Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_32 CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF OBJECTS OF ART & VERTU, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, INCLUDING Old French and English Gold Watches, Boxes, Chatelaines, Etuia and Bijouterie; Fans; Miniatures ; Battersea Enamels ; 'Gold and Silver Coins and Medals ; English and Foreign Silver Cups; Oriental Porcelain and Curios; Dresden and English Porcelain; Italian Embroideries; Old French Clocks and Table Candlesticks ; Old Italian and Spanish Cabinets, etc.: WHICH TO ill bt Hum on tip Messrs. CHRISTIE, (I WOODS, AT TBEEB GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. *-•<>•- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James*s Sjuare, S IF. 0^-TB it CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. COINS AND MEDALS. 1 Gold. —German Marriage Medal, qvos, &c., the Saviour blessing O man and woman standing hand in hand, rev. da*pacem, &c., the Arms of Hamburg; a Lion of Charles II. of Spain, 1681, struck for Flanders 2 2 —Half Dobrao, John V. of Portugal, 1746; a Ducat of Gustavus O Adolphus; a Frederick d’or of Frederick the Great, 1751; Twelve-Mark Piece of Denmark, 1759; George III. Half- Guinea and Seven-Shilling Piece; and a Scudo of Chaptas IV. of Spain, 1793 7 ) 3 Silver. —Crowns of Charles II., James II., William III. (2), George II.; Half-Crowns of Charles II. (3), William III., Anne, George II., George III.; George IV.; &c. u-r P7 4 -Thalers of Maximilian, rev. B. Virgin, Salsburg, Casimir and Ernest of Saxony ; § Thaler, John George of Saxony ; § Thaler, Hanover; f Thaler, Brandenburg ; Talero of Eritereu; &c. 11 5 -Coronation Medab of Anne, George I., Charlotte; Medal of Anne, on the Taking of Vigo ; another, on Defeat of Louis XIV ; and an oval Medallion of Anne, bust in high relief, above a scroll inscribed terras * astr^a • reliquit 7 B 2 4 J. e Silver .—Groats of Henry VII., Elizabeth, &c.; Shillings of Charles I., Oxford mint, George I., George II., George III.; &c. / 7 Bronze .—Medals of George Washington, by Eccleston, Gnstavus Adolphus, on his death ; various tokens, &c. 47 ^ 55 £ SILVER. /, /r~. o 8 J^ VO , a 9 A pair of oval pierced silver salt-cellars, chased with fluted columns ^ and galleries —blue glass liners ••• 'f' ' A large silver tankard, chased with flowers, scrolls and a shield in . relief— Newcastle hall mark, 1731 —weight 20 oz. 18 dwt. dsp' A N aremberg silver goblet, on short thick stem, repousse with ku’ge , * flowers and foliage— weight 2 oz. 18 dwt. A Nuremberg silver-gilt bulb cup, on tall stem and rmiml^ioot — weight 3 oz. 7 dwt. f O 12 A Large Cylindrical Swiss Cup, of parcel-gilt silver, on three ball feet, repousse with medallion heads, large flowers and foliage, with ball top, engraved with a shield-of-arms and date 1631^-, weight 20 oz. 12 dwt. u t ./ 7 . 410 J, J-. o 11 WATCHES, BOXES AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. 13 An old French repeating watch, by Bordier, in gold case engraved - and enamelled with white beads /mJ _ _ . i /G CT~, * 14 An old English striking watch, by Gottfrid Toy, London, with ' chased and enamelled gold dial, in delicately pierced and engraved /fi gold case and tortoiseshell outer case ' . O 15 A repeating watch, in gold case, the dial with enamelled blue border chased with figures in relief of coloured gold, apparently striking Ca\ bells 4 > & 16 An old German watch, by J. G. Nunner, Ulm, in gold case, and . , Louis XY. outer case chased with figures, flowers and scrolls // ✓ ,.Z , £> iy \ watch, by Melly and Roux, Constance, in gilt case, with blue enamel dial and back, with small ivory medallions of figures on 18 -ZT 19 * 20 21 £ 22 "tiA o 23 o 24 25 o 28 A watch case, of white Dresden enamel, painted with a lady and gilt scrolls ; and two enamel watch faces, painted with landscapes anc figures A small watch, in gold case enamelled with portraits in boilers set ' with small pparls, and a shiold-of-arms inside Cy i_> An old Geneva watch, by Meuron, in enamelled gilt case formed as a mandoline, the dial painted with figures ; and a small French watch, by Mallet, in gold case formed as a fruit An Old German Repeating Table Clock, in small hexagonal shaped case of engraved metal-gilt with glazed panels at the — sides, on six feet chased as terminal figures A Shell-Shaped Box, of Dresden enamel, painted with garden scenes and Watteau figures in pink, and with Venus and Adonis inside the lid, mounted with silver-gilt y An oblong Swiss enamel box, painted with views in jewelled borders ; a pair of circular enamels, painted with flowers; and an