THE THIRD V O LU ME O F Vitruvius Britannicus : OR, THE BRITISH ARCHITECT. CONTAINING The Geometrical P L A NS of the moft Confïderable GARDENS and PLANTATIONS; alfo the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the moft Regular Buildings, not Publifhed in the Fir ft and Second Volume s. With Large Views, in Perfpective, of the moft Remarkable Edifices in Great Britain. Engraven by the Beft Hands in One Hundred large Folio P l a t e s. By COL EN CAMPBELL, Efquire, ^ArchiteB to His Royal Highness the Prince of WALES. VITRUVIUS BRITANNICUS^ o u, L Architecte Britannique i CONTENANT Les PLANS des JARDINS les Plus Confiderables, Auffi les Plans, Elevations, & Sections des Batimens Réguliers, ne font pas encore publies dans les Deux Premiers Tomes. Avec quelques Veues, enPerfpeftive, desMafons les plus Célèbres dehGrande Bretagne. Compris en zoo grandes Planches gravez en taille douce par les plus habiles Maîtres. Par Le Sieur CAMPBELL, ^Architecte de Son Altesse Royale Le Prince de GALL ES TOME III. CU M PRIVILEG 10 REGIS. LONDON, Printed; And Sold by the Author, at his Houfe in Middle Scotland-Tard, Wiite-Hall ; And by Joseph Smith, at the Sign of Inigo Jones's Head, near Exeter-Xbange, in the Strand. M. DCC. XXV. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS GEORGE, Prince of W A L E S, &c. THIRD VOLUME VITRUVIUS BRITJNNICUS; BRITISH ARCHITECT, Is Moft Humbly Infcribed : B Y , May it P/eafe Your HIGHNESS, Your Rostal Hiohness'j (JMofi Faithful, Moft Humble, ^And Moft Obedient Servant, tjind Architect, THE O F OR, THE Colen Campbell, ,»3 mm A LIST of the SUBSCRIBERS. Our Sovereign Lord KING GEORGE. Their Royal Highneffes the Prince and Princefs s/WALES. His Royal Highnefs Prince FREDERICK. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Y O R K DUKE of Sr. Albans, 1 Captain of the Band> 1 of Pcnnon<-rs \ Dukeofrfi«.-i/?(r, Lord Great ? . Chamberlain ai England $ Duke of Argylt,\A. Steward? . oftheHoufhold $ ' Marquel's of AnntnisU : Earl of Albemarle Earl of Arran Lord jijhburnham Hi; John Anflruthir Bait. Sir 7««* -flBy Bart. Sir Soicrf v*rfu<> Knt. ? 0 j rp i. ^AA/m Efq; John Arbuthuott M. D. David Anderfon S. T. D. JjMI Anderfon D. V. M. tion. Richard Arundel Efqi Mr. OntrfrJ Appleby James Anderfon Gent. Sir H. Aucher Bart, juta ^>*i< Efq; Jjcoi Aickworth Efq; jefcn 4fM Efq; Andrew Archer Efq; Thomas Archtr Efq; Francis Anne/ley Eiq; Alexander Abercrembie Efq; Richard Atherton El'q; Coll. Armfirong Mr. Sr. ^iiuVj Chyrurgeon Mr- Wit! km Ayr es Carpenter Mr. Fr/i'icil Andtrton Mr. ^f/r« Mr. Thomas Acres Gardener B HIS Hinhneii Prince AO IVilhelm. DukeV of Brunfwiek-Luncnberg } Duke of iWjW Puke of Beaufort Duke of Buckingham Duke of fl»/Mn Duke of Bridgwater patcheftafB*HfcMt Earl of Birktley Earl of Berkfnire Earl of Burlington Earl of Broadalbin Earl of B*t*M Earl of Cuf Late Lord Vifcount Bolinbrokc Lord Balmerinoch Lord flr«c( Lord Berkeley of Stretttn Lord fli»£/«7 Lord Bathurfi Lord Binning Lord Belkaven Lord Vifcount flit ring mm SiWi His Excellency Count Bothmar Hi* Excellency Baron Bernjhrf Baron Bentenreider Hon. 7<"»" BvuJeniU Efq; Sir IV: Hi am Bennes Sir 7«/i™ iift* Bart. Sir Altxsnd. Brand of Brandsfeld Sir Rp^r Brgdflum Ban. Sir J«.» &nii Knight &xf*mtt Umm Bart. Sir Gr#r/J fl«;iit«» Bart. Hon. GttrgtBetilj Biqi one of ? the LorUs of the '1 rcalury J R. lion. W.'tfiflw Elq; R. Hon. H i'Ji'jw Blaihwayt Elq; mlliamBcnfon Elq; jitfi Bw&tr, of Gtwtbnff ? H.j.y, El'q; 5 Edmund Bsutter Efq; Nathaniel Blackerby Efqj mlliam Burnet Elq; ttiriy Bfl|A« Efq; Benjamin Utmjm tiqj Alexander Efadle of B>W/e Efq; Hon. Puffi B/nj Efq; Henry Bromley Efq; Coll. HMfa BWen ■Srjp/'rn fltfli Efq; 7./™*(r Efq; lin fl..irr Efqi ?«Éa B%6 Efq; — Bjftv* Efq; Hon. JohnBylos Efq; Mr. fi«fgi gfefi of Co-joif- £ Mr. Blackwovd Merchant Mr. C/W. Brid{»ian, Gardener Mr. Safer Joyner Mr. William Ba-jcrjhct, Joyner Mr.3/>utn« Wf, Mr. Jh/jb fl/.tte, Sen. Rev. Mr. feritf Dr. flrppi/, M. D. Mr. Daii-d Brown, Bookseller Mr. Bofweg Rev. Mr. Soviet The Bodleian Library at Oxford Mr. Bad/lad;, Land Surveyor Mr. fflmw Bickerton Mr. Burma/, Bookfeller Mr. Br 0B)n , Bookfeller Mr. Will. Brown of Shaftsbury Mr. Nicholas Blake, Carpenter Mr. Richard Brown Mt- James Bateman Mr. James Blackee, Joyner Mr. frjncw SiW, Statuary tAt. Thomas Btale, Carpenter C LORD CarUton, Prcfi-? denr of the Council 5 Duke of Chandoa Earl Cowper Earl oiCarliflc Eatlof Cholmondeley Hi* Excel, die Earl Cadogan La:l Cutiingtiy Earl of Cardigan BMslçfêtmnm Loti Clinton Lord CoifciM Lord CajUe-Cemtr Lord Cr,cufM Lord Celerane Lord Caflltmtln Lord Chetwynd Lord Carmichael Lord Car pent ir Lady Grinta Lady Ciirj- Hon. Coll. Charier Cadogan) Six Thomas CfagfrBUt- Sir Nicholas Carew Bart. Right Hon. Técnj.!/ Coit Efq; TAd. Coi( of Xorfalk-Jlrece Elq; Sir Archibald Campbell Knt. Sir Duncan Campbell Bart. SirH«£iC:iinpi.',!f,ofC.jWcr,Bar. Sir7j7n f jC,if«f>&.tf, afArd-l kinglafr, Bart. 5 Sir 7mhj Campbell, oÎAchin- ? brake, Bart. J Sir7J.C,im f i(;/, of A brve hill Bar. Hon. 7»fc» Campbell Efq; Hon. Coll. 7awf/ Campif//Efi]; Hon. Coll. Juin Ciwfiïtf Efqi Archibald Campbell Eiq; H, Jn ,V Campbell Elq; Duncan Campbell Efq; Capr. Matibiw Campbell Efq; 7»6n Campbell El'q; John Campbell, oïcalder, Efq; Co/en Campbell Efq; Cc/ftj Campbell, of S./iimrA.Efq; Sir Oantem CmpitH, of itri- > m(/;, Bart. 5 Collonel Céjr/« Churchill fir Cvmithtl Bart,, ft} Sir 7#m« Cumngham Barr. Hon. Coll. 7j«j" Sr. C/a> Hon. Thtmst CarnwallU Sir TÉofKitf Cri/i Bart. Sir Robert Child Knt. Sit Alexander Cummins Knt. Hon. Georgt C/^rie Efq; Hon. Coll. CWe/ Cathtarc Henry Colley Efqj R. Crej'wetl Efq; George Ctdworth Efq; Thomas Cary^ Efq; Henry Cmningham Efq; CWez Qfpr Efq; Courtney Croiker Efq; Hon, CWt/ C(«7 Efq; R. Hon. SpencerCompton Efq; Speaker of the Houfe " Commons C&rrwi Efq; Edmund Clarke Efq; Cb&t» Efq; vïr/ÈBr Cro/t Elq; Hf7jj^ Cornelifm Efq; Edward Corbet Efq; 7.iMfj O tiiis Efq; Mr. Cranenburgh Mr. Chefaynd John Corbett L. L. D- Knightly Che t mod Doilor Qbamberlayn M. D. Mr. Ptrtr Coiirthapt Merchant Mr. Churchill Carpenter Mr. ïï J0 7«^ CAsrf/j/ffBricklayer Mr. Clements, Bookfeller In (J*/. Mr. Edward Cowper Mr. William Cooper Carpenter Mr. Joieph Carter of St. Mr. Richard Cnjlle Gent. Mr. Ri4ptrd Cajhll D. DUKE of Devmjhfre Duke of Douglafs Duke of IDfrfif Earl of Dm£i Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Denbigh LordBifl-.opofSt. Darfs Lord D/ji/ Lord Delawar Lord Dalkeith Lord Darnly Sir Jame, DalrympU Bart. BirJtefttavZtatfr Bart. Hon. George Doddington Efq; Hon. Coll. Gcirgi Douglafs Brigadier Dormtr Collonel Donntr Charlei Delafay Efq; Francit Delj'jal Efq; Mint ague Gerard Drake Efq; H-.