1 y y v i yi ^jfc^/^Nj- 1 ‘ : ' f -, A,\A| : ';/ " V. . A r HrC ImhoMR Jf-- -1PWB A*. •. . w :|JgC :. r"’’ ' '***' /' J I'.Kif •’/. vT~ pjfjp -n ^ /■*> ^ „ /■'‘‘M-ysJ ' V '; 'X',-| - \^V 4i \ &. 45. /. 8 # Spirit for Sphere, p. 48. /err/ for Terri, p. 51. /. 15. Croupe for rape. p. 83. /. 4. Except for Excefs. p. 86. /. 11. Fcuqucts , no p. 90. 1 . 3. V flerman. p.97. 1 . 9. put a Comma after Atetf j rone after and /. 1 1. after add again. . K \* f the Reader. AVING often reflected how difficult an Under- taking it is, at prelent, among fo many various Opinions and Writers on the Art of Painting, to form a clear and juft Idea on that Subject, and of the MASTERS who have rendered their Names Illuftrious by their Per- formances ; I at laft concluded, that B to ( iv ) to have the beft Idea would be to fhew their own Work now, by in- graving a good Number of noted Mafters, from a confiderable Pidure of each, and more of fome of the Chief, and fo, on their own Work, to write fome Obfervations fuffici- ent to fhew what School they imi- tated, or in what Manner they va- ry’d, and at the fame Time to give the Opinions of the moll skillful and impartial Authors, who . have treated on the Art of Paint- ing; and it being my Fortune now to be in England, I have made it my Study to oblerve the mod ex- cellent Paintings, both Publick and Private, of many iiluftrious Ma- fias : And as fuch an Undertaking appeared appeared New in itfelf, and both Uleful to the Publick, and an Ho- nour to this Nation, fo indeed it appeared Difficult to me, and be- yond the reach of my Capacity ; not for the Number of Books which l had occafion to perufe, but for the great Expence I have already been at for the Drawings, and which I muft continue, for the Prints which are graving, not only in London , but fome in France , Holland , and Henice ; This Defign will coniift of feveral Parts: I be- gin with This, becaufe of the great Variety of Painters in all the Schools, fuch little Books are more eafily carried when any one Travels. The other Parts will be followed by B i the ( vi ) the Defcripticn of the King’s, and other Noblemen’s and Gentlemen’s Collections, viz. Duke of Somerset, Duke of Revonjhire , Duke of King - fton , Duke of Buckingham , Duke of Argyle, Duke of Kent , &c. Lord Burlington, Lord Med fas. Lord Choi- mondely, Lord Harrington, Lord James Cavcndifl), Lord Tyrconnel, & c. Sir Robert Waif ole, Sir Robert Sutton, Sir Raul Miethwcll, Sir Gregory Rage, Sir John R.arnel, Sir James Thorn - bill. Colonel Guy, Secretary Burchct, Hr. Mead, Mr- Richardfon, &c. with many others* w.ith which I am not at prefent acquainted; but I hope, and humbly pray, thefe Right Ho- nourable Noblemen, and Honourable Gentlemen, to let nr. ^ have Notice °t their Pictures. Mr. ( Vii ) Mr. Trudomc liked my Defign, and agreed to undertake thofe at Wilton , except the painted Rooms, (of which .the Cieling of Dcdalus and Icarus has been graved) thefe he laid would be too much for him, and except the io different Battle- Painters, 7 Italian , and 2 by Bar- gognone) and Siege of Tavia, by Al- bert Durer , becaufe thefe were drawn by one of Bologna, and except the perfonal Pictures; for there was one who defired that he might draw the reft of the V m Dykes, which were not Grav’d nor Graving, as the great one was, and the Perfons by the older Painters, becaufe he had publifh’d lately other Van Dykes, ( viii ) ©>* es, and Mr. Trudome omitted thole which by the Book were grav- ed before, nor fome which had been at London to be clean’d there drawn for me, he fettled at IVilton in the Town feveral Years, where he drew moft of them before he died, but all his Things were carried abroad to his Heir, and I not being then re- turned to England , heard after, that they have been fold and difperfed ; I have fome Hopes of getting one Parcel, in which are 1 3 of the larg- eft Pictures, as the Giulio, Romano, and Tolidoro , Caravaggio , and Tal- ma, and Tintoretto , and Bajjano, and Ntcolo del Alb ate, and Rofjo Floren- tine, and Avgujlino Caracci , and the two great Pictures of Giordano Nea- politan, plitano , and the great Salvator Rofa, and Mkhael Angelo, Caravaggio and Mich. Angelo , Campidoglio, thefie two and the other two at London , make all the four called Mich. Angelo , and there is befides, the Lanfranco and Andrea Sacchi , and Romanelli , and Cafligliona, and Gafper c PouJfm , with Hagar by Nicolo Tou(Jin, and the very fine Reubens which was the King of Spains , and his Matter Otto Vent of his chief Colouring, {hewing whence Rubens had his fine Colouring, and the fine Hiftorical Piece of Tfobfon , which as long as he lived he would never part with ; King C. 1. called him the Englijh Tintoretto , and Albert ‘Durer and John John Van Eyke, who firft painted in Oyl. What I was to get Drawings of, were in and about London , 1 wifh 1 could have found more of the old Mafters by Mr. Prudome , for there were many got in the Time of the firft Earl, which I no where find, the Want of them will very much leffen the Number intended of their Lives : However, here is, ( though nine have been graved) a great Variety in this Collection at London , and being near fo many very fine Collections, as the King’s in his five Palaces, and thofe of many Noble- men and others, I don’t doubt of finding a great Number of very not- ed ( xi ) ed Pictures, tho’ many of the beft of the King’s are graved already. I have Drawings of a good many fine Colledions, I fhall mention here only thofe of Pictures that are in this CoOedion, becaufe they are here defcnbed, fuch only now of which Drawings are already finifh- ed, the four fir ft are at Wilton. The Capital great Pidure of Van ‘Dyke — The great Giorgione — Giovanni Bellini — Dionmo Calvart — o Drimaticcio — Schiavoni — Francf- co Salviati — Michael Angelo de Bat- taglia — Fr. Tarmigiano — Hieronimo armigiano — Bor done Venetian i — C Leo- C xii ) Leonardo da Vinci — Rerugino Fran* cefco Francia — the two of Andrea del Sarto — the two of Correggio — the third of Raphael Urbin, the other two are grav’d — Hannibal Caracci — Do- menichino — Guido Rheni — Cantari * ni — Girolamo da Carpi — Francefco Renni, call’d il fattore di Raphaele — Schidoni — Rondani Mich. Angelo Buona Rota — Andrea Montegna — Sebafl. dal Riornbo — Giulio Romano — Rierino del vaga — Taddeo Zuchero — Baldaffar Reruzzi da fienna— Boni* facio Bembi — Albano — Guercino de Cento — Sophronisba Anguifciola — Bernardino Gatti. To C xiii ) To make it more Cure to Buyers* 1 propofe no Subfcription, they (hall pay nothing but as they buy them; for I (hall fell them as the Plates are finifhed ; I lhall advertife the Names, and of what Colle&ion, as faft as they aretHone; and I dont doubt to have them faft enough, if I lhall find a Mecenas that will protect and encourage my great Work, till fuch Time, it is hop’d, the Reader will be fully contented with this Pamphlet, and whatever follows in this Nature, and will not blame a Man that does what he can to pro- mote the Love of the fine Art of Painting, and the Splendor of your glorious C xiv ) glorious Country, not inferior to any other in the World, for the great Number of excellent Pictures, preferved in fo many Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Houles. a» FINIS. I now give Notice, that the fob lowing Five are almoft engrav’d, four of this Collection, and one of the Duke of Somcrfef s ; and Prints of them may be ready to be fold after Chrijlmas. The great Van ‘Dyke is in this Collection, it is ingrav’d by young Audran at ‘Paris, it is twenty Foot long and twelve Foot high, which requir’d a much larger Print than any other that I fhall make, the Print is as large as Raphael* s Cartoons by Dorigny ; I had the Help of a little Picture painted by Remy in the fame Time of Van Dyke , who was us’d to fay to Sir Peter Lelly, that he could copy his Pictures better than he himfelf could copy. This Picture was done on Plirpoleto be grav’d ( xvi ) at j Paris, and was carried by ML Towers , who waited upon Kir; Charles II. when he wenttlv ther ; and at prefent is in the Co le&ion of Mr. CroiJJat, from whic I have now there ingrav’d it. The next is the Duke of Sorrier fet Titian , with nine Figures of the Fi' mily of Cornaro, ingrav’d by Bam, at London ; the Picture is long nin: Foot, high fix Foot and a half, th: Print is, long two Foot, high on Foot and five Inches. Here follows the other Three of thi Collection defcriFd in this Book. The great Giorgione , or the lal Supper, at Wilton. The Francefco P armigiano. The Schidonc. T H I ■ - V * w J •> * * i — r ' t ' • i ■ ■ -i,, ; .> M , ; tv,.'