oblong Vienna silver box, the lid engraved with a view in a town An Oblong Box, of black jasper, mounted with silver, the lid inlaid with a Florentine mosaic of Lord Byron’s dog “ Boatswainwn * y a landscape C Presented to Lord Byron by the Poet Shelley, Pisa, 1821. In green morocco leather case with Lord Byrons coronet and initial An Oblong Tortoiseshell Box, mounted with gold, and inlaid with five miniature water-colour paintings of landscapes and figures ^ A circular ivory and tortoiseshell box, with a miniature portrait of a lady of the court of Louis XVI. in gold border on the lid A circular tortoiseshell box, the lid formed of a miniature painting ^ of Cupid chasing a butterfly through a mask ; and an ivory ditto, inlaid with gold and silver spots, a miniature of Louis XVI., and an allegorical figure in monochrome on the lid A circular box, of pink granite, with a miniature of a gentleman, temp Louis XVI., on the lid; and a Vernis-Martin box, with a circular blue and white Sevres plaque with The Graces in relief 6 1 0 , 0 $ //< <^r*30 & (32 /f, A Louis XY. Chatelaine, with etui and two small pendants of striated blue agate, mounted with gold, chased with diMren, flowers and scrolls Another, of blue avanturine glass, with Louis XV. chased gold mounts A Vernis-Martin needle-case, painted with children in landscapes; and one, with children and trees in white on brown ground / A small Vernis-Martin needle-case, painted with Cupids, emblemgr~* and clouds in grisaille on crimson ground, gold mounted; and an ivory tablet-case, with chased gold mounts and steel bead borders An etui, of striated onyx, with gilt mounts and fittings An ivory match-box, gold mounted, the lid inlaid with a blue and C white Wedgwood plaque ; and a small ditto, with initial “ M ” in diamonds on blue enamel A tortoiseshell and gold picque memorandum-case; and one, of mother-o’-pearl, mounted with pierced and engraved silver A small Chelsea porcelain scent-bottle, formed as a cat and birds'on a vine /yasWL 39 t/. S', * 40 41 /* * 42 A white Bow scent-bottle, with a boy and goat in high relief, and bunches of grapes, the stopper set with garnets and pearls A circular blue and white Wedgwood scent-bottle, with classical figures, gold top ; a pair of old cut-steel shoe-buckles; and two pairs of shoe-buckles, set with old pastes <^2^4 A gold filigree necklace, brooch and pair of earrings, with square^? shaped plaques, set with agates in pale blue enamel borders " A shuttle-shaped gold brooch, enamelled white and dark blue, con- taining a miniature of two figures in grisaille • A ring, containing a miniature of a lady in border of pastes ; and an opal glass ring, with gold mount set with turquoise and ^ ? diamonds, forming a vinaigrette A gold ring, with a miniature of a gentleman ; one other; a scarf- L \ ring; and a part of a ring y\ 7 et with lasflue y chased *Ar - q 43 A pendant tassel, of gold and Jeypore enamel, set vjith lag diamonds and with border of pearl drops r 44 Cross of the Legion of Honour ; a steel desk seal and taper holder, formed as a mailed hand ; and an old German terra-cotta statuette of an emperor -x/ ® 45 A gold seal, containing a musical movement; three other chased gold seals ; and an intaglio head of Marcus Aurelius l| ] O 40 A silver filigree miniature frame, set with coloured stones a metal- gilt stick-top, chased with figures in the style of Louis XV.; a silver seal, chased with figures, foliage and bulrushes in?relief;y and an embossed silver fusee-box D 47 A small silver plaque, with arched top, chased with a subject from Roman history in relief - ° 48 An old English tinder-box, formed as a pistol; and six steel knives with brown jasper handles and jewelled metal-gilt mounts 49 An Italian steel key, of cinque cento design, chased with Chimerae ; . and one, nearly similar 50 A ditto, nearly similar ; and one, with a figure of Neptune and two sea horses 51 A small Venetian mirror, with engraved border, in octagonal-shaped frame of metal-gilt enamelled and set with coral 52 An oblong casket, formed of plaques of engraved and partly coloured ivory, some carved with hunting subjects, &c. " L/& -* MINIATURES. •) 53 Portrait of a Young Girl, with curling black hair, in white dress, wearing coral necklace—in oval gold locket with opal enamel back, initials and hair 54 Portrait of a Gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat —in gold brooch with hair at the back >5 A Gentleman, in green coat, wearing a wig—in oval gold locket y 56 Lady C. Campbell, after lloppner—in oval gilt locket with bluo ^ enamel back 57 A lady, in blue dress—mounted