Ï/Ï.™ Dajhw^d Efq; William Dunn Efq; Archibald Douglajs Efq) Thomas Dinely El'q; George Dundafi of Dundafs Elq; Captain W. Diiioi/'f Mr, Dflnirf Delander ^ Mr. DoWof Lincolnt-Inn Mr. rtfffiom Diekinfin Mr. KT//< aw DifW MrJ./™a^;, Printer Mr. Peter Dunoyer, Bookfeller Mrs. E. «VOHNEarl of£«f(f J Earl of E/«r Kt. Han. Lieut. General £j-/ ( General t»M Sir 7^ Bw«*» ish Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Bart. Hon. R.Bdg-combe Efq; His Excellency Baron O'frft 7»t« Elwiek, Jan. Elq; William MmmM Efqj ord? Mr. (f^/UNN Elliot k Mr. £«■/», Carpenter t F. EARL of Findlator and ? Lord Ri% Lord Forrefier Lord Fltzwilliaim Lord Tinr/j Sir Robert Furnefe Bart. Sir Thomas Frankland Bart. Mr. Baron Fortefcui Richard Fuller L. L. D. Mr. Auditor Fo/y Hon. Collonel ÏM" H*W Hntr^ ftmm Efq; y»fo< Vrttmtm Efq ; William Freeman Efq; Ralph Freeman Efq; Thomas Frankland Èfq; James Fury Efq; 7tAn Ftrif/, of Colleden, Efq; Brian Fairfax Eiq; Mr. Alexander Fort Mr. Lloyd Foley Mr. Onrp Fleetcrofe Mr. îojïiMJ Fleuhev, Mafon G. DUKE of Gr,T/"»fi, Lord Chamberlain of Houfhold Duke of Gordon Earl of Godolphin Earl of Grantham Lord G*i7/«rrf Lord Vifcount G^e Lord Glenortisy His Excel. Baron Go sm, &C. Lady Elizabeth Germain Sir Wiltiam Gage Bart. Sir Rjcbird GroPntnaf Eaxt. Sir fio*srt Gurrfwj Bart. Sir IVi Hi ii m Gordon Bart. Sir SmHWJ Gjrf/j M-D. Glanvil'r and C.ti'iu College David Ganfel Efq; Wesley Gill Efq; Peter Glffard Efq; AlexnitderCtrXin of Pitbarg Efq; Alexander Grant Efq; Bri- ? gadîer General ^ ftWKM Gvyn Efq; WOUêm U Grand Efq; William Gor, Efq; Richard Golf Elq; Orlando Gee Efq; Captain Alexander Geddei Dr.G:'i;iB.Proy. ©y. Col.Oxon. Mr. G«i..M 1( Robert Gray M. D. Mr. Thomas Granger Mr. ^/iiircn, Gi(f Mr. Gkvsr, 0 f Weftminfttr Mr. Greenvpay, H. DU K E of Hamilton and ? Dutchei's of Hamilton % Earl of Hallifax a Earl of Hcpcton i Earl of Haddington Lord Vifcount f/.ttftfi) LordHuip Lord Haverfium Lord H artingt on Rt. Hon. Henrji Lord fferffrf Hon. IbltH Hfr^f Efq; Bar. Hardenbirg, Grand Mar-7 fhal of Hanover \ Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. ' Srt Roger Hill Bart. Sir »f& fJ 0I fcf, Bart. Sir C7:. ii'/tv liotham Bart. Sir 7o£n H^r/cr Bart. Hon. Philip Howard Efq; Si p 1 - - C « ] Sir John Hobart Bart. "Sir David Hamilton Knt. Sir Roger Hudfon Knt. johnH.nlyof Briflol Efq; Richard Hill of Richmond Efq; R/tftW Hill of Cle-aeland Elq; William Herbert Elq; Jodw Hedwortb Efq; John Hoggins Efq; Hicholos Hawkfmoer Efq; Rvwar Hjw/ Efq; Ran Hm» Ei'q; ffiT/fr» Heyfliam Efq; Mrs. Howard Thomas Hettr Efq; John Haltlngiut Ei'q; Envoy? from the D. of Saxcgotha 5 John Hill Efq; Mr. Hupwj», Counfcllorto? the Dukeof 5 Baron Hattorf VofephHall Elq; John James Heidegger Efq; H','«i4m Hamilton Efq; Maurice H.iiii Elq; Brigadier Hontywood Major Ktf/fjf EaWi Genr. HFtfMi RmW Gent. Mit/M*/ Hutchinfen D. D- Captain Horned Mr- jffci Mr. rAaiuar Howlett Mr. Henrichtfon Mr. Richard Hill Mr- A|fa, Plaiflerer Mr. Hare Mr. Thomas Hiutm Mr. Roitrr H;W Mr. ftoitr; Ha/f on Mr. Hentm'mts Mr. Join HarrA Mr. 7»Èn Hu//(n Mr. 7»éh H«&« of Derbyjblrt Mr- Henry Hare of Docking Mr. Thomas Hornby EA R L of #&r/, Lord ? Privy-Seal fur fVf.A-S Lord Sr. John of Sletfoe Sir tWum Kr. and Bar. Sir Henry Innes Bart. Sir »7tt«» /nifi/ifn Bart. Rt. Hon. James Johnjion Efrj; Tobias Joskins Efq; Thomas Jet t Efq; Benjamin Jackfon Efq; The Rev. Mi. frr-um Mr. ^nrf. ^ ohnjlon Engraver 1 at the Go/atii £ag/< Se.JW.w->: (in' s Lane. J Mt.7*«.7»i»/«»atiheH. S ii( : Mr. HW/am 7f/fc Mr.M™ /(// Mr. /«As /jbim of Greenwich Mr. HOKmi ?«w Mr. H,-«7 J«/wr of Uoodjlock Mr. Edward James Wit. Willi am Jonc, F. R. S. K. DUKE of JUw/Im, Lord ? Privy-Seal J Puke of Kent fori of Kimnil Lord Vifcount Killytb Lord Chief JufticeAV-g Lord King fa le Robert keck Efq; 7«/»i Jttqi D. D. Matter of? the Cbaner-Houfe 5 Dr. Kiig, Principal of St. / Mary-Hall, Oxom. $ Mr. Thomas Kynajhn L. DUKE of Earl of Loudon Earl of Lincoln Earl of Lichfield Earl of L««_/J,r Earl of Utfemtrt Lord Lanfdown Lord Leimjler Lord Lonfdale Lord Bilhop of London Lord Limington Lord London Derry Hiçht Hon. Lord Lechmcre, J Chancellor of the Dutchy 5 Hon Anthony Lowtber Efq; CoDonel Legonler John Law Efq; Samuel Lynn Efq; .tfwtfj' L)W Elq; Chrijiopher Lijler Efq; 4frwr/ Lnvrin £fqi Gfsr^t Ltclbart Efq; Benjamin Lacy Elq; Collonel £f% jfaw Z.n"<7 Efq; Mr. r,«É#, ofB«ti6,Booltfiaieit Mr. Jh/jw Lane, Joyner Mr. Mr. Daniel Lock Mr. LkIxms, St. /«««'s Mr- Jo/wi Leggat Mr- Wï///,iw Low Hi DUKE of Marlborough Dutchcfs of Marlborough Duke of Montague Dut chefs of Montague Duke of Montrcfe Duke of Manchejler Thomas Earl of Macclesfield Earl of Marchmount Late Earlof Marefhall Late Earl of Marr Eoi à Manfell Lord Middle ton Lord William Manors Lord Mleklethwaite Sir M«/i// Bart. Sir Chrijiopher Mit [grave Bart. Sir Nicholas Morlct Bart. Sir Robert Mafliam Bart. Sit Philip Meadows Bart. Rt. Hon. JW Efq; ? Compt.ofthe Houfliold i Brigadier Richard Mundm Thomas Murray Elq; Joijrt Mo'itgommery Efq; Humphrey Mlldmay Elij; Edward Mirijhoul Efq; Taomas Milner Efq; William Maynard Efq; Monck of Ireland Efq; George Maddifau Efq; jlbraham Meure Efq; jMw ^.'yfVr of Beverley Efq; /b/j;; Muïcaiïer Efq; John Monk: on of Hodroyd Efq; James Manley Elq; Mr. Secretary Molineux Captain Mandell Uoaor Mead M. D. Mr. Coi&r Mavhood Mr. Jofcu Wur/j iWocr Mr. Arthur Mauley Mr. Géorgie Mont^omacry Mr. fl«K M Jrf The Rev. Mr. Maxwell Mr. Join A/oanC Mr. Rs^fr Morrà Mi . Jot-nMeards Mr. R/ft&mi a/«/„b Joiner Mr. Join Manlty Mr. Mahomet of St. Jtmtft Mr. Mujlafh» Mr. //ajt Mansfield. Plaiflerer N. DUKE of Newcajlli, Prin- ? ripai Secretary of State S Duke Of A'ur/t/t Earl of Nottingham • Earl of Northampton Lord Newborougb Grey Neville Efq; Edward Nicholas Eli); Michael Newton Efq; Ralph Noden, Merchant General NUholfon Mr. Nanre Mr. Newcomt of Hackney Mr. Jcfoi Nerdicb, Bricklayer O. LATE DukeofOnW* ; Earl of ; Earl of Orrery ; Earl of Orin.jK ; Ruifi-f Earl of Oar/irrf j Edward Eat] of Oxford Lord thy?