x~^ \W^ a B-*-^' / a A. Vi^-'^ J ■+r'S H.-y\' Auction Sale: tuesday, wednesday and thursday, March 8th, 9th and 10th, 1898. EACH DAY AT 10 AND 2 O'CLOCK. PART I. A TO J. CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CHARLES DEANE, LL D. CATALOGUE, both parts, PRICE, ;$1.00. C. F. LIBBIE & CO.. Auctioneers and Appraisers, 666 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 2"/<^ u..- 104 & ^^V ;^(^^^?v.- iwiu; ■'v.-;:4.^,^.. tf 7 , "ir : i ^in-n !?^^ ''^^ ''^ ^^,4. !iu ^lA^ I ■' ii /Km.? CATALOGUE ^'^'^ VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE CHARLES DEA/SE. LL D., Vice-PresKleiit ol the Massachnseils Historical Society, and meiDer ol many otlier Historical societies. COMPRISING A FINE COLLECTION of RARE AMERICANA INCLUDING EARLY V0TAQE5 AND bl5C0VERlE5. THE INDIANS, THEIR HISTORY AND WARS, 1630-1750. INCLUDING THE ELIOT TRACTS FOR PROPAGATING THE GOSPEL AMONG THE INDIANS; TRACTS RELATING TO THE PURITAN, THE NON-CONFORMIST AND SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS, 1582-I67S; THE QUAKERS IN AMERICA. 1658-1 7a): WORKS OF THE EARLY NEW ENGLAND DIVINES, 163O-17OU; HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICA- TIONS: COLONIAL RECORDS; CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS ; TOWN. STATE AND CHURCH HISTORY: RARE ENGLISH BOOKS; FIRST EDITIONS: CHARLES I. AND CROM- WELLIAN LITERATURE; IRELAND'S SHAKESPEARE FORGERIES AND HALLIWELL'S PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS: DIBDIN'S AND OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS: STANDARD SETS AND LIBRARY EDITIONS. ETC.. Etc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDRY, WEDNESDAY ftND THURSDAY. MARCH 1 9 AND 10, \W. IN THE LIBRARY SALESROOM, 666 WASHINGTON ST., SALE TO COMMENCE EACH DAY AT 10 AND 2 O'CLOCK. TEi^3S/is CA^siEa:. u\\^ C. F. LIBBIE & CO., Auctioneers and Appraisers. BOSTON. i^ll--^-^^ PRESS OF THE Libb:e show Print, 6-12 BEACH ST., BOSTON. THE EXTRACTS FROM THE MEMOIR OF CHARLES DEANE, LL. D. By JUSTIN WINSOR. In February, 1865, just after he had retired from busi- ness and when he was fifty-two years old, Mr. Deane wrote a brief sketch of the earlier part of his life, and brought the narrative down to a time when he had already formed those acquaintances which caused a good part of the enjoyments at- tending his less active but riper years. " I was born in Biddeford, in the State of Maine, on the Saco River, Nov. 10, 18 1 3. My father. Dr. Ezra Deane, was descended from Walter Deane, who with his brother John came from Chard, near Taunton in England, and settled in Taunton, Massachusetts, then in Plymouth Colony. My father was born in Connecticut, and after getting his profession of a physician, he re- moved to Maine, and lived in different places before he settled in Biddeford. When old enough I went to the public school at Biddeford. For a few quar- ters I went to the Saco Academy. I also attended a classical school kept by I'hineas Pratt, formerly preceptor of the academy. When not yet sixteen years of age I went to Kennebunkport to live with my mother's brother, Silas Moody, who kept there a shop, with such variety of merchandise as is usual in ' Country Stores.' It was my duty to open the store in the morning, sweep it out, make the fire when needed, and attend on customers, as I was able. The (iii) representative men from all parts of the country were called to her festival to receive honor at her hands, Mr. Deane stood up before the assembly, and received from President Eliot the designation of "antiquary and historian, a master among students of American history," while he was made a Doctor of Laws. Bowdoin had conferred the same degree upon him in 1871. He died on the 13th of November, 1889, having just com- pleted his seventy-sixth year. He was elected member of the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1849, ^^so of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1845; Rhode Island Historical Society, 1847; New York Historical Society, 1852; Newport Historical Society, 1854; Wisconsin Historical Society, 1856; Historical Society of Delaware; Long Island Historical Society, 1868; Maine Historical Society, 1870; Virginia Historical Society, 1881; Essex Institute, 1887; American Historical Association, 1884; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1866; London So- ciety of Antiquaries, 1878; American Antiquarian Society, 1851; Northwestern Literary and Historical Society, Webster Historical Society, Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Harvard Historical Association, etc. ;vi) ORDER OF SALE, Morning Sessions at 10 o'clocK- Afternoon Sessions at 2 o'clocK. Tuesday Morning, March 8 Tuesday Afternoon, Wednesday Morning, Wednesday Afternoon, Thursday Morning, Thursday Afternoon, 8 9 9 10 10 1-334 335-662 663-990 991-1320 1321-1654 1655-1988 (viii) CJLTJLLOaTIJSJ. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 'T^B^MS CASH. Sills must be paid before delivery of JL goods, on orders by mail upon receipt of goods j no credit given under any circumstances. deposits must be made when requested. Sooks a7'e sold per volume, pamphlets per part or piece, and bids by mail, or otherwise, must be made accordingly. JVo charges made for buying when parties are tmable to attend the sale. To purchasers present at sales, books are sold as they are, without recourse for i?nperfections. On 07'ders sent to us, books are guaranteed as catalogued, in good, sound, second-hatid co?idition, imperfect books (not so desci'ibed) may be returned. Claims for errors or allowance must be made within three days of receipt of goods. In all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be resold. ys- I 7\ BBOTT, Edward. A Paragraph History of the Amer- /^ ican Revolution, pp. iir. i6° morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. Boston, 1876 to 2 [Abbott. Jacob.] New England and her Institutions. By one of her Sons. 12° half calf. Boston, 1835 i-5- 3 [Abbott.] The same. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1835 00 4 Abington, Mass. Historical Sketch of, with an appen- dix. By Aaron Hobart. pp. 176. 8° cloth. Boston, 1839 00 5 AcosTA, Joseph. The Natvrall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are proper to that country: Together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians, pp. 604. Small 4° vellum. Val. Sims for Edward Blount: London, 1604 00 6 Acton, Me. History of. By Joseph Fullonton. pp. s^. 12° boards. Dover, 1847 ^o 7 Adair, James. History of the American Indians; particu- larly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia, pp. 464. Map. Royal 4° calf, (cracked). London, 1775 CATALOGUE, 5-0 8 Adams, Amos. Thanksgiving Sermon at Roxbury, Dec. 3, 1767, pp. 58; — Two (historical) Discourses at Roxbury on the General Fast, April 6, 1769, pp. 66. 2 vols. 8° morocco. Boston, 1768-69 2)»7 9 Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massachusetts. 12° ' cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 ^Q 10 Adams, Charles Francis. Address at Quincy, Mass. July 4, 1856; — Address at the opening of the new Town Hall, Braintree, July 29, 1858; — Struggle for Neutral- ity in America, Dec. 13, 1870; — Phi Beta Kappa Ad- dress, Cambridge, June 26, 1873; — Address at Amherst, July 7, 1875; — Progress of Liberty, July 4, 1876. 6 vols. 8° paper and half roan. 3^3 II Adams. Address in Commemoration of the Life and Services of Charles Francis Adams, delivered in the Stone Temple at Quincy, July 4, 1887. By William Everett. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1887 131^ 12 Adams, Charles Francis. Jr. Old Planters about Boston Harbor, pp. 194-206, (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc); — Individuality in Politics, 1880; — A College Fetich; — Sir Christopher Gardiner; — Address and Proceedings at Crane Memorial Hall, 1883. 4 pamphlets. 00 13 Adams, C. F. Jr. and Henry. Chapters of Erie, and other Essays. 12° cloth. Boston, 1871 g-Q 14 Adams, C. K. A Manual of Historical Literature, pp. 665. 8° cloth. New York, 1882 •j5- 15 Adams, Hannah. A Summary History of New England, from the first settlement at Plymouth to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution, pp. 513. 8° half morocco. Dedham, 1799 jo 16 Adams. Dictionary of all Religions and Religious Denom- inations. Fourth edition, pp. 376. 8° sheep. Boston, 181 7 Autograph " Edward Rutledge, 1819." // ZS' 17 Adams, John. The Works of John Adams, Second Presi- dent of the United States; with a Life of the Author, notes and illustrations, by his grandson C. F. Adams. Portraits. 10 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1856 Large Paper; 2 50 copies printed. ^•T 18 Adams. A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, pp. 394. 12° half morocco, gilt, (title mended). New York, 1787 /a, 19 Adams. The same. pp. 392. 8° calf. London, 1787 CATALOGUE. 1^00 20 [Adams.] Discourses on Uavila; a Series of Papers on Political History, written in the year 1790. 8° morocco, j gilt. Boston, 1805 sjoo 21 Adams. Correspondence of the late President Adams, originally published in the Boston Patriot in a Series of Letters, pp. 572. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1809 Autograph of Josiah Quincy. ysi, 22 Adams and Cunningham. Correspondence between John Adams and Wm. Cunningham beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1823 Mj- 23 Adams, John and Leonard, Daniel. Novanglusand Massa- chusettensis; or Political Essays, published in 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1819 " Daniel Leonard, and not Jonathan Sewall, was the author of the Massachusettensis papers." — A'ote by Mr. Deane. I zf 24 Adams and Jefferson. A Selection of Eulogies pronounced in the several States in Honor of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 8° half calf, gilt. Hartford, 1826 1^ 25 Adams. Journal and Correspondence of Miss Adams, daughter of John Adams; — Letters of Mrs. Adams, the wife of John Adams; — Letters of John Adams, addressed to his wife. Portraits. 5 vols. 12° cloth and half morocco. New York and Boston, 1841 trf 26 Adams, J. Q. The Jubilee of the Constitution, a Dis" course delivered in New York, April 30, 1839. 8° calf, red edges. New York, 1839 With curious lithograph plate of Inauguration, 1789 and signature on wrapper, inserted. He 27 Adams. Poems of Religion and Society, pp. 108. 18° cloth. New York, 1848 %o 28 Adams. Inaugural Oration, 1806; — Letter to J. Q. Adams, by "Alfred," 1808; — Deeds and Documents relating to the Library at Quincy, 1823; — Correspondence, 1829; — Dermont MacMorrough, 1832; — Oration on La- fayette, 1835; — Eulogy on James Madison, 1836; — Argument before the U. S. Supreme Court on the Armis- tad Captives, 1841; — Social Compact Exemplified, 1842; — Letter to Harrison Gray Otis, 1808; — The same, 1824; — Discourse, May 29, 1843 ; — Oration at Cincin- nati, Nov. 10, 1843; — Eulogy on the Life of, by Ever- ett, 1848; — Discourse at Interment of Adams, by W. P. Lunt, 1848; — Tribute to Adams, by Daniel Sharp, 1858. 16 vols. 8° half roan and paper. Boston. 5© 29 Adams. Memoir of the Life of. By Josiah Quincy. pp. 429. 2 portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 y 0,5- ^o (c 7^ foo s 00 i IZ oo 4 CATALOGUE. 30 Adams, Josiah. Letter to Lemuel Shattuck, in Vindica- tion of the Claims of Capt. Isaac Davis of Acton, to his just Share in the Honors of the Concord Fight, pp. 24. Map. 8° boards. Boston, 1850 31 [Adams, J. T.] The Knight of the Golden Melice, an (American) Historical Romance, pp. 473. 12° cloth. New York, 1857 32 Adams, Samuel. The Life and Public Services of. By William V. Wells. Portraits on India paper. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. 33 Adams. An Oration delivered at the State House, in Phila- delphia, ist of August, 1776. pp. 42. 8'^ half roan. Philadelphia, printed: London, re-printed, 1776 " No such oration it is believed was ever delivered. See Proceed- ings Mass. Hist. Society, for March, 1875." 34 Addison, Joseph. Works; with a Complete Index. Por- trait by Miller, after Kneller, and plates by Grignion, after Hayman, etc. 4 vols, royal 4° marbled calf, gilt, yellow edges. Baskerville: Birmingham, 1761 35 Addison. Works of. A new edition, with notes by Rich- ard Hurd. Portrait. 6 vols, royal 8° tree calf extra, marbled edges. London, 181 1 o \* _ 36 Adlard. George. The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of Massachusetts. 8° cloth. Only 250 copies printed. New York, 1862 3^ 37 [Adolphus, J. L.] Letters to Richard Heber, containing critical remarks on the series of novels, beginning with "Waverle)', " and an attempt to ascertain their author. Second ed. pp. 317. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1822 Id 88 Amyraldus, Mayses. A Treatise concerning Religions, pp. 539. 16° calf, (broken). London, 1660 5"© 89 Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the Interior Parts of America in a Series of Letters. By an Officer. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1789 5-0 90 Anburey. The same. New ed. pp. 414, 492. Plates. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1791 ^e- 91 Anderson, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible, pp. 592, 684. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1845 4,5- 92 Anderson, James S. M. The History of the Church of England in the Colonies and foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. Second ed. Maps. 3 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 O^T 93 Anderson, Rufus. History of the Sandwich Islands Mis- sion, pp. 408. Portrait. 12° cloth. Boston, 1870 ^Q 94 Andover, Mass. History of, from its Settlement to 1829. By Abiel Abbot, pp. 204. 12° boards. Andover, 1829 00 95 Andre. The Life and Career of Major John Andre, Ad- jutant-General of the British Army in America. By Winthrop Sargent, pp 471. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1861 Large Paper ; Only 75 copies printed. po 96 Andre. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which lead to the Death of Major Andre. By Joshua Hett Smith. Portrait, plate and map. 8° morocco, extra. London, 1808 00 97 Andre. Monody on Major Andre, and Elegy on Captain Cook. By Anna Seward. Also Mr. Pratt's Sympathy, a Poem. Frontispiece. 16" calf, (broken). London, 1817 5-Q 98 Andre. Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, Held by order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, Com- mander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America Respecting Major John Andre, Adjutant Gen- eral of the British Army. Sept. 29, 1780. pp. 5-13. Small 4° calf. (Title-page and first leaf wanting). Printed by Francis Bailey in Market-St : (Phila., 1780) «5- 99 Andre. Record of the Trial of Joshua Hett Smith, Esq. for alleged Complicity in the Treason of Benedict Arnold, 1780. By H. B. Dawson, pp. 116. 8° paper, uncut. Morrisania, 1866 Only 50 copies printed. CATALOGUE /i^ ^7 /vi^p loo Andre, a tragedy in five acts as now performing at the ' Theatre in New York, (by William Dunlap), to which is added the Cow-Chace, a satirical poem by Major Andre, with the proceedings of the Court-Martial and authentic documents concerning him. pp. no. 8° cloth. London, 1799 3^ loi Andrew, John A. Address to Mass. Legislature, Jan. 9, 1863; — Valedictory Address, Jan. 4, 1866; — Eulogy on J. A. Andrew, by E. P. Whipple, 1867; — Memoir of J. A. Andrew, by P. W. Chandler, April 1880; — Cor- respondence between Andrew and Butler, 1862. 5 pamphlets. i^2, 102 Andrews, C. C. Minnesota and Uecotah; in Letters de- scriptive of a Tour through the North West, in the Autumn of 1856. pp. 215. 12° cloth. Washington, 1857 00 ^°3 Andrews, John. History of the . War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. 24 fine portraits and maps. 4 vols. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1785 104 Andrews. Letters of. 1772-1776. Compiled and edi- ted from the original MSS. By Winthrop Sargent. (Corrected in ink). 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1866 Andros, Sir Edmund. j^\ Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Complices, who acted by an illegal and arbitrary Commission from the late K. James, during his Government in New England, pp. 12. Small 4° half calf. Printed in the year 1691 106 Andros. The Revolution in New-England justified, and the People there vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, etc. pp. 59. 8° half morocco, gilt. (Title mended). Boston, 1773 ^5- 107 Andros. Memoir of. By W. H. Whitmore. Portrait. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Boston, 1868 Reprinted from Andros Tracts. 108 ^ngUara, Soljann Don. Die Schiffung mitt dem Lanndt der Gulden Insel gefunde durch Hern Johan vo Angliara, Hauptman des cristenlichen Kiinigs vo Hispania. Black £etter. pp. 6. Small 4° half roan. Circa, 1520 " Voyage to the land of the Golden Island." With a full trans- lation and notes, in manuscript, by F. B. Perkins. 109 Annapolis, Md. Annals of, from 1649 to 1812. By David Ridgely. pp. 283. Plate. 12° cloth. Baltimore, 1841 05-110 [Annesley]. Memoirs of an unfortunate young Noble- man, return'd from a Thirteen Years Slavery in Am- erica, etc. pp. 277. 16° half morocco. London, 1743 Z(c H ^"0 105 Jo 2 TS- CATALOGUE. ii CO III Anson, George. A Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-44. Compiled by Richard Walter, pp. 536. Maps. 15th ed. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1780 5-0 112 Antiquitates Americanae, sive Scriptores Septentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Edid. Societas Regia Antiq. Septentrion. pp. 479. With 17 plates, fac-similes of ancient MSS. antiquities and maps. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Hafniae, (Copenhagen), 1837 j-£> 113 Apes, William. A Son of the Forest, experience of William Apes, portrait, N. Y., 1831; — Eulogy on King Philip as pronounced at the Odeon in Federal St., Bost., frontispiece, Bost., 1836. 2 vols. 16° sheep. Apiani, Petrus. Cosmographia Petri Apiani, per Gem- mam Frisium aucta. Additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmae Frisii. With map-monde, wood-cuts, movable diagrams and an inserted portrait. Small folio, calf. Antuerpiae, 1545 / i-S" I '5 Apology for the Parliament, humbly representing to Mr. John Gailhard some Reasons, etc. In two letters by different hands, pp.43. Small 4° half calf. Lond., 1697 / 00 116 Appleton, Nathaniel. Funeral Sermon on Spencer Phips, j Esq., late Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts Bay, I April 14, 1757. pp. 43. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1757 ^ 0Q 117 Appleton, Samuel. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of some of his Descendants. By I. A. Jewett. Plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1850 00 118 Appleton, W. S. Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, who lived 1674-1731, and was wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ipswich. Small 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1870 fjg 119 Appleton. Monumental Memorials of the Appleton Family. 4° paper. Boston, 1867 Only 150 copies privately printed. (po 120 Appleton's American Cyclopaedia, and Register of impor- tant Events, 1861, 2, 3, 4. 4 vols, royal 8° half russia, gilt. New York, 1864-5 ti, 121 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Biography. American ed., edi- ted by F. L. Hawks, pp. 1058. Royal 8° half morocco, (covers broken). New York, 1856 h^i22 Arber's English Reprints. 7 vols. 16° paper, uncut. London, 1869 Comprises : — Sir Thomas More, Utopia 1516 ; — Stephen Gos- son, The Schoole of Muse, 1579; — Edward Webb, His Trauailes, 1590; — James Howell, Instructions for foreign Travell, 1642 ; — Geo. Villiers, The Rehearsal, 1671; — 'James I, Essays in Poesie, 1585. A Counterblaste to Tobacco, 1604 ; — John Earles, Micro- cosmographie, 1628. CATALOGUE. ro ^"3 //o 124 5" 00 -27 «r 125 126 %n. 127 75- 128 5- so 129 fo 130 00 13^ 132 00 133 Archaeological Institute of America. First, second, third and fifth Reports of the Executive Committee, 1879-82. 4 pamphlets. Cambridge, 1880-84 Argyll, Duke of. The Reign of Law, London, 1867; — The Science of Law, by Sheldon Amos, N. Y., 1872. 2 vols. 8° and 12° cloth. Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Translated with notes, by John Hoole. Plates after Angelica Kauffman and Stothard, engraved by Bartolozzi. 5 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1799 Aristeus. The Ancient History of \ the Septuagint. Written in Greeke, by Aristeus 1900 years since. New- ly done into English. By J. Done. pp. 219. 16° sheep. London, 1633 Arnold, Benedict. Life of. By Isaac N. Arnold, pp. 444. 8° cloth. Chicago, 1880 Arnold, Isaac N. Benedict Arnold at Saratoga, 1879; — William B. Ogden and Early Days in Chicago, 1881; — Abraham Lincoln, i88i;- — Reminiscences of the Illi- nois Bar, forty years ago, i88r; — The Layman's Faith, 1882; — Recollections of the Early Chicago and Illi- nois Bar; — Memoriam of Isaac N. Arnold and Arthur M. Arnold, 1885. 7 pamphlets. Arnold, S. G. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1790. pp. 574, 592, 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1859 Arnold, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern History, pp. 315. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 ^SCljam, Koger. The Schoolmaster, or Playne and perfite way of teaching children, to understande, write, and speake the Latin toong, etc. fol. 60. Block %ti\ZX. Printed by Abell Jeffes: London, 1589 In the same Volume: A Report and Discourse written by Roger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Germany and the Emperour Charles his Court, duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Roger was there, fol. 33. Black Cetter. Small 4° calf, red edges. At London, printed by John Daye, n. d. Ash, Thomas. Carolina; or, a Description of the Pres- ent State of that Country, pp. 40. Small 4° vellum, gilt. London, 1682 " Contains the first account of the English settlers at Port Royal." [Ashe, Thomas.] Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. pp. 366. 12° boards, uncut, (name cut from title.) New York, 181 1 CATALOGUE. 13 00 134 AsHER, A. Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his successors at Nuremberg and Franc- fort, from 1598 to 1660. pp. 118. 4° boards. London, 1839 00 135 AspiNWALL, Thomas. Catalogue of books relating to America, pp. 66. 8° half calf. 1858 136 AspiNWALL, William. An Explication and Application of the Seventh Chapter of Daniel, etc. pp. 44. Small 4° calf, yellow edges by Bedford. London, 1654 CO 137 Assembly's Catechism. The Confession of Faith, the larger and shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture Proofs at large, pp. 546, 22. 12° morocco. Glasgow, 1757 jl ^^138 AssiENTO (The); or, Contract for allowing to the Subjects of Great Britain the Liberty of Importing Negroes in- 1 to the Spanish America, signed by the King at Madrid, I March 26, 1713. In Spanish and English, pp. 48. No title, the heading on page i. Small 4° half roan. (1713)- Z lo ^39 AsTLE, Thomas. Origin and Progress of Writing, as well ' hieroglyphic as elementary. Illustrated by engravipgs taken from marbles, manuscripts and charters, ancient and modern, also some account of the origin and pro- gress of printing. PP- (25) 235. 4° calf. London, 1734 J ,j^ 140 AsTOR Library. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. 5 vols, royal 8"^ paper, uncut. j New York, 1857 7! -.^141 Atkinson, N. H. Memoirs of a New England Village Choir; with Occasional Reflections. By Mrs. Oilman. 16° morocco, gilt, (title mounted). Boston, 1829 J ^5-142 Attleborough, Mass. Sketch of the History of Attle- borough, from its settlement to the present time. By John Daggett, pp. 136. 8° boards. Dedham, 1834 / ^0 143 Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. 12° half sheep. Columbus, O., 1831 J 00 144 Aubrey, John. Letters written by Eminent Persons in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1813; — Miscellanies upon the following subjects: Fatality, Omens, Voices, Apparitions, etc. London, 1 72 1. I vol. Together 4 vols. 8° full morocco, extra. S'o 145 Austin, Benjamin, Jr. Constitutional Republicanism in Opposition to Fallacious Federalism. With a prepara- tory address by B. Austin, jun. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1803 Zl 14 CATALOGUE lo ^f 147 149 Jj'j-0 150 n [y 2s 00 '57 (,0 146 Autographic Souvenir. A collection of Autographic Letters, Interesting Documents, etc., executed in fac- simile, by F. G. Nethercliff, with transcriptions by Richard Sims, ist series. Royal 4" cloth. London. Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors. Royal 4° cloth. Baltimore, 1864 BACKUS, Isaac. A History of New England, with particular Reference to the Denomination of Chris- tians called Baptists. Vol. I. Boston, 1777. Vol. 2. Providence, 1784. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Backus. An Abridgement of the Church History of New England, from 1602 to 1804. pp. 271. 8° sheep. Boston, 1804 Bacon, Francis. Works, collected and edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas D. Heath. Portraits on India paper; the arms of Bacon in gold and colors on each title. 15 vols. 8° half morocco, (rox- burghe), gilt tops, uncut. Riverside Press: Cambridge, 1863 Large Paper; only 100 copies printed. Bacon. The Essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon. His Reli- gious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswa- sion. 24° calf extra, gilt edges. Printed at London for John Jaggard, 1613 Bacon. Essays and Colours of Good and Evil. With Notes and Glossary Index, by W. A. Wright, pp. 464. 16° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1863 Bacon. The Two Books of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning, pp. 402. 12° cloth, uncut. Pickering: London, 1825 Bacon. Personal History of, from unpublished Papers. By W. H. Dixon, pp. 424. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1861 Large Paper; only 75 copies printed. Bacon, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. With a Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne, pp. 582. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Boston, 1857 Baillie, Robert. A Disuasive from the Errours of the Time, wherein the Tenets of the principall Sects, espec- ally of the Independents, are drawn together, etc. By Robert Baylie. pp.252. Small 4° old calf. London, 1645 Baillie. Anabaptism, the true Fountaine of Indepen- dency, Brownisme, and the most of the other Errours, in a Second Part of " The Dissuasive, etc. pp. (i) 30, 191. 4° calf. London, 1647 00 151 f^o 152 31. 153 37 154 ^0 155 ►^15-0156 CATALOGUE. 15 7i-^59 00 ^58 Baillie, Robert. Letters and Journals, containing an impartial Account of Public Transactions, Civil, Ec- clesiastical, and Military, in England and Scotland, from 1637 to 1662. 2 vols. 8° calf. Edinburgh, 1775 Baker, Sir Richard. A Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land, from the Time of the Romans Government, unto the Death of King James, whereunto is added the Reign of King Charles the First, and the first Thirteen Years of King Charles the Second. Fifth impression, pp. 771 and Index. Folio, calf, gilt. London, 1670 _a^i6o Baker, W. S. The Engraved Portraits of Washington. 4° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1880 Only 500 copies printed. ^j, 161 Baker, Reed, and Jones. Biographia Dramatica; or a Companion to the Play House, with Historical Memoirs and Anecdotes, Dramatic Writers, Introductory Ac- count of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. 4 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1812 (,£, 162 Bakewell, F. C. Natural Evidence of a Future Life, pp. 372. 8° half calf. London, 1835 ,-.163 Baltimore, Md. Picture of Baltimore, containing a De- scription of all Objects of Interest in the City. pp. 249. Map and plates. 18° morocco. Baltimore, 1832 ^g 164 Bancroft, George. History of the United States. Por- traits on India paper. 10 vols, imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1861, etc. Large Paper ; only 50 copies printed. 5-^ 165 Bancroft. The same. First editions Portraits. 10 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1834-66 166 Bancroft. The same. Vols. 1-7. Various editions. Portraits. 7 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1843-58 •Tf 167 Bancroft. The same. pp. 573. Map and portraits. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1843 nj 16S Bancroft. General Index to Bancroft's History of the United States. 8° paper. Boston, 1875 169 Bancroft. Poems. First ed. pp. 77. 12° boards, un- cut edges. Cambridge, 1823 y Ifo 170 Bancroft-Reed Controversy. Joseph Reed, an histori- cal essay, by George Bancroft, pp. 64, 1869; — Rejoinder to Bancroft's Historical Essay on President Reed, by W. B. Reed, pp. 114, 1867; — President Reed of Penn- sylvania, a reply to Mr. Bancroft and others, pp. 132, 1867. 3 vols. 8° cloth and paper. New York and Phila. ^0171 Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. I. pp. 704. Map. 8° paper, uncut. San Francisco, 1882 i6 CATALOGUE. j^^y 172 Bandinel, James. Some Account of the Trade in Slaves ' from Africa as connected with Europe and America. I Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 9 L 173 Banks, Dr. C. E. Colonel Alexander Rigby, a Sketch of his Career and connection with Maine as Proprietor of , the Plough Patent and President of the Province of Lygonia. Portrait. Small 4° paper, uncut. Only 50 copies privately printed. Portland, 1885 o„ 174 Barbados. Short History of Barbados, from its first ' Discovery and Settlement, to the present time. pp. 132. 16° calf. London, 1768 ^5-^ 175 Bakbary. a Complete History of the Piratical States of Barbary, viz. : Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco. pp. 368. Map. 8° old calf. I>ondon, 1750 3 176 Barbauld, Anna L. Works of. With a Memoir by Lucy Aiken. 2 vols, sheep and i vol. boards. 3 vols. 12°. Boston, 1826 . 5^ 177 Barbe-]Marbois. Histoire de la Louisiane. po. 485. ' Map. 8° half calf. Paris, 1829 J- 178 Barbe-Marbois. History of Louisiana. Translated from the French, pp. 455. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. Phila., 1830 ^_ 179 [Barber, J. W.] Historical Scenes in the United States. Map and 48 engravings. 16° cloth. New Haven, 1827 H DC ^^° [Barber.] New England Scenes; or, a selection of im- I portant and interesting events which have taken ! place since the first settlement of New England. II- ' lustrated. 18° half morocco. New Haven, 1833 5> /xr- 4 1 7 British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books. (Titles under "America" and "American.") 28pp. Folio, j boards. London, 1883 /<2t "YS" 4^^ British Poets. A Complete Collection of the British / Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth; embracing the whole works of the most distinguished authors, accom- panied with biographical, historical and critical notices. Edited by F. J. Child. 130 vols, crown 8° cloth, un- cut. Little, Brown & Co.: Boston, 1864-7 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. The above series includes Akenside, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Byron, Campbell, Chatterton, Churchill, Coleridge, Collins, Cowper, Donne, Dryden, Falconer, Gay, Goldsmith, Gray, Herbert, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Marvell, Milton, Montgomery, Moore, Parnell, Tickell, Pope, Prior, Scott, Shakespeare, Shelley, Skelton, Southey, Spencer, Sur- rey, Swift, Thomson, Vaughan, Watts, Kirke White, Wordsworth, Wyatt, Young, and eight volumes of English and Scottish Ballads. Q 419 Britton, John. The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated; including a Memoir of Lieut. -Col. Isaac Barre. pp. 96. Portraits. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 r,,- 420 Brock, R. A. Vestry Book of Henrico Parish, Virginia, 1730-73, comprising a history of the erection of, and other interesting facts connected with the venerable St. John's Church, Richmond, Va., with notes and an in- troduction by R. A. Brock. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. Richmond, 1874 H 421 [Brodhead, J. R.] Calendar to the Holland Documents ' in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, pp. 374. 8° half calf, gilt. Albany, 1845 ^ir 422 Brodhead. History of the State of New York, 1609- I 1691. Map. pp. 801, 680. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1853-71 n^ 423 Brodie, Walter. Pitcairn's Island, and the Islanders, in ' 1850. pp. 260. Portrait. Small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1851 jO 424 Brodribb, W. J. and Besant, W. Constantinople, a Sketch of its History, from its Foundation to 1453. pp. 270. 12° cloth. London, 1879 ,2,5 425 Brooke, Henry. Fool of Quality. 5 vols. 16° sheep, (worn). London, 1792 J.Q 426 Brookfield, Mass. Sermon preached on the last day of the year, 1775, together with some marginal notes, etc., giving an account of the first settling of the Town in the year 1660, its desolation by the Indians in Philip's War, in 1675, its distresse in Queen Anne's War, and its increase and improvements to the present time. pp. 315. 8° calf. Boston, 1776 CATALOGUE. 39 X 3- ll 00 427 Brookfield. Sermon preached at Brookfield, Mar. 6, 1778, on the Day of the Interment of Mr. Joshua Spooner, who was most barbarously murdered, pp. 19, 4. Small 8° calf. Boston, 1778 ^5-428 Brookfield. Historical Discourse, Nov. 27, 1828. By Joseph I. Foot. pp. 64. 8° calf. Brookfield, 1829 429 Brookfield. Historical Discourse at West Brookfield, Nov. 27, 1828. With Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narra- tive, (1676). pp.96. 8° boards. West Brookfield, 1843 op 430 Brookfield. Discourse at the South Parish, by Micah Stone, July 23, 1812; — Communication from the Brook- field Association to the Ecclesiastical Council who or- dained Rev. Loammi I. Hoadly, 1824; — Sermon at the Dedication of the Meeting House of the Evangelical Society, Aug. 13, 1828, by M. Stone; — Sermon by Dr. Snell, June 1838; — Stone's Semi-Centennial Discourse, March 11, 1851. 5 pamphlets. ^ 431 Brookline, Mass. Proceedings at the Dedication of the Town Hall, Feb. 22, 1873, pp. 64, 1873; — Muddy River and Brookline Records, 1634-1838, pp. 703, 1875. 2 vols. 8° cloth and half morocco. Boston. 432 Brooks, Benjamin. The Lives of the Puritans. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1813 With ex-libris of George Phillips Parker. ow 433 Brooks, Charles. Laws of Reproduction, considered / with Reference to the Litermarriage of near Blood- Relations. 8° half calf, gilt. Cambridge, 1856 ^Q 434 Brooks, Rev. Charles. The Tornado of 185 1, in Med- ford, West Cambridge and Waltham, Mass. pp. 72. 18° cloth. Boston, 1852 435 Brotherhead, William. American Notes and Queries. Nos. I to 4, (all published). 8° cloth, with original wrappers bound in. Philadelphia, 1857 ^Q 436 Brotherhead. The Book of the Signers, containing fac- simile letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, illustrated also with 68 engravings of their residences, portraits, etc. pp. 113. Large folio, half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1861 Large Paper. 