in gold brooch with hair; and a youth, in green coat and white collar—in brooch 58 Handel: a large miniature, on ivory —by Bernard Lens ^ y From the Lonsdale Collection 59 A gentleman, in blue coat with gold lace and white cravat—in oval gold locket 60 A lady, with powdered hair—in small oval brooch ; and a lady and child—in gold locket 2 > •Zs J . O y - Z> 61 Portrait of a Gentleman, in brown coat and embroidered waist¬ coat, leaning on a pedestal with sculptured vase, inscribed, “ Amicus amicse ” : a large oval miniature —signed Bergli—in gold-mounted tortoiseshell folding case with mirror at the back C 62 Portrait of a lady, in blue dress and lace cap with feathers— signed^ Le Page—in oval pendant with bird loop set with diamonds /- . * /*/- 63 Portrait of a lady, with powdered hair, in pale green dres3—in oval ^ brooch set with stones 64 Count Mailly—in metal-gilt frame {P 65 Count Sully, in uniform—in oval gold locket 66 Portrait of a lady, in pink dress, wearing a rose in her hair; and a lady, with powdered hair 0 ^- 7 ^ 2 67 A lady, in purple dress, wearing long gold neck chain ; and a lady, in black mantilla with fan ! 68 A lady, in pink dress, with movable hand holding a fan/^^*^*^ 69 A Lady, in white lace dress and mob cap with ribbons, in gilt wood frame — 70 A lady, in fur-trimmed robe and head-dress— signed, guid dated 1772 ; and a lady, in white robe with blue ribbons 2 71 Lady Nasmyth ; and two other portraits of ladies— unmounted 3 1 72 A lady, with curling hair, wearing coral necklace; and two portraits , of ladies— unmounted 3 73 Portrait of a Spanish Nobleman, in black dress with lace sleeves, and cap with jewel and feather : a large oval miniature in oils on , copper—in stamped and gilt morocco leather folding cas 9 74 Prince Eugene of Savoy, by T. Chonet, in oils—in metal-gilt frame ; and the Due de Guise, by the same, in oils on copper—in silver filigree frame 2 75 A nobleman in armour, temp Queen Anne, in oils—in metal-gilt frame 76 Portrait of a gentleman, in powdered wig and blue coat : oval enamel; and an enamel portrait of a lady, playing a guitar f 2 77 An oval silver clasp, with an enamel of children, with a medallion portrait in grisaille; and an enamel portrait of a lady, wearing feathers in her hair 2 OLD FRENCH AND ENGLISH FANS. A Louis XY. Fan, of mother-o’-pearl, delicately pierced and chased with figures, shells and scrolls, the mount painted wijdi classical 81 82 83 84 ’ 85 figures and camels at a fountain An Ivory Fan, pierced and painted with flowers, the mount painted with figures in numerous small scroll medallions on gilt ground Another, pierced and inlaid with figures, &c. in silver and gold, the mount painted with garden scenes and figures, and children with/ sheep in medallions A Louis XY. Mother-o’-Pearl Fan, inlaid with figures, a trophy and scrolls in gold, the lid painted with a monarch seated ony ^ dais with attendants A Pierced and Carved Ivory Fan, the mount painted with The Finding of Romulus and Remus, and classical figures in a lane scape A tortoiseshell fan, pierced, carved and inlaid with gold, the mount painted with a vintage scene A pierced and'inlaid ivory fan, the mount painted with medaflion portraits of Louis XYI., Marie Antoinette and others of the French court, ribbons, flowers, Ac. An ivory fan, pierced and carved with figures, flowers and scrolls, painted and inlaid with gold, the mount painted with landscapes^ figures and flowers 10 JL, tr-r* 86 Another, pierced, inlaid and painted with flowers, the mount painted with garden scenes and figures in medallions, flowers and scrolls /sy* 87 An Ivory Fan, carved with figures dancing, masks, &c., the mount / painted with Mars, Yenus and other classical figures Z.J.. * 88 A pierced and inlaid ivory fan, the mount painted with figures and Cupid at an altar, flowers, &c. (imperfect) ; and a chicken-skin fan mount, painted with The Rape of the Sabines f ✓ ^— / 0 89 An ivory fan, carved with figures, the mount painted with a fete champetre with numerous figures, the reverse painted with flowers ; and one, painted with fruit, the mount painted with a harbour scene and figures with merchandise /'/*' P 90 A carved and pierced ivory fan, the mount painted with The Choice ^ of Taris in coloured and gilt border * *7 , £ 91 A Louis XY. mother-o’-pearl fan, pierced and richly inlaid with ' figures, amor ini and flowers in gold, the mount painted with three medallions of Cupid and clouds in pink in blue and gold borders, with flowers, monogram A. R. and coronet^m/ the / reverse t? 4 L1 , P 92 A pierced ivory fan, with doves, flowers and lace ornament