™ ] Mr. Ifaac OJI-y 1 Mr. Edward Olivet j P. DUKE of P(b>» Earl Paa/ f r Earl of Pembroke ■ Lord Pereival \ Stephen Peymon Efq; His Ma- ? jefty's Envoy Extra, and S. 1 Pleni. to the K. of iW™ J Sir Gregery Page Bart. J Sir Kcitrr Pollock Bart. 1 Sit JofcpbPrmgle 1 Sit Walter Pringle | Sir Jo''"' Packington Bate. 1 Sir Thomas Pendergraft j His Excel. Major-Gen. i>fjy f r 1 Jiisfîxçcl. ggyerngrftïff j Hon. HiW7 Pt/Éi»»» Efq; I' William PhipptEfq; I R.Hon. William Poultry Efq; 1 Robert Pringle Efq; I Blackwe 11 Perkins Efq; I John Pringle of Hainitsg Efq; 1 [r*w4fù FWm Efq; 1 Collonel Pages I John Plumptre Efq; 1 SylveficT Pcttjt Gent. I Mr. John Price, jun. 8 Mf. Francis Price I Mr. Alexander Pr/t/wrrf, Maforl 1 Mr. of Richmond I Mr. /amfJ Pa^r, Maibn I Captain CW« Pturct I Mr. Andrew Peters, Painter 1 Mr. tSarcb. Pcljley of Ox. Mafon 1 Mr. Thtmas Paint, Joiner 1 Q DUKE of Sgtmtmy j TheLibrary of $i»ett?i ? College Oxon 5 R. DUKE of Richmond 1 Dutchcfs of Richmond 1 Duke of Rutland 3 Duke of Principal! Secretary of State for > : North-Britain J Earl of Rochefler 1 Earloffto(i« 1 Earl of RtJ'cbcrry 1 Right Hon. the Lord Romney 1 S\t William Roblnfon Bart. 1 Thomas Rawllnfon Efq; I Brigadier-General Richards t Thomas Robinfon Efq; 1 Richard Rootb Efq; 1 flug/j Rs/i oîKilravock Efq; I 7(Aw R«Ji Efq; ] Benjamin Robinfon Efq; , Samuel Ranentt Efq; 1 $»hn Rudg Efq; ] Rev. Mr. Ricbardfon 1 Mr. James Richards, his Ma-? jefty's Carver 5 Mr. Ripley, Clerk of the Meufe 1 Mr. Alexander Read, Painter ] Mr. John Richards ] Mr. John Refer ( S. DUKE oïsmtrftt : Duke, of Shrew] bury : MarquefsofStfl/irr/j Earl of Sunderland ' j Earl of Scarborough ; Eit\ of Strafford Earl of Stamford Earl of Sutherland Eit\ of Stafford Lord Somervitt Earl of SmiW ; Earl Stanhope Earl of Suffex Lord Snwirj : Lord Shelburni j Count Staremberg I Lord Stanhope J Sir Ptsllwr Siffwjti Bart. 1 Sir Edmund Smith of EJfex Bart. 1 Sir Thom,is Seabrigbt Bart. 1 Lady Seabrigbt 1 Sir mlliam Stewart Bart. 1 ShJohnSmith Bart. 1 Sir Eri'w.D-ii Seymere Barr. 1 Sir£,inurJj/wHM Bart. 1 Rt.Hon.£ i îi Bfl rrfS 0 uràipf//Efq; 1 J.mus Stuart, oîTorraicc, Efq; 1 Sir Ji-'ii.' S/oane M. D. 1 Sir£d»4'-trSmi(A Sir George Stuart, of Gar lily Barr. Brigadier-General Sttstrne Dr. Stiyg-:rj'dale, Phyilcian ? tohisMajefty 5 His Excellency Baron S/jjcé Sir Strickland Sir Ruicf Sutton, Bart. Sir fW/iaw Staples Bart. C/ Stmhipt Efq; Collonel Djw'W Sror Efq; Tliomas Strangeways Efq; 7«mj Sari/o- Efq; Thomas Smith Elq; SmA* Efq; Rev. Ur. Shipptn Rev. Jofcph Smith D. D. Mr. Thomas Sayer Mr. i.irçcwr of the 7i»f Mr. Hcnrj- Sf/i.irr, Mafon Vb.miHm Sandiver Mr. £d«,trd ifft»j, Mafon . sîndrcw Smitlt . Thomas Sadler .Thomas Suder .George Sampfatt . Richard Sanders, Joiner . John Sturt, Engraver . Standfaji of WejimlnfierUall . Starter s. Elizabeth Southwell S. Ann Stone MArqucfs of Tweedale Earl of Thsaut Earl of Tankcrville Earl of Thomond Lord Vile. Townfhend, Prin- 3 cipal Secretary of Stats J Lord Vifcount Tyre omit I Lord 3i»-W Collonel 7}r<7 Sir ri«-»ii« Knt. Hon- Richard Tlgb Efq; J flmC / Efq; IMm Efq; JofepbTbompjon Efq; lm IWl Efq; Captain ïVf/rn;/ of H-'-.fiminjhr tAr. Thorn as Toy In- Mr. rar-v/w Mr. Jo/ff/; Ttatntm Mr. rj//or of SfaSml George Torrlano, Merchant Extra, b- =neral i HIS Excel. Baron Di Ambaff. E: from the States-General Count f'olkra. Imperial Envoy Sir John Panbrugb Knight Bowater Vernon Elq; Henry Vernon Efq; of Sii<0wy garnir Vernon Elq; >/;n t/pfsn Efq; Alexander Uraubart Efq; Mr. Vaillant, at the MfM 3 Mr. Paul Vaillant Nlt.Vandcrbooker, Bookfeller Mr. Vanhuli W- DUKE aiwitrm Earl of ramUi Earl of Warwick E&tlofWejlmorcIand Lord Vifcount Weymouth Lord Bilhop of Wincbejier Thomas Ld. Billion of f l'.sterûrd Lord NMjpm Riçht Hon. Robert Walpole? Efq; FirftLordCommil-S- lioner of the Treaiury ^ Rt. Hon. Lord Walpele Sir William Wyndham Bart. Six -John Walter Barr. Sir Ï/ Jamaf Webft-r Bart. Sir R«*irf Barr. General Wade Chrlfiopber Wren Efq; John Wolf Efq; Edmond Waller Efq; William Wakefield Elq; Thomas Woodcock Efq: »VA'/.»Blf.Vi.t.: H ;,Jun. E(q; 2*0. Wrtter of the Temple Ei'q; Humphrey Will Efq; Richard Wynne Efq; JdmWérhm» E% F. R.S. Leonard X'ooddlfon Efq- D*vidiYemys Efq; Hon. 7*«w«r WlUtatMj Efq-, Mr. W,-i',*, fl Mr. R/efcW W/,f, his Ma-? jefty's Watchmaker f Doctor K'i/a. M j M. tj. Mr. Serjeant Kmm ttx'.SMmmtWMtr, Mr. fluiff WW WLt.JfmttWlUUmt, Mafon Mr. y,'ii.-i£ WioD,/, Painter Mr./u/viWoirfa/i Mr. 7*«m* Hi-.Tt^, Carpentet Mr. 7^ Wllliamjth of D»Wia Mr. WMha at Amjlerdam 26 MVS. Margaret Weld Y. 1J/1LLIAM Lord Arch-? ' " bijhop of 3li,-X- f Sir rWW "ttm Bait- A N EXPLANATION Of ALL the P L A T E S In the T H I R D VOLUME. Greenwich Hofpital in Perfpe£iive t p. j, and 4. jjHave faid fo much of this noble Stru- cture in my Firft Volume, that I fhall add nothing at prêtent, but to a flu re the Readers, that the Perfpeftive is railed from the Geometrical Plan and Elevation according to the moft exad Rules of that lineary Art. Call le Howard in Perfpeffive, p. 5, and 6. '"THIS Seat being alfo fo fully defcribed in the Firft Volume, I thought nothing could be further wanting to give a perfeft Idea of the Place, but an accurate View of the fame in Pcrfpe&ive. Ambresbury, p. 7. TS the Seat of the Right Honourable the Lord - B - Carleton, in Wiltshire. This Houfe was defigned by Jnigo "Jones, and executed by Mr. Webb. Here is a bold ruftick Bafement, which fupports a regu- lar Loggio of the Com poled Order. In one Plate I have given the Plans of the Firft and Second Story, with the principal Front. The great Stair- cafe is remarkable here for having a little one in the Middle of it. Anno 1661. Caftle Afhby, p. 8. TN Northampton/hire, the Seat of the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Northampton. Thegreateft