437 Brougham, Lord Henry. Historical Sketches of States" I men who flourished in the Time of George III,; to which are added, Remarks on the French Revolution. First, second and third series. Numerous portraits. 3 vols, royal 8" half morocco, gilt. London, 1843 7 40 CATALOGUE 5"o ^o V 2-S to 440 441 10 44 V 5"o J To 1 3ic 00 443 438 Brougham. Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the Time of George III. With portraits engraved on steel. 2 vols, royal 8° half morocco, un- cut, gilt tops. London, 1845-1847 439 Brown, Alexander. The Genesis of the United States. A series of historical manuscripts now first printed, to- gether with a reissue of rare contemporaneous tracts accompanied by bibliographical memoranda, notes and brief biographies. 100 portraits, maps and plans. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1892 Brown, Charles Brockden. Novels, comprising: Wieland, Arthur Mervyn, Ormond, Edgar Huntley, Jane Talbot and Clara Howard. 5 vols. 12° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1827 Brown, H. A. Oration delivered in Carpenter's Hall on the looth anniversary of the Meeting of the Congress of 1774. pp. 52. Royal 8'^ boards. Philadelphia, 1875 Privately printed. Brown, James. The Procedure, Extent and Limits of Human Understanding, pp. 477. 8° sheep. London, 1728 Brown. Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of Kansas and Martyr of Virginia. Edited by F. B. San- born. Portrait and plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1885 444 Brown, John. A Compendious History of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Ireland and America, pp. 418,489, (95). 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1823 445 Brown, John Carter. Bibliotheca Americana. A cata- logue of books relating to North and South America in the library of the late John Carter Brown, of Provi- dence, R. I. With notes by John Russell Bartlett. 4 vols, imperial 8° cloth. Providence, 1865-1882 Fifty copies only of the four volumes, privately printed. All were given away, and the complete work is out of print. Vol. I. comprises titles of 600 works printed between the years 1482 and 1600. Vol. II. comprises 1642 works printed between the years 1600 and 1700. Vols. III. and IV. comprise 4173 works, printed between the years 1700 and 1800. Altogether, the Catalogue is descriptive 641 5 works, printed before the present century. Vol. I. contains 121 plates and and wood-cuts, consisting of fac-similes of tit!e pages of rare books, maps, portraits, devices of early printers and vignettes. Vol. II. con- tains illustrations of the same character. Vols. III. and IV. are without pictorial illustrations. The set also contains the first editions of Vols. I. and II., which were re-issued, with large additions, as above. CATALOGUE. 41 4(> 1% o^ 5- 00 446 Brown, Rev. John. (Pastor in Haverhill.) Sermon preached at Arundel, Nov. 4, 1730, at the ordination of Rev. Thomas Prentice, pp. 30. 12° morocco. T. Fleet: Boston, 1731 Op 447 Brown, Thomas. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 vols. 8° half russia. Andover, 1822 />£) 448 Brown, William. Antiquities of the Jews. pp. 631, 526. Plates. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Philadelphia, 1823 eo 449 Brown, W. H. History of the First Locomotives in America, pp. 242. Plates. 8'' cloth. New York, 1871 ^ 450 Brown. Genealogy of a Portion of the Brown Family. 12° half roan, (broken). Providence, 1851 ^^ 451 Browne, Robert. A Booke which sheweth the Life and /^ Manner of all true Christians, etc. Small 4° morocco, gilt edges. Imprinted by Richarde Painter: Middelburgh, 1582 By Robert Browne, founder of the " Brownists." ^452 Browne, Thomas. Pseudodoxia Epidemica; or, En- quiries into very many received Tenents and commonly presumed Truths, together with the Religio Medici. Sixth ed. pp. 440,12; — Religio Medici. The seventh ed., also Observation by Sir Kenelm Digby. pp. 144. 4° calf. London, 1672 r-jj 453 Browne. Certain Miscellany Tracts, pp. 215, 6. 12° half calf. London, 1684 Qp 454 Browne. The Lives of all the Princes of Orange, from William the Great. Portraits, pp. 305. 8° calf. London, 1693 ^ 455 Browne. Christian Morals. First ed. pp. 128. i8°calf. Cambridge, 17 16 456 Browne. Works, including his Life and Correspondence; edited by Simon Wilkin, F. L. S. Portrait, pedigree, and plates. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1835-36 Best Edition. Large paper: only 50 copies printed. _. 457 Browne. Religio Medici; a Letter to a Friend ; Christian morals; Urn-Burial, and other Papers, pp. 440. Por- trait on India paper. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1862 Large paper: only 25 copies printed. CO 458 Browning, Robert. Strafford; an Historical Tragedy. First ed. pp. 131. 8° half calf, uncut. London, 1837 459 Brownists. An Apologie or Defence of such true Chris- ^° tians as are commonly (but unjustly) called Brownists // pp. 118. Small 4° panelled calf. (Title rebacked, also some leaves mended). n. p., 1604 42 CATALOGUE. v ^t 5^ oo rTo /fc 00 ^5" r S 00 b3 o2 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 2 \oo 7^ To 469 470 471 472 New York, 1876 Fine uncut copy. Cambridge, 182 1 Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. With the Supplement. 7 vols, bound in 14 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Paris, 1860-80 Brunswick, Me. History of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Me. By G. A. and H. W. Wheeler, pp. 959. Portraits and map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1878 Bryant and Gay. Popular History of the United States. pp. 583. Numerous illustrations. Vol. i. Royal 8"^ cloth. Bryant, W. C. Poems. First ed. 12° boards. With a. I. s. of the author inserted. Brydges, Samuel Egerton. Sonnets and other Poems. New edition, pp. 113. 16° half calf. London, 1795 Brydges. Restituta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived. 4 vols. 8° calf, gilt edges, (broken). London, 1814 Brydges. Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions on old English Books. Second ed. 10 vols, in 5. 8° half russia, gilt, uncut edges, gilt tops. London, 1815 Brydges. Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Con- temporaries of. pp. 424, 431. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8° tree calf, gilt. London, 1834 Bucaniers. History of the Bucaniers of America, con- taining, I: The Exploits of the Grand, Lolonois, Roche Brasiliano, etc. II: The dangerous Voyage of Capt. Sharp, Watlin, Sandlims, and others. Ill: Journal of a Voyage into the South Sea by the Freebooters of America, from 1684 to 1689, etc. 25 maps and plates. 8° calf. London, 1704 Buchanan, Georgio. Rerum Scoticarum Historia, Libris XX. — De Jure Regni apud Scotos. pp. 721. 12° sheep. Francofurti, 1584 With autographs " Joseph Dudley, his booke." Wm. Dudley's booke. Buchanan, James. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians, pp. 371. 8° half morocco, extra, uncut edges, gilt top. London, 1824 Buck, Edward. Massachusetts Ecclesiastical Law. pp. 310. 12° cloth. Boston, 1866 Buckingham, Duke of. The Chances, a comedy, pp. iii. Frontispiece 16° calf. London, 1735 CATALOGUE. 43 i^f^ 473 Buckingham. Letters of the Duke and Duchess of Buck- ingham, chiefly addressed to King James I of England, pp. 39. 16° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1834 Only 40 copies printed. _n L r-474 Buckingham, J. T. Miscellanies. 2 vols, in i; — Speci- mens of Newspaper Literature. 2 vols. ; — Personal Memoirs. 2 vols. Portrait. Together 5 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1822-1852 PP 475 BuGG, Francis. The Picture of Quakerism drawn to the Life; — Brief History of the Rise, Growth, and Pro- gress of Quakerism, pp. 124, 196. Bound together. 16° sheep, (shaken). London, 1697 The author deserted the Friends Society about 1684. ^-Q 476 BuGG. The Pilgrim's Progress, from Quakerism to Christianity. Second ed. Portrait and plate, pp. 352. 12° half morocco, red edges. London, 1700 1, 477 BuLKELEV, Peter. The Gospel Covenant; or the Coven- ant of Grace opened. Preached in Concord in New England, pp. 381, 4. Small 4° calf. London, 1646 yj, 478 Bullock, A. H. Addresses before Alumni of Amherst College, July 8, 1863; — Address at Williams College, Aug. I, 1864; — Valedictory Address, Jan. 7, 1869; — Intellectual Leadership in American History, 1875; — Centennial Situation of Woman, 1876. 5 pamphlets. /O 479 Bunker Hill. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. pp. 174. Plates. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1875 // c{o 480 Bunker Hill. Particular Account of the Battle of Bun- ker or Breed's Hill, by Alden Bradford, pp. 26, 1825; — History of the Battle, by Charles Coffin, pp. 36, 1835; — Account of the Battle, by H. Dearborn, pp. 12, i8i8; — Oration in Commemoration of the Battle, by G. E. Ellis, pp. 72, 1841; — History of the Battle, by G. E. Ellis, pp. 69, 1875; — The Battle, by William Emmons, pp. 144, 1859; — Battle-Field of Bunker Hill, by Froth- ingham, pp. 46, 1876; — The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, pp. 56, 1850; — Battle of Bunker Hill, pp. 136, 1875, by Frothingham; — Doubts Concerning the Battle, by Hudson, pp. 41, 1857; — Swett's History of Bunker Hill Battle, pp. 58, Notes to his Sketch, pp. 34, 1825-7; — Who was Commander, by S. Swett, pp. 39, 1850; — Col. William Prescott, the Commander, by F. J. Parker, pp. 21, 1875; — Stories about Gen. Warren, etc., 1835; — New History of the Battle, by W. W. Wheildon, pp. 56, 1875; — Magazine Article on Battle of Bunker Hill. Together 17 vols. 8° and 12° cloth and boards. 44 CATALOGUE. /T^ 481 Bunker Hill. A Collection of the Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Monument Association at the Annual Meetings, held on the seventeenth of June, from 187 1 to 1889, inclusive. Bound in 10 vols. 8° half morocco, cloth and paper. Cambridge, 1871-89 /o 482 Bunker Hill. Celebrations by the Bunker Hill Monu- ment Association of the Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1850 and 1857; — Inauguration of the Statue of Warren, June 17, 1857. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston. 2j) 483 Bunker Hill. Original Planing and Construction of Bun- ker Hill Monument, pp. 11, 1863; — History of the Bunker Hill Monument, pp. 2;^, 1853. 2 vols. 8° boards. ►75- 484 BuNN, Alfred. Old England and New England, in a Se- / ries of Views taken on the Spot. pp. 315. 12° half roan. Philadelphia, 1853 I ^Q 485 BuNYAN, John. The Barren Fig-Tree. pp. 143. Wood- cut portrait. 18° sheep. London, 1762 ; <^r 486 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come. Sixteenth ed. pp. 205. Wood-cuts. 18° half morocco, uncut. London, 1707 r- 487 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. The second part. Seventeenth ed. pp. 166. Wood-cuts. 18° cloth. Boston, 1744 ^c- 488 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. With a Life of the Author, by Robert Southey. pp. 411. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 h^c 489 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that / which is to Come. pp. 354. Portrait and rubricated title. 8° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1849 Am 490 BuNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress. A New Edition, with / a Memoir by J. M. Hare. pp. 336. Illustrations. 12° cloth. London, 1853 491 BuNYAN. 'Phe Pilgrim's Progress. A Fac-simile Repro- duction of the First Ed. pp. 205. Wood-cuts. Small 8° cloth. London, 1875 /O 492 BuNYAN. Profitable Meditations; a Poem. Now first reprinted from a unique Copy, and edited with intro- duction and notes by George Offor. pp. 21, 47. Small 4° half roan. London, i860 00 493 BuRDiCK, William. Oration on the Nature and Effects of the Art of Printing, July 5, 1802. pp. 31. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1801 00 CATALOGUE. 45 c2 / 3o 494 BuRDiCK. Massachusetts Manual, or Political and His- torical Register for 1814-15. pp. 219. 12° boards. Boston, 1814 Yf- 495 [Burgess, George.] Pages from the Ecclesiastical His- tory of New England, 1740-1840. 12° paper. Boston, 1847 , 496 BuRGOYNE, General. Substance of his Speeches, on May 26 and 28, 1778; with an Appendix containing General Washington's Letter to General Burgoyne, etc. pp. 42, 6. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1778 With numerous notes in the handwriting of John Wilkes. j2_5- 497 Burgoyne. A Letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his Constituents upon his late Resignation; with the Cor- respondence between the Secretaries of War and Him, relative to his return to America. Fourth ed. pp. 37. 8° half roan. London, 1779 ^o oo49^ Burgoyne. A Statement of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieutenant Gen- eral Burgoyne, and verified by evidence; with a Collec- tion of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House Written and collected by himself, pp. 140, 62. Maps and plates. 4° calf. Bookplate of Sir Henry Mainwaring, Esq. London, 1780 ,5-499 Burgoyne. A Supplement to the State of the Expedition from Canada, containing General Burgoyne's orders, re- specting the Principal Movements, and Operations of the Army to the Raising of the Siege of Ticonderoga. London, 1780. pp. 26. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Only 75 copies reprinted. New York, 1865 PP 500 Burgoyne. Dramatic and Poetical Works of, to which i are prefixed. Memoirs of the Author, pp. 248, 235. Plates. 2 vols. 8° russia, gilt. London, 1808 I Large paper. j^ 501 BuRiLLViLLE, R. I. Burillvillc, as it Was, and as it Is. By Horace A. Keach. pp. 167. (2 copies.) 16° cloth. Providence, 1856 3l,o~o 5°^ BuRK, John D. History of Virginia from the first Settle- • ment to the present day. 4 vols. 8° half crimson mo- rocco, gilt. Petersburg, 1804-05-16 The fourth volume is rarely found, as nearly all the copies were de- stroyed by fire. / fo ^°^ BuRK. Some Materials to serve for a brief Memoir of John Daly Burk, Author of a History of Virginia. Ed- ited by Charles Campbell, pp. 123. 8° cloth. Albany, 1868 Two autograph letters of the author inserted. / 7^ 46 CATALOGUE. J <25'Zo 5°"^ Burke, Edmund. Works of. Revised edition. Portrait , on India paper. 12 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. -_ 505 Burke. An Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. 8° calf. Second ed. London, 1758 506 Burke. An Account of the European Settlements in America. First American ed. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1835 / o 507 BuRLAMAQUi, J. J. The Principles of Natural and Poli- tic Law. Translated by Mr. Nugent, pp. 424. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1792 c-^ 508 BuRLiNGAME, Anson. Defence of Massachusetts, Speech in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. pp. T,2,- Portrait. 8° cloth. Privately printed : Cambridge, 1856 ^Q 509 Burn, J. L. The Fleet Registers; comprising the His- tory of Fleet Marriages, and some Account of the Par- sons and Marriage-House Keepers, pp. 123. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 P£j 510 BuRNABY, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in the Years 1759 and 1760. pp. 206. 16° sheep, (broken). Dublin, 1775 r-Q 511 BuRNABY. The samc, with observations upon the state of the colonies, pp. (8), 106. 4° half roan, uncut. London, 1775 ^Q 512 BuRNABY. The same. pp. 199. 8° stitched. London, 1775 ^jr- 513 BuRNABY. The same. Map and plate. Third ed. 4° calf. London, 1798 xy 514 Burnet, Gilbert. History of his own Time, from the Restoration of Charles II to the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht. New edition, with notes and 51 portraits. pp. 949, 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 _2p 515 Burnet. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New edition, with notes and 47 portraits, pp. 864, 508. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 516 Burnet. Some Passages in the Life and Death of John Earl of Rochester, pp. 182. Portrait. 12° cloth. London, 1875 Facsimile of original edition of 1680. ^r- 517 Burney, James. A Chronological History of North- Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the early Eastern I Navigations of the Russians, pp. 310. 8° calf. London, 1819 CATALOGUE. 47 /jI^q 518 Burns. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Kil- ! marnock: Printed by John Wilson, 1786. pp. 240. Fac-simile reprint of the original edition. 8° boards, uncut. (J. McKie: Kilmarnock, 1867) Only 600 copies printed. ^00519 Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. The third ed. pp. 372. Portrait. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1787 QQ 520 Burns. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. New edition, considerably enlarged, pp. 237, 287. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1798 / ^^521 Burns. Select Scotish Songs, ancient and modern. Edi- ted by R. H. Cromek. pp. 230, 270. 2 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1810 ^0 522 Burns. Poetical Works of. With notes illustrative of his Poems, and an account of his life. By Gilbert Burns, pp. 631. Portrait. 8° sheep. Phila.. 1823 00 5^3 l^URNS. Tarn O'Shanter and Souter Johnny, a Poem. Illustrated by Thomas Landseer. pp. 16. 12° boards. London, 1830 %*i 524 Burns. Works of, with Life by Allan Cunningham, pp. I 807. Portrait and plates. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 ^Q 525 Burns. Poems and Songs. With life by James Currie. pp. 575. Frontispiece. 18° cloth, uncut. London, n. d. / 5'o 5^^ Burns. Celebration of the looth Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns, by the Boston Burns' Club, January 25, 1859. pp. 84. 12° cloth. Boston, 1859 ^Q 527 Burr. Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the United States), for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a military expedition against Mexico, a territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at peace, etc., etc. By David Robertson, pp. 596, 539. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, red tops. Phila., 1808 J .5-/5 528 Burr. Life of Harman Blennerhassett, comprising an authentic narrative of the Burr Expedition. By W. H. Safford, plate, pp. 239, Chillicothe, 1850; — Margaret Moncrieffe, the first love of Aaron Burr, by Charles Burdett, plate, pp. 437, N. Y., i860. 2 vols. 12° cloth. ^ 529 [Burroughs, Edward.] A Declaration of the sad and / ' great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, \ called Quakers, in New-England, for the worshipping of God, etc. pp. 32. Small 4° claret morocco, extra, gilt top. London, (1661) 7^532 48 CATALOGUE. J Vo 53° Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs of. First ed. 8° calf, uncut edges. Hanover, N. H., 1798 •yx- 531 Burroughs. The same, (with additions). 18° cloth. ' New York, 1852 Burton, John. The Genuineness of L*^ Clarendon's His- tory of the Rebellion vindicated, pp. 173. 8° calf. Oxford, I 744 With other tracts bound in. -. 533 Burton, John Hill. Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland, pp. 310, 319. 2 vols. 12° cloth. London, 1852 N/r534 [Burton, R.] The English Empire in America, or a / " Prospect of His Majesties' Dominions in the West In- dies. Map and plate, pp. 209. 18° sheep (broken.) London, 1685 L2. 535 Burton, Richard. The History of the House of Orange, or, a brief Relation of the Glorious and Magnanimous Achievements of His Majesty's renowned Predecessors, together with the History of William and Mary, etc. New ed. pp. 144. Frontispiece. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Westminster, 1814 Large Paper. Only 50 copies printed. 536 [Burton, Robert.] The Anatomy of Melancholy. En- graved titles, pp. 461, 612. 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1826 ^ 537 Burton. The Anatomy of Melancholy. By Democritus Junior. New ed., corrected, with an Account of the Author, pp. 583, 612. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1837 538 [Burton, Rev. Warren.] The District School as it was. 1.8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1833 ^Q 539 Bush, G. G. Harvard the first American University. Plates. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1886 ^ 540 Butler, Charles. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics, since the Reformation. Third ed. 4 vols. 8° tree calf, extra, by Riviere. London, 1822 r5' 541 Butler. Reminiscences. Fourth ed. pp. 404, 291. 2 vols, in I. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1824 542 Butler, Rev. Joseph. Works of, with a Preface, giving some Account of the Character and Writings of the Author, by Samuel Halifax, pp. 340, 357. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. Oxford, 1849 Jl 00 CATALOGUE. 49 J^roo 543 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, written in the Time of the late Wars. Parts i and 2. pp. 268, 216. 2 vols, in i. Small 8° full crushed levant morocco extra, inside tool- ing, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed by F. G. for Richard Harriot, 1663. Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, 1664 This is the genuine Author's first Edition. NaO 54"^ Butler. Hudibras. The second Part 1664. pp. 216. The third and last Part, 1678. pp. 285. 2 vols, small 8° morocco, gilt edges. London. Genuine first editions. 34 00 545 Butler. Hudibras. The first Part. 1663. pp. 128. The second Part. 1664. pp. 125. 2 vols. 16° morocco, gilt edges. London, 1663-4 First editions, published at the same time with the author's edition, but in a cheaper form, probably to compete in cheapness with the spurious edition. /S" o# 546 Butler. Hudibras. The first Part. pp. 125. 16° mo- rocco, gilt edges. London, printed in the year 1663 The earliest edition of Hudibras, printed (surreptitiously) before the author's edition was published by Marriot in the same year. %0 547 Butler. Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse, pp. 243, 18. Portrait after Sir Peter Lilly. 18° calf. London, 17 15 ^^548 Butterfield, C. W. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart on the March with his Company from Connecticut to Fort Pitt, Sept. to October, 1785. pp. 94. Small 4'^ paper, uncut. Albany, 1885 Only i 50 copies printed. 3 5*0 549 Buxton, Me. Address at the First Centennial Celebra- tion, by N. W. Williams, pp. 34, 1850; — Records of the Church of Christ during the pastorate of Paul Coffin, pp. 88, 1868; — Records of the Proprietors of Narraganset Township, No. i, now the town of Buxton from Aug. i, 1733 to Jan. 4, 1811, by W. F. Goodwin, pp. 400, 1871, (privately printed); — Report of the Proceedings at the Celebration of the First Centennial Anniversary of the town of Buxton, Aug. 14, 1872, by J. W. Marshall, pp. 288, 1874; — Semi Centennial of York County Confer- ence, June 4-5, 1872, pp. 119, 1876. 5 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Portland. j2 QD 55° Byfield, Nathaniel. An Account of the late Revolution in New England, together with the Declaration of the I , Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, April 18, 1689. pp. 20. Small 4° blue morocco, gilt edges by Hayday. London, i68q < CATALOGUE. 7 r 551 3 2.5" V /V ^ iDO CO / 5" ^r / 00 /3 00 o o 552 553 /o 5-0 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 563 Byfield, Nicholas. The Principall Grounds of Christian Religion, pp. 22. London 1625; — Byfield, Richard. A Candle lighted at the Lamp of Sacred Scriptures. In one volume. 18° russia, gilt. London, 1627 Byles, Mather. The Character of the Perfect and Up- right Man, etc. pp. 27. Portrait inserted. 8° calf. S. Gerrish: Boston, 1729 Byles. God Glorious in the Scenes of the Winter. Ser- mon preached in Boston, Dec. 23, 1744. pp. 14. 16° calf. B. Green & Co. : Boston, 1744 Byrd, William. The Westover Manuscripts, containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina, etc. pp. 143. Royal 8° boards. Petersburg, 1841 Byrd. The History of the Dividing Line between Vir- ginia and North Carolina, as run in 1728-29. pp. 233, 276. 2 vols, royal 4° boards. Richmond, 1866 Large Paper. Only 40 copies privately printed. Byron, John. Narrative of. Containing an Account of the great Distresses suffered by himself and Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-46. pp. 257. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1768 Byron, Lord. Poems, original and translated. Second ed. pp. 174. Frontispiece. 8° cloth. Newark, (Eng.), 1808 Byron. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. First American Edition, pp. 86. 8° half roan. Phila, 1811 Byron. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire, pp. 126. Imperial 4° boards, uncut. New York, 1865 Large Paper. Only 75 copies. Byron. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with No- tices of his Life. By Thomas Moore. Third ed. Por- traits and plates. 3 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1833 Byron. Conversations on Religion with Lord Bryon and Others. By James Kennedy, pp. 461. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 C ABECAdeVaca. Relacion of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Por- trait. Imperial 8° cloth. New York, 187 1 Only 100 copies privately printed. A new edition, with many im- portant additions. 564 Cabot. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery. 8° sheep. Phila., 1831 565 Cabot. The same. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1832 CATALOGUE 51 2.f 566 Cabot. The Remarkable Life, Adventures and Discover- ies of Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol. By J. F. Nichols. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1869 >y|oc 5^7 Cabot. La Vera Patria di Nicolo de' Conti edi Giovanni Caboto, di C. Bullo. pp. 91. Chioggia, 1880, (2 copies); — Giovanni E. Sebastiano Cabota, notizie, di Augusto Zeri. pp. II. Roma, 1881; — Intorno a Giovanni Caboto Genovese, Scopritore del Labrodor e di altre regioni dell' Alta America settentrionale, di Carnelio Desimoni. pp. 63. Geneva, 1881. 4 pamphlets. 5-Q 568 Cadets. Divisionary Corps of Cadets First Division M. V. M. Roll, — Constitution, — Bill of Dress, pp. 60, printed on one side only. 8° half morocco, uncut. Boston, i860 Only 30 copies privately printed. ^^ 569 Cairnes, J. E. The Slave-Power; its character, career and probable designs, pp. 171. 8° cloth. New York, 1862 J) 570 Calamy, Edmund. The Nonconformist's Memorial, be- ing an Account of the Ministers, who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration, particularly by the Act of Uniformity, Aug. 24, 1662. New edition by Samuel Palmer. Numerous brilliant portraits, pp. 551 (30,) 648(36.) 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt (rebacked). London, 1775 I 5 5-571 Calamy. Historical Account of my own Life, with some Reflections on the Times I have lived in, 1671-1731. Edited, with notes, by J. T. Rutt. pp. 501, 561. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8° half russia. London, 1829 n 572 Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invisible World; or, The Wonders of the Invisible World, Displayed in Five Parts. Part I. An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule, Written by the Reverend Mr. C. M. Part II. Several Letters to the Author, etc. And his Reply relating to Witchcraft. Part III. The Differ- ences between the Inhabitants of Salem-Village, and Mr. Parris, their Minister in New England. Part IV. Let- ters of a Gentleman uninterested. Endeavoring to prove the received Opinions about Witchcraft to be Orthodox. With short Essays to their Answers, etc. pp. 156, with the scarce errata (mounted) and a fac-simile of an au- tograph note of the Author. Also a fac-simile title in- serted. Small 4° antique morocco. London, 1700 "This writer deserves unbounded praise for having withstood the delusion of his time. In his discussion with Cotton Mather, he is as superior to him in reasoning as he was in good sense and courage. This book was burnt at Harvard College by order of the President, Increase Mather." K 7 00 52 CATALOGUE. ^ ty-jj 573 Calef. More Wonders of the Invisible World, etc. 12° calf. (2 leaves slightly damaged and neatly mended.) Reprinted: Salem, 1796 «2 5"o 574 Calef. The same. 12° half morocco. Salem, 1823 / "in 575 Calef. The same. 18° sheep. Boston, 1828 I 2^r- 576 Calcoen. a Dutch Narrative of the Second Voyage of of Vasco de Gama to Calicut, printed at Antwerp circa 1504. With introduction and translation by J. P. Ber- jeau. Black letter reprint, with fac-simile map. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1874 577 Calhoun, John C. Works of. 6 vols. 8° half calf. New York, 1853 / 578 Callendar, John. Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England and America, from 1638 to the End of the first Century, pp. 120. 12° morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1736 Id 579 Calmet, A. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Eighth ed. Revised by Edward Robinson, pp. 1003. Maps and engravings. Royal 8° sheep. Boston, 1837 S iL5" 5^° Cambridge, Mass. Two Hundred Years Ago; or, a brief history of Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, with no- tices of some of the early settlers. By (Mrs.) S. S. S(impson). Plate. 16° cloth. Boston, 1859 Suppressed by her family and relatives. With a. I. s. of Lucius R. Paige, historian of Cambridge, relating to the book, inserted. . /s 581 Cambridge. Atlas of the City of Cambridge, Mass. By G. M. Hopkins. r8 maps. Atlas folio, half roan. Phila, 1886 o 582 Cambridge. Memorial to the Men of Cambridge who fell in the First Battle of the Revolutionary War; — Pro- ceedings, July 3, 1875, in Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Washington's taking command of the Continental Army; — Proceedings at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument, June 1869; — Exercises in Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1880. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1870-81 . p 583 Cambridge. Lectures on the History of the First Church in Cambridge. By A. McKenzie, pp. 289, 1873; — An Account of the Controversy in the First Parish in Cam- bridge , 1827-29. pp. 58, 1829. 2 vols. 12° cloth and boards. Boston. nj^ 584 Cambridge, Mass. Historical and Miscellaneous Pamph- lets, relating to. (19). CATALOGUE. 53 3p 585 Cambridge. Farewell Sermon, Dec. 8, 1833, by W. Newell; — Discourse on the Cambridge Church Gath- ering, Feb. 22, 1846, by W. Newell; — Account of some of the Bridges over Charles River, by William Newell. 3 vols. 8° half roan. Cambridge. 5o 00 5^^ Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church-Discipline, ' gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by y the Elders and Messengers of the Churches assembled . An exact List of the Names of those pretended Judges who sate, and sentenced our late Sovereigne King Charles the First; — Short History of Charles H. Fine portrait. In i vol. 16° sheep. London, 1660 / lir ^77 Charles I. King Charles the First's Declaration to his Subjects concerning Lawful Sports to be used on Sun- days, 1633. pp. 17. 8° half roan, uncut. Reprinted at the Chiswick Press: 1862 Only 100 copies issued. / XT ^7^ Charles I. Eikon Basilike. Reprint of the Edition of 1648 with an introduction by Edward J. L. Scott. Plate. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1880 JiS'6'jg Charles II. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty -n King Charles II. pp. 308. 12° calf, (lacking pp. 309- 316). Printed in the year, 1694 3p 680 Charleston, S. C. Special Services held at St. Philip's Church, May 12 and 13, 1875, in Commemoration of the Planting of the Church of England in the Province of Carolina, pp. 172. 8° paper. Charleston, 1876 cU 5-681 Charlestown, Mass. History of. By Richard Froth- ingham. pp. 368. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, covers bound in. Boston, 1845 ^■^^682 Charlestown. A Century of Town Life. A history of Charlestown, Mass., 1775-1887. By J. F. Hunnew^ell. Plates. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1888 683 Charlestown. History of the Harvard Church in Char- lestown, 1815-1879; — History of First Church. By W. I. Budington. 2 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Bostonj 1845-1879 684 Charlevois, F. X. de. Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique d'un C Voyage fait dans I'Amerique septentrionale. Nu- merous maps. 7 vols. 12° calf. Paris, 1744 ID 15* ^^^ Charlevoix. Journal of a Voyage to North America, containing the geographical description and natural his- tory of that country, particularly Canada. Map. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1761 00 10 62 CATALOGUE 6 Hh o CD OD ^ 5-0 %2. j-Q 686 Charlevoix. History and General Description of New France. Translated, with notes, by John Gilmary Shea. 6 vols, imperial 4° boards. New York, 1866-70 Large Paper. 687 Chastellux. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, 1781 and 1782. By the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the forty members of the French Academy, and Major General in the French Army, serving under the Count de Rochambeau. Translated from the French by an English gentleman, who resided in America at that period. With notes by the translator, pp. 462, 432. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1787 688 Chastellux. Travels in North America in the years 1780-82. pp 416. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1827 689 Chateaubriand, Viscount de. Sketches of English Liter- ature, pp. 356, 361. Second ed. 2 vols. 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1837 690 Chatham. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chat- ham. Edited by W. S. Taylor and J. H. Pringle. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1840 691 Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical Works of, with notices of his life, history of the Rowley controversy, etc. pp. 728. Plate. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1842 692 Chaucer, Goeffrey. Canterbury Tales. A new Text, with illustrative notes, by Thomas Wright, pp. 226. Portrait. 8° cloth. (London.) 693 Chauncy, Charles. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. (Title repaired.) Boston, 1743; — The Salvation of All Men. London 1784; — A Compleat View of Episcopacy. Boston 1771; — Twelve Sermons. Boston 1765; — The Benevolence of the Deity. Boston 1784; — Five Dissertations on the Fall. London 1785. 6 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt. 694 Chauncy. Thanksgiving Sermon for the Reduction of Cape Breton, under the command of the Hon. William Pepperrell, July 18, 1745. pp. 23. 8° half roan. Boston, 1745 695 Chauncy. Discourse on a Day of Thanksgiving for the Repeal of the Stamp-Act, July 24, 1766. pp. 32. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1766 696 Chauncy. Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. Joseph Bowman, Aug. 31, 1762. pp. 50.; — Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, 1766. pp. 40. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 7^ 3 [If IcD CATALOGUE. 