. ■ ■ .. .o'" ' " ' •? > •. i . j . • ol roods u I -o'. ■' v* r - V ' ' * f - ) ^ A A ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ol# THE SCALE. There being many ‘Pictures together in feveral Places , by this one may more eafily find any one out . j. Magnitude bigger than a whole Length. 2. Whole Length, or nearer to it than to an Half Length. Half Length, or nearer to it than the Size of an Head. 4* About the Size of an Head. 5. Lels than the Former. | Higher than Broad. — Broader than High. THE PICTURES. H E old Catalogue had the Names of the Painters, which are on the Pi£tures ; they were collected by the firft Earl who liv’d in four Reigns, and by the two fii'll: Philips. This Lord has not increas’d the Number, he has only changed many german and Flanders to make a great- er Variety of Italian Painters. Here are (except two or three of above twenty re- markable Painters, and of Van Dyke many, becaufe the Great Room has only of him) only one of each Painter, three Quarters of A 2 them ( 4 ) them are by Italian , here being with thofe that are at London near three Hundred Italian Painters ending with the chief Dis- ciples of each School, none but fuch as were alive before the Death of Carlo Mo- ratti ; of thefe there were above thirty, they may be eafily known by their Name s to have been Difciples of Carlo Moratti , Carlo Dulci, Giardano of Naples , Allani 7 and of Cervelli of Venice thefe were be. fpoke when Sir And- Fountaine was in Ita- ly ; they firft made Drawings which were fo well approv’d, that they by thefe alfo intended Prints : This begins with the Painters, from whom they reckon the five feveral Schools, and the Mafters of the chief, with one older than j lean Van Dyke of Bruges, who invented Painting inOyl : K.fajt is dated 1410, and faid to be that which he gave to a Chapel at Bruges, where he was born, and one before Painting in Oyl, that of King Richard II. It is etched by Hoi- Hollar , and dedicated to King Charles I.j’ Gi the Backfide was not etched. Mr. Anjlis found it very remarkable to illuftrate a difficult Part in Heraldry : My Lord, therefore, gave him a Drawing of it, which was grav’d and publifh’d in his Hiftory of -if the Order of the Garter ; this Pidure was given by King James II. to the Lord Cajllemain when he went Ambaflador to Rome ; My Lord bought it of his Heirs after he died. The Pidures, fince Sir Peter Lely advifed to put on the Back thick Priming that could not foak through, re- ceives no Prejudice as Painting on the Wall does even in Italy, as in the Vatican £j?c. The Painting of Raphael, had many Parts in a manner re-painted in Carlo Ma- ratti's Time. It is Pity, that the Paint- ings of fuch Painters fhould not have been moveable on Canvas, for to fave Raphael's has alfo obftruded the making of the very great Palace of the Vatican to be one of the the fineft in the World, for when Raphael painted, it was in a very ill Tafte, the Rooms having no due Height nor good Lights ■, Reuben's was fenfible of this, and therefore painted the banqueting Houfe on Canvas ; it is Pity that the Lead above had not a Floor of Boards over to obftrucl the Sun from cracking the Lead, and fo let- ting in the Rain, and to hinder any from walking on the Lead, as here at Wilton there is. I fhall firft begin with the Paintings not moveable. The Painting on the Cieling of this Room, and the Boys in the Ornaments of the Coving, Sir Charles Cotterel , who brought him over, call’d him Signior Tom- mafo, aDifcipleof Caracci the Paintings reprefent feveral Stories of Perfeus , as par- ticularly, the cutting off Madufa's Head, and and the relieving of Andromeda. The great Oval in the middle of thefe, fhews a very natural Sedition of a Female in Per- fpettive, feeing the Sky through a round Top ; it plainly relates to Perfeus , becaufe it fhews the fame Face and Drefs as in the former. There is a Prieft, in great Con- cern, at the Altar •, it is Perfeus , to re- venge himfelf upon Polydetfes , for the In- juries offer’d to his Mother and Deities, whom he found at the Altar, whither they had been forc’d to fly for San&uary from his Violence. The Cieling of the Cube Room of De~ dolus and Icarus , was brought out of a Villa near Florence, by the fir ft Sir Charles Cotter ell, for Earl Philip ; Painted by Jo- feph Arpino. There was an old Print grav’d, Anno 1600. All the Pannels of the Bottom of this Room are painted with 27 Hiftories of the Countefs of Pern- broke's hr ole’s Arcadia. Thefe are painted by the Brother of Signior Totnmafo , who us’d to paint only fmall Figures. There are no other Paintings on the Cielings, or Wainfcots, but the Hunting Room, which was painted by Tempefta, Junior, who alio came over in all eighteen kinds of Hunting. The Drawings Mr. Clark has of the Cielings of the Hunting Room, and Stone Stairs, are pretty ; but without Figures. He has alfo Drawings of feveral Chimney-Pieces at Wilton, with his Name writ by himfelf. The moveable Pi&ures ; Firft, thole in the great Room, which are all by Vandyke , the great one is twenty Foot long, and twelve Foot high ; it is Hiflorical as well as Perfonal, being a Landskip with Dogs, and in the Clouds are three Angels ; there are ten whole Lengths as big as the Life, they ( 9 ) they are of Philip Earl of Pembroke in King Charles the Firft’s Reign, and his Lady, Daughter to the Earl of Oxford , with their five Sons and one Daughter, with her Husband the Earl of Carnar- von. , and the Daughter of the firft Duke of Buckingham , who firft married the eldeft Son, and after to the Duke of Richmond. Six whole Lengths, one of them with two Perfons. Duke of Richmond and Lennox , he was killed in the Civil Wars. ' William Lord Steward , whole Face he painted from the Brafs Statue, mould- ed by Rubens’s Defign, and fince given by this Lord to the Univerfity of Ox- ford. B : — The ( IO ) - — ■ The fame 'Philip Earl of Pembroke Side-fac’d who is in the great Picture. Dutchefs of Richmond , a few Years older than fire was in the great Picture ; attending her, is Mrs. Gibfon the Dwarf The firfb Lady of Philip Earl of Pembroke , Son to him that is fitting in the great Picture ; fhe was before Vifcountefs Banning , whole Son was William Earl of Pembroke, and had her Title alfb. A Daughter of the Earl of Holland, it has a Spanel at the Bottom. “—One double half Length, fhe with fair Hair is Mrs. Kjllegriew , and fhe with brown Mrs. Morton , they were celebrated Beauties. Four ( " ) Four fingle half Lengths. • King Charles the Firft. His Queen. — Philip Earl of Pembroke, Son to him that’s fitting in the great Pi&ure, and is there in Yellow, but younger ; he did two of thefe, another for the Earl of Carnar - von\ my Lord Cholmondly now has it. *— Lady Cajllehaven. In the Cube Room are of Perfons. ■ — — One double half Length of Mr. 'James Herbert and his Wife, he is the fame Perfon who holds a Book in the great Piaure, by Sir Peter Lelj. B 2 Twelve ( 11 ) Twelve half Lengths. ' King George, Prince of Wales] and Princefs by Zeeman, in Little, as fet in Gold, held in the Hand of one of the three Daughters ; with their Brother, Grand-Children of the King ; thefe Four are as big as the Life. — William Earl of Pembroke by Sir Peter Lely , eldeft Son of Philip , and Grand-Son of him fitting in the Chair in the great Picture ; he is a little Boy naked, with a Dog. There was no other of him, and of his next Brother Philip none. Countefs of Pembroke, fecond Wife of Philip, Son of him that’s fitting in the Chair in the great Picture ; lhe is in Afli- coloured Satten, by Sir Peter Lely. Thomas ( 13 ) Thomas Earl of Pembroke, young- eft Son of Philip by the former Lady, ’tis that with the Sea and a Ship at a Diftance, by Mr .Wifling\ he did two Originals, the other is at London. Mr. Smith made a Mezzo-tento Print after it. The firft Wife of Earl Thomas , with a Lamb ; by Mr. Willing. The fecond Wife of Earl Thomas with Lady Barbara when five Years old, with a Straw Hat, as a Shepherdels going to tye a Garland about a Lamb’s Neck. The third Wife of Earl Thoma ( with a fmall Lamb ; it has got into his Mouth a Sprig of JelTamin. Lord Henry Herbert , eldeft Son of Earl Thomas , painted by Mr. Richardfon. Lady f H ) Lady Catherine , eldeft Daughter of Earl Thomas (fince married to Sir Nic. Morice ) with her Brother Robert , his fe- cond Son. Mr. Richardfon painted it. The other three arePerfons unknown, and may be given away when other Per. fons of the Family may fill thofe Places. Of Historical and Moveable Figures. FirJI, of Italian. In the Cube painted Room. 1 Palma, Jun. St. John preach- ing in the Wildernefs ; containing twenty Figures as big as the Life, nine Foot long, and about feven Foot high •, in it are the Faces of Tintoret , and of his Matter Ti- tian ■, it coft Earl Philip 600 Piftoles. 