Part of the Caftle is very antient; but in the Reign of King Charles I. luigo Jones was im ployed to rebuild it, and finifh one Front; but the Civil Wars put a Stop to all Arts, 1642. when that va- liant Earl was flaïn at Salt Heath near Stafford. In this Plate I have alio given Two Plans, and that Front by Intgo Jones. Stoke Park, p. 9. r I 1 H E Seat of Mr. Arundel in Northamptonflnre. This Building was begun by ïnigo Jones; the Wings, and Collonades, and all the Foundations were made by him ; but the Front of the Houfe •was defigned by another Architect, the Civil Wars having alfo interrupted this Work. In one Plate I have given both a general Plan and Front 1640. General Wade'* Houfe } p. 10. TN great Burlington-Street, London. This beauti- A fui Defign is the Invention of the Right Honour- able the Earl of Burlington, who is not only a great Patron of all Arts, but the firft ArchjretL His Lordfhip's learned Labours in this Art, which are now preparing for the Publick, will give a much jufter Idea of his confummate Knowledge in Ar- chitecture, than any thing I am capable to fay. In one Plate you have Two Plans, and the princi- pal From 1724. Grimfthorpe, p. ti, 12, and 14* TN Lincolnshire, the Seat of his Grace the Dukd * of Anea/hr and Kjfieven, Of this I have made Four Plates, the Firft is the Plan of the Firft or principal Story, where all the Apartments are ex- actly figured. In the Second Plate you have the Front to the Court ; in the Third, the Garden Front, adorned with a magnificent Corinthian Por- tico ; and m the Fourth, you have the Wefl Front the Erf Front being the fame. All defigned by air John Vanbrugh, Anno 1724. Eaftbury, p. 1 16, 17, 18, 19. TN Dorfctfiire, the Seat of the Right Honourable George Doddmgton, Efquire, in Five Plates. The Firft contains an exaft Plan of the Gardens, de- figned and finifhed by the ingenious Mr. Charles Brtdgcman. In the Second, you have the general Plan of the Houfe and Out-Offices, with a Table of References. In the Third Plate, an Elevation of the principal Front, with a rufticated Portico of the Dorick Order. In the Fourth, the Plan and Elevation of the great Portico, placed at the End of the Garden facing the Houfe. The Portico is Corinthian Hexajltie. The Columns 3 Feet Dia. meter, the molt magnificent of its Kind in England. The Fifth contains the Plan and Elevation of the Bagnio in the Garden, fronting the Bowling Green. All defigned and executed by Sir John Vanbrugh. Anno 1718. Seaton Dclaval, p. 20,21. TN Northumberland, the Seat of Francis Délavai, A Efquire, in Two Plates. In the Firft, I have given the general Plan of the Houfe and Out- Of- rices, with the North Front of the Houfe to a larger Scale. In the Second, you have the South Front, where is a noble Portico of the loniek Order Tetra- ftile, the Columns $ Feet Diameter. All defigned and executed by Sir John Vanbrugh, Anno 1720. Burlington Houfe in Piccadilly, London, p. 22, 2j, 24, 25, 26. THE following Defigns of my Invention are - x contained in Two fingle, and one double Plate. In the Firft you have the general Plan of the Houfe and Offices; the Stables were built by another Architect before I had the Honour of being called to his Lordfhip's Service, which obliged me to make the Offices oppofite, conformable to them. The Front of the Houfe, the Coniundion from thence to the Offices, the great Gate and Street Wall, were all defigned and executed by me. In the double Plate you have the principal Front, where a bold rultick Bafement fupports a regular loniek Collonade of | Columns 2 Feet Diameter. The Line is clofed with Two Towers, adorned with Two Venetian Windows in Front, and Two Nichei (8) Stucco, with Compartments much after the Man- ner of the Ritonda. The Ornaments are executed by Signer Bagutt't, a molt ingenious Artift. The Afccnt to the Attick Story is by Two circular Stair- Cafes, landing in a Poggio, round the great Salon, which leads into all the Apartments of this Floor, being 12 Feet high, and the Plan will fufficiently dcfcribe the reft. The Firft (Ingle Plate coij- whieh is the Firft Eflay of hklordjbif* "happy In- tains the North Front : The Four P»£*, are all vention, Anno 17.7. the lam,, Hexaftde, fcuftile: The Column ' . . r ionicL- 2 Feet 4 Diameter; a juft Entablature lur- Houghton from p. 27,(0 p. J4i roun[js the whole Building, with the proper Mem- TN Norfolk, the Seat of the Right Honourable bfirs ^j,^. { n t i ie Uft Plate is the Se&ion from A Robert Wdple, Efquire, Chancellor of the Exche- ^ mb w s— ^ cxrenc ]i n g 220 Feet. I fliaU not Niches in Flank, fronting each other, where the noble Patron has prepar'd the Statues of Palladio and Jonas, in Honour to an Arc of which he is the Sup- port and Ornament. In the next Plate you have the great Gate, adorned with 4 * Columns of the Dorick Order, 2 Feet Diameter, agreeable to the Colonade in the Court. In the laft I have given the Plan and Elevation of the Cafina at Cbifmck. quer, and firft Cornmiffioner of his Majefty's Trea- fury, of which I have made Two double, and Four fingle, Plates. In the Firft you have a Plan of the Gardens and Plantations, which are very large and beautiful. In the Subfcquent are all the Ddigns of my Invention ; Firft, the general Plan and Front of the Houfe and Offices, extending 450 Feet. The Firft fingle Plate contains the Plans of the principal and Attick Story : The great Hall is a Cube of 40 Feet, the Salon 40 by 30 Feet, and 30 Feet high, and all the other Rooms in the Four great Apartments, are 18 Feet high, the Attick Story 12 Feet, and the Ruftick Story the fame, all pretend to fay, That I have made any Improve- ments in this Plan from that of PalLtdio, for Signor Jlmerico; but (halt only obferve the Alterations, which I humbly fubmit to my learned Judges : The new Plan is much enlarged, and the Ground Story intirely different. In Palladio the Veftibule is fup- ported by Four Pires in the Middle, without any Lieht. In the principal Story are Four large, and Fourfmal!, Rooms, butnoGallery nor large Bed- chambers : The Four Porticoes are flanked with a