, Conftantinople 1675:” etin chartulti inferta, “ This I had at Adrianople.” A Millio delcriptus in Prolegomenis 1487. Continet acta Apoftolorum, ct Epiftolas, cum Ca- tholieas turn Paulinas integral, abfquc nlla lacunS. Ab- funt librorum hypographx, capicum five leclionum in¬ dicia, Ac. Plcnius dcfcrlbitura Griefbachio, in Tom. 11. Symb. p. t5t. Grajculus, nomine Diinitmfco Jcrachi, feferip- fidc ait A.D. 1663; priino Grxeam adpingens notulam, deinde Italicam, his verbis : “ In 1663, In mele di giulio, giorni 5, O feripto Jo Dimitrafeo Jcrachi, InPera:”fed menus lotige diverfa eft ab ipfo Codice. xvii. 021 . Scholia in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica. Gr. Codex chartaceus, elegans; pneter vitas Apollonii, Argu- mrnta habens in Edd. Steph. et Hoelzliui non ex- ftamia. xv. 4 C Bafilii Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5622-—5624. 5622. Bdfilii M. Commentaria in 16 priora Efaia: capita. Gr* Codex mcmbranaccus. 5623. Eiturgiaram G>a:carum Fragmcnta, rariis tcmporibus fa-ip!a. Codex chartaceus. xiv. 562+. Codex chartaceus, variis conftans operibus Gracis. diverfis temporibus feriptis: Contenta infra rccen- leniur. !. i licophylacll Simocatce, Scholaftici, Epillola: qufc- dain. _ . 2. Verfus Ilexametrl dc A£tibus Apoftolorum inci* pieiites, Huxjt uXosi^iv^i yAwfi"**. 9 ' 2- I)e Pttro, fragmentum. 4. Verfus Jambici de Deo, fine titulo, Trails? a.ria 0£o?. ^ IS.^ e. ThcoJori Prcdroini Verfus in Providentiam Dei. ^ ibid. 6. Initiiim enrundem: fragmentum. ^ i 4 - 7. Phocylidis Poema viiSiT.x-.i, cum Scholiis interline- aribus, a feriba antique. ^ 5 " 8. Michaelis Prelbyteri Hierofolymitani, Methodus Compofnionis. ^ 3 * Infcriptio Grscca htec efl: Trpffl-CuTf/Jou xa» . , . . T6W « 7 rcrfXix 8 . . • • TTipi ■rr,;r:, Xoya tri-iT.'jJi;; a’xsJ'-s.ff tSiT^n tt,? p'fOTrora.u.a? i».TT)C-5i Aa^aps J.aXflvs aai ^iAflAs^s, xxi XoysdiTS. Abrupte definic in Catalogo ctiayopx'i Atgswi- ad ver- bum a-yiium, in ordinc alphabctico. 9. Traflatus Gramniatica, cum hoc titulo, Ettitouw -ypaupaTiXT!? tt;,- .... d? fiir O.^uira, xa. rx vipt-nx xalaAiiaffa. x £v uvip t 3 Asyau raixn* xai o>ei a-vTi'V, xai Trptcrcapai, xa. JiaipfTfMi- xat jjri^jaiptTi.'i', ops* ciAAaSr? xa» Jiaip •STjoTa^ia? —va-ptali'v Tf j;a5«Aa x'jTnf" spol A^gssJ? xa -a 9 -.; a'.TTi?, spo* Ac^fw? ^laipsTsi? fl*i-Tr?* *;{ xai i»aip!ir:i? ypt>;? KXI Stxifscrsi; 79 - 10. Dcfmilioncs Philofoplucffi, See. f.Ao«-opixo. opo* Tipt (Hitjix; xa* o‘j/*€£Sxxo 7 o?. __ I 22 . 11. 'Opoi yiAoTopixo* xala rot^tic*'. Defiiuiii'nes 1 hilo- fophievu, ordine alphabetico, a Bafilio M., Gregorio _Nyf- feno, Anafiafio, 6 ic. collefttc, ut apparet epia;hiti un- culaincipiente yivwpxjiy, S.c. > 4 ~- 12. Dc Epidolis, quibusformulis fint inferibenda:, ct ^lia fimilia. ... 13. Paraphrafis precis domlnicte, S:c. 207. 14. Fragmenta Theologica, &c. 208. b. 1 3. Sentenli.E et narrationes, cum interpretationibus, iacri et profan rr. ^‘2* jC. Iiivehigatio vneum et accentuum, cum titulo, Tfvvo/.eyi* :r:pi xnirOiy_x. 'j“. Fra-'nicnium, quod folium 226 fubfeqiu dcberct. Cum verfibus iamblds de Deo. .\pyry x.ai tiAs? -nrois 0 «v. 252. 15. Traedatus de Metris, (iirip. M£pak) incipiens, 'l-foy CT* TO i»ii?ixcy us'pcv ip^s* (Sceffst? fc, xa* ^iaip£iT.z* " S-r ' ' ' 253. i9rS.'hemata quxdam Philofophica, cum interpret:'.- tionibus, D.-cem Categoriarum exemplo, S:c._ 258._ 20. A-mpeti Diaconi interpretatio orationis ad Jufli- niiinum, cum lioc titulo 1 E>;6ic*? x/^xAaiuer,? Trapaiuafa'? I,f Toy ;3atfiAi.. .Bfnaycv, Trapa ayxnr^l^t i*«, xxi aTrop&Eypcala (roSev pnrofvy -rrcoi ^-.7cu:c. ^ _ 278.^ 23. Tabulcp capitumin duos fcquentes libros Michaelis Prellu -0^- Num. 5624—562^. 24. Michaelis Pfelll Solutioncs difficultatum Aftrolo* gicarum, in capitibus 30. 301. 25. Pjufdem de Corporibus ccelefilbus et eorum motu, capita 40. 360. b. 26. Theodori Lafearis oratio Apologetica, ad LaUnuni Epifeopum Coroncs, de Saiido Spiritu. 383- 27. Ainigmata Gr.eca feptem vcilibus iambicis, 6:c. 394- 28. ManuelisMazari methodus biv\is de inxqi:ulifale circulorum folis ut lunte. 395. 29. Verfus Gra;ci de Arachne. T.cy^ y.x'tx 8. Pakuphati de incredibiiibus Libcllus, five Cudex chaitaccus. 5630. Symeonis ThcfTaloniccnQs opera qua^daid. Codex cliar- faceus, paginas habcns, Gnecis iiterls iiumeratas, ur, i.e. 415. laiber oliiii Covelli, qtii htec infcripfir, “ Simeon ThefTaloniccns’ obiit alnno 1429, ut Diius Aiix colligc- bat ex quibufJam libris quos mihi oitendebat Pari(li.s. J. Covel. Vid. Leoiiem Ailatium de Symconibus, in hujus vitd; mortuus fex menfes ante captam Thef- falouicam. Capta autem eft Amio 1430.” xn-. .5631- Georgii Coilini Chronicon, ab Adamo ufq; ad Niceplio- rum Regent. Gr. -Struftura Templi S. Sophias in Con- ftantinopoli, Liber. ^05. Codex chartaccus foliornm 330. Annntantur non- nulia, a quodain Neo-gneco, ad lincm utriufque libelli. XV. 5632- Liber charfaccus folia habens fcripta 499 ; cum imagine Conftantini in fi onte picta, et orbe ccelcfti ad fol. 4. Contenta funt, 1. I'onanuelL u'.^alaxi Synopils hiftoriarum Conftanti- nopoleus. Dc auidore nonnulla aimotavit Covcllus, ut videtur, in folio exteriore. “ VofTius duos M.daxns facit, fed erret. Men. Hilarius Chronic. Qualis his Emanuel Mala.Mis Liiuiior hujus libri) Vide Crufii i'urcogneda.n. p. 185. Obiit vero ineunie vere. Anno 1581. Libriim hunc Icripfit An. 1574. Et vitas P.itriarchanini Ann. ' 577 - 'i'urcog. p. 106.” Videas ciiam plura eadem niami annotata. 2. Dc ultima Vilione propheta: Daniel, Grasce. 497. XVI. 5633- Ncctarii, Patnarclms quondam Hlerofoiymitani, de Papie impeno, Rclponfum; oppofitum quibuftlam propofitionibus a fratribu.s Latiiiis, qui Ilierolblymis degunt, ei ailaiis per Petrum eorunt magiftrum. A.D. 1672. Gr. & Lat. Eorfaii a Cuvello Latinc verfuni, qui opus abfolvit 1C8L Codex chartaceus. 5634- Lycophrontls Chalcidienfis, Alexandra, feu CalTandra : cum Ifaacii Tzetzis Commentariis. Gr. Ei gloliis multis iiiterllnearibus. xiv. Codex chartaceus integer, et notatu dignus. 5635. Ci'vlcx chartaceus, folia habens fcripta 275; in quo habentur varias Grascorum Epiftolse, et alia opufcula. XV. 1. Epiftolie Phalaridis. Non juxta ordincni Editionis Boylasaux. i. 2. Amafidis iEgyptii Epiftola ad Polycratem, cum liiftoriola dcPulycrate. .I't-b. 3. Xenophontis, vel iErcIiinis Socratici, Epiftoix. 3(3. Vide etiam. 258. 4. PkttoiusEpiftolx qncedam. 41. 5. Juliani jApoftatas Epiftoias, 62. b. 6. Anacharlidis Epiftulas. 72. 7. Euripidis Epiftola:. 75. 8. Diogenis. 76. b. Num. 5635—5640; 9. Epiftola Cratetis. $ 5 . 10. Platonis Epiftola alia. 88. b. 11. Pythagora Epiftola gg. 12. Epiftola Chionis. Jbid. * 3 - - TheanCis, de Edudadone liberorum, See- 109. 14- ■ — - Apollonii. 15- —MelilTcs. 1(5. - Mya. 'ij- 127. 127.b. 138. ifc. b* 170. 183. b. j88. 17. Phyriognontica Ariftotelis. iS. Theopiirafti Uipi 19. Tractatus de Igne. 'H wupa 20. Amnionii Sacca traflatiuncula. 21. Ariftoteles de Mundo. ,00. Ad fincm hujus libelli inveniuntur hi verfus qui alibi non extant. 203. b. Crh-•JT/ii.TOf r.'vfTC* "(TTaTflj* apf>y.i'px!jn>;. (iC; mex^.v. y-.'s-x (flc) J'U ttxvtx rirvy.rxt. rx.'r,- TE ii'.pxy.Z xCTtpUyto;. affl-EiK in«rij' xy^poro; iv>.tro vuy^yi W» 51>1 TTMTuy' ^£1,'; clxxyxTO'J TTvpif opur,. Tn-ETou pl^x riXiOf at^r.yy, ^lu,- pai7iX£u;’ pjf xp^Z; xTrxyruy xpjZtxipx'JVPf. 234. TTxyTx; faf Kpiij'af, au 9 i,- pxo; XTro>.vMU (fic). lipr.t Kpxiw xytyifxxTo y'pytpa pZ^uy' 22. Tradatus de pedibus et metris, anonymus. 208. 23. iEfehinis Oratoris Epiftola. 224. Cum alils Epif-. tolls variorum, ct Phalaridis, (ut fol. 237.) nonnullis. 24. Merodoti IJahcarn. de Gcnte Horaeri. 242. 25. Socratis Epiftola. 256* 26. Xenophontis, vel iEfehinis Socratici Epiftola. Vid. fupra36. 25S. 27. Tradatus Grammaticus, de Prcpofitionibus fi., f.?, f'jy, SiC. ^ ^ 262. 28. De Syntax! nominum et verborum. 273. 5636. Liber chartaceus, legendaruin Gracarum; folia habens tOI. arrXiro?. XIV. 1. Memoranda Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti a Pilato fada. 2. Epiftola Pilati ad Auguftum deClirifto. 26. 3. Jofephi Arichmathaenfis narratio de Domino noltro. 23, 4 S. Ephraim oratio dejofepho pulcherrlma. 41. b. S‘ Timothei Archiep; Alexand. de miraculis S. Mente. ... 6g. 6 . Do Difcipulo Abbatis Pauli, fervato precibus ejus. Cum aliis id genus hiftorioiis. 90. b. Eolia ferie duodenariA numcratu per litcras Gra;cas, unde apparet deefl'e noniiulla. 5637- 1. InPolya;ni Strategetica, varhe ledioncs. Gr. xvii. 2. Noifc in cundem ; fori'an ab J, M. Dilhero. Vid. Num. 3S37. 3. Variic Lediones, alia manu. 4. Iterum, alia. 5. Et alia, charta multo ntinore. 5638. Piutarchi Cheer. Vita: Cajfarls, Alexandrij Si Po’mpeii. Gr. Liber chartaceus. xvi. Homilia: 5c S. Bafilii, Ephraim Cyri, & Johannis Chry- foftomi : quarunt quaidam de vitis Sandorum. Gr. Liber chartaceus, imperfedus ; Emptus a Bern. Mould, Smyrna: 1724. ' xiv. 5640. Liber chartaceus precum Turcicarum, linguis Neogrieca, e_t Arabica. Vide incus annotata’ a quod.tm Icalo, lInguAfuA, et a CovcMo (ut videtur) LatinA. xvii. Thcedori, 184 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 56+1—5645. 5641. Theodori, Grammaticcs introducllo, 4 libris. Gr. Co¬ dex chartaceus. In fccundo folio fcriptuin e[l“Monar* teiii Anglorum Petrus Candidas.” xv. 5642. Nomcnchtura Grreco-latina. Grrcca et Latina ambo corrupta. Codex chartaceus. ix. 56+3- Codex chartaceus, cujus folia nnincrantur, fed non ac¬ curate, ad 434. Defunt etiiim nonnulla. Contiiiet felecfa c.x vanis Patrum et "^llicologoruin Grsccoram operibus. 1. De Adventu mulierum ad Sepulchrum Domini, i. Super hoc folium, et alibi, occurrunt annotationes, manu CovelU fcripice. 2. Eufebii Scholium de tempore rcfurreftionls. _ 8.^ 3. Johannis Damafceni de nulivitate beats Virginis Oratio. 9 - 4. -- de Juditia. ^ 7 ’ 5. Dc Purificatione ante ccenam Domini. Covellus in margine fragmentum efle dicit S. Germam. 21. 6. De generatione Domini, Sec. S.Ablabii, ut Covello ▼ifum eft. _ , . 24. b. 7. Anaftafius dc transfiguratione Domini Oratio. 31. 8 Johanni Chryfoftomi in idem argumentum Oratio. 39 - 5. Ejurdem de Thcatris. ^ 43 ’ 10. F.jufdeni interpretatio Pfalmi 8. (i. e. 9.) 55- 11. r.jufdem, interpretatio Pf. /16. 109. (110.) 71. 12. Amrhilochii Ep. Iconicnfis Oratio, or Czir, m- T. . . 9 , 1 ’ 13. Hippolytl blartyris de fine mund), de antichriito et fccundo adventu Domini Oratio. 99 * 14. Johannes Mofehus in expeeftationem Juda*, &c. 123. 15. Symeonis Architp. Theflalon. expofiliofacnSym- boli. * 3 '* 16. Gennanl Archiep. Conftant. Ilamilia in parabolam Ccens. . * 37 ’ 17. Alhanafii dialogus cum Ario. i 49 - 18. De transfonnatinne Domini, ex interprelatione Evangelii fcc.Matth. a Kiceta Serron. 181. 19. Catechiimu-s Gregorii Theologi, dc Fide. 187. 20. Athanafii alius. Defunt nonnulla polt folium 188.b. igt-. 21. Traclatus de facra Triade. Caret initio. 201. Videiur pars fccundainiii ad 22 i,ct tertia ad 230. b. quarta ad 252. et forte aliiE. _ _ 22. Zachuriie Maraphava, Prefbyten, interpretatio Verfus, “Kpr.Tff 33 2 ; 2'-. Mcictii papts Alexand*. dudogus de hde Lhnl- tianorum, diefus Chrillianus. ?. 37 | SubUcitur Kpigrainmau Emmanuelis Achileii, m Mektiuin. 548. b. 24. Cyrillus in Juda^os, 35 -- 25. Ejufdcm Oratio Iccunda. 37 ^- 26. Meleiii Epiftola. 4 I 4 ' De Angelorum propria poteftate. 420- Is. lik T>i iV” Chartula aiiiiotatiouum Covelli inferitur polt fo¬ lium 433. 5644- Kornaii Pocma Epicum, Rhotocritu.s diaum, verfibus neograicis Rhyinicis : cum pieburis inultis pluma de- Imcatis. Codex ehartaceus,paginashabcns 511. xvi. 5645. Themiftii Euphradae Oratioiies fe.v. Scilicet, 7. ir. 9. 5. 4. 2, ftcundum Editionem Harduinii 9. 10. ii. 12. 13- 14. ut hie nuinerantur. Codex chartaceu'!, manu non ineleganti feriptus. xv. Num. 564.6—5650. 5646. 1. Johannis Chryfoftomi, ad diverfos Epiftolac. Gr. XV. 2. Marcii Ephefii Epiftola de Synodo I lorentina, com- meniata per Gregorium Hieromonachum. ■1. In Hofeam nonnulla. Codex chai taceus. 5647- Codex Evangeliorum infignis, et clegantilTimus, a Grief- bachio deferiptus in Symb. Crit. T. I. p. 18:. De- feriptinnem cjus, non nimis prolixam, lubet apponere. “ Codex 72, olim Johnfoni, nunc in Mufeo Britan- nico Londini, Harleianus 5647. Elegantiilime fciiptus faiculo forte XI. Evangelia 4 cuntinens Grrccc. Paflim occurrunt notulm Arabics. Evangelium quodque prx- fixam habet auStoris effigiem, nomine Evangeliiltc Ara- bico infigniiam. fEt Grsco ctiam, Arabicum in mar- gine, Grrecum in ipia picluraj Soli Malthato in niargine adjunfta eft catena. Variantes leaiones librarius. non Lucte tantum (ut vult Wctfteii'us) led Malthmi etiam margin! adfcripfit; in Marco antem et Johanne vix talcs occurrunt. Satis accurate codieem contulilfe videtur Wetftenius. Equidem pancas tantum, hiiic inde decerp- tas lediones in fehedas meas conjcci. Habei vero aiui- quas et bonas lediones permultas, et frequenter con¬ cordat enm A. D. L. 28. 29. 42. aliifque baud fper- neiidis Ubris.” Codex eft membranaccus, optime fervatus. In folio exteriore feriptum eft, cum inultis literaruni compendhs, « Te. TTXfsu p.gXiei- .... to x«* orarpo? Svari.'!. Tn fiaiuaTKpys, tk ey tu ©«i.fA«fu opt;. tJ oVid;*7a x.xi ao^ .... vdp*.’* Infra eft inferiptio Arabica. N.imeii Amnioniani, et capitum tituii ap- ponuntur, ct argumentum in uuum quodque Evange¬ lium. 5648. “ Sepher Ilatterumot: i. e. Liber t-levaiionum, feu ob* biionum : In quo de ritibus i inltiuuis ceremonialibus dilferitur undecim Hilchoth, feu StdiorJbus; qux flint, i.De vitu jugulandi animalia. 2. De viclu licito etillicito. 3. Dc placenta. 4, Dc menllruata. •5. De repudii-. 6. De folutione calcci. 7. DeiJo- lolatria. 8. De vino libaminis. 9. De libro legis. 10. DeTephillim. 11. Dc Sabbato. Hob. xiii._ “ Auctor eft R. Baruch, filius ft. Ifaaci Wormaci- enfis, Difcipulus R. Ifiaci fenioHs, cognomento Ri. Li- bruin compofuit anno Mundi 4496. X‘ 123O. ‘‘ Scripior codicis Rub. Jehuda an. Muiuli J014. X.' 1254. ^ “ EdItus Liber Venetiisapud Boniberg an.X' 1513. Hxc ex chartd in ipfo codicc pofiid. Code.x eft membranaceus, et fatis integer. 5649- 1. Johannis Dafnafccni, de Dialedica Liber, 2. i_dc orthodoxa fide. Liber. xui. Codex membranaceus, olim Covelli, qui pauca intus annotavit. Folia pluiima a compadore inverfa. 5650. Ledionarium vetus in membrana fenptum, ex qua aliud opus erafum fuerat. Griefbachio, ut Evangelillarium, deferiptum in Symb. Ciit.Tom. ii. p. 16. Folia habet 267. ex quibusn3—ad 121, qu$ lediones de re- furredionc Chrifti continent alia manu, charadere minorc et elegantiorc, atramento pailidiore, fed codem ut videtur tempore feripta. Subfcriplio in fine eit, ETiX.iuO?) to Trafov e-.viptiij.ni xxt t^oi>i xjh .... N.xoJ.ftJ itpi'j; tb .... , 72 , yy , Codex vencrabili-^, CxiveUi manu noratus. 3 Galeni Bibliothecae Harleianae, Num. 5651—5660. S^Si- Galenl Diagnoftica, dc locis affccHs, 6 libris. Gr. cum SchoHjs. Gr. xvi. Codex clurtaceus pulcher. 5652. Galeni deufupartium libri 16. Gf". xvi. Codex chart, limili charaftere fcriptus. In fine Epigramma. Gr. dc libro. 5653- Pfalterium, cum Odis. Grxce. xiv. ^ Pfalmi 27 priores, ct alii nonnulli, Latine vertumur. Codex membranaceus, verfioni rccipienda; defiinatus. 5654- Codex chartaceus, in quo habentur; T. Excerpta ex vai'iis libris Graecis. Sequuntur folia Jnulta vacua. xv. 2. Theodori Rentli Chii, Epiftolo: i q. Quarum i" ad Cardinalcm Sirletum, fubEugeftio xin. Graece. 3. Michaclis Sophiani Epiftola ad Petriim Viftoriuiii. 1558. Cum aliis ejufdem. 4. Leonard! Galli Epiftola, et alia ad ilium, a J. Matth. Cariophilo. Iteni Georgi Ducis {Hy>iiJ.n^ et Bar- tholomaei Vecchii. 5. Thcmata Scholaftica, Epiftola:, &c. FIorenti$ feripta;. Grace. .■ 5 ^ 55 ' Rabbi Salomonis Jarchi, Comm, in Pentateuchuin. Hcbr. Jarchi FI. circa, A.D. 1105. Codex membranaceus. XV. , 5650- Liber membranaceus continens excerpta Grammalica ex Herodiano, &c. xv. 1. Initia Grammaticx, de literis, &c. definens cum traftatu de Spiritibus, Tfj)! 2. De Orthographia. 3. Epitome regularum nominum ex Herodiano. 4. Regulse de nominibus. 5. Quod conjunSio conneftitur cum omnibus ora- tionis pardbus. 6. Fryphonis tti/k run cn -vaiuv. inferipdo in primo folio Anni notam habet, *101,1445. 5657- Johannis Monachi, Matthsi Regis Canonarium. Gr. Liber chartaceus, mudlus. xiv. 5658. 1. Odyffea Homerl, feripta fuper membrana, fine ver- fuum divifione. Ad finem hsec inferiptio. MsTsyfdfyi roil iiiriftiZ ’0(?U(rs-£n» AaAwuain t«u si.t./xwt*t 3 xu/iS ^Kpio\cfj.aiov Tsy x/iunriavou, j/tlpj it ludnvoM Upsw; pWau +eu x/irTOf. "ETfi «Vo tk? TfTpaxoinori; I0^9uixoru hxru' duyturov, Jixarri, in fufj.r,. i. e. anno 1479. In hac infcriplione, et in codice ipfo, vocalia 1 et u punifto duplicifuprafcripto fignantur, 7 et u. Iota non fub- feribitur. 2. Fragmentum profaicum, unicum occupans folium, et fic incipiens. Hw; ouv 0 npuluriKtu; TTfpf ifA-npou &c. Codex folia habet 260. 5659- Muftrt Erotopxgnion, deHerone & Leandro. Gr. Co¬ dex chartaceus, xiv. 5660. Codex membranaceus, in quo habentur h$c quse fe- quuutur. xv. 1, Bafiln Magni Oratio, de capienda ex Graeca lingua utilitate, ad Adolefcentes. j, Cat.Hari,. Vol. III. ^85 Num. 566c—5664. - 2\ Ifocratis Oratio ad Nicoclea, tte/jj /Sao-iAfir?. 13. S’-ud Demonicum, Paraenefif. 21. Ntcocles, ^ vulgo fl-yuSsuAfVTiKffC. 2g. 5* Infcribitur, toj *uto;j Trip'i 7roAuB-fayfi6o-ut«f, EjuJ"- dem de curiofitatc. Sed eft Plutarchi opus, fic inferip- tUm. ^ 6. Plutarchi traclatus, quomodo quis debeat adulato- rem ab amico difeernere. 46. b. Codex folia habet 71. 5661. Photii, PatriarchaeConft. de proceffione Spiritus S.Liber; per Joh.Jonam ex Fibliothcca S. Gennani traulcriptus, 1722. Gr. Liber chartaceus. ‘5662. Codex chartaceus. " Coll. Agen. Socict. Jcf. Catalogo inferip.” 1. Johannis Tzetza: Aiite-homerica, hie inferipta, I’xia,'. Cum Scholiis noniiulUs. 2. EjufJem Homerica; )ine difthidione prior! Tub- junda, ad fol. 14. b. 3. Ejufdem Poft-homerica, vel tte/jI TU ^ 20. b. _ 4- Dionyfil Periegefis. 57. Subjungitur, nullo fenfuj hie verfus. a.X\rS ets-ffupi'eif ivaXiyxin a»0fri Paginas fuas habet hoc poeina, ufque ad 40. 5. Inceiti audoris tradatus, lljpi dviy-wn xal run Xous'fv TTn-jydiun. Incipiens Airlri; 6\jirr,^ rr,! dna^vyidfreuf, &C. 97. Cum ventorum Diagrammate ad 99. b. Codex folia habet 100. ScriptusA D. 1493. Sub- fcrilxtur enim, “ n dv^y, h yio-dr.nv rn; irinf^ictf ixypaipiv Trap* ^sotTo; ^^xAxioirouAou.” In fzetzam Var. Led. ex hoc codicc rcceptm funt a Jacobs, in Edit. Lipf. 1793. 5663. Liber chartaceus, in quo habentur fragmenta varia Graica. xv. 1. Libanli SophifttE Epiftola: fex. i. 2. Fragmentum ex audore incerto. it. 3; Philoftrati Vitaruin Sophiftarum pars magna. De- funt noinina multa in Edicionibus Philoftrati exftantia, fed adfunt etiain alia in illis non fevvata, ut Libanii, &c. neqiie fervatur Ordci fol. 21. Tabula nominum iu- feritur ad finem, in folio 72. 4. Plutarchi Vitte Ca:faris fragmentum. 73. 5. Zenobii Adagiorum Gnucorura pars magna, inci. piens Cent. 2. Ad. 6. «Tr>,«ref ttiSs,-, a verbis Trayo-ao-dit TrapsjtaAouv, ufque ad finem. 83. 6. Fragmentum Hefiodi, ex operibus et diebus a verfuSo. ad 165. 120. 7. Folium unicum fententiarum ex Poctis Graecis cx- cerptarum. 122, Fragmenta a feribis variis deferipta. 5664. Codex chartaceus; quondam Coli. Agen. Societ. Jefu Catal. Infcriptus. xv. 7. Catonis Difticha GraiCe, a inaximo Planude mo- nacho, ufque ad Diftichi 37 lib. priini verfum priorem. El irt Trpe; ipynv a*uwA«x7>i iyuun op»8Jv£i. 2. Verfus nonnulii Solonis, &c. 9. 3. Catonis Difticha a Planude, iterum, fed Integra. 11. 4. Homeri Batrachomyomachia,cum Scholiis ct gloftis interlinearibus. 26. 5- Galeomyomachia, drama. 42. 6. PhocyllidisCurminamoralia. Vide 5624. s. 59. 7. Pythagora: Carmina Aurea. 69. 8. Ariftophanis Plutus, Comcedia. 74. Defunt verfus pnores 234. 9* — —— Nubes. 135. 4 D 10. Ariftophanis i,s6 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5664—5670. 10. Ariftophanis Ranje. 191. Paflim adfunt argiimenta, Scholia In marginibus, et Gloltfc inter lincas, pleruinque rubrica fcriptee. Codex folia habet 244. 5665. [5665—J6S3. M».] 1. SophroniijPatriarchs Alexandriiii, quxdam, Gr. xiir. 2, Concilium Nicenum 0. in Carta lacera. Codex chartaceus, miferc laceratus. 5666. 1. Gregorii Nazianzeni, Theologi, oratio in Bafilium magnum, iraperfeft... fdfoliisnon lus quam duobus car'US ; definic ad verb.., iraXm 0 o-. • ujxu^ eopixn ifma-xlo x-xp .—■' 2. Qua.: -.es theologirs, auftore ncerto.juxtafinem capitis tertij piences. Ousllio qux caput quartuin orditur hsc t.t Lv Trai-li pn/x^t ©jou k*i h wXvpopipi'u rtJ -4, &c. Codex chartaceus. xv. 5667. Scholia Olympiodori in Piatonis Phsedona. Liber char¬ taceus. XV. Latere in Bibliothecis hicc Scholia alt Harles ad Fabricium. T. 3. p. 75. 5668. EjuTdem Olympiodori Scholia in Gorgiam. Cum hoc titulo; EysXia iruv 6w fif tsi< toj irA-araisj ycpyi'xv, aTrl puvrf ’Ox\)y.wtoSufov tsu /xtyaXeu fiXciTi^su. Codex char¬ taceus, priore forfan paulb antiquior. De his Scholiis vid. ctiam Ilarl. ib. p. Sy. 5669. Liturgite S.ChryfoflomI, Bafilii, &c. Cunt officiis et precibus variis. Codex infignis, incmbranaccus. xiv. 5670. Demoflhenis Orationes. Gr. xv. In hoc codice continentur, 1. Dcmodh. Oratio Olynth. i""*. i. 2. - Olynth. ii"'. 3. b. 3. Argumentum Librarii Olynthlaca: 6. b. -Olynth III. ib. 4 Argumentum Pliilippica; i'"®. diverfum ab edito. I o. - Philipplca 1”“. ib. 5. - De pace. 15. 6. - Philippica ii’'*. 17. 7. - Philippica 20. 8. - Philippica iv^. 26. 9. Argumentum Libanij Orationis ad Philippi F.pif- tolain. 32. b. Demoflh. Oratio ad Philippi Epiftolam. ib. 10. Libanij Argumentum Orat. de Ilaloiiefo. 34. b. -Oratio de Halonefo. 35. ij. Libanij argumentum de rebus Cherfonefitanis. 38-b. Oratio de rebus Cherfonefitanis. 39. 12. Libanij argumentum Orationis contra Andro- tionem. 44. b. Oratio contra Androtionem. 4:. 13. Libanij et Ulpiani Argunienta Orationis contra Mioiam. 52. b. Oratio contra Midiam. 53. 14. Libanij argumentum orationis contra Ariftjcr. Oratio contra Ari/locrrtem. ib. 15. Libanij argumentum crac. tie Corona. 9^. Oniio de Corona. Num. 567c—5675, i 5 . Libanij et Ulpiani Argumenta irsf'i irxpxzspxctux-;. Oratio wfpl 7rap«Tp£ff£{»'*f. i23.b. 17. Libanij et Ulpiani argumenta Orationis contra Timocratem. 160. Oratio contra 'J'imocratem. Liber chartaceus, elegans; folia habens 180. Tayloro notus. 5671. Liber chartaceus, elegans, cadem fere manu qua fcriptils ttlfG 'y. Continet Procli, in PaimeniJem Platonis, libro8 7. XV. In initio fcrlptum eft; manu non udmodiim receiui, “ Procli Diadoch' in Parmenidem Platonis lib. Scpteni. FonaiTe funt inediti. Johannes Jacobus Frifius tefiatur vidill'e tres lib P.ocli Lvcii I’latoiiici in Parmenidem, item Sermones lot in eundem apud Diegum Haitadiim Venetiis.” 1 i: ulus Grmeus til Ilps'xp.a nXxTxvtKs f.'‘(,rCpu Tf xa. J.a^cip/8 Ti. «.f rlk rapp*£HOT;> ra -rXxjuyQ; tnlx (SioXirf. Vide Fabr. luc. cit. p. 79. 5672. Homeri liados Liber primus, cum fragments fecundi* tertii et quaini. Scilicet, B. i—g. 490—534 catalogi navium initium. xiv. r- 123—302- A. 67—246. Codex membranaceus. Homeri Odyffca, Greece. Cum notulis recentiorlbus Latinis. Subjiciuntur verfus lambici incipientes piyun Opu9-(r£u;, qui exllant in 5674: et ctiam alii ; Aifiiiv jub ncu; xcti ^ibAa TiAer. Codex chartaceus. xv. 5674- Homeri Odyflea, cum Scholiis. Codex infignis, a cel. Viro Ric. Porfon, pro Homero Grenvilliano collatus. Deferiptionem codicis, quia melior proponi non poteft, verbis Porfonianis damus. xni. “ Codex eft membranaceus, forma quam, in folio vocant, minori; quod ad altitudinem fcilicet et latitudinem attinet, Aldino Herodoto fimilis. Membrana crafta eft et firma, fed aliquando pinguis; unde fit, ut Scholia quasdam leftu difficiliora fint, quatdain minus elegantcr feripta. Plerumque vero, et textus et Scholia nitid^ lunt exarata. Totus, ut opinor, uno tenore textus abfolutus eft} dcinde fcholia addita, eademne an diverfa manu non certo dixerim. Neque id multum refert, cum fatis conftet unius julfii et confilio totuin MS. concinnatuin elVe. Pauca quzedam bona; nota; margiiii infuut, cieteris recenticra quidem, ut coUigo ex liquoris colore, qui eft ruber llavefcens, fed exiguo intervallo receniiora.- Hunc codicem decimo tertio fteculo adferibit Casleius (in Catalog© priore) nec quicquam habto quod contra- dicam. Illud notandum, feriptum elfe, cum jam dubiiari cosptum eiTet utrum iota ad latus an infra poni deberet. Noftri enim textus media quadam via incedit, Hie etiam codex, ut id obiter moneam, collatus eft a Thomi Beiitleio fed negligenier adinodum. Nullas enim, certe rariflimas ejus lecliones, pra;ter cas quas in textu in- veniebar, enotavit.” Codex folia habet 150. Ad finem feriptum eft, “ Antonii Seripandi et ..micorum.’' ColLitiones Porfoni paginas occupant 84, in 410, charaiftere minuto. 5675 - 1. Conftitutionum Ecclefiafticarum Colleflio, cx Di- geftis 6c Novellis. Gr. fol. i. XVf. 2. I Icraciii Novella:. 285 - 3. Leges Nauticac, & Rhodia:. 3'9- 4. Catioiiarium Libri 2. 353- Liber chartaceus, non inelecans. 8 ThomtE Bibliothecae Harleiante. 287 Num. 5676—568+. 5676, Thoma Stanldi in Callimachum Notsc. Liber charta- ceus, paginas habeas 121. 1. CoIIegit Etaiildus priino variade auflore ipfo, ct de gjcnbus dept-rdnis. fecundum alphabeti ordiiiem, more Bmtieiano, fed minus plenb. Sant tamen qua: a Calli- machi Editore e.xcerpi deberent. 2. bragmenta Operuin iiicertorum. 10, 3. Notai in Hymnum priinum. 41 4 - -in Hynmum 2. cy 5 ‘ --in Hymnum 3. gg 6- -in Hymiiuin 4. go 7 - -in Hymnum -in Hyuinutn 6 . jq, 9 * -in Epigranmiaia. 1 j i Procedic tauiuin ad Epigr. 33. 5677- Heraclli, Metropolita:, Colleflio Eapoillionum variorum patrum in Pfalteriura. Gr. dedl folium in fine. Liber cJiartaccus, emptus Smyrna; a Bernardo Aiuuld 1724. XV. . s6; 8. ^ I- interpretatio alphabrrica vocuni in hoc liltro. &r. ^ :->riyIii_ A'copanj's Opera, cum p.napljiar. Geo. o " ^ ’•anr*':- Gr -- - .. V cl''Siciet.Jtfu, b 1 . Fed. Diofcoddls, de mat Ra niL-dica Libri 7 Or. cum Scholns nonnulln, et tabula alphabeiica. Liber cl-ar- taccus. 56S0. Liber cbartaceus, Hebrdce feriptus, charaflere non in- eleganti.—Coiuenti iatra nutantur Iialice et LaiinS, icilicet, “ di Galeno L’hro 3. Scritta da Barchaia nglio di Salomone Maimonide.” “ Liber tertius Avicenna; de Mcdicina, de Libris Canoms, de mfirniiratibus peculiaribus contingentibus cuiiibet membro htnninis, et elt viginii fex modorum leu aniculonira.” Ktpoftea, fere quarts parte a fine, “ Liber quintus ex Canone Avicenna.-, qui dicitur Ancrabadin, leu de compofitione Pharmacoruin.” xv Occurrunt Scholia in margine. 5681. Herraogenis Ar.s Rhetorica. Gr. xvi. Liber chartaceus, folia habens i2o. 5682. Liber Liturgicus, Judasorum Germanoruin, Hcbralce. Codex bonus, membranaceus. xv Pars Libronim Exodi et Leviiici: Ilebraice. Ex- odus incipit a capita xviii. verfu 22". et definit in cap. xl. verf. 8. Leviticus autem deferibitur a capita 8". veriu 28'. Uumerideficiuntacap. vi. 61. adxv. 10. fequitur Deu- tcronomium. a, Excerpta ex Prophetis, See. Heb. Adjefta fiint piincfa, forfan pofleriore manu. Codex membranaceus, mutilus, et pariim igne corruptus. ° 568+. [5684—5697. Quarfo.l Evangeliftarium infignifiimum, Grielbachio (in Symb. Crit. tom. i. p. Ixiv.) “ Codex G. olim yfndrea Era/, mi Seidelii, deinde Jo. Chrijiophori IVoI/ii.” Deferip- tionem ulteriorem c Griefbachio plerumque adpo- nimus. vi Num. 5684—5686. . Codex membranaceus, formre quadrats; majoris, litens uncialibus, led ofalongis iliis, fecuio x. et xi. ufi- tatis, fcriptus. HypographiE vero in fine Evaiigelioruni rninulcuhs^ litens exarat$ funt. Spiritus et accenrus habet a pjima manu. Spirituum figura appropinquat ad pnicain formam, et fimilis fere elt ci, quani exhibet MontefalconinsPakEogr. p. 234. Specim. 2. In hypo- giap.fis vero miniifculis literis exararis, fpiritus conJpi- ciuntur form$ folit*, hoc e(l, rotunda:.” ‘ Continet, exceptis lacunis, qualuor cvpngelia: a Martha;!, cap. vi. 6. “ Lacunas diligenrer not vit poH: V\ olfium Wetficniu^ Q^xse. perierant, i.;de a Matth. xxv’ii. ■ 7. ufque ad Marr. i, > 3, fupplevit manus rccen- tior, hteris mii.ufculis.”—“ Lacimam Luc. xii. 27-41. explevit manus reccniior [fed non rccensj in charta.” Subfcnpiin Ev. Johannis, et totius codkis falfn daiur a .rneft-jchio. uda yjen:? xa. rr? rn yjiirn ui,nAh'\>tu:. cum -o-—Cur dixerit . fecuio xii. vix efe antiquiorem, cum ipie lucres duobus ireculis prioribus adicripliflcc, non liquet. _ “ In margine apparent numeri '"eflionum Ammo* nianarum, ct Canonmn Euiebianorum, ibidemque no- tantur anagnolmatum i.iicia et fi.ies, e: dies quibus quoaqiie prtelegi debebat.” ^ ]?iuia vukas apud ipfum Grivfbachium, in loco citato, qui deicriptionein Codicis picniorem hac cius a;ltimaiione concludit. ^ Cfefermn etfi codex hie coramaculatus nondum Gt omnibus illis intcrpolatiunibus, qua; in junk.ribus co^icibus et vulgaribus edilio;.ibus Icguntur, fed genuine Icttionis fimplicitatem multis in locis fervavit: pertinet tamen ad fainiliam codicum qui rccenfionera facri textus e.xhibent fatis recentem, et a recepta pariim aut nihil difierentein, fcilicct Conftant'nopjiicanam.” Codex folia habet 251, nunc priinum numeris fig- nata, inter qum 107 femifolium eft, et lacunain facit a Marc. xiv. V. 18. uique ad v. 25, Poll 116 deeft folium, quod tabuhun feftionum complebat, er I.uca; capitis 1. verl'us I 2 pvitnos continebat. Oiniffio Scrib$ manu fua fupplela eft m fol. 173. Hiatus in Luca fuppletus eft: i 54 » alii-’S in Johanne occurrit ful. 243. a xviii. 5. ufque ad v. ig, in meinbranA. _ _ Hmc funt qua: notatu digniora videntur in hoc ex- imiocodice; addatur tamen, incipere Marci Evangelium ad foL 65. Lucs, ad fol. 117. Johannis, ad fo?. 191, ubi etiam deeft: folium quod ultiinos Lucic vrrfus habebat a cap. XXIV. V. 4.. et labulam feflionum in Juhannem. Notanduin eft, Codicem hunc Woidio vifum elle numeris 5598 et 5787 antiquiorem, quamquam horum prior notam gerat Anni 995. Saiculo igitur decimo for- fan redle eiTct adferibendus. ^5684 1. iSemcfii, Epifeopi EimilL-ni, de natura hominis. Liber. Gr.__ _ ^ _ Brocii I>iadochi I-ycii, cicmcntorum Naturaiimn, Libri. 2. Codex membranaceus. 5686. Codex n^mbranaccue, elcgantilllmus, charaiftere nitido Hebraico feriptus, et quod in iiebraicis MSS. rarius apparet, pidluris illuminatus. xv. 1. Ilymnus Mebraicus. j. 2. Ordo Scclionuin Pcntatcuchi pro Ftftis Ilebraicis per totum annum. ^ 3. Indiculas vorum initialium Pfalniorum. 7. 4. Prcccs Vaife Hebraict'. 5. labula indicatoria totius Ccdicis, fignata numjiis Ilebraicis. _6. Liturgia Hcbraica cum commentario; fronte flonbus ornato, f. 15. Ad pag. 353, incipiunt Pfalmi in margine. 7. Libii Rutha:, Canticonim, EcclefiafLc, Threr.o- rum, cum Pfalmis 137 et 79, et Efthenl. 603. 8. hki- Catalogus Librorum MSS. i88 Kum. 5686—5691. Num. 5691— 5 . Canonis Avicenn*; Hebraicc cx Antbico per Nathan Bagad. Sedtiones habet xxii, capita vero 830. Codex membranaceus. xv. 5708, Commentarii inPentnteuchum, xx) Hebr. (autor eft Rabbi Smloraoh Ifiiaky Trevirenfis). Codex membranaceus, mudlus. xiv. 5709- Codex fieculi dccimi quart!. continens Pentateuchum Flebraicum, cum paraphrafi Chaldaica. Subnefluntur I.ecftiones Haphtaroth, et Libri Canticorum, Ruthte, 'rhreiiorum, Ecclefiaftte, et Efthcrjc ; cum Commen- tarijs integris R. S. Jarchi (v. 5708). Textui et Para- phrali .adjeefta I'unt pundta. In finecodicis habetur Interpretalionis Chaldaica: in Cantica Canticorum pars circiterdimidia; manu, m videtur, recentiore. Codex membranaceus, paginas habens 646. 5710 & II. Biblia Hebraica Integra, in folio, cum Notis Maforeticis parvis, et punflis. Frons cujufque libri aureis literis, et piauris pulchre exornatur. Codex membrana¬ ceus, elegans. Forma candelabri in priore tomo de- pingitur iid pag. 279. Hie paginas habet 526, fe- cundus i 140. 5712. Codex diartaceus, in cujus folio exteriore fcripttim eft. “ A. D. I 666. Ex dono doaillimi viri, et piurimum niihi colendi, Doc"' Rabbi Abendana, nunc cemporis ill Canrabiigia peregvinaniis.” Continet prteftantilTiinas Epiftolarum formas, ad omnium ordinein homines, prtcfcrtiin ad M.agnates, Ve- zirios, Minillros, et prsecipua: dignitatis Viros; quin et nonnulla mandatorum Imperialium Specirnina, fyngra- pharum etiam et contradtuum civiHum formulas, fecun- dum ufum Qiria: Othomanicte. Characlere Divani, manu elegnntiffima, qua; ad imitaiioneni Turcica; Calli- graphita ai. ipifeendu; caufa proponitur. Compadtus in eodein voluniine cum uumero fe- quente. 4 E Codex 90 Catalogus Librorum KlSS- Num. 57'3-^57-°- Num. 5721—5726. 5713-, Codex Hebraicus in folio, fed imperfeaus. Contmef preces quafdam vel benediaiones Judaicas, cum libro ToVs Hcbraice, )uxta Munfteri edinonem m Biblijs polvRlottis Londini editas; Item temph Judaici ab Amiocho Epiphanc contaminationcm, ei mltaura- tioncm, vel Maccabieorum hiaonatt\ Megilloth An- tiochi diaam; diverfa ratione ab qua; m libns apocryphis grarce exhibeiur, tradi'a. Anno 54745 Chrifli 1714, in ufum Sacrre congregatioms Londmi fcriptum. Codex membi auiicevis, elegans, compadus cum prtecedente. 573 + Tars T« Machaznr Judcuoruin, feu OlIiciumPrecum; quK carminibus rhyihmicis acr^6yu)i fxe'AiTxtt. 44 * 4. Socratis ad Judices Apologia, a Xenophonte. 53. 3. Xenophontis Agefilaus. 59. t 6. Xenophontis Hiero, 82. b. fequltur ad L i 01 - b. fragmenlum argument! in Tyrannicidam Luciani, quod perfede exftat ad p. 168. 7. Libanii Sophiftx Prolegomena de Demofthene. IC2. 8. Demofthenis Olvnthiaca, i. cum Argumc-nto. 105. b. -Olynthiaca fee'*". iii.b. jQ,_Olvnthiaca tertia. ji,-Philippica 1"“. , 126. b. 12, ——— de Pace, cum argumento Libanii. 136. b. _Philippica 2'‘“. cum argumento Li¬ banii. ’47- _de Halonefo, cum argumento Li¬ banii. '5 • de Rebus Cherfonefl, 149. cum argu¬ mento I.ib. 16. Luciani quxdam. Scilicet, Declamatio qux Ty- rannicida appellatur. 168. ly, - - ftwxJif'JjTSiUJva? ejufdem. I78. 18. -Imagine.s, ejufdcni. 193. b. Patrix Encomium. 204- b. Demonadis Vita. 207, b. Codex chartaceus bonus, folia habens 218.— C^iondam Ccllegii Agen. Soc.Jefu. 19. 20. ■ 5725 - Codex chartaceus, continens, X. Ariftophanis Plutum, a verfu 266. 2. Nubes ejufdem, cum Gloftis interlinearibuset mar- ginalibus; prxmittitur Hypothefis hujus Comoedia et lubneditur Hypothefis Ranarum. 3. Euripidis Hccubam, cum Gloflis interlinearibus et margiualibus : prxir.ifta funt quxdam de gencre Euri¬ pidis. 4. -- Eledram. Codex olim Collegii Agen. ut fupra. 5726. Cafliani E-ifli Geoponic..,.^ Libri 20. Codex charta¬ ceus. Circa finem fxculi declmi quart?, maximam Lartcm ferittvs. Liber primus ct ultimus, cum fol-o ^ .- e uno Bibliothecae Harleianse, 2.91 Num. 5726—-^5729. uno et dimidio lib. 19, manu recentlore exarati flint. Pnemittitur labula fingulorum librordm et capitum : Liber verofecundus manu veteri, U T^^ ttejI yiu^ylctt Kao-riaiia Bxirtra infcHbitur. OHlU Coll. Agen. 5727 - Codex chartaceus in quarto, continens Scholia Grasca in Rhapfodias A-T. Homeri lliados (ex nota Li- brarij cujufdain in fronte Codicis) tvpis inedita. Quod, fi de intcgris enunciatur, veruin vitletur; ex ijs vero cxccrpta ad verbuni occurrunt in Scholijs brevioribus vulgo exhibilis. Dubitationuni plemnique more pro- poiiuntur noftri codicis fcholia; ct in libro f no- tantur, aw«0iai, Iro^ixt, xal cni^.ei'x tx V. In aiijs autem libris notatio ell alia, ct bis vcl ter iounvoxi di- cuniur. ‘ xrV. Iia ad Iliada A. linea: 12 priores ufque ad verba xxlx cum Soholiis Didymi (vulgd dictis) coiifen- tium : turn procedit nofter —dvi ivuTri^ «UT*t 791, JjT&flfin,' y.’yoK- stXAwf te xxi -r^xy^ii'xn ir^ooi'fj.iov‘ x«l yac'p irfoo-sxTixiyV r,[j.x; xxi ruv iftnyne-is igyx^iTui. xxi Wf a'firsf larfsf, &C- Iterum. ad nomen’A;^iA«cf, incipit fcholiaftesnofter cum vulgito; turn fubjicit, 9 t. i't K»0wf \iyii, Ef pSi'fli- j^tXoro xxirai VXIiTTXV XWXf'd;, OykEXai ui^fxij'ryna-o-iv a^,\i'x fivfAi •x le. Excuticnda funt igitur htec Scholia, et o $ nova funt excerpenda. Codex faculi ut viJetur xiv. beni fcripcus; folia habct 89, ^ 5728. Codex Graecus chartaceus in quarto, fcriptus feciilo xv°. 1. Matthaii Camariotte Epitome Rhetorices cx fcriptis Hcrmogenis de A-le Oraforia. r. Titulus et initium traflatus conveniuilt cum Codice Bibliothecm Viiidebo- nenfis, qui defcrihirur apud NelTelium part, iv, pag. 161. Verbis autem, quae fequuntur, explicit noller codex. Toirauls! TTSpi Tm ZS^CyjlXVXfTjJ.xJatl, WJ E9 Spi^E? xxlx TOK i 7 riT 0 ,U 6 v TfileKi X'-yoii. TEXsf (TUK Aeu. 2. Libanij vita Demoflhenis, et quarundam ejufdem orationum Argumenta Grace; cum prcefatiuncula ad proconfulem Rlontium, qui Libanium dcfcribere ilia poltulavir. 3. Demofthenfs Orafio Olynthiaca priina. Cum Scholiis textui interpofitis. 4 * --Olynthiaca fecunda, cum Argumento, ct Scholiis. 70. Oratio imperfetta eft ad finem, et hiatum habet ad fol. 81. 5. Genus Libanij Oratoris Antiochai, Grace. 6. Libanii, Oratho Menelai ad Trojanos, in legatione pro Helena. 84. b. imperfecla. 7. nfp^(?pxV£W5. Incipit; pfaVi; if]. Explicit, fj-xn p*5tAis-a. Traitatus Chrifliani cujufdam, alia manu. 9 r. 8. Iraftatus, ITejI Incipit, riLv o-^r/xx'lui', TX fiix E.Vi xxV iiyoTxn. Explicit, Wf ixipixTn, axfosrcAfi ' : et paulb ante legitur, U 1 u^ tS £>£»-.« £op£»ii.iiiSi,. 107. Codex folia habet 114. Compa£lus cum num. 6875. Glim Collegii Agen. 5729. Codex chartaceus m 4*. didus, Elis Meniata: Petra Offenfionij; five de origine, caufiique fchifmatis inter ecclefiani oriemalem & occidentalem, deque quinque iliis, circa quas difi'ident, fententiis dilucida narratio 1714. Gr. Priemittuntur Operi, i. Effigiesfculpta Eli$ Me- niat^. 2. Epiltola Italica A.D. 1717. fignata, ^‘■Giacomo Pilarinod' Prrefatio a Francifeo Meniata, Aucloris patre. <{. Vita Audorij, qui obiic A.D. 17 14. 5. Li- Num. 5729—5734- Patriarchales et metropoliticat, quibus audlor magntfi Ecclefix qua; eft Conftantinopoli facer Concionator re- nunciatur. 6. lutera: Artenii, Patrariim metropolitK, quibus Au6lor Ccrnica; Epifeopus conftituatur. r. j Codex Chartaceus in 4“. in quo continentur, 1. Theodofii Gramniatica. Gr. xr. 2. Prolegomena artis. 3. Manuelis Mofcopuli Erotemata ad rein Gramma- ticarri fpetlatltia. Incipit, x^yr, trun Se^ *yiy rav Ej-vlEiptara'i' TW9 vxfx TA ffifiuTaTii xxl >.t>yiUTxTA xupia ra ptoir- X.ovihti Explicit, « lAzXXuu dxhu, xx'i tx Acittw xxtx TJ19 xxe\y.Siaii lii rCnrlu. 4. Mic. Syngeli Syntaxis, five de ordine orationis doftriiia. Deelle nonnulla videtitur in fine. 5. Dcclinationum et Conjugatidnum formula;. ^ 6. Prolegomena Canonum Theodofij, d-n-o 'j Olim Liber Collegil Agenenfis. 5737- [.5737 — 573 S- Ccdex mcmbvanaceus, qui continet Pfalmos Davidis, Gra;cc, cum Odis Sacris ufitalis. Liber degans. In folio cxteriore primo, ad finem, Iciipium tit atiamcnto humiditate fere cvanido, ErfAfiafiii tl —xp 9 ijaXT'/jMSk Jia yt'p^i IW2V9a isptui .... C't T-- XtTTc: rrji tiTpsxiiTicrf c-yi^z-ictp 070%,, pvisf Num. 5738—57+4- 5738- Codex chartaceus, Grtecus, Pfalmorum Davidis, com Odis Mofis, Anns, Abbakuk, Efaite, 3 liberorum, et Marian fragmento. Defunt cxtera. 5739- [5739 — 5745- 1. Syntfii, epifcopi CyrensEi, Oratio ad Thalelanum de Barbarurum ingreffu fub imperio Gennadii et Inno- centii. 2. F.jufdem Oratio ad Pa;onium Je dono Aftrolabi. 3. Ejufdem Kararaivif- 4. Ejufdem Homilia lecunJa. Onines Grrcc^. Codex chartaceus. Notantur in fine, vari$ lec- tiones, manu Covelli. 5740. Codex Joaniiis Thalafllni manu exaratus, qui continet Sylvcftri Syropuli hiftoriam concilii Florcntini, ab edha in plurimis locis difcrepantcm. Fronti_ ad- glutinntur J. Covdl 0 . D. manu exaraia epiftola Neflarii Patriarchs: Jtrofolymiiani ad Neophylum Adrianopolis metropoliram mida A.D. 1672. Gr$ce. Eadem manu annotantur quasdam in inUio, et in marginibus. Liber chartaceus. 5741. Codex chartaceus, feculi 16, exhiben» Giaminatica Grseca Conftantini Lafcaris. Titulus hifce verbL concipitur. ^ ‘fTTlTOjU^ TiV 6XT.0 piipUlV TS Xu')9'., XI. eVay-xjCv, vxpx xwkr*iT.’i3V nZ X» p*tav tv 6 atxlu. 5. Vita humana quid aliud ell quam ludus. 6. Avara Icrvat crallinas dapes menfa. A paper 4“ book. 5749 - [ 5749 — 575 ?- Oilm.] “ Impp. Romanorum Numifinatum Series, a C. Julio C®lare ad Rudolphum 11.—Addita ell breviter iplb- rum Vita, averfa pars nummorum ct eorundem ex- plicaiio per Levinum Hulfium.” Concordat cum £di- tione Franc. 1605. Numifmata elcganterdclineata, in charta. 5750- A Tranllation of Dr. Busby’s Greek Verfe Grammar into Englifh, as far as the end of the Verbs. With a co- piousTable of Greek Words, mentioned in the Gram¬ mar, prefixed in alphabetical order. 575^- Grammatica Latina vetulla manu exarata, in quatuor ad minimum partibus. Liber char'aceus, forfan f®cuii XIV. multa complt^ens peculiaria. C.-vT. H.\aL VoL. III. 5755- Arillotelis artis Logic® Compendium, Latinc. 5756. Libellus in eodem vol. compactus, cul titulus, “Ethic® Aruiotationcs in Golium, omnibus philofophi® lludiofis perquam utiles. Editio ultima, et nunc demum ab innumcris erroribus ab authore expurgata. 1632.’* Libriires; pagin® 162. ambolibelli chartacei. ^ 5757- Tra£latus de Jurifprudentia natural!. Libellus char¬ taceus. 5758. “ Analsfta, feu mifceliauea dudio juris Caefarci et pontificii, amico Juris Candidate tianf- uHifa. An Engliih Coliedtion, though it has the above Latin title. It occupies not a fixth part of the book the rell is blank. ’ 5759- Libellus chartaceus, continens opufcula varia, a Georgio .^dio conferipta. I. “ Definitiones et diviliones ex nfoXtyoixivois in Arillotelis Logicam excerpt® ad memoriam juvandam A.D. 1653.” 2.. “ Definitiones et diviliones ex prolegomenis inPor- phyrii utrixyu-yny excerpt® A.D. 1653. Georgius iEdius.’* I2» 3. “ Dcf. et Div. ex proleg. in librum Categoriarum Ariflot’. A.D. 1653.’’Nomen hie feribitur Adius. 33. 4 - ' cx iti librum de Interpretatione. S' - -^ libris priorum Analyticoruni. 77. 6. Compendium omnium capitum libri 2. priorum Analyticorum. gg 7. Defin. et div. ex prologis in 8 libros Topicorum. 8' " ■ ■ ex librrs Soph. Eleiich. 93. 4 9. Compendium i 94 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5759—5764. 9. Cnmpendium Metaphyfic®, definitionibus, divi- fionibus et aliis afTeSionlbus comprchenfujn, d, magiftro Jac.Wifniano virodot^o diditatura. 103. 10. Caput primum libi'i Metaphyficorum. DeDi- vlfione eivis in fubftantiam et accidens. 163. 11. D-finitiones et divifiones ex libro de Sph$ra de- fumpta. In lib. Joaimis dc Sacrobofco, aSy. Hadcnus in anno 1653. 12. Definidoncs et diviftonrs ex prolegomenis in lU brosde demonftratione dcfumptte. Feb. 25. A.D. 1654. 205. 13. Definiiio-'CS et divifiones ex libro fecundo ruv defumptce- 229. 1^,. __ ex :o libris Eihicorum et prinio ad Nicomachum. -41- 1^,_ex 2”. &c. Nicom. 247. ad 270. i6. Compendium llbri priini ^uo-.xiJK axp«»,uaTixi.'x. a m. Ja. Wifmano didatum, el a me G. A. confcriptum, 271. Idbri fecundi Comp. p. 284. teriii 293. Poll: pagii.am 100 centenarius numerus faipe per- pcram fcripCus eft, paging: autem ab jpfo audore. 5760. [5760, 5761. Duodecimo.'] ilaximi Tyrii Platonici differtationes mors'es 41 ; Gr^c^. Fere fecundum Ordinem Ed. Reifidana:, nifi quod 4“ poft 40“ infeiatur. Codex chartaccus forfan fa:culi XY. 5761. An exquifitcly beautiful MS. on Vellum, containing the poetical Works of Petrarch, with complete Indexes of the Contents. The principal divifions of the Work richly illuminated. The capital Letters painted or gilt throughout. The Works ftand in this order, 1. The Triumphs; viz. of Love, of Chaltity, of Death, of Fame, of Time, of Eternity. 2. The Sonnets, Canzoni, &c. 367 in number. After the word Finis, in a neat, but very inferior hand, is written, “ II di s’apprelTa et non puote effer lunge, Si corre il tempo et vola, Virgine unica et fola, El cor hor confeientia hor morte pugne Racommandami al tuo figliolo, vcrace Homo, et verace idio. Ch’accolgo il mio fpirito ultimo in pace.” No date appears, but it is probably of tlie i6th Century. The arms in the full illumination are eight torteaux, or roundlets, gules, on a fiiield or, difpofed two, three, two, & one. 5762. [^5762. 0 ^ava.'\ Codex membranaceus, continens Horas beats Virginis, cum pkluris et ornamentis marginalibus. i’iduras grandicres 14, mulca cura elaborate. Defunt in Ca- lendario Menfes Martius, Aprilis^ SepUmber, et Cala¬ ber, Calcndarium Gailice feriptum. 5763- ^•^763—5767. Duodecimo.'] A book of Devotions in French, beautifully written on vellum, in Roman hand, but unfiniftied: Several of the Illuminations being only fketched in outline, and many initial Letters not filled up. But the Sketches are much fuperior to the finifhed Paintings; the for¬ mer being free, the latter ftiff & hard. By the Ca¬ lendar, it appears to have been begun in J574* 5764. Codex membranaceus. folia habens 100; ubi occurrnnt. 1. Pfalterium B. Hitronimi piefbyteri. i. 2. I I ■— S. Auguftinij cum Oratiouibus. 26. Num. 576.4— Officium breve ad reverenttam raortuorum. 69. flora: de Sanda Trinitale. 77 Horic alia:. Si. Ad propriiim Angclum. 