2 1 The 2 1 The Virgin Mary, with Christ and Jofeph reading ; with feveral Boys in- nocently playing about him, big as the Life ; it was an old Out-line at Mantua, by Julio Romano , and colour’d after at Venice. 5 1 Cavalier Liheri, Mary Magdalen , with a Death’s Head fainting, and three Angels fupporting. On the Stone Stairs. i l Giofeppe Chiari. The Woman of Samaria , nine Foot high, and leven foot broad. 1 Lorenzino da Bologna, Venus's Birth i fhe is rifing out of the Sea, ZJc. 2 Rofa di Tivoli , An Herdlman with Cattle, as big as the Life. 2 Jlef- I ( 16 ) 2 Alejfandro Var atari, the Feaft at which Herodias ask’d Herod for St. John Baptift’s Head ; a Sketch in a fine free manner; the Original of the Large one grav’d in Patio’s Daughters Book. I. 2 Tintoretto the Son, Bull Feaft ; King Philip is at it. 2 SelaJHno Ricci , the Figures ; and Marco Ricci, the Buildings there is a very fine Perfpedive. 2 j Mafaccio , on it is as follows, Signore Medici (Ls? Moglie E. nupt, del figlu- olo 1441. Befides thefe four Figures, there is a Mufician with a Violin ; alfo, accord- ing to. the old Cuftom for Merriment, three Fools, a Man, a Boy, and a Woman fiieering ; a Cat is painted very lively in her Hand : By this Date painted on it, it appears (as was faid in the old Catalogue) that ( 1 7 ) that this Medici was in the Time of the Republick of Florence • that Cojmo , who was call’d Pater P atria here with his Wife ; and that the Son now here married was his Son Peter ? with his Wife, of whom was Born the firft Lawrence , who was the great advancer of Learning. 5 — Orazio Samachini . Venus fit- ting on the Ground, looking at Cupid, who is earncftly observing his Arrow Heads in a Fire, to fharpen them. There are three Satyrs in the Trees looking on. 3 — — Antonio Temp eft a. Triumph of Saul , David before, on Horfeback, with Goliah's Sword ; and one before with Go- liaF s Head. 3 1 Selaftiano Ricci. (Little Figures) 1 Thrift raifing Lazarus . j Gio- C ( i8 ) 3 Giovanni Micle . A Carncval mask’d abroad, with a Coach. He imi- tated M'tc. An^do delLc Battaglie. 3 I Signorelli da Cortona. A Charity, a Woman with four Boys; a Pot with Flowers is by them. 3 I G e " ' ile Bellini. The Virgin Mary , with Chrift in her Arms. 3 Caff ana. A View of Piazza Navona at Rome, in which is a Fair, or Market, with Shews ; and in one Place a j fef'uit is Preaching. j Tiomaffo. Ifraelites rejoicing round the Golden Calf. 3 Carpi'wi. Midas's Judgment, and the Fleaing of Mamas. 3 l U ( r 9 ) 3 1 ll Frate. The Virgin with Chrifi in her Arms ; on a very thick Board. 3 Gejji. Naked Figures Bathing. 3 Lalradorc. Still Life ; of earth- en Veflels, from the Arundel Collection. J | Gentile da Falriano. Five Men in Houfe, groping in the Dark. The feventh Plague of Egypt. 3 Pietro de Pietri. Holy Family, and Saints below. 3 Giacomo Triga. The Nativity. 3 | CaJandrucci . Christ in the Manger. 3 Giacomo del Pa. Tyler and Ro- mulus, and Remus , fucking. C 2 3 Mai- ( 20 ) 5 * Maltefe Vechio. A Carpet, and a large Boar’s Head. 3 Bartolomeo (imitation of S. Ro- fa ) a Landskip with a Catcade, and three Travellers talking. j Tran. Giovani (imitation of Mo- l ) Landskip, with a Filherman carrying a Net. 3 Bartolomeo Murillo. St. Andrew leading to his Crucifidion. Molt of him are clounifh People, except what he paint- ed in Spam. 3 1 Pellegrini. Pharaoh’s Daughter, with her Attendants, finding Mofes in the Bulhes. He is noted for always painting his Pidures at once. 3 > Colom - ( 11 ) ? J Colotnlelli. On the Back of this Pifture Sir Peter Lely faid, it was af- ter a Drawing oi Niccol'o Puffin. A Nar- dil j in Love with his Shadow, with Cu- pids. Two more Pi£tures are known of the fame Figures, but lomething varied ; and all die Landskips quire different ; tho’ all taree were good Painters, yet the Names of the other two are unknown. 5 1 Viviano Codazzo , and Philippo Laitri , his Landskip manner. A Winter Piece, Ruins, with Figures throwing Snow-Balls. 3 1 Viviano Codazzo , and Mich. Ange- lo del e Battaplie. A Summer Piece (be- ing an exact Pair) Ruins, with Figures. 3 | Giacinto Brandi , half Length of St. John, when a young Man, as big a s the Life. 3 ] Pomenio (M ) j ! Domenico Ghirlandaio , the Virgin with Chrift in her Arms, the Frame i s adorn’d with Jafper, £f?c. on Board, from the Coll, of Medici , J Siflo Badalocchiy cutting off &r-wp r on's Hair, and the Philijlines ap- pearing. 5 I Frederico Zjichero , two whole Lengths of two Kings of France Brothers^ Francis II. and Charles IX. the Firft is dated 1559, the other 1560. 5 I Frederigo Imperiale, Mctrf fa ; her Lover finding her wounded and fainting^ lights from his Horfe, and pours Water on her out of his Helmet. Froderigo wa s called Jmperiale , from the Name of the Cardinal his Patron. 5 — Pozzo ( * 1 ) j Pozzo | he that writ the fa- mous Book of perfpe&ive Perfons, dreit as Ancient Romans amongft Ruins. 4 Defiderio , a triumphal Arch and Pillars, the Figures painted in Baflo Relievo. 4 1 Paulo Farinati, the Woman tread- ing on the Serpent. 4 | Giulo Cafare procacine, the Virgin Mary with Christ, the Ring on St* Catherine , St.John is by. 4 | Luigi Garzif Venus by Cupid beat- ing a Satyre. 4 1 Gollo de Caracci, St. Paul with a pitched Beard, fo freely painted, that feveral Painters have copyed it in Lon~ don% 4 1 Bene - ( H ) 4 ] Benedetto Luti , St. SelafUan (a. bout a Foot high) fhot with Arrows ; and an Angle above. 4 Cavalier Danzele , Venus afleep ; Cupid and a Satyre looking on. 4 | Carlo Cignani, Christ’s Na- tivity, very fweet Airs. 4 ( = Solimene (a Pair in one Frame on Copper) one, Day reprefented by Apollo with four Horfes, moving with a Chariot; the other, Night reprefented by a fhe Divinity, with Rofes and Poppyes about her. 4 Agricola Napolitano , five Men moving a Rockey Stone. 4 1 CarlettOy Virgin, Cbrift, and St. 'John on Wood. 4 1 Gio/ep- ( ^ ) 4 ( Giofeppino del Sole of All and* s School; Diana , and bathing Acleon ap- pearing. 4 1 Grilli , Abraham 3 H,.gar 7 Ofmael , round on Copper. 4 | Anto*ello da Meffina * Christ from the Crols ; it has a Date 1430. 4 — Maturino , Orpheus playing on the Harp to Pluto and Projerpine in Hell. 4 — Nadalino da Murano ? Christ lying along, and the Virgin with a Book and old Jofeph both looking on him ; it is an old Boards a very fcarce Matter. 4 1 Onorto Marinari (DiC of DokP) the Virgin forrowfuL , I)- 4 I A ( -6 ) 4 1 A Daughter of Carlo Colei (Oval on Copper) the Virginia a blew Vail. 4 1 Pietro di Torino , the Virgin and Chrijl on Wood bound. 4 } Trane if co Riari ( Alb ate ) on Cop- per ; Judgment of Paris ; a Boy by each of the three Divinities. 4 Carlo Crefti, Rape of Dejanira by Hoffus the Centaure ; Hercules Ihoot* ing at him at a Diltance. 4 j Dojfo da Ferrara, the Virgin with Thrift in her Lap ; he is touching her Chin. 4 Franc if co Trevifani. St. Jntho- nius \ V ifion. 4 — — Luigi ( 2 7 ) 4 Luigi Gentili. Vertue coming to Mount Farnajfus to awaken Apollo and the Mufes. 4 Cemelli. Two naked Figures, one bathing, the other lying on the Bank of the River. 4 1 Paulo Florentine. The Circumci- fion of Ckrift ; above twenty Figures, on Copper. 4 | Girolamo Sicciolante di Sermoneta. The Virgin, with Chrijl and Jof fh, and St. John , with his Mother. 4 I Giulio Camhi Veronese. St. Jerow'. on Wood ; did belong to fome great Fa- mily, by the Crown and Cypher on tiie Back. D 2 4 | Ode- ( ^8 ) 4 [ Odoardo Fialetti. Venus chiding Cupid, both ftanding. 1 V* 4 | Paris Jlfano di Perwia. The Devil tempting Chrift to turn Stone into Bread ; from the CollcHion of Cardinal V. ... . . j > Medici. 4 | Filippo Sanimberti . A Woman’s Head, with her Hand about her Neck. 4 Prete Genoefe. A Multitude, with Chrift looking back at the Woman who touched him, and was cured of an IlTue of Blood ; and at the fame Time Ja- ms, the Ruler of a Synagogue, is kneel- ing to Chrift. 4 Tempefiino. A Landskip ; a Man and a Woman fitting and talking face to face. 4 1 Luca ( 29 ) 4 \ Luca Cangiagio . Chrift holding a Lamp to Jofeph at Work, and the Virgin Mzry coming down Stairs with another Lamp. A very free Sketch, as his manner of Drawings and Prints in Wood, 4 \ Sir am. Four Boys in different Poftures, one of them is held up by two others. 4 \ Tarufft of Bolo 7 tia. Cupid wrench- ing his Bow out of the Hand of a Boy. 4 \ Bacharini of Ferrara . Lucretia , and Tarquin coming to her with a Torch in his Hand. On Copper- 4 1 Ginfeppe Gratti of Bolonia , Chrift praying in the Garden, with two Angels to comfort him • on Copper. 