Wall, which are intirely open in this. In the Firft the Stair Cafes are Triangular, which puts the Doors at unequal Diftances. In this the Stair- , - ^ , UU Hb " ungual L>Hiam.u. above Ground, under winch is an intire story or b - c i rcu [ ar> brings the Doors to anfwer Cellars, all arched. In the Second Plate I have given the Front to the great Entrance, extending 166 Feet, lying open to the Park. The Bafement is ruftick, and I have alfo rufticated the Windows and Door-Cafe in the principal Story ; the Building is finifhed with Two Towers, drefs'd with Two ruftick Venetian Windows. In the next Plate is the Front to the Garden, with a regular Portico Tetra- fiite hnick, the Columns 3 Feet I Diameter. In this Front the Windows of the principal Story are drefs'd without Rufticks. The laft Plate is the Section of the great Hall, all in Stone, the moft beautiful in England ; the whole Building is Stone, and, without pretending to excufe any feeming, or real Defects, I believe, it will be allowed to be a Houfe of State and Conveniency, and, in fome Degree, worthy of the great and generous Parron. Anno 1722. Mereworth Caftle, p. 3Ç, 36, j 7, 38. IN Kf*t* the Seat of the Honourable John Fane, Efquire, contained in One double, and Two fingle, Plates. In the double Plate you have Three Plans of the Ground Story, the principal and Attick: The Ground Story extends 220 by 1 20 Feet, all arched, and 12 Feet high. In the Middle is a circular Veftibule 34 Feet Diameter, turned with one bold Arch, illuminated by Two Windows at each End of the Traverfe Partage, and by Night one Lanthorn, fufpended from the Key Stone of this great Arch, lights into Twenty diftinct Rooms. The Afcent is 12 Feet high to the principal Story, being, by Two Flights of Steps, 42 Feet broad ; the Square of the Houfe is SS Feet; but including the Four Porticoes 120 Feet. As the Rooms of this Story are of various Extents, fo is the Height : The Two Rooms in Front being 35 Feet by 20 Feet, and the great Gallery in the oppofite Front 82 Feet by 20 Feet, are 22 Feet l high, and coved > : The Side Rooms, coniifting of Two Bed-Cham- bers 22 Feet by 20 Feet, and Two dieffing Rooms 14 Feet by 20 Feet, are only 15 Feet high, not coved; fo that the Entablature of all thefe Rooms is of the fame Height. Over the Rooms not coved, and under the Attick Story, areMezonins for Servants, and other Convcniencies : The Circu- lar Salon in the Center is 35 Feet Diameter, and 60 Feet high, receiving Light by Four large cir- cular Windows in the Dome, which is finilhcd in the Two diagonal Lines. In the Firft there are but Four Chimneys, which are brought up by Four Obelisks on the Outfide Walls. The Dome is a Semi-circular Ottogon covered with Red Pantiles, fupported by Carpentry. The Columns in the Porticoes are Brick- work covered with Stucco. The Entablature of Wood, and all the other Ornaments are in Stucco. This Dome conflits of Three Shells : The Firft is Carpentry with Stucco, which forms the Cieling of the Salon. The Outward is alfo Carpentry, covered with Lead, but of a particular Contourn : Between thefe Two Shells, there is a ftrong Brick Arch, that brings 24 Funnels to the Lanthorn, which is finiflied with a Copper Callot, without any Injury to the Smoke, which was not the ieaft difficult Part of the Defign. And, if I may add the great Difference, both ofDrefs and Materials, the whole ornamental Parts being of Portland Stone; and as much forfeited, as the Rules of our Art can admit. And here I am, in Juftice, to acknowledge theFaults as only chargeable to me ; for never Architect had a more beneficent and libe- ral Patron, where neither Ignorance, Caprice, or Covetoufnefs, had any Part. Here nothing was wanting for Strength, Conveniency, or Ornament. Under fuch uncommon Encouragement, I have ufed my utmoft Endeavours; but, Humanum eji labi \ It is the beft Houfe that has feweft Faults: And if it gives Satisfaction to the Honourable and Worthy Owner, I have my End. This Houfe was covered in Anno 1723. Wanftead, p. 39, 40. TN Effex, the Seat of the Right Honourable the •*• Lord Vifcount Cafilemain. I have given the Plan, Elevation, and Section, of this great Houfe in my firft Volume, which I fhall not relume here, but only give the Front with the Addition of the new Towers, which J defigned. Anno 1720. Stourhead-Caftlc, p. 41, 42,43. T N Wiltfhire^ the Seat of Henry Hoare, Efquire, in Three fingle Plates. In the firft I have given the Original Plan, as defigned by me, and as altered in the Execution. The Difference lies in changing the Portico into 4 \ Columns, tranfpofing Two back Stair-Cafes, anil contracting one Front Room, and Two Side Rooms. The Second Plate gives the Front to the Court, extending 82 Feet, the ruftick [ 9 ruftick Bafement fupporrs a regular Tetraftile, Eu- ftile, of the Compofed Order, the Columns 2 Feet ; Diameter, with a juft Entablature and Balluftrade round the whole Edifice. This Front gives a very beautiful and extenfive Profpeft over the rich Vale of Dorfetjbire, Eaft and South, and is protected from the North by high Mountains, covered with Downs. The laft is the Garden Front South, ex- tending 92 Feet, where the Windows of the prin- cipal Story are rufticated, as well as the Bafement. The whole Building is cafed with Stone, and was covered in Anno 1722. The Rolls, f. 44, 4. 