Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/sermononmountgosOOjone LONGMAN & C? 1845 SFttuminatA niouru I OS J- , ) IHfllrs&pil art thr pporrnrctkrra^ ■Rliiir thrij ahull he vallvd the IP ylrriiti'i) iut thrt; tuhirh arc Mpersmitpd for ri^htpommcaa' MAstikr • tor theirs is* the kingdom of heawn . i) > j. jessed are gr, when men shall 1 reoilr you, attd perseritte 5 0l ^|||i \arxb tfhall sag nil manner of 1 jeuil againet you falsely, for nuj sake. ^ IMjejoice, and bp txmimg glac^ tor great is your rrurori m ■■heauen ; for so persrrutea thru, the prophets urhtrh urpre bi£bre uon . CI IP t an the suit af tlte earth. ihxd if the salt ham (ja^t hi# &manr, whtxewim shall it he salted? it is thparcfartfe gaao fur itfliJftmg, hut tn he east aut,anb to he trodden unirr tint of ntett r> jj f are the light af the mmlHi.% , ^ i ritg that is set on an MU. raimot be hid . ' * _ ^ S >> y" y I either men light a rarrblf, jand put it under a hnshel, _,tmt on a randtetirh;ntti). if >tli %ht unto all that nra in the house. , let aunt lrnht so sinne hr&re [mm, thai tttrg mag *t*npixt good arorks, and glrafij ijaur father aihirh is in hennen r - - * St Mnh not that am nmt* ia h&lfW, ifce taw, nr the prophets _ xmx not mme tn bejstrngjtat ta fulfil j j ; nr unity $ £au unto uau,STiH heanen ana earth pass, nne jot ox nne tittle shall, m na tnise pass tram the Inux tilt all be fulfilled. kogacuer therefore shall break ane of these least rammaiionten^ and slinit tenth men sn, he shall be rnllea the len&l in the hhtgonm of hraorn : hut inhasarrrer shall bo nun learh them, the same shall be called great in the hitigaam of heavmp Bar sag unto gnu, that txttyt ynax nqfajeausness shall exmb the rigliteausnesri af the srrihes mxb |fhjariseps, xje shall in no rase Q grr?> nfrr intn tin* Wwnforai trf hruurtr r hour heard that it wan «nnd by thrm of oli) tum\ UTltau ghalt not hill;nuti uthosorurr shall hill shall br in ftongrr of t hr jii&gihmt • ^ 5 nt$ say unto yan ; uihosornrr is angry with kts brnthrr without arausr shall br in danger of thr juugmmf axxb uihosarujrr shall say to his brothrrStara, shall br tn danger! of thr romtrif but whosuetTrr shall j snjj,$Thau foal shall br in t)angpr| of hril firr. v • ~* = * ^ : ^ he rrfim\ if thou briny thy qift to thr altar, and thrrr rrnirwhrrrst that thy lira- thrr hath ouqht anainst thrr \ u rnirr there thy gift before the uttni*. anS qo \lu\ may; mmt$\ brrrrannird tii ttm brother, and then rome and after ree with thine abner^arg tauirhly. whileo than art in Jthe uwu, with him. le&t at M mx \ time thr^aftuersnrn delmer thee to the indae, and the jitdrje drlutrr thee td the affirrr, attd than be east xntu misuti . . \ 9 the rrilij ,0 5nti unto thee.ftxm shall bij no weans rome out thenee', til] thau hast paid Uermaot farthing. : — ^ baue heard that it urns said u them nfnfp timr,®hou snalt not rnmmit aduliern u\ Jj soy unto tjim , I? hat mhorioroer laohrtli on a Jtmrmim ta lust after her (tatb ariuituttrt aihtttero luith lire plrrtfxhj in his It curt. - y aa if thtj right egr affrtu) titer, plurh it uttt^attr) exist it from thrr for it is prafi table for thre that one of thy members should perisle ano tint that thy whalv haty should JErr rast into hell . -/ . - , nil if thg.rtgJftt hauii ofieiti) tlirr, rut it 0ff,rrtti rast at front thrr-- for it 10 profit- able for thrr tliat ottr of thy members shottla: perish, aw) not thai thij whole haiitj should he rust into JbrU , |f hath hem saiilillhas^iier shall put aurau, his iuir> 7 Jlet him giar hrr a uniting of iHnarrrmrnf ni?f sag untaunu, fikkut phasmvtt shall jmt nuiaij his Jnufr, sawing far ihr cause af tamiratimx, ranseth hrr tn ramimi adultery: niia" inhasoeurr shall marry her that is diaarrr i, raminitteth adultery paiii, nr haue heard that it hnth arm saic hij them of aid time, ffhan shnlt not fars- thyself but ohalt prrfarm ixu > | at if thine ege br mil, tby urhalr lioclir shall he full of 'btxd\nt$$. a man^cau srrue tuio mas ters : for either he urilL hntr the one, and lour the other i at rise he null hold to the r, nub brspise the other \ rnnnof seme Ol>nb nut) mntmnun herrfore V £oy untu