in colours and gold, the mount painted with fetes champetres in blue and . gold borders e/fl/CY/L o 93 Another, inlaid with figures, &c. in gold, the mount painted with a garden scene, figures and children, and gilt scrolls on the border ^4 £ 94 Two mother-o’-pearl fans, inlaid with figures and flowers in gold, the / / mounts painted with landscapes and figures s&IYks**- /o . p 95 An old English fan, of pierced and inlaid ivory and steel, the mount of white silk with three coloured engravings of a banqueLand figures, and painted with ornaments in colours and gold 96 Another, of pierced and inlaid ivory, with three coloure^^ngravings^ of nymphs and Cupids, &c. W 11 C' 97 A Mother-o’-Pearl Fan, inlaid with flowers and emblems in gold, with chicken-shin mount, painted with Mercury, Yenus and Cupids in a landscape, fruit, flowers and scrolls in colours and gold 98 A tortoiseshell and gold picque fan, the mount painted with Jupiter, Juno, Neptune and attendant nymphs in a landscape, with view of a city in the background ^ BATTEKSEA ENAMELS. 7^99 ■o 100 /101 V 102 103 A Battersea enamel etui, painted with a lady’s portrait and flowers in gilt borders on pale green ground, containing ivory fittings > A smaller ditto, paiuted with landscapes, figures and flowers on pale green ground; and a needle-case, of pink linen pattern, with raised flowers and fruit in colours A pair of ditto needle-cases, painted with landscapes, figures an Is, S'. V/ 130 An old Sevres deep plate, painted with a hand of roses and corn¬ flowers on lake and gold border, and oval medallions with^^l heartsease «* 131 A blue and white Delft figure of a swan ; a faience bowl and cover, formed as a boar’s head; and a faience plate, decorated in red and green 132 A pair of large majolica pharmacy jars, painted with coats-of-arms and coronets on coloured ground with foliage, &c.—13 in. high * 133 A pair of life-size coloured figures of a negro boy and girl 134 An old French couteau-de-chasse, with tortoiseshell and chased/'/ brass hilt; and one, with painted Dresden porcelain handles 135 An Indian kuttar, with engraved blade, the handle inlaid with gold; a curved Indian dagger, the handle of ivory and russet ' iron inlaid with gold, the sheath mounted with silver-gilt; and a Japanese sword, with carved handle EMBROIDERIES, Etc. 136 An old Italian altar frontal, of striped cream-coloured satin, embroidered with wreaths and sprays of foliage aiuL flowers iiy > gold thread T37 Two vestments, en suite 138 A chalice ceil, of silver thread braided with gold; and a panel of quilted white silk, embroidered with flowers in coloured silks 15 * 139 An oblong panel, of striped pale bine and white silk, brocaded^with flowers in colours and silver thread ''140 A small table cover, of old Italian embroidery, with flowers worked l in coloured silks and silver thread on salmon-coloured silk— f 24 in. square ^41 An upright panel, of old Italian green and gold thread brocade— 72 in. by 21 in .; and a square-shaped panel of coral-coloured silk, brocaded with flowers in pale blue and gold thread—46 in. by 40 in. 142 An upright panel, of flowered satin damask, crimson, white and pale green—72 in. by 21 in. ; a smaller ditto, with flowers on crimson ground; a piece of striped yellow satin ; and two other pieces 143 A Maltese lace table cover DECORATIVE OBJECTS AND FURNITURE. '144 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Barancourt, with two revolving circular dials, in case formed as a temple, of white marble and or-molu supported on grey marble columns, and with a Sevres biscuit figure of Cupid in the centre—15 in. high 145 A Louis XVI. Clock, in spherical case of veined pink marble supported by a figure of Atlas of gilt bronze, on square plinth of veined dark green marble—22 in. high j 146 A Pair of Louis XV. Table Candlesticks, of engraved silver ' and apple-green enamel, on stems formed as terminal male and female figures partly draped, bearing cornucopias with nozzles for candles 16 a7* /J 147 An Italian Cabinet, of ebony, inlaid with ivory and numerous O plaques of agate, onyx, lapis, &c., the front of architectural design with door in the centre and drawers at the sides, mounted with busts and chasings of metal-gilt, on stand of the same wi t^/ spiral columns—84 in. high, 42 in. wide 148. A O Spanish Cabinet, of ebony, with eight drawers and cupboard in the centre, of architectural design, inlaid with panels of glass painted with marine deities and other figures in fluted borders —32 in. high, 63 in. wide —on stand ^v/csZ^ finis. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Ctoes.