4 — Paolo ( 3 ° > 4 — — - Paolo Parolino of Ferrara, Her- cules killing the Bull, with Variety of Figures. 4 . Glrolimo Pefchi (Difcrple of Travillano') Catijlo bathing, dilcovered by her big Belly to be with Child, and Nymphs appearing to bring her to Diana 4 — — Gio Batifla Vico da. Venetia , Christ in the Virgin’s Lap; and St. John with his Head under his Feet, on Copper. 4 | Giofeppe drip oni of Bologna , Cupid with Pjyche complaining to Jupiter that (he wopld have killed him; on Copper, 4 — France fco delle Perspective. A View of the Port of Leghorn , and a Multitude ©f neat little Figures; on Copper. 4 I Girolamo ( 3* ) 4 | Girolamo Donini, Beys at Play ? one is blinded. 4 | Andrea folari, the Virgin with Chrift at her Breaft ; the Landskip ove r her Shoulders, fhews little Figures of Per- fons and Horfes wonderful neat : Velvet Brugell followed this Manner. 4 1 Nanuccio Dilciple of Andrea del Sarto: The Virgin with Chrift, and St. John ftanding clofs by her. 4 Gi'vanni Lan&ancoi A Tri- umph of Charity, one of the Angles of a Cupelo in a moft free Manner. # 4 Marco Aurelio Milano of Bolog_ nia , on Copper A young Bacchus lying and leaning on a Fatt, with a Satyr and four Boys. 4 Lama ( 32 ) 4 Lama (Difcip. of Jordano) Boys at Play, one on a Lamb. 4 Balejlra, Chrijl in the Virgin’s Arms ^ and Jofepb fitting in a Land- skip. 4 C arlo C aldari . Rome triumphing (many Figures.) 4 1 Toli a Parc! ini of Bologna, Sufanna and the two Elders, on Copper. 4 1 Gbfeppe Pajari • Ganimede upon an Eagle. 4 1 Giv- Paolo Pannini , three Soldi, 'ers upon Ruins and an old Man fitting at Bottom. 4 Trigolim 4 Trigol'mi. Diana and Atleon ap- pearing from behind a Tree which he has Hold of. 4 — 1 - Anajlagio Fontaloni, Chrift and a Child lying on his Back awake, on Straw. 4 - — Domenico Puligo, Nine Figures the Birth of St. John Baptift, his Mother in Bed, and he in fwadling Cloaths. 4 | Horatio Borgiana. St. Jerome on Copper. 4 I Beato Giovanni da Fief ole Dome- nicano, dyed 1455 ; the Nativity with many Figures, the Top is Oval. 4 j Ambrogio Figino , Chrijl from the Crols, on Copper. E 4 Taddeo ( u ) 4 Taddeo and Frederica ‘Z.uchero the Nativity ; it was fini fil’d by Frederica , fome Shepherds are added by him, and one may fee that two has painted. 4 ] Giacomo Potormo, the .Nativity ; with many little Angels above, Hand in Hand. 4 1 Martino Freminet , Nativity, with Ornaments of Angels at every Side. 4 Claudio Ghifolfi (the manner of Viviano') Sever us Arch. 4 Antonio Finfoni, the Flight into Egypt. 4 1 Elifaleta , Daughter of Sirani a Magdalen , contemplating with a Crucifix in a Defert, Angels appear above ; it is men- mentioned by Maluagia the IV. in his Catalogue. 4 I Cavedoni , the Virgin with Chrifl on her Lap, with a Bird in his Hand, at which St. John is reaching. 4 ] Giofeppe Crefpi, fix People with very plealant Airs carrying Things to Mar- ket, with a Mule, and a Horfe on which is a Woman with Child. 5 1 Gentilefco , two graceful Figures in aLandskip like a Garden, of Mary Magr dalen kneeling at Chrift’s Feet after the Refurrection. $ 1 Giovanni, Serpino , Bologna, Flora defending with Wings on a Cloud and his Hand at her Face. 5 Zannotti de Bologna (on Cop- per) Venus and feveral Boys, fome hold- E 2 ing ( 36 ) ing Flowers over her, and two Women on the back Ground. 5 S eh aft i an Concha , Nymphs a bathing, with a Satyr peeping at them thro’ the Trees. 5 1 Bonamico Bufalmaco , a dead Chrift y in Black and White. On the Stair-Cafe by the Great Half 35 . 1 I Luca Giordano of Naples, a Sea Triumph, with Horfes of Neptune , with twelve Figures of Perlons (befide two Boys flying) as big as the Life, it was a Prelent of the King of Spain to the French Ambaflador. 1 Luca Giordano of Naples , St. Paul (truck from his Horfe, which is freely painted, with a furprizing Spirit, and all the Figures as big as the Life. 2 Andrea ( 31 ) 2 — Andrea Squazzella , the Virgin with Chrifl fitting on her Knee, and St. Peter and St. Paul on each Side, and one praying at Bottom whole Life, on an old Board ; from the Coll, of Card. Medici . 2 Procaccino Roma 1697, the An- gels and Tobias ; this was a Difciple of Carlo Maratti. 2 Michael Ang. Caravagio , his darkeft Manner of fhadowing, Tobit with the Angel, taking Leave of Tobias his Father, and Mother. 2 Carlo Caliari, Son of Paulo Veronefe , Tobit and Tobias anointing his Eyes, as big as the Life. 3 Thomafo Luini , Noah and his Family facrificing after the Flood. 3 1 Ludovico ( 38 ) 3 I Ludovico CivoJz , tile Deluge, 3 1 Giacopo Ligozzi Veronefe, our Sa- viour bound, Raph. Sadler has graved a Print after it. 3 i Carlo Lotti , a Saint with a great Beard and his Hand on his Breaft, 3 | Theodoro Manner of An. Caracci, the Nativity, two Angels above, and a Lamb tyed by the Legs, laid on the Ground below. 3 1 Battifia Xelotti (Imitator of Paul Veronefe ) the Virgin offering Doves with Chsilh 3 | Fetti, the Money Changers and People felling Doves in the Temple. 4 I Carlo ( 39 ) 3 l Carlo Maratti , a Madonna of his beft Manner. 5 1 Cher lib in Alberti, Ceres behind Bacchus , who is inviting Ariadne , fhe runing from him to Venus, who has Cupid hanging on her Shoulders, and two Doves over her Head. 3 Alejfandro Genoefe, Monks fe- perate about the Country (as before they had Monaftries) lome reading, fome pray- ing. 5 1 Pietro Dandini, a Roman Charity an old Man fucking. 3 1 Francefco Perugino , a Landskip fome Sheep at Bottom ; a very free Man- ner of Painting. | 1 ’Xjafparo ( 40 ) 3 ! Gafparo Cello , Judith with an other Wo nan with Holofernes's Head very gentile Figures, from the Coll, of Card, . Medici . 3 1 Mich Rocche , a dead Chrijl, with Angels and the Virgin Mary. 3 ' Suavio ( Lombardo ) the Apoftles curing the Lame at the Porch, he painted almoft all his Life in Italy, and was the firft that brought the Italian on this Side of the Alps', he has graved a Print of this and was called Suavio from his foft man- ner of graving ; the Italians often gave Names from the manner of graving, fo Carlo Dolci from his fweet manner of Painting^and R ynbrant , had he lived in Italy, might have had another Name from his foft manner of etching, or from his very ( 4 1 ) very free manner of his rough Pencil in Painting. 2 | Carlo Saraceno , Italian Seamen, drinking at the Tap-head. 4 l Cafalafco. The Baptifm of Chrijl , beft manner. 4 I PafjUalini. Abraham and the three Angels, with his Wife behind beft manner. 4 Franofco Mola. The repole of the Flight into Egypt, very Beautiful. The Landskip by Battilla Mola. 4 P.afaele da Reggio. A Nati- vity, which has a Woman and a Boy at a diftance. 4 Filippo Lauri. Midas's Judg- ment, Ten Figures, his moft finilhed man- ner. F 4 i Nicole ( ; 4 I Nicolo Berettoni. Cbrift in the Virgin’s Arms, the Straw below, and three Angels looking on, clofe by. 4 | Domenico Beccafnmi, call’d Mac- carino da Siena. The Virgin, with a great Affection, bending her Face on Cbrijl in her Arms. 4 Lazzarini , of Venice. Jacob giving his Bleffing, on Copper. 4 | Pietro Bambini da Venetia , on Copper. Abraham's Steward finds Rebec- ca and her Sifter at the Well, a Man by it watering the Sheep, and a Woman pall fes by with fomething on her Head. 4 1 Francifco Buzi (of Venice ) Hagar with Tears looking back on the Angel pointing, on Copper. 4 1 Gio- ( 43 ) \ 4 ] Giovanini (Painter to the Duke of Parma). The Flight into E/?, a Country Eoy a$ big as^the Life ; at a Dirtance is a Cow bemoaning her Calf. 2 1 Carlo de Fiori ? Flowers and Boys, the Room two Storys high on the Dining- Room Tower. j — — - Prcfpero Fontano , two Cupids on two Goats, each with an Arrow. 3 1 Pellegrini da Bologna, call’d Ttlaldi* Lot and his two Daughters flying from Sodom . The Room hy the La/l . 3 . — . — Stefan dell a hell a, one fitting on a Horfe, and a Shepherd, with two other Figures. H In ( 58 ) In the Chapel I End the Italian with one of the Capital ‘Pictures. 