you. * Cube no tlumnht for uimr'-* life , what yr shall ent,ur what ajtjt* £hall brink; nor yet fat your baby, what ye «»haU put an is not the life more than meat aub thr baby than raiment ^^pL eholb the fowls of the air-. for they soui not, neither ;^ _bo th&y re an, nor g other ^ into barns yet your heoueuly ^ •:' |0*other feebefg them % re ye ttat™ antra better' thou they* i A jjlurh nt you by takiny \ iyyy thnuyht am abr) one rub it unto his stature? « no urhy take ye thought fat rammtt ? Mansion* the ■Hliliea of the lipid, luuu thru aram, then, toil not, anther 00 ^J^^J^ X - no ajet 5 sau utttu 13 an, Srhnt eii£rx £alamou m all hi^ glarg mas' not orraijen Uhe one of these WSo hcrrfare,if <#od so rtollte 111 the grass of the fielb , whirh IMlo-dtm is', aiTx) to-tnorroui i£ east into the xnmt, shall he not much more rlothe iron, $ ne of little faith? ; J • ^ therefore take ito thought , | soiling, Ufl hot shall we eat? or What shall we orink? or, WltrreioithaX shall uie he rloihejo? or after all these things da the ^entiles seekO'for iiour heauenly leather Imo- ureth that ye haue neei af all these things?. . lit $rd\ ye first the lutrq oottt af <$oa\ anb hiir righteousness anr) all these things shall abbro ante Hahe therefore na thought for the marram : for the morrow shall tube thought far the things of itsrlf ^uffteieni unto the bag ifi the rail thereof. 1$ ubur not . that ge be nat | 7 Zm y-.'^GV')f 118 I of uuth what '$&nmtttt yc hudqr, yr ghajli b? jmlgefl: I an J uuth what measure xp tuefe, it shall he measured to you jagain ^^^^^3 ^ ^ - tuhg beholclest than the mote that is in thy bro- ther s eye , but ccmsiJl crest luot thr beam that is in thme omn t ha in unit thau say ta thy brathrr #et me pull aitt thr malt nut af thine eijc ; anhj Id. a brum is m thine aum eye* han hyjiornte, firctt cast out the beam ant af thruc outu eye ; auo thru 5 halt jthou see rlrdrlu ta rast out the mate out of thii brother's eye. HSHHH mil r if tu ask a fUh , will he Igiue him a serpent? Fy? then, frxariQ mil, \\uow hotu to giue goo a gifts' unta your chil£imi ; houi murk mare shall your father umich is in hcauen qiue a,oob things t0 merit, that ask htm? herefare all things mhat snruer gr waulo that mm shoula bo to you , io y£ rum so to f hem : far this is the law anb the prophets, titer tjr in at the strait gate ''for mit is the aate, ancl broni) 15 the wag, that Irairtk to ht&imtiv&n. mxb many therr be which no in thmat » rams? strait is tlajc gate, axiv narrow is the amy, mhrrh teaocth unto life, and frru there bp tltat trad it . eiogre of false jmnjltets, ruhich came to ynu ia Bltrens riot lung, but in- ujarbly then, are rmi erring ruolueB. r r ekall tuioiu them by their fruits Bo mm gather grapes of thorite, or figs, of thistles' ben so cum* good trcr bringeih forth good fruit; but oT corrupt tree bringeth forth roil fruit . aooo free raunot bring forth eml fruit , neither ran a corrupt tree bnuq mampw^ tree that bring ctit not forth aonil fruit ls hrum MBoaum.uni} rast into the fire. herefotV by tlinr fruits nr shall huouj than > nt cuery aire that >ait.h unto me, Coru,*fora,Ghatl t pntev utto the luugfinm of] henueu; but he that horfh tht v null of ma jBfother vulurh is in amy anil sou to lire in thai o* o i\ -jf a v u If b r u , h a o c m r not uronhesieu" in thy name? aut) in thy name hour east out iV'uita r and in thy aamr uioitttcrful loorks nb then mill$ profres unto | them, if ixeuer kneui you depart from me, yc that^H uiorh iniquity , - t - hereforc luhosoroer hear- 'Cm eth these saumqs of mine, / auu oo eth them, h unit liken him unto a wise mau. uiiiicliB built his house upon a rorh— — ■* TtS the rauf de5eeuaro,ano the floods come, ant) the uuuos bleu^.aui beat upon that house; out) vtfell not :£br it urns fuunueo upon arorh. A 1 u6 cirery oue that hearcth these saumas of urine, mi oorth them "not .shall lu |M^liKc,nto imro a 100116^ man urljtr^ 1| built hon^c nyaxx ihc mnb-. Jpr~^ tta mitt htittnbtb , xmxl ^ '•■ the xluo&fi rame trod tht^ mmnM'^mixii Mem, auci t»ea* upotrt / i^Mttrat ton** :md it fell ■■ anh arm* |\ K§u>^ % fall jodf it ^ - ^ iH I 2 3 THE GETTY CENTER UBRARY