87. Salutatio facie Chi'ilLi. 97- Secliones picluris ornantur; et margines omnes delineationibus in ftylo quern dicunt ingenio- fillime ridiculis, juxta modulum pktoruin Btlgicorum. aEtas non nocacur, at vix fupra latculum xvi. 5765. Codex membranaceus, qui continet Hymnos, cum Ll- lania, precibus, et Calend.'rio. Videtur pr^j titulo habeie '‘Speculum SanQorum tuorum.” xv. 5766. Oificium B. Virginis elegan:er feriptum in membrana, cum litulis Gallicis. 5767- The rranflition ufua'ly called W.ckhft’s, of .St. Luke £c St.John’s Golpels. Writit”- VAlum in iwo co¬ lumns. (See N" 2309.) Both havt J.iomt’s Prologue, & omit that of St.Luke hirnfelf. O I the outtr leaf, Lord Oxford has written, “This was fent me by Mr. Oldifwurih.” xv. 5768. [3768—“lyyi- Sexto-decimo.'] Upon Vellum, the Epiftlrs of St. James, Peter i. & 11. the 3 Epifties of St.John, the Epiftle of St. Jude JJC the Revelation, after WicldiftVs Tranflation. xv. 5769- Codex membranaceus eleganter feriptus. cui tiiulus, “ Calendaiium ecclefiafticum, quo ecclefia a Con- cilio Nicsno u'q; ad anni correifionem 1582 fatlam ufa eft Quo etiam hodie utuntur omnes ecclella: Chriftianx, qus Caltndarium Gregorianum non ad- milTcrunt.” Sequuutur alia I'atis utilia. Scilicet. 1. De annis -tftrononiicis. 27. 2. De annis politicis. 2n. 3. Calcndarium Julianum. ib. 4. Errorcs in Calendario Juliano. 30. 5. Calendarium Gregorianum. 31. 6. De annis Lunaribus politicis. 7. De menfibus Allronomicis. g. ■■ „ Politicis. 34 - 35- 37 - 3 «- 39 - 40. 44. 46. 49 - JO- 9. De Diebus. JO. De Horis. 11. De Intercalcatinne. 12. De Cyclis five Periodis. 13. De fpocha five sera. 14. De Pafeha. 15. De reliquis feftis mobilibus. Ib. Tabulm Aureorum numerorum, See. 17. Invenire tetatem Lunre, &c. cum Signis, &c. 59, Sequuntur Anglice, 18. The Mariner’s Compaf?. 59. 19. A Tide Table, and Explanation. 60. »o. Englifh Meafures. 63. *1. Length & Breadth of England. 64. 22. Scales of I.edgues. 65. 23. Weights, Meafures, &c. Co. 24. Englifh Shires. 6g. 25. Bifhopsof England &: V7ales. 70. 36. Degrees of Men before the Conqueft. 71. Scriptum a Johanne D. Finch, pro Jacobo Duce Eboracenfi, ut liquet ex Epigrammate Latino Dode- cafticho, quod in folio titulum pricccdcnte feriptum eft. XVII. 577°- A Calendar of the Attic Year. A fmall paper book* A Roman Calendar is begun but not continued. J BIbliothecse Harlcianae, ^9S Num. 5771—57^5. 5771- thin Boole upon Vdliim, intitled, “ Elevation dcs Kauv, par toiite forte de Machines, reduite a la mefure, au poids, et a la balance. Prefeniee a fa Majede tres ebredienne par le Chevalier Moriand Ceiuilhomnie ordinaire de la Chambre privec, et Maidre des Mechaniques du Roy de la Grande Bretaigne i6S^.” The whole is preceded by Tables of Weights, Meafures, &:c. At page 35, begins what feenis to be one of the fi d S'eps made towards the art of working I y Sream. It has a fcpaiate title, which is this, “ I,es Principes de le nouvelle force de Feu ; in- ventee par le Chev' Moriand I’an 1682, et prefentce a faMajedd tres chreilienne J6S3.’* The author thus veal'ona on his principle. “ 1 /Ean eflant evaiwree par la force de Feu, ces vapours demandenr Incontinent une plus grand’efpace [environ deux niille fois] que I’cau n’occupoicc (lie) aupuravant, et plus toll que d’etre toujours emprifonnees, feroient crever une piece de Canon. Mats edanc bien gouvernees fdon les Regies de LaStatique ei Science reduites a la Mefure, au Poids et a la Balance, alors elles portent paifiblement Icurs Fardeaux [comtne des bons Chevaux] et ainfi fervient elles du grand ufage au gendre humain, particulierement pour I’elevation dcs Faux.” Then follow a Table of Weights to be thus railed by Cylinders half full of Water, according to their diameters. The book is written in elegant charaClers, with Letters coloured, giit, fit other Ornaments. It contains only 34 pages. The Marquis of Worceder’s hint was publilhed in 1663, but little noticed. The author of .this bock was Sir Samuel rland, author of feveral publidied Wot ks. & mentioned in the Phil. Tranf. xol. i\. p 25. Capt.Sarery had his Patent for the fame Invention in 16(^9. In a Book publifned at Paris in 1685, Moriand alludes to experi¬ ments Ihewn by him at St. Germains, in 1683. Amon- tons propoled, fomething like it in 1699. Mcm.de t’Acad. 5772- [S 77 =—5784- Quarlii.} Codex membranaceus, qui continet Pentatcuchuin He- braicum cum Chaldaica paraphrafi et commencario R. Sal.Jarchi. PunSa fubjefta funt Pcntateucho et Targuin. Codex fumma elegantia feriptus, paginas habens 449. Fortefatculi xvi. . 5773. 4. & 5- Biblia Hebraica Integra, in 3 Tom. membranaceis in 4". olim_ penes Jo. Covellum S.T. P, Cantabrigienfem, ele- ganti maniicxarata circaannumJudaicum5i56,Chri{H 1396, in Callilione d’Amphora, per Eldram filium Jacob filium Adaret, additis per toturr. Notis Mafore- ricis, et punftis. Tom. t. continet Genefin, Exodum, Leviticum, DcutCTouomium Sedtiones Haphtaroth, Libros Rutha:, Cantici Canticorum, F.cclefiada;, Lamentationuin Je- remia:, Edherse. Paginx 489. 'lorn. 2. Libros Joflius, Judicum, SamucUs ac Regmn utrumquc, Ifaix, Jeretnix, Ezechielis, Hofete, joclls, Amofi, Obadix, Jona;, Mlcha:, Nahumi, Ha- bacuci, Sophonia;, Ilaggxi, Zacharix, Malac.hix. pp. 641. Tom. 3. Librum Ruthaj, Pfaltcrlum, Pfoverbia, li- brsjobi, Ecclcfiadffi, Canrtci Canticorum, Lamenta- tionum Jeremite, Danielis, Hederx, Ezrx, Nehemxi, Chronicc-ruin utrumque. p. 436. Schtdia formis variis in inargine adferipta. Vide amictara a Covcllo ad linetn tenii Toini; Num. 5776—5778. ^ De Codd. hifee VUe Epiaolam Covcili ad Wafl. lelum 3780. 63. 5776 - Codex CovelHanus primtis, i Millio deferiptns In Proi legomenis 1481. Codex eft membranaceus, et continet Evancelia oiia- Wor.^ Praemittuntnr, literis rubris, Epiftols Eufebii ad Carpianum, cum ejufdem Canonc, et tabula j et iubjung.intur cuilibet Evangelio (praeier Johanni cu- jus ul.ima verba recenti manu fuppleta funi) communes Liber ut Covelb vifus eft, optimx not®, et- n de ecrate nihil pronunciare vuluit. Anteinmum Matthxi feriptum ell, CovelH manu, rwai-vflf t KwotAoj fit.Ai'ytr, rnr iu Kuyr •i/'JivowJXf ex'HXGf BflfTanxJij (iirar dyitiy ttxo-^x rtX[io$y iy ru /xjiycXeyi'u, Dcfunt lines ultims circa feptem, et quod pejus eft nota tem- pori*. Apparet pars vocis lypxfii. Codex folia habet 227. 5778. Codex Covcillanus quintus, etiam Sinalticus Millio diaus inProlegg. 1488. Inprimo folio feriptum eft a Co- vclla Sin. pro Skiaitico, et infra Cov. 5. pluni^ tranf- verfa obduClura ; cujus rei caufa in verbis hifee Mil- lianis apparet. “ Quinto Sinaitici nomen impofitum volebat Amicus meus pereruditus (Covelius); quippe quod olim ad asdiculam aliquam facram in crepidine inontis iftiuspofitam pertinuerat.” Signavit etiam Co- vellus nota qus in aliis ejus libris nonnullis apparet, fcilicet “Luceo 9 JA"p'' 676.” pro 1676. Deferiptio a Millio fic datur. “ Exemplar eft inembranaceum in 4% peflime jam olim habitum, et madore tantopere corruptum ac vitia- tuin, ut perierit plane ipfuispars maxima. Mutiluui eft prope finem, ad verba dipiui i Qw, &c. Incipit autem ad Acl i. V. 20. ifta, A«»oi srspof. Continebat initio afla Apoll. Epiftolas onines, et Apocalypfin.” Exempia fubjecit Millius Leaionum in hoc codice infigniorum 5 Grielbachius ignorafl'e videtur. diodes Z 96 Catalogus Librorum MSS, Num. 5778—5784. C( dex folia habet 156. Capita hodiema Aftuum In marp'ne notata a Covello. Definunt ad fol. rjS. Se- qi un ui EpiflolasCatholic£e,a.Tacoboincipicntcs.Occurrit, ad f 55- Prologus Euthalii Diaconi in Epiftolas Paulinas, turn vero ipfe Epiftola;. f. 60. b. Apocalypfis mcipit ad f. 139. Clauditur verbis tu iro^faj ^r,^ dyi'tf, k »1 — in verfu 19 capitis 22 ; ut defit niliil prseter daos verficulos ; at multa in pag’na ullima legi vix poffunt. Folia dim in margine infcriore notata numeris Craicis, ita ut hi.''us vix detegi pofllnt. Loca madore corrup- uiTi,! a perfefte aperiri nequcuiit, nifi fumma cura adhi- bit 3 . nec fcnipcr etiam adhibiia. Codex, ut conjici potcft, fasculo circiter 12* fcriptus. xn. 5779- Codex merabranac us qui titulum prs fe fert, Sepher (i.e. Liber') Colri, a Juda^o Hiipamco R. JehudaLe- \ita compofuuR in honorera regis vocati Coi'ar, im¬ primis fermone Arabico, circire*-annum 1140; nunc veto in Hebrseum vtrfu.s a R. Judafilio 'I'ibbon. An- notatiooes characlere curfivo Judaico feriptm. 5780. Codex mcmbranaceus, continens hr-ras bealte Virginis picluris & omamentis marginalibus depiftis decoratus, pra;miil'o Calendario. Codex elegans, cum rubricis ct precibus nonnullis Gallice fcripiis. 5781- Codex alter membranaceus, qui continet Horas beatm Virginis, cum Calendario; et picturis decoratus. Liber elegans, et in Gallia fcriptus, ut precedens. 5782. Menologium Grarcum, cum legendis Sanflorum longi- oribus, incipiens in die 3 Menfis Septembris, ct con- linens Oclobrem et Novembrem_ completes. Sub- jun'^is additionibus fuper tres paginas. Codex chartaceus. ex iis qui Colleg. Agen. per- tinebam Continet folia 242 ut numeratio foliorum Grsca in margine infcriore 243 indicat. Scilicet amif- ■fum eft folium poft 14, ubi liceras iJ numerals fequun- lur If. Numeratio eft alia, figuris Latinis, in fuperiore margme medin, at falfa. Codex forte fasculi dccimi quarti. xiv. 5783- Codex chartaceus Grarce compofitus, qui continet Dif- fertationcs cede lafticas Simeonis ThefTalonicenfis, qui floru t circa annum 1420. quarum capitula hie fe- quuntur. Contra atheos & alias hxrefes—de cere- moniis facris de fanedo bapufmate—de fando chrifmate—de fando unguento—de facris liturgiis et aliis officiis—de templo fando et ejus confecraiione—■ de fuffragiis facris—de veftimentis facris—de Epifeopi creatione— de refipifcenria—de nupciis legitimis—de divina precatione—de fepultura—templo fando et omnibus ad id periincntibus, facerdotibus, diaconis, pontificibus, &c. In initio feriptum eft i^^afia-xls i wp'Jnv TVS Kuj arJAswf xvpiof Aiinvinsf fx'jyx^un i» TV dyi» A»Jpa t» "'Afleoyof *^ 77 ' Scnp- tus eft codex, ut liquet ex fubferiptione, A. D. t6oi. xvn. 5784. Codex membranaceus qui continet quatuor Evangelia Grtecc, cum Eufcbii Canonibus, Menologio, &c. Co¬ dex recens, et bene fcriptus. Scriptura Num . 5790. fimilima. xV. Kum. 578_;—5791* 5785- [ 5781 —579J- «“■] ,, . Codex membranaceus qui continet Lvangeiiftarmm, Grmce. Codex fplendidus. x. Ad finem hoc i'eftimonium legitur manu Alex- andri Zacagnii. “Ego Laureutins Alexander Zatagnius Vatican® Bibliothtc® prafedus cedieem huiic a feptin- gentis & amplius auuis feriptum futile faicor. Rom® lo die Martii A.D. 1699.” Piduras habet, et rrnamenta f.-dionibus prxfixa, et liferas in primis fedionum pnginis deaumtas, er c®- tera qu®cod;cem melioris not® ii.v!ieunt. Liter® cur- fiv® at grandiufcul®. Codex paginas habet 719. Con- ferri debet cumnumero, 559^*. 578 fa. Pfalterium trilingue fcil. Grtecum, T ati-um, Arabicum, columnis rar-1!^ :' c^iytutn. Codex mer^'' • imculi dimderimi. Anni nota apparet in pagina ultima, fed prj’6 cv..'.iJa. At- teftadoneautemconfirmara hanc fulfe. “ Duit cbC.L'jj Jnd.'9'« Jjiiuapu die odavo die mepeuj-ii.” i,e. 115;. “ We are of op-nion that the above Copy is the true reading of the date in the oppofitc page. '1 ho. Birch. W. Watlon.'’ Idem de anno teftatus eft. In codicis initio, A.G. i. c. Andrew Gidard. Libr. B. M. xii. 5787- Evangeliftarium Infigne, literis grandioribus feriptum, et Woidioii't'ranti^uiores citatum, inPraifationead'l'eft. Alex. p. XV. a. .‘.Jeeabrimile, quoad literaruin formas, Num. Harl.559 cujus fpecimen dedit idem, in tabula Prsfationi prsetiAf.. Nonnuila inilio amiffa et alia mutila : ruftant tamen folia omnino 213. Codex membranaceus, faxuli, nt conjicitur, undc- cimi. xt. 5788. Codex chartaceus Grmeus, cui Titulus, Ti V XtyM Itfuf vpe( T V offiMTOTSy firTpsutAiTny Ku^i'xou, h Tu vctip'M Tuy TTiip»T/*uS) ^r.TVf^ssTUSf its dpiSuiv rptxxefftm fuyTiiyc'ylwv {wi'Aueiy uilifdfAit'tK, ScriptUS manu Joliannis Jona, 1720. 5789- Nedarii Patriarch® Hierofolvmitrini Thefes de Pap® imperio. Gr®ce. Prmmifti'; Iconibus Petri et Jacobi Apoft'". et titulo omato. liber chartaceus. 5790- Codex membranaceus, venufta manu exaratus, anno 1478; qui continet Evangelia Gr®ca piduris illumi- nata. Abreptum eft folium fecundum, quod Mat- th®i Ap. imagioem habuit. xv. 579 r- Liber chartaceus Grscus, diligenter fcriptus, et rubricis diftindus. anni 1682, ut ex fubferiptione liquet. Con¬ tinet annotationes in Pfalmos ex parribus Gracis colledas a Niceta Seirenfi, qui feripfit etiam Catenas in Propbeias, &c. In primo folio feriptum eft ix rdn T8 xayfayl'm xettravv^vvis. Titulus Gr®cus hie eft. Svyaywyn i^xyvfiut’f diXOcpuiff xa* (i; ritv £i'G7.oy Twy ffiXAtytt'iftt v^pd rej tipurdro^j fj,r,Tpe-B-BfitTcv vpxx?.". xvp. Nix«'t»T 3W Te-j trfppiiy. XVir. Inferuit manus recentior, ante Inirium textus Graci, procemium, et notas in Plalmum, primum Latin^ verfa"?, et ad fincm procemii fubferipfu, “ 17° Julii 1705,” Ti¬ tulus fic Latine redditus. Catena Bibliothecae Harleianae, .i97 Num. 57gr—5795. “ Catena (fcripferat prime conget ies) Expofitionum e divcrfis patribus et magiftris in Librum Pfalmoruin, collefta aSandifl''"” Metropolita Heraclea; Domino Niceta Seuenfi." De auflore nonnulla annotavit manus adhuc recen- tior, in priino proceinii folio. 579^* Codex mcmbranaceus vetus; at vix, quantum conjecit quidam C. M. (forte Carolus MortonJ ftcculi feptimi: quod autumavit e.x fpecimine apud Mabillonium р. CoiTipleflitur, I. GlolTariLini Grtcco-Latinum, fecundum ordinem literanim Gra:carum. i.b. с. labulas noniinum X-atinorum, qua: diverfo genere ac Cra’ca ejufdein fignifieationis ufurpantur. 240. 3. “ Sinonumu (fie) Lli Ciceronis de copia Lingua: Latintu.” 250. 4. Ad fol. 2C6. b. feriptum eft “ + InUp glofia Syno- niina Ciceronis,” fed pagina: duse fequuntur vp.cute, In- cipit colleiftio vocabuloram udf.aby.b. fed plura habeas barbara; forfau fequioris a:vi quani vocabularium, quanivis multum cOnlentiat feriptura. 5. Medica qua:dam f. 272. foil, de Medicina, ex Hip- pocrate ; AntiJutorum, unguentoruni, Ac. confecltoiies, mulfis barbatis vocabulis confperfas ut fol. 275. eft, “AdBatteiura cordis,” Ac. Conftat Codex oflonariis plerumque plagulis, literis numeralibus Romanis ad finein cujufque fignatis. Plagula vero xviiii tranfpofita eft poft xx ct xxi, quod figuris rubris in notatione noftra foliorum dif- tiuguitur. Optime cenfervatus eft hie codex, et certe dlgnus qid exadius expendatur. Liber oliin “ Ilofpitalis S. Nicolai juxta villam Cufa, in oppofito beati Raphe) fituati.” 5793- Codex mcmbranaceus Continens Breviarlum Romanum, literis Gothicis ; cum Kalendario et Antiphonis. Praunittuntur, fuper folium additum exterius, Orationes Papa; Sixei IV, pro Rege Angliaa Henrico Vi. et alia;. Super folia duo Kalendario fubjeda, feripta font de fenedute qumdam, Jofephi Hiltorici Verba de Chrifto, et Epillola Leniuli fpuria, manu receniiore. xv. 579+- [^794. Codex chartaceus, cui titulus, Liber didus Seder Rofli Halhana, i. e. Ordo precum pro anni principio, Hebraicc. - Rubrica; ampliorcs quanr in libris imprefiis, & habet prmterca nonnullas precaiiones jhylhinicas, qutr non exftant in imprelfis. Pidurs cmatus gratis, fed rudes oinnino, additse funt. Scripfit codicem Mofes Bill, filius Joda; anno mundi 5379. Xi. 1519. XVI. Folia exteriora 4 menibranacea funt, el multo ve- tuftiora, Hebraice feripta. 5795* [S795. S79S- ».] Liboi" cliartaceus, pars inajoris libri, cum foliorum notcc incipiant d 239: procedunt ad 337. 7. Eplftola Jamblici, cum hoc titulo rubrica pido, “ Toj fcUTou fir T)!k fuTiroXrij' s-opfL'piou,” Unde apparent alia Jamblici praivilTe. 2. Abatnonis magilfri Epiftola ad Porphyrium fic in- fenpta “ \ZiiAUvoi StSarfxxKo air^xpurir xai Ik xCrn ds 7 opn/*aluy ^uirif.’’ Dubia ha;c de Myfteriis iEgvptiorum agunt, ct Epif¬ tola ad finem libri extenditur. xv. Ca’i'. II.vrl. Vul. Ill, Num. 5796—5800. 5796. Code.x mcmbranaceus, Smyrna; emptus a Bernardo I\Iould 1722. Continct NovumTeftamentum prstcr Apocalypfin. Poft Adus Apoftolorum primum locum occupant Epiftolse Catholics, deinde Paulinae. bub- jicitur Evangeliis Tabula ledionum, et alia ad finenl Libri. Codex, ut apparet, fteculi decimi quinti, veniit, ut ex fubfcripiione liquet, Junio 17, i537j afpris 500 — Folia habet 323. xv. 5797 - [5797- 1. Liber Jobi cum commentario RaS. Levi Ben Ger- fon. Scripta a Menahcm Virag, in urbe Aquiia, A.D. 1410. 2. Canticum Canticorum, cum Commentario Em. manuelis fill Solomonis. Scriptum a Menahcm. 3. Mofis, fiiii Salomonis Aben Tibbon, in Canticum Canlicorum Commentarii Introdudio, deficit autem Commentarius verfu fecundo. Scripta ut fupra. Codes membranaceus. 5798- An Heraldical Book in folio, written in feveral hands, containing, 1. A brief Account of our Engllfh Njbilify, from be¬ fore the Conqueft to Q. Elizabeth, with their Arms for the moft part tricked in the Margin. 2. “ The Ordenances & Statuts whiche weare made by the righte heighe & puiffante Prince Thomas of Lan- cafter Sonne & Brother to righte noble Kings of England 8c of France, Duke of Clarence, Counte de Aumarle, great Senefchall of Eyngland, 2c Conftable, 2cc. for re- fonnatiun 2c good goveniment in the office of Armes.” 30 pages, preceded 2c followed by many blaitk leaves. 5799- A thin folio, containing the Defcent 2c Pedigrees of feveral Families in the County of Hereford with their Anns tricked, 2c an alphabetical Index at the end. 35 leaves. 5800. A Book of Pedigrees & deeds, in folio, containing, 1. Stemmata 6f propagationes famili^ dignilliini viri Johannis Hawes decivitate Londini Armigeri. i. 2. The Defcent 2c Kindred between Richard Caftell, Student in St.John’s College in Oxford, 2c Sr.Thoraas White founder of the faid College, being defeended of a Brother &c Sifter who were children of John Kible- whltc of Somhfawley in Com. Berkes hi the 12th year of Ken. VII. 2. b. 3. The Pedigree ofjohn Delalynd; with a certification of his Arms by Wm. Dethick, York Herald, and after¬ wards Garter King at Arms, dated Feb. 20th 1577. 3 .b. 4, 5. 4. The Pedigree of W'" Yeates of Chaniey in com. Berks. 5’ 5. A Grant of Robert Arnold to FremunJ de A(he- rioge of a piece of Land in Eft-Hyda, See. Dated Sc figned at Luton in 1 ith year of Edw. iv. 7. 6. A Grant and Delivery of John Giraue to William Freeman Son of Thomas Freeman, a Mefi'uage 2c Yard- Land with Meadow & Pafture lying in the I'own 8c Field of Ebryghton, Ac. Dat. Sep. 1. in the 4th year of Edw. IV. 7- 7. A Grant of John Freeman to Alyce Stryng of a Dwelling Houfe in Campeden, &c. dat. i Feb. m the 25th year of Hen. vi. ° 4 G 8. A Power Catalogus Librorum MSS, 298 ISTum. 5800, 5801. 8. A Power of Attorney granted by Tho. Haftyng & Fekcia his Mother to John Thommes to put John Freeman of Ebryghton in pofleflion of a Dwelling Houfe in Campeden, &c. dated in the i4th year of Hen. vi. 8. 9. Releafe from Alice Stryng to John Freeman, dat. 26th of Hen. VI. ^ 8. 10. A Confirmation of Tho. Hallyng & Felicia his Mother to John Freeman, of the Houfe in Campeden, dat. 25th Hen. VI. 11. A Bond without any condition of Laurence Ker- ver & Hugh Deacon to Will'. Freeman & Will . Blake- well for 4 Marks, dat. 12th June, 19th of Edw. iv. y.b. 12. A Bond of W”. Robyns & others tq Will'. Free- man for one Pound. 1^. A general Releafe from ’Iho. Potyle & Eliza¬ beth his Wife to Will'. Freeman. 8. 14. A ConvCTance from Will'. Freeman of a Dwel- ling-houfc in Campeden to John Lidfey. 8. b. 15. A Bond of Will'. Freeman to John Lidfey for 201. 8.b. 16. The Pedigree & Arms of Thomas Freeman of Ebiyghton in Com. Gloue. Signed by the Heralds. q. b. to. II. a. 17. The Pedigree & Arms of Will'. Hardwike of Haidwvcke in the County of Derby. 12. iS. The Pedigree & Arms of Sr. John Lceke Kt. Lord of Gotham. 12. b. 13. ig. Id.-Bennet Penclad of Kilfigin in the County of Monmouth, who gave much Lands to the College of St. Auguftihe near Briftol. Signed by the Heralds. *5' io. A Patent from Will'. Segar',- Garter, for fup- porters to be added to the Arms of Sir John Vaughan of Golden Grove in the County of Carmarthen, on his being created Baron Vaughan of Molingar in the King¬ dom of Ireland. ^ 7 - 21 The Antis of Henry Aland of Crook in the County of Waterford Efq;-of John Benbow of Newport in the Co. of Salop. —— of 1 homas Billings Citizen of London. - of the Family of Prodc al s Prowdc of Kent.-of the Family of Drywood of Effei, --of Edw. Bridgman of Livefiey hi the Co. of Lancaftcr. _ 20. 21. 22. 21. A Note with refpeft to the Perquifitcs belonging to the Maftcr of the Horfe al the funerals of our former Kings. 23 The Arms & Pedigree of William Mundy Gent. te Subdean of the Chapel to Q. Elizabeth. 22. b. 24. Id.-Chfiftopher Sympfon of Hunthoufc m the Co. of York defeended from that Name & Family originally in Noitinghamlh. 23. 25. The Arms 5c Crell of Wm. Davies of Haver- fordweft Gent. ^3* h- 26. The Patent for the Creation of Sir John Vaughan of Golden Grove in the Co. of Carmarthen Kt. to the Stile & Dignity of Baron Vaughan of Molingar in the Kingdom of Ireland. 27. Defcent & Arms of Andie. Then follow many blank leaves. 28. The Genealogy & Arms of David Parry of Noiath in the Co. of Cardigan, See. Lfq. 94-9S* 29. Stemmata Sc Profapia autiquiffimae ctariflimmq; femiliiE Lunsford de l.unsford in Com. Suffexia. 307. b. 314- 30. Stemmata Sz Profapia. Src. familux Tichbornio- rum eos ducentia a Rogero 'I ichborne milite, Domino de Tiebbome in com. Soulhamptonia: qui floruit fub rege Henrico II. 320. b. 325- 31. An alphabetical LUf of the Names of Perfons in this Book. 5801. This and the enfuing Number contain a Catalogue of Knights made by Charles n. with their Pedigrees; 26. 28. Num. 5S01—5804. Collefied by Peter Le Neve. The prefent has tins Title, written in his hand. “ A Catalogue of Knights made from the firfl; year of the Reign of Charles the 2d, during ail his Reign, thofe of James the 2d, King William, Sc Queen Mary, with their Pedigrees, collected by Peter le Neve, Rouge- croix Purfuev' 7th Augufk 1696. In 2 Volumes.” The Author has added thefe curious Mottos. “ Rem nullam peragit Leneviusj incipit omnem.’* “ Heraldrv a Study which only loads the Memory, without improving the Underlfanding.” The Vol. contains 163 leaves, befides many loofe Papers inferted, & an Index of Names. 5802. Vol. 2d. with this Title. “ The 2d Volume of Pedigrees of Knights made by Charles the 2d,beginning with the yeari683 April uth; Collefled by Peter le Neve, Rouge Croix purfuevant of Arms, Anno Dmi 1696, & continued during the reigns of King James the 2d and King William the 3d k Queen Mary, & King William alone, & Queen Anne.” Only 93 written leaves, with an Index. NB. Many of the Papers in thefe two Vols. are original Documents. 5803. An Heraldieal Book in Folio reprefenting Coats of Arms blazoned, and cklTed under the principal Ordinaries of, CrolTes, Chiefs, Bends, Fefles, Bars, Chevrons, Pales, Efcocheons, Saltiers, Canton*, Borders, &: Quarterings, &c; and alfo under the principal bear¬ in'^, digeSed under their feveral heads alphabetically. Anno 1609, k divided by Roger Kemyfs. There is added a Lift of all the Lords & Knights in the time of Henry iii. ' ■— Alfo a Lift of the Knights in every Shire in England in the time of Edw. i. k Edw. II. copied out of a very old Manufeript in French. 580+. A Paper book in folio, containing various Matters, in different hands, relating to feveral Counties. There are feveral parts foliated or paged, but no numbers regularly continued throughout. 1. The tirft Article begins with fol. 11. On the outer- leaf oppofite is written this Notice. “ Memorandum, quod ifte liber compofitus fuit et compilatus de divcrfis Inquifuionibus ex officio captis tempore regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici. Et pc con- tenta in eodem libro pro Evidentiis habentur hie in Scac- cario et non pro Recordo.” This Article confifts of two books, in ihefirji of which are contained the matters refpeSing the Counties of Kcnt^ Sarry, Southampton, Bedford, Bucks, IJex, Hertford, Norfolk, Sttffolk, Lincoln, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Middhfex, Tork, Cumberland, Lancafier, Wcjlmoreland. Of which, & a Tradl relating to various Counties, a Lift is given in the fame page, with re¬ ferences. Book 2. treats of Nottingham, fJerb)-, Nor¬ thampton-, Rutland, Worcefler, Salop, Steward, Hereford, Glouceficr, Wai-wick, Leicejler, Oxon, Berks, Wilts, So- merfet, Dorfet, Devo7i, Cornwall, with a complete alpha¬ betical Index of names at the end. In all 117 leaves. 2. Exiracks out of the Regifter of the Abbey at Bath & other Records. Here begins a new order of pages. 9- 3. Exemplar diplomatis Stephanl regis Anglorum m gratiam Henrici Winton Epifeopi pro Manerio de Sud- tone inefcambium Manerii deMordona. 17. 4. Recordacio & recognitio Henrici II. _ 21. 5. The Names of thofe who advifed the publication of the Charter of King John in Ronemede. 29. 6. The Names of the Nobility in the Barons War under Hen. iii. 3^* 7. Certificationes Bibliothecas Harleianae. ^99 ^Tuhi. 5H04. 7- Certlficationes fa£tas de feodis niilitum tempore regisHen.ii. -17—81 %en follows an alphabetical Index to this Article. 8. Dc^s, Grants & Privileges with Seals, & Seals lingly. Begirtnmg again with p. 11. The Anns neatly h f i. ■’‘■‘''-■'■8“ "’■A Seals annexed; fai-d tobe“ m thefirfl.Box,” The firft leaf marked a. • ‘ °'c u ■ J^'n'onftrance to the Pope, complajn. mg of his infringement of the privileges of the K. of Jangland m regard to the King of Scotland, dated at Lin- coin lefeb. 1300. Which Letter was fubfcribcd by Sd Perlonsofthelirft rank in the Kiligdoln, & here all their Seals are annexed. j2 . -.1, continued the Grants & Privileges with Seals. i8. The Lift from the fecond Box begins r. 21. the third, f. 25. b. “ II. TheDefcentofChrinian the Rclia ofWiirm Maundevilc E. of Eflexfrom Rob. de Valoniis. Marked i-x colleft. R. GIou. Somerfett." 26 - « ■ in the Churches of Ferfeild & Wctiiig mNorf & Tendringe Chapel in the Parih of Stoke Neyland in Suff. 26 b 13. Patent for bearing Arms, Sc Pedigrees of Families. Extraft from the Records of the Abbfcy of Edw. the Confellbr’s Engr.gement to William the Conqueror to appoint him his Heir, with other inadent hiflones, & an account of the foundation of the faid Abbey. 15. A Copy of the Epitaph of Tho. Howard fecond Duke ofNort. as itwasdefctibed in a Tablet which hung up by his Tomb in St. Mary's Abbey Church in Ifictford m Norf. before the dilTolution of that Abbey. 16. 16. A Lift of Nobility with the time of their Creation. ly. The Defcent of Willmus Baro de GreySk from Slulphus five S gulphus. i8. Several Grants of Lands. 41.5] iqt. Extrafts out of the Records of the Abbey of comaming the hiftory & Pedigrees of many 20. Extracts from the Chronicles of the Prlor^'of I.antl.ome III Wales, & Lanthome near Gloucefter^ re. lating to the Wftory & Pedigrees of Families. 40! b. 21. Extracts from the Regifter-book of the Abbey of Timeme in Wales, confifting of Matters hiftorical & Donations & Grants of Lands. -i'P-™ Stanley. -With a Lilt or the Abbots fubjomed, at f. 70. 62 h “r' Regifter or Lieger. fto^e' '' of the Abbey Land of ciod- 24. Carta S-cte Maiim de Tama. 8c' 25. Cart?e de Ottendun & aliis. of' Scilicet, Carts de Mortun, Atfendun. Sideham, Mortuii, bcjdune, f 92. 93. 94, de Santleia, Horfen- WekeSrie ’ 26. Ex rotula antique de Abbendon. 102 27. A general Letter of Attorney from Henry Byrch of Doverre & Amya his Wife, to Roger Humbleftonc A John Sponar of Lcicefter, dated 20th Feb. ath year of fo. Henry port conqueftura Anglijc prime. i © c 28. A Grant from BarfmVerdon to Wakelin the 1“ in l^hom'" ^ Meifuages. o of LancaftJr^to rf'vVaft''*‘‘T“■* <° mo'ofe 24 Acres ot Waftc adjoimng to their Wafte of Neuftocking in the new horeft of Lancafter, in the 35th of K.Edw. 10^. b. Nimi. 5804, 5805.- tio Haftig to Hugh de A fervices. 106. Thol' n- c’'’ Tltomas de Verdun to Henry de Thokebia of a Yard-land in Thokebi with its A^our tenances upon the yearly payment of j ft,lllings. ' Sr'^R Beatrice Dame L Roos to Sr. Ralph dcHaftynges, fof d I. fterl. .0^ it. fh'e Co P”'- 34. Grants of Lands, See, with Seals annexed. lof.b. 5805- An Heraldic.al Book in foiib, containing, tllefrin “*■ ranttlieswith tllei. Arms .apparently the Work of Henry Lily, Rouge- Rore,^wh„fe Pedigree is ,np.,46. his Named’s ft “®d a Drfenp^ the?A“ f -th Shr^fre.“*'"*°” “P™"''-. atBromf/n 4- ExtraGs out of the Ledger of St. Radigunde imvta Dover relating ,0 Grams, Sales & Donations. .^go te ■^.'1, 'l'®f’™tt &Donation from Galfridus f.e Sauvage SLl^fthSt'df Sn"' ch^SlnT^-^tfnTL'Ildrert^ AbbefirfP°rr'"'n°"'f'^"‘'''’“®‘''''“S‘“ *= fame 7. Defeents & Pedigrees of Families; with Grants llj^nSux. 8. Releafe from Sir Wm. Bretoun to Nich de°So. .l;'te Har&"orco”‘ “ S- '"edigrees. h°' Co in the Co. of Kent. It. Order of John de Moimtague brother to the^E. of Sarum, concerning the place of his Burial. , ,, Milled H P'tiigt* °f Thomas Mulleal-s RamUphmrN^viir 1 ^’ ^g'''t'"’“ts of divers kinds. 3^3 8. ■ 4- Colleaions relating to the Family of Kirkeby. IJ. Colleffions relating to the Family of Holttd. 16. Grants, Donations, Charters, Agreemmts.^'''“' Greyiiokt' di'^Mo^il'e ^^Thm "“de iS. The Will of K. Henry V,It. _ 19. T-he Defcent of Henrietta Maria Q. of England Fr'fr °-Robertos Dns & Baro Wllughby de Ereiby. Maximiltim ii. Imperator_from Gaf tomus de Foyx. 20. Agreements & Determinations as to the fede- mentofLands,&c. taken from an ancient Regifter of f^n S'Ewes of Syr 21. Pedigree of one branch of the Family of Hamil¬ ton, 3S3. -& of the Family of Lndgerflik /sT 22. Grants of Lands, &c. 0 4' 23. A Lift of the Conftables of England. fof 24. Grants, Donations, &c. There are interfirlid feme Memorandums refpeaing particular FamiUes, & a lew Pedigrees m Wales. 25. Avery copious alphabetical Index to the 250 pages, numbered as 450 . Aa 500 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5806—5811. 5806. An Heraldical Book in folio confiaing of Arms trlckcJ, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong, & an alphabetical Index at the beginning, mterfperled with Arms. In folio 10. is a Lill of the Kmghts ot the Bath created by K. James the day before his Co¬ ronation. Many of the Arms are ot foreign 1 rmces ■& Potentates, as at f. 25, 26, &c. Some of the Arms very neatly drawn, but the greater part only rudely Iketched. 'Fhe book contains I CO leaves, befides the Index and thofe mixed with it. is patched, and made up of many difterent papers palled together. 5807. An Heraldical Book in folio, confillmg of Anns & Crefts tricked, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong, begun the 28th May 1602, by Wm. Smith, Rouge dragon. There is an alphabetical Index at the beginning. It afterwards belonged to John Philipot, Herald: then to Rowland Williams, Sc thence tranf- • ferred in 1668. Some engiaved Arms from a V 7 m- dow are palled at the back of the original Title, & another leaf of the fame at the end. 138 leaves arc firll numbered, then follows a fecond Index, oc 45 more leaves of Arms. 5808. An Heraldical Book in fol. exhibiting the Defeents & Pedigrees of the Englilh Nobility, with an alphabeti¬ cal Index at the beginning. 180 pages. Bound up with N’ 6181. , , NB. This Bock has many original papers and do¬ cuments bound in between the leaves, and relating to the various Families. Between pages 130 & ferted the Advertifement iffued by General Robert tield- ing on tlie Elopement of his Wife, Barbara Dutchefs 01 Cleveland, and of his Trial for Bigamy. T'he papers thus inferted, defen'e to be carefully examined ; they are very numerous, fome original letters, fome printed papers. Epitaphs, Grants, &c. 5809. Anlleraldical Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents Se Pedigrees of Families in the County of Derby, with their Coats of Arms tricked. At the end there is an alphabetical Index j and a Lift of Gentlemen in each Hundred; with others ftyled Ufurpers 5 & at the beginning there is a Lift of the Arms of certain Gent. ■ in the Co. of Derby & Nottingham, a’ 1569. The Book contains 86 leaves, befides the Indexes. 5810. An Heraldical Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents k Pedigrees of Families in the City of London, with an alphabetical Index at the beginning. 73 written leaves. Bound up with 5869. 5811. A thin folio of 16 leaves, fairly written on Vellum, m the year 162c, (See f. 15 & 16.) containing the Ge¬ nealogy of the Family of Finch of SufTex, kc. with their Arms elegantly blazoned; & illuftrated by Ex- trafts from divers Chariers k other Records. Fol.g. is fome account of the Belknaps of Kent, time of E. 3d. by the Marriage with which Family the Finches inhabited the Moat near Canterbury. Fol.g.b. arc alfo fome particulars of the Family of Butler of Sudeley Co. Glouc. from Inquit' poll mor¬ tem, &c. E. 4. T- f Fol. 10. feveral Records, kc. of the Family ot Montfort, of Henley, & Beldefcrt Co.Wanv. with a beautiful Seal of Maud the Emprefs; alfo two others of Num. 5811—5S16, Henry de Montfort, & Joan de Sudeley, appenddiit to their Charters. S.D. At the end of this neat vellum book are bound up fome paper leaves, containing the Pedigrees of the fa¬ milies of Blage Co. Wilts. 8: BaynarJ in EfTe^^as “ perufed k allowed m the Records of lIieOiBce ot m. Dethick, Garter K. of Arms 1588.” On the 2J leaf is a Pedigree of Layboriic of Cunef- wick in Weftmoreland, &c. with Arms, Sic. A thin Book in folio (bound up with 3966.) exhibiting^ the Defeents & Pedigrees of Families in_ the Co ot Oxford, with their Arms tricked. There is an alpha¬ betical Index at the beginning, and drawings of tlis ancient Arms of Magdalen Coll. O.xford, alfo of Ch. Ch. & names of the principal Members. Alfo tlie Arms belonging to the City of Oxford 1574. with the ancient Seal of the Town k Borough ot \yimey. 56 leaves, but three are wanting at the begmnmg. 5 ^ 13 - A Book in folio, confiding of Arms & Crefts tricked, wi’h the Names of thePerfon to whom they belong. There are fix fets, the firft numbered in half pages, as far as 285. The 2d, after many blank leaves, in whole Daces to iq8. The 3d, in leaves, tost. 4th, Welih Armes, 7 pages, fih, Scotrini Arms aiphabeticaily, 21 leaves. 6th, Arms of Lancafter, 3 leaves. 5814. A Book in folio exhibiting the Defeents & Pedigrees of Families in the County of \\ orcefter, with thpir Ai ms tricked, & an alphabetical Index, conlaming aUo, Grants & Family Hiftory, particularly ot die 1 -amily of Littleton, f 64—^3 ., The whole contains 114 leaves, and is bound with N^ 5841- 5815- A Book m folio, confillmg of Coats of Arms tricked, & their Crefts, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong. Grants of Arms, & an alphabetical In. dex at the end. 119 i bound up with N C 8 i 3 . 5816. Athln folio of 41 lea'’“, entitled on the back, I’cdi- orees of the Weftons, Deeds, &c. J he paper is dil- raloured, & fome leaves at the beginnmg 0 : end torn, indeed the firft part feems 1. A fragment, having 42 marked on lol. 1. v, llicn confifts of an imperfea Pedigree, Alllngton. ^ “Ex Ubr. Hilloritc familia; de Montgomery, viz. Pedigree of Vilers, &c. , , 2“short Pedigrees' & Arms of Bonefter k Avery, with a pencil Iketch of a Monument & Injcjaption under it of Magdala Walgrave, eSiC. from Barley Church, LlTex- 1596. . 3 ' 4. Pedigree, &c. ot Tiralgrave. “ out of on old one of Parchment in Coll‘ m the Cullody of Mr. II TValtrrave of Bevalls in Bures S. Marces. 4 - c.'" Atchievement of Arms of D’m 21 Quarters, with Oblirvations, “ out of the Charter-book of the Corpo- mtion of Sudbury Com. Sufl. m the tuftody of Janies Allen, Vicar of All Sain-s in the fame 1 owne. 5 ; 6. Charter, a neat Seal, of Sr. Rich. Waldegrave kt. 7. Deeds 8c Arms of Baffet, Pembrugge, 8cc. ^ 7. S “ Ex Evidentiis Rici Weflon de Rougeley m vo. Staff Arm.” viz. Copies of Charters with Seals, kc. Lm t. H. 3d. chieliy relating to the Manors of Vi, efton under Lizard, Blymhill, ‘ leyc, & Breretcn, See. f. S to 18. and at fol. 9. an Bibliothecas HarleiarisSi m Num. 5816—5822; F.fcaet t. K. i. relatinptothe Balfets of Drayton, Little- lens, fee. on a piece of parchment bound, &c. q. Copy of a Charter of Free Warren to Hugh de Wefton 13 E. r. 9. b. I o. “ Ex evidentHs Ilenrici Shirley dc Shirley et Stan¬ ton milit’ et baronetti."’ 1 8. b. 11. “ Out of my Lo. Chaworth’s books, oblervcd by Mr. S^'" Kniveton, Liber^. pag. 53-” “E. libro de feod’ milit’t. E. 3. in Scaccario,” and out of other books in the Exchequer, in Mr. I'andiaw’s Ofiice, t. E. 1. relating to the Chaworthij, Curzons, 19. 12. Out of another book of the fame Lo. Chaworth marked with V.” 20. 13. “ Repertorium diverfarum Chartarum temp. E. 1. E.2. E.j. R. 2. 11.4, 5, 6. E.4. R.3. fl. 7 & 3 . ex Recordis in Scaccario ex parte Ofbeme.’' 20. b. 14. “ Genealogia Regis Hen. 3. ab Adam, e libro rubeo, foI,47, &c.” Vide etiain Matth. Paris. ’ 21. 15 Continuation of the Wefton Deeds, See. and of theirSucceffors the Myttons, 6ec. 22. 1 6. Drawings in Pencil of the two figures of Sr. John de Weflon & Ilabella Bromley, in the Ealb Window of the Chancel of the Church of Weflon under Lydyard, ■with three Shields placed under them. 30. 17. “ Ex Evidentiis M” Walter! Gilford de Cliilling. ton, Co Stall'. 1631.” (_Scc Iliil. of Staff. Vol. j. p. 300") 3 ^^c. 18. A long Pedigree of the ancient Family of W'eibon, ... . . 32. 19. “ Ex Evidentiis Walteri Gilfard, ut flip, with a long Pedigree of the Family by Glover.” 37. 20. Drawings of 3 Monuments of the Wellons, in the Church of Rugeley, where they Ibill remain. 39 > 40. 2t. Various old monumental Infcriptions, & a Pen¬ cil Sketch of a rich Monument of the Family of Wal- grave. 41. 5817. A thick Folio, with the Arms of the Engliflr Nobility tricked, in the order of their rank. Many not filled up, & many feparatc Papers inl'crted. 581S. A ihinFolio, with the Arms & Crefis offeveral Families blazoned, with an alphabetical Index. 43 leaves, but the old numbering loll, which makes the Index fal¬ lacious. 5819. A Book in folio, containing the Defeents & Pedigrees of Families in the Counties of Berks, Bucks, Oxon, &c. Wants an Index. Only 58 leaves written. 5820. A Book in folio, with the Names of Perfons, & a de- feriptionof their Ann?, alphabetically difpofed to the end of the Letter E. — A very copious Lilt, figned on the firft leaf, “ Hen. Lily, Rouge Rofe.” 582 r. A thin Folio of 23 leaves, bound up with N*” 840 and 5835, containing the Pedigrees of feveral Families. The Arms & Crefis are neatly tricked. To the lafi, which is that of WUkmfon, is fubferibed, “ entered in the Vifitatlon of Yorklhire, at F'oik, the 13th of Augufi 1666. William Dugdale, Norroy King of Ai'ins.” 5822. A 1 ‘olio of 49 written leaves, bound up with N’ 1081. It contains the Pedigrees of Berkfliire Families, in alphabetical order, with their Anns neatly tricked. C.-iT. Hari* Vol. III. Num. 5823—5828; 5823. A Book in folio, with the Arms ofFamiiics & ihc Crefis tneked, which were granted by Sir Gilbert Dethtxk; In 55 leaves. At the other end of the Book there is the Vifita- tion of Norfolk, by John Raven, Richmond, anno 1613. Bound up with N"’ 1 loi, 4756. An alph'abetical Inde.x is fubjoined to the firfi part; 5 8 24. A Book in folio, confifiing of Coats of Arms 8 c Crefis tricked, fome at the beginning are blazoned; & the Names of the Families to whom they beloiig arc added. 15oLeaves with Efcutcheons, but only 103 with .^Vrins. An Index is added. 5825. A Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents Sc Pedigrees of I'ainilies in the Co. of Ilimtingdoii, with their Arms and Crefis tricked. There is added an alpha¬ betical Index. There are 87 leaves, beddes Ibme blank. At p.ya. is the King’s Cunimiilion to Claren- ceux for his Vifitation 1602. At 74, the Deputation of Clarenceux to Lancafter Herald, 1613. '1 here arc allb tranferipts of old Charters at fob 14, ,7, 42, &c; From an old Rcgifier f. 32. Aims fiom Churches, See. The Book was bought of the Daughter of Hen. Idly, Rouge Dragon. 5826. The Ileraldical Papers of Sir Gilbert & Sr. William Dethcck, Garter King of Arms; the former created the 4th of EJw. VI. 1548. & died 1584 The latter created 28th of Eliz. 1586, & depol'cd i Jan. 1603. '1 his book contains 355 leaves, and not Icfs than 240 feparate Articles, the whole of which have been carefully enumerated by Mr. Wanley, in an Index of ten pages, fubjoined to the Papers theinfelves. Many of the Articles are very curious, referring to the Rights and Ofiices of Heralds, and various other topics, 'i'he lafi of them is an account of an Obfequy kept at Paris for King Henry' vm. f. 352. 5827- A book In folio imperfcdl at each end, containing at prcfeiit 150 leaves ; bound up with N''4878. An old Title terms ir, “ A Difcourl'eof Devonfii. Sc Cornwall, with Blazon of Arms, the Bifiiops of Exeter, the Revenues of the Deiitries and Parfonages and other (ientlemcii.” "Wliiit remains relates chiefly to Devonfiiire, and contains many good deferipcions of ParUhes, with fome Copies of curious Ch'arteis. Oppofite to fol. 60. is a circular delineation of the precinCt of the Forefi of Dart¬ moor; preceding which are Charters of its bounds, &e. 5828. A book in folio, of 79 leaves; bound up with N'^’iicq, 1405, 4692 &C6144. I. Containing Arms & Crefis of Families in the Coun¬ ties of Oxford, Bucldnghain, Berks, Rutland, Bed¬ ford. 2. A Vifitatlon taken Sc made by John Philpott, Somerf. & William Ryley, Biuemantle Purfu vant at Arms 1634. in the Co. of Oxf. &c. Buckingham, Berks, Rutland, Bedford. 70. 3. At fol. 65. b. is the fpurious Epiftle of Sl.Paul to the Laodiceans, in Englilh, with a Lift of Apocryphal Scriptures. 4 H A Baok Cataiogus Librorum MSS. Nura. 5836—"584.4.. Armour, and fo briefelye touchinge the Ccnjugall Par* titioii of the Shielde : from whence proceedeth the pri- marye conceflion of fuperior aflignation to the well de- fervinge : "With the due location of all forts of remune¬ ration or augmentations in all Efcochcons, efpecially in thofe which do difeende by hereditarye devolution. Col¬ lected, repeated and conferred upon by three wandering Knightes, as Syr Bezaro, Syr Challamour & Syr Per- fides.” It is in the form of Dialogue, and occupies 63 pages. 5837- ^ The fame in a diflerent hand-writing, and with fome Vaiiaiicns. 5838- “ The Probationer’s feennd Day's Difeourfe, of the Dif^nitv of the Shielde and of Creaftes.” The Sequel to the former Dialogue. 101 pages. 5839. A thin Polio with Arms and Crefts tricked, and the Names of the Ptrfons to whom they belong. Ac al¬ phabetical Index is prefixed.—In the beginning they are called “ Camden’s Gifts.” The date of the Grant or Confirmation is afiixed to each. 42 leaves ufed ; the reft blank. 5840. A Folio containing, “ The Arms and Pedigrees of the Gentry of Devonfhire, as they were fet downe in the Survey of \Vm. Harvy Clarcnceulx King of Armes in the ycare of our Lord 1565.” An alphabetical In¬ dex is prefixed. 127 leaves, after which is thebe- par Edward in. de ce Nnm, Roy d'Angleterre, Premier Chef Souverain d’icelui, le Dernier Jour Decembre, 1347-” 583=. A Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents and Pedigrees ol Families in Buckinghamibire, with their Arms tricked, fome Deeds Sc Grants interfperfed, and an alphabetical Inde.x at the end : tranl'cribed out of the Book of tlie Vifitation of the faid County by Win. Kervev I'.l'q. Clarcncieux King of Arms, Anno Dili 1566, by John Philipott, Rouge Dragon. It contains 74 leaves bclldes the Index, and is bound with 5868. 5833- A Book in folio, containing an alphabetical Lift of Names with (heir Bearings of Arms. It is entitled, “ /iiplvabeia Genc-rofitatis,” and is bound with N‘' 899, a fimilar book. 5834- A thin Book in folio, containing “ Obfervations con- cerninge the Nobility of England auntient and niodcriK-,” 43 leaves, di\idcd into 12 Chapters. Bound witli N' 6778. 5835. A Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents and Pedigrees of both Eng-lilh and Wcifh Familiei’, with their Arms tricked, and an alphabetical Index. 268 pages befidts the Inde.x. Bound with 84oand5S2i. 5836. Ihis and the two following Numbers arc bound together, and in the fame Voi. with N ‘ 52II7 and 6143. The firft is a thin folio with this Title, i he Pro¬ bationer hys fyrfte Alfaye in the myfteryes of Armorye, cowched in a verve pl.iyne & fainylliar difeourfe ol the ircwe placinge ol the ordinary dil'cendinge ditference of yoJiger Brothers dc Famytyes incidcntc to any Coate * 3 and ginning 01 an alphabet or Anns. 584J. A Folio, containing 32 written leave'', exhibiting the Arms and Pedigrees of Families in Worcefterfliire, at the Vifitation An. Dni 1569; with an alphabetical Index. This is bound up with 5814, a much more curious colleclion of Pedigrees, Arras, RIenuments, Charters, See. for Worctftcrfhire. 5842. A Folio, containing the Arms and Pedigrees of Families in Sulfulk, with an alphabetical Index. 118 written pages. Bnundwithyya & 1103. Belongedin 1680 to John Saunders, Fetter I.ane. 5843- A Folio, with the Anns of Familie.s in the County of Kent, with the Names of thePerfuns to whom they belong, and an alphabetical Index. Only 57 leaves ufed. Bound with 5862. 