2 Giorgione Barlarelli tie Caftel Franco, the Laft Supper, fourteen Figures as big as the Life ; Chrijl with the twelve Apoftles and a young Man who had ferv’d the Table going out ; he has painted as follows in Capital Letters, as appearing wav’d in the Carpet, his Name, Time, and Town where he was born, and the Convent for which he painted. OPTIMO FAVENTE N U- MINE GEORGIUS BARBA - RELLUS DE CASTRO FRAN- CO F. A. D. MDX PRO MONA- STERY JUSTINO POLITA- N O B. CL ARyE. IN ( 59 ) I N Italy they diftinguilh’d the Italian Painters into five Schools : The Roman Raphael Urlino, when he had improv’d his manner of Painting by feeing Leonardo da Vinci, and following the Antiques, which was began by Andrea Mantegna , and Signorelli da Cortona , adding himfelf to thefe the Study of the beft Nature. The School of Correggio the firft famous Colourift, as well as beautiful Nature and graceful fore-fhortning, all this from his own Genius, he being, as fome fay, poor, and not able to go from home, where he faw no ’.famous Antiques, and fo modelf, that till feeing the Painting of R. Urlin, of whom he had heard great Fame, after which, he faid, I alfo am a Painter. The Florentine School Michael Angelo , the Per- fection of Drawing, being the moll fa- mous Statuary, as well as ArchiteCt ; as H 2 for ( 6o) for Painting ; Leonardo da Vinci was there before him, as well as Signorelli da Cortona b fomeofhis Figures he has us’d in his laft Judgment. The Venetian School, Titian , tho’ firft noted there before him Giovanni Bellini , and Giorgione , whom he imitated *o far as to change his manner; and Porde- none , whom he envied ; this School were a ll famous Colourifts, by beginning to co- py the Pictures of Correggio . The Bologna School Annilal Carracci , he followed hi Uncle Lodovico , and with his Brother Au guflin they reftor’d Painting, and was ca\ led the fifth School : Giojeppe ad Arpino followed by Caravaggio with great Lights and Shadows, which pleas’d many, and e ven Guido Rheni in his fecond of his third manner, that they were afraid as many were inclin’d to make a fixth School* Th e fixth School is of Painters out of Italy , yet are fuch as are more efteem’d there than many ( 61 ) many of their own ; it is commonly call’d t h tFlemifh, from the great Fame of Ru- lin'* and Vandyke , isfc. tho’ it takes in all out of Italy, as in Germany , Albert Durer , Lucas Va?ilyden, Floris , and the Low Dutch Drolls, Hemskerk , Brawer, Teniers isfc. are alfo efteem’d in Italy : in France the two Puffins , itfc. and in England, Ifaac ! Oliver (tho’ the Son, becaufe he lived to a very great Age, is call’d old Oliver') who, j in little, with a Pen had the Spirit of Par - miggiano , and Dobfon call’d the English Tintoretto , See. < f&e Lobby next the yellow Damask Room. 50* 3 1 Tabula Antiqua of King Richard y.f. II. i$c. before painting in Oil, etched by\ Holler , and dedicated to King Charles I. It waS given out of the Crown by King James 11. to the Lord Cajllemain , when he went ( 6i ) went Embaffador to Rome-, and bought fince he dy’d by Thomas Earl of Pembroke. 3 1 Jan Van Eyck, the Nativity, it is* that which he gave to a Church for a Side Chapel in Bruges where he was born, it i! has the Date 1410, the Year he is faid to have invented painting in Oil. 3 | Albert Durer , Chrifl taken from the Crofs : He has placed a Monagram (A) of his Name on the Pi&ure, which was one of the Arundell Collection. 3 Jan Van Lyden, Nine Perfons are prefent playing at Cards, the Attentions are very natural. 3 Hans Holbin (the Father) 1495 as is painted on the Pi&ures, three Chil- dren of King Henry VII. Arthur Prince of Wales , Henry about three Years old (was after- ‘ ( 63 ) afterwards King Henry VIII.) and Marp who married the King of France- 3 ■ ■- Hans Holhen , Battle of Pavia , by the Son. 3 Hans Hollen the Son, King Edward Vi. 3 Rubens, his Boys hiftorically as Chrift and St. John. A third, an Angel lifting the Lamb ; feveral have copied it here, and one added a Label ; this Picture was brought from Spain by Monfteur Gra - mont , when he was EmbalTador there. 9 the King of Spain perfwaded Rubens to part with it, who always intended to keep it ; the great Jordans of Naples, and the great Picture of Salvator Rofa (mentioned amongft the Italian Pi&ures) were all three a Prefent from the King of Spain to him. I — - Rubens ( 64 ) j 1 Reubens, a Nativity on Copper neatly finifhed ; here are of the three Sorts of Reubens, the firft as big as the Life, this of fmall Figures, and the third in an other Room of a Landskip, with many Figures at a Fair. 3 | Nicolo Puffin, Hagar and Jfmael • the Landskip is by Gafpar Piffin. 3 I Nicolo Puffin, two Boys, as big as the Life, flying a Bird in a String. 5 Vinckeloons , Chrifl with a Mul- titude, and the Woman’s praying for the Dog’s Crumbs ; a Dog is by. 3 SeVaftian Vranx, or old Frank, Baltifbazer's Feaft, Night Light ; he did -t" two more of them with bigger Figures he did not efteem lb well. 3 | Schalken ( 4 ? ; l 1 Schalken , a Woman with a Can- dle. 3 Herman Safileve'n , a Landskip in which is a Ferry. 5 . Woverman. The Prodigal Son going abroad. 3 Woverman . The Prodigal Sori returning home. 3 Cafteels. A multitude of little Figures at a Fair. j Franc . Flores. The Life op Hercules , many Paffages befides what are reckoned his twelve Labours, in fix Pic- tures, fet in one Frame ; in Germany he is call’d, the German Raphe!. If'* 1 j — — . Octavio (Oth 6) Venius , Rulers Matter. The Seraglio of Women, aflift- ed by Eunuchs ; Ruletfs Tuok, his fine manner of Colouring from this Matter. j I 3 — Mumper • ( it ) 3 Mumper. A Winter Piece with Snow, and many little Figures, and Car- riages, going about on the Ice many of the Figures are done by Brugle, the Son of Velvet. 3 Thirty of the Chief Reformers, their Names are on a Stone in the Bottom of the Landskip ; Wicklijf is fuppofed to be preaching to them, the neareft to his Time, or neareft to him ; the Pofture of him, i$c. is taken from a Defign of R. Urbin, where Chrijl is preaching in the Defalt ; thole* that were Bifhops are in Purple, the Priefts in Black, and fuch as were Martyrs in White, diftinguifhed by Purple, or Black, about their Necks ; the Foreigners were moft of them copy’d from the Pictures of the Elector of Saxony ; the reft are copy’d from Pictures in Eng- land j Earl Thomas employ’d a German Proteftant ( 67 ) Proteftant Painter, who had been a Dift ciple to Carlo Marattiy firft to copy thofe in Germany , and then to come Over to do thole in England. 5 P olemlurg. A Dance of Nymphs and Satyrs, after reaping of Corn ; he was the moft Famous for genteel little Figures in Landskips, very naturally coloured. 3 Wateaux. With many Figures in different Parts of the Landskip, fome Dancing, fome Singing ; he painted his Figures finely dreff in Gowns, and was the firft who gave them genteel Airs, and not Stiff, as many did in Flanders , though otherways theirs were well painted ; fijch were call’d Converfation. 4 Jans Brngel (Velvet) a Pair, one Winte,r ^ The other Summer, a Fair. I 2 4 — Steen- ( 63 ) 4 Steenuvix. St. Peter in Prifon. 4 Cornelius Schutts. An Europa • 4 | Rowland Savery. St. John Preach- ing in the Wildernefs. 4 I Claudio Gille, commonly call’d (Lorain) A Landskip from Sir Peter Le- ly's Collection, who elteemed it one of his very belt Manner. 4 1 Rottenhamer. The Judgment of Paris . i • - ✓ ’ * •, ' . 4 , . « i 4 Kjirle Vermander. His Mana- 4. gram of K. V. M. is on the Picture ; a I- fo 1602. (his Lives of the Painters 1604.) It is the Woman begging of Chrijl the Dogs Crumbs the Dogs are by it has great Spirit, and finely colour’d. .mj " x t 4 Vander - ( 4 * 6 9 ) 4 Vanderhejden. The View of the Abbey of St. Michael in Antwerp, A with all the particular Parts, as Stones in the Pavement, £jc. diftinguifhed with a great deal of Labour. 4 | Vandervuarfe. Venus and Mars , with a Cupid. This Pifture was Sold for much lefs than it Coft, by a Servant of the Eleffor Palatine , who kept the fifteen Scripture Hiftories, ending with Chrift's Alcenfion, for which, and fince, he has had very great Prices, his manner being very tedious. 4 | Adam Eljhamer, A Pair , one Day, Sight of Tohit , with an Angel and Dog ; the other Night, Light with the Moon, and three Figures by a Fire ; both in one Frame ; was the Elector of Bdva. rud s ( ?o ) ria\ The fir ft is one of the feven which was graved by the German Knight. 4 Jfenback ( Polemburg’s Matter) An Angel ^driving Adam and Eve out of Paradife. 4 1 Bloemart, ’Junior. The Virgin, and Chrift with his Head and Hand on her Knee. 4 A Calm ') V* by Vander Felder . 4 A Storm o 4 — — Abraham Johnfon. Daphne with a Spear, running away, and Apollo following with a Bow, lovingly reaching his Hand for her to ftay; and a Cupid pointing out of the Clouds ; on Copper. 