63 2^5-697 Chauncy. a Letter to a Friend, containing remarks on certain passages in a sermon, by the Bishop of Landaff, Feb. 20, 1767, in which the highest reproach is unde- servedly cast upon the American colonies, pp. 56. 8° stitched. Boston, 1767 / 00 ^9^ Cheever, G. B. American Common-Place Book of Poetry, pp. 405. 16° half calf. Boston, 1831 / 5"ft ^99 Cheever. The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620. Second ed. pp. 369. Small 8° cloth. New York, 1848 / 12-5" 7°° Cheever. The Dream; or true history of Deacon 'Giles' distillery, and Deacon Jones' brewery, pp. 16. Illus- trations. Royal 8° half morocco. New York, 1859 % 6e> 7°^ Chelmsford, Mass. History of, from 1653 to 1820. To which is added a Memoir of the Pawtucket Tribe of Indians. By Wilkes Allen, pp. 192. 8° half roan. Haverhill, 1820 702 [Cheney, Harriet V.] A Peep at the Pilgrims in sixteen hundred and thirty-six. 2 vols, in i. 8° calf. Boston, 1824 ee 7°3 Chester, J. L. The Marriage, Baptismal and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster, pp. 631. Imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. London, 1876 Private Edition. ^ 704 Chesterfield. The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. Edited with notes, by Lord Mahon. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 /9 7°5 [Child, Francis J.] Childe Harvard, a Romance of Cam- bridge. By Seiior Alguno. New edition, pp. 186. 12° boards, (title damaged). Boston, 185 1 ju pQ 706 Child. English and Scottish Ballads. 8 vols. 8° full blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Boston, i860 Large Paper. n^1°1 Child, John. New England's Jonas cast up at London, ~1 1647. AVith an introduction and notes by W. T. R. Marvin, pp. 52, 40. 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1869 Only 150 copies printed. Nearly all the copies of this book were burned in the fire of 1872. I ^j- 708 Child, Sir Josiah. A New Discourse of Trade, pp. 238. 12° sheep. London, 1698 / IX'!°9 Child. The same. Fourth ed. pp. 232. 12° calf. London, n. d. ^^710 Child. The same. New ed. pp. 224. 12° calf. London, 1775 64 C A T A L O G U E 2 I I I'h A e- 711 Child, Mrs. L. M. Hobomok, a tale of early times; — Philothea, a romance; — History of the Condition of Women in various Ages and Nations. 4 vols. 12° half calf and half morocco. Boston, 1824-40 t^ 712 Chittenden, L. E. Report of the Debates and Proceed- ings in the secret Sessions of the Peace Convention of 1861. 8° cloth. New York, 1864 5~n 7^3 Choate, Rufus. Reminiscences of Rufus Choate. By Edward G. Parker. Portrait. 8° cloth. New York, i860 ^ 714 Christian, Bolivar. The Scotch-Irish Setlers in the Val- ley of Virginia, pp. 38. 8'' boards. Richmond, i860 715 Christian Examiner and Theological Review. Vols, i to 71. 1824-1862. 35 vols, half calf and 37 vols, in parts. Together 72 vols. 8°. (Lacks Mar. 1852.) Boston, 1824-62 — 716 Christian Examiner, 1881 to 1897, irregular. 671 num- bers 8° paper. Ic 7^7 Christian Examiner. Index to the Christian Examiner, volumes 1-87. 1824-1869. By W. Gushing. 8° cloth. Boston, 1S79 PQ 718 Christian Plea (A) for Christians Baptisme, raised from the grave of Apostasie. By L. C. pp. 31. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1643 y "2^ 719 Christina of Denmark. Memories of Leonora Chris- tina, daughter of Christian IV of Denmark. Written during her imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copen- hagen, 1663-1685. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Por- trait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1872 ^g 720 Chronological Abridgement of the History of England, its constitution and laws, from the Norman Conquest to the Revolution in 1688. 8° half morocco. London, 1815 10 721 Chubb, Thomas. A Collection of Tracts on various Sub- jects, pp. 474. Royal 4° calf. London, 1730 xtq 722 Church, Dr. Benjamin. An Oration delivered March 5, 1773, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 20. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1773 ^/r723 Church, Benjamin. The History of King Philip's War; — The History of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689. '90, '92, '96 and 1704 against the Indians and French. With an introduction and notes, by H. M. Dexter. 2 maps. Small 4° half morocco. Boston, 1867 Only 250 copies printed. CATALOGUE. 65 /3 5-0 724 Church, Thomas. Entertaining Passages Relating to Philip's War which began in the Month of June, 1675, as also of Expeditions more lately made against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern parts of New England; with some account of the Divine Providence towards Benj. Church, Esq. Second ed. pp. 198, (i). With rare original portrait of Philip King engraved by Paul Revere. Small 4° sheep. Newport, 1772 The portrait of Col. Benj. Church, by Paul Revere, is of a later im- pression. 00 725 Church. History of King Philip's War. With an index, notes, and an appendix by S. G. Drake, pp. 304. Por- trait, (mended.) 12° sheep. Boston, 1825 ^^2, 726 Church. The same. Second ed. pp. 360. Plates. 12° calf. Boston, 1827 •15-727 Church. The same. pp. 360. Revised edition. 12° ' sheep. Cooperstown, 1846 ^^728 Chyttraeus, Nathane. Variorum in Europe itinerum Deliciae; seu et variis Manuscriptis selectiora tantum Inscriptionum maxime recentium Monumenta. pp. 846. 12° vellum. Herbornse, 1594 Contains, on pp. 773-795 the Latin text of the Cabot map of 1544. ^Q 729 Chyttraeus. The same. Editio Tertia. pp. 655. 12° vel- lum. Apud Christophorum Corvinum, 1606 ^. 730 Gibber, Colley. Plays, 2 vols.; — Apology for the Life of, I vol. Portrait. 3 vols, royal 4° half calf. London, 1721-40 ^- 731 Gibber. An Apology for the Life of Colley Gibber, come- dian, with an historical view of the stage during his own time. Fourth ed. pp. 324, 303. Portrait. 2 vols. 16° half morocco. (Name cut from titles.) London, 1756 ♦^5-732 Gibber. Apology for the Life of. Written by Himself, ' and interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. New edition, by Edmund Belchambers. pp. 514, 7. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1822 733 Cicero. Marcus Tubus Ciceroe's three books of dueties, to Marcus his sonne, turned out of latine into English, by Nicolas Grimalde, whereunto the latine is adioyned. Fol. 169. Black C.eUer. Square 18° russia. Rychard Tottill : London, 1558 J -.734 Cicero. Political Works of. Translated by Francis Bar- ham, pp. 322, 281. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. ' London, 1841 66 CATALOGUE 6l 1 / g- 3% 735 fo 737 3o 738 U5 739 ro 740 00 741 a 742 743 12° sheep. Cincinnati in 1826. pp. 100. Plates. Cincinnati in i 12° cloth. .1, i:l XS 744 00 745 5-0 746 uro747 to 748 ^749 Cicero. Cato Major; or, a Treatise on Old Age. Trans- lated by Mr. Logan. 16° half calf. Glasgow, 1751 Cincinnati, Ohio. Natural and Statistical View, or Pic- ture of Cincinnati. By Daniel Drake, pp. 251. Map. Cincinnati, 1815 By B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 12° half morocco, uncut. Cincinnati, 1827 By Charles Cist. pp. 300. Plate. Cincinnati, 1841 Cincinnati. Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 185 1. By Charles Cist. pp. 363. Plates. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1851 Cincinnati. Directory for 1829. Map. 16° boards, Cincinnati, 1829 Cincinnati. Record of the Distribution and sale of Lots in the Town of Losantiville (now Cincinnati), 1789. 8° boards, uncut. n. p. Cist, Charles. Cincinnati Miscellany, or Antiquities of the West. Vol. i, from Oct. i, 1844 to April i, 1845. pp. 272. 8° boards. Cincinnati, 1845 Clap, Capt. Roger. Memoirs of, relating some of God's remarkable providence to him, in bringing him into New England, etc. ; with a short account of the author and his family, pp. 34, 10. 18° russia, gilt. B. Green: Boston, 1731 Clap. Memoirs of. pp.39. 8° stitched. Boston, 1807 Clap, Thomas. The Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College in New Haven in the Colony of Connecticut, pp. 20. Small 4° calf. T. Green: New London, 1754 Autograph of John Lathrop on title. Clarendon. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. New edition, illustrated with 56 portraits, pp. 1364. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1843 Clarendon. Life and Administration of Edward, First Earl of Clarendon. By T. H. Lister. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 Claridge, John. The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules, to judge of the Changes of the Weather. Second ed. pp. 54. I 2° half sheep, (cracked.) London, 1748 Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connection with Aaron Burr. pp. 199. 8° morocco, gilt. Phila., 1S09 CATALOGUE. 67 P 750 Clark, John. Ill Nevves troiu Xew England. London, L Wf 1652. pp. 113. 8° cloth. (Reprint): Boston. ' 5 751 Clark, Jonas. A Sermon preached at Lexington, April 19, 1776, to commemorate the Concord Fight, April i9» 1775- PP- 32, 7- 8° boards. (Reprint): Boston, 1776 55-752 Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times; being a series of historical sketches relative to Onondaga, with notes on the several towns in the county and Oswego, pp. 402, 393. Portraits and map. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. Syracuse, 1849 fci/753 Clarke, Mrs. Cowden. The Complete Concordance to Shalcspere. Imperial 8° morocco. New York, 1846 75" 754 Clarke, James Freeman. Events and Epochs in Relig- ious History, pp. 402. Illustrations. 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1881 S'O 755 Clarke, John. Letters to a Student in the University of Cambridge, Mass. (Written to John Pickering); — Occasional Sermons. 2 vols. 12° and i6° sheep and morocco. Boston, 1796-1804 So 756 Clarke. Services at the Funeral of Martha, Wife of Hovey K. Clarke, Detroit, June 3, 1869. Portrait. 4° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1869 3o 757 Clarke, Mary Anne. The Rival Princes; or, a faithful narrative of Facts relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's politi- cal acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Mayor Dodd, etc. pp. 180. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1810 758 Clarke, Samuel. Discourses, being 16 sermons preached at St. Pauls, 1704-5. pp. 142, 35. 8° calf. London, 1711 Clarke. A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke, in the years 17 15 and 1 7 16, relating to the principles of natural philos- ophy and religion, pp. 416, 46. 8° old calf. London, 17 17 5-0760 Clarke. A Letter to Mr. Dodwell, etc. Fifth ed. pp. 279. 8° calf. London, 1718 With book label of Samuel Parr. -1 761 Clarke. A Paraphrase on the Four Evangelists, pp. / 360, 502. 2 vols. 8° calf. London, 1741 With Chippendale bookplate of Dr. Blackett. J r- 762 [Clarke, William.] Repertorium Bibliographicum; or some account of the most celebrated British Libraries. Portraits and plates. Royal 8° half morocco, uncut, I gilt top. London, 1819 Contains the scarce appendix, " The Dialogue in the Shades." 7^759 68 CATALOGUE. A-^763 Clarkson, Thomas. An Essay on the Slavery and Com- merce of the Human Species, particularly the African, pp. 167. 8° half morocco. London, 1788 /^j- 764 Clarkson. History of the Rise, Progress and Accom- ' plishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament, pp. 592, 572. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1808 With autograph of the author, in 765 Classic Cullings and Fugitive Gatherings. By an ex- perienced Editor, pp. 304. 8° half morocco. London, 1831 /„ 766 Classics. Comedies of Terence, 1841; — Plato's Divine Dialogues, together with Apology of Socrates. 1845; — Caesar's Commentaries, 1837; — Whole Works of Xenophon, 1843, ^tc. 5 vols. 12° and 8° cloth. I fr 767 Clay, Rev. J. C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. ' ^^ Portrait. 16° calf. Phila., 1835 3 00 7^^ Cleaveland, N. History of Bowdoin College, with biographical sketches of its graduates, from 1806 to 1879. Edited and compiled by A. S. Packard. Por- traits and plate, pp. 903. Large 8° cloth. Boston, 1882 ^0 769 Cleveland, Henry R. Selections from the Writings of. With a Memoir by George S. Hillard. 12° boards, un- cut. Privately printed: Boston, 1844 . /^ 770 Cleveland, Richard J. Voyages of a Merchant Navi- gator of the days that are past. Compiled from jour- nals and letters, bv H. W. S. Cleveland. Portrait. 12° cloth. ' New York, 1886 I LQ 77^ Clinton, Sir Henry. Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his Conduct, during part of his Command of the King's Troops in North Am- erica; particularly to that which respects the unfor- tunate issue of the Campaign in 1781, with an appen- dix containing copies and extracts of those parts of his correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, etc. pp. 115. 8° half roan. London. It &0 772 [Cluny, Alexander.] The'American Traveller; or obser- vations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British Colonies in America, pp. 122. Map and plate. Large 4° half morocco. London, 1769 r 773 CoAD, John. A Memorandum of the Wonderful Provi- dences of God to a poor unworthy Creature, during the time of the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion and to the Revolution in 1688. pp. 141. 16° cloth. London, 1849 n CATALOGUE. 69 US '^TJ^ CoBBETT, William. History of the Protestant Reforma- ^ tion in England and Ireland. 2 vols. 8° boards. London, 1829 / 0,775 CoBURN, F. VV. Centennial History of the Battle of Ben- nington, pp. 72. Portrait and plan. 8° boards. Boston, 1877 776 CoDDiNGTON, William. A Demonstration of True Love unto you the Rulers of the Colony of the Massachusetts "^ in New-England. By William Coddington of Rhode -^ Island, pp. 20. Small 4° half calf. n. p., 1674 William Coddington was a merchant of Boston, he came over with Winthrop and is said to have built the first brick house erected in lioston. He was one of the prominent adherents of Mrs. Hutchinson in the Antinominian controversy ; he removed to Aquidneck (Newport) after his banishment from Boston, and founded the Colony of Rhode Island. 5'S'Tll CoDiMAN, John. Memoir of. By William Allen, with Reminiscences by Joshua Bates, pp. 408. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 ^« 778 Coffin, Charles. Lives and Services of Major Gen. John Thomas, Col. Thomas Knowlton, Col. Alex. Scammell, Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn. 12° cloth. New York, 1845 779 Coffin, Paul. Memoir and Journals of. By Cyrus Woodman. Portrait. 8° cloth. Portland, 1855 5 -.780 CoGGESHALL, George. Thirty-six Voyages to various Parts of the World, made between the years 1799 and 1841. pp. 583. Portrait and plates. 8° cloth. New York, 1858 .^781 CoGHLAN, Mrs. Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, (daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe). Written by herself, and dedicated to the British Nation; being interspersed with anecdotes of the late American and present French War, with remarks, moral and political. 2 vols, in i. 12° half russia. London, 1794 -5-Q782 Coghlan. The same. 8° half morocco, uncut. Only 100 copies. Privately printed: New York, 1864 ^ 783 CoLBURN, Jeremiah. Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts, pp. 119. Imperial 8° half crimson morocco. Boston, 1871 5"/) 784 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. pp. 352. 8° half morocco. New York, 1834 9a 785 Coleridge. Specimens of his Table Talk. Fourth ed. pp. 350. Portrait. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 185 1 Yj'786 [Coleridge and Southey.] The Devil's Walk. pp. 31. / Edited by H. W. Montague. Illustrations by R. Cruik- shank. 16° paper. London, 1830 70 CATALOGUE. /2I00 7^7 Golden, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are depending on the Province of New York, and are the barrier between the English and French, in that part of the world. With accounts of their religion, manners, customs, laws and forms of Government; their several battles and treaties with the European Nations; .... their several wars with the other Indians, and a true account of the present state of our trade with them. Second ed. pp. 204, 283. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. John Whiston : I>ondon, 1750 ^ jr-Q 788 Golden. The same. Map. Third ed. pp. 260, 251. 1 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1755 u' f-rc- 789 Golden. The same. With an introduction and notes by ' ' J- G. Shea. pp. 141. Portrait. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1866 Only 125 copies printed. <^n 790 GoLES. Sketch of Edward Goles, second Governor of ' Illinois, and of the Slavery Struggle of 1823-4. By E. B. Washburne. pp. 253. Portrait. 8° cloth. Ghicago, 1882 J) iT 79^ GoLESwoRTHY, D. G. The Year, pp. 122, 1873; — School is Out, pp. 508, 1876; — John Tileston's School, 1778- 1789, also his diary from 1761-1766. 1887 3 vols. 8° and 16° cloth. 792 GoLLECTioN of Papers printed by order of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 45. 4° boards. London, 1706 - 793 GoLLECTioNS of the American Statistical Association. Vol. I. (all published.) 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 Contains much historical matter relating^ to Massachusetts DO JiZS- I j;p 794 GoLLET, Stephen. Relics of Literature, pp. 400. 8° ' I half calf, gilt. London, 1823 M c- 795 GoLLiBER, Samuel. Golumna Rostrata; or a critical his- ' / tory of the English sea-affairs, pp. 320. 8° half mo- rocco extra, uncut edges. (Top of title mended). London, 1727 796 GoLLiER, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, pp. 288; — A Defence of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, pp. 139. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 1698-9 c-Q 797 GoLLiER. Essays upon several Moral Subjects. 3 vols. 12° calf, gilt. London, 1703-9 Oc CATALOGUE. 71 5- 7 3 ■^^798 Collier, John Payne. The Poetical Decameron, or ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. pp. 336, 353. 2 vols, small 8° half morocco, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1820 j/rT99 Collier. History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare, and annals of the stage to the Restoration. 3 vols, small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1831 r- 800 Collier. Shakespeare's Library; a collection of the romances, novels, poems and histories used by Shakes- peare as the foundation of his dramas. Now first col- lected, and accurately reprinted from the original edi- tions, with introductory notices, pp. 312, etc. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. T. Rodd: London, (1843) ^^801 Collier. A Book of Roxburghe Ballads, pp. 340. Small 4° half morocco. London, 1847 ^5 802 Collier. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alphabetically arranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of J. Payne Collier, f.s.a. pp. 555' 593- 2 vols. 8"^ half roan, uncut. London, 1865 jjQ 803 Collins, Anthony. Discourse of Free Thinking, occa- sion'd by the rise and growth of a Sect call'd Free- Thinkers, 17 13; — A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty, 171 7; — Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, with a letter to the author of the Discourse of the Grounds and Reason, etc. Together 3 vols. 8° and 12° calf. London, 1713-37 1^ 804 CoLLiNSON, Peter. Some Account of the late Peter Col- linson, F. R. S. pp. 18. Portrait. Royal 4° half mo- rocco. London, 1770 3 CO ^°5 CoLMAN, Benjamin. The Honour and Happiness of the Vertuous Woman; a funeral discourse on Mrs. Elizabeth Hirst, pp. ^;^. 16° polished calf, by Bedford. B. Green: Boston, 1716 806 CoLMAN. The Case of Satan's fiery Darts in Blasphemous Suggestions and Hellish Annoyances, pp. 90. 8° half roan, (broken). Boston, 1744 „ _ 807 CoLMAN. Practical Discourses on the Parable of the Ten Virgins, pp. 344. 8° morocco extra, red edges. Boston, 1747 808 CoLMAN. Sermons preached in Boston, Oct. 15, 1730 at the Funeral of Simeon Stoddard; — Satan's Fiery Darts, etc.. May, 1711 and March, 1743; May 21, 1746 at the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Cooper. Bound together. 8° half morocco extra, uncut edges. Boston, 1730-46 72 CATALOGUE. J \t^K- 809 CoLMAN, Benjamin. The Life and Character of. By / Ebenezer Turell. pp. 238. 8° calf, red edges. Boston, 1749 4,2, Sio CoLTON, George H. Tecumseh; or, the West Thirty Years since; a Poem. pp. 312. 12° boards. New York, 1842 ^^ 811 Columbus. De Insulis inuentis Epistola Cristoferi Colom (cui etas nostra multQ debet: de Insulis in mari Indico nuper inuentis. Tercio kl's, Maij, 1493. 10 leaves, 5 wood cuts. Small 4° half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, (1858) [Letter of Columbus to Raphael Sanxis, 3d of the Calens of May 1493]- In fac-simile of the Libri Lenox copy, the only perfect one known,, without the repetition of the wood-cut on the back of the first leaf of the vessel found on the recto of the fifth leaf. tr-Q 812 CoLU.MBUS. La Premiere Relation de Christopher Colomb (1493). Lettre sur une Edition de " I'Epistola Christo- fori Colon." Appartenant a la Bibliotheque de Bruxelles. Par Ch. Ruelens. pp. 50, 10. 8° paper, uncut. Bruxelles. 1885 With a fac-simile of Tthe letter on Holland paper ; only 38 copies printed. 5-0 ^^3 CoLU.MBUS. Memorials of Columbus; or, a collection of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator. Pre- ceded by a memoir of his life and discoveries, pp. 255. Map and portraits. 8° half calf. London, 1823 Translated from the Italian of D. G. B. Spotorno. ^Q 814 Columbus. Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America. From a manuscript recently discovered in Spain. (Translated by Samuel Kettell.) pp. 303. 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1827 r>»^8i5 Columbus. The Landfall of Columbus on his first Voy- ' age to America; with a translation of the Baron Bonne- foux's History of his previous life. By A. B. Belcher. pp. 376. Map and plate. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 5"o 816 Columbus. Life of Christopher Columbus. By H. R. St. John. Portrait, pp. 196. 16° cloth. London, 1850 \ 00 ^17 Columbus. Life of Christopher Columbus. By Rode Lorgues. Translated by J. J. Barry, pp. 620. Por- trait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1870 818 Columbus. Annee veritable de la Naissance de Christo- phe Colomb, et Revue chronologique des principales Epoques de sa Vie. Par M. de Avezac, pp. 64; — Re- lation authentique du Voyage du Capitaine de Gonne- ville es Nouvelles Terres des Indes, pp. 115. Par M. de Avezac. 2 pamphlets 8° uncut. Paris, 1869-73 7< CATALOGUE. 73 "^^0819 Columbus. Laureles de la Patria, par Antonio de San Martin, pp. 112; — Los Restos de Don Cristoval Colon, pp. 97, Sevilla; — Christopher Columbus, by Travers Twiss, pp. 22, 1873; — Restos de Colon, informe pres- entado a la Sociedad Literaria Amigos del Pais, pp. 40. 1882; — Attempt to solve the Problem of the first land- ing place of Columbus in the New World, by G. V. Fox, pp. 68, 1882; — An Inquiry into the Variation of the Compass off the Bahama Islands, at the time of the Landfall of Columbus, in 1492, by C. A. Schott, pp. 8. 1882. 6 pamphlets. X So 820 QTomestor, fJetrns. Historia Scolastica. Slack Cetter, printed in double columns, fol. 280. Small 4° boards. Jehan Petit: Parisiis, 15 13 /3 5o 821 Concord, Mass. History of Concord, and of the adjoin- ing Towns of Bedford, Acton, Lincoln and Carlisle. By Lemuel Shattuck. pp. 392. Map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1835 Concord Fight. History of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775, by Rev. Ezra Ripley, pp. 60, Con- cord, 1827 — Concord Fight, by Rev. G. Reynolds, pp. 16. Boston; — Concord Fight (Harper's Mag. May, 1875) by Frederick Hudson. 3 vols. 8° half roan and boards. '00 823 Concord, N. H. History of Concord, from its Grant in 1725 to 1853, with a History of Ancient Penacooks. By Nathaniel Bouton. pp. 786. Maps and portrait. 8° cloth. Concord, 1856 ^ 824 Confederate Publications. Ahn, Dr. F. French Com- mercial Letter-Writer, pp. 227. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1861 J" ^x^ 825 Confederate. Book of Common Prayer. 16° morocco, gilt edges. J. W. Randolph: Richmond, 1863 J5 826 Confederate. Branson, L. First Book in Composition, pp. 139. 12° boards. Raleigh, 1863 Confederate. Constitution of the Confederate States in America, pp. 16. 8° boards. Richmond, 1861 ■ 828 Confederate. Holy Bible. 8° full morocco. London, 1862 From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner, Minna, cap- tured Dec. 6, 1863, off Wilmington, by the government Dispatch ship, Circassian. 5" 57) 829 Confederate. The Jack Morgan Songster, compiled by a Capt. in Gen. Lee's Army. pp. 64. 8° paper. Raleigh, N. C, 1864 ^0 827 74 CATALOGUE. 5~0 830 Confederate. Jamison, D. F. The Life and Times of Bertrand du Guesclin, a history of the fourteenth cen- tury, pp. 286, 314. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Charleston, 1864 / 00 ^3^ Confederate. Johnson's Common School Arithmetic, pp. 154. 16° boards. Raleigh, N. C, 1864 ^ 5'o ^3^ Confederate. Moore, M. B. Primary Geography, pp. 48. Maps. Second ed. Small 4° boards. Raleigh, 1864 / n tr ^33 Confederate. New Testament. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1861 7- From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner, Minna, captured Dec. 6, 1863. 5- 834 Confederate. Palmetto Dictionary. (Walker's.) Por- trait. 16° cloth. Richmond, Va., 1864 . \j ^ 835 Confederate. Pollard, E. A. The First Year of the ' War. Second ed. pp. 406. 8° half roan. Richmond, 1862 Jj.^Q 836 Confederate. Prisoner of War, or five months among the yankees. By A. Rifleman, Esq. Gent. pp. 120. 8° paper. Richmond, 1865 / IL f ^37 Confederate. Smythe, C. W. Our Own Elementary Grammar, pp. 148. 12° boards. Greensboro, N. C, 1863 •75' 838 Confederate. Stewart, Rev. K. J. Geography for Be- / ginners. pp. 223. Map and illustrations. 16° cloth. Richmond, 1864 A '^f, 839 Confederate. Warder, T. B. and Cattlett, J. M. Bat- tle of Young's Branch; or, Manassa's Plain, fought July 21, 1861. pp. 156. 18° paper. Richmond, 1862 u ^^ 840 Congregational Convention. Proceedings of the Con- vention of Congregational Ministers in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, 1795. PP- ^^- 4° half mo- rocco, (title mended.) Boston. I Or- 841 Congres International des Americanistes. Compte Rendu de la seconde Session, Luxembourg, 1877. pp. 539, 471. Maps. 2 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Luxembourg, 1877 ] ' oo 842 Congress. Reminiscences of Congress. By C. W. March. Portrait of Webster; — Lanman's Dictionary I of Congress. 2 vols. 8° and 12° cloth. ! New York and Phila., 1851-9 t jiS" ^43 Congreve, William. Works of. Portrait and plates. I Baskerville's fine edition. 3 vols, royal 8° calf, gilt. Birmingham, 1761 I ^Q 844 Congreve. Works of. New edition. pp. 260, 299. Portrait and plates. 2 vols. 12° calf. London, 178S CATALOGUE. 75 ; I 05- 845 CoNGREVE. Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Amours of William Congreve. By Charles Wilson, pp. 156, 38. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1730 J-fc ;2,5"846 Connecticut. Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, from 1638 to the Union. Edited by C. J. Hoadly. 2 vols. ; — Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, prior to the Union with New Haven Col- ony, 1636 to 1689. Edited by J. H. Trumbull. 3 vols. Together 5 vols. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1852-58 Ic'S'O ^-+7 Connecticut. Collections of the Connecticut His. Soc. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1860-70 ^ ^Q 848 Connecticut. New Haven's settling in New England, and some Lawes for Government, published for the Use of that Colony. London 1656, (not paged.) Royal 4° half morocco. Reprint. 20 copies, (1858.) j (,j2,S49 Connecticut Blue Laws. The Code of 1650. Frontis- piece. 16° sheep. Hartford, 1828 I 00 85° Connecticut. The same. Frontispiece. 16° boards. Hartford, 1836 / i»l ^5^ Constable. Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R. A. composed chiefly of his Letters. By C. R. Leslie. Second ed. pp. 363. Portrait and plates. Small 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 ^0 852 Constitution and Government of the Germanic Body, pp. 293. 8° sheep. London, 1745 D XK- ^53 Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, pp. 215, 1789; — Same, pp. 470, 1806; — Con- stitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America, pp. 354, 1793. 3 vols. 12° and 16° sheep. Phila. and New York, 1 789-1806 /p 854 Constitution of the United States of America; Rules of the House of Representatives; Jefferson's Manual, etc. 8° calf. Washington, 1837 <-A 855 Constitutional Law; comprising the Declaration of In- dependence, the Articles of Confederation, the Consti- tution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several states comprising the Union, pp. 409. 12° boards, uncut. Washington, 1820 ^5856 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America; the Declaration of Independence; the Arti- cles of Confederation between the said States; the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America. Published by order of Con- gress, pp. 226. 12° sheep. F. Bailey; Phila., 1781 The first authoritative and original printed text. With autograph, "J. Brooks, 1 78 1." 76 CATALOGUE. ~T^ ^Q 857 Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, and the Ar- ticles of Confederation. With preface by Rev. William Jackson, pp. 473. Portrait of Washington, by Sharp, 8° calf. London, 1783 i~i 858 Constitutions of the United States, with the Declara- ' tion of Independence, and the Federal Constitution. pp. 176. 16° sheep. Phila., 1791 5'd S59 Continental Congress. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. pp. 144. 8° boards. Printed by William and Thomas Bradford: Phila., 1774 / , ^ Q 860 Continental Congress. Journals of the American Con- gress, from 1774 to 1788. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Washington, 1823 QO 861 Continental Congress. Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Boston, 1821 t- y)cr- 862 Continental Congress. Address and Recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress assem- bled, pp. 62, Boston, 1783; — A Circular Letter from the Congress of the United States to their Constituents, pp. 15. Boston, 1779; — A Defence of the Revolutions and Address of American Congress in Reply to Taxa- tion no Tyranny, by the author of Regulus. pp. 96. London. 3 vols. 8° half roan. ^ 863 CoNYBEARE, W. J. and Howson, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. pp. 551, 692. Maps and illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1857 ■2 rs Q 864 Cook, Ebenezer. The Sot-weed Factor, or a Voyage to I Maryland, a Satyr, pp. 27. London 1708. Small 4° boards. (Reprint): Baltimore, 1865 I \%n ^^5 Cook, George. History of the Reformation in Scotland. ! j 3 vols. 8° half morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, 181 1 ^ 866 Cook, John. King Charls his Case; or, an appeal to all rational men, concerning his tryal. pp. 43. Small 4° half calf. London, 1649 1 12, 867 CooKE, Joseph J. Catalogue of his Library, Part third, Americana, sold by auction, in New York, Dec. 1883. pp. 401. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1883 j-Q 868 CooKE, William. The Elements of Dramatic Criticism, pp. 216. 8° calf, gilt, (cracked.) London, 1775 1 ^ 869 CooLiDGE, A. J. and Mansfield, J. B. History and De- scription of New England. Vol. i. Maine, New Hamp- shire and Vermont, pp. 1023. Numerous illustrations. Thick 8° cloth. ' Boston, 1859 CATALOGUE. 77 "25^870 Cooper, C. H. and T. Athense Cantabrigienses. 1500- 1609. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1858-61 871 Cooper, George. Letters on the Irish Nation written ■ during a Visit to that Kingdom, in an Autumn of the Year 1799. Second ed. pp. 354. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1801 , ^ 872 Cooper, J. F. The Battle of Lake Erie; or, answers to |» Messrs. Burges, Duer and Mackenzie, pp. 117. First j ed. 16° boards. Cooperstown, 1843 ©2. I Zi ^73 hooper, 9rt)0mas. Cooper's Chronicle, contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of hys realme, as all other countreis, etc. Fol. 379. Biack Cotter. 4° calf, gilt edges, (broken.) Liiprinted at London, in the house of the late Thomas Berthelettes, Anno, 1560 This work was begun by Thomas Langnet, as far as fol. 92, and continued by Cooper. j^ 874 Cooper, Thomas. Some Information respecting America, pp. 240. Map. 8° boards, uncut. Dublin, 1794 ^ ^ 875 Cooper, Rev. W. M. Flagellation and the Flagellants. IA history of the rod in all countries, from the earliest period to the present time. pp. 544. Numerous illus- trations. 12° cloth, uncut. London. ^g 876 Cooper, W. History of South America. Plates, pp. 168. 18° boards. London, 1789 I5'T€> ^'^'^ Copley. A Sketch of the Life and a List of some of the Works of John Singleton Copley; (with 2 supplements I laid in.) By A. F. Perkins. 4° cloth, uncut. I Privately printed: Boston, 1873 ■c- 878 Copley. The Domestic and Artistic Life of John Single- ton Copley, with notices of his works. By Martha B. Amory. pp. 478. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 rff 879 CopwAY, G. The Life, Letters and Speeches of Kah-Ge- Ga-Gah-Bowh, or, G. Copway. pp. 224. 12° paper. New York, 1850 Jq 880 Cordner, Rev. John. The Vision of the Pilgrim Fathers, an Oration before the New England Society of Montreal, Dec. 22, 1856. pp. 54. 8° half roan, (broken.) Montreal, 1857 ^j^^ 881 Cornwall, Vt. History of. By Lyman Matthews, pp. r 356. Portraits. 8° cloth. Middlebury, 1862 J \^Q 882 Cornwallis, Earl. An Answer to that Part of the Narra- I tive of Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the Conduct of General Cornwallis during the Campaign in North America, in the year 1781. pp. 260. 8° half roan, (re-covered.) London, 1783 78 CATALOGUE / 5"o ' / i5~b ?7r 883 CoRRY, John. History of Bristol, (England.) Civil and ecclesiastical, including biographical notices, pp. 479, 445. Plates. 2 vols. 8° half sheep. Bristol, 1816 CoRTEZ, Hernando. Despatches of Hernando Cortez, the Conquerer of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V, written during the conquest. Translated, with notes, by George Folsom. pp.431. 8"^ boards. New York, 1843 ^^^885 CoRYAT, Thomas. The Odcombian Banquet; deshed foorth by Thomas the Coriat, and served in by a num- ber of noble Wits, in prayse of his crudities and crambe too. Small 4° calf, (leaf wanting at end and top of title mended.) Imprinted for Thomas Thorp: London, 161 1 886 Coryat's Crudities; reprinted from the edition of 1611. To which are now added his Letters from India, etc., and extracts relating to him, from various authors, etc. : together with his orations, character, death, etc., with copper-plates. 3 vols. 8° calf. London, 1776 >y Q . 887 CosTELLO, Louisa L. Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. Portraits. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1S44 Cottle, Joseph. Early Recollections, chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, pp. 325, 346. Por- traits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1837 Cotton. A Practical Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the United States. By James Montgomery. Plates. Glasgow, 1840; — Introduction and early Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in the United States. By Sam- uel Batchelder. Boston, 1863; — Introduction of the Power Loom and origin of Lowell. By Nathan Apple- o2 .00 c2- 00 ton. Lowell, ture of Great 1835. Plates. uncut. 1858;- Britain. 4 vols. History of the Cotton Manufac- By Edward Baines. London, 8° and 12° cloth and boards, /■ *i /^ 0^9° Cotton, John. God's Promise to His Plantation. . . . i As it was delivered in a sermon by John Cotton, B. D., and preacher of God's word in Boston, pp. (4), 20. Small 4° morocco extra, gilt. Wm. Jones for F. Bellamy: London, 1630 Title cropped at the bottom, but supplied in manuscript. "The first printed work by Cotton of which we have any record." "Cotton's sermon holds the same place in relation to the Massa- chusetts Colony which Robinson's famous sermon at Delfthaven holds in relation to the Plymouth Colony." "It was the farewell sermon to Winthrop's company, as Robinson's was the farewell to the Pilgrim Fathers." "To the Christian Reader," (4pp.) signed I. II. (John Humphrey) is omitted in the Boston edition of 1686. CATALOGUE. 79 'y'fj " 891 [Cotton.] An Abstract or [y/V] the Lawes of New Eng- ^^ land, as they are now established, pp. (2), 15, (3.)/ Small 4° cloth, uncut. '^'^ For F. Coules & W. Ley: London, 1641 These "Laws" were never "established," or in force, in New Eng- land. The code was drawn up by Mr. Cotton, for Massachusetts, and "presented to the General Court," but was not adopted. With bookplate of "James Bengough of ye Inner Temple, London, Gent. 1702." ^J.- /3 /O ^r-892 Cotton. An Abstract of Laws and Government, etc., ~-y \1^ collected and digested by Mr. John Cotton, and now -^ published after his death, by William Aspinwall. pp. 37. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1655 i--Q 893 Cotton. A Copy of a Letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston in -^^'3 New England, sent in answer of certaine objections, -^ etc. pp. 6. Small 4° calf, gilt. Printed in the year, 1641 894 Cotton. Gods Mercie mixed with His Ivstice, or. His ^ Peoples Deliverance in times of danger, laid open in -^4-4 severall Sermons, pp. (8), 135. Small 4° yellow calf, extra. London, 1641 Mt 00 895 Cotton. The Way of Life; or, God's Way and Course, --..■■, in bringing the Soule unto, keeping it in, and carrying ■? it on, in the wayes of life and peace, etc. pp. (8), 481. ■* * Small 4° old calf. London, 1641 Prefatory epistle "To the Reader," 6 pp., by William Morton. liu<»*''^ ,^896 Cotton. The Churches Resurrection, or the Opening of ~^^ , the fift and sixt verses of the 20th Chap, of the Revela- -^ tion, pp. 30. Small 4° calf, gilt, (corners neatly mended.) London, 1642 jAJ, 897 Cotton. A Modest and Cleare Answer to Mr. Ball's Dis- 3>jU> * ^° course of Set Formes of Prayer, pp. (4), 49, (i). Small •^. ^ 4° calf, extra. R. O. and G. D. for H. Overton: London, 1642 r- 898 Cotton. The Pouring out of the Seven Vials. Preached ~^\>v^-'' ' in sundry sermons at Boston in New England. 4° halfj^f) ', morocco, gilt. London, 1642 ',^f, QQ 899 Cotton. The True Constitution of a particular visible "^Uf^' ' Church, proved by Scripture, pp. (2), 13. Small 4° i^ s calf, gilt. London, 1642 Q - 900 Cotton. A Lett Church in Bosto teacher there, pp. 13. Small 4° polished calf. London, 1643 1 /.I'''' erof Mr. John Cotton's, (Teacher of the ^ j. q on, in New England), to Mr. Williams, a ** * 901 Cotton. The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and y 7,''0 Power thereof, according to the Word of God. Second ^ ed. pp. 59. Small 4° calf, extra. London, 1644 " The most complete jand influential statement of the actual early New England Congregationalism." 8o CATALOGUE ^ »<^ 3.L 902 903 < -^ y 5" 00 904 IT 00 905 ,^i C H 00 \ 00 c JS C II c ^/ K^C ^ 00 00 Cotton. Sixteene Questions of Serious and Necessary Consequence, propounded unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston, together with his Answers to each Question, pp. 14. Small 4° yellow calf, gilt. London, 1644 Cotton. The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England, pp. 116, 4. Small 4° half roan. London, 1645 An answer to Baillie's Dissuasive, No. ic6. H »<-f- -»-[ v? 'i 'io, »^ " Tliis book furnished to the present writer the clew to the fact that John Winthrop was the author of the principal part of the contents of Weld's Short Story. ..." Charles Deane's Narrative and Crit- ical History. Cotton. A Conference between Mr. John Cotton and the Elders of New England. pp. 48. 18° polished calf, by Bedford. London, 1646 Without a title ; the title-page ; " Description of the Spiritual Tem- ple by Francis Cornwel," bound up with the above, does not belong to it. Cotton. Milk for Babes, drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments, pp. 13. 18° calf gilt, yellow edges, by Pratt. London, 1646 Title inlaid, and 2 leaves at the end, are in contemporary manuscript. This is the earliest edition, of which only two copies are known ; not included in the John Carter Prown catalogue. 906 Cotton. The Bloudy Tenent, Washed, And made white [^•^ in the blond of the J^ambe: . . . whereunto is added a Reply to Mr. Williams Answer, to Mr. Cotton's Letter, pp. (2), 195, (i), 144. 4° old calf. Matthew Symmons, for Hannah Allen : London, 1647 907 Cotton. The Grounds and Ends of the Baptisme of the ,, K. Children of the Faithful, pp. 196. Small 4° half roan, ' gilt. London, 1647 908 Cotton. Severall Questions of serious and necessary consequence profounded by the Teaching Elders, unto <. f1 Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New England, pp. 10. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1647 909 Cotton. The Way of Congregational Churches cleared S^ in two treatises, pp. 104, 44. Small 4° half roan. London, 1648 910 Cotton. The Controversie concerning Liberty of Con- science in Matters of Religion, pp. 14. Small 4° yel- low calf, gilt, j London, 1649 This is Mr. Cotton's letter to Roger Williams, in reply to the " Scriptures and Reasons written by a . . . prisoner in Newgate," etc. It was first printed by Williams in " The Bloudy Tenent." Cotton. Of the Holiness of Church-Members, pp. (4), 95. Small 4° calf, gilt. London, 1650 Dedicated by the author to his " honered, worshipfull, and worthy Friends, the Major, and Justices, etc., together with the whole Congregation and Church at Boston " in England. x\> 911 CATALOGUE. 8i ~9i2 Cotton. Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-Ordinance, pp. "^Xi^i' ^ ^3 (2), 72. Small 4° half morocco. Z^L -c ^ M. S. for Hannah Allen: London, 1650 16^00 9^3 Cotton. The Covenant of Grace: discovering the Great Work of a Sinner's Reconciliation to God; where- unto are added, Certain Queries tending to Accommo- J dation (sic) between the Presbyterian and Congrega- "^JlUS' tional Churches, by the same author; Also, A Discus- f^u^U' ^ ^ sion of the Civil Magistrates Power in the matters of ^ Religion, by some Elders of divers Churches in N. E. 18° calf, gilt. F. Allen; London: 1655-4 These three tracts have separate title-pages and pagination, and were separately published, in 1654. In this collection they are pre- ceded by a general title-page, (as above,) an Epistle dedicatory by Wm. Retchforde, and "To the Reader" by Thos. Allen; pp. (34), 198; (2), 22; (2), 75, (i). The third tract is "The Result of a Synod at Cambridge in Nevp England, Anno. 1646. Concerning the Power of Magistrates in matters of the First Table, [and] the Nature and Power of Synods," etc. 5-^914 Cotton. A Brief Exposition, with practical Observa- A^ tions upon the whole Book of Canticles, pp. 238. 12° ^ sheep. London, 1655 5-^915 Cotton. The Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of -5 ^{^ the Revelations, pp. 262, 8. Small 4° old calf. I *" London, 1656 / i5'9^^ Cotton. A Briefe Exposition with Practicall Observa- ^ [ ^ tions upon the whole Book of Ecclesiastes; published il J ■jj^ by Anthony Tuckney, D.D., Master of St. John's Col-« 1^7 \v* ledge in Cambridge, pp. (8), 278. 12° original calf. ^ ^^ |^'>**^ T. C. for Ralph Smith: London, 1657 . - 917 Cotton. Memoir of. By John Norton, with a preface by Enoch Pond. 18° half roan. Boston, 1834 r-^918 Cotton, Rev. Henry. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from the year 1505 to 1850. pp. 420. 8° cloth. Oxford, 1852 5-0 919 Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick Indian Language.) pp. 12. 8° sheets folded, (mildewed). Cambridge, 1829 (po()2o Cotton, Sir Robert. Cottoni Posthuma; divers choice pieces, wherein are discussed several important ques- tions concerning the right and power of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, pp. 353. 12° morocco. London, 1679 ^^921 Cousin, Victor. Elements of Psychology. Translated by C. S. Henry, pp. 355. 8° half morocco. Hartford, 1834 5- 82 CATALOGUE. ^ 922 CovERDALE. Memorials of Myles Coverdale, who first translated the whole Bible into English, pp. 260. Por- trait. 8° cloth. London, 1838 j-^ 1005 Davis, John. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America, during 1798-1802. pp. 454. I 8° half sheep. London, 1803 QQ 1006 Davis. The First Settlers of Virginia, an Historical Novel, exhibiting a View of the Rise and Progress of the Colony at James Town. Second ed. pp. 284. Cuts by Tanner. 12° crimson levant morocco extra, uncut edges. New York, 1806 J^ 1007 Davis, William. An Olio of Bibliographical and Lit- erary Anecdotes and Memoranda, pp. 126. 12° half roan. London, 1814 Jj 2 ^ 1008 Dawes, Thomas, Jun. An Oration delivered March 5, 1 781, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 23. 4° half morocco, (stained). Boston, 1781 Jjr^c-ioog Dawkins, \V. B. Cave Hunting: Researches on the / Evidence of Caves respecting the early Inhabitants of Europe, pp. 455. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1874 Q ^Q 10 10 Dawson, Henry B. Major-General Israel Putnam. A correspondence on this subject, with the editor of the " Hartford Daily Post." pp. 169, i860; — The Assault on Stony Point, pp. 156, 1863; — Westchester County, New York, during the American Revolution. Portrait and map. pp. 281. 3 vols, imperial 8° paper, uncut. Morrisania and New York. 1^^ loii Dawson. Correspondence between John Jay and Henry B. Dawson concerning the Federalist. pp. 48, 1864; — Mr. Jay's Second Letter on Dawson's Introduction to the Federalist, pp. 62, 1864. 2 pamphlets. 9 CO 1012 [Dayrell, John.] A Treatise of the Church, written against them of the Separation, commonly called Brownists. pp. 266. Small 4° parchment. London, 161 7 90 CATALOGUE jn 1013 Dean, John Ward. The New England Bibliopolist, con- taining the "Book Notices" in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. Nos. i to 12, old series, and volumes 1 to 4, new series. 5 vols. 8° parts, uncut, (lacks last number). Boston, 1876-87 '75- 1014 Dean. Story of the Embarkation of Cromwell and his Friends for New England, 1866; — Brief Memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin, 1866; — Sketch of the Life of John H. Sheppard, 1873; — Brief History of the New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-76; — Descendants of Thomas Deane of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1883; — Memoir of Col. Joseph L. Chester, 1884. 6 pamphlets privately printed. Boston. r Qo 1015 Deane, Charles. The First Plymouth Patent. Printed on Antique Paper. Royal 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1854 Only i copy so issued. QQ 1016 Deane. The same. Printed on Parchment. Royal 4° cloth. Cambridge, 1854 Only 4 copies so issued. This volume is one of an edition of four copies of the First Work printed on Vellum in the United States. See Menzies Cat. No. 1606. 7r-ioi7 Deane. A Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchin- son's Historical Publications. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1857 Only 50 copies privately printed. 1018 Deane. Bibliographical Tracts, Number One. Spurious Reprints of Early Books, pp. 19. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 India Paper copy, only 4 printed. ^0 1019 Deane, The same. Vellum Paper copy. Imperial 8° half morocco. Boston, 1865 Only 8 so issued. <2,5'io2o Deane. The same. Another copy. 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Edition of 131 copies. ^5- 102 1 Deane. Spurious Reprints of Early Books. By Delta, pp. 12. Imperial 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 Only 30 copies printed. Surreptitious edition, privately printed. 5*0 1022 Deane. The Last Will and Testament of Captain John Smith, with some additional memoranda relating to him. pp. 7. Small 4° paper. Cambridge, 1867 Only 50 copies printed. 2^5" 1023 Deane. Memoir of George Livermore. pp. 60. Large Paper, with photographic Portrait. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 18C9 CATALOGUE. 91 TZZ. 1024 Deane. a Discourse of Virginia, by Edward Maria / Wingfield. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by Charles Deane. pp 44. 1859. (Cancelled edition); — The same. pp. 45, i860 — Letters of Phillis Wheat- ley, the negro-slave poet of Boston, 1864-9; — Records of the Council for New England, pp. 83, 1867; — His- tory of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion in Virginia in 1675-6, pp. 50; — Remarks on Sebastian Cabot's Mappe- Monde, pp. 8, 1867; — Contributions to the North American Review, 1868; — Memoir of George Liver- more, pp. 60, 1869; — A Brief Memoir of Robert Waterston, pp. 11, 1869; — Report of the Council of the Am. Antiq. Soc. 1868; — Forms in Issuing Letters-Pat- ent by the Crown of England, pp. 24, 1870; — Life of Mr Thomas Dudley, several times Governor of the Mass. Colony. Written, as is supposed by Cotton Mather, pp. 20, 1870; — Letter of Sir John Stanhope to Secretary Davison concerning Elder Brewster, pp. 8, 187 I ; — Death of Matthew Cradock, pp. 3, 1871; — Roger Williams and the Massachusetts Charter, pp. 19, 1873; — Gen'l Washington's Head-Quarters in Cam- bridge, pp. 9, 1873; — Judge Lowell and the Massachu- setts Declaration of Rights, pp. 9, 1874; — Brief Me- moir of James Savage, pp. 12, 1874; — Notes on a re- cently discovered Indenture relating to David Thomp- son of Piscataqua, pp. 34, 1876; — Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains, in July, 1784. By Jeremy Belk- nap. Map. pp. 21, 1876; — Letters and Documents relating to Slavery in Massachusetts, 1867; — Memoir of John iVppleton, M. D., pp. 3, 1877; — Lieut-Gen'l. John Burgoyne and the Convention of Saratoga, 100 years ago, pp. 71, 1878; — Tutor Henry Flynt's Jour- ney from Cambridge to Portsmouth in 1754, 1878; — Letter of Paul Revere's, pp. 7; — Records of the Presi- dent and Council of New Hampshire, 1679-80, pp. 26, 1878; — Memoir of Dr. Woods; — Rules, Orders and Statutes of Harvard College, 1686, pp. 9, 1876; — White Kennett Library, pp. 8, 1883; — Memoir of Richard Frothingham, pp. 17, 1885; — Memoir of S. F. Haven, pp. 16, 1885; — John and Sebastian Cabot, a study. Maps, 1886; — A Summary History of New England, 1886; — Connection of Mass. with Slavery, pp. 34, 1886; — Remarks on Hubbard's map of New England, pp. 12, 1888; — Memoir of Edward Augustus Crowninshield, pp. 4; — Remarks on Dr. John G. Kohl, pp. 5 ; — Prefatory Note to the recently recovered pages of Hubbard's History, pp. 16. Together 38 vols. 8° cloth, boards and paper. Cambridge and Boston. All privately printed in limited editions. The above is a nearly complete set of Mr. Deane's publications. gi CATALOGUE. .2 "Z^ 1025 Deane. Memoir of Samuel F. Haven, port. pp. 16, 1885; — Memoir of Geo. Livermore, pp. 60, 1869; — Brief Memoir of Robert Waterston, pp. 11, 1869; — Death of Matthew Cradock, pp. 3, 1871; — Brief Me- moir of James Savage, pp. 12, 1874; — Judge Lowell and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, pp. 9, 1874; — Notes on a recently discovered indenture re- lating to David Thompson, pp. 34, 1876; — Memoir of John Appleton, pp. 3, 1877; — Memoir of Dr. J. G. Kohl, pp. 5, 1878; — Memoir of Richard Frothingham, pp. 17, 1885; — Memoir of E. A. Crowninshield, pp. 3; — Summary of the History of New England, to the time of Andros, pp. 295-384. (From Narrative and Critical History of America, only 12 copies privately printed.) 1886; — Remarks on Hubbard's Map of New England, pp. 12, 1888; — Prefatory note to Hubbard's History, pp. 10. Together 14 vols. 8° paper and cloth. Boston and Cambridge. <~Q 1026 Deane. Memoir of George Livermore. pp. 60. 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1869 Thick paper copy, only a few so printed. ^2, 1027 Deane. Death of Matthew Cradock. pp. 3. 8° cloth. With Cradock Pedigree inserted. (Boston, 1871) ^fTf 1028 Deane. Notes on a recently discovered Indenture re- I lating to David Thompson of Piscataqua and Massachu- setts Bay in New England, pp. 35. 8° cloth, uncut. Only 100 copies printed. Cambridge, 1876 • n> 1029 Deane. The Struggle to Maintain the Charter of King I Charles the First, and its final Loss in 1684. Imperial 8^ half morocco. Boston. Written for the Memorial Hist, of Boston. Vol. I. pp. 329-382. 2 photographic plates laid in. jr- 1030 Deane, Capt. John. A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, in her Voyage from England to Boston. Fifth ed. pp. 28. 8° half roan. London, 1762 See Shurtleff's Sermon. Boston 1727. r,Q 1031 Deane. A True Account of the Voyage of the Notting- ham-Galley of London, John Deane, Commander, from River Thames to New England, near which place she was cast away on Boon Island, Dec. 11, 17 10. pp. 36, London, 1711; — Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth, Sharp and others in the South Sea, pp. 172. London, 1684; — History of Bavaria, from the First Ages to this present year, 1706. By Capt. John Stevens. Bound together. 8° calf. London, 1706 "The first tract was an answer by three of the crew to Capt. Deane's Narrative, published in 17 11." CATALOGUE. 93 Jo CO O o Y5^ 1032 Deane, John G. Biographical Sketch of, and brief men- tion of his connection with the northeastern boundary of Maine, also family and other memoranda. Plate, pp. 70. 8° paper. Washington, 1887 Privately printed. 75" ^'^ZZ Deane, Silas. An Address to the Free and Independent ' Citizens of the United States of North America, pp.30. 8° half calf. Hartford, 1784 1034 Deane. The same. Portrait inserted, pp. 95. 8° calf. Hartford, 1784 1035 Deane. Memorial of the Heirs of Silas Deane, to the Congress of the United States. 8° half roan. n. p., 1835 1036 Debates in the Senate of the United States on the Judi- ciary, during the first Session of the seventh Congress, pp. 324. 8° calf. Phila., 1802 1037 De Bry. Great Voyages in Latin. Part I — Admiranda Narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginian, nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui k Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eo in coloniam anno MDLXXXV deducti sunt inventae, sumtus faciente Dn. Waltero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru stanni prgef ecto ex auctoritate serenissimse Reginae Anglise. An- glico scripta sermone a Thoma Hariot eiusdem Walteri • domesti-co, in earn coloniam misso ut regionis si-tum diligenter observaret. Nunc autem primum latio donata a C. C. A. Francofortii ad Moenum typis loannis Wech- eli, sumtibus vero Theodor de Bry anno MDXC. Venales reperiuntur in ofificina Sigismundi Feirabendi. Part III. — Americae Tertia Pars Memorabile provinciee Brasi- liae Hist.oriam contines, germanico primum sermone scriptam a loane Stadio Homburgensi Hesso, nunc au- tem latinitate donatam a Teucrio Annaeo Priuato Col chanthe Po: & Med: Addita est Narratio profectionis loannis Lerij in eamdem Provinciam, qua ille initio gallice conscripsit, postea vero Latinam fecit. His ac- cessit Descriptio Morum &: Ferocitatis incolarum illius Regionis, atque Colloquium ipsorum idiomate conscrip- tum. Omnia recens evulgata, & eiconibus in ses incisis ac ad vivum expressis illustrata, ad normam exem plaris prsedictorum Autorum: studio & diligentia Theodori de Brij Leodiensis, atque civis Francofurtensis anno MDXCII. Venales reperiutur in officiana Sigismundi Feirabendii. Folio, vellum. Frankfort, 1590-92 ^^1038 De Bry. Narrative of Le Moyne, an Artist who accom- j panied the French Expedition to Florida under Laudon- niere, 1564. Translated from the Latin of De Bry. pp. 15. 44 heliotype fac-similes. Royal 4° half morocco. Boston, 1875 94 CATALOGUE. / ^ 4 1039 De Bury, Richard. Philobiblon, a Treatise on the Love of Books. Written in 1344 and translated from the first edition, 1473, with some collations, pp. 151. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1832 1040 Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Con- gress at Philadelphia, pp. 13. 8° paper, uncut. (Reprint): Phila., 1775 1041 Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, 1776; and Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States, 1796. pp. 57. Plate and fac-simile. Royal 4° cloth. Boston, 1876 1042 Declaration of the Parliament of England, expressing the grounds of their late proceedings, and of setling the present Government in the way of a Free State, pp. 87. Small 4° half calf. London, 1648 1043 De Costa, B. F. The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. Illustrated by translations from the Icelandic Sagas. Edited with notes and a general introduction, pp. 118. 8° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1868 1044 De Costa. Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, pre- pared for his own use in 1608, from the Old Danish of Ivar Barden. With an introduction and notes; also A Dissertation on the Discovery of the Hudson River, pp. 102. 8° cloth. Albany, 1869 1045 De Costa. The Northmen in Maine: a critical examina- tion of Views expressed in connection with the subject, by Dr. Kohl, in Vol. i, of the new series of the Maine Historical Society, with criticisms on other portions of the work, and a chapter on the Discovery of Massachu- setts Bay. pp. 146. 8° cloth, top gilt. Albany, 1870 01 1046 De Costa. Verrazzano, 1876; — Soldier and Sage, a me- morial of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, 1876; — The Lost City of New England, 1876; — Globe of Ulpius 1542, 1878; — William Blackstone in his rela- tion to Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1880; — Rela- tion of a Voyage to Sagadahoc, 1880; — Inventio For- tunata, arctic exploration, with an account of Nicholas of Lynn, 1881; — Cavo de Baxos, or the place of Cape Cod in the old Cartology, 1881; — Notes of the Anni- versary Sermon at New York, May 15, 1881; — Notes of a Discourse and a Service in New York, Jan. 8, 1882, by S. Osgood and J. A. Smith; — Few Observations on the Prince Society's edition of the New English Canaan. II pamphlets. Reprinted: New York. 00 00 ?T 00 / CATALOGUE. 95 ■~ 1047 De Costa. Rambles in Mount Desert, with sketches of travel on the New England coast, from the Isle of Shoals to Grand Menan. pp. 280. Frontispiece. 16° cloth. New York, 1871 ^p 1048 De Costa. Verrazano the Explorer; being a vindication of his letter and voyage, with an examination of the map of Hieronimo da Verrazano, and a Dissertation upon the Globe of Ulpius. pp. 82. Maps and portraits. Royal 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1880 ^^ 1049 Dedham, Mass. Historical Address at the Second Cen- tennial Anniversary of the Town of Dedham, Sept. 21, 1836, by S. F. Haven, pp. 79; — History of the First Church and Parish, by Alvan Lamson, pp. 104, 1839. 2 vols. 8° cloth and boards. Dedham. 5-^ i°5o Dedham. History of, from 1635 to 1827. By Erastus Worthington. pp. 146. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. Boston, 1827 ^1051 Dedham. Historical Annals of, from 1635 to 1847. Ky Herman Mann. pp. 136. 8° sheets, folded, uncut. Dedham, 1847 z/o^°52 Pee, Dr. John. Private Diary of, and Catalogue of his Library of Manuscripts. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4° cloth. London, 1842 Qh i°53 Deerfield, Mass. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement •* I of Deerfield. (By E. Hoyt.) 16° paper. Reprint: Greenfield, 1833 ^ 1054 [De Foe, Daniel.] Life and Actions of Moll Flanders, containing her birth and education in Newgate, her ambition to be a gentlewoman, her being taken into a gentleman's family, her being debauched by her master's eldest son, and married to the younger, her marriage to her own brother, her going over with him to, and set- tling in Virginia, etc. Portrait and cuts. pp. 184, (lacks last leaf). London 1055 Defoe. The Life and strange, surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Upwards of 100 illustrations. Royal 8° half calf, gilt. London. — 1056 Defoe. History of the Great Plague in London, in the year 1665. With an introduction by Rev. H. Stebbing. pp. 304. Portrait. 18° cloth, uncut. London. ego 1057 Defoe. Daniel Defoe: his Life, and recently discovered Writings extending from 1716 to 1729. By William Lee. Illustrations. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1869 96 CATALOGUE 5" % 2^ 1058 De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecti- cut, from the earliest known period to 1850. pp. 509. Map. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1853 _ 1059 D'Hauteville Case. Report of the D'Hauteville Case; — Review of the Case. (8° paper, laid in.) 8° half sheep. Phila. and Boston, 1840-41 ^-. 1060 Delancy. Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, pp. 80. Second ed. 8° half roan. London, 1766 ^- 106 1 Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. 18 fine portraits. Complete set. 2 vols, royal 4° calf extra, yellow edges. Phila., 1815 5o 1062 De Laune, Thomas. A Plea for Non-Conformists. (With preface by Daniel Defoe.) pp. 144. 12° half morocco. London, 171 2 Qo J 063 De-La-Warre, Lord. The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, Lord Gouvernour and Captaine Generall of the Colonic, planted in Vir- ginea. 4° half morocco. London, 161 1 Heliotype fac-simile. Only 20 copies privately printed. Presentation copy. 5*0 1064 Delepierre, Octave. Analyse des Travaux de la Soci^te des Philobiblon de Londres. pp. 134. 8"" half roan. Londres, 186 Only 300 copies printed. 5*0 1065 De Lolme. The Rise and Progress of the English Con- stitution; with an historical and legal introduction and notes by A. J- Stephens. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1838 •^51066 Demonologia; or Natural Knowledge revealed. By J. ' S. F., pp. 438. Lond., 1831; — Fallacy of Ghosts, Dreams and Omens, with stories of witchcraft, life-in- death and monomania. By Charles Oilier, pp. 251. Lond., 1848; — Mysteries; or glimpses of the super- natural, pp. 273. N. Y., 1852. 3 vols. 12° cloth. fjj- 1067 Dennis, J. The Usefulness of the Stage, occasioned by a late book written by Mr. Jeremy Collier, pp. 143. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1698 jv 1068 Denton, Daniel. A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands. New edition with notes, by G. Furman. 8° cloth. New York, 1845 ^S'loGg De Peyster, J. Watts. History of the Life of Leonard Torstenson; — The History of Carausius; — Battle of the Sound or Baltic. 3 vols. 8° paper, uncut. Poughkeepsie, 1855-8 CATALOGUE. 97 -. — 1070 De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. pp.190. 16° boards. Boston, 1841 107 1 Deux-Ponts, Count William de. My Campaigns in America, 1780-81. Translated, with an introduction and notes, by S. A. Green, pp. 176. Royal 4° boards, uncut. Boston, 1868 Large Paper ; only 25 copies printed. ^ 1072 De Vinne, T. L. Invention of Printing, a collection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the 15th century, the legends of Lourens J. Coster of Haarlem and the works of John Gutenberg and his associates. Illustrated with fac-similes of early types and wood-cuts. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1876 5- 1073 Dexter, F. B. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with Annals of the College History, 1701-1745. pp. 788. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1885 ^1 1074 Dexter. Sketch of the Life and Writings of John ^ Davenport, Feb. i, 1875; — Memoranda concerning Edward Whalley and William Goffe, 1876; — Governor Elihu Yale, 1882 ; — Founding of Yale College, 1882 ; — New Haven in 1784; — Estimates of Population in the American Colonies, 1887; — Report of the Trial of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson. 7 pamphlets. 1075 Dexter, George. Argument of Tutor Nicholas Sever, ^'^ 1878; — Letters of Columbus and Vespuccius, 1878; — Journal of Thomas Wallcut, in 1790, 1879; — Influence of the English Universities in the Development of New England, x88o; — First Voyage under Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Patent of 1578, 1881; — Letters of Henry Wheaton, 1805-6; — Journal of a Tour from Boston to Oneida, June 1796, by Jeremy Belknap, 1882; — Suffolk County Bar Book, 1770-1805; — Tributes to the Memory of George Dexter, June 10, 1884; — Memoir of George Dexter, by C. C. Smith, 1885; — Letters of Gov. Andrew Eliot to his sons Samuel and John. 11 pamphlets. J- 2-1076 Dexter, H. M. As to Roger Williams and his Banish-^--^ ment from the Massachusetts Plantation, pp. 146. Im-' perial 8° cloth. Boston, 1876 ,<-io77 Dexter. The True Story of John Smyth, the Se Bap- tist, as told by Himself and his Contemporaries; with -^ an inquiry whether dipping were a new mode of Bap- tism in England, in or about 1641. pp. 106. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1881 / 00^°"^^ [Dexter.] Common Sense as to Woman Suffrage, pp. 33. Small 4° boards. Boston, 1885 CATALOGUE 1/ H H c2 /3 7 oT 1079 Dexter, H. M. Pilgrim Memoranda, pp. 39, 1870; — Glance at the Ecclesiastical Councils of New England, pp. 68. 2 pamphles.t Boston. ,^ 1080 Dexter, Lord Timothy. A Pickle for the Knowing Ones. 16° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1838 1081 Dexter. The same. Small 4^ half calf. Newburyport, 1848 4- 1082 Dexter. Life of. By S. L. Knapp. 18° cloth. ^^ Boston, 1838 ^^1083 Dexter. The same. 18° cloth. Boston, 1848 r- 1084 Dialogue between the Ghost of General Montgomery and an American Delegate. Phila., 1776. pp. 16. 8° paper, uncut. Privately reprinted : New York, 1865 2^^-1085 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva Espana. pp. 257. Folio, calf. Madrid, (1632) " The true history of the conquest of Mexico is, indeed, a delight- ful work, and the only account of that transaction on which we can rely." — Southey. ^Q 1086 Diaz del Castillo. The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Maurice Keatinge. pp.514. Map. 4"" half morocco. London, 1800 1087 Diaz del Castillo. The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Maurice Keatinge. pp. m, 440. Map. 2 vols. 8° sheep, (broken and worn). Salem, 1803 P^ 1088 Diaz del Castillo. Memoirs of, written by Himself, con- taining a true and full account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. T. Lockhart. pp. 399, 416. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1844 ^Q 1089 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Bibliomania, or Book-madness. First ed. pp. 87. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1809 ^r^ 1090 DiBDiN. Bibliomania; or Book-madness. First ed., pri- / vately reprinted for the Club of Odd Sticks, pp. 87. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Club of Odd Sticks: New York, 1864 Only 57 copies printed. ^Q 1091 DiBDiN. Bibliomania; or, Book-madness; a biblio- graphical romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved edition, to which are now added preliminary observations and a supplement, including a key to the assumed characters in the drama. Plates. Royal 8° half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1842 CATALOGUE. 99 Lf^ S\ 1092 DiBDiN. Typographical Antiquities; or the history of °^ printing inEngland, Scotland and Ireland; containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by then. Begun by the late Joseph Ames. Considerably augmented by William Herbert, of Cheshunt, Herts; and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes and illustrated with appropriate engrav- ings; comprehending the History of English Literature, and a view of the progress of the art of engraving in Great Britain. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Numerous portraits and fac-similes. 4 vols. 4° half morocco. Wm. Miller and Longman : Lond., 1810-19 1093 Dibdin. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Portraits and numerous beautiful plates, many upon India paper, including a full set of Lewis's etchings (India proofs), illustrating the physiognomy, manners, etc., of the people of France and Germany. 3 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. London, 1821 -a^, 1094 Dibdin. A Series of Etchings pourtraying the physi- / ognomy, manners and character of the people of France and Germany. By George I>ewis. 60 plates on India paper. 3 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. London. _ 1095 Dibdin. Descriptive Catalogue of Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra. pp. 395. Imperial 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1823 3 00 1096 Dibdin. The Library Companion, or the young man's guide and the old man's comfort in the choice of a li- brary. Second ed. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1825 /o' i°97 Dibdin. An Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics; to- gether with an account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Greek Tes- taments, the Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers. Fourth ed., greatly enlarged and corrected. Fac-simile plate of the " Complutensian Polyglot." pp. 562, 580. 2 vols, imperial 8° tree calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1827 Best Edition: entirely rewritten. Large Paper; only 250 copies printed. / ^^1098 [Dibdin.] Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present lan- , / guid and depressed state of literature and the book trade. In a letter addressed to the author of the Bibliomania. By Mercurius Rusticus. With notes by Cato Parvus, pp. 102. Royal 8° boards, uncut. Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. London, 1832 lOO CATALOGUE. — I 1099 DiBDiN. Reminiscences of a Literary Life; with anec- fl\^^ dotes of books and of book-collectors, with the index, pp. 982, 44. Portrait and plate. 2 vols. 8° boards, un- cut. London, 1836 'y 5" 1 100 Dickenson, Jonathan. God's Protecting Providence, ' Man's surest Help and Defence, in the Remarkable De- liverance of Robert Barnard and others, from. Ship- wreck, and also from the devouring jaws of the inhu- man Canibals of Florida, pp. 12, 126. 16° calf. London, 1759 Ji 3 I iioi DiEREViLLE. Relation du voyage du Port Royal de L'Acadie. Plate, pp. 236. 16° half sheep. Amsterdam, 17 10 ^^ 1 102 Dies Irae. Coles, Abraham. Dies Irae in thirteen orig- inal Versions, pp. 69. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. New York, 1859 95-1103 Dies Ir«. (Dix, John A.) pp. 15. 16° boards, uncut. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1863 /, 1 104 DiGBY, Sir Kenelme. A Late Discourse made in a sol- emne Assembly of Nobles and learned Men, at Mont- pelier, in France, touching the Cure of Wounds, by the Powder of Sympathy. Rendered into English, by R. White, pp. 152, 6. 18° sheep, (broken). London, 1660 1 105 DiGBY. Observations upon Religio Medici, pp. 124. ^^ 18° sheep. London, 1643 5"0 1 106 DiGBY. Private Memoirs of. Written by Himself, pp. 328. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1827 ^f-w.o'] DiGBY, K. H. The Broad Stone of Honour, or the true ' ^ Sense and Practice of Chivalry, pp.289. Frontispiece. '' 12° cloth, uncut. ■ London, 1844 ■J 1 108 Digges, Sir Dudley. The Compleat Ambassador; or Two Treaties of the intended Marriage of Qu: Eliza- beth, etc. pp. 441, 6. Frontispiece by Faithorne, (Cut down and mounted.) Folio, calf, gilt. London, 1655 '00 1 109 Disraeli, Isaac. An Inquiry into the Literary and Political Character of James the First. pp. 228. I Small 8° calf, gilt. London, 1816 I Autograph signature of the Author inserted. / II CATALOGUE. 103 -i^SS Doyle, J. A. The English in America, Virginia, Mary- 7^ land and the Carolinas. pp. 556. Map. 8° cloth. London, 1882 tiS/ ^^34 Lrake, Daniel. Memoirs of the Life and Services of, with notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati, and some of its pioneer citizens. By E. D. Mansfield. Por- trait. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1855 1 135 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Reuiued: Calling vpon this Dull or Effeminate Age, to follow his Noble steps for Gold and Siluir. By this memorable relation of the rare occurrences (neuer yet declared to the World) in a third voyage made by him into the West Indies, in the yeares 72 & 73. pp. 80. Portrait on title and portrait inserted, by Philip Nichols. 8° polished calf, extra, by Pratt. Nicholas Bourne: London, 1628 Title and many leaves cropped, but neatly remargined and restored in fac-simile. ^. 1 1 36 Drake. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Who is, or may be a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits of these times to benefit their countrey and eternize their names by like noble attempts. Being a summary and true relation of foure several! voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indes, viz. : His dangerous adventuring for gold and silver with the gain- ing thereof. . . . His Encompass the World, etc. Portrait, (mounted). Small 4° calf. Nicholas Bourne: London, 1653 r- 1 137 Drake. The World Encompassed, by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted. Portrait, (inlaid), pp 108. 4° maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zahnsdorf. (Title and corners of a few leaves mended.) London, 1628 J- 1 138 Drake. Life and Death of the Valiant and Renowned Sir Francis Drake, his voyages and discoveries in the West Indies, and about the World. By Samuel (Hark, pp. 75. Small 4° olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. London, 1671 The title page and the last two leaves in fac-simile. ^5" 1139 Drake, F. S. List of Members of the Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, including a complete roll of the original members. 8° sheets folded. Boston, 1872 _ 1 140 Drake, James R. The Culprit Fay, and other Poems. ^^ pp. 92. First ed. Portrait and engraved title. 8° cloth. New York, 1836 o2 09 J H 5-0 7 104 CATALOGUE. 1141 Drake, S. A. Bunker Hill; the story told from the bcittle-field, by British officers engaged; — General Israel Putnam, the Commander at Bunker Hill. pp. 76, 24. Plate. 8° cloth. Boston, 1875 1 142 Drake, S. G. Indian Biography, containing the lives of more than two hundred Indian Chiefs, pp. 348. 12° sheep. Boston, 1832 1 143 Drake. Book of the Indians of North America. First ed. Early portrait of the author and other plates. 8° sheep. Boston, 1833 ^^1144 Drake. Old Indian Chronicle. Map and illustrations. "^ 16° cloth. Boston, 1836 7-_i[45 Drake. Old Indian Chronicle, a collection of rare ^ tracts, with introduction and dates by S. G. Drake. Map. Small 4° half morocco. Boston, 1867 QQ 1 146 Drake. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of Drake in America. Small 8° calf. Privately printed: Boston, 1845 ^x-1147 Drake. Tragedies of the Wilderness. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Boston, 1846 Presentation copy from the author. ^Q 1 148 Drake. Indian Captivities, or, Life in the Wigwam. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. Auburn, 1850 c- 1 149 Drake. Biography and History of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery. Eleventh ed. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1851 Special edition on larger paper, and with additional portraits and views. 2^^-1150 Drake. A Memoir of the Rev. Cotton Mather, with a genealogy of the family of Mather. Portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 185 I Presentation copy. QQ 1 15 1 Drake. A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Por- trait. 4° cloth. Privately printed: Boston, 1862 ^^1152 Drake. Result of some Researches among the British / Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New England, 1858-60. Map and portrait. Small 4° cloth. Boston, i860 ^5'ii53 Drake. The same. Third ed. pp. 148. Portraits. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper: Only 75 copies printed. j-1154 [Drake.] Narrative Remarks, expository notes, and historical criticisms on the New England Historical and Genealogical Society. 4° paper, uncut. Albany, 1874 CATALOGUE. 105 J5 A / "^^7Ti55 Drake. Catalogue of his Private Library, chiefly relat- ing to the antiquities, history and biography of America. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1845 . 1 156 Dreadful Visitation in a short account of the progress and effects of the Plague, in London, 1665, pp. 16; — Sermons or Declarations made by Stephen Crisp,- one of the antient preachers amongst the people called Quakers, pp. 60. 2 pamphlets 18° paper. Joseph Crukshank : Phila., 1773-4 /y5-ii57 Du Bartas. Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes. ' Translated and dedicated to the King's most excellent Maiestie, by Josuah Sylvester, pp. 715. Engraved title. Second ed. 4° calf. (1605) 1 158 Dublin, N. H. History of, containing the address by ^ Charles Mason, and the proceedings at the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1852, with a register of families. PP- 433- Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 1 159 DucHE, Jacob. Discourses on various Subjects. Fron- tispieces by B. West. Third ed. pp. 403, 430. 2 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1779 -^1160 Dudley, Dean. History of the Council of Nice; a World's Christian Convention, A. D. 325. pp. 86. 8° cloth. Boston, i860 1 161 [Dudley, Thomas.] Massachusetts, or the first Planters "Ul^ (f\ ** of New England, the end and manner of their coming y ^J^' «' thither, and abode there, in several epistles, pp. 56. \ *i'^ 18° half russia. B. Green & J. Allen: Boston, 1696 ^'^ These epistles are from John AUin, Thomas Shepard and John Cotton. The dedication to the Countess of Lincoln is signed T. D. (Thomas Dudley.) y^ii62 Durer, Albert. The Humiliation and Exaltation of our Redeemer, in 32 prints, representing the original wood blocks of Albert Durer. Edited by John Allen, pp. 64. 12° cloth. London, 1856 1163 Dummer, Jer. A Defence of the New England Char- ^^ ters. First ed. pp. 1,6,80. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1721 Autograph of "Thos. Fitch" on title. _ii64 Dummer. A Defence of the New England Charters Ai pp. 44. 8° calf, gilt. Boston, 1765 1165 Dunbarton, N. H. History of, from 175 1 to r86o. 00 By Caleb Stark, pp. 272. 8° cloth. Concord, i860 1 166 Dunlap, William. History of the American Theatre. ^^ pp. 420. 8° calf, gilt. New York, 1832 j 1 167 Dunlap. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts /3 o» of Design in the United States, pp.435, 4^°- 2 vols. 8° boards, uncut, (name cut from titles). New York, 1834 Bookplate of George P. Parker. f^ J io6 CATALOGUE. P 1168 DuNi,OP, John. History of f'iction. pp. 452, 443. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Phila., 1842 1 169 Dunstable, Mass. History of the Old Township of Dunstable, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimac, N. H., Dunstable and Tyngs- borough, Mass. By Charles J. Fox. pp. 278. Plate. 12° cloth. Nashua, 1846 (s,o II 70 DuNSTER, Charles. (Considerations on Milton's early Reading, and the Prima Stamina of his Paradise Lost; together with extracts from a poet of the sixteenth cen- tury, pp. 249. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1800 ^Q 1 171 [DuNTON, John.] The Compleat Library; or, News for Ingenious. Containing several original pieces, an his- y torical account of the choicest books printed in Eng- /^ land, and in the foreign Journals, etc. (Vols I and II.) From 1692 to December 1693. pp. 480, 458. 2 vols, 4° calf. John Dunton: London, 1692-93 Three autograph letters of Geo. H. Moore relating to the rarity of these volumes, laid in. 1172 [Dunton.] The Dublin Scuffle; being a challenge sent by John Dunton, citizen of London, to Patrick Camp- bell, bookseller in Dublin, to which is added the Billet Doux, sent him by a citizen's wife in Dublin, tempting him to lewdness, with his answer to her. pp. 544. 8° half calf. London, 1699 ^—1173 Dunton. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, Late Citizen of London. Written by himself in solitvde. With an Idea of a New Life; Wherein is Shewn How he'd Think, Speak, and Act, might he Live over his Days again; Intermix'd with the New Discoveries The Author has made In his Travels Abroad, — And in his Private Conversation at Home. Together with the Lives and Characters of a Thousand Persons now Liv- ing in London, &c. Digested into Seven Stages with their Respective Ideas, pp. 251. Small 8° half calf, (foxed.) Printed for S. Malthus: London, 1705 "This curious work abounds with interesting literary history, anec- dotes of Bostonians, etc." Eighty-four pages are occupied with the account of his visit to New England, his opening a bookstore in Boston ; intercourse with the Mathers, Cotton, Eliot, Hubbard, and several ladies of Boston, of some of whom he relates very curious particulars. C-- 1 1 74 Dunton. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, with the Lives and Characters of more than a Thousand contemporary Divines and other Persons of Literary Eminence, Portrait. 2 vols, in one. 8° calf, gilt. London, tSi8 CATALOGUE. 107 ~n~7 1 175 [DuNTON.] Athenian Oracle; being an entire collec- tion of all the valuable Questions and Answers in the old Athenian Mercuries. 4 vols, small 8° half calf. London, 1728 Yj" 1 176 DuRFEE, Job. Complete Works of. With a Memoir of the Author, pp 523. 8° cloth. Providence, 1849 j-(P 1 1 77 DuRRiE, D. S. Bibliographia Genealogica Americana; an alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees. Third ed., enlarged, pp. 245. 8° cloth. Albany, 1886 1 1 78 DuxBURY, Mass. History of, with Genealogical Regis- ter. By Justin Winsor. Portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, 1849 1 1 79 DuvcKiNCK, E. A. Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings, complete with the Supplement. Portraits and fac-simile autographs. 3 vols, imperial 8° cloth. New York, 1866 j-^ 1180 DwiGHT, Theodore. History of the Hartford Conven- tion, pp. 447. 8° morocco, gilt. New York, 1833 ff 1 181 DwiGHT, Timothy. The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem. ' pp. 304. First ed. 12° sheep. Hartford, 1785 (^00 1 182 DwiGHT. Travels in New England and New York. Portrait and maps. 4 vols. 8° morocco. London, 1823 ro 00 fo 15- 1183 p« ARTHQUAKES. An Essay on the Agitations of L.^ the Sea, and some other Remarkables attending the Earthquakes of the Year 1755. pp 40. Small 8° half roan. Boston, 1761 - ^ 1 184 East Boston, Mass. History of, with Biographical Sketches of its Early Proprietors. By W. H. Sumner, pp. 801. Map and portraits. 8° cloth. Boston, 1858 1 185 Eastburn, Rev. J. W. Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars C of King Philip, in six Cantos. First ed. 8° morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1820 c-Q 1 1 86 Eastham, Mass. Comprehensive History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, from 1644 to 1844. By Rev. Enoch Pratt, pp. 180. 8° cloth. Yarmouth, 1844 00 ^^^7 East Haven, Conn. The East Haven Register. Part I containing a History of the Town from 1644 to 1800; Part II containing an Account of the Names, Marriages and Births; Part HI containing an Account of the Deaths of the Families which first Settled in East Haven, from 1644 to 1823. By Stephen Dodd. pp. 200, 24. Portrait. 12° sheep. New Haven, 1824 io8 CATALOGUE 3 Jlz ry ^ i88 Easton, James. Human Longevity, recording the Name, Age, Place of Residence, and Year of the De- cease of 17 12 Persons who attained a Century and up- wards from A. D. 66 to 1799. pp. 292. 8° half calf, gilt. Salisbury, 1799 ^5-1189 Eaton, Gen. William. Life of. (By Charles Prentiss.) pp. 448. Portrait inserted. 8° sheep. Brookfield, 1813 - 1 1 90 EcKLEY, Joseph. Sermon delivered at the Installation of the Rev. Israel Evans, at Concord, N. H., July i. 1789. pp. 32. Small 4° calf. George Hough: Concord, 1789 The first book printed in Concord. With autograph of the Author. QP 1 191 Eddis, William. Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, comprising Occurences from 1769 to 1777. pp. 455. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top, (cracked). London, 1792 1 192 (£bgn, fiictjarb. The Decades of the Newe Worlde, or West India. Conteyning the nauigations and con- questes of the Spaniardes, with a particular description of the most ryche and large landes and ilandes lately founde in the west ocean, etc. . . . Translated into Englyssche by Rycharde Eden. Small 4° russia, gilt edges. William Powell: London, 1555 1 193 Cben. The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes. As Moscouia, Per- sia, Arabia, Syria, ^gypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan. With a discourse of the North- west passage. Gathered in parte, and done into Eng- lyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, aug- mented and finished by Richard W^illes. pp. i, 16, i, 479. Small 4° polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bed- ford. Richard lugge: London, 1577 The following are the contents of this volume, two-fifths being oc- cupied by the Decades. 1. The three Decades of the New World, by Peter Martyr. 2. Oviedo's History of the West Indies and New Spain. 3. Notable things of the forin land of the West Indies, including Peru, Florida, and Labrador. ^r7ii94 Eden. The First Three English Books on America. 1 (? 151 1) — 1555, A. D. Being chiefly Translations, Com- pilations, etc., by Richard Eden, from the Writings of Pietro Martire, of Anghiera (1455-1526), Sebastian Miinster, the Cosmographer (1489-1552), Sebastian Cabot of Bristol (1474-1557). VVith Extracts, etc., from the works of other Spanish, Italian, and Ger- man Writers of the Time. Edited by Edward Arber. pp. 408. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Birmingham, 1885 / ro ro -3 60 // CO ^ CATALOGUE. 109 1 195 Edes, H. H. a Memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charles- town, Mass. pp. 25. S° paper, uncut. Boston, 187 1 Only 100 copies privately printed. 1 196 Edwards, Bryan. History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Maps and plates, including a good impression of the "Sable Venus " by Stothard, and a fine frontispiece by West, engraved by Bartolozzi. 2 vols. 4° calf. London, 1794 1 197 Edwards. History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies. Fifth ed. Portrait, maps and plates. 5 vols. 8° of text, and 4° Atlas of plates and map. Together 6 vols, half morocco. London, 1819 _ 1 198 Edwards. Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo, pp. 247. 4° half calf. London, 1797 1 199 Edwards, Edward. Memoirs of Libraries, including a handbook of library economy, pp. 841, 1184. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1859 Q^ 1200 Edwards, Jonathan. A Faithful Narrative of the sur- prizing Works of God in the conversion of many hundredyy souls in Northampton, and the neighboring towns and villages of New Hampshire in N. E. pp. 132. 16° morocco. London. 1737 " First ed., written in form of a letter to Dr. Colman of Boston, and sent by him to England and there published by Dr. Isaac Watts and Dr. John Guyse, with a long preface by them." 5 jr- 1 201 Edwards. Works of; with a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight. Revised* by Edward Hickman. Portrait, pp. 691, 969. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1835 Q_^ 1202 Edwards. Life and Character of, together with a num- ber of his sermons, pp. 98, 279. 12° morocco, red edges. Boston, 1765 QQ 1203 Edwards, Thomas. Antapologia; or a full answer to the Apologeticall narration of Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, and other members of the assembly of divines. 4°, calf, (corner of title mended). London, 1644 tj^ 1204 Edwin, John. The Eccentricities of John Edvv'in, come- 1 dian. Arranged and digested by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. pp. 326, 349. 2 vols. 12° half calf. London, (1791) .^1205 Eliot, John. The Indian Primer; or the way of training up our Indian youth in the knowledge of God, 1669. To which is prefixed the Indian Covenanting Confession. Reprinted from the originals in the Library of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. With an introduction by John Small. 12° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1880 Ito CATALOGUE I3r 1206 Eliot, John. The Christian Commonwealth ; or the Civil policy of the rising kingdom of Jesus Christ. Written before the interruption of the government, by Mr. John Eliot, teacher, etc., at Roxbury in New- England. And now published (after his consent given) by a Server of the Season, pp. (22), 35. Small 4° crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. For Livewell Chapman, n. d. : London, (1659) On the i8th of March, 1660, the Governor and Council of Massa- chusetts passed a formal judgment of condemnation against this book, as they found it "full of seditious principles and notions." It was most rigorously suppressed, and Eliot was forced by the General Court, in the following May, to hand in a humiliating written recantation, which was posted in the public places of all the chief towns of the Colony. — Spai-ks' Life of Eliot. ^2,1207 Eliot. A Sketch of the Life of the Apostle Eliot. By H. A. S. Dearborn. 2 plates. 8° half calf. Roxbury, 1850 //J 1^208 Eliot. Life and Labors of John Eliot, the Apostle among the Indian nations of New England, together with an account of the Eliots in England. By R. B. Caverly. Illustrations, pp. 98. 12° boards, uncut. Lowell, 1881 1209 ^ { ^t I2IO" fs Eliot Indian Tracts. New England's First Fruits; in respect, first, of the (conversion of some, conviction of divers, preparation of sundry) of the Indians. 2. Of the progresse of learning in the colledge at Cambridge in Massachusetts Bay, with dj^^ers other speciall matters concerning that countrey. pp. 26. 4° calf. London, 1643 " The oldest extant document which in type clearly recognizes the existence of Harvard College, is a precious pamphlet with this title, " New England's First Fruits,"' etc. It is a letter dated " IJoston, Sept. 26, 1642." It was published in London in 1643. The letter gives a graphic and vigorous account of the first Commencement." — J?ev, George E. Ellis's Address at the Dedication of the Harvard Statue at Cambridge, 1884. Eliot Indian Tracts. Day-Breaking if not the Sun- Rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New England. [By Thomas Shepard.] pp. 25. 4° calf. London, 1647 12 1 1 Eliot Indian Tracts. Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians of New England; or, an historicall narrative of God's wonderfull workings upon sundry of the Indians, both chief governours and common people, in bringing them to a willing and de- sired submission to the ordinances of the gospel, pp. 38. 4° calf. London, 1648 Contains a long letter from J. Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. CATALOGUE. 1 1 1 I2I2 Eliot Indian Tracts. The Glorious Progress of th^ 15^' «i&o Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, mani- fested by three letters, under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Jr., both preachers of the word, as well to the English as Indians in New-England. pp. 28. 4° calf. London, 1649 With a dedication to the Parliament of England. /_ ^ Hf OC 12 13 Eliot Indian Tracts. The Light Appearing more and "l^ y^,^, V ^^ more towards the Perfect Day, or, a farther discovery '^Y\^hrr-^i238 [Emerson.] Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. First ed. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1852 .^f) 1239 Emerson. His Maternal Ancestors. By Daniel Green Haskins. Portrait. 16° boards. Boston, 1887 7 c 1240 Emerv, S. H. The Ministry of Taunton, with inci- dental Notices of other Professions, pp. 394, 360. Portraits. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 ^^ 1 241 Encyclopedia Britanica, or a Dictionary of Arts, Science and Miscellaneous Literature. Third ed. 20 vols, large 4° sheep. Edinburgh, 1797 114 CATALOGUE n c2 ~ — 1242 Endicott, Charles M. Memoir of John Endicott, first governor of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay ; being also a succinct account of the rise and progress of the Colony, from 1628 to 1665. pp. 116. Portrait, Royal 4° cloth. Salem, 1847 IQ \2ii,2i Endicott. Account of Leslie's Retreat at the North Bridge, in Salem, Feb. 26, 1775. pp. 47. 8° half roan. Salem, 1856 -c^Q 1244 English Constitution and other political essays by Wal- ter Bagehot, 1877; — Our Constitution, by A. C. Ewald, 1867; — British Constitution, by Lord Brougham, 1844; — Passages from the History of Liberty, by Samuel Eliot, 1847; — On Liberty, by J. S. Mill, 1865;— De Lolme's Constitution of England, i8ro. 6 vols. 12° and 8° cloth and boards. 1245 Episcopal Historical Club. Fac-similes of important documents connected with the early history of the American Church. By ^V. S. Perry. 2 vols. 8° paper. New York, 1874 1246 Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America: or, a true Ac- count of the Most remarkable Assaults Committed of late years upon the Coasts of The West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. Wherein are contained more especially, the unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, ^:c. Written originally in Dutch, by John Esquemeling, one of the Bucaniers, w-ho was present at those Trage- dies: and thence translated into Spanish by Alonso de Bonne-Maison. Second ed. Maps and plates, includ- ing the portrait of Morgan, often missing. 2 vols. 4° old calf. London, 1684-85 y^ 1247 English, G. B. The Grounds of Christianity examined, pp. 183; — A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Gary, containing Remarks upon his Review of the Grounds of Christian- ity examined, pp. 143; — A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Channing. pp. 41. 12° calf. Boston, 1813 IQ 1248 English. Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar, under the command of Ismael Pasha, pp. 177, 48. Map. S° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1823 ^x-1249 Erasmus, Desiderius. Moriae Encomium; or a Panegy- rick upon Folly. Done into English, and illustrated wMth above fifty curious cuts, design'd and drawn by Hans Holbeine. pp. 171. 8° calf. London, 1709 1250 Erasmus. The Life of. (By John Jortin.) Mezzotint portrait by Houston, pp. 628. Royal 4° calf. London, 1758 F V to oo CATALOGUE. 115 1251 Essays and Reviews, bv Rev. F. H. Hedge, 1862; — Whence, What, Where? by J. R. Nichols, 1885; — Handbook of the History of Philosophy, by Schwegler, 1868; — A Physician's Problems, by C. Elam, 1869; — Short Studies on Great Subjects, by J. A. Froude, 1871; — Out of the Past, by Parke Godwin, 1870; — Essays, by H. T. Buckle, 1869. 7 vols. 12° cloth. 1252 Essex, Mass. History of, from 1634 to 1700. By Rob- ert Crowell. pp. 166. Map and plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1853 1253 Essex Institute. Historical Collections of the Essex In- stitute. 23 'vols., half morocco and 2 vols, in parts Together 25 vols. 8° and 4°. (Lacks vol. 24, part 4). Salem, 1859-86 1254 European Life and Manners. By Henry Colman, 1849; Manners and Customs of the English Nation. By John Brookes; — Thirty Years in the Harem, 1872; — Men and Things. By James L. Baker, 1858. 5 vols. 12° cloth. , J 1255 EusTis, Henry L. The Tornado of Aug. 22., 1851, in Waltham, West Cambridge and Medford, Middlese.x County, Mass. Folding map. (From Memoirs of Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, pp. 169-178). 4° pa- per, uncut. Cambridge, 1853 ^ 1256 Evelyn, John. Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., comprising his diary, from the year 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his Familiar Letters, (etc.) The whole now first published from the Original MSS. ; Edited by William Bray. Sec- ond ed. pp. 671, 336. Portraits, views, plans, pedi- gree, etc. 2 vols, royal 4° half calf. London, 1819 P^ 1257 Evelyn. The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Now first pub- lished and edited by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford, pp. 265. Portrait. 16° antique calf, by Riviere. W. Pickering: London, 1847 ^^1258 EvERARDUS, Dr. Aegidius. Panacea; or the Universal J ^ Medicine, being a discovery of the wonderfull vertues of tobacco taken in a pipe. Portrait, pp. 16, 79, 55, 8. 16° calf. London, 1659 r- 1259 Everett, A. H. New Ideas on Population; with re- marks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin, pp. 125. 8^ half roan, uncut. Boston, 1823 1260 Everett, David. Common Sense in Deshabille; or the Farmer's Monitor. 16° calf. I. Thomas Jr.: Worcester, 1799 ii6 CATALOGUE. H •jy 1261 Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on various Occasions, pp. 637. 8° cloth. Boston, 1836 __ 1262 Everett. The same. Seconded. Large paper except vol. 3. Portraits. 4 vols, imperial 8° and 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1850-59 1263 Everett. American Poets. (Phi Beta Kappa Poem, delivered at Harvard in 1814). 8° half morocco. Privately printed. Presentation copy from Geo. Ticknor. iQ 1264 Everett. A Defence of Christianity against the Work of George B. English, entitled, the Grounds of Christ- ianity examined, pp. 484. 12° calf. Boston, 1814 J 1265 Everett. Sermon at New York, Jan. 20, 1821; — Ora- tion before the Citizens of Charlestown, on the 50th an- niversary of the Declaration of Independence; — Ad- dresses at the Inauguration of Everett as President of the University of Cambridge; — Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, 1859. Steel portrait. 4 vols. 8° half roan. u J-- 1266 Everett. An Address upon the Life and Services of Edward Everett, Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1865. By R. H. Dana, Jr. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Cambridge, 1865 Large paper : only 50 copies privately printed. JO 1267 Everett. Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, to the memory of Edward Everett, January 30, 1865. pp. 90. Portrait. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1865 CO 1268 Exeter, N. H. Men and Things of Exeter, Sketches from the History of an old New Hampshire Town. (By Charles H. Bell). 8° cloth, uncut. Exeter, (1871) Only 100 copies printed. / -2_ 1269 I— • AIRBANKS, Jason. Report of the Trial of Jason X Fairbanks for the Murder of Miss Elizabeth Fales. pp. 87. 8° half roan. Boston, 1801 /r-f. 1270 Fairfax, Sir Thomas. A Particular Charge or Impeach- ment, in the name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, against Daniel Hollis, and other members of the House of Commons, pp. 29. Small 4° half calf. London, 1647 QQ 1 27 1 Fairfax. A Remonstrance of Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord Generall of the Parliaments Forces, and of the Generall Councell of Officers, held at St. Albans, i6th of November, 1648. pp. 71. Small 4° half calf. London, 1648 ^Q 1272 Fair France, impressions of a traveller, by Miss Muloch; — Ramsay's Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Char- acter; — Gleanings from Pontresina, by H. P. Arnold; — Sketches of the State of the useful Arts, etc., in Great Britain, France and Holland. 5 vols. 12° cloth. CATALOGUE. 117 1273 Fairholt, F. \V. Tobacco, its History and Associa- tions. Illustrations. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1859 1274 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, a Poem. Edited by J. S. Clarke. Plates by Pocock. pp. 220. Royal 8° full russia, gilt. London, 1804 1275 Fall River, Mass. Historical Sketch of, from 1620 to the present time, with notices of Freetown and Tiver- ton. By Orin Fowler, pp. 64. 8° half roan, gilt. Fall River, 1841 1276 Fall River, an authentic narrative, pp. 198. Frontis- piece. 18° boards. Providence, 1834 1277 Familiar Words, by J. H. Friswell, 1866; — Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 1855; — Handbook of Familiar Quotations, 1853; — Hall's Collection of College Words and Customs, 1856; — Dictionary of select and popular Quotations, (by John Grigg), 1851. 5 vols. 12° cloth and sheep. 1278 Fanning, David. Narrative of Colonel David Fanning, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina from 1775 to 1785, with notes, pp. 86. 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1865 Only 200 copies printed. 1279 Farmer, Hugh. Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament; — On Temptation; — On Miracles; — Letter to the Rev. Dr. Worthington; — Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Hugh Farmer, by Michael Dodson. 5 vols. 12° and 8° half morocco. London, 1778-1818 Tyj x^ 1280 Farmer, John. Genealogical Register of the First / Setlers of New England. 8° half morocco. Lancaster, 1829 Oj' 1 281 Farmer. A Memorial, with reminiscences, historical, personal and characteristic of. By J. Le Bosquet. 12° cloth. Boston, 1884 IQ 1282 Farmer, John and Moore, Jacob B. Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire, pp. 276. Map. 12° sheep. Concord, 1823 n^ 1283 Farmer and Moore. Collections, topographical, his- torical and biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. Vols, i and 2, half morocco, and vol. 3 boards, uncut. Together 3 vols. 8°. Concord, 1824-31 j-o 1284 Farnham, Luther. A Glance at Private Libraries, pp. 79. 8° cloth. ♦ Boston, 1855 ^ 1285 Farquhar, George. Works of, containing all his poems, letters, essays and comedies. Eighth ed. 2 vols. 16° 1 calf. London, 1742 ^7 n ^ 00 i S^S- / 00 / To / 10 ii8 CATALOGUE ^Q 1286 Farrar, a. S. a Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion, pp. 487. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1863 'I \t- 1287 Faux, W. Memorable Days in America; being a journal of a tour to the United States, including accounts of . Mr. Birkbeck's settlement in the Illinois, etc. Fron- tispiece. 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, 1823 J ^j^i288 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America. A narrative of a journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America. Third ed. pp. 454. 8° half calf. London, 1819 ^p 1289 Featlev, Daniel. The Dippers Dipt. A description of the severall sorts of Anabaptists, with their manner of rebaptizing. Fine portrait and engraved title by William Marshall, pp. 258. Small 4° calf. London, 1660 1290 Federalist (The), on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jay. New edition, pp. 484. 8° sheep. Hallowell, 1842 jr- 1 291 FcEDERALiST. A Collectiou of Essays, written in favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Foederal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787. Reprinted from the orig- inal text, with an historical introduction and notes by H. B. Dawson, pp. 659. Portrait on India paper. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1864 Volume I, all published ; but the entire text is included in this volume. Large Paper. Only 200 copies printed. / ^ 1292 Federalist. The same. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Morrisania, 1864 1293 Federalist (The), a Commentary on the Constitution ^^ of the United States; a collection of essays by Hamil- ton, Jay and Madison, also the Continentalist and other papers by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton, pp. 659. Portrait. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1865 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. / 00 1294 Fellows, John. The Veil removed; or reflections on David Humphreys' Essay on the life of Israel Putnam. 12° cloth. New York, 1843 ^^x- 1295 Fellows, W. D. Historical Sketches of Charles the ' First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the principal personages of that period, including the King's trial and execution, pp. 432, 86. 50 plates. Royal 4° half morocco, gilt top. London, 1828 CATALOGUE. 119 ~ I296 Felt, J. B. The Customs of New England, 1853; — Who was the First Governor of Massachusetts, 1853. 2 vols. 8° half roan. , Boston. ^^5- 1297 Felt. Historical x\ccount of Massachusetts Currency. Plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1839 t|oo 1298 Felt. Ecclesiastical History of New England. Portrait laid in. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1855 ^2, 1299 Fenelon, S. de la Mothe. Characters and Criticisms upon the ancient and modern orators, poets, painters, musicians and other arts and sciences, pp. 211, 13. Frontispiece. 8° calf. London, 1714 00 1300 Fenelon. The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. Translated by John Hawkesworth, corrected by G. Gregory, pp. 436, 10. Plates by Stothard. Royal 4° calf. London, 1795 %3/ 1 301 Fenelon. Life of. By Chevalier Ramsay, pp. 340. Portrait. 1723; — Dialogues of the Dead, 2 vols. 1756; — Adventures of Telemachus. pp. 436. 1839. 4 vols. 16° calf, morocco and cloth. /f H^ 1302 Fenn, Sir John. Original Letters written during the ' Reigns of Henry VI, Edw'ard IV and V, Richard III, and Henry VII by various persons of rank and conse- quence. Portraits showing the costumes, coloured, and numerous fac-similes. 5 vols. 4° calf, yellow edges. London, 1787-1823 Q^ 1303 Fenn. Paston Letters; original letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV and Richard III by various persons of rank and consequence. 1435- 1483. New edition, by A. Ramsay, pp. 200, 168. Illustrations. 2 vols, in i. Small 4° morocco, gauffered edges. London, 1840 IQ 1304 [Fessenden, T. G.] The Modern Philosopher; or ter- rible tractoration, by Christopher Caustic. Second American ed. pp. 271. 8° sheep. Phila., 1806 2^-1305 Feurbach, Anselm von. Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials. Translated by Lady Duff Gordon, pp. 368. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 )jQ 1306 Feyjoo. Eight Essays or Discourses on various sub- ' jects. Translated from the Spanish, pp. 367. 8° calf. London, 1779 io To 1307 Field, Thomas F. An Essay towards an Indian Biblio-. graphy, being a catalogue of books relating to the his- tory, antiquities, languages, etc., of the American Indians, with bibliographical and historical notes. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1873 CATALOGUE IX J3 lie c-fj 1308 Fielding, Henry. Works of; with an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. Portrait. Best edi- tion. 10 vols. 8° diamond russia. London, 1821 0^1309 FiLMER, Sir Robert. Works of, comprising: Free-Hold- er's Grand Inquest; — Patriarcha; or, the natural power of kings, pp. 346, 141. Portrait. 8° calf. London, 1680-84 Treats of witchcraft. ^P 1 310 FiLSON Club Publications. Portraits and maps. 4 vols, royal 4° paper, uncut. Filson Club: Louisville, 1S84-6 Comprises : Life and Writings of John Filson, the First Historian of Kentucky, by R. T. Durrett ; — The Wilderness Road, by Thomas Speed; — The Pioneer Press of Kentucky, by W. H. Periin; — Life and Times of Judge Caleb Wallace, by W. H. Whitsitt. ^Q 13 1 1 [Finch, Sir Heneage.] An Exact and Most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment, of nine and twenty Regicides, the murtherers of his late Sacred Majesty, began October 9, 1660. pp. 287. Portrait inserted. Small 4° calf. London, 1660 ^5'i3i2 [Finch.] The same. Portrait. 8° calf London, 1724 ^^^1313 FiRMiN, Giles. The Real Christian; or a treatise of effectual calling. 4° calf. London, 1670 The Rev. Firmin Giles, was a son-in-law of Rev. Nathaniel Ward, of Ipswich. ^0 1314 FiRMiN. The same. pp. 328. 12° sheep. Boston, 1742 00 1315 [Fish, Phineas.] Memorial on his Mission to the Marshpee Indians, pp. 11. 8° half morocco. Marshpee, 1834 l(, 1316 Fisher, Elijah. Journal of, while in the War for Inde- pendence, and continued two years after he came to Maine, 1775-1784. pp. 29. 8° paper. Augusta, 1880 jj-^ 13 1 7 Fisher, E. T. Report of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687. Translated from the French, pp. 42. Small 4° boards. Brooklyn, 1868 Only 125 copies printed. lo 1318 Fisher, R. S. New and Complete Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America. Not paged. Royal 8° sheep. New York, 1853 25-1319 Fisher, Walter M. The Californians. pp. 236. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1876 25-1320 Fitzgerald, Percy. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books. Second ed. pp. 229. Por- traits. Small 4" cloth, uncut. London, 1866 CATALOGUE. 121 I 7^ 1321 Fishery Question, by Charles Isham; — Mackerel Fish- y ; 7 ery of North America, by S. Rich; — Relation of the Fisheries to the Discovery and Settlement of North America, by C. L. Woodbury; — Letter to J. Q. Adams, relating to the Fisheries of the Mississippi, by Amos Kendall; — Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas, by Lorenzo Sabine, (Senate Report, 1853.) 5 vols. 8° cloth and half roan. 00 1322 FiTZWiLLiAM, G. W. Pleasures of Love; being amatory poems, original and translated from Asiatic and Euro- pean languages. Frontispiece by Edwin. 12° half calf. Boston, 1808 00 1323 Flags of the Maritime Nations. Prepared by the Bureau of Navigation. Fifth ed. Colored plates. 4° paper. Washington, 1882 -55- 1324 Fletcher, Rev. J. C. and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. Ninth ed. pp. 646. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1879 95- 1325 [Flint, Timothy.] Francis Berrian, or the Mexican Patriot, pp. 299, 285. 2 vols. 12° half calf, gilt, un- cut edges. Boston, 1826 t-,^ 1326 Flint. Recollections of the last ten years passed in I occasional residences and journeyings in the valley of the Mississippi, pp. 395. 8° morocco, gilt. Boston, 1826 5-0 1327 Florida. Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto, by Theodore Irving, 1851; — Exiles of Floritla, by J R. Giddings, 1858. 2 vols. 12° cloth. 0^1328 Fogg, Major Jeremiah. Journal of, during the Expedi- tion of Gen. Sullivan in 1779 against the Western Indians. 8° paper, uncut. Exeter, 1879 Only i 50 copies printed. 1^1329 FoLsoM, Charles. The Choice of Hercules, a poem by Prodicus. pp. 16. 4° paper. Published in honor of the marriage of Loyall Farragut and Gertrude Metcalfe, March 29, 1S69. J. 1330 FoLSOiM, George. Catalogue of Original Documents in the English Archives, relating to the early history of the State of Maine, pp. 137. Royal 8° boards. Only 50 copies privately printed. New York, 1858 1 rti33i Fonblanque, E. B. de. Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the eighteenth Century, derived from the life and correspondence of John I3urgoyne, General, Statesman, Dramatist, pp 500. Maps and illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1870 CATALOGUE ^- 1332 FoNTANEDA, Hcmando de. Memoir respecting Florida, written in Spain about the year 1575; — Letter from Hernando de Soto, in Florida, July 9, 1539. Translated by Buckingham Smith, pp. 67. Map. Folio, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1854 Only ico copies printed. ;2.5" ^333 Foote, Samuel. Dramatic Works of. pp. 366, 434. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1797 7<- 1334 Foote. Life of Andrew Hull Foote, Rear-admiral / United States Navy. By J. M. Hoppin. pp. 411. Portrait and illustrations. 8° cloth. New York, 1874 5"o 1335 Foote, H. W. Annals of King's Chapel, from the Puri- tan age of New England to the present day. Vol. 1. pp. 551. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Boston, 1882 u-n 1336 Foote. James Freeman and King's Chapel, 1782-87, pp. 29; — Sermon preached at King's Chapel, pp. 48, 1875; — King's Chapel and the Evacuation of Boston, pp. 23, 1876; — Sermon at King's Chapel, Dec. 28, 1879. 4 pamphlets. 5"0 ^337 Foote, Rev. W. H. Sketches of Virginia, historical and biographical. First and second series, pp. 568, 596. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1850-55 ^ 1338 Foote, T. E. Five Years in China, from 1842 to 1847; with an account of the occupation of the Islands of Lahuan and Borneo, pp. 405. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1^1^39 Forbes, Robert B. Personal Reminiscences, pp. 382. Small 8° cloth. Boston, 1878 3o CO ^34° Force, Peter. Tracts and other Papers, relating princi- pally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1776. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut. Washington, 1836 / / o 1341 Force. Grinnell Land. Remarks on the English Maps of Arctic Discoveries, in 1850 and 185 1; — Supplement to Grinnell Land. pp. 22, 52. Maps. 8° half calf. Privately printed: Washington, 1853 'Y5--I342 Force, The Declaration of Independence, or Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Independence, pp. 66. 8° boards, uncut. Privately printed: London, 1855 14 J- 1343 [Ford, E.] The Most Famous Delectable and Pleasant ' History of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. Portrait. The fifteenth Impression, pp. j8i. Small 4° vellum. London, 1704 CATALOGUE. 123 / I (^J- /05 gr- 1344 FoRMAN, Simon. The Autobiography and Personal Diary of Dr. Simon Forman, the celebrated Astrologer, from A. D. 1552 to A. D. 1602. Edited by J. O. Hal- liwell. pp. 32. 4° half roan. Privately printed : Tondon, 1849 0^ 1345 FoRSTER, J. R. History of the Voyages and Discov- eries made in the North, pp. 489, 20. Maps. 4° half sheep. London, 1786 So 1346 FoRSTER, T. Original Letters of Locke, Algernon Sid- ney, and Anthony Lord Shaftesbury, pp. 279. 12° half calf, gilt. London, 1830 QQ 1347 [Foster, Hannah.] The Coquette; or the History of Eliza Wharton; a Novel founded on Fact. Third ed. 16° sheep. Newburyport, 181 1 r-^ 1348 Foster. The same. New edition, with a Memoir of the Author. Plate. 12° cloth. Boston, 1855 QQ 1349 FoucH^, Joseph. Memoirs of Joseph Fouche, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France, pp. 474. 8° half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1825 OO 135° [FouLis, Henry.] History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans in the Northern Parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles, from 1031 to 1619. pp. 148. 18° calf. Glasgow, 1764 — 1 35 1 Fowler, George. History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, Illinois, founded in 181 7 and 1818 by Morris Birkbeck and George Fowler. With Preface and Footnotes, by E. B. Washburne. pp. 402. 2 por- traits. 8° cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1882 1352 Fox, C. A Portrait of George Washington, from an Original Drawing, as he appeared while reviewing the Continental Army on Boston Common, in 1776; A His- tory of the Portrait and Documentary Evidence in proof of the Correctness of the Likeness, pp. 37. Por- trait. Royal 8° cloth. Boston, 1851 1353 Fox, George. An Answer to Several New Laws and Orders made by the Rulers of Boston in New England, the Tenth Day of the Eighth Month, 1677; — Some- ^ thing of an Answer to a Letter of John Leverat, Gov- ernor of Boston, to Governor W. Coddington of Rhode Island, pp. 7, II. Small 4° half calf. n. p., 1678 1354 Fox, George, and Rous, J. The Secret Workes of a Cruel People made manifest; whose little finger is become heavier than their persecutors the Bishops Loyns, who - have set up an Image amongst them in New England, etc. pp. 26. Small 4° crimson crushed levant morocco, inside tooling.uncut edges, by Bedford. London, 1659 00 124 CATALOGUE. VT^I 1355 Fox, George, and John Burnyeat. A New-England Fire '^ ^^^ Brand Quenched, Being an answer unto a Slanderous Book, Entituled: George Fox digged out of his Bur- rowes, &c. Printed at Boston in 1676, by Roger Wil- liams, of Providence, in New-England, which he Dedi- cateth to the King, with Desires, That if the Most- High please. Old and New-England may flourish, when the Pope and Mahomet, Rome & Constantinople are in their Ashes. Of a Dispute upon XIV of his Proposals held and debated betwixt him, and said Roger Williams, on the one part, and John Stubs, William Edmundson and John Burnyeat on the other. At Providence and Newport in Rode Island, in the Year 1672, etc. pp. 233, 256. Small 4° sheep. Printed in the Year 1678 " It was on the occasion of this " Dispute," that Roger Williams paddled his own log canoe to Newport." 1356 Fox. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry of that Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. pp. 679, 28. Third ed. Folio, half morocco. London, 1765 1357 Fox. Instructions for Right Spelling and Plain Direc- ^^ tions for Reading and Writing true English, pp. 120. 18° calf. Rogers & Fowle: Boston, 1743 ji IH 1358 Fox, John. An xA.bridgement of the Booke of Acts and ^^ Monumentes of the Church. Abridged by Timothe Bright, pp. 504, 288 and table. 8° old calf. Lond,, 1589 1359 Fox. An Universal History of Christian Martyrdom. Edited by Rev. J. Milner. pp. 1015. Numerous illus- trations. 8° half morocco. London, 1837 1360 Fox. Actes and Monuments. A new and complete ^ Edition; with a preliminary Dissertation by Rev. George Townsend. Edited by Rev. S. R. Cattley. Portrait. 8 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 00 1361 Fox, Sir Stephen. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, from his first Entrance upon the Stage of Action, under the Lord Piercy, till his Decease, pp. 119. Mezzotint portrait by Earlom. 8^^ morocco, gilt. London, 1717 ^N 1362 FoxBOROUGH, Mass. Foxborough's Oi^cial Centennial / Record, June 29, 1878. pp. 248. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Foxborough, 1879 '^^^i FoxcROFT, Thomas. Observations, Historical and Prac- tical, on the Rise and Primitive State of New England, with a special Reference to the Old or first gather'd ' Church in Boston, pp. 46. 8° half roan, uncut. Boston, 1730 CATALOGUE. 125 «?< IH 10. 1364 FoxcROFT. A Sermon preached at the Old Church Lec- ture in Boston, January i, 1746-7. pp. 76. 8° antique calf, gilt. Boston, 1747 ^^1365 FoxE, Luke. Northwest Fox, or Fox from the North- west passage. Beginning with King Arthvr, Malgar, Octhvr, the two Zenis of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dor- gia; Following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Knight, Hudson, Baffin, etc. Mr. James Hall's three Voyages to Green- land With the author's owne Voyage being the XVIth, with the opinions and Collections of the most fa- mous Mathematicians and Cosmographers; . . . pp. 272. 4° calf. London, 1635 The Crowninshield copy, with bookplates. The map and 2 leaves after pp. 168 are in fac-simile. The author's own narrative is of his Voyage for the discovery of a Northwest Passage made in 1631 in the pinnace, the Charles, of seventy tons burden, manned by twenty men and two boys, with pro- visions for eighteen months. He passed through Hudson's Strait, and followed the whole western coast of Hudson's Bay, but made no new discoveries. yj-i366 Framingham, Mass. History of Framingham, Mass., including the plantation, from 1640 to the present time. By William Barry, pp. 456. 8° cloth. Boston, 1847 00 ^367 irrankfovb Slroubks. A Brieff Discourse off the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, Anno 1554, abawte the Booke off Common Prayer and Ceremonies, pp 226. Small 4° calf. n. p., 1575 ^^ 1368 Frankford Troubles. The same. pp. (8) 184. 4° half calf, gilt. London, 1642 ^0 1369 Frankford Troubles. The same. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1846 ^5-^1370 Franklin, Benjamin. Works of, with notes and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. Portraits. 10 vols, imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1840 Large paper. 5-Q1371 Franklin. Works, consisting of his Life, written by himself, together with Essays. Second American edi- tion, pp. 206, 142. Portrait by Tanner. 2 vols, in r. 12° calf. New York, 1794 ^2,1372 Franklin. The same. pp. 300. 12° sheep. Charlestown, 1798 ^^1373 Franklin. Works of, consisting of his Life written by himself, together with his Essays, chiefly in the manner of the spectator. Third ed. pp. 317, 290. 2 vols in i. 12° half calf. London 126 CATALOGUE. o\^tr- 1 374 Franklin. Works of. pp. 303. Portrait, (curious). '^ 8° calf. Dublin, 1793 n XT 1375 Franklin. Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1806 lo 7 J2 5~ ^37^ Franklin. Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces. (Edited by Benjamin Vaughan). pp. 574. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1779 Autograph letters of Franklin and Vaughan inserted, also portrait of Franklin from European Magazine. ^O '377 Franklin. Posthumous and other Waitings of. Pub- lished from the originals by W. T. Franklin. Third ed. pp. 493, 522. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1819 1^ 1378 Franklin. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. pp. 195. Portraits on India paper. Royal 4° paper, uncut. New York, 1859 Large Paper. Only 10 copies printed. 1379 Franklin. The Private Life of, originally written by himself, and now translated from the French, pp. 324. 8° calf. London, 1793 ^25- 1380 Franklin. Life of, including a sketch of the War of Independence, pp. 407. Portrait by Landseer. 12° half roan. London, 1826 J7> 1381 Franklin. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death, by W. T. Franklin. New edition. Portrait by Chas. Pye. 6 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 10 1382 Franklin. A Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, de- livered at Liverpool, Nov. 17, 1841. By Rev. Hugh McNeile. With a prefatory note by J. B. Murray, pp. 47. Fac-similes. 8° half roan. New York, 1841 3,^ 1383 Franklin. Life and Times of. By James Parton. Portraits on India paper. 2 vols, imperial 8° cloth, un- cut. New York, 1865 Large Paper: only 100 copies printed. yj, 1384 Franklin. Life of, written by himself; now first edited from original manuscripts and from his other writings. By John Bigelow. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Phila., 1875 1 1385 Franklin. Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin. Plate. Imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Large paper. Boston, 1857 ^j, 1386 Franklin before the Privy Council, White Hall Chapel, London 1774 on behalf of the Province of Massachu- setts, to advocate the removal of Hutchinson and Oliver, pp. 134. Plate. 8° cloth. Phila., i860 CATALOGUE. 127 1 ^^"1387 Franklin in France. From original documents most of which are now published for the first time. By Ed- ward E. Hale and E. E. Hale, Jr. Portraits. Large 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 ^- 1388 Franklin Family Primer. Eighth ed. Wood-cut por- trait. 18° boards. Boston, 1807 S\S0 ^3^9 Franklin Imprint. Philadelphia Library Company. Charter, Law and Catalogue of Books. 8° half mo- rocco. Printed by B. Franklin and Hall: Phila., 1764 ^'T 1390 Franklin Papers. A Report of Theodore F. Dwight on ' the papers of Benjamin Franklin, offered for sale by Mr. Henry Stevens, and recommending their purchase by Congress, pp. 99. 8° boards. Washington, 1881 ^' 1391 Franklin, Sir John. Arctic Expedition of 1845. Re- ports to House of Commons. Maps. 2 vols, small folio, paper, uncut. . London, 1848-50 Iq 1392 Eraser, James. Second Bishop of Manchester. A Me- moir, 1818-1885. By Thomas Hughes. Portrait. 8° ' cloth. London, 1887 /Ay J- 1393 Freeman, Frederick. History of Cape Cod: the annals / of the thirteen towns of Barnstable County, pp. 803, 803. Portraits. 2 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. Boston, 1858-65 cJL'oo "^394 Ereeman. Civilization and Barbarism, illustrated by es- pecial reference to Metacomet and the extinction of his race. pp. t86. 8° cloth. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1878 ivo ^395 French Revolution. Tracts relating to: Desmoulins. History of the Brissotins, 1794; — Short Account of the Revolt and Massacre in Paris, Aug. 10, 1792; — Oration of Deseze in Defence of Louis XVIth at the Bar of the National Convention, Dec. 26, 1792; — Genuine Trial of Marie Antoinette; — Trial of Louis XVIth. Portraits. 8° calf. London, 1792-3 -g ry^ 1396 French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. / Part 2. pp. 301. Map. Phila., 1850; — Historical Me- moirs of Louisiana, pp. 291. Portrait. New York, 1853; — Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. New series, pp. 362. 3 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1869 ^^ 1397 French, Jonathan. The True Republican, containing the Inaugural Addresses, together with the first annual addresses of each President, from 1789 to 1841. pp. 468. Portraits. 12° cloth. Phila, 1842 u ^ 1398 Frost, John. Pictorial History of the United States of America. 4 vols, royal 8° morocco, gilt, uncut edges, gilt tops. Phila., 1S43 2.^ 7 7 r 128 CATALOGUE. / I 1399 Frobisher, Martin. De Martini Forbisseri Angli Navi- gatione in Regiones Occidentis et Septentrionis. Narra- tio historica, ex Gallico sennone in Latinum translate per D. Joan, T. Freigium. Plate, pp. i, i, 43 un- numbered leaves. 18° calf. Norimbergae, 1580 The first Latin edition of Frobisher's Voyages. 1400 Frothingham, Richard. History of the Siege of Bos- ton, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bun- ker Hill. pp. 420. Maps. 8° cloth. Boston, 1849 1401 Frothingham. The same. Fourth ed. pp. 422. 8° cloth. Boston, 1873 ^►Y 1402 Frothingham. Illustrations of the Siege of Boston, pp. 40. 8° boards. Privately printed : Boston, 1876 r-Q 1403 Frothingham. Rise of the Republic of the United States, pp. 640. Portrait on India paper inserted. 8° cloth. Boston, 1872 5~£j 1404 Froude, James A. Oceana, or England and her Colo- nies. Illustrations. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1886 1405 Fry, Edmund. Pantographia; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world, together with an English explanation of the peculiar force or power of each letter, pp. 318. Royal 8° half calf. London, 1799 ^ 1406 Fry, Francis. The Bible by Coverdale, 1535. Remarkson the titles; the year of publication; the preliminary, the water-marks, etc. pp. 40. 15 plates. 8° half morocco, uncut. London, 1867 1407 [Fry, John.] Bibliographical Memoranda, in illustra- tion of Early English Literature, pp. 403. 4° half calf. Bristol, 1816 Only 100 copies printed. 1408 Fry. Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry, sometime Professor in William and Mary College, Va. and Washington's Senior in command of Virginia Forces, 1754. By Rev. P. Slaughter, pp. 112. 8° cloth. Richmond. H 00 ^4°9 ^^^^^)y ^o\)\\. A Boke made by John Fryth. Prysoner in the Tower of London, answering unto M. More's letter which he wrote agayst the fyrst lytle treatyse that John Fryth made concerning the sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ. Black Ciettcr. fol. 108. 18° morocco, extra, gilt edges. Now newly revised, corrected and printed in the year 1548. 1410 Fuller, Thomas. The Historic of the Holy Warre. Second ed. pp. 286, 26. Map and engraved title. Cambridge 1640; — The Holy State, and the Profane State, pp. 441. Portraits. In one volume. Folio, calf. Cambridge, 1642 c2 lU. 6'o CATALOGUE. 129 1 r ... 77,,, , TU^ ( /J- 141 1 Fuller. The Church History of Britain, from the Birth ^ of Jesus Christ until the year 1648. Third ed. With a preface and notes, by James Nichols. Plates. 3 vols 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1842 'I Qf. 1412 Fulton, A. R. The Red Men of Iowa; being a history of the various aboriginal tribes whose homes were in Iowa. pp. 567. Illustrations. 8° half morocco. Des Moines, 1882 ^ -J-1413 Fulton, Robert. Life of. Bv Cadwallader D. Colden. '^^^ 8° sheep. ' New York, 1817 1414 Funnell, William. Voyage round the World, contain- ^^ ing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South Seas, in 1703-4. Maps and plates, pp. 300. 8° calf. London, 1707 // 1415 Funeral Sermons. Discourse on Eliot, by Lathrop, Feb. 21, 1813; — Freeman, on Eliot, Feb. 14, 1813; — Upham, on Pickering, 1829; — Bellows, on Channing, 1842; — Greenleaf, on Story, 1845; — Knapp, on Pierce, 1849; — Ware, on Livermore, 1856; — Way land, on Granger, 1857. 8 vols. 8° half roan. iyr-i4x6 FuRMAN, Gabriel. Notes, Geographical and Historical, / relating to the Town of Brooklyn, Long Island, pp. 117, 39. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. Faust Club: Brooklyn, 1865 Only 120 copies printed. / r-_ 141 7 FusELi, Henry. Life and Writings of. Edited by John ' '^ Knowles. Portrait. 3 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1831 lo ^^1418 ^^ADBURY, John. The Nativity of the late King vj Charles, astrologically and faithfully performed. pp. 128. Fine portrait of the author, by T. Cross, and of Charles I, by W. Marshall. 12° sheep. London, 1659 2.Q 1419 [Gade, Helen.] The Ancient Vessel found in the Parish of Tune, Norway. Illustrations, pp. 6. 4° paper. Privately printed : Christiania, 1872 / 3) 00 ^420 Gage, Thomas. A New Survey of the West Indies, or the English American, his Travail by Sea and Land. Second ed., enlarged by the Author and beautified with maps. pp. 220, 6. Folio, crimson morocco, extra, uncut edges. London, 1655 "In the later editions, after expurging from the dedication certain passages in honor of Fairfax, the remainder was dexterously con- verted into a preface ; and the 2 2d chapter, as containing particulars relative to the artifices used by the " Pafulins " to convert the writer. totally onaitted. It was afterwards printed separately." — Wrani^ham. IT ) 130 CATALOGUE. 142 1 Gage. Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige Reyse door de ^^ Spaensche West-Indien. pp. 450 and Index. Maps and plates. Small 4° half morocco, uncut. Utrecht, 1682 2)% 1422 Galileo. The Private Life of Galileo; compiled princi- pally from his Correspondence and that of his eldest daughter. Sister Maria Celeste, pp. 307. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1870 o 1423 Gallagher, W. D. Facts and Conditions of Progress in the North-West, being the Annual Discourse for 1850 before the Ohio Historical Society, pp. 88. 8° paper. Cincinnati, 1850 1424 Galloway, Joseph. Speech, in answer to the Speech ^ of John Dickinson, Esq., delivered in the House of As- sembly of the Province of Penn., May 24, 1764, pp. (20), 45, Phila., 1764; — Examination of Joseph Gal- loway, late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pa., before the House of Commons in a Committee on the American Papers, pp. 85, 1780; — Letters to a Noble- man, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colo- nies, pp. loi, 1780; — Cool Thoughts on the Conse- quences to Great Britain of American Independence, pp. 70, 1780; — Plain Truth; or, a letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War, pp. 76, 1780; — A Reply to the Observations of Sir Wm. Howe, pp. 157, 1781. Together 6 vols. 8° half roan. 1425 Gannett, Ezra S. Sermons and Discourses at Arling- ton St. Church, etc., 1845-1871. 5 pamphlets. 1426 Ganong, W. F. Jacques Cartier's First Voyages. (From Trans. Roy. Soc, Canada, pp. 121-136.) Plate. 4° paper. 1887 ^25-1427 Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, pp.459. 8° half calf. Charleston, 1822 1428 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. Second series, pp. 240. 12° boards, uncut. Charleston, 1828 •jf 1429 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 3 / vols, large 4° boards, uncut. Reprinted: Brooklyn, 1865 1 50 copies printed. c- 1430 Gardiner, C. C. The Papers and Biography of Lion Gardiner, 1599-1663. pp. 106. Royal 4° paper. St. Louis, 1883 DO 1431 Gardiner. Life of Colonel Gardiner, who was slain in the Battle of Prestonpans, with an appendix relating to the ancient family of the Munroes of Fowlis. By P. Doddridge. Portrait and 7 plates, pp. 284. 8° half calf. London. CATALOGUE. 131 4-p 1432 Gardiner, Me. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, 1602-185 2. ^Y J- ^^- Han- son, pp. 343. Plates. 12° cloth. Gardiner, 1852 / eo 1433 Gardiner, Richard. An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies, against Martinico, with the Reduction of Guadelupe, 1759. Third ed. With English and French text. pp. 91, 91. Plates. 4° half calf. Baskerville: Birmingham, 1762 f- 1434 Garrick, David. Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the most celebrated Persons of his Time, pp. 660, 636. Portrait. 2 vols, imperial 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1831 1 r- 1435 Gauden, John. The Religious and Loyal Protestation of John Gauden, against the present declared Purposes and Proceedings of the Army and others, about the trying and destroying our Sovereign Lord the King. pp. 12. Small 4° calf. London, 1648 a3fif) ^'^^^ Gauden. Discourse concerning Publick Oaths, and the Lawfulness of Swearing in Judicial Proceedings, pp. 47. Small 4° half roan. London, 1662 u '^Q 1437 Gaule, John. Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft, pp. 208. (Title page missing and corners worn.) 18° calf, gilt. London, 1646 1438 Gaule. The Mag-Astro-Mancer; or, the Magicall-As- trologicall-Diviner posed and puzzled, pp. 377. 4° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. London, 1652 1439 Gay, Ebenezer. The Old Man's Calendar, a Discourse delivered in the first Parish of Hingham, Aug. 26, 1781. pp. 24. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1781 MSS. notes added by Mr. Deane. 1440 Gay, John. Plays, to which is prefixed an account of the Life and Writings of the Author, pp. 359. Por- trait. 16° calf. London, 1772 ^5" 1441 Gay. The Be'ggar's Opera. Eleventh ed. pp. 60. 12° ' paper. London. J- 1442 Gee, Joshua. A Sermon preached on the Lord's Day I after the Death of the Rev. Cotton Mather, pp. 34. j 8° half morocco, uncut. S. Gerrish: Boston, 1728 I 00 ^443 Gee. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain con- j sidered. Third ed. 16° mottled calf. Glasgow, 1750 J 1444 Gee. The same. New edition, pp. 288. 12° calf. "^ ^^ London, 1767 ? 00 flO 132 CATALOGUE, Jl (j^ 1445 Genealogical Pamphlets. History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families of Amherst, Mass. pp. 66. (priv. printed,) 1880; — Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family of Chesham, Bucks and of Hamp- ton and Newbury, in New England, pp. 19, 1869; — Descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697. pp. 43, 1869; — Descendants of Peter Cooper of Row- ley, Mass. pp. II, 1885; — English Ancestry of Rev. John Cotton of Boston, pp. 12, 1868; — New England Ancestors of Katharine-Brattle and William-Cary Har- ris, pp. 32. (priv. printed,) 1887; — Descendants of Capt. William Leighton of Kittery, Me. pp. 127, 1885; — Genealogy of the Leonard Family, pp. 20, 1851; — Genealogy of the McKinstry Family, pp. 46, 1866; — Memoirs of the Marstons of Salem, pp. 48, 1873; — The Oxen-bridges of Brede Place, Sussex and Boston, Mass. pp. 20, (Lond.), i860; — Name of Perkins as found on Essex County Record, pp. 16; — Salem Press Hist, and Gen. Record, Jan. 1892; — Account of the Temple Family, pp. 15; — Genealogical and Biographical Ac- count of the Descendants of Elder William VVentworth, of Dover, N. H. pp. 20, 1850; — Wentworth Family of England, by J. L. Chester, pp. 16, 1868. Together 16 pamphlets. ^ 1446 General Repository and Review. 4 vols. 8° half calf, uncut edges, gilt tops, the covers laid in. Cambridge, 1812-13 ^ tr 1447 Geneva Testament. New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; a fac-simile reprint of the cele- brated Genevan Testament 1557. pp. 455. 12° vellum. Bagster: London. JQ 1448 Genlis, Comtesse de. Sacred Dramas. Translated into English. By Thomas Holcroft. pp. 347. 8° sheep. London, 1786 -_ 1449 Gent, Thomas. Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, Printer, of ^^ York. Written by himself, pp. 208. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. , London, 1832 ;^ 5" 1450 Geography. Thesaurus Geographicus; a New Body of Geography; or, a compleat description of the earth, pp. 506, 14. Maps. Folio, calf. London, 1695 r-Q 145 1 George the Third, his Court and Family. New edition, pp. 477, 468. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1824 (^Q 1452 Georgia. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, pp. 307, 336. Vols. I and 2. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Savannah, 1840-42 o CATALOGUE. 133 "Tl 1453 Georgia. Reason for Establishing the Colony of Geor- '' ^^ gia, with some account of the country and the design of X the trustees. (By Benj. Martin.) Map and plate, pp. 48. Small 4° stitched. London, 1733 The second tract issued by the Trustees. The map is generally missing. 1454 Georgia. Memorial (to the President of the United States.) Relates to Georgia and New England Mississ- ippi Land Co.) pp. 19. 16° boards, uncut. n. p. n. d. ♦ - 1455 German Theatre (The). Translated by Benjamin Thompson. Portrait and plates. 6 vols. 16° calf. London, 1801 ^0 1456 Gerry, Elbridge. Life of, with contemporary letters to the close of the American Revolution. By J. T. Austin, pp. 520, 408. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half sheep. Boston, 1828-9 ^Q 1457 Gessner, Salomon. The Death of Abel in five Books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. pp. 275. Portrait and plates by Stothard. 8° half morocco. (Por- trait and frontispiece mended). London, 1797 1458 Gesta Romanorum; or, entertaining moral stories; in- vented by the monks as a fire-side recreation, and com- monly applied in their discourses from the pulpit, whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others, from the earliest times, have extracted their plots. Trans- lated from the Latin with preliminary observations and copious notes. By the Rev. Charles Swan. New edi- tion, with an introduction by Thomas Wright, pp. 388, 545. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. New York, 1872 Limited edition. _ 1459 Ghillany. Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin ^ Behaim, nach den altesten vorhandenen Urkunden bearbeitet von Dr. F. W. Ghillany. . . . Eingeleitet durch eine Abhandlung: Ueber die altesten Karten des neuen Continents und den Namen Amerika, von Alex- ander von Humboldt, etc. pp. 122. 3 maps and portrait. Imperial 4° boards. Niirnberg, 1853 From the Emperor Maximilian's Collection. 1460 GiBBES, R. W. Documentary History of the American Revolution. 1764-82. pp. 288, 293, 292. 3 vols. 8° cloth. Columbia, S. C, 1853; New York, 1857 1461 Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of '^ ^0 the Roman Empire. With notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited with additional notes by William Smith. Portrait and maps. 8 vols. 8° calf extra, marbled edges. Boston, 1854 134 CATALOGUE // / ^ r- 1462 (iiBBS, George. Memoirs of the Administriitions of Washington and John Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. pp. 574, 555. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1846 / teY 1463 GiDDiNGS, Joshya R. History of the Rebellion; its ' Authors and Causes, pp.498. 8^ cloth. New York, 1864 1464 Gilbert Family. A Genealogical Memoir of the Gil- bert Family, in both Old and New England. By J. W. Thornton. 8° half calf, gilt. Boston, 1850 Only 50 copies privately printed. jT-^ 1465 Giles. Memoirs of Odd Adventures, Strange Deliver- ances, etc., in the captivity of John Giles, commander of the Garrison on Saint George River, Maine. Written by himself. Originally published at Boston, 1736. pp. 64. 8° paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869 With an extra copy containing corrections by Mr. Deane from the original edition. ^^ 1466 Gillies, John. History of Ancient Greece; its Colo- nies and Conquests. Map. 4 vols. 8° sheep. Philadelphia, 1822 ^Q 1467 Oilman Family traced in the line of Hon. John Oilman, of Exeter, N. H., with an account of many other Gil- mans in England and America. By Arthur Oilman. Portrait. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869 Presentation Copy, with autograph letter of the Author. '1\qq 1468 GiLMANTON, N. H. History of Gilmanton, including ' what is now Gilford, to the Time it was disannexed. By Daniel Lancaster, pp. 304. 8° boards. Gilmanton, 1845 ^Q 1469 Gilpin, William. The Lives of Hugh Latimer and of Bernard Gilpin. Third ed. pp. 368. 8° calf, (broken). London, 1780 «^ 1470 Gladstone, W. E. Juventus Mundi, the Ciods and Men cT 5" a of the Heroic Age. pp. 554. 8° cloth. Boston, 1869 5"0 147 1 Glanvil, Joseph. Saducismus Triumphatus; or, Full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Appari- tions. Third ed. pp. 598. 8° old calf. London, 1689 'i<^ 1472 Glas, George. History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands, pp. 368. Map. 4° half sheep (broken). London, 1764 1473 [Gleig, G. R.] a Subaltern in America; comprising his Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army, at Baltimore, Washington, etc. pp. 206. 12° boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1833 cfp 1474 Gleig. Story of the Battle of Waterloo, pp. 305. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1847 CATALOGUE. 