5844- A thin Book, bound up with N"' 5852, 5864 Sc 6129. It contains, T. A fragment of a book of Arms, tricked, from 2 34 to 255, wiilt a copious Index fubjoined, and referring to the whole Book when perfect. 2. Summonfe.s to Heralds, on a leaf prefixed to the above Index, 3. Grant of Arms to the Corporation of Bury St. Ed¬ munds : by William Camden, dated 2gth Nov. 1606. 4. Pedigree of Nicholas Hert, from Philip de Cham- paine. 5. Grant of Arms from Richard St.George, Norroy, to Robert Bcticlofe, not dated. 6. Another Grant, dated i6'i. 7. More Arms ol \ar,oua Families. Then, the book being inverted, follow, S. “TheProclam con for thed fclriyn'iiiig of fucli that tooke upon them th.- tytlcs of Gent, without auihontye. Num. 5829—5836. 5829. A nook in folio, exhibiting the Defeents 8: Pedigrees of Families in Sulfex, with an alphabetical Index at the beginning. Containing 164 leaves. 5830. A Book in folio, exhibiting the Defeents 8c Pedigrees of Families in Surry, with an alphabetical Index at the end. A few Arms are fketched in Pencil on printed Shields at the beginning. Belides which are 292 leaves. 5831- A Book in French, formerly the property of G. !e Fort, Roy d’Annes, containing the Arms, blazoned, of alt the Knights of the Garter, from the Inftituiion of the Order to the Reign of Charles i. ending with the Duke of Lenox. The book has 5:0 pages, pre¬ pared for Arms, with a printed Shield Ik Garter, of which458 pages arc filled. Subjoined to the Arms of each Knight or Sovereign are his proper titles: and fometimes a Iketch of a Bio¬ graphical kind. Prefixed to the whole is an alphabeti- c.il Lift of Names : then follow the Statutes of the Or- ili.T in French, with the fevcral Additions ; then a (hort hiftory of the Inftitution in Latin. Thefe occupy 20 pages, prior to the other enumeration. The Title is written in Capitals, and is this : “ Lcs noms, furnoms, qualiiez, armes, et leur Blafonni'ment, de tnus Ics Rois, Empereurs, Princes, Dues, Marquis, Comtes, Vicnnitcs, Barons, et Seig¬ neurs, Coniancicurs, et OfFiciers de I’Oidre et Milice ilr» lu f il1'Tnirit'iitirtn irplin BibJiothec* Harleianse. 305 Num. 584^^5848. and were difclaymed in Durham.” Dated 16th Sept 1615. 0 - “ A Letter from the Lords of Privv Counfell to the Judges of Aflife upon tlie Vifitatinn of a King of Armes.” JO. “ A Letter from the Counfell to the Knights & Gentlemen of the Cmintrie.” ° I f. “ The effc-a and i:fe of mv Vifitacon. •y'necefllrie and benefit to all the Gentry of Kiigl.md, How I am by Oath eiijoyned, and by virtue of the great Seale of Eng¬ land authorized to execute the fame.” With two other olHcia) Papers, by Richard St.George, NorroyKingof Arms. ^ ° 5 ^* 45 - A thin Folio, ^vith Coats of Anns of Families inljncoln- lime, and an alphabetical Index. At tiie end there is a Pedigree of thel'amiiyof Towers. Eol, i « do not belong to the red, andfui.t. of the other loaves is wanting, 17 are numbered. It is bound with N'5874. SS+6. A Book of Arms, bound with the followinrr Number. It belonged to Henry Lily, Rouge Croix, in whofe hand the following Titles arc written ; “ Creafts and Arms given by Chrillophcr Barker ats Garter, Knight, with fonie other auntient Arms. Who died the fecond day of January, being Thursday, about 8 of the Cluck at night in Patenio(ler-re\ve m London, a" 3" Edu 6" 1550. Coppied out of an old BookefometimeWilliam C.ilbonie’s, Yorke Herald, and of later tune Rafe Brooke's, Yorke Herald, now in the Cuftodie of Sr. Edward During, Knight and Baronet, a" 1632.” Signed at bottom, ‘‘Henry Lily.” The Names are placed alphabetically, and there is alio an lnde.x, but the leaves are not numbered, 'i'lie lall leaf is entitled, “Liber Similitud. Caput i. Of coun- terleitmg, and of things whofe outward fiicwe is otlier than they are y’Telves in deeJe.” Nimi.58+5_3854. timer. In the Church the Arms of Mortimer, Botetorf, &e. Alfo an account of Hales Owen Church, &c. with divers Arms, &c. [herein of the Lytteltons, Wor. leys, &c. “ Bclinglley on the Ball bank of Severne, thePof- feffion of ] ho. Afton of Afton Co. Cheftcr. Efq. &c formerly of Walter Befyne LJ. tliereof, wlio marrlid Mabel 3d daughter and heir of Warine Buiwarderlcy Ld. of Alieley Co. Stalf." In the Church two Coats of Arm.v. L 44 - ^kirinus Arms from Stotefdon Church in Shrop, Ihire, and I-jfcriptions U Tho. Pigott & Ifabel his Wife, and for Sr. Tho. Blount Km. and Anne his Wife, who made this window 1414. f. 44-h. Divers Arms and inferiptions from Tong Cdiurch, VIZ. of the Vernons, Pij.es, Skevingtons, Dv- jnoke, &:c. (See ?Ifo Le Neve’s Colk-aions, 3516, &c. before deferibed.) n ^8“■ 7 -A Pedigree and Arms of Watfon of Burg- iJall Co. Salop, with the hjllowing concluliun: “Tins is a Copy of a confuted Defcent brought to me by Mr. Jo. Watfon iult mentioned, to add the two laft Defeents and their f^uarterings, Creft. &c. May logg. Jf). Jahiifon.” Bound with N' 7510. 58+g. A Folio, with Coats and Crells of Arms tricked, and an alphabetical Index (fuppofed by Sr. Gilbert Dciheck) 6^ leaves ufed. Bound with 1567. 5850. Arras, alphabetically arranged, as far as H.vw t blazoned as far as Ens, then only tricked. 'Lhefe occupy 4a leaves. Then follows a complete alphabet of Names from A to Yel, with the Arms only deferibed, and the Counties to which the Families belong, marked in the margin. 58+7- A thin Folio, containing CrcRs and Arms, being the Grants ol Sir Gilbert DcJm-ck, v.;th an alphabetical Index. Bound with llm preceding. Theie are cc leaves. .5848. A fniall Folio of 47 leaves, bound up with two other Vihiations, &<:. of Shroplhire «; 178 —q. Thiscontains Ikdigrecs wiih the Arms tricked, of divers Families ^ in that County, but without an Index f_. 39; b. “ Rot. Parliani. 2II. 7. N\32. An Ac! againll I ho. K\ mui]ton and others,” of the fame Name, (Tent" Co. Salop, for Murders, Robberies, &c. com- initied by them. f.41. Are divers Coats of Anns and other Church Notes rclatingt« Albrighton in Shroplhire, Ibmetimeiii the poltoihoii of that great Family ofPychford, &c. Alfo divers Arms and Inferiptions from Bridgnorth Church of the Hordes, Stapletons, Buckleys of Cliefhire, Goid- fmiths, Langleys, Ftrmours, Ax. f. 42. Ocher Arms & Inferiptions in Charley Church, of the families of Gatagre, who married the daughter and Heir of Swinerton of Staff. &c. Brokes, Knights, Fti'ers, Shirleys, &c. f. ^a.b. Whitechurch, a market Towne anciently be- longing to the I.d. Strange of Blakeweare, by whofe daughter & heir it came to the Talbots Earl of Slircwl- bury, &c. 1 hen follows divers Arms of the Talbots and their Matches, &c. of Green, Beauchamp, Mortimer, IJlveffer, Bohun, Boteler, Furnival, Tho. Breton, and Matilda ux. AUb a brafs Monument for John Talbot E. of Shrewfbury, Ac. dated 1453. f. 43. “ Ktlmarch on tlie Well banks of Severnc, formerly belonged to a younger Family of the Earl Mor- 5851- A thin Folio, bound wlili 4110, containing Coats of Amis with their Crdls, very carefully tricked, be¬ longing to Princes of Italy awl Venice, Families in the Netherlands, the Prince of Orange and other Kings and Princes. 26 leaves, the common Nainas alpha- beticaljy placed. 5852. A thin Folio, containing the Arms of Saints, Patriarchs, the chief Empires, and fundry Kings ChrKIian and llcuuien. Only 5 leaves ulld. Bound with C844, 5304, kk 6129. 5853. A thm Folio, a few loaves only, containing the Arms and Crelis of Henry Saunderion and Pierce Chater botii of Mcvoralfell Elcjuiros, togelher with 14 taken out of the Gallery (if Lord Burleigh’s Houfe at Thco- baid’s. 'li:c reff of die pages have only blank Shields. Bound with 144S. A thin Polio, of between 30 and 40 written leaves, con¬ taining, 1. A Lift of Nobility, with the dates of their Creations. 2. A Lift of the Knights of the Ga-ner in the time of Elizabeth, iuPVenrh. j % 3. Order of precedency in Parliament. 2.* 4* A molt ample Lilt ot Nobility, beginning with Edgar P.theiinge, Son to Edward the Outlaw. 3. b. Continued to Milo Fitzwater, in the Reign of I- 14. b. 5. Arms tricked, beginning with Henry 8. and Anne BJeyn. A Folio 304 Cataiogus Librorum MSS. Num. 5855—5860. 585?- A Folio containing, t. F.xtrads out of the Legend of the Monaftery of Ki-eukburn in the Co. of Northumberland, in the pof- fcllion of Rob. Crefwell, Someifet Herald of Arms 1597. 2. Deeds and Evidences of -various kinds. 17- 3. Degree of Men in England, ex libro collcft. per Fletewood. , 4. Grants, Donations, &c. extraaed from the Ke- giller of the Abbey of St. Mary dc Furnefio. 45 - 1^. Linea progenialis de Mowbray Comitibus de Not- tinghuin and Marinudl. 5 ^* 6. ExtradsfromtheCbarters of K.John andllen.iii. 82. 7. Extrads from the Regifter of the Abbey of St. James de Wigmore. ° 7 : 8. A Patent from hlaximilian the Emperor to tophor Stakaiis for bearing certain Arms therein fee forth. 9. A Patent granted by K.James to Nicb. deMoulm Ainbaflador from Venice, for an addition m his Arms, and for conferring on him the degree of Knighthood. 95 - 10. Extracts our of the Rcgifter of the Abbey ot Crovvland. n. ^ ' r 11. Extrads from the Rcgifter of the Monaftery ot ■\Vidden in Efiex, 97 - 12 A Note of the Knights made by k. James i. 106. 1Extrafts from the Rcgifter of the Abbey of Croy- land. * Belonged to Henry Lily, Rouge Rofe. 115 written leaves. 5856. A Book in folio, being an alphabet of Names in various Reigns, Iroiu Hen. 3. to Edward 6. 5857. A Book in folio, containing, 1. A Plan. 2. An alphabet of old capital Letters, and 4 particu- ticular knots. , 1.^ 3. Defeents and Pedigrees of Families m feveral Coun¬ ties, with their Anns tricked. 7.b. to 143- 4. A Note of the Kings of Arms and their true Suc- cellion fremEdw. i. an“ 1272. till 1684. r 5. The Lineal Defcent or Genealogy of the hamily ot Skipwichs in the Co. of York. 6. Verfei on the Death of Cap. Williams. 170- b. 7. All Alphabetical Index. 1 ^°* Bound with N" 5S8o,and 6061. Num. 5860—5866. of Armes with the title of Johannes Pegafus, In confi- deration of his military Atchievements both by Sea and Land in his Service. 2. Coats of Arms and Crefts, with the Names of Perfons to whom they belong, with an alphabetical In¬ dex prefixed. 14 ^ leaves with, generally, about 16 Arms in each Page j about 4576 Arms. 5561. 1. A Book in folio, with Coats of Arms and Names to whom they belong, alphabetically. 61 pages. 2. Another Book containing Pedigrees, with fome Arms and many feparate Papers inferted. Towards the end of this part is the Signature of Edward Norgate, Windfor Herald. 3. A few leaves, with many Ntmies, and principal bearings, rudely Iketched. 4. An alphabetical Index, referring to the firft book. 5562. A folio, containing, t. Defeents and Pedigrees of Families in Kent, witli their Arms tricked ; 30 leaves, followed by an Index. 2. Coats of Arms and Names, beginning with King James, and a few men of Rank, and then alphabetically drawn on printed Shields; 18 leaves: no Index. Bound with 5843. 5863. A folio, containing a Tranfeript taken from an ancient Roll by Robert Glover, Somerfet Herald of Arms, which exhibits a large number of Arms with Crefts and Quarterings.—In the beginning there is an alpha¬ betical Index. —And a lift of Knights made at Cadix in Spain by theEarl ofEftex, an“ 1596. Thefe are inferred between the Index and the book, which has 137 leaves. This Atteftation is prefixed: “ Hoc tranferiptum five exemplar rarilliini cujuf- dam Rotuli antiqui de re .lYrmorum, fideliter cum pro¬ totype concordare teftatur Robertus Glover, aliter dictus Somei-fett heraldus Armorum, qui manu propriaeundem (fic) feripfit, atque Armorum omnium in co formulas ex- prefiit. In cujus rei fidem in Teftimonium nomen fuiiin fubferipiit xx" die menfis Aprilis, An" Chrlfti Servatoris MDLXXIX qui fiiit Regni Ser'"' Reginx Ellzabethcc Anus Vicefimus primus. R. Glover Somerfttt.” 5S64. A folio with Coats of Arms and the Names to whom they belong, with an alphabetical Index. 87 leaves^ bound with 384.}, 5832, and others. 5858. An heraldical book in folio, containing, ^ 1. Names of Cieiury in all the Counties, wi'h defcrip- lion of their Anns 2. Defeents and Pedigrees of 1-aimlies, With their Anns tricked. ’‘k 2. Arms from Churches, defenbed. 21. b. 5859. 5865. A folio, containing, 1. A.I the beginning and the latter end fingle Arms and Crefts with Names cl Perfons. 2. Delcents and Pedigrees of feveral Families, chiefly in Ilampfiiire. 3. There is an alphabetical Index at the beginning. It contains 51 written leaves, and is bound with N' i iSC. A Book In folio, being an entire alphabet of Names, with the dcl'criptiou of their Coats of Arms, and fome tricked in the margin. There is a Lift of Emperors, Kings, Saints, and Knights of the Round iable, in the 8 hilt leaves. 5860. A Book in folio, containing, I. AnAbftractof a Patent from Charles King of Sweden, granting to John Jackfon of Stockport in the Co. of Chefliire the honour of Nobility, and a Coat j 5866. A thin folio, containing, 1. The Names of the Governours, Lieutenants, Lm-ds Juftices and Deputies of Ireland, fince the conqueft thereof by K. Henry II. 2. An' alphabet of the Names and Arms of certain Nobility and Gentlemen of the fame Country. At the end the Arms of Dan. Molyneux, Ulftcr King of Arms. 3. Coats of Irifh Arms tricked, with Names. Bound up with N“ 6095. ^ A fnlia Bibliothecae Harleianae. 305 Num, 5867—5873. 5867, A Folio exhibiting the Defcents S: Pedigrees of Fami¬ lies of feveral Counties, with an Alphabetical Index containing 193 leaves, with a few deficiencies: and at the end 7 leaves of the Arms of the Mayor, Bai¬ liffs, &c. of Abingdon. At fol. 41, the Arms of the Town of Buckingham. At 84 thofe of Banbury. 110, Abingdon. Bound with N" 1072. (■ 5868. A thin Folio, exhibiting the Defcents & Pedigrees of Families chiefly in the County of Bucks, with an Al¬ phabetical Index at the end. Contains 63 leaves, and is bound with 5822. 5869. A thin. Folio exhibiting the Arras & Crefls of Fami¬ lies in the City of London, wdth Names, 5 c an Alpha¬ betical Index at the end. 34 leaves, bound up with 5S10. 5870. A thin Folio with the Anns of the Vifitation of Not¬ tingham by Richard St. George, Kfq; Norroy King of Anns, & in his company by Hen. St. George, Bluemantle Purfuivant of Arms, an". 1614. fol. 33. No Index, St part has only the names without the Arms. It is bound up with two others of Notiing- liamfh. 1400 and 6593. 5871. A Folio connining, 1. The Defcents Sc Pedigrees of Fan'.ilies in Devonihire, as taken in the Vifitation of Wil. Harvie, Claren- cieux King of Arms, an”. 1563.—89 pages, with an Index. The laft page is by miflake removed to the end of the fecond anicle. 2. Various arms, fuperferibed at the beginning, “ Jofeph Holland, 1579, 21 El. R.”—the whole in a veiy neat hand. This part has 28 leaves, very full of arms, but no index. Bound with N™ 886 and 2218. 3. Pedigrees & Arms of Families in Wiltfhire. With an index prefixed, 1565. In the fame hand as the firfl. 4. ■ — Dorfetfli. 1574. 5. -Worceflerfhire 1569. 0 . -Somerfetlh. 1573. All in thefainc hand. A Folio containing, 1. The Nobility of England 1624, In their due places according to the Creations, 2. Names with the defcriptlon of their Arms. 3. Names with Mottos. 4. Pedigrees of feveral ancient Families, viz. Tucket, Zguche, Willoughby, WeRjLd. delaWare, Lds. Berke¬ ley, Parker, Stafl'ord, Scroop, Sutton, Ld. Dudley, StourtoiijDarcey, Sandes, Vaux, Wyndors, Wentworth, IMordanr, Cromwell, Fure, Sheffield, Wharton, Preflon S>c Pagett, North, Chandos and Brydges, St. John, Wot- jon, I'orbryan C”. Devon, Danvers C”. Wiit.s, Gerrard, Dc Spencer, Fynes, Leonard, Denny, Stanhope, Vane Carew, Montgomery, &c. Arundell, Knyvett, Noel of Tllcnhall in Co. Stall'. Dormer, Roper, Grcvill, Finch, A’c. Ileneage, Grey, &c. 80 leaves in this part. This is bound up with 5180 & 6777. At the beginning is thisfentence : “ Vive libi et Mufls Muititudinis Amicidas vita, Temporis fis avarus, omnibus bcneficus, utcrc donis tuis, verbum Dei nunquam rece- dat ab ore tuo.”—Signed in the fame hand, “ Robert Ryece.’^ 5873- A Folio containing Coats of Arms &: Crefts, with Names, S: an Alphabetical Index. Cat. Harl. Vol. Ill, Num. 5874—5879, 5874. A Folio of 128 leaves, containing, Coats of Arms Sc Crefts, with Names, Defcents & Pedigrees of Families in Lincolnflnre ; and an Alphabetical Lift of Names of Perfons. Bound with 5845. 5875. A Folio of 118 leaves containing Coats of Arms & Crefts fairly tricked, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong, & an Alphabetical Index. This is now bound up with 4926, of fimilar contents. 5876. A rreaiife in Folio, indtled, " The Magazen of Ho¬ nour, or a Treatifc concerninge the Nobillitie of Eng¬ land accordinge to the Lawesof England, wi'-h their Priviledges in Parliament, & in what cafes noe privi- ledge; together with the etimologie, definition & an- liquitie of 3 fortes of Barons.” It has 136 leaves, & is bound with N" 6078. 5877- A Book in folio with this title, “ Sundrie excellent & well compofed Noats touchir^ ancient & moderne Armoryall.', taken out of a jjook fomeiyn e Robert Glover’s, al’s Somerfet Herald; wrytten inLatui & was afterwards in the cuftodie of Mr. Francis 'I'hynn ai’s Lancafter Herald, by him collefled a. 160:.” At the beginning is “ l.iber Jotiis Philipott et Amicorum 1645.” Among others the following things are worthy of remark, 1. TheEledlion of Knights of the Garter in tiie firft year of K. James, p. 47. 2. The Knights of the Bath, p, 52. 3. The Coronation of a Queen of the Englifli Saxons before the Conqueft. p. 53. ^ 4. The Chriftening of the Lady Mary Daughter of K.James. p. 57. 5. Creations made by K. James the 4th. May 1603. P- 59 - 6. The Names of the Nobility in the time of K. Hen. VI. p. 69. 7. The Names of the Governours, Lieutenants, Lord Jufticcs & Deputies of Ireland fiiice the conqueft thereof by Hen. ii. p. 73 to S3. S. “ 'i'lie ancyent manner and order of the office of armes.” p. gi. 9. Fees for Funerals of Nobility and Gentry, p. 12-’. Then follow many blank leaves, not paged. 10. A defeription of Scotland, p. 125. 11. Two petitions of Lord Vil'count Falkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland, p. 133. 12. Orders to be obferved in Proceffions as praftifej in the 6th year of Edw, iv. p. 145.-10 all >48 writ:e.i pages. This No. is bound up with 1301, 4991. 5878. A thin Folio, reprefenting the Office of the Earl Mar/hal. Dethick tranlcribed this for Robert Earl of Eflex, Earl Marflull. On the outer leaf is Roberto Comiii EfTexise, Comiti Marefchallo Aiiglicm, &c. Inclytifls '. Obfervandifsm® Willm. Dethick, Garter principals Rex armorum Anglicor"’;” and afterwards, “The Copie of my book for the Office of Earl Marflial of England.” Bound with 6240, 6779, 7384. 5879- A thin Folio containing, 1. The Defcent K- Pedigree, with Arms, of the Fami¬ lies of Mountfort and Nevile. 2. Giants of Lands, Tenements, &c. in the limes of Edw. HI. Hen. VI. &. Hen. VII. Only 8 leaves, bound with 6135 K 6136. 4 J A Booli; Catalogus Llbrorum MSS. A Book of 13 leaves, apparently the work of Nicholas C-harlcs, Lancafler Herald. Wich this remarkable title; “ 160J. A Catholog Ihewing what Kings of Armes were in former Age, & now out of ufe in this realme; as alfo deferibing, in the manner of a pe« degree, how the Kings, Heralds, & Purfuivants of Armes have from ancient tyme fucceeded one another; which worke is contryved into fevcrall tables, for every Kyng’s tyme, one beginning with King Henry q. (hewing firft, when he entred, how long he reigned, & how many officers he created, w'*" tables are deui- ded into 3 heads or colomes, the firft and fmalleft rundellK contavneth all y'Purfuivants, how admitted extraordinary; ^ to be ordinary w''*' names are w-it ten in red letters, from whence you aredirededby a Lyne unto y' feennd Coll 'me, w'*' fheweth how they w'cre plferred from Purfuivants to be Heralds, from V, hence alfo by the fame Lyne unto the 3d Collome you fliall find who were advanced to be Kings of Armes, and how fometymes they removed from one King's place to a better; w''' order hath been obferved fince the beginning of K. ILS.” By an addition on the lafi: page, it appears that Nichohis Charles died 1611. I'hc Book is bound with 5857 and 6 o6i. c 88 I. A Fol'O containing funilnr Beatings ufed by different families. A great part blank- Bound with 1105. 5882. A F'>)io containing Coats of Arms & Crefls very rudt-ly tricked, with Names, and Alphabetical In* dexc'. The book contains 125 leaves, befides the Indexes. 5R83. A Folio containing the Defeents & Pedigrees of fevcral Families, with an Alphabetical Index. Alfo fome arms. 5S84.. A Folio with Arms ?c Crefls tricked, & ihe Names of the Perfons to wliom they belong; alfo a few Patents. Witli an Alphabetical Index ofNames. A Fo'io containing the Anns of Engliffi & Irifh Nobility; Maximilian Empeior of Gcnnany & other German Princes; King of Spain 6c Spanilh Nobility; Portu- gnefe, French, Iial an Nobility ; & of other foreign .'■tates. 159 leaves numbered. Very neatly drawn, but wants an Index. 5886. A Folio wnth Coats of Arms & Crefts, many cf which are coloured. Contains 251 leaves, 5S87. A Folio with Coats of Arms & Crefls trick’d, with grants of Segar and other IIcta'aIs. Drawn on 121 le-iVcs; and a complete Iiidcx pre.lxcd. A Folio exl.ibitiiig Pedigrees of Fam'lies in ihe County uf Dt r!et, & iume others; with .v:i Alphabetical In- I'lM. The 1 aft. 12 leaves cont.iin arms, of which fomc are coloured. Prefixed to the marked leaves arc fi-ine Lximets from an old book of Lord 'I'-jttk'fSp Num. 5889—.589(5. A thin Folio with Coats of Arms Sc Crefts tricked. Sc an Alphabetical Index, containing the Pedigree of De Courcy. 'ihen follow accounts of fome Barons; and after them 143 leaves, which are numbered. On the outfide the name of Richard Kimber. Contains 47 leaves. Bound with 1067. 5890. A Folio containing an Alphabet of Names, with a de-* feription of Coats of Arms. In the laft 7 leave-s,"- there is added a Lift of Lords & Knights made by K. James 1. The alphabet Is very copious, 5891. A Folio containing, 1. The Arms of the Arch-Bilhops & Biffiops, at the beginning, deferibed in terms of Blazon. 2. An Alphabet of the Arms of Families of all th? Counties. 3. A fhort Alphabet of a few Cities Sc Towns, with their .Arms deferibed. 4. “ Armavirorum illuftrium, veterum Romanorum, Nationum, regiorium,’^ &c. 5. Arms of the 12 Tribes: & of the ix Worthies. 6. Arms of theLnglifh Nobility in terms of Blazon. (pjT ThefoUiKL-ing 196 NufJibe^s are CoUedions vmde by Mr. John Bagford, early in ihe i%tb C£?itury, which’were dejtgned as MatetiaU towards writing a genera! Hijlory of Printing. They extend to 5988, excepting 5955- This Mr.BAGFOP.D, with Mr. Talman Mr. Wak- LEY, began the p 7 -cfcnt Axtj^arian Sqcibrr in 1707. See No. 7055. 5892. The Names of old Englifli Printers alphabetically di- gefted, with Lifts of the works which went through their hands. With an Index fubjoined. 5893- A Book in folio, giving an account of Paper, with fome- thing of the hillory of Printing. At I'ol.y. a long poerrj againft fpoilers of Paper, to fol. iC. Then follow many blank leaves: after which begins, “The hif- tory of Printing, and the time when found out,” with a new enumeration of leaves, as far as 71, but irregu¬ lar. Tliere are in this part extrafts from many dif¬ ferent books on the fubjetl of Priming: and at 1 . 70, a copy of verfes “ upon the Portraiture of John Guttemburg, upon the Excellency of the Art of Printing, 'i'ranflated out of Thevet’s French Copy.” Signed, at the end, “ George Gerbicr D’Ou- villy.” After many blank leaves, another enumeration, which is of fheets, as far as 16, containing extrats from Naude and others. 5^’9+. A Book in folio, giving an account of the Places where Priming has been carried on. At the latter end there is a Lift of Englifh Catalogues of Books. There is alfo a Life of probenius by R. S. & Epitaphs of many Printers. 5^95.- A Book in folio, exhibiting a Catalogue of the Books in the Public Library at Dotors Commons. Claffed Alphabetically. 5896. A Book in folio on Chalcography, with the Lives of the mpft famous Engravers; and fome further matters on the Invention of printing. A Volume Bibliothecse Harleianse. 307 Num. 5S97_3go8. , 5897- A volume m folio, confiamg chleSy of lids of books printed at Rome Venice. Florence. Bologna. Brefcia. niantua. and other towns, modly in luly. At the beginning, an account of Nicholas Jenfon j afterwards exMas from Boxhormus; and throughout are inter. ier^s an'To" Fruiters, and Latin erfes addiclTed to them, by various authors. 5898. ^ ’ r the Public Libraries in Koine, England, &c. with uccoiints of Englilh Books A]-> extracts from very many Books. Above three hundred pages, belldes indexes. At P- J 91, a dictionary of typographical terms. 5899. A Book in folb. diewing the original of Printing, the antiquity of Paper made with Rags, a Catalogue of Copy books. & a Catalogue of the Britilh. Iriili. ocotcfi, & Lnghlh Hiftorians, with very various mat- ters as in the other volumes, and a table of contents prefixed, About i2<5 leaves. 5900. a Catalogue of Books relating Ivf ■ W London ; with many other Illuftrations or us Uiltory and Antiquities. 5901. A Book in folio. Ihcwing the progrefs of priming at Oxford, With a few detached papers. 5902. A Book In folio, fhewing the progrefj of Printing at Paris, l.yons. and other places in France. 5903- A Book m folio, mnfiding chiefly of Patents granted to Printers in England. 5904. A Book with the Names of old Englid, Printers alpha- beucal y digcded. & lifts of the works which paftid through t.ieir hands, with an alphabetical table pre- . » , • ^505- A Book in folio, with the Names of old EiU’lidi Pifn- !T’ «5 'eaves, with an alphabetical lilt, and IS bound with 5907. 591=6. Folios, containing many Obfervalions with rerpeft to ihc Invention and hiftory of I'rinlmg. Bound in two tols. marked A fc B 'I hey contain Letters addrelTed to Mr. B.cgford early in the i8lh century. The contents in general confufed. But time of tile I et tors are curious, as one llgned “ Tlio. Tanner." and dated Norwich Mar 3. 1 707.-Another from the fame, dated Norwich. April ,9. ,708; one from Iho. Heame. dated Oxon, Dec. 14. 1707; fome from AmfterJam. hgned “ J. Bullord.’ and others. 5907- "f fc'-cral early Englilh Pnntcrs. k books printed by them. Bound with 5905. Between them is inleitcd a fmall index wfiicn leems not to refer to either. 5908. A Book in folio treating of the various editions of the able 1,1 Englilh. l iulters. &c. At fol. i, j, a lift of Mr. Ilmnphry V aiiicy s Collcflion of Primers “'> “W vellum leaf of Lnglilli poetry, ihis ie bound up with the fob iowulg number. y ^ Num. 5909, 591c.' 5909. "'"feverL frmn y wi* the Sen 's to ttrgument againft Bound with S9cl.’ 5910 - Several loofe papers, now bound together in 4 volumes, Vol. I. I. Some lifts of Colleaions RldlS."^ •’>' “6™“ Dr. Markc 3- Titles of many Books, hnrv ■ renowned Sheriff of New- SS’en.™ '=ry laSy papeS.^'*^’' ™ of public Newt s. The Hiftory of the Stationers & Book-binding. 7. An Account of Ca.xton. Ac ° 8. An Account of Wynken de Worde 9. An Account of Richard Pynfon. Sec 10. An Account of Tlio. Berthclet. It. An Account of John k William Raftall Weftcteftt“°“‘“ °* Scotland. Ireland, k With various other Articles. The original Pafte arc toundt"wth'itr'" con,ained°whcn loofe. Vol. ir. 1 3 - -ta Account of RIdiard Grafton & J Dav 14. An Account of W" k Robert Copland. I J. An Account of Richard Tothill. sic 16. An Account of Hob. Wycr. 17. All Account of John Wayland. &r. JO. An Account of Reinold & John Wolfe. ^^ig- An Account of printing at S. Albans, Taveftoct, 20. An Account of priming at Cambridge. aH Ac““"I ” “ctwich & Eaton. An Account at Rebus's. Devices. Paper-marks, aj. Poems k Account of Books It f ^ i-npreffions. I' Books printed at Paris, &c. ^ ~ Norimberg. I-lere alfo are many detached articles, which cannot well be enumerated, nor indeed deferve it. Vol. III. 27. Tiiles of Books printed at Cologn. * j'n Holland and Elanders. Italy^' parts of 30. Titles of old Lalin Books, not digefted. Priking.""'^”'’' '■'‘““S “ the hiftory of aniva “'SLr",aS'"^’ ” ma^nk'Thon™Eaftf Bhme. ■mid, fome ruppofititious writings and the knowledge of famous Printers, Of prin'iiigk’ ™ger£“' ‘'-‘^'-OfFtinting at ^xforf ^ re.fJng1„S1l;:f^„S^ 36. A Catalogue of the Works of Thnma^ r-k t yarde S= others.^amely. W- Seref La“ A , " Ralfe Newbery. &c txttes, Laur. Andrewss, St. Helens. Ely Ren,S.8C by Vol.’ IV. 3 o8 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 59 io*^594-** The Works of H. Denham, J. & Tho. Wight, &c. with an account of Printing in RufTia, Turkey, E. Si Weft Indies. Alfo many Ipecimens of old Title- ^ Tetters from feveral of Mr. Bagford s Correfpon- dtnts. The originals. 4c. Books taken out of the Oxford Catalogue, Cn.ning and Printing in England. The firft King's Printers, kc. 41. TheLifeof Mr.W“Fathome, Tho.Vautroller, &c. And Printing at Black Friers. 42. Works printed at feveral Places abroad. 43. Mr. Bagford’s Catalogue of his books relating to Printing, with fome Letters from T. Hcame, and a lift of fifty articles of his owti colledion. 5911. A thin Volume containing very various matters; 1. A Letter from Mr. H. Wanley, dated Aug. 11, 1697, to fome Rev'* perfon, refpeaing his own Col- Uainns towards a hiftory of the Origin and Progrefs of Writing. 2. Remarks, by the fame, on travels, and direftions for examining foreign Libraries, with the approbation of feveral learned Men. ,• t ■ 3. Lift of Books to be enquired for in the public Li¬ brary at Cambridge. By the fame. 4. Remarks on Saxon coins, by the fame. 5. A declamation, “ Privata publica: Vi x eft ante- ferenda,” in Englilh. In a different hand. 6. Catalogue of Dr. Bernard’s Books and Manu- feripts. . ,, 1 7. Propofal by H. Wanley for col!e£ling old external leaves of MSS. &c. followed by other matters by him. 8. Abftracl of the will of King Hcnr)' ^ III. g. Various lifts and titles of Books. 10. Account of a perfeft colleSkion of Books and MSS. begun in 1640 by order of Charles 1 . This is in MS. and in print, followed by various unconneSed papers, chiefly relating to books. 59 ' 2 . A Book in folio, giving an account of the Tower of London, the Office of Ordnance, the Forts and Caftles on the Sea Coaft, the free Chapel of St. Ka- therine’s near the Tower and the Minorites, with a table of contents prefixed.—This and many luble- quent volumes relate to the antiquities of London, on which fubjeft a long and curious Letter from this Mr. Bagford is printed inHearne’s edition of Lcland’s colleftanea, vol. i. p.lviii—Ixxxvi, 5913- Another folio relating to the Tower, beginning with an Order of Privy Council, and a confequent report on the ftate of the place.—Thefe feem to belong to the collcdion relating to London. See 591c. 35. 5914—5939. A vaft Collcftion of Title-pages, Frontifpieces, Head- pieces, Tail-pieces, Initial Letters, Rebufes, Heads, Maps, and various fpecimens of MSS. Prints, & Ornaments of Books, 26 Vol. A very fiugular but often curious collection. 5940. A volume, with variety of Marbled and other Paper. 59 +Tf- A collection of Chinefe, S:c. Writing, & different kinds of Paper, with a few' printed leaves. Num. 5942—5956. 59 + 2 . A book, with different forts ofPaper, and Paper Marks, & printed Cafes relating to the Duties thereon j allb tables of the prices of Paper. 59 + 3 - A book, with variety of Stamps impreffed on Book Covers, with a written account of Bookbinding pre¬ fixed. 594 -+- A book, containing the Habits and Cuftoms of divers Nations, with Buildings Sc different kinds of Anti¬ quities, being chiefly Prints taken from various books, with fome portraits. 59 + 5 - Many ancient Monuments & Bas-Reliefs, collected from books, with a few other prints. Title-pages, Propofals for printing Books, mifcellaneous Advertifements, and other Papers. 5947 - Propofals, h Catalogues of Sales of Prints, Paintings, Jwels, Houfehold Goods, Title-pages, Stamps of Cards, and other mifcellanies. 5948- A Folio, containing Clavel’s Catalogue of Books printed in England from 1666 to 1674, with other printed Catalogues of Books, by the Bookfellers, 101083, not in order. 5949 - A Book, containing Specimens of different Writing, with the Portraits of great Mailers 5 c feveral emble¬ matical reprefentations ; altogether a confiderable number of Prims, on Copper and Wood. 595 °- A Book, with the Genealogy of the Kings of England, their Effigies, &c. From this, and moil of the other Books, many things feem to have been taken out. 5951* A Book, with funeral Monuments; Britiffi, Roman, !c Engiiffi Coins, and effigies of the Kings of Eng¬ land, Standards, Drelles, &c. 5952- A Book, with a brief Survey of the Kings of England, and vai'ious detached Prints, Saxon Coins, See. 5953 - Collections relating to the City of London, 5 vol. in fob of different fize.s. dhe firft volume MS. and printed papers mixed, the reft chiefly fragments of printed books. The firft has alfo a table of con¬ tents. 5954 * A Book, with Traefts relating to the general and penny- poft Offices, and Hackney Coaches. 5955 - A thin Book, containing the Academy of Armory; & Randle Holme’s Storehoufe of Armory and Blazon. This docs not belong to Bagford s coUedion. 5956- A Book, with ProfpeCts of Churches k Buildings m I.ondon & other parts of England, taken chiefly h-om old Books, alfo fome of Hollar’s Views; old plans of London, leaves cut from Ogilby’s roads, ?c a Itrange farrago. ° ® A Beck, Bibliothecse Harleianae. Num. 5999 Num. 5957. 5957- A Book, with Maps, Profpeas of Englilli Cities, Ruins, & Monument.’ ot Aniiquiry, chiefly taken Iroin Speed’s Maps, Ac.; all'u a lew foreign Towns. 595 S- A Book, with odd Numbers of Spe£tators, Tatlers, &c. various Propofals, and other printed Papers. Among others, many of Pa.-tridge’s pr<‘dictiims, which appear to have been regularly printed as periodical Papers. At the end, various fragments of veiium M SS. After thefe 's a wriueu tract explanatory of the ancient wooden Calendar?, with ihis title, “ The Uni- varfall All-moa-nack, or a Defcri, ti.m of the .Anticiit Shepherde’s Callander Logg, by Richard Jackfon of Shottdl in Dcarbylhire 16S5.” 'Wich fome verfes. It contains aliogether 10 written leave'-; IxTiJes the title. Several of ihofe old Calendars arc depofued in the Britilh I^Iufeum. 59 fo. [5959—.S 99 '^- Q."arto.'\ A Collection of different foris of Paper, and fome frag¬ ments of Books. 5999- A Book in folio, containing", 1. A Trearife giving a rcprefentaiion of the grand Rebellion in Ireland. Signed as the following. 2. Extracts of Examinations taken by virtue rf a Conimiffion under the great Sea! of Ireland, bearing Date the 23d day of December in the tyth year of the Reign ofK. Charles i. direded unto Henry Jones, Dean of Kdmore, Roger Puttock, Will. Hitchcock, Randal Adam.', John Sterne, Will. Aldrich, Plen. Brereton 8c John Watfon, Clerks, or to any two or more of them, rind by another Commiflion under the fame great Seal bearing Date the iliili day of January in the Year afore- faid to them alib directed: And by another Commif- fion bearing Date the nth day of June in the i fth year of his faid Majefty’s Reign, unto them alfo direded, and to Edw. Pigott. NB. On the outnde of the old parchment Cover, rhtfe arc faid to be the Originals received at the Board, the loth November 164.which likcwife appears from the Atteflation under, the .Sign Manual of the Commif- fioners & their C.lc:k, at the end. Bound with 6264. 6coo. 5960. Title-pages, and other fragments of Books. ,5061—^3974. A Co'Iedion of printed Tnle-pages of Books, Adver- tiib'. icnts, Shop-bills, Devi.-cs, Letters, Ac. Ac. At fol. 65. in No. 5_;65, a Drawing for one of Gav’s Fables. 59 ' 3 bc 6. A Collcdi m of Wooden Prints, Fr nrh, Italian, Ger¬ man, feme Capital Letters, Title page', and other Ornaments, with many mifcellaneous PrL.ts and Etchings. 5977- A Volume wl-h fome Aniiqulties, Title-pages, A’c. Spcci'nens of andcut Writing, Rebuibs Oriiamems, variou’ Alphabets, Ac. Matiy 'pLcimens removed from the middle, as in fevera) of the other volumes. 5978. A Ccliedion of Specimens of Chinefe Paner a^d Writ* ing, and fome Specimens of other Writing. ?979— Colledions in reference to Printing, in MS. 3VQI. very undigeflcd. 5082-508 K . Four fmall Volumes bound in one, with Colledions in reference to Printing. 5986—5904. Nine Volumes in 8“, with printed Title-page.>!, engraved Frontifpieccs, Portraits of .'Authors, &c. In 5991 are alfo fom« Specimens of Writing, & Signatures. 5095 & 5996. Title-pages, Advertifements, Ac. in two thin volumes, 4to. 5997- A mifcellaneous Volume in quarto, chiefly confifting of original Letters addrefled 10 Mr. Bagford, from Wal¬ ter Flaviil. .5998- Mr. Bagfnrd’s Book of Accounts. N.B. Here ends the account of Mr.Bagford’s Pa¬ pers, from 5^92, excluding only 5955. N“54I4, A 5419, evidently belong to this Collection. Cat. Haul. Vol. III. A Trcatife in folio, with this Title prefixed, “ An exad and compenuii'U- Difeourfe concerning the art of Mi- nialui-a or Ltmcing, the ntimes, nature and proper- ties I f the CcilK'urs, the order to be obferved in pre¬ paring or ufing tliem, both for picture by the Lilej I.tmd'cape A Hiliory.” Marked on the old Cover to be by Hiilii.rd i6(K At. fol. 4.b. The Author calls Ifaac Oliver his Coufm. The whole confits of 19 Laves, vc-ry fairly written, the laft bavii;g alfo a figure drawn in outline up >n Iquarcs. 6coi, ?, Two Colledions or Mathematical papers, formerly fe* parate, but now bound together, faid to be n.ade by Dr. Peil from the Papers of T. Hariot. Mi.Hariot is writu-n in many parts, but I fee i;o mention of Dr. Pell. They begin with Muilc, hut afterwards are ex¬ tremely various. The fame Coliedion is continued at N" 6083. 6003. A Book in folio, containing, 1. “ A Lift of all the Patent, Commiffion, A "Warrant OflTcers of the Navy, made by the Conimiflioncrs for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, between the date of the firft Commiflion granted by thtir prefeiu Majeftics for executing that Office, to the firft of June 1691 ; exprcfliiig in feveral Columns their Names, Places, .''‘alaries or Wages, and wl.icli wei-e in adual imployment on the .5(h of March 1691.” 251. 2. l.iftsof all their Majeftics Ships, Yachts, A Vefil-ls of each rate A fort, Ac. Navy Ofilee Copy. 256. 3. Mr. Ptpys’s Letter A New year’s Gift to Sr. Wm. Coventry, an” ih65 279. 4. The Duke’s Rcflcdiors on the fcveral Members of the Navy-Board’s Duty 16C8. 297. 5. The Duke’s Anfw'cr to their feveral Excules, 317. 6 Sir Rob. Slingfby’s Difeourfe touching the paft A prefentState of theNavy 1660. 325. 7. Obferrations upon the different Condud between Seamen and Gentlemen Captains, not bred Tarpaulins, fincei65c.” 345. 8. Requifites to a Sea Journal. 357. 9. Rededions on the Navv Board on Mr. Giblbu’s Propofitlons for regulating the Navy. 301. I a. Various Letters to and from the Coraminioners uf theNavy. 409, to the end. 4 K A Treatif* Catalogus Librorum MSS. Niiin. 6004—6010. 6004. A Treatife in folio, entitled, “ Ane briefe Account of fom memorable panages in the late Revolutions of Britaine.” 215 pages. On the exterior leaf is this Atteflation, “ Thefe Paperswerc wTic by Mr. Rob. Bayley, Principal of the College of Glafgow, to Mr. Strang, Preacher to the Scottilh Faftory at Camphire in Zealand ; given to me by my worthy & good Friend Dr. James Fall, fometime Principal of Glafgow, now Precentor of York. Decemb. 31, 1709.” (Signed) " W. Pearfon.” With this is boundalfo N* 6267. 60C5. A Book in folio, containing the Court Rolls of the Ma¬ nor of King’s Langiley in the County of Hertford, whereof Thomas Houlker Efq. is Lord, 90 leaves befides Indexes. Bound with 6697 and 6708. 6006. A Book in folio, containing the Copies of the Court Rolls, from the 18th of K. James i. to the 29th inclu- five, of the Manors belonging to Sr. Arthur Capell, viz. Auhe, Wrington, Gbbley, Aldwicke, Claver- ham, Winterhead, Angerldgh, Thornfaucon, North- curry cumWell, Chiidockford, Kingfworthy, Bealines. A large Book carefully kept. 6007. A Book in folio, containing, 1. Dr.Barlow’s “ Advice to a Friend who defircdthe Names of I'ome Books, which might be fit to furnilh a Library for young (yet academical) Scholars.” Four leaves, clofely written. 2. “ Ava'xsxljt Sacra, Novitiis Theologias Candidatis aliquantillum fortaffe profutura.” By the fame Dr.Bar- low (S'" of Lincoln.) f. 5. to the bottom of fol. 9. a. Clofely written, and full of learning. 3. A Ihort hiftorical Account of the Affairs of Weft Barbary Sc the parts adjoining, for the fpace of 40 years paft to the Year of our Lord 1671. by Sir Hugh Chom- ley, who refided at Tangiers. 4. A Difeourfe of Moles or Piers of Harbours Sc the way of building them. The reft of the book is blank. Bound v\ith 6248. 6008. A Book in folio, entitled, “ A brief treatife of War, containing the moft effential Sc circumftantial parts thereof, digefted into feven Se£lions by W. T. in the year of our Redemption 1649.” With plans & dia¬ grams. Dedicated to King Charles II. Signed “ WiU iiamThrockmorton,” properly Sir William. See hisMi- litary Oblervations on Ctefar’s Commentaries, written in 1655, where he refers to this Treatife, N“ 4602. 6 oog. A coUc'iftion of French Poetry Sc Profe, in which the firft Article bears this Title, “ Second Mandement de Monfeigiieur I’eveque de Bethleem de fan 1714, en» richi de plufieurs Notes initructives e agreables.” This extends 24 pages ; the remainder is very mif- relhmcous, but chiefly confifts of Songs. In the whole 84 written pages. 6010. A Folio, entitled, “ Sundry Colle 3 :ions taken out of autheiitick authors ancient 5 c modern, by Sir Rob. Peafley on a fubfequent title is the date 1697. appeal's to have been the Author’s Common-place book, 6c contains feme original Treatifes, as at fo). 2. 16. 24.11. 29. 43. 52. fome drawings, fol. 20. ‘v 29. 35'h. and fome Verfes, 22. b. 48.b. 50.b. Num. 6011—6014. 52.b. 63. and feveral prayers. The whole contains 64 written leaves, with many blank leaves intervening, in different parts. 60IT. A Folio, containing, 1. “ Several Letters which paffed between K. James 1. Prince Charles, and the Duke of Buckingham, and others; which are all copied by the fame hand from the Originals, which are in the keeping of Mr. Daniel Shel¬ don.” 47 pages. In a different hand-wTitlng, 2. “ A Copy of the E. of Strafford’s Letter toChrif- topher Wandesford Efq. Mafter of the Rolls 5 c one of the Lords Juftices of Ireland, dated 25 July 1636, and attefted to be a true Copy of the (Jriginal by the now E. of Strafford this 24 June 1675. Which Original was given to the now E. of Strafford by the Duke of Or¬ mond.” 3. “ Some Remarks upon Card. Mazareen’s Negotia¬ tion of the PyreneanPeace 16595” chiefly for whai then related to England 5 6c as now appears from liis own Letters, prmted in 2 parts in 16906c i6yj. 95—i j8. 6012. Mifcellaneous Obfervations Geographical 6c Hiftorical. A common-place book with an Index prefixed. Some things added in another hand. 576 pages, but only a fmall part written. 6013. A Folio, containing, 1. An Account of the Charges of the Prince of Orange’s Expedition 1688. i- 2. An Abffratf of the Expences of the 3 years from Lady-day 1685 to Lady-day 1688. 4. 3. An Abftract of the grofs & neat Product of the Excife. 6. 4. AnEftimate of the Charges of the Navy for one Year 16S8-9. 10. 5. Perpetuities 8c Penfions during Life or Lives, and for Terms of Years, which are payable at the Exchequer, Cuftom-houfe, Excife-Office, Poll-Office, &c. ii. 6. A Particular of old Debts Handing out before the year 1671, upon Regifters kept on feverai branches of the Revenue. 24. 7. Petty Farms & other particular Eft-ites granted of certain Parts of the Revenue. 24. 8 An Eftimate of the Charge of 6 Regiments of Horfe, 2 of Dragoons, Sc 25 of Foot, whereof 16 to be raifed, making 22,330 Men, befides Officers, to be em¬ ployed in the fervice of Ireland, computed for one year, commencing the firft of March 1688-9. 9. The Cafe of the Purchalers of fome Land belong¬ ing to the Corporation of Malmeffiury in Wilts. 38. I o. The Report of Major Wildman concerning Money laid out in Trials. 44 - 11. A Scheme of the Trade between England 5 ; France, as appears from the Goods exported & im¬ ported. 46* 12. An annual Computation of (he Revenue 1688. 50- 13. An Accompt of his Majefty'*s Revenue of Excife from Michaelmas 1662 to Midlummer 1680, according as the Officers at Court would have it ftated; together with an Account of the Charge they would have it be¬ lieved to be paid out of the Revenue. 55. 6014. A thin Folio, containing Rules and Orders to be obferved in the Cuftoms, 1711, ^’c. Bound up at the end of 41331 Copies I Bibliothecas Harleianae, Num. 6015—6021. 601 5. Copies very fairly tranferibed from Domefday Book, T. I. rclpefting Soinerl'et, Dcvnnfhire, Cornwall, Kent, Siilfex. Surry, Wiltfliire, Doriet. I he words written at length. 