56. THE Honourable Houfe of Commons having named a Committee to receive Flans and Pro pofals for lb ufeful a Project, the Right Honourable William Potdtney was choie Chairman, who was pleafed to command me to prepare a Defign, with the Approbation of the Earl of Burlington. His Lordihip was not only pleafed to countenance my Arehirettonical Labours, but out of his fuperabun- dant Goodnefs, did procure the Judgment and Ap- probation of ourableft Mathematicians. Dr. Rally, Dr. Arbuthnot, and fevcral Others, were unanimoully ofOpinion, that this Plan would be no Obrtruction to the Navigation of the River, nor any Prejudice to the adjacent Property, which were the pretended Objections of fome who were no Well-wifhers to the Bridge, for other Reafuns. Andtoputthis in a true Light, I lhall give the Dim en fions of the old and new Bridge. The Extent of London-Bridge is 850 Feet, of which 450 Feet for the Water- courfe above the Starlings in the 19 Arches, and 200 Feet Water-courfe below the Starlings : The 1 S Solids make 400 Feet. The new Bridge is 770 Feet long : The prcfent Channel 727 Feet, to be inlarged 43 Feet: The Water-courfes by 7 Arches 650 Feet above the Starlings, and 60S Feet below them: The 6 Solids 120 Feet, from which fuh Lib. 1 . Cap. 1 4. with Three Arches; that in the Middle has 60 Feet in Diameter, the Sides 48 Feet, their Rife is ; : The Pires have 12 Feet, being of the great Arch. Upon this Proportion I have form- ed my Defign, and 1 think I can conclude with no greater Authority. Wilton, p. 57, 58, 59,60. IN Wihjbire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. I have made Two double Plates in Perfpective, and hav- ing Id id fo much in the Second Volume, withRe- fpefl to the Building, I fhall add nothing here. Apple Dorecombe, p. 61. TN thelfleof Wight, in the County of Southampton, the Seat of Sir Robert Worfley, Baronet. I have made One Plate in Perfpective of this Houfe, which is adorned with a Corinthian Pillaftrade ; the Wings have Pedements, and the middle Part is fini died with an Attick. The whole is cafed with Portland Stone, and was built, Anno 1.710. High Meadow, p. 62. T N GlouceJItrrfljire, the Seat of the Right Honou- rable the Lord Vifcount Gage. Having pub- lifhed the Plans and Elevation of this Houfe to the Court, in my Second Volume, I have in this Plate given the Garden Front in Perfpective. Long Leate, p. 6 3, 64, 65, 66. mem : me o oujius izo red, rruui wiwl.ii iuu- T KT ,.7-1/7. , n - , „ . , TT i< traftAî Feet added to the River, the Remainder I N . "ftV-^ Seat 5 the W Honourable ; c u=:„« 1 „r„„„ iw tj,. w-, r „,_ the Lord Vifcount Weymouth. In my Second is 77 Feet, being fr of 770 Feet. The Water' courfe in tlie old Bridge above the Starlings, is as 9 to 8 Feet, being 450 to 400 Feet Solid. The Water-courfe below the Starlings, as 4 to 1 J Feer, being 200 to 650 Feet Solid ; lb that the greateft Water-courfe in the old Bridge, is 450 Feet, in the new 650 Feet. In the old Bridge below the Star- lings 200 Feet, in the new Bridge 608 Feet. In this new Plan I have made 5 Arches, each 100 Feet Diameter, and the Two extream Arches have 75 Feet, the Radius being .;. of the fame, the Pires have 20 Feet, each being j. The Breadth of this Bridge is 50 Feet, befides the Triangular But- ments. The Middle Caufe-way is 30 Feet broad, for Coaches and Carriages. Of each Side is a good Pavement, raifed 1 Foot higher for Foot-People, and 10 Feet broad, including the Parapet. The Ornaments are ruftrck and ft rung, with Two Tow- ers at each End. This Subject is intirely omitted by our Father Vrtruvius ; And Leon Baptijl Albert is the F ir ft Architect to whom we are indebted tor any Inftruction, in the Eighth Book of his Ar- chitecture. In the Works of Antiquity, wc find a great Diverfity in the Proportion of thefe Pires and Arches. In that at Rimini, by Augufltis, the Arches are Semi circular 25 Feet Diameter, and the Pires 11 Feet: That at Vicenza. over the Ba- chiglione, has Three Arches, the Middle one is 30 Feet in Diameter, the Radius \ : The Side Arches are 22 Feet j, and the Pires are 5 Feet, be- ing I. That at Vieenza^ over the Rorone, has alio 3 Arches, the Middle is 29 Feer, and the Side Arches 25 Feet, and the Pires 5 Feet. In the Pons Senator ita at Rome, the Arches are Semi-cir- cular, the Pires .;, without any Importât (bringing the Arch. That of St. Angelo, formerly the Pons jEJiut, the melt magnificent in all Rome, whofe very Ruins raifs Veneration ; the Pire is 1 of the Arch, whicli is Semi-circular. In that de Quatro Capi, anciently the Pons Tatpeim, the Pire is • of the Gardens and Plantations are exprèffed YnQne the Arch alfo Semi-circular. The lafl is a few double Plate. They were formed by the late r t Grace, with ftecmed now, rs are to be Hampton- Weymouth. In my Second Volume I have reprefented the Plans and Eleva- tion, and in this are Two double Plates. The Firft gives the Geometrical Plans of the Gardens and Plantations, which were executed with great Expence by the late Lord. They are of large Ex- tent, adorned with Statues, Fountains, Caicades, and many other Decorations. The Gardens were laid out by the late Mr. London. The Second double Plate is a Reprcfentation in Perfpective of the Principal and Garden Front. Chatfworth, p. 67,68. TN Derbyfbire, the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Devon/hire. In my Firft Volume I have given Three Plans, and Two Elevations of this magni- ficent Palace, and in this I have given thefe Two Fronts in Perfpective in One double Plate. Belton, p. 69, 70. TN LincolnjlAre, the Seat of the Right Honoura- A ble the Lord Vifcount Tynonnel, In my Second Volume I publifbed the Plan and Elevation ot this Houfe, and in this I have made Two Plates. In the Firft, the Geometrical Plan of the Gardens and Plantations, which are very beautiful and improv- ing. In the Second Plate is the Houfe in Perfpe- ctive. Woodftock Par! p. 7 [,72. T N Oxford/hire, the Seat of her Grace the Dutchefs x of 'Marlborough. Having given the various Plans and Elevations of this ftupendious Fabrick in my Firft Volume, I have here given an exact Geome- trical Plan ot the Park, Gardens, and Plantations, which are of very great Extent. The Table of References will explain the whole. Boughton, p. 73, 74. TN Nortlumptonjhtre, the Seat of his Grace the * Duke of Montagu. The Geometrical Plan of Miles above Rome, formerly the Pons Milv/us, now Duke, and improved by his prefent G called Ponte Mole, the Pire is ; of the Arch, which fo many Additions that they arc eftee IS Scxni* circular. After this Variety in the Works the Iargeft in England. The Particulars of Antiquity, I Lhall mention but One of Palladio, taken from, the Plan and Scale t It Hampton-Court, p. 75. tick Story, are dreffed with an Architrave; and If N Herefordûwe, the Seat of the Right Honou- an Entablature and Parapet fur-rounds the whole A rable the Earl of Cw/^y. In my Second Vo- Building. 