^ ^ . ’’j. '^*'^ ■^-v''--'''^!; f^f-r .r,- t?, *\]4 V''-^w.-''‘5' - ■ "\ • ^ ~^<~ •^' 7^ '-•‘i -^v ' "- . K-KfS^^^sii ’'" " ’ ‘ -- ,» j' ^ r-'’ ^ ^ ^ - <5' - ^ 1'' '^-->c^~*^-*t '‘-^; '. y-..' ;^iV ^ 4 ?il|g|i 5?4- 4 i' ■? ' 4 ^ B¥??i%':;4 ' I*'"' 'sl=; f ■';:•# -"'‘'^^'•^^|li5;sfV ; ■'-, . "i*! i'*"'’^’ -"5 '^"' ■» %^ ' * „ •ii'vV 'X-^,' ■■ -^-. X £fk^Z4y -S.kife-' "Z.? rZ,---: '-kZ '-.'flSiZZZ’;,^^ ^ .... . - T- -kz&#z z'kz^ ^ 4 - Az'" ■ '■ wT" ' :r k 7 7-^ , z ^';:. .v5/t 4 A CATALOGUE OF A SMALL PLEASING COLLECTION OF pictures, BY ESTEEMED ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, and DUTCH MASTERS j Ccipital high‘finijhed Drazvings^ Elegantly Framed and Glazed ; BRONZES; Remarkably fine Alabaster Figures, ACCURATELY FINISHED; Antique Marble Statues, Cinerary Urns^ &c. ALSO, Eight Jingularly-curious Columns, Found at Cento Celli, Of the Brescia Coralina; with their Capitals; THE PROPERTY OF His Grace the DUKE of St. ALBAN’s, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At his Grace’s 'ate Rejidence, On the Weft Side of St. James’s Place, On WEDNESDAY, APRIL the 29th, 1801, AT TWELVE o’cLOCK. ■■Ill To be Viewed. Cstalogues may be had at the Place of Sale; at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall. CONDITIONS OF SALE. . .1 higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fl’.all be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IT. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds is. 6d. and fo on in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Defaultof which, the Lot or Lots fo pur- chafed to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale is ended. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery, VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depolited in Part of Payment lhall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fliall be re-fold, by public or private Sale 5 and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re- fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ^)0o0'’0*<2>o^><2>< >0'»0<0>0*0<*0®© >0<^ €*\ ,***. ,V,, Vf.*' **»•»* **«•<*' *•»►»•* '*••** \*.** r< ,v.. .v^ ,%? ,v.. 5?. .V.. ? >0*>©'>0o0e€>'’0«0«©* ><©< ><£>o©«0*®<'0<0«0< < }i( x 6 X X ^ A CATALOGUE, &c. &c. &c. Third Day’s Sale WEDNESDAY, APRIL the 29th, 1801. Drawings. 1 ^^IThIRTEEN drawings from the antique, by Brown, 1 Simon de Vlieger, 1 Van Strater, 1 Rubens, 2 Claude, and 2 Both, 7 Polidore, and a portfolio with leaves 2 Four fmali, in v/ater colours of poultry, by Barlow, and 1 in the Flemifti ftyle framed and glazed 3 A moonlight, Vander Neer ( 2S ) 4 A pair, by Ryfbrack 5 The laft fupper, by Geronimo Mafli, a pen draw- ing PICTURES. Vaiidelfl — - 6 A landfcape and figures O, Weenix — - 7 An Italian market woman with fruit and game Blue Drawing Room. Ballaa — 8 The portrait of one of the Doges of V enice Tintoret — 9 A V enetian nobleman with his Son 10 A lady’s portrait 11 A landfcape with a cottage and figures, by Hogarth 12 A landfcape and figures 13 A landfcape and figures—yXtta// (fiile of) C. Janfen — Lambert — Mompert of Italy Ruyfdael «— Bloemaert ^ Metzu Steenwyck Ball Room. 14 Prudence, Wifdom, and Folly, final 1 15 A fmall high-finifhed pidlure of a Boy blowing bubbles 16 A prifon fcene and the interior of a monaftery / Himfclf { 2i» ) Himfelf — 17 The portrait of Rembrandt . when young P. Genocfe — 18 A girl with fruit V aiigoyen — 19 A viev/in Holland, cottage ami figures Canaletti ~ 20 A view in Venice 3 . CaPciglione - 21 Jacob’s journey Sal, Rofa — 22 A bacchanalian feflival, full of genius and fpirit Seb Ricci — 23 Alexander vifiting Diogenes J. Jordaens — = 24 The holy family Canaletti “= 25 A view of Florence on the River Arno, with a bridge Breakfast Room. Viviano — 26 The entrance to a cavern Claude ■— 27 A landfcape with a view of the fea, ftile of Martorelli — - 28 A landfcape and figures Sal. Rofa •— 29 A landfcape with boats and figures, ftile of Raphael — 30 The murder of the innocents Don, P. Candido - 31 Perfeus and Andromeda, from the antique Paul Veronefe 32 A doge of Venice giving a diploma to an ambaftador J. More — S3 A landfcape and figures, a warm Italian fcene Pedro Laurati 34 The judgment of Midas, on copper And, Both — 35 An interior with figures quar- relling, very fpirited Vangoven ( 30 ) S5 A view of a caftle on a river in Holland Zachtleven — - 37 The interior of a Dutch farm Vandyck houfe, with figures varioufiy employed 38 A capital whole length por- trait of Charles lid. when a youth Capital Drav/ings, elegantly Flamed and Glazed, in the Blue Drawing Room. Callender — 39 A pair of landfcapes, after Claude, by Dom. Series — « 40 A pair of fea