6ot6. A mi.xcllancou'; Volume carefully written, in a ftiff old hand, containing, 1. A Tab's of the old Contents. 2. Verfes fuperfcribsd “ Thunderbolt to the Lady of Angictea I.otd Giandifon’s 'Widow.” 3. The ichievcmeni of Sir John Prefljicer, 2 c a Let- terfigned Tam.ierlaine, Laid to be, “from one of them y' rob’.l the Danilh Ami affador on Gad’s Hill 1656, lent to him the Day after.” 4. Excrafts from the larger 2 c fmaller Volume of Di.niefday, in regular order, p 1 14S. 5. ■“ Excerpta quffidam ex excerptis de h’bro de Ber- mondefty, quae funt in cuftodia Domini Gardiner de Ilalinge.” 149. 6. A Survey of Lands belonging to London bnJge. 15^- 7. Copy of a Petition of the Prefbyternn Mmiflersto both Houle- of Parliament, in the time of the War before tile King’s Imprifontnent. 182. In the M.rgin. given me, “ Given me by old Sir John Evelyn 1 2" Novemb. 1601.’* 8. The King’* Anfuer. 18?. g. A fatyrical Pa .er divulged 659. 183, 10. Order of Precedency. 184. It. Vr’.icles agreed upon on occafion oF the Mar riage ot Prince l.harles Jc the Lady Henrietta Maria. 203. 12. The Duke of Rohan upon public affairs. 2'^9. In French. An Engli/h tranflation inferted, in a different hand. 13. The Difpute ofPrecedence between the Serjeants at Law, the Mailers in Chancery & Doftors. 2. 3. 14. Mr. Adrian May’s Letter to Mr. Hobbes concern¬ ing what is Senfe. 235. 15. The Chartergranted 4'’Eli2. to aGrammarSchool in St.Saviour’s in Southwarkc. 239. 16. The E. of Briftol’s Letter to K. Cha. n. upon the opening the Sellions of Parliament 1664 245. 6017. A thin Folio, giving a defcriptlon of the Clock fet up in the Church of St.John at Lyons j66o; in the Hand- writing ol Col. Colpeper. Only 4 leaves; now bound with 6017, 6021, &c. 601 8. A Folio, containing a Catalogue of the Manuferipts of the Library of Sir Rob. Cotton, with Notes at the end, of Books lent; tome MSS. which Sir R. ex. pefteJ, c. Superferibed on the firll leaf, “ Catalogus Librorum Manufciipiorum in Bibliotheca Roberti Cottoni 1621.” 6dtq. A Folio, containing Copies of the Evidences belong¬ ing to Hollingbourne from Sr. Francis Bamham & Doughtye. Ihere are 221 pages with Ibme breaks. 6020. A Folio, containing a large Collection of ancient Pre¬ cedents. in a minute Law hand, on paper. 6021. A Book written in feveral hands, and on different fizcs of paper, containing, 1. The_ Life and Reign oi K.Edw. vi. 86 pages clofcly written. Num. 6021—‘6029. 2. A Copy of Sir Edw. Sackvile’s Speech in the Par¬ liament houfe the 14th of Febr- 1620. 88. 3. The ill, 2d, 3d, Sc 4th years of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth. m. 4. A Petition to Q.EHzabeth relating to the Settlement of the Crown after her Deceafe. 163. 5. A Letter of Thomas Allured to the Marquis of Buckingham remonftrating againll the Match of Prince Cha. with a Daughter of Spain. 179. 6. An enthufiallical Account of a Perfon pretending to be favoured with miraculous Vifions Sc Revelations. 184. 7. Leiceller’s Commonwealth: Sc the Anfwer to it. iraperf. i 36 . 6022. A Common-place Book (not very full) with the Subjefts alphabetically difpol'ed, as far as page 2 ;o. Then fol¬ low extrafts from Judin Martyr, and many other Au.hors. 6023. A complete Tranflation of the French work ufually called the Jefuit’s Perfpeftive, which has fince been tranflated & publilhed by Ephraim Chambers. 'I he author of thi- fraullation does not appear, nor are there any Figures or Diagrams. Originally in two Volumes, but now bound in one. 6024. A Folio with Medicinal Receipts, 110 pages, with an alphabetical Index. Bound with 130 S: 3265. 6025. A Folio, containing, 1. Infcriptions for the Tomb of K. Cha. i., for the Column erefted at Rome on the banilhment of the band of Corfi, to latisfy the French King, and for Bilhops Earle and Williams, laftly, “Prophetia Sti.Thomce M^- tyris.” Thel'e precede the paging. 2. Proceffus faftus ad Coronationem Caroli ii. regis Anglia. j— 2^6, 3. Extrafta ex libro Domefday de comitatu Surris, 239—2S5. 6026. The five firll Books of Polybius in Englilh ; fairly wiic- ten, as for the Prefs, with large marginal Notes, in a few places; and at the end of Book a differtation on the order of the Battle ofCannte. It is not Grimef- lon’s I'ranHation nor that by SirH.S. nor does ihe Tranllator’s-nanieanywhereappear. Pollibiyit might have been done by Sir Wiiliam'I'hrockmorton, by whom we have two learned Military Wi.rks at N'^ 4603 & 6008. The hand however is very difierent. 6027. A large common-place Book in folio, confillin-T of a variety of Theological Subjefts. It begins at 936, & extends to 192S, but with many blank Spaces. 6028. A Folio, containing Abflrafts of Sermons,chiefly preached by aMr. Park in 1641. At the beginning, “ Anne Harcourt, her Book,” in a hand fimilar to the reff. 6029. A MS. neatly written, with this Title, “A compendious Difeourfe of Paffages between the Earles of Effexs Northampton, 8c Sommerfet, the Counteffe of Som- merfet, Sr. Tho. Overbury & others, with theyre rifinge Sc fall, with diverfe other Matters afted during the raigne of K. James ; as alfoe of the D. of Buck¬ ingham’s firll coming into favour.” In 34 Chapters. 4 Bound Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6029— ^033* Bound with N“ 4287 and 4302. It is indeed onlv a more modem Tranfcript ot the Traft contained in the latter of ihofe Numbers. It occurs again at 6242. 6030. A common-place book of Mr. Humphrey 'Waiiley, bear¬ ing on the firft leaf the dale cf “ Auguft C, 1687,” and containing, 1. Various rvlemorandums, Sayings, and Verfes. 2. The Morios of the Bells in St.Michael's Steeple in Coventry & tluir Weight, with an Account of the great Bed in the City of Mofeo, the heavielf moveable in Eu¬ rope, requiring too hands to Itir it. ^ 2.b. 3. A Computation of the foreign Coins mentioned in Dr. Heylin’s Cofmography, with the Engliih. 3. b. 4. “ The poor man’s Library, or certain Notes gathered out of Cofmography, Geography, Phiiofophy, Aftronomy. Phyfick, Hillorv, & Divinity, ferving as a help to diicourfe.” 'Very little follows this Title. 5. 5. T’he Lord’s Prayer from Sc.Matthew & St. Luke, in two hands. 8- 6. A Catalogue of the MSS. left by Sir Mat. Hales 16 Lincoln’s Inn, with that pan of the Will concerning It. 9 * 7. Several Alphabets, Oriental, i:c. 15. 2.0. 8 . Colledions rel'pedting China. 43* p. -out of Has wood’s yuvxtxsTov, concerning the Sibylls. ' 43 - 10. ‘ Printed Books in, Oxford Library which I like.” 44 - 11. Out of Wheeler’s Travels. 45 — 47 * Blank kaves follow, among which are inferted two fhort Copies of Letters. Then, with the Book turned the contrary way, are the following Articles : 12. Some Maxims of Fortification. i. 13. Rules of Perfpsaive, with diagrams. Wi h many uTciul auvices to the Student of that art. 4—11. This Book appears to have had originally more leaves, j-cgularly paged ; and contains fcatlered through it, an alplwbetical lilt of Names to fomc other Book, and yth.er matters. 6037. A Folio, containing the 2d, 3d, Sc 4th Books of Andr. Palladio’s Architecture in Lnglilh. Bound with 6017 and others. 6032. A Folio containing the Lives of the Painter; in Italian, alphabetically arranged, in the order of the Chriflian Name's. It contains many lives; the greater part marked fjtto or fat, in the margin, or fomeiimes only f. to fhew that they were completed, perhaps at the prefs. 6 ^ 33 - A thin Folio, containing, before the paging, 1. Analphabeticallill begun of Englifh Ab'beys ; fol¬ lowed by feme Ihort heraldic notes, 2. The Births, Marriages St Deaths of divers of the Nobilitv Sc Gentry before the Year 1388, fol. i—3. Then many blank leaves. 3. A Lift of leveral who accompanied Hen, m. to the Holy-Land, with the Taxes they were relcafed from. 4. Bodies buried in the White Friers of London. 29. 5. Bodiesburiod in the BliickFriars. 29. b. 6. Bodies buried in the Friers Auguilin. 3 ^* 7. Bodies buried in the Grey Fricr.>;. 34 * 8. Nouiina fundatoruin fratrum Minorum in Coven- trec. 55 * g, Nomina fepuitoriiin ibidem. 55 ' to. An Alphabetical Index. Num. 6033—6038. 1 1. (At the other end of the Book) a Note of all fuch Funerals as have been ferved by any of the Officers of Arms rince Sept. i. 1596, to July 1599. fol. 62. Bound with 1088. 603+. A thin Folio, fhewing the Cafe of Thomas Violet, Gold, fmith, who fecured to theSfate 278000 Pounds arifing from the Silver in the Ships Sampfon, Salvador Sc George; wherein is contained his Petition to his Highiiefs Richard Lord Protefbor, wiih References fx Reports of the fervice done by him. 41 pages, with a fliorc Index prefixed. [6035—G059, Quarfo.J 6035. A Book in 4". containing daily Memorandums in relation to the bufinefs of the Secretary’s Office from 25th March to 3 Pec. 1585. On the old Cover, “ aLeiger to-k out cf the Secraaries Office.” 6036- A Book in 4®. intitled “ Exerritationes iv. medicse, phi- fiologicas; r. DcLafte. 2. De circulationc fanguinis in foetu Humano, Sc ejus nutritione Sc meconio, 3. Do Fermeniatione. 4. De Concoxtione Ventriculi. Explicatse fecundum prindpia novai philofophiae ; adornatjE experimentis chymicis et anatomids obferva- tionibus ac in hiccm editse curaet ftudio i'homae Aylwin, M. D.” Dedicated to Robert Earl of Oxford & Morti¬ mer ; 22. July, anno 1742. The author dates from Petcrsfield Hants. The book is tranferibed for the preik, being direded on the outerleaf, “ For Mr. Wil¬ liam innvs, BookfcUer and Printer, at the Princes Arms in St. Paul’s Church "Vard, in London.” It is bound' up with 5139. 6037. A thin Quarto containing, 1. Some Colledions in French, viz. Advice of Eu- phrofine, Empr^fs of Conftamiiiople, to her Son Theo- philus: 8c Clotilda Queen of France to her Children. 2. Collediuits out of Mr. Samuel Clarke’s Mar- tyrclogv. 3. Lives of eminent Divines: viz. Doffor Collet Dean of St.Paul’s.*—Miles Coverdalebifhop of Fxc:er.— Dr. Sands Archbilhop of York.—Mr. Hich. Greenham.— Mr. Tho. Cartwright.—Mr. P.:u! B.tines. —Mr. Wm. Bradfhaw.—Mr. julines Ilening.—Mr. John Dod.— Mr. Herbert Palmer. 4. Lives of Cafper Colinius Admiral of France.— Prince Maurice of Naffitu.—Mr. Stork.—Mr. Rich. Roihwd.—Dr. Piefton.—Mr. Arthur Hildtrlham.— Dr. Taylor.—Mr. Hu.th Clark.—Dr. Sibs.—Dr. Cha- derton.—Mr. John Bali.—Dodor Putter. 3. Mora'Sentences, ecc. 6. Mifcellaneuns hiftorical Obfervations, from differ¬ ent authors. 6038. A mifcdlancous Colledion in Profe and Verfe, chiefly Eiiglilh, but with fome Latin and French. 1. Effays, on Riches, figned W.C.; on Covetoufnefs, A.C.— a Church Papilb, a Puritane (in high Commen¬ dation of him) a Courtier,— a Virgin, a Widow, &c. 2. Various Verfes, fol. 10. an Epitaph at ful. it, is fuperferibed in a different hand, “ my Sifter Mrs. Eliza¬ beth Levefon, her Epitaph.” Latin Verfes by John Hof- kins to the King, f.2i.b. with a Tranflation. Verfes on Lady Rutland, f.22. 3. Letter from Lord Bacon to the Houfe of Lords, and fatyrical Verfes upon him, with other Verfes. 27. 4. Letters from Sir W. Rawleigh, Sir Charles Corn- wallit and others. 31. 7 5. Verfes Bibliothecae Harleianae. 313 Num. 6038—6046. 5. Veifes Latin and Englifli. 4j*b. At fol.4g. b. various Emblems; at fol. 6g. “A farewell to the World, by Dr. Warmllry.” 6. Queen Elizabeth’s Speech to her laft Parliament, 2oth October 1601. 74. 7. A Letter in French, figned, Henry de Rohan, Novembrc 1621. “ Au Roy de la Grande Bretagne.” 7 ^- After this the leaves are chiefly blank, except 83, 86, 87. And after f.89 is inferted, written on a feparate paper, and folded, 8. AParaphrafeuponthe i48t]aPfalm,by Wcnnyorth Earl of Rofcommon, at 16 years of age; begun to be tranferibed at f. 87. 6039. A thin Book entitled, “ A Review of the Argument in Fotherby’s Cafe j wherein the Power of the Ordinary to diftribute & to call Executors & Adminiflrators to account, is difeyfs’d according to the ancient Laws & Cuftomsof this Realm.” From Crokes Reports. 6040. A common-place Book in Latin, French & Eiiglifh, re¬ lating to Theological Subjects alphabetically dilpofed. The Titles & many Articles in Laliii. An alphabet of Names begins at fol.239.b. Atfol.264. fomeEx- planations of Texts. In all 280 leaves. 6041. A Book in 4^ containing, 1. The Poem of Peorfe [Pierce] Plowmannc. i. 2. The Contrition of a Penitent. (inProfe.) 97. Some leaves in the Poem (23, 24, 26 & 27,) are much tom. An ancient Copy on Paper} in all tea leaves. 6042. A Book with Medicinal Receipts: At the beginning, thcie are a few Receipts for Difteinpers in Cattle. It contains 229 written pges. Sc a table of Contents is prefixed. 60+3. Traftatus vani, et Thefes in Jure Civili, a ftudente in hSc facultate, ex oredoctorum defumpti, in quadani uni- verfitatc, ab anno 1 587 ad 15S9. Ad pag. 203 ferip- turn ed; l^er me N A. 6 die Aprilis 1588.” Nomen feriptoris fnrfan inveniri poflet, iiiodo dignum invefti- gatione videatur. 60.} 4. Nota: Geographies et Hiflorica:, Laiine feriptm. 6045. Libellus Lnline feriptus, cuititulus " Curfus Cliymicus, fub Domino Luca oper.inte fa^us.” Additur haic nota. “ Ordo prgsparatlonum in hoc curfu obferva- tus eft fecundum funiorum commoditatepi, ica ut, qu® fimul fieri potuerint operationcs, facta; fimul} et in iifdem funds, ut et carboiiibus parceretur.” Defcribit compofitiones prteparafionum, fubjeflis obfervatioiiibus. Folia habet novem, et compaclus eft cum numeris 497, 4096, et 6488. 6046. Cqdex- chartaceus, in quo habentur, I. Commentarius in 8 libros Phyficorum Ariftotelis. 2--in libros tres de Anima. 3.---—fieparvis naturalibus. 4---- jn fpha;ram Joannis defacro Bofeo. S' ----in libros de Coelo. 6.-in libros de ortu S: interitu. 7 ' - -7-;-ill traflatus meteorologicos. Prx- mittuntur Codici infignia Thomce Aquinatis} et inferun- tur, ante trattatus priores tres, chaila; tvpis feripta', C.'VT. Vol. III. ' ^ Num. 6046—6053. exhibentes varias Thefes fcholafticas, et Breviariuni Phi- lofophia. 6047. A Book in 4°. containing, r. Colledions relating to Englilh hiftory from Uter Pendragon to Edw. iv. i. 2. An Abftraft for Englilhmen to know the realme of Scotlande.” 26. ^3. “Memorandums touching the Battels fought by the Kings of England at home or in foreign Countries.” 33. 4, Collections from hiftory, of Treaties Sc Articles conr eluded between different Powers. 70. An ill written paper book of 95 leaves; boun^ with N‘’ 4043. 6048. A Quarto, containing, 1. The Colloquy between Hippolytus & his Nurfe in Seneca's Tragedy, with an Englilh t; anllauon. 2. “ CaUlogus authorum qui in univerfas juris civills et Caponici partes quidpiam conferipferunt.” 3. “ Titulorum Juris Ctsfarii etPontificii in quosDd [dofti?] conferipferunt Index, ordine Alphabetico.” 4. “ Traftatura omnium in Jure, turn civili, turn, Pontificto, Index Alphabeticus etiain uberrimus. 5. Catalogus Libroruin feleflorum; alia manu. Liber qhartaceus, compaCbus cum feguentibus duobus, et 605 a. C049. A fmall Quarto with this Title, “ Analefla feu Mifcel- lanea de ftudio Juris Crefarei & Pomificii amico juris candidate tranfiuiffa.” Altho’ the Title Is in Latin, the Treatife itfelf is in Englifli. Bound with the former, 8cc. 6050. A thin Book, containing “ Orders & Rules of proceeding in the office of his Highneffe Remembrancer of his Court of fxchequer at Weftminfter, publilhed by Sir 1 ho. Widdrington Kt. chief Baron of the fame Court, Robert Nicholas, John Parker, 8c Roger Hill the other Barons.” 6051. A fmall Quarto written in French, with this Title, “ La vie dVEfopetiree des anciens Autheurs par Monf. dc Mcziriac.” Tranferibed from a fcarce book printed in 1622. Bound with 6058. 6052. A thin book, intitled, “ This is a true Coppy of the Ordinance made in the tyme of the reigne of K. Hen. VI. to be obferved in the King’s Exchequer by the Officers & Clerkes of the fame, for taking of Fees of the King’s Accounts in the fame Court. ” There is a Letter prefixed, addrefled to fome Judge, & figned “ Rob'. Montague.” Bound with 6048, &c. 6053. A Book in 4°. containing, 1. Notte exTheophraili ethicis charaSeribus. Defunt folia 5, poll. 12. 2. “ De Romano denario. out of Mr. Greaves.” 23. 3. “ A Tractate of Short-hand according toMr. Rich.” A. D. 1689. 39. 4. A Scheme for carrying on the hiftory of the World from where Sr. Walter Ralegh left off. 72. 5. ExEuftathio qutedan^ Parcemia alphabetice digefta. p. 105. Subjiciuntur Epigrammataqua;damSanazarii. 6. Ex Dione Caflio. 316. 7. Ev Odyffea Excerpta qutedaip alphabetice. p.40j. Errore fcribenlis omittiintur paging; poft 31 g ad 400. 8. Ex Eufcbii Chron. fol. 513. Similiter tranfivit feiiptor 3419 ad 500. 4 L g. Out Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6053—6058. 5. Out of Lotvthorp’s Epitome of the Philofophical Tranfaction.':. 61 4 * 10. Ex Flavio Vegetio. 816. 11. Ex Fra. Sanftii Minerva. 818. 12. ExFeftoPompeio, fol.915. From fomeftrange Cof rice, the author paffes, in every inftance, from 19 above one hundred, in the paging, to the next hundred. 6oS4- A Book bound with 1945, containing, 1. Afragment of a larger book beginning atp.44, with collections on Roman Antiquities dated 1676. A rule to multiply any number above 5 on the fingers, p. 69, & a few mifcellanics, to p. 82. '1 hen follow many blank leaves. 2. A Mifcellaneous colleftion of another kind,_begm- ning at p. 27, and containing Poems Latin & Englifh. As a burlefque parody on “ Qui mihi." p. 38, with a confidcrable number of Epigrams, Epitaphs, the Song of a Soldier & a Sailor in Latin, &c. it extends to p. 116. Wriiceniu feveral diiferent hands. 6055. A Book in 4". containing, 1. 1 lie Debates in the Star-chamber on Wednef- day the 8th November 162c, about the Charter of Lon¬ don. 2. Let;crs concerning the Marriage of Lady Hatton's Daughter with the F.. of O.xford againft the confent of Sr. Edw. C. ke her Hulband; with levcral other Let¬ ters between great Perfons at that time. -1 • 3. A tract entitled, “ 1 h' univerfall relations of Jhon Bolero of Bene” (fic, qu. Berne ?) — “ The firfie part & j firlt booke w'** cnntcines the defcrlption of Europe.” Defcriblng Spain, France, Italy, & the Low Countries, f. 35, contains 11 2 pages, but ends abruptly, as if un- finiflied. Bound with 986, 1595 8c 1842. 6056. A Quarto, containing, I. A brief difcnuife proving that the Houfe of Com¬ mons hath equal power with the Peers in point of Judi- rature : written by Sir Rob. Cotton to Sr. Edw. Mon- la'^ue 1621. at the beginning. ”3. A relation of everyday’s proceedings in Parliament from the beginning tliereof, being 20th Jan. 1629. t- 3. 24th Feb. 1623. I he EflccF of the Relation to both Houfes at Whiiehall, by the D. of Buckingham, concerning the Marriage with Spain. 74 - '1 he following aie printed, 4,. Q. Elizabeth’s Speech to her lad; Parliament, 3. A Proclamation for fupprcfiing falfe rumours touch¬ ing Parliament, 1629. fi. A Pr.irlamation for apprehending Walter Long Efq ; tc W'. Strode, Oent to anfwer for feditious prac¬ tices before the ••itar-Chambei'. 7. K. Chailcs’s Declaration of the Caufes for difTolv- iii'T the Parliament, in the 4th year of his reign, 1628. 6057. A 0 r.rto of 63 written leaves, containing Poems on va- rious lubjecls, by difterent lumJ?, colleded ^by 1 ho. Crone, whofe name is prefixed in an ^Vcroflic. The poems arc b) Ben Jonfon, C.arevv, Sc many couiempo- raiwautliorj. f. I o.b. is a Poem entitled, “ O’d Dictie of .sir riiiilipp Sidiicyes omitted in the printe.l Anadia. And at f. 3d. Verfes f.y Ir.igo Js>nes “ To his falfe friend Mr. E^n Johr.fon.” Ihcionner :s probably not wliat it pretend.;, or it was ccrnunly right to omit it. . “ Oratlo inaugur.ili' h.ibita Oxoru in fcholis public)*' ly. Id. Jill, an'-' 1712, a Thoma Terry, S.T. B. iEdis ChnIEi aEunino, et regio Grtcm; Lingum ibidem pro- Num. 6058—6063. feflbre.” Fol. 16. Libellus compaclus cum num*. 6051. ^'^ 59 - Liber chartaceus, continens annotationes plenifiimas viri cujufdam docti in L. Florum, manu fads pulchri ferip- tas. Defunt pauca in fine. [6060—6079. 6060. An heraldical Book renting to the County of Warwick, wherein, 1. An Alphabetical Index of the Names placed at the beginning. 2. Coats of Arms trick'd, of Knights of Wanvickfli. about the time of Edw. i. i. 3. The Armsof Warwickfliire Gentry, as they arc in Theobald's Gallery. ii. 4. The .Arms of Juftices of the Peace in Warwickfli. 1601. out of a Book at Theobald’s. iii. 3. Anns of Gentlemen tricked. & carried on al¬ phabetically. f. iv—-XV. Thefc fifteen leaves precede the foliation of the book. 6. A large Number of Defeents & Pedigrees with Anns trick’d, f. i—210. Thefe are all Indexed. 6061. Athin Folio, with 10 Coats of Arras, in the firft page, trick’d with a Pencil, and nothing elfe. Bound with N°’ 5857 & 5880. 6062. A Book entitled “ Knights made by King James &: King Charles, from 1603 to 1636, with an Alphabetical Table by Sr. Richard St. George.” 6063. A Folio, containing Lifts, with thefe titles; 1. The Names of 136 Knights & Noblemen that were with Edw. in. atthe fiege of Barwick. 2. Knights made by Hen. vi. anno fi. at a Parliament at Leiceftcr. 3. Knights made by Hen. vn. at the Battle of Red- more. 4. Knights of the Bath made at the Coronation of K. Hen. vil. 5. Knights made at the Coronation of O. Elizabei!\, eldeft Daughter of Edw. i\’. 6. Knights made by Hen. vn. at the creation oj Prince Arthur. 7. Knights made by Flen. vn. at the creation of jlic Duke of York, on Allhallow Eve, 4 Hen. vn. 8. Bannerets made by Hen. vii, at Blaclilu-atli field. 9. Knights made at Blackheath field. 10. Knights of the Bayne, made at the nun-iage ol Prince Arthur. 11. Knights of the Carpet, made at the laid Mai'riage. 12. Knights made at Tourraine in the Cliurch, after the King (Hen. vin.) came from Mafs, under his ban¬ ner in the Church, in the vih year of his Reign. 13. Knights made at Sefforth, Sic. in the 15th year of Hen. vin. 14. Other Knights made by Hen. vin. 15. Knights by Hen. viii. at Bullen. 16. Knights dubbed in Scotland by the E. of Hert¬ ford, the King’s Lieutenant, 36 of Hen, viii. 17. The Oath of the Knights of the Table round in the time of the noble King Arthur, z S. Knights of the Bath & others made at the Coro¬ nation of Edw. VI. & on thcTuefday following, being Shrove Tuefday. 10. Lord Mayors of London with the honour of Knighthood. 20. Noblemen created in Ireland by K. James. 21. Ki igbts of the Bath made in the Tower of Lon¬ don Bibliothecas Harleians. 3'5 Num. 6063—6064. don at the Coronation of Queen Mary, & the Day after atWelhn. 22. Others made 29 & 30 Oft. 1553. 23. Knights of the Bath and others made at the Co¬ ronation, & afterwards, throuiihout the Reira of O. Elizabeth. ~ 24. Rights Bachelors made by K^bmcr; 160^, 1604. 25. IJie Baronets as they are marihalled under the great Seal cf England, from their firll Creation, 29 June 1 61 1,9th of K. James, to the end of the year 1623. z6, Knights made by Rob. E. of Leicefter in Holland 15S6.—by the Lord Admiral at Sea 1588.—by the L. Willoughby in the Low Countries, -by the French King, —-by Rob. E. of EfTex before 1591.—by the Lord Ad- miral & E. of ElTex before Gales 1596.—by the E. of EfTex in Ireland 1599. 27. Knights of ihe Bath at the Coronation of K. James, at the Creation of Cliarles D. of York,—at the Creation of Henry Prince of Wales.—at the Creation of Charles Pr. of Wales, q Nnv. 1616. 28. A Lift of all the Knights Bachelors made by K. James. 2g. An Order by his M.ijefty for the Kts. to repair to the E. Maffhal_ for his Warrant to the Ollice of Arms to regifler their Names, Sc to take their Places accord¬ ingly. 30. A lift of Knights from 1(122 to 1629. A Catalogue of all the Knights dubbed in the reign of Q^Eliz. drawninto A'phabet, with the time of their Creation. 32. An Alphabetical Catalogue of all the Knights made by K- James, with the p'aces Sc time of their Creation. 6064. An heraldical Book in folio, containing the following titles, 1. Articles concerning the Queen’s (Eliz.) Coronation. A: the beginning, 2. Regula aurea et qusedam alia ex vetere libro mem- branaceo de re heraldica. 1. 3. An Order concerning the funeral of Lady Cathe¬ rine, WydowSc Douager of PrinceArthure, am. 1535. ■ -r. . . , . 7 -b. 4. r orma coronationi.s regum be reginarum Anglia:, 9. 5. The Names of the principal Officers at a Corona¬ tion, after the old Ciiftom. 12. 6. The OfTice of the I,, great Chamberlain, theE. of Oxford, at the Coronation. i 7. De principatibus Sc dominiis apud Germanos tern* poruin fuccefTu inftitutis. i 8. A Grant from Robert E. of Suftex to Tho. Shuothe Clerk, for appointing him his Chaplain, 15. 9. Tho Creation of a Duke, &c. 16. 1 o. The Order of all Eftates of men. 1 g. 37, 11. The Ordering of Funerals. 22. 12. Several Queftions about the rights in bearing Arms. 28. 13. Charges Sc Droites at the Creation of a Nobie- man. 14. Duties to be paid by a Knight of the Garter to the College of Windfor. 15. The Inftrument for degrading Thomas E. of Wcllmoreland Sc Thomas D. of Norfolk Knights & Companions of the Order of the Garter, for high treafon againft the Queen’s Majefty, Nov. 27. 1569. 36. 16. The form of the Oath in playne chapitre holden at the Grey Friers in London, June 3. an" 30 Hen. viii. All the officers prefent. 1-. The Creation of Walter E. of Effiex Sc Edward E. of Lincoln at Greenwich on Sunday May 4, 1572. 3B. 18. Ihe Admiffion of Sr. Wm. Pawlet to be Lord St. John of Bafinge, of Sr. Henry Cheyney, Sr. Hen. Comp¬ ton, Sc Sr, Hen. Norrys, refpecUvely to be Barons, at the Parliament holden at Weftminfter, May t>, j572. 29. Num. 6064. 19. The Inftallaiion at Windfor June i8, 1972, of the foUowing kmghfs of the Garter ; Francis Duke of Mont- Effiex, William Lord Burghiey, Anhure Lord Grey of Wilton, & Edmond Lord cLun- 20, The Names of the Knights inftalied at the W time. hi/bJlaL®." “f ^5“' BrvdcweH^ Charges paid by Lords created at 23. Droites payez pour I’inftallacyon du Roy en rece- vant 1 ordre de la Jartierc. 24. IheStile Sc Tiileof the Queen (Eliz.). ib. 25. Duties to be paid at the creation of a Duke, See. ./■ T> 2 ■ ib. &c. - 0 . Kewarda givenout of the Chamber cfLondon at every Proclamation. 5 27. The ^V-alTan^ of Tho. E. of Derby. Lord Conlla- We ol England, to the Oflirers of Armc, for ir.e receiving thar Dues, 8 Nov. ,d Hen. vii. 28. 1 he Copy of a Deputation made by Clarencieu.v Hatviey to t.hefter Heraulh, coutiitudng'him his Marfli.il Deputy, m the I ft of Philip & Mary. 4; 29 A Grant from Q. Elia, to the Dutchefs of Su'f- lolK, 01 an augmentation to her Anns. ^8 nF' ’■‘'’’/Charges of the Knights of the Bath, & of the Ofliceisof the King’s houfe. ■n 'll ^ ^ Charges of Sr. Gilb. Dethicke in his meifage ban * Emperor Maxitni. 32. The Copy of a Deputation made by Clarenefeui Cook to Rob.Glover, al's Somerfet Herald of Arms, for a vifitanon of the Countv of Stafford. a 33 - The Inflallation of Edw. E. of Rutland, Wn'i. JLo. Cobham & Henry I.o. Scroope of Bolton at Wind- for, Apr. 13, lySj. 34. The Creation of Lady a\nn Bullcn to be Mar. chionefs of Pembroke. ., 35- 'Ehe Apparel for the Creation of a Prince, Earle occ. ’ 36. The Determination of the Difputes between^the Officers of Arms in HnglandSc Ireland. c-?. 37. Diredlions from Lord Burghley &. theE, ofLei- glter to the Heralds of Arms tn dear up the Claim of Hen. \ernon as next heir in blood to theLo. Powis. 38. Cople dc la charge executee par un offider d Armes de la part du Due de Lorraine au Due de Bur- goigne. „ 39 ' The Creation ofSr. Wm. Cecil to the Barony of Burghley, 25 Feb. 1 570. ^ 40. J he Names of the Knights of the Garter icvir ham Charles Lord Howard of Effing- 41. Several Warrants for the Officers at Arms. 61. 42. Degubematore ac principal capiianeo exerciius. r ' 62. a® 63. Arms in bla¬ zon or J. I. g 44 - ^ he Meafures of the Bonnet, Sleeves, &c. of fhe Queen, Prince,&c. gg _ 45 - 3 he Summons of the City of Terevan, June 2^, m 3th Hen viii. to furrender to the King. 67, 46. Kings & Queens buried in the Cathedra] at 'VVin- chefter, with their Arms. 47' All mnnner of Eftstes to wear their apparel as' abovelaid powder J. jg 48, The Marriage & Iffue of Henry D. of Lancaftcr. 49 -. The Arms trick’d of Edw. E. of Awberaarle ftain at Agincourr, 50. Ti.5 ji6 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6064. 'o. The Copy of a Patent granted to Rob. Cook, al's Chefter to be Clarencicux. 68. r, The manner how to make a Bancret m the field. 69. 52. Thedifcommodities that may happen to an Army forlackofTnfigns. *6. C-’ The Size of Standerts. Banners, Penons, Ac. ib. A Letter of deputation from Win. Flower Ivor- roy^o Hob. Flower al’s Somerfet, with full powers to adin liis room, an’. 1570, & 12th of Q. Eliz. 70. 55. Fees to the Officers of Arms at the funeral of the Q. of Scots. crJ'u c6 -I-belnnallationat Windfor of Henry E. of Derby & Henry E. of Pcmbrook, on 20 May 1574. ibth^of Wines of the Knights of the Garter at this Infiallatlon. , c8. Th-' Order in proceeding from the Queens pa¬ lace atWefiminfter to St. Peter’s Church tothefermon there, & from thence to the Parliament Chamber, Apr. 2, The Parliament Robes of a Vifeount, drawn with 74. a pen. , « 60. The Order of going of all Eftates. _ 75 * 7 ^- 61. IheDroughies to be paid by Knights under the degreeof a Baron. r i. t. i. c tr^' 62. The Charges of the Knights of the Bath A officers of the Sing’s & Queen’s houfe. lb- 6-1 The Words declared by Cheller Herald at the coming in of Sr. Fdw, Demoke Champion at the Coro- nation of Q- Mary i. .. t 64. Knights made by K.Philip, Jan. 27. 65. Knights made at the Coronauon of Q. Mary 60 The i-rder in placing the Knights of the Garter m their Stalls at Windfor, at the Inftallation of the Prince of Pymont A Lord Wm. Hawarde Ld. Admiral. 78. 67 Ufages & Cuftoms at an Infiallation. ib. 6S. The Apparel of a Countefs at the Interrment of a ^eT’A Warrant in behalf of Chefter Herald to the Treafurer of the Army, for money to carry him over to Calais. „ , r R * go. TheWimntfor poilhorics. »o. 71. The Queen’s Wnrrant tor payment of the Dues belonging to the Officers of Arms. ^ >b- 77 The manner & form of borymg a Billiop or Car- dinu' ”*7-• 'I’he form of the buiial of the Lord of St. 7 j. The form of bury-ing a Lord or Knight. ib._ yj! AWairant in behalf of Cheiter Herald, for his maintenance at Calais, Stc. . 3 ' 7f,. The burial of Dr. Wotton. on-' 77. T'hu We of the Burial of Sr. James Bollamc. r ‘ ib. 7S. Tire Order of the going of all Eftates from the Talac'e to the Church EtPariiament, 1554- “4. The Copy of a Letter from the t.ouncil at Green- wi 4 to the Lord Mayor, rMdernien 6; hhe.ufts ol Lon¬ don, June 1566. . , a , .n 80. The 'Ordinances, Statutes & Knlcs made by the L. of Worccfter Conllable ofEngUnd,Cih of Ldw. 4. to he obl'ei ved in all manner of Julies. , 1 3 i. A Countefs in Mourning Apparel, neatly drann . , ob. ■ttiijiapcn. . c Hi. The Funeral of a Countefs. c-Q- Sr. The burial of a Knight or an .Mderman of l4>n- \ 11 '94. The place of the younger Sens of an Earl. fThe Salary of N'orroy Kmg of Arms in t!ie loth •w’P.iclprd 11. Num. 6064—'6067. 86. The Names of Noblemen who have been Officer;: of Arms. _ , 99 * 87. Officers of Anns created by divers Princes. 100. S8. Notes out of Indentures & Patents relating to Officers of Arms. , 89. I'he Order for the Funeral of a Marquifs. 105. 90. The Prooetding at the Funeral of VV \ Marq. of Winchefter high Treafurer. io 7 ' 91. The Proceeding at the Funeral of Edw. E. of Derbv, Dec. 1572. gg'_of Margaret Dutchefs of Norfolk, buried in Norwich i;63, & afterwards removed to Fremingham. 93. A Baron’s Hood, in Trick. no. 94. Jura appertinentia ad Officiales Armnrum. in. 95. A I.etter of K. Hen. viii. upon a defigned Vifita- tion of Clarencicux, i ^ 5 - 96. A Licenfe from (^Eliz. for Somerfet Herald to travel abroad for improvement. >' 6. 97. No Rule for Heralds to fucceed and take place according to feniority. ^ 98. Definitions of Signum, Vexilliim, Scutum, (.ly- peus, Parma. . 99. A Treatife of the rights which appertain to the Marfhal in time of War. ng. 100. The Order of taking the Affiiys of the Mints m old time. 101. Litcrie patentes per qtias Dux Montmorentiaci Edmundum de Courtney mihtem procuratorem fuuni effecit quo tempore Gartcrii miles & coiifrater elige- batur. 6065. A Book entitled “ 'Ihe Vlfitation of Eflex made Anno Dni 1612, by John Raven, Richmond Herald of Arms, by virtue of a Deputation from the learned Camden Clarenceulx King of Arms.” Signed Hen. Idly Rouge Rofe. At the end there is an alphabetical Index. The arms are in general neatly tricked. The Debate concerning the affigning of the Coat- Arms of Francis Barrington late of Tofts m the County of ElTexEfq; unto John Barrington, alias Shutc, of Bucket in the County of Berks, Efq; purfuant to the intention A defires of the faid Fra. Barrington, is now bound in after the index. 6066. An heraldical Book in folio, relating to the Co. ol Nof- thampton, containing, 1. Tlie Days of the Month (wiiliouc the Year) when the Vifitation was made, & at what places. 2. An alphabetical Index, referring to the enfuing Book. r 3. The Defcent Sc Pedigrees of the FamiUes el the the'^faid County, with their Arms trick’d. 4. Arms in the Pariffi Church of Aihallows m Nor¬ thampton. 1 r •! 1 5. An Alphabet of Names with the Arms dclcim.-l in Blazon. 6067. A Boolv in folio, containing, 1. An Exirafk of a Grant of certain Rights Sc Privi- leges to John Duke of Lancafter & Blanch his Wife, £c the heirs of their bodies, from Edw. iv, Sc afterwards ratified and confirmed by Heo. viii. _ 2. A Roll of the Nobilit)’, according to their places. ^^i^An Order from Court to the College of Heralds for marffiallmg the Names of the Noblemen, Knights, Doiftors, which were to be Inferced in the Chyter for eftabliffiing a Colony in Virgima. Many blank leaves follow' them. . , . r .i,„ 4, Copies of the Ctrtificates of the payment m the Suofidies granted to Jam. i- given out of the E.xche.qu^r BibliotheCic Harleiana'. Num. 6067, 6068. for the difcharge of John Gwilliams al's Porlfmoiith one of his Majefty’s Poifuivants. Signed He, Fan- liiawe, 5. Extract of the Grant from Ridiard II. to the Mayor or 1 o:k, of a Sword of State, &c. 6 . The Place of the Aklemrcn of London at the funeral of Q. Elizabeth, Wife of Ihn. vji.—at the Co- ror.atron of Q. Mary—at the Coronation of K.Kdw.vr. —at the Coronation of Ann BolLa- od Wife t'. K. Hen. viii. “Ex antique llbro, ni ofneio armorum.” 7. The C’lajlenge of JVlciiardus, I.ord ot ihe Hies, to the valoroiif Kniyhrs of Gr. liriiain to ingage in the Exercife of Arii>3. 8. The relation of a fumptuous Fcafl of K. Calli- bdan ; and Remarks upon the Iloufe-kceping of King 9. Grant from W" Camden, aPs Chrtnckux, of a Coat of Arms to John Puckle. Maiiv blank leaves. 10. Very Ihort Notes from Ilolinglhed concerning f^he_Oath taken by Ktiights & the King; onccrriirKr In- hentances & Marriage. At bottom is written “ G wiliim’s hand.” ty Richard 11. to the Abbey of Weitminuer. •' 12. Creations of Noblemen, by O. Eliz. and K, James, With fome Notes about the dilffrences of Barons. 13. Notes from feveral Authors on free Government Kings, Honour, Trophies, dec. 14 ' Genealogy of the Family of Colton of Connyng- ton in liuntmgtonniire. -Tyrwhite, of Ketilhie in LincoliiHi. ----Bedell in Com. North. 15. Antiquity of Coat-Armour. 16. Notes from Scripture/k from various Authors con¬ cerning Sepulchics, Euneral Rites, &c. with marginal Sketches. ' ® 17. The Order of the funeral of . . Reade of Codcf- broke in Com. North ton, Kl'q. iS. The Funeral of l.liz, Countcrfs of Bath. 1605. “ A confutation cf the Opinion that Honours & Titles of Dignity are determinable at common Law, & not elfewhere.” "1°' r ^liJference between the Laws of the Land & tile Rules and Cuftoms of Honour, concerning the Peers & Nobility of this Kingdom.” ® 21. Agreement between Mr. Williams, King’s Herald, Fia. Morice. Executor of Sr. Jn”. Herbert, about the & charges of his Funeral. 22. Confirmation from Norroy King of Arms to E. J. . . . (Jones) for bearing ihe Arms of his An- ccltorg. 23. The Names of Mechanical Trades, in Latin & Jlnghffi. 24. Account of the Clilldren of Sr. John .St. John m com. Bedford. On an outer leaf, at the begin’ nmg, IS a copious lill of collec'five terras, terms- of hunting, Sic. This Book is figned at the end, “ R- bcrtiis Tref wellus, Blewmamle,” and “ Henry Liiv.” It is bound with 6072. • 6068. A Book containing (according to the title at the begin¬ ning) “ a Coileaion of Records concerning Wales, k Pedfgrees of Glamorganfliii-e, Monmouth, & others: lomelime the Book of Geo. Owen, and afterwards difiingui/h’d, in the Office of Arms, by the Name of the Labcll rn .” dhe Particulars are as follow : I. Extraft. ex Rotulo Paten, ab anno 1 “= regis Hen fir R. Jo. “ j (1.) Liter® de conduiflu Lewelini principis Northwalli® & uxoiis fu® in veniendo ad regem apud Salop. ^ Cat. Harl. Vol. HI. Num. 6068. _ (2.) Treuga inter regent & Lowclinuia prin- cipem. Cl) Rex Angliro&Lewelinus princopsNoitwal- lim fiabunt arbitrio. ib. (4). Rex commifit Wil lo de Lodes caftra de Montgomery, &c. ji, C5O conceffit iionorem de Kcrmerdcn Gil- berto Mar. Com Pembr. jb. (6.) Rex dedit potdlatem Ep'o. Coven. & Lidi. ad traftandiim de pace inter regem piincipcm. ib. (y.) Daviil fil. Lewelini quondam principis Nor- walli® concdlit icgi Gr.fiinum fnitrem fuuiu quein in carcerc lenebat. Jb. (S.) Owen filius Griffini rege defenditur. 2. (9.) Quomodo Rivera de Cunwaye regi re- m.mct. ^ ib. (10.) Treugre confimiatio inter regem Sc Ow- enum k L. fil. Griffini. ib. (it.) Terr, de Thlen conedT. Mereduk fil Rees. ib, (12.) Comotum dc Conneirgiin Sc ifeoeyt con- celT. Maiigon fil. Mailgon. ib, (I'p) Terras concdlit TuJero fillo Edenevet Vaughan. _ ib. (14.1 Charta indignationis regis. ib, (*j 0 Eicentia Wrenocke fil. Kenwrickc quod cat.'.lla fua receptentur in com. Cdfrie ad pul- toram. ^ (16.) Rex conceffit Oweno fiiio Gri.ffim domos. ib. ■ (17 ) ManJatnm ad ducend. Tuder fil. Abed- nevet, &c. ad turr. Lond. jb, (18.) Mandafum finnn iinponere conten'ioni inter Griffinum fil. IMu-loci i'c Griffiimm fil. Weiudwen de teiris de Doydonu. ib. {19. Ilomagifn Rees fit. Rees. ib, (20.) DotatioEkii® uxoi-is Mereduk fil. Owejn. ib. (21.) Mandatum WiThno de Warrene ad deli- beraiid. caltrum fuura cle Albo Irionafterio durante guerra. jb. (22.) Coj’ceffi 10 Hbr. Tuder fil. Ednevet. ib. (23.) IrcsWallcnles fc retidunt ad fidem regis. 4. (24.) Comotum Criwethin conceffit Maelgon fil. ib. ^25-) Qi-ind magnates Hibernire venirent in Wal- liam ad Leolinum expugnandum. Jb. (26.) Rex reddidit Griffiiio fil. "Wennwen ter- ib. (27.) Mandatum B. de Veere quod pradifl. Griffinum receptet in villa de Clunde. ib. (28.) Obfidiones Baronum. U9O Liter® du® regis adLeclinum pro pace. ib. & 5. (30.) De pace confervanda cum Leolhio. 5. {31.) Decern libr. aflignat. ad vitam Tudero fi'l. Edenevet. jb (32.) David fil. Giilf. Concefi. ratlonabil. part ib. 1, 33 *) Concefs. Ifdinundo Kake de Nondco Mef- fuagium. jb. (j-L) Quod tenenr. baron. Wrdlimnon fac. ho- mag. David fil. Leolini. Jb. & 5, (35.) De pace inter regem & David fi'. Leolini. (3(3.) De iiifidelitate David & aliorum contra regem. (37.) Mandatum Confiab. Tur.Lond. ad libe- rand, Tuderuin k J. Vaiighell. ib. (^8.) ConcelT. terrar. Eignon fil. Owen, Tudero & Wrennock in Ros, kc. ib. (39.) Concefs. Oweno Medier. de Kery. ib! (40.) Barones Walli® qui fcccrunt regi homa- gium. ib. 4 M 2. Placita Catalogus Librorum MSS. Nuiiii 6068, 6069. 2. Placita coram rege in Tefo MictTis anno 2510. regis Hen- iii. de homagio Mailgon fil. Mailgon de ferri.. inter aquaa de Ayrun Tyvye. 8. 3. C arfe forfeit and loit, 112. 65. Du Combat appelle Buhort. 113, 67. Du Combat appelle Basou Barriere. ib. 68. Knights made in the 8 Hen. viii. 113. 69. Mos falutandi principem, &princlpls confuetudo apud Nigritas. ,16. 70. Knights of the Bath made at the Coronation of Q.Mary. ,,7, 71. Knights made theDay after theCoronation. iiS. 72. I he Order through London from the Tower to Weflminfter. ib, 73. Knights made Odl:. 19, 1553. 119. b. 74. Knights made at Touraine. 120. 75. L’Ordonnance des Battailes Remains : a loofe Sheet. 76. The Saying of Q.Mary at the end of her Parlia¬ ment in the lit year of her reign. j2i. 77- An Order how the King ffiall ride at meeting Anne of Cleve. 122, 78. A Petition of the Heralds to O Mary to have the Velvet belonging to the Plearfe of ’iC. Ldw. vi. un- juftly detained by the Dean of Weftminfler. j 25. 79. Jure gentium iniqui Nuiicii debetit violarl. 133. 80. CommeTatius Curtius fut mis a mort pour avoir vide ledroicl des gens. ' 13,^. 6070 An heraldical Book, exhibiting the Def ents and Pedi¬ grees of Families in the County of York, with their Coats of Arms tricked. Ac the beginning of the Book there are the follow¬ ing things: 1. An alphabetical Index to the Pedigrees. 2. Coats of Anns in the Church of Rotheram. 3. Extracts out of Doinefday-Book relating to this County. I. 4. “ Certif.cationes fa£tx de feodis milituin fpe reg. Hen. It. prxfextu mandati regis ejufdem ficut habeiUur in Libro rubeo in Scaccario Wcllmonaflcrii refervato.” 11. 5. “ Liber Rubens. Scutagium folutum anno 7° regis Hen. n. tam per Przelatos quara per exteros Barones quando idem rex ohfedit Thoiofam. Ibidem memoran- tur alia Scutagia foluta tempore ejufdem regis, Ricardi i. & Johannis.” 21. 6. Inquifitiones faftx tempore regis Johannis per totam Angliam. 2^. 7. Nomina eorum qui tenent 2 0 libratas teiTx de rege in capiie, vd de illis qui funt infra xtatem in com. Num. 607c—5072. Ebor. qui ex Mandate regis Henrici iii. diftrlngebantur perVicecom. 23. 8. Nomina habendum 40 libratas terrx in com. Ebori fpcEdv. I. 26. 9. Nomina militum de eod. com. fpe Edv. it. 28. At the end after the Pedigrees, 10. A Certificate of J. Philipot, Somerfet Herald of Arms concerning the Family of Craven. 354. 11. Arms in Bolton Percy Church Sc Pa rfonage. 13. Arms in South Cave Church. 35 9 ^* 13. Arms in Nurih Cave Church. 360. 14. More Anns in Bolton Percy Church. ib. A 1 J. Arms of Yorkffiire Families entred promifeuoufly. 365. 16. The Copy of Sir W" Fairfax’s Book of Arms of Yorkffiire in every Wapentake. 374. 17. An Alphabet of Names wlih Anns in Blazon: 388. 18. The Lord Coke’s Charge given at Norwich Af¬ fixes, Aug. 4, 1606. againfb the Abufes and Corruption of Officers, amongft whom Saltpeter Men. 399. 6071. An Heraldical Book, ffiewing the Decent and Pedigree of the Kings of England, and ol fcveral Families o the Nobility and Gentry, with an alphabetical index at each end. Contains 547 pages. 6072. A Book bound with 6067, containing a variety of Mat¬ ters, viz. 1. An alphabedcal Index of the Names mentioned therein. At the beginning. 2. Exlradts from divers Evidences. Next to the Index. 3. The Mari'iage and Iffue of Rob. Dormer Knt.Tho. Pagytt Efq. and Tho. Butler. i. 4. Infcriptions on Tomb ftones and Funeral Monu¬ ments. jb. & 2. 5. Donations and Grants of Lands from Roger de Dodingtoii to fundries. i. & 2. 6 . Notes taken out of a Book in (he hands of Mr. Ferrers, relating to Setilements and Donations belong¬ ing to the Chiirch and Monadcry of Godeftowe, and likewife of Withain and AbinJon. 3. 7. Infcr'ptions on Grave Stones in St. Buttolph’s Church without A.lderfgate in London. 6 . 8. Infcriptions. &c. in the Church of Broughton near Banbuiy in Co. Ox. 9. - - - at Affiby ia Com. North. ib. in the Church of St. Stephen, near St. Alban’s * 3 - - fordlh. > 5 - Her. 16. ■ fet. 19. ter. 20. 21. -in St. Peter’s at Chalfaunt, in com. ib. -in Hadley Church, near Barnet. 9. — in Chipping Norton Church, in Ox- ib. -in Ham Cliurch, in the Co. of Elfex. ib. — in St. Margaret’s Church at Wcftmui- * in Sylverton Church, in com. Devon. 11. - in Wymbrame Minfler, in c'm. Dor- - in LachUde Church, in com. Gloucefi:. ib. -in the Cathedral ChurJi at Winchef- -in Fulham Chu'ch. 14, -tti Luton Church, in com. Bedf. ib. 22. -- in Weftou Church, in com. Warwic. 15. 23. in Stone Church, in com. Staff, ib. s 24. Infcrip tions, 320 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6072. 24.. Iiifcnptions in Bartomles Chureli In com. Ceftr. 2■■ •— in Bletfo Church, in Co. Bedf. ib. 26. Infcription on the Tomb of Hugh de Haftings, fomewhere in Com.Norf. ib. 27. ■ ■ --on the Tomb of the E. of Shrewf- bury in France, who died in the Battle of Burdeux 1453. _ ib. _ Carta WilTmi de Gardiner eccTf. S. Sadburgi Virginis dc Barenccfter dc uno Mefuagio cum crofto, See. 16. 29. Grant from Reginald deBivill to Laurence Bivill his Manour of Draynok, tec. ib. 30. Infcriptions in St. Mary Magdalene Church, in Milk flreet, London. 17. 31. -in Ingarfton Church, in Eilex. iS. ^2. — in BaiTifhaw Church in l.ond> •. 10. 33. —-in Chippenham Church, in Cc.V.'ilt.s. 34 - • in Digfwell Church, in Co. Herts, ib. 35. -in the Church of St. Martin in the fields London. ib. 36. -in St-Michael’s Church, near St. Al¬ ban’s, ' 22. 37. -in the CathedralChurch of York. 23. 38. Notes out of the book of the Abbey of Godflowe. 24. 39. Extracts from feveral Deeds relating to Convey¬ ances made by Will. Lapflode and others in the manour of Brydford. 