4 — — Quintin Mattjys (the Black- fmith) the Upper Parts of two old Men, Praying ( p ) Praying with Beads j from the Arundel Colle&ion. 4 Jacob Criflofle le Blon van Frank- ford an mien, born there ; but his Father Was a French Man, he was bred an En- gineer, and is the fame that invented the Printing of Pictures ; by his Genius he be- came an excellent Painter under Carlo Ma_ ratti , he did this of Lot and his two Daughters, one of them is fqueezing a Bunch of Grapes as he fuppofes flic might fo begin as a Refrelhment before they drank Wine • He got a Patent for print- ing of Pictures in England, and the firft that he did, was my Lord Barocci in they Gallary at London , many do buy one of fo curious an Art as to print Red, Blew, Yellow, all the three that are neceflary by Mixture to make the Reft ; but they will have more Buyers by printing Sciences where the Beauties in Colours, as Flowers, BirdSj ( 72 ) Birds, Fifhes, Anatomy, and ail Plants : He has alfo invented the expeditious Way of weaving Tapeftry inftead of the flow Way of ftitching. 4 l Gerar Dohw , Diogenes looking at a Statue, with a Candle in his Hand, gjfc. 4 Sebaflian Bourdon , Fifty one Figures bringing their Children to Chri(l , who faid, Let the Little Children come to me. 4 I Bambocci , two Boys, one drink- ing Milk, he liv’d in Italy ; but fome ad- miring the enamel’d Way of Dow, he finifhed a few in the lame Manner. 4 — Oflade , a Woman teaching School, this was Brother to one of the others. <3 4 l J** ( 73 ) 4 ( Jan Steen, a Boor faying Grace to his Wife and Children. 4- Old Egbert Hemskirk (the grand Father) drinking where one leans with his Thumb up to his Tooth. 4 | Brower , fome with a Woman who is fitting afleep; 4 1 By this one may fee to what a low Degree Greek Painting was funk, it is the ftiff Bjfantin Manner (as their Medals) Chrifl and the Virgin, the Glories are gilt, the whole is as polifh’d Japan, on Board ; tho’ thefe Times were modern as Greek, yet as to the Italian it is ancient, for it is the fame Manner as the Greek who taught Cimalue the firft Italian Painter ; the Drawings fhew alfo the fame ftiff Man- ner. K The ( 74 ) The yellow ‘Damask Room ; 2 Abraham Blomart , a Shepherd courting a Shepherdefs in a Straw Har, with a Bowl in her Hand ; with a very agreeable Look. 3 1 Rembrant, an old Woman head- ing with Spectacles. 3 1 Aldegrave , a Fryer and Nun, as big as the Life, from the Arundel Col- lection. 3 ( Frauds Halls, all the Perfons are laughing. The Room on the other Side of this Tobhy. 3 Giacomo Cortefe, call’d Borgog- notie, of his belt Manner. One ( 75 ) One a Battle. 3 The other a Parley betwixt two Armies. 3 1 Dionigio Calvart, Matter to Guido Rent, the Nativity fo fine, that Guido Reni did keep it as long as he liv’d. 2 Rubens, a merry Making, of many Figures ; fome about half a Yard high, of his beft Colouring. 3 1 DUT. Rf, The foregoing Mark is on the Picture, famous for painting Fifh, ifc. there is an old Woman holding Milk whilft her Cat is lapping both fhewing great Delight. K 2 Lord ( 7 ^ ) Lord Herbert’s Room over the Lafl. 2 Hmdecotiter , many curious Out- landish Fowles. $ J Rooflraten , Still Life of Plate, ifc. 4 { Gerard Huntorfl , a Shepherdefs in a Straw Hat, the Princefs Sophia. Over the Hunting Room. O 3 Grief er, the Fable of the Bird fhipt by the others for their own Fea- thers, with Country People at a Diftance, dancing. 4 I J. Vrooman. Infeds, Butterflyes amongft Weeds. Room ( 77 ) Room over the Lafi. 5 — — Snyder , A Dog worrying a Cat and her Kittens, who have thrown down a Kettle of Fifh, his freeft and higheft Manner of finifhing. 5 Snyder , A Cat having thrown down a Basket of Bread, {Jc . an other larger Cat, is in the Air, having leapt thro’ the Window upon her and an other Cat looking in but afraid to venture, tho’ not fo ftrongly painted as the former, yet nothing can be more naturally expret fed. The Red'Chamber over the ‘Dra.vu* ing Room. 2 1 Sir Peter Lely , in a Book of Tenter's Sketches, had the feveral Parts here painted together by Teniers Junior, a merry ( ?8 ) merry Meeting of Country People, a- mongft them is a Quack Doftor on the neareft Ground ; alfo Baboons and Mon. keys in great Variety of Actions, 3 Men bowling at a Pin of Wood, by old Teniers, 3 Water Joe, Caphalus with Dogs finds his Miftrefs Procris fhot with an Arrow ; he was famous for little neat Fi- gures. The Clofet 'within . 3 • — — * Gonfales , of a Spanish Family fettled in Flanders , he was commonly cal- led little Van Dyke from painting little Figures in great Perfection •, it is of Chil- dren at a Flemish School. 3 De neeff, the Perfpective of the N Infide of St. Mary's the Chief Church of Antwerp the Figures by old Frank. Mid - ( 79 ) Middle Tower -Room over the Gate. 3 Peter Van Geifan (Difciple of Velvet Brugle) Adam and Eve, with a Multitude of Animals. 3 Bott, A Landskip with pretty little Figures, with Dogs. 5 Berchem , a Landskip, Cattle and Travellers, Horfes with Packs. The Room over the Lajl. 3 . Dobfon, the Decollation of St. j fohn, the which Sir Peter Lely reckoned the chief Hiftorical Picture that he did. 4 Paul Brill, A Landskep, with a Rockey Ifland in the middle of the Sea with Boats and Men ftanding on the Shore. Befides ( So ) Befides thefe which are not Italian Ma- ilers, there is one remarkable at London fixteen Foot long, and nine Foot broad, by H. Golifius , the Table of Cebes of Virtues and Vices, the fix Figures at Bottom are as big as the Life, one of them is with the Order of the Garter ; that in the Chaple of Glafs is more like the Medal which was made when he was older and fatter* In the Window with him are his two Sons, Henry Earl of Pembroke and his Bro- ther, Anceftor to the Powis Family ; and his Daughter who married the Earl of Shrewsbury : There is alio their Mother, who was Anne Par, Sifter to Queen Catha- rine, the laft Wife of King Henry the Eight. The Pi&ures which have been men. tioned here, and thofe that are in Apart- ment at London, are each by a different Painter, ( 8i ) Painter, except that the great Room is furnifh’d with only Van Dykes, and of a few there are as at London. Three of R. Urlin , and two of Correggio , and two of Andrea del Sarto-, and a fecond of feme which are at Wilton , as of both the 2jUcchero' , s, and of others, either becaufe there are many Figures, as the laft Sup- per of Giorgione , at Wilton , and but one Figure, the Pipeer by him, at London , or becaufe feme are in a different Manner, others as big as the Life ; and little Fi- gures of the feme Painter, as the Spag~ noletto at London is as big as the Life, and at Wilton , frnall Figures, and B a (fa- no, and Alejfandro Veronefe at London , are frnall Figures *, of others there are three, becaufe fo many different Manners, as Mich. Angelo di Battaglia ; one at London , is of Fruit and Figures as big as the Life ; the other two at Wilton-, one is a L Battle, ( Sa ) Battle, from whence he had his Name, and the other, little Figures of Country People ; and three of Giulio Romano , one at London , and two at Wilton ; may allb fee three Manners of Rubens at Wilton , befides that at London , and Pairs of the fame Size, when they have different relation to the fame Subject, as a Battle and a Parley by Borgognone , a Storm and a Calm by Vander Velder ; and Day and Night by Solomeni ; and Winter and Sum- mer by Velvet Btugel '■> and Nicholo Poujftn great and fmall Figures in Gafper' s Land- skip ; and by Eljhamer one Day Light, the other by Night Light •, and by Wover- tnan the Prodigal Son going abroad the other returning home; there are two alfo of F. Mola , Murrilo, L. Cangiagio , Holben, Ph. Lau.ro y Ricci , VivianOy Snyder , Velvet Brugel, and the inlaid Piftures of Polifh’d i Stones : Befides the perfonal Pi&ures there are are mentioned about $47, with thole at London ; 275 of them are Italian ; of the reft about 74, and as many Painters ex- cefs, about Twenty feven Painters, of whom here are more than one Picture of Italian Painters i there are removed to London 62, in the Apartment of the Gal- lery Drawing-Room, and Dining-Room. 1 1 Primaticcio , He painted much at Fontainbleau , moft on the Wall ; this was a Prefent by the King to Cardinal Mazarine , it is of Andromache fainting, at hearing of the Death of her Husband Hetfor , where fhe was preparing Water to bathe him when he came in ; here are 25 Figures as big as the Life, with the Trojan Ladies, and their Children, come to fee her and Son AJlyanax. 1 Andrea Schiavone. Our Sa- viour riding into Jerufalem upon an Aft, T 2 21 ( 34 ) 21 Figures as big as the Life ; it belong’d to King Charles the Firft, and one Ja- lach , a Merchant of Flanders , bought it in Cromwell’s Time, with many others, and carried them to Paris , where he Ibid many to the King, and being Rich, he built a Houfe, ftill called Hojlel de Ja- hack, this, with fome others, his Family did keep a good many Years. 