1 he Great Ha! , s very large, being 36 lume I have given the Plan and Elevation of this by 45 Feet befides fcveral good Apartments. It ancient Edifice, and in this, a Geometrical Plan of was defigned by Wtlham Wakefield, Efq; Anno 1723, his Lordfhip's Gardens and Plantations, which are cfteemed very curious, and the large Decoy is re- markable. Lowther-Hall, p. 76. IN Wefimoreland, the Seat or the Right Honou- rable the Lord Vifcount Lonfd.dc Having pub- 1Ï flied the Plans and Elevation ofthisHoufe in my Second Volume, I have here made a Geometrical Plan of the Gardens and Plantations. Claremont, p. 77, 78. J N Surrey, one of the Seats of his Grace the Duke of Ne&eaffle. In One double Plate is a Geome- trical Plan of the Gardens and Plantations, with lèverai large Pieces of Water, which his Grace has iinifhed at a very great Expence. The Situation being fingularly romantick, and from the high Tower has a moft prodigious fine Profpect of the Thames and the adjacent Villas. Cholmondley, p. 79, So. TN Chefbire, the Seat of the Right Honourable ■* the Éarl Cholmondley. In my Second Volume I have puhlifbed the Plan and Three Fronts of this Houfe. Here in One double Plate I have given the Geometrical Plan of the Gardens and Planta- tions, which are very large and beautiful. This Noble Lord has fpared no Expence to render them worthy of his Lordfhip's Name. Thorsby, p. 8i, 82. TN Nottinghampjire, the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Kjngpon. In my firft Volume I have alfo given the Plan and Elevation of this Houfe, and in this Plate you have a Plan of the Gardens and Plantations. Here is a fine Parterre, a Canal, Cafcade, and Lake, formed by a River. The Park is of great Extent, being about Ten Miles round, with all manner of Cunveniencies worthy of fo Noble a Patron. Althrop, p. 83, 84. TN Northampton/hire, the Seat of the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Sunderland. In my Second Rookby Park, p. 90. TN the County of Tork, the Seat oîThomàs Robiti- [on, Efquire. In onefingle Plate, I have given the Plan of the Principal and Attick Story, with the Front, extending 96 Feet; the Ruftick Bafe- ment is 10 Peet high, and fupports a Corinthian Ordonance, confifting of 4, Columns, and 1 Pil- lafters 3 Feet in Diameter. The Door and Windows in the principal Story are Semi-circular ; the Attick is only over the middle Part of the Building, and has fquare Windows, and concludes with an Entablature and Ballufirade. The Apart- ments are convenient, as the Plan more fully ex- preffeth. It is defigned by William WakefM, Efq; Anno 1724. Horft-Heath Hall, p. 91, 92. IN Camhridgfljtre, the Seat of Henry Bromley, Efq; In one double Plate, you have the general Plan of the principal Story, and general Front, ex- tending 600 Feet, whereof the Houfeisi4o. The Bafement is 9 Feet high, and the great Hall is 40 Feet in Front, and 48 deep, being in Height equal to the Firft and Second Story, with a noble Gallery for Communication at the farther End. All the Apartments are very good, the Offices very fpacious and commodious, the Windows in Two Stories are dreffed with Architrave, Prize and Cornice. The whole was defigned by Mr. WM 9 about the Year 1669. A New Houfe at Twickenham, p. 9$. IN Middlefex. This Houfe is fituated very near the Thames, and has a good Profpeft of that beautiful River. In one fingle Plate you have the Plans of the Firft, Second, and Attick Story, with Two Fronts. All the Apartments in the different Stories, are diftinftly figured in the Plans. The Salon is a Cube of 24 Feet, the Ornaments are of Portland Stone, and the reft covered with Stucco. The Entablature goes round the whole Edifice, and the Roof is formed after the Palladia/! Manner. It was built Anno 1724. Leyton-Grange, p. 94. Volume I gave the Plan and Elevation of this Houfe. and in this, I have given a View in Perfpedive of T N Ejfex, the Seat of David Ganjel, Efq; defigned the fame, in One double Plate. ■* and built by himfelf, with convenient Offices, Duncomb-Park, p. 85, 86, 87, 88. Gardens and Plantations, of his own Invention. TN Torhjlnre, the Seat of Thomas Dumomb, Efquire. Ofthislhave made Two double Plates: In the Firft is a General Plan, and General Front of the Houfe and Offices, extending 460 Feet, of which the Houfe is 150 Feet. The Bafement is plain, 10 Feet high, which fupports a Tafcan Portico Tetra. Jtile 4 Feet in Diameter, finifhed with a Pedement, with an Entablature and Parapet round the whole Building. The Windows in the principal Story are Semi-circular, with Key Stones, without any Architraves : In the Attick Story they are fquare. The Apartments are fpacious, and the great Hall is very Noble. The whole Building is Srone. In the Second Plate is a large View in Perfpe&ive of the fame. All defigned by William Wakefield, Efq; have Anno 1 7 1 1 . Atherton, p. 89. TN the County of La*cafter t the Seat of Richard A Atherton, Efquire. ' In One fingle Plate I have The Houfe is fituated on a rifing Ground, with good Profpefts, in the Middle of a fmall but plea- fant Park, well watci'd. It was built Anno 1720. Narford, p. 95. TN Norfolk, the Seat of Sir Andrew Fountain. In One Plate I have given a Geometrical Plan of the Gardens and Plantations : This Learned and Ingenious Gentleman, as he is dirtinguifhed by his univerfal Knowledge in all the Polite Arts, has given Marks of his good Tarte and Affection for Archi- tecture, in feveral Pieces lately erected there. Caverfliam, p. 96, 97. T N Oxfordfiire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Cadogan. In One double Plate I : Cadogai given a Geometrical Plan of the Park, Gar- dens, and Plantations of this magnificent Place. The Situation is very high, but the Afcent fo eafy and gradual, that you rife infenfibly to it; where the Eye is entertained with moft beautiful Pro- given the Plan of the principal Story and Front, fpetts; particularly that from the grand Terr.., extending 102 Feet. The ruftick Bafement, 10 Feet 1200 Feet long, towards Reading and the Thames. high, fupports, an lonick, Tetrajhle, ' Columns, 5 The Defcent from this Terras