26. 40. Writ to apprehend the body of John Lapfold re- verfed, his Name being Lapflode. ib. 41. Anns trick’d Irom ancient Seals. 27. 42. A general Acquittance from J. Repps to J. Deen of all his Right and Claim in Rich. Uilled his Vaflul, See. 28. 4;. Grant from Walt. Dichwood to Tho. Sylvefter I Mcf. 16 Acres of Land, and 5 Yardlands, in Upton Efeudmore. ib. 44. Infcriptions upon the Grave Stones at Stratford upon Avon. ib. 45. An Alms fettled upon the Abbey of flolingfoith, by Joan, Widow of J. de Ilodlefton to pray for her own and the Soul of her deceafed Hufband. 29. 46. Indenture between Rich. E. of Warwick and Rich. Midicton on one part; and j. de Hodifton and Margaret his Wife on the other part j wherein the former con¬ vey to the latter certain Manours and Lands in the Co. of Cumberland, WellmorUnd, &c. 29. 47. Extracts out of the Colleflions of Mr. Sampfon Erdfwyck andMr.Halsof Deeds of Gift, Grants, Con¬ veyances, RJeafes, Fines, &c. 30—33. 48. Linea Ric. Camoys milit. quomodo fit rettus hccres Gilbert! Wace, ex evidentiis Thoma: de Enifcote in com. Warw. 31. 49. Some Monumental Infcriptions, but not men¬ tioned where. 3®- 50. Infcriptions in St. Mary Magdalene’s in old Fifli Street. 248. ji,_in ft. Nicholas golden-Abbey. 49. ^2. _in tt. Michael’s Pater-nofler in the 5 °’ old Royal. 53 - 54 - - Wharf. 56. - call. ford'.' j8. - 59 - - Street. 60. — SuiTcx. - m Sr. Michael’s at Queenhive. 52. -in St. Nicholas Ol. 54. -in St. Mary Somerfet, near Broken ib. -in the Prioiy of Prefton in Co. Lan- 55 - -in St. Leonard at Bromley, near Strat- ib. — - ■ in St. Leonard in Shoreditch. 56. - - in St. Catherine Colman Fenchurch 57 - —— in the Church of Weft Greenfted in 57 - Nuin. 6072, 6073. 6 1. Infcriptions in the Church of Duiington in Co. Ox. 58- Towards the latter end, a fecond order of foliation. 62. Series ordiiium omnium fpe Hen. i. i. 63. Catalogus regum Anglim S: Abbatum Crowland fucceflivea conqueftu ad H. 111. 2. 64. Teftamenium Edv. III. regis. 3. 65. A Copy of the Grant made to the Officers of Arms for not paying any Subfidies, Fiffns, or other pavments. 6- 66. The Herald; Charter. 10. 67. The Oath of Knight of the Bath. 12. 68. Fees to be paid at the making a Knight of the Bath. 12. 6 q. The O.uh of a King of Arms. 15. 70. The Oath of a Herald, when he is made before ills Sovereign. ib. 71. The Advertifement of aPurfuivant. 14. 72. Tne Appointment ofScalfolds at the King’s Inft. ■ 5 - 73. The Cafes \ther;.in a Woman may bear Arms, with a difference. ib. 74. Diftin£ticms of Legitimate and lilegillmate. 16. 75. Orders of Eftate. 17. 76. Order of aMarquifs* ib- 77. Order of Earls. 18. 78. Order of Vifeounts. ib. 79. Order of Baro’is. 19. 80. Order of Eftates. ib. 8r. Order of Banners. 20. 82. Why the King’s Coat of Arms is worn at l!« burial of Noblemen and Women. ib. 83. The Apparel of great Lftates of Women in lime of mourning. oi- 84. ‘I he manner of wearing of Hoods. 22. 85. The Liveries of Noblemen at luterrments. ib. 86. The Order of all Eftates, taken out of the Rc- gifter of Crnwland. 24. 87. The Order of the OfHce of E. Marfliall. ib, 88. The Fees of the E. Marftiall. ib. 89. A new Ordinance for the execution of the Knight Marflial’s Office. 27. 90. TheUfages of Tho. Brotherton in the Office of Marfhal, and of certain amient Rights of that Office in Time of War. 2S. .91. Fees due from a Bachelor Knight. 30. 92. A Warrant fur cieating Ulfter King of Arms in Ireland. ib. 93. The Courfe of Funerals ferved by the Oflicers of Arms 1593 S: 1594. _ 31. 94. A Decree by the E. Marflial couching a Matter in queftion between a^iihony Felton and Edin. Withipole, i3ih May j 598. 32. 95. A Licenfe from C^Eliz. for William Colbrand, Rouge-Dragon, to go over the Seas. 33. 96. Heirs apparent to the Crown proclaimed : taken out of fome Collections of C. Cook. 35. 97. Hiftorical Collections out of a Book of Fulk Gwaryne & his Sons. 3 7. 98. '1 he Funeral of l.ady Kllz. Hatton, 1492. 40. 99. Letter from the Univeifity of Cambridge to the F.. of Efl'ex, inviting him to be their Chancellor in the room of L. Burleigh deceafed. 42. 100. The Anfwer of the E. of ElTex to the Letter of the Univerfity. 43. 101. A Copy of a Commiflion granted for the redrefs of faults in the Office of Arms, at futh time as there was no K. Marlhal- 46. 102. A Lift of Knights from 1558 to 1591. 48. 103. Carmina MaxiniUiani Impenitoris, cum refpon- fione Sigifmundi principis Sued$. 49. b. 6073. A Book, {hewing the Pedigrees of feveral very ancient Families—with an Alphabetical Inde.x at the end.—In , p. 9. Bibliothecas Harleianas, 321 Niim. 6073—6074. • p. 9. there is a Copy of a I.icence from Pope Boniface to Lord William Poulet & Eleanor his Wife, for fet- tiiijf up a private Altar in a fit place for the celebration of the Ma!'s, either by their own Chaplain or by any otlierPridf. Contains 120 written pages. 6074. A fmall Folio fairly written upon Vellum, giving an Ac¬ count of the Order of the Garter, wherein are con¬ tained, I. An Account of the 4 chapters holden at the Feaft of Sr. George: at the beginning figned, “ G. Dethick, al's Garter.” а. The Cofh of the Book of the Garter for K. James of Scotland, fent to him anno 1534. i. A Note concerning the Proclamation ofHen. viii, as K. of Ireland, in 34th year of his reign. ib. 4. Knights of the Order of the Garter, an”. 17 & 18 Hen. VIII. ib, b. 5. Knights, &c. an. 19, 21, 22, 23 Hen. vin. 2. б. St. George’s Days, in the reign of Heil. vm. 7. Fealls of St. George kept at the Caftie of Windfor in the reign of Hen. vin. 6c the Names of the Lieutenants 6: Deputies of the faid Fcafls. 3. b. 8. Knights ait". 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Hen. VIII. y. 9. Knights in tilFdw. vi. g. to. Knights in 3d Edw. vi. with alterations & new appointments agreed upim by the faid Order. 1 o. II. Statutes & Ordinances ellabiifhed by Hen. v’li. 12. IS. By the King, aWarrant to the Mafier of the great Wardrobe, for furiiiflung robes for Sr. J. Wallop, eleded a Kt. Conipani'>n of the Order. 40. 13. Duties to be paid by every Kniglit to the College at Windfor. 4,1. 14. Duties to be paid for the Soul health of every Kt. after their degrees. ib. 15. Charges belonging to the King’s Lieutenant, &c. at the feall of St. George. ib. 16. Order that upon the Death of a Knight every one ofihereft fiiall pay, according to his degree, a Sum taxed in Almsdeeds. 42. 17. A Licence (as ufed in the time of Edw. VI.) fora Knight, for abferice from the Feail. 43. 18. 1 he Oath of the King of Arms when he is crowned. 4^. ig. The Creation of Henry, D. of York, fecond Son toK. Hen. vii. 1494. 48. eo. The Creation at Lambeth in the 5th Hen. vm. of'lhomas E. of Surry D. of Norfolk, of Cha. Vife. Liflc Duke of Suffolk, of Thomas Lord Hawai'de E. of Surrv',^ Lord Cha. Herbert, E. of Worcefler. 51. 21. 'Ihe Charges of the Office of Arms at the Crea¬ tion of grea'Efiates. 33. 22. The Creation of the E. of Wiltfhire (f. 54) in the ifi Hen. vm. 23. The Creation of Edw. Stanley Lord Montaigle 6Hcn. vm. 24. The Creation of Lord Mai'ney, 14 Hen. vm. 56. 25. The Creation of Wm. Pawlet Lord St. John, of Sr. John Anicll Lord Ruffell, & Mr. Wm. Parr Lord Pair, 30 Hen. vm. ib. 26. The Creation of Tho. Lord Cromwell E. of Effey 31 Hen. vm. 57 - 27. The Submiffion of Oneyll to Hen. vin. at Green¬ wich, in 34th year of his reign. 38. 28. TheCreaiiun of Cannoke Oneyll E. of Tyronne. 59. 29. The Form of a Patent at granting Arms. 60. 30. The Creation of the Earls of Bath & Bridgewater, 28 Hen. vm. g2 31. Cautions to the Heralds in granting Arms. ib. Cat.Harl. VoL.Ill. Num. 6074—5077; 32. The Publication at the difgracinga Knight of the Garter. ^ 33 ; The difgracing the D. of Buckingham, L. Darcy, E. of Northumberland &c Marq. of Exeter. ib. &c. 34’ Ehe Creation of theE. of Tomon & Clanrickard & Lord Ybrakan. gj, 35. The Submiffion of . . . . Oneyll, 4 C^Eliz. 66 . 36. Anno 31. The French King being at Compeigne, a Lift of the Knights of his noble Order of the Garter. 67. 37. An“. TJ27. The Creation ofLordPyerce Buttler E. of Offerey. jb, 38. The Creation of aKnight of the Noble Order of the Garter. 39 - Duties to be paid by a Kt. of the Garter at hia Inftallation. _ 40. The Oath which the Earl of Cumberland took at hife Inftallation. 41. The Oath of the Regifter of the noble Order of the Garter. Jb. 42. Oath of Garter chief King of Arms. 71. 43. The Money allotted by each Eftate for Charity. ib. 44. The Manner of depofmg & throwing dowm Trai¬ tors Arms. jb, 45 - The Promulgation of the Knight which fhall be depos’d. y2. 46. An”. 31. the offering up the Hachetnents of the E. of Shrewftniry 6 c Wiltfhire_of Lord Mountjoye, an”. 27.- of the D. of Richmond an°. 29.—of the E. of Northumberland an” 30. 73, 6075. A Paper Book, not perfed, bearing this title, “Nomina 6 c Valores omnium & fingulorum Anglia: Archiepifeo- patuuiti, Epifeopatuum, Archidiaconatuum, Preben. dariorum ecclefiarumqj parochialium infra regnum& dominia Anglite, ac omnium aliarum promotionum quarumeunq ; fpiricualiura infra eadem quae ad folu- tionem decimas partis eorundem Dorainis regi Sc reginte nuper tenebant.” It begins with the County of Northampton divided into its Deaneries, f. I. Rutland, f. 6. Huntingdon, f. 7; Cambridge, f. 8.b. Lincoln, f. 11. Buckingham, f. 10.b, Oxford, f. 22. b. Bedford, f. 25. b. Leicefter, f. 27. Hartford, f. 30. b. Effex, f.32. b. London, f. 39. Mid- dlefex, f. 41. Whence three leaves are loft. It pro¬ ceeds in Siiftblk, 45. Norfolk, 48. b. Kent, f. 58. Gioucefter, 63. Warwick, 66. b. Somerfet, f. 69. Wiltlhire, 74.b. Berkfhire, 78. b. Briftol & part of Dorfetfhire, 80. b. Suffex, f. 83. Devonfhire, f. 87. after which four leaves are torn out. Cornwall, 92. b, Worcefter, 95. Hampfhire, 97. Surry, loi. York, 102.b. Nottingham, 108. b. Richmond Archd. 111. Cumberland, It 2.b. Durham, 1 13. b. Lancafter, ii5.b. Chefter, 116. Stafford, 117. Derby, 119. which is imperfed, & the reft is wanting. A thin Folio, with Coats of Arms trick’d belonging to Families of the City of London until the Year 1668. ■ An Alphabetical Index is prefix’d. 97 leaves. Bound with 1049. 6077. Liber eleganter feriptus per Geo. Owen, cui titulus “ Meiievenfis Diocefis.” I. “ Extradus ex recordis reginx primitiarum et deci- marum fuarum, videlicet annalis redditus five pencionis attingen. ad valorem decimx pariis clari annul valori# omnium dignitatuin & promotionum fpiritualium intra diocef. Meiievenfem.” 4 N Tomus .52i Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6077—6079. Tomus fecundus, ut videtur, occurrit ad numcrum, "^696. q. V. Sequuntur alia. viz. '2. Beneficia fpedancia ad coUationeoi Ep'i Menevenf. 14. 3. Omnes Ecclefise fpeclantes ad donationem five priefentationein Regin$, Epifcopi et nonnullorum alio- rutii pitronum infra Kpifcopatum Menevenfem. 13. 4. Promoliohes fpirituales ad valorem, 20 1 . et ultra per totam Angliara, fpecbantes ad donationem doininse Reginse et aliorum. 20. 5. The Valuation of the feveral Livings of all the Biftiops in England, with the Tenths that every one of them payelh. 51. 6. The Valuation of the feveral Deaneries in England, with the Tenths that every one of them payeth. 52. In initio Libri hffie prjefiguntur, 7. “ Omnes Dignitates, Prasbendse, reiSloriae, portio- narijc, vicaria:, liberte capellte, curationes, ac alia; promo- tiones fpirituales infra comitat. Pembrok. ad quorum donationem, collationem, prasfentationem, nominarioriem feu curam pertinent, Colletfl. anno D ni 1594. 8. Ecclcfite Menevenfis delincatio. Codex compaclus turn nuin. 62S0. 6078* A D’aft entitled “ A treatife concerning the Nobiluie, accordlnge to the lawe of England.^’ In another hand is fubjoined “ By Will. Bird,” Ji the fame perfon, in the margin, has added “ Cat. MSS. Anglia, tom. 2. inter Cod. Tho. Barlovii, N. 2383.” And again, “ Sc much enlarged by Sir John Doderidge.” A table of contents is prefix'd, which is here infei'ted: 1. A general Deferiptionof Nobility. j. 2. Of the Prince. 5. 3. Of Dukes. 14. 4. Of MarquilTcs. 18. 3. Of Earls. 19. 6. Of the increafe of Name by the acqulfition of titles of Honour. n. 7. Injuries done to the name be honour of a Noble¬ man. 23. 8. OfVifcounts, 26. 9. Of Barons. 26. 10. The defeription & definition of a Baron. ib. 11. The Etymology & derivation of the name of Baron. 27. I a. The an iquity of the dignity of Baron, Sc the fun- dry ufes of the Name. ib. 13. The tenor S: proper fignification of the word Baron. 28. 14. Of Barons by Tenure. ib. 15. Of Barons by Writ. 38. 16. Of Barons by Patent. 45. 17. Of Privileges incident to Nobility, according to the Laws of England. .49. 1 3 . Certain Cafes wherein a Lord of the Parliament hath no Privilege. 60. 19. Of Nobility Lords in reputation only. 64. 20. Of noblewomen. 65. 21. Of Ladies in reputation, f. 73. The book is neatly written, and is bound with 5S76. 6079. A Book in folio, which begins with aTreatife of Heraldry, the Contents whereof follow, 1. The Etymology of this w'ord Herehawghte. i. 2. Who firfl: created Herchawghtes. ib. 3. An augmentation of their Privileges by Alexander the Great. ib. 4. A Law made by Oct. Auguftus forHerehawghtes. 5. Ihe Honour that Charles the Great gave unto them. ib. 6 . What they were who firft occupied that room. ib. 7. The feveral forts of Officers of Arms at this day. /. 3. (Q. Eliz.) Num. 6079. 8. An Herehawghte the Trumpet of praife to the Worthy. 2* g. How an Herchawgthe’s Study ought to be fur- nifhed. ib, 10. What Shift an Herehawghte may law'fully make when he wanteth his Prince’s Coat of Arms. 3. b. 11. Four kinds of Nobility, 3. 12. Nine forts of Gentlemen. 6. 13. The manner of marfhalling of Arms. 7. 14. Of the two Orders of Knighthood. 8. 15. What an Atchievement is, with many rules con¬ cerning them. 8. 16. What a Knight’s race is. ro. 17. What an honourable Ordinary is. 11. 18. A Rule for Painters. 19. Coats commixt with two of the honourable Or¬ dinaries 16, 20. The preheminence that Princes have. 19. 21. Why the Number ix. is fo much ufed in Arms. ib. 22. The Advertifement & Oath of a Purfuivant. ib. 23. The Oath that the Herehawghte receiveth before his Sovereign. ib. 24. The Oath of the King of Arms. ib. 25. The foundation of the Order of the Garter, an. Dmi344. 20. 26. The Order of the Coronation of Hen. vin. June 23, 1509. 21. 27. De exequiis regalibus. 23. 28. TheJnterrment of K. Hen. V. ib. 2g. A Challange made 6 Ed. iv. between the BaftarJ of Burgogne & Lord Scales, brother to the Dutchefs of Bedford, whom the King married ; & decided after 3 days Combat in Weft-Smithfield, in favour of the latter. 24. 30. The Order of the Creation of a Prince. 25. 31. The Burial of a Prince. ib. 32. The Preparation to be made againft the deliver¬ ance of a Queen, 26. 33. The Furniture appertaining to the Queen’s Bed. ib. 34. How the Church lhall be anayed againft the Chriftening. 27. 35. The bringing home of the Child. 28. 36. A Combat between the D. of Hereford S: Tho. Mowbmy firll D. of Norfolk, S: Marflial of England. 29. 37. Thelnterrment of K.Hen. vn. 31. 38. A Note concerning bearing of Creffis. 32.**’ 39. Of bearing Arms ffiadowed or urabrated. ib. 40. A Petition to the King, touching the Rights & Largefs belonging to the Officers of Arms. 33. 41. How a Prince or Peer accufed of Treafon fhail be tried, as by the example of Edw. D. of Buckingham. 42. Of difgracinga Knight of the Garter, as by the example of the aforefaid Duke. 36. 43. Jufts holden at Weftminfter in the ill k ad year of Hen. viii. 36, 44. The Oath of the Herald at the Time of his Cre a- ticn before his Sovereign. 40. 4J. The Advertifement Sc Oath of a Pur.'’uivant at thetimeof his Creation. '41. 46. A Parliament holden at Lincoln by Edw. 1. A.D. 1300. 46. 47. The Names of the Members of that Pardiamtnt, with forae of their Arms. ' 48. 48. Orders Sc Statutes, made by J. Typtofte, for placing of all noble Ellates, with their Arms coloured. 60. In the remaining part of the Book thefe follow, 49. The Copy of thcFiant for the Letteis Patents of the Office of Ulller King at Arms in Ireland. 90. 50. Names of the Baronets. 91. Extracts Bibliothecas Harleianae. 313 Num. 6079, 6080. S'- Kxtraas out of the Rigifter dc Caftell Arce in Co. Norf. cotfaimng Grants 5 t Alms-deeds appropriated to tlic laid Church & Monaflery. ^2. 52. Conv-yance from Nich. de Wortley, of certain Lands, 5 cc. to Ralph his Brother, in the Town of Stave- 1 ^ 7 - 93. 5 V A few Obfervatibns collcded from the old EnElilh Hiilonans. 54. Grants 8c Convej-ances of Lands, Tenements, &c. - gg 5 i. Copy of an Agreement eftablifli’d & confirm’d by rariiument, in the 3d year of his reign, between Hen. vj. & Richard Plantagenet D. of York, concern- mg (he latter sfucceffion to the Crown after his Death* Clouceft r ^ of the Priory of Laflthony near 56. Extraas out of the faid Records of the faid PW, of Ad millions, Grants, Donations, Ufages & Contin¬ gencies relating thereto. 102, 10?, 104. 57. A fewhiftorical Obfervations concerning Events about the time of the Conqueft. ig, jS. Nomina folventium 6s, 8d. de fingulis 20I id com. Glouceil. 59- Noininl regum Anglim cx adventu Chrilliaiio- rum. jg 60. Nomina regum Angli$ & priorum Lan^hony' 61. Copies bf Evidences of feveral kinds, with their Seals annexed, taken from the Colleftions of James Clifford of Frartipton. f. ,07. with a variety of other Evidences Indentures, Conveyances, Deputations, 8cc. 62. Notes touching the figning, fubferibing & feVifng of Deeds, & the divers alterations thereof according to the diverfity of Nations, as alfo of Eftates & Decrees of Perfons. * 63. A Note of feveral Styles of the Kings of England toQ-Eliz. , ^ 64. Rlifcelianeous Obfervations relating to the King’s Sons, Office of Earl Marfhall of England, Rights of the Crown, &c. 111 65. Concerning the King’s Grant of the Honour of Pykeniige or Laiicafter, with the Forefts thereunto be¬ longing, & theAdniiniftrationofJumcewithinthefarne. 66 . Concerning the Coronation of a Queen of France. _ 67. Exemplar diplomatis privrlegiorum inhabitan- tium in Myiillerworth intra ducatum Lancaft. 124. 6S. Conveyances of Lands from Theobald J-ord Ver- don of Webbley & Margery his Daughter, Wife of Sr- Wni. Blounte, unto the Hufband’s heirs. 131 6g. Pedigrees of Blount, Cdrbett, Brufe. 130' 70. Pedigree of Richard Dauntefey & Edw. Lahc- 141° 71. Copy of an Arbitration in the Cafe of the Murder of Walter ap Guillin between the Relations of the de- ceafed on one part, & the Parties concerned in the faid Murder. ^ 7 2. An alphabetical Index of the Names contained in thi•^ Book, very copious. 73. ANoteorithe Creation of Nobility. 74. A Table of Contents to the Treatife on Hcrc- hawghty in the beginning: 6080. [6080, 6081. ^ario.2 A Book iu 4% of 64 pages, fimilar to 4017, with this litle; The Foundation of the Univerfity of Cam- bridge: with a Catalogue of the principal Founders, & fpccial Bencfadlors of the Colledges, publicke Schoo es & Librarie now extant in the fame. And the Names oi ali the prefent Mailers and Fellowes of Nuin, 6080—6082. p?nicular Colledge, together with the Number oi Magiftrates. Governours & DlEcers thereunto be: longing, & the lotallNumber.of Students now therein ,S- Whereunto is added the Names of all Rich noble Ferfons as have been Chauncellors thereof for 100 years lall pall, colletled Nov. 10 1627 ■' N.B. The Arms of the Colleges & the Founders are coloured, & placed at the top of the Pages _ The Book is dedicated “ To the Right Worlhipfull of Divinitie, Archdeacon of fitie of Cambmlge,” & the Dedication figned, “Yours m all dutieco be commaunded John Scott, N. P A {oJ-32’jwo Stanzas by the Author, thefirft in praifc of Cambridge, the fecond againlt Coriatc & other Travellers^ 6081. ;An Heraldical Book containing i. The Names of the Lords & Barons that were fum- mpned to appear at a Parliament holdeh at Carlifle 35 Ldw. I. ’ . of the Parliament hoideii at Lincoln, in the Reign of Edw. i, ’ lundry Noblemen & Gentlemen that have been fince the Conqueft, in .alphabetical Or- der, cojleaed by Roger Kemys. N.B. The Arms in the beginning are coloured. land ^ Families of Engl 5. An alphabetical Index to the Pedigrees. 6082; . A fmall Folio, containing, 1. Foeda Mihtum an* 35 Edw.in. & an* 18 Edw.ii, 2. ^..Memorandum out of the Parliament Rolls of the 9 Rich. II. relating to thcSucccffion intheManor of Lathom. ham Regifter of the Abbey of New* 4. Foeda militum Efchactat, Fines!’temp^’lLen. rat t. 4 . Hen.y. vt. &c. 5 9, ,a, 27, 110, 118, 123, 126, 132. ^ 5. Coats of Arms trick’d. 6 . Pedigree of KingAelfrid. ^ 7. Pedigree of Courtney. 7, ; 8. Pedigree of Thomas Ros de Hamelak. g 9. TheDcfcentfrom Reginald E.of Cornwall, natural bon of Hen. i. lov The Pedigree of Wm. Carminaw, who died 8 Hen. IV. 1 i. The Pedigree of Thomas de Clare temp. Edw.n. 12. Infcriptions uponiheTombs in HillingtonChurch. ‘ 3 - Pedigree of Alan la Zouche de Aihby''^i‘n com, Leicelt. temp. Ed. ii. j- If® Ped^ree of Wm. Dacre, temp. Ed.ii. ib. 15 * The Pedigrees of Rob. de Clifford, & Will, de Valencia Com. Pembrokis. . 2034. 16. Ihe Pedigree of Sir John Stanley. 23. 37. The PedigreeofJohn Wake, who died eaEd.iii. 18. The Pedigree of Waldgrave. ^ 26 ' 9 * Th® Pedigrees of Hen. jir. & Rich. Comes An- ceiriis — ^Edw. Mortimer Comes Marchiat — Hen. de Gr .v —Baldewinus Comes Albemarle—Baldewinus de Ri- parus Comes Devonite—Theob. Walter-Rnb.de StuteviII—Iho. de Lifours-Rob. de Brus—Will, de Haftmgs—\WII. de Loudon—Pet. Comes Eiiexis— Roeland dc Galweia—Hugo de Longo Campo Dus de Wilton fuper Vaga. ^ 26—35. ^ ^ 20. Cuftodee 314 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6081—6085. 20. Cuftodes rotulorum Cancellaria: AngHx ab anno D. »a94- ^.D. 1588. Thoma Talboto CoUeftore. 3 ®* 21. Summi Anglia JufUciarii, a conqueflu Angbs 1066 ad obitum regis Hen. iii. 1272, quo temi»re comm Auftoritas ceflavit. Deinde Capitales JufUciarii ad placltac ram regc tenenda ad A.D. i588,etCapitales JufKdarii de Banco ab exordio regis Hen.ill. anno 1216. ad 588. Th. Talboto colleftore. 46. 22. Admiralli Anglia: j ab anno !“•* Ed. ii. ad 1588. 60. Glocelbria: Comites ac Duces. Ricbemundia: Comites. Suthfolcia: comites ac duces. Si'risburite comites- Staffordiie barones & comites. Salopite Cv mites. Surri^ C'.niites. I 'orfetise comites. 31. Lancaftrize domini, comites & duces. 96, 110, 97 . 78. 80. 87. 89. 90. 92. 95 - ’» 3 - 130. 99. 100 . 102 . 103. 32. Warwici comites. 33. Comites & duces Cornubiae. 34. Buckinghamias comites & duces. 35. Orinoiiize comites. 3b. RegCi Mannije. 37. I he Pedigree of Pilkington Bp. of Durefme. log, 112, 136, 137. 38. The Pedigrees of Sir Tho. Danes, an''. 25 Hen. VI. —& Cavendifh. * ’ 20. Baiones fummoniti ad Parliamentuma®. 6 Ed. ii. ^ H 3 * 40. The Pedigree of J. Darcy temp. Ed. ni. 116. 41. The Pedigrees of Allan Haffet & Sr. W. Wald- grave, f. 122, 123. & Deincot. f.126. 42. The Pedigrees of Rob. Walerand. temp. Ed. i.— Edw. Burmel baro de Welles temp. Ed. ii. Rich, comes de Arundel temp. Ed. in.—Lord Berkley—John de Vere comes Oxoniae—Radulphus de Genim. 13°’ 43. Bound in with thefe, but evidently not belonging origina'ly to the book. “ A Catalogue of fuch as have borne the Office of Lord High Admiral of this Kingdom, beginning from the 34ih Year of the Reign of King Ed¬ ward the firft, and alfo of fuch as have been Lords Commiflioiiers for executing that Office.” Continued to the3ift of George II. 1757- 6083. A number of Mathematical papers belonging to the fame Colleaion with N** 6001 & 2. They are in gene¬ ral as well as the former, extremely rude &confufed. But, among thefe, is, on fmaller paper, i. A com¬ plete Treatife on what the Author calls Phtranmiesy in Latin, with diagrams, &c. 2. A French Trad called, “ Elemens des indivifibles,” alfo very fairly written ; 3. “ Traifte d’Algebre & 4. A Traft in- feribed, “ de numens Triangularibus, ec inde de pro- greffionibus Arithmetids, magifteria magna T.H.” This probably means T. Hariot to whom the gene- rality of thefe papere are aferibed. 6084. [6084—6106. Quarlo.'\ A Book filled with Coats of Arms, whwe the Bearing confifls chiefly in Birds, beginning with the Eagle of the Roman Emperors. Bound with 6090, &c. 6085. A book fairly WTitien upon Vellum, & beautifully il- lum'mated, entitled, “ The variation of the Arms 8c Badges of the Kings of England, from the lime of Brute, until the year of our Lord 1604,” by W. Segar, Garter, principal Eung of Arms. Dedicated to K. James t. Num. 6086—6095. 6086. Coats of Arms with different Quarterings, & an alpha¬ betical Index at the beginning. 101 leaves, bound with 6088 8c 9. 6087. A Book fairly 8c uniformly written, with this Title," The Statutes, Ordinances 8c Decrees, with other the Rites, Ceremonies 8c Obfervations of the moft honourable Order of the Garter, colleded in the year of Chrifl 1580.” Towards the end are thefe Articles. 1. Commiflio regia de Danorum regis ducifq; Cafi- miri indallatione W indforia: per procuratores fuos perim- plenda, delegatis quibufdam honorariis hujus ordinis fodalibus, deniandata. 2. Literse procuratoris tarn Danorum regis quam duds Cafirairi prxdidi, quibus fuffulti qui eorum vices obtinebant, 8c locaSc fedes prsefatorum piirxipum Wind- foria; introducli et folempniter inibi inftallati, catera quteq; illis incumbentia rite ac more folito peregerunt. 3. Juramentum pr$fatorum principum nomine, per procuratores fuos prsftitum. 4. Letters of credence for the Lord Marquifs of Nor¬ thampton being fent to the French King, with the Order 3111101551. 5. A Patent for creating Will. Bofwell Efq. a Knight, 5th June >653. 6. A Patent for creating Prince Charles Elector Pala¬ tine, a Knight of the Older of the Gaiter. 7. A Lill of the Order in 1584, followed by fome Warrants in a more recent hand. This book is bound with 1356. 6088, 6089. Two Books bound together, both of Arms 8c Names of the Perfons to whom they belong j with Indexes, but confufed, 8c ill iketched. 6090. A Book of Arms with this Title, " Coats gathered of a Name, 8c other Coats.” 52 leaves, with an Index. Bound with 6084 8c others. 6091. A thin Book, giving an Account of the Genealogy 8c hiflory of the illullrious houfe 8c fumame of Seton, collefted 8c fet forth by Sir Rich. Maitland of Le- thingtoun, a Sifter’s Son of the faid Houfe. With a Table of the Reigns of the Kings of Scotland finco-K. Malcolm Canmore, for the clearing of the times men¬ tioned in the laid Hiftory. This is now bound with 4732^ 5392 - 6092. A thick volume, with Names 8c Coats of Arms blazoned, methodiz’d after the manner of their Bearings, with an alphabetical Index of Names. At the beginning, « Sum Matth. Hutton Coll. Naf. Soc. 1659.” 6093. A volume, containing the Arms, Defeents 8c Pedigrees taken at the Vifitation of Norfolk, made by Wiliiani Harvy, Clarencieux King of Arms, July 26, 1563, Scjftyearof C^Elizabcth; with an alphabetical In¬ dex. Contains 212 leaves of Arms, See. 6094. Coats of Arms Scan alphabetical Index. Sorne of the Arms are coloured. 46 leaves. Bound with 1279^ 6095. 1 A thin Quarto, with Coats of Arms granted by William Camden, Clarencieux King of Arms, with an alpha¬ betical Inde*. 44 leaves ufed. Bound with 1359. A thin Bibliothecae Harlelanae, 32'S Nuni. 6096—6104. 6og6. A {hi:*. Quarto, with the Arms, beautimlly coloured, of all the Nobility & Gentry Of I nland. A.t). i6o,v alphabetically arranged. Bou.id with N' j866, alfo containing Irilh Arms, which is a tulio. 6097. A Treatife on the firll principles Rc fundamental Rules of Herald>-y, beginniog, “ As Ki.igHerodes lecordiih the I'c^’inninge ic grow, d.'^ of Armes the latter part in a diaercnt hand. Bound with N° 4145. 6 oq8. Papers relating to thefuccefflon of Ecclefiaflical Digni- taiies throughout EngUmd, being the firft rough Draught of the intended Colleftions of Jo. le Neve Eli]. J>ec. 23. 1714. There is a Letter prefixed, finned R. Bowcilier. 6090. A Book of Anns with this Title, “ The Arms &c Dif- cents ot a'l the Dukes, Marquifes, Earles, Vif ouutes, & Lordes luat have bin created in England, lince the tyme of W. the Conqueror until this prefent ycareof our Lord .584.” The Anns coloured, & the Book neatly wtitten. Bound with N' 500. 6100. A C^arto, giving an account of the Lord Chancellors oiEngland, with the Arms of foine of them, until the year 14^5. Contains 55 leaves, is bound with N" 1357. 6101. A Quarto, exhibiting the Arms coloured of t' e Kings and Nobility of Scotland ; fig'ied on the firft leaf, “ Robte Jerinyn 1585.” With an Index at the end. Contains 69 leaves. 6102. A Quarto, exhibiting the Arms & Defeencs of 107 noble Houfes & Gentlemen of Wales, by Robert Keinbey. Bound with 5058. 6103. A paper book beautifully written & illuminated, with this copious Title j “ Overtures & Reafons for two excellent publick Works ; the one, an Academ, or College roial, to bee the certain Seat of the dodlrines & exercifes of Honor, fubordinated to the Garter, as the figns and ceremonies of Honor, have theyrs : The Oiher, fpecial Subordina¬ tions of the Gcnirie of our Countrey, for the benefit Sc accomplifhment of Marfhalfh'p. Both to be effefted, wiihout charge to the Crov/n, or grievance to the worthieSubjeft.” Dedicated to George, Lord Marquefle of Buck¬ ingham, with a Copy of Verfes. The Author, whofc Anns appears to be, “ Sable, a hawk with bells asgent, with a mullet for difference,” figns his profe addrtfs “ Philanaitophil.’' The leaves are made into a kind of pafteboard by fcveral being parted together before the writing was executed. Of thefe curioufly thickened leaves the book contains 25. The writing inclofed within red lines in the illuminations, very elaborate. 2/jf Date 1620. This occurs again mN''6r43. ful. 14. with another Traft on the fame fubjetrt. 6104. A Quarto, containing the Vifiiation of Staffordlhire, taken in the year of our Lord 1663, by Wm. Dug- dale Efq. Norroy King of Arms ; reviewed in 1664. --Likewife the Vifiiation of Dcrbylhife, taken Cat. Harl. Vol. HI. Num. 6104—6111. A.D. i 652 , &reviewed 5663, bv the faid W. Dug- dale Efq-There is an alphabetical Index to eatm Viiitation. The one 67 leaves, the other 46. 6105. A Book of 24 leaves, bound with N® 586 1, containing Arms of Hampfhire Families. At fol. 2i.b are feveral taken from .1 G-.llery at Theobalds, On the outer leaves at the beginning, are two curious Bills for Provifions bought, and the items of a dinner thus entitled, “ Swering Dinner, when 1 was Warden.” 6106. Libellus, “de Officio militari” aNichoIao Upton, Hum- frido Duci Glouccrt.na: dicatus. Lib. I. l;e Coloribus. Lib. 2. De regufis & fignis in armis dtpictis. Lib. 3. De animalibus & avibus in armis portatis, & eorum proprietatibus. Deeft omnino liber 4'". “ de Militia, et veri Nobilitate,” et forfan pars tertii, 6107. [6107, 6io8. O^avo."] A Bookin 8* comaining Draughts of Seals belonging to the Nobil'ty of Scotland. Drawn in Indian Ink. Alfo a few Arms from 'A indows. 610S. A Book in S" InterJeaved with the Hiftory of B'-econ & Glamorgan, from the time of Meiirick King of Brit- tame, & Sonne to the noble Gweiviidh, who forced Claudius Cafiir to flight, until the year i0c6. In old writing, a good deal injured by damp. 6109. [6109 — 6115. ^artc.'] A thiu Quarto, with the Arms of a few Families in Kent. Bound with N" 1824. 6110. A thin Book, with the Arms of Families in Shropfliirc. Bound with 1352, t374j See. 6111. A thick Volume, containing various heraldical & other Matters: 1. Abftradts out of the Tower & other places, of Offices & Inquifitions relating to the family of Clifford in the reigns of K. John, Hen. lii. &c. i. 2. Extrafta de Wardis Caftr. Dovor. 8. 3. Carta regis Joh'is f'ta paps Scecclefiae Romanac de tributo miile marcarum. i*. 4 - Ordinationes publicatie in cimiterio S.Pauli Lond. Ed. II. j r. 5. The Pedigree of Hugo Maminot a noble Baron, & fettlement of Land. 11, la. 6. Patent granting to the heirs of Ed in. the rever- fion of the Manor of Walton, enjoyed by Ifabella his Mother during her Life. 12. 7. Extraif out of an ancient MS of S.Alban’s, in the curtodyof the E. of Cleveland, treating of the Battle of S.Alban’s. 12. 8. F.xtradls out of a Box of Evidences at Mkearton, A.D. 1313, 13. 9. Extraft out of Domefday book relating to the tenure of Lands in Derbyfhire Walecros Wa'p. 14. »o. Deeds. Grants, Fines, &c. in which the family of Curzon have been concern’d. 15. 11. Pedigree of Nicholas de Daventrle from Hen- Curzon. 22, 6g. 12. Pedigree of J. Paynel, temp. Hen. in. 32. 13. Pedigrees of J. Chamberleyn iifl. 134c—Dorn. Sim. de Monte alto—D. Jac. de Bofev.Ie—Eurtachjug 4 O Catalogus Librorutn MSS- 326 Num. 61II- Num. 6111—6113. Vefey—Jo. de Tauconbcrg, 7 Ed. m.—Steph. de Gaur.i—Wil. Foliot, temp. Hen. i—Bern. Brocus— Rich de Vernun, temp. Hen. 111.—HugoBardolfe, temp. II. in.—Rob. de Courtney, temp. Hen. ii. 32—36. 14. The Pedigrees of Sir Andr. Pevcrel & J. Brocas, temp. Ed, III, —Strangwais, H. vni.—Hagget H. vin. ^47.—Bi-abanfon, H. ni. 36, 4c, 47, 133, 135, 158. 15. Efeheats, Inquifitions, Evidences. 36, 40, 47, 58, 77, pr, 95, 104, 141, 144, 163. _ 16. A Catalogue of the Nobility, according to their feveral creations 1627. -At. 17. Great Officers Places by Parliament, 31 Hen. VIII. _ 44- 18. Hifloria five fundatio Abbatije de Kirkeftall. 47. jg. Extrafts out of the Leger Book of Helagh. 48. 20. E.\trafla ex libro de foucibus de terris in Craven. 54 21. Pedigree of Petrus de Brus, iemp. Edv. i. 56. 22. A draught of the funeral Monument of Roger Brabafon in S. Paul’s Church in London. 59. 23. Copy of the lafi Will & Teftament of Adam Brabazon of Alerton, A.D. Jfog. 62. 24. Roger de Brabalbn, Conftable of the Tower, with others (upon the complaint of the E. of Lincoln) at a Parilament held at Carlille,35 Ed. i. were appointed to I'ecure the dream of the River. 25. Lid of the WitnelTes to the Charters of Charta magna &; Charta de forefta, made by K. Hen. in. & confirm'd by Ed. i. 7 °* 2^. Witneifes to Charters granted by feveral Kings to the Abbey of St Augultine in Canterbury, _ 70. 27. The Pedigree of I'urgifus de Tracejo, temp. tVil. n. of feveral ancient families, temp. Hen. 11. & III. Sc Ed. I. 71- 28. The Pedigrees of Tiio. de Wefton, temp. Ed. in. & Tho. Manors, £. of Rutland. 83, 160, 167. 29. The Arms of Families in Wales trick’d. 84. 3c. Mention made of a Letter of Hen. ii. in the hif- tory of J. Brampton, in the Cotton Collection, touching the agreement between the Kings of Callile & Navarre, with the Names of the Witnefles. 86. 31. Cenfirmation by Ed. 111. of the Charters granted to the Piarons of the Cinque Ports. ib._ 32. Names of the Peers appointed to make Ordi¬ nances, 8c rectify Mifdemeanora in the King's Court Sc KLugdom, an“ 3 Ed. n. 87. 33. '"Grant of Lands to J. Boyll ofBliton. 88, 89. ^^4. Free Pardon, granted leHen. vii. to the Arch- bilhupofKafTel & others concerned in Rebellion. 88. 35. Pedigree of Thomas Quilter & Hen. Courthorp. 8g. :,6. Pedir’rec of William Edwards of Hide in Suffex, J* ] —Walter Sends, temp. Hen. iv.- Sc Walter Lc Bret, temp, Ed. i. 94 ^ 95 * i-’. The Arms of feveral of the Nobility & Gentry. 96. 38. The Names of the Efiates Sc Nobles that did their homage at the Coronation of Hen. viii. 104, 39. The''Ercocheons of Lady Ann Hungeiford, Da. of the E. of Northumberland, flain in the battle of St. Alban’s. *® 5 - 4... The Names of the Lords fpiritual & temporal that attended on the Corps of K. Ed. iv, who died Apr. 9. in the 2 jd year of his reign- ib. 41. Attendants at the funeral of Pi nce Arthur who died at Ludlow, 2 April 1302. ic6. 42. The Arms of Sir Richard Beauchamp Lord St. Amand. ■t’- 43. Account cf that part of the family of L. Grey buried in White Friers. ib- 44. The Arms of John Tregoz, Baron of Garinges, 10 Edv. 45. The Armsef Sir John de Northwood, 9 Ed. ii. -—^ 5 : Sir John de Lille, Lord of Wodeton in the Ifle ef Wight, 2 Ed.il. i 07 ' 46. The IlTue of Tho. de Brotherton, E.of Norfolk- 107. 47. Divers Lords fworn. to divers Articles, 2 & 3 Hen. vl. 108. 48. TheDefcent of John Twifelton from J. Bere of « Dartford in Kent. 109. ■ 49. An Account of the Princes & Nobility fpe K.’ James 8c K Cliarles i. 107, 110. 50. Extrails out of the Book of Knights Fees in the Excliequer, made tp'e Ed. 1. 131. 51. IlTue of Roger de Moubray. 334- 52. Grant from Henry, Son of Simon de Montealto, of Lands to the Monks of Sinningtbwait. 135. Pedigree of Tho. Thruflell of Danlburv, in co. Efl'ex. 136. 54. Baronets created an*’ i6n. f. 137. Sc 1612. 8c 1629. f. 139. yc. Defcent of Hugh Stretley from John Whitfield, fpe Rich. u. 139. 56. Pedigrees of Rich. Le Grant, Sc Roger Helewys, fpe Ed. III. —-Maurice Yonge of Hopedale in com. Flint. —William de Burgo, Com. Ultonis in Hibernia.— Hugo Gobiun.—Hugo de I.elay —Matheus Croc.— Gilbertus de Villers.—Giamfridus de Bereftrct. 14Q. 57. ThelfTue of Walter Engraine. 143. 58. The Arms Sc Crefis of Haldcrman Sc Holderman in Trick. ib. 59. Baronets created 1627, 1628, 1629 & 1630. 144 - 60. ExtraGs from the Patent for creating John Deve- reux a Baneret, a” Rich. ii. 147- 61. Pedigree of Simon d« Bohun, fpe Hen. i. 152. 62. Fines, Patents, Pedigree, &c. relating to the Family of Sim. de Monteacuto. 152, 153, 154. 63. Pedigree of John Broun, fpe Rich. II. 153. 64. 'J he Witnefles to the Charter for building Salif- bury Cathedral. I 54 > 65. The Pedigree & Grants to Walter Giffard, Con¬ ftable of the Tower, fpe Ed. i. 155. 66. Mention of Patents, conferring Titles Sc Offices to feveral. _ 155,156. 67. The Alliance Sc Pedigree of Will'm Botreaux & Rob. Hungerford, fpe Rich. it. 157. 68. Pedigree of Hugo le Harpur, fpe Ed. iii. 164. 69. Alliance of the family of H-ftings with Lord Huntington. 165- 7 I. Pedigree of Gefrey Howard, with a Gi-ant from W. Conqueror. 466. 71. Paganus Mondublel, with other Rebels in Nor¬ mandy, furrender to W'” Rulus. 167. 72. Grant of Lands from Euftachius Rofpear to the Monaftery of RufTord. 168. 73. Pedigree of Walter de Infula, from K. Hen. i. ib. 74. Pedigree of Rives of Barton Stacy. 169.5. The book contains 170 written leaves. 6112. A thick Quarto, containing a very cc^ious Alphabet of Names, with their Arms in terms of Blazon. 6113, A thin Quarto, pretty much foiled Sc worn, con¬ taining, 1. Coats of Arms 5 c Crefts, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong. 2. Coats of Arms, with Monumental Infcriptions. 3. Pedigrees of the following FamiliesGeo. Long¬ ford, in com. Nottingh. 1569.—Geo. Wingate, in com. Bedf.—Rich, de Dene, tempe Ed. ni.—John Hatton, of Chilton.—Ed. FoifeU, in com. Lincoln.—Sr. J. Browne, Lord Mayor of London.—Tho. Moyle, of Bodmin in Cornwall —J. Crefwell, St. Alban’s, fpe Ed. iv. Bound up with 6084, 6090, 4 c A Book Bibliothecse Harleianse. 327 Num. 6114^6119. 6r 14. A Book in 4®, having this Title, « A Catalogue of all the Provofts, Fellows, & Scholars, that have been placed and elefted into King’s College, of our Bl. Lady and St. Nicholas, in the Univerlity of Cam¬ bridge, either by the mofl: royal & holy Founder, K. Hen. vi. K. of England & France, Lord of Ireland, &c. or fince eiefted from his College of Eton near Windfor (which was founded for a Nurfery hereto) fince the firfl foundation of them both, a” 1441.— together with their fevcral Preferments, either in Church or Commonwealth, as far as could be found. Firfl gathered by Mr. Tho. Hatcher, Fellow of this College, of the Year 1555, until 1562, & fince con¬ tinued by John Scott until 1620, afterwards brought down by Edw. Hinde, of the Year 1594, until 1621, then by G. Goade of the Year 1620, until 1646.’’ I he book, as it Hands, is continued to 1703 : pof- fibly by the perfon whofe name is on the firfl leaf, with the date of 1646 annexed, namely, Henry Some of the fame Co|!.-On the fame leaf is this epigram : “ Diflichon Apoflrophicon ad Tho. Hatcherum et Joh. Scottuni primos inchoatores fequentis cataiooi. Defunfti vivunt, redeunt et lempora prifea O Hatchere tuo munere, Scotte, tuo. Radolphus Winterton.” 6115. A Book in 4% printed, with large MS. Additions. The 'i'itle of the Book runs thus, “ A l-iit or Catalogue of all the Mayors & Bailiffs, Lord Mayors & Sheriffs of the mofl ancient, honourable, noble, and loyal City of York, from the time of K. Ed. i. until this pre- fent year 1664, Sec. together with fundry remarkable PalTages which happened in their feveral Years.” The MS. Additions being very numerous, & colledled chiefly from printed hiflories, it would be too tedious to enter into a Detail of ihem ; yet it may be proper to remark, that the Catalogue of the Mayors and Sheriffs is continued to the Year 1677. p. 194. 24^. L'kewife in p. 205. The Contents are given of a Book in MS. of hir T. W. concerning this famous City. In p. 21. The Names of thofe who have been Pre- fidents of the Council in the North. In p.5. Mention of a Grammar, printed at Yorke by Donatus Minor. In p. 7. 22. The Reafons why Yorke is placed before London jn the Order of our Britifh Primates. 6r 16. [6116 — 6 t 2 I. Octavo.] A Book in 8°, intiiled, “ A Formulary for the Coro¬ nation of his mofl excellent Majelly K. George, on Oel. 20, 1714.” Contains 56 pages. 6117. The fame, written in another hand, with a few Re¬ marks. 6118. A Book in S", intitled, “ A Formulary for the Coro¬ nation of her i^Iajefty Queen Anne.” Neatly written in 56 pages, with lifls iubjoined of thofc who walked ■, to p. 8^ 6119. A Book in 8®, with painted Arms of Emperors, foreign Kings & Princes; which reach as far as f. 56._ — The remaining part of the Book confifls of the Kings, Nobility, and Gentry of Scotland, with a fhort account of the Families foraetimes annex’d ; f. 7. is fubferibed Henry Lily.” 216 leaves ufed, bcfidcs fome fliort remarks, and a few arms at the end. Num. 6 1 20-6 ! 2J, 6 t 20. A Book in S*', containing, 1. An Alphabet of Names in bL.zon, collefled by Roger Kcniys. 2. A Lia of all the Knights who hav$ been Earls cf any County, fince the Conquefi, made by W. Conq. according to Mr. Camden's Colleaion, with the Blaz.m of their feveral Coats, by Roger Kemys & Cla>ton Mil- borne. 3. The Blazon of Arms, taken out of Gerard Leigh & W. Feme, With fome Rules concerning the fame. The various ordinaries, &c. neatly drawn. At the end, ‘‘ Clayton Milborne 168..” 6 f 21. A Book in 8", confifting of Tomb-Stone Infcriptions. At the beginning is prefix'd the bidding Prayer in Latin, with a Latin Sermon on Luc. i. 80. Puer cref- cebat, & corroborabatur fpiritu, &c. 1 hen follow the Infcriptions, I. In St. Giles’s Colcheiler, Elftx, on Sr. Cha. Lucas & Sr. Geo. Lifle. _ 2. In Florence, on Andr. del S.arto, & Raphael'Ur- bin, famous Painters. 3. In Rippon, Yorkfli. on one called Bouncing Ju- . ib. 4. Infcription over the Inner Gate of Ludlow Caftle. 5. In Mantua, on Julio Romano. 40, 6 . Ill the Rotunda at Rome, on Perino Bonacunio Vaga. 7. In St. Mary’s, Cambridge, on Ann Scott._W” Brampton.—W" Butler, M. D.~J. Crane, M. D.—J. Warren.—Kath Smythe.—JohnRudftone.—Eliz.Wick- fled.—»Tho. Larkin. 8. In Ben.iet Church in Cambridge, on J. Pierfe — James Cranidge.—Tho. Chaplyn.—GofTm Ayifen.’ a Dutchman.— 1 ho. Ruffel.—Sandys Pevton.—Marma-* duke Norfolk.—Hen. Gofling, D. D.—John Priefi; 8c Ann Prieft. g. In St. Michael’s Church in Cambridge, on W. Morden.—W'^ Smyth.—Andreas Adorna Bremenfis.— Ed. Dod.---Rob. Leeds.—Edw. Parker.—Jane, Wife of Rob. Brady, M. D- ^.5 to. In Butolph Chorch in Cambridge, on Judith Clay.—W. Canham.—Philip Biifs.—Tho. Piaifer, D.D. —on a Midwife. It. In Kings Col. Chapel, on Martin Freeman.— Cha.Nevili. 12. It Sr. Edward’s Church in Cam’oridge, on W" Beck, Efq.—Owen Mayfield—Tho. Buck, Efq_Cha. Bu.xton, A. B. 13. In Trinity Church in Cambridge, on Edw. Law. — Rob. Talbor, alias Tabor, Eq. aur. & Med.—Eliz. Peyton, Daughter of Sir Rich. Anderfon. 58. * 14. In Queen’s Coll. Chapel, Cambr. on Rob. Whal- ley. — Rich. Bryan. gj I 5- In Jefus College Chapel, Camb. cn J. Pain, Efq ~\V" Davy, A. M,—Steph. Hall, S. T. B.—Edm. Bol¬ der, D.D. gj^ 16. In Pembroke Hall Cloyffer, Jac. Hawkey. 64. 17. On Sir Humphry Winche. (, r. 18. On Nicholas Snate. gg, 1 g. At Eton near Windfor, on Edw. Sleech. 67. 20. In Lyle’s Carey, Soinerfetfh. on John de Lyte. 68 , ii. Part of Lord Radnor’s Will, 1695. ib, 2 2. In the Cathedial Church at Winchefler, on George Bp. of the faid fee, 1684-—AuJoenus Pliilips, 69/ 23. On Mr. Cromwell Lea, 24. On Sir Wa'ter Ralegh. y At Worceiler, op Nicholas .^ullyngham, Epife. ib. 9 36- At cjufd 8 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Kum,6i2i—6124. 26. At Durham, on Rich. Barnes, Epifc. ejurd. 7a. 27. On GritTith Powel of Jcfus in Oxford. :b. 28. On the Marq. of Vitelli, prodigioufly fat, a great Eater and Atheifl. 73 - Then many vacant pages. 29. At Okeinton in Cambridgefh. on Ann, Wife of J Buck.— Rob. Audeley.—Geo. id Son of Sr-Rob. Ha'ior. 30. At Colfden in Nottinghamfh. on Gregory Hen- fon. p. 222, all between being vacant. 31. Af Screaton in Nottinghamfh. on Rich. Whaley, ib. & Thomas Ireland. _ ^^ 3 * 32 Ac Burton in Nottingh. on Alice, Wife of Geo. Lacock. ^ >b. 33. At Newark in Nottingh. on Tho. Atkinfon.