1 Francefco ( or Cecchino , the Diminitive in Italy ) Salviati , 19 Figures* Achilles found among ft the Daughters of Lycomedes , difcover’d by UlyJJes judging that he would chufe the Sword out of the Pedlar’s Things. Genteel Airs, and finely colour'd. 2 [ Michael Angelo dalle Battaglia . Variety of Fruits, fome growing, as Vines up a Pomegranate Tree, and too Vintage People, as big as the Life ; the young Man ( «5 ) Man looks lovingly at the young Woman ? whilft he is gathering fome Fruit for her, and as he reaches up to the Twig, his Shirt flips down from one Shoulder, and naturally Chews his Skin there not to be fo much Tann’d ■, as he was famous alio for Travelling Figures. Here one may fee at a Diftance, a Man driving an Afs. Sir Robert Gere gave his Widow 300 Piftoles for it, it being a favourite PiQure, which her Husband always kept for himfelf ; he himfelf painted the Figures that are as big as the Life. Mof' of his Piftures, which have Figures as big as the Life, are put in by other Painters. 2 1 Giofeppe Ribera, (. Spagnolet ) Demo- critus laughing at the Follies of the World, from the Colle&ion of Card. Medici. 2 I Paris ( s« ) 2 | Paris Fordone Venetiano, Neptune and Amphitrite the Queen of the Seas, as big as the Life, riding in the Sea together on a monftruous Filh. 2 Annibal Caracci y his free man- ner of Titian , five Soldiers, two expref- fing great Fury to tear Chrift’s Coat, ano- ther is gravely interpofing, as if he were perfwacjing them to caft Lots for it, all as big as the Life ; it was Monfieur Fouguets. 2 1 Girolamo Maezzola of Parma , Bro- ther (or Cufin, as Vafari fays) to the fa- mous Francefco Parmegiano , Ceres (landing with a moft gentile Air, holding up Wheat ; given by the Duke of Parma, to the Earl of Peterborough , when he con- ducted James the Second’s Queen to Eng- land ; the Mezz-Tinto is only from the Copy ( 87 ) Copy of the upper Part of this which was painted to be over a Door. 2 Guido Rheni , a Charity with three Children being one of King Charles the Firft’s Pictures ; fold in CromwelPs Time. 2 ] Pellegrini da Modena , the Virgin with Chrijl and St. 'John very much in the Manner of R. Urlin , Chrijl is very lively on her Knee, and St. John is a- fleep. 2 1 Frederica Zjiccbero, the laft Judg- ment with a great Multitude of Figures ; out of the Arundel Collection. 2 1 Girolamo da Carpi y his Manner of Corregio a Magdalen , kneeling at Prayers with a Book on a Rock, and fhe has a Difcipline, the Light breaks in behind her; from the Arundel Collection. g | pe- r 88 ; 2 | Perugino , Chri/l held by the Virgin and her Mother St. Arne, looks over and an Angel below. 2 1 Fran. Francio , the Virgin with Chrifi in her Lap i a pretty Action with his Hands, as fpealdng to St. John. 2 1 Leonardo da Vinci, Leda Handing upright carelefly embracing Jupiter in the T Form of a Swan, he looking up amour* oufly at her, and fhe looking down with Plealiire on her four Children fmiling up at her, juft hatch’d out of the Egg-Shells, Caflor , Pollux , Hellen , and Cljtemneflra , from the Arundel Collection. The ( 89 ) The following Eight were a Trefent to Philip (the Father of Earl Tho- mas) from the Duke of Florence, who when Trince of Tufcany, had been with him at Wilton three or four iVceks. 2 | Andrea del Sarto, on a thick old Board, the Virgin with Thrift about four Years old, as big as the Life ftanding by her, a Figure as graceful as Raphael Urlin j more backward at her right Side is a Wo- man with a Child in her Arms, with grace- ful Countenances ; a little Figure of a Saint is praying at a Diftance in a Corner of the Landskip: There is a Picture i n Italy of the fame Bignefs, which has only the tw'o firft Figures here mentioned. M 3 1 Titian , ( 90 ) 3 I Titian, Magdalen with her Hair loofe about her Body : It was graved by Dackers* l i Giorgione , A Piper, his belt Man- ner, which Tittian followed ; A Mezzo - Tinto has been made of it. 3 j Trancefco Mazzola call’d Parmegi - ano , the Holy Family, Chrift luffing St. ‘John with an eager Affeftion ; he was lb pleas’d with this Picture that he made ano- ther, differing only in fome little Things. 3 1 Baldajfare Peruzzi Sanefe, our Sa- viour afcending with the four Emblems of the Evangelift, at the Bottom in the Cloudy and with two Angels higher, fome have 4 - taken it for R. Urlin and Monf. Croifade has fo grav’d one almoft the fame. 3 1 Paolo ( 9 1 ) 3 I Paolo Veronefe , the three Kings of- fering ; there are Horfes and many Figures at feveral Diftances of his beft colouring, with a glorious Eclat of Light breaking rhrough the Clouds, in which are many Cherubins, that King who has a . . V s J >‘-54 Andrea Mantegna, Leonardo da Vinci, Giorgione, Pordenone, thefe are now firft mentioned, being not under any of the five Schools, becaufe they were famous in their own Manner, or before Perfons were fixt to head the Schools ; here follow two, more may be diftinguifh’d by the Lives of the Painters, both here and at Wilton Bellino both the Brothers, and Mafacio, ifc. of thefe four the other two are mentioned here before. 4 ] Andrea ( 93 ) 4 | Andrea Mantegna, Judith with the Head of Holofernes, the Drapery is fuited to fhew the Proportion of the Limbs in the Manner of the Antique. 3 Pordenone, the Virgin with our Saviour in her Arms appearing in the Clouds. The Roman School. Here are three by Raphael Urlin himfelf, and four after him, which with Parmeggi- ano , Bal. Per. de Sienna, Primaticcio, and Schiavone, mention’d before, make the nine famous Painters of this School here, befides the others at Wilton. And fix of thefe here were the immediate Difciple s in his own Time. 4 This was in the Collettion at Mantua, and well known in Italy to be one ( 9 + ) one of the firft that Raphael made, it is of the Affumption of tire Virgin Mary , he made it for his Matter Per up; no ; the up- per Part is in his Manner, feveral qf the Apoftles looking up, feveral of the Poftures and Manner of Clothing, he has kept too in feveral of his Figures fince, one of the twelve is at a Diftance haftening down a Hill to the reft. 4 1 Raphael Urlino , the Virgin with Chrift in her Lap, taking a Flower out of her Hand, his Flefh is fo tenderly painted, as if one might dent it with one’s Fing- ers, this Pifture was grav’d by Morien , the Painter’s Name appears as Embroidery on the Top of her Stomacher. 4 1 Raphael Urlino , a Vintage, with five Figures, the principal Perfon of an old Man kneeling, and filling a Basket of Grapes is Antique, fuitable to it he has con- triv’d ( 95 ) triv’d the reft ; the Antique is of red Clay which the Ancients gradually bak’d firft in the Sun, to be much harder than the Italian Cotta invented by M. Angelo. This Antique was bought out of R. Urlins Collection, and is now at Wilton , and my Lord bought the Picture out of the Arundel Colle£tion, the which was graved by M. Antonio , it has on the lower Edge of the Veffel, his Name a great R. XJrlin. 3 1 Giulio Romano , fmall Figures, Chrift on the Virgin’s Knee, putting a Ring on St. Catherine's Finger, her Hand held by St. Anne , and Jofeph leaning on the Chair behind, on an old Board, from the Collection of Card. Medici. 4 Perino del Vaga, the Judgment of Paris with the three Divinities, and Cupid is clinging to Venus’ % Thigh; Mer- cury is alfo by. 4 1 Franc efct ( 96 ) 4 | Francefco Penni, call’d il Fattore de Raphaele, Chriji affride on a Lamb held by the Virgin, and old Jofeph looking on, and leaning on a Stick. 1 Frederico Barocci, is placed to this School, becaufe he ftudied Raphaels Man- ner of defigning, though he ftudied the Sweetnefs of Correggio for his Colouring^ the Virgin, Chrift, and St. John, as big as the Life, it was a Prefent to Monfieur X Toquett, it is the firft Hiftorical Pi£ture that Monfieur L. Blond has painted in Co- lours (but lefs) fince they had a Patent. The Coreggio School , 'which is often call’d that of Lombardy. The following four with Giroltinio de Carpi before mention’d, make the five famous Painters of the Correggio School, of him him here are two Pictures, one mention’d before with the Duke of Florence's. j This other of Antonio da Cor eg- gioy his Name was Antovdo Allegri : this is of the Size and Shape of his Magdalen which is at the Duke of Parma's , and this was there till about the Year 1695 •' It was ftoleanda Publication made to give 200 Piftoles to find the Man it was fold to; a Nobleman of Venice who fome Years after fold it ; It is highly Colour’d, the Figure and Landskip it is of St. Anthony fitting and leaning on a Rock, on which hangs a little Bell ; and in fight before him is a little Devil painted. 4 1 Bart. Schedoni, Chri(l in the Vir- gin’s Arms, and St. John hugging him ; Jofetth and the Lamb looking on, his very N belt (98 ) beft Manner, fo that fome have taken it for Correggio. 