to the Bottom of the Feet a in Diameter, with Two Pillafters at the Parterre, is 50 Feet perpendicular, by Two double Corners. The Windows in the Principal and At- Flights of Steps, ail of Portland-Stone. The Par- terïe L « ] terre Is nobly adorned with Fountains, Vafes and Statues, particularly Four Originals in Statuary Marble, of King William, King George, Duke of Marlborough, and Prince Eugene, all fo very like, that they are known at Sight ; befides many valuable ones, cad from the°beffc Antiques. Of each Side of the Parterre, are Two great Canals 900 Feet long, with a Dorhk Portico at each End. From the great Iron Gates, to the End of the Park Pale, are Four beautiful Lawns, divided by Three Walks of very lofty Trees, 2200 Feet long, and the whole Park is well Wooded Watered, and Plenty of Deer, aPheafantry, Mena- gerie, and all manner of Conveniences. This Noble Lord, from a Place that could pretend to nothing but a Situation capable of Improvement, with vail Labour and Expence, has now rendered it one of the nobleft Seats in the Kingdom. Thefe Gardens were form'd by Mr. Acres, where he has left lading Monuments of his Capacity. Anno 172J. P. 98, 99, 100. (~)F this Deflgn of my Invention, I have made one double and one finglc Plate: The Firft contains a general Plan of the principal Story and general Front, extending 250 Feet; That is 100 for the Houfe, 50 to each Side, and 25 Feet to each Wing, whereof one contains the Kitchin and all proper Offices, with a covered Communication ta the Houfc, and a large Arch in the Middle for a Coach to land in rainy Weather. The other Wing makes one large Gallery 20 Feet broad, and 20 high, and 100 long; but the Two Ends are re- duced to Cubes of 20 Feet, by introducing fome Columns. The Ground Story is all arched, and is 3 Feet under Ground. The Bafement is 9 Feet high, which fupports an hmck Qctaflile, having 6 $ Columns, and 2 Corner Pillafters 4 Feet in Diameter, finifhed witha regular Entablature, and bold Pedement, which covers the whole Houfe. The Great Hall is a Cube of 40 Feet ; The Salon is 40 by 24 Feet ; The 4 Corner Rooms are Cubes of 24 Feet, and coved Two Side-Rooms are 24 by 18, and Two are 20 by 18, all 16 Feet high, without coving, with Mez.onhu over them. The Attick Story is 15 Feet high, and coved ',; The Stair-cafes are lighted from the Top, and are only divided by Rails, without any Partition, which makes the Opening very noble above. The laft (ingle Plate is a Seftion of the Hall, dreffed with \ Columns of the Compojed Order, and great Variety of proper Decorations, all in Stone, deligned A. 1724. Umberflade, p. 101. 'T" H E Seat of Andrew Archer, Efqutre, in the x County of Werahk. <~A TABLE of what is contained in the Third Volui Plan of Goodwood Park 1 Title Page 2 Dedication ^Greemmeh-Hofpital in Perfpective \ I Cafilc- Howard in Perfpeftive 7 Plan and Front of Ambresbury S Plan and Front oïdflle AJhby 9 Plan and Front of Stoke Park 10 Plan and Front of General Wade's Houfe' J 1 Plan of Grimftborp 3 2 North Front, Ditto l? Garden Front, Ditto *\Wc{\ Front, Ditto 3 ; Plan of the Gardens at Embury 36 General Plan of the Houfe, Ditto 17 Front, Ditto ïS Plan and Front of the Portico in the Garden 3 9 Plan and Front of the Bagnio, Ditto 20 Plan and North Front oîSeaton Délavai 21 South Front, Ditto 22 General Plan of Burlington Houfe General Front, Ditto 25 Front of Burlington Gate 26 Plan and Front of the Cajma at Œfwick 2 g^Plan of Houghton Gardens and Plantations go I General Plan and Front of the Houfe 3 1 Plan of the Principal and Attick Story, Ditto 3 2 North Front, Ditto 3 3 South Front Ditto 34 SeÛion of the great Hall, Ditto 3 l JPIans of Three Stories of MereteortbG'fle 37 Front, Ditto 38 Section, Ditto ^ I General Front olWanflead, with 4 Towers 41 Plan of Stourhead-Caflle 42 Eajl Front, Ditto 43 South Front, Ditto 44 Plan of the Rolls in Chancery-Lane 4? Front, Ditto 46 Plan and Front of Newby 47 Plan and Front of Ebberjhn-Lodge 48 Plan and Front of Lord Herbert's Houfe 49 Plan and Front of Hallbarn 50 Sedfron, Ditto Hwb. ?I? Sai Ï3 General Plan and Front of Goodwood Houfe S4 Weji Front, Ditto 5 Ï Plan and Front of Mr.plumptre's Houfe î6 A new Defign for Lambeth Bridge Ï7) yS C j 9 > Wilton in Perfpeftive, Two double Plates 6a) 61 Appk-Dorecombe in Perfpedtive 62 High-A\eadow in Perfpedtive ^^Plaiiof Long-Leax Gardens and Plantations Long-Leat Houfe in Perfpedtive 68 \Chatfwortbt\mU in Perfpeâive 69 Plan of the Gardens at Be/ton 70 Belton-Houfe in Perfpedtive 7 7 1 1 Plan of Woodflock Park and Gardens, &c . Plan of £ hton Gardens, &c. 7 Î Plan of Hampton-Court Gardens l6 Plan of Loutber-Hall Gardens ^Plan of Claremont Gardens, Sec. g^Plan of Cholmondley Gardens, Sec. % 2 \ Plan of Thorsby Gardens, Sec. ^ lAlthrop in Perfpedtive ^^Plan and Front of Dumomb Park % ^Duncomb Park in Perfpeâïve 6? Plan and Front of Atherton 9° Plan and Front of Rookby Park 9 ? l I Plan and Front of Horfe-Heath-Halt 93 A New Houfe at Twittenbam 94 Plan and Front of Leyt on- Grange 95 Plan of Narford Gardens ^Plan of Caverjham Gardens, Sec. ^ I Plan and Front of a New Defign 100 Section of the great Hall, Ditto Pian cf ttuFrlnnpa/t J"tcer cf Çnnt/Wiarp m ft. County ofZuiev/n t/u Seaf of/usÇrac* /AejDuA, of anrafrtr a„/'?,-/„<„ ofjEnpJand. jDefynZ 6y SSZonn 7 '^uU/rufA JC t //.z ? . „., r M/ Mia : I "HI il' 1 1 1 I > S; I 1 i 1 u H i n k ■ ^ 11 9 1 v ^ 1 % a 1 I. I Back of Foldout Not Imaged Back of Foldout Not Imaged I I \ë ■- a a^a aj o/ die garden/, P/anAztiorv &c: cf. BcrujAJim inTlortAamptenJ/iire, T/uJzat of/iii ûmcf t/uDuÂe of 71lcrituau* Ice : Contzzmin '-tri * a >. * a i a i^-a 4 . ) '*..->>•« - ~i si ji 1 ^ a 4 44 4 .A3- r»-«. »**» ' iti* 4 *â 4 i-i îM« A XXÏ * * * 4 «-* » ». f- i t>. 4»? **■» !tV*.iï-.-, - '.- • "iî%t%4 4 I if*îî |P*Î| * 4 — a. » *~ * 4 i-» - my • % *> \ L ; A , eta? .*; " t , * » » 44 s 4 lit X'. 1 tailtî 4 4 4 4 44 UV 4 4- .'àt*, •,<4'." i ■if» 4%4>ÎÎ4^#4 4 4*V*4 4 A 4 44 4 4 4 4.4 " AC 4 -4 4, 4 4 4 »* Kj'ûVl-,'* 4"/, -4\4 4 \, *• * 4 4.4™. 4. 4 4. 4. ». t_ il 4 4 4 4 4 4. — 4-4- » 4 4. 4 44 44* • 14 TA* *f ^ j^^tta^^Ht^^^ V 4 -»- 4. 4.' 11 4.