— Ed. Greaves.-W. Smith.—J. Seel.—W. Hobman.— Hen. Trueman.—J. Martin. 224. Nich. Kimerflry. 229. 3 I In St. Mary’satNoiingham, on Radulphus Hanf- by. ' _ 237. 35. At Averham in Noitinghainfh. on Sr. W” Sut¬ ton 36. At Ordelhall, on.Denman, A. M. ^ 229. 37. In St. Peter’s Ch. at Nottingham, on T. Wilfon. —Lady of Sir Mat. Saunders.—Sr. Tho. Ellis.—Geo. Cotes.’- Rich. Elkin. ‘b. 38. In the Church of S.Jaques dc la Bouchenc in Paris, on J. I'emelius. 258. 39. At the Ch of St.John, ibid, on Alain Veau. ib. 40. At Paris, on J. Launoy. 259 - 4,. In the Ch. of the Jcfuiis, on Lewis xiu.—Anna Auftrice.—Prince Henrv of Bourbon. rb. 42. Still at Paris, on D. Ant. Perez.—Petr. Lorn- bardus.—Tho deClemcngis.—Clovis, the firli ChnOian King.—Renatus Delcartcs. D. Ennon de Embda, a young Lord of E. Frileland.—Rob. Gaguin.—Jo. de facro Bofeo.—Fra. Balduin.—Dorn. Humbertus.—Ed. le Camus.—Chriftoph. Thuanus.—D’Annc Marie Mar- dinozzy.—J. Cafimir. Mich, de Marolles.—Jac. de S. Beuve.—Paulus .Emilius Veron. 260. 43. In Liddle Church in Kent, on Tho. Briggs.—. . . . . Harrington, 325 ’ 44. At Snotland inKent, onJa. Palmer. ib. 4 r At Holm, in Nottinghamfh. on Sir Tho. Barton. 326. 46. On Mr. Barnaby Whartnaby’s Beadhoufe in Nottingh. , ^ 47. A Copy of Verfes, by one of Queen s, Oxon, on the Death of the Queen, 33 ^’ The Book was originally paged as far as 335, where Fim is marked. Ihe remaining leaves were defigned for an index, the title of which alone is writ¬ ten, “ Index rerum quse in hoc libro continentur 1677. * Where pages are paffed over in the references, the in- •errriediate leaves are blank. 6122. ^6 i42 — 612^, Diicdednw.'] A Book in 12“, with Arms coloured, of Families in Wales. Bound up with 1961. 6123. A Book in 12°, with Names, Sc their Arms blazon d, faid to be taken out of a MS. in Trinity Library.—- At the end are the Epitaphs of Fcrdinaiido, Lord TVirfax.— Dr. Harris.—Dr. Mr^y. At the other end of the booki when inverted, foiuc few infciip- tions. 61 24. [6124—6148. Folio.'] A Book in folio, fetting forth the Genealogies, & feveral liiftorical Incidents, in the Lives of the following Earls; written in Latin. Num. 6124—6127. 1. The Earl.=! of Hereford, from Radulphus Medan- tinnsjan". 105^ until Henry Plantagenet, an®. 1397. i- 2. The Earls of Salifbury, from Puiricius De Eve- reux, t’pe K. Stephen, an". 1153, until Ricardus dc Nevil, 1460. 3. The Earls of Worcefter, from Gualcmnnus a Bd- lomonte, 1 144. until Guil. SomeiTet, 1589. 29- 4. The Earls of Southampton & Northampton, from Beauvois, E. of Southampton, 1067, until Flenry Wriothelley, i5r,o. 37 - 5. The Earls of Carlifie, Weftmorland & CumberUiid, from Ranolphus de Mefchincs who came along with Wm, Conq. until Geo. dc Clifford, 15C9. Vide f. 54- 4S. 6. The Earls of Kent, from Godwin, 1046, to Henry Grey, 1572. , 7. The Farls of Warwick, from Henricus de Novo- burgo, 1060, until Ambrnfius Dudley, 1562. 73. 8. The Earls of Lincoln, from Guilldiniis de Rou- mara, 1140. until Edovardus dominus, & baro dc Clinton & Say, 1572. , 9. The Earls of Winchefter, Wiltlhire & Bath, from Saherus five Sigerus de Queney, dominus de Groby, t pe K. John, until Gul. Burgehier, 1577. 108. 10. The Earls of Huntingdon, from Waltheofus, 1068. until Henricus Haflingcs, 15C0. 126. 11. The Earls of Leiccitcr, from Leofricus, 1067. until Rob- Dudley, 1564. ’ 48 - 12. The Earls of Nottingham &Dcrby, from Kober* tus de Ferrarijs 1141. until Hen. Stanley, 1572. 160. 13. The Earls of EiVex, from Gaufridus de Magni- villa, i. e. Mandevill, who was killed by an Arrow, A D. 1144. * 74 - 14. The Earls of Rutland, from Ed. Plantagenet, 1390. until Edward Manners, 15S7. 184- 6125. A Book in folio, fetting forth the Vifiiation of the County of Lticefter, taken by Sampfon Leonard, alias Blewiiiantle, &Auguftinc Vincent alias Rougerofc, Fur- fuivants cf Arms, A.D. 1619.—AnAlphabetiral Inde.x is bound in at the beginning, vei7 fairly written as far as fol. 106. After which follow what appear to have been rough memorandums, on a fmaller paper: probably the original notes taken down in the vifitation. 6 r 26. Liber continens inquifitiones pofi mortem, et alia ul genus. In folio exteriore feriptum eft “ Liber Petri I.e Neve.” Infimt quae fequuntur, 1. “ Perambulatio Forefttu de ex more in Com. Somerf. et Devon. inTurri I.ondon, remanens.” 2. “ Inquifitiones poft mortem. Anno 28“ Regis Henrici tertii, in turre London, remanentes.” Folia 12, cum indice alphabetko. ». Inq. p. mort. in Comit. Devon, temp. Ldw. I. Ibidem remanentes folio 5S ; cum indice nommum locu- pletiftimo. . 4. Epitome Recordorum quorundam poll mortem, &c. pro com. Devon, temp. Edwardi 2. cum indice ut fupra, tenentum in capite. _ 4 i' K Epitome com. Devon, temp. Edv. 3. cum indice ut r“P«- , ■ J -cv Scuta armorum pafllm coloribus depicta. 6127. Five Volumes containing the colkaions of John Lc Ne\'e Efq. refpefting the Cathedrals. V0I.I. Norwich p. I. blank. Oxford, p. zi. Peter- hurcrh/ficl P tL Nothing colleaed. Rochefter, p. 45 - Slsffiury^'p. 61. d;."--Winchcfter p 93 - Wor- cefter, 117, nothing.—York, 141. d Carlifle, 1,7, d. —Chefter, 193, d .-Dunheime, 205, d .—Sodor, 2^3 diiio. -.T,,. Bibliotheca? Harleiana?. 32.9 Niini. 612 7—5 133. Vol. II. has this title, “ An Appendix containing feve- ral records and origina! papers, referred to in the fuccef- fion of dignitaries colieded Anno Domini 17 14. R.R.S. Georgii primo. By John Le Neve.” Canterbary, p. i. St. Afaph, p. ii. Bangor, p. 19. Bath & Wells, p. 27. Briftol, p. 37. Chichef* ter, p. 45. Coventry & Lichfield, 55. St. David’s, 65. Ely, 75. Exeter, 85. Gloucefier, 95. Hereford, 139. LlandafF, 147. Lincoln, 15^. London, 165. Norwich, 175. Oxford, 185. Peterburgh, 195. Ro- chefter, 205. Saliibury, 215. Wincheller, 22^, Wof cefter, 235. York, 245. Carlifle, 255. Chefier. 265 Durham, 271. A few of thefe are blank, but not nearly fo many as in vul. 1. Vol. HI. perliaps properly Vol. I. On the cover is written John Le Neve, begun 1712. It contains his col- leaions refpcaing Canterbury, Sc. Afaph, Bangor, Bath & Wells, Briftol, Chichefter, Coventry & Lichf., &c. in the fame order as in Vol. II. ending with London, p. 315, on which nothing is colleffed. VoL IV. An attempt to colled: the fuccefiion of Pre¬ bendaries in each ftall in every' Cathedral. With an In¬ dex at the end. Vol. V. Monuments in thefeveral churches, collected In the fame order. 61 28. A Book in folio, containing the Vifuation of Stnffnrd- Iliire, made by Robert Glover, alias Somerfet Herald, Marlhal to Wm. Flower, alias Norroy King of Arms, A.D. 1583. At fol. 541 are the Names of the She- rifts of the County, from the beginning of K. Hen. ii. until 18 of K. James; At fol. 163 is a collcdion of armsbegun. Atfol. 146. b. The'juftices of Peace in the fame County, A.D. i j2o, and a lift of the gentry, f. 147. Laftly, an Alphabetierd Index. 6129. A thin Folio containing tlie Arms of foreign King.s Sc Nobility, but chicHy of the Englilh Nobilitvand Gen¬ try. Twenty one leaves; bound with 5844, and others. 6130. A Folio, with tliis Title, “ Catalogus alphabcticus oin* nium Comitum, Ducum & Marchionuin tarn forenf. quam domcfticoruin qul creati fuerunt per reges Anglite u tempore Conquefti, 1060 ufqueA.D. 1630, cum eorum titulis Sc arrais.” With an alphabetical lift. 6131. A thin Folio, containing feveral Pedigrees of Families whofe Nantes begin with the Letter S.wiih an Alpha¬ bet of the Names of luch Familic.s as h.ive married into the faid Families, being all in the Iiand-writing of Sir Hen. St. George, Kt. Garter King of Arms, Son ?c Heir of Sir Richard St. George, Kt. Clarencenx King of Arms, &; Father of Sir Tlio. Sc Sir Hen. St. George, fuccefiively Garters Kings of Arms. On this ieaf, this teftimony is given by Peter Le Neve Norroy, 21 March 1711.—In folio 13 is the Charter for the foundation endowment of the Monaftory at Sltrewf- bury. 6132. A thin Folio, containing the Succellions of the Dukes, Marquifies, & Earls of the Kingdom of England, taken out of Martyn’s Chronicle, & compared with Vincent, with fome additious Sc obfervations, by Sir Henry St. George, Kt. Garter, principal King of Arms, A.D. 1644. This and the next are now bound together. 6133. A thin folio, by the fame Sir Hen. St. George, A.D. 1644- containing the Pedigrees of Earls ^ Barons of Cat. PIarl. Vol. HI, Num. 6133—6138. the Kingdom of England. With an alphabetical In¬ dex at the end. 6134. Atbinfolio.withapirchment cover, relatingtotheChurch of Mcriham in Surry, containing a Lift of the Lord Chamberlains of England, from Wm. the Conqueror until Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford, in the 4th year Cif Qu. Elizabeth. There are added various Collections lelating to the Family of ^^eI-e, Uarls of O.xford. See alfo numbers 4189. 6776. bound up with this. 6135- A thin folio, with this title, “ The Genealogy of the an¬ cient Sc noble Family of the Le de Spencers, and Spencers, Earls of Winchefter, Glocefter & Sunder¬ land, and Barons Spencers of Wormleighton, & the reft of the branches of that Family, gather’d out of Inquifitions, & other Records 6c authentic F.vidences, collected & compofed, & drawne down to this prefenc year An° 1679, by I. T.” At the End is the Oath of a Privy Coiinfellor; & likewife a Bill of ! ees due to his Maieftv’.s Servants, from all Perfons that receive the honour of Knighthood, as they ftood A; D. 1 5 f> 5 , and other papers. Bound with 5879 & the enfuing number. 6136. A Folio, containing the following Pedigrees : viz. 1. The Pedigree of Gifford, Lord of Brimsfield in Gloticefterfh. 2. 1 he Defcent of Sir Miles Stapleton, t'peFd. iv. from Oliver de Ingham Sc Walter de Walrondc. 4. 3. The Pedigree of Sir Rich. Delabere of Kynardfley. 5 - 6- 4. ThePedIgvee of Hugo deKilpec,Alan dePlukenet Sc Robert Marmion. 5. 7, 5. The Pedigrees of Peter Gerard of Br)’nne in com. Lancaft.—Elias de Richmond.—Rich. Serburn.—Win. Redmon. 6. 1 he Defcent of J. Talbot, F.. Shrewibury, from Th. Nevill, Wm. de Furnivall, Sc Wiilfil de Lovetot. 11, 7. The Pedigree of Butler of Warrington. 12. 8. The Pedigree of the Family of Tempell. 18. 9. ThePedigree of Roger Baflarville deErdcflcy, in com. Hereford. 2" 10. The Pedigree of Wiliin Cando?, tpe Rich. 1.23. & Jemingham; „ i I. 'Fhe Pedigree & a large Account of the family of Hcreiord ol Hereford. n- 12. In a loofe Sheet, The Pcdlg)-ee of P.ivker, Lord Moricy Sc Mount Eagle, Sc Sr. Win. Trefham. 69 pages. Bound with the preceding Sc 5879. <^'3 7 - A Book in folio, containing Arms very neatly flcctclied. 1. The Names Sc Arms of the Bannerets of Eno-. land. 2. TIic Names Sc Arms of the Knights in eveiy Shire fpe Ed. I. ’ 3. 'Fhe Names of all who were witli K. Ed. i. in Scot¬ land & Fnince. 4. Copies of feveral ancient Rolls. 5. An alphabetical Index. Ninety-nine leaves are filled with arms, the reft blank. 6138. A Book_ in folio, containing the Arms & Pedigrees of Families in the County of Kent, taken at a Vifuation, A.D. 1619. & fome part fince, with an alphabetical Index at the end. A book of Henry Lily, 235 leaves;- 4 P A book 33 ° Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6139—6141. 6139. A Book in folio, cont:uning the Arms St Pedigrees of Faniilies in the Co. of Hereford, Worcefter 8c Glou- cefter, fome taken in the years 1633 & 1634-— beginning of the Book there is one leaf, containing different Arms relating to the Nanre of Greene. Many arms drawn, without the name afligned. 614-0. A Book in folio, containing Arms & Quartenngs m ‘rrick, being Grants by Seager.—An alphabetical In¬ dex is prefix’d. At fol. 57, the arms of Mary Queen of Scots, with a fiiigular motto. 6141. A large book of hcraldical Papers, chiefly bought of Mr. Humphrey Waiiley, the Contents whereof follow, 1. Papers relating to the Order of the Garter. i* 2 . Claims to thefe fever.il Baronies, viz. (i.J The Title of Richard Bertie, Efq; to the Stile of Lord \Mlloiighby(-f Willoughby 8c Lareffiy, in the right of the LaJv Katherine Dutchefs of Suffolk, de¬ bated ^before the I.f'i-d Burghley High Treafurcr of Lng- land, Thomas F.ofSuffex Li rd Chamberlain, & Robcit E. of i.eiceffer, CommilTionerb by her Majcfly appointed fjr the fame purpofe. n't, ' r (2.) The Title of Sr. Mich. Blount to the llile of Lord Moumjoye. (3.) The Order 8c determination of the upper houle in the high Court of Parliament, in the Queftimi touch¬ ing the Claim 8c Title to the Barony of Bergaveny be¬ twixt Edward Nevile the Heir Male, & the Lady 1 ‘ane Heir general. r.-. , 1 • (4.) The Title of Henry Vernon of Stokdy in com. Salop, Efq; to the Name, Title & Dignity of Lord Powis in the right of Ami his Grandmother, Coufin 8c Coheir of Edward iaft Lord Powis.—This was drawn up by Robert Glover alias Somerfet, fur Henry Vernon, Efq; that fued to be Lord Powis; as likewife the 2 fol¬ lowing Cafes. r r /-. fc ) The Proceeding of Margaret Coimtels of Cum¬ berland, in the behalf of her Daughter Lady Ann, foie Daughter & Heir to Geurge Clifford Earl of Cumber¬ land?late Huiband to the faid Margaret, concerning the title of the Baronies of Clifford, Weffinorland Sc Vefey, to defeend to the faid Lady Amt as Heir general to the faid Earl her Father. .. r r j (6.) The Precedents of Mr. Sampfon Leonard alledged for his calling to Parliament m the Right of his Wife, Margaret Lady Dacres, foie Sifter 8c Heir to Gregory Lord Dacres of the South. . (7.) Precedents of Baronies by Writ, defcending to the Heirs Male 8c not to the Heirs Female. _ (8.) A Paper, containing the Names of foreign No¬ bility who have Englifh Titles, & have had their Sum¬ mons to Parliament. . (9.') Interrogatories & Confiderations with regard 0 conferring Titles of Honour. r , ^ •1 The Noblemen, Prelates 8c Knights of the Garter that were promoted by Hen. vii. 8c fuch Marriages as were folsmnized in the prefence of the faid King & Q. Eliz. his Wife. _ „ , n 1 4 Precedents of Fees for Creations & Inllalments. 3! Names of great Officers of England from 1384 until 1542. - r-i e 6 . Patents for Knights Bannerets, t pe Ed. in. 8cc. 7. Several Effays & Obfervations relating to Knights of the Bath, Baronets, & Knights Bachelois. In Latin & 8. ' Knights of the Bath, made at the Coronation of K. James I. & afterwards. ^ ^ c r ^ o 9. Knights made between Chriftmas 1000 &Julyi8, 1609. Num. 6141—6147. 10. The Creation of HenryPrInceof Wales, June 4, 1610. 4 ®. 11. Precedentsof Grants of Dignities. 12. The Names of divers Kings, Duke.s, Earls Si Lords, who were brethren of the fraternity of Merchant Taylors before Henry vii. who gave the fraternity this Name. 13. Modus ordinandi militem Ordinisequitum imnia- culattE Virginis. 14. Lord Admiral’s Patent, t'pe Q. Eliz. 15. Extrafts from an Aft of Purl. 13 Rich. 11. cap.2. (hewing the Authority of the Coiiftable &c Marllial’s Court. 16. Old Precedents regarding the Importation & fel¬ ling of Wines. Some few leaves have been inverted in binding. 6142. A thin Folio, of 6 leaves, written upon Vellum, con¬ taining, as well the Oath of the Queen’s Majefty’s Lieutenant 8c Standard-beiu'er, as alfo the Oath & Ar¬ ticles concerning the tlrdeiing. Service & Duties be¬ longing to her Highnefs Gentlemen Penfioners, .A.D. 1601. Sr. Henry Gray Knight Lieutenant of the Baud. Ld. Hunfdon Capt. with additions by Sr. An¬ thony Browne Kc. Capt. time ol K. H. 8. _ “ This agreeth wiih the book made in time of K. H. 8. Signed with the lung's own hand. Which rcniainelh with my Lord our Capitaine. Henry Graye.” Ine above is written at the end of this No. which is now bound with 4807 8c 1638. &I+3- A thin folio, bound up 'vith N" 5287, 5836, &c. and containing, 1. Firfl aTraft with this title; “ the Propofition made in Parliament, concerning an Academ Royal, or College & Senate of Honour, by the Lord Marq. of Buckingham, & there approved ; as it was occafioned 8c founded upon the reafons feverally prefented to his Sa¬ cred Majefty Sc to his Lordlhip before Chriftmas [all, A.D. 1620, in the Names of the Honour of the King¬ dom, & of the Antiquities thereof. The Copies of all which are comprifed in this Book, A. D. 1621. 2. “ Overtures and reafons for two excellent public works,” See. exaftly as in No. 6103.—f. 14. In f. 15. aie verfes to the Marquefs of Buckingham on the^ubjeft, figned “ John Beaumont. 3. " A fupplication to his Majefty as Sovereign of the Order of the Garter, contended by way of Prufopopcea.” f. 27. In all 35 leaves. 6144. A thin folio, bound up with 1109, 8cc. containing an alphabet of Names, with the Arms of fome of them m Blazon, f. 22. It was bought in an auftion, 1728-9. 6145. A thin folio, containing the Ancient Englifli Nobility, until the reign of C). Elizabeth. 38 written leaves; bound with N“ 7397. , 6146- A Folio, containing Arms and Crefts trick’d, with the Names of the Perfons to whom they belong, but no Index. 114 leaves. 6147. A Folio, containing the Arms & Pedigrees of Families in Hertford (hire, at a Vlfitation in .572. An alpha- betical Index is added at the end. And at the begin- ning is a Note of the Antiquity of the Gentlemen of the County, as they came firft into it.. A book of Henry Lily, Rouge-Rofe. 59 leaves. At fol. 50, a remarkable genealogy of the family of Perient. A Folio Bibliotheca3 Harleiante; 33 * Niim. 6148; 6/48. A Folio, containing heraldical & other Mattere, viz. 1. Copies of Letters of Archbifhop Cranmer to the King &others. f. i. 18. N. B. Thefe letters are continued in the fame hand, with very few interruptions, from f 18 tcj 50. and are many of them curious. Particularly that in f. 23. where writing to “ Mafter Hawkyns” ambaffador at the Emperors court, the writer details all the ftate news of the time, the divorce of Queen Katherine, the marriage of Q. Anne Boleyn, &c. 2. The Defcendants from Robert Ferrers, Lord of Overfley, & Joanna, Daughter of John D. of Lanca/ler, among whom the Family of Grey de Wrefl. This & the following papers marked “ Collect. Hcnrici I'er- rers.”^ 4- 3. The Marriages of the Sifters Sc Coheirs of Tiio. E. of Arundel. 4. b. 4. GundreJ Da. of W™ Conqr. & Queen Maud mar¬ ried to W® E. Warren afterwards E. of Surrev. ib. 5. Pedigrees of the following Families, fc. Reginald de Courtney tp e Rich, i,—Petrus de Mountefort de Beau- defert.—’lln). Browne miles. —Delapolc.—Bray.—ad. houfe ot the E. of Devonfhlre.—Fitton.—Longevillc.— Drayton —Ingletliorp.—Hugo de Lyzures. • (..ourincy L'. of Devonfti. — Danvers.— GiftbrJ. —Venables.— \\ alwyn.—Fitton.—f’errers.—Oireby. — Botetort. — E. of Nurthumberlaiul.—Gilbert de (.Jare.—Leofwinus E. t)f C.hefter.—Roger de Bellomonte- 3, 6 . Notes out of Wills in the Prerogative Office. 12. 17. 63. 100. 123. 138. 144. 7. _ Fxtracls from the Kegifter of theAbbey of Tintern relating to the Marriages therein entred. 16. 8. Some Church Notes out of the book called Peck- 1 ( 5 . b. 5. Notes relating to the E. of Leicefter. ao. b. \'j. Further notes refpedting the family of Ferrers, f. 46. 48. Alfo of Langley. 47. 1!. Antiquitas Armorum & Infignium imperils pro¬ vinces, civit'dtibus & privatis hominibus pertinentium, cx variis authoribus collcda. 31, 12. The Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland from Sweno. 52. 13. Claufte, Patenles, Carta, Confirmatlones, Inqui- ihionestp'eEd. II. Ed. in. Rich.ii. Hen. iv. 52.b. 14. Fundatio monafterii de biirgo S''Petri aPs de Medeffiampted. 33. 15. Charters of Confirmation from feveral Kings. 57.b. 16. The Pedigrees of Truftel.—Peyton.—Gifiard.— I'oulcr.—Alured de Lincoln.—Latimer.—Matiiani.— Beauchamp.—Dabernon.—Croifier.—Earl Warren.— Poynings.—Barre.—Reginald de Arfik. f. 61. b. Alfo Ecclefiaftical notes of burials. See. 62. b. 17. De quibufdam antiquitatibus Glaftonls, f. 6 ( 5 . De S. Benigno. ib. 18. De rege Arthuro Sc ejus traiiflatione, & de aliis regibus. 66. b. 19. Notes relating to the Families of Bertram de Ver- don Sc Alexander de Baliol. 68. 20. Pedigrees of Reade—Modburley—Warham— Will. Marifchallus Comes Penbrok—Sandes—Vaux de Ilarowdeii—Welles—Rich—E. of Ormond—Burgoyne —Paget—Darcy de Chiche—Herbert—Gerard—Dan¬ vers de Banbury—Knightley—Barners—Tirrell — Corn¬ wall—Haftang—Delapoyle —Wolverton — Grenvili_ Bokland. 69. 2f. More letters, in the fame hand, & apparently of the fame period as thofe of Cranmer: fome from the Ouecn, others from the King, and other great perfons. f. 75. b. to 80. b. with fome interruptions. All thefe letters feem to have been tranferibed at a much earlier period than the reft of the book. Sc the heraldic St other matte'rs to have been fubfequently introduced, on the vacant leaves. Num. 6148. 22. Pedigrees of the Family of Hoo—Bcefted—Box- hull—Truflell. 79. 23. Notes relating to the Family of Ferrers. ib. 24. Notes out of Camden concerning the Families of Thwenge, Lumley, Bruis, Botereaux, See, 80. b. 25. Pedigrees of Botereaux—Hungerford—Perceval —Engayne—Sydney--Chetwode—Woodhall. 81. 26. “ De Quibufdam Vaticiniis ex vetufto libro Ma- nufenpto.” 85—97, Among thefe prophecies, which are numerous, there arc fome aferibed to Merlin, Sc others lefs known. They extend to the end of f. 97. Sc the two next leaves are wanting. 27. Records concerning the Name Sc Family of Avenell, foraetiine of Gamlingay. 102. b. alfo 106. b. See. 28. References to feveral ecclefiaftical matters, and among others to the Difpeufation from the Pope for Ed¬ ward the Black Prince to marry Joan Coimtefs of Kent, dated 1361. hioi.—Alio to the Pope’s Bull concern¬ ing the E. ol Sarilbury it Sr. TUo. Holland in reference to the faitl Lady. ib. 29. Wills u;.;.iir', out of Redmane’s office. loi.b. 30. Pedigrees of the Family of Culpeper—Harring¬ ton—Daffct—Well mere—Dikefwell—Butki—K.Ethel- dred— Eeiding —Codington—Hewere—Cotton de Rid- ware—Fowler—Verncy—Wrotefley—Booth—Gatacre — Bohun. 109. b. 31. The Pedigree of our Saviour out of an old MS. 114. b. 32. From the fame old MS. is noted the time of the Birth of Edw. eldelt Son of Hen. ni. St Edmond Crouch- back, by which the Difpute with the Houfe of Lancafter is ill part decided. 113. 33. The Pedigrees of Grey—Bromley, f. i i3.b. 116. 34. LxtraHs from the Regifter of Thetford, where are noted the Arms of Blount marrying the Heir of So- dington. ib. 35. Carmen Ricardi Coxi in Coronaclonem Annm angulliffima: Angloriun reginje, imperfcdl. 117. 36. 'I he Right of the Kings of England to the prin¬ cipality of Wales. 121. 37. The Right that the Kings of England have had to the Crown of France. 121. b. 38. The Right of the K. of England to the Crown of Spain. 123. 39. At a Petition of the I.ords & Commons in Parlia¬ ment before the going of Rich. n. into Ireland, Roger Mortimer E. of March was declared next Heir to the Crown if Richard died without IlTue. ib. 40. Arguments in behalf of the faid Roger Mortimer ik the Houfe of York againft the Houfe of Lancafter. 122.b. 41. The Pedigree of Edw. ni. from the Kings of France, Sec. whereby is evidenced his undoubted right to the Crowns of Britain, France, & Spain. 124. b. 42. Articuli de dogmatibus qua: jure ecclefias do¬ cent, ex apologia? M.” There are 100 articles. 128. 43. Pedigrees of Families in the County of Devon Sc Dorlet. 132. b, 44. Notes concerning Dorfctfliire Sc Devonffiire, con¬ taining among other things, the Reafon of the Fine called White Hart Silver, formerly paid to the King in fome parts of England. Alfo Reliefs paid to the King in the Co. of Devon fpe Ed. i. ii. & iii. on the building of Plymouth caftle. See. 135. 45. Further Notes out of Redmonde’s (fic) Office. * 37 - b. 46. The Will of Edward the Black Prince, & his Epitaph. ,38. 47. WitnefTcs to Charters of W" Conqr. K. Sreph. &c. all in the cuftody of Oliver St. John Efq. 140. 48. Pedigrees of Grey, 141_Vefey, 142 49. Further Notes from the fame Office, here written Redraaine’s, 145. b. 50. The Catalogus Librorum MSS, 35 2 Num. 6148—6150. ^0. The Names & Arms of tliofe Noblemen & their Followers who performed the lulls holden at Dunftable. 144. b. 51. Pedigrees of Sakevile—Fitz Williams. 149. 52. A Letter from Pruice Arthur to the Archbiihop of Canterbury, recommending the reparation of the Abbey Church of Dore. 15®* ^3 A Letter from Arhbrofe Potter to Dr. Wells, Chaplain of the Archbillirip of Canterbury, with a loud Complaint agaiiilt his Cruelties & Opprellions. 152-b. Both thefe Letters in the old hand, particularly noticed at n. 21. above. «;4. At the end there is a Table of Contents, & an al|ihabetical Index. On the outer leaf' is the name Ri. bt. George. 614Q. [614Q—6190. OutTrio.] An heralJical Book in 4*^, written in a very old hand, partly upon Vellum, partly upon Paper, & containing leveral Treatifes, fome of which are in Latin, viz. 1. An heraidical traiEl, beginning with a proclama¬ tion from “ Arthour Son to the Duke of Bertaignic, crle of Richemont,” &c. From the title of the firlk chapter the traft feems to be called “ the Gaige of Bat- taii.” t* 2. A treatife of the Signification of Armory, Ihew- iiig in what refpects Arms are honourable, from the properties of Birds, Bealls, Filhes, & all other Bear¬ ings. 5 - This treatife begins, “ In the tyme of y' Julius Cm- far emperor,’' and at the end is “ Explicit ifte liber honorabil armig. Wilelm. civit. de Jordelleth alf. mar- chemond herald,” or Ibmething near it, with the date 2 494 - 3. Of the Plabiliments of Knights & Efquires. 44. 4. Directions to Heralds &c Purfutvants for Funerals. 5. A book of heraldry, fuperforlbed “ Incipit liber anuorum,” the firll chapter of which is, “ How gentil- men lhal be knowene from churles, and how thai fytll began, and how Noye dyvyded the world in thre parts to his thre fonnes." 6. De Coloribus in armis depiclis &: eorum nobilitate ac differentia. 62. 7, Heraldoruin nomen & officium unde exorfum lit, epiltola ab Ainea Epife. Scneiifi ad Johan. Hinderbach. 79 - 8. “ A Buk of thordre of Chcvalry or Knighthood, iranflated out of Franche into Ynglilhe by William Cax- ton dwelling in Weffminfter.” 83* 9. Concerning the Law of Arms. 109. 10. The Coronation of the Emperor. i ’ 5- b. 11. Concerning Kings, Dukes, Knights, &c. 118. 12. The O.ith at the making of Knights. 122. 13. The leven Deeds of Honour, and their feven Crowns. _ . ^^ 4 ’ 14. “ Tranflacion out of Latyn into Ynglis of a buke de bello campellri.” '^8. b. 15. Duodeciin confideranda antequam bellum contra adverfarios committetur. b. 16. The origin and defcrlption of Heraldry, with many fiiields coloured. _ t 34 - 17. A Poem on the fame fubjefl, in ftanzas. 231. 18. Traclatusdc nobilitate, * 55 - 19. De Duellis. i64.b. Contains 173 leaves. 6150. A printed Book in 4*, interleaved, with large MS. Addi¬ tions, formerly in poffellion of John Anllis Efqj with this title, “ Catalogus in certa capita, feu claffes, alphabe- tico ordkie concinnatus, plerorumq; omnium authorum Num. 615c—6155. (tarn antiquorum quam recemiorum) quidere heraldiea Latine, Galilee, Hifpanice, GermanicC: Anglicc Icrip- ferunt: Interfperfis hie illic, qui claruerunt in re anti- quaria & jure civili ea faltem parte qux Heraldrlsn facem accenditj unde viris nobilibus, nec non omnibus aliis Rei Heraldiccc fhudiofis innotefcat dc hifignibus Goiliiitiis: Hcraldis: dePrincipum, nobiliumque Bap- tifmalibus : Nuptiis : Inauguratiotiibus : Conviviis: Coram Colloquiis : Faderibtis : 7 riumph'Uy &c. Quorum pie* niorem et luculentiorem Leftoii rationcm, Elenchus capitum, qui Prtefationi Libelli hujus fubnetlitur, exhi- bebit. A Thoma Gore Armig. Oxon. Typis Leon. Lich¬ field, Acad. Typog. Et Proliant Venales apud Ric. Davis, 1674.” The MS. additions, 'chiefly by Anllis himfelf, as it appears, arc very confiderable. 6151. fSifi—6192. Folio.'] j\n imperfefl work, containing fome Genealogies of Irilh & Scotch Families. The arms finely executed in colours, on very large paper. The Families on •which the colleftions are quite or nearly completed are Stapleton of Droirore, 3.—Wealche of the Mouniains. 8.—Stuart or Stewart of Scotland, to.— (NB. II, 12, 13, & 14, are infertc-d between con¬ nected parts of the text.)—Gordon. 18.—Grahame. 20. b.—Lindl'ay. 22.—Hay. 24. — Sutherland. 28.— Campbell. 30.—The arms arc painted for fe\'eral more names, but nothing is written upon them. 6152. The hiftorical defeent of the Families of Challeleine, & Baffet of Welledone, finely executed, with deeds and Seals painted, on large Sheets of Vellum. 6153- A large Folio, imperfeG: at the beginning, containing the Pedigrees of the following Families, chiefly of Wales & Shroplhire :—Sturr)-, 2.—Ilarnage, 2.— Burton, 3.—Davies, 3.—Skelton, 4.—Edwards, 4.— Poynar, 5.—Eynes, 5.—Purcell, 6.—Madoc ap Gruf- fith, 6.—Tutler Trevor, 7.—Tanat of Haber Tanat, 8.— Price of new’ Towne, g. —Lutley of Bonicroh, 10. —Banaflre, 11.—Charlton, 12.—Gibons, 15.— Langley, 14.—Studley, 14.—Harries, 15.—Hunt of Longnor, 15.—Owen of Shrewfbury, 16.— Owen of Machinleth, 28.—Higgons, 1 8.—Nicholas, 18.— Tomkins «f Hereford, ig. —Walcot, 20.—Holland, 21. —Bowdlcr, 22.—Corbet, 23.—Clyve, 23.— Hufley, 25.—Oaiky, 25.—Lee, 26,—Needham, 27. Pugh, 29.—Herbert, 29.—Puleilon, 29. b. 6154. A Book In large folio, containing the Arms of tlie Em¬ peror, & many ocher princes of Europe, with thofe ot the Archbilhops, Bilhops, Princes, Towns, & No¬ bles of various parts, delineated in colours. Appa¬ rently a German work. It contains 49 leaves^ & is bound with 4788 & 6165- 6iS5- A thin Folio, with this title, “ Difcepiaiiones aliquot Chrillianorum pnneipum, de regnurum principa- tuumq; Juribus & titulis, hac noffra Memona in- vicem contendentium,” colleSed by R. Glover So- merlet. Dedicated to Rob. earl ot LeiccRer 1581. The contents are, I. Antiquum jus regum Angliae ad regnum Sc coro- nam Francis. - n ■ 2 Philippi in. Francorum regis poltentas. ■ 5. * 3. Sue- Bibliothecde Harlcianse. Num. 61155—6158. 3. Succedlones regum Anglim ab EdvarJo in. 6. 4. rrancolum regum dc Neapolitano regno adverlils iragonenfis & Auftriacos principes gravis contentio. 3. Normannorum ac Sucvoram regurt Neapolitano. rum genealogn. ^ g 6. Poa exaftos Normannos & Suevos, inferti i'unr regno Neapolitano Anclegavenfc-s coniites ex Gallia, ib. 7. Ludovici Valefii Andium ducis pofteritas. o. ^^eapoliranorura Siciliaiq; regum 9 - De ^ Danorura regno : Lotharingicis diicibus' 'cx I’ninogcmturi; Icgibus contra hodicrnos reges id fibi vcr.dicantibus. ° to. Cenealogia modemorum regum Danin... ir' P™'"Rallotnni regui jure eontroeerfra, inter litunppuni Hifpaniarum regem, ducinim Brigantiai & to. Reges Portugailim a Johanne 1. It 13. De Me liolanenfi ducatu contcntioncs, Gallis pro luo contra btonianos Sc Auiiriacos de jure vendican- libus. ■' Mediol-SHfitlm^ priinorum ducum 15. Cenealogia vSfortiana. 16. Gallorum regum ad Mediolanenfem dutatuni ius vendicantium genealogia. 17. Nivemorum ducum jus publicatum ad ducatos Brabantix-, Lorhanngia- & I.imburgi, & ad dominium Amverpias ab Auftnacis principibus ului patos ' i 18. NivernenfiumftemmataexltirpeBargundica'cx- trafla, illorum ad Brabantize, Lotharingite & I.imbiirei ducatos jura manifeftantia. The arms of England, i. b. of Denmark, of Milan, 15. b. have been cut out of the leaf, bv which Ihe writing on the oppofite fide has been mutilated. Kings of Naples, 6 . b. and the Dukes of Nivernois, 20. b. Ihew how elegantly they had alt been executed. o j j 6156. A Book in folio, entitled, “ Stemmata Magnatiim ■' utth the 1 edigrees & Arms in colours, carefully taken, of the Kings of England & Wales, the Nobility & many of the Gentry, belonging firdto W“ Smith aPs Rougedragon Purlmvanc at Arms, anno 1600, & afterwards belonging to J. Philpot aPs Rougedragon. At the beginning there is an alphabetical Index. Ac fob 3. is a Map of England with the divifions of the rleplarcliY. 6157. A thin Foho, containingthe Pedigrees of thefe Families, Bray, Sandes, &Ptlham. i. Botelier de Wemme in com. Gloucefl, 2 Sudeiey, BotcIIcr de Sudety, & Bclknappe. ib’. Montfbrt, Peverell, Croifer, Dabemon, 1 -lavcrfham De la Plaunche, Ereiiill. , ’ Brooke de Cobham, Beauchamp de St. Amand Braybroke. q. ,3/ Bradftone, St. Amand. jq Ilanaps, Chedder, Newton. i, Stephanus de Finchefter. j De la Pole, Peverell. 15. Genealogia regum Da. nice. J g Riche de EITex. j ‘ Bound with 403 I. 6158. A thin Folio Hitch’d, containing the EpiHle dedicatory 6c Preface to a deligned hifforical Account of the ancient & noble Families of Lovetot, Furnival & Verdon. By Naih. Johnfton M. D. The title which was defigned for the Volume is as follows: “ An Cat. Harl. Vol. HI. Num. 6 ,.58—6166. hidorical Account of the mod rcmiirkahle Palfaecs hi the Fives, together with their inamages & IITueig of the anctent & noble Families of f.i-jrlal, Famival, k Verdon. Ihe loleheir gciieml of which Hoiifes being married to LordNe-uU, Lord Furnk-al, in Right of his wife, & lole daughter & heir to John J.ord Talbot & Furnivai, the niolf famous W,irrior in France, & (irlf Earl of fahrewlbury & JVextord. In this Volume is contained jhe hiftory of the noble Family of Talbot, from Richard lalbot their eminent Norman Ancellor, to the end of the Fife of the Ford Talbot, the lird of that name, & ..till Farlof Shrewlbiiry & Wexford. Colleftcd from authen¬ tic Records, jiulicioii.s Hidorians, Manufcripls, original Tetters,_ ‘ infers &: other Munuments of Antiquities. By Naihamel Johnfton, D‘ill Phylic.” Dated I’e'. i6oT .iglit leaves. Nathaniel JoliiiHoii wrote on the Excel¬ lency of the Eiigiiih Monarchy 1680, &c. 6159. A Book in folio, eont.ihiing the Pedigrees widi the Arms m colours of hamiliesiii Tancafiirc, taken ac aVifita- JJon m.ide A.D. 1557. anno R. Eliz. At the boctoin of the title Page this is written, “ Vifitaiio iffa 1. ancaltn^ tranfenpta & argumentata fait in a® 1 cq 8. per me ^V^. Smith, (;ats) Rouge-dragon, profecutorem yd ii ma. A work carefully executed, but unfinifhed. 1 here IS an aipiiabetical Index ac the beTinnincr; & at the end a'fable of Matc!ie.s. ^ 6160. A thin folio, bound with 4041, containing thefoMowing Pedigrees, & oilier Haliers'. ''n'oe',limiiim de Jfilcv, antiqui. tus ab F/f.'cfA nuncupaia:.” fob 1. Where are feveral copits of Deeds rela'ing to Hill..Morton C'Warw fk Melton, & other Manors in Norfolk. The Arms of’the AlHeys and then divers Matches, See Shaw's Sraiford. Ihire, Vol. 2. p.287. 2. Bullen, Carey, f. 7. alfo f. 15. f 1^0" ^eneaingia et prohipia Edvnrdi Cook Armigeri.” lol. 8. Subfenbed at the cud, ‘‘ Colleda, appmbat. et exemplificat. in officio armorum Londini. Wilhn Dr. 1597Ar.norum Aiiglicorum, 4. Paflon, Manners. f “Rrafapia nobilis et illudridimi familimde Icrranis, qui ohm fucrunt comiles Derbi.-c, podea Barones de Ch,Utley et de Groby : Ex quibus il: ludnllm, Robert- Comes EITesim, Henrice (fie) Gray'dc Pirgo miles, Humfndus Ferrers de Tamworth miles et Ilcnnce Feirers de Baddcdey Armigerl oni font An" 1598. 6 . The Earls of Lclcefler & Hinckley. 17. 7. Wm. de Tengfpee E. of Salilbury. jg’ 8. E. of Kyme & Lincoln. j[3* c; R:, Cotton, Mith this remarkable title 1 lie Gencalogie of one of the v.-orthic houfes of the Cottons, whiche dcryve themfelves frome the Lordes of the Maniioi-of Cotton near Chdler ctnTionlie knowen by the name of Edmund’s Cotfon, fo called by reafonthat oneEdniunde Cotton was fometymes Lorde thereof • cherby may alfo appeare the long comynuance of the fayde famyhe of Cottons, w”' what honorable howfes they have maryed, and how they have advaunfed them- led by matching w'** great heiresi and fynallye liowe thay are propagated into dyverfe Countries, & Ici'eral famv- Jies, Sc howe by reafon of the marriage of heires ffemales to dyverfe o; her notable houfis thefe who have byn therbv advauncec. And tlic prefoni State of this much lelTened althoughe the fame by God’s providence yet remayninge ingood EHate. And manye perfons thereof in wurthie n'*' honorable & R everent Father William Biffiop ofExceHer An i6oi difeendge thereof, as in the dcduftion hearof ffollowynge may at large ap.- 4 Q peare,"' 334 Catalogug- Librorum MSS. Num. 6160—6164. peare.” Sie alfo the Cotton Pedigrees in 4031. pp. 100. 132. aitd Shaw’s Hiftory of Staffordihire. 10. “ Genealogia five profapia antiquifllmx familix Richardi Fmnceys-, dc I'yckenhall in coraitatu Derbix Armigeri: Edvardi Eraiue-js, de Petworthe in comitata SuiTe-'c. Equids Aurati: ct Edvardi Franccys, de Wycliain Busflies comitata Cantix, Annigeri, popinx piftorlx Jacobo Regi Servientis. Diverfis feriptis aniiquis et au- thenticis chartis coiuprobata.” 22. b. 6 i6r. A Book with Coats of Arms in trick, alphabetically dif- pofed ai’ier the Names of the Families. Contains 97 leaves. 6162. A Book in folio, containing the Arms in colours of the Knights of the Garter, the laff of whom is Sir Rich¬ ard Wingfield, H Hen. viii. In the firft leaf is the uftial heraldic device for the Trinity, & the Arms of the t2 Patriarchs; then follow England, the Empire, k Scotland. 6163. A Book in folio, containing the Arms in colours, of Saints, Kinperors, Kings, & Lnglifli Nobility Sc Gen¬ try. A curious old book, perhaps as early as Henry tlie Sixth. See '.he Anns of the Royal Family in f.3 & 4 ; thofe of Hereford f. 2. ; of March f. 3. b. &c. It ap¬ pears to have been poflefied by Segar, Garter K. of Arms, who wrote fume Remarks in it, & founded on it fome of hi. Grants. See f. 15.11. Ac f. 136. are feveral _£f- cutcheons coloured Sc blazoned; alfo in the heraldical fenus. An Index is wanting. The book contains 142 Laves. 6164. A Bonk in folio, of 98 leaves, written in a fair hand upon Vellum, containing the Arms in Colours & Pedigrees of Families in the County of SiilLx, taken at a Vifitalion A.D. 1634^—For want of an Index, the following is here infened in the Order of the Alphabet. A. ArpLy93. , ^ , Afhton 93. A Brooke 82.*. Atmull jJ ' Achefonyo.i. Atwell 27. Aflon 29.0. Atwood 13./’. 35. Adam 92. Audlcy 29. 45. 53. Adams 6. b. 31.^. 82. Alchorne 1. 32. 65- ^ 7 - Aullin45.£-. ^ 5 ' Ayling 16. Alcock 87. Aylwiii 70. b. 95. Alford 37.3. Aylworih 3. 78. i. Alfrcy 1‘j.b. 32. 43. AynTcombe 1. 22. 67. 85. ^ Allen 24. i. 93. B. Allevne 63. 54 - 94 - Alhvyn 4. Baker 6. 24- 27. 29 b. Almau 30. 9 ^* Alta ripa (Jolm de) ; S. Ralcninbe 87. AmheraiS.Z-. 2c. Baldwin 27./;. Amidas 37. Beuekwonh C5./1. Amoml92. Bardolfc lyb. Anderfon 93.^. Barham 23. A. 8 1 .Z*. 8b.Z>. Anni.ney C.b, Bivluw 18. 4S.Z'. Apefltv 1 3. Barne 48. Aplctoh 17. BarnefielJ 39. A-pfley 30. 57. Barnhim 98. 95. Barret. 66. Ardci-nea5. Bartlett 5. 39./’. 6j. 96. Arnold 23. Barton 98. b. .Arthur 61. Bafkervile 5'.). Aihburnham 7. 3’.. 3 £- B.dkett56. i. r,C. Bate 41. e.i. I o. h. ct. b. Num. 6164. Bates 9^. Byne 42- Batt 67. Byrd 72. b. Baylyid. 74- BysIhea^.Z'. Beard 38.42. i. 43 Beaumont 31. Beden 25. Bedford 14. Belknap 37.^. Bellingham. 21. 55. 55./». 73. 90. 98. Bennet 5. 9. b. 55. Berkley 17. 31. Befte 29. Bethell 9. b. Bftiifworth 82. Biby 24. b. Bickley 54. b. Bikerftafle 21. Binge 66. Birch 94. Birchenlly als Birfly Bifhe 2'j.b. 35./'- 3d. 41./' Bifhop S\.b. Bislhop 37 - Blachford 72. b. Blackwell 48. i. Blakcr 14.17. 14 Blechingdon 7. b. Bludder 69. b. Blundell 2. Bold 53. Bolton 82/1. Bonckworth 8. Boorde 13. Borde 22. b. Boftocke 36. Boucher 33. b. Bowen 7. Bowett 92. Bowicr 9. Bowth 32. Bnwycr 55.^. 93 - Boys t.b. 49 - 55 - d8. b. Boyfe t,b. Bradbridge 16. Biainefliott 44 - BramfielJ 84. Bray 71. i. 91. 93 * Brett 51.^. Bridger 8. 72. 97.^. BriggesS.^. 80. Broade 34. Brockhull 32. b. Bromham 4. Brooke 23. 27. Brow-ne 17.^. '^l-b. 37 78. b. Browning 50 b. Bruning 4. Brufe 63 . Bryan $\.b, Buckhurft 67. Buckland 47. Bud kin 22. Bullen 49. i. j,- Bulman 22. b. 87. 96. Biirchley 59- Burges 81. Burrell 74. b. Burftie 86. b. Burton 20. b. 26. 36. i u.. ^Aldccott 80. b. 83. 9 6. Campion i.b. 3. 35. 91. Capcll 12. b. Carew 23.^. 44/'. 95. Carey 44. b. Carleton 77. b. Carre 93. Carell 17, 60. 79. Carfl.ike 37. CalTy 94 .' C aftrcU3i. b. Catcote 34. b. Catt 71. ChalLnor 9. 23. 28./’. 29. 7 . 3 - ^ 7 - Chamber, (De I.a)32. 92. h. Chandler 38. Chapman 65. b. 98. Cbadene 6. Chatfield 11. i. 48. Chenfey 53. Chefmaii 17. Chilton 68. b. Chowj; 91. Cl'.urch 30. b‘ Chrke 46.^. 91.^. . 83. Z». ^ . 66 . 69. ■ 57 50. b. 90. b. 9 -- Bulbridge 8. Butler 31. 96. Claveiton 17. Clerkc48.i'. 63. 85- Cobb bo. b. Cockrell 9. Colbroiid 18. i. 20. 3© ( Colbrook 4. CniJham 4. Collins 23. i. 83. Z'. Colpeper 21. 29. 74. i 88. b. Colthurd 70. b. 93. b. Combe ’ji. b. Comber i.^. 10. 23. Combridge 10. Compton \y.b. 35. Cooke 2. 24.^. 50. 62. 62. i. 73. 86.^. Cooley 45. h Cooptr 9. 82. Cope ic.b. Cordell 94. Cornewallis 31. Cornewall . Cotton 55. b. 93. Cotty 10. Covcll 5. b. Covert 5 11.^. 31. 48.(?». 61. 62. b. 74. 96. 97. Courrhorp 32. 35.^- 74 C.'urtney 6. Cov.pef 34. Zi. 35. 45 - Cox 47. Z”. 54.i. 82. Cradock 20. Cranley 94. Cranwoll 44. b. Crawley 48. , Crefweller 78. Crifpe 80. Cromer 31. o 7 *^' di Crook 15. Bibliothecas Harleianse. 35S Kum.6i6i.. Crowmer 5. 7. b. Cruttenden b 83. b. Culpeper 5. C.b. ij-i- 23. b. 24. 42. 49. b. 52. 70. Cumber 32. b. Curlewes 7s. b. D. I^Acresb. fl. S,b. Dalmurge 23. b. Daniel 66. Dapp 14 b. Dawtrey 25. 61. 78. 95.^. Decon 36. Deering 31. 76. i. Delaware (Lord; 70. Delves 95. Dcnne 91. Z>. Dennis 64. 98.i'. Devenilh 79. Devon 47. b. Deward 50. Diggons 34. Dingley 94. Dixweil 93. Dobell 89. b. 98. b. Dodd 3?.^. Dormer 60. Dorftt 17. b. Dowee 53. Dowr.tou 49. Doyley 23. b. Drew 16. b 70. b. Drewry 53. Drury 39. 57. Dubble i\. b. Dudley "j.b. 31. DulTicId 18. Dumbell 97. Dunke 91.6. Dunmoll 86. b. Dunne 78. Dunfconibe 76. Dunllall 33. 43-i" 5"./'. Dutton 10. b. E. ■'Sh'’A rsfield 9. EM ,3./'. Edmonds i.b. g.b. Edwards 2. 13.^7. 13. 81. Egle.-ridd 2S.i. Eir’eck 26. b. 89. b. Elfreddy./'. 68. Eilliot 11. 63 . 76. b. 81. E’.lines 96. Ellon 34. «. S3. I'uigaiiic 26. Engeham 27. Erley 13. ErnUy 21. 39.79. J’.irex 88. Elton 68. 75. b. Etton 31. Evans 29. b. Everard 55. Eiverdon 08 ./>. Eversfield 1. 5. 31. 37 y%.b. F. l^Adis 59 Falconer 5. Faringdon 51. Farington 34. Farewell 67. b. E'erts 21. I'ermor 17. b. 31. b. 81. 82. Feme 86. Eernefold 4. 6. 21. 32. 70. Finch 31. 44 b. 85. Fincham 73.Z'. E'ines 20. b. 90 b. Fifher 54. b. 98. Fitz 90. b. Fletwood 7. 31. i. Floud 69. E'ord 17. 61. Forfter 26. 27. b. E'ofler 36. 47. 49. 50- Foulkc 63. b. Fowkes 93. Fowle 2. 5. 6. b. 65. b. 81.a. 81.b. 86.b. Fowler 14. b. Franck 68. Freebody 25. b. French 16 b. ig.b. jO.tt. 50. b. 68. 82. Frye 76. b. I'uller 2. Ftilwer 81. I'ynes 84. b. ^Age 4. 6. 29. 80. Gardner 30. 38. 42. b. Garton 15. 79. b. Garway 80 b. Gafon by. b. Gate 58. b, GeoflVey 1 1. b. Gerrard 35. Giflbrd 84. b. Gilbert 26. b, 27. 52. b. (jiliiim 36. Glind 79. Godive 81. Godley 82. b. Godman 33. GofFe 29. b. Golding 95. h. Goldfmith 38. b. Goldwell 7. b. Good y.b. 31. Z*. Goodridge 52. Goph 2g. b. Core 56. b. Goring i. 7. />. 22. b. 30. 31. b. 42. 78. b. 91. b. Goceley \2.b. Gower 10. Z>. Grantham 7. 62. Gratwick 32./;. 9!.^. 96. b. Gravenor 41. i. Gray 1 7. Greene 35. i. 45. 96. Grenfield 54. b. Grelham 37. b. Greyij. 51. Grils 37. Groome 43. b. Grove 6. 7. 93. l>. Niim. 6164. Grover 93. b. Guilderidge ^o.b. 36. b. 90. b. Guildford 69. Guntur 3.^. 16. i. 57. 58. b. 94. . 54 . E T-TAddon 36. b. Hales 93. Halfyee .'5. Hall 6. 8. b. 3 64.^. 78. Hallocke Ly.b. tialton 61. Hamden 92. Elardham 9. h. Harecourt 93. b. Harmer 15.^. y^.b. Harrington 80. Harvey 2g.b. Hatcher 73. Havell 29. b. Haward 93. Hay 24. 26. a. 26. b. Hayes 14. 52. 75. b. 8 Healen 37. Heath 32. b. yq, Hemerford 94. Hendley 3!.^. Henley y. b. 41. Henfliaw io,b. 45. i. PIcnfiowe 4. Hepden 76. b. 84. Herebert 44. b. Hether 35. llever 75. llewes 3. b. Hewett 93. Hey 88. b. Higgens 7. Higgenfon 57. Higham 58. Hill 43. 1 , 45. b. Flillerfden 45. b. Hides 6. b. Hocigfon 38. b. 41 Holden 8 Holland 31, 73, Holman 25. Holmes 36. b. Hoo 15. b. Hooke 62. b. Hooker 73. Hooper 74. Hopkins 26. Horne 7. b. Houghten 1. t Howell 71. Hudlon 24. liumfrey 30. Huncks 95. l>. Hurley 43. b. HufleyyS. 95. Hyde 16. b. Hygategj./*. 1. TAmes 35. 36. * Jefteray 29. b. Jeflery 37. Jenney 96. Infield 21. ■. i. 44. ;.i. 95. . 95. S. Ingledue 41. Ingram 48. J’. 79. Jones 6. b. Jorden 38. JolTclyn 56. Ireton 17. Ifl'cley 3r. 88. Illede 27. 75. 81. . Jude 70. K. Eliaway 78. Kempe 13.^. 17. Keyfcr 87. Killegrew 77. b. Kirton 79. Kitchinhain 38. Knight 4. 16. b. i^.b. 6z. Kiiightley ■. Knottesibrd 3. 96. L. T Alham ag. b. Lance 27. bi Lane 3. I.angham 84. Langton 26. Langworlh 28. b. Laning 60. b. Lalher 77. b. Lattymer 93. Lawrance 7. I.awfon 47. b. Leake 42. b. Leder 6y.b. Lee 35. 45. b. 73. b. 96. b. Leech 4. b. I'EiJg 35 - Lelham 23. Levitt 3. b. 31. b. 64. b. Leuknor 3. 5. g. 16, b. 22. b. 2^.b. 29. 4^. b. 47 - 53 - Cl. 89. 93, 96. LimesforJ 47. b. Liiidl'ey 4!. 86. Litler 28. b. ^ I.ittleboys Sj.b. Littleton 21. b. Lloyde 96. Lock 62. Lovayne 74. Love 13. Lovekin 39. Lovelace 87. Lovell 74. Lovett 20. b. 90. 1'4 Luck 7 I. Ludlowc 56. b. Lunsford 49. b. Luxford 25. 87. Lyford 47. b. I.ync 63. M. “jV TAckwicke 87- Malhavers 31, Maning 12.^. Mannering 39. Manners 12. b. Manning ly^b. 86, Manners 77. b. Manny go. Marckwick 23. Marleburgh 336 Catalogus Librorum AISS. Num. 6 164. Marleburgh (E. of) 31. Marlfct 61. Martin 12. 