135 -^ 00 X T475 Gloucester, Mass. History of the Town of Gloucester, •^ Cape Ann, including the Town of Rockport. By John J. Babson. pp. 610. Map. 8° cloth. Gloucester, i860 1476 Gloucester. Notes and Additions to the History of Gloucester. By J. J. Babson. pp. 94. 4° paper. Gloucester, 1876 ir. 1477 GoDWYN, Thomas. Moses and Aaron. Civil and Ec- clesiastical Rites, used by the ancient Hebrews, pp. 332. 4° calf. (Title mounted.) London, 1625 "With autograph, " Nath'l Rogers his Book given by Mr. John Pal- frey." With inscription giving a history of the book, by J. G. Cotton. QQ 1478 GoDDARD, Delano A. Newspapers and Newspaper Writers in New England, 1787-1815. pp. 39. 8° boards. Boston, 1880 -. 1479 Godwin, William. Enquiry concerning Political Jus- tice. pp. 464, 545. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half calf. London, 1795 l^Q 1480 Godwin. Fleetwood; or, the New Man of Feeling, pp. 246, 234. 2 vols. 16° sheep. Alexandria, 1805 1481 Godwin. Lives of the Necromancers, pp. 465. 8° morocco. London, 1834 c. 1482 GoMARA, F. L. de. Historia de Mexico, con el Descu- brimiento de la nueua Espaiia, conquistada por el my illustre y valeroco Principe Don Fernando Cortes. Thick 16° old calf. Anvers, 1554 Ex-libris of Emperor Maximilian. L 1483 GoMARA. La Historia General de las Indias, con todos los Descubrimientos. 287 leaves. 16° half sheep. Anvers, 1554 >j. 1484 (©Otnara. The Pleasant History of the Conquest of the Weast-India, now called New Spayne, atchieued by the worthy Prince Hernando Cortes, Marques of the valley "]7 of Huexacac, most delectable to reade. Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by T. N. [Thomas Nicholas.] Black Cetter. Small 4° calf. (Title mounted). London, by Henry Bynneman, (Anno, 1578) 1485 GooDELL, A. C, Jr. Trial and Execution for Petit ^^ Treason of Mark and Phillis, slaves of Capt. John Cod- man, pp. 39, 1883; — Seals of the Colonial and Provin- cial Courts of Mass., pp. 14; — Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, with a helio- type plate of the Act of 1711, pp. 52, 1884. 3 pamph- lets 8" paper, uncut. Boston and Cambridge, 1882-3 Only 200 copies printed. 7^ J oo ) 5~o €- OO ^o o2. /o Z6- 3 oo 5"c s- o o I Zr 1 7^ 136 CATALOGUE. i486 Good Society; — Library of Anecdote and Information ; — Lift for the Lazy; — Scientific Dialogues for the In- struction and Entertainment of Young People; — Cham- bers's Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. 6 vols. 12° cloth. 1487 Goodman, Dr. Godfrey. The Court of King James the First. Now first published from the original manu- script. By J. S. Brewer, pp. 421, 424. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 1488 Goodrich, C. B. The Science of Government as ex- hibited in the Institutions of the United States, pp. 343. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 1489 Goodwin, Nathaniel. Genealogical Notes, or contri- butions to the family history of some of the first set- tlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1856 1490 Goold, William. Col. Arthur Noble, of Georgetown, Fort Halifax; — Col. William Vaughan, of Matinicus and Damariscotta. Portrait. 8° cloth. Portland, 1881 Presentation copy. 1491 Goold. Burning of Falmouth, pp. 16, 1873; — Early Papermills of New England, pp. 8, 1875. 2 pamphlets. 1492 Gordon, Mrs. The Home Life of David Brewster, pp. 482. 12° cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1870 1493 Gordon, John and William. Full Report of the Trial for the murder of x^masa Sprague; — P~ull Report of Arguments of the Council. 2 vols. 8° half roan. Providence, 1844 1494 Gordon, William. A Sermon preached before the Gen- eral Court, July 4, 1777. 8° half roan. Boston, 1777 1495 Gordon. History of the Rise, Progress, and Establish- ment of the Independence of the United States of America. Map. 4 vols. 8° mottled calf. London, 1788 1496 Gore, Mrs. Paris in 1841. With 21 highly finished en- gravings, from drawings by Thomas Allom. pp. 268. Royal 8° cloth. London, 1842 ^ 1497 Gorges Society Publications. Portraits and plates. 3 vols, small 4° paper, uncut. Portland, 1884-87 Limited edition. Comprises: I. New England's Vindication, by Henry Gardiner, London, 1660. Edited with notes by C. E. Banks. IL George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-1667. With collateral documents, by J. P. Baxter. IIL Rosier's Relation of Waymouth's Voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605. With introduction and notes, by H. S, Barrage. CATALOGUE. 137 gQ 1498 Gorges, Ferdinando. America Painted to the Life. The true history of the Spaniards proceedings in the conquests of the Indians and of their civil wars among themselves, from Columbus his first discovery to these later times. As also, of the original undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts. With a perfect relation of our English discoveries, shewing their beginning, progress and continuance from the year 1628 to 1658. Part IL Brief narration of the original undertakings of the advancement of the plan- tations in America. Part III. The Manners, Customs, ^ Wars, etc., of the Indians. Part IV. The History of the Spanish proceedings in America. With photographs of the 2 folding plates and a map from Hondy's Mercator, 1606. Small 4° antique calf, gilt. London, 1659 " Containing a good deal of important information relative to the early history of New England, particularly the District of Maine, which was granted originally to the author's grandfather."— RicJi's Cat. 75^ 1499 Gorges. Pedigree of. By Rev. Frederick Brown, pp. 10. 8° paper, uncut. Boston, 1875 Only 100 copies privately printed. 1500 GoRHAM, Me. History of. By Josiah Pierce, pp. 239. 8° cloth. Portland, 1862 ^ 1501 Gorton, Samuel. Simplicities Defence against seven- --^ ^ headed Policy, etc. pp. iii. 4° morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1646 The titlepage and 3 first leaves in manuscript. " Master Gorton having abused high and low at Aquidneck, is now bewitching and bemadding Providence, both with his meleane and foule censures of all the ministers of this countrie." — IVinslow's Hypocrisie Uninasked. See Part II of this catalogue. " A historical narrative of the difficulties between the first settlers of Warwick, (R. I.), and the Colony of Massachusetts pjay, growing out of the attempt of the government of the latter to extend its juris- diction over the persons and lands of the former." — Mackie. 1502 Gorton. An Antidote against the Common Plague of *"> the World, etc. pp. i, 20, 296. Small 4° calf. London, 1657 ^ 1503 Gorton. An Account of Samuel Gorton, one of the Early Settlers of Rhode Island. 16° claret morocco. A MS. of 26 pages. Printed in the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Reg- ister, for July, 1850. 7e~ 1504 Goss. E. H. Early Bells of Massachusetts, pp. 34, 1874; — Historical Address, Melrose, 1876. 2 vols. 8° boards and paper, Boston and Melrose, 1874-6 138 CATALOGUE. 5- I 00 00 Xo 7^ / xr 1505 Gottfried, J. L. Newe Archontologia Cosmica, das ist Beschreibung aller Kayserthumben, Konigreichen und Republicken der gantzen Welt. pp. 760, (24). Num- erous maps and plates. Folio, vellum. Franckfurt, 1646 1506 Gould, S. B. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. pp. 660. 12° half roan. Philadelphia, 1869 1507 Gowan's Bibliotheca Americana. 3 vols, royal 4° cloth, ^O uncut. New York, 1845-62 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. Comprises : I. Denton's Brief Description of New York ; — Wooley's Two Year's Journal in New York; — Miller's Description of the Province of New York. o 1508 Grafton, Mass. Address before the Inhabitants of ^^ Grafton, on the first Centennial Anniversary of that Town, April 29, 1835. ^Y William Brigham. pp. 40. 8° boards (stained). Boston, 1835 1509 Graham, James. History of the United States of North America. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1836 15 10 Graham. History of the United States of North Amer- ica. Second ed. Portrait. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1845 15 1 1 Granger, Rev. James. Letters between the Rev. James Granger and many of the most eminent Literary Men of his Time, composing a copious History and Illustration of his Biographical History of England. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. Plates, pp. 419, 114. 8° russia. London, 1805 15 1 2 [Grant, Mrs.] Letters from the Mountains. First American edition, pp. 275, 268. 2 vols. 12° boards, uncut. Boston, 1809 Q^c- 1513 [Grant] Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America. Second ed. pp. 322, 344. 2 vols. 16° half calf. London, 1809 15 14 Grantham, Sir Thomas. An Historical Account of some memorable Actions, particularly in Virginia, 17 16. With an Litroduction by R. A. Brock, pp. 71. 8° paper, uncut. Richmond, 1882 Only 250 copies printed. 1515 Grattan, T. C. History of the Netherlands, pp.358. ' 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 1516 Grattan. Civilized America, pp. 444, 517. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1859 1517 Graves, R. H. The Arguments for Predestination and Necessity contrasted with the established Principles of Philosophical Inquiry. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1829 2>o 00 00 r- CATALOGUE. 139 ^rriSiS Graves, W. Two Letters from W. Graves, Esq., Re- ' specting the Conduct of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves in North America, during his Accidental Command there for Four Months in 1781. pp. 39. Royal 4^ paper, uncut. London, 1782, Reprint: Morrisania, 1865 Large Paper : only 100 copies printed. ^^1519 Gray, Francis C. Poem spoken at Cambridge before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Aug. 27, 1840. pp. 36. 8° half roan. Boston, 1840 ^2,1520 Gray. Remarks on the Early Laws of Massachusetts Bay, with the Code adopted in the year 1641 and called the Body of Liberties, now first printed, pp. 49. 8° paper. Boston, 1843 -J-1521 [Gray, Harrison.] The Huguenots in France and Amer- ica. Second ed. pp. 236, 302. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Cambridge, 1843 »yj-i522 Gray, Horace. The Case of the Roxbury Flats. From ' Ninth Vol. of Gray's Reports. 8° boards. Cambridge. Only a few copies privately printed. ^Q 1523 Green, S. A. Centennial Address delivered in the San- ders Theatre, Cambridge, June 7, 1881, before the Massachusetts Medical Society, pp. 112. 8° boards, uncut. Groton, 1881 Presentation copy. ^^1524 Green. Story of a Famous Book, 1871; — School His- / tories, 1872; — Bibliography of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 187 1; — Paul Lunt's Diary, 1872; — Notice of M. Jean Frede'ric de Waldeck, 1876; — Copy of the Laws of Harvard College; — Percival and Ellen Green and their descendants, 1876; — Historical Ad- dress at Groton, July 4, 1876; — Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Groton, 1878; — Early Land Grants of Groton, 1879; — Early Records of Groton, 1662- 1678, 1879; — Historical Address at Groton, Feb. 20, 1880; — Address at Centennial Anniversary of the Mass. Medical School, 1781-1881 ; — Two Chapters in the Early History of Groton, 1882; — Groton during the In- dian Wars, 1883; — Groton in the Witchcraft Times, 1883; — Remarks on the early appearance of the North- ern Lights in New England, 1885; — Boundary Lines of Old Groton, 1885; — Geography of Groton, 1886; — Population of Groton, 1888; — Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia, 1888; — Bathsheba Spooner, 1888; — Note Book of Robert Keayne, 1889. 22 vols. 8° cloth and paper. Boston. Presentation copies. I40 CATALOGUE }0 5" 2 J 7 /o 1525 Gray, William. Historical Sketch of the Origin of English Prose Literature, and of its Progress till the Reign of James I. pp. 103. 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1835 o^ 1526 Graydon, Alexander. Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last sixty years, pp. 378. 12° boards, uncut, (broken). Harrisburgh, 181 1 6'o ^^5^7 [Graydon.] The same. 8° boards. Edinburgh, 1822 1528 Green, G. S. Oliver Cromwell, an Historical Play. •^^ Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1752 Among the "Dramatis Personae" of this play, is Hugh Peters, Oliver's Chaplain, a pulpit buffoon. ^Q 1529 Greene, G. W. A Short History of Rhode Island, pp. 356. Frontispiece. 12° cloth. Providence, 1877 / 1530 Greene. Historical View of the American Revolution, pp. 460, 1872; — German Element in the War of the American Independence, pp. 211, 1876. 2 vols. 12° cloth. New York. 5- 1531 Greene. Nathanael Greene ; an examination of some statements concerning Major Gen. Greene, in the ninth volume of Bancroft's History. 8° paper. n. p. / ^ 1532 Greene. Life of Nathanael Greene, Major-General in the Army of the Revolution. By G. W. Greene. Vol- ume I. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 1533 Greene, Nathanael. Sketches of the Life and Corre- spondence of Nathanael Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revolu- tion. By William Johnson, pp. 515, 476. Portrait and map. 2 vols, in one. Royal 4° half morocco. Charleston, 1822 n jr ^534 Greenfield, Mass. History of. By D. Willard. pp. '^^ 180. 16° half roan. Greenfield, 1838 Ln 1535 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America. Second ed. pp. 497, 7. Map. 8° cloth. Boston, 1845 , — 1536 Greenleaf, Jonathan. Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine, pp. 293, 78. 16° mo- rocco, gilt, (name cut from title.) Portsmouth, 182 1 2 5" 1537 Greenleaf, Moses. A Survey of the State of Maine, pp. 468. 8° sheep. (Map missing.) Portland, 1829 5o 1538 Greenwood, F. W. P. History of King's Chapel, in Boston, the First Episcopal Church in New England. Plate. 12° half morocco. Boston, 1833 00 CATALOGUE. 141 / / Ml 5*0 1^ 1539 Grey, Lad}' Jane. The Literary Remains of Lady Jane °° Grey, with a Memoir of her Life. By N. H. Nichols. pp. 148,59. Portrait. Small 8° half calf. London, 1825 /o 1540 Grey. The Life, Death and Actions of the most chast, learned and Religious Lady, the Lady Jane Gray. pp. 38. 8° boards, uncut. (Reprint): London, 1615 1541 Griffin, A. P. C. The Discovery of the Mississippi, a Bibliographical Account, pp. 20. With a fac-simile of the map of Louis Juliet, 1674. Folio, paper. New York, 1883 1542 CtRiffiths, A. F. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; or, a De- scriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry. Illustrated by occasional Ex- tracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical. 18 wood-cut portraits, pp. 481. Royal 8° half russia, un- cut. London, 1815 Only 150 copies printed. c- 1543 Griffith, Thomas W. Sketches of the early History of ■^^ Maryland, pp. 77. Portrait. 8° half roan. Baltimore, 182 1 Early lithographic portrait, by Penniman, Balto. 1544 Grigsby, H. B. The Virginia Convention of 1776. pp. OO 206. 8° cloth. Richmond, 1855 __ 1545 Griswold, R. W. The Poets and Poetry of America, to the middle of the nineteenth century. pp. 550. Plates. 8° cloth. Phila., 185 1 /-- 1546 Griswold. The Prose Writers of America. Fourth "^ ° ed. pp. 552. Portraits. 8° cloth. Phila., 1852 00 1547 [Groom, S.J A Glass for the People of New England, in which they may see themselves and Spirits, and if not too late repent, etc. pp. 43. Small 4° half morocco. n. p., 1676 Relates to the Antinotnian controversy. ■ - r- 1548 Grose, Francis. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar ' Tongue, pp. 182. 12° half roan, uncut. (Reprint): London, 1785 I ^^ 1549 [Grose. J The same. Second ed. 8° sheep. Lond., 1788 5~fl ^55° Grose. The Olio, being a Collection of Essays, Dia- logues, Anecdotes, Bon Mots, Epigrams, etc. Second ed. pp. 321. Portrait. 8° half calf. London, 1796 -_ 1551 Grotius, Hugo. The Truth of Christian Religion. *^ Translated by Simon Patrick. Fourth ed. pp. 242. Frontispiece. 12° half morocco. London, 1694 - I -- 1552 Groton, Mass. History of the Town of Groton, includ- •'1^'^ ing Pepperell and Shirley. By Caleb Butler, pp. 497. Map and plates. 8° cloth. Boston, 1 o2 a V 3 5"o o2 T42 CATALOGUE. 1553 Groton. Results of an Ecclesiastical Council con- °^^ vened at Groton, July 17, 1826; — Jubilee of the Law- rence Academy, July 12, 1854; — Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876; — Historical Ad- dress at the Bi-Centennial Celebration, by S. A. Green, July 4, 1876; — Groton Historical Series, No. i, 2 and 3, 1884: — Proceedings of the 90th Anniversary Cele- bration of Lawrence Academy, July 21, 1883; — Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton, by F. M. Bout- well, 1884; — Old Homesteads of Groton, by Boutwell, 1883. 1 1 pamphlets. 'YS" ^554 Guild, Reuben A. The Librarian's Manual; a Treatise / on Bibliography, pp. 304. 4° boards, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. New York, 1858 1555 Guild. History of Brown University, with illustrative Documents, pp. 443. 12 portraits and plates. Small 4° paper, uncut. Providence, 1867 Only 300 copies printed. 57) 1556 GuiLLERMiN, Gilbert. Precis Historique des derniers Evenements de la Partie de 1' Est de Saint-Domingo, py. 494. Map and plates. 8° half morocco, uncut. Paris, 181 1 J— 1557 GuizoT, F. P. On the Causes of the Success of the ^ English Revolution, 1640-1688. pp. 138. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1850 A-Q 1558 GuTCH, J. ]SL Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads. A collection of all the poems, songs and ballads relating to this celebrated yoeman. Cuts by Fairholt. 2 vols. 8° cloth. London, 1850 1559 GuTTENBERG. John Guttcnbcrg, First Master Printer, '«^ his Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, by C. W. pp. 141. 8° half roan, uncut. London, i860 Only 100 copies printed. 1560 I— IaCKE, Capt. William. Collection of Original ^^ \ X Voyages, containing: I, Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Globe; II, Capt. Sharp's Expedition into the South Seas; III, Capt. Wood's Voyage into the Straights of Magellan, etc. Maps and plates, pp. 45, 100, 53. 8° calf. London, 1699 T-r- 1561 Hackelton, Mrs. M. W. Jamestown of Pemaquid, a Poem, read on the Site of Fort Frederick, August 26, 1869. 12° cloth. t New York, 1869 CATALOGUE. 143 60 /V 5^0 ^5^2 Hadley, Mass. History of Hadley, including the early History of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby. By Sylvester Judd. pp. 636. 8° cloth. Northampton, 1863 1563 Hadley. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Settlement of Hadley, June 8, 1859, pp. 98; — Gene- alogies of Hadley P'amilies, embracing the early settlers of the Towns of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. pp. 168. 2 vols. 8° half roan and paper. Northampton, 1859-62 J 'To ^5^4 [Haines, Z. T.] Letters from the Forty-fourth Regi- ment, M. V. M. By -'Corporal." pp. 121. 8° boards. Boston, 1863 /S'ol 00 ^^^^ ^akimU llicl)arb. Divers voyages touching the dis^^-, ' couerie of America and the Hands adjacent unto the ' same, made first of all by our Englishmen, and after- wards by the Frenchmen and Britons. And certaine notes of aduertisements for obseruations, necessarie for such as shall hereafter make the like attempt. With two Mappes annexed heereunto for the plainer under- standing of the whole matter. (Maps in fac-simile.) Small 4° morocco extra, gilt edges. Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in paules Church-yard, at the signe of the black beare, 1582 This volume contains fourteen pieces, of which the following are notable : 3. A verie late and great probabilitie of a passage by the North- west part of America in fifty-eight degrees of northerly latitude. 5. Letters Patentes of King Henrie the Seventh, granted vnto lohn Gabote (Cabot) and his three sonnes, Lewes, Sebastian and Santius, for the discouering of newe and vnknowen landes. 6. A note of Sebastian Gabotes voyage of Discouerie, taken out of an old Chronicle, written by Robert Fabian, sometime Alderman of London, which is in the custodie of John Stowe, Citizen, a dili- gent searcher and preserver of Antiquities. 9. The discouerie of the Isles of Frisland, Iseland, Engroueland, Estotiland, Drogeo, and Icaria, made by M. Nicolas Zeno, Knight, and M. Antonio his brother. 10. To the most Christian king of Fraunce, Fraunces the First. The Relation of lohn Verarzanus, a Florentine, of the lande by him discouered in the name of his Maiestie, written at Diepe the eighth July 1524. 11. H The true and last discouerie of Florida, made by Captain John Ribault in the yeere 1562. Dedicated to a great noble man of Fraunce, and translated into Englishe by one Thomas Hackit. The most important piece is the relation of Verazzano, describing his voyage along the coast of North America, which is accompanied by a folding map bearing date of 1 582, dedicated to Sir Philip Sid- ney. This early navigator was the first to enter the harbor, now known as New York, and Narragansett Bay. It is a volume of excessive rarity. 144 CATALOGUE 3c eo ■1566 7 /o S6 1567 00 1568 00 ^569 ^0 ^570 JLo^\2>^'57^ i^aklUBt, Hici)arb. Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or over Land, to the most Remote and Farthest Distant Quar- ters of the Earth, at any time within the Compasse of these 1500 Yeeres: Divided into three severall parts, according to the Positions of the Regions weereunto they were directed. First ed. Black Cotter. Folio, full antique calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1589 A very good copy with the exception of the title page, which is in a perfect fac-simile. The copy contains Sir Francis Drake's Voyage on six leaves, between pages 643 and 644, and a copy of the Ortilius map of 1570. On page 776 is an Autograph signature of Thomas Candish (Cav- endish), the first English Circumnavigator. ^^ttkiunt- The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traf- fiques, and Discoueries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quar- ters of the Earth, etc. Second ed. Slack Cetter. 3 vols, folio, calf. Imprinted at London, by George Bishop, 1 599-1 600 The first volume contains the Voyage to Cadiz reprinted in fac- simile, (see folio 607), and Vol. Ill an admirable autotype fac-simile of the very rare map which belongs to copies of this edition, but which is rarely found in them. It is spoken of by Hakluyt in the preface to his first edition as being then preparing by Mr. Molyneau. Vol. I. was first issued with a title page dated 159S, and containing on it a mention of the voyage to Cadiz, which was published with the book. The title page was reprinted with date of 1 599, (as in this copy,) and no mention of the voyage to Cadiz, and the voyage itself castrated. See Oldy^s British Librarian copied iti Evans' ed. of Hak- luyt, Vol. I. Hakluyt. The Historic of the West Indies, containing the acts and adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those countries. Written in Latin by R. Hakluyt, translated into English by M. Lock. Inserted fac-simile map from the Peter Martyr of 1587. 4° old calf. London, n. d. (161 2) Hakluyt's Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Volume 5. Royal 4° half morocco, uncut. London, 1812 Hakluyt. Discourse concerning Western Planting, written in the year 1584. With a preface and an intro- duction by Leonard Woods. Edited, with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane. pp. 241. 8° cloth, un- cut. Cambridge, 1877 Hakluyt Society's Publications, consisting of rare and valuable voyages, travels, and geographical records. Complete set, from beginning of the publications in 1846 to 1889. 79 vols, and 2 maps, 8° in the original blue cloth, uncut. London, 1846-89 CATALOGUE. 145 / 00 ^57^ Hakluyt. a Particular Discourse concerning the grate necessitie and manifolde comodyties that are like to growe to this Realnie of Englande by the western dis- coveries lately attempted, written in the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt. (Manuscript copy of the original manuscript, printed in the Maine Historical Society Collections, Second series, vol. 2.) Folio, boards. /3iA ^Slo Hale, John, (Pastor in Beverly.) Modest Enquiry into ' I ^ the Nature of Witchcraft, pp. 158. 16° half sheep. I Boston, 1771 ' Presentation copy from George Livermore with name on title. <51oo ^57-+ Hale, Nathan. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Mar- tyr-Spy of the American Revolution. By"! W. Stuart. Second ed. pp. 271. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1856 ) 00 ^575 Hales, John. Several Tracts on Religion, pp. 228. Portrait. 16° calf. Printed in the year 1721 5" 00 ^57^ Haliburton, Thomas C. Historical and Statistical Ac- count of Nova Scotia, pp. 340, 453. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° morocco, extra, red edges. Halifax, 1829 QQ 1577 Haliburton. Judge Haliburton's Yankee Stories, pp. 192. Illustrations. 12° cloth. Phila., 1844 f^hj 1578 [Haliburton.] Traits of American Humour, by Native / Authors. 3 vols, small 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1852 ^ 1579 Halifax, Lord. Miscellanies. 12° calf, gilt. London, 1700 j^ 1580 Hall, Captain Basil. Patchwork. Second ed. 3 vols. 18° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 } 00 ^5^^ Hall, Francis. Travels in Canada, and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. Map. 8° half calf. London, 1819 ^Q 1582 Hall, Joseph. Satires and other Poems, .pp. 166. 8° calf. London, 1838 «^-f 1583 Hall, James. Letters from the West, containing / sketches of scenery, manners and customs of the first settlements of the Western Sections of the United States, pp. 385. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1828 Ji %o 1584 Halliwell, J. O. The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, pp. 24. 12° paper. London, 1840 t>2. 1585 Halliwell. The Harrowing of Hell, a Miracle-5'lay, written in the Reign of Edward the Second, now first published, with an introduction, translation and notes, pp. 33. 8° half roan. London, 1840 Y^ 1586 Halliwell. An Account of the only known Manuscript / of Shakespeare's Plays, pp. 24. 8' half roan. London, 1843 146 CATALOGUE. J, 5- I __■ 1587 Halliwell. The History of John Winchconib, usually * called Jack of Newbury, the famous clothier, 1597. By Thomas Deloney. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. pp. 125. 4° half roan, uncut. London, 1859 Only 26 copies printed. / o 1588 Halliwell. Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the early editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the com- mentaries and other publications illustrative of his Works, pp. 46. 8° half roan. London, 1841 «_ 1589 Halliwell. The Autobiography and Correspondence *^ of Sir Simonds D'Evves, during the reigns of James 1. and Charles L pp. 458, 439. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1845 jr- 1590 Halliwell. Letters of the Kings of England, now first collected. With an historical introduction and notes, pp. 403, 477. Portraits. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1591 Halliwell. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient cus- toms, from the fourteenth Century. Second ed. pp. 960. 2 vols, in I. 8° morocco, (shaken). London, 1850 7^ 1592 Halliwell. A lyttle Boke geving a true and brief ac- counte of some reliques and curiosities added of late to Mr. Halliwell's Shakespeare collection, pp. 18. Royal 4° cloth, uncut. London, 1856 Only 25 copies privately printed. 1593 Halliwell. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies; a jest-book of the seventeenth century, reprinted from the unique copy of 1639. pp. 48. 4° half roan, un- cut. London, i860 5-^ 1594 Halliwell. Outlines of the Life of Shakes])eare. Second ed. pp. 703. Thick 8'' cloth, uncut. Only 26 copies printed. London, 1882 1595 Hallowell, R. p. The Pioneer Quakers; — Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883-7 To ^59^ [Hamilton, Alexander.] The History of the United States for 1796; including a variety of interesting par- ticulars relative to the federal government previous to that period. (By J. T. Callender.) pp. 312. 8° calf, (foxed and title neatly mended). Phila., 1797 QQ 1597 Hamilton. Observations on certain Documents con- tained in No. V and VI of " The History of the United States for the year 1796," in which the charge of specu- lation against A. Hamilton is fully refuted. 8° calf, gilt, uncut, red top. Phila., 1797 CATALOGUE. 147 1598 Hamilton. Letter cunceiniug the Public Conduct ^ and Character of John Adams, written in the year 1800. pp. 56. 1809; — No. I, of a Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the death of Major General Alexander Hamilton, (by William Coleman.) pp. 46, 1804; — A Letter from Phocion to the consider- ate citizens of New York, on the politics of the day. pp. 19, 1784; — The Hamiltoniad ; or, an extinguisher for the royal faction of New England. By Anthony Pasquin. pp. 104. 1804. 4 vols. 8° boards and half roan. Boston and New York. ^^ I 1599 Hamilton, Anthony. Memoirs of Count Grammont. New edition. Illustrated with 64 portraits engraved by Scriven. pp 262, 356. 2 vols, large 4° full russia, extra, gilt edges, by Lewis. London, 181 1 Large Paper, with proof impressions of the portraits." ^^ 1600 [Hamilton.] Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, by Count Grammont. With numerous addi- tions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott, pp. 546. Portrait. 12° cloth, uncut. I Bohn's extra vol. London, 1846 , Vy^i6oi Hamilton, S. History of the National Flag of the / United States of America. Colored plates. 12° cloth, uncut. Phila., 1853 c2.',2.5~ ^^°^ [Hamilton, T. C] Men and Manners in America. 2 vols. 8° half roan, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1833 S ^Dj ^^°3 Hammett, Charles E., Jr. A Contribution to the Bibli- ography of Newport, R. I. 4° paper, uncut. Newport, 1887 Jos]ot> ^604 Hamor, Raphe. A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of June, 1614. Together with a relation of the severall English townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The christening of Powhatan's daughter and her mar- riage with an Englishman, pp. (8), 70. Small 4° polished calf extra, gilt edges. For John Beale for Win. Welby: London, 16 15 Original Edition of the " Contemporaneous account of Pocahontas." 00 y 1605 Hamor. A Trve Discovrse of the Present Estate of Virginia; and the successe of the affaires there till the i8th of June, 1614. . . . Written by Raphe Hamor the yonger, late Secretarie in that colony, pp. 70. Folio, paper, uncut. [Reprinted: Albany, i860] Only 200 copies privately printed. CATALOGUE. / I x6o6 Hamor. Dreyzehnte Schiffahrt darinnen ein Warhaff- ; tiger und Griindlicher Bericht von dem jtzigen Zustandt der Landschaft Virginen; auch wie nun mehr PViede mit den Indianern beschlossen, etc. Plates, pp. 76. 4° crimson crushed levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. (Title mended). Hanau, 1617 6~ 00 ^^°1 [Hampden, John.] The Arguments of Sir Richard Hut- ton and Sir George Coke, together with the certificate of Sir John Denham, upon a Scire facias brought by the King against John Hampden, etc. pp. 112, 64, 17. Small 4° morocco. London, 164 1 ^c- 1608 Hampden Pulpit. Sketches of the Churches and Pastors in Plampden County, Mass. pp. 144. 12° cloth. Westfield, 1854 3q 1609 Hampton, N. H. Historical Address, by Joseph Dow, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the set- tlement of the town, Dec. 25, 1838. pp. 44. 8° boards. Concord, 1839 7^Q 1610 Hanbury, Benjamin. Historical Memorials relating to the Independents, or Congregationalist, from their rise to 1660. 3 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1839 Includes an historical account of the Pilgrims. ^^ 161 r Hancock, Rev. John, (of Lexington.) The Prophet Jeremiah's Resolution, etc. (Thursday Lecture, Nov. 21, 1734 ) pp. 26. 8° half calf. Boston, 1734 1612 Hancock, John. An Oration delivered March 5, 1774 5" /3 to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. pp. 20. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1774 TK' 1613 Hancock. Discours de son Excellence Monsieur Jean Hancock, President du Congres de Philadelphie. pp. 32. 8° paper. Phila., 1776 qq 1614 Hancock. Ten Chapters in the Life of. Now first published since 1789. (By S. Higginson.) 8° cloth. New York, 1857 7r- 1615 Hannay, James. History of Acadia, from its first dis- covery to its surrender to England by the treaty of Paris, pp. 440. 8° cloth. London, 1880 ^ 1616 Hanover, Mass. Historical Sketch of, with family genealogies. By John S. Barry, pp. 448. 8° cloth. Boston, 1853 O) 161 7 Hanson, Elizabeth. Account of the Captivity of Eliza- beth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New England. A new edition. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Brownas. pp. 28. 12° light calf, gilt, yellow edges, by W. Pratt. London, 1787 CATALOGUE. 149 I2> 16 1 8 Hanserd Knollys' Society's Publications, complete, i^T comprising the works of early English and other Baptist writers. 10 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Printed for the Members only: London, 1847-54 A valuable set of books, comprising : — Tracts on Liberty of Conscience and Persecution, 161 6-1 661. Broadmead Records, 1 640-1 6S8. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with collations and introduction by G. Offor. Roger William's Bloudy Tenent of Persecution Discussed, 1644. J. Canne on Necessitie of Separation from the Church. The Dutch Martyrology, translated by Underbill. 2 vols. Du Veil's Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles. Records of the Church of Christ at Fenstanton, Warboys, and Hexham. Confessions of Faith, and other Public Documents of the XVIIth Century. i^Q 1 619 Harcourt, Robert. A Relation of a Voyage to Guiana, pp. 71. 4° calf. London, 1613 Titlepage and 5 leaves in printed fac-simile. With a memorandum in the handwriting of Rev. Thomas Prince. Qf) 1620 [Hardinge, George.] Another Essence of Malone; or, the " Beauties " of Shakspeare's Editor, pp. 128, 186. 2 vols, in one. 8° half calf, uncut. London, i'8oi 00 162 1 Hardwick, Mass. History of, with a Genealogical Reg- ister. By Lucius R. Paige, pp. 555. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1883 f^Q 1622 Hardwick. An Address at the Centennial Celebration in Hardwick, Mass., Nov. 15, 1838. By Lucius R. Paige, pp. 76. 8° boards. Cambridge, 1838 ^^^623 Hariot, Thomas. A briefe and true report of the New- foundland of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and manners of the naturall inhabitants. Dis- couered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinuille Knight in the yeere 1585. Which Remained vnder the gouernement of twelue monethes. At the speciall charge and direction of Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, Who therein hath beeng fauoured and authorised by Her Maiestie and her letters patents. Francoforti ad Moenvm typis loannis Wecheli svm- tibvs vero Theodori De Bry anno [1590.] Folio, half morocco, uncut. An admirable fac- simile reprint for Joseph Sabin: New York, 1872 One hundred and twenty-five copies only printed. This forms the first volume in the famous collection of De Bry's Voyages. Q^ 1624 Harland and Wilkinson. Lancashire Folk-Lore; illus- trative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County Pala- tine, pp. 308. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1867 I50 CATALOGUE. ^ ! 1625 Hakleian Miscellany. A Collection of Scarce, Curious, l^ and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in man- uscript as in print. Selected from the Library of Ed- ward Harley, Second Earl of Oxford. Interspersed with Historical, Political and Critical Annotations, by Wm. Oldys, and additional notes by Thomas Park. Best edition. 10 vols. 4° calf, gilt. London, 1808-12 5-^ 1626 Harper, R. G. Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. Sixth ed. pp. no. 8° half calf. London, 1798 / ^»^ 1627 Harper's Family Library, Comprising Bruce's Life and / Travels; — Pitcairn's Island, Otaheite, etc. ; — Dwight's History of Connecticut; — Tytler's Historical View; — Letters on Natural Magic, by Brewster; — Southey's Life of Nelson; — Polar Seas and Regions, by Leslie; — History of Louisiana, by Bunner; — Russell's Life of Cromwell; — Lives of Early Navigators, by Drake; — Lewis and Clarke's Expedition; — Travels of Marco- Polo; — Brewster's Martyrs of Science. Steel portraits and plates. 15 vols. 16° cloth. New York, 1845 7Q 1628 Harrington, James. Oceana and other Works. With an Account of his Life, by John Toland. pp. 598. Portrait. Royal 4^ calf. London, 1771 /^ 00 1629 Harrington, Sir John. Nugse Antiquae; being a Mis- cellaneous Collection of Original Papers in Prose and Verse. With illustrative notes, by Thomas Park. pp. 397, 416. 2 vols. 8° calf, gilt. London, 1804 / 00 1630 Harriott, Lieut. John. Struggles through Life, exem- plified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, pp. 304, 257. 2 vols. 12° half morocco, uncut. New York, 1809 , -_ 1631 Harris, C. F. Index to American Poetry and Plays, in i the Collection of C. Fiske Harris, pp. 171. 12° paper, uncut. Privately printed: Providence, 1874 QQ 1632 Harris. Anthony Memorial. A catalogue of the Har- ris Collection of American Poetry, with biographical and bibliographical notes, by John C. Stockbridge. Portrait. 8° cloth, uncut. Providence, 1886 ^Q 1633 Harris, E. D. A Copy of the Old Epitaphs in the Burying Ground of Block-Island, R. I. pp. 66. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1883 Only 100 copies printed. 9'/Y5- 1634 Harris, T. M. Journal of a Tour into the Territory / Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains, made in 1803; with a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. Maps and views. 8° half calf, gilt, un- cut edges. Boston, 1805 CATALOGUE. 151 ^Q 1635 Harris, J. A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of above six hundred of the most Authentic Works [from] Hackluit, Purchass, Ramusio, Labat, De Brye, Gryneus, Herrara, Oviedo, Coreal, &c. Originally Published by Dr. John Harris, with Large Additions, pp. 984, 1056. 2 vols, large folio, half calf, uncut edges. London, 1744 Contains many translations from the early voyages to America not to be found elsewhere. eg 1636 Harris, T. W. Treatise on some of the Insects Inju- rious to Vegetation. Third ed. 8 colored plates and numerous other illustrations, pp. 640. 8° cloth. Boston, 1862 ^ ^1637 Harris, W. T. Epitaphs from the Old Burying-Ground in Cambridge, pp. 192. 12° boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1845 / ^ 1638 Harris. Epitaphs from the Old Burying-Ground in Watertown. With notes by E. D. Harris, pp. 70. Small 4° cloth. Boston, 1869 o2j 5'0 ^639 Harris, William. Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James I and Charles I and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II. New edition. 5 vols. 8° half calf, gilt. London, 1814 1 .r- 1640 Harrison, Gabriel. The Stratford Bust of William Shakspeare, and a critical Inquiry into its Authenticity and Artistic Merits, pp. 13. Photograph. Royal 4° paper, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. 1641 Harrison, James. The Biographical Cabinet; contain- ing a collection of portraits of eminent and distinguished persons of every age and nation, with memoirs. Up- wards of 250 portraits. 2 vols. 8° half morocco. London, 1823 q \ 'T-r, 1642 Harrisse, H. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. A^ ' Description of Works relating to America published be- tween the Years 1492 and 1551. pp. 519. Imperial 8° half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. New York, 1866 Only 400 copies printed. I H 00 ^^'+3 Harrisse. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. Addi- '^ tions. pp. 199. Imperial 8° half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1872 •^_ 1644 Harrisse. Notes pour servir a I'Histoire, a la Biblio- graphic, et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle France et 'sL des Pays adjacents, 1545-1700. pp. 367. Small 8° pa- per, uncut. Paris, 1872 DO 152 CATALOGUE. 1645 Harrisse. Notes on Columbus, pp. 227. Photogra- phic portrait and fac-similes. Small folio, cloth, uncut. 7 Privately printed: New York, 1866 Only 99 copies privately printed for S. L. M. Barlow. 1646 Harrissk. Fernand Colomb, sa Vie, ses Oeuvres; Essai ^ ^^ critique, pp. 231. Imperial 8° half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1872 Holland Paper Copy; only 200 copies issued. 1647 Hart, C. H. Memoir of the Life and Services of Col. John Dixon, 1877; — Mary White-Mrs. Robert Morris, an address delivered June 7, 1877 on the occasion of the reinterment of the remains of Col. Thomas White, 1878. 2 vols, royal 8° boards, uncut. Phila. 1648 Hart. Memoir of Lewis H. Morgan; — Richard S. Field; — Stephen S. Haldeman; — William Willis; — Robert Morris; — George Ticknor; — Remarks on Ta- basco, Mexico, etc. 8 pamphlets. ? /) • ^^49 Hartford, Conn. Hartford in the Olden Time, its first Thirty Years. By "Scaeba." Edited by W. M. B. Hartley, pp. 316. Illustrations. 8° cloth. Hartford, 1853 ^ 1650 Harvard College, 1636-1886. A record of the Com- memoration, Nov. 5-8, 1886, on the 250th Anniversary # of the founding of Harvard College. Plate. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1887 /y*- 1651 Harvard College. Sibley, J. L. Father Abbey's Will; / to which is added a letter of courtship to his virtuous and amiable widow; with historical and biographical notes. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1854 Only 50 copies privately printed. One of 2 copies on tinted paper. t-n 1652 Harvard College. Speech by Josiah Quincy, Feb. 25, 1845; — Memorial concerning the history and constitu- tional rights of Harvard College, 185 i ; — Plea for Har- vard, by an ''Alumnus," 1849; — Letter to the Presi- dent, by a member of the Corporation, 1849; — Pro- ceedings of the Overseers, Aug. 25, 1834; — Documents relating to Harvard College, 1820; — Facts and Docu- ments, by Hollis, 1829; — Report on the Rights and duties of the President of Harvard College, 1856, etc. 9 vols. 8° half roan. Boston. 3o 1653 Harvard College. Phi Beta Kappa Poem, by George S. Hillard, 1843; — Oration by George Putnam, 1844; Oration by A. P. Peabody, 1845. 3 vols. 8° half roan. 3^ 1654 Harvard College. Catalogue of the Library of Har- / vard University, with the first supplement, and the catalogue of maps and charts. 5 vols. 8° boards, un- cut. Cambridge, 1830-34 CATALOGUE. 153 3\oo 1655 Harvard College Catalogues, Reports, etc. (100) j/y . 1656 Harvard. The Collegian, in six numbers, pp. 290. / 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1830 Contains 24 anonymous poems by O. W. Holmes, also the first printed composition of John Lothrop Motley. 7 J'o^^S? Harvard Lyceum, published in 1810 and 181 1. pp. / 432. 8° half calf. Cambridge, t8ii "Edited and largely contributed to by Edward Everett, the other editors were N. L. Frothingham, J. F. Cooper, D. Damon, J. H. Far- nam, H. H. Fuller, S. Oilman all of the class of 181 1." ySo 1658 Harvard Register, 1827-28. pp. 384. 8° half calf. Cambridge, 1828 "Edited largely by Pres. Felton, G. S. Hillard, F. H. Hedge, R. W. Emerson, R. C. Winthrop, James Freeman Clarke, B. R. Curtis, etc. With the names of contributors added in pencil." o2 00 1659 Harvard Register, an illustrated monthly. Vols, i, 2 and 3. 3 vols, bound in 2 vols. 4° and 8° boards. j Cambridge, 1880-81 Jl'oo 1660 Harvard Memorial Biographies. pp. 477, 512. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. Cambridge, 1866 nl 2^5^^^^ Hassam, John T. Ezekiel Cheever and some of his de- scendants, pp. 64; — Bartholomew and Richard Cheever and some of their descendants, pp. 11; — Boston Tav- erns, with some suggestions on the proper mode of in- dexing the Public Records; — Dover Settlement and the Hiltons; — Descendants of William Hilton. 5 pam- phlets. I QQ 1662 Hastings, Warren. Memoirs relative to the State of India. New edition. pp. 196. Fine portrait. 8° calf. London, 1786 I ,25-1663 Haven, N. A. The Remains of Nathaniel Appleton Haven, with a Memoir of his Life. By George Tick- nor. pp. 351. 8° morocco, gilt, red edges. (Cambridge,) 1827 - 1664 Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the United States, pp. 168. Royal 4° cloth. Washington, 1855 i From Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. i ] IJt> ^665 Haven. Narrative of a Voyage to Spitzbergen in the 1 Year 1613, with an introduction and notes, by S. F. Haven. Inserted portrait. 8° cloth. Boston, i860 Only 50 copies privately printed. ■p QQ 1666 Haverhill, Mass. History of, from 1640 to i860. By G. W. Chase, pp. 663, 20. Map. 8° cloth, Haverhill, 1861 J DO 1 X5- 6-0 1 7^ OS- /D O H 00 r 00 H oo % 00 % oo 1 :LSr }o %0 154 CATALOGUE. 1667 Haverhill. Fast Sermon, preached at Haverhill and Bradford, Apr. 12, 1764 by Edw. Barnard, pp. 22. Portsmouth, 1764; — Sermon preached at the Ordina- tion of Mr. Benj. Parker, Haverhill, Nov. 28, 1744. pp. 30. Boston, 1744. 2 vols. 8° half roan. 1668 Hawaiian Hymn Book. Ex Bue Raa Himene. pp.43. 12° half roan, uncut. Tahiti, 1287 (1827) 1669 Hawes, Joel. A Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a vindication of the Congregational Churches of New England. Second ed. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1836 1670 Hawkins, J. S. History of the Origin and Establish- ment of Gothic Architecture, pp. 251. Plates. 8° morocco, gilt. London, 1813 167 1 Hawkins, Joseph. History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa, and travels into the interior of that country. Second ed. pp. 180. 16° sheep. Troy, 1797 1672 Hawkins, Sir Richard. The Observations of Sir Rich- ard Hawkins, in his voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593. Small folio, calf, gilt edges. London, 1622 Reprinted in Vol. I of Hakluyt Society Publications. 1673 Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. 2 vols. 8° cloth and boards. New York, 1836-9 1674 Hawks. History of North Carolina, pp. 254, 591. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8° sheep. Fayetteville, 1857-58 1675 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Liberty Tree. First ed. 16° cloth. Boston, 1842 1676 Hawthorne. Grandfather's Chair. Second ed. 16° cloth. Boston, 1842 1677 Hawthorne. Famous Old People. Second ed. 16° cloth. Boston, 1842 1678 Hayes, John L. Vindication of the Rights and Titles, Political and Territorial, of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan. pp. 52, 76. Fac-similes. 8° half mo- rocco. Washington, 1853 1679 Hayes. The Fleece and the Loom; an address before the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, Phila- delphia, Sept. 6, 1865. pp. 80. Royal 4° paper, un- cut. Boston, 1865 Large Paper ; Only 50 copies printed. 1680 Hayes. Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, from 1869 to 1873. 4 vols. 8° cloth. Boston, 1869-73 CATALOGUE. 155 2 5'! 681 [Hays, A. L.] Tlie Generations of a New England Family. Imperial 8° paper, uncut. Privately printed: Cambridge, 1885 1^2 o© 1682 Hazard, Ebenezer. Historical Collections; consisting of state papers and other authentic documents, intended "^ as materials for a history of the United States of America. 2 vols. 4° half morocco, uncut. Phila., 1792 / Ds'^^^^ Hazlitt, William. The Spirit of the Age, or contem- porary Portraits. Second ed. pp. 408. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1825 if -y^ 1684 Hazlitt. Lectures on Dramatic Literature of the Age f of Elizabeth, 1840; — Criticisms on Art, 1843; — Lec- tures on the English Poets, 1841; — The Round Table, 1841; — Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 1841; — Sketches and Essays, 1839; — Characters of Shak- speare's Plays, 1838. 7 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London. 00 1685 Hazlitt. Literary Remains of; with a notice of his life, by his son, and thoughts on his genius and writ- ings, by E. L. Buhver and Mr. Sergeant Talfourd. pp. 362, 468. Portrait. 2 vols. 8° half roan. London, 1836 So 1686 Head, Sir Francis B. A Narrative. (Relates to Canadian Affairs, 1836-38.) 8° half morocco. London, 1839 3j^ 1687 [Head.] Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. By an Old Man. pp. 363. Sixth ed. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1841 ^^ 1688 Heath, James. A Chronicle of the late Intestine War in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ire- land, with a continuation to this present year, 1675, by J. P. pp. 604. Portraits. Folio, calf. London, 1676 <^j^^i689 Heath, Major-General William. Memoirs of, contain- ing anecdotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the American War. Written by Himself. Portrait inserted. 8° half morocco. Boston, 1798 Jf 1690 Heckewelder, John. Life of. By John Rondthaler. Edited by B. H. Coates. pp. 149. Portrait. 12° cloth. Phila., 1847 yj) 1691 Heeren, a. H. L. Historical Treatises, pp. 441. 8° cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1836 ;i5~i692 Helper, H. R. The Impending Crisis of the South, how to meet it. pp. 420; — Compendium of the im- pending Crisis of the South pp. 214. 2 vols. 12° cloth and paper; New York, 1860 n 3 156 CATALOGUE. "1693 Helps, Arthur. The Conquerors of the New World and "^ ^ their Bondsmen; being a narrative of the principal events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. Vols, i and 2. pp 264, 300. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1848-52 jr- 1694 [Helps.] Friends in Council; a series of readings and discourse thereon, pp. 228, 370. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. W. Pickering: London, 1849 xrri 1695 Helps. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its re- lation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. 4 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1855 ,^ 1696 Helps. Life of Las Casas, the Apostle of the Indies; — Life of Pizarro, with some account of his associates in the Conquest of Peru; — Life of Columbus, the dis- coverer of America. 3 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London and Phila., 1868-9 jr-^ 1697 Hennepin, Louis. Description de la Louisiane, nouvelle- ment de'couverte au Sud Oiiest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays: Les Moeurs & la Maniere de vivre des Sauvages. Dediee a sa Majeste. With the map in fac-simile. 12° old calf. Chez la veuve Sebastien Hure: Paris, 1683 1698 Hennepin. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico; with description of the great lakes, cataracts, rivers, plants, and animals. Also the manners, customs, and languages of the sev- eral native Indians; with a continuation giving an ac- count of the attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the mines of St. Barbe, etc. The taking of Quebec by the English, etc. 2 vols, in one. 2 maps and 5 plates. 8° calf, gilt, (rebacked). London, 1698 c-r. 1699 Hennepin. The same, (i map and 2 plates wanting.) 2 vols, in one. 8° calf, (cracked). London, 1699 Qj, 1700 Hennepin. A Description of Louisiana. Translated by John G. Shea. pp. 407. Map. 8° paper, uncut. New York, 1880 Only 250 copies printed. 5~c» 1701 Henry IV. Interesting Anecdotes of Henry IV. of France, containing sublime traits and lively sallies of the wit of that monarch. Translated from the French, pp. 279. 16° calf. Dublin, 1792 f) , 1702 Henry VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum; or, an Assertion of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Lu- ther. Second ed. pp. 118. Portrait. Small 8° calf. London, 1688 HI II CATALOGUE. 157 e2 6 00 10 S 7- 1703 Henry, John Joseph. An Accurate and Interesting Ac- count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes, who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775. pp. 225. 16° sheep. Lancaster, 181 2 1704 Henry, Patrick. Slietches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. By William Wirt. Ninth ed. pp. 468. Portrait. 8° halt calf. Phila., 1838 x-v 1705 Herbert, George. Works of, in Prose and Verse, pp. 414, 384. Portrait and view. 2 vols. 8° antique calf, reel edges. W. Pickering: London, 1846 ^ 1706 Herbert. Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury; written by himself, and continued to his death. (By Horace Walpole.) pp. 360. Portrait. 8° half roan, uncut. London, 1826 S'o 1707 Herbert, William. History of the worshipful Company of Fishmongers of London, pp. 120. 8° half morocco. London, 1837 00 1708 Herrera, Antonio de. Novis Orbis, sive Descriptio In- dse Occidentalis, Auctore Antonio de Herrera.* Meta- phraste C. Barlaeo. Accesserunt et aliorum Indiae Occi- dentalis Descriptiones et Navigationis nuper ac Austra- lis Jacobi le Maire, Historia uti, et navigationum per Fretum Magellanicum succincta narratio. Fol. 82, 11. Maps. Folio, vellum. Amstelodami, 1622 O .Mr- 1709 Herring, Richard. Paper and Paper Making, ancient ' and modern, pp. 125. 8° cloth. London, 1855 With specimens of different kinds of paper. ^jr 17 10 Hetherington, Rev. W. M. History of the Westmin- ster Assembly of Divines, pp. 390. 16° morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, 1843 171 1 Heylyn, Peter. Microcosmus, or, a Little Description of the Great World. First ed. London 162 1; — A Briefe Descriptionof the whole World. Fifth ed. London 1620; — A Geographicall and Antologicall Description of all the Empires, etc. London 1618; — The Commonwealth of England, and the Manner of Government thereof. London, 162 1. Bound in i vol. 4° old calf. Autograph of Carew Raleigh. al X5~ 1712 Heylyn. Mikrokosmos, a little description of the Great World. Fourth ed. revised, pp. 809. 4° boards. Oxford, 1629 Contains 40 pp. relating to America. ^ _- 1 7 13 Heylyn. The same. Seventh ed. pp. 820. 4° half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. (Title cut down and mounted.) Oxford, 1636 IS 00 / S-Q H I 158 CATALOGUE. 1714 Heylyn. The same. Eighth ed. pp. 809, 13. 4° calf, (broken). (jxford, 1939 (1639.) 1 7 15 Heylyn. Aerius Redivivus; or, the History of the Presbyterians, from the year 1536 to the year 1647. PP- 482. Folio, calf. Oxford, 1670 17 16 Heylyn. Cosmography in four Books, containing the *^ Chorography and History of the whole World. Numer- ous maps. Folio, half morocco, uncut. London, 1674 ^Q 1 717 HiBBERT, George. Catalogue of his Library, sold by auction in London, March 1829. pp. 484. Fac-similes. 8° half morocco, gilt top. London, 1829 j^ 1718 Highborn, Benjamin. An Oration delivered March 5, 1777, to commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. pp. 18. 4° half morocco. Boston, 1777 ojc- 1 7 19 Hickox, John H. Historical Account of American Coinage, pp. 151. 5 plates. Royal 8° boards. Large paper. Albany, 1858 ^^ 1720 HiGGiNSON, T. W. A Larger History of the United 7 States of America, to the close of President Jackson's Administration. pp. 470. Maps and illustrations. Royal 8° cloth. New York, 1886 Presentation copy from the author. ^^ 1721 HiGGiNSON, Waldo. Memorials of the Class of 1833 of Harvard College, pp. 164. 8° cloth. Cambridge, 1883 ^^c- 1722 [HiLDRETH, Richard.] The Slave; or Memoirs of Archy Moore, pp. 123, 115. 2 vols, in i. 12° boards. Boston, 1840 Uq 1723 HiLDRETH. History of the United States of America. Vols. I and 4. 2 vols. 8° cloth. New York, 1849-51 1724 Hill. The Trial of Jeremiah Hill, Esq. for Heresy, be- fore the Church of Christ in Biddeford, Me., May 2, 1793.- pp. 24. 8° half morocco. n. p. n. d. t^fi 1725 HiLLER, Rev. O. P. Pocahontas; or the Founding of Virginia, a poem. 12° cloth. London, 1865 M^ 1726 HiNGHAM, Mass. History of. By Solomon Lincoln, Jr. ' View inserted. 16° half calf. Hingham, 1827 P 1727 Hingham. Commemorative Services of the First Parish, on the 200th anniversary of th6 building of its Meeting House, August 8, 1881. pp. 169; — Discourse by E. A. Horton, on the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Meeting House of the First Parish, January 8, 1882. pp. 57. Plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. Hingham, 1882 t^ 1728 Hingham. Cohasset and Duxbury. Historical pamph- lets relating to. (17). 00 CATALOGUE. 159 I S'o 1729 HiNMAN, R. R. Letters from the English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, together with the answers thereto, from 1635 to 1749. Portrait and plates, pp.372. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1836 00 1730 [HiNiMAN.] The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usu- ally called Blue Laws of Connecticut, Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts, etc. pp. 336. 12° cloth. Hartford, 1838 Note on fly leaf by the author. 1 731 Hinman's Catalogue of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut. Nos. i, 2, 4, 5 and 6. Por- traits. 5 parts 8° paper. Hartford, 1852-56 1732 HiLLHOUSE, James A. Dramas, Discourses, and other pieces, pp. 296, 248. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1839 ^,^1733 Hinsdale, B. A. The Old Northwest, with a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the Royal char- ters. Map. 8° cloth, uncut. New York, 1888 An autograph letter of the author inserted. yi «y^i734 Historical Magazine, and notes and queries concerning / the antiquities, history and biography of America. Complete set, with all the extra numbers. 23 vols. 4° half roan, uncut edges, red tops. Boston and Morrisania, 1857-74 %^^TiS Historical Pamphlets. Merian's Sermon at Falmouth, Oct. 17, 1764; — Pemberton's Sermon at Marblehead, May I, 1771; — Cunningham's Oration at Fitchburg, July 4, 1S03; — Hancock's Sermons at Braintree, Sept. 16, 1739; — Upham's Lecture on the First Church, Salem, 1829; — Reid's Historical Address at Salisbury, Nov. 20, 1844, etc. 14 vols. 8° half roan. y 1736 History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Anderson, containing his strange varieties of fortune in Europe and America, pp. 243. 16" half calf, gilt. Berwick, 1782 The scenes of his adventures are mostly laid in Maryland and Virginia. QQ ^737 History of Congress; exhibiting a classification of the proceedings of the Senate and the House of Represen- tatives, from March 4, 17S9 to March 3, 1793. pp. 736. Royal 8° half calf, gilt. Phila., 1843 ^Q 1738 History of North America; comprising a geographical and statistical view of the United States and of the British Canadian possessions, pp. 498, 454. Maps and plates, portrait of Washington by S. Topham. 2 vols. 8° half calf. ' Leeds, 1820 i6o CATALOGUE 2. X I % I ^0 1739 History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. 16° cloth, uncut. London, 1830 ^ 1740 History of the British Dominions in North America, / from the first discovery of that vast continent, by Sebastian Cabot in 1497 to 1763. pp. 275. Royal 4° sheep. London, 1773 5-^ 1741 History of the War between the United States and Tripoli, and other barbarous powers, pp. 144. 16° half sheep. Salem, 1806 7^1742 History. Epitome of Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, by Carl Ploetz; — Studies in General History, by M. D. Sheldon; — Higginson's Young Folk's History of the United States; — Voyages and Adventures of Vasco de Gama, by G. M. Towle; — Paragraph History of the U. S., by E. Abbott; — American's Own Book, by J. R. Bigelow; — New America, by W. H. Dixon; — Prophetic Voices concerning America; — Great Events, by Francis Lieber; ■ — Historical and Classical Diction- ary. 10 vols. 12° cloth and sheep. ^,5- 1743 Hoar, George F. Historical Pamphlets, Orations and Speeches. 11 pamphlets. ^5- 1744 HoBBS, Thomas. Of Liberty and Necessity. 12° calf. London, 1684 /o 1745 HoBBS. The same. New edition. 12^ paper, uncut. Manchester, 1839 fiQ 1746 HoDDER, James. Arithmetick, or that necessary art made most easy. pp. 1-212. 16° calf, gilt. Printed by J. Franklin: Boston, 17 19 Portion of the portrait and some pages at the end, are wanting. '75' 1747 Hodgson, Adam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in the years 1819-2 1. With an appendix containing an account of several of the Indian Tribes, etc. pp. 335. 8° boards, uncut. New York, 1823 ^o 1748 Hodgson, Rev. J. T. Memoir of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, scholar, poet and divine, pp. 297, 347. Portrait. 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. London, 1878 ^5-1749 Hogarth, William. Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, from pictures, drawings, and scarce prints in the pos- session of Samuel Ireland, pp. 183, 150. Numerous plates. 2 vols, royal 8° half calf. London, 1799 ^5" 1750 Hogarth. Anecdotes of William Hogarth, written by / Himself, with essays on his life and genius, and criti- cisms on his works, pp. 416. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1833 CATALOGUE. i6i % I I:l 7 3 v '^ <. 3no \^l 5- 7 00 1807 Hubbard, Rev. William. The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do. Election sermon at Boston, May 3, 1675. pp. 63. Small 4° full morocco, red edges. Printed by John Foster, Boston, 1676 1808 Hubbard. A Narrative of the Troubles with the In- dians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1677. But chiefly of the late troubles in the last two years, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a discourse about Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. Printed by John Foster: Boston, 1677 Fine, clean, perfect copy, with the rare "Wine Hills" map. Also a fac-simile "White Hills" map inserted, both mounted on linen. Book- plate of Henry Stevens of Vermont and London. License, one leaf. Title, one leaf, "Epistle dedicatory," signed Wil- liam Hubbard, pp. 4. "x\n Advertisement to the Reader," pp. 2. "To the Reverend Mr. William Hubbard," etc., signed J. S. pp. i. "Upon the elaborate Survey," signed B. T. pp. 2. "The Printer to the Reader" pp. i. "A map of New England, Being the first that ever was cut here," etc. Text, "A Narrative," etc. pp. 132. "A Table of Towns in New England," pp. 7. "A Postscript," pp. i, 7-12. "A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England from Pascataqua to Pemmaquid," pp. 88. "The Happiness of a People," etc. 1676. Title, one leaf, to the Hon. John Leverett, 3 leaves. Text, pp. 63. Hubbard. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New Eng- land, from 1607 to 1677. Fac-simile map. 16° calf, gilt. Boston, 1775 An abridgment of the Boston ed. of 1677. Hubbard. The same. 16° half blue morocco, gilt edges. Printed by Stiles Nichols: Danbury, 1803 A reprint, somewhat abridged, of the Boston ed. of 1775. Hubbard. The same. 16° mottled sheep. Brattleboro, 1814 A reprint of the Boston ed. of 1775. ^ 18 1 2 Hubbard. History of the Indian Wars in New Eng- land, from the first settlement to the termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Edited, with notes, by S. G. Drake, pp. 292, 303. Fac-simile Wine Hills map. 2 vols, royal 4° boards. Roxbury, 1865 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. Hubbard. General History of New England, from the discovery to 1680. pp. 676. 8° sheep. Cambridge, 1815 I 814 Hubbard. General History of New England, from the discovery to 1680. Second ed. pp. 768. 8° cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1848 With 3 autograph letters of Peter Orlando Hutchinson laid in. JIT 1809 So iSio To '^'' jr '^' 3l5' 813 NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS In N E IV'B NG L A N D, from the /Irft pbntfrg thereof in th* year iCoj.to this prefenc year 1677. But chiefiyofthelate Troubles in the two la-^ yea:f;, 1675. and 1676. To which is added aDiicourfcaboLKthcr/^/r; wiih the P E Q U O D S In ihc year 1637. Tj W .Huhho^rd J Mini/ler 0/ Ipfwich. A/id tbe Lerdfaidiinto u\!ofes-,vcriti this fbr n M:mor'uT.llh a B^sl^-, af.d rthfarfe it U the cars ej- Jo^Jjud; for 1 viiU utterly p;.tout-ihi Rtmcmbiansi of A^ndcii frum ur.d.r heaven. Esyt^. 17 '/<. ivhcrcf ,re it u f.-id i.i the bool^ ef tijc ivarrs of :ht Lord, nh.tt he did hi the red [ea^ ar.d k. the EYioliS tf Ar/tn. Nurrib.-i; ^4 As coldtvaters to .i tbirli/ foul, jojs gsodaervs fron afar Coatr^. Prov.2<.aj. Expreflfi Ima^o, c- quafi fprculurnqjodlim vi x ?MmaR,? eft hiftjrii, qua tail' ve: fi Tiilia \emper puilaiu in mwdo acciiicre. Tmicyd. 4;f}oria cradir q,(^ Gft. fior, ec qu.e tcmptr fir.c fucura, donee cailem manet hom;- nufn na'ura Id^m- riiftori^Vcgiiiciftcu.iflimaiuO^a'-io, etpr^eparatiocft ad aftiones politicu, ec illu- ftris Magift;a ad per fcrendasforcun5-. 1961 Johnson, Charles. A Narrative of the Incidents attend- ing the Capture, Detention and Ransom of Charles Johnson , who was made prisoner by the Indians on the River Ohio, in 1790. pp. 264. 12° boards, uncut. New York, 1827 l^ ^ 1962 Jones, Charles C. Jr. Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi- Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. pp. 133. 8° boards, un- cut. Albany, 1868 A. L. S. of the author inserted. 5~ ^~D 1963 Jones. Hernando de Soto. The adventures encountered and the route pursued by the Adelantado during his march through the territory embraced within the pres- ent limits of the State of Georgia, pp. 43. Portrait. 8° boards. Privately printed : Savannah, 1880 ^.2/1964 Jones. Addresses before the Confederate Survivors Association, 1885-9. 5 pamphlets. Augusta, Ga. 2^0 '9^5 Jones. Sepulture of Major Gen. Nathanael Greene and of Brig-Gen. Count Casimir Pulaski, pp. 14; — Life and Services of Ex-Gov. C. J. Jenkins, a memorial address, July 23, 1883; — Biographical Sketch of Major John Habersham of Georgia, pp. 30, 1886; — Life and Ser- vices of Major Gen. Samuel Elbert of Georgia, 1887. 4 vols. 8° paper. ^y2^ 1966 Jones. Letters of Joseph Jones of Virginia, 1 771-1787. (By W. C. Ford.) pp. 157. Royal 8° paper, uncut. Washington, 1889 Only 250 copies printed. Presentation copy. <2n ^9^7 Jones, George. History of Ancient America, anterior to the Time of Columbus. Vol. i. The Tyrian Era. Third ed. pp. 461. Royal 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1843 , 1968 Jones, Paul. Life of Paul Jones, from Original Docu- ments in the Possession of John Henry Sherburne, pp. 320. 8° half russia, uncut, gilt top. London, 1825 ^ o^ 1969 Jones. Memoirs of, compiled from his Original Jour- nals and Correspondence, pp. 331, 341. 2 vols, in I. 12° cloth. London, 1843 1970 Jones, Thomas. History of New York during the Revo- ^° lutionary War, and the leading events in the other Colonies at that period. Edited by E. F. DeLancy. Maps and portraits on India paper. 2 vols, royal 8° cloth, uncut, gilt tops. New York, 1879 / CATALOGUE U 1971 ^f &e 1972 00 ^973 3|:Z^^974 I J-^5-'976 / o2, ^0 ^977 1978 35-0 ^979 JONSON, Ben. The Works of Beniamin Jonson. pp. 1015. Engraved title and 2 inserted portraits. Small folio, half russia, (broken). William Stansby: London, 1616 Jonson's own edition. With bookplates of Richard Morgan Graves, engraved by M. Dar- ling, and of E. D. Ingraham. Jordan Memorial. Family Records of the Rev. Robert Jordan, and his Descendants in America. By T. F. Jordan, pp. 488. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1882 JossELYN, John. New England's Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of that Coun-Z/^ try. pp. (i), I, 114, list of books, pp. 2, and dragon, pp. I. 16° calf, by Hayday. London, 1672 Many wood cuts, with cut of lavender plant inserted. "The earliest work on the Natural History of New England, and deserves credit for its originality." JossELYN. New England's Rarities. With an introduc- tion and notes by E. Tuckerman. pp. 169. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. JossELYN. An Account of Two Voyages to New England .... A Description of the Countrey, Natives and Creatures, with their Mercantil and Physical use; the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English, pp. (i), 4, 279. 16° sheep. London, 1674 With the Dragon opposite the title. JossELYN. An Account of two Voyages to New Eng- land, made during the years 1638, 1663. pp. 211. Small 4° cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. Journal of American Folk-Lore. Vols, i and 2. 2 vols. 8° in parts, uncut. Boston, 1888-9 Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia, September 1787, which formed the constitution of the United States, pp. 510. 8° sheep, (broken.) Boston, 1819 Juan and Ulloa. A Voyage to South America, describ- ing the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc., on that continent. Translated by John Adams, pp. 479, 420, (28). Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1806 Autograph of Robert Southey, the binding by his daughters, with bookplate on reverse of first title. y CATALOGUE. /H\oo Ji- to 1"^ T )S3 JouTEL. Journal Historiqae du Dernier Voyage que M de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver ^-^ I'embouchure & le cours de la Riviere de Alissicipi nom- mee a present la Riviere de Saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane. Map. pp. 386. 12° old calf. Paris, 1713 1981 JouTEL. A Journal of the last Voyage perform'd by 00 Mons. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out i^ the Mouth of the Mississippi River. Written in French by Monsieur Joutel. Map. pp. 210. 8° calf. London, 17 14 First English edition. JU.A.RROS, Don Domingo. Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America. Translated by J. Baily. pp. 520. 2 maps. 8° boards, uncut. London, 1823 9 ^1983 JuDD, Rev. Sylvester. A Moral View of the Revolu- tionary War, a discourse delivered in Augusta, March 13, 1842. pp. 48. 8° half roan. Hallowell, 1842 ^ ^ —.1984 Junius. The Genuine Letters of Junius. To which are "^"^ "^ prefixed anecdotes of the author, pp. 366. 8° calf, (rebacked). London, 1771 First collected edition, issued the year before the first authorized edition. 1985 Junius. (The first authorized Edition.) pp. 208, 356. ^* 2 vols. 16° calf. Printed for H. S. Woodfall: London, 1772 Junius; including letters by the same writers under other signatures. New and enlarged edition, by John Wade. pp. 476, 458. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Bohn: London, 1850 1987 Junius. The History of Junius and his Works, and a review of the controversy respecting the identity of Junius, with appendix. By John Jaques. Portraits. 8° cloth, uncut. London, 1843 /o 1988 Justice over Unjust Judges, pp. 27. 4° half roan, (name cut from title). Re-printed in the year 1732 ^ yr^' Ji 00 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY [ 3 3125 00898 4193