pieces in India ink, very fine D. Teniers — 41 Two, a fifherman and a black-^ fmith Dom. Serres “ 42 A pair of fea pieces in India Guido •— ink, very highly finifhed 43 A magdalen Hebert Pigeon - 4-1' A landfcape and cattle, with figures dancing, very beautiful Taccetti, V eneziano 45 7'wo remarkably fine drawings Vandevelde in water colours, on vellum, the Triumph of Alexander and Tent of Darius 46 A brifk gale and a calm,, in Clerifleau - Ditto Ditto coloured chalks, very fine - 47 Ruins and figures, capital 48 A ditto 49 A ditto Goupy Ditto Voucher J* Oliver in •crayons, after Vandevelde Denner Swanevelde Wiifon Vanderneer Molenaer ^Wouvermans Cuyp _ G. Laire/Te Paul Veronefe ( 31 ) 50 Aurora,’ Guido by the Graees tart / - _ Prince of tTales A ftudv of -1 and u' black white chalk Sir John Lev« CoKTmorD. Dhawino Room. - M A pair of faall Tea pieces t hf 0°' '^7 highly fini/hed ' '“SWy finifted on copoer 57 A Jandfcape. rninsand fignres, a warm evening feene ho A town on file “ ''^"^‘“““''“'i^gypreyfor.unc 60 A halt of travellers 61 A landfcape wich a gronj of cattle, ftile cf 62 Samfon and Dallilah 63 The three cmfT^c „ . , . Oiies, a very cap. ital pidiure Berghem — • 64 A fea port, a pleafing plclure Wouvermans — 62 A fmall landfcape with a cart and horfes Beguyne — 66 A landfcape and cattle Turner — 67 A frefh gale, full of fpirit Cuyp — 68 A landfcape with cattle Raphael — 69 The holy family Carrache — 70 The death of Ananias ‘ Ditto — 71 St. Peter and St. John healing the lame at the Temple Gate Canalletti •— 72 A pair of views in Venice Luca Giordano - 73 The battle of the Centaurs Pordenone 74 Chrift with the Woman of Samaria Waterloo ■ — 75 A very capital landfcape and figures C Bronzes. 76 Two figures, Mercury and companion 77 Twobufts, laughing and crying philofophers 78 Two figures, Courage and Wifdom 79 A fine figure of Bacchus Beautiful Alabaster Figures.* 80 Apollo and Venus de Medicis 81 Two, the Dancing Faun and Couching Venus 82 Two, a Bacchante and Minerva 83 A beautiful group of the Graces 84 A fragment of a column, and Medufa’s head in bafs relief ( 33 ) ' Valuable Antique Marbles. 85 Three alabafter ornaments 86 Twoftands for bufts (one antique) 78 A fmall cinerary urn and cover, with infcription, &c. 88 A ditto with various emblems 89 An antique terra-cotta. The fubjeft, a vafe between Priapus and Silvanus, with various fymbols 90 A fmall figure of a Cupid, antique, with the arms uplifted, as if catching the Pfyche or butterfly: the attitude very elegant — formerly belonging to the Earl of Befborough 91 A fmall whole length figure of Venus after bathing, the drapery fupported on a vafe by her fide 92 A whole length figure of a mufe, leaning on a vafe, fmall life — formerlylbelonging to Cardinal AlbanL 93 Ditto of a Bacchanalian Nymph, crowned with ivy, a ferpent ifluing from a tree, to drink from an inverted cantharus in her hand. The face of this figure is full of lively exprellion, and the whole very fine 94- Leda with the fwan, whole length, the drapery finely executed, equal to the ftatue of the fame fubjedl in the Capitol 95 A fquare altar, or pedeftal, with a head of Apollo, in alto-relief of Greek workmanfhip,— was fent from Greece by Sir Jos: Porter, as a prefent to the Earl of Befborough 96 A Farnefe Hercules, fine 97 A fquare altar or pedeftal, the front embellifhed with a hand grafping a mafk of Hercules, veiled with a lioo’s fkin, in alto-relief ( 34 ) 98 A buft of Pefcennius Niger, and pedeftal: portrait* of this character are very rare 99 An elegant cinerary vafe and cover, of oval forms with handles of Priapeid heads, and ornaments with feftoons, rams heads, &c. 100 A fquare fepulchral altar, with infcription, the fides ornamented with the griffin, finely executed 101 A capital large table of the antique mofaic, formed of part of an antient pavement difcovered at Oftia 102 Six capitals of pilafiers of the Gial’Antico, from the Pantheon at Rome, and 2 capitals of pilafters of ftatuary marble ^ 103 Eight columns of the Brefcia Corallina marble, antique, found at Cento Celli, near Rome, and 8 bafes of white marble 104 An antique farcophagus ~with bafs-relief, in the Eating Parlor 103 A ditto ' 106 A fmall figure of Neptune, by Algardi 107 A pair of fclid Sienna marble flabs, 1 foot 10 by 3 feet 5 108 A folid antique flab, 2 feet 5 by 4 feet 11 109 Two curious flabs of Labradore fpar polifhed 110 An alabafter figure, 4 Derbyfhire Spar ornaments^ and a very curious antique goblet FINIS. j. Sroseton, Printer, ifS, Sfe Mwtin’s Ians. - if; . V' .w ^ i if t I ft I "1 'V J7 . y . fis' I /* / / I • I- ■I 'I ■ / •r v*-'" f .-■■.ir ■ 'i II , }>■ ■ I