5 . Ma'-fliall 19. 0. 92. Mafcall I. 22. JO. 69. Mr-thew 3. 86. Mathews 03. May 5. t.b. 13, 02.^. 41. 48. b. 75. Maye to. b. 4-,. b. 92. Maynard 23.3. 81. Meade 45. 63. l\ Meffant 23. b. Melcher to. b. M’.lhune 7. I\Iel- -ard jc. Meres 50. Merry 94. M.' hcibomc 35. 82. Sg.^ Michcii 30. .{2. 46.58 95 - 96- Mii'kleborne 7. 13. Middleton 5. 61. -ji-b. 83. 89. Mill 7. 9. 97. MilleyS. Miller 33. 66. Milles 20. b. 95. b. Mills 56. 90. b. Miihul! 97. b. Mockett 68. b. Monke 9. 48. 97. <7.97.i Moody 93. b. Moore 6. Morbred 27. More 11. <■/. 11.^. 22. 2; 78. 98. b. ?.Iorgaii 24. 29- Moiley zo.b. Zl.b. 24- 33. 78. b- 79. 88. b. 90 Morris 96. i. 9^- Morton 47. b. 96. Morvile 31. MofeLy 29. i. Mountague 30. Mulford 13./’. Mur.ck \ \-b. Mynott 6 a, b. N. "VAppcr 78. b. Neale 93. b. Needham 18. b. 68. Netheifole 91. b. Nevill 77. b. Newdigate 5.^'. Neweiiton 76. b. Newman 45. Newnham 4S. Newton 13. iS. 35. 59 - 65. 96. Nightingale 41. 5 . Norden 19. Norton 9. b. 16. b. 94. Nowell 94. o. ■ ('■■‘Ckendcn 87. Offeley 27. Okenden 82. i. 98. Olive 8 I. Olliver 12. \2.b. Olyver 98.6. Onely 39 • b. Only 6t. Olborne 45. Otter 93. Overy 76. i. O-.vnllow 62. b. Oxenbridge 29. P. l)Ag5 59. b. 71. Paine 35. Palmer 6. 19. f-. 20. %6.b. 44. 45. 53. 60. b. Pankhurll 81. Panton. 24. b. Papiland g6. Papwmth 78. Parker 6. 18. 21. b. 25. 52. b. 60.b. 78. 8j. b. 85. 9i.i. Parnell 50. Parry 6. b. Parfons 15. Pirtridge go, Fallon 1 b. Paule 2?. Psy 39 - Payne ^4. 73. b. 94. b. Peacock 3^ Peeke 69.5. Peckham 16,48.54. yi.b, Pellett 9. 16. 21. 56. 62. Pelham 2. 13. 15. 29. 44.^. 98. Penbridge 30. Percehaye i).b. Perient 36. b. Perry 25. i. Pelhall 77. Peter (Lord) 60. PeteiLon 22. Petley ^.b. Peverell 31. Peytford 85. b, Philipott 19. Philips 10. b. 21. Pickering 41. 86. Fierce 82. Piers 22. b. Fierfon 93. b. Figott 76. 85. b. Pilcher 30. 76. b. Pimpe 8c. b. Plomcr 23. Polhiil 10. 13. 65.it- 66.a, 66. b. 69. PoKvhiekl 37. Pooer 16. b. P0pe20.il. 90. ii. Porter i. 5. 6. b. 27. 33. 75. b. 82. 86. b. Pol'yer 32. b. Potkin 26. Pottan 92. PoUs 24. b. Pound 3. Powell 8. b. 62. Power, (Le 96. Powfley 47. ii. Poyntz 23. b, Pratt 45.^. Prentoll 59. Prettyman 89. Puckering 5 1. i". 79. 91. Pygeon 95. b. Num. 6164. T> Abbet 31. i- Randall 80. 93. Randes 14. Rapley 5. Ravenferoft 8. b. 72. Rayman 54. b. 79. Raymond 7. 82. b. Rede 6. b. Redinehurfl 3 c. b. Relfe 67. b. Rerilbye 74. 92. Reve 8. Reynes 20. 65. Rhefe (Rob. Ap) 93. Richardfon 23.^. 31. Richbell 8. b. Ridley 5. 11. Ringwood 78. Riflon 62. Rivers 78. Robarts 93. Roberts 41. 69. b. y^-b. 76. Kodom 77. b. Rogers 92. b. Rogiers 46. b. Rootes 75. b. Roper 78. Rofe 53. b. 64. 89. b. Roulflon 9. Rowe 70. b. Rowfe 63. Rowton 57. Ruflell tg. b. 43. b. S. ti^Ackfield 12. b. Sackvile 6, g. 29. 31.17. 31.^. 44. b. 49, b. 50. b. 68. b. 7 S-b. Saint John 18. i». 92. 95. i>. Salsford 17. Salter 16. 93. b. Sambuine 54. 78. Sanbach 66. b. Sanders 20. b. go. b. Sandes 30. b. 38. 41. Saris 46. b. •Savage 94. b. Savile ii.b. Saxbye 49. 98. b. Say 30. Schirley 22. b. Scott 52. 58, b. 77. 80. b. 81. 91. 92. Scras 14. a. 14. b. 3 2. Seale 87. Selwyn 6. 15. 50.92. 96.^. Seman 13. Sharpfy 29. b. Sheffe 13. b. Shelley 5.20. i>. 32. b. 55. 74. 78. b. 88. 90 95. b. Shepard j. 8. 6g,b. Sherington 92. Sherley 42. b, 78. Shirley 5.^. 15. 33. 88. Shobridge 7. i. Shortred 47. b. Shurley 15. ga. Shurlock 82. Skardville 51. Skeffitigton 8. Sherfield 78. Skinner 32. Slowinan 76. Smallpage 79. Smith 6. 6. b. 17. 21. 41. b. 42. h. 45. b. 53.^. 60.64.74.^. 79,95. Snelling 5. b. Soame 34. Southcot 13, b. Spallpage 43. b. Spence 75. Spencer 68. b. 94. Spicer 76. Spmcklyn 85. Springett 33.*. 35. 4 . 90. Springham 49. Squire 81. 85. Stafford 16. ii. 21. it. Stanley 59. b. } 8. Stanney 7. Stanflrect 65. Staple 22. b. 41. 95. b. Stapleton 73. b. Stapley 2. i». b. 2Z. b. Sub. 8-8., Steere 72. Stempe go. Stephens 88. Stockhoufe 29. Stodley 58. Stolian 2. Stone 32. b. 44. 97. Stoneley 78. Stonling 31.3. S'onner S8. Stopham 61. Stoughton g.i. Stredwick 63. b. StretfieUl jc. Strode K.h. Strong 61. Slrudwickc 61. Stubbes 22, b. Studley Sg. Suliard 1 o. 32. b. Sydney g6. Symonds 59. 'J'. ^"'Aiike 36. b. 54. h. Taylor 34. Temple 6. 3 . Thanet, E.of, 37. b. Thatcher 6. 21. 22. b, 29. '1 heobald i. b. 30. b. Theobalds 21. Thomas 8o- A 98. A Tiiomlinibn 23. A Thomlon 18. 'i'horpe 32. 92. b. Threele 62. A 84. b 96. Tichborne 43. y6. b. Till 3. b. 57. A Tilfwonh 93. A Tin-ell 3 b. 16. b. Tirringham 93. Topps 98. Tomer 2t. 80. A Towers 49. Townebridge 31. ii. Traheron 94. Trayton 12.5. 12. b, Trederoffe 94. Tregos 4. b. Trelham 29, Trevor 7. Trott Bibliothecas Harleianse. Num. 6164—6166. Trott 93. h. Tulson 24. 88. b. Tuppin 14. Turke 35. Turnbull j8. Turner 29. b. Tui^ile 31. Twil'den "j.b. 31. Tymperley 74. Ane 31. 85. b, Varney 15. Vemey 1. b. Vicars 77. b. Vickary 87. Vickery 13. Vinail 12. b. Unwyn 53. 86 . b. Upton 42. b. Vyne 81. W. ■|U'Ade52, 63. Walery 93. Walker 94. b. Wall 1 6. Wallard 29. b. Wallen 31. b. Waller 6. 7. b. 20. b. 52. b. Witwell 57. 90. 93. Wodd 19.75.^. Wallop 21. Wodds 55. Walfingham 44. 88. Wolfe 18.48.^. Walter 49.Wolveridge 1. Walthall 69. Woltondi. Walwyn6/.i. Wood 11.^. 2x. Wanfes 3 r. 82. b. Warde 10. b. 35. 6g. 95.^. Woodcock 86. Wentham 76, b. Wefle 45. Weft 31.^. 70. 95. Weftbrooke 51. Weftdeane 64. Wefton 37. b. Whaley 55. Whatmarn ig.b. Wheatley 13. b. 43./'.94.^. Whelav. ii. b. Whetenhall 52. b. Whetnall 80. b. White 49. b. 68. b. Whitfield 2. 13.5. 21. 30. 41. Whittington 13. b. Wickham 2. Widiiall 75. Wignall 82. Wilbrahara 44. b. Wildigoofe 6. ^.41. Wilf'ord 93. Williams 57. b. 81. Willoughby 56. b. Willhaw 63. Wilfon 18. b. 42. b. 43. W’indfor (Ed. Lord) 29.77. Wintfliull 35.3* Wife 39. b. Wiftowe 10. b. Woodward 31 Wotton 79; Wyatt 74. Wyborne 41. Wyl)-47.i. "Y^Ates 61. Yaxley 93 Yonge 65. b. Young 13. Warnett49. A Woodward 31. b. gi.b, Warren 24. b. Watersfield 73. Watfon 51. b. 93. Wattle 26. Web 20. b. Co. Weekes 82. b. Welby 93. Welch 92. Weller 29. b. Wells 72. 80. Wenham 8. 91.6. C? It is one of the fineft books of the kind, but un- finiihed ; a few of the arms being not coloured. 6165. A Book in folio, containing the defeents & pedigrees of the Emperors of Germany, Kings of France, k Elec¬ tors Palatine & Bavaria. I'hc writing very elegant, the arms in many parts neatly llcetched, but "much of it uafinilhed. Bound with 4788 Sc 6154. 6r66. A Book in folio, containing the following Particulars, 1. The lyfe of Sir Tho. Moore, Kt. w'ritcen by Wm. Rooper, Efq; who marryed Margaret, Daughter of the faid .Sir Thomas; this Wm. lived at Eltham,” p. i. Pub- lifhed in Latin 8" 1716. This is dated at the end “‘aSMaii 159S.’' This tranfeript, however, is not fo old. The lii^e occurs again at N''7030, p. 231. among the colleftions of Tho.Baker, and tranl'cribed byhimfroma Cambrid<^e MS. alfo at 62 ^4. ° 2. Part of the Vifitation of the County of Norfolke, made by Wm. Harvey, Clarcncieux King of Arms, July 20, 1563, & the 5th of Qu. Eliiiabcth, p.36. Some of the arms coloured, others wanting. Cat. Hari.. Vol. Ill, Num. 6165. 3. Vetfus compofiti pro informatione computannum in Scaccario per-Horne, temp. Hen. 41 65. 4. Perambulaiio Foreftte ElTexiae. 67. 5. De compofitione monetfe. 72. b. 6. Expofitionesverborum antiquorum Angllcorum. 73. 7. Grants of Lands & Obiits, tpe Edv. III. 74. 8. Repertorium diverfarum Cartarum, temp. Edv. i. It. in. Ric. II. Hen. iv. v. vi. 77. 9. The King's Book of all the Lords, KnightsSe Gen¬ tlemen of England, 17’ Hen. vii. 95. 10. Statutum de'I'emplariis, anno 17° Edv. n. 124. 11. The Copy of an exempliiicatiou of Letters Patent granted to the Heralds. 126. 12. Coronado reginx Anglo-Saxonum ante Con- queftum. 129. ij. The Order of the Knights of the Bath at the Coronation of Q. Mary. i 30. 14. Gentlemen appointed to attend the private Cham¬ ber, by Order from K. James, in May 1603. 132. 15. “ The Creation of Lord Cecil!, Lord Sidney of Pcnfhurfte, Lord Kiiolles of Greyes, k Lord Wotton of Merlay, who came in their ordinary Apparel before the King, & had their robes laid over their Shoulders when their Patents were delivered to them, that Sr. Robert Cecill’s Crookednefs might be lefs obferved.'* ib. 16. Eleftion of Knights of the Garter, 1603. 133. 17. Tempore Hen. vi. The Names of all the Princes, Dukes, Earls, Barons, Banneretts &: Bachelor Knights, with other Nobles of the Houfehold k Retinue in Fees, Wages 6c Penfions, under the right mighty Prince John, R^ent of the Kingdom of France, Duke of Bedford, Anjou k Alenzon, Earl of Mayne, Flarccourte Sc Dreux, Vic'Beaumonte, See. 134. 18. The Names of the Knights & Men of Arms in the time of John D. of Bedford, that feived in Guienne from the ift to the 15th of Hen. vi. 136. 19. The Peace proclaimed with Spain in Court & in London, Aug. 19, 1604. 20. The Creation of Lord Cecill Vifeount Cranburne. ib. 21. The Vifitation of Oxfordfliire, A. D. 1574. 138. 22. The Creation ot Lord Cecil! E. of Salilburv, his elder Brother E.of Exeter, & 6 more Lords, 4 May 1605. at Greenwich. 13^. 23. '1 he Chriftening of Mary Daughter of K. James, 5 May 1605. ib. 24. The D. of Holftcin k E. of Northampton made Knights of the Garter. 136. 25. “ Seriesordinum omnium procerum, magnatum. & nobiiium,&aliorumquoriuncunq; inrra hoc regnum, tarn virorum quam feminariim prlita. k diftinda per nobilif- fimum Jafperum Ducein Bedfordia; k alios appunctua- riorum Dhi regis Flenrici,” See. ib. 26. A.D. 1606. Rcb. Cecil! E. of Saruin, & Thomas Howard Vifeount Byndon (who made the 4!h Howard, Kt. of the Garter at this time) were created Knights of the Garter in the room of the E. of Cumberland &c the E. of Devonlliire. 27. The Order for Burials to be ferved at a Chapter at the Heralds Office, 20 Feb. 1564. 158. 28. The Certificate from Q. INIary to the Treafurer, to pay look the dues of the Heralds at her Coronation. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Kum, 6166—6170. 32. Coiiflabularii Turns Loiidm. p. 204. On ?. fepa- nue paper, boumlin, and inverted. 33. 1 he defaults & c*'inivn Nufans of Bridges & Caufej’s in tlie Hundreds of Tandridge & Rygate, & other places in the County of Surrey, to be enquired of by the Jullices at their general Sellions at Croyden, 25 Hen. VIII. p. -12Q. From hence was originally a ftparate book. 34. A Copy of the Grant from Q. Tliz. for the foun¬ dation of a Free School in the Borough of Warke. 244. 35. An Account of Farncham in Surrey, with a Copy of its Charter fe Seal. 251. 36. Litera; Pateuccs lien. viii. datte Johi Bourchier Milin Duo Berners. 255. 37. Literie patentesCar. 11. data: Gervafio Holies Ar- migero. -2 38. 38. I’pitaphs taken out of the Church at Stoke Dau- bernon in the Co. of Surry, 2'j Aug. 1663. 261. 39. An Fftabliihmenr, or Lid to be made concerning the Payments for Civil Affairs in Ireland, from MichaeU mas 1669. 266. 40. An Rftablifhment for military Offices. 276- 4t. Obfervations of my Lord Aungiera on the Irilh Afiairs. 283. 43. An Effiinate of the Revenue of Ireland, 1667. 284. 43. The Cafe concerning the Borough of South- warkc, between the City of I.ondon S: County of Sur¬ rey, 1662. 44. The Privileges or fpecial Rights belonging to the Baronage ol Frglancl. p. 299. Another feparate book, in the fame hand with the firll. 6167. A Book in folio, that had been in the poffeffion of Peter 1. e Neve, Efqr. formerly belonged to Lord Aylef- bury’s Library ; containing, t. Autoi‘umnomina& characlerifniiqui Britanniain celcbnirunt.” 2. “ Catalogus cognominum vlrorum clarorum. See. in Britannica hiitoria." 3. The Pedigrees of the Kings of England. 4. Pedigrees of feveral of ihe Nobility & Gentry. Bound with N ’ 7:0 and C586. The firlt & third parts of this book feem to have been tranferibed about 1614 (fee p. 108) ; the feconJ, from n. 34 to 43 inch about 1662. 616 H, A Book with this title, “ Marcfchalia, ora Catalogue of the Marlhals of F.nglar>d, with their Succeffion in Or¬ der, from the lime of K. Hen. i. until ihi.s prefent Year; (hewing their Defeenls both by Father & Mo¬ ther; alfo the Dates & feveral Tenors of their Patents & ComniiSion.s ; together with thdr Anns, Times of Deceafe, 8c Places of Burial: Carefully collected out of divers Records remaining in ihe Tower, Exche¬ quer, Rolls, 8c other venerable Monuments of An- quitv. Bv-1638.” Round the title, yhtiquif:, H'ifihm ; and oppolitc, 8 verfes ex¬ plaining the intt-iulcd defign of the title p.age. Only 56lcaves wriii.-i*. 6i6g. A Book in folio, containing the Arms, parilyin Colours, partly in Tricx, of divers Families, witii an Account of the Time when, 5 c the Perfons by whom their Patents were granted.-.\n Alphabetical Index is added at the end. Leaves 8;i. The Book is imperfeft, it being cviJenilv intended that the arms IhoulJ be added, and coloured throughout. 6170. A Bonk In folio, containing, 1. The Name 8. .hrm;, ill colours of the Nobility, as th..) were placed in ilie Parliament Moufe, at a Pavlia- Num. 617c—^179* ment holJen at Weftminfter, A.D. 1553, 5 c 4th year of Q. Elizabeth. i. 2. The Names of Noblemen, with the times of their Creation. 27. 3. A Chronicle of the Kings of England fmee the Conqueft until Ed. vi. 31. 4. The Names of the Knights of the moft honourable Order of the Garter, fince the Inffallation of Ed. in. un¬ til Ed. vi. with their Arms in Trick. Indexes to N" i. 2 c N“ 4. are at the beginning. 32. 6171. A Lift of Names, beginning with the Letters A & B, with their Anns in blazon. 6172. A Vifitation of Shropftiire, &:c. with the Arms coloured. It is thus fuperferibed, “ A true Copie of a Vizitaiion taken by Richard Lee, Purcevant Herald, to Cooke, Clarenceaux, Aiio 1592, of the County of Salop, other adjacent Countyies. Copied in Brieffe by Tho. Handford of.1662, and by him fiipplied 8c augmented untill this prefent t)-nre, Aiio with an alphabetical Index. . 6 i 73 - A Book in Folio, containing the l^edigrees & Arms in Colours of Families in the County of Berks, taken at a Vifitation made A. D. 1623. Unfinifhed. 6174. A thin Folio, containing the Arms in trick, together with the Pedigrees of FamHies in the County of Glou- cefter, &c. Prefixed are feven leaves, clofely & very neatly written, of Colleclions refpecling the Family of Talbot. 6175. A Book in folio, containing, 1. Anns in trick of Families in Kent, alphabciicr.lly difpofeJ. I. 2. Pedigrees, with Arms in trick, of Families in the fame County. 9. 3. An alphabetical Index. Apparently by the fame hand as the preceding. 6176. A Folio, giving a Refolutiun of this cafe, “Whether a Barony by Writt, being once involved into an Earl¬ dom, mav be afterwards transferred into another Fa¬ mily by a Daughter 5 c Fkir, 2 c the Earldom continue in the Male Heir.” 6177. A Bonk, with this title, “ A Summary of the Lives nf the Voteriponts, Cliffords, & Earls of Cumber¬ land, & of the Lady Countefs Do\v.iger of Pem¬ broke, Doifet, & Montgomery, &c. Daughter & Heir to George Clifford E. of Cumberland, in whom the Name of the faid Cliffords determined. Copied from the original Manufeript, 29 December’ 1737, by Henry Fiffier.” At page 223. begins the Sermon preached at (he Funeral of the faid < ountcls of Pembroke, by Edward, Lord Bifhop of Carliffe, Apr. 14, 1676. 6178. A Book in folio, containing, T, The Arms tricked of Families in the Counties of Devon, Uorfet, 2 c Somerfet. 20 leaves. 2. M.iyors 2 c Sheriffs of London, from 1189 (01^05. 87 leaves. 6179. A Book in folio, containing the Arms of Families be¬ longing to divers Ciounties, with an alphabetical Index. In the fame hand as the preceding. Both probably by the Dethick?. A Book Bibliothecas Harieianae. 339 Num. 6r?o^—6188. 6r8o. A Book in folio, entred but a little way, with thi? Title, “ ■Rritifli Nobility, their Pedi,eree», Vol. 2d. collected by Peter le Neve, Norroy, beginning after the Union cf the 2 Kingdoms of England & Scotland on the ift of M:iv, 1707.” If contains chiefly feparate Papers faltened m, as Materials for the intended Work. 6181. ^ A Book in folio, containing, 1. /Mnquifitiones tempore Ricardi n. ex Archivis lurns London.” 2. “ Gencalogije diverfa! Nobilium & aliorum ex Re- cordis & Evidentiis extradte per Henricum Ferrers da Badefley in Com. Warwicenfi propria manu, cum In- dice alphabetico.” 6182. A Folio bound M-ith No. jSo8, formerly in llie polTef- «c°n n Neve, Roiigecroix, with this title, Uudleici generis ut nobilifliini iia et antiquiflimi origines Sc propagaliones, longe aiiter quain a quoquam hadlenus IcriptjB funt, explicatte,” Sc below, “ La- bore Sc mduflria Roberti Gloveri, al’s Somerfet, feci- ahs regu, anno falutis a Chrifto 1581.” At the back f Neve has fet down thirty Names or Families Avhofc Genealogies were originally there, with this Subfeription. “ N.B. Thefe Pedigrees, which are not to be found here, are cutt out by me Peter le Neve Norroy, and put into their refpeclive amongfl my feverall Notes of Families in bitts of Paper. P.L. Nerc.” 6183. A Book in folio, with this Title, “ The Vifiiation of the County of Leiceller, taken by Sampfon Leonard, alias Blewmantle, Sc Auguftine Vincent, alias Rude- rofe Purfuivants of Arms, A. D. 1619.” This Book formerly belonged to J. Lilly, Rouge-dragon, & hath an alphabetical Index at the beginning. 61 84. A Book in folio, intltled, Smith’s Alphabet of Arms in Blazon, a“ 1604. This Smith was Rouge-dragon Herald. 6185. A Book in folio, containing the Pedigrees, with Arms trick’d, of Families in the County of Gioucelfer & elfewhere, to which is prefix’d an alphabetical Index. 160 leaves. Between f. 39 and 40 an ample Pedieree of Roe. 61S6. ^Anns coloured, of the ancient Nobihty & Gentry. At the End is an alphabetical Lidex. On the firll: leaf, the arms of James I. In all 45 leaves. 6*87. A thin Folio, containing, 1. Annotations out of Plutarch, relatin'^ to Burials, See. ’ 2. Ancient Deeds S: Charters with Seals, temp. Edw. ni. Rich. n. &c. with a Lift of the Names of fuch Knights & Officers as are found amontr the Wit- nefles. 3. Summa Villarum totius Comitatiis Glowccftrlre una cum quinque Burg. viz. Glowcefter, Briftol, Berkelev, Durfley, Newenham, anno regni Eelvardi nono. 4. Summa Villarum ejufd. Comit. alio tempore. 5. Stratagems mentioned by Plutarch. Bound with 3324 and 6244. 61S8. A Folio iniperfea-, being the Hiftory of the Turks, in 8 Books. Bound with No. 790. Num. 6x88—^6195. The chief Heads Sc Contents of each Book are prefix d. “ The firft Original of llie Turks is fet fonh, & the Rymology of that Name then is Ihetvn, under what Oaptam they lirh took up arm,s, and the Divifion of the leven I rovmccs conquered by their feven firft Cliiefs of whom Ottoman was one; the firft of the Race of the Ottoman, who have reigned fucccffively from Father to Son over the T urks the Hiltory and E.xpioits of which h.mperors are treated on from the Year laqS, to the famous & fo much renowned Siege of C.'onltanti’nople in the Ye,ar 1453 wlien the Turks haled up their Gallics and other Velfels to the top of a Mountain, & from thence conveyed them into the Port, to gain it by that back part, the Mouth thereof being Hint up with a chain. Ihc whole IS concluded with an account of Mahomet the lid’s fecond Expedition againft the Bulgarians, and the Siege of Belgrade.” By whom this was written is uncertain. It is not cither Knolles’s Hiftory, or that of A. Hill. ^ 61 8 q. A Book in folio, with this Title. “ The Rife and Pro- grefs of Mahomcianifm.” 308 pages, fairly written. At the end ” f Julij 171 3 , £.xain. W. T.” 6lgo. An oblong folio, giving an Account from St. Thomas’s Hoipital of all fick & wounded Seamen ftnt in thithei- fince the 25th March itSg, to 23 June e.x- prefllng in fevcral Columns the Names of the Seamen the tune when they were admitted, when dircharceiL the Days of their Abode, their Two-pences due to them, and the Names of their Ships, with an account ot what has been received for Burials. 53 leaves, after which IS a continuation in a different form. The two fets of documents have a joint endorfement, on parchment, figned thus, “ Delivered upon Oath by Welde Sc M j iKogerAtlee. Nov. 3d, 1693. <3191. “ A Dialogue between a Counfellor Sc Juftice of Peace,” the hitter perfuading the Calling of a Parlia¬ ment. By Sir Walter Raleigh, with an Epiitle dedi¬ catory to King James. 6192. A ftiort Trealife, written in French, being fnftruaions to an Admiral. It conCfts of only 4 written leaves ; bound with No. 4463. ’ 6193. A large Quarto, intitled, JoWs Leland! Colleflanca, or John Lcland’s Comm-ntaries of England - chiefly in Latin ago pages. The hand agi'ees exaclly with that of the Itinerary at No. 6266, the indc.a to which Sc apparently the whole book, was written by Sir W* Dugdale. ^ 6194. A Book in folio, formerly intitled on the outfule, “ Tal¬ bot’s Extracts from Scotichronicon.” 'rheve are like- wife Extracls from other Records of Fines, Efcheat? Patents, Charters, in the time of Edw. u. & fome of the fucceeding Kings. At the end there is a Letter concerning the antiquity of the Chancery, & the Fees of the Officers there, written by W". Lamberd. 'J'he whole about 130 leaves. [6195—(Sail. Oi/arfo.'] A Book in 4", containing Extrafls out of the Council Books ol King Edw. vi, 'Ihe following are the principal particulars: I. I r OiTc, 54 ° Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num.6195. I, 11 Oct. a” i’"*. Submiflion of the Mayor Xhi- der SheriiV of Cambridge, to the Vice Chancellor & Proctors of the Univeriity, for refufing to take into the TolUbooth Malefa^ors taken up at the lall Stur- bridgc Fair, & brought to them by the faid Proc¬ tors. 2. Separation of the Marquifs of Northampton from Mrs. Fliz. Cobham a 2d wife, whom he had married while his firfl wife was living. 3 - 3. The Chace of Hampton Court, which had been inclofcd ill the latter end of Hen. viii. reftored to its former ftate, at the petition of Walton, Waybridge, & other neighbouringParifhes. ^ 'I- 4. Patents made that the Guild & Chantry I.ands veiled in the City of Coventry & Town of Lynn be con¬ tinued to be holden in the fame manner, notwithftand- ing an Act palfcd in Parliament making them over to the King, in common with others throughout the Reahn. c;. Advice to Princefs Mary to give order that the Mai's Ihould not be ufed in her houfe. 9 - 6. No Engliih Book to be printed without the allow¬ ance of the Secretary. r , i. r 7. A Note that Severities were not ufed till the U. 01 Somerfet was in difgrace, & the E. of Warwick had got the power in his hands. 8. John Round, a Butcher of Eallcheap, permuted to kill and fell fielh upon days prohibited, if he keeps not open flrop. g. W"’ Thomas made the firR Clerk that ever was 01 the Council, Apr. 19, 1550. 10. Warrant for Joane of Kent to be burnt for lie- Tcfy. 11 No Coals to be tranfported to France or any otner Country. . 12. ”Ur. Arnande a Phyfician, a Jew, barulh d the Kingdom for deccRable pracllces. 13. Order for weighing down into Wedges all Crofles, Images, & Church or Chapel Plate of Gold as remained in the Tower. ‘ 14. Difpenfation to the D. of Somerfet from we iring Doole or Mourning, on occafion of the Death of Lady Seymour his Mother, as a tiring ferving rather to Pomp than to any edifying. 15. Mr. Hooper, Bilhop ekd of Gloucefter, is com- nrilteil to the Fleet for refufing to wear Rich apparel as otiier Bifliops wear. .'. 4 ' 16. The King purges his Library of all fupcrftitious Books, Mals-books, Legends, S:c. _ ' S' li. Se%'eral Perfons lol'e their Ears on the Pillory. 16. 19. 18. Treaty with the Billiop of BriRol, at the Reqiieft of the King’s Highnefs, for Sir Geo. Norton, upon rcafonable recompence, to have the Manour of Lie in Soineiietfh. _ ’ 4 i ^ 5 ' 19. Dit'pute between the Bilhop of Bath 8; Dean or Wells. ^ ’ 5 - '20. Dr. Morwen Prefidenc & the Fellows of Corpus Chrilli Coll. Ox. committed to the Fleet for ufing other fervice on Corpus Chriftl day, than is appointed in the book of Senice. 21. The Bilhop of Chkhefter committed to the Fleet, becaufe he could not conform his Conlcience to take down the Altars in the Church, and in lieu of them to fet up Tables. 22. Debate upon the meaning of the word Altar in Scripture. 23. Grant unto Sir Ralph Hopton of a paRure k Woods belonging to the difiblved Priory of Wi- tham. * 9 * 24. Prohibition to the Chaplains & Officers of Lady Mary to life Mafs, Stc. _ ’• 23. Letter to the King’s Ambaffiidor with the Ein- pevor, to obtain Leave to ufe his manner of Service Num. 6195, 6 * 9 ^* there, if he expefled that his AmbnfTador might be per¬ mitted to ufe the Popilh Service at London. ^ i. 26. A Letter from Princefs Mary to the King, declar¬ ing her defire that lie would, rather than conllrain her to leave the Mafs, lake away her Life. 5 ‘ 27. Inftruflions given to the Lord Chancellor, Comp¬ troller of the Houlhold & Secretary of State, to ivait upon the Princefs Mary, who notwithftanding remained firm in her refolution not to part with the Mafs. 7. 28. Her 3 Oflicers, Rochefter, Englefield, and Walde- grave, fent to the 'lower. ^ 5 - 29. Deed of Feofment made to his Majefty from the Bilhop of WincheRer, Dean & Chapter of certain Ma- nours. 30. The Lord Admiral repairs to France, to be pre- fent at the ChriRening of the French King’s Son in the King’s MajeRy’s Name. 31. Rewai-d granted to Polydore Virgil by the King. 32. The Fellows of C. C. C. Ox. fent home. _ 17. 33. The Bilhop of Durefme charged by Menvile lor plotting a Confpitacy in the North, is committed to^ihe Tower. - r i. tj' 34. Writs fent down to Reading to choofe Rich Re- prefentatives in Pai-liament as the Council recommend. 17, 18. 35. Letter to JuRices of Peace in Hampffiirc, to examine Henry Brabon for calling the King Poor Child. 36. Claim from ChriR’s College m Cambridge ol cer¬ tain Lands granted by Hen. viii. 18, 19. 37. Mr. Hooper difeharged. 19*. 38. Grant from the King to the E. of Bedford k Iris lieirs male, of the Covent Garden, k the Meadow ground called the Long-Acre. J 9 - , 39. Faults to be corrected In Grafton’s New Service Book. . , 40. Appointment of Articles to be fubfenbed by all Preachers. 4]. Dtreftion to the Lieutenant of the Tower, to put to the 'Fortures 2 perfons taken up upon the fufplcion of a heinous murder. It is right to mention, that there are two lets of Lx- traas, feparatelv paged; the firR extending to 19 pages only, the fccond to 23. They are fairly and uniformly written, in a modern hand; and the reR of the Book, by far the larger part, is left blank. Ihe Bcx)k itfelf can be of no kind of authority, uiilefs confirmed by the Originals. 6 ig6. Liber chartaceus in 4", cui ticulus, “EpiRolae qumdam viri doaiffimi Guil. Lloydii F.pifc. Afaphenfis ad viros ela- riffimos Fr. Antonium Pagi, Galium, hr. Henricum Noris, Italum, Vatican^ bibliothecai nuper cuRodem conRiiutum: necnon illorum viciliim ad epifeopum epiRolx Iris fchedis continentur. Accedit epiftola D. Pezron Parifienfis ad Epifeopum, una cum viri clanRi- mi Dodwelli Epiftola Anglice feripta continente £en- tentiam ejus de Joanne Malela ejufq; chronologia.—Has omnes epiftolas deferipfi ex excmplari MS. quod pro fumma fua humanitate mecum commumcavit doailit- mus ifte praifatiis Vir Hen. Dodwellus, Geo. Harbin, 1695.”—N.B. In epiftolis hike veritates plurima; chronological arquiffime expenduntur, quaruin pra;ci- piias notare libet. , 1. Epifeopus Afaphenfis de opere fuo chronologico dilTerit. • r. • ^ 2. De faftis confulai-ibus Domini Pagi. __ 7, 3. De Cotelerii vita S. Saba: k S. Euthymii. _6 4. De Palladlihiftorial-anfiaca. _ R’ c. De Iremco per Dodwellum edito. 7 C. Specimen chronologicum e mtmmis, preefertnr inferiptionibus de imperio I'rajani. NTiim. 6196—6198. 7. DeDomitiani Co/T. 14. & Uc ludis fecularibus a' & 89. ig. i2i;. 157. 8. DeTrajani prnfectlonc ad i""’bcllum Dacicuni. 28. g. Dc anno triumph! poll i*"" bellum Dacicum. 3 10. Dc I'laj. prolecSione ad 2"“'" befluni Dacicum 3a. 131. 14S 11. DeNerY.xabdicalir.ne. 38. 153 12. Dc Plinii I.ecatione. 39. 137. 16^, 13. De morte PImii. 32 14. De vcro tempore Martyrii Icnatiani. 53 15. De Quinqiicniiylibus, Deccnnalibus, &c. cele- brandis. 64. 127. 155. 16. De Trajani expeditione Parthica. 69. 17. Dc anno perfecutionis Gallicx fub M.Antoiiio. 71. 18. De Pezronii libro de inflauraiidu temporuinaa- tiqiiitafe. 73. 19. DeinilloAnni folaris Antiochenorum pod recep- tum ab iirdem annum Juliaiium. 76. 93. 20. De anno terrx motus, quo Antiochia magna ex parte dejefta fuit. go. 21. De periodo Juliana. 143. 22. De xra Mundana 70 inteiqiretum in occidente ufurpata. 144. 23. F.piftola Anglice feripta ad Epifeopum, ab H. Dodwcll. if;7. Liber charta et fcripiura nitidus, et optiraii confer- vatus. 6ig/. A thin Quarto, containing the Charters bc-longing to Lynn-Regis in Norfolk. I. Charter of K. John, dated at Lutegerfhall 14 Sep. 6 year of his reign. ». 2--Hen. III. dated at Weftm. 26 Ma.ch 22d of his reign. 2. 3. -Edw. r. 2. b. 4. ■ -Edw. n. 3. 5. ——-Edw. III. 3. 6. — - - • Hen. v. ib. 7. -- ■ Hen. viii.—Do. 16 year of his reign. 4- 8. ■ Hen. viii. 29 year of his reign. 7. 9. ■— Edw. VI. dated at Wanftead 2 year of Num. 6198—‘6200. Eerrnri, Tom. Mar. 252. Ottoboni, Pittro 171, Furllembergh, Gugl. 138. Pallavicini, Opitio 15c.- Gabrielli, Gio. Mar. 308. Panciatichi, Bandino 185. Gianfon, TufTano di 205 ^ Giudice, Fran. 213. Granx, Ennio della 225, Griinani, Vine. 272. Janara, Seb. Ant. 40. micji. i Irnperiali, Giuf. Ren. 209. Rodoiouich, Nk 284. limoccntius ,X[i. i. Rubino, Gio. Bat. i 5. Kollonifz, Leopoldo 122. Sacchclti, TJrbano 104. Lambcrgh, J. Fil. 312. Sacripanli, Giufep. 244 Maldacchini, Fra. 52. Salazar, i Ie;ro 134. Marefcotti, Galeazzo 93. S.iniacroce, Andr. 288. Medici, Fra. Mar. 128. Soufi, I.uivi di 268 Panfinii, Baned. ito. Panlucci, Fabr. 2S0. Petnicci, Mat. 12 j. Portnearr-'-ro, I.ud. 62. RaJzieyowfki, Mich. ij3. McIIini, Savo 114. Morigia, Ant. 234. Negroni, Fran. 1-45. Nerli, Fran. 90. Noiis, Eiirigo 260. Nouaiiles, I.ud. Ant. 31S Omodei, I-uigi 199. Orfini, Vine. Mar. 82. his reign. 10. —-- reign. 11. - his reign. 12 . - of his reign. - Philip k Mary 4 & 5th year of their 10. b. - K. James, dat. at Weftm. 2d year of — K. Charles II. dat. at Weftm. 7 year 14. b. 6198. A Book in 4" v/ritten in Italian, containing the Lives of the Cardinals c\f Rome, whofe Names are under¬ written alphabedc.'illy; Abdua, Ferd. de 217. Acciaioli, Nic. 66. Aghirre, Giufep. 132. Albani, Gio. Fran. 24. 181. Altieri, Lorenzo 203. Archinto, Giufep. 304. Aftalli, Fulvio 142. Afte, Marc. de3oo. Barbadigo, Marc. Ant. 158. ^ Barberini, Carlo 56. Barberini, Fran. 221. Bichi, Carlo 195. Bonconipagni, Giac Bonfi, Pietro 80. Bonvifi, Fran. 100. Cat.Harl Vol. III. Borgia, Fran. 314. Buglione, Em. Teod. 70. Camus, Stefano 154. Cantelmi, Giac. 177. Carpegna, Gafp. 72. Cafanatta, Gird. 86. Cenci, Bald. 230. Cibo, Alderani 48. Coaflin, Pietro 264. Colloredo, Leand. 167. Cordua, Alf. di 266. Cornaro, Giorgio iy 6 . Coftaguti, Gio. Bat. 191. Delfino, Giov. 60. Delfino, Marco 296. Durazzo, Marc. 163. Eflres, Cefare de 76. Spada, Fabrizic 96. Sptrclli, Sperello 291. Spinola Seniore, Gio. Bat. ic6. Spinola S. Cefareo, Gio. Bat. 24H. Verm?, Jac. Luigi del,- ' .— • -- 2J6. A Book very neatly wriiten; given to Lord O.xford in 1739, by the Duke of PortL.'d. There is no Pre¬ face, nor intimation of the Author. 6199. Rules and Ordinances of the OrJir of Knighthood, called The Golden Fleece, v.'ith this Title, “ Ceft liure conipiciit et declaire I’ordrc Je D ihoifon dor felon Ics derrenierc': corrections faicls enuiron ie temps que la thn=fnn fe tint en la ville dc gand et que le roy darragon fui i lieu chevalier dudit ordre cxcepte la doracL.: et fundacioti principale que monfeigneur Ie due fouuerain e. et fondeur dudit ordre eft tanuz de faire lequelles cholcs on inaituient eftre a dijon.” The book is finely written on vellum, & beautifully illuminaiid, not only as to the Arms, but with a view ofa Chapter of the Order fitting, and, towards the end, two of the Knights, namely Charles, Duke of Burgundy, and Philip of Aulhia, Count of Charolois, at full length, in their Robes. 'Ihefe paintings are very highly finifned. A thick Quarto, being “ An Kphemeris of the cxleftlal Motions & Afpeds for the Years of our Lord 1708. -1720. from Mr. John Wing’s Tables.” F'hen follow fiiridry Tables, 1. A Table for finding the Dominical Letter k moveable Feafts until the year 1785. 2. Tabulx pro fupputandis afpeclibus Lunx cum Planeii-'. 3. Tabulx pro fupputandis afpeflibus Planetarum inter fe. 4. Examples on the foregoing Tables. 5. The Calculation of all the vifihle Eclipfes of the Sun & Moon from the year of our Lord 1712 to the End of 1720, with the fhape, manner & figure of the Eclipfes as they will appear. 6. Eclipfes of the Sun Sc Moon done by Mr. Chat- tock. 7. A Table to find the moveable Feafts for ever in both accounts, by the Dominical Letter, & the Roman Epadl. In the firft leaves are fime mifcellaneous notes, and among them the well known lift of high founding names, compoling the grand Jury for the County of Hunting¬ don, at the Summer Aflizes, July i6ig. This Book belonged undoubtedly to Partridge the Almanac-maker, who in the third leaf fays, “ In my Almanack for 1709, I have worked, &c.” Hishiftori- cal notes of the times in the margins of the Ephemcris, 4 S & elfe- 34 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 620c—6206. & elfewhere in the book are very curious. See parti¬ cularly the note on October 1712, concerning Swift & the band-box plot. At June 171 5, the death 8c burial of Dr. John Partridge are noted in a different hand, & afterwards the marginal remarks are rather meteorologi¬ cal than political. 62OT. A Quarto written in French with this Title, “ Le Livre de la Magie et Affrologie des Anciens, defcouvert & experiment^ par les auteurs les plus cele- bres en cette Science fecrctte, mife en Fran9ois par T. H. avec les figures neceflairts.” Contains 218 pages. 6 202. A thin Quarto, damaged, being the Life of the learned Sir John Cheke by Mr. Strype, in his own hand¬ writing. As far as p. 193. of the printed Life, i. c. to Chap. VI. § 3. 6203. A Book in 4°. containing, “ Colleftions out of an old imperfect Regillre of the Church of Hereford on Vel¬ lum, a Folio MS in the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Vifeount Weymouth at his houfe at Longleate Com. Wiltes, A.D. 1718.”—^'J'he fiiR Charter in it is dated A.D. 1393. John being then Bifliop of Hereford, in the 4th year of his Confe- craiicn ; John Harold being then Dean ; Waller Remingfbui7 Prmcentor ; Richard Chandos, John Middleton, Roger Hore, John Abraham, Henry Knyton, Reginald de Wolfttin & John Pratt, Canons. Fairly written, on 87 pp. 6204. A thick Quarto, containing Writs & Summonfes to Par¬ liament & Prorogations, beginning 44 Hen. 111. & continuing to aiHen. vni. f.8. 8:c. At the beginning of the Book are thefe particulars, 1. The Will of Hen. 11. t. 2. Carta Convencion. & finis faft. inter Henr. R. Anglie filium Matilde imperatoris 8c Will-m regem Sco- torum. 2. 3. Liters Papre Alexandri pro regimine Ilibernim. 3. 4. Al'ge Liters ejufdcm. 4. ;. Cart. Convencion. fa£l. inter Hcnr. R. Angl. 8c Robt. Com. Flandriae. ib. 6. Cirta recogiiitionis fervicii per Baron, ef caster, ho¬ mines Com. Flandiie debit. Henrico IL Anglias. 6. The laifer part in a mere recent hand. 6205. A Book nearly in the form of an 8“ bound, 8c beauti¬ fully written upon Vellum, with j 4 exquifite Minia¬ tures, 8c a Map of Gaul. It contains, in the French Language, the firll Book of Ctefar’s Commentaries familiarized by way of Dia¬ logue, between Francis King of France interrogating, 8c Julius Ctefar replying. There are i.} Miniatures, each bearing the Date of 1519- The book has 70 leaves, befides an alphabetical Table ol Places. It feems to have been written & bound for the King himfelf, yet is marked within, ” Bibliothecas Chrillophoii Judelli.” It is a book of uncommon beauty 8c curiofity. 6206. A Book in 4" written in French, the Contents whereof fallow. I. Epiflre de Charles efleu Empereur des Remains aux electeurs de St. Empire 29 Nov. 1526, en forme d’Apologie centre autre eferic ou Apologie de feu Roy Frangois touchant le traictu de Madrit 8c accompliffe- raent de celluy. 2. Num. 6206, 6207. 2. Apollogie ou contradiction du Roy de France fur les contentions faits entre luy 8c I’imperialle majdlie a Madrit. 7. 3. La refutation de la precedente apollogie. 13, 14. 4. Traicte de ligue & confederation entre !e Pape Clement, le Roy de France, les Venetiens, le Due de Milan, & les Florentines contre I’Empereur Cha. v. 5. Epiflre dii Roy de France aux princes elecleuis 8c autres alTembles au convencion de Spirts en Alh- magne. 65. 6. Refponfe de Cha. v. fur ce que les Ambaffades du Pape, du Roy de France et Veiiitieiis ont propofcc’ pour h paix univerfelle par actes publiees cn la ville de Vallifoleii 12 Ftb. 1527. 67. 7. Epiflre deCha. v. au Cardinaux demandant I’in- diction du Concile univerfelle. 73. Written in au uniform hand, on 79 leaves. 6207. A Quarto, containing a variety of pieces, w ritten in dif¬ ferent Itands, bound up together, 1. The Cafe of Lady Frances Howard 8c the Earl of F-ffex. I. 2. An Elogy on O. Elizabeth by Nicholas Breton in- feribeJ to the E. of Salilhury. 14. 3. Obfervations8c Dire^lions for Sa'.lnrs. zr. (t.) “ Divers good Rules both parfitt 8c trewc with fltyfte of the Sunne & Moone, as followeth.” (j.V* Here follcweth a Ruter, Floudes, Ebhes, Ccurfer, Rodc.'^, Soundings, 8c Daungers, from the Nedellcs uilto the Coalle of Spayne, upon both fydes of the Mayne.” 24. f 3.) “ Another Rutter,” namely from Sc. Maloes Xo Biilfc Pallyes, 32. (4.} “ Another Rutter.” 34, (j.) ‘‘ Another Rutter for the feuth part of Ire- lande.” 36, b. (6.) “ A Rutter from CalUce to Flaunders.” 39. (7.) “ A briete declaracon of divers places btinge under one Moone by Tyde.” ibid- (8.) “ A Rutter ior Scotlande, divided into 4 partes,’’ 40. 4. A Trafl by a Quaker, with this Title, “A Com¬ plaint againfl the Laws which maintain Tithes 8c Swear¬ ing, 8c other unequal Laws St corrupt pracLces con¬ trary to the pureLaw of God, with a fewwords of di- , reclion how 8c where to find Chrill the ^V’ay to God, & how he was found by mi Peter Priced Dated “From Predeigne Prifon, 24 cf the g M". 8t.” 4:. 5. An Anfwer to the Lord Rochcfler’s Satyr agaiuff Man by Tho. Ltfley. In verfe. 6c. ■ 6. Another Anfwer to the fame. Anonymous. 66. 7. A Copy of Englifh Verfes, cn the Thefis, “ Scpul- chrum mihi folum fuperefl.” 69. Thefe three are in one hand. 8. Of Liberty 8c Neceffity, in anfwer to a Treatifc of the Lord Bifiiop of Lendondcr/y on the fame Suh- jedl, by Tho. Hobbes. Dedicated to the Marq. of Kew- callle. yt. g. Tra£l with this Title, “ The Cenflitutions of the Mufeum Minervx, London, Printed by T. P. for Thomas Spencer 1636.” It is however in MS. f. 102. It is a projeft for eftablilhing a fort of public Itillilute, to teach all Arts be Sciences. 10. “ Manuferipta de rebus Anglicis cum quibufJani aliis MSS.” A Catalogue of fome extent. 110. 11. A Journal of Proceedings during the years 1647, 1648. To Juneinthe latteryear. 137. 12. A Confideraiion of the prefeiit tyme, Sc of our Eflatethearin.” J47. It is docketted. “ Choice of Capitaynes and Soul- diours, 1-89.” which Mr. Wanley has noticed to be Mr. Will. Lambarde’s hand, 8c adds “ Vid, Lorkin’s Lie,.” Another Nuin. 6208^—6210. 6208. Another Quarto of Mifctllanies, containing, 1. Diflertatio de feriptore Pentateuchi 82 pages. - 2. “A Tretice howe to receave the bleflid Sacramente, writene by SirTho. Moore, Knighte. An Expofytione of the Pater nofter made by one Style a Monke that was blindeevene from his byrthc, writene owte of anothere Coppye. Ann" Dili. 1575.” 3. A Sermon upon i John 3. 20. “ If our heart con- demn us,” &c. 4. A Sermon upon Pf. 36. 5. “ Thy Mercy reacheth unto the heavens,” &c. 5. A Sei moii preach’d by Nath. Wanley, M A. at the funeral of Di. Bryan, March 7, 1675, onifa. 7. 2. “ He fliall enter into peace,” &c. 6209. Artother Quarto of Mifcellanies, containing, I. “ An infallible means for the recovery of the Pa- I uiiiate with fmall charge : as alfo for the K. of France t.} recover thofe territories which are kept from him 8 c other dillrefled Princes, Nobles & Natives, by the K. ot Spain & Houle of Audria; & alfo a Means to weaken the faid Houfe; written by an Englilh Gent, fometime P. to the K. of Spaine,” 1636. 47 pages. ^ 2. “ Dilputaiio perjucunda qua Anonymus probare nititur muliercs homines non eO'e, nec earumanimas fal- 20 leaves. 3. “ In quendam de Neminc et Nihilo difeeptare re- pugnaritem, ^oiuti Cadotii nobililfimi viri domini temporalis ab Andouvilla. J. C. Rcgi$que majeltatis confiliarii, Lufus, quam maxime ferius.” Cum Epiftola nuncupatoria ad illultfiirunum Dominum Dj-nzell Holles 1649. 4. Extraila ex hiftoria Glaltonieiifi, a Johanne Mo* nacho. 5. _.^. 3116. gj. Num, 6272, 6273. 6272. A Folio, confifting of Wifcellaneous Trafts, vit. j. Copy of a Gram of Pardon & Difpenfations to Ro¬ man Catholics from K. James to Lord Keeper Williams, on occafiem of the Spanifli Match. 2. Copy of the Decree in the Star Chamber agalnR Bp. Williams, iithjuiy 1637. 3. A Trait of the Iiiterel't of the feveral Princes 2 c States of Chiilleiub-m. 32 pages much interlined, 4. A Trcalilc in French, mtitled, “ Les loiv, cou* flumes & ufages de I’iile de Guernezey dift'erentes du Couflumier de Normandie, d’ antienente obfervees en la d'uc ifle redigccs-et mifes par eflac par noble homme Syre Thomas Leighton Chevalier Capitaiue, Garde et Gou- vemeur en la dite tfle,” &c. N. B. At the beginning there is a Sheet prefixed with a Note concerning the Family of the Leightons. 33 pages. 5. A Letter to K. Charles 11. dated Sep. i, 167^ with Obfervations on the Evidences given by Oats, Prance, Bedlow, &c. in Coleman’s Trial. 37 pages fairly written. 6. ' “ Arguments for eftablifhing an Hiftoriographer and alfo a Remembrancer to the muft noble Order of the Garter : in anlwer to the Pretences that thofe Offices are included in the duty of any other Officer already confliiuied; by Elias Aflimole Windfor Herald 1662.*’ (The Original.) 7. The Policy of the High Commiffion Court eretled 1 Eliz. 8 . An Expedient to prevent the many Frauds in de¬ ceiving the King of his Culloms, by Fab. Phifips, 30 Jan. 1665. 10 pages. 9. Ellays from Sermons at Jerfey, upon Religion i. —Prayer. 27.—Charity 32.—upon Kings & the obedi¬ ence due to them 38.—Sacrilege 45.—Repentance 54. —Confdcnce 73.—The duty of Kings 81.—grief fur the lofs of Friends 84.—RevengeSp. dated 1647. 10. “A fhort View of the Life of the moft noble & excellent Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel & Surrev, Earl Marfhal &: primier F.arl of England, Lord Howard, Mowbray, Segrave, Brew.s of Gower, Fitzallan, Clun, Ofwaldllree, Makravers & Greyflocke, Knight of the moft noble Order of the Garter, and of his Majefty’s moft honourable Privy Council in the Kingdoms of JCng- land, Scotland, &: Ireland,’’ ike. Signed “ Edw. Walker, Garter,” and dated “ Ifleftcyne the 7th of June 1651.” 11. The Life of St. Edmond King of England & Martvr, written by Abbnn, Abbot of Fleury, & re¬ counted by Surius, tom. 6. in November. 12. A Memorial of all the Rooms at Tart-Hall: And an Inventory of all the HoufeholJ Stuff & Goods there belonging to the Rt. Hou‘'' the Countds of Arun¬ del. 8th Septeiub. 1641. , 6273- A Folio, confifting of inirceltaneous Tni£ls. 1. A Memorial of Col. Quary concerning the State of Penfylvania 2 c the other Lolonies of America. Dace June 16, 170 3. 2. A difeomTeof the Means to fecure the Church of England. 1 7 p^ges clofely written. 3. A Tract with this Title, “ A Piuiiiet to found the Nature 2 c Conditions of a Company of Men at firft cal’d after the Name of their Btgiher Inithifts, but ftnee, by their own Eleflion the Society, of Jefus.” 4. A Lift of AmbafTadors from England to other Countries, 2 c frona other places hither from the year 1664 1 680. —Ailaflinatioiis, 1679 —1681.—Con¬ demned &: exerutedPerfonsin the fame period.—Leagues 2 c Treaties.—Memorable Atls.- Plagues.—Plot Evi¬ dences.—Parliaments in Scotland & Ireland.—Trials. —Wars.—Battles.—Sea-fights. —Sieges. 5. A fhort Account of the original Inftitution of Par¬ liaments in England, & what Alterations have been made in them, to the latter end of the reign^of K. Ed. j. 18 pages- 6. 'rha Bibliothecas Harleianae. 35^ Num. 6273, 6274 - 6. The Advertifenicnt of Roger Looker, Mofes Cooke, John,Field & George London, to all Perfons of Quality & others who are lovers of planting of Fruit Trees, concerning the Names & Nature of Fruit, &c. & defcribing themfelves as forming a Corporation, in 1681. 7. A difcourfe concerning the practices of thePapifts & Seflaries againfl the Church & State. 8. “ Catalogus librorum MSS. Mufco AlhinoUano legatorum a confultiflimo antiquario Guliclino Dugdale inilite Garterio rege armorum Anglicorum, A.D. i68|-. 8c rcgni Jac. n. primo.” 28 pages. 9. A Dialogue between a Prefbyterian, an Independ¬ ent, an Anabaptifh, & a Quaker, before a Pcrfon of Quaiity & a Wellwiflicr to the peace of the Church & State. 