4 — Rondani. Chrijl dead, with three' Angels, one of which is holding a Torch the Virgin exprelling a great Concern; he was efteemed the greateft Follower of Correggio at Parma , as Schiaoni was at Modena. 4 1 Bernardino Gatti , Chri(l on the Virgin’s Lap in a fine natural Pofture^ learning to read ; old 'Jofeph mightily pleas’d as he is teaching him ; he was a great Admirer of Correggio , his Figures are noted for their Projection with a ten- der Roundnefs. The Florentine School ; only thefe two follow, the reft having been mentioned be- fore ; feveral of them at Wilton , one of which was his chief Difciple in his own Time. ( 99 ) Time. Pelidoro , Caravaggio^ too big to hang here. 3 | Mich . Angelo Buonaroti , (he that built Sf. Peter's Church at Rome) Chrijt ^rom the Croft, two Boys holding up the Arms, and the Virgin devoutly ftretching out her Hands ; at a Diftance appear the three Crofles and a Groupe of little Figures with a Horfe j it was ingrav’d by Beatri - chetti , from the Drawing this has more : it was made for Henry the Second King of France , the which he gave to his Miftrefs Diana Valentinois* and therefore two Vs. are on a Palat hung on one of the Trees and on the painted flat Frame ; in one Corner is the Arms of France* in an other a Monagram of the firft Letters of their Names; the other two Corners the Em- blemes of Diana y three halfMoons in one Quiver, and Bow in the other. N 2 5 1 Seba- ( loo ) 5 I Sehaflian del Piombo , painted by him, and defign’d by Mich. Angelo Buono - rati , dt is Apo/lo fleaing of Marfyas ; this a!fo had been the King of France’s : Af- ter this he painted alfo a large one. The Venetian School. The Titian Paolo Veronese and old Palma are mentioned with thole from the Duke of Florence ; and here is mentioned before Paris Bordone , Giacomo Tintoretto (alfo his Son) and young Palma , are great Pictures mentioned at Wilton ; here there- fore only follows Baffano Fecchio, 3 Bajfano Fecchio, Abraham going out of his own Country, he is upon a white Horfe, in a very natural Pofture of an old Man riding. The ( IOI ) The Fifth School was at Bologna. Painting was reftored here by the Ca - racci, Anibal Caracci and Guido a noted Diiciple are here mentioned before the reft with their moil noted Difciples follow, here beginning with the Uncle Lodovico Caracci' < Lodovico Caracci (the Uncle of Anibal) The Virgin holding Chrijl, and St. John embracing each other, and Jofeph fitting and reading ; Anibal etch’d his fine Print from this Picture. 4 Agojlina Caracci , of Proferpine by Pluto who has brought her to the En- trance, where Cerberus with his three Heads is painted, it is of his bell: Colour- ing. 5— Albano , ( ID? ) 5 ! jVhan'). The Virgin reading, Chrifl fitting in her Lap, and reaching up at her Neck, of his moft beautiful manner. 4 I DomtiichinQy Magdalen as a Pe- nitent over-looking the Vanities of the World ; below her are fix Boys as Ctipids, befides the Face of one of them in a Look- ing Glafs, the reft are handling Jewels, l$c. all in very agreeable Poftures, and his very beft Colouring : This, as well as the Lodovico Caracci and Jllano , are on Marble. 4 I Lorenzo Garbieri, the Virgin with Chrifl on her Knee, he is holding St. 'John by the Hand ; this is he who Lodovico Ca- racci call’d Nephew, it is on a Board. 5 1 Barbieri da Cento , (Guercino) the Virgin teaching Chrijl to read : It did be- long (' l °l ) long to King Charles the Firlt, and was fold into France : There was a Copy made of this by old Remi. • - ^ r» 4 ^ . c r i *, . . . . .. ;li* v. ! 1 ,^s • ■ • « * i:\jr\J After theie five Schools, I fliall mention the only Pifture here, that is not by an Italian born, to fhow that even in Italy they reckon another School the Chief, of which they efteem equal to many of the beit Italian Painters : Under the fixth School they comprehend all the good Pain- ters of other Nations, as a pretty many at Wilton , and here Rulens. 4 | Rrlens. In the Catalogue of my Lord Arundel it is faid, that he defired Rulens to paint for him a fine finifh’cl Clofet Picture ; it is on an old Flemijb Board moil beautifully Colour’d : There is a Group at Bottom of Nine Angels all in different Pollutes, as railing the Cloud un- der the 'Virgin Mary, it is call’d her Al- fump- ( >04 ) fumption ; there are feveral pretty Che- rubin’s Heads at the Side and at the Top, it fb much pleas’d Rubens that he faid he would make a great Pitlure after it, which he did at a Church in a Convent at Ant- werp , where he has added Apoftles, as big as the Life : At the Bottom it is grav’d by Bolfwert. The reft belong to the Five Schools, Writers mention all as under ibme of the Schools, of the Place tho’ not of the Per- fon ; as thofe before are Venetian, Floren- tine or Roman, yet not Followers of Titian Raphel, or Buonorotti, and fome ftudied more than one School ; and others fhould - be diftinguifh’d as Mannerijls, fuch as Gio- fepino, Caravaggio , Spagnuoletto ; and at Wilton Salvator Rofa , CaJUglione , and Luca Congiagio, equal to the beft ; all the reft therefore follow according to their Big- i 105 ] Bigneft, as the firft here and the reft a Wilton u 5 | Lei to de Notteldra, many Figures of naked Boys, in fine Poftures, the leffer Number defends the Tower of Virtue from the reft who attack it by (hooting and fcaling Ladders, Epifcope has grav’d this. 3 | Sajfo Ferati^ the Virgin, the Vaii is painted with Ultra Marine , which makes a moft beautiful Claro of euro. Maria di Fiori painted the Flowers round the Virgin; 4 • Taddeo Tuizchero, the three Kings coming to Chri/l, Horfes appear at a Di- ftance with a great Spirit. 4 ( Valerio Caftelli , Chrifl from the Crols, many Figures with Angels in the Clouds, a very free manner, the Lights from the folemn Shades are very lively. O An* [ io6 ] 4 ! Andrea Salaino, Scholar of Leonar - do da Vinci , his Pictures are in Italy often taken for Leonardo da Vinci , Chrift killing St. ‘John, different from the Pifture of Lee- Knar do da Vinci at Hampton Court, that hav- ing the Bellies of theBoys turn’d outermoft. 4 ■ ’ Giofeppe d' Arpino ( Giofeppino) the Converfion of St. Paul, where the Sol- diers are in Amaze after the Fright by the Light is over. 4 Comillo Procaccini, the Virgin with Chrift in her Lap on an Afs, and Jo~ feph walking before, it is the Return out of Egypt ; this is of his laft and bell: Manner, whenhe ftudied the Colouring of Baroccio, 4 — Bonifazio Bembi, Judith cutting off Holifernes ’’ s Head under a fine Canopy, his Army has a Multitude of fine Figures about Bethulia where his Army was, there are larger Figures of Soldiers afleep, all beau- [>° 71 . beautifully colour’d with a very free Pen. cil ; he was Matter to old Giacomo Bajfano. 4 | Andrea del Sarto, Chrifl finking under the Crofs, with a Countenance re. prefenting a Divine Refignation ; he has a red Garment, the Lights and Shadows of which are wonderfully fuited to the Solem- nity of thePerfon, as well as the Rock?, amongft which is reprefented as a Piece of Devotion, it is on Board. 4 1 Ventura Sdlembeni. The Defcent of the Holy Ghoft j there are many Figures of his befb Manner. 4 1 Sofonisba Anguifciola 1587 , is on the Piffure, an old Board ; the Virgin with Chrift on her Knee putting a Ring on St. Catharine’s Finger ; old JoJeph and Elizabeth are looking on, raoft finely de- fign’d and colour’d. O 2 4 — Batijla # Y*x*\ty.T2. KJxUrftrc Cjgn*>a£c6, friirudictXa. £ 3 . Hu&rf W< fVivimitt. 4|. »<3c, — . , . - ^f* F> - ficsvTiA^.GtML. ffi- J&rv<-*^XA <^*srC%**ri * /<> a- /fn^»-. Okv*\ - frer^ACci*yX> . » a6. 4 BafTJfa moantoaon^ Solomons Judgment concerning the Child ; it has many Figures very finely exprefs’d. 4 Flaminio Torri, the rafh Vow of Jeptha, feven Figures, three of them are Women dancing to meet him, the fore- moft is his Daughter. 4 * Andrea Camaffei, a Difciple of Domenichino , Venus drefling by the three Graces, one holds a looking Glals. 4 Allejfandro Turco Vtronefe , called alfo Orletto , ten Figures, Venus leading Cupid, with the three Graces following, to fee Vulcan , with four others forging Arrow Heads for Cupid ; Vulcan becaule he was lame is refting one Knee upon a Wooden Leg ; fine Drawing & beautiful Colouring. 4 1 Cant ar ini, call’d Pezarefe from the Place, the Virgin holding Chrifi in her Lap, St. 'John has led a Lamb to him, Chrifi is looking at an Angel below on the Ground gathering Flowers; old Jofeph ts higher up with an Afs by him.a^'*"-"- WHAki aV c 0 s- l ^ ©A — * tV*mt u.-f&vt 5 A pV- &{kc VtrUuj-g Zkf I N I 3'3o f |I|!,;> y' ' ' i ^ MraR! ' ^ | '- • 'mfwm.' •/T. Af'l