79 pages. 10. A Difeourfe concerning a Match propounded by theSavoyan, between the Lady Elizabeth & the Prince of Piedmont, by Sir Walter Rtuvlcigh. 11. “ Keymer’s Book of Obfervationsfor yo' moft ex¬ cellent Ma"% tuching Trade and TralTique beyond the Seas & in Inglan.l, wherein he certainly findeth that our Sea & Land CoiTiodiiies doe ferve to enrich and ftrengthen other Cimtries againft /"■ Kingdom, w ' weare the caufes why he endeuoured him felf to take extreor- dinary paynes for the redrefle, foe it may w** yo' Ma"’ good liking.” Written 1608. 12. Concerning the King’s Authority and Parliaments, A 7 'raet of 19 pages. 6274. A Folio, confiding of mifcellaneous Trails, viz. 1. A Paper containing a Coilc£tion of the Proceedings & Debates in tiie Houfe of Commons upon the King’s retulmg to approve of Mr. Edward Seymour, Speaker, in the year 1679. The Penfioiiers Names of the pre¬ ceding Parliament with their annual Sums.—Sir Fra. Winington’s Speech againll the validitv of the Earl of Danby’s Pardon.—The Lord Shaftefbury’s Speech in the Houfe of Lords upon Mifmanagementof Affairs in Scot¬ land & Ireland.—with the E. of Oflbry’s Speech in an- I'wer thereto. 2. A ColiccHon of Proceedings in the Houfe of Com¬ mons againff Mr.Lloyd a Barriffer at Law, for fcandalous words by him Ipokeii againft the Qiiecn of Bohemia, Prince Palatine & otliers of the Royal Family: with the many Arguments & hot Debates in maintenance of their judgment againft the faid Idoyd; afferiing that the Com¬ mons Houfe is a Court of Record, & may adminiftcr an Oath, &c. by Sir Edw. Cook, • Sir Edwin Sands, Dr. Gooch, Mr. Noy then Attorney-General, with others the leading Members of that Parliament: together with the King’s feveral Meffages to this Houfe, & the many free Conferences had between both Houfes upon that Subjedl, anno 1621. Collecledby Sir Harbottle Grim- Ilon Bart. 3. “ Humamnn eft errare, or Falfe Steps on both fides, by the Earl of M-ve 16S8.” With the Author’s Obfervations. 4. An Abftrafb of the Proofs produced before the Houfe of Commons to the Articles of Impeachment againft Lord Conyngfby & Sir Cha. Porter 169L 5. The Articles of Impeachment. 6. Report made to the Lord Lieutenant Sc Council of Ireland, concerning Proceedings in Parliament there, 1692. 7. “ Summa eorum qute illuftrlflimus Dux Cafimirus retulif ad Eleciorem Saxonire.” 8. Petitions from the Parilh of St. Martin in Leicefter, for the continuance of the Rev‘‘ Mr. Sam. Carte in that Vicarage. 9. “ A Difeourfe of the original Sc fundamental Caufe of natural, cuffomary, voluntary Si neceflary Warn That Ecclefiaftical Prelates have always been fubjeift (0 temporal Princes, & that the Pope had never any lawful Num. 6274—6276. power In England, either in civil or ecclefiaftical bufi' nefs, after fuch time as Brittain was won from the Ro' man Empire. Written by Sir Walter Rawleigh Knight’ Never expos’d to fhe Public.” 74 pages. 10. A rough Draught of a new Model at Sea. 11. A Dialogue concerning alterations in the Charter of Bewdley, with refpedl to the returning Officer at Elections for Members of Parliament. With the Petition of the Burgeffes, &:c. 12. A. Trad concerning the pofllbiliiy of uniting the feveral divided parties in the nation. In Queen Anne’s time. 8 written leaves. 13. A iradl with this title, “ The Sovereignty of the Seas of England proved by Record Hiftoric & the Mu¬ nicipal! Laws of the Kingdome. Alfo a particular re¬ lation concerning the inellimable riches Sc commodities of the Britifh Seas, by Sir John Borough Knight, Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London.” .. 6275 ' A Spanifli Book, containing, a political S:StatifticaIView of the Kingdom of Spain, & its Dependencies. The following Account of the Contents is taken from the Book itfelf. 1. An Account of the feveral Courts of Spain, Sc the Matters referable to them. i. 2. ’’1 he Chancery 8c Courts of juftice royal. 5, 3. The particular titles of all the Vicerovs of the Provinces. 'g, J2j. 4. 1 he Number of Gallies belonging to the King. lo. 5. 'I'he Archbiffiopricks, Bifliopricks, & Prioiies. II. 117. 6. 1 he Provinces called by the Name of Kingdoms. 7. The Cities & Towns that have a voice in Parlia- ment. 8. The Gentlemen of Andoluzia bound to find Horfe & Arms. j^. 9. The Grandees, Dukes, Earls & Lords, ib. &10Q. 10. The Courts of Juftice in the Indies & Canaries; Sc the I’reafures brought yearly into Spain. 22. 11. The whole Revenues of the K. of Spain. 27. i 2. Ihe Stipends to the Officers of the Palace; & to all other Courts. 122. 13. The Stipends of the Guards. 59. 14. 1 he Stipends of his Amballadors In foreign Courts. 6t. 124. 15. The Ships from fourfcorc Ton that bear ordnance. 65. 16. The Order for the great houfe at Sevil for matters of the India.s. 17. The Officers of the King’s Revenues in the Indias. 74. 18. _ The Courts of Juftice in the Indias, & the Mif- fionaries there. yg. 19. The Number of Men of War, Towns, Cafties) Fonreffes. 85. 20. The number of the Gallies. 90. 2:. Ihe Number of Men of War, Soldiers in Milan, Naples, &c, ^2- 22. The King’s Sons by Anne Da. ro the Emperor Maximilian, with the reft of the Royal Family. 118. 23. 'Ihc Kings & free Dukes of Italy. 119. 24. J he Orders obferved in the government of the Cities & Towns. j 2 25. The Names of the Commonwealths who have Ambaffiidors refident in the Court of Spain, & the Sti¬ pends allowed them. 1^1. It is bound with ^’’3313. 6276. A complete View of the Altercation between the Duke of Buckingham & the Earl of Briftol, rerpefting the tranfaiftions in Spain concerning the Spanilh Match in 1622. Containing, 1. The 35^ Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6276— 62"jg^ j. Th^D'uke of Buckingham’s Speech, in the pamted Chamber, as reported to the Upper Houfe by Dr. Wil¬ liams B'’of Lincoln, Keeper of the Great Seal, with let¬ ters & other documents i. The Earl of Briftol’s anfwer to the articles ex¬ hibited againft him by the Duke of Buckingham. 6277. A Book in foT. concerning Naval Affairs. 1. The whole Charge of a Naval War with the Dutch for 27 Naval Months, from Sep. 1, 1664. to Sep. ult. 1666, as it was drawn up at a Committee of the Houfe of Commons, & reported to that Houfe, Oefc. 11, t666. by Sir W" Lowther, Chalnrum of that Committee. 3. 2. A Lift of all his Majefty’s Ships & VelTels, exprefs- ing the refpeiffive Rates & Qualitie-s, with their feveral Ages, Burthens, Number of Men & Tuns y as laid before the Houfe of Commons Apr. 24, 1675. 7. 3. A IJft of 90 Ships of Wan,Eeb. 5, if?/. i 3 ' 4. An Eftimate of the Charge for one year’s Sea Service. i 4 - 5. The Continuation of the Eftimate, with Obferva- tions upon it. > 9 * 6. An Abftraft of the Charge of Carriages & all Gun- it&rs Stores for 90 Ships, defigned for the cairying .on a War againft France. 23. 7. A Copy of Mr. Coleman’s Projecl for arbitrary Power, & cftablifliing a ftaiiding Force kiEngland, under the colour of providing for tlie Navy: found among his Papers that were feiacd before his 1 rial, A. D. 1678. 25. 8. Abrief difeourfeof the Navy, by Mr. Holland. 45. g. A Lift of the feveral Commanders & Lieutenants furviving, that have ferved his Majefty in 5 c ftnee the two laft Dutcli Wars, taken A. D. 168c. I 43 - 6278. A Book in fol. containing MifcelUineous ColleQions, entered alphabetically, in the form of a common place book. I.. Appeals of Treafon. 2. 2. Petty Farms &c other particular Eftates granted of certain parts of the Revenue. 5- 3. A Particular of old Debts ftandmg out before the year 1671. upon Regifters kept of feveral Parts of the Revenue. 4. Charges upon the Revenue. ib. 5. A Lift of the feveral Perpetuities or Penfions during Life or Lives, & for Term of Years, which are payable at the Exchequer, Cuftom-houfe, E.'icife or Poft Office. 7 * 6. Standard in the Tower for Arms. 13. 7. An Abllrucf of the Revenue from the Cuftoms 8. Impeachments. 24.45. g. Obfervations upon Boroughs fending. Members to Parliament. 26. 39. 10. TheCafe of Barnadifton & Soames. 27. 11. Notes concerning Baniibmcnt, 33. Bifhops, 34. fudges, 50. Impofitions, 53. Rlinifters of State, 60. Militia, 61. Peers, 74. Printing, 80. Pctiiions, ib. Protertations, 81. Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, Q2. 'J'reafon, 105. Tonnage & Poundage, lio. A large part of the book remains blank. 6270. A Book In fol. containing the Life of Mr. Phineas Peite, who was born Nov. 1, 1570. This Account comes . The King’s Speech in Pailiameiit, May i, 1641. 7. The King’s Speech to his Parliament, 1 677, where¬ upon he is addrefs'd to enter into a league oflenfive k defenfive, with the United Provinces, & luch other al¬ liances as he fliould tliink necefl'ary againR the growing power of the French King. 8. Proceedings in Parliament 1675. 9. The King’s Speech in Parliament 167C. after having made a league oflenfive & defenfive with Holland, k on the grow'th of the French Monarchy. 10. I locceding in Parliament, Anno 1678, relating to thedifeovery of the Murder of SirFdm. Bury Godfrev, Kfomc other matters. Cat. IJarl. 'Voi.. HI. Num. 6284—6287. 11. Sir Francis Wniinington’s Speech to the Houfe of Commons, 28 March 1679, concerning Thomas Karl of Danby. 12. Articles of Impeachment of High Treafon Sc other Crimes, Mifdemeanours k Oflences againfl; Thomas Earl of Danby, Lord High I'reafurer of England. 13. Conferences between the two Houfes in the cafe of the E. of Powis, Vifeount Stafford, Lord Peters, L. ^Vrundel of Warder, 6c L. Bellafis. 14. Lord Chief Juffice North’s Speech to Sir Robert f King’s Approbation of the choice made of him for Speaker of the Commons. 15. Petition from the Pariffiioncrs & Inhabitants of CadJington in Hurt, to the Houfe of Commons, for the inlargemcnt of their Miniffer’s Stipend. )6. A Muffer Book for Ongar Hundred, under the leading of j'rancis Stoner, Efq; Captain of the Band of 200 Pont within the faid Hundred, made July 13, 1(125. 17. I’he names of thofe that refufe to find Arms, Feb. 1625. Signed Francis Stoner. 6285. A thin Folio, containing a Vindication of the whole Pro¬ ceedings againfl Mary qiieen of Scots, written about the lime. In all 24 pages; beginning “ There hath not happened fithcnce the meinorie of man, nor peradventure in any age beyond, fo flrantre a cafe.” * 62S6. A Folio, containing an Account at large of the Trial & Examinations relating to the Marriage of the Earl of Hertford with the Lady Catherine Gray, Daughter of the Dutchefs of Suffolk, in the reign of O. Elizabeth, A.D. 1561. Tranfcribed from another’book having this atteflation at the beginning. “ This booke of Afleswas delivered by one Mr. Willes late Steward of PlouLhold to Sir Henry Uncon, unto the Lo. Beau- chimip. p.xamined and agreeinge with the Originalls delivered by the Lorde I'reafurer to Mr. Attorney Ge¬ nerali.” Contains 119 pages. 6287. A Folio, containing feveral diflinct naval Trafls: 1. A difeoude touching the pall 8: prefent State of the Navy, compos’d by tliat ingenious Gentleman Sir RoN Slitigfby Kt. & Bamnet, Comptroller thereof. 2. An Order from James Duke of Ynrke, given at Whitehall, 28.l-.1n. 1 C61 ,&direded to the principal Offi¬ cers 6: Coinmifllnners of his Majefly’s Navv, for the bet¬ ter regulation of their fevcml Pofl-s, 6: for preventing fuch Ncgleds Sc Abiifcs that are a prejudice to his Majefly’s Service. ^ After the Oder, Rtiic.e arc Ittiil down for all Com- miflioners (e Officers of all kinds, either in Shins or Yards, to obey 6: conform to. On 26 Aug. 1^68, the Duke of York fent a Letter to the C.ommiflioners, with reflexions upon feveral Arti¬ cles of the foregoing Rules; And bv another Lerrer, dated Nov. 25, i6(i8, takes exception at the infufficient P.xcufes made in feveral 2\iirwers to his foregoing Letter. And lafl of all is added, a Letter of the Commiffloners, fignifying how far they had complied with his Royal Highncfs’s Will, in order to the due execution of the Comptroller s duty, in reference to the balancing of Srortkeepers Accompts. Which being approv’d of, a Warrant was ilfued out from the King, I’eb. 12, enabling the Commiflioners to ad in conformity to the Methods they had projeded. 3. A Letter from Mr.Pepys, dated at Greenwich, I Jan. ^1665-6, which He calls his Newi'ear’s Gift, to his Hon. Friend Sir W" Coventry, wherein he lays down a Method for fecuring his Maje'fly in the hulbandly execu¬ tion of the Vidualling part of his Naval Exnencc. 4 X 4. A 354 Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6287—6291. 4. A Paflagc cited from Sir W™ Temple’s Memoirs, concerning the Honour of the Flag Sc Dominion ot the Seas; wth Remarks upon it difagreeing in Opinion irom the Author. 5. A printed Quarto, intitled, “ An Inquiry into the Caufes of our Naval Mifearriages, wth feme thoughts on the Intereft of this Nation as to a Naval War, & of the only true way of manning the Fleet; dedicated to the Parliament of Great Britain, A. D. 1707.” 6. Several Letters written by Mr. Secretary Burchet 8c others, reprefenting the State of the Navy, with Pro- pofals for better regulating the fame; penned in the Years 1709, 1710, 1711. 49 pages. 6288. A Folio, (bound up with 4606, 5079,) exhibiting the Survey of the Manor of Sherifhutton in the County of Yorkc, with their Members belonging unto the fame, viz. the Manors of Sherifhutton iti'elf. fol. 1. Eaft Lillinge, 26. Weft Lillingc, 28. Sutton in Gal- tres, ■34. Appulton, ji. Knapton, 57. Sherborne, 61. Stainfordbriggp, 66. Skirpenbeck, 74. Scoarebye, 79. I'.lvir.gton, 81. Ilotham, 70. Ryfc in Holdemcfs, 88. 'i'enements in York, 31. Howke in Marfland: Oc- tringham, ici. Thefc being a parcel of the pofteflions of Charles Prince of Wales, D. of Cornwall, &c. were furveyed in .Tuly, Auguft, &c. by John Norden the elder, and John Norden the younger, by virtue of his Majefty’s Com- miffion, out of the Exchequer, dated 16 June in 22 K. James, as well hy the perambulation and view of the Land, and Evidences of the Tenants, as by the Oaths of the Jurors. Folia 107, witli Indexes of the Tenants’ Names, ?cc. ; f. 2. is a defciiption of the Caftle, & ground plan of the Park of Sherifhutton, 3c the new Lodge, £cc. 6289. A Folio, containing Records belonging to the County of Lincoln, tempore Htnrici regis filii regis Johannis. At the end 2 alphabetical Indexes. 1. Nomina diverferum Villarum, Manerlorum, ter- rarum, tentorum, Sc hereditainentorum intra Com. predict. 2. Nomina liberorum tenencium intra com. preedift. A Bock of 968 pages, befides the Indexes. 6290. [6290—6302. Quart6.'\ Codex chartaccus, nitidus, folia habens 151, in quo continentur, I. Theodori Gaztc Ifagoge Grammatica, lib. 4. Su- perferibitur tos xufi'ov ©scJdpou, il(rxyuyr.; n'f Tiesxox ri 7rJWTe^. Errorc Scribs in fine tertii libri (f. 102.) ponitur t£>.o; tcu t£t*/itov } pro ^2. Traflatus brevis dc dialeCtis, f. 146. b._ fuper- feriptus, TTfol Toij T-lik TTtkle JixPatCun liion^Tof. Subjungitur F.pigramma Grrccuni Johanni.s cujufdam Monachi, ad Francifeum quendam. Totus liber fubferibitur lypi^iii (fic, pro —fr) KxgU Pfa'gsu c'cywyxivj ey r-^ y'^ y-r.yo^ io'jus'.', AnnuS non ponitur. 6291. Codex mcmbranaceus in quo habentur varia poemata Johannis Gower. I. Ec.v daKianti:^ libris feptem. Defunt qusedam in initio, inripit a verfu fexto a fine capitis fexti. Sub- tcribicur, ad folium 134, “ Explicit libellus qui Intitu- latur Vox clamantis. editus pratcipue fuper articulo primi infortunii quod iiifortunato Kicardo fecundo in primordiis regni fui, ut audiftis, qiiafi ex virga Dei no- tabiliter in Anglia comingebat. Et nunc ulterius quia ipfe non inde jeniorfus niiulo magis ad modum uranni 11 Num. 6291—-6295. induratus regnum fuum afliduis oppreffionlbus inceflanler flagellare non defiftit, divine vindicte flagellum ufq^ in fue depofiebis exterminium non immerito alfecutus eft. Tres namque tunc regni nobiles fuper hoc fpecialius moti, fcilicet Thomas Due Glovernie qui vulgariter diftus eft Cignus, Ricardus Comes Arundellie qui di- citur Equs, Thomas Comes de Warwyk cujus nomen Urfus, hii vere unaidmes cum quibufdam aliis proce- ribus fibi adherentibus ut regie malidc fautores delerent ad Dei laudem regniq^ commoJum in manu forti jufto aio viriliter infurrexerunt, proiit in hac confequenti cronica que tripartita eft Scriptor maniieftius decla- rare intendit.” 2. Cronica, partibus iribus. 134- 3. “ Sequitur carmen unde magnificus Rex nofter Ilenricus pemotatus apud Deum et holes turn nr bene- didone glorificetur.” _ 4. “ Porro confequl' carmen fuper muUiplici vitio- rum peftilentia unde tempore Ricardi fecund! partes noftrefpecialius inficiebantur.” __ i5«-_ 5. Carmen fic inferiptum. “ Incipit traftatus dc lucis ferutinio quaiii a diu vitiorum tenebre, proch dolor, fuffocarunt. Secundum illud in evangelic : qui ambulat in tenebris nefeit quo vadat.” 15*"’*. 6. Notitia ab ipfo Joh. Gower de tribus libris prseci- puis quos ipfe compofuit. Hifunt, Spsculuvi vicditantis^ Galilee} Vox clamanth^ Latin^; Confejfto amunthy An- g!ic(i i quorum argumenta hie breviter ponit. *57' 7. Carmen in memoriam Jotiis Gower, & Oratio pro Anima ejus. ^5^* 8. “ Carmen quod Johannes Gower tempore regis Ricardi duin vixit ultimo compofuit.” ^ _ 138. b. g. Apologia auttoris in fenedute de fcrlplis fuis. lu- cipit, “ Henrici regis annus fuit ille fecundus “ Scribere duin ceflb fuin quia cecus ego,” S:c. 160. 10. Cannina qua:d.im rhylhmlca incerto audore. 160. b. 6292. in 4®. Annotationes ex libro Jac. Zarabell® de conftitu- tione feientim naturalis excerpta. In reliqua parte libri Loci communes ex variis authoribus, prmcipue AngUcis, exl'cripti funt. Liber chartaccus, cum in¬ dice Anglico. Nonnulla Latine, in parte liori averfrt. 6293. A French Medical Book, under tliefe heads : 1. Partie premiere des Maladies de la Telle. 1. 2. Maladies de la Poitrine. 209. 3. Maladies des Enfans. 407* 111 all 543 pages. 6294. Codex mcmbranaceus, elegans, contlncns Commentarios fratrisGifalberti dePergamo, ordinis fratrum minorum, in Catonis carmina moralia j in fex partes divifos. Cum indice rerum aiphabetico. xv. 6295. Codex chartaceus, feculo decimo quarto fenptus, et traflatus fcquentes lingua Grseca continens, xiv. 1. Alexandri Aphrodifei, ’Exl no-i asrofi'tsi; Libri 2. i- 2. Traftatus Avicenna: de Urmis, hoc titulo fupra- feriptO. n.'fi afwv ‘npxyfJ.xHx Ta ffspujVra wafa uzp ’iTa^oi? Js 'AGiT^ia'pa. ^ ^ 20 b.^ 3. Alexandri Aphrodifei, dzro^^f*iiriei>, xai ialfixi'K TTfofj.Ji/iaTwi' jxXoyai, Libri ^ ct t. ^ 25. 4. Ariftotelis f.V.xa 7rf0,aA>i>a1a, xxr tToYj trukaycuySr OCX i’al/Jixa. . , , - - 5 . Ariftotelis, ecx xfiffSai, xal iyr.ij.XTftc5xi ciy.- Liber y. 5^’ 6. B.S^'svlfTaflTCi- U ’A.MakS vip\ 65. b. 7. Ariftotelis Eibliothecse Harleianas. 355 Num. 6295—6299; 'j. Ariftotelis Erotemata cum Apocrifibus, ad reni pliyfuilogicam et medicam fpcctantia. 80. b. 8. Gregorii ra NuVe-Jir vift tr^uyuZn. 88. b. 9. Ilippocratis Prognofticon. 8g, 10. Hippocratis Prognofticon, vtc) xv^Ouv gg, 11. Qysfiioncs cum refponfis de pulfibus et refpira- tione. joi. 12. Hippocratis traftatus, xlp'i t*; Aaforaf T^y 103, 13. F.roremata et Apocrifes medicEc. ib. 1-. Hippocratis Medici Kpillola miHa ad Ptolomxum Acgypti regem. 106. 15. Blemmidae (Nicephori) Diagnofis, .'*7^ TX vdKix Tiii; Jtai ocTXi Tsiav h^awiTxiy axi o'lXi x!ip-jxairi. 16. Ex Aviftntele riiji 109. b. 17. Excerpta Medica varia, ex Avicenna etc. ad reni Phyfiologicam, Seineiodcam, et dia:teticam fpeclantia. Incipiuntj to ff-uixxTs ayi^uxis a-uycfr.Kfy ik "jKrffx^CL’y foiy^i'iuy. lit. ^ iS. Til,- Kipx^xKiy r„ (Nota Libra- rli) ‘‘ Scn'pfit Zirno zratiii'x;, ut fcribit Laeriius in vita illius.” 117. 19, Gccrgij Gemiili Pietbonis de conflituendis rebus Peloponnefiacis Oratioaes dure. 127 et 132. 2.. labulcE et defiiiitiones aitror.omics et chronolo- gicm, cum hujuimudi titulo, liy axxwf 7?, h«1 XfifS XXI rifA-^y "Id 157 - Ad icdioncm 6, fol. 268. b. et 7" fol. 291. dicun- tur cnmmciitai'ii cll'e Galeni, fed aui 5 lor prxfalionis plaiii (;iiiiui.inu 3 . r;. hx Avicenna de pulfibus, flridlura. In fine c^'dicis Idgitur, eiAji^s i x6ya; twv ^1““ '’'it 6296. Liber chartar-eus, cum hoc titulo : “ riopipveiou Oi^ts-tpou wtfi x7:ux^'; .a. Porphyrii Philofopbi, de Ab'liuciuid ab animatis, Libri IV. Joanne Ber¬ nardo i'elicimo liiieiprete.” ^ Deluiu folia prope quatuor vel quinque, ad finem libri quart), et tota interprctatio. rtdjiciuntur tamen notx paucula: Johannis Meurfii; qute tamen ultra folium fingulare non procedunt. Eorfaii manu ipfius Meurfii, v. 6309. , . . In 4 , Joannis Zonarae Epiftolte Gr$c® 46. Codex chartaceus, fcriptus A-D. 1595. xvi. 6298. Codex mcmbranaceus, non inelegans, coinpleficns car- mina Latina poctarum obfcurorum. 1. Ricardi live Ricardonis cujufdam carmen de nnp- tiis Paujini et Polla:, verfibus clegiacis. Imperaturi Fe¬ derico infcriptuni. 2. Satira prolixilUma, carmine Latino rhymico, et plane barbaro, fcripta, praecipue contra Mulieres; a Matlieolulo, qui fe higamum die, et fatetur, et lamen- taiur. Pnema iupeifcribitur, “ Incipit traflatus ingri Mathcoluli Gigaini,” ut videri potcft; fed, ex contcxtu apparet, Bigami fcriptum oportuilfe. Dcfunt nonnulla in fine. 6299. Liber cliartaccus, in quo habentur qute fcquuntur, Grrece. 1. Prifciaiii, plillofophi Lydi,interprctatio Theophrafti de Senfu. , 2. Prifciani, &c.—intei'pretatio Thcophrafli de Phan- tsfia. Num. 6299—6308. 3- Pfelli quaidam de dsetnonibus quos celebrant Grajci. gj, 4. Ejufdem, rimotheus, five de daemonibus. 66 . _ 5. Adamantii fophiftaj Phyfiognomonica ad Conflan- t'um.. 6. rhemifiii philofopbi ,QaAi*tUi laiT^i-)^cvTUi> ■ffoXfui'wi. Tx; tII; “da 7 ra?a.ov?)i(r 8 . ^ 2 . b. — 28 . b. KO-ra ^lAiVcra y. b. — xccTix 'J. 29. — -TTfaf T»)» ^(Xiwura iVireXiii'. 70, — XRT Aia-^ita JTEfi TTxpxnfiffSdxf, 73. — uartp T»if n-a^aTTfiffCEi'af. 11 7. b. Wfft Ta ZTE^aka. 141. — 'F.-srn a xupjii-aia artjl paXatxfaf. "' Aiyiiolioi, •J] 13-fjl •B-popsi'a? a. - 179. 185- 197. - 'G. 210. Aiwi>, >1 vtpi T?f x«T* *UTC> Jiayoytif, 216. b. - Elf TSK auTox/JaTOjsa, Trfji Sas-iXfi«f. . . - , ^ 3 ^- - TTfsf riaieviflk, -arf^i t 8 (faja. 246. ' TTEjsi ’Evu-arviak cum Protheoria Nice- 249. ^ 2J2. b. phori Gregory ^ ^ 23. ‘Afu-oTEXa? pxTOfixfl WjSof ’AXf'fai-JscE. 267, In folio ultimo fragmentum Glolfarii Grsco-Latin Codex folia habet 304. Ssculo forlan decimo terti adfcribendus. A Payloro quondam collatus. xni. 6323. Liber chartaceus, qui continet, I. Ovidii Remedia amoris : cum gloflls inter lineas et fcholiis in margins. _ 2. De malo cupidinis feu potius Veneris, & ejus reme- dio, oralioneni facetam 8c utilem, in fermone Germanico 2c metrice feriptam. _ 3. Poenia aliud, vcl fragmentum poematis, Germa- nici, cum hoc lemmate. “ De cognofeendo homine ne- quam.” 4. Hefiodi Opera et Dies, cum interpretatione inter- lineari, et notuHs. Manu rudt, fed fatis clara. 5. Fragmenta Grsca, de Deo, &c. cum verfione Latina. In fronts libri, et in aliis partibus, fragmenta ad- verfarii Latini. Alani (forte, de infulis) Commentarii in Libros ad Heren- nium, de Rhetorica. De auftore, Epigrammata hsc in fine adponuntur. “ Qui Ciceronis avet compendia pandere fanus, “ Hsc fibi diifta putet rethor qus feripfit Ahinus.'* Secundum eft Epitaphium, *' Alanum brevis horabrevi tumulo fepilivit, “ Qui duo, qui feptem, qui totum feibile feivit.” Liber einptus a Sozomeno quodam Graeco, 24 Nov. i 43 '» ut patet ex fubferiptioneItalici, cum teftibus emptionis. Coiiipadtus cum num‘* 6327 et 6329. Scriptus in membrana, cum ornamemis piclis. In fol. 24. Afcaules non iiifcite dclineatus. Folia oranino 68. xm. 6325. Ilomeri Odyffea, Grsc^. Codex mcmbranaceus, ele- gans, folia liabens 2x6. xv. 6326. Codex chart*! bombycina runftans, et continens Aretsi Cappadocis, medici, tradlatus de acutis et Chronicis morbis, imperfeftos. Occurrunt hoc ordine, I. Fragmentum libri fecundi A-ifl Ti7«.0i;;p incipiens ttej! iJiaGriro?, fcil. cap. 0 in Edit. Turneb. 1 ^54, p. 185. urque ad finem capitis Cat. IIarl. Vol. HI. Num. 6326—6331. 2. ritfi AiTtuv xa'i eny-fUD)' -s-jiSijk, lib. i. CodiciS P^B- 17. 3 ‘ --- --—liber 2. p. 41. 4. Heji flEiTiwv xal ar^t'm yjdviut wafiwv. lib. I. Decft caput 10. p. 134. quoddeeft etiam in Edd. 96. 5 - ^---lib. 2. p. 162. fi. O^.-wi- kojVwk Si^anTfUTixii.. lib. i. p. 235. 7 - -;-;-lib. 2.p. 306. 8. Xfcu'wi. Kjuirwi. flEpaja-EUTixti', lib. I. 366. Occurrunt hiatus, ad pag. 403. 405. 9 ' P^gnienta alia libri fecundi, p. 407. Comparanda cum edd. etcum numero 1 fupra. Liber emptus in audlione, A. D. 1695: forte fa:culi 16. Puginas habet 423. xvi. 6327. Codex mcmbranaceus, foliorum, 34. Infunt M. Tuliii Ciceronis Academicarum (^nelliomim qua; extant omnia fcilicet, pars libri priini (ut quibufdam dicitur) et liber qui infciibitur Lucullus. Steculi forfan 15. Compaiftus cum num® 6324 et 6329. xv. 632S. Doctrinale Magiftri Alexandri de Villa Dei cum Com" mentariis. Liber chartaceus, folia habens 63. 6329. M. Fabii Viclorlni commentarii in Ciceronis Hbros de Inventione pars. Scilicet, liber primus integer j et fc- cundua, ufque ad verba “ Tertia conftitutio, qua; tranflatio eft, quia ita Tullius," qua; func in pag. i ji Editionis Victorini ; Rob. Stephani, 1537. Liber chartaceus, compaftus cum numeris6324 et 6527. 6330. Macrobii Thcodofil Saturnalia, I’mpcrfedla. Continet libros i et 2 integros ; deed terliiu ; procedit quartus a medio capitis primi. (foi. 50.) Sequuntur j. fol. 53. b. fextus, fol. by.b. in cujus fine pauca defunt. Ad fol.76. perperam repetituv pron;niiura primi libri. Turn procedit liber feptimus, f. 76. b. ufque ad finem. Codex mcmbranaceus, folia habens 97. diverfis maiiibus exaratus, fed major pars fa;culo ut videtur 14. Libt-r fuit Sozomeni (ut ct 6324, &c.) qui fub initio ftec. 15 codices cniebat. 6331- In fol. Liber In pergamena exaratus, in quo continentur Laline, 1. AriftotelisPhyficorum lib. 8. 2. Liber i’ de foinno&vigilia. 3. De morte &: vita. 4. Methaurorum, (fic) liljri quatuor. 5. De coelo 6c mundo. 6. Liber 2'““ de fomno & vigilia. 7. De I'enfu et fenfato. 8. De memoria 8c reininifcentia. g. De generatione £i corruptione. 10. De Anima. 6332- Codex merobranaceus, pulcher. Continentur Senecte tia- geedia: 10. fcilicet, 1. Hercules furens. a.Thieftes (fic). 3.Thebais. 4. Ipolittis (fic). 5. Edippus(fic). 6.Tro3s. 7. Medea. 8. Agamemnon- 9. Oflavia. 10. Her¬ cules Oeta;us. Jimptus a Sozomeno Feb. 2, 1438. Folia habet 168. inferiptio Sozomeni ha:c eft; “ Comperai queftc Tragedie da Piero Bettucci, car- tolaio, nel 2 di Febraio mccccxxviii. diftenri che erano d’uno fratc de lea Maria novella; Hre fedici; et allui diedi uno groftb per fua faticha." 4 Y 7 n 4' 3S« Catalogus Librorum MSS. Num. 6333—634-3. f’333- In 4° written in a fair hand upon Vellum,TheTranflation of the New Teftament by WycklifFe. At the begin¬ ning there is “ the Kalendar of LelTonns, Piftlis, & Gofpels of all the Zeere.” At the end there are, “ the LefTons & Piftlis of the oolde Lawe that ben red in the Chirche in all the Zeer after the ufs of Salifbiry.” A very well preferved book, containing 365 leaves. xtv. N. B. The Gofpels are not trandated in order, but In the form of a Diateffaron; with this title, “ booke of oon of foure: h^t is a booke of alle foure gofpiteres guderid fchorth in to 00 ftoori bi Clement of Lan- onye.” [6334—6352. Folio.'] 6334- In a large Folio. . . . “ Rules, Orders Sc Inflruiflions for the future Government of the office of the Ord¬ nance, anno regiii 35" Car. ii. An official book, Ramped with the Royal Arms. 6335- In a large Folio, Schemes 8c Plans for a treatife on For¬ tification. No writing, nor indication of the author. In a large Folio. The Petition of Thomas Farl of Coningefbey Plaintiff, to the Lord Lechmere Chan¬ cellor of the Dutch)-& County Palatine of Lancafter, concerning certain Manors & Lands in the County of Hereford & Marches of Wales, againft the E. of Weymouth, Defendant. 113 flieets. 6337. In a large Folio in the French Language, beautifully written, 8c entitled, “ Nouveau Traittd des cinq Or- clres d’Architeflure & d’un fixieme royal & Francois invente & prefente au Roy par J. D’ollvet.” The title page, elegantly drawn, exemplifies the pro- pofed order. At the end is a licence to print the work, dated at Paris in 1711, and figned “ Raquet,” under which is a reprefentaiion of the order in oil colours. The drawings are numerou.s, and beautifully executed in Indian Ink. '1 he book conlains 68 pages j the four lafl being very large drawings folded. 6338. Regiflrum extentarum, cum refponfis Vicecomitum ; an. 6, 7, 8 8c 9, regis Jacobi i. 6339- S. Auguftini de civitate Dei opus contra Paganos. Libris XXII. Codex inembranaceus, elegans, grandis. Cum indice rerum alphabetico, et argumentls capitum rubrica piths. xv. 6340. In French, “ Le Livre de la Vie & de I’hiftoire de Mer¬ lin.” A large paper book, of 329 leaves, written throughout in two columns. 6341 & 6342. In French, Les Romans de L-ancclot Sc Gallehon. 2 Vol, Gallehon extends not quite to half the firfl volume. Lancelot fills the reft. The fize Sc writing very fmiilar to the Life of Merlin. 6343- An account of the origin, revenue, and bufinefs of the Exchequer, in ten chapters. Fairly written on 84 pages of Large paper. The author often cites Mad¬ dox; but his name and the dace of the book do not appear. Num. 6344—6350. 6344- An Account of the Piclures & Paintings m Buckmgham- houfe, St. James’s Park. Fairly written on fix leaves of paper, a little tom, & now bound up with 4716. It comprifes alfo an account of the paintings on iheWalls, within & without, 8c the mottos. '’ 345 - ^ , Copies of Letters fentby Card. Wolfey to the Kings Ambafiadors at Rome & other Courts, concern¬ ing the Wars in Italy, the Low Countries, &c. with other Matters that brought on the Spanilh De- feent upon England 1588. Thele are the fame Let¬ ters which have been before taken notice of, 6260, with their Contents. But this C opy contains more than the other. This Copy was given to laird Ox¬ ford by John Lord De La War 1737, & is faiJ to be the moft complete of any. Vide fupra, hio. 6260. 271 Leaves but not all written. At fob 263 a Letter, &c. of Princefs Mary to lien. 8. 6346. The Anthems ufed in the King’s Chapel. A hook verj’ carefully written, in the time of Charles n. with ruled margins ; containing, firft the i'ullAnthems, p. 1—4. Then, after many blank leaves intended for fubreqiieiH additions, the verfe anthems, heie called “ thebingic Anthems,” p. 125—289. A large proportion of the Anthems in both parts are metrical. 'There is alfo a complete Index to each part. 6347- . ^ Opus Chronologicum in quatuor l.bris:, imperfectimi. A temporibus Enoch, ad Baflianum Antoninum. Ex variis audloribus compilatum. Code-X membranaceus, faiculi forte J3. xiii. 6348. Francifei Petrarchl opera Latina quaidam, fcilicet. j. Ilinerarium breve, de Janua in Jcrufalera, ad- jiciuntur in fine lineas 17 qute in Edit. Bas. 15S1 non extant. _ _ 3' 2. Invefbivarum llbri 4, contra medicum; prsmitritur Epiftola in Edd. non fervata. 6. b. 3. De mulieribus illuftribus. In Edit. Bas. non ex¬ tans. - 4 - 4. Curarum fuarum libri 2, non in Edit. Bas. 57. 5. De ignorantia fui Sc aliorum, liber ; fubjiciuntur Verfus Jo. Stelltc. 6. De vita folitaria libri 2. 87. b. 7. In quondam innomiDatum fid in digniiate pofitum Invecliva, non in Fd. Bas. 122. 8. De otio religiofo liber, f. 126. Codex membra- naceiis, fiec. 14. folia habens 15^" Lx anttquis foliorum numeris conftat excidilfe circa folia 20 ex hoc volumine. 6349- Libri 4 ad Heremilum, de Rhetorica, Ciceroni hie et vulgb aferipti; in capita divifi, et titulis rubricalis diftindi. Subjiciuntur verfus mnnafiid, barbari, qui appel- lantur “ verfus colorum propriorum, diefatorum per profam a'Tullio in quarto Rhetoricumet, in ultimo folio averfo, coiledio Epitaphiorum pro Cicerone. Codex inembranaceus, pulcher, fasculi non infr' decimum tertium. xiii. 6350. F.piftoliE Latinx, Verfus, &c. Coiledio, ut videtur, Jo- hannis Whitgift, Archiep. Cant. J. Epiftolx bins ab Abr. Hartwell ad Dr". Whitgift Abp. Cant. 1591. • 2. A Gul. Norwood ad eundem. 3 3. A Gul. Bird, 1584. 4 4. A Paulo Kent, 1600. 6. 5. Diflertatio, ‘9 Bibliothecae Harleianae. 359 Num. 6350—5353, 5. Diflertatioj An Milites reip. utiliores quaiti phllo* fophi. 7. 6. Utrum fapientcs val milites majori emolumento lint reipublicse, a Rob. Mafters. 9. 7. Carniina cum epiftola Petri Latchingdini ad Archie- ptfeopum. 13. 8. Epifioltc Jobi Langeworthe, Richard! Clerke, Rich. I.awfon, Barth. Dodington, Tho. Danett, Kob. Hiron, Mich. Rabbet, Gul. leelingii, Hadr. Saravia:, Geo. Drywood, Edw. Lively. 16. g. Petitio Hungaricorum a Turc^ in captivitatem re- ductoTum. 32. Oinittitur 33. to. Epiftola Arch- Harbertfon, Ant. de Corro, Fred. Remagii, et aliorum. 34. 11. Epiftola Sociorum Collegi Divi Johannis Oxon ad Archcipcopum. 40. 12. Epiftolae cum carininibus encomiafticis variorum au^iorum, ad eundem. 42. 13. Oratio Mag" G. Clever ad Elizabetham Reginam, de r.bus Ecclcfiafticis. 72. Subjicit'ir index plenior nominum et rerum. Liber folia habet 81. 635 ■■ Liber chartaceus, in folio grandiorc, fuperfetiptus “ Excerp. in Dionem,” &c. Excerpta fumuntur ex Salmafio in Solinum, ex Seal, de Emend. Temp, ex Pfeudevaog. Fabricii, ex Hiftotia; Aug. Scriptoribus, cx Annot. in Taciturn, c.x Face Artium Grutcri, cum multis aliis auftoribus, omnia ad illuftrandam Dionis Callii Hiftoriam. Nota: funr viri cujufdam dodtiftimi, et occupant paginas plenifllmas, 57. Liber conipaOus eft cum num" 7508. 6352. Abbreviature qua: in libris MSS. antlqulftimis reperiri folent; oj-dine alphabeiico. Super folia 37 forma: majoris, quorum primum (quod 2"’ efte debuit) ex rere imprefl'uni eft, caitera manu exarata, in forma ta- bularutn. Opus ad confulcnduni adprime utile, fed cx Anderfoni Diplomat. Scotia:, Tabb. cxiadcL, planiflime defumpium. > A Quarto, confifting of mifcellaneous Tradls, r. The Life & Death of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, in Verfe. 229 Stanzas of fix lines each. 2. Articles for a Union between England & the Low Countries in the reign of Q. Elizabeth. 3. A New Year’s Gift to Prince Henry, containing Inftruftions founded on the ConduS of former Princes. 4. Humble Advice offered to King James, with refpeft to Spain & Portugal, & the affairs of the Palatinate. Signed at p. 3S. but the fignature fcratched over. 5. The Sum of Sir \Yalter Raleigh’s Speech at his Execution at Weftminficr, Oct. 29, 1618. 6. Literae Latina: ah Elizabetha Regina ad vai-ios Reges, principes, nobiles, cxtercs et Anglos conferipta:. Manu deganii. 34. 7. Ahbrevationes MSS. Latinorum ab fienrico Spcl- man colledlse, ordine Alphabetico. Adfinem, “ Finis Archaici Graphici ab Henrico Spelman conferipti, in ufum filiorum fuorum. An. Dn. 1606,” et infra “ Feb. 15" 1543.” Coinparetur ejufdem Palaiographia, N^ 3929- 8. “ Oratia in foeliceni memoriam Ellzabethx An¬ glia: reginx.” 9. “ A breefe declaration of ihofe things which the Duke of Norfolk omitted, in his Examinations touching the whole Proceedings with the Queen of Scotts, either by himfelfe or any other to his knowledge, before his firft trouble or fince.” Dated 10 Nov. 1571. I o. An encomium on Queen Elizabeth, addreffed to her though dead, with this title, “ To the eternall honor Num. 6353—6356. of the Mirror of Princes Queene Elizabeth, of tnoft fa¬ mous Memorye.” With a Latin title alfo. The author’s name erafed, but not quite completely. 6354- An Octavo, containing an Alphabetical Index to Mr. Maundrell’s Travels: neatly written. At the beginning, “ C. Brent, given me by Mr. Larcum, Sept. 6 , >723-” [^355 —6391' ^larto.'] 6355- An oblong Quarto, containing Rules for making all forts of Gunpowder, together with the defeription & ufe of Brafs Ordnance, Mortars, A'c. in an ancient hand, & very antiquated language, with delineations of various pieces, & fireworks, drawn with a pen. 6356. A Quarto, confifting of mifcellaneous Tiafts, 1. “ Periplous Hannonis, or the Navigation of Hanno the famous Carthaginian, upon the Coafts of Africa, written, dedicated, & by him bung up in the Temple of Neptune ncai-Carthage: tranflated firft out of the Pu- nick Tongue into Greek, & now in Englidi with ftiort illuftrations thereon.” The fame tranftation, with only verbal alterations, is pri led in Purchas’s collec¬ tion. j. 2. An Anfwer to an Epiftle dedicatory to the Queen’s- Majefty, prefixed before a Book, the chief Scope whereof is to lliew the reafon of the Catholics refufal of things offered them, & efpecialiy of going to Church. 18. 3. AprintedBook (dated 1583) entitled, “The execu¬ tion of Juftice in England for maintenaunce of publique & Chriftian peace, &c.” with the tranfiation of it into Latin, interleaved. 81. 4. Another printed Book entitled “ A Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Majtfty’s Commiffioners appointed for the examination of certain Trahours, Sc of Tortures urjuftly reported to be done upon them for matters of religion, 1383,” with the tranfiation of it into Latin, interleaved. 138. 5. The Proceedings which happened touching the Di¬ vorce between the Lady Frances Howard & the Earl of Eflex. 172. 6. A Letter fent by K. James from New-Market, 3 Dec. 1621, to the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, complaining of the Members of that Houfe intermeddling with the Atiair of his Son’s Match with Spain, & fome other mutters which he judged too much encroaching upon his Prerogative. 218. 7. Two Sermons, i. on Matt. xxi. 4. “Whofoever ftiall fall on this ftone fliall be broken; but on whom- foever it fhall fall, it will grind him to powder.”—2. On Eccl.xn. I. “Remember now thy Creator," &c. 232. 8. “ Confidcratio argumentonim quorundain pro Excomniunicatione & ejus authoritatc ilabilienda: & primo ilioruin qua: ex 1 Cor. v. 11.—2 Theft', in. 14, deducuntur.’ 2S6. g. A Funeral Sermon preach’d upon the death of Mr. Ramfden, Mayor of the Corporation of Kingfton upon Hull, who died of the Plague. 305. 10. A Sermon upon thefe words, “ Phyfician, cure thyfelf.” Luke IV. 23. 327. 11. A Sermon on Gal.ii. 20. “lam crucified with Chrift,” &c. 234- 12. A Sermon on Rev. in. 15, 16. “ I know ihv works, that thou art neither cold nor hoc.” 34'-' 13- -lon Jofli. XXIV. 15. “ But I &my houfe will ferve the Lord.” 14 - -oil John I. 12. “ To as many as received him, he gave power to be fons of God.” 368. 1 5 - ^ ' --on 1 Tim. vi. 20. “ Keep that which is’ committed to thy tnift.” 382. 16. A Speech Catalogus Librorum MSS. 360 Num. 6357—6361. !6. A Speech by Sir Rob. Cotton, March 10, 1627. concerning the danger wherein the kingdom now ftand- e h, 8c the remedy. Together with the King’s Speech & the Lord Keeper’s. 391 - 17. Propofitions from the Lords to the Commons on Apr. 24. in regard to the publick liberties ; with other matters that happened in that Parliament. 409* 18. Ouxftiones de gravitate & elafticiiate, nec non de aftionibus brutorum. ^ 4 - 3 '• 19. A Fragment of a Sermon in French, of one that turned Prolcllant. 434 - 20. Three Ruffian MSS. of which the firft is a com¬ mercial regulation of Zar Alexei Michailovics, lather of Peter the Great j the fecond is a Theological treatife on Confeffion ; k the third a bo.>k of formula; for writing letters, petitions, See. 21. A Book entitled, “The Church of England not Heretical, or a Parado.x of the Agreement between the Proleflant k the Roman Church in points of Doctrine, by Mich. Wigmore Rector of Thorefway in Lincoln- fhire, & fometime Fellow of Oriel College in O.xford,” fiiiiffi’d an'’ 16.37. 7 °‘ at the 17th page of the tra£t, 8: extends to 285. 594 - 22. An Ai-abic Book, containing prayers 8c devo¬ tions. 23. Printed Direftions to the Archbiffiops 8c Billiops for the preferving of Unity in the Church, & the purity of the Chriflian faith concerning the Trinity ; publiffied anno 1695- 9 °^' 6357- Tractatus Latine feriptus, cum hoc titulo, “ De ftatu reipublicjE foederatarunr Belgarum coramentariolus.” Leid«, 1699. Codex chartaceus, folia habens 115. XVJI. 6358. 1. Chronica Galfridi Monumelhenfis, Afavenfis Epif- copi. 2. Turpini Archiepifeopi Rhemenfis Fragmentum de Caroli magni vita & morte. 3. Extraftus rariffimi ex Chronicis Ccftrcnfibus. Codex meinbranaceus, faicul'. xiv. 6359- A chronicle of England written in French, on Vellum. It begins, “ Comment les geaunts vindront primes cn Angleterre,” and is continued to the birth ot Edward the Black Prince, A. U. 1329 At the end is writ¬ ten in a much more modern hand, “ Finis clironi- corum Anglia: ab ortu Gigaiiiium, ufque ad nativita- tem Edwardi filii Edw. 3. A- D. 1329.” xiv. 636.''. This book has, in the firll leafc, the name “ Henricus Spelman Cantabrigienfis,” under which are the arms of the family i with this diftich. “ En tibi Spclmanna: veneranda infignia gentis, Hkc dedit, ha;c virtus fullinuifTe fludet.” On the next leaf, are twelve Hexameters “ In lau- dem Cl. Ptoloma:i librorum, ei Hier. Cardani de indi- ciis.” Signed P. H.Spelinan. Nearly half the bonk fol¬ lowing, contains, at fcattered intervals tables, extrads, 8c memorandums relating to Judicial Aftrology. Then follow, j. “ The cafe of a prefent title to an eftate in Nor- folke; depending on the Statute 13 Eliz. The leaves numbered Irom 8—76. 2. A trad with this title; “ The Anatomy of highc Treafon, deferibed and defined for the neceflarie defenfe of the Royall perfon, eftate, 8c digniiie, and of publique liberrie from all traiterous pradifes and-attempts by co- mon lawe.” A Quarto entitled, “ De jure prelationis Nobilium Sco- ua:. Or a Memoriallof the Evidents, Patents 8c Rights Num. 6361—^366. produced be fandrie Earles 8c Lords, before the Com- miffioners deput by the King’s Majeftie, araient the precedencie 8c prioritie of Dignities amongft them in Parliament 8f Council; together with an ftiort Minute of certain Rights extant in the Regifters concermng the famen. Whilks were not produced before the faid Lords Commiffioners in anno 1606.”—At the end is inferted the Charter of the City of Edinburgh granted by Robert 1. 8: the (.’.onfirmalion of u by James iii. The whole very neatly written on paper : 129 pages. 6362. A Quarto, containing “ the Life of SirTho. Moore, fume- lime Chancellor of England, written by his Son-in-Law William Roper of Eliham Efq.” Another Copy ol this is entred iiro 6?53. This is bound with Sc feveral others. 6363. A fmall quarto, neatly written, with this title; “Abrec£ Defeription of the famous clttie of London capital! cittie of this Realine of Englai;d, See. Ann 1 388. The book contains firft, a ffiort deferiptiun of the city, enumerating the wards and parilhes, the elcdioa & ftacc of the Mayor, the Aldermen, Sherifts, C.omnion Council, Companies & Corporations, with the Arms of all the Companies coloured, 8cc. Secondly, a clirono- logyof the Mayors & Sheriffs from 1190 to the date above mentioned. 636+. A thin Quarto, dedicated to Kingjames i.by Sir Richard Martyn Mailer, of the Mint, in relation to Money Sc Coinage, & the whole duty of the Office in the Tower. Very carefully written, bound with N"' 4140,3231, 8c others. 6365. A Quarto, containing inferiptions in feveral Churches in Oxford & Oxfordihire, Berkfliire & Northampton- ftiire. Thofe in Oxford 86 pages, the reft. 172 pages-, diftinftly written. The places mentioned in the fecond part are here enumerated, in alphabetical order. Adderbury, 120, Afton(Steeple)6.Aynho,8. BartonSteeple,82. Bluking- ton, 25. CalTent-n, 145. Chariton, 68. Church Hanb .- I'ow, 147. Cowley, i. Ciimnor, 43. EIsfield, 60. Enftiam, 156. Fyfield, 140. Garfington. Hafely, 92. Heddendoii, 70. Iflv, 3. Illip, 162. Kidlington, 76. Milton, 105. Newbottle, 13. Noke, 63. Northinore, 58. Radley, 13?. Rowffiam, 3. Sokieme, 7. So- merton, 116. Stimlake, 59. Staunton Hancourt, 51, Stcan, 16. T-ackly, 37. Tetfworth, J15. Thenford, 24. Wallingford, 125. Wulvcrcott, 29. Woodltock, 1 167. Yarington, 72. 6366. A Quarto, containing “A Catalogue of Books Sc Treatifes reining chielly to the political aftairs of I'l-ance, wherein are many Cafes in the C ivil 8c the Canon Law, concerning the regal 8c ecdefialticai power; the Li¬ berties of the Church againft the Ufurpations & Pre- tenfions of the Church of Rome: Alfo Cafes of Cen¬ tres, deprivations of Biffiops, Sc other ccclefiaftical perfons, 8c the Cenfures of feveral Books (many ol ' the modem Cafuifts) being the principal Treaties written by the moft learned of theJanfenifts Sc their Antagonills during the long Contefts between them; & likewife the points controverted Sc the deliatej about them, Sc the account of their Condemnation: Which Books were the Collecfijn ofMonfr. deMole, premier Prefident du Parliament de Paris, when his books were there expofed to fals.” Bound with 4654. '9 A Quarto Bibliothecae Harleians. 361 Num. 6367—"^373. 6367. A Quarto wrhten in SpaniOi. with the following title, “ Hilloria ecdefialtica del I'cifma de IrigUterra, em Ic qual fe trata las cozas mas notables que h,in fucedido cn aquel rcino, tocames a nueflra fandta rol'gion, defdeqiie coiiicnqo liaRa la muene dc la rciiia de liilcocia. l